HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Packet 2020-09-14MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD Monday, September 14, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. Call (929) 436-2866 or www.Zoom.com Meeting ID 980 2887 8010 Agenda 1. Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Persons to be Heard and Board Comments 3. 5:30 p.m. Public Hearings regarding: a. 2020 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts and Special Benefit Areas for 2021 tax year i. Consider Adoption b. 2021 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (Bolton Point) Preliminary Budget i. Consider approval A proposed local law "A Local Law Comprehensively revising Town of Ithaca Code Chapter 125, "Building Construction and Fire Prevention," adding Dangerous or Unsafe Buildings, Structures and Equipment Provisions to Chapter 125, and Deleting Chapter 129, "Buildings, Unsafe" i. Consider adoption d. Consideration of a waiver/reduction in the fee for a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for 104 Grove PI i. Approval/Denial 4. Consider setting a public hearing regarding adoption of the New Neighborhood Code 5. Consider authorization for Supervisor to sign a revised and extended lease agreement with Tompkins County History Center 6. Presentation of Highway Superintendent's Equipment and Machinery Report 7. Resolution Urging the Tompkins County Legislature to Call Upon New York State to Allocate Funding to Local Municipalities to Support the Provision of Rural Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 8. Discuss and consider naming of the various preserves on Culver Road the Culver Road Preserve with sub -areas retaining their names 9. Consider a Resolution of Appreciation — Lisa Carrier-Titti 10. Consider Consent Agenda Items a. Approval of Town Board Minutes b. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract c. Approval of Bolton Point Abstract d. Set Finance Officer Interview Committee 11. Report of Town Officials and Committees 12. Review of Correspondence 13. Adjournment < INIE'ETING OFT11E, ITHACATOWN BOARD Monday, Septeuiber 14, 2( 20 IT Resolutim 2020 - : AdODti011 ofthe 2020 Assessment Rolls Ior Smcial Benefift Disti-iiets and Special Bepel"it Amas for Tax Year 2021 Whereas, the Town Board of the Town ofhliaca held as properly adWrtkCd public hearing at the t" Town Hall, 215 North Tlo-a Street, Ithaca, New York, oil the 14th (lay of September 2020J, to consider the 2020 Assessment Rolls for Special benefit Districts and Special Bericht Areas for tile To,wvn of1thaca l"orTax Year 2021, now, therefore, be it Resolved, the (love rn in g Town Board cal, the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and adopts the 2020 Assessment Rolls for the Special Benefit F)jstricts and Special Benefit Areas ofthe'l'own of Ithaca for Tax Year 2021 as follows: Fire Protection District: Assessed Value - $1,291,61 1,686,00 Forest Home l.i lit District: Assessed Value - S41,729,600J)O C Glenside Light District: Assessed VaILIC - S5,115,100.00 Renwick 11ciolits Liolit District: Assessed Value - S14,474,600.00 Eastwood Cormiions Lialit District: Assessed Value - S18,674,900.00 Clover Lane Li -ht District: Assessed Value - $2,970,000.00 Winners Circle Light Districc Assessed Value - S2,890,000.00 Buricioli Drive Light District: Based Upon 3,971.1 lineal feet. Westilaven Road Liozn,ht District: Based Upon Road FrontaZ7oc of 6,592.0 lineal feet. "ect. Coddington Road Light District.: Based upon Road Frontage cal' 6,526.3 lineal feet. Water hi)pr(:wemcn1 Benefit Arca; (.!nits Avaflahle & Connected - 8,306,93, Ad Valorem Water Improvement Benefit Area: Assessed Value - S667,1 2l , 132.00 Sewer Improvement Benefit Area: Units Availal-,)le & Connected - 7,973,6T Ad Valorem Sewer Improvement benefit Area: Assessed VIlLIC - S736,752,499.00 Town 520 Omitted Move Tax: Actual A11101.1111 - S 1,599.5 1, Moved: Seconded: Vote: Ayes - MEETING OFTHEITHACATOWN BOARD Mmiday, September 14, 2020 ,rB Resolutiou, 202,0 - : Approval of the Soutliern Cayuga Lake hitermug,icipal Water Conimission 2020 Budget (Bolts g Point` WIICIVaAS the SOLIthern C ayuga 1-ake IntelInUniCil-Kil Waiter Commission 2021 Preliminary Budget lias been capproved by the ConlnlkSi011 -,UIL1 a1 J)Ublic hearing dutifully held by the Tow"n of Ithaca on September 14, 2020. no", therefore be it Resolved that the 'Fawn Board approves the SOLIthern CaYUM LakL I III CrIIII.IrliCipUl WrItCl' Commission 2021 BLKI(Iet LIS SUbmitted. Moved: Seconded: vote: Ot G F- N N N U C N E r - a N N O N 6 N O 4 m R E .N W N Q O TJ Cl) [D Y W N �0p N W[0 c� Q W d d �c)0 N (On22 N aC W F - Z oopog000000p 0 00000000 000000000000 a 000nanoo `n�g�nnnogOoui 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WuiuiuiMNMcicici ttSO0000000 tf7 h�c9tN0MN 0 O t!) 00 (O O Ch O N .- O (L) c0 N O CA N O Cl) Ct P•- to r r a N CO nC'M co OD con•N- et I C O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O g q O O q a a a O O O O O g 0 0 U)600000a 000tO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO .tyo toN N000 t!')00000000 (00000000006(0 ^ SG M(NO M N O Manta (O 00)0 CV .- O wwNOmN 0 M V t+ LO r r Cn WCf) O N n O NMCl) Co Co co � 7 r 00000000000c� O OO000000 o O d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tl 100a600000p6�ri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W vir-N 060 r 00000000 (00000000006(0 00 �Mtn O MggOOgOqq Q 1`� M(RmC\ q 0000 (C)OmON*- Cn to 00 N00N 0 Cl) V t` M r+� N N NOMD(�000000 tO 0) co � � r 000000000000 O O O O Q O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tl O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O (00000000006(0 Man i�It NO O W OO O NOOOM Q h x00000000 r wI'* hNm0 O N UAgg000gqq tO th(AM(oMN q NnN�ccoon N 0 WtoMWOMONr 0) W00 NOON 00 V o to r r r NC)j N ^�l't` 077 N Go C' n') 000 00 00D CO rN 000000000000 000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 W 68666666 0000*w 000 MN 66 OOp W � 00600000 NNNV NOnO Oqn' Oom�OWONr MI`s O r r O I�rW C.) CJ Ln Old CO raNO 0 ONO NI,cm h c0� e} 7 r -C uQWSMWOOW008 1-;Il omn ;0o 00 t.,P ."t Lgg000Ct)0 OO�tlCONgq 0n�0 Oo 066V007 COn�000MO COOOO Iq MMN O>OD (0 11711 NM Ciq W�O�N�(O r7n�00Iti' V M OO N N M N N N 000000000000 O 00000000 W 00 8000000 W W �r)u'iui tr oo o co 00000000 co Man i�It NO O V'o0000gO0 Q NNW rCO O O0Ov0W0N� to ;ZVWMNO 0 Cl) r, N rr N OD NnN�ccoon N tv ONO r Ir' r O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d 