HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 Proceedings1991 PROCEEDINGS Tompkins County Board of Representatives TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK JAMES A. MASON, Chair Ithaca, New York CATHERINE COVERT, Clerk Ithaca, New York Tompkins County BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES Courthouse, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 Budget and Administration Committee Robert I. Watros - Chairman Mary G. Call - Vice Chairman Donald J. Culligan Daniel M. Winch Beverly E. Livesay Frank P. Proto Deborah F. Dietrich Phil Shurtleff (at -large) Health and Education Committee Frank P. Proto - Chairman Phil Shurtleff - Vice Chairman Charles V. Evans Eric J. Lerner Barbara Mink Human Services Committee Mary G. Call - Chairman Charles V. Evans - Vice Chairman Beverly E. Livesay Barbara Mink Nancy B. Schuler Thomas L. Todd Eric J. Lerner Personnel Committee Beverly E. Livesay - Chairman Eric J. Lerner - Vice Chairman Charles V. Evans Robert I. Watros Stuart W. Stein Planning Committee Deborah F. Dietrich - Frank P. Proto - Vice Mary G. Call Robert I. Watros Nancy B. Schuler Thomas L. Todd Stuart W. Stein Chairman Chairman 1991 BOARD COMMITTEES 4rs, Recycled paper January 15, 1991 (revised) Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee Beverly E. Livesay - Chairman Thomas L. Todd - Vice Chairman Mary G. Call Barbara Mink Charles V. Evans Public Safety Committee Donald J. Culligan - Chairman Nancy B. Schuler - Vice Chairman Frank P. Proto Deborah F. Dietrich Phil Shurtleff Public Works and Construction Management Committee Daniel M. Winch - Chairman Phil Shurtleff - Vice Chairman Donald J. Culligan Stuart W. Stein Thomas L. Todd SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Airport Development Committee Frank P. Proto - Chairman Donald J. Culligan - Vice Chairman Stuart W. Stein Mary G. Call Thomas L. Todd Inter -Municipal Transit Facility Daniel M. Winch - Chairman Mental Health Facility Planning Committee Daniel M. Winch - Chairman Frank P. Proto - Vice Chairman Deborah F. Dietrich Stuart W. Stein Helen Howell (Ex -officio) State of New York County of Tompkins Tompkins County Board of Representatives ss: In pursuance of the authority conferred by Section 211 of the County Law, I do hereby certify that the copy of the Proceedings of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, New York, for the year 1991, contained in this volume is true and correct. CATHERINE COVERT Clerk of the Board of Representatives January 3, 1991 Organization Meeting Pursuant to Section 151 of County Law, Section 2.04 of the Charter and Code, Rule I of the Rules of the Board and the date established by Resolution No. 434 adopted by the Board on November 20, 1990, the Board of Representatives convened at its chambers in the Courthouse in the City of Ithaca, New York, on Thursday, January 3, 1991 at 5:30 p.m. and was called to order by Phyllis B. Howell, Clerk of the Board. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Absent: 1 (Representative Livesay arrived at 5:33 p.m.). City of Ithaca: District No. 1 District No. 2 District No. 3 District No. 4 District No. 5 - Eric J. Lerner, 504 South Plain Street - Donald J. Culligan, 627 Hudson Street - Stuart W. Stein, 11 Cornell Walk - Nancy B. Schuler, 110 Ferris Place - Barbara Mink, 614 North Cayuga Street Towns: District No. 6 - Thomas L. Todd, 847 Davis Road, Lansing District No. 7 - Frank P. Proto, 2585 Slaterville Road, Slaterville Springs District No. 8 - Daniel M. Winch, 310 Burdge Hill Road, Newfield District No. 9 - Phil Shurtleff, Box 129, Groton District No. 10 - Mary G. Call, 108 Comstock Road, Ithaca District No. 11 - Beverly E. Livesay, 147 Snyder Hill Road, Ithaca District No. 12 - Deborah F. Dietrich, 221 DuBois Road, Ithaca District No. 13 - Charles V. Evans, 819 Snyder Hill Road, Ithaca District No. 14 - Robert I. Watros, 14 Evergreen Street, Box 72, Dryden District No. 15 - James A. Mason, 102 Larchmont Drive, Trumansburg Mrs. Howell announced that the first order of business was the election of a temporary chairman. Mr. Evans nominated Mr. Proto as temporary chairman. After hearing no more nominations, nominations were closed. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Absent - 1 (Representative Livesay). Mr. Proto took the chair as temporary chairman. The next order of business was the election of a permanent chairman and nominations were opened. Mr. Watros nominated James A. Mason as permanent chairman, seconded by Mrs. Call. Mr. Culligan nominated Mrs. Dietrich as permanent chairman, seconded by Mr. Lerner. It was Moved by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to close nominations. The following is the vote for permanent chairman by show of hands: James A. Mason - 8 (Representatives Call, Evans, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Todd, Watros, and Winch); Deborah Dietrich - 7 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lerner, Livesay, Mink, Schuler, and Stein). Mrs. Dietrich requested the record to show a unanimous vote for the election of permanent chairman. James A. Mason took the chair as permanent chairman and thanked the Board. Nominations were open for vice chairman. Mrs. Call nominated Robert Watros as vice chairman, seconded by Mr. Proto. Mrs. Schuler nominated Mrs. Livesay as vice chairman, seconded by Mr. Culligan. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to close nominations. The following is the vote for vice chairman by a show of hands: Robert Watros - 8 (Representatives Call, Evans, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Todd, Watros, and Winch); Beverly Livesay - 7 3 January 3, 1991 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lerner, Livesay, Mink, Schuler, and Stein). Mrs. Livesay asked that the record show a unanimous vote for the election of vice chairman. Mr. Watros was elected vice chairman. Under privilege of the floor, the following people spoke in support of the resolution urging our Congressmen to oppose war in the Persian Gulf: Richard Dunham, 962 Dryden Road Gil Ott, Ithaca David Kay, 205 Hook Place Ruth Yarrow, Hancock Street Carol Ornstein, 203 Fair Street Alecia Cox, Town of Ithaca Mike Kerr, Newfield Peg Unsworth, 232 Renwick Road Theresa Grady, Sheffield Road Chris McConkey, Enfield Steve Bennett, 401 Triphammer Road Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Proto spoke about the Veteran's Memorial Day Service and the small attendance. Under privilege of the floor, Ms. Mink said she intends to add to the agenda a resolution urging our Congressmen to oppose war in the Persian Gulf. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Shurtleff said he conveyed his personal feelings to the President and Congressmen. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Livesay urged the Board to add to the agenda the proposed resolution urging our Congressmen to oppose war in the Persian Gulf. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Stein said he felt it was important to tell the Congress and constituents how the Board feels about an offensive war in the Persian Gulf Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Lerner also urged the Board to support the proposed resolution urging our Congressmen to oppose war in the Persian Gulf. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Evans said he should present a resolution supporting the troops in the Persian Gulf. Chairman Mason introduced Aurora Valenti, County Clerk, and Emery Guest, Sheriff. Mr. Stein introduced Joel Siminetti, the new Ithaca Journal reporter. Chairman Mason also introduced the boy scouts from Den 5 Pack 35 of Newfield. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said he did not have a report. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, also said he did not have a report. 4 January 3, 1991 Ms. Mink, Special Committee on Peer Review, said the Peer Review draft report was on file in the Clerk of the Board's office for review. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee will meet January 7 at 11 a.m. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, said he did not have a report. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, said he also did not have a report. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said the committee will meet January 8, 1991 at 10 a.m. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee will meet January 7 to discuss the budget guidelines. Chairman Mason said he would like to meet with Board members to discuss committee assignments. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, said he would report to the Budget and Administration Committee on the impact of the State budget. It was Moved by Ms. Mink, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Urging Our Congressmen to Oppose War in the Persian Gulf. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lerner, Livesay, Mink, Schuler, Stein, and Mason); Noes - 7 (Representatives Call, Evans, Proto, Shurtleff, Todd, Watros, and Winch). Motion to add Lost (two- thirds total of Board required). It was Moved by Mr. Lerner, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, to lift Resolution No. 510 of December 18, 1990 entitled Urging Our Congressmen to Oppose War in the Persian Gulf off the Table. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lerner, Livesay, Mink, Schuler, Stein, and Mason); Noes - 7 (Representatives Call, Evans, Proto, Shurtleff, Todd, Watros, and Winch). Motion carried. It was Moved by Ms. Mink, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to substitute the following resolution in the place of Resolution No. 510. RESOLUTION NO. 1 - URGING OUR CONGRESSMEN TO OPPOSE WAR IN THE PERSIAN GULF Moved by Ms. Mink, seconded by Mrs. Schuler. After brief discussion, a roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Evans, Lerner, Livesay, Mink, Proto, Schuler, Stein, and Mason); Noes - 5 (Representatives Call, Shurtleff, Todd, Watros, and Winch). Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, the three Congressmen representing Tompkins County (Matthew McHugh, D -28th; Sherwood Boehlert, R -25th; and Amory Houghton, R -34th) have all asked for input from local governments and individual constituents on the crisis in the Persian Gulf, and WHEREAS, a war in the Persian Gulf could have a serious local impact resulting in the possible death or injury of some of our neighbors and friends as well as thousands of other American men and women, and 5 January 3, 1991 WHEREAS, the current deployment of United States troops is costing taxpayers billions of dollars and a war would severely increase the economic burden on our community, and WHEREAS, thousands of local residents have expressed their opposition to an offensive war against Iraq and their support of sanctions as a way toward a peaceful settlement, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives urges our Congressmen to oppose any initiation of an offensive war in the Persian Gulf, RESOLVED, further, That citizens and the Government show their support for the young men and women serving in the Middle East by providing all the benefits necessary to these service members when they return and to correspond with them while they are there, RESOLVED, further, That we urge the Government of the United States to give sanctions more time to work in order to pursue a peaceful settlement to the current crisis in the Persian Gulf. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 2 - AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 221 OF JUNE 5, 1990 - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 221 of June 5, 1990 authorized the execution of Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Best Locking Systems of New York for Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building lock/latch sets, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 221 provides for -$391.75 for Performance Bond, Labor and Material Bond, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 221 was passed for -$391.75, an adjustment error, being that -$500 is the correct amount, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Resolution No. 221 be amended for -$108.25 in the net amount of -$500, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of -$108.25 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 3 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 FOR CONTRACT 405 - T.H. GREEN ELECTRIC CO., INC. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of October 24, 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with T.H. Green Electric Co., Inc. for Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building electric, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 4 provides for PVC conduits in lieu of galvanized and interface coordination for simplex system/emergency generator for the added sum of $52, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Change Order No. 4 be and hereby is approved in the amount of $52, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $52 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 350 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 6 January 3, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 4 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 17 FOR CONTRACT 401 - MCGUIRE AND BENNETT, INC. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with McGuire and Bennett, Inc., and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 17 provides for spiral handrail revisions and oak trim at landing for the added sum of $541, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Change Order No. 17 be and hereby is approved in the total add of $541, RESOLVED, further That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $541 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 in 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 5 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 FOR CONTRACT 404 - TRI -CITIES TEMPERATURE CONTROL - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of October 24, 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with Tri -Cities Temperature Control for Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building HVAC, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 9 provides for exhaust duct and grilles for the added sum of $1,136, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That change Order No. 9 be and hereby is approved in the amount of $1,136, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $1,136 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 6 - AWARD OF BID - MOVING MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the moving of Mental Health departments to the new location at 201 East Green Street, Ithaca, New York, and WHEREAS, four (4) bids were received and publicly opened on Wednesday, January 2, 1991 at 3 p.m., now therefore be it 7 January 3, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the bid of Durrani Moving Systems of Ithaca, New York in the amount of $5,430 be accepted, being the lowest responsible bidder, RESOLVED, further, That the Mental Health Department be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. HQ4310.4400. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote to appoint the following people to the various advisory boards: Environmental Management Council Term expires December 31, 1991 Lowell Korb (Town of Caroline representative) Fire and Disaster Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1991 Jeffrey Walters (Town of Lansing representative) Human Rights Commission Term expires December 31, 1993 Marcia Fort Community Mental Health Services Board Term expires December 31, 1991 Sandra Swayze Terms expire December 31, 1994 Mark F. Lenzenweger Jan Aneshansley Tompkins County Planning Board Terms expire December 31, 1993 Lynne Irwin (Town of Caroline representative) Thomas Reitz (Town of Ulysses representative) On motion the meeting was adjourned at 6:54 p.m. 8 January 15, 1991 Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Personnel Committee, said the committee has one resolution on the agenda and appointments to consider. She would also like to have an executive session to discuss Tompkins Cortland Community College negotiations. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said there are several resolutions on the agenda that reflect the committee's actions. The committee discussed the mobile home legislation. The budget guidelines committee (Mary Call, Stuart Stein, and Robert Watros) will meet in February. He also reported on the concerns and impact with the State budget. The committee will meet February 28 to discuss the issue of the State budget. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, reported on the following issues he was requested to research by the E911 Task Force: expenditures of surcharge revenues, County authority to mandate re -naming of all public highways, property identification system, and letter of intent - NYNEX. Chairman Mason granted Mr. Winch permission to withdraw from the agenda the resolution entitled Increase in Fees - Septage. RESOLUTION NO. 7 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. Mr. Culligan said he is 150 percent for programs for the homeless, but he has a concern with spending $65,516 for five homeless people. He wished it would take care of more homeless people. He also mentioned that he has suggested in the past that the money from room tax could be used for the homeless people. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Call). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS: Social Services FROM: A6109.4400 Aid to Dependent Children $200,000 TO: A6135.4400 JOBS Program $200,000 FROM: A6109.3609 State Aid to Dependent Children $ 50,000 TO: A6135.3635 JOBS State Aid $ 50,000 FROM: A6109.4609 Federal Aid to Dependent Children $100,000 TO: A6135.4635 JOBS Federal Aid $100,000 APPROPRIATIONS: Social Services FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 65,516 TO: A6010.4442 Professional Services $ 65,516 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 8 - APPROPRIATION TO OFFSET NUTRITION PROGRAM DEFICIT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Call). Adopted. 10 January 15, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That since there was no letter of agreement in 1990, that the Friends of the Library be reimbursed for book disposal costs incurred in October, 1990 of $488.80 to be paid from Account No. A8160.2131. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 11 - AUDIT FOR FINAL PAYMENT FOR CONTACT 202 - TRIANGLE STEEL, INC. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Evans. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 228 of July 11, 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with Triangle Steel, Inc. for Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building structural steel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Requisition No. 13 be and hereby is approved in the amount of $10,312.18, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to approve above payment upon receipt of all final closeout documents. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 12 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 18 FOR CONTRACT 401 - MCGUIRE AND BENNETT, INC. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with McGuire and Bennett, Inc. for general construction, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 18 provides for sod in lieu of specified seed and mulch for the added sum of $1,530, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $1,530 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 in 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 13 - PAYMENT OF HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM - FORMER SHERIFF Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the former Sheriff of Tompkins County who assumed office on January 1, 1963 and retired from office on December 31, 1990, was a Deputy Sheriff of the Sheriffs Department for the period of April 1, 1956 to January 1, 1963, and 12 January 15, 1991 WHEREAS, the County did not have a policy for conversion of accrued benefits to pay health insurance premiums for employees retiring from County employment in 1963, and WHEREAS, Resolution 506 dated December 18, 1990 does not apply to the Sheriff, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the County pay the employee share of the health insurance premiums for six months, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following adjustments to his books: FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $582 TO: A3110.8860 Sheriff Insurance Fund $582 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to enter into executive session to discuss contract negotiations. An executive session was held at 6:15 p.m. and returned to regular session at 6:50 p.m. Chairman Mason declared recess in order to allow committees to schedule their meetings for 1991. Recess was held from 6:50 p.m. to 7:06 p.m. Chairman Mason announced the following appointments with the Board's confirmation to the various boards (appointments are for one-year terms): Tompkins County Area Development Corporation Board of Directors Mary G. Call - Tompkins County representative James Hanson, Jr. (Ex -officio) - Tompkins County representative Capital Program Committee Daniel Winch - Chairman Robert Watros - Vice Chairman Deborah Dietrich Chamber of Commerce James A. Mason Frank P. Proto, Alternate Community Affirmative Action Committee Eric Lerner - Board of Representatives Compensation Plan Task Group (appointment is ongoing) James Hanson, Jr. - Planning Commissioner Emergency Medical Services Committee James A. Mason Extension Service Charles Evans Finger Lakes Association Donald Culligan, Delegate James A. Mason, Alternate 13 January 15, 1991 Fire and Disaster Advisory Board Frank P. Proto - Ex -officio Labor/Management Committee on Downtown Employee Parking (no set terms) Nancy Schuler, Chairman Beverly Livesay Scott Heyman Hugh Hurlbut Louise McEwen Confidential staff employee Local Advisory Board of Assessment Review Villages: Cayuga Heights - Mary G. Call Dryden - Robert Watros Freeville - Robert Watros Groton - Phil Shurtleff Lansing - Mary G. Call Trumansburg - James A. Mason Towns: Caroline and Danby - Frank P. Proto Enfield and Danby - Daniel Winch Groton - Phil Shurtleff Dryden - Robert Watros and Charles Evans Ithaca - Mary G. Call, Beverly Livesay and Deborah Dietrich Lansing - Thomas Todd Ulysses - James A. Mason City of Ithaca - Nancy Schuler Personal Emergency Response Service Advisory Board Thelma Jones - At -large representative On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, the following appointments were made to the various boards: Advisory Board on Affordable Housing Term expires December 31, 1993 Roger Beck - Contractor/Developer representative Community Affirmative Action Committee Term expires December 31, 1991 Valerie O. Hayes - At -large representative Term expires December 31, 1992 Damayanthi Herath - At -large representative Term expires December 31, 1993 Henry Lee Chan - At-large/County employee Economic Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1993 Nancy Wilson - Town of Ithaca representative Fire and Disaster Advisory Board Terms expire December 31, 1993 W. Lyle Neigh and Phineas Reeves, Delegates - City of Ithaca representatives 14 January 15, 1991 James L. Mayer and Susan Begg, Alternates - City of Ithaca representatives Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee Terms expire December 31, 1991 Kathy West - Budget and Finance Office Henry Raupp, Alternate - Town of Dryden representative Term expires December 31, 1992 Thomas Pendell - Town of Dryden representative Terms expire December 31, 1993 Susan Cook - County Attorneys office Nancy Morgan - Town of Dryden representative Tompkins County Planning Board Term expires December 31, 1993 Gordon VanNederynen - Town of Enfield representative On motion the meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m. January 15, 1991 Regular Meeting Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Call and Representative Winch was excused at 7:06 p.m.) The minutes of the November 20, 1990 were approved as corrected. Chairman Mason announced that the committee assignments for 1991 have been distributed (copy attached). Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee will meet January 22. He reported on activities of the Tompkins Community Hospital Board of Directors. He thanked everyone on behalf of the Hospital Board who contributed to the annual fund drive and said the new Assistant Administrator at the Tompkins Community Hospital has started her job. He also reported on activities of the Board of Health. He said the new Medical Director is Dr. William Klepack. He reported on the schools Inoculation Program. He said the new septic rules are in place. He also said the VIP Motel is closed due to health concerns and will reopen in the Spring. He reported on water quality and said the County has two programs for water and sewer; the County is also applying for a grant. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, said he has requested a schedule of events. He also said a meeting will be held on conceptual planning. Mr. Evans, Vice Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met January 7. The committee discussed the $9,000 short fall in the amount of income for Foodnet service. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, said he did not have report. He asked Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, to report on E911. Ms. Mink, Special Committee on Peer Review, said she met with Barbara Eckstrom, Solid Waste Manager, and Howard LeFevre, Stearns and Wheler, today. She said concerns raised in the report were addressed and will be reviewed. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman, Planning Committee, said the committee has not met. The next meeting is scheduled for January 28 at 4:30 p.m. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, said he was told the Certificate of Occupancy (temporary) is on file in Buildings and Grounds and the dedication ceremony is Friday, January 18, 1991. He said Lieutenant Governor Lundine will speak at the dedication ceremony at the Mental Health Building. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, thanked the 1990 committee members. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, said the organization meeting is January 23 at noon. She announced two hearings: February 27 at 7:00 p.m. at Boynton Middle School is the Central Processing Permit Hearing and February 28 at 9:30 a.m. at Common Council Chambers is the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Issues Hearing for the Central Processing Facility. 9 January 15, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That $9,645 be appropriated from the 1990 fund balance, Foodnet's Account No. A909, to Account No. A6776.4491 to cover Foodnet's year-end deficit. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 9 - APPORTIONMENT OF DOG MONIES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has surplus monies in the Dog Fund for apportionment, pursuant to Section III of the Agriculture and Markets Law, in the amount of $13,079.02, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and hereby is directed to pay the several towns in the County and the City of Ithaca the amount set forth below as apportioned and approved by this Board: Remitting Amount Municipality Remitted Caroline $ 656.08 Danby 370.80 Dryden 2,118.54 Enfield 497.31 Groton 1,179.82 Ithaca 922.64 Lansing 1,491.66 Newfield 1,083.58 Ulysses 924.25 City 850.12 Totals $10,094.80 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Seventy-five per cent of Surplus Apportioned $ 637.52 360.31 2,058.62 483.25 1,146.45 896.54 1,449.47 1,052.93 898.11 826.07 $9,809.27 RESOLUTION NO. 10 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FOR MARKETING OF BOOKS Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Friends of the Library organization provides a valuable service to this community through their annual book sale, and WHEREAS, said sale in 1990 reused more than 150 tons of books, magazines and phonograph records, diverting a majority of that tonnage from the landfill, and WHEREAS, the Friends of the Library thus acts as a market for reusable materials, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Solid Waste Manager be authorized to execute a letter of agreement with Friends of the Library for the County to provide the service of recycling the remaining unsold books, 11 February 5, 1991 Regular Meeting Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 12 Representatives. Excused: 3 (Representatives Stein and Winch; Representative Watros arrived at 6:15 p.m.; and Representative Mink was excused at 7:07 p.m.). The minutes of the December 4, 1990 were approved as submitted. Chairman Mason shared with the Board a communication he received from James Dwyer, Environmental Attorney, that the Town of Dryden Attorney has indicated the Town is withdrawing their motion on the Article 78 proceedings which was to be heard in Albany on Friday, February 8, 1991. Also, he said the Appellate Court has ruled in favor of the County in regard to the City of Ithaca's appeal concerning the Commercial Avenue Central Processing Facility. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Proto said the Town of Caroline has been recognized for their yellow ribbons in support of the troops and there was a picture on the front page of the Sunday New York Times. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Health and Education Committee, said the committee has met twice and has several resolutions reflected on the agenda. The next committee meeting is February 26 and will have an update on PCAP (Prenatal Care Assistance Program). Copies of the water grant have been distributed to municipalities. He said there is a question on whether the County is qualified for the above-mentioned grant. He also said he would like an executive session to discuss the Anderson Dump situation. He expressed concern on the State's cuts in the proposed budget for the Hospital. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee has met twice. The committee met with the consultants and had three concepts presented. The committee discussed some concerns with the concepts and will meet again to discuss the concerns. The next meeting is February 27. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, said the committee will meet February 7 at noon. He reported on the Sheriff Deputy's solid waste complaint log. He said he received a report upholding the County's right to prohibit smoking in County Public Safety Buildings. Mrs. Schuler, E911 Task Force, said the committee met January 16. She said Scott Heyman, County Administrator, briefed the committee on Request for Proposals. She also said two committees have been formed: a consultant committee and surcharge committee. Ms. Mink, Special Committee on Peer Review, read a letter from the State Director of Investigations concerning the complaint filed against O'Brien and Gere stating the investigation did not develop sufficient evidence which could support the allegations which was the substance of the complaint. She said the final report of the Peer Review Evaluation of the DR -7 Landfill Hydrogeologic Investigation is on file in the Board office for review. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met January 31. The committee discussed the increase of day care rates, options of handling the increase in public assistance applications, and upgrade of phone system at the Biggs Complex. Also, the committee discussed an item from the Cayuga County Legislature concerning a 90 day residency requirement implemented before a person can apply for public assistance, but Ms. Dolan, Department of Social Services Commissioner, has 16 February 5, 1991 requested it not be recommended. She said the committee approved the reduction of 7.5 percent in the Special Delinquency Prevention Program (SDPP). The committee also made liaison assignments. Mr. Shurtleff, Vice Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, said the committee met January 23 at noon. He said the committee's business reflects on the Board agenda. The next meeting is February 6 at noon. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman of the Planning Committee, said the committee met January 28 and the committee's business also reflects on the Board agenda. Chairman Mason indicated that preliminary figures are available concerning the 1990 Census. If anyone has questions, they can contact Harry Missirian at the Planning Department. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Personnel Committee, said the committee met today at noon and dealt with many issues. She said she would like to have an executive session to discuss confidential employees' salaries. She said the Personnel Committee is undertaking a process to give a special evaluation to the three department heads that serve for a term of office (Department of Social Services Commissioner, Director of Public Health, and Personnel Commissioner). Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, said the committee met January 24. The next meeting is February 14. Items to be discussed are as follows: Hillview Road Landfill Consent Order, expansion of recycling program, and a report on illegal dumping. The committee discussed advisory board appointments. The Central Processing Facility permit hearing is scheduled for February 27 at 7:00 p.m. and the Issues Conference is scheduled for February 28 at 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Call, Vice Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee had a special meeting February 27 concerning the impact of the Governor's proposed budget. The committee requested Scott Heyman, County Administrator, and Kathy West, Budget and Finance Director, to come up with cutting costs or increase income and to work with department heads. The next committee meeting is February 8 at noon. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, said he and Kathy West, Budget and Finance Director, would be reporting to the Budget and Administration Committee on Friday, February 8 concerning the proposed Governor's Budget. He announced the sales tax report came in, but it fell short of the goal. Ms. West, Budget and Finance Director, said eight (8) percent of total Town and County tax warrant would be collected on the installment basis. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, said he would be providing the financial disclosure forms which have to be filed by May 15, 1991. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss the Anderson Dump and confidential employees' salaries. An executive session was held at 6:25 p.m. and returned to regular session at 7:07 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 14 - AMENDING RULES OF THE BOARD AND OTHER DOCUMENTS TO CLARIFY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and adopted by voice vote by all present with Mr. Proto voting no, to Table this resolution to the 17 February 5, 1991 next Board meeting. (The Budget and Administration Committee's version of Resolution No. 14 was adopted February 19, 1991.) RESOLUTION NO. 15 - AWARD OF BID - HOPPER/SPREADER - PUBLIC WORKS Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mr. Todd. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Mink, Stein and Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids on the basis of specifications approved by the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, and WHEREAS, the hopper/spreader to be replaced has failed completely, leaving the Highway Division in a state of near emergency should a major storm occur, and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this resolution to expedite the legal purchase of this piece of equipment without declaring a public emergency, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Director of Purchasing be and she hereby is authorized and directed to award the bid for the purchase of one (1) new and unused 1991 hopper/spreader after public opening of bids, RESOLVED, further, That a copy of the bid analysis shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Board and to members of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 16 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - SECURITY GUARD SERVICES - AIRPORT (AMENDED BY RESOLUTION NO. 83 OF MARCH 5, 1991) Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for proposals for furnishing security guard services at the Tompkins County Airport, and WHEREAS, three (3) proposals were received and duly opened on Friday, January 4, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the contract for furnishing security guard services at the Tompkins County Airport be awarded to Burns International Security Services of Syracuse, New York with the following hourly rates: 1991 $6.42 1992 $6.72 1993 $7.04 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized and directed to execute a contract with Burns Security for the period February 15, 1991 through February 14, 1992, with an option to extend by mutual consent for two (2) additional one- year periods. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 17 - FEDERAL SECTION 18 OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT APPLICATION FOR TOMTRAN RURAL TRANSIT 18 February 5, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, provides for the payment of federal assistance for public transportation in rural and small urban places through a formula grant program administered by the New York State Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, the TOMTRAN Rural Transit Program is operated by CU Transit, Inc., under contract with Tompkins County (Resolution No. 430 of 1989), and provides fixed -route, open -to -the - public transportation service in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation informed the County that TOMTRAN is eligible for $71,000 in operating assistance for the 1991 calendar year, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute and submit a Federal Section 18 operating assistance application to the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $71,000 for the calendar year of 1991. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 18 - AMENDING CONTRACT PLAN 5-89 WITH CORNELL PLANTATIONS - UNIQUE NATURAL AREAS STUDY Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 54, February 21, 1989, the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council contracted with Cornell Plantations in the amount of $5,000 to conduct a Unique Natural Areas survey for the County, and WHEREAS, the amount of field work and data verification exceeded the anticipated Scope of Work wherein the consultants hired by Cornell Plantations continued to expend efforts amounting to 134 hours or $1,527.60 beyond the terms specified in the original contract in the interest of completing the report, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That contract PLAN 5-89 with Cornell Plantations be amended to reflect the addition of $1,527.60 and that said monies be paid from Account No. A8021.4700 (.4442), and that the Comptroller will make any necessary adjustments. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 19 - AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND CONTRACT NO. PLAN 10-90 WITH FINGER LAKES ASSOCIATION, INC. - AQUATIC VEGETATION PROJECT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 426, November 1990, authorized a contract in the amount of 95 percent or $23,060 of the initial State Grant of $24,274 with Finger Lakes Association, Inc. for distribution of said funds in the Aid to Localities - Aquatic Vegetation Project, and WHEREAS, due to action by the State Legislature to reduce State Fiscal Year 1990-1991 funding for the Program by 20 percent to a total of $19,419, and the Water Resources Board of the Finger Lakes Association, Inc. voted to accept these monies with across the board cuts for all participating counties, now therefore be it 19 February 5, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the contract with Finger Lakes Association, Inc. for 95 percent of $19,419 be amended to $18,448, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute said amended agreement and the Comptroller will make said changes on his books. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 20 - APPROVAL TO CONTRACT WITH PLANNERS DIVERSIFIED FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING - SMALL CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County sought Requests for Proposals for consultant services to prepare a Housing and Urban Development Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (SCCDBG) for funds to rehabilitate housing units for low and moderate income families, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That a contract with the firm of Planners Diversified of Cooperstown, New York be accepted in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for said services, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute said contract with Planners Diversified and that said amount will be paid from Account No. A8020.4442 (Professional Services). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 21 - SUPPORT FOR GADABOUT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, INC. PETITION FOR STATE OPERATING AUTHORITY Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, GADABOUT Transportation Services, Inc. has rendered exemplary transportation service to residents of Tompkins County since 1976, and WHEREAS, GADABOUT is under contract with and receives funding from the County of Tompkins, City of Ithaca, the Towns of Ithaca, Dryden, Groton and Newfield, the Villages of Lansing and Groton, and the United Way of Tompkins County, Inc. to provide accessible public transportation service, and WHEREAS, the County agreed to sponsor GADABOUT for New York State Transit Operating Assistance funds (Resolution No. 391 of November 22, 1989), which is critically needed to support GADABOUT's operations, and WHEREAS, the County, City of Ithaca, Cornell University and GADABOUT are embarked on designing a regional transportation maintenance and administration facility to integrate maintenance and services in a single facility, and WHEREAS, GADABOUT, in coordination with the County Planning Department, Office for the Aging, and other public and private human service agencies, planned to expand the scope of demand -responsive services to meet unmet needs of the general public, in addition to needs of senior citizens and mobility impaired persons, and WHEREAS, GADABOUT's petition for common carrier operating authority of December 1990 amends its current authority by broadening service to include the general public as riders and to enable GADABOUT to operate in Schuyler and Cortland Counties, and 20 February 5, 1991 WHEREAS, GADABOUT desires authority to service the general public, and to operate in these neighboring counties to serve unmet transportation needs of persons employed in and residents of Tompkins County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives finds that GADABOUT's public transportation services provide substantial benefit to the public welfare, RESOLVED, further, That the County of Tompkins urges the New York State Department of Transportation to expeditiously approve GADABOUT's petition for common carrier operating authority and eligibility for state transit operating assistance. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 22 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1- CRISPELL CONSTRUCTION AND LANDSCAPE COMPANY - ANDERSON DUMP CLEANUP Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 447 of 1990 has been reviewed and approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 1 - To provide an extension of time until February 16, 1991 for the completion of site cleanup due to delay in gaining access to the site at no additional cost to the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 23 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - SITE PRELOADING - CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Mink, Stein and Winch). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the following claim against Tompkins County be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request No. Account Amount Canastota Constructors, Inc. 2 (Final) HH8165.9239 $91,500 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (Continuation of Prior Action) RESOLUTION NO. 24 - PRESENTATION OF SEQR DOCUMENTATION AND PERMIT APPLICATION FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE TOMPKINS COUNTY/NYSERDA COMPOSTING FACILITY - STEARNS AND WHELER-ADDENDUM NO. 1 21 February 5, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 409 of November 7, 1990 has been approved by the Public Works and Construction Management Committee: Addendum No. 1: Stearns and Wheler shall be authorized to prepare SEQR documentation and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation permit application for the expansion of the Tompkins County/NYSERDA Composting Facility at the County Landfill. , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the above addendum be and is hereby approved and that the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute said addendum in an amount not to exceed $12,000 funded from Account No. HH8162.4442. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 25 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 498 OF DECEMBER 18, 1990 - TOMPKINS COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and adopted by voice vote by all present with Mr. Lerner voting no. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 498 of December 18, 1990 created a Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That Resolution No. 498 of 1990 be and hereby is amended replacing all references to Public Works and Construction Management Committee with "appropriate committee as designated by the Chairman of the Board", RESOLVED, further, That one additional member be added to the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee from the commercial/industrial sector. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 26 - AUTHORIZATION TO INVEST OR SPEND ESTATE FUNDS - VISUALLY IMPAIRED PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 214 of 1990 established a sub -committee to spend funds received through an estate for the Visually Impaired Program of the Tompkins County Health Department, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the sub -committee either invest the funds and use the income or at their discretion use a portion or all of the principal for the Visually Impaired Program. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 27 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANT 22 February 5, 1991 Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is charged with providing services to inmates of the Tompkins County Jail, and WHEREAS, the Department has been unable to fill the nurse practitioner's contract, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Health Department be authorized to contract for a Physician's Assistant (Barbara Cole) for the provision of said services effective immediately, said services to be paid from Account No. A4010.4442, Professional Services, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 28 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 509 OF DECEMBER 18, 1990 - MENTAL HEALTH CENTER FURNITURE Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 509 was approved subject to committee approval of the chair sample, and WHEREAS, that approval was not received, but the committee has approved another chair that was on the bid, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Resolution No. 509 of December 18, 1990 be and hereby is amended awarding the chair bid to Stevens Office Interiors, Inc. of Syracuse, New York, for Gunlocke "Savant" Model #8512 in the amount of $8,519, RESOLVED, further, That all other items in Resolution No. 509 remain unchanged. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 29 - AWARD OF BID - OFFICE MODULAR PANEL SYSTEMS - MENTAL HEALTH CENTER Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for a modular panel system for use in the Tompkins County Mental Health Center, and WHEREAS, six (6) bids were received and duly opened on Thursday, December 13, 1990, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the bid for office modular panel systems be awarded to Stevens Office Interiors of Syracuse, New York in the amount of $11,549.99, Stevens being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications, RESOLVED, further, That the apparent low bid of Synergy Interiors of Geneva, New York in the amount of $11,363.09, has been judged not to meet specifications, RESOLVED, further, That the Mental Health Department be authorized to implement this bid, funds being available in Account No. HQ4310.4400. 23 February 5, 1991 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 30 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 FOR CONTRACT 405 - T.H. GREEN ELECTRIC CO., INC. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of October 24, 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with T.H. Green Electric Co., Inc. for Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 5 provides for relocation of hollow metal bucks for $171, power feed and final connection for $335, miscellaneous work items for $709, emergency telephone power for $699, and exterior Prescolite fixtures for $2,532, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Change Order No. 5 be and hereby is approved in the amount of $4,446, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $4,446 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 350 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 31 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NOS. 19 AND 20 FOR CONTRACT 401- MCGUIRE AND BENNETT, INC. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with MCGUIRE and BENNETT, Inc. for general construction, WHEREAS, Change Order No. 19 provides for steps and handrails at mechanical room for the sum of $614 and furnish and install coat hooks (125 pieces.) for the sum of $3,750 and Change Order No. 20 provides credit for galvanized rail - $200, brush and strip canopy steel for $867, miscellaneous paint items for $181, quarry tile for Room 133 for $69 and handrail at trash room for $659, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Change Order No. 19 be and hereby is approved in the total add of $4,364, RESOLVED, further, That Change Order No. 20 be and hereby is approved in the total add of $1,576, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $5,940 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 in 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, the following appointments were made to the various boards: Advisory Board on Affordable Housing 24 February 5, 1991 Term expires December 31, 1993 Paul Mazzarella - representing Housing Advocacy Term expires December 31, 1991 Harold Craft - representing Cornell University (It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to waive the Rules of the Board concerning prior notification.) Community Affirmative Action Committee Term expires December 31, 1991 Julia Diana Sams - representing Human Rights Commission (It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to waive the Rules of the Board concerning prior notification.) Economic Advisory Board Terms expire December 31, 1993 Kit Lambert - representing Village of Lansing John Gutenberger - representing Cornell University Environmental Management Council Term expires December 31, 1991 Laura Kleinman - representing Youth At -large Greater Ithaca Activities Board Term expires December 31, 1992 Beverly Livesay Human Rights Commission Terms expire December 31, 1993 Susanne Davis Linda J. Striss Library Board of Trustees Term expires December 31, 1995 David Flinn Community Mental Health Services Board Jacqueline Perley Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Commercial Avenue Central Processing Facility Term expires December 31, 1993 John Humphries - representing Residential Neighborhood Tompkins County Planning Board Terms expire December 31, 1993 Deborah Dietrich, Delegate - representing County Planning Committee Mary G. Call, Alternate - representing County Planning Committee Ben Curtis - representing Village of Trumansburg Horst Simon - representing Village of Lansing Virginia Langhans - representing Town of Ithaca Lewis Roscoe - representing Cornell University Suzanne Stopen - representing Health Planning Council Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Development Committee 25 February 5, 1991 Term expires December 31, 1992 Frank P. Proto - County Representative Tompkins County Youth Board Term expires December 31, 1993 Kevin Shreve - representing Village of Trumansburg Chairman Mason with the Board's confirmation appointed Cindie Day to the Labor/Management Committee on Downtown Employee Parking as the confidential staff representative. On motion the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. 26 February 19, 1991 Regular Meeting Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to approve the minutes of the December 18, 1990 meeting as submitted. Mr. Winch introduced Grant and Marie Musser the Keepers of the Newfield Covered Bridge and presented to them a certificate of appointment. Mr. and Mrs. Musser said new rails have been installed. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Proto announced that Ithaca College is hosting a special Olympics March 2 for those children who could not make it to Albany. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan read a letter he presented as Chairman of the Public Safety Committee to Judge James Rice thanking him for his thirty-three years of service on behalf of the Board as Justice of the Peace in the Ulysses Township. Under privilege of the floor, Ms. Mink read a letter she sent to Hon. Martin Luster, New York State Assemblyman, about the response received from the State Education Department concerning the complaint filed against O'Brien and Gere in regard to the missing soil samples. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee will meet February 27 at 1:30 p.m. The committee will be reviewing the next phase of documents that will be drafts of the proposed terminal. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, read an article in the Ithaca Journal by Eduardo Marti, Tompkins Cortland Community College President, concerning the proposed State's budget. He said the Board of Health will be meeting Tuesday, February 12. He said there is a great concern with a potential rabies epidemic in New York State. He also said AIDS workshops are being held. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety Committee, said the committee met February 7. He said the County Clerk addressed the committee concerning streamlining the Department of Motor Vehicle. New equipment will be installed and all transactions will be handled in the line the person is standing in. The committee received a report from the Sheriff and an arson investigator. The committee approved an appropriation for the District Attorney's office. Mrs. Schuler, E911 Task Force, updated the Board on the activities of the task force. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said she did not have a report. The committee will meet February 28. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman of the Planning Committee, said the committee will meet February 25 at 4:30 p.m. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, asked Mr. Shurtleff to report to the Board as Vice Chairman. Mr. Shurtleff said the committee met February 6 and the committee's actions reflect on tonight's agenda. 27 February 19, 1991 Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Inter -Municipal Transit Facility, said the committee took a CU Transit bus to White Plains to review the services of the architectural firm the committee is proposing to hire. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said she did not have a report but would like to hold an executive session to discuss Tompkins Cortland Community College negotiations. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, said the committee met February 14. The committee received a report on illegal dumping. The committee discussed the consent order for the Hillview Road Landfill. She said she received a resignation letter from Nancy Ten Kate from the Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Commercial Avenue Central Processing Facility. She also said the solid waste committees round table meeting will be February 28. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said there are a number of correction of tax rolls as a result of the revaluation. The committee discussed the Financial Disclosure policy and award of bids. The committee has scheduled a special meeting to discuss the impact of the proposed Governor's budget. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, reported on meetings he and Kathy West, Budget and Finance Director, attended with Budget Officers, Administrative Officers, Division of Budget Officials and Aides to Governor Cuomo in Albany. The purpose of the meetings were to review the impact of the proposals contained in the Governor's budget. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, said the forms for the Financial Disclosure should be filed by May 15. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Designating the County of Tompkins as Lead Agency Pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) for the Permitting, Construction and Operation of a Composting Facility at the Hillview Road Landfill. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute Letter of Agreement. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled New Joint Transit Facility Architectural Services. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Award of Bid - Mental Health Signage. RESOLUTION NO. 32 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF DRYDEN - ABBOTT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Dryden, namely parcel 42-1-31.2 assessed to David M. and Rosemary Abbott, the special district charges for water and sewer having been calculated incorrectly, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $8,600.33 to $6,377.92, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Dryden is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $2,222.41 be charged back to the Town of Dryden. 28 February 19, 1991 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 33 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF DANBY - SACKETT (I) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Danby, namely parcel 7-1-92.52 assessed to Pamela Sackett, a house was erroneously charged to this parcel, when the house is on another parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $691.87 to $33.79, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Danby is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $658.08 be charged back, $122.70 to the County of Tompkins and $535.38 to the Town of Danby. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 34 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF DANBY - SACKETT (II) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Danby, namely parcel 7-1-92.4 assessed to Pamela Sackett, a house having been erroneously charged to another parcel, when the house is on this parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $90.10 to $748.19, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Danby is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $658.09 be credited - $122.70 to the County of Tompkins and $535.39 to the Town of Danby. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 35 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - CITY OF ITHACA - ROSTEN Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the City of Ithaca, namely parcel 99-1-6 (452 Floral Avenue) assessed to Arthur and Ellen Rosten, an erroneous value of $60,500 was placed on the Tax Roll, when the correct value is $49,800, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $247.93 to $204.08, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the City of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $43.85 be charged back to the County of Tompkins. 29 February 19, 1991 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 36 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF ENFIELD - WARD Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Enfield, namely parcel 13-1-4.11 assessed to Thomas D. and Phyllis Ward, which was charged a relevied school tax of $1,998.89 when the same should be charged to parcel 13-1-4.12 assessed to Donald and Linda Gunning, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Enfield is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 37 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF CAROLINE - JORDAN Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Caroline, namely parcel 37-1-8 assessed to Perl and Wanda Jordan, an aged exemption in the amounts of $18,540 for County tax and $12,360 for Town tax was omitted, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $334.95 to $247.67, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Caroline is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $87.28 be charged back, $15.15 to the County of Tompkins and $72.13 to the Town of Caroline. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 38 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF ULYSSES - HOUGHTON Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Ulysses, namely parcel 27-4-15 assessed to Charles L. Houghton, an exemption in the amount of $306,300 having been omitted erroneously, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $3,055.31 to $1,808.67, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $1,246.64 be charged back, $632.82 to the County of Tompkins and $613.82 to the Town of Ulysses. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 30 February 19, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 39 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF GROTON - COON Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Groton, namely parcel 108-3-1, assessed to Marion and Mildred Coon, an exemption in the amount of $6,000 having been omitted erroneously„ now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $495.53 to $470.92, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Groton is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $24.61 be charged back to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 40 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - CITY OF ITHACA - ITHACA NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICES, INC. Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the City of Ithaca, namely parcel 38-3-6, 705 Cliff Street, assessed to Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc., an exemption having been omitted when the parcel should be wholly exempt, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $198.34 to $ -0-, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the City of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $198.34 be charged back to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 41 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF DANBY - MAYCUMBER Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Danby, namely parcel 9-1-11.4 assessed to Debbie and David Maycumber, an erroneous value of $97,300 was entered instead of the correct value of $60,000, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $782.78 to $482.70, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Danby is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $300.08 be charged back, $55.95 to the County of Tompkins and $244.13 to the Town of Danby. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 31 February 19, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 42 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF GROTON - TREACY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Groton, namely parcel 28-1-23.3 assessed to Kevin Treacy, an incorrect value of $97,400 having been placed on the property, when the correct value is $60,000, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $735.28 to $452.94, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Groton is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $282.34 charged back, $278.04 to the Town of Groton and $4.30 to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 43 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF ITHACA - MOORE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Ithaca, namely parcel 73-1-1.3 assessed to Kent and Mafalda Moore, an incorrect value of $54,100 having been placed on the property, when the correct value is $1,500, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $368.14 to $10.21, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $357.93 be charged back, $141.85 to the Town of Ithaca and $216.08 to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 44 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF LANSING - MOORE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Lansing, namely parcel 45.1-1-57.1 assessed to Kent and Mafalda Moore, an incorrect value of $49,000 having been placed on the property when the correct value is $7,500, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $306.84 to $41.61, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Lansing is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $265.23 be charged back, $84.17 to the Town of Lansing and $181.06 to the County of Tompkins. 32 February 19, 1991 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 45 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF LANSING - GRAZIANO (Amended by Res. No. 145 of 1991) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Lansing, namely parcel 7-1-24.2 assessed to Paul Graziano, the assessment having been reduced by a small claims case after school taxes had been relevied from $108,400 to $97,800, and WHEREAS, the amount relevied is $1,585.13 and the correct relevy is $1,310.35, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $2,093.39 to $1,818.61, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Lansing is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $274.78 be charged back to the Lansing Central School District. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 46 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF NEWFIELD - KOUF Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Newfield, namely parcel 11-1-43.912 assessed to Milo Kouf, a Veterans' exemption in the amounts of $20,000 for Town purposes and $10,000 for County purpose having been omitted, WHEREAS, the correct taxable values are $65,700 for Town purposes and $75,700 for County purposes, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $572.66 to $474.09, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Newfield is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $98.57 be charged back, $95.32 to the Town of Newfield and $3.25 to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 47 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - CITY OF ITHACA - SOMKIN Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the City of Ithaca, namely parcel 87-1-16.41 assessed to Fred and Bodil Somkin, a Veteran's exemption of $6,000 was omitted, now therefore be it 33 February 19, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $713.05 to $688.46, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the City of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $24.59 be charged back to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 48 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF CAROLINE - MIX Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Caroline, namely parcel 18-1-38 assessed to Lawrence and Dorothy Mix, an agricultural exemption in the amount of $24,600 was omitted, and WHEREAS, the taxable values for Town and County tax should be corrected from $97,100 to $72,500, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $755.93 to $592.26, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Caroline is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $163.67 be charged back, $20.10 to the County of Tompkins and $143.57 to the Town of Caroline. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 49 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLLS - TOWN OF ULYSSES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that several errors have been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Ulysses, namely, the following parcels were erroneously charged with relevied Town and County taxes, when the parcels are only liable for fire tax: Tax Map No. Owner Incorrect Total Tax Correct Total Tax 11-2-27 Village of Trumansburg $ 17.19 $ 2.54 11-2-30 Village of Trumansburg $ 82.05 $ 16.93 22-4-9 Village of Trumansburg $317.79 $ 37.77 22-4-13 Village of Trumansburg $240.21 $ 28.57 22-4-18 Village of Trumansburg $298.92 $ 36.40 , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entries on the Tax Roll be corrected by expunging the Town and County taxes, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $833.95 be charged back, $423.33 to the County of Tompkins and $410.62 to the Town of Ulysses. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 34 February 19, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 50 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF LANSING - HORIZONS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Lansing, namely parcel 44-1-43.4 assessed to Horizons Development Corporation, does not appear on the 1990 tax map as a parcel and was erroneously entered on the Tax Roll, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $5.19 to $ -0-, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Lansing is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $5.19 be charged back, $2.55 to the County of Tompkins and $2.64 to the Town of Lansing. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 51 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 442 OF NOVEMBER 20, 1990 - WORK STUDY PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That Resolution No. 442 of November 20, 1990 be amended to allow the County of Tompkins to participate with Cornell University and any other college to provide students with work study. The students may be either on the school payroll or the County payroll and will earn between $4.65 and $8.50 per hour, retroactive to November 20, 1990, RESOLVED, further, That the County and the college will work out the reimbursement percentage between 50 and 95 percent and method of payment, RESOLVED, further, That all other parts of Resolution No. 442 remain. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 52 - SUPPORT FOR STATE LEGISLATION - APPORTIONMENT OF SCHOOL TAXES AFTER REVALUATION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Ms. Mink. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, to postpone this resolution to the May 21 Board meeting to give municipalities effected time to review the proposed legislation. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 2 (Representatives Proto and Shurtleff), Noes - 13. Motion to postpone Lost. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 13, Noes - 2 (Representatives Proto and Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, this Board has been informed that a draft bill to amend Section 1315 of the Real Property Tax Law has been prepared for introduction to the New York State Senate and Assembly concerning the apportionment of school taxes in a County having the power to assess real property after a revaluation of real property, and WHEREAS, this draft bill will allow for a more equitable distribution of the school tax burden among the taxpayers of the various municipalities comprising the school districts, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County intends to periodically revalue all properties within the County for assessment purposes, now therefore be it 35 February 19, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives hereby affirms its support of this legislation, RESOLVED, further, That State Assemblyman Martin Luster and State Senator James Seward be notified of this support. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 53 - SALARY ADJUSTMENT - HEAD INVESTIGATOR/DIRECTOR - HUMAN RIGHTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Ms. Mink. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Head Investigator/Director, Human Rights (83/264), management level D, competitive class, be given a salary adjustment of $1,455 for 1990-1991, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following appropriation: FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $1,455 TO: A8040.1000 Personal Services $1,455 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 54 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR - PROBATION DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Administrative Assistant (08/835), labor grade VIII, competitive class, be reclassified to Administrative Coordinator (14/674), labor grade XIV, competitive class effective February 20, 1990, RESOLVED, further, That this action is being taken notwithstanding Resolution No. 278 of 1988 and pursuant to Resolution No. 278 dated September 19, 1989, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment and appropriation: BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Revenue: A3140.3310 State Aid $ 4,440 Appropriation: A3140.1674 Personal Services $ 4,440 APPROPRIATION FROM: A1990 TO: A3140.1674 .8810 .8830 .8840 .8860 .8870 Contingent Fund Personal Services Retirement FICA Workers' Compensation Health Insurance Unemployment Insurance SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 36 $10,631 7,986 116 950 286 1,262 31 February 19, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 55 - ADOPTION OF ANNUAL STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives hereby adopts the Annual Statement of Financial Disclosure attached hereto as Schedule A, to be filed by designated officers and employees pursuant to Section 812 of the General Municipal Law, RESOLVED, further, That the following positions are hereby designated pursuant to Section 812 of the General Municipal Law as subject to the Annual Financial Disclosure Requirements of the Temporary State Commission on Local Government Ethics. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) DEPARTMENT Assessment Schedule A FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE DEPARTMENT LIST INDIVIDUAL Don Franklin, Director Edward L. Hughes, Assistant Director Assigned Counsel Robert Stolp, Supervising Attorney Board of Representatives Budget and Finance Comptroller County Administrator County Attorney County Clerk James A. Mason, Chairman Mary G. Call, Representative Donald J. Culligan, Representative Deborah Dietrich, Representative Charles V. Evans, Representative Eric J. Lerner, Representative Beverly E. Livesay, Representative Barbara Mink, Representative Frank P. Proto, Representative Nancy B. Schuler, Representative Phil Shurtleff, Representative Stuart W. Stein, Representative Thomas L. Todd, Representative Robert I. Watros, Representative Daniel M. Winch, Representative Phyllis B. Howell, Clerk of the Board Kathy West, Director Lisa Stephens, Deputy Director David A. Doyle, Comptroller Elizabeth Loiselle, Deputy Comptroller Scott Heyman, County Administrator Robert C. Mulvey, County Attorney Aurora R. Valenti, County Clerk 37 Data Processing District Attorney Elections Fire and Disaster Human Rights Job Training Program Mental Health Office for the Aging Personnel Planning Probation Public Health Public Works February 19, 1991 Fred Hoffman, Systems Analyst Mary Pat Nowakowski, Assistant Director Computer Services George Dentes, District Attorney James Church, Deputy District Attorney Stephen Flash, Asst. District Attorney Susan Harrison, Asst. District Attorney Frank Smithson, Asst. District Attorney Lee Shurtleff, Commissioner Shary Zifchock, Commissioner John Miller, Coordinator Theda Zimrot, Director Margaret Kirchgessner, Investigator Kristine DeLuca -Beach, Director Anthony B. DeLuca, Commissioner Margaret Harding, Director Hugh Hurlbut, Commissioner Anita Fitzpatrick, Personnel Assistant Louise McEwen, Benefits Manager James W. Hanson, Jr., Commissioner Harry A. Missirian, Associate Planner Kathryn Leinthall, Director Walter Cogswell, Probation Supervisor Frank Justice, Probation Supervisor Susan Robinson, Probation Supervisor Mitch Youngling, Probation Supervisor Suzanne R. Stopen, Director John M. Andersson, Director of Environmental Health Alice Cole, Acting Director, Patient Services William Klepack, M.D., Medical Director J. Richard Tyner, M.D., TB Physician John Maines, M.D., Medical Examiner Jerome Nosanchuk, M.D., Deputy Medical Examiner Manuel Posso, M.D., Deputy MedicalExaminer Brenda G. Vassalotti, Public Health Administrator William J. Mobbs, Commissioner Barbara Eckstrom, Solid Waste Manager Ward Hungerford, Highway Manager James Kazda, Senior Civil Engineer Robert Mabee, General Buildings Manager 38 Purchasing and Central Services Sheriff Social Services STOP -DWI Weights and Measures Youth Bureau February 19, 1991 Vacant, Assistant Solid Waste Manager Robert Nicholas, Airport Manager Stephen P. Nicholson, Assistant Airport Manager Gerald Stern, General Highway Supervisor Roger Vargo, Equipment Service Manager Sheila Ferrari, Director Emery Guest, Sheriff Edward Mikula, Undersheriff Edward Hall, Chief Criminal Investigator Lawrence LaPlant, Sgt. in -charge of Jail Mary Pat Dolan, Commissioner Rebecca Bush, Head Social Welfare Examiner Mary Carnal, Case Supervisor A John J. Kelleher, Attorney Pat Poston, Director, Housing John Rawley, Attorney Alan Scheer, Attorney Jackie Yoder, Director of Administrative Services John Beach, Coordinator Judy Tynyk, Director Nancy Zahler, Director RESOLUTION NO. 56 - AWARD OF BID - COUNTY VEHICLES - 1991 - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, to precede awarding bids on the Sheriffs Department vehicles and postpone action on the remaining County vehicles for the various departments (see Resolution No. 113 of March 19, 1991). A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Livesay). Motion carried. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution as amended: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids on 1991 vehicles for use by County departments, and WHEREAS, bids were received and publicly opened on January 24, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the 1991 bid for County vehicles be awarded as follows: 1991 marked patrol car State Contract $13,928 1991 unmarked patrol car Spencer Ford $13,071 RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 57 - AWARD OF BID - 1991 COPIERS - PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES 39 February 19, 1991 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for one (1) copier for Biggs A and one (1) copier for the new Mental Health Center, and WHEREAS, seven (7) bids were received and opened on February 7, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the 1991 copier bid be awarded to Standard Copy Products of Binghamton, New York, in the amount of $12,042, Standard being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications based on a five-year total cost analysis, funds needed being available in Account No. A1345.2204, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Purchasing and Central services be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 58 - AWARD OF BID - RIBBONS - PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Absent - 1 (Representative Proto - temporarily out of the room). WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for typewriter, word processor, and computer printer ribbons for use by County departments, and WHEREAS, eleven (11) bids were received and publicly opened on February 6, 1991, and WHEREAS, the bid from Ithaca Office Equipment for all ribbon groups except the Smith Corona be rejected because they do not meet specifications, and WHEREAS, the bid will be awarded by ribbon group to the responsible bidder having the lowest total for that group, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the bid for the following ribbon groups be awarded as follows for a time period of one (1) year: RIBBON GROUP VENDOR I. IBM Typewriters and Printers Associated Business Products Binghamton, NY II. Brother SENTRY Business Products North Tonawanda, NY III. Canon Williams Office Machines Binghamton, NY IV. Centronic Bosman and Bosman Computer Services Interlaken, NY V. Epson Ideal Computer Supplies Endwell, NY VI. Olivetti SENTRY Business Products North Tonawanda, NY VII. Panasonic WYNIT, Inc. Syracuse, NY VIII. Smith Corona Ithaca Office Equipment Ithaca, NY RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from various department accounts. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 40 February 19, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 59 - AWARD OF BID - PAPER - PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Absent - 1 (Representative Proto - temporarily out of the room). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for envelopes, bond, xerographic paper, card stock, and computer forms for use by County departments, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and publicly opened on February 7, 1991, and WHEREAS, the bid will be awarded by paper group to the responsible bidder having the lowest total for that group, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the bid for the following paper groups be awarded as follows for a time period of six (6) months: PAPER GROUP VENDOR I. Envelopes D. J. Mead, Hubbs & Howe, Inc. Horseheads, NY II. Bond D. J. Mead, Hubbs & Howe, Inc. Horseheads, NY III. Xerographic Seneca Paper Company Binghamton, NY IV. Card Stock Seneca Paper Company Binghamton, NY V. Computer Forms Seneca Paper Company Binghamton, NY RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. A1345.4304 and various department accounts, RESOLVED, further, That due to the recurring nature of this bid, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be given the authority to award the bid for paper products to the lowest responsible bidders meeting specifications, with an understanding that a resolution be brought annually to this Board for action. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 7:05 p.m. and the meeting returned to regular session at 7:18 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 60 - BENEFITS OF EMPLOYEES ON MILITARY LEAVE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That any active Tompkins County employee who is called to active duty as a result of the declared national emergency would be responsible for the employee's share of the health insurance premium only during the period of active duty, RESOLVED, further, That any active Tompkins County employee called to active duty during the declared national emergency will receive full base pay for a period not to exceed a total of 60 calendar or 44 work days as a one time payment. This provides an additional 30 calendar or 22 work days of pay in addition to the 30 calendar days of pay authorized by Section 242 of the Military Law of the State of New York, 41 February 19, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized to make any necessary adjustments on an interim basis, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution be reviewed in sixty (60) days by this Board. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 61 - APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND - SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Absent - 1 (Representative Shurtleff - temporarily out of the room). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Comptroller be authorized and directed to appropriate up to $2,478 from the A1990, Contingent Fund, to A8730, Soil Conservation Service. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 62 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Public Safety and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS: Mental Health FROM: A4312.4330 Printing $ 1,000 TO: A4310.4330 Printing $ 1,000 FROM: A4311.4302 Office Supplies TO: A4310.4302 Office Supplies $ 1,200 $ 1,200 FROM: A4311.4330 Printing $ 3,000 TO: A4310.4330 Printing $ 3,000 FROM: A4311.4452 Postage $ 3,300 TO: A4310.4330 Postage $ 3,300 APPROPRIATIONS: County Attorney FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 20,000 TO: A1420.4442 Professional Services $ 20,000 District Attorney FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 19,109 TO: A1166.4400 Special Prosecutor $ 19,109 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 42 February 19, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 63 - AWARD OF BID - TRACTOR WITH MOWER - PUBLIC WORKS Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for one (1) 1991 four-wheel drive tractor and articulated boom -flail mower, and WHEREAS, six (6) bids were received and publicly opened and read on January 3, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the bid for one (1) 1991 four-wheel drive tractor and articulated boom -flail mower be awarded to S. C. Hansen, Inc. of Horseheads, New York in the amount of $51,849, S. C. Hansen being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications on the tractor and with acceptable deviations on the mower, RESOLVED, further, That the Highway Division of the Department of Public Works be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds for this purchase having been encumbered in 1990. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 64 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - SILVERLINE CONSTRUCTION - PERRY CITY ROAD OVER TAUGHANNOCK CREEK Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount Silverline Construction, Inc. #4 D5111.4700 $9,308.50 Newtown Road Burdett, NY 14818 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. D5111.4700. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 65 - ASSIGNMENT OF SPACE - PROBATION DEPARTMENT, PLANNING DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety, Planning, Public Works and Construction Management and Budget and Administration Committees, That the space formerly occupied in Biggs Building A by the Job Training Program is hereby assigned to the Probation Department, and that one room currently assigned to the Probation Department in the center wing of Biggs Building A and indicated on a map in the Department of Planning is hereby assigned to the Department of Planning. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 43 February 19, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 66 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 263 OF OCTOBER 22, 1979 — TOMPKINS COUNTY FAMILY COURT ADVISORY COUNCIL Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 263 of October 22, 1979 created a Tompkins County Family Court Advisory Council, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That Resolution No. 263 be and hereby is amended by replacing a representative of the Sheriff of Tompkins County with a representative from a police agency, RESOLVED, further, That all other items in Resolution No. 263 will remain unchanged. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 67 - APPROVAL OF RECEIPT OF FUNDS FROM NEW YORK STATE DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES FOR JAIL INTAKE AND REFERRAL PROGRAM OFFENDER AID AND RESTORATION Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, additional money is available through the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (NYS DCJS) to fund narcotics information and referral programs as part of Local Entitlements for narcotics control and education granted to counties in New York State, and WHEREAS, New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services has allocated $15,000 to Tompkins County for narcotics control and education for the period from October 1, 1990 through September 30, 1991 by contract with the County District Attorney, and WHEREAS, Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) has operated a Jail Intake and Drug Referral Program during the previous contract period from October 1, 1989 through September 30, 1990 with funding from NYS DCJS and has continued to operate that program since October 1, 1990, including provision of drug abuse and referral information during intake interviews by the Bail Fund Coordinator and the Youth Services Coordinator, and training sessions in substance abuse counseling for OAR staff and volunteers, and WHEREAS, the District Attorney's office has allocated $4,000 of the $15,000 it will receive to OAR to continue the Jail Intake and Referral Program, and WHEREAS, Offender Aid and Restoration is providing matching funds for this program from existing funding and no additional County money is required for this program, and WHEREAS, approval by the Board of Representatives is required before this money can be obtained, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That receipt and allocation of the NYS DCJS funds in the amount of $4,000 for the OAR Jail Intake and Drug Referral Program is hereby approved by the Board of Representatives, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute necessary documents relating to said program. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 68 - GRANTS-IN-AID PROJECT APPLICATION - COUNTY CLERK 44 February 19, 1991 Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, an emergency request was granted the Tompkins County Clerk on January 25, 1991, for approval of the submission by February 1, 1991 of a grants-in-aid application, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That the Tompkins County Clerk be authorized and directed to submit the 1991/92 Grants -in -Aid Project Application to the New York State Archives and Records Administration, Local Government Records Bureau, Grants Administration Unit, Albany, New York, on or before February 1, 1991. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 69 - INCREASE IN MEMBERSHIP - CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADVISORY/ ALTERNATIVES TO INCARCERATION BOARD Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 129 of July 14, 1975 created the Criminal Justice Advisory Board, Resolution No. 62 of March 5, 1985 created the Advisory Board on Alternatives to Incarceration, Resolution No. 57 of February 18, 1986 combined the two above-mentioned advisory boards, and Resolution No. 367 of November 18, 1986 increased membership, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That one member be added to the Criminal Justice Advisory/Alternatives to Incarceration Board representing crime victims, said term shall take effect immediately and expire December 31, 1993 and is to be renewed at the end of the expiration date. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 70 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING ON SMALL CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That a public hearing be held before the Board of Representatives at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York on Tuesday, March 5, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof on the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 71- AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 290 OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 - SALARY - HEALTH PLANNER Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That Resolution No. 290 of September 27, 1988 be amended to add the title of Health Planner (13/677), labor grade XIII, competitive class, 45 February 19, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 72 - FRINGE BENEFITS OF ELECTED OFFICIALS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That all elected officials receive whatever benefits they may be entitled to as a result of their elected positions as conferred to managerial and confidential employees by Resolution No. 505 of 1990 which apply, with the following exceptions: Sick Time Holiday Vacation Bereavement Travel Reimbursement Restrictions Longevity Pay SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 73 - ABOLISHING AND CREATING POSITIONS - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Personnel Committees, That one position of Planner (12/590), labor grade XII, competitive class, be abolished effective February 25, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Data Base Analyst (13/684), labor grade XIII, competitive class be created effective February 25, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this position. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 74 - NEW JOINT TRANSIT FACILITY ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 32 of February 20, 1990 and Resolution No. 124 of April 3, 1990 authorized County involvement in a transit maintenance and storage facility jointly owned, operated and/or used by Tompkins County, the City of Ithaca, Cornell University and Gadabout Transportation Services, Inc., and WHEREAS, proposals were received on July 27, 1990 for architectural services for design and construction of the joint transit facility, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Inter -Municipal Transit Facility and the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Kaeyer, Parker and Garment, P.C. of Mount Kisco, New York to perform architectural services for design of the new joint transit facility. The cost of those services shall not exceed $352,125 and be funded from Account No. HA5630.4400. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 46 February 19, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) (SEQR will be determined by this firm before construction bid is awarded) RESOLUTION NO. 75 - DESIGNATING THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS AS LEAD AGENCY PURSUANT TO STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT (SEQRA) FOR THE PERMITTING, CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A COMPOSTING FACILITY AT THE HILLVIEW ROAD LANDFILL Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board by Resolution No. 53, dated February 17, 1987, designated itself as lead agency for the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management project in furtherance of its Phase I Study, which included an analysis of a sanitary landfill and volume reduction, and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is formulating the preparation of a solid waste management plan consistent with the appropriate regulations (6 NYCRR Sub Part 360-15) including the environmental assessment thereof pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA"), and WHEREAS, Environmental Conservation Law ("ECL") Section 27-0707, as amended, requires that after April 1, 1991, an application for a permit to construct a solid waste facility, including the proposed composting facility, made by or on behalf of a "planning unit", which would include this County, will not be deemed complete until a local solid waste management plan (the "Plan") is in effect for municipalities serviced by such a facility, and WHEREAS, a Plan will not be effective by April 1, 1991 and this Board as lead agency must comply with SEQRA prior to submission of said Plan, including establishment of lead agency and making a determination of significance (6 NYCRR Section 617.6), and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins in the Phase I Study and the Comprehensive Recycling Analysis determined the feasibility of composting sewage sludge with other materials and desires an expansion and continuation of the Hillview Road composting facility, and WHEREAS, to meet the requirements of ECL Section 27-0707 and 6 NYCRR Part 617, this Board must initiate establishment of lead agency, including coordinated review, prior to submission of an application for a permit to construct the proposed composting facility, and WHEREAS, the proposed composting facility will be located in the Town of Danby in this County and in the Town of Spencer in the County of Tioga upon the current County landfill site formerly known as the Landstrom Landfill, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the County of Tompkins by its Board of Representatives hereby designates itself as lead agency, subject to coordinated review, pursuant to SEQRA (6 NYCRR Section 617.6) for purposes of permitting, constructing and operating a composting facility at the present County landfill, RESOLVED, further, That the proposed action, including the construction and operation of such a composting facility, is an "Unlisted Action" pursuant to SEQRA (6 NYCRR Section 617.5), RESOLVED, further, That coordinated review is required pursuant to 6 NYCRR Sections 617.6 (b) and (c) and the Chair of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee and the Solid Waste Manager are hereby authorized and directed to commence SEQRA review of the proposed action herein described. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 76 - AWARD OF BID - MENTAL HEALTH SIGNAGE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. 47 February 19, 1991 WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for signage for the new Mental Health Building located at 201 East Green Street, Ithaca, New York, and WHEREAS, two (2) bids were received and publicly opened on February 14, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the bid be awarded subject to the terms and specifications contained within the bid to ASI Sign Systems of Buffalo, New York at the bid price of $9,625, being the lowest responsible bidder, RESOLVED, further, That the Department of Mental Health be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. HQ4310.4400. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to lift from the Table Resolution No. 14 - Amending the Rules of the Board and Other Documents to Clarify the Responsibility of the County Administrator. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to substitute the above resolution with the following: RESOLUTION NO. 14 - AMENDING THE RULES OF THE BOARD (Amended by Res. No. 142 of 1991 and Res. No. 105 of 1992) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A roll call vote resulted as follows (requires two-thirds total of Board): Ayes - 13, Noes - 2 (Representatives Shurtleff and Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, all Board members have an equal right to needed information, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committees, That Rule XVI of the Rules of the Board is hereby amended to add the following wording: All Board members have an equal right to the information they feel they need to assist them in developing or taking a position on policy. No Board member, including the Board Chair and the Chairs of all standing and special committees, is authorized to withhold, nor to request or compel County staff to withhold, information needed or desired by Board members. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote the following appointments were made to the various boards: Agriculture District Advisory Committee Mary G. Call Criminal Justice Advisory/Alternatives to Incarceration Board Term expires December 31, 1991 Emery Guest - Sheriff Terms expire December 31, 1993 Judith Saul - At -large representative Eric Lerner - At -large representative Claudia Brenner - At -large representative Economic Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1993 48 February 19, 1991 Stuart Stein - County of Tompkins Family Court Advisory Council Term expires December 31, 1991 John Gaines - Tompkins County Youth Board representative Term expires December 31, 1993 Robin Abrahamson Masson - At -large representative Fire, Disaster and EMS Advisory Board Terms expire December 31, 1993 Steven Moore, Delegate - Town of Dryden representative Frank Lewis, Alternate - Town of Dryden representative Lee Shurtleff, Delegate - Town of Groton representative Willis Sheldon, Alternate - Town of Groton representative Frederick Bachner - At -large representative Advisory Board on Indigent Representation Terms expire December 31, 1993 Judith Van Allen Paul Bennett Library Board of Trustees Term expires December 31, 1992 Thomas M. Schickel Term expires December 31, 1994 Dr. William G. Boldt Term expires December 31, 1995 Michael Meador Local Emergency Planning Committee Emery Guest, Sheriff (representing Law Enforcement) Tompkins County Planning Board Term expires December 31, 1993 Viola Miller Mullane - Town of Lansing representative Soil and Water Conservation District Terms expire December 31, 1991 Robert Watros (Board member) Daniel Winch (Board member) It was Moved by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, to enter into executive session to discuss negotiations with Tompkins Cortland Community College and City of Ithaca concerning the Central Processing Facility. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 2 (Representatives Lerner and Mink). Motion carried. An executive session was held at 7:54 p.m. and returned to regular session at 9:09 p.m. 1991: On motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:09 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION The following is the transcript of the resolution adopted in executive session on February 19, 49 February 19, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 77 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE LETTER OF AGREEMENT Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Winch). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized and directed to execute a letter of agreement to the City of Ithaca wherein Tompkins County endorses and agrees to the provisions of a document entitled "Response of Tompkins County to City of Ithaca Proposals for Modification of Central Processing Facility Project", dated February 19, 1991. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) 50 March 5, 1991 Regular Meeting Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. regarding concerns and requirements of the 1991 Small Cities Program. Chairman Mason asked if anyone from the public wished to speak? No one from the public wished to speak. He asked if anyone else wished to speak? James Hanson, Jr., Planning Commissioner, introduced David Carlson, Project Director with Planners Diversified of Cooperstown, New York and David Leahy, Rehabilitation Coordinator, Better Housing of Tompkins County. Mr. Carlson passed out an informational statement on the 1990 Small Cities Program. He said the Program is run by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; it started in 1978. The Program can be used by counties or municipalities. This year the State is analyzing the possibility of taking the Program from the Federal Government and administering it at the State level. The informational statement relates to the Federal requirements and programs. He said filing an application is being considered within the Town of Caroline to help with the housing rehabilitation program. The project must benefit low-income persons. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was declared closed at 5:43 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representatives Call and Evans). The minutes of the January 3 and January 15, 1991 meeting were approved as corrected. Chairman Mason presented a proclamation to Cathy Ecker, Tompkins County Trust Company; Steve Goebel, First National of Groton; and Ron Denniston, First National of Dryden; declaring the week of March 18, 1991 as Community Banking Week. Under privilege of the floor, Nancy Zook, Senior Program Management Specialist for the Youth Bureau, and Rees Warne, Youth Bureau Planner, presented the Tompkins County Youth Bureau 1990 Annual Report entitled "Youth Services in Tompkins County" to the Board. Ms. Zook and Ms. Warne briefly discussed the document. Under privilege of the floor, Representative Winch commended the emergency services in Tompkins County. He reported on an accident that involved his son and required emergency services. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee received an update on PCAP (Prenatal Care Assistance Program). He said he invited Bonnie Howell, Hospital Administrator, to speak at the next Board meeting. The committee also received an AIDS Work presentation. He also said Martin Luster, New York State Assemblyman, and James Seward, New York State Senator, participated in health planning situations with the Health Department staff. The next committee meeting is March 26. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, said the committee met March 4. The committee reviewed four (4) schematic designs for the proposed Airport terminal. The next committee meeting is March 19. 51 March 5, 1991 Ms. Mink, Library Board of Trustees Liaison, conveyed the Trustees appreciation concerning the agreement passed providing recycling of unsold books. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety Committee, said he did not have a report. The next meeting is March 7 at noon. Mr. Culligan, Finger Lakes Association Representative, reported on the quarterly meeting. Mrs. Livesay, Human Services Committee Member, said the committee met February 28. The committee heard a report from the Advisory Board on Affordable Housing concerning their Action Plan. The committee approved the Trial Project which will involve exploring ECHO (Elder Cottage Housing Option) in the Village of Groton. The next meeting is March 28. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman of the Planning Committee, said there will be a public information meeting on the Resident's Job Policy March 12 at 7 p.m. The committee heard reports concerning the Village of Trumansburg's Main Street Design Study and Village of Lansing's Land Use. The committee approved the authorization to contract with Tompkins County Area Development to develop a report on Economic Development Strategy. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, said the committee will meet tomorrow. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, said a majority of the contracts have been closed out and the committee is into final negotiations and closing out the remaining few. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Inter -Municipal Transit Facility, reported on the activities of the committee. Mrs. Schuler, Chairman of the Labor/Management Committee on Downtown Employee Parking, said the committee mailed out 166 surveys on February 19 and 135 responses were received on February 22. She also said she would like an executive session. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said the committee met today at noon. The committee discussed briefly the continuation of PERB (Public Employment Relations Board) and charging Civil Service examination fees. The committee also discussed Board members having access to Personnel records. She said the committee received an update on the Community Affirmative Action Committee and a brief update on the Reclassification Study. The committee discussed establishing a procedure to reappoint Department Heads who serve fixed terms. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, said the committee met February 28. The committee heard a report on wetland delineation at the proposed DR -7 landfill. The information was mailed to the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The committee discussed the site plan changes for the Central Processing Facility which were brought up by the City of Ithaca. She also reported on the round table meeting with the solid waste committees held February 28. The next committee meeting is March 14 at noon. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee had a special meeting February 27. Discussions centered around the 1991 budget issue. The program committees will be proposing budget reductions. Discussion on a policy to broadcast other important issues also took place. He also reported on a special meeting the sub -committee held February 22. The sub -committee discussed the development of a budgetary process for 1992 and beyond. 52 March 5, 1991 Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, reported on the two Request for Proposals - one concerning the risk management services and the other concerns the Water Well Protection Program. Chairman Mason granted Mrs. Dietrich permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute Contract - Advisory Board on Tourism Development. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: • Approval of Tompkins Cortland Community College/Civil Service Employees' Association • Authorizing Modification of the Pending New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Application for Construction and Operation of the Central Processing Facility • Purchase of a Vehicle from Surplus Revenue - Mental Health Services Department • Authorization to Enter Contract - Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. - Finalizing Wetlands Assessment and Permitting - New Airport Terminal Project • Audit of Final Payment - Terminal Schematic Design and Site Plan - Topographical Survey of Turf Runway • Payment of Moving Expenses for JMW Associates - Mental Health Services Building • Temporary Summer Help - Cornell Graduate School RESOLUTION NO. 78 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS, INC. -WETLANDS ASSESSMENT AND REMITTING SERVICES - RUNWAY EXTENSION PROJECT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Evans), Absent - 1 (Representative Shurtleff - temporarily out of the room). Adopted. WHEREAS, there is a need for a wetlands assessment and permit application to the Army Corps of Engineers with respect to the Airport Runway Extension Project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $14,000 to provide said services and that budget appropriations shall be as follows: FAA share (90%) Account No. HX5698.4592 $ 12,600 Revenue A/C NYSDOT share (7-1/2%) Account No. HX5698.3592 $ 1,050 Revenue A/C County share (2-1/2%) Account No. HX5698.2831 $ 350 Revenue A/C Total Account No. HX5698.9239 $ 14,000 RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $350 be appropriated from the Airport fund balance to the Construction Fund Account No. HX5698, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to advance monies from the Airport fund balance until reimbursement is received from the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation for the Runway Extension Project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 79 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - LEGAL REPRESENTATION WITH RESPECT TO AIRPORT RUNWAY EXTENSION - WETLANDS PERMIT APPLICATION Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Evans), Absent - 1 (Representative Shurtleff - temporarily out of the room). Adopted. 53 March 5, 1991 WHEREAS, a survey has revealed a wetland in the runway safety area of the proposed runway extension which is regulated by the Army Corps of Engineers, and WHEREAS, the necessary permit application requires the services of an attorney with environmental expertise, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Nixon, Hargrave, Devans and Doyle for an amount not to exceed $10,000 to provide said services and that budget appropriations shall be as follows: FAA share (90%) Account No. HX5698.4592 $ 9,000 Revenue Account NYSDOT share (7-1/2%) Account No. HX5698.3592 $ 750 Revenue Account County share (2-1/2%) Account No. HX5698.2831 $ 250 Revenue Account Total Account No. HX5698.9239 $10,000 RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $250 be appropriated from the Airport fund balance to the Construction Fund Account No. HX5698, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to advance monies from the Airport fund balance until reimbursement is received from the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation for the Runway Extension Project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 80 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS, INC. - WETLANDS ASSESSMENT AND PERMITTING SERVICES - SNYDER ROAD RELOCATION - AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Evans), Absent - 1 (Representative Shurtleff - temporarily out of the room). Adopted. WHEREAS, there is a need for finalizing a wetlands delineation and producing documentation for a nationwide permit application with respect to Airport Snyder Road Relocation Project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $5,000 to provide said services and that budget appropriations be as follows: FAA share (90%) Account No. HX5698.4592 $ 4,500 Revenue A/C NYSDOT share (7-1/2%) Account No. HX5698.3592 $ 375 Revenue A/C County share (2-1/2%) Account No. HX5698.2831 $ 125 Revenue A/C Total Account No. HX5698.9239 $ 5,000 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to advance monies from the Airport fund balance until reimbursement is received from the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation for the Snyder Road Relocation Project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 81 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - OLD COUNTY JAIL RENOVATION Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Evans). Adopted. 