HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-05-23D a n b y T o w n B o a r d /P l a n n i n g B o a r d /B Z A
M i n u t e s o f J o i n t M e e t i n g
M a y 2 3 , 2 0 1 3
Town Board:
Supervisor: Ric Dietrich
Councilpersons: Leslie Connors, Kathy Halton, Dan Klein
Board of Zoning Appeals:
Councilperson: Al Becker, Sarah Elbert, Joe Schwartz
Planning Board:
Councilperson: Joel Gagnon, Anne Klingensmith, Frank Kruppa, Ted Melchen, Steve Selin,
Naomi Strichartz, Robert Roe
Others Present:
Town Clerk Pamela Goddard
Code Officer Susan Beeners
PB Secretary Jan Pfleiderer
Planning Board Meeting - Regarding LL #2 of 2013
Action Item: Proposed Local Law- Making Various Amendments to Article V, "General Provi-
sions" of the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance - Consider Making Recommendation to Town Board.
Bob Roe asked Sue Beeners if the current law lumps destroyed and abandoned buildings into one
category. Sue said yes. Bob asked if it is possible to separate the destroyed and abandoned into differ-
ent categories. Sue says this question is not clear to her. She clarified that the amendment was not
properly passed when it was made (no roll call vote was recorded for Local Law 4 of 2000 (Unsafe
Buildings Law)). The Planning Board could recommend to the Town Board that the amendment
should be properly passed, and at some future point the law could be revised to address the issue that
Roe raises.
Gagnon noted that proposed Section 6 has “property” in it twice, and suggests that we remove “or
property”. He also notes that “This Section 7” should be changed to “6” , and that we should change
“does” to “do”.
Roe read the resolution and a motion to pass the resolution with the above changes as follows:
That the Planning Board recommends minor modifications to the proposed SECTION 6 as shown
in the record of the Planning Board’s review of the draft local law, and subsequently recommends
adoption of the said proposed local law.
Whereas, the Planning Board of the Town of Danby has reviewed a proposed local law entitled “A Local Law
Making Various Amendments to Article V, ‘General Provisions’ of the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance; and
Whereas, prospective adoption of said proposed local law by the Town Board would be a Type II action under
SEQRA, needing no further environmental review; Now, Therefore, it is
Resolved, that the Town of Danby Planning Board reports to the Town Board that it recommends minor
modifications to the proposed SECTION 6 as shown in the record of the Planning Board’s review of the draft
local law, and subsequently recommends the adoption of said proposed local law.
Moved by Kruppa, Second by Gagnon. The motion passed.
In Favor: Gagnon, Klingensmith, Kruppa, Melchen, Selin, Strichartz, Roe
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The Joint Town/Planning/BZA Board meeting was opened at 7:19 pm
Members of the various boards made introductions to each other.
Discussion - Comprehensive Plan Review
Joel Gagnon - summarized his review of the Transportation and Population and Housing sec-
tions. There are few changes which need to be made. He recommends adding information to the
transportation section related to making Danby more bicycle friendly and the implications of higher
energy costs. He is re-writing to the Population and Housing section to add information which was
not included in the current Comprehensive Plan. There are new Planning Consideration sections, par-
ticularly related to the town hamlet areas. Implications for federal restrictions on lead and asbestos in
renovations of older buildings and infrastructure limitations related to public water are being added.
Some of this information will come from the now completed aquifer study.
Robert Roe - summarized his review of the Economics section. He notes a loss of businesses,
other than home businesses. Roe recommends adding an objective of zoning changes to allow mixed
use development.
Naomi Strichartz - summarized her review of the Agriculture section. There is a trend of tradi-
tional, large scale farms “going under” but a rise in alternative agriculture via small farms and Com-
munity Supported Agriculture farms. She recommends a new objective of encouraging farmers/land
owners to lease land to alternative uses such as CSA farms and grazing (horses, sheep, etc.). This
would further the Comp. Plan objective or preserving open land. The next step for this section is to
have a public hearing/meeting with area farmers.
Anne Klingensmith - summarized her review of the Natural Resources section. The topography
and water resources sections need to be totally re-written, in part to reflect the aquifer study. Klin-
gensmith is considering adding a mention of “The Commons” concept: dark night, quiet nights, fresh
air as common and valued resources which belong equally to all. These are of concern in relation to
potential industrialization.
Ted Melchen - summarized his review of the Historical and Cultural Resources section. There
will not be any major changes to this section. The suggestion to collect oral histories from older resi-
dents is still relevant and of interest.
Frank Kruppa - summarized his review of the Community Resources section. He characterized
this section as “pretty straight forward.” Some of the old sections, eg: related to uses of the old Danby
school, are no longer relevant. Various statistics will be updated.
Steve Selin - summarized his review of the Utilities and Communication sections. Information
from the aquifer study and details about improvements to the West Danby Water District will be
added. There may be changes to information about private sewage systems. There will also be addi-
tions about planned build-out of rural high speed internet access and various solar installation possi-
bilities for electric.
