HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Traffic & Parking TOI ORDINANCE MEM)ING AND RESTA"TIM3 ORDf. 101�'A,N(1�� REGLMATING 11111RAFFIC AND PARKING [N THE T11]1'VRT ()F ITHACA Pursuant to SeMan 130 W the Town Law of the Ste of Y'ork, and Seatimi,N, 1660 of the Ve1nicle and Traffic La,,,r at the: State Id�)f New York, the Town B(�)&rd d)f t�he Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County,, Nevi Yo11 k1j, does ordWn and enact as follaws. 1111ais or(ftiriance ishall be applicable to all territary withiin tjaeIIrII wii of Ithaca outshle dmf the bacorporated Village a)f Cay-uga Heights. Sewd= c Tliis ordinaince amends and restates the traffba ord1inance of the Town of Ithaaa adop'k�!edSe�p��anfloer 7, 1961 effeative September 26, 1161 and restated and readopted F�ebr�,,iary 8, 1,988, eHeative February 23, 1988,arid amieaiinie�nts thereto and to, the e��ctent.tfiie pro:)visioris of sa,id e&rUer ardironces conflict with the ordinance mt forth heratin, dhis ord0ance shW11 govern. Sentima 3. EI jjjg. YtjAg:jg§. The parking of matarvehicfes or any Part the,reof on the paved perUan of Tawn highways, or upon the shoWder or upon or in any Mboh idjiimnjng said highways, is laraidbitedin aU of the folfd iwLii!'cj lioc�adoniai (a) On both sides ot McIntyre Plai��e. (b) On both sides of ludd Falls Rowl f rairri, it;�!s intersection iiaith R��)ad, to its interseal:ion, Fore�!�;t Honte Drive. (C) On both.stAes of Pleasant Grove Road frorn '1:1 iiie Village o,f C.'ayuga liii-a-ights line to the intersection Wth Forest Il on,ii,e Drj%te (PoB.Xte 392). (d) On botla sides of Sn:yder M Rmad ft°onk the Tovn'i of Drilden Une to the interseCtioll Vfith Pirm 111'ree Road. (e) Ma both sides of Judd Falls Road from Route 366 southenrly to the raj.Li�.,oad ave:irpass. (f) On botb.ides of Coddington Road from the City ,liii'ie to t1ne ente):Iine of the interselirtion hr,)ith Riii��h Ri!)ad extended Ori the East side of Coddington, Rd wad the addUa of tlie shnaildier is threle feet. (g) On this siouth side of 1,fl b°iii ell Street front the Town oI h,aca Unit. easterly to Fine Tree Boad. (h) On the side of Mitchell Streetfro mm. the 11rown of lflwaline easterly tt�.d JuWd Fzdls Rcair�l ()ru ltd�)Un Wes of Judd Falls MadfnNi�i its intersection witin 1111ower Road tol, its inl.d!.rsectiari maith New York State Rm,tte 3615. (j), On both sides of Sharlene Drive front Snyder HLU RaW to Eas'l:errl Dri°vq�w during the Wxrs of 3 a.�iv. to (3 a,.urn,, daily. (k) OnAoV'i isides cif Eastern Heights Drive friorn !l:ahazlene Dri've to the nola or future town road rLIVIYUMg southRrly Min Eastern Beights Drive shown as hature Nan,cy Streli!at, on the Own of Ithaca tax. ri�iapis, d ,Iritlg t�fhe hn ..trs rif 3, aad,m,, tial 6 a in. iijaily. G) On south side of Roat Street rumning westerly fin= Blaclvstiinf°I Avenue to the teriminuts of Moat Street, durfi''og the hours of I aan., 'to 6 a.m,, daily. (ra) On Inoth sides of Btn,,,ns Road frorrii: Mew ll'ark State Routle '"79 west tio the bridge over Six Me Creek and Wn the bridgle over Slo� 1,Tilie Creek 5@0 Trathaord, wp5l dth, 08,,, 28','',92 10:0.Llffl fewt further xwest. (n) On both sides of Winthrop Drive from the eastu cly e�i�ftrance to the Northeast School parldng lot northerly and i„ies";exiy to the westerly mitrance to thie Northeast Schna�)l parkiing lolt and an tho�� no,i:th�erljr side of )Pfhithrqp D,�rTiiiie f ri!�= Viiii!�a westerhr entrat'ice to tiv� Noxllieast, Scholod parking lot viesterly, to the intersectlon of WinthrqUrive ali'.Id Branly'wine Road. (a) Mi the south side of Maple Airetitie from, the City of Ithaca line Ua the intersectian vrith Jn,id�i Falls Road. (p) On the north and rwrtheasterhr side of btaple Avenue frorn ttlile Mt y line to a point 50 lir ll,north we stie�rLy of the ritersection of n[ortheasterly line cif Maple and the center K of the East Ithaca Bikeway, whi&h Bjksa aayruns northerly tini:= l4aple Avenue frair. a point lx)cated across Maple A,n,ei�iue trom, a pli:4rit 90 feet northwesterly' QNn the nartli corner of the Eastlawn Caimete°i-y, said Bilceiaay rt,unAng northerly' front said point across Tonni of Ithaca Mc parcel, Nisi, 6;3-2--5 and ii.iltimately terodnathig at I)ryden Road (said Bilceway hereinafter reArred to in this Ordinanceas the "Eiast Ithaca Bilie'liway"). (q) On the k,mrtheastierly side of IMpole Aooet'nie front a point 50 feet southeastehIr of the intersection aafsaid line vrit'i the center line of the East Ithaca Bikeway to the t)f n!:xth Une of llaplie Avenue and then west Hne of Judd FaRs Road. (r) 1F,zir a perind in exc�es ; of th�i:ee hours on the northeasti:�alyide of Majole Avenue front a paint 50 feet narthwest ci,f the intersection of the northeasterly litvui of Maple Avenue with the center tunas of the East�. ItharoaMewal( to a paint 50 feet southeast a:d the haterw�;ectiion of raid norti)east,er,ly line of Haple Avenue with the center Una of the Mast Ithaca Bikeway. Seg!