HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-12-9-RTB-minutesTOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses December 9, 2014 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.nv.us. The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg. PRESENT: Supervisor- Liz Thomas Board members- John Hertzler, Nancy Zahler, Dave Kerness, Rich Goldman Clerk- Carissa Parlato 2nd Deputy Supervisor- Michelle Wright OTHERS: Bill George, Town of Ulysses Representative for Water Resource Council; Glynnis Hart, reporter; Dave Schurman; Phil Antweiler. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the town's website and clerk's board. Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and began the Public Information Meeting on EMS (see separate minutes). At 7:40 p.m., the Public Information Meeting was closed and General Business began. GENERAL BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA RESOLUTION 2014-210: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for the December 9, 2014 with the addition of the new police agreement at the end. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/9/14 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 11/25,12/2,12/3 RESOLUTION 2014-211: Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014 BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the minutes for the regular meeting on 11/25; the public hearing on 11/25; and the Planning Board and BZA interviews on 12/2 and 12/3. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/9/14 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: (No comments spoken nor submitted at this time) REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: (see Appendix) TOWN REPORTS PLANNING BOARD / ZONING OFFICER HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT TOWN CLERK CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER SUPERVISOR DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TOWN BOARD MEMBERS AND COMMITTEES ATTORNEY FOR THE TOWN OLD BUSINESS: EMS BILLING — potential consideration of billing for ambulance services. The board discussed the mechanics of the proposed Financial Assistance Policy. They decided to wait to vote on the policy until the procedure for financial assistance is in writing and the Attorney for the Town can review the latest version. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION — COURT AUDIT OF FINANCIAL RECORDS RESOLUTION 2014-212: Whereas the Town Board of Ulysses is required by Section 2019-a of the Uniform Justice Court Act to annually audit and review the Ulysses Town Court records and dockets and then enter this fact into the minutes of the Town Board's proceedings. Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014 Therefore Be It Resolved that the Town Board of Ulysses did conduct an audit and review of the records and dockets of the Ulysses Town Court on January 21, 2014 and found the records to be satisfactory and Resolved that the Town Clerk will send a copy of the audit to the New York State Office of Court Administration. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/9/14 Seconded: Mr. Kerness PLANNING BOARD AND BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS — APPOINT NEW MEMBERS RESOLUTION 2014-213: WHEREAS vacancies on the Planning Board and Board of Zoning Appeals need to be filled in order to ensure a quorum is available to do the business before them, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of Ulysses appoints: David Diaz as a full member of the Planning Board to fill out the vacated seat for a term ending 12/31/2017(Rich Garner's seat); Craig Salino as an alternate to the Planning Board for a one-year term ending 12/31/2015; David Means as a full member of the Board of Zoning Appeals to fill out the vacated seat with a term ending 12/31/2016 (Andy Glasner's seat); Stephen Morreale as a full member of the Board of Zoning Appeals upon receipt of resignation of a current member; and Cheryl Thompson as an alternate to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a term of one year ending 12/31/2015 (taking David Means seat). Moved: Ms. Thomas Motion tabled. Seconded: Mr. Kerness EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. Kerness made moved to go into executive session for matters relating to a particular person at 9:01p.m. seconded by Mr. Goldman, passed unanimously. Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014 Mr. Goldman made a motion to move out of executive session at 9:10 p.m., seconded by Ms. Zahler and passed unanimously. Motion resumed: Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness abstain Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/9/14 SET DATE FOR AUDIT OF DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL RECORDS RESOLUTION 2014-214: WHEREAS the Town Board of Ulysses is required to either audit or have an outside audit of the financial records of the Offices of the Town Clerk, the Town Supervisor and the Town Courts. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of Ulysses will conduct such audit of the financial records on Jan. 15, 2015 at 8 a.m. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/9/14 Seconded: Mr. Kerness RESOLUTION TO CONTINUE POLICE RESPONSE IN VILLAGE The board discussed this topic and will gather more information before moving forward. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS RESOLUTION 2014-215: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve payment of claims 1 to 50 in the amount of $75,869.72. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014 Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/9/14 APPROVAL OF BUDGET MODIFICATIONS RESOLUTION 2014-216: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves budget modifications as follow A1220.4 1 Supervisor CE increase $500 Bi -monthly payroll services A1220.11 I Bookkeeper PS decrease $500 Decreased cost due to Mary's resignation A1420.4 Attorney CE increase $1500 2014 costs exceeding estimates A1450.4 Elections decrease $1500 No costs in 2014 A5182.4 Street Lighting CE I increase $400 2014 costs exceeding estimates A3510.4 I Dog Control decrease $400 No further costs for 2014 A9060.8 I Medical/Dental Insurance increase $5,978.01 Exceeding 2014 estimates A917 I Unassigned A Fund Balance I decrease $5,978.01 VERY rough approximation of remaining balance: $374, 000 B 1420.4 Attorney CE increase $2,590 Above normal work zoning and planning B 1990.4 B Fund Contingency decrease $1784.59 Zero balance in contingency B1670.4 Mailing decrease $805.41 Remaining balance approximately $700 Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014 B3620.4 1 Safety Inspection CE increase $133.75 Training for Alex and cell phone payment B3620.2 1 Safety Inspection EQ decrease $133.75 From the unpurchased truck B9060.8 Medical Insurance increase $842.56 Exceeding 2014 estimates B3620.2 Safety Inspection EQ decrease $842.56 From the npurchased truck DA5130.1 Machinery PS increase $1931.70 Old equipment broke down DA5140.1 1 Brush and Weeds PS decrease $1931.70 Additional funds: approximately $3200 remaining DA5142.4 I Snow Removal CE increase $1180.41 Unusually heavy winter DA5130.4 1 Machinery CE decrease $1180.41 Additional funds: approximately $25,000 DB5110.1 Highway Maintenance PS increase $2772.14 Old equipment broke down DB5110.4 Highway Maintenance CE decrease $2772.14 Additional funds: approximately $10, 000 DB9030 Social Security increase $301.39 Exceeding 2014 estimates DB915 Unassigned DB Fund Balance decrease $301.39 VERY rough approximation of remaining balance: $143,000 DB9060 I Medical Insurance increase $3275.20 Exceeding 2014 estimates DB915 Unassigned DB Fund Balance I decrease $3275.20 VERY rough approximation of remaining balance: $143,000 Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Kerness Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014 Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/9/14 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: (no comments spoken or submitted at this time) ADJOURN: Mr. Goldman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m., seconded by Ms. Zahler and passed unanimously. APPENDIX: TOWN REPORTS: WATER RESOURCES COUNCIL- Mr. George A summary of Mr. George's report: The Tompkins County Water Resources Council (WRC) advises the Tompkins County Legislature on matters related to water resources management and planning, and is charged with identifying problems, proposing priorities, and promoting the coordination of activities in the management and protection of the County's water resources. A listing of monthly presentations for 2014. Hydrilla eradication efforts Updates regarding: o Aquifer committee o Wetlands committee o Streams o Recreation o Administrative PLANNING BOARD / ZONING OFFICER- Ms. Kiley submitted the following: PlanningBoard: oard: On November 18th, the Planning Board approved the two Site Plans for Lakeshore District residences at and beside 1569 Taughannock Blvd. The PB also approved a two -lot subdivision on Dubois Rd and a three -lot subdivision for 1635 Trumansburg Rd. At the December 2nd meeting, the Planning Board discussed changes to the Zoning Law (Resolutions will be sent to the Town Board after the meeting minutes are completed). BZA: At the November 19th meeting, the Board of Zoning Appeals granted area variances for a 3 -lot subdivision of 1607 Trumansburg Rd, where the Ithaca Antiques Mall and Howl Studios would be on separate lots. The subdivision is pending approval from the Planning Board. The BZA also passed a resolution to re -hear the sheep variance on Agard Rd, which is scheduled for 12/17. Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014 Enforcement actions: • Stormwater violation: The engineer for the Pennsylvania Ave project redesigned the Stormwater Plan and awaiting Town approval. • Zoning violation: 1942 Trumansburg Rd — As reported last month, Judge Dresser found the defendant guilty of the Zoning violations and ordered him to bring the property into compliance, but so far no progress has been made by the property owner. Grants: Energy Projects: Grant — The Project Team is collecting background housing data for the project. The grant contract has been executed and we are work with NYSERDA on a press release with detailed information. Other Meetings/Issues: 1. WRC: At the November 17th meeting, Chris Bordlemay, the plant manager for the Cornell University drinking water/waste water/ stormwater utility, presented how Cornell addresses its stormwater. Cornell's concern is that the new City stormwater fee structure overestimates Cornell's impact on the City system. Chris is trying to figure out how credits could be applied. There was an update on hydrilla efforts. 