0 0 O g n a 0 d d 0 0 q d 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000 W000000 c co 0 CM mU)�r•.vN0 0 V: CDOGOq C�0q It NCNc}}OOr rcc! q MO.N-r N0) C0M r, u) ttao N OD h(p 000 fM. N N t- N f- � d' r W7-wwood'000(iD Od' v(O 000 W Cl)r n00700000000 000 (O Co it OD C, C) N CV co tO(CW r(pOCCN rW htOV 66 cm O LI) 07 P- (n 00 CJ/ (A r 0 0 V N v (O 0 l- 'IT hCh C.0cim oo OD CM 0) �0) 00) co Cb dco OD N Cir O O OW�t00 O�{ 09 0 OOtnOD M t2tDNtwoont�I NN N of er r � Ucc W M W Z W Z U 2 ataZCO.CO LLLL cn xa (Wry>1�- LwL toad F- `_ a: 0 (n Z F, � W LL. (n 0 U w w W O E W 0 cc w d W~ Z� z o LLO CC a W h Z a w m v 0 Quiz-WrZ-o° Oo SOD ZZw'F= M-�O-rL ZOZLLM W M ° POZOmUO4 ZMO�MOWDOU-rW ��WfJ ILCCLLJ Cc 0 W Ed En a: LL CL�MWag}WJD m W ~JUQ - W aa_000aa:2 W Qa (nWCL 02mMCL LM<WC.F-W 0() O 00 oU U)0 ~aF 0000000 0) P- 0) gh0M 0) O NMoo o NNNNNNNNNtnAtnclO 0)ccoococomaornrnrnOO h O O) rn m CL 4 BOARD Monday, September 14, 2020 TB Resolution 2,020. : A,dopt Local Law XXX of 2020: A Local Law C"om2i-chensively Revidne Town of Ithaca Code Chaptei- 125, "BuRclinu Construction and Fire Pi-evention," Adding Dangemus or Unsafe Buildings, Structures and Eguipment Pi --visions to Chapter 125, and Deleting, Cha 12tei- 129, "Buildings, Unsafe" Whereas the Towns Codes and Ordinances Comniittee has reviewed, revised and recominended -1 changes to incorporate CUrrellt 'TOW11 Of ItIlliCa Code Chapter 129 relative I-C(ILIlations into current t, 4117 Chapter 125 regulations and revised and Updated Chapter 125 to reflect CM-1-ClItTown and State ]-C(jUircmcnts, liow therefore lie it Resolved that thcTown Board hereby adopts Local Law XXX cif` 2020: A Local Law, Comprehensively Revising Town ofithaca Code Chapter 125, "BUildill(I Construction and Fire Prevention," Dancl Adding el-OLIS Or Unsafe BUildings. StrUCtUrandes uI.-.qUij)lllCllt PrOViSiOlIS to z:l C, Chapter 125. ancl Deleting Chapter 19a -Buildings. t Cnsafe,-. effecilve up(m filing, with New Z.7 York State. Move& Seconded: vote: MEETING OF THE ITIHACA,roWN BOARD Monda.),,, September 10, 2020 TB Resolution 2020 - : Consideration of Waiver/Wduction in fee for a Temporary Cerfificate of Occupancy at 104 Grove P1 Whereas the Town Board received a request for a waiver (rano the fee for a Ternporary Certificate Of 0CCUpanCy O'CO) from the owners, (if'104 Grove P1 aIS Outlined it, 'rown of lthalca.[ Code, Chapter 125-7 (9 a-2), and Whereas the Town Board discussed the request at their August 1.0, 2020 meeting incl scheduled a public hearing as I-e(JUired by the Town of Ithaca Code stated above, and Whereas the Town Board held said public hearing on September 10, 2020 to hear comments reganting the reqUest, now therefore fie it Resolved that [lie Town Board does hereby Opt on I -- waive the fee, of $ ]j 00 to r- aTC0, Cytion 2 — mduce the fee from S 1,100 to XXXXX Option 3 — deny the request 1br a waiver Balancing criteria: [2] To rUsew own 00 kedwfeed For a ternpo,my wq&mm A avywwyx uUme dcagAnn druL 6.444-, [a] Ue fee fat Vve ody"i njddoar permn wm sAkely hTe to cvNcr One cosu to Me Rnwj inbufq-,:', Ude Enkmemen 05 iiyeahan nme and mnew boo of PrM.Swevewmg am mysmmg he of o-iord b&Ame memo, hw Ond cendwase of oauawy ot cr-,t&rote of a t"psay (sompony cwhkaw rNbMg On cme hr Qkh L red.tjon in fee rs req e^ ted, a•rd [b] Tne pa)ment of to ke as nonrab, do, rnmed houndw acud be a wykwo Anwad nwdnp to Pie, [c] 1 ne, need S"My MyWOV LS VOSe Of WVqSno or sand wale of =qAance was not created by tm., ank I dqgwe d Me appk ant Pi prmecutir.a te avra qne prc,,yer r�, and [d] Tie rakatan m We w me mmownewmarl to NY Are Que hmdwb to Qy epocwq wA sl one he c ons ro toe town t An ed r 3 a bovo and [c] A fc- * e wfa s,=t P, 125-7B ha,,,, ne""r, ;, et, !he Vwi Enwvi at grg an wpkWnan For a KWIC&MOW21y Leq&aV Of CaMPOVY U CMIMS Of corAwKe or a "Ohnon M ke asq"Yone :U& 'emsmye co-d:t�013 E!� I! deErll-, .rndt�r the my"Sww� Py Mn With the following: Findings: Di -aft language for findings 1. That (lie fee for the original building permit nos sufficient to cover the costs to the Town, 01, That the fee for the (gional building peW was not stift'ident to cm,cr die casts to be Town and at rafuction is proposed to cover the difference in costs to the `Prawn, and 2. That die payment of the fee mmuld be a sigrAdicarit hatUship givenXXXXXXXXXX, and 3. That the need for the "FCO was not created by a lack of diligence by the applicant, bUt rather We dif0culty(s) hirposed by the restrictions on construction activities by COVID- 19 and NYS Execudve CAW concerning the ability to work in many fields and inCILISIrieS and the suhsequent delays in obtaining materials, and 4. That the reduction/waiver in fee to XXX is the minifflUni necessary to alleviate the hardship and cover the costs to the Town, and 5. That A othet- condi6ons for the issuance of aTCO as set Inh in Town Ade 1257B have been met 125-7 B Gore Majoy tyrTcwy U.11cee CT (Wcupa myCq COUSIC d WMgOMM tai. cme bownMynoMy now NA IkOmWm w qj! J i,v,�A &P Av h Owce A new vQv room uwd u wmqA Noysmay mhW PAn"W"an owar'M PA, Vow bus, vwnw,a win U h. pow VNW, HM bwd, -,u', pa—mvvt co Acs, Yeaqaxy w cc Mae Ar =Www-,� CP NOW, Y"': DI Gnomon" A"p—MAku', [Q 1400=5 WA MUWAY WK, 70y in undaym w [b] 6 a' rm 0,, ob�.a j°f ir,ath,: w . [2] 0: lent to WN VW pWr M 00 ZI 0 VYWng OMOM; Q a po !WMM C 004WO of =WV -y S' (ujnmrW,r ha�� I V 'd i if �x ci wi aed .: ol, Inwo OV 0 a WN FAX&M- 0 A's 0 t 0 U—W POV OV QW 6, OVOWP 4 W!' jy R COINve MEETING OF THE rrHACA TOWN BOARD Monday, September 14,2020 TB Resolution 2020 - : Setting a public hearizig regarding the adoption of the New Nei(-,hborhood Code arid related Town Code amendments Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca Nvill 1101dl J)UbhC hearingat 5:30 prm at the Town Hall, 215 North Tio-a Street, Ithaca, New York on the 19"' day of . October 2020aild, it' C7 necessary, via the ZOOM video and aaacliO conferencing platforn) Per (TOVel-1101- CUORIO'S l.;XCCLltiVC 47 Order(s) and Extension(s) regarding health & safety efforts associated with COVID- 19, for the purpose of considering the adoption of the New Neighborhood Code and related Town Code C - amendments, and be it further RCS01VC(l, that kit SLWll tune and place Lill persons interested in t1le proposed local law will be heard concerning the same. t - moved: Seconciccl- VLate. : MEETIN(,,'OF,rnE rrHACA TOWN BOARD Monday, August 24, 20,20 at 4:30 p.m. TB Resolution 2020 - : Authorization