HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 2013-03-19 TOWN OF ITHACA PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE March 19, 2013 9:00 a.m. Public Works Facility Board and Staff Present: Herb Engman, Jim Weber, Rich DePaolo, Rod Howe, Eric Levine, Mike Smith, Bill Goodman, Mike Solvig, Bruce Brittain, Bill Goodhew 1. Approval of Minutes: There were no changes to the February minutes. Approved. 2. Member Comments / Concerns: None a. Consider modification to agenda: Move Road Preservation Law Discussion to after Forest Home at Flatrock Improvements Discussion and Coddington Road Sewer Discussion. 3. Forest Home at Flatrock Improvements Discussion Mr. Engman asked about the boundaries for the project to which Mr. Weber explained are from the Town line toward State Route 366, ending prior to the Forest Home entry feature. He stated that it is a maintenance project rather than a reconstruction project, as indicated in the bonding resolution. Mr. Engman asked if consideration should be given to recommendations made in the Forest Home Traffic Calming Plan in regard to a walkway along the creek to Cornell Plantations parking area and whether or not it makes sense to incorporate it as part of the project. Mr. Weber explained that adding a sidewalk to the project will require getting Rights of Way, consideration of the Town’s Stream Setback Law, and permits. He explained that it is currently planned as a mill and fill project only, but that a walkway could be done independently which would involve curbing and possibly drainage. Mr. Engman asked who put the stone wall in at the creek, to which Mr. Brittain replied that the DEC put in some concrete block and the Town put in gabion baskets. Mr. Engman stated that erosion is substantial, but is on Cornell’s property. Mr. Weber said that determination needed to be made for additional project work and felt it was important to address the erosion issues before any improvements are made. Mr. Engman suggested proceeding as planned, but taking a look at the walkway costs and challenges for the future. In regard to the Forest Home Upstream Bridge, which the County is repairing, Mr. Engman reported that the County contacted the Town about the expense of a colored edge treatment to the road which was part of the Tompkins County Transportation Plan adopted in 2007. Mr. Engman suggested, and there was no objection to, trying the colored edge treatment to see how it works, how it wears, and how easily it is maintained. 4. Coddington Road Sewer Line Extension Discussion Mr. Engman reported that forty-one homeowners petitioned to have sewer lines added. Mr. Levine added that petitions were also submitted in 2003 and 2009 and introduced Bill Goodhew, who signed both petitions. Mr. Goodhew said that most of the houses were close to the road and pumping would not be an issue for the homeowners. Mr. DePaolo added that the houses on the backside are not in a conservation zone. He stated that, in order to consider moving forward, he would need to know details such as: How many units will be served? What is the cost? What are the implications of serving as related to the Comprehensive Plan? What are the potential growth impacts? What is the age/condition of septic system in the area? What is the Town’s intention in surrounding areas? Is it viable and sustainable? He stated that the Town has to look at it in terms of cost/benefit. Mr. Levine added that residents would have to pay sewer rents and their home assessments may increase. Mr. Engman added that there would likely be a hookup fee as well. Mr. Weber stated that anything within the Town’s benefited area would need to be run through the State Comptroller’s Office where they would look at the Town’s ability to finance the proposed extension. He presented a map of the area and discussion was held regarding elevations, a lift station, the need for determination of details for a more accurate cost estimate, design consultant services, easements, etc. He explained that the 2002 Plan only addressed putting the system in and gave preliminary estimates. It was agreed that using the questions in the Guidelines for Sewer Extensions for Existing Residents would be useful. Mr. Engman suggested having the Planning Department and the Public Works Department work together to review the plan in-house and determine some basic facts for presentation at our next meeting, such as bonding and number of units. Mr. Goodman asked if homeowners are aware of the complications and cost to pump (sewer, pump, alarm system) or would they want to keep their current system? Mr. Goodhew explained that he and the owner of a ten-unit home have had conversations with homeowners and they are aware of the system requirements and are willing to participate. He added that most of the current septic systems are old and failing. 5. Road Preservation Law Discussion Mr. Goodman presented the latest draft and reviewed the minor changes made. He explained that he could not find a specific definition of “local pickup/delivery” and discussed how the State uses it in their Law. Discussion was held about road posting and justification of weight limits. Mr. Engman suggested giving the latest draft to Susan Brock for review and, pending her approval, making a recommendation to the Town Board for adoption. 6. Capital Improvement Projects / Fleet Replacement Discussion Mr. Weber presented the reports as he will be attending the Town’s Budget Committee Meeting on 3/27. He made a correction to the Coddington Road Water Project to reflect what was represented in the Public Interest Order. Discussion was held about various projects and their costs with the understanding that the report is a projection that can be modified as priorities change. Mr. Smith asked about the South Hill Trail Extension and the Michigan Hill project, to which Mr. Weber replied that they could be added. Regarding the fleet report, Mr. Weber explained that fleet replacement is driven by the useful life of vehicles. He reported that the 2013 fleet replacement expenses are coming in under budget. 7. Project Updates (Mr. Weber) Black Diamond Trail – The plan for the Town is to replace three to four culverts, perform ditch work, and possibly grading. The Town Hall Parking Lot - Project is out for bid. Salt Storage Building – We are waiting for the GeoTech report on asbestos in the shingles. Danby Road Water Main – The bid will be going out soon. Danby Road Water Tank – Ready to start construction. He reported that there were several water main breaks last week. Mr. Engman added that ITCTC has supported applying for funds to complete the Cass Park Trail which would connect to the Gateway Trail. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for: April 16, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. Future Agenda Items: Road Use Preservation Law Parks and Trails (Michigan Hill Park, South Hill Trail, Forest Home) Water and Wastewater Master Plan Forest Home Wall / Sidewalk Work South Hill Trail Extension Coddington Road Sewer Line Extension lvp