2. ITCTC: The Long Range Transportation Plan Update will be adopted in December. The Council discussed the funding and priority projects for the Coordinated Public Transit — Human Service Transportation Plan. The ITCTC staff presented a report on 2012-2013 traffic counts. The only traffic counts for the Town of Ulysses were on Waterburg Road. There was a decrease in traffic counts from the 2006 data but an increase from the 1996 data. 3. Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization: The 10 met on December 4th and focused on how to move forward on the Restoration and Protection Plan update, using funding from NYS Department of State to do the work. An Advisory Committee will be formed to oversee the project. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT- Mr. Meeker reported the following: Set rip raff on Maplewood Road Hot mix patch on Garrett Road Hot mix patch over culvert on Maplewood Road Mowed road sides Worked on trucks and equipment for winter Put shoulders down on Curry Road TOWN CLERK- Ms. Parlato reported the following: Financial report for Nov. 2014: Collected $3117.00 in fees for licenses (dog, marriage, sporting) The town keeps $1285.52 of that. Licenses issued: Sporting licenses- 13 Disabled parking permits- 7 Dog licenses and renewals- 81 Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014 Marriage licenses- 1 Activities: • Coordinated interviews for PB/BZA • Assisted the Historian with technical issues (computer and copier) • Continued gathering info from energy suppliers to seek out new Electric & Gas options - making calls/e-mails, creating spreadsheet for comparisons • Coordinated with Fred/Jim for Nov. 15 water billing cycle • Worked with County Assessment office to get tax bills ready to be sent out at the end of the month • Worked on FOIL request from NYSEG for water line information • Worked with our contractor to get estimates for town hall maintenance • Kept up with the writing up of meeting minutes for TB approval • Generated publicity for EMS meeting- using flyers, website, press releases etc. • Updated various areas of the town's website • Other routine clerk tasks- collecting and processing water payments, answering questions, issuing licenses, keeping the books balanced, sorting mail and preparing bills, etc. CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER SUPERVISOR- Ms. Thomas submitted the following: EMS Billing: • Read and comment on draft policies and FAQs. Shared Services (meet 11/13 • Reach out to other municipalities about shared engineering services. • Meet with Village Reps, Town Supervisor from Seneca Falls and NY Dept of State staff to discuss pros and cons of consolidation with Village and Town. • Complete survey by county on shared services. Water District: • Write 4th quarterly letter to WD customers re TTHM levels and actions to remediate. Write and submit quarterly report to the Dept of Health re. WD3 • Coordinate language changes to contract with the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission. Have reviewed by attorney and insurance carrier. • Write resolution to accept aerator as the immediate solution for high TTHM levels. Recordkeeping_: • Review General Code recommendations for changes to local laws and zoning. Meet with Carissa, Darby and Michelle to delegate lead person for each recommendation. Begin in- depth review of recommendations. Sidewalks: • Meet with Ulysses Highway Dept. Superintendent, Mayor of Trumansburg, T -burg DPW Superintendent, Town Deputy Supervisor, and Bookkeepers to discuss initial steps for sidewalk project. (11/20) Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014 • Meet with other municipalities who were awarded DOT grants and 4 staff from NYSDOT who explain process for managing the grant funds and procedures. (12/8) Planning and Zoning • Reach out to potential new members for both boards. • Review applications and resumes of applicants, interview candidates. Hydrofracking: • Review articles on topics: FERC approval of pipelines, economics of natural gas, NG yield estimates, repowering Cayuga Power Plant, • Work with Deputy on resolution concerning natural gas pipelines. • Collateral damage from hydrofracking: attend all day conference covering pipelines, compressor stations, storage, and waste disposal. (11/15) Youth: • Review revenues vs expenses for 2014 youth recreation programs and overall budget. • Meet with Village of Trumansburg rep, Youth Rec Program Manager, and bookkeepers for preliminary meeting on MOU. Trails1( 1/21 • Write up meeting minutes from September meeting to serve also as a preliminary scoping document for county -wide mapping project. • Prepare power point presentation to update Trails group on the county -wide