HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-28DRYC March 28, 2016 Dryden Recreation and Youth Commission March 28, 2016 Members Present: Kathy Servoss (Chair), Stephanie Mulinos, David Bravo-Cullen, Diane Pamel, and Judy Sinicropi Town Hall Staff: Jennifer Jones (Recreation Director) and Andrew Pierce (Recreation Coordinator) Liaisons: Daniel Lamb (Town Board) Guests: Kyle Hollenbeck, Dryden Lake trail presentation Reports: Town Board: Dan Lamb - D. Lamb reviewed the history of the Pinckney Road land purchase o It was encouraged by the Conservation Board o Quality area for conservation o Potential recreation possibilities o Potential trail opportunity o Tompkins County has supported the decision and has offered $15,000 toward the purchase o The Dryden Town Board wishes to use funds from the Recreation Reserve Fund  Rec fund usage is based on a public referendum - S. Mulinos asked what role the DRYC will play assuming the land purchase moves forward. o D. Lamb replied that the purchase will not drain the rec fund, it will still have $300,000. He would like the DRYC to make plans and recommendations regarding where those funds will be spent. Do we need another ball park or another soccer field? Or should we do something more modest there and put the funds toward another project. o There was a Rail Advisory Committee convened for the first time. The meeting was well attended and there was a lot of energy there. D. Lamb is excited about the trail for walkers, hikers, bikers, horseback riding, etc. - A. Pierce pointed out that D. Lamb’s comments could be misleading since the Town doesn’t own any ball fields or soccer fields; in fact, the Town does not possess any active recreational facilities. - D. Lamb feels the Pinckney road property would make a great centrally located area for a town park - S. Mulinos pointed out that $300,000 won’t go very far in terms of building a park. She prefers a plan to continue to fund the Rec Reserves. Another group is working on a community center and having funds to support that effort would be beneficial. Knowing that there will continue to be resources available to support local efforts would be appreciated. o D. Lamb advised that some of the money in the rec fund should be maintained primarily for local matches when they apply for grants. - D. Bravo-Cullen stated that until January he had not looked at/visited the Pinckney road site. Having visited the site, he recommended personally and professionally that developing the area will be difficult and will have higher costs than another site. There is a large gully that divides the DRYC March 28, 2016 property close to Pinckney Road which will make access to the property difficult especially considering that the gully is required to be conserved due to the agreement with the County. The rail bed primarily falls on the neighbor’s property and in terms of the Rail to Trail program, the purchase is unnecessary since an easement from the neighbor will be required for trail use anyway. It is a nice piece of property but the neighborhood isn’t really so nice – across the road is an electrical substation, a concrete facility, a run-down trailer park, high tension wires, etc. If fields were built, then there won’t be a place to park and if you build a parking lot, there isn’t room for fields. Recreation Department: Jennifer Jones See attached report - The 2015 annual report is available - The Community Grants are available – the deadline is April 1 - The first pickleball tournament was held on Sunday – it was a huge success o The Recreation Department is considering running the program over the summer and TC3 has offered use of their facilities for the programs. - The Spring Egg Hunt will be held Saturday, March 26th at 11 AM. - D. Lamb said he has talked with some folks up at TC3 and is hoping to expand the opportunities they are willing to share with the Town. Community Space Committee: S. Mulinos and D. Pamel - They are having a community event on April 2nd to introduce the idea of community space - They have a mission statement but no set plans – they are still trying to gather information and form contacts - Next step will be to become a 501 C3 so they can begin fund raising. Montgomery Park Revitalization Project: D. Pamel - This group has been meeting for a year now and although there has been some contentious history between the Town and the Village, they are moving ahead. - The group has a new plan for the park including moving the play ground area, cleaning out the right of way from Main Street to the park, some ball fields will be installed, parking will be improved, and bathrooms installed. - The Village has some funds set aside for the park and are hoping to get more funds via the Town and fundraising. - A lot of the work will be done through volunteers. Rails to Trails Steering Committee: D. Bravo-Cullen This report was delayed until next month due to time constraints Action Items: Approve meeting minutes from February 24, 2016: DRYC March 28, 2016 D. Pamel moved to approve the minutes and D. Bravo-Cullen seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved. Dryden Lake Trail Proposal: Kyle Hollenbeck See attached presentation J. Jones feels that the next step will be getting permission from the Town Board to begin moving forward and collecting sponsorships. K. Hollenbeck is meeting with the Conservation Board next week. Multi-Sport Court: Andrew Pierce See attached presentation A. Pierce was excited about combining the sport court with some trails (including one that extends from TC3 to the Village) and park area behind the Town Hall. - the project will not have to be bid out - A. Pierce has dug through a lot of options and offered a variety of options and ideas for the Commission to consider - in terms of safety – it will depend on the pattern used and it will certainly be a bit softer than concrete - A. Pierce was asked by the Commission to return next month with even more information – budget, grant opportunities, etc.. K. Servoss asked him to bring back (ideally) 3 options – one for the $150,000 which includes everything from start to finish, one in which Town crews can do part of the work, and one with the bare bones options. What is the difference between creating the court at Montgomery Park or near the Town Hall? D. Lamb left the meeting. Community Grant review meeting: Applications are due April 1st and the next Town Board meeting is the 21st. The Commission determined to meet on April 7th at 7PM. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50PM. Respectfully Submitted, Erin A. Bieber Deputy Town Clerk March 2016 Recreation Director Report Community Grants: o The community grant application has been sent out to all last year’s applicants, posted online and in the spring booklet, and advertised in the Shopper. DRYC March 28, 2016 o Applications are due April 1st and will be reviewed by the DRYC in April and hopefully recommendations to the Town Board April or May. Spring Programming: o The Dryden Recreation Spring 2016 Community Guide is now out to the community. The booklet has been delivered to local schools, posted online, and been advertised in the Shopper and Dryden Courier. This guide promotes programs from March through June including youth programs, adult programs, community events, and even more from local organizations. o The annual Spring Egg Hunt is coming up on Saturday, March 26th at Montgomery Park. o We will once again host CPR/AED/& First Aid training in Dryden this year which was popular last spring. o Youth Sports this spring will be Lacrosse, Karate, and Track and Field. There is also an addition of new field trips which families have already started signing up for. o Adult programming this spring will be our popular co-ed softball league and the return of senior fitness. o The department will be hosting the first ever Pickleball tournament on Sunday, March 20th. This event was developed by our recreation assistant Jack Davison. o The department is now coordinating spring registrations and schedules while planning the summer and fall programs to go out to the community in May. Grant Opportunities: o We were not rewarded any funds from the Good Sports grant we applied for. o Next on the list is a grant opportunity from the Walmart Foundation Community