HomeMy WebLinkAboutLL 09 of 2002 Tax Exemption for Disabled Persons.pdf^TOWN OF ITHACA LOCAL LAW NO.9 OF THE YEAR 2002 A LOCAL LAW INCREASING THE INCOME LIMITATIONS FOR THE PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY DISABLED PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOMES Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca as follows: 1.This law is enacted pursuant toSection 459-c of theRealPropertyTaxLawoftheState of New York as amended through Chapter 201 of the Laws of 2002. 2. Pursuant to the provisions of Section459-c of theReal PropertyTax Law of the State of New York, real property located in the Town of Ithaca, owned by one or more persons with disabilities asdefined inSection 459-c, orby ahusband,wife,orboth,or bysiblings, at least one of whom has such a disability, and whose income is limited by reason of such disability, shall be parti£illy exemptfrom teixation by saidTownfor theapplicabletaxesspecified in saidSection 459-c based upon the income of the owner or combined incomes of the owners. Such partial exemption shall be to the extent set forth in the schedule following: ANNUAL INCOME OF OWNER PERCENTAGE ASSESSED OR COMBINED ANNUAL INCOME VALUATION EXEMPT OF OWNERS FROM TAXATION Up to and including $21,500.00 50% More than $21,500.00 but less than $22,500.00 45% $22,500.00 or more but less than $23,500.00 40% $23,500.00 or more but less than $24,500.00 35% $24,500.00 or more but less than $25,400.00 30% $25,400.00 or more but less than $26,300.00 25% $26,300.00 or more but less than $27,200.00 20% $27,200.00 or more but Tax Exemption for Persons with Disabilities Local Law2;JCB Ithaca locallaws.November 12.2002 9:13AM less than $28,100.00 15% $28,100.00 or more but less than $29,000.00 10% $29,000.00 or more but less than $29,900.00 5% The partial exemption provided by this law shall,however,be limited to such property and persons as meet theconditions, qualification, exclusions andlimitationssetforthinSection459-coftheReal PropertyTaxLaw oftheState of NewYork. Thislocallawshallbeadministeredinaccordancewith said section of the Real Property Tax Law as now adopted and as it may be amended from time to time,and the provisions of said section shall be applicable to the effectuation of the exemption provided for in this local law.Without limiting the foregoing,the partial exemption authorized by this local law shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of Section 459-c and shall not apply to real property for which a partial exemption has been received pursuant to the provisions of Section 467 of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York as applied to the Town of Ithaca by the provisions ofTownof Ithaca Local Law No.1of theyear 1971 as amended from time to time. 3.Application forsuch exemption mustbemadebythe owner,or allof the owners ofthe property onforms prescribed bytheStateBoardofEqualization andAssessmentoftheStateofNew York (or any successor agency)tobe furnished by the appropriate assessing authority and shall furnish the information andbe executed in the manner required or prescribed in such forms,and shall be filed insuch assessor's office onor before the appropriate taxable status date. 4.Any conviction of having made any willful false statement of the application for such exemption shall be punishable bya fine ofnot more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)and shall disqualify the applicant or applicants from further exemption for a period of five (5)years. 5.This local law shall become effective asset forth below and shall apply to assessment rolls preparedon thebasisof taxablestatusdatesoccurringon or afterMarch 1,2003 6.If any provision of this law is found invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction,such invalidityshallnot affectany otherprovisionsof thislocal lawwhichshallremaininfullforce and effect. 7. This locallaw shall takeeffect immediately.