mapping project. • Arrange and attend meetings with programmers to discuss scoping and costs for website in preparation for grant submission. Other: • Notify Covert/Hector of Fire District Public Hearing, write resolution to accept agreement with Trumansburg. • With Michelle and Carissa, continue working on Organizational Meeting template for 2015. • Listen to webinar from Office of the State Comptroller on how to report on tax cap and efficiency plans for 2015. • Review and sign stormwater Operation and Maintenance Plan for ATC. • Write resolution to relevy unpaid water bills onto county taxes. • Write new resolution and new letter of intent for truck purchases. • Write resolution on audit of courts. • Attend supervisory training class • Participate in changes in claims process. • Attend presentation from Cornell Architecture School on projects in and near Trumansburg. • Go through 2014 Work Plan with Deputy to assess accomplishments. • Review changes in pay for employees based on new personnel policy and how it relates to health insurance. Thanksgiving — take off 3 days. Weekly review of topics with attorney for the town. Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014 • Prepare agendas, resolutions, background documents, review topics with TB members, conduct meetings, and review minutes. • Review claims and budget, make suggested budget modifications to be approved by TB, review payroll, sign checks, • Periodic check in with Town Clerk and Deputy Supervisor re work load and coordination. 2nd DEPUTY SUPERVISOR- Ms. Wright submitted the following: Bookkeeper: Payroll (subsequent FICA calculations) Systems work for payroll: communications with Paychex on how to simplify FICA fund accounting Monthly reporting to the NYS Local Retirement System Voucher processing o Held meeting with Carissa, Patty and Liz regarding updating our voucher system o Communications and development of more detailed account tracking (i.e. see the e-mail I sent to the board regarding the Town CE account and getting that more specific for ease budgeting and transparency purposes) Input of the 2015 budget into Quickbooks Deposits (water deposits, code enforcement deposits, etc.) Systems Updating: Creation of cross checking system for all departments that take in money Updating of voucher system Updating of accounting detail system Health Insurance: Drafted content and created related data spreadsheet for letters to all employees who get health insurance: new employee contribution per pay check Utilities: Worked with Carissa on new electricity and gas quote Communications with NYSEG o Confirmation of location of all street lights o Confirmation that the Shur Save street light is indeed what makes up the 9 lights we are billed for Requested a quote for removing the Shur Save street light from our account, associated costs have to do with the fact that the particular street light at Shur Save would be removed from the municipal street light program and moved to a business street light program. Started calculations from billing history for both the Town Barn and the Town Hall, the following are the outlined goals of this process (please contact me if you would like to add to these goals): o To establish how many kWh both the Town Hall and the Town Barn were billed for between September 2013 and the present. o Why September?: that is the first month we have a production reading for both the Town Barn and the Town Hall. Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014 o To establish how many kWh both the Town Hall and the Town Barn PV systems produced. o To establish when "excess generation" started showing up on bills o To provide documentation for a figure for reimbursement for past kWh charged incorrectly (this will be based on the average charge for kWh for the specific time period. Delivery charge per kWh and supply charge per kWh. Sidewolk,- Conducted meeting with Town and Village related employees: Jim, Dave R., Dana S., Marty, Liz, Vicki Set meeting date to review federal funding process with Vicki, cash flow analysis Shared services: Conducted meeting with Marty, Liz, Rordan, Don Earle (Town Supervisor Seneca Falls), and Chris Grant from the NYSDOS department of government efficiency Miscellaneous: Drafted resolution to FERC re: Dominion New Market pipeline Developed draft of 2014 work plan status report Sent Request for Quotes to engineering firms Participated in General Code meeting with Liz, Carissa, and Darby Attended conference: "Collateral Damage of Fracking" Attended webinar on micro grids Attended Youth Rec summer program meeting Follow up with DSS and process for obtaining day care subsidies to pay for summer program Miscellaneous tasks, not time consuming: Scheduling Health Care Navigator (will be in the Town Hall the same time as DSS on Wednesday) E -filed resolution to FERC Contact with Ulysses Historical Society re: annual payment TOWN BOARD MEMBERS AND COMMITTEES Ms. Zahler- reported on the Village of Trumansburg's latest board meeting. Mr. Goldman- reported that things are going well with the Planning Board. Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato on 12/11/14