HomeMy WebLinkAbout20203 1 2 24 22 26 23 21 25 32 26 33 34 25 26 13 22 36 24 12 35 19 23 34 33 27 14 20 18 21 32 25 3 6 8 21 5 9 4 10 31 17 30 29 16 28 15 9.2 11 7 7.1 !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!! !! !!!! !!!!!!!!!! !! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!! !! !! !! !! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!! !! !! !!!!!! !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !! !! !!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!! !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!! !! !! !!!! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!! !! !! !!!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T O W N O F E N F I E L D VILLAGEOFTRUMANSBURG S E N E C A C O U N T Y T O W N O F I T H A C A T O W N O F C O V E R T SCHUYLER COUNTYTOWN OF HECTORTAUGHANNOCK FALLSSTATE PARK TAUGHANNOCK FALLSSTATE PARK 143 144 145 145 140 142 142 142 136 146 147 170 170 146 149 96 143 141 143A 227 227 96 96 89 96 89 89144 143 142 136 136CURRYROAD DUDDLESTONSOUTHSTPENNSYLVANIAAV E SPRINGS D U R LINGRDCAYUGAVIEWRDR O AD GORGEROADA G A R D R O A D C O L E G R O V E R O A D GARRETTROADWILKINSR O A D G L E N W O O D H T S R D ROAD M E K E E L R O A D PINE RID G E ROAD VAN L I E W R D R E Y N O L D S R O A DLYKEROAD H O U G H T O N R O A D C O L D R IC E W E S T S E N E C A E A S T S E N E C A R O A D VANDORNSCORNERSROADPARKROADROADSTR E E T KINGSTCAY U G A I N D I A N F O R T R OAD ROADB R O OKWIL L O W C REEK TA U G HANNOCK R A B B ITR U NROAD CURRY ROAD R D ROAD S E A R S B U R G R O A D PO DUNKROADFA L L S ROAD K R A F T R O A D D U B OIS EKRUMS CORNERSROADJACKSONVILLES W A M P C O L L E G E R O A D P E R R Y ROADR O A D C I T Y R OAD P E R R Y C I T YWATERBURG ROADHALSEYVILLEPODUNKROADROADROADWATERBURGROADMECKLENBURGROADTAUGHANN O C K B O UL E V A R DROAD MA PLEWOODRDTRUMANSBUR G TRU MANSBURG R O A D E X T TAX MAPTOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, NY NEW YORK STATEOFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES APPROVED BY 2013 11/04/1999 EXECUTIVE DIRECTORMAP REVISED: 1-July-2019MAP PRINTED: 1-July-2019 New York State PlaneCentral Projection1983 North American Datum 1 in Represents 1500 Feet(When Plotted on Arch D Media) (One Inch Represents Approx. 3200 Feet)At 11"x 17" (47%) Approx. Scale is 1:38300 800 0 800 1,600 Feet 200 0 200 400 Meters CASE NO DATE Copyright (c) 2000 by Tompkins County. Resale of redistribution is strictly prohibited. ²1:18,000 !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !!!!!! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !!!!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!! !!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !!!!!!!!!! !! !! !!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!S E N E C A C O U N T YTOWN O F C O V E R T TAUGHANNOCK FALLSSTATE PARK 13 12 3 6 8 21 7 5 9 4 10 9.2 12 13 11 7.1 ACADEMY ST DRIVETAMAR ACK LANE LARCHMONT DRIVEAVENUEH A L S E Y S T R E E T STREETELMSTREET CAMP STREET HECTORSTREETGREGGPEASE STSA L O D R I VECOREY PL KEN TUCKY AVEN UE WEST MAIN STREET S E N E C A S T R O W B R I D G E S T R E E T M c L A L L E N S T R E E TOLD MAIN WASHINGTONS T STS U N R I S E T E R R A C E CONGRESSSTREETE A S T UNIONST STREE T CAYUGA PROSPECTCAYUGA STREETKINGSTREETLAKESTR E E T S T R E E TSTREETROADSENECAEAST R O A DSENECA EAST STREET MAIN STREETSTWHIG EAST STREET MAINELDORADO STREETCEMETARYFA L L S S TSOUTH STREETPAGESTPENNSYLVANIASCHO OLSTREETTRUMANB RADL EYST REET M E A D O W V I E W D R I V E D RIV E PA R K SID E TAX MAPVILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG TOMPKINS COUNTY, NY NEW YORK STATEOFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES APPROVED BY 2013 11/04/1999 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MAP REVISED: 1-July-2019MAP PRINTED: 1-July-2019 New York State PlaneCentral Projection1983 North American Datum 1 in Represents 400 Feet(When Plotted on Arch D Media) (One Inch Represents Approx. 850 Feet)At 11"x 17" (47%) Approx. Scale is 1:10200 200 0 200 400 Feet 50 0 50 100 Meters CASE NO DATE Copyright (c) 2000 by Tompkins County. Resale of redistribution is strictly prohibited. ²1:4,800 1.01 Ac C 1.25 Ac C 1.20 Ac C 1.25 Ac C 1.24 Ac 1.16 Ac C 1.01 Ac C 1.02 Ac C 1.21 Ac C 2.57 Ac 3.13 Ac 98.841.18 Ac O4 O1 O O5 O3 2 2 5 1 .1 1 1 4 .5 8 106.411 1 6 s 3 0 4 .1 7 1 8 1 .7 0 8 7 . 5 1 236 s24 0.85 131.1212.9142.7736164.772 4 1 .9 2 7 7 s 1 1 3 .2 6 2 4 0 .282.382.5166.591 0 4 .4 2 0 4 .7 3 8 8 .3 3151.1 4 181.958 7 .0 9 201.2685.99 10 3.9977.91 114.88146.8162008 2 s200 199.74100 1 5 0 . 5 1 83 s74.98 16 5.31 2 4 1 .4 9 276.4 341.79 82.631 4 7 . 4 5 82 s100 8 1 .0 474.271 3 2 .8 3 9 9 s 1 0 5 .1 1219 2 2 3 .55 9 3 s 8 7 .3 2 8 5 .7 1205.4 7 2 8 7 s 189.0989 s88.2 7 17 1.09 156.83 1 2 s8 0 . 2172.3371.0299 .6 9 4 7 s 13 2 s 1 3 1 .4 0 164.821 0 3 .8 8 2 .5 8 1 1 2 .1 9 1 . 8 4 8 5 s 165.7182.51 0 0 .0 4 1 3 4 .0 7 1 4 2 .7 8 73.927 2 172.7819.22 1 3 s 321 s 85.66184.19128 s 56.15358.341 0 0 . 1 5 1 8 8 .5 7 1 0 5 .2 2 2 3 9 .7 2 108.7724 6 24 6 151.83101.368 8 .4 6 2 0 0 .8 100 196.5100 1 1 6 s 165.13100.777 2 . 2 5 1 4 0 .8 7 12 4 1 7 5 1 3 5 s 6 8 .5 1 5 6 s 129 s165.79 9 82.31 8 0 .2 2 82.52 4 082.5247.851 3 5 s 1 6 8 . 2 0 1 5 8 s1 4 5 . 4 160.5774 s314 s 178.1586 .2 6248.5871.68 219.65113.87 165.82 2 .2 6 4 .8 5 81.7404.99126.48246 s5 8 . 5 0 99.452 1 3 s 2 4 0 .1 4 166.8241.11107.16142 s 15 5 s 130 s211.78 76.5918 8.76 6 6 .9 3 110.03 39.03273.99103.58157.74142. 1 5 141.26 93.72 89.5630.42 30.02 101.9 4 3 8 .2 5 16.86184.659 4.8 2 15085.0583.60 130.7074.2687.6147 7.10 180.23212.62216.3043.15108.6325 .0 5 81.1815.5100 100 103.40 103.41 192.04276.332.93155.07186.558 6 .9 4 5 0 .3 6 1 4 0 .9 9 82.30166.14244.578 6 .1 1 161 s2 0 5 .9 5 9 9 1 9 5 .8 8 8 4 .9 3 248.48147.4566. 8 4 2 8 .7 4 83.849 6 .8 8254.34164.84194.4287144 s11 7 s 148.50133.08103.65181.7010 3.90179.2310 4.92 9 8 .2 6 166.365.7166.31 3 2 6 5 . 3 5 6 6 .5 1 247.5247.511 9.07 10 1.4 283.67147.2010 3.84 2 0 4 .1 1 8 8 .0 8 8 .0 6 4 .5 0 6 0 .2 064.9 7 19 8.32 70152.648 6 .9 0 3 9 .9 0 1322 0 0 s43.9 9 140.0823.37164.281 8 9 s 1 7 9 .8 7 1 4 9 .2 6 75.421 7 3 . 5 9 7 3 . 6 8219.4562.24 1 5 5 .6 3 51 s 2 4 1 .5 3 83.422 4 1 .6 7 106.5244.5410 2.06 2 3 3 . 5 6 183VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG CALVARYBAPTIST CHURCH VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURG CALVARYBAPTISTCHURCH CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 520 2 3 16 7 4 9 87 621 19.1 19.32 15161718 8 64 5 9 32 19.4 15 10 19.3 6 17 11 19.1 22 18 12 15 21 13 14 15 20 16817 9 14 19 18.1 54 3 10 1.21.1 111213 6789 5 7 4 11 20 1.12 13 12 6 1 2 3 10 4 1.11 19.2419.22 19.23 19.21 18.21 18.22 19.2 14 1.2 12 13 11 10 0 F T R U M A N S B U R GVILLAGESENECACOUNTY C O U N T Y T O W N O F C O V E R T T O M P K I N S STREET WEST MAIN S T R O W B R I D G E S E N E C A S T R E E T STREET OLD MAIN STREETMcLALLEN EA S T SE N E CA RO A D EA S T SE N E C A RO A D BRADL EYST REET STREETWASHINGTONS T R E E T U L Y S S E S FI R E D I S T R I C T 7 2 7.1 11 7.1 80.69166.11 6 8 . 6 7 1 4 0 .7 1 1 9 6 .5 2 271.8218.971511 4 5 .1 1 D C A B 82.771 1" = 200' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 1 " = 100 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 50 0 50 100Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1.23 Ac C 4.04 Ac 4.53 Ac C1.24 Ac C 2.93 Ac 6.25 Ac C1.52 Ac 4.37 Ac 1.59 Ac C 1.15 Ac C 2.80 Ac CO4 O1 O2 O3 O591 s112 s164 s48 s2 0 2 s 94 s95 s1802 4 0 .4 4 2 5 2 .286 s120.126 3 4 .2 3 3 6 6 .3146.19177.223 8 8 s 1 2 4 s 120 s61 s 163 s282 s51 9 s 101 s 460.88175 s25 3 s 145 s1 8 8 s 120.3614 4 120.46120.4679.81 2 5 1 3 1 .4 1 3 3 .8 15 0 145 s10 6 s 93 s91 s8584.402 5 8 s 136103.10103.1066.9966 s1 7 4 .5 4 118 s117 s1 7 7 .4 9171s49 s 1 6 2 .7 816 4 s164 s86 s136262 s2 4 0 .4 4 3 7 5 .6120.129 1 .6 5 88 s 2 6 2 s 67 s6 7 s 99 s 4 0 s83 s59 s23 3 s 35 s46 s48 s21 2 s 285 s289 s1 9 9 s 2 5 4 s 79.93349 s357382 s35752120.36120.628589.2100 10 0 156.88145.7143 s80120.3 10 0 148.921 0 9 .7147 6 4 7 .0 3158 s20 5 10 0 162 s71.08862 5 4 s 2 2 8 .5 679.3410 0 71.8485.52 5 5 .7 1 7 6 .9 158.67 258.5239 s2 5 4 .1 9 3 s 146 142.1 d 15 0 76 4.2 176.4 d1 7 8 s 6 1 6 .4 10 0 10 0 160.83 s51 9 s 71 s113 s100 7 5 s201 s 1 7 6 s 95 s82.52 3 9 3 7 5 .615 s1 7 4 .389.961 1 2 .3 164 s1 4 3 s 9 6 s173 s262 s3 2 1 s70 s82 s290 s11 3 s459 s154 s357113 s145.02 10 0 120.62109.1 1 3 0 s 156.91 1 9 .9 1 6 2 .5 2 1 0 6 1 s84 s2 5 5 s 2 0 2 s 2 0 3 .8 9 1 7 8 .7 7 7 87.42 3 2 .0 2 159.119 8 .6 7 177.17213.8471.732 0 5 .7 1 1 4 0 s 1 0 3 s 1 3 7 s 4 6 .6 3 92 s 97 s155 s140.3 245 s240.9 d140 s1 0 0 9 9 s 4 8 .1 1 2 5 3 s 90 s112s 122 s122 s1 6 1 s 9 3 s 1 5 8 s 5 1 .5 9 85 .8382.5044 s191.601 1 8 .2 8168 s117.1 s71.947 0 .6 1 8 2 .8 s 102.1 s117 s251.8 s 100 s139.5225 2.46 100.56126 s38.85 61.3473.32100.31 37.599 7 s 82s118.447 s47 s5.551 79 s196.6199.1131.1510033 202 8 .0 7 39.2 1 6643 71 .8 6 1 8 1 .1 1 1 9 7 9 2 .7 9 53210.6490.62 67.18198196103.1 9 2 0 1 .2 8 10499227.9999.5411 1 .2 299.149 9 99.97198 1042 0 3 74.4158.1379.552 2 .7 545.27100.2099120.1412.5 121.56 164.49 59 .4 62.34 17 0.5754.7932.64 74.38499.69 .512.667 5 143.181 2 0 .4 6 1 1 9 TRUMANSBURGHOME TELEPHONE CO ______TRUMANSBURGCONSERVATORY 63 7.1 275.1 23 22.2 13 21 4 2.3 2.111 3 2.14 5 2.13 321 12 26.2 11 2510 7 9 24 8 4 5 9 15 6 10 10 7 20.1 20.3 20.2 19 1 7.24 7.21 1 22.1 14 5.2 7.22 7.25 4 3 113.2 6.1 5.3 6 13.1 9 16 18 17 12 11 8 2 14 7.23 2.6 2.24 2.12 10 9 4 6.2 2.2 2.1 1 13 2 3 12 11 15 2 6 3 5 4 8 14 S EN EC A T O M P K I N S CO U N T Y CO U N T Y TOW N OF CO VER T V I L L A G E O F T R U M A N S B U R G S U N R I S E T E R R A C E S T R O W B R I D G E S T R E E T CONGRESSSTREETSEN ECAEAST ROAD EAST R O A DSENECA STREETPROSPECTCAYUGA STREET OLD S E N E C A S T R E E T S T R E E T MAINSTREETWASHINGTON STREETUNIONST REETMcLALLEN FI R EULYSSES PR O T E C T I O N DI S T R I C T 1 5 3232.8 7 1771 0 1 s 2 1" = 200' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 1 " = 100 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 50 0 50 100Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 2.41 Ac C 1.35 Ac C 3.98 Ac 1.14 Ac 1.22 Ac C 3.55 Ac C 1.01 Ac C 3.76 Ac C 2.16 Ac C 1.83 Ac C 1.65 Ac C 20.8 Ac C 5.15 Ac C 1.95 Ac C 3.80 Ac C4.13 Ac C 1.38 Ac 2.41 Ac 3.85 Ac C 1.30 Ac 2.51 Ac C 1.92 Ac 2.13 Ac 1.04 Ac 1.03 Ac 1.03 Ac 1.12 Ac 2.83 Ac O1 O2 3 9 2 .4 8 192 s190 s138 61 s 59 7 s 172 s41 s184 s70 s59.9216.55 8 4 s61 s 169.93231.9494 1 s 10 8 s 255.371 0 8 s109 s 197 s344.46 70.27 238.413356 s32 s60.5 68.3 90.56 201 s249.5148.5 77 2.77 356.3572s110s 31 9 s 253 s 1 6 2 s195 s57 6 s 3 9 7 s 3 4 6 s 119 s8 s327 s82 s28760 133.4 586s 691.16 49 s88 s132 53.93161.8372 s79.20 317 s240.0189.1442.28243.56 190195357.6314 3.78 239.63 294.85545 83.25 87.42 10.6459 s 210.8 290 s414.0749.36 8 0 s87 s 78s90 0 s197 s415 s226.55120561.8 32 s142.9 200.29 70.6 432.75 113.33307.26 830 s 201 s200.734 8 7 .6 7 90.21 338 s136s200s300172 s354.45250524.39 3 4 3 .8 9 30.14151 s48.91263.43 11 9 s 170.05198 s297.06 74s 100 s 239 s114121.71136 1 50 .4 361 s130.5 534.23 195.2245.331 9 0 .2 4 d 125.6 d 177 s 423.2142.1 282 s284.88379s 114 s169 s 427 s203.5136.57189 s9 0 s 180.37 65 s 137s262.7515.94 278 s 118.0183.02 13 5 s 42 6 s503 s198 205 s10 9 s 198 s125 s 561 s 17.6 s _____204.8122.2231375 119.16126.40381.31 361.7 226.05 118.63119.39114.92382.25 308.81 222.084 0 s95 s69 s 1 3 9 .7339.881 9 6 . 0 203.094 s 211 s237.92246.725 0 s 18 s 9 0 .0 5 89.86 253.381 2 8 .5 0 232.8950.5130.67 245.70132.94 59.41 5 2 . 8 41 s 192 s58 s 86.89 8 8 .5 2242 s59.411 7 s 10 8 s 7742.48551.4444 6.73 170.22 77.14117.641 0 9 s 123.86201.66 383.7 N Y S E G NYSEG NYSEG NYSEG 30.1 1.2 5 1.1 6 2 4.2 9.2 9 1826 27.2 20 6.4 9.1 27.1 6.1 11 10 35 10.2 29 28 17252423 3.2 3.1 8 21 16 15 14 13 12 11.1 P/O 3.-2- 4.2 8 5 3 6.32 6.33 1.1 3.39.3 22 1.5 36.1 36.3 7.2 34 36.2 36.4 36.5 36.6 32 33 31 30.2 1.22 1.21 S E N E C A C O U N T Y T O M P K I N S C O U N T Y T O W N O F V IL L A G E O F T R U M A N S B U R G ULYSSES C A Y U G A S T R E E T KINGSTREETEA S T SE N E C A R O A D STREETPROSPECTCAYUGA STREETU L Y S S E S FI R E D I S T R I C T 5 4 13 3 262.26142.21 130.68 11.2 313 s 3 1" = 200' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 1 " = 100 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 50 0 50 100Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 2.54 Ac 1.00 Ac 1.34 Ac 1.04 Ac C 1.93 Ac 1.21 Ac 3.02 Ac 5.99 Ac 3.45 Ac C 5.25 Ac C 1.50 Ac C 1.33 Ac 1.40 Ac C 2.20 Ac 2.55 Ac 1.00 Ac 2 O1 O3 O 1024.58 157 s285.47150 s 149 s 80 s 146.5111259 s118 s 123 s450s171.68618 5 s 133.91 140 19.87135.11 4 3 . 6 29 173.8150 .4 5 566 s379s1 9 0 s 128 s 409s98 s 112.1185.15 57 s 96.4589.57 2 0 4 . 6 5 385.58152 s 134 s 105.36264.8474 s 138185 s138.05160.4812235.5130.71 1 0 5 s 67.37179.30262.25 3 9 1.1 6 56.21118 .7 88.63 60 s313s94.37125.47235.3 201.385.14 231.2686 s 127.5 146143.43253.68131172.26167.94 79.2 108.50 225 206.60130 132 s262 s189 s162.23 1 8 4 .3 8 2 6 6 .6 4 1 6 6 .4 6 233.4563.08406s 1 4 4 .7 0 38.775 400.98151 228 s288.40 370377.4719.49 3 7 0 .8 7 316 s151.922 3 0 s29 7.31236.04347.54 135.31196.5018146.45 141 s116.821 4 1 . 2 4 263.3640.3887.125 4 .1 5248 s129s136 s250.5559 s334.14212.1963.59 10 204.9 205.83220 s1 1 8 9 5 270s172.4534.1483.1219.00 99.205 5 235s80 s3 7 7 .7 7 6 1 s 801 0 2 9 2 s 71 s2 0 4 .7 6 139.74380.73139.70 1251631 5 1 .1 4 GROVE CEMETERY VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURG VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURG NY STATE PARKS & REC. 3 4 11.2 11.6 11.1 9.5 9.2 8 2 9 6 2.3 2.1 11.7114 11.5 11.4 10 7.2 7.1 8 1 5 10 3.2 3.1 3.3 2.2 13 12 11.3 4 5 P/O10.-2-1.1 1 5 7 6 3 4.3 2 VILLAGEOFTOWNOFULYSSESTRUMANSBURGCEMETARYSTREETELDORADODRIVEEAST STREET MAIN F A L L S S T R E E TSTREETKINGLAKESTREETSTREETLAKECAYUGA STREET3 5 10 13192.5392.1027.80 164319 6.6ABANDONED S E CT I ON OF R O A D 232.02123.4111 260.91 6 1 . 0 1 146.944 1" = 250' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 1 " = 125 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 60 0 60 120Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 16.87 Ac 3.40 Ac C1.40 Ac 2.39 Ac C 1.96 Ac C1.10 Ac C 1.42 Ac 1.19 Ac C 1.04 Ac C 1.61 Ac 1.08 Ac C O1 8 9 .3 192 s 8 8 .7 11 0 127 s112.250.05 88 s 15.84 149 s 48.51137.2624 71.4692 s 87.77 72.608 6 .6 694.2 5 8 9 .0 9 527 s 77 s80 s 75.4130 45 1 3 0 .8 4 367.87125.4244.21 71.9477 s151.1444 s96.3 9 0 .7 4231.76123 s 12 8.51 58.08 147.84224s126 s83 s 82.5 8 2 .378.4 9 68.00222.85204 s233.35164.24 186297 s232 s94.46 71.0165.09 72 s 5 8 .7 0146.14174.9184.977 s 9 1 .5 7 183.2081 162 s9 0 .0 458.7 9 0 .4 1 402.7513677.39 67.7115.52 18 39 s 340 s 51 .0 0 225.7920161.75114.64 200.733.08 1 1 9 100.7227.65130113 111.4315.2159.80 221 s68 s193.3827.74 159 s244 s 1 9 5 s 127.50137.94 168.72 156 s82.83 92.13 247.07265.74107 s 9 1 .4 9 2 7 8 6 .7 786.3 1 557.97 274.675 s 161105.2 3231 3 142s 80.4940.26202222.18222.70212.9103 s 34 s 33 s 244 s20 s235 203 1882 0 6 .1 4 0 s 137.18 207.89272 s 19 s32.19205.0025.08 187.0066 1 8 0 1 50 155408.1383.985147.531 1 3 s 62 s 53s 63.3 27 s 25.1 3077.575s107 s 128.08 226 s229.022 8 194.35.31 141.249.935 s5 3 .4 6 34.9436.07142.567 5 s 247.507 9 s 57.11281.4342 22 33 s502947.825 35 569031.4 8992.1 149centerlineofcreek48.3 109 s72 s285 s10097.97 85.96126.77 1 36.62 134.21 2550.1673.92 77.88 1 4 9 .0 3 83 s5 2 . 