for Supervisor to sign a revised lease agreement with the Toma kinsCountj, Hi.stoEvCenter I Whereas the Tompkins County History Center (Center) has LI current lease with theTown of Ithaca that is renewable yearly anal expires each year oil August 31s', and L - Whereas given the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent ShUtdown ofthe Center and I'LIFIOLIgh Of L- its employces, it is expedient to revise the lease to a 5 -year term, and Whereas a revised lease, Nxith the single significant change being the term of the lease from z �7 4 -- yearly to 5 -years, with a review and option [or the Town to increase the rent by Lip to 6% occurrintn a in Am"LlSt of 2022, is proposed, now therefore he it Z7 Resolved that the 'T'(),,A,n Board aL.Q1101-IZCS the Town SUpervisor to execuite the revised lease agreement as described. Moved: Seconded: Vote LEASE AGREEMENT Between the History Center and the Town of Ithaca September 1, 2020 — August 31, 2025 LANDLORD: Town of Ithaca, a municipal corporation with an office at 215 N. Tioga St. Ithaca. New York 14850 (hereinafter the "Landlord") TENANT: The History_Center in Tompkins County, a NYS Not -for -Profit corporation & registered 501(c)3, located at 110 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca. NY 14850 (hereinafter the "Tenant") PROPERTY ADDRESS: 215 N. Tion Street. Ithaca. NY 14850 (the "Building"). 1. RENTAL AMOUNT: Commencing September 1. 2020. Tenant agrees to pay Landlord the annual sum total calculated at a rate of Four Dollars ($4.00) per square foot (hereinafter the "Rent") in 12 monthly installments in advance on the first day of each calendar month during the Term (defined below in Section 4), together with a Security Deposit (defined below in Section 5). The Rent shall be delivered by Tenant to Landlord at the following location: by hand or mailed to 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca. New York 14850. Rent must be received by Landlord. or Landlord's designated agent, no later than the fifth day of each calendar month during the Term to be considered in compliance with the terms of this Lease. A late charge of five percent (5%) of the current rental amount due shall be incurred if Rent is not paid within five (5) days of when due. 2. PREMISES AND USE: The Premises consist of the portion of the Building described in Exhibit A to this Lease consisting of storage area within the Building totaling 2461 square feet (Vault- 980 sq.ft., Records Room - 378 sq.ft., 1st collections room - 259 sq.ft., 2nd collections room - 558 sq.ft., 3rd collections room - 286 sq.ft.). 3. This amount may be amended from time to time (hereinafter the "Premises"). The Tenant shall also have the right to the non-exclusive use of hallways and elevator (for access) and basement common areas with pre -approval needed for purposes not identified in this lease. Tenant shall use and occupy the Premises solely as a collections storage, management and care space for the Tenant. At all times during the term of this Lease, Tenant shall occupy and use the Premises in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders and requirements of any Federal, State or local government and/or any department or bureau thereof. Tenant's use and occupancy of the Premises, common areas and other facilities,, rooms and areas specified above shall comply with Landlord's policies and procedures regarding same. Tenant will not do or suffer to be done anything in or about the Premises which will contravene Landlord's policies of hazard or liability insurance or which will prevent Landlord from procuring such policies in companies acceptable to Landlord or will increase the premiums for same payable by Landlord. Pg. 1 Under the terms of this Lease, employees of the Tenant agree to limit preservation and research work to specific hours of use and access. All work will occur within the Premises outlined above on Wednesday and Thursday from 12pm — 5pm. Tenant acknowledges the other tenants in the Building areas identified in Exhibit A, and will minimize impact on their work space and environment. In addition, the staff of the Tenant will have access on Fridays from 9:00am to 5:00pm, and have the option to temporarily set up additional tables for work in the Building areas identified in Exhibit A. Any tables and chairs set up on Fridays will be removed when staff vacates the premises on Friday. Additional access may be needed outside of normal operating hours and will be negotiated with Landlord. At all times, staff of the Tenant will treat other users within the Building with courtesy and work to ensure a quiet, safe, and productive work environment for all. The days and hours specified above are subject to change with a 30 day written notice. 4. ADDITIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED: Under the terms of this Lease, Tenant agrees to assist Landlord in the curation, design, and execution of exhibits in the Town Hall of the Town of Ithaca. A schedule of rotating content will be established in consultation with the Town Supervisor. Tenant also agrees to work with Town of Ithaca representatives in the selection and accession of records and items into The History Center in Tompkins County's archives and collections. 5. TERM: The Premises are leased for the following lease term (hereinafter the "Term"): five-year term commencing September 1, 2020 and expiring on August 31, 2025. This Lease may be renewed for five-year extensions as agreed to in writing, executed by both parties. 6. SECURITY DEPOSIT: Tenant deposited with Landlord the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) at the time of the signing of the original lease in the summer of 2019. At the expiration of the Term, provided that (a) Tenant performs all of Tenant's obligations in compliance with this Lease, (b) Tenant vacates the Premises in the same condition (including level of cleanliness) as of the Commencement Date, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and (c) Tenant has not caused damage or unusual wear and tear to the common areas or other facilities, rooms or areas that it is permitted to use pursuant to this Lease, Landlord shall return the Security Deposit to the Tenant within twenty-one (21) days of the Tenant vacating the Premises. Tenant may not use the Security Deposit for Rent owed during the Term. If Landlord deducts any amountfrom the Security Deposit prior to returning the Security Deposit to Tenant, Landlord shall furnish Tenant a written statement indicating any amounts deducted from the Security Deposit and return the balance of the Security Deposit to the Tenant. 