HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-C&OI-2008-01-23Community & Organizational Issues Committee
Regular Meeting January 23, 2008 7:00 p.m.
Chair J. R. Clairborne
Alderpersons (9) Daniel Cogan, Maria Coles, Eric Rosario, Joel Zumoff, Mary Tomlan,
Nancy Schuler, Robin Korherr, Jennifer Dotson, Svante Myrick
Mayor — Carolyn K. Peterson
City Clerk — Julie Conley Holcomb
Fay Gougakis voiced her concerns regarding the increase of crime in Ithaca and the lack of a
public response by elected leaders and the community. She further voiced her concerns
regarding the use of cell phones in public places and by drivers operating vehicles.
Alderperson Coles noted that she and Alderpersons Dotson, Clairborne, and Rosario are planning
a South of the Creek neighborhood meeting with the Ithaca Police Department to discuss crime
related issues. She further noted that a similar meeting is being scheduled for the West Hill
Neighborhood Association.
Alderperson Korherr responded to comments made about cell phone usage and noted that Lake
Placid passed an ordinance banning the use of cell phones in public places.
Mayor Peterson noted that these meetings could be used as a future forum for Mayor's updates.
She reported that Alderperson Schuler has been appointed as the Vice Chair of the City
Administration Committee. She further clarified comments made about police officers using cell
phones while driving and explained that police agencies are exempt from the prohibition of cell
phone use while driving.
Alderperson Rosario noted that the Henry St. John Neighborhood Association will be setting up
a meeting with the Ithaca Police Department as well.
Alderperson Dotson stated that she share's Ms. Gougakis' concerns regarding cell phone use as
it distracts drivers and creates a safety hazard for pedestrians and vice versa.
Alderperson Korherr responded that there should be a zero tolerance policy and that this should
be a high ticketing issue.
Alderperson Clairborne stated that the police are considered professional drivers and that is an
additional reason why they are exempt from the use of cell phones while driving law in addition
January 23, 2008
to the need for emergency communications. He further commented that community safety is a
concern and he encouraged people to call the police if they witness any suspicious behavior.
Alderperson Clairborne further announced that the Calvary Baptist Church would be hosting a
community forum on January 24, 2008 from 6:00 pm — 8:00 pm to discuss equity issues for
students attending school in the Ithaca City School District. He further announced that the
Tompkins County Democratic Committee would be hosting a forum on the Democratic
presidential candidates on January 24, 2008 at 7:30 pm at the Women's Community Building.
Also on January 24, 2008 at 6:30 pm, at the Ithaca Town Hall, the New York State Department
of Environmental Conservation will be holding public meeting regarding the TCE levels and the
ongoing environmental investigation of the South Hill area.
5. Introduction of the Committee and its Role:
A. Overview including distinction from the Committee of the Whole
Chair Clairborne reviewed the information distributed by the mayor regarding the committee's
charge, and the reporting departments and advisory groups.
Mayor Peterson explained that this committee was created to address issues that all members of
Council would benefit from participating in such as the dog park, major development projects,
and community -wide topics such as racism and inequity. This committee was also created to be
used as a forum for Common Council to discuss organizational, training, and communication
issues. She explained that the New York State Committee on Open Government has published
an opinion stating that "a gathering of board members otherwise subject to Open Meetings Law,
for the purpose of discussing or improving interpersonal relations, training and the like would
not constitute a meeting of a public body subject to Open Meetings Law."
Mayor Peterson continued by stating that another goal in the creation of this committee was to
have a dedicated meeting time for all members of Council that could be used for a Committee of
the Whole or Special Common Council meeting as needed.
B. Committee input on topics
Chair Clairborne reviewed the topics that were assigned to the former Communications and
Emergency Services Committee and the Environment and Neighborhood Quality Committee in
2007 and highlighted the topics that still require committee attention. He opened the floor to
discussion regarding where those topics should be forwarded for consideration.
Alderperson Korherr noted that she felt the Pedestrian Awareness Committee Recommendations
should be a priority item. She also stated that the search for a permanent dog park and the Taxi
Ordinance are two other topics that should be assigned to a committee.
Mayor Peterson commented that Ted Shiele recently met with the Downtown Business
Improvement District Board regarding the outdoor smoking issue that also should be referred to
a committee.
