HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Ithaca Parks Survey 2017 725 W. Frontier No.emee;=,o>;the "'ya, Ithaca: ; E TC Contents Executive Summary ....................................................................... i Charts and Graphs - City ............................................................... 1 Priority Investment Rating.......................................................... 19 Benchmarking Analysis ............................................................... 27 Charts and Graphs - County........................................................ 36 Tabular Data - City ...................................................................... 54 Tabular Data - County................................................................. 99 Survey Instrument .................................................................... 145 The City of Ithaca Community Interest and Opinion Survey Executive Summary Overview ETC Institute administered a needs assessment survey for the City of Ithaca during the spring of 2017. The survey was administered as part of the City's efforts to determine priorities for parks, recreation facilities, recreation programs, and special events in the community.The survey and its results will aid the City while preparing a Parks and Recreation Master Plan that will serve as a guide to ensure that parks and recreation remain vital community resources now and into the future.The survey will also help the City take a resident-driven approach to making decisions that will guide the future of our parks system and recreation programs over the next 10 years and beyond, enriching the lives of residents and enhancing the community. Methodology ETC Institute mailed a survey packet to a random sample of households in the City of Ithaca and Tompkins County. Each survey packet contained a cover letter, a copy of the survey, and a postage-paid return envelope. Residents who received the survey were given the option of returning the survey by mail or completing it on-line. Ten days after the surveys were mailed, ETC Institute sent emails and placed phone calls to the households that received the survey to encourage participation. The emails contained a link to the on-line version of the survey to make it easy for residents to complete the survey.To prevent people who were not residents of the City of Ithaca or Tompkins County from participating, everyone who completed the survey on-line was required to enter their home address prior to submitting the survey. ETC Institute then matched the addresses that were entered on-line with the addresses that were originally selected for the random sample. If the address from a survey completed on-line did not match one of the addresses selected for the sample,the on-line survey was not counted. The goal was to obtain completed surveys from at least 375 City residents and 375 County residents. Both goals were exceeded with a total of 458 City residents and 576 County residents completing the survey.The overall results for the sample of 458 City households have a precision of at least+/-4.58%at the 95% level of confidence, the County results have a precision of at least +/-4.08% at the 95% level of confidence. This report contains the following: • Charts showing the City of Ithaca's results (Section 1) • Priority Investment Rating (PIR) that identifies priorities for facilities and programs (Section 2) • Benchmarking analysis comparing the City's results to national results (Section 3) • Charts showing Tompkins County's results (Section 4) ETC Page i • Tabular data showing the overall results for the City of Ithaca (Section 5) • Tabular data showing the overall results for Tompkins County (Section 6) • A copy of the cover letters for both the City and County and the survey instrument (Section 7) The major findings of the results for respondents who live in the City of Ithaca are summarized below and on the following pages. Overall Use and Ratings Eighty-eight percent (88%) of households surveyed indicated they used the Ithaca Farmers Market during the past 12 months. The three most visited or used recreation facilities offered by the City of Ithaca were the Ithaca farmers market, Stewart Park (86%) and Cass Park (66%). Eighty-eight percent (88%) of respondents rated the overall quality of the City of Ithaca recreation facilities they have visited as either "excellent" (32%) or "good", only 1% of respondents rated them as "poor". Ninety-one percent (91%) of respondents rated all of the City of Ithaca recreation programs and services they have participated in as "excellent" (30%) or "good" (61%). The most used City of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca parks and trails include: Stewart Park(92%),Cass Park (78%), Cayuga Waterfront Trail (75%), Ithaca Falls Natural Area (73%), and DeWitt Park (71%). When asked to rate only the list of parks offered by both the City and Towns of Ithaca 93% of respondents rated their condition as either "excellent" (35%) or "good" (58%), and no respondents gave a "poor" rating. Respondents were asked to indicate which two parks and trails offered by both the City and Town of Ithaca are in the best and worst conditions. Based on the sum of respondent's top two choices the two facilities that respondents indicated were in the best condition are: Cayuga Waterfront Trail (41%) and Stewart Park (28%). Based on the sum of respondent's top two choices the two facilities that respondents indicated were in the worst condition are: Stewart Park (24%) and DeWitt Park (18%).The main reason that Stewart Park was both the best and worst rated park is because a large majority of the population uses this park. Barriers to Park, Facility and Program Usage Respondents were asked from a list of 15 potential reasons to identify what prevents them from using parks, recreation facilities or events provided by the City of Ithaca more often.The top four reasons selected were: not knowing what is offered (47%), not knowing the location of facilities (27%), distance from the residence(23%), and the program or facility they are interested in is not offered (22%). Knowing and understanding the barriers to usage can dramatically help the City increase use in the future. Facility Needs and Priorities Facility Needs: Respondents were asked to identify if their household had a need for 28 recreation facilities and amenities and rate how well their needs for each were currently being ETC Page H met. Based on this analysis, ETC Institute was able to estimate the number of households in the community that had the greatest "unmet" need for various facilities. The three recreation facilities with the highest percentage of households that indicated a need for the facility were: walking and biking trails (90%), greenspace and natural areas (83%), and large community parks(80%).When ETC Institute analyzed the needs in the community,only one facility, walking and biking, had a need that affected more than 9,000 households. ETC Institute estimates a total of 3,777 of the 10,354 households in the City of Ithaca have unmet needs for outdoor natural swimming areas. The estimated number of households that have unmet needs for each of the 28 facilities that were assessed is shown in the table below. 7. Estimated Number of Households Whose Needs for Facilities/Amenities Are Bing Met 50% or Less by number of households based on 10,3554 horlseholds in the Ctyr of Ithaca Outdoor natural swinni ring areas Indoor swimming Pools/leisure Pool 21 Indoor running/walking trach. 48. Picnic shelters ����4 Indoor fitness & exercise facilities „�a small neighborhood Iparlks f 1 992 Indoor lap lanes for exercise simmiminc Community iMeeting space '1 948 Oreenspace & natural areas 7616 Outdoor swinnirning pools/wat. 1,16716 Largge cooirnunityr parks ,, % 441 "k aIIking& IbilkinptraiIs r,;,,, 1.401 ; Mountain bilke parlk: Spray Ipacl 109 `2 Nature center Outdoor tennis courts 1.0151 Indoor bas lketbaI NoIley ball courts 3 Off-leash dost parlk 904 Playground equipment 8.25 Indoor sports fields 6115 Indoor ice arena Sports fields;, Disc golf 1164 Outdoor basketball courts 58 Senior Center 517 Diamond fields 3,67 Golf course 304 Skateboarding parlk 82 Other 4,29 0 1.,000 2,000 3„000 4„000 6.,000 g% flet E325% fMet m50% fMet El'(' 12.0 ') Facility Importance: In addition to assessing the needs for each facility, ETC Institute also assessed the importance that residents placed on each facility. Based on the sum of respondents' top four choices, the four most important facilities to residents were: walking and biking trails (64%),greenspace and natural areas(43%),small neighborhood parks(33%),and outdoor natural swimming areas(33%).The percentage of residents who selected each facility as one of their top four choices is shown in the chart at the top of the following page. ETC Page iii . Facilities That Are Most Impartant ,to Households by(percentage of respondents who selected the iterns as one of their top four choices wallk:in & bilking trails I?=l% Greenspace , natural areas 43% ; irrrnall neighborhood Iparlks 33% ; Outdoor natural swinnimning areas 33°4 Large COM( Unityr parks 32% Picnic sheltersa4 Indoor fitness & exercise facilities t4°4 Off-leash dog parlk 13% Outdoor swimming pools/water arlks 1o% Sports fields t °4 Indoor lap lanes for exercise s'wwlnnnfning 9% Playground equipment 74 Ooimnnnuriityr inneeting space 7T Indoor swimming (pools/lelSure pool 7"4 Indoor running1wwallking track 31,'6 Indoor ice arena 16,% Outdoor tennis courts % filature center 4% Outdoor basketball courts 3% Senior Center 3% Golf Course 3% Indoor sports fields 3% ("Mountain bilke park 3% Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 31x'6 Skateboarding Iparlk 2% Diamond fields 2% Spray-pad 2% Disc golf 1% Other 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% most Impairhtant ®2nd Most Important 03rd Most Important 04th Most Impanant Sic,,,uice FIC hu9iw to 1,!O Priorities for Facility Investments: The Priority Investment Rating (PIR) was developed by ETC Institute to provide organizations with an objective tool for evaluating the priority that should be placed on parks and recreation investments. The Priority Investment Rating (PIR) equally weights (1) the importance that residents place on facilities and (2) how many residents have unmet needs for the facility. [Details regarding the methodology for this analysis are provided in Section 2 of this report.] Based on the Priority Investment Rating (PIR), the following four facilities were rated as high priorities for investment: • Outdoor natural swimming areas (PIR=161) • Walking and biking trails (PIR=137) • Greenspace and natural areas(PIR=126) • Small neighborhood parks (PIR=114) The chart on the following page shows the Priority Investment Rating for each of the 28 facilities/amenities that were assessed on the survey. ETC Page iv Top Priorities for Investment for .Recreation Facilities �B,ased on 'the Prilority Investment Rating - City of Ithaca Outdoor 113tUral swimming areas Walking& biking trails Small neighborhood,parks Large COMMUllity parks Picnic shelters Indoor swimming P00lS1leiSUre pool Indoor fitness&exercise facilities Indoor rUr1r1i11gtW3lking track Ind,00r lap lanes for exercise swimming Outdoor swimming poolsMat Off-leash dog park rVIOUrIt3ill bike park Disc golf Nature center Sports fields Playground equipment Indoor b3sket1b3WvolleY1b3ll Courts Indoor ice arena Indoor sports field,,,s Diamond fields Outdoor basketball Courts Senior Center Skateboarding park Other D 40 8,0 150 200 Programming Needs and Priorities Programming Needs. Respondents were also asked to identify if their household had a need for 27 recreational programs and nate how well their needs for each program were currently being met. Based on this analysis, ETC Institute was able toestimate the number ofhouseholds in the community that had "unrnet" needs for each program. The three programs with the highest percentage ofhouseholds that had needs were: farmers' market (86%), special events (71%), and adult fitness and wellness programs (53%). In addition to having some of the highest total need in the community, two programs also have the some of the highest unmet need among the 27 programming-related areas that were assessed. ETC Institute estimates a total of 2,968 households have unmet needs for adult fitness and wellness programs and 2,580 households have unmet needs for special events. The estimated number of households that have unmet needs for each of the 27 programs that were assessed is shown in the chart atthe top ofthe following page. ��ETCPage . Estimated Number of Households Whose Needs or Programs Are Being Met 0% or Less by number of households based on 10,354 households in the City of Ithaca Adult fitness &wwellness Iprogranms Adult contincw7g education progra;rns Special events, i e concerts, movies, etc Nature Pro grarns/environnmental education � I Adult art., dance, performing arts Water fitness prograrns ,,, �; �� Travel progra ns Adult sports prograrns 1 outdoor challenge Iprogranms 371 ; adult Iprograrns for 66 years & older i„ 1.351 ; Programs with your pets 3 Programs for teens 5 Youth Learn to Swimprogra;rns 3 Mentoring for youth �; IN 0 Youth srumn;ier ca;rrrnp progra;rns 8116 ,adult ice sports & activities Youth artdance, pperforinming arts , 1 Birthday parties 9 Youth fitness &wellness Programs 73,6 Tennis lessons & leagues ire639 Youth spurts prograrns16 Before & after school programs 7 Farlrnners�i marlket 90 Preschool procranis 41 Programs for(people with disabilities � 44 Youth ice sports & activities 431 Golf lessons & leagues 3166 C 28 0 1,000 2.,300 3ry,000 4.,000 /ry p5,000 V% �Mtet "®' GF5% Met. ®50% 11Mlet. ED IiiwNfuu9: i]1017) Program Importance. In addition to assessing the needs for each program, ETC Institute also assessed the importance that residents place on each program. Based on the sum of respondents' top four choices, the three most important programs to residents were: farmers' market (64%), special events (48%), and adult fitness and wellness programs (23%). The percentage of residents who selected each program as one of their top four choices is shown in the chart at the top of the following page. ETC Page vi Q110. P"irogram 'That Are Most Importan'tto Households by Percentage of respondents,who selected the iterns as one of their top four choices Farmers'Market 64% Special events 4g'1/0 Adult fitness &wellness Iprocgranns 27% Nature prograirns/el'lvlrol'1rlment.al education 21% Adult.art.„ dance„ performing arts '17% Adult continuing education prograirns t 5 Adult sports programs Adult Prograrnns for 50 years & older Youth suirmimer cairmp programs °4 Programs with your pets 79}4 Youth Learn to Swinn prograirns % Youth art„ Glance, performing arts 5%: O'Lltdoor challenge prograr s 5%: Water fitness prograirns % Travel prog;rairns 5% Programs for teens 4% ; Youth sports programs 4% Before & after school progranms 4% (Mentoring for Youth 3% ; Preschool prog,rairns 3% Programs for people with disabilities 3% Adult ice sports & activities 3% Tennis lessons & leagues 3% Birthday parties 2% Golf lessons & leagues 2% Youth ice sports & activities 2% Youth fitness &wellness Programs 2% Other 2% 0% 10% 0% 0% 40% 50% 60% 70% f os:1 Important ®2nd Most Impoirtant ❑31rd Most Important ❑4th Most Impar-taut ETC Inn d.no:e l"!0� ') Priorities for Programming Investments. Based on the priority investment rating (PIR), which was described briefly on page iv of this Executive Summary and is described in more detail in Section 2 of this report, the following five programs were rated as "high priorities" for investment: • Special events (PIR=162) • Adult fitness and wellness programs (PIR=142) • Farmers' market (PIR=116) • Adult continuing education programs (PIR=114) • Nature programs and environmental education (PIR=109) The chart on the following page shows the Priority Investment Rating (PI R) for each of the 27 programs that were rated. ETC Page vii �B,ased on 'the Priority Investment Rating - City of Ithaca Sped3l events FEIrmers"market Adult art,dance,performing arts Adult sports programs Waterfitness programs Travel programs Adult programs for 50 years&older Outdoor challenge programs Programs'with your pets Youth summer camp programs Youth Learn to Swim programs Programs forteens Mentoring for youth 1, Youth art,dance,performing arts Adult ice sports&activities Birthd,3Y parties Youth sports programs Before&after school programs Youth fitness&wellness programs Tennis lessons&leagues Preschool programs Programs for people with disabilities Youth ice sports&activities Golf lessons&leagues Other 0 40 so I 14M 2,00 Additional Findings ngs Respondents were asked to indicate what providers in the area they have used for park and recreation services. Eighty-two percent of respondents indicated they use City/Town/County Public facilities, 64% use college/university facilities, and 50Y6 use private fitness dubs and studios. Continuing to develop programs and facilities for which there is need within the community can improve usage of the City and County facilities which is already very high. A majority(73%) ofrespondents indicated they learn about City ofIthaca parks, facilities, special events and activities through word of mouth from friends and neighbors. Lesser used methods of learning about City of Ithaca parks,facilities, special events and activities include: social media (39Y6), the newspaper (35Y6), fliers/signs at parks and facilities (28Y6), and the City of Ithaca website (27%). Respondents were given a scenario in which they were told they had a budget of$1OOto spend on services provided by the City of Ithaca, they were asked to indicate how they would allocate the funds among eight different categories offunding.The cart on the following page shows how respondents indicated they would allocate the $100 among the eight categories of funding. ��ETCPage viii Q112. Allocation of $100 Among Categories of Funding by percentage of respondents Recreation facii[ifies, Wateir-firont parks, Golf cotn's,es, Pairk land & open space, on't know More programs & events $28.164 The City of Ithaca's parks and facilities are aging and will require more attention and dollars to keep them safe and appealing. However, parks are just one of the many priorities for the City to budget for. Respondents were given five potential sources of funding that could help improve the park system and recreation programs in the City ofIthaca. For each potential source of funding respondents were asked to indicate if they were either "very supportive", "somewhat supportive", or"not supportive" of each. Based on the sum of"very supportive" and "somewhat supportive" the following three items received the highest levels of support: The City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, and Tompkins County should jointly contribute public funding (i.e, tax dollars) to focus dollars on the greatest park and recreation needs in Greater Ithaca (90Y6), partner with nonprofits and private entities to financially support park maintenance and recreation programs (87%), and increase existing fees for using shelters, athletic fields, or other facilities (63%). It is a positive sign that a most respondents were in favor of a joint public funding effort, however there is mixed support for a "pay-to-play" option as vve||. Further information is needed to fully understand which option would be most feasible long-term. However there was good support for both public and private funding. ��ETCPage ix Conclusions and Recommendations When analyzing the programs offered by the City of Ithaca the same item was the most important to respondent's households and had the highest level of overall need. Focusing on adding farmers' markets within the community would provide the greatest benefit for the largest number of residents within the City of Ithaca. Residents also indicated there was a need within the community for more special events and adult fitness and wellness programs. Focusing on the programs that residents have a need for and indicate an unmet need for can improve overall satisfaction in the future. The City of Ithaca is faced with a unique opportunity to explore the feasibility of new facility or land purchase which can satisfy two facilities which were found to be high priorities based on the Priority Investment Rating. Both walking and biking trails and greenspace and natural areas would be developed within the same area within the City or County, developing both of these facilities at the same time would satisfy an immense need within the community. In order to ensure that the City of Ithaca continues to meet the needs and expectations of the community, ETC Institute recommends that the City sustain and/or improve the performance in areas that were identified as"high priorities" by the Priority Investment Rating(PIR).The facilities and programs with the highest PIR ratings are listed below. Facility Priorities o Outdoor natural swimming areas (PIR=161) o Walking and biking trails (PIR=137) o Greenspace and natural areas(PIR=126) o Small neighborhood parks (PIR=114) Programming Priorities o Special events (PIR=162) o Adult fitness and wellness programs (PIR=142) o Farmers' market (PIR=116) o Adult continuing education programs (PIR=114) o Nature programs and environmental education (PIR=109) ETC Page x City of Ithaca-Findings Report Section 1 Charts and Graphs- City Results j"" Page 1 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q1. Demographics: Number of People in Household by percentage of respondents One Two 21 43% Five or more 6% Four 12% Three 18% 3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q2. Demographics: Ages of People in Household by percentage of household occupants Ages 18-24 Ages 25-34 13% 25% + Ages 14-17 Age0 s 11-13 4% Ages 6-10 4% tttt Alli or Under Ages 34-44 �I�III661IIIIII6 titi"`iii 4% tititititititititititi 8% Ages 75+ 4% Ages 65-74 Ages 45-54 8% 13% Ages 55-64 13% Smile f1,1m1(c(?0)7) , ETC Page 2 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q3. Park and Recreation Providers Households Have Used During the Last 12 Months by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) City/Town/County Public Facilities 82% College/University Facilities 64% Private Fitness Clubs&Studios 50% School District Facilities 32%, Ithaca Children's Garden 31%1 I I YMCA of Ithaca&Tompkins County 19% Homeowners Association/Apt.Complex 5% Other 151% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% �3rnn4c EIS Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q4. City of Ithaca Recreational Facilities Households Have Visited During the Past 12 Months by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) Ithaca Farmers Market 88% Stewart Park fields,pavilions,playgrounds 86% Cass Park fields,pavilions,playgrounds 66% Cass Park Skating Rink 28% Greater Ithaca Activities Center 21% Cass Park Swimming Pool 7% Ithaca Youth Bureau 16% Southside Community Center 1$% Alex Haley Pool 13% Newman Golf Course 10% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Smucc EIS 11s1rtutc(?O)7) ETC Page 3 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q4a. How Would You Rate the Overall Quality of All of the City of Ithaca Recreation Facilities You Have Visited? by percentage of respondents Excellent 32% F!!