6 0 24 1.62 246.38 22 9.76 16560.6 356 s369 s124.0846.9934.0873.92 102.3053.6847.9125 135.96 47.52 70 DEED OVERLAP AREA151.731 4 2 s121.50113.1934.885.28 159.1816.7 157.880 s49.4110168.443.56133.39258.2919 1 .0 8 320.6766.0130.32 75.6 64 s 55 12477.82 BETTER HOUSINGTOMPKINS CO __________MASONICTEMPLE VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 251753.2 50 29 51 45 30 32.2 24 232221201918161514131211 1098 2871 4849.2 44 47 4346 31 62 26.2 27 35.2 34 35.1 37 54 26.16 59 55 1 6063.2 58.2 5657 58.1 5 7 70 6768 66 42 40 3941 38 36 33.1 33.2UNIONSTREETSTREET C A Y UGA C A Y U G A STREET EAST MAIN STREET EAST MAIN STREET STREETKINGSTREETLAKESTREETPAGE4 10 6 2 3 67.06 99.57150 32.160.311 9 1 s 311.21013688 s5 1" = 250' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 1 " = 125 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 60 0 60 120Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1.06 Ac C 3.75 Ac 1.30 Ac 1.54 Ac 1.72 Ac 6.78 Ac 3.8 Ac 1.75 Ac 5.62 Ac 1.07 Ac C 1.15 Ac C 1.15 Ac 1.81 Ac C 5 Ac 3 O7 O1 O O4 O5 O2 O6 344.01 92 s 18.15 168.71 3 5 . 9 7 32.2179 s25 s 74 s101 s174 s113107 s53.8 219.594 44107 s109 s52 s 106.39 36.2104.3 132.614.65055.751 s 115.28 125.43119.87254128.54246.24107 s131.3112075 135.16130.11 69.477.8121.58 17345 s 76 s 69 s190 s 106 s0 s 346.65 10365.888.50 164 s 42.48 120.58 134 s75.848.36 111.46 75 s66.88118 s94 s 72167.8361.90 77.468.9 56.8 129.56289.56353.54 61 113.5172s116 s 111.15 102 s 74.03272.0597.46 79.57117.47 84.92119 s52 s 223218s 28.33 133 s185.69 0 .9176 s163 49 s 264 277.7470.6862 s 111.2131.57 5 s 49 s 38.4 102.44 63.6130 s128 s51 s 183.450 48.7175 s116 s 278.2566154 172.21 191.2389104.0319.93162 s62.7105.78155.46214.31 68.851 s305.4865 s172 s99s 79.123031 s 142.5 178.36152 s117 s 50 s 82 s240 s_ 525.42 179.14112 s 50 108.577.8861.45 2 8 0 16 s53 s50.967 s117.23 7 6 .8 8 21.542 .9 4 102.32101175.28 2 6 1 s 66.92 130.64 114.48175 160376.1 74.9 75 3.3212.8097.15418.52 3539s646.2 111 s 189 s125.65 118.2 246.73100s 64 7.89 128190.9110 s 42103.15144.86 148.38102.56 121.54102 s102.34 171 s270.7 137 s 82s 71.11 168.38167.23 136.06 115 s83.12233.64355.28128.5113.246.81 268 s 176 s 413s 66156.84220.75224.8181.7183.8131.65650122 s 50 s133 s105.59 131 s116 s 208 s 6 3 s71 s 127.3118.92 127 s79 s 87.06 46 s 241 s 292 s15140.02 179.71 117 s103.09 104 s 142 s49 s449 s 82 s116.55 127.70 25 s87 s304.93175.33 10696 s 126.90 20 8.39303.502 7 2 s 300117.9 128 s 133 s100.05174174.94144 s218 s 93.38198.7686.03150155 s 114 s 451.18 526.79s12 s 59 s27.7221.5141 s 165.9194 s 1 8 0 .0 2 45.6 152 291.7559s10.23 35.4 70.91 150.0662 s 6139 s 1 7 3 .9297.09 17.1697.25 24 s 145.5 96.2356 s47 127.76 90.5 138.64 103290 s70.791515102 s49 s 150.3150.070.00 51.1 226.8648.2332.93 50.12126.0726.53171.19100 s48198.1526.24113 s 47.342 65.09149.8470.395 s65.1 2834.8 190.73 191.3346.6 212.09140.9864.29 74.79173.4 147.4 58 200.75217.6327.957.34 74.61 67.62169.362 3 6 205.2717 188 s 201.49 6 2 .1 1 0 8 .5 4 18 7.44 18 8.16 84.9 2763.2 70118.13 218.1135.63 83.3684.5 206.622667.6 57.3 46 s 54 9.2 28.27 26 60.1371.13 .5 108.593.5 55 32 65.7054.3 1 0 0 .0 8 4 198.3203204.5779.59518.25 87.724.78 2046.5 8029.17 84.695.9794.8184.92 202.21164.28179.2135.6 73.27 138.99 160.36 130199.57 2 .8 8 6 2 .1 92.07 64.1 91.3412172.6 9 72.4 65.8178.59526 90.8661321.995.6 U S SMALLBUSINESSADMIN TRUMANSBURG SENIORS INC TRUMANSBURG SENIORS INC EPISCOPAL CHURCH CATHOLIC CHURCH ULYSSESPHILOMATHICLIBRARY TOWN OFULYSSES VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURG VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURG METHODISTCHURCH TRUMANSBURG HOME TELEPHONE CO TOWN OFULYSSES VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURG VILLAGE OFT'BURG 5.2 28.2 28.1 27 13 2.2 3 87 209 23 1.1 3 42 4 525 2 7.141 17 16 20 7.2 19 940.2 18 5 1 29 2 7 39 3 10 413 530 96 11 31 34 14 1378 11 9 10 1 33 2 3 47 5 7 11 6 6 16 38 36.2 2.2 22.2 37 36.1 35 10 8 9 15.128.326 5.11 5.12 22.1 24 1.2 1.2 14 1.2 8.1 8.2 10 3.2 3.1 8 12 19 18 20 21 1.1 2 4 181317 19 6 1 2.1 21 32 15 17 16 15 3.1 3.2 1 15101112 16 14 GREGGSTREET CAMPSTREETMAINWESTSTREET STREET EAST MAIN TRUMANSTREETSTREET WHIG WHIG STREET SOUTHSTREETELMSTREETPENNSYLVANIAAVENUEPEASE STREET 8 5 7 10 23.39 191.95.1 2.7 72 47.6 186.515.26 15.3024.3375120 229.45 45.615 0.0579.241.3131.6 2.1 2.3141.10102.19 1.1 165.1120.64 203.93 15.2 44 5.2 490 s20 s 6 1" = 200' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 1 " = 100 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 50 0 50 100Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 5.2 Ac 5.68 Ac C 1.09 Ac C 1.30 Ac C 1.30 Ac C 1.22 Ac 2.50 Ac 1.24 Ac 1.28 Ac 1.36 Ac C 2.08 Ac 1.11 Ac C O2 O5 O1 O6 O3 O4O7 243.35 104 s 229 s 139.4686 s673 5 0 s 257 s 102s 277 s 53.91 0 5 s 2 1 5 s 206 s52 1 9 0 s140 88.01240 s117 s372.274 8 2 2 5 160 s99.82 201.84 3 5 2 .9 2 1 2 9 s 1 2 8 s 104 100.16 98.5 177 s 274 s742.56173.623 s203 s239 s 125 s234 s 98 s 100 s 2 2 7 60 s 201 s3 5 s274 s200.57 133 s181.17 117 s99.47151 s 253 s275 s275 s112 s264.94100 s 100 s 125 s135.64197.38283 s 19196.594.96478s369s 55110.3 239.2165 s 128.35 1 2 5 s1 4 4 s 1 6 6.2 251s 459.295 7 9 .4 3 1 1 9 s 271 s270.66174 s145.80121.44234 s 95 s2 8 8 s 97s1 52 s66 80.69110.01 215.9092 s 264.9345.5058 217 s1514100.98 136.30225.94186.86143 s 110.5 99 s 1283750148.7 38.85 110 1 1 837 501 3 0 138.2839 s 2 587200 3866.2 6 5 s 6078.1460 140.7175.835 1 s 1 6 3 .5 9 1 8 2 . 6 6 2 .4150s 183.792 8 8 .510 9.514 0 56.90 99.63 275.5910262.9382.834 0 8 5 .2196 s 1 2 2 91.1 3 2 174.22 8 5 .2 42.48 1 9 2 . 9 2 81.84 1 5 4 245.61 2 7 s318.569 0 s 110.97802501 4 8 .8 124.94353 s 85186.23 353.4352.77 105.5102.91 2 5 125756.7124.61 2 5 1 2 5 s 125151.0825 241.8175 174.8132.6695 s155.85135.73151.2129 1 3 9 s 150216 90175 s164137119.785 1 .4 5 224.3149.44 3 7 7 s 99.01 3759.71201 6 6 s 127 s120.031 2 5 .4 2 123.55202.692 0 2 2 4 s 4 7 . 7 160.8140.567.396 164.11 0 0 .6 239.5220211.45 125 405 s 90175 164.95133 s176 s9 7.85 238.37 A L O N G C E N T E R L IN E O F C R E E K _________________ VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURG VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURG(PART OWNER) VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 25.2 6 11.2 15 9 11 18 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10.2 1 3 18 19202123 24 8 7 22 2 9 7 5 1 3 8 14 7 6 16 17 2 5 4 25.31 25.32 25.1 __ 10 13.1 1 2 1 6 4 17.2 15.1 3 321 8 12 13 14 ___16 10.1 2 3 13.2 12 15.2 15.3 6 5 41.1 1.2OFVILLAGE TRUMANSBURGWEST MAIN STREE T HECTORACADEMY STREET WEST MAIN STREET STREET MAIN GREGGSTREETSTREETS A LO D R IV E STREET K E N T U C KY OLD PEASE STREETCOREY AVEN UE 1 6 8 8 1 2 5 .3 1 125.241 7 4 . 7 5 17.1 2 8 5 .2310.2 0 198.81179.6510 98.17 79.4 4 4 7 s 49.62 2 7 1" = 250' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 1 " = 125 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 60 0 60 120Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 39.67 Ac 59.65 Ac O1 2904 0 5.3 7 3 6 6 .8 9 580.803 3 3 .4 9 3 8 3 .8 4 86 s150.021164.71750.513 0 6 7 1.9 0605 8 1.6 5 182.244 4 3 .3 2 7423 5 610.14 406.472.2 1 T O W N V I L L A G E O F O F T R U M A N S B U R G C O V E R T VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURGP A R K SID E D R M E A D O W V IEWDRVILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG FIRE DISTRICT11 1111 1111 1 7TOWN OF U L Y S S E SVILLAGE OF T R U M A N S B U R G T O W N ULYSSESOFV I L L A G E OFT R U M A N S B U R G 274 s2.12.19Ac 7.1 1" = 250' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 1 " = 125 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 60 0 60 120Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1.57 Ac 1.66 Ac1.54 Ac 1.00 Ac 3.87 Ac C 3.75 Ac 11.5 Ac C 2.90 Ac 1.26 Ac 1.27 Ac 2.65 Ac C 2.08 Ac C 1.69 Ac C 1.10 Ac C 3.15 Ac C 1.07 Ac 1.52 Ac C 4.74 Ac C 1.38 Ac O1 O4 O3 O2 O5 97 s 107 s271 s421 s82.366165 99.57 17 3.38418.0798 .6 9417.356.52 151.57358.3648.82001023 s16 s144.8786101.2 74 s107.69 52.56175 s 175 s 201.62 505 5 4 .2 5 220.99125 174.52190 s162 s 160 s 195 s153 s178 s71 s1 0 0 27 s117 s 1213.25100101.37101 s163 s 100 124 s145.541 8 6 .3 9 55 s 63 s 58 45.50 187.146 s175 s 418.5915 1 s101.14135.56492 s 172 129.05 58 s 90.84 125.78314.47 39.52101 s 89.47 175 s 161 s 7 5 s 100418403.2744.730 s543.43144 111 s18 4.44129.91206.79201.95 100.0360 s 223.4 s10 9 d 679 s 1 0 0 27 3.8 100 s273 s427.6 s489.254 .7 275218.3598.76102.4 2179.9792 s92 s299.52173 s223.4 s1 0 9 d 99 .8 s 256.4425.8 s23 3.70 17 3.39 160.26 17 6.3892 s132.13349.5 221 s20 0 d 2 0 0 d475 s259.6100 s161 s 140 370.35 114.89 222.5 221 s200 d 30 d 259.9120 s122 s475.59248.7327.95318.371 7 3 .8 9 16 043.7680.120223 214.7 151.71 102 s45.557.5 100145.06109 s92 s92 s216 s173s84 s165 s 162 22 s148.64 55.78 26.1727516 8 16 814 162 s111 s252.271 4 9 .1 0 100 s641.3100 10 0 181.91107 s92 s221 s20 9 d 2 0 9 d 200 d 1003 s1005.92162 s100 s691 s352 s16 5 s 35 2.50 168 98203.9113.5 80.03147.99132 s 333.89 20073 15.81 7 .5 890.14 1 7 3 .8 468.8 92.02 92.62104 s217 s3 3 4 .9 3 10094.44 98 s 17 6 s99.94286 s26 7 s 88 s 274.9592.17105.2398.4102 s911.2183.79 101.34 90.9633 4.15 2 7 4 .7 26613262142.1192 s56.8481.794.18172.59 272.37 274.48 320.12 74.83202.924 5 .6 4 176.61316.98 102.0499.5199.5105.4616 8.63177 s 102.7010017 1.68 __________VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURGVILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG ST JAMESCATHOLICCEMETERY 5.2 7.1 141517 19.1 5.2 4 3.21 2 1.32 1.21 1.12 2.1 5.1 2.3 7.1 1 2 28 3 4 5.1 2 75.4 83 9 4 5 161829 6 11 20 2 6.2 1.31 2.11 2.7 5.3 6 27 26 8 24.1 25 1.22 1.1 1.332 1 1.331 21 22 23 2.9 2.8 1 2.4 2.5 2.6 7.2 7.6 7.3 7.4 10 13 6.1 7.5 8 2.2 12 24.2OF VILLAGETRUMANSBURGVILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG S T R E E THECTOR PENNSYLVANIAAVENUESTREET PEASE PENNSYLVANIAAVENUEHECTORSTREETH A L S E Y K E N T U C K Y AVENUE STREET12 6 9 11 7 284.81258.627.2 1.23 Ac 173.3553.78 258.8333 3.54312.1072.37 106.91 1.23 27.65 429.04 19.2 137.78 228.3630 1.06 Ac P/O 9.-1-2 207.95 254.92 1 8 7 .3 0 8 1" = 250' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 1 " = 125 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 60 0 60 120Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 4.51 Ac 4.76 Ac C 5.84 Ac C 8.75 Ac C 3.71 Ac C 1.00 Ac 19.11 Ac 5.13 Ac G O1 O2 19 0.5 129.92 0 0130 153.45130.8 s308 s58.7 s 1273 s 144 s133.352 s700.8 20 6.51 270 s 200221 s 163.012 2 8 .7 5 47.94 8 0 s 99 s375.7165.291 7.7 110 s 155 s721.39109.79157 s354 s162s130.60131 s22 6.84 21 6 s 99 s32 7.95 94 .2 5 79 s21 6 s 31 3.01116.7200.05649 s99.77319.2110.1919 0.05 35988 s27 0 s15 s18 8 s159 s110 s110.81793.4539 s163 s125 s164 s187 s 564 s94.44100 s59 .4 3 110 s223.3852 4.22 2 2 6 .6 2 100.008022 6.52 60 s100.00100.00197.57 100.22100100.87199.16 196 9.3 9.6 4 10 6.1 2 4 5 1 8 3 9.5 9.4 5 6.2 11 12 7 8 9.1 3 6 7 8.-3-2.10 2 V ILLA G EO FTRU M A N SBU RG U LY SSESO FTO W NSOUTHST REETAVENUEPENSYLVANIA10 12 9.2 6 8 20 6.82 13 04 .7 7 1 1 2 1 .6 6 189.6 200 9 1" = 200' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 1 " = 100 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 50 0 50 100Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1.09 Ac C 1.43 Ac 5.84 Ac O1 315103.65110110 200 10 3.79100.15100.15 110200 277.02320.49103.65 103.65 103.65 103.64 100.15100.15100.15 298.75293.32244.66 100100 200 166.63166.63103.65103.65 110166.63102.73200 166.6432010 0.15100.15 189.6 200 110100 200 282.45287.89200 200 103.65 202.36 202.36 103.65 200 103.65 103.6556.5610 0.15 325.92331.3411063.65 11010 0.15 98.37 87.36102.74103.65 63.64 56.56103.64 166.63103.65 126.64103.65 110249.83265.20101.17 280.57155.93 100 164.38157.76 295.94311.31100 188.35219.09101.18 101.18 100 304.19100 166.63103.65 166.64166.6458..4700.8 110120.86228.83134.63244.53 300.19 100 100136.94150.01110110190.1102.73102.74100 100 101 326.84100 100.00100 100 103.65126.63200.85100 244.66 166.64166.64103.65 166.64166.64200 200.3 103.65166.63166.63245.50110210113124.9110.7120.6210113210 200.29 102.25 101.18 42 43 3459 1011 12 13 1 21 23 24 46 45 33 32 31 30 29 28 44 34 39 40 41 3736 38 49 48 2 20 16 17 18 19 14 22 25 26 27 8 51.2 51.1 51.3 52 6 1.46 Ac C 7 47 35 15 VILLAGEOFTRUMANSBURGULYSSESTOWNOFULYSSESTRUMANSBURGOFVILLAGETRUMANSBURG OLD BOUNDARY VILLAGE/TOWN VILLAGE OF LANETAMARAC PENNSYLVANIAAVENUESTREETSOUTHDRIVELARCHMONT 9 12 12 12 271.5915.3766 1 s 9.2 1" = 200' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 1 " = 100 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 50 0 50 100Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 59.58 Ac C 1.38 Ac 2.50 Ac C 1.80 Ac C 1.14 Ac 1.45 Ac C 1.30 Ac C 1.44 Ac 4.87 Ac 1 Ac C 1.29 Ac C 1.2 Ac 1.45 Ac 4.06 Ac C 4.17 Ac O1 O2 202.97345 183 s15 5 s 307 s29 s717.01 472 101 s94 s176 s246 s181 s335s 327.18 170.57 231 s 123 s 173 s 22 2.4963 s192s147 s 217 s 87 s103 s370 s193s 84 s 2 6 1 s 179 s 96 s 1063 s100 s179 s256.4156 s221207 s123 s 128 s239 s 88 s56 s178 s52 s991 s39.92 79.5 152.20224.01201 209 s461 s 124 s 201 s176 s121.09210 s141 s329.0293.59463 s 28 s155.7085.70175 s177.42 266.44 110 36 s18.036796150.11114.28430.81 126s 122 s 11 2 65.7259.42 83.12 3 3 4 .5 0 198.8081.04241.82 99.6121.8240.85197.39105.321 5.43 136 464.6697.6181.07 324 s325 s435.84222.97 100.6206.96 275164.2895.67 135.6 98.52729.40 180.99981047.44 62.42 205.44310 79.78201.50 21 2 120.9626.630442.2052.6129.8 199.795.97242.29 TRUMANSBURGCENTRAL SCHOOL TRUMANSBURG CENTRAL SCHOOL TRUMANSBURGCENTRAL SCHOOL TRUMANSBURGCENTRAL SCHOOL FAIRGROUND ASC 3 1.2 11.2 5 10 1.2 2 1.1 4 17 16 14 4 11.1 12.1 20 12.21 12.42 3 21.1 18.1 19 18.2 12.3 12.41 12.23 P/O 9.-2-2 6 8 7 9 13 15.2 12.22 15.1 V ILLA G EO FTRU M A N SBU RG STREETSOUTHSTREETF A L L S S T R E E T WHIG STREET EAST STREET MAIN STREET MAIN EAST STREETCEMETERYCEMETERYSTREETTRUMAN5 4 12 9 9 13 6 AB A N D O N E D S E C T I O N O F R O A D199.21 10 10 1" = 250' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 1 " = 125 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 60 0 60 120Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 4.50 Ac 3.47 Ac 12.58 Ac 7.00 Ac 2.04 Ac 1.73 Ac 13.44 Ac1.88 Ac 5.52 Ac 6.76 Ac1.22 AcC1.74 Ac 5.13 Ac1.20Ac 65.60 Ac C88.59 Ac C G 22.99 Ac C 3.89Ac 2.35 Ac 1 . 