HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-10-13TB 10-13-15 D R A F T Page 1 of 9 TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING October 13, 2016 Present: Supervisor Jason Leifer, Cl Daniel Lamb, Cl Linda Lavine, Cl Deborah Cipolla-Dennis Absent: Cl Kathrin Servoss Elected Officials: Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk Other Town Staff: Ray Burger, Director of Planning Jennifer Case, Bookkeeper Jane Marie Law met with the board, Ray Burger, and Kevin Ezell prior to the meeting to discuss Airbnb, how it is functioning in the community and matters of zoning, code enforcement and regulation. She recommends that municipalities legalize and regulate Airbnb. That allows the municipality to delineate it, regulate what it is, and set a creative model. It also gives Tompkins County enormous exposure for tourism. Supv Leifer called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Budget – Supv Leifer said Rick Young will be at the October 19 budget workshop to discuss the Highway Department budget. Budget requests from the fire departments were distributed to board members. Supv Leifer asked the board to compare these to prior years. Some requests include explanations. Some departments are looking to increase their equipment reserve. Neptune going to review their proposed budget this week and will provide a breakdown. These will be reviewed after discussion of the Highway Department budget. The preliminary budget is basically what departments requested with some numbers massaged. Scenarios using different amount of fund balance and the effect on the tax rate were shared with board members. Supv Leifer said if we lower appropriations from last year, the rate will still likely go up because there is less fund balance. His feeling is if the people of the town still want these things, they’ll have to pay for it. The DRYC wants two full time positions and people want trails. If there is grant money for the trails, there will be a match component. The amount of unencumbered fund balance is not healthy. He has begun talking with the Highway Superintendent about taking a year from putting money in the highway equipment reserve. This can all be discussed next week. Until development is place, we are still in a fix. There are three new developments coming into Varna that will contribute. A solar company has been talking about putting in at least two two-megawatt systems. But those things won’t be ready in time to help with next year’s budget. The workers comp insurance is being put out for bid because they’ve increased the premium $47,000 due to one fire department claim in the past six yea rs. That alone would have taken us to the levy cap. Supv Leifer asked board members to review the Highway Department budget prior to next week. Cl Lamb reported he had spoken with the State Comptroller’s staff and it appears they will be able to perform our audit. TB 10-13-15 D R A F T Page 2 of 9 Planning Department Update Morris Road – This involves a collapsed residence. Code Enforcement has declared it an unsafe structure. The owner has a demolition permit but has not made progress. A neighbor has an issue with a tree on the property that could be a hazard. The legal process hasn’t been accomplished and the town can’t enter the property. Demolition cost to the town is estimated around $15,000 and there isn’t enough money in this budget to do it . The board may take action at the November meeting. South Hill Recreation Way – This has been held up with an ownership legal dispute. Caroline has been advised that NYSEG does have legal ownership. R Burger expects the effort to reinvigorate and will be bringing a resolution to the board to support that in the future. There are four contiguous Dryden landowners involved. He added that it appears there is ammunition for both sides of the case. Board members have the written Planning Department update. There will be no hearing on the Verizon tower because they have not received the required statement from the State Historic Preservation Office. Public hearings scheduled for next week include the Simms Hill telecommunication tower, the Clarity Connect tower on Midline Road, open development areas for Tiny Timbers and a property on Scofield Road, and the Ideal Storage business on Freeville Road. There was discussion about holding a public hearing to approve the easements for the section of trail from Varna to Freeville and the application that is being submitted for funding for that trail. It was decided to pass a resolution recognizing the easements that have been secured in support of the application. The ZBA will have two items for its November 1 meeting. One is an area variance for Tiny Timbers and the other is a minor subdivision on Route 79. Public utility moratorium checklist – Cl Cipolla-Dennis has talked with Atty Brock on some of the issues and emailed her a few days ago asking for a status update. There has been no response yet. S Brock did say that the Planning Dept has a list