HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Dumping Law JUN-18-98 THU 16 :07 TC SOLID WASTE 6072750000 P01
K 'i 1 t- I.
NEW YOKE 5-AA E DEFARTMENT or sin= Cr.cr,C_..
. ,OCII l Law 1.i ing 162 WASHINGTON AVENUE,ALBANY,NY 32231
(Use this form to file a local taw with Ile Setrctary of State.)
'Turf of law shuu.ld be given as amended. Do not inclurie matter being eliminated and do not use
italics or underlining to indicate new matter.
County .
i. a Tompkins
. •To'rvn-
Local Law No. __-- of the year 19"x' .
Alocallaw Regulating the Disposal of Solid Waste in Tompkins County
(It c,rare)
(S;ipersedes Local Law ;1o. 5 of 1990 and Local Law too. 3 of 1991)
13e It enacted 11 the Board of Rehnre gals,;fYea --- of the
of. Tompkins _----- ^ es fnllnws:
.. •,AEcTioN .1., D C,-,�, ATION OF.PUR2OS X . . .
- The purpose and intent of this ,local-law is to prohibit the disposal or
solid waste at ay location other than st properly authorized .facilities or
sites and to prevent the unauthorized use of dumpsters and other solid waste
The Tompkins County Board of Representatives acknnwtedges the growing
costs. associated with the disposal of .-solid waste and the, resulting
inclination, of those who may seek to avoid such costs by ORpositing such .
material along highways, in vacant lots, on .business sites, in the private .
dumpsters of others, and in other unauthorized places. 6ueh activitA ps are
hereby deemed to pose an imminent hazard to the public health, safety, and
welfare of the residents.of the County. .
The adoption and vigorous enforcement of this local law is _intended to be
an" offe-..five dAerrent to dumping of solid waste. This local law shall be
liberally construed to effectuate its objectives and purposes.
A. The tern "solid waste" shall mean all putrescible and non-putrescible
materidla of bubatanceo that are discarded or rejected as being spent,
worthless, useless or in excess to the owners at the time of such discard or
rejection, iiwwluding but not limited to garbage, refuse, industrial and
commercial waste, sludge from air or water treatment facilities, rubbish,
(If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet,and number each.)
rn '
JUN-18-98 THU 16 :08 TC SOLID WASTE 6072750000 . P. 02
t.ire3, ashes, contained gaseous material, incimerator residue, construction
and demolition debris, discarded automobiles and offal.
B. The term "dispose" shall mean to abandon, discharge, deposit, inject,
dump, 6153.11, leak, or place any substance into or on any land or water or so
that such substances or any constituent thereof may enter the environment.
The placement of biodegradable material in a properly maintained comp8ot pile
is not disposal of solid waste.
C. The term "person" shall mean any individual, firm, public or private
corporation, political subdivision., government agency, municipality, industry,
partnership, association, institution, trust, estate, or any other legal
entity whatsoever.
D. The term "properly maintained compost pile" refers to a compost pile
of less than 25 cubic yards that (1) is maintained and operated in a safe
nuisance-free manner, and (2) contains no sewage, sludge, or septage, and (3)
follows acceptable methods of composting that minimize odors and produce a
useful stable end product.
E. The term "below regulatory concern radioactive waste" is defined as
radioactive waste that hag been dereg-ula=nd by the United States FnvirmnmPni-al.
protection Agency or Nuclear Regulators Commission, or the New York State
Department of Health or Environmental Conservation.
F. The term "hazardous waster' tshall iauludc radioactive waste (including
below-regulatory-concern radioactive waste, or any radioactive waste that has
been deregul-ated) and that waste defined to be hazardous by 'any godc..:n1 or yNew
York State 'law, -code, 'rule or regulation.
A. No person shall dispose of solid waste in the County of Tompkins
except at:
(1) a disposal facility exempt from the requirements of 6 NYCRR Part
3fl if its exempt states Ls unaifecto:i by such disposal except that there
shall be no exemption under this local law for disposal areas within the
property boundaries of a single-family residence or farm for solid WaQtR
generated on that residence or farm unless-such disposal is otherwise exempt.
(2) a disposal facility authorized to accept such waste for disposal
• pursuant to said Part 360 or pursuant to an order issued by the New York state
Department of Environmental Conservation or a Court having jurisdiction.
