HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-SJC-2010-07-14 SJC MEETING July 14, 2010 SJC Members Staff Wade Wykstra, Chair Supervisor Herb Engman Supervisor MaryAnn Sumner Mayor Carolyn Peterson Rich DePaolo Joel Zumoff Ellen McCollister Pat Leary Eric Whitney Bill Gray Scott Gibson Steve Thayer Dan Ramer Absent Guests Attorney Susan Brock IAWWTF Staff Jose Lozano, Ed Gottlieb Ithaca Journal Staff Krisy Gashler MRB Consultants Bill Davis Toxics Targeting Walter Hang Cornell Andrew Murphy, Joe Schwartz CCWMAC Ruth Mahr, Brian Eden, Stan Seltzer, Mary Russell Wade called the meeting to order at 12:37PM Approval of June 2010 minutes – Moved by MaryAnn, seconde d by Joel. After discussion and corrections noted, the motion passed w ithout dissent. Pat Leary abstained. Financial Report – Steve Thayer Steve distributed the financial reports for the pa st month. Revenues are at budget. Third Quarter payment is due from the partners. Debt payments will be billed later in the year. Expenses are running under budget. Revenue s over expenses are $329,000. We had a $15,000 payment to Stearns & Wheler for the Miscellaneous Plant Improvement Capital Project (CP-416J). 1 Staff budget request for 2011 is due August 1 st . Discussions for the 2011 budget should begin at the September meeting. The RFP for the Johnson Control Energy project is progressing slowly at this time due to other workload. The draft is expected to be comple ted in the next week. It should be sent out electronically in the next 2 weeks. Copies of audit reports will be distributed in the next week. Operator/Engineering Report Summary – Dan Ramer, Scott Gibson Staff has met with Cornell on pretreatment issues and permits for their discharges. Interviews for the vacant operator position will be scheduled for late July. The coal tar remediation is stil l being evaluated by NYSEG and their consultants. This clean up project will impact our new septage receiving fac ility. We can’t move forward with the new facility until clean up is complete. Meetings with the Town of Ithaca regarding mutual issues are conducted on the last Thursday of each month. Current topics include monitoring stat ions and sewer interceptors. Herb and Erik noted that this is useful in sharing informati on and planning projects be tween the two entities. The weather station located on the roof of the plant is in operation. Cornell Hydrolysate resolution is being finalized for vote. Rich moved to enter executive session to discu ss pending litigation. Seconded by Carolyn, the motion carried unanimously. 1:09PM Return from executive session at 1:35PM. Th e committee decided to pursue a resolution to the on-going litigation with Crane-Hogan. Wade opened the floor to public comment. Cornell Hydrolysate Ruth Mahr of COWWMAC spoke in favor of the plant accepting the hydrolysate derived from the new digester at Cornell. Brian Eden of COWWMAC spoke in favor of th e plant accepting the hydr olysate derived from the new digester at Cornell. Walter Hang spoke in opposition to accepting the hydr olysate derived from the new digester at Cornell. Dan reviewed the testing requirements and pr ocesses. Scott reminded of the MAHL Study which included the hydrolysate waste. Jose noted that hydrolysate is not classified as hazardous waste. Dan stated that the 6 hour cook time is NOT negotiable. 2 3 Herb moved to accept the Environmental Findi ngs Statement regarding the hydrolysate. MaryAnn seconded the motion. The motion pa ssed 6-2 with Zumoff, Wykstra, Engman, McCollister, Sumner, and Leary voting in favor. DePaolo and Peterson voted against. MaryAnn made a motion to accept the resolution w ith a suggested language change (#2 on page 3) by Dan Ramer. Joel seconded the motion. Pat motioned for changes to page 1 of the draft resolution. Seconded by MaryAnn, the motion carried 7-1 with Peterson against. Pat motioned for changes to page 2 of the draft resolution. Seconded by Joel, the motion passed 6-1 with Peterson against. DePaolo abstained. Pat motioned for changes to Page 3 of the draft resolution. Seconded by Joel, the motion passed 6-1 with Peterson against. DePaolo abstained. Susan Brock read a statement from COWWMAC regarding changes made on page 1 in the resolution concerni ng their June 9 th presentation of a statement to the SJC stating their support of the resolution to accept hydrolysate from Cornell. Wade moved that this change be made. MaryAnn seconded the motion. The motion pa ssed with Peterson and DePaolo abstaining. The motion to accept the resolution carried 5-2 with Zumoff, Wykstra, Engman, Sumner, and Leary in favor. Depaolo and McColliste r voted against and Peterson was absent. On a motion, the meeting adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for August 11, 2010 at 12:30PM.