HomeMy WebLinkAboutLL 02 of 2002 Amend LL 1 of 1987 to Permit Food Proc in SLUD 4.pdfTOWN OF ITHACA LOCAL LAW NO.2 OF THE YEAR 2002 A LOCAL lAW AMENDING LOCAL I AW NUMBER 1 OF THE YEAR 1987 TO PERMIT LIMITED FOOD PROCESSING ACTIVITIES IN SPECIAL I AND USE DISTRICF NUMBER 4 (FORMER CORNELL STATLER WEST COMPLEX)LOCATED OFF OF ROUTE 96 Be il enacted by the l"o\vn Bojird of tlie Town oF Ithaca iis Ibllows: Section 1.The i)rovisions ol subdivision (e)contained in the section ol Local Diw No. I ol" the yciu"1987 numbered 2, which section beginswiththe phrase ATlie uses permitted in Spechil Duid Use District No. 4 are@ m e mnended by adding a new sub-subpanigi aph (iii)reading as Follows: "(iii)Wholesale processing and distribution oF seitan (a baked vegetarimi wheat based product),toFu,mid soy milk,subject to the conditions that such uses, in the a^egjite sluill not: (A)Occupy more thmi 2400 squme Feet ol interior building siiace;mid (B)Engender more thmi sixvehicle trips (For this purpose a vehicle trip sluill iiiemi a round trip onto mid oil the premises)per week in connection with deliveries related to such uses, including jill vehicle trips related to the deliveiy to the premises oFraw materijils used in such processing mid rill vehicle trips related to the deliveiy oFthe linished product to locations olToFthe premise;and (G)Involve more thmi Four employees in the conduct oFsuch uses.® Section 2.IFmiy provision ol this lawis Found invalid by any court oFcompetent jurisdiction, such invalidity sluill not rillect miy other provisions oFthis local lawwhich shall remain in Full Force mid ellect. Section 3.This local lawshall take ellect upon itsfilingwith the Secretaiy oFState oFthe State ol New York or iiublication oFsmiic in the ollicial newspaper,whichever occurs later.