HomeMy WebLinkAboutUlysses1866Map03IVA ERLU G11 JAC8803VIDLE HBeIHEss DIHHhTo3Y. L�lu�U1�:�1y�1{�d' .T. AS. Matson .,Proprietor of Jaeksonv tle Nonsuch . Ervin- k/b"^'^"� { Sited,0 %ol t the Jx ve Assortment of Frmt and Ormmwlal Trees and l Nn"' ♦rD"I`y • spy. 35 8oW (a I/<« l+.d.. Shrubs. 200 Vaneties of Ptoos,'S do. Apples, {0 do. Plums, 30 dn. Peaekis 60 do. Cherries, y5 do. Gmpeq 80 �]fa v rskle.- �\ _ do, Bvnrgreunq 110 4.1. Roses, 100 da. Frmah Gladtol'u, Wcepimg Tang Green and House Plants, Bedding Plant, d3.eeG♦ .HAdm - I ... ma R, Holland Bulbs, Japan Lilloo, Ac, le. For Sale. Send for Catalogne. 9 • 5 Sk R. L. Smith ... Agent Poe H. L. A C. P. Brown', Grain Drill, also ' f�° �;or H for the Emphe Grain Drill, the best Druse, dis now in e, on V J IIrH -1 ow-lao, TYv. n♦ ♦�He i`J�°11K FNy ¢Yi'Pe Jr.., Smhition at It Prat�sProprietors of Papm Mille N. uJak ✓.Yn &tt"`lo' • jj,x �b,.r� •�• ��1A _ ¢villa, tz. v ;♦ W • H. H. We,terrept. Manv4oturer. oP Wive and Cider. vn• V r/+ � ♦ 1 � � i ca. FJ, D ro,m- . • N u,.,kr„k ° a., � Lx � e.�d_aa� y � 3ro x • . S 4 - S �JbO..xa `�• a� i", WATHHHUH68 BUSINESS HIRE4TOHY. P.s. • Ilia.,.,.. x,Gm.. 8 ' SJ •AD..,JeA. e� H Hutchi e,.. Manufmtmew of and Dealer In Boot and How, w-�-S. T % .•t • ¢ ae' Repairing and at kinds of Work deco to Orden 1 .F •. ? "' t nor. ; •roans. Sk B. C v Maater Bmldep Cooperator and House Joiner. A. M Sherwood.. Proprietor Rorghum MM. I •O. Zr.e�p • _ �ar � •O RxuK w. YJL,Orew' � �fmpeetrvr 5i •Jb..S ,,,yin„ ♦ ♦.ten¢., ' I •pa,.).A,.0 TBUSINESSIHN AHSHIIHfdH HIIBIN8 DIyfOHY. � fifmwl,.in, ♦rx ,.ilea 1� - — _ - A. G. Stom d 8on...Dealere in Dry Goode, Omcarie, Her, �\ Caps, Roots, Shoes, do. Particolar ttenton paid to Ment%eturing Clothing to Order. Fine whatbwn of s` xMA . I I A A. B. Clark... Cashier of Trmmh uanshgDumb. Cloths, Cassumm, da. \ H, D. Baron-Dankar. A, G. $tme... Postmaster. C. P. Gregg... Prop. Gregg's Iron Works. Mavofooturer of L. A. Mandevivo...Dealer in Dry Courts, Grossness Provision,.- MowmgM¢Armes and Agriodtmd Implement, graivally. Yankee Nutiom. Soon Willow, and Wooden Ware. E. M. Maynard, A,M.... Pimpled of Truman,bu,gh ACWemy, Term, Cash. L. R. P.,-Manufarturer of and Dealer in Cabinet Were, Practical Su rim, it Civil Engineer. Camp d We dammo ... Dealers in Family Grouarieg Pron,iov0. Cimino Mattrese, s Lookea mg-Glaug Rosewse ed d Gilt Rhea Lovall... Dealm in Staple Dry Good,, Gr.oaries, Crcakary, Yankee Notom, Stunu and W oodea Ware. Crooknry, Mouldings. Also, Mnnufmtvrer of Grem Tow. one Yankee Notions, go, he, Door East of the Bridge. J. GSes... Prop,iem, of WashingWn House J. Van Dwym„Dolor in ling, Afeded.i, Patent Ma3lcims, A. B. DeGroo6..Proprietor f City Bakery. C-fiskiomry, H. CO.pp... point, ¢ad menufmtvrer of Limited Oil. Perfumery, Rerosme Lampe and OIL Policy Articles, Bread, Crooker, Pies, Cakes, do. Wedding and Odra, Biggs, Jr., d "hox...Des1ere In Hardwve, Stationery, Cigars, Daily Papeete, Ae. Park., aupphed on short note.