HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-13 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 13 , 2003 PRESENT : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Councilpeople, Sue Poelvoorde and Lee Scott; Councilpeople Robert Weatherby and Carolyn Duddleston absent; Marsha L. Georgia, Town Clerk. Others Present : Roxanne Marino , David Tyler (short time) . Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order. Tower Ordinance Previously the Town Board had reviewed the Tower Ordinance, made changes and reorganized the document. The Board reviewed the updated version. Mr. Tyler suggested that they address that the Planning Board may need to hire consultants when reviewing applications for towers and this should be reflected that it be a cost to the applicant. Mr. Tyler wrote something up and it was inserted in section 16 . 5 Planning Board Procedure in the fourth paragraph as follows , "If the Planning Board requires the assistance of a consultant to evaluate the application the cost thereof shall be paid by the applicant not to exceed 5 % of the total cost of the project. " Application Fee was inserted under section 16 . 4 at the end just before the last sentence. Application Fee Town Board Resolution will establish the application fee. Previously the Town Board had discussed entering some regulations on smaller towers such as two way radios and ham radios . After more careful review of Article XVI - Communication Transmission Towers and Telecommunications Facility they feel smaller towers as previously mentioned are covered under this section. Under the definitions in this section there is a definition for "telecommunications facilities" it was suggested to add ; e. g. Two-way radios and ham radios . Land Subdivision Regulations Previously Mr. Austic presented his thoughts on some changes to the Town ' s subdivision regulations (on record in the October 29 , 2003 minutes) , basically changing 112 . 1 Subdivision to Simple Subdivision, "all division of a lot into two or more" . Simple Subdivision — Zoning Officer would review the applicants tax map to see what the owner wants to do, if it meets the requirements of the Simple Subdivision the Zoning Officer would okay it and have the owner get it surveyed and bring back the final survey. Once the survey is accepted by the Zoning Officer, and meets the requirement of the Zone it is in, the Zoning Officer can approve the subdivision and from there it can be recorded at the County Clerk ' s Office . If the lot does not meet the requirements of the lot size it could go for a variance, but the Zoning Officer could not approve the subdivision until the variance is granted . All these subdivisions will have to be recorded on the "mother map" in the Zoning Officer ' s files . The map will allow the Town to track land subdivisions better to minimize the piecemeal approach taken that can result in less desirable subdivisions of land. Special Board Meeting 11 / 13/2003 After a lengthy discussion Rural Subdivision was removed from the entire document . Minor Subdivision was changed to 3 lots and any reference to lot size was deleted, and Major Subdivision was changed to 4 lots . Also in the section that refers to the fee of $25 . 00 that will be removed and replaced with "a fee established by a Town Board Resolution" . All of the sections in the regulations have to be re-numbered. Mrs . Georgia believes she has this document on a 5 1/2" floppy disk that she will get converted to a workable one . One way or another the Land Subdivision will be corrected and/or changed. The Board discussed getting the information out about the changes being made to the ordinances, whether it is via the web page or a newspaper article at least the simple things that may come up more often. Review of Draft Zoning Ordinance The sections that still need review are Administration and Design Standards — Administration is still at the attorney' s office — Board started this evening on Design Standards . 15.2 . 1 Yards The statement "well kept condition" was questioned — remove this and replace with maintained "as not to cause health and/or safety condition. Parking Put the same wording as above . Noise Mr. Austic suggested that it might be a good idea to put a definition of "noise" in the ordinances definitions — than this part of the ordinance may make sense. He still has to check with his noise regulator to see if the decimals in this ordinance are suitable . He thinks he has one that George Frantz had furnished. Standards for Parking in all Zoning Districts The Board felt that this section had previously been reviewed very thoroughly and things added where needed. Residence, manufactured home — The Board was wondering why it is here and not under the standards for manufactured homes . It was checked out and it is not mentioned in the standards so leave it here . Standards for Signs a. 15.4.2 Off-premises Signs 4 . Delete off-premises — insert shall before be (remove George ' s comment) Ask George what he is trying to accomplish with this number 4 . Elder Cottage Ms . Poelvoorde asked if the Board had previously dealt with Elder Cottage, she feels that they had totally changed the concept because they had added adult dependent child . Ms . 7 Special Board Meeting 11 / 13/2003 Poelvoorde feels that now with the concept of allowing two residents on a single lot this elder cottage definition can go back to the original intent . The definition in the draft dated March 27 , 2002 reads as follows : "A separate detached one-family dwelling of not less than 560 sq. ft . and not more than 700 sq. ft. designed to be temporarily erected on a lot as an accessory dwelling to the principal dwelling, for the purpose of providing housing for a parent or parents, or grandparent or grandparents, of an occupant of the principal dwelling. " Multiple Residence George had noted that he felt that the third paragraph would not be necessary in reference to roads — the Board felt it should remain and add after roads - that shall be deeded to the Town. The Board stopped here and will continue at the next meeting on Standards for Manufactured Home Parks, also re- look at the map and administration. Mrs. Georgia will email George to see if the maps are ready. The tentative date for the next meeting was November 19th and also November 25th at 6 : 30 p .m . Respectfully submitted Marsha L. Georgia Ulysses Town Clerk .: , z 1 1 ii