HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 Final BudgetTOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGET Fund Fund Code  2019 Actual   2020 Modified  Budget   Tentative Budget  2021   Preliminary  Budget 2021   Adopted  Budget 2021  Appropriations General A 807,580          1,137,245         1,041,127              1,041,127                1,041,127          Highway DA 719,754          702,162            579,581                 579,581                   579,581             General Part‐Town B 177,600          246,985            270,098                 270,098                   270,098             Highway Part‐Town DB 292,321          393,954            305,951                 305,951                   305,951             Fire SF 228,645          231,759            228,783                 228,783                   228,783             Emergency Medical SM 401,031          442,630            418,900                 418,900                   418,900             Water District 1 SW1 14,408            12,300              17,000                    17,000                      17,000               Water District 2 SW2 645                  2,500                 2,500                      2,500                        2,500                  Water District 3 SW3 340,686          319,628            337,961                 337,961                   337,961             Water District 4 SW4 832                  695                    969                         969                          969                     APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL 2,983,502       3,489,858           3,202,871                3,202,871                3,202,871            Revenues excluding property tax General A 551,633          741,687            637,845                 637,845                   637,845             Highway DA 561,581          358,337            307,248                 307,248                   307,248             General Part‐Town B 198,303          241,985            270,098                 270,098                   270,098             Highway Part‐Town DB 314,269          393,954            305,951                 305,951                   305,951             Fire Protection SF always 0 always 0 ‐                                Emergency Medical  SM 111,186          80,496              81,784                    81,784                      81,784               Water District 1 SW1 13,682            11,500              14,090                    14,090                      14,090               Water District 2 SW2 670                  2,500                 2,500                      2,500                        2,500                  Water District 3 SW3 88,716            92,548              109,926                 109,926                   109,926             Water District 4 SW4 561                  400                    400                         400                          400                     Subtotal Rev‐excluding property tax 1,840,601      1,923,407           1,729,843                1,729,843                1,729,843            Revenue ‐ property tax General A 376,171          393,186            403,282                 403,282                   403,282             General Highway DA 240,180          272,334            272,334                 272,334                   272,334             Fire Protection SF 228,645          231,759            228,783                 228,783                   228,783             General Part‐Town B always 0 always 0 ‐                                ‐                          Highway Part‐Town DB always 0 always 0 ‐                                ‐                          Emergency Medical  SM 341,031          332,134            337,116                 337,116                   337,116             Water District 1 SW1 800                  800                    2,910                      2,910                        2,910                  Water District 2 SW2 ‐                   ‐                     ‐                                Water District 3 SW3 217,465          227,079            228,035                 228,035                   228,035             Water District 4 SW4 287                  295                    569                         569                          569                     ‐                        Subtotal‐ property tax 1,404,579      1,457,587          1,473,029                1,473,029                1,473,029            Revenue ‐ total 3,245,180      3,380,994        3,202,871              3,202,871                3,202,871         2021 Ulysses Budget Summary of All Funds Page 1 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGET2021 Ulysses Budget ‐ Tax RatesTax Rate Schedule   2021 2020 2019Fund Appro‐priations  Less Estimated Revenues   Fund Balance & Reserves  Amount to be Raised by Taxes  Total of all Revenues  Taxable Assessed Value  Implied 2021 Tax Rate $ Per Thousand  2020 Tax Rate $ per Thousand 2019 Tax Rate $ per ThousandTax Rate: % Change from 2020 2020 Levies  2021 Levies  Levy: % Change from 2020 GENERAL & HIGHWAYA General1,040,692    549,227         88,618         402,847           1,040,692   551,791,930     0.7301 0.7237          0.7377392,751        402,847      2.57%A Lighting435               ‐                      435                 435            435              435            0.00%DA Highway579,581       144,978        162,270       272,334           579,582      551,791,930     0.4935 0.5018          0.4717272,334        272,334      0.00%B General Part‐Town270,098       169,198        100,901       ‐                       270,098    DB Highway Part‐Town305,951       152,350        153,601       ‐                       305,951    Total ‐Town2,196,757    1,015,753     505,390       675,616         2,196,757 1.22361.2255         1.2094 ‐0.15% 665,520      675,616    1.52%FIRE/EMERGENCY MEDICALSF Fire District228,783       ‐                      ‐                   228,783         228,783    417,184,306   0.5484 0.5814          0.5947231,759      228,783    ‐1.28%SM Ambulance District418,900       76,802           4,982           337,116         418,900    417,184,306   0.8081 0.8332          0.8871332,134      337,116    1.50%Total ‐ Fire/EMS647,683       76,802           4,982           565,899         647,683    1.35651.4146          1.4818 ‐4.11% 563,893      565,899    0.36%TOTAL A,B,DA, DB, Fire/EMS2,844,440    1,092,555      510,372       1,241,515      2,844,440 