HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-14 TB 4-14-22 Page 1 of 5 TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING April 14, 2022 Zoom Hybrid Present: Supervisor Jason Leifer, Cl Daniel Lamb, Cl James Skaley, Cl Loren Sparling, Cl Leonardo Vargas-Mendez Elected Officials: Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk Rick Young, Highway/DPW Superintendent Other Town Staff: Ray Burger, Planning Director Cassie Byrnes, Secretary to Supervisor Supv Leifer called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ABSTRACT APPROVAL RESOLUTION #72 (2022) – APPROVE ABSTRACT #4 Cl Skaley offered the following resolution and asked for its approval: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #4, as audited, general vouchers #218 through #319 ($841,745.91) and TA vouchers #15 through #19 ($142,268.91), totaling $984,014.82. 2nd Supv Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes PUBLIC HEARING RMS GRAVEL SPECIAL USE PERMIT Supv Leifer opened the public hearing at 6:02 pm. Brian Milliman from RMS Gravel was present. R Burger explained they are asking for the three existing permits to be combined into one and an amendment to the special use permit. All information has been shared with the board and a draft resolution has been prepared. The Board will review the SEQR. Regarding County 239, Cl Lamb said 2 million gallons per day seems like lot of water. 2 million gallons per day is for recirculating pumps. Actual withdrawal is around 32,000 gallons per day. The water withdrawal permit is for any water that is moved through the pump, even what is recirculated. Water lost to evaporation is replaced from the wells. The board members reviewed the application. There were no further comments or questions from the board or the public. Supv Leifer closed the public hearing at 6:22 p.m. TB 4-14-22 Page 2 of 5 Board reviewed the SEQR parts 1 and 2 and the proposed resolution. RESOLUTION #73 (2022) - Approving Special Use Permit Amendment for a Gravel Mining Permit Renewal and Expansion at 290 Mott Road, Tax Parcels 35.-1-6.1, 6.2 and 7.1 Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, A. RMS Gravel, Inc., with operations centered at 290 Mott Road, applied to amend their Special Use Permit (SUP) and site plan to expand their mine from the existing 214.5 acre mining area by adding a 46.4 acre area situated to the southwest of the intersection of Mott and Hart Roads, involving Tax parcels 35.-1-6.1, 6.2 and 7.1, and B. Mining is an allowed use by Special Use Permit in the Rural Agricultural and Conservation districts where this mine is located, and C. The original SUP and site plan was approved with conditions by the Town Board (Board) on September 2, 1997, and D. An application, including maps and Full Environmental Assessment Form, were submitted to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and deemed complete by DEC on March 9, 2022, and E. DEC transmitted the application to the Town on March 14, 2022 asking the Town’s review, and F. The Town Planning Department considers the application complete and in conformance with the requirements of the Code of the Town of Dryden (Code) for review under §270- 13.4, and G. A public hearing was held on April 14, 2022 with public comments registered in the meeting minutes and considered by the Board, and H. The Tompkins County Planning Department has reviewed the application pursuant to §239 –l, -m, and –n of the New York State General Municipal Law, and I. In a letter dated April 13, 2022, the Tompkins County Department of Planning and Sustainability had no recommendations but made two comments on this proposal that are being forwarded to DEC along with this resolution, and J. Pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”) and its implementing regulations at 6 NYCRR Part 617, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation on March 10, 2022, made a negative determination of environmental significance, and K. The Board has reviewed this application relative to the considerations and standards found in Code §270-13.4 for Mining. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Town Board of the Town of Dryden approves the Special Use Permit amendment to expand the mining area at 290 Mott Road pursuant to the application materials received from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation on March 14, 2022. TB 4-14-22 Page 3 of 5 2. The conditions of the original SUP still apply, namely “setbacks will be established by NYS DEC permit along with adequate site security to barrier access. Dust control mitigation is spelled out in the EIS and shall be appropriately implemented. Hours of operation will remain consistent with current mining business hours.” T he Town of Dryden Standard Conditions of Approval as amended August 14, 2008 also apply. 