Alderperson Tomlan noted that she is the Council Liaison to the Parks Commission and one of
their priority goals is to look at lakeshore parks. She stated that the current location of the dog
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park is a question in regards to the use of Cass Park and the Parks Commission would like to be
involved in discussions regarding the dog park. She commented that parks are part of land use
and planning issues and the dog park issue would be a good fit for the Planning and Economic
Development Committee.
Alderperson Korherr stated that she would like to remain involved in the discussions regarding
proposed changes to the Taxi Ordinance and suggested that perhaps she could meet with the City
Attorney and Ithaca Police Department staff to re -group and discuss a future meeting schedule.
Chair Clairborne volunteered to continue working on this issue as well.
Alderperson Rosario noted that some of these issues such as the off -leash dog area need to be
discussed soon due to deadlines. He further stated that the topic of truck traffic in residential
neighborhoods would be another topic for committee discussion. He recommended that the topic
of race and racism be expanded to include human rights protection.
Chair Clairborne stated that he would like to add the topic of GIAC facility issues, the Youth
Council and Reality Check to the committee's charge. He further stated that some of these
topics may require the creation of sub - committees and ad -hoc committees to move the work
forward as a 10 person working committee could create delays. Alderperson Myrick stated that
he would like to work on the Youth Council issue and reported that he has taken over the Reality
Check initiative from Gayraud Townsend, at least temporarily.
Alderperson Dotson stated that the Farmer's Market Lease is due to expire in December 2008
and this would be a good committee to review those issues. She further noted that this
committee might be appropriate to review Access Oversight Committee issues.
Alderperson Schuler questioned if Exterior Property Maintenance Ordinance issues should be
reviewed by this committee or the Planning and Economic Development Committee.
Mayor Peterson suggested the organizational issues (interpersonal relations, etc.) be listed out
and prioritized to help shape future agendas.
Alderperson Cogan suggested that the committee set realistic expectations about the list of topics
that can be covered during the year.
C. Meeting Schedule
Extensive discussion followed on the floor regarding setting a regular meeting date and time that
would not interfere with other committee schedules. The committee agreed that the next meeting
would be held on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. and that the search would continue
for a better date.
6. Department Head Search Committees
A. Appointment of Council members
Chair Clairborne reported that two department head vacancies exist, the Police Chief and the
Director of Planning and Development. A search committee for each position needs to be
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created and 3 members of Common Council need to be appointed to each committee pursuant to
the City Code.
Mayor Peterson stated that she has held discussions with various members of Common Council
who have concurred that both positions are very community oriented and members of the public
have expressed an interest in being involved in the search process. She explained that the search
process can be waived upon unanimous approval of Common Council but it is her understanding
that there would not be unanimous approval.
Chair Clairborne noted that both departments have long -term employees / deputies who are
filling the department head responsibilities. He noted that one of those employees is currently
covering 3 positions. Mayor Peterson explained that funding is available to hire temporary help
for that department.
Alderperson Rosario questioned the scope of the search as the term "national search" has been
used as opposed to regional or local. Mayor Peterson explained that the term "national search" is
used because some of the postings are on Internet sites and through professional associations that
have a national audience.
Alderperson Korherr questioned whether the search process could factor in the results of
required Civil Service tests. Mayor Peterson responded that it could set the process back 14
months and she would prefer making a provisional appointment.
Alderpersons Tomlan and Coles supported the Mayor's proposal to conduct a search to fill the
vacant positions.
Extensive discussion followed on the floor regarding the self - selection of Council members to
the search committee. The following Council members were selected to serve:
Director of Planning and Development:
Alderpersons: Rosario, Coles, Tomlan
Chief of Police:
Alderpersons: Clairborne, Zumoff, Schuler
Alderperson Myrick expressed interest in being a non - voting member of Alternate for both
search committees (Police Chief is l st choice; Planning & Development Director is 2nd choice)
Mayor Peterson stated that she would like to proceed as quickly as possible and that advertising
for the positions is being prepared. Her goal would be to fill the positions within 6 months.
Further discussion followed on the floor regarding the search and hiring process.