2.58012.6401          2.6912 ‐2.27% 1,229,413    1,241,515 0.98%WATER DISTRICT TAXESUnits2021 tax $/Unit 2020 tax $/Unit* SW Water District 117,000         14,090           ‐                    2,910                17,000        100$29.10266.67*800                 2,910           263.75%SW Water District 2 2,500            2,500             ‐                         2,500           ‐‐‐‐                     ‐                    SW Water District 3337,961       106,250        3,676           228,035         337,961    375.5$607.28$615.39227,079      228,035    0.42%SW Water District 4969               400                569                 969            3$189.67 $95.67295              569            92.88%358,430       123,240        3,676           231,514         358,430    228,174      231,514    1.46%*note that the number of units for WD1 went from 27 in 2020 to 100 in 20212020 Total Levy 2021 Total LevyTOTAL ‐ all 3,202,871    1,215,795      514,048       1,473,029      3,202,871 1,457,587   1,473,029  1.06%tax levy increase in dollars ‐‐‐>15,442$     2021 2020 % Change1.2236 1.2255‐0.15% A 27.348% 2021 tax levy cap 1,502,845$         1.3565 1.4146‐4.11% A LD 0.030% 2020 tax levy 1,457,587$          DA 18.488% % difference 3.1050%2.5801 2.6401‐2.27% SF 15.531% $ difference 45,258$                SM 22.886%WD1 0.198% Current Budget Model Tax Levy 1,473,029          Per 1000 2019 2020 2021 WD3 15.481% What is still available below cap29,816$                216.00           581.30$         570.26$       557.30$          WD40.039%100.00%dollar equivalent of 1% of Ulysses tax cap‐‐‐>14,576$               % of Tax Levy38.417%Fire & EMS CombinedMedian ($216k) House Outside of VillageTotal Town Tax RateTAX RATESGeneral TownwideFire & EMSPage 2 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES  2021 BUDGET Town Councilperson $4,870 annual Town Supervisor $26,000 annual Highway Superintendent $63,047 annual Town Justice 1 $18,874 annual Town Justice 2 $18,874 annual Town Clerk $56,852 annual Schedule of Salaries of Elected Officials for the Fiscal Year January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 Page 3 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGET 2021 BUDGET ‐ GENERAL FUND   2019  Actual   2020  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2021   Preliminary  Budget 2021   Adopted  Budget 2021   Change  from 2020  % Change  from 2020  Appropriations A1010 ∙ Town Board 1010.1 ∙ Town Board PS 18,724      19,286        19,479       19,479      19,479         193           1.00% 1010.4 ∙ Town Board CE 3,080       4,000         2,500         2,500         2,500           (1,500)     ‐37.50% A1110 ∙ Town Justice 1110.1 ∙ Town Justice 1 17,403      18,687        18,874       18,874      18,874         187           1.00% 1110.11 ∙ Town Justice 2 17,403     18,687       18,874      18,874      18,874         187           1.00% 1110.12 ∙ Town Justice Clerk PS 43,474     49,000       49,490      49,490      49,490         490           1.00% 1110.121 ∙ Justice Clerk PS Special Proje 3,189       ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                1110.122 ∙ Deputy Justice Clerk PS ‐                ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                1110.4 ∙ Town Justice CE 9,884       8,000         2,010         2,010         2,010           (5,990)     ‐74.88% A1220 ∙ Supervisor Office 1220.1 ∙ Supervisor PS 17,683      18,970        26,000       26,000      26,000         7,030      37.06% 1220.11 ∙ Bookkeeper PS 47,451     40,560       34,138      34,138      34,138         (6,422)     ‐15.83% 1220.12 ∙ Deputy Supervisor PS ‐                 20,280       21,848      21,848      21,848         1,568      7.73% 1220.131 ∙ Budget Officer PS 16,323     20,280       10,000      10,000      10,000         (10,280)   ‐50.69% 1220.132 ∙ Budget Officer PS 21,848      21,848      21,848         21,848     1220.14 ∙ Supervisor Project Asst PS 18,049     10,000       ‐                 ‐                 ‐                    (10,000)    ‐100.00% 1220.4 ∙ Supervisor CE 12,809     12,000       11,724      11,724      11,724         (276)         ‐2.30% A1320.4 ∙ Auditor CE ‐                 15,000        6,200          6,200         6,200           (8,800)     ‐58.67% A1410 ∙ Town Clerk Office 1410.1 ∙ Town Clerk PS 53,947      56,290        56,852       56,852      56,852         563           1.00% 1410.11 ∙ Deputy Town Clerk PS 31,064     32,135       32,456      32,456      32,456         321           1.00% 1410.12 ∙ 2nd Deputy Town Clerk PS 428          800            400            400            400              (400)         ‐50.00% 1410.4 ∙ Town Clerk CE 3,639       5,000         4,450         4,450         4,450           (550)         ‐11.00% A1420.4 ∙ Attorney CE 16,964      30,000        30,000       30,000      30,000         ‐                0.00% A1440.4 ∙ Engineer CE ‐                 ‐                  1,000          1,000         1,000           1,000       A1450.4 ∙ Elections CE ‐                 4,000          4,000         4,000         4,000           ‐                0.00% A1460.4 ∙ Records Management CE 3,925       3,500         3,095         3,095         3,095           (405)         ‐11.57% A1620 ∙ Town Hall 1620.2 ∙ Town Hall EQ and Capital Outla 16,020      84,500        12,512       12,512      12,512         (71,989)   ‐85.19% 1620.4 ∙ Town Hall CE 22,777     46,000       22,390      22,390      22,390         (23,610)   ‐51.33% A1650.4 ∙ Central Communication CE 10,057      13,500        16,636       16,636      16,636         3,136      23.23% A1670.4 ∙ Printing & Mailing 10,625      14,500        10,971       10,971      10,971         (3,529)     ‐24.34% A1910.4 ∙Liability Insurance 22,339      25,500        26,775       26,775      26,775         1,275      5.00% A1920.4 ∙ Municipal Association Dues 1,900       1,000         1,099         1,099         1,099           99             9.90% A1940.2 (‐ .4) ∙ Pur of Land/ROW ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A1990.4 ∙ Contingency Account ‐                 3,323          40,000       40,000      40,000         25,000    752.33% A3510.4 ∙ Dog Control CE 18,134      18,134        18,134       18,134      18,134         0               0.00% A5010 ∙ Highway Superintendent A5010.1 ∙ Highway Superintendent PS 52,596      61,810        63,047       63,047      63,047         1,236      2.00% A5010.4 ∙ Highway Superintendent CE 2,368       2,500         