HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-SJC-2010-06-09 SJC MEETING
June 9, 2010
SJC Members Staff
Wade Wykstra, Chair
Supervisor Herb Engman
Supervisor MaryAnn Sumner
Rich DePaolo
Joel Zumoff
Ellen McCollister
Eric Whitney
Bill Gray
Scott Gibson
Steve Thayer
Dan Ramer
Pat Leary
Mayor Carolyn Peterson
Jose Lozano, Ed Gottlieb
Johnson Controls Staff
Christopher Kalwara
Ithaca Journal Staff
Stacey Shackford
MRB Consultants
Bill Davis, Robert Sciarrone
Walter Hang, Toxics Targeting
Paul Jennette, Cornell
Beverly Livesay, Brian Eden, Stan Seltzer
Wade called the meeting to order at 12:34PM
Approval of May 2010 minutes – Moved by Herb, seconded by MaryAnn. The motion passed
without dissent.
Energy Audit Study – The Johnson Control project requi res an additional step. As JCI
presented to Dryden’s board it was pointed out that the enabli ng legislation for performance
contracting required that a Reque st for Proposal process to sel ect a qualified contractor. A
previous NYS contract for Security Systems an d Solutions included perf ormance contracting as
one of the approved project types. A revised version of the NYS contract removed that option.
Chris of JCI was unaware of the change and we missed it as well. We are working with the
Controller and attorneys to pursue a Request for Proposals.
State Contract or Professional Services are exceptions to the Competitive Bidding Process.
The bidding threshold is $35,000 which this project exceeds. An RFP can be used to select a
qualified, responsible Professional Serv ices provider fo r this project.
Action Ite m: Staff to Develop an RFP to implemen t identified projects for energy reduction.
Financial Report – Steve Thayer
Steve distributed the financial reports for the pa st month. He noted that expenses are within
normal range. Payments for the 1 st and 2 nd quarters have been received by all 3 entities. Excess
revenue over expenses total $466,19 9. The expenses for the 1 st Energy litigation are $27,000 to
date. The Fund Balance is showing stea dy growth ($1.3M through 2009) and should be
discussed at a future meeting.
There has been no capital activity in the past month.
The City is behind on audits and is working to catch up. IAWWTF aud its are conducted each
year at a cost of $5000. Copies of 2006 and 2007 a udits will be distribute d at July meeting and
2008 will be forthcoming soon after a nd 2009 towards the end of the year.
Steve noted that billing and collections lag for multiple reasons. Invoices are booked at the end
of each month but are actually dispersed in th e first or second week of the following month.
This process is due to waiting for final calculations from the Environmental Lab to enter into the
invoices for final pricing calculations.
Operator/Engineering Report Summary – Dan Ramer, Scott Gibson
Johnson Control Energy Project – Covered in 1 st item of business.
Interviews for the open Operator position wi ll be set up for the latter part of June.
New Penn Valley Pump for digested sludge in operation.
The IAWWTF Ithaca Festival Parade Float marc hed down Cayuga Street and represented our
facility beautifully. Thanks to all who participated in the parade; Hank Spencer, Frank
Eggleston, Lynn Smith, Roxy Johnston and Ivana Nitz ova. Thanks also to all who helped get it
ready; Terry Henry, Ken Dzikiewicz and Ed Gottlieb.
NYSEG and their consultants are st ill evaluating the field data from their remedial investigation
of the former MGP site. No remedial plan ha s been developed for our site which includes our
new septage receiving facility.
Bill Davis from MRB indicated th at his firm has approximately $7,000 in cost overruns on the
headworks loading project from the original co st of $13,000. The basis for this assertion is
additional meetings that have been expended in Ithaca, additional evaluation on items like
formaldehyde, phenols, and general hydrolosate, and additional time with staff than what was
originally proposed in the scope. We wish to discu ss this issue in more deta il to identify what, if
any, amount might be acceptable for approval. As you recall, in May 2009, the SJC voted to
increase the total project amount by $23,000 to cover additional sampling and analysis that was
directed at the time. I do not believe we had exceeded that amount and should have funding left
in the project account for the MRB overage. Bill was asked to provide a breakdown of items to
be considered.
Cornell Animal Waste –
A letter was received from Walter Hang requesting a negative vote for the acceptance of Cornell
Vet Waste (hydrolysate) based on his concerns w ith the recent headworks loading study that was
conducted on the plant, and the recusal of Dan Ramer, Chief Op erator of IAWWTF.
Staff presented a 5 page document rebutti ng Mr. Hang’s conclusions with the study.
A letter written by SJC Chair Wade Wykstra commenting on Mr. Hang’s initial letter was also
distributed to the members.
Representatives of CCWMAC (Cornell Commun ity Waste Management Advisory Committee)
were present and distributed a document which de scribes the history of the Cornell Digester
Project and how the public and Cornell have worked together since the ea rly 1990’s to bring this
project to fruition.
A lengthy discussion took place regarding plan t operations, permitting and requirements,
legalities, worker and community h ealth and safety, to name a few.
Action Item: Pat and Scott to finalize resolution
Dan and Scott to dr aft permit and monitoring plan to be distributed 2 weeks prior
to July meeting
On a motion, the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting is scheduled for July 14, 2010 at 12:30PM.