HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Proceedings1989 PROCEEDINGS Tompkins County Board of Representatives TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK JAMES A. MASON, Chair Ithaca, New York PHYLLIS B. HOWELL, Clerk Ithaca, New York State of New York County of Tompkins Tompkins County Board of Representatives ss: In pursuance of the authority conferred by Section 211 of the County Law, I do hereby certify that the copy of the Proceedings of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, New York, for the year 1989, contained in this volume is true and correct. PHYLLIS B. HOWELL Clerk of the Board of Representatives TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES 1989 Standing Committees Budget and Administration Robert Watros, Chairman Mary G. Call, Vice Chairman Donald Culligan Helen Howell Stuart Stein Kenneth Tillapaugh Daniel Winch Construction Management Daniel Winch, Chairman Jeffrey True, Vice Chairman Deborah Dietrich Frank P. Proto Stuart Stein Health and Education Helen Howell, Chairman Phil Shurtleff, Vice Chairman Mary G. Call Donald Lifton Ethel Nichols Human Services Mary G. Call, Chairman Beverly Livesay, Vice Chairman Donald Lifton Robert Watros Daniel Winch 1989 Special Committees Airport Development Committee Frank P. Proto, Chairman Donald Culligan, Vice Chairman Kenneth Tillapaugh Stuart Stein Mary G. Call Ex -officio members: James A. Mason Frank Liguori William Mobbs Robert Nicholas EMC Member Planning and Economic Development Stuart Stein, Chairman Frank P. Proto, Vice Chairman Ethel Nichols Mary G. Call Phil Shurtleff Public Safety and Corrections Donald Culligan, Chairman Ethel Nichols, Vice Chairman Deborah Dietrich Frank P. Proto Kenneth Tillapaugh Public Works Kenneth Tillapaugh, Chairman Donald Culligan, Vice Chairman Beverly Livesay Phil Shurtleff Helen Howell Management and Compensation Beverly Livesay, Chairman Deborah Dietrich, Vice Chairman Helen Howell Robert Watros Mental Health Facility Planning Daniel Winch, Chairman Helen Howell, Vice Chairman Deborah Dietrich Stuart Stein January 4, 1989 Attachment to Resolution No. 1 of 1989 State Environmental Quality Review FINDINGS STATEMENT January 4, 1989 Pursuant to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQR) of the Environmental Conservation Law, 6 NYCRR Part 617 and Resolution No. 1, of County of Tompkins Board of Representatives dated January 4, 1989 authorizing the making of and filing of Findings, the County of Tompkins as Lead Agency makes the following findings. Name of Action: County of Tompkins Sanitary Landfill. Description of Action: The proposed project includes construction and operation of a new sanitary landfill for up to twenty (20) years to receive baled municipal refuse, other non -baled solid wastes as described in Part 360 Regulations for disposal, and construction and demolition debris generated within Tompkins County and the Town of Spencer, Tioga County. Project Location: The proposed landfill will be located at Site DR -7, in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York. The site is bounded on the north by West Dryden Road, to the east by Caswell Road, and on the west by Wood Road. Agency Jurisdiction: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for the following permits: To construct and operate a sanitary landfill (6 NYCRR Part 360); Mining permit (6 NYCRR Part 420); Hauling permit (6 NYCRR Part 364); and State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit (6 NYCRR Part 750). Date Final EIS Filed: December 23, 1988. Facts and Conclusions in the EIS Relied upon to Support the Decision: 1. The County of Tompkins has given consideration to the findings in the Final EIS; and 2. The requirements of this part (6 NYCRR 617) have been met; and 3. Consistent with social, economic and other essential considerations from among the reasonable alternatives thereto, the action approved is one which minimize or avoids adverse environmental effects to the maximum extent practicable; including the effects disclosed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement; and 4. Consistent with social, economic and other essential considerations, to the maximum extent practicable, adverse environmental effects revealed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement process will be minimized or avoided by incorporating as conditions to the decision those mitigative measures which were identified as practicable. 5. The following facts and conclusions contained in the Environmental Impact Statement are relied upon to support the decision of this Board of Representatives to proceed with the project in 10 January 4, 1989 authorizing the filing of an application to construct and operate a sanitary landfill, including social, economic and other factors and standards which formed the basis thereof: a. The need for the project Approximately 80,000 tons of solid waste are generated within Tompkins County annually and this volume has been increasing annually. The county recently and currently is disposing of its solid waste, including construction and demolition debris, at the Landstrom Landfill in the Town of Spencer, New York. That landfill is under a consent order with the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to close. The existing consent order amendment requires cessation of receipt of solid waste as of December 31, 1988. The County is negotiating with the DEC t0 extend that date in order to permit, construct and operate all of the facilities required for its solid waste management project, including the sanitary landfill at DR -7, the recycling program and the central processing facility, including baling. There is no other available landfill within the County or other disposal site outside of the County at a competitive or reasonable cost for disposal. The Tompkins county Solid Waste Management Project and the New York State Solid Waste Management Plan would under any circumstances require a sanitary landfill as part of an overall solid waste management project. Such a landfill was to be sited and constructed within Tompkins County. b. Recycling The County has embarked upon an ambitious recycling program which will achieve maximum recycling under the conditions existing within the County as to the content of the waste stream, the population density, various modes of collection and other factors. A pilot recycling program has been initiated and a program to maximize recycling will be instituted by the County. Regardless of the vigorous recycling program, a landfill will still be required to dispose of that segment of the waste stream which cannot be recycled. c. Baling Most of the solid waste delivered to a sanitary landfill will be baled solid waste. The baling will occur at a central processing facility located in the City of Ithaca, New York. This will involve central processing at the baling facility and transportation in baled form to the landfill. The baling and transfer will reduce volume and will reduce traffic to the landfill site. It will also mitigate escape of fugitive materials while in transit and eliminate the necessity of compaction at the operating site and the required equipment to accomplish same, thus reducing noise levels in that regard. d. Siting of the landfill Site selection criteria were established after extensive public input into the process, including a public hearing, to establish a rating and ranking system to preliminarily rank an inventory of 23 sites developed in the siting study. The inventory was developed after exclusionary criteria were applied to eliminate sites which would be violative of regulatory requirements. Of the top 16 preliminarily ranked sites, 8 were field tested with backhoe and resistively testing to determine viability for drilling. 4 sites were further investigated with on site drilling. After a public hearing by the Board of Representatives regarding the tested sites, DR -7 was selected as the preferred site. This process complies with the regulations in effect (6 NYCRR Part 360) at the time DR -7 was selected as the preferred site. The process was rational and reasonable. In addition, the selection of DR -7 as the preferred site, based upon a preliminary ranking system to determine sites to test, complies with the revised regulations (6 NYCRR Part 360) which are effective as of December 31, 1988 which requires testing of the top ranked "available site" or sites. The owners of the sites not tested in the top 16 preliminary ranked sites denied permission 11 January 4, 1989 to the County to test and the sites were not " available" because the County chose not to use its power or right of entry for testing at that time. e. Compliance with New York State Solid Waste Management Plan The New York State Solid Waste Management Plan or Policy (Section 27-0106 of the Environmental Conservation Law) has four components, and they are: 1) Reduce the amount of solid waste generated; 2) Reuse or recycle solid waste; 3) Recover energy from the solid waste that cannot be reused or recycled; and 4) The part that cannot be reused or recycled or is not subject to energy recovery, be landfilled. The Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Project including recycling, central transfer and baling, an landfilling, meets the requirements of the New York State Solid Waste Management Plan. An adequate analysis has been provided why energy recovery is not appropriate at this time. In addition, the County has embarked upon a program of converting yard wastes and septic sludge for reuse to reduce the volume of disposable wastes. f. Landfill Design The design of this landfill, including a double composite liner and pore pressure relief zone underlying the said liner system, meets the requirements of the regulations promulgated and effective December 31, 1988 (6 NYCRR Part 360). Due to the impermeable nature of the soils underlying the site and the relatively flat terrain, high ground water under the circumstances is to be anticipated. Ground water did not exclude the site because it was neither significant nor usable in substantial quantities as a major source of drinking water. The pore pressure relief zone consisting of permeable soils and a drainage system, including piping, to be constructed to lower the ground water level below the required liner system would also act as an additional collection and monitoring system should the double composite liner system fail. This combination provides to the maximum extent practicable the minimizing or avoiding of any adverse environmental affects revealed in the Environmental Impact Statement. g. Flooding Siting criteria within the regulations would exclude the operating landfill and key facilities such as leachate storage tanks and borrow area if it was located in a 100 years flood plain. Computer modeling, based upon existing directives, indicate clearly that these facilities are not within the 100 year flood plain. In addition, the landfill design, including earthen berms around the perimeter would contain any excess waters accumulating within the operating area and would preclude entry of such flooding surface waters into the operating area from the adjacent property. The leachate collection system and surface water drainage system is designed to accommodate waters anticipated to accumulate in a storm of a 100 year magnitude. h. Impact on Fall Creek Fall Creek and its tributaries will be protected and all impacts will be mitigated to the maximum extent practical or the impacts are avoided. The leachate collection system, the double composite liners, the pore pressure relief zone and the underlying impermeable soils make it unlikely that leachate would ever reach Fall Creek or its tributaries. Should it escape the leachate collection system, the double composite liner and the pore pressure relief zone system, it would be detected by the surface water monitoring and monitoring wells to be established in the permit process, which wells surround the landfill. This would provide ample time, given the slow migration of water through the impermeable soils, to correct the 12 January 4, 1989 situation. Otherwise in the very unlikely and remote possibility that leachate did reach a tributary of Fall Creek, that stream will be monitored to determine any contamination. i. Compensation Plan The Board of Representatives has established a compensation plan to offset economic impacts as a result of siting the landfill at DR -7 for nearby property owners and to stabilize real property values. Such a plan has been developed with public participation and will be implemented with public participation. Reductions in property values, if they occur as a result of the landfill siting at DR -7, will be compensated. j. The presence of an Aquifer Although the recently developed U.S. Geologic survey (USGS) maps indicate the presence of an aquifer within the DR -7 site area, westerly of Caswell Road. testing of the site has indicated to the satisfaction of DEC that there is no such aquifer underlying the proposed landfill site. The DEC determination validates the findings of the Environmental Impact Statement. k. Positive Conditions The following positive or favorable conditions regarding the DR -7 site are present: 1) Depth to bedrock generally exceeds 100 feet and the revised regulations require 10 feet; 2) The soils are generally impermeable from the surface to bedrock; 3) The topography of the entire site area including the Lucente parcel and the Shank parcel is generally flat; 4) The entire site area is vacant except for one mobile home residence owned by one of the two parcel owners; 5) Tributaries of Mill Creek which traverse the site area will not be disturbed except for the placement of a culvert at one location for the entry road leading westerly from Caswell Road. 6) The size of the site area as such would provide extensive buffering opportunities around the active landfill and supporting facilities. 7) The soils on site are generally suitable for use in constructing berms, liner, pore pressure relief system and the cap. 6. Consistent with the applicable policies of Article 42 of the Executive Law, as Implemented by NYCRR §600.5, if appropriate this action will achieve a balance between the protection of the environment and the need to accommodate social and economic considerations. LEAD AGENCY: ADDRESS: County of Tompkins Board of Representatives Courthouse 320 North Tioga Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Copies of this Findings Statement and the authorizing Resolution are being mailed to: Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road Albany, New York 12233-0001 13 January 4, 1989 Region VII Office of the Department of Environmental Conservation 615 Erie Blvd. West Syracuse, New York 13204 Supervisor, Town of Dryden 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 By: James A. Mason, Chairman Tompkins County Board of Representatives 14 January 4, 1989 ORGANIZATION MEETING Pursuant to Section 151 of County Law, Section 2.04 of the Charter and Code, Rule I of the Rules of the Board and the date established by Resolution No. 393 adopted by the Board on December 20, 1988, the Board of Representatives convened at its chambers in the Courthouse in the City of Ithaca, New York, on Wednesday, January 4, 1989 at 5:30 p.m. and was called to order by Phyllis B. Howell, Clerk of the Board. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 12 Representatives. Excused: 3 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, and Livesay). Mrs. Howell announced that the first order of business was the election of a temporary chairman. Mr. Proto nominated Mr. True as temporary chairman, seconded by Mr. Watros. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, and Livesay). Mr. True took the chair. The next order of business was the election of a permanent chairman and nominations were opened. Mrs. Howell nominated Mr. Mason for permanent chairman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. Mr. Culligan nominated Mr. Lifton for permanent chairman, seconded by Mr. Stein. Nominations were closed. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the two nominees for permanent chairman: James A. Mason - 8 (Representatives Howell, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, and Winch); Donald Lifton - 4 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton, Nichols, and Stein). Mr. Mason took the chair and thanked the Board for the privilege and honor of being chairman. Mr. Watros nominated Mr. Tillapaugh for vice chairman, seconded by Mr. Proto. Mr. Stein nominated Mrs. Nichols for vice chairman, seconded by Mr. Lifton. Nominations were closed. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the two nominees for vice chairman: Kenneth Tillapaugh - 8 (Representatives Howell, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, and Winch); Ethel Nichols - 4 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton, Nichols, and Stein). Kenneth Tillapaugh was elected vice chairman. Mr. William Mobbs introduced Robert Nicholas, the new Airport Manager. Under privilege of the floor, Dr. Ed Brothers, Etna, said he had observations of what he felt were inconsistencies and contradictions during the selection and investigations of the DR -7 site. Under privilege of the floor, Michael Wold, CROWD, Inc., spoke regarding the Findings Statement and asked the Board not to take the easy way out or vote one way or the other just because it is easier or less controversial. He said he thinks this is the last chance the Board may have to make an economically sound decision. Under privilege of the floor, Raymond Chace, CROWD, Inc., also spoke regarding the Findings Statement and made a few comments and asked a few questions. Under privilege of the floor, Nancy Morgan, Wood Road, said people, not paid, disagree with accuracy of information provided by the engineers for the site selection of DR -7. Under privilege of the floor, Marjorie Dobson, Etna, felt there was so much against the DR -7 site. She asked if it was a chosen site or merely a legal compliance and she was concerned about what is being done to reduce garbage. 3 January 4, 1989 Under privilege of the floor, Thomas Bonn, Etna Community Association, expressed his concern about the construction of the liner at the DR -7 site, the political decision making process and he said if in doubt, vote against the Findings Statement. Under privilege of the floor, Nancy Ten Kate, Wood Road, said she had given the Board facts but not how she feels. She said she was discouraged. She moved here eight years ago, there were garbage trucks that she thought her family would just have to put up with for another five years. Under privilege of the floor, Amari Meader, 123 Upper Creek Road, spoke in opposition of the DR -7 site. Mr. Watros asked to give the staff an opportunity to respond to those key questions that were raised earlier in the evening. Chairman Mason agreed and William Mobbs, Public Works Commissioner, asked Dick Jones of O'Brien and Gere to respond to the questions. Mr. Jones said the questions dealt with the investigation of the site transition as it moved from Phase II into Phase III in which the details of the on-site Hydrogeologic Study was performed. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Solid Waste Management Committee, said they met this afternoon to discuss and approve the Findings Statement and Resolution No. 1 of 1989. RESOLUTION NO. 1 - AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A FINDINGS STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SEQR FOR THE DR -7 LANDFILL SITE, AND, AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A SANITARY LANDFILL AT DR -7 PURSUANT TO PART 360 Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Culligan. Mr. Proto indicated the recommended corrections and amendments to the Findings Statement by the Solid Waste Management Committee. Mr. Watros questioned what types of waste are unbearable, and he also wanted the record to show that he understood that staff would be looking for other sites for a long-term solution for construction and demolition material. Discussion followed concerning the issue of right of entry to prospective landfill sites. Further discussion followed with "friendly" amendments by the Board. Mr. Winch stated that tonight's vote will not be enjoyable. He said he had faith in the staff; they know our concerns. Mr. Winch said he is prepared to vote yes on Resolution No. 1. Mr. Proto thanked members of committees and staff for the hours of time spent on solid waste. Annexed herewith is a copy of the final amended Findings Statement. A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Howell, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, True, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 4 (Representatives Lifton, Stein, Tillapaugh, and Watros); Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, and Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives as lead agency by Resolution No. 334, dated December 7, 1987, selected DR -7 as a preferred landfill site for the Solid Waste Management Project and directed the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement including utilization of public scoping of said document, and WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 25, dated May 23, 1988, authorized the filing of a "Positive Declaration" for the selected preferred landfill site know as DR -7 situate in the Town of Dryden, pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.6, and WHEREAS, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement was thereafter prepared for said landfill component of the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Project to be located at site DR -7 in the Town of Dryden, which was accepted by this Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 221, dated August 2, 1988, for purpose of public review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.8, and 4 January 4, 1989 WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 221 of August 2, 1988 directed that a public hearing be conducted, scheduling of a public hearing regarding said project, acceptance of written comments regarding said project, and the filing of a Notice of Completion of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was conducted on August 30 and August 31, 1988, and oral and written comments were received as directed by this Board of Representatives regarding said Draft Environmental Impact Statement which have been responded to in writing as part of the Final Environmental Impact Statement as directed by Resolution of this Board of Representatives No. 221, dated August 5, 1988, and WHEREAS, a Final Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared which includes the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and all reports incorporated by reference, the transcript of testimony at the hearing conducted on August 30 and August 31, 1988, including oral comments, the written comments received and the responses of the County of Tompkins thereto to the said oral and written comments as heretofore directed by the Board of Representatives which this Board of Representatives has reviewed and considered with the advice of the Environmental Management Council and the Citizens Advisory Committee, and WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 371, dated December 6, 1988, extended the time within which to file a Final Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.8(e) until December 31, 1988, and WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 410, dated December 22, 1988 accepted the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the DR -7 preferred site as being complete, and authorized the filing and publication of a Notice of Completion of the Final Impact Statement according to law, and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 410 of December 22, 1988 further directed the preparation of a proposed Findings Statement for review and consideration by this Board of Representatives prior to its next regular meeting, and said proposed Findings Statement has been disseminated to the membership of this Board of Representatives, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Solid Waste Management Committee, That this Board of Representatives as lead agency accepts the Findings Statement annexed hereto and made a part hereof as further modified and considered by this Board of Representatives, and directs that it be filed according to law (6 NYCRR Section 617.10(i), RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of this Board of Representatives is authorized and directed to file an application for a permit to construct and operate a sanitary landfill as part of the overall Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Project with the Department of Environmental Conservation in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 360. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 7:56 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:10 p.m. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said he did not have a report. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the next committee meeting is January 12, 1989 at noon. Mr. True, Member, Human Services Committee, said the next committee meeting is January 11, 1989 at noon. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, said he did not have a report. 5 January 4, 1989 Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said Construction Management and the Mental Health Facility Construction Oversight Committee will meet tomorrow. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee will meet January 12, 1989 at 3 p.m. Mrs. Nichols reported on the Finger Lakes Library System (FLLS) bookmobile. The FLLS Board decided it was not worth replacing the bookmobile. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said he did not have a report. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, announced the appointment of Judy Tynyk, the Director of Weights and Measures. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, said the Supreme Court Library should open February 14, 1989. He also said he will be fling a 1988 tax foreclosure proceeding sometime this month. The State Board Equalization Assessment (SBEA) was pressuring the County on the tax maps. A hearing was held and Mr. Mulvey expects an adverse decision at some point and then possibly go to court if that is the Board's pleasure. He also reported on a claim that came in, in November. Barbara Eckstrom, Solid Waste Manager, announced that Lee Cornell, Recycling Coordinator, is resigning. Chairman Mason asked the Board to schedule a meeting with him in the Board office to discuss 1989 committee assignments. Mrs. Howell requested permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Long -Range Planning for Court System and Tompkins County Needs. Chairman Mason granted her permission. RESOLUTION NO. 2 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - PHASE I - AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION REMOVAL AND LIGHTING (Rescinded by Res. No. 86 of March 21, 1989) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Change Order No. 1, Phase 1, New York State Department of Transportation Project No. 3902.71, AIP No. 3-36-0047-08-88 has been approved by the Project Engineer, accepted by the Contractor and submitted to New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration for approval, and WHEREAS, the re-routing of the telephone lines to the VOR site building are necessitated by the obstruction removal and requirements of New York Telephone, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Order No. 1 be and it is hereby approved not to exceed $25,317.43 or any lesser amount as approved by the Federal Aviation Administration and New York State Department of Transportation, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the appropriate budget adjustments after receipt of approved cost of said Change Order No. 1. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 6 January 4, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 3 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - HEY'S ENTERPRISES - CASWELL CLOSURE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 241 authorized the execution of a contract with Hey Enterprises, Inc. for Caswell closure leachate collection system, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 2 requests an extension until June 15, 1989 for completion of seeding and restoration of all areas impacted by the construction, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Order No. 2 be approved for an extension of time until June 15, 1989 at no additional cost to the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 4 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 - BURTON F. CLARK COMPANY - LANDSTROM CLOSURE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution Nos. 240 and 253 of 1988 authorized the execution of a contract with Burton F. Clark Company for Landstrom Closure - Phase 1 construction activities, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Order No. 5 with Burton F. Clark Company be approved in the amount of $2,662 to provide for the addition of man -way access to tank B and provisions for drainage of high groundwater from tank man - ways, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to expend funds in the amount of $2,662 from Account No. HH8166.9239 upon approval of Change Order No. 5. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 5 - CONSTRUCTION FUNDS AUDIT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, and Livesay). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation and approval of the Construction Management Committee, That the following claims against the County of Tompkins be and hereby are audited by this Board: Name Request No. Account Amount David Lorenzini 2 HQ1355 $ 2,600.00 E.E. Root & Sons 1 HX5698.9256 $126,715.26 Calocerinos & Spina 3 HX5698.9213 $ 2,733.34 3 HX5698.9213 $ 11,901.86 Stearns & Wheler 3 HH8165.9239 $ 809.71 O'Brien and Gere 3 HH8165.9239 $ 33,513.65 2 HH8165.9239 $ 440.81 Hey's Enterprises 3 HH8165.9239 $107,352.60 Resource Associates 28 HH8165.9239 $ 3,126.42 7 Jon D. Haight Ichthyological Associates Langan, Grossman, Kinney, Dwyer January 4, 1989 5 HH8165.9239 6 HH8165.9239 1 HH8165.9239 2 HH8165.9239 $ 2,892.50 $ 908.60 $ 460.00 $ 2,117.60 and Reitz 2 HH8165.9239 $ 1,623.33 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims from Capital Project monies. RESOLUTION NO. 6 - PAYMENT OF OVERTIME - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That under Section V -Compensation, paragraph 6.d) of the Agreement between the County and CSEA, that the nurses in the Health Department who work between 35 and 40 hours will be paid for all hours worked between 35 and 40 at straight time until the nursing shortage in the Health Department is resolved, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed at this time. RESOLUTION NO. 7 - COMMENDATION AND APPRECIATION - LANSING EMERGENCY SERVICE Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Lansing Emergency Service system consists of volunteer members who dedicate themselves to helping fellow being who become ill or suffer pain and distress, and WHEREAS, the men and women of Lansing Emergency Service give many hours of their personal time to train for emergency treatment to be given when called upon, and WHEREAS, like other emergency services in our State and County, the personnel of the Lansing Emergency Service are ready to respond when needed for the good of those involved in incidents of accident and illness, and WHEREAS, all the citizens of Lansing Township are able to have peace of mind knowing that a highly trained and well equipped team of emergency technicians are ready twenty-four hours a day, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Public Safety Building began operation in March of 1987 and this facility, housing Tompkins County inmates, is located on Warren Road in the Town of Lansing, and WHEREAS, the Lansing Emergency Service maintains calls to the Public Safety Building on a volunteer basis, and WHEREAS, many calls result in the transportation of inmates to the Tompkins Community Hospital, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on behalf of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives and the people of Tompkins County, That this official resolution of January 4, 1989, indicates and conveys to the men and women of the Lansing Emergency Service that we are indeed indebted to your efforts and wish to deeply thank you and wish you well in the service years to come. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 8 January 4, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 8 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1989 - SMOKING BAN IN TOMPKINS COUNTY OWNED OR OCCUPIED BUILDINGS AND VEHICLES (Amended by Local Law No. 6 of 1990) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes .. 10 (Representatives Culligan, Howell, Lifton, Nichols, Stein, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 2 (Representatives Proto and Shurtleff); Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, and Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held on proposed Local Law No. 1 of 1989 and all interested persons provided an opportunity for public comment, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Smoking Committee, That Local Law No. 1 of 1989 providing for a smoking ban in Tompkins County owned or occupied buildings and vehicles be and hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said local law in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks within ten days after this local law is adopted and after said local law has been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy with the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comptroller, and three certified copies with the Secretary of State. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to appoint Robert Gould to the Tompkins County Planning Board as a Village of Dryden representative for a term which expires December 31, 1990. It was Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to appoint Philip Dankert to the Tompkins County Youth Board as a Village of Lansing representative for a term which expires December 31, 1991. It was Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss contract negotiations with the Library. An executive session was held at 8:40 p.m. and returned to regular session at 8:49 p.m. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m. 9 January 17, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning Modification of Agricultural District No. 9. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak. Mr. Lifton stated he was not opposing the resolution because of the nature of the adjustments being made. He said he was concerned with the level of support from Cornell University which has land in this Agricultural District. No one else which to speak and Chairman Mason closed the public hearing at 5:34 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Culligan was excused at 7:30 p.m.) Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Livesay said she was concerned with the rate of increase in the TOMTRAN's fare and that there was not an opportunity for discussions. She asked if the Planning and Economic Development Committee could look into her concerns. Mr. Stein agreed. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Watros released the Report of the Tompkins County Colleges/Community Committee. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Winch said a representative from the Town of Newfield, Harry Kerr, passed away. He was a Board member from 1970-1977. Chairman Mason announced the 1989 standing and special committees of the Board. He said the Solid Waste Management will be dissolved and a final report will be given tonight. He expressed his appreciation to the committee members and staff for their dedication and responsibilities. Chairman Mason appointed the following people to various committees: James Mason and Frank Proto, Alternate, to the Chamber of Commerce; James Mason and Mary Call to the Tompkins County Area Development; Donald Culligan, Helen Howell and James Mason, ex -officio member, to the Local Emergency Planning Committee; Frank Proto and Deborah Dietrich to the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Solid Waste Management Committee, thanked the committee members and staff. Mr. Culligan, Vice Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met last Friday and have a few resolutions on the agenda. Lee Cornell presented a quarterly report on recycling. The Village of Groton is the top in participating in recycling and the Village of Cayuga Heights came in second. Wallace Steel is collecting eleven (11) tons of paper a week and four (4) tons of glass. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is now asking us to separate construction and demolition (C & D) material in the landfill. Chairman Mason said he, Barbara Eckstrom and James Dwyer met with William Krichbaum, NYSDEC, last week to discuss the continuing operation at Landstrom. NYSDEC gave some directions to follow and a draft letter is being prepared for the extension. 15 January 17, 1989 Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met January 12 and have a few resolutions on the agenda. He updated the Board on committee business. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said she did not have a report. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee met just before the Board meeting. The East Ithaca Land Use Transportation ad hoc committee group continues to meet and with the Richardson's Report finished, the ad hoc committee will look into transportation land use planning using the material collected. The meeting is scheduled for this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Hollister Hall, Room 201. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Construction Management Committee, said he feels that 1988 was an extremely productive year for his committee. In regard to the Mental Health Facility there are issues to resolve with the City of Ithaca. He updated the Board on the Citizens Advisory Committee business. Mrs. Howell, Chairman, Health and Education Committee, said the committee met before the Board meeting. There are resolutions on the agenda and to be added. Mrs. Livesay said she would like to request an executive session later in the meeting. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the Report of the Tompkins County Colleges/Community Committee does not have the two dollar amounts but will have that information tomorrow. The Budget and Administration Committee met before the Board meeting on several resolutions. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, reminded committee Chairmen other than the Construction Management Committee Chairman that there is an appropriate week in every month to conduct their meeting in order to have the committee's business reach the Budget and Administration's Committee meetings. A schedule is available. Chairman Mason granted Mr. Culligan permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Establishment of Municipal Recycling Drop-off Collection Centers and the resolution entitled Approval of Professional Fees - 1989. Chairman Mason granted Mr. Winch permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Amendment of 1989 Tompkins County Capital Budget and Capital Program. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorization to Evaluate Additional Property in the Vicinity of the Ithaca Industrial Park site and Other Additional Sites for a Central Processing Facility. It was Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute Contract - Medicare Cost Study. It was Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute Contract - Public Health Engineer. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Reclassification of Position - Data Processing. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Increase in Hours of Position - District Attorney. 16 January 17, 1989 It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Creation of Position and Budget Adjustment - Buildings and Grounds: Transfer and Budget Adjustment - Mental Health. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Award of Bid - County Office Machine Maintenance - Purchasing and Central Services. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the following resolutions to the agenda: Correction of Tax Rolls - Town of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, Town of Caroline, Town of Dryden, Town of Ulysses. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorization to County Attorney - Highway Law. RESOLUTION NO. 9 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND APPROPRIATION - STOP LOSS INSURANCE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment and appropriation on his books for Stop Loss Insurance Coverage: ADJUSTMENT: Revenue: A4010.3401 Public Health $ 6,159 A4310.3491 Mental Health Administration 372 A4310.3497 Mental Health Administration 440 A4311.3491 Mental Health Clinic 2,587 A4311.3497 Mental Health Clinic 985 A4312.3497 Mental Health Meadow House 3,080 A4313.3497 Mental Health Case Management 2,606 A6010.3610 Social Services 8,291 A6010.4610 Social Services 16,583 A7029.3828 Youth Bureau 355 CD7323.4820 Job Training 342 CD7325.4820 Job Training 1,364 CD6290.4792 Job Training 511 CD6292.4792 Job Training 2,047 APPROPRIATION: From: A1990 Contingent Fund STOP -DWI Fund Balance Airport Fund Balance To: A1620.4462 A1680.4462 A4010.4462 A4250.4462 A4310.4462 Buildings and Grounds Data Processing Public Health STOP -DWI Mental Health 17 $ 45,722 $107,072 474 2,132 $109,678 $ 6,396 1,658 15,398 474 1,184 A4311.4462 A4312.4462 A4313.4462 A6010.4462 A6772.4462 A7020.4462 B5610.4462 D5110.4462 A1910.4400 CD7323.4462 CD7325.4462 CD6290.4462 CD6292.4462 January 17, 1989 Mental Health Clinic Mental Health Meadow House Mental Health Case Management Social Services Office for the Aging Youth Bureau Airport County Road Unallocated Insurance Job Training Job Training Job Training Job Training SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 6,159 3,080 2,606 33,165 1,895 711 2,132 18,241 58,037 342 1,364 511 2,047 $155,400 RESOLUTION NO. 10 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - HOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX - (Reconsidered February 7, Tabled to February 21 and Adopted) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the proceeds of the hotel room occupancy tax for fiscal 1989 are anticipated to exceed the amount budgeted, and WHEREAS, the Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors' Bureau has submitted requests for the use of these funds, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books for the 1989 County budget: REVENUE: A1113 Tax on Hotel Room Occupancy $20,000 APPROPRIATION: A6475.4504 Tourism Expense, Chamber of $20,000 Commerce SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 11- APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND - ARTS COUNCIL (Amended by Res. No. 47 of February 21, 1989) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, to change the total figure from $5,000 to $7,000. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 7 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, and Stein); Noes - 8 (Representatives Howell, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason). Amendment Lost. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Lifton, to amend to $5,000 for Kiosk, $2,500 for Untied Arts Fund (UAF) specifically for the UAF. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 7 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Proto, and Stein); Noes - 8 (Representatives Call, Howell, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason). Amendment Lost. A voice vote took place. Resolution adopted by voice vote. 18 January 17, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Comptroller is authorized and directed to appropriate $5,000 from Account No. A1990, Contingent Fund, to Account No. A7560.4400, Arts Council, to provide support on a one-time basis for the ticket -selling kiosk operation now at Center Ithaca. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 12 - AUTHORIZATION TO EVALUATE ADDITIONAL PROPERTY IN THE VICINITY OF THE ITHACA INDUSTRIAL PARK SITE AND OTHER ADDITIONAL SITES FOR A CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY (CPF) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. After a lengthy discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Lifton to Table this resolution until after executive session, seconded by Mr. Watros. A voice vote took place. Motion to Table Lost by voice vote. A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 3 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton, and Watros). Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, on June 7, 1988 the Board of Representatives selected the Ithaca Industrial Park site (formerly the New York State Electric and Gas property south of Third Street along Route 13) as the preferred Central Processing Facility (CPF) site contingent upon an acceptable draft Environmental Impact Statement (dEIS), satisfactory relocation of Community Gardens and acceptable cost estimates, and WHEREAS, the dEIS evaluation and the design process have identified substantial design and operational limitations associated with the Ithaca Industrial Park site due to insufficient acreage as a result of New York State Electric and Gas power line restrictions resulting in limited accommodations for construction and demolition materials arriving in quantities less than 5 cubic yards, a limited vehicle staging area, limited space for yard waste processing and storage, limited recycling storage and expansion areas for recycling, and no available space for Community Gardens, and WHEREAS, it is prudent to explore other additional sites as backup sites for the CPF, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That County staff and Resource Associates be authorized to evaluate additional property in the immediate vicinity of the Ithaca Industrial Park site and prepare conceptual site plans and environmental assessments for other potential backup sites, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement Addendum with Resource Associates to prepare the conceptual site plans for additional potential CPF sites at a cost not to exceed $15,000 to be funded from the 1989 Capital Project budget. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) (Done in previous SEQR Findings Relevant to CPF Siting) RESOLUTION NO. 13 - CREATION OF POSITION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative True). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, that one (1) position of Senior Caseworker (12-581), labor grade XII, competitive class; one 19 (1) position of Caseworker 519), labor grade VI, compet RESOLVED, further, REVENUE: January 17, 1989 (11-562), labor grade XI, competitive class; and one (1) Senior Typist (6- itive class, be created, effective immediately. That the following budget adjustment and appropriation be made: A4313.3497 Mental Health - State Aid $88,090 A4313.1623 Mental Health - Fees 3,019 TOTAL REVENUE $91,109 Personnel Services $12,897 Personnel services 18,924 Personnel Services 16,506 Chairs 616 Desks 890 Communication Equipment 1,188 Vehicles 15,668 Office Supplies 500 Auto Supplies 900 Program Supplies 400 Printing 400 Books and Publications 500 Auto Maintenance 500 Equipment Maintenance 200 Service Contracts 200 Professional Service Fees 3,380 Special Assistance to Individuals 150 Postage Insurance Job Related Travel Telephone Building Maintenance Retirement Social Security Workers' Compensation Health Insurance Unemployment Insurance TOTAL APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION: A4313.1519 A4313.1581 A4313.1562 A4313.2211 A4313.2212 A4313.2222 A4313.2231 A4313.4302 A4313.4306 A4313.4319 A4313.4330 A4313.4332 A4313.4421 A4313.4422 A4313.4425 A4313.4442 A4313.4449 A4313.4452 A4313.4462 A4313.4466 A4313.4472 A4313.4476 A4313.8810 A4313.8830 A4313.8840 A4313.8860 A4313.8870 RESOLVED, appropriation on his books. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 100 1,000 1,000 2,500 1,000 3,800 3,607 200 $ 3,600 483 $91,109 further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make said RESOLUTION NO. 14 - COMMITMENT TO EXPEND COUNTY FUNDS IN THE EVENT OF LOSS OF START-UP GRANT FOR TOMPKINS EMPLOYEE DAY CARE CENTER FROM NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Proto). Adopted. WHEREAS, this Board has been informed by the Tompkins Employee Day Care Center that there will be lengthy delays in final authorization and transmission of funds already committed by the New York State Department of Social Services for start-up of a day care center for Tompkins County employees, and 20 January 17, 1989 WHEREAS, this delay threatens the ability of the Center to begin operations in 1989, and WHEREAS, the Board of the Day Care Center is prepared to secure a bank loan in this amount to enable themselves to undertake the various start-up activities required to begin operations in 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives hereby commits itself to appropriate the sum of $39,800 to the Tompkins Employee Day Care Center, Inc. in the event that the New York State Department of Social Services withdraws its commitment to supply this start-up funding to the Center. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 15 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXPEDITE PAYMENTS TO OFFENDER AID AND RESTORATION Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on action of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the County Administrator is authorized to accelerate payments to Offender Aid and Restoration in the same manner as has been done during 1987 and 1988; namely, 50 percent of all County funds other than prisoner boarding charges shall be paid during January, 25 percent in April and 25 percent in July. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 16 - DESIGNATION OF COURTHOUSE SPACE Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the office space currently assigned to the County Attorney is hereby designated as a County Conference and Meeting Room, and that the offices currently occupied by the County Administrator and the Executive Assistant to the County Administrator are hereby assigned to the Department of Law. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 17 - MODIFICATION OF PROPOSED AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT NO. 9, ADOPTED BY BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES RESOLUTION NO. 346 OF 1987, BY DELETING ONE PARCEL OF LAND IN THE TOWN OF CAROLINE, TO COMPLY WITH THE CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW YORK STATE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives proposed a consolidated Agricultural District, to be known as Agricultural District No. 9, by Resolution No. 346 of 1987, and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives took all actions, including environmental review, and submitted all documents to the Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets as required by Section 25 -AA of the Agriculture and Markets Law, and 21 January 17, 1989 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets has reviewed the proposal and responded that the proposed district will be certified if parcel no. 34-1-5, in the Town of Caroline, is removed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That parcel no. 34-1-5, in the Town of Caroline, is hereby removed from the proposed consolidated district, Agricultural District No. 9, in conformance with the certification letter from the Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets, RESOLVED, further, That a review of the reports submitted by the Commissioner of Planning and the Agricultural Districting Advisory Committee indicates, as shown on the Environmental Assessment Form, that the present action does not alter the originally proposed action sufficiently to require any further environmental review, RESOLVED, further, That the map of the proposed Agricultural District No. 9 is hereby adopted as revised, showing the proposed district totaling 36,548 hectare or 90,309 acres, RESOLVED, further, That the narrative description of the district in the form of a list of the assessment parcel numbers of all included parcels is hereby adopted as revised, RESOLVED, further, That certified copies of this resolution and other documents as required. by Article 25 -AA of the Agriculture and Markets Law and the Environmental Quality Review Act, Part 617, be forwarded by the Clerk of the Board to the Department of Agriculture and Markets and other agencies as required by law. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 18 - AWARD OF BID - ASBESTOS REMOVAL - BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the removal of products containing asbestos from County -owned buildings in accordance with specifications on file in the Division of Purchasing and Central Services, and WHEREAS, said bids were opened and publicly read at 2 p.m. on Friday, October 28, 1988, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid of A.A.C. Contracting, Inc., 243 Paul Road, Rochester, New York 14624, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications, with a total per linear foot plus total per square foot plus total per sample of $134 be and hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be supplied from Account No. A1620.4470, except for K -House where removal is to be paid from Account No. A6010.4470. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 19 - FUEL STORAGE SYSTEM - CONTRACT 2-87 CLOSEOUT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the work performed by John Mills Electric Inc. on the Fuel Storage System Replacement Project including all change orders was completed and is of high quality and is acceptable to the Commissioner of Public Works, now therefore be it 22 January 17, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Comptroller be and is hereby directed to release all monies retained on Contract 2-87 in the amount of $4,468.20 from Account No. HZ5130.9258. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 20 - AUTHORIZING RECONSTRUCTION OF DUBOIS ROAD INTERSECTION WITH ROUTE 96 Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, a SEQR Short Environmental Assessment Form was completed and it was determined and declared by the Public Works Committee that there will not be any significant adverse environmental impacts as a result of reconstructing the intersection of DuBois Road and Route 96, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized to act on behalf of the County in directing the reconstruction of the intersection of DuBois Road and Route 96. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 21 - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT PWD -88-19 - ADDENDUM 1 - SLOPE STABILIZATION ON CR115 SURVEY SERVICES Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 205, dated July 12, 1988 authorized the execution of a contract with EMJ/McFarland-Johnson Engineers, Inc. for the design of a Slope Stabilization System for CR115, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That Addendum 1 to Contract PWD -88-19 be approved in the amount of $7,600 for surveying services necessary to perform the design and construction of the Slope Stabilization System, RESOLVED, further, That monies for this Addendum are available in Account No. DM5110.4411, therefore no additional appropriations or transfers are required. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 22 - AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR A STATE GRANT-IN-AID FOR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT AND SIGNING OF STATE CONTRACT UNDER THE APPROPRIATE LAWS OF NEW YORK STATE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Chapter 659 of the Laws of 1972 of the State of New York provides financial aid for the construction of municipal solid waste management project, and 23 January 17, 1989 WHEREAS, Tompkins County, herein called the Municipality, has examined and duly considered Chapter 659 of the Laws of 1972 of the State of New York and the Municipality deems it to be in the public interest and benefit to file an application under these laws, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that a contract by and between the People of the State of New York, herein called State, and Municipality be executed for such State aid, now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, 1. That the filing of application in the form required by the State of New York and in conformity with Chapter 659 of the Laws of 1972 of the State of New York is hereby authorized including all understandings and assurances contained in said applications, 2. That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is directed and authorized as the official representative of the Municipality to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required and to sign the resulting contract if said applicant is approved by the State, 3. That the Municipality agrees that it will fund its portion of the cost of said Solid Waste Management Project, 4. That the Municipality or Municipalities set for their respective responsibilities by attached joint resolution relative to a joint Solid Waste Recovery and Management Project, 5. That four (4) certified copies of the resolution be prepared and sent to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York 12233 together with a complete application, and 6. That this resolution shall take effect immediately. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason referred the resolution entitled Long -Range Planning for Court System and Tompkins County Space Needs to the following committees: Planning and Economic Development, Health and Education, Human Services, and Public Safety and Corrections and report back to the Board February 21, 1989. RESOLUTION NO. 23 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - DATA PROCESSING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 1 (Representative True), Excused - 1 (Representative Culligan). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Programmer/Analyst (12/622), labor grade XII, competitive class, be reclassified to Supervisor of Program Operation (14/622), labor grade XIV, competitive class, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $1,996 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (A1990) to Central Data Processing Personal Services (A1680.1622), RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said appropriation on his books. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 24 - INCREASE IN HOURS OF POSITION - DISTRICT ATTORNEY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 3 (Representatives Lifton, Stein, and True), Excused - 1 (Representative Culligan). Adopted. 24 January 17, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Assistant District Attorney (84/228), management level E, competitive class, created on a 75 percent basis by Resolution No. 257 adopted September 16, 1987, be increased to 100 percent time effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $7,025 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (A-1990) to District Attorney - Personal Services (A1165.1228) to cover salary, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said appropriation on his books. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 25 - CREATION OF POSITION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: TRANSFER AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 1 (Representative True), Excused - 1 (Representative Culligan). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Public Works, and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Cleaner (03/501), labor grade III, labor class, be created effective immediately in the Department of Public Works, Division of Buildings and Grounds, to provide cleaning services for the space occupied by the Meadow House, Community Support Services, and Willard Outpatient Clinic programs of the Mental Health Department, RESOLVED, further, That the following budget adjustments be made to provide funding for this position and the required supplies and equipment to perform these cleaning services: BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Revenue: A3410.2410 Buildings and Grounds Rentals $16,252 Appropriation: A1620.1000 Personal Services - Buildings and $11,300 Grounds .8000 Fringe Benefits - Buildings and Grounds 3,165 .2234 Maintenance Equipment 887 .4304 Cleaning Supplies 900 Revenue: A4311.1620 Local Income $ 4,000 Appropriation: A4311.4476 Mental Health Clinic and Maintenance $ 4,000 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said budget adjustments on his books. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 26 - AWARD OF BID - COUNTY OFFICE MACHINE MAINTENANCE - PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central services has duly advertised for bids for maintenance of office machines (typewriters and calculators), and WHEREAS, bids were received and publicly opened on December 29, 1988, now therefore be it 25 January 17, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That Ithaca Office Equipment of 308 East Seneca Street, Ithaca, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder for maintenance of office machines be awarded the bid, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 27 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF ITHACA Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1989 Tax Roll for the Town of Ithaca, namely Parcel 60-1-9.1, owned by Cornell University, was erroneously charged a fire tax of $2,945.73 when this parcel is only subject to special benefit charges, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Tax Roll be corrected and the tax of $5,087.73 be corrected to $2,142.00, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1989 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $2,945.73 be charged back to the Town of Ithaca. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 28 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF ITHACA Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1989 Tax Roll for the Town of Ithaca, namely Parcel 60-1.9.2, owned by Cornell University, was erroneously charged a fire tax of $427.71 when this parcel is only subject to special benefit charges, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Tax Roll be corrected and the tax of $1,574.31 be corrected to $1,146.60, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1989 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $427.71 be charged back to the Town of Ithaca. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 29 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF CAROLINE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Proto), Excused - 1 (Representative Culligan). Adopted. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1989 Tax Roll for the Town of Caroline, namely Parcel 24-1-19.2, owned by Cornell University, was erroneously charged a fire tax of $17.66 when this parcel is not subject to a fire tax, now therefore be it 26 January 17, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Tax Roll be corrected and the tax of $17.66 be corrected to -0-, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Caroline is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1989 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $17.66 be charged back to the Town of Caroline. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 30 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF DRYDEN Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that errors have been made in the 1989 Tax Roll for the Town of Dryden, namely parcels 25-1-24.4, 27.1-1-3, 67-1-35 and 67-1-36.6 owned by Cornell University were erroneously charged a fire tax when these parcels are not subject to a fire tax, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Tax Roll be corrected and the tax be corrected to -0- on each parcel, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Dryden is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1989 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $47.37 be charged back to the Town of Dryden. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 31 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF ULYSSES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, this Board if informed that an error has been made in the 1989 Tax Roll for the Town of Ulysses, namely Parcel 33-2-2, owned by Wilfred and Irene Chaffee, was erroneously charged a relieved school tax in the amount of $71.45 which should have been relieved on another parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Tax Roll be corrected and the tax of $468.08 be corrected to $396.63, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1989 Tax Roll, Resolved, further, That the amount of $71.45 be charged back to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 32 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - MEDICARE COST STUDY Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute a contract with Jack Venesky, C.P.A. to perform the Medicare Cost 27 January 17, 1989 Study for the Department of Public Health for 1988, at a cost not to exceed $10,000. Said funds to be expended from Account No. A4010.4442, Health Department Professional Services. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 33 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is in need of Engineer Services, and WHEREAS, said intermittent services are needed from December 1, 1988 through March 31, 1989, and WHEREAS, payment is to be at $30 per hour for Mr. Hayne Smith, PE and $40 per hour for Mr. Robert S. Korba, PE, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute contracts with Hayne Smith at $30 per hour and with Robert S. Korba at $40 per hour in order to meet back -logged plans and to keep abreast in 1989 during the orientation process of new Engineer, RESOLVED, further, That the maximum number of hours to be paid under this contract will be 260 hours. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to appoint Barbara Caldwell as a representative of Town of Dryden and Frank Darrow as a representative of Town of Danby to the Tompkins County Planning Board. Terms expire December 31, 1990. It was Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to appoint Dr. Hope Perry as a physician representative to the Board of Health for a term which expires December 31, 1994. Chairman Mason declared recess at 7:50 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 8:00 p.m. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss negotiations, personnel matter, and litigation. An executive session was held at 8:01 p.m. and returned to open session at 8:35 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 34 - AUTHORIZATION TO COUNTY ATTORNEY - HIGHWAY LAW Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the County Attorney be and hereby is authorized to contact Richard Hoebecke and Maureen Carter of Agard Road in the Town of Ulysses regarding a violation of Section 136 of Highway Law. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 28 January 17, 1989 On motion, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. 29 February 7, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representatives Howell and Winch). Absent: 1 (Representative True arrived at 5:35 p.m.). Representative True was excused at 8:02 p.m. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the following minutes: May 17, 1988, June 7, 1988, and June 21, 1988. Chairman Mason announced the Tompkins County Planning Board will hold a special meeting tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in the SADD Conference Room. A presentation will be given by Lou Roscoe, Cornell University's Planning Office, concerning planning activities in traffic at the University. The full Board is invited to attend. The following people spoke under privilege of the floor concerning the problem of the Tompkins County Arts Council: Bente King, 8 Hillcrest Road; David Streater, 102 Homestead Road; Mary Trochim, 419 Mitchell Street; Richard Driscoll, Former Arts Council Director; Went Mackenzie, Ithaca Festival Board; Paul Sayvetz, 201 Elm Street; Ellen Rosten, Innkeepers Association. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Call updated the Board on the Industrial Development Agency's activities in regard to 485-b business tax exemption. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee has not met but is waiting for Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for developing the Airport Terminal. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman, Public Works Committee, said the committee will be meeting Friday at noon. He said Mr. Mobbs, Public Works Commissioner, has been elected President of the New York State County Highway Superintendents Association for 1989. He reported on the recycling program. He commented on the article in the Ithaca Journal concerning the Emergency Response System. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met last week. He updated the Board on committee business. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met February 1. The committee set their meeting dates and liaisons for the year 1989. The committee discussed and approved the resolution concerning space needs in Tompkins County. The committee met with the Youth Bureau, Department of Social Services, and Office for the Aging. She updated the Board on the committee's discussions and activities. Mr. Shurtleff, Vice Chairman, Health and Education Committee, said the committee will meet tomorrow at 3 p.m. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee will meet this week. He also reported on the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee. Mr. True, Vice Chairman, Construction Management Committee, said there is no report. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee will meet next Tuesday at noon and will be discussing the budget. 30 February 7, 1989 Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, reported on the conference he attended with Bill Mobbs, Public Works Commissioner. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, updated the Board on the special events law, landfill siting, and leasing telecommunications equipment at Tompkins Community Hospital. It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Lifton, to add to the agenda for reconsideration of Resolution No. 10 - Budget Adjustment - Hotel Room Occupancy Tax. Chairman Mason asked for the record if Mr. Culligan voted on the prevailing side. Mr. Culligan said he did. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Stein, and Tillapaugh); Noes - 5 (Representatives Proto, Shurtleff, True, Watros, and Mason); Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Winch). Motion carried. It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Audit - Mental Health Building. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorization to Contract - Family and Children's Service and Office for the Aging. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorization - Execution of Mortgagee's Waiver and Consent - Tompkins Community Hospital, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 35 - AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT - COFA - DSS Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute a contract with the Office for the Aging for the provision of certain outreach and application activities in connection with the Home Energy Assistance Program, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are required. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 36 - AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT - ITHACA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT - DSS Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute a contract with the Ithaca City School District for the sponsorship of before and/or after school child care programs at elementary schools throughout the district, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are required. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 31 February 7, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 37 - AWARDING FUNDING TO CONTINUE ARTS COUNCIL ACTIVITIES IN TOMPKINS COUNTY Moved by Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Stein. Chairman Mason referred this resolution to the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees. A joint meeting will be held February 13, 1989 at 10 a.m. to discuss this resolution. Mr. Proto brought to the Board's attention a report entitled "Report and Recommendations of the Task force for the Redevelopment of the Tompkins County Arts Council" dated September 15, 1986 which will be available for Board members to review. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11; Noes - 2 (Representatives Proto and Shurtleff); Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Winch). Motion to refer this resolution to the two committees carried. RESOLUTION NO. 38 - AMENDMENT OF 1989 TOMPKINS COUNTY CAPITAL BUDGET AND CAPITAL PROGRAM Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. True. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee and the Capital Program Committee have recommended that plans and specifications for the Mental Health Services Building should provide for two additional floors, comprising approximately 13,700 square feet (total of six floors), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning and Capital Program Committees, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute an amendment to the contract with Downing Hascup Associates of Ithaca, New York, increasing the fee for their services from $225,000 to $334,500 for additional architectural and engineering services in connection with the above - referenced additional space, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Capital Program and Capital Budget are amended to indicate that the estimated $1,781,281 required for two additional floors, approximately 13,700 square feet, shall be secured through borrowing, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Revenues: HQ4310.4710 Bonds $1,781,281 Appropriation: HQ4310.4400 Mental Health Building $1,781,281 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 39 - ADOPTION OF BYLAWS - ADVISORY BOARD ON INDIGENT REPRESENTATION Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation and the Tompkins County Bar Association, That the proposed bylaws of Advisory Board on Indigent Representation be and hereby are adopted, said bylaws on file with the Clerk of the Board. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 32 February 7, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 40 - AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT - FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICE AND OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to sign an application for funds available under Title III -D of the Older Americans Act to be used for in-home respite care of frail, elderly persons, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to execute a contract with the Family and Children's Service of Ithaca to provide such respite care during the period January 1, 1989 to December 31, 1989, contingent upon approval of said grant. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 41 - AUTHORIZATION - EXECUTION OF MORTGAGEE'S WAIVER AND CONSENT - TOMPKINS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, INC. Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Tompkins Community Hospital, Inc. wishes to lease certain telecommunications equipment from Financial Investment Associates, Inc. and the lessor has required a Mortgagee's Waiver and Consent, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute a Mortgagee's Waiver and Consent on behalf of the County of Tompkins for the benefit of Tompkins Community Hospital, Inc. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 42 - AUDIT - MENTAL HEALTH BUILDING Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Winch). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the following invoices are hereby audited and approved: The Peatfield Co., Ltd. $ 7,500.00 Monroe Abstract and Title Corp. 335.00 Czerenda Court Reporting, Inc. 335.20 Downing Hascup Associates 33,821.60 Total Audit $41,991.80 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of funds provided therefore, RESOLVED, further, That hereinafter the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee is authorized to audit and approve all claims for payment from budgeted funds in connection with this project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 33 February 7, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 10 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - HOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX (Tabled to February 21, 1989 and Adopted) It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Lifton, to reconsider Resolution No. 10 of January 17, 1989. Motion to reconsider carried by voice vote by all present. It was Moved by Mr. True to hold an executive session to consider information bearing on negotiations between the County and an entity. Motion failed for a lack of a second. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, to Table this resolution until the next meeting. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Livesay, Nichols, Stein, Tillapaugh, and Mason); Noes - 5 (Representatives Lifton, Proto, Shurtleff, True, and Watros); Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Winch). Motion to Table carried. Discussion followed the Tabling motion of Resolution No. 10 under unfinished business. On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present the following appointments were made to the various advisory boards: Office for the Aging Advisory Committee Rita Boothroyd - term expires December 31, 1991 Tompkins County Youth Board Melvin Bartlett as a representative of Village of Groton - term expires December 31, 1991 Industrial Development Agency (IDA) James A. Mason appointed Chairman of the IDA STOP -DWI Advisory Board Donald S. Postle as a representative of PARKIT - term expires December 31, 1991 Family Court Advisory Council William Highland as an at -large representative - term expires December 31, 1989 Penny Van Schoick as a representative of Department Social Services - term expires December 31, 1991 Fire and Disaster Advisory Board Andrew Aasen as a Delegate representative of the Town of Lansing - term expires December 31, 1991 Advisory Board on Indigent Representation Gregg Thomas - term expires December 31, 1991 There were no objections by the Board to the following Chairman's appointments made by Mr. Mason: Capital Program Committee - Terms expire December 31, 1989 Daniel Winch Jeffrey True Frank P. Proto Deborah Dietrich Stuart Stein 34 February 7, 1989 Community Affirmative Action Committee - Term expires December 31, 1989 Ethel Nichols Emergency Medical Services Committee - Term expires December 31, 1989 James A. Mason Extension Service - Term expires December 31, 1989 Ethel Nichols Finger Lakes Association - Term expires December 31, 1989 Donald Culligan, Delegate James A. Mason, Alternate Fire and Disaster Advisory Board - Term expires December 31, 1989 Frank P. Proto (Ex -officio member) Greater Ithaca Activities Board - Term expires December 31, 1990 Beverly Livesay Local Advisory Board of Assessment Review - Terms expire December 31, 1989 Mary G. Call - Village of Cayuga Heights Robert I. Watros - Village of Dryden Robert I. Watros - Village of Freeville Phil Shurtleff - Village of Groton Mary G. Call - Village of Lansing James A. Mason - Village of Trumansburg Frank P. Proto - Towns of Caroline and Danby Daniel Winch - Towns of Newfield and Enfield Phil Shurtleff - Town of Groton Kenneth Tillapaugh - Town of Dryden Robert I. Watros - Town of Dryden Mary G. Call - Town of Ithaca Beverly Livesay - Town of Ithaca Deborah Dietrich - Town of Ithaca Helen Howell - Town of Lansing James A. Mason - Town of Ulysses Ethel Nichols - City of Ithaca Personal Emergency Response Service Advisory Board Terms expire December 31, 1989 David Wall (Cayuga Heights Police Department) Marilyn Grey (Senior Citizens' Council) Ann Bookout (StaHome HealthCare-Ithacare) Kenneth Tillapaugh (Board of Representatives) Terms expire December 31, 1990 Thelma Jones (At -large) Georgia Coffin (Economic Opportunity Corporation) Soil and Water Conservation District - Terms expire December 31, 1989 Kenneth Tillapaugh Daniel Winch 35 February 7, 1989 Chairman Mason said the City of Ithaca Mayor and the Board of Representatives are appointing a joint committee to continue to review youth services. The following people were appointed to the Youth Services Study Committee: Mary Call; Beverly Livesay; Chuck Nocera, Acting Youth Bureau Director; William Heffner, Representative of the Tompkins County Youth Board. RESOLUTION NO. 43 - RESOLUTION OF RESPECT - RALPH FULLER Moved by Mr. Proto, unanimously seconded and adopted by all present. WHEREAS, Ralph Fuller, a former member of the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors, passed away on the 21st day of November, 1988, and WHEREAS, with the passing of Ralph Fuller, the County of Tompkins lost a dedicated officer and a valued past friend, and WHEREAS, he was a very active elected member of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County after being appointed to the position on June 9, 1958, and WHEREAS, he was thereafter elected Supervisor from the Town of Caroline and served continuously until his resignation on August 1, 1967, to leave the area with the moving of the Agway Headquarters to Syracuse, New York, and WHEREAS, Ralph Fuller vigorously fulfilled the Chairmanship of many County Committees and displayed the leadership for continued progress for all the people of Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, he served during his tenure on the Airport, County Officer's Accounts, Education, Health, Finance, and Legislative Committees, and WHEREAS, he served with distinction as Chairman of the Civil Service and Salaries, Veterans' Affairs, and the Administrative Study Committee which formulated the procedures and guidelines leading to the present day charter form of government in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, during his term of office he gave untiringly of his time in attending to the duties of the Town of Caroline Supervisor's office, and WHEREAS, throughout his adult life Ralph Fuller was always interested and active in Town and County affairs and served in these areas with years of devotion and faithfulness, now therefore be it unanimously RESOLVED, That the members of this Board express their deep and heartfelt sympathy and sincere condolences to the widow and family of Ralph Fuller, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, the 7th day of February, 1989, and a certified copy be sent to the family of Ralph Fuller. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 44 - RESOLUTION OF RESPECT - CLAIR UPDIKE Moved by Mr. Culligan, unanimously seconded and adopted by all present. WHEREAS, Clair Updike, a former member of the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors, passed away on the 17th day of December 1988, and WHEREAS, with the passing of Clair Updike the County of Tompkins has lost a valued and dedicated past -elected official and friend, and WHEREAS, the said Clair Updike served as a most devoted public official from January 1, 1962 through December 1969, and WHEREAS, he served on County Supervisor's Committees of Airport, Buildings and Grounds, Physically Handicapped, Purchasing, Veterans' Affairs, Court and Corrections, Social Services, Administration Study, Highway, and Education, and 36 February 7, 1989 WHEREAS, Clair Updike was Chairman of the Animal Health and Conservation, Compensation Insurance, County Officer's Accounts, and was a very important member of the Tompkins Cortland Community College Permanent Site Committee, and WHEREAS, he served for eight years in the elected position as Justice of the Peace for the Town of Enfield followed by his terms on the County Board with the dual role as Supervisor of the Town Board of Enfield in the years 1962- 1969, and WHEREAS, the said Clair Updike performed all of his duties as the elected representative of the people with due diligence and gave untiringly of his time to his fellow citizens with great honor, now therefore be it unanimously RESOLVED, That the members of this Board express their deep and heartfelt sympathy and sincere condolences to the widow and family of Clair Updike, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, the 7th day of February 1989, and a certified copy be sent to the family of Clair Updike. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 45 - RESOLUTION OF RESPECT - HARRY A. KERR Moved by Mr. Culligan, unanimously seconded and adopted by all present. WHEREAS, Harry A. Kerr, a former member of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, passed away on the 11th day of January, 1989, and WHEREAS, with the passing of Harry A. Kerr the County of Tompkins has lost a most dedicated past -elected official and valued friend who was a statesman of the first order, and WHEREAS, the said Harry A. Kerr served on the Tompkins County Board of Representatives from January 1970 through September 1976 as the first elected legislator from the new District No. 10 representing the people of both the Newfield and Enfield districts under the new County charter form of government, and WHEREAS, he served on the Board of Representatives' new committee system and answered many roll calls to the Committees of Social Services, Health, Intergovernmental Relations, Administration, and was the Chairman of the Planning and Public Works Committee, and WHEREAS, Harry A. Kerr was elected to the Chairmanship of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives in January 1975, and in this capacity Mr. Kerr served this leadership role with great distinction and honest determination for the greater good of all the people in the County, and WHEREAS, he worked extremely hard in all his endeavors, especially in the planning and construction of the new hospital facility and in the opening of the permanent campus of the Tompkins Cortland Community College in Dryden, New York, and continued improvements at the Tompkins County Airport, and WHEREAS, he served with a style and quality that should always be emulated by those who follow, now therefore be it unanimously RESOLVED, That the members of this Board express their deep and heartfelt sympathy and sincere condolences to the widow and family of Harry A. Kerr, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, the 7th day of February 1989, and a certified copy be sent to the family of Harry A. Kerr. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. 37 February 21, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representatives Howell and Shurtleff). Excused: 2 (Representative Culligan left at 8:45 p.m. and Representative Watros left at 9:05 p.m.). Mr. Winch thanked Mr. Mason for giving him the opportunity to introduce to the Board Mr. and Mrs. Grant and Marie Musser. Mr. Winch appointed Mr. and Mrs. Musser 1989 Keepers of the Newfield Covered Bridge and presented to them a certificate. Under privilege of the floor, Chris Salerno, Arts Council, updated the Board on the Arts Council's concerns. Under privilege of the floor, Terry Pasco, 121 Prospect Street, spoke about the homeless people in Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Gerard Oberrender, Jr., President, Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce, referred to two letters the Board members received dated February 21, 1989. Under privilege of the floor, Loralyn Light, Cayuga Chamber Orchestra, introduced Marilyn Currey, Ithaca Opera Association. They requested the $5,000 grant awarded to the Arts Council of Tompkins County for the purpose of maintaining a box office in Center Ithaca for use by area artists and artistic groups be released to them jointly. Under privilege of the floor, Amari Meader, 123 Upper Creek Road, spoke to the Board concerning the baling and transfer facility. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Watros said he wanted to hear an update on construction and demolition sites. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Livesay referred to the resolution on the agenda entitled Amendment of Resolution No. 11 of January 17, 1989 - Appropriation from Contingent Fund - Arts Council. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan said he and Mr. Winch delivered the resolution entitled Resolution of Respect - Harry A. Kerr to Mrs. Kerr. She thanked the Board. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said there is not a plan to have a Central Processing Facility at the Airport. He said nine (9) bids have been received for the new terminal. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman, Public Works Committee, said the committee met February 10 and have a few items on the agenda. He updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee will meet March 2. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, spoke about Terry Pasco's concern with the homeless. Mrs. Call said between 80 and 100 spaces have been lost within the last 12 months. She said staff has made this issue a top priority and hopes the Board will agree. 38 February 21, 1989 Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee met February 9 and will have a special meeting Thursday, February 23, 1989 at 8:45 a.m. to discuss TOMTRAN. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said the committee met February 15. There are several items on the agenda. A meeting will be held March 1 at 2:30 p.m. to discuss the Central Processing Facility. Mrs. Nichols, Health and Education Committee, updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, reported on the Compensation Plan Task Group and public power authority. Chairman Mason granted Mrs. Nichols permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Contingency Funds for Arts Activities. Chairman Mason granted Mr. Stein permission to withdraw and return the resolution entitled Declaring Certain Parcels of Land at Biggs Center as No Longer Needed for County Use to the appropriate committees. On motion and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Amendment of Resolution No. 11 of January 17, 1989 - Appropriation from Contingent Fund — Arts Council Moving Expense Reimbursement - Airport Manager SEQR Declaration - Mental Health Services Building Transfers, Budget Adjustments, Appropriations - Various Departments It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to lift Resolution No. 10 - Budget Adjustment - Hotel Room Occupancy Tax from the Table. RESOLUTION NO. 10 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - HOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto. After a lengthy discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Watros, and adopted by voice vote by all present with Mr. Proto voting no, to call the question. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Shurtleff). Resolution adopted in the same form. WHEREAS, the proceeds of the hotel room occupancy tax for fiscal 1989 are anticipated to exceed the amount budgeted, and WHEREAS, the Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors' Bureau has submitted requests for the use of these funds, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books for the 1989 County budget. REVENUE: A1113 Tax on Hotel Room Occupancy $20,000 APPROPRIATION: A6475.4504 Tourism Expense, Chamber of $20,000 Commerce 39 February 21, 1989 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 46 - APPROPRIATION - ARTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. After a lengthy discussion, it was Moved by Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. True, to amend this resolution by adding the following: "contingent upon the expansion and revitalization of the Tompkins County Arts Council and the continuation of that which to establish a sound fiscal basis for the Arts in Tompkins County". Mr. Watros called the question on the amendment. Motion to Amend Lost by voice vote. Mr. Watros called the question on the main motion. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Shurtleff). Resolution adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to appropriate $15,000 from the Contingent Fund Account No. A1990 to Account No. A7560 - Arts. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 47 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 11 OF JANUARY 17, 1989 - APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND - ARTS COUNCIL Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto. It was Moved by Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Winch, to Table this resolution until the next meeting. Motion Lost by voice vote. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, to call the question on the main motion. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Livesay, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 5 (Representatives Dietrich, Lifton, Nichols, Proto, and Stein); Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Shurtleff). Motion to call the question carried. A voice vote resulted on the main motion as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Nichols), Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Shurtleff). Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, the Arts Council of Tompkins County, due to fiscal problems, will be unable to maintain and operate the Center Ithaca Box Office at this time, and WHEREAS, the Ithaca Opera Association and the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra have stated their willingness to undertake the joint responsibility of maintaining and operating the Center Ithaca Box Office in light of the inability of the Arts Council of Tompkins County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Resolution No. 11 of 1989 awarding a $5,000 grant to the Arts Council of Tompkins County to provide support on a one-time basis for the ticket -selling kiosk operation at Center Ithaca be and hereby is amended to authorize and direct the Chairman of the Board to execute a contract with the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra and the Ithaca Opera Association, Account No. A7560.4400, in lieu of the Arts Council of Tompkins County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 48 - CHANGE ORDER - LIBRARY PROJECT - DOWNING HASCUP ASSOCIATES Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 40 February 21, 1989 WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 154 of 1988 has been reviewed and approved by the Construction Management Committee: Downing Hascup Associates, Architect - Change Order No. 1 - $15,000 , now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is approved. Change order to include schematic design, design development, and contract documents for handicapped access, canopy and stairway improvements at the Library, from Account No. HQ7410, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 49 - CHANGE ORDER - ANNEX BUILDING - DAVID LORENZINI ASSOCIATES Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the following change order in relation to Resolution No. 159 of 1988 has been reviewed and approved by the Construction Management Committee: David Lorenzini Associates, Architect - Change Order No. 1 - $14,880 , now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is approved, said change order to include schematic design, design development, and contract documents for handicapped access, stairway relocation, demolition of existing stairway, design of elevator shaft and components, to be paid from Account No. HQ1355, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE Il (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 50 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 - BURTON F. CLARK, INC. - LANDSTROM LANDFILL CLOSURE PHASE I Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the following change order be and hereby is approved and the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute said change order: Burton F. Clark, Inc. - Change Order No. 6 - $1,296 - To provide and install the additional six (6) conductor control wires in the conduit between the leachate tanks and the leachate research project. RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer funds in the amount of $1,296 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HH8166.9239, established by Resolution No. 253 of 1988. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE I1 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 41 February 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 51 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 - BURTON F. CLARK, INC. - LANDSTROM LANDFILL CLOSURE PHASE I Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution Nos. 240 and 253 of 1988 authorized the execution of a contract with Burton F. Clark, Inc. for Landstrom Closure - Phase I construction activities, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 7 requests an extension until May 1, 1989 for completion of leachate tank installation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Order No. 7 be approved at no additional cost to the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 52 - AUTHORIZING TIMBER HARVEST MANAGEMENT CONTRACT FOR COUNTY -OWNED FOREST LANDS WITH A FORESTRY CONSULTANT (Tabled to March 7, 1989 and Adopted) Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. After discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to Table this resolution until the March 7, 1989 Board meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 53 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS FOR AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM NARRATIVE AND BUDGET Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives has authorized by Resolution No. 344 of November 15, 1988 the execution by the Chairman of the Board of Representatives of a contact with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) for funding the Tompkins County Aquatic Vegetation Control Program for fiscal year 1988-89, and WHEREAS, the contract with NYSDEC provides full state funding for all parts of the program narrative, and WHEREAS, the program narrative attached to said contract identifies Sterns and Wheler to provide project management for the contract, and WHEREAS, the program narrative and the Agreement with Sterns and Wheler also specifies that Sterns and Wheler may enter into certain subcontracts to fulfill the work program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Sterns and Wheler to provide project management services and to enter into certain specified subcontracts as part of the Aquatic Vegetation Control Program at a cost not to exceed $25,000 for these management services, RESOLVED, further, That Sterns and Wheler be authorized to bill the County for approved subcontractual services specified in the Agreement. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 42 February 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 54 REAUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH CORNELL UNIVERSITY PLANTATIONS FOR YEAR TWO TO INVENTORY ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS, ON BEHALF OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUNCIL Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Lifton, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the County Environmental Management Council has completed negotiations with Cornell University Plantations to assist in the second year's preparation of an Inventory of Environmentally Sensitive (Unique) Areas in the County as a replacement to a previous Unique Areas Study, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of the Environmental Management Council, RESOLVED, further, That funds for the project are in the 1989 Environmental Management Council Budget Account No. A8021.4442 in an amount not to exceed $5,000. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 55 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT - HEALTHY HEART CONSULTANT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute an amendment to the Healthy Heart consultant contract to cover the costs for prior approved conferences and training, not to exceed $1,000, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 56 - AWARD OF BID - MACHINERY - SOLID WASTE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing and Central Services has advertised for bids in accordance with specifications filed in the Solid Waste Division office for one new and unused 1989 articulated wheel loader, and WHEREAS, Five Star Equipment, Inc. of Wysox, PA submitted a bid meeting the specifications in the amount of $102,000, which includes the trade-in of 1972 Trojan loader, model 3000, with 3-1/2 cubic yard bucket, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County, funds being available from Capital Account. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 43 February 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 57 - CORRECTION OF ERRORS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Clerk of the Board be and hereby is authorized to correct any manifest errors in the minutes or in reports of any committees. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 58 - AUTHORIZATION TO DISBURSE FUNDS - COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to disburse all appropriated funds up to the amount of the appropriation included in the 1989 budget, provided that whenever a contract is required funds will be disbursed in accordance with the terms of said agreements. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 59 - DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO AUTHORIZE CERTAIN TAX REFUNDS UNDER $500 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Section 556 of the Real Property Tax Law was amended effective July 18, 1984 to allow a tax levying body to delegate the payment of tax refunds due to a clerical or an unlawful entry, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Budget and Administration Committee that such delegation would be beneficial to the taxpayer and more efficient in processing said refunds, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the County Director of Assessment shall transmit refund recommendations to the County Administrator, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to make payments of any refunds as if the Board of Representatives had performed this audit in compliance with Paragraph 1-7 of this Section, RESOLVED, further, That any refund of $500 or more must be approved by the Board of Representatives pursuant to Paragraph 8(b) of Section 556 of the Real Property Tax Law, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator shall transmit on or before the 15th day of each month a report to the Board of Representatives of the refunds processed, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall only be in effect during the calendar year in which it is adopted. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 44 February 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 60 - APPORTIONMENT OF DOG MONIES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has surplus monies in the Dog Fund for apportionment, pursuant to Section III of the Agriculture and Markets Law, in the amount of $10,250.51, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and hereby is directed to pay the several towns in the County and the City of Ithaca the amount set forth below as apportioned and approved by this Board: Remitting Amount Seventy-five percent of Municipality Remitted Surplus Apportioned Caroline $ 1,323.33 $ 800.18 Danby 693.79 419.52 Dryden 3,682.29 2,226.56 Enfield 1,036.19 626.55 Groton 2,002.85 1,211.06 Ithaca (Town) 1,525.65 922.51 Lansing 1,800.18 1,088.51 Newfield 1,705.95 1,031.53 Ulysses 1,609.42 973.17 City of Ithaca 1,572.63 950.92 $16,952.28 $10,250.51 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 61 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF DRYDEN Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1989 Tax Roll for the Town of Dryden, namely Parcel 38-1-3.1, owned by Paul Cook, which was erroneously not granted an agricultural land exemption of $27,000 to which the property was entitled, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Tax Roll be corrected and the tax of $2,048.33 be corrected to $1,174.10, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Dryden is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1989 Tax Roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $874.23 be charged back - $207.60 to the County of Tompkins, $84.78 to the Town of Dryden, and $581.85 to the Dryden Central School District. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 62 - 1989 SUMMER JOB NETWORK PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 45 February 21, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County of Tompkins participate with Cornell University for the summer work program known as The Summer Job Network, under the following conditions: a maximum of ten (10) students may work full time between May 18, 1989, and August 23, 1989, not to exceed 35.0 hours per week. for a minimum of eight (8) weeks and a maximum of fourteen (14) weeks; the students will be employees of Tompkins County; the students' wage rate will be $5.50 per hour for undergraduates; Cornell University will reimburse the County at the end of the program for 50 percent of the total wages paid to students, RESOLVED, further, That preference will be given to Tompkins County residents, RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Personnel be authorized to carry out The Summer Job Network Program contract with Cornell University and be responsible to see that the wages paid do not exceed the cap, RESOLVED, further, That the necessary funds be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (A1990) to the appropriate County departments if required, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said appropriations on his books, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 63 - 1989 SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the County sponsored and Economic Opportunity Corporation conducted the federal government's Summer Feeding Program annually since 1982, and WHEREAS, the Economic Opportunity Corporation has asked the County to sponsor the same program in 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the application for the 1989 Summer Feeding Program be signed by the Chairman of the Board and the program run under the direction of the Commissioner of Personnel, RESOLVED, further, That the Economic Opportunity Corporation will run the 1989 Summer Feeding Program for Tompkins County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 64 - AUTHORIZATION - COMPUTER SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That Martin Christofferson be paid not more than $725 from A4010.4442, Professional Services, for his services to provide necessary reports and data for 1988 cost study and to train and educate the Data Processing Division regarding the computer system at the Health Department. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 46 February 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 65 - AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE ABOVE MINIMUM SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That a Social Services Attorney be hired at the maximum of the grade, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this position at this time. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 66 - AWARD OF BID - COUNTY VEHICLES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids on 1989 vehicles for use by County departments, which bids were received and publicly opened on January 18, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the 1989 bid for County vehicles be awarded as follows: William T. Pritchard, Inc., of Ithaca, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for one (1) unmarked vehicle for the Sheriffs Department, be awarded the bid in the amount of $12,749, monies being available in Account A3110.2231 except as noted below, Maguire Ford of Ithaca, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for four (4) vehicles for the Public Health Department, one (1) vehicle for the Division of Assessment, one (1) vehicle for the Mental Health Department, and four (4) marked patrol cars with trade-ins for the Sheriffs Department, be awarded the bid in the amount of $90,790.80, monies being available in the following accounts except as noted below: A4101.2231, A1355.2231, A4311.2720 and A3110.2231, RESOLVED, further, That the 4 -door vehicle for Social Services and the pickup truck for Weights and Measures be purchased from State contract and that all bids for these vehicles be rejected, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following appropriations and budget adjustments on the his books: TO: A3630.2231 Weights and Measures $ 216 A1355.2231 Assessment 153 A4010.2231 Public Health 1,310 A3110.2231 Sheriff 621 A6010.2231 Social Services 47 FROM: Contingent Fund $2,347 Budget Adjustments Revenues: A4311.1620 Local Income Mental Health $ 253 A4010.3401 State Aid Public Health 874 A6010.3610 State Aid Social Services 47 A6010.4610 Federal Aid Social Services 93 Appropriations: A4311.2231 Mental Health - Vehicles $ 253 A4010.2231 Public Health - Vehicles 874 A6010.2231 Social Services - Vehicles 140 47 February 21, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That all bids for the van for the Nutrition Program be rejected, monies no longer being forthcoming from the State for its purchase, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Purchasing and the various departments be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 67 - INAUGURATING THE IMPROVED SEPTAGE DISPOSAL PROGRAM, ESTABLISHING INTERIM TIPPING FEES, AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS (RESCISSION OF RESOLUTION NO. 176, JUNE 28, 1988) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 1 (Representative Proto), Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, it is the goal and intent of the Board of Representatives, in cooperation with the Board of Health and the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility (IAWWTF), to phase out the land disposal of septage in Tompkins County insofar as possible, and WHEREAS, this goal cannot be fully accomplished at this time due to a ruling by the IAWWTF not to accept the pumpings from grease traps, particularly from food establishments, and silt traps from car wash facilities; and thus land disposal of these wastes (under Health Department and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Rules and Regulations), will still be necessary in the County, and WHEREAS, alternate special arrangements for grease trap and silt trap wastes will require an additional year to work out details, thus making it necessary to continue the present land disposal permits issued to pumpers by the Health Department, and WHEREAS, the cost of this program through an agreement to be executed with the IAWWTF is estimated as follows: 1. An annual payment to the IAWWTF for reimbursement prorated capital costs varying from $23,190 in year 1987 to $10,460 in year 2006, a total of $335,500, schedule of payments attached*. 2. Payment to the IAWWTF for Operation and Maintenance Costs associated with septage, on a pay as you go basis. WHEREAS, these costs have been translated into a tipping fee charge to pumpers as follows, assuming 2,000,000 gallons of septage per year: Prorated Cost per 1,000 Gallons of Septage Amortization of Bond $ 11.26 Operation and Maintenance Costs $ 15.33 Total $ 26.59 WHEREAS, it is within the interest of the County to phase in the program with the County initially absorbing the capital cost and charging the operation and maintenance costs to pumpers, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee as follows: 1. The Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute an Agreement with the IAWWTF guaranteeing payments for bonding and operation and maintenance costs and other appropriate matters. 2. The County Administrator is authorized to pay the annual reimbursement of bonding costs from general funding, pending further study of the impact of costs. 3. The County and the IAWWTF shall establish rules and regulations and a tipping fee schedule for a charge to pumpers to recover operation and maintenance costs estimated to be $15.33 per 1,000 gallons of septage at this time, plus an overhead charge by the County in the amount of $1.00 per tipping event. 48 February 21, 1989 4. County staff, in cooperation with the Board of Health and the IAWWTF, will investigate alternates for the disposal of septage grease wastes and silt trap material and present recommendations to appropriate committees of the Board. 5. From time to time the appropriate committee(s) shall review the financial plan and make such recommendations for change as may be appropriate. 6. In concert with the IAWWTF, the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute appropriate Agreements with licensed pumpers as a control measure. 7. Resolution No. 176 (June 28, 1988) is hereby rescinded. *SEPTAGE AGREEMENT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE FOR BONDING Total Cost Attributable ** to Septage 1,755,000/11.15% Principal Interest Total Cost/1000 195,700 Gallons 1987 9785 13405 23190 11.60 1988 9785 12735 22520 11.26 1989 9785 12065 21850 10.93 1990 9785 11395 21180 10.59 1991 9785 10725 20510 10.26 1992 9785 10055 19840 9.92 1993 9785 9385 19170 9.59 1994 9785 8715 18500 9.25 1995 9785 8045 17830 8.92 1996 9785 7375 17160 8.58 1997 9785 6705 16490 8.25 1998 9785 6035 15820 7.91 1999 9785 5365 15120 7.56 2000 9785 4695 14480 7.24 2001 9785 4025 13810 6.91 2002 9785 3355 13140 6.57 2003 9785 2685 12470 6.24 2004 9785 2015 11800 5.90 2005 9785 1345 11130 5.57 2006 9785 675 10460 5.23 TOTAL 19570 140800 336500 8.42 (average) * Total Cost including EPA & NYDEC shares = $1,755,000. County share is $195,700 ** Average family. Assumes an estimated 2,000,000 gallons of septage per year. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 68 - AUTHORIZING CHARGE STRUCTURE - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Tompkins County Health Department implement the charge structure as recommended by Mr. Jack Venesky, C.P.A. in order to maximize both the Medicaid and Medicare revenues. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 49 February 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 69 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Lifton, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to separate the vote. A short roll call vote resulted as follows on the resolution with the exception of the District Attorney's appropriations: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Shurtleff). A short roll call vote resulted as follows on $4,000 to Account No. 1165.0100 - District Attorney Personal Services and $2,600 to Account No. 5610.4476 for paving additional parking for East Hill Flying Club: Ayes - 11, Noes - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Stein), Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Shurtleff). Resolution adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Human Services, Public Safety and Corrections, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRAN SFERS Highway FROM: D5110.4411 Bridge Contracts $ 1,231 TO: D5010.4466 Job-related Travel $ 1,231 Narcotic Control FROM: TO: Solid Waste FROM: 8160.1513 TO: 8160.4442 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Health Revenue: 2705 Appropriation: 405 0.2219 Mental Health Revenue: 4310.3488 Appropriation: 4310.4491 .4631 .4637 4220.4400 4220.4547 Office for the Aging Revenue: 3803 Appropriation: 6776.1215 .4491 Social Services Revenue: 3606 Appropriation: 6106.4400 APPROPRIATIONS Airport FROM: TO: FROM: TO: Data Processing FROM: B909 5610.2222 B909 5610.4476 A1990 Program Expense BOCES Drug Education Account Clerk/Typist Professional Services Gifts and Donations PERS Units Mental Health State Aid Contractual Services Adult Needs Children Needs State Aid Salaries Sub -contractors State Aid Special Needs - Adult Family Type Homes Airport Fund Balance Communications Equipment Airport Fund Balance Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Contingent Fund 50 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 $ 355 $ 355 $ 2,200 $ 2,200 $120,000 $102,000 8,000 10,000 $ 3,326 $ 500 2,826 $ 2,595 $ 2,595 $ 295 $ 295 $ 2,600 $ 2,600 $ 300 February 21, 1989 TO: 1680.2206 Computer Equipment $ 300 District Attorney FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 240 TO: 1165.2211 Chairs $ 240 FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 4,000 TO: 1165.0100 Personal Services $ 4,000 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 70 - MOVING EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT - AIRPORT MANAGER Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That County Policy 03-07 be waived and that moving expenses for the Airport Manager be approved in an amount not to exceed $2,362.16, RESOLVED, further, That if necessary at a later time, the sum of $2,362.16 shall be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (A-1990) to Personnel - Contractual Expense (1430.4442), RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said appropriation if it becomes necessary. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 71 - LONG-RANGE PLANNING FOR COURT SYSTEM AND TOMPKINS COUNTY SPACE NEEDS Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 1 (Representative Lifton), Excused - 2 (Representatives Howell and Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Tompkins County Public Library has requested this Board to address the long-range space needs of the Library and of the Finger Lakes Library System, and WHEREAS, two of the County's four largest human service delivery departments, Social Services and Probation, moved to the Biggs Center in 1986, joining the two other largest human service delivery departments, Public Health and Mental Health, at that location, and WHEREAS, this Board has voted to locate a new Mental Health Services building in downtown Ithaca once again separating the location of these four departments, and WHEREAS, all of these moves were made in the absence of a long-range Board of Representatives plan regarding County office space location, particularly of health and human service departments, and WHEREAS, enough time has passed to assess all aspects of the Biggs Center location for County offices and services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Planning and Economic Development Committees, That the Planning and Economic Development Committee is authorized and directed, with appropriate staff support at the direction of the County Administrator, to recommend to this Board a long-range plan for all County (including Public Library) and Court System space, which plan shall address cost, location, parking, expansion, pedestrian access, client convenience and 51 February 21, 1989 environmental impact and shall include comparative advantages and disadvantages of the major options available. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present the following appointments were made to the various advisory boards: Fire and Disaster Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1989 Chris O'Connor representing the Town of Dryden Term expires December 31, 1990 Clayton Bronson representing the Town of Newfield Tompkins County Youth Board Term expires December 31, 1989 Anita Chirco representing the Village of Dryden Terms expire December 31, 1991 Penny Boynton representing the Town of Caroline Brian Pitzer representing the Village of Cayuga Heights Community Affirmative Action Committee Term expires December 31, 1989 Jo Bard representing Human Rights Commission Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee Thomas Pendell representing the Town of Dryden Nancy Morgan representing the Town of Dryden Henry Raupp representing the Town of Dryden as an alternate Tompkins County Economic Advisory Board Terms expire December 31, 1990 Larry Burdge representing Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce - Industrial Division William Demo representing Tompkins Cortland Community College Stephen Corey representing Independent Business or Craft Enterprise Thomas Fitzgerald representing the Village of Dryden Environmental Management Council (EMC) Terms expire December 31, 1989 Bard Prentiss representing the Village of Dryden Erin Mulligan as an at -large representative Donald Barber appointed Chairman of EMC The Board wishes to recognize the leadership Herbert Engman demonstrated as Chairman of the Environmental Management Council. Tompkins County Planning Board Terms expire December 31, 1990 Mamie Johnson representing Economic Opportunity Corporation Becky Bilderback representing Energy/Housing 52 February 21, 1989 Regional Forest Practice Board Term expires December 31, 1991 Gordon Nesbitt Soil and Water Conservation District Term expires December 31, 1991 Keith Marquis as a representative of Grange Fish and Wildlife Management Board Term expires December 31, 1990 Thomas Todd as a Property Owner representative Agricultural District Advisory Committee Term expires December 31, 1992 Bruce Dedrick as a representative of Agri -Business Tompkins Community Hospital Board of Directors Term expires April 30, 1992 Kenneth Tillapaugh was nominated to serve on the Board Chairman Mason declared recess at 8:45 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 8:52 p.m. It was Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss negotiations regarding the Mental Health Building. An executive session was held from 8:52 p.m. to 9:55 p.m. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 72 - SEQR DECLARATION - MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. True. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8, Noes - 3 (Representatives Lifton, Nichols, and Stein), Excused - 4 (Representatives Culligan, Howell, Shurtleff, and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County finds it to be within the interests of the community that a new multi -use Mental Health Services Building be constructed on a site in the City of Ithaca at East Green Street and South Tioga Street, and WHEREAS, the County has prepared a Full Environmental Assessment of the environmental and other impacts of the proposed action, and WHEREAS, the County has consistently worked with the City of Ithaca Common Council and staff to achieve a balance between the interests of the City and the County, including discussion of potential impacts and mitigating measures, and WHEREAS, as a result of these discussions all significant environmental impacts have been identified and discussed and where appropriate the County has agreed to mitigating measures as conditions to the action, and WHEREAS, the only significant impact which has not been entirely resolved is the matter of County participation in the construction and operating costs of a proposed parking ramp being considered by the City for an unidentified future date, and WHEREAS, in the meantime the County has agreed to pay its fair share for parking service, now therefore be it 53 February 21, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That this Board hereby declares that based upon the SEQR Environmental Assessment of this action and subsequent meetings with City of Ithaca officials, a conditioned Negative Declaration is hereby authorized and approved for this Unlisted Action and the Chairman is authorized to execute documents to that effect, RESOLVED, further, That the SEQR process is hereby declared to be completed, RESOLVED, further, That the County Attorney is hereby authorized to take appropriate action to acquire title to the proposed site pursuant to the Eminent Domain Procedure Law, if necessary. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) On motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:03 p.m. 54 March 7, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Nichols). It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the June 28, 1988 Board minutes. Chairman Mason read and presented a proclamation declaring March 12 - 18, 1989 as Employ the Older Worker Week to Irene Stein, Grants Coordinator, Office for the Aging. Under privilege of the floor, Beth Morano, CROWD, asked why sludge dumping is still used when the Wastewater Treatment Plant is in operation. Mr. Liguori, Planning Commissioner, commented on the above subject and said the Wastewater Treatment Plant is functioning well but there was a problem with the grease traps. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Winch said he had a meeting with the people from Cornell University running the recycling program. He said Cornell University has started a good program. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Lifton announced he would not stand for reelection for the County Legislature this year. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan spoke concerning room tax. Under privilege of the floor, Chief Edward Olmstead, Ithaca Fire Chief, said he has some concerns with the resolution on the agenda entitled Opposition to Legislature - National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1500. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss Tompkins Cortland Community College negotiations. An executive session was held at 6:10 p.m. and returned to regular session at 6:38 p.m. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the time has been extended for accepting Airport Terminal Design Development proposals. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman, Public Works Committee, said the committee will meet March 10. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met last Thursday. He updated the Board on committee business. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, said the committee met last Wednesday. The committee has two resolutions on the agenda. She updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee had a special meeting to discuss TOMTRAN. The next meeting is March 9, 1989 at 8:45 a.m. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management and Mental Health Facility Planning Committees, said the Construction Management Committee will meet tomorrow. He said the Board 55 March 7, 1989 should have received the report from the engineers concerning the Central Processing Facility. The Mental Health Facility Planning Committee will meet on Thursday. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee will meet tomorrow at 3 p.m. Mrs. Livesay, Youth Services Study Committee, updated the Board on the committee's discussions. What the committee is looking for is the best structure would be for delivering and paying for youth services in Tompkins County. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said he did not have a report. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, said the Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee met for the first time a few days ago. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, said the Supreme Court Library will open March 30. He also said he will not have to start condemnation proceedings concerning the Mental Health Building due to agreements with owners of the site. Chairman Mason announced that as of yesterday the permit application has been filed with Mr. Krichbaum, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, concerning the DR -7 site. There are two copies available for review. On motion and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Opposition to Legislature - National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1500 SEQR Declaration - Proposed Ithaca Industrial Park Central Processing Facility Site Authorizing Change in Environmental Health Fees Support for Classification and Pay Equity Study RESOLUTION NO. 73 - OPPOSITION TO LEGISLATION - NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) STANDARD 1500 Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto. It was Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, to Table this resolution to the April 18, 1989 Board meeting. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 4 (Representatives Dietrich, Livesay, Stein, and True); Noes - 10 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Howell, Lifton, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion to Table Lost. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the main motion: Ayes - 12; Noes - 2 (Representatives Stein and True); Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has approved Standard 1500 which covers fire personnel training, medical qualification, and protective equipment, and WHEREAS, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) may adopt Standard 1500, and WHEREAS, all New York State fire units, private and volunteer, will be mandated to comply with Standard 1500, and WHEREAS, this standard would place a considerable financial burden on all the local jurisdictions which will be obligated to purchase new protective gear, upgrade fire apparatus and mandate annual physical examinations for all members of the fire company, and 56 March 7, 1989 WHEREAS, this standard would mandate staffing requirements for firefighters responding to fires in a time when many statewide volunteer companies are having difficulty maintaining and acquiring new personnel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, and formal action taken by the Fire and Disaster Advisory Board, That the County of Tompkins requests that the NYSAC Legislative Committee oppose OSHA's incorporation of the NFPA Standard 1500. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 74 - AWARD OF BID - UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SYSTEM - COUNTY FIRE AND DISASTER Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing and Central Services has advertised for bids in accordance with specifications on file at the Division of Purchasing and Central Services for an uninterruptible power system, and WHEREAS, A. C. Powerline, of Rochester, New York submitted a bid meeting the specifications in the amount of $8,709, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the Fire and Disaster and EMS Coordinator be and hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County, funds being available from Account No. A3410.2222. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 75 - AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Genetic Design, Inc. for the provision of paternity testing services. RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are required. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 76 - AUTHORIZATION TO INCREASE CONTRACT - DOWNING HASCUP ASSOCIATES Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract amendment with Downing Hascup Associates providing for the payment of $4,200 for preparation of specifications and drawings 57 March 7, 1989 for bidding of demolition of the structures currently occupying the site of the Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 77 - URGING THE GOVERNOR AND THE LEGISLATURE TO RESTORE THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE NYS DIVISION FOR YOUTH LOCAL SERVICES BUDGET TO 1988-89 LEVELS Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Stein, to add the following RESOLVED: "RESOLVED, further, That if the funds necessary to implement this resolution cannot be found in normal budgetary channels, that the State tax on alcohol and tobacco be raised to achieve the appropriate revenue necessary." It was Moved by Mrs. Call and the consensus of the Board to call the question. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the amendment: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Howell, Lifton, Proto, Shurtleff, Stein, and Watros); Noes - 6 (Representatives Call, Livesay, Tillapaugh, True, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion carried. A voice vote resulted as follows on the main motion: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, New York State has been a leader for more than forty years by encouraging and assisting its municipalities to provide meaningful activities and services for their youth, and by providing funding, and WHEREAS, in Tompkins County this leadership has resulted in awareness by local governments of their responsibilities and opportunities to provide recreational and youth development services, and WHEREAS, changes in the economy and society have made the need for such services more acute for increased numbers of our youth, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives urges the Governor and Legislature to restore the NYS Division for Youth Local Services appropriation to 1988-89 levels, and to remove or oppose the language in Article 7 of the proposed 1989-90 budget that repeals Executive Law, Section 420, Article 19A. RESOLVED, further, That if the funds necessary to implement this resolution cannot be found in normal budgetary channels, that the State tax on alcohol and tobacco be raised to achieve the appropriate revenue necessary. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 78 - AUTHORIZING CHANGE IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FEES (Resolution Tabled to March 21, 1989 and Adopted) Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present with Mr. Lifton voting no to Table this resolution to the next Board meeting and prior to that meeting a list be provided for Board members of where these fees were the previous year and which new fees were added for the first time. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Lifton, to reconsider Resolution No. 78 - Authorizing Change in Environmental Health Fees. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 7 (Representatives Culligan, Howell, Lifton, Livesay, Tillapaugh, True, and Watros); Noes - 7 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, Proto, Shurtleff, Stein, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion to reconsider Lost. 58 March 7, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 79 - SUPPORT FOR CLASSIFICATION AND PAY EQUITY STUDY Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the State Legislature appropriated funds in 1988 for the State Municipal Services Division of the New York State Civil Service Department to do classification and pay equity studies in order to develop a system applicable to all other governmental levels in New York State, and WHEREAS, Broome and Tompkins Counties were selected as county governments where pilot studies would be conducted, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County is in the process, with the Municipal Services Division, of conducting such a study and this Board is committed to its implementation, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County had ascertained the need for this study prior to the service being made available by the State and was unable to find the necessary expertise available in the private sector to accomplish a classification and pay equity study, and WHEREAS, the State will by April 1, 1989 have completed approximately five and a half months of what was to have been a twelve month study, and in order to study other levels of government need a full year in addition to the five and a half months, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives urges the New York State Legislature to support the Honorable Helene Weinstein in a member item appropriating $160,000 for the Municipal Services Division for the 1989-90 fiscal year only to permit said Division to establish a method for local governments to implement a classification and pay equity system in order to eliminate pay inequities in all municipal governments, following the lead of the New York State Government. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 80 - SEQR DECLARATION - PROPOSED ITHACA INDUSTRIAL PARK CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY SITE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives selected the Ithaca Industrial Park site as the preferred site for a Central Processing Facility (CPF) and authorized the filing of a Positive Declaration for the site, pursuant to the SEQR process by means of Resolutions No. 150 and No. 243 of 1988, and WHEREAS, the draft Environmental Impact Statement (dEIS) of the site, among other impacts, identified that there are substantial operational and locational limitations associated with the Ithaca Industrial Park site due to the geometry of the land and insufficient acreage constrained by the New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) power line restrictions, and WHEREAS, studies on the possibility of expanding the site by the acquisition of highly developed adjacent land show that such acquisition will be very costly and will not result in a site which will lend itself to future developments in central processing techniques, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the Ithaca Industrial Park site is hereby withdrawn from further consideration, and the City of Ithaca be so notified, RESOLVED, further, That the Construction Management Committee shall continue its studies and recommend the selection of a new preferred site. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) 59 March 7, 1989 It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to lift Resolution No. 52 - Authorizing Timber Harvest Management Contract for County -Owned Forest Lands with a Forestry Consultant from the Table. RESOLUTION NO. 52 - AUTHORIZING TIMBER HARVEST MANAGEMENT CONTRACT FOR COUNTY -OWNED FOREST LANDS WITH A FORESTRY CONSULTANT Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Winch), Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, Tompkins County owns six parcels of forest land in the Towns of Caroline and Newfield consisting of approximately 600 acres, and WHEREAS, the County has contracted with Forestate forestry consultants for a forest management plan for those forest land parcels, and WHEREAS, that plan, having been received by the County, recommends a harvesting program, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Economic Development Committee has reviewed that plan and recommended its implementation through a contract with Robert Moore (dba Forestate), of 424 Fulton Street, Waverly, New York 14892, and WHEREAS, a negotiated timber harvest management contract with Forestate has been proposed, and WHEREAS, the plan and proposed timber harvest management contract with Forestate were submitted to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) for review and comment, and WHEREAS, NYSDEC states that the plan seems quite comprehensive, the recommendations appropriate, and the proposed contract arrangements set according to normal accepted practice and has offered to participate in an advisory capacity during the bidding process and in the field for actual harvests, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute the proposed timber harvest management contract with Forestate. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present the following appointments were made to the various advisory boards: Economic Opportunity Corporation Term expires March 31, 1990 Betty Roe representing the Town of Newfield Economic Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1990 Don Ellis representing the Village of Trumansburg Tompkins County Planning Board Term expires December 31, 1990 Gordon Van Nedernynen 60 March 7, 1989 Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Term expires December 31, 1989 Beverly Livesay Chairman Mason declared recess at 8:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:39 p.m. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to hold an executive session for the purpose of getting an update on negotiations for land purchase for a Central Processing Facility and an update on the Mental Health Facility negotiations. An executive session was held at 8:39 p.m. and returned to regular session at 8:59 p.m. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 9 p.m. 61 March 21, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Tillapaugh was excused at 9:05 p.m.) Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the first committee meeting will be April 3 at 2 p.m. at the SADD Conference Room. The committee will review the initial responses from the Request for Qualifications (RFQ's). Two copies of the RFQ's will be on file in the Clerk of the Board's office. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, updated the Board on committee business. He asked Mr. Liguori to report on a meeting he attended in Syracuse regarding Route 13, New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) to the Town of Dryden. Mr. Liguori, Planning Commissioner, reported on a meeting he attended in Syracuse with New York State Department of Transportation (DOT). DOT said they have been performing safety and maintenance improvements on a demand basis. They have not performed substantial improvements due to lack of adequate financing. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee will meet April 6 at noon. He read a letter to the Board on behalf of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee commending Sergeant Ed Brown, Deputy Lynn Watros, and Sandy Fenner for their action of notifying the Michael Dellake family of Interlaken that their home was ablaze. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said she did not have a report. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee met on March 9. He updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Mental Health Facility Planning and Construction Management Committees, said he asked Mr. Hascup of Downing Hascup Associates to present some drawings of the proposed Mental Health Building this evening. The next Mental Health Facility Planning Committee meeting is this Thursday at 2 p.m. He reported on the Central Processing Facility. The next Construction Management Committee meeting is April 5. He also reported on the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) as the liaison. The next CAC meeting is this Thursday at New York State Electric and Gas. Mr. Hascup, Downing Hascup Associates, presented some drawings on the design development of the Mental Health Building and answered questions. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee met March 8. The committee spoke about the Finger Lakes Library System's (FLLS) discontinuing the bookmobile. The next meeting is April 5. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee and Negotiating Committee for Tompkins Cortland Community College, said she would like to request an executive session at the appropriate time. She said the Management Compensation Committee will draft a survey for Board members to fill out concerning salaries for the Board of Representatives beginning in 1990. 62 March 21, 1989 Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met yesterday. He updated the Board on committee business. Chairman Mason granted Mr. Watros permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Appropriation from Contingent Fund - Tompkins County Public Library from the agenda. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Authorizing to Execute Purchase Option Agreement - Central Processing Facility Preferred Site Appropriation from Contingent Fund - Landfill Neighborhood Protection Program Authorization to Pay Compensatory Time Off Hours - Department of Social Services Authorization to Pay Overtime - Job Training Authorization to Hire Above Minimum - Mental Health Authorization to Purchase Real Property Opposition to Governor's Program Bill No. 15-R - Education of Handicapped Children Correction of Tax Roll - Town of Ithaca Mrs. Howell requested to have Resolution No. 78 moved to the top of the agenda. There were no objections. On motion of Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to lift Resolution No. 78 from the Table. RESOLUTION NO. 78 - AUTHORIZING CHANGE IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FEES Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. True. It was Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mr. Proto, to set the sewage construction permit at .1 percent of the value for the cap of $200. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Watros, to Table this resolution to April 18 as amended to review information concerning the sewage construction permits. Mr. Lifton questioned Mrs. Call's motion to Table as being out of order. Chairman Mason ruled that the Tabling motion was in order. Mr. Lifton challenged the ruling of the Chair. A roll call vote resulted as follows to sustain the ruling of the Chair: Ayes - 10 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Howell, Livesay, Nichols, Stein, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, and Winch); Noes - 4 (Representatives Dietrich, Lifton, Proto, Shurtleff). Chair does not vote. Motion to sustain the ruling of the Chair carried. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the Tabling motion: Ayes - 4 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh, Watros, and Winch); Noes - 11 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Howell, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Stein, True, and Mason). Motion to Table Lost. It was Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. True, and adopted by voice vote to call the question on the amendment. Motion to set the sewage construction permit at .1 percent of the value for the cap of $200 Lost by voice vote. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, to add the following RESOLVED: "RESOLVED, further, That staff prepare a scaled schedule using parameters reflected of income, property value where appropriate, and others to be defined by the appropriate Board committee and submit same to the Health and Education Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee for their review and recommendation prior to the 1990 County Budget being voted upon. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 6 (Representatives Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, and Stein); Noes - 9 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Howell, Nichols, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason). Motion Lost. 63 March 21, 1989 It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, to Table the main motion until such time as the appropriate Board committee has an opportunity to review it with input from other members of the Board of Representatives and bring it back to the April 18, 1989 Board meeting. Motion Lost by voice vote. It was Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mrs. Call, and adopted by voice vote to call the question on the main motion. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the main motion: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, this Board has recommended that the following schedule of fees charged by the Environmental Health Division be adopted, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the following schedule of fees is hereby approved for the Health Department to charge for the provision of Environmental Health Division permits and services commencing March 22, 1989. OPERATING OR PERMIT FEES Food Service Establishments Full Service Commissaries and Caterers $ 75.00 Low -Risk 50.00 Temporary Food Service Establishment 30.00 Temporary Residences and Mobile Home Parks Less than 10 units/rooms $ 50.00 11 - 50 units/rooms 75.00 51 - 100 units/rooms 100.00 100+ units/rooms 150.00 Children's Camp $ 100.00 Swimming Pools/Bathing Beaches $ 100.00 Mass Gatherings $1500.00 Community Water Systems (with sources (Part 5, NYSSC) Up to 50 population $ 25.00 51 to 500 50.00 501 to 1000 150.00 over 1000 200.00 Bottled/Bulk Haulers, Ice Plants 100.00 Non -Community Water Systems (with sources) (Part 5, NYSSC) $ 25.00 Local Public Water System (TCSC) $ 25.00 Frozen Desserts $ 25.00 Sewage Construction Permits Under 1000 gallons per day design $ 75.00 1000 or more gallons per day design 150.00 Refuse Haulers $ 50.00 + $10/vehicle Fee for Application received late: $25; Consecutive lateness: $50 Note: Fees are additive for all facilities. Operation Permits are generally issued on an annual basis; however, if a multi-year permit is issued a 25 percent reduction of the total fee will be allowed. PLAN REVIEW FEES (New Construction or Where Engineering Plans Required) Food Service Establishments Full Service $ 150.00 Low Risk 75.00 Mobile Unit 50.00 Development Plan Review (Temporary Residence, MHP, Apartment Complex, 64 March 21, 1989 Realty Subdivisions) Preliminary Development Review (Where soil testing is required) Swimming Pools/Bathing Beaches UP to 5000 square feet Over 5000 square feet, slide pools, wave pools Community Water Systems (Part 5, NYSSC) Source and/or less than 10 connections Distribution 10 - 50 connections Distribution over 50 connections Non -Community and Local Public Water Systems Note: Review fees are additive. OTHER Copies - 25 cents each page Monitoring of water systems, pools, and bathing area (no exemptions) Tompkins County Sanitary Code Waiver/Variance Applications requiring Board of Health Action SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) $100 plus $5 per lot/unit $100 plus $10 per acre $450 maximum $ 100.00 150.00 $ 75.00 50.00 100.00 $ 50.00 $ .25 Lab cost + $2 per sample $ 25.00 RESOLUTION NO. 81 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT GRANT APPLICATION - PRIMARY CARE SERVICES - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, a request for proposals for Primary Care Services was received January 23, 1989 from the New York State Department of Health, New York State Rural Health Care Development Program, requesting proposals by February 28, 1989, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is particularly interested in applying for this grant by submission of a proposal as requested, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That permission be granted to the Health Department to submit said application via letter of intent and proposal, with the understanding that the Health Department's proposal, if funded, will generate no additional County costs not covered by State funding. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 82 - RECOMMENDING STATE SUPPORT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUNCILS Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council (EMC) has participated in the State reimbursement program for Environmental Management Councils, and WHEREAS, the State support allows all Environmental Management Councils to function much more extensively and effectively, and WHEREAS, each county multiplies many times over the State's support through both cash and volunteer contributions, now therefore be it 65 March 21, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives requests the Governor and the State Legislature to fund the EMC cost-sharing amount at the level of $856,000, in addition to the $200,000 of special grant funds, RESOLVED, further, That monies received from the proposed bill to recapture State Bottle Return Fund be used to support Local Environmental Assistance Program (LEAP). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 83 - RECOMMENDING AN AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 90 OF 1987 CONCERNING THE COUNTY SEQR PROCESS (withdrawn 8/15/89) Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. After discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and adopted by voice vote with Mr. True voting no, to Table this resolution to the April 18, 1989 and have the Public Works Committee consider it. RESOLUTION NO. 84 - AWARD OF BID - PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids on 1989 vehicles for use by the Tompkins County Public Works Department, such bids being received and publicly opened on March 1, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the 1989 bid for Public Works vehicles be awarded as follows: Newcomb Motors, Inc. of Cortland, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for one (1) cab and chassis, one (1) crew cab without pickup box and one (1) cargo van for the Highway Division, be awarded by bid in the amount of $40,223.79, funds being available in Account No. E5130.2231, Maguire Ford of Ithaca, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for one (1) dump truck, for the Airport Division, be awarded the bid in the amount of $15,725, funds being available in Account No. B5610.2234, Groton Ford of Groton, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for one (1) four-wheel drive vehicle for the Division of Solid Waste, be awarded the bid in the amount of $13,153, funds being available in Account No. A8160.2231, RESOLVED, further, That an additional four-wheel drive vehicle for the Highway Division be purchased from the said bid in the amount of $13,153, funds being available in Account No. E5130.2231, RESOLVED, further, That the bid of Accufab Inc. of Ithaca, New York, be accepted for the used service truck (vehicle no. 24) in the amount of $2,500, such funds to be credited to Account No. E5310.2231, RESOLVED, further, That the bid of Craig Hopkins of Van Etten, New York, be accepted for the used crew cab pickup (vehicle no. 18) in the amount of $1,083, such funds to be credited to Account No. E5310.2231, RESOLVED, further, That the bids received for the used crew cab pickup (vehicle no. 16) be rejected, as they are not in the best interests of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized to complete said transactions on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 66 March 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 85 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - NORTH GEORGE ROAD BRIDGE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation and approval of the Public Works Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby are audited by this Board: Name Request No. Account Amount Public Works Committee Roger A. Beck 6 (final) D5110.4411 $8,280.23 Construction RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims from Capital Projects monies. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 86 -RESCISSION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2, 1989, AND APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, PHASE 1, AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION REMOVAL AND LIGHTING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Change Order No. 1, Phase I, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Project No. 3902.71, AIP No. 3-36-0047-08-88 has been approved by the Project Engineer, accepted by the Contractor and submitted to NYSDOT and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for approval, and WHEREAS, the re-routing of the telephone lines to the Very High Frequency Omni Range (VOR) site building is necessitated by the obstruction removal and requirements of New York Telephone, and WHEREAS, the original change order has been amended as approved in Resolution No. 2 (1989), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Resolution No. 2 be rescinded, RESOLVED, further, That revised Change Order No. 1 be and it is hereby approved not to exceed $23,969.60, or any lesser amount as approved by the FAA and NYSDOT, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the appropriate budget adjustments after receipt of approved cost of Change Order No. 1. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 87 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 2, PHASE I, AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION REMOVAL AND LIGHTING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Change Order No. 2, Phase I, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Project No. 3902.71, AIP No. 3-36-0047-08-88, has been approved by the Project Engineer, accepted by the Contractor and submitted to NYSDOT and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for approval, and WHEREAS, it was requested that certain clearing, grubbing and grading work be brought forward from Phase II for expediency reasons, now therefore be it 67 March 21, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Order No. 2 be and it is hereby approved not to exceed $3,741.72 or any lesser amount as approved by the FAA and NYSDOT, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the appropriate budget adjustments after receipt of approved cost of said Change Order No. 2. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 88 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING - ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT - EAST HILL FLYING CLUB Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, April 4, 1989 at 5:30 p.m. at the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, concerning a proposed addendum to the East Hill Flying Club contract at the Tompkins County Airport. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 89 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION FOR FUNDING OF RECYCLING EDUCATION UNDER THE LOCAL RESOURCE REUSE AND RECOVERY PROGRAM (LRRRP) Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County has implemented an aggressive recycling effort and has applied for and received funding from New York State Department of Conservation for recycling education under the Local Resource Reuse and Recovery Program (LRRRP), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute an agreement with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for recycling education funding in the amount of $77,500, fifty percent of the eligible requested amount of $155,000. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 90 - ASSIGNMENT OF SPACE - OLD JAIL BUILDING Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, and adopted by voice vote with Mr. Lifton voting no. WHEREAS, this Board has provided 1989 County Capital Budget funding for architectural services in connection with design of renovations of the former Jail facility, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That upon the move of the Ithaca Child Care Center out of the former Jail facility, it is the intention of this Board not to assign any of its space to any County department or other tenant but to use it for excess file and furniture storage, pending completion of program development and schematic design. 68 March 21, 1989 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 91 - AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE - SUPPLEMENTAL GRANT AGREEMENT NO. 2, NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, RUNWAY AND TAXIWAY LIGHTING, WIDEN TAXIWAY FILLETS Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation has agreed to increase State grant for NYS Project No. PIN 3902.64 (Contract No. K-6077) to cover certain cost overruns, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Supplemental Grant No. 2 for the above project in the amount of $46,673.70 (an increase of $2,055.70) is hereby accepted and the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute same. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 92 - SELECTION OF AN ALTERNATE PREFERRED CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY (CPF) SITE AND AUTHORIZATION TO FILE A POSITIVE DECLARATION PURSUANT TO SEQR Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 80, dated March 7, 1989, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives has withdrawn the Ithaca Industrial Park Site as the preferred site for the Central Processing Facility and further has rescinded the Positive Declaration filed pursuant to SEQR and previously disseminated, and WHEREAS, the County engineering consultant and County staff have continued study of alternative sites for the Central Processing Facility and prepared a report which assesses the environmental impacts and design considerations of other sites for the Central Processing Facility previously identified in an appropriate report as possible sites, and WHEREAS, said report is entitled CPF Site Evaluations by Resource Associates dated February, 1989, which indicates that the Commercial Avenue site is a potentially permittable site and contains sufficient acreage to allow for future expansion, and WHEREAS, this site has been reviewed with the City of Ithaca (and the Town of Ithaca) relative to its suitability as a Central Processing Facility site, and WHEREAS, the construction of a proposed Central Processing Facility at this site may have a significant effect upon the environment requiring preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), for the following reasons, among others: 1. Siting involves a populated area; 2. Potential effects upon ground and surface waters; 3. Noise during construction of the facility and operation of the facility and transportation to and from the facility; 4. Potential for the creation and escape of dust and other fugitive materials in the solid waste process; 5. Potential for the attraction of vectors; and 69 March 21, 1989 WHEREAS, a "Positive Declaration" for said Commercial Avenue site for the Central Processing Facility should be filed and disseminated as required by law to inform the public of potential impacts which must be addressed in the environmental process regarding this specific site, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the Commercial Avenue is hereby selected as the alternate preferred site for the Central Processing Facility, and RESOLVED, further, That County staff and Resource Associates be directed to work with appropriate City and Town of Ithaca Committees and review bodies for their recommendations, RESOLVED, further, That the County of Tompkins declares itself to be "Lead Agency" for the siting, permitting, construction and operation of said Central Processing Facility at the Commercial Avenue site in accordance with the provisions of SEQR, RESOLVED, further, That the County of Tompkins as Lead Agency declares same to be a Type I action pursuant to the provisions of SEQR and directs that a "Positive Declaration" be filed for the Commercial Avenue site for those reasons above stated, RESOLVED, further, That the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Central Processing Facility at the preferred site, as designated herein, is authorized and directed. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 93 - BOND RESOLUTION DATED MARCH 21, 1989, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $3,700,000 SERIAL BONDS AND THE EXPENDITURE OF $309,105 CURRENT FUNDS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK, TO PAY PART OF THE COST OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND AND THE CONSTRUCTION THEREON OF A MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE BUILDING IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell. For the record, Mr. Lifton said he hoped in the future the Board would consider parking downtown an issue. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, all conditions precedent to the financing of the capital projects hereinafter described, including compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act, have been performed, and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital projects, now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the County Legislature of the County of Tompkins, New York, as follows: Section 1. For the specific objects or purposes of paying part of the cost of the acquisition of a parcel of land of approximately .46 acres located at the corner of East Green Street and South Tioga Street in the City of Ithaca, at a maximum estimated cost of $550,000, and the construction thereon of a six story building to be a mental health service building, such building being approximately 45,540 square feet, at a maximum estimated cost of $5,625,000, including the improvement of such site for such building and the purchase and installation of original furnishings, equipment and apparatus to be used in connection with such building, there are hereby authorized to be issued $3,700,000 serial bonds pursuant to the Local Finance Law and that there are hereby authorized to be expended $309,105 current funds of said County. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the plan for the financing on the aforesaid acquisition of land, at a maximum estimated cost of $550,000 is as follows: a. By the issuance of $261,250 of the $3,700,000 serial bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution; 70 March 21, 1989 b. By the expenditure of $13,750 of the $309,105 current funds of said County, which monies are hereby appropriated therefor. Pursuant to Section 107.00 of the Local Finance Law, such current funds shall constitute the down payment required in connection therewith; and c. By the expenditure of $275,000 monies to be received by said County from the State of New York as aid for said acquisition of land. It is hereby determined that the plan for the financing of the aforesaid construction of a mental health service building, at a maximum estimated cost of $5,625,000 is as follows: a. By the issuance of $3,438,750 of the $3,700,000 serial bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution; b. By the expenditure of $295,355 of the $309,105 current funds of said County, which monies are hereby appropriated therefor. Pursuant to Section 107.00 of the Local Finance Law, such current funds shall constitute the down payment required in connection therewith; and c. By the expenditure of $1,890,895 monies to be received by said County from the State of New York as aid for said construction. provided, however, that the amount of such serial bonds for such acquisition of land and construction of a mental health service building ultimately to be issued shall be reduced by the amount of aid received for such purposes from the State of New York. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probably usefulness of the aforesaid acquisition of land is thirty years, pursuant to subdivision 21(a) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, and that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid construction of a mental health service building is thirty years, pursuant to subdivision 11(a)(1) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 4. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the County Comptroller, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Comptroller, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 5. The faith and credit of said County of Tompkins, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such obligations as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations as the same become due and payable. Section 6. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 7. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in the Ithaca Journal and the Trumansburg Free Press, which are hereby designated as the official newspapers of such County for such purpose, together with a notice of the County Clerk in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 94 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS: PROPERTY ACQUISITION - NEW MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING 71 March 21, 1989 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute Agreements for Advance Payments for the purpose of acquiring title to real property required for the proposed Mental Health Services Building at South Tioga Street in the City of Ithaca: Record Owner City of Ithaca Tax Map Amount RHP Properties, Inc. 81-3-2 $ 43,000 United Equity 70-8-11 190,000 JMW Associates 70-8-12 230,000 ILF Financial Corp. 70-8-13 92,900 (Cayuga Inlet Development Corp.) RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized to issue such payments to the respective owners, together with payment of appropriate filing and recording fees not to exceed $1,500 per transaction, together with appropriate tax adjustments as confirmed by the County Attorney. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 95 - AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE ABOVE MIDPOINT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Public Health Director be authorized to hire a Registered Nurse at the maximum of the salary range (labor grade XIII, Step E), in keeping with County Policy 04-13, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed in the 1989 budget to fund this action. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 96 - PAYMENT OF OVERTIME - PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Commissioner of Personnel is authorized to employ the Examinations Assistant, if necessary, up to a maximum of 20 hours overtime to become current in the examinations process which has fallen behind because of the lack of ability to give exams since April of 1988, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund such payment. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 97 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. 72 March 21, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Public Safety and Corrections, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS Budget and Finance FROM: A1310.2220 Telephone Equipment $ 95 TO: A1310.2206 Computer Equipment $ 95 Comptroller FROM: A1315.2212 Desks $ 62 .2229 Data Processing Equipment 33 TO: A1315.2206 Computer Equipment $ 95 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Mental Health (CSS) Revenue: A4313.3488 State Aid $ 4,264 Appropriation: A4313.2222 Communications $ 4,264 Public Health Revenue: A4021.3401 Public Health State Aid $29,813 Appropriation: A4021.2201 Calculators $ 90 .2202 Typewriter 265 .2206 Computer Equipment 8,535 .2212 Desks, Bookcases 560 .2213 File Cabinet 140 .4302 Office Supplies 1,250 .4314 Computer Supplies 1,000 .4425 Service Contracts 355 .4442 Professional Services Fees 6,118 .4466 Job -Related Travel 11,500 APPROPRIATIONS Highway FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 5,210 TO: D5110.4312 Highway Supplies $ 5,210 Jail FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 1,190 TO: A3150.2210 Equipment $ 1,190 Personnel FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 330 TO: A1430.2202 Typewriter $ 195 .2211 Chairs 90 .2212 Tables 45 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 98 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF ULYSSES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. 73 March 21, 1989 WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1989 Town of Ulysses Tax Roll, namely Parcel 13-2-2, owned by Francis Mettler, was not charged with a relevied school tax in the amount of $71.45, and WHEREAS, Francis Mettler has applied to have the amount added to the 1989 tax, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Tax Roll be corrected with $71.45 being added to the amount of $21.43, which is currently due, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1989 Tax Roll and issue a corrected tax bill, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $71.45 be credited to the County of Tompkins. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 99 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF ITHACA Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1989 tax roll for the Town of Ithaca, namely parcel 43-1-3.5 owned by Montessori Elementary School of Ithaca, was erroneously charged a fire tax of $895.58 when this parcel is only subject to special benefit charges, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the tax bill be corrected and the total of $2,218.58 be corrected to $1,323 plus interest of $4.37 for February and March, RESOLVED, further, That the Tax Collector for the Town of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to correct the 1989 tax roll and issue a corrected tax bill, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $895.58 be charged back to the Town of Ithaca. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 100 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE PURCHASE OPTION AGREEMENT - CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY PREFERRED SITE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a purchase option agreement with ERM Properties for the land area known as City of Ithaca Tax Parcel 126-1-2.2 and designated by this Board as the preferred site for a Tompkins County Central Processing Facility, and RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is authorized and directed to make the payments for this purchase option from funds provided in the 1989 County Capital Budget for the Central Processing Facility. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 101 - APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND - LANDFILL NEIGHBORHOOD PROTECTION PROGRAM 74 March 21, 1989 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. After discussion, a roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Culligan). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That $50,000 be appropriated from Account No. A1990, Contingent Fund, to A8989.4400, Payments to Landfill Area Property Owners, for the purpose of compensating landowners in the area of sanitary landfill site DR -7 for the difference between the approved appraisal on their property and the sale price approved by the Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee, all in accordance with the Property Value Protection Program adopted by this Board by Resolution No. 343 of November 15, 1988. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 102 - AUTHORIZATION TO PAY COMPENSATORY TIME OFF HOURS - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, and in accordance with Section V - COMPENSATION - Paragraph 6.d of the Agreement between the County and the Union, That the Commissioner of Social Services be authorized to pay four Senior Caseworkers the compensatory time hours they have accrued as of the week ending March 18, 1989, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this payment. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 103 - AUTHORIZATION TO PAY OVERTIME - JOB TRAINING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Employment and Training Director is authorized to employ a Typist, Employment and Training Assistant, and Account Clerk -Typist and a Senior Account Clerk Typist for the remainder of 1989 up to a maximum of 114.0 hours of overtime to accommodate the influx of program activity, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Revenue: CD7323.4820 AVE CD7323.4821 SESP CD6290.4792 IIA CD6394.4792 IIA Appropriation: CD7323.1904 AVE & SESP, CD7323.8810 CD7323.8830 CD6290.1904 IIA CD6290.8819 CD6290.8830 CD6394.1904 IIA CD6394.8810 CD6394.8830 Overtime Retirement Social Security Overtime Retirement Social Security Overtime Retirement Social Security RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed at time for IIA 6292. 75 $463 502 322 53 841 61 63 281 20 21 46 4 3 March 21, 1989 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 104 - AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE ABOVE MINIMUM - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Director of Mental Health Services be and he hereby is authorized to hire a Community Mental Health Nurse (12/591), at Step D of Labor Grade XII or $20,469, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this transaction. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 105 - AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and adopted by voice vote with Mr. Winch voting no. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized and directed to execute any and all documents necessary for the acquisition of the Town of Dryden Tax Parcel 44-1-3.6 for the sum of $5,200, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized to appropriate $4,002 from A1990, Contingent Fund, to A1364, Tax Acquired Property, for the purposes of executing this action. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 106 - OPPOSITION TO GOVERNOR'S PROGRAM BILL NO. 15-R - EDUCATION OF HANDICAPPED CHILDREN Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Stein, to delete the first RESOLVED and the word "further" in the second RESOLVED. Motion Lost by voice vote. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Stein, to delete Nos. 1 and 2 in the first RESOLVED. Motion Lost by voice vote. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Winch, to Table this resolution to the April 4, 1989 Board meeting. Motion Lost by voice vote. A voice vote took place on the main motion and the resolution was adopted. WHEREAS, the New York State Association of Counties supports replacing the Family Court system of providing education services to handicapped children, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County supports the provision of appropriate services to all children in need of them, as well as the concepts of due process and quality assurance and control advanced by federal law (P.L. 94-142 and P. L. 99-457), and WHEREAS, the Governor's Program Bill No. 15-R is a largely misdirected effort to implement the aforementioned goals, and would ensure an explosion in state and local program costs without any guarantee that quality services would be delivered, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives opposes Program Bill No. 15- R because: 76 March 21, 1989 1. Program Bill No. 15-R proposes an unworkable administrative structure, in that program control would be placed with the State Education Department, which is utterly unequipped to handle on a timely basis the program approval and rate -setting responsibilities it would inherit under the Bill; 2. Program Bill No. 15-R proposes a fiscally irresponsible structure, in that local program administration and decision making would be placed with school districts while insulating them from responsibility for costs and the consequences of those decisions, while final control would be placed with the State Education Department, which lacks any record of effective program monitoring on this area over the past ten years; 3. Program Bill No. 15-R promotes a clear conflict of interest by establishing a service providers' monopoly of child evaluations and making the evaluating professional a voting member of the local committee; 4. Program Bill No. 15-R runs counter to the Governor's avowed belief in the importance of accountability, by breaking all the links which would ensure effective and efficient program administration; and 5. Program Bill No. 15-R violates the spirit of Home Rule by removing from counties oversight responsibility and locally designed and highly effective county review systems which many Counties have developed to fill the void in Family Court Law. RESOLVED, further, That this Board urges the Senate and Assembly to enact a substitute to Program Bill No. 15-R which is responsive to all the aforementioned concerns, including: 1. Providing that, so long as the counties are the contracting entity and bear 50 percent of the cost of services, primary local administrative control and responsibility (including provider contracting, rate - setting and program approval) shall be exercised by the counties subject to general oversight by the State Education Department, thus avoiding the need for a process whereby counties could appeal placement and rate -setting decisions; 2. Providing that the school districts' administrative expenses including the local committees' due process costs, shall be shared by the districts and the State; 3. Providing that the counties' reasonable and necessary administrative expenses for the program shall qualify for the same 50 percent reimbursement as applies to program and transportation costs, and 4. Providing for third -party reimbursement for the fullest possible range of services, RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution shall be forwarded to Governor Mario Cuomo, State Senator James Seward, Assemblyman Martin Luster, New York State Association of Counties and New York State Supervisors and County Legislators Association. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 9:03 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 9:16 p.m. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss negotiations and two matters of litigation. An executive session was held at 9:16 p.m. and returned to regular session at 9:35 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 107 - AUTHORIZATION FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY TO COMMENCE LAWSUIT AGAINST CHESTER TODD, ROMULUS SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. Robert Mulvey, County Attorney, requested Resolution No. 107 remain SEALED. (Resolution unsealed at the appropriate time.) WHEREAS, a County Highway Department vehicle was involved in a motor vehicle accident on September 4, 1986, with a Romulus Central School District bus driven by Mr. Chester Todd, and 77 March 21, 1989 WHEREAS, said County vehicle sustained damage in the approximate amount of $22,000, and WHEREAS, a proceeding in Supreme Court, Tompkins County, resulted in a determination that the bus driver is sixty percent (60%) responsible for said damage, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the County Attorney is hereby authorized to commence legal action against Mr. Chester Todd for recovery of said damages. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present the following appointments were made to the various boards: Board of Health Term expires December 31, 1994 William Tyler, M.D. (physician) Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Development Board Terms expire December 31, 1989 Helen Howell - County Representative Ethel Nichols - County Representative Tompkins County Youth Board Term expires December 31, 1991 Maryellen Macrina as a Town of Dryden representative Advisory Board on Indigent Representation Term expires December 1991 Amanda Cowley Community Affirmative Action Committee Term expires December 31, 1991 Miriam Granger as an at -large representative Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee Term expires December 31, 1989 Steven Uzmann as an at -large representative Chairman Mason appointed the following people to the Room Tax Review Committee: Robert Watros - Chairman Stuart Stein James Mason Scott Heyman On motion, the meeting adjourned at 9:38 p.m. 78 April 4, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed addendum to East Hill Flying Club contract - Tompkins County Airport. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak. No one spoke and Chairman Mason closed the public hearing at 5:31 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. Chairman Mason read a proclamation declaring the month of April as Fair Housing Month. He presented the proclamation to Theda Zimrot, Human Rights Investigator. Under privilege of the floor, Mary Call announced that at the Displayed Homemakers luncheon on Saturday they honored the Clerk of the Board, Phyllis B. Howell. Under privilege of the floor, Jeffrey True spoke concerning the Route 13 corridor. Under privilege of the floor, Beverly Livesay asked if the drinking fountains in the Courthouse could be repaired. Under privilege of the floor, Ethel Nichols announced that beginning April 10 is Library Week. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee met yesterday. The committee reviewed the Warren Road and Brown Road intersections. The committee also reviewed 18 responses from the Request for Qualifications (RFQ's). The next meeting is scheduled for April 20 at 8:30. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the next committee meeting is April 7 at noon. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the next committee meeting is Thursday, April 6. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee will meet April 5 at 12:30. She updated the Board on the FOCUS Project and the single room occupancy (SRO) housing. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee will meet Thursday April 6. He cancelled the meeting scheduled for April 11 and will reschedule the meeting at a later date. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee and Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, said the Construction Management Committee will meet April 5 and the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee will meet April 6. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee will meet April 5. 79 April 4, 1989 Mrs. Livesay updated the Board on the Management Compensation Committee business and the Youth Services Study Committee business. She also reported on the surveys regarding the Board of Representatives' salaries. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee will meet April 10. He updated the Board on the Tompkins County Colleges/Community Committee's business. They discussed the opening of the Statler at Cornell University. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, received word that the tax maps are out of compliance with the new regulations. RESOLUTION NO. 108 - ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT - EAST HILL FLYING CLUB Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto. After discussion, the resolution was adopted by voice vote with Mr. Stein voting no. WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly advertised and held the fourth day of April, 1989, regarding an addendum to the East Hill Flying Club contract, at which public hearing all persons wishing to address the Board on this subject had an opportunity to speak, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute an addendum to the contract on behalf of the County with East Hill Flying Club. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to appoint George Blean (R) to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for a term which expires April 30, 1991. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to appoint the following people to the Selection Committee for a new STOP -DWI Coordinator: Hugh Hurlbut, Personnel Commissioner Robert Day, STOP -DWI Advisory Board Kenneth Tillapaugh, Board of Representatives Scott Heyman, County Administrator On motion, the meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. 80 April 18, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Watros). It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the minutes of the July 12, 1988 and August 9, 1988 Board meetings. Chairman Mason read a proclamation declaring the week of April 30 - May 7, 1989 as Tompkins County Volunteer Week and presented it to Charles Lounsbery of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). Mr. Lounsbery thanked the Board. Under privilege of the floor, R. Davis Cutting updated the Board on the Empire State Games which will be held August 2 - 6, 1989. Under privilege of the floor, Terry Pasco, Friendship Center, spoke to the Board concerning the homeless. Under privilege of the floor, Dr. James Turner, Human Rights Commission, reported to the Board on their annual report and the annual Human Rights Commission dinner meeting. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan spoke about room tax. He also said Thomas G. Miller IV passed away on April 17, 1989. He reported that Mr. Harris B. Dates is doing quite well after having a kidney removed. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, said the committee meeting scheduled this Thursday is cancelled. He also said he will be attending a meeting in Binghamton concerning small airport planning. The committee has been invited. