HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-20TB 1-20-22 D R A F T Page 1 of 7 TOWN OF DRYDEN January 20, 2022 Zoom Hybrid Present: Supervisor Jason Leifer, Cl Daniel Lamb, Cl James Skaley, Cl Loren Sparling, Cl Leonardo Vargas-Mendez Elected Officials: Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk Rick Young, Highway/DPW Superintendent Other Town Staff: Ray Burger, Planning Director Supv Leifer opened the meeting at 6:04 p.m. RESOLUTION #32 (2022) – APPROVE MINUTES Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the meeting minutes of December 9 and December 16, 2021. 2nd Cl Sparling Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes ANNOUNCEMENTS The notes from last week’s elected officials call are on the website. The town has n o more test kits available at town hall. The county may get more, but people can sign up through the federal link for test kits for home so people should do that if they can. HIGHWAY/DPW DEPARTMENT R Young said the 2022 Western Star with plow equipment approved and ordered last year has still not been delivered, but the plow equipment company has notified him of a price increase for that portion. He asked the board to approve the increase of $17,493.32 to be paid from 2022 budget funds. RESOLUTION #33 (2022) – APPROVE INCREASED COST FOR TRUCK W/PLOW EQUIPMENT Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the increased price of $17,493.32 for the previously approved 2022 Western Star truck with plow equipment, said amount to be paid from the 2022 budget. Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes TB 1-20-22 D R A F T Page 2 of 7 Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes Supv Leifer said we have received the bill of sale for the LED streetlights and the contractor has requested a pre-construction meeting. He will forward the notice to R Young. R Young has met with the representative for the bulb and fixture replacement project at town hall and they will work with the town on recycling the lights. Cl Lamb asked that they contact Finger Lakes ReUse and see if they are interested in the fixtures. There will be a meeting on the 25th regarding the Game Farm Road trail crossing. R Young has spoken with Barton & Loguidice about moving forward with the Genung Road bridge project. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The department’s monthly update is on the web and includes annual numbers for 2021. The Rail Trail Task Force has been looking at options and alternatives to see if they could mitigate impact to the properties on the northeast side of the crossing for the pedestrian bridge. They still recommend the alternative approved last June. Erdmann Anthony can submit the design report to DOT and this is the time for the town to do the environmental review. The board can declare its intent to be lead agency now and do the SEQR next month. The only other involved party would be DOT and they are not interested doing the environmental review. RESOLUTION #34 (2022) - DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE TOWN OF DRYDEN TO ACT AS LEAD AGENCY Cl Lamb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden (Town) is proposing to construct a pedestrian bridge and approaches to carry the Dryden Rail Trail over State Route 13 (PIN 3950.71) (Project), located in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York; and WHEREAS, the Project has been classified as unlisted as defined by the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) in 6 NYCRR Part 617; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Town of Dryden Town Board to assume the role of “Lead Agency” for purposes of conducting a SEQRA assessment of the Project; and WHEREAS, Part I of a Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF) has been comp leted, reviewed by the Town of Dryden Town Board, and will be circulated to Interested and Involved Agencies for purposes of establishing the Town of Dryden Town Board as “Lead Agency” in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 617.6(b). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden Town Supervisor hereby is authorized to sign Part I of the FEAF (page 13); and it is further TB 1-20-22 D R A F T Page 3 of 7 RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden will send said Part I of the FEAF to Interested and Involved Agencies (NYS-DOT) for purposes of establishing Lead Agency status under the SEQRA; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden Town Supervisor and Town Board, together with the Town of Dryden Attorney and Erdman Anthony, are hereby authorized to take all actions, serve all notices, and complete all documents required to give full force and effect to this determination. Cl Vargas-Mendez Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes COUNTY BRIEFING Greg Mezey reported that Shawna Black will serve as Chair of the legislature this year. Committees are being reviewed and some have been restructured. He will serve on the following: Government Operations, Planning, Develop ment and Environmental Quality, and Budget Capital, and Personnel. There will be an expanded budget committee meeting on the 24th to look at community recovery funds. He looks forward to serving as one of Dryden’s representatives and would like an opportunity to meet with board members on a regular basis to talk about how to best represent Dryden. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Utility Work on Route 366 – NYS DOT has presented a utility work agreement and corresponding resolution in connection with the repaving of Route 366 in Varna. RESOLUTION #35 (2022) – Granting the State of New York Authority to Perform the Adjustment for the Owner and Agreeing to Maintain Facilities Adjusted Via State-let Contract Cl Skaley offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: Whereas, the New York State Department of Transportation proposes the construction, reconstruction, or improvement of MBC RT 366 in the Town of Dryden located in Tompkins County, PIN 3603.79 and Whereas, the State will include as part of the construction, reconstruction, or improvement of the above mentioned project the adjustment of 7 water valves and 10 sanitary sewer manholes to grade pursuant to Section 10, Subdivision 24, of the State Highway Law, as shown on the contract plans relating to the project and meeting the requirements of the owner, and Whereas, the service life of the relocated and or replaced or adjusted utilities has not been extended, and Whereas, the State will provide for the reconstruction of the above mentioned work, as shown on the contract plans relating to the above mentioned project. TB 1-20-22 D R A F T Page 4 of 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Dryden approves of the adjustment of 7 water valves and 10 sanitary manholes and the above mentioned work performed on the project and shown on the contract plans relating to the project and that the Town of Dryden will maintain or cause to be maintained the adjusted facilities performed as above stated and as shown on the contract plans. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor has the authority to sign, with the concurrence of the Town Board any and all documentation that may become necessary as a result of this project as it relates to the Town of Dryden and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the clerk of the Town of Dryden is hereby directed to transmit five (5) certified copies of the foregoing resolution to the New York State Department of Transportation. 2nd Supv Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes Drinking Water Source Protection Plan – This document contains a wealth of information and has been reviewed by advisory boards. This type of information was not available for the previous comprehensive plan. The information should be considered when discussing density for zoning. It can be adopted as an amendment to the comprehensive plan or as policy of the town board and can be an appendix to the comp plan. RESOLUTION #36 (2022) – ADOPTION OF THE DRINKING WATER SOURCE PROTECTION PROGRAM PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF DRYDEN Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden seeks to further develop its water resources planning and management strategies in order to protect drinking water resources, and WHEREAS, the Town requested the assistance of the New York Rural Water Association to develop and implement a Drinking Water Source Protection Plan (DWSP2), and WHEREAS, the New York Rural Water Association worked with the Town to produce a source water protection plan, and WHEREAS, the New York Rural Water Association has completed and presented a DWSP2 for the Town, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden adopts the “Town of Dryden Drinking Water Source Protection Plan” prepared by the New York Rural Water Association and dated January 2022. SEQR Action: Type II- [6 CRR-NY 617.5(c)(27)] 2nd Cl Lamb Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes TB 1-20-22 D R A F T Page 5 of 7 Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes Tompkins County Hazard Mitigation Plan – All municipalities in the county were involved in this update. There is a significant chapter on Dryden. It has been approved by the county legislature and by FEMA. This would bring projects into the preapproval stage for possible funding by FEMA. RESOLUTION #37 (2022) - ADOPTION OF THE TOMPKINS COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN: 2021 UPDATE Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, all jurisdictions within Tompkins County have exposure to natural hazards that increase the risk to life, property, environment, and the economy, and WHEREAS, pro-active mitigation of known hazards before a disaster event can reduce or eliminate long-term risk to life and property, and WHEREAS, The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-390) established new requirements for pre- and post-disaster hazard mitigation programs, and WHEREAS, a Planning Partnership of all Tompkins County municipalities has been formed to pool resources and create consistent mitigation strategies within Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, the Planning Partnership has completed a planning process that engaged the public, assessed the risk and vulnerability to the impacts of hazards, developed a mitigation strategy consistent with a set of uniform goals and objectives, and created a plan for implementing, evaluating and revising this strategy, and WHEREAS, The Town of Dryden will consider this Plan during the implementation and updating of local plans, and will incorporate the hazard assessment data, hazard vulnerabilities, and mitigation actions in these plans, where applicable, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden, as a participating jurisdiction in the Plan’s development, adopts the Tompkins County Hazard Mitigation Plan: 2021 Update (the “Plan”) as the Town’s Hazard Mitigation Plan, and RESOLVED, further, that Town of Dryden will: 1) Use the adopted Plan to guide pre- and post-disaster mitigation of the hazard identified; 2) Coordinate the