HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 LL 2 - Standard of Conduct for Employees L�Y'(C, - Local Law No. 2 A Local Ow establ-ishing stendar'iJs of !.Iondijc,,t Cor of.'Cil!>ers and. emp1,,),lees of the Tonwa aT Ithaca,, BE IT EKAC'F.)-'U1 by the Tovin T:31--crd c!if th-? Towln� W, �[ tl'nac@ f A Lows., Section 1. Pursunn,L to the proYsIx, of secUon ejght� 1,iundred Gien.erql Lerw, the lloI�,ln Board ctthe of Ithoc"a, riecognis t1,�nt there are Mac of cotton! canduct for public officers and empLoyeles vflnictln inist be A,,,s&rved if' i hag.hl degree of morK conduct is to be c)btaincct ,-cind if pubt.i(, con!['lden(�(,? is Q be Wntained in our unit of loc,,iL governmen'L, It is thie purpose of this local Law or promulgate tiese rules of eticic,al conduct for the Dfficers and empiqlVees of ttic `Pcd,nn of Dc,?voca. 11`�h c se rules shal I serve as a guida for !,,ifflolaL conduct cff this Offloors and employees of the Town of 1thstca. The 1r1.,,Les cif' eth5.cal corvcli:dct of this local law ms adopted, shalt. nict. c, maflict; W,',t1'�t, lout S"'I'aLl I be in addition to any prohibition of article Aghtemi A the General, MunicipaL Law or any other general o�,r law reLatin'p, to c,,i,rnduct aind Listerest in contracts of nuu-lJ.cJp:ll af'f'J,ce'1rs �ai,1cl, innployees, Section 2 Def! 11 U on, (a) 1'ttuniicl.pah Dffl,cej!, or Etnplo�,,vee" of t�,Je' l'ccwn :![Lhaca� p��dd 101c, MOslis FAr 5 unpaid, including members of ary administrative Mant commiss'ctn or other agency thereof. No p, roan she] L IDe dieiei,,ned �z� be a mucilclp,aL officer or empLoyee solely by reasan of—being a WkuAeer Fireman or nivil defense volunteer, exeapt a W cnX&&er or assistant, chief engineer, (b) ".lDnit,'n-est" mleans a pecl,unll.7 y Or material benefi,t accruing Lo n municipal officer on ernprayee urless zthe context Kherwise rwqdres, Section 3, Standnrds of CAcn& -, L,, cff�',,,cer� cur ern�pJ.oyiai!, of thie 1- -s,,: ,j� 7,,-,'r a,-nd by the ing standards of conduct, but in determfUng whethyr .or KNA there Mn been compUanco Wh such standards . there be tn��ein Unto acco�,nic whether or nQ suQ; person acted tc the beer of WS lunWedEyi Prior- motion and belief, and wheb!ne:r 1,,1s actelft Ln good Cat-th: ;1 n UL ft s shell not dirzctLy or Urdirectly, solAcit any �,)r recel-,,,�e aIy gI`t hyving ), I,ralute of a:c More whoLh)et, in t1he :r-,rri of' mcne,,y s +r... yIcvasr r- vices, loan, travel , entertainment, hovpitali ty, thiny, c,r proaLc, , or any other form, under cirownstances in ` t c, ) i I d rensonabQ,,, be inferred that the gift was in,fluence, h,'Lm, or, .11 reasanHbly be expect to Wfluence hlm,, in t'ne perf")Zur,uace ot, official dut! s or was intended as a fc,�c, qny DfTlclwal actJor, an hi-s part. nn, idFient4-at- ic � ,c�ll nconfLdent!W , ffic-,-il dutl.cs or use such informatior t ) fur ner his personal- interesQ, 10 Ropresentation Bef',,,�re One's A,,jenr:,,,L, 7 not rece5ve , or enter inwo cjw�,� T� eqc'ess ar I.CI for com,p .nsatlon for services to be rendered La relahimi 03 ary matte-r before any municipal agency of KIM he is an Wficar. member o.,r employee or of any monicipal agency ;nTr MAr he W lc11"., t;.v htl hr's thc.,, 'GO a,rx1c,1,-nt any C)r employee Q 22pLytaiation More any kgwi­ nn, w, GioOdrigent Poe. He shall not ent ar imoKed fas, ccnvensatlan for services be rendi.r&:J ir rclatjoa to any matter before any agency Ot' "IiS hl,,s compensation is to be dependenn or, cDOingmt uMan a;4—actlon Q,,, such agency w1th respect to such matter, provIded Ovit this pare graph ME not prohitiLt the fixing at any MY W Mes based ra e cf titer_ servj, , re,,ridered. (e) DI-sclosure of Interest Q Ingislatiart. IR) Q a� exbent thai., hia krnowb Mn "i,", 7....... rq n B ciq 'rjrj ai.V of.f:'Lcer or inpl,oyee or the lcwr,. of 7 Lhaca_ wh(­.itht,,,r paid i)r, unpal.d,, w�:,l who partWipates in the discussLion or giveo MUM opinion to t "e 11'.'O"vlra [3',_)aard an i, be.fori, th,,-. Tol,,�tn 13tl�)imrd sl"cOL publicly disclose on the oMOK record tie natu,.re and exterit of any fin an& M inWre,,it he Inis in such legls] qtJon. (f) Envestments in Danflict �?cLth Offl,cia-, Dutles. Flo Mal 1 riot V�n,,6Ft or T"Ti TTT�;'T t I in any financial, bakines, commercial or Kher primte twansaci:Lon which creates a conflict W! W! 100 MUM! duties, pp PrOmto Emi,�Io,yrier)L. He sh,aL! nct, engage in, 77777 -------------- i �ept roriie loyatent Or solicib, ne�q4otisf;_F­ w 7m7� promise to , r� craterrip render services for private intorests when muM employment or service creates a confUct with ca, 1.qp7Jc1.s the prqper d-I.s(n)argle of Irri (h) 11jure lypinment. He MmIl rmt, after the ter- mination of service such Tnu.riicipalt.ty, appe�ar before nny board or agency of the Town of Ithacs Ln relation to any case, proceeding or applKat.,iroi in 'vv!,.:.lch hepersonally rrar­ ticipated during the period of his services or mqUoymeant or which was unde', his act. ve consideration, Section 4. Nothing herein shall be, denined fu) bar or pre- ven t t he' '773_tT�Tt/__f i 1..1,n g by a p r e s ent:; o r ('c rm a r rn uni c i.p a1.. o ff 1.:e r or employee of any c i aim, account, rkma" or suit agaInst the Wwn of Ithaca, or any agency thereof of behalS of himself ar Fnq member of his family nrising out of any pex,mrrin,_ injury or property damage or for any lawful benefit authorized or permUted by I= Section 5. Distribubion of Code of EMcm, The Supervisor of the s, ccide W ethUs to be distributed to every officer anf.1 eirrip"Loyee oJ=" the Town uai' thin thirty days after the effective date of this Wcal Low. EaNt officer and enTlayce elected or npp(:!intc,­,J. th ,reafter shal.]. be furnished a nopy before entering u.pon the duties of 'his Off"Ice o'r employment, Section, 6. Pena'l t l-e,s. -1n add�ltion to any penalty con- a tined 67'er p'T"",T-FT 17575' of i,a w, all,)T pe�_rson who shall krorm'Llag- ly said intenticvially MY& any of tire 4,,)ravisl.ioris of t1h:Ls, corle ma,y, be fined, suupended or removed fr.,,-mm of"Pi('"e or eni�i)".Loyment, as the cnoe may. be. W the nmnnwprandded by Qw. Section 7. Effective .that ThJs local ]-aw shall talre e:ffect as p-rovirt.c-d in section twenty- seven of the MumWipal Homo Rule low, Adopted by the TownBa�ard� of thus 'tPown of i thaca on December 'T, 1�)'"(O.