�V�,!tllVll',1414111!II!II!!iluiluilulu!lu!u!!!!!!! uu!u!! �qir!i%i!!ii'I!li!!,lii�!I�,'I,!Pli!!II!!II!I!li iIIIVIIPII,IPIIPIII!!V!!II!!II!!iiliililll! I!!I!I! �� BVI IIII Poor 1% Good Fair 56% 11% �3rnu4c. fl,l� Ir!strnrtc(7,01`7) Q4b. How Would You Rate the Overall Quality of All of the City of Ithaca Recreation Programs and Services You Have Participated In? by percentage of respondents Excellent Good 30% 61% Poor Fair 1% 8% Smile 11s1rn1(c(7,0)7) ETC Page 4 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q5. Parks and Trails Respondent Households Have Visited During the Past 12 Months by percentage of respondents Stewart Park o Cass Park 78% Cayuga Waterfront Trail 750 Ithaca Falls Natural Area 7'1% DeWitt Park 71% South Hill Recreation Way Trail 46% East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 36% Washington Park 30%' East Shore Park 30%, Thompson Park 7% Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 16% Bryant Park 15% Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 12% Auburn Park Titus Triangle Conway Park 10%' Strawberry Fields 9% Conley Park 9% Forest Home Park 8% Baker Park 7% Columbia Street Park 6% Vincenzo lacovelli Park 6% MacDaniels Park 5% Dryden Park 4% Hillview Park 4% Maplewood Park 3% Eastern Heights Park 3% Tutelo Park 2% Grandview Park 1% Troy Park 1% Tudor Park 1% Tareyton Park 0% Salem Park ° 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% �3rnn4c EIS Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q5a. How Would You Rate the Overall Condition of All the Parks and Trails You Have Visited? by percentage of households Excellent 35% Poor 0% Fair 7% Good r" 58% Smile f1,1m1(c(7,0)7) ETC Page 5 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q5b. Which Two Are In The BEST Condition? by percentage of respondents who selected the items as one of their top two choices Cayuga Waterfront Trail 41 Stewart Park 28 Cass Park 270/9 Ithaca Falls Natural Area 21 South Hill Recreation Way TrailF2% 13 East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail9% DeWitt Park8% East Shore Park Thompson Park Washington Park Auburn Park 2% Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 2 Bryant Park 2% Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 1 Strawberry Fields 1 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1st Choice ®2nd Choice 3rnu4c. fl,lr Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q5c. Which Two Are In The WORST Condition? by percentage of respondents who selected the items as one of their top two choices Stewart Park 24 DeWitt Park 18b,/ Cass Park 11 Ithaca Falls Natural Area 9 Washington Park 7% Conway Park 3% Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 3% Auburn Park 2% MacDaniels Park 2% Titus Triangle 2% Cayuga Waterfront Trail 2% Conley Park 2% Hillview Park 2% South Hill Recreation Way Trail 2 Bryant Park 2% Columbia Street Park 2 East Shore Park 2 Strawberry Fields 1 Thompson Park 1 Baker Park 1 0% 10% 20% 30% 1st Choice ®2nd Choice Smile fl,lr If1,1m1(c(?0)7) ETC Page 6 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q6. How Respondent Households Learn About City of Ithaca Parks, Facilities, Special Events and Activities by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) From friends&neighbors 73% Social media i39% Newspaper 35% Fliers/signs at parks&facilities 28% City of Ithaca website 27% Other websites 23% Email newsletters/listservs 21 Ithaca Youth Bureau website 11% School fliers/newsletters 11% Conversations with staff 7% IPlayBook 3% Other 14%i 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q7. Facilities Respondent Households Have a Need For by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) Walking&biking trails 90% Greenspace&natural areas 83% Large community parks 80% Small neighborhood parks 78% Outdoor natural swimming areas751% Picnic shelters71 Indoor fitness&exercise facilities 544/ Nature center 52%' ' Outdoor swimming pools/water parks 46% Community meeting space 42 Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 38% 1 Indoor ice arena 34°Y Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 33% Indoor running/walking track 32% Off-leash dog park 31%' ' ' Playground equipment 29% Sports fields 29 Outdoor tennis courts 21 Outdoor basketball courts 19 Mountain bike park 18o Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 17oo Spray-pad 10oo Senior Center16oo Diamond fields 14% Indoor sports fields 14°� Golf course 10 Skateboarding park 9% Disc golf 9oo Other 6% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Smile 11r1rtutc(?0)7) , ETC Page 7 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q7. Estimated Number of Households That Have a Need for Various Facilities by number of households based on 10,354 households in the City of Ithaca Walking&biking trails 9,339 Greenspace&natural areas 84573 Large community parks 8,231 Small neighborhood parks 8,097 Outdoor natural swimming areas 7,755, Picnic shelters 7,320 Indoor fitness&exercise facilities 5,602 Nature center 5,332 Outdoor swimming pools/water parks 4,721 Community meeting space 4,359 Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 3,955 Indoor ice arena 3,479 Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 3,417 Indoor running/walking track 3,344 Off-leash dog park 3,251 Playground equipment 3,034 Sports fields 2,982 Outdoor tennis courts 2,174 Outdoor basketball courts 1,926 Mountain bike park 1,853' Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 1,719, Spray-pad 1,698 Senior Center 1,605 Diamond fields 1,491 Indoor sports fields 1,450 Golf course 11015 Skateboarding park 932 Disc golf 901 Other 611 0 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 3rnu4c. fl,l� Iri rtrnrtc(7,01`7) Q7. How Well Parks and Recreation Facilities Meet the Needs of Respondent Households by percentage of respondents with a need for facilities Walking&biking trails MEEEMEEW, 40° 10i Large community parks 36° 13 Skateboarding park 44° 14 Greenspace&natural areas 38° 15% Nature center 41° 13% Indoor ice arena 29° psi Sports fields 15i Small neighborhood parksslog 36° Diamond fields 34° 20i Playground equipment33° 18% Off-leash dog park 35° 18% v„ Outdoor basketball courts 36° 21% Picnic shelters 34° 23% F Golf course 33° 20i Senior Center42° 17% Outdoor swimming pools/water parks 38° 21% 10711F Indoor fitness&exercise facilities 29° 16% iffiffiEMNEM Community meeting space 27° 30i IMEAMMU Outdoor natural swimming areas 24% lmffimmmmmA Outdoor tennis courts 27% lmmmmffimA Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 27YD 1 27% Indoor sports fields 25i Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 18° 18% Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 17° 25% Mountain bike park 15° 27% Disc golf 17° 34% Spray-pad 15° 34% Indoor running/walking track 14° 26% Other 15° 7% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 100%Met 075%Met 050%Met X25%or 0%Met Smile h1,1m1(c(7,0)7) , ETC Page 8 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q7. Estimated Number of Households Whose Needs for Facilities/Amenities Are Being Met 50% or Less by number of households based on 10,354 households in the City of Ithaca Outdoor natural swimming areas Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool Indoor running/walking track " 2 489 Picnic shelters 21 Indoor fitness&exercise facilities 1,9§4 Small neighborhood parks 1,992 Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming %� 1,989 Community meeting space %� 11 948 1 1 Greenspace&natural areas 1 766 ' Outdoor swimming pools/wat 1 76 Large community parks 1,441, Walking&biking trails 1 401 Mountain bike park 1,286 Spray-pad %�� 1,248 Nature center Outdoor tennis courts 1 063 Indoor basketball/volleyball courts % i93 Off-leash dog park 604 Playground equipment %'f 8125 Indoor sports fields 8115 Indoor ice arena 78 Sports fields 67 Disc golf 64 Outdoor basketball courts r'' 558 Senior Center [ 517 Diamond fields 367 ' Golf course 304 Skateboarding park r 182 Other ; 429 11 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 ®0%Met 025%Met 050%Met 3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q8. Facilities That Are Most Important to Households by percentage of respondents who selected the items as one of their top four choices Walking&biking trails 64% Greenspace&natural areas 43% Small neighborhood parks 1 133%' Outdoor natural swimming areas 1111111111111111111111 1 j 33%'i Large community parks 1 1 32% Picnic shelters 17% Indoor fitness&exercise facilities 14% Off-leash dog park 13% Outdoor swimming pools/water parks 10% Sports fields 10% Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 8% Playground equipment 7% Community meeting space 7% Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 70% Indoor running/walking track 60P Indoor ice arena 6% Outdoor tennis courts 5% Nature center 4% Outdoor basketball courts 3% SeniorCenter 3% Golf course 3% Indoor sports fields 3% Mountain bike park 3% Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 3% Skateboarding park 20% Diamond fields 2% Spray-pad 2% Disc golf 1% Other 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% fflMost Important ®2nd Most Important 03rd Most Important 04th Most Important Smile f1,1m1(c(7,0)7) , ETC Page 9 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q9. Programs That Respondent Households Have a Need For by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) Farmers'Market 86% Special events 71% Adult fitness&wellness programs 53% Nature programs/environmental education 49% Adult continuing education programs 38% Adult art,dance,performing arts 36% Adult sports programs 27% Water fitness programs 24% Adult programs for 50 years&older 22% Travel programs 22% Outdoor challenge programs 20% Programs with your pets 8% Youth summer camp programs 18% Youth art,dance,performing arts 16% Youth sports programs 1 % Youth Learn to Swim programs 15% Birthday parties 14$o Mentoring for youth 14% Programs for teens 14% Adult ice sports&activities 13 1f9 Youth fitness&wellness programs 12%1 Youth ice sports&activities 11%' Before&after school programs 11% Tennis lessons&leagues 9% Preschool programs 9% Programs for people with disabilities 7% Golf lessons&leagues 7% Other 2% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 3rnu4c. fl,lr Ir,strnrtc(7,01`7) Q9. Estimated Number of Households That Have a Need for Various Programs by number of households based on 10,354 households in the City of Ithaca Farmers'market 8,904 Special events 7,312 Adult fitness&wellness programs 5,446 Nature programs/environmental education 5,105 Adult continuing education programs 3,955 Adult art,dance,performing arts 3,727 Adult sports programs 2,754 Water fitness programs 2,485 Adult programs for 50 years&older 2,309 Travel programs 2,236 Outdoor challenge programs 2,081 Programs with your pets 11,833 Youth summer camp programs 1,812 Youth art,dance,performing arts 1,,677 Youth sports programs 1,646 Youth Learn to Swim programs 1,$12 Birthday parties 1,450 Mentoring for youth 1,450 Programs for teens 1,398 Adult ice sports&activities 1,36 Youth fitness&wellness programs 1,242 Youth ice sports&activities 1,149 Before&after school programs 1,129 Tennis lessons&leagues 973 Preschool programs 880 Programs for people with disabilities 725 Golf lessons&leagues 704 Other 228 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 Smile fI,I( I 11r1rtutc(7,0)7) ETC Page 10 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q9. How Well Programs Meet the Needs of Respondent Households by percentage of respondents with a need for programs Farmers'Market 19° Special events 42° 22° Youth ice sports&activities 38° 23° Youth sports programs 32° 28° o Nature programs/environmental education 35° 29° Youth summer camp programs 33° 29° WARMfuld Youth art,dance,performing arts 30% 31° INAM Adult art,dance,performing arts 35° 27° Birthday parties 31° 26° Golf lessons&leagues 36° 24° IffizMammamm Preschool programs 23° 23° Adultfitness&wellness programs 29° 30° Before&after school programs 16° 36° Youth Learn to Swim programs 27° 40° VF1Zj, ' ON Adult ice sports&activities 21% 30 Adult sports programs 25° 32° Adult programs for 50 years&older a 31% 23 Youth fitness&wellness programs 25% 39 Mentoring for youth 28% 39 Programs for teens 26% 36 Programs for people with disabilities 17° 10° Outdoor challenge programs 28% 37% Programs with your pets �' 24% 24% Adult continuing education programs 18° 29° Water fitness programs 17% 26% Tennis lessons&leaguesmum 16° 1 26° Travel programs INNIVAIIIII 15° 1 277 Other 1 22° 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 100%Met 075%Met 050%Met MT,25%or 0%Met 3rnu4c. fl,lr Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q9. Estimated Number of Households Whose Needs for Programs Are Being Met 50% or Less by number of households based on 10,354 households in the City of Ithaca Adult fitness&wellness programs Adult continuing education programs 2 62 Special events 2 odu Nature programs/environmental education Adult art,dance,performing arts 11 912 Water fitness programs 1 72 Travel programs 1 71 Adult sports programs 1 5 5 Outdoor challenge programs 1 3V1 Adult programs for 50 years&older 1351 Programs with your pets 1,213 Programs for teens [- 65 Youth Learn to Swim programs Mentoring 63 for youth [ 860 Youth summer camp programs 8110 Adult ice sports&activities 7 16 Youth art,dance,performing arts Birthday -7 1 parties 7 9 Youth fitness&wellness programs Tennis %%%�" 736 lessons&leagues % 692 Youth sports programs [%% 629 Before&after school programs Farmers [ 62� market 490 Preschool programs MT 478 Programs for people with disabilities Youth 449 ice sports&activities 431 Golf lessons&leagues _ 366 Other r 228 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 ®0%Met 025%Met M50%Met Smile fl,lr If1,1m1(c(7,0)7) ETC Page 11 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q10. Programs That Are Most Important to Households by percentage of respondents who selected the items as one of their top four choices Farmers'Market 64% Special events 48% Adult fitness&wellness programs 27% Nature programs/environmental education 21 Adult art,dance,performing arts 17% Adult continuing education programs 15% Adult sports programs 11% Adult programs for 50 years&older 10% Youth summer camp programs 8% Programs with your pets 7% Youth Learn to Swim programs 6°p Youth art,dance,performing arts 5%, Outdoor challenge programs 5% Water fitness programs 5%1 Travel programs 5%'1 Programs for teens 4% Youth sports programs 4% Before&after school programs 4% 1 Mentoring for youth 3% Preschool programs 3% Programs for people with disabilities 3% Adult ice sports&activities 3% Tennis lessons&leagues 3% Birthday parties 2% Golf lessons&leagues 2% Youth ice sports&activities 2% Youth fitness&wellness programs 2% Other 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Most Important ®2nd Most Important 03rd Most Important 04th Most Important 3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q11. Reasons Households Preventing Use of Parks, Facilities, or Events More Often by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) I do not know what is offered 47% 1 do not know locations of facilities 27% Too far from our residence 23% Program or facility not offered 22% Facilities are not well maintained 22% Fees are too high 20% Use services of other agencies 14% Facility operating hours not convenient 12% Lack of parking by facilities and parks 11% Lack of quality programs 10% Facilities lack the right equipment 8% Use facilities in other communities 8°(0 Security is insufficient 6%, Poor customer service by staff 4% Not accessible for people with disabilities 3% Other 20% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Smile fl,l( Ir1s1rtutc(7,0)7) ETC Page 12 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q12. Allocation of $100 Among Categories of Funding by percentage of respondents Sports fields Walking/biking trails Neighborhood/community $5.88 $11.74 $9.14 Recreation facilities Waterfront parks $7.95 I $12.60 Golf courses $6.12 Parkland &open space $10.22 Don't know More programs&events $28.64 $7.71 �3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q13. Support of Various Sources of Revenue by percentage of respondents Jointly contribute public funding to focus dollars 5 Oyl Partner with nonprofits&private entities 7% a Increase existing fees for using shelters,fields 29% Increase existing admission fees for facilities 43% Sell or lease small under-utilized parks 51 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very Important ®Somewhat Important ONot Supportive ®Not Sure Smile f1'1m1(c(7,0)7) ETC Page 13 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q14. Potential Source of Revenue Households Would Most Support by percentage of respondent households that selected the item as one of their top two choices Partner with nonprofits&private entities 63% Jointly contribute public funding to focus dollars 62% Increase existing fees for using shelters,fields '19% Sell or lease small under-utilized parks 14 Increase existing admission fees for facilities 101%%/o 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Most Support ®2nd Most Supported �3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q15. Level of Satisfaction with the Overall Value Households Receive From City of Ithaca Parks & Trails by percentage of respondents Very Satisfied 48% Don't Know 6% Very Dissatisfied 1% Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral 1 7% Somewhat Satisfied 37% Smile fl,l( If1,1m1(c(7,0)7) Page 14 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q16. Demographics: What is your age? by percentage of respondents Under 35 years 34% 35-44 years 14% VIII Not provided 2% 45-54 years 20% 65+years 17% 55-64 years 13% 3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q17. Demographics: What is your gender? by percentage of respondents Female 50% Male 48% Non-binary 2% Smile f1,1m1(c(?O)7) ETC Page 15 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q18. Demographics: What is your annual household income? by percentage of respondents $25,000 to$49,999 25% $50,000 to$74,999 18% Under$25,000 13% $75,000 to$99,999 Not provided 13% 8% $150,000 or more $100,000 to$149,999 9% 14% 3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q19. Demographics: Do you own or rent your home? by percentage of respondents Own 57% 1 Not provided 1% Rent 42% Smile f1,1m1(c(?0)7) ETC Page 16 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q20. Demographics: Do you, or does anyone in your household, have an affiliation with Cornell University or Ithaca College? by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) Yes,a former student or employee 27°/9 Yes,as staff 251% Yes,as a student 23% Yes,as faculty 11% Yes,other affiliation 1111 4% No affiliation or not surelong=I 29% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% �3rnn4c EIS Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q21. Demographics: Are you of Hispanic or Latin ancestry? by percentage of respondents Yes 5% No 95% Smile fl,l( Ir1s1rtutc(?O)7) ETC Page 17 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q22. Demographics: Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) White/Caucasian 85% Asian 141% African American/Black 6% Native American/American Indian 1% Pacific Islander 0% Other 2% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% �3rnn4c EIS Iristrnrtc(7,01`7j ETC Page 18 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Section 2 Priority Investment Rating Page 19 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Priority Investment Rating City of Ithaca, New York The Priority Investment Rating (PIR) was developed by ETC Institute to provide governments with an objective tool for evaluating the priority that should be placed on parks and recreation investments. The Priority Investment Rating was developed by ETC Institute to identify the facilities and programs residents think should receive the highest priority for investment. The priority investment rating reflects the importance residents place on items(sum of top 4 choices) and the unmet needs (needs that are only being partly or not met) for each facility/program relative to the facility/program that rated the highest overall. Since decisions related to future investments should consider both the level of unmet need and the importance of facilities and programs, the PIR weights each of these components equally. The PIR reflects the sum of the Unmet Needs Rating and the Importance Rating as shown in the equation below: PIR = UNR + IR For example, suppose the Unmet Needs Rating for playgrounds is 26.5 (out of 100) and the Importance Rating for playgrounds is 52 (out of 100), the Priority Investment Rating for playgrounds would be 78.5 (out of 200). How to Analyze the Charts: • High Priority Areas are those with a PIR of at least 100. A rating of 100 or above generally indicates there is a relatively high level of unmet need and residents generally think it is important to fund improvements in these areas. Improvements in this area are likely to have a positive impact on the greatest number of households. • Medium Priority Areas are those with a PIR of 50-99. A rating in this range generally indicates there is a medium to high level of unmet need or a significant percentage of residents generally think it is important to fund improvements in these areas. • Low Priority Areas are those with a PIR below 50. A rating in this range generally indicates there is a relatively low level of unmet need and residents do not think it is important to fund improvements in these areas. Improvements maybe warranted if the needs of very specialized populations are being targeted. The following pages show the Unmet Needs Rating, Importance Rating, and Priority Investment Rating for facilities and programs. ETC Page 20 ti Q N fl N N bA bA C � � O a) O O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- o O y v' ) _ U � yn ■ E V O o M � o LO LL CO CO CD6 C CD 0 O o ti L -1—+ o_ co -co ----------------------------------------------------------- p M I E N N N oLO U co L = E m It U CU z2 U =L) co O 0 � �-M�-6------------------------------------ � E M M CO O N N O ri co m O E NN � � CNNOO� � N C O - -I�--------- a) O .�� •� �• � M It N MU L 0 00 cu co co E of ry0' cu > cu U) a) _0 _ ID GI _ _ _ W /QT'S ° (0 /L' 0 _ � U /QT'S � _2 '([�� L /w � L L L � 0 ^WC` 0 o � � 70 W 0- ca 1 � A+ RLS Oca L� /�' 1� � L RLS L � L`L ac) o o � E W L W QJ 0- `a) lV a)) 0) •0 Co� E (n ca O ��V LA 1L " 0 0 Lf"S1L � o U 70 o °,O Z �, c � vm °o �Co � � °_ c -0Q- a) (1) cr0U0O � 000 L o a, L tE ° L 0X M o to o - ° ° a) 0) a) Uo 70 -0 �ca (3) Co UCo =3 p a) C o � 'Qca 0 "i = =3 c: � o CSI �J ° LEOE ° oo o L ca V L 0 � CU O 1- LO a) 0 p _0 ca _ W C _0 o U _0 "" N Q N fl N N bA bA � O C O u c0 r O s p O o 0 O V/ 0 O W M 07 c ti O O 00 Ucu CCS E LL OO O p (.0 (.0M O Oo � O .� j .�� = co CU ca E 0 o W p U CCS E E U U °' CD M cu 06 -� L � o -0 = 04 04 OO cu cu co NOLO L� 0 p� 6i � � O � a E .�� MNN � M ON a) p � NN> C14 C14� U � LO MI� I� � Od 000CflNM00 M d' cury cu O W M M M) M) L 0 L 0 0 C a) o 0 .t QS V) V) i L a a� O U a) � a) I- a) - Q O O O ca OQ W3 0 = m c = c a) Q Q � ca 0- Q5 0- a) U O V) 4— E E o a) a— 4— OU U OU O O Lr O O �0 O L /'� aD �_ (Lf 0 O V) ,� O 0 O C E O O O a) _ U L /c/Lf� `V L �_ p .- C 0 O � 0- 0 � ^c'1 C (^n' 2_R O C 'V � _Q '2 O /O1 Zcn _Q cn E E O 0- a) aJ W cB E L .,_, ,,_, /n 0- ca m m 0 oO cm ca 06 oa)c � Oh ° m m 4 E ° � o � o � ca a) C-6 c o f O c� Cca O Op o N cm a) � O C U 'E � 0 ca ca - 0 0 0 O O U H 0L � W "- O — O U _0O I- M Q N fl N N bA a /u � (`.v\ LZ Cl) U m (U N s o � ■_ � III' ml.uu � � CCS O k oU cu W O N CU Cu 4 0� L- 4-, :� Oc ®� O 4— CU OD E cn CU � Ew 4-1 > C) cn C: > V C: t i i O O O • W W to to to CO to le "'' le le "—' to L 7 'n ca to to to L a) L a 70 4-1 06 C O E V cn i � cn a) � (LS (LS �- z � � O L (B -,e U) � c: o m E �- O L ca O L � 4= � cU -1 � p p o c ca L- 70 v O o-0 ca 7 w (u _ L c O 70 C ?: y Q N O N N bA bA C � 0 U O 0 O O /wJIr— y c / _ U CO CO C.6 E cn 0 co cu E i "-' M O � O O °° o 0 O ~� O LO M O m •� M f� 0- L O •^r` U N U-) U CCS CD E d C;)� U . = E O ^\ = U 1..