HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-11-16Dryden Rail Trail Friends and Task Force Minutes of the Nov. 16 2020 Virtual Meeting Attendance: Bob Beck, Dan Lamb, Judy Pierpont, Todd Bittner, Bruno Schickel, Susan Ashdown, Rosalie Borsik, Steve Winans, Loren Sparling, John Kiefer, Alice Green, Karl Kolesnikoff Call to Order: 7:04 pm Bob Beck and Alice Green October Minutes approved Brief Updates: An Ugly Sweater Run is schedule for December 5 on the Dryden to Freeville section of the Trail, to benefit purchase of materials for a Trail kiosk. The event is sponsored by Willow Running of Syracuse and the Dryden Recreation Department. Further Progress on Town Management of Trail Grants and Financial Data – Bob Bob continues to be optimistic about work with the Town’s new Bookkeeper, Amanda Anderson, in creating a solid record keeping system for claims reimbursement. Pending DEC agreement at Game Farm – Dan In late October, DEC regional director Jim Farquhar sent an email explaining that the agreement is in the DEC attorney’s office for final review. Bob added that the MOU for the Game Farm crossing has been signed by the Towns of Ithaca and Dryden and is awaiting signature by the County. He also reported that he has a meeting tomorrow with John Lampman at George Rd. to discuss elements of the plan for Game Farm crossing. Todd reminded that the county wants a barrier on each side that requires bicyclists to dismount to cross. Bob said that he likes the posts and gate system used at the Black Diamond Trail. F.H. Fox Bridge signs (and package proposal) for Vet College alumni – Diane, Bruno, Bob Diane has had one Zoom meeting with the committee and worked out two options. They’d like to meet again to narrow it to one to present to the Task Force. Bruno noted that the donor is not in hand yet; there is a commitment of $12K toward the required $50K. Bob and Bruno thanked Diane and her committee for their work on this. Trail Route Considerations at Etna Bruno has been looking for workarounds involving 8 or 9 property owners and has talked with some, with substantial positive responses. There’s definitely an interest with folks who want to see the Trail go through. Had a recent conversation with Mark Anderson who owns 2 very substantial sections of the trail; he’s moving to considering this. Route 13 bridge project – Grant Subcommittee TAP grant subcommittee met with engineers Erdman Anthony and they’ve presented four alignment options and more details about costs and ROW needs, especially on the east side of route 13. Executive Session The Task Force went into executive session to discuss the property acquisition issues for the bridge, and for the Etna trail section. Reconvened Public Session The Task Force unanimously approved the following resolution: RESOLUTION to Town Board – RECOMMENDING THE RAIL TRAIL RT 13 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE ALTERNATIVE IN WHICH THE BRIDGE, RAMPS AND ALL ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS STAY MOSTLY, IF NOT ENTIRELY, WITHIN THE TOWN’S EXISTING WATER AND SEWER EASEMENT, AND THAT THE TOWN ACQUIRE THE REQUIRED LAND TO IMPLEMENT THE WORK. WHEREAS, the Rail Trail Task Force has obtained funding for a pedestrian bridge crossing of Route 13, which funding includes a Tompkins County Tourism Implementation Grant, a Tompkins County Tourism Capital Grant, a New York State Multi-Modal Grant and a NYSDOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant? WHEREAS, Erdman Anthony, the engineering company hired to design the bridge, has prepared four bridge alignment alternatives with cost estimates and land requirements, WHEREAS, the Rail Trail Task Force in carefully reviewing the four alternatives, while considering cost and the alternative alignments (within the historic railroad 66-foot “curb cut” constraint in crossing this controlled-access highway) has selected BRIDGE ALTERNATIVE 5X (see appended) which is the most straight-forward alignment and lowest estimated cost, WHEREAS, the trail and eastern bridge-approach ramp of the selected alternative requires land on two parcels east of Route 13 for which extensive Task Force effort has, to date, been unsuccessful in obtaining adequate trail easements, WHEREAS, the area of land required to cross the edge of each parcel will be contained mostly, if not entirely, within a previously encumbered Town of Dryden sewer and water easement, WHEREAS, the width of the required land crossing the edge of each parcel will be defined as a minimum needed for construction, use and maintenance of the trail and bridge approach ramp, WHEREAS, the eastern end of the approach ramp will be positioned as far as feasible away from the private residence to the north, and WHEREAS, NYSDOT has offered to provide to the Town of Dryden their services and expertise in property acquisition, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Rail Trail Task Force recommends BRIDGE ALTERNATIVE 5X and that the Town of Dryden ask NYSDOT to proceed with the process of property acquisition for the required portions of the two land parcels adjacent to Route 13. Attachment: (Route 13 Pedestrian Bridge ALTERNATIVE 5X) Route 13 Pedestrian Bridge ALTERNATIVE 5X Next meeting set for 7 pm Monday, Dec. 21 Adjournment at 9:08 pm X 20 40 60 FT 1"v=v40' (11x17) 1"v=v20' (22x34) 0 H: 1"=40' / V: 1"=5'MATCH TO DWG. NO. PL-11A5XMATCH TO DWG. NO. PL-09(ALTERNATIVE 5X-4.9) PLAN W/ 4.9% GRADIENTS (HALE & BROWN DOG) PARALLEL ALIGNMENT APPROX. FEE = 0.61 AC PL-10A5X DATE REVISIONS DATEBYDESCRIPTIONNO. EDUCATION LAW ARTICLE 145, SECTION 7209. DRAWING IS A VIOLATION OF THE NEW YORK STATE NOTE: UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS PROJECT NAME CLIENT DRAWING TITLE OF SHEET NO.DRAWING NO. DATE P.I.N.DESIGNED BYCHECKED BYESTIMATED BYDRAFTED BYCHECKED BYJOB MANAGERDESIGN SUPERVISORSCALE DATE W. McCORMICKXX 3950.71P. PRESUTTIS. BEAMANXXXXXXXP. PRESUTTIA. BLACKMONA. BLACKMONA. BLACKMONFEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. TOWN OF DRYDEN PHASE 2 DRYDEN RAIL TRAIL DATE/TIME = FILE NAME = USER =hydebr10/20/2020N:\19642-00-DrydenTrail\Drawings\Working\BRH\19642_cph_pl-1 thru XX.dgn4:27:52 PM585.427.8888 585.427.8914 [T] [F] erdmananthony.com 145 CULVER ROAD, SUITE 200 Rochester, NY 14620 OCTOBER 2020COUNTY ROUTE 1 3 53+00 54+00 55+00 56+00 57+00 53+16.18PI55+33.08PIBONNET BOLT CUT 'X' IN EASTERLY ELEV= 1031.29 CPBM4 IN UTILITY POLE L6016/65 AMP EXISTING BENCHMARK NAIL ELEV= 1029.03 CPBM5 WOODED AREA WOODED AREA REFL. REFL. SIMMONS/ROCKWELL MON. CONC. MON. CONC. (DISTURBED) MON. CONC. BOX WIRE IRON ANGLE 65 AMP L6016-K BRIDGE METAL MON. CONC. MARKER WATER DIRT/GRAVEL DIRT/GRAVEL HYD.WOODED AREA WOODED AREA WOODED AREA RFM3060 3603 13MM L 3 8 1 B O X WIR E BILLBOARD B O X WIR E 3 6" HDP EELEV= 1022.78 INVERT ELEV= 1022.90 INVERT 18" CMP ELEV= 1023.71 INVERT PVI 54+07.00ELEV 1048.15PVI 55+18.00ELEV 1048.154.90% 0.00%