5 9 A c 4.14Ac C 1.20 Ac 1.12Ac 1.21 Ac 2.03 Ac3.86 Ac 3.71 Ac C 138.05 Ac C 3.30 Ac C 2.19Ac C 21.38 Ac 6.42 Ac 90.80 Ac C 15.96 Ac 2.99Ac C 37.47 Ac C 4.62 Ac C 14.08 Ac C 29.09 Ac 10 Ac C 15.62 Ac C 2.01 Ac C 4.50 Ac C53 Ac C 31.88 Ac C 15.50 Ac C 3.85Ac C 1.08 Ac 2.70 Ac C 1.2 Ac 1.04 Ac 1.09 Ac 2.89 Ac 1 . 2 7 A c 3.20Ac C 1.85 Ac 4.85 Ac 6.13 Ac 6.35 Ac 5.45 Ac 6.44 Ac 1.8Ac C 2.64Ac 21.10Ac C 3.96 Ac 43.81 Ac C 15.71 Ac 1.21 Ac 1.39Ac O3 O1 O4 O2 O5 727.52730.65 382.26377.25 72 9.89 13 2 s 5 0 1.0 2 3 1 2 s 2 5 6 s192 150.4 53873 3.23 2 3 0 .0 2 2 2 9 .7 91625 s181.77 2863 25.1 906 s142.973 6 3 249.64197.81 245.05151 s2 7 2 3 3 4 752.9 328.2550400.89 253.8316.71285 s530285 s839 s421 s11 73 .7865 s856.543 14 s 293 s1004.47757 s804.9112 2 s20 6 s100 104.08175 s25 7 s 27 0 26 9 s 175 s1 0 1 2 430 s54 2 s1023 s511 s173s589 s72 6.39 13 00 s 20 8 s 169 s354 s749 s11 03.81 984 s2 5 1 s 358.4421 4 s 185 s25 8 s 504.5543 9 s 377390 s100 s182 s169 s20 7 s 302 s 629 s 482 s757 s4 7 1 s 1774 s2291202.13 471.32424.51 8 8 .7 5 37 5.86 14 54 .73 700.3223 0 77 2.25230 s99 s 775 s2467 s428.58382.88589 s 233.13363.51107340 s869.2229 76 .6 82164 s241.642 0.57218 s157.15 2 6 2 .4 1 4 6 8.4 2 199 s 200.0044 9.25 28 8 s 45 3 s 185 s331 s106.514 4 d 20 0.13 25 00 s 46 4.25 150695.31256.5750306.78 25200.7 169.2366 417 s412.78150 d22 3 s 211s1064 s 20 3.46213s 699 s3 0 4 .9 1 254 s2562 2 7 .6 5 2 4 5 .4 1729.64132.6 210 7 3 3 .4 5 10 00 s1040 s907.18205 s100 s 302.94269.10586.85744.45338.78480.68366 s18 6 s365 s4 08.25 141.3253.5 s 224 258.671014 s80.761 9 1.1 7 18 0 s 29 9 s 292 s 150 s 18 6 s 169 s503 s173 s220 220341 s156 s4 0 5 327 s205280.4351.68453.73 131 s1 5 9 s17 6 s 19 2 175.87208.63450.42399 s314.4 166 s 524 s525.81233.2 42 9 s 1 3 2 s 2 7 0 s 38 7 s 171 s119 s264 s85.36194.4348 118.411436 0 s 274 s 14 6.7 2 8 1 .0 7 107.23 6 2 2 s119.9155 240 s1823 3 0 .7 6 136.2290967.10150 120 s1889 9.8 18 3.24 2050.18 9912 5245.3403.343 4 7 .9 461 8 8 7 .6 5057 8.79 210210.51915.25 240.518 7 s 610.14 1032.71 828.71544.64145.17683.61171.89 1 1 4 s735128.535 5721 1051004 3 6.7 25 2.71 31 7.53 3 2 2 . 0 3 318.81511 s11 23 .3 767 59 143.637 18 5 47 2.65 5253 9.70 3 8 5 .2 0 458 s25 5.00 342.4413 19 .1 2 339.820 6 s 18 5.37 26 7.7171.84 20514 6 s 149.06502 s486.54339.7182.2420 6 s 52 s 111 s166249504 5 571 4 5 .4 4 238 s11781.54 9 9 .8 9 1 4 5 .5 119.63227.633 7 6 .0 3 CATHOLIC CEMETERY __1110 33 27 5 2 24.1 25.4 1.1 10.210.9 21.2 6 .2 16.2 15 8.211 7 10.56.3 6.2 10.46.1 10.8 5 1 3 2223 32 1.3 20.1 10.1 10.3 24.2 1 3 32.2 8.2 29 28 8.1 20.2 18 1416.1 17 7.2 6.28 3 2 4.2 1.1 1.2 6.2 9 196.11 6.13 6.12 32.12 32.11 5 3 __6.1 9 8.1 10.6 4 __ 4 . 1 4.2 25.22 25.21 7.2 5 6.4 1.1 1.2 32.13 30 31 10.7 2 6 5.22 5.21 5.1 21.1 20.3 1213SCHUYLERCOUNTYSENECACOUNTY T O M P K I N S CO U N T Y TOMPKINSCOUNTYULYSSESOFTOWNOFOFVILLAGETOWNVILLAGE OFR O A D RO A D CURRYROADS EA R S B URG C O U N T Y R O U T E 1 4 9 WEST SENECA ROADROUTEMECKLENBURG227GERMAN RD(ABANDONED)STATEM E A D O W V I E W D R P A R K SID E D R ULYSSESFIREU L Y S S E S D I S T R I C TFIRE DISTRICT12 22 4.13.04 Ac219.8520 0 2 0 0 .0 2 22040 0.03 310.01441.627 5 4 . 2 1 328330.5246 sO2P/O ____5 2 .5 11324.98TOWN OF ULYSSES 257.59195.25 20 0.18 200.008 7 1 2 2 8 s 2 4 0 sTOWNOF U L Y S S E SVILLAGE OF T R U M A N S B U R G T O W N ULYSSESOFV I L L A G E OFT R U M A N S B U R G TRUMANSBURG11 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 17.00 Ac 6.40 Ac 6.18 Ac 27.43 Ac C34.76 Ac C G 13.49 Ac C 26.09 Ac C 2.3 Ac 15.19 Ac C 4.41Ac 1.69Ac1.85Ac C 2.11Ac 1.70Ac 1.68Ac 10.15 Ac 1.06 Ac 8.37 Ac 3.2 8 A c 4.20 Ac 1.74Ac 2.10Ac C 1.7Ac C 123.33 Ac C 1 .7 5 A c C 2.66Ac 1.90 Ac 7.33Ac C 1.95 Ac C 10.54 Ac C 42.65 Ac C 26.15 Ac C 16.56 Ac C 13.64 Ac 4.45Ac C 30.34 Ac C 1.47Ac C 3 Ac C 5.50Ac C 24.66 Ac C 1.40 Ac C 5.30 Ac C 2 Ac C 23 Ac C 10.97Ac 27.60 Ac C 4.15 Ac C 2.17 Ac C 3 Ac C 7.35 Ac C 1.4017.04Ac C 34.14 Ac 9.58 Ac 42.64 Ac 39.58 Ac C G 131.60 Ac C 34.27 Ac C 4.18 Ac 3.06 Ac 10.16 Ac 1.74 Ac Ac C 1.52 Ac 1.56 Ac C 4.62 Ac 1.23 Ac 10.30 Ac 1.50 Ac 1 Ac C 9.75 Ac 1.01 Ac C 6.71 Ac 6 Ac C 33.26 Ac C48.45 Ac C G 2.22 Ac 18.78 Ac 1.24 Ac C 56.78 Ac 10.34 Ac 94.98 Ac 3.09Ac C 7.13 Ac 1.35 Ac 1.28 Ac 8 Ac 12.39Ac C 2.47Ac 1.65Ac 1.85 Ac 12.38 Ac 1.15 Ac 8.32 Ac O1 O3 O4 O2 134.44368.1719 1 s 19 2 s 200.30489372.1752 6.74 199.70449845.09862.97831.66731 s1491.51250 s741.5875253.9649 s656.2198.0 5252s 582 s267.3 136 s628s17 87 s 1 1 2 6 s 159.7536.2 372s 782s 311.15883s1484s49 s4 1 6 s 266.93367.76275283.06 273.75 42738.926 8 s 198s 657s1096.133 4 0 s 50.16300.19 348s 197 s11 6 8193333 s 192 s24 3 .7 16 5126 659s599 s283s 6 50s215.97 215 148 77 5 1 3 1 5 s 520 s219 s3 7 4.3 2 1383 s 564 s275.83200 250.00 273.0 144270s226s 467 200.00 135 593s 4 0 508.1 275 679 s 1023 s 196.85 188s215 650.14 3 6 4 s63 9 6 s502002502 3 8.7 6200 367.09132s 49 s208s146 s 481 s34 144936s107 s 93 s 4 8 1 .2 9 380471.8506.78 245.25 414s330752 s 257.223 0.34 199.85 380374.63 940 s391.8 14 0.55 1378.37 1081 s 1159.79238.29570.91795.51306.43 629s451.17 208.75 d1110.99 123.79441.1153 200 470 s1201 s25 658.67 1472 s 131. 8 3 229.8154s213s282.68408.7140433 s 8 0 7 s 71 2 7 4 7 s 1425.21409s132 389s 9 6 4.7 1 4 6 2 227s336.531422 s6507 6 3 s 1250 s1455 s793s836 s268.71288.42226.73 2 5 1194.45 148.27 686.79 247 s149.54 300443.6620 9 s 3 0 472 s 88 s 152 s147s 81 s185 s 187s 156 s604 s 177s4 8 9 s 131 s138 s128 s126 s 670s 147s115 s 149.11115 s13 1.58 132 s178 s91 s 5 0 3 s182 s18 5 s239.681 2 2 .2 397 s1 4 8 .8 5 2 3 6 . 0 9612 s 73 2 s53 s 17 11 s 68 s 1410 s4 6 1 s 2 0 0 600.02 250.00 125.0338.881497 s991 s361.602 7 7 s307 s233s 275 s658261 s 417.662 5 8 s 4 7 3 s 522s 134 s 116 s3 6 9 s127 3 50.79 264.8238.08 8 8 6 .0 2 943 s57 s386s650.51 3 2 7 s 1442626s291 s200 200 436 s206 s 43 4 s343 2 6 5 s 7 3 1135.944351. 7 209 s179 s50 176.18 2 8 4 s 537 s76 s380 s130s51 1 .5 598 s200.00 200 1102.5 714.23 754.16 7420 0.70 201 s19 8.75138.81207 s123 s 211s 235.09461 34 s199 s115 s 84 s 562 8 4.6 5 320 s790 s402 s 137 s735 s316s257s 600190 s175.26247s 424 s 472 s 345 s 308 s126.77901s177.2 d 225 s388.1 15 5.73126131 s 25 3 s 201.7268.7967 4 s 126.4127.2625 3 s 150150351.855 189.5275 s19019 0332.718 9.5126.8275 s125 s121 s646.31368195610149.4306.63 131.56131.56155.96 212.62604.66394.0793.8149.3599 s 298.34158.7473200.407 2 5 . 0 0 731 s 184.10 591.38 115 3 0 7 s 3 0 6 s66 66277.83 1546 1 3 1 6 s 140 s160 214.0215 4 .191 8 0 284.68 370.30231.3018669731.91547.14 423.6389.7 202.57212.30213.9260.5799 323.14 0 0 .3 0 366.20922.03 (chord)8 8 77 s1 6 9 2262106 2 150.68144. 8 41 4 9 .6 1 834.3087 s 220.868 5 s 273 s200.9137 s2 4 0 .0 810 6263.70134.97208163161.93 168 1671.71 5 4 .6 1 6 0 .7207.3183.25134 2073.00 377.6476 4.7 3061 8.45 240.001020246.19 256s151.820 03 14.11 Ac 2 2 6 .9 5 197.98 190.60 664.67 105.2174.372 0 8 .6 8 1002 5 9 299.51 6 3 . 5 6 99.961 6 5.1 92 0 5 .8 8 219.73602.14299.511 1 8.7 2 34 9.03 222 s 2 9 4.4 6 421.01927.493 5 5 .0 8 370.46842.017 5 219.47 197525.8 426 s 20 0 458.71365.4580.9 132 480.60395.292 7 .4 9122140 2 7 6 .9 8 389.51035.75764.131901904 4169.8652.0372 s57.74 112.91228 s 114.7619s30 734.25471.36 294.58100.32 250127.55202.50 366.90330 182.11250 444.65121.03202.56506.86177.88 1 10.25 464.66170.12199.7634.38115.87 56.102 0 2 .5 0 490.74VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURG TRUMANSBURGCENTRAL SCHOOL TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK UNION AGRICULTURE &HORTICULTURE SOCIETY TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK ______TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK LATTER-DAYSAINTSCHURCH 18.619.1219.1119.219.31 9.519.529.53 12.2 12.1 11.1 15 2 14 18.1 18 13 17 225 21.2 4.2 94.13 3.2 16 4.15 14.1 13.2 12.2 10 29 16.3 18.2 1.2 22 23.3 1 6 .1 16.2 6 21.1 27.2 11 16.220.13 19.32 18.2 4 23.1 24 19 20 9 12 2 8 15 27.3 18.1 1.11 3.2 1.3 12.3 13.3 10.1 5 11 7 21.1 1 8 21.2 13 18.5 17 3.1 14 15.1 18.3 10 _ _19 9 8 23.2 18.8 1.4 1.5 2 3.2 3.1 4 1 6 12.1 26 25 27.1 8 7 28.2 10 5 6 7 5 3.1 17 6.1 6.2 .211.1 15.222 15.23 15.223 15.221 15.21 9.4 9.32 9.2 13.133 13.12 9.1 9.6 1 0 .2 10.3 13.131 13.15 13.132 13.11 10.4 9.31 18.918.4 10.5 9.33 ___23 __16 1.12 A C B 16.1 14.2 TOWNOFULYSSES U LY SSESO FTO W N OF U LY SSESOF TRU M A N SBU RG ULYSSES OF TOWN TOWN VILLAGE OFTOWN D U R LI N G ROADR A B B IT R U N R O A D EXTN.A V E N U EMECKLENBURGSTATE227 CURRY ROAD ROADC O L D S P R I N G S R O A D TRUMANSBURG ROAD STATE RO UT E 96HALSEYVILLEROADSTREETSOUTHROADROADROUTE PODUNKSTREETS O U T H W A T E R B U R GPENNSYLVANIA11 9 22 21 20 13 9.2 8 10 64.1T A U GH A N N OC K S T A T E P A RK 2 Ac G 1 1 9 7 . 2 9 4 3 . 8 4 23.513.14 ___111.620.2 260.7508.56 171.105 0 5 .5 2 242.42 Ac 9.55 Ac4.16 385.62303.401131.783 9 8.8 6 24 0 40019 5 19 5 1 6 .41.7 9Ac 16.5 43 5165 35040016.6 5066139.01 921.90628.96871.1320.11 20.1211.96 Ac 566.37TAUGHANNOCK CREEK378 s 129 887 s 176 s 11149140 s702 s12 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 3.61 Ac 44.99 Ac C 1.74 Ac 21.32 Ac 2.09 Ac 8.85 Ac1 Ac 2.03 Ac 6.84 Ac 1.83 Ac 14.06 Ac C 10.70 Ac C 31.80 Ac C 25.10 Ac 1.80 Ac 4.25 Ac1.35 Ac 18.60 Ac C2.86 Ac 3.62 Ac 2.00 Ac 3.58 Ac 2.28 Ac 2.00 Ac 1.49 Ac C1.71 Ac C G 13.85 Ac C 85.39 Ac C127.42 Ac C G 54.81 Ac C 21.27 Ac 1.76 Ac C 2. 0 3 Ac C2.12 Ac 1.85 Ac 8.13 Ac 1.64 Ac 16.3 Ac6.97 Ac 9.06 Ac 40.08 Ac 5.33 Ac 1 .3 2 A c60.52 Ac C 5.27Ac C 1.81Ac 1.44 Ac 1.17 Ac 5 .6 8 A c C 1 Ac 2.57 Ac C 2.65 Ac C 4.97 Ac 7.35 Ac C 36.51 Ac C91.32 Ac C G 2.45 Ac3.75 Ac C 6.18AcC 30.19 Ac C 2.33 Ac C 2. 6 0 Ac C90.50 Ac C 2.30 Ac 170.16 Ac C 8.08 Ac C G32.30 Ac C 34 Ac C 7.96 Ac C10.67 Ac G 3.20Ac C 14.39 Ac C G 67.80 Ac C 1.60 Ac C 2.70 Ac C 4.30 Ac C 2.40 Ac C 14.95 Ac C 1.21 Ac C 11.85 Ac C 31.75 Ac C 1.11 Ac c 1.06 Ac C 4.00 Ac 1 Ac C 4.09 Ac C 3 .3 0 A c C 5.30Ac C 2.50Ac C 1.20 Ac C 13.27 Ac C 14.42 Ac C 63.58 Ac65.34 Ac G 6.90 Ac C 1.90 Ac 5.00 Ac 2.75Ac 2.50Ac 39.46 Ac C 3.17 Ac C 2.80 Ac C 5.90 Ac 2.20 Ac C2.10 Ac3.09 Ac G1.53 Ac 1.97 Ac 7.81 Ac 7.71Ac 7.54Ac3.42 Ac 1.47 Ac C 2.89 Ac 12.43 Ac C 2.9 Ac O4 O1 O7 O3 O5 O6 O2 197.881991 21.4111.5152.5 216.00157 s193s1927 s 75216.0046 4.30 169.93391.4124 9 .3 5 267.12186.85259s700.13 140 716.92 4 1 9 .8 3417.169 s 102.30227 s762 s2 8 4 s 350(c)421s3 7 9 s 60 9 125.87485.60 72 4.7 8 2 1 0.9 1 4 1 8 s1256.363 1 0 .9 0624.064 0 0 553.915 5 5 .9 0264.5335.53175729.2714 2 3.8 1 265.93 3 8 9 . 8 9 1 2 5 582.58105.3155.791.61 2 3. 5 0 8 8 .8 9 2 7 4 .5 425823290.7 0 778.31600 297270.5139532 4 6 s135.8433 s 837s 98.3106 s570s587 s 459.89 173.38 252.70194 s746559.90481.2119 281 177.621 4 4 s 11 14 s 608 s580.2590.50618 s265111.542 5 90.31 163 s 278.96642.95 2 7 4 .6 7 167 s205 s11 73 s 2 1 0 s 21070 370 s165.1 8 1 3 2 4 s 310.65622.47 301 s287s 20 s 1 3 2 3371063 s165222 s17 9.4583s 301.98536497.2241 s 148 s24 7 s 178.20 382 s829.39 29 8.8 277 s19 27 s 327 s25 01283.781058s 500199.8845 s1952 s 1816 s 572.38 167 s 262 s20 1 s 345.26174.94 1822 s21 0 667.31 57 6 s 2793 s1 1 3 2 s 338 s85 s190 s 386.81275.007 7 0 s592 s3 7 4 s 4 3 s 4 5 1 s 202 s44917 1.70 285s250260.0 0 1989s 1 7 2 s 8 6 4 s 101230 s 557.39 374.16 277.71 1 2 8 774 s 515 s6 1 9 .58 69 s190.99 303 823 s 800s375 s338999s 22 6 s 901.91 203 s 121.44250.50 1342 s 1018 s2 43 s250 s173.4 0 331s2271207s949s192 s1160 s780.56 0 6 .4 4 995.63 1 4 1 9 2 3 8 .9 8 254750.4 131.3923 4 s 62s 244.31380 s 3 2 4 .1 9 46 4.30266.69 5 0 8 2 0489 4 3 0 .4 5 82 6 s 52118412111 3 2 1009275.875 24.89 s174 s 579 s 473s 47 0.79 18 1 s1618 s 298.247 7 3 s242.88624 s1123 s 891211s376 s204.616 15 s 3 8 0 .8 4112 s11 7 s 97.8224 6.28 39 5 96.82180 s153s 1 8 0 254.961238 2301.20423s2 4 1 s1 5 1 s86s92s145 s 497.6 s 122 s148 s 67 s1030.7 4 1 2 . 1 2 1 4 9 .8 8 2 2 6 . 1418.72289 s1 5 0 .6 224 s 2 3 1 .5 155 s190 s1 1 0 s65636265172 s 387 s 524.32126.28121.10413s 21333 8 s 92 .7 4 181.791009s 51 s172.0988.44102 1169.80 50 2 9 6 310.3424s30.4 663.96 50 0.62 677.15 2 6 4. 1 8309105314.32159.09 677.18166.51226 s355594 s 2 01s212 s14 7 s 58 s86.46388s493.02 79 s436 s473.87494.81518.31177.26 434 s 472 s 6 1 4 s 473.34 14 13 s 66273 s1459 s 230 s 157206.04 129 s3 7 2 s 1280 s 324 s7 6 9 s1055 s37.49657s27 s93 s1004.61635s5 1 3 .7 6 100.201 7 9 . 3 361s303s 363.82258.52529.6 d309.16 s378.35 335s 2 8 8 s 274.2 287 s86 s74 s148 s 149.793 5 1 s549 1253.891 1 2 8 .5 21053.161649.06422 s117 s253.33304.4256 s 2 0 169 s222 s 40 7 s 674 s 165s23 9s166 s 2 9 6 .7 5356 s23 0 s 429 s 66 s187.92523 s 146 s 256.8 218 s 3 1 7 s 128 s454s41 s87 s18 s60 s 92s73 s1 0 72 s 79 s79 s67 s1 7 1 s 917 s 2 9 1 s 115 s274 s4 1 6 s 91 2 s 170 s485s562 s876s157 s303.46 978.131 6 6 2 5 5 426 s 303.40 2 9 5 1064.61503.49234.504 2 9 s 7 3 s 212 s101 21 9.79 5 7 9 s 191 s1 6 7s1 4 9 s 117 s608 s616s401s 236s325s1184.19325282.44133.03 131.7221.06527.15250237.9362 3 7 82.186.73 169.575 4 2 0 4 .5 42.36 99 225 s196.10242.45291 s1 1 9 . 1 202s44 s 7 3 s 46.79804s244 s173. 9 7 6 3 .1 1 128.5524 5.03 275.4299.59 110.7835 8.0 4 10 0.4 7118.5 9 141 s189.03318.7488s1 6 1 s 2 8 6 s509s 50 69.94 50.2 252.08 441.16438.47517.47322.39 441.16264.29 322.39 246 s214.36471.262 2 3 .6 2 81.7 101.874.61 5 9 .1 8 248.78 157s58 s235.547 5 s 2 2 4 . 3 6 18378 s 186 s449.12 4 0 0 158437.7273201 5 0 540206 3 0 0600130238163 s293.642011 6 1 297 229 593.47 552757322 0 5263 4 3 5284.4874 248 s1096 5 5 0 . 