HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-17D a n b y T o w n B o a r d
M i n u t e s o f R e g u l a r M e e t i n g
J u n e 1 7 , 2 0 1 3
Supervisor: Ric Dietrich
Councilpersons: Leslie Connors, Kathy Halton, Dan Klein, Dylan Race
Others Present:
Town Clerk Pamela Goddard
Code Officer Susan Beeners
Highway Sup. Carl Seamon
Bookkeeper Laura Shawley
Legislator Frank Proto
Public Ronda Roaring, Robert Roe, Herb Sheffield, Ted Jones
The Danby Town Board meeting was opened at 7:03pm
Privilege of the Floor
Ronda Roaring suggested that the Town Board petition the NYS DOT to stop mowing the edge of
Route 96B, particularly in the area between Van De Bogart Road and South Danby Road. In her view,
the tall grasses and wild flowers are beautiful. Halton expressed concerns about visibility and road
safety for those living along the highway should the shoulders not be mowed.
Consider Resolution of Support for Dryden Amicus Brief
The Board received a request for a resolution of support, from Town of Ulysses, for an Amicus
Brief related to possible appeals in the Dryden and Middlefield gas drilling home rule cases. The re-
quest is that the court will decline hearing another appeal. Support from the towns are due by July 26.
There was a decision to hold action until the first July meeting, to allow time to review the request
and draft resolution.
Community Council Contract
Copies of a renewal contract between the town and Danby Community Council was circulated.
There were some questions as to what changes had been made between 2009 and this contract. The
Clerk stated that any changes were minor and better reflected current procedures in payment dis-
bursements. This “cleaned up” contract has been completed by the new DCC board. There was a de-
cision to hold action until July meeting, to allow the Board to more completely review the new con-
Warrants - Abstract #6 of 2013:
#020-24 for a total $5,283.68
Moved by Race, Second by Dietrich. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
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Town Hall Floor Refinishing Proposal
Cooper provided additional information in writing with a proposal. An additional quote was re-
ceived from Bumblebee Refinishing, based in Ithaca. Bumblebee made a quote of $9,900, including
most furniture moving. This quote is higher than either Edgewater Hardwood Flooring ($5,338 plus
$1,786 for furniture moving from Zolar Moving) or Superior Reflections ($3,300, including moving).
Dietrich reported that Cooper has revised his recommendation, to accept the lowest bidder; Superior
There was further discussion about the solicitation of quotes and references received for each
contractor. Members of the TB still had questions about the wide range of quote amounts between the
contractors. Laura Shawley reported that a Candor contractor, who has looked over the project, gave
her an informal estimate of $4,500. No formal quote has been received from this party.
Race suggested that a decision be held off until an official quote is received from the Candor con-
tractor. He continued to have reservations about the quote from Superior as being dramatically lower
than the other bids. He was concerned that only one reference was able to be reached. The Board ex-
pressed a preference for having a local contractor do the work, as compared to one from Rochester.
The Board decided to hold a decision until the next meeting, to allow time for Candor contractor to
submit quote for review.
Highway Department Truck/Fleet Maintenance
Shawley and Seamons made a presentation of a long range plan they drafted for truck mainte-
nance and replacement over the next five years and more. The goal of the Highway Department in
making this plan is to keep a hefty fund balance for security, in case of emergency situations, while
spending each year to keep equipment current with a little maintenance costs as possible. This can be
accomplished without going to the taxpayers for additional funds through bonding or other measures.
As per request from the Town Board, the Highway Superintendent and bookkeeper prioritized the
vehicle equipment most in need of replacement. The highway department currently has six dump
trucks with plows, ranging in age from 1999 to 2010. This equipment is used year-round and must be
in good working condition at all times. All six vehicles are required to plow the 72 miles of Town
roads, the Fire Department and Town Hall parking lots. The three oldest trucks (1999, 2001, and
2003) are currently using 33% of the Highway Department’s maintenance budget. The Highway Su-
perintendent called this “throwing good money after bad.” These are the highest priority for replace-
Additional equipment includes two Gradalls (1993 and 1994), a 2010 pick up truck, 2011 mower
tractor, and 2013 pickup truck. The Gradalls will eventually need replacement, but are not as high a
priority. They are not used every day and have a lifetime of 20-30 years. This equipment could be
rented or borrowed, if needed, while the town equipment is out for repair.
Bookkeeper Shawley outlined a plan to replace the three oldest dump truck chassis through a five
year lease/purchase agreement. Three sets of plow equipment, to go with these trucks, would be paid
for out of the highway fund balance. This strategy was recommended, as interest rates are currently
very low at a rate of 2.6% +/-. Payments for the truck chassis will be approximately $72,000 per year.
The interest portion of those payments would be more than met by the sale of old equipment. Sale
money received above the finance charges would be put into an equipment reserve fund. During the
five year lease period, the highway department plans to put all revenue in excess of $40,000 over cur-
rent year expenditures into an equipment reserve account. These funds would be used for future pur-
chases, rotating out the next top priority equipment.