� CU0 O D N O M 07 07 07 � M N N N N N N �{j M M M N N Ir- O N N 0 LO d M ON O O � v o0 ti fy CU C O cn cn of cn cn cn cn cn cn L cn w w w w w w w cn cn cn cn cn cn cn EEc0LEEEE � a� � E � E ? EEEE � mm � O m cm O cm cm W Q] 0) 0) 0) 0)1— 0 cm cu cm 0) E 0)--Q -1c ' Ot() OOO OOO6 L OOO ( O LL E°' Q_ Q_.- O Q_ Q_ Q_ Q_ cBLcoQ_ Q_ Q_._ W ;O ; U) Q N fl N N bA bA C � O C v = O O u (6 r s o O o 0 O U cn E CuCl) � O ti 0 00 O `u n� E � O o OC) . CU -1- 0- Cu 0 0 LOU D CCS E E VO U cn 0 � M O ) a � Ec M a `) m CU (-4 d N N ti O O � C', tiN O 0 E \ � COao N o m •�+ O m N ~ d N m O d 1 "- co I� I� I� � N O � v p Cfl Cfl Lij LO '- dj. M CID I- I- d- '~� Cu .r- IMMMMMMMM[Mmm fycu cu O N w w c w w w L w w w w w w w w w w = w w w w w w w w L O a) E o L E E E a) E L E E E � E E -5 E ) a) a) a) a) a) E "- M > o M Ca " 0 0 0 " o � L- o >, L- = >— o cB o >— '- Q U cn E a) cm L) o0 0 � o � 000L ooL o -0 Ca D- ca r- o at5 in 0 0 o o °6 0 0 . 0 0 0 o 0 6 Ca 06 0 o 0 w 0 �a) � a) 0 0 Cu cn L U) O C a) O >' ca � � a) C a) cB � O = O � � � O L O L a) �+ E L L a) 0- U 0 O U to (n 0- a) E L O 0- V +-- U O to m to O C L ' m E L E O 0 `'_ ~ //��0 `� `� ami a) L U � 5 O a) Ca U �E L) L L.L � L L � _ W . 0 a, Q � E O Ca 0 o � o ca LL � � E_ /off � C E a) � C U � to o � to (LO 4 c2n Q ~ �O Ca 0O E = C = Q o E70o � 0o m r. Q � � cu 0 a � 70 >- o O v m 0- 70 Q w a) Q U u Z pUJI Q N fl N N bA a /(`u C .v\ LL Cl) U O E Cu O u N cu —C UIlUlllllao O reu O ® O 1..� > O O U CU A\ � � N U 4-1 O CU ll� ll� � O ODO 4- O -f-a E c: 4-1 O cn E O -f-a > i O •— c E E ,O E E E m E m E E C L °' '°' E E E m E .� .° O ca ca `~ Li O L L L L L LOO � O p O Oco — cu 0 O LOOO0 0_ OL OO 06 W (n W 0 W W a')' E E � 40— O � O E p - L L fn > O E L L �- L O C O - �- C •— � U) C cB Rf � OR C 2 O O to U (n 0 O m � U U O �-+ '~ ° u E m w `� ~ � cB E L p ° m m �' (n m 10 m m °' m L 0 o 0 O ° :5; L) m � — L ° — O L 70 E C C ° cn O ° �2S 0 ca cB to L O E ca ° � .C ° ON .— O cn Q O L _0 >- �- to > E p J �-- 5 06 to 0 8 Q _ ° 4= c E = o Q =3 4— E CO ca V♦ Q O Q 70 >- O 00 [� O70 c Q a) ai m ca o JI' z City of Ithaca-Findings Report Section 3 Benchmarking Analysis Page 27 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Benchmarking Summary Report City of Ithaca, New York Since 1998,ETC Institute has conducted household surveys for needs assessments,feasibility studies, customer satisfaction,fees and charges comparisons,and other parks and recreation issues in more than 400 communities in over 49 states across the country. The results of these surveys has provided an unparalleled data base of information to compare responses from household residents in client communities to "National Averages" and therefore provide a unique tool to "assist organizations in better decision making." Communities within the data base include a full-range of municipal and county governments from 20,000 in population through over 1 million in population. They include communities in warm weather climates and cold weather climates, mature communities and some of the fastest growing cities and counties in the country. "National Averages" have been developed for numerous strategically important parks and recreation planning and management issues including:customer satisfaction and usage of parks and programs; methods for receiving marketing information; reasonsthat prevent members of households from using parks and recreation facilities more often; priority recreation programs, parks,facilities and trails to improve or develop; priority programming spaces to have in planned community centers and aquatic facilities; potential attendance for planned indoor community centers and outdoor aquatic centers; etc. Results from household responses for Ithaca, New York were compared to National Benchmarks to gain further strategic information. A summary of all tabular comparisons are shown on the following page. Note: The benchmarking data contained in this report is protected intellectual property. Any reproduction of the benchmarking information in this report by persons or organizations not directly affiliated with the City of Ithaca is not authorized without written consent from ETC Institute. ETC Page 28 Q N fl N N bA bA C C ii � A U , 7 S O eV o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v Ln 00 O r•1 0 0 r•1 00 Ln r•1 M M cn M Ln N 0 M LG 00 r-1 N M N N M rl N N M a v 1-4 d N m m \ \ d am 00 r- d � m � am Ln ­4 `-' m Ln O1 `-' 1° Ln ­4 ­4 m ­4 m d ­4 a w,. z C O coO COMO �p O a) O LL. O W O LL. O N ++ S? O ++ — Y X X L qp W U O ~ LU cl. LUC 3 '`'' O Y Ln c0 O U (3)++ nm 0 dL0 L Z L Ln -- O U vii .� 'O (3) L E co Q O L LL CC (6 LL 0 Q \ cm m .— T Q CL O N C n O T 0 N U 1A u — \ T O U m W ;, U M 4- -O (O n• y., O U O O @ .« N m W cc Ln u MO > O .{.r (3) •L Q to ° E a� O > T ; m c CL Y O1 00 O r L O U D @ d i T Q i Q LL w w r_ t t ++ ++ OF m m m 01 O O d - - O @ @ O O O � a• a• m w w i +�+ +m+ @ 01 01 � m C O O 01 >' T C Q O O C 3 3 —LLd y o a m a v v CIO CIO C C ii u 7 s eV o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N Ln O NN N O N N O N M 00 00 tD Ln MV-1 N r-I N N M r-I N N r-1 a v Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 �o �o m e o w 000 m m Lr) Lr) d tedm m \' rn N o a d ­4 Nm � 1-4 N a w.. z c a� o -Q U v c W c L E ojc u � c +-' c6 +'' 1 N L C.1 .� C C o- 0) = L 4) U 0) (6 .0 >- Q +-+ 0) 4— c0 >. a— i� -O M c0 ) C > S? Q O S1 -0 O +— N CLn ++ O > O O)CL cc O C 'O O > C C LC L dA w... 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ED U LL +�+ L6 O .+_UO CT+ W Y W Q — LL N U C uo �O -O C0 0 U L dA U L CO Q O L rym �fD {n O y., c6 C_ C C ,+C+ i-+ = : O Y o 4'�- O �-/ O 7 .0 Y Q c0 � 4- Q L L L w m O T C Ln +�-+ W W p O- 00 C C -p v\i J co O Q- O •L C m N N Q) +-+ cm W L o Q Q 3 u O Qc 4L C6 m Q L C co -O to C N U L 0 L v\i Q Q Y � 7 C C O 7 Q LJ N oC L LN a0) uY c - o o a O o co x C _v Nz 0 c } > — o O crd cc ' f6 C A J Qcc Q ON to 7 0A d -O E ' ' dm _ d > Ov C Q z (v �_ OL N O OO J cTn Q \O O L _ L N iN+ �— CO L t n O O 3 v ro V C Q L .+., N d (6 Q O O O 'O Z O v co m O C O L UO -0 3 c O N Q m \ U C �n v (3) — �� d c L ++ (3) 7 f0 +' •� co m Z 4- L O co .w Z m V m Y Q C i O Q U) aCIOM a CIO v s - O 00 eV o 0 T 00 N 0 0 0 0 s v a v Q ° 00000 a N m 0 a w,. z Ln Ln n ++ cn � LnO T L c +� o C) C) o w... 3 C L i > Q E N E O O N ++ m nm � v d m N Y Q d 45 t E O d v d d O m m d O d t t �3 c O m 4- UJIN City of Ithaca-Findings Report Section 4 Charts and Graphs- County Results j"" Page 36 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q1. Demographics: Number of People in Household by percentage of respondents Two 45% One 15% Five or more 7% Four Three 14% 19% 3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q2. Demographics: Ages of People in Household by percentage of household occupants 25-34 years 20-24 years 15-19 years 12% 8% 0° 10-14 years 35-44 years 4% 12% 5-9 years 4% �/ Illlll Under 5 years 45-54Y ears 8% 12% 40� 65-79 years 55-64 years 12% 20% Smile f1,1m1(c(?0)7) ETC Page 37 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q3. Park and Recreation Providers Households Have Used During the Last 12 Months by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) City/Town/County Public Facilities 74oyp College/University Facilities 51% Private Fitness Clubs&Studios 36% School District Facilities 35Q/o Ithaca Children's Garden 271/o YMCA of Ithaca&Tompkins County 23% Homeowners Association/Apt.Complex 2% Other 19% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% �3rnn4c EIS Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q4. City of Ithaca Recreational Facilities Households Have Visited During the Past 12 Months by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) Stewart Park fields,pavilions,playgrounds 79% Ithaca Farmers Market 72%, Cass Park fields,pavilions,playgrounds 54Q/o Cass Park Skating Rink 23% Ithaca Youth Bureau 13% Greater Ithaca Activities Center 10% Newman Golf Course 9% Cass Park Swimming Pool 9% Southside Community Center 7% Alex Haley Pool 4% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Smucc EIS 11s1rtutc(?0)7) ETC Page 38 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q4a. How Would You Rate the Overall Quality of All of the City of Ithaca Recreation Facilities You Have Visited? by percentage of respondents Excellent 21% Good Poor 67% 0% Fair 12% 3rnu4c. fl,lIristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q4b. How Would You Rate the Overall Quality of All of the City of Ithaca Recreation Programs and Services You Have Participated In? by percentage of respondents Excellent 24% Poor Good 1 64% Fair 11% Smilcc11,1m1(c(7,0)7) ETC Page 39 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q5. Parks and Trails Respondent Households Have Visited During the Past 12 Months by percentage of respondents Stewart Park Cass Park 64% Cayuga Waterfront Trail 52% Ithaca Falls Natural Area 48% DeWitt Park 38% South Hill Recreation Way Trail 27% East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 22% Dryden Park 21% East Shore Park 1,7% Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 12°/q Forest Home Park 7% Washington Park 6% Eastern Heights Park 4% Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 4% Strawberry Fields 3% ' Tare yton Park 3% Auburn Park 2% Salem Park 2% Tutelo Park 2% Bryant Park 2% Titus Triangle 2% Grandview Park 2% Thompson Park 2% Columbia Street Park 2% Conley Park 1% Conway Park 1% Maplewood Park 1% Troy Park 1% Tudor Park 1% Baker Park 1% Vincenzo lacovelli Park 1% MacDaniels Park 1% Hillview Park ° 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 3rnn4c EIS Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q5a. How Would You Rate the Overall Condition of All the Parks and Trails You Have Visited? by percentage of households Excellent 25% iII �I��L�l�lu!i!i,iiiillllllll , Poor 0/o 0 Fair Good 11% 64% Smile f1,1m1(c(?0)7) ETC Page 40 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q5b. Which Two Are In The BEST Condition? by percentage of respondents who selected the items as one of their top two choices Cass Park 30% Cayuga Waterfront Trail 30% Stewart Park '9 Ithaca Falls Natural Area 12 South Hill Recreation Way Trail 9% Dryden Park 8 o DeWitt Park 7% East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 5% East Shore Park 3 Tutelo Park 2% Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 2 Washington Park 1 Auburn Park 1 Eastern Heights Park 1 Forest Home Park 1 Strawberry Fields 1 0% 10% 20% 30% 1st Choice 1112nd Choice 3rnu4c. fl,lr Ir,strnrtc(7,01`7) Q5c. Which Two Are In The WORST Condition? by percentage of respondents who selected the items as one of their top two choices Stewart Park 23 Ithaca Falls Natural Area 90/0 Cass Park 8% DeWitt Park 7 Dryden Park 2% East Shore Park 2 East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 1 South Hill Recreation Way Trail 1 Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 1 Cayuga Waterfront Trail 1 Bryant Park 1 Columbia Street Park 1 Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 1 Titus Triangle 1 0% 10% 20% 1st Choice ®2nd Choice Smile fl,lr If1,1m1(c(?0)7) ETC Page 41 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q6. How Respondent Households Learn About City of Ithaca Parks, Facilities, Special Events and Activities by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) From friends&neighbors 700/ Newspaper 36W° Social media 30% Fliers/signs at parks&facilities 22% City of Ithaca website 18% Other websites 18% Email newsletters/listservs 12% School fliers/newsletters 11% Ithaca Youth Bureau website 11% Conversations with staff 9% IPlayBook 2% Other 13% 0% 20% 40% 60% 3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q7. Facilities Respondent Households Have a Need For by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) Walking&biking trails 740 Picnic shelters 60% Greenspace&natural areas 8% Large community parks 54% Outdoor natural swimming areasMEE 52 Nature center 49 Small neighborhood parks 46 Indoor fitness&exercise facilities 37 Playground equipment 33 Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 31 Outdoor swimming pools/water parks 30 Indoor running/walking track 27 Community meeting space 26 Off-leash dog park 25 Indoor ice arena 25 Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 22 Sports fields 19 Spray-pad 17 Senior Center 1' Golf course 15% Outdoor tennis courts 14% Diamond fields Outdoor basketball courts 12 Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 12 Mountain bike park 12 Indoor sports fields 10 Disc golf 6 Skateboarding park 5% Other 5% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Smile 11r1rtutc(?0)7) ETC Page 42 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q7. Estimated Number of Households That Have a Need for Various Facilities by number of households based on 31,629 households in Tompkins County excluding those inside the City of Ithaca Walking&biking trails 231,437 Picnic shelters 1$,946 Greenspace&natural areas 18„282 Large community parks 17,176 Outdoor natural swimming areas 16,479, Nature center 15,435 Small neighborhood parks 14,454 Indoor fitness&exercise facilities 11,79$ Playground equipment 10,501 Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 9 678 Outdoor swimming pools/water parks 9,552 Indoor running/walking track 8,413 Community meeting space 8,129 Off-leash dog park 7,971 Indoor ice arena7,844 Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 6,863 Sports fields 6,136 Spray-pad 5,440 Senior Center 5,314 Golf course 14,713 Outdoor tennis courts 4,555 Diamond fields 4,238 Outdoor basketball courts 3;859 Indoor basketball/volleyball courts3,,859 Mountain bike park 3,637 Indoor sports fields 3,131 Disc golf 1,9931 Skateboarding park 1,487 Other 1,645 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 3rnu4c. fl,l� Iri rtrnrtc(7,01`7) Q7. How Well Parks and Recreation Facilities Meet the Needs of Respondent Households by percentage of respondents with a need for facilities Walking&biking trails MONESSOMEMM, 37% 12i Large community parks �zr Playground equipment 13% Sports fields14i 1 P Small neighborhood parks 13% Greenspace&natural areas 16% IM Diamond fields 17% Picnic shelters �sr Nature center O', 534% l6i /. Indoor ice arena psi Golf course 16% Skateboarding park 42° 17 Outdoor basketball courts 18 Off-leash dog park 19r Ir Community meeting space FAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11 44° 16% iffialmiam Indoor fitness&exercise facilities psi ;, E4 Outdoor natural swimming areas 19r Outdoor swimming pools/water parks 28° zsi Outdoor tennis courts 24i Senior Center a', 26i Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 23720 Indoor sports fields 32 Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool �8r Disc golf 24°° z7i Spray-pad a', 21i Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 31% Mountain bike park 19° 18% Indoor running/walking track zzi Other 1 13% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 100%Met =75%Met=50%Met ME25%or 0%Met Smile h1,1m1(c(7,0)7) ETC Page 43 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q7. Estimated Number of Households Whose Needs for Facilities/Amenities Are Being Met 50% or Less by number of households based on 31,629 households in Tompkins County excluding those inside the City of Ithaca Outdoor natural swimming areas Indoor running/walking track 6 251 Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 5,536 Outdoor swimming pools/wat 77A 4,556 Indoor fitness&exercise facilities 4 483 Picnic shelters 7714 414 Nature center 3 998 Greenspace&natural areas T29 Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 3720 Walking&biking trails 3,609 Spray-pad(above ground water play) _��' 3 4h 1 Small neighborhood parks 12,894 Senior Center 2 875 Community meeting space 2,723 Large community parks 2,645 Off-leash dog park 2,598 Mountain bike park %i 2.542 Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 2,435 Outdoor tennis courts 2 186 Indoor ice arena 2b63 Indoor sports fields(baseball,soccer,etc) 1 M Playground equipment 11 12 Golf course 1 3 2 Sports fields(soccer,football,lacrosse) 1 �9 Outdoor basketball courts %%� 11,150 Disc golf 1 150 Diamond fields(baseball,softball) [- 946 Skateboarding park [ 434 other126 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 ®0%Met 025%Met M50%Met 3rnu4c. fl,l� Ir,strnrtc(7,01`7) Q8. Facilities That Are Most Important to Households by percentage of respondents who selected the items as one of their top four choices Walking&biking trails 1 152% Greenspace&natural areas 111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 29% Outdoor natural swimming areas 24% Large community parks 22% Picnic shelters 20% Small neighborhood parks 16% Indoor fitness&exercise facilities 13% Off-leash dog park 12% Playground equipment 11% Nature center 10% Outdoor swimming pools/water parks 9% Golf course 8% Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 7% Indoor running/walking track 79/9 Sports fields 6%, Senior Center 6%1 Indoor ice arena 6%' Community meeting space 5% Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 5% Diamond fields 4% Mountain bike park 4% Spray-pad 3% Outdoor tennis courts 3% Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 2% Indoor sports fields 2% Disc golf 2% Skateboarding park 31 2% Outdoor basketball courts1% Other 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Most Important ®2nd Most Important 03rd Most Important 04th Most Important Smile r1s1rtutc(7,0)7) ETC Page 44 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q9. Programs That Respondent Households Have a Need For by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) Farmers'Market 66% Special events 52% Adult fitness&wellness programs 40% Nature programs/environmental education 42% Adult continuing education programs 3T% Adult programs for 50 years&older 31% Water fitness programs 23% Adult art,dance,performing arts 22% Adult sports programs 22% Travel programs 18% Youth Learn to Swim programs 17% Youth summer camp programs 17% Outdoor challenge programs 16% Youth sports programs 166f° Programs with your pets 15% Youth art,dance,performing arts 15% Birthday parties 14%, Before&after school programs 13% Preschool programs 13% Golf lessons&leagues 11% Youth fitness&wellness programs 11% Programs for teens 11% Programs for people with disabilities 9% Mentoring for youth 19% Adult ice sports&activities 9% Youth ice sports&activities 8% Tennis lessons&leagues 7% Other 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 3rnu4c. fl,lr Ir,strnrtc(7,01`7) Q9. Estimated Number of Households That Have a Need for Various Programs by number of households based on 31,629 households in Tompkins County excluding those inside the City of Ithaca Farmers'market 20,907 Special events 16,,542 Adult fitness&wellness programs 14,676 Nature programs/environmental education 13,189 Adult continuing education programs 1,545 Adult programs for 50 years&older 9,678, Water fitness programs 7,243 Adult art,dance,performing arts 7,022 Adult sports programs 6,863 Travel programs 15,725 Youth Learn to Swim programs 5,440 Youth summer camp programs 5,377 Outdoor challenge programs 4,,997 Youth sports programs 4,902 Programs with your pets 4,839 Youth art,dance,performing arts 4,113 Birthday parties 4,20 Before&after school programs 4,112 Preschool programs 3,954 Golf lessons&leagues 3,574, Youth fitness&wellness programs 3,511 Programs for teens 3,448 Programs for people with disabilities 2,910 Mentoring for youth 2,910 Adult ice sports&activities 2,815 Youth ice sports&activities 2,594 Tennis lessons&leagues 2,182 Other 886 0 6,000 12,000 18,000 24,000 Smile F, I 11r1rtutc(7,0)7) ETC Page 45 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q9. How Well Programs Meet the Needs of Respondent Households by percentage of respondents with a need for programs Farmers'Market 22° 10° Youth sports programs 35% 1 22° Youth summer camp programs 32° 25° Special events 35° 23° lim Nature programs/environmental education 35° Youth ice sports&activities WINE== 28° Before&after school programs Youth art,dance,performing arts 28°,Q ° Preschool programs a', 22° Adult ice sports&activities Youth Learn to Swim programs 30°° 28°° i" Birthday parties 26° 33° Youth fitness&wellness programs 26° Adult art,dance,performing arts 257YD I Adult sports programs 29° 23° Adult fitness&wellness programs 24° 30° Programs for people with disabilities 21% 1 26° Mentoring for youth 21 YD I 24° Adult programs for 50 years&older 27 YD 26° Adult continuing education programs 24° 30° Programs for teens 17% 1 255 Golf lessons&leagues 12° 23° Outdoor challenge programs 3YD 1 29YD M000=3 Water fitness programs 16° 1 22° Programs with your pets 1fi° 27° Travel programs 16° 32° Tennis lessons&leagues 87 Other 7° 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 100%Met 075%Met 050%Met M725%or 0%Met 3rnu4c. fl,lr Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q9. Estimated Number of Households Whose Needs for Programs Are Being Partly Met or Not Met by number of households based on 31,629 households in Tompkins County excluding those inside the City of Ithaca Adult fitness&wellness programs Adult continuing education programs % 7,192 Special events iii 6 451 Adult programs for 50 years&older Nature programs/environmental education Water fitness programs 49 Travel programs 4,32E Adult art,dance,performing arts �� 827 Adult sports programs =T796 Programs with your pets 3,421 Outdoor challenge programs 3 378 Youth Learn to Swim programs 2 75 ' Farmers'market 2 672 11 Golf lessons&leagues 2 X84 Programs for teens 2'275 Youth art,dance,performing arts 2,262 Birthday parties 2,199 Before&after school programs 1,928 Preschool programs 1,1914 Youth summer camp programs '%% X1,898 Youth fitness&wellness programs %� 1 826 Mentoring for youth 731 1 1 1 Tennis lessons&leagues %� ,709 1 1 1 Programs for people with disabilities % 694 Adult ice sports&activities 1,3%9 1 Youth sports programs [ 1,324 Youth ice sports&activities 1 7 Other 82� 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 ®0%Met 025%Met E350%Met Smile fl,lr If1,1m1(c(7,0)7) ETC Page 46 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q10. Programs That Are Most Important to Households by percentage of respondents who selected the items as one of their top four choices Farmers'Market 43% Special events iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillillilI 0% Adult fitness&wellness programs 28% Adult programs for 50 years&older 17% Nature programs/environmental education 17d/o Adult continuing education programs 14% Adult sports programs 9% Adult art,dance,performing arts 8% Youth summer camp programs 8°Yo Programs with your pets 8°,/o Youth Learn to Swim programs 7%1 Water fitness programs 7%, Preschool programs 6%' Before&after school programs 6%� Programs for people with disabilities 6% Travel programs 6% Youth sports programs 5% 1 Golf lessons&leagues 5% Outdoor challenge programs 4% Youth art,dance,performing arts 4% Birthday parties 4% Programs for teens 3% Mentoring for youth 3% Youth ice sports&activities 2 Adult ice sports&activities 2% Tennis lessons&leagues 2% Youth fitness&wellness programs 1% Other 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Most Important 332nd Most Important 03rd Most Important 04th Most Important 3rnu4c. fl,l� Ir,strnrtc(7,01`7) Q11. Reasons Households Preventing Use of Parks, Facilities, or Events More Often by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) Too far from our residence 53% 1 do not know what is offered 38% Use facilities in other communities 26% I do not know locations of facilities 23% Fees are too high 21% Facilities are not well maintained 15%, Program or facility not offered 14%' Use services of other agencies 12% Lack of parking by facilities and parks 11% Facility operating hours not convenient 8% Lack of quality programs 8% Security is insufficient 7°{o Facilities lack the right equipment 7% Not accessible for people with disabilities 3% Poor customer service by staff 3% Other 16% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Smile fl,l( Ir1s1rtutc(7,0)7) ETC Page 47 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q12. Allocation of $100 Among Categories of Funding by percentage of respondents Sports fields Walking/biking trails $6 $11 Neighborhood/community $7 Recreation facilities $g � Waterfront parks / $13 Golf courses $8 Park land &open space �����II��iIVll����dd�ii��'ii�� $9 More programs&events Don't know $9 $29 �3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q13. Support of Various Sources of Revenue by percentage of respondents Partner with nonprofits&private entities Jointly contribute public funding to focus dollars 16% Increase existing fees for using shelters,fields 34% Increase existing admission fees for facilities a 43% Sell or lease small under-utilized parks 38% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very Important ®Somewhat Important ONot Sure ®Not Important Smile fl,l( Ir1s1rm(c(7,0)7) ETC Page 48 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q14. Potential Source of Revenue Households Would Most Support by percentage of respondent households that selected the item as one of their top two choices Partner with nonprofits&private entities 57% Jointly contribute public funding to focus dollars 54% Sell or lease small under-utilized parks 21% Increase existing fees for using shelters,fields 1,8% Increase existing admission fees for facilities 161% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Most Support ®2nd Most Supported �3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q15. Level of Satisfaction with the Overall Value Households Receive From City of Ithaca Parks & Trails by percentage of respondents Somewhat Satisfied 38% Very Satisfied 36% Very Dissatisfied 0 Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied 22% 3% Smile f1'1m1(c(7,0)7) ETC Page 49 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q16. Demographics: What is your age? by percentage of respondents 35-44 years 19% 45-54 years 22% Under 35 years 12% a Not provided 2% 65+years 55-64 years 21% 24% 3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q17. Demographics: What is your gender? by percentage of respondents Female—41 52% Male 47% Other 1% Smile f1,1m1(c(?0)7) ETC Page 50 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q18. Demographics: What is your annual household income? by percentage of respondents $25,000 to$49,999 $50,000 to$74,999 22% 20% Under$25,000 10% $75,000 to$99,999 i6� '� ��� $150,000 or more 18% ! 