Grant. o Still waiting on notification from the Finish Line grant application. -LP6FKXJ7UDLO3URSRVDO3URMHFW2XWOLQH-LP6FKXJ7UDLOƔPLRIWUDLOUXQQLQJDORQJ'U\GHQ/DNHZLWKREVHUYDWLRQSRVWVHYHU\PLOHƔ&XUUHQWO\XVHGE\ILWQHVVHQWKXVLDVWVRIDOODJHV\HDUURXQGƔ0LQLPDOLVWDSSURDFKWRWUDLQLQJƔ$GGLWLRQRIILWQHVVVWDWLRQVLQHQKDQFHH[SHULHQFHRIXVHU)LW7UDLO6\VWHPVƔ%DFNJURXQGƔ)HDWXUHVƔ6SHFLILFDWLRQVƔ:DUUDQW\Ɣ3XEOLFLW\Ɣ8VDJH%DFNJURXQGƔ6RXWK:RRGLVDFXVWRPDUFKLWHFWXUDOVLJQDJHDQGJUDSKLFVILUPORFDWHGLQ&KDUORWWH1RUWK&DUROLQD6RXWK:RRGEHJDQDVDPDQXIDFWXUHURIZRRGVLJQDJHDQGSURGXFWVIRUWKHVSHFLILHUPDUNHWDQGZDVDQDWXUDOILWIRUWKHWLPEHUILWQHVVHTXLSPHQWRI)LW7UDLOƔ6RXWK:RRGLVWKHVROHSURGXFHURI)LW7UDLOHTXLSPHQW )HDWXUHV/DQG8WLOL]DWLRQ6LWH3ODQQLQJ6SDFH8WLOL]DWLRQ0DLQWHQDQFH&RVWYV9DOXH6SHFLILFDWLRQV&RPSRQHQWV0DWHULDOV:DUUDQW\66LJQ3DQHOƔ\HDUVIURPSXUFKDVHGDWH/XPEHUƔ)UHHRIVWUXFWXUDOGHIHFWVDQGIURPQRUPDOXVHIRU\HDUV5HSODFHPHQWƔ5HWXUQGHIHFWLYHRUGDPDJHGPDWHULDODWFXVWRPHUVH[SHQVHƔ5HSODFHPHQWSDUWVVHQWWRFXVWRPHUDWFRPSDQ\H[SHQVH3XEOLFLW\Ɣ&RPPXQLW\Ɣ6SRQVRUVKLSVƔ/RFDOEXVLQHVVHV 8VDJH%XVLQHVVDQG,QGXVWU\+HDOWKFDUH+RWHOVDQG5HVRUWV0LOLWDU\3DUNVDQG5HF5HVLGHQWLDO3URSHUWLHV6FKRROVDQG8QLYHUVLWLHV7RZQRI+HQULHWWD-DVRQ.XOLN*DPH7LPH3OD\JURXQG)LWQHVV3DUNLWHFWV&XVWRPTXRWHV&RVWƔ6WDWLRQVKLSSLQJDQGKDQGOLQJƔ6WDWLRQVKLSSLQJDQGKDQGOLQJ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQƔ/RZ7HFKEDVLFGLJJLQJWRROVDVVHPEO\WRROVDQGFRQFUHWHWRROVƔ6HHNYROXQWHHUVVHUYLFHFOXEVDQGRUVFRXWRUJDQL]DWLRQV6WDWLRQƔEDJVRIFRQFUHWHƔPDQKRXUV6WDWLRQƔEDJVRIFRQFUHWHƔPDQKRXUV,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ&RQWLQXHGƔ3ODFHVWDWLRQVDORQJFXUUHQWWUDLOEUHDNVZKLFKDUHSODFHGHYHU\PLOHƔ3ODFHPHQWFDQYDU\GHSHQGLQJRQFXUUHQWQHHGVDQGDYDLODELOLW\([DPSOH0LOH 7RZQ6XSHUYLVRU &RQVHUYDWLRQ%RDUG5LFN<RXQJƔ&RQYHUVDWLRQDERXWODERUPDWHULDOVDQGPDLQWHQDQFHƔ6XPPHU6SULQJ6XPPHUWLPHOLQHƔ2QERDUG%RE%HFNƔ&RQYHUVDWLRQDERXWPRYLQJIRUZDUGZLWKWKHSURMHFWƔ$JUHHGWKDWLWZDVZRUWKSXUVXLQJƔ1RLVVXHVZLWKWKHDGGLWLRQRIHTXLSPHQWDVGHVFULEHG4XHVWLRQV" 3/28/2016 1 •What? •A new multi-sport court •Who? F ll it b d t ti iti•For all community members and town activities •Where? •Next to the Town Hall (will replace the old Town Barn) •When •ASAP •Why? •To provide a safe, local facility for the community •How? •Recreation reserve fund What is a Multi-Court Facility ? A suspended tile sport surface that can be used for many activities including but not limited to: •Basketball •Volleyball •TennisTennis •Inline Skating •Inline Hockey •Futsal •Soccer •Lacrosse •Ice Skating •Ice Hockey •Pickleball Our proposed location: •Next to the Town Hall, replacing the old Town Barn •Removes unused structure •No acquisition of land necessary •Rejuvenates and updates the landscape •Parking is already available From this… To This… When are we looking to do this? •As soon as possible! •Can be ready for summer use •Adult and youth basketball •Inline hockey •Futsal (soccer with a smaller ball) •Tennis •Pickleball•Pickleball •Volleyball •Takes as few as 10 days to complete •This includes grading, leveling, subsurface concrete and “Sport- Court” installation •Provides year round outdoor activities for our community in an easily accessible location •How will this project be funded? •Town of Dryden’s Recreation reserve fund •Rec. Reserve - Apx. $300,000 •Projected Cost: •$140,000 - $150,000 •This includes all stages of installation •Fees can be reduced if the Town Highway Dept •Fees can be reduced if the Town Highway Dept. completes certain aspects of the project. 3/28/2016 2 •The recreation reserve fund was created for projects like this •Land is already owned by the town •Amount required is well inside the depth of the reserve •National Standard of facilities will be met •Will add a community park to our town •Improved quality of life for Dryden community members •Families benefits •Updated town property for gatherings •Year round recreation possibilities for youth and adults •Enticing to prospective new residents •Increased program services •Increased program diversity •Opportunities for health and wellness programming •Long term reduction of facility use fees •Increase of revenue producing programs With future plans to add recreation and leisure to land we already own