2,000         2,000         2,000           (500)         ‐20.00% A5132 ∙ Highway Barn 5132.2 ∙ Highway Barn EQ 844           20,000        25,000       25,000      25,000         5,000      25.00% 5132.4 ∙ Highway Barn CE 14,216     17,500       20,060      20,060      20,060         2,560      14.63% A5182.4 ∙ Street Lighting CE 1,881       2,000         2,350         2,350         2,350           350           17.50% A5410.4 ∙ Sidewalk CE 1,707       2,000         1,200         1,200         1,200           (800)         ‐40.00% A6510.4 ∙ Veterans CE 475           475             475            475            475              ‐                0.00% A6772.4 ∙ Programs for the Aging CE 6,100       6,100         6,100         6,100         6,100           ‐                0.00% A7020 ∙ Recreation Program 7020.11 ∙ Recreation PS ‐ Director ‐                 23,000        20,553       20,553      20,553         (2,447)     ‐10.64% 7020.121 . Recreation PS ‐ Summer Cam ‐                 48,233        48,250       48,250      48,250         17             0.04% 7020.122 . Recreation PS ‐ Fall Staff 1,450         1,450         1,450           1,450       7020.123 . Recreation PS ‐ Winter Staff 2,500         2,500         2,500           2,500       7020.124 . Recreation PS ‐ Spring Staff 4,890         4,890         4,890           4,890      Page 4 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGET  2019  Actual   2020  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2021   Preliminary  Budget 2021   Adopted  Budget 2021   Change  from 2020  % Change  from 2020  7020.125 . Recreation PS ‐ Summer Sports Clinic Staff 3,182          3,182         3,182           3,182       7020.41 . Recreation CE ‐ Rec Dir. Suppli ‐                 3,807          4,855         4,855         4,855           1,048      27.53% 7020.42 . Recreation CE ‐ Programs ‐                 23,119       11,550      11,550      11,550         (11,569)   ‐50.04% 7020.43 . Recreation CE ‐ Adult Commun ‐                 500             1,550          1,550         1,550           1,050       210.00% A7110.4 . Parks CE 10,862      11,805        5,500          5,500         5,500           (6,305)     ‐53.41% A7310 ∙ Youth Programs 7310.1 ∙ Youth Programs PS ‐ teen jobs 17,449      18,994        13,755       13,755      13,755         (5,239)     ‐27.58% 7310.4 ∙ Youth Programs CE 63,492     67,894       64,880      64,880      64,880         (3,014)     ‐4.44% A7410.4 ∙ Library CE 12,490      12,500        12,500       12,500      12,500         ‐                0.00% A7450.4 ∙ Historical Society CE 700           700             700            700            700              ‐                0.00% A7510.1 ∙ Historian PS 1,576       1,623         1,639         1,639         1,639           16             1.00% A7510.4 ∙ Historian CE 89             1,000          500             500            500              (500)         ‐50.00% A7520.4 ∙ Historical Property CE ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A7550.4 ∙ Celebrations CE ‐                 1,000          1,000         1,000         1,000           ‐                0.00% A7989.4 . Culture CE 3,500       6,605         1,900         1,900         1,900           (4,705)     ‐71.23% A8030.4 ∙ Stream Research CE 6,188       6,312         6,312         6,312         6,312           ‐                0.00% A8810.1 ∙ Cemeteries PS ‐                 ‐                  1,200          1,200         1,200           1,200       A8810.4 ∙ Cemeteries CE 2,899       3,800         ‐                 ‐                 ‐                    (3,800)      ‐100.00% A9000 ∙ Employee Benefits  A9010.8 ∙ NYS Retirement 40,698      51,054        54,179       53,431      53,431         2,377      4.66% A9030.8 ∙ Social Security 26,521     39,450       40,611      40,611      40,611         1,161      2.94% A9040.8 ∙ Worker's Compensation 820          2,074         1,733         1,733         1,733           (341)         ‐16.44% A9050.8 ∙ Unemployment Insurance ‐                ‐                 ‐                A9055.8 ∙ Disability Insurance 1,016       2,144         2,143         2,891         2,891           747           34.83% A9060.8 ∙ Health Insurance 67,301     81,127       60,558      60,558      60,558         (20,569)   ‐25.35% A9060.81 ∙ Health Insurance HSA emplo 10,500      12,688        12,250       12,250      12,250         (438)         ‐3.45% A Fund Reserve Funding A962‐231 Unemp Reserve 5,000        5,000          5,000         5,000           5,000       A962‐232 Retirement Cont Reserve 3,000       4,000         4,000         4,000           4,000       A962‐233 Emp. Bene. Accum. Liab 5,000         ‐                 ‐                 ‐                    (5,000)      ‐100.00% A962‐234 Capital Reserve 2,000         2,000         2,000           2,000       A962‐235 Repair Reserve 1,000         1,000         1,000           1,000       A962‐237 Tax Stabilization Reserve ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A962‐236.21 Asgnd: Recreation (parks)‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A962‐236.22 Asgnd: Recreation (TCRec‐pool)2,500         1,000         1,000         1,000           (1,500)     ‐60.00% A962‐236.3 Asgnd: Audit 3,000       ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A962‐236.4 Asgnd: Legal 3,000       ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A962‐236.5 Asgnd: Youth ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A962‐236.6 Asgnd: Energy ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A962‐236.7 Funding Environmental Prot 10,000      5,000          2,000         2,000         2,000           (3,000)     ‐60.00% New! A962‐236.8 Cemetery Repair Fund 2,000         2,000         2,000           2,000       New! A962‐236.9  Health Insurance Cost Stabilization Fund ‐                 00‐                TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 807,580  1,137,245 1,041,127 1,041,127 1,041,127   (96,118)   ‐8.45% ‐                Revenues ‐                A1089 ∙ Other Tax Items 399          ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A1090 ∙ Interest/Penalties on RPT 3,040       3,500         2,000         2,000         2,000           (1,500)     ‐42.86% A1120 ∙ Non‐Property Tax Dist by County 206,994   205,679    233,716    233,716    233,716      28,037    13.63% A1170 ∙ Franchise Tax 14,271     13,000       13,000      13,000      13,000         ‐                0.00% A1255 ∙ Clerk's Fees 1,352       1,400         600            600            600              (800)         ‐57.14% A1550 ∙ Dog Control Fees 150          90              30              30              30                (60)            ‐66.67% A2001 . Park and Recreation Charges ‐                 82,460       99,100      99,100      99,100         16,640    20.18% A2350 ∙ Youth Services, Other Governmts 59,466     79,098       44,391      44,391      44,391         (34,707)   ‐43.88% A2351 ∙  Rec Services, Other Governmts ‐                ‐                  22,403      22,403      22,403         22,403     A2389 ∙ Misc Revenue, Other Governmts ‐                ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A2401 ∙ Interest & Earnings 3,326       2,188         1,500         1,500         1,500           (688)         ‐31.44% A2401CD ∙ Interest & Earnings ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐               Page 5 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGET  2019  Actual   2020  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2021   Preliminary  Budget 2021   Adopted  Budget 2021   Change  from 2020  % Change  from 2020  A2544 ∙ Dog Licenses 10,457      8,500          6,000         6,000         6,000           (2,500)     ‐29.41% A2610 ∙ Fines & Forfeited Bail 39,053     30,000       15,000      15,000      15,000         (15,000)   ‐50.00% A2680 ∙ Insurance Recovery ‐                ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A2660 ∙ Sales of Real Property ‐                ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A2701 ∙ Refunds from Prior Years 124          ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A2706 ∙ Grants From Local Governments 5,000       ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A2705 ∙ Gifts and Donations ‐                ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A2770 ∙ Unclassified Revenue 135          ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A2801 ∙ Interfund Revenues (WD3&4 Cleric 5,607       5,772         7,079         7,079         7,079           1,307      22.64% A2801 ∙ Interfund Revenues (SW3)1,919         1,919         1,919           1,919       A2801 ∙ Interfund Revenues (DA)5,000         5,000         5,000           5,000       A3001 ∙ Revenue Sharing (A)33,545     30,000       ‐                 ‐                 ‐                    (30,000)    ‐100.00% A3005 ∙ Mortgage Tax 105,889   65,000       90,000      90,000      90,000         25,000    38.46% A3021 ∙ Court Facilities Grant 5,620       ‐                 7,489         7,489         7,489           7,489       A3089 ∙ Revenue ‐ Other State Aid 57,205     75,000       ‐                 ‐                 ‐                    (75,000)    ‐100.00% A5031 ∙ Interfund Transfers (WD3 clerical)‐                ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A5031 ∙ Interfund Transfers (WD4 clerical)‐                ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                Sub‐Total w/out Reserves or FB 551,633  601,687    549,227    549,227    549,227      (52,460)   ‐8.72% A511 ‐ RESERVE APPROPRIATIONS ‐                A231 (A816) Unemployment Reserve ‐               ‐                 ‐                A232 (A827) Retirement Reserve ‐               ‐                 ‐                A233 (A867) Emp Benefits & Acc Liab Reser ‐                 ‐                 ‐                A234 (A878) Capital Reserve ‐               ‐                 ‐                A235 (A882) Repair Reserve ‐               ‐                 ‐                A237 (A880) Tax Stabilization Reserve ‐               ‐                 ‐                A236 (A915) Assigned Funds ‐               ‐                 ‐                A236.21 (A962) Asgnd: Recreation (parks) ‐               ‐                 ‐                A236.5 (A962) Asgnd: Youth ‐               ‐                 ‐                A236.3 (A962)  Asgnd: Audit ‐               ‐                 ‐                A236.7 (A962) Funding Environmental Prot ‐                ‐                 ‐                Subtotal of Reserve used as Revenue ‐                ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   ‐                A599 Appropriated Fund Balance 140,000    88,618 88,618      88,618         (51,382)   ‐36.70% Subtotal of Reserves and Fund Balance ‐                140,000    88,618      88,618      88,618         (51,382)   ‐36.70% Subtotal ‐ All Revenues Excluding Property T 551,633    741,687     637,845    637,845    637,845      (103,842) ‐14.00% A1028 ∙ Special Assessments, Ad Valorem 435          435            435            435            435              ‐               0.00% A1001Property Tax Revenues 375,736    392,751     402,847    402,847    402,847      10,096    2.57% TOTAL REVENUES 927,804  1,134,873 1,041,127 1,041,127 1,041,127   (93,746)   ‐8.26% Page 6 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGET2021 BUDGET ‐ GENERAL PART‐TOWN FUND (B)  2019  Actual   2020  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2021   Preliminary  Budget 2021   Adopted  Budget 2021   Change  from  2020   % Change  from 2020  Appropriations B1420.4 ∙ Attorney ‐  CE 18,930      25,000     30,000       30,000      30,000              5,000     20.0% B1440.4 ∙ Engineering/Consulting CE 2,498        8,000      17,500      17,500      17,500              9,500     118.8% B1990.4 ∙ Contingency Account ‐                 10,000     10,000       10,000      10,000              ‐              B3310.4 ∙ Traffic Control CE ‐                 ‐                ‐              B3620 ∙ Public Safety Enforcement Officer B3620.1 ∙ Enforcement Officer PS 29,429      31,194     36,981       36,981      36,981              5,788     18.6% B3620.11 ∙ Dep. Enforcement Office 10,999      12,383    5,850         5,850         5,850                 (6,533)   ‐52.8% B3620.2 ∙ Enforcement Officer EQ ‐                 ‐                ‐              B3620.4 ∙ Enforcement Officer CE 1,726        3,500      13,015      13,015      13,015              9,515     271.9% B8010 ∙ Zoning  B8010.1 ∙ Zoning PS 28,853      31,500     31,815       31,815      31,815              315        1.0% B8010.4 ∙ Zoning CE 1,443        4,500      3,950         3,950         3,950                (550)        ‐12.2% B8020 ∙ Planning B8020.1 ∙ Planning/Zoning Clerk PS 1,180         5,000       1,750          1,750         1,750                 (3,250)   ‐65.0% B8020.4 ∙ Planning CE 5,796         14,680    