HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-09-06 listserv mssgGoogle Groups Updates from the Town Sarah Koski <ulysses.deputy.clerk@gmail.com> Sep 6, 2019 12:08 PM Posted in group:town-of-Ulysses Happy Friday! A short and sweet assortment of informaƟon compiled for you from Town of Ulysses staff… In this issue: NoƟce of Public Hearing September 10th HunƟng Licenses now on sale Employment Opportunity at the Town Online Bill Pay Free Rabies VaccinaƟon clinics Upcoming Town MeeƟngs TOWN OF ULYSSES NEWS: Public Hearing to Override the Tax Cap Please take noƟce that the Ulysses Town Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 10 at 7pm on a proposed Local Law 2019 to override the NYS tax levy limit as allowed by General Municipal Law §3-C. Read the full text of the proposed local law at hƩ ps://www.ulysses.ny.us/pages/current-issues/174/noƟce-of-public-hearing-september-10th/ . Please note that the town is sƟll in the preliminary stages of developing its 2020 budget, but passes this local law every year in case it is needed. HunƟng Licenses now on sale Doe permits and hunƟng licenses for the 2019-2020 season are now on sale in the Clerk’s office. They can also be purchased from most other town halls, at Dick’s SporƟng Goods, and Walmart. Sales conƟnue through October 1. For more informaƟon, visit hƩ ps://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor /hunƟng.html. Employment Opportunity at the Town The Town of Ulysses is seeking applicants for the posiƟon of Bookkeeper. The person in this posiƟon assists the Town Supervisor in a number of tasks, primarily relaƟng to budgeƟng and accounƟng, but also other responsibiliƟes. See the full job descripƟon at hƩ ps://www.ulysses.ny.us/pdf/Ulysses- Bookkeeper-Job-DescripƟon--9.5.19.pdf . The Town of Ulysses culƟvates a team environment with the goal of courteously and efficiently serving Ulysses and Trumansburg residents. If you have the skills needed to fill this posiƟon or know someone who does, come join us. It's a great work environment. DEADLINE to submit resume and cover leƩ er: September 20, 2019 Updates from the Town - Google Groups https://groups.google.com/forum/print/msg/town-of-ulysses/NsxHveXS... 1 of 2 11/12/2019, 3:33 PM Please feel free to circulate this noƟce. Applicants need not be residents of the Town of Ulysses. Online Bill Pay Did you know that you can pay your water bill or dog license fee online using your credit or debit card? Visit hƩ ps://ulyssesny.govtportal.com/to get started. Card processing fee applies. TOMPKINS COUNTY: Free Rabies VaccinaƟon clinics The Tompkins County Health Dept. will hold free rabies vaccinaƟon clinics this fall, in various locaƟons around the county beginning on Sept. 25. For more informaƟon and to pre-register, visit hƩ p://tompkinscountyny.gov/health/eh/neighborhood/rabies#clinics UPCOMING TOWN MEETINGS: All town meeƟngs are held at the town hall at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg, unless noted otherwise. For agendas and other meeƟng informaƟon, click on the event on the calendar here: hƩ p://ulysses.ny.us/calendar/?category=Government ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forward this message to anyone else that you think would be interested. We’d love to connect with more residents. To send quesƟons or comments, or be removed from this list, please e-mail clerk@ulysses.ny.us -- Best, Sarah Koski Ulysses Deputy Town Clerk Office hours: 8am-4pm, Tuesday - Friday Please contact the Town Clerk at clerk@ulysses.ny.us if you need assistance at other times 10 Elm St. Trumansburg NY 14886 P.(607)387-5767, ext. 221 ulysses.ny.us Updates from the Town - Google Groups https://groups.google.com/forum/print/msg/town-of-ulysses/NsxHveXS... 2 of 2 11/12/2019, 3:33 PM