HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-16 - PB TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD 09/16/2008 APPROVED 10/22/08 Present : Chairperson Ken Zeserson, Planning Board Members : Stan Beames, Rod Hawkes, David Means, Rebecca Schneider, John Wertis, Deputy Supervisor Dick Coogan Excused : Rod Porter Mr. Zeserson called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 pm . He stated they had two items of business on the agenda. The first was the budget for 2009 . He had asked for $3000 . 00 for consultants, he asked the members what their feelings were on the subject. Mr. Wertis stated Mr. Coogan could verify but he wondered if the Planning Board would have to obtain approval prior to spending the funds . This has been the procedure in the past. Mr. Zeserson stated Mr. Kerness and he would be speaking at the end of the week. The deadline is September 20th. He thought they would need funds if they are asked to address notions of natural gas drilling or wind power. He does not know the ramifications and it would help to have a consultant review this with them. There would be water issues, contamination issues, etc . Ms. Schneider stated she could assist with the water issues . It would still have issues that would be beneficial to have a consultant on board to handle. Mr. Zeserson asked Mr. Coogan how much and is the money allocated or earmarked. Mr. Coogan stated the way it is set up currently, the budget lines are 1 . for clerical (Robin), 2 . $ 3 ,000. 00 and 3 . Equipment, he is asking for $ 1500 . 00 for a laptop specifically for the Planning Board. If they had something they could project they would have this available. He is not comfortable using his as he has files that should not be accessed. There would be roughly $ 800 . 00 leftover for maps . They had asked for the additional $ 3000 . 00 for professional consultants . This would go on the back as an addition there is no line item. The Town Board structured the Planning Board in that they have no direct authority to spend the funds . Out of the $ 1500 . 00 they could purchase the maps, they should not have to wait until Town Board approval . Mr. Zeserson asked if the members agreed with these requests . The members agreed the amounts and reasoning were acceptable. Mr. Zeserson stated he owed the Board an apology; he neglected to introduce the newest member of the Board. He introduced Mr. Stanley Beames and stated he has had some experience in doing environmental consultation. He asked him to give a brief introduction of his experience. Mr. Beames stated his background is for over 12 years he had been an environmental consultant. He dealt largely with hazardous waste sites ; he has been involved in water supply systems as well . He has worked all over the state. He has worked in Syracuse, Long Island, and Buffalo, Boston, Ohio but not much around Ithaca. He did work for an engineering firm and did stormwater, geotechnical work as well. Mr. Zeserson stated they have turned to Ms . Schneider for the hydrology aspect so they appreciate the expertise. He stated the next and last piece of business is the Planning Board 2 09/ 16/2008 Comprehensive Plan review . He was informed on September 23rd they will be having a meeting for people to come make comments . Mr. Hawkes and Mr. Wertis stated they are both on the Comprehensive Plan Committee and it was their understanding the meeting had been changed. The feedback needs to be back to Bergmann Associate by September 25th. The Town Board presentation is in October. Mr. Zeserson stated that would be okay, they will review tonight. He went through the document and he noted that Ms . Schneider stated she had items she would like to discuss . They do not necessarily have to go page by page. His overview was that he did not see anything he objected to he noted a lot of validation of what this Board is trying to do . If the purpose of this is a template for the future of the Town. This document would serve as a cornerstone for future planning. They would refer to this as what the Town wants. He felt this did it quite well . His first concern was on page 31 , the Future Land Use plan, one of the items being discussed was forming the conservation zone. The map indicates a conservation zone That abuts to an environmental conservation area that goes up to Dubois . They have discussed having the conservation area go up to Dubois, he asked if Mr. Hawkes or Mr. Wertis had input for this. Mr. Hawkes/Mr. Wertis stated it boiled down to the slopes . They both remembered a lot of discussion, this map was the result of the workshops . The consultant compiled the data. Mr. Zeserson stated for the sake of discussion why they would have a conservation zone. The steep slopes, erodible soils, however view sheds are important as well . If you go down Dubois Road there are areas for 5 ,000 houses that not only obstruct the view from this side of the lake but deter the view from the other side. In addition, you have garbage and sewage into the streams. He feels the Planning Board should weigh in on recommending that the entire area be made a conservation area. He asked the members what their feelings were . The members agreed they would be supportive of this recommendation. Mr. Zeserson asked Ms . Schneider if she would prepare a statement to present to the Comprehensive Plan Committee with their findings for tonight ' s reviews . Ms . Schneider stated she would do this, she will compile and forward to Mr. Zeserson who can review and forward to