HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-06-13 - PB ao3 MINUTES ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD MEETING & PUBLIC HEARING 6 / 13 / 2001 PRESENT: Planning Board Chairman George Kennedy, Planning Board Members Richard Geiger, Lorren Hammond, Rose Hilbert, Paula Horrigan, and Mark Ochs, Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun, and Planning Clerk Karin Lanning . ALSO PRESENT: William Jackson, Daniel Brown, Robert and Cheryl Andree, Roy and Alma Coats, Bryan and Denise Grout, Art Salotti, and Mark Oros. Chairman George Kennedy called the meeting of the Ulysses Planning Board to order at 7 : 35 pm . The first order of business before the Planning Board was discussion of the project proposed by the Franziska Racker Center, public comment on which, was to be heard later in the evening . Mr. William Jackson and Mr. Daniel Brown presented for the Franziska Racker Center. The representatives reported that they had met on April 19th, 2001 with neighbors of the center, as was suggested by the Planning Board at the public hearing and meeting of April 3`d, 2001 . The representatives reported that the proposed project has been amended in the following ways: -The signs, which the neighbors objected to, will not be lit, and will, in fact, be removed completely. These signs may be replaced , but no designs have been selected as of yet, and the representatives reported that they would consult the neighbors of the Center before acting on the replacement of these signs. -The proposed lights will operate on a photo-cell and a timer; they will come on as the photo-cell detects need for them between the hours of 5 : 30 am and 9 : 00 pm, after which, the timer will completely shut them off unless a Franziska Racker Center representative purposefully overrides the timer in order to allow lighting for a late-evening event. The representatives also noted that the Franziska Racker Center is interested in looking into removing some of the parking lot signs, replacing them with painted indicators on the asphalt of parking spaces. One of the neighbors' complaints had been the existence of too many signs at the center. The representatives of the Franziska Racker center also reported that the Center had allocated some funds for the planting of deer-hardy trees to serve as a light and aesthetic view screen for the Center's neighbors. It was noted that, while the Center plans to plant said trees, this landscaping work is not included in the proposed project. The Planning Board members posed questions concerning the selection of the 14 foot height and 150 watts selected for the lights. The representatives stated that the 14 foot height was selected to match what is currently in place, and in order to provide a safe amount of light along the pathway to and in the Center's front parking lot with the three lights. The 150 watt bulbs were selected because this was the minimum wattage that the Center felt would meet its lighting needs. At 8 : 00 pm, Chairman George Kennedy opened the public hearing . 3D4 Mr. William Jackson and Mr. Daniel Brown presented the amended proposal to the Planning Board and to the assembled public. The representatives of the Franziska Racker Center began by stating that the initial proposal had been amended by the withdrawal of the intent to light the preexisting signs, and adjustment to the timing that the proposed lights are to be on . All other aspects of the proposal for the installation of the three outdoor lights are as was initially presented to the Planning Board . The representatives also stated that the Center's intentions are to remove the preexisting signs, which were objected to by several neighbors of the Center at the public hearing of April 3`d, 2001, to plant trees to serve as a light and view screen for the neighbors of the Center, and to look into removing some of the signs designating special parking, that currently stand in the parking lots of the Center. The Planning Board asked Mr. Daniel Brown to read the letter from the Franziska Racker Center, dated May 8th, 2001 , in which the Center stated its revised proposal . (See file) Mr. Brian Grout asked how many times a year, late meetings at the Franziska Racker Center would keep the lights on past 9 : 00 pm . Mr. Daniel Brown stated that the revised proposal left the number per annum unstated, because it can not be calculated exactly. Mr. Brown stated that he would hazard an estimate of five or six evenings per year that the lights would be kept on past 9 : 00 pm . Mr. Brian Grout stated that it was his concern that the presence of the lights would encourage the use of the Center as a meeting spat, and would therefore result in an increasing number of meetings keeping the Rights on past 9 : 00 pm . Mr. Robert Andree stated that a representative of the Franziska Racker Center not present at the meeting had told him that the Center was actively seeking expanded use of the facilities. Mr. Daniel Brown stated that this is not the case. . Mrs. Cheryl Andree asked why the lights would have to be on until 9 : 00 pm . Mr. Daniel