HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-12-10 - PH TOWN OF ULYSSES PUBLIC HEARING 12/10/200), PRESENT : Supervisor Douglas Austic, Councilpeople Carolyn Duddleston, Sue Poelvoorde, Lee Scott, and Robert Weatherby, Town Clerk Marsha Georgia. ALSO PRESENT : Michael Lunger, Gerald Van Orden and Nancy Vanorden Supervisor Austic called the public hearing to order at 7 : 00 pm . Supervisor Austic announced the purpose of the Public Hearing as : to hear comments on the SEQR for Proposed Town of Ulysses Water District No . 4 . No comments were heard . Hearing no comments, Ms . Poelvoorde moved and Mrs . Duddleston seconded that the public hearing be adjourned . Mr. Austic aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye The hearing adjourned at 7 : 05 pm . Respectfully Submitted Marsha L . Georgia rit Ulysses Town Clerk -7" .- - MLG : kl TOWN OF ULYSSES TOWN BOARD MEETING 12/10/2002 PRESENT: Supervisor Douglas Austic, Councilpeople Carolyn Duddleston, Sue Poelvoorde, Lee Scott, and Robert Weatherby, Town Clerk Marsha Georgia, Code Enforcement Office Alex Rachun, and Highway Superintendent Jim Meeker. ALSO PRESENT: Richard Coogan, Jacksonville Community Association, Christian Boissonnas, Tompkins County EMC , Michael Lunger, Gerald VanOrden, and Tom Reitz. Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 pm and led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Town Board Meeting 11/12/02, Public Hearing 11/6/02 Mrs. Duddleston moved and Mr. Scott seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. • APPROVAL OF MONTHLY CLAIMS Ms. Poelvoorde moved and Mr. Weatherby seconded to approve monthly voucher numbers 497 through 523 , totaling $59, 318 . 20. Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES Trumansburg Fire Department Mr. Austic noted that the Town received a written report from the Trumansburg Fire Department. PETITION: Water District Request Gerald VanOrden presented a petition requesting a water district to serve an area of the Town west of the Village of Trumansburg. Mr. VanOrden explained that he and his wife undertook the task of the petition after the Village of Trumansburg denied them a connection to its water system without the formation of a water district. The VanOrden's had previously explained to the Town Board that they have had two wells drilled on their property, both of which have gone dry, leaving them with a very much insufficient source for all their residential water needs. The petition submitted covers an area to serve 51 residences that exist alongside a current Village of Trumansburg water line, running from the Village line on South Street, following the water line to the intersection of South Street Extension and Podunk Road, and thence veering right to follow the water line spur along Waterburg Road, and also thence following a second water line spur, which serves Pennsylvania Avenue and Route Regular Town Board Meeting 2 12/1012002. 227 in the Village. There are 51 residences in this proposed district, and the submitted petition includes signatures from 43 of these residences. Mr. V'anOrden has been assured that 2 more signatures will follow, which would bring the tally to 45 of a potential 51 signatures. Some residences in the proposed district currently have water from the Village, and several others do not, despite their close proximity to a water line. Mr. VanOrden also noted that the Engineering and Legal costs will be kept to a minimum. Mr. Austic expressed appreciation for Mr. and Mrs . VanOrden's work and effort. Mr. , VanOrden stated that he enjoyed the opportunity to meet his neighbors, and noted great ,l enthusiasm throughout the neighborhoods of the proposed district . Mr. Austic noted that the Town Board would not make a decision at present. Jacksonville Community Association Mr. Coogan reported that he was re-elected as President of the J. C . A. Sharon Anderson will be moderating at the first ` public informational" meeting scheduled for January 7th, 2003 . He has invited someone from Tompkins County Planning to speak on "What Zoning Is and What It Is Not " . The Community Association is keeping the Jacksonville Methodist Church open for that informational meeting and will also be providing child- care during the session, which has been very well received. An amplifier is needed . It was mentioned that the school, the American Legion, and, possibly the Fire Department might have one that could be borrowed. Mr. Austic noted that the Town of Ulysses should work on developing posters and other advertisement of said "public informational " meeting. Mr. Austic also suggested meeting at the Franziska Racker Center for the second meeting. Other Potential sites were discussed, and the general consensus was that the Franziska Racker Center would be the best location . John Anderson, of the Tompkins County Health Department has agreed to give the J. C . A. another month to hold its community meeting about well closure environment, health and safety issues. Tompkins County Board of Representatives - Peter Penniman Mr. Penniman presented his report later in the meeting, between discussion and resolution concerning the petition for Water District No. 5 and discussion and resolutions concerning Water District No . 3 . TOWN REPORTS Highway Superintendent Mr. Meeker reported that the highway department winterized the vehicles in preparation for snowing. As well as mowing back weeds and grass along r:he roadsides and hauling stone when the weather was mild, the department did get out a few times to salt and plow. Code Enforcement Officer Mr. Rachun reported that 3 permits were issued during the month of November, for 1 single-family residence and 2 additions. Estimated construction costs totaled $204,000, and $721 . 