54 March 5, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount Fred H. Thomas Associates 1 (final) HV3151.9239 $17,500 2560 N. Triphammer Road Ithaca, NY RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. HV3151.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 82 - INCREASE IN SEPTAGE FEES Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan. Followed by discussion, a voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 2 (Representatives Proto and Shurtleff), Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Evans). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Facility will have increased costs in the form of tipping fees for septage disposal, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the fee per 1,000 gallons of septage be as follows: Treatment $15.50 Maintenance and Administration 4.00 Tipping 30.66* Bond Amortization 7.91 $58.07 plus $1.00 per load County administration fee *Up to 2 percent solid content - beyond 2 percent an additional $3.34 per each additional percent. RESOLVED, further, That the above fee will be effective April 1, 1991. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 83 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 16 OF FEBRUARY 5, 1991— SECURITY GUARD SERVICES - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 16 of February 5, 1991 has awarded the contract for furnishing security guard services at the Tompkins County Airport to Burns Security Services, and WHEREAS, Burns International Security Services is unwilling to meet the County's contract and insurance requirements, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That Resolution No. 16 of February 5, 1991 be amended to reject the bid of Burns International Security Services for furnishing security guard services at the Tompkins County Airport and that the contract be awarded to Advance Security of Atlanta, Georgia who is the second low bidder, at the following hourly rates: 1991 $ 7.35 1992 $ 7.80 55 March 5, 1991 1993 $ 8.10 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized and directed to execute a contract with Advance Security for the period February 15, 1991 through December 31, 1991 with an option to extend by mutual consent for two (2) additional one-year periods. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 84 - URGING OPPOSITION TO CUTS IN AID TO LOCALITIES AND YOUTH SERVICES AND SUPPORT FOR ARTICLE 19A SECTION 420 OF NEW YORK STATE EXECUTIVE LAW Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink. Discussion followed concerning the County lobbying the State for funds. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 2 (Representatives Todd and Watros), Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Evans). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Governor's 1991-92 State Budget includes a fifty-five percent reduction in aid to localities that seriously limits the ability of every municipality and the County to continue valued services for over 11,000 children, youth and families, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Youth Board and all of the County's municipalities are currently engaged in planning and providing new and expanded services for children and youth that will rely on the availability of continued State aid from the Division for Youth (DFY), and WHEREAS, the New York State Executive Law Article 19A Section 420 which provides per capita aid to localities for youth services has been the foundation of the State's successful youth service system for more than 45 years, and WHEREAS, the Governor's proposal to allow DFY funded programs to charge fees will not generate enough alternative revenues to offset the proposed cuts in services for families least able to pay fees, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Board of Representatives opposes all proposed cuts in aid to localities and especially those for youth services, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is directed to advocate with our Senate and Assembly representatives and the leadership of the Legislature to oppose cuts in State aid, RESOLVED, further, That the Board of Representatives urges continued support for Executive Law Article 19A Section 420 and opposes any attempts to eliminate or weaken the State's youth service system based on State -local community partnerships, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution be transmitted to Governor Cuomo, the leaders of the Senate and Assembly, the leadership of the legislative committees responsible for recommending State aid for youth services and to our local representatives. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 85 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 497 OF 1990 - HILLVIEW ROAD LANDFILL CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That Resolution No. 497 of 1990 concerning the Hillview Road Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee be amended to reflect the program committee as designated by the Chairman of the Board instead of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 56 March 5, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 86 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE SECOND AMENDED CONSENT ORDER WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins (the "County"), Landstrom Gravel Co., Inc., and the Department of Environmental Conservation (the "DEC") entered into a certain Consent Order referable to the closure of a landfill located on Hillview and Michigan Hollow Roads in the Town of Spencer, Tioga County, New York and the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, New York, formerly known as the Landstrom Landfill, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 163, dated June 21, 1988, this Board authorized the Chairman to execute a certain Amended Consent Order with Landstrom Gravel Co., Inc and the DEC, and WHEREAS, certain deadlines established in the aforementioned Amended Consent Order have transpired, and representatives of DEC and the County have met to negotiate terms and conditions of a proposed Second Amended Consent Order (Case No. R7-0585-90-12) in a form presented with this resolution, and WHEREAS, the proposed action is exempt pursuant to SEQRA (6 NYCRR Section 617.2(q)(i) as it involves Civil Enforcement Proceedings, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of this Board of Representatives is hereby authorized and directed to execute a Second Amended Consent Order with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation permitting the sanitary landfill leased by Tompkins County from Landfill, Inc. and operated by Tompkins County on Hillview Road in the counties of Tompkins and Tioga under the terms and conditions as stated therein, including discontinuance of acceptance of solid waste after December 31, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to further negotiate amendments of said Second Amended Consent Order as may be appropriate hereafter under the circumstances. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 87 - AWARD OF BID - INDUSTRIAL LANDFILL COMPACTOR Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for one 1990 industrial landfill compactor for use by the Division of Solid Waste, and WHEREAS, two (2) bids were received and publicly opened on December 27, 1990, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the bid for one 1990 industrial landfill compactor be awarded subject to the terms and specifications contained within the bid to Tracey Road Equipment of Syracuse, New York at the bid price of $248,200, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Solid Waste be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 57 March 5, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 88 - AWARD OF BID - SCRAP TIRE RECYCLING (Rescinded by Resolution No. 133 of 4/2/91) Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for scrap tire recycling for use by the Division of Solid Waste, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and publicly opened on December 13, 1990, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the bid for scrap tire recycling be awarded subject to the terms and specifications contained within the bid to Tire Recycling, Inc. of Saugerties, New York at the bid price of $132/ton, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Solid Waste be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. A8163.4442. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 89 - AWARD OF BID - COMPACTOR AND CONTAINERS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for one five (5) -cubic yard industrial compactor and two forty (40) -cubic yard packer/receiver containers for use by the Division of Solid Waste, and WHEREAS, ten (10) bids were received and publicly opened on January 24, 1991, and WHEREAS, the bid from CYNCON Equipment of West Henrietta, New York be rejected due to the fact that the compactor bid has unacceptable deviations, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the bid for the five (5) -cubic yard compactor be awarded to Superior Disposal Service, Inc. of Newfield, New York being the lowest responsible bidder with acceptable deviations, in the amount of $13,546, RESOLVED, further, That the bid for the two forty (40) -cubic yard containers be awarded to Mullen Industrial Handling Corporation of East Syracuse, New York being the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $7,695, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Solid Waste be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. A8163.2210. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 90 - AUTHORIZING DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE PURSUANT TO SEQRA FOR AN INTERIM COMPOSTING FACILITY, FILING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION, AND AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE SAID FACILITY PURSUANT TO 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. 58 March 5, 1991 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 77 dated February 19, 1991 designated this Board as lead agency subject to consolidated review for the proposed action to construct and operate an interim recycling facility as part of the closure activities in connection with the County landfill located south of Hillview Road in the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, New York and Town of Spencer, Tioga County, New York, and WHEREAS, said Resolution was in furtherance of Resolution No. 53 dated February 17, 1987 wherein the County designated itself as lead agency for its then solid waste management program which then included volume reduction amongst other components, and WHEREAS, in furtherance of Resolution No. 91, coordinated review was initiated by the Chair of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee in accordance with SEQRA (6 NYCRR Section 617.6) and as of the date of this resolution no objections have been received from potential involved agencies to the lead agency designation by this Board pursuant thereto, and the thirty (30) day period for receipt of comment and objections has yet to be concluded, and WHEREAS, the proposed action to construct and permit the interim composting facility is an Unlisted Action pursuant to SEQRA (6 NYCRR Section 617.5), and WHEREAS, this Board has reviewed, including the documentation initiating conceptual review dated February 20, 1991, and the Full Environmental Assessment Form Parts 1 and 2, the latter containing a recommended determination of non -significance, and WHEREAS, a permit application for the proposed interim composting facility must be authorized and filed with the Department of Environmental Conservation after completion of compliance with SEQRA prior to April 1, 1991, otherwise, the application cannot be declared complete by the Department of environmental Conservation until after the filing of the County Solid Waste Management Plan, which is currently under development, and WHEREAS, there is a need to enlarge and continue the present demonstration composting facility located at the County landfill to compost on an interim basis pending completion of similar facilities at the DR -7 site in the Town of Dryden, New York, for disposal of sludges, among other materials, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of this Board be hereby authorized to make a determination of non -significance for the proposed action involving the permitting and construction of the described interim composting facility and issue and file a negative declaration according to law therefor, upon completion of the required thirty (30) day comment period for coordinated review and there being no objection to this Board acting as lead agency therein, RESOLVED, further, That upon completion of the aforementioned determination of significance and issuance and filing of a negative declaration, that the Chairman of this Board is further authorized and directed to execute and file an appropriate application for a permit to construct and operate said facility in accordance with the Solid Waste Management Facilities Regulations (6 NYCRR Subpart 360-5), and to execute any appropriate documents and take any actions necessary in furtherance of the intent of this resolution. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 91 - CONFIRMING DESIGNATION OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS AS LEAD AGENCY PURSUANT TO SEQRA FOR THE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN AND FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SUCH RECOVERY AND DISPOSAL ACTIVITIES AS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH SAID PLAN Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. 59 March 5, 1991 WHEREAS, this Board by Resolution No. 53, dated February 17, 1987, designated itself as lead agency for the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management project in furtherance of its Phase I Study, which included an analysis of a landfill and a volume reduction proposal, and WHEREAS, in furtherance of Resolution No. 53 of February 17, 1987, the Chair of this Board of Representatives did by letter of February 11, 1987 request the concurrence of the Depaihnent of Environmental Conservation ("DEC") for the County to act as lead agency pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA") for its solid waste management program, and WHEREAS, this Board by Resolution No. 89 of March 19, 1987, accepted the Phase I Report concerning proposed landfill siting and a volume reduction program and made a Determination of Significance pursuant to SEQRA authorizing the issuance of a Positive Declaration as lead agency thereunder, which Determination considered the possible environmental effects of its program (the proposed landfill and transfer station and/or baling facility), and WHEREAS, the Solid Waste Management Act of 1988 provides for the preparation of local solid waste management plans by a "planning unit", which includes a county, and provides partial State funding therefor as contained in Environmental Conservation Law ("ECL") Section 27-0107, and WHEREAS, ECL Section 27-0707, as amended, requires that after April 1, 1991, an application for a permit to construct a solid waste facility made by or on behalf of the planning unit, which would include this County, will not be deemed complete until a local solid waste management plan is in effect for municipalities serviced by the proposed facility, and WHEREAS, DEC has promulgated regulations (6 NYCRR Sub Part 360-15) establishing procedures for preparation of such a local solid waste management plan, and WHEREAS, this County has previously agreed to consider in said plan disposal of household hazardous wastes, composting at the landfill site, and recycling activities, including mandatory recycling, as well as already planned facilities (the sanitary landfill at DR -7 and the Central Processing Facility) for which SEQRA assessment has been concluded and permits are subject of hearing procedures with DEC, and WHEREAS, the County has submitted a comprehensive recycling analysis ("CRA") to DEC as part of the application for a permit to conduct and operate a sanitary landfill pursuant to 6 NYCRR Subpart 360-2, and WHEREAS, a lead agency must be designated pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.6 (b) and coordinated review conducted pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.6(b) and (c), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the County of Tompkins by its Board of Representatives hereby confirms designation of itself as lead agency subject to coordinated review pursuant to SEQRA (6 NYCRR Section 617.6) for purposes of preparation of a solid waste management plan pursuant to the requirements of the Solid waste Management Act of 1988, and the Solid Waste Management Facilities Regulations (6 NYCRR Sub Part 360-15), RESOLVED, further, That said solid waste management plan shall also include an assessment of composting, household hazardous waste, collection and disposal, mandatory recycling, waste reduction and other appropriate activities, as they related to the currently proposed facilities, including the sanitary landfill at DR -land the Central Processing Facility on Commercial Avenue, in the City of Ithaca, New York, RESOLVED, further, That the action, preparation and development of such a solid waste management plan is a Type 1 action pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.12(b)(1), RESOLVED, further, That coordinated review is required pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.6(b) and (c), and the Chair of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee and the Solid Waste Manager are hereby authorized and directed to commence SEQRA review of the required solid waste management plan and report to this Board at the conclusion thereof with a recommendation determination of significance. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) 60 March 5, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 92 - ESTABLISHING PETTY CASH FUND - SOLID WASTE DIVISION Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management and Budget and Administration Committees, That a petty cash fund of $50 be established for the Solid Waste Division to use for making change for the public when purchasing trash coupons. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 93 - AUTHORIZING MODIFICATION OF THE PENDING NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF THE CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Board by Resolution No. 489 dated December 28, 1989 as lead agency authorized the filing of a Findings Statement pursuant to SEQRA for the Central Processing Facility (CPF) at Commercial Avenue, Ithaca, New York thus concluding the environmental assessment therefore, and WHEREAS, this Board by Resolution No. 489 further authorized the filing of an application for a permit to construct and operate said facility pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 360, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca commenced an Article 78 proceeding challenging the SEQRA findings of the County of Tompkins in Supreme Court, which proceedings were dismissed by appropriate decision and order at Special Terms, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca filed and perfected an appeal from said decision and order to the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Third Judicial Department, which unanimously affirmed Special Term's rulings below, and WHEREAS, representatives of the City of Ithaca and the County of Tompkins have met to resolve the concerns of the City regarding the environmental assessment under SEQRA and the permit application resulting in certain representations of the County, subject to this Board's approval, as expressed in a "Response" by the County dated February 19, 1991 and a Revised Site Plan which modifies the location of the entry road and office building, and WHEREAS, this Board has reviewed the "Response" dated February 19, 1991 and the Revised Site Plan, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to file a modification to the pending application to accommodate the proposed resolution reached between the County and the City as contained in the "Response" dated February 19, 1991 and the Revised Site Plan. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) PREVIOUS ACTION RESOLUTION NO. 94 - APPROVAL OF TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE/CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION CONTRACT 61 March 5, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Evans). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins Cortland Community College Negotiating Committee and the Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives approves the agreement between the Civil Service Employees' Association and the Tompkins Cortland Community College support staff, such contract has approval by the Cortland County Legislature. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 95 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 FOR CONTRACT 403 - DAVIS ULMER SPRINKLER CORP. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of October 24, 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with Davis Ulmer Sprinkler for fire protection for the Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 6 provides for siamese pump connection and sprinkler head in Stair No. 2 for the additional sum of $330, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Change Order No. 6 be and hereby is approved in the amount of $330, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $330 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 96 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NOS. 21 AND 22 FOR CONTRACT 401 - MCGUIRE AND BENNETT, INC. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with McGuire and Bennett, Inc. for general construction, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 21 provides for 1 inch tempered glass at second floor reception for the additional sum of $728, and Change Order No. 22 provides for quarry tile for the additional sum of $479, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Change Order No. 21 be and hereby is approved in the total add of $728, and Change Order No. 22 be and hereby is approved in the total add of $479, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $1,207 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 in 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 62 March 5, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 97 - PAYMENT OF MOVING EXPENSES FOR JMW ASSOCIATES - MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That payment be and is hereby authorized for moving expenses in the amount of $14,024.06, funds being available in Account No. HQ4310.4400. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 98 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - TERMINAL SCHEMATIC DESIGN AND SITE PLAN - TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF TURF RUNWAY Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Todd. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Evans). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount George C. Schlecht No. 1 (Final) 1-TU5610.9239 $ 2,595 of Ithaca, NY RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. HU5610.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 99 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER CONTRACT - TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS, INC. - FINALIZING WETLANDS ASSESSMENT AND PERMITTING - NEW AIRPORT TERMINAL PROJECT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, there is a need for finalizing a wetlands delineation and producing documentation for a nationwide permit application with respect to the new airport terminal project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $7,000 to provide said services and that budget appropriations shall be as follows: FAA share (47-1/2%) Account No. HU5610.4592 $3,325 NYSDOT share (7-1/2%) Account No. 1-TU5610.3592 $ 525 County share (45%) Account No. HU5610.5031 $3,150 Total Account No. HU5610.9239 $7,000 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to advance monies from the Airport fund balance until reimbursement is received from the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation for the terminal schematic design project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 63 March 5, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 100 - PURCHASE OF A VEHICLE FROM SURPLUS REVENUE - MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County Mental Health Services Department has received surplus ICM revenue in 1990 of $12,698 used for one time purchase, and WHEREAS, New York State has approved the use of such surplus revenue to reduce to 1991 budgeted expenditure, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County Mental Health Services Department has requested purchase of a vehicle for $9,200 in the 1991 County Budget, CSS equipment, and WHEREAS, there are no County tax dollars involved, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the purchase of said vehicle with surplus 1990 ICM funds be approved, monies being available in Account No. A4313.1623. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 101 - TEMPORARY SUMMER HELP - CORNELL GRADUATE SCHOOL Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. Mr. Stein asked the record to show he is employed by the department referred to in the resolution. He has no personal or financial interest. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Evans). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That a maximum of three (3) summer student positions be created in concert with the Cornell Graduate School of City and Regional Planning, said students to work a maximum of ten (10) weeks at twenty (20) hours per week. Students will be employees of Cornell University and the County will reimburse Cornell University to a maximum of $2,250, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following transfers: FROM: Contingent Fund A1990 $ 2,250 TO: Planning A8020.4442 $ 2,250 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, the following appointments were made to the various boards: Advisory Board on Affordable Housing Terms expire December 31, 1992 Noreen Moore - Consumer representative Doris Brown - Planning Board representative Hillview Road Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee No set terms 64 March 5, 1991 Fredric Dietrich - Town of Danby representative Julia Hughes - Town of Danby representative Steven Uzmann - Neighborhood representative Brian Caldwell - Neighborhood representative Frank P. Proto - Board of Representatives member Personal Emergency Response System Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1992 Henry McCrillis Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee No set terms Joel Gagnon - Town of Danby representative Edward Cope - Environmental Management Council representative Susan Pearce-Kelling - At -large representative Richard Flaville - Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Commercial Avenue Central Processing Facility representative Ann Lemley - Town of Ithaca representative Judith Jones - City of Ithaca representative Mary G. Call - Board of Representatives member Tompkins County Youth Board Terms expire December 31, 1993 Carol Terrizzi - City of Ithaca representative Thomas Hanna - City of Ithaca representative Chairman Mason declared recess at 7:58 p.m. The meeting returned to order at 8:10 p.m. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to enter into executive session to discuss contract negotiations. An executive session was held at 8:10 p.m. and returned to regular session at 9:03 p.m. On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m. 65 March 19, 1991 Regular Meeting Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 11 Representatives. Excused: 4 (Representatives Dietrich, Mink, and Shurtleff, and Representative Watros arrived at 6:27 p.m.). Chairman Mason read a proclamation and presented it to Margaret Harding, Office for the Aging Director, declaring the week of March 10 - 16, 1991 as Employ the Older Worker Week in Tompkins County. Chairman Mason read a proclamation and presented it to representatives of the American Red Cross: Toni Rupert, Deborah Augst, and Chuck Nocera declaring the week of March 25, 1991 as American Red Cross Week in Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Stein commented on the fact that the media is not in attendance for the Board meeting. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee met twice and a number of items were discussed. He reported on the activities of the Board of Health and Hospital Board of Directors. The next committee meeting is March 26. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, said the committee met earlier in the day. The committee will meet April 2 and hopes to submit a resolution for Board approval on the 16th supporting one of the proposed plans by the committee. Mr. Proto introduced Bonnie Howell, Tompkins Community Hospital Administrator, and Ted Day, President of the Tompkins Community Hospital Board of Directors. Ms. Howell gave a brief 1990 annual report. She reviewed statistics and said they are available for review. She reported on the recent technology. The Hospital is the fifth largest employer in Tompkins County. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety Committee, said the committee met March 7. The committee discussed the proposed citizens community relation board for the Sheriff. The committee received an update on the child abuse program. The next meeting is April 4. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met briefly before the Board meeting and approved the resolution creating a Case Manager position in the Office for the Aging office. The committee will have a special meeting this Thursday to discuss proposed budget cuts and a regular meeting on March 28. Mr. Proto, Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee, said the committee discussed the bus service for the Towns of Lansing and Danby and the proposed Resident's Job Policy. A public session was held March 12 concerning the proposed Resident's Job Policy. The next committee meeting is March 25. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, said there are several resolutions on the agenda. The committee discussed streamlining the amount of paperwork and the decisions made concerning annual bids. The next meeting is tomorrow at noon. 66 March 19, 1991 Mr. Winch, Chairman, Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, said the cornerstone for the Mental Health Building will be March 21. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Inter -Municipal Transit Facility Committee, said staff from Urban Mass Transit Authority visited the proposed site and spoke to the committee about the application. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said the committee is proceeding to implement the Reclassification Study. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, said the committee met March 14. She said Resource Associates made a presentation on the draft Request for Proposals (RFPs) for the Central Processing Facility. The committee will consider the RFPs on March 28. A meeting is scheduled with the United States Army Corps of Engineers April 3. The committee will receive a presentation April 2 on the reconfiguration of the proposed DR -7 landfill site. The first meeting of the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee was held March 18. The committee is planning a trip to the Hillview Road Landfill on April 11; Board members and members of the community are invited. Chairman Mason said the Consent Order for the Hillview Road Landfill has been signed and returned to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Mrs. Call, Vice Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee's business reflects on the agenda. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, reported again on the impact of the proposed Governor's budget and said County departments are analyzing that impact. He updated the Board on the Request for Proposals for the Risk Manager and Water Well Protection Program. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, reported on the progress of the Financial Disclosure forms. The forms are due to be filed by May 15. Chairman Mason granted Mr. Winch permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Old Jail Renovations - Architectural Services. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Reassignment of Space - Biggs Building B - Public Health Department Authorization to Execute Contract on Behalf of the Advisory Board on Tourism Development RESOLUTION NO. 102 - ASSIGNMENT OF SPACE - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services, Planning, Public Works and Construction Management and Budget and Administration Committees, That the space formerly occupied in Biggs Building A by the Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES School is hereby assigned to the Department of Social Services. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 67 March 19, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 103 - APPROPRIATION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - PUBLIC TRANSIT MAINTENANCE AND ADMINISTRATION FACILITY Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Stein. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Mink, and Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 124 of April 3, 1990 authorized a budget of $292,600 for design of a Public Transit Maintenance and Administration Facility, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 74 of February 19, 1991 authorizes execution of an agreement for design of a Public Transit Maintenance and Administration Facility at a cost not to exceed $352,151, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Inter -Municipal Transit Facility, the Public Works and Construction Management, Capital Program and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following budget adjustments and appropriation be made by the Comptroller: Budget Adjustment Revenue: HA5630.1689 Other Local Income $59,525 Appropriation: HA5630.4400 Design - Public Transit Facility $59,525 Appropriation FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund TO: A9576.4400 Transfer to Construction $14,881 $14,881 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to make the following budget adjustment for in-kind services: Revenue: HA5630.1689 Other Local Income $16,710 Appropriation: HA5630.9261 Administrative Services $16,710 RESOLVED, further, That the 1991 Tompkins County Capital Program is hereby amended to reflect these changes. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 104 - AMENDMENT OF 1991 CAPITAL PROGRAM - OLD JAIL Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Stein. A short roll call vote resulted as follows (two-thirds total of Board required): Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Mink, and Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, schematic design of a renovated former jail building has been completed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Capital Program Committees, That the 1991 Capital Program is hereby amended to indicate that the total approved spending for the Courthouse/Jail renovation project is increased by $865,000 to $2,103,350, the increase being based on the added cost of renovating the entire former jail building into modern office space, rather than only a portion of it, and of installing an elevator in the Courthouse Annex building so that the Assessment Division may remain in that building, RESOLVED, further, That the source of these funds shall be borrowing. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 105 - AWARD OF BID - PERSONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE CONSOLES 68 March 19, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for personal emergency response consoles, and WHEREAS, two (2) bids were received and opened on February 21, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the bid for furnishing personal emergency response consoles be awarded to AES Corporation of Peabody, Massachusetts in the amount of $239.70 each, said price to be good for one (1) year from date of bid award. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 106 - AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH A "LAST RESORT FUND" TO SUPPLEMENT THE OFFICE FOR THE AGING ENERGY PACKAGING PROGRAM Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, frail elderly homeowners need help to complete energy conservation measures not obtainable through their own resources or other home improvement or energy related programs, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County establish a "Last Resort Fund" to receive gifts from private parties, RESOLVED, further, That financial eligibility standards be the same as for the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), RESOLVED, further, That technical advice on individual applications be obtained from disinterested home repair or energy conservation specialists, RESOLVED, further, That the Director of the Office for the Aging be designated to authorize expenditures from the fund based on Office for the Aging staff investigation and approval by a three-person panel appointed by the Office for the Aging Advisory Committee from among its members, RESOLVED, further, That checks drawn on this fund be made out jointly to the eligible homeowner and the appropriate vendor or contractor. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 107 - AWARD OF BID - SURPLUS FIRE COORDINATOR'S VEHICLE Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 1 (Representative Evans), Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Mink, and Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised one (1) surplus Fire Coordinator's vehicle for sale as is, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were duly received, opened and publicly read on February 28, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That the high bid of Edward Schultz of Ithaca, New York in the amount of $1,661 be and it hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Fire and Disaster Coordinator be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 69 March 19, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 108 - 1991 SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the County sponsored and Economic Opportunity Corporation conducted the Federal Government's Summer Feeding Program annually since 1982, and WHEREAS, the Economic Opportunity Corporation has asked the County to sponsor the same program in 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the application for the 1991 Summer Feeding Program be signed by the Chairman of the Board and the program run under the direction of the Commissioner of Personnel, RESOLVED, further, That the Economic Opportunity Corporation will run the 1991 Summer Feeding Program for Tompkins County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 109 - ABOLISH AND CREATE POSITION - PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN'S PROGRAM Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Personnel Committees, That two positions of Public Health Nurse (12/580), labor grade XII, competitive class, be abolished effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That two positions of Case Manager, Physically Handicapped Children's Program, (11/686), labor grade XI, competitive class, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this position. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 110 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLLS - TOWN OF GROTON - VARIOUS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that several errors have been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Groton, namely, the following parcels were erroneously charged with relevied school taxes, when the same had been paid: School Incorrect Correct Tax Map No. Owner Relevy Total Tax Total Tax 28-1-60 Royce Adams $1,313.80 $1,953.95 $ 640.15 30-1-18.2 Allen Stickels 3,047.45 4,659.05 1,611.60 , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entries on the Tax Roll be corrected by expunging the relevied school taxes, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Groton is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, 70 March 19, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $4,361.25 be charged back - $285.32 to the County of Tompkins and $4,075.93 to Dryden Central School District. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 111 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLLS - TOWN OF DRYDEN - VARIOUS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that several errors have been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the Town of Dryden, namely, the following parcels were erroneously charged with relevied school taxes, when the same had been paid: Tax Map No. 12-2-4 15-7-26.32 22-1-28 47-1-18 48-1-67.314 50-1-33.4 46-1-49.19 Owner Kenneth Viall Richard Nowalk Francis Shoemaker David Walters Thomas Allport Norman White Milton Stamp School Incorrect Correct Relevy Total Tax Total Tax $1,158.45 $1,651.59 $493.14 1,299.26 1,883.07 583.81 871.01 1,321.19 450.18 1,080.05 1,638.27 558.22 1,226.67 1,860.68 634.01 1,052.47 1,596.44 543.97 1,807.35 2,741.48 934.13 , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entries on the Tax Roll be corrected by expunging the relevied school taxes, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Dryden is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $8,495.26 be charged back - $555.77 to the County of Tompkins and $7,939.49 to Dryden Central School District. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 112 - AWARD OF BID - TYPEWRITER AND CALCULATOR MAINTENANCE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services duly advertised for bids for typewriter and calculator maintenance for all County departments, and WHEREAS, five (5) bids were received and publicly opened on February 28, 1991, and WHEREAS, the bids from F.B.M. Office Equipment, Inc. of Ithaca, New York, Race Office Equipment of Ithaca, New York, Ithaca Office Equipment of Ithaca, New York, and B.D.H. Office Equipment of Dryden, New York be rejected due to the fact that they did not meet specifications, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the bid for typewriter and calculator maintenance for all County Depaitnients be awarded to Ithaca Typewriter Incorporated of Ithaca, New York, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from various department accounts. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 71 March 19, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 113 - AWARD OF BID - COUNTY VEHICLES - 1991 - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids on 1991 vehicles for use by County departments, and WHEREAS, eight (8) bids were received and publicly opened on January 24, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the 1991 bid for County vehicles be awarded as follows: Item I Basic 2 -door subcompact Spencer Ford $ 7,704.00 Spencer, NY Item II Basic 4 -door compact Spencer Ford 7,837.00 Item III Mid-size sedan Stafford Chevrolet 10,475.11 Dryden, NY Item IV Mini cargo van Pritchard Dodge 11,082.46 Ithaca, NY Item V 15 Passenger van State Contract 14,554.00 Item VI Compact station wagon Stafford Chevrolet 8,874.44 Item VII 4WD utility vehicle Stafford Chevrolet 16,119.63 Item VIII 4WD 1/2 ton pickup State Contract 10,494.32 Item IX Compact pickup State Contract 7,783.00 Total bid awards by vendor are: To Pritchard Dodge of Ithaca, New York in the amount of $11,082.46 for one (1) mini cargo van for use by the Nutrition Program for the Elderly, To Stafford Chevrolet of Dryden, New York in the amount of $35,514.18 for two (2) mid-size cars for use by the Department of Social Services, one (1) compact station wagon, one (1) 4WD utility vehicle for use by the Solid Waste Division, To Spencer Ford of Spencer, New York in the amount of $46,490 for four (4) basic 2 -door subcompacts for use in the Public and Mental Health Departments, two (2) basic 4 -door compacts for use in the Departments of Public Health and Social Services, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 114 - ABOLISH AND CREATE POSITIONS - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Mink, and Shurtleff). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Community Support Services Coordinator (14/618), labor grade XIV, competitive class be abolished effective April 1, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Program Director (83/255), management level D, competitive class be created effective April 1, 1991, 72 RESOLVED, further, That following budget adjustments: Revenues: A4313.1623 .3488 .3497 Appropriations: A4313.1255 .8810 .8830 .8840 .8860 .8870 March 19, 1991 the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the Mental Health Fees Intensive Case Management CSS Personal Services Retirement Social Security Workers' Compensation Health Insurance Unemployment Insurance SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) $ 633 151 592 $1,182 12 91 12 76 3 RESOLUTION NO. 115 - CREATION OF POSITION - CASE MANAGER - OFFICE FOR THE AGING - EISEP Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Mink, and Shurtleff). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services, Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Case Manager (09/625), labor grade IX, competitive class be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following transfer: FROM: A6780.4491 TO: A6780.1625 Subcontracts Case Manager 1991 at $17,566 - 9 months 1992 at $18,971 - 3 months .4302 Supplies .4330 Printing .4432 Rent .4452 Postage .4462 Insurance .4465 Job Necessitated Travel .4466 Job Related Travel/Training .4472 Telephone .8810 Retirement .01 .8830 Social Security .0765 .8840 Workers' Compensation .01 .8860 Health Insurance .8870 Unemployment Insurance .01 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) $18,255 $13,175 100 300 900 100 90 750 200 362 $ 2,800 132 988 132 896 132 $ 2,280 $18,255 RESOLUTION NO. 116 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 73 March 19, 1991 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10, Noes - 2 (Representatives Lerner and Stein), Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Mink, and Shurtleff). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services, Public Safety, Public Works and Construction Management and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS: Data Processing FROM: A1680.1622 Personal Services $21,000 TO: A1680.4442 Professional Services $21,000 Public Works FROM: A8163.4442 Professional Service Fees TO: A8164.2210 Other Equipment BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: Office for the Aging Revenue: 3803 State Aid $ 3,232 Appropriation: 6772.4491 Subcontracts $ 3,232 APPROPRIATIONS: $ 3,950 $ 3,950 Board of Representatives FROM: A1990 TO: A1010.2210 Buildings and Grounds FROM: A1990 TO: A1620.4432 Sheriff Contingent Fund Other Equipment Contingent Fund Rent $ 2,200 $ 2,200 $38,930 $38,930 FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 2,933 TO: A3110.2221 Safety, Rescue, Emergency Equipment $ 2,933 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 117 - INCREASE IN SALARY - COURT ATTENDANTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the salary of the Court Attendants will be one hundred percent reimbursable by the State of New York, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Budget and Administration Committees, That the per diem monies to be paid to the Court Attendants for the County of Tompkins, commencing April 1, 1991, shall be $25 per day or any part thereof. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 118 - AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 59 OF 1990 FOR CONTRACT 201 MCGUIRE AND BENNETT, INC. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING 74 March 19, 1991 Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 228 of July 11, 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with McGuire and Bennett, Inc., foundation, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 59 of 1990 provides $2,906 for Change Order No. 6 for Contract 201 and Change Order No. 6 has been negotiated by Contract 201 and the Construction Manager for $6,837 total, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Resolution No. 59 of 1990 be and hereby is approved in the amount of $6,837, requesting an additional amount of $3,931, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $3,931 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 119 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 10 FOR CONTRACT 404 - TRI -CITIES TEMPERATURE CONTROL - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of October 24, 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with Tri -Cities Temperature Control for Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building HVAC, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 10 provides for changing astronomical clock to twenty-four hour type and providing motorized dampers, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Change Order No. 10 be and hereby is approved in the amount of $3,076, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $3,076 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 120 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 FOR CONTRACT 403 - DAVIS ULMER SPRINKLER CORP. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of October 24, 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with Davis Ulmer Sprinkler Corp. for fire protection for the Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 7 provides for changing out jockey pumps for the added sum of $1,827, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Change Order No. 7 be and hereby is approved in the amount of $1,827, 75 March 19, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $1,827 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 121 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 23 FOR CONTRACT 401 - MCGUIRE AND BENNETT, INC. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with McGuire and Bennett, Inc. for general construction, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 23 provides for miscellaneous paint in the amount of $969, miscellaneous work items in the amount of $1,649, receptionist desk in the amount of $6,837, wood window trim in the amount of $1,273, additional caulking in the amount of $2,763, and finish hardware in the amount of $12,144, for a total add of $25,638, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $25,638 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 in 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 122 - APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL SITE VISITS - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Mechanical Electrical Systems Engineering were contractually obligated to make four (4) total site visits to the Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building, and WHEREAS, said consultant made the contractual site visits and four (4) additional visits for an additional sum of $3,750, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the additional site visits be and hereby are approved in the total amount of $3,750, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $3,750 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 123 - REASSIGNMENT OF SPACE - BIGGS BUILDING B - PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. 76 March 19, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Public Works and Construction Management, Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That space previously assigned to the Mental Health Department in Biggs Building B is hereby assigned to the Public Health Department effective immediately. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 124 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF THE ADVISORY BOARD OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract on behalf of the Advisory Board on Tourism Development with Community School of Music and Arts of Ithaca, New York to perform clerical support services for the Advisory Board on Tourism Development, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be authorized and directed to make the following transfer on his books: FROM: A6475.4400 Tourism Program Expenses $ 2,400 TO: A6475.4442 Professional Services $ 2,400 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, the following appointments were made to the various boards: Citizens Advisory Committee Term expires December 31, 1993 Wade Alexander - Neighborhood representative Economic Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1993 Thomas Fitzgerald - Village of Dryden representative Local Emergency Planning Committee Frank Brunner - representing Community Group On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m. 77 April 2, 1991 Regular Meeting Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Culligan). The minutes of the February 5, 1991 Board meeting were approved as corrected. Under privilege of the floor, Lynn Leopold, an Environmental Management Council representative, spoke about a study the Environmental Management Council has undertaken of the underground storage tanks for petroleum products. She read a letter dated March 19, 1991, written by Richard Yager of the Environmental Management Council to Frank P. Proto, Health and Education Chairman, regarding underground storage tanks. Under privilege of the floor, Ed Brothers, a Fisheries Biologist and Ecologist, spoke regarding the proposed DR -7 landfill site and the United States Army Corps of Engineers report on the location of the wetlands. Mr. Brothers showed pictures of the wet areas at the proposed DR -7 site and expressed his concern of possible high water in the wetland area. Under privilege of the floor, Nancy Ten Kate, a Dryden resident, spoke in opposition to the proposed DR -7 landfill site and the wetland areas. Under privilege of the floor, Thomas L. Bonn, an Etna resident and a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee, expressed his opposition to the proposed DR -7 landfill site. Mr. Bonn also spoke in reference to the Stearns and Wheler report entitled "Alternative Landfill Configuration Analysis, DR -7 Site" dated April 2, 1991. Under privilege of the floor, Amari Meador, a concerned resident of the Fall Creek area, spoke about the proposed DR -7 landfill and the water flow surrounding Fall Creek. She expressed her concern for protecting natural resources. Barbara Eckstrom, Solid Waste Manager, introduced Ken Thompson, Assistant Solid Waste Manager. Ms. Eckstrom also introduced the Stearns and Wheler representatives: Howard LaFever, Partner, and Jeff Heath, Senior Project Manager. Ms. Eckstrom distributed copies of the report entitled "Alternative Landfill Configuration Analysis, DR -7 Site" by Stearns and Wheler to all Board members and asked the representatives of Stearns and Wheler to briefly summarize. Mr. LaFever and Mr. Heath said the search was to evaluate landfill facilities to minimize impact to federally regulated wetlands and SEQR and evaluate landfill facilities to obtain a 20 -year life while minimizing impacts on federally regulated wetlands, regardless of SEQR impacts. They also presented and explained two scenarios in terms of the size and heights of the balefill area in two separate locations. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said that the Committee met March 26. Mr. Proto said the Committee discussed a letter written by Mr. Richard Yager to Mr. Proto regarding underground storage tanks. It was decided that the Committee would review the report on file and this letter and resume discussion on this topic at the April 30 meeting of the Committee. The Committee will renew the Lead Grant and Healthy Heart Grant Program. The Committee will meet April 5 with the Budget and Administration Committee to discuss the impact of the proposed State budget changes on Tompkins Cortland Community College and discuss Environmental Health Fees with Mr. Charles Evans, Community Mental Health Services Committee Chairman and Dr. Francis Fox, Board of Health 78 April 2, 1991 Chairman. There will be a joint meeting of the Planning and Health and Education Committees on April 22 to discuss the Tompkins County Public Library planning and Job Training legislation. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, said the Committee met earlier in the day and reviewed the proposed site plan for the Airport terminal presented by Tony Egner of Anton J. Egner Associates. Mrs. Schuler, Vice Chairman, Public Safety Committee, said the Committee will meet April 4 at noon. Mrs. Schuler, Member, E911 Task Force, said the E911 Task Force Committee will visit Niagara County on March 27 and April 9 and Warren County on April 3. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, said the Committee met March 28. She stated that if the proposed State budget passes, it will have a negative impact on the County Youth Bureau. Mrs. Call announced the appointment of Virginia Bryant as Director of the Economic Opportunity Corporation. The new homeless shelter located on West State Street will have an open house from 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. on April 6. There was discussion on whether the Friendship Center should move into the old Meadow House building until the current lease expires. Mrs. Schuler, Member, Personal Emergency Response Service Advisory Board, stated that this Advisory Board has reconvened. Mrs. Schuler updated this Board on the latest statistics of the Personal Emergency Response Systems. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman, Planning Committee, said that the Committee met on March 25. The scheduled meetings have been changed to the first Monday of the month at noon in the Conference Room. Michael Lane, Village of Dryden Mayor, attended this meeting and updated the Committee on the Dryden damn project. The Committee accepted the Resource Committee Action Plan from the Advisory Board on Affordable Housing. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Inter -Municipal Transit Facility, reported that the Inter -Municipal Transit Facility is planning to put together a presentation to be given to all local funders of the project. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, stated that a resolution to hire Thomas Associates for design of the old jail has been withdrawn. The Committee will continue to review this before moving forward. Mrs. Schuler, Chairman, Labor/Management Committee on Downtown Employee Parking, updated the Board on activities of this Committee. She stated that six people are using transit checks, two Assessment cars are being driven home by employees, and with the restriping of the parking lot, there are now 103 parking spaces. All employees in the Courthouse area are accommodated for and the Board of Representatives have six parking spaces. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Personnel Committee stated that the Committee has been reviewing the reappointment process of department heads with fixed terms. The Committee will be sending a letter out to the public seeking community response on the performance of the department. The Committee was given an interim report from Mary Pat Dolan, Commissioner of the Depat tment of Social Services, on the employee survey that was done by the Recruitment and Retention Committee. The Committee will be hearing appeals from employees on the Reclassification Study. The Committee will meet on April 19. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, stated that Stearns and Wheler attended their meeting on March 28 and gave the presentation that was given to this Board earlier this evening. Mrs. Livesay said that plans for the landfill will proceed. The Committee approved 79 April 2, 1991 the Request for Proposals for the Central Processing Facility. There was discussion regarding the Household Hazardous Waste day. The Board expressed concern for the cost of this and requested more information before continuing with this project. There will be a meeting of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee on April 11 and a presentation at noon at the West Danby Fire Station by a consultant from Terran Research on impact of the Hillview Road Landfill on the groundwater regime and the surface waters adjacent to the Landfill. A trip to the Landfill will follow the presentation. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said that the committee will meet on April 5 at noon. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, said two Request For Proposals (RFP) for the Water Well Protection Program and Risk Management are still in process. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, said that he will be making a report to this Board on the proposed local law on Resident's Job Policy after he speaks with Mrs. Dietrich, Planning Committee Chairman. Mr. Winch requested permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Award of Bid - Runway Lighting Maintenance - Airport. Chairman Mason granted him permission. Mr. Winch requested permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Authorization to Sell Old Heating Plant - Amendment of Capital Program. Chairman Mason granted him permission. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Rescinding of Resolution No. 88 of March 5, 1991 - Scrap Tire Recycling Amendment of Resolution No. 489 of 1990 - Solid Waste RESOLUTION NO. 125 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 489 OF 1990 - SOLID WASTE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management and Personnel Committees, That the labor grade for Recycling Supervisor (18/834), competitive class created January 1, 1991 be amended to labor grade XV (15/834), competitive class. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 126 - ESTABLISHING PETTY CASH FUND FOR SATELLITE CLINIC - MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That a Petty Cash Fund of $50 be established for Mental Health Department Satellite Clinic, an account formed for the 1991 County budget (4315). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 80 April 2, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 127 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING - GIFT SHOP - AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, April 16, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, concerning a proposed gift shop agreement at the Tompkins County Airport. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 128 - APPROVAL OF FIVE-YEAR AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PLAN - 1991-1995 Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 2 (Representatives Lerner and Schuler), Excused - 1 (Representative Culligan). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Airport Manager has prepared the annual five-year Airport Improvement Plan for 1991-1995 to be used as a guide for capital improvements and Federal Aviation Administration and New York State Department of Transportation funding grants, and WHEREAS, said plan has been reviewed and approved by the Public Works and Construction Management, Planning, and Airport Development Committees, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management, Planning, and Airport Development Committees, That the five-year Airport Improvement Plan, as circulated to the Board and dated March, 1991 be and hereby is approved subject to approval by the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation, RESOLVED, further, That the Airport Manager be and hereby is authorized to submit application for funding grants for the 1991 and 1992 projects. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 129 - PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION GRANT AUTHORIZATION Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Federal Grant Aid may be available to defray up to thirty-five percent of the total project cost for the library client access project currently approved in the 1991 capital budget, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins County Library Board of Trustees and the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Library Board of Trustees is hereby authorized and directed to execute the documentation required to process the Public Library Construction Grant, RESOLVED, further, That Tompkins County hereby certifies that matching funds will be provided up to the currently approved capital budget which is now established at $323,548. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 81 April 2, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 130 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 FOR CONTRACT 405 - T. H. GREEN COMPANY - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of October 24, 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with T. H. Green Company for Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building electrical, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 6 provides for the following: In accordance with fire department requirements, provide one additional alarm horn and change exit light types, $1,713; provide additional power at Penthouse mechanical equipment room, $4,577; furnish and install light in storage rooms, $1,518; provide additional receptacles at main reception desk, $149, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That Change Order No. 6 be and hereby is approved in the amount of $7,957, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $7,957 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 131 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS AND APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND (Amended by Resolution No. 165 of 1991, Resolution No. 9 of 1992, and Resolution No. 270 of 1992) Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Culligan). Adopted. WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives initiated a project to reclassify all County, Tompkins Cortland Community College and Tompkins County Public Library classified positions and to adopt a point -factor job evaluation plan, and WHEREAS, the position reclassification portion of this project was completed as of March 1, 1990, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following positions are hereby reclassified effective March 1, 1990 and that the Comptroller is authorized and directed to appropriate $70,000 from A1990, Contingent Fund, to the appropriate personal services and fringe benefit sub -accounts and to enter the appropriate budget adjustments for the same purpose: Assessment: Senior Typist (06/519) to Secretary (08/671) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class Board of Representatives: Clerical Assistant (57/317) to Stenographic Secretary (60/332) Labor Grade X, Competitive Class Budget and Finance: Typist (54/321) to Account Clerk Typist (55/318) Labor Grade V, Competitive Class County Clerk: Clerk (03/502) to Recording Clerk (08/687) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class (Two positions); Typist (04/507) to Recording Clerk (08/687) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class (Two positions); Docket Clerk (07/532) to Recording Clerk (08/687) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class; 82 April2, 1991 Senior Clerk (06/518) to Deputy Motor Vehicle Supervisor (08/688) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class County Comptroller: Payroll Clerk (57/319) to Payroll Coordinator (62/331) Labor Grade XII, Competitive Class District Attorney: Stenographer (55/303) to Secretary (58/330) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class (Two positions) Fire and Disaster: Typist (04/507) to Secretary (08/671) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class Public Works: Auto Mechanic (12/814) to Senior Auto Mechanic (13/836) Labor Grade XIII, Competitive Class Human Rights: Typist (04/507) to Senior Clerk (06/518) Labor Grade VI Competitive Class Mental Health: Typist (04/507) to Secretary (08/671) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class; Senior Typist (06/519) to Senior Account Clerk (07/528) Labor Grade VII, Competitive Class (Two positions); Account Clerk (04/504) to Senior Account Clerk (07/528) Labor Grade VII, Competitive Class Job Training: Account Clerk Typist (05/513) to Secretary (08/671) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class Personnel: Transaction Assistant (57/305) to Personnel Technician (58/333) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class; Examinations Assistant (55/304) to Personnel Technician (58/333) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class Probation: Senior Typist (06/519) to Secretary (08/671) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class; Probation Officer (12/585) to Senior Probation Officer (13/597) Labor Grade XIII, Competitive Class Public Health: Stenographer (05/514) to Secretary (08/671) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class Sheriff: Senior Typist (36/420) to Secretary (38/425) Labor grade VIII, Competitive Class Pistol Permit Clerk (34/418) to Civil Account/Permit Clerk (35/424) Labor Grade V, Competitive Class Social Services: Social Welfare Examiner (09/538) to Senior Social Welfare Examiner (11/558) Labor Grade XI, Competitive Class (Two positions) Senior Account Clerk Typist (07/529) to Principal Account Clerk Typist (10/673) Labor Grade X, Competitive Class Typist (04/507) to Secretary (08/671) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class Senior Typist (06/519) to Secretary (08/671) Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class Senior Typist (06/519) to Senior Account Clerk (07/528) Labor Grade VII, Competitive Class Clerk (03/503) to Senior Clerk (06/518) Labor grade VI, Competitive Class Typist (04/507) to Senior Clerk (06/518) Labor Grade VI, Competitive Class Senior Social Welfare Examiner (11/558) to Emergency Services Coordinator (12/689) Labor Grade XII, Competitive Class Tompkins Cortland Community College: Account Clerk, B to Senior Account Clerk, E Word Processing Operator, E to Secretary, F Senior Account Clerk, E to Principal Account Clerk, H (10) Senior Typist, D to Secretary, F (4) Senior Stenographer, G to Stenographic Secretary, H 83 April 2, 1991 Stores Clerk, B to Laborer, F RESOLVED, further, That for all positions for which a title did not exist, this resolution creates the position, RESOLVED, further, That all individuals who served in any of these positions and remain in the employ of Tompkins County as of the effective date of this resolution shall be entitled to retroactive payments hereunder. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 132 - ESTABLISHING NEW POSITION LEVELS FOR COUNTY POSITIONS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Watros. Mr. Lerner said implementing the reclassification study will not reflect the review process for the pending appeals. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Culligan). Adopted. WHEREAS, this Board established a new point -factor job evaluation plan by Resolution No. 212 of 1990, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the following position levels, based on the point totals indicated, are hereby adopted for all Tompkins County positions: Position Points Level Allocated B 148 - 172 C 173 - 197 D 198 - 222 E 223 - 247 F 248 - 272 G 273 - 297 H 298 - 322 I 323 - 347 J 348 - 372 K 373 - 397 L 398 - 422 M 423 - 447 N 448 - 472 O 473 - 497 P 498 - 522 Q 523 - 547 R 548 - 572 S 573 - 597 T 598 - 622 U 623 - 647 ✓ 648 - 672 RESOLVED, further, That these labor grades shall take effect upon establishment of salaries for each labor grade through collective bargaining (Civil Service Employees' Association White Collar and Blue Collar Units, Deputy Sheriffs' Association) and through action of this Board (Management and Confidential). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 84 April 2, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 133 - RESCINDING OF RESOLUTION NO. 88 OF MARCH 5, 1991 AND AWARD OF BID - SCRAP TIRE RECYCLING Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans. A voice vote resulted as follows (two-thirds total of Board required): Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Culligan). Adopted. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 88 dated March 5, 1991 the Board of Representatives awarded the bid for scrap tire recycling to Tire Recycling, Inc. of Saugerties, New York, and WHEREAS, recent information has been received by the Solid Waste Division as evidence that Tire Recycling, Inc. is not a responsible bidder, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That Resolution No. 88 of March 5, 1991 be and hereby is rescinded and that the bid of Tire Recycling, Inc. of Saugerties, New York be and hereby is rejected, RESOLVED, further, That the bid for scrap tire recycling be awarded subject to the terms and specifications contained within the bid to North American Tire Recycling Corporation of Fort Edward, New York at the bid price of $144.95/ton, being the lowest responsible bidder, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Solid Waste be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. A8163.4442. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present, the following appointments were made to the various advisory boards: Economic Advisory Board Terms expire December 31, 1993 Carol Sisler - Environmental Management Council representative Vivian King DeSanto - Board of Realtors representative Joseph Perry - Banking Community representative Economic Opportunity Corporation Terms Expire March 31, 1992 Bruce Bard - Town of Caroline representative Eric Lerner - Tompkins County representative Jean Owens - Town of Enfield representative Fire, Disaster, and EMS Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1992 Michael J. Schnurle (Delegate) - City of Ithaca representative Human Rights Commission Term expires December 31, 1991 Alison Ford Community Mental Health Services Board Term expires December 31, 1994 Mary Lee Seibert Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Commercial Avenue Central Processing Facility Term expires December 31, 1993 Dooley Kiefer - At -large representative 85 April 2, 1991 Tompkins County Planning Board Terms expire December 31, 1993 Anne Tompkins Jones - Human Services Coalition representative David L. Kay - City of Ithaca representative Office for the Aging Advisory Committee Term expires December 31, 1991 Betty J. Roe Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee Scott F. Craver - Commercial/Industrial sector Herbert Engman - Consumer representative Tompkins County Youth Board Terms Expire December 31, 1991 Charles E. Manning - City of Ithaca representative Barbara Mink - Tompkins County representative Paula Bensadoun - Village of Cayuga Heights representative Term expires December 31, 1992 George Hagood - City of Ithaca representative CSEA White and Blue Collar Chair, Personnel Committee County Administrator County Personnel Commissioner Chair, Budget and Administration Committee Deputy Sheriff's Association Chair, Personnel Committee County Administrator County Personnel Commissioner Chair, Budget and Administration Committee Chair, Public Safety Committee Sheriff Chairman Mason declared recess at 7:51 p.m. The meeting returned to order at 8:05 p.m. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss contract negotiations. An executive session was held at 8:05 p.m. and returned to regular session at 8:58 p.m. On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:59 p.m. 86 April 16, 1991 Regular Meeting Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning a proposed contract for a gift shop at the Tompkins County Airport. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:32 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Shurtleff). The minutes of the February 19, 1991 meeting were approved as submitted. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Winch announced that the Mental Health Building received an award for second place for the masonry division. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, introduced Robert Nicholas, Airport Manager, and the consultant team: Tony Egner, Anton J. Egner Associates; Dave Bors and John Knudsen, McFarland -Johnson. He said a public information meeting will be held April 30 at 7:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Inn. He asked the consultants to talk about the proposed design for the terminal and cost estimates. Slides were shown concerning the preliminary funding figures for the proposed terminal. The consultants also reviewed possible funding participation - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - $5,000,000; New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT) - $800,000; and local share - $4,150,000. In addition, areas of concern were discussed such as drainage, rare plants, aesthetics, transportation, community character, wetlands, and socioeconomic. Discussion followed. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Todd expressed his happiness from Lansing about the TOMTRAN and thanked the Planning Department staff. He also said the opening of the recycling center in Lansing was successful. He commended Beverly Livesay, Chair of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, and Barbara Eckstrom, Solid Waste Manager, for arranging the tour of the Hillview Road Landfill. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to hold an executive session to discuss personnel negotiations. An executive session was held at 6:35 p.m. and returned to open session at 6:43 p.m. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, updated the Board on the activities of the committee. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, said the next committee meeting is May 2. He said the Sheriff discussed his feelings on a Sheriffs community relations board. Also, the committee received a report concerning illegal dumping complaints. The next E911 Task Force meeting is April 17 at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, said the committee will meet April 25 and will be discussing the Human Services Coalition potential State cuts. 87 April 16, 1991 Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman of the Planning Committee, said she did not have a report, but the committee will meet with the Health and Education Committee April 22 to discuss long-range planning for the Tompkins County Public Library and the Resident's Job Policy proposal. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, said the committee has several resolutions on the agenda. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Inter -Municipal Transit Facility, said there will be a preview of the joint transit facility at Common Council April 18. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, updated the Board on the costs of the Building. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, spoke about the memorandum concerning suggestions for the Personnel Office functions. The next meeting is May 7. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, said two permits were issued: one for the Central Processing Facility and one for the Interim Composting Facility. She said the video "Recycling: A Love Story" took fifth place nationwide in the 13th Annual Local Awards for Cable Excellence. The next meeting is April 25. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration, said the subcommittee has been meeting regarding the guidelines for future budget processes. The next meeting is May 10. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, gave a brief summary of the impact of the proposed State budget. He distributed copies of the summary. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, updated the Board on the Resident's Job Policy and pending lawsuits. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Old Jail Renovations - Architectural Services. RESOLUTION NO. 134 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 280 OF 1986 - DETERMINATION AND CERTIFICATION OF COUNTY CLERK'S ALLOWANCE - ANNUAL EXPENSES FOR ADMINISTERING MORTGAGE TAX (Amended by Res. No. 30 of 1992) Moved by Mrs. Schuler, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 262 of the Tax Law, recording officers are entitled to receive all their necessary expenses for purposes of administering mortgage taxes in their offices on approval and allowance by the State Tax Commission, and WHEREAS, the State Tax Commission, by resolution duly adopted July 1, 1946, did determine that such mortgage tax expenses be approved at the amount certified to the State Tax Commission by the County Board of Supervisors provided it is a reasonable and necessary allowance for such expenses, and WHEREAS, the County Clerk has conducted a cost analysis and has recommended that the allowance for mortgage tax expenses be increased from $5,610 per annum to $26,918 per annum, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Budget and Administration Committees, That Resolution No. 280 of 1986 be and hereby is amended determining that the sum of 88 April 16, 1991 $26,918 per annum be and hereby is a reasonable and necessary allowance of the Tompkins County Clerk, the recording officer of the County of Tompkins, for the hire of clerks and assistants and other expenses to assist in the administration of the mortgage recording tax law in her office and that said sum of $26,918 is hereby certified to the State Tax Commission as the reasonable and necessary allowance for such expenses, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board of Representatives is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution, with her original signature thereon, to the State Tax Commission, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall take effect immediately. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 135 - PETTY CASH FUNDS - MOTOR VEHICLE OFFICE Moved by Mrs. Schuler, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the State of New York Department of Motor Vehicles completed a field audit of the Tompkins County Motor Vehicle Bureau of January 3, 1991, and WHEREAS, of the recommendations made from prior audits (May 31, 1989), the following was found on January 3, 1991, not to have been implemented: "Change fund be increased to a minimum of $50 per cashier", now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Budget and Administration Committees, That, in order to comply with the requirements of the State of New York Department of Motor Vehicles, the change fund of our local office be increased to a minimum of $50 per cashier to provide cashiers with adequate working funds with which to make change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 136 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 309 OF 1989 - ADVISORY BOARD ON TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 309 of October 10, 1989 established an Advisory Board on Tourism Development and Resolution No. 85 of March 6, 1990 increased membership, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That two educational seats representing Ithaca College and Cornell University and two ex -officio non-voting seats representing the Convention and Visitor's Bureau and the Community Arts Coalition be added to the Advisory Board on Tourism Development. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 137 - APPROVAL OF AMENDED BYLAWS - ADVISORY BOARD ON TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. 89 April 16, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the bylaws of the Advisory Board on Tourism Development be and hereby are approved as amended, RESOLVED, further, That said bylaws be filed with the Clerk of the Board. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 138 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT OF LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 1989 - TOMPKINS COUNTY HOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX LAW Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, May 7, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, concerning amendment of Local Law No. 4 of 1989 - Tompkins County Hotel Room Occupancy Tax Law. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 139 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - RESOURCE ASSOCIATES - CASWELL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 421 of 1990 has been reviewed and approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 1 - $2,098 decrease To delete work items not completed: 1990 Fourth Quarter Sampling and Analysis $ 852 1990 Leachate Sampling and Analysis (LSA) 956 1990 Fourth Quarter Report 1,300 1991 First Bi -monthly LSA 956 1991 Additional Parameters 3,034 Total Decrease $7,098 To add analysis for TOX and NYSDEC Baseline parameters at ten (10) wells during the first quarter of 1991: Total Increase $5,000 Net Cost (Decrease) ($2,098) , now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 140 AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 343 OF 1989 - NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE COMMERCIAL AVENUE CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY 90 April 16, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 343 of 1989 created a Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Commercial Avenue Central Processing Facility and Resolution No. 78 of 1990 increased the membership, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the membership be expanded to include one (1) additional member to be designated by the City of Ithaca, and two (2) ex -officio members to include the City Engineer and the Director of Planning. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 141 - APPROVAL OF AMENDED BYLAWS - NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE COMMERCIAL AVENUE CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the bylaws of the Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Commercial Avenue Central Processing Facility be and hereby are approved as amended, RESOLVED, further, That said bylaws be filed with the Clerk of the Board. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 142 - AMENDING THE RULES OF THE BOARD - RULE XVI (Amends Resolution No. 14 of 1991; Amended by Resolution No. 105 of 1992) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows (requires two-thirds vote of total Board): Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That Rule XVI of the Rules of the Board is hereby amended as follows: RULE XVI - ACQUIRING AND DISCLOSING INFORMATION Board members who need information from County staff to assist them in developing policy shall be guided by the following procedures: All requests for information in any department should be made to the department head. If the request requires significant staff time to assemble the information, the Board member's request should be made through the chair of the committee to which that department reports. If the committee chair declines to transmit that request, an appeal may be made to the committee; and if that fails, an appeal may be made to the full Board. Notwithstanding the above, the Chairman of the Board may transmit any request for information to any department head. Members of the Board of Representatives shall be bound by regulations implementing the Freedom of Information Law, specifically New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations, Title 21, Chapter 25, Part 1401. All Board members have an equal right to the information they feel they need to assist them in developing or taking a position on policy. No Board member, including the Board Chair and the Chairs 91 April 16, 1991 of all standing and special committees, is authorized to withhold, nor to request or compel County staff to withhold, information needed or desired by Board members. Members of the Board of Representatives are entitled to review all documents, confidential or otherwise, that relate to the job performance of current County employees. Arrangements for this should be made through the Commissioner of Personnel (non -management employees), the County Administrator (management employees), or the Chairman of the Board of Representatives (employees who report directly to the Board of Representatives). Board members are entitled to review the same documents with respect to former County employees except when an agreement is in place that the circumstances of an individual's employment and/or departure will not be divulged. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 143 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWNS OF DANBY AND ITHACA Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that errors have been made in the Ithaca City School District Tax Roll for 1990, namely the following parcels had incorrect taxable values used for calculating taxes: Original Tax Correct Tax Town Tax Map No. Owner Due March 1991 Due March 1991 Danby 7-1-92.52 Sackett $ 1,177.65 $ 148.89 Danby 9-1-11.4 Maycumber $ 1,332.38 $ 774.53 Ithaca 10-6-7 Chabad $ 3,174.18 $ 458.59 WHEREAS, these taxes have been returned to Tompkins County for collection, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That these taxes be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $4,302.20 be charged back - $3,946.59 to the Ithaca City School District and $355.61 to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 144 - REFUND OF TAXES - CITY OF ITHACA - LAMBROU Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the City of Ithaca, namely parcel 63-6-26 (405-07 Eddy Street) assessed to Gus Lambrou, in that the total taxable value appearing on the Tax Roll was $786,300 when the correct value should have been $481,300, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $3,222.26 to $1,972.37, RESOLVED, further, That the overcharge of $1,249.89 be refunded to Gus Lambrou, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $1,249.89 be charged back to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 92 April 16, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 145 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 45 OF 1991 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF LANSING - GRAZIANO Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in Resolution No. 45 of 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That Resolution No. 45 of 1991 be amended to read as follows: "RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $274.78 be charged back - $171.08 to the Lansing Central School District and $103.70 to the County of Tompkins," RESOLVED, further, That all other items in Resolution No. 45 will remain unchanged. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 146 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - CITY OF ITHACA - SMITH (Amended by R228 of 1991) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the City of Ithaca, namely parcel 62-2-7 (509-13 Edgewood Place) assessed to John Lee Smith, the taxable value having been erroneously shown as $47,600 when the correct value is $13,000, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $195.06 to $57.17, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the City of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $137.89 be charged back to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 147 - MODIFICATION OF THE 1990-91 OPERATING BUDGET - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees, Tompkins and Cortland Counties, and State University of New York have previously approved the 1990-91 Operating Budget for Tompkins Cortland Community College, and WHEREAS, revenues will exceed the original budget and reallocation of funds in various departments is required to meet increased enrollment demands per the 1990-91 Modified Budget, and WHEREAS, the total revenue and total expenditures will be increased by $125,000 to a modified level of $10,275,788, and WHEREAS, the local sponsor share will not be affected by the modification, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Board of Representatives approve the 1990-91 Modified Operating Budget. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 93 April 16, 1991 A6142.4400 Emergency Aid to Adults - Program Expense 76,200 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 150 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - GIFT SHOP - AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, a request for proposals for the operation of a gift shop concession at the Tompkins County Airport has been duly advertised and one proposal was timely received, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly advertised and held this 16th day of April, 1991, and all persons wishing to address the Board on this subject have had the opportunity to do so, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the proposal of Karen's Air Traveler of Ithaca, New York be and the same is hereby accepted and the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Karen's Air Traveler for a period of up to five (5) years. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 151 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING - LEASE AGREEMENT WITH FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, May 7, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning a proposed lease agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at the Tompkins County Airport. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 152 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION GRANT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Federal Grant Aid may be available to defray up to thirty-five (35) percent of the total project cost for the Library Client Access Project currently approved in the 1991 Capital Budget, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Library Board of Trustees is hereby authorized and directed to execute the documentation required to process the Public Library Construction Grant, 100 April 16, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That Tompkins County hereby certifies that matching funds will be provided up to the currently approved capital budget which is now established at $323,548. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 153 - OLD JAIL RENOVATIONS - ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Stein. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 2 (Representatives Proto and Watros), Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 260, dated July 12, 1990, authorized Fred H. Thomas Associates, PC of Ithaca, New York to perform schematic design services to develop modern office space in the old jail structure, and WHEREAS, the schematic design was presented at the February 6, 1991 Public Works and Construction Management Committee meeting and Proposal 1 was subsequently accepted by the Committee, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Fred H. Thomas Associates, PC to perform architectural services through construction for a cost not to exceed $147,000 and be funded from Account No. HV3151.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 154 - AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT GRANT, EXTEND CONTRACT WITH NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Evans. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Department of Social Services has been awarded a grant under the Housing Demonstration Program, and WHEREAS, an additional $40,000 has become available to the Department for on-going housing services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Department of Social Services be authorized to execute an extension to its contract with New York State Department of Social Services, RESOLVED, further, That the Department of Social Services be authorized to contract with a not-for-profit corporation to administer a rent subsidy program which will enable approximately twenty-four households to move to permanent housing with a Section 8 Certificate before September 30, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books for the year 1991: Revenue: 3610 State Reimbursement $40,000 Appropriation: A6010.4442 Professional Services $40,000 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 101 April 16, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 155 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 24 FOR CONTRACT 401 - MCGUIRE AND BENNETT, INC. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 350 of 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with McGuire and Bennett, Inc. for general construction, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 24 provides for miscellaneous additions and deletions of gypsum board enclosures and soffits for the sum of $8,302, provide quarry tile caulked control joints in the amount of $138, in lieu of concealed spline ceiling provide upgraded exposed grid type ceiling at room 618 in the amount of $878, provide insulated glass units in lieu of louvers at doors EE and SS in the amount of $362, for a total add of $9,680, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $9,680 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 in 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 156 - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT AND APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND FOR ITHACA CITY YOUTH BUREAU Moved by Mr. Evans, seconded by Ms. Mink. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca desires to provide recreation services to the developmentally disabled adults of Tompkins County through their mainstreaming program, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca desires to continue this program at its current level regardless of any loss of New York State supporting funds, and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is desirous of supporting this county -wide program in an amount up to $50,000 for 1991, and WHEREAS, such amount has been appropriated in the 1991 budget within the contingency fund, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract with the City of Ithaca Youth Bureau, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to make the following appropriation on his books: Account Title Amount FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $50,000 TO: 4326.4400 Ithaca Youth Bureau $50,000 Program Expense SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present the following appointments were made to the various boards: Economic Opportunity Corporation 102 April 16, 1991 Term expires March 31, 1992 Hugh Hurlbut - Tompkins County representative Environmental Management Council Term expires December 31, 1991 Donald Barber, Jr. - Chairman of the Council Family Court Advisory Council Term expires December 31, 1991 William F. Burin - At -large representative Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee Term expires December 31, 1992 John R. Lampman (Alternate) - County staff representative Advisory Board on Tourism Development Term expires December 31, 1991 Judy Vandermark - Cornell University representative Term expires December 31, 1992 John Oblak - Ithaca College representative Ex -officio members: Richard Driscoll - Community Arts Partnership representative Thomas King - Convention and Visitors Bureau representative Tompkins County Youth Board Term expires December 31, 1991 Katherine M. Springer - Town of Ulysses representative Mrs. Howell, Clerk of the Board, acknowledged it was her intent to retire as of May 31, 1991. On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:46 p.m. 103 April 16, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 148 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Human Services, Public Safety and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: Office for the Aging Revenue: 3803 State Aid $ 692 Appropriation: A6783.4491 Subcontracts $ 692 Public Health Healthy Heart Program Revenue: A4021.3401 Public Health State Aid $15,000 Appropriation: A4021.4302 Office Supplies $ 200 .4332 Books/Publications 400 .4333 Promotional Supply 9,800 .4452 Postage 1,600 .4466 Job -Related Travel 2,000 .4330 Printing 1,000 WIC Program Revenue: A4012.3402 State Aid $ 3,010 Appropriation: A4012.4306 Auto Supplies $ 200 .4308 Medical Supplies 1,100 .4330 Printing 700 .4421 Auto Repair 400 .4332 Books/Publications 100 .4432 Rent 510 APPROPRIATIONS: County Clerk FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 5,020 TO: A1411.4432 Rent $ 5,020 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 149 - BUDGET TRANSFERS AND ADJUSTMENTS AND FEE INCREASES FOR ASSESSMENT AND BUDGET AND FINANCE IN RESPONSE TO NEW YORK STATE CHANGES OF DECEMBER 1990 AND PROJECTED DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES ACCOUNT OVERRUNS Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Winch. Mr. Watros called the Board's attention to the fact that the resolution does not address the short falls that have been discussed. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 1 (Representative Watros), Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. 94 April 16, 1991 WHEREAS, the Budget Reduction Act as imposed by the State of New York in December, 1990 created a significant impact on the funds budgeted by Tompkins County for 1991, and WHEREAS, the Department of Social Services has recognized a major increase in certain program areas which are projected to create a significant overrun in these program accounts during 1991, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County departments have analyzed their budgets for reductions and savings and have made certain recommendations with regard to authorized spending for 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration, Health and Education, Public Works and Construction Management, Public Safety, Human Services, Planning and Personnel Committees, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to make the following budget transfers and adjustments, RESOLVED, further, That the fees for tax maps and aerial reproductions in the Division of Assessment be increased from $2.50 to $3 effective May 1, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the fee for preparing tax searches in the Division of Budget and Finance be increased from $5 to $10 effective May 1, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the following position be abolished effective April 30, 1991: .65 Clerk (03/502), labor grade III, competitive class TRANSFER FROM: Board of Representatives A1010.4465 Job Necessitated Travel and Training $ 375 A1010.4466 Job Related Travel and Training 800 Clerk, Board of Representatives A1040.4302 A 1040.4466 District Attorney A1165.2222 A1165.4302 A1165.4465 A1165.4466 Assigned Counsel A1170.4302 A1170.4466 County Administrator A1230.4302 A1230.4466 Budget and Finance A1310.4302 A1310.4466 Comptroller A1315.4302 A1315.4466 Purchasing A1345.4302 A1345.4416 A1345.4466 Assessment A1355.4465 A1355.4466 Office Supplies Job Related Travel and Training Communication Equipment Office Supplies Job Necessitated Travel and Training Job Related Travel and Training Office Supplies Job Related Travel and Training Office Supplies Job Related Travel and Training Office Supplies Job Related Travel and Training Office Supplies Job Related Travel and Training Office Supplies Dues and Memberships Job Related Travel and Training Job Necessitated Travel and Training Job Related Travel and Training Department of Motor Vehicles A1411.1502 Clerk (.65 FTE to be abolished April 30, 1991) A1411.8810 Retirement A1411.8830 Social Security 95 240 100 1,200 900 110 700 160 790 80 80 200 384 444 110 422 125 305 700 370 2,606 26 199 April 16, 1991 A1411.8840 Health Insurance County Attorney A1420.4302 Office Supplies A1420.4466 Job Related Travel and Training Personnel A1430.4302 Office Supplies A1430.4465 Job Necessitated Travel and Training A1430.4466 Job Related Travel and Training A1430.4495 Cobra A1430.4700 Previous Years Encumbrance - Wellness Records Management A1460.4302 Office Supplies A1460.4465 Job Necessitated Travel and Training A1460.4466 Job Related Travel and Training Public Works Administration A1490.4302 Office Supplies A1490.4465 Job Necessitated Travel and Training A1490.4466 Job Related Travel and Training Buildings and Grounds A1620.4302 Office Supplies A1620.4465 Job Necessitated Travel and Training A1620.4466 Job Related Travel and Training A1620.4470 Building Repairs Data Processing A1680.4302 Office Supplies A1680.4332 Books and Publications A1680.4465 Job Necessitated Travel and Training A1680.4466 Job Related Travel and Training Sheriff A3110.2231 A3110.4302 A3110.4340 A3110.4422 A3110.4465 A3110.4466 Probation A3140.2231 A3140.4442 A3140.4442 Jail A3150.4302 A3150.4304 A3150.4465 A3150.4466 Fire Coordinator A3410.2221 A3410.2222 A3410.4302 A3410.4465 Weights and Measures A3630.4302 A3630.4466 Public Health Vehicles Office Supplies Clothing Equipment Maintenance Job Necessitated Travel and Training Job Related Travel and Training Vehicles Professional Services - Alcohol Counseling Professional Services - Therapists Office Supplies Cleaning Supplies Job Necessitated Travel and Training Job Related Travel and Training Safety/Rescue/Emergency Equipment Communication Equipment Office Supplies Job Necessitated Travel and Training Office Supplies Job Related Travel and Training 1,340 $ 95 200 310 159 520 6,000 30,000 200 33 60 161 65 210 180 53 200 35,000 4,798 260 25 2,229 4,553 1,953 2,500 400 220 117 4,121 5,000 5,000 1,742 1,000 69 92 134 8,043 450 1,200 $ 70 112 April 16, 1991 A4010.2201 Calculators 60 A4010.2210 Refrigerator 425 A4010.2211 Chairs 727 A4010.2212 Desks/Bookcases 1,469 A4010.2213 File Cabinets 424 A4010.2231 Vehicles 4,488 A4010.4313 Photography Supplies 100 A4010.4315 Nursing Supplies 250 A4010.4355 Environmental Health Supplies 100 A4010.3401 Public Health Work - REVENUE (3,217) Comprehensive Health Planning A4080.4400 Program Expense 768 Mental Health A4310.4302 Office Supplies 480 A4310.4465 Job Necessitated Travel and Training 338 A4310.4466 Job Related Travel and Training 420 A4310.3488 Intensive Case Management - REVENUE (22) A4310.3491 Mental Health OT620 - REVENUE (160) A4310.3493 Mental Retardation OT620 - REVENUE (125) A4310.3497 CSS - REVENUE (479) Mental Health Clinic A4311.4302 Office Supplies 520 A4311.4465 Job Necessitated Travel and Training 332 A4311.4466 Job Related Travel and Training 570 A4311.3491 Mental Health OT620 - REVENUE (711) TOMTRAN A5630.4302 Office Supplies 140 A5630.4466 Job Related Travel and Training 230 Social Services A6010.2231 Vehicles 4,163 A6010.4302 Office Supplies 3,870 A6010.4442 Professional Services Training Consultant 1,000 A6010.4442 Professional Services - Dylla, Consultant 2,000 A6010.4465 Job Necessitated Travel and Training 1,235 A6010.4466 Job Related Travel and Training 1,000 A6010.3610 Social Services Administration - State - REVENUE (3,980) A6010.3611 Food Stamps - State - REVENUE (663) A6010.4610 Social Services Administration - Federal - REVENUE (4,644) A6010.4611 Food Stamps - Federal - REVENUE (663) Office for the Aging A6772.2211 Chairs $ 51 A6772.4302 Office Supplies 100 A6772.4402 Legal Advertising 25 A6772.4432 Office for the Aging 857 A6772.4442 Professional Services - Outreach Training 200 A6772.4466 Job Related Travel and Training 121 A6774.4402 Legal Advertising 100 A6776.4402 Legal Advertising 200 A6777.4302 Office Supplies 40 A6777.4402 Legal Advertising 25 A6777.4466 Job Related Travel and Training 20 A6782.4302 Office Supplies 40 A6782.4466 Job Related Travel and Training 23 April 16, 1991 Youth Bureau A7020.2211 Chairs A7020.4302 Office Supplies A7020.4330 Printing A7020.4452 Postage A7020.4465 Job Necessitated Travel and Training A7020.4466 Job Related Travel and Training Municipal Youth Services A7026.4529 A7026.4660 A7026.4665 A7026.4675 Planning A8020.4302 A8020.4442 A8020.4465 A8020.4466 Planning - EMC A8021.4302 A8021.4466 Human Rights A8040.4302 A8040.4465 A8040.4466 Homeless Youth Town of Ithaca Village, Cayuga Heights Village, Lansing Office Supplies Professional Services - CDBG Consultant Job Necessitated Travel and Training Job Related Travel and Training Office Supplies Job Related Travel and Training Office Supplies Job Necessitated Travel and Training Job Related Travel and Training County Road Administration A9522.4400 D5010.4302 D5010.4466 D5010.2810 Transfer to County Road Office Supplies Job Related Travel and Training Transfer from General Fund - REVENUE County Road Maintenance A9522.4400 D5110.1806 D5110.4466 D5110.8810 D5110.8830 D5110.8840 D5110.8860 D5110.8870 D5110.2810 Snow Removal County A9522.4400 Transfer to County Road D5142.4312 Highway Supplies D5142.2810 Transfer from General Fund - REVENUE Highway Machinery DM5130.2231 Vehicles D5110.4424 Rentals A9522.4400 Transfer to County Road DM5130.2822 Transfer from County Road Fund - REVENUE D5110.2810 Transfer from General Fund - REVENUE Libraries Transfer to County Road Laborer (vacant through 12/31/91) Job Related Travel and Training Retirement Social Security Workers' Compensation Health Insurance Unemployment Insurance Transfer from General Fund - REVENUE A9962.4522 Contribution to Library Fund L7410.4586 Reading Rooms L7410.5031 Interfund Revenues - REVENUE 82 360 1,000 560 500 125 10,000 5,419 1,937 2,605 300 5,000 100 900 120 440 80 25 135 1,036 536 500 (1,036) $21,150 16,100 300 196 1,232 931 2,230 161 (21,150) 20,000 20,000 (20,000) 13,320 13,320 13,320 (13,320) (13,320) 5,250 5,250 (5,250) Community Service Agencies A2981.4400 A3520.4400 A6327.4562 A6327.4563 A6420.4400 A7410.4521 A7510.4400 A7550.4566 A7560.4400 A8730.4400 Construction A9576.4807 Contribution to HQ Construction A9576.4813 Contribution to E. Hill Plaza Safety Improvement Q1622.9239 Biggs Heat Plant Q1622.5031 Interfund Transfer - REVENUE Q3310.9000 East Hill Plaza - Transfer Account Q3310.5031 Interfund Transfer - REVENUE TO: A6109.4400 Aid to Dependent Children BUDGET ADJUSTMENT: Revenue: A6780.3803 Programs for the Aging Appropriation: A6780.4332 Rent April 16, 1991 Cooperative Extension S.P.C.A. Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Better Housing Promotion of Industry Libraries in Towns Historical Services Celebrations - Special Events (175th) Arts Soil Conservation District Revenue: A1310.1230 Treasurer's Fees A1355.1250 Assessor's Fees/Tax Maps A1620.2410 (Buildings/Grounds) Rentals A1620. Hazardous Abatements Grant A3140.3310 A5630.1792 A6109.3609 A6109.4609 A6119.3619 A6119.4619 A6140.3613 A6142.3642 A6776.3803 A7023.3826 A7023.3827 A7023.3 842 A7023.3843 A7023.3852 A7023.3871 A7023.3874 A7620.3801 D5110.3501 Appropriation: A4010.4499 A6109.4400 A6119.4400 A6140.4400 Probation Services - REVENUE (TOMTRAN) Local Income ADC - State ADC - Federal Child Care - State Child Care ADC - FC - Federal Home Relief - State Emergency Aid Adults - State (Aging) Programs for the Aging Youth - SDDP - CDRC REVENUE Youth - SDDP - OAR REVENUE Youth - SDDP - Child Sexual Abuse REVENUE Youth - SDDP - Learning Web REVENUE 0 1,170 397 397 1,303 800 3,925 5,000 5,000 3,028 $130,000 35,000 130,000 (130,000) 35,000 (35,000) $419,011 $ 857 $ 857 $7,000 2,000 1,305 106,444 (43,063) 24,000 261,600 392,400 37,105 22,625 157,000 38,100 3,729 (363) (299) (855) (772) Youth - SDDP - Cooperative Ext. Parent. REVENUE (263) Youth - SDDP - F&CS Rural REVENUE (1,111) Youth - SDDP - Youth Bureau Rural REVENUE (127) Recreation/Elderly - State Aid - REVENUE (5,311) Consolidated Highway Aid - CHIPS - REVENUE (72,063) Assessment Fee -Medicaid Provider -Public Health ADC - Program Expense Child Care - Program Expense Home Relief - Program Expense 4,800 443,581 90,500 314,000 May 7, 1991 Regular Meeting Public Hearings Chairman Mason called the first public hearing to order at 5:31 p.m. concerning the lease agreement with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at Tompkins County Airport for approximately 0.06 of an acre for centerfield wind tower. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:32 p.m. Chairman Mason called the second public hearing to order at 5:32 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law No. 1 of 1991 amending Local Law No. 4 of 1989 - Tompkins County Hotel Room Occupancy Tax Law. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:32 p.m. Chairman Mason called the public information meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. concerning the 1991 Small Cities Program (community development needs, information on the program and potential use of funds). Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? No one wished to speak and the public information meeting was closed at 5:33 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives (Mr. Culligan was excused at 8:28 p.m.). The minutes of the March 5, 1991 Board meeting were approved as submitted. Chairman Mason read a proclamation declaring the week of May 12, 1991 as Hospital Week. He presented the proclamation to Frank P. Proto, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee. Under privilege of the floor, the following people spoke in favor of the proposed Resident's Job Policy: Coert Bonthius, 1416 Coddington Road, representing the Tompkins County Labor Coalition; Theresa Alt, 206 Eddy Street; Art Baker, 403 Van Buskirk Gulf Road and President of Ithaca Building Trade Council; and Gordon Roberts, 185 Jersey Hill Road. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Shurtleff spoke about an incident he witnessed in a store in Cortland and said he would like to possibly review legislation (Homestead) concerning the less fortunate people. Chairman Mason introduced John Andersson, Environmental Health Director; and Frank Chase, Public Health Sanitarian and Rabies Program Director, and asked them to give a brief presentation on the rabies program. Mr. Chase updated the Board on the County's rabies policy and procedure. He reviewed the laboratory confirmed rabies cases and total reports received. He said they are also informing and educating the public through the rabies programs. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee reviewed the infant mortality report. Ms. Suzanne Stopen, Public Health Director, brought to the committee's attention 104 May 7, 1991 the concern with parking at Cornell University. Personnel continue to ticket public health staff who are providing services at the University. The committee discussed the Buried Tank Survey. He updated the Board on other committee business. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, reported on the public information meeting held April 30. He said a resolution is on the agenda to accept the schematic design for the proposed Airport terminal. He also mentioned that the Environmental Management Council's concerns have been addressed. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, said the committee met May 2. The committee discussed the proposed community relations committee for the Sheriffs Depailnient. He appointed the following people to serve on a committee to review resumes of people who are interested in serving on the above-mentioned committee: Donald Culligan, Nancy Schuler, Phil Shurtleff, and Sheriff Emery Guest. He also reported on the illegal dumping complaints. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met and had a number of actions. The committee began discussions concerning the Human Services Coalition guidelines. The committee received a report on the trashtag subcommittee. The caseload statistics continue to increase in all areas. The committee also discussed issues concerning the Youth Bureau. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman of the Planning Committee, said the committee met May 6. She updated the Board on the activities of the committee. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, said the committee's actions reflect on the agenda. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, said the committee met April 25. She said the committee made some preliminary decisions about the DR -7 landfill reconfiguration in terms of distance from Wood Road and height. She also said the committee hopes to meet jointly with the DR -7 Citizens Advisory Committee. The committee will be reviewing options for the Central Processing Facility. Also, the committee will be reviewing Request for Proposals for environmental monitoring and looking at the closure plan for the Hillview Road landfill. The committee will be discussing the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day and Request for Proposals for the transport of trash and reviewing time schedule for establishing 1992 disposal fees. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said the committee met today at noon. The committee discussed the evaluation process for appointing Department Heads with fixed terms (Personnel and Public Health Departments). The committee received an update on the Recruitment and Retention Survey and the Community Affirmative Action Committee. The committee has scheduled meeting dates to review the Job Reclassification appeals. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said he did not have a report. The next committee meeting is May 10. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, said he would like an executive session to discuss contract negotiations and litigation. He discussed the quarterly sales tax report. He updated the Board on other business. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, reported on the pending lawsuits. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote with Mr. Lerner voting no, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Approval of New Terminal Schematic Design and Site Plan - Tompkins County Airport. 105 May 7, 1991 On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Federal Section 18 Capital Grant Application for CU Transit, Inc. Federal Section 18 Capital Grant Application for Tioga Transport, Inc. Federal Section 18 Operating Assistance Grant Application for TOMTRAN Rural Transit Salary Increase to Midpoint - Motor Vehicle Supervisor - County Clerk's Office Amendment to Resolution No. 131 of 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 157 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1991 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 1989 - TOMPKINS COUNTY HOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX LAW Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held before the Board of Representatives on May 7, 1991 to hear all persons interested in proposed Local Law No. 1 of 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That said proposed Local Law No. 1 of 1991 amending Local Law No. 4 of 1989 be and hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said Local Law No. 1 of 1991 in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks, the first within ten (10) days after the local law has been adopted, and after said local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk of the Board shall within five (5) days file one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk and three certified copies in the office of the Secretary of State. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 158 - FEDERAL SECTION 18 CAPITAL GRANT APPLICATION FOR CU TRANSIT, INC. Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Stein. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 0, Absent - 1 (Representative Shurtleff - temporarily out of the room). Adopted. WHEREAS, Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, provides for the payment of federal financial assistance for public transportation in rural and small urban places through a formula grant program administered by the New York State Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, CU Transit, Inc. operates TOMTRAN Rural and Suburban Routes which have received buses through the Federal Section 18 Program and provide open -to -the -public transit service in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation is soliciting pre -applications for capital equipment projects for 1991 that will be evaluated competitively, and WHEREAS, the County Federal Section 18 Coordinator recommends that three (3) buses be purchased for the operator - one (1) 40 -passenger transit bus and two (2) 25 -passenger buses to expand service on the East Ithaca, Dryden -Groton and Trumansburg routes, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute and submit a Federal Section 18 capital application to the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $344,000, of which $275,200 (80%) would be Federal Section 18 funds, and $34,400 (10%) would be State funds, RESOLVED, further, That the County Board of Representatives acknowledges a 10 percent County share of $34,400 which would be budgeted for in the 1992 fiscal year, with the understanding that the operator will provide $20,000 as income for the County share. 106 May 7, 1991 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 159 - FEDERAL SECTION 18 CAPITAL GRANT APPLICATION FOR TIOGA TRANSPORT, INC. Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Winch. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 0, Absent - 1 (Representative Shurtleff - temporarily out of the room). Adopted. WHEREAS, Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, provides for the payment of federal financial assistance for public transportation in rural and small urban places through a formula program administered by the New York State Depai tiuent of Transportation, and WHEREAS, Tioga Transport, Inc. operates three TOMTRAN rural routes providing fixed -route, open -to -the -public transportation service in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation is soliciting pre -applications for capital equipment projects for 1991 that will be evaluated competitively, and WHEREAS, the County Federal Section 18 Coordinator recommends that three (3) 25 -passenger buses be purchased for the operator for service on the Caroline, Lansing and Danby routes, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute and submit a Federal Section 18 capital application to the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $216,000, of which $172,800 (80%) would be Federal Section 18 funds, and $21,600 (10%) would be State funds, RESOLVED, further, That the County Board of Representatives acknowledges a ten percent County share of $21,600 which would be budgeted for in the 1992 fiscal year. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 160 - FEDERAL SECTION 18 OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT APPLICATION FOR TOMTRAN RURAL TRANSIT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Todd. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 0, Absent - 1 (Representative Shurtleff - temporarily out of the room). Adopted. WHEREAS, Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, provides for the payment of federal financial assistance for public transportation in rural and small urban places through a formula grant program administered by the New York State Depai tinent of Transportation, and WHEREAS, the TOMTRAN Rural Transit Program is operated by CU Transit, Inc., under contract with Tompkins County (Resolution No. 430 of 1989), and provides fixed -route, open -to -the -public transportation service in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation informed the County that TOMTRAN is eligible for $71,000 in operating assistance for the 1992 calendar year, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute and submit a Federal Section 18 operating assistance application to the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $71,000 for the calendar year of 1992. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 107 May 7, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 161 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH RESOURCE ASSOCIATES TO PERFORM FINAL DESIGN AND PREPARE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE RELOCATION OF THE BUILDING AND OFFICE ENTRY AREA ON THE CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY SITE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 127, dated April 3, 1990, authorized execution of a contract addendum for preparation of final design (construction document) and assist during the bidding phase for the Central Processing Facility at the Commercial Avenue site, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County has entered into an agreement with the City of Ithaca, Resolution No. 77 dated February 19, 1991, by which a revised schematic site plan was agreed upon by both parties with respect to modifying the location of the office and entry area, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute said contract with Resource Associates at a cost not to exceed $22,095 in accordance with a proposal dated April 24, 1991, to be funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) PREVIOUS ACTION RESOLUTION NO. 162 - PREPARATION OF DESIGN DETAILS TO SUPPORT DR -7 LANDFILL CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMIT APPLICATION - STEARNS AND WHELER - CHANGE ORDER NO.7 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 494, dated December 21, 1990 has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 7 - Stearns and Wheler shall be authorized to prepare drawings, cross-sections and associated fill estimates in accordance with Corps of Engineers' requirements for nationwide permit application, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said Change Order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim in an amount not to exceed $7,100 funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 163 - ASSESSMENT OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE PERMANENT FACILITY ALTERNATIVES AT THE CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY SITE - RESOURCE ASSOCIATES - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 127, dated April 4, 1990, has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: 108 May 7, 1991 Addendum No. 1 - Resource Associates shall be authorized to develop alternative options for establishing a permanent household hazardous waste facility at the Central Processing Facility site, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the above addendum be and is hereby approved and that the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute said Change Order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim in an amount not to exceed $4,680 funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 164 - PREPARATION OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN - RECOURSE SYSTEMS - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Schuler). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 467, dated December 21, 1990, has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 1 - Recourse Systems shall be authorized to attend Committee and/or Advisory Committee meetings, conduct weekly telephone meetings and attend progress meetings with the Solid Waste Manager through October, 199, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said Change Order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to pay an amount not exceed $9,320 funded from Account No. HH9165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) (SEQR underway; Action to be determined) RESOLUTION NO. 165 - AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 131 OF 1991 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 131 of 1991 authorized the reclassification of positions retroactive to March 1, 1990 for affected positions of County departments, Tompkins Cortland Community College and Tompkins County Public Library, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, to amend Resolution No. 131 of 1991 as follows: Corrections: County Clerk: Docket Clerk (07/532) to Senior Recording Clerk (09/690) labor grade IX, competitive class Social Services: Typist (04/507) to Senior Typist (06/519) labor grade VI competitive class Additions: Health: Senior Public Health Technician (12/583) to Public Health Sanitarian (13/595) labor grade XIII, competitive class Social Services: Typist (04/507) to Account Clerk Typist (05/513) labor grade V, competitive class (four positions) 109 May 7, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That adequate funds are available for these adjustments to Resolution No. 131. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 166 - FULL SCALE COMPOSTING FACILITY TECHNOLOGIES ASSESSMENT - STEARNS AND WHELER - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Ms. Mink. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 410, dated November 8, 1990, has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 1 - Stearns and Wheler shall be authorized to prepare a technology assessment for co -composting of wastewater plant sludges, leaf and yard wastes, construction debris, food wastes, and the remaining compostable fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said Change Order in an amount not to exceed $22,840 on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment: FROM: HH8162.5730 BAN $135,000 TO: HH8162.4442 Professional Services $135,000 SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 167 - SALARY INCREASE TO MIDPOINT - MOTOR VEHICLE SUPERVISOR - COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That the salary of Motor Vehicle Supervisor (82/210), management immediately to the midpoint of the salary range, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller following appropriations: FROM: A1990 TO: A1411.1210 .8810 .8830 .8840 .8870 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) is hereby Contingent Fund $ 1,223 $ 1,121 11 86 2 3 level C, authorized be adjusted effective and directed to make the RESOLUTION NO. 168 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. 110 May 7, 1991 WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department currently contracts for the services of Occupational Therapy with one individual and is in need of a back-up person to provide said services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Health Department is authorized to contract with Barbara Frank for occupational therapy services, RESOLVED, further, That no additional funds are needed at this time, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these services. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 169 - RECLASSIFICATION OF TYPIST TO HEALTH AIDE - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Personnel Committees, That one position of Typist (04/507), labor grade IV, competitive class be reclassified to Health Aide (04/654), labor grade IV, competitive class, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no additional money is needed for this reclassification. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 170 - SUPPORTING THE RESTORATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH FUNDS (RESOLUTION LOST) Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans. It was Moved by Mr. Lerner, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, to delete the last RESOLVED. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 7 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lerner, Livesay, Mink, Schuler, and Stein); Noes - 8 (Representatives Call, Evans, Proto, Shurtleff, Todd, Watros, Winch, and Mason). Motion Lost. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Lerner, to replace the following wording in the last RESOLVED: "other than" to "in addition to". Motion Lost by voice vote. A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows: Ayes - 3 (Representatives Call, Evans, and Proto); Noes - 12. Resolution Lost. WHEREAS, despite the increasing demand and potential cost savings which could result from increased preventive health services, Governor Cuomo has proposed in his 1991-92 State Budget a reduction of more than 14 percent or 2.1 million below the current level of funding for public health programs and services, and WHEREAS, such a reduction is disproportionate to other reductions in aid to localities or to reductions in State operations, and WHEREAS, these reductions do not take into consideration the impact of inflation, salary increases, and the reduction in revenues to local health departments due to the proposed freeze on Medicaid fees, utilization caps, one percent assessment on health provider's revenues and increased costs due to reduced state reimbursement in the Education of Handicapped Children's Program, and WHEREAS, the need for local public health preventive services is greater than ever and the reduction in support from State government can only have a costly and detrimental impact upon the quality of life for the citizens of our communities and the State of New York, and WHEREAS, reductions in public health funding will leave local health departments with little choice but to reduce programs and services in the areas of preventive health, environmental health, nutrition and education, and prenatal care, now therefore be it 111 May 7, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins County Health and Education Committee, That this Board strongly urges the members of the New York State Legislature to restore funding to public health programs and services, RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution be submitted to Governor Cuomo, our members of the New York State Legislature, the New York State Association of Counties, and the New York State Public Health Association as well as all others (deemed necessary and proper), RESOLVED, further, That sources of funding to be applied towards the restoration of funding for these vital programs be explored, other than increases in New York State income taxes, but rather, and not limited to such sources as specific purpose authorities, unexpended bond monies which may provide some flexibility of application, reduction in agency administrative staff, reduced member items, access State lottery funds, lower legislative and gubernatorial pay, trim ombudsman offices, and the like. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 171 - AWARD OF BID - HIGHWAY MATERIALS I Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for highway materials, said bids having been received and publicly opened on April 4, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the following bidders be awarded the bid in the categories indicated: ITEM BID SUCCESSFUL BIDDER 1. Traffic Control Sign Panels Aluminum Capitol Highway Materials Inc. - Baldwin Place, New York Fiberglass -reinforced Signs and Blanks plastic Akron, Ohio 2. Calcium Chloride Flake 100 pound bags Suit-Kote Corp. Cortland, New York Bulk Chemung, Supply Corp Elmira, New York 3. Traffic Sign Faces and Materials Item 5.3 Remainder of bid State Contract Signs and Blanks Akron, Ohio 4. Steel Plate, Shapes Chemung Supply Corp. and Bars Elmira, New York 5. Portland Cement Concrete B.R. Dewitt, Inc. Pavilion, New York 6. Heavy Steel Pipe Chemung Supply Corp. Elmira, New York 112 ITEM BID 7. Sign Posts May 7, 1991 8. Corrugated Steel Culvert Pipe End sections Remainder of bid SUCCESSFUL BIDDER Signs and Blanks Akron, Ohio State Contract Warren Consolidated Industries, Inc., Owego, New York 9. Drainage Pipe State Contract NOTE: County reserves the option to purchase bid items from other vendors in cases where items cannot be supplied by successful bidder on a timely basis as defined by the County. 10. Limestone General Crushed Stone Co. Jamesville, New York Seneca Stone Corp. Fayette, New York Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. Lansing, New York NOTE: Item will be purchased for each job by job location, taking into consideration material availability, haul length and travel time from each bidder's facility to location of use or storage. 11. Icing Sand Suit-Kote Corp. Cortland, New York Lewbro Ready -Mix, Inc. Groton, New York Landstrom Gravel Company, Inc. Newfield, New York General Crushed Stone Co. Jamesville, New York Genoa Sand and Gravel, Inc. Lansing, New York University Sand and Gravel, Inc. Brooktondale, New York R.M.S. Gravel Dryden, New York NOTE: Item will be purchased for each job by job location, taking into consideration material availability, haul length and travel time from each bidder's facility to location of use or storage. 113 ITEM BID 12. Bituminous Concrete May 7, 1991 SUCCESSFUL BIDDER Suit-Kote Corp. Cortland, New York University Sand and Gravel, Inc. Brooktondale, New York Seneca Stone Corp. Fayette, New York General Crushed Stone Co. Jamesville, New York Genesee - Leroy Stone Corp. Pavilion, New York NOTE: Item will be purchased for each job by job location, taking into consideration material availability, haul length and travel time from each bidder's facility to location of use or storage. 13. Crushed Gravel Lewbro Ready -Mix Inc. Groton, New York R.M.S. Gravel Groton, New York University Sand and Gravel, Inc. Brooktondale, New York Cortlandville Sand and Gravel Cortland, New York B.R. Dewitt, Inc. Pavilion, New York Suit-Kote Corp. Cortland, New York Genoa Sand and Gravel, Inc. Lansing, New York R.B. Robinson Contracting, Inc. Candor, New York Landstrom Gravel Company, Inc. Newfield, New York General Crushed Stone Co. Jamesville, New York NOTE: Item will be purchased for each job by job location, taking into consideration material availability, haul length and travel time from each bidder's facility to location of use or storage. 114 May 7, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the Highway Division of the Department of Public Works is authorized and directed to implement this bid on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the County Superintendent of Highways be and hereby is authorized to execute any agreements necessary for the implementation of this bid. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 172 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - JOINT TRANSIT FACILITY - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, three proposals were received on April 12, 1991 for construction management services on the joint transit facility, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Inter -Municipal Transit Facility and the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Ciminelli-Cowper Company, Inc. of Buffalo, New York to perform construction management services for the design and construction of the new joint transit facility, said contract shall be for $253,200 and be funded from Account No. HA5630.4400. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 173 - AWARD OF BID - HIGHWAY VENTILATION SYSTEM Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the installation of a carbon monoxide exhaust system, a welding exhaust system and a general exhaust system, and WHEREAS, four bids were received and publicly opened on April 11, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the low bid received from Southern Tier Custom Fabricators Inc., of Elmira Heights, New York, for $49,939 be and is hereby accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute an agreement and any subsequent change orders on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That funds for said project are to be paid from Account No. HZ5130.9252, RESOLVED, further, That $45,000 is available in the approved Capital Project Budget and up to $7,000 will be made available from the Machinery Fund balance. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 174 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - BIGGS A AIR CONDITIONING COST ESTIMATE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute an agreement on behalf of the County with the Sear -Brown Group of Horseheads, New York for cost estimating services 115 May 7, 1991 on an air conditioning system in the Biggs A building for a fee of $1,500, funds are available in Account No. A1620.4470. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 175 - APPROVAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) wishes to renew its lease agreement with the County for approximately 0.06 of an acre which currently accommodates their centerfield wind tower, said lease agreement due to expire on September 30, 1991, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly advertised and held on the 7th day of May, 1991, regarding said proposed lease agreement with the FAA at which public hearing all persons wishing to address the Board on this subject had an opportunity to speak, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That said lease agreement is approved and the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute a lease agreement on behalf of the County with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for approximately 0.06 of an acre to accommodate the centerfield wind tower, said lease to be for one year, renewable annually for fifteen (15) years, expiring in 2006. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 176 - AUTHORIZATION TO FILE APPLICATION - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Department of Social Services is hereby permitted to apply to the New York State Department of Social Services Homeless Prevention Program (HPP) and Homeless Rehousing Assistance Program (HRAP) for funds in the amount of approximately $60,000 to provide staff support for homefinding and landlord liaison and independent living skills training to families and individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 177 - APPROVAL OF NEW TERMINAL SCHEMATIC DESIGN AND SITE PLAN - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call. It was Moved by Mr. Lerner, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, to postpone this resolution to the May 21, 1991 Board meeting. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lerner, Livesay, Mink, and Schuler); Noes - 9 (Representatives Call, Evans, Proto, Shurtleff, Stein, Todd, Watros, Winch, and Mason). Motion to postpone Lost. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Lerner). Adopted. 116 May 7, 1991 WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives authorized a contract with the Consultant Team of Egner and Associates, Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., Sasaki Associates, Inc., and EMJ/McFarland-Johnson Engineers, Inc., for the preparation of a schematic design and site plan for the new terminal project at the Tompkins County Airport, and WHEREAS, the Airport Development Committee has reviewed several conceptual designs and has selected the design known as "Grand Space", which design has been described and displayed at a public presentation and received favorable comments, and WHEREAS, a financial feasibility study will be completed to determine if future construction will take place, and an environmental review will be made to determine possible impacts, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development Committee, That the Board of Representatives hereby accepts the schematic design and site plan known as "Grand Space" as the model for future design development and construction. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 178 - ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 21, 1991 AT 5:30 P.M. ON THE PROPOSED LOCAL LAW, TOMPKINS COUNTY RESIDENT'S JOB POLICY Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Ms. Mink. After some discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, to Table this resolution and refer it back to committee until such time as a committee can by majority put forth a recommendation. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Call, Evans, Proto, Shurtleff, Todd, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 7 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lerner, Livesay, Mink, Schuler, and Stein). Motion to Table carried. It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to appoint Madison Wright to the South Central Resource Conservation and Development Committee as a representative of Tompkins County. It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to appoint Paul Viscuso to the Tompkins County Planning Board as a Town of Danby representative for a term which expires December 31, 1993. It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to appoint John Beau Saul to the Family Court Advisory Council as a Tompkins County Police Agency representative for a term which expires December 31, 1993. Chairman Mason declared recess at 7:56 p.m. The meeting returned to order at 8:07 p.m. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to hold an executive session to discuss two contract issues and litigation. An executive session was held at 8:07 p.m. and returned to regular session at 8:38 p.m. Mr. Culligan was excused during executive session. Chairman Mason appointed the following committees with the Board's confirmation: Reapportionment Committee Stuart Stein - Chairman Mary Call - Vice Chairman Deborah Dietrich 117 May 7, 1991 Charlie Evans Daniel Winch George Pfann, Assistant County Attorney Harry Missirian, Deputy Planning Commissioner Search Committee for the Clerk of the Board Hugh Hurlbut - Chairman Beverly Livesay Robert Watros James Mason On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. 118 May 21, 1991 Regular Meeting Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 12 Representatives. Excused: 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Schuler, and Winch). The minutes of the March 19, 1991 and April 2, 1991 meetings were approved as submitted. Under privilege of the floor, Terry Pasco, Director of the Friendship Center, spoke in favor of the resolution entitled Appropriation to Food Pantry Network. Under privilege of the floor, Angelo Anthony Petito, 79 Millard Hill Road, Newfield, spoke about the water annexation for certain property owners in the Town of Newfield. A petition to be annexed to the water district with 20 signatures of property owners was filed with the Town of Newfield. Under privilege of the floor, Mary Pat Dolan, Department of Social Services Commissioner, said that May is Foster Parent month in New York State. She invited the Board to a reception to honor foster parents which will be held May 30 at 7 p.m. at the Divi Executive Tower. She said there are over 80 families in Tompkins County who care for foster children. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Stein referred to a memorandum to the Board from him concerning the New York State Land Acquisition Advisory Committee. He said three people from Tompkins County were appointed: James Hanson, Jr., Planning Commissioner; Barbara Blanchard, City of Ithaca Alderperson; and himself. He reported on the draft report which is available for review. He said the reason State Legislature established a regional advisory committee is to provide input into plans for acquisition of State land. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, introduced Ken Thompson, Assistant Solid Waste Manager, and said the consultant is in attendance who will be doing the work referred to in the proposed resolution entitled Change Order No. 1 - Eshbaugh Consulting Engineers - Tompkins County Landfill Hydrogeologic Investigation. Mr. Thompson introduced James Young of Eshbaugh Consulting Engineers. Mr. Young explained the procedure which would be followed in installing the monitoring wells and conducting the electromagnetic survey at the Hillview Road landfill. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee had a brief meeting before the Board meting. The next meeting is May 28. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee met May 16 and reviewed the items received for Request for Proposals for the hiring of the financial consultant for the design of the proposed Airport terminal. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, said there is a problem with overcrowding of prisoners at the Public Safety Building. The committee is making progress on creating the community relations board for the Sheriffs Department. Mr. Culligan, Finger Lakes Association representative, reported on the meeting he attended last week and passed out brochures. 119 May 21, 1991 Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met May 16 and finalized the Human Services Coalition guidelines resolution. Mr. Shurtleff, Vice Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, updated the Board on the activities of the committee. The committee will meet May 22 at noon. Mr. Proto, Vice Chairman, Planning Committee, said the committee has not met. The next committee meeting is June 3. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said the committee has received many employee appeals concerning the Job Reclassification Study. The committee has established the following dates to hear appeals: May 22, May 29, and June 5. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, said the committee will meet May 23. The committee met May 9 and discussed the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day; a presentation will be held at the next Board meeting, June 4, 1991. The committee also discussed drainage options at the Southwest Park. She said she received a call from Joe Bennett who claims he represents Browning Ferris Industries and would like to make a presentation. She said she informed him of the appropriate procedure to follow in submitting proposals. She updated the Board on other activities of the committee. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met May 10. In addition to the resolutions on the agenda reflecting the committee's actions, the committee discussed the survey of various school districts concerning installment taxes and Off -Track Betting. The committee decided to have further discussions at their next committee meeting. The committee also discussed the impact of the proposed State budget. The next committee meeting is June 7 and will be discussing budget guidelines. Mr. Stein brought to the Board's attention a concern he has if the State budget situation continues. His concern is some of the local agencies may not have enough money to pay bills. Mr. Heyman said the County may be able to advance funds contingent upon Board approval. Chairman Mason suggested committees monitor the situation. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, said he received a favorable verdict on a damage claim lawsuit against the County for $4,000. He also updated the Board on the O'Brien and Gere lawsuit. He said he brought in outside counsel to handle the case. Chairman Mason granted Mr. Shurtleff permission to withdraw from the agenda the resolution entitled Establishing Highway Permit Fees. Chairman Mason granted Mr. Watros permission to withdraw from the agenda the resolution entitled Adoption of Revised Administrative Manual Policies. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to add to the agenda the following resolutions: - Department of Social Services Attorney Made Permanent - Sincere Appreciation - Phyllis B. Howell - Authorization to Execute Agreement - Biggs A Fire Alarm System - Creation of Positions - Tompkins Cortland Community College - Abolish and Create Positions - Sheriffs Department - Authorization for Vacation Pay - Planning Department 120 May 21, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 179 - SINCERE APPRECIATION - PHYLLIS B. HOWELL (Adopted later in the meeting) RESOLUTION NO. 180 - APPROVAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRACT - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Schuler, and Winch). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins Cortland Community College Negotiating Committee, the Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees and the Personnel Committee, That the new Administrative Contract which expires on August 31, 1995 be hereby approved contingent upon approval of the Cortland County Legislature. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 181 - CREATION OF POSITIONS - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel, Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That two (2) temporary positions of Typist (Keyboard Specialist) and Principal Registrar Clerk be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Receptionist be abolished, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund these positions. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 182 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - ESHBAUGH CONSULTING ENGINEERS - TOMPKINS COUNTY LANDFILL HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the following Change Order in relation to Resolution No. 422 of 1990 be and hereby is approved: Change Order No. 1 - $58,500 To conduct an electromagnetic survey at the Hillview Road landfill and adjacent wetlands and report findings $46,750 To install two (2) monitoring wells at the center of the Hillview Road landfill, above bedrock $11,750 Total Cost (Increase) $58,500 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute said Change Order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to transfer funds in the amount of $58,500 to pay said claim from Account No. HH8165.4442. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 121 May 21, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 183 - CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY - DEVELOPMENT OF FINAL REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - RESOURCE ASSOCIATES — CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 127 of April 4, 1990 be and is hereby approved and that the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute said Change Order on behalf of the County: Addendum No. 2 - Resource Associates shall be authorized to assist Tompkins County in the preparation of the final Request for Proposals for the Central Processing Facility by assisting with vendor questions, reviewing comments, preparing responses, incorporating changes with respect to the site plan, and Household Hazardous Waste facility, revising the Request for Proposals, assisting in developing the draft contract, and copies of the final Request for Proposals. RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim in an amount not to exceed $30,575 funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (PREVIOUS ACTION) (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 184 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - TOMPKINS COUNTY/NYSERDA COMPOSTING PROJECT EXTENSION OF CONTRACT FOR LABORATORY ANALYSIS - BUCK ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the following Change Order relative to Resolution No. 108 of March 20, 1990 be and hereby is approved: Change Order No. 1 - The contract, No. PWD -89-51, between the County and Buck Environmental Laboratories, Inc. for laboratory analysis shall be extended for one year beyond the existing expiration date of March 31, 1991, until March 31, 1992. The contract extension shall enable the completion of the original number of laboratory analyses contracted for at no additional cost to the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said Change Order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. HH8162.4442. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 185 - AWARD OF BID - SURPLUS EQUIPMENT - DATA PROCESSING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. 122 May 21, 1991 WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for selling a used IBM mainframe and buying a used IBM tape unit, and WHEREAS, nine (9) bids were received on Thursday, April 25, 1991, but only three (3) of those bids included a purchase and removal of the IBM mainframe, and WHEREAS, it is in the County's best interest to sell the mainframe and not face storage and/or disposal costs, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the bid for purchase and sale of used computer equipment be awarded to Miller Information Processing Services Corporation (MIPS) of Syracuse, New York in the net amount of $1,800, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Data Processing be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 186 - AUTHORIZATION TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY AND TO EXECUTE REAL ESTATE LISTING AGREEMENT, BUDGET TRANSFER AND APPROPRIATION - LANDFILL NEIGHBORHOOD PROTECTION PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Schuler, and Winch). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Landfill Neighborhood Protection and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary to acquire the parcel of real property owned by Lois and Kazime Machukas known as Town of Dryden Tax Parcel No. 29-1-24.2 and located at 230 West Dryden Road, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute a real estate listing agreement for the resale of said property with a firm or firms to be recommended by the Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to make the following budget transfer and budget adjustments: TRANSFER: Neighborhood Protection Program FROM: A8989.4400 Program Expense $25,000 .4434 Appraisal Fees 12,000 .4452 Postage 1,000 TO: A8989.2101 Land Acquisition $38,000 APPROPRIATION: FROM: General Fund Balance - Refuse Fees $65,000 TO: A89892101 Land Acquisition $65,000 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 187 - CREATION OF POSITION AND GRANT AUTHORIZATION - PRENATAL CARE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (PCAP) CASE AIDE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Schuler, and Winch). Adopted. 123 May 21, 1991 WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is a member of the Healthy Mother/Healthy Baby Coalition which has received a grant for temporary community outreach activities to promote the Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP) and $1,000 is available for Tompkins County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That Tompkins County hereby apply and accept said funding, RESOLVED, further, That the following position be created effective immediately and remain in existence only as long as 100 percent grant funding is available to reimburse all expenditures: 1 Case Aide (04/511), labor grade IV, competitive class RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: APPROPRIATION: A4023.1511 Personal Services (Case Aide) $ 886 .4465 Job Necessitated Travel 46 .8830 Social Security 68 REVENUE: A4023.1689 Other Health Income $ 1,000 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to sign any and all agreements necessary to complete this project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 188 - MEMBERSHIP IN NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF SELF-INSURED COUNTIES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County remit $30 from Account No. A1910.4400, Unallocated Insurance, to pay dues for membership in the New York State Association of Self -Insured Counties. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 189 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND APPROPRIATION FOR NYSERDA LANDFILL LEACHATE TREATMENT PROJECT - UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (USGS) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Dietrich, Schuler, and Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, Tompkins County authorized by Resolution No. 64 dated March 3, 1987, No. 237 dated August 13, 1987 and No. 33 dated January 19, 1988 the submitting of a grant agreement to New York State Energy Research and Development Authority for Landfill Leachate Treatment Research Project, and the following change is relative to Resolution Nos. 64 and 237 of 1987 and No. 11 of 1988 and has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: USGS shall be authorized to continue the NYSERDA Landfill Leachate Treatment Project and that monies requested are to extend the project through June 30, 1992 to complete the data collection, analysis and interpretation of results, 124 May 21, 1991 RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said amended agreement on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following appropriation and budget adjustment on his books: APPROPRIATION: FROM: General Fund Balance - Refuse Fees $25,000 TO: A9576.4814 Transfer to Construction Interfund Transfer $25,000 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT: REVENUE: HH8160.5031 Interfund Transfer $25,000 APPROPRIATION: HH8160.4442 Professional Services $25,000 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 190 - AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 335 ADOPTED NOVEMBER 1, 1988 (GROTON HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 335 entitled, "Approving Groton Housing Redevelopment Company Housing for the Elderly Project and Tax Exemption in Connection Herewith" was duly adopted by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives on November 1, 1988, and WHEREAS, the fifth resolving paragraph thereof is to be amended, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the said fifth resolving paragraph of said Resolution No. 335 be and is hereby amended to provide as follows, to wit: RESOLVED, further, That in addition to the taxes payable as stated above, so long as the exemption provided for herein shall remain in force and effect, for each calendar year, the Company shall pay to the County, Town, Village and School District, in lieu of all taxes other than taxes Payable as stated above and assessments for local improvements, an amount which when added to the taxes payable hereunder shall not exceed a total of $5,600 per year, calculated at $200 per unit, and the said payment shall be disbursed among the foregoing taxing entities in the proportion which their respective tax rates in any given year bear to the total of the tax rates of the aforesaid taxing entities. RESOLVED, further, That in all other respects the said Resolution No. 335 is ratified and confirmed. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 191 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Schuler, and Winch). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Public Safety, Public Works and Construction Management and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Comptroller be 125 May 21, 1991 and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: Public Health Revenue: A4021.3401 Public Health State Aid Appropriation: A4021.4330 Printing Public Works Revenue: Appropriation: Sheriff Revenue: Appropriation: Solid Waste Revenue: Appropriation: Revenue: Appropriation: .4466 .4425 .8810 A1620.2410 A1620.4425 A3110.3389 A3110.2222 A8163.5730 A8163.2210 Job -Related Travel Service Contracts Retirement Rentals Service Contracts Other Public Safety Communications Equipment B.A.N. Equipment $ 2,113 $ 1,000 300 100 713 $ 4,940 $ 4,940 $ 6,101 $ 6,101 $ 21,241 $ 21,241 General Fund Balance - Refuse Fee $ 32,412 A8163.2210 Other Equipment 8,750 .2234 Building Maintenance Equipment 2,500 .4302 .4312 .4402 .4422 .4424 .4430 .4442 .4452 .4465 APPROPRIATIONS: Fire, Disaster and EMS FROM: A1990 TO: A3410.4322 Sheriff FROM: A1990 TO: A3110.2222 FROM: A1990 TO: A3110.2210 Office Supplies Highway Supplies Advertising Equipment Maintenance Equipment Rental Printing Professional Services Postage Job -Necessitated Travel Contingent Fund Recording Tapes Contingent Fund Communications Equipment Contingent Fund Other Equipment 185 500 1,000 400 500 3,250 14,327 400 600 $ 4,964 $ 4,964 $ 2,034 $ 2,034 $ 1,950 $ 1,950 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 192 - DECLARING CERTAIN LANDS NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE AND AUTHORIZING QUITCLAIM DEED FROM COUNTY TO HAMMOND - PERUVILLE ROAD PARCEL 126 May 21, 1991 Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mr. Evans. A short roll call vote resulted as follows (two-thirds total of Board required): Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Schuler, and Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is the record owner of a portion of tax map parcel 23-1-11.2 in the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, the County now wishes to transfer this property to Carl and Nora Hammond as said parcel serves no use to the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That said parcel is no longer needed for public use, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a quitclaim deed and other necessary documentation from the County to Carl and Nora Hammond for the transfer of said premises in the Town of Dryden known as a portion of tax map parcel 23-1-11.2 for adequate consideration. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 193 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - BUILDING C ELEVATOR Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mr. Todd and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, David Lorenzini of Hascup-Lorenzini Architects of Ithaca, New York performed the design services for the new stair tower and elevator shaft in Building C, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to execute an agreement on behalf of the County with Hascup-Lorenzini Architects of Ithaca, New York for design and construction administration services for the installation of an elevator in Building C, said fee shall not exceed $7,500 and funds are available in the Capital Construction Account No. HQ1355.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 194 - AUTHORIZATION TO SELL OLD HEATING PLANT - AMENDMENT OF CAPITAL PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Ms. Mink. Mr. Stein asked the record to show that the County Attorney has advised that this is the proper procedure for the sale of real property. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, to delete the last RESOLVED. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 1 (Representative Watros), Noes - 11, Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Schuler, and Winch). Motion Lost. A short roll call vote resulted as follows on the resolution (two-thirds total of Board required): Ayes - 11, Noes - 1 (Representative Watros), Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Schuler, and Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, there is concern over the disposition of the "Old Heating Plant" as it causes certain liability and cost for the County, and WHEREAS, the Planning Department has determined the structure to be obsolete, not functional or adaptable for future County use, and WHEREAS, the structure has been heavily vandalized and continues to be vulnerable causing concern over County liability, and 127 May 21, 1991 WHEREAS, sale of said plant may make a substantial addition to the assessment roll, reduce the liability of Tompkins County and assist the County in addressing the budget problems created by State actions in December 1990, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Public Works and Construction Management, and Capital Program Committees, That the former heating plant be offered for sale by Tompkins County, RESOLVED, further, That the 1991 Tompkins County Capital Program is hereby amended to indicate that the asbestos removal project at the former heating plant is deleted from the Capital Program along with the expenditure therefore, RESOLVED, further, That a proposal be developed by the Tompkins County Planning Department to offer for sale through competitive bidding properties on Planning Department site map including the Old Power Plant totalling approximately 80.10 acres, RESOLVED, further, That the old heating plant and the parcels designated on the map referenced above are hereby declared no longer needed for public use, RESOLVED, further, That Tompkins County Planning Department develop a request for proposal (RFP) outlining requirements such as environmental performance standards, future property access and capability of land use development, RESOLVED, further, That 50 percent of the proceeds of the sale, up to $100,000, be put toward the concept of a revolving loan fund for provision of affordable housing, pending legal opinion. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 195 - AWARD OF BID - CRACK SEALANT MELTER/APPLICATOR - AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for one (1) crack sealant melter/applicator for use by the Airport, and WHEREAS, two (2) bids were received and publicly opened on Thursday, April 18, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the bid of Artco Equipment Sales, Inc., of Cohoes, New York in the amount of $10,883 be accepted, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, RESOLVED, further, That the Department of Public Works be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to come from Account No. B5610.2233. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 196 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - BIGGS A FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the proposals for the design of the Biggs A Fire Alarm System were received on May 10, 1991 by the Director of Purchasing and Central Services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute an agreement with 128 May 21, 1991 Action Systems Alarms Company of Rochester, New York. The design fee for the Biggs A Fire Alarm shall be $8,890. Funds are available in the Capital Construction Account. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 197 APPROPRIATION TO FOOD PANTRY NETWORK Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Evans. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Schuler, and Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, food is one of the basic necessities of life, and WHEREAS, the Food Pantry network has done an excellent job distributing food commodities from the Southern Tier Food Bank to those in need countywide, and WHEREAS, there has been shown an increase in demand for the services of the Food Bank and the pantry network, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That $4,200 in additional County monies be given to the Food Pantry network to be distributed using the formula adopted by the Human Services Committee in December 1990, RESOLVED, further, That $800 will be set aside to help new pantries which have signed a contract with Southern Tier Food Bank by September 1, 1991. If no new pantries qualify, the $800 will be distributed equally to all the existing pantries, RESOLVED, further, That all municipalities, including the City of Ithaca, be encouraged to consider allocating dollars toward addressing this human need within their own municipal borders, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to make the following appropriation on his books: FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 5,000 TO: A6312.4526 Family and Children's Service $ 5,000 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 198 - AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION FOR SUPPLEMENTARY TITLE V FUNDS BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND CONTRACT ADDENDUM - OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Todd. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Dietrich, Schuler, and Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, application has been made to the New York State Office for the Aging on January 9, 1991 for a supplement of $6,148 for the Senior Employment Program, to be added to Contract No. of A90030 with CRESP, and WHEREAS, $2,000 of such application has been approved, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the application of January 9, 1991 be authorized, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment: Revenue from: 3803 (State Aid) $2,000 Appropriation to: 6775.4400 (Contract with CRESP) $2,000 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute an addendum to Contract No. OFA90030 to incorporate the additional funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 129 May 21, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 199 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF 1991 - TOMPKINS COUNTY FAIR PRACTICE LAW Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That a public hearing be held before the Board of Representatives at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York on Tuesday, June 4, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof on proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991 on Tompkins County Fair Practice Law. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 200 - APPROVAL OF THE AMENDED BYLAWS OF THE TOMPKINS COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUNCIL Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the amended bylaws of the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council be approved and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Representatives. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 201 - HIRE AT STEP E - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Personnel, the County Administrator and the Personnel Committee, That a Psychiatric Social Worker be hired at Step E of Labor Grade 14, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this hiring. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 202 - RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 278 OF 1988 AND ESTABLISHING POLICY - CLASSIFICATION AND RECLASSIFICATION REQUESTS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. 130 May 21, 1991 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 278 dated September 29, 1988 prohibited individual classification or reclassification requests until completion of the classification and pay equity study, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That Resolution No. 278 of 1988 be rescinded effective immediately. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 203 - ABOLISH AND CREATE POSITIONS - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Public Safety Committees, That one position of Civil Officer/Sergeant Deputy Sheriff (44/415), labor grade XIV, competitive class be abolished effective May 21, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Sergeant Deputy Sheriff (43/412), labor grade XIII, be created effective May 21, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 204 - AUTHORIZATION FOR VACATION PAY - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the former Senior Stenographer in the Planning Department be paid for 51.3 hours of accrued vacation, RESOLVED, further, That adequate funds are available for this payment. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 205 - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES ATTORNEY MADE PERMANENT Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Personnel Committees, That one temporary part-time (.20 FTE) position of Social Services Attorney (84/233), management level E, competitive class, which was created by Board Resolution No. 393 dated October 23 1990, be made permanent, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed during 1991 for this position. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 179 - SINCERE APPRECIATION - PHYLLIS B. HOWELL 131 May 21, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Call and unanimously adopted by members present. WHEREAS, on the 31st day of January, in the year of 1966, Phyllis B. Howell did begin her career with the County of Tompkins as an employee in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, on the 5th day of January, in the year of 1970, Phyllis B. Howell was duly appointed to the esteemed position of Clerk of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, and WHEREAS, Phyllis B. Howell has since that date, served in the office of Clerk longer than any other individual in the history of Tompkins County, and while doing so has continuously conducted the activities of the office of the Clerk of the Board at the very highest level of professionalism, constantly endeavoring to serve all who came before her in the most considerate and conscientious manner possible, and WHEREAS, Phyllis B. Howell during her years as Clerk of the Board, has worked with sixty different members of the Board of Representatives, and has without bias or partisanship, graciously and with good humor, assisted each and every one in their efforts to serve their various constituencies, and WHEREAS, Phyllis B. Howell has, upon completion of twenty-five (25) years of dedicated service to Tompkins County, announced her intention to retire from office effective May 31, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives does on this the occasion of her final meeting with this Board, hereby extend its deepest and most heartfelt thanks for her twenty-five (25) years of dedication, service, and commitment to the citizens of this community, and to the Board of Representatives, RESOLVED, further, That this Board does hereby unanimously extend its very best wishes to Phyllis and husband Jim, that they together may enjoy a long, happy, and justly deserved retirement. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OF TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) At this time, the Board of Representatives presented Mrs. Howell with a gift. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to appoint Don Ellis to the Economic Advisory Board as the Village of Trumansburg representative for a term which expires December 31, 1993. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to appoint Bob Yavits to the Tompkins County Youth Bureau as the Town of Ithaca representative for a term which expires December 31, 1992. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to appoint Deborah Fitzpatrick to the Tompkins County Youth Bureau as the Town of Danby representative for a term which expires December 31, 1992. Chairman Mason appointed Catherine Covert as Acting Clerk of the Board effective June 1, 1991, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m. 132 June 4, 1991 Regular Meeting Public Hearing Vice Chairman Watros called the public hearing to order at 5:32 p.m. regarding proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - concerning Tompkins County Fair Practice Law. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, stated that at the appropriate time she will ask Vice Chairman Watros for permission to withdraw from the agenda the resolution entitled Adoption of Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - Tompkins County Fair Practice Law. Mrs. Call stated that concerns have arisen regarding the wording in this Local Law and that the newly worded legislation will be available to the public prior to the July 9, 1991 Board meeting. The following people spoke in favor of the proposed Local Law: Sandra Pollack, Tompkins Cortland Community College; Chris Abduhl, City of Ithaca; Margaret Dwyer, Ithaca Lesbian Gay and Bi -Sexual Educators Caucus of the Ithaca City School District; Michael Ellis, City of Ithaca; Larry Roberts, City of Ithaca; Dan Little, Town of Ithaca; Isabel Walker, Human Rights Commission; Claudia Brenner, Village of Freeville; Ross Haarstad, City of Ithaca; Theda Zimrot, Director, Human Rights Commission. The following people spoke in opposition of the proposed Local Law: Peter Perri, Slaterville Springs; Jim Aist, Town of Dryden; Wayne Corapi, Town of Ithaca; Richard Barrett, Town of Ithaca; Mary Ruth Barton, Housewife; Richard Kinch, City of Ithaca; Doug Boyce, Town of Caroline; Charles Tompkins, Town of Danby; Jim Crawford, Town of Dryden; Lynn Marie Kohm, Webster and Kohm Law firm of Groton; Mark Psiaki, Ithaca; and Michael Fisch, City of Ithaca (read Chapter 1 from the Book of Romans). For the record, the following people wished to be acknowledged as being in opposition of the proposed Local Law: Sara Jo Mendez, City of Ithaca and Jane Womack, Town of Ithaca. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to adjourn the public hearing to July 9, 1991 at 5:30 p.m. The public hearing was adjourned at 6:43 p.m. Vice Chairman Watros declared recess at 6:43 p.m. and the meeting returned to regular session at 6:48 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 12 Representatives. Excused: 3 (Representatives Evans, Mason and Winch). It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the minutes of the April 16, 1991 Board meeting as corrected. Vice Chairman Watros presented a proclamation to Wilson Kone, Town of Caroline Supervisor, declaring June 10, 1991 - July 6, 1991 as Tompkins County Welcome Home Days in tribute to our men and women who served during the Persian Gulf war. Barbara Eckstrom, Solid Waste Manager, introduced Barbara Hotchkiss, Recycling Coordinator, who has been responsible for planning the Household Hazardous Waste Day with the assistance of the Household Hazardous Waste Day Planning Group. Ms. Hotchkiss explained to the Board that the purpose of this day is to reduce the amount of household hazardous waste going into the landfill. Trash 133 June 4, 1991 tag monies will be used to pay for the cost of this day, therefore, it is estimated that there will be no charge to the public, however, there will be a limit to the amount of materials allowed per household. Each household will be limited to 10 gallons of liquids and 50 pounds of solids. Ms. Hotchkiss stated that they will be working together with police, the fire Departments and others interested in controlling traffic and providing immediate response in the event of any spills or fires. Dwight Mengel, Senior Planner, reported on the status of the Joint Transit Facility. Mr. Mengel stated that the State has recently cut funds for the Joint Transit Facility. After re-examining the space needs for the Facility, the Design Committee has decided to reduce the size of the Facility. Under privilege of the floor, Dr. Ed Brothers spoke on behalf of others who were in attendance opposing the proposed landfill at the DR -7 site. Mr. Brothers spoke in reference to wetlands delineation and protection at the proposed landfill site at DR -7. He referred to a map of the proposed landfill in a recent article published in the Ithaca Journal pertaining to the wetland areas and distributed copies to Board members. Under privilege of the floor, Stewart M. Gray of Ithaca spoke in opposition of the proposed landfill at the DR -7 site. Mr. Gray commented on his concerns of the movement of water through the wetland areas at the proposed landfill site. Mr. Gray referred to a report by Nittany Geoscience, Inc. entitled "Peer Review Evaluation of the DR -7 Landfill". He also spoke in reference to the soils at the DR -7 site. For the record, Paul Schwarz, Etna, wished to be acknowledged as being opposed to the proposed landfill at the DR -7 site. Vice Chairman Watros declared recess at 7:30 p.m. and the meeting returned to regular session at 7:33 p.m. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said that John Andersson, Director of Environmental Health, will be reviewing the report on underground storage tanks and will bring recommendations to the next Committee meeting. Mr. Proto said that due to reports of rabies in surrounding counties, a special clinic has been set up for June 18 from 5-9 p.m. at the SPCA. Mr. Proto and Mr. Mason attended the Tompkins Cortland Community College commencement exercises May 30. Mr. Proto introduced Paul Bonaparte -Krogh who is the new Director of Cooperative Extension. The next Committee meeting will be June 25. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said that he had a meeting with Jean McPheeters, a local representative of Matthew McHugh. After a discussion with Senator Seward regarding the State budget, Mr. Proto stated that the outlook on funding for the airport looks positive at this time. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, said the next meeting of the Committee will be June 27. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said that she received the Youth Bureau Guide to Summer Programs, 1991. This guide will be on file for review in the Board office for a short period of time. The next meeting of the Committee will be June 20. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman of the Planning Committee, said that there will be a brief meeting of the Committee prior to the June 25 Board meeting to discuss the Advisory Board on Tourism Development. After a meeting in Albany regarding the State budget, Mrs. Dietrich said that it looks like the County will be able to charge more for tax maps, marriage certificates and death certificates. 134 June 4, 1991 Mr. Shurtleff, Vice Chairman of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, said that he did not have a report. The next meeting of the Committee will be on June 12. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said that the Committee met on June 4. She stated that the Committee has had two sessions of hearing County employee appeals and expects approximately four more sessions. The Committee plans to review the Personnel department organization through the goal setting period this summer. The next regular meeting of the Committee will be July 2. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, said the Committee met on May 23 and discussed Central Processing Facility (CPF) drainage options with the City. She stated that bids for County -wide recycling are expected to come before the Committee at its next meeting. Along with two staff members from Solid Waste, Mrs. Livesay attended the opening of the Chemung County Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) on May 28. She suggested that other members of the Board visit this facility also. Mrs. Livesay stated that she has again been contacted by Joe Bennett who represents The Dryden Group, a New York State Company. She said she would like Board members to be aware of this and has put correspondence on file in the Board office for Board members to review. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said that the Committee will meet on June 7 and will be discussing budget guidelines. In addition, the Committee will discuss Off Track Betting (OTB). Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, reported on the State budget. In the near future, Jack Martin of Environmental Scientists at Cornell will have a testing program for the Hillview Road area to take to the Health Committee for review and approval. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, had no report. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the special Reapportionment Committee, stated that the first meeting of this Committee will be June 17 in the Board room. Mr. Stein, reported that a community meeting was held May 29 regarding the Land Acquisition Planning process. In attendance were Mr. Stein, Barbara Blanchard and James Hanson, Region 7 representatives. In the near future, there will be a packet of information sent to all municipalities and other constituencies that may be involved or interested in the process. Vice Chairman Watros gave the appropriate Committee chairmen permission to withdraw from the agenda the following resolutions: Adoption of Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - Tompkins County Fair Practice Law Authorization to Execute Contract - Physician's Assistant - Jail On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Approving Grant Application for Newfield Water Main Extension - Town of Newfield Amendment of Capital Program - Dryden Dam Authorizing Submission of a Small Cities Application Under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act Federal Section 18 Operating Assistance Grant Application for Tomtran Carovan Authorization to Execute Contract for Risk Management Services Approval of Agreement between the County of Tompkins and CSEA White Collar Unit 135 June 4, 1991 Allocation of Positions to Labor Grades, Establishment of Salary Schedules, Budget Adjustments and Appropriation and Implementation of Pay Equity Project, Increase of Positions from Thirty -Five to Forty Hour Work Week - Management and Confidential Staff RESOLUTION NO. 206 - SELECTING AN ALTERNATIVE CONFIGURATION FOR THE DR -7 LANDFILL FACILITIES FOR SUPPLEMENTAL STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT (SEQRA) ASSESSMENT AND DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE REQUIRING AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (Referred to Committee) Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call. There was discussion by the Board regarding this resolution and information was placed on their desks by Dr. Ed Brothers prior to the meeting. Due to the inadequate amount of time to review this information, Vice Chairman Watros referred this resolution back to Committee for further development. RESOLUTION NO. 207 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - ESHBAUGH CONSULTING ENGINEERS - HILLVIEW ROAD LANDFILL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the following Change Order in relation to Resolution No. 422 of 1990 has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - $6,805 County Landfill and report findings $2,050 To revise the 1989 Monitoring Data Report submitted by O'Brien and Gere Engineers per New York State Department of Environmental Conservation request $1,130 To attend meetings concerning the Hillview Road Landfill with regulatory officials $3,625 Total Cost (Increase) $6,805 , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and is hereby authorized to sign said Change Order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from the project contingency fund established by Resolution No. 442 of 1990 (Account No. A8160.4442). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 208 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION HOME COMPOSTING PROJECT present. Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all 136 June 4, 1991 WHEREAS, the following Change Order in relation to Resolution No. of 1991 has been reviewed and approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 1 - No cost change - The Contractor shall provide for the supervision and management of the home composting demonstration sites. Site manager will be designated by the Contractor. The site managers are Master Composter volunteers who will be responsible for managing the individual demonstration sites under the direction of the Contractor. The site managers shall provide that the demonstration sites and the compost bins are properly maintained, the compost is properly managed and for the supervision of the Master Composter volunteers that will work with the site managers in carrying out these duties. The Contractor shall assume complete and full responsibility and liability for all activities conducted at the site including, but not limited to, adequate liability insurance as specified by the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and is hereby authorized to sign said Change Order on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 209 - ADOPTION OF BYLAWS - TOMPKINS COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the bylaws of the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee on file with the Clerk of the Board be and hereby are adopted. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 210 - DESIGNATION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY AS LEAD AGENCY PURSUANT TO STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT (SEQRA) FOR CONDUCTING A ONE -DAY HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE (HHW) COLLECTION PROGRAM - AUTHORIZATION OF SIGNIFICANCE PURSUANT TO SEQRA FOR CONDUCTING HHW COLLECTION PROGRAM Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, this Board by Resolution No. 53 dated February 17, 1987 designated itself as lead agency for the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Plan in furtherance of its Phase I Study, which included waste reduction amongst other components, and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is preparing a solid waste management plan consistent with the appropriate regulations (6 NYCRR Sub Part 360-15) including the environmental assessment thereof pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA"), and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 362, dated November 9, 1989, approved the "Implementation Plan for Household Hazardous Waste" prepared by Dana Duxbury and Associates, which included a HHW collection day and implementing an education program, and WHEREAS, to meet the requirements of ECL Section 27-0707 and 6 NYCRR Part 617, this Board must initiate establishment of lead agency, including coordinated review, prior to implementation of a HHW collection day, and 137 June 4, 1991 WHEREAS, the proposed HHW Collection Program will be held at the following sites within the Town and City of Ithaca, with Tompkins County: - Allan H. Treman State Marine Park, with traffic routing via Cass Park - a portion of Cornell University's B -lot parking area, and WHEREAS, according to the New York State Department of Conservation's Guidelines for HHW Collection Day programs (September, 1989), "HHW collection programs do not result in any significant adverse environmental impact and the action is unlisted. . .(and). . . the SEQRA requirements may be met by completing the short Environmental Assessment Form (EAF), and preparing a negative declaration which must be kept in the sponsor's files", now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the County of Tompkins by its Board of Representatives hereby designates itself as lead agency, subject to coordinated review, pursuant to SEQRA (6 NYCRR Section 617.6) for purposes of implementing a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day at the two sites aforementioned, RESOLVED, further, That the proposed action is an "Unlisted Action" pursuant to SEQRA (6 NYCRR Section 617.5), RESOLVED, further, That coordinated review is required pursuant to 6 NYCRR Sections 617.6 (b) and (c) and the Chair of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee and the Solid Waste Manager are hereby authorized and directed to commence SEQRA review of the proposed action herein described. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 211 - ALLOCATION OF POSITIONS TO LABOR GRADES, ESTABLISHMENT OF SALARY SCHEDULES AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PAY EQUITY PROJECT, INCREASE OF POSITIONS FROM THIRTY-FIVE TO FORTY HOUR WORK WEEK - MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL STAFF Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Evans, Mason and Winch). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the following changes necessary for implementation of the Pay Equity Project are hereby instituted for all management and confidential employees: 1. Effective May 12, 1991, positions are allocated to the labor grades established by Resolution No. 132 of 1991 based on the total points allocated to each position by the Commissioner of Personnel, subject to any changes recommended by the Personnel Committee pursuant to Administrative Policy 02-01, if filed by the deadline indicated by memorandum of the Personnel Committee Chair dated April 3, 1991, said changes to be made retroactive to May 12, 1991. 2. Salary schedules as recommended by the Personnel Committee and dated June 4, 1991 are established effective May 12, 1991. 3. The work week of the following positions is hereby increased from thirty-five to forty hours effective June 9, 1991: County Administrator Deputy County Administrator Commissioner of Planning Deputy Commissioner of Planning Fire, Disaster and EMS Coordinator Director of Computer Services Assistant Director of Computer Services County Attorney Commissioner of Personnel 138 June 4, 1991 County Office for Aging Director Director, Human Rights Public Health Director Commissioner of Mental Health Program Director, Mental Health Clinic Deputy District Attorney Assistant District Attorney Youth Bureau Director Assistant Commissioner of Mental Health for Planning Commissioner of Social Services Director of Services - DSS DSS Attorneys Forty hour per week employees shall be paid according to the forty -hour salary schedule. 4. Management employees recommended to receive an increased percentage of the mid -point for the position held shall receive this increase effective May 12, 1991. Other management employees' salaries shall continue at the same percentage of mid -point currently in effect except that no employee shall be paid more than the maximum, and no employee's salary shall decrease as a result of this resolution. 5. The Comptroller is authorized and directed to propose at a later date all appropriate budget adjustments in departmental sub -accounts and Contingent Fund appropriation to departmental Personal Services and Fringe Benefit sub -accounts to effectuate this resolution. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 212 - PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM SURPLUS REVENUE - MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County Mental Health Services Department has received surplus ICM revenue in 1990 of $12,698 to be used for a one-time purchase, and WHEREAS, the County has already approved purchase of a vehicle for $9,299 by Resolution No. 100 of March 5, 1991, and WHEREAS, other equipment was also included with the vehicle request: 1 secretarial desk for clerical staff $ 276 1 chair for Caseworker 100 1 IBM PC with printer for Administrator 1 36" square conference table , and 2,822 300 Total $3,498 WHEREAS, there are no County tax dollars involved, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the purchase of said equipment with surplus 1990 funds be approved, monies being available in Account No. HQ4313.1623. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 213 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - HEALTH RESEARCH, INC. 139 June 4, 1991 Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is participating in the "SAFE KIDS" campaign, to include a Bicycle Helmet Project, with the New York State Department of Health and Health Research, Inc., now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to enter into a contract with Health Research, Inc. of the Bicycle Helmet Project, RESOLVED, further, That no additional funds are needed at this time, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts necessary to convey these services. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 214 - AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE NEW TERMINAL PROJECT AT THE TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives has approved a schematic design and site plan for a new terminal project at the Tompkins County Airport, and WHEREAS, there is a need for a financial feasibility study to determine the project's financial impact on the County, and WHEREAS, further financial services would be necessary if the project is found to be financially feasible, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development Committee, That the firm of Aviation Planning Association, Inc. be retained to provide said financial services for a sum not to exceed $15,000 and that the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a contract with said firm, RESOLVED, further, That after completion of the financial feasibility study the remaining financial services will be subject to the Board of Representatives giving prior approval for the design development and construction documents phase to proceed, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to transfer $15,000 from the Airport Fund Balance to Construction Account No. HU5610.9239 to meet the cost of this contract. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 215 - APPORTIONMENT OF MORTGAGE TAX Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the County Clerk and the County Administrator have presented their report concerning mortgage tax receipts for the period from October 1, 1990 through March 31,1991, pursuant to Section 261 of the Tax Law, and the same have been apportioned to the various municipalities thereto, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the apportionment as presented for said period from October 1, 1990 through March 31, 1991 be and hereby is approved: 140 June 4, 1991 Municipality Amount Total Town of Caroline $ 8,982.12 Town of Danby 15,844.79 Dryden: Town $ 48,694.53 52,780.28 Village 3,367.13 Village of Freeville 718.62 Town of Enfield 8,564.47 Groton: Town 13,371.19 16,595.19 Village 3,224.00 City of Ithaca 65,376.11 Town of Ithaca 54,152.68 64,493.36 Village of Cayuga Heights 10,340.68 Lansing: Town 152,573.56 193,450.99 Village 40,877.43 Town of Newfield 13,302.81 Ulysses: Town 15,522.42 17,720.25 Trumansburg 2,197.83 Total $457,110.37 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 216 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT FOR RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Sedgwick James of New York, Inc. for risk management services for Tompkins County for the period July 1, 1991 through December 31, 1992. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 217 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING - AIRPORT LIMOUSINE CONTRACT Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, June 25, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning a proposed limousine contract at the Tompkins County Airport. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 218 - AWARD OF BID - HIGHWAY MATERIALS II 141 June 4, 1991 Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for highway materials involving a service component, said bids having been received and opened on April 25, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the following bidders be awarded the bid in the categories indicated: Item Bid Successful Bidder 1. Painting Traffic Lines Chemi-Trol Chemical Group Gibsonburg, Ohio 2. Bridge Repair The Standard Bridge Corp. Albany, New York 3. Chemi-Trol Chemical Group 4. The Standard Bridge Corp. Vegetation Control Installation of Steel Sheet Piling 5. Installation of Guiderail 6. Calcium Chloride Solution 7. Liquid Bituminous Materials Items 1-3, 5, 13, 14, 17, 18 22 and 23 Items 4, 6-12, 15, 16, 19-21 Chemung Supply Corp. Elmira, New York Penn -Can Road Materials, Inc. Syracuse, New York Cortland Asphalt Products Cortland, New York Vestal Asphalt, Inc. Vestal, New York 8. Microsurfacing Vestal Asphalt, Inc. 9. Recycling of Existing Pavement Cortland Asphalt Products 10. Bridge Coating System Sherwin Williams Co. Ithaca, New York RESOLVED, further, That the sole bid received for installation of tubing be rejected as non-responsive, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to implement these bids, RESOLVED, further, That the Highway and Engineering Division of the Department of Public Works be authorized to implement these bids on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 219 - AWARD OF CONTRACT - PHARMACY SERVICES - PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for proposals for providing pharmacy services for the Public Safety Building, and WHEREAS, one proposal was received on Friday, April 26, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That the contract for providing pharmacy services to the Public Safety Building be awarded to Gordon's Drugs of Cortland, New York, at a cost of $2 per prescription above AWP (average wholesale price), RESOLVED, further, That the term of the contract shall be for one (1) year, with option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods, 142 June 4, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the Department of Public Health be authorized to implement this contract on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 220 - APPROVING GRANT APPLICATION FOR NEWFIELD WATER MAIN EXTENSION - TOWN OF NEWFIELD Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1 of 1985 adopting Local Law No. 1 of 1985 established a limited grant program to assist and encourage various towns to initiate public water supply feasibility studies, and WHEREAS, that resolution requires applications to the program to meet prescribed criteria that had been established by the Planning and Public Works Committee on October 5, 1984, and WHEREAS, a number of residents in the Town of Newfield have water quality/quantity problems which the Tompkins County Department of Health has noted and indicated that these problems need to be addressed to provide an increased source of safe water and an improved distribution to satisfy current resident's needs, and WHEREAS, the Town of Newfield by resolution and petition is planning to study the feasibility of extending the main line of the Newfield water system by 5,000 feet along Route 13, 1600 feet along Decker Road, and 300 feet along Meadowbrook Lane, and WHEREAS, it is estimated that the cost of such a study will exceed $15,000, and WHEREAS, the Town of Newfield, on behalf of the property owners and users of this area has applied to the County for a fifty percent grant under this program, or $15,000, and WHEREAS, County Planning staff have reviewed that application and found it to meet the prescribed criteria established by Local Law No. 1 of 1985, and WHEREAS, the County Health Department has reviewed the proposed study and concurs that this area of the Town of Newfield needs an increased source of safe water, and WHEREAS, the Planning Committee of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives has discussed this application, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Board of Representatives approves said application for the Newfield water main extension, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute an appropriate agreement with the Town of Newfield to provide a grant of up to $15,000 under the terms of Local Law No. 1 of 1985. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 221 - AMENDMENT OF CAPITAL PROGRAM - DRYDEN DAM Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Capital Program Committees, That the 1991 Capital Program is amended to add the following: Project: Dryden Flood Control Dam, land and easement acquisition Total Appropriation: $250,000 Prior Appropriation: $ 27,333 Expended to Date: $ -0- Five-Year Projected Spending: 1991 - $250,000 143 June 4, 1991 1992-1995 - $ -0- Financing: $166,667 payments from Town and Village of Dryden $ 83,333 payment from General Fund RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute purchase agreements and deeds for real property and easements in connection with this project, RESOLVED, further, on recommendation of the Planning and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to make the following appropriation and transfer of funds: APPROPRIATION FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $56,000 TO: HD8745.9239 Flood Control $56,000 TRANSFER FROM: A9901.4700 Previous Year's Encumbrance $27,333 TO: HD8745.9239 Flood Control $27,333 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized to advance funds for this project if necessary. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 222 - AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A SMALL CITIES APPLICATION UNDER TITLE I OF THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Housing and Community Development act as first passed by Congress in 1974 and subsequently amended, provides for a program of Community Development Block Grants for Small Cities, and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is an eligible applicant as defined under said Act and is therefore eligible for financial assistance, and WHEREAS, citizen input has been received in accordance with the County of Tompkins Citizen Participation Plan, and WHEREAS, the 1991 Small Cities application for said grant assistance conforms to application requirements of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and WHEREAS, the application requires certain certifications to be submitted as part of the application, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee of the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, being the governing body thereof, That the Chairman of the Board be and he is hereby authorized and directed to submit an application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, to the fullest extent of funding allowed and determined by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, on behalf of the County of Tompkins to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and to act as the authorized representative of the County of Tompkins and to provide such additional information as may be requested, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the County of Tompkins such certifications and/or agreements as may be required to accept and implement the proposed program and activities. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 223 - FEDERAL SECTION 18 OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT APPLICATION FOR TOMTRAN CAROVAN 144 June 4, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, provides for the payment of federal financial assistance for public transportation in rural and small urban places through a formula grant program administered by the New York State Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, the TOMTRAN CAROVAN Program is operated by Tioga Transport, Inc., and provides fixed -route, open -to -the -public transportation service in Tompkins and Tioga Counties, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation informed the County that TOMTRAN is eligible for $27,000 in operating assistance for each of the 1990 and 1991 calendar years, and for $16,200 for calendar year 1992, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute and submit a Federal Section 18 operating assistance application to the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $70,200 for the calendar years of 1990, 1991 and 1992. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, the following appointments were made to various boards: Environmental Management Council Term expires December 31, 1991 Barbara Page - Village of Trumansburg representative Tompkins County Planning Board Terms expire December 31, 1993 Angelo Petito - Town of Newfield representative In Shik Lee - Village of Freeville representative Mrs. Livesay stated that it was the recommendation of the Personnel Committee that Hugh Hurlbut be reappointed to the position of Commissioner of Personnel. It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, that Hugh Hurlbut be reappointed to the position of Commissioner of Personnel for a six year term to expire December 31, 1996. Vice Chairman Watros declared recess at 8:32 p.m. and the meeting returned to regular session at 8:37 p.m. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to enter into executive session to discuss negotiations. An executive session was held at 8:37 p.m. and returned to regular session at 8:45 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 224 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS AND CSEA WHITE COLLAR UNIT present. Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all 145 June 4, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the agreement reached between the County and CSEA (White Collar Unit) on file in the Board of Representatives office be approved effective May 12, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to propose at a later date all appropriate budget adjustments in departmental sub -accounts and Contingent Fund appropriation to departmental Personal Services and Fringe Benefit sub -accounts to effectuate this resolution. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m. 146 June 25, 1991 Regular Meeting Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning a proposed contract for limousine service at Tompkins County Airport. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:30. p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Stein). On behalf of the Board, Chairman Mason expressed condolences to Mrs. Dietrich and her family for the loss of her sister. Daniel J. Collins, Division Manager, New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG), presented the Board with a brief overview of a clean coal project proposed by NYSEG at the Milliken Power Station. This project is expected to bring Milliken Power Station into compliance with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. The objective of this project is to install a high -efficiency flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system to demonstrate technologies that are not yet in operation in the United States. Representatives from NYSEG traveled to Germany to see this type of plant in operation. The estimated cost of this project is $159 million. It is estimated that 200 jobs will be created for the construction of this project and after completion, there will be 25 full-time jobs needed to operate this plant. Under privilege of the floor, David Weinstein, a representative of the Environmental Management Council, spoke in favor of a Household Hazardous Waste Day. Mr. Weinstein stated five reasons why the Environmental Management Council is in support of this day: 1. This will divert hazardous waste from going into the Hillview Road Landfill; 2. It will lessen the volume of hazardous waste which would go to a permanent facility once one is in place; 3. It will begin educating the public; 4. Tompkins County residents are expecting this day; and 5. There won't be any savings to the County by delaying this project. Under privilege of the floor, Dan Collins, New York State Electric and Gas, spoke in opposition to a resolution on the agenda entitled Establishing Highway Permit Fees. Mr. Collins stated that if this legislation was in place in 1990, New York State Electric and Gas would have spent approximately $12,000 in permit fees. He stated that this would be imposing a burden on a utility company. Mr. Collins also stated that other Counties do not have these fees and if Tompkins County adopts this legislation, the cost may be reflected in a rate increase for Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Shurtleff asked Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, for his committee to give consideration to a resolution entitled Homestead Exemption. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan wished Mrs. Schuler a happy birthday and stated that today was also his wedding anniversary. Chairman Mason congratulated each of them. Chairman Mason closed privilege of the floor at 6:02 p.m. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said that there will be a special meeting called to review the presentation concerning the Financial Feasibility Findings for the new airport terminal project. This presentation is scheduled for the July 9 Board meeting. 147 June 25, 1991 Mr. Proto, Chairman, Health and Education Committee, stated that the rabies clinic recently held by the Health Department went very well. On recommendation of the committee, John Andersson, Director of Environmental Health, has developed three recommendations regarding the underground storage tank presentation given by the Environmental Management Council. These recommendations have been forwarded to Don Barber, Nancy Schuler and Richard Yeater for their review. Mr. Proto stated that a media campaign is underway and that presentations will be given to human service agencies and community groups throughout the County. A copy of the report entitled Infant Mortality Rate in Tompkins County 1979-1988 is on file in the Board office for review. Responses to the memorandum regarding the evaluation of the Health Department are on file in the County Administrator's office for Board members to review. Mr. Proto reported that he recently presented awards to 35 schools who had 90 percent of children enrolled up-to-date on immunizations. The next committee meeting will be July 30. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety Committee, reported that there is not much change in the monthly report on illegal dumping. The next committee meeting will be June 27. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, stated that the committee met with the City Human Services Committee to hear a report on homeless and shelters. Mrs. Call stated that providers feel that at the present time, new shelters are not needed and that concentration should be put on housing. She reported that statistics from the Department of Social Services show that medical needs are going up. She also said that the committee is working on placing two Echo Housing units at the Biggs site. The Board will be kept informed on the progress of this. Mrs. Call stated that a revised version of proposed Local Law No. c concerning Tompkins County Fair Practice will be available to the public on June 26. The next committee meeting will be July 31. Mr. Proto, Vice Chairman, Planning Committee, reported that there will be a presentation by the Tompkins County Public Library reviewing options for the future of the library at the next committee meeting on July 1. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, reported that the Highway Department has recycled 2.8 miles of the Old 76 Road in Caroline. Mr. Winch announced that William Mobbs, Commissioner of Public Works, has been nominated by Martin Luster, State Assemblyman, to serve on the Local Roads Research and Coordination Council. The next committee meeting will be July 10. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Joint Transit Facility, stated that they are well into the final design of the facility after receiving concrete information on the amount of funds that will be received from the Urban Mass Transit Authority and the New York State Department of Transportation. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Personnel Committee, reported that the committee is still in the process of hearing employee appeals on the Reclassification study. She stated the Community Affirmative Action Committee is now meeting regularly. The next committee meeting will be July 2. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, stated that Vince Lucid was present at the June 13 committee meeting, and reported that he is working on responses to concerns of the Army Corps of Engineers in relation to the wetlands at the proposed DR -7 landfill site. These concerns will be addressed in a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers. Mrs. Livesay stated that the committee discussed a letter from the NYSDEC (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation) stating that a closure plan be submitted by June 17, 1991. The Hillview Road Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee has asked for a delay in submitting the closure plan because they have not had time to review the plan. The committee also discussed a letter Barbara Eckstrom, Solid Waste Manager, received from Frank Trent, NYSDEC, stating that the wells located in the center of the Hillview Road landfill be sealed immediately because they are not in compliance with NYSDEC regulations. The 148 June 25, 1991 committee adopted a motion to have Mrs. Livesay and Mr. Mason negotiate this item with the NYSDEC. Mr. Mason stated that the Hillview Road Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee recently sent a letter to Frank Trent requesting that the wells be kept open. The next meeting of the committee will be June 27. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said that the committee met on June 7. The next committee meeting will be June 28. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, had no report. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, reported the County was recently exonerated in a lawsuit which went to trial concerning a collision. Chairman Mason gave Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Establishment of Guidelines - 1992 County Budget and substitute it with a resolution entitled Budget Guidelines - 1992 Tompkins County Budget. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Award of Bid - Library Client Access Ramp Award of Bid - Courthouse Handicap Access Ramp RESOLUTION NO. 225 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANT - TOMPKINS COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is charged with providing medical services to inmates at the Tompkins County Public Safety Building, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Department is authorized to contract with Donald Hesson, P.A.C. for the provision of said services effective July 22, 1991, said services to be paid from Account No. A4010.4442, Professional Services, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 226 - AUTHORIZATION TO USE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the banks authorized pursuant to Resolution No. 333 of October 14, 1989 are further authorized and directed to honor as genuine and authorized instruments of Tompkins County, any and all checks, drafts and/or other orders for the payment of money drawn in the name of Tompkins County and signed with the facsimile signature of the Tompkins County Administrator, RESOLVED, further, That Tompkins County is authorized to and hereby does assume full responsibility for any and all payments made by said banks in reliance upon the facsimile signature of the County Administrator in the foregoing resolution and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the said 149 June 25, 1991 banks against any and all loss, cost, damage or expense suffered or incurred by said banks arising out of the misuse or unlawful or unauthorized use by any person of such facsimile signature, RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Budget and Finance of Tompkins County be and hereby is authorized and directed to deliver to said banks specimens of the facsimile signature of the County Administrator. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 227 - CREATION OF POSITION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - BUDGET AND FINANCE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, clerical support is necessary to facilitate the needs of the Risk Manager, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That one full time Principal Account Clerk Typist position (61/334), labor grade XI, competitive class, be created in the Division of Budget and Finance effective July 1, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby directed to make the following budget adjustment: Revenue: A1310.2770 Unclassified Revenues $15,100 Appropriation: A1310.1334 Principal Account Clerk Typist $10,160 .2201 Calculators 50 .2206 Computers 1,900 .2211 Chairs 120 .2212 Desks, Bookcases 125 .2213 File Cabinets 150 .2230 Software 100 .8810 Retirement 86 .8830 Social Security 775 .8840 Workers' Compensation 19 .8860 Health Insurance 1,590 .8870 Unemployment Insurance 25 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 228 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 146 OF 1991 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - CITY OF ITHACA - SMITH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in Resolution No. 146 of 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That Resolution No. 146 of 1991 be amended to read as follows: RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $195.06 to $53.27, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $141.79 be charged back to the County of Tompkins, RESOLVED, further, That all other items in Resolution No. 146 of 1991 will remain unchanged. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 150 June 25, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 229 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - CITY OF ITHACA (CORNELL RADIO GUILD) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1991 Tax Roll for the City of Ithaca, namely parcel 64-9-6 assessed to Cornell Radio Guild, being that the exemption was not updated for the revaluation. The correct entry should have been land $170,000, total $400,000, exemption $384,000, taxable $16,000, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the Tax Roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $1,106.87 to $65.57, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the City of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1991 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $1,041.30 be charged back to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 230 - ABOLISH AND CREATE POSITION, CHANGE IN LABOR GRADE - PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Stein). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Specification Writer (12/637), labor grade XII, competitive class, be abolished effective June 25, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Buyer (11/614), labor grade XI, competitive class, be created effective June 25, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the present position of Buyer (10/614), labor grade X, be regraded to labor grade XI (11/614), effective June 25, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following appropriation: FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 420 TO: A1345.1614 Personal Services $ 420 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 231 - INCREASE IN HOURS - NURSE - COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Ms. Mink. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Stein). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That the hours for the nurse at the Tompkins County Public Safety Building 151 June 25, 1991 be increased to a total of twelve (12) hours per week to provide the necessary services and backup to the Physician Assistant effective July 1, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following adjustments to his books to pay for the additional time: Revenue: A1991 Contingent Fund $1,555 Appropriation: A4010.1565 Personal Services $1,555 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 232 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Stein). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Public Safety, and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: Public Health Revenue: A4012.3402 State Aid Appropriation: A4012.2202 Equipment - Typewriters Revenue: Appropriation: Revenue: Appropriation: Purchasing and Central Revenue: Appropriation: Sheriff: .2210 .2213 .2225 A4012.3402 A4012.4402 .4901 .4332 .4466 A4015.3401 A4015.4442 Services A1345.2226 A1345.2201 .2211 .2213 .4442 Other Equipment Filing Cabinets Nursing State Aid Advertising Micro -computer Services Books/Publications Job -Related Travel Public Health Work Professional Service Fees Sale of Supplies Calculators Chairs File Cabinets Professional Services $ 1,480 $ 475 250 235 520 $ 1,400 $ 700 400 200 100 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,170 $ 65 175 630 300 Revenue: A3110.1510 Sheriffs Fees $ 3,200 Appropriation: A3110.2230 Computer Software $ 3,200 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 152 June 25, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 233 - DELEGATING TO THE COUNTY COMPTROLLER OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK, THE POWER TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF AND TO SELL $2,000,000 REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTES OF SAID COUNTY IN ANTICIPATION OF THE RECEIPT OF STATE AID DURING THE FISCAL YEAR OF SAID COUNTY COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1991 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Legislature of the County of Tompkins, New York as follows: Section 1. The power to authorize the issuance of and to sell $2,000,000 revenue anticipation notes of the County of Tompkins, New York, including renewals thereof, in anticipation of the receipt of State Aid due said County during the fiscal year of said County commencing January 1, 1991, is hereby delegated to the County Comptroller, the chief fiscal officer of such County. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner as may be determined by County Comptroller, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 234 - CREATION OF POSITION - PERSONNEL TECHNICIAN - PERSONNEL (TEMPORARY SIX MONTH POSITION) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Stein). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That one (1) position of Personnel Technician (58/333), labor grade VIII, competitive class, be created effective June 25, 1991, for six (6) months only, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following appropriations: FROM: A1990.4400 Contingent Fund $ 9,081 TO: A1430.1333 Personal Services $ 9,081 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 235 - ADOPTION OF REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL POLICIES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following revised Administrative Manual policies be and hereby are adopted: 01-08 Dues, Membership and Subscriptions 02-02 Recruiting Employees 02-15 Management Performance Evaluation 04-10 Travel and Training Expense Reimbursement 06-07 Bidding Procedures 153 06-13 Fixed Assets SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) June 25, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 236 - AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERTIME PAY - PUBLIC WORKS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Highway Construction Supervisor in the Public Works Department be paid for 149 hours of accrued overtime, RESOLVED, further, That adequate funds are available for this payment. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 237 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 2 OF 1991 - AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF 1990 - PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That a public hearing be held before the Board of Representatives at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York on Tuesday, July 9, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof on proposed Local Law No. 2 of 1991 concerning amending Local Law No. 7 of 1990 - providing for amendments to the Tompkins County Charter and Code - Article 9 - Department of Health. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 238 - BUDGET GUIDELINES - 1992 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the 1991 Tompkins County budget includes projected revenues from New York State in the amount of $12,920,248, 22.8 percent of all anticipated General Fund revenues, and WHEREAS, nearly three months after the budget adoption deadline for State government, major decisions that may significantly affect 1991 and 1992 revenues to Tompkins County from the State of New York have not yet been finalized by State government, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That notwithstanding provision no. 1 of Administrative Policy 05-02 that requires that any guidelines for the Tompkins County budget for the ensuing year be determined by June 30, this Board shall, if sufficient information has become available, establish guidelines for the 1992 Tompkins County budget at its scheduled July 9, 1991 meeting, 154 June 25, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That guidelines for allocation of health and human service grants shall also be established at the July 9, 1991 meeting of this Board. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 239 - ESTABLISHING HIGHWAY PERMIT FEES (Amended by R248 of 1993 and Res. No. CA044-94) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. It was Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Ms. Mink, to eliminate the $10 private driveway permit fee charge. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Lerner, Mink, Proto, Schuler and Shurtleff), Noes - 7 (Representatives Call, Evans, Livesay, Mason, Todd, Watros and Winch), Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Stein). Motion Lost. Mr. Proto stated that he has a financial interest in several companies that would be involved in these fees and that if the Board wished he would abstain from voting on this resolution. Mr. Watros also stated that if the Board wished he would abstain from voting on this resolution because of his employment interests. Discussion followed regarding possible pending litigation in other counties and whether a County may charge these permit fees. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, to Table this resolution to the July 9, 1991 Board meeting. Motion Lost by voice vote. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 10, Noes - 3 (Representatives Culligan, Proto and Watros), Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Stein). Resolution Adopted. WHEREAS, Section 136 of the New York State Highway Law authorizes the County Superintendent of Highways to grant permits and to charge fees for working within the County highway system right-of-way, and WHEREAS, Article 10, Section 385, Subdivision 15 of Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York authorizes the County Superintendent to grant and to charge fees for the operation or movement of a vehicle or combination of vehicles having weights or dimensions which exceed the limitations provided for in Section 385, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the highway permit fees provided herein are hereby established and the County Superintendent of Highways is directed to begin charging these fees on September 1, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That no permit will be required for State or municipally owned single vehicles engaged in snow and ice control operations, or designed or fitted for snow and ice control operations while engaged in other public works operations, but these vehicles shall be subject to bridge restrictions, and no fee will be charged for State or municipal work crews engaged in public works operations within the County highway system right-of-way, RESOLVED, further, That the fees are as follows: I. Permits under Article 10, Section 385 of Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York All Permits $ 10.00 II. Permits under Article 6, Section 136 of Highway Law of the State of New York A. Private Driveway $ 10.00 B. Commercial Entrance Major >49 Parking 500.00 Minor <50 Parking 150.00 C. Subdivision Major >24 Building Lots 500.00 Minor <25 Building Lots 150.00 D. Temporary Access Road or Street 50.00 155 June 25, 1991 E. Underground Utility Installation Base fee without excavation in traveled way Base fee with excavation in traveled way Additional unit rate fee F. Overhead Utility Installation (Erecting Poles, Towers, etc.) Base fee Additional unit rate fee G. Utility Maintenance Annual Fee H. Utility Installation on Bridges and Culverts I. Telephone Booths, Newspaper Vending Machines, Signs, etc. J. Miscellaneous (resetting guiderail, bridgerail, curbs, signs, etc.) Notes: 1. Design maximum hourly traffic volume 2. Includes driving lanes and shoulders SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 25.00 75.00 0.25/foot $ 50.00 2.00/unit $750.00 500.00/unit 50.00/unit 100.00 RESOLUTION NO. 240 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - AIRPORT LIMOUSINE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, a request for proposals for the operation of the Airport limousine concession has been duly advertised and no proposals were timely received, and WHEREAS, mutually agreeable terms have been worked out with the incumbent Airport limousine operator, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly advertised and held this 25th day of June, 1991 and all persons wishing to address the Board on this subject have had the opportunity to do so, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the proposed contract with Ithaca Airline Limousine (IAL, INC.) is hereby accepted and the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with IAL, INC. for a period of five (5) years. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 241 - AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN CONTRACT FEE AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - LEGAL REPRESENTATION FOR RUNWAY EXTENSION PROJECT WETLANDS PERMITTING - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, a contract for $10,000 was executed on the 5th day of March, 1991 with Nixon, Hargrave, Devans and Doyle for legal services in connection with wetlands permitting, and WHEREAS, it is estimated that the finalization of these required services will cost between $5,000 and $10,000 more, now therefore be it 156 June 25, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management and Budget and Administration Committees, That the contract with Nixon, Hargrave, Devans and Doyle be increased from $10,000 to an amount not to exceed $20,000 to provide said services and that budget appropriations shall be as follows: FAA Share (90%) Account No. HX5698.4592 $18,000 Revenue Account NYSDOT Share (7-1/2%) Account No. HX5698.3592 $ 1,500 Revenue Account County Share (2-1/2%) Account No. HX5698.2831 $ 500 Revenue Account Total Account No. HX5698.9239 $20,000 RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $500 be appropriated from the Airport Fund Balance to the Construction Fund Account No. HX5698, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to advance monies from the Airport Fund Balance until reimbursement is received from the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation for the runway extension project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 242 - ABANDONING SECTION OF OLD STATE HIGHWAY BETWEEN ROUTE 366 AND NEW YORK STATE ELECTRIC AND GAS CORPORATION Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the short section of Old State Highway between Route 366 and New York State Electric and Gas Corporation is being abandoned to the County, and WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden has stated that they will accept it as a town road and maintain it, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the section of Old State Highway between Route 366 and New York State Electric and Gas Corporation, having been abandoned by the State of New York to the County of Tompkins pursuant to Section 345-a of the Highway Law, is hereby abandoned to the Town of Dryden upon recommendation of the County Superintendent of Highways and upon the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation pursuant to Section 115-b of the Highway Law. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 243 - AWARD OF BID - TRAFFIC COUNTERS/CLASSIFIER UNITS Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for traffic counter/classifier units for use by the Department of Public Works, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and publicly opened on May 23, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the low bid received from Jamar Technologies, Inc. of Ivyland, Pennsylvania for $7,010 be and is hereby accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Department of Public Works be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. DM5130.2210. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 157 June 25, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 244 - AWARD OF BID - SURVEYING EQUIPMENT - PUBLIC WORKS Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for surveying equipment for use by the Department of Public Works, and WHEREAS, two (2) bids were received and publicly opened on June 4, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the low bid received from Carl Heinrich Co. of Cambridge, Massachusetts for $19,848 be and is hereby accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Department of Public Works be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account Nos. DM5130.2210 and D5010.2230. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 245 - AUTHORIZING A LICENSE TO ENTER - CORNELL UNIVERSITY CROW'S NEST STUDY Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, a research associate of Cornell's Section of Ecology and Systematics wishes to conduct certain research on the premises of the Tompkins County Airport in connection with a crow's nest and the occupants of said nest, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to sign a License to Enter with Cornell University for this study and that said License to Enter shall expire on December 31, 1991 unless otherwise extended in writing by the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 246 - AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO A LICENSE TO ENTER - CORNELL UNIVERSITY CHEMICAL DISPOSAL SITE REMEDIATION WORK Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins signed a License to Enter for Cornell University to install monitoring wells on airport property in connection with a plume of contamination emanating from their chemical disposal site, and WHEREAS, remediation measures require that certain trenches be dug and pipes installed to syphon off contaminated ground water for treatment, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to sign an amendment to Cornell University's License to Enter to allow such work to take place. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 158 June 25, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 247 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING - LEASE AGREEMENT WITH EAST HILL FLYING CLUB Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, July 9, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, concerning a proposed lease agreement with the East Hill Flying Club at the Tompkins County Airport. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 248 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - OBSTRUCTION REMOVAL AND LIGHTING (DESIGN) - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Stein). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount Calocerinos and No. 11 (final) HX5698.9123 $1,798.27 Spina Engineers P.C. of Liverpool, New York RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from account No. HX5698.9213. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 249 - 1992 HUMAN SERVICES COALITION BUDGET REVIEW GUIDELINES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives desires Tompkins County funds for health and human service agencies that are not included in County departmental budgets nor reviewed by any County department heads to be allocated in a manner that best meets the needs for these services, and WHEREAS, the Human Services Coalition is established and funded in part by Tompkins County to provide an objective overview of health and human service needs and provisions based on expert analysis, and WHEREAS, it is expected that the Human Services Coalition will strive to optimize the use of available funds for the delivery of services in Tompkins County and advocate for new services for which a need has been determined, now therefore be it 159 June 25, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Human Services Coalition is requested, pursuant to the 1991 contract with Tompkins County, to recommend to the Board of Representatives, no later than September 1, 1991, a minimum amount to be named on July 9, 1991, to be adjusted once budget guidelines are in place, to follow the same general guidelines as County departments. The Human Services Coalition may recommend additional funding to address the needs of human services in the County. These recommendations may be treated as special requests by the County, RESOLVED, further, That the following process shall be used by the Coalition in its review of requests for the funding: 1. The Coalition may recommend funding for a portion of a request; 2. The Coalition is not required to recommend expenditure of all of the funds allocated by the County; 3. By September 1, 1991, the Human Services Coalition shall present the results of its review of all requests within the dollar allocation as established by the Board of Representatives; 4. Special situations shall be referred to the Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee before the Coalition begins its review process; 5. An application for funding shall not be reviewed by the Coalition unless the applying agency is represented at the Coalition's orientation session or unless other arrangements have been made in advance; 6. The Coalition may discontinue its review of any agency application; in the event this occurs, the Board of Representatives shall be notified and all documentation shall be provided by the Coalition of its reasons for taking such action; 7. Funding applications must state the benefits to be derived from implementation of the program and the specific goals of the program; 8. If, during the review process, a program does not meet the minimum standards established by the Human Services Coalition, the Coalition may consider recommending conditional funding. The Coalition will recommend the conditions of the funding. 9. If any agency decides not to offer a service, or the Human Services Coalition determines during the review process that a provider is no longer able to offer the service, but the need for the service is still found to be high, the Human Services Coalition may request that money be encumbered for that service, subject to final review and recommendation by the Human Services Coalition to the Human Services Committee. 10. If any program, previously reviewed through the Human Services Coalition process, is to be reviewed through any other County process in 1991, the 1991 dollars attached to the program will be part of the review process. RESOLVED, further, That the Coalition will use as the basis for allocation of funds the following criteria: 1. Severity of the need that the program identifies and addresses in Tompkins County; 2. Financial need of the client population; 3. Effect on the Tompkins County community if the service is not available or is available at reduced level; 4. Agency's organizational ability to deliver proposed services and meet the needs of clients; 5. Effectiveness of agency planning, and management of fiscal and personnel resources; 6. Agency financial need, including needs caused by cost of living increases; Where necessary, the Coalition's recommendations shall also take note of problems concerning duplication of service or countywide service delivery, though these should not be scored among the above criteria in the evaluation instrument, RESOLVED, further, That in its 1992 Work Plan, the Coalition will continue a systematic review of all agencies receiving health or human service grant funding from Tompkins County. This review shall evaluate efficiency of agency administration and effectiveness of service delivery. The Coalition shall make a recommendation to the appropriate program committee and the Budget and Administration Committee for recommending to the Board of Representatives by December 1, 1991 a plan for this review and specific actions to be taken in 1992, 160 June 25, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the Human Services Committee in coordination with the Human Services Coalition is asked to continue exploration of multi-year funding and other areas, as part of looking at the entire funding review process, RESOLVED, further, That at the close of the review process, the Coalition shall conduct an annual written survey of the agencies, soliciting feedback, suggestions and constructive criticism on the review process and the activities of the Coalition, and that a summary of the results of this survey shall be distributed to the agencies and to the Human Services Committee, RESOLVED, further, That the Human Services Coalition will evaluate and update its plan to reduce by 25 percent the total time and money agencies must spend on local review by funders for the 1992 funding cycle and by 25 percent for the 1993 funding cycle. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 250 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR TITLE V GRANT FUNDS FOR 1991-1992 - EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH CRESP FOR MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Office for the Aging be authorized to apply for a grant of $28,821 for the Title V Senior Community Service Employment Program from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute an agreement with CRESP for operation of the project, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be authorized and directed to add $975 from Title V to Account No. 6775.4400. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 251 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT FOR EXPANDED SERVICES TO HOMELESS YOUTH Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives budgeted $28,500 in Account No. 7026.4579 to be used for expanded services to homeless youth in 1991, and WHEREAS, the County Youth Board charged a Runaway and Homeless Youth Policy and Planning Committee to identify priority uses for those funds, and WHEREAS, the County Youth Board distributed a prescriptive request for proposals for a non-residential independent living skills program to serve 10-15 homeless youth with the approval of the Human Services Committee, and WHEREAS, the Youth Board has reviewed applications and recommended that the County contract with the Learning Web, a program of CRESP, to provide expanded case management and independent living skills preparation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Board of Representatives authorize the Chairman of the Board to execute a contract with the Center for Ethics and Social Policy to operate a Transitional Independent Living Skills Program and to apply for any state and reimbursement available for this purpose. 161 June 25, 1991 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 252 - AWARD OF BID - LIBRARY CLIENT ACCESS RAMP Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the construction of a stairway and handicap access ramp at the main entrance to the Tompkins County Public Library, and WHEREAS, the Landmarks Preservation Commission has approved the design for construction adjacent to the DeWitt Park Historical District, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the low bid received from McGuire and Bennett, Inc., of Ithaca, New York for $289,000 be and hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute agreements with McGuire and Bennett, Inc. for the construction and Hascup Lorenzini Architects of Ithaca, New York for $7,500 for construction administration, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute project change orders up to the project contingency of $29,650, RESOLVED, further, That funds are available in the approved Capital Account No. HQ7410, RESOLVED, further, That up to $5,000 will be made available for material to construct a temporary ramp at the Finger Lakes Library entrance to the Tompkins County Public Library. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 253 - AWARD OF BID - COURTHOUSE HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and adopted unanimously by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the construction of a stairway and handicap access ramp at the DeWitt Park entrance to the Old Courthouse, and WHEREAS, the Landmarks Preservation Commission has approved the design for construction in the DeWitt Park Historical District, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the low bid received from McGuire and Bennett, Inc. of Ithaca, New York for $35,000 be and hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute agreements with McGuire and Bennett, Inc. for the construction and Hascup Lorenzini Architects of Ithaca, New York for $3,500 for construction administration, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute project change orders up to the project contingency of $3,850, RESOLVED, further, That funds are available in the approved Capital Account No. HB 1430. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 162 June 25, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 254 -1991 AUTHORIZATION OF GRANTS TO MUNICIPALITIES — PROJECTS TO REDUCE IMPACT OF FLOODING Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives authorized a flood program to assist municipalities with up to 50 percent matching grants for eligible flood projects by Resolution No. 22 of January 18, 1983, and WHEREAS, the 1991 budget appropriated $15,000 in Account No. A8745.4000 for this purpose, and WHEREAS, project applications have been submitted by various municipalities and each project has been reviewed, inspected and rated by staff in accordance with established criteria, and staff has submitted a recommended program plan for funding during the 1991 cycle to the Planning Committee, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the program plan for 1991 be and the same hereby is approved as shown on the following plan in the total amount of $15,000, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute agreements with the municipalities in accordance with the following program plan, provided that the municipalities meet all requirements as described in the criteria: FLOOD PROGRAM PLAN 1991 APPLICATIONS COST SUMMARY TOMPKINS COUNTY STREAM PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TO REDUCE THE IMPACT OF FLOODS Municipality Total Cost 1991 Request 1991 Award Priority V. Trumansburg $25,000 $ 5,000* $ 5,000 1 T. Caroline (1) $ 3,000 $ 1,500* $ 1,500 2 T. Ithaca $25,000 $ ? * $ 3,000 3 V. Freeville $15,000 $ 7,500* $ 3,500# 4 T. Caroline (2) $ 5,000 $ 2,500* $ 2,000 5 T. Caroline (4) $ 5,000 $ 2,500* Not funded 6 T. Caroline (3) $10,000 $ 5,000 Not funded 7 * Funding still contingent on obtaining the appropriate permits and SEQR reviews prior to commencing with each action. # Funding approved at level accepted for 1990 application. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 255 - AWARD OF BID AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH LAIDLAW ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR CONDUCTING A ONE -DAY HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE (HIIW) COLLECTION PROGRAM Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 193 dated May 17, 1990 approved the implementation of a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day, and 163 June 25, 1991 WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised a Request for Proposals from qualified hazardous waste contractors to properly receive, classify, package, transport, treat and dispose of household hazardous waste, and WHEREAS, four (4) such proposals were received by the close of business on May 9, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and is hereby authorized to award this bid to Laidlaw Environmental Services (North East), Inc., of North Andover, Massachusetts, subject to the terms and specifications contained within the Request for Proposals, to provide collection, handling, transportation and disposal services associated with the proposed Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives be and is hereby authorized to execute said contract with Laidlaw Environmental Services (North East), Inc. on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. A8163.4442, in an amount not to exceed $86,583.60. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 256 - AWARD OF BID - CURBSIDE COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the countywide curbside collection of recyclable materials, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and publicly opened on May 24, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the bid for the countywide curbside collection of recyclable materials be awarded subject to the terms and specifications contained within the bid to Superior Disposal Service, Inc. of Newfield, New York at the bid price of $14.04 per housing unit per year, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Solid Waste be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. A8163.4442. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present the following appointments were made to the various boards: Economic Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1993 Shelly Feldman - City of Ithaca representative Environmental Management Council Term expires December 31, 1991 Dooley Kiefer - Village of Cayuga Heights representative Fire, Disaster and EMS Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1991 Ernest R. Williams - Town of Caroline (alternate) representative 164 June 25, 1991 Tompkins County Youth Board Terms expire December 31, 1992 Hussain Nagi - Youth representative Danica Wilcox - Youth representative Term expires December 31, 1993 Dana Cruikshank - Youth representative On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. 165 July 9, 1991 Regular Meeting Public Hearings Chairman Mason called the first public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning a proposed lease agreement with the East Hill Flying Club at the Tompkins County Airport. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:30 p.m. Chairman Mason called the second public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law No. 2 of 1991 - amending Local Law No. 7 of 1990 - providing for amendments to the Tompkins County Charter and Code - Article 9 - Department of Health. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:30 p.m. Before calling the next public hearing to order, Chairman Mason stated that due to the large crowd wishing to speak at the public hearing concerning proposed Local Law No. 6, that the maximum number of people allowed in the Board Chambers would be limited to 49 because of fire restrictions. Mr. Mason said that a monitor has been set up in the main Courtroom to show a live broadcast of the meeting for those people not able to enter the Board Room. Mr. Mason also stated that because this is an adjourned public hearing and both sides of the issue have had sufficient time to speak, the public hearing will be closed at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Mason called the adjourned public hearing to order at 5:31 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - Tompkins County Fair Practice. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? The following people spoke in opposition of proposed Local Law No. 6: Susan Corapi, Town of Ithaca; Vincent Perna, Town of Ithaca; Sara Jo Mendez, City of Ithaca; Carol Carpenter, Town of Dryden; Nancy Cochran, City of Ithaca; Tim Foote, Town of Ithaca; Gary Foote, Town of Dryden; Phyllis Baker, Tompkins County resident; Sheila Billings, Newfield; Laura Petrisin, Trumansburg; Edna Robertson, Ithaca; Katie Briggs, City of Ithaca; Les Hibbert, Freeville; Ray Johnson, Ludlowville; Jeannette Frank, Groton; Florence Starr, Brooktondale. The following people spoke in favor of proposed Local Law No. 6: Mayor Benjamin Nichols, City of Ithaca; Dean Eckstrom, Town of Danby; Eleanor Carr, Ithaca Chapter of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays; Diane Colbert-Mauboussin, Newfield; Randi Beckmann, Town of Ithaca; Laura Johnson, Town of Newfield; Linda Beins, Human Services Coalition; Alexandria Gayek, City of Ithaca; David Evans, Town of Dryden; Janis Nigro, Ithaca; Neil Golder, City of Ithaca Councilperson; Terry Nicholletti-Garrison, Town of Ithaca; Anne Rhodes, Freeville; Shevak Hertzendorf, Town of Danby; Richard Berg, Ithaca; Susan Steigerwald, City of Ithaca; Eric Patterson, Town of Ithaca; Karen Silverstein, Town of Ulysses and Lesbian and Gay Task Force; Joel Savishinsky, Town of Ithaca; Andrea Fleckclardy, Village of Cayuga Heights; Cathy Richardson, Brooktondale. Danby. A resolution urging the Board to support the proposed local law was submitted from the Town of A statement opposing the proposed local law was received from James R. Aist of Ithaca. 166 July 9, 1991 A statement in favor of proposed Local Law No. 6 was received from Reverend David Evans, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Ithaca. Chairman Mason closed the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. Mrs. Call requested permission to vote on the resolution entitled Adoption of Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - Tompkins County Fair Practice because of the large number of people present. Chairman Mason granted her permission. RESOLUTION NO. 257 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF 1991- TOMPKINS COUNTY FAIR PRACTICE (RESOLUTION LOST) (A new version of Local Law No. 6 of 1991 was adopted December 2, 1991) It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Ms. Mink. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, read from Section 24.01 of the County Charter and Code. She stated that the Human Rights Commission has been working on this law for over ten months and the Commission needs this law to carry out its mission. She also stated that domestics are excluded in this law and that the intent of this law was to never come into the privacy of a home. Mr. Shurtleff, Representative, District No. 9, stated that he believes passage of this law should be done at the state and federal level of government. Ms. Mink, Representative, District No. 5, thanked the public who have been in contact with her regarding this issue and stated that she has supported this law since the beginning as liaison to the Human Rights Commission. Ms. Mink stated that she believes this law is an attempt to deal with the reality of discrimination against gay men and lesbians in a constructive and conservative way by guaranteeing civil liberties to all citizens of the community. Mr. Watros, Representative, District No. 14, acknowledged the Human Rights Commission for their work on this law. He stated that he believes passage of this law should be done at the state and federal level of government. Mr. Winch, Representative, District No. 8, stated that an interest in human services is what brought him to Tompkins County. He stated that he was opposed to this law when he was liaison to the Human Rights Commission and is still opposed. Mrs. Livesay, Representative, District No. 11, said that she had not heard a good argument against this proposed local law. She stated that this law does not take anything from anyone else and she supports this law. Mr. Evans, Representative, District No. 13, commented on the petitions he has received opposing this proposed local law. He referred to the State law and stated that the penalty clause of this local law is more severe than that of State law and feels that if the law is passed, the penalty should not allow for more penalty than is covered under State law. Mr. Proto, Representative, District No. 7, read from the Tompkins County Charter and Code, Section 24.01 Human Rights Commission; Organization; Powers and Duties. 167 July 9, 1991 Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, stated that the Tompkins County Charter and Code gives the Human Rights Investigator the authority to investigate a claim for discrimination. If this local law is passed, it will allow the Investigator to pursue pressing charges. Mr. Stein, Representative, District No. 3, thanked people for attending the public hearing and speaking. Mr. Stein stated that he believes this issue should be addressed at the County level. Mr. Lerner, Representative, District No. 1, spoke in favor of this proposed local law and stated that he believes rights should not be denied because of one's chosen lifestyle. Theda Zimrot, Human Rights Investigator, spoke in favor of this proposed local law and stated that she would like to have people come voluntarily to the Human Rights Commission. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 7 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, Lerner, Livesay, Mink, Schuler, Stein), Noes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Evans, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Todd, Watros, Winch). Resolution Lost. Chairman Mason declared recess at 7:35 p.m. The meeting returned to regular session at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, introduced Joseph Faulhaber and Malcolm Klein, consultants from Aviation Planning Associates. A Report entitled "Tompkins County Airport Debt Capacity Study - Draft Report" was distributed to all Board members. Mr. Faulhaber explained the steps involved in preparing a debt capacity study. He outlined the next steps to be taken in the process which are: 1) Review financing scenarios: a. general obligation bonds b. revenue bonds 2) Conduct preliminary airline discussions 3) Continue design development 4) Prepare required studies a. environmental b. noise c. other 5) Initiate application process for passenger facility charges Mr. Faulhaber stated that the new terminal project can be built without local taxpayer contributions. Mr. Proto asked Board members that if they have any comments or revisions on the material distributed regarding the new terminal project, to submit them to Robert Nicholas, Airport Manager. The next Airport Development Committee meeting will be on August 6. The minutes of the May 7, 1991 Board meeting were approved as submitted. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety Committee, said that the committee met on June 27 and is working on ways to alleviate the problem of overcrowding in the Tompkins County Jail. He stated that the monthly report on littering is the lowest it has ever been. Mr. Culligan reported that plans for E911 are moving along well. There have been 25 resumes received to date for the Sheriffs Department advisory committee. A sub -committee has been established and will soon select five applicants to serve on this committee. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Health and Education Committee, reported that the committee met with the Planning Committee to review the Library proposal and will meet again for a second presentation. The next meeting of the Health and Education Committee is July 30. 168 July 9, 1991 Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, reported that the County Office for the Aging (COFA) has put out a booklet entitled "Leisure Time Activities for Seniors in Tompkins County". Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman, Planning Committee, stated the minutes of the July 1 meeting are on file in the Board office. Mr. Todd, Ad Hoc Post Office Committee, reported that there are plans to build a new post office on Warren Road on an 11.8 -acre site. It is hoped that this will help alleviate downtown traffic congestion because no postal routes will originate from downtown. Mr. Todd stated that they are planning a drive-thru postal service. It is planned that Ithaca will remain a full service post office and there should be no change in the amount of jobs that the post office provides. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Inter -Municipal Transit Facility, did not have a report. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, reported that the Committee has met twice. A preliminary written report regarding the Hillview Road Landfill environmental monitoring should be available on July 15. She reported preliminary results show that the flow of water under the Hillview Road landfill is different than what was previously expected. Mrs. Livesay stated that it was discovered that the flow of water is to the north and there is an entrapment of very concentrated leachate north of the landfill. Mrs. Livesay stated that the County is under orders from the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to close the wells at the landfill. A meeting has been arranged between Beverly Livesay, James Mason, Barbara Eckstrom and James Dwyer with the DEC. A letter from the Army Corps of Engineers was received by Barbara Eckstrom stating what information is needed from the DR -7 site for permit consideration. Mrs. Livesay stated that the draft RFP (Request for Proposals) for the Central Processing Facility is on file for comments. She also reported that plans for a household hazardous waste day is moving forward. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Personnel Committee, stated that the committee looked at the early retirement incentive resolution and decided not to consider it at this time. Mrs. Livesay stated that the committee is near the end of hearing employee appeals on the Reclassification/Pay Equity study. She said that a letter will soon be sent to County employees to clarify some confusion caused by a letter sent from the Union and a letter sent from the Personnel Committee. There will be a special meeting on July 31 to review the appointment process for the Health Director. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, stated that the committee met on June 28 and prior to the Board meeting and discussed the ethics bill impact. Mr. Watros stated that an employee recognition day is being planned. The next meeting of the committee will be August 2. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, had no report. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, had no report. Mrs. Schuler, Chairman, Labor Management Committee on Downtown Employee Parking, reported that another lottery was recently conducted and there were more requests than there were parking spaces. She stated that Board members may still use their parking permit to park at the parking meters adjacent to the Wiggins and Masson law office. Chairman Mason gave Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety Committee, permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Award of Bid - Uniforms - Sheriffs Department from the agenda. Chairman Mason gave Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, permission to withdraw the following resolutions: 169 July 9, 1991 Central Processing Compensation Survey Contract Addendum - Stearns and Wheler - DR -7 Landfill Additional Hydrogeologic Testing On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Establishment of Guidelines, 1992 Tompkins County Budget Authorization to Accept Grant, Budget Adjustment, Creation of Positions - County Clerk's office Preparation of Construction Documents for Offsite Drainage Design and Commercial Avenue Extension to Route 13 for the Central Processing Facility Site - Change Order No. 2 Change Order No. 3 - Stearns and Wheler - Authorization to Prepare Interim Compost Facility Design Modifications RESOLUTION NO. 258 - AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS - 1991-92 Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That a public hearing be held on Tuesday, August 13, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning the 1991-92 operating and capital budget requests for Tompkins Cortland Community College, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and hereby is directed to place such notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of Tompkins County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 259 - CONTRACT AGENCY ADVANCE - ALCOHOLISM COUNCIL Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, due to the delay in passing of the State budget, Tompkins County has not received second quarter advance payments from the Division of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse to advance to the Alcoholism Council, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That 1991 second quarter advance payment be made to the Alcoholism Council, Tompkins County having received sufficient 1991 advance monies from the Offices of Mental Hygiene to cover the advance payment, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following payment: DAAA Advance: 441.4325 Alcoholism Council $25,000 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 260 - CONTRACT AGENCY ADVANCE - MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. 170 July 9, 1991 WHEREAS, due to the State budget impasse Tompkins County has not received the full amounts due from the first and second quarter advance payments from the Office of Mental Health, therefore the Mental Health Association did not receive the full amounts due them, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That 1991 partial third quarter advance payment be made to the Mental Health Association, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following payment: OMH OT 620 Advance: 442-4324 Mental Health Association $6,000 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 261 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — INFECTIOUS WASTE DISPOSAL - TOMPKINS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department generates infectious waste and is required to meet regulations by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Environmental Protection Agency for its disposal, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to contract with Tompkins Community Hospital for the provision of said services, to be paid from Account No. 4010.4442, Professional Services, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 262 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT GRANT PROPOSAL - WIC SPECIAL INITIATIVES Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, a Request for Applications for breast feeding special initiatives for the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) was received from the New York State Department of Health requesting applications by June 21, 1991, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department's WIC Program is interested in applying for this grant by submission of an application as requested, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That permission be granted to the Health Department to submit said application, with the understanding that the Health Department's proposal, if funded, will generate no additional County costs not covered by State funding. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 263 - REFUND OF TAXES - TOWN OF LANSING - SCIARABBA Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1990 and 1991 Tax Rolls for the Town of Lansing, namely parcel 47.1-1-17.7 assessed to Andrew Sciarabba and J. Kenneth Walker, an exemption having been erroneously calculated, now therefore be it 171 July 9, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the overpayments for 1990 and 1991 in the amount of $3,055.91 be refunded, RESOLVED, further, That the refunded amount be charged back as follows: $607.23 to the Town of Lansing and $2,448.68 to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 264 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL RETURN - TOWN OF LANSING - HORIZON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1990 Town of Lansing portion of the Ithaca City School District Tax Roll, namely parcel 44-1-43.4 assessed to Horizons Development Corporation which does not appear on the 1990 tax map as a parcel and was erroneously entered on the Tax Roll, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the taxes be expunged, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $11.99 be charged back as follows: $11.42 to the Ithaca City School District and $.57 to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 265 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 2 OF 1991 - AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF 1990 - PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - ARTICLE 9 - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held before the Board of Representatives on July 9, 1991 to hear all persons interested in proposed Local Law No. 2 of 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the proposed Local Law No. 2 of 1991 concerning amending Local Law No. 7 of 1990 - Providing for Amendments to the Tompkins County Charter and Code - Article 9 - Department of Health be and hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said Local Law No. 2 of 1991 in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks, the first within ten (10) days after the local has been adopted, and after said local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk of the Board shall within five (5) days file one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk and three certified copies in the office of the Secretary of State. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 266 - APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION COMMISSIONER FOR 1992-93 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. 172 July 9, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins County Republican Committee and Budget and Administration Committee, That Lee Shurtleff be and hereby is appointed Republican Party Elections Commissioner for the two-year term commencing January 1, 1992 and ending December 31, 1993. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 267 - CREATION OF POSITIONS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans. A short roll call resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That two (2) positions of Case Aide (08/511) labor grade VIII, competitive class be created, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the following budget adjustments and appropriations be made: MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC: Revenue: A4311.1620 Mental Health Fees $11,142 Appropriation: A4311.1511 Personal Services 8,442 .2211 Chairs 120 .2212 Desks 476 .8810 Retirement 127 .8830 Social Security 646 .8860 Health Insurance 1,531 $11,142 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES (ICM): Revenue: A4313.1623 Mental Health Fees $11,142 Appropriation: A4313.1511 Personal Services 8,442 .2211 Chair 120 .2212 Desks 276 .8810 Retirement 127 .8830 Social Security 646 .8860 Health Insurance 1,531 $11,142 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said appropriations and budget adjustments on his books. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 268 - AWARD OF BID - UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY (DATA PROCESSING) (Rescinded by Res. No. 352 of 9/3/91) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for one (1) uninterruptible power supply for use by the Date Processing Department, and WHEREAS, four (4) bids were received and publicly opened on Thursday, June 13, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the bid for one uninterruptible power supply system be awarded to Bromor Company of Buffalo, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder with a bid of $18,882, 173 July 9, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the Data Processing Department be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. HF1680.9253. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 269 - ADOPTION OF REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL POLICY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and adopted by voice vote with Mr. Proto voting no. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following revised Administrative Manual policy be and hereby is adopted: 02-01 Creating New Positions and Changing Existing Positions SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 270 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. E OF 1991 CONCERNING PARTICIPATION BY THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS IN THE REGIONAL OFF-TRACK BETTING CORPORATION (Tabled to August 13, 1991 and Adopted) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, to Table this resolution to the August 13, 1991 Board meeting. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 4 (Representatives Shurtleff, Stein, Dietrich, and Mason). Motion to Table carried. RESOLUTION NO. 271 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Public Safety and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS: Social Services FROM: A6010.2213 File Cabinets $ 1,277 TO: A6010.2231 Vehicles $ 1,277 FROM: TO: A6010.2212 A6010.2211 .2214 .2220 .4470 FROM: A6010.2201 .2203 .2206 Desks/Bookcases Chairs Office Furnishings Telephone Equipment Building Repair Calculators Dictating Equipment Computer Equipment 174 $ 1,000 $ 502 300 150 48 $ 10 45 90 .2213 .2216 .4442 .4484 TO: A6010.4470 Tourism FROM: TO: A6475.4400 0908.0000 A6475.4497 .4504 .4531 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: Mental Health Revenue: A4313.1623 Appropriation: A4313.2212 .2211 .2206 Revenue: A4321.3499 Appropriation: A4321.4400 Revenue: Appropriation: A4328.3499 A4328.4400 July 9, 1991 File Cabinets Photography Equipment Professional Services Food Stamps Building Repair 22 349 31,273 8,900 $ 40,689 Program Expense $ 18,900.00 General Fund Balance - Room Tax 26,927.05 Tourist Attractions $ 6,856.35 Chamber of Commerce 35,085.23 Finger Lakes Association 3,885.47 Mental Health Fees Desks/Bookcases Chairs Computer Equipment OMH Contract Revenue HOMES, Inc. Program Expenses OMH Contract Revenue Emergency Community Shelter (Red Cross) Program Expenses RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to make any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) $ 3,498 576 100 2,822 $ 17,500 $ 17,500 $ 17,500 $ 17,500 RESOLUTION NO. 272 - AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT GRANT, BUDGET ADJUSTMENT, CREATION OF POSITIONS - COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Tompkins County has been awarded a Government Records Management Improvement Fund grant in the amount of $37,811, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety, Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That effective immediately the following positions be created as long as monies are available for wages and fringes, but no later than June 30, 1992: Two (2) full time clerks (03/502) competitive class, labor grade 3 One (1) part-time clerk (03/502) competitive class, labor grade 3 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby directed to make the following budget adj ustments: REVENUE: APPROPRIATION: A1460.3089 A1460.1000 .4302 .4416 .4440 .8810 .8830 .8840 .8860 .8870 State Aid Personal Services Supplies Travel Program Expense Retirement Social Security Workers' Compensation Health Insurance Unemployment Insurance 175 $37,811 $30,014 1,300 276 1,801 550 2,075 21 1,753 21 July 9, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to accept this grant on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 273 - ESTABLISHMENT OF GUIDELINES, 1992 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That notwithstanding the provisions of Administrative Policy 05-02 no. 1, this Board shall establish guidelines for the 1992 Tompkins County Budget at its August 13, 1991 meeting, RESOLVED, further, That agencies and departments shall be notified of the adjusted budget submission timetable. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 274 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH EAST HILL FLYING CLUB AT THE TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the East Hill Flying Club wishes to continue operations at the Tompkins County Airport, and WHEREAS, their lease agreement with the County expired on December 31, 1990, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute a lease agreement with the East Hill Flying Club for a fifteen (15) year period ending December 31, 2005. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 275 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING - T -HANGAR LEASE AGREEMENT-TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, August 13, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning a proposed T -Hangar lease agreement at Tompkins County Airport. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 176 July 9, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 276 - AWARD OF PROPOSAL - SHAFFER ROAD OVER VAN BUSKIRK GULF - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DESIGN Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for proposals for an hydraulic analysis and bridge design to carry Shaffer Road over Van Buskirk Gulf, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the proposal received from MRB Group of Rochester, New York for $13,805 be and hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute an agreement with MRB Group and execute change orders up to the project contingency of $1,300. Funds to be provided from Account No. D5110.4411. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 277 - AMENDMENT OF 1991 CAPITAL PROGRAM - EAST HILL PLAZA AREA SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Lerner). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management and Capital Program Committees, That the 1991 Capital Program is hereby amended to indicate that the approved spending for the East Hill Plaza Area Safety Improvements project is established at $800,000, RESOLVED, further, That the source of these funds shall be borrowing. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 278 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - EAST HILL AREA SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and adopted by voice vote with Mr. Lerner voting no. WHEREAS, the proposals for design services for safety improvements to the East Hill Plaza area were received on June 21, 1991 by the Director of Purchasing and Central Services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Hunt Engineers and Architects of Corning, New York. The design fee for the East Hill Plaza Area Improvements shall be $48,800. Funds are available in the 1991 Capital Account. RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute an agreement with Hunt Engineers and Architects of Corning, New York and to execute change orders up to the project contingency of $5,000. Funds are available in the 1991 Capital Account. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 279 - AWARD OF BID - BOX CULVERT REPLACEMENTS 177 July 9, 1991 Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the installation of aluminum arch pipes, box culvert replacements, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the low bid received from Schooley Enterprises, Inc. of Auburn, New York for $45,200 be and hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute an agreement with Schooley Enterprises, Inc. and execute change orders up to the project contingency of $4,500, funds to be provided from Account No. D5110.4442. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 280 - ABOLISH AND CREATE POSITIONS - PUBLIC WORKS - PERMANENT POSITION Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Personnel Committees, That one (1) position of Building Maintenance Worker-Plumber/Steamfitter (11/811), labor grade XI, non-competitive class be abolished effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Maintenance Worker (07/805), labor grade VII, non-competitive class be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 281 - ABOLISH AND CREATE POSITIONS - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Continuing Treatment Specialist (10/621) (Continuing Treatment Specialist Reclassification 14/621), competitive class be abolished effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Community Mental Health Nurse (12/591) (Community Mental Health Nurse Reclassification 16/591), competitive class be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That funding will be reviewed during the re-evaluation of appropriation process for the reclassification of positions. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 282 - APPROVAL OF BYLAWS - HILLVIEW ROAD LANDFILL CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Hillview Road Landfill Citizen's Advisory Committee has prepared bylaws for review by members, the County Attorney, and the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, now therefore be it 178 July 9, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the bylaws of the Hillview Road Citizen's Advisory Committee on file with the Clerk of the Board be and hereby are approved. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 283 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 - CASWELL CLOSURE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the following Change Order in relation to Resolution No. 241 of 1988 has been reviewed and approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 3 - ($1,000) deduction Contractor overestimated materials (mulch and seed) required for final site and restoration , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said Change Order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to adjust the authorized contract amount to reflect said claim in Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 284 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - CASWELL CLOSURE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount Hey's Enterprise, Inc. 4 (final) HH8165.9239 $ 6500 P. O. Box 96 Rushville NY 14544 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 285 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR OFFSITE DRAINAGE DESIGN AND COMMERCIAL AVENUE EXTENSION TO ROUTE 13 FOR THE CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY SITE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 127 dated April 4, 1991 has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: ADDENDUM NO. 2 - Resource Associates shall be authorized to perform design and survey 179 July 9, 1991 work associated with construction documents for offsite drainage design and Commercial Avenue extension to Route 13, , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the above addendum be and is hereby approved and that the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized and directed to execute said change order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim in an amount not to exceed $18,320, funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 286 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 - AUTHORIZATION TO PREPARE INTERIM COMPOST FACILITY DESIGN MODIFICATIONS - STEARNS AND WHELER Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and adopted by voice vote with Mr. Proto voting no. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 409 of November 7, 1990 has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: CHANGE ORDER NO. 3: Stearns and Wheler shall be authorized to perform the services as specified in their proposal dated June 27, 1991 to redesign the interim compost facility to accommodate all of the municipal sewage sludge produced within Tompkins County and to complete and submit a permit modification to comply with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation requirements. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the above change order be and is hereby approved and that the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute said change order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to appropriate $9,000 from Account No. HH8162.2210. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to enter into executive session at 9:49 p.m. to discuss litigation and appointments. The meeting returned to regular session at 10:03 p.m. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously seconded and adopted to appoint Catherine Covert to the position of Clerk of the Board of Representatives. It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to appoint Marjory Rinaldo Lee to the Environmental Management Council as a representative to the Village of Freeville for a term which expires December 31, 1991. On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:04 p.m. 180 August 13, 1991 Regular Meeting Public Hearings Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning the 1991-92 operating and capital budget requests for Tompkins Cortland Community College. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? Dr. Eduardo Marti, Tompkins Cortland Community College President, said the College is requesting a zero percent increase from the County. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:31 p.m. Chairman Mason called the second public hearing to order at 5:31 p.m. concerning a proposed T -Hangar lease agreement at the Tompkins County Airport. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:31 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Shurtleff). The minutes of the May 21, June 4, June 25, and July 9, 1991 Board meetings were approved as corrected. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Joint Transit Facility Committee, introduced James Kazda, Civil Senior Engineer and Project Manager, and Dwight Mengel, Chief Transportation Planner and Program Manager. Mr. Winch oriented the Board to the model of the proposed site design. Mr. Mengel and Mr. Kazda gave a brief overview of the project and distributed a handout which is the synopsis of the project to Board members. They explained the design and development of the project. The total cost of the project is for $6,074,966. (Refer to Resolution No. 310 of August 13, 1991 for the project funding breakdown.) Under privilege of the floor, Janis Kelly, 305 Auburn Road, spoke in opposition to the proposed Fair Practice local law. She asked that the law be reconsidered as soon as possible. Under privilege of the floor, Brian Eden, on behalf of the Finger Lakes James Bay Alliance located at 1416 Hanshaw Road, spoke in favor of the resolution entitled "Urging the Governor to Withdraw Consent for the James Bay Hydro -Quebec Power Contract". He spoke about the economical impact in New York State and feels the Governor should cancel these contracts. Under privilege of the floor, John Marciano, Human Rights Commission Chairman, urged the Board to support the resolution "Urging the Governor to Withdraw Consent to Withdraw Consent for the James Bay Hydro -Quebec Power Contract". Under privilege of the floor, Aitin Tompkins, Guest in Tompkins County, said he is here on a bicycle tour and urged the Board to pass the resolution entitled "Urging the Governor to Withdraw Consent for the James Bay Hydro -Quebec Power Contract". 181 August 13, 1991 Under privilege of the floor, Sylvia Wahl, 1426 Hanshaw Road, also spoke in favor of the resolution concerning the James Bay Hydro -Quebec Power Contract and urged the Board to support it. Under privilege of the floor, Chris Moore, 206 College Avenue, spoke in opposition to the James Bay Project and urged the Board to support the resolution asking the Governor to cancel the contracts. Under privilege of the floor, Margaret Mc Casland, City of Ithaca, said she is in support of being environmentally conservative. She urged the Board to support the resolution entitled "Urging the Governor to Withdraw Consent for the James Bay Hydro -Quebec Power Contract". Under privilege of the floor, Herb Engman, 571 South Danby Road, spoke about the resolution entitled "Authorizing Submittal of Modification of the Draft New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Permit for Construction and Operating of the Interim Compost Facility at the Tompkins County Hillview Road Landfill". He feels the Tompkins County Landfill should be capped by the end of 1991 and not request an extension of the consent order. Under privilege of the floor, Fay Gougakis, Ithaca, urged the Board to support the resolution entitled "Urging the Governor to Withdraw Consent for the James Bay Hydro -Quebec Power Contract". She asked the Board to examine the effect this will have on Tompkins County if the resolution is not adopted. Under privilege of the floor, Paul Savetz, City of Ithaca, requested that the Board make the space available for public to speak in the Board Room larger. Under privilege of the floor, Joel Gagnon, Town of Danby, referred to the resolution entitled "Authorizing Submittal of Modification of the Draft New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Permit for Construction and Operating of the Interim Compost Facility at the Tompkins County Hillview Road Landfill" and asked the Board to send it back to Committee. He stated that this resolution will be discussed at the next meeting of the Hillview Road Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee. Under privilege of the floor, Scott McDaniels, City of Ithaca, stated that he has visited James Bay and spoke about the possible damage which may be caused as a result of the project. He urged the Board to pass the resolution urging the Governor to withdraw his consent to the pending contracts. Under privilege of the floor, Nick Vandam, 53 White Church Road, spoke in favor of the resolution entitled "Urging the Governor to Withdraw Consent for the James Bay Hydro -Quebec Power Contract". He said he is against the project. Under privilege of the floor, Nancy Schuler read a letter from Hon. Martin Luster, New York State Assemblyman, to Catherine Covert, Clerk of the Board, urging the Board to support the resolution concerning the Governor withdrawing his consent for the James Bay Hydro -Quebec Power Contract. He stated in a letter dated July 15 to Governor Cuomo that "the environmental and human cost of this project can in no way be justified. It is unnecessary and wrong for New York State to play a major role in causing such massive dislocation of indigenous peoples and destruction of unique natural resources". Under privilege of the floor, Robert Watros said he feels that issues brought forth in the resolution entitled "Urging the Governor to Withdraw Consent for the James Bay Hydro -Quebec Power Contract" should be addressed at the State level. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee has several resolutions on the agenda. He reported on the activities of the Hospital Board of Directors. He stated that a new list of physicians that were hired is available. 182 August 13, 1991 Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said there are a number of resolutions on the agenda. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, said that the five members of the Civilian Review Board have been selected and will soon have their organizational meeting. He reported that there is a concern that the cost of the EMT class at Tompkins Cortland Community College has risen and that the Committee is looking into the possibility of the College accepting installment payments for these classes. Mrs. Schuler reported that the Criminal Justice Advisory/Alternatives to Incarceration Board met July 15 and decided to send a formal request to Bill Benjamin, New York State Division of Probation, to ask for the State to review problems of overcrowding at the Tompkins County Correctional facility. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, said the committee met July 30. The committee reviewed the work plans for the Department of Social Services and Youth Bureau. The committee received an update concerning the large deficit in medical assistance reported by Mary Pat Dolan, Department of Social Services Commissioner. Mrs. Call said that Maryanne Banks has recently been promoted to Director of the Services Division of the Department of Social Services. She announced that Mrs. Livesay has been nominated by the Tompkins County Youth Board for the Association of New York State Youth Bureau's Bill J. Bub, Jr. Award for leadership, dedication and advocacy for youth. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman of the Planning Committee, said the committee met twice. She would like to have one resolution added to the agenda. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, said the committee has several resolutions on the agenda. Chairman Mason announced that Mr. and Mrs. Todd's Poultry Farm in Lansing was one of the four New York Farm families to receive the Governor's Agricultural Award this year. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, said the committee met July 31. She said the wells at the Hillview Road Landfill were closed the first of August. She reported on a meeting she attended at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). She said the committee's decision is to close the Hillview Road Landfill as soon as possible. The committee also decided to submit a letter to NYSDEC from Chairman Mason requesting an amendment to the Second Amended Consent Order to accept solid Waste to May 1, 1992 and to also construct an interim compost facility if needed. Mrs. Livesay stated that this extension would not delay capping the landfill. Capping of the landfill would not begin until Spring of 1992 due to weather conditions. Mrs. Livesay cancelled the August 22 committee meeting. Chairman Mason recognized the efforts of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Personnel Committee, said the committee discussed the Planning Department appeals. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met August 2. He updated the Board on the activities of the committee. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, discussed the second period sales tax report. Chairman Mason gave Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, permission to withdraw from the agenda, the resolution entitled "Authorizing a Contract for Construction 183 August 13, 1991 Management and Value Engineering Services in Connecting with the New Terminal Project - Tompkins County Airport". Chairman Mason gave Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman of the Planning Committee, permission to withdraw from the agenda, the resolution entitled "Payment to Tompkins County Area Development Inc. for Technical Services". Chairman Mason gave Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, permission to withdraw from the agenda, the resolutions entitled "Approval of T -Hangar Lease Agreement - Tompkins County Airport" and "Authorizing a Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law No. h of 1991 - Airport". Ms. Mink said she has been asked by several colleagues who are currently working to correct wording problems that they said kept them from supporting the proposed law on Fair Practice to withdraw from the agenda, the resolution entitled "Calling for the Referral of Local Law No. c [6] of 1991 - Tompkins County Fair Practice Back to the Human Services Committee". She said based on the understanding that a revised law will be brought back to the Human Services Committee and the full Board sometime this fall she would request permission to withdraw the above-mentioned resolution. Chairman Mason granted her permission. Chairman Mason gave Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, permission to withdraw from the agenda, the resolutions entitled "Authorization to Execute a Contract with Cornell University to Develop a Central Processing Facility Impact Assessment Survey" and "Change Order No. 4 - Authorization for Terrestrial Environmental Specialists to Perform Additional Sampling and Preparation of Wetland Permit Application for the DR -7 Landfill Site". Chairman Mason gave Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, permission to withdraw from the agenda, the resolution entitled "Authorizing Job Training Program Changes". On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Authorization to Execute a Contract with Robert Wesley to Conduct a Flora and Fauna Study at Tompkins County Airport Authorization to Award Bid - Construction Trailer - Joint Transit Facility Award of Bid - New and Unused 1991 Truck Service Bodies Designation of Tourist Promotion Agency It was Moved by Mrs. Schuler, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to add to the agenda the revised resolution entitled "Recognizing the Creation of a Civilian Review Board to the Sheriffs Department" in place of the resolution entitled "Creation of a Sheriffs Department Citizens Advisory Board". RESOLUTION NO. 287 - ADOPTION OF 1991-92 OPERATING BUDGET - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, a proposed operating budget for Tompkins Cortland Community College for the fiscal year September 1, 1991 through August 31, 1992 has been presented to the Board of 184 August 13, 1991 Representatives of the County of Tompkins pursuant to County Law and Section 6306 of the Education Law, and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives has conducted a public hearing on said proposed budget on the 13th day of August, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and the Budget and Administration Committees, That said proposed 1991-92 operating budget in the amount of $11,293,386 of which the sponsoring community contribution is in the amount of $2,421,957 be and the same hereby is approved, RESOLVED, further, That the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County includes in the 1992 Tompkins County Budget an amount to be determined pursuant to the approved plan for said College in effect as of September 1, 1991 and that the amount when determined be raised by taxation in the County of Tompkins in the fiscal year 1992, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall become effective upon the adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 288 - ADOPTION OF 1991-92 CAPITAL BUDGET - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Tompkins Cortland Community College has presented a proposed capital budget to this Board for the fiscal year 1991-92, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That said 1991-92 capital budget in the amount of $233,133, which the sponsoring community contribution is in the amount of $122,005, be and the same hereby is approved and adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the sponsoring community contribution shall be paid from the capital construction account to be maintained by Tompkins Cortland Community College, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall become effective upon adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 289 - AUTHORIZING TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE TO SUBMIT PRELIMINARY 1992-1993 CAPITAL BUDGET TO STATE UNIVERSITY Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Tompkins Cortland Community College is required to submit a preliminary capital budget request for 1992-1993 to the State University Construction Fund, and WHEREAS, the State University Construction Fund requires approval of Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees, Cortland County Legislature and Tompkins County Board of Representatives, and WHEREAS, the Preliminary 1992-1993 Capital Budget in the amount of $832,000 (State share $416,000, local appropriation $416,000) for the State fiscal year April 1, 1992 through March 31, 1993 has been adopted by the Board of Trustees of Tompkins Cortland Community College, pursuant to Section 6306 of the Education Law, now therefore be it 185 August 13, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Tompkins Cortland Community College be and hereby is authorized to submit said Preliminary 1992-1993 Capital Budget to the State University Construction Fund, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall be effective upon adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 290 - SECOND MODIFICATION OF THE 1990-1991 OPERATING BUDGET - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Tompkins Cortland Community College, Tompkins and Cortland Counties, and State University of New York have previously approved the 1990-1991 operating budget for Tompkins Cortland Community College totaling $10,150,788, and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees, Tompkins and Cortland Counties have previously approved a modification of the 1990-91 operating budget to a new level of $10,275,788, and WHEREAS, revenues will exceed the modified budget and reallocation of funds in various departments is required to meet increased enrollment demands and contracted wage increases per the 1990-91 Modified Budget, and WHEREAS, the total revenue and total expenditures will be increased by $106,000 to a modified level of $10,381,788, and WHEREAS, the local sponsor share will not be affected by the modification, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That said modification of the 1990-91 operating budget of Tompkins Cortland Community College be and the same hereby is approved and adopted, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall become effective upon adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 291 - AUTHORIZES TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NEW YORK STATE RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of New York has signed into law Chapter 178 of the Laws of 1991, effective June 17, 1991, which makes available a Retirement Incentive Program to local governments, school districts, community colleges, public authorities and other entities not covered by State incentive programs authorized by Chapters 210, 447, and 935 of the Laws of 1990, and WHEREAS, this legislation permits community college employers who participate directly (or under city or county sponsorship) in New York State Teachers' Retirement System and TIAA-CREF Retirement System the opportunity, if they so elect, to provide special retirement incentive benefits to their regular retirement plan members with thirty or more years of service, or who are at least age 55 and otherwise eligible to retire, and WHEREAS, Tompkins Cortland Community College desires to participate in this incentive program, now therefore be it 186 August 13, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Board of Representatives does hereby authorize Tompkins Cortland Community College to provide the benefits of the retirement program pursuant to Chapter 178 of the Laws of 1991 to all of its employees who are members of the New York State Teachers' Retirement System and who retire with an effective date of retirement during the "open period" commencing on October 1, 1991 and ending on December 20, 1991, and who are otherwise eligible to participate in such program, RESOLVED, further, That the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County does hereby authorize Tompkins Cortland Community College to provide the benefits of the retirement program pursuant to Chapter 178 of the Laws of 1991 to all of its employees who are members of the TIAA-CREF Retirement System and who retire with an effective date of retirement during the "open period" commencing on October 1, 1991 and ending on December 20, 1991, and who are otherwise eligible to participate in such program, RESOLVED, further, That Tompkins Cortland Community College will follow the eligibility guidelines set forth by the State of New York for the Retirement Incentive Program. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 292 - AWARD OF BID - PHOTOIONIZATION ANALYZER - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for one (1) new and unused Photoionization Analyzer for use by the Health Department, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and publicly opened on June 27, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the bid be awarded to Mine Safety Appliances Co. of Amherst, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $4,965, RESOLVED, further, That the Health Department be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. A4010.2226. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 293 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - SCHEMATIC DESIGN AND SITE PLAN - NEW TERMINAL PROJECT - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representatives Shurtleff). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount Egner and Associates, 4 (final) HU5610.9239 $8,944.63 Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Sasaki, and EMJ/McFarland-Johnson RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from said Account No. HU5610.9239. 187 August 13, 1991 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 294 - AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR FINANCIAL CONSULTING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH A COST CENTER STRUCTURE REVIEW, AN AIRLINE RATES AND CHARGES ANALYSIS AND AIRLINE NEGOTIATIONS - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT NEW TERMINAL PROJECT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, a Financial Feasibility Study has shown that the New Terminal Project can be built without local taxpayer contributions, and WHEREAS, it is desirable that early negotiations should take place with the Airlines to ensure agreement is reached on an acceptable level of rates and charges so as to pay for the New Terminal construction, and WHEREAS, certain changes are necessary to the Airport's cost center structure to facilitate easier and more effective negotiations with the airlines, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to sign a contract with Aviation Planning Associates, Inc. of Cincinnati, Ohio for a sum not to exceed $52,000 to complete a Cost Center Structure Review, an Airline Rates and Charges Analysis and to assist in negotiations with the airlines for new lease agreements, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to transfer said $52,000 from the Airport Fund Balance to Construction Account No. HV5610.9239 to meet the cost of this contract. SEQR ACTION: Exempt or Type II (No further action necessary) RESOLUTION NO. 295 - AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT WITH CALOCERINOS AND SPINA FOR DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR AN AIRCRAFT RAMP AND TAXIWAY CONNECTORS - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Todd. Mr. Lerner said for the record that "we are authorizing this but the money cannot be, in fact, spent without an additional vote by this Board". A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, a Schematic Design was recently completed and approved for a New Terminal Project at the Tompkins County Airport, and WHEREAS, a Financial Feasibility Study was recently completed which shows it is possible for the New Terminal Project to be completed without local taxpayer contributions, and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives wishes to await a favorable outcome to the Airline Negotiations before allowing work in connection with this contract to begin, and WHEREAS, an appropriate environmental review will be undertaken to ensure that full consideration is given to the way this project will impact the environment, and WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for proposals in connection with design development and preparation of construction documents for an aircraft ramp and taxiway connectors for the New Terminal Project, and only one proposal was received fro evaluation by the Airport Development Committee, and 188 August 13, 1991 WHEREAS, the Airport Development Committee, using the criteria outlined in the Federal Aviation Administration's Advisory Circular (AC, 150/5100-14B dated 11/21/88), selected the firm of Calocerinos and Spina as having the experience and expertise necessary to satisfactorily complete these tasks, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute a contract with said Calocerinos and Spina to complete the design and development and construction documents for an amount not to exceed $172,720 subject to the stipulations aforementioned and subject to approval by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) and that budget appropriations shall be as follows: FAA Share NYSDOT Share County Share Total (90.0%) Account No. 5610.4592 $155,448 ( 7.5%) Account No. 5610.3592 $ 12,954 ( 2.5%) Account No. 5610.5031 $ 4,318 Account No. 5610.9239 $172,720 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to advance monies from the Airport Fund Balance until reimbursement is received from the FAA and NYSDOT for this project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 296 - AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT WITH EGNER AND ASSOCIATES FOR DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR A NEW TERMINAL BUILDING, PARKING LOTS, ACCESS ROADWAY AND LANDSCAPING - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans. Mr. Lerner said for the record that "we are authorizing this but the money cannot be, in fact, spent without an additional vote by this Board". A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, a Schematic Design was recently completed and approved for a New Terminal Project at the Tompkins County Airport, and WHEREAS, a Financial Feasibility Study was recently completed which shows it is possible for the New Terminal Project to be completed without local taxpayer contributions, and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives wishes to await a favorable outcome to the Airline Negotiations before allowing work in connection with this contract to begin, and WHEREAS, an appropriate environmental review will be undertaken to ensure that full consideration is given to the way this project will impact the environment, and WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for proposals in connection with design development and preparation of construction documents for the New Terminal Building, related parking lots, access roadway, and associated landscaping, and such proposals were received and evaluated by the Airport Development Committee, and WHEREAS, the Airport Development Committee, after using the criteria outlined in the Federal Aviation Administration's Advisory Circular (AC, 150/5100-14B dated 11/21/88), selected the firm of Egner and Associates as being the most suitable to complete these tasks, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute a contract with said Egner and Associates to complete the design and development and construction documents for an amount not to exceed $508,036 subject to the stipulations aforementioned and subject to approval by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) and that budget appropriations shall be as follows: FAA Share (39.7%) Account No. 5610.4592 $201,690 NYSDOT Share (8.6%) Account No. 5610.3592 $ 43,691 189 August 13, 1991 County Share (51.7%) Account No. 5610.5031 $262,655 Total Account No. 5610.9239 $508,036 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to advance monies from the Airport Fund Balance until reimbursement is received from the FAA and NYSDOT for this project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 297 - RECOGNIZING THE CREATION OF A CIVILIAN REVIEW BOARD TO THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Schuler. It was Moved by Mr. Lerner, seconded by Mr. Stein, to add the following RESOLVED: RESOLVED, further, That the civilian review board shall draft their bylaws subject to approval by the Board of Representatives and Sheriff. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Watros, to strike the resolution and let the Sheriff select the advisory board he chooses. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, declared Mr. Proto's motion out of order because of the amendment currently on the floor. Mr. Lerner withdrew his motion to amend. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 13, Noes - 1 (Representative Watros), Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the concept of a civilian review board for the Tompkins County Sheriffs Department was brought before the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, and WHEREAS, the creation of such a review board would be unique in that is would be the first known review board for a Sheriffs Department in New York State, and WHEREAS, the said review board will work with the Sheriff providing guidance and advice relating to civilian complaints, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That the Sheriff, an elected official of Tompkins County, upon receiving the recommendation of the Civilian Review Board and after conferring with the Civilian Review Board, will make a determination of cases brought before said Board, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives recognizes the creation of a five (5) person Civilian Review Board to the Sheriffs Department. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 298 - AWARD OF BID - UNIFORMS - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for articles of uniform clothing for use by the Sheriffs Department, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and publicly opened on May 14, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That the bid be awarded to Rubens Royal Uniform Company, Inc. of Rochester, New York being the lowest responsible bidder, RESOLVED, further, That the Sheriffs Department be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. A3110.4340. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 190 August 13, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 299 - AUTHORIZATION TO PRIOR APPROVE VOUCHERS FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION - ASSIGNED COUNSEL Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That the Assigned Counsel Program is hereby authorized and directed to prior approve vouchers for continuing education. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 7:59 p.m. The meeting returned to order at 8:07 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 300 - CREATION OF POSITIONS - KEYBOARD SPECIALISTS - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services, Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following positions be created effective immediately: Two (2) full-time Keyboard Specialists (05-507), labor grade V, competitive class RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized to make the following adjustments on his books: APPROPRIATION: FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 4,110 TO: A6010.1000 Salaries 2,979 .8000 Fringes 551 .2202 Typewriters 275 .2211 Chairs 77 .2212 Desks 195 .2220 Telephones 33 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT: FROM: A4610 Federal Revenue $ 8,220 A3610 State Revenue 4,109 TO: A6010.1000 Salaries 8,936 .8000 Fringes 1,653 .2202 Typewriters 825 .2211 Chairs 233 .2212 Desks 585 .2220 Telephones 97 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 301 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - ACCOUNT CLERK TO RECORDING CLERK - COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. 191 August 13, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety, Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Account Clerk (04/504) (03/504 - Reclassification Study), labor grade III, competitive class be reclassified to Recording Clerk (07/687), labor grade VII, competitive class, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment: REVENUE: A1410.1255 Clerk Fees $1,039 APPROPRIATION: A1410.1687 Personal Services 902 .8810 Retirement 11 .8830 Social Security 69 .8840 Workers' Compensation 2 .8860 Health Insurance 52 .8870 Unemployment Insurance 3 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 302 - AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERTIME PAY - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Foster Home Finder Caseworker at the Department of Social Services be paid for 48.9 hours of accrued overtime, RESOLVED, further, That adequate funds are available for this payment. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 303 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED (MULLENIX AND HARKINS) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, by tax foreclosure proceedings of 1990, the County acquired parcel 20.-2-1 in the Town of Ulysses, and WHEREAS, prior to auction of said property the County Administrator wishes to sell same for the total amount due for taxes, penalties, interest and expenses, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sale of parcel no. 20.-2-1 to Edward J. Mullenix and Joyce Harkins, 300 Agard Road, Trumansburg, New York for the amount of taxes, penalties, interest and expenses due, be and the same hereby is confirmed and the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a quitclaim deed to the aforesaid party. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 304 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED (TURNER) 192 August 13, 1991 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, by tax foreclosure proceedings of 1990, the County acquired parcel 22.-1-16 in the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, prior to auction of said property the County Administrator wishes to sell same for the total amount due for taxes, penalties, interest and expenses, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sale of parcel no. 22.-1-16 to Thomas J. Turner, 712 Wood Road, Freeville, New York for the amount of taxes, penalties, interest and expenses due, be and the same hereby is confirmed and the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a quitclaim deed to the aforesaid party. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 305 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED (DOWN) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, by tax foreclosure proceedings of 1990, the County acquired parcel 34.-4-9 in the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, prior to auction of said property the County Administrator wishes to sell same for the total amount due for taxes, penalties, interest and expenses, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sale of parcel no. 34.-4-9 to William Down Jr. and Dorothy Down of Sheryl Lane, Dryden, New York for the amount of taxes, penalties, interest and expenses due, be and the same hereby is confirmed and the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a quitclaim deed to the aforesaid party. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 306 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Public Works and Construction Management, Planning and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS: Airport FROM: B5610.4476 Building Maintenance $6,000 TO: B5610.2230 Computer Software $6,000 Clerk of the Board FROM: A1040.2222 Communications Equipment $ 289 TO: A1040. Chairs $ 289 Job Training FROM: A6291.4482 Non-cash Social Security $1,084 TO: A6291.8830 Social Security $ 1,084 193 August 13, 1991 Public Works FROM: A1490.4332 Books and Publications $ 85 A1490.2211 Chairs $ 250 TO: A1490.2210 Other Equipment $ 335 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: Planning REVENUE: A8020.2189 Housing Grant $ 7,000 APPROPRIATION: A8020.4642 Professional Services $ 7,000 APPROPRIATIONS: Highway FROM: 909 County Road Fund Balance $18,200 TO: D5010.2230 Computer Software $18,200 Jail FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $55,000 TO: A3150.4442 Professional Services $55,000 Planning FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 2,400 TO: A8020.4442 Professional Service Fees $ 2,400 FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 1,000 TO: A8020.4402 Legal Advertising $ 1,000 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 307 - ESTABLISHMENT OF GUIDELINES - 1992 COUNTY BUDGET Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Administrative Policy 05-02 provides that the Budget and Administration Committee shall meet in the second quarter of each year to recommend to the Board of Representatives any policy guidelines and limits it may wish to propose with respect to the County budget for the ensuing fiscal year, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 228 of 1990, Establishment of Guidelines - 1991 Tompkins County Budget, stated in part: "RESOLVED, further, That the Budget and Administration Committee create a Special Subcommittee to undertake a study immediately following the final budget vote to explore the feasibility of establishing budget guidelines for the 1992 budget that will allow the Board to evaluate expenditures by base categories of service rather than by department," and WHEREAS, a Special Subcommittee was appointed and has submitted recommendations, and WHEREAS, the Special Subcommittee has recommended that the service delivery categories below be established for budget -making purposes, but that guidelines with respect to funding for each category not be established for the 1992 budget, and WHEREAS, the Subcommittee has recommended that a community -wide priority setting process shall be organized and spearheaded by this Board in conjunction with the employees of Tompkins County so that such guidelines may be established by June 1992 for the 1993 Tompkins County budget, and WHEREAS, the Subcommittee has recommended that the guidelines procedures in use for many years with respect to the Tompkins County budget need refinement and improvement immediately, now therefore be it 194 August 13, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Subcommittee and of the Budget and Administration Committee, That: 1. The County Administrator shall submit to the members of the Board of Representatives by September 1, 1991 a summary report comparing optional local spending on each of the following six service delivery categories over the past three completed fiscal years (1988, 1989 and 1990): 1. Public Safety and Corrections 2. Education 3. Health 4. Public Works 5. Community Services 6. Human Services and shall also report the same information regarding General Government support. 2. The Budget and Administration Committee, or a subcommittee thereof, shall initiate immediately a planning process involving County employees and the general community which shall recommend to this Board no later than June 1992 a mission statement for the County of Tompkins, the goals of the County of Tompkins for fiscal 1993, and budget making procedures and guidelines best suited to result in funding levels appropriate to those goals. RESOLVED, further, That the following guidelines for the 1992 Tompkins County budget are hereby adopted: 1. County Department Budgets: All new positions anticipated to be needed at any time during 1992 shall be included in departmental budget requests. Requests shall include costs generated by the position for supplies, equipment, mileage, fringe benefits and salary, and any additional space needs generated by the creation of the position shall be noted. All recommendations submitted by the County Administrator, the Board of Representatives' program committees, and the Budget and Administration Committee that include funding for new County positions not paid for 100 percent by state aid, federal aid or additional departmental revenues generated by creation of the position, shall be submitted as special requests (see no. 3 below). All County department heads shall submit in the format designated by the County Administrator a proposed 1992 budget that does not increase the net local share for their departments for all items other than mandates (see No. 4 below) as compared to their 1991 budget as of June 30, 1991. They may also submit alternative budgets that increase the net local share for non -mandated items by up to five (5) percent and up to ten (10) percent respectively. Each of these proposed funding levels must include specific information about the impacts on the availability and quality of services. Items recommended for reduction or elimination must be based on the recommending party's best judgment as to which services are at the lowest priority level. 2. Budgets Other Than County Department Budget: a. Tompkins County Public Library - The Tompkins County Public Library Board shall submit in the format designated by the County Administrator a proposal for County funding no greater than the June 30, 1991 funding level; the Board may also submit funding proposals that increase the County contribution by five (5) percent and ten (10) percent. Estimated Library expenses for 1992 must include the full cost of personal services and fringe benefits. All three proposals must include specific information about the impact of funding levels on the availability and quality of services. Items recommended for reduction or elimination must be based on the Library's best judgment as to which services are at the lowest priority level. b. Health and Human Service Grants - The Human Services Coalition shall submit a health and human services agency funding proposal (A6310) at 94 percent of the level approved in the 1991 budget ($223,161); the Coalition may also submit alternative budgets that provide 99 percent and 104 percent of the 1991 approved amount. To the extent possible, the Coalition must provide specific information about the impacts of different funding levels on the services provided by funding agencies. Items recommended for reduction or elimination must be based on the recommending party's best judgment as to which services are at the lowest priority level, based on the guidelines approved in Resolution No. 249. 195 August 13, 1991 c. Community Service Grants - Each of the community service agencies listed below must submit a funding proposal for 1992 not greater than 94 percent of the June 30, 1991 approved amount for that agency; each agency may also submit proposals for County funding at 99 percent and 104 percent of the June 30, 1991 level. All three proposals must include specific information about the impact of funding levels on the availability and quality of services. Items recommended for reduction or elimination must be based on the recommending party's best judgment as to which services are at the lowest priority level. For the purposes of this resolution, community service agencies are the following: A2981 Cooperative Extension A3520 Control of Other Animals (SPCA) A6327 Housing Programs A6420 Promotion of Industry A7410.4521 Town Libraries A7410.4532 Finger Lakes Library Association A7510 Historical Services (DeWitt Historical Society) A7550.4410 Celebrations A7560 Arts A8720 Fish and Game A8730 Soil Conservation District d. Unrestricted General Fund Balance - The target level for Tompkins County's unrestricted General Fund Balance as of January 1, 1992 shall be 7.5 percent of all estimated 1992 General Fund revenues; this amount shall be calculated exclusive of any surplus or shortfall of refuse fees relative to solid waste expenditures from December 31, 1989 to December 31, 1990, or of solid waste fees to solid waste expenditures plus recycling expenditures since January 1, 1991. 3. Special Requests: Any requests for funding by a department head or agency that exceed the guidelines above must be designated by the requesting party as special requests. Any recommendations by a program committee or by the Budget and Administration Committee of any special request must be accompanied by a ranking using the scoring grid from one to five (1 to 5) for the following criteria: 1. Severity of need; 2. Proportion of Tompkins County population experiencing the need; 3. Ability and appropriateness of department or agency to deliver service; 4. Appropriateness of proposed method of meeting need; 5. Geographical dispersion of population receiving services (highest score equals population is geographically dispersed, non -Tompkins County residents are not served); 6. Service recipients charged based on ability to pay (only where appropriate); 7. Spending leverages other funds; and 8. Long-term savings generated by proposal. Recommending parties must accompany all special request recommendations with their recommended score (from 1 to 5) for each of these eight criteria. Requesting parties (departments and agencies) are encouraged to accompany all requests with clear, understandable, credible data to support the need for the spending requested based on each of these eight criteria. Special requests in the areas of General Government Support (includes Buildings and Grounds) shall not be scored on the above criteria since by definition they do not involve service delivery but rather central support to those units of County government that are themselves delivering services. Proposals in this area should be reviewed only based on the organizational efficiency they can be expected to provide and their responsiveness to the needs generated by service delivery departments and the requirements of auditing entities. 4. Mandates: For the purposes of these guidelines, spending that is legally mandated as to existence as Tompkins County budget items for which there is no local option, or extremely limited local option, are defined for the 1992 budget as follows: Al 170.4120 Legal Defense of Indigents Attorney Fees Al 180 Justices and Constables A1364 Expenses - Tax Acquired Property A1380 Fiscal Agent Fees 196 August 13, 1991 A1950 Taxes on County Property A2490 Outside Community Colleges A2960 Education of Handicapped Children A3150 Jail Personal Services and Professional Service Fees A4390 Psychiatric Expenses A6070 Social Services - Purchase of Services A6100 Social Services - Programs V9600 Debt Service RESOLVED, further, That the Budget and Administration Committee shall recommend and this Board shall adopt guidelines for recommendations to be made by the County Administrator, Program Committees, and the Budget and Administration Committee no later than the October 1, 1991 meeting of the Board of Representatives. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 308 - ADOPTION OF REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL POLICY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following revised Administrative Manual policy be and hereby is adopted: 04-13 Starting Salaries 02-07 [Hiring] Employment of Relatives SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 309 - AMENDMENT OF 1991 CAPITAL PROGRAM - JOINT TRANSIT FACILITY (Amended by R136 of 1991) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows (two-thirds total of Board required): Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management and Capital Program Committees, That the 1991-1992 Capital Program is hereby amended to indicate that the approved project budget for the Joint Transit Facility is established at $6,074,966, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County share of this budget is $594,241 and the source of these funds shall be borrowing, and the total project budget be and is hereby approved as follows: Federal (UMTA Section 3) $3,150,000 Federal (UMTA Section 18) 100,000 NYS DOT 448,000 Cornell University 1,188,484 City of Ithaca 594,241 Tompkins County 594,241 $6,074,966 SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) 197 August 13, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 310 ACCEPTANCE OF DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, AUTHORIZATION OF PROJECT BUDGET AND MULTI-PARTY CONSTRUCTION/OPERATIONS AGREEMENT - JOINT PUBLIC TRANSIT FACILITY Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County Resolutions No. 32 of February 20, 1990, No. 74 of February 19, 1991 and No. 172 of May 7, 1991 authorized the County to design a public transit maintenance and administration facility in concert with Cornell University, City of Ithaca and GADABOUT Transportation Services, Inc., and WHEREAS, Tompkins County has applied for funding from the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) and the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for design and construction of the facility, pursuant to County Resolutions No. 477 of December 21, 1990 and No. 124 of April 3, 1990, and WHEREAS, the Joint Transit Facility Design Committee (Design Committee), established pursuant to the multi-party design agreement of November 7, 1990, has worked with architectural, engineering, construction management consultants, UMTA and NYSDOT to develop a design and budget for said facility, and WHEREAS, the Design Committee recommends approval of the design and budget (detailed below) to the Public Works and Construction Management Committee and to all local partners, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Department of Planning, designated lead agency by the City of Ithaca and the State of New York, performed the environmental assessment of the project pursuant to the NYS Environmental Quality Review Act, and concluded the project will not result in any large and important impacts and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council has reviewed the environmental assessment and concurs with its conclusions, and WHEREAS, a multi-party construction and operations agreement was negotiated to create a partnership of the City of Ithaca and Tompkins County to own the facility, to lease the facility to Cornell University for vehicle maintenance and facility management, to establish procedures for lease and service charges to facility users, to provide for joint decision-making and to develop a facility management plan, has been reviewed and found acceptable, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the design recommended by the Design Committee is accepted and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the total project budget of $6,074,966 be and is hereby approved with the following allocation: Federal (UMTA Section 3) $3,150,000 Federal (UMTA Section 18) 100,000 NYS DOT 448,000 Cornell University 1,188,484 City of Ithaca 594,241 Tompkins County 594,241 $6,074,966 RESOLVED, further, That the environmental assessment is approved and a negative declaration for the project be prepared and submitted to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute the Construction and Operation Agreement and to appoint two members to the Operations Committee established therein. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) 198 August 13, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 311 - AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN CONTRACT FEE AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - WETLANDS ASSESSMENT AND PERMITTING SERVICES - RUNWAY EXTENSION PROJECT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, a contract for $14,000 was executed on the 6th day of March, 1991 with Terrestrial Environmental Specialists for services in connection with wetlands delineation and permitting with respect to the Airport Runway Extension Project, and WHEREAS, additional work has become necessary which is beyond the scope of what was originally anticipated, said work estimated to cost a further $6,000, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management and Budget and Administration Committees, That the contract with Terrestrial Environmental Specialists be increased from $14,000 to an amount not to exceed $20,000 to provide said services and that budget appropriations shall be as follows: FAA Share (90%) Account No. HX5698.4592 $18,000 Revenue Account NYSDOT Share (7-1/2%) Account No. HX5698.3592 $ 1,500 Revenue Account County Share (2-1/2%) Account No. HX5698.2831 $ 500 Revenue Account Total Account No. HX5698.9239 $20,000 RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $500 be appropriated from the Airport Fund Balance to the Construction Fund Account No. HX5698, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to advance monies from the Airport Fund Balance until reimbursement is received from the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation for the Runway Extension Project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 312 - AWARD OF BID - BIGGS BUILDING A FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for furnishing, installing and connecting a new fire alarm system to Biggs Building A, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and duly opened on Thursday, August 1, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the bid for the Biggs Building A Fire Alarm System be awarded to Williams Electrical Construction, Inc. of Montour Falls, New York as the lowest responsible bidder with a total bid of $68,750, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to execute an agreement on behalf of Tompkins County, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to execute change orders up to the project contingency of $6,875, RESOLVED, further, That all funds for said project are available in the 1991 Capital Account. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 199 August 13, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 313 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - OLD JAIL ASBESTOS REMOVAL, DESIGN AND MONITORING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, an asbestos survey of the Old Jail has identified asbestos containing material which must be abated prior to reconstructing or reoccupying the Old Jail, and WHEREAS, funds have been budgeted in the Capital Construction Account HV3151.9239 for the design, monitoring and removal of asbestos continuing material, and WHEREAS, two (2) proposals were received for the professional services required to design and develop contract documents for the removal of asbestos containing material, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute an agreement and change orders with Jack Eisenbach Engineering, P.C. of Utica, New York to perform engineering services through construction for a total not to exceed $20,000 and be funded from Account No. HV3151.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 314 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR ELDER ABUSE PREVENTION FUNDS FOR 1991 Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County's share of the appropriation in support of Title III -G of the Older Americans Act for 1991 is $3,000, and WHEREAS, this money can be used only for activities designed to prevent elder abuse in long term care facilities, and WHEREAS, the Human Services Coalition through the Health Planning Council has the expertise, the interest and time available to undertake such a program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That (1) the Office for the Aging be authorized to apply for $3,000 for a 1991 grant of Title III -G funds, and (2) that the Office for the Aging be authorized to use, for local match, $334 already appropriated but not part of a "match" for any other state or federal program and (3) that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute a contract with the Human Services Coalition to conduct this program. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 315 - RESOLUTION OF UNDERSTANDING - 1991 EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES FOR YOUTH SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the $175,771 in state aid anticipated from the New York State Division for Youth for 1991 youth programs approved by the County in Appropriation Account No. 7022 will be reduced to $132,512, and 200 August 13, 1991 WHEREAS, several newly formed municipal youth commissions will not be able to fully utilize the County funds appropriated for 1991 as part of the County Youth Services Program in Account No. 7026, and WHEREAS, the County Youth Board has recommended a strategy that will minimize mid -year disruption to planned services that does not inhibit local community initiatives, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the expenditures to contracted agencies budgeted in Account No. 7022 be limited to the total of available state aid and uncommitted municipal eligibility for a total of $158,332, RESOLVED, further, That the expenditures to municipalities be limited to a total of $135,376. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 316 - AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD GRANTS - ADVISORY BOARD ON TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Ithaca Concert Band, Ithaca Festival, Ithaca Artists' Market, Hangar Theater, Community Arts Partnership, Community School of Music and Arts, Dewitt Historical Society, Advisory Board on Tourism Development's Provision of Contract Fees for Community Arts Partnership, Advisory Board on Tourism Development Funding of Convention and Visitors' Bureau Visitors' Survey, and Staff and Administrative Expense Budget - Advisory Board on Tourism Development have submitted applications for funding from the County through the Advisory Board on Tourism Development (ABTD), and WHEREAS, the Advisory Board on Tourism Development (ABTD) has found the above-mentioned grant requests to be worthy of funding and appropriate to the mission of the Advisory Board on Tourism Development (ABTD), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the following grants be awarded: Ithaca Concert Band $ 1,000 Ithaca Festival $ 2,000 Ithaca Artists' Market $ 2,000 Hangar Theater $ 1,920 Community Arts Partnership $20,510 Community School of Music and Arts $ 2,199 Dewitt Historical Society $ 2,900 Total $32,529 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 317 - APPROVAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES - ADVISORY BOARD ON TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Advisory Board on Tourism Development is responsible for establishing administrative policy in regard to management and disbursement of occupancy tax funds, now therefore be it 201 August 13, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Advisory Board on Tourism Development shall provide the contract fee for services by the Community Arts Partnership, from the current and back funds in the "attractions" line of the budget, up to $2,400, RESOLVED, further, That the Advisory Board on Tourism Development, rather than the Convention and Visitors' Bureau, assume financial responsibility for a Visitors' Survey in 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the Advisory Board on Tourism Development approves a list of nominees and agrees that they serve as the Community Arts Partnership's tourism arts panel through the four review cycles of 1991, RESOLVED, further, That someone from the hospitality industry be included in the grants -making process. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY RESOLUTION NO. 318 - AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND CONTRACT WITH NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (NYSDOT) - FEDERAL SECTION 18 CAPITAL TOMTRAN BUS PURCHASE PROJECT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County and the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) entered into an agreement (Contract No. C001462, dated January 16, 1990) for the purchase of four (4) transit buses for TOMTRAN Rural Transit (PIN 3797.06.306), and WHEREAS, Tompkins County and NYSDOT desire to amend the project budget which will increase the Federal Section 18 and NYSDOT funding by $50,000, and WHEREAS, the amended project budget will be as follows: Federal Section 18 $525,280 New York State $131,320 Tompkins County $ 97,692 Total $754,292 , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the amended project budget be approved and the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute and submit an amended agreement to the New York State Department of Transportation. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 319 - ACCEPTANCE OF FEDERAL SECTION 18 OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT FOR TOMTRAN RURAL TRANSIT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins submitted a request for a grant of funds to the New York State Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation (Resolution No. 17 of 1991, February 5, 1991), pursuant to Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended for one operating assistance project for TOMTRAN Rural Transit, a fixed route, open to the public transportation service in Tompkins County, operating by CU Transit, Inc. under contract with Tompkins County, for 1991 (PIN 3790.31.406), and 202 August 13, 1991 WHEREAS, the estimated amount of the Federal share for the project is $71,000, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign: (1) any and all agreements between the County of Tompkins and the State of New York for the Project; (2) any and all agreements between the County of Tompkins and any third party contractors necessary to complete the Project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 320 - AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has again invited Tompkins County to participate in a multi -county study which will assess the extent of vegetation proliferation in Cayuga Lake, and has allocated $18,725 as Tompkins County's share, and WHEREAS, it is within the interest of Tompkins County to join with the other counties within the Cayuga Lake Drainage Basis to assess the severity of the situation and possible management alternatives, and WHEREAS, participation in the Aquatic Vegetation Control Program will provide Tompkins County with an improved understanding of the land use/water quality relationship to aquatic vegetation growth in Cayuga Lake, and will provide public information concerning Cayuga Lake water quality and aquatic vegetation growth, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County will continue to serve as lead agency for the Tompkins County portion of the study at no cost to the County, except administration by the County Planning Department, and will utilize professional environmental consultants previously approved by NYSDEC, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County has participated in the program during the current and past fiscal years and has already reaped considerable benefits, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to apply to NYSDEC as administered through the Finger Lakes Association Water Resources for the grant for Tompkins County's allocation for the Aquatic Vegetation Control Program. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 321 - ABOLISH AND CREATE POSITIONS - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE (Corrected by Resolution No. 425 of 1991) Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Personnel Committees, That one (1) position of Grounds Supervisor, labor grade J, non-competitive class, and one (1) position of Head Custodian, labor grade I, competitive class, be abolished effective immediately, 203 August 13, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That one (1) position of Crew Leader - Grounds, labor grade H, competitive class, and one (1) position of Crew Leader - Cleaner, labor grade H, competitive class, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That monies are budgeted in the College's 1991-1992 Operating Budget. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 322 - ABOLISH AND CREATE POSITIONS - MENTAL HEALTH - (COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH NURSE) Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Personnel Committees, That one (1) position of Psychiatric Social Worker (14/599), competitive class be abolished effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That one (1) position of Community Mental Health Nurse (12/591) (Community Mental Health Nurse reclassification 14/591), competitive class be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed for this change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 323 - ABOLISH AND CREATE POSITIONS - MENTAL HEALTH (ACCOUNT CLERK TYPIST) Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Personnel Committees, That one position of Assistant Director for Budget and Administration (83/261), competitive class, be abolished effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Account Clerk Typist (05/513) (Account Clerk Typist Reclassification 06/513), competitive class be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed for this change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 324 - ESTABLISHMENT OF EMPLOYEE COUNCIL Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Recruitment and Retention Committee, a group of volunteer County employees, has worked for more than two years to improve the County's ability to recruit and retain top quality employees, and WHEREAS, said Committee conducted, through a private consultant and upon authorization and funding by this Board, an extensive employee attitudes survey which identified those aspects of work life that need to improve, and 204 August 13, 1991 WHEREAS, the Recruitment and Retention Committee has recommended implementation of various actions to achieve those improvements, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That an Employee Council is hereby established which shall serve as an advisory body within County government and whose purpose is to foster a work place where all employees can see their role in the larger departmental, County and community picture; where their work is acknowledged, recognized, evaluated and rewarded fairly and consistently; where they are treated professionally; where adequate resources are provided so they can accomplish the work expected of them; where their professional growth is fostered; and where they have opportunities for involvement in decisions affecting their work areas and programs, RESOLVED, further, That the Council shall submit bylaws for review and approval by this Board, RESOLVED, further, That this Board, as the employer of all County employees, does hereby endorse and welcome this effort by County employees and pledges its best efforts to work for its success. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 325 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 3 OF 1991 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF 1990 - REGULATING THE DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE IN TOMPKINS COUNTY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That a public hearing be held before the Board of Representatives at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, on Tuesday, September 3, 1991 at 5:30 in the evening thereof on proposed Local Law No. 3 of 1991 concerning the County's regulation of the disposal of solid waste in Tompkins County. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 326 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A TEMPORARY LICENSE TO ENTER CORNELL UNIVERSITY FOR THE COUNTY HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION DAY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is planning to conduct a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day on Saturday, October 12, 1991, and WHEREAS, the County is desirous of using the "TRW parking area, the old "B" parking lot (current "0" lot), and surrounding access roads at Cornell University as one of the collections sites for this event, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to sign a Temporary License to Enter with Cornell University for the activities pertaining to the Household Hazardous Waste 205 August 13, 1991 Collection Day from Friday, October 11, 1991 through Sunday, October 13, 1991. Said license shall expire on October 13, 1991. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 327 - AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF MODIFICATION OF THE DRAFT NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF THE INTERIM COMPOST FACILITY AT THE TOMPKINS COUNTY HILLVIEW ROAD LANDFILL Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Tompkins County Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 90 dated March 8, 1991 authorized the submittal of an application for a permit to construct and operate an interim compost facility, and WHEREAS, the preliminary design specifications for the interim compost facility have been modified in order to accommodate all of the sludge produced in Tompkins County rather than the original design of 75 percent sludge capacity, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of this Board be and is hereby authorized to submit a modification to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation permit pursuant to 6 NYCRR 360-1.9(c). SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 328 AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT THE OPERATING AND CONTINGENCY PLAN FOR THE TOMPKINS COUNTY HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION DAY TO THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins plans to conduct a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day on Saturday, October 12, 1991, and WHEREAS, the County is required to submit a written plan to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation prior to conducting such a collection project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to submit the "Operating and Contingency Plan for the Tompkins County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day" to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, in compliance with State requirements. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 329 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 8 - STEARNS AND WHELER - ADDITIONAL HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION AT DR -7 LANDFILL 206 August 13, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 494 dated December 21, 1990 has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: ADDENDUM NO. 8 - Stearns and Wheler shall be authorized to conduct additional hydrogeologic investigation at the DR -7 landfill site as recommended by the hydrogeologic peer review report , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute said Change Order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim in an amount not to exceed $52,000, funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 330 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 - ESHBAUGH CONSULTING ENGINEERS HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION AT HILLVIEW ROAD LANDFILL Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 1 (Representatives Proto), Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 442, dated November 7, 1990 has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 3 - Eshbaugh Consulting Engineers shall be authorized to perform the work necessary to abandon the two (2) wells designated TRI -7S and TRI -71 located in the center of Tompkins County Hillview Road Landfill in accordance with a proposal dated July 22, 1991, , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute said Change Order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim in an amount not to exceed $10,000 funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 331 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 - AUTHORIZATION FOR ESHBAUGH CONSULTING ENGINEERS TO ATTEND MEETINGS CONCERNING THE HILLVIEW ROAD LANDFILL Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 422 dated November 7, 1990 has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 4: Authorization for Eshbaugh Consulting Engineers to attend meetings with regulatory officials and County staff in relation to he wells in the center of the Hillview Road Landfill and for meetings on other subjects of regulatory concern in accordance with a proposal dated July 25, 1991 207 August 13, 1991 , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute said Change order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim in an amount not to exceed $7,884 funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 332 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 - AUTHORIZATION FOR RESOURCE ASSOCIATES TO PROVIDE INFORMATION, DOCUMENTATION AND PARTICIPATION IN THE CITY OF ITHACA'S ITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW PROCESS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 127 dated April 4, 1991 has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 3: Resource Associates shall be authorized to perform the services as specified in a proposal dated July 23, 1991 to participate in the City of Ithaca's Site Development Plan Review and to be schematic phase redesign based on the SDAR process and Central Processing Facility Neighborhood Advisory Committee input , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute said Change Order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to pay said claim in an amount not to exceed $12,590 funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 333 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - TRANSFER AND HAULING OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised the Request for Proposals for the transfer and hauling of recyclable materials, and WHEREAS, one (1) proposal was received on July 26, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the contract for the transfer and hauling of recyclable materials be awarded subject to the terms, specifications and proposed costs contained within the Request for Proposals to Superior Disposal, Inc. of Newfield, New York from their permitted facility in the Town of Covert, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute said contract with Superior Disposal Inc. at a cost not to exceed $521,571 for a one year term funded from Account No. A8163.4442. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 208 August 13, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 334 - GUIDELINES FOR REAPPORTIONMENT Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by. Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the County Charter and Code sets forth broad guidelines for Board of Representatives district reapportionment in Sections 2.08 and 2.09, and WHEREAS, a Reapportionment Committee has been appointed to recommend new districts for the Board in response to the 1990 U. S. Census of Population, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Reapportionment Committee, That the following guidelines be and hereby are approved for preparation of the final reapportionment plan: 1. Equality of population among representative district, as consistent as possible with item (2) in order to provide balance and reasonableness of representation for citizens residing in all parts of the County (as stated in the County Charter); 2. Maximum practical consistency with existing municipal boundaries of the various local governmental units within Tompkins County (as stated in the County Charter); 3. Use of single -member districts (as required by the County Charter); 4. Inclusion of neighborhoods, villages and hamlets within single -districts to the greatest extent possible; 5. Compactness and contiguity of area of districts; 6. Weighted voting will not be considered; 7. Consideration of fifteen (15) members only. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 335 - URGING THE GOVERNOR TO WITHDRAW CONSENT FOR THE JAMES BAY HYDRO -QUEBEC POWER CONTRACT Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Schuler. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 2 (Representatives Todd and Watros), Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the energy policy of the State of New York has a major impact on the lives of the people of Tompkins County, and the Tompkins County Board of Representatives has an obligation to concern itself with this impact and to inform it's representatives in Albany of its views regarding this matter, and WHEREAS, the New York Power Authority has entered into contracts for the purchase of 1800 megawatts of power from Hydro -Quebec and Governor Cuomo has consented to these contracts, and WHEREAS, Hydro -Quebec has advanced the construction of Phase II of the power project to meet its export contracts, the major one of which is the New York State Power Authority, and WHEREAS, enormous environmental effects have been observed as a result of substantial completion of the first phase of the Hydro -Quebec Project, and WHEREAS, it is reasonably anticipated that the proposed construction with its resultant inundation of huge areas of forest land will cause further dramatic and cumulative environmental effects such as the destruction of large numbers of animals including migratory bird populations, and the release of mercury and greenhouse gasses from decaying vegetation; the diversion of every river in Quebec will destroy the habitat relied on by thousands of species, and cause irreversible damage to the ecology of James Bay and Hudson Bay themselves and to the indigenous endangered species, and WHEREAS, thousands of Cree and Inuit people have been displaced from their native homelands by the completion of Phase I of the project and thousands more will suffer displacement and cultural disruption by the completion of Phase II, and WHEREAS, the energy policy of New York State places great emphasis on demand side management and conservation techniques, and 209 August 13, 1991 WHEREAS, the contracts of purchase are for firm power thus displacing options for conservation, alternative supply efforts and power produced within New York State and divert $19.5 billion with all of its ripple effects from the New York State economy, and WHEREAS, these contracts were executed without a bidding process and subsequent bids have been obtained by utilities which are substantially below Hydro -Quebec prices causing the two utilities who have contracted to purchase the major portion of the power to reconsider their position, and WHEREAS, the City of New York, the largest customer of Consolidated Edison, one of the utilities due to receive power under said contract, has reconsidered its position and has urged caution in going forward with the execution of the contracts, and WHEREAS, Governor Cuomo may rescind his consent to said contracts without penalty prior to November 30, 1991, and WHEREAS, environmental reviews of the project by either the Province of Quebec or by the Federal Canadian government, which are less rigorous than those required by New York State law, have not yet been carried out, and may be subject to litigation and delay, and WHEREAS, the Quebec Government and Hydro -Quebec have indicated their desire to go forward with Phase II of the Hydro -Quebec Project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives strongly opposes the implementation of the contracts herein above set forth and the Board of Representatives urges Governor Mario M. Cuomo to withdraw his consent to the pending contracts prior to November 30, 1991. RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution be sent to Governor Cuomo, Assemblyman Martin A. Luster, State Senator James Seward, New York State Association of Counties, New York State Supervisors and County Legislators Association. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 336 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH ROBERT WESLEY TO CONDUCT A FLORA AND FAUNA STUDY AT TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10; Noes - 3 (Representatives Culligan, Mason and Watros); Excused - 2 (Representative Shurtleff and Representative Winch was temporarily out of the room). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County is considering construction of a New Terminal together with a runway and taxiway extension, and WHEREAS, during part of an environmental review, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation did indicate the possibility of a rare and endangered species of plant being present in the general area, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Robert F. Wesley to conduct a Flora and Fauna Study of the New Terminal Project site and the Runway and Taxiway Extension site for an amount not to exceed $1,200 to provide said services and the budget appropriations shall be as follows: FAA share (90.0%) Account No. 5610.4592 $1,080 NYSDOT share (7.5%) Account No. 5610.3592 $ 90 County share (2.5%) Account No. 5610.5031 $ 30 Total Account No. 5610.9239 $1,200 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to advance monies from the Airport Fund Balance until reimbursement is received from the FAA and NYSDOT for this project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 210 August 13, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 337 - AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD BID - CONSTRUCTION TRAILER - JOINT TRANSIT FACILITY Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Construction Manager for the Joint Transit Facility project has need of a construction office on-site by September 4, 1991, and WHEREAS, the Public Works and Construction Management Committee has authorized bidding of this trailer per specifications furnished by the Construction Manager, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Director of Purchasing and Central Services be authorized to award the bid following the bid opening and analysis, RESOLVED, further, That copies of the bid analysis shall be made available to committee members. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 338 - AWARD OF BID - NEW AND UNUSED 1991 TRUCK SERVICE BODIES Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for new and unused 1991 service bodies, and WHEREAS, two (2) bids were received and duly opened on Tuesday, August 6, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the bid for two (2) 1991 new and unused service bodies be awarded to F.P. Riester, Inc. of Auburn, New York as the lowest responsible bidder with a bid of $3,230 each for a total of $6,460, RESOLVED, further, That the Department of Public Works be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be available from Account No. DM5130.2231. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 339 - DESIGNATION OF TOURIST PROMOTION AGENCY Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Advisory Board on Tourism Development Committee, That the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce be designated as the County's tourist promotion agency for a one year period commencing at the 1991 designation date, RESOLVED, further, That the Chamber of Commerce is hereby authorized to make application for and receive grants on behalf of the County of Tompkins pursuant to the New York State Tourist Promotion Act, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce shall submit on behalf of the Finger Lakes Association (FLA) the application for the I Love New York Matching Grants Program equal to the amount awarded by the County to the FLA for that purpose and will apply to the fullest extent possible. 211 August 13, 1991 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 270 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. E OF 1991 CONCERNING PARTICIPATION BY THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS IN THE REGIONAL OFF-TRACK BETTING CORPORATION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 3 (Representatives Call, Livesay, and Schuler), Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the minority of the Budget and Administration Committee, That a public hearing be held before the Board of Representatives at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York on Tuesday, September 3, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof concerning participation by the County of Tompkins in the regional Off -Track Betting Corporation. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 340 - RESOLUTION OF RESPECT - ETHEL B. NICHOLS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously seconded and adopted by members present. WHEREAS, Ethel B. Nichols passed away on July 20, 1991, and WHEREAS, Ethel B. Nichols served for twelve (12) years as a dedicated member of City Common Council representing the Fourth Ward and served as a devoted member of the Board of Representatives as the District No. 4 Representative from January 1982 through December 1989, and WHEREAS, Ethel B. Nichols served on the Health, Education, Human Services, Public Safety and Corrections, Planning and Economic Development, and Health and Education Committees of the Board of Representatives and also served on many advisory boards, and WHEREAS, Ethel B. Nichols was a leader and will be remembered as a conscientious and caring person, WHEREAS, Ethel B. Nichols served the County of Tompkins expeditiously and with loyalty, now therefore be it RESOLVED, unanimously by this Board, That the members thereof express their sympathy and sincere condolences to the family of Ethel B. Nichols, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of this Board forward a certified copy of this resolution to the family of Ethel B. Nichols. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present the following appointments were made to the various boards: Civilian Review Board for the Sheriffs Department Faye E. Dean Joseph M. Cambridge 212 August 13, 1991 Betty R. Marsit Sam J. Leonardo George L. Totman Environmental Management Council Terms expire December 31, 1991 Donald B. Brown - Town of Newfield representative Marjolein Schaff - Youth representative Tompkins County Planning Board Term expires December 31, 1993 Joanne Race Borfitz - Tompkins Cortland Community College representative Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee No set terms Amari Meader - Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) representative (appointment pending receipt of recommendation from the CAC; received recommendation 8/14/91) Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Central Processing Facility Term expires December 31, 1993 Marty Blodgett - City of Ithaca representative Citizens Advisory Committee Term expires December 31, 1993 Donald B. Brown - At -large representative Criminal Justice Advisory/Alternatives to Incarceration Board Term expires December 31, 1993 Harlin McEwen - City Police Chief representative It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and adopted unanimously by voice vote by members present to nominate Lenore Schwager of the Fingerlakes Independence Center to the National Organization on Disability. Chairman Mason disbanded the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee and thanked the members of that committee for a job well done and for providing Tompkins County with a very fine facility. Mr. Winch Chairman, Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, stated that he enjoyed working on this project and thanked those who served with him on the committee. Mr. Evans, Chairman of the Community Mental Health Services Board, thanked Mr. Winch for his work as Chairman of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee. Mr. Proto, member of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, thanked Mr. Winch for his work on this project and suggested that the Board send a letter of thanks to Helen Howell for her contributions to this building. Mrs. Livesay said she received a letter from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation stating the small business tree planting grant at the Central Processing Facility has been awarded to Tompkins County. 213 August 13, 1991 Chairman Mason declared recess at 9:10 p.m. The meeting returned to order at 9:15 p.m. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to hold an executive session to discuss personnel matters and negotiations. An executive session was held at 9:17 p.m. p.m. and returned to open session at 10:23 p.m. The following is the motion taken in executive session: It was adopted by voice vote by all present to appoint Suzanne Stopen as the Public Health Director. The term of appointment is December 1, 1991 through November 30, 1997. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:23 p.m. 214 September 3, 1991 Regular Meeting Public Hearings Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law No. e of 1991 providing that the County of Tompkins become an Off -Track Betting Participant in the Catskill Region Corporation. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? Dooley Kiefer, 629 Highland Road, Ithaca, spoke in favor of the resolution entitled Adoption of Local Law No. e of 1991 - Off -Track Betting. She stated that she does not think that having OTB in Tompkins County will entice people to gamble and that it will allow the County to have an additional source of revenue. Dr. Chris Purdy, 2130 Ellis Hollow Road, Ithaca, spoke in favor of the resolution entitled Adoption of Local Law No. e of 1991 - Off -Track Betting. He said that his wife is a licensed trainer and that OTB helps to support the business of breeding thoroughbred horses. He believes that the County would benefit from OTB. Dick Flaville, 358 Elmira Road, Ithaca, spoke in favor of the resolution entitled Adoption of Local Law No. e of 1991 - Off -Track Betting. Mr. Flaville said he would like to see OTB in Tompkins County and that he believes it would create more jobs. Guy Gerrard, City of Ithaca, spoke in opposition to the resolution entitled Adoption of Local Law No. e of 1991 - Off -Track Betting. Mr. Gerrard said that he has spent most of his life as a gambler. He believes that every dollar the County receives, a dollar is lost. Wilson Kone, Town of Caroline Supervisor, spoke in opposition of the resolution entitled Adoption of Local Law No. e of 1991 - Off -Track Betting. He stated that because other counties have OTB, it does not mean Tompkins County should have OTB. He believes OTB is morally wrong. David Pepin, 6041 Lyke Road, Trumansburg, spoke in favor of the resolution entitled Adoption of Local Law No. e of 1991 - Off -Track Betting. He stated that he travels to Horseheads and Watkins Glen to OTB parlors and recognizes other people from Ithaca there. Mr. Pepin said that he believes people will gamble if they want to. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:59 p.m. Chairman Mason called the second public hearing to order at 5:59 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law No. 3 of 1991 amending Local Law No. 5 of 1990 - Regulating the Disposal of Solid Waste in Tompkins County. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:59 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Call). The minutes of August 13, 1991 were approved as corrected. 215 September 3, 1991 Under privilege of the floor, Daniel Tapper, 116 Penny Lane, Ithaca, spoke regarding the resolution defeated by the Board on July 9, 1991 concerning Tompkins County Fair Practice. Mr. Tapper stated that he has heard of several instances of discrimination since this resolution was defeated. He urged the Board to reconsider this resolution as soon as possible. Under privilege of the floor, Lori Gardner, Box 625, Etna, spoke regarding the resolution defeated by the Board on July 9, 1991 concerning Tompkins County Fair Practice. Ms. Gardner stated that she believes the law asked for equal rights. She urged the Board to reconsider this resolution as soon as possible. Under privilege of the floor, Nancy Bereano, 305 Auburn Street, Ithaca, spoke regarding the resolution defeated by the Board on July 9, 1991 concerning Tompkins County Fair Practice. Ms. Bereano stated that she has been a political activist in Tompkins County for several years. She said that every tax paying citizens rights should be protected. She urged the Board to reconsider this resolution. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Health and Education Committee, reported that the Public Library and the Friends of the Library have undertaken a project to recognize Ethel Nichols and have established a fund to buy foreign language books for children. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, reported that the Committee will meet on September 12 at 11 a.m. He stated that the construction management proposals on the Airport Terminal are on file in the Board office for review. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety Committee, reported that the organizational meeting of the Civilian Review Board has been rescheduled. The meeting will be September 11. The committee meeting of September 6 is being cancelled due to lack of business. Mr. Evans, Vice Chairman, Human Services Committee, reported that the Committee met on August 22 and discussed the 1992 Resource Allocations for the Tompkins County Youth Bureau. He said the Committee has discussed with Mary Pat Dolan, Commissioner of the Department of Social Services, what the budget entails for the Department in 1992. Mr. Evans said a community group is working on a new fair practice law and when it is completed, it will be brought back to the Human Services Committee. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman, Planning Committee, reported that the Committee met and has resolutions on the agenda. The Committee reviewed the goals and objectives of the Planning Department. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Reapportionment Committee, reported that the Committee has met three times so far and is making progress. The Committee is exploring all possibilities. Mr. Stein stated that the Committee will meet with Town Boards of the communities which will be effected by reapportionment. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, reported that bids will open for the Transit facility on September 16. Mr. Winch said that three proposals were received for carpeting of the Board Room. A bid was accepted for $1,426 and this work will take place as soon as possible. Mrs. Livesay, Chair, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, reported that the Committee has not met since the last Board meeting. Mrs. Livesay said the report entitled "Compost Facility Phase I Implementation Options" is on file in the Board office for review. The next Committee meeting is September 12. Mrs. Livesay, Chair, Personnel Committee, reported that the Committee met today and completed the last session of employee appeals on the reclassification/pay equity study. The Committee will now 216 September 3, 1991 start to reconcile the appeals. She stated that the Committee reviewed the County Administrator's recommendations on manager's salaries. The next Committee meeting will be September 5. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, reported that the Committee had a brief meeting prior to the Board meeting and that there are resolutions on the agenda. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, had no report. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, reported that due to State budget cuts, the Supreme Court law library is planning to close. Mr. Mulvey said he is working on keeping it open. Chairman Mason gave Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, permission to withdraw from the agenda, the resolution entitled Authorizing a Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law No. f of 1991 - Item Pricing Law. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present to add to the agenda the following resolution: Directing Publication of Meeting to Declare Certain Property at 230 West Dryden Road as No Longer Needed for Public Use Rescinding of Resolution No. 268 of July 9, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 341 - AUTHORIZING CHANGE IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FEES - 1992 (Referred to Committee) Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans. Mr. Proto stated that this resolution did not pass in Committee and therefore was brought forth as a minority recommendation. Mr. Lerner stated that he was concerned with this resolution and feels that the County should continue the policy exempting local charities. It was Moved by Mr. Lerner, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, to refer this back to Committee with the request that the Committee and/or the Board of Health develop clear wording to put in place a policy of exemptions to local charities. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 2 (Representatives Proto and Winch), Excused - 1 (Representative Call). Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 342 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. e OF 1991- OFF-TRACK BETTING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Todd. Mr. Watros stated that he was on the Board when the issue was last debated and that the feeling of opposition of the general public has not changed, but he would support the resolution in order to allow the public to petition the Board. Mr. Todd said he is responsible for bringing forth this issue. He introduced Don Groeth of the Catskill Region Off -Track Betting Corporation. Mr. Groeth answered questions of the Board. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 2 (Representatives Livesay and Stein), Excused - 1 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Board of Representatives on the 3rd day of September, 1991 to hear all persons interested in proposed Local Law No. e of 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That said proposed Local Law No. e of 1991 providing that the County of Tompkins become an Off -Track Betting participant in the Catskill Region Corporation is hereby adopted subject to permissive referendum, pursuant to Section 24 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to ensure that said Local Law No. e of 1991 is published in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks, the first within ten (10) days after the local law has been adopted, and after said local law shall have been 217 September 3, 1991 finally adopted, the Clerk of the Board shall, within five (5) days, file one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk and three certified copies in the office of the Secretary of State. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OF TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 343 - AWARD OF BID - JANITORIAL SUPPLIES - PUBLIC WORKS Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for janitorial supplies, and WHEREAS, eleven (11) bids were received and publicly opened on Thursday, July 18, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the bid for janitorial supplies be awarded to Horwitz Paper and Packaging Company of Elmira, New York as the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications, bid analysis on file with the Division of Purchasing and Central Services. RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to execute a contract on behalf of Tompkins County, RESOLVED, further, That the Public Works be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from various department accounts. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 344 - AWARD OF BID - SALT STORAGE FACILITY Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. It was Moved by Mrs. Schuler, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to delete the third Whereas, "WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council has reviewed the environmental assessment and concurs with its conclusions that this facility will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts". A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for construction of the salt storage facility, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and duly opened on Thursday, August 15, 1991, and WHEREAS, the construction contract did not include site improvements and paving the floor, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the bid for the salt storage facility be awarded to Woodford Bros., Inc. of Apulia Station, New York as the lowest responsible bidder with a base bid of $275,850, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to execute a contract on behalf of Tompkins County, and execute change orders up to the project contingency of $24,150, RESOLVED, further, That all funds for said project were approved in the 1991 Capital Budget, RESOLVED, further, That the County Highway is authorized to expend project contingency funds for material required to pave the facility floor and site in the vicinity of the new facility. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 218 September 3, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 345 - AUTHORIZATION TO CONDEMN ROCCO LUCENTE PROPERTY CLEAR ZONE OBSTRUCTION CLEARANCE PROJECT - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and adopted unanimously by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives, by Resolution No. 239 adopted August 17, 1989, did approve the purchase of Avigation Basements through AIP Project No. 3-36-0047-08-88 as part of the ongoing Obstruction Clearance project at the Tompkins County Airport, and WHEREAS, following negotiations with Cornell University and approval of the County Attorney's office, a deed was recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office on June 17, 1990 from Cornell University conveying all avigation easements owned by the University in exchange for payment of the approved appraisal cost, and WHEREAS, the County Attorney's Office, after fair appraisal, did offer to Rocco Lucente, the owner of the remaining parcel number 8, the sum of $3,500 for an avigation easement over 5.2 acres, and WHEREAS, a conference with Rocco Lucente resulted in his refusal to accept the said County offer for said acreage, and WHEREAS, a follow-up letter was written by the County Attorney to Rocco Lucente on October 25, 1990 advising him the County would have to proceed with condemnation if settlement could not be reached, and WHEREAS, Rocco Lucente has, since said letter, failed to respond to the County Attorney's Office, and WHEREAS, the easement to be acquired covers only 5.2 acres, being nine percent (9%) of the total acreage to be acquired under said project, and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has requested said Avigation Easement be acquired for public safety reasons to meet the requirements of Federal Aviation Regulations (Part 77 - Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace), it being a parcel in the Clear Zone of the approach to Runway 32, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Board of Representatives hereby determines in its opinion that the acquisition of said acreage for a Clear Zone Avigation Easement over said property is deminimis in nature so that the public interest will not be prejudiced by acquisition of said easement, RESOLVED, further, That the County Attorney be and hereby is authorized and directed pursuant to the Eminent Domain Procedure Law to proceed with a condemnation of the aforesaid 5.2 acre parcel for an avigation easement over the same, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the said Rocco Lucente at 506 Warren Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 346 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, AMEND CAPITAL PROGRAM AND SECURE FUNDS FROM BORROWING (Amended by R213 of 1992) Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County, City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca and Cornell University have reached an agreement in principal with New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) to share in the costs of establishing a coordinate system for the County, providing permanent monumenting of control points and providing maps of roads, utility lines and building footprints, and WHEREAS, this project would start in 1991 and be completed in 1992, and 219 September 3, 1991 WHEREAS, New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) has agreed to be the lead agent and contract for services, and WHEREAS, the project would provide a necessary coordinate reference system for E911; establish a grid of permanent control points for surveys; provide updated County road, utility and building footprint maps; provide this information in a digital mode which can be integrated into the County Geographical Information System (GIS), and WHEREAS, such products will be of great and immediate value in comprehensive planning and municipal assistance, and WHEREAS, the project provides that the cooperating parties agree to share freely all future updated information and that this will be a further benefit to the County and local municipalities, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the 1991 Capital Program is amended as follows: All category years in the Capital Program to include: Project: NYSEG/Municipal Agreement for Monumenting and Facility Mapping Requesting Department: Planning Priority: First of year of 1991 Project Location: Tompkins County Total Project Cost: $ 502,700 Five Year Projected Spending: 1991 - $ 70,600 1992 - $ 432,400 1993/5 - 0 Source of Funding: Borrowing: $ 154,957 NYSEG, Cornell University, City of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca $ 347,743 RESOLVED, further, That in the event that it is determined that proceeds of the E911 surcharge are appropriate and sufficient to pay for some or all of the above costs that the above method of financing shall be amended appropriately, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to sign and execute said agreement. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 347- CREATION OF POSITIONS - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE (Corrected by Res. No. 425 of 1991) Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on the recommendation of the Health and Education and Personnel Committees, That one position of Secretary (09/671), labor grade I, competitive class, be created effective September 3, 1991 and remain in existence only as long as 100 percent Tech Prep grant funding is available to reimburse all expenditures, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Secretary (09/671), labor grade I, competitive class, be created effective September 3, 1991 on a permanent basis, RESOLVED, further, That monies are budget in the College's 1991-1992 Operating Budget. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 220 September 3, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 348 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK TO SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK TYPIST - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Personnel Committee, That one position of Senior Account Clerk (08/528), labor grade H, competitive class be reclassified to Senior Account Clerk Typist (09/529), labor grade I, competitive class, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 349 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 - AUTHORIZATION FOR TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS TO PERFORM ADDITIONAL SAMPLING AND PREPARATION OF WETLAND PERMIT APPLICATION FOR THE DR -7 LANDFILL SITE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 3 dated January 3, 1990 has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 4 - Terrestrial Environmental Specialists shall be authorized to collect additional data at the DR -7 site as requested by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers' letter of July 1, 1991, and to compile such information as may be necessary to complete a wetlands permit application in accordance with a proposal dated July 19, 1991, , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said Change Order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to pay said claim in an amount not to exceed $17,899 to be funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 350 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 3 OF 1991 - AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF 1990, REGULATING THE DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE IN TOMPKINS COUNTY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held before the Board of Representatives on September 3, 1991 to hear all persons interested in proposed Local Law No. 3 of 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That said proposed Local Law No. 3 of 1991 amending Local Law No. 5 of 1990, Regulating the Disposal of Solid Waste in Tompkins County be and hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said Local Law No. 3 of 1991 in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks, the first within ten (10) days after the local law has been adopted, and after said local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk of 221 September 3, 1991 the Board shall within five (5) days file one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk and three certified copies in the office of the Secretary of State. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 351 - DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF MEETING TO DECLARE CERTAIN PROPERTY AT 230 WEST DRYDEN ROAD AS NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, on June 26, 1991, the County purchased certain real property known as 230 West Dryden Road consisting of approximately 56 acres of land under the DR -7 Property Value Protection Program, and WHEREAS, at the September 17, 1991 meeting of this Board, a resolution will be considered declaring that said property is no longer needed for public use, and authorizing acceptance of a purchase offer in the amount of $20,000 for 40 acres of said property, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to publish notice of consideration of said resolution in the official newspapers ten days in advance of the September 17, 1991 meeting pursuant to Local Law No. 3 of 1981. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 352 - RESCINDING OF RESOLUTION NO. 268 OF JULY 9, 1991 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 268 dated July 9, 1991 the Board of Representatives awarded the bid for uninterruptible power supply to Bromor Company of Buffalo, New York, and WHEREAS, recent information has been received by Central Data Processing as evidence that the bids received were not sufficiently comparable, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That Resolution No. 268 of July 9, 1991 be and hereby is rescinded and that the bid of Bromor Company of Buffalo, New York be and hereby is rejected. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present the following appointments were made to various boards: Southern Tier East Regional Planning Development Board Term expires December 31, 1992 James Hanson, Jr. County Planning Commissioner Term expires December 31, 1993 Stuart Stein - At -Large representative p.m. Chairman Mason declared recess at 7:22 p.m. The meeting retuned to regular session at 7:32 222 September 3, 1991 It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to discuss the Tompkins County Job Training Program. An executive session was held at 7:32 p.m. and returned to open session at 8:09 p.m. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m. 223 September 6, 1991 Special Meeting Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. Members and Guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 8 Representatives. Excused: 5 (Representatives Dietrich, Evans, Lerner, Stein, and Watros). Absent: 2 (Representatives Mink and Livesay). RESOLUTION NO. 353 — AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 436 OF 1990 — ESTABLISHING 1991 MEETING DATES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 436 of 1991 established the 1991 regular meeting dates of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, and WHEREAS, Yom Kippur begins at sundown on September 17, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Representatives change the meeting time of the September 17, 1991 Board meeting from 5:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to accommodate those celebrating Yom Kippur. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion, the meeting adjourned at 12:07 p.m. 224 September 17, 1991 Regular Meeting Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. Members and guests participated in the pledge of Allegiance. Present: 12 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representative Shurtleff and Representative Watros arrived at 4:28 p.m. Representative Schuler left at 4:59 p.m.). Absent: 1 (Representative Evans - arrived at 5:19 p.m.). The minutes of the September 3, 1991 meeting were approved as corrected. Under privilege of the floor, Michael Gorski, Manager, Wegmans Food Pharmacy, South Meadow Street, Ithaca, invited members of the Board to visit Wegmans to discuss the issue of Item Pricing. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, reported that the Committee met last week to review construction management proposals that were received. Mr. Proto stated that on September 23 the Committee will review the responses from the Request for Proposals. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Health and Education Committee, stated that the Committee will meet October 17 and 18 to review budgets. He updated the Board on the Board of Health and Tompkins Community Hospital Board of Trustees activities. He announced the reappointment of Dr. Eduardo Marti as President of Tompkins Cortland Community College for a five-year term. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety Committee, reported that the Committee has not met since the last Board meeting. He stated that the last monthly report of illegal dumping showed the least number of complaints investigated by the Sheriffs Department. Mr. Culligan stated that a Chairman of the Sheriffs Civilian Review Board was appointed. The Committee will meet October 10 and 11 to discuss budgets. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, reported that the Committee has not met since the last Board meeting. The Committee will meet September 26. She reported on the process evaluation of the Ithaca Youth Bureau's Youth Development Services. A copy of the executive summary is on file in the Board office for review. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman, Planning Committee, reported that the Committee will be meeting October 9 to review budgets. The next Committee meeting will be October 7. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Reapportionment Committee, reported that the Committee met September 16 to review more maps and that progress is being made. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, reported that there is an agreement for a lease with the East Hill Flying Club. Mr. Winch acknowledged Robert Nicholas, Airport Manager, for his efforts with this. The Joint Transit Facility opened bids for construction work. The bids are coming in at approximately ten percent under the construction budget. Mr. Winch stated that he feels comfortable that these are good bids. Mrs. Schuler, Chairman, Personal Emergency Response Service, reported that Committee met briefly on September 5. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Personnel Committee, reported that the 25 -year Banquet Committee is moving forward with preparations for the dinner. The next Committee meeting is October 1. 225 September 17, 1991 Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, reported that the Committee met September 12. Mrs. Livesay distributed a resolution adopted by the City of Ithaca Public Works Department regarding the Composting Facility. Mrs. Livesay stated that several advisory board members are requesting more information. She said that the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee is working with the advisory boards to solve these concerns. Mrs. Livesay stated that the Solid Waste Division will do a presentation on the situation at the Hillview Road Landfill at an upcoming Board meeting. The next Committee meeting is September 26. Chairman Mason reported on the Court of Appeals hearing and that the New York State Association of Counties has elected to become a participant in the Town of Dryden Court of Appeals case. A video tape of the hearing will be made available for review. He said the decision will be heard in 6-8 weeks. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, reported that the Committee will be discussing item pricing at the next Committee meeting on October 4. The Committee will hear both those opposed and in favor of item pricing. The Committee will meet October 30 and November 4 and 7 to review budgets. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, reported that he has began reviewing County department budgets. Mr. Heyman stated that the United Way campaign will kick off on September 20 and urged everyone to contribute. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, updated the Board on the lawsuit concerning the property at the Mental Health Building site. He reported that the new Risk Manager for the County has indexed all claims against the County. Mr. Mulvey stated that he continues to receive correspondence from the New York State Association of Counties regarding proposed changes in the Ethics law. It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorizing the Signing of a Contract with the Finger Lakes Association Acting on Behalf of the Water Resources Board - Aquatic Vegetation Control - Tompkins County. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to add to the agenda the following resolutions: - Change Order No. 2 - Resource Associates - Central Processing Facility - Award of Bid - Interim Compost Facility - Solid Waste - Establishing 1992 Solid Waste and Sludge Disposal Fee RESOLUTION NO. 354 - AWARD OF BID - RECYCLED XEROGRAPHIC PAPER Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for recycled xerographic paper for use by County departments, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and publicly opened on August 22, 1991 at 2 p.m., and WHEREAS, the bid will be awarded in its entirety to the responsible bidder having the lowest total, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the bid be awarded to Ailing & Cory of Rochester, New York in the amount of $6,864, 226 September 17, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds being available in the 1991 budget in Account No. A1345.4303. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 355 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE QUITCLAIM DEEDS - SALE OF FORECLOSURE PROPERTIES AT PUBLIC AUCTION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. and WHEREAS, by tax foreclosure proceedings, the County acquired certain parcels in the County, WHEREAS, said properties were sold at public auction on July 18, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, upon settlement in full of the bid payment, plus taxes and filing fees, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute quitclaim deeds for the following parcels to the persons listed: Parcel No. Town Purchaser Bid 64-1-13.2 Dryden James M. Pitcher, Jr. $10,100 30-1-13.3 Dryden Lois A. Bower $ 7,100 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 356 - CLARIFICATION OF INTENT TO PAY FULL AMOUNT OF ADULT RECREATION APPROPRIATION FOR 1991 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, State Aid for Adult Recreation was dropped from the New York State Budget for 1991 and later restored at 27 percent of the original amount, and WHEREAS, the County Budget for 1991 included an appropriation of $35,163, with revenue of $5,311 from State Aid, and the balance from the County, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 149 deleted the State Aid revenue but left the appropriation at the original level, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Board of Representatives affirm its intention to pay the Senior Citizens Council the full amount of the 1991 appropriation. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 357 - ADVERTISE PUBLIC HEARING ON 1992 BUDGET Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That a public hearing on the proposed 1992 budget be held on November 20, 1991 at 7 p.m. in the evening thereof in 227 September 17, 1991 Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, for the purpose of hearing all persons interested therein who desire to be heard, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk is hereby directed to publish a notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of the County in the manner required by Section 359 of County Law. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 358 - REFUND OF TAXES - TOWN OF DRYDEN - JIM RAY MOBILE HOMES, INC. Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1991 tax rolls for the Town of Dryden; namely parcel 56-5-4.2 assessed to Jim Ray Mobile Homes, Inc., an exemption having been erroneously calculated, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the overpayments for 1991 in the amount $955.88 be refunded, RESOLVED, further, That the refunded amount be charged back as follows: $434.43 to the Town of Dryden and $521.45 to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 359 - REFUND OF TAXES - TOWN OF NEWFIELD - JAMES W. AND PATRICIA L. RAY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1990 tax rolls for the Town of Dryden; namely parcel 5-1-18-.1 assessed to James W. and Patricia L. Ray, an exemption having been erroneously calculated, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the overpayments for 1990 in the amount of $677.94 be refunded, RESOLVED, further, That the refunded amount be charged back as follows: $641.54 to the Town of Newfield and $36.40 to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 360 - REFUND OF TAXES - TOWN OF NEWFIELD - JIM RAY MOBILE HOMES, INC. Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1991 tax rolls for the Town of Newfield; namely parcel 5-1-5.1 assessed to Jim Ray Mobile Homes, Inc., an exemption having been erroneously calculated, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the overpayments for 1991 in the amount of $705.18 be refunded, 228 September 17, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the refunded amount be charged back as follows: $667.32 to the Town of Newfield and $37.86 to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 361 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff), Absent - 1 (Representative Evans). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Public Works and Construction Management, Public Safety and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS County Clerk From: A1460.4302 Office Supplies $ 333 To: A1460.2213 File Cabinets $ 333 Public Works From: B5610.4476 Buildings and Grounds Maintenance $ 1,016 To: B5610.2234 Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Equipment $ 1,016 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Purchasing and Central Services Revenue: A1345.2226 Sale of Supplies $ 550 Appropriation: A1345.2210 Other Equipment $ 550 Revenue: A1345.2226 Sale of Supplies $ 500 Appropriation: A1345.4418 DMV Photocopying $ 500 Health - WIC Revenue: A4012.3402 State Aid $ 3,400 Appropriation: A4012.4430 Printing $ 300 .4901 Computer Services 900 .4472 Telephone 2,000 .4308 Medical Supplies 200 APPROPRIATIONS Budget and Finance From: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 900 To: A1310.2230 Computer Software $ 900 Special Prosecutor From: A1990 Contingent Fund $15,300 To: A1166.4400 Special Prosecutor Program Expenses $15,300 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 362 - RETURNED VILLAGE TAXES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. 229 September 17, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Director of Assessment of the County be and hereby is authorized and directed to add to the respective 1992 tax rolls the amount of the uncollected village taxes returned by the collectors of the various villages to the County Administrator and remaining unpaid and that have not been heretofore relevied on town tax rolls, and that said returned village taxes be reassessed and relevied on town tax rolls as they are returned, and that said returned village taxes be reassessed and relevied upon the lots and parcels so returned with 12.0 percent annual interest in addition thereto. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 363 - RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Director of Assessment of the County be and hereby is authorized and directed to add to the respective 1992 tax rolls the amount of the uncollected school taxes returned by the collectors of the various districts, exclusive of the City of Ithaca School District, to the County Administrator and remaining unpaid and that have not been heretofore relevied on town tax rolls and that said returned school taxes be reassessed and relevied on town tax rolls as they are returned, and that said school taxes returned in 1991 be reassessed and relevied upon the lots and parcels so returned with 12.0 percent annual interest in addition thereto. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 364 - ADOPTION OF APPORTIONMENT OF TAXES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the report of the Budget and Administration Committee be accepted and adopted and that valuation of real property and franchise for the purposes of general and highway tax levied against the several tax districts of the County be equalized at full value and determined as therein set forth as the basis for the apportionment for such general and highway tax levies for the year 1992, RESOLVED, further, That several amounts therein listed for State tax, County tax for general county purposes, enterprise fund tax and County highway tax for 1992 against the several towns of the County and City of Ithaca be assessed against, levied upon and collected from taxable property of the several towns and City liable therefore. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 365 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 1991 - AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF 1990 - PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - ARTICLE 3 - COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR - SECTION 3.02 230 September 17, 1991 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That a public hearing be held before the Board of Representatives at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York on Tuesday, October 1, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof on proposed Local Law No. 4 of 1991 - Amending Local Law No. 7 of 1990 - Providing for Amendments to the Tompkins County Charter and Code - Article 3 - County Administrator - Section 3.02. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 366 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. f OF 1991 - ITEM PRICING LAW Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That a public hearing be held before the Board of Representatives at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York on Tuesday, October 15, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof on proposed Local Law No. f of 1991 concerning Item Pricing. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 367 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - SALT STORAGE FACILITY DESIGN Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff), Absent - 1 (Representative Evans). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount Orfi and Underhill 2 (Final) HZ5130.4400 $4,500 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. HZ5130.4400. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 231 September 17, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 368 - APPROVAL OF THE TOMPKINS COUNTY MASS TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PLAN FOR THE OPERATION OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES PROVIDED BY GADABOUT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, INC. Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County receives New York State Transit Operating Assistance (NYSTOA) to provide public transportation services, and WHEREAS, Part 975.20 of Title 17 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York requires that recipients of NYSTOA must prepare a Mass Transportation Services Plan in certain circumstances, and WHEREAS, the State Department of Transportation determined that Tompkins County is required to submit a Mass Transportation Service Plan pursuant to Part 975.20 and such plan must address each element required therein, and WHEREAS, the Mass Transportation Service Plan must be approved by the Board of Representatives and that approval must recognize the service as being fully open to the general public on an equal opportunity basis and relevant to the travel needs of the general public, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives has reviewed and hereby approves the Mass Transportation Service Plan for GADABOUT Transportation Services, Inc. as meeting the required elements of part 975.20 and certifies that GADABOUT service is fully open to the general public on an equal opportunity basis and is relevant to the travel needs of the general public, RESOLVED, further, That a certified copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to Sandra M. Shapard, Transit Division, New York State Department of Transportation. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 369 - ACCEPTANCE OF APPRAISALS FOR ACQUISITION OF LANDS FOR VIRGIL CREEK P.L. 566 WATERSHED PROJECT (DRYDEN DAM PROJECT) Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Watros, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Virgil Creek P.L. 566 Watershed Project also known as the Dryden Dam Project requires that 80.13 acres of lands be purchased for purposes of constructing a Soil Conservation Service flood control dam, and WHEREAS, these lands have been appropriately surveyed and appraised by licensed surveyors and appraisers, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That these appraisals be accepted as the fair market value of said lands, RESOLVED, further, That the County Attorney be directed to issue purchase offers to the land owners for purposes of acquiring these lands and that the amounts be as follows: Vincent W. and Linda L. Bruno 28.62 A. $11,448 Suzanne K. Bremmer 20.0 A. $ 8,000 Barbara O. Ferguson 19.7 A. $ 7,668 Sibley and Barbara Stewart 12.03 A. $ 6,812 Elaine Peppin 2.05 A. $ 820 Glenn W. and Janice G. Downey .63 A. $ 378 232 September 17, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute purchase agreements with said landowners. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 370 - ACCEPTANCE OF APPRAISALS FOR FLOOD EASEMENTS FOR VIRGIL CREEK P.L. 566 WATERSHED PROJECT (DRYDEN DAM PROJECT) Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Watros, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Virgil Creek P.L. 566 Watershed Project also known as the Dryden Dam Project requires that flood easements for 127.23 acres of lands be purchased for purposes of constructing a Soil Conservation Service flood control dam, and WHEREAS, a flooding rights easement has been drafted to minimize impacts on operation and maintenance to apply to the area defined as the contour representing the top of the dam, elevation 1263.9 feet, and WHEREAS, these lands have been appropriately appraised by licensed appraisers based on this flooding rights easement, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That these appraisals as based on the flooding rights easement, be accepted as the fair market value of said easements, RESOLVED, further, That the County Attorney be directed to issue purchase offers to the land owners for purposes of obtaining flood easements on these lands and that the amounts be as follows: Acreage Cost Sibley and Barbara Stewart 15.90 Ac. $2,385.00 Town of Dryden Tax #49-1-31.2 Glen W. and Janice G. Downey and Willard G. and Waneta Downey 24.47 Ac. $3,670.50 Town of Dryden Tax #48-1-72 Sibley Stewart 6.28 Ac. $ 942.00 Town of Harford Tax #135-01-16 Philip Sega 7.70 Ac. $1,155.00 Town of Harford Tax #135-01-01 Philip Sega 8.57 Ac. $1,285.50 Town of Harford Tax # 144-01-05 Fred Endler 34.91 Ac. $5,236.50 Town of Harford Tax #144-01-02 Leonard and Judith Dilioa .60 Ac. $ 90.00 Town of Harford Tax #144-01-03 John Palmer 4.05 Ac. $ 607.50 Town of Virgil Tax #135-1-41 John Palmer 15.75 Ac. $2,362.50 Town of Harford Tax # 144-01-04 George Burdorf 4.82 Ac. $ 723.00 Town of Harford Tax #144-01-06 George Saltsman 1.33 Ac. $ 199.50 Town of Virgil Tax #135-01-49 Rosalee Nagel 2.66 Ac. $ 399.00 Town of Harford Tax # 144-01-15 Rosalee Nagel .19 Ac. $ 28.50 Town of Harford Tax #144-01-15 233 September 17, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute purchase agreements of flood easements with said landowners, and that a copy of these flood easements will be on file in the County Clerk's office. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 371 - AUTHORIZING THE SIGNING OF A CONTRACT WITH THE FINGER LAKES ASSOCIATION ACTING ON BEHALF OF THE WATER RESOURCES BOARD - AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL - TOMPKINS COUNTY Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has entered previously into a single contract agreement with the Finger Lakes Association, Inc. for SFY 90-91 for purposes of distributing the funds to Tompkins County in the Aid to Localities Project -Aquatic Vegetation Control, herein called the Project, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County, herein called the "Municipality", after thorough consideration feels it is in the interest of the Municipality to continue to participate in the Project for SFY 91-92, and WHEREAS, the Municipality has examined and duly considered the Agreement with the Finger Lakes Association, Inc. and deems it to be in the public interest and benefit, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed, as the official representative, to act in connection with any contracts between the Municipality and the Finger Lakes Association, Inc., and to provide such information as may be required, RESOLVED, further, That one (1) certified copy of this resolution be prepared and sent along with the said contract(s). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 372 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - WELFARE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COORDINATOR TO SENIOR DATA ENTRY OPERATOR - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Personnel Committees, That one position of Welfare Management System Coordinator (11/561), labor grade K, competitive class be reclassified to Senior Data Entry Operator (09/698), labor grade I, competitive class effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 373 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS - KEYBOARD SPECIALISTS TO SENIOR CLERK - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. 234 September 17, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Personnel Committees, That two positions of Keyboard Specialists (05/507), labor grade E, competitive class be reclassified to Senior Clerk (07/518), labor grade G, competitive class effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 374 - LABOR GRADE CHANGE - DRIVER - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Personnel Committees, That the labor grade for Driver (04/510), labor grade D, non-competitive, be changed to (07/510), labor grade G effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 375 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION - PAY EQUITY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee and approved by the Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees, That the agreement reached between the College and CSEA regarding the pay equity study be implemented effective September 1, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution become effective upon the adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 376 - APPROVAL TO SUBMIT A MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL WASTE REDUCTION GRANT PROPOSAL TO NEW YORK STATE ENERGY RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (NYSERDA) Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the County is interested in assisting local businesses, industries and institutions in seeking feasible waste reduction and recycling options in order to reduce overall waste being delivered to County solid waste disposal facilities, and to conserve energy and resources, and WHEREAS, as part of the Solid Waste Management Plan, the County wishes to consider providing solid waste assessments and technical recycling and waste reduction assistance for the business and industrial sectors, to further both New York State's and Tompkins County's goal of waste reduction, and WHEREAS, the New York State Energy Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) has invited municipalities to submit proposals for development of a 235 September 17, 1991 "Municipal Solid Waste and Industrial Waste Reduction Demonstration and Evaluation Program", and will provide cost sharing up to a maximum of $200,000 per project, and WHEREAS, the Cornell University Waste Management Institute in cooperation with Cornell Cooperative Extension, and the consulting firm, Recourse Systems, Inc., have expressed interest in assisting the County with this project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the County submit the Industrial Waste Reduction Proposal to NYSERDA for consideration of 57 percent funding assistance for a total project cost of $287,627, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute the application for funding consideration. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 377 - AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND CAPITAL PROGRAM - INTERIM COMPOSTING FACILITY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 410 dated November 7, 1990 authorized execution of a contract with Stearns and Wheler for engineering services including the preparation of design specification and bidding documents for construction of a full scale compost facility at the Hillview Road Landfill which will enable sewage treatment plant sludge to be diverted from being landfilled, and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 90 dated March 5, 1991 has made a determination of non -significance, a negative declaration and submitted an application for a permit to construct and operate the full scale compost facility at the Hillview Road Landfill, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, Capital Program Committee, and the Budget and Administration Committee, That funds be allocated for the purchase of equipment and the construction of the interim compost facility at the Hillview Road Landfill, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment: REVENUE: HH8162.5730 B.A.N.'s $796,535 APPROPRIATION: HH8162.2210 Front-end Loader $ 80,000 Sludge Mixer $ 65,000 Trommel Screen $ 60,000 Tub Grinder $ 81,500 Sub -Total $286,500 .4442 Construction $510,035 Grand Total $796,535 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 378 - AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND CAPITAL PROGRAM - HILLVIEW ROAD LANDFILL CLOSURE - PHASE II Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. 236 September 17, 1991 WHEREAS, Resoldtion No. 86 dated March 5, 1991 authorized execution of a Second Amended Consent Order with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regarding operation and closure of the Hillview Road Landfill in accordance with State regulation (Part 360), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, Capital Program Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That funds be allocated for the control of surface leachate seeps, installation of intermediate cover in preparation for closure, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment: REVENUE: HH8165.5730 B.A.N.'s $38,000 APPROPRIATION: HH8165.9239 Surface Leachate Control $12,000 Installation of Intermediate Cover $23,500 Engineering Assistance 2,500 Grand Total $38,000 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 379 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 - ESHBAUGH CONSULTING ENGINEERS - HILLVIEW ROAD LANDFILL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 422 of 1990 has been reviewed and approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 5 To perform additional groundwater and surface water sampling and analysis at the Hillview Road Landfill per letter dated August 19, 1991 in accordance with unit costs contained in the Agreement dated November 13, 1990, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim at a cost not to exceed $5,434.20 from the project contingency fund established by Resolution No. 422 of 1990 (Account No. A8160.4442). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 380 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS - STEARNS AND WHELER AND ICHTHYOLOGICAL ASSOCIATES FOR HILLVIEW ROAD LANDFILL WETLAND AND STREAM ASSESSMENT Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, an assessment of Cayuga Inlet was authorized and performed in 1988 and it is prudent to monitor environmental changes since that time by repeating this study as well as conducting a more comprehensive assessment of stream and wetlands at the Hillview Road Landfill, and 237 September 17, 1991 WHEREAS, proposals were received for stream and wetland assessment, interpretation, and reporting for the Hillview Road landfill, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute a contract with Stearns and Wheler Engineers and Scientists of Cazenovia, New York to perform floral and sediments testing at a cost not to exceed $25,640 to be funded from Account No. A8160.4442, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute a contract with Ichthyological Associates of Lansing, New York to perform a macroinvertebrate and fish study of Cayuga Inlet at a cost not to exceed $12,050 to be funded from Account No. A8160.4442. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 381 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - RESOURCE ASSOCIATES - CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following addendum relative to Resolution No. 127, dated April 4, 1990 has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Addendum No. 2 - NO COST CHANGE: Resource Associates shall be authorized to assist in the developing of a vendor service agreement(s) to be issued in conjunction with the final Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Central Processing Facility. The work will include but not be limited to, technical appendices, acceptance testing, viability, and vendor performance standards in accordance with a proposal dated September 12, 1991 at a cost not to exceed $19,630 funded from the existing Central Processing Facility (CPF) design contract. , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the above addendum be and is hereby approved and that the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute said Change Order on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 382 - AWARD OF BID - INTERIM COMPOST FACILITY - SOLID WASTE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the construction of an Interim Composting Facility at the Hillview Road Landfill, and WHEREAS, five (5) bids were received and publicly opened on Monday, September 9, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the bids for construction of an Interim Composting Facility be awarded as follows: General Contract to McPherson Builders of Ithaca, New York in the amount of $378,890 Electrical to Richardson Brothers of Ithaca, New York in the amount of $106,858 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute contracts to implement this bid, funds being available in capital construction Account No. HH8162.4442, RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste Manager be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. 238 September 17, 1991 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 383 - ESTABLISHING 1992 SOLID WASTE AND SLUDGE DISPOSAL FEE (Reconsidered and adopted and amended October 1, 1991) Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That based on a cost estimate for 1992 of $9,379,796.00 to dispose of an estimated 52,350 tons of garbage and construction and demolition materials (C&D) and to pay for the cost of processing and handling recyclable materials, and a cost estimate of $225,967.00 for composting 6,000 tons of sludge, $179.17 per ton for refuse and C&D materials and fees of $37.66 for composting are hereby established effective January 1, 1992, for disposal of solid waste and for composting of sewage sludge, RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste Manager is authorized to determine which specific items in any form of delivery are to be considered "waste" and which are to be considered "recyclables" (which determination shall be published as a public record) and is authorized to levy the above fee only upon "waste", RESOLVED, further, That in the event that weigh scales are not operable for the purpose of determining the appropriate charge for each load of waste delivered at any point in time, then the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee of this Board is authorized, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Solid Waste Manager, to determine a volume -based fee that best approximates the above per -ton fee, RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee is authorized, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Solid Waste Manager, to establish a minimum fee or set of fees for vehicles whose contents cannot be accurately weighed, RESOLVED, further, That no exemptions from this fee may be granted except on specific resolution of this Board of Representatives for any entity even including departments of County government, RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste Manager is authorized and directed to publicize these fees widely as quickly as practicable so that haulers, residents, businesses, industries, landlords and other municipalities may have the maximum time possible to plan for the impact of this fee. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 384 - AWARD OF BID - TRANSPORTATION OF PRESCHOOL HANDICAPPED CHILDREN Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the transportation of preschool handicapped children within Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, one (1) bid was received and duly opened on August 9, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Special Children's Center of Ithaca, New York be awarded the bid, said bid to be good for one year with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to execute an agreement on behalf of Tompkins County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 239 September 17, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 385 - AUTHORIZING 1992 CONTRACT - MEDICARE COST REPORT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is required to submit a 1991 Medicare Cost Report by March 31, 1992 by Federal regulations, and WHEREAS, the department has contracted with Mr. Jack Venesky, C.P.A. since 1989, to perform said cost report and interim cost report, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute a contract with Jack Venesky, C.P.A., to perform the Medicare Cost Report for the department at a cost not to exceed $14,000. Said funds to be expended from Account No. A4010.4442, Health Department Professional Services. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 386 - ACCEPTANCE OF FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) GRANT OFFER - NEW TERMINAL PROJECT - FOR DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has made an initial grant offer for federal assistance based on the County's application for the New Terminal Project Design Development and Construction Documents Phase, and WHEREAS, said initial grant offer of $350,100 is based on the expected percentage of FAA participation in the future terminal construction project, and WHEREAS, said initial grant offer will come from FY 91 entitlement funds under the terms of the Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1987, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development and Budget and Administration Committees, That the initial grant offer of $350,100 is hereby accepted and the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute same, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to make the following budget adjustments: Revenue: HU5610.4592 FAA Grant $350,100 .3592 FY State DOT Grant $ 53,400 .5731 Proceeds from Borrowing $277,256 Appropriation: HU5610.9239 Airport Terminal $680,756 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to make advances until the Federal and State Aid is received. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 387 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY STUDY 240 September 17, 1991 Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount Aviation Planning Associates of Cincinnati, Ohio 2 (Final) HU5610.9239 $4,297.05 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. HU5610.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 388 - DECLARING PROPERTY NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE AND AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF PURCHASE OFFER AND EXECUTION OF DEED FOR SALE OF PROPERTY ON WEST DRYDEN ROAD Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, on June 26, 1991, the County purchased certain real property consisting of approximately 56 acres of land under the DR -7 Property Value Protection Program, and WHEREAS, Thomas Yaeger has submitted a purchase offer in the sum of $20,000 for 40 acres plus or minus of that land, and the Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee having approved said offer, and WHEREAS, notice of this meeting having been published in the official newspapers ten days in advance pursuant to Local Law No. 3 of 1981, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That said property is no longer needed for public use, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to accept said purchase offer on behalf of the County and to execute a warranty deed and such other necessary documents to convey said acreage to Mr. Yaeger. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 5:43 p.m. The meeting returned to order at 5:50 p.m. It was Moved by Mr. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to hold an executive session to discuss performance of employees. An executive session was held at 5:50 p.m. and returned to open session at 6:50 p.m. The following is the motion taken in executive session: It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Call, and adopted by voice vote with Mr. Proto voting no, to approve the 1991-92 management staff salaries at the levels recommended by the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. 241 October 1, 1991 Regular Meeting Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law No. 4 of 1991 - Amending Local Law No. 7 of 1990 - Providing for Amendments to the Tompkins County Charter and Code - Article 3 - County Administrator. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Watros arrived at 6:28 Representative Shurtleff was excused at 7:55 p.m. The minutes of September 6, 1991 and September 17, 1991 were approved as submitted. p.m.). Under privilege of the floor, Margaret Smith, 770 Elm Street Extension, Ithaca, spoke regarding a fair practice law defeated July 9, 1991 by this Board. Ms. Smith stated that she believes there needs to be a law enacted that will protect gays and lesbians. She believes there should be equal treatment for everyone and urged the passage of a fair practice law. Under privilege of the floor, Onalese Mc Voy, 122 Columbia Street, spoke regarding the Tompkins County fair practice proposal. Ms. Mc Voy stated that she believes this is a time when racial tensions are on the rise and all measures should be taken to keep harmony. She believes that people should be respected for who they are. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Lerner brought the Board up-to-date on the situation at the Seneca Army Depot and whether or not there are nuclear weapons stored there. Mr. Lerner stated that he has been in contact with Congressman McHugh's office and the Defense department in recent months but has had no confirmation on whether nuclear weapons are stored there. Mr. Lerner stated that he would not pursue this any further at this time. The Board congratulated Mrs. Dietrich, Representative, District No. 12, for recently being elected First Vice President of NYSAC (New York State Association of Counties). Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, reported that the Committee met on September 2, 1991 and began the interviewing process for the construction manager for the new terminal project. Mr. Proto stated that both grant offers from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have been received and are in excess of $300,000. A grant offer for $8,000 from the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) was also received. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Health and Education Committee, reported that the Committee met September 24, 1991 and that the Committee is continuing to work on the environmental health fees. Mr. Proto stated that a rabid raccoon was reported in Newfield and that the County is working on an arrangement with the SPCA. He stated that there were several people in attendance for the dedication ceremony of the Memorial Garden at Tompkins Community Hospital for Tom Miller. Mr. Proto reported that the hospital fund drive will begin soon with a goal of $180,000. Mr. Proto said that the Board of Health has come up with twelve items they are asking for waivers on regarding new septic tank regulations the State has come out with. The Board of Health has begun to review the County sanitary code and expects to complete this review sometime in the Fall. 242 October 1, 1991 Mr. Evans, Chairman, Community Mental Health Services Board, reported that the Mental Health Clinic expects to return in excess of $100,000 to the County. Mr. Evans stated that the Mental Health Department anticipates receiving 100 percent funding for the Alcoholism Council from the State. This totals an approximate 13 percent decrease in County dollars. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety Committee, reported that the Committee meeting scheduled for October 3 has been changed to October 11. Mr. Culligan stated that Assigned Counsel Program funds have been completely spent as of September 19. Mr. Culligan stated that Tompkins County is exploring the possibility of adding new beds to the Tompkins County jail. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, reported that the Committee met September 26 and had budget updates from the Youth Bureau. The Committee has approved the Personal Emergency Response Service Advisory Board recommendations. Mrs. Call stated that the projected overrun at the end of the year for the Department of Social Services is $489,000. The Committee has begun to review guidelines for food pantries. Mrs. Call also said the foster care at the Biggs Cottage is currently costing the County $62 per day. Mrs. Call stated that the Committee's budget review meetings will be October 22 and 29. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman, Planning Committee, reported that the County has received a $400,000 Small Cities Housing Grant for the Town of Caroline. The next Committee meeting is October 7. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, reported that the Joint Transit Facility will have a Ground Breaking ceremony on October 9 at noon. Mr. Winch stated that renovations of the Tompkins County Public Library are moving forward. After receiving notice of problems concerning public access to the library, the problem was immediately corrected. Mr. Winch stated that the Committee is continuing to review the schematic design for the East Hill Plaza and are currently holding discussions with the Town of Ithaca and Cornell University concerning a bikeway and walkway. Mrs. Call complimented Mr. Winch on the construction of a handicap ramp at the old Courthouse. Mrs. Livesay, Chair, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, introduced Ken Thompson, Assistant Solid Waste Manager, and John Lampman, Engineer for the Solid Waste Division. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Lampman, at this time, provided the Board with a brief presentation on the Hillview Road Landfill. Mr. Thompson stated that in general, the information gathered from work completed, indicates that there is a Leachate plume at the landfill. They spoke about groundwater issues and contamination. They presented a diagram entitled "Hillview Road Landfill Site Plan" and explained the process in which groundwater travel. Mr. Lampman stated that the EM (Electromagnetic) survey conducted at the landfill noted that there was elevated conductivity which would make one suspect contamination. Mr. Lampman showed areas which high contamination was found. Mr. Lampman stated that there is contamination present at the landfill but the stream flow to the Cayuga Outlet did not seem to be affected. There was discussion on Hillview Road and if it were a barrier against contamination. Mrs. Livesay reported that the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee met on Sept. 26 and discussed the home composting program. Mrs. Livesay also reported that the proposed DR -7 landfill reconfiguration is moving forward. Mrs. Livesay, Chair, Personnel Committee, reported that the Committee met October 1. The Committee is trying to review suggestions from employees on second hand smoke problems at the entrances of County buildings. The Committee is working on the Reclassification/Pay Equity study. The next Committee meeting is November 4. Mrs. Livesay also reported that the Personnel Committee will be scheduling meetings with the four department heads who report to the Board. 243 October 1, 1991 Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, reported that the Committee will meet on October 4 and will be discussing item pricing. The Committee will hear those opposed and in favor of item pricing in Tompkins County. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, reported that the subcommittee continues to meet discussing budget guidelines for the year 1993. He also reported that the Employee Council will meet every other week in the SADD conference room located at the Biggs complex near the hospital. Mr. Heyman stated that there has been no outcome on the Superior Disposal lawsuit. He said a videotape of the Town of Dryden Court of Appeals hearings is on file in his office. M'r. Mulvey, County Attorney, updated the Board on the Superior Disposal investigation. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present to add the following resolutions to the agenda: Authorization for Budget Adjustment - Mental Health Authorization to Apply for SSI Outreach Funds for 1991-1992 Creation of Position - Tompkins Cortland Community College Municipal Cleanup Days - 1992 Guidelines for recommendations of County Administrator, Program Committees and Budget and Administration Committee with respect to 1992 Tompkins County Budget and 1992 Tompkins County Capital Program RESOLUTION NO. 389 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AMENDMENTS - JOB TRAINING PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call. Mr. Proto introduced Terry Stark, Broome County Job Training Program Director. Ms. Stark stated that although Broome County would have the administration of the Tompkins County Job Training program, the level of services now delivered to Tompkins County would continue. Ms. Stark stated that she anticipates regular communication with Tompkins County and that a biannual plan on the program will be done in March. Mr. Heyman stated that Tompkins County will continue to have representatives on the Service Delivery Area Private Industry Council. The Board recognized Kris DeLuca -Beach for her work as Tompkins County Job Training Director. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute amendments to the local agreement between the Broome-Tioga-Tompkins Private Industry Council and the Service Delivery Area chief elected officials and to the agreement for the Broome-Tioga-Tompkins Service Delivery Area, providing that the administration of, and fiscal responsibility for, all Tompkins County programs under the Job Training Partnership Act shall be assumed by Broome and Tioga Counties, effective October 1, 1991. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Mr. Watros arrived at this time. RESOLUTION NO. 390 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 1991 - AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF 1990 - PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - ARTICLE 3 - COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. 244 October 1, 1991 WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held before the Board of Representatives on October 1, 1991 to hear all persons interested in proposed Local Law No. 4 of 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That said proposed Local Law No. 4 of 1991 concerning amending Local Law No. 7 of 1990 - Providing for Amendments to the Tompkins County Charter and Code - Article 3 - County Administrator be and hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said Local Law No. 4 of 1991 in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks, the first within ten (10) days after the local law has been adopted, and after said local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk of the Board shall within five (5) days file one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk and three certified copies in the office of the Secretary of State. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 391 - AWARD OF BID - WATERBURG BRIDGE GUIDERAIL MATERIALS Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for Waterburg Bridge Guiderail Materials, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and publicly opened on September 11, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the bid be awarded to Chemung Supply Corporation of Elmira, New York for materials as the lowest responsible bidder of materials with a base bid of $14,719.38, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to execute an agreement on behalf of Tompkins County, RESOLVED, further That all funds for said project are available in the D5110.4312 account. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 392 - AWARD OF BIDS - JOINT TRANSIT FACILITY Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Ms. Mink. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15. Noes - 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, Tompkins County Resolution No. 310 of August 15, 1990 accepted the design and authorized the budget for the Joint Transit Facility, a facility in which administration, maintenance and storage functions for Cornell University Transit, Ithaca Transit, TOMTRAN and GADABOUT will be performed, and WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the construction of this facility, and WHEREAS, thirty-six (36) bids were received for the six (6) contracts bid and publicly read on Monday, September 16, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Joint Transit Facility Design Committee and the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the following bids be accepted with all proposed alternates, contingent upon UMTA approval, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized and directed to execute contracts required to implement these bids: 245 October 1, 1991 Contract No. Description Contractor Bid Amount 1. General Construction Iverson Construction Corp. $2,248,000 Garage Equipment 10 Dewey Avenue Gorham, NY 14461 2. Plumbing Postler and Jaekle Corp. $ 148,200 615 South Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620 3. Heating, Ventilating J and K Plumbing and Air Conditioning heating Co., Inc. $ 456,000 24 Thorpe Street, Binghamton, NY 13905 4. Electrical Panko Electric and Maintenance, Inc. $ 321,400 218 Oak Street Binghamton, NY 13905 5. Fire Protection Postler and Jaekle Corp. $ 56,900 615 South Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620 6. Structural Steel Triangle Steel, Inc. $ 347,300 P.O. Box 910, Ithaca, NY 14851 $3,577,800 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute project change orders up to the project contingency of $357,780. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) PREVIOUS ACTION RESOLUTION NO. 393 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR SUPPLEMENTARY HEAP FUNDS, AUTHORIZE CONTRACT, AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Office for the Aging be authorized to apply for a supplementary HEAP grant of $1,935, to be used by November 15, 1991, with no local match required, RESOLVED, further, That the Board authorize an addendum to Contract No. 91007 with the Senior Citizens Council to add $600 to the amount paid for postage and publication of the Senior Circle. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 394 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR SSI OUTREACH FUNDS FOR 1991-1992 Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Office for the Aging has been allocated $26,131 of State funds to extend a 1990-91 SSI outreach program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Office for the Aging be authorized to apply for the available State funds to resume SSI outreach work, for the period July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to contract with the Chemung County Legal Services Corporation for staff training and consultation. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 246 October 1, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 395 - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS FOR AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM NARRATIVE AND BUDGET FOR NEW YORK STATE FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives has authorized by Resolution No. 19 dated February 5, 1991 and subsequent memorandum of understanding with the Finger Lakes Association, Inc. the expenditure of monies from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Aquatic Vegetation Control Program Grant for New York State Fiscal Year 1990-91 pending and in accordance with the program narrative reviewed and approved by NYSDEC, and WHEREAS, the pending contract with NYSDEC provides full State funding for all parts of the program narrative, and WHEREAS, the NYSDEC has approved the program narrative content and budget, and WHEREAS, the program narrative attached to said contract identifies Stearns and Wheler to provide project management for the contract as a continuation of work in progress and that this continuity is in the best interests of the County in order to accomplish the tasks defined in the program narrative, and WHEREAS, the program narrative and the Agreement with Stearns and Wheler also specifies that Stearns and Wheler may enter into certain subcontracts to fulfill the work program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Stearns and Wheler to provide project management services and to enter into certain specified subcontracts as part of the Aquatic Vegetation Control Program at a cost not to exceed $6,500 for these management services, RESOLVED, further, That Stearns and Wheler be authorized to bill the County for approved subcontractual services as specified in the agreement. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 396 - AUTHORIZATION FOR BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Mental Health Revenue: A4325.3495 State Aid $37,379 Appropriation: A4325.4400 Alcoholism Council $37,379 Explanation: Increase in State Aid due to Alcoholism Council's expansion of programs. RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 397 - CREATION OF POSITION - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE 247 October 1, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Personnel Committees, That one position of Account Clerk, labor grade A (TC3 lg), competitive class, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That monies are budgeted in the College's 1991-1992 Operating Budget, RESOLVED, further, That this position is created only as long as 100 percent of State, Federal or grant funds cover wages and fringes. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 398 - MUNICIPAL CLEANUP DAYS - 1992 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink. Following discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to amend the resolution, reducing the $30 disposal fee for municipalities to zero. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes — 0. Adopted as amended. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 267 of September 27, 1988 urged municipalities to cancel the Fall, 1988 and Spring, 1989 Cleanup days in order to reduce the volume of waste and extend the life of the landfill, and WHEREAS, the cooperation of the municipalities and other waste reduction efforts were successful, and WHEREAS, the Hillview Road Landfill will stop accepting solid waste in May, 1992, after which time all solid waste will have to be transported out of the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Representatives offers the opportunity for municipalities to have a cleanup day after March 9 and before March 27, 1992 at no cost for municipalities only, RESOLVED, further, That guidelines will be developed and that waste exchange opportunities are encouraged in conjunction therewith. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Mr. Shurtleff was excused at this time. RESOLUTION NO. 399 - GUIDELINES FOR RECOMMENDATIONS OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR, PROGRAM COMMITTEES AND BUDGET AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO 1992 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET AND 1992 TOMPKINS COUNTY CAPITAL PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes — 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator estimates that the real property tax levy would increase between 21 and 26 percent in the event that all departmental and agency budgets were approved as submitted at the 0 percent (County departments) and 94 percent (outside agencies) levels as required by Resolution No. 307 (1991), and WHEREAS, the above -referenced estimate of increase would occur in spite of an estimated $771,802 total, $482,182 local share in reductions in Personal Services and fringe benefits expenses that would be generated by the reduction in staffing in the above -referenced proposals, and 248 October 1, 1991 WHEREAS, this Board wishes to avoid said reductions in force but cannot accept a tax increase in the range of 21 to 26 percent, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following guidelines for the recommendations to be presented by the County Administrator, program committees of this Board and the Budget and Administration Committee are hereby adopted with respect to items generating a local property taxpayer cost: 1. The County Administrator shall prepare recommendations based on the following: a. There shall be no expansions of County services in 1992, excepting only those that are strictly mandated by law or those measures which will produce savings; b. No new County positions shall be recommended; c. The only items of equipment that shall be recommended shall be those whose lack will cause negative fiscal impacts in 1992; d. Recommendations for supplies and contract services shall be at the lowest possible level that the County Administrator can recommend without impairing the fundamental mission of the department and the County; e. Dues, memberships and job-related travel and training shall be recommended for elimination; f. County Administrator shall recommend innovations which will save County dollars or enhance income; g. Capital programs, including minor construction projects and building improvements that can be delayed without impairing the safety of the public and the fundamental mission of the department and Tompkins County shall not be recommended for 1992; h. The County Administrator is authorized to recommend spending in excess of the limits specified in items a through g above when alternative spending reductions are substituted; 2. Program committees shall make every attempt to reduce expenditures and to increase income. 3. The Budget and Administration Committee shall attempt to reduce the local property taxpayer impact. If all the above steps have been found inadequate to bring the property tax rate to an acceptable level, the Committee shall work with the County Administrator and Department Heads to prepare a recommended budget for the Board of Representatives that includes a reduction in staff levels to be put into effect through attrition and through a process of review and approval by the County Board during 1992 with the aim of minimizing negative impacts on service delivery. RESOLVED, further, That departments and agencies are urged to identify the most critical items not funded and the effect within the community of not funding them. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present to reconsider Resolution No. 383 of September 17, 1991. RESOLUTION NO. 383 - ESTABLISHING 1992 SOLID WASTE AND SLUDGE DISPOSAL FEE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to amend the following figures in the first Resolved: change $9,379,796 to $7,579,454; $225,967 to $226,119; $179.17 to fees of $145; and fees of $37.66 to $40. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That based on a cost estimate for 1992 of $7,579,454 to dispose of an estimated 52,350 tons of garbage and construction and demolition materials (C&D) and to pay for the cost of processing and handling recyclable materials, and a cost estimate of $226,119 for composting 6,000 tons of sludge, fees of $145 per ton for refuse and C&D materials and $40 for composting are hereby established effective January 1, 1992, for disposal of solid waste and for composting of sewage sludge, 249 October 1, 1991 RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste Manager is authorized to determine which specific items in any form of delivery are to be considered "waste" and which are to be considered "recyclables" (which determination shall be published as a public record) and is authorized to levy the above fee only upon "waste", RESOLVED, further, That in the event that weigh scales are not operable for the purpose of determining the appropriate charge for each load of waste delivered at any point in time, then the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee of this Board is authorized, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Solid Waste Manager, to determine a volume -based fee that best approximates the above per -ton fee, RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee is authorized, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Solid Waste Manager, to establish a minimum fee or set of fees for vehicles whose contents cannot be accurately weighed, RESOLVED, further, That no exemptions from this fee may be granted except on specific resolution of this Board of Representatives for any entity even including departments of County government, RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste Manager is authorized and directed to publicize these fees widely as quickly as practicable so that haulers, residents, businesses, industries, landlords and other municipalities may have the maximum time possible to plan for the impact of this fee. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 400 - RESOLUTION OF RESPECT - HELEN LASHER HOWELL Moved by Mr. Todd and unanimously seconded and adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Honorable Helen Lasher Howell served as a devoted member of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives from January, 1986 through December, 1989, and WHEREAS, during her tenure as a member of this Board, Mrs. Howell served as Chairperson of the Health and Education Committee, member of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, Budget and Administration Committee, and the Public Works Committee, and WHEREAS, Mrs. Howell also served on the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee and continued to serve as an ex -officio member after her tenure, her sincere devotion as a member of the committee has provided the County of Tompkins with an attractive new mental health facility, and WHEREAS, Mrs. Howell also served as a member of the Southern Tier East Regional Planning Development Board, Local Emergency Planning Committee, and as the Chairperson of the Multiple Residence Review Board, and WHEREAS, Mrs. Howell will always be remembered as a leader and a conscientious member of the Board and citizen of Tompkins County and Lansing, now therefore be it RESOLVED, unanimously by this Board, That the members thereof express their sympathy and sincere condolences to the family of Helen Lasher Howell, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy of this resolution to the family of Helen Lasher Howell. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present, the following appointments were made to the various advisory boards: Tompkins County Planning Board Terms expire December 31, 1993 Kit Lambert - Village of Lansing representative 250 October 1, 1991 Ronald Anderson - Village of Cayuga Heights representative George Totman - Town of Groton representative Hillview Road Landfill Citizens Advisory Board No set terms Deborah Grantham - At -Large representative It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to hold an executive session to discuss negotiations. An executive session was held at 8:19 p.m. and returned to regular session at 8:29 p.m. On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m. 251 October 15, 1991 Regular Meeting Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law No. f of 1991 - Item Pricing. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? The following people spoke in favor of proposed Local Law No. f of 1991 - Item Pricing: - Martin Luster, New York State Assemblyman - Hollie Levine, Assistant Attorney General, Binghamton Regional Office, Consumer Frauds and Protection Bureau, read testimony of Attorney General Robert Abrams - Dooley Kiefer, Town of Ithaca - Susie Hibble, 506 Albany Street - Lisa Heffron, College Student - Bill Hardy - Rebecca Weber, New York Public Interest Research Group, Inc. (NYPIRG) - Ray Bordoni speaking for Richard Kessell, Excutive Director, State Consumer Protection Board The following people spoke in opposition of proposed Local Law No. f of 1991 - Item Pricing: - Thomas Corey, Vice Chairperson, Chamber of Commerce, read a resolution passed by the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee on October 15, 1991 - Professor Heinz Biesilorf, Cornell University - Dick Wittink, Cornell University Marketing Professor - Jim Rogers, President, United Food Merchants Association - Michael Donahue, Executive Vice President of Tops - Tim Robertson, Jr., Manages Judd Falls P&C - Jim Robinson, President of Retail grocers Association - Doug Gaily, District Manager for Tops - Jim O'Neil, Wegmans - Lance Ternasky, 332 Richard Place Mr. Ed McLaughlin, Associate Professor of Economics at Cornell University, said he favors a system that favors consumers. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 6:48 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives (Representative Livesay arrived at 5:34 p.m.). Excused: 1 (Representative Evans; Representative Watros was excused at 7:47 p.m.). The Board expressed sympathy to Charles Evans and his family for the loss of his mother. The minutes of the October 1, 1991 meeting were approved as corrected. Chairman Mason proclaimed the month of October, 1991 as Tompkins County Disability Employment Awareness Month. Chairman Mason also proclaimed the week of October 20 - 26, 1991 as Federation of New York Insurance Women's Week. 252 October 15, 1991 Chairman Mason read and presented a proclamation declaring the week of October 14 - 20, 1991 as Cornell Lacrosse 1971 Championship Week to Robert Mulvey, Exalted Ruler, Elks Lodge, and also recognized Richie Moran, Coach of Cornell University Lacrosse Team and Jeff Bangs, Chairman of Elks Lodge. Chairman Mason declared recess at 7:35 p.m. The meeting returned to order at 7:47 p.m. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan said it was brought to his attention that the Courthouse elevator should have a directory installed. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Todd spoke about an editorial in the Ithaca Journal on October 10, 1991 concerning a single digit limit for County tax hike. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee selected a construction manager. He also spoke about the relocation of the Post Office. On October 25 the committee will be discussing the capital program budget. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Health and Education Committee, reported that November 6 flu shots will be given to County employees and Board members wishing to receive one. He said the Board of Health met and received an update on the AIDS situation. Rabies clinics have been scheduled. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, reported on the illegal dumping complaints. He said the committee completed their budget reviews. The committee approved the request of Offender Aid and Restoration to apply for a Federal grant. Also the committee authorized the creation of four (4) correction officer positions at the Public Safety Building. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said she did not have a report. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman of the Planning Committee, said the committee's business is reflected on the agenda. The committee will meet October 12 to review their budgets. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, reported on the Ground breaking ceremony for the Joint Transit Facility held October 9. A check for $3,150,000 was presented to Chairman Mason from Urban Mass Transportation Administration United States Department of Transportation. The budget review meetings have been scheduled for October 18 and 25. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, said the committee met today and reviewed their budgets and the Capital program budget. She reported on the junk mail program with the League of Women Voters. The Hillview Road Landfill Citizen's Advisory Committee will review the location chosen for the transfer facility for garbage being shipped out of Tompkins County. Mrs. Livesay stated that the household hazardous waste day went very well and expects to have a report in approximately three weeks from staff. She also reported that the County won the lawsuit in the Court of Appeals with the Town of Dryden. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said she would like to have an executive session to discuss negotiations. Mrs. Livesay, Member of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee received an update on the Wellness Program. The committee also discussed taxation of State-owned lands and discussed with the Clerk of the Board a proposal to reduce paper flow and resolutions. 253 October 15, 1991 Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, said he completed his review of his recommendations for the budget with County department heads. He also updated the Board on the Governor's latest Medicaid proposal. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, announced a new assistant County Attorney, William Highland. Mr. Mulvey also stated that a librarian from Binghamton will keep books in the Supreme Court Law Library up-to-date. Chairman Mason gave Mr. Winch permission to withdraw two resolutions entitled Authorization to Convey Right -of -Way Upon Abandonment by the State - Route 89 and Audit of Final Payment - Joint Transit Facility. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Award of Bid - Narcotic Fund Equipment Joint Transit Facility Construction Management Services Amendments Joint Transit Facility Architectural Services Amendments RESOLUTION NO. 401 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. f OF 1991 - ITEM PRICING (RESOLUTION LOST) Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink. Mr. Winch, Representative, District No. 8, said that he has done much research on item pricing during which time he has received information from both sides of this issue and after considerable discussion, research and time, said that he would be voting against this resolution. Mr. Lerner, Representative, District No. 1, stated that he is in support of Item Pricing. He said that he received a letter signed by 43 senior citizens who would like to have item pricing because of the inconvenience in reading prices. Mr. Lerner commented on the time spent correcting errors at the checkout. Mr. Culligan, Representative, District No. 2, stated that he also received telephone calls from senior citizens saying that they have a hard time reading a price on a shelf. Mr. Culligan suggested that stores give customers an item free if they have been overcharged. Mrs. Livesay, Representative, District No. 11, stated that she has received calls four out of five in favor of item pricing. She believes having the price on an item helps the consumer in many ways. Mrs. Schuler, Representative, District No. 4, stated that all calls she has received have been in favor of item pricing. She stated that she was disturbed by postcards printed and supplied by retailers and that everyone supports not paying higher prices for their groceries. Chairman Mason made note that the postcards on file also include those in favor of item pricing. Mr. Stein, Representative, District No. 3, stated that he believes in what is best for the consumer and his constituents who have contacted him have been unanimously in support of item pricing. Ms. Mink stated that the more she has researched this, the more she is in favor of item pricing. She stated that she believes this is an issue where consumers can be heard and that this legislature can take a stand on this to protect them. Mr. Todd, Representative, District No. 6, stated that he has been doing business with Wegmans for the past 25 years and has consulted the County Attorney regarding this resolution. He stated that 254 October 15, 1991 consumers in Tompkins County have a choice to shop at those stores which item price and believes that retailers know what the consumer wants and is opposed to this resolution. Mr. Proto, Representative, District No. 7, stated he asked supermarket representatives to consider changing the color of register tapes to make it easier for the consumer to read and also make other changes to avoid such legislation. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 7 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lerner, Livesay, Mink, Schuler, Stein), Noes - 7 Representatives Call, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Todd, Watros, Winch); Excused - 1 (Representative Evans). Resolution Lost. Rules of the Board requires a majority vote. RESOLUTION NO. 402 - ADOPTION OF REGULAR AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS OF FOOTINGS OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS (SEE PAGES 256-257) Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the regular and supplemental report of the footing of assessment rolls be accepted and the figures therein be used as a basis for the taxation in the several tax districts of the County for the year 1992. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 403 - ESTABLISHING COUNTY EQUALIZATION RATES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 4.05, Subdivision (d) of the Tompkins County Charter and Code, the Director of Assessment has submitted and recommended the adoption of equalization rates for all towns in Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca for the assessment rolls filed in 1991 and for the apportionment of County taxes levied in 1992, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following equalization rates be and hereby are adopted: AGGREGATE ASSESSED AGGREGATE FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE COUNTY VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY FOR EQUALIZATION REAL PROPERTY FOR TOWN COUNTY PURPOSES RATE COUNTY PURPOSE Caroline $ 86,106,702 100.00 $ 86,106,702 Danby 102,022,869 100.00 102,022,869 Dryden 471,738,160 100.00 471,738,160 Enfield 85,241,647 100.00 85,241,647 Groton 124,726,720 100.00 124,726,720 Ithaca/Town 699,842,131 100.00 699,842,131 Lansing 621,294,487 100.00 621,294,487 Newfield 123,387,496 100.00 123,387,496 Ulysses 210,946,040 100.00 210,946,040 Ithaca/City 886,670,075 100.00 886,670,075 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 255 October 15, 1991 Report of Committee on Footing of Assessment Rolls Prepared in 19 g/ To the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County, New York Your committee reports that it has verified and corrected the footings of the Assessment Rolls referred to it, as made by the Assessor of Tompkins County and that the following is a correct statement of such footings. 1. 1Real TAX DISTRICT Acres 2. Full Value of Land Exclusive of Buildings 3. Full Value of Real Property Including Buildings (Prior to Exemption) 4. I 5. Pension and Special Partial Exempt Franchise 6. Property of Public Service Corp. l TOWN OF CAROLINE 34,747 12. Grand Total of Roll 23 065' goo 931 Sy 99 83/ 184 l00 490 3 3 '733 4'i-4 z51; 71.'2;1 53' 3 5- 1710 6o5 700 609 TOWN OF DANBY 33,286 28 805 4Ro TOWN OF DRYDEN 58,286. 11.5 0 /lo 949 650 927 0/0 45o 13 323 )99' 5 o85 %/ LISS 90 52.144 359 994 949 TOWN OF ENFIELD 22,207 738 27 o7'/ 700 994 g7 049 5-o0 'i 9q/ 3'f9:, 585609 194 030 Z 597 887 I• TOWN OF GROTON 30,725 TOWN OF ENFIELD z8 184 goy 123 zl i 100 4 441.43q3 1 795 629 )oo 4, 1 143138`/ TOWN OF ITHACA 16,293 of/6 174 947 762 153 698 011. '710 ZS' 479 863. -i 10 153. 733 307 17 355557 TOWN OF LANSING 37,789 1/13 147 358 45o Voo 5ZZ 085 900 17 )7(, 31$ : 3 zZB zgo 499 113 lg. 425 TOWN OF NEWFIELD 36,997 222 2 Do(. 3oo 477 //,,j- y0Z 000. 3 g7Z 47/ 1 / 9/0 63o TOWN OF LANSING 9 94'7337 TOWN OF ULYSSES 19,818 â–  GS 679 62.o 212. 253 850 9 032./.55 G42 483 2. 72.1 255 850 3 994 08o CITY OF ITHACA 2,940 655 257 659 500 z59 9/17 ggy 23' 50421 96 '31 041 298 639 2.1 134 310 39/ 12 338.563 TOTALS 293,088 4'/0 gq l got 374 3 253 .2.g( 600 97g 185 117 920 o6O o3o •9q 332 o93, CITY OF ITHACA 22.7 2g24 'f Dated.Ql T......., 1991 TAX DISTRICT 7. Total Taxable Real and Franchise Subject to Special District Taxes (Total Col. 3-5-6) 8. Real Property and Franchise Subject to GENERAL and HIGHWAY TAXES (Col 7 less Col. 4) 9. Property Within Incorp. Villages Subject to GENERAL and HIGHWAY TAXES 10. Property Outside Incorp. Villages Subject to - GENERAL and HIGHWAY TAXES 11. Wholly Exempt 12. Grand Total of Roll TOWN OF CAROLINE 931 x.53 l0/, 702. . ln g4 10Z 1D/, oz2, 7oz 80 2.6 12. �f 114 537466 no 11.5 0 951/ 2.052.q2. 063 TOWN OF DANBY 10 44 6.32. _8.4 102. oz • TOWN OF DRYDEN LISS 90 06/ 232 359 994 '/7I 96 738 /40 72 994 412 39$ 25' 793749 /40 194 030 445255 389 TOWN OF ENFIELD 29 64 2't1 697 10 65! )oo 10089z of/6 TOWN OF GROTON 3 153 / 12.'1 72C, 7Z0 47 55o 307 17 176 1/13 .55 9ov Voo 187 0575/3 TOWN OF ITHACA I 725520 99'/ â–  499 9'lz 131 222 575 1//7 477 266 119 686 980 505 1 412 001 999 TOWN OF LANSING 43g EN â–  6zI 2999 957 262. 632 00'/ 355 G42 483 96 7z8 850 735/99 655 TOWN OF NEWFIELD /Z7 z59 9/17 96 639 123 158 387'1% 53o 39/ 23 442548'75o /89 4'/0 15-o 265 499 546 407 935 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2.1q 97g 185 2.10 944 o3o 6z '1/5 CITY OF ITHACA 9/7 7/1 373 886 67o 075 586 67o 075 1 179 4144100 2 o97177 ii7.3 TOTALS 3 521 39. 377 4I( 976 317 /51 /67 777 2. 753 308 531 2. 297 943145 5 87.7 739 52Z 256 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOOTINGS (Totals) OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS 1991 (B) (C) (D) (E) TOTAL REAL ONLY TOTAL REAL PROPERTY PENSION VILLAGES AND EXCLUSIVE OF ALL FRANCHISE AND FRANCHISE EXEMPTIONS TOWNS EXEMPTIONS-INC. SUBJECT TO GEN (Roll Sec 1 & 6 PUBLIC SERVICE (RS 5) & H-WAY TAX TotAsmt-CoTax) (RS 1 + 6 + 7) (Col B + Col C) (B - (Footings Col 9 or 10 - C)) DRYDEN-Dryden Village 59,034,258 1,182,225 60,216,483 1,453,188 Freeville Village 12,399,225 378,704 12,777,929 1,279,475 TOTAL-Inside Villages 71,433,483 1,560,929 72,994,412 2,732,663 Outside Villages 395,432,816 3,525,032 398,957,848 12,274,236 TOTAL-TOWNWIDE 466,866,299 5,085,961 471,952,260 15,006,899 GROTON-Groton village 46,865,900 684,407 47,550,307 1,146,825 Outside Village 76,274,691 1,111,222 77,385,913 5,279,568 TOTAL- TOWNWIDE 123,140,591 1,795,629 124,936,220 6,426,393 ITHACA-Cayuga Heights 218,808,649 3,720,768 222,529,417 2,189,610 Outside Village 472,073,949 6,432,965 478,506,914 23,322,253 TOTAL-TOWNWIDE 690,882,598 10,153,733 701,036,331 25,511,863 LANSING-Lansing Village 261,215,455 1,169,539 262,384,994 5,991,305 Outside Village 360,970,770 2,167,279 363,138,049 12,817,220 TOTAL-TOWNWIDE 622,186,225 3,336,818 625,523,043 18,808,525 ULYSSES-Trumansburg 51,438,372 1,167,375 52,605,747 924,320 Outside Village 157,031,853 1,743,983 158,775,836 7,107,835 TOTAL- TOWNWIDE 208,470,225 2,911,358 211,381,583 8,032,155 1661 'CI IN() o October 15, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 404 - ADOPTION OF REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL POLICY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That the revised Administrative Manual Policy No. 01-28 - County -owned Vehicles be and hereby is adopted. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 405 - AUTHORIZATION TO INCREASE PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE HOURS - IHAP Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department currently operates an Infant Health Assessment Program, funded by New York State Department of Health, and additional funds are available to include services for the statewide Early Intervention Case Management Program (EIP) for infants and toddlers with developmental delay/disabilities and their families, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That the hours for the Public Health Nurse in the Infant Health Assessment Program (IHAP) be increased to a total of 29.75 hours per week (85% FTE) effective October 1, 1991, and remain in existence only as long as 100 percent grant funding is available to reimburse all salary and associated fringe benefits, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following adjustments to his books: Revenue: A4011.3411 IHAP State Aid $2,506 Appropriation: A4011.1580 Personal Services $2,336 .8830 Social Security $ 170 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to sign any and all agreements necessary to complete this project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 406 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT, CREATION OF POSITION, BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - WIC SPECIAL INITIATIVES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has submitted a request for a grant of funds from the New York State Department of Health as authorized by Resolution No. 262 of 1991 for WIC Special Initiatives in Breastfeeding, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Personnel Committee, and Budget and Administration Committees, That Tompkins County hereby accept said grant, RESOLVED, further, That the following position be created effective immediately and remain in existence only as long as there is 100 percent State funding to reimburse the County for all salary and fringe benefits: 258 October 15, 1991 33 percent Health Aide (08/654), labor grade VIII(H), competitive class RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following adjustment on his books: APPROPRIATION: A4012.1654 Personal Services $1,407 .8830 Social Security $ 108 .8860 Health Insurance $ 768 REVENUE: A4012.3402 WIC State Aid $2,283 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to sign any and all agreements necessary to complete this project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 407 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Evans and Watros). RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Human Services, Solid Waste and Resource Management, Public Safety, and Budget and Administration Committees, That the county Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS: County Clerk FROM: A1410.4442 Professional Service Fees $ 598 TO: A1410.2213 File Cabinets $ 598 Sheriff FROM: TO: Social Services FROM: A6142.4400 TO: A6123.4400 Solid Waste FROM: A8160.4452 TO: A1315.4452 STOP -DWI FROM: A4250.2211 TO: A4250.2230 Youth Bureau FROM: A7022.3872 A3150.4308 A3110.4421 TO: A7026.3875 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: Budget and Finance REVENUE: APPROPRIATION: Mental Health REVENUE: APPROPRIATION: Medical Supplies Auto Maintenance Repair $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Emergency Aid - Adults $50,000 Juvenile Delinquent Care $50,000 Postage $ 1,200 Postage $ 1,200 Chairs Computer Software Housing Task Force Supportive Apartment Transitional Independent Living Skills Program A1310.1091 A1310.4400 A4311.3491 A4311.8860 $ 150 $ 150 $ 11,880 $ 11,880 Tax Installment Charge $ 2,912 Program Expenses $ 2,912 State Aid $ 10,750 Health Insurance $ 10,750 259 Office for the Aging REVENUE: APPROPRIATION: Office for the Aging REVENUE: APPROPRIATION: Public Health REVENUE: APPROPRIATION: Public Health - WIC REVENUE: APPROPRIATION: Purchasing and Central Services REVENUE: APPROPRIATION: REVENUE: APPROPRIATION: Social Services REVENUE: APPROPRIATION: APPROPRIATIONS: Administration FROM: TO: County Attorney FROM: TO: October 15, 1991 A6790.3803 A6790.4442 A6778.3803 A6778.4432 .4472 .4491 .8890 A4010.1610 A4010.4442 A4012.3402 A4012.4904 Jail FROM: TO: MENTAL HEALTH FROM: TO: Assigned Counsel FROM: A1345.2226 A1345.4468 A1345.2226 A1345.4428 4641 A6141.4400 Elderly Abuse Prevention $ 3,000 Professional Service Fees $ 3,000 HEAP State Aid Rent Telephone Sub -contractor Health Insurance $ 1,935 $ 561 $ 400 $ 600 $ 374 Home Care Revenue $125,000 Professional Service Fees $125,000 State Aid WIC Nutrition $ 605 Supplemental Benefits $ 605 Sale of Supplies $ 300 Solid Waste Photocopying $ 300 Sale of Supplies $ 5,000 Central Services Copying $ 5,000 Federal Revenue - HEAP $ 70,000 Energy Assistance - (HEAP)$ 70,000 A1990 Contingent Fund A3520.4400 SPCA A 1990 A1420.4442 A 1990 A3150.4469 A1990 A4311.8860 Contingent Fund Professional Service Fees Contingent Fund Boarding of Prisoners Contingent Fund Health Insurance A1990 Contingent Fund and General Fund Balance APPROPRIATIONS: A1170.4120 Legal Defense Attorney Fees RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: TYPE II OR EXEMPT (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) $ 1,170 $ 1,170 $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,750 $ 10,750 $139,000 $139,000 RESOLUTION NO. 408 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE NEW YORK STATE GRANT AGREEMENT DESIGN OF RUNWAY EXTENSION, PROPERTY MAP, OBSTRUCTION CLEARANCE (PHASE IIB) - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. (Representative Shurtleff temporarily out of the room). 260 October 15, 1991 WHEREAS, the County has received a grant offer from the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $39,527 towards the cost of the Runway Extension Design, Property Map and Obstruction Clearance (Phase IIB), and WHEREAS, the budget for said project was approved by Resolution No. 327, dated June 28, 1990 as follows: Revenues: FAA Share (90%) Account No. HX5698.4592 $ 474,321 NYSDOT Share (7.5%) Account No. HX5698.3592 $ 39,527 County Share (2.5%) Account No. HX5698.2831 $ 13,175 Appropriation: Account No. HX5698.9213 $ 527,023 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) grant offer in the amount of $39,527 be and hereby is accepted and the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute the required documents. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 409 AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) FOR THE FURNISHING OF CERTAIN SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE TEMPORARY RELOCATION OF THE INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM (ILS) LOCALIZER AND VISUAL APPROACH SLOPE INDICATOR (VASI) - RUNWAY EXTENSION PROJECT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. (Representative Shurtleff temporarily out of the room). WHEREAS, the Instrument Landing System (ILS) Localizer and Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI) systems will need to be relocated as part of the runway extension project, and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the owner of both systems and therefore, has the responsibility of dismantling and repositioning the equipment, and WHEREAS, the costs of this work forms part of the original construction estimate of $3.7 million and would be fully funded under the FAA Airport Improvement Program (AIP), and WHEREAS, this work will not be completed until such times that the FAA have made a grant offer for completion of the Runway Extension construction, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to sign said contract with the FAA. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 410 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF 1991- AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That a public hearing be held before the Board of Representatives at the Board Chambers in the County Courthouse at 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, on Wednesday, the 6th day of November, 1991 at 5:30 p.m., concerning proposed Local Law No. 5 of 1991 for dispensing with the 261 October 15, 1991 need for public hearings prior to leasing certain Airport property. At such time and place, all persons interested in the subject matter thereof will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 411 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING - REVISED FEE SCHEDULE - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Wednesday, November 6, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at the Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, concerning a proposed increase in certain fees for landing, parking, tie -down, fuel flowage and T -hangars at the Tompkins County Airport, copy of which is on file with the Clerk of the Board and is also available at the Airport Manager's office. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 412 - AWARD OF BID - OLD COUNTY JAIL - ASBESTOS REMOVAL (TABLED TO NOVEMBER 6, 1991 AND ADOPTED) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Call. There was discussion regarding the amount in the final resolved and whether the County needed a contingency of this amount. Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to Table this resolution to the November 6 Board meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 413 - AWARD OF BID - LIBRARY FURNITURE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services duly advertised for bids for library furniture for the Tompkins County Public Library, and WHEREAS, two (2) bids were received and publicly opened on September 26, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the bid be awarded in the following configuration: Gaylord Brothers Shelving, Charging Units, $13,169.72 Syracuse, NY Surge Suppressors Kernan Library Office Tables $ 782.00 Group, Inc. Rochester NY RESOLVED, further, That the Department of Public Works be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds available from the Capital Program, Account No. HQ7410. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 262 October 15, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 414 - AWARD OF BID - UNIFORM RENTAL AND CLEANING SERVICE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for Uniform Rental and Cleaning Service, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and duly opened Thursday, September 26, 1991 at 2 p.m., now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the bid received from Unifirst of Liverpool, New York be accepted as the lowest responsible bidder meeting all minimum specifications, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to execute an agreement on behalf of Tompkins County for one (1) year with the option to renew for three (3) consecutive one (1) year terms, RESOLVED, further, That Unifirst will provide this service for various Tompkins County Public Works Departments, funds to be available from the various departments accounts. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 415 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE EXTENSION OF SNOW AND ICE AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF NEW YORK - HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes — 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Evans and Watros), Abstentions - 1 (Representative Schuler). Pursuant to the Rules of the Board, the vote of a member abstaining shall result in the affirmative. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has heretofore entered into an agreement with the State of New York pursuant to Section 12 of the Highway Law relating to control of snow and ice on State highways in towns and incorporated villages, and WHEREAS, Section 7 and 10 of said agreement respectively provide a method of modifying the map of affected State highways and for annually updating the estimated expenditures, and WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the County to extend said agreement currently set to expire June 30, 1992 as modified and updated, for an additional one-year period, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That an extension of said snow and ice agreement is hereby authorized for a period of one year from July 1, 1992 through June 30, 1993, and the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute such extension on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 416 - AUTHORIZING FEDERAL REFUNDS, INC. TO RECOVER PETROLEUM REFUNDS Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. 263 October 15, 1991 WHEREAS, it is estimated that Tompkins County Highway Department is eligible for a refund on Gulf Petroleum products purchased from August 1973 to January 1981, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That Federal Refunds, Inc. be authorized per the petroleum refund agreement to recover any entitled refunds, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute the agreements on behalf of Tompkins County, RESOLVED, further, That all funds recovered be reimbursed to the machinery fund balance. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 417 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING - PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGE - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee and the Airport Development Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Wednesday, November 6, 1991 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at the Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning the proposed imposition of a three dollar ($3.00) Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) at the Tompkins County Airport. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 418 - JOINT TRANSIT FACILITY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES AMENDMENTS Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 172 dated May 8, 1991 authorized the execution of a contract with Ciminelli-Cowper Company, Inc. of Buffalo, New York to perform construction management services for the design and construction of the Joint Transit Facility, and WHEREAS, the original contract was executed for the design phase services only, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Joint Transit Facility and Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute amendment up to $245,500 which incorporate construction phase services into the construction management contract. Funding was approved by Resolution No. 310 dated August 13, 1991 from Account No. HA5630.4400. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 419 - JOINT TRANSIT FACILITY ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AMENDMENTS 264 October 15, 1991 Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 74 dated April 9, 1991 authorized the execution of a contract with Kaeyer, Parker and Garment, P.C. of Mount Kisco, New York to perform architectural services for design of the Joint Transit Facility, and WHEREAS, the original contract was executed for the design phase services only, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Joint Transit Facility and Public Works and Construction Management Committees, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute amendment up to $85,000 incorporating construction monitoring services for the Joint Transit Facility. Funding was approved by Resolution No. 310 dated August 13, 1991 from Account No. HA5630.4400. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 420 - APPROVAL OF PERSONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICE ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 187 of June 25, 1985 authorized the establishment of a Personal Emergency Response System in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 22 of August 13, 1985, established an Advisory Board - Personal Emergency Response Service Advisory Board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Board of Representatives accept and adopt the following recommendations of the Personal Emergency Response Service Advisory Board: 1. Establish the Personal Emergency Response System as a twelve month, ongoing program within the Office for the Aging 2. Develop a five-year plan in expectation of population growth and increasing interest. a. Short term, expect to place a minimum of six units per month; remove four, for net increase of two per month in service. 3. Employ staff sufficient to maintain service year round, now and in the future, and offers of help from other departments will Be accepted. 4. Clarify eligibility criteria so they can be applied consistently by different people. a. Short term; this means developing an assessment instrument b. Long term; this may result in placing more units in senior housing 5. County may sell units at the County cost with the addition of a monthly service charge (based on monthly rental rates - see Attachment A). Purchasers continue to be responsible for the cost of replacement parts. 6. County will charge rent with rates ranging from zero to $25 per month. Renters pay for replacement parts if it is clearly determined that the damage is their fault. 7. Initiate a service charge of 25 percent of monthly rent effective January 1, 1992, for both new units and those already in place. 8. Payment by anyone other than the client or spouse should be treated as a contribution. 9. County Office for the Aging staff will be expected to do the billing quarterly and to compile service data provided by outreach workers. 10. Advisory Board members to receive monthly activity reports. Records must be accessible, including changes in the total equipment inventory and client status. 265 October 15, 1991 11. Advisory Board shall meet no less than four times a year. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Attachment A of Resolution No. 420 of 10/15/91 Client Income Client and Spouse Service Charge Income Rent Income Rent at 25% Total $ 691- 800 $ 5.00 $ 926-1,100 $ 5.00 $1.25 $ 6.25 801-1,000 7.50 1,101-1,300 7.50 1.90 9.40 1,001-1,500 10.00 1,301-1,800 10.00 2.50 12.50 1,501-2,000 20.00 1,801-2,300 20.00 5.00 25.00 2,001 & up 25.00 2,301 & up 25.00 6.25 31.25 RESOLUTION NO. 421 - ALLOCATION OF UNSPENT ARTS FUNDS - ADVISORY BOARD ON TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Advisory Board on Tourism Development has access to previously allocated but unspent arts funds generated by room tax revenues, and WHEREAS, the Community Arts Partnership is suffering from an unanticipated shortfall due to County cutbacks for 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Advisory Board on Tourism Development shall provide a one-time grant to the CAP in the amount of $5,000, RESOLVED, further, That this grant does not constitute a commitment for future funding. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 422 - APPROVAL OF GRANTS - ADVISORY BOARD ON TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Advisory Board on Tourism Development is responsible for the review of grant proposals for tourism related projects in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, the Ithaca Opera, Tompkins County Quilters Guild, and Historic Ithaca have all submitted proposals considered worthy of funding by the Advisory Board on Tourism Development, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Advisory Board on Tourism Development shall provide grants as follows: Ithaca Opera $2,000 Tompkins County Quilters Guild $1,326 Historic Ithaca $4,750 Total awards $8,076 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 266 October 15, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 423 - SUPPORT OF PROPOSAL NO. 3 - AN AMENDMENT TO THE NEW YORK STATE CONSTITUTION IN RELATION TO THE BARGE CANAL (ERIE CANAL) Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Stein. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 1 (Representative Winch), Excused - 2 (Representatives Evans and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, the New York State Barge Canal, also referred to as the Erie Canal, was built in 1825 and was subsequently improved many times since then, and WHEREAS, the Canal is important in the history of the State and the Country in opening up a major route to the Great Lakes and the midwest, thereby bringing economic prosperity to the State and to the communities in Upstate New York that border the Canal, and WHEREAS, the 524 miles of the Canal still serve the State in many ways for both commercial and pleasure boating purposes, as well as for agricultural irrigation and electric generation purposes, and WHEREAS, the State Legislature, Governor, communities along the Canal and users of the Canal wish to protect this valuable historic and environmental resource while encouraging and developing its use for the benefit of the State, and WHEREAS, a master plan for the use of the entire Canal system has been mandated by the State Legislature, and WHEREAS, the Seneca and Cayuga Canal is an integral part of the State Canal system, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca was a port on the Canal system in the early part of its history, and with other towns along Cayuga Lake, still is linked to the Canal, and WHEREAS, passage of the Constitutional amendment, together with the master plan, would allow the Canal system to create a fee schedule for use of the canal and to lease State land for longer terms, thereby creating a dedicated fund for the improvement of the Canal, and WHEREAS, these funds and the improvements they will support will accrue to the benefit of the State, the communities along it, including the residents of Tompkins County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Board of Representatives supports the passage of Proposal No. 3 and urges that the voters of Tompkins County also support the proposal at the polls on November 5, 1991. SEQR ACTION: TYPE II OR EXEMPT (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 424 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - KEYBOARD SPECIALIST TO SECRETARY - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Personnel Committees, That one position of Keyboard Specialist (o5/507), labor grade E, competitive class be reclassified to Secretary (09/671), labor grade I, competitive class effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 425 - CORRECTION OF RESOLUTION NOS. 321 AND 347 OF 1991 - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE POSITIONS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. 267 October 15, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the labor grades for the following positions be corrected to read as follows: Crew Leader/Grounds labor grade F Crew Leader/Cleaner labor grade F Secretary labor grade G SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 426 - AUTHORIZATION FOR MEMBERSHIP - THE MACINTOSH USERS' GROUP FOR WRITERS AND USERS OF MACINTOSH PROGRAMS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Lerner. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 1 (Representative Proto), Excused - 2 (Represenative Evans and Watros). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That membership in the Macintosh Users' Group for Writers and Users of Macintosh programs for the Solid Waste Management Division be and hereby is authorized, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to make the following budget transfer on his books: FROM: A8160.4452 Postage $20.00 TO: A8160.4416 Membership Dues $20.00 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 427 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - SUPERIOR DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. - CURBSIDE COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS FROM APARTMENTS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 256 dated June 25, 1991 for the Award of Bid for Curbside Collection of Recyclable Material has been reviewed and approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 1: Superior Disposal Service, Inc. shall be authorized to collect residential recyclable materials from all multiple family dwellings outside the City of Ithaca. Superior Disposal shall provide all necessary, County approved, central collection containers. The County shall provide individual apartment unit containers. This change order shall be effective until June 1, 1992 at which time the per unit cost for this service shall be evaluated. During the period of this change order Superior Disposal shall be reimbursed the same per unit cost ($14.04/unit/year) as specified in the award of bid for residential collection. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the above Change Order be and is hereby is approved and That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute said Change Order in an amount not to exceed $14.04 per unit per year funded from Account No. A8160.4442. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 268 October 15, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 428 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - TRANSFER AND HAULING OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 333 of 1991 has been received and approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 2 - To include the magazine, junk mail, and phone book categories of recyclable materials in the contract for Transfer and Hauling of Recyclable materials with Superior Disposal, Inc. Superior shall provide and service containers for all County Drop-off Centers and process materials as specified by the County for pick-up and marketing by Marcal Paper Mills, Inc. The costs for these services shall be based on the per unit costs as specified in Contract No. SW -91-07 and shall be included within the contract amount of $521,571. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 429 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH MARCAL PAPER MILLS, INC. Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County wishes to include the magazines, glossies and junk mail category of recyclable materials, as specified by Marcal, and WHEREAS, Marcal Paper Mills, Inc. will haul and market this product free of charge to its facility located at Elmwood Park, New Jersey, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute a no cost contract with Marcal Paper Mills, Inc. to haul and recycle the magazines, glossies and junk mail category of recyclable materials for Tompkins County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 430 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE NEW YORK STATE GRANT AGREEMENT - NEW TERMINAL SCHEMATIC DESIGN AND SITE PLAN - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the County has received a grant offer from the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $7,986 towards the cost of the New Terminal Schematic Design and Site Plan, and WHEREAS, the budget for said project was approved by Resolution No. 237, dated June 28, 1990 as follows: Revenues: FAA Share Account No. HU5610.4592 $ 49,839 269 October 15, 1991 NYSDOT Share Account No. HU5610.3592 $ 7,986 County Share Account No. HU5610.5031 $ 47,175 Appropriation: Account No. HU5610.9239 $105,000 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development Committee, That the New York State Department of Transportation grant offer in the amount of $7,986 be and hereby is accepted and the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute the required documents. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 431 - AWARD OF BID - NARCOTIC FUND EQUIPMENT Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 1 (Representative Lerner), Excused - 2 (Representatives Evans and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services duly advertised for bids for various pieces of surveillance equipment for use by the Sheriffs Department, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and publicly opened on August 30, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That the bid be awarded in the following configuration: Audio Intelligence Devices Fort Lauderdale, Florida Tactical Technologies, Inc. Mitchelville, Maryland Surveillance Technology Group Port Chester, New York RESOLVED, further, That the Sheriffs Department be authorized to implement this bid, funds being available from A3110.2222. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) NOTCH Filter Amplifier Microphone Attenuator Unitized Intelligence System Infrared Pulsers Night Vision Camera Adapter $ 982 45 $3,735 180 $ 990 On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, the following appointments were made to various advisory boards: Advisory Board on Affordable Housing Term expires December 31, 1992 Claude Hewitt - Banking representative Agricultural District Advisory Committee Term expires December 31, 1992 Robert Weatherby - Agri -Business representative Term expires December 31, 1993 George E. Holmes - Farmer Member representative Term expires December 31, 1994 Robert Mazourek - Agri -Business representative Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee No set term Dooley Kiefer - Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Commercial Avenue Central Processing Facility representative 270 October 15, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to enter into executive session at 9:41 p.m. to discuss negotiations. The meeting returned to regular session at 9:44 p.m. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 9:44 p.m. 271 October 29, 1991 Special Meeting Chairman Mason called the Special Board meeting to order at 12:08 p.m. concerning contract authorizations. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 10 Representatives. Excused: 3 (Representatives Stein, Watros, and Winch). Absent: 2 (Representatives Culligan and Evans). It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to waive the Rules of the Board to add a resolution to the agenda. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorization to Accept Grant, Contract with New York State Department of Social Services and Local Not -for -Profit - Department of Social Services. RESOLUTION NO. 432 - AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF CAPITAL GRANT WITH NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - JOINT TRANSIT FACILITY PROJECT Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins applied for Federal funding from the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) to acquire real property and construct a public transit maintenance facility (County Resolution No. 477 of 1990, December 18, 1990), and WHEREAS, Tompkins County received approval by the Administrator of UMTA for the $3,150,000 capital grant for the facility project, and WHEREAS, as a result of the UMTA grant award, the New York State Department of Transportation has approved a capital grant for ten percent (10%) of the project not to exceed $420,000, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be authorized to execute such documents as required to accept the New York State Department of Transportation capital grant of $420,000 for purchase of land and construction of a joint maintenance facility (PIN 3820.50). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 12:14 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 12:28 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 433 - AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT GRANT, CONTRACT WITH NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND LOCAL NOT-FOR-PROFIT - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Department of Social Services has received notification of an award by the New York State Department of Social Services (NYSDSS) Homeless Rehousing Assistance Program (HRAP), now therefore be it 272 October 29, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Department of Social Services be authorized to contract with the New York State Department of Social Services and to accept funds in the amount of $35,500, RESOLVED, further, That the Department of Social Services be authorized to contract with a not-for-profit corporation and/or hire one and one-half case managers to: a) Supervise five pregnant or parenting teenagers who will be living in a house recently purchased by the Ithaca Housing Authority, and b) Assist 25 homeless families to secure housing with Section 8 certificates and to provide education and training directed toward self-sufficiency for these families. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion the meeting adjourned at 12:29 p.m. 273 November 6, 1991 Regular Meeting Public Hearings Chairman Mason called the first public hearing to order at 5:33 p.m. concerning proposed Issuance of Bonds - Industrial Development Agency. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? Michael Stamm, Industrial Development Agency, stated that the Ithaca Community Childcare Center approached the Industrial Development Agency (IDA) for assistance in a debt that was used to construct the facility. With the assistance of the IDA, it would significantly reduce the debt service and enable the Center to offer lower rates. Because of the issuance of tax-exempt bonds, a public hearing and action by the Board of Representatives is required. Chairman Mason introduced Ezra Cornell and Amanda Rice, Chairman of the Ithaca Community Childcare Center. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:35 p.m. Chairman Mason called the second public hearing to order at 5:35 p.m. concerning Local Law No. 5 of 1991 - Dispensing with the need for public hearings prior to leasing certain Airport property. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:35 p.m. Chairman Mason called the third public hearing to order at 5:35 p.m. concerning the proposed increase in certain fees for landing, parking, tie -down, fuel flowage and T -hangars at the Tompkins County Airport. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? Mark Sorrells, 103 Hunt Hill Road, Ithaca, expressed his opposition to the resolution entitled Approval of Revised Fee Schedule - Tompkins County Airport. Mr. Sorrells stated that he believes this revised fee schedule will have a negative impact on both local businesses and residents. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:37 p.m. Chairman Mason called the fourth public hearing to order at 5:38 p.m. concerning proposed imposition of a three dollar ($3) Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) at the Tompkins County Airport. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak? No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:38 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representative Shurtleff and Representative Stein). Representative Watros was excused at 7:10 p.m. The minutes of October 15, 1991 were approved as corrected. Chairman Mason presented a proclamation declaring November 10, 1991 as United States Marine Corps Day to Louis Withiam, Lieutenant Colonel of the United States Marine Corps. 274 November 6, 1991 Nancy Zahler, Director, Tompkins County Youth Bureau, announced that each year the State Association of Youth Bureaus canvasses communities for individuals who have made significant contributions to youth services and that this year Beverly Livesay was nominated by the Tompkins County Youth Board and has been selected to receive this service award from the Association. Ms. Zahler stated that Mrs. Livesay was instrumental in the creation of the Youth Bureau and in making youth services available in Tompkins County. She has been a valuable guide and one who has made Tompkins County a better place for youth. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Mason congratulated Mrs. Livesay on this award. Mrs. Livesay accepted this award and thanked Ms. Zahler and the Youth Board for thinking of her. Mrs. Livesay also thanked the Board of Representatives. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, stated that in dealing with Solid Waste, New York State is reducing the amount of waste that goes to the landfill by recycling and composting. She stated that the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center is central to how Tompkins County will be dealing with solid waste. Mrs. Livesay introduced the following people who will be conducting a presentation to this Board concerning the Request for Proposals for the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center: Barbara Eckstrom, Tompkins County Solid Waste Manager Ken Teeter, Technical Consultant, Resource Associates Steve Schwarz and Paul Torres of Malcolm Pirnie Michael Howard and Kevin Westmore, legal firm of Boylin, Brown, Code, Fowler, Randall and Wilson Mrs. Eckstrom stated that the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center would be pulling materials from the waste stream that can be recycled. Mr. Teeter, Resource Associates, explained the concept of the facility and how waste will be handled once it enters the facility. Mr. Teeter explained that household hazardous waste will be removed and taken to a waste accumulation area located in a separate building at the site. He stated that information has been requested from vendors who may be interested in working with household hazardous waste. Mr. Teeter also explained the design, construction and project schedule of the facility. Mr. Schwarz of Malcolm Pirnie stated that there are a lot of facilities like this which have been constructed in the last ten years. Mr. Schwarz stated that he believes that Tompkins County can get what it is looking for from this type of facility. Mr. Schwarz recommended a public/private ownership in the Request for Proposals but County ownership of the facility. Michael Howard, Boylin, Brown, Code, Fowler, Randall and Wilson, explained the ward based on proposal evaluation, service agreement, and contract negotiation. He also explained legal aspects of the project and procurement by the Request for Proposals. Mr. Howard explained to the Board material issues: positive revenue sharing, marketing up to avoided cost, and beyond avoided cost recycling. Mr. Howard also discussed waste commitment. Mrs. Eckstrom concluded the presentation by explaining to the Board what is ahead for the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center. Further information on this presentation may be obtained from the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee minutes of November 6. Under privilege of the floor, Dooley Kiefer, 629 Highland Road, commented about the control of the flow of material going to the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center. She spoke about the two options of operation: five year mandatory or two year optional. She feels two years should be mandatory also. She also spoke about the marketing portion of the Request for Proposals and felt it would be useful if the County knew which responders are capable in marketing recyclables. She also felt the portion on the household hazardous waste should be discussed further. 275 November 6, 1991 Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, stated there has been a request of County staff to develop three proposals at a ten, fifteen, and twenty percent tax increase. At the present time the tax increase stands at 38 percent and that to reduce the budget to ten percent, a four million dollar reduction is needed. The Budget and Administration Committee will meet November 7 to discuss the budget further. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Proto, Representative, District No. 7, reported that the Veteran's Day Parade will be held Sunday, November 10 and will form at the VFW at 1:00 p.m. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Call, Chairman, Agricultural District Advisory Committee, reported that the Committee is reviewing Agricultural District No. 2 and that all towns have received maps of districts. She stated that a public hearing will be held in January and expects to act on recommendations in February. Mrs. Call stated that maps are available in each town and village hall. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Schuler, Representative, District No. 4, reported each Board members should have received a newsletter on the 20th Anniversary of the Environmental Management Council. She also stated that the conference entitled Managing Wetlands in the 90's will be November 23 in the Biotech building at Cornell University. Anyone interested in attending should register with Mary Smith, Environmental Management Coordinator at the Planning Department. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, reported that the Committee met to consider the Passenger Facility Charge and a resolution is on the agenda. Mr. Proto stated that the Committee has not scheduled its next meeting. He stated that Mr. Nicholas, Airport Manager, met with the Post Office and various members of the Lansing community concerning the status of the Airport and minutes of this meeting will be distributed soon. Mr. Proto also stated that the airport has received permission to proceed with surveying at the Airport. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Health and Education Committee, reported that Flu Shots were given this evening. Mr. Proto stated that the Community Health Assessment Summary is on file for review and that any comments should be given to Suzanne Stopen, Public Health Director. Mr. Proto reported that the second rabid raccoon was reported in the Town of Newfield and that the appropriate procedures were taken. He also reported that the rabies clinics have been running exceptionally well. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety Committee, reported that as of September, the County has spent in excess of $90,000 to ship prisoners out of Tompkins County. He also reported on the high cost of the Ernest Vann trial. The next Committee meeting will be November 7. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, reported that the Committee met on November 6 and discussed the Department of Social Services statistics. Mrs. Call updated the Board on the status of the Fair Practice law. Mrs. Call stated she attended a Homeless Housing Task Force meeting on November 6 and will bring information back to the Board on this issue. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman, Planning Committee, reported that the Committee met November 4 and that Committee business is reflected on the agenda. Mrs. Dietrich also reported that a $13,000 grant was received from the State Council on Arts for the Village of Trumansburg for two years of Main Street design work. The Village of Lansing also received a $6,500 grant for a Greenway study. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, reported on the status of the Biggs fire alarm system. Mr. Winch also reported that construction bids for the Old Jail came in at approximately 18 percent under budget. He stated that additional work has been requested at the Tompkins County Public Library but renovations are moving forward. 276 November 6, 1991 Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Personnel Committee, reported that the Committee met November 5. The Committee is trying to develop a time line and process for completing the Reclassification/Pay Equity Study. The Committee has scheduled an additional meeting November 19. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, stated that the Committee met October 24. The Committee approved the schematic design for the entrance and office area at the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center. Mrs. Livesay also reported that the DR - 7 Team of Consultants is planning to meet with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Mrs. Livesay noted that the December 26 Committee meeting has been rescheduled to December 19. Mr. Winch commended Mrs. Livesay and the Solid Waste Division for the household hazardous waste collection day recently held. Mr. Winch stated that he has received several positive comments about this event and noted the positive manner in which the public was made aware of this day. Mrs. Call, Vice Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, stated that Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, briefly reported on Committee business prior to being excused this evening (see report above). Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, reported that Oswego County is considering creating a position of County Administrator. Mr. Heyman also reported that the State mandated gas testing of octane levels program has begun. He also reported that he received the Comptroller's estimate of expenses and revenues and the amount is approximately $400,000 worse than first estimated. He stated that each County department has brought forth every budget cut they possibly could. He also mentioned that the subject of sales tax will be discussed by the Budget and Administration Committee. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, had no report. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, the following resolutions were added to the agenda: Reclassification of Position — Account Clerk Typist to Principal Account Clerk Typist — Office for the Aging Change Order No. 4 — Preparation of Application for a Permit to Operate the Tompkins County Interim Composting Facility Approval of Change Order No. 5 — Terrestrial Environmental Specialists — Wetland Delineations RESOLUTION NO. 434 — AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — ARTHUR SAMUEL ASSOCIATES, LTD. Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Schuler. Mr. Culligan stated that if this step is not taken it may cost the County thousands of dollars in the future and that this is not a commitment by the County to have E911. The E911 Task Force feels the independent firm they chose is very knowledgeable and would make recommendations with Tompkins County's best interest in mind. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Shurtleff and Stein). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the E911 Task Force, Public Safety and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is directed to execute a contract with Arthur Samuel Associates, Ltd. of Naperville, Illinois, to perform consultant services in connection with establishment and configuration of an E911 emergency communications system accordance with a proposal submitted to the E911 Task Force dated August 29, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is directed to appropriate the sum of $27,280 from the General Fund Balance to A3140.4442, Fire and Disaster Professional Services, for the purpose of making payments under this contract. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 277 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) November 6, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 435 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF 1991 - AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Board of Representatives on the 6th day of November, 1991 to hear all persons interested in proposed Local Law No. 5 of 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That said proposed Local Law No. 5 of 1991 dispensing with public hearings prior to lease of certain airport property be and hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, That all such contracts not subject to a public hearing, shall still be subject to approval by the Public Works and Construction Management Committee and by the County Board of Representatives, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to ensure that said Local Law No. 5 of 1991 is published in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks, the first within ten (10) days after the local law has been adopted, and after said local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk of the Board shall, within five (5) days, file one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk and three certified copies in the office of the Secretary of State. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 436 - CLOSE OUT OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS - MENTAL HEALTH BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the work completed by the contractors listed below has been performed to the satisfaction of the Architects, Construction Manager and the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the construction contracts between the County and the contractors listed below for the Mental Health Building be and are hereby closed: Contractor Address Contract Total Edward Joy Co., Plumbing Syracuse, NY $ 201,228 Tri Cities Temperature Control Binghamton, NY 449,284 T.H. Green Electric Co., Inc. Endicott, NY 395,259 Dover Elevator Company Memphis, TN 134,000 Davis Ulmer Sprinkler Liverpool, NY 147,480 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 437 - APPROVAL OF REVISED FEE SCHEDULE - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT (REPLACES RESOLUTION NO. 188 OF AUGUST 9, 1983) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, landing fees, parking fees, tie -down fees, fuel flowage fees and T -hangar fees have not been increased for eight years, and 278 November 6, 1991 WHEREAS, the proposed rates are comparable to other airports of similar size and operation, and WHEREAS, the County wishes to increase revenues to help pay for various Airport improvement projects, and WHEREAS, this resolution replaces Resolution No. 188 dated August 9, 1983 and thereby cancels the fuel flowage fee exemption given to scheduled airlines, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly advertised and held this 6th day of November, 1991, and all persons wishing to address the Board on this subject have had the opportunity to do so, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That said proposed Airport fees, copy of which is filed with the Airport Manager, be and hereby are approved and will become effective on January 1, 1992. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 438 - AUTHORIZATION TO CONVEY RIGHT -OF WAY UPON ABANDONMENT BY THE STATE - ROUTE 89 Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation has furnished approval of the abandonment of a portion of the former right-of-way for New York State (NYS) Route 89 in the vicinity of lands owned by John A. and Donna Ward situated in the Town of Ulysses (Tax Map Parcel No. 31-2-29), and WHEREAS, said abandonment shall be conditioned upon the conveyance of the County's interest in the subject property to said adjoining owners, and WHEREAS, the County Highway Superintendent has recommended such conveyance without consideration pursuant to Section 118-1 of the Highway Law on the grounds that the property is not needed for highway purposes, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute a quit claim deed to John A. Ward and Donna Ward in consideration of $1.00, on the condition that the New York State Department of Transportation furnish an official order abandoning said lands to the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 439 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF 1991 - FAIR PRACTICE Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That a public hearing be held before the Board of Representatives in the cafeteria of the Ithaca High School, North Cayuga Street, Ithaca, New York on Monday, December 2, 1991 between the hours of 7:00 o'clock and 8:30 o'clock in the evening thereof on proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991, County of Tompkins Fair Practice. During such time and at such place, persons interested in the subject will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 279 November 6, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 440 - APPROVAL OF LOCAL MATCH AND OF RECEIPT OF FUNDS FROM NEW YORK STATE DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES FOR ANTI-DRUG ABUSE PROGRAM, OFFENDER AID AND RESTORATION Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes — 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Shurtleff, Stein and Watros). WHEREAS, additional money in the amount of $8,000 is available through New York State to enhance or initiate anti-drug abuse programs at the County or Municipal level, and WHEREAS, Offender Aid and Restoration of Tompkins County is proposing to establish a new anti-drug abuse program at .5 FTE which will involve identifying and counseling of jail inmates with substance abuse problems; arranging of evaluations, processing of Medicaid applications, and of admissions to residential rehabilitation programs; and coordination with defense counsel and courts, in order to reduce the incidence of substance abuse and substance abuse -related crime in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, Federal funds represent 75 percent of the total project cost and must be matched by 25 percent in local funding or $2,667, and WHEREAS, approval of the Board of Representatives is required before this money can be applied for and obtained, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That the application for and receipt of Division of Criminal Justice Services funds in the amount of $8,000 for the Offender Aid and Restoration Anti -Drug Abuse Program is hereby approved by the Board of Representatives, RESOLVED, further, That the County will appropriate $2,667 in matching funds for this program, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute necessary documents relating to said Program. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 441 - APPOINTMENTS TO THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Ms. Mink. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes — 3, Excused - 2 (Representatives Shurtleff, Stein and Watros). WHEREAS, Section 856 of the General Municipal Law authorized that the Board of Representatives designate the Chairman and members of the Industrial Development Agency by resolution, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That this Board ratifies and confirms the appointment of Deborah Dietrich, member of the Board of Representatives, to the Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency to serve at the pleasure of the Board, effective April 2, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the Industrial Development Agency bylaws as amended are hereby approved and a copy is on file with the Clerk of the Board, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to file with the Secretary of State a Certificate of Appointment. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 280 November 6, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 442 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - PUBLIC WORKS SENIOR TYPIST TO SECRETARY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management and the Personnel Committees, That one position of Senior Typist (08/519), labor grade H, competitive class, be reclassified to Secretary (09/671), labor grade I, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this change in 1991. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 443 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Personnel Committees, That one position of Senior Account Clerk (08/528), labor grade H, competitive class, be reclassified to Principal Account Clerk Typist (11/673), labor grade K, competitive class, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Senior Account Clerk (08/528), labor grade H, competitive class, be reclassified to Senior Account Clerk Typist (09/529), labor grade I, competitive class, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund these changes. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 444 - AUTHORIZATION FOR SUBMISSION OF HILLVIEW ROAD LANDFILL CLOSURE PLAN Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins (County) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) entered into a second amended consent order, effective March 19, 1991, as authorized by Resolution No. 86 of 1991, and governing operation of the Hillview Road Landfill, and WHEREAS, said order provides, in part that the County submit a landfill closure plan to DEC for its review and approval by completion of a period specified therein, such period to terminate November 17, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to submit the "Closure Plan for the Tompkins County Sanitary Landfill No. 1 (Hillview Road Landfill)" as revised October, 1991 to the DEC in compliance with the Second Amended Consent Order. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 445 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - CORNELL UNIVERSITY FOOD WASTE COMPOSTING PROJECT 281 November 6, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Contract No. SW -91-02 has been reviewed and approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 1 - To provide a six month extension of the contract with Cornell University for the food waste composting project (No. SW -91-02) until June 30, 1992 at no additional cost to the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 446 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - JOHN D. POTTER TRUCKING - LEACHATE HAULING Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 442 of 1989 has been reviewed and approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - Cost Decrease - John D. Potter Trucking Company shall provide leachate hauling services from May 20, 1991 through December 31, 1992 at a cost of $35 per thousand gallons as per Addendum Agreement No. 2, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 447 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 - STEARNS AND WHELER - INTERIM COMPOSTING FACILITY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following change order relative to Resolution No. 409 of November 7, 1990 has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 4 - Stearns and Wheler shall be authorized to perform services as specified in their proposal amendment No. 4 to assist Tompkins County with clarification/interpretation and review of proposed change orders from the Contractor in relation to the interim compost facility at a cost not to exceed $5,000 to be funded from Account No. HH8162.2210, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 282 November 6, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 448 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - ACCOUNT CLERK TYPIST TO PRINCIPAL ACCOUNT CLERK TYPIST - OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Personnel Committees, That one position of Account Clerk Typist (06/513), labor grade F, competitive class, be reclassified to Principal Account Clerk Typist (11/673), labor grade K, competitive class, effective November 4, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this position. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 449 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 PREPARATION OF APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO OPERATE THE TOMPKINS COUNTY INTERIM COMPOSTING FACILITY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following change order relative to Resolution No. 409 dated November 7, 1991 has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 5: Stearns and Wheler shall be authorized, as specified by the scope of work dated November 1, 1991, to prepare the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation application for a permit to operate the Tompkins Interim Composting Facility at a cost not to exceed $7,000, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the above change order be and is hereby approved and that the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute said change order. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 450 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 - TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS - WETLAND DELINEATION Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 3 of 1990 has been received and approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 5 - Terrestrial Environmental Specialist be authorized to ensure requirements of the Clean Water Act Section 40 4B have been satisfied in relation to the DR -7 landfill site in accordance with a proposal dated November 1, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to pay said claim in an amount not to exceed $3,600 to be funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 283 November 6, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 451 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT A GRANT PROPOSAL - TOBACCO AWARENESS WEEK VIDEO Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Lerner, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, a request for proposals for the development of a Community Campaign to promote Tobacco Free Awareness Week was received September 26, 1991 from the New York State Department of Health requesting proposals postmarked by October 14, 1991, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is interested in applying for this grant by submission of a proposal as requested, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That permission be granted to the Health Department to submit said application via letter of intent and proposal, with the understanding that the Health Department's proposal, if funded, will generate no additional County costs not covered by State funding. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 452 - AUTHORIZING THE IMPOSITION OF A PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGE AT THE TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, under sections 9110 and 9111 of the Aviation Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1990, enacted on November 5, 1990, the Department of Transportation was required to issue regulations under which a public agency may be authorized to impose an airport Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) of $1, $2 or $3 per enplaned passenger at a commercial service airport in controls, and WHEREAS, the proceeds from such PFC's may be used to finance eligible airport -related projects that serve to enhance safety, capacity or security, and WHEREAS, the recent Financial Feasibility Study prepared by our financial consultants, Aviation Planning Associates, Inc., indicates that the PFC is a vital element in financing the constructions costs of the new terminal project, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly advertised and held this 6th day of November, 1991, and all persons wishing to address the Board on this subject have had the opportunity to do so, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee and Airport Development Committee, That the Board of Representatives does hereby authorize the collection of a $3 Passenger Facility Charge per enplaned passenger as designated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at the Tompkins County Airport, RESOLVED, further, That the Airport Manager is hereby authorized to complete whatever formalities are necessary for the County to receive the revenues from the PFC as soon as the charge may be collected. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 453 - ADOPTION OF REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL POLICY - 01-10 CONTRACTS 284 November 6, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted b, voice vote by members present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the revised Administrative Manual Policy No. 01-10 Contracts be and hereby is adopted. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 454 - RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN BONDS BY THE TOMPKINS COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND PLEDGING NON-INTERFERENCE WITH THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF THE BONDS Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, pursuant to Title 1 of Article 18-A of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York (the "State") and Chapter 535 of the Laws of 1971 of the State (collectively, the "Act"), the County Board of Representatives, as legislative body of Tompkins County (the "County") has heretofore appointed the Chairperson and members of the Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency (the "Issuer") and has duly caused to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State the certificates required by Section 856 of the General Municipal Law, and WHEREAS, the County has been advised by the Issuer that the Issuer proposes to issue, contingent upon the adoption of this resolution, its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Ithaca Community Childcare Center, Inc. Facility) in an aggregate principal amount sufficient to pay the cost of acquiring, constructing and equipping the below described facility (the "Facility"), presently estimated to be approximately $1,110,000 (the "Bonds"), and WHEREAS, the Facility shall consist of the acquisition, construction and equipping of a building at 579 Warren Road, Ithaca, New York, for use by the Center as a Daycare Center, and WHEREAS, the Facility shall be leased (with an option to purchase) by the Issuer to Ithaca Community Childcare Center, Inc. (the "Center"), and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Issuer that interest on the Bonds qualify for exemption from Federal income taxation pursuant to Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code"), and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 147(0 of the Code, interest on the Bonds will not qualify for exemption from Federal income taxation unless the issuance of the Bonds is approved by the County Board of the County after a public hearing to consider both the issuance of the Bonds and the nature and location of the Facility has been conducted following reasonable public notice, and WHEREAS, such public hearing has been duly held and a report of such hearing has been made available to each member of the County Board of the County prior to this meeting, and WHEREAS, Section 870 of the General Municipal Law specifically provides that neither the Bonds nor any other obligation of the Issuer shall be a debt of the County nor shall the County be liable thereon, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 868 of the General Municipal Law, the County Board of the County desires to pledge to and agree with the purchasers and holders of the Bonds that the County will not limit or alter rights and remedies of the holders of the Bonds, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That this Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, as follows: Section 1. For the sole purpose of qualifying the interest payable on the Bonds for exemption from Federal income taxation pursuant to the provisions of Section 145 of the Code, the County Board of Tompkins County, as the elected legislative body of the County, hereby approves the issuance by the Issuer of the Bonds, provided that the Bonds, and the premium (if any) and interest thereon, shall be special obligations of the Issuer and shall never be a debt of the State or any political subdivision thereof, 285 November 6, 1991 including, without limitation, the County and neither the State nor any political subdivision thereof, including, without limitation, the County, shall be liable thereon. Section 2. In order to induce and encourage the purchase and enhance the marketability of the Bonds, the County, pursuant to the authorization set forth in Section 868 of the General Municipal Law, does hereby pledge to and agree with the holders of the Bonds, when, as and if issued by the Issuer, that the County will not limit or alter the rights vested in the Issuer pursuant to the Act to acquire, hold, lease, maintain and sell the Facility, to establish and collect rentals, fees, installments of purchase price and other charges therefrom, to pledge such rentals, fees, installments of purchase price and other charges, to grant a security interest in the Facility and to fulfill the terms of any agreements made by the Issuer with the holders of such Bonds, nor in any way impair the rights and remedies of the holders of such Bonds until such Bonds, together with the interest thereon, with interest on any unpaid installments of interest and all costs and expenses in connection with any action or proceeding by or on behalf of the holders of the Bonds, are fully met and discharged. Section 3. This resolution shall be deemed to be made for the benefit of the holders, from time to time, of the Bonds and shall constitute a contract between the County and the holders of the Bonds. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, to lift from the Table, the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 412 - AWARD OF BID - OLD COUNTY JAIL ASBESTOS REMOVAL Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the removal of asbestos material from the Old County Jail, and WHEREAS, six (6) bids were received and duly opened on Monday, October 7, 1991 at 2 p.m., now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the bid received from Boro & Novo Restoration Co., Inc. of West Paterson, New Jersey be accepted and the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute an agreement with Boro & Novo Restoration Co., Inc. for no more than $53,500, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute change orders up to the project contingency of $5,100. Funds are available in the approved Capital Construction Account No. HV3151.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by members present, the following appointment(s) were made: Service Delivery Area Private Industry Council Term expires December 31, 1993 Michael R. Post - Private Representative Personal Emergency Response Service Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1992 Carolyn W. Prince 286 November 6, 1991 Board of Ethics Kenneth Tillapaugh Chairman Mason stated that David Doyle, County Comptroller, has submitted his resignation effective February 14, 1992 and appointed the following Search Committee to fill the position of County Comptroller: Hugh Hurlbut, Chairman Beverly Livesay Robert Watros Scott Heyman Chairman Mason declared recess at 8:13 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:20 p.m. Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and adopted by voice vote, to enter into executive session at 8:20 p.m. to discuss potential litigation. The meeting returned to open session at 8:31 p.m. On motion the meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m. 287 November 19, 1991 Regular Meeting Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. Members and Guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. The minutes of October 29, 1991 and November 6, 1991 were approved as submitted. Under privilege of the floor, Dr. Anthony Pane, Jr. and Laurie Conklin Kamp, spoke in favor of proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991 Fair Practice. Mr. Pane stated that he is a practicing psychologist with Ms. Kamp at 119 East Buffalo Street, Ithaca. Ms. Kamp read a statement which stated that there is great pain and suffering as a result of no existing law and also believes that violence is increasing against gays and lesbians. Mr. Pane and Ms. Kamp presented the Board with a petition signed by 156 mental health professionals in Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Karen Silverstein, Town of Ulysses and Attorney-at-law, 200 East Buffalo Street, Ithaca, presented the Board with a petition in support of proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - Fair Practice. This petition contained approximately 2,700 signatures which included 326 businesses in Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Joel Harlin, 5 Mineah Road, Etna, spoke to the Board regarding tenants rights. Mr. Harlin stated that he believes that there should be a law that protects tenants in Tompkins County. He also believes that there are cases in which landlords are taking advantage of tenants not only at the local level but throughout the Country. Mr. Harlin distributed information to the Board on this subject. Chairman Mason stated that he would refer this information to Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee. Under privilege of the floor, Guy Gerrard, City of Ithaca, spoke in opposition to the trash tag system in Tompkins County. Mr. Gerrard stated that there are several places where illegal dumping is taking place throughout the County and that there is no way of enforcing this. Mr. Gerrard questioned the Board why tax is included in the trash tag cost. He asked the Board to consider an alternative trash tag program in Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Wayne Corapi, Town of Ithaca, spoke in opposition to proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - Fair Practice. Mr. Corapi referred to his religious beliefs and stated that he believes the outcome of such a law is more complicated than anyone would like to admit. He also stated that it is his opinion that world views of those opposed and those in favor of this proposed local law cannot be brought together. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Proto, Representative, District No. 7, informed the Board that he has recently been appointed by Governor Cuomo and Thomas Sobel, State Commissioner on Education, to serve on the State Archives and Records Administration Committee. Mr. Proto stated that he will be this County's representative to Region six, information and education group to preserve archives for governments and municipalities. Mr. Proto stated that funding is available and said that representatives should get together to see which municipalities would like to be included in this. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Lerner, Representative, District No. 1, asked that if anyone knew of a situation in which illegal dumping is taking place, to make note of it and report it to appropriate authority. 288 November 19, 1991 Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Stein, member, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Land Acquisition Committee, stated that the Final report entitled "Open Space Conservation" should be available in January. He stated that he will keep the Board informed. Under privilege of the floor, Ms. Mink, Representative, District No. 5, reported on a recent article published in the New York Times concerning item pricing. Ms. Mink stated that she would copy this article and distribute to Board members. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, introduced Barbara Eckstrom, Solid Waste Manager. Mrs. Eckstrom expressed the importance of evaluating programs. Mrs. Eckstrom introduced and complimented Barbara Hotchkiss, Recycling Coordinator, who would be conducting a presentation at this meeting on the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day that was recently held. Ms. Hotchkiss thanked everyone involved in the Household Hazardous Waste Collection day. Ms. Hotchkiss began her presentation reviewing the chronology of the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day held October 12, 1991. The collection took place at two locations: Cornell B parking lot and at Allan H. Treman State Marine Park with emergency personnel ready to act immediately. Ms. Hotchkiss stated that pre -registered participants had a waiting period of approximately five minutes to have materials removed from their vehicles by Laidlaw Environmental Services. She stated that Broome County recently did this and that participants had a minimum wait of one hour. Ms. Hotchkiss reported that 808 households were served at a total cost of $83,100. She stated that paint was the most collected material and that oil, pesticides, aerosols, asbestos and other materials were also collected. Ms. Hotchkiss stated that participants completed a survey on this collection day and many felt they would use a permanent facility and also would be willing to pay for disposal of these materials. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, reported that the Committee met November 19. Mr. Proto stated that the financial consultants report concerning the proposed Airport terminal should be arriving in December. Mr. Proto stated that models of the terminal are on display in the community. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Health and Education Committee, reported that the Committee has not met since the last Board meeting. Mr. Proto stated that he will invite Dr. Francis Fox and James Rice to a December Board meeting when a resolution naming the Herman Biggs first floor conference room will be presented to James Rice. The next Committee meeting is November 26 at 11:30 a.m. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety Committee, reported that the last meeting of the Committee for the year will be December 5. Mr. Culligan commented on a statement made by Mr. Gerrard under privilege of the floor concerning illegal dumping. Mr. Culligan stated that information he receives from the Sheriffs department does not correspond with Mr. Gerrard's statement that illegal dumping is taking place throughout the County. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, reported that the Committee met on November 14 to discuss Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - Fair Practice. Mrs. Call stated that there are several vacancies on various advisory boards which report to the Human Services Committee. The next Committee meeting is November 21. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman, Planning Committee, reported that there are several vacancies on various advisory boards which report to the Planning Committee. The next Committee meeting is December 2. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, reported on the progress of the Joint Transit Facility and stated that it is going very well. He reported that buried asbestos was discovered at the Joint Transit Facility site and that it was properly disposed of. Mr. Winch stated that foundation work is almost complete. Mr. Winch also reported that an appropriation from the New 289 November 19, 1991 York State Department of Transportation for the Joint Transit Facility has been frozen and that Tompkins County will have to front the amount. Mr. Winch stated that the County would share the cost of financing with each party. Mr. Livesay, Chairman, Personnel Committee, reported that the Committee met November 19 and continued to work on employee appeals for the Reclassification/Pay Equity study. Mrs. Livesay stated that she cannot, at this time, provide a timeline for completion of the Reclassification/Pay Equity study. Mrs. Livesay reported that the annual 25 -year club dinner banquet was successfully held November 13. The next Committee meeting is December 3. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, reported that the Committee has been working with consultants on finalizing the proposed Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center. Mrs. Livesay stated that copies will be available November 26 and that final comments are due December 4. She stated that the service agreement will be available on December 2. The proposed RFP for the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center will be considered December 17 by the full Board. Mrs. Livesay reported that Barbara Eckstrom has been invited to serve on the Central New York Regional Advisory Panel to help identify regional recycling marketing development needs. Mrs. also reported on the telephone book collection day to be held October 23 and 24. She stated that junk mail will also be collected at this time. The next Committee meeting will be November 21. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, reported that the public hearing concerning the proposed 1992 Tompkins County budget will be held November 20 at 7 p.m. Mr. Heyman distributed and briefly reviewed information on the proposed 1992 Tompkins County budget regarding sales tax and budget options. The Budget and Administration Committee will meet November 25 at 7 p.m. to discuss the Tompkins County proposed 1992 budget further. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, reported on the Tompkins County Employees Day Care Center and stated that enrollment is up and the Center is doing very well. Kathy West, Deputy County Administrator, is working on bookkeeping with the Center. Mr. Heyman reported that he plans to attend an all -day meeting in Albany regarding the Medicaid for sales tax trade on November 26. Mr. Heyman reported on property in Dryden and the Water Well Protection Program. Mr. Heyman stated that Judge Relihan will be moving in to Judge Friedlander's former office on the first floor of the Courthouse. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, stated that a key is available in Judge Barrett's office which will allow access to the Supreme Court Law Library. Hugh Hurlbut, Personnel Commissioner, announced that the time of year has come to ring the Salvation Army bell. He distributed a sign up sheet to Board members wishing to do so. Chairman Mason granted the appropriate committee chairmen permission to withdraw from the agenda the following resolutions: Transfer of Monies Authorized for Yellow Barn Area Water Supply - Town of Dryden - To Fund Approved Project For Newfield Water Main Extension Study Convention and Visitors' Bureau Award to Finger Lakes Association -Advisory Board on Tourism Development Award of Dewitt Historical Society Grant - Advisory Board on Tourism Development Continued Funding of Dewitt Mall Ticket Office - Advisory Board on Tourism Development Increase Position from 35 Hour Week to 40 Hour Week - Program Director - Continuing Treatment - Mental Health Increase Position from 35 Hour Week to 40 Hour Week - Senior Typist - Continuing Treatment - Mental Health 290 November 19, 1991 Naming Conference Room at Biggs B Building for James E. Rice Adoption of 1992 County Budget Implementation of 1992 Tompkins County Budget Addendum No. 1 - Emergency Lighting and Exit Signage - Tompkins County Public Library Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote to add the following resolution to the agenda: Authorization to Conduct Survey Work for New Terminal Project - Tompkins County Airport RESOLUTION NO. 455 - AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT SURVEY WORK FOR NEW TERMINAL PROJECT - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, through Resolutions 295 and 296 dated August 15, 1991, two contracts were awarded for Design Development and Construction Documents in connection with the New Terminal development, and WHEREAS, the architect and engineers associated with these contracts have indicated a need to have certain survey work, which will be part of their contracted scope of work, be completed prior to the onset of winter in order that the programs schedule may stay on track, and WHEREAS, the results of this survey work will be usable for the project site whenever construction is approved, and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant offer includes funding for the cost of this survey work, and WHEREAS, no other work in connection with these contracts will be allowed until the Board has considered the outcome of the Airline Negotiations, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development Committee, That the engineers and architects who were awarded said contracts be authorized to complete the necessary survey work and that said work shall be within the cost estimates already included in their proposed contract amounts, RESOLVED, further, That as per the authorization contained in Resolutions 295 and 296, the Comptroller may advance monies from the Airport Fund Balance until reimbursement is received from the FAA and New York State Department of Transportation for this work. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 456 - AWARD OF BID - FOOD COMMODITIES Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for food commodities for use by County departments, and WHEREAS, nine (9) bids were received and opened in October, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the bid for the following commodity groups be awarded as follows for the first time period indicated: COMMODITY VENDOR TIME PERIOD GROUP L Canned Goods Weis Food Service 11/1/91-1/31/92 Northumberland, PA II. Condiments Sysco Frosted Foods 11/1/91-1/31/92 Horseheads, NY III. Dry and Frozen Sysco Frosted Foods 11/1/91-1/31/92 291 IV. Milk and Milk Products V. Coffee and Tea VI. Non -Food Items VII. Meats VIII. Bread IX. Eggs X. Ice Cream November 19, 1991 Ithaca, NY Byrne Dairy, Inc. Ithaca, NY Sysco Dairy, Inc. Horseheads, NY Donovan and Luksa Inc. Auburn, NY Sysco Frosted Foods Freihofer's Baking Co. Troy, NY Houghton Poultry Farm Ithaca, NY Byrne Dairy, Inc. Ithaca, NY RESOLVED, further, That the using departments be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. A3150.4342 and A6774.4342, RESOLVED, further, That due to the recurring nature of this bid and the difficulty of coordinating bid openings with scheduled Committee and Board meetings, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be given the authority to award the various bids in food commodities to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, with the understanding that a resolution be brought annually to this Board for action. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 11/1/91-10/31/92 11/1/91-10/31/92 11/1/91-1/31/92 11/1/91-11/31/92 11/1/91-1/31/92 11/1/91-10/31/92 11/1/91-10/31/92 RESOLUTION NO. 457 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT FOR DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT CENTER FEE SCHEDULES - JACK VENESKY, C.P.A. Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is a licensed Diagnostic and Treatment Center and authorized to charge and collect fees for various services, and WHEREAS, the Department is in need of professional consulting services relating to the Annual Report of Diagnostic and Treatment Centers (Form AHCF-1), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute a contract with Jack Venesky, C.P.A. to provide professional consulting/accounting services as outlined in the proposal by Mr. Venesky and agreed upon by the Department at a cost not to exceed $3,500. Said funds to be expended from Account No. A4010.4442, Health Department Professional Services. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 458 - APPROVING COMPLETED TAX ROLLS AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTING AND DELIVERY OF WARRANTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, upon the tax rolls of the several towns and City, the several taxes will be extended, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the tax rolls be approved as completed, that the taxes extended upon the rolls in the several amounts extended 292 November 19, 1991 against such parcel of property upon the said rolls are hereby determined to be the taxes due thereon as set forth therein, RESOLVED, further, That there be annexed to each of said rolls a tax warrant prepared by the Director of Assessment as provided for in Section 4.05(b) of the Tompkins County Charter and Code, that such warrants shall be the respective amounts theretofore authorized to be levied upon each of said rolls, that the several warrants be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board under seal of the Board and by the Director of Assessment, that said rolls with said warrants annexed are to be forthwith delivered to the respective collectors of the several districts of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 459 - PRINTING OF TAX RATES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various towns and the City of Ithaca, the Clerk shall print such rates in the Proceedings of the Board following budgets of the several towns and City. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 460 - REFUND OF TAXES - CITY OF ITHACA (ITHACA COLLEGE) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1991 County tax roll for the City of Ithaca, namely parcel 114-1-1, 116 Coddington Road, owned by Ithaca College, was erroneously assessed at a taxable value of $527,800 when the correct taxable value should have been $94,000, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the tax roll be corrected and the tax be changed from $2,162.92 to $385.21, RESOLVED, further, That the overcharge of $1,777.71 be refunded to Ithaca College, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $1,777.71 be charged back to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 461 - TOWN BUDGETS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the County and the City of Ithaca the foregoing sums for the purposes therein named in accordance with budgets adopted by the several town boards of the County of Tompkins to be filed with the Clerk of the Board, laws of the State of New York, and the foregoing report and recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, RESOLVED, further, That said summaries of the budgets of the several towns of the County and the City of Ithaca be printed in the 1991 proceedings of the Board of Representatives. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 293 November 19, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 462 - AUTHORIZING PAYMENTS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGE OPERATING BUDGET Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore and by resolution approved the 1991-92 operating budget for the Tompkins Cortland Community College and appropriated the necessary funds to pay the Tompkins County proportionate share of the operating budget of said college, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed, pursuant to the provisions of the Education Law of the State of New York and within the authorization provided by this Board, to pay Tompkins Cortland Community College an amount up to but not to exceed the Tompkins County budgeted share of the operating of said college for the fiscal year 1991-92 on the following dates in the following amounts: January 1, 1992 $ 366,431.00 March 1, 1992 366,431.00 May 1, 1992 366,431.00 July 1, 1992 366,431.00 Total $1,465,724.00 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 463 - DESIGNATION OF NEWSPAPERS (AMENDED BY RES. NO. 74 OF 1992) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 4 (Representatives Lerner, Mink, Schuler and Stein). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the official newspapers for the County of Tompkins for the publication of all local laws, notices and other matters required by law to be published pursuant to County Law, Article 5, Section 214, Subdivision (2), be designated from January 1, 1992 to December 31, 1992 as follows: Ithaca Journal, Ithaca, New York Trumansburg Free Press, Trumansburg, New York SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 464 - AUTHORIZATION FOR COUNTY COMPTROLLER TO MAKE YEAR-END TRANSFERS, APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AS REQUIRED Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized to make year-end transfers, appropriations and budget adjustments required to clear credit balances from the books at year-end, RESOLVED, further, That any such additional entries made by the County Comptroller shall be reported back to the Board of Representatives. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 294 November 19, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 465 - AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN DRAFTS - COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized to sign all drafts of the County of Tompkins and to delegate this authority to the Deputy County Administrator. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 466 - DATE OF ORGANIZATION MEETING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That in accordance with Section 151 of County Law, the organization meeting of the Board of Representatives shall be held in the Board of Representatives' Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York, on Monday, January 6, 1992 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 467 - ESTABLISHING 1992 MEETING DATES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the 1992 regular meetings of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives are as follows: Monday, January 6, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 21, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 4, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 18, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 17, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 7, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 21, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 5, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 19, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 2, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 16, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 14, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 11, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 1, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 15, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Monday, October 5, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 20, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 4, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 17, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. 295 November 19, 1991 Tuesday, December 1, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 15, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. 1992 Conferences January 26 - 29, 1992 New York State Supervisors and County Legislators June 7 - 10, 1992 New York State Supervisors and County Legislators March 8 - 10, 1992 New York State Association of Counties Legislative Conference September 20 - 23, 1992 New York State Association of Counties fall Conference SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 468 - CREATION OF POSITIONS - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CORRECTIONS OFFICERS (3 FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT) 75% INCREASE IN HOURS - 1 POSITION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Lerner). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety, Personnel, and Budget and Administration Committees, That three (3) positions of Correction Officers (32/406), labor grade 11, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Correction Officer (32/406), labor grade 11, created by Board Resolution 191, dated June 25, 1979, be increased from .25 to 1.0 full-time equivalent, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following appropriation: FROM: Contingent Fund (1990.440) $10,200 TO: A3150.1406 8,565 3150.8810 111 3150.8830 655 3150.8840 197 3150.8860 650 3150.8870 22 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 469 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Human Services, Public Safety and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Comptroller be authorized to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS: Jail FROM: A3150.4302 Office Supplies $ 573 TO: A3150.2213 File Cabinets $ 573 Job Training FROM: A6291.4689 Youth CRT Travel $ 930 .4687 Youth CRT Non -Cash $ 270 296 TO: A6291.1051 FROM: A6291.4687 TO: A6291.8830 Office for the Aging FROM: A6772.1529 TO: A6785.1529 FROM: A6777.1571 TO: A6785.1571 Sheriff FROM: A3110.2231 TO: A3110.4306 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: Job Training Program Revenue: Appropriation: Office for the Aging Revenue: Appropriation: Public Health - Healthy Revenue: Appropriation: Revenue: Appropriation: Revenue: Appropriation: November 19, 1991 JTPA Participation Youth CRT Non -Cash Social Security Senior Account Clerk Senior Account Clerk Aging Services Planner Aging Services Planner Vehicles Automotive Supplies A6290.4444 A6290.4462 A3803 A6785.1559 .4302 .4330 .4452 .4465 .4491 .8810 .8830 .8840 .8860 .8870 Heart Program A4021.3401 A4021.4442 .4472 .4332 A4021.3401 A4021.4330 .4342 .4472 A4021.2770 A4021.4333 Physically Handicapped Children Revenue: A4046.4447 Appropriation: A4046.2206 .2211 .2212 .2230 WIC Revenue: A4046.2705 Appropriation: A4046.4487 Revenue: A4012.3402 EDWAA Insurance SSI Outreach Aging Services Specialist Office Supplies Printing Postage Job -Necessitated Travel Sub -contract Retirement Social Security Workers' Comp Health Insurance Unemployment State Aid Professional Services Telephone Books/Publications State Aid Printing Food Telephone Unclassified Revenue Promotional PHC - Case Management Computer Equipment Chairs Desks, Bookcases Software Gifts & Donations Client Transportation State Aid 297 $ 1,200 $ 92 $ 92 $ 250 $ 250 $ 357 $ 357 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 5,782 $ 3,410 20 50 50 132 1,342 34 261 8 461 14 $ 10,100 $ 7,600 2,400 100 $ 2,350 $ 300 1,500 550 $ 2,440 $ 2,440 $ 5,777 $ 4,152 147 297 1,181 $ 100 $ 100 $ 1,200 Appropriation: A4012.4452 .4430 .4472 .4466 Purchasing Revenue: A1345.2770 Appropriation: A1345.4413 Weights & Measures Revenue: .3089 Appropriation: A3630.4306 .4302 .4319 .4330 .4400 .4452 .4466 .4472 APPROPRIATIONS: Human Rights FROM: TO: FROM: TO: Sheriff FROM: TO: FROM: TO: FROM: TO: Special Prosecutor FROM: TO: RESOLVED, A909 8040.4472 A909 8040.4452 A909 A3110.4306 A909 A3110.4421 A909 A3150.2210 November 19, 1991 Postage Printing Telephone Job -Related Travel Unclassified Revenues Auction Expenses Other State Aid Automotive Supplies Office Supplies Program Supplies Printing Program Expenses Postage Job -Related Travel & Training Telephone General Fund Balance Telephone General Fund Balance Postage General Fund Balance Auto Supplies General Fund Balance Auto Maintenance General Fund Balance Other Equipment $ 200 200 600 200 $ 12,170 $ 12,170 $ 1,330 $ 325 25 100 200 150 10 400 120 $ 475 $ 475 $ 140 $ 140 $ 3,730 $ 3,730 $ 4,862 $ 4,862 $ 2,340 $ 2,340 A909 General Fund Balance $ 26,212 A1166.4400 Special Prosecutor $ 26,212 further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 470 - SALARY ADJUSTMENT - SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That the position of Civil Account/Pistol Permit Clerk (35/424), labor grade 5, competitive class, be reclassified to Civil Account/Pistol Permit Clerk (38/424), labor grade VIII (prior to reclassification study adoption), effective November 15, 1988, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following appropriations: 298 November 19, 1991 From: A909.0000 General Fund Balance $7,443 To: A3110.1424 Personal Services $7,443 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 471 - APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT OF ASSESSMENT CASES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following settlements of certain assessment actions pending in the State Supreme Court be and they hereby are approved: Property Original Assessment Settlement Valuation Horizons Development Corp. $ 882,800 $ 116,800 Terry 247,500 180,000 Homik 5,000,000 4,535,000 TBA Incorporated 1,717,000 1,200,000 Rabinor (Landmark Square) 1,680,000 1,390,000 Robert Wood 1,551,100 1,260,000 Ronald Lewis 380,000 350,000 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 472 - WORKERS' COMPENSATION BUDGET AND APPORTIONMENT - MUTUAL SELF-INSURANCE PLAN Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Budget and Administration Committee estimates that the sum of $ 5,000 will be required during the year 1992 for the payment of compensation in old and pending cases on behalf of the County and participating municipalities under the Mutual Self -Insurance Plan and for the expenses of administering same, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That there be raised from the County and participating municipalities in 1991 the total sum of $ 5,000 the same to be apportioned to the County and the several participating municipalities in the proportion that their equalized valuation bears to the aggregate valuation of the County and all participating municipal corporations as follows: Full Value Municipality Assessed Full Value Apportionment Caroline 86,106,702 60.07 Danby 102,022,869 71.18 Dryden 471,738,160 329.10 Enfield 85,261,647 59.47 Groton 124,726,720 87.01 Ithaca (Town) 699,862,131 488.23 Lansing 621,294,487 433.44 Newfield 123,387,496 86.08 Ulysses 210,946,030 147.16 Ithaca (City) 886,670,075 618.57 Dryden (Village) 60,216,483 42.01 Freeville (Village) 12,777,929 8.91 299 November 19, 1991 Groton (Village) 47,550,307 33.17 Cayuga Heights (Village) 222,575,417 155.28 County of Tompkins 3,411,976,317 2,380.32 Total 7,167,072,770 5,000.00 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 473 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator is directed to execute a contract with the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets for gasoline quality testing. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 474 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - BIGGS BUILDING A FIRE ALARM - WILLIAMS ELECTRIC Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins, be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount Williams Electric 3 (Final) HQ1623.923 $3,437.50 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. HQ1623.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 475 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - BIGGS A FIRE ALARM SYSTEM DESIGN Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Construction Management Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins, be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount Action System Alarm Co. 4 (Final) HQ1623.9239 $1,069 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. HQ1623.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 300 November 19, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 476 - AWARD OF CONTRACT - BUFFALO ROAD OVER SIX MILE CREEK - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DESIGN Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for proposals for an hydraulic analysis and bridge design to carry Buffalo Road over Six Mile Creek, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the proposal received from Hunt Engineers of Corning, New York for $22,900 be and hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute an agreement with Hunt Engineers and execute change orders up to the project contingency of $2,290. Funds to be provided from Account No. D5110.4411. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 477 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - MENTAL HEALTH BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins, be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount McGuire and Bennett 15(Final) HQ4310.4 $2,000 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. HQ4310.4400. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 478 - AWARD OF BID - COUNTY CAR MAINTENANCE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for maintenance of the County car fleet exclusive of the Sheriffs Department, and WHEREAS, four (4) bids were received and duly opened on Thursday, October 31, 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the bid for maintenance of the County fleet exclusive of the Sheriffs Department be awarded to Wilcox Tire of Ithaca, New York, in accordance with a price schedule on file in the Purchasing Department, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute a contract to implement this bid, funds being available in various County department budgets. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 301 November 19, 1991 Chairman Mason stated that he met with Emery Guest, Tompkins County Sheriff, Harlin McEwen, Chief, Ithaca Police Department, regarding the public hearing to be held December 2, 1991 concerning proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - Fair Practice. Mr. Mason stated that a set of guidelines in regard to conduct at the hearing has been established. Chairman Mason read the guidelines to the Board and stated that they would be strictly enforced. Catherine Covert, Clerk of the Board, updated the Board on the status of the petition concerning Off -Track Betting. She stated that a valid petition has been received and a press release was mailed. Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to make two corrections to the September 17, 1991 Board minutes. On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen, and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote, the following appointments were made to various advisory boards: Board of Health Terms expire December 31, 1997 Dr. Francisca Racker - physician representative Dr. Francis Fox - at -large representative Local Emergency Planning Committee No set terms (appointed by State) Melissa Riechly - Print representative Advisory Board on Indigent Representation Term expires December 31, 1993 Robert Saracan Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Schuler to adjourn to December 2, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ithaca High School cafeteria. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Culligan). Adopted. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m. 302 November 20, 1991 Public Hearing - 1991 Tompkins County Budget Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 7 p.m. regarding the proposed 1992 Tompkins County Budget. Present: 15 Representatives. Chairman Mason stated that the Board did not intend to take action on the proposed budget this evening and that the public hearing is an opportunity for the public to address the Board of Representatives concerning this issue. Chairman Mason introduced Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, and Ms. West, Deputy County Administrator. Chairman Mason asked that Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, chair the public hearing. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, stated that the Committee has tried very hard to develop what it sees as a realistic budget that would work in 1992. Mr. Watros stated that the proposed budget is subject to significant changes. The proposed budget calls for a 15 percent property tax increase and a reduction in County services. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, explained the budget process and what is affected by the proposed 1992 Tompkins County budget. Mr. Heyman explained that the process begins with the Board of Representatives adopting a set of guidelines which the County Administrator follows in making recommendations to the Board. Mr. Heyman stated that the major trends in the proposed 1992 Tompkins County budget are all negative. The impact that this recession has had was unexpected and worse than anyone had planned for. Mr. Heyman stated that the County would use attrition before the laying off of County employees. Mr. Heyman welcomed any member of the public to meet with him to discuss budget options. Muani Barazangi, Town of Ithaca resident, spoke to the Board regarding the proposed 1992 Tompkins County budget. Mr. Barazangi stated that a 15 percent property tax increase is unacceptable to him. Mr. Barazangio asked that the number of Tompkins County employees be reduced. He stated that he is in opposition to a 15 percent property tax increase and would urge others to oppose this also. Sally Sumner, Chairman, Family Court Advisory Council, urged the County to preserve prevention services. She stated that the purpose of the Family Works Program is to prevent the need for removing children from their home and placing them into Foster Care. Ms. Sumner stated that this program is not continued in the proposed 1992 Department of Social Services budget. She stated that the average foster care placement costs the County approximately $12,000 per year and that by putting this money back into the budget the time children spend in foster care will be reduced. Lynn Jackier, City of Ithaca resident and President of the Drop-in Children's Center Board of Directors, stated that the Drop-in Children's Center is the only agency of its kind in Ithaca. This center provides refuse for children whose parents are under stress. She stated that reductions have already hurt the center drastically and urged the Board to restore funds to their budget. Regina Lennox, Friends of the Library, listed the programs that the Friends of the Library supports. She stated that they chose not to reduce funds to the Tompkins County Public Library in their 1992 budget because the Library is one of the few things that everyone in Tompkins County uses. Ms. Lennox urged the Board not to reduce funding to the Tompkins County Public Library. 303 November 20, 1991 Carol Kammen, Chairman, Tompkins County Public Library Board of Trustees, stated that the current allocation in the proposed 1992 Tompkins County budget will cut 120 clerical hours and 70 professional hours. Ms. Kammen stated that library usership has been up in the last year but due to the proposed cuts in the Library's budget, the Library will only be able to be open five days a week. Ms. Kammen urged the Board to restore funds to the Tompkins County Public Library. Ginger Cohen, City of Ithaca resident and member of the Tompkins County Public Library and volunteer, stated that she believes people are using the public library more due to the recession. She stated that people need the low-cost service that the library provides. Mary Beth Holub, dairy farmer in the Town of Newfield, stated that farmers have had enough tax increase. She asked that County services be cut to the minimum and stated that she also is in support of a sales tax increase. She stated that a tax on spending seems more fair to people than a property tax increase. Jeff Cook, Lansing, feels that a property tax increase will hurt farmers and elderly people of Tompkins County. He stated that he supports a reduction in County services and a sales tax increase. Cheryl Carlson, Town of Danby, stated that since she purchased her home, her property taxes have doubled. She stated that she is in favor of a reduction of County Services. Pam Stonebraker, Director, SPCA and resident of the Town of Dryden, spoke about budget cuts that the County is considering and the effect these cuts would have on the services the SPCA provides to the County. Ms. Stonebraker urged that the Board restore funds to the 1991 level for the SPCA. Sandra Lyons, Director, Displaced Homemakers Center, read a letter from a resident of the City of Ithaca stating how the Registry service helped him. Ms. Lyons urged the Board to restore funding to the Registry through the Health Department's budget. She stated that she is concerned about the link between the Registry and the Health Department if funding is cut. Nimat Hafez, Town of Ithaca, expressed concern regarding the tax increase which takes place each year. Mr. Hafez stated that he understands concerns raised by County departments but stated that taxpayers cannot taken another property tax increase. Eileen Tottey, Town of Ithaca, stated that her husband is an Alzheimer's patient. She explained how the Displaced Homemakers Center's Registry service helped her and urged that funding be restored to this agency. Michael May, Board of Directors President, Cornell University Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, stated that over the course of several years, Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County has prioritized and economized all that is possible. Mr. May stated that the proposed 1992 Tompkins County budget would have a negative impact on the programs delivered by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County. Bruce Kane, Certified Public Accountant, Village of Cayuga Heights, stated that the business community is aware of what is happening in the economy. Mr. Kane read a resolution adopted by the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee asking that the Board not adopt an increase in sales tax at this time but to establish a task force on this issue. Carman Hill, Town of Ulysses, thanked the Board for their dedication and service. Mr. Hill asked that property tax not be increased. He stated that he believes County employees should not receive raises in 1992 and the County should pursue the State's proposal regarding Medicaid. 304 November 20, 1991 Robin Messing, Ithaca, spoke to the Board in opposition of a sales tax increase. Ms. Messing stated she believes a sales tax increase will hurt the lower income people the most. She also stated that she believes people will shop out of Tompkins County if they do not wish to pay the higher sales tax rate. Beverly Snow Cretser, Executive Director, Alcoholism Council of Tompkins County, explained the time in which a person currently remains on a waiting list to be seen at the Council. She stated that the proposed budget cuts to the Council would result in the loss of three counselor positions and the one support staff. Ms. Snow Cretser asked the Board to restore $88,000 to the Council's budget. She also stated that she is in favor of a property, sales and income tax increase. Wilfred Biaz, Director, Alcoholism Council of Tompkins County Outpatient Clinic, stated that the cut in the Council's budget will cause a backlog in the criminal justice system. He stated that most clients who are served by the Council have serious alcohol problems and that they will cost the County much more if they go untreated. Cheryl Caister, Broome County resident and works at the Alcoholism Council of Tompkins County Drinking Driver program, asked that the Board restore the current funding level to the Council. She stated that the proposed reduction in funding would have a negative impact on Department of Motor Vehicle Programs. Terry Nicholetti-Garrison, Alcoholism Council of Tompkins County and Coordinator of Peer Program, stressed the importance of prevention while young and stated that there are currently 38 teenagers conducting workshops on alcoholism in Tompkins County. She asked that the Board restore funding to the Alcoholism Council of Tompkins County. Linda Beins, Trumansburg resident and Director of Human Services Coalition, stated that she is in support of a property tax increase. Ms. Beins urged the Board not to disband services in Tompkins County. She stated that she believes the disbanding of these services may result in them being lost forever. Gregory Fitts, Chairman, Fire, Disaster and EMS Advisory Board, asked for a reinstatement of funds for computer aided dispatch software and an upgrade of computer hardware to the Fire, Disaster, and EMS 1992 budget. Thomas Hanna, Chairman, Tompkins County Youth Bureau, stated that the Policy and Planning Committee of the Youth Bureau recently spent hundreds of hours developing a budget at 0, 5, and 10 percent of the 1991 level. The proposed cuts in the Youth Bureau's budget means cutting youth services in Tompkins County. Mr. Hanna asked that $25,000 which was approved by the Human Services Committee, be restored to the Youth Bureau's 1992 budget. Jean True, Groton Public Library Trustee, stated that she believes the public library is a preventative service and asked the Board to restore funding equal to two years ago. Marilyn Grey, Executive Director of the Senior Citizen's Council and a resident of Trumansburg, stated that she is concerned with proposed cuts to the Senior Citizen's Council. Ms. Grey stated that she is a taxpayer and a homeowner and is willing to pay an increase in taxes. She urged the Board to reinstate funds to the Council to the level recommended by the Human Services Committee. Sophie Stark, Tompkins County sheriffs Department employee, stated that County employees are also taxpayers. Chairman Mason stated that he appreciates comments made by the public this evening and that the Board is working hard to bring costs under control. Chairman Mason stated that the Budget and 305 November 20, 1991 Administration Committee will meet November 25th at 7 p.m. to discuss the proposed 1992 Tompkins County Budget. On motion the meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m. 306 December 2, 1991 Adjourned Meeting Ithaca High School Cafeteria Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 7 p.m. concerning Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - Tompkins County Fair Practice. Each Board member introduced themselves and announced the district they represent. Chairman Mason explained that cards in favor and in opposition to the law were distributed at entrances for the public to complete if they wished to speak. Chairman Mason stated that he has given each side of the argument an opportunity to choose five speakers and one summary speaker. The following people spoke in opposition to proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - Tompkins County Fair Practice: Richard Baer, Town of Ithaca Peter Perri, Jr., Town of Caroline Ronald Maybury, 846 Snyder Hill Road, Dryden Richard Welch, 2112 North Triphammer Road, Ithaca Ronald Roberts, Town of Dryden Mary Ruth Barton, Ithaca Raymond Crognale, Freeville Barbara Phelps, Village of Dryden William Schickel, Dryden David Sell, Ithaca Ronald Simpson, Ithaca Martin Root, Freeville Chuck Tompkins, Ithaca Summary speaker: Norbert Schickel, Attorney-at-law, Town of Dryden The following people spoke in favor of proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991: Judy Long, Town of Ithaca Michael Lipkin, Ithaca Maura Cullen, Newfield Heather Thomas, City of Ithaca Michael Bush, City of Ithaca Clarence Patton, Ithaca Janis Kelly, City of Ithaca Ruth Schickel, Dryden Nancy Bereano, City of Ithaca Deborah Jones, Trumansburg David Feurzeig, Ithaca Gerdon Brewster, Newfield Summary speaker: Karen Silverstein, Attorney-at-law, Town of Ulysses Written statements field with the Clerk of the Board in support of proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991 were received from Bill Coons, Town of Ulysses and William George, Brooktondale. RESOLUTION NO. 479 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF 1991- FAIR PRACTICE 307 December 2, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Call, second by Mrs. Schuler. Mrs. Dietrich, Representative, District No. 12, spoke about Roger Williams image of toleration as a major fundamental idea of American society. She said it was time for Christian fundamentalists and homosexuals to learn to live together and for our County to begin to heel. Mr. Culligan, Representative, District No. 2, state that he was opposed to this law in July and would again vote no. He stated that he believes this issue has caused more problems in the community than good and that it increases prejudice when it is suppose to protect. Mr. Culligan has stated that he also feels the law will be difficult to enforce. Mr. Stein, Representative, District No. 3, stated he was opposed of this local law in July and since that time he has spoken to many people and has not changed his mind. He stated that he is in support of this and would vote in favor of the proposed law. Mr. Stein has submitted for the record, a written statement from Carol Fay, Ithaca, New York. Mr. Lerner, Representative, District No. 1, stated that he feels that proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - Tompkins County Fair Practice provides equal rights to everyone in Tompkins -County. Mr. Lerner stated that he supports the passage of this local law. Mr. Evans, Representative, District No. 13, stated that he voted against proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991 - Tompkins County Fair Practice when it came before this Board in July he believed it to be unenforceable and not precise. Mr. Evans stated that since July he has done research on this and supports the revised law. He stated that this law only protects the right to education, employment and a place to live. Mr. Evans referred to homophobia and stated that the persecution of homosexuals should end. Mr. Shurtleff, Representative, District No. 9, stated that this issue should receive action at the State level and not the County level. Mr. Shurtleff stated that he represents the constituents of his district to the level best of his ability and would be voting in opposition to this proposed local law. Ms. Mink, Representative, District No. 5, commented on correspondence she has received in support and opposition to this issue. Ms. Mink stated that she believes that this law does not take anything away from anyone that she would be voting in favor of this proposed local law. Mrs. Call, Representative, District No. 10, stated that it is the intention of this propose local law to give the County department of Human Rights the right to investigate and to do their job. Mrs. Call quoted from Article 24, Section 24.01 of the Tompkins County Charter Code. Mrs. Call also thanked those who came to speak on both sides of the issue. A roll call voted resulted as follows: Ayes - 9 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, Evans, Lerner, Livesay, Mason, Mink, Schuler, and Stein). Noes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Proto, Shurtleff, Todd, Watros, and Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held before the Board of Representatives on December 2, 1991 to hear persons interested in proposed Local Law No. 6 of 199, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That said proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1991 concerning Tompkins County Fair Practice be and hereby adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a truer copy of said Local Law No. 6 of 1991 in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks, the first within ten (10) days after local law has been adopted, and after said local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk of the Board shall within five (5) days file one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk and three certified copies in the office of the Secretary of State. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 308 December 2, 1991 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason stated that he appreciated those who attended the public hearing and spoke to this issue. Chairman Mason also extended his gratitude to the Ithaca High School for allowing the public hearing to take place at their facility. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. 309 December 3, 1991 Regular Meeting Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives Chairman Mason presented Isabel Walker, Human Rights Commission, with a proclamation declaring the week of December 10, 1991 as a time of recognition of Human Rights Week in Tompkins County. Ms. Walker accepted this proclamation and thanked the Board for passage of Local Law No. 6 of 1991. Chairman Mason presented a proclamation to Kathryn Martinez, Vice Chairman, AIDS Work, declaring December 1, 1991 as World AIDS Day and December 2 - 8, 1991 as AIDS Awareness Week. Ms. Martinez accepted this proclamation and thanked the Board. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, distributed an agenda for the progress report on the proposed DR -7 landfill site to be given by Barbara Eckstrom, Solid Waste Manager, and those involved in the permitting process. Barbara Eckstrom, Solid Waste Manager, began the presentation by giving the Board a brief review of the background history of the permitting process and Federal wetland issues at the proposed DR -7 landfill site. Howard LeFever, Stearns and Wheler, explained the reconfigured site plan and stated that after conducting a study on the site, they came up with an alternative to reduce encroachment. He stated that the landfill and borrow areas have been slightly moved. Lisa Cooper, Legal Consultant, Nixon, Hargrave, Dixon and Doyle, gave the Board an overview of the wetlands permitting process and explained how the United States Army Corps of Engineers looks to reduce the impact of the proposed landfill. Vince Lucid, Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, stated that Tompkins County now has a project which reduces encroachment in federally regulated wetlands. Mr. Lucid explained the criteria for applying for a nationwide permit. James Dwyer, Consulting Attorney, explained the process in which the County needs to prepare the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Mr. Dwyer stated that the County must revisit SEQR due to the change in the configuration of the landfill. He stated that he anticipates approximately nine months to go through the process to the final statement and that this nine months does not include a judiciary hearing. Howard LeFever, Stearns and Wheler, gave the Board an overview of the presentation and recommended that the County do a more detailed soil investigation at the proposed landfill site. Ken Thompson, Assistant Solid Waste Manager, reviewed the project timeline for the proposed DR -7 landfill site and stated that he hoped to have the landfill operational in January, 1995. Under privilege of the floor, Shirley Raffensperger, Town of Ithaca Supervisor, read a letter addressed to Mr. Mason from the City of Ithaca regarding a one percent sales tax increase in Tompkins County. Ms. Raffensperger stated that she believes municipalities should receive a portion of sales tax 310 December 3, 1991 revenues and only would support this increase if in the future sales tax revenues are shared with the municipalities. Under privilege of the floor, Mayor Benjamin Nichols, City of Ithaca, spoke to the Board regarding a one percent increase in sales tax in Tompkins County. Mr. Nichols asked the Board to consider sharing sales tax revenues with the City and municipalities. Mr. Nichols stated that he cannot support any increase in sales tax that does not at least agree to share with the City and municipalities in future years. Under privilege of the floor, David Smith, Director, Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), asked the Board to reinstate funding to the RSVP budget. Mr. Smith stated that the program has lost State funding and may not receive funding from the United Way. Under privilege of the floor, Mary G. Call, Representative, District No. 10, stated that she, Mary Pat Dolan, Commissioner of Social Services, and Scott Heyman, County Administrator, recently traveled to Albany to listen to a proposal on Medicaid. She stated that there was a lot of representation from several counties. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Schuler, Representative, District No. 4, and Environmental Management Council liaison, reported that the Environmental Management Council sponsored wetlands conference was a huge success. She stated that a report is forthcoming. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, reported that the Committee has not met since the last Board meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for December 5. Mr. Shurtleff, Vice Chairman, Health and Education Committee, reported that the Committee discussed the Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP) at their last meeting. Mr. Shurtleff stated that OBGYN has agreed to sign an agreement with the PCAP program. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety Committee, stated that the Committee will meet December 5. Mr. Culligan reported that the Sheriffs Department received 15 complaints of illegal dumping in November. Mr. Culligan also reported that a meeting will be held in January with justices and magistrates to address the problem of overcrowding in the Tompkins County Jail. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, reported that the Committee met November 21 and reviewed Department of Social Services statistics. Mrs. Call stated that a subcommittee will reconvene to determine who should receive trash tags in 1992. Mrs. Call stated that Food Pantry guidelines for 1992 were adopted by the Human Services Committee. Mrs. Call recognized a State grant received by the Day Care and Child Development Council. Mrs. Dietrich, Chairman, Planning Committee, reported that the Planning Committee met December 2 and the Committee's business is reflected on the agenda. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Reapportionment Committee, reported that the Committee met November 22 and is focusing on the Town of Ithaca and its intersections with surrounding communities. Mr. Stein stated that no conclusions have been reached but hopes that a recommendation can be made that everyone can agree on. The next Committee meeting is January 27. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee, stated that the Committee is receiving several projects from the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee. Mr. Winch also stated that the Committee will be reviewing the budget for the Joint Transit Facility. He reported that foundation work for the new facility is complete. 311 December 3, 1991 Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, reported that the final Request for Proposals for the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center will be available on December 12. Mrs. Livesay also updated the Board on the commercial waste assessment program. Mrs. Livesay stated that the glossy insert collection day that was recently held was a success. Mrs. Livesay reported that the Committee has had discussion on out -of -County transfer bids. The next Committee meeting is December 19. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Personnel Committee, reported that the Committee met on December 3 and had discussions on revising the Code of Ethics. Mrs. Livesay stated that the Committee will meet December 17 to discuss the Reclassification/Pay Equity study further. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, reported that the Committee's principal item of business has been the 1992 Tompkins County budget and subsequent option for a sales tax increase. The Committee will discuss a sales tax increase at the first of the year. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, updated the Board on the Governor's Medicaid for sales tax proposal. Mr. Heyman also updated the Board on the Water Well Protection Program and stated that consultants are reviewing Phase II proposals. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, reported that the County recently won a lawsuit regarding additional compensation for property at the Mental Health Building site. Mr. Mulvey also reported that a meeting will be held with landowners regarding the Dryden Dam Project. Chairman Mason gave the appropriate Committee Chairmen permission to withdraw the following resolutions from the agenda: Waiver of Auto Liability Insurance Requirement for Village of Freeville Flood Control Contract Naming of the Hermann Biggs First Floor Conference Room as the James E. Rice Conference Room Request for Authorization to Increase Sales Tax in Tompkins County Award of Bids - Old County Jail Renovations, Main Courthouse Restorations, and Building C Elevator Installation Authorizing the Publication of a Final Request for Proposals for the Design, Construction, Acceptance Testing and Operation of the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center, Acceptance of Findings Pursuant to G.M.L. Section 120-W and Authorizing and Directing the Publication of Notices of the Issuance of the Final Request for Proposals RESOLUTION NO. 480 - SELECTING AN ALTERNATIVE CONFIGURATION FOR THE DR -7 LANDFILL FOR SUPPLEMENTAL STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT (SEQRA) ASSESSMENT Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 3 (Representative Evans, Proto and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Findings Statement to conclude the environmental assessment of the DR -7 landfill site pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA") was filed and disseminated on January 5, 1989 which authorized the filing of an application to construct and operate this facility with the Department of Environmental Conservation ("DEC") as required by 6 NYCRR Part 360, and WHEREAS, in August of 1989 the County of Tompkins ascertained the possible jurisdiction of the United States Army Corps of Engineers under the United States Clean Waters Act if federal regulated wetlands were present on the site, and 312 December 3, 1991 WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 311 dated October 10, 1989 authorized the preparation and submission of an "appropriate permit pursuant to the Clean Waters Act" if there is jurisdiction therefore, and WHEREAS, a permit application to construct and operate a sanitary landfill at DR -7 was prepared, submitted and declared complete by DEC by Combined Notice of Complete Application and Public Hearing dated November 15, 1989 which indicated "a wetlands permit from the United States Army Corps of Engineers may be required for the proposed project", and WHEREAS, a Legislative Hearing and Issues Conference were conducted and Rulings of the Administrative Law Judge on Party Status and Issues was promulgated on March 30, 1990 which recognized the possible need for a wetlands permit from the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and WHEREAS, Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. of Phoenix, New York has prepared a report delineating and describing federal wetlands at the DR -7 site dated February, 1991 (the "Report") which was submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by the Chairman of this Board on March 6, 1991, and WHEREAS, the Report identifies the presence of federal wetlands within the landfill footprint and other proposed facilities at the DR -7 site as described in the DEC permit application requiring the reconfiguration of the landfill, and WHEREAS, Stearns and Wheler of Cazenovia, New York has prepared a report entitled "Alternative Landfill Configuration - Analysis for the DR -7 Site" dated July 1991 which has been reviewed by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee (the "Committee") and this Board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That this Board in its continuing role as lead agency pursuant to SEQRA selects an alternative configuration for the DR -7 landfill as the site of the landfill component of its solid waste management plan which shall be rectangular in shape, a distance of no less than 500 feet from Wood Road and of acreage no greater than 30 acres. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 481 - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR THE ALTERNATE RECONFIGURATION OF THE DR -7 LANDFILL, AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE A POSITIVE DECLARATION, AND DIRECTION TO PREPARE A SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 3 (Representative Evans, Proto and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 480 of this date selected an alternative reconfiguration for the DR -7 Landfill to avoid to the maximum extent practicable regulated wetlands within the original proposed facilities, and WHEREAS, such a landfill reconfiguration is an "action" which will require compliance with SEQRA pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.3 (a) and the filing of a supplemental draft environmental impact statement ("supplemental dEIS") in furtherance of 6 NYCRR Section 617.8 (g) because of changes in the project which may have a significant adverse environmental effect, and WHEREAS, in furtherance of 6 NYCRR Section 617.8 (g)(2), this Board has considered: (i) the importance and relevance of the information concerning reconfiguration required by the presence of federal wetlands; (ii) its accuracy; (iii) the present state of the information in the draft environmental impact statement, which review was concluded by filing of a Findings Statement on January 4, 1989, and WHEREAS, this Board shall continue to act as lead agency pursuant to SEQRA for the supplemental environmental assessment of the reconfigured facilities at the DR -7 site, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, 313 December 3, 1991 That aesthetics, noise, ground water, surface water and other potential environmental impacts effected by the reconfiguration of the DR -7 landfill will be evaluated in the supplemental environmental impact statement, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman is authorized and directed to file and distribute a Positive Declaration for the reconfiguration of the DR -7 facilities pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.10, RESOLVED, further, That this Board determines that the requirements and criteria established pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.8 (g) have been met and the Chairman is authorized and directed to cause the preparation of a Draft supplemental EIS for the reconfiguration of the DR -7 facilities which shall be submitted to this Board for a determination of adequacy for public review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.10 (c). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 482 - AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A PERMIT APPLICATION TO THE UNITED STATES ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS UNDER SECTION 404 OF THE FEDERAL CLEAN WATERS ACT Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 2 (Representatives Evans and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, areas of the proposed Tompkins County landfill site known as DR -7 in the Town of Dryden are regulated under Section 404 of the Federal Clean Waters Act, and WHEREAS, the County has complied with the wetland delineation requirements and methodology prescribed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, in its capacity as the authorized permitting authority under Section 404 of the Federal Clean Waters Act, and WHEREAS, the minimal encroachment on wetlands at DR -7 resulting from the County's proposed landfill is eligible for permitting under the Nationwide Permit system of the United States Army Corps of Engineers regulations at 33 CFR Section 330.5, and WHEREAS, the County has assembled a formal delineation report and all other information and data necessary for the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make all appropriate assessments or determinations including but not limited to a jurisdictional determination, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the County Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives may and hereby is authorized to execute and submit an application to the United States Army Corps of Engineers for the necessary Nationwide Permits to construct a landfill and appurtenant structures and facilities at the DR -7 in the Town of Dryden. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 483 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 - STEARNS AND WHELER ENGINEERING - DR -7 LANDFILL SITE Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 3 (Representatives Evans, Proto and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 494, dated December 21, 1990, has been approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 9 Stearns and Wheler shall be authorized to prepare documentation for SDEIS, permitting, design and perform geotechnical testing and analysis at the DR -7 landfill site in accordance with a proposal dated October 14, 1991, now therefore be it 314 December 3, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order upon approval of jurisdictional determination by the United States Army Corps of Engineers on behalf of the County at a cost not to exceed $426,910, includes a 10 percent contingency to be funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 484 - CONTINUED FUNDING OF DEWITT MALL TICKET OFFICE - ADVISORY BOARD ON TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Community Arts Partnership has requested a grant to be used for further funding of the Dewitt Mall Ticket Office, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Advisory Board on Tourism Development shall award $8,000 to the Community Arts Partnership, RESOLVED, further, That the award shall require Community Arts Partnership to provide the following: 1. an initial report on the Ticket Office's ability to become self-supporting in the future, to be delivered at the February meeting of the Advisory Board on Tourism Development. 2. a full report of action taken towards this end, to be completed within 12 months. 3. a plan for close collaboration with the Convention and Visitor's Bureau, with the aim of developing the Ticket Office into a satellite Visitor's Center. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 485 - AWARD OF DEWITT HISTORICAL SOCIETY GRANT - ADVISORY BOARD ON TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Dewitt Historical Society has proposed a collaboration with Ithaca College to produce a brochure for use in a walking tour of Ithaca College's downtown roots, and WHEREAS, Ithaca College has agreed to pay half the expenses for production of the brochure, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Advisory Board on Tourism Development shall award $1,550 to the Dewitt Historical Society. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 486 - CONVENTION AND VISITORS' BUREAU AWARD TO FINGER LAKES ASSOCIATION - ADVISORY BOARD ON TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Convention and Visitor's Bureau of Tompkins County (the CVB) is the recipient of $33,048 in State funds, and 315 December 3, 1991 WHEREAS, the State has suggested that $2,282 of these funds be set aside for the Finger Lakes Association (the FLA), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the CVB award the suggested amount along with an additional contribution of $2,718, amounting to an award of $5,000. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 487 - COMMUNITY ARTS PARTNERSHIP AWARDED FOR REGIONAL PROMOTION OF ARTS ACTIVITIES - ADVISORY BOARD ON TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Ms. Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Community Arts Partnership (CAP) has requested support for the regional promotion of arts activities in Tompkins County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Advisory Board on Tourism Development shall grant the CAP $15,000, RESOLVED, further, That the CAP shall work closely with the Convention and Visitors' Bureau to develop a regional arts marketing plan which shall be presented to the Advisory Board on Tourism Development for approval. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 488 - ACCEPTANCE OF FEDERAL SECTION 18 OPERATING ASSISTANCE CONTINUING GRANTS FOR TOMTRAN RURAL TRANSIT Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted voice vote. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins submitted a request for a grant of funds to the New York State Depal tment of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation (Resolution No. 160, May 7, 1991) pursuant to Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended for a Project to provide public mass transportation service on a continuing basis for TOMTRAN Rural Transit, a fixed route, open to the public transportation service in Tompkins County, operated by CU Transit, Inc. under contract with Tompkins County, for 1992 (PIN3791.34.406), and WHEREAS, the estimated amount of the Federal share for the project is $71,000 in 1992, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the continuing Agreement between the County of Tompkins and the State of New York for the undertaking of the above project and authorizing annual application for such Federal Section 18 funds for the next nine years, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to act on behalf of the County of Tompkins to progress and complete the above named project, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to sign any and all agreements between the County of Tompkins and any third party contractors necessary to complete the project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 316 December 3, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 489 - AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR REVISION TO AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT NO. 2 Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, under New York State Agricultural District Law, it is required that agricultural districts must be renewed every eight years allowing farmers to apply to become a part of or to exempt all or part of their lands from the district, and WHEREAS, the County Legislature is the lead agency which must approve the formation and changes in agricultural districts, and WHEREAS, the County is required by law to conduct a public hearing for this review and approval between December 11, 1991 and February 8, 1992, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning Committee, That a public hearing be held before the Board of Representatives at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York on Tuesday, January 21, 1992 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof on the newly revised boundaries for Agricultural District No. 2. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to place proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 490 - RECLASSIFICATION OF REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL NURSE TO COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE, TITLE CHANGE OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE AND SUPERVISING PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Lerner). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That the title of Registered Professional Nurse (N-14), Labor Grade N, non-competitive class, be reclassified to Community Health Nurse (0-15), Labor Grade 0, competitive class, effective November 20, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the titles of Supervising Public Health Nurse and Public Health Nurse be changed respectively to Supervising Community Health Nurse and Community Health Nurse, effective November 20, 1991, RESOLVED, further, That the County Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following appropriation on his books: APPROPRIATION: 1990.4400 Contingent Fund $2,415 TO: A4010. Community Health Nurse $2,415 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 491 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - KEYBOARD SPECIALIST TO RECEPTIONIST - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. 317 December 3, 1991 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Personnel Committees, That one position of Keyboard Specialist (05/507), labor grade E (5), competitive class be reclassified to Receptionist (06/506), labor grade F (6), competitive class effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this change for 1991. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY RESOLUTION NO. 492 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - CASEWORKER TO SENIOR CASEWORKER - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Personnel Committees, That one position of Caseworker (14/562), labor grade N (14), competitive class, be reclassified to Senior Caseworker (15/581), labor grade 0 (15), competitive class, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed in 1991 for this change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 493 - DESIGNATION OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS AS LEAD AGENCY PURSUANT TO SEQRA FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF AN INTERIM TRANSFER FACILITY AT THE HILLVIEW ROAD LANDFILL Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board by Resolution No. 53 dated February 17, 1987 designated itself as lead agency for the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Project, in furtherance of its Phase I Study, which included analysis of the sanitary landfill and volume reduction, and WHEREAS, the plan anticipated eventual construction of the sanitary landfill within Tompkins County for ultimate disposal of waste, however, delays concerning delineation of Federal wetlands under the Federal Clean Waters Act were not anticipated which has held in abeyance the permit process with the Department of Environmental Conservation ("DEC"), and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has obtained from DEC the appropriate permit to construct its Central Processing Facility on Commercial Avenue in the City of Ithaca, New York, which facility will include a recycling center, central baling and transfer, and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the Central Processing Facility will not be operational until 1993, and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is negotiating with the DEC for the terms of the Third Amended Consent Order regarding the closure of the landfill operated by the County of Tompkins on Hillview Road in the Town of Spencer, New York, which it is anticipated will provide for the cessation of the acceptance of solid waste after May 1, 1992, and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is evaluating the option to construct an interim transfer facility at the Hillview Road Landfill to accept solid waste for export and eventual disposal after May 1, 1992, and WHEREAS, the construction of said interim transfer facility at the Hillview Road Landfill is to be provided for in the Third Amended Consent Order, and enforcement action under SEQRA, and accordingly is exempt pursuant to 6 NYCRR 617.3(j), and WHEREAS, a building permit will be required from the Town of Spencer, the issuance of which is considered a "ministerial act" under SEQRA and is exempt therefrom pursuant to 6 NYCRR 617.2(q), and 318 December 3, 1991 WHEREAS, the operation of the interim transfer facility will necessitate the redirection of the solid waste from the interim transfer facility in long haul vehicles for ultimate disposal, which is an action under SEQRA and requiring compliance therewith, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the County of Tompkins by its Board of Representatives hereby designates itself as lead agency, subject to a coordinated review pursuant to SEQRA (6NYCRR 617.6) if necessary, for purposes of permitting, construction and operating an interim transfer facility at the Hillview Road Landfill and the export of waste therefrom to a remote disposal site, RESOLVED, further, That the proposed action, including the construction and operation of such an interim transfer facility is an "unlisted action" pursuant to SEQRA (6NYCRR 617.5), RESOLVED, further, That coordinated review is required pursuant to 6 NYCRR 617.6(b) and (c) (unless exempt), and the Chair of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee and the Solid Waste Manager are hereby authorized and directed to commence SEQRA review of the proposed action herein described. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS) To be prepared during coordinated review RESOLUTIONS NO. 494 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - CRISPELL CONSTRUCTION & LANDSCAPE CO. - ANDERSON DUMP CLEAN-UP Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 447 of 1990 has been reviewed and approved by the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee: Change Order No. 2 - $4,180 - to provide for the cost of increased disposal fee of $22 per ton effective January 1, 1991 at the Tompkins County Landfill for 190 tons of solid waste, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste and Resource Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. A4010.4442. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 495 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT A GRANT PROPOSAL - HEALTHY MOTHERS - HEALTHY BABIES COALITION Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Evans, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is a member of the Healthy Mothers - Healthy Babies Coalition which has received a grant from New York State for temporary community outreach activities to promote the Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That permission be granted to the Health Department to request a grant from the Coalition for PCAP outreach activities, with the understanding that the Health Depaitinent's proposal, if funded, will generate no additional County costs not covered by State funding, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to sign any and all agreements necessary to complete this project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 319 December 3, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 496 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - KEYBOARD SPECIALISTS TO HEALTH AIDE - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Personnel and Budget and Administration Committees, That two positions of Keyboard Specialist (05/507), labor grade E (5), competitive class, in the WIC program of the Health Depailment be reclassified to Health Aide, (08/654), labor grade H (8), competitive class, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment: Revenue: 4012.3402 State Aid, WIC $412 Appropriations: 4012.1654 Personal Services $379 .8830 Social Security 29 .8840 Workers' Compensation 3 .8870 Unemployment 1 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 7:30 p.m. The meeting returned to order at 7:49 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 497 - APPROVAL OF T -HANGAR LEASE AGREEMENT - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the board is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract on behalf of the County with Mr. Joseph Geradi for rental of a T -hangar at the Tompkins County Airport. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 498 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - INTERIM COMPOSTING FACILITY - GENERAL CONTRACT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 382 of 1991 has been reviewed and approved by the Public Works and Construction Management Committee: Change Order No. 1 - Extension of time for substantial completion of work for 17 days or until December 17, 1991 to complete blower installation and for completion of the work until January 17, 1992, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 320 December 3, 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 499 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - INTERIM COMPOSTING FACILITY - ELECTRIC Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Todd, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 382 of 1991 has been reviewed and approved by the Public Works and Construction Management Committee: Change Order No. 1 - Extension of time for substantial completion of work for 26 days or until December 25, 1991 and for completion of the work until January 25, 1992, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 500 - APPROVAL OF PLAN AND FUNDING APPLICATION - OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Office for the Aging Advisory Committee has held a public hearing on its proposed plan and funding applications for 1991 Federal funds and 1991-92 State funds, and WHEREAS, there were no objections to the plan and general approval was expressed, and WHEREAS, some minor suggestions were later incorporated in the plan, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County be authorized to sign the plan and funding applications prepared by the Office for the Aging and presented at the public hearing October 21, 1991. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 501 - ADOPTION OF 1992 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET AND CAPITAL PROGRAM (County Budget begins on page 325) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Evans. Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Ms. account A7026 in the Tompkins County budget A7026 MUNICIPAL YOUTH SERVICES 4509 Interim Families 4517 DCC Resource & Referral 4535 Recreation Mainstreaming 4569 F&CS Rural Coordination 4572 Housing Task Force Apt. Prog. 4573 IYB Youth Development 4575 Learning Web Rural Outreach 4576 DCC Teen Pregnancy & Parenting 4579 Trans. Independent Living Skill 4589 American Red Cross TIPL 4610 Town of Caroline 4611 City of Ithaca Mink, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to amend as follows: B&A Recommendation 19,769 10,449 62,992 6,464 48,695 272,792 9,749 23,843 39,713 17,857 7,636 27,082 321 Change Difference 21,174 1,405 10,350 (99) 62,398 (594) 6,403 (61) 51,739 3,044 270,221 (2,572) 9,657 (92) 23,619 (224) 39,339 (374) 18,788 931 7,564 (72) 26,826 (256) 4620 Town of Danby 4630 Town of Dryden 4638 Village of Dryden 4640 Town of Enfield 4645 Village of Freeville 4650 Town of Groton 4655 Village of Groton 4660 Town of Ithaca 4665 Village of Cayuga Heights 4670 Town of Lansing 4675 Village of Lansing 4680 Town of Newfield 4698 Town of Ulysses 4699 Village of Trumansburg December 3, 1991 6,644 11,617 6,255 7,505 6,237 7,283 6,722 15,599 5,577 8,076 7,437 7,848 7,646 5,534 657,022 A1620.2410 BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS - RENTAL REVENUE Office of Court Administration - 1992 Rent 17,688 B9516 (Airport) TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE B9516 Transfer to Debt Serve 0 V9730 Debt Service Revenue - Airport 0 V9730 Debt Service Revenue - Interfund 0 A9961 Gen. Fund Contrib. to Debt Service 0 Appropriated Fund Balance - General Fund Increase in General Fund Revenues Appropriated Fund Balance - Airport - Requested Change 28,081 28,081 28,081 28,081 (28,081) (28,081) (28,081) (28,081) 732,192 (17,688) (28,081) 686,423 6,582 (62) 11,507 (110) 6,197 (58) 7,434 (71) 6,179 (58) 72,114 (69) 6,659 (63) 15,452 (147) 5,524 (53) 8,000 (76) 7,367 (70) 7,774 (74) 7,573 (73) 5,482 (52) 657,022 0 Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Winch, to increase the general fund by $500,000 by cutting program expenses by year-end (1992). A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 7 (Representatives Call, Evans, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Watros and Winch), Noes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lerner, Livesay, Mink, Schuler, Stein and Todd). Motion Lost. Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, to reduce the Tompkins County Public Library by $12,434 and increase the amount funded to the town libraries by $12,434 to bring them at 90 percent of the 1991 level. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 2 (Representative Evans and Representative Proto). Adopted. Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Schuler, to amend account A4010.4442 - Health Department by increasing the appropriation for the registry by $5,000 with an increase in County cost of $3,000, funds to be taken out of the general fund. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 4 (Representatives Mason, Todd, Watros and Winch). Adopted. Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, to amend account A7026 - Municipal Youth Services by restoring $23,000 from the general fund balance. Motion lost by voice vote. Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Culligan, to amend account A3410.2206 - Fire and Disaster Coordinator - equipment by adding $33,750 by increasing the property tax levy. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Evans, Mason, Proto, Schuler, Shurtleff and Stein), Noes - 7 (Representatives Call, Lerner, Livesay, Mink, Todd, Watros and Winch). Adopted. 322 December 3, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Schuler, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, to amend account A6773 - RSVP by increasing the appropriation by $2,000 from the general fund. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10, Noes - 5 (Representatives Evans, Mason, Proto, Watros and Winch). Adopted. Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Todd, to reduce the property tax levy to eight percent and reduce the general fund balance appropriately. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 3 (Representatives Proto, Shurtleff and Todd), Noes - 12. Motion Lost. A roll call vote on the resolution as amended resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Evans, Mason, Mink, Schuler, and Stein), Noes - 7 (Representatives Lerner, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, Todd, Watros and Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, the proposed budget for the year 1992 has been presented to the Board by the Budget Officer and a public hearing has been duly called and held pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.06 of the County Charter and Code and all persons desiring to be heard concerning same have been heard, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That pursuant to Section 5.07 of the County Charter and Code, the said proposed budget and capital program as amended are adopted, subject to the correction of manifest errors by the Clerk of the Board and Budget Officer, as the budget and capital program of Tompkins County for the year 1992, RESOLVED, further, That pursuant to Section 5.03 and 5.05 of the County Charter and Code, the several amounts specified in such budget opposite each item of expenditure set forth in the column adopted are appropriated for the objects and purposes specified, effective January 1, 1992, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $15,978,993 required to meet expenses and costs of county government in Tompkins County for the fiscal year 1992 as set forth in the budget be assessed against, levied upon, and collected from the taxable property of the nine towns and the city liable therefore. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 502 - IMPLEMENTATION OF 1992 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That membership in all municipal organizations specifically listed in 1992 budget requests is hereby authorized and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is authorized and directed to execute all funding applications on behalf of the County of Tompkins for items specifically identified in departmental budget requests for 1992, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the County of Tompkins all contracts specifically identified in the departmental budget requests for 1992 in an amount not to exceed the amount appropriated in the 1992 budget for each specific contract. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 9:28 p.m. The meeting returned to order at 9:36 p.m. 323 December 3, 1991 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote to enter into executive session at 9:36 p.m. to discuss potential litigation. The meeting returned to regular session at 10:11 p.m. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote, the following appointments were made to various advisory boards: Small Cities Community Development Oversight Committee Deborah Dietrich - Chairman, Planning Committee James Hanson, Jr. - Commissioner of Planning Frank Proto - County Representative from town which the contracting is being performed Designee from Town of Caroline Board - local government official from the municipality for which the contract work is being performed Office for the Aging Advisory Committee Terms expire December 31, 1994 Ruth T. Mann Ben V. Boynton Tompkins County Human Rights Commission Term expires December 31, 1994 Nancy S. Brown Personal Emergency Response Service Advisory Board Terms expire December 31, 1993 Marilyn Grey David Wall Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Commercial Avenue Central Processing Facility Term expires December 31, 1992 George Auble - Business community representative Job Training Council Committee Terms expire December 31, 1994 Charles Gruman - BOCES representative Edward Pasto, Jr. - Vocational rehabilitation representative Michael Stamm - Economic development representative Service Delivery Area Private Industry Council Term expires December 31, 1994 Michael Stamm - Economic Development representative Public Transportation Center Operations Committee Daniel Winch - Chairman, Public Works and Construction Management Committee Deborah Dietrich - Chairman, Planning Committee Ex -officio William Mobbs - Commissioner of Public Works, or designee James Hanson, Jr. - Commissioner of Planning, or designee On motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:24 p.m. 324 0 01 to 9l I m H a N 9, I c 1 c 0' 0' 1.1 O0 0 m H X1 H 01 W H H 0 z I 01 W Ca w 01 W O Co PC 00 0 I m LEI W 0 9 I H 0' PC H (/1 x R1 t0 C z H V1 H H W hA 01 ro 0 [+1 D1 W t1 z eA PC H N 9, I 1/413 0 H a I 0 O W O hA H 001 0 z tzlH PC D1 01 1 H W Co 0 I '.a t0 t0 to PC X/ a1 a H Of H 8 V 0 9, I H O Co 0 r 0 0H e1 a H m 74 H 01 1' I H W 01 W to 1' I to 1 to H 0 z 0 0H 0E1 H z 01 to DA a a 0 H H 0 01 0 0 H 01 01 l0 9, I 01 to 0 9, 1 01 47 O 1 H -1 0 ro t9 01 ro 0 hA [=1 En 0 K 0 H 01 41 H t0 J 0 0 01 1 H t0 to 0 01 0 H 30 Q W a H 0 to O' N O H W C.A 0 C H H K H En H 0 ro a fi 1-1 9, I N to 0 0 0 H K 0 En In 621 W H 9, 0` rn tW W O 1,11H w to I w 01 0 r N 0 In H t9 0t4 0 K 0 r H 0 I 00 H tT N t0 H 'P O 4] W 0 H 0 0) rn H a H In 0 (W! 1 'P O 1P N t0 0 z k 0 01 H z H W 6-30 ;0 9, 1 H 0 t0 000 2 63 63 DI27A H H CO CO HHH D'Q°Z2 X 63 63 I-3 [6300 En 6-1 Di H W zzr'H 6XI CA K DI c 0 X. X. N t0 0 0 w 000101 H N H 01 W W H H En En En 0 Di 60 HI 63 X. � X. r'414 Xi Ha O 0 DJ 0 In Do a �1 ro H X td z H 0 z H 01 H W H H 0 H 0 0 0 z In H 0 H H 0 1 t0 to 01 I a 0' 0' 0 0 0 z H 7A H W C H H 0 z H 0 0 v ro C z v 9, I '.O to N N W r 0 IC 0 r H z 0 1' 00I H 01 w N t0 December 3, 1991 00 HH 2H 1�0 Gz 0 to a al HO te I t0 x 0 N to H w 0 w v 0 I Cr) eA 7A H 0 IX. H H P41 01 a to A N 9, I H W to 1` ro a W r H 0 0 y 1-3 01 z H to H O z 9, I t0 O to I A 0 0] 0 L-, 'P H 0 1P 1P 0 O t=1 t9 0N 01 0 r x W v 9, I H O 'P O N ro 0 0 H H 0 z 0 hA z 0 a Ol H K 0 2 H a H ro 0 0 t+1 In m H z 0 1 I 01 0 O to ro 0 W z J 325 0 r y 0 z In 9, I J to 01 0 ro z z H 0 0 e roA 01 01 eA z H 9, col 0 N I 01 a N N N 1 N Co C H r a H 0 R1 00 a z a O 1' I H 01 N 0 01 1 01 O N to N CO 01 C 0) 0 ro 6-3 b1 H 0 z O 9, I 01 W 0 H to ro (A W to 0 z t'1 r 0 01 H z H m H H 0 1' I H a W 0 W a a H z a (09 ro H z 0 ('1 X.1 W 0 N 0 H ro 0 xl H x C9 0 H 0 I O` J 0' W t0 t0 1 N N D1 0 0 PC 53 �1 w t'9 z H H H [1 m 9, I 0 H 0 H 0 Z1 r H • H 0 H z 0 01 0 H O z 1' I w A t0 Co I W to to W 5 z H H ro a to En In 0 0 H H H 0 z 1 1 H to N 0 to 9, 1 a to 0) 0 01 O H 0 x X H 0 r eA 63 a dA 63 01 h9 z H 9, I H H W I to HI CW IH W .P 01 H N 0 01-) W9' 0 -1 01 01 H N C0 W 1` IN W �I w w HO cn H H 0 In R1 0 0 z In 1-3W r b9 In 9, H H CO 0 0w 0 rti-' � Ha 00 E - C K m tin w 0 W H 0 ro 0 N t0 0 W N W 0) 0 ID 0, x 4 H r 9, I W H to c 01 Ol 0 0' ID a 0 H H 0 z e - H x W xO 0 a x 0 0 0) z 0 X. I 01 w N H t0 W art rt ID ID 0 m 0 M a IT rt In 0 ID a PC y I v C t0 01 N ul fi a r IDt 0 ID 0 rt 0 ID a ID rt c ID m Cr) 0 x ID a [+1 1" 1 01 w 0 H Co [A w rt w 0ID a PC c a CIA w H a 5 0 ID N 01 0 ID a a 1' 01I 0 �P 0 N 01 r ro c 0 a In 0 0 ID a 0 x H 0) 0 H N 0 r In t'1 C H 0 ['1 9, J to H O N J H z a fi ID 0 0 0 0 w ht r N 0 0 0 0' ID a W x In H 0 ro 0 En En 9, 1 01 w N H t0 In 0 0' ID a x H 0 K 0 x 1-1 z (n K v to H W 0 w 01 iii7dirRf1 elOA Yi 3JQAH .. — SLNIZNO0 30 3'Ig`d December 3, 1991 TOMPKINS COUNTY DISTRIBUTION TABLE - 1991 ASSESSED VALUE FOR 1992 BUDGET 1992 CITY/TOWN Caroline Danby Assessed Value Eq.Rate Full Value 86,106,702 100.00% 86,106,702 102,022,869 100.00% 102,022,869 GROSS LEVY Credits* NET LEVY Work.Comp Adj.Net Tax TAX RATE 403,255.55 261,942.00 141,313.55 60.07 . 141,373.62 1.647 477,794.26 244,737.00 233,057.26 71.18 233,128.44 2.290 Dryden-O'side Vill - Inside Vill Total 398,743,748 72,994,412 471,738,160 100.00% 100.00% 398,743,748 1,867,399.70 72,994,412 341,847.97 471,738,160 2,209,247.67 0.00 1,867,399.70 0.00 341,847.97 0.00 2,209,247.67 329.10 1,867,728.80 50.92 341,898.89 380.02 2,209,627.69 4.690 4.690 Enfield 85,241,647 100.00% 85,241,647 399,204.32 263,519.00 135,685.32 59.47 135,744.79 1.597 Groton-O'side Vill -Inside Vill Total 77,176,413 47,550,307 124,726,720 100.00% 77,176,413 100.00% 47,550,307 124,726,720 361,433.16 222,687.95 584,121.11 260,593.00 0.00 260,593.00 100,840.16 222,687.95 323,528.11 87.01 33.17 120.18 100,927.17 222,721.12 323,648.29 1.315 4.690 Ithaca-O'side Vill - Inside Vill Total 477,266,714 222,575,417 699,842,131 100.00% 100.00% 477,266,714 2,235,139.04 222,575,417 1,042,366.85 699,842,131 3,277,505.89 0.00 2,235,139.04 0.00 1,042,366.85 0.00 3,277,505.89 488.23 155.28 643.51 2,235,627.27 1,042,522.13 3,278,149.40 4.690 4.690 Lansing-O'side Vill -Inside Vill Total 358,662,483 262,632,004 621,294,487 100.00% 358,662,483 1,679,690.82 100.00% 262,632,004 1,229,960.16 621,294,487 2,909,650.98 505,636.00 1,174,054.82 0.00 1,229,960.16 505,636.00 2,404,014.98 433.44 0.00 433.44 1,174,488.26 1,229,960.16 2,404,448.42 3.262 4.690 Newfield 123,387,496 100.00% 123,387,496 577,849.24 414,552.00 163,297.24 86.08 163,383.32 1.329 Ulysses-O'side Vill 158,530,401 -Inside Vill 52,415,639 Total 210,946,040 100.00% 100.00% 158,530,401 52,415,639 210,946,040 742,430.76 245,473.31 987,904.07 277,932.00 0.00 277,932.00 464,498.76 245,473.31 709,972.07 147.16 0.00 147.16 464,645.92 245,473.31 710,119.23 2.936 4.690 Ithaca City 886,670,075 100.00% 886,670,075 4,152,459.91 0.00 4,152,459.91 618.57 4,153,078.48 4.690 TOTAL 3,411,976,327 3,411,976,327 15,978,993.00 2,228,911.00 13,750,082.00 2,619.68 13,752,701.68 Apportionment of: GROSS LEVY on the basis of full value. *SALES TAX CREDIT on the basis of population to Towns and Villages. TAX RATE PER $1000 on the basis of assessed value. SCHEDULE A December 3, 1991 COMPARISON OF ASSESSED VALUE TAX RATES and "FULL" VALUE TAX RATES *1983 THROUGH 1990 Property Property Tax Rate Tax Rate per $1,000 per $1,000 Equalized Year Assess.Val. % Change Full Value % Change *1983 $3.916 $4.240 1984 4.510 15.2% 4.900 15.6% 1985 5.165 14.5% 5.379 9.8% 1986 5.857 13.4% 5.878 9.3% 1987 6.678 14.0% 6.461 9.9% 1988 7.345 10.0% 6.395 -1.0% 1989 8.768 19.4% 6.932 8.4% 1990 8.877 1.2% 6.348 -8.4% *1983 was the first year the equalization process was used in Tompkins County. COMPARISON OF ASSESSED VALUE TAX RATES BASED ON REVALUATION EFFECTIVE 1990 Property Tax Rate per $1,000 Year Assess.Val. % Change 1990 1991 1992 $3.783 $4.075 $4.683 7.73% 14.91% SCHEDULE B December 3, 1991 TOMPKINS COUNTY SUMMARY OF 1992 BUDGET ALL FUNDS Total Appropriations of All Funds $87,785,290 Less: Estimated Revenues, Appropriated Cash Surplus, and Appropriated Revenues of All Funds: Estimated Revenues Appropriated Fund Balance: Debt Service Fund Airport Fund General Fund 70,981,024 60,000 28,081 737,192 71,806,297 Proposed Real Property Tax Gross Levy $15,978,993 SCHEDULE C December 3, 1991 Estimated FUND BALANCE ,at 12/31/91 after deducting estimated encumbrances. TOMPKINS COUNTY ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE AS OF 12/31/91 JOB HIGHWAY GENERAL AIRPORT TRAINING ROAD MACHINERY LIBRARY (A) (B) (CD) (D) (DM) (L) $1,810,000 $400,000 $0 $150,000 $75,000 $0 Estimated FUND BALANCE appropriated by Board to reduce tax levy $737,192 $28,081 $0 $0 $0 $0 SCHEDULE D December 3, 1991 STATEMENT OF RESERVES AS OF NOVEMBER 20, 1991 INSURANCE RESERVE: January 1, 1991 Free Balance Known and Estimated Expenses and Reserves (Less Interest Earned and Recoveries) January 1, 1991 - December 31, 1991 1992 Appropriation from General Fund Balance $500,000 (30,496) 30,496 Free Balance January 1, 1992 $500,000 RETIREMENT RESERVE: Total Appropriated 1991 Projected Appropriation from General Fund Balance $190,222 0 Total Reserve January 1, 1992 $190,222 SCHEDULE E December 3, 1991 PURPOSE BONDS OUTSTANDING: TOMPKINS COUNTY - STATEMENT OF DEBT AS OF NOVEMBER 20, 1991 DATE OF RATE OF ISSUE INTEREST BALANCE - NEW HOSPITAL 10/15/76 5.50%-5.70% $10,400,000 - NEW PUBLIC SAFTY BUILDING 12/15/85 7.10% $3,675,000 - MENTAL HEALTH BUILDING 12/07/89 6.40% 4,225,000 TOTAL OUTSTANDING BONDS: $18,300,000 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES: - CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY 12/27/90 5.50% $7,663,000 - DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT 08/17/90 5.15% $326,400 - LANDFILL CLOSURE 09/09/86 5.40% 232,550 - RENOVATIONS/HIGHWAY FACIL. 10/21/87 5.15% 102,266 - AIRPORT - PARKING/REFUEL. 06/24/88 5.75% 50,368 - LANDFILL 05/17/90 4.95% 1,651,155 TOTAL OUTSTANDING B.A.N.'S: $10,025,739 REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE 10/03/91 $393,400 TOTAL OUTSTANDING DEBT: $28,719,139 SCHEDULE F December 3, 1991 1992/96 CAPITAL PROGRAM TOTAL PRIOR EST.EXPENSE APPROVED SPENDING APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION TO 12/31/91 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Source of Local Funds SOLID WASTE: Landstrom Closure Phase II 7,219,000 4,289,124 1,240,000 4,775,000 200,000 1,004,000 - 0 - - 0 - Borrow -Repay with user fees Central Process. Facility 9,345,000 8,248,610 2,303,000 7,042,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Borrow -Repay with user fees Interim Co-Cmpost.Facility 1,195,935 1,159,935 1,159,935 36,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Borrow -Repay with user fees Full Scale Composting 3,395,000 135,000 - 0 - 395,000 3,000,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Borrow -Repay with user fees Landfill (DR -7) 18,197,000. 10,670,263 1,751,000 770,000 10,031,000 5,645,000 - 0 - - 0 - Borrow -Repay with user fees Permanent HHW Collect.Ctr. 210,000 0 - 5,000 205,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Borrow -Repay with user fees BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: Courthouse & Jail Renov. 2,120,850 2,103,350 367,500 1,753,350 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Borrow -Repay from Genl.Fund Biggs Bldg.A&B Renov.,HVAC 60,000 - 0 - - 0 - 60,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Debt Service Fund Balance Biggs Cpx. Roads & Parking 75,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 75,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - General Fund Old Courthouse Painting 50,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 50,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - General Fund AIRPORT: Runway Extension ** Access Control ** 101,625 95,750 9,125 92,500 -0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Airport Fund 7,500 - 0 - - 0 - 7,500 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Airport Fund Terminal,Ramp,Taxiway, 4,222,641 Parking Lots & Access Road ** 3,494,475 381,147 1,920,747 1,920,747 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Airport Fund HIGHWAY: Bostwick Rd.Facil.Expansn. 125,000. - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 125,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - General Fund East Hill Area Safety Imp. 800,000 800,000 30,000 770,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Borrow -Repay from Genl.Fund PLANNING: NYSEG/Municipal Agrmt. for Monument.& Facil.Mapping 154,957 * Dryden Flood Control Plan 83,333 * Public Transit Facility 594,241 * 154,957 * 32,330 * 122,627 * 83,333 * 83,333 * - 0 - 594,241 * 89,000 * 505,241 * - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Borrow -Repay from Genl.Fund - 0 - General Fund - 0 - Borrow -Repay from Genl.Fund TOTAL 47,957,082 31,829,038 7,451,370 18,454,965 15,401,747 6,649,000 - 0 - * Local Share Only SCHEDULE G December 3, 1991 1992 CAPITAL BUDGET - FINANCE SCHEDULE PERMANENT LANDFILL CENTRAL COURTHOUSE PUBLIC EAST HILL MONUMENTING HHW COLL. CLOSURE LANDFILL PROCESS. COMPOSTING JAIL TRANSIT SAFETY AND YEAR CENTER PHASE II DR -7 FACILITY PROJECT ,6 BLDG C FACILITY IMPROVEMENT MAPPING TOTAL 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 238,750 38,500 248,750 540,050 288,388 822,300 288,388 822,300 288,388 822,300 288,388 822,300 288,388 822,300 288,388 822,300 288,388 822,300 288,388 822,300 288,388 822,300 288,388 822,300 288,387 822,300 288,387 822,300 288,387 822,300 288,387 822,300 288,387 822,300 288,387 822,300 288,387 822,300 288,387 822,300 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 68,850 79,547 229,547 229,547 229,547 229,547 229,547 229,547 229,547 229,547 229,547 229,547 229,546 229,546 229,546 229,546 229,546 229,546 229,546 229,548 229,548 87,668 87,668 87,668 87,668 87,668 87,668 87,668 87,668 87,668 87,668 87,667 87,667 87,667 87,667 87,667 87,667 87,667 87,667 87,667 87,667 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 l 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 50,524 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 24,525 24,525 24,525 24,525 24,525 638,864 1,300,414 1,622,302 1,622,302 1,622,302 1,597,777 1,597,777 1,597,777 1,597,777 1,597,777 1,597,776 1,597,775 1,597,774 1,597,774 1,597,774 1,597,774 1,597,774 1,597,774 1,597,776 1,597,776 2013 49,637 783,800 150,000 983,437 2014 39,637 282,250 1 321,887 1 TOTAL 210,000 5,767,750 16,446,000 1,377,000 4,590,935 1,753,350 11,010,480 800,000 122,625 32,078,140 SCHEDULE H December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A1010 - BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 THE BOARD GOVERNING 115,200 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 PAGE 1 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9'2 OF REPRESENTATIVES IS THE ELECTED LEGISLATIVE, APPROPRIATING, AND POLICY DETERMINING BODY OF THE COUNTY. 120,000 110,000 126,400 126,400 126,400 2,239 38,956 47,492 57,253 52,319 28,787 33,023 33,023 32,715 179,982 206,915 216,676 211,434 TOTAL A1010 APPROPRIATIONS • • ••N • 39,785 6,255 181,240 2,200 45,576 25,139 192,915 126,400 52,319 32,715 211,434 A1040 - CLERK BD OF REPRESENTATIVES THE CLERK OF THE BOARD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAY-TO-DAY ADMINISTRATION OF THE COUNTY BOARD AND OTHER DUTIES AS CONFERRED OR IMPOSED BY STATE LAW. 70,573 94,495 78,779 74,251 74,251 74,251 74,251 •• • • 1000 PERSONAL ••• •i •• :••• : N •� 16 /35 .,: • 13,088 19,932 16,157 •• 11,753 126,840 124,206 110,583 106,556 15,/10 105,116 15,710 105,116 A1162 - UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM 4000 CONTRACTUAL = i Ni S • • TO SECURITY PERSONNEL IN COURTHOUSES FOR REIMBURSED BY THE NYS OFFICE OF COURT 19,752 23,500 18,026 •• • . COURT ACTIVITIES - ADMINISTRATION. 23,500 23,500 •• 1• 23,500 23,500 11 •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • • ell • .39 500 2,130 500 5UU 500 500 A1165 - DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1000 PERSONAL ••• •i •• ,••• -• •0. i THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE INVESTIGATES AND PROSECUTES FOR VIOLATIONS OF STATE AND LOCAL LAW, RANGING FROM MOTOR VEHICLE INFRACTIONS TO MURDER. 311,329 366,699 327,115 367,363 400,488 400,488 400,488 7,882 61,396 6,746 14,650 54,040 528,436 51,360 4/7,0/6 48,566 470,/46 21,500 449,246 54,363 521,163 44,094 477,069 59,033 548,331 44,094 504,231 55,028 540, /46 44,094 496,652 55,028 540,746 44,094 496,652 A1166 - SPECIAL PROSECUTOR 4000 CONTRACTUAL A SPECIAL PROSECUTOR IS ORDERED BY THE COURTS TO BE HIRED IF A PROFESSIONAL CONFLICT SHOULD PREVENT PROSECUTION BY THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY. 1,941 60,621 61,048 .•.. • . • • A1170 - LEGAL DEFENSE OF INDIGENTS 1000 PERSONAL MANDATED. COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY FOR DEFENSE OF THOSE CHARGED WITH VIOLATIONS OF STATE AND LOCAL LAW WHO ARE FINANCIALLY UNABLE TO OBTAIN COUNSEL. 11,651 60,223 55,630 55,995 63,751 63,751 63,751 ,044 08,341 • • IN • ,380 29,416 ,920 22,496 530,120 10,488 600,831 5,000 595,831 49/,951 7,334 560,915 5,786 555,129 558,340 13,631 627,966 62/,966 555,018 14,601 633,370 5,000 628,370 552,347 14,861 630,959 5,000 625,959 552,347 14,861 630,959 5,000 625,959 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A1180 - JUSTICES & CONSTABLES 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL :• ••••••• • •N COUNTY COST 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET MODIFIED ACTUAL BUDGET 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 MANDATED. STATE FEE PAID TO JUSTICE COURTS FOR EACH CASE TURNED OVER TO COUNTY COURT. 1,720 1,720 1,750 1,'/5U 1,750 1,280 1,280 1,280 1,750 1,'150 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,7550 1,750 A1230 - COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TOTAL 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPFiEM • 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS-- A1230 ENEFITA1230 APPROPRIATIONS SUPERVISION OF MOST COUNTY DEPARTMENTS, ADVISEMENT TO COUNTY BOARD ON POLICY DEVELOPMENT, PROVISION OF INFORMATION TO PUBLIC ON COUNTY FINANCES AND SERVICES. 87,166 90,896 81,586 93,875 95,378 150 135 84 4,971 8,400 7,120 5,224 6,814 6,573 11,907 10,828 12,165 13,466 13,466 12,512 104,194 110,259 100,955 112,565 115,658 114,463 95,378 95,378 •, 1•.• 6,573 12,512 114,463 A1310 - OFFICE OF BUDGET & FINANCE 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS COLLECT, RECEIVE, HAVE CUSTODY OF, DEPOSIT AND DISBURSE COUNTY FUNDS. COLLECT DELINQUENT TAXES, ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF RESIDENCE, AND PREPARE COUNTY BUDGET. 116,725 139,652 128,851 182,278 182,278 182,278 5,442 13,806 9,326 6,217 5,129 4,994 15,502 22,585 19,957 28,596 28,581 29,084 22,641 21,373 27,783 38,108 38,108 36,261 • ••..••. • •N TOTAL A1310 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST A1315 - COMPTROLLER 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A1315 APPROPRIATIZSN TOTAL A1315 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST •• 182,278 4,994 29,084 36,261 252,617 15,422 41,626 26,636 91,599 92,290 92,615 92,615 144,888 155,790 159,281 163,60U 161,806 160,002 160,002 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FISCAL OFFICER CHARGED WITH THE RESPONSIBILITY OF AUDITING, PRESERVATION OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS, AND MAINTENANCE OF COUNTY PAYROLL SYSTEM. 167,715 194,432 188,203 215,353 221,353 221,353 221,353 1,715 4,197 3,951 56,945 50,754 37,5/9 36,323 42,652 42,798 30,018 36,470 35,920 45,068 45,627 46,271 256,393 285,853 265,653 296,744 309,632 310,422 11,256 24,245 635 30,240 31,140 31,140 245,137 261,608 265,018 266,504 278,492 279,282 A1345 - PURCHASING 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 400U CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A1345 REVENUES TOTAL COUN •N 42,198 46,271 310,422 31,140 2/9,282 THE DIVISION OF PURCHASING & CENTRAL SERVICES OVERSEES ALL COUNTY PURCHASES AND PROVIDES INTERNAL SERVICES: COPIERS, PRINTING, MAIL, COURIER. 122,743 137,763 126,193 181,349 178,828 178,828 16,567 21,395 18,484 9,898 11,783 11,148 120,160 119,715 86,298 1U7,757 109,832 108,826 22,018 25,652 27,326 40,699 36,900 35,686 149,671 134,690 •, 131,817 169,835 178,828 11,148 108,826 35,686 132,099 126,202 168,600 1/1,103 170,096 16'1,247 170,096 164,392 170,096 164,392 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HEALTH OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A4311 - MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A4311 APPROPRIATIONS • • N • TOTAL COUNTY COST 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 REQUEST 1 9 9 2 PROVIDES OUTPATIENT COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVI DENTS INCLUDING EVALUATIONS, COUNSELLING, CRISIS 707,902 574,516 550,176 5,608 153,225 97,768 831,117 5,323 220,858 108,392 1,042,475 3,759 127,513 94,342 775,790 538,837 7,901 163,009 103,087 812,834 64,068- 284,636 54,728 233,952 •. COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 12 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 CES TO TOMPKINS COUNTY RESI- INTERVENTION & MEDICATIONS. 575,387 575,387 575,387 8,167 266 266 163,009 160,209 160,209 107,489 103,960 103,960 854,052 839,822 839,822 .••,.•. 253,446 225,276 225,276 A4312 TOTAL - SKY LIGHT CLUB 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS A4312 APPROPRIATIONS • • • $ .• TOTAL COUNTY COST A4313 - COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A4313 APPROPRIATIONS • . •1 • '• TOTAL COUNTY COST A CONTINUING PROGRAMS FOR 256,612 21,808 117,299 43,495 439,214 63,707 24,493 - TREATMENT PROGRAM PROVIDING PSYCHIATRIC ELIGIBLE ADULTS. 256,061 241,657 307,222 1,735 1,495 2,311 164,409 140,906 155,647 46,1/6 4.2,822 58,745 468,381 426,880 523,925 470,081 483,885 523,925 1,700- 57,005 - AND REHABILITATIVE 326,154 2,311 155,647 61,233 545,345 545,345 326,154 2,311 155,647 58,497 542,609 542,609 PROVIDES CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO ADULTS WITH SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS IN ORDER TO HELP THEM REMAIN STABLE IN COMMUNITY. 292,452 320 648 333,227 711 56,823 54,955 404,941 292,484 13,669 116,250 48,992 471,395 275,767 11,4/2 94,636 49,765 431,640 10,196 107,444 60,233 498,521 10,061 107,444 62,156 512,888 MENTAL HEALTH 333,227 10,061 107,444 59,058 509,790 228,037 1,000- 106,788 ... ••, •• 326,154 2,311 155,647 58,497 542,609 542,609 333,227 10,061 107,444 59,058 509,790 ••, •• A4314 - CLIENT FISCAL MANAGEMENT 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMEN'1 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A4314 APPROPRIATIONS • • • $ �s TOTAL COUNTY COST ADMINISTRATION OF FUNDS FOR INTENSIVE CASE MANAGEMENT, A PROGRAM FOR SERIOUSLY MENTALLY ILL ADULTS AND CHILDREN IN NEED OF EXTENSIVE SUPPORT. 3,604 4,824 6,817 5,402 6,297 6,297 1,/95 701 672 44,424 114,914 24,947 304 320 870 50,127 120.,759 33,306 -7,119 120,370 34,036 36,992- 389 730- 52,918 476 58,796 58,796 48,438 4,061 58,796 58,796 48,438 3,998 58,733 58,733 A4315 - SATELLITE CLINIC 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS • • TOTAL A4315 ••� .. • • • • N REVENUES A CLINIC THAT ADDRESSES THE NEEDS 249,572 218,790 11,756 7,670 102,178 95,906 36,675 33,467 00,181 355,833 400,581 00- 198,710 15/,123 OF THE CHRONICALLY MENTALLY 443,406 468,056 4,921 123,6/8 77,840 649,845 649,845 5,071 123,678 85,023 681,828 ILL ADULT. 508,056 5,071 123,678 83,951 /20,756 681,828 720,756 6,297 48,438 3,998 58,733 58,733 508,056 5,071 123,678 83,951 720,756 720,756 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HEALTH OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A4046 - PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A4046 APPROPRIATIONS 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 CHILD • • TOTAL COUNTY COST MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 ASSESSMENT OF THE MEDICAL CARE FOR PHYSICALLY DISABLED OF TOMPKINS COUNTY FROM BIRTH TO AGE 21 YEARS. 22,599 34,359 22,091 54,493 54,493 1,859 5,777 1,484 50,871 71,400 57,317 77,004 77,004 1,533 8,413 4,024 12,231 12,231 76,862 120,009 84,916 143,728 143,728 6,068 88,509 58,812 112,228 112,228 20,794 31,500 26,044 31,500 31,500 PAGE 11 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 CHILDREN 54,493 54,493 77,004 11,789 143,286 112,228 31,058 77,004 11,789 143,286 112,228 31,058 A4050 -PERS 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTIFACTuAL- PERSONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEM - SEE ACCOUNT NUMBER A6787 9,021 950 1,323 (OFFICE/AGING) 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A4050 APPROPRIATIONS 825 12,119 TOTAL A4050 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 9,935 2,184 A4080 - COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH PLANNING TOTAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL A4080 APPROPRIATIONS •1N • • PAYMENT TO THE HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL TO SUPPORT DATA GATHERING, ADVOCACY AND COOPERATIVE COMMUNITY PLANNING TO MEET HEALTH NEEDS. 30,250 32,532 30,525 49,399 29,279 29,279 30,250 32,532 30,525 49,399 29,279 29,279 • • .•.. - - A4220 - NARCOTIC CONTROL 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A4220 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A4220 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST NO LONGER A COUNTY AGENCY - CONTRACTED DIRECTLY WITH NYS. 67,403 67,403 67,403 A4250 - STOP D W I 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT • ••• •i• 1• DEVELOPMENT, COORDINATION, AND EVALUATION OF COUNTY EFFORTS TO REDUCE D.W.I., AND ALCOHOL-RELATED TRAFFIC INJURIES AND FATALITIES. 37,352 39,414 35,426 40,431 40,431 40,431 40,431 4,786 10,315 9,115 8,240 8,240 8,240 8,240 •. • .•., 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A4250 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A4250 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,479 134,154 111,830 22,324 7,644 1/8,104 146,500 31,604 5,421 88,193 160,170 '/1,31"1- 7,201 151,936 157,936 7,201 15/,936 157,936 •• • ,•• 8,126 158,799 158,799 8,126 158, /99 158,799 A4310 - MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION 1000 2000 4000 8000 PERSONAL EQUIPMENT CONTRACTUAL BENEFITS • . • ••••••• . •� TOTAL A4310 REVENUES ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT THAT PROVIDES CENTRAL SUPPORT, BILLING, AND ACCOUNTING FOR COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS. 176,980 437,908 369,351 384,638 388,619 9,029 1,508 1,332 14,612 14,417 58,146 155,0/1 141,820 148,62/ 178,627 21,800 62,237 62,898 74,635 75,440 265,955 656,724 5/5,401 622, 512 657,103 174,475 555,560 392,736 564,475 560,571 1,480 101,164 182,665 58,037 96,532 RECORDS, PERSONNEL, 388,619 14,417 180,631 73,381 657,048 388,619 14,417 180,631 73,381 657,048 566,027 91,021 566,027 91,021 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HEALTH OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A4020 - HOME HEALTH AGENCY GRANT 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 PROGRAM NO LONGER EXISTS. 6,665 346 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 BUDGET REQUEST 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 10 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 11,957 8000 BENEFITS 1,853 52 • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • TOTAL A4020 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 20,821 52 20,844 23- 52 A4021 - HEALTHY HEART 1000 2000 4000 8000 A COMMUNITY BASED CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE PREVENTION PROGRAM, TO EDUCATE ON MODIFIABLE RISK FACTORS & BEHAVIORS SUPPORTIVE OF HEART HEALTHIER LIFESTYLES. PERSONAL 87,300 121,600 87,911 122,489 122,489 122,489 122,489 EQUIPMENT 3,020 CONTRAC 108,011 BENEFITS 12,657 210,988 267,414 56,42b- • • • TOTAL A4021 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 110,929 20,207 252,736 252,736 90,036 13,905 191,852 178,344 13,508 98,014 27,655 248,158 248,158 98,014 27,655 248,158 248,158 98,014 26,757 247,260 247,260 98,014 26,757 247,260 247,260 A4022 - PCAP 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT .4000 CONTRACTUAL MERGED WITH A4023 C-PCAP. 18,104 5,363 26,253 8000 BENEFITS 208 TOTAL A4022 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A4022 REv NUES 49,928 49,93/ TOTAL COUNTY COST 9- A4023 - C-PCAP 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT • 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A4023 APPROPRIATIONS ASSIST MEDICALLY & FINANCIALLY INDIGENT WOMEN IN OBTAINING EARLY COMPREHENSIVE PRENATAL CARE. PROVIDES FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, EDUCATION, REFERRALS, ETC. 29,387 94,120 72,760 99,249 99,249 99,249 15,292 10,506 2,282 10,677 273,197 34,858 232,982 6,684 11,812 12,094 20,135 46,748 400,421 130,218 354,648 9,126 400,421 86,018 354,648 2,378- 44,200 • • • • • •• TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,282 232,982 20,135 354,648 354,648 2,282 232,982 19,280 353,793 353,793 99,249 2,282 232,982 19,280 353,793 353,793 A4026 - LONG TERM CARE 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A4026 APPROPRIATION TOTAL A4026 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST TO ASSIST NECESSARY 29,503 1,855 5,280 36,638 16,470 20,168 FAMILIES OF CHRONICALLY DECISIONS REGARDING MAI 31,533 28,918 2,572 2,363 6,776 5,780 40,881 3/,0b1 16,491 24,801 24,390 12,260 ILL, DISABLED OR NTENANCE OF DAILY 30,841 3,901 8,028 42,770 17,100 25,670 FRAIL ELDERLY TO MAKE THE LIVING AT HOME OR A FACILITY. 36,806 36,806 3,901 3,901 8,588 8,439 49,295 49,146 17,100 31,406 32,195 17,740 36,806 3,901 8,439 49,146 31,406 17,740 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 PUBLIC SAFETY OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY DEPT. A3110 - DEPT. A3630 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 REQUEST 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 9 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 4,333,766 788,120 3,545,646 4,590,857 722,331 3,868,526 4,332,936 268,068 4,064,868 4,617,796 653,701 3,964,095 4,749,064 4,674,486 685,619 619,712 4,063,445 3,994,714 4,708,236 679,7/2 4,028,464 A4010 - HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQU 4000 CONTRACTUAL :••• N HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION FOR COUNTY RESIDENTS INCLUDING THE MONITORING OF DISEASE OUTBREAKS. 1,094,574 1,324,088 1,225,280 1,443,112 1,453,416 1,461,627 2,795 53,101 60,185 39,207 23,361 1,011 751,920 1,113,949 335,349 1,097,101 1,112,301 1,088,463 •:. 1,461,627 1,011 1,093,463 TOTAL A4010 APPROPRIATIONS • • • • • • • $ N • 2,098,159 2,750,397 2,453,581 2,895,623 2,906,247 2,866,633 2,871,633 TOTAL COUNTY COST A4011 - IHAP 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRAC 8000 BENEFITS • • • •" 598,818 931,885 610,524 966,366 973,416 899,922 902,922 INFANT HEALTH ASSMNT PROG IS FOR TRACKING INFANTS WHO ARE AT HIGH RISK FOR IMPAIRED GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. INCLUDES REFERRALS & PHN ASSMNT OF CHILD. 10,227 13,789 9,091 13,904 13,904 13,904 13,904 91 132 223 223 223 223 1,224 1,199 1,150 1,443 1,443 1,304 1,304 TOTAL A4011 REVENUES TOTAL COUN 10,749 15,179 702 10,622 249- r - r 15,570 15,570 15,431 15,431 A4012 - WIC PROGRAM 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS • • .,• •N FEDERALLY FUNDED SUPPLEMENTAL FOOD PROGRAM BREASTFEEDING WOMEN, AND YOUNG CHILDREN TO 102,222 105,844 95,977 115,887 6,018 1,480 1,397 1,017 14,764 19,489 16,008 16,/32 17,303 19,115 18,039 23,712 r• • • . FOR LOW INCOME PREGNANT AND AGE 5 DETERMINED TO BE AT RISK. 115,887 115,887 1,017 1,017 16,132 16,732 23,712 22,709 115,887 1,017 16,732 22,709 TOTAL A4012 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 140,756 145,928 119,604 449- 11,81/ 157,348 157,348 156,345 156,345 A4015 - LABORATORY 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A4015 APPROPRIATIONS • •r• • , Ni CERTIFIED LAB SERVICES FOR THE PROCESSING OF SAMPLES FOR WATER QUALITY, CHEMICAL TOXICITY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASE IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL. 42,319 49,000 34,794 49,000 49,000 49,000 42,319 49,000 34,794 49,000 49,000 49,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST .•• .49,000 49,000 ,.•• ,.•• ,.•• .•• 16,065 26,400 20,477 26,400 26,400 26,400 26,400 A4019 -EISEP 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BEN TOTAL A4019 APPROPRIATIONS • • • • • $ '• TOTAL COUNTY COST EISEP PROVIDES NONMEDICAL SERVICES FOR PEOPLE OVER 60 MEDICAID. SERVICES INCLUDE CASE MANAGEMENT, HOUSEKEEP 16,264 17,566 16,231 19,943 19 458 75 64 101 910 2,650 1,565 2,631 2 2,466 2,1/5 2,913 3,628 3 20,098 23,066 20,773 26,303 26 20,951 23,066 21,900 26,303 26 8 - I,127 - WHO ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR ING & PERSONAL CARE AIDES. ,943 19,943 19,943 101 101 101 ,631 2,631 2,631 ,628 3,429 3,429 ,303 26,104 26,104 ,303 26,104 26,104 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 PUBLIC SAFETY OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A3149 - OAR ALTERNATIVES/INCARCERATION 4000 CONTRACTUAL • • L • ••• TOMPKINS ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 2 COUNTY BUDGET MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 REQUEST 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 8 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 PRE-TRIAL RELEASE PROGRAM FOR PERSONS NOT OTHERWISE ELIGIBLE. 18,308 13,000 3,884 • - • l • TOTAL COUNTY COST •: ••• ,513 13,000 8,795 3,884 A3150 - JAIL 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BEN TOTAL A3150 APPROPRIATIONS • • • ••• TOTAL COUNTY COST PROVIDES A SAFE, SECURE AND HUMANE COURTS TO THE CUSTODY OF THE SHERI 675,915 636,884 675,497 2,18'1 4,668 1,449 220,446 288,256 267,269 119,324 121,490 130,337 1,017,872 1,051,298 1,074,552 .• SOO *OS ENVIRONMENT FOR PERSONS REMANDED BY THE FF. 699,948 265,394 145,250 1,110,592 857, 726 896,298 1,0/0,652 • .111 725,205 725,205 1,976 1,976 281,340 280,807 151,271 145,026 1,159,792 1,153,014 725,205 1,976 280,807 145,026 1,153,014 •_1111 1,005,592 A3410 - FIRE & DISASTER COORDINATOR 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A3410 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A3410 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST A3510 TRAINING, COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 16 FIRE DEPTS., 6 AMBULANCE SVCS. 168,387 198,837 216,798 184,915 113,551 172,994 127,215 39,499 41,324 596,245 558,894 281,749 126,587 34,097 610,820 116,500 11,11•• •,••• 1,029,792 1,023,014 1,023,014 & MAINTENANCE FOR SHERIFF, RECIEVE & DISPATCH 15,000 277,275 277,275 88,283 54,250 181,014 180,264 50,542 52,6/U 597,114 564,459 HEALTH DEPT., ALARMS PER YEAR. 277,275 277,275 20,500 54,250 171,333 53,384 522,492 494,320 596,245 558,894 597,114 564,459 522,492 - DOG DAMAGE CLAIMS 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A3510 APPROPRIATIONS • • 1 • • •'• DAMAGE OR 9,934 9,934 TOTAL COUNTY COST A3520 - CONTROL OF OTHER ANIMALS 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A3520 APPROPRIATIONS •-• ••l , 311 - INJURY (RESULTING IN DEATH) 5,000 436 5,000 436 ,000 8,200 7,764 - BY DOGS 5,000 5,000 5,000 TO LIVESTOCK. 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 171,333 53,384 556,242 556,242 5,000 5,000 5,000 PAYMENT TO LIVESTOCK. 23,394 23,394 AGENCIES FOR CONTROL AND HUMANE TREATMENT OF CATS, 24,564 24,564 24,564 24,564 S 21,990 21,990 .1111• 29,564 29,564 BATS, AND 19,934 19,934 19,934 19,934 • A3630 - WEIGHTS & MEASURES 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPPu Wi .111 0 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A3630 APPROPRIATIONS • . 1 • • TOTAL COUNTY COST CONSUMER PROTECTION BY AND CONSUMER COMPLAINT 22,534 23,497 320 4,500 ,589 4,971 PROVIDING COMMERCIAL DEVICE TESTING,PACKAGE CHECKING, INVESTIGATION "SO THAT EQUITY MAY PREVAIL". 21,676 25,627 25,627 25,627 4,358 25,627 6,106 3,465 31,549 36,433 2,420 34,013 31,549 3,339 6,260 35,633 805 34,828 3,383 7,263 36,273 300 35,973 3,133 7,263 36,023 3,400 32,623 3,111 7,956 36,694 3,400 33,294 3,111 7,956 36,694 3,400 33,294 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME TOTAL EDUCATION DEPT: -A2-41/0 - DEPT 2981 1 9 9 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET MODIFIED ACTUAL BUDGET 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 PAGE 7 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 3,252,124 493,549 2,758,575 3,400,341 3,030,156 131,250 459,793 2,669,091 2,570,363 3,268,903 575,000 2,693,903 3,296,200 575,000 2,721,200 3,247,066 575,000 2,672,066 3,247,066 575,000 2,672,066 A3110 - SHERIFF TOTAL • O A 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFIT�- A3110 APPROPRIATIONS • • • , • PROTECTS THE SAFETY AND WELL BEING OF THE PUBLIC THROUGH THE EXERCISE OF CIVIL JURISDICTION AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF VARIOUS STATUTES OF STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 1,322,625 1,299,580 1,286,810 1,326,848 1,362,448 93,J/2 94,237 71,188 57,645 171,389 198,828 154,732 183,785 192,915 226,476 254,90/ 245,061 266,0/1 269,911 1,813,862 1,847,552 1,757,791 1,776,704 1,882,919 •.:• 1,362,448 1,362,448 57,645 57,645 187,580 187,580 282,275 282,2775 1,889,948 1,889,948 ,668,048 1,696,747 1,641,395 1,608,338 1,706,684 1,713,713 1,713,713 A3140 - PROBATION 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPME11 A MULTI -FACETED SERVICE WHICH DIVERTS LOW RISK CLIENTS FROM THE COURTS, ASSESSES AND SUPERVISES HIGH RISK CLIENTS, AND REFERS FAILURES BACK TO COURT. 558,572 668,502 628,744 795,817 791,535 778,895 2,449 25,915 9,924 1,666 3,934 112,479 73,939 77,645 85,365 81,672 122,680 164,741 ,••• 8000 C• BEN • ••••••• • 0 S 108,514 53,269 • • • ,, 141,983 948,879 835,287 1,039,869 163,818 1,040,718 156,43/ 1,017,004 778,895 81,672 156,437 1,017,004 A •i� 0 A3141 - ALTERNATIVES TO INCARCERATION 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 54,216 601,871 703,985 695,088 699,988 681,932 681,932 SERVICE WORK ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM (SWAP) - THE PERFORMANCE OF SUPERVISED COMMUNITY SERVICE WORK BY DEFENDANTS WHO WOULD OTHERWISE GO TO JAIL. 16,743 17,179 13,709 18,601 18,936 18,936 18,936 643 ,607 r••• :••• CO N •1• 4,855 1,392 6,185 ,101 I,288 5,468 6,185 5,468 6,185 5,2/9 •,,•• • • • Ni TOTAL COUNTY COST A3142 - DESIGNATED ASSESSMENT SERVICE 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 1,238 619 26,135 4,666 11,723 30,254 30,254 30,065 6,185 5,279 •,,•• 30,065 335 335 335 SERVICES MADE AVAILABLE TO YOUTHFUL OFFENDERS ACCESSED ONLY THROUGH FAMILY COURT. 8,007 8,486 7,201 THAT COULD PREVIOUSLY BE 23,458 8000 BENEFITS 1,436 31,948 16,595 1,317 1,710 •� 2,901 41,751 25,506 TOTAL COUNTY COST /,290 18,/88 22,10/ December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A1925 - UNALLOCATED RISK MANAGEMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL COUNTY COST •� 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 6 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 RISK REDUCTION, EMPLOYEE SAFETY SERVICES, AND INSURANCE POLICY ADVISEMENT TO NON AIDABLE DEPARTMENTS.(EFF. 1/1/91, ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE CHARGED DIRECTLY.) 175 175 A1950 - TAXES ON COUNTY PROPERTY • 4000 CONTRACTUAL • • • ...•.. •� TOTAL COUNTY COST ALL SUBJECT TAXES ON COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY WHICH INCLUDING REFORESTATION PARCELS OBTAINED THROUGH 3,873 4,600 4,430 5,000 ,600 4,430 5,000 .1,873 4,600 4,430 5,000 IS NOT OFFERED FORECLOSURE. 5,000 5,000 5,000 FOR RESALE 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 A1990 - CONTINGENT FUND 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A1990 APPROPRIATIONS • • •• . UNAPPROPRIATED RESERVE FUNDS. 575,000 575,000 ••• 575,000 575,000 111 200,000 200,000 ••.111 200,000 200,000 11.111 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT DEPT. A1010 - DEPT. A1990 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,049,888 1,469,587 3,580,301 6,201,105 2,238,292 3,962,813 5,463,264 1,885,861 3,577,403 6,919,312 2,243,102 4,'/36,210 1,214,6'/3 2,299,861 4,914,812 A2490 - OUTSIDE CO. COMM. COLLEGES 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A2490 APPROPRIATIONS • • l • • • • TUITION CHARGEBACKS FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY RESIDENTS OUTSIDE TOMPKINS COUNTY. 128,542 130,000 116,258 140,000 128,542 130,000 116,258 140,000 •.1.1 •••.11• ATTENDING 140,000 140,000 6,791,163 2,357,337 4,434,426 COMMUNITY 140,000 140,000 6,791,/63 2,375,025 4,416,738 COLLEGES 140,000 140,000 x•.111 ,1.111 �•. ••• A2495 - TC 3 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A2495 APPROPRIATIONS • • •1•. • • TOMPKINS COUNTY SHARE OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FOR TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE. 1,458,916 1,458,916 1,599,406 1,599,406 ••. •• 1,599,406 1,599,406 1,465,724 1,465,724 .,,•. 1,465,724 1,465,724 1,465,724 1,465,724 1,465,724 1,465,724 • A2960 - EDUCATION HANDICAPPED 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A2960 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A2960 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST A2981 - COOPERATIVE EXTENSION 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL COUNTY COST CHILDREN MANDATE. EDUCATION EXPENSES FOR PRESCHOOL (AGES 3-5) HANDICAPPING CONDITIONS. 1,144,728 1,125,000 768,557 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,144,728 1,125,000 768,557 1,150,000 1,150,000 493,549 /31,250 459,193 5/5,000 5/5,000 651,r/9 393,750 308,764 575,000 575,000 PAYMENT TO CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY WIDE VARIETY OF COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICES THEY PROVIDE. 519,938 545,935 545,935 513,179 540,476 19,938 545,935 545,935 513,179 540,476 519,938 545,935 545,935 513,179 540,476 CHILDREN WITH 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,150,000 575,000 575,000 575,000. 575,000 IN SUPPORT OF THE 491,342 491,342 491,342 491,342 491,342 491,342 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A1490 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 800U B A1490 APPROPRIATIONS 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 BUDGET PAGE 5 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 MAINTENANCE, AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE OVERALL OPERATIONS, PHYSICAL FACILITIES OF THE COUNTY. 96,460 100,860 91,851 1,415 830 823 3,917 6,289 5,327 5,9/2 17,455 14,609 117,764 125,434 112,610 104,240 278 4,690 16,495 125,703 107,156 278 4,523 17,068 129,025 107,156 107,156 2/8 2/8 4,343 4,343 18,996 18,996 130,773 130,773 •i� r r • •.• A1620 - BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CON 8000 BENEFITS THE BUILDINGS & GROUNDS GOAL IS TO MAINTAIN COUNTY BUILDINGS THROUGH CLEANING •� & MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. 394,729 460,862 28,640 14,874 .20,344 883,629 85,301 94,992 402,437 11,890 696,969 92,368 443,029 946,384 99,218 491,031 1,575 1,002,932 104,642 485,031 1,575 1,001,375 100,278 485,031 1,575 1,001,375 100,278 •,• , =0 ,.••, . TOTAL A1620 REVENUES 653,971 1,031,613 75,043 422,744 955,920 247,744 883,152 605,4/9 879,526 879,526 897,214 720,654 /08,733 691,045 A1680 - CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS • •� TOTAL A1680 REVENUES PROVIDE DATA FOR COUNTY DE 144,277 18,610 74,258 20,831 251,916 25,006 • • PROCESSING SERVICES, PC SUPPORT, AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PARTMENTS. 194,113 174,694 225,475 225,475 225,475 7,575 6,468 6,091 38,000 38,000 139,293 131,312 142,890 139,199 135,637 37,263 31,909 38,624 39,160 37,952 378,244 344,383 413,080 441,834 437,064 117,192 118,519 136,574 146,938 152,152 .. ., •. 225,475 38,000 135,637 37,952 437,064 152,152 A1910 - UNALLOCATED INSURANCE 4000 CONTRACTUAL COST OF PROVIDING INSURANCE COVERAGES TO DEPARTMENTS NOT RECEIVING STATE OR FEDERAL AID. (EFF. 1/1/91, ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE CHARGED DIRECTLY.) 66,043 TOTAL A1910 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL COUNTY COST 66,043 66,043 A1915 - UNALLOCATED MGMT. TRAINING 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A1915 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL COUNTY COST TRAINING IN MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION SKILLS. (EFFECTIVE DEPARTMENTS WITH MANAGEMENT STAFF WILL BE CHARGED DIRECTLY 2,059 1/1/91, ALL 2,059 2,059 A1920 - MUNICIPAL DUES ASSOCIATION TOTAL TOTAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL A1920 APPROPRIATIONS COUNTY COST ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES IN THE NYS ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES (NYSAC) AND THE SUPERVISORS & COUNTY LEGISLATORS ASSOCIATION. 12,870 7,150 7,150 7,460 7,460 7,460 12,870 7,150 7,150 7,460 7,460 7,460 12,8/0 7,150 7,150 1,460 /,460 7,460 7,460 7,460 7,460 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT OBJECT CODE. ACCOUNT NAME A1420 - COUNTY ATTORNEY 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A1420 APPROPRIATIONS • • •S • 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 BUDGET YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 THE COUNTY ATTORNEY IS THE SOLE LEGAL ADVISOR AND ACTS ON BEHALF OF THE COUNTY IN CIVIL AND 88,881 84,289 78,181 89,923 2,64.2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 4 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 FOR THE BOARD AND ITS DEPARTMENTS FAMILY COURT MATTERS. 89,923 89,923 89,923 26,688 16,880 135,091 •• 70,983 15,330 170,602 •..• 66,240 16,28/ 160,708 44,200 20,95/ 155,080 .•, •: ,•:• 43,075 20,957 153,955 42,957 20,553 153,433 42,957 20,553 153,433 A1430 - PERSONNEL 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUA CENTRALIZED, DEPTS., INCL. 170,254 1,484 COMPREHENSIVE PERSONNEL ADMIN. SVCS. TO NYS CIVIL SVC. AGENCIES & PREPARATION, NEGOTIATION, & COMPLETION OF LABOR CONTRACT AGRMTS. 204,355 182,198 204,418 221,604 221,604 221,604 908 8,928 8,467 8000 BENEFITS • , • • • . • • • . • 1 TOTAL A1430 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST A1450 - BOARD OF ELECTIONS, • • 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS ADM. /8,860 80,/01 93,984 25,546 30,559 37,688 600 39,550 506 27,000 41,000 43,850 2/5,544 302,830 301,419 309,998 328,997 325,086 INDIRECT EXPENSES IN ADMINISTERING ELECTIONS AND IN DAILY OPERATIONS. APPORTIONED BASED ON TOTAL VOTERS REGISTERED IN TOWNS/CITY AT TIME OF 88,679 91,843 88,812 108,389 108,389 108,389 1 Al 98,902 30,195 :• 104,774 103,379 43,619 43,953 103,379 ON 976 3,230 20,225 3,613 6,504 14,746 •- 3,477 30,531 5,422 /,726 20,886 23,978 30,531 7,726 24,412 30,531 7,746 23,479 43,953 TOTAL A1450 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 116,706 113,110 118,597 170,624 171,058 43,850 325,086 COSTS ARE GENL.ELEC. 108,389 30,531 7, /46 23,479 170,145 170,145 A1451 - BOARD OF ELECTIONS TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL A1451 APPROPRIATIONS A1451 REVENUES COUNTY COST DIRECT EXPENSES INCURRED WITHIN AN ELECTION DISTRICT AND TOWN/CITY. DIRECTLY CHARGED TO THE APPROPRIATE MUNICIPALITY. 37,191 59,500 32,219 65,000 65,000 37,191 59,500 32,219 65,000 65,000 29,640 59,500 47,188 65,000 65,000 7,551 14,969- 65,000 65,000 65,000 COSTS ARE 65,000 65,000 65,000 A1460 - RECORDS MANAGEMENT TOTAL • • 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS A1460 APPROPRIATIONS .• • $ •'• THE RECORDS MANAGEMENT FUNCTION CONSISTS OF THE TIMELY STORAGE, ACCESS, RETRIEVAL OF COUNTY RECORDS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE CO -2 STANDARDS 13,527 59,573 28,086 48,278 46,279 46,279 442 333 332 369 AND 46,279 •i -' S 631 6,346 1,361 9,102 15,961 75,954 49 40,411 5,512 35,543 1,456 6,561 36,435 18,903 17,532 3,459 8,545 60,651 23,486 37,165 2,188 8,359 56,826 23,486 33,340 2,049 8,507 56,835 23,486 33,349 2,049 8,507 56,835 23,486 33,349 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A1355 - DIVISION OF ASSESSMENT TOTAL 1000 PERSONAL 2000 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 B A1355 APPROPRIATIONS •• •' 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY MODIFIED ACTUAL BUDGET 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 BUDGET REQUEST 1 9 9 2 ADMINISTERS THE REAL PROPERTY TAX LAW, MAINTAINS ALL REAL PROPERTY FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES. 344,114 370,717 311,901 380,1398 16,461 12,494 3,237 52,626 32,514 6/,623 64,781 507,427 421,690 32 42,368 • ,582 450,396 55,449 76,390 515,974 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 PROPERTY RECORDS, AND VALUES 383,492 481 53,269 78,360 515,602 383,492 481 49,810 76,582 510,365 383,492 481 49,810 76,582 510,365 • • . • I • r "r •: •: •: •: TOTAL COUNTY COST 438,195 441,2/7 405,449 441,266 441,894 436,657 436,657 A1362 - TAX ADVERTISING EXPENSE 4000 CONTRACTUAL •N LEGAL ADVERTISING AND NOTIFICATION EXPENSES FOR TAX FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS. 7,012 8,000 10,301 8,000 ,• .,000 10,301 8,000 SALE, REDEMPTION, AND 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 TOTAL A1362 REVENUES 9,466 8,000 4,580 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 • • • • N 2,454- 5, /21 A1364 - EXPENSE TAX ACQUIRED PROPERTY TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL A1380 TOTAL TOTAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL A1364 APPROPRIATIONS A1364 REVENUES COUNTY COST MANDATED. EXPENSES OF COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY SUBJECT TO RESALE THROUGH AUCTION. INCLUDES 423 1,500 579 2,500 423 1,500 579 2,500 525 1,975 423 1,500 579 - FISCAL AGENT FEES 4000 CONTRACTUAL A1380 APPROPRIATIONS COUNTY COST MANDATED HANDLING AND PROCESSING OF 2,933 3,000 1,162 2,933 3,000 1,162 2,933 3,000 1,162 COUNTY SERIAL 3,500 3,500 3,500 ACQUIRED THROUGH FORECLOSURE - ADVERTISING AND MASS MAILING. 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 525 525 525 1,975 1,975 1,975 BOND CERTIFICATES. 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 A1410 - COUNTY CLERK 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS THE OFFICIAL REGISTRAR OF THE COUNTY. CHARGED WITH THE FILING, RECORDING, AND DEPOSITING OF DOCUMENTS, MAPS, AND PAPERS IN ACTIONS AND SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS. 127,664 181,270 174,525 194,020 194,020 715 848 45,903 56,961 20,134 24,277 250 32,320 33,352 6,075 44,861 34,447 1,185 44,966 34,447 194,020 1,185 45,086 32,506 194,020 1,185 45,086 32,506 ON •• , .,,• TOTAL A1410 REVENUES • • ••` 278,773 244,365 316,504 250,000 290,000 340,000 340,000 •4,35/- 18,991 76,05/- 29,403 15,382- 67,203- 67,203- A1411 - DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES TOTAL TOTAL 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CON 8000 BENEFITS A1411 APPROPRIATIONS A1411 REVENUES • • ••• . .7. • • STATE MANDATED - UNDER JURISDICTION OF COUNTY CLERK. VEHICLE REGISTRATION, COLLECT SALES & USE TAX ON VEHICLES, ISSUE DRIVERS LICENSES AND PERMITS. 201,255 201,255 143,243 437 4,/93 29,361 217,834 210,153 165,424 15.9,421 183,250 2,315 1,461 971 55,607 48,084 52,014 26,603 30,969 34,385 249,949 239,935 2/0,620 234,884 204,948 246,500 50,829 35,986 288,206 235,000 50,83/ 33,973 286,201 235,000 201,255 136 50,837 33,973 286,201 235,000 •. • 1. December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HEALTH OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A4316 - ICM 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A4316 APPROPRIATIONS 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PROVIDES INTENSIVE CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO ADULTS WITH HEALTH PROBLEMS IN ORDER TO HELP THEM REMAIN STABLE IN THE 54,556 8,230 8,044 12,100 82,930 54,556 8,230 8,044 12,100 82,930 PAGE 13 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 SIGNIFICANT MENTAL COMMUNITY. 54,556 54,556 8,230 8,230 8,044 8,044 11,554 11,554 82,384 82,384 • • . • ♦ " • • • • TOTAL COUNTY COST A4317 - TRANSPORTATION 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 0000 BENEFITS TOTAL A4317 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A4317 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST ENABLES MENTALLY ILL INDIVIDUALS TO PARTICIPATE IN DAY PROGRAMMING. 15,264 17,107 17,107 106 106 9,720 10,617 10,617 3,029 3,274 3,103 28,013 31,104 30,933 28,013 31,104 30,933 17,107 106 10,617 3,103 30,933 30,933 A4321 - HOMES 4000 CONTRACTUAL • • HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES MANAGEMENT AND ESSENTIAL SERVICES. CO -CONTRACT WITH AMERICAN RED CROSS FOR HOMELESS MENTALLY ILL. 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 7,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 • • • , N • •• •• •• •• •• TOTAL COUNTY COST A4322 - SPECIAL CHILDRENS CENTER 4000 CONTRACTUAL A REGIONAL, OUTPATIENT REHABILITATIVE CENTER FOR HANDICAPPED CHILDREN INCLUDING THOSE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES. 386,730 343,060 140,284 319,810 319,810 304,060 304,060 • • •� •.• • ••,•.• TOTA A •.• ••.•.• • •.•.• ••.•.• • •.•.• TOTAL COUNTY COST 15,000 15,000 3,499 15,/50 15,150 A4324 - MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION 4000 CONTRACTUAL 0 NS PROVIDES ADVOCACY, SUPPORT GROUPS, EDUCATION, INFORMATION AND REFERRAL CONCERNING MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AND SERVICES TO ADULTS AND FAMILIES. 79,198 74,310 52,105 79,253 79,253 79,253 9,198 74,310 52,105 79,253 79,253 79,253 79,253 79,253 • • • r �• •. TOTAL COUNTY COST 4,294- 5,999 A4325 - ALCOHOLISM COUNCIL 4000 CONTRACTUAL OUTPATIENT TREATMENT FOR ALCOHOLICS AND THEIR FAMILIES, INFORMATION, REFERRAL AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION PROGRAMS INCLUDING NYS DRINKING DRIVER. 155,655 224,633 133,504 390,902 389,402 386,902 386,902 • • •� •• ••.•• _ _•• ..,•• A • `• 11,237 • 4,418 199,633 25,000 102,805 30,699 364,402 26,500 364,402 25,000 364,402 22,500 364,402 22,500 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HEALTH OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A4326 - ITHACA YOUTH BUREAU 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A4326 APPROPRIATIONS TOMPKINS ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 2 COUNTY MODIFIED YTD BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 BUDGET ASSISTS DISABLED ADULTS AND CHILDREN 50,000 50,000 41,666 50,000 50,000 41,666 REQUEST 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 THROUGH RECREATION AND 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 PAGE 14 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 RELATED PROGRAMS. 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 •1 ' •.111 A4327 - SUICIDE PREVENTION 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A4327 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A4327 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST PROVIDES 24 HOUR TELEPHONE COUNSELLING SERVICE BY TRAINED COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS AND EMERGENCY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES INCLUDING SUICIDE PREVENTION. 111,659 135,267 72,499 139,985 139,985 111,659 135,267 72,499 139,985 139,985 98,165 124,667 71,107 129,067 129,06/ 13,494 10,600 792 10,918 10,918 138,607 138,607 129,06/ 9,540 138,607 138,607 129,067 9,540 A4328 - EMERGENCY COMMUNITY SHELTER 4000 CONTRACTUAL PROVIDES CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES HOMELESS. 70,415 65,392 220,021 FOR SERIOUSLY 86,862 MENTAL ILL 86,862 INDIVIDUALS 86,862 WHO ARE 86,862 • . : ....•.. . •N •.• •.• TOTAL A4328 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 70,415 65,392- 36,210 86,862 86,862 86,862 86,862 183,811 A4329 - CHALLENGE ARC WORKSHOP 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A4329 APPROPRIATIONS A VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION FACILITY FOR MENTALLY ILL AND DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED ADULTS THROUGH SHELTERED WORK PROGRAMS AND COMMUNITY WORK PLACEMENT. • . • 11 TOTAL COUNTY COST 718,489 596,081 718,489 596,081 62,356 492,341 156,133 103,740 315,452 315,452 465, /04 150,252- 685,415 685,415 673,781 685,415 685,415 673,781 580,415 580,475 580,415 673,781 673,781 580,415 105,000 105,000 93,366 93,366 A4390 - MENTAL HEALTH PSYCHIATRIC EXP 4000 CONTRACTUAL COSTS FOR COMMITMENTS TO PSYCHIATRIC CENTERS BY TOMPKINS COUNTY COURTS UNDER CRIMINAL PROCESS LAW AND FAMILY COURT LAW. 12,883 30,000 13,784 30,000 TOTAL A4390 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A4390 REVENUES 12,883 30,000 13,784 30,000 87 •1 ' TOTAL HEALTH DEPT. A4010 - DEPT. A4548 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 6,785,986 8,493,053 6,802,524 9,211,586 9,300,506 9,269,116 9,274,116 5,65-3;308 6,797,313 5,532,303 7,588,094 7,680,349 7,778,014 7,780,014 1,132,678 1,695,740 1,270,221 1,629,492 1,620,157 1,491,102 1,494,102 A5630 - BUS OPERATIONS 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOMTRAN CONTRACTS FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND SECURES STATE AND FEDERAL AID FOR OPERATING ASSISTANCE AND CAPITAL PROJECTS. 30,756 50,235 695 7.22,233 835,782 1,492,004 5,844 8,276 •73,0'17 2,272,/48 TOTAL A5630 REVENUES 992,566 1,898,961 43,799 721,776 968,326 5,910 1,739,811 1,317,499 54,900 162,4.25 1,525,803 9,841 1,752,969 54,900 155,850 1,543,303 10,096 1,764,149 54,900 155,850 1,554,010 9,547 1,774,307 54,900 155,850 1,554,010 9,547 1,774,307 1,388,300 1,388,300 1,404,300 1,404,300 • •1" ' • 1.11 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HEALTH OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEPT. A5630 - DEPT. A5631 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 9 9 0 873,077 992,566 119,489 - MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 YTD COMMITTEE ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 PAGE 15 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 2,272,748 1,898,961 373,787 1,739,811 1,311,499 422,312 1,752,969 1,764,149 1,388,300 1,388,300 364,669 375,849 1,774,307 1,404,300 370,007 1,774,307 1,404,300 370,007 A6010 - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT ADMINISTRATION OF MANDATED AND NON -MANDATED SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS INCLUDING CHILD SUPPORT, INCOME MAINTENANCE, MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, FOOD STAMPS. 2,651,992 3,076,005 2,942,422 3,595,887 3,710,793 3,710,793 44,50/ 48,480 33,194 30,198 8,230 678,601 896,746 701,674 710,441 896,085 4000 CONTRACTUAL 3,710,793 :••• 83,535 553,/26 TOTAL A6010 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A6010 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 3,858,635 3,205,88/ 652,748 4,574,957 584,254 4,261,544 749,983 740,720 869,980 726,616 869,980 /26,616 3, /20,948 854,009 3,058,185 1,203,359 5,087,109 3,987,499 1,099,610 5,355,828 4,191,121 1,164,707 5,307,389 4,151,404 1,149,985 5,307,389 4,157,404 1,149,985 A6070 - PURCHASE OF SERVICES 4000 CONTRACTUAL • • .• • ••••••• • 1.0 TOTAL A6070 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST PAYMENT FOR CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SUCH AS DAY CARE, PARENT AIDES, COUNSELING AND HOME DELIVERED MEALS MADE ON BEHALF OF ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS. 654,906 700,000 647,825 583,000 763,009 766,510 .54,906 /00,000 647,825 583,000 /63,009 766,510 585,512 589,045 623,000 65,861 7/,000 766,510 766,510 513,040 671,448 674,529 674,529 62,313 69,960 91,561 91,981 91,981 A6101 - MEDICAL ASSISTANCE 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A6101 APPROPRIATIONS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS MADE AT THE LOCAL LEVEL ON BEHALF OF • • • • ' • TOTAL COUNTY COST ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS. 365,129 365,000 363,740 365,129 365,000 363,740 91,376-----175,000 309,723 73,7b3 190,000 54,017 385,000 385,000 390,000 390,000 385,000 385,000 390,000 390,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 185,000 185,000 190,000 190,000 A6102 - MEDICAL ASSISTANCE STATE TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL A6102 APPROPRIATIONS A6102 REVENUES COUNTY COST LOCAL COST OF MEDICAID EXPENDITURES MADE AT THE STATE LEVEL ON BEHALF OF ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS. 3,259,003 3,770,000 3,066,722 3,259,003 3,770,000 3,066,122 144,160 240,000 126,528 3,114,843 3,530,000 2,940,194 4,520,000 4,520,000 4,770,000 4,770,000 4,520,000 4,520,000 4,170,000 4,770,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 4,280,000 4,280,000 4,530,000 4,530,000 A6106 - SPEC NEEDS -ADULT FAMILY HOMES 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A6106 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A6106 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST SPECIAL NEEDS PAYMENTS MADE 1,730 1,730 1,730 TO ELIGIBLE 1,730 1,730 1,730 RESIDENTS OF FAMILY TYPE HOMES. 1,730 1,730 1,730 1,730 1,730 1,730 1,730 1,730 1,730 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 SOCIAL SERVICES OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A6109 - AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN 4000 CONTRACTUAL • • •• •...•.. • 401 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 16 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 A PROGRAM OF ASSISTANCE WHERE EXPENDITURES ARE MADE ON BEHALF OF ELIGIBLE FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN.COSTS ARE SHARED BY FEDERAL,STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. 5,044,349 5,862,592 5,702,193 6,420,000 6,420,000 6,195,000 6,195,000 r r .,A •,0•• .,• •,1•• 1•• .. .010 TOTAL A6109 • • • • ' REVENUES 3,826,975 4,485,250 3,545,799 4,902,500 4,902,500 4,733,750 4,733,750 ,217,374 1,3/1,342 2,156,394 1,517,500 1,517,500 1,461,250 1,461,250 A6119 - CHILD CARE 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A6119 APPROPRIATIONS • • r I • TOTAL COUNTY COST PAYMENT FOR FOSTER CARE, ADOPTION SUBSIDIES, AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES MADE ON BEHALF OF CHILDREN IN FOSTER CARE. 1,760,253 1,815,500 1,864,702 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,760,253 1,815,500 1,864,702 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 A6123 - DELINQUENT CARE 4000 CONTRACTUAL • • TOTAL ••• 525,421 604,770 634,313 670,250 670,250 670,250 670,250 PAYMENT FOR ANY TYPE OF FOSTER CARE OR DETENTION FOR YOUTH WHO ARE ALLEGED TO HAVE COMMITTED A JUVENILE DELINQUENT OFFENSE. 142,346 200,000 299,511 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 •1.000 ••• 101 ••• .•00 A6123 REVENUES • • •1, . 94,908 75,000 103,685 7,438 125,000 195,826 112,500 112,500 112,500 112,500 112,500 112,500 112,500 112,500 A6129 - STATE TRAINING SCHOOLS 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A6129 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL COUNTY COST CARE FOR SERIOUSLY DELINQUENT YOUTH IN BY THE DIVISION FOR YOUTH. 21,509 25,000 45,159 21,509 25,000 45,159 21,509 25,000 45,159 QUASI -SECURE FACILITIES OPERATED 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 A6135 - JOBS PROGRAM 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A6135 APPROPRIATIONS TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT RELATED PAYMENTS MADE TO ELIGIBLE PARTICIPATING IN THE JOBS PROGRAM. 13,313 200,000 95,632 13,313 200,000 95,632 • • . , N • 0.••• 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 00• 000 RECIPIENTS 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 •00 • 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 13,313 50,000 95,632 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 A6140 - HOME RELIEF 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A6140 APPROPRIATIONS • • 0 • • 10 TOTAL COUNTY COST A CATEGORY OF 1,574,433 1 1,574,433 1 .69,811 1 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FINANCED ENTIRELY ,914,000 2,121,805 2,407,000 2, ,914,000 2,121,805 2,407,000 2, ,009,/50 952,215 1,276,5/0 1, BY STATE AND LOCAL FUNDS. 407,000 2,316,000 2,316,000 407,000 2,316,000 2,316,000 276,5/0 1,230,160 1,230,160 704,622 904,250 1,169,590 1,130,430 1, 130,430 1,085,840 1,085,840 A6141 - FUEL CRISIS ASST ST 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A6141 APPROPRIATIONS FEDERALLY 579,510 579,510 FUNDED FUEL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR LOW INCOME HOUSEHOLDS. 670,000 638,964 650,000 650,000 650,000 670,000 638,964 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 • • • $ N • 'DOTAL COUNTY COST :0 0.•1• . 1.000 . 0.100 77,709 12,909 . •,••• . 1,0•• December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 SOCIAL SERVICES OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A6142 - EMERGENCY AID ADULTS 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A6142 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A6142 REVENUES • ' ••N • 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 GRANTS OF EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE TO ELIGIBLE FOR OR RECEIVING FEDERAL 83,116 81,200 70,302 83,116 81,200 70,302 41,995 65,600 31,565 1,121 15,600 38,731 BUDGET PAGE 17 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 AGED, BLIND OR DISABLED INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME BENEFITS. 90,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 45,000 45,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 40,000 40,000 A6148 - BURIALS 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A6148 APPROPRIATIONS THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES IS•RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REASONABLE COSTS OF BURIALS FOR INDIGENT COUNTY RESIDENTS. 40,726 35,000 34,024 45,000 45,000 38,000 40,726 35,000 34,024 45,000 45,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 • • N• •• •• • • • • TOTAL COUNTY COST 26,085 22,445 22,306 28,710 28,710 24,090 24,090 TOTAL SOCIAL SERVICES DEPT. -A6010 - DEPT. A6148 TOT • A O� TOTAL -REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 7,397,228 20,214,979 19,212,123 22,548,839 22,997,567 22,874,629 22,874,629 10,815,431 12,439,563 10,581,3/4 13,349,8/9 13,111,909 13,458,/33 13,458,733 6,581,797 7,775,416 8,630,749 9,198,960 9,285,658 9,415,896 9,415,896 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 SOCIAL SERVICES OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A6310 - HUMAN SERVICES 4501 EOC OUTREACH 4508 LEARNING WEB 4513 CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE 4517 DAY CARE COUNCIL 4518 EOC CHORES 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 18 MODIFIED ACTUAL BUDGET 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 GRANTS TO NOT-FOR-PROFIT HEALTH AND HUMAN SVC. AND RANKED BY THE HUMAN SVC.COALITION BASED ON 34,200 40,000 39,747 33,910 9,725 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 AGENCIES. REQUESTS ARE EVALUATED COUNTY BOARD OF REPS. GUIDELINES. 33,910 32,467 32,467 3,910 8,870 6,243 8,870 9,310 9,310 8,914 8,914 4526 FAMILIY & CHILDRENS SERVICE 7,000 9,870 4527 SOUTH SIDE COMMUNITY CENTER 4536 LITERACY -VOLUNTEERS 4537 TASK FORCE FOR BATTERED WOMEN 4538 BATTERED WOMEN --ADVOCACY 4539 BATTERED WOMEN EDUCATION 4549 DISPLACED-HOMEMAK 4553 ITHACA RAP CRISIS 4556 AIDS WORK 4559 HOMES GREEN ST. PROJECT •- 4561 NEIGARORBOOD LEGAL SERVICES 4580 EMERGENCY COMMUNITY SHELTER 4582 BETTER -HOUSING -HOME REPAIR 14,500 6,000 1,208 5,000 1,560 ,315 6,360 6,574 15,350 6,450 1,208 5,000 2,000 8,200 8,950 11,512 4,.837 1,208 5,000 2,000 6,150 6,712 15,500 2,290 1,270 5,250 2,015 9,585 9,100 15,500 5,080 1,270 5,250 2,015 9,585 9,100 14,840 14,840 2,193 2,193 1,216 1,216 5,027 5,027 1,929 1,929 9,177 9,177 8,713 8,713 3,144 3,820 5,200 5,250 6,830 5,200 5,250 5,122 5,200 5,510 5,510 6,830 6,830 5,275 5,275 6,539 6,539 4583 FRIENDSHIP CENTER 4585 COMM. DISPUTE RESOLUTION CTR 4594 OFFENDER AID & RESTORATION 4596 OAR MGMT & GENERAL 4597 OAR BAIL & INTAKE 4599 DROP IN C 4000 CONTRACTUAL • • 1525 PRISONER CHARGES • � 11,770 40,200 3,712 15,000 •,500 208,811 208,811 1,446 17,000 4,950 18,776 39,795 6,600 16,000 7,732 224,161 224,161 1,000 11,333 3,675 14,082 39,795 6,383 15,348 7,732 199,956 199,956 17,850 5,150 19,715 39,410 2,450 16,800 2,940 204,885 204,885 17,850 5,150 19,715 39,410 2,450 20,573 2,940 211,448 211,448 17,090 17,090 4,931 4,931 18,876 18,876 37,733 37,733 3,678 3,678 19,858 19,858 2,815 2,815 201,271 201,271 201,271 201,271 • • L CO • • $ �s 1,000 1,332 1,332 1,332 1,332 A6311 - TOMPKINS EMPLOYEE DAY CARE CTR 4000 CONTRACTUAL • • • * TOTAL A6311 REVENUES • • ••. PRIVATE NOT-FOR-PROFIT CENTER OFFERING DAY PRESCHOOL AGED CHILDREN WITH FEE DISCOUNT 3,327 38,100 26,943 7,500 3,327 38,100 26,943 1,500 1,868 7,500 3,327 38,100 25,075 CARE FOR INFANTS THROUGH FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES. 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 A6312 - FOOD DISTRIBUTION 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL COUNTY COST • * PURCHASE OF FOOD FOR DISTRIBUTION BY AREA FOOD PANTRIES TO NEEDY PERSONS. 15,000 15,000 14,100 16,000 15,400 15,400 111 ••• •• ••• ,•• '•• 15,000 15,000 14,100 16,000 15,400 15,400 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 ECONOMIC ASST. & OPPORTUNITY OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A6327 4562 4563 TOTAL TOTAL A6420 - HOUSING PROGRAMS ITHACA NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING BETTER HOUSING 4000 CONTRACTUAL A6327 APPROPRIATIONS COUNTY COST TOMPKINS ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 2 COUNTY BUDGET MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAYMENTS TO ITHACA NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICES AND BETTER HOUSING FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY IN SUPPORT OF THEIR EFFORTS TO PROVIDE AFFORDABLE HOUSING. 7,938 7,938 7,938 /,938 11,603 8,735 15,876 19,541 15,876 19,541 15,876 19,541 16,673 16,673 16,673 7,462 10,907 18,369 18,369 18,369 7,462 10,907 18,369 18,369 18,369 7,462 10,907 18,369 18,369 18,369 PAGE 19 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 7,462 10,907 18,369 18,369 18,369 TOTAL TOTAL A6475 - PROMOTION OF INDUSTRY 4000 CONTRACTUAL A6420 APPROPRIATIONS COUNTY COST PAYMENT TO ATTRACTION 18,850 18,850 18,850 TOMPKINS COUNTY AREA DEVELOPMENT TO OF PRODUCTION AND SERVICE COMPANIES 18,850 18,850 17,719 18,850 18,850 17,719 18,850 18,850 17,719 ASSIST IN THE RETENTION AND IN TOMPKINS COUNTY. 17,719 16,965 17,719 16,965 17,719 16,965 16,965 16,965 16,965 - TOURISM EXPENSE 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS HOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAXES (LOCAL LAW #4 OF 1989) FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF THE GENERAL ECONOMY OF TOMPKINS COUNTY THROUGH PROMOTION OF TOURIST ACTIVITIES. 1,000 1,700 850 2,409 2,409 2,409 2,409 322,134 419,054 338,990 381,205 38/,205 387,230 387,230 300 149 386 386 361 361 • • TOTAL A6771 •� ••.••• ••.••• , N• COUNTY COST - 0 F A IN-SERVICE TRAINING 4000 CONTRACTUAL 45,151 337,680 272,885 22,017- 83,3/4 61,104 390,000 390,000 ••••• ••,•.• 390,000 390,000 THE FEDERAL MONEY FOR TRAINING IS NO LONGER ALLOCATED TO EACH COUNTY. IT GOES INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE NYS ASSOCIATION OF AREA AGENCIES ON AGING. 450 TOTAL A6771 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL Ab771 REVENUES 450 450 TOTAL COUNTY COST A6772 - OFFICE FOR THE AGING 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQU THE OFFICE FOR THE, AGING MISSION IS TO DEVELOP RESOURCES AND SERVICES TO ENABLE SENIORS TO LEAD FULFILLING AND INDEPENDENT LIVES AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. 61,750 74,544 67,834 90,408 108,058 108,058 108,058 ,8135 519 409 5,904 58,984 ••• S� i• 8000 BENEFI TOTAL A6772 APPROPRIATIONS • • • • 0 • • ' 1 10,644 126,103 6,536 13,622 147,669 58,119 ,• • 49,698 12,096 130,037 34,613 54,240 20,635 165,283 58,'/08 52,806 23,053 183,917 62,246 53,266 23,128 184,452 62,246 53,266 23,128 184,452 62,246 •. • A6773 -RSVP 4000 CONTRACTUAL SPONSORED LOCALLY BY THE SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL, THE RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM LINKS RETIREES' TALENTS WITH COMMUNITY AGENCY NEEDS. 14,463 15,185 11,389 5,185 14,274 13,087 15,087 • • •� •: •: • • 4,463 15,185 11,389 5,185 14,274 13,087 15,087 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 ECONOMIC ASST. & OPPORTUNITY OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A6774 - OFA SNAP 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A6774 APPROPRIATIONS 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 SNAP (SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM) DELIVERS UNABLE TO PREPARE OR OBTAIN NUTRITIOUS MEALS WITHOUT HELP. 1,500 4,076 94,888 100,464 1,500 6,743 111,426 119 119,788 1,175 4,582 95,837 67 101,661 1,500 5,818 106,640 285 114,243 1,500 5,818 104,158 285 111,761 PAGE 20 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 MEALS TO ELDERS 1,500 5,818 103,083 2 /0 110,671 1,500 5,818 103,083 270 110,671 - • "• •.. •. 4I I •:. •: TOTAL COUNTY COST 6,113- 5,482 15,121 5,482 3,000 1,910 1,910 A6775 - TITLE V 4000 CONTRACTUAL TITLE V OF THE OLDER AMERICANS ACT PROVIDES NEEDED WAGES AND WORK EXPERIENCE FOR A FEW OLDER WORKERS IN NOT-FOR-PROFIT COMMUNITY AGENCIES. 25,860 29,846 26,765 28,821 28,821 28,821 25,860 29,846 26,765 28,821 28,821 28,821 30,894 29,846 11,904 28,821 28,821 28,821 •� TOTAL TOTAL A6775 REVENUES COUNTY COST 28,821 28,821 28,821 5,034- 14,861 A6776 - 0 F A NUTRITION 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A6776 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A6776 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST A6777 - 0 F A COMM. SERV. FOR ELDERLY 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A6777 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL COUNTY COST • • le ACTING FOR THE COUNTY, FOODNET SERVES MEALS AT MEALS TO HOMES COUNTYWIDE. INCLUDES NUTRITION 916 1,000 749 7,238 146,086 154,240 154,001 239 6,500 141,671 80 149,251 93,423 55,828 6,500 121,985 57 129,291. 46,086 83,205 1,000 5,818 147,519 285 154,622 93,308 61,314 FIVE SITES DAILY AND DELIVERS EDUCATION AND COUNSELING. 1,000 1,000 5,818 5,818 147,869 147,019 285 275 154,972 154,112 99,029 99,029 55,943 55,083 1,000 5,818 147,019 275 154,112 99,029 55,083 CSE FUNDS SERVICES DESIGNED TO DEFER OR AVOID INSTITUTIONAL CARE. INCLUDES NEEDS ASSESSMENT, PROGRAM PLANNING AND EVALUATION. 19,680 20,215 20,685 26,585 46,915 29,454 46,632 38,307 3,011 60,998 •1,418 2,870 70,000 62,968 3,147 53,286 61,087 420- 7,032 7,801- 4,032 77,249 65,125 12,124 25,833 54,713 3,962 84,508 73,506 11,002 25,833 54,713 3,/04 84,250 73,506 10,744 CSE 25,833 54,713 3, /04 84,250 73,506 10,744 A6778 - OFA HEAP 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS • • TOTAL A6778 COFA STAFF PUBLICIZE THE LOW INCOME SENIORS COMPLETE THEIR APPLICATIONS •� REVENUES 13,862 3,246 3,064 20,172 19,353 12,968 5,615 2,725 21,308 21,288 7,499 3,750 2,533 13,782 11,553 HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND HELP FOR HEAP AND OTHER BENEFITS. 18,926 2,467 4,083 25,476 19,353 11,974 987 2,224 15,185 9,185 11,974 987 2,104 15,065 9,185 11,974 987 2,104 15,065 9,185 20 2,229 6,123 6,000 5,880 5,880 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 ECONOMIC ASST. & OPPORTUNITY OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A6780 - E I S E P 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 21 ADOPTED 1 9 9-2 EXPANDED IN-HOME SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY PROGRAM OFFERS NON-MEDICAL PERSONAL CARE AND HOUSEKEEPING TO HELP FRAIL ELDERLY AVOID INSTITUTIONAL CARE. 7,410 20,832 18,508 27,306 27,306 27,306 27,306 64 52 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A6780 APPROPRIATIONS :i • 63,504 119,600 1,247 4,137 72,225 144,621 .7,851 106,607 54,212 3,153 75,873 58,257 102,565 5,322 135,193 107,250 102,565 5,322 135,193 101,250 102,565 5,049 134,920 107,250 102,565 TOTAL COUNTY COST 4,374 38,014 17,616 27,943 27,943 27,670 5,049 134,920 107,250 27,670 A6782 - CARE GIVERS TRAINING 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT THE CAREGIVERS RESOURCE CENTER OFFERS FAMILIES CARING FOR ELDERS INFORMATION, COUNSELING, CLASSES, INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP SUPPORT, PUBLICATIONS AND VIDEOS. 14,505 18,055 17,984 22,094 22,094 22,094 22,094 507 4/ TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL A6783 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS A6782 APPROPRIATIONS A6782 REVENUES COUNTY COST 6,060 5,053 1,39U 2,399 22,462 25,554 21,797 20,000 66-5 5-;-5-54 4,327 2,559 24,870 22,417 2,453 2,367 3,614 28,075 20,000 8,075 2,117 3,614 27,825 20,000 7,825 2,117 3,393 27,604 20,000 7,604 2,117 3,393 27,604 20,000 7,604 TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL - OFA TITLE III -D 4000 CONTRACTUAL A6783 APPROPRIATIONS A6783 REVENUES COUNTY COST TITLE III -D FUNDS FOR 1992 WILL BE USED FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT FOR ADULT DAY CARE TUITION. 702 1,920 1,571 702 1,920 1,571 897 1,920 1,287 195- 284 1,490 1,490 1,490 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 A6784 TOTAL • TOTAL - CASH IN LIEU 4000 CONTRACTUAL A6784 APPROPRIATIONS • • CASH -IN -LIEU OF COMMODITY FOODS FROM FEDERAL NUTRITION PROGRAMS BY PAYING 42,489 46,544 40,418 42,489 46,544 40,418 6,544 38,423 THE USDA SUPPLEMENTS THE STATE AND FOR FOODS PRODUCED IN THE US. 45,692 48,300 48,300 45,692 48,300 48,300 45,692 48,300 48,300 48,300 48,300 48,300 COUNTY COST 42,489 1,995 A6785 - SSI OUTREACH 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS OUTREACH PROGRAM WHICH ASSISTS QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS IN APPLYING FOR SUPPLE- MENTAL SECURITY INCOME. 10,301 4,297 1,063 9,888 2,399 434 897 826 212 12,336 4,324 2,742 12,336 4,324 2,742 12,336 4,434 2,632 12,336 4,434 2,632 ON i:. i• • li •,i 0 A • $ ) i 1,914 5,782 2,419 19,402 19,402 19,402 19,402 TOTAL COUNTY COST 828- 1,740 710 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 ECONOMIC ASST. & OPPORTUNITY OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A6786 - ENERGY PACKAGING 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 BUDGET REQUEST 1 9 9 2 ENERGY PACKAGING ENABLING SENIORS TO CONSERVE SOURCES. HAS NO NEW FUNDING FOR 1992. 9,406 21,706 23,365 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 ENERGY WITH PAGE 22 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 HELP FROM SEVERAL 467 ' 23 1,145 4,878 2,814 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A6786 APPROPRIATIONS • t 1, TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,068 4,348 4,021 13,086 30,955 30,200 •, :,. 1,349 1,697 21,557 A6787 - PERS TOTAL 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS A6787 APPROPRIATIONS - t PERSONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEM ENABLES ISOLATED ENROLLEES TO SEND FOR EMERGENCY HELP EVEN WHEN UNABLE TO REACH A PHONE. 16,365 15,344 24,303 20,377 20,377 20,377 9,015 13,190 11,270 11,270 11,270 4,525 3,276 2,984 2,984 2,984 2,984 2,668 1,561 3,040 2,676 2,472 2,472 32,573 20,187 43,517 37,307 37,103 37,103 22,940 10,697 36,126 36,126 36,126 36,126 TOTAL COUNTY COST 9,633 9,490 7,391 1,181 977 977 A6788 - OMRDD 1000 PERSONAL 1991 STATE FUNDING WAS CANCELLED. FUNDING IS RESTORED. 500 THIS PROGRAM WILL BEGIN ONLY IF STATE 4000 CONTRACTUAL 12,000 TOTAL A6788 APPROPRIATIONS 12,500 TOTAL A6788 REVENUES 12,500 TOTAL COUNTY COST A6789 - SOCIAL INTEGRATION 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A6789 APPROPRIATIONS AN OUTREACH WORKER LINKS LEGALLY BLIND SENIORS WITH VOLUNTEER VISITORS TO INCREASE ONE-TO-ONE AND GROUP INTERACTIONS. 1,660 725 2,076 855 44 984 2,515 769 3,060 • • • t N, TOTAL COUNTY COST X858 - 2,076 984 3,060 2,076 984 3,060 2,076 984 3,060 •.• .•.1 .•.• ,1 .1 A6790 - ELDER ABUSE PREVENTION 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A6790 APPROPRIATIONS • A '0 R TOTAL COUNTY COST A NEW SECTION OF THE OLDER AMERICANS ACT, TITLE III -G, SUPPORTS ACTIVITIES DESIGNED TO PREVENT ABUSE OF ELDERLY RESIDENTS IN GROUP CARE FACILITIES. 766 3,000 3,000 3,000 766 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,481 3,481 ,000 481 3,000 3,000 3,000 766 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 INTER FUND TRANSFERS & DEBT SERVICE OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A9999 - UNALLOCATED REVENUE 1001 1051 1081 1090 1091 1110 1115 2401 2410 2450 2610 2701 2770 REAL PROPERTY TAXES GAIN FR SALE TAX ACQUIRED PROP 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 BUDGET REQUEST 1 9 9 2 COUNTY REVENUES NOT DIRECTLY TIED TO ANY SALES TAX, REAL PROPERTY TAX PENALTIES & 10,129,131 11,435,291 11,435,291 182 11,700 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 32 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 SPECIFIC COUNTY DEPARTMENT INCLUDING INTEREST, AND INVESTMENT INCOME. PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES INT -&-PENALTIES REAL PROPERTY TAX INSTALLMENT SERVICE CHARGE SALES & USE TAX NON PROP TAX REDUCE TOWN INTEREST & EARNINGS RENTALS COMMISSIONS 126,389 400,857 133,000 430,000 102,069 297,795 11,271,389 2,733,104 FINES & FORFEITED BAIL REFUNDS OF PRIOR YRS EXP UNCLASSIFIED REVENUES 12,054,979 9,714,226 2,422,091 2,422,091 382,593 450,000 160,424 13,090- 1,836 /,620 9,930 449 391 8,164 13,284 12,975 102,500 440,000 52,497 12,000,000 102,500 440,000 52,497 12,000,000 122,500 440,000 52,497 12,000,000 122,500 440,000 52,497 12,000,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 • • t 11 25,061,995 26,925,361 24,1/2,804 12,769,997 12,769,997 12,/89,997 12,789,997 TOTAL COUNTY COST 25,061,995- 26,925,361- 24,172,804 - 12,769,997- 12,769,997- 12,789,997- 12,789,997 - TOTAL UNALLOCATED REVENUE DEPT. A9999 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES . TOTAL COUNTY COST 25,061,995 26,925,361 24,172,804 12,769,997 12,769,99/ 12,789,997 12,789,997 25,061,995- 26,925,361- 24,172,804- 12,769,997- 12,769,997- 12,789,997- 12,789,997 - TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 48,436,309 58,725,067 50,295,287 65,458,336 66,296,327 65,101,149 65,113,818 49,268,994 57,359,696 48,777,451 48,232,062 48,289,047 48,317,945 48,337,633 832,685- 1,365,3/1 1,517,836 17,226,274 18,007,280 16,783,204 16,776,185 B5610 - AIRPORT ENTERPRISE TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS B5610 APPROPRIATIONS B5610 REVENUES COUNTY COST THE AIRPORT MISSION IS TO PROVIDE A SAFE, FOR AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS AND THE TRAVELING 201,133 224,575 240, 4,063 25,804 33, 219,481 255,287 288, 41,344 48,688 56, 466,021 554,354 618, 590,706 554,354 618, 124,685- 203,667 18,643 193,262 44,838 460,410 543,133 82,723 - EFFICIENT AND PLEASING PUBLIC. 577 240,577 193 32,513 635 289,315 338 56,338 743 618,743 743 618,743 ENVIRONMENT 240,577 32,513 289,615 55,925 618,630 618,630 240,577 32,513 289,615 55,925 618,630 618,630 B9516 TOTAL TOTAL - TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE 4000 CONTRACTUAL B9516 APPROPRIATIONS COUNTY COST AIRPORT CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE 14,000 14,000 14,000 28,081 28,081 28,081 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HOME & COMM. SERVICE OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A9509 - CONTRIBUTION TO HW MACH FUND 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A9509 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL COUNTY COST A9522 - TRANSFER TO COUNTY ROAD 4000 CONTRACTUAL • • •� T OMPKINS ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 2 COUNTY BUDGET MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 GENERAL FUND CONTRIBUTION 21,590 21,590 21,59U YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 REQUEST 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 TO HIGHWAY MACHINERY FUND (DM). BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 31 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 TOTAL COUNTY COST A9576 - CONTRIBUTION TO CONSTRUCTION 4000 CONTRACTUAL R S • • • GENERAL FUND CONTRIBUTION TO THE COUNTY ROAD FUND (D). 3,136,876 3,310,892 2,705,840 3,310,836 3,295,638 ,136,876 3,310,892 2,705,840 3,310,836 3,295,638 3,136,876 3,310,892 2,705,840 3,310,836 3,295,638 GENERAL FUND CONTRIBUTION TO THE CONSTRUCTION FUND (H). 173,150 131,214 60,000 • - . .1,111 .1.••• 3,028,379 3,028,379 3,028,379 3,028,379 3,028,379 3,028,379 60,000 60,000 .1,111 .• ••• A9961 - CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE GENERAL FUND CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE (V). 4400 PROGRAM EXPENSE 1,164,807 1,092,234 596,550 1,059,453 1,268,146 • • • ••• • •P• 1 •• 1,268,146 1,240,065 '•,•. • • :1 •• • • 1,•. • • • :1 •• • • A9962 - CONTRIBUTION TO LIBRARY FUND 4000 CONTRACTUAL •� GENERAL FUND CONTRIBUTION TO LIBRARY FUND (L). 1,150,791 1,150,791 1,024,199 1,075,409 • 1• 921,779 909,345 ••• 0 CO • • • • • • • A9963 - CONTRIBUTION TO JTPA 4000 CONTRACTUAL .•. • I•' i/' GENERAL FUND CONTRIBUTION TO JOB TRAINING FUND (CD). 6,199 •,199 .,199 TOTAL INTER FUND TRANSFERS & DEBT SERVICE DEPT. A9500 - DEPT. A9990 • • • ,502,622 5,685,131 4,453,181 5,394,488 5,699,193 5,2/8,304 5,237,789 TOTAL REVENUES TO • ,502,622 5,685,131 4,453,181 5,394,488 5,699,193 5,278,304 5,237,789 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HOME & COMM. SERVICE OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A8745 - FLOOD CONTROL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PROGRAM PROVIDING 50% COUNTY MATCHING GRANT TO ASSIST MUNICIPALITIES IN PROJECTS TO REDUCE IMPACT OF FLOODING. 15,000 15,000 11,500 PAGE 30 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 • . _ , ....•.. . •r ••• ••• • TOTAL COUNTY COST 15,000 15,000 11,500 A8989 - NEIGHBORHOOD PROTECTION 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4,46 • l :••• • • • • N • TOTAL COUNTY COST THE LANDFILL NEIGHBORHOOD PROTECTION COMMITTEE,THROUGH ITS PROGRAM, ATTEMPTS TO LESSEN POTENTIAL OR PERCEIVED LANDFILL IMPACT BY GUARANTEEING PROPERTY VALUES. 2,973 1,487 3,865 3,865 3,865 3,865 .1'2,769 103,000 97,529 ,096 42,031 4,267 42,558 42,558 42,558 I NS 15,865 U1 148,605 302 103,585 885 47,308 47,3,08 47,269 •: 885 846 .• 42,558 846 47,269 •: 113,247 65,000 103,585 TOTAL HOME & COMM. SERVICE DEPT. A8020 - DEPT. A8989 A ONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,832,16/ 4,338,373 3,1/1,301 28,906 638,065 353,163- 8,432,112 /,925,706 555,470 547,771 8,021,154 501,517 8,021,154 501,517 A9010 'DOTAL TOTAL A9040 - RETIREMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL A9010 APPROPRIATIONS COUNTY COST NOW BUDGETED IN INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS (SUB ACCOUNT 37,385 37,385 37,385 .8810) 7,564- 7,564- 1,564- 7,564- 7,564- 7,564- - WORKERS COMPENSATION 4000 CONTRACTUAL TO COVER NON -REIMBURSABLE COSTS OF SELF-INSURANCE PLAN. ALSO BUDGETED IN INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS (SUB ACCOUNT NUMBER .8840). 1,000 16,954 - TOTAL A9040 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,000 16,954- 1,000 16,954- A9089 -DONATED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A9089 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL COUNTY COST 14,963 1,296 14,963 1,296 14,963 1,296 TOTAL UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEPT. A9000 - DEPT. A9089 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 14,963 1,000 21,727 7,564- 7,564- 14,963 1,000 21,727 7,564- 7,564- December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HOME & COMM. SERVICE OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A8161 - SEPTAGE DISPOSAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL A8161 APPROPRIATIONS A8161 REVENUES COUNTY COSI 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 BUDGET YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 PAYMENT TO ITHACA AREA WASTE WATER OF SEPTIC TANK PUMPINGS. 70,615 87,393 70,615 87,393 78,124 87,393 /,509- 89,300 89,300 62,808 26,492 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 TREATMENT PLANT FOR THE BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 TREATMENT 87,393 87,393 87,393 PAGE 29 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 87,393 8/,393 87,393 A8162 - COMPOSTING 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT • • A••• DIVERSION OF ALL SLUDGE PRODUCED IN TOMPKINS COUNTY FOR USE IN A TOPSOIL PRODUCT WIDELY USED AT THE LANDFILL AND IN OTHER PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS. 18,971 18,971 18,971 974 974 974 1. • ••• 11,0 18,971 974 ••, • TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 8000 BENEFITS A8162 APPROPRIATIONS A8162 REVENUES COUNTY COST 6,152 232,119 232,119 6,152 226,119 226,119 5,962 225,929 225,929 5,962 225,929 225,929 A8163 - SOLID WASTE RECYCLING 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT • ••• • r••• :••• : 1 • • TOTAL A8163 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST THE GOAL OF THE RECYCLING PROGRAM IS TO PROVIDE ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND, COST- EFFECTIVE RECYCLING AND WASTE MINIMIZATION PROGRAMS. 37,938 82,863 64,788 110,853 110,853 110,853 4,226 39,841 29,909 34,035 33,835 33,835 12,34/ 1,145,336 449,131 1,205,375 1,131,035 1,131,035 ,690 17,421 13,450 29,317 29,317 28,208 59,201 1,285,461 557,2/8 1,379,580 1,305,040 1,303,931 113,737 1,253,049 31,151 1,379,580 1,305,040 1,303,931 345,464 32,412 526,127 110,853 33,835 1,131,035 28,208 1,303,931 1,303,931 A8710 - COUNTY FORESTRY 4000 CONTRACTUAL • ••••••• • 1 • • • • • �• TOTAL COUNTY COST A8720 - FISH & GAME 4000 CONTRACTUAL PROGRAM TO MANAGE COUNTY -OWNED FOREST LANDS, INCLUDING HARVESTING AND SALE OF TIMBER RESOURCES. 28,028 2,650 3,750 3,750 3,750 8,028 2,650 3,750 3,750 3,750 .1,452 15,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 33,424- 12,350- 21,250- 21,250- 21,250- 3,750 3,750 25,000 21,250- • • � PAYMENT TO SUPPORT THE ACTIVITIES OF THE SPORTSMEN'S FEDERATION, PRIMARILY CONSERVATION, SUMMER CAMP AND SCHOLARSHIPS. 2,450 2,450 2,450 2,300 2,300 2,205 ,' • 2,450 2,450 2,300 '2,300 2,205 2,205 2,205 TO CO ,450 2,450 2,450 2,300 2,300 2,205 2,205 A8730 - SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT 4000 CONTRACTUAL TO SUPPORT THE ACTIVITIES OF THE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE IN PROVIDING ASSISTANCE TO FARMERS AIMED AT CONSERVING THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. 11,000 11,000 11,000 10,340 10,340 9,900 9,900 • � ,••• ••• ••1 1, ,• TOTAL COUNTY COST 11,000 11,000 11,000 10,340 10,340 9,900 9,900 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A8021 - PLANNING/E M C 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A8021 APPROPRIATIONS • :• • • ,• TOTAL COUNTY COST A8022 - AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A8022 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL A8022 REV TOTAL COUNTY COST 11 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET MODIFIED ACTUAL BUDGET 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 • THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUNCIL ALL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES OF CONCERN. 20,550 23,591 16,117 450 441 5,291 9,838 5,243 2,578 3,580 2,337 28,419 37,459 24,138 1,592 4,393 23,323 29,867 19,745 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 ••. COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 ADVISES THE COUNTY BOARD AND AGENCIES 21,831 65 12,241 4,570 38,707 5,'/93 32,914 21,831 65 11,241 4,5/0 37,707 5,643 32,064 21,831 65 11,241 4,352 37,489 5,643 31,846 THE AQUATIC QUALITY AND ,594 47,594- VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM IS A STATE NUTRIENT INPUTS PROMOTING WEED GROWTH 2,500 685 1,500 21,H4 14,632 17,228 24,274 15,317 18,725 24,274 18,448 18,725 3,131 - GRANT TO EXAMINE WATER IN CAYUGA LAKE. 1,500 1,500 1/,225 1/,225 18,725 18,725 18,725 18,725 PAGE 28 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 ON 21,831 65 11,241 4,352 37,489 5,643 31,846 1,500 1'1,225 18,725 18,725 A8025 - JOINT PLANNING BOARD TOTAL TOTAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL A8025 APPROPRIATIONS COUNTY COST CONTRIBUTION TO SOUTHERN TIER EAST IN-KIND SERVICES 10,900 11,445 11,445 10,900 11,445 11,445 10,900 11,445 11,445 REGIONAL PLANNING DEVELOPMENT BOARD FOR 12,017 12,017 12,017 11,445 11,445 11,445 10,300 10,300 10,300 10,300 10,300 10,300 A8040 - HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL END DISCRIMINATION BY RICH DIVERSITY OF OUR 43,944 57,047 356 111 FOSTERING RESPECT, UNDERSTANDING AND APPRECIATION OF THE COMMUNITY. PARTIAL FUNDING OF MULTI -CULTURAL RESOURCE CTR. 57,826 69,999 69,999 69,999 110 69,999 4,001 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL A8040 APPROPRIATIONS • ••, • • 9,132 57,433 16,766 10,440 84,364 12,811 10,15/ 80,904 8,977 11,480 90,456 14,530 11,480 96,009 14,430 12,544 96,973 14,430 12,544 96,973 ••. ..1•• A8160 - SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS THE GOAL OF THE SOLID EFFECTIVE SOLID WASTE 342,589 429,452 31,263 68,493 1,379,73/ 2,264,759 72,036 90,356 WASTE DIVISION DISPOSAL. 349,999 47,914 1,898,687 81,838 • • •N •.• IS TO PROVIDE ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND, COST - 429,752 429,752 429,752 429,752 22,086 17,235 17,235 17,235 6,139,91/ 5,719,052 5,71/,440 5,717,440 123,832 123,832 119,837 119,837 , . ., •,: .,, TOTAL A8160 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,523,511 2,854,260 3,647,310 6,715,587 69/,886- 1,200- 1,468,872- 6,289,871 6,284,264 6,284,264 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 RECREATION AND CULTURE OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A7410 - LIBRARIES 4521 LIBRARIES IN TOWNS ••� • ••: TOMPKINS ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 SUPPORT FOR IN TOMPKINS 16,000 11.11•• 1 9 9 2 COUNTY BUDGET MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 SERVICES OF THE FINGER COUNTY. (SEE TOMPKINS 29,834 21,300 REQUEST 1 9 9 2 LAKES LIBRARY COUNTY PUBLIC 15,792 PAGE 27 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 ASSOCIATION AND TOWN LIBRARIES LIBRARY ACCTS. A9962 & L7410). 21,780 14,400 26,834 4532 FINGER LAKES LIBRARY ASSOC. 4000 CONTRAC 1 TOTAL A7410 APPROPRIATIONS • • •*' • • 9,912 ,116,903 1,116,903 3,856 33,690 33,690 3,856 25,156 25,156 3,624 19,416 19,416 4,095 25,875 25,875 3,470 17,870 17,870 3,470 30,304 30,304 .•• •• A7510 - HISTORICAL SERVICES 4000 CONTRACTUAL 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST A7550 - CELEBRATIONS 4000 CONTRACTUAL • ••••••• PAYMENTS TO DEWITT HISTORICAL SOCIETY SERVICES (COORDINATION AND ASSISTANCE 67,721 67,721 63,679 •7,721 63,679 67,721 6/,721 63,6/9 TO PAY FOR , ETC.) AND 63,658 63,638 63,658 SOME OF THEIR HISTORICAL ALL OF THEIR RENT. 63,658 60,949 63,658 60,949 63,658 60,949 60,949 60,949 60,949 A • • 0 S • • •1" PORTION OF EXPENSES FOR FLAG DAY AND VETERAN'S DAY PARADES CELEBRATIONS. 5,162 1,700 1,665 1,598 1,598 ,162 1,700 1,665 1,598 1,598 ,162 1,700 1,665 1,598 1,598 AND OTHER 1,530 1,530 f,530 1,530 1,530 1,530 A7560 - ARTS 4000 CONTRACTUAL •i, • • . PAYMENT TO AN PROMOTES ARTS 15,000 5,000 •0• A7620 - ADULT RECREATION 4000 CONTRACTUAL . , • . . 0 I • • • • N • TO •• CO T TOTAL RECREATION AND CULTURE DEPT. A7020 - DEPT. -A/620 ARTS SERVICES GROUP THAT PROVIDES SERVICES TO ARTS GROUPS, IN THE COMMUNITY, EVALUATES AND RANKS REQUESTS FOR ARTS FUNDING. 20,000 20,000 18,800 20,000 18,000 18,000 20,000 20,000 18,800 20,000 18,000 18,000 0,11110 •••• :,:•• 0,000 :,••• THE SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL ORGANIZES AND MANAGES A WIDE VARIETY OF EDUCATIONAL, RECREATIONAL, AND SOCIALLY STIMULATING PROGRAMS COUNTYWIDE. 33,489 35,163 26,372 25,181 33,140 28,360 3,489 35,163 26,372 25,181 33,140 28,360 ,871 1,44/ 1,447 1,447 7,618 35,163 26,372 23,734 31,693 26,913 •11• 28,360 28,360 1,44/ 26,913 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES • oil 2,121,234 262,699 ,858,535 1,291,027 541,442 1,190,980 1,271,488 1,161,570 291,506 118,142 227,281 234,6/1 234,671 993,521 423,300 963,699 1,036,817 926,899 1,174,004 234,671 939,333 A8020 - PLANNING 1000 PERSONAL ••• •1 •• :••. • •• • • • • :1 • •1 • NO •i� PROVIDE TECHNICAL RESOURCES FOR IMPROVED DECISION MAKING AT GOVERNMENT COMMUNITY LEVELS. 203,923 281,865 248,149 298,684 298,684 283,405 4,762 •, 51,502 60,658 •• 400,077 40,981 337,092 54,579 :,11•• 413,693 52 029 405,363 50,485 000 371,543 AND 283,405 50,485 111 371,543 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 RECREATION AND CULTURE OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A7026 - MUNICIPAL YOUTH SERVICES 4509 INTERIM FAMILIES 4511 ULYSSES YOUTH UNLIMITED 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 26 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 COUNTY YOUTH SERVICES FUNDS ARE USED TO ACHIEVE SPECIAL PURPOSES IDENTIFIED BY THE YOUTH BOARD & LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES IDENTIFIED BY MUNICIPALITIES. 6,364 5,847 5,538 21,759 21,759 19,769 21,174 2,605 4513 CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE 684 718 4517 DCC RESOURCE AND REFERRAL 4526 FAMILIY & CHILDRENS SERVICE 24,996 26,246 20,996 11,500 11,500 10,449 10,350 1,645 4534 CAMPFIRE: SELF RELIANCE 4,1)07 4535 RECREATION MAINSTREAMING 4548 LANSING YOUTH SERVICES 4569 F&CS RURAL COORDINATION 77,190 73,383 69,331 3,840 7,114 5,388 7,114 69,331 4,888 10,076 62,992 62,398 6,464 6,403 4573 IYB YOUTH DEVELOPMENT 4574 CDRC FAMILY MEDIATION 285,528 307,471 300,246 00,246 272,793 270,221 8,694 4575 LEARNING WEB RURAL OUTREACH 4576 DCC TEEN PREGNANCY & PARENTING 4578 CYS LOCAL EXPANSION 10,000 23,793 9,930 20,000 4579 TRANS INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILL 4588 OAR 26,243 1,948 28,500 20,994 10,730 26,243 11,667 10,730 9,749 27,367 23,843 43,110 43,710 39,713 9,657 23,619 39,339 4589 AMERICAN RED CROSS TIPL 4602 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION 300 19,654 19,654 420 17,857 18,788 4610 TOWN OF CAROLINE 4611 CITY OF ITHACA 4620 TOWN OF DANBY 4630 TOWN OF DRYDEN 4638 VILLAGE OF DRYDEN 4640 TOWN OF ENFIELD 4645 VILLAGE OF FREEVILLE 4650 TOWN OF GROTON 4655 VILLAGE OF GROTON 4660 TOWN OF ITHACA 4665 VILLAG OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS 4670 TOWN OF LANSING 4675 VILLAGE OF LANSING 4680 TOWN OF NEWFIELD 4698 TOWN OF ULYSSES 4699 VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL A7026 APPROPRIATIONS 3830 INTERIM FAMILIES 3836 RED CROSS CASE MANAGEMENT 3872 HOUSING TASK FORCE APT. PROG 3875 TRANS INDPENDENT LIVING SKILLS 8,200 8,610 6,652 30,246 7,034 12,440 6,750 7,780 6,766 7,896 4,9'/3 8,514 3,215 6,178 540,239 540,239 31,758 6386 25,919 8,169 1,335 8,291 7,692 11,131 4,063 8,940 5,421 8,400 8,551 6,487 661,201 661,201 1,335 568 4,950 8,940 89,540 89,540 TOTAL A7026 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST. 540,239 11,880 11,880 649,321 89,540 8,200 30,246 7,034 25,919 7,780 1,335 7,896 7,326 11,131 4,063 8,514 5,427 8,400 8,144 6,178 /23,142 723,142 15,912 10,989 35,040 61,941 8,404 29,807 7,313 12,786 6,885 8,260 6,865 8,016 7,399 17,169 6,138 8,889 8,185 8,638 8,415 6,091 748,142 748,142 15,912 10,989 35,040 7,636 27,082 6,644 11,617 6,255 7,505 6,237 7,283 6,722 15,599 5,577 8,076 7,437 7,848 6646 5,534 657,022 657,022 15,912 10,989 35,040 7,564 26,826 6,582 11,507 6,197 7,434 6,179 7,214 6,659 15,452 5,524 8,D00 7,367 7,774 7,573 5,482 657,022 657,022 15,912 10,989 35,040 61,941 661,201 686,201 61,941 595,081 61,941 595,081 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 RECREATION AND CULTURE OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME A7023 - YOUTH PROGRAMS SDPP 4513 4514 4552 4570 4571 4574 4577 CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE LEARNING WEB- STIPENDED COOP. EXT. PARENTING'SKILLS 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 25 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 THE YOUTH BUREAU USES STATE DFY FUNDS TO CONTRACT WITH AGENCIES TO SPECIAL DELINQUENCY PREVENTION PROGRAMS FOR HIGH RISK YOUTH. 11,403 10,796 3,500 11,403 10,296 3,500 9,503 12,627 12,627 7,425 26,235 26,235 3,314 OPERATE 12,627 12,627 26,235 26,235 SUICIDE PREVENTION 2,100 F&CS RURAL SDPP CDRC FAMILY MEDIATION YOUTH BUREAU RURAL ACCESS •1 1•• •11 • •♦ 14,808 4,845 14,808 4,845 1,688 11,693 4,587 4,587 4,587 4,587 4,587 • • 3833 SUICIDE PREVENTION 1 :1 ••1 3874 YOUTH BUREAU RURAL ACCESS 38/6 OAR YOUTH -SERVICES 0 • •-, Ni 2 100 •1 0,796 4,808 ,845 9,524 3,23'/ 13,697 4,482 1,561 39,666 46,433 46,433 46,433 3,144 7,425 3,314 11,693 1,839 26,235 4,581 26,235 4,587 26,235 4,587 26,235 4,587 2,984 2,984 2,984 2,984 1 • -i1• . 3,790 2,748 A7025 - YOUTH PROGRAMS, ADMIN. TOTAL A7025 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST PROGRAM IS CURRENTLY INACTIVE. December 3. 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 RECREATION AND CULTURE OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 24 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 A7022 - YOUTH PROGRAMS YOUTH BUREAU USES YDDP, YOUTH INITIATIVES AND RUNAWAY & HOMELESS YOUTH FUNDS FROM DFY TO PURCHASE YOUTH SERVICES FROM AGENCIES WHICH MATCH DFY FUNDS. 4,080 4,080 2,856 3,672 3,672 3,672 3,672 r -472 -au--. -14,280 7,140 10,476 10,376 10,376 10,376 15,912 17,250 13,466 4505 DCC FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAM 4508 LEARNING 4509 INTERIM FAMILIES 4511 ULYSSES YOUTH UNLIMITED ITED 4512 SOUTHSIDE COMMUNITY CENTER 4525 4H URBAN OUTREACH 4534 CAMPFIRE: SELF RELIANCE 4535 RECREATION MAINSTREAMING 4548 LANSING YOUTH SERVICES 4555 TASK FORCE FOR BATTERED WOMEN 4565 GROTON YOUTH COMMISSION 4570 SUICIDE PREVENTION 4572 HOUSING TASK FORCE APT. PROG 4580 RED CROSS CASE MANAGEMENT 4585 CDRC SCHOOL MEDIATION 10,460 6,000 4,590 5,688 8,665 1,125 9,328 10,460 6,000 4,590 4,452 8,665 1,125 9,328 10,019 3,044 4,131 2,226 6,182 9,414 5,400 4,131 9,414 5,400 4,131 9,414 5,400 4,131 9,414 5,400 4,131 7,565 1,170 6,996 5,207 10,989 4591 GIAC BOTTOML1NE 4594 OFFENDER AID & RESTORATION 4595 IY H -ONE-TO ONE -PROGRAM 4000 CONTRACTUAL • • 8,863 6,126 3,315 20,'/84 135,412 7,669 2,362 35,040 8,082 13,744 6,526 8,863 4,427 6,126 3,315 20,184 175,771 5,513 2,486 6,039 /,565 1,170 1,390 6,039 7,565 1,170 7,390 6,039 1,565 1,170 7,390 6,039 5,513 5,513 5,513 5,513 14,600 100,056 18,142 71,422 18,142 78,812 18,142 78,812 18,142 78,812 3824 GROTON YOUTH COMMISSION 3826 CDRC SCHOOL MEDIATION 3827 OFFENDER AID & RESTORATION 8,863 8,863 4,427 6,039 6,039 6,039 6,039 2,486 3,315 2,281 3829 LEARNING WEB CORE PROGRAM 3830 INTERIM FAMILIES 3831 4H URBAN OUTREACH 3832 DCC FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAM 3833 SUICIDE PREVENTION 3835 IYB RECREATION MAINSTREAMING 14,280 15,450 4,59U 4,080 5,207 3836 RED CROSS CASE MANAGEMENT 3837 TASK FORCE FOR BATTERED WOMEN 3838 GIAC BOTTOMLIN 3839 IYB ONE TO ONE PROGRAM 3841 SOUTHSIDE-COMMUNITY -CENTER 3844 ULYSSES YOUTH UNLIMITED 3845 CAMP FIRE SELF R 3848 LANSING YOUTH SERVICES 3872 HOUSING TASK FORCE APT. PROG TOTAL A7022 REVENUES 8,665 10,561 9,088 Th7126 20,784 6,000 10,460 U 1,125 14,280 17,250 4,590 4,080 7,669 7,140 12,150 3,159 2,808 2,362 8,665 4,270 13,744 3,640 10,376 10,3/6 10,3/6 10,3/6 4,131 3,672 4,131 3,672 4,131 4,131 3,672 3,672 7,565 7,565 7,565 7,565 132,235 3,177 9,328 6,126 20,784 6,000 10,460 4,452 1,125 23,160 163,891 11,880 6,419 3,063 10,392 3,044 5,761 2,226 8,082 81,224 18,832 7,390 7,390 7,390 5,513 5,513 5,513 5,513 18,142 18,142 18,142 18,142 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,400 9,414 9,414 9,414 9,414 1,170 1,170 1,170 1,170 71,422 78,812 78,812 78,812 DECEMBER 05, 1991 ECONOMIC ASST. & OPPORTUNITY OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME TOTAL ECONOMIC ASST. & OPPORTUNITY DEPT. A6310 - DEPT. A6789 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY MODIFIED ACTUAL BUDGET 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 BUDGET REQUEST 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 PAGE 23 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1,244,348 899,572 344,776 1,598,388 910,746 627,642 1,279,985 1,499,881 610,306 1,004,596 609,679 495,285 1,530,010 1,01/,635 512,375 1,514,801 1,018,967 495,834 1,516,801 1,018,967 497,834 A7020 - YOUTH BUREAU 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT • • 4000 CONTRACTUAL :••• : • • • ••••••• . • • • • • ,• THE YOUTH FUNDING & 103,756 6,900 34,068 BUREAU HELPS COORDINATING 168,283 648 46,927 AGENCIES & MUNICIPALITIES MEET YOUTH NEEDS BY PLANNING, YOUTH DEVELOPMENT & DELINQUENCY PREVENTION SERVICES. 136,637 160,431 190,351 190,351 190,351 498 17,229 29,389 29,187 29,092 29,092 • 4•: • 0 S 55,871 245,256 ••• 175 • 308 221,330 253,830 252,594 252,594 Oil CO •: December 3, 1991 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 UNALLOCATED REVENUE OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 33 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2" B9576 - CONTRIBUTION TO CONSTRUCTION AIRPORT CONTRIBUTION TO CONSTRUCTION FUND 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL B9576 APPROPRIATIONS • • ••N • 14,633 115,174 114,174 14,633 115,174 114,174 TOTAL AIRPORT DEPT. 85610 - DEPT. 89999 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 494,654 590,706 96,052- 669,528 554,354 115,174 514,584 543,133 31,451 618,•/43 618,743 618,743 618,743 618,630 618,630 CD6290 - ADMIN. II A 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS - TOTAL CD6290 APPROPRIATIONS 646,111 618,630 28,081 MONEY TO ADMINISTER JTPA PROGRAMS FOR THE ECONOMICLY DISADVANTAGED. INCLUDES SALARIES & OPERATION COSTS. 18,704 18,238 18,792 24,999 24,999 68,342 4,238 3,621 3,577 419 2,111 3,/49 10,184 5,829 5,829 11,300 25,653 25,608 32,553 30,828 30,828 80,061 •.• .•: • • . • • r • TOTAL COUNTY COST 4,998- 6,898 •, . 68,342 419 11,300 80,061 CD6291 - II A PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTkA "lUAL 8000 BENEFITS MONEY TO OFF -SET TRANSPORTATION & CHILD CARE COSTS OF CLIENTS PARTICIPATING IN JTPA PROGRAMS. 34,615 33,200 33,245 3,1/8 2,589 859 TOTAL CD6291 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL CD6291 REVENUES • ••• 1,256 3,100 2,538 39,049 38,889 36,642 31,861 38,889 37,114 CD6292 - II A TRAINING & SERVICES 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BE-hEif2S MONEY TO PROVIDE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, ON-THE-JOB TRAINING & JOB SEARCH ASSISTANCE TO JTPA PARTICIPANTS. 62,302 70,770 53,971 '1/7254 70,078 38,347 TOTAL CD6292 APPROPRIATIONS • • ••. • •• r ,• TOTAL COUNTY COST 13,038 12,861 9,412 152,594 153,709 • 101,730 •• • • 5,854 19,227- CD6345 - DSS JOB CLUB 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL CD6345 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL CD6345 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING PROVIDES SPECIAL SERVICES TO DSS CLIENTS ON A CONTRACTUAL BASIS. 16,282 22,620 13,849 176 551 262 3,203 3,446 2,896 19,661 26,617 11,007 18,007 26,617 7,196 1,654 9,811 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 AIRPORT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME CD6394 - TRNING CONTRACT PERF AWARDS 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQ 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 34 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 EMPLOYMENT & SATISFACTORY 1,097 TRAINING RECEIVED INCENTIVE MONEY BASED ON PAST YEARS IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMS. 6,286 ,403 4000 CONTRACTUAL 3,018 1,831 832 8000 BENE TOTAL CD6394 APPROPRIATIONS 210 7837 • • • . • $ ,S TOTAL COUNTY COST 6,728 8,904 832 3,892 8,904 2,836 832 CD7320 - AVE GRANT ADMIN. 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL CD7320 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL CD7320 REVENUES • 4111 • THE ADOLESCENT VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM PROVIDES SUMMER WORKSHOPS, CAREER EXPLORATION & TUTORING TO YOUTH AT RISK OF DROPPING OUT OF SCHOOL. 22,686 25,625 12,196 9;279 6,471 2,806 3,426 3,509 1,435 35,391 35,605 16,431 35,948 57- 35,605 12,417 4,020 CD7323 - S E S P ADMIN 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS THE STRUCTURED EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM PROVIDES ACADEMIC YEAR WORKSHOPS, CAREER EXPLORATION AND TUTORING TO YOUTH AT RISK OF DROPPING OUT OF SCHOOL. 38,100 34,836 20,631 28,168 25,632 15,660 TOTAL CD7323 APPROPRIATIONS • • • •1 • ,1 TOTAL 6,725 72,993 4,760 4,509 65,228 40,800 • COUNTY COST 376 1,104 - TOTAL JOB TRAINING DEPT. CD6232 - DEPT. CD7325 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 352,069 345,716 6,353 354,560 354,560 246,001 30,828 30,828 80,061 80,061 245,243 30,828 30,828 80,061 80,061 758 CS1910 - UNALLOCATED INSURANCE 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL CS1910 APPROPRIATIONS UNALLOCATED ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES ASSOCIATED WITH RISK MANAGEMENT. 15,258 27,928 15,258 27,928 •i • CS1930 - JUDGMENTS & CLAIMS 4000 CONTRACTUAL • • .•••••• . TOTAL COUNTY COST •� SETTLEMENTS MADE ON LOSS AND LOSS ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES. 57,368 38,398 7,368 38,398 57,368 38,398 M December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME CS9050 - UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 8000 BENEFITS TOTAL CS9050 APPROPRIATIONS • • ••N 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 171 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 BUDGET REQUEST 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 35 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 171 CS9999 - UNALLOCATED TOTAL CS9999 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST INDIRECT REVENUES INCLUDING INTEREST, INSURANCE RECOVERIES, AND REFUNDS OF PRIOR YEARS EXPENSES. 67,758 43,140 5-/;-158- 43,140 - TOTAL INSURANCE RESERVE DEPT. CS0000 _ DEY'1'. CS9999 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL RE-vYNUhs 72,797 66,326 66/58 TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,039 43,140 23,186 D3310 - TRAFFIC CONTROL 1000 PERSONAL •••• ••, •i• THE RESPONSIBILITY OF AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS 49,245 42,480 9,23U 92,/13 ,832 8,624 • • • - 1 fp •� TRAFFIC CONTROL ON COUNTY ROADS 38,885 85,380 12,271 r IS TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN ROAD SIGNS AND BRIDGES FOR THE SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC. 44,889 44,889 44,889 44,889 111,519 111,519 111,519 111,519 15,203 15,203 15,506 15,506 TOTAL COUNTY COST D5010 - COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION 1000 PERSONAL 111 •••• .i • 33,818 143,817 6,511- 136,536 171,611 171,611 171,914 171,914 • •i• • • THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION IS TO PROVIDE CLERICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT FOR THE HIGHWAY AND ENGINEERING DIVISIONS. 137,444 186,524 166,837 252,291 252,291 252,291 ,713 40,258 36,933 33,308 33,308 33,308 • • • • • • • • • 2,968 63,332 80,406 • 25,522 266,934 248,734 11 29,042 243,997 1,919 1 • 51,826 354,481 354,481 • . 51,826 354,481 354,481 • . 50,183 352.,838 352,838 252,291 33,308 50,183 352,838 352,838 D5110 - COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE 1000 PERSONAL THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE IS TO BUILD AND MAINTAIN COUNTY ROADS AND BRIDGES FOR THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. 813,897 857,222 770,271 858,643 817,962 817,962 ,114,016 2,151,760 1,758,680 2,228,583 2,304,083 2,034,121 210,459 223,907 202,495 246,92/ 236,910 241,453 ,138,372 3,232,889 2,731,446 3,334,153 3,358,955 3,093,536 r ••• • r ,=• r• ,• , • • • ♦ N• TOTAL COUNTY COST 161,U/8 - 682,166- r 817,962 2,034,121 241,453 3,093,536 •• • .•• December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 INSURANCE RESERVE OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME D5111 - STATE BOND ACT 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL D5111 APPROPRIATIONS • $ �• 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY MODIFIED ACTUAL BUDGET 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 192,915 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 BUDGET REQUEST 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 36 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 192,915 TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,915 D5142 - SNOW REMOVAL COUNTY 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNTY SNOW THROUGH SNOW AND ICE CONTROL ON A 44,865 50,000 30,282 50 7, 242 611,801 479,192 11,815 1,606 REMOVAL IS TO PROVIDE MOTORIST SAFETY LL COUNTY ROADS. 50,000 50,000 50,000 544,427 504,427 504,427 15,999 15,999 15,499 50,000 504,42/ 15,499 TOTAL D5142 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 559,438 7,331- 511,680 .:• ••,4 • •,' 673,616 610,426 570,426 569,926 569,926 D5144 - SNOW REMOVAL STATE 1000 PERSONAL 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS - TOTAL D5144 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL D5144 REVENUES , TOTAL COUNTY COST THE RESPONSIBILITY OF STATE SNOW SNOW AND ICE CONTROL ON ALL STATE 12,287 15,000 9,205 93,003 171,243 79,290 3,75/ 535 105,290 190,000 89,030 105,294 190, UUU 85,422 4- 3,608 REMOVAL IS TO PROVIDE MOTORIST SAFETY THRU OWNED ROADS ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE COUNTY. 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 169,926 169,926 170,076 170,076 5,074 5,074 4,924 4,924 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 TOTAL COUNTY ROAD DEPT. -D3310 - DEPT. D9509 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 4,279,323 4,507,256 3,712,689 4,468,406 4,489,056 3,500,953 189,083- 18,200 211,736 4,660,671 4,645,473 4,378,214 4,378,214 4,660,671 4,645,473 4,378,214 4,378,214 DM5130 - HIGHWAY MACHINERY 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BEN TOTAL DM5130 APPROPRIATIONS •� • • $ �• THE RESPONSIBILITY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY IS TO PURCHASE AND USED BY THE HIGHWAY CREWS FOR MAINTAINING COUNTY ROADS AND 176,508 187,592 292,662 2/9,685 342,729 351,818 56,310 53,986 868,209 873,081 174,734 195,935 258,002 52,294 680,965 205,003 291,775 351,046 67,294 921,118 205,003 386,'/75 351,046 67,294 1,010,118 REPAIR EQUIPMENT BRIDGES. 205,003 205,003 101,450 101,450 351,046 351,046 66,414 66,414 723,913 723,913 • • TOTAL COUNTY COST 80,090- 1,263 2,324 TOTAL HIGHWAY MACHINERY DEPT. DM5130 - DEPT. DM9999 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 868,209 948,299 80,090- 873,081 8/1,818 1,263 680,965 678,641 2,324 921,118 921,118 1,010,118 1,010,118 723,913 723,913 723,913 723, 913 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 COUNTY ROAD OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME HA5630 - PUBLIC TRANSIT FACILITY 4000 CONTRACTUAL 9000 TRANSFERS 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 37 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 . • ....•.. . •N TOTAL HA5630 • • •iN 352,125 16,710 368,835 507,594 505,241 505,241 505,241 REVENUES 41,150 1,150- 368,835 50/,594 346,868 160,726 505,241 505,241 505,241 505,241 505,241 505,241 TOTAL HA FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENU TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,1S0 41,150- 368,835 368,835 507,594 346,868 160,726 505,241 505,241 505,241 505,241 505,241 505,241 HB1430 - OLD COURTHOUSE RAMP 9000 TRANSFERS 750 10,350 34,012 TOTAL HB1430 APPROPRIATIONS 750 10,350 34,012 TOTAL HB1430 REVENUES 5,162 8,000 7,634 TOTAL COUNTY COST 4,412- 2,350 26,378 TOTAL HB FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS /SU. TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,162 10,350 34,012 8,000 7,634 4,412- 2,350 26,3/8 HC1653 - COURT HOUSE PARKING LOT 9000 TRANSFERS 3,303 • • • ••l • •� 3,303 ,097 3,303 6,496 ,097- 6,496 - TOTAL HC FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST. 6,09/ 3,303 3,303 6,496 6,097- 6,496- HD8745 - FLOOD CONTROL 9000 TRANSFERS • 1: , :..•.. - TOTAL HD8745 REVENUES 83,333 17,932 83,333 TOTAL COUNTY COST .17,932 TOTAL HD FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES 1'0'1AL COUNTY COSI' 83,333 17,932 83,333 1/,932 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HA FUND OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME HE3410 - FIRE & DISASTER CONTROL 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HE3410 APPROPRIATIONS 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 38 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 • • • - • 1 TOTAL COUNTY COST 122,627 122,627 122,627 122,627 122,627 122,627 TOTAL HE FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 122,627 122,627 122,627 122,627 122,627 122,627 HF1680 - DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT 9000 TRANSFERS 345,807 430,000 377,418 • TOTAL HF1680 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST • :• A 1,111 432,421 430,000 435,854 86,614- 58,436- HF9961 - CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL HF9961 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL HF FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 345,80/ TOTAL REVENUES 432,000 3/1,418 432,421 TOTAL COUNTY COST 86,614- 430,000 435,854 2,000 58,436- HH8160 - LANDFILL LEACHATE PROJECT 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 21,426 7,843 9,688 7,946 4000 CONTRACTUAL 200,214 309,341 243,374 8000 BEN 6,098 TOTAL HH8160 APPROPRIATIONS 208,057 346,553 251,320 238,20 334,553 274,726 TOTAL HH8160 REVENU TOTAL COUNTY COST 30,220- 12,000 23,406- HH8162 - COMPOSTING PROJECT 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACI`uAL 4,246 44,546 108,802 8,460 4,246 392,500 61,684 823,595 310,982 9000 TRANSFERS • • •� T•T•L H TOTAL COUNTY COST 57,594 .5,386 92,208 1,224,555 1,224,555 376,912 65,386 311,526 431,000 431,000 431,000 431,000 431,000 431,000 431,000 431,000 431,000 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME HH8165 - LANDFILL 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HFf8365- APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL HH8165 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 39 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 5,619,591 11,543,123 6,709,020 5,619,591 11,543,123 6,709,020 12,012, 704 11, 555, 123 12,283,715 6,393,113- 12,000- 5,574,695- 12,792,000 12,792,000 12,792,000 12,792,000 12,792,000 12,792,000 12,792,000 12,792,000 12,192,000 HH8166 - LANDSTROM LANDFILL 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HH8166 APPROPRIATIONS 849,202 849,000 840,768 849,202 849,000 840,768 TOTAL HH8166 REVENUES 849,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 849,202 840,768 HH9901 - TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HH9901 APPROPRIATIONS 21,100 21,100 TOTAL HH9901 REVENUES 21,100 21,100 21,100 21,100 21,100 TOTAL COUNTY COST 21,100 21,100 TOTAL HH FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 6,855,544 13,984,331 8,199,120 12,316,367 13,984,331 12,623,827 5,460,823- 4,424,707- 13,223,000 13,223,000 13,223,000 13,223,000 13,223,000 13,223,000 N HL5684 - AIRPORT LIGHTING/TAXIWAY 9000 TRANSFERS 1,094,146 1,056,900 1,094,146 TOTAL HL5684 APPROPRIATIONS 1,094,146 1,056,900 1,094,146 TOTAL HL5684 REVENUES 1,063,713 1,056,900 1,067,987 TOTAL COUNTY COST 30,433 26,159 TOTAL HL FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1,094,146 1,056,900 1,094,146 TOTAL REVENUES 1,063,713 1,056,900 1,06/,987 TOTAL COUNTY COST 30,433 26,159 HM5610 - AIRCRAFT RAMP/TAXIWAY CONNECT 9000 TRANSFERS 172,720 172,720 172,720 TOTAL HM5610 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL HM5610 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST TOTAL HM FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 /2,120 TOTAL REVENUES 172,720 TOTAL COUNTY COST December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HH FUND OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME 1 9 9 2 T O M P K I N ,S COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 40 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 HN5686 - AIRPORT PKING & REFUELING AREA ---- OTHER 19,076 19,076 9000 TRANSFERS 1,030,652 1,062,991 1,031,922 • • •.. ....•.. •� •,• •. ,•• ,• •,• . TOTAL HN5686 REVENUES 1,009,339 1,062,991 1,013,352 TOTAL COUNTY COST 40,389 37,646 TOTAL HN FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1,049,728 1,062,991 1,050,998 TOTAL REVENUES 1,009,339 1,062,991 1,013,352 TOTAL COUNTY COST 40,389 37,646 H05688 - AIRPORT LAYOUT PLAN 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL H05688 APPROPRIATIONS • • •• • '• 47,112 47,112 8,737 99,459 47,112 99,459 47,112 99,459 48,828 TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,625- 1,716 - TOTAL HO FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 47,112 99,459 TOTAL REVENUES 48,737 99,459 TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,625- 4/,112 48,828 1,716 - HP9961 - CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE 4000 CONTRACTUAL • TOTAL COUNTY COST 760 /60 760 TOTAL HP FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS /6U TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST /60 HQ1355 - RENOVATIONS BLDG C 9000 TRANSFERS 249,863 10,000 255,488 TOTAL HQ1355 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL HQ1355 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 249,863 10,000 255,488 16,963 10,000 16,963 232,900 238,525 HQ1620 - COURTHOUSE RENOVATION 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HQ1620 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL HQ1620 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,468 5,468 32,000 26,532- 32,000 32,000 32,000 5,468 5,468 32,000 26,532- 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 '/5,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HN FUND OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 41 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 HQ1621 - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 9000 TRANSFERS 55,096 63,640 55,120 TOTAL HQ1621 APPROPRIATIONS 55,096 63,640 55,120 TOTAL HQ1621 REVENUES- 53,SUU 63,64U 53,50U TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,596 1,620 HQ1622 - BIGGS HEAT PLANT 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HQ1622 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL HQ1622 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 11,000 11,000 HQ1699 - FRS CONSTRUCTION FUNDS 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HQ1699 APPROPRIATIONS • • • • A • • TOTAL COUNTY COST 454,389 421,794 454,389 421,794 .24,207 7UU,44U 599,616 599,616 832,989 369,818- 278,646- 233,373 - HQ3310 - EAST HILL PLAZA AREA SFTY IMPV 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HQ3310 APPROPRIATIONS • • • • • • t 1 • 770,000 770,000 770,000 770,000 770,000 770,000 •.111 S SOS 0 OSS TOTAL COUNTY COST HQ4310 - MENTAL HEALTH BUILDING 4000 CONTRACTUAL 'DOTAL HQ4310 APPROPRIATIONS • • • • • • • • 1 • TOTAL COUNTY COST 6,542,890 7,088,575 7,122,904 6,542,890 7,088,575 7,122,904 •,/89,229 7,088,5/5 6,789,229 246,339- 333,675 HQ5699 - AIRPORT CAPITAL PROJECTS 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HQ5699 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL HQ5699 REVENUES 4,616 TOTAL COUNTY COST 4,616- 9,750 9,750 4,616 4,616 5,134 4,616- HQ9901 - TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 4000 CONTRACTUAL 112,227 TOTAL HQ9901 APPROPRIATIONS 112,227 112,227 112,227 112,227 112,227 • • ••� HQ9984 - TRANSFER TO CONST 84 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HQ9984 APPROPRIATIONS 11,550 11,550 11,550 TOTAL COUNTY COST 11,550 11,550 11,550 11,5 6-11,530 11,550 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HQ FUND OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME HQ9997 - TRANSFER FROM FRS 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HQ9997 APPROPRIATIONS • • • N • TOTAL COUNTY COST 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 42 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 291,000 291,000 291,000 291,000 291,000 291,000 sof 55,662- 55,662- HQ9998 - TRANSFER TO CONSTRUCTION 52 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HQ9998 APPROPRIATIONS • • ••N ' 156,689 156,689 156,689 156,689 156,689 156,689 TOTAL HQ FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 7,890,172 8,067,177 177,005- 8,197,225 8,190,211 6,954 8,621,062 8,075,959 545,103 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 HR5610 - AIR. INADVERTENT ENTRY FENCING 4000 CONTRACTUAL 9000 TRANSFERS • •• ....•.. •� TOTAL HR5610 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 103,656 91,782 4,432 100,568 103,925 105,000 11,874 98,991 4,934 TOTAL HR FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 103,656 105,000 103,925 91,182 105,000 98,991 11,874 4,934 HT9901 - CONTRIBUTION TO GENERAL FUND 4000 CONTRACTUAL TOTAL HT9901 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL COUNTY COST 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 TOTAL HT FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 8,000 8,000 8,000 TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 8,000 8,000 8,000 HU5610 - AIRPORT TERMINAL 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HU5610 APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL HU5610 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,220 5,220 5,220 1,466,992 1,466,992 1,466,992 127,957 127,957 114,174 13,783 1,928,247 1,928,247 1,928,247 1,928,247 1,928,247 1,928,247 1,928,247 1,928,247 1,928,247 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 43 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM OBJECT ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED CODE ACCOUNT NAME 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 TOTAL HU FUND 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS --5,220 1,466,992 12/,957 1,928,247 1,928,24/ 1,928,247 TOTAL REVENUES 1,466,992 114,174 1,928,247 1,928,247 1,928,247 TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,220 13,783 HV3151 - OLD JAIL FEASIBILITY STUDY 9000 TRANSFERS 20,000 117,720 1,753,350 1,753,350 1,753,350 TOTAL HV3151 APPROPRIATIONS 20,000 117,720 1,753,350 1,753,350 1,753,350 TOTAL HV3151 REVENUES 21,536 20,000 22,226 1,753,350 1,753,350 1,753,350 TOTAL COUNTY COST 21,536- 95,494 TOTAL HV FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 20,000 117,720 TOTAL REVENUES 21,536 20,000 22,226 TOTAL COUNTY COST 21,536- 95,494 1,753,350 1,753,350 1,753,350 1,153,350 1,753,350 1,153,350 HW5676 - CFR VEHICLE 2000 EQUIPMENT 378,838 378,838 378,838 TOTAL HW5676 APPROPRIATIONS 378,838 378,838 378,838 3/5,924 378,838 375,981 TOTAL HW5676 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,914 2,857 TOTAL HW FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 3/8,838 3/8,838 3/8,838 5/5,924 378,838 375,981 2,914 2,85/ HX5698 - AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION CLEARANCE 9000 TRANSFERS • _ ....•.. TOTAL HX5698 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST •' 573,012 1,972,220 1,034,742 r 1 r 92,500 11 92,500 92,500 •• •1 581,290 1,972,220 8, 2 /8- 995,752 38,990 92,500 92,500 92,500 TOTAL HX FUND T • • • • • N1 TOTAL COUNTY COST •• • 4 •1 11 •• 10 •• •1 8,278- 38,990 HY5611 - AIRPORT RESTAURANT ROOF 9000 TRANSFERS • • 0 • • •� �• TOTAL COUNTY COST 3,340 10,000 3,340 ,340 10,000 3,340 0,111 • 11• • ••• 6,660- b,66U- December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 HV FUND OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME HY5613 - AIRPORT PAVE PARKING 9000 TRANSFERS TOTAL HY5613 APPROPRIATIONS 63,460 75,000 63,460 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET PAGE 44 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 63,460 75,000 63,460 • • •• • , �• TOTAL COUNTY COST •.: • ••• 7,410- 8,131 - TOTAL HY FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 66,800 TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 80,870 85,000 66,800 85,000 81,591 14,070- 14,791- HZ5130 - BULK FUEL FACILITY HWY 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 2,881 2,828 2,881 9000 TRANSFERS 388,660 • • TOTAL HZ5130 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 472,583 80,000 225,301 382,360 416,108 465,188 •• 472,626 81,042- 171,664 TOTAL HZ FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 391,541 465,188 644,290 TOTAL COUNTY COST 81,042- 171,664 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUNDS (HA - HZ) TOTAL APPROPRIATION TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 18,810,326 29,973,445 22,431,666 24,614,148 29,953,381 25,788,146 5,803,822- 20,064 3,356,480- 18,529,965 18,529,965 18,529,965 18,529,965 18,529,965 18,529,965 L7410 - TOMPKINS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 1000 PERSONAL 2000 EQUIPMENT 4000 CONTRACTUAL 8000 BENEFITS 766,836 20,279 433,2'/2 131,339 838,652 8,850 422,112 169,405 576,173 1,187 324, /40 100,608 763,706 783,592 702,138 702,138 7,185 7,185 6,606 6,606 334,511 360,6U/ 307,550 295,116 165,041 170,275-----r5-17735 151,735 • • • • ....•.. •� • • • • TOTAL L7410 • ••) • REVENUES 1,364,252 1,422,146 •• , •: 1,088,756 •. .. • • 1,270,449 1,321,659 1,168,029 1,155,595 TOTAL LIBRARY TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1,351,726 1,439,019 TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,364,252 1,422,146 12,526- 16,873 1,002,708 1,2/0,449 1,088,756 1,270,449 86,048- 1,321,659 1,321,659 1,168,029 1,168,029 1,155,595 1,155,595 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05,1991 HY FUND OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME V9710 - SERIAL BONDS 6620 HOSPITAL 6650 JAIL. 6675 MENTAL HLTH BLDG - OTHER 7720 INT/HOSP 7750 INTEREST JAIL 7775 MENTAL HLTH BLDG -INT. - --- OTHER i• 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THE TOMPKINS COMMUNITY 1,000,000 1,000,000 400,000. 400,000 188,000 1,588,000 617,300 2/5,.[25 276,416 1,168,841 2,756,841 1,000,000 617,300 188,000 127,910 823,631 2,756,841 ,400,000 672,300 303,525 0 0 2966 SERIAL BONDS HOSP 2967 INT SERIAL BONDS HSP 2969 SERIAL BOND PRIN-MTL HLTH BLDG 2970 SERIAL BOND INT-MNTL HLTH BLDG 5031 INTERFUN TRAR 103,525 TOTAL V9710 REVENUES 2,425,825 TOTAL COUNTY COST 50,000- • ....•.• 975,825 ,375,825 1,050,000 672,300 BUDGET YTD ACTUAL REQUEST 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 EXPENSES FOR SERIAL BON HOSPITAL, PUBLIC SAFETY 1,000,000 1,000,000 400,000 400,000 188,000 200,000 1,588,000 617,300 144,662 141,216 903,178 2,491,178 1,050,000 617,300 80,063 1,747,363 743,815 1,600,000 562,300 246,725 264,000 1,073,025 2,673,025 1,000,000 562,300 138,479 182,793 789,453 2,673,025 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 45 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 DS ISSUED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF AND MENTAL HEALTH BUILDINGS. 1,000,000 400,000 200,000 1,600,000 562,300 246,725 264,000 1,07.1,025 2,673,025 1,000,000 562,300 138,479 182,793 789,453 2,673,025 1,000,000 1,000,000 400,000 400,000 200,000 200,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 562,300 562,300 246,725 246,725 264,000 264,000 1,073,025 1,073,025 2,673,025 2,673,025 1,000,000 1,000,000 562,300 562,300 138,479 138,479 182,793 182,793 189,453 789,453 2,673,025 2,673,025 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 DEBT SERVICE OBJECT ' CODE ACCOUNT NAME V9730 - BAN 6625 LANDFILL 6626 CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY 6631 LANDFILL CLOSURE 6634 BIGGS COMPLEX TOMPKINS ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 2 COUNTY BUDGET MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST CAPITAL PROJECTS. 454,750 984,610 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 REQUEST 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 46 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 EXPENSES OF BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES EXECUTED FOR VARIOUS 636,110 40,000 87,800 40,000 40,000 59,600 59,600 60,000 48,600 50,000 6637 BUILDING C 1,783,900 636,110 413,000 40,000 636,110 413,000 40,000 636,110 413,000 40,000 6640 COMPUTER 6641 MENTAL HEALTH BUILDING 6642 LIBRARY 6643 HIGHWAY SALT STORAGE 6644 TRANSIT FACILITY 6645 COMPOSTING PROJECT 6660 TELEPHONE SYSTEM 50,000 81,600 81,600 82,000 81,600 81,600 81,600 12,000 12,000 12,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 40,000 40,000. 40,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 161,882 161,882 161,882 34,997 6670 AIRPORT TERMINAL 36,000 6671 AIRPORT-PARKING/REFUELING 6691 HIGHWAY FACILITIES ---- OTHER 7725 INTEREST/LANDFILL 7726 INT CENT PROCESSING FACILITY 7731 INTEREST LANDFILL CLOSURE 7734 INTEREST-BIGGS COMPLEX 25,184 87,817 788,348 58,191 19,p48 4,`531 25,184 102,267 1,341,861 27,605 29,968 102,267 977,745 163,236 26,000 105,000 2,106,900 25,184 25,184 25,184 102,266 102,266 102,266 1,644,042 1,644,042 1,644,042 83,912 83,912 83,912 488,500 488,500 488,500 12,560 12,560 12,560 5,619 7737 INTEREST- BUILDING C 13,600 15,000 7740 INTEREST COMPUTER 7741 INTEREST MENTAL HEALTH BLDG 7742 INTEREST LIBRARY 7743 INTEREST HIGHWAY SALT STORAGE 7744 INTEREST TRANSIT FACILITY 7745 INTEREST COMPOSTING PROJECT 7760 INTEREST TELEPHONE SYSTEM 1,537 25,296 25,225 30,000 16,810 3,900 19,500 13,000 23,400 10,118 16,810 3,900 19,500 13,000 23,400 10,118 16,810 3,900 19,500 13,000 23,400 10,118 1,058 7770 INTEREST AIRPORT TERMINAL 1,088 7771 INTEREST-AIRP PARKING/REFUEL 7791 INTEREST -HIGHWAY FACILITES ---- OTHER TOTAL V9730 APPROPRIATIONS 2770 UNCLASSIFIED REV BIGGS COMPLEX 6,529 18,017 110,899 899,247 5,21/ 4,798 14,317 85,616 1,427,477 13,054 2U/,134 1,184,879 4,348 5,000 15,000 65,000 2,171,900 2,897 6,136 680,733 2,324,775 2,897 2,897 6,136 680,733 2,324,775 6,136 680,733 2,324,775 2976 TELEPHONE 2,736 3,154 2977 2978 5031 TOTAL TOTAL AIRPORT TERMINAL REFUSE FEES INTERFUND TRANSFERS V9730 REVENUES COUNTY COST 14,000 633,056 461,282 1,116,291 217,044- 28,081 1,158,874 268,603 1,427,477 782,494 513,338 1,363,334 178,455- 1,901,900 270,000 2,171,900 1,606,082 478,693 2,084,775 240,000 1,606,082 478,693 2,084,775 240,000 1,606,082 450,612 2,084,775 240,000 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 DEBT SERVICE OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT NAME V9999 - UNALLOCATED REVENUES TOTAL V9999 REVENUES • • •1 N 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 DEBT SERVICE DEBT SERVICE 27,917 27,917 - MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 REQUEST 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 47 ADOPTED 1 9 9 2' REVENUES INCLUDING INTEREST INCOME NOT ALLOCATED TO ANY SPECIFIC ACCOUNT. 18,629 18,629- 240,000 240,000- 240,000 240,000- 240,000 240,000 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE DEPT. V9710 - DEPT. V9999 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COSI' 3,275,072 4,184,318 3,570,033 4,184,318 294,961- 3,6/6,05/ 3,129,326 546,/31 4,844,925 4,844,925 4,997,800 4,997,800 4,99/,800 4,997,800 4,997,800 4,997,800 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS • • • • •• 29,504,176 42,001,207 32,390,996 12,346,734 31,154,586 30,496,612 30,512,259 •, 0 A •• N Y CO ,465,142- 171,574 2,626,342- GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS 28,081 •� •• :• ,• • • •• • • •1N • .1 •:, •. .,•• :• •, .,:• Less INTERFUND TRANSFERS: A4310 - Debt Service Fund A8160 - Debt Service Fund A9509 - Hwy. Machinery Fund A9522 - County Road Fund A9576 Construction Fund A9961 - Debt Service Fund A9962 - Library Fund D Fund - Machinery Fund TOTAL INTERFUND APPROP. TOTAL INTERFUND REN. TOTAL COUNTY COST 0 633,056 21,590 3,136,876 173,150 1,164,807 0 920,268 6,049,747 6,049,747 0 315,910 0 321,272 321,272 1,158,874 782,494 1,901,900 1,606,082 0 0 0 0 3,310,892 2,424,040 3,310,836 3,295,638 131,214 60,000 1,092,234 596,550 1,059,453 1,268,146 1,150,791 1,150,791 1,024,199 1,075,409 837,318 662,457 837,318 912,818 7,997,233 5,616,332 8,454,978 8,539,365 7,997,233 5,616,332 8,454,978 8,539,365 0 0 0 0 321,272 1,606,082 0 3,028,529 60,000 1,268,146 921,779 647,413 7,853,221 7,853,221 0 321,272 1,606,082 0 3,028,529 60,000 1,268,146 909,345 647,413 7,840,787 7,840,787 0 GRAND TOTAL WITHOUT INTERFUND ITEMS (ALL FUNDS) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 71,890,738 92,603,710 79,188,565 91,149,447 7,297,827- 1,454,263 72,040,180 69,350,092 88,911,548 74,642,286 52,123,818 70,904,268 2,602,106- 17,226,274 18,007,280 87,744,540 70,961,336 16,783,204 87,785,290 70,981,024 16,804,266 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT DEPT. A1010 - DEPT. A1990 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT ACTUAL 1 9 9 0 MODIFIED BUDGET 1 9 9 1 YTD ACTUAL 1 9 9 1 REQUEST 1 9 9 2 COMMITTEE RECOMMEND 1 9 9 2 PAGE 48 BDGT COMM RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 TOTAL EDUCATION DEPT. A2400 - DEPT. A2981 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY DEPT. A3110 - DEPT. A3630 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY -COST ------ TOTAL TOTAL HEALTH DEPT. A4010 - DEPT. A4548 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,049,888 6,201,105 5,463,264 6,979,312 7,214,673 6,191,763 6,791,763 1,469,587 2,238,292 1,885,861 2,243,102 2,299,861 2,357,337 2,375,025 3,580,301 3,962,813 3,577,403 4,736,210 4,914,812 4,434,426 4,416,738 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 3,252,124 3,400,341 3,030,156 3,268,903 3,296,200 3,247,066 3,247,066 493,549 731,250 459,793 575,000 575,000 575,000 575,000 2,758,575 2,669,091 2,5/0,363 2,693,903 2,721,200 2,6/2,066 2,672,066 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 4,333,766 4,590,857 4,332,936 4,617,796 4,749,064 4,674,486 4,708,236 788,120 722,331 268,068 653,701 685,619 679,772 679,772 3,545,646 3,868,526 4,064,868 3,964,095 4,063,445 3,994,114 4,028,464 6,785,986 5,653,308 1,132,678 8,493,053 6,797,313 1,695,/40 6,802,524 5,532,303 1,270, 221 9,217,586 7,588,094 1,629,492 9,300,506 7,680,349 1,620,157 9,269,116 9,274,116 7,778,014 7,780,014 1,491,102 1,494,102 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEPT. A5630 -DEPT. A5631 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 873,07/ 992,566 119,489 - 2,272,'/48 1,898,961 373,787 1,/39,811 1,317,499 422,312 1,752,969 1,388,300 364,669 1,764,149 1,388,300 375,849 1,774,301 1,774,307 1,404,300 1,404,300 3/0,001 370,007 TOTAL SOCIAL SERVICES DEPT. A6010 - DEPT. A6148 TOTAL -APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 17,397,228 10,815,431 6,581,/9/ 20,214,979 12,439,563 7,775,41 TOTAL ECONOMIC ASST. & OPPORTUNITY DEPT. A6310 - DEPT. A6789 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1,244,348 899,572 344,776 1,598,388 970,746 627,642 19,212,123 22,548,839 22,997,567 22,874,629 22,874,629 10,581,374 13,349,879 13,711,909 13,458,733 13,458,733 8,630,749 9,198,960 9,285,658 9,415,896 9,415,896 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1,2/9,985 1,499,881 1,530,010 1,514,801 1,516,801 670,306 1,004,596 1,017,635 1,018,967 1,018,967 609,6/9 495,285 512,375 495,834 497,834 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 TOTAL RECREATION AND CULTURE DEPT. A7020 - DEPT. A7620 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 1 9 9 OMPKINS2 TS COUNTY BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT PAGE 49 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 2,121,234 262,699 1,858,535 1,291,02'1 297,506 993,521 541,442 118, 142 423,300 1,190,980 227,281 963,699 1,271,488 234,671 1,036,81/ 1,161,570 234,671 926,899 1,174,004 234,671 939,333 TOTAL HOME & COMM. SERVICE DEPT. A8020 - DEPT. A8989 • • S • � TOTAL COUNTY COST ,861,073 4,9/6,438 3,418,138 8,987,582 ,832,167 4,338,373 3,771,301 8,432,112 28,906 638,065 353,163- 555,4/0 8,473,47/ 7,925,706 547,'/71 8,522,671 8,021,154 501,517 8,522,671 8,021,154 501,517 TOTAL UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEPT. A9000 - DEPT. A9089 •.• TOTAL REVENUES • � 111 111 • TOTAL INTER FUND TRANSFERS & DEBT SERVICE DEPT. A9500 - DEPT. A9990 • TOTAL REVENUES • •1) . • � ,502,622 5,685,131 4,453,181 5,394,488 5,699,193 5,2/8,304 5,237,789 TOTAL UNALLOCATED REVENUE DEPT. A9999 ,502,622 5,685,131 4,453,181 5,394,488 5,699,193 5,2/8,304 5,237,789 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS • • • 5,061,995 26,925,361 24,172,804 12,769,997 12,769,997 12,789,997 12,789,997 •• • — •,� r • — rr r:•,- , ••,•• — , • , • — r r TOTAL GENERAL FUND 0 L CO i • CO TOTAL AIRPORT DEPT. B5610 - DEPT. 89999 0 • • '• 8,436,309 58,725,067 50,295,287 65,458,336 66,296,327 65,101,149 65,113,818 9,268,994 5/,359,696 48,///,451 48,232,062 48,289,047 48,31/,945 48,337,633 32,685- 1,365,371 1,517,836 17,226,274 18,007,280 16,783,204 16,776,185 94,654 669,528 5/4,584 TOTAL COUNTY COST Oe 96,052- 115,1/4 31,451 618, /43 618, /43 618,630 646,711 • :,. • • 21371:Y}31- December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 TOTAL JOB TRAINING 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT PAGE 50 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 DEPT. CD6232 - DEPT. CD7325 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 352,069 345,716 6,353 354,560 354,560 246,001 30,828 30,828 80,061 80,061 245,243 30,828 30,828 80,061 80,061 /58 TOTAL INSURANCE RESERVE DEPT. CS0000 - DEPT. CS9999 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS /2,797 66,326 TOTAL REVENUES . 67,758 43,140 TOTAL -COUNTY -COST 5,039 23,186 TOTAL COUNTY ROAD DEPT. D3310 - DEPT. D9509 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 4,279,323 4,507,256 4,468,406 4,489,056 189,083- 18,200 3,712,689 3,500,953 211,736 4,660,6/1 4,660,671 4,645,4/3 4,318,214 4,3/8,214 4,645,473 4,378,214 4,378,214 TOTAL HIGHWAY MACHINERY DEPT. DM5130 - DEPT. DM9999 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 868,209 948,299 80,090- 8/3,081 871,818 1,263 680,965 678,641 2,324 921,118 921,118 1,010,118 1,010,118 723,913 723,913 723,913 723,913 TOTAL HA. FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 41,150 41,150- 368,835 368,835 507,594 346,868 160,726 505,241 505,241 505,241 505,241 505,241 505,241 TOTAL HB FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATION 50 10,350 34,012 TOTAL REVENUES 5,162 8,000 7,634 TOTAL COUNTY COST 4,412- 2,350 26,378 TOTAL HC FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 3,303 TOTAL REVENUES 6,097 3,303 6,496 TOTAL COUNTY COST 6,097- 6,496 - TOTAL HD FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 83,333 17,932 TOTAL REVENUES 83,333 TOTAL COUNTY COST 17,932 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 TOTAL HE FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT PAGE 51 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 122,627 122,627 122,627 122,627 122,627 122,627 TOTAL HF FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 345,807 TOTAL REVENUES 432,00U 3/1,418 TOTAL COUNTY COST 432,421 430,000 435,854 86,614- 2,000 58,436 - TOTAL HH FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES ----------- TOTAL COUNTY COST 6,855,544 13,984,331 8,199,120 12,316,367 13,984,331 12,623,82/ 5,460,823- 4,424,707- 13,223,000 13,223,000 13,223,000 13,223,000 13,223,000 13,223,000 TOTAL HL FUND TOTAL REVENUES 1•, ,• . *SO ,•., TO'1`A1-Z'UUN'1`Y COS'1 1,063,713 1,056,900 1,067,987 30,433 26,159 TOTAL HM FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES 172,720 TOTAL COUNTY COST 1/2,Y20 TOTAL HN FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1,049,/28 1,062,991 1,050,998 TOTAL REVENUES 1,009,339 1,062,991 1,013,352 TOTAL COUNTY COST 40,389 3/,646 TOTAL HO FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 47,112 99,459 47,112 48,737 99,459 48,828 1,625- 1,716 - TOTAL HP FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES /60 TOTAL COUNTY COST /60 TOTAL HQ FUND 0 • • , N TOTAL COUNTY COST ,890,172 8,197,225 8,621,062 905,000 905,000 905,000 177,005- 6,954 545,103 •• .1 ,••• •• ,••• December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 TOTAL HR FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES 1 9 9 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT PAGE 52 MODIFIED YTD COMMITTEE BDGT COMM ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 103,656 105,000 103,925 TOTAL COUNTY COST 91,782 105,000 98,991 11,874 4,934 TOTAL HT FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 8,000 8,000 8,000 TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 8,000 8,000 8,000 TOTAL HU FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 9 9 0 5,220 1 9 9 1 1,466,992 1,466,992 5,220 1 9 9 1 127,957 114,174 13,783 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 2 1,928,247 1,928,247 1 9 9 2 1,928,247 1,928,247 1 9 9 2 1,928,247 1,928,247 TOTAL HV FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 20,000 21,536 21,536- 20,000 117,72U 22,226 95,494 1,753,350 1,753,350 1,753,350 1,753,350 1,753,350 1,753,350 TOTAL HW FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 378,838 378,838 378,838 TOTAL REVENUES J75,924 318,838 375,981 TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,914 2,857 TOTAL HX FUND TOTAL --APPROPRIATIONS 573,012 1,9/2,220 1,034,142 TOTAL REVENUES 581,290 1,972,220 995,752 TOTAL COUNTY COST 8,278- 38,990 92,500 92,500 92,500 92,500 92,500 92,500 TOTAL HY FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 66,80U 85,000 66,800 TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 80,8/0 85,000 81,591 14,070- 14,791 - TOTAL HZ FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES 391,541 465,188 644,290 TOTAL COUNTY COST 472,583 465,188 472,626 81,042- 171,664 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUNDS (HA - HZ) TOTAL APPROPRIATION • • If 18 810,326 29,973,445 22 431 TOTAL COUNTY COST r r "r 666 18,529,965 18,529,965 18,529,965 5,803,822- 20,064 3,356,480 - TOTAL LIBRARY TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES 1,351, /26 1,364,252 1,439,019 1,422,146 1,002,708 1,088,756 1,2/0,449 1,270,449 1,321,659 1,321,659 1,168,029 1,168,029 1,155,595 1,155,595 December 3, 1991 DECEMBER 05, 1991 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE DEPT. V9710 -