Input from members of the Town Board and Board of Zoning Appeals. Halton offered to get
TCAT statistics to Gagnon for the Transportation section.
Klingensmith asked a question as to whether other sections should be added to the Comprehen-
sive Plan? There was a discussion of where and how to add information about climate change. Mem-
bers of the TB suggested integrating climate change in each section. There was a PB suggestion that a
separate section, perhaps as a “preamble” to the Comprehensive Plan, be added to highlight the con-
cerns and needs related to climate change. BZA member Joe Schwartz supports this idea, as climate
change effects everything.
Dietrich questions about the inclusion of new information about industrialization and references
to the 2011 Road Use Law (RUL). Gagnon and Roe respond that this information was added in the
2011 Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Reference to the RUL is include in the sections on
Transportation and Economics.
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Elbert asked a question about references to pipelines. Her particular concern was about people
driving off-road vehicles on pipelines. She also reported that utilities advise municipalities to pass an
ordinance related to the use of pipeline rights of way. Klingensmith asked whether it’s possible to find
examples of such ordinances. Elbert offered to do research.
There was a discussion about schools and the addition of the Waldorf school in Danby. Discus-
sion of uses of the old Danby school. Schwartz reported about code changes which have taken place
since the school closed, which prevent the building being used as a school at this time.
Other discussion
BZA member Schwartz raised a question about “owner occupied” zoning for duplexes with the
idea to maintain the quality level of rural housing. It was his understanding that this had once been
part of the Danby Zoning Ordinance and he urged that this provision be reinstated. Zoning Officer
Beeners responded that, in her recollection, a requirement that duplexes be “owner occupied” was
never in the ordinance. She recalled that it had been considered in 1993 or 1994 but never enacted. At
that time it was discovered that this requirement was a problem for banks and resale of mortgages.
There was further discussion about concerns over how to limit growth, particularly as the economy
recovers and there are pressures for increased development from the local colleges. Klingensmith
suggested that research be done into these types of zoning ordinances.
Roe opened a discussion of his concern regarding an apparent increase in taxes on rural lands. He
raised the question of whether the town could “take back” it’s ability to do its own tax assessment.
This provoked a lively discussion with input from town board and BZA members. Gagnon added in-
formation about state regulations regarding property assessment based on market values.
Aquifer Protection
Halton opened a discussion about climate change related to limited water resources in Danby. Her
concern that the town may need to fundamentally revise its zoning laws as a response to limited water
There followed a discussion of the status of the draft Aquifer Protection Ordinance. Dietrich re-
ported that the towns of Dryden, Caroline, and Ulysses have expressed interest in pooling resources
for legislative efforts to aquifer protection. There is general agreement that towns are interested in
doing similar protection. Klingensmith noted that Danby already has a draft local law. Halton thought
that the current draft was “stalled” and needed further review. Members of the PB saw the current
draft as a “base line” law which simply needed some adjustments to the language. The PB will do a
thorough review of the current draft at its June meeting.
There was a discussion of whether to apply the Aquifer Protection Ordinance to the entire town or
to zones. Some on the PB held the view that aquifer protection, much like the ban on high impact in-
dustrial uses, should apply everywhere in the town. TB members agreed that, if there is no need to
define zones, this law could be 90% complete.
There was a related discussion of concerns about arsenic levels in certain aquifers being above
EPA recommendations in some areas of the town. Klein and others made reference to the Todd Miller
USGS Aquifer Study report which included information about elevated levels of arsenic in confined
aquifers and deep wells. The boards discussed how to inform residents of this concern and the avail-
ability of low cost water testing for arsenic. An article will be drafted for the Danby Area News.
Klingensmith reported on stream water testing through the Community Science Institute. Anne
Stork and Anne Klingensmith have been trained by the CSI and have begun testing at one site on the
Michigan Hollow Creek and two sites on the Danby Creek. So far, results are good, showing healthy
water conditions.
Other Correspondence/Short Reports
Dietrich informed members of the Planning Board and Board of Zoning Appeals about on line
training available through the New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal. Danby now contracts with
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NYMIR for its insurance. This training resource is part of the package available to town boards and
Other Business
Resolved, that the Town of Danby Planning Board approves the minutes of April 25, 2013.
Moved by Strichartz, Second by Kruppa. The motion passed.
In Favor: Gagnon, Klingensmith, Kruppa, Melchen, Selin, Strichartz
Abstain: Roe
Planning Board Secretary
Kruppa reported for the Planning Board Secretary candidate committee. Rebecca M. Brenner has
withdrawn her interest as secretary. Gagnon suggested that Pfleiderer be appointed secretary, if she
was still interested.
Resolved, that the Town of Danby Planning Board appoints Jan Pfleiderer as Planning Board Secretary.
Moved by Gagnon, Second by Strichartz. The motion passed.
In Favor: Gagnon, Klingensmith, Kruppa, Melchen, Selin, Strichartz, Roe
The Meeting was adjourned at 9:02 pm.
Pamela Goddard, Town Clerk/BZA Secretary
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