4 361.01225.447 4 3 .2 3 647.30247.13 123.5 212.1981.9 85.7815 0.77174.67 183 s72 71 36 319189284209 NEW YORK STATE,PEOPLE OFTAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK GROVE CEMETERY PINEWOODS PLAYGROUND ASC TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK STATE OF NEW YORK NY STATE PARKS & REC. TOWN OFULYSSES NYSTATEPARKS & R E C. NY STATE PARKS & REC. TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARKTAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK T A U G H A N N O C K S T A T E P A R K TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK ______________________ 1715.1 1.1 5.1 5.23 1 2 7 15.131 2 2.3 6.18.21 8.22 14.2 14.3 14.416.1 2.1 2.4 8.1 12.4 9 10 8.2 8.132 8.3 9.2 2.12 5.22 5.31 5.32 3 6.2 1.2 11 5.24 4 5.21 17.23 4 17.1 17.22 7 22 5 9 16.2 4 3.1 3 6 2 1.1 1.417 10 1.5 14 7 8 15.1218.113 915.11 3.11 1 13.1 10 2 7 12.2 3.1 20 10 14.1 19 13 11.112.3 18 3.43 3.3 15.122 2.2 8 5 11 17.21 20.120.221 1.3 1 4.1 15.2 __11 4 _14 4 52.11 3 12 7 5 6 4 3.83.5 3.7 9.1 10 13 __12 12.1 6 16 19.1 15.126 15.123 9.14 Ac 15.125 9 8 15.124 14.2___18 8.131 6 2 3.22 3.23 3.21 19.2 15.323 15.2 8.12 8.118.141S E N E C A CO U N T Y T O M P K I N S T O W N O F C O V E R T U L Y S S E SOFTOWN TOWNVILLAGEOFU L Y S S E S T R U M A N S B U R G CO U N T Y OFEXT.RICE ROAD F A L L S R OAD TAUGHANNOCK BLVD CAYUGAVIEWROADS A V E RC OO L RO A D P R OSKINE ROADSTREETLAKE FALLS ROAD TRUMANSBURG ROAD STATE ROUTE 9 6 T A U G H A NNOCK P AR KROADPARKS T A T E ROUTE 96TAUGHANNOCKROAD20 14 4 3 10 12171.7656 3 8 10 0.4 7100.4 723.7 80.54115.54 19.86ABANDONED PORTION OF OLD RICE ROAD297.1519.6179.6 328.54 13.2 2.73 Ac 809.1413.662.53589.4565.82S E N E C A C O U N T Y 650250.814 704.9518 697.71182.32 1236.112.68 Ac C34 38 9.30 186 s16 13 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictIthaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1.23 Ac2.64 Ac 32.99 Ac 23.75 Ac C 2.38 Ac 5.98 Ac C 1.53 Ac 6.84 Ac C 3.02 Ac C 32.42 Ac C4.72 Ac C 34.16 Ac C 9.44 Ac C 5.55Ac C 71.60Ac C 6.55 Ac C 1.16 Ac C 2.01 Ac C7.97 Ac C 1.70Ac C 6.50Ac C 7.18 Ac C13.31 Ac C G1 .5 0Ac C 70.50 Ac C 18.40 Ac C 7.80 Ac C 43.72 Ac 10.37 Ac C 7.50 Ac C 3.71 Ac C 4.31 Ac 71.80 Ac C 3 Ac C 15.15 Ac19.70 Ac G 4.26 Ac C 8.04 Ac 6.12 Ac C1 Ac C 3.76 Ac C 5.70 Ac C 9.17Ac C 5.13Ac C 15.32 Ac C 2.29 Ac C 1 Ac C 1.30Ac C 1.30 Ac 6.40 Ac 1 Ac C 1.50 Ac 62.79 Ac 19.95 Ac 4.57 Ac 7.83 Ac C 10.50 Ac 1.17 Ac3.90 Ac 13.20 Ac 1.14Ac 2.75 Ac 1.66 Ac C 5.61 Ac 3.96Ac 26.70 Ac C 2.63 Ac 2.06 Ac O2 O1 O3 O4 448 s859s236 s551512 7 5 s 210.5138186 s370 s 2371 s 799s4 8 5 s 570 s625.9172 3 6 1 .4 51443.42(1 4 48 .0 3 s u r v ey l i ne ) 95 0.411320 510.40 3 6 0 . 5 5873s411s2 5 0.2 9 478 s 2501 7 5217 s167 s 337.70480s665s200 s236 s381.9135 1.521062s410 s1073s1794 s 8 03s319.58990s4 8 3 s 203 s210 s 814s1 7 5 3 8 s 6841 9 7 s 283 s 177 s 1742s865s423s60 s84 s941.69 237 s251 s379s 319.76868.1131 s 486 s251 s485s 371s9658 0 s 380 s302s801212 s 1447 478 s 5 4 . 5 6 2 2 8 s 378.08 947s690s275 s1 7 1.1 8 397.8296.371925s 390 271.692.33681 s64.46320.32200.301323s332 s 559s1847s 1014s 74 s885s211 s270.63453 s2217s 1 1 4 3 s358s506s569 s362.5 5 384s 91 s 372.13188.1 775.6951747.64200s 100 s308s 113 s 351.74807 s1071s 110 401 s 447 s 6 6 6 s 30 4.67732. 6 5 897.18689.50 to survey line898.92472s 850s66 7 s350 s51 s2 08 s7 9 7 s 382 s119360.51173s471 s569.19349.59 163 s 288 s1641s256 s761s 54 6.22495.3 1 854.57175 1 4 7 1 s 196.78 2 87 s 1103s 357 s2 1 9 .34131 s 289.2 196 s615s299 s 625s206 s282 s214 s598s 85 71 s284.87 353.086772205.4 271.522501 5 2 s1 42 s1 4 7 s139 s694s612s5 4 2 s 270 s331 s356s192 s7 3 1 1 7 s 5 42s63501 s2 4 6 s 3 9 s 44 330.66342 240.54 1505 . 8 114 s 495s 73.07 263 s 437s3 33s3 7 8 s 68340 s149 s2 5 6 s 206 s928s171 s 2 54 s98.90347 s 1 6 1 s 1 7 5 s162 s502s54 190s 863.71 426 416 66339.12217 s 28 s 632s 245 s57290s204 s472 s 303 s1046.97614 0 7 .2 6 687s 168s 926.10346.1 18 3.70 338.601103.39198.88 73.05 211.95 212.07 819.27275.12 2 2 9 s254179.24464.69655s1892.9656688 434.2722 1.58 260.06 2000'alongclofcreek1210'alongclofcreek51 3.31 245.51560 s364s170.6523.9 302.61199501.93 476.79163.87 260 s 17.351 16 292 8 8 .2 3114.82 3 8 .8 5 149.5307 10813 2 80 4.82 4 2 1 . 4 5 145.5434.87303.36233.77322.95434 127.3 4 8 6 .5 9 165.13 8 2.6 1 TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK TA UG H A NNO C KSTATE P A RK TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARKTAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK(T.S.P.) TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK(T.S.P.) TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARKTAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK(T.S.P.) JONESCEMETERY NYSTATEPARKS&REC. TA UG H A NNO C KSTATE P A RK TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK N Y S PAR KS&REC. T.S.P. TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK 28.22 2526 12 18.1 29 31 15.2 10 4 2 3 6 18 14 13 18.2 3 15 2 54.22 1.422 21 17 2 14.31 5 24 14.32 6.4 14.5 14.2214.4 14.61 14.62 7.1 7.2 4.12 28.3 28.1 1 8__6.1 6.56.316 1 8 9 7 4 5 16 17 3 1920 3 23 30273 2 13 12 11 14.72 10 14.71 11 28.21 __34.1 7 8 9.1 14.1 14.8 1.3 1.2 1.5 S E N E C A C O U N T Y C O U N T YTOMPKINS T O W N U L Y S S E SOFTOWN TOWN OF LANSINGULYSSES OF TOWN TAUGHANNOCKPARKROA D 89GORGEROAD R O UTE GORGEW IL L O W C R E E K ROADGORGEROADBOULEVARD BOULEVARD JACKSONVILLEROADR O U T E 8 9STATE TAUGHANNOCK BOULEVARDROADPARKTAUGHANNOCK ROADTAUGHANNOCK TAUGHANNOCK STATE ITHACA U L Y S S E S FI R E D I S T R I C T ITHACA CITY SCHOOLSCHOOLDI S TR I C T ULYSSES TRUMANSBURG CI T Y SCHOOL DISTRICTSCHOOLCITYDISTRICTDISTRICTSCHOOLCENTRAL13 19 19 15 16 42.9 14.63 3.52Ac 521.2718 5.52 54 134.93 405.75 204.7 8 7 8 .0 4346.202 2 5 321.034.11 4.21 16.5190 s16 s67 s 253 s510.66488 s25 60 .6 7 17 171.23137.35107.47 1 6 1 .5 8 118.13423.21185.64 1 9 5 . 1 2 459.45924 6.218.73 Ac 15.1 24.90 Ac C 1085.3T A U G H A N N O C K C R E E K 3 0 5 .4 1 522 s123 s 354 s206 s 183 s TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK T.S.P.T.S.P.TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARKT.S.P. T.S.P. TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK T.S.P. T.S.P. 14 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictIthaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1.25 Ac C 3.85 Ac 1.5 Ac O1 2 0 8 1 9 0 100 2 0 7.793201s 190142205s 1 7 7 s186 105 s 287 s 326 s287 s 3 1 5 s 314.12172 s 332.64528.11 27649524228 6.8 232.9233TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK 8 2 3.1 3.2 6 7 1.1 4 R O U T E S T A T E 9 9 T A U G H A N N O C K B O ULEVAR D 14 16 14 L A K E C A Y U G A 52.64 131.57 1.22 Ac265 15 1" = 200' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 100 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 50 0 50 100Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Ithaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1.05 Ac 1.77 Ac 2.38 Ac 1.45 Ac C 1.20 Ac C 2.26 Ac 1.18 Ac C 1.31 Ac 5.8 Ac O1 O1 218 s 169 s 314s 264s 246.31 58 s 20 17268chor d9330270 559 s138 s139.76229 s225 s 259 s104 s207s80 s81.98 154s2631 46s 331 chord 492 s177.12 308 s 203 s 318.39 179.94 1 4 5.2 232.53 3 6 s 226.53185.6191.94281.06276152.1175 1 0 5 .1 3 89.5598.91 46.930.1637 s 454.77 441.51 3 4.3 7 9 10 16 2 5 6 15 14.1 14.3 4.2 13 STATE ROUTE 89 BOULEVARD TAUGHANNOCK ROUTE 99 STATE 15 14 14 14 LAKE CAYUGA 181.7433475 223 chord 454 chord 461 s 92 chord 16 1" = 250' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 125 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 60 0 60 120Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Ithaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 3.13 Ac 4.03 Ac 1.50 Ac C 1.8 Ac 3.96 Ac 7.33 Ac C 5.46 Ac C 2.31 Ac C 1.86Ac C 3.89 Ac C1.35 Ac2.07 Ac G5.87 Ac O1 O1 295 s 200.0 206s187 s79 s301s552 s229 s 20 s 101 s 103s 103s 99s 173 s179 s183 s339 s144 s98 s 110 s159 s84.3 d853.47206 49.7 d 421.7 d70.2 d103.671s 37.5 d90d 466.3 d117s 74.4 62 d100 d200 d155 d281 s 779 s342 s132s 293.42 99 s 52s 1 2 6 .7 d910d 79 d 485 s 220 s249.37287 s117s 117s 169.1714 s280 s 6 7 .9 d 65s 110s 4 6.2 d81.8 d42.3 d 144s92s167s423s1541 199.4737.7 3237643 107.9479.29152.87100 5883.03 24410 1 175 12589.95130.5235.3288.9210058.3 8 156.48 80 9 .8 1108.1879.2332.2224125.07 134 s 1074.56348.291 8 0 . 6 2104s 2217 3 4 7 8 11 19 20 1.2 2 5 16 18 21 6 10 12 15 9 BLVD. TAUGHANNOCK STATE ROUTE 89WILLOWPOINTROAD18 18 18 18 CAYUGA LA K E 844.5282Lot 3 Lot 4 17 s 17 1" = 250' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 125 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 60 0 60 120Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Ithaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 2.13 Ac 3.44 Ac 1.47 Ac C 36.32 Ac C 24.60 Ac 67 Ac C 87 Ac C 9.62 Ac C 7.03 Ac11.72 Ac G 4.20 Ac C 6.76 Ac C 2 Ac C 12.34 Ac C 2.51 Ac 16.17 Ac G 46.65 Ac C47.89 Ac C G 4.79 Ac 7.98 Ac C17.60 Ac C G 28.73 Ac C 12.76 Ac C 34.1 Ac 4.51 Ac C 10.77 Ac 1.01Ac 1.40Ac 2.09Ac C 1 A c2.60 Ac 6.87Ac C 2.48Ac 1.09 Ac C 11.38 Ac 43.19 Ac C71.16 Ac C G 17.75 Ac C 9.15 Ac C 6.13 Ac 2.12Ac 8.76 Ac C 2.70Ac C 3.25 Ac C 5.30 Ac 1.20 Ac 1.14Ac 1.58Ac C 1 .0 3 A c 1.49 Ac C 2 Ac C 8.90 Ac C 2.97 Ac C 1.21 Ac C 1.71Ac 2.61Ac 2.14 Ac 1 Ac C 12.15 Ac 26.64 Ac 18.5 Ac 1.62 Ac 3.89 Ac 1.84 Ac 1.44 Ac C 2.7Ac 6.93 Ac 5.09Ac 4.36Ac 23.84 Ac C 1.61 Ac C 1.47 Ac C 1.17 Ac C9.54Ac C 1.85Ac C 27.41 Ac C O2 O3 O1 O4 75 s580s376 s865.04385s1162s260s 363 s 187 s43 266s 2 9 8 .4 11 91 s 193s145 s6 6 .1 193 s122 s372 s75 s 150 144s167s365 s374.731 3.95 88.1 1 2 5.7 31 s 79.9189s108 s 161288220 s867 7 s 1201 8 7 .8 5 133.6363s 423s38 5 s602 s431.73447 10 305 s75 264 s342 s60 459 s 100 100 734.26 261.96 368.46297297100 296 d868.98 208.09151.44 297296 d300 s 572.2597 4 7 8s1 3 2 7 s 3 0 3 s231s2 8 4.1 2941 s11 12 s458s161 24 399 s 293.23107.5 149.74 291.9239.8 104s 100 s 23 26 311 s1428 s 571s 806 s156 s362150478.8 3 9 2 1 0 5 5 1 7 s 185.1 340 s 1333.1478 8.96 s 108 339 s1 5 0 0 s 138 s768s1465.2538.03957.792 1 2 s 718.86 d 272 s 388.11540 812.961297 s 590 s 1 9 6 191s2601032 s200 s 75 s 777s 100 s294.642301 5 0 s802s361.05570.917 8 1 s 234663s221 s250 s927 s296.36440.55 0 8 s 299.74 200 2 0 0572 163 s 6 94s361260 3 9 8 .4145 s186 s104 s2 0 0 5 6 1 s12 63 s 570 s 2106 s 940 s 602s 135.9111 14 .8 4 8 7 s469s250.19 225s491s331.6164284 98.57 2 7 3.0 2 72.7 1217s 336s991s 2 0 2 s224 s 174.13 100100100 150 s241250251.5225.96 427.98314309 s188.69565 s50186 s46.51490.3236.59 1446 s72 79 s118 s950s 30 0.84 s 2 2 1 s 335s 145 s 816s 320.13 935 s 1 4 1 9 .8 9184 s3 4 21s3 4 7 .2 9 572s 3 3 5 2 6 6 s260 s 898 s 542s294 s2001 7 2 .6 9 180 146.78 773 s 146 s 4 4 5. 8 6 623 s 514s197 s499 s74 s 70 s365 s189 s422s 250 s196 s2 2 0 s 64 s415 s5 5 9 s 194 s504s232 s263 s314 s909 s 710 s232s 301 s245.1225s 9 0 7 .3 2 100.5 282.5 98440435.48 197s260 s200 244.7 437.5230 135 s273 s 478.5495253.4 10 1 305150 305.2749.77 52 1034.20364.376 762.27770.32 9 7 4 .7 7 193193109.29 1 5 21895.8634.878.241.54290122.59 39 9.6 276.73 299.54 1 9 3 s 296s 70 29 302.39 4 2 8 .1522 s92.5 305.94236.43 2 8 2 .9 7 191.62230496 s439s296.2246 337.2926 277.51 259.8 34 94.2 180175 174.63206 105.7 117 351194.15 474.35 463chain 317s 4250117 364.4421.7 2002 3 1 .2 2 174.15 150183174.4150.14544.88545.6899.7 100 d 57 9.13 479.68163.2369 1.37100 100 388.16 82 303.3 357.341216.4650118.3406.2499.9271.43 0 5 .4 1 100300 s40 130.580 235.32348.2992940 d465 s330 837s32.22180.6299412.5450.5 s1274 sGIRL SCOUTS CAYUGA PREVENTORIUM INC NY STATE PARKS & REC. GIRLSCOUTS CAYUGA NATURE CENTER CA Y UG A NA TU R E C E N T E R FINGER LAKESLAND TRUST (LAUMANPRESERVE) 16.53 16.54 17.39.1 17.12 1.2 2 3 29.2 1 11 28.2 26.22 2 24 33 28.13 18.2 P/O 27.-1-4 2 3 4 19.4 25 3 9 10.31 7 8 9 6 5 4 27 29.1 1 4 7.4 7.2 5.2 5.1 7 12.111 16.2 18 1 9 .9 19.8 19.22 22.2 12.112 19.3 19.1 10 17.2 7.1 7.5 28.12 20 36 37 27.-3-14 27.-3-14 1.1 16.5516.5121PO 27.-3-3 12.2 6 29.3 32 31.1 22.3 23 1.1 19.21 5 6 12.113.2 3 8 2 17.11 ___10.32 10.33 17.2 18.1 17.3 8 9.2 14 12.1211.2 13 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 14 7.3 19.519.7 19.62 30 WILLOWCREEKPOINTROADGARRETTROADC O U N T Y R O U T E 140 D U B OIS E BOULEVARD ROADCORNERSH O U G H T O N R O A D R O A DKRAFTCOUNTYROUTE141 STATE ROUTE 89ROADTAUGHANNOCK KRUMSTA U G H ANN O CK BOULEVARD 19 26 17 14 28 27 CA Y U G A L A K E 142 s 2316 1724_____________30 4.52 3 9 4 .7 5 219.38139.101 7 7 . 2 0 516.169 0.7 0 4 9 13.1 12.314.65 Ac 3 4 0.2 1 6 5 . 4 3 9.54 Ac732.16166.051 6 5 s _____277.8 191 s584 .4526.21 1 1 7 s 3 6 7 s 449 s431s301 s18 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Ithaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 4.55 Ac 5.98 Ac C 39.01 Ac 4.56 Ac 63.20 Ac C 9.81 Ac 20 Ac C23.29 Ac C 4.57 Ac C 10.24 Ac 5.89 Ac C 1.86 Ac 4.06 Ac 2.81Ac 1.31 Ac C 9.86 Ac 2.22 Ac C 33 Ac C 3.06 Ac 36.28 Ac 14.52 Ac 14.93 Ac 6.92 Ac 3.13 Ac 3.12Ac C 1.02 Ac 2.34 Ac5.24 Ac 25.14 Ac C30.81 Ac 4.00 Ac 5.47 Ac C G15.36 Ac C92.26 Ac C G 64.41 Ac C 14.10 Ac C 4.68 Ac C 2.11Ac 4.47 Ac C 2.3Ac C 2.78Ac C 1 Ac 13.4 Ac 106.24 Ac C 1.34Ac C 1.89 Ac 1 Ac 2.37Ac C 2.31Ac C 2.31Ac C 12.71Ac C 3.32 Ac 2.76Ac 1.45 Ac 1.35Ac 2.50 Ac C 1.95 Ac C 167.28 Ac C287.21 Ac C G 2.5Ac C 3.5 Ac 1 Ac1 Ac46.44 Ac46.79 Ac G 1.27Ac 1.58 Ac2.18Ac1.02Ac 2.00 Ac 5.61Ac5.61Ac 1 Ac 28.68 Ac 3.50 Ac 3.09 Ac C5.88Ac 2 0 .2 7 A c 43.10 Ac C 1.18 Ac 4.62 Ac 3.16Ac 22.32 Ac 8.58 Ac C 57.77 Ac C 11.06 Ac C 10.6 Ac C 2.3Ac C 9.08Ac C 4.06 Ac 9.30 Ac C 6.31 Ac 3.23 Ac 3.89 Ac2.60 Ac 1.2 Ac 11.86 Ac O4 O3 O1 O2 1 6 4s3 1 3 s 427.75 266.87 57 1.38444 s 1933s 199 s 212.7661 9 s 421 s 41 7 s 76 3 s 790.626 72 s 492.04460 s441 s1 8 8 9 s 516.73 14 36 s 72 6 s 585.39728.21717.8342 2 825.120 8.65 20958 1 21 4 s 1166 s1415 s195195208.8740 4 s472.36157 s179 s 247s 1 35 8 s 1 8 55 .5 8 42 2 87 2.8175 s2 0 9 189.5636 6 s 997 s 376.577 03 .0 5 248 s149 s718.81290 s992 s 293.2235411 s466.72 452 s 453 s 675.36225 s340s475475582s54 4 s 46 1 s 2 0 5 21 4 .3214.3475274.4 5 1 9 58 s 2 14 .3 21 4 .3 199 s593s 1671 s 2 4 8 s 652504 s8 4 0 s 353 s 95 576s468s400.5379 s 369.9 1933s 219770.231409.094 5 0 s 157 s224 s58 1 40 0207 s 670 s14 0 s 164 s17 9 s 46 3 s 177 s 294 s 607s416.63 493s291.323 1 0 68 2 s 653 s729.59419 s 42 1289 531.5 342 s 510.1 363s 200.17200.1219 250.72 9 0 2 s 295.131418 s1069 s 167s 49 20 5 s 1007 s753 s1062s460s 804.61692s 360 s221.850395.8333 6 s 3 1 0 29 9 s 712 s 317.56 264 s319 s118 s5 3 2 .6 0 121s 99s 355s 103 s 155 s156 s107 s98 380 s539.5627 3 s 37 6 s 41 8 s 28 6.73 18 55 .6 3613 254.9474 s254 s33 6.6 0 27 3 s182 s 550 s119 s188 s57 9 s315 s568.59204 s 204 s 1275s 393562 s105 s115 s29 1 6 s 325s804 s20 27 s393 540 s1 6 6 s34 7.25675 s 33 6.60 816.5816.548 4 s 25 19 s 393.86114 s 66 s23588 s296 s 133 s12 0 127.2 530.7414.8306 s 225 s371 s 606s 274596 s1210 s1152 s 119 s 1 0 2 .4 6799 s412 s 398 s521 s126207 s1 2 7 7 s 980s631407.54 219 s 285s280 s1245s271.52196 s 336.32 112 s253.82222 s 273 s278 s 391s 312.1194.3257.5221.820 0 345344.94343.9130 201.7 199.74 27 8130 614.95 197 s10 26 s 204 s1189 s210 379.9762 6.85974 1759.5843 1 s205524.1091 1 302.36 1962.77165.5227.2 163.9 365.62 866.91078.961251.332061250 20 0.16456.23 388.71275.9270.9286.2 79s9629 4 0 .9 6 211.96381 s 38 0 s 198 s1190 s20521 0 97425634.40 206.50577.27510.15611.30 4 1 6.8 259.31 40 0 343.9343.9696.85 397.34326.62685470.8339 6.33 706.99456 s251 s208.32 0 52 716.2200 3 1 5574.9409.2 19 7 s364s364.352501398 s 326.54636.93393.5495.11091 s1196.4667 2 1 2 . 