Brown stated . that Center staff are typically working until 9 : 00 pm. Mr. Brown reminded the assembled that the lights will not be on constantly from dusk until 9 : 00 pm, but will turn on only as activated by motion sensors, or photo-cells. Mr. Brian Grout asked if the Planning Board would be deciding on the matter tonight. The Planning Board Chair stated that this was the intent of the Planning Board . Mr. Roy Coats stated that his contention with the project; would be greatly helped by the expedient planting of full, fast-growing trees placed in such a way as to block the light from being viewable on his property. Mr. Geiger asked Mr. Robert Andree if he agreed with Mir. Roy Coats. Mr. Andree stated that trees would help, but would not block the light. Mr. Robert and Mrs. Cheryl Andree made a complaint about the currently existing NYSEG Electric Pole light, located on the Franziska Rocker Center property. Mr. Brian Grout asked Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun if increasing use of the Center for non-Center activities could open up zoning or use issues. Mr. Rachun answered that, since the Franziska Racker Center is basically a school, there are a large number of accessory uses allowed . Mr. Rachun stated that use of the facilities primarily for purposes other than its primary use would open up an interesting issue. Mr. Brian Grout also asked if potentially unlimited use of the Center for accessory purposes would be sufficient to warrant looking into the matter for code violations. Mr. Rachun noted that using the Center primarily for uses other than its primary allowed use would pose severe code issues, which Town officials would hear about from inspectors . The representatives of the Franziska Racker Center explained to the Planning Board and to the public that the "Union Meetings", which were referred to by Mr. Brian Grout in the above statements and were brought up at the public hearing of April 3rd, 2001 consisted of the Center providing paint and various painting surfaces for the training purposes of a local Painters' Union . The assembling of the union consisted of a hands-on training opportunity for its apprentices at a site that had agreed to allow some of its surfaces to be painted at the cost of paint, as a training exercise . Mr. Geiger noted the fact that the proposal before the Planning Board was for the installation of three lights, and the fact that use change issues are not the jurisdiction of the Planning Board . Chairman George Kennedy asked if there were any further comments. The representatives of the Franziska Racker Center stated that the proposed lights will be shrouded by a dark shield around the bulb, and therefore will just shine down . Mr. Robert Andree asked if Planning Board members had been to see the current lighting situation at the Center, and stated that the proposed lights will not • actually shine down . Mr. Andree stated that the lights chosen for the project emit outward glow as well as downward glow . The representatives of the Franziska Racker Center called attention to the specs for the proposed lights, noting that their design does funnel the light downward . Mr. Art Salotti stated that the light bulb of the current light, which the proposed lights will be identical to, is visible from his property. Mr. Roy Coats stated that a deflector shield on the Wilkins Road side of the lights would solve the issue . Ms. Horrigan stated that there are many variables that need to be taken into account when it comes to lights. Mr. Daniel Brown stated that the Center would either need the three lights, with the wattage and height proposed , or would need to put in more lights. Mrs. Cheryl Andree stated that, in her opinion, the parking lot, which the proposed lights would illuminate is not very dark at night as is. Mr. Daniel Brown stated that he disagrees. Chairman George Kennedy asked if there were any further comments. 2%°\° Mr. Brian Grout stated that he would like to see more specific restrictions concerning how often the lights will be on past 9 : 00 pm . , if they are ever on past this time. Mr. Robert Andree stated that he would like to concur with Mr. Grout's statement, and further stated that lights that would put off less glow do exist and should be looked into. Mrs. Alma Coats stated that the Glenwood School, which initially occupied the site currently used by the Franziska Backer Center, was of a smaller and less obtrusive character than the Center. Mrs. Coats stated that the Center's major purpose is for the children attending the Center, and that it may be inappropriate for the site to be used by groups outside of the immediate neighborhood in which the Center is located. Hearing no further comments, Chairman George Kennedy closed the public hearing at 8 :40 pm., to be reconvened at the next regular Planning Board meeting, on Wednesday, July 11th, 2001 . The floor for comments from the Planning Board members. The consensus of the Planning Board was that landscaping and glare had not been adequately addressed by the Franziska Racker Center, that the issue of timing for