HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-12-TB-FINAL-minutes1 TOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses March 12, 2024 The meeting was held in person at the Town Hall at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg NY as well as via Zoom videoconference. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the Town’s website and Clerk’s board. Video recordings of meetings are available on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWVIs--g9CpHIxdk9YxZyPw. CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Olson called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. ATTENDANCE: TOWN OFFICIALS: Supervisor- Katelin Olson Board members- Mary Bouchard, Liz Weatherby, Michael Boggs, Rich Goldman Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Highway Superintendent- Scott Stewart MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: In person- Roxanne Marino, Anne Koreman, Linda Liddle Via Zoom- Cynthia Mannino, Molly Wadzeck Kraus APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion: Ms. Olson requested deletion of board notifications from the agenda . Ms. Weatherby moved to approve the agenda with this amendment. This was seconded by Mr. Goldman and passed unanimously. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Ms. Marino spoke on behalf of the Water Source Protection Plan Committee (WSPPC) regarding the ARPA funds ratings. She questioned what the first category, “water studies,” referred to and why it ranked more highly than the “well testing” category. She said the Dept. of Health will be doing testing on certain wells and the town has an opportunity to piggy-back on that, targeting areas that will be identified by the WSPPC’s water survey. She added that the WSPPC could assist with the admin istration so there would be no cost to the town. Once the WSPPC analyzes its survey results, it is likely that well -testing will be identified an action item related to the survey anyway. MUNICIPAL BOARD & STAFF REPORTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS : Legislator Koreman shared the following updates on Tompkins County: • Sales tax for Jan. down 4.55% over last Jan. 2 • Getting calls about preliminary assessment notices o Sharing exemption information for seniors, veterans as well as how the assessments are created • NYS has updated civil service rules to help expedite people into permanent positions • Met with Taughannock Park regarding trying to get concerts back in the parks. The parks cannot run these any longer but people can get permits to do it on their own although it may be expensive. The park cited increased capacity issues • Mural being done on Human Services annex as a tribute to lives lost during COVID • All municipal officials and staff invited to meet the Rapid Response Team NEW BUSINESS: AUTHORIZING USE OF FUNDS FROM THE TOWN OF ULYSSES DA233/DA878 HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT RESERVE FUND TO PURCHASE LOADER IN 2024 Mr. Stewart gave some background on the purchase, noting that timely turnovers of this type of equipment is good practice for recouping value. He also shared that the new loader has some great features including a scale to measure the amount of material being used. He added that it will be purchased on state contract. Ms. Taetszch confirmed that there are adequate funds in the reserve to cover the cost. RESOLUTION # 64 OF 2024: AUTHORIZING USE OF FUNDS FROM THE TOWN OF ULYSSES DA233/DA878 HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT RESERVE FUND TO PURCHASE LOADER IN 2024 WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted the 2024 budget for the Town on October 24, 2023 which includes the appropriation of $82,044 from the Capital Equipment Reserve Fund DA878 for the purpose of purchasing highway equipment in 2024; and WHEREAS, this reserve appropriation is planned and accounted for in the multi -year capital plan updated during budget season; and WHEREAS, the balance at the end of the 2023 fiscal year in the DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve Fund will be approximately $132,000; and WHEREAS, pursuant to General Municipal Law §6-c, an expenditure from a capital equipment reserve fund requires authorization by the Town Board, and such authorization is subject to a permissive referendum; and WHEREAS, the Town needs to purchase the following highway equipment: Volvo L90H Loader for the net purchase price of $141,431; and WHEREAS, the purchase of the above -referenced equipment falls within the purposes for which the DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve Fund was established; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the following expenditures from the Town of Ulysses DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve Fund for the purchase of highway equipment: $82,044 for the Volvo L90H Loader; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that, pursuant to General Municipal Law §6-c, this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum; and be it 3 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk will post and publish the following notice of the permissive referendum in accordance to law and provide a copy of such notice to the Town Supervisor: “NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting held on the 12th day of March, 2024, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, New York duly adopted Resolution _____ of 2024, an abstract of which follows below, which is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to General Municipal Law section 6-c. The resolution authorizes the Town of Ulysses (“the Town”) to use up to $82,044 from the Town of Ulysses DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve Fund. The resolution shall take effect 30 days after adoption, i.e., on April 11, 2024, unless by such date there is filed in the office of the town clerk a petition, signed, and acknowledged or proved, or authenticated by electors of the town qualified to vote upon a proposition to raise and expend money, in number equal to at least five percent of the total vote cast for governor in the Town at the last general election held for the election of state officers, but not be less than 100 in a town of the first cla ss, protesting against the resolution and requesting that it be submitted to the qualified electors of the town, for their approval or disapproval.” Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Bouchard Olson aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye Goldman aye Weatherby aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 3/12/24 MUNICIIPAL BOARD & STAFF REPORTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS continued: Ms. Marino gave the following updates: • Water Source Protection Plan Committee (WSPPC): o the Dept. of Health is starting a program this year for to test about the wells of about 30 households and the Water Protection Committee i s hoping to piggy back onto that and test additional areas targeted by the ir survey results. o The committee is meeting every 2 weeks and making great progress . • CSAC: o working on a resolution proposing that they work on a permeable pavement design for the town hall parking lot that incorporates trees and pollinators o planning Earthcare Day on April 20 at the F armers Market with a town trash clean up component as well as informational tables o working on Arbor Day event o gathering documentation to become recertified as a Bronze-level Climate Smart Community 4 Ms. Bouchard shared that the Village of Trumansburg received $3.5 million federal funds for new Fire/EMS facility. Ms. Weatherby shared the following: • Ag Committee- meeting was held. Although a small group attended, they will work on getting Right to Farm signage. The next meeting will be May 6. • Comp plan- only have 1 proposal for consultant so far. Meeting tomorrow. Ms. Olson shared the following: • Youth Commission - Rec Specialist job opening is posted . This position will provide programming to 5-8th graders for 15 hrs/week, year-round. The posting is open til end of March. • Camp Barton/Three Falls LDC: o bylaw updates (on tonight’s agenda) o date for real estate closing on property by NYS has not yet been determined • Grassroots is continuing to work on petition for water. An escrow acct has been set up so tax payers are not footing the bill for the process. SEQR and public hearing will be necessary before passing the local law to create the district . OLD BUSINESS: REVIEW OF ARPA RATINGS AND IDENTIFICATION OF PRIORITY PROJECTS FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION PER THE TOWN’S PROCUREMENT POLICY The Town Board, Town Clerk, Highway Superintendent, and Second Deputy Supervisor each completed a survey rating potential projects to be funded by ARPA monies. Ms. Olson said that in order to determine which projects are feasible, we will need to have a clearer idea of the workplan and procurement needs for each. She explained that the Water Studies category pertains to any action times that could result from the WSPPC survey. The group discussed the top-rated projects, including: • town hall p arking lot workplan and the need to collaborate with the other two owners of the space and figure out if any infrastructure changes will be needed . • getting Camp Barton open for summer camp to meet the increased demand. A consultant/additional planning will be necessary to figure out how to best utilize the space • more secure interior doors at town hall. Judge Dresser supports this. A security assessment is needed. • generators for town barn/town hall • Well testing- Ms. Marino and Liddle said that this project would include targeting certain areas for testing for specific chemicals that are well -known here. The DOH program will test for a whole suite of chemicals, some of which may not be applicable to our area . o Ms. Olson suggested that lower-income families be targeted o Ms. Liddle said that prop erties could be targeted/identified by the comp plan . 5 o Ms. Olson asked what questions would be answered by the survey. Ms. Marino said that the goal will be to collect info and then see what the town can do to assist. RESOLUTION #65 OF 2024: APPROVAL TO INVESTIGATE COSTS FOR ARPA FUNDS PROJECTS RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board directs the Town Supervisor to oversee the investigation of the following projects for cost determinations and other management details per the Town’s Procurement Policy for potential expenditures of American Recovery Fund Act monies: • Security doors/assessment for town hall • Town Hall parking lot design • Summer rec program transition to Camp Barton • Generator for Town Barn • Stormwater • Well-testing Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs Olson aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye Goldman aye Weatherby aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 3/12/24 CONSENT AGENDA (Resolutions # 66-68) AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR UNITED WAY FUNDING RESOLUTION #66 OF 2024: GATEKEEPER RESOLUTION FOR UNITED WAY FUNDING FOR RECREATION AND YOUTH SERVICES RESOLVED, the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to submit, or direct another employee to submit, applications for funding up to $12,000 for recreation and youth services for 2024 -2025 United Way Funding. ADOPTION OF A RECYCLING POLICY AT TOWN HALL RESOLUTION #67 OF 2024: ADOPTION OF A RECYCLING POLICY AT TOWN FACILITIES WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses is committed to ecological sustainability and addressing climate changes issues when possible; and