HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-SJC-2010-10-13 SJC MEETING
October 13, 2010
SJC Members Staff
Wade Wykstra, Chair
Mayor Carolyn Peterson
Supervisor MaryAnn Sumner
Joel Zumoff
Pat Leary
Eric Whitney
Bill Gray
Scott Gibson
Dan Ramer
Steve Thayer
Supervisor Herb Engman
Rich DePaolo
Ellen McCollister
Chris Kalwara, Johnson Controls
Wade called the meeting to order at 12:42PM.
MaryAnn moved to accept the September minutes. Seconded by Pat, the motion carried 5-0 with
noted typographical corrections.
Financial Report – Steve Thayer
The current financial reports were distribute d. Steve noted that the septage revenues are
expected to meet or exceed budget projections.
Fourth quarter payments are now due. Unclassified revenues are invoices to partners in October
for their share of debt service and of fset by an expense line in the budget.
Overall expenses are current ly running under budget.
Hourly part-time account is over budget due to student interns being hi red for the summer and
will be covered by the salary of a resigned operator trainee.
Insurance comes due in October. Health insu rance is currently running above budget and will
also be impacted by the na tional health care reform.
We are currently $744,000 revenues over expenditures.
The Miscellaneous Plant Improvements is our only active Capital pr oject and there was $5,000
expenditure for Stearns& Wheler activity in the past month.
The 2011 preliminary budget was presented for review to Common Council and there were no
changes made.
Steve drafted a resolution (att ached) to establish a capital reserve fund of $250,000 which was a
decision resulting from the Special Budget meeti ng held in September at the Town Hall.
Another $250,000 will be used to offset some of the rising costs in the current budget (health
care, etc.).
IAWWTP – Approval of 2011 Transfer to Plant Improvement Capital Reserve
WHEREAS, SJC staff have identified future Capital Improvements to the Plant, and
WHEREAS, the SJC has accumulated fund balance adequate to maintain current
operating needs with surplus available to st art addressing future capital needs, and
WHEREAS, the SJC, at a special budget meeting on September 14, 2010, approved a
$250,000 transfer of funds to Capital Reserve J-1 for the purpose of future Capital
Improvements to the Ithaca Area Wastewat er Treatment Plant; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the SJC hereby approves th e transfer of $250,000 in surplus funds of
part of the 2011 Budget to Capital Reserve J-1 for the purposes of establishing funds for
future Capital Improvements to the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant.
MaryAnn moved to accept the resolution as wri tten. Seconded by Pat, the motion carried 5-0.
Dan noted that the rostered Water/Wastewater Operator should be .6.
Operator/Engineering Report Summary – Dan Ramer, Scott Gibson
The RFP for the implementation of the Ener gy Reduction Study has been completed and
received. Siemen’s did not submit a bid on the pr oject. The draft reso lution was discussed and
changes were made to correct language.
MaryAnn moved to approve the resolution with changes. Seconded by Wade, the motion carried
Johnson Controls Energy S avings Project - Resolution
WHEREAS, the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant’s Special Joint Committee entered into
an agreement with Johnson Controls to develop a performance contract for the Special Joint
Committee’s municipal partners consideration on June 12, 2009, based on capital improvements
which produce energy savings from lighting system modifications, installation or upgrades to
energy management systems, energy efficiency improvements to building envelope, HVAC
Systems, and replacement of the digester mi xing equipment, cogene ration facility, heat
exchanging equipment, boilers and aeration blow ers and dissolved oxygen control systems, and
WHEREAS, a Request for Proposals entitled “Ene rgy Savings Performance Contract for Ithaca
Area Wastewater Treatment Facility” was issued on September 2, 2010, and
WHEREAS, Johnson Controls, Inc responded and met all stipulated requirements of the
aforementioned RFP, and
WHEREAS, the identified facility improvement m easures included in the performance contract
will reduce energy consumption at the facility by 69% and reduce the facility green house gas
emissions by 961 tons of carbon dioxide per year, and
WHEREAS, Johnson Controls has submitted a proposed program of improvement and draft
performance contract for review consisting of approximately $8.03 million in improvements or
modifications under a contract that guarantees a specified level of ener gy savings over the period
of the contract (15 years), and
WHEREAS, Approximately $ 6.9 million of the id entified improvements are improvements that
would need to be made within the next five years to replace aging digester gas storage,
cogeneration, aeration blowers, dissolved oxygen controls and bo iler equipment and
infrastructure at the facility, and
WHEREAS, the facility improvements associ ated with the building envelope and HVAC
systems and the purchase of a 5 kW photovol taic solar panel are being funded by a $406,179
NYSERDA grant, and
WHEREAS, the Special Joint Co mmittee approved the project in concept at their March 10,
2010 meeting.
now, therefore be it
RESOLVED , That as a qualified res pondent selected by IAWWTF staff be approved by the
owners for development of the perfor mance contract, and be it further
RESOLVED , That the owners hereby authorize the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility
Energy Improvements in the amount not to exceed $8,030,000, and be it further
RESOLVED , That the Ithaca Area Wast ewater Treatment Facility Chief Operator is hereby
authorized to negotiate a final c ontract based on this re solution, and that the Town Supervisors of
Ithaca and Dryden and City of Ithaca Mayor be aut horized to sign the contract, and be it further
RESOLVED , That in accordance with the final perf ormance contract to be negotiated between
the owners and Johnson Controls, funding for said project minus the $406,179 NYSERDA grant
award will be made either through a municipal le ase negotiated by the City Controller’s Office
and/or the issuance of Serial Bonds based on the following schedule which ar e to include interest
rates as stipulated by the C ity of Ithaca Controller, and
Municipality Percentage Project Cost
City of Ithaca 57.14 $ 4,354,193.14
Town of Ithaca 40.88 $ 3,115,145.52
Town of Dryden 1.98 $ 150,880.34
$ 7,620,219.00
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , In accordance with the final performance contract to be
negotiated between the owners and Johnson Cont rols that the guaranteed energy savings
to offset the project funding costs are as follows,
Municipality Percentage Energy Savings
City of Ithaca 57.14 $ 5,593,037.48
Town of Ithaca 40.88 $ 4,001,459.08
Town of Dryden 1.98 $ 193,808.44
$ 9,788,305.00
The SJC wrote a fine resolution
To help with climatic pollution
The words were confused
Which had us amused
So we worked in some wordage dilution.
Author and Poet, Carolyn Peterson
The Cayuga Waterfront Trail is nearing completi on with the relocation of the fence along our
property line. The landscaping is not yet completed.
The water plant is interested in purchasing our ol d chlorine pumps. Bill suggested soliciting bids
for them from other facilities. The members voted 5-0 to solicit bids for the sale of the pumps.
Our new/old operator, CJ Kilgore has started work.
There is a NYWEA meeting scheduled to take place at the American Legion on Danby Road.
Topics include Fracking.
Our computer equipment has arrive and th e IT Department will be installing it.
Our new Hybrid Ford Escape has arrived.
The amendments for Stearns & Wheler are near completion.
As a reminder, the second Pharmaceutical Co llection Day is scheduled for October 16, 2010.
On a motion, the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting is scheduled for November 10, 2010