HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-13-TB-FINAL-minutes1 TOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses Feb. 13, 2024 The meeting was held in person at the Town Hall at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg NY as well as via Zoom videoconference. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the Town’s website and Clerk’s board. Video recordings of meetings are available on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWVIs--g9CpHIxdk9YxZyPw. CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Olson called the meeting to order at 7pm. ATTENDANCE: TOWN OFFICIALS: Supervisor- Katelin Olson Board members- Mary Bouchard, Liz Weatherby, Michael Boggs Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato ABSENT- Rich Goldman MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: In person- Linda Liddle, Ezra Delaney, Roxanne Marino Via Zoom- Dori, Anne Koreman, Krys Cail APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion: Ms. Olson requested the addition of a resolution for the annual audit and discussion on the proposed voting districts. Ms. Weatherby moved to approve the agenda as amended. This was seconded by Mr. Boggs and passed unanimously. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Mr. Delaney commented on the ARPA documents. He was unclear on whether non-profits will be included and offered process suggestions including the ranking of shovel-ready projects timeframe of completion, whether funding will help leverage additional funds, and if it helps economy of Ulysses. Krys Cail- re: how cultural and labor market and economic and educational networks don’t represent the people that Ulysses represents. Must consider this with ARPA funds and comp plan update. Its easy for things to drift toward Village of Trumansburg as the center. Need to also represent outer town folks. UPDATES: Legislator Koreman shared the following updates on Tompkins County: 2 • Strategic plan feedback sought • Vacancies in court • PH on changes in Ag district- 1 parcel in Ulysses being considered • 80% funding for 1st year for EMS fly car, not sure about 2nd year Ms. Olson shared the following: • Camp Barton/Three Falls LDC: o working on bylaw updates then will bring back to board for final feedback o Real estate closing will happen at end of 1st qtr or end of 2nd qtr • Comp Plan Steering Committee (CPSC) extended the RFP deadline for consultant to March 8. • Youth Commission- o Rec Specialist job opening is posted to provide programming to MS youth 5-8th grade 15 hrs/week year round o Sports programs are very successful o Summer rec program registration opens online- trying to meet demand by hiring more staff Ms. Weatherby announced that an Ag Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday 3/4 at Fire Hall Mr. Boggs shared the following: • Planning Board- question on maps being used • Water Protection Committee is starting to interpret survey results Ms. Bouchard shared the following: • Bee Committee ordered a sign (Bee City USA)- would like to get more for other points into the town WSPPC- Ms. Liddle – see Appendix for details • the committee is requesting ARPA funds for well testing. NYS Dept. of Health will offer private well testing in certain areas, but WSPPC would like to offer this to other areas as well CSAC- Ms. Marino: • Planning another Earthcare Day this year on Sat. 4/20 at Farmers Mkt • The committee supports a sustainable parking lot design and would like to help. Thinks that the estimate on the ARPA dashboard of $170K is high and they could help lessen it OLD BUSINESS: ARPA USE OF FUNDS STRATEGY Ms. Olson suggested adding the WSPPC’s request to the list of projects to be considered. The Town Attorney opinion on non-profit funding /Tug Hill Commission finding is that it is allowable but should be through a fair process, similar to the community funding process. Ms. Bouchard said that the Village attorney agreed- you can’t just gift money to a non-profit, you must have a contract for services that addresses an identified need. 3 Ms. Olson noted that the total amount of funds sought for the current list is ~$600K so hard choices will need to be made. Mr. Boggs asked about Water District 1 and the permissive service area (town residents who are connected to Village water but not in a formal water district) and whether we should set aside funds to do a study. The board discussed projects and the decision-making process. RESOLUTION #57 OF 2024: STRATEGY FOR ALLOCATION OF ARPA FUNDS USE RESOLVED the Ulysses Town Board approves the America Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds strategy, including timelines and ratings questions, as proposed/amended. Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Ms. Weatherby Olson aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye Goldman absent Weatherby aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/13/24 NEW BUSINESS: 2023 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS TO CLOSE OUT 2023 FINANCIAL YEAR RESOLUTION #58 OF 2024: 2023 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS RESOLVED that the Town Board approves the following budget modifications to the 2023 budget. A FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A1010.1 TOWN BOARD - PS $ 21,070.00 Increase $ 2.00 $ 21,072.00 Rounding error Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A1110.12 JUSTICE CLERK PS $ 53,529.00 Increase $ 0.06 $ 53,529.06 Rounding error Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A1220.1 SUPERVISOR -PS $ 38,938.00 Increase $ 0.12 $ 38,938.12 Rounding error 4 Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A1320.4 AUDITOR - CONTRACTUAL $ 15,950.00 Increase $ 1,250.0 $ 17,200.00 Auditing services contract exceeded budgeted amount. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A1410.1 TOWN CLERK - PS $ 61,491.00 Increase $ 0.04 $ 61,491.04 Rounding error Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A1450.4 ELECTIONS - CONTRACTUAL $ 4,000.00 Increase $ 1,499.68 $ 5,499.68 Actual expenses exceeded historically budgeted amount. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A5010.1 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT PS $ 70,158.00 Increase $ 0.14 $ 70,158.14 Rounding error Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A1990.4 CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT $ 22,582.95 Decrease $ 2,752.04 $ 19,830.91 Offsetting above overages with contingency. Total contingency use for 2023 including this modification = $15,169.09 Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A1220.132 BUDGET OFFICER PS $ 47,263.00 Increase $ 681.72 $ 47,944.72 Additional work related to the administration of Tompkins County grant. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A1220.14 SUPERVISOR-PROJECT ASST PS $ 9,152.00 Decrease $ 681.72 $ 8,470.28 PS funds available within Supervisor Office PS lines. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A1670.4 PRINTING & MAILING - CE $ 12,851.57 Increase $ 903.58 $ 13,755.15 With new budgeting technique, operational lines without a contingency buffer will require budget modifications periodically if unknown operational expenses arise throughout the year. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A1650.4 CENTRAL COMMUNICATION CE $ 15,625.71 Decrease $ 903.58 $ 14,722.13 Funds available in this operationally similar line. 5 Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A7020.12 REC PS - ASST REC DIRECTOR $ - Increase $ 1,672.00 $ 1,672.00 New line created in order to fulfill needs associated with increased Rec Department programming. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A7020.42 RECREATION CE $ 31,300.00 Increase $ 187.27 $ 31,487.27 Increased costs associated with increased programming. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A7020.43 REC CE - ADULT COMMUNITY REC $ 1,249.51 Increase $ 250.00 $ 1,499.51 Increased costs associated with increased programming. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A2001 RECREATION FEES $ 94,549.51 Increase $ 2,109.27 $ 96,658.78 Rec related expenses offset with increased revenue from department. Note that actual revenues in A2001 exceeded budgeted amount by $13,168.63 and exceeded end of year (EOY) estimates by $8,877 Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A7110.4 PARKS - CONTRACTUAL $ 5,550.00 Increase $ 4,042.00 $ 9,592.00 Increased expense associated with Tompkins County grant funded related work. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A2706 GRANTS FROM LOCAL GOVTS $ 25,572.07 Increase $ 4,042.00 $ 29,614.07 Tompkins County Grant revenue. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A7310.1 YOUTH EMPLOYMENT - PS $ 31,428.18 Increase $ 149.10 $ 31,577.28 Increased YEP opportunities from transition to how program is administered. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A7310.11 YEP ADMIN & YOUTH DEV PS $ 6,501.00 Increase $ 5,527.50 $ 12,028.50 Increased Town staff expenses due to transition to how program is administered. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. 6 A7310.4 YOUTH PROGRAMS - CE $ 53,844.82 Decrease $ 5,676.60 $ 48,168.22 Cost savings in this line due to transition to how program is administered. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A7989.4 CULTURE & REC - CE $ 9,500.00 Increase $ 1,524.03 $ 11,024.03 Unbudgeted Tree Committee event offset by TRIAD Foundation grant funds. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A2089 OTHER CULTURE & REC INCOME $ - Increase $ 1,524.03 $ 1,524.03 TRIAD Foundation grant funds. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A9030.8 SOCIAL SECURITY $ 38,620.00 Increase $ 759.27 $ 39,379.27 Use of Town staff in lieu of contracted services in youth development. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. A9060.8 HEALTH INSURANCE $ 70,000.00 Decrease $ 759.27 $ 69,240.73 Budget savings available in benefit line. B FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. B1420.4 ATTORNEY - CONTRACTUAL $ 35,951.52 Increase $ 1,661.57 $ 37,613.09 Increased use of attorney due to increased activity related to B fund. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. B1990.4 CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT $ 13,458.01 Decrease $ 1,661.57 $ 11,796.44 Total contingency use for 2023 including this modification = $8,203.56 Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. B8020.1 PLANNING/ZONING CLERK - PS $ 13,728.00 Increase $ 1,409.35 $ 15,137.35 Planned overage due to department needs. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. B8021.11 PLANNING INTERNSHIP - PS $ 2,400.00 Decrease $ 1,409.35 $ 990.65 7 Underspent line for B fund admin and project support. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. B9010.8 NYS RETIREMENT $ 15,000.00 Increase $ 3,239.09 $ 18,239.09 Historic reporting issue will be resolved by paying employer contribution. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. B9055.8 DISABILITY AND PFL INSURANCE $ 776.22 Increase $ 61.50 $ 837.72 Adjustment in estimated calculation of salaries to actual for 2023. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. B9060.8 HEALTH INSURANCE $ 62,000.00 Decrease $ 3,300.59 $ 58,699.41 Funds available in employee benefits related account line. DA FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. DA5130.1 MACHINERY - PS $ 42,000.00 Increase $ 768.00 $ 42,768.00 Adjustment for actual allocation of PS time. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. DA5140.1 BRUSH & WEEDS - PS $ 25,000.00 Increase $ 1,177.00 $ 26,177.00 Adjustment for actual allocation of PS time. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. DA5142.1 SNOW REMOVAL - PS $ 24,000.00 Decrease $ 1,945.00 $ 22,055.00 Funds available in this PS line. SW2 FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. SW2- 8320.4 WATER PURCHASES - CE $ 500.00 Increase $ 91.71 $ 591.71 Water use expenses budgeted amount, offset with revenue. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. 8 SW2-2140 METERED WATER SALES $ 500.00 Increase $ 91.71 $ 591.71 Water use expenses budgeted amount, offset with revenue. SW3 FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. SW3- 8310.11 WATER ADMINISTRATION - PS $ - Increase $ 88.00 $ 88.00 New permitting admin process instituted in 2023. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. SW3- 8340.2 WATER TRANSPORT&DISTR - EQ $ 49,800.00 Increase $ 4,047.09 $ 53,847.09 Using operational contingency to offset new equipment opposed to using reserves as budgeted. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. SW3- 1990.4 CONTINGENCY $ 5,998.24 Decrease $ 4,135.09 $ 1,863.15 Total contingency use for 2023 including this modification = $4,136.85 Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. SW3- 8320.41 WATER PURCHASES LOSS - CE $ 14,145.00 Increase $ 1,922.99 $ 16,067.99 Water loss higher than budgeted. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. SW3- 8320.4 WATER PURCHASES - CE $ 94,659.00 Decrease $ 1,922.99 $ 92,736.01 Water purchases lower than budgeted. SW4 FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. SW4- 8320.4 WATER PURCHASES - CE $ 582.31 Increase $ 179.45 $ 761.76 Water use expenses budgeted amount, offset with revenue. Account # Account Name Current Budget Increase / Decrease Budget Mod Request Post Budget Mod. SW4-2140 METERED WATER SALES $ 582.31 Increase $ 179.45 $ 761.76 Water use expenses budgeted amount, offset with revenue. 9 Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Ms. Bouchard Olson aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye Goldman absent Weatherby aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/13/24 2023 USE OF THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT (APRA) FUNDS FOR WATER DISTRICT 3 RESOLUTION #59 OF 2024: 2023 USE OF THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT (APRA) FUNDS FOR WATER DISTRICT 3 WHEREAS the 2023 adopted budget approved the use of American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds for the critical radio meter modernization project for Water District 3 in the amount of $27,548, and WHEREAS in 2023, the radio meters were purchased and replaced throughout Water District 3, and WHEREAS this resolution is for purposes of documentation and reporting, therefore be it RESOLVED that the total ARPA funds used for this purpose was the $27,548 as budgeted and is the total of ARPA funds used in 2023. Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Ms. Weatherby Olson aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye Goldman absent Weatherby aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/13/24 AUTHORIZATION OF SUPERVISOR TO SIGN CONTRACT WITH INSERO FOR ANNUAL AUDIT RESOLUTION # 60 OF 2024: AUTHORIZATION OF SUPERVISOR TO SIGN CONTRACT WITH INSERO FOR ANNUAL AUDIT RESOLVED the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the contract with Insero for the annual audit. Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Ms. Bouchard Olson aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye 10 Goldman absent Weatherby aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/13/24 DISCUSSION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY’S PROPOSAL TO CHANGE POLLING LOCATION Ms. Olson reiterated the county’s proposal to eliminate the West Hill Community Church as a polling place due to staffing, costs and the addition of early voting options. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: RESOLUTION #61 OF 2024: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board approve the meeting minutes as presented from 1/23/24 Regular meeting & Public Hearing and the 2/8/24 Special Meeting. Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs Olson aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye Goldman absent Weatherby aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/13/24 BOARD NOTIFICATIONS: (none) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: RESOLUTION #62 OF 2024: PAYMENT OF CLAIMS RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed and approves payment of claims for Abstract #2, vouchers 27-96 in the amount of $829,866.62. Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Ms. Bouchard Olson aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye Goldman absent Weatherby aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/13/24 CANCELLATION OF FEBRUARY 27TH REGULAR MEETING 11 RESOLUTION # 63 OF 2024: CANCELLATION OF FEBRUARY 27TH REGULAR MEETING RESOLVED the Ulysses Town Board cancels its regularly scheduled February 27, 2024 meeting. Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Ms. Weatherby Olson aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye Goldman absent Weatherby aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/13/24 UPCOMING EVENTS: February 19 – Town Hall closed for President’s Day February 27 – CANCELLED- Regular Meeting, 7pm @ Town Hall March 12 – Regular Meeting, 7pm @ Town Hall PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR (3 min limit per person): Krys Cail suggested that water/sewer studies be added to ARPA list for southern area of town near the Town of Ithaca lines. Mr. Delaney thanked the board for the ARPA process. Ms. Marino suggested reflecting on Mr. Delaney’s discussion on ratings and how many people each topic will benefit. ADJOURN Ms. Bouchard made a motion to adjourn at 8:34pm. This was seconded by Ms. Weatherby and passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk 3/8/24 12 APPENDIX: From Roxanne Marino: Submitted to Ulysses Town Board, for consideration at 2-13-24 meeting RE: Proposed use of some ARPA funds for well testing From: Water Source Protection Plan Committee 2-13 MJ, our technical assistance provider from NYRWA, shared at the WSPPC meeting last night (2-12) some information from DOH folks on their private well testing program for 2024, which is starting in ~April. She talked with them about Ulysses working on a DWSPP and felt we are eligible to participate. “With the assistance of community organizers, NYSDOH is offering to sample private wells within the community at no cost to the town or well owner. The results generated will be used to help NYSDOH identify and better understand drinking water vulnerabilities experienced by homes that rely on private well water. Data will be aggregated for analysis. Names of well owners and home addresses will not be made available to anyone outside the Department. In previous sampling events performed by NYSDOH, communities were able to use the private well data to support source water protection initiatives and community sewer projects.” DOH can typically do 20-30 homes in a participating municipality (cost is $325 sample for a full suite of analytes). We propose to use some of the ARPA funds to build on the data we can get from the DOH testing program (20-30 homes), targeted in areas that span the breadth of well situations in the Town (for example: location, depth of well, indication of concern from homeowners in the general area, proximity to potential contaminant sources). The proposed expansion of the limited DOH testing available to us, using some ARPA funds, would target and expand testing in most vulnerable areas of the town, and where no water districts are planned or ever likely to be feasible. Rational for the $30K request: MJ is working with another community that is like ours in that the drinking water supply for residents is primarily private wells; they have allocated 30K of ARPA funds for expanding well water testing in tandem with DOH; WSPP committee decided this was a reasonable target funding request to get a broad picture of potential drinking water issues and vulnerabilities. This study will inform the strategies for prevention and public education, as part of the Implementation phase of the DWSPP that we are preparing. Cost for an individual test, depending on the testing goals / analytes of interest ranges from $45 (single, for nitrate) to ~$400 for contaminants of specific concern in an area (organic compounds, microcystin). Full suite of analytes run by DOH is $325. The Town would contract with a DOH- certified testing lab; we have one right in Ithaca (Community Science Institute). 13 Important note: Consistent with the DOH program, the names of well owners and home addresses will be kept confidential within the Town; data will be aggregated for analysis (similar also to the drinking water survey data). pg 1 Building & Codes Monthly Report Building & Code Updates Mark Washburn, NYS CEO, Certification No. 1020-0364 January 1 -January 31, 2024 Plan Reviews  4 discussions about upcoming project  CARS review started Site Visits  Ongoing monitoring of Erosion Plan, visited 4 times no issues  9 Site meetings with contractors  3 visit regarding erosion monitoring Willow point Rd  Placard the old County home. Working with property owner to secure and reinforce front wall to prevent future collapse. Owner is developing a plan to bring into compliance CEO Activity • 3 Foundation/Footer inspections/ 0 reinspection’s • 5 Framing inspections/ 0 reinspection’s Issue resolved. • 5 Plumbing inspections/ 1 reinspection • 4 Final inspection/0 Reinspection • Code research for 13 different issues approximately 8 hours • Plan review for 1 new home builds • Plan review started for CARS project • 1 C of O’s – 4 C of Cs • Placard 26.-2-13.1 Unsafe unsecured vacant building, Working with Owner • 7 Permits issued pg 2 Building & Codes Monthly Report Building & Code Updates Mark Washburn, NYS CEO, Certification No 1020-0364 Reporting Period November 1 – November 3, 2023 SBL Violation Code Action Status Erosion control 4x Site visit No issues Ongoing 26.-2-13.1 Unsafe/ Unsecured Vacant building Multiple code violations Placard Building UNSAFE Working with owner January 2024 Youth Services Report Middle School Programming Shifting to to Church of the Epiphany for current Middle School Programming. (Initial month of programming was held in school.)There are advantages and disadvantages to each. Successful trial run of the church space on Jan 15- twelve kids came to check out the space and play games on that no-school Monday afternoon. Ryan has settled on Tuesday afternoons at 4pm for “Adventure Club” (oriented toward team building and cooperation- activities are designed to give youth opportunities to solve problems and build relationships in a safe and inclusive environment.) This club is now advertised in the Town Newsletter and the weekly Middle School newsletter, and eight youth have thus far registered. Civics Internship Spring 2024 Civics Internship program is coming together. Tompkins Workforce Development Youth Services team is on board for another series of workshops, MidState COSH scheduled for a workshop on workplace safety, and Anne Bialke for a public speaking workshop. Niels Tygesen will work with students on developing youth input toward the Comp Plan Revision, and teachers are onboard for another round of in class student focus groups. Student registration/application forms are now being distributed at the high school. College Tour Successful but small trip to Elmira College Jan 25. Six registered (capacity for the school minivan), four were able to attend. Visited with admissions advisor and then Elmira College student led group tour of campus. Town of Ulysses Clerk’s Office MONTHLY REPORT for JANUARY 