B. No person shall own, operate, or maintain a disposal area in Tompkins
County that is not authorized as provided for in subsection A(2) or exempt as
provided in subsection R(l),
C. No person shall violate any rules or regulations promulgated by the
Tompkins County solid Waste Manager or designee with respect to activities at
any solid waste facility ownPC3, nreeated, or leased by the County of Tompkins.
D. No parson shall dispose of hazardous waste at any solid waste
facility owned, operated, or leased by the county of Tompkins.
JUN-18-98 THIJ 16 :08 TC SOLID WASTE 6072750000 P. 03
r ,
F. AU vehicles, t_an_portir�g oulid wastes ar recyclabl owned,materials to .
and/or entering any solid waste or materials recovery facility shall have
or operated by the County or any so, :c, wasec. feeil ;tx is the County
the solid waste or recyclable materials apprcPr*ately covered or confined id
the vehicle by the use of tarpaulins, nets, or ether devices that prevent
papdr i
a, p1. � tter, and other substances from blowing or falling out of
ast..CS. l=
the vehicle. Said tarpaulin, net, or cove, shall not be removed until said
. vehicle paesses a r psi gnated point within the solid
e w ws too t f ilnwing recovery
facility. No person may operate a
F. Fech person is strictly liable for ensuring that solid waste he/she
f. If solid waste generated by a person is
generates is prope_i_y disposed c
illegaiiy disposed of, the person generating said solid westa shall be subject
to civil liability as defined in Section 4 of this local law in addition to
any other fines or penalties that a ay hA aps licable. some indic
alga of tf yershia
including, but not limited to, the
is deemed sufficient proof of o•.rno-sh'p of said solid waste.
G. No person may place any salia-waste in a dur'.pster, garbage can, or
other solid waste container belonging to another person without the
i of the owner or person legally entitled to ups sari dumpster or solid waste
A. Any parsed who commits a violation cf Section 3(R) ,
3(( ) above is subject to arrest. Punishment upon eoneietiore o`.P.tl he al
( (1) First offense - Cor:vI tiOn of a first offense under this local
law shall be punishable by a fine of it less than ,a days,
tog hoer with
and/or a tern of Lmprieonmont not. to exceed fift een Y
restitution based on avoided disposal fees and cost of collection and hauling
and/or community service.
Violation of this prevision shall be a violation as defined by
eeetion S5.10(3) of the Penal Law of the State of New York.
(2) Second' or Subse eat offense - Conviction of , a second or
1 subsequelt offense within a year of the tires offcnsa chall. be punishable by a
fine or net less than $500 nor more than $1,000 and/cr a term of impriSO eat
P not to exceed six months, together with restitutlea bacod on avoided disposal
tees and coot .of collection and hauling and/or community service.
violation of this provision shall be a misdemeanor as defined by
Section 55.10(2) of the Penal Law of the State of New xork.
(3) Conviction of any company, partnership, municipality, or any
�i to a fine of not less
entity other than an iedividua:l porcon �chall be subject
� than $500 nor more than $2,500 and/or community service and/or restitution.
r B. Any p erson who guilty of a
ho violates Section 3(b) above shall be gu
un;�hable by a fine or not less
misdemeanor, and upon cenv iction, b2zal1 be p
than S500 nor more than $5,000 l for a
be aui 1first of �" �ee for a second and each and upon conviction
subsequent offense, (s)he shall � Y
JUN-18-98 THU 16 :09 TC SOLID WASTE 6072750000 P. 04
u ,., than $3,000 nor more than
Cheroot shall be pur,iahaio for a ft_nA OlrYeyt7anss x months or bath.
$20,000 or a te=n of impriso"went of not m_
0 C. Any person who commits a violation of
Section' 3(Z).
.iS, subject _
to arrest and puAistuui:G upon conviction of a fine of net less than $50 and/or
a term of imprisonment not to exceed 15 days and/or community service.
iD. Each day during which an offense continues shall be deemed to be a
separate offense.