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met on April 7 and have several resolutions on the agenda. Items discussed were approval of bids for highway equipment, DuBois Road, Airport five-year plan, and the parking situation at the Airport. The committee also discussed recycling with the Town of Dryden Supervisor, James Schug. He and Bill Mobbs, Public Works Commissioner, spoke to the Board regarding an article in the Ithaca Journal on March 31, 1989 concerning a contract between the County and the State. Mr. Tillapaugh spoke about the Airport operations. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met April 6 and have two items on the agenda. He updated the Board on committee business. The next committee meeting is May 4. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, said the committee met April 5. She also updated the Board on committee business. She reported on the Housing Task Force and FOCUS Steering Committee. Mrs. Call, Vice Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said there are a lot of resolutions that reflect on the agenda. She said it was the consensus of the committee to allow David Doyle, County Comptroller, to set up separate series of accounts for the Landfill Neighborhood Protection Program. The committee was asked by Common Council to consider a resolution which asks 81 April 18, 1989 to support the concept of Cornell University and Ithaca College paying their full cost of fire protection. The committee referred the resolution to the Tompkins County Colleges/Community Committee. Chairman Mason said for point of information, he had a call from a constituent on the weekend or holiday requesting assistance from the Department of Social Services. Chairman Mason learned that you can contact the "on call" Social Services person through the Sheriffs Department. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee met April 6 and had a lengthy agenda and a lot of discussions. The committee had a presentation from the Chairman of the Economic Advisory Board requesting 485-b be reinstated. The committee also reviewed the on-going space study for the County offices. The committee discussed TOMTRAN and household toxic wastes. A special committee meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 8:45 a.m. Mr. Stein reported on a meeting held last week where Tony Richardson made his presentation on MacTrans. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said the committee met on April 5 and have several resolutions on the agenda. He also reported on the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee. He said things are moving along. Mr. Winch said the Citizens Advisory Committee will be meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at NYSEG and will be reviewing the landscape design for the landfill. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee met April 5 and have several resolutions on the agenda. The committee re -assigned current Private Industry Council (PIC) members. The next committee meeting is next Thursday. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, said she did not have a report. She said the Youth Services Study Committee will meet April 24 at 11:30 a.m. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Award of Bid - Off -Highway and Truck Tires - Public Works. RESOLUTION NO. 109 - ESTABLISHING FEE SCHEDULE - WELL CHILD SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Board of Health and the Health and Education Committee, That the schedule of fees dated January, 1989 and entitled Tompkins County Health Department, Sliding Fee Scale, is hereby approved for the Health Department for the provision of Well Child Services, commencing May 15, 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 110 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT TO PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER'S CONTRACT Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 82 April 18, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute an amendment to the Public Health Engineer's contract to extend the length of time to June 30, 1989. RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are required. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 111 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - MARILYN L. RAY Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation and the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Marilyn L. Ray, PhD., of Ithaca, New York, to perform research and evaluation services in conjunction with the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation at a cost not to exceed $12,683, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $12,683 from Account No. A1170.4120, Legal Defense Attorney Fees, to Account No. A1170.4442, Contractual Services. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 112 - AWARD OF BID - MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. Mr. True asked that the record show that True Insurance insures Varna Inn. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for maintenance and repair of the Sheriffs Department fleet, and WHEREAS, said bids were duly received and opened on Thursday, March 23, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the bid for maintenance and repair of the Sheriffs Department fleet be and it hereby is awarded to Varna Inn and Auto Service, 933 Dryden Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Varna Inn and Auto Service for a period of one (1) year, renewable by mutual consent for four (4) additional one-year periods. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 113 - APPROVAL OF FIVE-YEAR AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1989-1993 Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto. After discussion, a voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 1 (Representative Lifton), Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Adopted. 83 April 18, 1989 WHEREAS, the Airport Manager has prepared the annual five-year Airport Improvement Plan for 1989 - 1993 to be used as a guide for capital improvements and Federal Aviation Administration and New York State Department of Transportation funding grants, and WHEREAS, said plan has been reviewed and approved by the Public Works, Construction Management and Planning and Economic Development Committees, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works, Construction Management and Planning and Economic Development Committees, That the five-year Airport Improvement Plan, as circulated to the Board and dated March, 1989 be and hereby is approved subject to approval by the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to submit application for funding grants for the 1989 and 1990 projects. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 114 - AUTHORIZATION TO RETAIN RESOURCE ASSOCIATES FOR PREPARATION OF THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT AND PERMIT APPLICATION FOR THE COMMERCIAL AVENUE CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY SITE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. True. After discussion, a voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 1 (Representative Lifton), Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 92 dated March 21, 1989 authorized the preparation of a draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Commercial Avenue central processing facility site, and WHEREAS, the contract for the central processing facility conceptual design was awarded to Resource Associates by Resolution No. 356 dated November 15, 1988, and WHEREAS, a proposal has been submitted by Resource Associates at the County's request, for consulting services associated with the preparation of the draft Environmental Impact Statement and the permit application for the Commercial Avenue central processing facility site (CPF), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That an addendum to the above-mentioned design contract be awarded to Resource Associates in an amount not to exceed $146,000 (which includes a 10 percent contingency) for preparation of the draft Environmental Impact Statement and the Permit Application for the Commercial Avenue central processing facility site. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 115 - AUTHORIZATION TO RETAIN O'BRIEN AND GERE FOR CONSULTING SERVICES DURING THE DR -7 LANDFILL PERMITTING PROCESS Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11; Noes - 3 (Representatives Lifton, Stein, and Tillapaugh); Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 410 dated December 22, 1988 authorized the submittal of a permit application for the DR -7 landfill site prepared by O'Brien and Gere, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to retain O'Brien and Gere during the landfill permit phase to provide assistance in expediting review and approval of the landfill permit application by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) including attending meetings with NYSDEC, County staff, the Construction Management Committee and the Board of Representatives, assistance 84 April 18, 1989 during all phases of permit review including the determination of completion, permit modification, issues conference, permit hearing and final decision phases and preparation of response affidavits to the Town of Dryden litigation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That an addendum to the Phase IV landfill design contract with O'Brien and Gere be approved on an hourly basis in an amount not to exceed $20,000 from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 116 - APPROPRIATION OF MONIES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WALKWAY - COUNTY AND HOSPITAL PROPERTIES Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. It was Moved Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Culligan, to reduce the sum amount to $1,317. After discussion, Mrs. Call called the question on the amendment which was unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. A voice vote on the amendment resulted as follows: Ayes - 2 (Representative Culligan and Stein), Noes - 12, Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Amendment Lost. A short roll call vote resulted as follows on the main motion: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Resolution adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sum of $1,825 be appropriated from the Debt Service Fund Balance to Buildings and Grounds Account No. 1620.4470 to pay for the County's share of completing a walkway between the Tompkins Community Hospital property and Tompkins County property on Dates Drive. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 117 - AWARD OF BID - COURTHOUSE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND AMENDMENT OF CAPITAL PROGRAM AND BUDGET Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the installation of a fire alarm system in the Courthouse, and WHEREAS, said bids were received and publicly opened on April 3, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Capital Program and Budget and Administration Committees, That the bid for installation of a fire alarm system for the Tompkins County Courthouse be awarded to Norton Electric of Ithaca, New York in the amount of $47,700, and that the County Capital Program and Budget be amended to reflect this change, and RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be authorized to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Revenue: HQ3592 $10,140 Appropriation: HQ 1621.9239 $10,140 Balance of funds are available in the 1989 capital budget. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 118 - AMENDMENT OF COUNTY CAPITAL PROGRAM AND BUDGET, TRANSFER AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - BIGGS BUILDING A 85 April 18, 1989 Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to separate the asbestos project at Biggs Building A and the Courthouse parking lot project. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the Courthouse parking lot project: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Howell, Livesay, Nichols, Tillapaugh, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 6 (Representatives Dietrich, Lifton, Proto, Shurtleff, Stein, and True); Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Motion Lost (two-thirds total of Board required). A short roll call vote resulted as follows on the Biggs Building A asbestos project: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Motion carried. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Capital Program Committee, That the 1989 County Capital Program and Budget shall now indicate a new project, Biggs Building A asbestos removal, in the sum of $23,000, financing to be comprised of $14,697 transferred from Courthouse Parking and $8,303 from additional Buildings and Grounds Rentals, RESOLVED, further, That to implement the above described projects, the County Comptroller is authorized and directed to transfer $14,697 from Capital Account No. 9576.4803 to General Fund Account No. 1620.4470, Buildings and Grounds Maintenance and Repair, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to enter a budget adjustment on his books indicating $8,303 in additional revenue in Account No. 1620.2410, Buildings and Grounds Rentals, and increased appropriation of $8,303 in Account No. 1620.4470, Buildings and Grounds Maintenance and Repair. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 119 - CREATION OF POSITIONS - YOUTH BUREAU Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following positions be created on a temporary basis: 1 Typist (04-507), labor grade IV, competitive class (60 days) 1 Youth Services Specialist (10/560), labor grade X, competitive class (120 days) RESOLVED, further, That the 60 and 120 days will be calendar days and will begin on the first date an applicant reports for work, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are required to fund these positions. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 120 - CREATION OF POSITION AND APPROPRIATION OF MONIES - PUBLIC WORKS - AIRPORT Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Seasonal Worker (06/521), labor grade VI, labor class, be created effective for the period from June 12, 1989, to September 3, 1989, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to appropriate the sum of $2,977 from the Airport Fund Balance (B909) to Airport - Personal Services, Account No. B5610.1521. 86 April 18, 1989 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 121 - EXTENSION OF POSITION AND APPROPRIATION OF MONIES - PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and adopted by voice vote by all present with Mr. True voting no. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the position of Desktop Publishing Operator (05/626), labor grade V, competitive class, created by Board Resolution No. 384 adopted on December 20, 1988, on a full-time basis through June 30, 1989 and then halftime will remain full-time after June 30, 1989, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to appropriate the sum of $3,151 from the Contingent Fund (A-1990) to Purchasing and Central Services, Personal Services, Account No. A1345.1626. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 122 - CREATION OF POSITION - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Typist, Labor Grade B, competitive class, be created effective immediately, said position to be 100 percent funded through a grant program by the New York State Department of Social Services, and to remain in existence only as long as 100 percent funding is available for wages and fringes. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 123 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Human Services, Public Safety and Corrections, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS Buildings and Grounds FROM: A1620.2212 Desks $ 159 TO: A1620.2202 Typewriter $ 159 Job Training FROM: A7323.1587 Sr. E & T Program Coordinator $ 4,400 87 .8810 .8830 .8840 .8860 TO: A7325.1587 .8810 .8830 .8840 .8860 Office for the Aging FROM: A6778.1559 TO: A6778.1517 FROM: A3803 TO: A6778.2070 Purchasing and Central Services FROM: A1345.4425 TO: A1345.4466 Sheriff FROM: A3110.2210 TO: A3110.2202 FROM: A3110.2210 TO: A3110.2206 Social Services FROM: A6010.4314 TO: A6010.2206 FROM: A6119.4400 TO: A6010.4470 April 18, 1989 Retirement Social Security Workers' Compensation Health Insurance Sr. E & T Program Coordinator Retirement Social Security Workers' Compensation Health Insurance Aging Services Specialist Outreach Worker State Aid Donations Service Contracts Job-related Training and Travel Other Equipment Typewriter Other Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Supplies Computer Equipment Child Care Building Maintenance and Repair BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Mental Health Revenue: A4321.3499 Appropriation: A4321.4400 Revenue: A4328.3499 Appropriation: A4328.4400 Public Health Revenue: A4021.3401 Appropriation: A4021.2210 .2212 .2213 .2214 .2225 Office for the Aging Revenue: A3803 Appropriation: A6772.1559 OMH Contract HOMES, Inc. OMH Contract American Red Cross Public Health State Aid Other Equipment Desks, Bookcases File Cabinets Office Furnishings Nursing Equipment State Aid Aging Services Specialist .8860 Health Insurance RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 321 330 4 224 $ 4,400 321 330 4 224 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,844 $ 1,844 $ 111 $ 111 $ 245 $ 245 $ 95 $ 95 $ 380 $ 380 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 12,800 $ 12,800 $ 9,450 $ 9,450 $ 7,134 $ 5,409 150 230 535 810 $ 1,395 $ 1,000 395 is authorized and directed to RESOLUTION NO. 124 - ADOPTION OF REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL POLICIES 88 April 18, 1989 Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following revised Administrative Manual policies be and hereby are adopted: 02-08 - Processing JTPA Employees 04-07 - Paychecks 04-14 - Promotions SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 125 AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT OFFER - AIRPORT PROJECT TO ACQUIRE LAND, RELOCATE SNYDER ROAD, PRELIMINARY RUNWAY EXTENSION, ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - PIN 3902.71 Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation has submitted a grant offer for the above Airport project in the amount of $80,892 (75 percent of the non -Federal share of said project), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the grant offer is accepted and the Chairman is authorized to execute any and all documents pertaining thereto. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) Completed. See Res. No. 348 of November 11, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 126 - AWARD OF BID - HIGHWAY MATERIALS Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Winch. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, to vote on the Cargill bid separately. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Stein, and True); Noes - 6 (Representatives Howell, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Motion carried. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, to send the Cargill bid back to committee to have legal issues reviewed specifically whether or not the Board can legally reject a low bid. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Stein, and True); Noes - 6 (Representatives Howell, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Motion carried. Chairman Mason asked that the committee report back to the May 16 Board meeting. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, to accept the rest of the bids. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Resolution adopted as amended. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for highway materials, said bids having been received and publicly opened on March 24, 1989, now therefore be it 89 April 18, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the following bidders be awarded the bid in the categories indicated: ITEM BID SUCCESSFUL BIDDER 1. Bridge Work 2. Aluminum Sign Panels 3. Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Panels 4. Heavy Steel Pipe 5. Pneumatically Projected Concrete 6. Painting Traffic Lines 7. Installation of Piling 8. Drainage Tubing 9. Guide Rail 10. Sign Posts 11. Galvanized Steel Pipe 12. Portland Cement Concrete 13. Steel Plate, Shapes and Bars (items 16-22, 39, 40, 43) 13A. Steel Plate, Shapes and Bars (items 1-15,23-38, 41,42, 44-51) Standard Bridge Corporation Albany, New York Capital Highway Materials Baldwin Place, New York Capital Highway Materials Baldwin Place, New York Chemung Supply Corporation Elmira, New York Standard Bridge Corporation Albany, New York Chemi-trol Chemical Co. Gibsonburg, Ohio Standard Bridge Corporation Albany, New York Johnny's Wholesale Service Ithaca, New York Chemung Supply Corporation Elmira, New York Capital Highway Materials Baldwin Place, New York Chemung Supply Corporation Elmira, New York Saunders Concrete Nedrow, New York Triangle Steel Ithaca, New York Chemung Supply Corporation Elmira, New York NOTE: County reserves the option to purchase bid items from other vendors in cases where items cannot be supplied by successful bidder on a timely basis as defined by the County. 14. Bituminous Materials (items 1-23, 25, 26) 14A. Bituminous Materials (item 24) Vestal Asphalt, Inc. Vestal, New York Suit-Kote Corporation Cortland, New York NOTE: Cold mix paving will be purchased by cost per ton of mix based on job mix formula including equipment rental, per job, from one of the successful bidders in 15 and 15A. 15. Crushed Gravel Lycoming Silica Sand Co. Horseheads, New York Ralph G. Carpenter, Jr., Inc. Ithaca, New York Suit-Kote Corporation Cortland, New York Lewbro Ready Mix, Inc. Groton, New York R. B. Robinson Contracting, Inc. Candor, New York University Sand and Gravel, Inc. Brooktondale, New York Landstrom Gravel Co., Inc. 90 April 18, 1989 Newfield, New York R. M. S. Gravel Dryden, New York Cortlandville Sand and Gravel Cortland, New York B. R. Dewitt, Inc. Pavilion, New York NOTE: Item will be purchased for each job by job location, taking into consideration material availability, haul length and travel time from each bidder's facility to location of use or storage. 16. Icing Sand Suit-Kote Corporation Cortland, New York Lewbro Ready Mix, Inc. Groton, New York B. R. Dewitt, Inc. Pavilion, New York Lycoming Silica Sand Co. Horseheads, New York University Sand and Gravel Brooktondale, New York Landstrom Gravel Co. Newfield, New York R. M. S. Gravel Dryden, New York NOTE: Item will be purchased for each job by location, taking into consideration material availability, haul length and travel time from each bidder's facility to location of use or storage. 17. Crushed Limestone Seneca Stone Corporation Fayette, New York General Crushed Stone Co. Lansing, New York Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. Lansing, New York NOTE: Item will be purchased for each job by job location, taking into consideration material availability, haul length and travel time from each bidder's facility to location of use or storage. 18. Plant Mixed Bituminous Concrete Suit-Kote Corporation Cortland, New York Genesee Leroy Stone Corp. Pavilion, New York University Sand and Gravel, Inc. Brooktondale, New York General Crushed Stone Co. Lansing, New York Seneca Stone Corporation Fayette, New York Lycoming Silica Sand Co. Horseheads, New York NOTE: Item will be purchased for each job by job location, taking into consideration material availability, haul length and travel time from each bidder's facility to location of use or storage. 19. Calcium Chloride Flake Suit-Kote Corporation Cortland, New York Steuben Supply Co., Inc. Penn -Can Road Material, Inc. Syracuse, New York 91 April 18, 1989 Chemung Supply Corporation Elmira, New York NOTE: Item will be purchased for each job by job location, taking into consideration material availability, haul length and travel time from each bidder's facility to location of use or storage. 20. Calcium Chloride Solution Suit-Kote Corporation Cortland, New York Penn -Can Road Materials, Inc. Syracuse, New York Vestal Asphalt, Inc. Vestal, New York NOTE: Item will be purchased for each job by job location, taking into consideration material availability, haul length and travel time from each bidder's facility to location of use or storage. RESOLVED, further, That the Highway Division of the Department of Public Works is authorized and directed to implement this bid on behalf of the County. RESOLVED, further, That the County Superintendent of Highways be and hereby is authorized to execute any agreements necessary for the implementation of this bid. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 127 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - HOTEL/MOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Watros). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Committee established to review the Tompkins County Hotel Room Occupancy Tax Local Law renewal effective September 5, 1989, of the Planning and Economic Development and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with the Institute for Tourism Development, Rochester, New York, to review the uses of the proceeds of the Hotel/Motel Room Occupancy Tax to date and to advise Tompkins County with respect to uses of those funds and the appropriate taxation level in the future, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books for this purpose: BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Revenue: All 13 Tax on Hotel/Motel Room Occupancy $ 4,625 Appropriation: A6475.4442 Tourism Expenses, Professional Services $ 4,625 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 128 - AWARD OF BID - OFF-HIGHWAY AND TRUCK TIRES - PUBLIC WORKS Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids in accordance with specifications on file at the Division of Purchasing and Central Services for off-highway and truck tires, and 92 April 18, 1989 WHEREAS, two bids were received and opened on April 4, 1989 with Ron Parmenter Motors, Inc., of Montour Falls, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications, with a bid of $15,459.75, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized and directed to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds being available from Account No. DM5130.4306. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to lift Resolution No. 83 from the Table. RESOLUTION NO. 83 - RECOMMENDING AN AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 90 OF 1987 CONCERNING THE COUNTY SEQR PROCESS It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. Mr. Stein said the resolution was discussed in the Public Works Committee and a suggestion was made and an agreement reached to undertake a study of certain operations dealing with SEQR between now and July 1. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to Table this resolution to the July 11, 1989 Board meeting. On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present the following appointments were made to the various boards: Human Rights Commission Term expires December 31, 1990 Tony Del Plato Economic Opportunity Corporation Terms expire March 31, 1990 Jean Owens - Town of Enfield Robert Watros - Tompkins County Hugh Hurlbut - Tompkins County Fire and Disaster Advisory Board Terms expire December 31, 1991 Christopher Carrican, Deg. - Town of Ulysses William Carlisle, Jr., Alt. - Town of Ulysses Local Emergency Planning Committee No set terms Richard Carlton - Print It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to appoint John Beach Interim STOP -DWI Coordinator from April 24, 1989 to October 24, 1989. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss personnel negotiations. An executive session was held at 8:29 p.m. and returned to regular session at 8:35 p.m. 93 April 18, 1989 On motion, the meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. 94 May 2, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representative Nichols and Representative Watros was excused at 7:07 p.m.) It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the Board minutes of the August 8, September 6, and September 27, 1988 meetings. Chairman Mason read two proclamations declaring May 1 - May 6, 1989 as Tompkins County Drinking Water Week and May 14 - May 20, 1989 as Tompkins County Tourism Week. Chairman Mason presented the proclamation declaring Tompkins County Tourism Week to Herbert Brewer, Chamber of Commerce, and Frank Constantine, Chamber of Commerce. Under privilege of the floor, the following people spoke to the Board concerning and opposing the baling station on Elmira Road: William Zikakis, President of Zikakis Auto Plaza; Fred Remillard, McDonald's Restaurant; Bill Manos, Manos Diner; Raymond Crouse, Journey's End Motel; Henry Vaughn, Computerland; Carl Snyder, Wickes Lumber; Paul Savitz, City of Ithaca. Chairman Mason said there was a great deal of misinformation. A series of one on one meetings will be held with the Elmira Road businessmen which will include a thorough explanation of what the proposal is and how the system works. Mr. Winch said he appreciated Chairman Mason's comments and that he intends to respond to the people who spoke under privilege of the floor. Mr. Winch said the Construction Management Committee has met several times with Common Council regarding the location of the Central Processing Facility. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Proto said today is election day for the City of Ithaca School District. He also referred to a letter the Board received from Betty Poole, Deputy City Clerk, concerning Route 96. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Livesay said Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) will be having an open house at the Dewitt Mall this Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Board is invited. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, said the committee will meet May 18, 1989 at noon in the Board Room. He said he, Kenneth Tillapaugh, Bob Nicholas, Airport Manager, attended a meeting in Broome County and reviewed their facility. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said he did not have a report. The next committee meeting is this Friday. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee will meet this Thursday at noon. He also reported to the Board on the Finger Lakes Association as the Board's delegate. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, said the committee will meet this Thursday at 4:30 p.m. She also said the FOCUS Steering Committee will meet May 15 at 7:30 p.m. 95 May 2, 1989 Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee at a special meeting April 19 to discuss TOMTRAN issues. The next committee meeting is this Thursday at 8:45 a.m. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said the committee will meet tomorrow and the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee will meet Thursday. Mrs. Howell, Chairman, Health and Education Committee, said the committee will meet tomorrow at 3 p.m. She announced that Job Training will hold an expo for summer jobs May 19 at the Ithaca High School at noon and 5 p.m. She also said the week of May 7 is National Hospital Week; she listed numerous events taking place that week. Mrs. Livesay, Management Compensation and Youth Services Study Committees, said the Management Compensation Committee has been meeting and the report has been distributed. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee will meet Monday at noon. He reported on the Room Tax Review Committee. He said he has been in contact with David Stewart at Cornell to determine when the committee will get together again to discuss the issue of room tax. He suggested the week of the 15th of May. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, updated the Board on the State Board of Equalization and Assessment regarding Tompkins County's tax maps. Also, he updated the Board regarding the Mental Health Facility closings on parcels to obtain titles. RESOLUTION NO. 129 - ESTABLISH A PUBLIC HEARING ON BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES SALARIES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Howell. After discussion, the question was called by Mr. Proto. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Management Compensation Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives on Tuesday, May 16, 1989 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning the establishment of salaries for members of the Board of Representatives for the term of office commencing January 1, 1990 and ending December 31, 1993. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 130 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXTEND COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - YOUTH BUREAU Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Youth Board is mandated to develop and implement a three- year County Comprehensive Plan and planning process for the broad, coordinated range of services to youth, and WHEREAS, the existing three-year County Comprehensive Plan expired on March 31, 1989, and 96 May 2, 1989 WHEREAS, upon receipt and approval of a County Comprehensive Planning Agreement by the Division, the Division will continue to reimburse Tompkins County during the period April 1, 1989 to March 31, 1991, conditionally upon satisfactory completion of an updated plan, and WHEREAS, the Youth Bureau and Board have begun a planning process to assess youth needs by September 1, 1989 and update the existing County Comprehensive Plan by January 1, 1990, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives authorize the Chairman to enter such conditional agreement with the Division by extending the existing County Comprehensive Plan until completion of the updated Plan. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 131 - RESOLUTION OF RESPECT - THOMAS G. MILLER IV Moved by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously seconded and adopted by all present. WHEREAS, Thomas G. Miller IV, a dedicated citizen of Tompkins County, passed away on April 17, 1989, and WHEREAS, with the passing of Thomas G. Miller IV the County of Tompkins has lost a valued and committed professional civil engineer who gave much of his personal effort and time to make Tompkins County a better place to live and work, and WHEREAS, Mr. Miller faithfully served on the Tompkins County Hospital Board of Directors from 1974 through 1979 and followed as the only carry-over member of the new Community Hospital Board of Directors serving from 1981 to April of 1989, and WHEREAS, he served for three and one half years on the new Hospital Construction Committee in the early 1970's and gave sound advice, based on his engineering knowledge, to the planning and construction of the Tompkins Community Hospital, a facility that has served thousands of area residents in emergency and health needs in the past decade, and WHEREAS, as President of T. G. Miller Associates, P.C., Mr. Miller helped plan and supervise the early development and improvements of the Tompkins County Airport and was still active in Airport matters through 1989, and WHEREAS, Thomas G. Miller IV spend endless hours with village and town governments in aiding and planning for their water and sewer districts and in surveying and engineering the completion of many of these same districts, and WHEREAS, the said Thomas G. Miller performed all of his community volunteer and professional duties with due diligence and dedicated effort and gave untiringly of his time to his fellow citizens with great honor, now therefore be it unanimously RESOLVED, That the members of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, on behalf of all people of Tompkins County, express their deep and heartfelt sympathy and sincere condolences to Mrs. Jeanette Miller and family, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution be spread on the minutes of this meeting, the second day of May, 1989, and a certified copy be sent to the family of Thomas G. Miller IV. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Under special orders of the day, Mrs. Livesay updated the Board concerning the issue of youth services in Tompkins County. The issue is how the County is going to have a stronger continuation of providing services throughout the County. The Youth Services Program Committee has been working on a plan for these services. 97 May 2, 1989 On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present the following appointments were made to the various boards: Tompkins County Youth Board Term expires December 31, 1989 Pamela Hanna Tompkins County Economic Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1990 Michael Post representing the Village of Groton It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss negotiations. An executive session was held at 7:16 p.m. and returned to regular session at 7:36 p.m. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to adjourn on a day-to-day basis at 7:36 p.m. 98 May 16, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning establishment of Board of Representatives salaries. Chairman Mason asked the Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, Beverly Livesay, to give the Board and public a brief overview of the proposal. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, said some of the information gathered were surveys from Board members about the amount of time they put in and to get their view on what the salaries should be in the following years. The committee surveyed salaries in other counties, used the New York State Association of Counties information to get what comparable salaries have been for the last three years and also what recommendations for salary increases in 1990 the committee could find. The Committee looked at salaries for comparable positions in counties across the nation which appeared in Governing magazine, and asked the County Attorney to provide the committee with what the legal options were in coming up with these salaries. The committee's report is available on the above findings. Chairman Mason opened the floor to the public who would like to address this topic. No one wished to speak from the public and the public hearing was closed at 5:40 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the Board minutes of the August 2, October 4, and October 18, 1988 meetings. Chairman Mason read two proclamations. One declaring May 19 as Tompkins County Employees' Health and Fitness Day and the other declaring the month of May as Tompkins County Foster Parents Month. Chairman Mason presented the proclamation concerning Tompkins County Foster Parents Month to Mary Pat Dolan, Department of Social Services Commissioner. Mary Pat Dolan thanked the Board. Under privilege of the floor, Richard Driscoll, Chairman of the Community Arts Coalition, and Mary Kane Trochim, Director of Community School of Music and Art, spoke about the newly formed Arts Coalition Emergency Services (ACES). Chairman Mason encouraged Mr. Driscoll and Ms. Trochim to contact Helen Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, or any other Board members. Under privilege of the floor, Judge James Rice, Town of Ulysses, spoke to the Board concerning Board of Representatives salaries. He feels the Board should vote to increase the salaries. Under privilege of the floor, Charles Evans, Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee, spoke to the Board concerning and supporting Resolution No. 138 - Amendment of Resolution No. 343 of November 15, 1988 - Property Value Protection Program for Neighborhood of Sanitary Landfill Site DR - 7. He also read a statement from Nancy Ten Kate, 235 Wood Road, Freeville, concerning construction and demolition sites. She referred to the draft report. 99 May 16, 1989 Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Lifton said he would like to speak about the Cargill Salt bid because he will not be at the June 6 Board meeting. He expressed his strong disagreement and opposition to accepting the Cargill Salt bid. He also said the Board should object the Cargill Salt bid. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Watros asked the Public Works Committee to look into the matter of septage pumped in the Town of Dryden that must go to the Sewer Treatment Plant. Policies are vague concerning hours of operation, cost schedule, and means to accommodate dumping and Tompkins County operators. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Stein said he will be at the June 6 Board meeting, but expressed a couple of his thoughts regarding the Cargill Salt bid for Board members to think about between now and June 6. He feels it is a human issue. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan said Mrs. Call received a letter from one of her constituents an attorney for the Chamber of Commerce who had visited Mexico and picked up some tourist information. The information talked about the Finger Lakes Association but not Ithaca. Mr. Culligan said it is the same old theme from the Chamber. The Finger Lakes Association had nothing to do with it. It was produced by the State Department of Commerce. Chairman Mason reported on the permit application. He said the application was well received by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The Department of Environmental Conservation Hydrogeologist requested monitoring wells be included in the permit. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee is awaiting material from the Federal Aviation Authority. The committee meeting for this Thursday will be postponed. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met on May 5 and have resolutions on the agenda. The minutes have been distributed. The next meeting is scheduled for June 9. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met May 4 and discussed with the County Attorney the Tompkins County Drug Task Force. The committee also met with the Sheriff and Donn Williams, General Building Supervisor, about concerns that are happening at the Public Safety Building. The committee also discussed child abuse cases. The next meeting is June 1 at noon in the Board Room. Mrs. Livesay, Vice Chairman, Human Services Committee, said the committee has several resolutions on the agenda. Mary Pat Dolan, Commissioner, Department of Social Services, reported to the committee on the housing task force. The next committee meeting is June 7 at noon. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee has met and had a long agenda. He reported on the space study. The survey has been sent out and responses are being received. The committee also discussed household toxic waste, Aquatic Vegetation Program, lamprey control in Cayuga Lake, and TOMTRAN. Mr. Liguori, Planning Commissioner, reported on hydropower from the Mew York State Power Authority. He said two weeks ago Tompkins County started receiving hydropower. Tompkins County is the second and largest County to receive hydropower in the New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) system. 100 May 16, 1989 Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said the committee has been quite active. He reported on a meeting held on May 10 with the Elmira Road businessmen regarding the siting of a Central Processing Facility on Commercial Avenue. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation inspected Landstrom Landfill and reported it was well maintained and had an excellent rating. Mr. Winch said he received a resignation letter from Donn Williams, General Building Supervisor. A scoping session for the Central Processing Facility will be held May 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Women's Community Building. Mrs. Howell, Chairman, Health and Education Committee, said the committee met May 3 and have resolutions on the agenda. She updated the Board on committee business. The next meeting is June 7. Mr. Tillapaugh, Board of Health, said the Board of Health approved a plan to implement a program to have fluoride tablets available by July 1 for parents who request the tablets. A permit for sewer and water must be obtained before starting to build. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, said the committee has two resolutions on the agenda. At the appropriate time she said she would ask for an executive session. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met last week. He updated the Board on committee business. A meeting to discuss budget guidelines for 1990 has been scheduled for May 31 at noon. Mr. Culligan spoke in favor of seeking home rule legislation which add an additional one percent to the Hotel Room Occupancy Tax Law to be used for homeless programs. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, updated the Board on the four closings concerning the Mental Health Facility. Mr. Watros requested permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Adoption of Revised Administrative Manual Policies. Chairman Mason granted him permission. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Reassignment of Space - Biggs Building A and Biggs Building B Authorizing Public Hearing - Catskill Airways Contract Authorization to Retain O'Brien and Gere to Perform Additional Hydrogeologic Testing DR -7 Landfill Request that the Legislature and the Governor Support Reauthorization of Previous Years Authority to Spend Monies in Support of the Aquatic Vegetation Control Program RESOLUTION NO. 132 - ESTABLISH SALARIES - BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Watros, that the original consensus of the committee was for $8,000 in 1990 and $300 increments the following three years. However, a committee member has withdrawn her consent to the above figures. After a lengthy discussion, it was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Winch, to have a five percent increase over the next four years which would be the following: 1990 - $7,200; 1991 - $7,500; 1992 - $7,900; 1993 - $8,300. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, to call the question on the amendment. Motion Lost by voice vote by all present. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. True, to amend the amendment by increasing the amount to $400 per year starting at 101 May 16, 1989 $7,500. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the amendment to the amendment: Ayes - 7 (Representatives Howell, Livesay, Proto, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, and Mason); Noes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Shurtleff, Stein, and Winch); Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). The motion to amend the amendment Lost. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the amendment: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Proto, Shurtleff, Stein, Tillapaugh, and Winch); Noes - 5 (Representatives Howell, Livesay, True, Watros, and Mason); Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). The motion to amend the resolution carried. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the resolution as amended: Ayes - 12 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Howell, Lifton, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 1 (Representative True); Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Resolution adopted as amended. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Management Compensation Committee, That the 1990 through 1993 salaries of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives be established as follows: January 1 - December 31, 1990 $ 7,200 January 1 - December 31, 1991 $ 7,500 January 1 - December 31, 1992 $ 7,900 January 1 - December 31, 1993 $ 8,300 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 133 - APPOINTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SERVICES COORDINATOR Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the New York State Rural Public Transportation Coordination Assistance Program (RPTCAP) offers grant assistance as a means of encouraging counties to assist in the coordination of the myriad of public funded transportation services provided through human service agencies, school districts, and public and private operators in a way appropriate to local circumstances, and WHEREAS, preliminary discussions with the various providers of transportation services in the County suggests that there is a strong interest among them to proceed with the formation of a formal Advisory Committee to prepare a plan and report for appropriate projects which will result in improved coordination, improved service to the public, and improved maintenance and operation of the fleet of vehicles and hopefully reduced total costs, and WHEREAS, if approved by the State, selected portions of the Program Plan may be substantially funded by State grants, and WHEREAS, the County must appoint a Transportation Services Coordinator to provide leadership, seek information/input and provide staff support for the preparation of a Program Plan which will be acceptable to the various participants and approved by this Board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Commissioner of Planning be and hereby is appointed as the Transportation Services Coordinator and is authorized to provide leadership, seek input and information, and allocate staff services in the development of a Program Plan. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 102 May 16, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 134 - AWARD OF BID - HIGHWAY HEAVY EQUIPMENT, HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids on one (1) new and unused 1989 hopper spreader and one (1) new and unused 1989 crawler tractor, for use by the Tompkins County Highway Department, such bids being received and publicly opened on April 26, 1989, and WHEREAS, Seneca Supply, Inc. of Ithaca, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for the hopper spreader, be awarded the bid in the amount of $5,197, and WHEREAS, Five Star Equipment of Brooktondale, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for the crawler tractor, be awarded the bid in the amount of $75,700, which includes the trade-in of 1962 D6 Caterpillar Dozer, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized to complete said transactions on behalf of the County, funds being available from Account No. E5130.2233. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 135 - AWARD OF BID - HIGHWAY MATERIALS Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for highway materials, said bids having been received and publicly opened on April 27, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the awarded the bid in the categories indicated: ITEM BID 1. Bridge Coating System (2 bidders) 2. Cold Recycling of Existing Bituminous Pavement (HFRA) (1 bidder) 3. Highway Right of Way Vegetation Control 4. Installation of Polyethylene Tubing (1 bidder) 5. Structural Plate Box Culverts (2 bidders) Public Works Committee, That the following bidders be SUCCESSFUL BIDDER Sherwin-Williams Company Ithaca, New York Cortland Asphalt Cortland, New York Chemi-trol Chemical Co. Gibsonburg, Ohio Baker's Farm Drainage Trumansburg, New York Capitol Highway Material, Inc. Baldwin Place, New York NOTE: County reserves the option to purchase bid items from other vendors in cases where items cannot be supplied by successful bidder on a timely basis as defined by the County. RESOLVED, further, That the Highway Division of the Department of Public Works is authorized and directed to implement this bid on behalf of the County. RESOLVED, further, That the County Superintendent of Highways be and hereby is authorized to execute any agreements necessary for the implementation of this bid. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 103 May 16, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 136 - APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND - TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY - ASBESTOS REMOVAL Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13; Noes - 0; Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, there were costs associated with the removal of asbestos at the Tompkins County Library, and WHEREAS, the funds to cover the cost of this asbestos removal were taken from the Buildings and Grounds operational budget (Account No. A1620.4470), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the following transfer be made: FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 9,700 TO: A1620.4470 Building Repair $ 9,700 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to make these adjustments on his books. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 137 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXPAND PILOT RECYCLING PROGRAM AND TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH COLLINS DISPOSAL SERVICE TO COLLECT RECYCLABLES Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Watros. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan, to add June 1. Amendment Lost by voice vote by all present. Mr. Watros asked for a reasonable time a recycling program could begin in Dryden. Mr. Mobbs, Public Works Commissioner, said they are in the process of hiring a Recycling Coordinator. A voice vote on the resolution resulted as follows: Ayes - 13; Noes - 0; Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, Tompkins County desires to expand the pilot recycling program to additional residential areas in the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute a contract with Collins Disposal Service for the collection of recyclables in various residential areas at a cost not to exceed $9,000 for 1989, and funded from Account No. A8160.4442, Professional Services. RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to make the following transfer on his books: FROM: Professional Services A8160.4442 $31,860 TO: Professional Services A8163.4442 19,060 Printing A8163.4330 4,600 Photography Supplies A8163.4313 1,750 Postage A8163.4452 2,750 Advertising A8163.4402 3,700 TOTAL $31,860 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 8:15 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:29 p.m. 104 May 16, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 138 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 343 OF NOVEMBER 15, 1988 - PROPERTY VALUE PROTECTION PROGRAM FOR NEIGHBORHOOD OF SANITARY LANDFILL SITE DR -7 Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12; Noes - 1 (Representative Lifton); Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the program adopted by Resolution No. 343 of November 15, 1988 be and hereby is amended as provided in the Property Value Protection Program dated April 26, 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 139 - ADJUSTMENT IN SALARY - PROBATION SUPERVISORS - PROBATION DEPARTMENT Moved Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Management Compensation Committee, That the salaries of the three Probation Supervisors be adjusted to pay $24,665 to each of the incumbents, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this adjustment. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 140 - EXTENSION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE TO STUDENTS AND VOLUNTEERS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12; Abstain - 1 (Representative Howell); Noes - 0; Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County's Workers' Compensation carrier, the State Insurance Fund, has requested in writing that the Board of Representatives pass a resolution to provide coverage for students and/or volunteers, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Representatives hereby elects to cover the following students/volunteers: (a) those who remain on the institution's payroll but work in Tompkins County and the County reimburses the institution; (b) those students/volunteers who are on the County payroll and the institution reimburses the County; (c) those students/volunteers who work in the County and receive credit; and (d) those students/volunteers who work for the County and receive no remuneration or class credit. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 141 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 384 OF DECEMBER 20, 1988 - NURSES - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 105 May 16, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Registered Professional Nurse (20 percent) position which was created by Resolution No. 384 adopted December 20, 1988, effective January 1, 1989, be amended to read "or Licensed Practical Nurse" and that one position of Licensed Practical Nurse (06/662) (20 percent), labor grave VI, non-competitive class, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That when the Public Health Director and Commissioner of Personnel determine that the recruitment of Registered Professional Nurses is difficult, a Licensed Practical Nurse may be appointed, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies will be needed to fund this position for the remainder of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 142 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - COUNTY LIBRARY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13; Noes - 0; Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Public Library has concluded negotiations with the professional staff for a new three-year contract, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers on his books: FROM: Contingent Fund (A1990) TO: Library Account A7410.4522 $15,934 FROM: Library Fund Balance TO: $ 4,000 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 143 - APPORTIONMENT OF MORTGAGE TAX Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the County Clerk and the County Administrator have presented their report concerning mortgage tax receipts for the period from October 1, 1988 through March 31, 1989, pursuant to Section 261 of the Tax Law, and the same has been apportioned to the various municipalities thereto, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the apportionment as presented for said period from October 1, 1988 through March 31, 1989 be and hereby is approved: Municipality Amount Total Town of Caroline $ 7,941.14 Town of Danby 17,985.89 Dryden: Town $65,990.35 Village 4,461.22 Village of Freeville 927.93 71,379.50 Town of Enfield 14,196.63 Groton: Town 16,924.04 Village 3,677.35 20,601.39 106 May 16, 1989 City of Ithaca 164,649.71 Town of Ithaca 70,847.58 Village of Cayuga Heights 12,443.72 83,291.30 Lansing: Town 71,763.51 Village 15,359.85 87,123.36 Town of Newfield 15,320.41 Ulysses: Town 17,905.81 20,729.12 Trumansburg 2,823.31 Total 503,218.45 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 144 - CREATION OF POSITION - YOUTH BUREAU Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13; Noes - 0; Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Youth Services Specialist (10/560), labor grade X, competitive class, be created on a temporary basis for the period from May 29, 1989 to August 19, 1989, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment and appropriation on his books: Budget Adjustment Revenue: A7020.3828 State Aid $ 756 Appropriation: A7020.1560 Youth Services Specialist $ 756 Appropriation FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 757 TO: A7020.1560 Youth Services Specialist $ 757 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 145 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11; Noes - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Stein); Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Human Services, Public Safety and Corrections, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS Highway FROM: D5142.4312 Highway Supplies $ 35,177 TO: DM5130.2233 Road Equipment $ 35,177 Mental Health FROM: A4310.2213 File Cabinets $ 29 TO: A4310.2212 Desks $ 29 107 May 16, 1989 FROM: A4311.8870 Unemployment Insurance TO: A4311.4462 Insurance FROM: A4312.8870 TO: A4312.4462 Insurance BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Mental Health Revenue: A4310.3491 State Aid Unemployment Insurance Appropriation: Probation Revenue: Appropriation: Public Health Revenue: Appropriation: .4393 .3495 .3497 A4310.2206 A3142.3310 A3142.4442 A4021.3401 A4021.2225 .2230 .4330 .4332 .4402 Revenue: A4021.3401 Appropriation: A4020.4330 .4465 Revenue: A4019.4491 Appropriation: A4019.8860 Social Services Revenue: A4641 Appropriation: A6141.4400 APPROPRIATIONS Mental Health FROM: A1990 TO: A4310.2206 Property Value Protection Program FROM: A1990 TO: A8989.4302 .4330 .4442 Budget and Finance FROM: TO: .4452 A 1990 A1310.2212 .2211 .2206 State Aid State Aid State Aid Computer Equipment Revenue Professional Services Public Health State Aid Nursing Equipment Computer Software Printing Books/Publications Advertising Public Health State Aid Printing Job -Necessitated Travel Federal Aid Health Insurance Federal Revenue HEAP Contingent Fund Computer Equipment (Landfill Area) Contingent Fund Supplies Printing Professional Services (appraisals) Postage Contingent Fund Desks, Bookcases Chairs Computer Equipment RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) $ 1,900 $ 1,900 $ 800 $ 800 $ 47 185 13 193 $ 438 $ 4,863 $ 4,863 $20,007 $ 5,000 1,957 800 6,750 5,500 $ 3,800 $ 200 600 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $28,854 $28,854 $ 82 $ 82 $ 4,050 $ 150 500 $ 3,000 400 $ 1,200 $ 700 300 200 108 May 16, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 146 - ESTABLISHING A LANDFILL SITE EXCLUSIVELY FOR DISPOSAL OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION MATERIALS, OUTSIDE OF DRYDEN Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. After discussion, Chairman Mason called the question. Mr. Watros challenged the ruling of the Chair to call the question. A roll call vote resulted as follows to sustain the ruling of the Chair: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Howell, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, True, and Winch); Noes - 4 (Representatives Lifton, Stein, Tillapaugh, and Watros); Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Chairman does not vote. Motion to sustain the ruling of the Chair carries. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 5 (Representatives Dietrich, Lifton, Stein, Tillapaugh, and Watros); Noes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Howell, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, True, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Resolution Lost. WHEREAS, a separate construction and demolition (C & D) disposition site would reduce the adverse impact on the area posed by a solid waste site, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives expressed a desire to establish a landfill site exclusively for the disposal of C & D materials, and RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives direct the County staff to locate a permittable site for the deposition of C & D waste in Tompkins County outside the Town of Dryden, RESOLVED, further, That $200,000 be appropriated to engage the necessary professional services to assist in the selection and permit process, RESOLVED, further, That the process commence immediately with a recommendation submitted to the Board of Representatives on or before September 1, 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 147 - AWARD OF BID - DEMOLITION WORK FOR MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING PROJECT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for demolition work for the Mental Health Services Project, and WHEREAS, five bids were duly received and opened on May 3, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the bid for demolition work for the Mental Health Services Building project be awarded to Gorick Construction Company, Inc., of Binghamton, New York in the amount of $19,450, funds being available in the 1989 County Capital Budget, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract implementing this bid. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) Process completed per F. Liguori per Res. No. of February 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 148 - AWARD OF BID - ANNEX BUILDING ROOF REPLACEMENT 109 May 16, 1989 Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the installation of a roof replacement at the Annex Building, and WHEREAS, said bids were received and publicly opened on April 12, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the apparent low bid of Protdec Roofing Systems of Owego, New York in the amount of $34,650 be rejected as being nonresponsible, and the second low bid of Louis A. Stilloe Roofing and Siding of Binghamton, New York in the amount of $37,400 be rejected as being nonresponsible, and RESOLVED, further, That the bid for installation of a roof replacement for the Tompkins County Annex Building be awarded to Excelsior Systems, Inc. of Ithaca, New York in the amount of $37,715, funding for this project to be taken from Capital Account No. HQ1355. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 149 - AWARD OF BID - ANNEX BUILDING EXIT STAIRWAY Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the installation of an exit stairway in the Annex Building, and WHEREAS, said bids were received and publicly opened on April 12, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the bid for the construction of an exit stairway system for the Tompkins County Annex Building be awarded to Uni- Cor Contractors of Ithaca, New York in the amount of $78,190, and Alternate No. 1 - $1,810. Funding for this project to be taken from Capital Account No. HQ1355. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 150 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - RESURFACING OF PAID PARKING LOT - AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13; Noes - 0; Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation and approval of the Construction Management Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account Amount C. D. Wimmer Paving Inc. #2 (final) HY5613.9239 $3,340.00 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims from said Capital Account. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 151 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 8 - BURTON F. CLARK, INC. - LANDSTROM LANDFILL CLOSURE PHASE I 110 May 16, 1989 Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution Numbers 240 and 253 of 1988 authorized the execution of a contract with Burton F. Clark, Inc. for Landstrom Closure - Phase I construction activities, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 8 requests an extension until June 30, 1989 for completion of leachate tank installation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Order No. 8 be approved at no additional cost to the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 152 - STANDARDIZATION - CARLISLE ROOFING SYSTEMS Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 9 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Howell, Livesay, Proto, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 4 (Representatives Lifton, Shurtleff, Stein, and True); Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Buildings and Grounds has recommended that Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) roofing systems manufactured by Carlisle-SynTec Systems as being very durable, long lasting and leak proof roofing systems with complete system warranties for use on County buildings, and WHEREAS, standardization on Carlisle-SynTec Roofing Systems will not reduce competitive bidding as there are many authorized Carlisle installers, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Tompkins County standardize on Carlisle-SynTec Roofing Systems for reasons of efficiency and economy. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 153 - PAYMENT FOR DAY CARE, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Department of Social Services is hereby authorized to pay a sum up to a total amount of $11,700 for the remainder of 1989 in order to provide an additional subsidy for infants (defined in Department of Social Services regulation as "any child between the age of eight weeks and three years") placed by the Department in a licensed day care center providing day care under contract with the Department for infants, and RESOLVED, further, That the subsidy shall be calculated as the difference between the actual cost of care and the maximum state reimbursable rate for center -based day care; this sum may not exceed $30 per child, per week. If the demand for such additional subsidy exceeds available funds, payments shall be made first on behalf of infants who are placed as part of a protective services plan of care, and RESOLVED, further, That no monies are needed at this time. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 111 May 16, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 154 - SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR HOUSING ASSISTANCE - SECTION 8 - EXISTING HOUSING PROGRAM Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. Mr. Proto said for the record that as a landlord residents who rent from him may take advantage of the Section 8 Program. WHEREAS, an application has been submitted to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for housing assistance in Tompkins County for 100 units under Section 8 - Existing Housing Program to be administered by the New York State Housing Finance Agency, and WHEREAS, said assistance will in part benefit dwelling units for the low income, elderly, handicapped or disabled, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Economic Opportunity Corporation wholeheartedly supports said application, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That this Board supports said application in its entirety and the Clerk of the Board of Representatives is directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to its office in Buffalo, New York. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 155 - AUTHORITY TO FILE APPLICATION, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services is hereby permitted to apply for funds from the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation to conduct a foster care analysis in Tompkins County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 156 - 1990 HUMAN SERVICES COALITION BUDGET REVIEW GUIDELINES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded Mr. Lifton. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Lifton, to increase the dollar figure to $200,000. Amendment Lost by voice vote by all present. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives desires Tompkins County funds for health and human service agencies that are not included in County departmental budgets nor reviewed by any County department heads to be allocated in a manner that best meets the needs for these services, and WHEREAS, the Human Services Coalition is established and funded in part by Tompkins County to provide an objective overview of health and human service needs and provisions based on expert analysis, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Human Services Coalition is requested, pursuant to its 1989 contract with Tompkins County, to recommend to the Board of Representatives no later than September 1, 1989 an 112 May 16, 1989 allocation at least $187,844, to be adjusted once budget guidelines are in place, for health and human service agencies and to explain the reasons each recommendation was for or against funding, and the specific amount therefore was made, RESOLVED, further, That the following process shall be used by the Coalition in its review of requests for this funding: 1. The Coalition may recommend funding for a portion of a request; 2. The Coalition is not required to recommend expenditure of all the funds allocated by the County; 3. By September 1, 1989, the Coalition shall present the results of its review of all requests with a priority -order list within the dollar allocation established by the Board of Representatives; 4. Special situations shall be referred to the Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee before the Coalition begins its review process; 5. An application for funding shall not be reviewed by the Coalition unless the applying agency is represented at the Coalition's orientation session or unless other arrangements have been made in advance; 6. The Coalition may discontinue its review of any agency application; in the event this occurs, the Board of Representatives shall be notified and documentation shall be provided by the Coalition of its reasons for taking such action; 7. Funding applications must state the benefits to be derived from implementation of the program and the specific goals of the program; 8. If, during the review process, a program does not meet the minimum standards established by the Human Services Coalition, the Coalition may consider recommending conditional funding. The Coalition will recommend the conditions of the funding. RESOLVED, further, That the Coalition will use as the basis for allocation of funds the following criteria: 1. Severity of the need that the program addresses in Tompkins County; 2. Agency's organizational ability to deliver proposed services; 3. Effect on the Tompkins County community if the service is not available or is available at a reduced level; 4. Effect on Tompkins County departments if the service is no longer available or available at a reduced level; 5. Effect on other health or human service providers if the service is no longer available or is available at a reduced level; 6. Agency financial need; 7. Duplication of service; 8. Countywide service delivery; 9. Financial need of the client population in financial need. RESOLVED, further, That in its population, i.e., population to be served can be shown to be a 1990 Work Plan, the Coalition will continue a systematic review of all agencies receiving health or human service grant funding from Tompkins County. This review shall evaluate efficiency of agency administration and effectiveness of service delivery. The Coalition shall make a recommendation to the appropriate program committee and the Budget and Administration Committee for recommending to the Board of Representatives by December 1, 1989 a plan for this review and specific actions to be taken in 1990, RESOLVED, further, That the Human Services Committee, in coordination with the Human Services Coalition, is asked to begin exploration of the feasibility of a multi-year funding approach to these health and human services dollars, with the intent of providing information for the newly elected Board of Representatives to pursue in 1990. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 113 May 16, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 157 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 399 OF 1988 — STOP -DWI BYLAWS Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Proto, to Table this resolution until the appropriate program committee gets confirmation of this recommended wording from the STOP -DWI Advisory Board. A voice vote resulted as follows on the amendment: Ayes - 12, Noes - 1 (Representative Tillapaugh), Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 158 - REASSIGNMENT OF SPACE - BIGGS BUILDING A AND BIGGS BUILDING B Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development, Public Works, Human Services, Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That space on Level One of the X Wing in Biggs Building A previously assigned to the Tompkins Employees Day Care Center is hereby reassigned to the Department of Social Services and Hospicare, Inc. effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That space previously assigned to the West Hill Day Care Center in Biggs Building B is hereby assigned to the Tompkins Employees Day Care Center effective July 1, 1989, RESOLVED, further, That space previously assigned to Hospicare in Biggs Building B is hereby assigned to the Public Health Department effective immediately. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 159 - AUTHORIZATION TO RETAIN O'BRIEN AND GERE TO PERFORM ADDITIONAL HYDROGEOLOGIC TESTING - DR -7 LANDFILL Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. True. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10, Noes - 3 (Representatives Lifton, Tillapaugh, and Watros), Excused - 2 (Representatives Call and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute a contract with O'Brien and Gere Engineers, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $250,000 (includes a 5 percent contingency), with funds coming from 1989 Capital Budget to install and test bedrock wells at the DR -7 landfill site in accordance with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Part 360 regulations. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 160 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING - CATSKILL AIRWAYS CONTRACT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 114 May 16, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, June 6, 1989, at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning a proposed contract with Catskill Airways at the Tompkins County Airport. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 161 - REQUEST THAT THE LEGISLATURE AND THE GOVERNOR SUPPORT REAUTHORIZATION OF PREVIOUS YEARS AUTHORITY TO SPEND MONIES IN SUPPORT OF THE AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Legislature has authorized expenditure of funds in previous years in support of aquatic vegetation control, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County has agreed to participate in this program, has committed staff resources to the program and has made contractual commitments in support of the 1988-89 narrative, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That Tompkins County urges that the bodies of the Legislature and the Governor reauthorize spending authority for unspent monies of previous fiscal years and that this reauthorization be accomplished in a manner that would not affect existing contractual arrangements with the Department of Environmental Conservation and other contracts into which the County has entered. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present the following appointments were made to the various boards: Criminal Justice Advisory/Alternatives to Incarceration Board Eric Lerner as an at -large representative - term expires December 31, 1990 Carol Stevens as a representative of Offender Aid and Restoration - term expires December 31, 1991 Local Emergency Planning Committee No set terms Michael Kubarek as a Facility Owner and Operator representative Ellin Iselin as a Broadcast representative Chairman Mason appointed the following committee and members: Overcharges of O'Brien and Gere Committee Jeffrey True - Chairman Frank P. Proto Stuart Stein 115 May 16, 1989 It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss negotiations. An executive session was held at 10:12 p.m. and returned to regular session at 10:16 p.m. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:16 p.m. 116 June 6, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning a proposed contract with Catskill Airways at the Tompkins County Airport. Chairman Mason asked if anyone from the public wished to speak concerning the above topic. No one wished to speak from the public. Chairman Mason asked Robert Nicholas, Airport Manager, to speak regarding the proposal. Robert Nicholas reported to the Board and gave an overview of what is being proposed. Chairman Mason closed the public hearing at 5:32 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representatives Lifton, Nichols, and Howell was excused at 8:19 p.m.). It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the Board minutes of the November 1, 1988 meeting. Phyllis B. Howell, Clerk of the Board, brought to the Board's attention a copy of the proposed new Rule of the Board. It was Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, to hold an executive session to discuss negotiations. The motion Lost by voice vote by all present. Under privilege of the floor, David Whitehouse, 111 Utica Street, said he was a member of the Cargill Strikers Solidarity Committee in 1986. He spoke in opposition of the Cargill Salt bid. bid. Under privilege of the floor, Neil Watson, Newfield, also spoke in opposition of the Cargill Salt Jeanne Fudala, 615 North Aurora Street, said she supports the comments of David Whitehouse and Neil Watson. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan spoke and read about a resolution passed by the Economic Opportunity Corporation concerning the homeless. The resolution supports the proposal of Tompkins County Board of Representatives that an additional one percent be added to the Tompkins County Hotel Room Occupancy Tax and be designated as funds in support of programs for the homeless. He passed the resolution onto Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Room Tax Review Committee. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Call said she and her husband went to the Caribbean on a business trip. They were on the hills of Dominican Republic, a poor country with a lot of problems. They visited a building similar to the County Home and BOCES. She said we are lucky we have the resources in this Country to provide the human services we do. RESOLUTION NO. 162 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY ASSOCIATION 117 June 6, 1989 Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, an agreement has been reached between the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins Cortland Community College, the Counties of Tompkins and Cortland, and the Tompkins Cortland Community College Faculty Association for the period from September 1, 1989, through August 31, 1992, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, That the agreement with the Tompkins Cortland Community College Faculty Association be approved, RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins Cortland Community College, the Cortland County Legislature and the Tompkins Cortland Community College Faculty Association, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution is contingent upon adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature, the Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees, and approval by the Faculty Association. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 163 - AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS - 1989-90 Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That a public hearing be held on Tuesday, June 27, 1989 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning the 1989-1990 operating and capital budget requests for Tompkins Cortland Community College. RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and hereby is directed to place such notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of Tompkins County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss contract negotiations. An executive session was held at 5:58 p.m. and returned to regular session at 6:45 p.m. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said all eight responses of the Request for Proposals have come in and a committee meeting will be scheduled. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee has a couple of items on the agenda. The next meeting is this Friday at noon. He announced a new Recycling Coordinator, Barbara Hotchkiss, has been hired. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee will meet this Thursday at noon. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, said the committee will meet this Thursday at 4 p.m. She also reported on the FOCUS project. 118 June 6, 1989 Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee met May 25. The meeting scheduled for June 8 has been changed to June 14 which will also be a joint meeting with the Public Works Committee to discuss household toxic waste. Also at 10 a.m. June 14 a meeting will be held to discuss the Hospital Corporation proposal for senior housing. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said the committee will meet tomorrow at noon. He reported on the meeting concerning the Central Processing Facility (CPF) held May 22. Forty-two people attended the meeting and expressed their concerns. Some of the main concerns are noise, odor, traffic to and from the site, and location. Mr. Winch, Liaison, Citizens Advisory Committee, said the committee met May 25 at New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG). He updated the Board on appointments. The committee discussed a local law concerning enforcement of covered loads and relating penalties of uncovered loads. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, updated the Board on committee business. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee met yesterday. The committee discussed the Tompkins Cortland Community College budget and Arts Council. Mrs. Livesay asked her to report on the problems with the Hospital Board and Mental Health Board. Mrs. Howell reported to the Board regarding the potential loss of in-patient psychiatric care in Tompkins County. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Management Compensation and Youth Services Study Committees, said the Management Compensation Committee met briefly just before the Board meeting. She updated the Board on the Job Reclassification study. The next meeting is June 22. She said the Youth Services Study Committee will meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. She updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met last week to discuss guidelines for 1990 budget process. The committee also made a proposal that a local law be adopted to make it fairly difficult to draw against the contingency fund towards the end of the year by requiring a two-thirds vote. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Room Tax Review Committee, said the committee met with Cornell University officials to talk about the room tax issue. It appears Cornell University adopted the position that the law prohibits them from collecting and passing on room tax while providing services to those staying at the Statler. The committee has requested the County Attorney to look at the various legislation which they site in following their position. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, said he has an appointment for the Board's confirmation. Mr. Liguori, Planning Commissioner, announced he will be retiring in September. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, said he went to court May 22 against the State Board of Equalization and the County won concerning the County's tax maps. He reported on the Ethics Law. Although, final legislation may take some time. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add the resolution entitled Transfer of Funds - SFY 1987-88 Encumbrances - Aquatic Vegetation Control Program - Grant No. C870015 to the agenda. 119 June 6, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 164 - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT - CATSKILL AIRWAYS Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly advertised and held on the 6th day of June, 1989, regarding the contract with Catskill Airways, at which public hearing all persons wishing to address to Board on this subject had an opportunity to speak, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract on behalf of the County with Catskill Airways. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 165 - AWARD OF BID - HIGHWAY MATERIALS Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Howell. After a lengthy discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, to Table this resolution to the June 27, 1989 Board meeting. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 3 (Representatives Livesay, Proto, and Stein); Noes - 10 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Howell, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Nichols). Motion to Table Lost. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Call, Howell, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 5 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Livesay, Stein, and True); Excused - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Nichols). Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for highway materials, said bids having been received and publicly opened on March 24, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That Cargill Salt, Inc. of Lansing, New York be and hereby is awarded the bid for rock salt. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 166 - AWARD OF BID - HOUSE ON CASWELL ROAD Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the sale of a house on Caswell Road, and WHEREAS, one bid was received and opened on May 31, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid of Historic Ithaca in the amount of $501.00 be and it hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Department of Public Works be authorized to implement the sale and moving of the house on Caswell Road. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 120 June 6, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 167 - FEDERAL SECTION 18 OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT APPLICATION FOR TOMTRAN RURAL TRANSIT Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation act of 1964, as amended, provides for the payment of federal financial assistance for public transportation in rural and small urban places through a formula grant program administered by the New York State Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, the TOMTRAN Rural Transit Program is operated by CU Transit, Inc., under contract with Tompkins County (Resolution No. 2 of 1985), and provides fixed -route, open -to -the -public transportation service in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, the County Section 18 Coordinator recommends that Tompkins County apply for an operating assistance grant in the amount of $73,000 for the 1989 calendar year for TOMTRAN Rural Transit, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute and submit a Federal Section 18 operating assistance application to the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $73,000. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 168 - AUTHORIZING CONTRACT FOR RESEARCH SERVICES FOR TOMTRAN - SPRING 1989 Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Planning requests that research services be provided to study ridership on TOMTRAN transit routes, to conduct and evaluate rider surveys, and to report findings to the Planning and Economic Development Committee, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Personnel approves of this contract at the rate of $5.50 per hour and not to exceed $1,000, and WHEREAS, Zoe Neaderland, a Cornell University student, is qualified to complete this research project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to execute a contract for research services for TOMTRAN with Zoe Neaderland in an amount not to exceed $1,000, and RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be authorized to pay for such services from the TOMTRAN A5360.4442 Professional Services Account. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 169 - ESTABLISHMENT OF GUIDELINES - 1990 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET (Amended by Res. No. 225 of July 11, 1989 to rescind Item I. 3.) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Stein, to add the following as a fourth item to Roman Numeral I: Since negotiations with the City of Ithaca in regard to the delivery of youth services have not been completed, it is feared that there may be a loss of services in 1990. It is recognized that the figure could be entered into the 1990 County Youth 121 June 6, 1989 Bureau budget for delivery of youth development services County wide which would be exempt from these guidelines for 1990. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the amendment: Ayes - 7 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Livesay, Stein, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 5 (Representatives Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, and Watros); Excused - 3 (Representatives Howell, Lifton, and Nichols). Motion Lost. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 8; Noes - 4 (Representatives Dietrich, Livesay, Stein, and True); Excused - 3 (Representatives Howell, Lifton, and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, information currently available indicates that the recently adopted New York State budget may directly cause an increase in Tompkins County property taxes of between $600,000 and $800,000, and WHEREAS, nearly stagnant State Aid for community colleges results in disproportionate increases in County property taxpayer funding for Tompkins Cortland Community College each and every year, this year's College request being for an increase of $188,213, and WHEREAS, efforts by Tompkins County and other New York State counties to stop the relentless tide of increasing mandates and decreasing revenues from the State and Federal governments have met limited success, and WHEREAS, this Board wishes to ease the burden this creates for taxpayers without drastically reducing needed services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following guidelines for the 1990 Tompkins County budget are hereby adopted: I. County Department Budgets 1. All new positions anticipated to be needed at any time during 1990 shall be included in departmental budget requests and shall include costs generated by the position for space, supplies, equipment, mileage, fringe benefits and other items as well as salary. 2. The total optional local share recommended for equipment, supplies and contract services for all the County departmental budgets that are the responsibility of each program committee, as recommended by the County Administrator and by the program committee, shall increase no more than five percent (5%) in the 1990 budget as compared with the 1989 budget as amended through July 31, 1989. 