¢. Johm R. Gr.,m,...Physme.a and Siuo nm, Williams d Stewart ... Dndmtaken, end ManvikaNrere of and Riohard B. WyekoH...Buubt, J. Oreque, Jr. -Dealer in Shelf and Henry Hardware, Slaves, Dealare mall kinds of Cabinet Were. Alec, Upholster- W. H. Ogdm...Prop.., of Trumunabmgh Foundry. Msnu- Nad, Pmnt, Oil, GluG, S.1d Putty,ind BuVdm, Mn. fsetmm a W kinds of Agrimltnral Impl.ment. Winds of rill kinds. Curtmn'Hsag'ngq Shades, Cords, G. J. 2gg U.-Do¢Im w Boots, Stme, Findings, de, L E. Hill ... R.le.tle Physician and Surgeon. Tassel, Wall P4., Ac. Manufacturer of Ties Copper, A. H. A D. C. Qmglay,,.Hmporium of He.,. a Clothing, L. Tmmbly... Proprietor of Bestaumnt. and Shoat Iran Ware. Cloths, Ceaeinews, Vestngs, Hat, Cap0.Gmt' Fiwiah. P. V. Hagem¢v...Mamer Builder, Carpenter end Hevee Joiner. L R, Pmtnam ..Prot'y Glen Mills, 11mmiag and Custom Grind- mg Goods, du. G. W. Warne... Proprietor of Bash, Mimi and Dr., Factory. i rig. Flour, Mml, and Food for Bala At,. Prop. of Saw Diokimov A; Abel ... Dealma in Paints, Oil, and Vamisb. All kinds of Turning done to.,de,. d Lath Mille. Lath for S¢le. Sawing Dona W order. Haves and Suit, Plain and Ornamental Peintn& Gealn- J. D. Psor—Mmufnetuun, of Lumber, Tnth, Spoke, Handley J. D. Smith....Atorney and Counsellor M Law. 'ng. Paper Hanging. Glazing, do. and Cido, Lsth Spokes and all kinds of Handles for S. Clough... Dentist. Office cetabliebod 1848. J. R. Folot... Pec&Vmtor of Stage and Livery Stable. Bala. Two Milos East a T-emad urgh. NowellmA Riddle-Pro,emn. of Certain and Flonr- Charles Staniey...Doaler I. Leather, Hoot, Shoes, Findings, At. J. 0. Bed -Demo r in Cattle and Sheep. ins, MD. Floor, Meal and Food for Hale. Repairing and all kinds of work done to ordar. 8midevL. R. S. Rumeay...Prop. of llalseyvDla Foundry. Mmufm[mer GVbmt ffi 8now...Carrrage and Sleigh Manufmturere, Blatk. of ell kinds of Agro ulterrat Implemevfe. Repairing, smithies, Pmntm& Trimming, A.. L. H. Owen, B. From. Copt David Cold Jobbing, go. Lyman Strebridgq Farmer. D. R. M.Lallev. Pamrm. - Y^X.]MrudG •�P � �n Ian I�.�kugt rt Pa�ae F f Nrsymv�x, ■ o Iris LWF x 15 d` O" A.YGd.L Vim.• ��e 3 SSm.%nc Jf J / Y ,slams zad aJ. s .port x. n w 1 5.✓" p •v. �It1 [D, \ ,Ps� • •R $ • 9'wF+. S.e r .6e Ws {• -',' s sro —'C' wI ] RM nfnlez Ay sGo,v �Dmn,w 3Pr,q• Sloe;t omit' n..,< — — • H•SENEG = IIaa I 3. Pmut S]uq.LLwaG.nq Sl9se Y. G __ • CI.L:mye,st gyp" ro ot'L 1 e3l.y 8of �V-� 'rvm.ry •tot.+ ri and 61• lY-Zs"—" I4_ x2f =� 04 _ 3�•xgizR f yx 1 cmmsm zcn a., .� \ • • • �` G 4�f ULs..vr„ac 91, ✓ ' x Ad`ry t t° ti ti • D • n„ay dr i y e e senou .. at •DS �b 6t et ggmf uyT�y° Ina �o i4 ,81$te�d iS.el ye? qb° ,N r • Pao HLeB • Ci •� •'•� �•■ N• H •� ♦4 tJ ��,4� ✓♦ee'3rt�ll� � � serve• sT � -� Y Jt`,f V .A ape � g� •g dF°•® � + � 3 r Jt u rz ♦ one os,-♦gran°x Ce� %e-x+se t 1r v_ a T..,r n. ,,,.,,.� .u�er.,r I • T➢. ptP^t ,,,,.` . ■ e t sA 4 P J°4 �! • °q / le j tuna .omw?�� G'Wr 3p,W 4 •i'en "a `R `€� OVol. Rer.,�r 1 %�r • ♦0.a° set ,h� Y hZI. ♦ tiV� a2 egg �`��,yy�z, �. �nTortnm.. CDo-gjee-♦�♦�1£� m�•�S,a� i 6r � ��� �A.II✓ er as yEY� ■ _ ST `0 a.Seuerv,rf- �� �� Opi x^a _ J: Setru< ■ lei km.m,¢r Ew CAen,mf PIJ", ✓, Prmdl La s • y I: l,fr"plexr •'" c nn,,.ea