7. INITIAL PAYMENT: Upon signing this Lease, Tenant shall pay the first monthly portion of the total annual rent for the occupied square footage at the established rate of $4 per square foot. Said payment shall be made in the form of cash, check, cashier's check, or electronic fund transfer, and shall be due upon signing this Lease. The rent, for the period after September 1, 2022, will be re-evaluated in the summer of 2022 and the Town may increase the rent for the remaining three years of this lease by no more than 6%. Pg. 2 8. SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNING: Tenant agrees not to assign or sublet the Premises, or any part thereof, without first obtaining written consent from Landlord, which consent may be given or withheld at the sole discretion of the Landlord. Any occupation of the Premises by a third -party without the Landlord's written consent, whether by subletting, sharing, co -location or other arrangement, whether rent is paid by the third -party or not, shall be considered a violation of this Lease; provided, however, Tenant's municipal participant representatives, guests and invitees shall be permitted to enter and remain in the Premises to conduct business in the ordinary course of Tenant's business. 9. UTILITIES: Landlord shall be responsible for all utilities and/or services supplied to the Premises, including telephone, electric, gas, water, access controls, janitorial, snow removal, pest control, common area maintenance, repair, and other services provided to the Building by the Landlord. Tenant shall provide and pay for Internet. 10. PARKING: There are no parking rights provided in this Lease. 11. CONDITION OF PREMISES AND THE BUILDING: Tenant acknowledges that the Premises have been inspected by the Tenant. Tenant acknowledges that the Premises have been cleaned and all items, fixtures, appliances, systems and appurtenances are in complete working order. During the Term, Tenant shall maintain the Premises in a neat and sanitary condition. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord within ten (10) days of Landlord's request for any sums necessary to repair any item, fixture, appliance, system or appurtenance that require repairs due to actions or inactions of Tenant, or any of Tenant's municipal participants, guests, or invitees. Landlord shall maintain and repair all items, fixtures, appliances, systems and appurtenances in the Premises and the Building. Tenant shall notify the Landlord in the event Tenant becomes aware of any broken or non -working items, fixtures, appliances, systems or appurtenances, including, without limitation, any electrical, gas, or plumbing conditions, and Landlord shall repair such broken or non -working item, fixture, appliance, system or appurtenance as soon as reasonably practicable. Landlord shall maintain and repair the Premises and the Building in compliance with all federal, state and local statutes, orders, codes, ordinances and laws. If Landlord shall fail to maintain and repair the Premises in compliance with this Section 9, and such failure shall materially impair Tenant's ability to conduct Tenant's business operations in the Premises, the Rent shall abate in proportion to the portion of the Premises unfit for Tenant's business operations. 12. ALTERATIONS: Tenant shall not make any alterations to the Premises or the Building, including, but not limited to, installing fixtures and equipment, or moving or removing wails, doors, or other partitions, without first obtaining written consent from Landlord, which consent may be given or withheld at the sole discretion of the Landlord. Any alterations made with Landlord's consent shall be surrendered with and as part of the Premises at the end of the Term. Tenant shall not change or install locks, signs, paint, or wallpaper on the Premises or the Building without Landlord's prior written consent. Pg. 3 13. LATE CHARGE/BAD CHECKS: A late charge of five percent (5%) of the current Rent due shall be incurred if Rent is not paid within five (5) days of when due. The Landlord shall have the right to charge interest on any Rent that remains unpaid for thirty (30) days at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. 14. NOISE AND DISRUPTIVE ACTIVITIES: Tenant guests and invitees shall not disturb, annoy, endanger or inconvenience other tenants of the Building, neighbors, the Landlord or the Landlord's agents, or contractors, and Tenant shall not violate any law in the conduct of Tenant's business in the Premises, and shall not commit or permit waste or nuisance in or about the Premises. 15. LANDLORD'S RIGHT OF ENTRY: Landlord may enter and inspect the Premises during normal business hours and upon reasonable advance notice to Tenant and accompanied by a Tenant representative if Tenant makes a representative reasonably available. Landlord shall be permitted to enter the Premises to make all alterations, repairs and maintenance required by this Lease. Landlord shall have the right to enter the Premises without advance notice or the need to be accompanied by a Tenant representative in the event of an emergency. In the event of an emergency, the Landlord shall provide notice of such emergency and Landlord's entry to the Premises in response to such emergency to Tenant as soon thereafter as reasonably practicable. The vault room access door must be left unblocked and Tenant must provide Landlord access to the vault room at all times upon reasonable advance notice. 16. REPAIRS BY LANDLORD: Where servicing or a repair is the responsibility of the Landlord pursuant to this Lease, Tenant shall provide Landlord with written notice stating what item, fixture, appliance, system or appurtenance needs servicing or repair, and Landlord shall have a reasonable opportunity to service or repair the item, fixture, appliance, system or appurtenance. Tenant acknowledges that Rent shall not be withheld based upon a claim of failure to repair, except as provided for in Section 10. 17. PETS AND TOBACCO USE: No dog, cat, bird, fish or other domestic pet or animal of any kind maybe kept on or about the Premises without Landlord's written consent, with the exception of any service animals. Tobacco Use is not allowed inside the Premises, Parking Lot or around perimeter of the Building. 