HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-12 - PB TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 12, 2003 Members Present: Richard Coogan (Chair), Lorren Hammond, Rose Hilbert, Mark Ochs, Rodney Porter, and David Tyler. Also, Alex Rachun, Code Enforcement Officer and Eileen Jacobs, Planning Board Clerk. Absent: George Kennedy (excused) . Chair Coogan called the meeting to order at 7 : 06 p . m . The first agenda item was to circulate the resolution passed by the Ulysses Town Board on the Koskinen Project. Site Plan Review - Trumansburg Golf & Recreation Association, Inc. Alex Rachun clarified some issues that came up at last week ' s Public Hearing held by the Planning Board. He explained that homeowners in the neighboring area were given maps locating the structure and a description of the proposed use, so he felt that neighbors were properly notified and informed about the proposed project . It was noted that pesticide/herbicide storage will not occur at the new site in separate structures as originally proposed, and therefore is no longer at issue for this application. Mr. Rachun also reported that it would be difficult and expensive to provide topography of the site due to the large snowdrifts present. The applicants had been requested to also provide a lighting schedule, traffic flow and parking information . Planning Board members agreed that the project is now better defined and SPR should be completed at the continuation of the Public Hearing, scheduled for March 5 `h . The relevant issues that need to be addressed for site plan approval are lighting, road/parking courtyard, fuel tank location, direction of surface water flow , and noise . In addition , Board members would like to get input from neighbors . The applicants were also asked to get the requested materials to Mr. Rachun by February 20`h . It was noted that the applicant has been encouraged to apply for setback variances with the BZA while site plan review is in progress . AT&T Cell Tower Co-location Project - Mekeel Road Mr. Rachun presented the plans submitted by AT&T for co- location of AT&T Cell Tower Array. The Planning Board was in agreement that this project did comply with the requirement that cell tower antennas should be co- located if at all possible . There was discussion regarding whether or not this project fell under the Town ' s Tower Ordinance or Site Plan Review, and general consensus was it was SPR since the tower was already approved. Mr. Tyler said that he believed that the original tower had a 20-year use agreement, rather than 25 , and the Planning Board felt that AT&T should be made aware of that fact . Mr. Rachun was requested to pull the original approval resolution and SEQR paperwork from the original application so that the Planning Board members could review it for any concerns or problems . The Board expressed concern for the Town' s ability to track ownership of the tower, which has been problematic in the past, and to enforce the vegetative screening requirement by the tower owner if possible (current planting is dead trees) . The Board would like an opinion from Town Attorney Bruce Wilson, on the matter. Planning Board members agreed that this project should have its own public hearing because cell towers tend to be vocal issues . The Board agreed to review all the Tower material after the public hearing on March 5 , 2003 , and set the public hearing for the Tower, which could be during the week of March 17th providing all Board members are comfortable with the information . Draft Zoning Ordinance Revisions There was discussion regarding the best way to work with the Town Board to complete the new zoning ordinance . Chair Coogan offered some suggestions : It was agreed that everyone should have, and work from, the same draft . Mr. Frantz is reportedly working on a few sections, and it was agreed that this must be incorporated and distributed before proceeding. This should include any changes for consistency found by Board members to date as well . The changes need to be specific and strictly controlled from this point in order to proceed efficiently. Planning Board Minutes 2/ 12/03 Mr. Coogan suggested having a two-tier approach for finalizing the document . The Planning Board will review the complete stabilized draft independent of a joint Board meeting and divide the sections as follows . Those sections that the Planning Board are in agreement with will be sent to the Town Board as approved in content, marking any errors noted in spelling, grammar, etc . Those sections that the Planning Board has concerns with, or is not entirely comfortable with, will be sent to the Town Board noted for Joint Board discussion. The Planning Board feels that this approach will move the ordinance forward by focusing on only those parts that need some resolution . I If the Town Board feels that a section sent to them as approved in content from the Planning Board needs a joint meeting discussion, the Planning Hoard expects that the Town Board will make that known. If the Town Board makes any content change to a section noted as " approved in content" by the Planning Board, then it should be returned to the Planning Board for review . Once a section is marked " approved in content" by the Planning Board, the Planning Board will not reopen a review on that section unless there is a compelling reason. Planning Board members present expressed willingness to consider meeting on a Saturday morning to conduct its review of the draft when it is available . Mr. Tyler brought up the Subdivision Ordinance and suggested that George Frantz be consulted about recommendations for strengthening it . Board members agreed to table this discussion. Mr. Coogan said he would be meeting with Sue Poelvoorde, Town Board liaison on February 21 and bring her up to date on these matters . Cornerstone Recovery Center Mr. Rachun gave the Planning Board an update on this project and the problem with "recovery center" under the current residential zoning (as indicated by Bruce Wilson) , but that the new ordinance would allow the facility. The Planning Board felt that it was unrealistic to have the new zoning finished, approved by both boards, public hearing, ' 1; Town Board vote to adopt the new ordinance, and County review of the new law before Cornerstone was ready to proceed (they would like to start construction in the spring) . There was discussion exploring various avenues on how to proceed with the project, and the general consensus was that the best method might be to have the Town Board grant a PUD for Cornerstone, which would be allowable under the current ordinance . Miscellaneous Chair Coogan asked Planning Board members about what training they have had, and what training they would like to have as Planning Board members . Several of the members realize that they have not met the requirements as passed by the Town Board, and that their work schedules often do not allow them to participate in training that is offered regionally. Planning Board members felt that it would be beneficial to explore having a training secession tailored to the Town of Ulysses in Ulysses . The most popular topic for such a program was a seminar or workshop on SEQR . that would focus more on the types of projects that are typical in Ulysses and not the strip malls, shopping centers, or big box stores that are usually the focus of SEQR workshops . Board members felt that SEQR is used rarely in Ulysses, and therefore not everyone on. the Board is comfortable with using it. Board members requested that the Town obtain a copy of the current SEQR requirements for each Planning Board member. Meeting adjourned at 9 : 00 p .m. on a motion by Mr. Porter, seconded by Ms . Hilbert, and carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Jacobs 1 Planning Board Clerk