HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-02-25Prepared by Katie Quinn -Jacobs 03/01/19 February 25, 2019 - 7:00pm SAFETY & PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE MEETING NOTES Present: Janice Bretscher, Dana Magnuson, Katie Quinn -Jacobs, Tony Bretscher, Marty Kopcho Location: Ellis Hollow Community Center 1. Debrief of 02/21/19 ToD board meeting (Janice, Tony, Christina and Katie) a. Katie presented the analysis of the Dominion equipment upgrades. (see attached) b. Katie shared the data from the Unit 4 Emissions Without/With Oxidation Catalyst (OC.) (see attached) c. It was agreed by the Town Board (TB) that a letter would be sent to Dominion that: i. Thanks the Dominion team for meeting with us on Jan 22nd ii. Requests that an OC for Unit 4 be included with the other proposed upgrades, given the substantial reduction of CO, VOCs and formaldehyde emissions. iii. Requests that Dominion dismantles Units 2 & 3 and does not sell them to another community given their technological obsolescence. d. Shenandoah Briere of the Cortland Standard interviewed Katie and Janice after the TB meeting. (see attached) 2. Ryan McHugh, town supervisor secretary, was contacted by Katie to update the town website to include the Safety & Preparedness committee (S&P). Ryan will post by-laws and add S&P to the roster of town advisory committees and other links as appropriate. 3. Basic Survival Training (Dana, Tony, Janice) a. Joan Oldroyd, NYS Forest Ranger taught a basic outdoor survival training class at the Slaterville Springs firehall. b. Approx 50 people attended, including Dana, Tony and Janice c. Class material included what to do if lost in the woods d. Ranger Oldroyd agreed to teach the search and rescue portion of the CERT program 4. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) update (Christina and Janice) a. S&P members have begun their online CERT study b. Christina presented the Powerpoint presentation that Janice will give to the TB next month c. Janice did a run-through of the presentation (approx. 8 min) 5. Preparedness buckets (Christina, Marty, Janice and Tony) a. Contents of preparedness buckets were presented and reviewed b. Christina had a nifty all-purpose wrench 6. Next Town Board meeting: 03/21/19 7. Next S&P Committee meeting: 03/25/19, 7-9pm at Ellis Hollow Community Center Page 1 of 1 Prepared by: K. Quinn -Jacobs 2019-02-21 ANALYSIS OF DOMINION ENERGY PROPOSAL (01/22/19) Key points: 1. Two new compressors with oxidation catalysts will replace Units 2 & 3. Old compressors will be decommissioned once new units are tested and operational. 2. The horsepower of the proposed units (6130hp/unit) is comparable to the existing units (5800hp/unit). 3. Dominion has not expanded its customer base. 4. Other equipment upgrades to support compressor upgrades are also proposed. 5. Noise reduction is proposed: silencers for the new compressors and the existing blowdown pipe; underground piping to Units 5 & 6. 6. Dominion estimates project can be completed by 4th quarter of 2021. 7. The proposed equipment upgrades will likely result in Borger losing its Title V designation as a source of major pollution. 8. Dominion intends to sell Units 2 & 3 after decommissioning. The Town of Dryden Safety & Preparedness committee would like the town to request that Units 2 & 3 be dismantled and sold for scrap metal, rather than be used in other communities given their substandard technology and emissions profiles. 9. NOTE: An oxidation catalyst retrofit of Unit 4 is not in the Dominion proposal. The Town of Dryden Safety & Preparedness committee would like this to be included before permits are issued. Comparison of emissions: Units 2 & 3 Units 5 & 6 Reduction % Change/Yr " i (existing) j (proposed) tons/yr NOx (tons) 185.2 17 -168.2 -90.8% CO (tons) 26.5 j 3 -23.5 -88.7% Runtimes ave ih/day 24h x 365d Max Hours/Yr 365 8760* j *Dominion stated they do not anticipate continuous usage of the new compressors. Conclusion: Even with proposed units 5 & 6 running continuously (an unlikely occurrence) the NOx and CO reductions are highly significant. Potential Borger Replacement Project Emissions Comparison 6 M 25 20 • Existing Units Z & 3 15 • New Units 5&6 10 5 L NOx TPY CO TPY • Potential emissions from existing Units 2 & 3 are from the 2018 Title V Renewal Application and include the associated hours restrictions currently in the permit. • Potential emissions from the new Units assume 9ppm NOx and an oxidation catalyst Dominion � Energy, 4b b F 4 a y i} l ,t 1, �t 4, ,1 ;s i Staff, ieporker _ > . sbrlere@cortlandsYandaed.net D12YAEN. The.replacemerit of two compressor units at_the:Borger Station in Ellis Ho11ow. will lead'to -!it gen ox ide.!emissions, according :. to a commitkee that studies en'vuon ` mental and"safety issues in the towr ";"Anything ,we :can ;do `to .improve air quality _is; good for the comma-' pity,"i Janice 13zetscher, a ; member of.Drydei's Safety. and. Prepared ness,Adyisory Committee, said at :a Dryden Town Boa rd'meeting Thum.-,_ day night. Mote ;than -200 homes. are located„ wthin,iustoyer a mile of the station, B7. retscher Dominion Energy; .which owns. tiie staon; .agreed to replace units two and three atthe station w>th,new units., five.;and.siX. The. new units will reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by over.90 percent.and carbon mon oxide :by. :58;.percent per year; com-: mittee.,memb6r Katie Quinn -Jacobs said Thursday "-night; During the meeting the committee' also:aslced-the:board to wtite,:ax other letter to Dominion Energy officials" asking th the;0611 the compressors fof: scrap only: "If we don't want these dirtylealcy, th.ings -in ,Dryden; we `.don't" want ' therri being sold . to soine.'place In . Texas 'of" N exlco or wherever they might decide do ,sell them,". Quina - Jacobs said.:._ Dominion. Energy officials were not at'the rrieeting. ,,We „ appreciate, you staying on .top of the timeline, giving us advice