00 was collected in fees. Mr. Rachun also reported that the Zoning Board of Appeals held public hearings for two area variance requests, of which one was granted and the other was tabled until the developer presents more detailed information for the Board. Mr. Rachun also reported that he has copied the Site Plan map for a proposed addition at the Koskinen Collision PUD. By law, the Planning Board has to review the matter for Regular Town Board Meeting 3 12na20c2, Site Plan Review. The Board agreed that, as long as Mr. Rachun feels that he has all the information needed by the Planning Board in order to conduct Site Plan review for the proposed project, he should submit it to the Planning Board as soon as possible. Mr. Rachun stated he would present it at the next Planning Board meeting, tomorrow night. The ultimate approval or denial of any changes to the PUD is the jurisdiction of the Planning Board. Mr. Scott moved and Mr. Weatherby seconded the following: BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board submits the review of the proposed addition at the Koskinen Collision PUD to the Planning Board, and, further, advises Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun to present the Site Plan Review application for the same project to the Planning Board . Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. Mr. Rachun also reported issues with the Planning Clerk, in regards to copying and mailing information, as she works full time elsewhere and does not feel she has the time to perform these tasks. Town Clerk Mrs. Georgia reported that her office collected $2, 761 in fees during the month of November. Of this, $650. 75 was turned over to the Supervisor. The NYSDEC finally completed its " sweep" of the Town Clerk's accounts, whereby NYSDEC collected the full sum of its share of revenue from the sale of NYS Sporting Licenses for the months of August through October (previously August and September revenues were collected, less the funds collected for "Conservation Legacy" and "Conservation Patron" licenses, with which there was an accounting problem on DEC's end that has since been resolved). Mrs. Georgia also noted that the Tompkins County Town Clerk's have a meeting this Friday with Jay Franklin of the Tompkins County Assessment Department. He will discuss and describe any changes appearing on the 2003 Town & County tax bills. The bills should be printed and delivered on December 23w. One major holdup in the printing of the bills has been the inclusion of a blurb by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives explaining the increase in the tax bills. Board Members and Committees No reports were heard . Supervisor No comments were made on the Supervisor's Financial Report. Mr. Austic noted, however, that the Town Board will have to make some modifications to the budget next month. OLD BUSINESS Water District No. 4 (Dubois Road) Mr. Austic noted that before the Board may conduct the SEQR review process for Water District No. 4, it must adopt a resolution declaring itself as Lead Agency for the SEQR process. Mr. Austic also reported the receipt of letters from the Tompkins County Planning Department, the Town of Ithaca, the Town of Ithaca Planning Department, the Tompkins County Health Department, and the New York State Health Department all Regular Town Board Meeting 4 12/ 10/2001.. affirming the Town of Ulysses' intention to assume Lead Agency status for the SEQR review of Water District No. 4. RESOLUTION CONFIRMING LEAD AGENCY STATUS WATER DIST. #4 Ms. Poelvoorde moved and Mr. Scott seconded the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses Town Board is considering :Formation of the Town of Ulysses Water District No . 4 (the "Project"), and • WHEREAS, the project is considered a "Type I Action" as defined by the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and the State Environmental Review Process (SERP); and WHEREAS, Part 1 of a full environmental assessment form (FEAF) was completed by Michael Lunger dated October 22, 2002, and submitted to this Board for its review and consideration, in connection with the Project; and WHEREAS, in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 617 . 6 and SERP, a lead agency must be established for the purpose of conducting a SEQRA review of this project; and WHEREAS, at its regular meeting held on the 12th of November, 2002, the Town Board authorized preparation of the FEAF and declared its intention to assume lead agency status in this matter for purposes of SEQRA and SERF review processes; and WHEREAS, notice of such intention was made known to involved agencies, and they have indicated that they have no objection to the Town Board proceeding to serve as lead agency in this matter, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that it is confirmed that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses shall serve as lead agency in the SEQRA and SERP review process for the Project. Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. S.E.O.R. Full Environmental Assessment Form PART 2-Project Impacts and Their Magnitude The Board reviewed and answered as follows: Impact on Land 1 . Will the proposed action result in a physical change to the project site? No . 