�211_1. �,tgpp�p�g-2t”z2t2K nie stopdpi Lag of atotor viehicles, oth�!n:, then in aciordwace n,iitli lierected trafha control, iil a or as may be required by trafhn candid.ons, is jpx,d:)hibjted in the fallwaWgIncatimisg (a) Butterm!Dc Fads Road Palest in its entit:ety,, (k))� Butternffk Falls Road East ins its entirety. jai "m.as L"'i 1117hie tinterisectilions enumArged on Sc1aedule A annexed I - �192 Lam�� hereU) are designated as Mp intiers�,L�ctbmis exid stoja siigriPs are ordered instalIii�ol �0, the entrance U' , su: h fiitersectix"ois as set forth tin Bithedule 11 The in tersectiaia,s set, farth on the &nina xed Schedule B are designated Eu3 ldeld intilrseftions and ,yield sig�tis are ot:dered installed at entrances bo such intersections as set fior'Lh on 1pa lnanrfuil B. (a) Any "violations of sectrons 3 awi 4 snall, constitute a trafftio infraction 2 wp,51 Uth, 0&,,%28,/92 10,oO2,arry and any persons violatirig the sa]TV.' hall Joe deemed guilty of a traffic infractjor!ii and fl all be punishable by a4ine of nnt awre thaan $5&00 mir by Jamprismament for not inare than.15 days or by both such fine and iangdsonment. (b) Whirs to abser;e the slganu!;n erecti!�nd in acoorda�O:)w,:ie witiii wadi„ctjiorls 5 Or 6 shaUlas treated as a trafficir�ifractiaii'i anJaall be punished as set forth in the %te1hicle and irraffic Lav7 of tiz,: State of Ne'vr York, sec ti2n 9. (a) Any vehicle parked or idbandoned an any highway, withLin the Tod wn of Rhaca that h1aiders orimpah,,��� 'th,e ability af Che personnial of the fciwn of Ithaca, or auay other goverruiniiintal ager),! y, to xespii�nid to a anow� torm, fWn.d, Ere or other accunvnce to whilia-h a prampt riesponsle is ne�,�ressary or alestrable, imay Joe rezno,ved by the To,arp inf Ithaca,, (b), kjay vehicle fizin,tnd uriattended an any highway vrlth,ii!i, t1ae :Nmvin of Ithaca DOW con shut an abstructAn to WNW may Joe rerft(Xved h)y the Town, cfIthaca, (C) Any vnnhicle parked car abandoned on any hQjhTaay within the rc,vrn, af Ithaca n,ihiere stopping, standing or parl,°Ang is pro1ifbited, ii!tay be reiatii:�ved 1)y th nwwnlln of Ithwa. The Taw�i�,iof Ithaca niiay stiore any removed pursuant to Sectic",)n u) nn a staitWe jQace atth,is ex�Jpense a:d the dawner, The oxiner,or person in charge of the vehhale, may indeern Uho�n same aaj�nion payntent to the Tman of Ithaca of the amount of all expenses actua�11y and necessarily Scurred W. effecting SUch, remnvaL N2w �n—e The Town of ItJ''iaca shall replort proniptly, the reraolital and disposition of amy vehicle pr.ir!�5uant to Sections 8 anfl 3 tie Uie (7,inunty Sheriff. The Tanna shall naso ascertain, to the exterdpossible, tl�,ne i�nnoer of Crim Vehicle or piersionhaving—�he rehicle in charge an�,J nal<��� reasai��iable efforts by mall to notif y that per nn of the removal &rn d disposition at the �ir(,�!hicle airid of the amount reai,u,drei!l 1.10 ria(leem the vo�hiclaln,, Egyalew. Vae owner, or the perm)nin, n harge,j, of a vehiiinIe that has been remloved Section 8 may request a heariai,tg to clr�ialietage tl,ie assessment of any expense imposed pursuant to Seadon 9. ThA request for a hearing shall be in writing and s1hall Joe flleal with the Town Clerk n,\70�hhrififtiien (15) days of nec,ekving notli-,e of the rvmoval of the ve�J''dclie. The hearing shall be held within ten PZ) days after tire request has been fUed. ' he hearing s1hall be ciom�]t�nateal by, the Dmdin St.ipe 'in mor or any other imparUal pie rsan de' iginated Joy the Town S,ap!�n:visor, The scope of thie hearing shall. he so]euly to determine Nvother the zvnwvaL of the lirehacle was authorized by Sectlion 8,. The sole effIct of a determti,mtion tI,pat 3 Trafficxx%l, �T51 Uth, 4..)8,,,'28,,`9,2 10:03ain ri:m ov,:R1 of tliie vehicle vials nii:'Ot authiox-ized by Sectb�n'i 8, shail be that tlie ovmer ilwr, persolin in ch,arge of the vehicle 1115hall no�t be responsEale for the expensies of to'%aixig lotA ing iri tliai�115 ordinanice is intemled to ffe<�t he UaDilitof aty l �iid stox'age,,, 'I of lt'taca for airy di:.Unage diane to any, vehicle durb,'�g ti)� ,'Iing or storag'e,, Siiw,,ctiii�x 12. Ef e�Aivii�� Date,, - 11 -!n A— (a "rhis i)rdinanii'lle shall b11B effec�Ive 110 "Izkys after wnd pt ft[].