2024 Submitted by Carissa Parlato LICENSES/PERMITS issued: # Sporting licenses 2 Disabled parking permits Dog licenses and renewals 59 Marriage licenses 0 Plumbing permits 0 Address assignments Task transition to Code office Notarizations 6 FOIL requests-received 2 FOIL requests-completed 2 CLERK’s OFFICE TASKS: • General: o mail, answered inquiries on various topics, attended town board meetings and took minutes, kept website current, provided notary services, issued licenses (marriage, dog, sporting) and disabled parking permits, collected building & zoning fees, assigned new addresses, participated in weekly Supervisor/Clerks office meetings, sent weekly e-newsletters, contract management, coordinated building use/equipment sign out, FOIL requests, ordered supplies, posted meetings & videos • Tax Collection: o Continue collections- took up most of the time this month • Water: o Continued transition to new billing software o Next billing Feb. 15 • Social Media & website o Continue to build a Facebook following- up to 213 • IT: o Meeting with A2K and MEW on new email filter (Barracuda)for virus protection • Records Mgmt o Fulfill FOIL requests- coordination with other departments to fulfill • Cross reconciliation of bank statements with Bookkeeper o Reviewed bookeepers’ stmts FINANCIAL REPORT: $4058.00 TOTAL fees collected $3525.89 stays in the town $532.11 goes to the state Planning & Zoning January 2024 Report to Town Board Town Board Meeting Date, 02.13.2024 Submitted by Niels Tygesen, 02.05.2024 Planning Board The Planning Board held a meeting on January 16th to discuss the following items: • The Board continued a public hearing from October 3, 2023 for the ‘Angelhearts Market Special Permit and Sketch Plan’ project, and approved the special use permit and site plan. • The Board continued discussion from September 19, 2023 for the ‘Gaulke Tram Site Plan’ project, and set final site plan review for February 6, 2024. • The Board continued sketch plat review from December 5, 2023 for the ‘Burruss 2 Lot Land Division’ project, and scheduled a public hearing for February 6, 2024. • The Board continued sketch plat review from December 5, 2023 for the ‘Bennett 2 Lot Land Division’ project, and requested additional items from the applicant. • The Board re-appointed Linda Liddle as Vice Chair for 2024. Comp Plan Steering Committee The Committee did not conduct any business this month. Board of Zoning Appeals The BZA did not conduct any business this month. Planning Projects • Long term multi-year town-wide planning cycle. • Publication and notification of the Comp Plan Consultant RFQ. • Quarterly Report for DEC CSC Comp Plan Grant. • Spring Civics Internship Program, outreach to youth for Comp Plan update. • Pro-Housing Community Round Table meeting with State, Regional, and Local officials regarding the State’s Homes and Community Renewal Office program for designation and potential future financial resources. Zoning Enforcement Ongoing research on existing code cases. Miscellaneous • Stormwater Coalition Meeting with Tompkins County DPS, DEC, and other local jurisdictions o MS4 General Permit Update from DEC o Annual Stormwater contract o Post-Construction Practice • Staff organization meeting • ITCTC Planning Committee Meeting o Joint Committee Action Summary o 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) o 2024-2025 Operating Budget o 2023-27 Transportation Improvement Program o 2023-2024 UPWP Amendment • Continued outreach and interviews for members for the Planning Board and BZA. • Building, Planning, and Zoning permit reviews. • Updates to webpages and applications. • Continued training with Office Project Assistant. • Customer support pertaining zoning information and permitting process. Recreation Department Report February 7,2024 Created by:Will Glennon,Recreation Director Adult Recreation Programming ●Total adult recreation registrations for 2024 as of this report:182 registrations for 9 individual programs. ●Two additional programs will be starting next Month.The second session of yoga and a new adult recreation volleyball clinic. Winter youth programming and administration ●The youth basketball clinic will conclude on February 17th.The clinic on February 3rd was canceled due to a scheduling conflict with the Trumansburg HS athletics. ●The travel team based basketball program will also end the weekend of February 17th & 18t.The 3rd/4th,5th,and 6th grade basketball teams will participate in a tournament in Candor that weekend to wrap up the season.The girls team will have their last game on the 17th. ●The winter track program participated in their first meet at Barton hall on January 21st. ●A new