2 . Will there be an effect to any unique or unusual landforms found on the site? (ie. cliffs, dunes, geological formations, etc. ) No . Impact on Water 3 . Will proposed action affect any water body designated as protected (under Articles 15 , 24 and 25 of the Environment Conservation Law, ECL )? No . 4 . Will proposed action affect any non-protected existing or new body of water? No . 5 . Will proposed action affect surface or groundwater quality or quantity? No . 6 . Will proposed action alter drainage flow or patterns, or surface water runoff? No . Impact on Air 7. Will proposed action affect air quality? No. Impact on Plants and Animals 8 . Will proposed action affect any threatened or endangered species? No 9. Will proposed action substantially affect non-threatened or non-endangered species? Regular Town Board Meeting 5 12/10/2002.. No. Impact on Agricultural Land Resources 10. Will the proposed action affect agricultural land resources? No. Impact on Aesthetic Resources 11 . Will proposed action affect aesthetic resources? No . Impact on Historic and Archaeological Resources 12 . Will proposed action impact any site or structure of historic, pre-historic or paleontological importance? No . Impact on Open Space and Recreation 13 . Will proposed action affect the quantity or quality of existing or future open spaces or recreational opportunities? No. Impact on Critical Environmental Area 14. Will proposed action impact the exceptional or unique characteristics of a critical environmental area (CEA) established pursuant to subdivision 6 NYCRR 617. 14 [g]? No. Impact on Transportation 15 . Will there be an effect to existing transportation systems? No. Impact on Energy 16. Will proposed action affect the community's sources of fuel or energy supply? No. Noise and Odor Impacts 17. Will there be objectionable odors, noise or vibration as a result of the proposed action: Yes Proposed Action will produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels for outside of structures-during construction only, small to moderate impact (level 1 ) Impact on Public Health 18. Will proposed action affect public health and safety? No . Impact on Growth and Character of Community or Neighborhood 19. Will proposed action affect the character of the existing community? No . 20. Is there, or is there likely to be, public controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts? No. In lieu of the above review of Part II of the SEQR Full Environmental Assessment Form, the Town Board moved on to a negative declaration resolution concerning the impact of proposed Water District No. 4. RESOLUTION DECLARING NEGATIVE DECLARATION WATER DISTRICT NO. 4 Ms. Poelvoorde moved and Mr. Weatherby seconded the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby adopts the Negative Declaration annexed hereto for the reasons set forth therein; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that Town of Ulysses legal counsel is hereby instructed to publish and circulate the annexed Negative Declaration in accordance with appropriate laws and regulations, and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor, together with counsel for the Town is hereby authorized and directed to take all actions, serve all notices and complete all documents in order to give full force and effect to this determination. Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. Regular Town Board Meeting 6 12/10/2002. RESOLUTION TO FORM WATER DISTRICT NO. 4 Mr. Austic moved the following resolution, seconded by Mrs. Duddleston: WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has received a petition, map., plan & report dated October 17, 2002 requesting the Board's consideration of the formation of a water district as described in the petition for 3007, 3017 and 3029 Dubois Road, duly signed by the residents of the proposed district, and WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing was held on November 12, 2002 to hear public comments on the formation of said proposed district and no negative comments were registered at the hearing, and WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing was held December 10, 2002 to hear public comments on the Environmental Impacts of the proposed district and no negative comments were heard at that hearing, and WHEREAS, in a letter dated November 19, 2002 the Tompkins County Health Department has indicated its need, as well as the need of the NYS Health Department and Environmental Conservation Department (DEC) to approve engineering plans and specifications for this project, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses approves the formation of the proposed water district to be known as Ulysses Water District No. 4, contingent upon: -The Tompkins County Health Department's approval of engineering plans and specifications for this project, and -Receipt of letter from the Town of Ithaca, stating that that municipality will supply the water for this district . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses Board will act as Board of Commissioners for Water District No. 4, and the Town Clerk will make all necessary notifications, as required by Town Law. Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. The Water District was formed, pending satisfaction of the above contingencies. Mr. Austic reported that he has spoken with the Town of Ulys: es engineer, Eric Pond of Barton & Loguidice, PC, and that Mr. Pond has agreed to write a letter to the Tompkins County Health Department stating that the 2" line proposed will be sufficient for the three residences the district will serve, and acknowledging that the 2 " line will not be sufficient for fire protection. Mr. Pond will also state that all the correct 'valves, etc will be applied in lieu of the change from the 8" line to the 2 " line, and that the system designed by Town of Ithaca engineer, Dan Walker, will be sufficient for the purposes of bringing residential municipal water to the three residences included in the water district. RESOLUTION OF BENEFICIAL IMPACT OF WATER DISTRICT NO. 4 Mrs. Duddleston moved and Mr. Scott seconded the following : BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses has affirmatively made the following findings in regards to proposed Town of Ulysses Water District No. 4 : 1 . That all properties within the proposed district will benefit from the district 2 . That all properties that will benefit from the proposed district are included in said district . 3 . That the proposed district serves a legitimate public purpose for the Town of Ulysses. Mr. Austic aye Regular Town Board Meeting 7 12/ 10/2003. Mrs. Duddleston aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted NEW BUSINESS Action on Petition for Water District No. 5-South Street area Mr. Austic asked if the Town Board wished to take action on the petition to form a water district submitted earlier in the meeting by Mr. Gerald VanOrden, and explained that the first step of the process will be to engineering for the project. Ms. Poelvoorde asked who will pay for the engineering. Mr. Austic stated that he feels the Town should pay for the engineering because the water district will meet a very real need in the Town, the Town will benefit from the water district, and a residence's location within the district will bring up the value of the property resulting in added revenue for the Town of Ulysses. The Board discussed the proposed district. Mr. Weatherby reestablished what areas of the Town are included in the proposed district. Mr. Austic explained that the district would include the Town taking over the water line infrastructure along a Village of Trumansburg line that runs from the Village to the water system's source at the Hoffmire Well. Mr. Weatherby asked what condition the line is in, and Mr. Austic stated that the Village of Trumansburg informed him that this particular water main is in better condition than most or all of the other water mains serving the Village of Trumansburg water system. The Board discussed the issue of how the Town would pay for repairs to the water main if a problem developed before sufficient revenue could be collected from the water district. Mr. Austic stated that sufficient funds could be collected within a year or two, and that a very large, very expensive problem could force the Town to borrow funds at any time, regardless of which water district is affected . Mr. Rachun brought up the issue of development that could rapidly ensue if a water district is formed in this western area of the Town. Mr. Rachun estimated that over 40 residences could be built along the road fronts, based on 200 feet of frontage for each house. Based on 400 feet of frontage per house, some 27 houses could be built. Mr. Scott moved to accept the petition and proceed with the engineer's map, plan & report for the proposed water district . Ms. Poelvoorde seconded. Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. Mr. Austic will advise all concerned parties accordingly. Discussion ensued. Mr. Weatherby asked if it is really going to be wise to take over this old water main? Mr. Austic noted that the Village of Trumansburg would have to replace a lot of the line in the near future in order to obtain a backup connection to the Bolton Point Water System via Ulysses Water District No. 3 . Tompkins County Board of Representatives - Peter Penniman Mr. Penniman began by noting the addition to the Town & County 2003 Tax Bills of a text item explaining the large increase in the County bills are due to State mandated service requirements. Regular Town Board Meeting 8 12/10/2003 Mr. Penniman reported the County has cut about 40 positions, approximately 20 of which were addressed by retirement, and only a handful were addressed with layoffs. The staffing this year will be down to what it was about four years sago . Many departments will be very stretched. The District Attorney's office, for example, was cut by the County, but will be taking on the duties of the City of Ithaca Prosecutor's Office. Multiple positions were cut from the Departments of Social Services, Public Health and Probation, with the Department of Social Services being cut back the most, by 12 positions. I Mr. Penniman reported that the local economy is doing well . Sales tax revenues are up 5% compared to last year, and sales tax on clothing and footwear will be reinstated in March 2003 . Mr. Austic stated that the Town has not seen any increase in sales tax revenue. Mr. Penniman noted that the Town of Ulysses and the Village of Trumansburg take in less and have smaller populations than the rest of the County, and that the figures will be adjusted after the end of the year. Mr. Penniman also reported that the County is making progres, > on the 911 Operations Center to be located near the airport . The project is currently in the design phase, with the County preparing to put the project out for bids. The closely associated State project to update the statewide emergency communications system is currently out to bid. One concern with the State effort is the State economy, which is not. good. At present, the State is reporting a $2 Billion deficit for the current year's budget, which ends in March 2003 . Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Resolutions and Application (Water District No. 3) MINORITY & WOMEN' S BUSINESS/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Ms. Poelvoorde moved and Mrs. Duddleston seconded the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses, as a recipient of Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) financing for constructing the Water District No. 3 Water System Improvements, acknowledges its obligations under New York State Executive Law Article 15-A, to commit to a comprehensive Minority and Women's Business-Equal Employment Opportunity (MWBE/EEO) Program Work Plan. RESOLVED, under the MWBE/EEO Work Plan, the Town of Ulysses assures the meaningful participation of minority and women's business enterprises in contracting and services, and the meaningful participation of minorities and women in the workforce on activities financed by the DWSRF program for this construction project. RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses state and adopt the MV/BE/EEO Program Policy Statement, as stated in the NYS DWSRF M/WBE-EEO Work Plan. RESOLVED, that the MBE/WBE-EEO utilization percentages shall be in accordance with those identified on the NYS DWSRF M/WBE-EEO Work Plan. RESOLVED, that for administering this policy, Marsha Georgia, Town Clerk, be appointed Minority Business Officer. RESOLVED, that Douglas Austic, Town Supervisor, is authorized to sign the MWBE/EEO Program Work Plan on behalf of the Town of Ulysses for inclusion in the DWSRF funding application for the Water District No. 3 Water System Improvements. Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Regular Town Board Meeting 9 12/10/2002. Adopted. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DWSRF APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT FINANCING NEW YORK DRINKING WATER STATE REVOLVING FUND Resolution authorizing the execution and filing of an application and execution and delivery of an agreement setting forth the terms of the Project financing and other documents necessary for DWSRF assistance. Ms. Poelvoorde moved and Mr. Scott seconded the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses herein called the " Applicant", after thorough consideration of the various aspects of the problems and study of available data, has hereby determined that the project generally described as: Water District No. 3 Water System Improvements and identified as DWSRF Project Number 16097, herein called the "Project", is desirable and in the public interest, and to that end it is necessary that action preliminary to the construction of said Project be taken immediately; and WHEREAS, the United States, pursuant to Title XIV of the Public Health Service Act (commonly knows as the " Safe Drinking Water Act "), 42 U. S. C . ss 300f, et seq. , as amended (the " Act"), requires each State to establish a drinking water revolving fund to be administered by an instrumentality of the state before the state may receive capitalization grants under the Act; and WHEREAS, the State of New York has, pursuant to Chapter 413 of the Laws of 1996 (the "DWSRF Act") established in the custody of the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (the "Corporation") a drinking water revolving fund (the "Fund") to be used for purposes of the Act; and WHEREAS, the Corporation has been created, reconstituted and continued pursuant to the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation Act, as amended, being Chapter 744 of the Laws of 1970, as amended, and constituting Title 12 of Article 5 of the Public Authorities Law and Chapter 43 -A of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, and constitutes a public benefit corporation under the laws of the State of New York, being a body corporate and politic with full and lawful power and authority to provide financial assistance from the Fund; and WHEREAS, the Corporation has the responsibility to administer the Fund and to provide financial assistance from the Fund to municipalities for eligible projects, as provided in the DWSRF Act; and WHEREAS, the DWSRF Act authorizes the establishment of a program for financial assistance for planning, design and construction of eligible projects; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the Town of Ulysses Town Board as follows; 1 . The filing of an application for DWSRF assistance in the form required by the Corporation in conformity with the DWSRF Act is hereby authorized, including all understandings and assurances contained in said application. 2. The following person is directed and authorized as the official representative of the Applicant to execute and deliver an application for DWSRF assistance, to execute and deliver the Project financing agreement and any other documents necessary to receive financial assistance from the Fund for the Project, to act in connection with the Project and to provide such additional information as may be required and to make such agreements on behalf of the Applicant as may be required: Douglas Austic Town of Ulysses Supervisor 3 . The official designated above is authorized to make application for financial assistance under the DWSRF Program. Regular Town Board Meeting 10 12/ 10/2003- 4. One ( 1 ) certified copy of this Resolution shall be prepared and sent to the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation, 625 Broadway, Albany, New York 12207-2997. 