HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-25D a n b y P l a n n i n g B o a r d M i n u t e s o f R e g u l a r M e e t i n g J u l y 2 5 , 2 0 1 3 Present: Joel Gagnon Frank Kruppa Ted Melchen Robert Roe Absent: Anne Klingensmith Steve Selin Naomi Strichartz Others Present: Secretary Jan Pfleiderer Code Officer Sue Beeners Town Board Leslie Connors Public James R. Henry The Regular Meeting of the Planning Board was opened at 7:08 pm Privilege of the Floor There were no comments made. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda Chair Roe announced that the Comprehensive Plan discussion will be deleted since several Mem- bers are absent and their sections are not yet completed. Approval of Minutes RESOLUTION NO. 21 OF 2013 - APPROVE JUNE 2013 MINUTES Resolved, that the Planning Board of the Town of Danby approves the June 27, 2013 Minutes. Moved by Gagnon, Second by Melchen. In Favor: Gagnon, Kruppa, Melchen, Roe. Town Board Report Connors expressed her interest in progressing forward with the Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan, to which Gagnon reported that Rebecca Brenner has agreed to providing her services in organiz- ing and assembling the final document. Connors reported that the Town Board is working on editing the agreement that the Town of Danby has with the Danby Area News. Connors also reported on maintenance at Town Hall including floor refinishing and other im- provements. Planning Board_Minutes_20130725 • Friday, August 9, 2013 Page 1 of 3 Action Items: Johnson/Henry Sketch Plan Review Consider Sketch Plan Review, Consider setting public hearing date: Proposed subdivision of Tax Parcel 4.-1-6.2, 105.51 acres total, into a 67+/- acre lot containing the residence at 1118 Autumn Ridge Lane; and a 25+/- acre lot containing the residence at 1120 Autumn Ridge Lane. Both of said lots would have 151+/- feet of frontage. Such action involves a request for variance of the minimum 200-foot frontage requirement provided in Section 600, Para. 5 of the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance. (A 13-acre portion of the Parcel would be conveyed by land annexation to an adjoining parcel.) Ethel Johnson, Fred Johnson, Sheri Johnson, and James R. Henry, Owners. Roe commented that this property off Coddington Road was previously approved for a subdivi- sion. Beeners reported that the Board of Zoning Appeals has set a hearing on this matter for August 7, 2013. The applicant, James R. Henry, was present and provided information about his application, as well as additional full color maps, and answered all questions. Beeners inquired about fire truck ac- cess to the property which was confirmed in the affirmative by Henry. RESOLUTION NO. 22 OF 2013 - SET PUBLIC HEARING Resolved, that the Town of Danby Planning Board schedule a public hearing to be held on August 22, 2013, at 7:00 pm, CONDITIONAL UPON APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS, to consider granting of proposed subdivision of Tax Parcel 4.-1-6.2, 105.51 acres total, into a 67+/- acre lot containing the residence at 1118 Autumn Ridge Lane; and a 25+/- acre lot containing the residence at 1120 Autumn Ridge Lane. Both of said lots would have 151+/- feet of frontage. Such action involves a request for variance of the minimum 200-foot frontage requirement provided in Section 600, Para. 5 of the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance. (A 13-acre por- tion of the Parcel would be conveyed by land annexation to an adjoining parcel.) Ethel Johnson, Fred Johnson, Sheri Johnson, and James R. Henry, Owners. Moved by Kruppa, Second by Gagnon. In Favor: Gagnon, Kruppa, Melchen, Roe. Discussion Item - Draft Aquifer Protection Ordinance “Notes” from Beeners dated 7/19/13 and consisting of five (5) typed pages were discussed in de- tail, as well as what Beeners referred to as the source of “most of any new material” from Big Flats. Reference was made here to four (4) page document entitled “New York Law Drinking Water Protec- tion, Zoning, Wetlands and Watercourse Protection for Town of Big Flats, Aquifer Protection Overlay District (APOD)”. Kruppa commented on the issue of who might be responsible for collecting groundwater for sam- ples. “Results” provided to Health Dept are what matters and he also mentioned the fact that in New York State, it is the DEC that is the responsible party in most cases. Connors inquired if the Town of Big Flats has had a chance to determine how their Ordinance is working out for them, but no one present could answer this question with certainty. In summary, it was suggested that any/all revisions made to “Notes” were to be undertaken by Beeners. Planning Board_Minutes_20130725 • Friday, August 9, 2013 Page 2 of 3 Member Items Kruppa made reference to an article that appeared in the July 2013 issue of Danby Area News entitled “Water Testing” which mentions, “...Bolton Point water system had high levels of a carcino- genic mineral.” This should have read “disinfectant by-product” rather than “carcinogenic mineral”. Chair Roe made request that Secretary Pfleiderer contact Member Selin via e-mail to inquire as to what progress he had made on his section of the Comprehensive Plan revisions. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm. ____________________________________ Jan Pfleiderer, Planning Board Secretary Planning Board_Minutes_20130725 • Friday, August 9, 2013 Page 3 of 3