-Ia'g in aii,=rdanl,i�;Ili vckth Sei:1"Rs 0111:1 133 ii"A tlie 1111!)vni, L@w' exceptthosia pax-ts, if atvy, vrIati,:h are sli,xbjei�o"t to :,:3pprx,ral ulader Sectio'n 1684 of the Vimti:Ie aml ITr affiii* Law of thii:,B Stahl„ iDf Nie'w York- (relatAng to approval of traf,J]",C ciriritrii:d on, sta'�',e roads). (b) An'ljr part or, partz of ordim:::Ince which, are subjeat �;c.) appx�'oval undf.rr Sli,actili,)n 3684 of tlae Ilehicle arid Traffic LaT,,r of the State of brew, Yorl: shaU tal<e effecIt fro!im. andafter the day on Ta, ich appr� )iiipal iri vrrilti�ing is riece�rved frotti, the Ym)rl< State Dii:*artment of rraasp ortatii;m. *BE" 'T'Y P0,I)LE B E r V r Ii : r °'f f. 71t f �7L: E]"II'IIIS16` FIEBIZUAIRY ILO, 39912 Ilk, PUDIJSHKE,11:� FEBRUARY 201, 1992 riqi5tUth, 4M,",28/9,21' 10,I!04am 113CHEDULE A On B ix,(:h wood 1')x-ive at Sale m Drlvaa On Birchwoo(,l Drive North, at Salein, Drive On Birchw(xx], Drive South at Pinewood, Place, viestbound approach On Blackgftorm Avenue at lianshaw Rortd (Nort.hbotm;d and Sw ithbound) On at Roat Street, northbound approach On Blackstone Avenue at Ramat Street, southbounl,d apjr,)roac-h On. Blac,,,,kstone Avei vue at Christopher 1an _,, Vjr On Bli�ieg,ra,ss 1aarm C t, arren Road On Brandywine Drime at Christophex., Lane On old Burns Rlr,)a,d at" its sotit"h,bound approach, to the interselatian, with new Burris Broad On Burns Road at Coddington Road On Chase Lane at East King Road On C'It.ristorhe r Circle at 'Warren Road On Christopher Cjrcl(: (east" end) zit Christophel. Lane On Chxjztol�,aher Circle (,rvveE;t end) at Christopher LaIne On Cloveir Lalie at its intersection wit'h Mitchell Street On Concor�J, Place at Buxleigh Drive On, Coy Glen Road at Elm, Street, Ext. On Crest 1,arte at. its intersection wittx Warrf.rn Road On Culver Road at". BoE:;tvd.c,,k R.oad ()n Deerfield Place at Salem, Drive Ori1)eerfield Place alWinston Drive On. lDove Drive at it"s eatfterly intersection vrith Snyder MA Road On Dove Drive at its viesterly intersection wit'h Snyder H Road On Drew R(md at Woodgate Lane On Dzew Road at Sheffield Road On Evergreen Laine at Dubois RI(.md 0 ri, Fairway Drive at Warren Road On ForeE,ft Horne Drive at Caldwell Road On Forest Horne I)rive at "Tudd Fall,s Roax(J, aws:tboi in(l approacla On Forest Home Drive at Judd as Road,, westbounricl appxoacla On Forest Home Drive at Pleasant Grove Road, westbound approach On Forest, Horne Drive at' 'Warren Road, eastbouml approach On. Forest Horne Dr i've at Vlarren Rx�mnl, viesUmund appr,oacl°i On Garne Farmi, Road at Ell3 Hollow Road On Glenside Road at Coy ('31en Roa.d On lfac]4~ berry 1,ane at Coy, Glen Road On Halcyon Hil] at� ,Lts inn texsection, with Vlarren Road On liaa arrn'. IBlvd. at Min. Street Ext. On Harris B. Dates Drive as 1, As iur tersection� with 'FJridjarn. Creek Roa(,], On Harr,is 13. Dates Drive at., its intersection with thf.�m entrance x,,oad, to Tompkins Community Hospital On. th.e westerly extension of Harris BDates Drive (extending westerly to the Prof essix:mal BWJ,ding Drive) at As intersectilon with t"he north south portion 5 Txwf fbII.(-,w,rd, wp5l Uth, 08,128,,,"92 I0r08azn of Harris B. Dates Di:,P�ie On Haxwick Road at H(!Ainness Lane On Flarwick Road at Wildflower Drive On Honness Lane at Pine Tree Road On Hopkins Road at Bundy Road On liopkins Road at fiayts Road On Indian Creek Road at Dubois Ro.uad On Johr"i Street at Park I.,ane On Jtid(J Falls Road at 711ower Road, northbound approach On, Judd Falls Road at Tower Road, southbout"id approach On Jiad(l Falls Roadat", Arboreturi�i. Road On Juniper Drive at Coddington Road On Kay Street at" flanshaw Road On LaGrand Court at Chase Lane On Leu. u° Dx,,ive East at Btu.-leigh Drive On Lexington Drboe West at Bttrleigh Drive On Lisa Place at I isa Lane On Longview Drive at" Poole Road On ]A.aple Street at Judd Falls Road On Maplewood Da,idre at Sa],eiin Drive On 114cIntyre Place at Jludd Falls Road On McIntyre Place at I Forest Home DxIme 0�n lvhuiel. Street at" Ha'nshaw 'Road On Nod.thview Road at Coddington Road, On Nortktview Road Viesat Cod dington Road On Orchard Hill Road at Dubois Road 0n Orchar(l Street at Hanshaw Road C.)n Penny Lane at Abb<-uYr Road, eastbound arpproach On Perry Lane at Bundy Raad On Poole Road at Sheffield Road 0 a Regency an at Sriydex, Hill Road On. RiaWjrck Place at its northerly intersect iod with East Shore Drive Oruenwick Place at" its southerly intersection %,yrith EastShorr�,: Dri'vE:1 OrBch Road at Coington Road On RidgecxeStr Road at East King Road 0 n Iloat Street at flanshaw Road 0 n Rosehill Road at Muriel Street On Rosehill Road, at Winston Drive ()n &d.em Drive at Hanshaw Roard 01in Sapsi icker Woods Road at Hag,ishaw Road On St. Catherine Circle at Siena Drive On. Seven Mil,e Drive at Bostwick Road On Simsbury Drive at