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7. Updates
A. Council member orientation
City Clerk Holcomb gave a brief overview of the orientation process and some of the topics that
will be covered. She noted that a committee consisting of Alderpersons Clairborne and Rosario,
City Controller Thayer, Assistant City Attorney Sokoni, Manager of Organizational
Development Moskowitz, and herself had met to discuss the framework of the program. Staff is
continuing to meet to develop the program content and select dates for a March presentation(s).
Chair Clairborne noted that in addition to the traditional orientation program, a continuous
training curriculum for professional development is being created and input is being sought for
areas of interest.
B. Issues and actions concerning community racial strife
Chair Clairborne reported that he placed this item on the agenda to raise awareness of the things
happening throughout the community.
Alderperson Schuler questioned how people should identify themselves during community
discussions (ie. as an individual, a member of Common Council, speaking on behalf of the City
of Ithaca, etc.)
Alderperson Coles reported that she attended the "Undoing Racism" workshop that was hosted
by GIAC and presented by David Billings. She noted that it was a great learning experience.
Alderperson Korherr stated that the committee should provide public comment sessions on this
topic and that it should become a priority issue. She stated that the committee could tackle a
sub -set of issues and work on putting together a plan of action.
Chair Clairborne reported that he attended the public forum hosted by the Department of Justice
at the Clarion Hotel. He noted that the session was very well attended and there was a good
dialog. He further noted that the community is interested in having additional forums and an
action plan to move forward.
Mayor Peterson reported on what the city is doing as an organization including the "Undoing
Racism" session, a Senior Staff "Advance" focused on diversity issues, an internal talking circle,
the inclusion of a diversity competency in department head performance evaluations, the creation
of an annual Diversity and Inclusion Award, the continued work of the Workforce Diversity
Committee, and IURA funding of programs such as the CDL program, immigrant services,
national leaders initiative, labor apprenticeship program, and the community investment
incentive program.
Alderperson Coles stated that she has been attending the meetings of the Workforce Diversity
Committee and the departmental reports that have been given as part of the diversity
competencies have been very interesting and the committee discussions have been very
constructive. She suggested that perhaps there could be a group presentation for this committee.
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Alderperson Cogan reported on the Chamber of Commerce roundtable discussion and noted that
120 members attended. A report will be compiled by Jean McPheeters and discussion took place
regarding the creation of an employer diversity tool kit.
Mayor Peterson reported that the 1St meeting of the Martin Luther King Implementation
Committee took place on January 31, 2008. She noted that the committee is comprised of
members of the Ithaca City School District, Tompkins County Public Library, local artists, and
C. Dog park signange
Alderperson Rosario stated that after a visit the off -leash dog area and receiving comments from
constituents, he has become concerned about potential liability and public safety issues related to
children visiting the park and interacting with strange dogs. He recommended that language be
added to the existing signage that reads as follows: "Children must be closely supervised by
adults and should be instructed about proper behavior around dogs."
Alderperson Korherr stated that she supports the additional language and noted that changes to
the guidelines for park usage don't require a Common Council resolution. This item could go to
a sub - committee and then the Board of Public Works for approval.
Alderperson Schuler suggested that perhaps the media could help educate people on the safety
issues. Alderperson Rosario suggested that the City could release an advisory message.
D. 2009 Budget meeting dates
Alderperson Coles reported that she has begun working with city staff to establish the 2009
budget meeting dates and asked Council members to participate in the selection of these dates.
Alderperson Korherr stated that she supports full -day sessions as incorporating 5 budget sessions
in addition to other meetings within 1 month is very difficult.
Alderperson Rosario stated that he supported the idea of full -day sessions but that the budget
process needs to be as transparent as possible.
Alderperson Coles remarked that 2 or 3 full day sessions would be needed and that 2009 will be
a difficult budget year as the County will be dealing full property assessments. She voiced her
concern that full -day sessions may be difficult for the public to participate in.
Mayor Peterson stated that she considers budget sessions as Common Council meetings and that
she expects all members of Council to be there, recognizing that there may be some extenuating
Alderperson Coles requested that all ideas be forwarded to her so that she can proceed
Alderperson Korherr thanked Mayor Peterson for her efforts in configuring the 2008 Standing
Committee Schedule.
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Julie Conley Holcomb
City Clerk
J. R. Clairborne
January 23, 2008