of changes that need to be addressed in the Zoning Law and she has a list as well. Cl Cipolla-Dennis also has some items and said it may be time to combine lists. Supv Leifer said there will also be requested changes from the Ag Committee. He will get together with Marty Moseley and see what the Planning Board is suggesting. It can be done after the budget work is done in November. Most are clarifying statements and making sure definitions are consistent. Maybe it can be accomplished in January. Solar law – Cl Cipolla-Dennis will be looking at this and considering comments received from David Weinstein and Marty Moseley. She’ll then send it back to the Planning Board. Hopefully the Planning Board will then want to move forward with it. She’d like to have a public hearing on it in November and adopt it. Cl Lamb reported the DRYC had a good discussion regarding staffing the Recreation Department. Members of the public were present and they discussed what they thought worked and what they thought they could do to create an effective search process. He shared a process used at the town level in the State of Pennsylvania to recruit and how to look at backgrounds of potential recreation directors. It is very much a management profession and has to have some credentials in terms of business management and to a certain extent human resources. They want to convene a search committee representing the various interests on the commission. He, the DRYC chair, and Cl Servoss have offered to serve and there are recommendations from the DRYC for others to serve on the search committee. After conducting its work the search committee would present three candidates to the town board. TB 10-13-15 D R A F T Page 3 of 9 They would like to start the process as soon as possible for the recreation director position. The DRYC has recommended one full time and one part time employee to work under the director in what has been the traditional staffing model. This recommendation was based on what staff currently does. The committee discussed with current staff what t hey could do until personnel are replaced, how many hours a week they are currently working, and what it takes to run the department. Stephanie Mulinos had Sharon Todd, a long time DRYC member and professional in the recreation field who helped develop the recreation master plan, present at their meeting. There was professional as well as community involvement. The re has been a lot of progressive effort to build the department to what it is. It was done because recreation provides demonstrable value to the community. It’s about quality of life. Youth development programs are costly. The town is currently way overmatching what they have to in order to have that programming. But the cost to not provide that programming that provides intervention and support and healthy adult relationship building they need at a critical point in their life is that the kids end up in the juvenile justice system, and that is way more expensive. Dryden has the largest number of mobile parks in the county. There are a lot of people in those parks who are marginalized and disenfranchised and need these services. That’s what this is about. She understands the fiscal constraints. Cutting the position and the department sends a message to the community that quality of life is not important. Supv Leifer said his message is that we can do these, but need to be willing to pay for it. The message heard for years is that they are not. He means an increase in tax dollars. Unless the people who ask for the programs are willing to say they will pay for it, then it’s not going to happen. People have to understand it is going to cost them more. S Mulinos said recreation is a tiny piece of the town budget. Cl Lavine said this is not a question of whether the service is needed or important or a question of the budget. It’s more a question of what we are spending. Her investigation suggests that when we hired the first recreation director she shooed away the existing volunteer people who were doing various activities. We actually n egatively affected the volunteer base and then have claimed that we couldn’t find volunteers. It appears that we don’t put enough effort into that and we could easily make that part of this job description . She believes that if this is important to the community, people do volunteer. But it’s not part of the model we have used. We used a model that paid people to go actually monitor games and run games that easily could, if they exist, have volunteer coaches or do have volunteer coaches and the model we have is that someone has to be there anyway. Cl Lavine pointed out that each time she signs vouchers there is a $3.50 cent charge each for multiple packages of cups. That means there’s no planning. They could have been purchased in bulk less expensively. Why are we buying people uniforms and balls? She suggested that we need to assess what we’ve done before we charge ahead and do the same thing, which she thinks is