Enforcement of subsection A through ti shall bo GWfeC` d as follows:
Enf ` D R
(1) by a peace office or police offIcer as provided by tha Criminal
grog?a^hire. Law of the State of New York;
(2) by the Tompkins County Solid Waste Manager and/Or the Public
Eeal_h Director or their designees by issuance of an ap?eai ante ticket
pursuant to ArtiCJ.e 15c cf. the Criminal Procedure Law of the State of New
1 York. , .
F. Persons violating Section 3(r)
shall be liable for a civil penalty of
$50 for the firaL offense, $100 for a sPr_ond offense and $500 for a or
subsequent offense. Said persons shall also be liable for any expense p
°,I removing the illegally diskuaCd of wanto. This provision shall enforced
1 of a Notice of Civil Penalty by a police officer, P�
Ia delivery person or by certified
! the Solid Waste Manager' or designee thereof either in p --
penalty may result in the commencement of a
mail. Failure to pay said civil p_. _
civil action by the County 9 liable for a�-or �y designee.feec in ancai commencement
i Artior. the person shall b
addition to the civil penalty.
G. Civil Enforcement: Notwithstanding the uenalLiee sot for anve,
the Tompkins Cnunty Attorney may institute a civil action to ' obtain
restitution to the County Tompkins
created such
byo thg•daforesai aforesaid violation costa
� inc;uLLed in rectifying t.�,p problem to abate, enjoin, or otheXwiae conzgel
improper disposal of solid waste,
cessation of Lhe violation of any provision of this law.
H. Any person who commits a violation of this local law (including any
c activity described in Section (3) shall, in' addition to any other fines and
penalties provided for by this leual law, be liable to pay rehtituti-olnin o the
County or any other $olidnwa tthat
a orincurs
ha cu dvua waste collecting,°''' T edes a result of
properly disposing of
., the offense.
t. Enforcement: This local law is enforceable throughout the County.
iIt does not supersede ordinances enacted by municipalities within Tompkins
1 county that rPg-elate the disposal of solid waste if such ordinances are not
i, inconsistent with this local law.
era rah
If any clause, sentence, p 5 p . section, or article of this local law
shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such
adjudication shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder thereQ,bit
shall be confined in its ol: iation to the clause, sentence, paragraph,
4 •
JUN-18-98 THU 16 : 10 TC SOLID WASTE 6072750000 P. 05
or article ticl thereof directly lavolvcd in t.ha rroceedi.ng in which such
adjudication shah have been rendered.
Thia kcal law supersedes Local Law No. 5 of 1990 and Local Law No. 3 of
This local law shall take effect immediately upon the filipg of a ccey
with the 5ecre1ary of State.
!JUN-18-98 THU 16 :07 TC SOLID WASTE 6072750906 P. 91
/c ,i 1412 c.
[ r 7 T J. NEW Yp 5'i 2n DEPART',{tI'FT OF StJa"n �rwr.�,•
f.1OCth Law w �4 Zn 162 NEW
(Use this form to flle a local law wlLh file Secretary of State.)
lbxt of law 5huu.id be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not u e
italic or underlining to indicate new matte:. •
• County V
- of Tompkins
V1llo o
Local Law No. _ -_------ of the year 1994 .
Alocallaw Regulating the Disposal of Solid_Waste in_Tompkins County -
(L ,raj
(Supersedes Local Law `►Jo. 5 of 1990 and Local Law loy-_3_o^_1991)_-
Be It enacted by the Beard of Rotre.s.kp WJVe£. _r of the
(N...ajl ddt)
County .
-e of- _. Tosupkina ��. -...- ------ ---- ._^as follnwS:
,$nTTON .1 .. :•TJ«C.- ►Rt1TIOT OF'.PJ 9OSA' - ' ' . • . . .
- The purpose and intent of this �oncaa}laroierty authorizedhfaciBities or
solid waste at aiiy location other than properly
sites and to prevent the unauthorized use of dunpste_s and other solid waste
The Tompkins County Board uI Represcntati.ves acknnwtedge8 the growing
costs- associated with the disposal of -solid waste and the, resulting
inclination. of those who may seeks to avoid such costs by Oprositin8 such
material along highways, in vacant lots, on .business sites, in the private .
dumpsters of others, and in other unauthorized places. Such activities are
hereby deemed to pose an imminent hazard to the public health, safety, and
welfare ,of the residents.of the County. .
The adoption and vigorous enforcement of this iccal law iw intended to be
an' effective a t.erre nt to dumping of solid waste. This, local law shall be
liberally construed to effectuate its objectives and purposes.