Brax'idywine I Drive Ot"i Snyder I'lill 1krad a,t its intersection with Elide Tree Road On Spruce 14ay at CcAdingtoia Road On Stone Quarry, Road at King Road West On Strawberry Hill Road at Wildflower Drive 6 Traffic,ard, wp,51 Uth, 08,,128192- 10:(9-9ajn ()n Stj[garbimffi Lane aAt Snyder Ibil, T(oad OrSummerhill L,anca at Ellis HoUciw Road On, Sycarim,)xe Drive at 1131alerrt Drive On Tareyton 1")rkre at Road,, northbound ap1proach, On I.rareyton Drive i:lt Rosel,idll Road, southbound aPproach Oin Terraceiriew, DrIve at Honness Lane Ori Terrace'view, Drive at Towerview Driv�:B,, heastbound approach On The Bywzky at its easterly, iritersection Witl"I Forest Horne Drive On The Byway at its westerly intersection with. ForestHw.ne Drive Ori Townline Road at, Sandbank Road On I Jl,,odike Road at Coddington Road On 11alley VieTa, Road, at ✓Elm, Stref:�t Ext. On Vera Cirwule at its northerly Lintersection with Wooclgate Lane On "ifera Circle at its southerly, intersection with Woodgate Lar)e Cori West Haven Road �:,Itt Elm Street Ext. On 'We:ftview Road at Towerview I)rive, north west"bou rid, approacki On Wlai:eta.,[], Dri've at its intersection wit-1111 East in Ro ad On, WhiteUdl I)rive at its intersectiori� with T,�roy Road On Wjldflcuwer Drive at Honn(Ms Lane On I(T,Lriston Court all, Salem Drive On Winston, (,our , at Win.,:;ton Drive On Winston Courl: where" the southerly portion, of Winston Coiurt running, east and west intersects the wei:5texly portion of Winston Cotix t r,u inning north and scwtlh On Winston Court at the so,atherly e:11nd of the raiddle por,ti,on, eA',' Winston Court u",71iickm rtins north 41nd south, On Winston Court at the northerly end of the middle port'ion of 14inston Court, wtdch ruris north and south On Wirxstoria. Cotirt. Tahere t1ae easterly end of 1Ire southeily portion of Winston Court runnirig east and ureast intersects the easterly portion of Winston Court running nort],,'I and south On Winstc�n Drive at Salem Drive On Winthrop Drive al", Warren Road On Woodgate Lane at Poole Road On Woolf Larre at its intersection with, Dubois Rc)ad Ori, Wyckoff Road at Renwick Heights RozAd Tratft��,,()rd? w1p5l Uth,, 08,,28192 10;10,am SCHED1,J]JE B 0n Blackstone Avenue at Sie�na Drive On Brandywine Dri've at Ww [nthrop Drive On Dove Drive, southbotind approach at the east end of 1.1h,easant Lane On East.ern Heights Drive at JoanrteDxive On sak,ptern Heights Drivau at Sharlene Drive, westlxpund approac:h On Eastern Heights Urive at Sharlenlxe, eastbouncl approach On Elim Street Ext. at Culver and Poole Roads Or�k Grolve Place at Grove Road On Grove Road at, Woolf Lane On the acm,-,,s road leading behind th,e Biggs Complex and Tornpli:ins Cotinty Hospital at botla of its intersectians (niortherly and southerly) with Harris B. Dates Drive On Hickory Place at Juniper Drive On HickoryPlace all, Rl,�uaevievr Terrar,:e On KendallAvenUe atPennsylvaxiia Avenue On 1,aindmark Drive at Eastern Heiglit s Drive On Landmark Drive at, Park 1,ane On Lisa Lane at' Texas Lane On Maplewood Dri've at Pixieviood Drive On the westl'ei:ly brancl,u of Northview, Boad at its soutlhi:aYly approach to the easterly branch of Northview Road 0 n Orctmrd Street at Roat Street (')aa Penny, Lane at Abbey�, Road,, vrestbound approach 0 r�iu PheasanLane at Dove Drive, eastboxmd approach 0 n Pheasant Lane at Dove Dl:ive, west"bound aRpproach On Pineview Terrace at, Junipe�r Drive On Pinewood Place, gat Birchwood Drive North On RenvAck Drive at Renwicl< Heights Road On St. Catherine Circle at Blackstmie Avieniae Din Sandra Pla(,,* at 14int1r'arop Drive Oaa Sharlei'm Road at", SnY der Hill Roacl 0 n Sharlene Road at" Tudor Road On. Sky Vue Road at Snyder If jil Road On lcllmyder Hill Road at the tuirn-off from Pine Tree Road 0n Survnyvieia Lane atTe,irraceview DrOM 0 n SunnyhUl, Lane al. Harwick Road 0 ri Sycamore Drive at Piriewood, Drive On Tudor Road at Park Lane On Whitetail Drive at Teton Court, westbotuiad approach r. fi 8 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF 'H .0TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON ALL THREE APPROACHED TO THE INTERSECTION OF TUDOR ROAD AND PARK LANE Pursuant to Section 130 of Town Law of the State of New York,, and Sectionn= of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, does ordain and enact as follows : Section 1 . Tftul' xzy�—.Lulftgl!�. This ordinance shall be applicable to all territory within the Town of Ithaca outside of the incorporated Village of Cayuga Heights . Section 2 . AmeR,A,,j,Rq,, The ordinance amending and restating ordinance regulating traffic and parking in the Town of Ithaca, adopted February 10, 1992 , is hereby amended as follows : ( a) There is hereby added to the list on Schedule A relating, to stop signs the following entries: "On Tudor Road at Park Lane'' "On Park Lane at Tudor Road, both approaches'' (b ) The list of yield signs an Schedule B is hereby amended by deleting the entry 'On Tudor Road at Park Lane'' Section 3. 