wasting taxpayer money, and using that money frivolously so that you can’t accomplish the larger purpose. She also suggested that the bo ard ask Steve Stelick and his wife, Lisa, a human resources director, to head up a committee to define these positions. It is being suggested that we need a director as if you brush over the idea of who is going to define exactly what the role of that is. In looking for the best candidate, the person doesn’t have to be in recreation or physical education, but needs to have management skills and computer networking skills that everything depends on. The position can be defined in a way that would enable local people with wide variety of backgrounds to apply for these jobs and have the skills we want without having to call it something that filters out people illogically and bureaucratically because they happen to fall into a particular basket. We need to take a few steps back and re-examine what these roles are supposed to be before we put out a request for people to apply for this job. Part of that should backtrack to where this started from which TB 10-13-15 D R A F T Page 4 of 9 needed to have more of a volunteer base. We need someone who is a volunteer coordinator and has computer skills and management skills. There is a lot to define here. Cl Lavine said it is not clear to her that it is our town’s investment in recreation that serves the trailer park people. A lot of that seems to come from Cooperative Extension and just passes through us. She has heightened respect for recreation. But we are wasting money if we are spending money on cups every time something happens and pay for footballs and outfits that are only going to last a year, we are throwing away money that could be spent on important activities. We are clearly throwing away money by not coordinating with things like the Ithaca Youth Bureau and Cooperative Extension and others more. Cl Lamb said we heard from Steve Stelick the history of the program and he has been engaging in the very things Cl Lavine is talking about. He learned there was a need for this sort of thing. It was driven by volunteers. It got bigger and Dryden got bigger and we have a need now that goes beyond what a volunteer effort can meet. The DRYC had a very productive meeting and discussed how they want to see the department handled going forward. It was the sense there should be someone with a professional background in the field to do the thi ngs that people care about. We don’t have the capacity as volunteers or the DRYC to know all the needs and assess all the needs on a volunteer basis. That is the job of someone who is a professional in the industry and we can expect that from and hold them accountable to run the program. Supv Leifer reminded the board that if we do this, we have to pay for it, and we don’t have fund balance to rely on. If they are asking for two full time people, they’ll have to accept that property taxes will go up. He wants people to understand there is a math problem to solve in the budget, and he’s not blaming it on recreation. Cl Cipolla-Dennis asked if the board can move toward the staffing that the DRYC wants. Can they bring on a Recreation Director and leave the two part-time people in place right now for the first year, get a good plan in place, and then look to moving to a full time coordinator for 2018, doing it incrementally? It also gives the new director time to define what that department should look like and what they want to do and set it up the way they want. Cl Lamb said he thought the commission would go along with that. S Mulinos agreed that is reasonable. The DRYC wants a director vs a coordinator; the important distinction being someone who has leadership capabilities plus the ability to vision long term and do more planning activities; someone who has a real understanding of recreation planning. A coordinator is really a program implementer. She said Jennifer’s observation was that she and two part-timers was just more demanding. Cl Lavine said we need to seriously look at the job description, label, and skills. How you define the job description is important because it weeds out people that you might like to really leave in. You need to consider what you lose and gain in the title. She wants professional advice about that. The label is less important. It should be described broadly to attract competent applicants who have the skill sets we want without necessarily a particular label. Points/comments made in discussion of what would be lost or gained in calling it a director vs. a coordinator:  Skill sets vs. degrees  Label may be less important  Describe broadly enough to attract competent applicants with skills set and not necessarily a particular label TB 10-13-15 D R A F T Page 5 of 9  Civil Service defines job descriptions  Test for Recreation Director is offered soon and that will restrict the potential applicant pool because of the restrictions and guidelines we are forced to follow through Civil Service.  