10% $100,000 to$149,999 20% 3rnu4c. fl,l� Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q19. Demographics: Do you own or rent your home? by percentage of respondents Own 82% Rent 18% Smile fl,l( If1,1m1(c(?0)7) ETC Page 51 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q20. Demographics: Do you, or does anyone in your household, have an affiliation with Cornell University or Ithaca College? by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) No affiliation or not sure 46° Yes,a former student or employee 26°/p Yes,as staff 21 Yes,as faculty 10% Yes,as a student 4% Yes,other affiliation 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% �3rnn4c EIS Iristrnrtc(7,01`7) Q21. Demographics: Are you of Hispanic or Latin ancestry? by percentage of respondents No 95% Yes 5% Smile fl,l( Ir1s1rtutc(?O)7) Page 52 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q22. Demographics: Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? by percentage of respondents(multiple choices could be made) White/Caucasian 88°/ Asian 10% African American/Black 30% Native American/American Indian 1% Pacific Islander 0% Other 2% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% �3rnn4c EIS Iristrnrtc(7,01`7j Page 53 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Section 5 Tabular Data - City Results Page 54 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 01. Including yourself, how many people live in your household? Q1. How mM people live in your household Number Percent 1 95 20.8 % 2 198 43.4 % 3 81 17.8 % 4 54 11.8 % 5 19 4.2 % 6 6 1.3 % 8+ 3 0.7 % Total 456 100.0 % 02. How many people in your household are: Mean Sum number 2.4 1080 Ages 5 or under 0.1 37 Ages 6-10 0.1 37 Ages 11-13 0.1 34 Ages 14-17 0.1 40 Ages 18-24 0.3 143 Ages 25-34 0.6 273 Ages 35-44 0.2 88 Ages 45-54 0.3 147 Ages 55-64 0.3 130 Ages 65-74 0.2 108 Ages 75+ 0.1 43 ETC Page 55 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 03. Tompkins County has many providers of park and recreation services. From the following list of park and recreation providers in the area, please check ALL that you or members of your household have used for indoor and outdoor recreation activities during the last 12 months. Q3. All park&recreation providers that you have used for indoor& outdoor recreation activities during last 12 months Number Percent YMCA of Ithaca& Tompkins County 83 19.0 % Ithaca Children's Garden 134 30.7 % Private fitness clubs/studios 217 49.7 % College/university facilities 281 64.3 % School district facilities 138 31.6 % Homeowners association/apt complex 20 4.6 % City/Town/County public facilities 357 81.7 % Other 64 14.6 % Total 1294 ETC Page 56 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 3. Other Q3. Other Number Percent State parks 26 41.3 % Black Diamond Trail 2 3.2 % TCPL, Ithaca Commons, Dewitt Park 1 1.6 % I am handicapped and house bound 1 1.6 % State parks, EG Buttermilk 1 1.6 % the rink 1 1.6 % FINGERLAKES NATL PARK 1 1.6 % State parks, FLLT PRESERVES 1 1.6 % Finger Lakes Land Trust 1 1.6 % Fire Dept facilities 1 1.6 % Ithaca Swim Club 1 1.6 % 2ND DAM AND E SHORE PARK 1 1.6 % Circus Culture 1 1.6 % Finger Lakes Trails 1 1.6 % Hudson St&Bikeway 1 1.6 % Black Diamond Trail, Waterfront Trail 1 1.6 % Waterfront Trail 1 1.6 % CAYUGA 1 1.6 % FLLT Lands and State Lands 1 1.6 % City parks 1 1.6 % Science Center 1 1.6 % Local trails, State parks 1 1.6 % Out of town 1 1.6 % Fire department 1 1.6 % Town parks 1 1.6 % Hiking national areas, state parks 1 1.6 % NYS parks 1 1.6 % Waterfront Trail& Black Diamond Trail 1 1.6 % State parks &trails 1 1.6 % Private lakefront rentals 1 1.6 % State parks & land 1 1.6 % NYS parks and trails 1 1.6 % Recreation ways 1 1.6 % NYS FORESTS AND PARKS 1 1.6 % Local parks 1 1.6 % State parks &forest 1 1.6 % Ithaca Skate Park 1 1.6 % Total 63 100.0 % Missing Cases =0 Response Percent= 100.0 % ETC Page 57 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 04. From the following list, please check ALL of the City of Ithaca recreational facilities that you and members of your household have visited during the past 12 months. Q4. City of Ithaca recreational facilities you have visited during past 12 months Number Percent Alex Haley Pool 56 12.7 % Cass Park fields,pavilions,playgrounds 291 65.8 % Cass Park Skating Rink 122 27.6 % Cass Park Swimming Pool 75 17.0 % Greater Ithaca Activities Center(GIAC) 93 21.0 % Ithaca Farmers Market 389 88.0 % Ithaca Youth Bureau(in Stewart Park) 70 15.8 % Newman Golf Course 45 10.2 % Southside Community Center 66 14.9 % Stewart Park fields,pavilions,playgrounds 382 86.4 % Total 1589 04a. How would you rate the overall quality of ALL the City of Ithaca recreation facilities you have visited? Q4a. How would you rate overall quality of all City of Ithaca recreation facilities you have visited Number Percent Excellent 140 31.7 % Good 248 56.1 % Fair 51 11.5 % Poor 3 0.7 % Total 442 100.0 % ETC Page 58 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 04b. How would you rate the overall quality of ALL the City of Ithaca recreation programs and services you have participated in? Q4b. How would you rate overall quality of all City of Ithaca recreation programs & services you have participated in Number Percent Excellent 114 25.8 % Good 232 52.5 % Fair 30 6.8 % Poor 3 0.7 % Not provided 63 14.3 % Total 442 100.0 % Fel IS MY7 1 1 04b. How would you rate the overall quality of ALL the City of Ithaca recreation programs and services you have participated in? (Without "not provided") Q4b. How would you rate overall quality of all City of Ithaca recreation programs & services you have participated in Number Percent Excellent 114 30.1 % Good 232 61.2 % Fair 30 7.9 % Poor 3 0.8 % Total 379 100.0 % ETC Page 59 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 05. From the following list of both City of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca parks and trails, please check ALL that you and members of your household have visited during the past 12 months. Q5. All parks &trails you have visited during past 12 months Number Percent Auburn Park 45 10.1 % Baker Park 29 6.5 % Bryan Park 65 14.6 % Cass Park 347 77.8 % Columbia Street Park 28 6.3 % Conley Park 39 8.7 % Conway Park 44 9.9 % DeWitt Park 318 71.3 % Dryden Park 17 3.8 % East Shore Park 132 29.6 % Eastern Heights Park 12 2.7 % Forest Home Park 35 7.8 % Grandview Park 6 1.3 % Hillview Park 17 3.8 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 324 72.6 % MacDaniels Park 24 5.4 % Maplewood Park 15 3.4 % Stewart Park 410 91.9 % Strawberry Fields 40 9.0 % Tareyton Park 2 0.4 % Thompson Park 77 17.3 % Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 69 15.5 % Titus Triangle 45 10.1 % Troy Park 3 0.7 % Tudor Park 3 0.7 % Tutelo Park 7 1.6 % Vincenzo Lacovelli Park 26 5.8 % Washington Park 133 29.8 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 333 74.7 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 161 36.1 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 55 12.3 % South Hill Recreation Trail 203 45.5 % Total 3 064 ETC Page 60 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 05a. How would you rate the overall condition of all the parks and trails you visited? Q5a. How would you rate the overall condition of all parks &trails you visited Number Percent Excellent 156 35.0 % Good 256 57.4 % Fair 31 7.0 % Poor 2 0.4 % Not provided 1 0.2 % Total 446 100.0 % MAI I m so[11110 05a. How would you rate the overall condition of all the parks and trails you visited? (without "not provided") Q5a. How would you rate the overall condition of all parks &trails you visited Number Percent Excellent 156 35.1 % Good 256 57.5 % Fair 31 7.0 % Poor 2 0.4 % Total 445 100.0 % ETC Page 61 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 05b. Which TWO (2) are in the BEST condition? Q5b. Top choice Number Percent Auburn Park 6 1.3 % Bryan Park 1 0.2 % Cass Park 58 13.0 % Conway Park 2 0.4 % DeWitt Park 8 1.8 % East Shore Park 17 3.8 % Eastern Heights Park 2 0.4 % Forest Home Park 2 0.4 % Hillview Park 1 0.2 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 42 9.4 % MacDaniels Park 1 0.2 % Stewart Park 62 13.9 % Thompson Park 3 0.7 % Titus Triangle 1 0.2 % Vincenzo Lacovelli Park 1 0.2 % Washington Park 4 0.9 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 136 30.5 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 19 4.3 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 1 0.2 % South Hill Recreation Trail 20 4.5 % None chosen 59 13.2 % Total 446 100.0 % ETC Page 62 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 05b. Which TWO (2) are in the BEST condition? Q5b. 2nd choice Number Percent Auburn Park 2 0.4 % Baker Park 2 0.4 % Bryan Park 6 1.3 % Cass Park 60 13.5 % Conley Park 2 0.4 % DeWitt Park 27 6.1 % East Shore Park 11 2.5 % Eastern Heights Park 1 0.2 % Forest Home Park 1 0.2 % Grandview Park 1 0.2 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 53 11.9 % Stewart Park 62 13.9 % Strawberry Fields 4 0.9 % Tareyton Park 1 0.2 % Thompson Park 8 1.8 % Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 7 1.6 % Titus Triangle 2 0.4 % Tutelo Park 1 0.2 % Vincenzo Lacovelli Park 2 0.4 % Washington Park 5 1.1 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 45 10.1 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 20 4.5 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 4 0.9 % South Hill Recreation Trail 39 8.7 % None chosen 80 17.9 % Total 446 100.0 % ETC Page 63 City of Ithaca-Findings Report OSb. Which TWO (2) are in the BEST condition? (ton 2) Q5b. Sum of top 2 choices Number Percent Auburn Park 8 1.8 % Baker Park 2 0.4 % Bryan Park 7 1.6 % Cass Park 118 26.5 % Conley Park 2 0.4 % Conway Park 2 0.4 % DeWitt Park 35 7.8 % East Shore Park 28 6.3 % Eastern Heights Park 3 0.7 % Forest Home Park 3 0.7 % Grandview Park 1 0.2 % Hillview Park 1 0.2 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 95 21.3 % MacDaniels Park 1 0.2 % Stewart Park 124 27.8 % Strawberry Fields 4 0.9 % Tareyton Park 1 0.2 % Thompson Park 11 2.5 % Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 7 1.6 % Titus Triangle 3 0.7 % Tutelo Park 1 0.2 % Vincenzo Lacovelli Park 3 0.7 % Washington Park 9 2.0 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 181 40.6 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 39 8.7 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 5 1.1 % South Hill Recreation Trail 59 13.2 % None chosen 59 13.2 % Total 812 ETC Page 64 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 05c. Which TWO (2) are in the WORST condition? Q5c. Top choice Number Percent Auburn Park 4 0.9 % Baker Park 2 0.4 % Bryan Park 5 1.1 % Cass Park 19 4.3 % Columbia Street Park 5 1.1 % Conley Park 3 0.7 % Conway Park 6 1.3 % DeWitt Park 52 11.7 % Dryden Park 1 0.2 % East Shore Park 2 0.4 % Forest Home Park 1 0.2 % Hillview Park 3 0.7 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 26 5.8 % MacDaniels Park 8 1.8 % Maplewood Park 1 0.2 % Stewart Park 77 17.3 % Strawberry Fields 4 0.9 % Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 4 0.9 % Titus Triangle 4 0.9 % Washington Park 16 3.6 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 4 0.9 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 1 0.2 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 1 0.2 % South Hill Recreation Trail 3 0.7 % None chosen 194 43.5 % Total 446 100.0 % Page 65 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 05c. Which TWO (2) are in the WORST condition? Q5c. 2nd choice Number Percent Auburn Park 5 1.1 % Baker Park 1 0.2 % Bryan Park 2 0.4 % Cass Park 28 6.3 % Columbia Street Park 2 0.4 % Conley Park 5 1.1 % Conway Park 9 2.0 % DeWitt Park 29 6.5 % Dryden Park 1 0.2 % East Shore Park 5 1.1 % Hillview Park 4 0.9 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 16 3.6 % MacDaniels Park 1 0.2 % Stewart Park 30 6.7 % Strawberry Fields 1 0.2 % Thompson Park 4 0.9 % Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 8 1.8 % Titus Triangle 5 1.1 % Vincenzo Lacovelli Park 1 0.2 % Washington Park 16 3.6 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 5 1.1 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 1 0.2 % South Hill Recreation Trail 4 0.9 % None chosen 263 59.0 % Total 446 100.0 % Page 66 City of Ithaca-Findings Report OSc. Which TWO (2) are in the WORST condition? (ton 2) Q5c. Sum of top 2 choices Number Percent Auburn Park 9 2.0 % Baker Park 3 0.7 % Bryan Park 7 1.6 % Cass Park 47 10.5 % Columbia Street Park 7 1.6 % Conley Park 8 1.8 % Conway Park 15 3.4 % DeWitt Park 81 18.2 % Dryden Park 2 0.4 % East Shore Park 7 1.6 % Forest Home Park 1 0.2 % Hillview Park 7 1.6 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 42 9.4 % MacDaniels Park 9 2.0 % Maplewood Park 1 0.2 % Stewart Park 107 24.0 % Strawberry Fields 5 1.1 % Thompson Park 4 0.9 % Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 12 2.7 % Titus Triangle 9 2.0 % Vincenzo Lacovelli Park 1 0.2 % Washington Park 32 7.2 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 9 2.0 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 1 0.2 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 2 0.4 % South Hill Recreation Trail 7 1.6 % None chosen 194 43.5 % Total 629 Page 67 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 06. From the following list, please check ALL the ways that your household has learned about City of Ithaca parks, facilities, special events, and activities during the past 12 months. Q6. Ways your household has learned about City of Ithaca parks, facilities, special events, & activities during past 12 months Number Percent City of Ithaca website (cityofithaca.org) 118 26.9 % Ithaca Youth Bureau website (IYBREC.com) 49 11.2 % Other websites 101 23.1 % iPlayBook(mobile app) 12 2.7 % Fliers/signs at parks &facilities 123 28.1 % Newspaper 153 34.9 % From friends &neighbors 319 72.8 % Conversations with staff 31 7.1 % Email newsletters/listservs 92 21.0 % School flyers/newsletters 48 11.0 % Social media 171 39.0 % Other 59 13.5 % Total 1276 ETC Page 68 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 6. Other Q6. Other Number Percent Walking around 7 12.1 % Driving by 4 6.9 % Google 3 5.2 % Radio 2 3.4 % Exploring 2 3.4 % just living here a long time 1 1.7 % Grew up knowing about them 1 1.7 % I grew up here 1 1.7 % Community 1 1.7 % We have lived here all our lives 1 1.7 % Ithaca Times and Tompkins County weekly 1 1.7 % Living here for 45 years 1 1.7 % Ithaca Times 1 1.7 % Walking by 1 1.7 % 80-year resident 1 1.7 % Walking 1 1.7 % long time resident 1 1.7 % WRFI Radio 1 1.7 % live in Ithaca my whole life 1 1.7 % bus routes 1 1.7 % Citizen volunteer program 1 1.7 % Growing up in Ithaca 1 1.7 % 17 years as local journalist 1 1.7 % pamplets 1 1.7 % Lived long enough to know all 1 1.7 % Living here for years 1 1.7 % Visit Ithaca.com 1 1.7 % Walking in town 1 1.7 % We are long term users 1 1.7 % Have lived here 74 years 1 1.7 % Lived here for 44 years 1 1.7 % Ithaca Times and proximity 1 1.7 % 40 years living here 1 1.7 % Live here 1 1.7 % Life long resident 1 1.7 % Lived here for 63 years 1 1.7 % Maps/Google Earth/Exploring 1 1.7 % Hiking 1 1.7 % Walking the dog 1 1.7 % Web maps 1 1.7 % Google maps &mail 1 1.7 % Catalog of programs 1 1.7 % My son works there 1 1.7 % Park flyers 1 1.7 % Walking/driving around town 1 1.7 % Total 58 100.0 % ETC Page 69 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 07. Please indicate if YOU or any member of your HOUSEHOLD has a need for each of the parks and recreation facilities listed below. (N=458) Yes No Q7-1. Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 28.8% 71.2% Q7-2. Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 14.4% 85.6% Q7-3.Picnic shelters 70.7% 29.3% Q7-4. Outdoor tennis courts 21.0% 79.0% Q7-5. Indoor ice arena 33.6% 66.4% Q7-6. Community meeting space 42.1% 57.9% Q7-7. Off-leash dog park 31.4% 68.6% Q7-8. Outdoor swimming pools/water parks 45.6% 54.4% Q7-9. Outdoor natural swimming areas 74.9% 25.1% Q7-10.Playground equipment 29.3% 70.7% Q7-11. Outdoor basketball courts 18.6% 81.4% Q7-12. Disc golf 8.7% 91.3% Q7-13. Skateboarding park 9.0% 91.0% Q7-14. Walking &biking trails 90.2% 9.8% Q7-15.Nature center 51.5% 48.5% Q7-16. Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 38.2% 61.8% Q7-17. Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 33.0% 67.0% Q7-18. Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 16.6% 83.4% Q7-19. Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 14.0% 86.0% ETC Page 70 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 07. Please indicate if YOU or any member of your HOUSEHOLD has a need for each of the parks and recreation facilities listed below. Yes No Q7-20. Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 54.1% 45.9% Q7-21. Indoor running/walking track 32.3% 67.7% Q7-22. Golf course 9.8% 90.2% Q7-23. Small neighborhood parks 78.2% 21.8% Q7-24. Large community parks 79.5% 20.5% Q7-25. Mountain bike park 17.9% 82.1% Q7-26. Greenspace &natural areas 82.8% 17.2% Q7-27. Spray-pad(above ground water play) 16.4% 83.6% Q7-28. Senior Center 15.5% 84.5% Q7-29. Other 5.9% 94.1% ETC Page 71 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 07. If YES, please rate ALL the following parks and recreation facilities of this type in Ithaca and Tompkins County on a scale of 5 to 1,where 5 means "100% Meets Needs" and 1 means "Does Not Meet Needs" of your household. (N=442) 100% Met 75%Met 50% Met 25%Met 0% Met Q7-1. Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 42.9% 34.5% 15.1% 5.9% 1.7% Q7-2. Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 41.0% 34.4% 19.7% 4.9% 0.0% Q7-3. Picnic shelters 36.3% 34.0% 23.2% 6.2% 0.3% Q7-4. Outdoor tennis courts 31.8% 19.3% 27.3% 18.2% 3.4% Q7-5. Indoor ice arena 49.0% 29.3% 16.3% 4.8% 0.7% Q7-6. Community meeting space 27.9% 27.4% 29.6% 10.6% 4.5% Q7-7. Off-leash dog park 37.5% 34.6% 17.6% 5.1% 5.1% Q7-8. Outdoor swimming pools/water parks 26.9% 37.6% 20.8% 13.7% 1.0% Q7-9. Outdoor natural swimming areas 24.5% 26.9% 23.9% 18.7% 6.1% Q7-10.Playground equipment 40.0% 32.8% 18.4% 7.2% 1.6% Q7-11. Outdoor basketball courts 35.5% 35.5% 21.1% 7.9% 0.0% Q7-12. Disc golf 11.4% 17.1% 34.3% 22.9% 14.3% Q7-13. Skateboarding park 36.1% 44.4% 13.9% 5.6% 0.0% Q7-14. Walking &biking trails 45.1% 40.0% 10.1% 4.1% 0.8% Q7-15.Nature center 38.3% 41.0% 13.1% 5.9% 1.8% Q7-16. Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 17.9% 16.7% 24.7% 21.6% 19.1% Q7-17. Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 24.1% 17.7% 18.4% 19.9% 19.9% Q7-18. Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 18.6% 27.1% 27.1% 12.9% 14.3% Q7-19. Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 19.3% 24.6% 24.6% 21.1% 10.5% , ETC Page 72 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 07. If YES, please rate ALL the following parks and recreation facilities of this type in Ithaca and Tompkins County on a scale of 5 to 1,where 5 means "100% Meets Needs" and 1 means "Does Not Meet Needs" of your household. 100%Met 75%Met 50% Met 25% Met 0% Met Q7-20. Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 35.6% 28.8% 15.7% 13.1% 6.8% Q7-21. Indoor running/walking track 11.4% 14.3% 25.7% 19.3% 29.3% Q7-22. Golf course 37.5% 32.5% 20.0% 7.5% 2.5% Q7-23. Small neighborhood parks 39.8% 35.7% 19.0% 4.1% 1.5% Q7-24. Large community parks 46.8% 35.6% 13.2% 3.4% 0.9% Q7-25. Mountain bike park 16.0% 14.7% 26.7% 22.7% 20.0% Q7-26. Greenspace &natural areas 41.2% 38.2% 14.5% 3.9% 2.2% Q7-27. Spray-pad(above ground water play) 11.8% 14.7% 33.8% 23.5% 16.2% Q7-28. Senior Center 25.4% 42.4% 16.9% 10.2% 5.1% Q7-29. Other 14.8% 14.8% 7.4% 22.2% 40.7% ETC Page 73 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 7. Other Q7-29. Other Number Percent IN TOWN LAKE SWIMMING 1 4.0 % KID AND ADULT SPRAY PAD 1 4.0 % BIKE TRAILS 1 4.0 % INDOOR MULTI USE SPACE FOR MUSIC SHOWS FOR ALL AGES 1 4.0 % PARKS WHERE DOGS ARE ALLOWED ON LEASH 1 4.0 % outdoor running trails 1 4.0 % Indoor play areas for babies, teens 1 4.0 % trails 1 4.0 % CHILDREN'S GARDEN PARKS FOR GROWING VEGGIES AND FRUIT 1 4.0 % Mountain bike trails 1 4.0 % bird sanctuary 1 4.0 % Racquet sport courts 1 4.0 % Pickleball and dance studio 1 4.0 % RACQUETBALL COURT 1 4.0 % Free private meeting space, especially for LGBTQ 1 4.0 % Gardening opportunities 1 4.0 % Fencing facilities 1 4.0 % More segregated bike lanes 1 4.0 % Water sports 1 4.0 % Paths for communities 1 4.0 % BIKE INFRASTRUCTURE ON ROADS 1 4.0 % VOLLEYBALL, BEACH VOLLEYBALL AT STEWART PARK 1 4.0 % CLIMBING WALL 1 4.0 % RECREATION WAYS 1 4.0 % ICE CLIMBING 1 4.0 % Total 25 100.0 % ETC Page 74 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 08.Which FOUR of the facilities from the list in Question 7 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q8. Top choice Number Percent Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 11 2.4 % Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 2 0.4 % Picnic shelters 12 2.6 % Outdoor tennis courts 3 0.7 % Indoor ice arena 7 1.5 % Community meeting space 4 0.9 % Off-leash dog park 22 4.8 % Outdoor swimming pools/wat 13 2.8 % Outdoor natural swimming areas 36 7.9 % Playground equipment 9 2.0 % Outdoor basketball courts 3 0.7 % Disc golf 2 0.4 % Skateboarding park 4 0.9 % Walking &biking trails 137 29.9 % Nature center 1 0.2 % Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 4 0.9 % Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 9 2.0 % Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 2 0.4 % Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 11 2.4 % Indoor running/walking track 4 0.9 % Golf course 5 1.1 % Small neighborhood parks 15 3.3 % Large community parks 20 4.4 % Mountain bike park 3 0.7 % Greenspace &natural areas 55 12.0 % Spray-pad(above ground water play) 2 0.4 % Senior Center 4 0.9 % Other 9 2.0 % None chosen 49 10.7 % Total 458 100.0 % ETC Page 75 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 08.Which FOUR of the facilities from the list in Question 7 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q8. 