99f ect.iv2--,-PA!,±,- This ordinance shall be effective 10 days after publication and posting in accordance with,, Section 133 of the Town Law. J 0 LENT HAMILTON TOWN CLERK ADOPTED ; APRIL 13, 1992 TOWN OF ITHACA ITHACA, NEW YORK ORDINANCE REGULATING THE MANNER OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF SIDEWALKS BE IT (ORDAINED by the Town Boar-d of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, as follows: c's. .1,3± A u T.it o r i-ty,,. This �-? 1 LR,2 2,2.2--Ll TLr T.-S1,�1 R 2 Ordinance may be cited as the "Town of Ithaca Sidewalk Regulation Ordinance" and is adopted pursuant to the authority granted by New York State Town Law Sections 130 et. seg. and Section 200-a. I a� h E"� ,3 of sq.t�jf-,,wgl Sidewalks constructed within the Town of Ithaca, when constructed by parties other than the Town of Ithaca where ordered by the Town Board as set forth below, shall be constructed Qi z":cordance with the grades and, specifications annexed hereto as Exhibit A unless a specification is waived by the Town Board in a particular instance because of unique circumstances or if the Town Board specifically accepts a substitute specification as being equal or superior to the specifications attached. NO construction, reconstructi�.)n or repair of sidewalks shall be permitted, in those areas where the Town Board has ordered the construction or maintenance of sidewalks, that does not, comply, with the attached specifications unless waived or modified by the Town Board as set forth above . atctjon_i. a�ji' LP .ja.nc.ft as s The owner and occupant of premises abutting on any street where as sidewalk has been laid, shall keep the sidewalk in front of such premises free and clear from snow, ice, dirt, and other obstructions. All snow and ice shall be removed from such sidewalk within 24 hours of the time of its deposit, such time to be determined by the Town Engineer. Upoir�k default in maintaining sidewalks free and clear from snow, ice, dirt and other obstructions, the Town may remove such obstructions at the expense of the property owner. The charge to the owner for the cleaning of any such walk will be the actual cost, plus 50% for overhead and administration for such charges and shall be due 30 days from the date invoiced to the owner. Bills remaining unpaid after 30 days shall accrue as late charge at the rate of 9% per annum from the date of the bill or $3.00 per month, whichever is greater, and may be added to the taxes due with relation to, and shall become as lien upon, the premises benefitted thereby, until paid. L.A.- PiLLY., toi d e.w a Town Board may adopt ardeis from time to time, directing the owners of the respective lots and parcels of land abutting an any, Town street Qz highway, or, with the consent of the County Superintendent of Highways 0 11 the State Commissioner of siCalan.ord, Pvr6lith. 08128192 9:21as Transportation, as the case may be, abutting on a County or State highway within the Town of Ithaca, along which it is desired that sidewalks be built, relaid or repaired, to construct the same to conform the terms of this Ordinance , and specifying the time within which the same shall be done . The procedures related to such orders shall be as follows; (a) The Town Clerk shall give notice thereof by certified mail addressed to each such owner at the owner' s address as it appears upon the assessment roll of the Town or, in the alternative, by publication of a notice thereof A the official paper at least twice, the first publication of which shall be at least 15 days before the time specified for the completion of the work. (b) If, within the time prescribed in the order and notice, the sidewalks required to be built, relaid or repaired, shall not have been so built, relaid or repaired, ther"i the Town Board may cause the same to be done and audit and pay the expense of doing the same and assess the expense thereof agadn.st the property benefitted as a whole. ( a) Such assessment shall be in five or less annual, installments and shall be levied and collected from the several., lots and parcels in the same manner and at the same time as other Town charges. ( d) The assessment against the property owners shall be in the same manner as street improvements constructed pursuant to Section 200 of the Town Law. ( e ) If such expense be assessed in installments, there