the members . Mr. Wertis stated it was him impression that in the back of his mind it was understood that once the Comprehensive Plan was approved. It would revamp the zoning. He cannot remember the details but it was his belief that this was the result of workshops, recommendations as interpreted by the consultant. Ms . Schneider stated she understands this however she would like to understand the rationale, if it was the result of the majority of the town people stating they want this then she understands . She does not fell it would hurt to give the Planning Board ' s view of this as it is a project they have been working on. Mr. Wertis stated he agreed with this . If they compare the map they are talking about on page 31 vs. the background information in the map, the soils map there are highly erodible soils which are on the steeper slopes. Mr. Coogan stated they could have an overlay with differentiation to the slope areas as far as if a slope is greater that a specified degree site plan is required. Mr. Hawkes stated one item that has been controversial is the existing conditions map . The consultant used methodology that treats a 100 acre parcel with a house as residential. Planning Board 3 09/ 16/2008 Mr. Coogan stated it lists parcels that have corn on 100, 92, 135 , 140 etc acre lots as residential . Mr. Wertis agreed it was listed badly the County is putting together new maps for an updated map . Mr. Coogan stated Bergman had been given this information, under the current map Ulysses is 90% agricultural, under Bergman ' s map it would be down to 50% . A discussion among the members regarding these maps indicated the Comprehensive Plan Committee were not planning on pulling the map but would be adding the new map . The decision to recommend the Comprehensive Plan Committee pull the inaccurate map or at the very least rename the map to tax assessment vs . existing conditions to better reflect the actual source of the map . Concern if this map is inaccurate it damages the credibility of the rest of the document. Ms . Schneider stated she had sent information to Liz Thomas and received an email back a few days ago . Under objective 1 . 2 of page 16, it protecting water resources and water quality, there is nothing in the reference to ground water. She stated the reference only listed surface water it makes no reference to ground water underlying the Town . Many residents depend on wells for their water needs and the village also utilizes a well . The protection of quantity of ground water, for example preserving open space which acts as a recharge to ground water and preventing over withdrawal by a few users. Also, protection of quality of ground water by preventing ground water pollution by septic, agricultural practices and or commercial contaminants such as dry cleaning or automotive Waste should be a priority goal for the Comprehensive Plan. She mentions this as the land next to the water tower is up for sale; she questioned the source of water at the tower here and on Indian Fort Road. Mr. Coogan stated the water is drawn from the lake, the intake source is near the Boy Scout Camp . Indian Fort Road is not used and if it were it would be with boil water notices issued. The members discussed this issue and agreed this would be a good recommendation. They felt this should be translated into an action statement and inserted into this listing in the Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Schneider stated she had a couple of little items . She liked the overall document, she went to 1 or 2 meetings and noticed it was the same crowd attending. What she came away with was the first half is objectives, the second is the current characteristics . She would like to see a list of critical items to be addressed, possibly the top 5 items . The members discussed this issue, agreed preserving DNA ' s would be a priority to them as once these are gone they are gone. The list is best of possible world ' s but what would actually get done, thus a priority list may help bring it into reality. There are big differences in the Comprehensive Plan vs. zoning, it is a daunting task thus the prioritizing may help bring it into reality. Ms . Schneider stated she understands environmental but does not understand economic . She wondered how the distribution of low income would be established. The income base for taxes is based on housing. Is there a standard to determine this mixture, this was mentioned several times in the plan. Mr. Coogan stated the Corridor study looked at housing broadly. Ed Marx (County Planning) looked at nodes along the corridor. They are not happy Jacksonville and T-burg are so close, however they looked at the development along Route 96 . Holochuk Homes are going in near the hospital area, Overlook Hills is the second area, and Ridgecrest is the third area they are looking at. They looked at Jacksonville as an area the multiple homes, subdivision' s that could go in . By looking at how many houses could be developed alongside the nodes they can plan for 10- 15 homes. This study incorporated the Village; they did not include the Main Street portion due to the changes made with the Main Street project. Planning Board 4 09/ 16/2008 A discussion of the economic impacts, zoning would work with infrastructure, water systems, public transportation. There are areas to look at i . e. conservation district-limit the size of the housing footprint, by right of permit 1400 square feet is allowed. If a bigger house is desired-treat it as a