Hire the best match for the position though it may be a bit off the Civil Service description.  It is alright to add “in-house” additions to the job description.  Match what you’re looking for with the title that you pick.  What is gained by hiring a director rather than a coordinator in terms of civil service demands?  More education  More experience  Different exam  Different people will apply  Coordinator is not necessarily about planning Cl Lavine said you rule out some potentially excellent local people wh en you narrowly define and lock yourself in to that smaller pool. You don’t have to hire anybody. You could say there was no one in the group you want and then hire someone else temporarily. You can have someone with a degree who doesn’t know anything. There is a pool of great talent around this area. You want someone with good communication and management skills. This person can expand the reputation of the town. You can exercise the bureaucratic degree to the exclusion of people who have all these qualifications. Supv Leifer said some skills can be added to the in -house job description. If the core of this is to get someone who is not only going to be able to coordinate volunteers and programs, but also plan for the future, which seems to be most important to the commission, then the board needs to decide to keep the budget the way it is now, accounting for a director and two part-timers, and then next year talk about maybe converting a part -time position to a full-time position if the need exists. Cl Lavine said she hasn’t received an answer to the question: What do you lose by calling it a coordinator and not a director? Does it expand the base of possible applicants? Cl Lamb said it would lower the bar on who applies for this job. There will be people that won’t apply. You won’t have the same caliber of applicants if you lower the classification of the position. Cl Lavine said it is a challenging job market and you might get someone very talented. She is talking about the bureaucracy that defines the difference between a coordinator and a director. Supv Leifer said the group that was asked to look at this said their primary focus is someone who can handle planning for the future, running the programs now, and running volunteers. She wants to know what the job description is from the Civil Service point of view. This is a bureaucratic technicality. Cl Lamb said the difference is that a director looks at planning, looks at the long term, does needs assessments. A coordinator will be a different quality of applicant. Cl Lavine is asking for details. She doesn’t wish to waste taxpayer money and wants to serve the needs of the people in terms of recreation. She would like to know what it rules out and rules in. She would like them to defend what was suggested. Cl Lavine noted that she did not get an answer that compared the two bureaucratic job descriptions such that a reasonable, responsible board can figure out why it should be called one and not the other. TB 10-13-15 D R A F T Page 6 of 9 RESOLUTION #154 (2016) – RECREATION DEPARTMENT STAFFING Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board will maintain the budget request for 2017 for the Recreation Department with a staff of Recreation Director and two part-time assistants, and the DRYC is hereby charged with establishing a search committee for a new Recreation Director. 2nd Cl Lamb Roll Call Vote Cl Lavine No Cl Cipolla-Dennis Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes Cl Cipolla-Dennis said the finance committee met this afternoon and recommends that Jack Davison be authorized to purchase for the Recreation Department following the current purchase policies. RESOLUTION #155 (2016) – AUTHORIZE PURCHASER FOR RECREATION DEPT Cl Cipolla-Dennis offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Jack Davison as authorized purchaser for the Recreation Department until a Recreation Director is appointed. 2nd Supv Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Lavine No Cl Cipolla-Dennis Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #156 (2016) – APPROVE ABSTRACT #10 Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #10, as audited, general vouchers #713 through #811 ($253,663.13) and TA vouchers #84 and #85 ($3,712.78), totaling $257,375.91. 