18. FURNISHINGS: The Premises are rented unfurnished with the exception of shelving. 19. INDEMNITY: To the extent permitted by law, Tenant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Landlord and all of Landlord's elected officials, Board members, agents, affiliates, directors, public officers and employees ("Indemnified Landlord Parties") from and against any and all liability, loss, damages, costs, claims, actions or lawsuits, brought or asserted against any or all Indemnified Landlord Parties for injury or death to any person or persons, damage to property, or other damages or losses arising out of or in connection with the acts or omissions of Tenant, or of its agents, municipal participants, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, or subcontractors, related to this Lease or the Premises. Such indemnity shall include the costs of defending any action, including reasonable attorney Pg. 4 fees, expert fees, and other litigation costs. To the extent an Indemnified Landlord Party is negligent, Tenant's indemnification shall not extend to the proportion of loss attributable to that Indemnified Landlord Party's negligence. The Indemnified Landlord Parties shall not be liable for any interruption or loss of business or consequential damages no matter how the same may be occasioned. To the extent permitted by law, Landlord shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Tenant and all of Tenant's elected officials, Board members, agents, affiliates, directors, public officers and employees ("Indemnified Tenant Parties") from and against any and all liability, loss, damages, costs, claims, actions or lawsuits, brought or asserted against any or all Indemnified Tenant Parties for injury or death to any person or persons, damage to property, or other damages or losses arising out of or in connection with the acts or omissions of Landlord, or of its agents, municipal participants, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, or subcontractors, related to this Lease or the Premises. Such indemnity shall include the costs of defending any action, including reasonable attorney fees, expert fees, and other litigation costs. To the extent an Indemnified Tenant Party is negligent, Landlord's indemnification shall not extend to the proportion of loss attributable to that Indemnified Tenant Party's negligence. The Indemnified Tenant Parties shall not be liable for any interruption or loss of business or consequential damages no matter how the same may be occasioned. For the purposes of the parties' obligations and rights under this Lease, personnel who are assigned to, and under the supervision of, the Executive Director, Archivist, and/or Curator of The History Center in Tompkins County are considered Tenant's employees. 20. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Throughout the Term and any extensions, Tenant shall procure and maintain insurance against any and all losses, costs, expenses, claims, liabilities, actions, and damages, including liability for injuries or death to any person or persons or damage to property arising at any time during and/or arising out of or in any way connected with Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises or the Building. The following are the minimum required insurance coverages: a. Commercial General Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence Products/Completed Operations: $2,000,000 Aggregate Personal Injury & Advertising Injury: $1,000,000 Each Person/Organization General Aggregate: $2,000,000 Per Location Basis Damage to Rented Premises: $ 500,000 b. Business Automobile Liability Combined Single applicable to all Owned, Non -Owned and Hired Autos $1,000,000 Each Accident c. Excess "Umbrella" Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence Pg. 5 Products/Completed Operations: $1,000,000 Aggregate General Aggregate: $1,000,000 Per Location Basis d.Workers' Compensation & Employers' Liability Workers Compensation Limits: Statutory Limits Employers Liability Limits: Each Accident $1,000,000 Disease Each Employee $1,000,00 Disease Policy Limit $1,000,00 e. Tenant's Casualty Insurance All risk casualty insurance, including loss by sprinkler, written at replacement cost value and with replacement cost endorsement, covering all of Tenant's personal property in the Premises, including, without limitation, inventory, trade fixtures, floor coverings, furniture and other property removable by Tenant under the provisions of this Lease, and all leasehold improvements installed on the Premises by Tenant pursuant to the terms of this Lease. The insurance carriers providing the required coverages shall be licensed to do so in New York State, and shall be rated no lower than "A- X" by the most recent Best's Key Rating Guide unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Landlord. All policies except workers' compensation and employers' liability must be endorsed to include Landlord as additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis. All policies must be endorsed to waive all rights of subrogation against Landlord. Prior to the use or occupancy of the Premises, Tenant shall deliver a Certificate of Insurance (including copies of the Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation endorsements) acceptable to Landlord certifying that policies of insurance for the required coverages have been issued and are in effect. Upon expiration or cancellation of any policy during the Term or any extensions, the Tenant shall immediately deliver to the Landlord a Certificate of Insurance evidencing proper renewal or replacement of the policy. Tenant shall report to the Landlord, in writing and as soon as practicable, any personal injuries, death or property damage arising at any time during and/or arising out of or in any way connected with Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises or the Building. 21. EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION OF LEASE AND HOLDOVER: At the expiration of the Term, or any renewal thereof, or upon termination of this Lease, Tenant shall vacate the Premises in compliance with this Lease. Upon the expiration or termination of this Lease, the Tenant shall deliver the Premises to Landlord broom clean and surrender all keys to Premises to Landlord. The Tenant shall remove all of its equipment and personality from the Premises within ten (10) days of the expiration or termination of this Lease and repair any damage resulting therefrom event the Tenant does not vacate the Premises at the expiration of the Term in compliance with this Lease, the Tenant shall be deemed a Pg. 6 hold over tenant, with a tenancy on a month to month basis at 110% of the monthly Rent as provided for hereunder. During any holdover period, the Landlord or the Tenant may terminate the tenancy by the serving of a 30 -day written termination notice to the other party. 22. POSSESSION: If the Premises cannot be delivered to Tenant as of the Commencement Date due to a casualty loss, total or partial destruction of the Premises or the Building, a delay in the construction or renovations to the Premises and/or the Building, or failure of a previous tenant to vacate the Premises, either party may terminate this Lease upon written notice to the other party. If either party terminates this Lease pursuant to this Section 21, that party shall have no liability to other party, except that any and all amounts paid by Tenant to Landlord will be immediately refunded to Tenant. 23. QUIET ENJOYMENT: Provided that no Tenant default exists hereunder, Tenant shall at all times during the Term have, hold and enjoy the Premises without disturbance, ejection or hindrance from the Landlord. 24. DEFAULT: In the event of a breach of the terms of this Lease by the Tenant, including a failure to pay Rent within a period of thirty (30) days of the due date for such Rent, or if the Premises become deserted or vacant for more than twenty-one (21) days, Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease and proceed with an eviction of the Tenant in compliance with New York State law. If Tenant is evicted in compliance with New York State law, and Landlord prevails in any eviction proceedings, the Tenant shall be responsible for reasonable attorney's fees and court costs of the Landlord. 25. WAIVER: Landlord's failure to require compliance with the conditions of this Lease, or failure to exercise any right provided herein, shall not be deemed a waiver by Landlord of such condition or right. Tenant's failure to require compliance with the conditions of this Lease, or failure to exercise any right provided herein, shall not be deemed a waiver by Tenant of such condition or right. Landlord's acceptance of Rent with knowledge of any default under this Lease by Tenant shall not be deemed a waiver of such default, nor shall it limit Landlord's rights with respect to such default or any subsequent right. No waiver of any conditions or rights under this Lease shall be effective except by written agreement executed by both parties. 26. VALIDITY/SEVERABILITY: If any provision of this Lease is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Lease, as it is the parties' intention to have this Lease valid and enforceable to the fullest extent pern: l itted by law. 27. ATTORNEY FEES: In the event that any action or proceeding is brought by either party to enforce any terms or conditions of this Lease or to recover possession of the Premises, the prevailing party shall recover from the other party reasonable attorney fees. 28. NOTICES: All notices to the Tenant shall be deemed served upon mailing by first class mail addressed to the Tenant at the Premises or upon personal delivery to the Premises, whether Pg. 7 Tenant is present or not at the time of said delivery. All notices to the Landlord shall be served by mailing first class mail addressed to the Town Supervisor at the Building or by personal delivery to the Town Supervisor at the Building. 29. PERSONAL PROPERTY OF TENANT: Following the expiration of the Term and Tenant's vacating of the Premise, all personal property left in the Premises for more than ten (10) days shall be property of the Landlord, and Landlord may keep such property as Landlord's property or dispose of such property at Tenant's cost and expense in any manner Landlord reasonably chooses. 30. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Lease, including any exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous oral or written representations or agreements that may have been made by either party. This Lease may only be amended by written agreement executed by both Landlord and Tenant. All terms, conditions and agreements contained in this Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, personal representatives, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Town of Ithaca Rod Howe, Town Supervisor Date THE HISTORY CENTER IN TOMPKINS COUNTY Benjamin Sandberg, Executive Director Date Pg. 8 Town of Ithac"Ll Dopariment of'Public. Works To: Ithaca Town Board From: Joseph Slater, 1-11-liwa)' SLIperintencleni/Director ell` Public Works Re: Inventory off-lighway Machinery and ECILlipMel'It Date; September 2, 2020 As Part, of the 2021 BLICIg-et request, I am proposinpy, the followin.gy vehicle replacement and new eqLJ1l)1IIeIII: Ford F,"-350 Van q##221 540,000 Volvo 10 -Wheeler Durnp (#1139 5275,000 Volvo IO -Wheeler Dump (##159 S275,000 Diesel Mower (#55) $18,500 Ford F-450 SLIper Duty Dump (#7) $65,0010 Ford F-150 Pickup (423) S40,000 Kubota Utility Tractor (#50) S50,000 Quality Steel Trailer (#'F3) $5�,500 144 h \vay/Park s/W/S/S t on n \,N, ate r Parks/Storamater/W/S Hi(,hw,ty/Piii-ks/W/S/Stoi-iiiwaiter Engineering C7 1 Z7, I- I i - It way/ll� I rk s/W/S liohway/Flti°ks/W/S/Stoi,iil\,N-atei- t� Wells CargoTrailer (#TI 19 59,000 I fig li%�,ay/1),ii-ks/W/S/Stt)rriiwttei- Z- As Part of the 2021 Budget request, I have identificd the follc�wing costs for vehicle and eqLIij)MCJIt C7 11:� majntenajlcc: 0 flighway/Machinery $105,000 0 Parks S2,0,000 0 Water $10,000 0 Sewer $ 15,000 a En-inecrin- S,2,501O "152,500 MEETING 0FTHII'.1T11A( I ATOWN BOARD NImiday, S . September 14,2020 IT Resolutimi 2i1 i9 - ; lea solutimi Urgiiig ! the Tompkin s Coupty Legislature to Call Upop New York State to Allocate Fundhgy to Local Nitinicipalities to Support the Provisiop of Rural Emergency Medical Services (FMSJ Whereas, volunteer Fire services and Enlergency Medical Services (EMS) in rural NYo ew rk State Z7 have been under pressure for many years - ongoing declining volunteerist-n rates which leads to tile C declining of, departments, which leads to tile expansion of covcraoe areas f'or nearly' agencies, which dieniselves st.rugcfle with stat inti - In an environment of'ever-increasing costs, and Z- In Whereas, efforts to increase volunteerism, particularly in EMS, while noble, are neither sustainable nor effective enou-Ii to rilake a nICWIiIl0t'UI inlIMCt and LI I Whereas, as as result of these circUllISIMICCS, Many 11ILMICI[XIII ties have been forced to implement paid ENIS Departments, contract liar services with other paid departments, Or (10 With(All timely ENIS c(.)