2nd choice Number Percent Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 11 2.4 % Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 5 1.1 % Picnic shelters 21 4.6 % Outdoor tennis courts 3 0.7 % Indoor ice arena 3 0.7 % Community meeting space 9 2.0 % Off-leash dog park 16 3.5 % Outdoor swimming pools/wat 17 3.7 % Outdoor natural swimming areas 44 9.6 % Playground equipment 10 2.2 % Outdoor basketball courts 5 1.1 % Disc golf 1 0.2 % Skateboarding park 3 0.7 % Walking &biking trails 81 17.7 % Nature center 4 0.9 % Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 9 2.0 % Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 9 2.0 % Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 2 0.4 % Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 4 0.9 % Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 17 3.7 % Indoor running/walking track 8 1.7 % Golf course 2 0.4 % Small neighborhood parks 42 9.2 % Large community parks 26 5.7 % Mountain bike park 1 0.2 % Greenspace &natural areas 49 10.7 % Senior Center 1 0.2 % None chosen 55 12.0 % Total 458 100.0 % ETC Page 76 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 08.Which FOUR of the facilities from the list in Question 7 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q8. 3rd choice Number Percent Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 14 3.1 % Picnic shelters 18 3.9 % Outdoor tennis courts 8 1.7 % Indoor ice arena 8 1.7 % Community meeting space 9 2.0 % Off-leash dog park 9 2.0 % Outdoor swimming pools/wat 14 3.1 % Outdoor natural swimming areas 39 8.5 % Playground equipment 8 1.7 % Outdoor basketball courts 2 0.4 % Walking &biking trails 45 9.8 % Nature center 6 1.3 % Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 13 2.8 % Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 9 2.0 % Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 2 0.4 % Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 4 0.9 % Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 26 5.7 % Indoor running/walking track 7 1.5 % Golf course 3 0.7 % Small neighborhood parks 40 8.7 % Large community parks 53 11.6 % Mountain bike park 1 0.2 % Greenspace &natural areas 48 10.5 % Spray-pad(above ground water play) 3 0.7 % Senior Center 2 0.4 % Other 1 0.2 % None chosen 66 14.4 % Total 458 100.0 % , ETC Page 77 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 08.Which FOUR of the facilities from the list in Question 7 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q8. 4th choice Number Percent Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 9 2.0 % Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 3 0.7 % Picnic shelters 25 5.5 % Outdoor tennis courts 7 1.5 % Indoor ice arena 8 1.7 % Community meeting space 8 1.7 % Off-leash dog park 12 2.6 % Outdoor swimming pools/wat 3 0.7 % Outdoor natural swimming areas 32 7.0 % Playground equipment 7 1.5 % Outdoor basketball courts 5 1.1 % Disc golf 2 0.4 % Skateboarding park 3 0.7 % Walking &biking trails 30 6.6 % Nature center 7 1.5 % Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 4 0.9 % Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 10 2.2 % Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 6 1.3 % Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 4 0.9 % Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 12 2.6 % Indoor running/walking track 10 2.2 % Golf course 3 0.7 % Small neighborhood parks 55 12.0 % Large community parks 47 10.3 % Mountain bike park 7 1.5 % Greenspace &natural areas 45 9.8 % Spray-pad(above ground water play) 3 0.7 % Senior Center 8 1.7 % Other 2 0.4 % None chosen 81 17.7 % Total 458 100.0 % , ETC Page 78 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 08.Which FOUR of the facilities from the list in Ouestion 7 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? to 4 Q8. Sum of top 4 choices Number Percent Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 45 9.8 % Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 10 2.2 % Picnic shelters 76 16.6 % Outdoor tennis courts 21 4.6 % Indoor ice arena 26 5.7 % Community meeting space 30 6.6 % Off-leash dog park 59 12.9 % Outdoor swimming pools/wat 47 10.3 % Outdoor natural swimming areas 151 33.0 % Playground equipment 34 7.4 % Outdoor basketball courts 15 3.3 % Disc golf 5 1.1 % Skateboarding park 10 2.2 % Walking &biking trails 293 64.0 % Nature center 18 3.9 % Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 30 6.6 % Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 37 8.1 % Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 12 2.6 % Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 12 2.6 % Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 66 14.4 % Indoor running/walking track 29 6.3 % Golf course 13 2.8 % Small neighborhood parks 152 33.2 % Large community parks 146 31.9 % Mountain bike park 12 2.6 % Greenspace &natural areas 197 43.0 % Spray-pad(above ground water play) 8 1.7 % Senior Center 15 3.3 % Other 12 2.6 % None chosen 49 10.7 % Total 1630 , ETC Page 79 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 09. Please indicate if your household has a need for each of the activities,programs,or events listed below. (N=458) Yes No Q9-1. Youth Learn to Swim programs 14.6% 85.4% Q9-2. Preschool programs 8.5% 91.5% Q9-3. Before & after school programs 10.9% 89.1% Q9-4. Youth summer camp programs 17.5% 82.5% Q9-5. Youth sports programs 15.9% 84.1% Q9-6. Youth ice sports & activities 11.1% 88.9% Q9-7. Youth fitness &wellness programs 12.0% 88.0% Q9-8. Programs for teens 13.5% 86.5% Q9-9. Adult fitness &wellness programs 52.6% 47.4% Q9-10. Water fitness programs 24.0% 76.0% Q9-11. Tennis lessons & leagues 9.4% 90.6% Q9-12. Youth art, dance,performing arts 16.2% 83.8% Q9-13. Adult art, dance,performing arts 36.0% 64.0% Q9-14. Adult sports programs 26.6% 73.4% Q9-15. Adult ice sports & activities 13.1% 86.9% Q9-16. Adult programs for 50 years &older 22.3% 77.7% Q9-17.Programs for people with disabilities 7.0% 93.0% Q9-18. Birthday parties 14.0% 86.0% Q9-19. Adult continuing education programs 38.2% 61.8% Q9-20. Golf lessons & leagues 6.8% 93.2% ETC Page 80 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 09. Please indicate if your household has a need for each of the activities,programs,or events listed below. Yes No Q9-21. Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 71.2% 28.8% Q9-22.Nature programs/environmental education 49.3% 50.7% Q9-23. Travel programs 21.6% 78.4% Q9-24. Farmers'market 86.0% 14.0% Q9-25.Programs with your pets 17.7% 82.3% Q9-26. Outdoor challenge programs 20.1% 79.9% Q9-27. Mentoring for youth 14.0% 86.0% Q9-28. Other 2.2% 97.8% ETC Page 81 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 09.If YES,please rate the following recreation programs of this type in Ithaca and Tompkins County on a scale of 1 to 5,where 5 means "100% Meets Needs" and 1 means "Does Not Meet Needs" of your household. (N=429) 100% Met 75%Met 50% Met 25%Met 0% Met Q9-1. Youth Learn to Swim programs 15.9% 27.0% 39.7% 9.5% 7.9% Q9-2. Preschool programs 22.9% 22.9% 22.9% 20.0% 11.4% Q9-3. Before & after school programs 28.9% 15.6% 35.6% 13.3% 6.7% Q9-4. Youth summer camp programs 22.4% 32.9% 28.9% 14.5% 1.3% Q9-5. Youth sports programs 29.4% 32.4% 27.9% 8.8% 1.5% Q9-6. Youth ice sports & activities 25.0% 37.5% 22.9% 12.5% 2.1% Q9-7. Youth fitness &wellness programs 16.3% 24.5% 38.8% 20.4% 0.0% Q9-8. Programs for teens 12.7% 25.5% 36.4% 20.0% 5.5% Q9-9. Adult fitness &wellness programs 16.9% 28.6% 29.6% 16.4% 8.5% Q9-10. Water fitness programs 12.6% 16.8% 26.3% 22.1% 22.1% Q9-11. Tennis lessons & leagues 13.2% 15.8% 26.3% 21.1% 23.7% Q9-12. Youth art, dance,performing arts 24.6% 30.4% 30.4% 10.1% 4.3% Q9-13. Adult art, dance,performing arts 14.0% 34.7% 26.7% 17.3% 7.3% Q9-14. Adult sports programs 16.7% 25.4% 31.6% 16.7% 9.6% Q9-15. Adult ice sports & activities 21.4% 21.4% 30.4% 14.3% 12.5% Q9-16. Adult programs for 50 years & older 10.4% 31.2% 23.4% 20.8% 14.3% Q9-17.Programs for people with disabilities 20.7% 17.2% 10.3% 48.3% 3.4% Q9-18. Birthday parties 17.2% 31.0% 25.9% 15.5% 10.3% Q9-19. Adult continuing education programs 14.7% 18.0% 29.3% 28.7% 9.3% Q9-20. Golf lessons & leagues 12.0% 36.0% 24.0% 16.0% 12.0% ETC Page 82 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 09.If YES,please rate the following recreation programs of this type in Ithaca and Tompkins County on a scale of 1 to 5,where 5 means "100% Meets Needs" and 1 means "Does Not Meet Needs" of your household. 100%Met 75%Met 50% Met 25% Met 0% Met Q9-21. Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 22.6% 42.4% 22.2% 10.1% 2.7% Q9-22.Nature programs/environmental education 21.2% 35.0% 28.6% 11.8% 3.4% Q9-23. Travel programs 10.8% 14.5% 26.5% 25.3% 22.9% Q9-24. Farmers' market 75.1% 19.4% 3.0% 1.7% 0.8% Q9-25. Programs with your pets 9.9% 23.9% 23.9% 29.6% 12.7% Q9-26. Outdoor challenge programs 6.1% 28.0% 36.6% 17.1% 12.2% Q9-27. Mentoring for youth 13.0% 27.8% 38.9% 13.0% 7.4% Q9-28. Other 0.0% 0.0% 22.2% 33.3% 44.4% 9. Other Q9-28. Other Number Percent RECOVERY FROM ALCOHOL AND DRUGS 1 10.0 % ACTIVITIES FOR 18-20 YEAR OLDS 1 10.0 % COMMUNITY GARDENS 1 10.0 % Kayaking/boating 1 10.0 % Fencing league 1 10.0 % More segregated bike lanes 1 10.0 % Garden space 1 10.0 % WATER/PADDLING 1 10.0 % FITNESS BOOT CAMP 1 10.0 % SAILING AND KITE FLYING 1 10.0 % Total 10 100.0 % ETC Page 83 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 010. Which FOUR types of programs from the list in Question 9 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q 10. Top choice Number Percent Youth Learn to Swim programs 9 2.0 % Preschool programs 5 1.1 % Before & after school programs 6 1.3 % Youth summer camp programs 15 3.3 % Youth sports programs 5 1.1 % Youth ice sports & activities 1 0.2 % Youth fitness &wellness programs 3 0.7 % Programs for teens 5 1.1 % Adult fitness &wellness programs 33 7.2 % Water fitness programs 4 0.9 % Tennis lessons & leagues 4 0.9 % Youth art, dance,performing arts 6 1.3 % Adult art, dance,performing arts 12 2.6 % Adult sports programs 11 2.4 % Adult ice sports & activities 2 0.4 % Adult programs for 50 years &older 10 2.2 % Programs for people with disabilities 6 1.3 % Birthday parties 2 0.4 % Adult continuing education programs 9 2.0 % Golf lessons & leagues 4 0.9 % Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 50 10.9 % Nature programs/environmental education 22 4.8 % Travel programs 1 0.2 % Farmers' market 142 31.0 % Programs with your pets 8 1.7 % Mentoring for youth 5 1.1 % Other 4 0.9 % None chosen 74 16.2 % Total 458 100.0 % ETC Page 84 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 010. Which FOUR types of programs from the list in Question 9 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q10. 2nd choice Number Percent Youth Learn to Swim programs 6 1.3 % Preschool programs 1 0.2 % Before & after school programs 7 1.5 % Youth summer camp programs 10 2.2 % Youth sports programs 4 0.9 % Youth ice sports & activities 2 0.4 % Youth fitness &wellness programs 2 0.4 % Programs for teens 5 1.1 % Adult fitness &wellness programs 30 6.6 % Water fitness programs 10 2.2 % Youth art, dance,performing arts 6 1.3 % Adult art, dance,performing arts 18 3.9 % Adult sports programs 13 2.8 % Adult ice sports & activities 3 0.7 % Adult programs for 50 years &older 14 3.1 % Programs for people with disabilities 2 0.4 % Birthday parties 1 0.2 % Adult continuing education programs 26 5.7 % Golf lessons & leagues 2 0.4 % Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 84 18.3 % Nature programs/environmental education 25 5.5 % Travel programs 5 1.1 % Farmers' market 71 15.5 % Programs with your pets 7 1.5 % Outdoor challenge programs 3 0.7 % Mentoring for youth 3 0.7 % Other 1 0.2 % None chosen 97 21.2 % Total 458 100.0 % ETC Page 85 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 010. Which FOUR types of programs from the list in Question 9 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q10. 3rd choice Number Percent Youth Learn to Swim programs 2 0.4 % Preschool programs 5 1.1 % Before & after school programs 4 0.9 % Youth summer camp programs 5 1.1 % Youth sports programs 7 1.5 % Youth ice sports & activities 3 0.7 % Youth fitness &wellness programs 2 0.4 % Programs for teens 5 1.1 % Adult fitness &wellness programs 20 4.4 % Water fitness programs 4 0.9 % Tennis lessons & leagues 7 1.5 % Youth art, dance,performing arts 4 0.9 % Adult art, dance,performing arts 26 5.7 % Adult sports programs 13 2.8 % Adult ice sports & activities 3 0.7 % Adult programs for 50 years &older 14 3.1 % Programs for people with disabilities 5 1.1 % Birthday parties 3 0.7 % Adult continuing education programs 22 4.8 % Golf lessons & leagues 2 0.4 % Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 58 12.7 % Nature programs/environmental education 24 5.2 % Travel programs 6 1.3 % Farmers' market 48 10.5 % Programs with your pets 8 1.7 % Outdoor challenge programs 9 2.0 % Mentoring for youth 3 0.7 % Other 2 0.4 % None chosen 144 31.4 % Total 458 100.0 % ETC Page 86 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 010. Which FOUR types of programs from the list in Question 9 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q10. 4th choice Number Percent Youth Learn to Swim programs 11 2.4 % Preschool programs 4 0.9 % Before & after school programs 2 0.4 % Youth summer camp programs 8 1.7 % Youth sports programs 3 0.7 % Youth ice sports & activities 2 0.4 % Youth fitness &wellness programs 1 0.2 % Programs for teens 5 1.1 % Adult fitness &wellness programs 38 8.3 % Water fitness programs 3 0.7 % Tennis lessons & leagues 1 0.2 % Youth art, dance,performing arts 8 1.7 % Adult art, dance,performing arts 22 4.8 % Adult sports programs 15 3.3 % Adult ice sports & activities 5 1.1 % Adult programs for 50 years &older 6 1.3 % Programs for people with disabilities 2 0.4 % Birthday parties 5 1.1 % Adult continuing education programs 13 2.8 % Golf lessons & leagues 3 0.7 % Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 27 5.9 % Nature programs/environmental education 26 5.7 % Travel programs 9 2.0 % Farmers' market 31 6.8 % Programs with your pets 9 2.0 % Outdoor challenge programs 10 2.2 % Mentoring for youth 4 0.9 % None chosen 185 40.4 % Total 458 100.0 % , ETC Page 87 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 010. Which FOUR types of programs from the list in Question 9 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? (top 4) Q10. Sum of top 4 choices Number Percent Youth Learn to Swim programs 28 6.1 % Preschool programs 15 3.3 % Before & after school programs 19 4.1 % Youth summer camp programs 38 8.3 % Youth sports programs 19 4.1 % Youth ice sports & activities 8 1.7 % Youth fitness &wellness programs 8 1.7 % Programs for teens 20 4.4 % Adult fitness &wellness programs 121 26.4 % Water fitness programs 21 4.6 % Tennis lessons & leagues 12 2.6 % Youth art, dance,performing arts 24 5.2 % Adult art, dance,performing arts 78 17.0 % Adult sports programs 52 11.4 % Adult ice sports & activities 13 2.8 % Adult programs for 50 years &older 44 9.6 % Programs for people with disabilities 15 3.3 % Birthday parties 11 2.4 % Adult continuing education programs 70 15.3 % Golf lessons & leagues 11 2.4 % Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 219 47.8 % Nature programs/environmental education 97 21.2 % Travel programs 21 4.6 % Farmers' market 292 63.8 % Programs with your pets 32 7.0 % Outdoor challenge programs 22 4.8 % Mentoring for youth 15 3.3 % Other 7 1.5 % None chosen 74 16.2 % Total 1406 ETC Page 88 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 011. Please CHECK ALL the reasons that prevent you or other members of your household from using parks, recreation facilities, or events provided by the City of Ithaca more often. Q11. All the reasons that prevent you from using parks,recreation facilities, or events provided by City of Ithaca more often Number Percent Facilities are not well maintained 77 21.7 % Program or facility not offered 79 22.3 % Facilities lack right equipment 27 7.6 % Security is insufficient 21 5.9 % Lack of quality programs 37 10.4 % Too far from our residence 80 22.5 % Use facilities in other communities 27 7.6 % Fees are too high 70 19.7 % Poor customer service by staff 14 3.9 % I do not know locations of facilities 94 26.5 % Use services of other agencies 49 13.8 % Not accessible for people with disabilities 9 2.5 % I do not know what is offered 168 47.3 % Facility operating hours not convenient 44 12.4 % Lack of parking by facilities &parks 39 11.0 % Other 71 20.0 % Total 906 ETC Page 89 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q11. Other Q 11. Other Number Percent free time 2 2.9 % goose poo 2 2.9 % We are busy 2 2.9 % Facilities seem well maintained 1 1.4 % Lack of time to use facilities and partipate in progrmas 1 1.4 % Not enough outdoor natural swimming spaces 1 1.4 % too busy 1 1.4 % We just use private facilities 1 1.4 % WE ARE ALL GRAD STUDENTS 1 1.4 % CASS PARK ICE RINK IS TOO CROWDED 1 1.4 % LIGHTING AT THE MAIN MARINA IS TERRIBLE 1 1.4 % PEOPLE LETTING THEIR DOGS OFF LEASH 1 1.4 % FAMILY TIME 1 1.4 % DOGS NOT ALLOWED IN PARKS NEAR MY HOME 1 1.4 % BATHROOMS ARE OLD AND DITRY 1 1.4 % DIFFICULT TO ACCESS WITHOUT A CAR 1 1.4 % classes already full 1 1.4 % Age 1 1.4 % too crowded with kids for adult use 1 1.4 % lack of time/money 1 1.4 % Time 1 1.4 % We already go to as many as we can 1 1.4 % DON'T CARE 1 1.4 % I work a lot 1 1.4 % DOING OTHER THINGS STAYING HOME 1 1.4 % Cass Park pool is too cold 1 1.4 % OTHER PRIVATE OPTIONS 1 1.4 % Many State Parks close in the winter 1 1.4 % Live close to school playground 1 1.4 % Lack of safe walkable connections 1 1.4 % Lack of invitation/not publicized 1 1.4 % Don't get out often enough 1 1.4 % BUSY 1 1.4 % DOG POOP 1 1.4 % Lack of time and energy 1 1.4 % I wish State Park swimming hours were extended 1 1.4 % Not interested 1 1.4 % lack of open restrooms 1 1.4 % LACK OF TRANSPORTATION 1 1.4 % DON'T FEEL A NEED 1 1.4 % TOO MUCH GOOSE POOP 1 1.4 % Not easy/safe to bike to 1 1.4 % Winters are too cold 1 1.4 % My daughter rides horses. The city doesn't have programs 1 1.4 % ETC Page 90 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q11. Other Q 11. Other Number Percent Lack of time 1 1.4 % Not enough bike lanes that are safe for kids 1 1.4 % Not enough water fountains/bathrooms 1 1.4 % No place for public swimming in lake 1 1.4 % Dirty bathrooms 1 1.4 % Not needed 1 1.4 % Ice rink &pool at Cass crowded with children. Bad for adult practice 1 1.4 % Lyme disease 1 1.4 % Bathrooms are poor at Cass Park and Stewart Park 1 1.4 % INSUFFICIENT LIGHTING 1 1.4 % TOO CROWDED 1 1.4 % OTHER COMMITTMENTS 1 1.4 % if parents work part time/no funding 1 1.4 % LACK OF SAFE/PROTECTED BIKE ROUTES 1 1.4 % WE DON' T HAVE ENOUGH FREE TIME 1 1.4 % INSUFFICIENT TRASH FOR DOG POOP 1 1.4 % GETTING THERE BY PUBLIC TRANSIT 1 1.4 % INSUFFICIENT NUMBER OF FACILITIES 1 1.4 % HARD TO FIND INFO, HOURS ETC 1 1.4 % GOOSE DROPPINGS 1 1.4 % NOT ENOUGH SAFE BIKE TRAILS TO PARKS 1 1.4 % Lack of free time 1 1.4 % Snow maintenance 1 1.4 % Total 70 100.0 % 012. If you had a budget of$100 for services provided by the City of Ithaca, how would you allocate the funds among the categories of funding listed below? Mean Maintain&improve waterfront parks (e.g., Stewart& Cass Parks) $12.60 Maintain&improve neighborhood& community parks (e.g., Washington Park) $9.14 Maintain&improve walking &biking trails $11.74 Maintain&improve outdoor sports fields $5.88 Maintain&improve recreation facilities (e.g., Cass Park Skating Rink, Ithaca Youth Bureau) $7.95 Maintain&improve golf courses $6.12 Acquire new park land&open space $10.22 Offer more programs & special events $7.71 Don't know $28.64 ETC Page 91 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 013. The City of Ithaca's parks and facilities are a2in2 and will require more attention and dollars to keep them safe and appealing. However, parks are iust one of many priorities to budget for. The following are potential sources of funding to help improve the park system and recreation programs in the City of Ithaca and surrounding communities. Please indicate how supportive you are of each potential source of revenue by circling the number that corresponds to your level of support. (N=458) Very Somewhat Not Supportive Supportive Supportive Not Sure Q13-1. Increase existing admission fees for facilities like the Cass Park Skating Rink & Swimming Pool 9.4% 35.2% 43.2% 12.2% Q13-2. Increase existing fees for using shelters, athletic fields, or other facilities 14.5% 47.9% 28.6% 9.0% Q13-3. City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, & Tompkins County should jointly contribute public funding 56.8% 32.6% 4.6% 5.9% Q13-4.Partner with nonprofits &private entities to financially support park maintenance &recreation programs 57.5% 29.0% 7.3% 6.2% Q13-5. Sell or lease a few small,under- utilized parks to provide money to focus on more popular parks &programs 13.3% 25.9% 51.1% 9.6% ETC Page 92 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 014. Which TWO of the potential source of revenues listed in Question 13 would you MOST SUPPORT? Q14. Top choice Number Percent Increase existing admission fees for facilities like the Cass Park Skating Rink& Swimming Pool 27 5.9 % Increase existing fees for using shelters, athletic fields, or other facilities 28 6.1 % City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, & Tompkins County should jointly contribute public funding 191 41.7 % Partner with nonprofits &private entities to financially support park maintenance &recreation programs 129 28.2 % Sell or lease a few small,under-utilized parks to provide money to focus on more popular parks &programs 27 5.9 % None chosen 56 12.2 % Total 458 100.0 % 014. Which TWO of the potential source of revenues listed in Question 13 would you MOST SUPPORT? Q14. 2nd choice Number Percent Increase existing admission fees for facilities like the Cass Park Skating Rink& Swimming Pool 20 4.4 % Increase existing fees for using shelters, athletic fields, or other facilities 60 13.1 % City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, & Tompkins County should jointly contribute public funding 92 20.1 % Partner with nonprofits &private entities to financially support park maintenance &recreation programs 158 34.5 % Sell or lease a few small,under-utilized parks to provide money to focus on more popular parks &programs 38 8.3 % None chosen 90 19.7 % Total 458 100.0 % ETC Page 93 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 014. Which TWO of the potential source of revenues listed in Question 13 would you MOST SUPPORT? to 2 Q14. Sum of top 2 choices Number Percent Increase existing admission fees for facilities like the Cass Park Skating Rink& Swimming Pool 47 10.3 % Increase existing fees for using shelters, athletic fields, or other facilities 88 19.2 % City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, & Tompkins County should jointly contribute public funding 283 61.8 % Partner with nonprofits &private entities to financially support park maintenance &recreation programs 287 62.7 % Sell or lease a few small,under-utilized parks to provide money to focus on more popular parks &programs 65 14.2 % None chosen 56 12.2 % Total 826 015. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the overall value that your household receives from City of Ithaca parks and trails. Q15. Your level of satisfaction with the overall value that your household receives from City of Ithaca parks &trails Number Percent Very satisfied 219 47.8 % Somewhat satisfied 168 36.7 % Neutral 34 7.4 % Somewhat dissatisfied 6 1.3 % Very dissatisfied 4 0.9 % Don't know 27 5.9 % Total 458 100.0 % ETC Page 94 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 016. What is your ate? Q16. Your age Number Percent 18-34 157 34.3 % 35-44 64 14.0 % 45-54 90 19.7 % 55-64 60 13.1 % 65+ 80 17.5 % Not provided 7 1.5 % Total 458 100.0 % 017. What is your tender? Q17. Your gender Number Percent Male 221 48.3 % Female 229 50.0 % Non-binary/third gender 7 1.5 % Prefer to self-describe 1 0.2 % Total 458 100.0 % 017. How would you describe your tender? Q17. How would you describe your gender Number Percent Gender fluid 1 100.0 % Total 1 100.0 % ETC Page 95 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 018. What is your annual household income? Q18. What is your annual household income Number Percent Under$25K 58 12.7 % $25K-$49,999 112 24.5 % $50K-$74,999 83 18.1 % $75K-$99,999 61 13.3 % $100K-$149,999 66 14.4 % $150K+ 43 9.4 % Not provided 35 7.6 % Total 458 100.0 % 019. Do you own or rent your home? Q 19. Do you own or rent your home Number Percent Own 262 57.2 % Rent 193 42.1 % Not provided 3 0.7 % Total 458 100.0 % 020. Do you, or does anyone in your household, have an affiliation with Cornell University or Ithaca College? Q20. Does anyone in your household have an affiliation with Cornell University or Ithaca College Number Percent Yes, as a student 104 23.1 % Yes, as staff 112 24.9 % Yes, as faculty 51 11.3 % Yes, a former student or employee 122 27.1 % Yes, other affiliation 16 3.6 % No affiliation or not sure 129 28.7 % Total 534 ETC Page 96 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 020. Other affiliation: Q20. Other affiliation Number Percent Alumni 1 7.1 % Visiting Scientist 1 7.1 % WVBR 1 7.1 % GRAD STUDENT 1 7.1 % PARENT IS STAFF 1 7.1 % RETIRED 1 7.1 % employee 1 7.1 % DONOR 1 7.1 % Parents,uncle & cousin all went 1 7.1 % Parent, grandparent of staff and student 1 7.1 % STAFF OF COOP EXT 1 7.1 % ADJUNT 1 7.1 % FORMER STAFF PROFESSOR'S DAUGHTER 1 7.1 % PARENT OF 3 GRADUATES 1 7.1 % Total 14 100.0 % 021. Are you of Hispanic or Latin ancestry? Q21. Are you of Hispanic or Latin ancestry Number Percent Yes 22 4.8 % No 436 95.2 % Total 458 100.0 % , ETC Page 97 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 022. Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? Q22. Your race/ethnicity Number Percent White/Caucasian 386 85.0 % Asian 64 14.1 % Pacific Islander 1 0.2 % African American/Black 27 5.9 % Native American/American Indian 6 1.3 % Other 8 1.8 % Total 492 022. Other Q22. Other Number Percent Mixed 4 50.0 % Hispanic 1 12.5 % Italian American 1 12.5 % IRISH AMERICAN 1 12.5 % PAKISTANI 1 12.5 % Total 8 100.0 % ETC Page 98 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Section 6 Tabular Data - County Results Page 99 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 01. Including yourself, how many people live in your household? Q1. How mM people live in your household Number Percent 1 87 15.1 % 2 261 45.3 % 3 111 19.3 % 4 78 13.5 % 5 24 4.2 % 6 8 1.4 % 7 4 0.7 % 8+ 3 0.5 % Total 576 100.0 % 02. How many people in your household are: Mean Sum number 2.6 1473 Ages 5 or under 0.2 94 Ages 6-10 0.1 57 Ages 11-13 0.1 36 Ages 14-17 0.1 66 Ages 18-24 0.2 126 Ages 25-34 0.3 183 Ages 35-44 0.3 154 Ages 45-54 0.3 200 Ages 55-64 0.6 324 Ages 65-74 0.3 171 Ages 75+ 0.1 62 ETC Page 100 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 03. Tompkins County has many providers of park and recreation services. From the following list of park and recreation providers in the area,please check ALL that you or members of your household have used for indoor and outdoor recreation activities during the last 12 months. Q3. All park&recreation providers that you have used for indoor& outdoor recreation activities during last 12 months Number Percent YMCA of Ithaca& Tompkins County 115 23.1 % Ithaca Children's Garden 133 26.8 % Private fitness clubs/studios 180 36.2 % College/university facilities 251 50.5 % School district facilities 173 34.8 % Homeowners association/apt complex 8 1.6 % City/Town/County public facilities 366 73.6 % Other 92 18.5 % Total 1318 ETC Page 101 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 3. Other Q3. Other Number Percent State parks 35 38.0 % Myers Park 2 2.2 % Parks 2 2.2 % Trails 1 1.1 % Local State Parks & state forests 1 1.1 % The Lake-NYS canoeing 1 1.1 % NYS parks 1 1.1 % Rec trails 1 1.1 % Friendship Center 1 1.1 % MYERS PARK, SALT PT, LANSING ROY PARK, FLLT PRESERVE 1 1.1 % STATE PARKS/NATIONAL FORESTS 1 1.1 % STATE PARKS, FOREST 1 1.1 % playgrounds, trails 1 1.1 % cayuga lake 1 1.1 % PARKS BLACK DIAMOND TRAIL ITHACA COMMONS 1 1.1 % Local state parks and state forests 1 1.1 % Black Oakwood Trail 1 1.1 % Lansing Walking Trail 1 1.1 % Finger Lakes Trail 1 1.1 % State Parks, Black Diamond Trail 1 1.1 % The lakes 1 1.1 % Finger Lakes National Forest 1 1.1 % Dryden trails 1 1.1 % Private exercise classes 1 1.1 % Cass Park Marina 1 1.1 % Public trails 1 1.1 % NYS parks,private indoor hotel pool 1 1.1 % State land-hiking &biking 1 1.1 % State Park/Taughannock Inlet Walkway 1 1.1 % State Parks/forests 1 1.1 % Dog walk 1 1.1 % Lansing Area 1 1.1 % Village swimming pool 1 1.1 % Virgil Mountain 1 1.1 % Inlet walk,nature trails 1 1.1 % Golf course 1 1.1 % Public walk areas/stream access 1 1.1 % Finger Lakes Land Trust, Roy Park Preserve, Jim Schug Trail, Dryden 1 1.1 % State forest 1 1.1 % Rink in Lansing Myers Park 1 1.1 % State parks &forest, Finger Lakes Land Trust 1 1.1 % State land 1 1.1 % State parks Recway trails, Finger Lake Trails 1 1.1 % Lifelong/Warner Pool 1 1.1 % ETC Page 102 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 3. Other Q3. Other Number Percent Brooktondale &Ellis Hollow community centers 1 1.1 % Library 1 1.1 % YMCA outdoor ed center 1 1.1 % State facilities 1 1.1 % Family reunions 1 1.1 % OUTDOOR WATER PARK TRAIL LANSING TRAIL 1 1.1 % Ithaca Youth Bureau 1 1.1 % Children's Garden 1 1.1 % Parks and trails 1 1.1 % NYS local parks 1 1.1 % Private fitness club 1 1.1 % Village Park 1 1.1 % Total 92 100.0 % 04. From the following list, please check ALL of the City of Ithaca recreational facilities that you and members of your household have visited during the past 12 months. Q4. City of Ithaca recreational facilities you have visited during past 12 months Number Percent Alex Haley Pool 17 3.5 % Cass Park fields,pavilions,playgrounds 266 54.2 % Cass Park Skating Rink 114 23.2 % Cass Park Swimming Pool 44 9.0 % Greater Ithaca Activities Center(GIAC) 49 10.0 % Ithaca Farmers Market 354 72.1 % Ithaca Youth Bureau(in Stewart Park) 66 13.4 % Newman Golf Course 45 9.2 % Southside Community Center 33 6.7 % Stewart Park fields,pavilions,playgrounds 389 79.2 % Total 1377 ETC Page 103 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 04a. How would you rate the overall quality of ALL the City of Ithaca recreation facilities you have visited? Q4a. How would you rate overall quality of all City of Ithaca recreation facilities you have visited Number Percent Excellent 102 20.8 % Good 325 66.2 % Fair 56 11.4 % Poor 2 0.4 % Not provided 6 1.2 % Total 491 100.0 % 04a. How would you rate the overall quality of ALL the City of Ithaca recreation facilities you have visited? (without "not provided") Q4a. How would you rate overall quality of all City of Ithaca recreation facilities you have visited Number Percent Excellent 102 21.0 % Good 325 67.0 % Fair 56 11.5 % Poor 2 0.4 % Total 485 100.0 % ETC Page 104 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 04b. How would you rate the overall quality of ALL the City of Ithaca recreation programs and services you have participated in? Q4b. How would you rate overall quality of all City of Ithaca recreation programs & services you have participated in Number Percent Excellent 97 19.8 % Good 257 52.3 % Fair 45 9.2 % Poor 2 0.4 % Not provided 90 18.3 % Total 491 100.0 % 04b. How would you rate the overall quality of ALL the City of Ithaca recreation programs and services you have participated in? (Without "not provided") Q4b. How would you rate overall quality of all City of Ithaca recreation programs & services you have participated in Number Percent Excellent 97 24.2 % Good 257 64.1 % Fair 45 11.2 % Poor 2 0.5 % Total 401 100.0 % ETC Page 105 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 05. From the following list of both City of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca parks and trails, please check ALL that you and members of your household have visited during the past 12 months. Q5. All parks &trails you have visited during past 12 months Number Percent Auburn Park 12 2.4 % Baker Park 4 0.8 % Bryan Park 11 2.2 % Cass Park 323 63.5 % Columbia Street Park 8 1.6 % Conley Park 7 1.4 % Conway Park 5 1.0 % DeWitt Park 194 38.1 % Dryden Park 105 20.6 % East Shore Park 86 16.9 % Eastern Heights Park 21 4.1 % Forest Home Park 35 6.9 % Grandview Park 9 1.8 % Hillview Park 2 0.4 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 243 47.7 % MacDaniels Park 3 0.6 % Maplewood Park 5 1.0 % Salem Park 12 2.4 % Stewart Park 421 82.7 % Strawberry Fields 15 2.9 % Tareyton Park 14 2.8 % Thompson Park 9 1.8 % Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 19 3.7 % Titus Triangle 11 2.2 % Troy Park 5 1.0 % Tudor Park 5 1.0 % Tutelo Park 12 2.4 % Vincenzo Lacovelli Park 4 0.8 % Washington Park 29 5.7 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 265 52.1 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 112 22.0 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 61 12.0 % South Hill Recreation Trail 135 26.5 % Total 2202 Page 106 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 05a. How would you rate the overall condition of all the parks and trails you visited? Q5a. How would you rate the overall condition of all parks &trails you visited Number Percent Excellent 124 24.4 % Good 319 62.7 % Fair 54 10.6 % Poor 3 0.6 % Not provided 9 1.8 % Total 509 100.0 % 05a. How would you rate the overall condition of all the parks and trails you visited? (without "not provided") Q5a. How would you rate the overall condition of all parks &trails you visited Number Percent Excellent 124 24.8 % Good 319 63.8 % Fair 54 10.8 % Poor 3 0.6 % Total 500 100.0 % ETC Page 107 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 05b. Which TWO (2) are in the BEST condition? Q5b. Top choice Number Percent Auburn Park 2 0.4 % Bryan Park 2 0.4 % Cass Park 88 17.3 % DeWitt Park 8 1.6 % Dryden Park 24 4.7 % East Shore Park 7 1.4 % Eastern Heights Park 4 0.8 % Forest Home Park 2 0.4 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 28 5.5 % Salem Park 1 0.2 % Stewart Park 77 15.1 % Tareyton Park 1 0.2 % Troy Park 1 0.2 % Tutelo Park 2 0.4 % Washington Park 2 0.4 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 107 21.0 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 15 2.9 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 2 0.4 % South Hill Recreation Trail 19 3.7 % None chosen 117 23.0 % Total 509 100.0 % ETC Page 108 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 05b. Which TWO (2) are in the BEST condition? Q5b. 2nd choice Number Percent Auburn Park 3 0.6 % Baker Park 1 0.2 % Cass Park 65 12.8 % Columbia Street Park 2 0.4 % Conley Park 1 0.2 % Conway Park 1 0.2 % DeWitt Park 25 4.9 % Dryden Park 15 2.9 % East Shore Park 8 1.6 % Eastern Heights Park 1 0.2 % Forest Home Park 1 0.2 % Grandview Park 1 0.2 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 34 6.7 % Stewart Park 73 14.3 % Strawberry Fields 3 0.6 % Tareyton Park 1 0.2 % Thompson Park 1 0.2 % Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 2 0.4 % Tutelo Park 6 1.2 % Washington Park 5 1.0 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 45 8.8 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 10 2.0 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 6 1.2 % South Hill Recreation Trail 26 5.1 % None chosen 173 34.0 % Total 509 100.0 % Page 109 City of Ithaca-Findings Report in MUM I 05b. Which TWO (2) are in the BEST condition? (top 2) Q5b. Sum of Top 2 Choices Number Percent Auburn Park 5 1.0 % Baker Park 1 0.2 % Bryan Park 2 0.4 % Cass Park 153 30.1 % Columbia Street Park 2 0.4 % Conley Park 1 0.2 % Conway Park 1 0.2 % DeWitt Park 33 6.5 % Dryden Park 39 7.7 % East Shore Park 15 2.9 % Eastern Heights Park 5 1.0 % Forest Home Park 3 0.6 % Grandview Park 1 0.2 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 62 12.2 % Salem Park 1 0.2 % Stewart Park 150 29.5 % Strawberry Fields 3 0.6 % Tareyton Park 2 0.4 % Thompson Park 1 0.2 % Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 2 0.4 % Troy Park 1 0.2 % Tutelo Park 8 1.6 % Washington Park 7 1.4 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 152 29.9 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 25 4.9 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 8 1.6 % South Hill Recreation Trail 45 8.8 % None chosen 117 23.0 % Total 845 ETC Page 110 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 05c. Which TWO (2) are in the WORST condition? Q5c. Top choice Number Percent Baker Park 1 0.2 % Bryan Park 1 0.2 % Cass Park 25 4.9 % Columbia Street Park 2 0.4 % Conway Park 1 0.2 % DeWitt Park 25 4.9 % Dryden Park 7 1.4 % East Shore Park 3 0.6 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 31 6.1 % MacDaniels Park 1 0.2 % Stewart Park 80 15.7 % Tareyton Park 1 0.2 % Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate 5 1.0 % Park Washington Park 1 0.2 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 1 0.2 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 3 0.6 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 1 0.2 % South Hill Recreation Trail 3 0.6 % None chosen 317 62.3 % Total 509 100.0 % ETC Page 111 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 05c. Which TWO (2) are in the WORST condition? Q5c. 2nd choice Number Percent Bryan Park 2 0.4 % Cass Park 14 2.8 % Columbia Street Park 1 0.2 % Conley Park 1 0.2 % DeWitt Park 12 2.4 % Dryden Park 2 0.4 % East Shore Park 6 1.2 % Forest Home Park 1 0.2 % Hillview Park 2 0.4 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 14 2.8 % Stewart Park 35 6.9 % Strawberry Fields 1 0.2 % Tareyton Park 1 0.2 % Thompson Park 2 0.4 % Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 1 0.2 % Titus Triangle 3 0.6 % Washington Park 1 0.2 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 5 1.0 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 4 0.8 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 2 0.4 % South Hill Recreation Trail 4 0.8 % None chosen 395 77.6 % Total 509 100.0 % ETC Page 112 City of Ithaca-Findings Report in MUM I 05c. Which TWO (2) are in the WORST condition? (top 2) Q5c. Sum of Top 2Choices Number Percent Baker Park 1 0.2 % Bryan Park 3 0.6 % Cass Park 39 7.7 % Columbia Street Park 3 0.6 % Conley Park 1 0.2 % Conway Park 1 0.2 % DeWitt Park 37 7.3 % Dryden Park 9 1.8 % East Shore Park 9 1.8 % Forest Home Park 1 0.2 % Hillview Park 2 0.4 % Ithaca Falls Natural Area 45 8.8 % MacDaniels Park 1 0.2 % Stewart Park 115 22.6 % Strawberry Fields 1 0.2 % Tareyton Park 2 0.4 % Thompson Park 2 0.4 % Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park 6 1.2 % Titus Triangle 3 0.6 % Washington Park 2 0.4 % Cayuga Waterfront Trail 6 1.2 % East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 7 1.4 % Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail 3 0.6 % South Hill Recreation Trail 7 1.4 % None chosen 317 62.3 % Total 623 ETC Page 113 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 06. From the following list, please check ALL the ways that your household has learned about City of Ithaca parks, facilities, special events, and activities during the past 12 months. Q6. Ways your household has learned about City of Ithaca parks, facilities, special events, & activities during past 12 months Number Percent City of Ithaca website (cityofithaca.org) 94 18.3 % Ithaca Youth Bureau website (IYBREC.com) 55 10.7 % Other websites 94 18.3 % iPlayBook(mobile app) 9 1.8 % Fliers/signs at parks &facilities 114 22.2 % Newspaper 184 35.8 % From friends &neighbors 357 69.5 % Conversations with staff 46 8.9 % Email newsletters/listservs 61 11.9 % School flyers/newsletters 56 10.9 % Social media 156 30.4 % Other 69 13.4 % Total 1295 ETC Page 114 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 6. Other Q6. Other Number Percent Radio 12 17.4 % Driving by 6 8.7 % Word of mouth 3 4.3 % I live in the quiet town of freeville and like it that way 1 1.4 % I see the parks as I drive by them 1 1.4 % Trail maps, or events held at interesting locations 1 1.4 % going to activities in the parks 1 1.4 % Attending events at them 1 1.4 % 30 years of living here/visitor center pamphlets 1 1.4 % Public service announcements in Radio 1 1.4 % ITHACA IS SUPER BORING 1 1.4 % Sporting event providers 1 1.4 % CVB 1 1.4 % Have lived here all my life 1 1.4 % Coyuga Bird Club 1 1.4 % Radio tells about trails 1 1.4 % I've been here 40 years 1 1.4 % long term residents,radio 1 1.4 % Live here 1 1.4 % ICSD 1 1.4 % We have lived here for decades 1 1.4 % Maps 1 1.4 % I've lived here all my life 1 1.4 % Passing by 1 1.4 % We live here 1 1.4 % Google 1 1.4 % Self visits 1 1.4 % Trip Advisor 1 1.4 % Participation in organizations using Stewart Park 1 1.4 % Living next to one 1 1.4 % Driving by them/signs 1 1.4 % I grew up here 1 1.4 % TCPL bulletin board and website 1 1.4 % Knowing they are there 1 1.4 % Living here for 30 years 1 1.4 % Ithaca News Times 1 1.4 % Knowledge from living here 1 1.4 % Previous use 1 1.4 % DIA website 1 1.4 % Personal knowledge 1 1.4 % Ithaca Journal, Ithaca Times 1 1.4 % Have not seen any info 1 1.4 % Don't know about them unless child softball game 1 1.4 % Being an Ithaca native 1 1.4 % Work at 911 center 1 1.4 % Relationship with YLand 1 1.4 % ETC Page 115 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 6. Other Q6. Other Number Percent Driving around 1 1.4 % Previous knowledge 1 1.4 % TV&radio 1 1.4 % Lifetime resident/family 1 1.4 % Living in Ithaca 30 years 1 1.4 % Total 69 100.0 % ETC Page 116 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 07. Please indicate if YOU or any member of your HOUSEHOLD has a need for each of the parks and recreation facilities listed below. (N=576) Yes No Q7-1. Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 19.4% 80.6% Q7-2. Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 13.4% 86.6% Q7-3.Picnic shelters 59.9% 40.1% Q7-4. Outdoor tennis courts 14.4% 85.6% Q7-5. Indoor ice arena 24.8% 75.2% Q7-6. Community meeting space 25.7% 74.3% Q7-7. Off-leash dog park 25.2% 74.8% Q7-8. Outdoor swimming pools/water parks 30.2% 69.8% Q7-9. Outdoor natural swimming areas 52.1% 47.9% Q7-10.Playground equipment 33.2% 66.8% Q7-11. Outdoor basketball courts 12.2% 87.8% Q7-12. Disc golf 6.3% 93.8% Q7-13. Skateboarding park 4.7% 95.3% Q7-14. Walking &biking trails 74.1% 25.9% Q7-15.Nature center 48.8% 51.2% Q7-16. Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 30.6% 69.4% Q7-17. Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 21.7% 78.3% Q7-18. Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 12.2% 87.8% Q7-19. Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 9.9% 90.1% ETC Page 117 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 07. Please indicate if YOU or any member of your HOUSEHOLD has a need for each of the parks and recreation facilities listed below. Yes No Q7-20. Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 37.3% 62.7% Q7-21. Indoor running/walking track 26.6% 73.4% Q7-22. Golf course 14.9% 85.1% Q7-23. Small neighborhood parks 45.7% 54.3% Q7-24. Large community parks 54.3% 45.7% Q7-25. Mountain bike park 11.5% 88.5% Q7-26. Greenspace &natural areas 57.8% 42.2% Q7-27. Spray-pad(above ground water play) 17.2% 82.8% Q7-28. Senior Center 16.8% 83.2% Q7-29. Other 5.2% 94.8% ETC Page 118 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 07. If YES, please rate ALL the following parks and recreation facilities of this type in Ithaca and Tompkins County on a scale of 5 to 1,where 5 means "100% Meets Needs" and 1 means "Does Not Meet Needs" of your household. (N=517) 100% Met 75%Met 50% Met 25%Met 0% Met Q7-1. Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 40.7% 39.8% 13.9% 4.6% 0.9% Q7-2. Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 34.7% 43.1% 16.7% 4.2% 1.4% Q7-3.Picnic shelters 36.8% 39.8% 19.1% 2.4% 1.8% Q7-4. Outdoor tennis courts 21.3% 30.7% 24.0% 17.3% 6.7% Q7-5. Indoor ice arena 44.5% 29.2% 15.3% 9.5% 1.5% Q7-6. Community meeting space 22.9% 43.6% 16.4% 11.4% 5.7% Q7-7. Off-leash dog park 36.3% 31.1% 19.3% 8.9% 4.4% Q7-8. Outdoor swimming pools/water parks 24.4% 28.0% 25.0% 16.7% 6.0% Q7-9. Outdoor natural swimming areas 31.9% 27.7% 19.3% 13.7% 7.4% Q7-10.Playground equipment 44.6% 39.1% 12.5% 2.7% 1.1% Q7-11. Outdoor basketball courts 35.8% 34.3% 17.9% 10.4% 1.5% Q7-12. Disc golf 18.2% 24.2% 27.3% 15.2% 15.2% Q7-13. Skateboarding park 29.2% 41.7% 16.7% 8.3% 4.2% Q7-14. Walking &biking trails 47.9% 36.7% 12.2% 3.0% 0.2% Q7-15.Nature center 40.3% 33.8% 16.0% 9.1% 0.8% Q7-16. Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 22.0% 20.8% 17.9% 23.2% 16.1% Q7-17. Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 22.9% 22.9% 19.5% 18.6% 16.1% Q7-18. Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 18.5% 18.5% 30.8% 20.0% 12.3% Q7-19. Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 24.5% 18.9% 32.1% 17.0% 7.5% ETC Page 119 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 07. If YES, please rate ALL the following parks and recreation facilities of this type in Ithaca and Tompkins County on a scale of 5 to 1,where 5 means "100% Meets Needs" and 1 means "Does Not Meet Needs" of your household. 100%Met 75%Met 50% Met 25% Met 0% Met Q7-20. Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 39.0% 23.0% 14.5% 13.5% 10.0% Q7-21. Indoor running/walking track 11.1% 14.6% 22.2% 22.2% 29.9% Q7-22. Golf course 47.0% 24.1% 15.7% 10.8% 2.4% Q7-23. Small neighborhood parks 42.4% 37.6% 13.1% 4.5% 2.4% Q7-24. Large community parks 51.5% 33.1% 11.7% 2.7% 1.0% Q7-25. Mountain bike park 11.1% 19.0% 17.5% 27.0% 25.4% Q7-26. Greenspace &natural areas 45.7% 34.0% 15.9% 3.5% 1.0% Q7-27. Spray-pad(above ground water play) 19.8% 17.6% 20.9% 24.2% 17.6% Q7-28. Senior Center 20.0% 25.9% 25.9% 18.8% 9.4% Q7-29. Other 6.7% 16.7% 13.3% 23.3% 40.0% ETC Page 120 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 7. Other Q7-29. Other Number Percent Fishing 2 6.7 % climbing wall,boat launch/docks/rentals,beach 1 3.3 % ITHACA NEEDS ANOTHER MAGUIRE DEALERSHIP 1 3.3 % Yoga/Zumba 1 3.3 % West Hill Park 1 3.3 % NATURE TRAILS 1 3.3 % Handicapped access 1 3.3 % water access 1 3.3 % Children's Garden and a Saturday Farmers Market 1 3.3 % Moving showing site 1 3.3 % Adult education classes 1 3.3 % Toddler play areas 1 3.3 % Community garden(s) 1 3.3 % Places with disability services 1 3.3 % Sidewalks-walking/biking 1 3.3 % Youth facility in Dryden 1 3.3 % CROSS COUNTY SKIING TRAILS 1 3.3 % cross country ski 1 3.3 % Stream access 1 3.3 % Buttermilk Park 1 3.3 % Roller Rink 1 3.3 % X-country skiing 1 3.3 % horeshore pits 1 3.3 % Kayak/Canoe launch 1 3.3 % bocce courts 1 3.3 % Intergenerational green spaces 1 3.3 % YMCA 1 3.3 % OUTDOOR VOLLEYBALL 1 3.3 % INDOOR PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 1 3.3 % Total 30 100.0 % ETC Page 121 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 08. Which FOUR of the facilities from the list in Question 7 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q8. Top choice Number Percent Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 17 3.0 % Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 8 1.4 % Picnic shelters 19 3.3 % Outdoor tennis courts 3 0.5 % Indoor ice arena 11 1.9 % Community meeting space 6 1.0 % Off-leash dog park 23 4.0 % Outdoor swimming pools/wat 13 2.3 % Outdoor natural swimming areas 28 4.9 % Playground equipment 14 2.4 % Skateboarding park 3 0.5 % Walking &biking trails 151 26.2 % Nature center 4 0.7 % Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 9 1.6 % Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 8 1.4 % Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 2 0.3 % Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 1 0.2 % Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 18 3.1 % Indoor running/walking track 6 1.0 % Golf course 20 3.5 % Small neighborhood parks 11 1.9 % Large community parks 14 2.4 % Mountain bike park 1 0.2 % Greenspace &natural areas 48 8.3 % Spray-pad(above ground water play) 1 0.2 % Senior Center 14 2.4 % Other 7 1.2 % None chosen 116 20.1 % Total 576 100.0 % , ETC Page 122 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 08. Which FOUR of the facilities from the list in Question 7 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q8. 