shall be assessed as part of each installment, except the fi,r,st, zts interest, an amount not exceeding 6% of such installment, such rate to V fixed by the Town Board in the order providing for the! assessment. Q ) The provisions of law applicable to the sale of tax liens shall apply to any unpaid assessed installment with the interest thereon in the same manner as though such installment and interest had been assessed as an assessment payable as a whole. Unassessed installments shall be prepayable at any—"ime with interest computed thereon at the aforesaid rate Kom the date of assessment of the first installment to the date of payment of the particular installment. ( g) If such expense be assessed as as whole and the Town Board 2 J' side.ord, rvr)511th, O8128192 9:22am resolution assessing such expense against a particular piece of property shall so provide, the assessmenT against; such property may be paid in five or less annual installments an the dates fixed by such resolut;in cni with interest, not exceeding 6% (:�f each Such inBtallment, fixed by such resolution. (h) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Town Board may adopt a local law apportioning the expense of building, relaying or repairing any—sidewalk within such Town between the Town and owners of the respective lots and parcels of land abutting any street or County or State highway within the Town along which it is desired that sidewalks be built, relaid or repaired. 21gl1on,E. ' '�y. This ordinance shall apply to all �h,ijjj._ _, property in the Town of Ithaca outside the limits of the incorporated Village of Cayuga Heights. , , n 6 . layaliAlly. If any provision of this ordinance is g 1J..o r found invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such If inval dity shall not affect any of the other provisions of this ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Earjjan,l. EfIlglIMM,4111, This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its publication az required by law, except that the same shall take effect from the date of its service ( if earlier than ten days after its publication) as against any person served personally with a copy hereof certified by—"he Town Clerk under the corporate seal of the Town and showing the date of its passage and entry in the minutes of the Town Board. Adopted, August 24, 1992 Published, August 27, 1992 ,3 slde.oz'Ud, wp51ith, 08128192 9:23anz Exhibit A SIDEWALK SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE TOWN OF „ kA .A inv�A 1 h.fa Materials and composition shall consist of Type 7 Top Course as listed under section 401 . 2 . 02 Table 401-1 , Composition of Bituminous Plant Mixtures, of the NYSDOT Standard Specifications. Sidewalks shall be constructed with a 6 ' width and 2" thickness of Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Pavement, placed on a compacted base . The asphalt concrete shall be placed and compacted according to the requirements of Section 403 of the NYBDOT Standard Specifications. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Town Boarddesigi,�iLates zi particular street ar, road as a residential street for sidewalk purposes, the width of the sidewalk may be reduced from 6 feet to 4 feet. Sidewalk Base shal I consist of a 6" thick compacted fine crusher run limestone, or with the special approval of the Town Engineer the base may be constructed of crushed bank run. gravel. Sidewalks shall be constructed so that the finished surface is flush with the adjacent grades. Maximum cross slope shall be 1/8" per foot. Maximum sidewalk grade shall be 8% . 4 OF Ir - - 0 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA, N.Y. 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1747 STATE OF NEW YORK I COUNTY OF TOMPKINS) SS: TOWN OF ITHACA I, Joan Lent Hamilton, Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca, New York, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance is a true and exact copy of an Ordinance duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town of Ithaca at a Special Town Board meeting held on the 24th day of August, 1992, and that the same is a complete copy of the whole of such Ordinance, and that the same was entered into the minutes of the Town Board on August 25, 1992 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and the Corporate seal of the Town of Ithaca, New York this 25th day of August, 1992 . Town Clerk, Town of Ithaca ORDER TO CONSTRUCT It is hereby ordered by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca pursuant to Section 4 that the following sidewalk(s) be constructed by the following owner: Courtside Racquet&Fitness Club, 16 Judd Falls