2nd Cl Lamb Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes COUNTY UPDATE Mike Lane – The sales tax report shows the best quarter ever for Tompkins County. An adjustment was made in the state budget to restore some municipal aid. There is something new that allows the county to change the way it does sales tax on fuel that will be discussed. TC3 didn’t fair terribly well in the allocation from the state with about a 1.6% increase, but with the loss of federal aid, they are not doing great. There’s no change in the FTE rate from last year when it was lower than 2019. TC3 did get a half mil lion dollars for the construction grant and the counties are in favor of the capital program for improvements in laboratories, parking lots, etc. M Lane congratulated Town Clerk, Bambi Avery, on becoming the new President of the NYS Town Clerks Association. M Lane worked with R Young on an issue with Tompkins County Solid Waste regarding picking up improperly disposed of garbage on roads. Cl Lamb said a committee has been working on a draft trail crossing plan at Game Farm Road. They are coming up with ideas to make it better. They have been in touch with a planner at Cornell who has offered ideas through Todd Bitner to improve signage. He came across federal suggestions on appropriate signage, flashing signs and warnings to cars to slow down. Cl Lamb will share a chart with NYS DOT regarding the distance to stop per speed to show 220 feet with a 20 mph reduction in speed. He would like to ask for a temporary speed reduction until the road is lowered. M Lane did bring up the speed limit with the highway director at the county. The County Highway Department will not add a letter of support as rule to the requests by towns. M Lane offered to bring a draft resolution to the county legislature. He will also raise that as a question at an ITCTC meeting and try to add more pressure. There is an Assembly Bill still in committee that would allow towns to set their own speed limits. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Highway Superintendent Rick Young requested approval for funds to purchase an asphalt recycler and hot box trailer to allow the highway department to better repair potholes. They plan to do more patching than paving until prices are better. RESOLUTION #74 (2022)- PURCHASE OF A FALCON 4TON DUAL BURNER ASPHALT RECYCLER AND HOTBOX TRAILER TB 4-14-22 Page 4 of 5 Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the purchase of a Falcon 4-ton Dual Burner Asphalt recycler and hotbox trailer, not to exceed $57,000.00, using funds from both DA-5130.2 & A1490.2, per state contract # OGS PC68466,40625,22792 2nd Cl Skaley Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes R Young would like approval to purchase radios for all equipment for better communication between employees and with other agencies. He has a quote for $66,303 that will cover most of his needs, and he can purchase some used radios locally. RESOLUTION #75 (2022)- PURCHASE OF RADIOS Cl Skaley offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board herby authorizes the purchase of radios with funds from equipment budget DA-5130.2 not to exceed $70,000.00. 2nd Cl Sparling Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes Supv Leifer asked for approval for purchases related to the broadband project. RESOLUTION #76 (2022) – APPROVE BROADBAND PURCHASE ORDER FROM GRAYBAR Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves and authorizes the purchase of materials detailed in Graybar Quote #0240376667 in the amount of $6,642.20. 2nd Cl Skaley Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #77 (2022) - APPROVE BROADBAND PURCHASE ORDER FROM GRAYBAR Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves and authorizes the purchase of materials detailed in Graybar’s Quote #024327152 in the amount of $94,645.83. 2nd Cl Sparling TB 4-14-22 Page 5 of 5 Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #78 (2022) – APPROVE BROADBAND PURCHASE ORDER FROM GRAYBAR Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves and authorizes the purchase of materials detailed in Graybar’s Quote #0240301310 in the amount of $19,086.65 . 2nd Cl Vargas-Mendez Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes April 21 agenda items will include the Borger Station annual report to the town. Cl Lamb reported that the Planning Board steering committee met last night and synthesized the public comments on the draft comp plan. Once done, the document will be finalized by the Planning Board and then sent to the Town Board. The Town Board with then hold a public hearing in May and vote on it in June. The consensus of the steering committee is that the Town Board doesn’t need to open another portal and solicit written comments. Comments can be taken in public, and the board can discuss the plan. The Town Board will perhaps make minor adjustments and then vote in June. Some changes were made to maps to satisfy comments from advisory boards and some tweaks on the maps regarding nodal development. Clarification was added regarding stream buffers and the latest census information was integrated. There were no big changes in terms of the action plans and goals for the future. The Varna Fire Chief has resigned, and they are meeting tonight. The fire coordinator position will be posted in the near future. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bambi L. Avery Town Clerk