5 4 189.53 567.7 168s 283.6 27 9.14 629.0737 5 375101374.67301.3916s572.5770.17 66 183.00 1070469.95453.77 983.04 22 7.75 43.56 770337.3 627.02230207.93145.27151199.5200 1003 7 5375300 649.28100NYSTATESPARK&REC NY STATES PARKS & REC. 4.2 228.8 6 8.5 8.7 25.1 12.1 12.2 16.2 2 1 6 3.33 5.12 9 4.1 7 5 5 3.31 47.2 3.2 133.35 3.1 3.12 15.12 7.4 3.11 2 2 1 8.2 8.1 7 10 11 12 8 25.3 14.2 9 6 17 15.315.4 20.1 26.2 26.3 7.3 24 19 3.1 25.2 7.1 9 13 8 18 3.37 3.32 3.38 3.39 LOT B LOT A 10 17 15.5 20.2 21 19 1.31.1 18 3.2 3.36 3.34 4.2 8.42 26.121.4 21.21 21.22 1.4 8.38.411.21 1.22 5.11 5.2 8.1 14 3 4 5 4.1 10.2 16 CREEK ROAD A G A R D R O AD C O U N T Y R O A D 1 4 4 1 4 5COUNTYROUTE143JACKSONVILLEROAD ROADAGARDC O U N T Y R O A D K R A F T R O A D WILLO W KRAFTROADTA U G H A N N O CK BOULEVARD D I S T R I C T CENTRALSCHOOLCITYSCHOOLCENTRAL IT H A C A CI T Y S C H O O L DISTRICTTR U MA NS B UR G TRUMANSBURG I T H A C A DISTRICTDISTRICTIT H A C A T R U M A N S B U R G CE N T R A L SCHOOL I T H A C A CI T Y SC H O O L D I S T R I C TTRUMANSBURGCENTRALSCHOOL DISTRICTDISTRICT18 18 26 14 14 20 18 19 .4 15 16______8 9______16 54 3.79 24 .8 2 1 1 3 3 .4 1 45 9.45 202.434052 5 0 7.53.30 Ac 26 15 77 7.92 10 100 25 0 25 0437 4378.9 2.50 Ac P/O 14.-3-15.1 3.37 21.3 21.1 18 16 .9 5.00 Ac C19 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictIthaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 39 Ac C 18.80 Ac C 2.70 Ac C 65.11 Ac C1.26 Ac35.27 Ac C 57.42 Ac C 15.85Ac C 3.00 Ac 2.35Ac C 2.14 Ac 5.00Ac5.03 Ac 2.58 Ac 1.89Ac2.82 Ac 48.67 Ac 13.38 Ac 60.77 Ac C 44.20 Ac C 1 Ac1.61Ac 2.75 Ac 2 Ac C 1.83 Ac 10.04 Ac 1 .2 1 A c C 14.37 Ac C 106.33 Ac C G 47.42 Ac C 9.47 Ac C 8.42 Ac 1.71 Ac C 9.90 Ac C 1.79 Ac 2.01 Ac 13.61Ac5.10 Ac 2.00 Ac18.42 Ac C 18.22 Ac 3.16 Ac1.58 Ac1.23 Ac1.1 6Ac 7.1 Ac C1.4 4Ac8.83 Ac C 7.55 Ac 2.73 A c 115.49 Ac 2 .2 3Ac 31.67 Ac 1.81 Ac C 6.79 Ac O1 O2 O4 O3 300 131.62 35 7 .0 7 2 8 8 .3 0 2 8 4 .1 9 4 03 s 278 s54 1773s48 1 s193 s364.28 1 6 1 s3364s91 9 s366s130 s 2563 s 4 7 4 s 266 s 349 s44354 s86 3 s 13 0 s710s1232 s17 0 s 115 s 7 1 9 .150 s678.181 6 8 s 628s 3 5 5 s 310370 s427.82246 s 1 4 1 s 1 2 9 0 s 1 6 8 6 s 185s328 s58 7.45 31094 s26 s1 7 0 s 1 1 1 9 s 59 1.25 369 s621 s 1 3 9 1 s 149 179.79291s228 s9 8 s 57768 s37 4 s 673 s377.43 170 s 8 3 0 s563s186s 798 s1624 s 3 9 9 s 1 6 7 0 s 1 7 0 3 7 199.62473s 386 s502 s2 1 9 s 101 s1358 s3 9 1 s5 2 6 s 257 s482.04518 s 7 4 0 s107 s367 s234s12 9 s 1331 s258.495 6 5 s765.48421.551 3 5 260s1302 s7 6 299 s1 6 3 s 389.95206.95 15 8.24 347.94493 s139 s431.995 4 s 166.5231 233216.93424 s26 s1 5 3 1 s 96 s 162 s 40 9 s254.74291271s284.21 0 5 7 s 3 2 5 s 136.96242.0732.4 359 s202 s67159 s1 8 8 2 8 3 s543s 466 s955 s135 s307 s 7 3 5 s179 s168 s 200.3 2 277.19 11 96 s 1 8 2 s 5 5 0 s 1549 s228 s272.4274 s3 8 7 s 225 s1 7 8 .1 0 300 s37 5 s300 s1 2 8 6 s 7 1 9 s 499.62 1 8 2 .6 4 200149.1 1 6 7 . 2 8 360 55 4.42 324.96479.7154.74243.54 3 7 8 s 385.77976.90651 0 0 .1 3 4 7 4 s 23 8.27 218.71672.75654.75364s1013.76275 419.66 216469.831095394.571403.92119 s 2 9 9 s7302427.4 9 278704s202 s489.77 73 3.72 2 8321.653 9 3 358 s 41 1 s 2 5 0114310771292.8 2 377 s19 8.98 346.9137 4.74 200.12 289.32219.31219 s180.052 5 1 5 0 s383.133 0.00 70 4.22 27 1.49 140.88242 445.99 437.68303.27 215.5 2 0 1 s 31 4 s 384 s2 5 0 27693.81 5 0 .6 4 1 7 4 .4 8563.91353.90 78 30 5 30530530 5 252.98 1296.945 7 2 .4 7 4 3 0 s 6 0 0 s386.771228.36579.1274 2.84463.3218 0 395.55450 3 8 1 685.29803.91 1 0 1 7.9 9 521.521 7 0 .5 4419.06217.56 TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK TAUGHANNOCKSTATE PARK 5 5.13 8.321.2 1.4 11.21 2 3112.3 6.1 7 10 1 9.39.1 4.2 2.1 5 6.2 5.2 5.12 6.2 7.22 6.1 7.1 1.3 3 1.1 6.3 4 2.2 8 12.12 12.11 1 12.1 11.22 11.1 12.2 6.1 4 4 9.21 9.22 2 13.313.1 13.2 1 0 .2 1 0 .18.1 8.2 11 9.31 9.32 5.2 _ _ _ P/O 24.-2-3 3 6 9.1 7.1 7.21 T R U M A N S B U R G R O A D R O UTE 96 A G A R D R O A D HALSEYVILLEROADSTATE ROUTE 96 T A U G H A N N OCK P AR KS W AM P R O A D COLD SPRINGS ROADCOUNTYROUTE143JACKSONVILLECOUNTYROUTE170C O L L E G E R O A D ROAD12 19 25 13 558.08292.933 7 6.3 8 656.464 0 5 .5 8 8.45 Ac 6.1 3 5 1 .7 2 2 5 0.2 7205.834 7 1 .0 8285.6 5 6.22.03 Ac 2 1 0 3 .9 3 4.1 26118 8.26 480.2354.9 7.2 1.98 Ac 6 0 ___ 50.7 5 5 9.9 5228.2140 4.4 3.29 Ac1.6 760.087.235.97 Ac 271.14299.8 9.23560.59109228.0516 2.68 356 4.85 Ac TAUGHANNOCK CREEK 24 21 26 14 2 1 5 s 20 1" = 900' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 450 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 230 0 230 460Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictIthaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 58.93 Ac 10.01 Ac 4.04 Ac 15.77 Ac 20.60 Ac 101.13 Ac C4.68 Ac C4.89 Ac4.88 Ac2.55 Ac 1.23Ac 1.33Ac 1.33Ac 1.33Ac 7.49 Ac C 1.46Ac 35.38 Ac C 2.39 Ac 2 .5 8 A c 2 .0 9Ac 2.06Ac 15 Ac C 25.4 Ac 28.25 Ac C 20.23 Ac C 20.66 Ac C 1.53 Ac 31.27 Ac C 11.22 Ac C 4.26 Ac 14.88 Ac C 49.13 Ac 22.04Ac C28.69 Ac24.43 Ac C 1.75 Ac C12.68Ac C 15.63 Ac C 10.63 Ac C 1.64 Ac C 6.50 Ac C 1.3 7 A c 7.53 Ac 48.20 Ac 41.17 Ac 1.00 AcO1 O2 O3 2001 s314s1 1 65 s 4 0 8.2 7146 s49 3 s 612.731 3 6 .5 2 2060.392 0 4.71 75628.4681 4 s 511 s585.45389.55291.121751 2 6 5 .3 1 1900.50466.03451.95 4 3 6 s 18 8.4201.8 20 1.8 17 5 171 s1828.16257.902 4 4 s 1 0 0 3 s227s210 s153.4749 3.70 94 6.44 7 3 9 s 1304 s 889.8 s141 s1 12 3.89 331 229.78271 s2 4 3 s 285 45 8.47 59 3 .1 6 2754 4 3 s 20 8.71 1 3 9 s1 1 9 s 170 1621.61s2 2 5 s200 s 210 1207.6 s2 0 0 s 1 3 6 s190.5 3 201 s3 4 7 .2 9 139 s3 0 9 .4 9 5 5 9 s40 s38 8 .1 2 4 7 5 s 189 s1084 s 1080 s 191.55 375.14275 s210 57 0 s683 s 346.493 1 392.79278 s275 s210 10 312069 206917 4 s 2 2 7 .0 6356 s47 0 s307.6 5423.9 1435.6512 s 6 3 1 .6 270274 s128s 350 2 7 3 .1 1 157.41359.311 9 6 .2 0 179174.44118155176200.98 200 200 250 200784s 4 0 4 s246 s315 s 1 3 4 s 8 8 4 s 9 5 s 947 s6 9 6 s 1033 s245 s3 50.64 8 6 6 s 201 s115 s1068 s380 s167 s200.05200 1 1 1 s 874 s1065 s515 s3 64.073 5 0 s 8 4 2 s 932.85978 s299 s208.71405.7411 34 .6 1 61 4 .7 81598.9 s1996 s876.0473 s722 s 153 s151 s2 6 8 s 427 s7 2 8 s 220 210 210 210 1040 s4 1 8 s 299 s91 0 s 6 1 6 175.45148.50340384 212213s 502 s 198 s 1047 s858 s1428 s4 4 6 .4 6 3 7 0 .5 0 1751 6 1 s 87 s43 5.6 3 3 0 .0 3 199s172 s 167 s 1 0 8 1 s 2 0 4 .5 01035 200.00172.8861 s822 s 2 0 4 .7 3 0 2 s190225.0222 597 s 100.8669 5.00 780 s241.1110 11 .7 3 164 s11 45 s 1 0 3 6 s493 s 2 s 3 9 4 s190225251.19176 s1832152 0 8 .7 1 2 0 8 2 1 4 524.09576.813.3 3.4 4.23.132 3.1343.1333.1315.6 4.14 4.12 4.11 4.13 12.7 1 2 .2 1 2 .9 12.8 12.4 12.14 3 4.22 2.3 4.21 5.3 5.2 6 78.518.4 1314 9.3 12.3 9.4 11 3.2 9.1 3.15 3.12 P/O 22.-5-6.2 P/O 23.-4-2.2 2.1 5.1 5.5 5.4 3.1 4.1 6 9.2 12.5 3.14 3.11 3.2 3.5 8.3 8.2 5 10 2.22 2.21 1609.9321 T E R R E L L R O A D COUNTYROUTE170PODUNKROADS P R I N G S COUNTYR OUTE 146 P O D U N K ROADS W A M P C O L L E G E R O A D 1 4 7 ROADHALSEYVILLEROAD C O L D LYKEROADVAN L IEW R O A D PIN E RID G E R O A D C O U N T Y R O U T E 22 23 24 12 20 20191312______2013 42 0 2062.454 2 0 19.88 Ac 8.52 1621 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 153.26 Ac 4.10 Ac 9.67 Ac 13.26 Ac 8.75 Ac1.7 7 A c 12.25 Ac 4.38Ac 2.60Ac 15.00 Ac 31.41 Ac C 118.27 Ac C 15.28 Ac C 2.91 Ac 2 Ac 5.1 Ac 22.90 Ac 1.91Ac 1.33 Ac 2 Ac 10.30 Ac C 1.69 Ac 24.79 Ac C 4.59Ac C 1.4Ac C 2.86 Ac C 1.31 Ac 3 .0 9 A c C 3.94Ac C 10.07 Ac 7.04Ac C 1.4 1.66Ac 6.45 Ac C 10.71 Ac C 10.91 Ac 33.77 Ac C 8.18 Ac C 2.25Ac C 11.41 Ac C 1.87 Ac 3.00 Ac 1.13Ac C 56.09 Ac C 13.01 Ac 2.62 Ac C 3.50Ac C 19.76 Ac 6.23 Ac 10.96 Ac C 86.13 Ac C 28.70 Ac C 19.72 Ac C 50.85 Ac C 2.22 Ac 3.66 Ac 3.47 Ac 2.23 Ac 1 Ac 1.14 Ac C 12.32 Ac 1.80 Ac C1.02 Ac1.5 A c 1.72 Ac C 1.26 Ac 4.49 Ac 11.79 Ac C 1.13 Ac C 2 Ac C 1.59 Ac 10.69 Ac C 4.98Ac 1.50 Ac1.57 Ac 1.91 Ac C1.67Ac 43.32 Ac 58.25 Ac C 30.93 Ac C89.18 Ac C G 4 Ac 42.88 Ac C55.12 Ac C G 12.24 Ac C 2.07Ac C 5.92 Ac 19.93 Ac C 64.68 Ac C100.06 Ac C G 1.05 Ac 4.38Ac 10.61Ac 1.72Ac 1.25 Ac 1.50 Ac 49.06 Ac C O5 O OO 1 4 2 O3 471 s 232.11 181.12276.2 468s 2 3 4 s 689 s744s 1 6 0 .361 2 3 . 5 758s2 6 3 .6 5 2 4 5 .5 3 4 2 1 s 762s 64561.17 d1019 s335.7 456.4217.8332 s3 6 5 .5 7 250 3 4 8 .6 3 348.5 364.19408.841122.8275920 s59s 243 s 203 s99775s141s173s245 s19 s1356s278s181 s573 s 247 s 7 8 7 s 544s1651s55 s1401 6 3 5 .2 91689.6415 s783s830s833 s193.92 799 s9 0 7 s230 s348.5 14 44 .0 9 s 212 s291.03565 s656 s44 3 s 63 7 250 s 216s 56 0.61414.56 210 s246 s 893s612s51 2 s 955.62573 s 216.1017329.32 21.807.10 532 s 654 s292s435 s 250 s 413s 424 s 290 s 122s330 s 430 s637 s738 s2 4 5 .5 3 805s39 9 s452s 1373 s627 s 714s589.60257457s962 s 6 4 2 s292 s1162 s4 7 5 218159 s830 s153 s 1 3 5 303156133 104.3 2 6 8 1 7 5 1060 d577s637 s 211 s 1106s56 597.09303.02200 1 8 5 8 .1 7 2 0 9 .7224.1478s1558.201277 s1083.49 305.04290 s408.39 180.7470 s 262 s257s73 s 2 6 9 .2 5 3 8 03 50 s350 s600s40 0 s1000 s 287 s591s 119 s381.85370.99 167.72241 s 240.33 250 423.57 630.392006 19 .3 956.7 s730 5 4 7 372 s204s 745 s1 4 0 s1 4 0 s144712.5 337.72 100 33 8 s 3 3 5 s468.48591s775 s 1064 s 532.9 505 s211s839 s603 5 0 . 1 9 2 2 6 . 6 2 31282.39200429.3259.720013 11 .4 21657 s371s160 s1 4 9 9 .8 3 d 1295.321571 s1 3 1 1 .4 2212 s194.25 250250157 s 663s1117s 290 s3 7 4 s322 s2 4 6 s 345298.4341 s907.5864.98203 s2916 s97 s 379s 2 4 7 435 s1 59 s621 s 746s705 s657 s982s363183 s 340 s276 s797s1212 s1093.70 944 s245276.36304.67 275 340 s332s722.86 642s 144.77304.71 652 s 2763 s4 6 7 1967 s532.81180s303 s523.83200 298.8 306.25199 s714.67436.152 9 3 .1 1 187.551 0 3 .0 8 37067 s 4 6 1 s 497 s6 1 122 s 6 8 187.572 9 3 .1 1370.47 14 08 s 2 3 1 s 5 3 6 s 394s172 231s 249.752 4 5 .3 8 282 s69.44 109 s22 2 s1 94 s267.67241.9433.53731 s76 s61 7 s 3 0 0749.477 3 4 .4 1320.99359 s25 5.64 835.68329 3 0 4 .4 0523.37669.024 8 2 .0 3 552.48297.3820 6 945.99323.43728.44660.38638.97424.76265 80 235.62266.05 368.99 357.621 2 7 3 .6 11466.65308.22 915.25 245.3351.58 1609 s 601.34400315.58 6 5 1 .4 816.5 s 1224 s50 1185 s1185.5 1 3 2 0 s 200379.55017050772.2 s596s174.48 561.2 2 9 5 .8 9704.78139s405.9216 4 s1180s860s 129.07270112.83122.17134 930.6 s248.3525844 187.20551s104.59 139.87144s198 s 2712325s2 1 1 s320 s 161.3 226 200.00274.00 238 s 246 s680.23 232 s 200 274.00200.00957.3214 s 2 502s315.31BOWER CEMETERY VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURG _____________NEW YORKALPHAFOUNDATION VILLAGE OFTRUMANSBURG________________ TRUMANSBURGUNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4.15 4.12 4.4 __5.4 19 26.1 3.21 121.11.2 2.2 5.2 6.3 7 5.6 25.7 6.21 15.2 10 6.236.22 6.1 20.6 27.2 27.1__ 28__ 2 3.1 25.1 25.5 5.1 7 P/O 23.-1-1.2 P/O 23.-1-1.2 5.1 6 21 __1.3 3.2 4.11 1.2 26 25.2 5.3 5.2 1.22 1.4 2 24.1 2.4 3.1 9 3.22 4 18 16.12 16.2 18 11 15.12 P/O 23.-3-5.2 2.3 4.13 5.15.2 __16.329 24.3 2 5 .3 19 25.4 4.3 4.14 1.1 1.1 1.2 25.6 2.2 2.1 5.4 3 2.1 1.1 10 29 1.3 16.1316.11 4.14.2 11 13 20 4 15.11 6.2 8 1 5.55.3 5.1 12.2 12.1 6.1 20.1 20.3 1.5 1.6 4.2 20.7 20.2 20.5 TOMPKINSCOUNTYSCHUYLERCOUNTYOFOFTOWNTOWNHECTORULYSSESBO Y D H I L L R O A D ROADM A Y O STATEMECKLENBURGCURRY ROAD W A T E R B U R G ROAD PODU N K ROADPODUNKROADLYKEROADI N D I A N F O R T R O A D WATER B URGROADWATERBURGROADP I N EROUTEROAD227 ROAD RIDGEDISTRICTULYSSESFIRE 12 21 23 11 363805.6124 0171.731.37 Ac P/O 23.-1-521 40 _____15.3 Ac 44.45 1.323.06Ac 538 s5 8151 1.21 1.31 1 5 7 s 442.3812525.8 2751 s127 11TAUGHANNOCK CREEK1095 s734.522 1' = 1000' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 500 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 260 0 260 520Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 4.54 Ac 37.80 Ac C 8.56 Ac 1.68 Ac 5.28 Ac C 4.0 Ac 18.53 Ac C 70.18 Ac C 36.32 Ac C27.36 Ac C 5.00 Ac 6.19 Ac 1.57 Ac 7.72 Ac6.47 Ac 6.92 Ac C 105.08 Ac C118.18 Ac C G 36.72 Ac C 36.74 Ac C G 143.88 Ac C G 14.19 Ac C 109.8 Ac C 4.83 Ac 31.45 Ac 9.05 Ac 3 .2 3 A c24.9 Ac 27.41 Ac 43.55 Ac C170.34 Ac C G 8.38 Ac C 3 7 8 .6 9 475.00 374.092 2 3.5 2 2.73 Ac C 262.162.59Ac C 3.94Ac C 1.65Ac C 1.31 Ac C 1.86 Ac C 56.51 Ac C 11.09 Ac C 1.80 Ac 1.33 Ac C 1.47 Ac C 5.25 Ac C 26 Ac C 33.03 Ac 2.70 Ac 22.52 Ac C 4.41 Ac C 21.46 Ac C 2.67 Ac C 1.28 Ac 1 Ac 3.76 Ac C 1.3 Ac 43.92 Ac 16.1 Ac C 2.75Ac 25.83 Ac 1 Ac 2.78 Ac 22.49 Ac O4 O1 O2 O3 5 3 4.5 5 11.1 100 201.3280.5500.75 300788.3 305.926.38 1498.4857199 s923s4 8 0 s 931s1025 s388 s193 s233 s379 s860 s19693 s 2 2 8 s 1021 s413 s 387 s316 s267 s1 3 1 s100s406 s 209 s545 s 1 2 3 s1214 s 189.97790.6830.52203 s198.81 3.50 Ac 166 s349 s 202.6665s113 s 237 s 195.00 1 0 5 107 s50 8 145 s426 s 779 s434 s829 s387 s13 33 .5 3 93 6.5 7 0 6 s 811s9 9.6 9 8.1 284 s297 s 412 s 99.00409s349 s 239 s1 8 9 s 477 s 326s22 70 s 671 s 744.41480.002 7 5 1 s 2 5 9 s 194 s7 3 7 s 235 s349 s 685 s169.57 9 4 s1 7 84 s 3 1 4 . 2 4 300 s736 s1698s91310s 1 9 0 2 8 5 65 263.492211210654 s283.18152.08188 s1107 s863 4 7 3 .5 167 159400.00663.17718 s597 s 143 s8 5 3 s 59 7.29 1 14 s246.19530.882 0 6 0 s 1 8 5 s51 119.17285 s356 s 463 s33 4.3814.913 8 0 s 5 1 3 s 53692 s12 s 694 s 20 0 s 630 s1 3 2 s 404.4916 7 s574 s486 s425 s1248s1189 s113 s339s196 s12665 0 s 9 8 0 .3 3 5 2 1 7 2 9 s 781 s43 7.901048 s1 3 6 0 .6 9 951 s86189 s388.5 825.95 2 4 .5 1520.8 4 1 1 46 s 174 s163 s237 s 2 0 0 s470 s2 4 7 s 48 8 s 351 s 54 5.89 107 s146.16127.49110.5646195.0099.0052 7.41 1112.19103 s208s80 5 s 60 6 s1328 s8 6 9 .8 8 375.0072 1.101065.032 6 1 s 1 0 0 2 s1074 s250 s4 2 0 s 2 0 2 3 s235 s662.16309.31344.2910 12 .6 9547.001394 s1861237 1 2 s604 s384.334 5 0 s423 s15 6.8423.37105 s150s50 s2 7 4 s 98 s 2 6 2 151.452 0 3 s 1 3 3 s 15 3 s 3 29 s193.07233s61s149s233s 3 1 8 s2 7 1 s 23 4 s 198 3 4 s 112 s8 0 s 2 5 s49 s 1 6 772145.89153 33 2 .52100 1 3 2 0 211.5881150 4 1 32 2 s 75253.32 743 s654s564 s46 7 s 149 s192.46349 s 2 0 1 s 278 s 489s 59.41d30.62d264 s74.20d 1374s 7 7 146 259.9948 182.45281.147 116.44187400.0016 41.77 612.2660264.19619.6130 0.00 400.0010 31 200 944.62 2 9 5 1075270168.96 163.35 13451 5 3. 7 25 28830 0.00 58 7.6 365 443.24175.894.71 39.276.56 7 7 4 .2 4 5 0 4 .0 9 PERRYCITY FRIENDSCHURCH UPDIKECEMETERY_ _ _ TOWN OF ULYSSES 9 3.2 3 .1 18 14.1 17 14.3 1516 1.21 1.1 5.15.2 1.3 13 5.1 5.2 6 2.2 P/O 36.-1-7.2 P/O 36.-1-7.2 6 12 10.1 10.2 1.2 1.2 2 7 8.2 20.2 11.22 14.2 4 12.2 314.4 3.2 10.22.1 1.22 9 7.2 1.121.11 1 1 .2 1 11.2310 3.1 2.1 1 2.1 2 4 8 12 11 19 5.3 5.12 11.1 5.2 5.12.1 3 5.42 6 5.41 11.2 P/O 36.