A. The term "solid waste" shall mean all putrescible and non-putrescibie
materie.la of oubstanccc the are c!ascarded or rejected as being spent,
worthless, useless or in excess to the owners at the time of such discard or
rejection, iuuludine but not limited to garbage, refuse, industrial and
commercial waste, sludge from air or water treatment facilities, rubbish,
Of additional space Is needad, attseb pages the same size as this sheet,and number each.)
r_f '
JUN-18-98 THU 16 :08 TC SOLID WASTE 6072750000 _ P. 02
tires, ashes, contained gaseous material, incinerator residue, construction
and demolitio,l debris, discarded automobiles and offal.
B. The term "dispose" shall mean to abandon, discharge, deposit, inject,
dump, spill, leak, or place any austar.ca into or en any land or water or so
that such substances or any constituent thereof may enter the envi ronment.
The placement of biodegradable material in a properly maintained compost pile
is not disposal of aclid waste.
C. The term "person" shall mean any individual, firm, public or private
ccr_cratio n, political SudivisiOr, gcve_y.en_ agency, municipality, industry,
• partnership, association, institution, trust, estate, or any other legal
entity whatsoever.
D. The term "properly maintained compost pile" refers to a compost pile
x of less than 25 cubic yards that (1) is maintained and operated in a safe
nuisance-free manner, and (2) contains no sewage, sludge, or septage, and (3)
follows acceptable methods of composting that minimize odors and produce a
useful stable end product.
E. The term "below regulatory concern radioactive waste" is defined as
radioactive waste that has been darovisted by the United States F•nvi rnnmPr.+-a1.
I Protection Agency or Nuclear Reg,llatory Commission, or the New York State
Department of Health or Environmental Conservation.
I .
F. The term "1iczardous waste" uha_l iruiu�Ie radioactive waste (including
below-regulatory-concern radioactive waste, or any radioactive waste that _ha.s
been de:egu2-ated) and that waste defined to be hazardous by -any Fedc•:a1 or New
1 York State 'law, -code, 'rule or regulation.
1 A. No person shall dispose of solid waste in the county of Tompkins
1 except at:
1 (1) a disposal facility exempt from the requirements of 6 NYCRR Fart
• 3Fn i.F. i.^4 pxpmpt status Le unaffecta;i by such disposal except that there
shall be no exemption under this local law for disposal areas within the
. property bou::darioa of a aingic-family residence or farm for solid wIvta
generated on that residence or farm unless-such disposal is otherwise exempt.
(2) a disposal _facility authorized to accept such waste for disposal
pursuant to said Part 360 or pursuant to an order issued by Ui New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation or a Court having jurisdiction.
B. No person shall own, operate, or maintain a disposal area in Tompkins
County that is not authorized as provided for in subsection A(2) or exempt as
provided in subsection ?(l) ,
C. No person shall violate any rules or regulations promulgated by the
Tompkins County solid Waste Manage; or designee with respect to activities at
any solid waste far.; 1 ity nwmed, nparated, or leased by the County of Tompkins.
D. No parson shall dispose of hazardous waste at any solid waste
facility owned, operated, or leased by the County of Tom_o}_ins.
JUN-18-98 THU 16 :08 TC SOLID WASTE 6072750000 P. 03
r ,
S. All vehicles, tran_oorting eulid wae_Qe o facility owned,to leased,
and/or entering any solid waste or mataz:als recovery
g-„-?'- ;� in the county shall have
or operated by the County or any sG1-- 41.::' =� r ai covered or confined is
the enlid waste or recyclable materials approprYa eother devices that prevent
the vehicle by the use of tarpaulins, nets,
plastics, litter, and other substances from blowing or falling out of
papers, cover shall not be removed until said
the vehicle. Said tarpaulin, net, o.
vehicle passes a r.p9ignated point within the solid e waste without t-.out materials following eCovese
facility. No person may operate a
requ it emento.
F. :.ctl liable for ensuring that solid waste he/she
mac:1 pc.�cn is "" Y� o d waste generated by a person is
generates is properly disposed c. • If solid 3
- -son generating said solid waste shall be subject
illegally disposed of, the ;�- 6 -
to civil liability as defined in Section 4 of this local i jaw in addition to
dicia of ovine ship
any other fines or penalties that may hp applicable. Any
including, but not limited to, the person' s name on some or all of the solid
waste is deemed su=fi.c rent pioof of ownerzsi 'p of said solid waste.