2nd choice Number Percent Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 4 0.7 % Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 7 1.2 % Picnic shelters 33 5.7 % Outdoor tennis courts 1 0.2 % Indoor ice arena 3 0.5 % Community meeting space 8 1.4 % Off-leash dog park 15 2.6 % Outdoor swimming pools/wat 17 3.0 % Outdoor natural swimming areas 41 7.1 % Playground equipment 20 3.5 % Outdoor basketball courts 1 0.2 % Disc golf 3 0.5 % Skateboarding park 4 0.7 % Walking &biking trails 75 13.0 % Nature center 20 3.5 % Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 11 1.9 % Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 5 0.9 % Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 5 0.9 % Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 1 0.2 % Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 21 3.6 % Indoor running/walking track 11 1.9 % Golf course 8 1.4 % Small neighborhood parks 20 3.5 % Large community parks 43 7.5 % Mountain bike park 5 0.9 % Greenspace &natural areas 47 8.2 % Spray-pad(above ground water play) 3 0.5 % Senior Center 6 1.0 % Other 3 0.5 % None chosen 135 23.4 % Total 576 100.0 % ETC Page 123 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 08. Which FOUR of the facilities from the list in Question 7 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q8. 3rd choice Number Percent Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 8 1.4 % Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 4 0.7 % Picnic shelters 29 5.0 % Outdoor tennis courts 7 1.2 % Indoor ice arena 11 1.9 % Community meeting space 6 1.0 % Off-leash dog park 17 3.0 % Outdoor swimming pools/wat 12 2.1 % Outdoor natural swimming areas 39 6.8 % Playground equipment 15 2.6 % Disc golf 2 0.3 % Walking &biking trails 56 9.7 % Nature center 21 3.6 % Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 8 1.4 % Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 8 1.4 % Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 4 0.7 % Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 7 1.2 % Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 22 3.8 % Indoor running/walking track 12 2.1 % Golf course 6 1.0 % Small neighborhood parks 31 5.4 % Large community parks 31 5.4 % Mountain bike park 3 0.5 % Greenspace &natural areas 38 6.6 % Spray-pad(above ground water play) 3 0.5 % Senior Center 4 0.7 % Other 5 0.9 % None chosen 167 29.0 % Total 576 100.0 % ETC Page 124 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 08. Which FOUR of the facilities from the list in Question 7 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q8. 4th choice Number Percent Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 6 1.0 % Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 2 0.3 % Picnic shelters 33 5.7 % Outdoor tennis courts 4 0.7 % Indoor ice arena 7 1.2 % Community meeting space 10 1.7 % Off-leash dog park 16 2.8 % Outdoor swimming pools/wat 10 1.7 % Outdoor natural swimming areas 27 4.7 % Playground equipment 15 2.6 % Outdoor basketball courts 4 0.7 % Disc golf 5 0.9 % Skateboarding park 3 0.5 % Walking &biking trails 20 3.5 % Nature center 11 1.9 % Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 13 2.3 % Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 6 1.0 % Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 2 0.3 % Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 3 0.5 % Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 12 2.1 % Indoor running/walking track 10 1.7 % Golf course 12 2.1 % Small neighborhood parks 31 5.4 % Large community parks 40 6.9 % Mountain bike park 11 1.9 % Greenspace &natural areas 33 5.7 % Spray-pad(above ground water play) 12 2.1 % Senior Center 9 1.6 % Other 2 0.3 % None chosen 207 35.9 % Total 576 100.0 % ETC Page 125 City of Ithaca-Findings Report in MUM 1 08. Which FOUR of the facilities from the list in Question 7 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? (top 4) Q8. Sum of Top 4 Choices Number Percent Sports fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 35 6.1 % Diamond fields (baseball, softball) 21 3.6 % Picnic shelters 114 19.8 % Outdoor tennis courts 15 2.6 % Indoor ice arena 32 5.6 % Community meeting space 30 5.2 % Off-leash dog park 71 12.3 % Outdoor swimming pools/wat 52 9.0 % Outdoor natural swimming areas 135 23.4 % Playground equipment 64 11.1 % Outdoor basketball courts 5 0.9 % Disc golf 10 1.7 % Skateboarding park 10 1.7 % Walking &biking trails 302 52.4 % Nature center 56 9.7 % Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 41 7.1 % Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming 27 4.7 % Indoor basketball/volleyball courts 13 2.3 % Indoor sports fields (baseball, soccer, etc.) 12 2.1 % Indoor fitness & exercise facilities 73 12.7 % Indoor running/walking track 39 6.8 % Golf course 46 8.0 % Small neighborhood parks 93 16.1 % Large community parks 128 22.2 % Mountain bike park 20 3.5 % Greenspace &natural areas 166 28.8 % Spray-pad(above ground water play) 19 3.3 % Senior Center 33 5.7 % Other 17 3.0 % None chosen 116 20.1 % Total 1795 Number of Cases =576 Number of Responses= 1795 Average Number Of Responses Per Case =3.1 Number Of Cases With At Least One Response =576 ETC Page 126 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 09. Please indicate if your household has a need for each of the activities, programs, or events listed below. (N=576) Yes No Q9-1. Youth Learn to Swim programs 17.2% 82.8% Q9-2. Preschool programs 12.5% 87.5% Q9-3. Before & after school programs 13.0% 87.0% Q9-4. Youth summer camp programs 17.0% 83.0% Q9-5. Youth sports programs 15.5% 84.5% Q9-6. Youth ice sports & activities 8.2% 91.8% Q9-7. Youth fitness &wellness programs 11.1% 88.9% Q9-8.Programs for teens 10.9% 89.1% Q9-9. Adult fitness &wellness programs 46.4% 53.6% Q9-10. Water fitness programs 22.9% 77.1% Q9-11. Tennis lessons & leagues 6.9% 93.1% Q9-12. Youth art, dance,performing arts 14.9% 85.1% Q9-13. Adult art, dance,performing arts 22.2% 77.8% Q9-14. Adult sports programs 21.7% 78.3% Q9-15. Adult ice sports & activities 8.9% 91.1% Q9-16. Adult programs for 50 years &older 30.6% 69.4% Q9-17.Programs for people with disabilities 9.2% 90.8% Q9-18. Birthday parties 13.5% 86.5% Q9-19. Adult continuing education programs 36.5% 63.5% Q9-20. Golf lessons & leagues 11.3% 88.7% , ETC Page 127 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 09. Please indicate if your household has a need for each of the activities, programs, or events listed below. Yes No Q9-21. Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 52.3% 47.7% Q9-22.Nature programs/environmental education 41.7% 58.3% Q9-23. Travel programs 18.1% 81.9% Q9-24. Farmers'market 66.1% 33.9% Q9-25.Programs with your pets 15.3% 84.7% Q9-26. Outdoor challenge programs 15.8% 84.2% Q9-27. Mentoring for youth 9.2% 90.8% Q9-28. Other 2.8% 97.2% ETC Page 128 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 09. If YES,please rate the following recreation programs of this type in Ithaca and Tompkins County on a scale of 1 to 5,where 5 means "100% Meets Needs" and 1 means "Does Not Meet Needs" of your household. (N=484) 100% Met 75%Met 50% Met 25%Met 0% Met Q9-1. Youth Learn to Swim programs 19.3% 30.1% 27.7% 9.6% 13.3% Q9-2. Preschool programs 29.7% 21.9% 25.0% 15.6% 7.8% Q9-3. Before & after school programs 29.7% 23.4% 31.3% 12.5% 3.1% Q9-4. Youth summer camp programs 32.9% 31.8% 24.7% 8.2% 2.4% Q9-5. Youth sports programs 37.8% 35.1% 21.6% 2.7% 2.7% Q9-6. Youth ice sports & activities 27.5% 27.5% 42.5% 2.5% 0.0% Q9-7. Youth fitness &wellness programs 22.0% 26.0% 26.0% 16.0% 10.0% Q9-8.Programs for teens 17.0% 17.0% 24.5% 32.1% 9.4% Q9-9. Adult fitness &wellness programs 19.0% 24.2% 29.9% 19.0% 7.8% Q9-10. Water fitness programs 16.5% 15.7% 21.7% 27.8% 18.3% Q9-11. Tennis lessons & leagues 13.5% 8.1% 32.4% 24.3% 21.6% Q9-12. Youth art, dance,performing arts 24.0% 28.0% 32.0% 9.3% 6.7% Q9-13. Adult art, dance,performing arts 20.5% 25.0% 20.5% 17.9% 16.1% Q9-14. Adult sports programs 16.1% 28.6% 23.2% 19.6% 12.5% Q9-15. Adult ice sports & activities 22.4% 28.6% 28.6% 12.2% 8.2% Q9-16. Adult programs for 50 years & older 13.3% 26.7% 26.0% 18.0% 16.0% Q9-17.Programs for people with disabilities 20.9% 20.9% 25.6% 14.0% 18.6% Q9-18. Birthday parties 22.7% 25.8% 33.3% 9.1% 9.1% Q9-19. Adult continuing education programs 14.2% 23.5% 29.5% 19.7% 13.1% Q9-20. Golf lessons & leagues 21.1% 12.3% 22.8% 24.6% 19.3% ,,,,4'E TC Page 129 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 09. If YES,please rate the following recreation programs of this type in Ithaca and Tompkins County on a scale of 1 to 5,where 5 means "100% Meets Needs" and 1 means "Does Not Meet Needs" of your household. 100%Met 75%Met 50% Met 25% Met 0% Met Q9-21. Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 25.9% 35.1% 23.2% 11.2% 4.6% Q9-22.Nature programs/environmental education 22.9% 35.1% 22.4% 16.6% 2.9% Q9-23. Travel programs 8.9% 15.6% 32.2% 22.2% 21.1% Q9-24. Farmers' market 65.6% 22.2% 9.6% 1.8% 0.9% Q9-25. Programs with your pets 13.3% 16.0% 26.7% 24.0% 20.0% Q9-26. Outdoor challenge programs 10.0% 22.5% 28.8% 16.3% 22.5% Q9-27. Mentoring for youth 19.0% 21.4% 23.8% 19.0% 16.7% Q9-28. Other 0.0% 6.7% 20.0% 33.3% 40.0% 9. Other Q9-28. Other Number Percent water sports such as parasailing, sailing,paddle boarding,kayaking 1 6.3 % Connected bike paths 1 6.3 % Outdoor Yoga programs 1 6.3 % YOUTH ARCHERY AND SPORT SHOOTING 1 6.3 % BICYCLE LANES 1 6.3 % ARCHITECTURAL AWARENESS, LOCAL HISTORY ACTIVITIES 1 6.3 % paddleboard yoga 1 6.3 % PLACES THAT ARE HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE/PLAYGROUNDS 1 6.3 % Shooting range 1 6.3 % Programs for youth with disabilities 1 6.3 % Shooting/archery sports 1 6.3 % Kayak/canoe launch 1 6.3 % DOG PARKS 1 6.3 % Fireworks 1 6.3 % Intergenerational programs 1 6.3 % BOATING, SAILING, WAVE RUNNER AND KAYAKING 1 6.3 % Total 16 100.0 % ETC Page 130 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 010. Which FOUR types of programs from the list in Question 9 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q 10. Top choice Number Percent Youth Learn to Swim programs 13 2.3 % Preschool programs 20 3.5 % Before & after school programs 13 2.3 % Youth summer camp programs 13 2.3 % Youth sports programs 10 1.7 % Youth ice sports & activities 5 0.9 % Youth fitness &wellness programs 3 0.5 % Programs for teens 3 0.5 % Adult fitness &wellness programs 64 11.1 % Water fitness programs 7 1.2 % Tennis lessons & leagues 3 0.5 % Youth art, dance,performing arts 3 0.5 % Adult art, dance,performing arts 7 1.2 % Adult sports programs 17 3.0 % Adult ice sports & activities 6 1.0 % Adult programs for 50 years &older 26 4.5 % Programs for people with disabilities 13 2.3 % Birthday parties 4 0.7 % Adult continuing education programs 16 2.8 % Golf lessons & leagues 11 1.9 % Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 42 7.3 % Nature programs/environmental education 18 3.1 % Travel programs 3 0.5 % Farmers' market 95 16.5 % Programs with your pets 8 1.4 % Outdoor challenge programs 1 0.2 % Mentoring for youth 4 0.7 % Other 5 0.9 % None chosen 143 24.8 % Total 576 100.0 % ETC Page 131 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 010. Which FOUR types of programs from the list in Question 9 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q10. 2nd choice Number Percent Youth Learn to Swim programs 7 1.2 % Preschool programs 12 2.1 % Before & after school programs 7 1.2 % Youth summer camp programs 15 2.6 % Youth sports programs 10 1.7 % Youth ice sports & activities 4 0.7 % Youth fitness &wellness programs 3 0.5 % Programs for teens 10 1.7 % Adult fitness &wellness programs 39 6.8 % Water fitness programs 12 2.1 % Tennis lessons & leagues 2 0.3 % Youth art, dance,performing arts 10 1.7 % Adult art, dance,performing arts 16 2.8 % Adult sports programs 7 1.2 % Adult ice sports & activities 1 0.2 % Adult programs for 50 years &older 35 6.1 % Programs for people with disabilities 9 1.6 % Birthday parties 5 0.9 % Adult continuing education programs 20 3.5 % Golf lessons & leagues 6 1.0 % Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 50 8.7 % Nature programs/environmental education 25 4.3 % Travel programs 3 0.5 % Farmers' market 58 10.1 % Programs with your pets 11 1.9 % Outdoor challenge programs 6 1.0 % Mentoring for youth 2 0.3 % Other 2 0.3 % None chosen 189 32.8 % Total 576 100.0 % ETC Page 132 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 010. Which FOUR types of programs from the list in Question 9 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q10. 3rd choice Number Percent Youth Learn to Swim programs 6 1.0 % Preschool programs 2 0.3 % Before & after school programs 9 1.6 % Youth summer camp programs 7 1.2 % Youth sports programs 10 1.7 % Youth ice sports & activities 3 0.5 % Youth fitness &wellness programs 1 0.2 % Programs for teens 1 0.2 % Adult fitness &wellness programs 34 5.9 % Water fitness programs 13 2.3 % Tennis lessons & leagues 3 0.5 % Youth art, dance,performing arts 7 1.2 % Adult art, dance,performing arts 11 1.9 % Adult sports programs 13 2.3 % Adult ice sports & activities 2 0.3 % Adult programs for 50 years &older 16 2.8 % Programs for people with disabilities 5 0.9 % Birthday parties 8 1.4 % Adult continuing education programs 18 3.1 % Golf lessons & leagues 3 0.5 % Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 54 9.4 % Nature programs/environmental education 32 5.6 % Travel programs 15 2.6 % Farmers' market 50 8.7 % Programs with your pets 9 1.6 % Outdoor challenge programs 6 1.0 % Mentoring for youth 5 0.9 % Other 2 0.3 % None chosen 231 40.1 % Total 576 100.0 % ETC Page 133 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 010. Which FOUR types of programs from the list in Question 9 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? Q10. 4th choice Number Percent Youth Learn to Swim programs 12 2.1 % Preschool programs 1 0.2 % Before & after school programs 6 1.0 % Youth summer camp programs 8 1.4 % Youth sports programs 2 0.3 % Youth fitness &wellness programs 1 0.2 % Programs for teens 6 1.0 % Adult fitness &wellness programs 22 3.8 % Water fitness programs 6 1.0 % Tennis lessons & leagues 2 0.3 % Youth art, dance,performing arts 4 0.7 % Adult art, dance,performing arts 12 2.1 % Adult sports programs 13 2.3 % Adult ice sports & activities 1 0.2 % Adult programs for 50 years &older 20 3.5 % Programs for people with disabilities 4 0.7 % Birthday parties 3 0.5 % Adult continuing education programs 24 4.2 % Golf lessons & leagues 8 1.4 % Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 26 4.5 % Nature programs/environmental education 21 3.6 % Travel programs 11 1.9 % Farmers' market 44 7.6 % Programs with your pets 15 2.6 % Outdoor challenge programs 12 2.1 % Mentoring for youth 7 1.2 % Other 3 0.5 % None chosen 282 49.0 % Total 576 100.0 % ETC Page 134 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 010. Which FOUR types of programs from the list in Question 9 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? to 4 Q10. Top choice Number Percent Youth Learn to Swim programs 38 6.6 % Preschool programs 35 6.1 % Before & after school programs 35 6.1 % Youth summer camp programs 43 7.5 % Youth sports programs 32 5.6 % Youth ice sports & activities 12 2.1 % Youth fitness &wellness programs 8 1.4 % Programs for teens 20 3.5 % Adult fitness &wellness programs 159 27.6 % Water fitness programs 38 6.6 % Tennis lessons & leagues 10 1.7 % Youth art, dance,performing arts 24 4.2 % Adult art, dance,performing arts 46 8.0 % Adult sports programs 50 8.7 % Adult ice sports & activities 10 1.7 % Adult programs for 50 years &older 97 16.8 % Programs for people with disabilities 31 5.4 % Birthday parties 20 3.5 % Adult continuing education programs 78 13.5 % Golf lessons & leagues 28 4.9 % Special events,i.e. concerts, movies, etc. 172 29.9 % Nature programs/environmental education 96 16.7 % Travel programs 32 5.6 % Farmers' market 247 42.9 % Programs with your pets 43 7.5 % Outdoor challenge programs 25 4.3 % Mentoring for youth 18 3.1 % Other 12 2.1 % None chosen 143 24.8 % Total 1602 ETC Page 135 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q11. Please CHECK ALL the reasons that prevent you or other members of your household from using parks, recreation facilities, or events provided by the City of Ithaca more often. Q11. All the reasons that prevent you from using parks,recreation facilities, or events provided by City of Ithaca more often Number Percent Facilities are not well maintained 70 14.5 % Program or facility not offered 69 14.3 % Facilities lack right equipment 34 7.0 % Security is insufficient 35 7.2 % Lack of quality programs 38 7.9 % Too far from our residence 256 52.9 % Use facilities in other communities 125 25.8 % Fees are too high 101 20.9 % Poor customer service by staff 13 2.7 % I do not know locations of facilities 110 22.7 % Use services of other agencies 56 11.6 % Not accessible for people with disabilities 14 2.9 % I do not know what is offered 184 38.0 % Facility operating hours not convenient 40 8.3 % Lack of parking by facilities &parks 55 11.4 % Other 78 16.1 % Total 1278 ETC Page 136 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q11. Other Q 11. Other Number Percent Time 3 3.9 % Lack of time 2 2.6 % Age 2 2.6 % We have little reason to use facilities being asked about 1 1.3 % Not dog friendly 1 1.3 % Old age 1 1.3 % I'm lazy and don't always want to engage in outdoor recreation 1 1.3 % transportation is a problem due to my disabilities 1 1.3 % Goose poop at Stewart 1 1.3 % Lack of programs in winter 1 1.3 % WE HAVE ALL THE NEEDED FACILITIES IN OUR VILLAGE 1 1.3 % REST AREAS CLOSED IN WINTER 1 1.3 % we race motorcycles 1 1.3 % Park pool only opens mid June till mid Aug 1 1.3 % Illegal drug use 1 1.3 % No vehicle 1 1.3 % Not enough time, too crowded 1 1.3 % Winter weather 1 1.3 % Geese in Stewart Park 1 1.3 % bathrooms not clean or open in off season 1 1.3 % Ithaca golf course clubs are private 1 1.3 % Available time 1 1.3 % We are unable to participate because dogs are not allowed 1 1.3 % often no restrooms or restrooms not well maintained 1 1.3 % We use the State parks 1 1.3 % Use Cornell University facilities 1 1.3 % Health issues 1 1.3 % Lack of interest 1 1.3 % T-Cat bus does not serve the best park 1 1.3 % Some playground equipment not updated nor safe in Stewart Park 1 1.3 % Bike trails not long enough 1 1.3 % I am at work too much 1 1.3 % Needs are fully met 1 1.3 % Lack of information/adult programming 1 1.3 % Children are older 1 1.3 % Enfield is closer 1 1.3 % Not much time for recreation 1 1.3 % We are too old 1 1.3 % Just don't get out anywhere 1 1.3 % No interest 1 1.3 % We work long hours 1 1.3 % We have our own wild space 1 1.3 % Live in Carolina and can't drive 1 1.3 % Have other interests 1 1.3 % ETC Page 137 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Q11. Other Q 11. Other Number Percent Bird droppings 1 1.3 % Limited TCAT hours 1 1.3 % I work too much 1 1.3 % COPD 1 1.3 % Newman G.C. layout not very good 1 1.3 % DO NOT NEED ANYTHING PROVIDED 1 1.3 % NO DOGS 1 1.3 % WE GET OUR EXERCISE&REC ON OUR FARM 1 1.3 % NO NEED 1 1.3 % SICKNESS 1 1.3 % traffic on route 13 too congested 1 1.3 % WEBSITE HARD TO NAVIGATE 1 1.3 % LIVE 3 MIN AWAY 1 1.3 % Children are all grown 1 1.3 % Not interested 1 1.3 % Crowded 1 1.3 % We use the Y 1 1.3 % Restrooms not open or unusable 1 1.3 % NOT OF GREAT INTEREST 1 1.3 % Live on 108 acres 1 1.3 % Lack of free time 1 1.3 % Age,health limitations 1 1.3 % Sketchy kids around parks 1 1.3 % Don't have transportation 1 1.3 % Some parks closed in winter when conditions are not dangerous 1 1.3 % nothing prevents me 1 1.3 % Lack of bathrooms 1 1.3 % Age and health concerns 1 1.3 % lack of spare time 1 1.3 % Total 77 100.0 % 012. If you had a budget of$100 for services provided by the City of Ithaca, how would you allocate the funds among the categories of funding listed below? Mean Maintain &improve waterfront parks (e.g., Stewart& Cass Parks) $12.99 Maintain&improve neighborhood& community parks (e.g., Washington Park) $6.94 Maintain&improve walking &biking trails $10.81 Maintain&improve outdoor sports fields $6.11 Maintain&improve recreation facilities(e.g., Cass Park Skating Rink,Ithaca Youth Bureau) $8.10 Maintain&improve golf courses $7.79 Acquire new park land& open space $9.35 Offer more programs & special events $9.13 Don't know $28.77 ETC Page 138 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 013. The City of Ithaca's parks and facilities are a2in2 and will require more attention and dollars to keep them safe and appealing. However, parks are iust one of many priorities to budget for. The following are potential sources of funding to help improve the park system and recreation programs in the City of Ithaca and surrounding communities. Please indicate how supportive you are of each potential source of revenue by circling the number that corresponds to your level of support. (N=576) Very Somewhat Not Supportive Supportive Supportive Not Sure Q13-1. Increase existing admission fees for facilities like the Cass Park Skating Rink & Swimming Pool 10.1% 35.8% 42.6% 11.5% Q13-2. Increase existing fees for using shelters, athletic fields, or other facilities 13.4% 40.9% 33.8% 11.9% Q13-3. City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, & Tompkins County should jointly contribute public funding 41.5% 35.3% 16.2% 7.0% Q13-4.Partner with nonprofits &private entities to financially support park maintenance &recreation programs 51.7% 33.4% 7.1% 7.8% Q13-5. Sell or lease a few small,under- utilized parks to provide money to focus on more popular parks &programs 17.5% 28.4% 38.2% 15.9% ETC Page 139 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 014. Which TWO of the potential source of revenues listed in Question 13 would you MOST SUPPORT? Q14. Top choice Number Percent Increase existing admission fees for facilities like the Cass Park Skating Rink& Swimming Pool 48 8.3 % Increase existing fees for using shelters, athletic fields, or other facilities 38 6.6 % City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, & Tompkins County should jointly contribute public funding 202 35.1 % Partner with nonprofits &private entities to financially support park maintenance &recreation programs 157 27.3 % Sell or lease a few small,under-utilized parks to provide money to focus on more popular parks &programs 47 8.2 % None chosen 84 14.6 % Total 576 100.0 % 014. Which TWO of the potential source of revenues listed in Question 13 would you MOST SUPPORT? Q14. 