% eragc t"Or their residents, and Whereas, the cmgoing Covid- 19 pandemic has highlighted the CI`j(ICAI MAWIV of EMS, IMI'llCUlarly in rural areas where EMS response is the Priulilry SOLINC Of fi-Ontfine emergency healthcare to millions of* New York residents, and Whereas, as as subset of the healthcare field, amival EMS cost increases strain the budgets Of' 11117<Al towns and villages who are nevertheless morally and ethically obligated to provide thesc services to Z- - C' 01CIrCCHIStILLIcias, and Whereas, Article XVII §3 of the New York SUIte ("OnStilLuI011 StMCS tIhAt, "Ple p)-otection aml pi-omotion of health of then inhabitants qfthe carte are movers ofpitblic conct,oi and pi-ovisim there five shall be atade by the state and b - vsuch subelivisions and ill such 1110MIff, (Uld bv such means as the legislatyi-e shall Lrom time to time detei-ndiie, " (emphasis added), and Whereas [tie Tompkins C01111I)f COLInCil Of' GOVerJIIJICIAS (TCCOG) reCILIeStS tile Toilipkins County Legislature call upon New York State to allocate I'LInding to IoC,11 11111niCipa11itiCS 10 SLIPPOI-t tile 47, C, provision cal" rural EMS, and Whereas the TCCOG flas requested that [lie Tompkins County Legislature advocate for a Consolidated �7 Local Street and Highway improvement Program (CHIPS) or State Operating Assistance (ST02k) model ol' funding wherein ftinds will be, allocated to municipalities US1110 f'orl'uLlIae which takes into Z:7 aCCOUI]t Ca111 VOIL1111C, COVCNt-c area, and funding needs, now, therefore be it It, Z7 Resolved, that the Ithaca Town Board supports the I-CLILICSI. Crane TCCOG to the Tortipkins County LC(IiSkItUre to C�111 Upon New York Suite it,) allocate funding to local municipalities LO SLIJ)POI-t tile Z7 C, provision Ot'l-Ural Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and be it further.further. Resolved, that the Town Clerk is directed to forward this I-CSOILItiOn to New York State Legislators. Z!, Moved: Seconded: Vote: MEETING CSC THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD Monday, Septembei- 14,2020 TB Resolution 2020 .. : Rename Dress Woods Pi-csei-ve, Gerda Knegfinan's Glen Preserve, Marcia's Woods Pi-eserve, and the i-ecentiv acquit -ed Babcock lands as the "Culver Road Preserve", Whereas, in February 2006. the Town of Ithaca pUrchascd -Dress Woods Preserve" (approximately 12 acres) can CLIlver Road, and Whereas, in October 2012, the Town of Ithaca purchased -Gerda Knegtman's Glen ZI Preserve" (approximately I I acres') on Culver Road, and Whereas, in May 2010,,the 'Yown of' Ithaca purchased "Marcia*s Woods Preserve" (approximately, 59 acres) on CUIVel-arld Bostwick Roads. and Whereas. in June 2018 and Deceniber 2019, the'Fown of Ithaca purchased two parcels on CUIVff Mesad From the Finger Lakes Land "FrUSt for an additional preserve (totaling approxinlatcly 74 acres), which has not been officially narned, and Whereas, all of these properties are adjacent to each other and the Town of Ithaca now wishes to manage these 156 acres as one C011tigUOUS preserve-. now thereforc be it Resolved. that the Town Board hereby designates that the overall jiirne of these 156 acres (Tax Parcel'No.'s 32.-1-7, 3141-9, 31,- -1.22, 3 L-6-1.2-1, 31.-1-1 1.2. and 31.-1-14.4) shall be the "("salver Road Preserve", and be it I'Lulher Resolved, that the "Fown Board hereby designates the narnes ofthe subareas of the "CLIlver Road Preserve". which A ill maintain the original intent of their naming. as "Dress Woods", -Gerda Knegniian's Glen*', "Marcia's \Voods- and -Babcock Ridge-. Moved: Seconded: Vote: PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: TOWN BOARD MEMBERS FROM: MICHAEL SMITH, SENIOR PLANNER DATE: SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 RE: RENAMING PRESERVES ON CULVER ROAD Since 2006, the Town of Ithaca has purchased four separate preserves in the Culver Road area totaling approximately 156 acres. The four preserves are adjacent to each other and help to create a large contiguous protected area. They mostly contain mature woods, with some areas on the new Babcock property currently in various stages of succession (open fields, brush, young trees, older trees). The preserves south of Culver Road contain portions of several creeks and are located within the Culver Creek Ravine and Woods Unique Natural Area (UNA- 140). The last 74 acres that was just purchased from the Finger Lakes Land Trust (which they purchased from the Babcock family) has not been officially named by the Town Board. Since the Town purchased that land through a NYS State Parks grant, we need a name for it so a sign can be ordered which will be placed on the property. With a new name required for this most recently purchased preserve area, it was felt that this would be a good time to look at all the preserves along Culver Road and update the name for this area. Over the years as the Town has purchased these properties, each one has been named separately as its own preserve. Now with 156 contiguous acres acquired, they are not separate preserves anymore. As you walk the three preserves on the south side of Culver Road, they all have very similar vegetation and topography and it would be very difficult for anyone on site to tell that you were crossing into three separate areas. The proposal is to combine these four preserves into one preserve and manage them as one preserve. The idea is to call the entire 156 acres the "Culver Road Preserve" and use the existing names to identify specific subareas. So, we would have the "Culver Road Preserve" which contains "Dress Woods", Gerda Knegtman's Glen", Marcia's Woods", and the new "Babcock Ridge". Basically, we are just removing the word "Preserve" from each of the smaller areas and providing a name for the former Babcock lands. If the Town were to acquire additional lands in the future in this area, they would be added to the overall Culver Road Preserve. Attached is a map showing all the Town owned preserve land around Culver Road and the four proposed subareas labeled. For example, on a town -wide