commercial business, it has to go through site plan, full SWP . A 3000 square foot business needs full site plan a 6000 square foot house is given a building permit. These are strategies to visit when they review the conservation district. The Comprehensive Plan needs to allow space for residential and business . The feeling that the economic impact is being addressed was decided. Ms . Schneider stated she was concerned with lake lots . There are several items happening one is whole structures on docks on the lakes, another is the purchase of one property then building a mini-community along the road. The pressure to get access to lake front and own lake front property is immense. They are called keyhole properties . There would be 8 - 10 boats . She does not have a lot of details but could obtain information. A discussion of why would this be a concern, a mini-marine would be created, is this something the Town wants . Lakefront zoning is a priority for many members, would the prevention of this type of building be an issue . Subdivision would be activated if more than 3 lots . Ithaca is creating lake front zoning, this may be a template for them. The Cayuga Lake Watershed Network dedicated a section in their newsletter to this type of development Ms . Schneider will try to get a copy of this. The Oak Harbor development on Route 89, which is Covert Township, would be a close property. This is more of traditional subdivision and home owner sharing a dock. One lot would be on the lake the rest of the property may be across the street. Then they would not have lake front property for tax bases . But they would technically be along the lake. If you come down the lake along the shoreline you would not see a house but may have a dock with 5 -6 boats which resemble a small marina. Mother item is limited access along the lake, would it may sense to buy property and make a small public access area other than Taughnannock. They realize it is pie in the sky but would it be a recommendation. A discussion of this cost was held. • Ms . Schneider noted that there are three pages dedicated to protecting natural habitats, natural resources, tourism etc. yet the UNA ' s are buried in three pages of protection plans . Mr. Wertis stated he would be hard pressed to identify the specific areas in the Town of Ulysses . Ms. Schneider stated they have been identified as valuable assets, this Board has been examining this for 6 months and this document does not really address these areas . Mr. Wertis stated the Town has never recognized them as an asset. Ms . Schneider stated they are one of our strongest assets. Mr. Hawkes stated they could recommend it as an action item. Specifically mention these areas and recognize the UNA' s as assets of this Town. He asked if there were a map of UNA ' s available . Mr. Coogan stated it is in a notebook provided by the County. He showed the book with the description of each UNA, why each is important with maps of all of these . Mr. Zeserson asked if there were additional copies of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Coogan stated it is available for viewing on the Town website but limited copies were provided for review. Mr. Zeserson stated the minutes for 07/ 15/08 and 08/05/08 needed to be approved. Mr. Zeserson MADE the MOTION to approve, Ms. Schneider SECONDED the motion. Planning Board 5 09/ 16/2008 All members VOTED IN FAVOR, Minutes approved. Mr. Wertis asked if he and Mr. Hawkes would be responsible for getting the recommendations to the Comprehensive Plan Committee. Ms. Schneider stated she would be compile the recommendations and forward it to Mr. Zeserson for review who could then submit them to the members for comments. The members agreed this would be an acceptable method . There will not be a working meeting the first part of October, the next meeting scheduled is October 21 , 2008 . The listing of recommendation to Comprehensive Plan Committee. 1 . Recommend they combine Conservation Area and Environmental Protection Area to just being listed as a Conservation Area. 2 . Recommend the Comprehensive Plan Committee pull the inaccurate map or at the very least rename the map to tax assessment vs . existing conditions to better reflect the actual source of the map . 3 . Recommend reference in Section 1 . 2 Page 16 reference ground water. This section makes no reference to ground water underlying the Town. Many residents depend on wells for their water needs and the village also utilizes a well . The protection of quantity of ground water, for example preserving open space which acts as a recharge to ground water and preventing over withdrawal by a few users . Also, protection of quality of ground water by preventing ground water pollution by septic , agricultural practices and or commercial contaminants such as dry cleaning or automotive waste should be a priority goal for the Comprehensive Plan . Recommend this be translated into an action statement and inserted into this listing in the Comprehensive Plan. 4 . Recommend listing high priority items listed in the Comprehensive Plan. 5 . Recommend examining lake front zoning as a priority item. Including but not limited to dock size, building on docks and keyhole property formation. 6 . Recommend recognize DNA ' s as valuable asset of the Town, action item be added to preserve the UNA' s . Provide a copy of UNA ' s with the maps as listed by the County for Town of Ulysses . Respectfully submitted, Robin Carlisle Peck Secretary 09/21 /08 Planning Board 6 09/ 16/2008