2nd choice Number Percent Increase existing admission fees for facilities like the Cass Park Skating Rink& Swimming Pool 45 7.8 % Increase existing fees for using shelters, athletic fields, or other facilities 65 11.3 % City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, & Tompkins County should jointly contribute public funding 106 18.4 % Partner with nonprofits &private entities to financially support park maintenance &recreation programs 168 29.2 % Sell or lease a few small,under-utilized parks to provide money to focus on more popular parks &programs 71 12.3 % None chosen 121 21.0 % Total 576 100.0 % ETC Page 140 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 014.Which TWO of the potential source of revenues listed in Question 13 would you MOST SUPPORT? (top 2) Q14. Sum of Top 2 Choices Number Percent Increase existing admission fees for facilities like the Cass Park Skating Rink& Swimming Pool 93 16.1 % Increase existing fees for using shelters, athletic fields, or other facilities 103 17.9 % City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, & Tompkins County should jointly contribute public funding 308 53.5 % Partner with nonprofits &private entities to financially support park maintenance &recreation programs 325 56.4 % Sell or lease a few small,under-utilized parks to provide money to focus on more popular parks &programs 118 20.5 % None chosen 84 14.6 % Total 1031 015.Please rate your level of satisfaction with the overall value that your household receives from City of Ithaca parks and trails. Q15. Your level of satisfaction with the overall value that your household receives from City of Ithaca parks &trails Number Percent Very satisfied 178 30.9 % Somewhat satisfied 191 33.2 % Neutral 109 18.9 % Somewhat dissatisfied 14 2.4 % Very dissatisfied 5 0.9 % Don't know 79 13.7 % Total 576 100.0 % ETC Page 141 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 016. What is your ate? Q16. Your age Number Percent 18-34 70 12.2 % 35-44 111 19.3 % 45-54 129 22.4 % 55-64 136 23.6 % 65+ 119 20.7 % Not provided 11 1.9 % Total 576 100.0 % 017. What is your tender? Q17. Your gender Number Percent Male 272 47.2 % Female 300 52.1 % Non-binary/third gender 3 0.5 % Prefer to self-describe 1 0.2 % Total 576 100.0 % 018. What is your annual household income? Q18. What is your annual household income Number Percent Under$25K 54 9.4 % $25K-$49,999 116 20.1 % $50K-$74,999 105 18.2 % $75K-$99,999 93 16.1 % $100K-$149,999 105 18.2 % $150K+ 51 8.9 % Not provided 52 9.0 % Total 576 100.0 % ETC Page 142 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 019. Do you own or rent your home? Q 19. Do you own or rent your home Number Percent Own 467 81.1 % Rent 100 17.4 % Not provided 9 1.6 % Total 576 100.0 % 020. Do you, or does anyone in your household, have an affiliation with Cornell University or Ithaca College? Q20. Does anyone in your household have an affiliation with Cornell University or Ithaca College Number Percent Yes, as a student 24 4.2 % Yes, as staff 119 21.0 % Yes, as faculty 54 9.5 % Yes, a former student or employee 148 26.1 % Yes, other affiliation 19 3.3 % No affiliation or not sure 261 46.0 % Total 625 020. Other affiliation: Q20. Other affiliation Number Percent retired staff 2 14.3 % CORNELL PROVIDES A LARGE PORTION OF MY COMPANIES INCOME 1 7.1 % Parent of grad 2012 1 7.1 % Children went to Cornell 1 7.1 % Family works there 1 7.1 % Father worked at Cornell 1 7.1 % coach 1 7.1 % YOUTH PROGRAM USING IC FACILITIES 1 7.1 % Alumni 1 7.1 % Retired custodian 1 7.1 % UNCLE WAS AN EMPLOYEE 1 7.1 % Works on CU campus for self 1 7.1 % Family_ 1 7.1 % Total 14 100.0 % ETC Page 143 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 021. Are you of Hispanic or Latin ancestry? Q21. Are you of Hispanic or Latin ancestry Number Percent Yes 28 4.9 % No 548 95.1 % Total 576 100.0 % 022. Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? Q22. Your race/ethnicity Number Percent White/Caucasian 503 87.5 % Asian 56 9.7 % African American/Black 17 3.0 % Native American/American Indian 7 1.2 % Other 11 1.9 % Total 594 022. Other Q22. Other Number Percent Hispanic 4 50.0 % Mixed 3 37.5 % Italian & Sicilian 1 12.5 % Total 8 100.0 % ETC Page 144 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Section 7 Survey Instrument Page 145 City of Ithaca-Findings Report IT CITY OF ITHACA 108 East Green Street Ithaca, New York 14850-5690 MAYOR'S OFFICE e s SVANTE L.MYRICK,MAYOR �o Telephone: 607-274-6501 Email: mayor@cityofithaca.org Fax: 607-274-6526 A Few Minutes of Your Time Will Help Make the City oflthaca a Better Place to Live, Work and Playa Dear City of Ithaca Resident: Yourresponse to the enclosed survey is extremely important... The City of Ithaca is preparing a Parks and Recreation Master Plan that will serve as a guide to ensure that parks and recreation remain vital community resources now and into the future. As part of this process, we are conducting a Community Interest and Opinion Survey to establish priorities for the future improvement of our parks, recreation facilities, programs and services within the community. Your household was one of a limited number selected at random to receive this survey, therefore, it is very important that you participate. We appreciate your time... We realize that this survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, but each question is important. The time you invest in completing this survey will aid the City of Ithaca in taking a resident-driven approach to making decisions that will guide the future of our parks system and recreation programs over the next 10 years and beyond, enriching the lives of our residents and enhancing our community. Please complete and return your survey within the next two weeks... We are working with ETC Institute, an independent consulting company, as our partner to administer this survey. They will compile the data received and present the results to the City. Your responses will remain confidential. Please return your completed survey in the enclosed postage- paid envelope addressed to ETC Institute, 725 W. Frontier Circle, Olathe, KS 66061. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Megan Wilson, Senior Planner, at the City of Ithaca Planning Division at (607) 274-6560 or mwilson(c),cityofithaca,org. The Community Interest and Opinion Survey will directly inform the upcoming Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Please take this opportunity to let your voice be heard! Sincerely, l Svante L. Myrick Mayor ETC Page 146 City of Ithaca-Findings Report B oAT ®oe� Dear Tompkins County Resident: Your response to the enclosed survey is extremely important.,. The City of Ithaca is preparing a Parks and Recreation Master Plan that will serve as a guide to ensure that parks and recreation remain vital community resources now and into the future. As part of this process, the City and "Town of Ithaca are collaborating on a Community Interest and Opinion Survey to establish priorities for the future improvement of parks, recreation facilities, programs and services within the community. Your household was one of a limited number selected at random to receive this survey, therefore,it is very important that you participate. We appreciate your time... We realize that this survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, but each question is important. The time you invest in completing this survey will aid the City and the Town in taking a resident-driven approach to making decisions that will guide the future of parks and recreation programs over the next 10 years and beyond, enriching the lives of residents and enhancing the community. What if don't live in the City or Town of Ithaca? Your opinion is needed! The parks and programs we're studying are used by residents throughout Tompkins County. It's critical for us to understand your opinions, preferences, and priorities in order to have well-coordinated plans between the City,Town, and County. Please complete and return your survey within the next two weeks... We are working with ETC Institute, an independent consulting company, as our partner to administer this survey. They will compile the data received and present the results to the City and Town. Your responses will remain confidential. Please return your completed survey in the enclosed postage-paid envelope addressed to ETC Institute, 725 W. Frontier Circle, Olathe, KS 66061. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Megan Wilson, Senior Planner, at the City of Ithaca Planning Division at (607) 274-6560 or nlwilsonacityofithaca.org. The Community Interest and Opinion Survey is an important tool that will benefit all residents. Please take this opportunity to let your voice be heard! Sincerely, " � �� - � Svante L. Myrick, Mayor Bill Goodman, Supervisor City of Ithaca Town of Ithaca ETC Page 147 City of Ithaca-Findings Report Community Interest and Opinion Survey: Let your voice be heard today! The City of Ithaca would like your input to help determine priorities for parks, recreation facilities, recreation programs, and special events in our community. This survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete. When you are finished, please return our survey in the enclosed postage-paid, return- reply envelope. We greatly appreciate your time. 1. Including yourself, how many people live in your household? 2. How many people in your household are: Ages 5 or under Ages 14-17 Ages 35-44 Ages 65-74 Ages 6-10 Ages 18-24 Ages 45-54 Ages 75+ Ages 11-13 Ages 25-34 Ages 55-64 3. Tompkins County has many providers of park and recreation services. From the following list of park and recreation providers in the area, please check ALL that you or members of your household have used for indoor and outdoor recreation activities during the last 12 months. (Check all that apply) _(1) YMCA of Ithaca & Tompkins County _ (5) School District Facilities _(2) Ithaca Children's Garden _ (6) Homeowners Association/Apt. Complex _(3) Private Fitness Clubs/Studios _ (7) City/Town/County Public Facilities _(4) College/University Facilities _ (8) Other: 4. From the following list, please check ALL of the City of Ithaca recreational facilities that you and members of your household have visited during the past 12 months. (Check all that apply) (01) Alex Haley Pool (06) Ithaca Farmers Market (02) Cass Park fields, pavilions, playgrounds (07) Ithaca Youth Bureau (in Stewart Park) (03) Cass Park Skating Rink (08) Newman Golf Course (04) Cass Park Swimming Pool (09) Southside Community Center (05) Greater Ithaca Activities Center (GIAC) (10) Stewart Park fields, pavilions, playgrounds 4a. How would you rate the overall quality of ALL the City of Ithaca recreation facilities you have visited? (1) Excellent (2) Good (3) Fair (4) Poor 4b. How would you rate the overall quality of ALL the City of Ithaca recreation programs and services you have participated in? (1) Excellent (2) Good (3) Fair (4) Poor Page 148 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 5. From the following list of both City of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca parks and trails, please check ALL that you and members of your household have visited during the past 12 months. (Check all that apply) (01) Auburn Park (16) MacDaniels Park (02) Baker Park (17) Maplewood Park (03) Bryant Park (18) Salem Park (04) Cass Park (19) Stewart Park (05) Columbia Street Park (20) Strawberry Fields (06) Conley Park (21) Tareyton Park (07) Conway Park (22) Thompson Park (08) DeWitt Park (23) Titus Flats/Wood St Park/Ithaca Skate Park (09) Dryden Park (24) Titus Triangle (10) East Shore Park (25) Troy Park (11) Eastern Heights Park (26) Tudor Park (12) Forest Home Park (27) Tutelo Park (13) Grandview Park (28) Vincenzo lacovelli Park (14) Hillview Park (29) Washington Park (15) Ithaca Falls Natural Area (30) Cayuga Waterfront Trail (32) Northeast Ithaca Recreation Way Trail (31) East Ithaca Recreation Way Trail (33) South Hill Recreation Way Trail Thinking ONLY of the parks and trails you selected from the list in Question #5 above: 5a. How would you rate the overall condition of all the parks and trails you visited? (1) Excellent (3) Fair (2) Good (4) Poor 5b. Which TWO (2) are in the BEST condition? [Please write in the numbers below for your 1St and 2nd choices using the numbers from the list in Question #5 above, or circle NONE.] 1st: 2nd: NONE 5c. Which TWO (2) are in the WORST condition? [Please write in the numbers below for your 1St and 2nd choices using the numbers from the list in Question #5 above, or circle NONE.] 1st: 2nd: NONE 6. From the following list, please check ALL the ways that your household has learned about City of Ithaca parks, facilities, special events, and activities during the past 12 months. (Check all that apply) (01) City of Ithaca website (cityofithaca.org) (07) From friends and neighbors (02) Ithaca Youth Bureau website (IYBREC.com) (08) Conversations with staff (03) Other websites (09) Email news letters/listservs (04) iPlayBook (mobile app) (10) School fliers/newsletters (05) Fliers/signs at parks and facilities (11) Social media (06) Newspaper (12) Other: Page 149 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 7. Please indicate if YOU or any member of your HOUSEHOLD has a need for each of the parks and recreation facilities listed below by circling the YES or NO next to the park/facility. If YES, please rate ALL the following parks and recreation facilities of this type in Ithaca and Tompkins County on a scale of 5 to 1, where 5 means "100% Meets Needs" and 1 means "Does Not Meet Needs" of your household. Do You Have a If YES You Have a Need, How Well Need for this Are Your Needs Being Met? . - of Facility Facility? ii i i Yes No Met Met Met Met Met 01. Sports fields(soccer,football, lacrosse) Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 02. Diamond fields(baseball, softball) Yes No 54 3! 2 1 03. Picnic shelters Yes No 5' 4 3! 2 1 04. Outdoor tennis courts Yes No 5 4 3'' 2 1 05. Indoor ice arena Yes No 5 4 3'' 2 1 06. Community meeting space Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 07. Off-leash dog park Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 08. Outdoor swimming pools/water parks Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 09. Outdoor natural swimming areas Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 10. Playground equipment Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 11. Outdoor basketball courts Yes No 5 4 3 j 2 1 12. Disc golf Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 13. Skateboarding park Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 14. Walking and biking trails Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 15. Nature center Yes No 5 4 3'' 2 1 16. Indoor swimming pools/leisure pool Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 17. Indoor lap lanes for exercise swimming Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 18. Indoor basketball/volleyball courts Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 19. Indoor sports fields(baseball,soccer,etc.) Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 20. Indoor fitness and exercise facilities Yes No 5 4 3! 2 1 21. Indoor running/walking track Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 22. Golf course Yes No 5 4 3'' 2 1 23. Small neighborhood parks Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 24. Large community parks Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 25. Mountain bike park Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 26. Greenspace and natural areas Yes No 5' 4 3! 2 1 27. Spray-pad (above ground water play) Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 28. Senior Center Yes No 5 4 3'' 2 1 29. Other: Yes No 1 5 4 3'' 2 1 1 8. Which FOUR of the facilities from the list in Question #7 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? [Using the numbers in the left hand column of Question #7 above, please write in the numbers below for your 1St 2nd 3rd and 4th choices, or circle `NONE'.] 1 St: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: NONE Page 150 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 9. Please indicate if your household has a need for each of the activities, programs, or events listed below by circling YES or NO next to the recreation program. If YES, please rate the following recreation programs of this type in Ithaca and Tompkins County on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 means "100% Meets Needs" and 1 means "Does Not Meet Needs" of your household. Do You Have a If YES, How Well Are Your Need for this Needs Being Met? . - of Program Program? ii i i Yes No Met Met Met Met Met 01. Youth Learn to Swim programs Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 02. Preschool programs Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 03. Before and after school programs Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 04. Youth summer camp programs Yes No 5 4 3! 2 1 05. Youth sports programs Yes No 5 4 3! 2 1 06. Youth ice sports and activities Yes No 5 4 3 j 2 1 07. Youth fitness and wellness programs Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 08. Programs for teens Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 09. Adult fitness and wellness programs Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 10. Water fitness programs Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 11. Tennis lessons and leagues Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 12. Youth art, dance, performing arts Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 13. Adult art, dance, performing arts Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 14. Adult sports programs Yes No 5' 4 3 j 2 1 15. Adult ice sports and activities Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 16. Adult programs for 50 years and older Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 17. Programs for people with disabilities Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 18. Birthday parties Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 19. Adult continuing education programs Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 20. Golf lessons and leagues Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 21. Special events, i.e. concerts, movies, etc. Yes No 5' 4 3! 2 1 22. Nature programs/environmental education Yes No 5' 4 3! 2 1 23. Travel programs Yes No 5 4 3 j 2 1 24. Farmers' Market Yes No 5 4 3'' 2 1 25. Programs with your pets Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 26. Outdoor challenge programs Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 27. Mentoring for youth Yes No 5 4 31 2 1 28. Other: Yes No 5' 4 3! 2 1, 10. Which FOUR types of programs from the list in Question #9 are MOST IMPORTANT to your household? [Using the numbers in Question #9 above, please write in the numbers below for your 1St 2nd, 3rd and 4th choices, or circle `NONE'.] 1 St: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: NONE Page 151 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 11. Please CHECK ALL the reasons that prevent you or other members of your household from using parks, recreation facilities, or events provided by the City of Ithaca more often. _(01) Facilities are not well maintained _ (09) Poor customer service by staff _ (02) Program or facility not offered _ (10) 1 do not know locations of facilities _ (03) Facilities lack the right equipment _ (11) Use services of other agencies _ (04) Security is insufficient _ (12) Not accessible for people with disabilities _ (05) Lack of quality programs _ (13) 1 do not know what is offered _ (06) Too far from our residence _ (14) Facility operating hours not convenient _ (07) Use facilities in other communities _ (15) Lack of parking by facilities and parks _ (08) Fees are too high _ (16) Other: 12. If you had a budget of$100 for services provided by the City of Ithaca, how would you allocate the funds among the categories of funding listed below? [Please be sure your total adds up to $100.] $ (01) Maintain and improve waterfront parks (e.g., Stewart and Cass Parks) $ (02) Maintain and improve neighborhood and community parks (e.g., Washington Park) $ (03) Maintain and improve walking and biking trails $ (04) Maintain and improve outdoor sports fields $ (05) Maintain and improve recreation facilities (e.g., Cass Park Skating Rink, Ithaca Youth Bureau) $ (06) Maintain and improve golf courses $ (07) Acquire new park land and open space $ (08) Offer more programs and special events $ (99) Don't Know $100 TOTAL 13. The City of Ithaca's parks and facilities are aging and will require more attention and dollars to keep them safe and appealing. However, parks are just one of many priorities to budget for. The following are potential sources of funding to help improve the park system and recreation programs in the City of Ithaca and surrounding communities. Please indicate how supportive you are of each potential source of revenue by circling the number that corresponds to your level of support. Very Somewhat Not o ure Supportive Supportive Supportive 01. Increase existing admission fees for facilities like the Cass Park 4 3 2 1 Skating Rink and Swimming Pool 02 Increase existing fees for using shelters, athletic fields, or other 4 3 2 1 facilities. The City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, and Tompkins County should 03. jointly contribute public funding (i.e., tax dollars)to focus dollars on 4 3 2 1 the greatest ark and recreation needs in Greater Ithaca 04. Partner with nonprofits and private entities to financially support park 4 3 2 1 maintenance and recreation programs 05. Sell or lease a few small, under-utilized parks to provide money to 4 3 2 1 focus on more popular parks and programs 14.Which TWO of the potential source of revenues listed in Question #13 would you MOST SUPPORT? [Please write in the numbers below for your 1St and 2nd choices using the numbers from the list in Question #13 above, or circle NONE.] 1St: 2nd: NONE ETC Page 152 City of Ithaca-Findings Report 15. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the overall value that your household receives from City of Ithaca parks and trails. (5) Very Satisfied (2) Somewhat Dissatisfied (4) Somewhat Satisfied (1) Very Dissatisfied (3) Neutral (9) Don't Know 16. What is your age? 17. What is your gender? (1) Male (3) Non-binary/third gender (2) Female (4) Prefer to self-describe: 18. What is your annual household income? (1) Under $25,000 (4) $75,000-$99,999 (2) $25,000-$49,999 (5) $100,000-$149,999 (3) $50,000-$74,999 (6) $150,000 or more 19. Do you own or rent your home? Own Rent 20. Do you, or does anyone in your household, have an affiliation with Cornell University or Ithaca College? (Check ALL that apply) (1) Yes, as a student (4) Yes, a former student or employee (2) Yes, as staff (5) Yes, other affiliation (specify: ) (3) Yes, as faculty (6) No affiliation or not sure 21. Are you of Hispanic or Latin ancestry? (1) Yes (2) No 22. Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? (Check all that apply) (1) White/Caucasian (4) African American/Black (2) Asian (5) Native American/American Indian (3) Pacific Islander (6) Other: 23. Please share any additional comments that could assist the City of Ithaca in improving parks, trails, open space or recreation facilities and services. This concludes the survey. Thank you for your time. Please return your completed survey in the enclosed return-reply envelope addressed to: ETC Institute, 725 W. Frontier Circle, Olathe, KS 66061 Your responses will remain completely confidential. The address information on the right will ONLY be used to help identify areas with special interests. Page 153