2nd Cl Cipolla-Dennis Roll Call Vote Cl Lavine Yes Cl Cipolla-Dennis Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes Teamsters update – Supv Leifer reported they have an agreement ready to go to the union. The wage increases are 30, 35, and 40 cents per hour. With respect to health insurance, they’ve agreed that beginning with the next agreement, everyone in highway will contribute to premiums. If we go past December 31, 2018, and haven’t agreed to something TB 10-13-15 D R A F T Page 7 of 9 new yet, then deductions won’t have been taken from their pay, but it will be back-paid to January 1, 2019. It’s an incentive to get everyone to the table to negotiate. HEO requirements for two employees will not be in the agreement anymore. The fiscal impact is about $15,000 per year increase overall in wages. The next agreement will have the full health care component that we want. It will have to be introduced at the same time for non-bargaining people. Currently people hired after January 1, 2010 pay 10% of the premium. This agreement has to be voted on at the Highway Department prior to the board approving it. Supv Leifer will provide board members with the draft. RESOLUTION #157 (2016) - RECOGNIZING THE SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATION OF TWENTY-ONE TRAIL EASEMENT AGREEMENTS CRITICAL TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DRYDEN RAIL TRAIL IN THE TOWN OF DRYDEN, AND FINALIZATION OF SIX EASEMENTS TO DATE Cl Lamb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Town recognizes the importance of preserving the Town’s natural resources and rural character, and providing resi dents with more opportunities to observe and enjoy the natural beauty the Town offers, WHEREAS, the Dryden Town Board recognizes the importance of developing mixed use commuting and recreational trails, as resources vital to improving the Town’s economic base, tourism, property values, public health and fitness, and quality of life for Town residents, WHEREAS, the Town acknowledges the extraordinary effort of Task Force members have made building support for this initiative throughout the community, WHEREAS, the Town greatly appreciates the numerous property owners who have embraced this community project and have enthusiastically entered into easements for allow this project to move forward, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Dryden shall expedit e action to hold a public hearing at the soonest date possible to act on accepting and finalizing the easements for the purpose of advancing the Dryden Rail Trail. 2nd Supv Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Lavine Yes Cl Cipolla-Dennis Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes The board will discuss choosing a date for the public hearing on the easements next week. The budget hearing will be held November 10 at 6:00 p.m. An application has been received for a Planning Board alternate that can be acted o n next week. Supv Leifer informed the board that Jon Sinnigen, a thirty-year Highway Department employee, passed away this week. Flowers have been sent from the town. TB 10-13-15 D R A F T Page 8 of 9 There may be a need for a resolution next week on payroll questions. The finance committee recommendation is to pay out the remaining vacation to his estate. There are four budget mods that need approval.  From the Clerks office: $1200 increase to miscellaneous revenue and to town clerk contractual. This is money coming in and going out for sale of trash tags.  From the Rec Department: A $250 transfer from community recreation to software. It has been under-budgeted for the last couple of years and will be fixed for next year; and $3,750 Legacy Grant money going into Rec Mi scellaneous grants and into Rec equipment so it can be used to purchase fitness equipment for the Jim Schug Trail.  From the Planning Department: $900 is being moved from the Stormwater Management account to the Watershed Monitoring account for the Six Mile Creek gauge station. RESOLUTION #158 (2016) – APPROVE BUDGET MODIFICATIONS Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the following budget modifications: To Acct To Acct A2770 Miscellaneous Revenue A1410.4 Town Clerk Contractual $ 1,200.00 A2005 Rec - Misc Grants A7020.201 Rec Equipment $ 3,750.00 From Acct To Acct A8790.401 Stormwater A8790.403 Watershed $ 900.00 A7330.4 Community Recreation A7020.405 Software Upkeep $ 250.00 2nd Cl Lamb Roll Call Vote Cl Lavine Yes Cl Cipolla-Dennis Yes Cl Lamb Yes Supv Leifer Yes R Burger asked if the board wanted to see a presentation on the Tiny Timbers o pen development area. The best way to deal with the interior lots for access is by taking this action. It is coming on recommendation of the Planning Board and they have gone over the plat exhaustively. The variances will be handled by the ZBA and the f inal plat will be approved by the Planning Board. The documents are on the website and there are extensive notes in the Planning Board minutes. Cl Cipolla-Dennis said the Planning Board has recommended that the Town Board charge them with looking at areas and ways in our zoning law that we can do cluster development (such as Tiny Timbers) and define appropriate places for that to happen. Then these projects wouldn’t have to come to the Town Board. These types of tiny hous es are becoming more popular and we are likely to see more of them. We do n’t want to make it difficult. At next week’s budget workshop Supv Leifer will have another scenario of the fund balance sales tax shift. At this point he is trying to limit the rise in the rate even though we are lowering spending. TB 10-13-15 D R A F T Page 9 of 9 There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bambi L. Avery Town Clerk