4,450         4,450         4,450                 (10,230) ‐69.7% B8021.1 ∙ Planner PS 28,853      31,500    31,815      31,815      31,815              315        1.0% B8021.4 ∙ Planner CE 847           3,100      12,050      12,050      12,050              8,950     288.7% B8021.41 ∙ Planner CE Grant Expenses ‐               ‐              B8790.4 . Gen Natural Resources CE 20               4,400       3,000          3,000         3,000                 (1,400)   ‐31.8% B9000 ∙ Employee Benefits B9010.8 ∙ NYS Retirement 16,838      15,225     16,559       16,559      16,559              1,334     8.8% B9030.8 ∙ Social Security 7,510        9,684      9,044         9,044         9,044                (640)       ‐6.6% B9040.8 ∙ Worker's Compensation 3,880        4,674      3,376         3,376         3,376                 (1,298)   ‐27.8% B9055.8 ∙ Disability Insurance 170           407         370            370            370                   (37)          ‐9.2% B9060.8 ∙ Health Insurance 17,128      25,738    29,453      29,453      29,453              3,715     14.4% B9060.81 ∙ HSA employer contributio 1,500         1,500       2,520          2,520         2,520                1,020     68.0% B Fund Reserve Funding & Interfund Transfers 9901.2   Tranf to DA fund ‐ Fuel ‐              9950.9 Transf to Capital Projects ‐              B962‐230 Unemp Reserve 1,000         1,000         1,000                1,000      B879‐231 Vehicle Reserve 5,000      1,000         1,000         1,000                 (4,000)   ‐80.0% B962‐232 Capital Reserve ‐              B962‐234 Emp. Bene & Accum. Liab. 4,600         4,600         4,600                4,600      TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 177,600    246,985  270,098    270,098    270,098           23,113  9.4% ‐              Revenues ‐              B1120 ∙ Non‐Property Tax Dist by Coun 154,029    130,256  142,898    142,898    142,898           12,642  9.7% B2110 ∙ Zoning Fees 1,340        1,350      1,700         1,700         1,700                350         25.9% B2115 ∙ Planning Fees 1,750        1,500      2,500         2,500         2,500                1,000     66.7% B2401 ∙ Interest & Earnings 1,144        879         500            500            500                    (379)        ‐43.1% B2401CD ∙ Interest & Earnings ‐              B2555 ∙ Building Permits 36,845      16,000    20,000      20,000      20,000              4,000     25.0% B2590 . Other Permits, B Fund 3,195        2,000      1,600         1,600         1,600                (400)        ‐20.0% B2701 ∙ Refunds of Prior Year Expenditures ‐               ‐                 ‐                 ‐                        ‐              B3902 ∙ State Aid, Planning Studies ‐                  2,000      (2,000)   ‐100.0% B5031 ∙ Interfund Transfers ‐                 ‐               ‐              Sub‐total w/out Reserves or FB 198,303    153,985  169,198    169,198    169,198           15,213  9.9% B511 ‐ RESERVE APPROPRIATIONS ‐              B230 (B815) Unemployment Reserve ‐                 ‐               ‐              B232 (B878) Capital Reserve ‐                 ‐                20,000      20,000      20,000               20,000   B234 (B867) Emp Benefits & Acc Liab R ‐                  ‐               ‐              Subtotal of Reserve used as Revenue ‐                 ‐                20,000      20,000      20,000              20,000   B059 Appropriated Fund Balance 88,000 80,901       80,901 80,901 (7,099)    ‐8.1% Subtotal of Reserves and Fund Bala ‐                  88,000    100,901    100,901    100,901           12,901  14.7% TOTAL REVENUES 198,303    241,985  270,098    270,098    270,098           28,113  11.6%Page 7 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES  2021 BUDGET2021 BUDGET ‐ HIGHWAY FUND (DA)  2019  Actual   2020  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2021   Preliminary  Budget 2021   Adopted  Budget  2021   Change  from 2020  % Change  from 2020  Appropriations DA5020 ∙ Engineering CE ‐               ‐               8,000      8,000          8,000        8,000         DA5120 ∙ Maintenance of Bridges 5120.1 ∙ Maintenance of Bridges PS 458           3,300      5,000      5,000          5,000        1,700        51.5% 5120.4 ∙ Maintenance of Bridges CE 999           2,000      3,000      3,000          3,000        1,000        50.0% DA5130 ∙ Machinery 5130.1 ∙ Machinery PS 44,561     59,260    60,000    60,000        60,000      740            1.2% 5130.2 ∙ Machinery EQ 421,469    215,000 72,500    72,500        72,500     (142,500)  ‐66.3% 5130.4 ∙ Machinery CE 34,607     70,000    60,000    60,000        60,000     (10,000)     ‐14.3% DA5140 ∙ Brush & Weeds 5140.1 ∙ Brush & Weeds PS 20,413     19,084    13,800    13,800        13,800     (5,284)        ‐27.7% 5140.4 ∙ Brush & Weeds CE 1,574        2,000      7,000      7,000          7,000        5,000         250.0% DA5142 ∙ Snow Removal 5142.1 ∙ Snow Removal PS 10,981     26,000    22,700    22,700        22,700     (3,300)        ‐12.7% 5142.4 ∙ Snow Removal CE 55,755     70,000    88,000    88,000        88,000      18,000      25.7% DA5148 ∙ Highway Services, Other Gov'ts 5148.1 ∙ Snow Removal OG ‐ PS 10,981     26,000    22,700    22,700        22,700     (3,300)        ‐12.7% 5148.4 ∙ Snow Removal OG ‐ CE 55,755     70,000    88,000    88,000        88,000      18,000      25.7% DA8989 ∙ Misc Home & Comm Serv 8989.1 ∙ Misc Home & Comm Serv ‐ PS 2,390      2,390          2,390        2,390         DA9000 ∙ Employee Benefits 9010.8 ∙ State Retirement 18,059     20,261    22,431    22,431        22,431      2,170        10.7% 9030.8 ∙ Social Security 6,507        11,829    10,503    10,503        10,503     (1,326)        ‐11.2% 9040.8 ∙ Workers Compensation 3,352        4,920      4,993      4,993          4,993        73               1.5% 9050.8 ∙ Unemployment Insurance ‐               500         500              500          500            9055.8 ∙ Disability Insurance 173           560        523         523              523          (38)             ‐6.7% 9060.8 ∙ Health Insurance  20,829     68,323    40,979    40,979        40,979     (27,344)     ‐40.0% 9060.81 ∙ Health Insurance HSA employer cont 3,281        5,625      6,563      6,563          6,563        938            16.7% DA Fund Reserve Funding DA962‐231 Snow & Ice Reserve 10,000     ‐                  DA962‐232 Bridge Reserve (includes culverts)‐                28,000    20,000    20,000        