-1-6 7 5.11 4 OFULYSSESCOUNTYSCHUYLERCOUNTYTOMPKINSTOWNROADBROOKROADI N D I A N F O R T R O A D MECKLENBURGWATE R B URGROADRIDGE ROAD WATERBURGPINE C O U N T Y R O U T E 1 4 2 P E R R Y R O A D VAN LIEW R O A D RID G E R O A D PIN E ROADPODUNKROAD RIDGE P I N E C I T Y ROAD21 36 36 22 22 35 24 1 4 5 .7 1 26 2726 27 28 2019 1918 18 18 7.1 7.33.28 Ac 44 2.05334.0545 2.81 334.495 7 4 .8 3 57 5 177.54160.710.1 2.23 Ac 7.471.89250344.44 3.45 Ac 166.84 1 4 9 .5 0 52491.42 1141.50 Ac 5.2 3 6 9 .7 1 664.53 8.3 13.16 Ac 11 277.1010.318.67 Ac 12.1380.134 5 5 .0 5 4 5 5 .0 0 9 0 9 .9 7 509.42 Ac 5 9 7 .2 9 10.4 10 62 .9 6 23 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 5.69 Ac C 87.96 Ac C 1.90 Ac 7.30 Ac C 3.07Ac 6.03 Ac 2.62 Ac C 2.20Ac 20.92 Ac C 2.82 Ac 26.44 Ac 47.45 Ac 4.13 Ac 10.9 Ac C 2.81 Ac C 12.36 Ac 8.56 Ac 8.45 Ac C21.16Ac6.90 Ac 3.25 Ac C1.38 Ac 2.07 Ac 9.05 Ac C 1.88 Ac 31.13 Ac C 19.18 Ac C 59.92 Ac C G 46.57 Ac C G 28.79 Ac C 54.6 Ac 15 Ac 5 Ac 94.35 Ac C 9.6 Ac 6.55 Ac 1.65Ac 2.54 Ac 1.45 Ac 2.64 Ac 1.8 7Ac C 4.97 Ac 3.98Ac C 6.38 Ac 10.65 Ac 123.85 Ac 11.17 Ac 7.42 Ac C 7.03 Ac 6.2 1.26 Ac C 9.92 Ac C 2.17 Ac 4.26 Ac C 129.90 Ac C 41 Ac C 50 Ac C 4.60 Ac C 51.45 Ac 1.89 Ac C 2.09 Ac 2.07 Ac 1 .9 5 A c 1.10 Ac C 5.20 Ac 5.69 Ac 1.03 Ac C 1.03 Ac C 1.68Ac 12.54 Ac 2.16 Ac C 2.69 Ac 3 .1 6 A c C5.3 9 A c C G 3.61 Ac 2.07 Ac 1 Ac1 Ac 3.58 Ac C 1.14Ac C 11.79Ac 10.90 Ac C 2.94Ac 30.76 Ac 3.69Ac 3.64Ac C 3.58Ac C18.96 Ac 6.78 Ac 3.19 Ac O O O 1 3 4 O2 20 0.54 65 5 15 9 458.8323 0 305 s74627.326330 1.4 58 3 s 117s 64 8 56 7 s 85 0 s 40 6 82s1 2 8s418 s19 9 s671 s 371206 s234.5028 8 s 61 s281.2041 2.15 421.121 4 8 5 s 10 92 s 830.1775 .5 200.34 1 4.21 275 s29 60 .0 5869 s427 s6 8 5 27 1.80 274.27152.5011241208 s6 2 5 s 1 6 5 s 8 0 5 .8 3 5 4 3 s 388.1137 2 s 6 00 .3 7 433.66 486 s320 s78 8.45 s447 s299 s11 5 s 12 520087 s 294 s300 s27 5 d 20 0 1575 d1 7 7 s 369 s1 2 48 s 90 4.23 208 s312.451266.86421 s32 3.5 6 1 7 .0 8 3 8 2 .6 6 20 8.7 29 s75 4 s927 s300 s124s1467 s969 s540.44331.16424.97450.13572.9 340.59 45 3 s 89s76 s808386366.1724.751 0 6 0 .4 5 339.98577.862 5 7 .0 4 7 5 0 .6 8 254.88801.0017514 4 s 17009 0 0 .5 8 724.75130 s8082639 0 2 .8 8 200.06309.40575 107847427 5 227.72 0 0 .2 746 525.1541 0.03 4 5 0 15 14 12 5 61 3 s 93 0.22 1 4 86 .2 2 1751965751 9 1 .6 200 2 0 0 .2 71470.65480200458 s200 522.51155 s200 d18 95 .7 2 27 5 d 225 s27 5 d 22561 9 s 147 s199.6825028 6 s34 s258.7949 3 1 9 s433 s14 73 s 1575 d21 71 s 40 2888 s 6 4 0 .6 706.25 496.2 413.1199 s275 s625 s199 s225 s8 2 0 .3 8 2757 4 6 s 385 s632 s625 s47 6 1 5 9 1 .8 5 46 20 0 87 4 s636 s 79 1.6 943.8013 68 .9 7555.2954 0.43 19 8 s418 s773 s853 s237.9199.86199.87 410 2 3 6 s 3 0 0 30 4.6 279 s 20 0 91 0 s 6 3 4 s 778 s41 6 s 20 0 s 35 0.5 575 392.4392.420 8 .7 15 0 2 .8 5 21556 8.4896.951034 s722.0 5466.81665.942 6 6 .5 6 5 8 7 .3 5 2 0 0 s340.7691.524 5 149 s576 s297.5398 s199 s323 231 s 6 8 7 s 1602 0 0 .2 7200.0422 5 22 9.97 799.4 s27 5 d200 d572.732 7 6 55 3 s 3 9 4 s 22 0 s213 s22 0 s 14 5 s 203 s3 9 9 s 210 s70 s222 s20 0 67 s99 s 61 7 s400s200 240.18131.3464.27 136.7324 0.11 140.28379.12844 9 4 .2 357.82 1 2 .4 1 5 61008.1373.44 4 .7 202307.6 199304.38 52 9 3 4 0 .9 649.13 9 0538 2 0 0 .7 200 811797.11004.934 8.46 37 9.35143 14 5.65184.8615 364.0967 6 s643 s3 2 0 s 2 0 7 1 s 2560 s152 s22 9 .5 436.538 9 s 29827545 0.00 45 0.00 45 0.00 200.19350.00202.80214.12352.5452 4.95 100192.521 4 9 .9 1045535.21 2 2 7 .5190.44912.544 7 50 158.0119 9225 50 2 2 7 .5 193.553 5 800.2646.02 658.17 800.651143.26350.00200.984832 5 5 .3 7 541408250219.03 52 4.90355.3379 2 74 7.99 623969.2859522 5 24 8.46395.87659.361 1 9. 8 7 3001 6 8 16 6 .8 5 3 6 .2 5 638.718982 5 0 .0 3328.95785.9774.71237.30199.84____ ITH REGLIOUSSOC FRIENDS J A C K S O N VI L L ECEMETERY 8.3 8.32 8.2 1.421 1.422 10.710.8 11.3 10.2 11.4 4.1 3.1 12 11.2 9 9.24 6.3 6.7 6.8 6.5 6.10 6.11 6.9 11.6 6.1 6.2 4.2 1.41 1.5 1.3 8.4 4.2 8 1.1 1.2 6 7 10.31 4 5.2 4 1.2 5.1 6.4 6.1 9.23 1.29.21 8.16 9.1 7 8.28.1 10.1 5 11.2 11.3 3 11.5 10.5 11.7 9.112 9.129.113 1.423 11.8 5.2 5.1 6 .6 1.1 6.3 8 __7 4.1 __5 9.3 9.2 ___11.411.1 2 10.1 1.7 1.3 10.1 10.2 2 3 11.7 11.6 11.12 11.11 11.5 1.11.4 31.61 10.32 1.5 9.115 9.114 9.111 1.62 1.6 3 RO A D M E K E E L RO A DROAD P E R R Y C I T Y R O A D C O U N T Y R O U T E 1 4 2 JACKSONVILLEROADROADP O D U N K PODUNKROADR O A DCOLLEGESWAMP147ROUTE C O U N T Y R E Y N O L D S HALSEYVILLE25 26 23 21 3536 3435 20 2.75 Ac3.2 59 6.58 59 6.61 200.30200.3088 9.68 6 1 3 .1 7 63.4343 2.04 570.49556.23 6 8 4 .4 6 3.3 28 20 21 29 29 302221 227.50 215.12 37739050 8.311.91 Ac 8.33 32 3.5 215.1310101 9.11614.90 Ac POSSIBLE GORE AREA 43 9 471062 1 3 8 1 .2 4 1 2 3 0 .2 7 9 21 287 s441.54273.68 149.52 20191312______2013 27 28 2019 24 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1.04 Ac C 1.60 Ac C 3.75 Ac 1.04 Ac 4.30 Ac C2.29 Ac C 90.60 Ac C 2.25 Ac 1.5 3 A c 3.55 Ac 8.65 Ac C 5.47 Ac 1.91 Ac 12.99 Ac 1.53 Ac 1.00 Ac 39.42 Ac C 1 Ac 4.41 Ac 6.35 Ac 1.38 Ac1.38 Ac 1.22 Ac 1.47Ac C 2.59 Ac 2.47 Ac 9 Ac 3.5 Ac 1.49 Ac C 15.92 Ac C 10.50 Ac C 1.72 Ac C 2.48 Ac 3.74 Ac 1.56 Ac 1.54 Ac C2.00 Ac 2.75 Ac C 1.04 Ac 10.32 Ac 6.26 Ac 1.26 Ac 1.07 Ac 2.01 Ac O4 O1 O6 O5 O3 O2 10 32 .4 0 4621098 s6 7 4 .9 9 374.27128 s246 s1 7 2 7 5 6 .1 3 70.4 99 s3 1 6 .0 2107 d183 s102 s24 2.6179 s212 s267 d267 s180 s164 s7598 s 10 3 s 98 s 32 3 s 500.5623 7 s 323 s167 s461187.34 2 7 0 .3 8830.17299 s330 s29 4 s329 s11 5.25100100 s 2 0 0 s 24 0 s 347 s 72 s2 0 0 .0 6495.6 0 97.02 7 5 .5 80.05267 s1 0 7 s 65329 s89 s 100331.8 d3 9 s 33 s 177 s135.43 178 s20 0 s 1 6 1 . 4 912 3.23210.631115 s188.47115 s 1 0 6 s 9 4 s 9 7 s 610.741 5 0 s239 s 1 1 8 .8 5 136.71110100 s100 s20 0 s 20 0 s 2 2 135.32208 s 76 s 1 7 1.75 15 96 s1475 s192 s2 9 8 s 124 s667.762 6 9 29 9.3 7 . 7 6 2 5 7 .0 4 100 s98.17504 s100 s100 s2 0 0 s 20 0 s 20 0 s 50 2 15 81 s 2 2 5 s 1 1 5 1 3 3 .86 8 6.7 9144.620 0 139.622 6 0 d 210 s10 0 s 300150.45277.53315 99 s 4 7 4 .1 1 2 5 3 .5 152.522 8 8 s6 0 s 2 8 0 s 3 4 0 s 1 4 41 76 s112415 0 173 s463 s 1 5 4 s169 s157 s326 s13 0 s 364 s 2 1 9 s41 s351 s 2 2 5200 s166 s200233.4221.47221.4796 s 166 s 47 s265.2 188 s106 s303.91176 s1 1 5 .2 5 49.56 302 s69 s80 s58.33162.81 418434.502 9 4 s 1 4 5 2 2 4 6 7 .1 6 102.591 9 .88 2 1 9 .1 4 262.6347.164 1 8 .6 2 257.31130.322 2 5500.5630 s433.41 5 4 4 .1 9 605.67138.2300 d6 4 5 .5 6 s 516 s304 s75 s29 7 s 118 s426 s 1 8 7 s97 s 11 5.25438 s93 s2 1 2 s118 s 1 2 1 .6 8 68.3083 s 23 6 s263 s100 s100 s100 s20 0 20 0 300149.820 0 4 8 .2 2 2 3 1 5 4 4 .7 2 180 s101 s1 5 1 s234 s2 1 s 153 s 2 2 5 s124 s133 s9 6 . 4 9332 s26 3 s 2 0 9 .3366.7144 0 141.23166.3199 s44.32 1 3.384 33 6 5 .3 6117.27306.991 5 0 s285 s102s330105.2145.6874.811 5 1 s287s 175.1122 6.19 9 7 .6 5 174.7400 379.61 47 5.88 176.2122 9.42 244.571 8 .9 0 1 1 2 8 s 91.65 211.04315.12319.8692329.16103.19 9 6 154.35 92.6068.5331.26101.14 44.70 12822 6.08 65.914 1123.851 6 6 .7 6 120.4343 s92.80389.02100.11 68 1 5 0318.54314.1954262.8 0100 100.44 100.16 98.87 100.18 147.13 125 244.13100 75 2 2 6 113.51 5 1 .6283.89100 100.26 300100.02 125 28189.1300184.80 133.47 16.5212.14 130.6882.8 288 s586.3 148.4134.58175.17151 s91.4593.06141.989 7 . 7 9 112 s 176.6889 s 2 0 2 .8 6 1 1 7 .9 100.02300 2 2 5 .7 2 2 5 .9 100 80.9164 .3219 s5837.06 232.0340.5382 s 172.77 12 2.38 280.23155.71 4 9 .3214.3572 s 53.145.156 2 8 9.92 3 9 1 .9 1369.282 0 7 123.193.84115 s8 2 .9 2 8 1 . 9 2 159.492 5 0 74.46129.862 1 5 .1 68.5 5 0 .9 5 0 5 .4 7 370.94 65 .3 5 3 7 .8 5564.34336.2386.6910 1.1 5 1 5 8 . 4 6 5 . 714.3203.21196.2235 3.72 284.43100 300.60 250.78 881.061 3 7 .5 284.91282.41 3 7 .5 9 15136.72 0 4 .3 715.520 4.9250 TOWN OF ULYSSES JACKSONVILLECOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION JACKSONVILLEMETHODIST CHURCH 25 27 28 29 30 23 2 2 3.2 4 5.2 14 3.1 1.6 B C 1.3 3 1.2 1.4 12 2613 16 21 1 20 2.2132.1123 1811 4 1710 8 15 13 24 2 2 .2 23 22 5.19 5.1 15 7 43 1 25 14 7 11.1 20 21 8 9 5 6 14.1 10 P/O 19.-4-18 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 5.3 6 710111213 289 7 27 1.1 8 9 2.2 2.1 1 89 19 26 10.2 11 A B 1.52 1.51 14.2 12 16 4 3 20 24 19 5.2 5 6 8.2 15 1817 2 1.12 1.2 16.1 17 16.21819 S W A M P C O L L E G E R O A D STATE ROUTE 96JACKSONVILLEROAD COUNTY143P A R K E L A N E R O A DCOLD R O A D C O L E G R O V E R O A D SP R I N G S TR U M A N SB U R G ROAD20 24 20 24 26 26 195 6 .513821141522______137.371 0 1.2 7 30.031 8 7 .8 4 8.1 1.11 1.14 1.15 1.13 2.21 Ac 1.75 Ac 3.58 Ac 3.70 Ac 26 4.82 417.50158.61 134.36428.3149.3230050 415.4524 2.83225.11 268.9997 .7 3 88 .9 0 143.5304.808 5 8826.2826 25 1" = 400' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 200 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 100 0 100 200Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 4.0 Ac 4.69 Ac 4.77Ac 100.00 Ac 4.66 Ac 10.45Ac C 7.61 Ac 42.74 Ac 7.76 Ac 25.15 Ac 1.53 Ac C 3.98Ac C 33.29 Ac C 27.40 Ac C 9.73 Ac C 79.82 Ac 12.74 Ac 14.63 Ac 4.14 Ac 80.60 Ac C102.10 Ac C G 5.50 Ac C10 Ac C G23.00 Ac C 4.45 Ac C 22.95 Ac 32.67 Ac 15.46 Ac C 10.44 Ac C 1.65 Ac 9.5 Ac C 9.23 Ac 14.81 Ac 4.83 Ac 2.55 Ac 3.8Ac 1.14 1 .1 4 8.06 Ac 63.66 Ac 1 Ac 2 Ac 3.08 Ac 3.68 Ac C 2.03Ac 26.38 Ac96.91 Ac C 14.76 Ac 69.72 Ac C 2Ac C 1.14 Ac 1.19Ac 1.82Ac 2.00Ac 2.00Ac2.36Ac 2Ac C 3.28 Ac 1.1 Ac 1.50 Ac 2 Ac 2 Ac 11.23 Ac 85.50 Ac C 1.04Ac1.06 Ac 1.14 Ac3.8 Ac 2.71Ac 25 Ac 2 Ac 1.67 Ac 2.98Ac2.98Ac2.98Ac2.98Ac 1 .1 2Ac 5.28 Ac 98.59 Ac C 8.80 Ac 1.50 Ac 2.04 Ac 103.52 Ac C 2.44 Ac3.75 Ac 20 Ac 5 Ac 2.12Ac 2.43Ac5.52 Ac 4 Ac 33.1 Ac 4.21 Ac 39.5 Ac C 82.01 Ac C121.51 Ac C G 50.24 AcO2 O1 O3 882.36885.606 3 5 .4 9 22 5230 s2 5 0 .8 2 5 0 .1 447030 s230 s2052 2 0 .0 1 2 2 0 2 5 0 .1 4 307 s280s 357.7 s23 3.83 3 0357.7 5 25163 s253 s397 s 425 s233 s 200 600 s634 s565s 417 s2 4 6 s190238 s 488 s39 3 s491 s55 7.6593.8605 s39 9 s 2 5 4 8 s 83 0 .8 71850 s1171 s2039 s73 3 .0 4 89 1 s1361 s 1 2 2 6 s 9 75s1639200.19 2507 8 9 s 6 2 5 .7 9 53 9.98 53 9.98 398.7 95 3.78205s1702 7 3 s 287.55161.402 6 4 .9 4 2 6 4 .9 4 2228.02450 s250.079 8 6 .8 5 161.40322.8053 9.98 1031.11012.721 7 4 0 s 1360 s2 3 6 .6 9 2 9 1 .6 6 4 0 0 s 454 s656 s 2 8 6 2 s 4439 8 3 s 6130 .92 0 7 4 .5 s 221212 s352710 s375 s4 9 1 s 373 s5 5 4 .4373 s333 s1 0 3 2 .5 1 9 9 8 s 309 s 327.7 4 0 1 .2 2 292.81332.51 0 3 2 .5 1 438.51 2 5 s 2 5 0 .8 0 3 8 7 s 9 9 4 .2 3 2251 1 0 4 s346.2 6 7 5 3 .2 9 553.89947s 7 6 2 .7 117817 s 923 S 35254 5.57 2080.47259.9390.62337.27498.06203.64338.30 12 00 .5 1282.80 1 4 5 4 .1 3 4 1 6 .2 1 654 s3 8 9 s605.737 2 0 s 121.50 652 2 7 0 s 3 9 4 .4 8 768.73150 492.19501.04580.07559.74 233.58 1325.01 218.42 598.62 1 3 .0 2 2 8 5.86 2 2 0225 1307.43390.622 2 0 225210588.8230423 s79 s840.2 297424 s 27 1 7 4 s 334.21397 3 3 5 s 338 404.33 5 8 4 .6 326.83149.78189.71 6 8 2 .2 1 200 1151.12362 s364.88 360.33 329.30 2 1 7 .1 8 40 0 417.6822 5 22 5 22 5 22 5 92 2.7264.895 0 7 .5 9 601 s39 7 s 5 5 8 s558 s 5 6 3 s123 s 593.86 110 1 5 9 6 s1115 s97 5 .8 0 1535223s 6 s161.40161.40161.40211.401681028.87991.35981.692 1 0 9 s 211270 s 20 99 s 161 s5 5 3 s410 s229 s 8 2 3 s 6 1 3 s 2 2 7 .1 5 183.6716 2.44 2 7 0 327.7 s361.992274 s13 15 s 2109.292 2 6.5 8 1 0 5 0 1 1 2 5 s 293 s 657.20497 s 350182 0 4 .2 1 5 9 8 . 5 1 402.6751 3.83 2 2 0 .0 1 282 s689.3 29 9.85 150215.662 7 2 .2 3 3 2 .7 9 2 1 6 .5 3210.21 470100 255.67420 s200 434.5524.6012 7.59 75.11 491.84253.05199.63137 256.597.4375.302 4 9 .2 9 22 5620.18250.07250.20525 s 269 156.32225207.2662.502 2 0 2252 2 0 200.03 278.35 603.98 595.15154.15203 s 660662.482753 8 8 .0 4 42.3688 4.13266.01 3 8 8 .0 4 2 6 6.011 5 2 .6 942220470.882 7 5 200 20 0 324.682 7 5324.5253 7 2 .6 9 6506502 0 0 20 0 2 0 0 650650.620 0 1 9 8 .0 3 6502 0 0 5 2 5 .0 0 5 2 5 .0 0 270 s2 0 0 2435 7 4 .2 57 4.2 675.00320.7164 3 .4 0 6 4 3 .4 0 34 7 s 985.6940 0 2 0 0200 400.00400.0098 6 s 533 s33 2 s 462 s16 5 220.4417 8 3 7 5 2 0 0 4432 0 0 9 4 8 3861 3 8 8 3006861 1 1 3 2204 4 5 05.4 7 72 8.32 225.9425 0470.11378.2540 6.51 20 2.30 467.22340.5375391.49392.646 3 .8 8 34548 6.4 1819.864 6 8 .1 2 48 7.9 1 4 6 8 .1 7 8 5 0 .7 1 834.68233.14 1250.45974.48 979.15442.73725 s2 7 5 10 92 .9 4 9 4 4 .7 4 2 6 2 .8 6 470.1631 0 4 6 7 .1 24.5527.0817.3 8.47 13.21 13.22 7.3 15.26 13.4 2.2 2.1 8.45 11.41 11.43 11.44 11.3 10.1 8 P/O18.-4-26.22 10.2 5.2 4 10.1 1 11 17.2 17.517.62 6.2 6.1 5.2 8.13 C G A 17.4 2.42 2.3 2.2 7.17.2 8.81 11.2 11.42 8.44 4.1 12 1.1 10.12 9 10.2 11.466 15.21 14.2 8.3 11.1 11.1 13.1 8.1 10.211.45 15.2 15.18.5 8.12 8.6 18.2 18.1 1 14.1 8.82 7 13.211 3 4 5 15.24 3 15.222 15.221 P/O 19.-4-18 8.148.41 8.43 15.27 15.25 14.1 I 8 .4 6 J 5.4 8.11 8.9 8.71 8.72 1 7 .3 1 6.2 6.1 8.10 8.2 5.3 5.15.5 5.6 7.68 Ac 15.2319.2 20 17.11 17.12 17.32 9.2 9.1 9.3 10.3 7.1 7.22___5.1 COLEGROVE ROAD 2 5 K R A F T C O U N T Y R O A D 1 4 5 JACKSONVILLEROADC O L E G R O V E R O A D P E R R Y C I T Y R O A D KRUMSROADCO U N T Y 1 4 2 CORNERSCOUNTYROUTE141STATE ROUTE 96 R O A D ROAD HONEY BEE LANETRU MANSBURG R O U T E D I S T R I C T ITHACACITYS C H O O L D I S T R I C T IT HA CA CIT Y T R U M AN S B U R G C E N T R AL S C H O O L DISTRICTTRUMANSBURGCENTRALSC H O O L T R U M A N S B U R G CE N T R A L SCHOOLDISTRICTSCHOOLDISTRICT25 18 33 19 19 24 27 34199.664 2 0 .4 7 4 2 0 .3 0199.7811.21.9 3 A c 45 7.22 2 0 8262.5 0 2 8 0 .7 4 144.09 76.311.47 C E B 11.5 11.6___ 23 25 31 24________22 231615 1.24.28 Ac 2 7 8 .4 4 4 9602.643 5 3 .1 9 908.721 2 4 9 .8 7 378.113 4 0 .2 7 1 2 4 .7 1438.69 835.322 2 5 .0 9 198.10126.87321.97237.1050522.667.48Ac 9.91 Ac 10.11 10.13 2 1 5 .8 0 7 1 7 . 0 1 1008.4213.77 Ac C 2.41 3 9 6 .9 1 4 1 5 .2 4824.747.74 Ac 266.43695.453 9 9 .9 3 2 6 5 5 s 5.71 8.12 Ac 5.72 2 0 5 .9 3885.98881.4913.22 1.15 Ac 3 3 3 .5 61014.9660 9 13.2122.43 Ac 13.21 17.61 55 265520.96 2.90 Ac 7.2115 0.0 0 220.4415 0.0 0 20 Ac A c 2252316 1724___________ 29 302221 30 312223 __26 1" = 900' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 450 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 230 0 230 460Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictIthaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 4.37 Ac 23.12 Ac C 3.90 Ac 3.69 Ac 22.95 Ac C 5.65 Ac 1.31 Ac 20.32 Ac 1.90Ac2.51Ac 3.57 Ac C1.15Ac 40.76 Ac C 1.00Ac 1.90 Ac 4.68Ac 2.59 Ac C 1.18 Ac 1.87 Ac C 1.99 Ac 1.11 Ac 6.71 Ac 3.73 Ac C 5.59 Ac C 3.50 Ac 1.30 Ac 1 Ac C3.5 Ac C 1.70Ac 3.04 Ac C 4.89 Ac 16.74 Ac C 2.85 Ac 2.84 Ac 1.00 Ac 3.73 Ac 2.09 Ac 2.23Ac C 2.23Ac 48.00 Ac 9.77 Ac C 2.62 Ac C 47.47 Ac C 29.9 Ac C 1 .0 5 A c 3.70 Ac 70.69 Ac C G 28.78 Ac 12.15 Ac C 2.93 Ac C 2.68 Ac 2.58 Ac C 23.38 Ac 40 Ac C 5.25 Ac 6 Ac C 2.40 Ac C 4.81 Ac 14.27 Ac C 2.48 Ac C 4.96 Ac 23.16 Ac C 4.25 Ac C G 16.76 Ac35.88 Ac C G 2.33 Ac 4.44 Ac C6.92 Ac C G 6.17 Ac 80.71 Ac C133.77 Ac C G 1.37Ac 19.47 Ac 2.74 Ac 40.29 Ac 1.98 Ac 1.68 Ac 1.28Ac 1.87 Ac C 6.4 0 A c C 15.88 Ac 6.31 Ac C 1.89 Ac 1.60 Ac 13.07 Ac 48.87 Ac 1.1 1 A c 7.03 Ac 8.32 Ac 2.21 Ac 9.75 Ac 1.63 Ac 5.72 Ac 5.62 Ac 8.09 Ac 4.1 Ac 1.09Ac 5.8 Ac 4.37 Ac2.09 Ac 3 O1 O4 O O2 O5 386.28414 s 90 2.04 20 0.00 2038 s805357.67378 s 15 83 6 0 5 . 7 7 43 8.67 2249 s78 7 1138.076 3 7 s 74.521075 218.146 8 1 .4 8 372 s376.69228.091 39 7 5 8 3.3 6 1 1 0 .1 2 200194.68 378.655113 0 s 217 29 1 s 41546 0 s 2803 0 2 .9 244 s88 6.83 179 s23 5 s 76 71 18 6.2 100 s 4 0 9.3 7 212160466 4 3 s 2006 5 1 .8 0 198.46299.30300 s482 s 1 0 7 3 s 670.31 481.44 274.842 8 4 .7 4 7 5 7 .4 7 148.69 3 2 3 s 100.46 412.985 3 0 s 8 6 s2 68.29472.94100.05 311.10558 s 460.35 119251.13 234 .7695.52568 s 8 2 0 s 71 s87 s196.52390273.25 118.31124 s1003.7427 3 s 1 3 8 s327s2 4 8 s 79 s 1149 3 1 3 0 s 244.37594s 2 0 0 1 4 9 s 60 6 s813 s1099s47 s103s192 s1 5 0 s220 31 7 s1038.4734 5 s 4 8 7 3333331274 s2 9 9 .1 6 619.29305 s119.55685.75 61 9.63 1 0 8 s 512.20 375 s 222 s338s1535s334.494 4 0 . 