HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-24D a n b y P l a n n i n g B o a r d
M i n u t e s o f P u b l i c H e a r i n g a n d R e g u l a r M e e t i n g
O c t o b e r 2 4 , 2 0 1 3
Joel Gagnon
Frank Kruppa
Ted Melchen
Steve Selin
Naomi Strichartz
Robert Roe
Anne Klingensmith
Others Present:
Secretary Jan Pfleiderer
Code Officer Sue Beeners
Town Board Leslie Connors
Comp. Plan Assist. Rebecca Brenner
Public Todd Rose
The Public Hearing was opened at 7:00 pm - Rose Bed & Breakfast
Public Hearing to consider granting a Special Permit to Todd and Susan Rose, Owners, to use the existing
house at 115 Marsh Road, Tax Parcel 12.- 1-5.21 as a Bed and Breakfast dwelling. This is a Type II action being
equivalent to the construction or alteration of a 1-, 2-, or 3-unit dwelling.
Beeners clarified that although Rose envisions using only two rooms, the Code allows up to five
rooms and 10 lodgers in a Bed & Breakfast dwelling. Strichartz commented that it sounded like a
great project. There was discussion about sufficient parking if the business expands which appeared
to be resolved.
The following communications were received related to the Marsh Road, Rose Bed & Breakfast pro-
posal hearing:
10/17/13 – email from Phil & Sally Quick, 41 Marsh Road
10/18/13 – email from Nancy Medsker
10/18/13 – email from Todd Rose
10/21/13 – email from Ronda Roaring
10/22/13 – email from Phil & Sally Quick
10/23/13 – email from Anne Klingensmith
The Public Hearing was closed at 7:14 pm
The Regular Meeting was opened at 7:14 pm
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Privilege of the Floor
There were no comments made.
Approval of Minutes
Resolved, that the Planning Board of the Town of Danby approves the minutes of September 26, 2013.
Moved by Gagnon, Second by Strichartz.
In Favor: Gagnon, Kruppa, Melchen, Selin, Strichartz, Roe
Consider Special Permit
Whereas, this action is to consider granting a Special Permit to Todd and Susan Rose, Owners, to use the exist-
ing house at 115 Marsh Road, Tax Parcel 12.-1-5.21, as a Bed and Breakfast dwelling; and
Whereas, this is a Type II action being equivalent to the construction or alteration of a 1-, 2-, or 3-unit dwelling;
Whereas, this action has been Amended as follows: (1) must comply with New York State Building Code and
Tompkins County Sanitary Code, and (2) conditions of this Special Permit do not convey or transfer to subse-
quent owners of the property; and
Whereas, the Planning Board on October 24, 2013, has held a public hearing to hear all persons interested in
this action; Now, Therefore, it is
Resolved, that the Town of Danby Planning Board grants a Special Permit, as Amended above, to Todd and
Susan Rose, Owners, to use the existing house at 115 Marsh Road, Tax Parcel 12.-1-5.21, as a bed and break-
fast dwelling, conditional upon compliance with relevant provisions of the New York State Building Code and
Tompkins County Sanitary Code, and the fact that conditions of this Special Permit do not convey or transfer to
subsequent owners of the property.
Moved by Strichartz, Second by Gagnon.
In Favor: Gagnon, Kruppa, Melchen, Selin, Strichartz, Roe
Town Board Liaison Report
Connors reported on a group visit in which she participated as part of the Green Building Tour
which included the following locations: Aurora Street Pocket Neighborhood, Town of Ithaca new
Third Residential EcoVillage Experience (TREE) Neighborhood at EcoVillage, some of which of-
fered an “aging in place option.”
Addition to Agenda - Expiration of term of Chair Roe
Chair Roe reported his term on the Planning Board will be expiring on December 31, 2013, and
therefore he was seeking recommendations for nomination for the next Chair. There were several
suggestions made such as: Melchen recommended Roe, Gagnon Second. Strichartz recommended
Roe or Selin. Selin recommended Roe. Strichartz suggested we just wait until November 5 Election
Day results are available to decide on this.
It was finally decided by Roe that he will submit a letter of application with intention to be Chair
for 2014.
Status Report, Draft Aquifer Protection Ordinance
Beeners reported she has been working on it, and added that the organization known as New York
Rural Water Association, with Mr. Winkley as contact, has provided free assistance to municipalities.
On the bright side, Todd Miller reported to Beeners that he has given his final draft study to his su-
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Discussion of Assessment and Property Tax related to Open Lands Valuation
Selin reported that some people are receiving a federal tax benefit by signing a conservation
easement with the Finger Lakes Land Trust. Roe mentioned a “State Grasslands Program”. Beeners
agreed to look into these programs to preserve open space.
Comprehensive Plan work session
Brenner reported she is in the process of reviewing all information and would like to recommend
that we start a new document with the Summary on top, rather than numerous amendments. Planning
Board has budgeted $2,500 at $20.00 hour as a “kickoff” amount. Next years budget line would be
about $6,000. Brenner agreed that when she hits the 50 hour mark, PB will receive a report. After
draft accepted by PB and TB (with the TB being the Lead Agency) then public comment period and
meeting, then working sessions. There will be public involvement. TrakChanges will be used for the
entire document. PB suggests and prepares for implementation by the Town Board. Beeners reminded
the Planning Board to look at the Town of Newfield Comprehensive Plan. Brenner indicated she had
reviewed it. Brenner hopes to have a complete draft update of the Danby Plan by mid-January, 2014.
Strichartz inquired about how best to track farming people such as CSA’s (community supported
agriculture). Possible idea to have a mid-winter session for farmers and landowners.
Member Items
Roe reported that at the Candidate Forum on October 20, there was mention made of the hard
working Planning Board. Gagnon reported that the West Danby Community Association had spon-
sored this event.
Roe also reported on the various activities of the State Sportsmans’ Association.
Beeners provided a copy of the 5 page Danby Crash Rate Tables and Maps for the time period
2000 – 2010, which reveals locations of High-Crash Rate Roads and Intersections, as prepared by the
Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council. Town Supervisor Ric Dietrich has followed up on
this with Director Fernando deAragon.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Jan Pfleiderer, Planning Board Secretary
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