session of the 5-hour drivers education course took place on February 1st at the high school.There were 12 participants. General administration ●Attended the monthly youth commission meeting on February 6th. ●The Cortland Women’s Club Softball team will conduct a 4 week softball clinic for interested youth players beginning March 23rd. ●Youth wrestling may be coming to Trumansburg beginning with a clinic in March.A coach has been identified as a potential lead for the program moving forward.A free clinic may/will be offered in March for interested youth.If the program is successful,we will offer a longer clinic in the spring. ●Payment vouchers for the basketball tournament,referees,drivers education,and recreation instructors will be paid out in February. Page 1 of 4 Report to Town Board Work between: 1/5 – 2/6/2024 Meeting date: 2/13/2024 Submitted by Michelle E. Wright Work Activities Insurance Related  2024 coverage finalization Financially Related  Budget modeling related work  Investment related communications  Monthly Local Finance meeting  ARPA / SLRF related training  Jacksonville Park County Grant reimbursement related work Finance Committee  1/11 meeting prep Multi-year Planning  ARPA related planning as it relates to the Town’s multi-year capital and project planning Budget Related  2023 end of year related activities in coordination with Bookkeeper  Monthly financial statement review  Voucher review  Community Org funding related activities  Communications with staff and elected officials regarding 2024 budget Asset Management  IT update related work, see active projects section  EV Charger related communications  Town Hall ERV air filter replacement Stormwater Long Term Planning  Stormwater modeling information gathering Water District 3 Related  Working group coordination and communications  Budget monitoring Bookkeeper Supervision  Review of monthly financial statements  Budget related work  HR related matters  New employee orientation development support Compliance Related  ADA accessibility related communications for Town website Miscellaneous/General Town Work  EMS Hardship Policy update  EMS Hardship Policy to MedEx for inclusion in all billing  2024 Organizational Meeting related communications and admin  Standing weekly meetings: Clerk, Supervisor, Bookkeeper, Project Assistant  Resolution drafting, agenda packet related work  Organization of once-a-month staff walk  Climate Smart Communities Recertification process related activities  Southern Tier Central Leadership Conference committee related Transportation  BRIDGE NY application submitted for rehabilitation of Maplewood Hairpin Culvert o NYSDOT had indicated that the results will be available in May Page 2 of 4  1/11 Black Diamond Trail local partners meeting held by NYS Parks Emergency Planning & Hazard Mitigation  No significant work activity for this period—place holder for future reports Procurement Related Updates  No significant work activity for this period—place holder for future reports Safety Committee  No significant work activity for this period—place holder for future reports Recreation Department Administration  No significant work activity for this period—place holder for future reports General Water  No significant work activity for this period—place holder for future reports Active Projects Update  ARPA Use of Funds Decision Making Process o Information gathering and other related administrative and multi-year planning work  IT Related: Modernization Strategic Plan Execution o Continued work with IT support provider and staff o Email security system “Barracuda” launch and related process documentation and communication o Communications regarding billing and contract related issues o Microsoft and .gov user admin o Sharepoint set up o Website updating  DEC NPS Planning Grant o No significant work activity for this period—place holder for future reports  DEC Climate Smart Communities Comp Plan Update o 1st reporting period (10/1/23-12/31/23) submitted to DEC Project Manager in coordination with Town Planner o RFQ related activities o Status: DEC contract fully executed  BRIDGE NY Curry Road o Related communications with B&L Upcoming  ARPA Use of Funds Decision Making  2024 Work Plan development and finalization  BRIDGE NY review team  Budget process development  Grant Administration: o CSC DEC: admin and reporting o NPS DEC: contract making o BRIDGE NY: admin and initial action steps  End of year related activities Meeting & Training Notes Cornell Local Roads “Culverts” Webinar 2/7/24 (9-10am)  This webinar was a Culverts 101 webinar  Bottomless culverts becoming more common  Materials Page 3 of 4 o Concrete = benefit is