WHEREAS, recycling is a key component of waste management; and WHEREAS, in practice Town facilities have integrated recycling into their operations; and WHEREAS, the following policy will be included in subsequent annual organizational meetings and is meant to clarify the Town’s commitment to recycling; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 6 RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board adopts the following Recycling Policy: Town of Ulysses Internal Recycling Policy for Town Owned Facilities The Town of Ulysses will place recycling containers next to all trash receptacles in all Town owned facilities. It is the responsibility of all Town employees to ensure that recyclable materials generated while at work are cleaned, broken down and placed properly in the recycling container. AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES WITH THE STORMWATER COALITION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY RESOLUTION # 68 OF 2024: AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES FOR THE STORMWATER COALITION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY RESOLVED, the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the agreement with the Stormwater Coalition of Tompkins County at a rate of $57/hour, up to $12,500 per year, on an as-needed basis. Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs Olson aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye Goldman aye Weatherby aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 3/12/24 NEW BUSINESS continued: AUTHORIZING BYLAW AMENDMENTS TO THE THREE FALLS LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION #69 OF 2024: AUTHORIZING BYLAW AMENDMENTS FOR THE THREE FALLS LDC WHEREAS, the Towns of Covert and Ulysses, and the Village of Trumansburg (together, the “Municipalities”) formed the Three Falls Local Development Corporation (the “LDC”) in 2023; and WHEREAS, the creation of the LDC was intended to provide, among other things, flexibility and efficiency in decisions and operations with respect to the future management of the Camp Barton property once it is acquired by the New York State Office of Parks , Recreation, and Historical Preservation, as well as the negotiations for licensing the right to manage the same; and, WHEREAS, in its first year in office the members of the LDC Board of Directors have discovered certain inefficiencies in its bylaws, included but not limited to: • The requirement that most operating decisions of the LDC be approved by the individual Boards of each Member Municipality rather than the Board of Directors of the LDC; 7 • The requirement that all agreements between the LDC and outside entities be approved by the individual Boards of each Member Municipality rather than by the Board of Directors of the LDC; • The requirement that all Member Municipalities share equally in all costs of the LDC regardless of urgency, timing, or the ability to fund said costs; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the LDC believes it will greatly improve the efficiency of operations of the LDC to amend the bylaws to address the above, and better allow the LDC to carry out the purposes for which it was formed; and WHEREAS, that the Board of Directors of the Three Falls Local Development Corporation recommends to its Member Municipalities that the Bylaws of the Corporation be amended as presented; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board approves the amended bylaws of the Three Falls Local Development Corporation. Moved: Ms. Weatherby Seconded: Mr. Boggs Olson aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye Goldman aye Weatherby aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 3/12/24 2023 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (AFR) This document is required by NYS and used to be called the AUD (Annual Update Document). It has been filed for the 2023 financial year by the Bookkeeper. UPCOMING EVENTS March 26 – Regular Meeting, 7pm @ Town Hall April 9 – Regular Meeting, 7pm @ Town Hall April 20- Earthcare Day April 23 – Regular Meeting, 7pm @ Town Hall APPROVAL OF MINUTES: RESOLUTION #70 OF 2024: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board approve the meeting minutes as presented from 2/13/24 Regular Meeting. Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs Olson aye 8 Boggs aye Bouchard aye Goldman aye Weatherby aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 3/12/24 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: RESOLUTION #71 OF 2024: PAYMENT OF CLAIMS RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed and approves payment of claims for Abstract 3, vouchers 97 through 153, in the amount of $260,663.74. Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Bouchard Olson aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye Goldman aye Weatherby aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 3/12/24 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR (3 min limit per person): Ms. Marino suggested that the board consider using a C limate Smart Communities 50/50 grant to do a climate vulnerability assessment if the board chooses not to use ARPA funds for it . Ms. Mannino thanked the board for the clear explanations of ARPA priorities. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. Goldman moved to go into Executive Session at 8:46pm for matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, disciple, suspension, dismissal or removal of (a) particular person(s). This was seconded by Ms. Weatherby and passed unanimously. Ms. Bouchard moved to come out of Executive Session at 9:02pm. This was seconded by Ms. Weatherby and passed unanimously. ADJOURN Mr. Goldman made a motion to adjourn at 9:03pm. This was seconded by Ms. Bouchard and passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk 3/18/24