5 . This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING RFP BONDING ATTORNEYS HISCOCK & BARCLAY, LLP. Mr. Austic moved and Mr. Scott seconded the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has sent a request for proposals to four firms to act as Attorney for the Ulysses Water District #3 issuance of bonds; and WHEREAS, the request stated a response date of November 27th' 2002 as the deadline for the acceptance of a RFP; and WHEREAS, Hiscock & Barclay, LLP . did reply by the noted date, and in fact was the only respondent of record; and WHEREAS, the project engineers and the attorney for the town have indicated that Hiscock & Barclay, LLP are a reputable firm, are experienced iin matters of bond law and would recommend acceptance of the proposal; BE IT THEREFORE, RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses accepts the Hiscock & Barclay, LLP ro proposal to act as bond agent for the bonding matters related to the Town's P P g g Water District #3 , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor be authorized to sign documents relating to the issuance of bonds and contracts with the firm. Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. Disaster Mitigation Plan Mr. Austic asked if everyone had received copies of a letter from Town of Caroline Supervisor, Don Barber concerning a new Federal mandate for a Disaster Mitigation Plan. All government bodies, including schools, municipalities , cities, and other government agencies are required to have a Disaster Mitigation Plan in place by 11 / 1 /2003 in order to qualify for certain Federal funding programs. The letter comes in response to a meeting at the Ithaca Town Hall of representatives of several Tompkins County municipalities. Mr. Austic stated he has spoken to a representative of the Trumansburg Central School District and to representatives of the Village of Trumansburg, and that, if the Town and the Village are amenable, the School has said the Town can develop a plan that would cover all schools and government bodies within the Town of Ulysses. One option is working together with other Tompkins County municipalities to develop a plan that would serve all participating municipalities. The total cost to develop the plan would be $50,000 to $60,000, however Mr. Frantz has informed us that a grant is available to cover 75% of the cost, <.,o the total expense would Regular Town Board Meeting 11 12/10/200)i. be about $ 15, 000, divided by the number of participating municipalities. Mr. Austic estimates that 10 to 15 municipalities will participate, for a Town cost of $ 1 ,000 to $ 1 , 500. Mr. Austic also noted that Mr. Frantz has given him a packet of information concerning the procedure to establish a plan, and it appears to be a rigorous procedure. The Board looked over the packet, and agreed that an expert's assistance will definitely be needed . There will be a meeting on the matter on December 19th, at the Ithaca Town Hall to discuss the idea of working together with other municipalities. Stormwater Plan Mr. Austic reported that Barton & Loguidice plans to submit a proposal for the development of a Stormwater Plan for the Town of Ulysses, but the proposal has not yet been received. No action was taken on this matter. LEAPE Session January le Mr. Austic reported that Sharon Anderson will be presenting a 4-6 hour workshop on the LEAPE GIS computer program on January 16th, 2003 to be held at the Town Hall. The workshop will begin at 6 pm, and supper will be sewed as part of the workshop. Prow Letter & Response Mr. Austic asked if all the Board members had received a copy of correspondence from Frank Proto, Chairman of the Tompkins County Planning Department's Water Resources Council, regarding the Council's recommendations for the regulation of personal water craft/two cycle engine use on Cayuga Lake. Other: Jacksonville Church Schoolhouse - re: Water District Hookup Mr. Tom Reitz presented a request from the Jacksonville Methodist Church, asking that the church be assessed for only one connection to Water District #3 . The Board tried to recall whether the engineer had, indeed, counted the schoolhouse as a separate hookup, and agreed to find out. One process to be considered if the schoolhouse was separately counted, is the consolidation of the two tax parcels into one. The Board also noted that the Church may have been assessed as two units not in consideration of the schoolhouse, but because the Church can be expected to use more water than a single- family residence. TRA Development Agreement Mr. Austic reported that he and Highway Superintendent Jim Meeker signed an agreement with TRA Developers, who is planning to build a subsidized and low-income apartment complex at the northern end of the Village of Trumansburg, stating that if TRA Developers' plan is approved by the Village of Trumansburg, TRA Developers will build a highway from NYS Route 96 to the Village of Trumansburg line, that meets highway design standards. The Village of Trumansburg requested this agreement from TRA Developers. Employees' Annual Gift Certificates The Board discussed the amounts briefly. Mrs. Duddleston moved and Mr. Weatherby seconded to authorize Marsha Georgia to purchase $25 gift certificates for the Trumansburg Shur Save for all Town of Ulysses employees. Regular Town Board Meeting 12 12/10/2003-• HEARINGS OF GROUPS & INDIVIDUALS No comments were heard. CORRESP I NDENCE No further correspondence was discussed . ADJOURNMENT Mr. Weatherby moved and Mr. Scott seconded to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye The meeting adjourned at 9 : 23 pm. Respectfully submitted, Marsha L. Georgia Ulysses Town Clerk i , 7421.4-4, �J ., J