G. No person may p lace any i sold..waste in a dumpster, garbage can, or
other solid waste container belonging to another person without the permission
of the owner or person legally entitled to use s:a?a du=ster or solid waste
A. Ln7 F- who commits a violation of Section 3(A) , 3(e) , 3(C) , or
person t On uonvicti.on' g;�.aTl h� a:t
t 3(G) above i3 subject to arrest. Punishment up .` • _ - .
i . follows:
. . . . . .
(1) First- Offense - Corvi.:tion of a first offense under this local
law shall be punishable by a fine of hot less than $100 nor age her with
and/or a test of ii prieonmont not to exceed fifteen days,
restitution based on avoided disposal fees and cost of collection and hauling
and/or community service.
Violation of this provision shall be a violation as defined by
gontion 55.10(3) of the Penal Law of the State of New York.
(2) Second or Subse ent offense - Conviction of , a second or
subsequent offense within a year of the firssL offcnsa shall. be punishable by a
fine or not less than $500 nor her$withn000and/baccdton of
not to exceed six months, together restitution
fe5 and coot .of collection and hauling and/or community service.
1 violation of this provision shall be a misdemeanor as defined by
Section 55.10(2) of the Penal Law of the state of New xork.
� municipality, or any
�. (3) Conviction of any company, partnership,
entity other than an i:idividual parson shall be subject to a fine of not less
than $500 nor mare"than $2,500 and/or community service and/or restitution.
person who violates Section 3(b) above shall be guilty of a
B. Any pr.;punishable by a fire or not less
nisde neanor, and upon cony!ct:oa, hall 'so F u
than $500 nor more than $5,000 for a ,firs first offense;�Qe for a second and each and upon conviction
subsequent offense, (s)he shall be gu_lLy
:. .
JUN-18-98 THU 16 :09 TC SOLID WASTE 6072750000 P. 04
f es than $3,000 nor more than} fins o not 1
t;iereof shall be Fuzi�h�lo far a f'.
1 $20,000 or a term of imprisonment of not more than six months or both.
^ 3Va, is. 6ubiec�_
C. An • person who commits a violation of Section. 3(m)
to arrest and punistm,ess upon conviction or a fine of not less than $50 and or
� a tern of imprisonment not to exceed 15 days and/or community service.
1 D. Each day during which an offense continues shall be deemed to be a
separate offense.
'yell bee afrec` follows:
D Ref as L
E. Enforcement of s:...sec. on A t:L.CLy•:
dice as provided by t:1o. Criminal
(1) by a peace office or .,,,1 '�a o___...._ p •
proceSsse Law of the State of New York;
(2) by the 'Tompkins County Solid Waste Manager and/or the Public
Bealth Di rector
or tae?r designees by issuance of an appwaxance ticket
pursuant to Article 15n of the criiinal Procedure Law of the State of New
York. . -- •
F. Person; violating Section 3(F) snarl be liable for a civil penalty or
$50 to the first offense, ,100 for a sPr_cnd o be nse an for any expense ir.
j subsequent offense. Said persons shall also
11 removing the illegally disl:ued of weete. This provision shall be
enforced by
1 a delivery of a Notice of Civil Penalty by a police office_, or
• designee t.1:ez:eof cithcr in person or by certified
e the Solid Waste Manage_ or of mail. Failure to pay said civil penalty may result in Upon the c commencement z oo r3a
civil action by the County Attorney or his design
anion the person shall be liable for attcr net's feeo its an aiaount of $100 is
addition to the civ i?. penalty.
Notwithstanding tre penalties ect forth shove,
G. Civil Enfc�rcemant: to ' ahtairi
T cunt Attorney may institute a civil action
thy. Tompkins County
restitution to the County of Tompkins from such offender for the actual costs
iuc;urred in rectifying t.hp problem created by. improper the o e or and a violation or
disposal of solid waste, or to abate, enjoin,
cessation v..r Lhe v=pl anon a any rrnvislon of t; is law.