the lights could use some better definition, and, more than anything, that the plans to take down the objected-to signs, plant trees and run the lights on a timer and photo-cells need to be written into a revised proposal . Mr. Rachun pointed out that the Zoning Ordinance differentiates between light glare and illumination . Mr. Rachun felt that the "glare" that several neighbors of the Franziska Racker Center have complained about is actually illumination, and therefore the lights are not out of line with the Zoning Ordinance standards. Mr. Rachun read exactly what the Zoning Ordinance states on this matter. After some discussion, Ms. Hilbert moved to approve the proposal as submitted . Mr. Kennedy seconded . In discussion, Mr. Geiger suggested amending the motion to adjourning the public hearing, to be reconvened at a later date, so that the Franziska Racker Center can draft a revised proposal that puts into writing those things that the representatives of the Center stated they plan to do in the course of this evening's public hearing . Ms. Hilbert agreed to these changes. Mr. Hammond seconded the motion as revised . Mr. Hammond asked if it would be appropriate for the Planning Board to discuss whether or not the inclusion of the terms that the Center stated it would be willing to . a ree to in a revised proposal would make the proposal acceptable to the Planning Board . Mr. Geiger noted that all the Planning Board is requesting is the inclusion of terms as were verbally stated in a written proposal . Mr. Geiger aye Mr. Hammond aye Ms. Hilbert aye Ms. Horrigan aye Mr. Kennedy aye Mr. Ochs aye x 07 • The motion passed, the public hearing will be reconvened, pending the receipt of a revised proposal from the Franziska Racker Center, at the regular Planning Board meeting of July 11th, 2001 . Mr. Rachun reported on new matters of business. Mr. Rachun reported that he expects Sprint will be applying for a Tower permit, but that before the Planning Board deals with this matter, a B. Z .A. variance will be needed . Mr. Rachun also noted that Mr. Fred Vanderzee, owner of the Falls Tavern located just outside of the Village of Trumansburg in the Town of Ulysses, is requesting annexation to the Village of Trumansburg for his current business and a piece of connected property that he plans to develop . Noting that Mr. Vanderzee' s property borders the fairgrounds, where Sprint hopes to build its tower, Mr. Rachun called the Planning Board's attention to the need for careful consideration of these two projects and their impacts on one another. One final order of business was the Town Board referral for Planning Board recommendation on the Zoning Change request from Tom and Sue Sheridan . The Planning Board stated that it felt more information was needed in order to make a recommendation . Mr. Kennedy stated that the Town Board should : - set up a meeting with the Planning Board and George Frantz, to discuss the matter, - provide the Planning Board with a working definition of Cl Commercial Districts, - provide the Planning Board with more specific information, including exact delineations for the proposed change of Zoning , - and provide the Planning Board a written opinion on the matter from the Town's Attorney, Bruce Wilson . Mr. Rachun suggested that, because of the large amount of upcoming business, it would be wise to resume bi-monthly Planning Board meetings for the next few months. The Planning Board declined . Mr. Mark Oros spoke to the Planning Board . Mr. Oros is a Town of Covert landowner, who stated that he is concerned with the possibility of commercial development of some Town of Ulysses property across the road from his. Mr. Oros asked how development of this property would fit into the Town of Ulysses comprehensive plan . The Planning Board looked at the map and noted that the property Mr. Oros asked about is currently designated for C3, or industrial use. Ms. Hilbert noted that the commercial subcommittee had during the course of its work been of the opinion that this should be changed to Cl . It was also noted that the historical rationale for the property being zoned C3 lay in the fact that it was at one time used for industrial business. In one final matter of business, the members of the Planning Board introduced themselves to and welcomed Mr. Mark Ochs, the recent appointee to the Planning Board . Hearing no further business, Mr. Hammond moved , seconded by Ms. Hilbert to adjourn the meeting . The public hearing for the Franziska Racker Center will be reconvened on Wednesday, July 11th, 2001 . Mr. Geiger aye Mr. Hammond aye a Ms. Hilbert aye Ms. Horrigan aye Mr. Kennedy aye Mr. Ochs aye The meeting adjourned at 10 : 00 pm . *These minutes are respectfully submitted as an official summary of the proceedings of the Ulysses Planning Board meeting of June 13, 2001, as observed and understood by the Ulysses Planning Clerk. As a rule, comments made by individuals are not entered as quotes, but have been summarized for the purpose of concisely reflecting the Planning Board business. Karin T. banning Planning Clerk KTb: kl