HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-09 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING JUNE 9, 2003 PRESENT : Supervisor Douglas Austic, Councilpeople Sue Poelvoorde, Carolyn Duddleston, Robert Weatherby, and Lee Scott; Alex Rachun Code Enforcement Officer; Marsha L. Georgia, Ulysses Town Clerk Opened meeting at 5 : 30 PM 17. 1 .5 Application for Special Permit Will re-visit this section. 17. 2 Site Plan Review 17.2 . 1 Establishment No changes . 17. 2 .2 Applicability Delete Districts — start with whenever. Delete — 2nd paragraph and 1 -2 . Last paragraph — delete the above not withstanding . * Talked about inserting Procedure Section here . * Alex wants definition of "project site"- he will provide . Project site — The site where all aspects of projects are contained. Project site includes all project storm water and wastewater discharge areas , all disturbed soil areas, road access and parking areas, and buffer and zoning setback areas . 17. 2.3 Site Plan Information Required 1 . Should read — detailed site plan showing all integral elements within 300 ' of the approved project site including but not limited to a. Move to # 1 (under additional information may be required) by Planning Board. c . Add — approximate ( 1st word) d . Delete on site i . Delete — an area map and use Town of Ulysses map — Delete — in general vicinity of the project site — Delete — including — Change 500" to 1500 ' — Add appropriate scale. j . Delete — at a scale of'A ' — use appropriate scale — Delete — and indication type and color of materials to be used . Add - #3 — Proof of applications and/or approvals from regulations agencies (eg. DOT, DEC, TC Health Department) Next paragraph under #5 — delete last sentence . 17.2 .4 Review Criteria Delete — arrangement out of the 1 ,2 , &3 Delete - #4 6 . Add multiple — delete — the arrangement 7 . Delete — the adequacy of arrangements for the 17. 2 .5 Consultation and Hearing on Proposed Site Plan 1st paragraph — move up in last section under #7 — Delete — At their sole discretion. Special Town Board Meeting 6/9/03 Worked on this section — rearranged/rewrote as follows — than moved to be Section 17 . 2 . 3 . 17.2 .3 Procedure : Sketch Conference. The sole purpose of sketch plan review is to review generally and informally the proposed project, advise the applicant as to whether it is reasonable to anticipate a positive response to a formal application, and to highlight any concerns that may be readily apparent to the Planning Board. The applicant shall make formal application for site plan approval by submitting, at a minimum : • One complete and signed application • Applicable application fees • One fully completed and signed Short Environmental Assessment Form, Part I (SEAF), or Long Environmental Assessment Form, Part I (LEAF) whichever is required. • Two full size dark-line prints of the site plan and 8 reduced copies of all sheets of the plan (the reduced copies to be no larger than 11 "x17") with all required information. The application for site plan approval shall not be deemed complete until the Zoning Officer receives all of the above items and the requirements of SEQR have been met. Once the Zoning Officer deems the application complete it will be turned over to the Chairman of the Planning Board. The Planning Board will conduct a preliminary review of the proposed site plan no later than 30 days from the receipt by the Chairman of the Planning Board. If additional information is requested the information will be submitted to the Zoning Officer and than will be forwarded to the Chairman of the Planning Board and the preliminary review will continue no later than 30 days from the receipt of the additional information. Upon its determination that no additional information is needed the Planning Board shall hold a public hearing within 62 days from said determination. • Notice of the public hearing should be published in the official newspaper of the Town at least 5 days prior to the date of the public hearing. • A copy of the legal notice of the public hearing should be mailed to the Applicant at least 10 days before the date of the public hearing. • The Applicant will be billed by the official newspaper • Mailing : At least seven days prior to the public hearing, notice thereof shall be sent to the owners of record of all properties within a distance of 500 of the subject property After the public hearing the Planning Board shall render a decision within 62 days on the proposed site plan, to be carried out by the Zoning Officer. The Planning Board's statement may include recommendations of desirable modifications to be incorporated in the final proposal, and conformance with specified modifications shall be considered a condition of approval . The Planning Board's action shall be in the form of a resolution whether or not the proposal is approved, disapproved, or approved with modification and/or conditions . The Planning Board shall file a copy of the resolution with the Town L Clerk within 5 days of the decision. The Town Clerk will notify the applicant in writing of the decision. The Planning Board shall endorse its approval by signature or stamp on a copy of the final site plan and related supporting documents, and shall forward it to the Zoning Officer. If the proposal is disapproved, the Planning Board's statement will state the reason(s) for such findings . In such a case, the Planning Board may recommend further study of the proposal and resubmission to the Planning Board after it has been revised or redesigned. I . . , Special Town Board Meeting 6/9/03 The Planning Board may grant to the applicant a continuance of the review process and/or adjourn the conclusion of the public hearing until a later date agreed to by the applicant. Upon disapproval of a final proposal , the Planning Board shall so inform the Zoning Officer and the Zoning Officer shall not issue a Building Permit to the applicant. The Planning Board must make specific written findings as to the criteria set forth in Section 17 . 2 . 5 above before it can disapprove a final proposal . The Planning Board shall file a copy of the resolution of disapproval with the Town Clerk within 5 days of the decision. The Town Clerk shall also notify the applicant in writing of the decision and reasons for disapproval . A final site plan shall conform to the approved proposal . It should incorporate any conditions or modifications that may have been made by the Planning Board in its review . All such compliances shall be clearly indicated by the applicant on the appropriate submission. The following additional information must accompany a final site plan : a) Record of application for and approvals of all necessary permits from federal, state, and county officials ; b) Any changes or additions in sizing and final material specification of all required improvements ; and c) An estimated project construction schedule . If more than twelve months has elapsed since the time of the Planning Board's decision on the final proposal and the issuance of the building permit, the Planning Board may require a resubmission of the proposal . If no decision is made within the 62 -day period following the conclusion of the public hearing, the proposal shall be considered approved, as submitted. Whenever possible, a draft of the written decision should be circulated among, and reviewed by, all members of the Planning Board, to be certain (before the decision is signed by the Chairman of the Planning Board) that the decision is accurate and consistent with the vote taken by the Planning Board . However, every effort should be made to comply with the requirement in section 274-a (8) of the Town Law that the decision be filed in the Town Clerk ' s Office within five business days after the decision is rendered . According to section 274-a (4) of Town Law (conditions attached to the approval of site plans) the authorized board shall have the authority to impose such reasonable conditions and restrictions as are directly related to and incidental to a proposed site plan. Upon its approval of said site plan, applicable enforcement agents or officers of the town must meet any such conditions in connection with the issuance of permits . 17.2 .7 Submission of Final Detailed Site Plan First paragraph stays with deleting six months and changing to twelve months . This section has been moved to procedure . 17.2 . 8 Performance Guarantee In last paragraph delete — determined by the Planning Board and make by the Zoning Officer. 17.4 Waiver of Requirements for Site Plan Approval Move to section 17 . 2 17. 5 Modifications of Approved Site Plans Move to section 17 . 2 Special Town Board Meeting 6/9/03 * Note Section numbers have all changed. Respectfully submitted, Marsha L. Georgia Ulysses Town Clerk > I / a . . €,. ;L.s=;