HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 LL 05 - Amend Zoning for Certain Administrative Matters (Please Use this conn for riling your Local Law with Ii►e Secretary of Stale) Text of law should be given as amended. Do not Include matter being elh►dnated and do not use italics or m1dedh►ing to indicate new matter. �or» Ithaca «......»...««...«._.«..««.. Town »».«»...».....«.«...................«» «..,...«.....«....»..». Local Law No...»«..««.5............. ..«.«...«.«»«».or the rear i9 A local law.,«TO»AM1ND SECTION,75_Or THE••ZONING ORDINANCE IN «»,».»,««,.u.«.««,«..»«,»..«..»«,»»,««»«,«».«w,»»»«»»..»«,. � trMwl nit�) RESPECT TO CERTAIN ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Be It enacted by tho ..».«.»»....«.. TownBoard ....«»«»»»»»......«»»»»..».»..».,..»»»..»..»of the (memo Gf WISWIV4 1164r) �er,. ««»...«......».......«.....«Ithaca.........«....»...»»...».»..«.««...«».»....»»»..»..»..as follows; Tows ............. . The Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Ithaca as readopted, amended, and revised, effective February 26, 1969, and subsequently amended, be further amended as follows: 1. Article XIV, Section 75, first paragraph, is deleted, and the following paragraphs inserted to read as follows: "Section 75. Permit to Build. No principal building or accessory building, nor any other structure, including but not limited to, tanks, power and pump stations, swinming pools, and signs (except: as permitted by the Town of Ithaca Sign Law), in any district, shall be begun, erected, constructed, enlarged, impmved, renovated, repaired, or altered, without a permit to build, issued by the person designated by the Town Board, except that no building permit shall be required for: 1. Repairs, alterations, or renovations to existing buildings provided that the repairs, alterations, or renovations: (a) cost less than $10,000.00; (b) do not materially affect structural features of the building; MW additional space is needed,please attach shects or the some size as this and nu►oher each):" (c) do not affect fire safety features such as Broke detectors, sprinklers, required fire separations and exits; (d) do not involve the installation or extension of electrical, plumbing, or heating systems; and (e) do not include the installation of solid fuel burning heating appliances and associated chimneys and flues. 2. An accessory building in an agricultural or residential district, provided that such building: (a) costs less than $3,000.00; (b) is less than 12 feet in Might; (c) does not involve the installation or extension of electrical, plumbing, or heating systems; and (d) does not include the installation of solid fuel !Warning heating appliances and associated chimneys and flues. 3. Parking spaces in R5, R9, R15, R30, and agricultural districts provided that such parking spaces cost less than $10,000.00. This waiver of the permit to build requirement for alterations, accessory buildings, and parking spaces shall in no case relieve the property owner from am pliance with other provisions of this ordinance or of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, or any successor ordinances or statutes. 2. Article XIV, Section 75, second paragraph (excluding the second paragraph added by the amendment above) is amended to read as follows., "No permit to build shall be issued except pursuant to written order of the Board of Appeals, where the proposed construction, alteration, or use would be in violation of any provision of this ordinance. No such permit shall be issued, except pursuant to written order of the appropriate authority granting variances where the proposed construction, alteration, or use would be in violation of any provision of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code or any successor statute." This local law shall take effect twenty days after its adoption. Page la (Complete the certification in the parographwhich applies to the filing of thislocal low slid strike out the matter therein which is not applicable.) t. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.) 989of1 hereby certify that the focal law annexed hereto,designated as local law No.».... ........of 19A9- of tbeof«.»......Ithaca was duty passed by tire..........Towct Board , p,« «» Town (name of Legis............................. ative U+dyi SeaCember ll, 19 89 in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval or no disapproval by Elective Chief Executive Officer," or repassage after disapproval.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto.designated as local law No.....................or 19........ County of the 'Town Citof»»...«».«».......»».«....«..was duly passed by the.............. ...«» .I.........»..»...... (Neem e(Legislative aedr) Village not disapproved on..................«..............................19........ and was approved by the«...............,..,..........»............ ........ repassed after disapproval t lash{:e Cblat Be+emrre Wticet• and was deemed duly adopted on..........................»....................»......19........, In accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 3. (Final adoption by referendum.) i herebycertify that Ilse local low annexed hereto,designatedas local law No...»....«..«.... of 19.......... County of the City of........«..».:»...»..««.»......oras duly passed by the..............»...i m„ Down (ri,m.of Legislative Body) +»«•• •«« « Village not disapproved on.........................«.......,...............19........ and was approved by tre...................,....................,.....,..,.�......... repassed after disapproval Efaet{:e Ckld�e+eath+tNina+r an...............................................«.....«.............I9........Such local low was submitted to the people by reason of a mandatory ref perndssierendurn,and received'the affirmative vote of a inajority of life qualified electors voting ve general thereon at the special election held on..........................••... ...............«...19........,in nceardance with the appli- annual cable provisions of low. 4. (Subject to permissive rotetondum,aod final adoption becauso no vaild petition filed rohpuosting referendum.) i hereby certify that thelocnl law annexed hereto,dosignatedas local low No................. of 19......... County i City Of the Town of..............�....«.»«..«......was duly passed by the»».........«...«.....«.«......................««...»».»..««..» «..on (Nese of Legislative Iledr) Village not disapproved «..,.«.......«..........»».»..19.»..... and was approved by theon . ».. .. «............. ..... .. .. ....... ..... . repassed after disapproval Elsa{v+Ch{c(C+e+e1{v+Wt{oar" ....•««.»,«,»,«...........«.».«....19......... Such local law being subject to a permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum having been filed,said local low was deemed duly adopted on »......«........««...».«.....»....,»»..............«....«..19.......,in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. N 00eclive Chief Executive Officer mesas or hndades the chief executive officer of a county elected on a countywide basis or,if there be now.the chairman of the county leghistive body,the mayor of a city or village of the supervisor of a town, where luck opker 4 vested with power to approve or veto local taws or ordtmsaees. Page 2 3. (Cite local taw concerning Charter revision proposod by petition.) I hereby certify that the local lava annexed hereto,designated na local law No.....................of 19........ of the City of...........................................»............................having been sulm►itied to referendum pursuant to lite provisions of 4 3i of ilia Municipal liome little Lnw,nud having received the affirmative vote of a majority of ilia qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the special election held on.................... general ...., .. ...............19........»»became operative. 6. (County local taw concerning adoption of Charter.) — 1 hereby certify that lite local law annexed hereto,designated as[.scat Low No.......of 19......of die County of ......................................... State of New York, having been submitted to ilia Electors at Ilse General Election of November........... 19...........pursuant to subdivisions 5 slid 7 of Section 33 of ilia Muni- cipal House little Law.and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of lite qualified electors of the cities of said county as a unit slid of a majority of Ute qualified electors of lite towns of said county considered as a unit voting at said general election,beCanle operative. (it any other authorized form of filial adoption has heeu followed, plomse provide an appropriate certification.) W 1 further certify that 1 have comptsred the preceding local law with the original on file in this office slid that the same Is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such originnl local law,and was finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph.......... ...............above. Town on"Clerkall Date: September 14, 1989 (Seal) (Certifteation to be executed by County Attorney;Corporation Counsel,Town Attorney,Village Attorney of other authorised Attorney of locality.) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF... Tomkins .,,,,.»,» 1, the underaigaed, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto. 1{14pois John Barney .... Town�AttorneY.............. nor Oaten /0 t1AV War.... Ithaca Town Page 3