that it's smooth (increases flow) o Corrugated metal = rough flow surface might reduce flow o HDPE: High Density Polyethylene  highly dependent on interaction with surrounding soil, soil compaction critical for long term performance  Installation and Maintenance o common defects of culverts  Debris, leaking joints, settlement/sinkholes, scour, damage coatings, deterioration, dents/localized damage, cracks and spalls, deformation of pipe o defects lessen the flow that culvert is designed to take o multi barrel culverts tend to get more debris issues o Dents/localized damage can create situation where slip line renovation is not an option o Longitudinal crack location dictates where the lack of support is located o Damaged coatings will lead to corrosion  #1 preventative maintenance = removal of debris o Silt removal methods: water jet Legislation at Lunch - Executive Budget AOT 1/24/24 (noon – 1pm)  State budget divided into two parts: o Appropriations o Article VII (Legislation)  AIM staying flat  CHIPs funding reduced o All other programs are flat (PAVE-NY, POP, EWR)  Local Gov't Grant Funding o County-wide shared services  Phasing out matching grant program o Local Gov't Efficiency grants increases  Planning and implementation grants max grant increases o Clean Water Infrastructure Funding increases  This is open to entities other than government  AOT advocates to get an equivalent to CHIPs so that it's exclusive to government o Environmental Protection Fund  Mitigate climate change and other work o Hocul wants this linked to pro-housing community status, you will have to be certified as pro-housing community to be eligible for these grants  REDC funding for local government grants  Downtown Revitalization Initializes  NY Forward  For rural and small communities  Restore NY  To deal with blighted properties  Cannabis related legislation to crack down on illicit cannabis sales o If County adopts law, at this time Towns can't also adopt a law  Climate Smart Communities o 80% grant if applicant is hardship criteria  Public officers law extends to July 1, 2026  NYS doesn't have transmission lines needed to meet goals, leg includes RAPID ACT to help support electronic transmission line facilities, leg tries to standardized large transmission lines process o Municipalities have to be notified when a large scale transmission line is proposed in community Page 4 of 4  Emergency Services proposed to be an "essential services" o Counties outside of NYC must ensure emergency services o Counties can make special ambulance districts  Won't take authority away from Towns  Overlapping districts are potential  Further clarification needed o Currently unfunded  AOT will be working with Association of Counties  Tax issues o short term rental equivalent to hotel tax  distributed like sales tax o "if you want this, tell your legislatures"  Telecommunications Assessment Ceiling Program o To be tax exempt the land must be exclusively or primarily used for telecommunications State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) New York NEU program update US Treasury Dept 1/17/24 (3-4pm)  Goal of this webinar was to ensure local governments felt confident in the next round of reporting  $12B to NYS municipalities  “Provision of gov’t services” is the category town falls into  Big takeaway: Must submit report every year even if you have spent all funds until award close out occurs  Part of reporting goals is to assess impact for future policy making  UEI must be maintained at all times  Email follow up will include links  Reporting platform technical review  Anecdotally: Pre pandemic system was rough, because they require all neu to have uei it forced federal system improvements. technical support more available and general system seems to be simplified through streamlining Highway Report February 2024 Snow / Ice events: January 14th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th, 28th and 29th Repairs: T1 Spreader and Spinner / New wiring, Module and Motor T21 Rear Brakes / New Drums and pads, Cannisters and Brake hoses, Greased, Air line T23 Greased. Road Work: Cold Patched in Various spots, Replaced Curve sign on Cayuga View Road, Tree Damage after high winds, large trees on Iradell, Brook, Pine ridge roads and numerous branches on several roads. Ditched Colegrove road and Garrett Road in various spots. Water: BAC sample taken on 2/5. Water report sent to TCHD on 2/5 Water meter replaced at 1670 Trumansburg rd. Attended WD3 meeting 25th of January. Misc: Ordered 550 Tons of salt. Renewed NYS DOT (Department of Transportation) permits (Right of way) and (Divisible Load Permit). Dave Snyder appointed Deputy Superintendent