7 1 3 8 8 s 4 8 7 193.07 6 2 3 s 109.9 515 s 2 0 0 .2 9 7 5 250.51210.737 4.35 51 s220237.73 4 4 5 s4 5 1 3 6 0 .7 3 1659s 1850250 220 s340.26196.05348s397 5 4 s1097 s12 0 250250247.1200 194.6200 489 5 7 6 s 19 7 s130 s 20 1 s196 s1 3 1 s200 s44 s554s32 4 s 14 8 s 890.5413 0 s149 s 81 s 62 s 277 s13 0 s150 s30 5 s200 s199 s25 0.51 7 0 s 631.58320 43 6.78894 s 19 55 s 62 4 s 4 3 1 s75.375337.421 6 0 1315.5 200 s503.58125 s68 4 s 1 0 7 7 s 2 8 7 .4 8 54.7639 5 4 5 1 s568.53262.29 331s1474.68 695 s 358.8257 s 275.19 84 s2734 1 9 . 3 5 44 2.19 10 0125.11598 s127 s150 s 40 9.04 41 2 322 s210.756 2.64 1504 5 3 s368 s 3 7 1 .0 0742 s45 2 7 3 0 s 4 7 4 .6 5150 s82 s 155 s6601001 1024 s 10 34 s 1 5 2 s 327 548.8156.912 3 2 s 336 2 7 1.7 2 9 8 .2 2 72 s400 s56332.35497.901 9 3 6 s 3 6 4 .1 0 40 5 s 32 4 s351 s614.3727 1 163.30 4 4 3.5 2 286.42 9 1 104.64186 s211.27219.5622 s71 s5066 s 382s 187 s 3 4 4.3253.82306.1950500540 540145201.5558s678.62 229 s250255 255278.109 9.4 21 821 2 6 . 5 0 160.80203.62217 250250488.28393.954 7 5 .75 235.148 9 6 .1 2 2504 7 9 .46 162485224.71291 s3 3 9 .0 6 852 6 4 4 s 2 7 7 .5 3 5 2 5 .6 4 317.74 1318.93199.9313.9238 3.64 5 4 4 .6 0 1013.7512 5 283.43 2 . 1 6251.10217.48436.3766 5.00 66 5.00 190 s431.48504.00 1 4 5 1 .1 4 294.32 1460.644 3 3.9 1 3 7.2 4 8 9 s110.33 1 2.8 9 541.4 6727 5.91 3 3 7 .8 5 66.75225.32232.91 231.72244.9227 5.42 15 4.22 3 5 9.2 6 7 3 50300859.8153.7232 1.26 227.94227.971473.02296550alongtheC Lo fc re e k 4 4 1 . 2 6 2 9 2.7 1041.7 136.1606.3345 5.25 299.5643 2.96 303.7 39 0.49 67.88398.83511.52 5 5 1 .6 2 2 8 6 .9 4130.094 3 1.7 8 254.572 7 3 5983 8 8 s 198.697 0 4 .4 3 209 s1127.85 5 9 0.8 70.58442274446s 177 14669.99104.8591 9 5 3 5 408.52NY STATE PARKS & REC. N Y S T A T E P A R K S & R E C . 17.22 20 14 15.32 14.21 14.1 5.3 6 17.12 17.1 15.2 2.10 2.11 15.3115.5 2.2 2.9 5.1 5.2 2.2 2.22 1 2.7 2.8 2.62 4 3 2.3 19 2.1 2.11 32.12 7.119 2.13 1 12 3.22 38.3 8.2 16.1 15 48.1 7 613 15.1 8.32 8 15 76 14 2.2 8.4 P/O 29.-1-10 20 2 8 14 21 10111312 2.3 2.1 11 4 10 12.2 12.1 12 7 15.1 7.1 2.61 2.4 2.5 3 8.33 2.3 2.1 5.1 17.14 23 ______ _ P/O 32.-1-4.5 17.4 99.1 15.21 15.23 8.34 24 17.11 17.2 17.411 17 .1 3 13.1 16.3 1 8 8.2 1 3 .3 8.31 17 18.2 18.11 22.2 16.4 16.5 16.2 16.6 8.1 22.1 12.3 4 5 6 13 13.2 10.2 10.1 15.2 A L B R E C T S E N R O A D GARRETTROADD U B OIS R O A D C O U N T Y R O U T E 1 4 0 H O U G H T O N R O A D MAPLEWOODROADB O U L E V A R D 141ROUTECORNERSKRUMSP E R R Y C I T Y R O A D COUNTYROUTE1 4 2ROADCOUNTY BOULEVARDTAUGHANNOCKR O ADMAPLEWOOD32 26 33 18 28 291144.6621.74 3 3.2 1 6.83 Ac G 1.23 Ac 5 5 175 524.38 665.49195.482 9 8.1 7 21 4.50 Ac 2.63 1 4 5 9 .7 1 1 1 6 5 .6 8 386.05356.98394.5316 .6 9.90 Ac 18.12 1329 9 4 . 2 5107.4141.34 6 9 6. 7 4 2.21 356.5756 1.59 1 1 1 1 .9 4 257.0712.39 Ac 3.212.01 Ac 1 2 9 430.00374399 656 17.21 4993.79 Ac14.22 71 4.00338 4 2 1 . 2 1 2.00 Ac 18.1360296.0 0 294.082 9 6 .0 2 1 1 2 s 2316 1724___________ 2524__________27 1" = 600' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 300 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 150 0 150 300Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Ithaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1.43 Ac 1.18 Ac C O1 1 4 4.8 307 chord 1 4 2 110.3 4 4 9 .7 4 8 7 .4 8 2 s 1 1 3 s104s7 6 . 4 4 72 s3 5 5 s 99 s 8 9 s 2 3 0 s 1 1 2 . 9 1 90 s7 0 s 112 s 3 6 7 s8 2 s 177 s172.86164s8 1 . 3 4 2 3 6 1 6 3 .4 157 4 1 3 .6 2 7 5.4 4 1 0 1 . 4 6 2 3 6 .2 0384.7 599.79 42 s 70.492 5 0. 5 2 1 6 3 .75 16 1.96 1 6 0 107.531 0 9 .2 4 2 70.558 .1 2 7 9 . 1 2 3 3 7 1 4 7 s 7 13.2 1 2 3 5 6 9 11 12 14 13.1 10 4.1 4.2 8 S T A T E R OU T E 8 9 TAUGHANNOCK B O U L E V A R D 27 18 C A Y U GALAKETAUGHANNOCK168.991 6 2 .1 7130 s 1 7 6 s 1 1 2 s 13.3 148 chor d1 1 9 s 28 1" = 200' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 100 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 50 0 50 100Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Ithaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1.02 Ac C 1.05 Ac194s307 chord 201c ho r d 1 4 2 1 1 3 s 242.411 8 4 s 252 s1 8 7 .3 4176.3217 7.07 1 7 6 1 9 0.3 0 189s127.414 9 s169 2 0 5 .1 9 1 4 5.9 7 1 3 4 1 1 7 3 3 7 1 4 7 s297158 5 0 61.3 2 3 0206.00233.0050.34 9 .9150.914 13.1 15 16 17 21.2 24 25 20 21.1 19 18 8 9 27 29CAYUGALAKEM A P L E WO O D R O A DTAUGHANNOCKBOULEVARD225.91 1 2 s 13.3 148 chor d 1.3 Ac 1.09 Ac 1O 196s268 s7.013 1 s 3 5 s 131 s 1 5 9 s 5 4 s 73.63 14 6 204 25 7 78s 167 s129s 76 chord60174 227s131s1 4 0 s68.3177 s1202 3 6 s 28 s34 2 s 60163153 s1 3 0118.2988 8 4 c h o r d 1 9 9 .2 8911083 s1 1 7 .6 4 8.5 1 8 8 .9 840.5110.6885s167s277s 2 6 0 s 143.6 66 s 1 2 9 . 3 1 7 3 .1 9 181s60 s50.491 1 3 . 5 7 7 9 s 63s6 7 s 2 2 5153128s146 9 5 . 7 132.51 6 5 13568.46510 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18.1 18.2 19 20 16MAPLEWOODROAD28 27 CAYUGALAKE2 9 .4 48 2 s 602 s along creek centerline 9 3 c h o r d 1 6 8 c h o r d 1 8 7 .3 4 129 s 6 7 c h or d 29 1" = 200' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 100 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 50 0 50 100Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Ithaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1.3 Ac 1.09 Ac 2.72 Ac C 1.87 AC 1.25 Ac C 1.18 Ac C 1O 196s268 s 1 43 3 1 6 s 1 3 6 . 7 3 162.62227s131s7 9 s 181.56 2 s 43 7.7 117s3 5 s 1 6 5 s3 5 179s66. 7 1 8 2 s 4 0 0 s 104 s 42 9 s 1 0 7 s 4 1 2 .5 22 4.785s167s264s 277s 3 2 5 s 2 6 5 s 26s2 6 0 s 15.951.757.667.921 8 .4 1 1 8 s 83chor d 3 1 s 1 4 4 s374s 2 7 8 s 1 0 4 .3 8100.3546 s86 c h ord 72 s219233 53033 2 s 4 2 4 .6189.233 s1 8 1 .7 7 1 3 7 s 220s1831 8 6 s 4 1 1 s 156 7 2761 0 0 1 1 4 s38.88133.8433s1 7 3 s 36.97 0 1 0 4 .9 0 101 s 26 s 86 s392.514 1 s 38 40 41 21 22 23 28 32.2 39 24 25 26 27 3029 32.1 33 31.1 34 31.2 36 37MAPLEWOODROAD 30 27 LAKELAKECAYUGA105 0 16602 s along creek centerline 9 3 c h o r d 4 0 s 1.14 Ac C 4.22 Ac C 1.74 Ac 1.04 Ac 2.41 Ac C 6.25 Ac C 6.06 Ac C 1.44 Ac C 1.20 Ac O O O 2 1 3102 s68 s7 6 4 s 1 1 0 s 1 6 7 s 927 s 2 7 2 .4 8 2 1 6 . 4 2 181.4366 s347 s 2 7 8 s 268 s143.83 123.98119.67 3 0 4 s 9 2 .2 4 80.16336s502s 645s2 0 0 s1091s 664 s382 s196.583 4 8.9 3 402s417 s1 4 2 s 67 s131s229.24163.272 2 8 s 220s 128s31s 110s 4 2 . 6 5 2 3 2 2 7 .5 2138 s83.4694.132 1 3 .2 0 2 1 2 1 5 6 1.2 3.1 1.1 3.2 4 GLEN W O O D ROADMAPL EWOODROADT AUGHANNOCK32 29 LAKECAYUGA 3225___ 1 3 9 3 s 27 30 1" = 200' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 100 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 50 0 50 100Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Ithaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 2.89 Ac 4.22 Ac C 6.25 Ac C 1.44 Ac C 1.09 Ac C 3.19 Ac 1.20 Ac O O 1 3102 s68 s50 s155. 9 5 1 7 2 .1 201cho rd229 7.0 6 138.949 0 s 9 5 1 0 6 .8 5147.51 9 8 s 43.08 1 8 8 s 7 6 4 s 1 1 0 s 2 0 3 s 1 9 1 s 1 6 7 s 927 s 2 7 2 .4 8 2 7 8 s 268 s2 0 0 s1091s 4 1 3 .2 9 1 3 0 70. 2 3 3 7 s 5 1 s 5 0 s 30 s664 s382 s67 s8 6 s 2 6 1 5 7 0 s 1 9 8 s5648504 1.00131s228s 220s 128s147.00 108.008 1 3 3 1 .5 9 5 0 . 2 5 0 . 7 2 6 8 s 7.2431s 7 7 110s 4 2 . 6 5 3 0 . 5 3 2 . 6 833 1 6 .3 5 2 3 2 7 8 . 2 2 1 0 080.122 2 7 .5 2138 s158 s1 8 5 .9 0 3 6 4 .8 0 1 7 .1 6 7 8 s83.4694.132 1 3 .2 0 4 6 2 .0 4 4 1 . 0 0 1 9 3 .2 6 1 9 3 .2 6 3 0 5 .3 2 2 1 8 162.32 1 5 6 7.2 16.2 3.1 8 16.32 18.2 17 14 10 9 4 12 11 15 16.31 13 T AUGHANNOCKBOULEVARD31 1 3 9 3 s 18.1113.8332 1.71 Ac 4.2 Ac C 4.65 Ac C 3 Ac C 2.33 Ac C 1.86 Ac 1.04 Ac 1.95 Ac 1.54 Ac 1.71 Ac 1.37 Ac 2.06 Ac 2.07 Ac C 1.86 Ac C O2 O1121.431 8.8 1 7 9 s 1403 5 4 s260s 3 6 9 .3 8 217.48583 s167s9 9 . 4 3 0 9 s 70.3527s112 s 1 2 4 s 84156595.85108.005 9 3 .4 5 2 0 .9 2 1 0 8 2 9 5 .26 3 2 .5 5 9 4 .7 649.95 147.00 1 3 4 . 4 4 1 2 4 104s1983 9 7 .6 19.633 3 1 .5 9 8 1 5 8 2 .0 9 1 3 9 . 0 8 6 1 4 2 2 0 1 0 0 . 1 79.4095150 2 7 554 s73.08 57 6 s 5 3 . 7 4 2 8 6 1 0 4.5 1 3 2 s3856.8534 s 321.23 2 042 5 0 1501 4 2 . 8 3 1 8 1 .5 9 1 0 3 . 3 6 1 0 9 .8 114.68 100.051 2 0 1 7 2 .2 313.51 1 2 7 s 141 s2.2 12.2 14 3 1 13 6 7 4 1.3 1.2 15 8.2 1.1 5 9 10 11 8 9STATEROUTE 30 32 CA Y U G A LAKE3332 2.1 3 3 0 .4 6 3 1 7 s 31 1" = 200' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 100 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 50 0 50 100Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Ithaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1 Ac 3 Ac C 2.33 Ac C 2.79 Ac C 3.87 Ac C 1.51 Ac C 2.20 Ac C 2.50 Ac 3.98 Ac C21.56 Ac C G 2.75 Ac C 2.44 Ac 1.86 Ac 2.32 Ac 1.35 Ac 1.05 Ac 604 s 2 8 2 .8 6 6 9 s 411 s 3 1 4 s 299s3 1 8 s 72 s 33 5 1 7 9 s 1403 5 4 s260s 3 6 9 .3 8 217.48208s 676 s1 5 2 s 4 5 8 .7 2 162s1 7 4 . 4 1 89 70.32773 8 7 . 9 4 25 9.80 182.224 8 176.3351 .9 3 5 4 0 .8 9 234s 2 6 1 s106.257 6 .5 1 36.472 5 0 .9 514.69 74.9148.67523 3.7 72.96346 531 4 6 .4 1 1 9 . 6 7 5 4 1 .5 5 4 1 .1 2 1 5 .1 3 0 0 801 8 2 . 7 1 18 3.82 218.8156595.85 2 0157.368 0 2 5 7 .5 3 802 0 095275 2 8 6 22 5.03 2 9 3 .3 3 8 4 . 3 14 7.09 408.5U L Y S S E S F I R E D I S T R I C T 14 16 18 21 7 5 23 26 6 28 3 13 19 4 25 15 29 22 24 T O W N O F O FTOWN I T H A C A U L Y S S E STAUGHANNOCKBOULEVARD32CAYUGA LAKE145.5433 2.1 741 s3 3 0 .4 6 74 s3 1 7 s 325 s 12.31 Ac___ Ac C 2.89 Ac 15.61 Ac9.72 Ac C 1.58 Ac 2 .1 4 A c C 2.51 Ac 2 Ac 1.63 Ac 2.16 Ac 6.89 Ac C2.65 Ac C 23.09 Ac 96.40 Ac 25.11 Ac C 35.62 Ac C 17.10 Ac C 2.81 Ac 1.57 Ac 11.40Ac G 50.35 Ac C G 1.98 Ac C 12.64 Ac 14.90 Ac C 3 . 6 5 A c C23.90 Ac C 3.89 Ac 1.58 Ac 1.50 Ac C 3.53Ac C 10 Ac 2.00 Ac 27.24 Ac6.72 Ac C 46.18 Ac C49.02 Ac C G 6.59 Ac2 Ac 5.33 Ac C 1.68 Ac1.35 Ac 11.92 Ac C 1.25 Ac O1 O2 1 6 7 s 7 6 1 s 2 5 4 .8 5 3 4 7 .3 8 2 36s 6 1 7 . 4 0 55020 02 s 768 s81 4.60 36 3 s560s777 s2 4 7 8 1 5 s 664 s7 6 0 .4 6 478 s8 2 0 s247.536 3 s 73 s 506s3721930 s247.51752 4 547 4 s 80 s390 s 5 9 1 s 28 61 s769.9970446.7829 8 .7 5 377750 s42 3.06 156.28 807 s 517.5066 60 5 s 134 s1 6 s 49 3.94 150 s534.4785808.17557 s608 8 2 s 1 6 5 . 2 5 46 5.69 2055341 s 535.051 0 0 5 .1 4 92 0.37 15 75 .77 9 6 1 .4 1 426.76 1 0 5 0 s 4 7 8 s 268s173.4535237.411 0 0 4 0 9 s 249.9121 48 s 14 98 .7293 s51 348.1240 0 5 0 0 . 4 1264.14783.2354.132 7 6 s 23 1.14 396.86 3 2 4s343 s210.754 5.47 730.30 503 s255 s477 s404.2 9 s 4 8 4 s 664 7 3 3 .6 226 s2 8 5 .0 7 2030 205 304.86299.45105183278.144 0 0 2 7 2 .4 8 16350s74 176.14150 s292 s53 78 390.55122330.92 4 8 .9 6 2 4 9 .1 6 527.822393 s 1 0 5 s 102922.692 9 9 .76300504.5121011 4 7 .3 2 8 3 4 s 97 6.06497.81690.7224 2.45 4 3 9 .6 5 436.76316 s60 6 s 1 4 3 2 . 8 8160.761 2 4.7 8 32 0.79 328s 87 s 1 2 8 s 345 s 485 s 305 s2 7 5 s225.09356 s 2 2 5 77 1 3 3 .3 638 s620 s 1 3 1 .3 1 219.5937.55264.682621507.22697.55256.85165.661 3 1 .3 1 6 4 .2 5 6 3 5 .8 4 7 8 5 .9 5 217.921 9 9 .1 39 0.04 19 0.0410 0.1204.86100.02433.43 15 1 5 s193.33200347.839 3.39 88.7304.516 3 4 .4 7 3 7 4 .9 5 38 7.52 33 7.31207.14234.52144.04 NY S T A T E P A RK S & RE C.NY STATE PARKS & REC. 13 4.1 10 4 16.3 3.21 2 3.12 11.2 11.4 8.1 16.116.2 13.7 12.2 P/O 27.-4-15.2 P/O 31.-1-3 13.1 5 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.243.22 13.3 3.24 3.1 14.2 12.2 12.1 15.2 15 2 3.3 7 8 6 3.2 4.76 Ac C 4.88 Ac G 4.2 9 11 15.1 P/O 32.-1-12.2 10 8.228.21 __11.5 14.414.3 14 T O W N O F U L Y S S E S I T H A C AOFTOWN G L E N W O O D H E IG H T S R O A D140 BOULEVARDT A UGHA NNOCKDUBOI SEROADROUTEROADCITYCOUNTYPERRY142 ROUTE COUNTY U L Y S S E S FI R E PR O T E C T I O N D I S T R I C T 33 30 31 29 27 2 0 1 . 4 6 313.77524.89 3.242.75Ac 3 0 2 .4 3 5 0 3.86 Ac 4.3 4.430.25 Ac 4.5 4.6 1 5 7 . 7 5 303.83 555.46808.93 5 9 8 . 4 6 12 1 3 .8 9 525041 7.77 10.53 Ac16255.314056 8 4 .0 5 206.27264.98262.096 4 0 .9 2 5 0 1 0 3 6 s 10.87 Ac 3.95 Ac C 12.3 13.6 17 787.341 4 3 1 .8 658.1817.91 Ac 3.25 P/O 32.-2-3.22 9.83Ac 18 10.94 Ac 12.4 196.50 Ac687.374 0 8 s745.905 5 5 .5 488.40325.82 103.66932.825 0238.69338 sD 5.55 Ac C12.27 Ac C G 12.5 C A B 964 6 6 s 1.13 67 32 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Ithaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 7.81 Ac C 28.50 Ac C 11.8 Ac 2.50Ac C21.08 Ac 1.46Ac C 41.94 Ac C 18.72 Ac 1.22Ac C 2.44Ac 2.17 Ac 1.67 Ac6.71 Ac 3.58 Ac 1.61 Ac1.4Ac 3.11 Ac2.64 Ac 1.95 Ac 1.57 Ac 1.95 Ac 3.09Ac 2.09 Ac2.43 Ac3.12Ac 3.98Ac 2.49 Ac3.95Ac 5.23 Ac 2.20Ac 3.43 Ac 1.33Ac 1.26Ac 38.92 Ac 3.95 Ac 4.51 Ac 5.27 Ac 2.67 Ac 17.61 Ac15.22 Ac 5.72 Ac 2.03 Ac 1.84 Ac 4.08 Ac3.23 Ac3.31Ac 5.56 Ac 2 .3 7 A c 1.32 Ac 3.06 Ac2.82 Ac2.25 Ac1.50 Ac3.05 Ac 2.71 Ac 4.83 Ac 1.06 Ac 7.28 Ac 4.60 Ac 3.48 Ac 33.62 Ac 23.22 Ac C 2.35 A c1.40 Ac 8.00 Ac 4.00 Ac 17.64 Ac C 7.10 Ac C 16.76 Ac 5.34 Ac C 6.68 Ac C1.31 Ac C2.18 Ac C6 Ac C 2.61 Ac 2.66 Ac 100 Ac C 100.36 Ac C 14.07 Ac C 2.25Ac C 2.73Ac C 4.20 Ac 1.30 Ac C 3.06 Ac 1 .3 4 A c1.85Ac C 1.08 Ac 3.12 Ac 2.76Ac 1.20 Ac 8.45 Ac C 1.22 Ac C 1.21 Ac C 1.84Ac 14.58 Ac 1.73 Ac 20.70 Ac 73.88 Ac 3.01 Ac 21.12 Ac O2 O1 O4 O5 O3 62 9 s 434 s485.23232.3128062 5.9952.033 2 3 s 150 s488 s 175311.38297.811 9 0 .4 9 158.424 9 8 s132 s 1 5 7 s368 s17 5 20134.56 58262 s 212 s153.85473 s833.6299 s 30055 5 201.5 243.731 1 s267 s 12 50 s 586 1790 s69 1.06 950.2 2 5 0 977.42626 s169 s 170 s 522.03781.6436 0 s917.1641 0.65 161.43 174 s 3593 0 6 s 300974.03635.5712 5230.14250.9s662.3265.1385.75296.59426 s363 s229 s63 1 s 3 2 5 .2 575 s498 s 13 177 14 58 .4 1 309 475 s 3 8 2 .3 5303.6777 8.21 33 7.02317.41 34 5 s727.28150 2 7 2 s 2 6 7 .8 1 185.8580 s868 s1 0 3 8 s 305 s2 8 2 s2 7 8 s445.664647 s363 s14 47 s 2 5 13 80 s 298.1199 s320.33 360.58 168 s165 s 170 s 72 s 64 2 s 2 8 1 s 167 s 320 s150.45475 s 2 2 5 .7 9728.44131 s 201.6215 0728.7882 s172 s 20 0 4 13 .1 8 2 0 0 .4 7 2 1 6 .7 7 173 s 16 0 4 0 1 s 200 s 135 s702 s 261 s33 9 s 469.99 195 s210218.54336.04462.752 0 0 36 5 350 927 4 .9 303.04169 s792.23499.622 8 8 .1 8 c 436.153 9 0 . 3 311 s523 s 344 s 458.57171 s 505.583 3 0 196.54240.43313 s313 s396.82199.48 113.7297.5 969.05180.5 s274.56c1 2 5 1 0 0 .5 9 215 93.62 2 4 9 . 9 2 3 8 2 . 0 6 3 1 5 .9 6 196.5426 2.9 343 s220.88 4 6 2 .7 2 4 2 6 .2 4 24 9 s 169 s 167 s 20 0133.37 310.3730019 9 s248 s289 s 329.5 2 5 0 170 s 4 2 6 .4 3 201.6415 9 s905.34 150s 170 s 2 1 0 302 s 203 246337.12 36 7.16 227.1 200.25176 206.61135 135.24 200137.31 274 s200.33447 s 5 7 0 .5 2 465.771 5 0 s 149.10 206.32158 s1 7 2633.514 2 5 .3 0 264.18206430 s 223 s575.7615 0 216.21273 s426 s14 70 s 346.17264.4190277.10217.9208 s501 s142456 s 193.7483 s18 6 433.1433.19389.49181 s 116 s184.4162.9150.1434 283.4 263 s408 s190 s679 s156 s238 s132249.3433.64117.271.8 98 4.27 2 9 7 s543.36274.38303.80 245 s36099 8.57 904 2 5 .9 1510s8 6 1 .1 2779.0729 1.35 220.98 397 s125 s 284.65 681.44300787.4793.5306.579151.3 1 1 1 8 .1 3 322. 