Road, Ithaca., New York 14850. Said sidewalk is to be constructed on the west side of Judd Falls Road across the frontage of tax parcel 62-1-5, consisting of approximately 208 lineal feet, all as more particularly shown on plans prepared by Hunt Engineer and Architect entitled "Plans for East Hill Safety Improvement Project", copies of which plans are on file in the Town of Ithaca Engineering Department Office. Please take notice that pursuant to said sidewalk ordinance, if the owners fail to construct same within 15 days from date of receipt of this order the Town may cause the same to be built and assess the abutting landowners accordingly. Such assessment shall be in five annual installments plus interest at the rate of 6% on the installments after the first installment. At the option of any landowner the assessment may be paid in full in any tax year. By order of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca. Dated: August 24 1992 f r> (Yd 7, w The construction of the above sidewalks is consented to pursuant to Town Law Section 200-a. Tompkins County Superintendent of Highways r, ORDER TO CONSTRUCT It is hereby ordered by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca pursuant to Section 4 that the following sidewalk(s) be constructed by the following owner: George Ideman, c/o Ides, 10-12 Judd Falls Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. Said sidewalk is to be constructed on the west side of Judd Falls Road across the frontage of tax parcel 62-1-3.2, consisting of approximately 212 lineal feet, all as more particularly shown on plans prepared by Hunt Engineer and Architect entitled "Plans for East Hill Safety Improvement Project", copies of which plans are on file in the Town of Ithaca Engineering Department Office. Please take notice that pursuant to said sidewalk ordinance, if the owners fail to construct same within 15 days from date of receipt of this order the Town may cause the same to be built and assess the abutting landowners accordingly. Such assessment shall be in five annual installments plus interest at the rate of 6% on the installments after the first installment. At the option of any landowner the assessment may be paid in full in any tax year. By order of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca. Dated: August 24, 1992 M i The construction of the above sidewalks is consented to pursuant to Town Law Section 200-a. �w Tompkins County§uperint&dent of Highways ORDER TO CONSTRUCT It is hereby ordered by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca pursuant to Section 4 that the following sidewalk(s) be constructed by the following owner: Loco Holdings, Inc. 403 Wyckoff Road, Ithaca, New York, 14850. Said sidewalk is to be constructed on the east side of Judd Falls Road across the frontage of tax parcel 62-2-1.123, approximately 160 lineal feet, all as shown as plans prepared by Hunt Engineer and Architect entitled "Plans for East Hill Safety Improvement Project", copies of which plans are on file in the Town of Ithaca Engineering Department Office. Please take notice that pursuant to said sidewalk ordinance, if the owners fail to construct same within 15 days from date of receipt of this order the Town may cause the same to be built and assess the abutting landowners accordingly. Such assessment shall be in five annual installments plus interest at the rate of 6% on the installments after the first installment. At the option of any landowner the assessment may be paid in full in any tax year. By order of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca. Dated: August 24, 1992 (A (-V�(-UL- __14 The construction of the above sidewalks is consented to pursuant to Town Law Section 200-a. Tompkins County Superindent of Highways ORDER TO CONSTRUCT It is hereby ordered by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca pursuant to Section 4 that the following sidewalk(s) be constructed by the following owner: Cornell University, care of Cornell University Real Estate Department, P.O. Box DH, Ithaca, New York, 14853. Said sidewalk is to be constructed from a point just west of the intersection of Judd Falls Road and Ellis Hollow Road along Ellis Hollow Road and Judd Falls Road in front of the East Hill gas station and northerly along the east side of Judd Falls Road adjacent to the P & C Plaza northerly to the boundary line of Cornell University's property with the property owned by Loco Holdings, Inc., all as more particularly shown on plans drawn by Hunt Engineer and Architect entitled "Plans for East Hill Safety Improvement Project", copies of which are on file in the Engineering Department of the Town of Ithaca. The