HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-27D a n b y P l a n n i n g B o a r d M i n u t e s o f R e g u l a r M e e t i n g J u n e 2 7 , 2 0 1 3 Present: Joel Gagnon Anne Klingensmith Frank Kruppa Ted Melchen Naomi Strichartz Robert Roe Absent: Steve Selin Others Present: Secretary Jan Pfleiderer Code Officer Sue Beeners Town Board Leslie Connors, Kathy Halton The Regular Meeting of the Planning Board was opened at 7:06 pm Privilege of the Floor There were no comments made. Member Item Strichartz suggested the PB consider using the services of Rebecca Brenner for the purpose of organizing the Comprehensive Plan with revisions. The conclusion was made that the PB has not fin- ished its work on the revisions to the point that these services are ready to be utilized yet. Approval of Minutes More information is needed for completion of this Agenda Item so it will be moved to the next meeting. An electronic copy will be provided to all. Klingensmith inquired as to what the current process is for receiving the Agenda, to which Chair Roe replied that it is usually sent via Email from Town Clerk Pamela Goddard after she receives it from him. Possible Recommendation - Aquifer Protection Ordinance There was a very lengthy discussion by everyone present at this meeting about all portions of the Draft Amending the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance by Adding an Aquifer and Watercourse Pro- tection Overlay Zone document. The section concerning Definitions elicited comments by all. Also discussed was the Village of Alfred, New York Aquifer Protection Zone document, as well as a comparison of its apparent simplicity versus the much longer document. A two page document provided by Klingensmith was distributed by Code Officer Beeners con- cerning the following topics: Extractive Industry, Pesticides, Etc, Salt Storage, Petroleum Products, Sludge, Heatpumps, & General. This was discussed. Planning Board_Minutes_20130627 • Thursday, July 11, 2013 Page 1 of 2 The section on Prohibited Uses and Activities generated much discussion by all. Town Board Member Halton spoke about the need to regulate excessive uses which would be classified as industrial/commercial enterprises. An excellent Map was provided depicting Location of the stratified- drift aquifers in the Town of Danby, the Susquehanna River/St. Lawrence River drainage divide, and the Upper Buttermilk, Danby, and Michigan Creek SubBasins, Tompkins County, New York. With regard to the section on Scope, Klingensmith spoke to the need and intent of not restricting the individual landowner from carrying on with their daily activities. This issue appeared to be of great concern to Roe. Kruppa mentioned the difference between “private” health matters and “public” health matters as it pertains to this document. With regard to the definition of Herbicide and discussion which followed, Chair Roe provided his favorite herbicide recipe which mitigates poison ivy especially well as follows: Dawn liquid deter- gent, white vinegar, and a spoonful of salt. Also discussed was potential pollutants especially in the case of an unconfined aquifer. At this point, Chair Roe came to the conclusion that the Planning Board is not yet ready to make a recommendation to the Town Board. Town Board Report Town Board Member Connors mentioned that there will be a brief article in the Danby Area News about the possibility of arsenic being present in your well water, and the fact that residents can have their water tested by a NYS Certified Laboratory. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 915 pm. ____________________________________ Jan Pfleiderer, Planning Board Secretary PLEASE NOTE: ALTHOUGH THE SONY VOICE RECORDER IS OUTSTANDING AT PICKING UP ALL THE VOICES OF THOSE PRESENT AROUND THE TABLE, IT IS UNABLE TO AUDI- BLY RECORD THE VOICES OF THOSE SPEAKING IN THE AUDIENCE. Planning Board_Minutes_20130627 • Thursday, July 11, 2013 Page 2 of 2