Extensive Q&A and discussion among the Board regarding the life expectancy of lower priority
equipment, whether the plan would go beyond five years, and what the plan is for the next oldest ve-
hicles. Seamon and Shawley clarified the various needs of different equipment. The Highway De-
partment hopes that this plan will be sustainable for the next ten years at least. They added that the
Town is able to receive a multiple purchase discount of approximately $7,000 per truck on both the
lease agreement (through riders on other municipal purchases) and for equipment purchase through
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Wayne Welding. The money saved also helps off-set the interest charges on the lease/purchase vehi-
There was an extensive discussion regarding leasing equipment vs. purchase outright from the
fund balance. If the 2013 budget is true to estimates, there should be $745,975 cash in the fund bal-
ance at the end of this year. After the expenditure of $212,142 for the purchase of plow equipment,
there should be a remainder of $533,833. The fund balance is used to keep the Highway Department
budget stable as well as for the purchase of new equipment.
Klein made a case for using the amount of roughly $333,000 from the fund balance to purchase
the new truck chassis outright. This would leave a balance of $200,833. Policy discussion about what
level of fund balance is needed for emergencies. Others expressed concern that Klein’s suggestion
would leave the highway fund balance at a critically low level. Shawley further informed the Board
that there is no penalty for paying off the loan early. Klein made the argument that the Town has been
able to add to the fund balance every year, and would be able to restore the fund balance to a secure
level. Race expressed the view that interest rates may go up in the future and borrowing at the current
low rate is good business.
Dietrich suggested that the question be tabled until the first July meeting, to allow more time to
consider the new long range Highway Department plan. Shawley urged the Board to act, as the
equipment has been on hold for the Town for two months. Members of the Board felt ready to act.
Klein informed the Board that he would vote no on these resolutions on the principle that the Town
should avoid paying interest when not necessary and that other options should be explored.
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the purchase of three 2013 International Dump
and Plow Truck chassis from Stadium International. This approval is subject to town attorney’s review of the
Onondaga County Contracts of which the Town of Danby will be a rider for this purchase. The price is not to
exceed $340,000 in total for all three trucks.
Payment for these trucks will be made with a lease purchase agreement with First Niagara Bank for a five
year period as approved in resolution #70.
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the purchase of three new sets of Tenco Plow
and Dump equipment with installation for three new International Trucks approved on Resolution #68. The
purchase will be from Wayne’s Welding and is not to exceed $220,000 in total. This approval is pending approval
of the town attorney’s review of the Oneida County Contract of which the Town of Danby will be a rider for this
Payment for this purchase will be made out of the fund balance of the Highway Department.
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves entering into a lease purchase agreement with
First Niagara Bank for the purchase of three new International Trucks for the Highway Department. This lease
agreement shall not exceed $340,000 and the term shall not exceed five years.
Moved by Race, Second by Connors. The motions passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Race
Opposed: Klein, Dietrich
Legislator’s Report
Frank Proto reported on several items: Board of Health, Youth Services, Records Management
recognition, Foodnet, and Hydrilla remediation through the Water Resourced Council.
Proto reported that improvements to the TCAT fleet are pending a decision in Albany as to
whether funds from a “mortgage recording” fee can be used for this purpose. The State Legislature is
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reluctant to pass anything which resembles a tax increase. Proto and Halton encouraged Town Board
members to call state representatives for support on this measure. Proto also reported a TCAT/Tioga
Transportation situation in West Danby which affects 10-15 residents. Service to that area is covered
by Tioga Transit rather than TCAT. Cornell employees who are living in Tompkins County are not
reimbursed for Tioga Transit expenses. Proto and Brian Caldwell are investigating other alternatives
including a possible “van pool.” They are also working with Cornell regarding reimbursements.
Aquifer Protection Ordinance and Water Quality
Todd Miller has offered to compile an “Arsenic Information Sheet” that will be reviewed by
members of the Water Resources Council. Once this will be available it can be made available to resi-
dents of Danby. Beeners and Goddard have drafted a brief article about water testing for the July
Danby Area News.
Beeners reported that she has information from Miller about 20 specific wells in Danby. Only one
well, which is unused, is over the EPA limit for arsenic. She has personal privacy concerns related to
the source of the information and questioned whether this should be made public. This is an issue
which may better be handled by the County Health Department. Members of the Board agreed with
Beeners’ concerns and assessment.
There was further discussion about review and revision of the draft Aquifer Protection Ordinance.
The Planning Board will be reviewing this during its next meeting. Beeners suggested that someone
in industrial engineering or through the Cornell Water Resources Council be asked to review the cur-
rent Danby draft for technical details. Information and links to other municipal Aquifer Protection
Ordinances will be distributed to the Town and Planning Boards for review.
Short Reports
Beeners gave highlights of the May Code Enforcement Report. She reported that Fun Day re-
ceived $1,600 from the County Tourism program. Cooper and Beeners will be meeting with various
planners in the county regarding the “Cleaner, Greener Sustainability Plan” through the county. There
are now funds available through NYSERDA to implement the plan. There may be ways for Danby to
join in already funded projects.
Connors expressed a concern regarding abandoned buildings and asked how they are being dealt
with. She described a few specific examples as problematic eye-sores and potentially dangerous situa-
tions. Beeners offered to review these situations, under the vacant building provision of the code, with
Code Assistant Cooper.
The Meeting was adjourned at 8:54pm.
Pamela Goddard, Town Clerk
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