H. Any person who commits a violation of this local law
Othezlud ea and
S activity described in Section (3) shall, in' addi�_ion to any
f penalties provided for by this luusl 1 .w, be liable to pay retit Lion to the
County or any other of solidnwaste or ha iJoua wactfl Goner d gas a result of
properly disposing
,� the offense.
t. Enforcement: This local law is enforceable throughout the County.
tIt does not supersede ordinances enacted by municipalities within Tompkins
1 County that rsrslate the disposal of solid waste if such ordinances are not
i inconsistent with this local law.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or article of tnis ?ocol lay+
shall be adjudged by any court of cnmpa&-ant jurisdiction to be invalid, such
adjudication shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainderthefeof, bat
shall be confined in its ol;eiation to the clai.i , sentence, paragraph
I 4 .
• .
JUN-18-98 THU 16 : 10 TC SOLID WASTE 6072750000 P. 05
or article thereof directly Lnvolvrd in tha rroceeding in which such
adjtdication shall have been rendered_
ia This lccal law supersedes Local Law No. 5 of 1990 and Local Law No. 3 of
ia Y 1991.
This local law shall take effect immediately upon the tiling of a copy
with the Sacretary of State.
i ' .
I •
JUN-18-98 THU 16 : 11 TC SOLID WASTE 6072750000 P. 01
Mete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and
Strike out that which is not applicable.)
fit• y.:
adoption by local legislative body only.)
°.' by certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law No 4 of 19 cy..-
r TCmnir_ins was duly passed by the
...,,a(CouutY)(Carr;t'iow�►:j(t e31�ed}-af
rd of Representatives on September 619-9 in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval, no disapproval or repassage after disapproval
by the Elective Chief Executive Oflicer3.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto.designated as local law No. of 19
of the(Couaty)(City)(Town)(Village)of was duly passed by the
on 19 -.-,and was (approved)(not approved)(repassed after
(Nana.,p,d8Ltai eBody)
disapproval)by the and was deemed duly adopters on. 19-__.,
(Eltefive CAief£x c rsve Off5eer•)
in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
3. (h Ina!adoption by referendum.)
1 hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. -- of 19
of the (County)(City)(Town) llage)of was duly passed by the
....__ -,.. . on 19---- , and was=(appt't}ved)(not approved)(repassed after
(!lens of Leditiari+e Body)
disapproval)by the on 19----. Such local law was submitted
a',wive Chief Eecuriv.Officer!)
to the people by reason of a (mandatory)(permissive)referendum,and received the affirmative vote of a majority of
the qualified electors voting thereon at the (ge.neral)(epen;al)(annual)election held on- 19.--- , in
.accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was filed requesting
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law No. of 19
of the(Co nty)(City)(Town)(`.rllage)of . was duly passed by the
19---- ,and was (approved)(not approvedXrepassed after
MI.of Leriaa ri vt Ba AJ
disapproval)by the on-. 19..- . Such local law was subject to
(51.cn..[lief Leeevrr...Office.r)
permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of 19---- ,in
accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
*Elective Chief Executive Officer means or includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county-
wide bulls or, IF tliet•e be tioue, the chairperson of the county legislative body, the mayor of a city or village,or
the supervisor of a town where such officer Is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws or ordinances.
4UN-18-98 THU 16 : 12 TC SOLID WASTE 6072750000 P- 02
S. (City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 19-_--
of the City of leaving been submitted to referendum pursuant to the provisions of
section(36)(37) of the Municipal Hcmc Ruiz Law,and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the
qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the (special)(general) election held on 19----,
became operative,
6. (Crnnnty fora' low concerning adoption of Charter.)
1 hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as lccsI Iaw No. - of 19 -----
of the County of State of New York,having been submitted to the electors
at tic General Election of Novetirbci 19.,..,pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 of the
Municipal Home Rule Law,and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the cit-
ies of said county as a unit and a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of saki cuuuty considcred as a unit
voting at said general election,became operative,
(If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate certification)
I further certify that I have compared the preceding Iocal law with the odtiAtal on file in this office and that th.c same
is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such orizinal local law,and was finally adopted in the manner in-
dicated in paragraph I , above,
Clerk of th:ouaty 1egisi:liive body,tar p* k
(SeaD Date: _ Spt�m'oer 8, 1994 _
(Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel,Town Attorney, Village Attorney or
other authorized attorney of locality)
. coup rt OF T
1,the undersigned,hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper proceedings
• have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto.
County Attorney ,
City of Tompkins _
'4Tiilagc' .
Date: - September S. - i9