3. Appropriations from the County Contingent Fund (A1990) or from any fund balance during 1990 must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the full authorized membership of the Board of Representatives unless the item being funded is one of the mandated items listed at the end of this resolution, or unless the item is necessary to finance a bargaining agreement ratified by a majority of the Board of Representatives. II. Budgets Other Than County Department Budgets 1. The funding recommended by the County Administrator, the Health and Education Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee for the Tompkins County Public Library, A7410.4522, shall not exceed $1,090,991, an increase of five percent (5%). 2. Total local funding recommended by the County Administrator and the Budget and Administration Committee for Health and Human Service agencies (Account A6310) shall not exceed $197,406, an increase of five percent (5%). 3. Total local funding recommended by the County Administrator and the Budget and Administration Committee for Community Service agencies (see list below) shall not exceed $710,807, an increase of five percent (5%). This amount is based on the following 1989 approved amounts: A2981 Cooperative Extension $ 495,179 A3520 Control of Other Animals (SPCA) 22,280 A6327 Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services 7,560 A6420 Promotion of Industry 15,600 A7410.4521 Town Libraries 7,480 A7410.4532 Finger Lakes Library Association 8,131 A7510 Historical Services (DeWitt Historical Society) 62,846 A7550.4410 Veterans/Flag Day 1,650 122 June 6, 1989 A7560 Arts 20,000 A8025 Planning Board 10,900 A8720 Fish and Game 2,333 A8730 Soil Conservation District 8,000 A8745 Flood Control 15,000 Total $ 676,959 4. The target level for Tompkins County's unrestricted General Fund Balance as of January 1, 1990 shall be seven and one-half percent (7.5%) of all estimated 1990 General Fund Revenues. Any recommendations for funding in excess of these guidelines that are submitted by the County Administrator, any program committee or the Budget and Administration Committee must be designated as "Special Requests in Excess of Guidelines", and each item requested shall be presented in ranked priority order. The Budget and Administration Committee may recommend and the Board of Representatives may adopt different percentage increases for different departments and different program committees, provided that the above -stated overall guidelines are met. None of these guidelines shall apply to items that are legally mandated as to existence as Tompkins County budget items and for which there is no local option, or extremely limited local option, as to the amount to be expended. For purposes of the 1990 budget, these are defined as follows: A1170 Legal Defense of Indigents A1180 Justices and Constables A1364 Expenses - Tax Acquired Property A1380 Fiscal Agent Fees A1950 Taxes on County Property A2490 Outside Community Colleges A2960 Education of Physically Handicapped Children A4390 Psychiatric Expenses A6070 Social Services - Purchase of Services A6100 Social Services - Programs A8160 Sanitary Landfill V9600 Debt Service SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 170 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - SFY 1987-88 ENCUMBRANCES - AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM - GRANT NO. C870015 Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, with outstanding bills there is a deficit in the Printing Account and the Services Contracts and there is a current surplus in the Computer Software, Data Processing Equipment, and Computer Supplies, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development and the Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to make the following transfers on his books: FROM: A8022.2720 (Enc. A8022.2230) Computer Software $ 317.52 TO: A8022.4700 (Enc. A8022.4447) Printing Service $ 317.52 FROM: A8022.2700 (Enc. A8022.2229) Data Processing Equipment $ 182.96 .2700 (Enc. A8022.2300) Computer Software 177.46 .4700 (Enc. A8022.4314) Computer Supplies 49.32 123 June 6, 1989 TO: A8022.4700 (Enc. A8022.4425) Service Contracts SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) $ 409.74 On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present the following appointments were made to the various boards: Environmental Management Council Terms expire December 31, 1989 Byron Unsworth as an at -large representative Jay Miller as a Town of Dryden representative Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees Term expires June 30, 1998 Arthur Pearce Community Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Alcoholism Services Board Term expires December 1989 Anna Matusiewicz It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to reappoint Mary Pat Dolan as Commissioner of the Department of Social Services for a five-year term. Chairman Mason said he will be appointing a search committee for Planning Commissioner. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m. 124 June 27, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed 1989-1990 capital and operating budgets for Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3). Chairman Mason asked if anyone from the public wished to speak. The following people spoke in favor of the Tompkins Cortland Community College budget: Joe Cambridge, 200 Hines Road, Newfield; Eduardo Marti, President, TC3; Ray Van Houtte, TC3, Georgia MacNeil, TC3 Board of Trustees; Ann Argetsinger, TC3; Ron Cooke, TC3; Amy Mosher, TC3; Kenneth Cowan, TC3. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:47 p.m. Members and Guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the Board minutes of the November 7, November 15, and December 6, 1988 meetings. Chairman Mason read a proclamation declaring the week of July 10, 1989 as Tompkins County 4- H Acres Youth Fair Week. He presented the proclamation to Jason Kompf. Under privilege of the floor, Susan Armington, 346 Perry City Road, asked that a household waste cleanup day be held as soon as possible. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Stein reminded the Board of a meeting scheduled for June 29, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. in the Sherman Peer Room of the Tompkins County Public Library concerning the loss of in-patient psychiatric services. He also discussed the recent situation in China where people were being executed and he thought people in Tompkins County should find some way to stand up for democracy. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Tillapaugh said Donald Culligan won the grand prize to London, Paris, or Rome at a reception sponsored by TransAir Express. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan said he disagreed with increasing additional Hotel Room Occupancy Tax money into tourism and preferred it going into programs for the homeless. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Lifton referred to a letter he sent to President Rhodes, Cornell University, and said he thought we were all troubled about the situation in China and urged our people to reach out in any way to our neighbors in China. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Call said she would have co-signed Mr. Lifton's letter, having been in Tien -an -men Square in China. RESOLUTION NO. 171 - ADOPTION OF 1989-90 CAPITAL BUDGET - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE 125 June 27, 1989 Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. Mr. Stein said he opposes the $44,000 ventilation project for smoking space. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11; Noes - 2 (Representatives Livesay and Stein); Excused: 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Tompkins Cortland Community College has presented a proposed capital budget to this Board for the fiscal year 1989-90, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That said 1989-90 capital budget in the amount of $166,000, which the sponsoring community contribution is in the amount of $90,500, be and the same hereby is approved and adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the sponsoring community contribution shall be paid from the capital construction account to be maintained by Tompkins Cortland Community College, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall become effective upon adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 172 - ADOPTION OF 1989-90 OPERATING BUDGET - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE (Amended by Res. No. 227 of July 11, 1989) Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, a proposed operating budget for Tompkins Cortland Community College for the fiscal year September 1, 1989 through August 31, 1990 has been presented to the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins pursuant to County Law and Section 6306 of the Education Law, and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives has conducted a public hearing on said proposed budget on the 27th day of June, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and the Budget and Administration Committees, That said proposed 1989-90 operating budget in the amount of $9,201,825 of which the sponsoring community contribution is in the amount of $1,473,213 be and the same hereby is approved, RESOLVED, further, That the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County includes in the 1990 Tompkins County Budget an amount to be determined pursuant to the approved plan for said College in effect as of September 1, 1989 and that the amount when determined be raised by taxation in the County of Tompkins in the fiscal year 1990, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall become effective upon the adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 173 - AUTHORIZING TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE TO SUBMIT PRELIMINARY 1990-1991 CAPITAL BUDGET TO STATE UNIVERSITY Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Tompkins Cortland Community College is required to submit a preliminary capital budget request for 1990-1991 to the State University Construction Fund, and 126 June 27, 1989 WHEREAS, the State University Construction Fund requires approval of Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees, Cortland County Legislature and Tompkins County Board of Representatives, and WHEREAS, the Preliminary 1990-1991 Capital Budget in the amount of $377,000 (State share 188,500, local appropriation $188,500) for the State fiscal year April 1990 through March 31, 1991 has been adopted by the Board of Trustees of Tompkins Cortland Community College, pursuant to Section 6306 of the Education Law, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Tompkins Cortland Community College be and hereby is authorized to submit said Preliminary 1990-1991 Capital Budget to the State University Construction Fund, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall be effective upon adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee met yesterday. The committee received the eight responses and will be meeting July 13 at 11 a.m. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman, Public Works Committee, said the committee met June 9. He updated the Board on committee business. He announced the tipping fee will be called disposal fee. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee will be meeting this Thursday. The committee met June 8 and came to an agreement with the STOP -DWI Advisory Board bylaws. They discussed scuba diving equipment for the Sheriffs Department. He also updated the Board on other committee business. He read a letter he wrote to the Governor on behalf of the Board of Representatives concerning the legal sale of alcohol in vending machines. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met June 6 and have several resolutions on the agenda. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee has met twice since the last Board meeting. A special joint meeting with Public Works has been scheduled for June 29 to discuss senior housing at 9:30 a.m. The regular scheduled committee meeting will be June 29 at 8:30 a.m. He also reported on the Planning Commissioner Search Committee. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said the committee has two resolutions on the agenda. The committee will be meeting tomorrow at noon. He updated the Board on the DR -7 permit application. He also updated the Board on the status of the Central Processing Facility. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, said he is concerned with the budget for the building. The Board approved a 6.1 million dollar project, however, the project is over budget. Mr. Winch said he feels they are $450,000 to $475,000 over budget and asked the Board for direction. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to direct the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee to ask architects to design a building within the estimated budget for that work. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the next committee meeting is tomorrow at 3 p.m. The committee will be discussing cultural tourism. 127 June 27, 1989 Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Management Compensation and Youth Services Study Committees, said she does not have an update on the Management Compensation Committee. She reported on the Youth Services Study Committee. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met June 12. He updated the Board on committee business. The next committee meeting is July 5. Chairman Mason declared recess at 8:02 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 8:09 p.m. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss cost overruns of O'Brien and Gere's contract. An executive session was held at 8:09 p.m. and returned to regular session at 9:21 p.m. Chairman Mason declared recess at 9:22 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 9:33 p.m. Mrs. Howell requested permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute Contract - Medical Social Worker. Chairman Mason granted her permission. Mr. Watros requested permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Correction of Tax Roll - Town of Dryden. Chairman Mason granted him permission. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Authorization to Execute an Agreement Addendum with O'Brien and Gere - Landfill Permitting Phase Creation of Position - Seasonal Worker - Public Works (Solid Waste Division) RESOLUTION NO. 174 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXPEND FUNDS - 1989 UNITED ARTS FUND Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the County Administrator is authorized and directed to pay to "1989 United Arts Fund" the $5,000 appropriated in the 1989 Tompkins County budget in Account No. A7560.4400 for distribution to arts organizations. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 175 - 1989 AUTHORIZATION OF GRANTS TO MUNICIPALITIES - PROJECTS TO REDUCE IMPACT OF FLOODING Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Watros, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives authorized a Flood Program to assist municipalities with up to 50% matching grants for eligible flood projects by Resolution No. 22, January 18, 1983, and WHEREAS, the 1989 budget appropriated $15,000 in Account No. A8745.4000 for this purpose, and WHEREAS, project applications have been submitted by various municipalities and each project has been reviewed, inspected and rated by Planning Department staff in accordance with established 128 June 27, 1989 criteria, and staff has submitted a recommended Program Plan for funding during the 1989 cycle to the Planning and Economic Development Committee, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Program Plan for 1989 be and the same hereby is approved as shown on the attached Plan in the total amount of $15,000, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute agreements with the municipalities in accordance with the attached Program Plan, provided that the municipalities meet all requirements as described in the criteria. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 176 - AWARD OF BID - OLD COURTHOUSE ROOF PAINTING Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the preparation, prime coating and finish painting of the metal roof of the Old Courthouse, and WHEREAS, said bids were received and publicly opened on May 26, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid for the painting of the Old Courthouse roof be awarded to S. A. Hovanec, Inc. of Ithaca, New York in the amount of $9,609. Funding for this project to come from Account No. A1620.4470. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 177 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE EXTENSION OF SNOW AND ICE AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF NEW YORK - HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has heretofore entered into an agreement with the State of New York pursuant to Section 12 of the Highway Law relating to control of snow and ice on State highways in towns and incorporated villages, and WHEREAS, Section 7 and 10 of said agreement respectively provide a method of modifying the map of affected State highways and for annually updating the estimated expenditures, and WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the County to extend said agreement currently set to expire June 30, 1991, as modified and updated, for an additional one-year period, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That an extension of said snow and ice agreement is hereby authorized for a period of one year from July 1, 1991 through June 30, 1992, and the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute such extension on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 178 - AUTHORIZATION TO RETAIN DUXBURY ASSOCIATES TO PREPARE A HOUSEHOLD TOXIC WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 129 June 27, 1989 Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County Board of Representatives desires to establish a plan to manage household toxic wastes, and WHEREAS, Duxbury Associates, with nationally recognized expertise in the area of household toxic waste management, has submitted a proposal at the County's request for preparing a household toxic waste management plan, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Construction Management Committees, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute a contract with Duxbury Associates to prepare a Household Toxic Wastes Management Plan to be funded from the 1989 Capital Budget at a cost not to exceed $24,627. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 179 - CREATION OF POSITION - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Account Clerk Typist (05/513), labor grade V, competitive class, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following appropriation and budget adjustment on his books: FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 6,185 TO: A4010.1513 Public Health Salaries $ 3,635 A4010.8000 Fringe Benefits 1,818 A4010.2201 Calculator 120 A4010.2202 Typewriter 285 A4010.2211 Chairs 90 A4010.2212 Desks 210 A4010.2222 Communication Equipment 27 Budget Adjustment: Revenue: A4010.3401 State Aid $ 2,912 Appropriation: A4010.1513 Public Health Salaries $ 2,424 A4010.2201 Calculator 80 A4010.2202 Typewriter 190 A4010.2211 Chairs 60 A4010.2212 Desks 140 A4010.2222 Communication Equipment 18 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 180 - AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE ABOVE MINIMUM - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 130 June 27, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Director of Mental Health Services be authorized to hire a Community Mental Health Nurse in labor grade XII, Step D, ($20,469), RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this action. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 181 - CREATION OF POSITION - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Typist, labor grade B, competitive class, be created for the period from July 1, 1989, through June 30, 1990, RESOLVED, further, That all salary and fringe benefits are to be paid through a Title II Grant (Dwight D. Eisenhower funds for training mathematics teachers). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 182 - CREATION OF POSITION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - SOLID WASTE ASSISTANT - PUBLIC WORKS (SOLID WASTE DIVISION) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Solid Waste Assistant (83/268), management level D, competitive class, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfer on his books: Revenue: A8160.2131 Disposal Fees $ 16,650 Appropriation: A8160.1268 Solid Waste - Personal $ 11,575 Services A8160.8000 Solid Waste - Fringe 2,893 Benefits .2211 Chair 185 .2212 Desk 370 .2213 Filing Cabinet 150 .2220 Telephone Equipment 277 .4302 Office Supplies 150 .4332 Books and Publications 150 .4465 Mileage 900 $16,650 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 131 June 27, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 183 - CREATION OF POSITION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - DIRECTOR OF HOUSING FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That a full time position of Director of Housing for Tompkins County, Management Position Level D, be created effective June 27, 1989, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized to make the following appropriation and budget adjustment on his books: APPROPRIATION FROM: A1910 Contingent Fund $ 598 TO: A6010.4442 Professional Services $ 598 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Revenue: A3610 State Aid $ 597 A4610 Federal Aid $ 1,195 Appropriation: A6010.2211 Chair 125 .2212 Desk 275 .2220 Telephone 200 .4442 Professional Services 1,192 $ 1,792 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 184 - CREATION OF POSITION - YOUTH CARE WORKER, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That a three-quarter time position of Youth Care Worker (10-657), labor grade X, competitive class, be created effective July 1 - September 30, 1989, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized to make the following budget adjustment on his books: BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Revenue: A3610 State Aid $ 9,485 Appropriation: A6010.1000 Salary 2,960 .8000 Fringes (24.48%) 725 .2210 Other Equipment 1,200 .2211 Chair 125 .2212 Desk 275 .2220 Telephone 200 .4442 Professional Services 4,000 Total $ 9,485 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 132 June 27, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 185 - CREATION OF POSITION - TYPIST - PUBLIC WORKS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Typist (04/507), labor grade IV, competitive class, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfer on his books: FROM: DM5130.1544 Garage Attendant $ 4,904 DM5130.1577 Automotive Mechanic 878 DM5130.8000 Fringe Benefits 1,735 TO: A1490.1000 Clerical Support $ 5,782 A9000 Fringe Benefits 1,735 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 186 - ADOPTION OF RULE XVII - APPROPRIATIONS - RULES OF THE BOARD (The non -mandated appropriations from Contingent Fund or any fund balance would require a two-thirds vote.) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 7 (Representatives Call, Howell, Proto, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, and Winch); Noes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Shurtleff, Stein, and Mason); Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). Resolution Lost. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That Rule XVII — Appropriations be and hereby is approved and adopted for inclusion in the Rules of the Board and Functions of Committees, for the year 1990. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 187 - ADOPTION OF REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL POLICY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following revised Administrative Manual policy be and hereby is adopted: 06-07 Bidding Procedures SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 188 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 2 OF 1989 - AMENDMENT TO CHARTER AND CODE - SECTION 5.10 133 June 27, 1989 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives on Tuesday, July 11, 1989 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning proposed Local Law No. 2 of 1989 amending the Charter and Code, Section 5.10 - Appropriation Transfers Within or Among Units or Agencies, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and hereby is directed to place such notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of Tompkins County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 189 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Human Services, Planning and Economic Development, Public Safety and Corrections, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS Job Training Program A6394.2202 Typewriters $ 650 A6394.2206 Computer Equipment $ 650 FROM: TO: Public Health FROM: A4021.8870 TO: A4021.8840 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Job Training Program Revenue: Appropriation: A6394.4792 A6394.2204 .4422 .4302 Mental Health Revenue: A4311.3497 Appropriation: A4311.2213 Revenue: A4328.3499 Appropriation: A4328.4400 Revenue: A4321.3499 Appropriation: A4321.4400 Revenue: A4311.3497 Appropriation: A4311.4308 Office for Aging Revenue: A3803 Appropriation: A6783.4491 Unemployment Compensation Workers' Compensation IIA Duplicating Equipment Equipment Maintenance Office Supplies State Aid Filing Cabinet OMH Contract American Red Cross Contract OMH Contract HOMES, Inc. State Aid Medical Supplies State Aid Title III -D 134 $ 90 $ 90 $ 1,302 $ 867 235 200 $ 279 $ 279 $ 1,890 $ 1,890 $ 10,860 $ 10,860 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 1,062 $ 1,062 Revenue: Appropriation: Public Health Revenue: A3803 A6775.4400 A4011.3411 Appropriation: A4011.2225 A4010.3401 A4010.2225 Revenue: Appropriation: APPROPRIATIONS County Road Fund Balance FROM: D5010.2212 TO: D5010.2206 Assigned Counsel Program A1990 A1170.2213 FROM: TO: Public Health FROM: TO: Public Works FROM: TO: Sheriff FROM: TO: A 1990 A4010.2225 A909 DM513 0.2231 June 27, 1989 State Aid $ 275 Program Expenses $ 275 Infant Health Assessment Program $ 70 Equipment - Scale $ 70 State Aid Equipment - Nursing Desks, Bookcases Computer Equipment Contingent Fund File Cabinets Contingent Fund Equipment - Nursing $ 60 $ 60 $ 100 $ 100 $ 169 $ 169 $ 90 $ 90 Highway Machinery Fund Balance $ 1,368 Vehicles $ 1,368 A1990 Contingent Fund $ 2,364 A3110.2210 Other Equipment $ 2,364 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 190 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE SETTLEMENT - BUCKEYE PIPELINE ASSESSMENT LITIGATION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate a discontinuance of certain assessment review proceedings commenced by Buckeye Pipeline Company upon the advice of the Director of Assessment and the County Attorney, which discontinuance is conditional upon reduction on the assessed value of certain properties located in the Town of Groton and Dryden as set forth in correspondence from the petitioner's attorney dated April 3, 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 191 - AUTHORIZATION TO FILE APPLICATION - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 135 June 27, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services is hereby permitted to apply to the New York State Department of Social Services under the Housing Demonstration Program for funds to support the addition of a Director of Housing position and, as yet undetermined, ancillary costs to the Department of Social Services. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 192 - AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT FOR LEGAL SERVICES - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That authority is hereby granted to the Department of Social Services to contract for private legal services on those occasions when the Department's own attorney or attorneys are not able to represent the Department because of conflicts of interest, or when staff vacancies require the Department to seek this outside representation. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 193 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - MEDICAL RECORDS PRACTITIONER Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute a contract with Julie E. Boles, R.R.A., to perform a quarterly review of the Diagnostic and Treatment records, as required by the New York State Department of Health, 10, N.Y.C.R.R., Section 751.7 (c), at a cost not to exceed $350. Said funds to be expended from Account No. A4010.4442, Health Department Professional Services. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 194 - APPROVAL OF AMENDED BYLAWS - JOB TRAINING COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County will be leaving the Cayuga/Cortland/Tompkins Service Delivery Area on June 30, 1989 to become part of the Broome/Tioga/Tompkins Service Delivery Area effective July 1, 1989, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 173 of 1989 amended by bylaws of the Council to provide for three- year staggered terms with one-third of the appointments expiring June 30 of each year consistent with appointments to the Private Industry Council, and WHEREAS, the Broome/Tioga Service Delivery Area has three-year staggered Private Industry Council terms with one-third of the appointments expiring December 31 of each year, now therefore be it 136 June 27, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the bylaws of the Job Training Council be hereby amended to replace all references to the Cayuga/Cortland/Tompkins Private Industry Council with the Broome/Tioga/Tompkins Private Industry Council, RESOLVED, further, That the bylaws of the Job Training Council be hereby amended to extend all current appointments so they expire December 31 of their expiration year, RESOLVED, further, That all current Private Industry Council appointments are hereby extended so they expire on December 31 of their third year, RESOLVED, further, That all future staggered Job Training and Private Industry Council appointments shall be for three years beginning January 1 and ending December 31 of their third year, RESOLVED, further, That the bylaws of the Job Training Council be hereby amended so that officers shall be elected and serve terms in accordance with the calendar year. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 195 - SALARY - CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. True. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Stein, that the Chairman be paid $800 more than the scheduled salary set for Representatives each year. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Stein); Noes - 11; Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). Amendment Lost. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 11; Noes - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Stein); Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). Resolution adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Management Compensation Committee, That the salary of the Chairman of the Board be twice that of the salary schedule set for each year by Resolution No. 132 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 196 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE LEASE OF SPACE - ITHACA TOWN COURT SYSTEM Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a lease with the Town of Ithaca for the use by the Ithaca Town Court of space assigned by Tompkins County to the New York State Court System at times that do not interfere with the operation of the State Court System. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 197 - APPROVAL OF RENEWED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN NEW YORK STATE DIVISION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND TOMPKINS COUNTY HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Lifton, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 137 June 27, 1989 WHEREAS, the New York State Division of Human Rights has jurisdiction over allegations of discrimination under the New York Executive Law, Article 15, Section 290 through Section 301 as amended, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives in 1963 established and empowered the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission to perform the general duties and powers enumerated under General Municipal Law, Article 12-D, and, WHEREAS, the New York State Division of Human Rights and the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission share the common goal of providing individuals with an efficient and timely procedure for obtaining redress for alleged discrimination grievances under the relevant State and County laws and had previously entered into a "Memorandum of Agreement" delineating a shared work procedure, and WHEREAS, it is now the intent of these two agencies to enter into a renewed and updated "Memorandum of Agreement" under which the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission will receive, report and assist the New York State Division of Human Rights in processing complaints of alleged unlawful discriminatory practices under the Human Rights Law, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives co-sign the "Memorandum of Agreement" on behalf of the County with the co -signature of the Director of the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 198 - AUTHORIZATION FOR FEDERAL SECTION 18 CAPITAL GRANT APPLICATION TO PURCHASE FOUR TRANSIT BUSES FOR TOMTRAN RURAL TRANSIT PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation has notified Tompkins County of its eligibility to apply for a capital grant pursuant to Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, and WHEREAS, the County Section 18 Coordinator concludes that four TOMTRAN buses, manufactured in 1981 and 1982, are at the end of their life cycle of seven years or 250,000 miles and should be replaced, and WHEREAS, the County Section 18 Coordinator recommends that four 35 foot transit buses with wheelchair lifts be purchased through the Section 18 program, and WHEREAS, the new transit buses will have a 12 -year life cycle and be able to serve the daily needs of disabled persons desiring to use public transit on rural routes, and WHEREAS, the budget for this project will be $674,000 with a County share of $67,400 to be budgeted for 1991, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute a federal Section 18 capital application to purchase four transit buses in the amount of $674,000 to the New York State Department of Transportation, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives acknowledges the County share of $67,400. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 199 - DESIGNATION OF NEWSPAPERS 138 June 27, 1989 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, That the official newspapers for the County of Tompkins for the publication of all local laws, notices and other matters required by law to be published pursuant to County Law, Article 5, Section 214, Subdivision (2), be designated from July 1, 1989 to December 31, 1989 as follows: Ithaca Journal, Ithaca, New York Trumansburg Free Press, Trumansburg, New York SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 200 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR FUNDS TO NEW YORK STATE OFFICE FOR THE AGING - INFORMAL CAREGIVERS TRAINING AND SUPPORT INITIATIVE Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to approve an application for funds available under the Informal Caregivers Training and Support Initiative of the New York State Office for the Aging. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 201 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - SALE OF STRAND THEATRE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca has proposed an agreement calling for the sale of the Strand Theatre by competitive bidding to satisfy certain tax liens, federal grant obligations, and other indebtedness, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute such agreement with the City of Ithaca, Ithaca City School District, Appalachian Regional Commission, the Estate of Elaine Treman Downing, and Barbara W. Theusen and William R. Wilcox with respect to the sale of the Strand Theatre on East State Street, Ithaca, New York. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 202 - AUTHORIZING EXPRESSION OF NO INTEREST IN EXERCISING PREFERENTIAL RIGHT TO ACQUIRE ABANDONED RAILROAD PROPERTY, HILLVIEW PLACE, CITY OF ITHACA Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 139 June 27, 1989 WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation has solicited an expression of interest by Tompkins County to acquire an abandoned section of the former Lehigh Valley Railroad along Hillview Place on South Hill, City of Ithaca, Parcel No. 92-7-1, and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has not identified a public use for the land for the benefit of the people of the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to inform the New York State Department of Transportation that the County is not interested in acquiring the property, thus deferring acquisition rights to the City of Ithaca. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 203 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING - DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - RUNWAY 14/32 EXTENSION - COUNTY AIRPORT (Amended by Res. No. 247 of August 15, 1989) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives on Tuesday, August 15, 1989 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, at which time and place all interested parties will be heard concerning the Draft Environmental Assessment Form for the runway extension at the Tompkins County Airport, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and hereby is directed to place such notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of Tompkins County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 204 - CHANGE ORDER - DAVID LORENZINI ASSOCIATES: AWARD OF BID - ELEVATOR SHAFT - LOBBY AND INTERIOR EXIT STAIRS; AND AMENDMENT TO COUNTY CAPITAL PROGRAM AND BUDGET - ANNEX BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and adopted by voice vote by all present with Mr. Shurtleff voting no. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised of bids of the construction of the elevator shaft, lobby and interior exit stairs at the Annex Building in accordance with specifications on file in the Division, and WHEREAS, said bids were opened and publicly read at 2:00 p.m. on May 31, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the bid of S. A. Hovanec, Inc, 401 West Seneca Street, Ithaca, New York 14850, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications, with a total base bid minus alternate 1 in the amount of $103,699 be and hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to execute project change orders up to a total amount not to exceed the project contingency of $10,370, subject to review and confirmation by the Construction Management Committee and the Board of Representatives, 140 June 27, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized and directed to execute a contract amendment with David Lorenzini, Architect, increasing the County's contract with said firm by $3,000 for construction management and inspection services in connection with the above referenced project, RESOLVED, further, on recommendation of the Construction Management and Capital Program Committees, That in order to provide the funds necessary for the above contract increase and award of bid, That the 1989 Capital Program for this project is hereby amended to reflect a total project budget of $256,584, an increase of $85,084 over the previously approved amount, and that the 1989 County Capital budget is hereby amended to reflect that the $85,084 increase in this project amount is to be secured by borrowing, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to advance funds for this project from the General Fund until borrowed funds have been secured. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 205 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT ADDENDUM WITH O'BRIEN AND GERE - LANDFILL PERMITTING PHASE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. True. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Stein), Excused - 2 (Representatives Dietrich and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 115, dated April 18, 1989 approved an addendum to the Phase IV landfill design contract with O'Brien and Gere at a cost not to exceed $20,000 for services in connection with the permitting phase, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the addendum for permitting services for O'Brien and Gere be increased in an amount not to exceed $49,426 (hourly basis) and be funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 206 - CREATION OF POSITION - SEASONAL WORKER - PUBLIC WORKS (SOLID WASTE DIVISION) Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, That one position of Seasonal Worker (06/521), labor grade VI, labor class, be created effective immediately for a period not exceeding 160 days, RESOLVED, further, That no additional monies are needed to fund this position. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Lifton, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to lift Resolution No. 157 - Amendment of Resolution No. 399 of 1988 - STOP -DWI Bylaws from the Table. 141 June 27, 1989 It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Lifton, and unanimously by all present, to Table Resolution No. 157 - Amendment of Resolution No. 39 Bylaws to the next Board meeting. adopted by voice vote 9 of 1988 - STOP -DWI On motion of the appropriate committee chairman and duly seconded and by all present the following appointments were made to the various boards: Tompkins County Planning Board Terms expire December 31, 1990 Ronald Anderson representing the Village of Cayuga Heights Mary Beth Holub representing Agriculture Environmental Management Council Term expires December 31, 1989 Madison Wright representing the Village of Cayuga Heights Regional Forest Practice Board Term expires December 31, 1991 Peter Levatich STOP -DWI Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1990 Patricia Galbraith representing the Probation Department On motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. 142 adopted by voice vote July 11, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law No. 2 of 1989, amending the Charter and Code - Section 5.10 - Appropriation Transfers Within or Among Units of County Government. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:31 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Nichols). It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the Board minutes of the December 9, 1988, December 20, 1988, December 22, 1988, and January 4, 1989 meetings. Under privilege of the floor, Gerard Oberrender, Jr., President, Chamber of Commerce, reminded the Board of the open house this Friday. He distributed car stickers concerning the Empire State Games beginning August 2, 1989. Under privilege of the floor, Kenneth Walker, Former President of the Chamber of Commerce, spoke regarding the resolution on the agenda entitled Designation of Tourist Promotion Agency. He stated the Chamber of Commerce requests the designation for 1990. Under privilege of the floor, Grace Hedlund, 928 Peru Road, Groton, spoke for the "Clean Water at Peruville Corners" group concerning the alleged spill on Peruville Road. Following are concerns identified: monitoring, soil testing, and hydrogeological studies of the area. Chairman Mason said he has spoken to Representative Shurtleff about the above concerns and has referred them to the Public Works and Health and Education Committees. Under privilege of the floor, Conrad Tunney, Director, Finger Lakes Association, spoke in support of the resolution on the agenda entitled Designation of Tourist Promotion Agency. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Stein spoke in opposition about a recent law passed which permits liquor to be vended in motels and hotels in New York State. He asked the County Attorney if the Board of Representatives could pass legislation which would preclude the vending of alcohol in motels and hotels within Tompkins County. After reviewing Mr. Stein's request, Mr. Mulvey said there is a question whether local laws preempt State laws. Mr. Stein also gave a brief report about the situation in China and said he and Donald Lifton met with the leadership of the Chinese students at Cornell University. Chairman Mason referred the topic of liquor vending machines in motels and hotels to the Public Safety and Corrections Committee. Under privilege of the floor, Deborah Dietrich spoke about a proposed local law she and Donald Lifton have been working on concerning simplifying solid waste management by requiring certain uniform packaging practices within the County of Tompkins. 143 July 11, 1989 Chairman Mason referred the above subject to the Public Works Committee and Planning and Economic Development Committee and appropriate staff. Under privilege of the floor, Donald Lifton also spoke about the situation in China and referred to a letter distributed to the Board he received from Mr. Rhoads, President of Cornell University. He also spoke about the proposed local law he and Deborah Dietrich drafted. Under privilege of the floor, Beverly Livesay referred to the handout from Chuck Nocera, Acting Youth Bureau Director, regarding the forums taking place in each community on youth needs. She urged all Board members to attend. Mr. Mason announced to the Board as Chairman of the Industrial Development Agency (IDA) that IDA has considered the application of Wilcox Press, Inc. to assist the Town of Dryden's IDA, $15 million in taxable revenue bonds. Chairman Mason on behalf of the Board of Representatives presented the following resolution at a retirement dinner for Georgia MacNeil who retired as a member of the Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees: WHEREAS, Georgia MacNeil was appointed to the Board of Trustees of Tompkins Cortland Community College in 1974 by then Governor Malcom Wilson, and WHEREAS, Georgia MacNeil has from that date forward served the college faithfully and tirelessly in her capacity as a trustee and as Chairman of the Board of Trustees from 1983 until 1988, during which time she also served with distinction as president of the Association of Boards of Trustees of Community Colleges of the State University of New York, working diligently to support legislation and funding for community colleges throughout the State, and WHEREAS, during her tenure and under her leadership as a trustee, Tompkins Cortland Community College has earned the reputation as one of the premier community colleges in the northeastern United States, and WHEREAS, after fifteen years of dedicated service, Georgia MacNeil has made the decision to retire from the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins Cortland Community College, effective July 1, 1989, and WHEREAS, Georgia MacNeil's leadership will be sorely missed by all of those who have known her, worked with her, and shared in her dreams for the future of the community college, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, on behalf of all the citizens of Tompkins County, does on this, the occasion of the celebration of her retirement, hereby extend deepest gratitude and appreciation to Georgia MacNeil for her dedication, devotion, and outstanding service to Tompkins Cortland Community College, its faculty, staff and students, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives does hereby wish Georgia MacNeil many years of good health and richly deserved happiness in her retirement. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee will be meeting July 13 at 11 a.m. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, introduced the new Recycling Coordinator, Barbara Hotchkiss. He also announced the drinking fountains in the Courthouse are now operating. The committee met June 30 and also had a joint meeting with Planning and Economic Development Committee to discuss and approve the resolution on tonight's agenda entitled Establishing a Public Hearing to Consider a Declaration that Certain Parcels of County -Owned Land at the Biggs 144 July 11, 1989 Complex are No Longer Needed for County Government Purposes and Authorizing Sale Thereof to the Tompkins Community Hospital Corporation for the Benefit of the Public. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Proto updated the Board on the Advisory Board of Indigent Representation's business. The next committee meeting is August 3. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, said the committee met June 29. She also updated the Board on committee business. She said there is one vacancy on the Human Rights Commission and announced that Margaret Harding, Office for the Aging Director, is back to work. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee met June 29 and also met with the Public Works Committee concerning the resolution on the agenda entitled Establishing a Public Hearing to Consider a Declaration that Certain Parcels of County -Owned Land at the Biggs Complex are No Longer Needed for County Government Purposes and Authorizing Sale Thereof to the Tompkins Community Hospital Corporation for the Benefit of the Public. A special committee meeting to discuss the role of the Planning Commissioner and Planning Department has been scheduled for August 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Chambers. At the special committee meeting July 10 the committee discussed County office space needs. A Revised Handout was distributed to Board members which summarizes office space needs. The next committee meeting is August 3 at 8:45 a.m. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, said he took the direction of the Board from the last Board meeting. He said the contractors got the message. He updated the Board on committee business. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee met June 28. The committee discussed at length cultural tourism. The committee also discussed their concerns regarding legislation for handicapped children 0-3. The next committee meeting is July 31. She asked Bart DeLuca, Mental Health Director to speak to the Board regarding the Psychiatric Unit at the Hospital. Bart DeLuca, Mental Health Director, reported to the Board concerning the status of the Psychiatric Unit at the Hospital. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Lifton, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to lift from the Table Resolution No. 83 - Recommending an Amendment to Resolution No. 90 of 1989 Concerning the County SEQR Process. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to Table Resolution No. 83 - Recommending an Amendment to Resolution No. 90 of 1989 Concerning the County SEQR Process to the August 15, 1989 Board meeting. Mrs. Livesay, Youth Services Study Committee, said the committee met last week. The next meeting is this Thursday at 2 p.m. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, updated the Board on committee business. He said a committee was established to develop a proposal for 1991 in regard to payment of County property taxes in installments. The following people are members of the above committee: Scott Heyman, Chairman; Robert Watros; Phil Shurtleff; Stuart Stein; David Doyle; Fred Hoffman. 145 July 11, 1989 Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Room Tax Review Committee, reported briefly to the Board on committee business. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, said the County Property Tax Auction is July 21, 1989. He announced to the Board that the Public Safety and Corrections Committee denied a request for a prison for New York City prisoners in Tompkins County. Chairman Mason gave the appropriate committee chairmen permission to withdraw the following resolutions: Youth Bureau Budget Adjustment - For Case Management Services of the Runway and Homeless Youth Program Standardization on Recycling Containers - Solid Waste Standardization of Building Locks - Mental Health Facility (Bests Locking System) On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Approval of Sale Prior to Auction - County -Owned Property Acquired Through Tax Foreclosure Establishing Public Hearing - Local Law No. 4 of 1989 - Tompkins County Hotel Room Occupancy Tax Law Amendment of Resolution No. 172 of 1989 - Adoption of 1989-90 Operating Budget - Tompkins Cortland Community College Amendment of Resolution No. 399 of 1988 - STOP -DWI Bylaws Authorization to Execute an Agreement Addendum with O'Brien and Gere - Landfill Permitting Phase Award of Bid - Phase 2 - Mental Health Services Building RESOLUTION NO. 207 - DESIGNATION OF TOURIST PROMOTION AGENCY Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Culligan. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to amend for one year from August 1, 1989 to August 1, 1990. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution as amended: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Finger Lakes Association, Inc., be and it hereby is designated by this Board as Tompkins County's tourist promotion agency, for one year from August 1, 1989 to August 1, 1990, RESOLVED, further, That said Association is hereby authorized to make application for and receive grants on behalf of the County of Tompkins pursuant to the New York State Tourist Promotion Act. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE 11 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 208 - REQUESTING NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REVIEW AND RECONSIDER THE ETNA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION REQUEST FOR SIGNAL TRAFFIC LIGHT AT INTERSECTION OF NYS ROUTE 366 AND ETNA LANE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 146 July 11, 1989 WHEREAS, the volume and speed of traffic on State Route 366 through Etna has dramatically increased in recent years, and will steadily increase in the future, and has created and will continue to create extreme vehicular and pedestrian traffic safety problems, particularly at the intersection with Etna Lane, and WHEREAS, the residents of Etna, and in particular the Board of the Etna Community Association, have for many years urged the Town, County and State to improve safety along the route, and WHEREAS, the Board of the Etna Community Association has most recently urged the installation of a traffic light at the intersection of Route 366 and Etna Lane (Etna Corners), and WHEREAS, the Board of the Etna Community Association has recently presented to the Tompkins County Board of Representatives' Public Works Committee a petition of 367 signatures in support of a traffic light to deal with safety at this intersection, and WHEREAS, the State Department of Transportation engineers have stated that they intend to designate Route 38 from Dryden through Freeville and Route 366 through Etna as a detour on Route 13 when the new bridge in the Village of Dryden is constructed in 1991, thereby increasing the dangers at the intersection and creating unreasonable traffic volumes on the road, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation has studied the situation and also conducted a traffic survey in the Spring of 1989 and concluded that the installation of a traffic light at the intersection is not justified, and WHEREAS, the Etna Community Association, the Dryden Town Board and the Tompkins County Public Works Committee strongly feel that New York State Department of Transportation engineers did not consider the total picture in the area, particularly the intersection, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives requests that the State Department of Transportation continue to further study the extremely dangerous safety problems in Etna and install a timed traffic light at the intersection of Route 366 and Etna Lane, RESOLVED, further, That they give serious thought and direct scrutiny of the nature of the intersection, its poor sight lines, pedestrian traffic, concentration of vehicular traffic at peak periods, and seasonal truck traffic generated by gravel pits outside of Freeville, and they also give serious consideration to the problems that will be created by the detour when the new bridge is constructed in the Village of Dryden. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 209 - ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER DECLARING CERTAIN PARCELS OF COUNTY -OWNED LAND AT BIGGS COMPLEX NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Howell. Following discussion and proposed amendments by the County Attorney, the original resolution was declared out of order naming a proposed purchaser. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to offer the substitute resolution appearing below. A voice vote resulted as follows on the substitute resolution: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Substitute resolution adopted. RESOLVED, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, August 15, 1989 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York to determine whether certain County -owned parcels of land at the Biggs Complex are no longer needed for public use, subdivision map showing Parcels 5-B, 9, and portions of 8-A and 10 in aggregate amount of approximately 23 acres is on file in the Board office, 147 July 11, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 8:33 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:44 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 210 - PINCKNEY ROAD BRIDGE - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENTS Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10; Noes - 4 (Representatives Dietrich, Lifton, Stein, and True); Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 380 dated December 17, 1985, the municipality was authorized to pay for the local share of the cost of preliminary engineering and right-of-way incidentals, right-of-way acquisition, construction, and construction engineering work for the above subject project, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 380 authorized the Chairman of the Board of Representatives to execute all necessary agreements on behalf of the municipality providing for the municipality's participation in the cost of the local share of the subject project, and WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Board executed an agreement on such subject on December 17, 1985, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary for the parties to enter into a supplemental agreement to provide for the allocation of additional expenditures or additional work not contemplated by the original agreement, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to increase the amount of the commitment of the municipality for the local share of the project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee and the duly convened Board of Representatives, That this authorization shall commit the municipality to an additional amount not to exceed $180,640 (new total $221,350 less the original resolution for $40,710) for the local share of the cost for preliminary engineering and right-of-way incidentals, right-of-way acquisition, construction, and construction engineering work incurred for the above subject project and the municipality authorizes the Chairman of the Board to execute all necessary supplemental agreements on behalf of the municipality in connection therewith, RESOLVED, further, That it be understood that this statement in no way diminishes the County's rights under present procedures to review and comment on specific stages of the project, RESOLVED, further, That it is understood that the County of Tompkins shall provide up to 100 percent of the non-federal share of the cost of preliminary engineering and/or right-of-way incidental work, right- of-way acquisition, construction, and construction engineering and 100 percent of any non-federal aid participating costs of the subject project, estimated to be $221,350, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute all necessary agreements on behalf of the County of Tompkins with the New York State Department of Transportation approving of the above subject project and providing for the municipality's participation in the cost of the local share of the subject project, including deposits as required at a total cost of design, right-of-way acquisition, construction, and construction engineering not to exceed $221,350, and to execute all agreements and necessary documents as required in Article 6 of the Highway Law, and any other applicable agreements as required for the project. TOTAL FHWA STATE LOCAL Preliminary Engineering Original $ 134,200 $ 107,360 $20,130 $ 6,710 Supplemental 36,800 29,440 5,520 1,840 148 July 11, 1989 R.O.W. Acquisition 24,000 19,200 4,800 0 Construction and Inspection 1,064,000 851,200 0 212,800 Total $1,259,000 $1,007,200 $30,450 $221,350 RESOLVED, further, That the source of funding for said project will be identified in the 1990 Tompkins County budget. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 211 - AWARD OF BID - BRIDGE PAINTING -FREESE ROAD BRIDGE OVER FALL CREEK Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and adopted by voice vote by all present with Mr. Stein voting no. WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids in accordance with specifications filed in the Public Works Department office for the painting of the structure carrying Freese Road Bridge over Fall Creek, and WHEREAS, such bids were received and opened on June 26, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid of Erie Interstate Contractors, Inc., of Lancaster, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications with a total bid in the amount of $31,743 be and hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized to execute project change orders up to a total amount not to exceed the project contingency of $3,175, subject to review and approval by the Public Works Committee and the Board of Representatives, to be paid from Account No. D5110.4411, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 212 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE INTERMUNICIPAL AGREEMENTS - RECYCLING DROP-OFF CENTERS Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the establishment of recycling drop-off centers throughout the County will provide the opportunity to all County residents to participate in the pilot recycling program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute intermunicipal agreements for establishment of recycling drop-off centers in municipal locations in Tompkins County during the pilot program phase with the understanding that the County will provide containers and service the drop-off centers, and municipalities will maintain the drop-off centers, RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste Manager be authorized to negotiate the establishment of recycling drop-off centers in high traffic areas throughout the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 213 - AUTHORIZATION TO ASSIGN SPACE IN THE ANNEX BUILDING 149 July 11, 1989 Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the two presently unassigned rooms immediately south of the Division of Data Processing are hereby assigned to the Division and that the storage room immediately north of the Elections Department, presently unassigned, is hereby assigned to the Elections Department. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 214 - ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 3 OF 1989 - CONTROL OF PARKING IN THE TOMPKINS COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMPLEX PARKING LOT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Board of Representatives will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 15, 1989 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York on proposed Local Law No. 3 providing for the control of parking in the Tompkins County Courthouse complex parking lot. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 215 - ADOPTION OF PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 2 OF 1989 - AMENDMENT TO CHARTER AND CODE - SECTION 5.10 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held on proposed Local Law No. 2 of 1989 and all interested persons provided an opportunity for public comment, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That Local Law No. 2 of 1989 amending the Tompkins County Charter and Code, Section 5.10 - Appropriation Transfers Within or Among Units or Agencies be and hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said local law in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks within ten days after this local law is adopted and after said local law has been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy with the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comptroller, and three certified copies with the Secretary of State. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 216 - ADOPTION OF REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL POLICIES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 150 July 11, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following revised Administrative Manual policies be and hereby are adopted: 01-06 Public Access to Records 01-24 Drug Free Workplace 05-04 Transfer of Funds, Budget Adjustments, Appropriations 06-05 Purchase of Unbudgeted Equipment SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 217 - GENERAL POWERS OF THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR - TOMPKINS COUNTY HOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX LAW Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Local Law No. 4 of 1986, Tompkins County Hotel Room Occupancy Tax Law, provides in #16.a.: "In addition to the powers granted to him in this Local Law, the County Administrator is, subject to the approval of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, hereby authorized and empowered to: (1) make, adopt and amend rules and regulations appropriate to the carrying out of this Local Law and the purposes thereof;", now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Administrator is authorized, pursuant to #16.a.(1) of Local Law No. 4 of 1986 to require any hotel owner to pay additional audit costs generated by discrepancies or inadequacies discovered upon audit in their establishments, to specify a date by which any such payment is due, and to impose the same amount of penalty and interest upon a late payment of such penalty as provided in #19.a. of said Local Law (10 percent of the amount due plus the interest at the rate of 1.5 percent for each month of delay). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 218 - APPROVAL OF SALE PRIOR TO AUCTION - COUNTY -OWNED PROPERTY ACQUIRED THROUGH TAX FORECLOSURE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, by tax foreclosure proceedings of 1988, Tompkins County acquired Parcel No. 59-3- 19 in the City of Ithaca, and WHEREAS, the total amount due for taxes, penalties, interest and expenses has now been received, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sale of Parcel No. 59-3-19 to Esther Zaldokas (Monson), (Land Contract Albert Kelly) of 522 West Buffalo Street, Ithaca, New York, for the amount of taxes, penalties, interest and expenses due, be and the same hereby is confirmed, and the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a Quitclaim Deed to the aforesaid party. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 151 July 11, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 219 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF DRYDEN Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that a clerical error has been made in the 1989 Town of Dryden tax rolls; namely parcel 69-1-6 was incorrectly charged $321.68 for a water special district, when the correct amount should have been $301.68, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the entry on the tax roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the total tax for the parcel be changed from $775.36 to $755.36, RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Budget and Finance is directed to correct the 1989 tax roll, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $20.00 be charged back to the Town of Dryden. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 220 - CREATION OF POSITION - YOUTH BUREAU Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following position be created on a temporary basis: 1 Typist (04-507), Labor Grade IV, competitive class (30 days), RESOLVED, further, That the 30 days will be calendar days and will begin on the first date an applicant reports for work, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are required to fund this position. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 221 - CREATION OF POSITION - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and adopted by voice vote by all present with Mr. True voting no. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That one halftime position of Social Services Attorney (84/233), management level E, competitive class, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this position for the balance of 1989. This position will be filled at the present time at less than halftime. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 222 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and adopted by voice vote by all present with Mr. Watros voting no, to separate out Power 152 July 11, 1989 Authority for the amount of $141,000. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Stein, and adopted by voice vote by all present with Mr. Watros and Mr. Mason voting no, to separate out Administration for the amount of $4,425. A roll call vote resulted as follows on Power Authority: Ayes - 13, Noes - 1 (Representative Shurtleff), Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion carried. A roll call vote resulted as follows on Administration: Ayes - 11, Noes - 3 (Representatives Call, Proto, and Shurtleff), Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion carried. A short roll call vote resulted as follows on the resolution (excluding Power Authority and Administration): Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Resolution adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Human Services, Public Safety and Corrections, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS Office for the Aging FROM: A6780.4425 Service Contracts $ 32 TO: A6772.4425 Service Contracts $ 32 Probation FROM: A3140.4442 .4472 TO: A3140.4465 Purchasing FROM: A1345.4424 .4425 A1345.4330 TO: Social Services FROM: A6123 TO: A6142 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Public Health Revenue: A4010.3401 Appropriation: A4010.4353 Job Training Program Revenue: CD7325.4820 .4821 Appropriation: CD7325.4424 Youth Bureau Revenue: Appropriation: Planning Revenue: Appropriation: Administration Revenue: Appropriation: APPROPRIATIONS Airport FROM: TO: Job Training Program A7022.3836 A7022.4580 8989.2150 8989.4442 1230.2770 1230.4302 B909 B5610.2210 Professional Services Telephone Job -Necessitated Travel Equipment Rental Service Contracts Printing Juvenile Delinquent Emergency Aid to Adults State Aid Biologicals Federal Aid for AVE SESP Grant Equipment Rental State Aid ARC - Case Management Sale of Electric Power New York Power Authority Tompkins County Municipal Distribution Agency Unclassified Revenues Administration Supplies Airport Fund Balance Other Equipment 153 $ 2,985 3,015 $ 6,000 $ 224 213 $ 437 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 1,635 $ 1,635 $ 850 850 $ 1,700 $ 2,227 $ 2,227 $141,000 $141,000 $ 4,425 $ 4,425 $ 1,050 $ 1,050 FROM: TO: FROM: TO: Probation FROM: TO: July 11, 1989 CD909 Job Training Fund Balance $ 5,333 CD6394.2231 Vehicles $ 5,333 A1990 Contingent Fund CD6394.2231 Vehicles A1990 Contingent Fund A3140.2210 Other Equipment .2213 File Cabinets Public Health FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund TO: A4010.4353 Biologicals Public Works FROM: D909 County Road Fund Balance TO: D5110.4442 Professional Services RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) $ 10,667 $ 10,667 $ 367 $ 213 154 $ 2,453 $ 2,453 $ 2,200 $ 2,200 authorized and directed to RESOLUTION NO. 223 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT A GRANT PROPOSAL - WIC OUTREACH SPECIAL INITIATIVES Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, a request for proposals for Special Initiatives was received June 16, 1989 from the New York State Department of Health requesting proposals by June 28, 1989, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is particularly interested in applying for this grant by submission of a proposal as requested, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That permission be granted to the Health Department to submit said application via letter of intent and proposal, with the understanding that the Health Department's proposal, if funded, will generate no additional County costs not covered by State funding. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 224 - COUNTY POLICY 01-08 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Personnel be allowed to join Association on an annual basis. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all Budget and Administration Committee, That the the New York State Affirmative Action Officers' 154 July 11, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 225 - RESCISSION OF ITEM I.3. OF RESOLUTION NO. 169 OF JUNE 6, 1989 - 1990 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET GUIDELINES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, That Item I. 3. County Department Budgets of Resolution No. 169 of June 6, 1989 concerning the 1990 Tompkins County Budget Guidelines be and hereby is rescinded in accordance with action of the Board of Representatives on June 27, 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 226 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT A11DENDUM WITH O'BRIEN AND GERE - LANDFILL PERMITTING PHASE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Stein), Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 115, dated April 18, 1989 approved an addendum to the Phase IV landfill design contract with O'Brien and Gere at a cost not to exceed $20,000 for services in connection with the permitting phase, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the addendum for permitting services for O'Brien and Gere be increased in an amount not to exceed $95,700 on an hourly basis (which includes a ten (10) percent contingency) and be funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 227 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 172 OF 1989 - ADOPTION OF 1989-90 OPERATING BUDGET - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, the State of New York has modified the funding for community colleges by increasing the base aid to $1,675 from $1,600 per FTE which will provide an additional $135,112 in State assistance, and WHEREAS, this Board approved their share of the sponsoring community contribution at $1,473,213 on June 27, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That said Tompkins Cortland Community College 1989-90 operating budget in the amount of $9,201,825 be and hereby is approved and that Resolution No. 172 of 1989 be and hereby is amended to approve the Tompkins County share of the sponsoring community contribution in the amount of $1,435,630, RESOLVED, further, That the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County includes in the 1990 Tompkins County budget an amount to be determined pursuant to the approved plan for said College in effect in as of September 1, 1989 and that amount when determined be raised by taxation in the County of Tompkins in the fiscal year 1990, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall become effective upon the adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature. 155 July 11, 1989 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 228 - AWARD OF BID - PHASE 2 - MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for Contract 201 - Piles/Foundations and Contract 202 - Structural Steel, for the Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building, and WHEREAS, said bids were received and opened on July 7, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the bids be awarded as follows: Contract 201 for piles/foundations to McGuire and Bennett, Inc. of Ithaca, New York as the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $507,997 Contract 202 for structural steel to Triangle Steel, Inc. of Ithaca, New York as the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $581,726 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute all contracts to implement this award of bid. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 229 - APPROVAL OF SALE PRIOR TO AUCTION - COUNTY -OWNED PROPERTY ACQUIRED THROUGH TAX FORECLOSURE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, by tax foreclosure proceedings of 1988, the County acquired parcel no. 7-1-14.1 in the Town of Newfield, and WHEREAS, prior to auction of said property the County Administrator wishes to sell same for the total amount due for taxes, penalties, interest and expenses, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sale of parcel no. 7-1-14.1 to Robert and Carol Hawley, 277 Carter Creek Road, Newfield, New York for the amount of taxes, penalties, interest, and expenses due, be and the same hereby is confirmed, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a quitclaim deed to the aforesaid party. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 230 - ESTABLISHING PUBLIC HEARING - LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 1989 - TOMPKINS COUNTY HOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX LAW Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. True. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Stein, to extend the stipulations of Local Law No. 4 of 1986 through December 31, 1989 with the exception that all current references to two (2) percent tax rate be increased to a three (3) percent tax rate. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 4 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Lifton, and Stein); 156 July 11, 1989 Noes - 10; Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion Lost. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, Local Law No. 4 of 1986, Tompkins County Hotel Room Occupancy Tax Law, is scheduled to expire on September 4, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Committee on the Room Tax Review Committee, That a public hearing shall be held at 5:30 p.m. on August 15, 1989, in the Chambers of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives on Local Law No. 4 of 1989, Hotel Room Occupancy Tax Law, at which time and place all interested persons will be heard, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board shall publish notice of such public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 231 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 399 OF 1988 - STOP -DWI BYLAWS Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That Resolution No. 399 of December 20, 1988 be and hereby is amended in accordance with Article III, Section 4 of the STOP -DWI Advisory Board bylaws on file with the Clerk of the Board. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present the following appointments were made to the various boards: Human Rights Commission Term expires December 31, 1989 Isabel Walker Environmental Management Council Term expires December 31, 1989 Roxanne Marino representing the Town of Ulysses Citizens Advisory Council Term expires December 3, 1990 Thomas Bonn representing the Town of Dryden Chairman Mason said according to the Charter and Code (Article IX, Section 9.00) the appointment of a Planning Commissioner is made by the County Administrator subject to confirmation of the Board. Due to the importance of position, he established the following Search Committee to assist the County Administrator in the selection process: Hugh Hurlbut, Chairman James A. Mason Kenneth Tillapaugh Stuart Stein John F. Burness 157 July 11, 1989 John Gutenberger William Mobbs Anne Tompkins Jones Viola Miller Mullane Carl Leopold It was unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to confirm Mr. Heyman's appointment of Gerri Roebal as the Co -acting Director of the Youth Bureau. It was Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to hold an executive session to discuss negotiations for Tompkins Cortland Community College administrative salaries and O'Brien and Gere. An executive session was held from 10:20 to 11:05 p.m. The following motion was adopted during executive session: It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Culligan, that the request for additional funds submitted by O'Brien and Gere be rejected and we authorize our County Attorney to inform the firm that we will stand by terms of the contract as signed. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Howell, Lifton, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, Stein, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 1 (Representative Tillapaugh); Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion carried. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m. 158 July 27, 1989 PUBLIC INFORMATION HEARING Present: 9 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Mason, Proto, Stein, Tillapaugh, and Watros). Excused: 6 (Representatives Dietrich, Howell, Nichols, Shurtleff, True, and Winch). Approximately thirty-five people from the public and press attended the hearing. Chairman Mason opened the information hearing at 7 p.m. and introduced Robert Watros, Chairman of the Room Tax Review Committee as well as Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee. Mr. Watros said our present Local Law No. 4 of 1986 has an expiration date of September 5, 1989. The Room Tax Review Committee composed of James Mason, Stuart Stein, Scott Heyman, and himself will put forth a recommendation to this Board by proposed local law following this information meeting. The Board presently has the report entitled "An Operational Review of the Convention and Visitors Bureau of the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce" prepared for us by The Institute for Tourism Development. He then asked for public comments. Henry Theisen, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, stressed that present State legislation is for "tourism and convention development". Richard Driscoll, Bank Street, Newfield, said you can promote only so far as you have something to promote and would like cultural development in Tompkins County. Sean Killeen, Vice Chairman of Ithaca Rental Housing Task Force, urged serious consideration of channeling funds from County room tax into programs for homeless and for affordable housing. Elizabeth G. Miller, 10 Hickory Trail, Ithaca, said she lives here because of the cultural community and sees how little money there is for the arts. Cultural events do draw conventions and tourists. Barbara Mink, 614 North Cayuga Street, urged allocating the new one percent to the arts, making a stronger economic future and a better place to live. Barbara Ebert, Historic Ithaca, urged funds for historic preservation and programs such as walking tours. Frank Cosentino, 70 Burdick Hill Road and Manager of Best Western Hotel, said the employees working in the hotel/motel business have increased from 600 to 1000 employees, they are people who own homes, rent apartments, shop in our stores, and ride TOMTRAN. He said the Greater Ithaca Innkeepers Association is working, let's keep it working. Valorie Mac Dougall, 315 South Aurora Street, said she was a low income resident and spoke in support of low-income housing. She said homeless people were displaced from local motels so out-of- towners could be housed during major events in the County. Mike Tomassini, Downtown Ithaca, Inc., said the tax is "seed" money placed here by tourists. It should not be subdivided. Tourism development can do more for long-time growth. Gretchen Sachse, Educator with Historic Ithaca, said she talks to tourists on local events of interest and felt the Chamber too often sends people to out-of-town and County events. 159 July 27, 1989 Stu Lewis, Chamber of Commerce member and Downtown Ithaca, Inc., favored tourism development promotion. It promotes all local business and strong economy. C. Keith LeGrand, Manager of Taughannock Falls Inn, cautioned increasing the room tax by an additional one percent. Diedre Silverman, Red Cross Shelter, said tourists visiting use our roads, fire and police departments. She said the Red Cross has spent thousands of dollars on hotels and motels during emergency situations. Funds are needed for homeless. Martin Luster, 23rd District Assemblyman, said he would introduce legislation that the Board wishes but said he didn't see it likely that legislation that would put hotel tax in other than tourism related programs would pass. Girard Oberrender, Jr., Chamber of Commerce, said Westchester does have room tax funds going to other than tourism. Jean Deming, Cultural Coordinator for the City of Ithaca, said she does not favor supporting homeless and low-income housing out of room tax. She urged the use of this money as it is intended. Geoff Donovan, Trumansburg, urged the use of this "seed" money for homeless. Dale Flinn, 847 Ridge Road, Lansing, said he was here on behalf of his parents, David and Mary, who own the Bay Horse, 813 Ridge Road, Lansing, and himself - soon to be a business owner in the City of Ithaca. He expressed his support of raising the lodging tax from two percent to three percent for tourism. He said the three percent is an investment for the future. Ellen Rosten, 205 Willard Way, Ithaca, Manager of Motor Lodge, also supported the increase of the room tax from two percent to three percent for tourism. Ken Walker, Past President, Chamber of Commerce, urged the Board to act quickly on this issue to allow proper planning for 1990. Donald Culligan referred to the report by The Institute for Tourism Development entitled "An Operational Review of the Convention and Visitors Bureau of the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce". He intends to support a percentage divided between the arts and the homeless and he hoped other Board members would join him. Virginia Bryant, Administrative Assistant, Economic Opportunity Corporation, said they did a needs study which showed 42 unique people that used the shelter between November and April and that proved to be very successful. This is the last year the Southside Center will be able to house these people. Terry Pasco, Friendship Center, said the needs are very legitimate and said the homeless problem is not going to go away. Robert Watros said September 5 is the last day for the present local law. He said the committee will develop a recommendation to put before the full Board. He hopes that by August 8 the consensus of the special committee will be available. Between now and then the committee will entertain proposals on what would be the contract for continuation of the Convention and Visitors Bureau. For budgetary reasons, it is necessary to come up with a plan and the term of the contract. He thanked everyone for coming. 160 July 27, 1989 No one else wished to speak and Chairman Mason closed the hearing at 8:30 p.m. 161 August 15, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Public Hearings Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law No. 3 of 1989 providing for the control of parking in the Tompkins County Courthouse Complex parking lot. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:32 p.m. Chairman Mason called the second public hearing to order at 5:32 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law No. 4 of 1989 - Tompkins County Hotel Room Occupancy Tax. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:34 p.m. Chairman Mason called the third public hearing to order at 5:34 p.m. regarding consideration of whether certain County -owned parcels of land at the Biggs Complex are no longer needed for public use. Ethel Beck, Vice Chairman of the Office for the Aging Advisory Committee, asked the Board to defer action on the proposal to authorize the sale of the county land described in the resolution (on tonight's agenda) as no longer needed for county purposes. (Resolution No. 235) No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:37 p.m. Members and Guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). It was Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the Board minutes of the January 17, February 7 and 21, 1989 meetings. Mr. Stein said our concerns have been expressed to the Chinese students in Tompkins County. He said Scott Heyman, County Administrator, and Mary Pat Dolan, Social Services Commissioner, set up a hot-line number for the students to call for information or help they may need. He introduced Jia Zhu a Cornell graduate student. Mr. Zhu conveyed some background information about himself and expressed his appreciation for the support the students have received from the Board and people of Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Nancy Ten Kate, 235 Wood Road, said the Central Processing Facility should be centrally located in Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Dick Flaville, Tallmadge Tire, asked the Board to buy a tire shredder. Under privilege of the floor, Amari Meader, 123 Upper Creek Road, asked the Board to centrally locate the Central Processing Facility in Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Larry Chace, CROWD, complimented Mr. Lifton and Mrs. Dietrich for their concern with unnecessary plastic, Chairman Mason concerning CROWD doing their homework, and Mayor Gutenberger and Alderpersons Johnson and Hoffman for taking a stand. Phil Shurtleff said he is concerned with City and rural cooperation. 162 August 15, 1989 Frank Proto introduced Norman De Greve, Summer Intern, Tompkins County Economic Advisory Board and referred to a summary entitled A Comparison of Solid Waste Management Costs. He also spoke and encouraged the Board to adopt the resolution entitled Resolution of Support - MacCormick Residential Center (Resolution No. 263). Kenneth Tillapaugh presented a gift and the following resolution on behalf of the Board of Representatives to Deputy Clerk, Cathy Covert, who was married on July 29, 1989: RESOLUTION NO. 232 - CONGRATULATIONS - CATHY TOMPKINS COVERT Offered by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded and adopted unanimously by all present. WHEREAS, Cathy Tompkins, now Cathy Tompkins Covert, began her employment in the Board of Representatives Clerk's office on December 1, 1986 and was promoted to the position of Deputy Clerk of the Board on November 30, 1987, and WHEREAS, Cathy Tompkins Covert has carried out her responsibilities with the utmost professionalism and hard work, always with a smile combined with her congenial way of doing things, and WHEREAS, Cathy has also taken on the added duties of making sure Smokey, the Courthouse cat, is fed properly and well cared for, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Representatives wishes to present you with this wedding gift to assist you and your husband Scott with making your marriage a meaningful and happy occasion for many years to come. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Donald Lifton presented a proposed local law for the Board to consider entitled Establishing the Tompkins County Residents Jobs Policy. Chairman Mason referred the above subject to the County Attorney and Budget and Administration Committee. Chairman Mason announced that the Human Rights Commission has selected, for the second month in a row, the Board of Representatives as the recipient for the monthly Human Rights Recognition Award. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, said the committee reviewed the initial responses to the Request for Proposals and have six (6) more to review which will be discussed September 12 and 13. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met August 4. The committee has several resolutions on the agenda. The committee also discussed several solid waste issues. He stated for the record that there was a conflict of interest - Board members have nothing to say about what airline services come in at the Airport. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met August 3. He updated the Board on committee business. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met July 27 and have resolutions on the agenda. She also reported to the Board about the problems with Economic Opportunity Corporation. 163 August 15, 1989 Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee met twice. He said the committee met August 1 and held a public information meeting concerning the role of the Planning Commissioner and Planning Department. He reported on public power and updated the Board on the August 3 committee meeting. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Construction Management Committee, said the committee met August 2 and had a report on the solid waste project status. He updated the Board on other committee business. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, said the committee has completed their job trimming the budget for the facility within $35,000. July 28th was ground breaking day for the facility. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee met July 31. She said Charles Evans, representing Town of Dryden, spoke to the committee concerning sludge dumping in Dryden. The next meeting is September 6 at 3 p.m. and will be discussing cultural tourism. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, reported on the job descriptions. Mrs. Livesay, Youth Services Study Committee, said there is one resolution on tonight's agenda. Mrs. Call, Vice Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met August 7 and have several items on the agenda. A schedule for the budget process was distributed to committee members. Scott Heyman, County Administrator, reported to the Board concerning preschool handicapped children. He also reported on the Compensation Plan Task Group. Robert Mulvey, County Attorney, commented on the county drug task force and said there is claim pending against the County as a result of an operation by the drug task force and he also updated the Board on the claim. He also said he received a phone call from O'Brien and Gere's attorney and had a cordial discussion about the position the Board took regarding the overcharges. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, to change the next meeting date from September 26 to September 19. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 1 (Representative Call), Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Chairman Mason gave the appropriate committee chairman permission to withdraw the following resolutions: Authorizing to Sell Certain Parcels of County -Owned Lands to Tompkins Community Hospital Award of Bid - Composting Project On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Resolution of Support - MacCormick Residential Center Creation of Position and Budget Adjustment - Public Works - Solid Waste Division Authorization to Hire Above Minimum - Mental Health Accepting Modification No. 4 of NYSERDA Landfill Leachate Treatment Project and Approving Associated Modification of USGS Agreement and Budget Changes RESOLUTION NO. 233 - FEDERAL SECTION 18 OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT APPLICATION FOR TOMTRAN CARO -VAN 164 August 15, 1989 Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, provides for the payment of federal financial assistance for public transportation in rural and small urban places through a formula grant program administered by the New York State Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, the TOMTRAN CARO -VAN Program is operated by Tioga Transport, Inc., under contract with Tompkins County (Resolution No. 2 of 1985, and provides fixed -route, open -to -the -public transportation service in Tioga and Tompkins Counties, and WHEREAS, the County Section 18 Coordinator recommends that Tompkins County apply for an operating assistance grant in the amount of $24,000 for the 1989 calendar year for TOMTRAN Rural Transit, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute and submit a Federal Section 18 operating assistance application to the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $24,000. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 234 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 3 OF 1989 - CONTROL OF PARKING AT COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMPLEX (Amended by Local Law No. 4 of 1990) Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. True. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held on proposed Local Law No. 3 of 1989 and all interested persons provided an opportunity for public comment, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That Local Law No. 3 of 1989 providing for control of parking in the Tompkins County Courthouse Complex parking lot be and hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said local law in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks within ten days after this local law is adopted and after this local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk and three copies with the Secretary of State. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 235 - DECLARING CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND AT BIGGS COMPLEX AS NO LONGER NEEDED FOR COUNTY PURPOSES (FOR SENIOR HOUSING WITH SUPPORTIVE SERVICES) Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. True. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add the following: "WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment of this action indicates the action to declare the property no longer needed for County purposes will not in itself result in any significant adverse environmental impact and that the new owner must independently file a SEQR Assessment on any future proposed use of the land with the Town of Ithaca," and to add "hereby approves the SEQR statement and does" to the RESOLVED after the word "Board". It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Livesay to eliminate the first two WHEREAS'. After discussion, Mrs. Dietrich withdrew her amendment. 165 August 15, 1989 It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add the following: "for senior housing with supportive services" which replaces the phrase "congregate care housing facility". Mrs. Dietrich stated for the record - West Hill Neighborhood Association Executive Committee voted to accept the concept of the proposed use of the land adjacent to the Tompkins Community Hospital for housing for the ambulatory elderly. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Lifton, to Table and refer this resolution to the appropriate committee. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 2 (Representatives Livesay and Tillapaugh), Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 236 - REVISING SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FEE (Amended by Res. No. 361, 11/8/89) Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. After a lengthy discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to amend this resolution by adding "effective January 1, 1990, to be adjusted at least annually". A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution as amended: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, this Board established a solid waste disposal fee by Resolution No. 336a adopted December 6, 1988, and WHEREAS, the net annual County taxpayer cost for all aspects of solid waste management as they appear in the County budget as amended through June 30, 1989 total $1,583,792 and are estimated based on the best currently available information to increase to $2,962,089 in 1990 and to $5,356,413 in 1991, and WHEREAS, this Board in 1970 accepted responsibility for disposal of solid wastes and wishes to continue to carry out this responsibility as the most efficient method of addressing a county -wide service need, and WHEREAS, the sanitary landfill permit application submitted by this Board to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation includes a commitment to an aggressive, rapidly expanding program of recycling and reducing solid wastes as the best long term method within the limits of local control to minimize the need for land burial of refuse and the spiraling costs that go with it, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That based on a cost estimate for 1990 of $2,849,589 to dispose of an estimated 70,535 tons of solid waste, a fee of $40 per ton is hereby established effective January 1, 1990, to be adjusted at least annually, for solid waste brought to the County landfill or to the Central Processing Facility for disposal, RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste Manager is authorized to determine which specific items in any form of delivery are to be considered "waste" and which are to be considered "recyclables" (which determination shall be published as a public record) and is authorized to levy the above fee only upon "waste", RESOLVED, further, That in the event that weigh scales are not available on January 1, 1990 for the purpose of determining the appropriate charge for each load of waste delivered, then the Public Works Committee of this Board is authorized, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Solid Waste Manager, to determine a volume -based fee that best approximates the above per -ton fee, RESOLVED, further, That the Public Works Committee is authorized, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Solid Waste Manager, to establish a minimum fee or set of fees for vehicles whose contents cannot be accurately weighed, RESOLVED, further, That no exemptions from this fee may be granted except on specific resolution of this Board of Representatives for any entity even including departments of County government, 166 August 15, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste Manger is authorized and directed to publicize this fee widely as quickly as practicable so that haulers, residents, businesses, industries, landlords, and other municipalities may have the maximum time possible to plan for the impact of this fee, RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste Manager, in conjunction with all haulers and with all municipalities that take any role in the collection of and hauling of waste, is authorized and directed to develop a County -wide per -container fee method of passing on the costs generated by the fee authorized by this Resolution to actual generators of waste and further that she is authorized to propose a County role in paying for the start-up costs of such a per -container fee, RESOLVED, further, That the effect of establishment of the above fee includes a commitment by this Board to pay all of the costs of recycling through County real property taxes. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 237 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 1989 - TOMPKINS COUNTY HOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX LAW Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call. Mr. Lifton said the people here were suggesting how their activities have linkage with tourism but this Board has yet to define what these activities are and for the record he said there is no way that the entire legislature has an idea of what "supporting activity" means. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held on proposed Local Law No. 4 of 1989 and all interested persons provided an opportunity for public comment, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development and Budget and Administration Committees, That Local Law No. 4 of 1989 providing for the renewal of the Tompkins County hotel room occupancy tax law be and hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said local law in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks within ten days after this local law is adopted and after this local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk, and three copies with the Secretary of State. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 8:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:57 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 238 - STANDARDIZATION ON RECYCLING CONTAINERS - SOLID WASTE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add "or its equivalent in the bid" after the word "Pacific". A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Adopted as amended. WHEREAS, it is important to the Tompkins County Recycling Program to have recycling containers that always have the same appearance and capacity, and WHEREAS, the only way to ensure this is to specify the "Huskylite" manufactured by Rehrig Pacific or its equivalent in the bid, as recycling containers manufactured by other companies differ in size, composition and color, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That Tompkins County standardize on the "Huskylite" manufactured by Rehrig Pacific or its equivalent as the official recycling container for the Tompkins County Recycling Program for reasons of efficiency and economy. 167 August 15, 1989 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 239 - PURCHASE OF AVIGATION EASEMENTS - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the purchase of avigation easements is a part of the ongoing runway extension project, and WHEREAS, proper appraisals have been completed according to all Federal and State procedures, and WHEREAS, New York State Department of Transportation has reviewed and approved said appraisal amounts, and WHEREAS, this project will be financed through AIP Project No. 3-36-0047-08-88, already approved, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives hereby approves said purchase of avigation easements at the recommended amounts. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 240 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE QUITCLAIM DEEDS - SALE OF FORECLOSURE PROPERTIES AT PUBLIC AUCTION Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Winch, a short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, by tax foreclosure proceedings of 1988, the County acquired certain parcels in the County, and WHEREAS, said properties were sold at public auction on July 21, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute quitclaim deeds for the following parcels to the persons listed: Parcel No. Town Purchased by: Bid 51-1-17 Dryden Richard and Ralph Varn $ 325 54-7-29 Ithaca Shirley Hilker 2,000 27-5-14 Ulysses William E. Murray and 1,700 Gene Corbett 92-9-10 Ithaca (City) Cathleen Schickel 1,800 40-1-48 Dryden W. Eric Lyon 2,500 4-1-14.1 Enfield W. Eric Lyon 9,300 15-1-32 Groton W. Eric Lyon 17,000 34-1-33 Newfield W. Eric Lyon 29,500 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 241 - APPROVAL OF SALE PRIOR TO AUCTION - COUNTY -OWNED PROPERTY ACQUIRED THROUGH TAX FORECLOSURE 168 August 15, 1989 Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, by tax foreclosure proceedings of 1988, the County acquired parcel no. 19-1-12 in the Town of Lansing, and WHEREAS, prior to auction of said property the County Administrator wishes to sell same for the total amount due for taxes, penalties, interest and expenses, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sale of parcel no. 19-1-12 to Margaret Shevalier et al, of 142 and 146 Bacon Road, Lansing, New York, for the amount of taxes, penalties, interest and expenses due, be and the same hereby is confirmed and the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a quitclaim deed to the aforesaid party. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE I1 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 242 - CREATION OF POSITIONS - YOUTH BUREAU Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That two temporary positions of Co -Director of Youth Bureau (83/270), management level D, competitive class, be created for the period from July 11, 1989, to September 11, 1989, on a temporary basis to fill in for the leave of absence of the Youth Bureau Director, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to appropriate the sum of $561 from the Contingent Fund (A-1990) to Youth Bureau - Personal Services (A7020.100) and to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Revenue: A7020.3828 State Aid $561 Appropriation: A7020.1000 Personal Services $561 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 243 - CREATION OF POSITION - OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Aging Services Specialist (10/559), labor grade X, competitive class, be created effective immediately to March 31, 1990, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Revenue: A3803 Appropriation: A6782.1559 .4302 .4330 .4332 .4432 .4452 .4465 .4466 his books: State Aid Salary Office Supplies Printing Publications Rent Postage Job Necessitated Travel Job Related Travel 169 $10,701 $ 5,922 120 2,500 150 140 135 50 50 August 15, 1989 .4472 Telephone 300 .8830 Social Security 445 .8840 Workers' Compensation 72 .8860 Health Insurance 807 .8870 Unemployment Insurance - 10 Total $10,701 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 244 - AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE ABOVE MINIMUM - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Director of Mental Health Services be authorized to hire a Psychiatric Social Worker at Step E of labor grade XIV, $23,892, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this hiring for the balance of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 245 - ADVERTISE PUBLIC HEARING ON 1990 BUDGET Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Culligan, to substitute the phrase November 6, 1989 with November 1, 1989. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, Stein, and Mason); Noes - 5 (Representatives Call, Howell, Tillapaugh, True and Winch); Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Amendment carried. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution as amended: Ayes - 12, Noes - 1 (Representative Tillapaugh), Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Resolution adopted as amended. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That a public hearing on the proposed 1990 budget be held on November 1, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. in the evening thereof in the main Courtroom of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, for the purpose of hearing all persons interested therein who desire to be heard. RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk is hereby directed to publish a notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of the County in the manner required by Section 359 of County Law. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 246 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Human Services, Planning and Economic Development, Public Safety and Corrections, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: 170 TRANSFERS Planning FROM: A8022.4425 TO: A8022.2229 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Job Training Program Revenue: CD6290.4792 Appropriation: CD6290.4442 Office for the Aging Revenue: A6776.3803 Appropriation: A6776.4491 Social Services Revenue: A4610 Appropriation: A6010.2206 .2212 .2220 APPROPRIATIONS District Attorney FROM: TO: Fire & Disaster FROM: A1990 TO: A3410.2210 Highway FROM: D909 TO: D5010.4425 STOP -DWI FROM: TO: RESOLVED, further, That the August 15, 1989 Service Contracts $ 8,303 Data Processing Equipment $ 8,303 IIA $ 795 Professional Services $ 795 Federal Aid - Cl -C2 $ 6,000 Sub -contracts $ 6,000 Federal Reimbursement $ 15,826 Computer Equipment $ 15,431 Table 145 Telephone Equipment 250 A1990 Contingent Fund Al 165.4407 State Lab Costs Contingent Fund Other Equipment County Road Fund Balance Services Contracts $ 18,288 $ 18,288 $ 5,600 $ 5,600 $ 672 $ 672 889 STOP -DWI Fund Balance $ 4,700 4250.2206 Computers $ 4,700 Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 247 - AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 203 OF 1989 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - RUNWAY 14/32 EXTENSION - COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 1 (Representative Lifton), Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Resolution No. 203 of 1989 be and hereby is amended authorizing a public hearing be held by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives on Tuesday, September 5, 1989 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York relative to the Draft Environmental Assessment/Impact Statement for an extension of Runway 14/32 at Tompkins County Airport, an area of 1,200 feet by 150 feet to accommodate present and future demands at the airport, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish notice of said public hearing in the official newspapers of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 171 August 15, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 248 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT FOR LEGAL SERVICES - CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY PROCUREMENT ACTIVITIES (Amended by Resolution No. 90 of 1992) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. After a lengthy discussion, a roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, Howell, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 3 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton, and Stein); Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Boylan, Brown, Code, Fowler, Randall and Wilson, Attorneys at Law, of Rochester, New York, to provide legal services in connection with the procurement activities for the Tompkins County Central Processing Facility, RESOLVED, further, That payments to said attorney be made from the Solid Waste Construction Account upon audit by this Board. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 249 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 - BURTON F. CLARK, INC. - LANDSTROM LANDFILL CLOSURE PHASE I Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution Numbers 240 and 253 of 1988 authorized the execution of a contract with Burton F. Clark, Inc. for Landstrom Closure - Phase I construction activities, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 9 requests an extension until July 19, 1989 for completion of leachate tank installation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Order No. 9 be approved at no additional cost to the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 250 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 10 - BURTON F. CLARK, INC. - LANDSTROM LANDFILL CLOSURE PHASE I Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution Numbers 240 and 253 of 1988 authorized the execution of a contract with Burton F. Clark, Inc. for Landstrom Closure - Phase I construction activities, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 10 provides for the Contractor to install an electrical control panel at the NYSERDA leachate research plots, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Order No. 10 be and hereby is approved in the amount of $681, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer funds in the amount of $681 from the project contingency fund to Account No. H8166.9239, established by Resolution No. 253 of 1988. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 172 August 15, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 251 - MUNICIPAL YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM - TOMPKINS COUNTY YOUTH BUREAU Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. After discussion, a voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, a Municipal Youth Services Aid fund was established by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 282 of 1988, and WHEREAS, a Committee was appointed by the Chair of this Board and the Mayor of the City of Ithaca in February, 1989, to recommend a method for achieving the most effective and efficient provision of County -wide youth services, and WHEREAS, said Committee has issued a report titled Report of the Ad Hoc Youth Services Study Committee, dated July 21, 1989, which has been reviewed and commented upon by the Tompkins County Youth Board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins County Youth Board and the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That said report and the recommendations therein be accepted by this Board, RESOLVED, further, That this Board looks to the Tompkins County Youth Board to include in its budget recommendations for 1990 funding for various County -wide youth service programs. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 252 - AUTHORIZATION TO ALLOCATE MUNICIPAL YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM - CENTRAL FUNDS Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives appropriated $78,129 in Municipal Youth Services Program funds for 1989, and WHEREAS, the County Youth Board has recommended that these funds be allocated as follows to enter into contractual agreement for services provided by the Ithaca Youth Bureau: One -to -One Program $25,350 Recreational Mainstreaming Services $38,612 , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to enter into said contractual agreements, RESOLVED, further, That appropriate sub -accounts in A7026 be established in accordance with the Comptroller. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 253 - CHECKING ACCOUNT SIGNATURE, SUPPORT COLLECTION UNIT, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, That as Administrator of the IV -D Program, the Commissioner of Social Services is authorized to continue as signatory on the checking account of the Support Collection Unit used to dispense child support funds collected by the Support Collection Unit of the Department of Social Services. 173 August 15, 1989 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 254 - STANDARDIZATION OF PERS MEDICAL PHONE DIAL EQUIPMENT - OFFICE OF THE AGING, HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND FIRE, EMS COORDINATOR Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Fire, Disaster and EMS Coordinator, Public Health Director, Office of the Aging, and Director of Purchasing have recommended that the County standardize its PERS equipment on the AES telephone dialer, or its equivalent, for the purpose of savings in maintenance cost and programming cost and for efficient repair capability, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Health and Education Committees, That the County standardize, for reasons of economy and efficiency, on the AES telephone dialer, or its equivalent, as County PERS equipment. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 255 - AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (NYSDEC) AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM, NEW YORK STATE FISCAL YEAR 1989-1990 Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, NYSDEC has again invited Tompkins County to participate in a multi -county study which will assess the extent of vegetation proliferation in Cayuga Lake and has allocated $25,719 as Tompkins County's share, and WHEREAS, it is within the interest of Tompkins County to join with the other counties within the Cayuga Lake Drainage Basin to assess the severity of the situation and possible management alternatives, and WHEREAS, participation in the Aquatic Vegetation Control Program will provide Tompkins County with an improved understanding of the land use/water quality relationship to aquatic vegetation growth in Cayuga Lake and will provide public information concerning Cayuga Lake water quality and vegetation growth, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County will continue to serve as lead agency for the Tompkins County portion of the study at no cost to the County, except administration by the County Planning Department, and will utilize professional environmental consultants previously approved by NYSDEC, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County has participated in the program during the current fiscal year and has already reaped considerable benefits, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to apply for NYSDEC for the grant for Tompkins County's allocation for the Aquatic Vegetation Control Program. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 174 August 15, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 256 AMENDING TOMPKINS COUNTY 1989 BUDGET TO INCLUDE MONIES AND AUTHORIZATION TO SPEND MONIES FROM NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (NYSDEC) AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM GRANT FOR NEW YORK STATE FISCAL YEAR 1989-1990 Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, NYSDEC has again invited Tompkins County to participate in a multi -county study which will assess the extent of vegetation proliferation in Cayuga Lake, and has allocated $25,719 as Tompkins County's share, and WHEREAS, fiscal issues affecting the State in 1989 caused considerable delay in approving the re - appropriation for projects in the local assistance program "Aid to Localities for the Finger Lakes Weed Control - Tompkins as defined in Chapter 53, Section I of the laws of 1989", and WHEREAS, this delay in budget re -authorization resulted in considerable disruption and loss of information for ongoing portions of the Tompkins County portion of the Aquatic Vegetation Control Program for 1989, and WHEREAS, due to the different fiscal years of the County and the State, this grant will be subject to re -authorization in the New York State fiscal year 1990-1991 budget unless all monies are expended prior to March 31, 1990, and WHEREAS, it is in the interests of the County to limit its risk of losing these monies in upcoming budget negotiations at the State, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That in order to expedite the use of this grant for the Tompkins County portion of the Aquatic Vegetation Control Program on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee 1. The County 1989 budget line for Aquatic Vegetation Control Program be amended to include the amount of $25,719 and 2. That authorization be granted to spend these monies in 1989 pending and in accordance with the program narrative reviewed and approved by NYSDEC. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 257 - TERMINATION OF REMNANT OF AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT NO. 1 (MODIFIED) - TOWNS OF LANSING, GROTON, DRYDEN AND CAROLINE Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. and WHEREAS, most of Agricultural District No. 1 (modified) was incorporated in the new consolidated Agricultural District No. 9, and WHEREAS, 35 parcels of land totaling 210.4 acres or less than 0.3% of Agricultural District No. 1 (modified) were not incorporated in the new District No. 9 because: 1. the owners of the excluded parcels expressed the desire to discontinue the designation of that parcel as agricultural district land or 2. the parcel was at the perimeter of the district and had been developed for nonagricultural purposes, and WHEREAS, the eight-year anniversary of Agricultural District No. 1 (modified) is April 16, 1989, 175 August 15, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the remnant of Agricultural District No. 1 (modified), consisting entirely of the following tax parcels be terminated effective on its eighth anniversary, April 19, 1989: Town Map Block Lot Acres Town Total Lansing 7 1 24.1 0.1 7 1 24.2 71.5 7 1 24.3 1.2 72.8 Groton 17 1 23.1 2.8 17 1 23.2 52.2 26 1 14.371 11.0 66.0 Caroline 9 1 22.1 9.8 21 1 21.1 1.0 21 1 21.4 2.1 12.9 Dryden 46 1 78.0 1.0 46 1 79.0 1.2 46 1 80.0 1.0 46 1 81.0 1.4 46 1 85.0 1.4 46 1 86.0 1.0 48 1 77.51 1.0 48 1 77.53 1.2 48 1 77.541 1.0 48 1 77.542 1.0 48 1 77.543 1.0 48 1 77.544 1.2 49 1 16.21 2.9 49 1 16.22 2.5 49 1 16.23 0.5 49 1 16.31 1.0 49 1 16.32 5.1 49 1 16.4 1.2 49 1 17.1 1.9 49 1 17.2 1.4 49 1 18.1 0.5 49 1 18.2 2.5 49 1 19.0 1.0 49 1 21.0 1.0 49 1 22.0 2.8 49 1 23.0 0.5 49 1 24.1 1.3 49 1 24.2 1.0 49 1 25.1 0.8 49 1 25.3 6.4 49 1 25.4 1.3 49 1 25.5 1.2 49 1 25.6 1.5 49 1 25.7 6.5 49 1 38.0 0.5 58.7 Total 210.4 RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the New York State Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets, the County Clerk of the County of Tompkins, the County Administrator, the County Attorney, the Director of Assessment, the Commissioner of Planning, the Agricultural Districting Advisory Committee, and the Clerks of the Towns of Lansing, Groton, Dryden and Caroline. 176 August 15, 1989 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 258 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS - APPROVED PROVIDERS OF EDUCATION FOR PRESCHOOL HANDICAPPED CHILDREN Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute contracts with approved providers of education for preschool handicapped children upon notification of the appropriate Board of Education, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is authorized and directed to make payments to said providers for approved services pursuant to the provisions of Section 4410 of the Education Law of the State of New York and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, said payments to be made from Account A2960. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 259 - APPOINTMENT OF A CHARTER AND CODE REVISION COMMISSION Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Charter and Code requires that the Board of Representatives shall at least every ten years after the adoption of the Charter and Code consider the appointment of a Charter and Code Revision Commission to review the Tompkins County Charter and Code, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That there is hereby established and appointed a Charter and Code Revision Commission comprised of members of the Budget and Administration Committee of this Board of Representatives. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 260 - AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE ABOVE MINIMUM - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Director of Mental Health Services be authorized to hire one Psychiatric Social Worker at Step E of labor grade XIV ($23,892) and one Community Mental Health Nurse at Step D of labor grade XII ($20,469), RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this action. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 177 August 15, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 261 - CREATION OF POSITION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - PUBLIC WORKS - SOLID WASTE DIVISION Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Nichols and Watros). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Typist (04-507), labor grade IV, competitive class be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Revenue: A8160.2130 Refuse Charges $ 5,428 Appropriation: A8160.1513 Solid Waste - Personal Services $ 4,342 A8160.8000 Solid Waste - Fringe Benefits $ 1,086 $ 5,428 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 262 - ACCEPTING MODIFICATION NO. 4 OF NYSERDA LANDFILL LEACHATE TREATMENT PROJECT AND APPROVING ASSOCIATED MODIFICATION OF USGS AGREEMENT AND BUDGET CHANGES Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County is implementing a landfill leachate treatment research project at the Landstrom Landfill under a funding agreement (approved in Resolution 237 of 1987) with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) with associated subcontract agreements with Cornell University and the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and WHEREAS, NYSERDA has proposed a Modification No. 4 to that funding agreement, which increases the NYSERDA contribution by $5,000, which funds are to be passed on to USGS, who will make a matching contribution to the project of another $5,000, all of which is needed for laboratory analyses under the USGS monitoring component of the project, and WHEREAS, the USGS has proposed a revision of the associated Joint Funding Agreement between the County and the USGS, reflecting these two $5,000 additions as well as the previously approved project budget modifications which transferred funds from the Cornell University budgets on the project to the USGS budget on the project, and WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has reviewed these proposed changes and recommends their approval, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute the proposed Modification No. 4 to the agreement between the County and NYSERDA as well as the proposed revision of the Joint Funding Agreement between the County and the USGS, RESOLVED, further, That the budget be amended to reflect these changes and authorize expenditure of the additional funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 263 - RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT - MACCORMICK RESIDENTIAL CENTER 178 August 15, 1989 Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the New York State Division for Youth has had to rescind its commitment, due to Division for the Budget cuts, to save harmless 44 Youth Division Aides at the MacCormick Center since its conversion to a limited secure status, and WHEREAS, the demotion of these employees from Grade 14 to Grade 12 Civil Service pay levels will result in a loss of pay averaging $3,000 per person and therefore will create a financial loss to the County, and WHEREAS, the demotion of these employees comes some 18 months after the original commitment and offers employees with dependent families 14 days to determine if they wish to relocate, and 24 days to actually report to a new work location over 150 miles away, and WHEREAS, these employees work at the MacCormick Residential Center in Tompkins County and a majority reside in this County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives strongly opposes such an untimely action and urges the Governor to reverse this decision immediately, and to exert his influence in requiring the Division for Youth to negotiate with these employees to develop and to phase in these and other cost savings measures in a way that will not cause such severe and sudden negative impacts on these families, all members of our family of New York State, RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to Governor Mario Cuomo, Senator James Seward, Senator Randy Kuhl, Assemblyman Martin A. Luster, Assemblyman Frank Barbaro, Assemblyman George Winner, Elizabeth D. Moore, Director of Governor's Office of Employee Relations, Leonard Dunston, Director, Division for Youth. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to lift from the Table Resolution No. 83 - Amendment to Resolution No. 90 of 1987 Concerning the County SEQR Process. Chairman Mason granted Mr. Stein permission to withdraw Resolution No. 83. On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present the following appointments were made to the various boards: Criminal Justice Advisory/Alternatives to Incarceration Board Term expires December 31, 1990 Jay Barnes as an at -large representative Tompkins County Youth Board Terms expire December 31, 1991 Heather Tallman as a City of Ithaca representative Francis Shattuck as a City of Ithaca representative Tompkins County Planning Board Term expires December 31, 1990 Horst Simon as the Village of Lansing representative It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. An executive session was at 10:30 p.m. and returned to regular session at 10:35 p.m. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. 179 September 5, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning the Draft Environmental Assessment for Runway 14/32 Extension at Tompkins County Airport. Chairman Mason asked Mr. Nicholas, Airport Manager, to introduce the representatives from Calocerinos & Spina Engineers, P.C. and explain what is involved in the project. Robert Nicholas, Airport Manager, introduced Frank Kulka, Airport Planning Manager; Andrew Holesko, Assistant Airport Planning Manager; and Ron Peckham, Airport Division Manager. Frank Kulka explained what was involved with this project and said there are four alternative plans to review. The following briefly describes the four plans of alternative development. Alternative 1 - "No Build": This plan represents a scenario where the Airport is not developed at all. The facility would be maintained in its present state. Alternative 2 - Construct 800' Runway Extension to 14 -end: It involves the extension of Runway 14-32 to a total length of 6,601 feet. Alternative 3 - Construct 1200' Runway Extension to 14 -end: It involves Alternative 2 plus the extension of the runway an additional 400 feet. Alternative 4 - Construct 1200' Runway Extension to 32 -end: It involves an extension of 1,200 feet on the southern end of R/W 14-32. Grace Haney, 29 Forest Acres Drive, said the DC -9 when fully loaded cannot take off when the temperature is equal or above 84 F which occurs 3-6 times a year. Britton Anderson, 22 Bean Hill Road, said the airplanes taking off are 50 feet above his house and line up with his chimney and swimming pool. He also said you cannot talk on the telephone when the airplanes are flying above his house. Since the trees have been cut, the noise is worse. Other airlines use the big planes and it vibrates his house when they reverse the engines. It looks like they are trying to fly old WWII planes and it makes the leaves on the trees sway. Jack Hyde, 354 Snyder Hill Road, asked to have the site outlined on the map. He also asked about the wetland. He asked about long-range planning and if Binghamton might be a better place and if there is a need for a Southern Tier Airport. Barbara Holbert, Stormy View Drive, said it seems that it will allow much bigger planes to land on cooler days. Who legislates the time they come in and out? She also asked if planes land after the tower closes? Barbara Holbert said the Environmental Impact Statement was in there twice and it was not dated. On page 4, the acres of vegetation are zero. Page 10, 16 - What effect of the proposed action? Page 5, 12 - How can you have increase of flights and not traffic? Page 8, 11 - You talked about cutting trees. Page 10, 17 - We have been told there was a hazardous waste dump, how close? Page 11, 18 - Do the Town of Lansing and Village of Lansing agree? Page 11, 19 - On public controversy, no one knew about this hearing until recently. Page 4, 21 - You talked about zoning changes, maybe it is too late, 1989 plan. How can charges be the same as "no build". 180 September 5, 1989 Richard Thaler, representing the Town of Lansing, said he wrote to the Calocerinos & Spina firm and never received a reply. He said Jeannine Kirby, Town of Lansing Supervisor, is here. The Town Board discussed the proposal and although they want to support this, he thought there was a mistake on Page 2, 7. On page 11, 18 - will it effect the character of the community. As attorney for the Town of Lansing and some of the people, we think it will. Other concerns: 1) We would like to see what the parameters of the noise are. 2) Do you have the field measurements of the takeoffs and landings - the Ldn measurement must be made with field tests. We are searching for information so that we can go back to the Town Board. If the County Board wants to do the extension then have airlines adjust their flight patterns and maybe we can have a different or adjusted landing pattern. Barbara Irish, Zoning Officer for the Village of Lansing, spoke concerning the possible zoning changes. David Cox, Forest Acres Drive, said this is a good report. He said he read it cover to cover and understood it. He thought that understanding it was very easy. He said the problem this report has is that it was written to a conclusion, and he had a problem with that. On page 1, 7 - planes don't take off 3 to 6 times a year. It doesn't say how many were bumped off, that is the problem. Is that a Piedmont/USAir problem or ours, for four to eight million dollars. He said taxpayers are putting money in these projects all over the United States. Another issue is the noise. It is based on the average noise of a twenty-four (24) hour period, but from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. it is zero. It is geared through. He wanted Calocerinos & Spina to see how that same noise would increase. He also asked what areas would have zoning changes. He has been in Lansing 14 to 16 years and fought hard to get strict zoning in those areas and if you want to change it, that is why there are a lot of people here. LeMoyne Farrell, City of Ithaca, spoke concerning pages 4-9 and figure 4-2 - future noise contours at the airport. Robert Nicholas said the size of aircraft is by the demand in the community not by the length of runway. The money from this project will come from passengers tickets not taxpayers. He said the DC - 9's have been landing at approximately the same time for the past ten (10) years. Roger Farrell, Ithaca, said he had concerns about the information being old and the construction date is 1991. Dennis Menz, 16 Bean Hill Road, asked how the general public was notified, how were we to know what was going to happen and what is next. Chairman Mason said the notice was published in the Ithaca Journal August 16 and 23 and the weeks of July 31 and August 28. It was also published in the Trumansburg Free Press August 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1989. Jeannine Kirby, Town of Lansing Supervisor, said she did not receive the SEQR. JoAnn Mancini, 22 Sky Acres Drive, said the last flight comes in about 10:30 p.m. David Allen, 254 Sapsucker Woods, asked where the end of the runway would be if the runway were extended to the east and if they would take out the barn or the power lines? JoAnn Mancini asked 1) Are you aware that the barn involves the peregrine falcon research? 2) Has data been prepared on retail space at the airport? (Chairman Mason said not pertinent to the subject.) 181 favor. September 5, 1989 Pat Cox, asked who is in favor of this expansion. She said it doesn't sound like anyone here is in Jack Hyde said from what has been said tonight, is there a legal way this can be put to referendum. Donald Lifton, Representative of Fall Creek, said he cut his teeth on politics in the Village of Lansing. He said once again, the public has done their homework, and he feels this is an "issue of controversy". He hopes that we can arrange to have a different type of publicity than the small print in the legals of the official newspapers. It would say that the local share of 2 1/2 percent is $135,875. When it is fees on users, enterprises at the airport and cash flow, and if these fees don't make it, the rest has to come from someplace else - taxpayers. He then referred to page 4, 22. It doesn't make a case if we proceed. Why is it so important that we spend this money. This County is wrestling with this growth/no growth debate and any changes at the Tompkins County Airport and the fEIS should reflect that we already have an over -heated economy here. Beverly Livesay asked for the cost of doing an Alternative 3 option. No one else wished to speak and Chairman Mason closed the public hearing at 7 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representatives Call, Nichols, Dietrich left at 7:50 p.m. and Watros left at 8:10 p.m.). It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the Board minutes of the March 7, 1989; March 21, 1989; and April 4, 1989 meetings. Chairman Mason read a proclamation declaring Keep the Beat in Tompkins County and presented it to Kathleen Tajeu of the Healthy Heart Program. The Board members received T-shirts from the Healthy Heart Program. Under privilege of the floor, Chris Zikakis, Zikakis on Elmira Road, asked about the status of the draft Environmental Impact Statement (dEIS) for the Central Processing Facility (CPF). Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said the committee will be meeting tomorrow to discuss and act on the dEIS. He said he appreciates the comments that he and Barbara Eckstrom, Solid Waste Manager, received. He also said he hopes to adjourn this Board meeting to tomorrow night at 5 p.m. Under privilege of the floor, Donald Lifton restated the history of the communications with Cornell University and the Tompkins County Board of Representatives. He intends to continue to pursue the issue. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, said the committee will be meeting next week with six (6) firms for the Airport terminal design. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee will meet September 8 and 11. Chairman Mason said there will be a revised copy of the consent order coming from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The permitting process is moving 182 September 5, 1989 forward. We have received sign -offs on engineering and the recycling component and he understands NYSDEC is close to signing off on the hydro. O'Brien and Gere went to 200 feet before bedrock without finding any type of aquifer. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said he did not have a report. He reported on a recent Finger Lakes Association meeting in Canandaigua. Mrs. Livesay, Vice Chairman, Human Services Committee, said the committee will meet this Thursday at 4:30 p.m. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee will meet this Thursday. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, said the committee will also meet this Thursday. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee will meet tomorrow at 3 p.m. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee will meet September 11 at noon. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, said he hopes to receive the draft letter from O'Brien and Gere concerning the overcharges of O'Brien and Gere. Chairman Mason granted Mr. Tillapaugh permission to withdraw from the agenda the resolution entitled Award of Bid - CRI 15 (Old Route 330 - Town of Caroline Retaining Wall) - Public Works. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute Contracts - Substitution S.A. Hovanec, Inc. - Annex Building Exit Stairway Project. RESOLUTION NO. 264 - DESIGN OF INADVERTENT ENTRY FENCING - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Culligan to Table this resolution until after we learn when our adjourned meeting is known. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 5 (Representatives Culligan, Howell, Lifton, Proto, and Stein); Noes - 6 (Representatives Livesay, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 4 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, Nichols, and Watros). Motion to Table Lost. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 9, Noes - 2 (Representatives Culligan and Lifton). Excused - 4 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, Nichols, and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, design of the fencing project is necessary before construction can be put out for bids, WHEREAS, the installation of the fencing forms part of the Airport Manager's Five -Year Plan approved by Resolution No. 113 of April 18, 1989, and WHEREAS, the pre -application for the installation of inadvertent entry fencing has been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and and 183 September 5, 1989 WHEREAS, the procedures used in selecting Calocerinos and Spina Engineers, P.C., comply with the intent of the procurement standards for the selection of architectural and/or engineering services contained in Advisory Circular 150/5100 - 14A, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and is hereby authorized to sign a Lump Sum Agreement for Design with Calocerinos and Spina Engineers, P.C. for $10,718. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 265 - AUTHORIZATION TO PAY ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION FOR ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY - MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Howell. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 0, Excused - 4 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, Nichols, and Watros). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the County Administrator is hereby directed to tender payment in the following amounts to the respective owners of real property acquired by the County for construction of the Mental Health Services Building on South Tioga Street, based on the highest approved appraisals of fair market value as of the dates of closing: JMW Associates $30,000 United Equity 10,000 RHP Properties, Inc. 5,000 together with interest at six percent per annum pursuant to Section 3-a of the General Municipal Law, computed from the date of closing to the date of payment as follows: JMW Associates $ 572.11 United Equity 174.26 RHP Properties, Inc. 80.56 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 266 - MENTAL HEALTH BUILDING - APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BIDDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the plans and specifications provided by Downing Hascup Associates dated August 24, 1989 and on file in the Board of Representatives office are hereby accepted and approved for bidding and construction. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 267 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS - SUBSTITUTION BY S. A. HOVANEC, INC. - ANNEX BUILDING EXIT STAIRWAY PROJECT 184 September 5, 1989 Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Uni-Cor Contractors, Inc., has voluntarily defaulted in the performance of the contract for construction of an exit stairway system for the Tompkins County Annex Building, and WHEREAS, Fidelity and Deposit Company, as surety for the performance of said contract, has produced S. A. Hovanec, Inc., to complete said contract, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute a contract with S. A. Hovanec, Inc., in substitution for Uni-Cor Contractors, Inc., in accordance with all original terms and conditions, and RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute a Release of Fidelity and Deposit Company as Performance Surety upon execution of the aforesaid contract. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, with confirmation of the Board appointed Harry Missirian as Interim Planning Commissioner. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to adjourn this meeting to September 6 at 5 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m. 185 September 6, 1989 ADJOURNED BOARD MEETING Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. Present: 11 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Nichols). Absent: 3 (Representatives Watros arrived at 5:10 p.m., Livesay arrived at 5:12 p.m., and Lifton arrived at 5:30 p.m.). Mr. Winch, Chairman, Construction Management Committee, said the committee met today at noon and discussed many of the comments forwarded to Barbara Eckstrom. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Acceptance of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Commercial Avenue Preferred Site for a Central Processing Facility for purposes of Commencing Public Review, Directing a Public Hearing Pursuant to SEQR, Creating a Neighborhood Advisory Committee. RESOLUTION NO. 268 - ACCEPTANCE OF THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR THE COMMERCIAL AVENUE PREFERRED SITE FOR A CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY FOR PURPOSES OF COMMENCING PUBLIC REVIEW, DIRECTING A PUBLIC HEARING PURSUANT TO SEQR, AND CREATING A NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. Mr. Teter of Resource Associates gave an overview of the Central Processing Facility (CPF) and presented an artist rendering of the CPF site plans. Editorial changes and recommendations by the Construction Management Committee were reviewed for the Board. James Dwyer, Solid Waste Attorney, said a hearing is scheduled for October 12 at 5 p.m. in the Kulp Auditorium at Ithaca High School to discuss the draft Environmental Impact Statement (dEIS) for the CPF. Barbara Eckstrom said copies of the dEIS are available for public review. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives as lead agency for the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Project by Resolution No. 89 dated March 19, 1987 accepted the Phase I Landfill Siting Study and the Phase I Volume Reduction Study, and WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives as said lead agency by Resolution No. 305 dated November 16, 1987 accepted the Phase II Report which outlined a comprehensive solid waste management program including suitability of landfill sites, a centralized baling/transfer facility and a recycling program, and WHEREAS, after further investigation this Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 150 dated June 7, 1988 selected the City Industrial Park site as the preferred site for the Central Processing Facility (CPF) which would include a recycling center, baling and transfer of solid waste, exclusive of construction and demolition debris, and transfer of small amounts of construction and demolition debris and yard waste, and WHEREAS, after an environmental assessment of Industrial Park Site "substantial design and operational limitations" were identified and this Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 12 dated January 17, 1989 authorized and directed preparation of "conceptual site plans and environmental assessments for potential backup sites", and WHEREAS, subsequent to the directed evaluation, this Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 92 dated March 21, 1989, after review with the City of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca selected the Commercial Avenue site in the City of Ithaca, New York as the "alternate preferred site" for the Central Processing Facility; declared itself as lead agency pursuant to SEQR for said CPF at said site; determined 186 September 6, 1989 the action as Type I pursuant to SEQR; directed filing of a Positive Declaration; and directed preparation of a draft environmental impact statement, and WHEREAS, the Construction Management Committee has reviewed the Draft Environmental Impact Statement prepared pursuant to Resolution No. 92 of 1989 and has by Resolution dated September 6, 1989 recommended that this Board accept said draft Environmental Impact Statement, including those reports and documents incorporated by reference, as satisfactory with respect to its scope, content, and adequacy for purposes of commencing public review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.8, and WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives has considered the following concerning the Commercial Avenue CPF site pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.8: (1) whether there is substantial interest on the part of the public in the proposal; and (2) whether substantive or significant environmental issues have been raised; and (3) the adequacy of the investigation measures proposed and the consideration of alternatives; and (4) the extent to which a public hearing can aid the County of Tompkins in its decision making as lead agency, and WHEREAS, a need has been identified to establish communication with the neighborhood of the Central Processing Facility site for purpose of comment regarding project planning, design, construction, and operation similar to the Citizens Advisory Committee created for the DR -7 landfill site, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the draft Environmental Impact Statement dated September 1989 for the Commercial Avenue CPF site, including those reports and documents incorporated by reference, is hereby found acceptable for purpose of public review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.8, RESOLVED, further, That a public hearing shall be held according to law concerning said draft Environmental Impact Statement, RESOLVED, further, That a Notice of Completion of the draft Environmental Impact Statement and Notice of SEQR Hearing shall be filed and publicized according to law on September 13, 1989, RESOLVED, further, That comments shall be received by the County of Tompkins regarding the draft Environmental Impact Statement until October 13, 1989 in accordance with 6 NYCRR Section 617.8 directed to the Solid Waste Manager, RESOLVED, further, That all substantive comments received regarding the CPF project within the time frame specified shall be replied to and addressed in writing as part of the final Environmental Impact Statement to be filed according to law, RESOLVED, further, That a Neighborhood Advisory Committee shall be established to provide comment to the Board of Representatives in an advisory capacity regarding planning, design, construction, and operation of the Central Processing Facility at the Commercial Avenue, Ithaca, New York site and shall consist of a diverse representation to be later established by this Board. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) (SEQR explained in Resolution) On motion, the meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. 187 September 19, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Vice Chairman Tillapaugh called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. Members and Guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 12 Representatives. Excused: 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). It was Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the Board minutes of the April 18, 1989 meeting. Under privilege of the floor, Richard Driscoll, Newfield, spoke for the Community Arts Coalition. He also spoke in favor of the resolution entitled Allocation of Funds to Community Arts Coalition. Under privilege of the floor, Margaret Hobbie, Director, DeWitt Historical Society, said the DeWitt Historical Society joins with other arts and cultural agencies in the County to ask that the funds be generated by the occupancy tax available to local organizations on a competitive basis. Under privilege of the floor, LeMoyne Farrell, Eastwood Terrace, spoke in favor of the funding for the Community Arts Coalition. Under privilege of the floor, Gretchen Sachse, 118 Lower Creek Road, said as an educator at DeWitt Historical Society that she talks with tourists in the area and feels a need for expansion in the tourism trade. Under privilege of the floor, Michael Oates, Ithaca Post Office, spoke in favor of the resolution entitled Resolution Requesting the United States Postal Service Through its Buffalo District Office to Provide a Comparative Study of the Planned Transfer of Postal Jobs from the Downtown Ithaca Post Office to Elmira. Under privilege of the floor, Barbara Ebert, Historic Ithaca, spoke concerning the room tax issue. Under privilege of the floor, Barbara Mink, 614 North Cayuga Street, recommended the following: room tax money should be examined for measurable results, separate authority should be created to administer the room tax revenues, and develop a coherent policy on tourism. She urged the Board not to rush into an agreement. Under privilege of the floor, Kenneth Walker, Past President of the Chamber of Commerce, asked that the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute Contract With Chamber of Commerce Visitors Bureau and Establishment of Advisory Board on Tourism Development be withdrawn from the agenda and to have it on the October 10 Board agenda. Under privilege of the floor, Deborah Dietrich spoke concerning an article in the Ithaca Journal on Saturday entitled Homeless Caught in Council Politics. Under privilege of the floor, Stuart Stein spoke concerning the room tax issue. He said he hopes the appropriate committee will reconsider the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute Contract With Chamber of Commerce Visitors Bureau and Establishment of Advisory Board on Tourism Development. Under privilege of the floor, Beverly Livesay also said she hopes the appropriate committee will reconsider the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute Contract with Chamber of Commerce Visitors Bureau and Establishment of Advisory Board on Tourism Development. She shared her thoughts with the Board concerning room tax. 188 September 19, 1989 Under privilege of the floor, Donald Lifton shared with the Board some research on how wealthy Cornell University is. Under privilege of the floor, Frank Proto said he joins with Beverly Livesay and Barbara Mink regarding the room tax issue. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee has met three times. The next meeting is September 26 at 8:30 a.m. The committee is addressing the review for hiring architects and engineering firms. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee has one resolution on the agenda and one appointment to recommend. Deborah Dietrich reported to the Board regarding the report of the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation. The Public Safety and Corrections Committee will meet October 11, 13, and possibly the 16th to discuss the budget. Mrs. Livesay, Vice Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee has several items on the agenda. The budget committee meetings will be October 16 at 2 p.m. and October 17 at 6 p.m. The committee also will be recommending appointments. She reported on the GIAC Board concerning the at -large vacancy. September 27 is the Human Rights Commission's annual event. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee met twice since the last Board meeting. The minutes of the September 7, 1989 committee meeting have been distributed. The committee also met this morning. He updated the Board on this morning's meeting. He said the committee will hold a public information meeting October 2 to hear public input concerning the role of the Planning Department. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said all the committee's business reflects on the agenda. He said he was not going to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorizing Submission of a Permit Application to the United States Army Corps of Engineers to Utilize a Wetland in the DR -7 Landfill Site if Appropriate Jurisdiction is Appropriately Determined because it needs to be listed on the agenda for one week. He read a memorandum from Barbara Eckstrom to the Board regarding the status report of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concerning the DR -7 landfill site. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the last committee meeting was September 6 and have many items on the agenda. She updated the Board on the psychiatric task force committee for the Hospital. The budget meetings have been scheduled for October 2 and 4 at 3 p.m., and the next regularly scheduled committee meeting is October 11. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met last week. He said the committee is charged with reviewing the Charter and Code. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Room Tax Review Committee, said that discussions will be taking place in October on the room tax issue. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met September 9 and 11 and have several items on the agenda. He referred to a memorandum from Chairman Mason asking him about proper signs designating how to get to the Airport. The Public Works Engineer wrote to the State Department of Transportation asking for funding for these signs. The State has not yet replied. He also referred to the resolution adopted by the Board concerning the intersection of Route 366 and Etna Lane. The resolution was sent to the State Department of Transportation and the State replied that a traffic light is not warranted. He also reported on the water contamination on Peruville Road. The Department of Environmental Conservation tested the wells and said the water is not contaminated. The committee will meet September 26 and 27 at noon to review the budget. 189 September 19, 1989 Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, commented on what Deborah Dietrich said concerning the homeless issue. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Authorizing Execution of Agreement with United States Soil Conservation Service for Dryden Flood Control Dam Award of Bid and Modification of Capital Program Budget - Inadvertent Entry Fencing - Airport Amendment of County Capital Program and Budget, Transfer and Budget Adjustment - NYSERDA Composting Project Vice Chairman Tillapaugh gave the appropriate committee chairmen permission to withdraw the following resolutions: Authorization to Execute Contract With Chamber of Commerce Visitors Bureau and Establishment of Advisory Board on Tourism Development Allocation of Funds to Ad Hoc Committee on Cultural and Natural Resources RESOLUTION NO. 269 - REQUESTING THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE THROUGH ITS BUFFALO DISTRICT OFFICE TO PROVIDE A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE PLANNED TRANSFER OF POSTAL JOBS FROM THE DOWNTOWN ITHACA POST OFFICE TO ELMIRA Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the U. S. Postal Service has announced its intention to relocate certain distribution operations from Ithaca to Elmira, and WHEREAS, the impact of such an action would result in the loss of approximately 42 jobs and $1.6 million in wages from the Tompkins County economy, and WHEREAS, mail delivery to Tompkins County businesses and residences could also be adversely affected, and WHEREAS, the Ithaca Common Council has previously requested that a copy of the study upon which this action would be based be shared with it as well as with Post Office employees, and that Thomas J. Fritsch, Field Division General Manager/Postmaster, in a letter dated April 4, 1989 assured the City that "the Postal Service has every intention of sharing information regarding a possible change in mail distribution operations in Ithaca with you and with our employees," and WHEREAS, this promise notwithstanding, an announcement of the acceptance of the results and implementation of the Area Mail Processing Plan was made by Ithaca Postmaster Karl Anderson on August 10, 1989 without making the study results public, and WHEREAS, Local 1151 of the American Postal Workers Union has filed unfair labor practice charges against the Postal Service for failure to disclose this information, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives believes that information contained in such a study is needed to determine if such a relocation is justified, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives requests the complete study upon which the proposed job relocation is based, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives believes that the proposed move will have a severe impact on our local economy, the community, the postal workers and the United States Postal Service and that a comparative study should be made to determine if such job relocation is cost effective or efficient, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives affirms its interest in receiving an explanation from the Postal Service as to how the proposed job relocation relates to the purchase of land by the Postal Service on Warren Road for an expanded local postal operation, 190 September 19, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, pending the receipt of such information, affirms its opposition to the proposed relocation, and that the County lends its support to the Postal Workers Union and other community groups in fighting to retain these jobs. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 270 - APPROVAL OF SALE PRIOR TO AUCTION - COUNTY -OWNED PROPERTY ACQUIRED THROUGH TAX FORECLOSURE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, by tax foreclosure proceedings of 1988, the County acquired parcel no. 34-1-33 in the Town of Newfield, and WHEREAS, prior to auction of said property the County Administrator wishes to sell same for the total amount due for taxes, penalties, interest and expenses, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sale of parcel no. 34-1-33 to John F. and Mary Langan, of 40 Fox Road, Newfield, New York, for the amount of taxes, penalties, interest and expenses due, be and the same hereby is confirmed and the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a quitclaim deed to the aforesaid party. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 271 - CREATION OF POSITIONS - PUBLIC WORKS (SOLID WASTE DIVISION) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following positions be created effective immediately: 1 Solid Waste Technician (12/662), labor grade XII, competitive class 1 Solid Waste Information Specialist (12/663), labor grade XII, competitive class 1 Solid Waste Inspector (09/665), labor grade IX, competitive class 1 Assistant Solid Waste Technician (09/664), labor grade IX, competitive class 1 Senior Typist (06/519), labor grade VI, competitive class 1 Senior Account Clerk -Typist (07/529), labor grade VII, competitive class RESOLVED, further, That one position of Research Technician (05/517), labor grade V, competitive class, be abolished effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Solid Waste Assistant (83/268), management level D, competitive class, be abolished effective immediately, and that one position of Solid Waste Coordinator (83/272), management level D, competitive class, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the position of Senior Account Clerk Typist (07/529), labor grade VII, competitive class, and the funds that were made available by Resolution No. 353 dated November 15, 1988 be transferred effective immediately to the Public Works Department, Solid Waste Division, RESOLVED, further, That with $22,260 available in 1989 unused personal services funds to partially cover the cost of the new positions in 1989, the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers on the County records: FROM: A8160.4451 TO: A8160.1529 .1272 .2201 Closure Service Personal Services Personal Services Calculators 191 $41,368 $ 7,638 2,514 720 .2202 .2206 .2210 A8160.2211 .2212 .2213 .2220 .4302 .4314 .4330 .4432 .4452 .4465 .4471 .4472 .4476 .8810 .8830 .8860 September 19, 1989 Typewriters Computers Other Equipment Chairs Desks File Cabinets Telephone Equipment Office Supplies Computer Supplies Printing Rent Postage Job Necessitated Travel Electric Telephone Buildings and Grounds Retirement Social Security Health Insurance TOTAL SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 475 3,883 611 2,177 2,066 990 2,715 900 100 200 4,250 900 150 450 450 2,365 1,902 726 5,186 $41,368 RESOLUTION NO. 272 - CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITION AND APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND - PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of temporary Senior Typist, (56/324), labor grade VI, competitive class, be created on a temporary basis effective immediately through January 25, 1990, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $4,102 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (A-1990) to Personnel - Personal Services (A1430.1324), RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said appropriation on his books. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 273 - CREATION OF POSITION - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That one half-time position of Senior Typist, labor grade D, competitive class, be created from October 1, 1989, through September 30, 1990, for the Dairy Farm Employee/Employer Training Program, RESOLVED, further, That all wages and fringe benefits are to be paid 100 percent by the ARC Grant. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE I1 192 September 19, 1989 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 274 - CIVIL SERVICE TRAINING, PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT - APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That $803 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (A-1990) to Personnel - Job Necessitated Travel (A1430.4465 to cover expenses for two weeks of training in Albany for the Personnel Assistant in the areas of classification and compensation and Civil Service Law and Rules. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 275 - CREATION OF POSITION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell. A short roll ca - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committees, That one position of Account Clerk (04/504), labor grade effective immediately until December 31, 1989, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby following transfers on his books: FROM: A4310.4491 Subcontracts TO: A4314.4631 Emergency Client Services .4637 Client Specific Needs FROM: A4310.4631 Subcontracts TO: A4314.4631 Adult Needs - MH FROM: A4310.4637 Children's Needs - MH TO: A4314.4637 Client Specific Needs FROM: A4310.4491 Subcontracts TO: A4314.1504 Personnel Services .2201 Calculators .2206 Computer Equipment .2210 Other Equipment .2211 Chairs .2212 Desks .2222 Communication Equipment .4314 Computer Supplies .4472 Telephone .8830 Social Security .8860 Health Insurance SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 11 vote resulted as follows: Ayes Adopted. and Budget and Administration IV, competitive class, be created authorized $ 2,891 168 4,023 73 530 1,024 1,081 1,090 300 217 603 193 and directed to make the $90,000 $20,000 70,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $10,000 $10,000 $12,000 $12,000 September 19, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 276 - EXTENSION OF RESOLUTION NO. 290 OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 290 adopted September 27, 1988 authorized a Memorandum of Understanding between CSEA/AFSCME and the County with regard to increasing the salaries of Registered Nurses, Public Health Nurses and Supervising Public Health Nurses of the Tompkins County Health Department and the salary for the Director of Patient Services, and WHEREAS, said Memorandum of Understanding expires October 1, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Commissioner of Personnel negotiate a new Memorandum of Understanding extending this Memorandum of Understanding until the classification/pay equity study has been completed. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 277 - INCREASE IN SALARIES - MANAGEMENT STAFF Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Winch. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, to Table this resolution to the end of the meeting to discuss management salaries in executive session. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 1 (Representative Proto), Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Motion to Table carried. RESOLUTION NO. 278 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 278 OF 1988 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That Resolution No. 278 adopted by the Board on September 27, 1988, be amended to add the following wording: RESOLVED, further, That effective September 19, 1989 through November 30, 1989, reclassification requests will be honored only in those cases where a major and significant change has taken place in a position since the start of the reclassification/pay equity study. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 279 - ADOPTION OF REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL POLICY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following revised Administrative Manual policy be and hereby is adopted: 03-04 Family Emergencies SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 280 - RECOMMENDING ACCEPTANCE OF LANDSTROM LANDFILL PROPERTIES INTO PROPERTY VALUE PROTECTION PROGRAM 194 September 19, 1989 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 1 (Representative Culligan), Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Landfill Neighborhood Protection and Budget and Administration Committees, That the portions of Tompkins County around the current County landfill are hereby authorized for inclusion in the Property Value Protection Plan approved by this Board for the area of landfill site DR -7. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 281 - AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE LITIGATION FOR NONPAYMENT OF LANDFILL USER FEES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to commence litigation to recover unpaid sums due for landfill user fees. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 282 - AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $849,300 SERIAL BONDS AND $28,700 CAPITAL NOTES OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK, TO PAY PART OF THE COST OF THE CLOSURE OF THE LANDSTROM LANDFILL AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW LANDFILL AND TO PAY THE COST OF THE DESIGN OF A CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY, IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY (Portions Superseded or Repealed by Res. No. 459 of 1990) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Two-thirds vote required. Adopted. WHEREAS, by bond and capital note resolutions No. 111, dated April 21, 1987, and No. 255, dated September 6, 1988, the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, New York, authorized the issuance of $1,067,250 serial bonds and $56,750 capital notes of said County to pay the cost of the closure of landfills and $1,259,000 serial bonds and $67,000 capital notes to pay the cost of the establishment of a new landfill in and for said County, and WHEREAS, it has now been determined that an additional $359,000 must be expended in connection with the closure of the Landstrom Landfill and that an additional $214,000 must be expended in connection with the establishment of a new landfill and that it is necessary to expend the sum of $305,000 for the purposes of designing a new central processing facility for said County, and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize funding for such purposes, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, as follows: Section 1. For the specific objects or purposes of paying additional costs of the closure of the Landstrom Landfill and the establishment of a new landfill and to pay the cost of the design of a new central processing facility, in and for the County of Tompkins, New York, there are hereby authorized to be issued $849,300 serial bonds and $28,700 capital notes of the County of Tompkins, New York, pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the maximum estimated cost of the closure of landfills is $1,483,000 and that the plan for the financing thereof is as follows: 195 September 19, 1989 a. By the issuance of the $261,250 serial bonds authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to Resolution No. 111, bond and capital note resolution dated April 21, 1987 and by the issuance of the $806,000 serial bonds authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to Resolution No. 255, bond and capital note resolution dated September 6, 1988; b. By the issuance of the $13,750 capital notes authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to Resolution No. 111, bond and capital note resolution dated April 21, 1987 and by the issuance of the $43,000 capital notes authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to Resolution No. 255, bond and capital note resolution dated September 6, 1988; c. By the issuance of $341,000 serial bonds of the $849,300 serial bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution; and d. By the issuance of $18,000 capital notes of the $28,700 capital notes authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution. Such capital notes shall be sold at private sale and all further powers in connection with the details and the sale thereof are hereby delegated to the County Comptroller, the chief fiscal officer, in accordance with the Local Finance Law. Pursuant to Section 107.00 of the Local Finance Law, the proceeds from the sale of such capital notes will be provided prior to the issuance of the bonds herein authorized or bond anticipation notes, which capital notes, together with the capital notes described in paragraph b hereof, shall constitute the down payment required therefor. The County Comptroller is hereby authorized to cause to be appropriated current funds of said County in lieu of the issuance of all or any portion of the capital notes herein authorized if, in his discretion, he shall deem it in the best interest of said County to do so. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the maximum estimated cost of a new landfill is $1,540,000 and that the plan for the financing thereof is as follows: a. By the issuance of the $513,000 serial bonds authorized to be issued therefore pursuant to Resolution No. 111, bond and capital note resolution dated April 21, 1987 and by the issuance of the $746,000 serial bonds authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to Resolution No. 255, bond and capital note resolution dated September 6, 1988; b. By the issuance of the $27,000 capital notes authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to Resolution No. 111, bond and capital note resolution dated April 21, 1987 and by the issuance of the $40,000 capital notes authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to Resolution No. 255, bond and capital note resolution dated September 6, 1988; c. By the issuance of $203,300 serial bonds of the $849,300 serial bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution; and d. By the issuance of $10,700 capital notes of the $28,700 capital notes authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution. Such capital notes shall be sold at private sale and all further powers in connection with the details and the sale thereof are hereby delegated to the County Comptroller, the chief fiscal officer, in accordance with the Local Finance Law. Pursuant to Section 107.00 of the Local Finance Law, the proceeds from the sale of such capital notes will be provided prior to the issuance of the bonds herein authorized or bond anticipation notes, which capital notes, together with the capital notes described in paragraph b hereof, shall constitute the down payment required therefor. The County Comptroller is hereby authorized to cause to be appropriated current funds of said County in lieu of the issuance of all or any portion of the capital notes herein authorized if, in his discretion, he shall deem it in the best interest of said County to do so. Section 4. It is hereby determined that the maximum estimated cost of the design of a new central processing facility is $305,000, and that the plan for the financing thereof shall consist of the issuance of $305,000 serial bonds of the $849,300 serial bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution. Section 5. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the closure of landfills is twenty years, pursuant to subdivision 6-b of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, computed from November 20, 1987, the date of issuance of the first bond anticipation note issued for such project; that the period of probably usefulness of the establishment of a new landfill is twenty years, pursuant to subdivision 6-a of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, computed from November 20, 1987, the date of issuance of the first bond anticipation note issued for such project; and that the period of probably usefulness of the design of a new central processing facility is five years, pursuant to subdivision 62 of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. Bond and capital 196 September 19, 1989 note resolutions No. 111, dated April 21, 1987, and No. 255, dated September 6, 1988 are hereby amended to provide that the period of probably usefulness of the closure of landfills is twenty years, pursuant to subdivision 6-b of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the County Comptroller, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said County Comptroller, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 5. The faith and credit of said County of Tompkins, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such obligations as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations become due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations as the same become due and payable. Section 6. The validity of such bonds, bond anticipation notes and capital notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 7. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in the Ithaca Journal and the Trumansburg Free Press, which are hereby designated as the official newspapers of such County for such purpose, together with a notice of the Clerk of the Board of Representatives in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 283 - CONTINUATION OF POSITION, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That a three-quarter time position of Youth Care Worker (10-657), labor grade X, competitive class, be continued effective immediately to remain in existence as long as 100 percent Federal funding is available for salary and fringe benefits, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this position. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 284 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Human Services, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: 197 TRANSFERS Budget & Finance FROM: TO: Health - WIC FROM: TO: FROM: TO: September 19, 1989 A8163.4452 Postage A1310.4452 Postage A4012.8300 Social Security A4012.4330 Printing A4012.8600 Health Insurance A4012.2212 Bookcases .2213 File Cabinets .3020 Supplies .4020 Advertisements BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Airport Revenue: Appropriation: Health Revenue: Appropriation: Job Training Program Revenue: Appropriation: Purchasing Revenue: Appropriation: Revenue: Appropriation: Youth Bureau Revenue: Appropriation: B5610.2773 B5610.4330 .2210 4021.3401 4021.4330 .4332 .4442 CD7325.4820 .4821 CD7325.8870 A1345.2226 A1345.4468 A1345.2770 A1345.4413 A7020.3828 A7020.4302 .4330 .4442 .4452 .4465 .4466 .4472 .4402 APPROPRIATIONS Job Training FROM: CD909 TO: CD6394.2231 FROM: A1990 TO: CD6394.2231 Youth Bureau FROM: A1990 TO: A7020.4302 .4330 .4442 Security System Revenue Printing Other Equipment Public Health State Aid Printing Books/Publications Professional Services AVE SESP Grant Unemployment Insurance Sale of Supplies Solid Waste Copying Unclassified Revenues Auction Expense State Aid Office Supplies Printing Professional Service Fee Postage Job -Necessitated Travel Job -Related Travel Telephone Advertising Job Training Fund Balance Vehicles Contingent Fund Vehicles Contingent Fund Office Supplies Printing Professional Services Fee 198 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 2,206 $ 150 556 300 1,200 $ 800 $ 260 540 $ 11,000 $ 2,500 1,000 7,500 $ 611 1,426 $ 2,037 $ 700 $ 700 $ 8,889 $ 8,889 $ 1,033 $ 175 405 25 28 187 75 50 88 $ 412 $ 412 $ 825 $ 825 $ 1,033 $ 175 405 25 September 19, 1989 .4452 Postage 28 .4465 Job -Necessitated Travel 187 .4466 Job -Related Travel 75 .4472 Telephone 50 .4402 Advertising 88 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Vice Chairman Tillapaugh declared recess at 8:22 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:29 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 285 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT ADDENDUM WITH RESOURCE ASSOCIATES FOR PREPARATION OF THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (FEIS) FOR THE COMMERCIAL AVENUE CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY (CPF) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10, Noes - 0, Absent - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Watros), Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 114 dated April 20, 1989 authorized Resource Associates to prepare the draft Environmental Impact Statement (dEIS) for the Central Processing Facility, and WHEREAS, all substantive comments regarding the CPF project must be replied to and addressed in the final Environmental Impact Statement, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That an agreement addendum with Resource Associates be approved in an amount not to exceed $49,600 (includes a 10 percent contingency) to prepare the final Environmental Impact Statement for the CPF project subject to the acceptance of the dEIS by the Board of Representatives. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) (Previous SEQR Determinations) RESOLUTION NO. 286 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 11 - BURTON F. CLARK, INC: LANDSTROM LANDFILL CLOSURE PHASE I Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10, Noes - 0, Absent - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Watros), Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution Numbers 240 and 253 of 1988 authorized the execution of a contract with Burton F. Clark, Inc. for Landstrom Closure Phase I, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 11 provides for the Contractor to extend embankment and surface treatment for the access turnaround at the leachate holding tanks to ensure year round accessibility, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Order No. 11 be and hereby is approved in the amount of $14,335, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $14,335 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HH8166.9239, established by Resolution No. 253 of 1988. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II 199 September 19, 1989 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 287 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT ADDENDUM WITH O'BRIEN AND GERE FOR LANDFILL PERMIT PHASE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10, Noes - 1 (Representative Stein), Absent - 1 (Representative Lifton), Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 159 dated May 16, 1989 authorized an addendum to the Phase IV landfill design and permitting agreement with O'Brien and Gere for installation of bedrock wells at the DR -7 landfill, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 205 dated June 27, 1989 authorized an addendum for additional permitting services, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is requiring two additional rounds of baseline testing for all monitoring wells, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That an agreement addendum for additional permitting services with O'Brien and Gere be authorized in an amount not to exceed $45,740 (hourly) basis to satisfy NYSDEC requirement and be funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 288 - DISTRIBUTION OF REMAINING FOOD PROGRAM MONIES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 0, Absent - 1 (Representative Lifton), Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Economic Opportunity Corporation (EOC) is no longer running a food distribution program, and WHEREAS, various food pantries have determined to provide this service through contracts with Southern Tier Food Bank, and WHEREAS, Family and Children's Service has graciously consented to assist this process, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to sign a contract with Family and Children's Service for the balance of 1989 to enable the food pantries of the County who have signed a contract with Southern Tier Food Bank by September 20, 1989, to receive and distribute food to low- income families, each pantry to receive an identical share of these funds, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized to make the following transfer on his books: FROM: A6310.4546 EOC Food Distribution $ 6,818 TO: A6310.4526 Family and Children's Service Food $ 6,818 Distribution RESOLVED, further, That the Human Services Committee is delegated to establish guidelines for the equitable distribution of food program dollars in 1990. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 200 September 19, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 289 - AUTHORIZATION TO ALLOCATE MUNICIPAL YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM - LOCAL FUNDS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 0, Absent - 1 (Representative Lifton), Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives appropriated $78,129 in Municipal Youth Services - Local Program funds for 1989, and WHEREAS, the County Youth Board has recommended that these funds be allocated as follows to enter into contractual agreement for services provided: Town of Enfield $3,890 Town of Caroline $4,100 Town of Danby $3,517 Village of Lansing $4,016 , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to enter into said contractual agreements. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 290 - AUTHORIZATION TO ALLOCATE MUNICIPAL YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM - CENTRAL FUNDS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives appropriated $78,129 in Municipal Youth Services - Central Program funds for 1989, and WHEREAS, according to established guidelines, unused funds from Municipal Youth Service Program - Local Programs are to be rolled over and recommended for allocation by the County Youth Board, and WHEREAS, the County Youth Board has recommended that these funds be allocated as follows to enter into contractual agreement for services provided as follows: EOC Crime Prevention Program $ 2,900 BOCES Focus/Prep $ 16,121 IYB One -to -One Program $ 2,005.50 , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to enter into said contractual agreements, RESOLVED, further, That appropriate sub -accounts in A7026 be established and reconciled in accordance with the Comptroller. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 291 - RESOLUTION TO MODIFY MUNICIPAL YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM GUIDELINES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 201 September 19, 1989 WHEREAS, a Committee was appointed by the Chairman of this Board and the Mayor of the City of Ithaca to recommend a method for achieving the most effective and efficient provision of County -wide youth services, and WHEREAS, said Committee issued a report titled Report of the Ad Hoc Youth Services Study Committee, accepted by this Board by Resolution No. 251 of 1989, and WHEREAS, recommendation No. 4 of said report stating that "programs provided by the County Youth Bureau with central dollars will not necessarily require a match by the contractor...", requires a modification to the current guidelines, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the County Youth Board advises the County Board of Representatives to modify the guidelines for Municipal Youth Services Program for central and local funds, Resolution No. 282 of 1988, to allow the County Youth Board discretion in requiring matching funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 292 - REQUESTING STATE TO REIMBURSE COUNTY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS INVESTIGATIONS Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission has had a memorandum of agreement since 1981 with the New York State Division of Human Rights for the intake and investigation for New York State Human Rights Division cases, and WHEREAS, in the event that there are dual investigations pertaining to State and Federal human rights cases the Federal government reimburses the State government for investigations, and WHEREAS, the New York State Division of Human Rights does not reimburse the local Tompkins County Human Rights Commission out of the Federal payment received, and WHEREAS, the local investigation of alleged human rights violations is much more expeditious than State investigation and the staff of the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission is much more accessible and responsive to the public than State or Federal investigators, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That a portion of the Federal reimbursement to the State for investigatory duties performed by the New York State Division of Human Rights which are in fact performed by the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission be reimbursed to the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. - 293 - REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION - PROHIBITING ALCOHOL VENDING MACHINES IN TOMPKINS COUNTY Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the State of New York has passed legislation permitting alcohol vending machines in hotel and motel rooms in New York State, and WHEREAS, such legislation makes alcohol more accessible to the public under conditions where it will be difficult to control alcohol use by persons who are under age or who have already had too much to drink, and WHEREAS, excessive alcohol consumption, with its detrimental effects on the public, including Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is perceived as a growing problem in this County, now therefore be it 202 September 19, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That Senator Seward and Assemblyman Luster be requested to submit appropriate legislation to amend Chapter 217 of the Laws of 1989 to give local option to Tompkins County to allow it to prohibit alcohol vending machines in the County, RESOLVED, further, That Governor Cuomo be appraised of the concerns of Tompkins County and be requested to support such amendment for local option. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 294 - AWARD OF BID - FIFTEEN PASSENGER VAN - JOB TRAINING Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for a fifteen passenger van for use by Job Training, and WHEREAS, two bids were received and opened on September 5, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the bid from William T. Pritchard, Inc. of Ithaca, New York in the amount of $17,141.27, including extended warranty, be accepted as being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications, RESOLVED, further, That the Job Training Department be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 295 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT A GRANT PROPOSAL - PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, a request for proposals for Physically Handicapped Children was received July 31, 1989 from the New York State Department of Health requesting proposals by August 15, 1989, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is particularly interested in applying for this grant in the amount of $81,727 by submission of a proposal as requested, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That permission be granted to the Health Department to submit said application via letter of intent and proposal, with the understanding that the Health Department's proposal, if funded, will require no matching County dollars. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 296 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT A GRANT PROPOSAL - LEAD SCREENING Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, a request for proposals for Lead Screening was received July 17, 1989 from the New York State Department of Health requesting proposals by September 7, 1989, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is interested in applying for this grant in the amount of $5,000 by submission of a proposal as requested, now therefore be it 203 September 19, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That permission be granted to the Health Department to submit said application via letter of intent and proposal, with the understanding that the Health Department's proposal, if funded, will require no matching County dollars. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 297 - ALLOCATION OF FUNDS TO COMMUNITY ARTS COALITION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell. It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Lifton, to increase the amount to $10,000 instead of $7,500. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 4 (Representatives Culligan, Howell, Lifton, and Livesay); Noes - 8 (Representatives Dietrich, Proto, Shurtleff, Stein, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, and Winch); Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Motion Lost. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That $7,500 in the current Tompkins County Budget originally targeted for the Tompkins County Arts Council be allocated to the Community Arts Coalition to conduct a study as presented to the Health and Education Committee. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 298 - ACCEPTANCE OF FEDERAL SECTION 18 OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT APPLICATION FOR TOMTRAN RURAL TRANSIT Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins submitted a request for a grant of funds to the New York State Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation (Resolution No. 198 of June 29, 1989), pursuant to Section 18of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended for one operating assistance project for TOMTRAN Rural Transit, a fixed route, open to the public transportation service in Tompkins County, operated by CU Transit, Inc. under contract with Tompkins County, for 1989 (PIN 3798.25.406), and WHEREAS, the estimated amount of the Federal share for the project is $73,000, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign: (1) any and all agreements between the County of Tompkins and the State of New York for the Proj ect, (2) any and all agreements between the County of Tompkins and any third party contractors necessary to complete the Project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 299 - AMENDED DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PLAN, EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1989 - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 204 September 19, 1989 WHEREAS, the United States Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration does require that the County adopt a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Plan which is applicable to construction and leasing activities at the County Airport and is a prerequisite for Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Projects (AIP) Grants, and WHEREAS, the County has encouraged and participated in these activities since 1980, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Amended Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Plan, dated August 31, 1989, and on file at the Offices of the County Administrator, the Commissioner of Planning, and the Airport Manager is hereby adopted and shall continue in force until such time as it may be amended by the Board. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 300 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING - CONTRACT WITH BAR HARBOR AIRWAYS, INC. D/B/A CONTINENTAL EXPRESS Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, October 10, 1989 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning a proposed contract with Bar Harbor Airways, Inc. at the Tompkins County Airport. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 301 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT ADDENDUM WITH SUPERIOR DISPOSAL FOR THE COLLECTION, HANDLING AND TRANSPORT OF RECYCLABLES TO MARKETS Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives initiated a recycling program on October 17, 1988 (Resolution No. 86), and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 261, dated September 29, 1988, authorized execution of a contract with Superior Disposal, Interlaken, New York for collection of recyclables, and WHEREAS, recyclables will have to be stored, prepared, and transported to markets until such time as the Central Processing Facility is in operation, and WHEREAS, Superior Disposal has the capability to store and transport recyclables to market, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute a contract addendum with Superior Disposal of Interlaken, New York for collecting recyclables from drop-off centers, serving as a transfer station for recyclables, and transporting recyclables to markets, until such time as the Central Processing Facility is in operation, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: FROM: A8160.2130 Refuse Charges $29,560 TO: A8163.4442 Professional Services $29,560 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 205 September 19, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 302 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH RRT EMPIRE RETURNS CORPORATION, INC. - MARKETING OF RECYCLABLES Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 306, dated October 20, 1988, authorized the execution of a contract with Wallace Industries Inc. for marketing recyclables, and WHEREAS, Wallace Industries, Inc. provided the County with notification in a letter dated August 7, 1989, that as of October 17, 1989 they will no longer serve as the local market for recyclables as they are not interested in obtaining the NYCRR Part 360 permit that is required by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to operate a recycling facility, and WHEREAS, the County is committed to diverting recyclables from the Tompkins County landfill, and it is important to maintain the consistency of the Tompkins County Recycling Program, regardless of marketing transitions, until such time as the Central Processing Facility is in operation, and WHEREAS, at the request of the County, RRT Empire Returns Corporation of Syracuse, New York provided an update to their original proposal submitted in response to the September, 1988 marketing Request for Proposals (RFP), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute a contract with RRT Empire Returns Corporation of Syracuse, New York for the purchase of recyclable materials, RESOLVED, further, That the prices for said recyclables be based on set marketing indices and quoted on a monthly basis for each commodity. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 303 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE SUBCONTRACTS WITH CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY AND THE CAYUGA NATURE CENTER TO FULFILL REQUIREMENTS OF THE LOCAL RESOURCE, REUSE AND RECOVERY PROGRAM (LRRRP) GRANT Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 263 dated September 28, 1988, authorized the filing of an application for a State grant-in-aid for Local Resource, Reuse and Recovery Program (LRRRP) and signing of a State contract, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 89 dated March 22, 1989, authorized the execution of a contract with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for recycling education in the amount of $77,500, fifty percent of the eligible amount of $155,000, and WHEREAS, the LRRRP grant funding is based on subcontracts with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County and the Cayuga Nature Center, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to execute agreements with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County and the Cayuga Nature Center to provide recycling education, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books for 1989: $7,910 for Cornell Cooperative Extension, and $3,516 for the Cayuga Nature Center: FROM: A8160.2130 Refuse Charges $11,426 206 September 19, 1989 TO: A8163.4442 Professional Services $11,426 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 304 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT ADDENDUM WITH RECOURSE SYSTEMS FOR DEVELOPING A COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Board of Representatives wishes to expand the Tompkins County Recycling Program to include the commercial/industrial sector as expeditiously as possible to divert recyclables from the landfill, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That a contract addendum with Recourse Systems of Concord, Massachusetts be and is hereby approved for developing a commercial/industrial recycling plan, said contract addendum to be authorized in an amount not to exceed $17,555, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: FROM: A8160.2130 Refuse Charges $17,555 TO: A8163.4442 Professional Services $17,555 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 305 - AMENDMENT OF COUNTY CAPITAL PROGRAM AND BUDGET, TRANSFER AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - NYSERDA COMPOSTING PROJECT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, Tompkins County is committed to implementing a composting project under a funding agreement with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), and WHEREAS, the cost for constructing the project as a result of bidding is greater than the approved budget, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the 1989 County Capital Program and Budget for the NYSERDA composting project be increased by $64,210, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to transfer $64,210 from Capital Account No. A8160.4451 to Capital Account No. HH8162 for the NYSERDA composting proj ect. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) (Previous SEQR Prepared — No Significant Impact) RESOLUTION NO. 306 - AWARD OF BID - NYSERDA COMPOSTING PROJECT Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. 207 September 19, 1989 WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Composting Project, and WHEREAS, one bid was received and publicly opened on August 8, 1989, and WHEREAS, the bid from McPherson Builders, Inc. of Ithaca, New York in the amount of $165,280 greatly exceeds the original construction budget estimate prepared in 1986, and WHEREAS, negotiations have been held with the low bidder and a contract price of $73,282 has been agreed upon for mobilization, mechanical, electrical and general construction, and County highway and landfill staff will construct the pad, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid of McPherson Builders, Inc., of Ithaca, New York be accepted in part in an amount not to exceed $80,610 (includes a 10 percent contingency), funded from HH8262. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) (Previous SEQR Prepared — No Significant Impact) RESOLUTION NO. 307 - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH UNITED STATES SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE FOR DRYDEN FLOOD CONTROL DAM Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Watros, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 103 of 1986 made known Tompkins County's intent to assume the lead agency position in the Virgil Creek Watershed Project for flood protection in the area of the Village of Dryden and to participate equally with the Town and Village of Dryden in the local share of land and associated administrative costs, the County's share of which, after State aid, is estimated as no more than $25,000, and WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden passed a resolution on March 11, 1986, vowing to participate equally with the Village of Dryden and the County in the same local share of land costs, and WHEREAS, the Village of Dryden passed a resolution on February 25, 1986, vowing to participate equally with the Town of Dryden and the County in the same local share of land costs, and WHEREAS, New York State has a State Aid to Counties Program for reimbursing counties up to fifty percent of these land costs pursuant to County Law 229W, and WHEREAS, the County applied for that State aid for fiscal year 1987-1988, but the project plan was delayed well beyond that timing, and WHEREAS, the United States Soil Conservation Service (SCS) has now completed the plan for the project, including a proposed agreement to be executed with the local sponsors, and WHEREAS, County planning staff has reviewed that plan and the Planning and Economic Development Committee has reviewed its summary, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute the proposed agreement with the SCS, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute and submit to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation a new application for State Aid to Counties and such other documents as may be necessary to get State cost-sharing aid for the local costs of this project, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to submit to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for their approval an application of the Watershed Plan for this project. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 208 September 19, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 308 - AWARD OF BID AND AMENDMENT OF CAPITAL BUDGET - AIRPORT INADVERTENT ENTRY FENCING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. True. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10, Noes - 2 (Representatives Culligan and Lifton), Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids on the construction of inadvertent entry fencing at the Tompkins County Airport and such bids were received and publicly opened on September 19, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management and Capital Program Committees, That the bid for inadvertent entry fencing be awarded to Reliance Fence Company of Vestal, New York, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications in the amount of $79,850 for the construction phase, RESOLVED, further, That the Federal Aviation Administration grant in the amount of $94,500 is hereby accepted and that the Comptroller is authorized and directed to appropriate the local project share of $2,625 from the Airport Fund Balance and to make the following budget adjustments on his books: Revenues: HR5610.4592 FAA $94,500 HR5610.3592 NYSDOT 7,875 HR5610.5031 Interfund Transfer 2,625 Appropriations: HR5610.9239 Reliance Fence $79,850 HR5610.9213 Calocerinos and Spina 20,718 HR5610.1230 Administration 4,432 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote by all present the following appointments were made to the various boards: Criminal Justice Advisory/Alternatives to Incarceration Board Term expires December 31, 1991 Judith Van Allen representing Offender Aid and Restoration Human Rights Commission Term expires December 31, 1990 Marcia Fort Term expires December 31, 1991 Julia Diann Sams Tompkins County Youth Board Terms expire December 31, 1989 Luis Garza - youth representative Marie Van De Mark - youth representative LaBerta Glasser - City of Ithaca representative Terms expire December 31, 1990 Jason Ehrenberg - youth representative Laurie Renee Weaver - youth representative Economic Advisory Board Term expires December 31, 1990 Charles Reniff - Town of Dryden representative 209 September 19, 1989 Assessment Review Board Term expires September 30, 1994 William Kiernan It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present (requires two-thirds vote), to waive the Rules of the Board concerning prior notification of Matthew Wall's resume. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Lifton, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to appoint Matthew Wall to the Economic Advisory Board as Ithaca College's representative for a term which expires December 31, 1990. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, that the Board relinquish one seat on the Greater Ithaca Activities Board for this year only. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. True, and adopted by voice vote by all present with Mr. Proto voting no, to hold an executive session to discuss management salaries. An executive session was held at 9:37 p.m. and returned to regular session at 10:20 p.m. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to lift from the Table Resolution No. 277 - Increase in Salaries - Management Staff. RESOLUTION NO. 277 - INCREASE IN SALARIES - MANAGEMENT STAFF Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 1 (Representative Lifton), Excused - 3 (Representatives Call, Mason, and Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Management Compensation and Budget and Administration Committees, That the salary schedules (minimums, midpoints and maximums) for all Tompkins County management positions be increased effective October 1, 1989 by 5.5 percent and that the salaries for all County management staff shall be increased for the period October 1, 1989 through September 30, 1990 in accordance with the recommendations of those Committees, RESOLVED, further, That to effectuate these increases the Comptroller is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustments and appropriations in the approved 1989 budget: BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Appropriation Account Revenue Account Amount 3140.1211 3140.3310 $ 445 .1238 .3310 240 4010.1230 4010.3401 146 .1267 .3401 143 .1240 .3401 208 .1250 .3401 224 .1254 .3401 59 4014.1245 4014.3401 78 4310.1249 4310.3491 173 .1259 .3491 286 4311.1237 4311.3491 225 4312.1255 4312.3497 313 6010.1206 6010.3610 88 .1206 .4610 177 .1212 .3610 96 .1212 .4610 191 .1217 .3610 105 .1217 .4610 209 210 September 19, 1989 .1233 .3610 67 .1233 .4610 135 .1247 .3610 165 .1247 .4610 328 7020.1220 7020.3828 190 CD6292.1215 CD6292.4792 349 APPROPRIATIONS FROM: A1990 - Contingent Fund $15,999 TO: 1040.1213 $ 375 1165.1228 1,643 1230.1253 761 1310.1224 356 1315.1234 401 .1246 573 1345.1256 413 1355.1227 396 .1244 491 1410.1202 351 1411.1210 285 1420.1226 378 .1248 369 1430.1218 346 .1242 572 .1258 357 1450.1201 512 1490.1251 742 1620.1208 313 1680.1241 516 3110.1219 481 3140.1211 513 .1238 277 3410.1229 400 3630.1207 268 4010.1230 218 .1267 214 .1240 312 .1250 337 .1254 89 4014.1245 118 4310.1249 286 .1259 173 4311.1237 226 4312.1255 35 6010.1206 89 .1212 95 .1217 104 .1233 67 .1247 164 6772.1215 350 7020.1220 191 8040.1263 116 .1264 316 8160.1257 410 211 September 19, 1989 FROM: STOP -DWI Fund Balance TO: A4250.1223 FROM: Airport Fund Balance TO: B5610.1225 FROM: County Road Fund Balance TO: D5110.1231 FROM: County Road Fund Balance TO: D5010.1266 FROM: County Road Fund Balance TO: D5010.1239 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) $ 370 $ 370 $ 389 $ 389 $ 347 $ 347 $ 460 $ 460 $ 447 $ 447 On motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:22 p.m. 212 October 10, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed agreement with Bar Harbor Airways, Inc., d/b/a Continental Express. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak. Coert Bonthius, Tompkins County Labor Coalition, distributed and spoke about an article by David Walsh entitled Striking for Justice at Eastern Airlines in The Working Press dated June 1989. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:35 p.m. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Howell). It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the Board minutes of the May 2, May 16, and June 6, 1989 meetings. Chairman Mason presented a proclamation and declared the week of October 1-7, 1989 as 4-H Week in Tompkins County. Chairman Mason presented a proclamation to Mr. Goldstein of Challenge Industries and declared the month of October to be Tompkins County Disability Employment Awareness Month. Under privilege of the floor, Edward Kabelac, 1410 Hanshaw Road, Owner of Spring Water Motel in the Town of Dryden. He feels all of the room tax monies should be reinvested in the promotion of tourism in Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Kristin Clegg, 1150 Danby Road, Ithaca, Resident Manager of La Tourelle, spoke as a member of the Ithaca Innkeeper's Association and the community urging the Board to uphold the present state legislation which requires all money collected by the County's occupancy tax be reinvested in efforts to promote tourism in Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Margaret Hobbie, Director, DeWitt Historical Society, had questions concerning the resolution before the Board on tourism development and the distribution of funds. Under privilege of the floor, Kathy Million, 218 South Albany Street, read a letter from Doris Salerno, Chairperson of Bed and Breakfast Council of Greater Ithaca Innkeepers Association, stating their position on room tax. They feel that all overnight facilities should collect the room tax if the money is used for tourism promotion. Under privilege of the floor, Gretchen Sachse, 118 Lower Creek Road, spoke about the resolution entitled Establishment of an Advisory Board on Tourism Development, Allocation of Proceeds of Hotel Room Occupancy Tax and Authorization to Execute Contract with Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors Bureau. Under privilege of the floor, Katharine Ross-Caveney, Board of Realtors, spoke in favor of the resolution entitled Establishment of an Advisory Board on Tourism Development, Allocation of Proceeds of Hotel Room Occupancy Tax and Authorization to Execute Contract with Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors Bureau. However, she suggested one change in the wording of the resolution - "real estate agencies" be changed to "real estate community". 213 October 10, 1989 Under privilege of the floor, Richard Driscoll, Bank Street, Newfield, addressed the Board and spoke in favor of the proposed amendments to the resolution concerning room tax. Under privilege of the floor, Becky Bilderback, Better Housing for Tompkins County, Inc., referred to a letter to Mary Call as Chairman of the Human Services Committee which speaks in favor and urges the Board to pass the resolution creating an Advisory Board on Affordable Housing. Under privilege of the floor, Corey Ann Gettig, 1990 President of the Ithaca Board of Realtors, encouraged the Board to pass the resolution entitled Establishment of an Advisory Board on Affordable Housing and to include a real estate community member. Under privilege of the floor, Barbara Ebert, spoke on behalf of Historic Ithaca, commented on the room tax allocation. Under privilege of the floor, Richard Kinch, 611 Mitchell Street, Ithaca, spoke concerning the problems of alcohol in the County and asked the Board to drop the promotion of the alcohol industry and enforce the alcohol beverage control laws. Under privilege of the floor, Bill Holtkamp, Finger Lakes Association, read a letter to the Board from Malcolm Noden, Elected Director, Finger Lakes Association, concerning the resolution entitled Establishment of an Advisory Board on Tourism Development, Allocation of Proceeds of Hotel Room Occupancy Tax and Authorization to Execute Contract with Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors Bureau. The letter strongly states opposition of an advisory board and urges the Board to reject any method of control for funding that diminishes legislative prerogative or oversight. Under privilege of the floor, Paul Sayvetz, 210 Elm Street, spoke in favor of room tax money being allocated to the arts. Under privilege of the floor, Frank Cosentino, representing the Greater Ithaca Innkeepers Association, spoke in favor of the room tax dollars being used to build tourism in Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Barbara Mink, 614 North Cayuga Street, Ithaca, urged the Board to incorporate some sort of measurement capability and to have a policy put in place concerning the allocation of room tax money. Under privilege of the floor, Ellen Rosten, Collegetown Motor Lodge, said she is speaking for the hotel industry and taxpayers of Tompkins County in urging support for the Convention and Visitors Bureau. Under privilege of the floor, Kenneth Walker, 305 Taylor Place, Past President of Chamber of Commerce, supports the resolution entitled Establishment of an Advisory Board on Tourism Development, Allocation of Proceeds of Hotel Room Occupancy Tax and Authorization to Execute Contract with Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors Bureau and encouraged the Board to pass it with the appropriate amendments. Under privilege of the floor, Conrad Tunney, Finger Lakes Association, spoke concerning the proposed resolution on the distribution of room tax. The Finger Lakes Association is requesting that funding for the regional program comes directly from the County Legislature rather than any intervening body which includes the Chamber of Commerce or any similar group. Further, the regional funds be handled separately from the local funding. 214 October 10, 1989 Under privilege of the floor, Charlotte Stone, Past President of Chamber of Commerce, said that her great hope is that a good and fine decision is made on distribution of room tax. Under privilege of the floor, Kenneth Tillapaugh related a successful story of a young person helped by the CETA program of several years ago. Under privilege of the floor, Donald Lifton distributed copies of Cornell University's tax forms for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1986. He again updated the Board on the "Billionnaire" Cornell University and gave a three-year financial summary 1985-1988. RESOLUTION NO. 309 - ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ADVISORY BOARD ON TOURISM DEVELOPMENT, ALLOCATION OF PROCEEDS OF HOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (Amended by Res. No. 85 of 1990, Res. No. 136 of 1991 and Res. No. 325 of 1993) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Room Tax Review Committee, updated the Board on their recommendations and actions. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, to delete in the fourth RESOLVED, 2., "at its discretion" and in line 3 add "up to ten (10) percent to Finger Lakes Association". It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, to amend the amendment by changing ten (10) percent to fifteen (15) percent to Finger Lakes Association (of the 85 percent). A roll call vote resulted as follows on the amendment to the amendment: Ayes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, and Stein); Noes - 8 (Representatives Call, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Motion Lost. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Culligan, to amend the amendment by adding a new #4 that would allocate ten (10) percent to the Finger Lakes Association to be taken from the total 85 percent of the Chamber and adjusting their 85 percent to 75 percent. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the amendment to the amendment: Ayes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, and Stein); Noes - 8 (Representatives Call, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Motion Lost. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, to amend the amendment by adding a new #4 that would allocate 8.5 percent to Finger Lakes Association (of the total) out of the Chamber. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the amendment to the amendment: Ayes - 10 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Shurtleff, Stein, Tillapaugh, and Mason); Noes - 4 (Representatives Proto, True, Watros, and Winch); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Motion carried. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Call, to Table this resolution as amended to the next Board meeting. A roll call vote resulted as follows to Table: Ayes - 4 (Representatives Dietrich, Livesay, Proto, and Stein); Noes - 10 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Lifton, Nichols, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Motion to Table Lost. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Lifton, to substitute this resolution for the resolution entitled Establishment of Policy and Procedures for Allocation of the Hotel Room Occupancy Tax. Mrs. Call called the question on substituting the resolution. Motion to call the question was 215 October 10, 1989 unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. A roll call vote resulted as follows on substituting the resolution: Ayes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, and Stein); Noes - 8 (Representatives Call, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Motion Lost. Mr. Watros called the question on Mrs. Call's amendment. A roll call vote resulted as follows on calling the question: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, Proto, Shurtleff, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Stein, and Tillapaugh); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Two-thirds vote required (or ten (10) votes). Motion on calling the question Lost. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Stein, to revise the second to last RESOLVED as follows: RESOLVED, further, That prior to June 30, 1990, the advisory board shall make recommendations to the Board of Representatives with respect to allocations subsequent to 1990 of all hotel room occupancy proceeds after payment of necessary County Administrative expenses and to recommend methods for evaluations, and in the last RESOLVED change December 31, 1991 to December 31, 1990. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols and Stein); Noes - 8 (Representatives Call, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Motion Lost. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Stein, to change 85 percent to 66.5 percent in the fourth RESOLVED, 2., and in the fourth RESOLVED, 3., change 15 percent to 25 percent. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, and Stein); Noes - 8 (Representatives Call, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Motion Lost. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the resolution as amended: Ayes - 9 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 5 (Representatives Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, and Stein); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Resolution adopted as amended. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Committee on the Tompkins County Hotel Room Occupancy Tax, That an Advisory Board on Tourism Development is hereby established to consist of two members of the Board of Representatives, two owners or operators of hotels, motels, inns or restaurants, two people representing the interests of organizations that enhance the arts and culture of Tompkins County, and one member of the general business community, all of whom shall be appointed by this Board of Representatives, which Advisory Board shall adopt bylaws for submission and approval by this Board of Representatives, RESOLVED, further, That this Advisory Board shall review and evaluate the activities of all entities receiving funds from the Hotel Room Occupancy Tax, including the Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors Bureau and make recommendations to the entities receiving those funds and to this Board of Representatives with respect to their most appropriate and effective use, RESOLVED, further, That said Advisory Board shall develop with community input a tourism policy for review and adoption by the Board of Representatives by June 30, 1990 which shall address the issues raised by the report commissioned by this Board entitled, "An Operational Review of the Convention and Visitors Bureau of the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce" and conducted by the Institute for Tourism Development at the Rochester Institute of Technology, RESOLVED, further, That all funds received from the Hotel Room Occupancy Tax through the end of 1989 but not allocated and all funds received from said tax in 1990 and 1991 shall be allocated as follows: 1. Payment of necessary County costs of administering the Hotel Room Occupancy Tax (not to exceed 10 percent of proceeds); 216 October 10, 1989 2. Seventy-six and one half percent of the funds remaining after payment of necessary County costs of administration to the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce to be allocated to its Convention and Visitors Bureau or to any other organization or entity for the promotion of tourism; 3. Fifteen percent of all funds remaining after payment of necessary County costs of administration, upon recommendation of the above established Advisory Board, to organizations other than the Chamber of Commerce for projects that enhance and develop tourist attractions within Tompkins County. 4. Eight and one half percent of the funds remaining after payment of necessary County costs of administration to the Finger Lakes Association, RESOLVED, further, That subsequent to 1991 the Advisory Board shall make recommendations to this Board of Representatives with respect to allocation subsequent to 1991 of all Hotel Room Occupancy proceeds after payment of necessary County administrative expenses, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce through December 31, 1991, providing for payment of the funds specified in No. 2 above and contingent upon full cooperation by the Chamber with the Advisory Board on Tourism Development and with the methods recommended by the Advisory Board for evaluating its effectiveness and appropriateness of Convention and Visitors Bureau programs. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 8:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:40 p.m. Mrs. Howell, Clerk of the Board, announced to the Board that November 12, 1989 at 2 p.m. is the Veteran's Day Parade. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee will meet October 23 at 11 a.m. He updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met October 6 but did not have a quorum. Chairman Mason attended the meeting for a Minority Recommendation. Mr. Tillapaugh also updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee will meet tomorrow and Friday to discuss the 1990 budget. Mrs. Dietrich reported on the resolution (on tonight's agenda) entitled Recommendation by Advisory Board on Indigent Representation (ABIR) to Extend Contract for Consultant Services. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, said the committee met October 5. The committee met the new Director of Housing, Pat Poston. Mrs. Call updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee met October 5 to discuss the budget and will meet again October 12. He updated the Board on the Housing Project proposal by the Hospital. The Hospital has withdrawn their proposal. Discussions will continue on longtime life -care in this County. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said the committee will meet tomorrow at noon. He invited the Board to a public hearing on October 12 at 5 p.m. in the Ithaca High School Auditorium to hear public input. 217 October 10, 1989 Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, updated the Board on committee business. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee has met to discuss the budget. The next committee meeting will be tomorrow at 3 p.m. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee will meet October 25 and 26 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the budget. Chairman Mason gave the appropriate committee chairmen permission to withdraw the following resolutions: Approval of Permit Agreement AIR -89 -06 -Flight Instruction at Tompkins County Airport Establishment of Policy and Procedures for Allocation of the Hotel Room Occupancy Tax On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Award of Bid - Overhead Doors - Public Works Department Recommendation By Advisory Board on Indigent Representation (ABIR) to Extend Contract for Consultant Services RESOLUTION NO. 310 - ADVISORY BOARD ON INDIGENT REPRESENTATION PROPOSAL TO ENHANCE TOMPKINS COUNTY ASSIGNED COUNSEL PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, since 1965 Tompkins County has discharged its constitutional and statutory obligations to provide legal services at public expense to persons charged with a crime who are unable to afford legal counsel through the auspices of Tompkins County Assigned Counsel Plan, and WHEREAS, since 1965 Article 18-B, Section 722, of New York State County Law governing the provision of legal counsel has been amended to include the obligation to provide free legal counsel to persons involved in specified Family and Surrogate Court matters, and the Assigned Counsel Plan has subsequently provided those mandated services, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives is concerned about the lack of accountability and supervision and about the quality of representation afforded under the Assigned Counsel Plan and created the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation to study, review and recommend appropriate modifications to the existing program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation and the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the current plan, as originally proposed by the Tompkins County Bar Association and passed by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives and known as the Assigned Counsel Plan is hereby amended as follows: FIRST: The Proposal of the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives entitled "Proposal for an Enhanced Assigned Counsel Program" and recommended to the Board of Representatives is hereby accepted. SECOND: The Assigned Counsel Plan shall henceforth be known as the Tompkins County Assigned Counsel Program and shall consist of a centralized office with a full-time non -attorney professional and clerical staff supervised by a part-time attorney. THIRD: The Assigned Counsel Program shall be supervised, coordinated and administered by a supervising attorney who shall be appointed by the County Administrator, upon recommendation of the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation, subject to confirmation by the Board of Representatives and the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation. The supervising attorney shall be directly responsible to 218 October 10, 1989 the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation for the implementation of the programs of the Assigned Counsel office and shall be directly responsible to the County Administrator for the implementation of financial, personnel and administrative policies established by the Board of Representatives and not affecting the programs of the Assigned Counsel office. The supervising attorney shall meet qualifications as prescribed by the local Civil Service office and approved by the Board of Representatives. FOURTH: The Advisory Board on Indigent Representation shall continue to act as an advisory board to the Tompkins County Board of Representatives with respect to the Assigned Counsel Program, as provided for in Resolution No. 293 passed by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives on October 20, 1987 and under its bylaws approved by the County. RESOLVED, further, That this resolution is subject to the approval of the Tompkins County Bar Association and the Judicial Conference, and that the Tompkins County Assigned Counsel Program shall, after a period allowing for a smooth transition, be fully operational no later than April 1, 1990. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 311 - AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A PERMIT APPLICATION TO THE UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS TO UTILIZE A WETLAND IN THE DR -7 LANDFILL SITE IF APPROPRIATE JURISDICTION IS APPROPRIATELY DETERMINED Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins submitted a copy of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the DR -7 landfill site on August 30, 1989 to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Buffalo District) for informational purposes, and WHEREAS, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Buffalo District) by letter dated September 6, 1989 to the Solid Waste Manager, which was received on September 12, 1989, advised the County of Tompkins of its responsibility under the Clean Waters Act in the event the Corps of Engineers determines it has jurisdiction, and WHEREAS, it has been determined in the SEQR environmental assessment of the DR -7 landfill site that there is no designated wetland subject to the New York Freshwater Wetlands Act which would require a permit, thereunder, and be further subject to the New York Solid Waste Management Facilities Regulations (6 NYCRR Part 360), and WHEREAS, the criteria for determination of wetland jurisdiction differs between the United States Clean Waters Act and the New York Freshwater Wetlands Act, and WHEREAS, a wetland subject to the Clean Waters Act jurisdiction is determined by a finding of all of the following indicators at the subject area of investigation, which indicators are: (1) vegetation; (2) soil; and, (3) hydrology, and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has on September 25, 1989 at the request of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Buffalo District) submitted further details regarding the three federal wetland indicators, and WHEREAS, based upon the submission by the County of Tompkins as aforementioned, the United States Army Corps of Engineers may determine it has jurisdiction to require a permit application, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That in the event the United States Army Corps of Engineers determines it has wetlands jurisdiction concerning the DR -7 site, based upon the submissions by the County of Tompkins, the Chairman is hereby authorized to cause to be prepared, execute and submit an appropriate permit pursuant to the United States Clean Waters Act. 219 October 10, 1989 SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) Landfill DR -7 RESOLUTION NO. 312 - ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ADVISORY BOARD ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING (Amended by Res. No. 470 of December 4, 1990) Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Lifton, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Affordable Housing, the Human Services Committee and the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That there is hereby established the Tompkins County Advisory Board on Affordable Housing, RESOLVED, further, That the charge of this Board of Representatives to the Advisory Board on Affordable Housing is to advise the Tompkins County Board of Representatives and any other municipality, organization or group on any matter related to the provision of affordable housing, including but not limited to: 1. Function as an advocate for the provision of affordable housing in Tompkins County; 2. Work with the Tompkins County Planning Board, the Human Services Coalition Planning Committee and other established planning bodies toward the development of a comprehensive plan for affordable housing in Tompkins County to be submitted to this Board of Representatives for review and approval; 3. Recommend to this Board of Representatives whether to endorse and recommend specific grant requests and program proposals whose purposes are to achieve affordable housing; 4. Recommend to this Board of Representatives whether to endorse specific federal, state or local programs or proposals in the field of affordable housing; 5. Ensure that information about the status of and need for affordable housing in Tompkins County is available in accessible form and is exchanged among those who need to see it; 6. Ensure that a database on housing stock is maintained; 7. Ensure that updated assessments of the needs for affordable housing in the community are maintained; 8. Ensure that information regarding funding and/or grant opportunities is gathered and widely disseminated among those who need to see it; and 9. Ensure that sufficient technical assistance is available to municipal governments, county departments, agencies, developers and others, that adequate assistance and support is available for the development and submission of grant applications, and that oversight is provided so that duplication is avoided in efforts to fund and secure affordable housing. RESOLVED, further, That there shall be twenty (20) members appointed by this Board of Representatives to the Advisory Board on Affordable Housing and that seven (7) members shall be appointed initially for a term of three (3) years, seven (7) members for a term of two (2) years, and six (6) members for a term of one (1) year so that thereafter members' terms shall be staggered, and that in making appointments to the Advisory Board, the Board of Representatives shall take into consideration the appointment of persons from different municipalities, planning boards, developers, banks, tenants, landlords, neighborhood associations, housing advocacy groups, real estate community, labor, and the public at large, RESOLVED, further, That the Advisory Board on Affordable Housing is authorized to draft bylaws for submission to this Board of Representatives for approval, to elect officers from its membership and to establish committees. Updated copies of bylaws must be kept on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Representatives, 220 October 10, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That appropriate staff backup shall be made available to the Advisory Board on Affordable Housing through the Departments of Social Services and Planning upon recommendation of the County Administrator and the appropriate committee(s) of this Board of Representatives. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 313 - APPROVAL OF COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AGREEMENT Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the comprehensive youth services planning agreement between Tompkins County and the Division for Youth expired in April, 1989, and WHEREAS, the County Youth Board plans to complete the needs assessment phase of the planning process by December 31, 1989, and WHEREAS, an interim planning agreement must be approved to ensure continued reimbursement for Division for Youth sponsored programs for the balance of 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to execute the County Comprehensive Youth Services Planning Agreement for the period April 1, 1989 to December 31, 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 314 - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT - BAR HARBOR AIRWAYS, INC. D/B/A CONTINENTAL EXPRESS (Resolution Tabled to 10/24/89, then Tabled to 11/8/89 and adopted) Moved by Mr.Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. True. It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Winch, to Table this resolution to the next Board meeting. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 9 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, and Winch); Noes - 5 (Representatives Lifton, Nichols, Stein, True, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Motion to Table carried. RESOLUTION NO. 315 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Wednesday, November 8, 1989 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning a proposed lease agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 221 October 10, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 316 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH FAIRBANKS SCALES Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 236 dated August 15, 1989 established a landfill disposal of $40 per ton effective January 1, 1990, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized and directed to execute a twelve month lease agreement with Fairbanks Scales of Buffalo, New York, to furnish and install a weigh scale at the Tompkins County Landfill to assess the per ton disposal fee, with a monthly rental fee of $4,120 per month funded from A8160.4424, Equipment Rental. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 317 - AWARD OF BID - COUNTY ROAD 115 RETAINING WALL Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the slope stabilization retaining wall along County Road 115 in the Town of Caroline, and WHEREAS, said bids were received and publicly opened on October 5, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on minority recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid for the slope stabilization retaining wall along County Road 115 be awarded to Schooley Enterprises, Inc. of Auburn, New York in the amount of $155,452.50, RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to execute change orders up to the contingency level of $15,547.50, said funds being available in Account No. D5110.4411. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) (Short EAF on file) RESOLUTION NO. 318 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - FUEL SYSTEM - HARMONY MECHANICAL Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation and approval of the Public Works Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: Vendor Payment Request Account Amount Harmony Mechanical, Inc. #8 HZ5130.9258 $2,814.58 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims from said Capital Account. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 222 October 10, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 319 - AWARD OF BID - OVERHEAD DOORS - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for overhead doors for the Highway Garage at Bostwick Road, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and opened on Friday, September 29, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on minority recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid for overhead garage doors for the Highway Garage be awarded to the Overhead Door Co. of Cortland, New York in the amounts of $2,499 per unit including optional wide end stiles with double end hinges and longstem rollers and $3,153 per unit with bypass door including optional end stiles, said bid prices being valid for one (1) year, RESOLVED, further, That the Public Works Department is authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 320 - RECOMMENDATION BY ADVISORY BOARD ON INDIGENT REPRESENTATION (ABIR) TO EXTEND CONTRACT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation to the Tompkins County Board of Representatives desires to continue the consultant assistance necessary to accomplish the tasks delegated to it by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, and WHEREAS, due to unforeseen circumstances, services above and beyond those anticipated in the Request for Proposals and addressed in the consultant's successful proposal were requested by the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation and rendered by the consultant, and furthermore, due to unforeseen difficulties in locating information necessary to complete the evaluation of the Assigned Counsel Plan, the approved allocation for said consultant services is almost depleted, and WHEREAS, it is therefore the recommendation of the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation to the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, that the Tompkins County Board of Representatives extend the contract for consultant services entered into on the third day of April, 1989, between the County and Marilyn L. Ray, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives hereby extends the contract for consultant services entered into on the third day of April, 1988, between the County of Tompkins and Marilyn L. Ray, RESOLVED, further, That said consultant shall continue to receive compensation at the previously contracted rate for services provided to the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation as that Board shall determine needed until such time as the County is prepared to entertain a new proposal for consultant services to implement whatever changes in the Assigned Counsel Program are approved for 1990, RESOLVED, further, That the extension of the budget for said consultant services approved under this resolution shall not exceed $1,500 above and beyond the $12,682.89 currently budgeted and approved for said consultant services. 223 October 10, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to transfer $1,500 from A1170.4120, Legal Defense Attorney fees, to A1170.4442, Legal Defense Professional Service fees. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to appoint John Beach as the STOP -DWI Coordinator. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to appoint the following people to the Negotiating Committee - CSEA (White Collar): Robert Watros, Board of Representatives Beverly Livesay, Board of Representatives Scott Heyman, County Administrator Hugh Hurlbut, Personnel Commissioner Anita Fitzpatrick, Personnel Department On motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:24 p.m. 224 October 24, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Howell). It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the Board minutes of the June 27, 1989 meeting. Mrs. Howell, Clerk of the Board, announced that a public hearing will be held on November 1, 1989 at 7 p.m. concerning the proposed 1990 County Budget. Chairman Mason read three proclamations: - Federation of New York Insurance Women's Week - October 9-15, 1989 - Dr. G. Alex Galvin Day - October 29, 1989 - National Hospice Month in Tompkins County - November, 1989 Under privilege of the floor, Robin Yengo, Village of Freeville Mayor, stated her concerns with the disposal fees. She also urged the Board to consider a pilot program in the Village of Freeville. Under privilege of the floor, Michael Lane, Village of Dryden Mayor, said he has the same concerns as Robin Yengo. Under privilege of the floor, Richard Kinch, 611 Mitchell Street, Ithaca, said he supports the disposal fees in principle, but cannot support their use to a double-digit tax increase. Under privilege of the floor, Amari Meader, 123 Upper Creek Road, said she would like the Central Processing Facility centrally located. Under privilege of the floor, Frank Proto said the two reading rooms in the Towns of Caroline and Danby are up and running. Under privilege of the floor, Donald Lifton stated that Cornell University has ignored our pleas. They are our neighbors and it is time to talk. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee met October 23. The committee reviewed the list of consultants. The committee asked staff to prepare a scope of services for the committee to review in November. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met October 13. The committee received a report entitled Implementation Plan for Household Hazardous Waste Management: One -Day Collections, A permanent Program, and Public Education in Tompkins County, New York prepared by Dana Duxbury and Associates. The committee discussed the solid waste implementation program. He updated the Board on other committee business. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met October 11 and 13 to discuss the budget. The next regularly scheduled meeting is November 3. 225 October 24, 1989 Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met and discussed the budget. The next meeting is November 2. The committee is also soliciting resumes for the Advisory Board on Affordable Housing. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee met October 12 and have several resolutions on the agenda. The committee discussed the possibility of expanding the Board Room by removing the back wall. He updated the Board on other committee business. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said the committee has several resolutions on the agenda. He read a press release calling a special committee meeting for October 27 for the purpose of reviewing the Central Processing Facility (CPF) program, the public hearing comments on the CPF, and to review the next steps in the process of siting and permitting a CPF. Mr. Shurtleff, Vice Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee met October 11. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, said the committee will meet October 31 at 4:30 p.m. to review labor grades for management jobs. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee will meet October 25 and 26 to discuss the budget. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, said he is awaiting a response from Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) concerning the resolution entitled Approval of Contract - Bar Harbor Airways, Inc. D/B/A Continental Express which was Tabled for the purpose of answering the question raised at the previous Board meeting on whether the County can refuse a contract with an airline at a public facility under Federal Regulations. Chairman Mason gave the appropriate committee chairmen permission to withdraw the following resolutions: Abolition and Creation of Position - Public Works (Buildings and Grounds) Approval of Permit Agreement AIR -89-06 - Flight Instruction at Tompkins County Airport It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to Table the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute a Contract Addendum with Cornell Plantations to Provide an Inventory of Environmentally Sensitive Areas at the DR -7 Landfill Site to the November 8, 1989 Board meeting. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Authorizing the Signing of a State Contract for an Aid to Localities Project Under the Appropriate Laws of New York State - Aquatic Vegetation Control, Tompkins County Amendment of County Capital Program and Budget - Award of Bids and Budget Adjustment — Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building RESOLUTION NO. 321 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AND ESTABLISH BUDGET - LEAD SCREENING PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. 226 October 24, 1989 WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department has received approval and funds for a Lead Poisoning Prevention Program from the New York State Department of Health, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Revenue: A4015.3401 Lead Screening Revenue $5,000 Appropriation: A4015.4442 Lead Screening $5,000 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 322 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT A GRANT PROPOSAL - HOME HEALTH AGENCY EXPANSION GRANT Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, a request for proposals for Home Health Agency Expansion was received September 14, 1989 from the New York State Department of Health requesting proposals by October 16, 1989, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is particularly interested in applying for this grant in the amount of $25,661 by submission of a proposal as requested, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That permission be granted to the Health Department to submit said application via letter of intent and proposal, with the understanding that the Health Department's proposal, if funded, will generate no additional County costs not covered by State funding. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 323 - AUTHORIZING CHANGE IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FEES Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, this Board has recommended that the following schedule of fees charged by the Environmental Health Division be adopted, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the following schedule of fees is hereby approved for the Health Department to charge for the provision of Environmental Health Division permits and services commencing January 1, 1990: OPERATING OR PERMIT FEES 1989 FEE 1990 FEE Food Service Establishments Full Service Commissaries and Caterers $ 75.00 High and Medium Risk $ 75.00 Low -Risk 50.00 50.00 Temporary Food Service Establishment 30.00 30.00 Temporary Residences and Mobile Home Parks Less than 10 units/rooms $ 50.00 $ 50.00 11 - 50 units/rooms 75.00 75.00 51 -100 units/rooms 100.00 150.00 227 October 24, 1989 100+ units/rooms Children's Camp Swimming Pools/Bathing Beaches Mass Gatherings (per event day) Community Water System (with sources) (Part 5, NYSSC) Up to 50 population 51 to 500 501 to 1000 over 1000 Bottled/Bulk Haulers, Ice Plants Non -Community Water Systems (with sources) (Part 5, NYSSC Local Public Water System (TCSC) Frozen Desserts Sewage Construction Permits Under 1000 gallons per day design 1000 or more gallons per day design Refuse Haulers 150.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $1500.00 $ 25.00 50.00 150.00 200.00 100.00 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 75.00 150.00 $ 50.00 + $10/vehicle Fee for application received late: $25; Consecutive lateness: $50. Note: Fees are additive for all facilities. Operation permits are generally issued on an annual basis, however, if 25% reduction of the total fee will be allowed. PLAN REVIEW FEES (New Construction or Where Engineering Plans R 200.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $1500.00 $ 25.00 50.00 150.00 200.00 100.00 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 75.00 150.00 $ 50.00 + $10/veh. a multi-year permit equired) 1989 FEE Food Service Establishments Full Service $ 150.00 High and Medium Risk Low Risk 75.00 Mobile Unit 50.00 Development Plan Review Temporary Residence, MHP, Apartment Complex, (1989 Fee) Realty Subdivisions) $100 plus $5 per lot/unit Temporary Residence, MHP, Apartment Complex -$100 plus $10/unit (1990 Fee) Realty Subdivisions $100 plus $25/lot is issued, a 1990 FEE $ 150.00 75.00 50.00 Preliminary Development Review (Where soil testing is required) $100 plus $10 per acre (1989 Fee) $450 maximum $100 plus $15 per acre (1990 Fee) Swimming Pools/Bathing Beaches Up to 5000 square feet Over 5000 square feet, slide pools, wave pools Community Water Systems (Part 5, NYSSC) New source Source and/or less than 10 connections Distribution less than 10 connections Distribution 10 - 50 connections Distribution over 50 connections Non -Community and Local Public Water Systems Environmental Impact Statement Review (where TCHD is lead agency) 228 $ 100.00 150.00 $ 75.00 50.00 100.00 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 150.00 $ 50.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 $ 50.00 as allowed as allowed by 6NYCRR 617.17 6 NYCRR 617.17 October 24, 1989 OTHER Copies (Cost per page) $ .25 $ .25 WaiverNariance Request (requiring Board of 25.00 25.00 Health action) Water Sampling (Monitoring) (Water systems, pools, beaches - No exemptions. $2.00 + sample cost (1989 Fee) $2.00 + sample cost (1990 Fee) Note: Review fees are additive. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 324 - APPROVING GRANT FOR YELLOW BARN AREA WATER SUPPLY FEASIBILITY STUDY - TOWN OF DRYDEN Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Watros, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1 of 1985, adopted Local Law No. 1 of 1985, established a limited grant program to assist and encourage various towns to initiate public water supply feasibility studies, and WHEREAS, that resolution requires applications to the program to meet prescribed criteria that had been established by the Planning and Public Works Committee on October 5, 1984, and WHEREAS, the existing private Yellow Barn Water System in the Town of Dryden is marginal with respect to well yield and needs an increased source of safe water and an improved distribution system to satisfy the current residents' needs, and WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden, through its Resolution No. 176 of 1989, is planning to study the feasibility of establishing a water district in the area that includes the existing Yellow Barn Water System, and WHEREAS, it is estimated that the cost of such a study will be $30,000, and WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden, on behalf of the Yellow Barn area, has applied to the County for a 50 percent grant under this program, or $15,000, and WHEREAS, County planning staff has reviewed that application and found it to meet the prescribed criteria established by Local Law No. 1 of 1985, and WHEREAS, the County Health Department has reviewed the proposed study and concurs that the Yellow Barn area currently needs an increased source of safe water, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Economic Development Committee has discussed this application, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Board of Representatives approves the application, and RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute an appropriate agreement with the Town of Dryden to provide for the $15,000 grant under the terms of Local Law No. 1 of 1985, RESOLVED, further, That the grant will be made in 1990 per guidelines of the program, and if a water district is established in accordance with the provisions of Local Law No. 1 of 1985, the Town shall reimburse the County the full amount of the 50 percent advance funding. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 325 - ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ADVISORY BOARD ON COORDINATING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 229 October 24, 1989 Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County is interested in coordinating public transportation pursuant to the New York State Rural Public Transportation Coordination Assistance Program (RPTCAP) by Resolution No. 271 of October 6, 1987, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County appointed the Commissioner of Planning as the Transportation Services Coordinator to develop a coordination plan by Resolution No. 133 of May 16, 1989, and WHEREAS, program guidelines call for the creation of an advisory board to assist the transportation services coordinator in creating a County plan, and WHEREAS, State regulations require board members to be drawn from public and private transportation operators, agencies purchasing transportation, agencies or advocates aware of unmet transportation needs, and WHEREAS, the County desires to broaden the membership of the advisory board to include members of the County Planning Board and the general public, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That an Ad Hoc Advisory Board on Public Transportation be established, and RESOLVED, further, That the charge of the Board of Representatives to the Ad Hoc Advisory Board on Public Transportation is to assist the Transportation Services Coordinator to develop a public transportation coordination plan for Tompkins County, including: 1. Coordinate public transit services of public and private operators. Develop plans for capital and operating projects for transit service, operations, information, maintenance, marketing, management and vehicle procurement. 2. Coordinate public and private human service agencies' needs for public transportation. Develop plans for coordination of resources between agencies with the objective to create a single paratransit system in County. Develop plans for capital and operating projects for paratransit service, operations, information, maintenance, marketing, management and vehicle procurement. 3. Identify unmet transportation needs within Tompkins County by soliciting information from advocates aware of special needs, and incorporate service needs in planning for public transit and paratransit services. 4. Develop and disseminate information on public and private sector incentives encouraging the use of public transportation. The objectives are to reduce congestion from single occupancy automobile travel and to provide for affordable alternatives to automobile use. Topics to be reviewed include fare incentives, parking policies, park and ride, and transportation service plans. 5. Develop and disseminate information on how planning for development and public transportation can be a cooperative venture in Tompkins County. RESOLVED, further, That board membership shall be selected through two methods. Public and private transportation operators, agencies purchasing transportation services, agencies providing transportation service to their clients and that advocates and organizations aware of unmet transportation needs may volunteer to serve on the board upon application to Transportation Services Coordinator and appointment by the Board of Representatives. Ten additional members shall be appointed by the Board of Representatives including chairs of the County Planning Board, Economic Advisory Board, Environmental Management Council, and the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Commission; and the remainder from municipal planning staffs and the general public. In addition to the above members, the Transportation Services Coordinator may recruit volunteer advisors as necessary, RESOLVED, further, That the Transportation Services Coordinator, with the advisory board's assistance, shall prepare a plan for coordinated services for review and approval of the Board of Representatives within 12 months of the effective date of this resolution. The Coordinator shall make regular reports of work on the plan to the Planning and Economic Development Committee throughout the planning period. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 230 October 24, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 326 - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS FOR AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM NARRATIVE AND BUDGET FOR NEW YORK STATE FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives has authorized by Resolution No. 256, dated August 15, 1989, the expenditure of monies from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Aquatic Vegetation Control Program Grant for New York State Fiscal Year 1989-90 pending and in accordance with the program narrative reviewed and approved by NYSDEC, and WHEREAS, the pending contract with NYSDEC provides full state funding for all parts of the program narrative, and WHEREAS, the NYSDEC has approved the program narrative content and budget, an WHEREAS, the program narrative attached to said contract identifies Stearns and Wheler to provide project management for the contract as a continuation of work in progress and that this continuity is in the best interests of the County in order to accomplish the tasks defined in the program narrative, and WHEREAS, the program narrative and the agreement with Stearns and Wheler also specifies that Stearns and Wheler may enter into certain subcontracts to fulfill the work program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Stearns and Wheler to provide project management services and to enter into certain specified subcontracts as part of the Aquatic Vegetation Control Program at a cost not to exceed $8,105 for these management services, RESOLVED, further, That Stearns and Wheler be authorized to bill the County for approved subcontractual services as specified in the agreement. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 327 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE LEASE - TOMPKINS COUNTY EMPLOYEES DAY CARE CENTER Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a lease with the Tompkins County Employees Day Care Center for space in the Biggs Center Building B, said lease to require no rental and to run through August 31, 1991. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 328 - CREATION OF POSITION - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. 231 October 24, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Psychiatrist (87/260), management level H, competitive class, be created effective immediately, to remain in existence as long as the Tompkins Community Hospital will reimburse the County for 100% of the expenses incurred in salary and fringe benefits, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Revenue: A4310.1691 $10,825 Appropriation: A4310.1260 $ 8,660 .8000 2,165 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 329 - CREATION OF POSITIONS - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following positions be created effective immediately as long as 100% Federal/State funding is available for wages and benefits: 1 Registered Professional Nurse (11/565, labor grade XI, non-competitive class (50% time) 1 Outreach Worker (05/517), labor grade V, competitive class RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Revenue: A4012.3402 State Aid $5,265 Appropriation: A4012.1565 Registered Professional Nurse $3,036 A4012.1517 Outreach Worker 2,229 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 330 - CREATION OF POSITION - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Data Entry Machine Operator (04/509), labor grade IV, competitive class, created by Board Resolution No. 200 adopted on July 14, 1987, be created for the period from July 1, 1989, through December 31, 1989, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make the following appropriation and budget adjustment on his books: APPROPRIATION FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 5,315 TO: A4010.1509 Personal Services $ 3,752 A4010.8000 Fringe Benefits 1,563 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Revenue: A3401 State Aid $ 2,502 Appropriation: A4010.1509 Personal Services $ 2,502 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 232 October 24, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 331 - AUTHORIZATION TO PAY OVERTIME - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Health Department be allowed to pay overtime, not to exceed 10 hours, effective October 16, 1989 through October 27, 1989 to conduct rabies clinics in Tompkins County, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this payment. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 332 - CREATION OF POSITION - YOUTH BUREAU Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 1 (Representative Proto), Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Youth Bureau Planner (14/634,) labor grade XIV, competitive class be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to appropriate the sum of $1,813 from the Contingent Fund (A-1990) to Youth Bureau - Personal Services (7020.1) and enter the following budget adjustments on his books, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following appropriation and budget adjustment on his books: Appropriation FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 1,813 TO: A7020.1634 Personal Services $ 1,813 Budget Adjustment Revenue: A7020.3828 State Aid $ 1,813 Appropriation: A7020.1634 Personal Services $ 1,813 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 333 - AMENDMENT OF DESIGNATION OF BANK DEPOSITORIES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That Resolution No. 341 of 1973 and Resolution No. 242 of 1976 be and hereby are amended designating the following as official bank depositories for the funds of the County of Tompkins, said sum on deposit at any one time in any of the said banks to be limited to $30.5 million: Norstar Bank, N.A. Tompkins County Trust Company Marine Midland First National Bank of Dryden First National Bank of Groton 233 October 24, 1989 Tioga State Bank RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized upon the approval of the Board of Representatives and the Budget and Administration Committee to deposit any of the aforesaid monies of Tompkins County in any bank outside of Tompkins County and further to invest said monies certificates of deposits, treasury bills and other investments as authorized by the laws of the State of New York for the investment of municipal funds and contingent upon their compliance with Resolution No. 310 of November 18, 1986. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 334 - ADOPTION OF REGULAR AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS OF FOOTINGS OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS (See pages 235-236) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the regular and supplemental report of the footing of assessment rolls be accepted and the figures therein be used as a basis for the taxation in the several tax districts of the County for the year 1990. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 335 - ESTABLISHING COUNTY EQUALIZATION RATES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, pursuant to Article III, Section 4.05, Subdivision (d) of the Tompkins County Charter and Code, the Director of Assessment has submitted and recommended the adoption of equalization rates for all towns in Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca for the assessment rolls filed in 1989 and for the apportionment of County taxes levied in 1990, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following equalization rates be and hereby are adopted: AGGREGATE ASSESSED VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY FOR TOWN COUNTY PURPOSES Caroline 40,299,309 Danby 44,330,354 Dryden 225,662,715 Enfield 35,111,060 Groton 66,666,822 Ithaca/Town 290,985,216 Lansing 287,086,283 Newfield 56,595,045 Ulysses 81,483,348 Ithaca/City 320,721,657 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 234 COUNTY EQUALIZATION RATE 76.58 74.01 81.16 75.37 80.18 70.43 78.56 72.73 69.13 60.33 AGGREGATE ASSESSED VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY FOR COUNTY PURPOSES 52,623,803 59,897,789 278,046,716 46,584,927 83,146,447 413,155,212 365,435,696 77,815,268 117,869,735 531,612,227 October 24, 1989 I(eport of Commi,00 on Footing of Asscssm,n[ Polls Prepared In 19 89 To the Board of Representatives of Tompk,ns County, New York Your committee reportsthat it has verified and correcred the footings of the Assessment Rollsreferred co made by rhe Ass . 'fompk'.ns County and that the following is a correct statement of such footings 1. . �.. DISTPIET ,.oras 2. Full '791Be of Land Exclusive o7 Buildings 3. buil Value of Real Property Including Buildings (Friar to Exemption) 4. Pension and Partial Exempt 5. Spacial Franchise 6. Real Proper,: of Public Service Corp. TF,8 11F CAROLINE 34 747 11D 1 o8'1 BO[' 78 542 600 1 689 812 L 4 921 L 958 600_ 661 T OF 007104 33,2805 ' 966 06,,0 40 149 400 1 157 640 740 933 4 593 TO:N OF DRYDEN 58,286 43 975 800 191 249 900 1 5 592 661 4 420 498 926 546 I 35 584 550 T344 OF ENFIELD 22,20' 9 864 100 34 663 100 I 2 002 187 . .1 951 601 T01:N OF GROTON 30,72516 589 200 62 910 100 I 3 350 354 ' 1 859 576 5 247 500 80'.:4 OF ITHACA 16,293 47 866 400 278 488 400 9 697 027 7 572 498 14 1621 345 TOWN OF LANSING 37,789 40 576 600 204 534 200 5 928 407 2 841 352 85 539 138 TOWN OF NEWFi E!0 36,99' 11 75' 1 150 48 985 650 ' 1 907 824 1 541 104 7 976 1115 ' 5045 OF ULYSSES 19,018 20 910 LOn 79 619 500 3 092 689 1 890 262 3 066 275 CITY OF 101140,5 2.040 53 801 750 313 227 000 13 742 551 12 492 671 8 744 537 TOTA1* 297,088 266 1 380 900 1 292 369 850 1 48 157 152 '1 35 345 789 169 383 322 1: 'd 19 TX 0157610T OF CAROL.1\E it T0'::'i OF DRYU61 T:':\ OF ENFIELD ,004 OF ITII.\0,8 TO OF 3'E.,F'EI_Ir 8. AI I.IsItc Ro ,l Real Proper, and :J mah,s Franchise subject ,a, to GENERAL and 14 c 4 1110110,54 TAXES (TnralCol ..13 `-5-6, (Co,. 7 less Col. 4) '989 �, 12I i' 40 299 1309 11 �5 483. 994 44 730 754 '.l 231 ,255 376 1 225 662 715 37 113 ' 247 1 35 1.11 •060 70 017 176 , 1 66 666 '822 „ 300 682 j 243 li 290 985 '216 TU 'B DF ULYSSES 0.•11' ,:F IT'',5800 TOTALS 293 014 283 287 086 58 502 869 56 595 045 84 575 037 81 483 348 2 Property Within Incorp. Villages Subject to GENERAL and H1011400 TAXES 10. Property Outside Incorp. Villages Subject to GENERAL and HIGHWAY TAXES 309 54 11. Wholly Exempt 283 '102 905 418 334 444 :208 320 1 721 657 045 113 800 883 79 855 595 •45 555 479 200 900 350 12. Grand -fetal of Roll 49 363 212 49 037 614 200 004 100 270 388 068 39 83 457 444 150 522 338 778 69 00 64 56 447 076 593 890 673 1497 I18 961 1 448 941 809 I 267 379 706 1 81 562 103 596 07 557 2 093 808 906 518 235 October 24, 1989 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS 1 98 9 TOWNS AND VILLAGES -J >--J • -1401-4 Z Z U o o > J v) c QWZW W > O V) CC -- Ent ---0 J:a.-- Q J z J I- U W iO 0><>< F-- W W Cl. TOTAL FRANCHISES REAL PROPERTY AND FRANCHISE SUBJECT TO GENERAL AND HIGHWAY TAX PENSION EXEMPT DRYDEN-DRYDEN VILLAGE -FREEVILLE VILLAGE TOTAL -INSIDE CORP. -OUTSIDE CORP. -TOTALS 26,999,465 958,694 27,958 159 663,835 244,777 908,612 5,443,723 337,495 5,781,218 33,739,377 32,443,188 1,296,189 188;798,601 3,124,737 191,923,338 4,684,049 221,241,789 4,420,926 225,662,715 5,592,661 GROTON-GROTON VILLAGE -OUTSIDE CORP. -TOTALS 22,899,004 722,705 23,621,709 576,946 41,908,242 1,136,871 43,045,113 2,773,408 64,807,246 1,859,576 66,666,822 3,350,354 jTHACA-CAYUGA HEIGHTS -OUTSIDE CORP. -TOTALS 82,318,119 2,866,214 85,184,333 1,169,231 201,094,599 4,706,284 205,800,883 8,527,796 283,412,718 7,572,498 290,985,216 9,697,027 LANSING -LANSING VILLAGE -OUTSIDE CORP. -TOTALS 101,977,438 928,980 102,906,418 2,301,612 182,267,493 1,912,372 184,179,865 3,626,795 284,244,931 2,841,352 287,086,283 5,928,407 ULYSSES-TRUI AI`:SBURG -OUTSIDE CORP. -TOTALS 21,048,203 879,666 21,927,869 515,997 58,544,883 1,010,596 59,555,479 2,576,692 79,593,086 1,890,262 81,483,384 3,092,689 236 October 24, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 336 - RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Director of Assessment of the County be and hereby is authorized and directed to add to the respective 1990 tax rolls the amount of the uncollected school taxes returned by the collectors of the various districts, exclusive of the City of Ithaca School District, to the County Administrator and remaining unpaid and that have not been heretofore relevied on town tax rolls and that said returned school taxes be reassessed and relevied on town tax rolls as they are returned, and that said school taxes returned in 1989 be reassessed and relevied upon the lots and parcels so returned with 12.0 percent annual interest in addition thereto. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 337 - RETURNED VILLAGE TAXES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Director of Assessment of the County be and hereby is authorized and directed to add to the respective 1990 tax rolls the amount of the uncollected village taxes returned by the collectors of the various villages to the County Administrator and remaining unpaid and that have not been heretofore relevied on town tax rolls, and that said returned village taxes be reassessed and relevied on town tax rolls as they are returned, and that said returned village taxes be reassessed and relevied upon the lots and parcels so returned with 12.0 percent annual interest in addition thereto. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 338 - WORKERS' COMPENSATION BUDGET AND APPORTIONMENT — MUTUAL SELF-INSURANCE PLAN Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Budget and Administration Committee estimates that the sum of $ 8,000 will be required during the year 1989 for the payment of compensation in old and pending cases on behalf of the County and participating municipalities under the Mutual Self -Insurance Plan and for the expenses of administering same, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That there be raised from the County and participating municipalities in 1990 the total sum of $ 8,000 the same to be apportioned to the County and the several participating municipalities in the proportion that their equalized valuation bears to the aggregate valuation of the County and all participating municipal corporations as follows: 237 Municipality Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca (Town) Lansing Newfield Ulysses Ithaca (City) Dryden (Village) Freeville (Village) Groton (Village) Cayuga Heights (Village) County of Tompkins Total SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) October 24, 1989 Full Value Assessed Full Value 52,623,803 59,897,789 278,046,716 46,584,927 83,146,447 413,155,212 365,435,696 77,815,268 117,869,735 531,612,227 34,448,200 7,123,236 29,460,849 120,948,932 2,026,187,820 4,244,356,857 Apportionment 99.19 112.90 524.08 87.81 156.72 778.74 688.79 146.67 222.17 1002.00 64.93 13.43 55.53 227.97 3819.07 8000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 339 - ADOPTION OF REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL POLICY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following revised Administrative Manual policy be and hereby is adopted: 03-01 Personal/Disability Leave for Management/Confidential Employees SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 340- AWARD OF BID - BURSTER - DATA PROCESSING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for a burster/detacher for use by the Division of Central Data Processing, and WHEREAS, three (3) bids were received and duly opened on July 27, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the bid for a burster/detacher be awarded to Office Design Systems, Inc. of Cazenovia, New York in the amount of $6,933, said funds being available in Account No. A1680.2210, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Central Data Processing be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 238 October 24, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 341 - AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN COOPERATIVE PURCHASING OF OFFICE SUPPLIES WITH TOMPKINS- SENECA-TIOGA BOCES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, it will be mutually beneficial to participate in cooperative bidding of office supplies with Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES because increase volume in general results in lower bid prices, and WHEREAS, General Municipal Law Article 5-G, Section 119-0 states that "any agreement entered into hereunder shall be approved by each participating municipal corporation or district by a majority vote ... of its governing body", now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be and it hereby is authorized to participate in cooperative bidding of office supplies with Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 342 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services, Public Safety and Corrections and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Fire and Disaster Revenue: A3410.3089 Other State Aid $69,872 Appropriation: A3410.2222 Communications $69,872 Jail Revenue: A3150.1525 Prisoner Charges $11,000 Appropriation: A3150.4342 Food $11,000 Legal Defense - Indigent Counsel Revenue: A1170.3089 Other State Aid $ 500 Appropriation: A1170.4330 Printing $ 500 Office for the Aging Revenue: 3803 State Aid $ 1,582 Appropriation: A6777.4491 Subcontractor $ 1,582 Planning Revenue: 2770 Unclassified Revenue $15,000 Appropriation: A8031.4400 Water Projects $15,000 Purchasing/Central Services Revenue: 2701 Refund of Prior Year's Expenses $ 102 Appropriation: A1345.4302 Office Supplies $ 102 239 Revenue: Appropriation: Revenue: Appropriation: Unified Court System Revenue: Appropriation: APPROPRIATIONS FROM: TO: 2770 A1345.4466 A1345.2226 A1345.4428 .4454 A1162.3330 A1162.4401 A 1990 A1040.4402 October 24, 1989 Unclassified Revenue $ 946 Job -Related Travel & Training $ 946 Sale of Supplies Central Services Copying UPS $ 5,500 $ 5,400 Security Costs $ 8,000 Unified Court Expense $ 8,000 Contingent Fund Legal Advertising RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) $ 2,394 $ 2,394 authorized and directed to RESOLUTION NO. 343 - CREATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE COMMERCIAL AVENUE CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY SITE (Amended by Res. No. 78 of 1990 and Res. No. 140 of 1991) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Culligan, to strike in the second RESOLVED "its appointments" and insert "acceptance of the fEIS". A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton, Nichols, Proto, Stein, Tillapaugh, True, and Watros); Noes - 6 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, Livesay, Mason, Shurtleff, and Winch); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment carried. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution as amended: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives established a Neighborhood Advisory Committee by Resolution No. 268 dated September 6, 1989 to serve in an advisory capacity regarding planning, design, construction, and operation of the Commercial Avenue Central Processing Facility site, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That a Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Commercial Avenue Central Processing Facility site be appointed consisting of voting members: 1 member to be designated by Common Council of the City of Ithaca 1 member to be designated by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca 2 members to represent the business community adjacent to the Central Processing Facility site, nominations for which may come from the Town Board, neighborhood citizens or County representatives 1 member to represent the residential neighborhood in proximity to the site, nominations for which may come from the Town Board, neighborhood citizens, or County representatives 1 County Board member, appointed by the Chairman of the Board, representing and serving as a liaison to the appropriate County Committees 1 member of the public at large, nominations for which may come from any source, and non-voting ex -officio members to include but not limited to: 240 October 24, 1989 the Planning Commissioner or a designee the Health Commissioner or a designee the Public Works Commissioner or a designee the Solid Waste Manager or a designee RESOLVED, further, That the Neighborhood Advisory Committee be convened by the Chairman of the Construction Management Committee within one week following acceptance of the final Environmental Impact Statement by the Board of Representatives, RESOLVED, further, That the Construction Management Committee shall make available to the Neighborhood Advisory Committee the services of County staff, consultants and members of the community as needed, RESOLVED, further, That the Neighborhood Advisory Committee shall present (as its first priority) its draft bylaws within two months of its establishment, RESOLVED, further, That if the preferred site should change that the composition of the Neighborhood Advisory Committee shall be altered to reflect this change. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 344 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT ADDENDUM WITH RESOURCE ASSOCIATES TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CLOSURE OF LANDSTROM LANDFILL - PHASE I Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 231 dated August 9, 1988 authorized the execution of a contract with Resource Associates to provide engineering and construction supervisor services for closure of the Landstrom landfill, and WHEREAS, additional services are required to complete the Phase I closure of Landstrom landfill including final on-site inspection, project closeout, and design assistance for modifying a section of the leachate collection system to handle possible leachate breakout areas, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That a contract addendum with Resource Associates for Landstrom closure services be approved in an amount not to exceed $17,950 and be funded from Account No. HH8165.4442. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) (Previous Action) RESOLUTION NO. 345 - AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT - OBSTRUCTION CLEARANCE PHASE I (CONSTRUCTION) - AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby is audited by the Board of Representatives: 241 October 24, 1989 Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount E. E. Root & Sons 5 (final) HX5698.9256 $16,371.97 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims from Capital Account HX5698.9256. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 346 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 12 - BURTON F. CLARK - LANDSTROM LANDFILL CLOSURE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution Nos. 240 and 253 of 1988 authorized the execution of a contract with Burton F. Clark for Landstrom Closure - Phase I construction, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 12 provides for a deduction in the amount of $5,985 from the established contract price for furnishing of material for capping three acres of the Tompkins County landfill from an adjacent property owned by William Landstrom, RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Order No. 12 be and is hereby approved and that $5,985 be deducted from the contract price. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) (Previously filed action) RESOLUTION NO. 347 - URGING INCREASE OF NURSING HOME BEDS IN TOMPKINS COUNTY Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mr. Lifton, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the nursing homes in Tompkins County are unable to meet all of the demand for their services, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health and the Central New York Health Systems Agency are reviewing the need for nursing facility services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Board of Representatives recommends to the Central New York Health Systems Agency and the New York State Department of Health that Tompkins County be allowed to increase the number of nursing home beds according to the need determined by the Long Term Care Need Task Force of the Tompkins County Comprehensive Health Planning Council. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 348 - AUTHORIZING THE SIGNING OF A STATE CONTRACT FOR AN AID TO LOCALITIES PROJECT UNDER THE APPROPRIATE LAWS OF NEW YORK STATE - AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL, TOMPKINS COUNTY 242 October 24, 1989 Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Tompkins County, herein called the "Municipality", after thorough consideration of the various aspects of the problem and study of available data, has hereby determined that certain work, as described in the State Contract, herein called the "Project", is desirable, in the public interest, and is required in order to study and/or implement the local project or program, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 53, Sections 1 and 2, of the Laws of 1989 relating to the Local Assistance Budget the Legislature has authorized financial assistance to localities for services and expenses related to local projects, programs and studies by means of a written agreement, and WHEREAS, the Municipality has examined and duly considered Chapter 53, Sections 1 and 2, of the Laws of 1989 relating to the Local Assistance Budget and deems it to be in the public interest and benefit under this law to enter into a contract therewith, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, and the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County 1. That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed as the official representative to act in connection with any contracts between the Municipality and the State, and to provide such additional information as may be required, 2. That one (1) certified copy of this resolution be prepared and sent to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York together with the State Contract, 3. That this resolution take effect immediately. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to reconsider the Tabling motion of the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute a Contract Addendum with Cornell Plantations to Provide an Inventory of Environmentally Sensitive Areas at the DR -7 Landfill Site. It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to lift from the Table the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute a Contract Addendum with Cornell Plantations to Provide an Inventory of Environmentally Sensitive Areas at the DR -7 Landfill Site. RESOLUTION NO. 349 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT TO PROVIDE AN INVENTORY OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS AT THE DR -7 LANDFILL SITE Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives made a commitment during the SEQR process for the DR -7 landfill to develop a plan to minimize environmental damage during construction and operation of the landfill, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management and Planning and Economic Development Committees, That a contract with the Nancy Ostman and Robert Wesley be approved in an amount not to exceed $5500 to assist the Environmental Management Council in preparing an inventory of environmentally sensitive areas at the DR -7 landfill site, and funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. 243 October 24, 1989 SEQR ACTION: TYPE I (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) (Previous Action) RESOLUTION NO. 350 - AMENDMENT OF COUNTY CAPITAL PROGRAM AND BUDGET - AWARD OF BIDS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Proto, to reduce the figure in the last RESOLVED by $30,000. Motion Lost by voice vote by all present. A voice vote resulted as follows on the main motion: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for Contract 301 -Elevator, Contract 401 -General Construction, Contract 402 -Plumbing, Contract 403 -Fire Protection, Contract 404 -Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, and Contract 405 -Electrical for the Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building, and WHEREAS, bids were received and opened on October 13, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, That the bids be awarded as follows: Contract 301 for Elevator to Dover Elevator of East Syracuse, New York as the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $110,000 less deletion of $8,000 for acceptance of Alternate No. 2, Delete Door Frames, and with acceptance of Alternate No. 3, Geared Traction Elevator in the amount of $23,500 and rejection of all other alternates, for a total bid of $125,500. Contract 401 for General Construction to McGuire and Bennett, Inc. of Ithaca, New York as the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $2,597,000 for the base bid plus $11,194 for Alternate No. 2, Quarry Tile, plus zero dollars for Alternate No. 3, Granite Curb, less a deletion of $18,200 for acceptance of Alternate No. 12, Deletion of Lock Sets, minus $19,069 for Alternate No. 14, Deletion of Furring Channels, with rejection of all other Alternates for a total bid award of $2,570,925. Contract 402 for Plumbing to Edward Joy Company of Syracuse, New York as the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $178,913 with rejection of all alternates. Contract 403 for Fire Protection to David Ulmer Sprinkler Company of Liverpool, New York as the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $149,966. Contract 404 for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning to Tri Cities Temperature Controls of Binghamton, New York as the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $461,386 with rejection of all alternates. Contract 405 for Electrical to T. H. Green Electric of Rochester, New York as the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $378,514, less a deletion of $6,175 for acceptance of Alternate No. 13, Reduce Distribution Buss Duct, with rejection of all other alternates for a total bid award of $372,339, and RESOLVED, further, on recommendation of the Mental Health Facility Planning and Capital Program Committees, That the County's Capital Program and Budget are hereby amended to reflect an increase in total appropriation for the Mental Health Building Project of $666,399 and to reflect that the source of funds for this appropriation is borrowing in 1989, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Revenues: HQ4310.5710 Bonds $666,399 244 October 24, 1989 Appropriations: HQ4310.4400 Mental Health Building $666,399 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to lift from the Table Resolution No. 314 - Approval of Contract - Bar Harbor Airways, Inc. D/B/A Continental Express. Mr. Tillapaugh asked the Chairman to refer Resolution No. 314 to committee and to the Board on November 8. Chairman Mason referred the resolution to committee and the Board on November 8. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present (requires two-thirds vote), to waive the Rules of the Board concerning prior notification of Jennifer Hubbell's resume. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to appoint Jennifer Hubbell to the Youth Board as a Youth representative for a term which expires December 31, 1989. Chairman Mason appointed the following people to the Negotiating Committee - CSEA (Blue Collar): William Mobbs Ward Hungerford Roger Vargo John Sincebaugh On motion, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. to November 1, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. 245 November 1, 1989 ADJOURNED BOARD MEETING Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. concerning the proposed 1990 County Budget which convened in the Courtroom. Present: 14 Representatives (Mr. True arrived at 7:28 p.m.). Excused: 1 (Representative Howell). Information Meeting Chairman Mason introduced the following people: Budget and Administration Committee - Robert Watros, Chairman; Mary Call, Vice Chairman; Donald Culligan; Helen Howell; Stuart Stein; Kenneth Tillapaugh; and Daniel Winch; Scott Heyman, County Administrator; George Pfann, Acting County Attorney; Kathy West, Budget and Finance Director. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, presented to the Board copies of the proposed 1990 County Budget. Public Hearing Chairman Mason convened the public hearing at 7:27 p.m. to hear public comment. Larry Fabbroni, 127 Warren Road, Acting Superintendent of the City of Ithaca Public Works Department, spoke about the budgeted item recycling. He suggested that the $539,000 that is budgeted for recycling include the City's recycling program. Bill Gray, City of Ithaca Engineer, spoke about the septage portion in the budget and said he felt it was an inaccurate figure. Sandy Lyons, 309 Mitchell Street, Director of Displaced Homemakers Center, said the Center has requested from the Human Services Coalition a modest amount of money but an increase over previous years, however, the Coalition denied the request. She is asking the Board for an additional amount of funding to assist the Center in their work. Sue Merrill, 1305 State Street, Chairman of the Displaced Homemakers Committee, also encouraged the Board to budget more money for the Center. Suzi Soyring, 806 North Cayuga Street, also asked for increased funding for the Displaced Homemakers Center. Emma Lee, 609 West Seneca Street, also spoke for the Displaced Homemakers Center and asked for more funding. Karen Coleman, Day Care Council, spoke on behalf of the portion of money that is called the new initiative for school aged child care program, asked the Board to reconsider more funding support. Harry Ferdschneider, 109 North Cayuga Street, Learning Web Board of Directors, spoke about the Learning Web's budget line and the Youth Bureau's budget. Penny Boynton, 2491 Slaterville Road, Town of Caroline representative to the Tompkins County Youth Board, thanked Mary Call and Beverly Livesay and members of the Human Services Committee and Budget and Administration Committee who supported the expansion of the municipal youth service 246 November 1, 1989 programs for 1990. She requested on behalf of the Youth Board the proposed budget be amended to increase the appropriation for the Day Care Council in account 7026 from $12,854 to $24,996 to enable the Day Care Council to continue their efforts to help make sure the after school programs for the school aged child can provide high quality programming in addition to supervising the children of working parents. The second part of the request is to appropriate $16,724 more dollars in account 7026 to fund the component of the Learning Web that would provide extended services to youth in rural communities. Michael Loehr, Town of Ithaca, Administrative Coordinator of the Learning Web, also thanked the Board for the increase in youth development funding. He also asked for more funding for the Learning Web. Maria Poole, 48 Mill Street, Lansing, supporter of the Learning Web, read a letter from her daughter concerning her job experience at the vet school with the help of the Learning Web program. Milton Lee, 665 Chestnut Street, also spoke as a supporter and about his experiences with the Learning Web. Terry Pasco, 121 Prospect Street, said he his concerned with the cuts in the Day Care Council programs and the Learning Web. Brandy Davis, Ithaca High School student, also spoke about her experiences with the Learning Web program. Chairman Mason closed the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. He said the meeting would reconvene in Board Chambers. The meeting reconvened at 8:15 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 351 - ADOPTION OF CAPITAL PROGRAM - 1990-1994 (Operating and Capital Budgets — see pages 250-294) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, to amend the Capital Program for 1990 by an additional $40,000 totaling $1,302,812. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the amendment: Ayes - 9 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 5 (Representatives Dietrich, Lifton, Nichols, Stein, and True); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment carried. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the resolution as amended: Ayes - 12; Noes - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Stein); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Capital Programs Committee, That pursuant to Section 5.02 (b) of the Tompkins County Charter and Code the following 1990-1994 Capital Program for Tompkins County be and the same hereby is adopted. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 352 - ADOPTION OF CAPITAL BUDGET - 1990-1994 (Operating and Capital Budgets — see pages 250-294) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12; Noes - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Stein); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. 247 November 1, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Capital Program Committee, That pursuant to Section 5.02 (c) of the Tompkins County Charter and Code the following 1990-1994 Capital Budget be and the same is hereby adopted. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 353 - ADOPTION OF 1990 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET (Operating and Capital Budgets — see pages 250-294) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Proto, to increase account A7026.4517 Day Care Council from $12,854 to $24,996 for the coordination of enrichment of after school programs. Mrs. Call said she supports human services, however, she is not going to support any new initiatives or programs expanding. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the amendment: Ayes - 9 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Proto, Stein, True, and Mason); Noes - 5 (Representatives Call, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, and Winch); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment carried. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Lifton, to amend account A1990 Contingent Fund Balance by increasing it $150,000. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Shurtleff, Stein, True, Watros, and Winch); Noes - 4 (Representatives Dietrich, Proto, Tillapaugh, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment carried. It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Stein, to increase account A7410.4521 Libraries in Towns by adding $4,000 and account A7410.4532 Finger Lakes Library Association for the reading rooms in the Towns of Caroline and Danby by adding $500. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11; Noes - 3 (Representatives Tillapaugh, Watros, and Winch); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment carried. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, to amend account A6310.4549 Human Services Displaced Homemakers by increasing it $665. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Stein, and True); Noes - 4 (Representatives Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment carried. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. True, to appropriate to account A7026.4508 Learning Web $16,724. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 7 (Representatives Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Proto, Stein, and True); Noes - 7 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment Lost. It was Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mr. Proto, to amend account A7026.4508 Learning Web by adding $10,000. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Proto, Stein, and True); Noes - 6 (Representatives Call, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment carried. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Lifton, to amend the budget by removing from account D5110 County Road Maintenance item number account .4411 Bridge Contracts the sum of $106,400. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 4 (Representatives Dietrich, Lifton, Nichols, and Stein); Noes - 10 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment Lost. 248 November 1, 1989 It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, to remove $8,000 from account A1920 Supervisors and County Legislators. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 5 (Representatives Call, Dietrich, Lifton, Proto, and Stein); Noes - 9 (Representatives Culligan, Livesay, Nichols, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment Lost. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, to reduce the Tompkins Cortland Community College's budget tuition (account A2495.4400) by $14,297. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment carried. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. True, to increase the estimated general fund balance by $38,058. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment carried. A roll call vote resulted as follows on the resolution adopting the budget: Ayes - 13, Noes - 1 (Representative Lifton), Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, the proposed budget for the year 1990 has been presented to the Board by the Budget Officer and a public hearing has been duly called and held pursuant to the provisions of Section 359 of the County Law and all persons desiring to be heard concerning same have been heard, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That pursuant to Section 360 of the County Law, the said proposed budget as amended be and hereby is adopted, subject to the correction of manifest errors by the Clerk of the Board and Budget Officer, as the budget of Tompkins County for the year 1990, RESOLVED, further, That pursuant to Section 356 of the County Law, the several amounts specified in such budget opposite each item of expenditure set forth in the column adopted be and hereby are appropriated for the objects and purposes specified, effective January 1, 1990, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $12,862,235 required to meet expenses and costs of county government in Tompkins County for the fiscal year 1990 as set forth in the budget be assessed against, levied upon, and collected from the taxable property of the nine towns and the city liable therefore. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 354 - ADOPTION OF APPORTIONMENT OF TAXES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. True. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the report of the Budget and Administration Committee be accepted and adopted and that valuation of real property and franchise for the purposes of general and highway tax levied against the several tax districts of the County be equalized at full value and determined as therein set forth as the basis for the apportionment for such general and highway tax levies for the year 1990, RESOLVED, further, That several amounts therein listed for State tax, County tax for general county purposes, enterprise fund tax and County highway tax for 1990 against the several towns of the County and City of Ithaca be assessed against, levied upon and collected from taxable property of the several towns and City liable therefore. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion, the meeting adjourned at 11:03 p.m. 249 TAX DISTRIBUTION TABLE TAX RATE COMPARISON SUMMARY ALL FUNDS STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCE STATEMENT OF RESERVES STATEMENT OF DEBT CAPITAL PROGRAM CAPITAL BUDGET ADULT RECREATION AIRPORT FUND ALTERNATIVES TO INCARCERATION ANIMAL CONTROL (SPCA) ARTS ASSESSMENT BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES BUDGET AND FINANCE BUS OPERATIONS BUILDING & GROUNDS CELEBRATIONS CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING CLERK, BD. OF REPRESENTATIVES COMMUNITY COLLEGES COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH PLANNING COMPTROLLER CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENT FUND CONTRIBUTION TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE COOPERATIVE EXTENSION COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY CLERK COUNTY ROAD FUND COUNTY ROAD TRANSFER COURT SECURITY DATA PROCESSING DEBT SERVICE DESIGNATED ASSESSMENT SVC. DISTRICT ATTORNEY EDUCATION ELECTIONS EXPENSE - TAX ACQUIRED PROP. FIRE & DISASTER COORDINATOR FISCAL AGENT FEES FISH & GAME FLOOD CONTROL HIGHWAY MACHINERY TABLE OF CONTENTS - BUDGET ITEMS ACCOUNT NO. PAGE NO. A-7620 B-5610 A-3141 A-3510-3520 A-7560 A-1355 A-1010 A-1310 A-5630 A-1620 A-7550 A-1680 A-1040 A2490 -A2495 A-4080 A-1315 H -1653 -HQ -1621 A-1990 A-9576 A-9961 A-2981 A-1230 A-1420 A-1410 D-3310-5144 A-9522 A-1162. A-1680 V-9600 A-3142 A-1165 A-2490-2981 A-1450-1451 A-1364 A-3410 A-1380 A-8720 A-8745 DM -5130 SCHED. A SCHED. B SCHED. C SCHED. D SCHED. E SCHED. F SCHED. G SCHED. H HOUSING PROGRAMS HISTORICAL SERVICES HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION HUMAN SERVICES COALITION INTERFUND TRANSFERS ITHACA NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING JAIL JOB TRAINING FUND JUSTICES & CONSTABLES LANDFILL NEIGHBORHOOD PROTECT. LEGAL DEFENSE OF INDIGENTS LIBRARIES MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS MOTOR VEHICLE DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL DUES ASSOCIATION NARCOTIC CONTROL OFFICE FOR THE AGING PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION PLANNING BOARD - JOINT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROBATION PROMOTION OF INDUSTRY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION PURCHASING & CENTRAL SERVICES RECORDS MANAGEMENT RECYCLING SANITARY LANDFILL SEPTAGE DISPOSAL SHERIFF SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL SOLID WASTE RECYCLING SPECIAL PROSECUTOR STOP D.W.I. TAX ADVERTISING EXPENSE TAXES ON COUNTY PROPERTY TOMTRAN TOURISM UNALLOCATED INSURANCE UNALLOCATED MGMT. TRAINING UNALLOCATED RISK MGMT. UNALLOCATED REVENUE UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM UPSTATE PUB UTIL.SERV.ASSN. WEIGHTS & MEASURES YOUTH BUREAU & PROGRAMS ACCOUNT NO. PAGE NO. A6327 A-7510 A-8040 A-6310 A-9509-9961 A-6327 A-3150 CD -6290-7325 A-1180 A-8989 A-1170 A-7410 A-4310-4390 A-1411 A-1920 A-4220 A-6771-6781 A-1430 A-8025 A-8020-8022 A-3140 A-6420 A-4010-4050 A-1490 A-1345 A-1460 A-8163 A-8160 A-8161 A-3110 A-6010-6148 A-8730 A-8160 A-8163 A-1166 A-4250 A-1362 A-1950 A-5630 A-6475 A-1910 A-1915 A-1925 A-9999 A-1162 A-8033 A-3630 A-7020-7026 6861 `1 INw0AON TOMPKINS COUNTY DISTRIBUTION TABLE - 1989 ASSESSED VALUE FOR 1990 BUDGET CITY/TOWN Caroline Danby Assessed Value Bqual.Rate Full Valuation GROSS LEVY Dryden -Outside Vill -Inside Vill Total Enfield Groton -Outside Vill -Inside Vill Total Ithaca -Outside Vill -Inside Vill Total Lansing -Outside Vill -Inside Vill Total Newfield Ulysses -Outside Vill -Inside Vill Total Ithaca City 40,299,309 44,330,354 191,923,338 33,739,377 225,662,715 35,111,060 43,045,113 23,621,109 66,666,821 205,800,884 85,184,333 290,985,217 184,179,865 102,906,418 287,086,283 56,595,045 59,555,479 21,927,869 81,483,348 320,721,657 76.58% 52,623,803 334,055.76 74.011 59,897,789 380,231.01 Credits* NET LEVY Tax Rate Elections Work.Coap. 337,412.00 (3,356.24) (0.083) 1,345.38 99.19 300,320.00 79,911.01 1.803 1,330.26 112.90 Adj. Net Tax (1,911,67) 81,354.17 FINAL TAX RATE (0.047) 1.836 81.16% 81.16% 236,475,280 41,571,436 278,046,716 1,501,144.46 263,895.37 1,765,039.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,501,144.46 263,895.37 1,765,039.83 7.822 7.822 3,590.58 631.15 4,221.73 445,72 1,505,180.76 78.36 264,604.88 524.08 1,769,785,64 7.844 1.844 75.37% 46,584,921 295,721.00 291,213.00 4,508.00 0.128 854.94 87.81 5,450.75 0.156 80.18% 53,685,598 340,796.04 80.18% 29,460,849 187,017.39 83,146,447 527,813.43 316,071.00 0.00 316,071.00 24,725.04 187,011.39 211,742.43 0.574 1.917 1,167.37 640.54 1,807.91 101.19 25,993.60 55.53 187,113.46 156.72 213,707.06 0.605 1.948 70.43% 292,206,280 1,854,924.70 70.43% 120,948,932 767,783.51 413,155,212 2,622,708.21 51,443.00 0.00 51,443.00 1,803,481.70 767,783.51 2,511,265.21 8.763 9.013 3,378.14 1,398.21 4,176.95 550.77 227.97 778.74 1,807,41I.21 769,409.69 2,576,820.90 78.56% 234,444,838 1,488,255.22 78.56% 130,990,858 831,529.62 365,435,696 2,319,784.84 565,538.00 0.00 565,538.00 922,717.22 831,529.62 1,754,246.84 5.010 8.080 1,987.96 1,110.91 3,098.93 440.83 247.96 688.79 925,146.01 832,888.55 1,758,034.56 8.783 9.033 5.024 8.095 72.73% 77,815,268 493,971.12 69.13%i` 86,149,977 546,879.83 69.13% 31,119,158 201,356.94 117,869,735 748,236,77 540,082.00 (46,110.88) (0.815) 1,330.26 146.67 (44,633.95) (0.788) 331,025.00 0.00 331,025.00 215,854.83 201,356.94 417,211.77 3.624 9.183 1,295.47 476.96 1,772,43 162.18 59.99 222.17 217,312.48 201,893.89 419,206.37 3.650 9.208 60.331 531,612,227 3,374,673.03 0.00 3,374,673.03 10.522 8,710.46 1,002.00 3,384,445.49 10.554 TOTAL 1,448,941,806 2,026,187,820 12,862,235.00 2,733,104.00 10,129,131.00 6.991 29,309.25 3,819.07 10,162,259.32 7.014 Apportionment of: GROSS LEVY on the basis of full value. *SALES TAX CREDIT on the basis of population to Towns and Villages. TAI RATE PER $1000 on the basis of assessed value. SCHED. A 6861 `1 zagUI AON COMPARISON OF ASSESSED VALUE TAX RATES and "FULL" VALUE TAX RATES *1983 THROUGH 1990 Property Property Tax Rate Tax Rate per $1,000 per $1,000 Equalized Year Assess.Val. % Change Full Value % Change *1983 $3.916 $4.240 1984 4.510 15.2% 4.900 15.6% N 1985 5.165 14.5% 5.379 9.8% 1986 5.857 13.4% 5.878 9.3% 1987 6.678 14.0% 6.461 9.9% 1988 7.345 10.0% 6.395 -1.0% 1989 8.768 19.4% 6.932 8.4% 1990 8.877 1.2% 6.348 -8.4% *1983 was the first year the equalization process was used in Tompkins County. SCHED. B 6861 `1 .zagW AON TOMPKINS COUNTY SUMMARY OF 1990 BUDGET ALL FUNDS Total Appropriations of All Funds $61,031,702 Less: Estimated Revenues, Appropriated Cash Surplus, and Appropriated Revenues of All Funds: Estimated Revenues Appropriated Fund Balance: General Fund General Fund (STOP -DWI Funds) Total Real Estate Gross Levy SCHED. C 47,250,721 888,058 30,688 48,169,467 $12,862,235 6861 `1 .13g1113"N TOMPRINS COUNTY ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE AS OF 12/31/89 GENERAL FUND AIRPORT COUNTY HIGHWAY ROAD MACHINERY FUND FUND Estimated FUND BALANCE at 12/31/89 after deducting estimated encumbrances. $2,668,000 $120,000 $0 $0 Estimated FUND BALANCE appropriated by Board to reduce tax levy. $888,058 so $o $o 6861 'I JaquzanoN STATEMENT OF RESERVES AS OF NOVEMBER 1, 1989 Insurance Reserve: January 1, 1989 Balance $500,000 Known Expenses January 1, 1989 - December 31, 1989 (45,507) Recommended Reserves for Expenses (51,248) Reserves Released 10,500 INJ Projected Interest Earned - January 1, 1989 - December 31, 1989 64,255 1989 Projected Appropriation from General Fund Balance 22,000 Total Reserve January 1, 1990 $500,000 Retirement Reserve: Appropriated through 12/89 $1,070,929 1989 Projected Appropriation from General Fund Balance 0 Total Reserve January 1, 1990 $1,070,929 SCHED. E 6861 `1 zagLU AON PURPOSE BONDS OUTSTANDING: TOMPKINS COUNTY - STATEMENT OF DEBT AS OF NOVEMBER 1, 1989 DATE OF RATE OF ISSUE INTEREST - NEW HOSPITAL 10/15/76 - NEW PUBLIC SAFTY BUILDING 12/15/85 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES: - DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT - TELEPHONE SYSTEM - AIRPORT TERMINAL - LANDFILL CLOSURE - BIGGS BUILD. RENOVATION - RENOVATIONS/HIGHWAY FACIL. - AIRPORT - PARKING/REFUEL. - LANDFILL CLOSURE - LANDFILL CLOSURE 5.50%-5.70% 7.10% TOTAL OUTSTANDING BONDS: 05/21/85 11/20/85 11/20/85 09/09/86 11/17/86 10/21/87 06/24/88 11/20/88 11/20/87 TOTAL OUTSTANDING TOTAL OUTSTANDING 7.15% 7.10% 7.10% 6.40% 6.75% 6.18% 6.50% 6.90% 6.90% BALANCE $12,400,000 $4,475,000 $16,875,000 $50,000 $34,997 $36,000 $312,550 $147,400 $282,000 $100,736 $1,277,000 $615,715 B.A.N.'S: $2,856,398 DEBT: $19,731,398 686I 1 1agUJOAON EST. COST 1990 CAPITAL PROGRAM PRIOR APPROP. 1990 SOLID WASTE: Landstrom Closure Central Process. Facil. New Landfill Recycling Equipment BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: Bldg. "C" Renovations Jail Renovation Library Entrance, Walks Ct.Hse. Ren.-Bldg./eking. Courthouse Sound System Courthouse - Fire Alarm Old Courthouse - Ramp Biggs "A" Roof Biggs "A"&"B" Heat Plants Biggs "A" Asbestos Removal Biggs "A" Fire Alarm AIRPORT: Runway Extension Terminal Fencing HIGHWAY: Salt Storage Garage Ventilation System MENTAL HEALTH: Mental Health Building $2.,333,522 5,425,000 9,837,419 220,562 $2,158,522 5,425,000 7,995,419 - 0 - 256,584 20,000 266,000 227,000 15,000 42,500 40,000 102,000 347,000 23,000 15,000 256,584 20,000 266,000 35,303 - 0 - 42,500 40,000 102,000 22,000 23,000 - 0 - $175,000 - 0 - 1,842,000 220,562 - 0 - - 0- - 0 - 191,697 15,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 325,000 - 0 - 15,000 1991 SUGGESTED FINANCING - 0 - Borrow - 0 - - 0- - 0 - Borrow - 0 - o - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - Borrow - Borrow - General Fund - 0 - Borrow - 0 - - 0 - 93,125 (LS)* 1,352,812 (LS)* 2,625 (LS)* 335,000 45,000 62,500 50,000 2,625 30,625 1,302,812 - 0 - General Fund Airport Fund Borrow Airport Fund - 0 - 35,000 300,000 Gen.Fnd. '90, Borrow '91 - 0 - 6,739,595 TOTAL $27,738,744 6,739,595 $23,241,048 *(LS) = Local Share Only SCHED. G 45,000 - 0 - General Fund - 0 - - 0 - Borrow $4,197,696 $300,000 6861 `1 INUMAI CAPITAL BUDGET - FINANCE SCHEDULE BIGGS HWY. MENTAL COUNTY AIRP. AIRP. RENOV. LNDFIL. LNDFIL LNDFIL. LNDFIL. LNDFIL. NEW RECYCL,BLDG.'C' CTHSE. BIGGS AIBP, SALT HEALTH 8DP ROAD TRMNL,REFUL,PHONES PHONES (A) (C) CPF (8) LANDFILL EQMT, RENOV. LIBR. RENOV, HEAT TRMHL. STRG. BLDG. TOTAL 1990 50000 87817 36000 25184 59600 34997 30000 40000 285000 169860 48600 867058 1991 87817 25184 59600 35000 40000 325000 169860 271250 368400 44000 48600 44000 37000 69400 18000 218320 1861431 1992 87817 25184 35000 40000 333500 169860 271250 275785 368400 44000 49795 47000 37000 69400 18000 60000 218320 2150311 1993 37732 333500 169860 211250 215185 368400 44187 49795 55000 51000 69400 18000 60000 218320 2022229 1994 169860 271250 275785 368400 44187 49794 60000 51000 69400 18000 60000 218320 1655996 1995 271250 215185 368400 44188 60000 51000 69400 18000 60000 218320 1436343 1996 271250 275785 60000 218320 825355 1991 271250 275785 218320 765355 1998 271250 275185 218320 765355 1999 211250 275785 218320 765355 2000 271250 275785 218320 765355 2001 211250 275785 218320 765355 2002 271250 275785 218320 765355 2003 211250 215785 218320 765355 Lh 2004 °O 2005 271250 275785 218320 765355 271250 275785 218320 765355 2006 271250 275785 218320 765355 2007 271250 275785 218320 765355 2008 271250 275785 218320 765355 2009 271250 275785 218320 765355 2010 271250 275785 218319 765354 2011 275785 275785 50000 301183 36000 75552 119200 34997 100000 120000 1277000 849300 5425000 5515700 1842000 220562 246584 266000 227000 347000 90000 300000 4366399 21809477 SCHED. H 6861 `T INUUDAON GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECCM4MEND RECCM4MENO ADOPTED A1010 - BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES 1000 Personal Services 103,999 108,800 115,200 115,200 115,200 115,200 4000 Contractual 39,864 52,595 43,300 42,975 42,975 42,975 8000 Benefits 0 TOTAL A1010 APPROPR. 143,863 161,395 183,869,183,54425,369 25,3693 25,369 TOTAL COUNTY COST 183 , 544 183,544 143,863 161,395 183,869 183,544 183,544 183,544 A1040 - CLERK BD OF REPRESENTATIVES 1000 Personal Services 59,582 63,143 62,768 62,768 62,768 62,768 2000 Equipment 0 3,994 425 320 320 320 4000 Contractual 11,327 13,743 14,397 14,397 13,897 13,897 8000 Benefits 0 0 13,703 13,703 13,703 13,703 TOTAL A1040 APPROPR. 70,909 80,880 91,293 91,188 90,688 90,688 TOTAL COUNTY COST 70,909 80,880 91,293 91,188 90,688 90,688 A1162 - UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM 4000 Contractual 27,199 16,750 22,750 22,750 22,550 22,550 TOTAL A1162 APPROPR. 27,199 16,750 22,750 22,750 22,550 22,550 TOTAL A1162 REVENUES 28,119 16,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST (920) 750 750 750 550 550 A1165 - DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1000 Personal Services 252,453 298,755 339,283 294,741 294,741 294,741 ____ _ 2000 Equipment 1,402 1,235 13,423 5,835 5,835 5,835 4000 Contractual 83,796 96,534 85,116 84,155 83 855 8000 Benefits 0 , 83,975 0 61,483 51,975 51,975 51,975 TOTAL A1165 APPROPR. 337,651 396,524 499,305 436,706 436,406 436,406 TOTAL A1165 REVENUES 42,505 41,148 41,856 41,856 41,856 41,856 TOTAL COUNTY COST 295,146 355,376 457,449 394,850 394,550 394,550 A1166 - SPECIAL PROSECUTOR 4000 Contractual 3,191 TOTAL A1166 APPROPR. 3,191 TOTAL COUNTY COST 3,191 A1170 - LEGAL DEFENSE OF INDIGENTS 2000 Equipment 0 4000 Contractual 290,031 TOTAL A1170 APPROPR. 290,031 TOTAL A1170 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 468,369 468,538 17,153 272,878 5,000 463,538 0 0 0 0 462,817 447,050 447,050 447,050 462,817 447,050 447,050 447,050 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 457,817 442,050 442,050 442,050 6861 `1 INUMAON 1988 1989 A1180 - .JUSTICES & CONSTABLES 4000 Contractual TOTAL A1180 APPROPR. ACTUAL 1,010 TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,010 1,010 A1230 - COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 1000 Personal Services 76,164 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 MO0.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1,500 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,500 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,500 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 82,255 81,494 81,494 81,494 2000 Equipment 0 3,422 4000 Contractual 4,305 8000 Benefits 0 TOTAL A1230 APPROPR. 80,469 TOTAL A1230 REVENUES 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 80,469 A1310 - OFFICE OF BUDGET & FINANCE 1000 Personal Services 64,938 2000 Equipment 7,706 4000 Contractual 11,638 8000 Benefits 0 TOTAL A1310 APPROPR. 84,282 TOTAL A1310 REVENUES 17,638 TOTAL COUNTY COST 66,644 175 175 175 10,576 5,800 5,800 5,500 81,494 O 11,699 11,699 11,699 96,253 99,168 99,168 98,868 4,425 0 0 0 91,828 99,168 99,168 98,868 84,968 105,190 105,190 105,190 7,866 5,766 5,766 5,766 18,821 13,036 13,036 12,536 O 20,794 20,794 20,794 111,655 144,786 144,786 144,286 A1315 - COMPTROLLER 1000 Personal Services 113,922 2000 Equipment 479 4000 Contractual 35,195 8000 Benefits 0 TOTAL A1315 APPROPR. 149,596 TOTAL A1315 REVENUES 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 149,596 41,783 20,000 20,000 20,000 69,872 124,786 124,786 124,286 122,337 155,428 155,428 155,428 4,418 1,577 1,577 1,577 40,563 44,260 44,260 43,960 A1345 - PURCHASING 1000 Personal Services 107,300 2000 Equipment 11,610 4000 Contractual 63,777 8000 BENEFITS 0 TOTAL A1345 APPROPR. 182,687 TOTAL A1345 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 175 5,500 11,699 98,868 0 98,868 105,190 5,766 12,536 20,794 144,286 20,000 124,286 155,428 1,577 43,960 O 37,157 37,157 37,157 37,157 167,318 238,422 238,422 238,122 238,122 O 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 167,318 235,422 235,422 235,122 235,122 125,127 134,925 120,450 120,450 15,573 20,102 17,123 17,134 82,151 87,345 86,345 86,345 120,450 O 30,752 26,048 26,048 222,851 77,$23 104,864 84,589 138,262 273,124 249,966 249,977 90,500 182,624 93,500 156,466 17,134 86,345 93,500 156,477 26,048 249,977 93,500 156,477 6861 `1 JagUJ AON 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 A1355 - DIVISION OF ASSESSMENT ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1000 Personal Services 298,713 341,194 339,203 339,203 339,203 339,203 2000 Equipment 10,675 9,453 914 914 914 914 4000 Contractual 30,879 43,939 69,992 69,992 68,992 68,992 8000 Benefits 0 0 76,103 76,103 76,103 76,103 TOTAL A1355 APPROPR. 340,267 394,586 486,212 486,212 485,212 485,212 TOTAL A1355 REVENUES 17,650 10,225 43,210 95,000 95,000 95,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 322,617 384,361 443,002 391,212 390,212 390,212 A1362 - TAX ADVERTISING EXPENSE 4000 Contractual TOTAL A1362 APPROPR. TOTAL A1362 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,519 8,500 9,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,519 8,500 9,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,358 8,500 9,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 161 0 0 0 0 0 A1364 - EXPENSE TAX ACQUIRED PROPERTY 4000 Contractual 1,044 TOTAL A1364 APPROPR. 1,044 5,252 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 5,252 TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,044 5,252 A1380 - FISCAL AGENT FEES 4000 Contractual TOTAL A1380 APPROPR. TOTAL COUNTY COST A1410 - COUNTY CLERK 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,265 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,265 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,265 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 1000 Personal Services 119,516 134,995 149,656 149,656 149,656 149,656 2000 Equipment 2,624 1,005 14,560 14,624 14,635 14,635 4000 Contractual 51,548 79,483 55,777 55,354 54,854 54,854 8000 Benefits' 0 0 31,323 31,323 31,323 31,323 TOTAL A1410 APPROPR. 173,688 ' 215,483 251,316 250,957 250,468 250,468 TOTAL A1410 REVENUES 311,608 296,310 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST (137,920) (80,827) (48,684) (49,043) (49,532) (49,532) A1411 - DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES 1000 Personal Services 128,329 134,396 146,910 146,910 146,910 146,910 2000 Equipment 567 831 1,400 1,227 1,227 1,227 4000 Contractual 45,237 47,609 49,524 49,524 49,224 49,224 8000 Benefits 0 0 30,173 30,173 30,173 30,173 TOTAL A1411 APPROPR. 174,133 182,836 228,007 227,834 227,534 227,534 TOTAL A1411 REVENUES 167,441 155,582 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 6,692 27,254 28,007 27,834 27,534 27,534 6861 `I .13gW0AON 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A1420 - COUNTY ATTORNEY 1000 Personal Services 73,992 78,992 78,225 78,225 78,225 78,225 2000 Equipment 0 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits TOTAL A1420 APPROPR. TOTAL A1420 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST A1430 - PERSONNEL 1000 Personal Services 2000 Equipment 0 2,642 2,642 2,642 2,642 22,439 31,684 31,780 31,780 31,380 31,380 O 0 18,618 18,618 18,618 18,618 96,431 110,676 131,265 131,265 130,865 130,865 12,650 0 0 0 0 0 83,781 110,676 131,265 131,265 130,865 130,865 129,023 147,421 158,236 158,236 158,236 158,236 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits 1,147 330 1,212 1,271 1,271 1,271 46,778 70,211 216,421 124,089 123,789 123,789 TOTAL A1430 APPROPR. TOTAL A1430 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST O 0 28,967 28,967 28,967 28,967 176,948 217,962 404,836 31263 312,263 312,263 59 16,782 38,000 26044 26,144 26,144 176,889 201,180 366,836 286,419 286,119 286,119 A1450 - BOARD OF ELECTIONS, ADM. 1000 Personal Services 85,552 81,108 80,596 80,596 80,596 80,596 2000 Equipment 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits TOTAL A1450 APPROPR. TOTAL A1450 REVENUES 416 744 1,444 1,444 1,444 1,444 2,185 4,078 4,762 4,762 4,762 4,762 O 0 18,903 18,903 18,903 18,903 88,153 85,930 105,705 105,705 105,705 105,705 61 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST A1451 - BOARD OF ELECTIONS 4000 Contractual TOTAL A1451 APPROPR. TOTAL A1451 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 88,092 85,930 105,705 105,705 105,705 105,705 53,107 61,543 52,500 52,500 51,800 51,800 53,107 61,543 52,500 52,500 51,800 51,800 44,230 45,000 52,500 52,500 51,800 51,800 8,877 16,543 0 0 0 0 A1460 - RECORDS MANAGEMENT 1000 Personal Services 2000 Equipment O 0 21,000 0 21,000 21,000 O 0 705 0 705 705 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits O 0 1,150 0 1,150 1,150 TOTAL A1460 APPROPR. O 0 5,449 0 5,449 5,449 O 0 28,304 0 28,304 28,304 TOTAL A1460 REVENUES O 0 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 0 0 25,304 0 25,304 25,304 6861 `1 JagUI AON 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A1490 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1000 Personal Services 73,485 83,112 87,688 87,688 87,688 87,688 2000 Equipment 0 1,780 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 4000 Contractual 505 3,990 4,240 4,240 4,240 4,240 8000 Benefits 0 0 17,169 17,169 17,169 17,169 TOTAL A1490 APPROPR. 73,990 88,882 110,546 110,546 110,546 110,546 TOTAL A1490 REVENUES 0 7,517 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 73,990 81,365 110,546 110,546 110,546 110,546 A1620 - BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 1000 Personal Services 379,120 435,572 418,260 416,460 416,460 416,460 2000 Equipment 16,416 9,109 52,177 29,677 29,677 29,677 4000 Contractual 679,583 684,206 751,700 701,928 702,928 702,928 8000 Benefits 86,432 110,398 109,790 109,790 109,790 109,790 TOTAL A1620 APPROPR. 1,161,551 1,239,285 1,331,927 1,257,855 1,258,855 1,258,855 TOTAL A1620 REVENUES 634,480 717,927 730,068 730,068 730,068 730,068 TOTAL COUNTY COST 527,071 521,358 601,859 527,787 528,787 528,787 A1621 - A1626 BIGGS BUILDING 2000 Equipment 35,312 909 0 0 0 0 4000 Contractual 106,491 21,677 0 0 0 0 TOTAL A1621 - A1626 APP. 141,803 22,586 0 0 0 0 TOTAL A1621 - Ai626 REV. 62,013 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 79,790 22,586 0 0 0 0 A1680 - CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING 1000 Personal Services 93,620 118,336 153,030 135,533 135,533 135,533 2000 Equipment 31,670 32,069 124,359 26,631 26,631 26,631 4000 Contractual 54,135 71,884 103,118 102,506 101,806 101,806 8000 Benefits 17,903 26,238 35,528 30,304 30,304 30,304 TOTAL A1680 APPROPR. 197,328 248,527 416,035 294,974 294,274 294,274 TOTAL A1680 REVENUES 16,413 9,300 57,261 57,261 57,261 57,261 TOTAL COUNTY COST 180,915 239,227 358,774 237,713 237,013 237,013 A1910 - UNALLOCATED INSURANCE 4000 Contractual 572 59,583 66,013 66,013 66,013 66,013 TOTAL A1910 APPROPR. 572 59,583 66,013 66,013 66,013 66,013 TOTAL COUNTY COST 572 59,583 66,013 66,013 66,013 66,013 A1915 - UNALLOCATED MGMT. TRAINING 4000 Contractual 2,473 3,526 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL A1915 APPROPR. 2,473 3,526 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,473 3,526 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6861 `1 JaqumAoN 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BIIDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A1920 - MUNICIPAL DUES ASSOCIATION 4000 Contractual 5,164 TOTAL A1920 APPROPR. 5,164 TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,164 A1925 - UNALLOCATED RISK MANAGEMENT 4000 Contractual 7,775 TOTAL A1925 APPROPR. 7,775 TOTAL COUNTY COST 7,775 A1950 - TAXES ON COUNTY PROPERTY 4000 Contractual TOTAL A1950 APPROPR. TOTAL COUNTY COST A1990 - CONTINGENT FUND 4000 Contractual TOTAL A1990 APPROPR. TOTAL COUNTY COST TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT DEPT. A1010 - DEPT. A1990 4,395 4,870 4,870 12,870 12,870 4,395 4,870 4,870 12,870 12,870 4,395 4,870 4,870 12,870 12,870 14,379 14,565 14,565 14,565 14,565 14,379 14,565 14,565 14,565 14,565 14,379 14,565 14,565 14,565 14,565 O 4,000 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 O 4,000 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 O 4,000 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 O 129,168 900,000 900,000 950,000 1,100,000 O 129,168 900,000 900,000 950,000 1,100,000 O 129,168 900,000 900,000 950,000 1,100,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 4,073,099 TOTAL REVENUES 1,455,201 TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,617,898 EDUCATION A2490 - OUTSIDE CO. COMM. COLLEGES 4000 Contractual 126,183 4,823,763 6,568,185 6,149,989 6,231,315 6,381,315 1,460,088 1,615,395 1,656,329 1,658,629 1,658,629 3,363,675 4,952,790 4,493,660 4,572,686 4,722,686 TOTAL A2490 APPROPR. 126,183 TOTAL COUNTY COST 126,183 A2495 - TUITION TC -3 4000 Contractual TOTAL A2495 APPROPR. TOTAL COUNTY COST 125,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 125,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 125,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 1,144,508 1,284,700 1,473,213 1,473,213 1,473,213 1,458,916 1,144,508 1,284,700 1,473,213 1,473,213 1,473,213 1,458,916 1,144,508 1,284,700 1,473213 1,473,213 1,473,213 1,458,916 A2960 - EDUCATION HANDICAPPED CHILDREN 4000 Contractual 1,073,167 850,000 1,125,000 1,125,000 1,125,000 1,125,000 TOTAL A2960 APPROPR. 1,073,167 850,000 1,125,000 1,125,000 1,125,000 1,125,000 TOTAL A2960 REVENUES 414,959 510,000 645,469 645,469 696,094 696,094 TOTAL COUNTY COST 658,208 340,000 479,531 479,531 428,906 428,906 6861 ' i 1aquzano 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL A2981 - COOPERATIVE EXTENSION 4000 Contractual 471,599 MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED TOTAL A2981 APPROPR. 471,599 TOTAL COUNTY COST 471,599 TOTAL. EDS (CATION DEPT. A2400 - DEPT. A2981 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 2,815,457 TOTAL REVENUES 414,959 TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,400,498 PUBLIC SAFETY A3110 - SHERIFF 1000 Personal Services 985,848 495,179 519,938 519,938 519,938 519,938 495,179 519,938 519,938 519,938 519,938 495,179 519,938 519,938 519,938 519,938 2,754,879 3,248,151 3,248,151 3,248,151 3,233,854 510,000 645,469 645,469 696,094 696,094 2,244,879 2,602,682 2,602,682 2,552,057 2,537,760 2000 Equipment 34,991 4000 Contractual 134,323 1,022,101 1,097,721 1,074,646 1,074,646 1,074,646 76,810 8000 Benefits 0 174,565 78,516 62,920 62,920 62,920 168,627 TOTAL A3110 APPROPR. 1,155,162 TOTAL A3110 REVENUES 94,221 TOTAL' COUNTY COST 1,060,941 0 320,513 1,273,476 1,665,377 1,616,611 1,606,611 1,606,611 164,838 154,838 154,838 314,207 314,207 314,207 100,250 100,250 A3140 - PROBATION 1000 Personal Services 471,551 2000 Equipment 5,086 1,173,226 1,565,127 1,516,361 1,506,361 1,506,361 100,250 100,250 100,250 534,286 536,228 4000 Contractual 49,549 8000 Benefits 4,101 536,228 536,228 536,228 7,703 2,784 2,784 2,784 2,784 54,434 91,061 TOTAL A3140 APPROPR. 530,287 TOTAL A3140 REVENUES 273,369 6,256 602,679 137,541 767,614 TOTAL COUNTY COST 256,918 300,803 331,107 91,216 88,716 88,716 137,541 137,541 137,541 767,769 765,269 765,269 301,876 436,507 A3141 - ALTERNATIVES TO INCARCERATION 1000 Personal Services 8,890 2000 Equipment 215 4000 Contractual 553 9,841 9,841 331,169 330,034 330,034 436,600 435,235 435,235 9,841 9,841 9,841 290 0 0 0 0 8000 Benefits 507 4,256 3,765 3,765 3,765 3,765 TOTAL A3141 APPROPR. 10,165 TOTAL A3141 REVENUES 10,741 4,328 4,289 4,289 4,289 4,289 18,715 17,895 17,895 17,895 17,895 18,628 17,895 17,895 17,895 17,895 TOTAL COUNTY COST (576) 87 0 0 0 0 6861 `1 JagUIOAO 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A3142 - DESIGNATED ASSESSMENT SERVICE 1000 Personal Services 6,927 7,846 7,846 7,846 7,846 7,846 2000 Equipment 1,029 0 0 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits TOTAL A3142 APPROPR. TOTAL A3142 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST A3150 - JAIL 0 0 0 15,301 39,067 34,363 34,363 34,363 34,363 1,356 2,644 2,377 2,377 2,377 2,377 24,613 49,557 44,586 44,586 44,586 44,586 18,463 35,000 26,752 26,752 26,752 26,752 6,150 14,557 17,834 17,834 17,834 17,834 1000 Personal Services 531,917 550,345 572,478 555,925 555,925 555,925 2000 Equipment 0 1,320 11,674 11,396 11,396 11,396 4000 Contractual 162,122 161,967 179,575 182,075 182,075 182,075 8000 Benefits 0 0 145,162 139,941 139,941 139,941 TOTAL A3150 APPROPR. 694,039 713,632 908,889 889,337 889,337 889,337 TOTAL A3150 REVENUES 280,079 173,500 173,500 312,500 340,000 340,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 413,960 540,132 735,389 576,837 549,337 549,337 A3410 - FIRE & DISASTER COORDINATOR 1000 Personal Services 135,558 158,305 178,398 178,398 178,398 178,398 ° 2000 Equipment 32,582 183,484 429,414 226,492 226,492 226,492 CD 4000 Contractual 117,452 162,267 150,046 145,046 145,046 145,046 8000 Benefits 0 0 40,465 40,465 40,465 40,465 TOTAL A3410 APPROPR. 285,592 504,056 798,323 590,401 590,401 590,401 TOTAL COUNTY COST 285,592 504,056 798,323 590,401 590,401 590,401 88 A3510 - DOG DAMAGE CLAIMS 4000 Contractual 10,567 18,667 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL A3510 APPROPR. 10,567 18,667 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL A3510 REVENUES 11,349 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST (782) 13,667 A3520 - CONTROL OF OTHER ANIMALS 0 0 0 0 4000 Contractual 21,423 22,280 23,394 23,394 23,394 23,394 TOTAL A3520 APPROPR. 21,423 22,280 23,394 23,394 23,394 23,394 TOTAL C0+N1TY COST 21,423 22,280 23,394 23,394 23,394 23,394 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT,COMM, 1990 A3630 - WEIGHTS & MEASURES 1000 Personal Services ACTUAL MOD,BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 2000 Equipment 22,915 23,791 20,972 20,972 20,972 20,972 4000 Contractual 1,085 2,087 2,577 2,577 2,577 2,577 8000 Benefits 0 0 4,127 4,127 4,127 4,127 TOTAL A3630 APPROPR. 24,216 32,844 28,202 28,202 28,202 28,202 TOTAL A3630 REVENUES 1,050 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 23,166 32,844 28,202 28,202 28,202 28,202 216 6,966 526 526 526 526 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY DEPT. A3110 - DEPT. A3630 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 2,756,064 3,235,906 4,259,280 3,983,195 3,970,695 3,970,695 TOTAL REVENUES 689,272 633,181 654,504 793,566 819,931 819,931 TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,066,792 2,602,725 3,604,776 3,189,629 3,150,764 3,150,764 HEALTH A4010 - HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1000 Personal Services 819,045 999,627 1,069,807 1,069,807 1,051,356 1,051,356 2000 Equipment 40,185 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits 624,285 201,123 TOTAL A4010 APPROPR. 1,684,638 TOTAL A4010 REVENUES 1,157,939 TOTAL COUNTY COST 526,699 A4011 - IHAP 33,860 48,732 48,732 40,732 40,732 862,534 818,436 820,821 826,605 826,605 242,771 273,178 273,178 267,808 267,808 2,138,792 2,210,153 2,212,538 2,186,501 2,186,501 1,277,352 1,389,838 1,390,793 1,382,526 1,382,526 861,440 820,315 821,745 803,975 803,975 1000 Personal Services 8,033 10,963 10,211 10,211 10,211 10,211 2000 Equipment 0 70 0 0 0 0 4000 Contractual 97 0 0 0 0 0 8000 Benefits 329 758 2,759 2,759 2,759 2,759 TOTAL A4011 APPROPR, 8,459 11,791 12,970 12,970 12,970 12,970 TOTAL A4011 REVENUES 8,503 11,791 12,970 12,970 12,970 12,970 TOTAL COUNTY COST (44) 0 ' 0 0 0 0 A4012 - TOMPKINS SCHUYLER WIC PROGRAM 1000 Personal Services 83,311 95,135 91,040 91,040 91,040 91,040 2000 Equipment 1,060 771 3,101 3,101 3,101 3,101 4000 Contractual 13,571 15,611 19,855 19,855 19,855 19,855 8000 Benefits 20,159 24,011 32,042 32,042 32,042 32,042 TOTAL A4012 APPROPR. 118,101 135,528 146,038 146,038 146,038 146,038 TOTAL A4012 REVENUES 118,085 135,063 146,038 146,038 146,038 146,038 TOTAL COUNTY COST 16 465 0 0 0 0 6861 `1 JacpanoN 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A4014 - MEDICAL EXAMINER - See A4010 A4015 - LABORATORY 4000 Contractual 45,996 63,675 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 TOTAL A4015 APPROPR. 45,996 63,675 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 TOTAL A4015 REVENUES 25,646 27,710 27,125 27,125 27,125 27,125 TOTAL COUNTY COST 20,350 35,965 28,875 28,875 28,875 28,875 A4018 - HYPERTENSION 1000 Personal Services 22,446 0 0 0 0 0 4000 Contractual 2,447 0 0 0 0 0 8000 Benefits 7,416 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL A4018 APPROPR. 32,309 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL A4018 REVENUES 30,603 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,706 0 0 0 0 0 A4019-EISEP 1000 Personal Services 14,911 16,940 15,662 15,662 15,662 15,662 2000 Equipment 153 0 483 483 483 483 4000 Contractual 1,098 1,992 2,140 2,140 2,140 2,140 N 8000 Benefits 1,357 3,679 5,224 5,224 5,224 5,224 00 0, TOTAL A4019 APPROPR. 17,519 22,611 23,509 23,509 23,509 23,509 TOTAL A4019 REVENUES 21,333 22,611 23,509 23,509 23,509 23,509 TOTAL COUNTY COST (3,814) 0 0 0 0 0 A4020 - HOME HEALTH AGENCY GRANT 1000 Personal Services 28,249 30,360 14,507 14,507 14,507 14,507 4000 Contractual 8,023 3,033 600 600 600 600 8000 Benefits 5,144 7,563 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 TOTAL A4020 APPROPR. 41,416 40,956 19,127 19,127 19,127 19,127 TOTAL A4020 REVENUES 41,420 40,956 19,127 19,127 19,127 19,127 TOTAL COUNTY COST (4) 0 0 0 0 0 A4021 - CARDIOVASCULAR GRANT 1000 Personal Services 18,698 79,695 81,747 81,747 81,747 81,747 2000 Equipment 1,723 33,814 423 423 423 423 4000 Contractual 3,494 141,702 102,607 102,607 102,607 102,607 8000 Benefits 2,914 13,114 22,329 22,329 22,329 22,329 TOTAL A4021 APPROPR. 26,829 268,325 207,106 207,106 207,106 207,106 TOTAL A4021 REVENUES 22,419 257,280 207,106 207,106 207,106 207,106 TOTAL COUNTY COST 4,410 1 1, 045 0 ' 0 0 0 6861 `1 -13(1111 3"N 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 A4026 -CASA ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1000 Personal Services 22,879 30,342 28,018 28,018 28,018 28,018 4000 Contractual 1,305 8000 Benefits TOTAL A4026 APPROPR. TOTAL A4026 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,079 8,066 8,248 8,248 8,248 8,248 29,263 40,674 38,281 38,281 38,281 38,281 16,476 18,612 16,491 16,491 16,491 16,491 12,787 22,062 21,790 21,790 21,790 21,790 2,266 2,015 2,015 2,015 2,015 A4042 - RABIES CONTROL 4000 Contractual TOTAL A4042 APPROPR. TOTAL A4042 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,397 3,328 3,328 3,328 3,328 3,328 2,397 3,328 3,328 3,328 3,328 3,328 2,173 2,411 2,411 2,411 2,411 2,411 224 917 917 917 917 917 A4046 - PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN 4000 Contractual 49,640 TOTAL A4046 APPROPR. 49,640 TOTAL A4046 REVENUES 25,546 60,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 60,000 31,000 TOTAL COUNTY NdTY COST 24,094 29,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 32,500 32,500 32,500 32,500 A4048 - ADULT POLIO 4000 Contractual TOTAL A4048 APPROPR. TOTAL A4048 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 30,500 30,500 30,500 30,500 301 1,040 1,040 1,040 1,040 1,040 301 1,040 1,040 1,040 1,040 1,040 87 520 416 416 416 416 A4050 -PERS 1000 Personal Services 2000 Equipment 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits TOTAL A4050 APPROPR. TOTAL A4050 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 214 520 624 624 624 624 6,373 8,179 13,026 13,026 13,026 13,026 12,578 12,892 10,380 10,380 10,380 10,380 1,108 1,160 1,430 1,430 1,430 1,430 1,072 1,135 3,003 3,003 3,003 3,003 21,131 23,366 27,839 27,839 27,839 27,839 8,072 12,200 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 13,059 11,166 15,839 15,839 15,839 15,839 A4080 - COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH PLANNING 4000 Contractual 22,244 29,045 47,667 30,250 30,250 30,250 TOTAL A4080 APPROPR. 22,244 29,045 47,667 30,250 30,250 30,250 TOTAL COUNTY COST 22,244 29,045 47,667 30,250 30,250 30,250 6861 `1 1agT.0 AO A4220 - NARCOTIC CONTROL 4000 Contractual TOTAL A4220 APPROPR. TOTAL A4220 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST A4250 - STOP D W I 1000 Personal Services 2000 Equipment 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits TOTAL A4250 APPROPR. TOTAL A4250 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD .81 IDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 338,795 65,000 37,053 37,053 37,053 37,053 338,795 65,000 37,053 37,053 37,053 37,053 338,795 65,000 37,053 37,053 37,053 37,053 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,410 33,687 35,013 35,013 35,013 35,013 0 9,145 4,622 4,622 4,622 4,622 67,398 90,877 96,293 96,469 96,469 96,469 6,375 7,088 9,584 9,584 9,584 9,584 109,183 140,797 145,512 145,688 145,688 145,688 126,840 110,000 115,000 115,000 115,000 115,000 (17,657) 30,797 30,512 30,688 30,688 30,688 A4310 - MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION 1000 Personal Services 95,147 128,399 136,545 136,545 175,515 175,515 2000 Equipment 3,445 1,720 9,249 9,249 9,249 9,249 4000 Contractual 46,207 47,960 80,270 79,879 79,879 79,879 8000 Benefits 19,024 23,133 28,865 28,865 36,751 36,751 TOTAL A4310 APPROPR. 163,823 201,212 254,929 254,538 301,394 301,394 TOTAL A4310 REVENUES 122,759 159,514 206,298 205,968 252,824 252,824 TOTAL COUNTY COST 41,064 41,698 48,631 48,570 48,570 48,570 A4311 - MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC 1000 Personal Services 432,952 622,732 636,479 636,479 636,479 636,479 2000 Equipment 3,658 10,024 5,742 5,742 5,742 5,742 4000 Contractual 148,932 271,042 291,256 288,409 283,409 283,409 8000 Benefits 78,348 121,701 138,226 138,226 138,226 138,226 TOTAL A4311 APPROPR. 663,890 1,025,499 1,071,703 1,068,856 1,063,856 1,063,856 TOTAL A4311 REVENUES 497,675 778,600 802,739 801,316 797,892 797,892 TOTAL COUNTY COST 166,215 246,899 268,964 267,540 265,964 265,964 A4312 - MEADOW HOUSE 1000 Personal Services 206,857 238,682 238,154 238,154 238,154 238,154 2000 Equipment 13,557 6,234 19,841 19,841 19,841 19,841 4000 Contractual 122,288 156,627 156,114 155,113 155,113 155,113 8000 Benefits 40,790 52,539 54,741 54,741 54,741 54,741 TOTAL A4312 APPROPR. 383,492 454,082 468,850 467,849 467,849 467,849 TOTAL A4312 REVENUES 389,218 447,910 468,850 467,849 467,849 467,849 TOTAL COâ–ºIJNTY COST (5,726) 6,172 0 0 0 0 6861 `1 .tagUT AO 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A4313 - COMMI_INITY SUPPORT SERVICES 1000 Personal Services 199,807 273,978 279,657 279,657 279,657 279,657 2000 Equipment 7,538 23,196 1,325 1,325 1,325 1,325 4000 Contractual 41,936 69,424 75,314 75,377 75,377 75,377 8000 Benefits 44,724 72,699 67,015 67,015 67,015 67,015 TOTAL A4313 APPROPR. 294,005 439,297 423,311 423,374 423,374 423,374 TOTAL A4313 REVENUES 269,025 437,925 423,311 423,374 423,374 423,374 TOTAL COUNTY COST 24,980 1,372 0 0 0 0 A4314 - CLIENT FISCAL MANAGEMENT 1000 Personal Services 2000 Equipment 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits TOTAL A4314 APPROPR. TOTAL A4314 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST O 2,891 3,607 3,607 3,607 3,607 O 6,925 2,085 2,085 2,085 2,085 O 109,364 113,080 113,080 113,080 113,080 O 820 1,228 1,228 1,228 1,228 O 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 O 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 O 0 0 0 0 0 A4321 - HOMES 4000 Contractual TOTAL A4321 APPROPR. O 64,430 0 0 0 0 TOTAL A4321 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST O 64,430 0 0 0 0 O 52,820 0 0 0 0 A4322 - SPECIAL CHILDREN'S CENTER 4000 Contractual TOTAL A4322 APPROPR. TOTAL A4322 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST O 11,610 0 0 0 0 74,734 545,000 328,982 328,982 328,982 328,982 74,734 545,000 328,982 328,982 328,982 328,982 59,824 535,000 313,982 313,982 313,982 313,982 14,910 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 A4324 - MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION 4000 Contractual 48,194 91,448 74,310 74,310 74,310 74,310 TOTAL A4324 APPROPR. 48,194 91,448 74,310 74,310 74,310 74,310 TOTAL A4324 REVENUES 48,194 91,448 74,310 74,310 74,310 74,310 TOTAL COUNTY COST 0 0 0 0 0 0 A4325 - ALCOHOLISM COUNCIL 4000 Contractual TOTAL A4325 APPROPR. TOTAL 44325 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 146,541 315,971 133,714 133,714 133,714 133,714 146,541 315,971 133,714 133,714 133,714 133,714 106,501 295,971 108,730 108,730 108,730 108,730 40,040 20,000 24,984 24,984 24,984 24,984 686I `I zagUJ AON 1988 A4326 - ITHACA YOUTH BUREAU ACTUAL 4000 Contractual 45,278 TOTAL A4326 APPROPR. 45,278 TOTAL A4326 REVENUES 45,278 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 MOD.BIIDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 88,764 88,764 TOTAL COUNTY COST 0 88,764 0 A4327 - SUICIDE PREVENTION 4000 Contractual 89,133 TOTAL A4327 APPROPR. 89,133 TOTAL A4327 REVENUES 80,685 194,610 194,610 TOTAL COUNTY COST 8,448 185,210 9,400 A4328 - EMERGENCY COMMUNITY SHELTER 4000 Contractual 35,505 TOTAL A4328 APPROPR. 35,505 TOTAL A4328 REVENUES 35,505 50,310 57,807 57,807 57,807 57,807 57,807 57,807 57,807 57,807 57,807 57,807 57,807 57,807 0 0 0 0 122,086 122,086 122,086 122,086 122,086 122,086 122,086 122,086 107,586 107,586 107,586 107,586 14,500 14,500 14,500 14,500 50,310 TOTAL COUNTY COST 0 50,310 0 47,892 47,892 47,892 47,892 47,892 47,4942 47,892 47,892 47,892 47492 47,892 47,892 A4329 - CHALLENGE ARC WORKSHOP 4000 Contractual 628,314 TOTAL A4329 APPROPR. 628,314 TOTAL A4329 REVENUES 535,734 TOTAL COUNTY COST 92,580 1,177,254 1,177,254 1,078,454 98,800 A4390 - MENTAL HEALTH PSYCHIATRIC EXP. 4000 Contractual 37,548 TOTAL A4390 APPROPR. 37,548 TOTAL COUNTY COST 37,548 A4548 - ITHACA CHILD CARE CENTER 4000 Contractual 5,000 TOTAL A4548 APPROPR. 5,000 0 0 0 0 743,989 743,989 743,989 743,989 743,989 743,989 743,989 743,989 640,249 640,249 640,249 640,249 103,740 103,740 103,740 103,740 65,451 50,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 65,451 50,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 65,451 50,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,000 TOTAL HEALTH DEPT. A4010 - DEPT. A4390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 5,163,678 7,878,256 6,936,196 6,912,164 6,927,983 6,927,983 TOTAL REVENUES 4,134,335 6,334,432 5,413,338 5,411,602 -5,446,767 5,446,767 TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,029,343 1,543,824 1,522,858 1,500,562 1,481,216 1,481,216 6861 `1 .zagW AO TRANSPORTATION 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A5630 - BUS OPERATIONS 1000 Personal Services 2000 Equipment 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits TOTAL A5630 APPROPR. TOTAL A5630 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 26,643 28,111 28,111 28,111 28,111 28,111 3,085 66,349 34,459 32,476 34,459 34,459 1,048,367 1,213,793 1,323,571 1,323,571 1,323,571 1,323,571 6,019 7,298 4,931 4,931 4,931 4,931 1,084,114 1,315,551 1,391,072 1,389,089 1,391,072 1,391,072 932,355 998,788 1,153,897 1,153,897 1,153,897 1,153,897 151,759 316,763 237,175 235,192 237,175 237,175 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEPT. A5630 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST SOCIAL SERVICES 1,084,114 1,315,551 1,391,072 1,389,089 1,391,072 1,391,072 932,355 998,788 1,153,897 1,153,897 1,153,897 1,153,897 151,759 316,763 237,175 235,192 237,175 237,175 A6010 - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 1000 Personal Services 2000 Equipment 2,196,816 2,461,128 2,514,962 2,508,903 2,508,903 2,508,903 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits 54,048 59,424 33,029 32,272 31,432 31,432 537,978 792,513 622,448 648,191 648,191 648,191 TOTAL A6010 APPROPR. TOTAL A6010 REVENUES 547,652 599,867 596,807 593,237 593,237 593,237 3,336,494 3,912,932 3,767,246 3,782,603 3,781,763 3,781,763 TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,586,616 2,873,212 2,815,449 2,824,276 2,823,761 2,823,761 749,878 1,039,720 951,797 958,327 958,002 958,002 A6030 - COUNTY HOME 4000 Contractual 15,226 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL A6030 APPROPR. 15,226 O 0 0 0 0 TOTAL A6030 REVENUES 404,188 O 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST (388,962) O 0 0 0 0 A6070 - PURCHASE OF SERVICES 4000 Contractual TOTAL A6070 APPROPR. TOTAL A6070 REVENUES 607,372 631,755 698,000 698,000 698000 698,000 607,372 631,755 698,000 698,000 698,000 698,000 536,953 549,627 628,200 628,200 628,200 628,200 TOTAL COUNTY COST A6101 - MEDICAL ASSISTANCE 4000 Contractual 70,419 82,128 69,800 69,800 69,800 69,800 238,001 260,000 255,500 255,500 255,500 255,500 TOTAL A6101 APPROPR. TOTAL A6101 REVENUES 238,001 260,000 255,500 255,500 255,500 255,500 317,490 200,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST (79,489) 60,000 65,500 65,500 65,500 65,500 6861 `1 JagUJ AON 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A6102 - MEDICAL ASSISTANCE STATE 4000 Contractual 2,631,264 TOTAL A6102 APPROPR. 2,631,264 TOTAL A6102 REVENUES 99,307 TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,531,957 A6106 - SPEC NEEDS -ADULT FAMILY HOMES 4000 Contractual TOTAL A6106 APPROPR. TOTAL A6106 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST A6109 - AID TO.DEPENDENT CHILDREN 3,100,000 3,400,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,100,000 3,400,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 85,000 80,000 80,000 100,000 100,000 3,015,000 3,320,000 3,120,000 3,100,000 3,100,000 O 2,595 1,730 1,730 1,730 1,730 O 2,595 1,730 1,730 1,730 1,730 O 2,595 1,730 1,730 1,730 1,730 O 0 0 0 0 0 4000 Contractual 4,145,569 TOTAL A6109 APPROPR. 4,145,569 4,250,000 4,251,000 4,251,000 4,251,000 4,251,000 TOTAL A6109 REVENUES 3,267,006 TOTAL COUNTY COST 878,563 4,250,000 4,251,000 4,251,000 4,251,000 4,251,000 3,256,250 3,257,000 3,270,750 3,270,750 3,270,750 A6119 - CHILD CARE 4000 Contractual TOTAL A6119 APPROPR. TOTAL A6119 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST A6123 - DELINQUENT CARE 4000 Contractual 993,750 994,000 980,250 980,250 980,250 1,379,754 1,396,000 1,670,000 1,670,000 1,670,000 1,670,000 1,379,754 1,396,000 1,670,000 1,670,000 1,670,000 1,670,000 937,939 924,000 1,103,000 1,103,000 1,103,000 1,103,000 441,815 472,000 567,000 567,000 567,000 567,000 TOTAL A6123 APPROPR. TOTAL A6123 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST A6129 - STATE TRAINING SCHOOLS 333,745 370,000 180,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 333,745 370,000 180,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 161,278 203,000 93,250 128,250 128,250 128,250 172,467 167,000 86,750 121,750 121,750 121,750 4000 Contractual 84,352 TOTAL A6129 APPROPR. 84,352 115,546 48,000 60,000 48,000 48,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 84,352 A6140 - HOME RELIEF 115,546 48,000 60,000 48,000 48,000 115,546 48,000 60,000 48,000 48,000 4000 Contractual 1,621,811 1,740,000 1,962,000 1,962,000 1,850,000 1,850,000 TOTAL A6140 APPROPR. 1,621,811 1,740,000 1,962,000 1,962,000 1,850,000 1,850,000 TOTAL A6140 REVENUES 979,236 1,029,000 1,069,220 1,083,920 1,026,800 1,026,800 TOTAL COUNTY COST 642,575 711,000 892,780 878,080 823,200 823,200 6861 ' 1 zaquzaAC 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A6141 - FUEL CRISIS ASST ST 4000 Contractual 576,755 592,854 495,000 495,000 495,000 495,000 TOTAL A6141 APPROPR. TOTAL A6141 REVENUES 576,755 576,447 592,854 592,854 495,000 495,000 495,000 495,000 495,000 495,000 495,000 495,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 308 0 0 0 0 0 A6142 - EMERGENCY AID ADULTS 4000 Contractual 41,370 85,000 66,000 66,000 66,000 66,000 TOTAL A6142 APPROPR. 41,370 85,000 66,000 66,000 66,000 66,000 TOTAL A6142 REVENUES 21,123 28,100 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 20,247 56,900 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 A6148 - B!RIALS 4000 -Contractual 56,832 44,450 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 TOTAL A6148 APPROPR. 56,832 44,450 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 TOTAL A6148 REVENUES 23,443 18,652 20,520 20,520 20,520 20,520 TOTAL COUNTY COST 33,389 25,798 29,480 29,480 29,480 29,480 TOTAL SOCIAL SERVICES DEPT. A6010 - DEPT. A6148 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 15,068,545 16,501,132 16,844,476 16,741,833 16,616,993 16,616,993 TOTAL REVENUES 9,911,026 9,762,290 9,786,369 9,858,646 9,821,011 9,821,011 TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,157,519 6,738,842 7,058,107 6,883,187 6,795,982 6,795,982 686I `I INTIMAON 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED ECONOMIC ASST. & OPPORTUNITY A6310 - HUMAN SERVICES 4501 EOC OUTREACH 36,698 40,508 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 4508 LEARNING WEB 5,763 8,650 9,725 9,725 9,725 9,725 4513 CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE 3,840 3,910 3,910 3,910 3,910 3,910 4517 DAY CARE COUNCIL 8,942 0 6,243 6,243 6,243 6,243 4518 EOC CHORES 9,000 9,450 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 4526 FAM.& CHIL.SVC. 0 6,818 0 0 0 0 4527 SOUTHSIDE COM.CTR. 7,500 8,000 14,500 14,500 14,500 14,500 4536 LITERACY VOL. 4,909 5,825 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 4537 BAT.WOM.SHELTER 1,177 1,150 1,208 1,208 1,208 1,208 4538 BAT.WOM.ADVOCACY 4,800 4,830 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 4539 BAT.WOM.EDUC. 1,498 1,560 1,560 1,560 1,560 1,560 4545 SOUTHSIDE MIN. 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 4546 EOC FOOD DISTR. 6,891 53 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 4549 DISPLACED HOMMAK. 4,767 6,650 6,650 6,650 6,650 7,315 4553 ITH. RAPE CRISIS 0 5,746 6,360 6,122 6,360 6,360 4556 AIDS WORK 0 0 6,574 6,574 6,574 6,574 4557 EOC CRIME PREV. 0 0 0 0 0 0 4558 EOC HOMELESS PROJ. 0 0 0 0 0 0 4559 HOMES GREEN ST. PRJ. 0 0 3.144 3,144 3,144 3,144 N 4561 N'BORHOOD LEGAL SVCS. 0 0 3,820 3,820 3,820 3,820 on 4580 EMER.COMM.SHELTER 5,100 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 4.585 COMM.DISP.RES.CTR. 9,620 11,770 11,770 15,884 11,770 11,770 4594 0.A.R. 62,475 50,917 40,200 0 40,200 40,200 4596 0.A.R. MGMT. & GEN. 0 7,635 6,266 0 6,266 6,266 4597 O.A.R. BAIL & INTARE 2,366 1,834 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 4598 HOSPICARE 7,500 0 0 0 0 0 4599 DROP IN CENTER 3,445 6,100 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 4700 PREV.YRS.ENCUMB. 10,578 5,423 0 0 0 0 TOTAL A6310 APPROPR. 196,869 197,029 220,630 163,040 220,630 221,295 TOTAL A6310 REVENUES 5,316 3,600 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 191,553 193,429 216,630 159,040 216,630 217,295. A6327 - HOUSING PROGRAMS 4000 Contractual TOTAL A6327 APPROPR. TOTAL COUNTY COST 7,200 7,560 20,000 15,876 15,876 15,876 7,200 7,560 20,000 15,876 15,876 15,876 7,200 7,560 20,000 15,876 15,876 15,876 A6410 - PUBLICITY (See A6475 for 1988 Actual) 6861 `T .zagUI A° 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 A6420 - PROMOTION OF INDUSTRY ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 4000 Contractual 8,250 15,600 18,850 18,850 18,850 18,850 TOTAL A6420 APPROPR. 8,250 15,600 18,850 18,850 18,850 18,850 TOTAL COUNTY COST 8,250 15,600 18,850 18,850 18,850 18,850 A6475 - TOURISM EXPENSE (Includes A6410) 1000 Personal Services 1,600 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2000 Equipment 170 0 0 0 0 0 4000 Contractual 180,413 238,914 3,400 3,400 379,721 379,721 8000 Benefits 329 211 220 220 220 220 TOTAL A6475 APPROPR. 182,512 240,125 4,620 4,620 380,941 380,941 TOTAL A6475 REVENUES 201,599 221,625 4,620 4,620 380,941 380,941 TOTAL COUNTY COST (19,087) 18,500 0 0 0 0 A6771 - 0 F A IN-SERVICE TRAINING 4000 Contractual TOTAL A6771 APPROPR. O 500 450 450 450 450 TOTAL A6771 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST O 500 450 450 450 450 O 500 450 450 450 450 A6772 - OFFICE FOR THE AGING O 0 0 0 0 0 N 1000 Personal Services 54,224 57,141 72,165 67,917 67,917 67,917 2000 Equipment 233 230 4,162 4,162 4,162 4,162 4000 Contractual 30,048 38,071 34,411 38,319 37,719 37,719 8000 Benefits 11,878 14,433 17,010 16,528 16,528 16,528 TOTAL A6772 APPROPR. 96,383 109,875 127,748 126,926 126,326 126,326 TOTAL A6772 REVENUES 46,692 57,144 56,506 56,536 56,536 56,536 TOTAL COUNTY COST 49,691 52,731 71,242 70,390 69,790 69,790 A6773 -RSVP 4000 Contractual TOTAL A6773 APPROPR. TOTAL COUNTY COST A6774 -OFA SNAP 13,111 13,774 14,463 14,463 14,463 14,463 13,111 13,774 14,463 14,463 14,463 14,463 13,111 13,774 14,463 14,463 14,463 14,463 1000 Personal Services 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 2000 Equipment 1,000 0 4,320 4,320 4,320 4,320 4000 Contractual 104,771 151,762 120,675 120,675 120,675 120,675 TOTAL A6774 APPROPR. 107,271 153,262 126,495 126,495 126,495 126,495 TOTAL A6774 REVENUES 84,766 125,289 126,495 126,495 126,495 126,495 TOTAL COUNTY COST 22,505 27,973 0 0 0 0 6861 `1 JaquzanoN A6775 - TITLE V 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 4000 Contractual 23,733 25,792 24,848 24,848 24,848 24,848 TOTAL A6775 APPROPR. 23,733 25,792 24,848 24,848 24,848 24,848 TOTAL A6775 REVENUES 24,062 24,574 24,848 24,848 24,848 24,848 TOTAL COUNTY COST (329) 1,218 0 0 0 0 A6776 - 0 F A NUTRITION 1000 Personal Services 500 2,318 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2000 Equipment 0 0 7,680 7,680 7,680 7,680 4000 Contractual 139,642 191,456 168,257 169,277 169,277 169,277 TOTAL A6776 APPROPR. 140,142 193,774 176,937 177,957 177,957 177,957 TOTAL A6776 REVENUES 104,611 124,362 122,210 123,230 123,230 123,230 TOTAL COUNTY COST 35,531 69,412 54,727 54,727 54,727 54,727 A6777 - 0 F A COMM. SERV. FOR ELDERLY 1000 Personal Services 17,332 18,567 18,567 18,567 18,567 18,567 4000 Contractual 34,148 55,959 45,273 45,273 45,273 45,273 8000 Benefits 3,301 3,872 3,681 3,681 3,681 3,681 TOTAL A6777 APPROPR. 54,781 78,398 67,521 67,521 67,521 67,521 TOTAL A6777 REVENUES 41,814 62,208 64,318 64,318 64,318 64,318 TOTAL COUNTY COST 12,967 16,190 3,203 3,203 3,203 3,203 A6778 -OFA HEAP 1000 Personal Services 13,735 15,981 12,968 12,968 12,968 12,968 4000 Contractual 4,938 2,145 3,270 3,270 3,270 3,270 8000 Benefits 3,024 4,557 3,115 3,115 3,115 3,115 TOTAL A6778 APPROPR. 21,697 22,683 19,353 19,353 19,353 19,353 TOTAL A6778 REVENUES 21,178 21,197 19,353 19,353 19,353 19,353 TOTAL COUNTY COST 519 1,486 0 0 0 0 A6780-EISEP 1000 Personal Services 6,690 6,805 6,561 6,561 6,561 6,561 2000 Equipment 957 170 65 65 65 65 4000 Contractual 48,069 84,131 70,084 73,584 73,584 73,584 8000 Benefits 1,654 1,722 2,055 2,055 2,055 2,055 TOTAL A6780 APPROPR. 57,370 92,828 78,765 82,265 82,265 82,265 TOTAL A6780 REVENUES 45,946 64,900 65,000 67,667 67,667 67,667 TOTAL COUNTY COST 11,424 27,928 13,765 14,598 14,598 14,598 6861 `1 J C1W AON 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BIIDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A6781 - E P I C 1000 Personal Services 3,254 3,907 0 0 _ 0 4000 Contractual 550 1,101 0 0 0 8000 Benefits 800 1,830 0 0 0 TOTAL A6781 APPROPR. 4,604 6,838 0 0 0 TOTAL A6781 REVENUES 6,447 6,000 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST (1,843) 838 0 0 0 0 A6782 - CARE GIVERS TRAINING 1000 Personal Services 4000 Contractual 8000 BENEFITS O 7,220 5,046 5,046 5,046 5,046 2,467 5,976 1,953 1,953 1,953 1,953 O 1,431 905 905 905 905 TOTAL A6782 APPROPR. TOTAL A6782 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,467 14,627 7,904 7,904 7,904 7,904 O 10,701 7,904 7,904 7,904 7,904 2,467 3,926 0 0 0 0 A6783 - OFA TITLE III -D 4000 Contractual TOTAL A6783 APPROPR. TOTAL A6783 REVENUES 726 1,403 1,062 1,062 1,062 1,062 726 1,403 1,062 1,062 1,062 1,062 TOTAL COUNTY COST O 1,062 1,062 1,062 1,062 1,062 726 341 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ECONOMIC ASST. & OPPORTUNITY DEPT. A6310 - DEPT. A6780 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 917,116 1,174,068 909,646 851,630 1,284,941 1,285,606 TOTAL REVENUES 582,431 723,162 496,766 500,483 876,804 876,804 TOTAL COUNTY COST 334,685 450,906 412,880 351,147 408,137 408,802 RECREATION AND CULTURE A7020 - YOUTH BUREAU 1000 Personal Services 62,109 59,977 153,752 153,752 153,752 153,752 2000 Equipment 379 45 7,059 7,059 7,059 7,059 4000 Contractual 10,258 16,711 33,022 34,495 34,495 34,495 8000 Benefits 0 0 35,385 35,385 35,385 35,385 TOTAL A7020 APPROPR. 72,746 76,733 229,218 230,691 230,691 230,691 TOTAL A7020 REVENUES 46,465 38,313 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 26,281 38,420 154,218 155,691 155,691 155,691 6861 1 J qUI A 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A7022 - YOUTH PROGRAMS 4505 Day Care Council 4,080 4508 Learning Web 14,280 4509 Interim Families 20,631 4,080 4,080 4,080 4,080 4,080 14,280 14,280 14,280 14,280 14,280 21,216 16,707 16,707 16,707 16,707 4511 Ulysses Youth Un1im. 10,460 10,460 10,460 10,460 10,460 10,460 4512 Positive Self Image 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 4515 4H Hancock 4,590 4534 Campfire: Self Rel. 4,452 4535 City/Ith. Youth Bur. 8,665 4,590 4,590 4,590 4,590 4,590 4,452 4,452 4,452 4,452 4,452 4548 Lansing Youth Svcs. 0 8,665 8,665 8,665 8,665 8,665 4555 Tsk.Frc./Battered Wbm. 9,328 4557 EOG Crime Prevention 0 4570 Suicide Prevention 5,207 1,125 1,125 1,125 1,125 1,125 9,328 9,328 9,328 9,328 9,328 4580 Emergency Conm.Shel. 11,816 4585 Comm.Dispute Res. Ctr. 8,863 0 2,462 2,462 2,462 2,462 5,207 5,207 5,207 5,207 5,207 11,111 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 4591 Bottom Line 8,376 4594 Off. Aid & Restoration 3,315 4595 One to One 20,784 TOTAL A7022 APPROPR. 140,847 TOTAL A7022 REVENUES 135,665 TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,182 8,863 8,863 8,863 8,863 8,863 6,126 6,126 6,126 6,126 6,126 3,315 3,315 3,315 3,315 3,315 20,784 20,784 20,784 20,784 20,784 139,602 139,044 139,044 139,044 139,044 134,298 139,044 139,044 139,044 139,044 5,304 0 0 0 0 A7023 - YOUTH PROGRAMS SDPP 4511 Ulysses Youth Un1im. 8,280 4513 Child Sexual Abuse 11,403 4514 High Risk Youth 10,796 4552 Parenting Skills 3,500 4565 Groton Youth Comm. 6,528 4570 Suicide Prevention 2,100 4585 Comm.Dispute Res. Ctr. 4,845 4594 Off. Aid & Restoration 3,985 TOTAL A7023 APPROPR. 51,437 TOTAL A7023 REVENUES 51,436 TOTAL COUNTY COST 1 8,280 8,280 8,280 8,280 8,280 11,403 11,403 11,403 11,403 11,403 10,796 10,796 10,796 10,796 10,796 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 6,528 6,528 6,528 6,528 6,528 2,100 4,845 3,985 51,437 51,437 0 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 4,845 4,845 4,845 4,845 3,985 3,985 3,985 3,985 51,437 51,437 51,437 51,437 51,437 51,437 51,437 51,437 0 0 0 0 A7024 - SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM 4000 Contractual 22,072 TOTAL A7024 APPROPR. 22,072 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 22,072 O 0 0 0 0 A7025 - YOUTH PROGRAMS, ADMIN. TOTAL A7025 APPROPR. 14,567 14,548 14,628 0 0 0 TOTAL A7025 REVENUES 14,548 14,548 14,628 0 0 0 TOTAL COMITY COST 19 0 0 0 0 0 6861 `1 -13(11113"N 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 A7026 - ACTUAL P400. BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED MIN9ICIPAL YOUTH SERVICES 4508 Learning Web 4509 Interim Families O 0 32,300 0 0 10,000 4513 Child Sexual Abuse O 0 5,569 5,569 5,569 5,569 O 0 684 684 684 684 4517 Day Care Council 4526 Fam. & Chil. Svc. 4534 Campfire: Self Rel. O 0 26,028 12,854 12,854 24,996 O 0 1,774 1,774 1,774 1,774 O 0 134 0 0 0 4535 City/Ith. Youth Bur. 4537 Tsk.Frc./Battered Wom. 4552 Parenting Skills O 38,612 362,719 362,719 362,719 362,719 O 0 8,787 0 0 0 4557 Crime Prevention O 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 4564 Cresp Multi -Cult. 4567 BOLES Focus/Prep. O 2,900 12,666 12,666 12,666 12,666 O 0 13,550 0 0 0 O 16,121 0 0 0 0 4585 Comm.Disp.Res.Ctr. O 0 16,137 0 0 0 4595 One to One ---- Municipalities O 27,356 0 0 0 0 TOTAL A7026 APPROPR. O 71,628 236,099 156,256 156,256 156,256 TOTAL COUNTY COST A7410 - LIBRARIES O 156,257 736,447 572,522 572,522 594,664 O 156,257 736,447 572,522 572,522 594,664 4521 Libraries in Towns 7,124 4522 Tomp.Co.Public Libre 974,386 4532 Fin.Lakes Libr.Assn. 7.744 TOTAL A7410 APPROPR. 989,254 7,480 11,820 7,856 12,000 16,000 1,039,039 8,131 1,090,991 9,412 1,090,991 1,090,991 1,090,991 9,000 9,412 9,912 TOTAL COUNTY COST 989,254 A7510 - HISTORICAL SERVICES 4000 Contractual TOTAL A7510 APPROPR. 1,054,650 1,112,223 1,107,847 1,112,403 1,116,903 1,054,650 1,112,223 1,107,847 1,112,403 1,116,903 57,196 62,846 67,721 67,721 67,721 67,721 TOTAL COUNTY COSTA': A7550 - CELEBRATIONS 4000 Contractual 57,196 62,846 67,721 67,721 67,721 67,721 57,196 62,846 67,721 67,721 67,721 67,721 TOTAL A7550 APPROPR. 13,158 1,650 5,175 5,175 5,175 5,175 TOTAL COUNTY COST A7560 - ARTS 4000 Contractual TOTAL A7560 APPROPR. 13,158 1,650 5,175 5,175 5,175 5,175 13,158 1,650 5,175 5,175 5,175 5,175 9,186 25,000 25,000 25,000 15,000 15,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 9,186 25,000 25,000 25,000 15,000 15,000 9,186 25,000 25,000 25,000 15,000 15,000 6861 `1 JO LU AO 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM, 1990 ACTUAL MOD.81N GET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A7620 - ADULT RECREATION 4000 Contractual 28,793 30,250 31,762 33,489 33,489 33,489 TOTAL A7620 APPROPR. 28,793 30,250 31,762 33,489 33,489 33,489 TOTAL A7620 REVENUES 4,144 4,145 4,145 5,872 5,872 5,872 TOTAL COUNTY COST 24,649 26,105 27,617 27,617 27,617 27,617 TOTAL RECREATION AND CULTURE' DEPT. A7020 - DEPT. A7620 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1,399,256 1,612,973 2,412,655 2,232,926 2,227,482 2,254,124 TOTAL REVENUES 252,258 242,741 284,254 271,353 271,353 271,353 TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,146,998 1,370,232 2,128,401 1,961,573 1,956,129 1,982,771 HOME & COMMUNITY SERVICE A8020 - PLANNING 1000 Personal Services 187,118 199,567 192,865 192,865 192,865 192,865 2000 Equipment 9,863 0 4,112 2,312 2,312 2,312 4000 Contractual 24,884 14,050 27,585 27,585 27,585 27,585 8000 Benefits 0 0 44,474 44,474 44,474 44,474 TOTAL A8020 APPROPR. 221,865 213,617 269,036 267,236 267,236 267,236 N TOTAL A8020 REVENUES 308 0 6,200 6,200 1,950 1,950 N TOTAL COUNTY COST 221,557 213,617 262,836 261,036 265,286 265,286 A8021 - PLANNING/E M C 1000 Personal Services 17,419 19,989 19,989 19,989 19,989 19,989 4000 Contractual 7,740 11,730 5,775 5,775 5,775 5,775 8000 Benefits 2,809 5,128 5,461 5,461 5,461 5,461 TOTAL A8021 APPROPR. 27,968 36,847 31,225 31,225 31,225 31,225 TOTAL A8021 REVENUES 9,748 8,927 9,592 9,592 9,592 9,592 TOTAL COUNTY COST 18,220 27,920 21,633 21,633 21,633 21,633 A8022 - AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL 2000 Equipment 31,819 24,188 9,100 9,100 9,100 9,100 4000 Contractual 26,198 115,292 0 0 0 0 TOTAL A8022 APPROPR. 58,017 139,480 9,100 9,100 9,100 9,100 TOTAL A8022 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 58,020 119,502 9,100 9,100 9,100 9,100 (3) 19,978 0 0 0 0 A8025 - •JOINT PLANNING BOARD 4000 Contractual 6,226 10,900 10,900 10,900 10,900 10,900 TOTAL A8025 APPROPR, 6,226 10,900 10,900 10,900 10,900 10,900 TOTAL COUNTY COST 6,226 10,900 10,900 10,900 10,900 10,900 686I `I JO U1 AON 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BIN]GET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A8033 - UPSTATE PUB UTILITY SERV ASSN 4000 Contractual 5,901 150 284 284 284 284 TOTAL A8033 APPROPR. 5,901 150 284 284 284 284 TOTAL COUNTY COST 5,901 150 284 284 284 284 A8040 - HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION 1000 Personal Services 29,476 41,500 41,055 41,055 41,055 41,055 2000 Equipment 309 895 280 280 280 280 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits TOTAL A8040 APPROPR. 4,214 4,634 4,986 4,986 4,986 4,986 0 0 9,591 9,591 9,591 9,591 33,999 47,029 55,912 55,912 55,912 55,912 TOTAL COUNTY COST 33,999 47,029 55,912 55,912 55,912 55,912 A8160 - SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 1000 Personal Services 156,650 200,197 314,539 314,539 314,539 314,539 77,205 34,129 48,755 48,255 48,255 48,255 2000 Equipment 4000 Contractual 469,802 5,104,444 1,828,350 1,820,225 1,820,225 1,820,225 8000 Benefits 0 11,793 93,255 93,255 93,255 93,255 TOTAL A8160 APPROPR. 703,657 5,350,563 2,284,899 2,276,274 2,276,274 2,276,274 TOTAL A8160 REVENUES 40,066 4,605,966 2,284,899 2,276,274 2,276,274 2,276,274 TOTAL COUNTY COST 663,591 744,597 0 0 0 0 A8161 - SEPTAGE DISPOSAL 4000 Contractual TOTAL A8161 APPROPR. TOTAL A8161 REVENUES 22,520 38,180 53,780 53,780 53,780 53,780 22,520 38,180 53,780 53,780 53,780 53,780 O 16,330 32,600 53,780 53,780 53,780 TOTAL COUNTY COST 22,520 21,850 21,180 0 0 0 A8163 - SOLID WASTE RECYCLING 1000 Personal Services 2000 Equipment 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits TOTAL A8163 APPROPR. TOTAL A8163 REVENUES TOTAL COIN4TY COST A8720 - FISH & GAME O 21,795 21,086 21,086 21,086 21,086 O 50,450 258,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 O 203,856 539,254 539,254 539,254 539,254 O 0 3,775 3,775 3,775 3,775 O 276,101 822,115 568,115 568,115 568,115 O 55,900 193,115 193,115 193,115 193,115 O 220,201 629,000 375,000 375,000 375,000 4000 Contractual 2,333 2,333 2,333 2,333 2,450 2,450 TOTAL A8720 APPROPR. 2,333 2,333 2,333 2,333 2,450 2,450 TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,333 2,333 2,333 2,333 2,450 2,450 6861 `1 JaquzanoN 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BIIDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A8730 - SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT 4000 Contractual 8,000 TOTAL A8730 APPROPR. 8,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 8,000 A8745 - FLOOD CONTROL 4000 Contractual TOTAL A8745 APPROPR. TOTAL COUNTY COST 8,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 8,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 8,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 O 45,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 O 45,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 O 45,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 A8989 - LANDFILL NEIGHBORHOOD PROTECTION 4000 Contractual TOTAL A8989 APPROPR. TOTAL A8989 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST O 195,050 87,158 87,158 87,158 87,158 O 195,050 87,158 87,158 87,158 87,158 O 141,000 87,158 87,158 87,158 87,158 TOTAL HOME & COMM. SERVICE DEPT. A8020 - DEPT. A8750 O 54,050 0 0 0 0 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1,090,486 6,363,250 3,652,742 3,388,317 3,388,434 3,388,434 TOTAL REVENUES 108,142 4,947,625 2,622,664 2,635,219 2,630,969 2,630,969 1,415,625 TOTAL COUNTY COST 982,344 INDISTRIBITED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A9010 - A9070 FRINGE BENEFITS 1,030,078 753,098 757,465 757,465 4000 Contractual 1,392,262 1,114,946 0 0 0 0 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1,392,262 1,114,946 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES 8,660 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,383,602 1,114,946 0 0 0 0 6861 `1 zagUI AON November 1, 1989 GENERAL FUND - INTERFI IND TRANSFERS 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BLJDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A9513 - CONTRIBUTION TO JTPA PROGRAM 4000 Contractual 0 11,492 0 0 TOTAL A9513 APPROPR. 0 11,492 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 0 11,492 0 0 0 0 0 0 A9522 - TRANSFER TO COUNTY ROAD 4000 Contractual 2,549,837 2,964,498 3,488,192 3,139,376 3,136,876 3,136,876 TOTAL A9522 APPROPR. 2,549,837 2,964,498 3,488,192 3,139,376 3,136,876 3,136,876 TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,549,837 2,964,498 3,488,192 3,139,376 3,136,876 3,136,876 A9576 - CONTRIBUTION TO CONSTRICTION 4000 Contractual 420,105 153,013 95,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 TOTAL A9576 APPROPR. 420,105 153,013 95,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 420,105 153,013 95,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 A9901 - VIRGIL CREEK PROJECT 4000 Contractual TOTAL A9901 APPROPR. O 27,333 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST O 27,333 0 0 0 0 O 27,333 0 0 0 0 A9902 - BLDG C RENOVATIONS 4000 Contractual TOTAL A9902 APPROPR. O 6,963 0 0 0 0 O 6,963 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST O 6,963 0 0 0 0 A9904 - TRANSFER TO INSIURANCE RESERVE 4000 Contractual 28,495 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL A9904 APPROPR. 28,495 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 28,495 0 0 0 0 0 A9961 - CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE 4000 Refuse Fees 0 0 633,056 633,056 633,056 633,056 4000 Contractual 1,073,018 1,632,994 1,164,807 1,164,807 1,164,807 1,164,807 TOTAL A9961 APPROPR. 1,073,018 1,632,994 1,797,863 1,797,863 1,797,863 1,797,863 TOTAL REVENUES 0 0 633,056 633,056 633,056 633,056 TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,073,018 1,632,994 1,164,807 1,164,807 1,164,807 1,164,807 TOTAL GENERAL FUND INTERFIIND TRANSFERS DEPT. A9500 - DEPT. A9990 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 4,071,455 4,796,293 5,381,055 5,047,239 5,044,739 5,044,739 TOTAL REVENUES 0 0 633,056 633,056 633,056 633,056 TOTAL COUNTY COST 4,071,455 4,796,293 4,747,999 4,414,183 4,411,683 4,411,683 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED TOTAL UNALLOCATED REVENUE DEPT. A9999 1090 Int.