20,000     (8,000)        ‐28.6% DA962‐233 Capital Equip Reserve ‐               20,000    20,000        20,000      20,000       TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 719,754    702,162 579,581  579,581      579,581   (122,581)  ‐17.5% REVENUES ‐                  DA1120 ∙ Non‐Property Tax Dist by County 137,996    137,119 68,905    68,905        68,905     (68,214)     ‐49.7% DA2302 ∙ Services ‐ Other Governments 74,393     75,211    65,073    65,073        65,073     (10,138)     ‐13.5% DA2401 ∙ Interest & Earnings 4,036        3,007      1,000      1,000          1,000       (2,007)       ‐67% DA2401CD ∙ Interest & Earnings ‐                  DA2650 ∙ Sales of Scrap 6,506        ‐               ‐              ‐                   ‐                ‐                  DA2665 ∙ Equipment Sales 133,300    33,000    10,000    10,000        10,000     (23,000)     ‐69.7% DA2680 ∙ Insurance Recoveries ‐               ‐              ‐                  DA2770 ∙ Unclassified Revenues ‐               ‐              ‐                  DA3960 ∙ State ER Disaster Assistance ‐              ‐                  DA4960 ∙ Fed ER Disaster Assistance ‐               ‐              ‐                   ‐                ‐                  DA5031 ∙ Interfund Transfer: B fund (fuel)‐                  Subtotal Rev. w/out Reserve or FB 356,231    248,337  144,978 144,978      144,978   (103,359)  ‐41.6% DA511 ‐  RESERVE APPROPRIATIONS ‐                  DA231 (DA882) Snow & Ice Repair Reserve ‐                ‐               ‐              ‐                   ‐                ‐                  DA232 (DA882.1) Bridge Repair Reserve ‐                ‐              ‐                  DA233 (DA878) Capital Equipment Reserve 205,350    15,000   (15,000)      Subtotal of Reserve used as Revenue  205,350    15,000    ‐              ‐                   ‐                (15,000)      DA0599Appropriated Fund Balance 95,000    162,270 162,270      162,270  67,270      70.8% Subtotal of Reserves and Approp. Fund Bal. 205,350    110,000  162,270 162,270      162,270   52,270       47.5% Subtotal ‐ All Revenues Excluding Property Tax 561,581    358,337  307,248 307,248      307,248   (51,089)     ‐14.3% DA1001 ∙ Real Property Tax 240,180    272,334  272,334 272,334      272,334   ‐                 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES 801,761    630,671 579,582 579,581      579,581  (51,090)    ‐8.1% Page 8 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES  2021 BUDGET2021 BUDGET ‐ HIGHWAY PART‐TOWN FUND (DB)  2019  Actual   2020  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2021   Preliminary  Budget 2021   Adopted  Budget  2021   Change  from 2020   %  Change  from  2020  Appropriations DB5110 ∙ Highway Maintenance 5110.1 ∙ Highway Maintenance PS 67,797      80,694     88,000     88,000       88,000        7,306         9.1% 5110.4 ∙ Highway Maintenance CE 45,521      73,000     50,000     50,000       50,000       (23,000)    ‐31.5% DB5112.2 ∙ Highway Capital Improvemen 129,423    165,000   89,501     89,501       89,501       (75,499)    ‐45.8% DB9010 ∙ Employee Benefits  9010.8 ∙ State Retirement 10,835      12,157     13,459     13,459       13,459        1,302         10.7% 9030.8 ∙ Social Security 5,075         6,835       7,454       7,454          7,454          619            9.1% 9040.8 ∙ Workers Compensation  9,100         11,563     8,297       8,297          8,297         (3,266)       ‐28.2% 9050.8 ∙ Unemployment Insurance ‐                 9055.8 ∙ Disability Insurance 104           336         314         314            314            (23)             ‐6.7% 9060.8 ∙Health Insurance  12,498      40,994     24,588     24,588       24,588       (16,406)    ‐40.0% 9060.81 ∙ Health Insurance HSA empl 1,969         3,375       3,938       3,938          3,938          563            16.7% ‐                 DB Fund Reserve Funding DB962‐230 Capital Reserve 10,000      ‐                 New! DB Repair Reserve 20,401     20,401       20,401        20,401       TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 292,321    393,954   305,951   305,951    305,951    (88,003)    ‐22.3% ‐                 Revenues ‐                 DB1120 ∙ Non‐Property Tax Dist by Coun 189,950    144,946   61,241     61,241       61,241       (83,705)    ‐57.7% DB2401 ∙ Interest & Earnings 1,616         1,008       1,008       1,008          1,008          ‐                 0.0% DB2401CD ∙ Interest & Earnings ‐                 DB2701 ∙ Refunds from Prior Years 44              ‐          ‐                 DB3501 ∙ NYS CHIPS (PAVE‐NY, EWR)122,059    88,000     89,501     89,501       89,501        1,501         1.7% DB5600 ‐ Fuel Reimbursement 600            600          600             600            600            Subtotal Revenues w/out Reserves or F 314,269    233,954   152,350   152,350     152,350    (81,604)    ‐34.9% DB511 ‐  RESERVE APPROPRIATIONS ‐                 DB230 (DB878) Capital Reserve ‐             ‐          ‐                 DB0511 ∙ Appropriated Capital Reserve ‐             ‐          ‐                 DB0599 .  Appropriated Fund Balance 160,000   153,601   153,601    153,601    (6,399)      ‐4.0% Subtotal of Reserves & Fund Balance ‐                 160,000   153,601   153,601    153,601    (6,399)      ‐4.0% TOTAL REVENUES 314,269    393,954   305,951   305,951    305,951    (88,003)    ‐22.3% Page 9 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGET2021 BUDGET ‐ WATER DISTRICT 1 FUND  2019  Actual   2020  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2021   Preliminary  Budget 2021   Adopted  Budget 2021   Change  from  2020  %  Change  from  2020  WATER DISTRICT 1  Appropriations SW1‐1420.4 Attorney CE 260        ‐             ‐                 ‐                   SW1‐8320.4 ∙ WD1 Water Purchases 13,608   11,500    14,000        14,000         14,000            2,500    21.7% SW1‐8340.4 ∙ WD1 Trans/Dist CE ‐             ‐               ‐                   ‐                    ‐                       ‐             0.0% SW1‐962‐230 Repair Reserve 800        800        3,000         3,000         3,000              2,200  275.0% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 14,408 12,300    17,000        17,000         17,000           4,700    38.2% Revenues SW1‐2140 ∙ WD1 Metered Water Sales 13,668   11,500     14,000         14,000          14,000            2,500    21.7% SW1‐2401 ∙ Interest/Earnings Water Dist 14          ‐             ‐                 ‐                  ‐                       ‐           SW1‐2401CD ∙ Interest/Earnings Water District ‐                 ‐                  ‐                       ‐           SW1‐2770  ∙ Utility Fee Related Billing 90              90               90                    90        SW1‐230 (SW1‐882) Repair Reserve ‐                 ‐                  ‐                       ‐           Subtotal Revenues without special ass 13,682   11,500  14,090      14,090       14,090            2,590  ‐           SW1‐1001 ∙ WD1‐ Special Assessmnt  800        800        2,910         2,910         2,910             2,110  263.8% TOTAL REVENUES WD1 14,482 12,300    17,000        17,000         17,000           4,700    38.2% Page 10 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGET2021 BUDGET ‐ WATER DISTRICT 2 FUND  2019  Actual   2020  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2021  Preliminary  Budget  2021   Adopted  Budget  2021   Change  from 2020   % Change  from 2020  WATER DISTRICT 2 ‐ Shur Save Appropriations SW2‐8320.4 ∙ WD2 Water Purchases 645      2,500      2,500       2,500        2,500        ‐                0.0%  SW2‐962‐230 Repair Reserve ‐           ‐                ‐                 645      2,500       2,500         2,500          2,500         ‐                 0.0% ‐                ‐                Revenues SW2‐2140 ∙ Metered Water Sales 665      2,500      2,500       2,500        2,500        ‐                0.0% SW2‐2401 ∙ Interest/Earnings 5          ‐                ‐                 ‐                 ‐                SW2‐2401CD ∙ Interest/Earnings Water District ‐               ‐                ‐                 ‐                 ‐                SW2‐1001 ∙ WD2‐ Special Assessmnt ‐               ‐                ‐                 ‐                 ‐                670      2,500      2,500       2,500        2,500        ‐                0.0%TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Page 11 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGET2021 BUDGET ‐ WATER DISTRICT 3 FUND  2019  Actual   2020  Modified  Budget  Tentative  Budget  2021  Preliminary  Budget 2021   Adopted  Budget  2021   Change  from  2020   % Change  from 2020  Appropriations SW3‐8310 ∙ Water Administration SW3‐8310.1 ∙ Water Administration ‐ PS ‐               ‐              ‐                 ‐                ‐               SW3‐8310.2 ∙ Water Administration EQ ‐               ‐               SW3‐8310.4 ∙ Water Administration CE 5,906         7,165       9,698      9,698          9,698         2,533       35.3% SW3‐8320.4 ∙ Water Purchases 96,560      90,000    85,698    85,698        85,698     (4,303)    ‐4.8% SW3‐8320.41 ∙ Water Purchases Loss ‐               ‐               17,553    17,553        17,553      17,553    SW3‐8330 ∙ Water Purification, Equip & Cap Outlay ‐               ‐               4,336         5,000       3,200      3,200          3,200        (1,800)    ‐36.0%SW3‐8340 ∙ Water Transport & Distribution ‐               SW3‐8340.1 . Water District Operator 17,529      19,136    15,703    15,703        15,703     (3,433)    ‐17.9% SW3‐8340.11 ∙ WD3 Laborer 3,533         4,700       1,000      1,000          1,000        (3,700)    ‐78.7% SW3‐8340.2 ∙ WD3 Trans/Dist EQ ‐                2,553       5,600      5,600          5,600         3,047       119.3% SW3‐8340.4 ∙ WD3 Trans/Dist CE 17,607      17,297    4,687       27.1% SW3‐8340.42 ∙ Testing 5,580      5,580          5,580         SW3‐8340.43 ∙ Internet & Communications 4,080      4,080          4,080         SW3‐8340.44 ∙ Supplies 4,204      4,204          4,204         SW3‐8340.45 ∙ Training & Dues 1,200      1,200          1,200         SW3‐8340.46 ∙  Truck Maintenance 400         400             400            SW3‐8340.47 ∙  Bolton Point Services 1,520      1,520          1,520         SW3‐8340.48 ∙  Watermain breaks 5,000      5,000          5,000        SW3‐9000 ∙ WD3 Employee Benefits ‐               SW3‐9010.8 ∙ WD3 NYS Retirement 3,191         3,508       4,378      4,378          4,378         870          24.8% SW3‐9030.83 ∙ WD3 Social Security 1,613         1,835       2,019      2,019          2,019         184          10.0% SW3‐9040.83 ∙ WD3 Worker Compens 412            433          1,475      1,475          1,475         1,042       240.6% SW3‐9055.8 ∙ WD3 Disability Insurance ‐               100        100            100           100          SW3‐9710.6 ∙ Water District Debt Repaym 145,000    147,000 150,000 150,000     150,000    3,000       2.0% SW3‐9710.6 ∙ Water District Interfund Loan Debt Repa ‐               16,553    16,553        16,553      16,553     SW3‐9901.9 ∙ Trans Other Funds 45,000      20,000   (20,000)    SW3‐962‐230 Repair Reserve ‐               2,500      2,500          2,500         2,500       New! EQ reserve ‐ water truck 1,000       500         500             500           (500)         ‐50.0% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 340,686    319,628 337,961 337,961     337,961    18,333     5.7% Revenues SW3‐2140 ∙ Metered Water Sales 78,399      78,000    100,266  100,266     100,266   22,266    28.5% SW3‐2144 ∙ Water Service Charges 3,522        1,200      900        900            900            (300)         ‐25.0% SW3‐2148 ∙ Interest/Penalties on Water 1,457         1,000       1,200      1,200          1,200        200          20.0% SW3‐2389 ∙ Misc Rev OG Water Sales ‐               ‐               2,984     2,984         2,984         2,984       SW3‐2401 ∙ Interest/Earnings Water Dis 458            418          (418)         ‐100.0% SW3‐2401CD ∙ Interest/Earnings Water ‐               ‐               SW3‐2590 ∙ Other Permits 1,230        750         720        720            720           (30)           ‐4.0% SW3‐2680 ∙  Insurance Recovery ‐               SW3‐2770 ∙  Unclassified Revenue 3,470        ‐               SW3‐2801 ∙ Interfund Revenue 180           180         180        180            180           ‐               0.0% SW3‐5031 ∙ Water Dist Interfund Transfer (from SW4)‐               Subtotal 88,716     81,548    106,250 106,250    106,250   24,702    30.3% SW3‐511 ‐ RESERVE APPROPRIATIONS ‐               SW3‐230 (SW3‐882) Repair Reserve ‐              ‐               SW3‐599 ∙ Appropriated Fund Balance 11,000   3,676     3,676         3,676        (7,324)    ‐66.6% Subtotal of Reserves and Fund Balanc ‐                11,000    3,676      3,676          3,676         (7,324)    ‐67% Subtotal ‐ All Revenues Excluding