HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-17-PB TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD MINUTES 09/17/2013 Approved 10/15/13 Present: Chairperson Ken Zeserson, Board Members : Stan Beames, Brian Cutler, Rod Hawkes, John Wertis, Environmental Planner Darby Kiley Excused : Sarah Adams, Rebecca Schneider Call to order Mr. Zeserson called the meeting to order at 7 : 00 pm . Agenda Review He stated the agenda includes the SEQR and Public Hearing for the Allstate signs. He noted Ms . Schneider was not in attendance thus asked the members if they would table , the discussion of Open Space . Mr. Wertis stated Ms . Kiley had requested and brought maps ; he would like to review the maps . The members agreed. Privilege of the Floor No public in attendance Minutes Mr. Zeserson noted the minutes of 09/ 17/ 13 need to be approved . Mr. Hawkes noted the auto shop sign has already been removed . Mr. Zeserson MADE the MOTION, Mr. Wertis SECONDED the MOTION to approve the minutes of 09/ 17/ 13 . The note was taken as follows : Mr. Beames ABSTAIN Mr. Cutler AYE Mr. Hawkes AYE Mr. Wertis AYE Mr. Zeserson AYE Minutes APPROVED Public Hearing/SEQR Allstate Sign Mr. Zeserson stated the Board reviewed the submitted information on 09/03/ 13 and had accepted the compromise as outlined at that meeting . They are having the SEQR and Public Hearing after legal/neighbor notices were posted. He noted there were no comments received nor are any members of the public present. He asked the members to review the SEQR form prepared. They reviewed the document and agree a Negative Declaration should be made . Mr. Zeserson MADE the MOTION, Mr. Hawkes SECONDED the MOTION as follows : WHEREAS : 1 . This is consideration of Site Plan Approval for the proposed Allstate signs located at 2071 Trumansburg Rd, Town of Ulysses Tax Parcel Number 11 -3 -3 . 1 , B1 -Business District. The proposal is add two signs : a freestanding sign (approximately 20 square feet) to be located along Trumansburg Road and a façade sign (approximately 16 square feet) to be located on the building ; Maguire Family Ltd Partnership, Owner, Dennis Rattay, Applicant; and 2 . This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ulysses Planning Board is acting in this uncoordinated environmental review with respect to Site Plan Approval ; and Planning Board 2 September 17, 2013 3 . The Planning Board, on September 17, 2013 , has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I, submitted by the applicant, a Part II completed by Town staff, and other application materials ; and 4 . The Town Zoning Officer has recommended a negative determination of environmental significance with respect to the proposed Site Plan Approval ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED : That the Town of Ulysses Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance for the reasons set forth in the Environmental Assessment Form Part II referenced above, in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed, and, therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement will not be required . The vote was taken : Mr. Beames AYE Mr. Cutler AYE Mr. Hawkes AYE Mr. Wertis AYE Mr. Zeserson AYE UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Mr. Zeserson opened the Public Hearing on the sign review. He asked if there were other questions or comments . Mr. Cutler asked if the legal notices had gone out as he had not received a copy. Ms . Kiley stated they were ; Ulysses procedure does not provide a copy to the Board members. Mr. Zeserson asked if there were any other questions or comments ; none were offered . The Public Hearing was closed . Mr. Zeserson MADE the MOTION ; Mr. Hawkes SECONDED the MOTION as follows : WHEREAS : 1 . This action is consideration of a Site Plan Approval for the Allstate signs located at 2071 Trumansburg Rd, Town of Ulysses Tax Parcel Number 11 -3 -3 . 1 , B1 - Business District. The proposal is add two signs : a freestanding sign Trumansburg Road and a (approximately 20 square feet) to be located along g façade sign (approximately 16 square feet) to be located on the building ; Maguire Family Ltd Partnership, Owner, Dennis Rattay, Applicant; and 2 . The Town of Ulysses adopted zoning regulations in Local Law Nov 4, 2007 includes Article III, Section 3 .4 establishing Site Plan Procedures ; and 3 . On August 13 , 2013 and September 3 , 2013 , the Planning Board conducted preliminary reviews of the proposed Site Plan; and 4 . This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ulysses Planning Board, on September 17 , 2013 , has made a negative determination of environmental significance with respect to this project, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I and Part II ; and 5 . The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on September 17, 2013 , has reviewed and accepted as adequate the application materials submitted by the applicant; and 6 . The Planning Board has given due consideration to all information and comments in conducting the Site Plan Review; Planning Board 3 September 17, 2013 THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Planning Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby grants Site Plan Approval for the two proposed signs : a non-illuminated freestanding sign (approximately 20 square feet) to be located along Trumansburg Road and an illuminated façade sign (approximately 16 square feet), subject to the following condition(s) : a. Removal of the body shop sign from the freestanding position in the yard and relocate to the building façade, which will replace existing body shop signs on the building façade (except those as required by State law) . The vote was taken : Mr. Beames AYE Mr. Cutler AYE Mr. Hawkes AYE Mr. Wertis AYE Mr. Zeserson AYE UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Open Space Ms . Kiley presented the maps as requested by the members at the last meeting . A discussion of wetlands ; how classified, what classifications mean as far as protection. If permitted by DEC, the wetland can be developed. The Town may not be informed; if the site required a variance then we may see it. She has not seen any examples of this when reviewing prior permits, site plans, etc . Mr. Wertis noted his pond is on the map, yet this is a man made pond. Ms. Kiley noted DEC does show all ponds on the maps . She stated it may be useful to have Crystal Buck come to a meeting with an outline of how she would propose this Board move forward. Crystal had worked extensively on this with Tompkins County and has moved back into the area; she was approached for any interest in this work. She confirmed she would like to speak to Ulysses about this . Other Mr. Wertis stated he was recently appointed as the Town Historian. He is bringing this to the Town' s attention as he was informed there is no regulation of historical signs. A private company is donating signs for private property owners to put on their property. They are speaking to Carol Kammen about this. They want to promote local history but are quite concerned about this . The meeting was adjourned at 7 : 30pm . Respectfully submitted, Robin Carlisle Peck Administrative Assistant 1