HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-27 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING February 27th , 2003 Present : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Councilpeople Sue Poelvoorde, Lee Scott and Robert Weatherby; Councilwoman Carolyn Duddleston absent; Highway Superintendent James Meeker; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun and Town Clerk Marsha L . Georgia. Supervisor Austic opened the meeting at 7 : 00 AM for the purpose of the review of the "Notice of Intent" for coverage under SPDES general permit for Storm Water Discharge from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems . Ms . Poelvoorde pointed out that in the directions the form is to be done in all upper case letters and recommended that instead of the questions being marked off with a dot that they use a check mark. Review of Notice of Intent resulted in the following changes and/or additions made : Section A Use Upper Case Letters Section B Use check marks and upper case letters • Section C Use check marks and upper case letters 1 . Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts Outreach Techniques — no changes Management Practices to Encourage Proper lawn and garden care Pollution prevention for businesses Proper disposal of household waste Others : Proper management of household Septic Waste 2 . Public Involvement /Participation Involvement Techniques — no changes Participation Activities Stream, beach, roadway cleanup Volunteer monitoring 3 . Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Detection and Elimination Activities — no changes Type of Discharge to target Failing septic systems Illegal dumping Recreational sewage 4 . Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control Construction Program Requirements - no changes Program Criteria — no changes Special Town Board 2/27/03 5 . Post-Construction Stormwater Management Post-Construction Program Requirements — no changes Program Criteria — no changes 6 . Pollution Prevention/Good housekeeping for Municipal Operations Program requirements — no changes Management Practices Vehicle maintenance and washing Road salt storage Roadway and bridge maintenance Spill response and prevention Section D — attachments with the start and end dates . Section E — include the following : Town of Ithaca NYS DOT NYS Parks & Recreation TC Health Department TC Highway Department Hearing no further discussion of the application Ms . Poelvoorde moved, seconded by Mr. Scott the following : WHEREAS , following the 2000 Census , a portion of the Town of Ulysses was classified as being part of the City of Ithaca Urbanized Area, defined by the US Census Department as an area having a population of >50, 000 people with a density of 1 , 000 people/square mile, and WHEREAS such classification requires that the Town of Ulysses be designated a regulated MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) and comply with the Phase II Storm Water Regulations as administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), and WHEREAS the first requirement under these regulations is issuance of a "Notice of Intent" to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes Supervisor Austic to sign the Certification on the "Storm Water Notice of Intent" to be filed by March 5th, 2003 with NYSDEC . Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. Ms . Poelvoorde stated that after the Notice of Intent is filed the Town could challenge this ; the Town of Caroline is planning to do this because they do not feel that they should be included in this . Mr. Austic stated that he does not have a problem with the lake area but he does have a problem with the area around Iradell Road being included . Ms . Poelvoorde stated that when reviewing the new zoning ordinance we need to be thinking about this "Storm Water Plan" and maybe having a blanket stream buffer for any development . At the Association of Towns Training sessions on the Phase II regulation, consultants talked about subdivision standards in reference to roads, development 2 Special Town Board 2/27/03 standards and Towns should look at the width required and try to keep roads and sidewalks as narrow as possible so that it doesn ' t add to volume run off volume . Also for businesses, instead of paving everything do seeded grass parking areas . In reviewing the zoning ordinance look at our parking standards to see if we are making them pave more than they really need to pave . Hearing no further discussion Mr. Weatherby moved , seconded by Ms . Poelvoorde to adjourn the meeting. Unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 8 : 25 AM . Respectfully submitted, Marsha L. Georgia Ulysses Town Clerk MLG : mg 712)-fecat,. _ .. 2