Property  88,716     92,548    109,926 109,926    109,926   17,378    19% FUNDS TO BE RAISED BY TAXES ‐               SW3‐1028 ∙ Special Assess, (Water)144,197   147,000 150,000 150,000    150,000   3,000      2.0% SW3‐1028 ∙ Special Assess, (Water)‐               16,553   16,553       16,553     16,553     SW3‐1030 ∙ Special Assessments Water 73,268     80,079   61,482   61,482       61,482     (18,597)   ‐23.2% Subtotal 217,465   227,079 228,035 228,035    228,035   956         0.42% TOTAL REVENUES 306,181   319,627 337,961 337,961    337,961   18,334    5.7% SW3‐8330.2 . Water Purifi, EQ & CO SW3‐8330.4 . Water Purification  CE Page 12 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGET2021 BUDGET ‐ WATER DISTRICT 4 FUND  2019  Actual   2020  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2021   Preliminary  Budget 2021   Adopted  Budget  2021   Change  from 2020   % Change  from 2020  Dubois Road Appropriations SW4‐8310.4 ∙ Water Administration (Trans 287        295               569            569               569              274           93% SW4‐8320.4 ∙ Water Purchases 545 400            400         400            400            ‐                0.0% ‐                SW4 Fund/Reserve Funding ‐                SW4‐9901.9 ∙ Trans to Other Funds (Admin to A)‐                SW4‐9901.91 Trans to Othr Funds (Admin to SW3)‐                SW4‐962‐230 Repair Reserve ‐                  ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 832       695            969         969            969            274          39.5% ‐                ‐                Revenues SW4‐2140 ∙ Metered Water Sales 546 400            400         400            400            ‐                0.0% SW4‐2148 ∙ Interest/Penalties on Water C 9‐                 ‐                SW4‐2401CD ∙ Interest/Earnings Water Dis 6‐                SW4‐2401 ∙ Interest/Earnings Water Distric ‐                  ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                Subtotal 561       400            400         400            400            ‐                0.0% ‐                SW4‐1030 ∙ Special Assessments Water Dis 287 295             569          569             569            274           Subtotal 287        295             569          569             569            274          92.9% ‐                TOTAL REVENUES 848       695            969         969            969            274          39.4% Page 13 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGET2021 BUDGET ‐ FIRE PROTECTION and EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES  2019  Actual   2020  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2021  Preliminary  Budget 2021   Adopted  Budget  2021   Change  from  2020   % Change  from 2020  FIRE BUDGET (SF Fund) Appropriations SF3410.4 ∙ Fire Protection CE 228,645 231,759 228,783  228,783   228,783    (2,976)   ‐1.28% Revenues SF1001 ∙ Real Property Tax (fire) 228,645  231,759 228,783  228,783   228,783    (2,976)   ‐1.28% EMS BUDGET (SM Fund) Appropriations SM4540.4 . Ambulance CE 401,031 442,630   418,900    418,900     418,900     (23,730)  ‐5.36% Revenues SM1289 Ambulance Billing Reven 110,473   80,000   76,802    76,802     76,802      (3,198)     ‐4.00% SM2401 Interest 713 496         (496)         Sub‐Total 111,186   80,496   76,802    76,802     76,802      (3,694)     ‐4.59% Fund Balance 30,000   4,982 4,982 4,982 (25,018)  ‐83.39% Sub‐total without Prop. Tax. 110,496 81,784    81,784     81,784      (28,712)   SM1001 . Real Property Tax (EMS)341,031 332,134   337,116    337,116     337,116     4,982      1.50% TOTAL Revenue 452,217   442,630  418,900  418,900   418,900    (23,730)  ‐5.36% Page 14 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGETHA CAPITAL FUND BUDGET ‐ WD3 AERATOR PROJECT 2020  Adopted 2020 YTD 2020 EOY  Estimate 2021  Projected  Project Notes  Appropriations HA 1620.21 ∙ Engineer CE 18,725     25,583      32,069      ‐             HA 1620.22 ∙ Legal & Bonding Fees CE 11,000     2,925        5,915        ‐             HA 1620.23 ∙ Construction CE 242,000   ‐              242,000    ‐            $192,585 G&M construction; $21,626 chlorine  analyzer, $13,924 Aqualogics upgrade; $13,924  contingency TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 271,725   28,508      279,984    ‐             Revenues HA 3097 ∙ St Aid‐Capital Projects 188,880   188,880    ‐             HA 5031 ∙ Interfund Transfers ‐             20,000      20,000      ‐            $45,000 in 2019 HA 5730 ∙ Inter‐Fund Loan 82,845     ‐              48,120      ‐            3‐year interfund load from DA Bridge Reserve 21,040      ‐             TOTAL REVENUES 271,725   20,000      278,040    ‐             Fund Balance Page 15 of 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2021 BUDGETHB CAPITAL FUND BUDGET ‐ CEMETERY ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT 2020 2020 YTD 2020 EOY  Projected 2021  Project Notes  Appropriations HB 1620.21 ∙ Engineer CE 157,000      66,723     88,964         HB 1620.22 ∙ Legal & Bonding Fees CE 10,000        763          1,017           10,000        Estimation of ROW acquisition, cost of  bonding, not included in regular  budget, but B&L came in $10,000 less  than budgeted, assuming these costs  will be covered by that savings HB 1620.23 ∙ Construction CE ‐           665,000       $577k construction + 15% contingency HB 1620.231 ∙ Field Change Payment & Mobilization ‐           59,850         HB 1620.232 ∙ Construction Inspection ‐           80,000         HB 1620.24 ∙ Debt Service ‐           BAN to get through construction cost  cash flow HB 1620.2 ∙ Interfund Loan Payback 30,000        30,000     30,000        30,000         interfund back to DA fund TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 197,000      97,486     119,981      844,850       Revenues HB 2397 ∙ Capital Projects‐Other Local Gov 8,350           ‐           ‐                40,742          Tompkins County reimbursement per  MOU = $49,093  HB 2801 ∙ Interfund Loan 30,000        30,000     30,000        30,000        Interfund loan from 2019 in 2020  budget for cash flow budget balance HB 3097 ∙ St Aid‐Capital Projects 158,650      56,888     85,482         774,108        Total funding per award letter =  $932,758  HB 5031 ∙ Interfund Transfers ‐                 Interfund transfer is anticipated out of  pocket expense for ToU  HB 5730 ∙ Bond Anticipation Notes TOTAL REVENUES 197,000      86,888     115,482      844,850       Page 16 of 16