map we would only identify this area as the "Culver Road Preserve", but if we were doing a detailed map or brochure just showing this preserve, the four smaller areas could also be identified. The existing signs at the road for the three existing preserves would need to be updated but could still contain the subarea name. Below is a Town sign from the East Ithaca Recreation Way to show how the roadside signs could look for the four subareas. Here we have the East Ithaca Recreation Way as the overall main trail, but that section is also referred to the William and Hannah Pew Trail, So, for the preserve, "Culver Road Preserve" would be the top line and then each of the subareas would be listed below on their separate signs. Currently the three areas south of Culver Road have roadside signs and pull offs for parking a couple vehicles, but there are no trails or other development at the sites. Having this area identified as one preserve will help provide a more holistic management perspective for this area and future planning. With this preserve being for passive recreation, the Town expects future plans could include small parking areas, trails and trailheads, signage, and scenic view locations. Please let me know if you have any questions prior to the meeting, NNIEETING' OFTHE ITHACA TONNA BOARD IN'londay, Septernbej- 14,2020 'I'll Resolution No. 2020-126: Recognition of Lisa CarHei-jitti's Dedicated Years of Sei-vice Whereas, 1-Isa. Carrier-Titti started her career at the Town of Ithaca on September 14, 1998, as the pioneer Network/Records Specialist; she brought her edLICation, years of experience in the Cr, administration of medical records and her great desire to learn, implement anti work niore with C0111PLIter networks, and Whereas, Records Management \v,as an integral part of the first decade ofljsa's career with the Management C7 town; she worked collaboratively with the Tokk'n Clerks' Department in applying and prOCUring several records managenient grants, the lar -est 01' which included the Placement of" archival - I L-1 (11.41lity, temperature and nioistffe controlled Vault for historical records and a secondary records. storage room located at IIIC CLIJ-1-ellt 1 1 own Hall, and Whereas, Lisa started with at town that had as small number of computers, limited hiternet access and a makeshift network system. With the move t0 the CUITC111 Town Hall in 2000 and renovations to the Puhhc Works Facility in 2003, Lisa has been able to upgrade the network tO HICILKIC 0VCI- 130 devices vVith UnliluitCd internet access, a VOIP caller system, and has migrated ',III users to Office 365; Lisa was persistent in g expanding g her knowlede and skills to MIkC sure all the Z7 depart nic tits and facilities had access to Up-t0-tI1C-I11iI1UtC, teCIII101011-Y, and Whereas, through Lisa's detern-lination and leadership, fiber optic was laid to enable both Town lacilities to easily and efficiently share data and documents, and she integrated a fiber connection integrated Tomkins County to allow for a digital archival .system integration that bl'L701,11111( significant p improvements and efficiencies to alt Town staff and greatly benefited town residents, and Whereas, during the C(.)VID panden-fic, Lisa worked tirelessly in assistinC, g Town staff and was instruniental in enablin-t, the transition to allow fear remote work Nvith no advance notice, by making g quick and effective decisions and providing support even it' it meant driving to an employees Z71" �7 house to help configUrC r0LItCrS SO tl'Wy Could VPN into the Town's network system, and Whereas, after twenty-two (22) years and one day of dedicated and devoted service to out- COMMUnity, Lisa has chosen to retire from the Town ofIthaca, effcctive September 16, 2020, now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the rown Board cd' the Town of Ithaca, on behalf of the Town and its citizens, expresses its sincere appreciation and gratitude to Lisa Carrier-Titti for her distinguished and dedicated Service to Our C01111111,111itN'. Moved: Seconded: Vote: MEE"I'ING f'THE rriIAC I A TOWN 130ARD Nlonday, Septennher rel, 2020 TB Resolution 2,020 - : Adopt Consent Agenda Resolved, that theTown Board ofthe 'fown of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the follow,in- Consent A(lencla flellis: aa) Approval ol"Fown Board Mit"UnCS b) Approval of "Fawn ofithaca Abstract c) Appr(wal ot'Bollon Point Abstract d) Set Interview (','oRln'litLCC Finance, Officer Moved: Seconded: Vote: ayes - J'B Resolution 2020 - a: Approval of Minutes Resolved, that the 'Fawn Board hereby approves the draft minutes olJuly 27, 2020 as SUbillitted With 11011-SUbstantial corrections Alll�leSk,'d and approved by the Board mad e. Clc� TBResolution2020- I): Town of Ithaca Abstract .17 for FY -2020 Whereas the followim, llLUohffCC1 VOLICIM'S have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of'payment; and Whereas the said vouchers have been aWdlted for payment by the said Town Boa rdl- no", therefore be it Resolved that the governino 'Fawn Boud hereby lLltll()I'iZCS the payment of the said VOLIchers in total for the an-iounts indicated. VOUCHER NOS. 958- 1051, ----------- GICIlel'at Fund 'Fown Wide ... . ...... 80,537A3 General Fund Part-1,own . . . ....... . ......... . -,- -------- ------ 2,97&66 1-1 y..Fund 'f'own \Xidc DA � "1 11 —%V 4 .... .............. 711 A 0 Llj,,,.hWay.Frand Part Town DB 44,936,34 Water Fund 767,05T 10 SCWCIFUnd 367,766,96 Ga�e� 1 1_8_ State Route 961) Sidewalk - 117 ------------ ------ - 36,54&93 PWF Renovations Project 1122 . . .... . ..... 74,33476 Risk Retention F"Und 378.33 Forest Home lJolitin- District 178-72 Glenside Liolitinu District 73.14 .r._ ..... . ... .... . ..... -.. Renwick flet fats LicPhting District -- - --------- 88.77 Eastwood CoMmons Lightim, District 185.29 ..... . ...... Clover Lalle, LiZjitinv District 21.59 C.- Winner"s Circle Ligffiting District 7025 138111"1 11 Drive Lighting Di istrict 73.6,6 c- WestHaven Road Li-liting District District_ 22TOO ..... .... . . = ...... -- CnLi-,� - Cpcldington.Rma(�i loan t 1355 }1 TrUSt and Agency 27,099.91 Debt Service 31.54 TOTAL 1,405,325.98 TB Resolution 2020 - c: Bolton Point Abstract I TB Resolution 2020 - Cl. Set Interview Committee - Finance Officer Resolved that Towii Board hereby csmbllshes an intorview committee consisting of'Rod I lowe, Eric Levine and Pamela Bleiwas Cor the pc)sitjon offinance Officer