total linear feet of said sidewalk is approximately 639 feet exclusive of crossings over driveway entrances. Please take notice that pursuant to said sidewalk ordinance, if the owners fail to construct same within 15 days from date of receipt of this order the Town may cause the same to be built and assess the abutting landowners accordingly. Such assessment shall be in five annual installments plus interest at the rate of 6% on the installments after the first installment. At the option of any landowner the assessment may be paid in full in any tax year. By order of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca. Dated: August 24, 1992 4 A T The construction of the above sidewalks is consented to pursuant to Town Law Section 200-a. Tompkins CounrAuperintendent of Highways AFFIDAVIT FINAL STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) JOAN HAMILTON, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Deponent is over the age of 18 years and resides at 136 Seven Mile Drive, No. 67, Ithaca, New York, 14850. 2. Deponent is the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca. 3. On the 25th day of August, 1992, at approximately -.12 a.m.PgNK at No. 20 Thornwood Drive , deponent served a copy of the Ordinance entitled "Ordinance Regulating the Manner of Construction and Repair of Sidewalks" adopted by the Town of Ithaca Town Board on August 24, 1992, upon Cornell University, by delivering a true copy thereof to Bonnie VanAmberg at the Cornell Real Estate Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, that being the address shown for said landowner on the tax rolls of the Town of Ithaca. Jo d Hamilton Sw9rn to before me this 454-Pday ofQUC7. , 1992. blic 4 30-%3 BETTY F. LE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK #4646 427 H N A AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) JOAN HAMILTON, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Deponent is over the age of 18 years and resides at 136 Seven Mile Drive, No. 67, Ithaca, New York, 14850. 2. Deponent is the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca. 3. On the 25th day of August, 1992, at approximately at No. 16 Judd Falls Road -, deponent served a copy of the Ordinance entitled "Ordinance Regulating the Manner of Construction and Repair of Sidewalks" adopted by the Town of Ithaca Town Board on August 24, 1992, upon Courtside Racquet and Fitness Club, by delivering a true copy thereof to Dawn Vanderbeck, the front desk receptionist, at said address, that being the address shown for said landowner on the tax rolls of the Town of Ithaca. Joan 4lamilton Sworn to before me this &day of Aub. 1992. tary /filic BETS' . POOLE ( P ,NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK #4646 427' AFFIDAVIT F I Ni . STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) JOAN HAMILTON, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Deponent is over the age of 18 years and resides at 136 Seven Mile Drive, No. 67, Ithaca, New York, 14850. 2. Deponent is the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca.. 3. On the 25th day of August, 1992, at approximately 8:23 a.m. . at No. 10-12 Judd Falls Road , deponent served a copy of the Ordinance entitled "Ordinance Regulating the Manner of Construction and Repair of Sidewalks" adopted by the Town of Ithaca Town Board on August 24, 1992, upon George Ide, by delivering a true copy thereof to Barb Hoyt at said address, that being the address shown for George Ide upon the tax rolls of the Town of Ithaca. JoaAamilton G, Sworn to before me this a15 day of&1Q. , 1992. P lic BETTY F. POOL. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW,YORK #4548 427 AFFIDAVIT FINAI STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) JOAN HAMILTON, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Deponent is over the age of 18 years and resides at 136 Seven Mile Drive, No. 67, Ithaca, New York, 14850. 2. Deponent is the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca. 3. On the 25th day of August, 1992, at approximately -2..-27 a.m.tfm at No. 403 Wyckoff Road , deponent served a copy of the Ordinance entitled "Ordinance Regulating the Manner of Construction and Repair of Sidewalks" adopted by the Town of Ithaca Town Board on August 24, 1992, upon Loco Holdings, Inc., by delivering a true copy thereof to Elaine Alexander, Owner and Officer of Loco Holdings, Inc. personally, at the above address, that being the address shown for said landowner on the tax rolls of the Town of Ithaca. 9.6,ju Jo aA Hamilton Sworn to before me this day of AIC7. , 1992. lVic 6 SO S BETTY F. DOLE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK 4646 427