9 52 7 1 .4 7313.8 7 13 23 s 62 4.64 375 s 200 s 432.09546419.43191.337437 7 s 503 s200 333 s232 s260 s233.9 149.81307.7189.721 1 8.4 639.932 0 1 .5 4 c228.02448.26528.0225 0 3 2 9 .1 8 16 61 .1 6 301.36251.11309 s 213.54585.64548 s 219.49474.68 2 0 0 .2 5 200.27593 s184 s 252.92 133.53 302 s 353 s187 s 460.06 27 1.76 34 6.69 4 0 1 .2 9 39 5 s1 7 8 . 9383.45191 s229.50 34 4.28 148.58314.662 9 9 .2 7 244.6220.9360.47 259 s 166 s59 6.25 24 9.32 224.01798 s797 s419 s201 s20017 1.21 30 7 s 186 s197.20511.88 150 300 s201 s84 s 171 s 3 3 s 501 s63229.2413762 2.08461 s 223 s35 3 s200 s198 s163 s 222 s 210 s219.63200193 s76 s 153 s 99.05 199 s199 s200 s196 s1 7 3 s 149 s135 s1 7 4 s 20197.9489s 195.1 275274 s15 0150 s 15 0 3 4 6 s 6 4 1 .8 2 98 2.70 27536 4 s150 s 7102628s 273 s278 s313 s303 s1140.21718.81 213 s 456 s 220 s292 s889.301 0 2 s56633.2175.00 218.20389.19218.20339.46175.00296.5715 98 .7 711 35.46415.241624 s15 56 .3 9 1524.231203.111062.32438.8323.09 131.73 135.43316.2FRANZISKA RACKERCENTER 4.12 8.71 8.2 8.8 8.9 8.62 4.81 4.4 4.73 4.3 4.10 4.11 3.5_8.13 8.11 4.1 4.2 6 22 5.264 5.7 1721 9.1 13.1113.13 A 3.4 7 6 5.1 8.23.2 21.3 1 9.2 10 10.3 11 12 1 .2 10.217.2 4.1 4.634.624.61 5.2 4.98.2 16.2 1116.6 3.1 3.2 12 7 1.192 3.3 2.2 1.14 3.6 C B 3.32 8.721 8.722 1.194 1.191 1.193 13.12 3.2 P/O 27.-2-8.4 1.4 9 15 1 1.2 10 14 15 10.1 7 5 6 4.71 4.72 8.614.24.5 1 6 .4 2 .1 23.323.221 20 18 19 4.82 10 1.121.20 14 16 3.4 3.1 1.13 1.11 16.3 16.5 16.15.1 3.312 5.68 5.1 11 9 9.2 2.1 10.4 313.1 13.22 13.21 23.311 T O W N O F U L Y S S E S I T H A C AOFTOWNKRUMSCORNERSROADTRUMANSBURG ROAD STATE ROUTE 96ROUTECOUNTY141 I R A D E L L R O A D R O U T ECOUNTY 1 7 7 I R A D E L L R O A D ROADC O U N T Y R O U T E 14 2 P E R R Y C I T Y R O A D DUBOI SEH I N G I N G P O S T R O A D WILKINSU L Y S S E S FIRET R U M A N S B U R G CE N T R A L SCHOOLDISTRICTDISTRICTSCHOOLC I T YITHACA IT H A C A T R U M A N S B U R G CENTRALCITYSCHOOLSCHOOLDISTRICTDISTRICTIT H A C A CI T Y SC H O O L DISTRICTT R U M A N S B U R G C E N T R A L S C H O O L DISTRICTD I S T R I C T 32 27 26 34 395.31 7 .11 .35 Ac4 9 6 .2 3 170.6354.8918 6.2 9 580 s1 Ac637.82154.41330.59 1274.6313 Ac 4 5 3.7 P/O33.-4-3.2 38.25 Ac 3225______31 33 3332______200.33 27 4 .4794.233.6 4.29Ac 9 3 .0 7 1 5 3 .9142.3830 0.75196.79.11.07 Ac 193.12192.63121.098109.97 232.62257.59 149.09315.45273.638.14 8.12 2.02Ac 1.18 Ac 1 2 3 . 4 371.95 727.1716 0 729.23680.90 2.67 Ac19.120 85.82 80 .1 9 727.3719.21.38 Ac 7 3 . 4 8 8 6 .3 4 2 7 2 . 6 6 1.89 Ac8.1 3 7 0 .7 1 2 9 7 .4 7 131 s 3.76.03 Ac61 s456.30457.29562.01 293 10 82 .0 5 90 5 s 92 8 s 28 27 s 17 10 s 540 s 55 4.78 2331 33 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictIthaca City School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 1.67 Ac C 1.21 Ac C73.52 Ac C 5.74 Ac 23.8 Ac 30.27 Ac C 36.64 Ac 3.37 Ac C 2.33Ac 1.93 Ac C 1 Ac C 1 Ac C 1 Ac C 2 Ac C 1.5 1 A c 1.50 Ac C 5 Ac C 16.50 Ac C 15 Ac C 7.83 Ac 4.1 Ac 1.01 Ac 10.01 Ac 1.40Ac C 1.40Ac C 2.05Ac 1.30 Ac1.22 Ac 6.03 2.36 Ac C 1.40 Ac C 1.2Ac C 15.25 Ac 17.48 Ac C 1.23Ac 13.83 Ac 2.08Ac 1.32 Ac C1.10 Ac 138.90 Ac 3.50 Ac 12.00 Ac 5.40 Ac 124.00 Ac 1.98 Ac 1.68 Ac 19.90 Ac 3.50 Ac C 35.00 Ac 1.65 Ac 5.50 Ac 1.87 Ac 22.08 Ac 21.89 Ac6.00 Ac 7.47 Ac11.69 Ac 3.07Ac 2.06 Ac 1.88 Ac 36.32 Ac 8.5 Ac 1.9 Ac C 1.32 Ac 1.47 Ac 3.1 2 A c 1.50 Ac C2.35 Ac C1.72 Ac CAc C 1.71 Ac C 3.68 Ac C 1.72 Ac C 1.29 Ac 2.05 Ac 2.00 Ac1.78 Ac4.87 Ac 1.79 Ac1.73 Ac7.01 Ac 3.44Ac C 34.24 Ac 1.38Ac C 1.41Ac C 2.82Ac 1.35 Ac 14.8 Ac 2.02 Ac 7.41 Ac C 3.93 Ac C 4.59 Ac 7.73 Ac 2.93 Ac 7.43 Ac1.92 Ac 12.97 Ac 9.35 Ac G 1.76 Ac 2.36 Ac 2.01 Ac 1.59 Ac 27.86 Ac 1.1 Ac 4.32 Ac 3.90 Ac C O3 O2 O1 51 9.79447836.2 s 396 s42 5 s 42 4 s 42 4 s 258.719321168s411 s 412 s 1005 d485100 s409 s 174 s301s240 s1 0 0 s374 s373 s230 s4 9 0 s 2 2 1 s 4 2 3 s 50 19 9 s181 s 200s345 s51 4 s 102 s99 s20 0 171.22350 s215.14230 s165.7415 s81.86464.947 4 3 265.46 415.78178 260.25986.74242 s1 7 5 s 917.16749 s45 2 s 27 4 s 390.64171429 s490s878 s218 s 5 2 5 s 166 388.0140 0 s336 s1 7 3 s 461 s 174 s 363 s403.50248 s301 s12 56 .9 2 43 8 s514.22302 s28 5 20 0 397 s225 s27 3.87 64 6.01299 s3 4 0 .9 1 89 1133.07295 s12 34 .8 225 s594s883 s211 s162.1925189.2422 7 s 107 34100 s98.630412 s 150.53 1 0 183.21189 s232 s30 178 s 182 s 99.7181 s 100 s118.2447373 s1 5 0 3 5 9 s100 1001502 7 3 d 7 3 8 s 15 6 s 2345 s99 s1 2 3 d99 s100 s225 d199.47268.1326 2.41 10 4.06 100 50 100.2965 s200.03 213 70.94167 s100 s458.57184.49343.18739 s300 14 7 s 2 4 2s 182.8106.215 0 s144 s611.39223.16199 s379 s1 2 7 s891.35377.65 70 s1 0 5 s 1 7 975 .81667.83 479 s2 0 0 s695.6565 4 s 300.30167 s100 99 s34 5 s874.67389 s 654.0615 3 s149 s 15 1 s374 s373 s50 8 s 22 5 s 42 7 s 2 9 4 s149 s 2 1 0 s300 s275 s570.86340 s49 0.11 65 2.04100659.1 41 6 s247 s 24 2 s 98 s3 4 7 s 383 s175 s12 5 s 199 s3 4 0 s 40 4 s 286291 s479.03 182.8 20 5 s 299 s 27 5 s 51 6 s 3 4 6 .1 0199 s 247 s452.721755519 9 s416 s238 s27 0 s1788 s206 155349.1428.91 46 5 s208 s 634.91 4 0 0 36 4 s 175 s4 7 0 650 s 14 56 s 173 s763 s28 5 124.47 s53 0 s 14 41 s 278.9 625.6 50213 218400 s206.61111.30 12012 5883 s100 s99 s99 s174 s12226 s 195.2 293 2 7 1 .7 3 355 s19 9 s 174.73 321 s 7 5 3 s 252.78352.16 404.79 25 1 7 4 s227 s679 s9 7 s 206.98331.37 231.53223347.6524166 s140.18100 s517 s 215.44100 s6 3 6 s361.9 5 s 339.19291 s297 s502 s447181.84100411 s 11 25 .2 9197 s270.77627.00485 s1 5 0 s 14 8 s1320 12 08 .8576.51 1 4 .6 5 57 3 s 40 s199 s 10 65 s 1 8 3 s294 s12 4 s 279 s1093 20.762 4 3 3 s2498 s200 s46 1.02 631 s293.81179.07266 s6 3 4 .9 7 s 31 s6 8 9 s 206.61101 50 19 9 s 23 9.99 176 s20 0 s 373.00399.715 0.00 1731 7 4 s137 s25 1 7 5 s49 2 0 6 s 27 5 s 19 9 s199 s 1 1 0 s 90101.7 7561 109 s447 s447 s191 s115 78 s401 s118 s869 75393 s10 0 s451 s2 4 4 .2 2 2 4 4 .2 0 873 s875 s86854 s 1157.18 252.89144.95706.076 6 0 1219.87 804.141681.16180.9 160.161048.3814 9 s90 s100 s 75 385387.294494 s 300 s 138.5 535 s 402 s205 s175243.19 100410.39175 519855.49401 s403 s500.02346.53 98.9986 228369 s25178 115.01 255.28250.5931 3.8735 s 257 s518.6128.5299.38729.7 51 1.3 310.7 374.431 5.00 144.43166.44155 s 339.19365 s64 4.53 629.14 4 0 0953.39 9 4 5 .48473.45 352 s439.8402.612 53 s 24 8 s363.9658.171 3 5 .5 1135.51 186500 232.9717 5 200.00249.5246.2230.96221 s20 0.00 41 1.29466.86132 s17 530 0.03 17 5 200.00175 s177 s1 7 5 .0 0 188.45249.241 2.35 189 s 175175.00374 s380.9165 8780200.4892 6.15 20 0 .6221.61 2.1206.55230230240.67 20 9.8 71 9.7 71 2.94 7.27 37 7.3 5 4 12 6 8 42.442.37.23 6.2 6 7.222 11.311.4 11.5 27.2 __27.1 26 7.22 11.1 11.2 10 3.13 3.2 15 916 31 8.13 333439 17 12 5.1 7.22129.2 18 21 43 2826 29.2 30 24.3 27 25 24.22 29.141 28.220.123 21 24.1 1.2 1.1 41 1 9 2.1 13.114 31 3635 3332 11.1 12 8.9 9.2 3.121 3.124 3.123 9.1 3.1128.1 8.14 7.25 3 2 13.1 44 13.239 2.2 10 87.21 13.2 7.2 18 25.1 25.2 23 34 24 40 13 3638.138.6 38.74038.9 2 38.5 35 32 7.21 17151416 5 6.14 1 8.12 10 22 11.3 8.4 8.8 8.10 8.5 8.6 8.7 20.1 7.5 30 7.26 14 1.3 1.4 38.1 38.2 38.1042.142.238.2 45.246 19 20.2 T O W N O F O F U L Y S S E S E N F I E L DTOWN VANDORN'SCORNERSROADROAD STATE ROUTE 96 C OU N T Y R O U T E 1 7 7ROAD C I T Y C O U N T Y I R A D E L L R O A D P E R R Y R O U T E 14 2 JACKSONVILLER O A D TRUMANSBURG ULY S S E S FI R E DI S T R I C T 2624 35 33 13201 2 0 8 .8 445.783248.7P/O 33.-4-3.2 29 30 30 30 312223 31 5 132.31.23Ac 1.06Ac91.26231.42 179.75 2 0 4 .2 6144.95206.59335.857.4 7.3 103.67102 ___99.96347.12 11.2 174 432.03 4 8 .3 3 314.86135.97 268.9850 60 7.5 7.61.34 Ac1.1Ac 187.09146.41 5 7 .0 5 1 0 0 1 2 7 .8 8354.72226.6228.11.23 Ac 9 2 3 .6 0627.2 5 728.01259.33 864.3744 9.50 12 30 .63 2 9 9 .2 4 15.76 Ac 45.1 3.1224.02 Ac 351.7112 6.14626 24 80 .9 5 88 s 29 302221 34 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 13.90 Ac C 5.40 Ac 54.90 Ac 25.42 Ac C 13.43 Ac C 55.95 Ac C 5.40 Ac C 5.20 Ac C 2.57 Ac C 2.14 Ac C 3 Ac C 3.13 Ac 102 Ac C 65.71 Ac C 1.38Ac C 1.91Ac C 1.54Ac C 1.38 Ac 2.24 Ac 5.7 Ac 7.63 Ac 19.24 Ac 4.71 Ac 4.90 Ac 9.38 Ac 1.52 Ac 6.23 Ac 58.62 Ac 7.94 Ac 5.33 Ac 9.00 Ac 27.39 Ac C 9.71 Ac C 2.15Ac C 9.01 Ac C 21.7 Ac 12.85 Ac 2.21Ac C 2.55Ac C 2.16 Ac 1.38 Ac C 1.89 19.99 Ac 48.77 Ac 50.06 Ac C 11.60 Ac 9.53 Ac C 1.27 Ac 6.65 Ac 14.49 Ac C 1.94Ac 10.38 Ac C 16.35 Ac C 107.75 Ac 45.37 Ac 27.08 Ac 6.9 Ac 81.98 Ac 26.67 Ac 74.94 Ac 7.02 Ac O2O1 656 s276. 9 2 6 5 s 25 289.97 268 s5 8 0250 s405.477097 3 s 7 4 2 s 233.9896 6 s140 s3 2 5 100 s90 5 3 8 8 .8 5 58 0.52 5529823 8 s 8 2 1 .4 1 90 9 s 930.723 0 0 16 8550.781 0 0 17 9 s143.00279 s1 40 1 .46 1 1 6 1 s 20 1 s352 s774.50250 s37 5.33 98 1.88827.64648 s 20020 0 120016 64 s 170 d 20 5 2 6 0 1511 s200 20520 5 16 9 s103375 20 5 107.44149 s8 2 0 s97 90 5 834 s3 8 6 s378 s286.431959 s1 4 1 7 s842 s568 s570 s66 0 s591 s350.8 165.0048 2 s 30 01247.08653s609 s400400534 s16590 4.71 190.05604.2980.37 24 1 250378.9 440.5350s379 s5 9 1 s 498 s378 s147.0324 1 25015 54.2537.5510830076 3 s 781 s629.90 1241.17451 6 6 .8 6 303.94 9 3.9308.67216.3324 2 s 249 s9 0 6 s 147 s36 2 s 340 s37 7 s395 s 489538 s2 0 0 d4001080.0 9 1 7 2 10 0149.71 90 5348 s2 3 6 s352 s200486.08563 s17 5 s 38 8 s1096 s37 6.07 97 5 s 215510 348.2 4 41224 s19 50 .7 4 277 s3 8 5 .8515.512 08 s 14 27 .0 0 1250.0591 1 s855 s2 Ac279.23285 3591798.51426371023.88 561.52170 10 25 .8 7568.57349.71561.71 s57 8 200 370 355.00898.7217 0.16555.12 16 6 s 127s860 2 2 0 s 197 3555 6 5 .4 2154 s4 9 s659 85 6.5 547.8 905.55489359277 s350362.62367.57820 15 93 .1 9503.27700.55 25217 s20 5 430779325180 s158325260 234.98 2662209 s175.5861.6915 1 4 9 7 .7 2058.3963 1.57 56 7.46 4 9 5 .9 5 253.5365 6.7 9 1135.7151 6.4 3 400.47 3 8 3 .5 9 897.4423 9.96 599.38 90 1960.586 6 8 .3 5 63 9.66631.311074.815 5 1 .7 2 1886.63263.8536.13286.0890 6.23 25 5.31 9 2 8 . 0 5 7 9 1 .1 4 1 7 4 .7 4 93 7.62 755.3711 93 .5 5777.64948 3 5 6 .3 8 1324.70508.5508.3583.29 214 s210907.1211 20 .2 6 1833442.98 81.0248 7.3 20 334.10 1770.17167.2227513 12.22 9 .1 16.113 16.114 5.11 5.12 9.22 2.14 2.31 2.4 6 2.12 2.32 5.2 5.3 4.32.112 2.1112.21 1.2 14 3 1.4 1.1 4.1 5.2225.4 10.1 25.1 6.2 19.1 20.2 6.124 23 22 12.21416.112 20.1 16.12 8 1718 P/O 24.-4-11.2 3 4.13 4.12 4.11 2 7.2 7.39.2 9.3 16.2 16.111 4.2 1.2 87 10 11 13 4.2 4.3 1.22 15 1.21 1.1 5.221 9.1 7.1 5.21 2.33 25.2 25.3 5.23 2.131 2.132 O F O FTOWN E N F I E L D U L Y S S E S T O W N HALSEYVILLEROADCOUNTYROUTE170170I R A D E L L R O A D R O U T E P E R R Y C I T Y R O A D CO U N T Y R O U T E 1 4 2 JACKSONVILLECOUNTYROADPODUNK146ROUTEROADC O U N T Y 1 7 7 U L Y S S E S FI R E D I S T R I C T P R O T E C T I O N 36 24 34 24 26 27 28 28 29 1 7 7 .3 8 240147.69 3 0 0 849.862.223.09 Ac 5012.1735 219.03 321.0224 4 s199.33155.8627 1.64 19.22.02 Ac 9 1 5 5 1 .1 0446.34293.2150 5.34 11 8.49150.556.16 Ac 5.24 18.87 Ac 10.2 1 3 1 0 .4 1 211.2616.115 9.21 8.75 Ac526.683 7 1 .77 398.0912.21 12.23 12.24 12.25 12.26 3.64 Ac 4.92 Ac 3.74 Ac 3.18 Ac 3.44Ac 59 5.00 60 2.24 61 2.00265.00355.00282.15275.00300.00300.06275.06565 0 1 .5 9 5 0 6 .7 5 6 8 3 .0 2 261569.29835.60265.10351.2037 9.0613 14 27 .0 0 23 1 4 0 2 s Ac 27 28 2019 29 302221 28 20 21 29 29 30 35 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District 69.05 Ac C15.62 Ac 9.11 Ac 97 Ac C 1.50 Ac 40 Ac 118.39 Ac C 60.00 Ac 35.00 Ac25.00 Ac1.35 Ac2.52 Ac C 113.6 Ac 3.44Ac 47.94 Ac 1 5 .0 1 A c 18.81 Ac 2.30 Ac 90.57 Ac134.49 Ac C G 2.35 Ac 225.09 Ac C351.03 Ac C G 5.85 Ac 116.09 Ac 114.28 Ac O2O1 163 s1041 s4 0 9 .20 828 s2 5 6 8 s1706.003218 s705.3190 s656 s2 8 2 s 247 s8 2 5 s1331s 1 7 5164 s 242 s1 6 0 7 .8 6 6 1 4 s 2 1 9 3 s 731 s740 s2 8 3 s 1486 s4 5 7 13 0 7 .0 6 17 72 .7 6 2 1 7 6 s 1615 s2460 s2391 s319598.821 5 3 0 s1074.401069 s15 43 s997 s 1 0 2 5 s338344339.96s20 51 s 45 7 s 355s1 5 5 s 2 8 5s941s754 s25 33 s1738 s492.05597.80499.96310.81 20 42 .8 4 1 7 34 .4 8 6 0 0 .3 0 29 1 60.066 0 2 .8 0 543.101715.211483.584 0 0 .2 5 975 s1090.96216 s4 0 0 .2 5 2502501 5 5 2252251 5 5 6 8 0 45 9.31719.993 0 9 8 .4 6 1055.402 9 2 5 .9 3 3756 8 0 19 6.05 1 670.221726.563751065 s1706.406 0 0 2 5 1 4 .9 2 1 2 2 2.2 5 4.1 9.2 11 5 8.2 67 9.2 8.1 6 3.23.1 2 1 1 9.1 10 9.3 9.4 4.1 4.2 7.2 7.1 8.3SCHUYLERCOUNTYCOUNTYOFULYSSESTOMPKINSTOWN U L Y S S E S E N F I E L DTOWNTOWNOF C O U N T Y R O U T E 1 7 7ROADCOUNTYROUTE36ROUTECOUNTY142 P E R R Y COUNTYPODUNK146ROUTEULYSSESROADR O A D I R A D E L L ROADR O A D C I T Y WATERBURGF I R E D I S T R I C TULYSSESFIREDISTRICTULYSSES 36 23 23 24 26 26 27 9 0 3 .4 8 408.99210.92 23 2.53 403.14118.88 216.56 2 0 6 . 9 0 1527.79 273.92 307.46 165.51 146.64 6 8 5.2 2 1197 s53.32 Ac C 4.2 649.404 9 9 .6 2 3 8 5.8 5148.8819 4.57 1 9 1 .9 9 9.15.0 8 A c 2618 2726 1918 27 28 2019 27 28 36 1" = 800' FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYNOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central CoordinateSystem using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beenregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map,and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions.For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriatedeeds and surveys. SP E C IA L DI S TR I C T I N FO R M AT IO N TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. North MAP: SCALE: MAP REVISED: 1-JULY-2020MAP PRINTED: 1-JULY-2020 (When plotted on Arch D Media) Main MapSecond Map 1 " = 400 ' 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 200 0 200 400Feet 1 Parcel ConnectorProperty LineFormer Property LineCurrent Year ChangesBlock LimitExternal Tax MapBlock Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textualinformation from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric basemap, and digital conversion of hand-drawn mylar maps. Errorsand omissions can occur from each of these sources; each sourcerepresents a large number of records and originators ofinformation. As a practical matter, the County does not warrantthe accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed. Theend user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with thefull knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to holdharmless the County for any damages that may result from aninappropriate use of these maps. 43.1 3 12 A 3 5.6 Ac2.11 Ac C18.50 Ac G 100s 100d Parcel Lot NumberPrevious Lot NumberSubdivision Lot NumberDeed/Survey AcreageComputed AcreageGrouped (Total) AcreageScaled (Calculated) AcreageDeed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number HydrographyRailroadCurb/Pavement LineBuilding Footprint (1991-2020) Special Districts Municipality Trumansburg Central School DistrictUlysses Fire Protection District