strategies identified in the Plan with other planning programs and mechanisms under its jurisdictional authority; 3) Continue its support of the Planning Partnership as described within the Plan; 4) Help to promote and support the mitigation successes of all participants in the Plan; 5) Incorporate mitigation planning as an integral component of government and partners operations; and 6) Provide an update of the Plan no less than every five (5) years. TB 1-20-22 D R A F T Page 6 of 7 SEQR ACTION: Type II – 6 CRR-NY 617.5(c)(27) 2nd Cl Sparling Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes Town Fire Coordinator Position – The job description has been amended. A paragraph regarding cooperation with the coordinator will be added to the 2022 fire contracts. The position will be covered under the town’s workers compensation. The liability potential is if the person in the position is commanding a scene, but they will only do that in a temporary instance and will be operating under the response plan of the home department. It substantively the same as the last version circulated and will list research and writing of grants. This description is for civil service and enough to get interested applicants to apply. There will be an internal job description. Once adopted , it can be posted. RESOLUTION #38 (2022) – ADOPT JOB DESCRIPTION FOR TOWN FIRE COORDINATOR Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for i ts adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby adopts the job description for the Town Fire Coordinator Position (attached). 2nd Cl Lamb Roll Call Vote Cl Sparling Yes Cl Vargas-Mendez Yes Cl Skaley Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes Owasco Lake Watershed Management Council Assignment – The town does not have a representative on this council. They meet at 10:00 am on the third Tuesday of each month. The Planning Director or his designee will represent the town and a resolution will be available next month. ADVISORY BOARD UPDATES Planning Board – They have been busy with the comp plan and processing the input from the advisory boards. They hope to have a new draft for the public in mid-February. After that, there will be public comments and a hearing by planning board. The town board will then hold a public hearing prior to adoption. There is concern about how this plan compares to the 2005 comp plan and the committee is comparing the two to look for incompatible elements. Conservation Board – Did not meet. Recreation & Youth Commission – Did not meet. Ag Advisory Committee – Did not meet. Rail Trail Task Force – They spent a lot of time talking about the Game Farm Road crossing. Knickerbocker Bed Frame Company has offered a parcel of property as a gift to the TB 1-20-22 D R A F T Page 7 of 7 town instead of an easement, so there will be no eminent domain involved. Cl Lamb commended them for being a team player on the project. Safety & Preparedness – No report. Climate Smart Communities Task Force – With respect to the clean energy internship, they are finding a need for more recruitment. NYSERDA had internal candidates, but they are late-stage PhD students. Members are posting on electronic job boards to try to recruit internships. Most of the discussion concerned CCA and whether to go it alone or stay with the Ithacas. They decided the town should focus on its municipal buildings and leave community CCA to the Ithacas. Cl Sparling has received some information from Rod How and forwarded to the committee, but they have not discussed it yet. By Fall the Ithacas should have onboarded their CCA and then distributing MOUs to municipalities who may wish to join them. Broadband Committee – The project is moving closer to beginning construction and there has been a lot of activity with Plume. The meeting tomorrow will include updating the cash flow model and necessary bonding. They are still negotiating with the village of Dryden for an easement to bury cable to serve residents. T he Trustees want to charge a utility tax to town which by law they are not allowed to do. The town has the option of starting on the other side of the network because the density on that side is roughly the same as here. Village residents should know that their elected officials are raising the idea of making this project harder to do. The town has done a lot that benefits the village over the years. There will be more dialogue, and the Town will soon need to decide on which end to start construction on. New York State does not expressly in statute say it is pro municipal broadband. It would be nice to establish that it is permissible by opinion of the State Comptroller or an act of the state legislature. The Comptroller Office is creating budget codes for municipal broadband, however. CITIZENS PRIVILEGE Nancy Munkenbeck wants the board to be aware that the people working on the comp plan are using a map that is not accurate for ag lands. She mapped out the Ellis Hollow area that is not listed on any map used by the Planning Board. There was discussion about the county ag district maps and the difficulty in mapping what properties are being used for agriculture year-to-year. Mapping prime soils may be helpful. It was noted that the comp plan is a more global view and doesn’t get to the granular level that the farmland protection plan does. She was assured that ag land is important, and it is very clear that the group wants to protect prime soils and a map of prime soils will be a part of the update. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bambi L. Avery Town Clerk