& Pen./Del.Tax 444,319 1110 Sales & Use Tax 10,274,086 420,000 430,000 430,000 430,000 430,000 10,522,584 11,593,856 11,593,856 11,647,323 11,647,323 2401 Interest & Earn. 308,731 280,000 500,000 3001 Per Cap.Rev.Shar. 458,162 458,000 0 All Other Revenue 10,230,828 12,581,945 128,000 TOTAL REVENUES 21,716,126 500,000 0 500,000 500,000 0 0 128,000 128,000 128,000 24,262,529 12,651,856 12,651,856 12,705,323 12,705,323 TOTAL COUNTY COST (21,716,126)(24,262,529)(12,651,856)(12,651,856)(12,705,323)(12,705,323) TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 39,831,532 51,571,017 50,970,402 49,311,477 49,698,749 49,861,759 TOTAL REVENUES 40,204,765 49,874,836 35,324,512 35,578,420 36,080,778 36,080,778 TOTAL COUNTY COST (373,233) 1,696,181 15,645,890 13,733,057 13,617,971 13,780,981 AIRPORT B5610 - AIRPORT ENTERPRISE 1000 Personal Services 167,760 171,431 186,720 188,595 188,595 188,595 2000 Equipment 0 21,975 4000 Contractual 208,876 8000 Benefits 40,855 TOTAL B5610 APPROPR. 417,491 TOTAL B5610 REVENUES 455,886 TOTAL COUNTY COST (38,395) 4,366 4,366 4,366 4,366 234,284 231,765 231,765 231,765 231,765 B9516 - TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE 4000 Contractual 12,360 46,248 46,298 46,515 46,515 46,515 473,938 469,149 471,241 471,241 471,241 466,093 483,149 485,241 485,241 485,241 7,845 (14,000) (14,000) (14,000) (14,000) TOTAL B9516 APPROPR. 12,360 TOTAL COUNTY COST 12,360 B9576 - CONTRIBUTION TO CONSTRUCTION 4000 Contractual 0 13,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 13,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 13,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 TOTAL B9576 APPROPR. 0 2,625 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 0 TOTAL AIRPORT DEPT. B5610 - DEPT. B9576 2,625 0 0 0 0 2,625 0 0 0 0 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 429,851 489,563 483,149 485,241 485,241 485,241 TOTAL REVENUES 455,886 466,093 483,149 485,241 485,241 485,241 TOTAL COUNTY COST (26,035) 23,470 0 0 0 0 6861 `1 .zagW AO JOB TRAINING 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 CD6241 - CU 6282 JOB TRAINING ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND AIIOPTED 1000 Personal Services 70,654 0 0 0 0 0 4000 Contractual 5,059 90 0 0 0 0 8000 Benefits 3,807 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CD6241 APPROPR. 79,520 90 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CD6241 REVENUES 83,333 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST (3,813) 90 0 0 0 0 CD6290 - ADMIN. II A 1000 Personal Services 9,138 14,306 16,749 16,749 16,749 16,749 4000 Contractual 3,448 5,221 4,363 4,030 4,030 4,030 8000 Benefits 2,114 2,974 4,194 4,194 4,194 4,194 TOTAL CD6290 APPROPR. 14,700 22,501 25,306 24,973 24,973 24,973 TOTAL CD6290 REVENUES 10,292 22,501 25,306 24,973 24,973 24,973 TOTAL COUNTY COST 4,408 0 0 0 0 0 CD6291 - II A PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1000 Personal Services 0 33,769 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 '4000 Contractual 23,518 25,797 15,258 15,258 15,258 15,258 tv 8000 Benefits 0 919 1,116 1,116 1,116 1,116 TOTAL CD6291 APPROPR. 23,518 60,485 46,374 46,374 46,374 46,374 TOTAL CD6291 REVENUES 24,458 60,485 46,374 46,374 46,374 46,374 TOTAL COUNTY COST (940) 0 0 0 0 0 CD6292 - II A TRAINING & SERVICES 1000 Personal Services 21,126 80,722 63,215 63,215 63,215 63,215 2000 Equipment 0 208 750 750 750 750 4000 Contractual 8,509 84,877 87,747 86,242 86,242 86,242 8000 Benefits 11,267 13,966 12,591 12,591 12,591 12,591 TOTAL CD6292 APPROPR. 40,902 179,773 164,303 162,798 162,798 162,798 TOTAL CD6292 REVENUES 30,898 179,501 164,303 162,798 162,798 162,798 TOTAL COUNTY COST 10,004 272 0 0 0 0 CD6332 - 3% OLDER WORKERS PROGRAM 1000 Personal Services 5,071 0 0 0 0 0 4000 Contractual 1,718 0 0 0 0 0 8000 Benefits 927 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CD6332 APPROPR. 7,716 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CD6332 REVENUES 8,152 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST (436) 0 0 0 0 0 6861 `1 JagUIOAO 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 CD6345 - DSS .JOB CLUB ACTUAL MOD.BIIOGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1000 Personal Services 18,557 20,155 19,953 19,953 19,953 19,953 2000 Equipment 0 0 132 132 132 132 4000 Contractual 60 565 629 629 629 629 8000 Benefits 3,640 4,280 4,286 4,286 4,286 4,286 TOTAL CD6345 APPROPR. 22,257 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 TOTAL CD6345 REVENUES 21,768 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 489 0 0 0 0 0 CD6393 - PERFORMANCE BASED TRNING CONT 1000 Personal Services 24,040 0 0 0 0 0 4000 Contractual 66,732 0 0 0 0 0 8000 Benefits 3,663 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CD6393 APPROPR. 94,435 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CD6393 REVENUES 99,999 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST (5,564) 0 0 0 0 0 CD6394 - TRNING CONTRACT PERF AWARDS 1000 Personal Services 4,008 4,889 5,779 5,779 5,779 5,779 2000 Equipment 773 25,140 2,408 2,408 2,408 2,408 4000 Contractual 543 2,564 4,285 3,651 3,651 3,651 t,, 8000 Benefits 758 780 1,852 1,852 1,852 1,852 00 o TOTAL CD6394 APPROPR. 6,082 33,373 14,324 13,690 13,690 13,690 TOTAL CD6394 REVENUES 24,476 24,929 14,324 13,690 13,690 13,690 TOTAL COUNTY COST (18,394) 8,444 0 0 0 0 CD6930 - 8% BASIC SKILLS 4000 Contractual 2,159 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CD6930 APPROPR. 2,159 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CD6930 REVENUES 3,315 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST (1,156) 0 0 0 0 0 CD7320 - AVE GRANT ADMIN. 1000 Personal Services 14,041 0 22,890 22,890 22,890 22,890 2000 Equipment 0 0 275 275 275 275 4000 Contractual 2,303 0 8,896 8,518 8,518 8,518 8000 Benefits 1,741 0 4,317 4,317 4,317 4,317 TOTAL CD7320 APPROPR. 18,085 0 36,378 36,000 36,000 36,000 TOTAL CD7320 REVENUES 17,899 0 36,378 36,000 36,000 36,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 186 0 0 0 0 0 6861 `1 .tagU1 AO 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL M00.BIJDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED CD7321 - CD7322 AVE GRANT SVCS & TRAINING 1000 Personal Services 12,330 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits 0 0 00 0 4,139 0 0 U.__ 0 0 1,870 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CD7321 APPROPR. 18,339 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CD7321 REVENUES 16,249 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST CD7323 - S E S P ADMIN 2,090 0 0 0 0 0 1000 Personal Services 16,846 2000 Equipment 0 4000 Contractual 3,250 23,813 0 34,875 34,875 34,875 34,875 8000 Benefits 2,409 TOTAL CD7323 APPROPR. TOTAL CD7323 REVENUES 500 500 500 500 8,491 37,357 36,673 36,673 36,673 5,181 22,505 20,596 TOTAL COUNTY COST 1,909 37,485 42,764 (5,279) CD7324 - S E S P SERVICES 1000 Personal Services 8,117 4000 Contractual 21,425 8000 Benefits 1,081 10,212 8,116 8,116 8,116 8,116 80,848 80,164 80,164 80,164 80,848 80,164 80,164 80,164 O 0 0 0 TOTAL CD7324 APPROPR. 30,623 TOTAL CD7324 REVENUES 30,757 O 0 0 0 23,871 0 0 0 0 2,449 0 0 0 0 36,532 TOTAL COUNTY COST (134) 36,532 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 CD7325 - S E S P TRAINING 1000 Personal Services 14,888 4000 Contractual 3,414 8000 Benefits 2,468 30,537 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 11,596 0 0 0 0 4,523 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CD7325 APPROPR. 20,770 46,656 TOTAL CD7325 REVENUES 18,714 TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,056 41,377 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 5,279 0 0 0 0 TOTAL JOB TRAINING (DEPT. CD6241 - DEPT. CD7322) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 401,611 441,895 392,533 388,999 388,999 388,999 TOTAL REVENUES 410,906 433,089 392,533 388,999 388,999 388,999 TOTAL COUNTY COST (9,295) 8,806 0 0 0 0 INSURANCE RESERVE TOTAL INSURANCE RESERVE DEPT. CS1910 - DEPT. CS9999 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 41,885 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES 59,562 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST (17,677) 0 0 0 0 0 6861 `1 zagUJ AO COUNTY ROAD D3310 - TRAFFIC CONTROL 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD .BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1000 Personal Services 41,280 38,425 38,634 38,634 38,634 38,634 4000 Contractual 72,490 82,276 83,655 83,655 83,655 83,655 8000 Benefits 0 0 11,529 11,529 11,529 11,529 TOTAL D3310 APPROPR. 113,770 120,701 133,818 133,818 133,818 133,818 TOTAL D3310 REVENUES 0 119,225 133,818 133,818 133,818 133,818 TOTAL COUNTY COST 113,770 1,476 0 0 0 0 D5010 - COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION 1000 Personal Services 2000 Equipment 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits TOTAL D5010 APPROPR. TOTAL D5010 REVENUES 75,463 134,648 134,873 134,873 134,873 134,873 5,769 7,883 4,995 4,995 4,995 4,995 8,023 10,436 9,179 9,179 9,179 9,179 0 0 31,359 31,359 31,359 31,359 89,255 152,967 180,406 180,406 180,406 180,406 5 147,443 180,406 180,406 180,406 180,406 TOTAL COUNTY COST 89,250 5,524 0 0 0 0 D5110 - COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE 1000 Personal Services 773,180 824,468 834,762 795,292 795,292 795,292 4000 Contractual 1,857,595 2,039,837 2,540,107 2,242,107 2,239,607 2,239,607 8000 Benefits 264,540 274,297 281,660 270,314 270,314 270,314 TOTAL D5110 APPROPR. 2,895,315 3,138,602 3,656,529 3,307,713 3,305,213 3,305,213 TOTAL D5110 REVENUES 3,574,241 3,081,101 3,656,529 3,307,713 3,305,213 3,305,213 TOTAL COUNTY COST (678,926) 57,501 0 0 0 0 D5113 - SAFER ROADS PROJECTS 1000 Personal Services 7,571 4000 Contractual 108,386 O 0 0 0 0 TOTAL D5113 APPROPR. 115,957 TOTAL D5113 REVENUES 113,365 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST 2,592 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 D5142 - SNOW REMOVAL COUNTY 1000 Personal Services 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits TOTAL D5142 APPROPR. TOTAL D5142 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 46,782 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 472,252 552,120 495,513 495,513 495,513 495,513 O 0 13,925 13,925 13,925 13,925 519,034 602,120 559,438 559,438 559,438 559,438 O 633,925 559,438 559,438 559,438 559,438 519,034 (31,805) 0 0 0 0 6861 `I .tag1113"N 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED D5144 - SNOW REMOVAL STATE 1000 Personal Services 12,465 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 4000 Contractual 87,127 176,033 170,822 170,822 170,822 170,822 8000 Benefits 0 0 4,178 4,178 4,178 4,178 TOTAL D5144 APPROPR. 99,592 191,033 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 TOTAL D5144 REVENUES 99,594 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST (2) 1,033 0 0 0 0 D9509 - TRANSFER TO HGWY MACH. F10 4000 Contractual 0 35,177 O 0 0 0 TOTAL D9509 APPROPR. 0 35,177 TOTAL COUNTY COST 0 35,177 O 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY ROAD DEPT. D3310 - DEPT. D9509 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 3,874,808 4,240,600 4,720,191 4,371,375 4,368,875 4,368,875 TOTAL REVENUES 3,846,767 4,171,694 4,720,191 4,371,375 4,368,875 4,368,875 TOTAL COUNTY COST 28,041 68,906 0 0 0 0 HIGHWAY MACHINERY DM5130 - HIGHWAY MACHINERY 1000 Personal Services 2000 Equipment 4000 Contractual 8000 Benefits TOTAL DM5130 APPROPR. TOTAL DM5130 REVENUES 150,132 168,194 171,585 171,585 171,585 171,585 260,455 206,545 457,025 327,025 327,025 327,025 330,054 334,607 365,957 365,957 363,457 363,457 52,492 59,417 58,201 58,201 58,201 58,201 793,133 768,763 1,052,768 922,768 920,268 920,268 TOTAL COUNTY COST .. 754,205 773,705 1,052,768 922,768 920,268 920,268 38,928 (4,942) 0 0 0 0 DM9901 - CONTRIBUTION TO GENERAL FEND 4000 Contractual O 7,517 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DM9901 APPROPR. O 7,517 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST O 7,517 0 0 0 0 TOTAL HIGHWAY MACHINERY DEPT. DM5130 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 793,133 776,280 1,052,768 922,768 920,268 920,268 TOTAL REVENUES 754,205 773,705 1,052,768 922,768 920,268 920,268 TOTAL COUNTY COST 38,928 2,575 0 0 0 0 6861 `1 1aqumnoN CONSTRUCTION 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 HQ1620 - COURTHOUSE RENOVATION 9000 Transfers ACTUAL MOD.BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED TOTAL HQ1620 APPROPR. TOTAL HQ1620 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 0 0 0 0 17,000 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 17,000 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 17,000 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 O 0 0 0 0 HQ1621 - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 9000 Transfers TOTAL HQ1621 APPROPR. TOTAL HQ1621 REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 0 0 0 0 48,640 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 48,640 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 48,640 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 O 0 0 0 0 HZ5130 - HIGHWAY - BULK FUEL, SALT STORAGE, VENTILATION 2000 Equipment 2,881 4000 Contractual 0 9000 Transfers 365,421 2,828 • 0 0 0 0 O 80,000 80,0 80,000 80,000 382,360 0 0 0 0 TOTAL HZ5130 APPROPR. 368,302 TOTAL HZ5130 REVENUES 220,179 385,188 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 TOTAL COUNTY COST 148,123 385,188 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 O 0 0 0 0 HA - HZ ALL OTHER ---- Other 19,076 0 1000 Personal Services 4,246 29,886 2000 Equipment 399,986 494,526 4000 Contractual 279,614 7,008,064 8000 Fringes 0 6,098 9000 Transfers 5,637,568 5,686,341 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 6,340,490 13,224,915 TOTAL REVENUES 7,352,578 13,204,851 TOTAL COUNTY COST (1,012,088) 20,064 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ALL DEPARTMENTS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 6,708,792 13,675,703 TOTAL REVENUES 7,572,757 13,655,639 TOTAL COUNTY COST (863,965) 20,064 95,000 95,000 110,000 110,000 95,000 95,000 110,000 110,000 0 0 0 0 L7410 - TOMPKINS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY TOTAL L7410 APPROPR. 1,240,510 1,314,941 1,376,150 1,376,150 1,376,150 1,376,150 TOTAL L7410 REVENUES 1,247,193 1,305,442 1,376,150 1,376,150 1,376,150 1,376,150 TOTAL COUNTY COST (6,683) 9,499 0 0 0 0 6861 `1 JO UJ3AO DEBT SERVICE 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 V9710 - SERIAL BONDS 6620 Hospital ACTUAL MOD.BIIDGET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 6650 Jail 350,000 350,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 7720 Interest Hosp. 782,300 727,300 672,300 672,300 672,300 672,300 7750 Interest Jail 355,000 330,150 303,525 303,525 303,525 303,525 TOTAL V9710 APPROPR. 2,487,300 2,407,450 2,375,825 2,375,825 2,375,825 2,375,825 TOTAL V9710 REVENUES 2,397,900 2,407,450 2,375,825 2,375,825 2,375,825 2,375,825 TOTAL COUNTY COST 89,400 0 0 0 0 0 V9730 - BAN 6625 Landfill O 275,000 454,860 454,860 454,860 454,860 6630 Library Renov. 120,468 80,000 0 0 0 0 6631 Landfill Closure 114,865 90,375 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 6634 Biggs Complex 6635 Biggs Renovation 31,400 59,600 59,600 59,600 59,600 59,600 O 30,000 0 0 0 0 6637 Building C - Annex 0 6640 Computer O 48,600 48,600 48,600 48,600 38,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 .50,000 6660 Telephone System 25,960 30,000 34,997 34,997 34,997 34,997 6670 Airport Terminal 28,013 34,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 6671 Airport-Pking/Refuel. 0 25,184 25,184 25,184 6681 Library Sidewalk 0 25,184 25,184 7,000 O 0 0 0 6691 Highway Facilities 81,650 7725 Interest/Landfill 0 80,000 87,817 87,817 87,817 87,817 106,275 148,841 148,841 148,841 148,841 7730 Interest/Libr.Ren, 8,928 5,380 O 0 0 0 7731 Interest/Lndfl.Clos. 63,859 70,352 64,980 64,980 64,980 64,980 7734 Interest/Biggs Cmplx. 12,992 7735 Interest/Biggs Renov. 0 12,516 10,318 10,318 10,318 10,318 11,622 O 0 0 0 7737 Interest/Bldg.0 Annex 0 7740 Interest/Computer 6,693 O 17,010 17,010 17,010 17,010 5,300 3,575 3,575 3,575 3,575 7760 Interest/Telephone 5,002 4,225 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 7770 Interest/Airp.Trmnl. 5,390 4,550 1,278 1,278 1,278 1,278 7771 Interest/Airp.Pking. 0 6,548 6,550 6,550 6,550 6,550 7781 Interest/Libr.Sdwk. 0 2,660 0 0 0 0 7791 Interest/Hwy.Facil. 17,625 12,242 23,725 23,725 23,725 23,725 TOTAL V9730 APPROPR. 560,845 1,002,829 1,144,585 1,144,585 1,144,585 1,144,585 TOTAL V9730 REVENUES 650,938 1,002,829 1,144,585 1,144,585 1,144,585 1,144,585 TOTAL COUNTY COST (90,093) 0 O 0 0 0 V9999 - UNALLOCATED REVENUES 9000 TRANSFERS 49,008 1,825 0 0 0 0 TOTAL V9999 APPROPR. 49,008 1,825 0 0 0 0 TOTAL V9999 REVENUES 71,076 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COUNTY COST (22, 068) 1,825 0 0 0 0 686I `I J qUJ AON 1988 1989 1990 COMMITTEE BGT.COMM. 1990 ACTUAL MOD . BI U GET REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED TOTAL DEBT SERVICE DEPT. V9710 - DEPT. V9999 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 3,097,153 3,412,104 TOTAL REVENUES 3,119,914 3,410,279 3,520,410 3,520,410 3,520,410 3,520,410 TOTAL COUNTY COST (22,761) 1,825 3,520,410 3,520,410 3,520,410 3,520,410 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL COUNTY COST 16,545,858 25,122,525 11,640,201 11,174,943 11,169,943 11,169,943 17,407,628 24,987,380 11,640,201 11,174,943 11,169,943 11,169,943 (861,770) 135,145 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 56,377,390 76,816,449 TOTAL REVENUES 57,612,393 74,985,123 62,610,603 60,486,420 60,868,692 61,031,702 TOTAL COUNTY COST (1,235,003) 1,831,326 46,964,713 46,753,363 47,250,721 47,250,721 Less INTERFINVD TRANSFERS AND EXTRANEOUS ITEMS: A8160 - Debt Service A9513 - Job Training A9522 - County Road A9576 - Construction A9901 - Construction A9902 - Construction A9904 - Insurance Rsrv. A9961 - Debt Service 89516 - Debt Service D9509 - Machinery Fund DFund - Machinery Fund DMFnd - General Fund LFund - Library Fund TOTAL INTRFND.APPROP. 0 0 11,492 2,964,498 153,013 27,333 6,963 0 1,632,994 13,000 35,177 768,763 7,517 1,314,941 6,935,691 0 2,549,837 420,105 0 0 28,495 1,073,018 12,360 0 793,133 0 1,240,510 6,117,458 TOTAL INTRFND.REVENIJES 6,117,458 6,935,691 15,645,890 13,733,057 13,617,971 13,780,981 633,056 0 3,488,192 95,000 0 0 0 1,164,807 14,000 0 1,052,768 0 1,376,150 7,823,973 633,056 0 3,139,376 110,000 0 0 0 1,164,807 14,000 0 922,768 0 1,376,150 7,360,157 633,056 0 3,136,876 110,000 0 0 0 1,164,807 14,000 0 920,268 0 1,376,150 7,355,157 633,056 0 3,136,876 110,000 0 0 0 1,164,807 14,000 0 920,268 0 1,376,150 7,355,157 TOTAL COUNTY COST 0 0 7,823,973 7,360,157 7,355,157 7,355,157 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL WITHOUT INTERFUND ITEMS (ALL FUNDS) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 50,259,932 69,880,758 54,786,630 53,126,263 53,513,535 53,676,545 TOTAL REVENUES 51,494,935 68,049,432 39,140,740 39,393,206 39,895,564 39,895,564 TOTAL COUNTY COST (1,235,003) 1,831,326 15,645,890 13,733,057 13,617,971 13,780,981 6861 `T zagU1OAON November 8, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning a proposed lease agreement with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at the Tompkins County Airport. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak. No one wished to speak and Chairman Mason closed the public hearing at 5:31 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Howell). Chairman Mason read a proclamation declaring November 5 - 11, 1989 as Local Chamber of Commerce Week. Chairman Mason presented the proclamation to Gerard Oberrender, Jr., President of the Chamber of Commerce. Under privilege of the floor, John Fuchs, 599 Spencer Road, said he is concerned with the Central Processing Facility site. He asked that the site be appropriately located. He presented a petition in opposition to the proposed site. Under privilege of the floor, Henry Vaughan, City of Ithaca, spoke about alternative sites for the Central Processing Facility site. He referred to a special meeting of the Construction Management Committee and said he is challenging the Board to consider the East Shore Drive site. Under privilege of the floor, Jim Wells, Sperry Lane, Lansing, said he has been involved with aviation for years. He spoke in opposition to having a permit system at the County Airport for flight instruction. Under privilege of the floor, Marty Blodgett, 549 Spencer Road, spoke in opposition to the proposed Central Processing Facility site. Under privilege of the floor, Larry Fabbroni, 127 Warren Road, City of Ithaca Public Works Department, spoke about the trash tag system. He said he is concerned with the design of the stickers. Under privilege of the floor, Mary Call introduced Pat Poston, Director of Housing. Under privilege of the floor, Donald Lifton again spoke about the link between Cornell University and the community. Under privilege of the floor, Stuart Stein spoke about recycling and said he would like to pursue negotiations with the City of Ithaca. He suggested a resolution be brought forth by the appropriate committee addressing this issue. Chairman Mason discharged the following advisory boards: special subcommittee to negotiate a formal agreement on the capital financing, operation and maintenance costs and operating procedures for the septage facilities at the treatment plant, Ad Hoc Committee on the Designation of a Tourist Promotion Agency, Tipping Fee Subcommittee, Ad Hoc Committee on Defense of Indigents, and Negotiating Team - Tompkins Cortland Community College. 295 November 8, 1989 Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee met November 6 to review the scope of services which will be available for Board members to review. The next meeting will be November 17 at 9 a.m. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman, Public Works Committee, said the committee met November 3. He updated the Board on committee business. The committee received a report from Jim Kazda, Engineer, regarding a five-year program for state and local bridges. Robert Nicholas, Airport Manager, reported on an emergency disaster exercise meeting being held November 30 at 7 p.m. at the Crash/Fire/Rescue Building. A special Public Works Committee meeting will be held November 13 to approve specifications for the disposal fee tags. The next regular committee meeting is December 8. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met briefly before the Board meeting to approve payment of overtime and hiring of part-time people at the dispatch center. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met November 2. The committee discussed at length with the Department of Social Services homeless initiatives. She said the Southside Shelter opened on Friday, November 3. Task Force meetings are being held to discuss what will happen after the Southside Shelter closes in the Spring of 1990. The committee also discussed the In -Home Repair Program formerly known as CHORES. Also discussion continued on the distribution of food pantries for 1990. Mr. Shurtleff, Vice Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee met today at 3 p.m. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee has not met but will meet tomorrow morning at 8:45 a.m. He updated the Board on the Post Office move. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, updated the Board on committee business. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has considered the application for the DR -7 landfill site complete. A formal hearing on the application with NYSDEC has been scheduled for December 13 at 7 p.m. at New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) and December 14 at 10 a.m. at the Women's Community Building. He updated the Board on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concerns with the wet areas at the DR -7 landfill site. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, updated the Board on the Job Reclassification study. She reported on the progress the Employment and Training Steering Committee is making on the community center office. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met briefly before the Board meeting and approved the resolution entitled A Resolution Authorizing the Issuances of an Additional $713,000 Serial Bonds of the County of Tompkins, New York, to Pay Additional Costs of the Construction of a Mental Health Services Building, in and for said County. The next meeting is November 13. Mr. Lifton presented a draft resolution concerning Funding of Local Share for Tompkins County Bridges and said he would like the Budget and Administration Committee to discuss it. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, introduced Judy Tynyk, Weights and Measures Director. 296 November 8, 1989 Ms. Tynyk, Director of Weights and Measures, gave a brief overview of what Weights and Measures entails. She said it is basically for consumer protection. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, said he has researched the legal obligations of the County with respect to the proposed lease agreement with Bar Harbor. He said if the Board fails to approve a lease agreement, it subjects the County Airport to sanctions by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Further, he said the County cannot prevent an air carrier certified by the Civil Aeronautics Board/FAA from landing at the County Airport. Chairman Mason granted the appropriate committee chairmen permission to withdraw the following resolutions: - Abolition and Creation of Position - Public Works (Buildings and Grounds) - Town Budgets On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: - Award of Bid - Lease - Purchase of Solid Waste Trailer - A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of an Additional $713,000 Serial Bonds of the County of Tompkins, New York, to Pay Additional Costs of the Construction of a Mental Health Services Building, In and For Said County A Resolution Delegating to the County Comptroller the Power to Fix the Details and Prescribe the Terms, Form and Contents of Serial Bonds of the County of Tompkins, New York, Previously Authorized to Pay the Cost of the Acquisition of Land and the Construction Thereon of a Mental Health Services Building In and For Said County - Authorization to Execute and Agreement Addendum with O'Brien and Gere for Landfill Permit Phase - Soils Testing - Amendment of County Capital Program and Budget - Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building Approval of Change Orders No. 1, 2, and 3 for Contract 201 - McGuire and Bennett Co., Inc. — Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building RESOLUTION NO. 355 - APPROVAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly advertised and held on the 8th day of November, 1989, regarding the lease agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at which public hearing all persons wishing to address the Board on this subject had an opportunity to speak, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute a lease agreement on behalf of the County with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 356 - AUTHORIZED AGREEMENT BY COUNTY OF TOMPKINS TO MAINTAIN A PORTION OF THE HIGHWAY FROM CENTERLINE STA. 8+19 TO CENTERLINE STA. 9+32 DESIGNATED AS NEW YORK PROJECT 3750.81 297 November 8, 1989 Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Stein, to add in the first RESOLVED, That the County of Tompkins "in cooperation with the Town of Dryden"... A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, and Stein); Noes - 8 (Representatives Call, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment Lost. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Proto, and adopted by voice vote by all present, to add in first RESOLVED, That the County of Tompkins, "upon passage of a similar resolution by the Town of Dryden"... It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Stein, to Table this resolution until the Board meeting prior to the opening of the bids of this project. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 5 (Representatives Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, and Stein); Noes - 9 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Amendment Lost. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution as amended: Ayes - 12, Noes - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Stein), Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Resolution adopted as amended. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation has submitted to the Board of Representatives a proposed agreement by which the County of Tompkins is to maintain the new structure over Fall Creek (Centerline Sta. 8+19 to Centerline Sta. 9+32) on the secondary highway known as Pinckney Road and to be designated as New York Project No. 3750.81, and said proposed agreement also provides for the County of Tompkins to request the Department of Transportation to submit the aforementioned project with the recommendation that it be approved by the Administrator of the United States Federal Highway Administration, and that if such project is approved and constructed by the Department and the Administrator of the United States Federal Highway Board of Representatives Administration, County of Tompkins will thereafter at its own cost and expense maintain this project in a manner satisfactory to the Department of Transportation and the Administrator of the United States Federal Highway Administration, or their authorized representatives, and make ample provision each year for such maintenance, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the County of Tompkins, upon passage of a similar resolution by the Town of Dryden, shall maintain such highway and guarantee the maintenance of such highway when constructed and will pay the cost of such maintenance and will maintain the project in a manner satisfactory to the New York State Department of Transportation or its authorized representatives, and will make ample provisions each year for such maintenance, RESOLVED, further, That the New York State Department of Transportation submit such project to the Administrator of the United States Federal Highway Administration and recommend to him the approval of the same for construction with funds apportioned to the State for construction of highways and related projects under the provisions of Federal Highway Acts, RESOLVED, further, That this Board of Representatives act through its Chairman and Clerk who are hereby authorized to act for this Board of Representatives to make and enter into agreement with the State Department of Transportation, in manner and form and substance as herein stated and in accordance with the form of contract herein mentioned as having been submitted to this Board of Representatives for action, and that this Board of Representatives furnish six certified copies of this resolution authorizing the Chairman and Clerk of this Board of Representatives to execute the agreements on behalf of the County, such Chairman and Clerk being fully authorized and directed to make and enter into agreements on behalf of Tompkins County in any manner and form required by the Department of Transportation, or the Administrator of the United States Federal Highway Administration and attach the seal of the Board of Representatives hereto. 298 November 8, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to transmit five (5) certified copies of the foregoing resolution to the State Department of Transportation. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 357 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING - QUALIFIED ABANDONMENT OF BURNS ROAD - TOWN OF ITHACA Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, December 19, 1989 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning the qualified abandonment of Burns Road in the Town of Ithaca, RESOLVED, further, That at least twenty (20) days written notice be given to the owner or occupant of any lands adjoining such highway. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 358 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING - RENTAL CAR CONCESSIONS - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, December 5, 1989 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning proposed agreements for the provision of rental car concessions at the airport with Hertz Corporation and Budget Rent a Car of Rochester. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 359 - APPROVAL OF PERMIT AGREEMENT AIR -89-06 - FLIGHT INSTRUCTION AT TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT (Adopted 12/19/89) Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. After discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to Table this resolution to the next Board meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 360 - CHANGE ORDERS AND AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENTS BIGGS A SECTION D ROOF REPLACEMENT - MCLAUGHLIN ROOFING Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. 299 November 8, 1989 WHEREAS, the following change orders in relation to Resolution No. 368 of 1988 have been reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee: McLaughlin Roofing Corp., Contractor - Change Order No. 1 - $1,458.80 (to include removal of existing deteriorated deck on penthouse, replaced with new 3/4" plywood. Remove and replace deteriorated sill plate with new treated blocking). Change Order No. 2 - $1,446 (to include 1/2" perlite board for fireproofing), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is approved, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to sign said change orders on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the following claims against the County of Tompkins be and hereby are audited by this Board: Name Request Account Amount McLaughlin Roofing Corp. 3 final 1620.4470 $ 2,711.50 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims from Account No. 1620.4470. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 361 - ESTABLISHING A FEE PER CONTAINER METHOD FOR ALLOCATING SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL COSTS AND AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 236 OF 1989 Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to amend the first RESOLVED by deleting the word "permit" and inserting "recommend to the Board of Representatives that" ... A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution as amended: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 236 dated August 15, 1989 authorized a solid waste disposal fee of $40 per ton effective January 1, 1990 for all materials brought to the County Landfill, and WHEREAS, the said resolution contained a commitment by this Board to a fee per container method of allocating solid waste costs, and WHEREAS, in the course of investigating options for a fee per container method, various municipalities in Tompkins County have requested that such a system be established no later than the effective date of the County's increased disposal fee so as to avoid the necessity of passing through waste disposal costs to property taxpayers, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That effective March 1, 1990 a county -wide fee per container method of allocating disposal costs for residential, roadside solid waste in bags, cans or other containers be and the same is hereby established, but that the Public Works Committee shall be and is hereby authorized to recommend to the Board of Representatives that any municipality now paying for pickup and hauling costs through property taxes to delay the startup of the per -container fee system to a mutually acceptable date, RESOLVED, further, That permitted haulers shall be authorized to sell disposal tags for the amount stated on the tag, but that said haulers are authorized, at their discretion, to charge customers an additional amount representing their charge for pickup and hauling, RESOLVED, further, That permitted haulers shall be required to specify on all customer billings the amount being charged for tags and the administration of the tag system and the amount being charged for pickup and hauling, and in the instance of bills for services not involving the disposal tag system shall explicitly specify in all billings the amount being charged for the estimated disposal fee and the amount being charged for pickup and hauling, 300 November 8, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That to respond to the concerns of the various municipalities of Tompkins County with respect to the imposition of the $40 per ton fee on all solid waste prior to the availability of a disposal tag system that Resolution No. 236 of 1989 is hereby amended so that the $40 per ton disposal fee is hereby deferred to March 1, 1990 for non -construction and demolition waste only, RESOLVED, further, That to ensure receipt of the revenues from waste disposal projected in the 1990 County budget as adopted, to extend the life of the County Landfill, and to maintain a differential between the cost of disposal of construction and demolition and other waste, that the fee for disposal of construction and demolition wastes scheduled to increase to $40 per ton on January 1, 1990 shall be further increased effective March 1, 1990 to $65 per ton, and that the Solid Waste Manager is authorized to promulgate the definition of construction and demolition waste for the purpose of this resolution, RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste Manager is authorized to establish a minimum fee for waste disposal at the County Landfill and later at the Central Processing Facility. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 362 - APPROVAL OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE (HHW) MANAGEMENT PLAN Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 178 dated June 27, 1989 authorized Dana Duxbury and Associates to prepare a Household Hazardous Waste Management Plan for Tompkins County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the "Implementation Plan for Household Hazardous Waste Management" dated September 15, 1989 be approved and include a household hazardous waste collection day, implementing an education program and establishing a permanent facility site at the Central Processing Facility. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 314 - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT - BAR HARBOR AIRWAYS, INC. D/B/A CONTINENTAL EXPRESS Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Call. After discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Watros, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to call the question on the main motion. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Call, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 6 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, and Stein); Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly advertised and held on the 10th day of October, 1989, regarding the contract with Bar Harbor Airways, at which public hearing all persons wishing to address the Board on this subject had an opportunity to speak, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract on behalf of the County with Bar Harbor Airways. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 301 November 8, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 363 - APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND - PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sum of $5,000 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (A-1990) to Personnel - Interview Expense (A1430.4481) for the purpose of reimbursement of travel expenses to applicants for the Commissioner of Planning in Tompkins County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 364 - APPROVING COMPLETED TAX ROLLS AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTING AND DELIVERY OF WARRANTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. WHEREAS, upon the tax rolls of the several towns and City, the several taxes will be extended, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the tax rolls be approved as completed, that the taxes extended upon the rolls in the several amounts extended against such parcel of property upon the said rolls are hereby determined to be the taxes due thereon as set forth therein, RESOLVED, further, That there be annexed to each of said rolls a tax warrant prepared by the Director of Assessment as provided for in Section 4.05(b) of the Tompkins County Charter and Code, that such warrants shall be the respective amounts theretofore authorized to be levied upon each of said rolls, that the several warrants be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board under seal of the Board and by the Director of Assessment, that said rolls with said warrants annexed are to be forthwith delivered to the respective collectors of the several districts of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 365 - EXTENSION OF HOURS - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins, City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca and Cornell University jointly retained Professors Meyburg and Richardson of Cornell University to develop a MacTRANS model for Traffic Study that was completed April of 1989, and WHEREAS, County Planning staff have developed capability to utilize the MacTRANS model, and WHEREAS, David Sparrow, part-time Planner, Labor Grade XII, with the County Planning staff (with 1,300 work hours allocated per year), has been working this assignment for the past year and has used allotted hours to the position, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development and Budget and Administration Committees, That up to 120 hours be added to the part-time Planner position for the balance of 1989, 302 November 8, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund these additional hours. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 366 - AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF AN ADDITIONAL $713,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK, TO PAY ADDITIONAL COSTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE BUILDING, IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. WHEREAS, by bond resolution dated March 21, 1989, the County of Tompkins, New York, authorized, among other things, the construction of a six story building on a certain parcel of land, such building, being approximately 45,540 square feet, to be a mental health service building, at a maximum estimated cost of $5,625,000, and authorized the issuance of $3,438,750 serial bonds of said County to pay part of the cost thereof; and WHEREAS, it has now been determined that the maximum estimated cost of such specific object or purpose is $6,338,000, an increase of $713,000 over that previously authorized; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize such project at such new maximum estimated cost and to authorize the issuance of an additional $713,000 serial bonds of said County to pay such additional cost, now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, New York, as follows: Section 1. For the specific object or purpose of paying additional costs of the construction of a six story building, such building, being approximately 45,540 square feet, to be a mental health service building, including the installation of original furnishings, equipment and apparatus to be used in connection with such building, in and for the County of Tompkins, New York, there are hereby authorized to be issued an additional $713,000 serial bonds of said County, pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the maximum estimated cost of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is $6,338,000, and that the plan for the financing thereof is as follows: a) By the issuance of the $3,438,750 serial bonds of said County heretofore authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to bond resolution dated March 21, 1989; b) By the expenditure of the $295,355 current funds of said County heretofore appropriated therefor pursuant to bond resolution dated March 21, 1989; c) By the expenditure of $1,890,895 monies to be received by said County from the State of New York as aid for said construction; and d) By the issuance of the additional $713,000 serial bonds of said County hereby authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Further details concerning said bonds will be prescribed in a further resolution or resolutions of this Board of Representatives; Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is thirty years, pursuant to subdivision 11(a)(1) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 4. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the County Comptroller, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said County Comptroller, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. 303 November 8, 1989 Section 5. The faith and credit of said County of Tompkins, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such obligations as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations as the same become due and payable. Section 6. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 7. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in the Ithaca Journal and the Trumansburg Free Press, which are hereby designated as the official newspapers of such County for such purpose, together with a notice of the Clerk of the Board of Representatives in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 367 - AWARD OF BID - LEASE - PURCHASE OF SOLID WASTE TRAILER Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for the lease -purchase of a trailer for use by the Division of Solid Waste, and WHEREAS, three bids were received and opened on October 26, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid for lease -purchase of the trailer for the Division of Solid Waste be awarded to Carpenter Northeast Industries, Inc. of Minoa, New York in the amount of $8,255 to be funded from Account No. A8160.2240, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Solid Waste be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 368 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDERS NO. 1, 2, 3 FOR CONTRACT 201 MCGUIRE AND BENNETT CO., INC. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution Numbers 228 of July 11 and 350 of October 24, 1989 authorized the execution of contracts with McGuire and Bennett Co., Inc., and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 1 clarifies dimensions SKI dated July 25, 1989, change drawings dated August 7, 1989, sketch 2 and 3 dated August 15, 1989 for no change in contract cost, and 304 November 8, 1989 WHEREAS, Change Order No. 2 provides a credit for cutoff pile lengths and deletion of four piles in accordance with unit prices for a total deduct of $4,135, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 3 provides branch mains off of new 18 inch main to building permanent fire protection domestic water feeds and due to conflict with existing concrete wall raise pile cap S10' for the sum of $7,396, provide additional exterior foundation rigid insulation for the sum of $1,194, provide slope on top of perimeter walls at windows for the sum of $454, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Orders No. 1, 2 and 3 be and hereby are approved in the total amount of $4,909. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 369 - DELEGATING TO THE COUNTY COMPTROLLER THE POWER TO FIX THE DETAILS OF AND PRESCRIBE THE TERMS, FORM AND CONTENTS OF SERIAL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK, PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED TO PAY THE COST OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND AND THE CONSTRUCTION THEREON OF A MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 93, bond resolution dated March 21, 1989, and Resolution No. 366, bond resolution dated November 8, 1989, the County Legislature of the County of Tompkins, New York, authorized the issuance of an aggregate $4,413,000 serial bonds of said County to pay part of the cost of the acquisition of land and the construction thereon of a Mental Health Services Building in and for said County, and WHEREAS, it is now desired to delegate to the County Comptroller, the chief fiscal officer of said County, the power to fix the details of and prescribe the terms, form and contents of said serial bonds, now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the County Legislature of the County of Tompkins, New York, as follows: Section 1. The powers to fix the details of and prescribe the terms, form and contents of the $4,413,000 serial bonds described in the preambles hereof, or any portion thereof, is hereby delegated to the County Comptroller, the chief fiscal officer of said County. Such bonds shall be in fully registered form and shall be signed in the name of the County of Tompkins, New York, by the manual or facsimile signature of its Comptroller and a facsimile of its corporate seal shall be imprinted thereon and attested by the manual or facsimile signature of its County Clerk. The powers and duties of advertising such bonds for sale, conducting the sale and awarding the bonds, are hereby delegated to the County Comptroller, who shall advertise such bonds for sale, conduct the sale, and award the bonds in such manner as he shall deem best for the interests of said County; provided, however, that in the exercise of these delegated powers, he shall comply fully with the provisions of the Local Finance Law and any order or rule of the State Comptroller applicable to the sale of municipal bonds. The receipt of the County Comptroller shall be a full acquittance to the purchaser of such bonds, who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 2. All other matters, except as provided herein, relating to such bonds, including prescribing whether manual or facsimile signatures shall appear on said bonds, prescribing the method for the recording of ownership of said bonds, appointing the fiscal agent or agents for said bonds, providing for the printing and delivery of said bonds (and if said bonds are to be executed in the name of the County by the facsimile signatures of both the County Comptroller and the County Clerk, providing for the manual countersignature of a fiscal agent or of a designated official of the County), the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, place or places of payment, shall be determined by 305 November 8, 1989 the County Comptroller. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals in addition to those required by section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the County Comptroller shall determine. Section 3. This resolution, which takes effect immediately. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 370 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT ADDENDUM WITH O'BRIEN AND GERE FOR LANDFILL PERMIT PHASE - SOILS TESTING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 2 (Representatives Lifton and Stein), Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 205 dated June 27, 1989 authorized an addendum with O'Brien and Gere for landfill permitting services, and WHEREAS, additional investigations are required to ascertain whether the soils at the DR -7 landfill exhibit characteristics used by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That an agreement addendum for additional permitting services with O'Brien and Gere be authorized in an amount not to exceed $10,000 on an hourly basis to perform additional soils investigation at the DR -7 landfill and be funded from Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) (Previous Action) RESOLUTION NO. 371 - AMENDMENT OF COUNTY CAPITAL PROGRAM AND BUDGET - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Howell). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Capital Program Committee, That the 1989 Tompkins County Capital Program and Budget are amended to reflect an increase in the total project amount for the Tompkins County Mental Health Building of $108,534 and to reflect the fact that this money will be secured through borrowing in 1989, the purpose of said increase being the capitalization of 1990 Debt Service for the Mental Health Services Building. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. True, seconded by Mr. Proto, to hold an executive session to discuss the Airport Terminal consultants. Motion Lost by voice vote. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m. 306 November 21, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives (Representative Livesay arrived at 5:35 p.m. and Representative True arrived at 6:04 p.m.). Excused: 1 (Representative Lifton). Absent: 1 (Representative Nichols). It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to approve the Board minutes of the July 11, 1989 meeting. Under privilege of the floor, the following people supported the resolution on the agenda entitled Review and Evaluation of Alternative Sites for the Central Processing Facility which directs the Construction Management Committee to evaluate alternative sites: Christopher Zikakis, spoke on behalf of the Elmira businessmen; Henry Vaughan, City of Ithaca; Marty Blodgett, 549 Spencer Road; Susan Cummings, City of Ithaca Common Council. Under privilege of the floor, John Fuchs, 599 Spencer Road, attempted to demonstrate his version of a homemade baling station. Under privilege of the floor, Will Burbank, 132 Glenside Road, asked that the proposal for a fee per -container method for allocating solid waste disposal costs be reconsidered and referred back to the appropriate committee for further studying and formal input from the public. He said he understands the solid waste crisis and is sympathetic to the County's situation. Under privilege of the floor, Beverly Livesay referred to the press release she prepared calling on the Board of Representatives to consider the imposition of an annual tax on cigarette machines throughout the County. Chairman Mason said he would like to establish an ad hoc committee with representatives from the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees and asked that Mrs. Livesay chair that committee and asked the two committee chairmen to appoint someone to serve on the ad hoc committee. Under privilege of the floor, Donald Culligan felt the County should look into charging sales tax for out-of-state mail order business. Chairman Mason asked Mr. Culligan to bring the issue up as a Budget and Administration Committee member. Under privilege of the floor, Stuart Stein expressed his concern about the street venders on Cornell campus paying sales tax. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee met November 17 and approved the proposal by the lead organization that has been working on the Airport terminal project which is addressed in the resolution on the agenda. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman, Public Works Committee, said the committee met November 17 and reviewed the specifications for tags and approved the design. Mr. Culligan, Chairman, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee will meet December 7 at noon. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee will meet December 7 at 4:30 p.m. 307 November 21, 1989 Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee met November 9. He briefly reported on the joint maintenance facility. He also reported on the post office situation; a letter was prepared and mailed to support further studies. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said the committee has three resolutions on the agenda. He said the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has determined that there is not a wetland at the proposed Central Processing Facility site. He said the final Environmental Impact Statement for the Central Processing Facility is going well. He also said he received copies of a resolution to distribute to Board members passed by the Town of Danby encouraging the Board to move forward on the Central Processing Facility. He said he asked Bill Mobbs, Public Works Commissioner, to review the site Mr. Vaughan challenged at the previous Board meeting and report to the next committee meeting. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the next committee meeting is December 6 at 3 p.m. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said the committee met this past week to review the job descriptions for the Job Reclassification Study. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met last week. The committee discussed Charter and Code revisions and asked County staff to report to the committee in writing specific revisions concerning their department. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Creation, Reclassification and Abolition of Positions - Various County Departments Authorizing a Contract with Egner and Associates; Hunter/Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc.; Sasaki Associates, Inc.; and EMJ/McFarland-Johnson Engineers, Inc. for Architectural/ Engineering/Environmental Airport Terminal/Site Development Plan RESOLUTION NO. 372 - AWARD OF BID - PERSONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE CONSOLES Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for personal emergency response consoles, and WHEREAS, one bid was received and opened on November 2, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the bid for furnishing personal emergency response consoles be awarded to AES Corporation of Peabody, Massachusetts in the amount of $237.60 each, said price to be good for one (1) year from date from bid award. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 373 - COST PLUS FIXED FEE CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR INSPECTION SERVICES - INADVERTENT ENTRY FENCE AT TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT 308 November 21, 1989 Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, inspection of the fence installation is necessary to ensure proper conformity and compliance with all applicable standards and regulations, and WHEREAS, the installation of the fencing forms part of the Airport Manager's Five -Year Plan was approved by Resolution No. 113 of April 18, 1989, and WHEREAS, the installation of inadvertent entry fencing has been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and WHEREAS, the procedures used in selecting Calocerinos and Spina Engineers, P.C., comply with the intent of the procurement standards for the selection of architectural and/or engineering services contained in Advisory Circular 150/5100 - 14A, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and is hereby authorized to sign a Lump Sum Agreement for Inspection with Calocerinos and Spina Engineers, P. C. for $9,492. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 374 - PAYMENT OF RETIREMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the 1989 New York State Legislature amended subdivision of a Section 17 of the New York State Retirement and Social Security law to provide for payment in full of all estimated obligations of each participating employer, and WHEREAS, the participating municipalities have been given the options of paying the obligation in full or, paying in equal annual installments over a period of seventeen years or, the prepayment of any outstanding balance, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Comptroller be and hereby is directed to authorize payment of the total retirement owed to the State of New York in satisfaction of the retirement obligation. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 375 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (SOLID WASTE DIVISION, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Solid Waste Assistant (07/646), labor grade VII, competitive class, be reclassified to Administrative Assistant (08/535), labor grade VIII, competitive class, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are necessary to fund this reclassification for the balance of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 309 November 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 376 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - (SOLID WASTE DIVISION, SOLID WASTE MANAGER) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Management Compensation and Budget and Administration Committees, That the position of Solid Waste Manager (87/257) is hereby reclassified from management level F to management level H, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this reclassification through 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 377 - APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION COMMISSIONER FOR 1990-91 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton), Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols), Abstained - 1 (Representative Shurtleff - relative). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins County Republican Committee, That Lee Shurtleff be and hereby is appointed Republican Party Election Commissioner for the two-year term commencing January 1, 1990, and ending December 31, 1991. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 378 - IMPLEMENTATION OF 1990 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That membership in all municipal organizations specifically listed in 1990 budget requests is hereby authorized and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized and directed to execute all funding applications on behalf of the County of Tompkins for items specifically identified in departmental budget requests for 1990, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the County of Tompkins all contracts specifically identified in the departmental budget requests for 1990 in an amount not to exceed the amount appropriated in the 1990 budget for each specific contract. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 379 - PRINTING OF TAX RATES 310 November 21, 1989 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various towns and the City of Ithaca, the Clerk shall print such rates in the Proceedings of the Board following budgets of the several towns and City. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 380 - AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN DRAFTS - COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized to sign all drafts of the County of Tompkins and to delegate this authority to the Director of Budget and Finance. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 381 - AUTHORIZATION FOR COUNTY COMPTROLLER TO MAKE YEAR-END TRANSFERS, APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AS REQUIRED Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized to make year-end transfers, appropriations and budget adjustments required to clear credit balances from the books at year-end, RESOLVED, further, That any such additional entries made by the County Comptroller shall be reported back to the Board of Representatives. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 382 - DATE OF ORGANIZATION MEETING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That in accordance with Section 151 of County Law, the organization meeting of the Board of Representatives shall be held in the Board of Representatives' Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York, on Thursday, January 4, 1990 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 311 November 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 383 - DESIGNATION OF NEWSPAPERS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 1 (Representative Stein), Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton), Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the official newspapers for the County of Tompkins for the publication of all local laws, notices and other matters required by law to be published pursuant to County Law, Article 5, Section 214, Subdivision (2), be designated from January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1990 as follows: Ithaca Journal, Ithaca, New York Trumansburg Free Press, Trumansburg, New York SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 384 - AUTHORIZING PAYMENTS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGE OPERATING BUDGET Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore and by resolution approved the 1989-90 operating budget for the Tompkins Cortland Community College and appropriated the necessary funds to pay the Tompkins County proportionate share of the operating budget of said college, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed, pursuant to the provisions of the Education Law of the State of New York and within the authorization provided by this Board, to pay Tompkins Cortland Community College an amount up to but not to exceed the Tompkins County budgeted share of the operating of said college for the fiscal year 1989-90 on the following dates in the following amounts: January 1, 1990 $ 364,729 March 1, 1990 364,729 May 1, 1990 364,729 July I, 1990 364,729 Total $1,458,916 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 385 - APPORTIONMENT OF MORTGAGE TAX Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the County Clerk and the County Administrator have presented their report concerning mortgage tax receipts for the period from April 1, 1989 through September 30, 1989, pursuant to Section 261 of the Tax Law, and the same has been apportioned to the various municipalities thereto, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the apportionment as presented for said period from April 1, 1989 through September 30, 1989 be and hereby is approved: 312 November 21, 1989 Municipality Amount Town of Caroline Town of Danby Dryden: Town 71,278.64 Village 5,692.03 Village of Freeville 1,177.00 Town of Enfield Groton: Town 21,796.45 Village 4,692.92 City of Ithaca Town of Ithaca 123,515.25 Village of Cayuga Heights 21,179.26 Lansing: Town 64,147.71 Village 14,007.39 Town of Newfield Ulysses: Town 34,036.75 Trumansburg 5,291.83 Total SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE 1I (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 386 - TOWN BUDGETS present. Total 15,815.83 19,947.81 78,147.67 15,959.54 26,489.37 164,382.68 144,694.51 78,155.10 31,013.44 39,328.58 613,934.53 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That in accordance with budgets adopted by the several town boards of the County of Tompkins now on file with the Clerk of the Board and laws of the State of New York and in accordance with the foregoing report and recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the County and the City of Ithaca the foregoing sums for the purposes therein named, RESOLVED, further, That said summaries of the budgets of the several towns of the County and the City of Ithaca be printed in the 1989 proceedings of the Board of Representatives. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 387 - APPROVAL OF SALE OF PROPERTY - COUNTY -OWNED PROPERTY ACQUIRED THROUGH TAX FORECLOSURE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, by tax foreclosure proceedings of 1988, the County acquired parcel no. 6-2-1.2 in the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, said property was not sold at public auction and the County Administrator wishes to sell same back to the previous owner for the total amount due for taxes, penalties, interest and expenses, now therefore be it 313 November 21, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sale of parcel no. 6-2-1.2 to Clifford Boda of 19 Johnson Street, Freeville, New York, for the amount of taxes, penalties, interest and expenses due is hereby confirmed, and the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a quitclaim deed to the aforesaid party. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 388 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH PEBSCO OF NEW YORK Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract for a Deferred Compensation Plan with PEBSCO of New York, the term of said contract being five (5) years. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 389 - PAYMENT OF OVERTIME - FIRE DISPATCHERS - FIRE AND DISASTER COORDINATOR'S OFFICE Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Fire and Disaster Coordinator be authorized to pay both full-time and part-time Fire Dispatchers for all hours worked, and that part-time employees be authorized to work full-time as necessary, for a maximum time period of the next four months, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are necessary to fund this overtime for the balance of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 390 - ACCEPTANCE OF FEDERAL SECTION 18 CAPITAL GRANT TO PURCHASE FOUR BUSES FOR TOMTRAN RURAL TRANSIT Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins submitted a request for a grant of funds to the New York State Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation, pursuant to Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended for a project to purchase four transit buses with wheelchair lifts for the TOMTRAN Rural Transit System, (Resolution No. 198 of June 29, 1989), and WHEREAS, the budget for the capital project is $674,000, with maximum federal Section 18 funding of $485,280, maximum State funding of $121,320 and $67,400 in County funds, now therefore be it 314 November 21, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be authorized to sign: (1) any and all agreements between the County of Tompkins and the State of New York for the project; (2) any and all agreements between the County of Tompkins and any third party contractors necessary to complete the project, if appropriate; (3) any municipal/vendor contracts for the purchase of vehicles and/or equipment. RESOLVED, further, That the County of Tompkins certifies through this resolution that the County commits to the local share of sixty-seven thousand and four hundred dollars ($67,400) as described in the federal Section 18 project application. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 391 - AUTHORIZATION TO SPONSOR GADABOUT FOR NEW YORK STATE TRANSIT OPERATING ASSISTANCE Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, GADABOUT Transportation Services, Inc. (GADABOUT), a not-for-profit corporation, is authorized by the New York State Department of Transportation to provide public transportation in Tompkins County, including demand -responsive service for senior citizens and disabled persons, and WHEREAS, GADABOUT is the Section 504 local operator to provide wheelchair accessible transportation for Ithaca Transit and TOMTRAN, and is committed to improving and expanding services to transportation disadvantaged persons, including senior citizens and disabled persons, who are unable to use regular public transit, and WHEREAS, GADABOUT currently receives sixty-one percent (61%) of its operating budget from local municipalities, including Tompkins County, and seeks State transit operating assistance to expand services as part of the coordination plan under development by Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, Section 119-r of the General Municipal Law authorizes a county to enter into agreements with private corporations to provide transportation services, and WHEREAS, Section 18-b of the Transportation Law and Section 182-a of the Laws of 1981 authorize a New York State Transit Operating Assistance Program (STOA) to support public transportation services and provide for the County to apply to the New York State Department of Transportation for State funding, requiring a local match of funds, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized to apply for State Transit Operating Assistance funds under Section 18-b of the Transportation Law and Section 182-a of the Laws of 1981 for GADABOUT, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman is authorized to enter into an agreement with GADABOUT to sponsor GADABOUT for State transit operating assistance and for pre -financing STOA on a monthly basis, RESOLVED, further, That the County of Tompkins will maintain its subsidy commitment to GADABOUT, subject to the County budget process, and will provide for the required local match with County funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 315 November 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 392 - AUTHORIZING JOINT PARTICIPATION IN NORTHEAST TRANSIT Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Northeast Transit Route 1 (NET) provides a necessary public transit service to County residents living in the Villages of Lansing and Cayuga Heights, Town of Ithaca, and City of Ithaca, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca contracts with Swarthout and Ferris, Inc. to operate NET, and WHEREAS, since 1979, NET has been jointly supported by the City and Town of Ithaca, Villages of Lansing and Cayuga Heights, Cornell University and Tompkins County, and depends upon annual funding up to the following amounts: Village of Lansing $ 8,000 Town of Ithaca 8,000 Cornell University 8,000 Village of Cayuga Heights 1,800 City of Ithaca 5,700 Tompkins County 5,700 Total Maximum Subsidy $37,200 WHEREAS, the NET Study Committee recommends renewal of a five year agreement (Resolution 137of April 23, 1985 with the City of Ithaca and the operator subject to annual appropriations by each sponsor, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That Tompkins County continue to participate in NET for the period of January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1994, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be authorized to execute the NET Agreement on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 393 - AWARD OF BID - COUNTY CAR MAINTENANCE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for County fleet maintenance, and WHEREAS, four bids were received and duly opened on October 26, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid for maintenance and repair of the County fleet be awarded to JR's A & M Auto Repair of Ithaca, New York as the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract for said services for a one-year period, with the right to extend (with price adjustments) for four (4) additional one-year periods, by mutual consent, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be authorized to implement a contract with East Hill Car Wash for automatic exterior washing on a fleet discount basis, to run concurrently with this contract. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 316 November 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 394 - CHANGE ORDER AND AUDIT OF FINAL PAYMENT ANNEX BUILDING ROOF REPLACEMENT - EXCELSIOR SYSTEMS, INC. Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton), Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS, Change Order No. 1 to include labor and material to cut doors and raise frame, monies to be taken from Account No. HQ1355, in relation to Resolution No. 148 of 1989 has been reviewed and approved by the Construction Management Committee, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the following change order be and the same hereby is approved: Name Change Order No. Amount Excelsior Systems, Inc. 1 $ 700.92 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign said change order on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, on recommendation and approval of the Construction Management Committee, That the following claim against the County of Tompkins be and hereby is audited and approved by this Board: Name Request No. Account Amount Excelsior Systems, Inc. 1 (final) HQ1355 $37,715 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized and directed by pay said claims from Capital Projects monies. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 395 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 12 - BURTON F. CLARK, INC. - LANDSTROM LANDFILL CLOSURE PHASE I Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution Nos. 240 and 253 of 1988 authorized execution of a contract with Burton F. Clark, Inc. for Landstrom Landfill Closure Phase I, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 50 of 1989 provided for Burton F. Clark, Inc. to install control wires to said leachate project, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 316 of 1989 directed the installation of a weigh scale at the Landstrom landfill, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the following change order be and hereby is approved to provide and install poles and materials required to extend electrical service to the leachate and composting research projects and to provide and install poles required to extend electrical service to the weigh scale: Burton F. Clark, Inc. Change Order No. 12 $ 7,500 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute said change order, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer funds in the amount of $7,500 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HH8166.9239, established by Resolution No. 253 of 1988. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) (Previous action) 317 November 21, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 396 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR STATE FUNDS FOR AN SSI OUTREACH PROGRAM Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Office for the Aging is eligible to apply for New York State funds for a concentrated outreach program to locate elderly and disabled adults who are potentially eligible for SSI and to assist them with establishing eligibility, and WHEREAS, several local not-for-profit organizations are interested in participating in this program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Office for the Aging is authorized to apply to the New York State Office for the Aging for $44,000 for a one year SSI outreach program. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 397 - AWARD OF BID - CURBSIDE RECYCLING CONTAINERS - SOLID WASTE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for curbside recycling containers, said bids having been received and publicly opened on September 5, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid of Rehrig- Pacific Company, of Erie, Pennsylvania, in the amount of $19,600 be and hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste Manager be and hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. A8163.2210. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 398 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDERS NO. 1 AND 2 FOR CONTRACT 202 TRIANGLE STEEL, INC. - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, Resolution Number 228 of July 11, 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with Triangle Steel, Inc. for Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building structural steel, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 1 provides for roof trellis per drawings S2 for the sum of $9,910, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 2 provides for increased edge bulkhead sheet metal gauge thickness for the sum of $1,380, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Orders No. 1 and 2 be hereby approved in the amount of $11,290, 318 November 21, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $11,290 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 399 - REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE SITES FOR THE CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY (CPF) (Rescinded via Res. No. 58 of 2/20/90) Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Watros, to delete Item 2 in the first RESOLVED. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 9 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Howell, Livesay, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 4 (Representatives Dietrich, Proto, Stein, and True); Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton); Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion carried. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Culligan, to delete Item 1 in the first RESOLVED. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8; Noes - 5 (Representatives Dietrich, Livesay, Proto, Stein, and True); Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton); Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion carried. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, to offer the following substitute resolution: WHEREAS, the County is currently preparing the final Environmental Impact Statement (fEIS) for the Central Processing Facility on the Commercial Avenue site, and WHEREAS, said site is hereby designated as the preferred site, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That this Board directs the review of other backup sites and that this process will be done through the cost estimates of the appropriate consultants acted on by this Board, RESOLVED, further, That the Construction Management Committee be authorized to solicit proposals from consultants to review alternative backup sites on the Route 13 Corridor outside of the Town of Dryden and also designate the Commercial Avenue site as the preferred site. Mr. Watros withdrew his motion to offer a substitute resolution. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, to Table the whole matter until receipt and review of the final Environmental Impact Statement. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 6 (Representatives Howell, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 7 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Livesay, Proto, Stein, and True); Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton); Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. Motion to Table Lost. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, to offer his previous substitute resolution. It was Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, to include wording that sites to be reviewed are to be sites within the City of Ithaca. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 7 (Representatives Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Noes - 6 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Howell, Stein, and True); Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton); Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion Lost. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto, to amend the amendment that sites to be explored be along the Route 13 corridor, excluding the Town of Dryden. A roll call vote resulted as 319 November 21, 1989 follows: Ayes - 9 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Howell, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, True, and Watros); Noes - 4 (Representatives Dietrich, Stein, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton); Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion carried. A roll call vote resulted as follows on Mr. Watros' substitute resolution as amended: Ayes - 6 (Representatives Call, Livesay, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, and Watros); Noes - 7 (Representatives Culligan, Dietrich, Howell, Stein, True, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton); Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion Lost. It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich and adopted by voice vote by all present to call the question on Mr. Stein's resolution as amended. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 8 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Dietrich, Howell, Livesay, Proto, Stein, and True); Noes - 5 (Representatives Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, and Mason); Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton); Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols). Resolution adopted as amended. WHEREAS, the County is currently preparing the final Environmental Impact Statement (fEIS) for the Central Processing Facility on the Commercial Avenue site, and will continue with that process, and WHEREAS, alternative sites have been recommended by various members of the community, and WHEREAS, it is desirable to make an objective evaluation of such alternative sites to satisfy both the community members and the Board that a better site has not been overlooked, and WHEREAS, such an objective evaluation may reveal that the County should place the Central Processing Facility on a site other than the Commercial Avenue location, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Board directs the Construction Management Committee to retain a consultant to make an initial evaluation of the feasibility of locating the CPF on the site listed below, including a full description of the assets and liabilities of such a location in comparison with the Commercial Avenue site, said site being: 1. The NYSEG site on Route 13 for the CPF only, with the recycling, household toxic waste, composting and other operations placed on a separate site within the City. RESOLVED, further, That a sum not to exceed $ 4,000 be appropriated from Account No. HQ4310.9239 to carry out the purposes of this resolution. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS) RESOLUTION NO. 400 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton), Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education, Human Services, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: TRANSFERS Highway FROM: D5010.1578 Junior Engineer $ 6,047 1659 Drafting Technician 6,000 TO: D5110.4442 Professional Service Fees $12,047 320 November 21, 1989 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Health - Healthy Heart Program Revenue: A4021.3401 State Aid Appropriation: A4021.1651 Marketing/Media Specialist .8860 Health Insurance Job Training Revenue: A6394.4792 IIA Appropriation: A6394.4462 Insurance Social Services Revenue: A3670 State Revenue Appropriation: A6070.4400 Purchase of Services Revenue: Appropriation: APPROPRIATIONS Personnel FROM: TO: $ 2,627 $ 1,485 1,142 $ 250 $ 250 $ 4,916 $ 4,916 A3610 State Revenue $ 3,420 A6010.2206 Computer Equipment $ 3,420 A1990 Contingent Fund $ 4,200 A1430.4402 Legal Advertising $ 3,000 .4330 Printing $ 1,200 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 401 - CREATION, RECLASSIFICATION AND ABOLITION OF POSITIONS - VARIOUS COUNTY DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Call, to delete the Youth Bureau positions and refer them to committee for action. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 2 (Representatives True and Mason), Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton), Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols). Motion carried. A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution as amended: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Representative Lifton), Absent - 1 (Representative Nichols). Resolution adopted as amended. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the various committees of the Board of Representatives, the Budget and Administration Committee, and the Management Compensation Committee, That the following positions be created effective January 1, 1990: Budget and Finance 1 Deputy Director of Budget and Finance (82/273), management level C, competitive class 1 Administrative Assistant (58/326), labor grade VIII, competitive class 1 Typist (75%) (54/321), labor grade IV, competitive class Comptroller 1 Auditor (64/327), labor grade XIV, competitive class 1 Account Clerk -Typist (55/301), labor grade V, competitive class County Clerk 1 Account Clerk (04/504), labor grade IV, competitive class County Clerk (Motor Vehicles) 1 Motor Vehicle Clerk (04/505), labor grade IV, competitive class Personnel 1 Personnel Clerk (58/325), labor grade VIII, competitive class Data Processing 321 November 21, 1989 1 Programmer Analyst (12/622), labor grade XII, competitive class Sheriff 1 Criminal Investigator (43/413), labor grade XIII, competitive class Probation 1 Typist (04/507), labor grade IV, competitive class Fire and Disaster 1 Fire Dispatcher (09/551), labor grade IX, competitive class Public Health 1 Public Health Nurse (12/580), labor grade XII, competitive class 1.5 Typists (04/507), labor grade IV, competitive class .5 Data Entry Machine Operator (04/509), labor grade IV, competitive class Social Services 1 Financial Investigator (08/536), labor grade VIII, competitive class 1 Case Supervisor Grade B (13/594), labor grade XIII, competitive class 2 Caseworkers (11/562), labor grade XI, competitive class Office for the Aging 1 Senior Account Clerk -Typist (07/529), labor grade VII, competitive class Public Works (Solid Waste) 1 Automotive Mechanic (12/577), labor grade XII, non-competitive class 1 Solid Waste Inspector (09/665), labor grade IX, competitive class Airport 1 Assistant Airport Manager (82/274), management level C, competitive class RESOLVED, further, That the position of Director of Budget and Finance (83/224), management level D, non-competitive class, be regraded to management level G (86/224), effective January 1, 1990, RESOLVED, further, That the following positions be abolished effective January 1, 1990: Budget and Finance 1 Tax Receiver (59/308), labor grade IX, competitive class Office for the Aging 1 Account Clerk/Typist (40%) (05/513), labor grade V, competitive class Public Works (Solid Waste) 1 Gate Attendant (08/629), labor grade VIII, competitive class RESOLVED, further, That monies to fund these position changes are included in the County's 1990 budget. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 402 - AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT WITH EGNER AND ASSOCIATES; HUNTER/REYNOLDS, SMITH AND HILLS, INC.; SASAKI ASSOCIATES, INC.; AND EMJ/MCFARLAND-JOHNSON ENGINEERS, INC. FOR ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING/ ENVIRONMENTAL AIRPORT TERMINAL/SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Moved by Mr. Proto, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. The staff was commended for all their work. WHEREAS, the Airport Development Committee has recommended the Consultant (Egner and Associates; Hunter/Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc.; Sasaki Associates, Inc.; and EMJ/McFarland- Johnson Engineers, Inc.) through an evaluation process by utilizing Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular AC No. 150/5100-14B Criteria, and 322 November 21, 1989 WHEREAS, the Consultant has agreed to provide services according to a Scope of Services developed by the Airport Development Committee at a price at $92,000 as specified in the Scope of Services and commitment letter from the Consultant, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Development Committee, That the Board of Representatives accepts the Scope of Services for the Schematic Architectural Design and Site Development Plan phase only, and authorizes and directs the Chairman of the Board to execute a contract with the Consultant to perform these services. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) On motion, the meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m. 323 December 5, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed rental agreements for vehicle operations at the Tompkins County Airport with Hertz Corporation and Budget Rent a Car of Rochester. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:31 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to approve the Board minutes of the July 27, 1989 meeting. Chairman Mason read a proclamation declaring the week of December 10, 1989 as Human Rights Week and Bill of Rights Day in Tompkins County. Chairman Mason read a second proclamation declaring December 10 - 16, 1989 as National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week in Tompkins County and presented it to John Beach, STOP -DWI Coordinator, who encouraged everyone to be aware of all the tragedies that can happen during the holidays. Under privilege of the floor, Hoyt Benjamin, 1013 Taughannock Boulevard, owner of B & W Supply Co., and recent purchaser of the Haverstick property, spoke in opposition to the baling station's proposed location on Route 13 known as the NYSEG site. Under privilege of the floor, Donald Lifton said he decided to become a candidate for the Cornell University Board of Trustees and asked if anyone wished to sign the petition which requires 100 signatures of Cornell alums, undergraduates, graduates, and professionals. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to hold an executive session to discuss the search for a new Planning Commissioner. An executive session was held at 5:45 p.m. and returned to regular session at 5:52 p.m. Mr. Proto, Chairman of the Airport Development Committee, said the committee has not met. Staff is in the process of getting the final contract terms negotiated for the airport architectural design. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said he did not have a report. The next meeting is December 8 at noon. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee will meet December 7, 1989. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee will meet December 7 at 4:30 p.m. 324 December 5, 1989 Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee will also meet December 7 at 8:45 a.m. The committee will be forming a new advisory board on public transportation. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee, said the new building is about to be topped out. Mr. Winch, Chairman, Construction Management Committee, said Resource Associates, James Dwyer, and James Mason reviewed the final Environmental Impact Statement (fEIS) for the Central Processing Facility and will be presenting it to the committee December 6, 1989 at noon. A working copy of the fEIS will be available in the Board office for each Board member December 6 (after the committee meeting) and comments by Board members must be filed by December 11 in the Solid Waste office. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee will December 6 at 3 p.m. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, said she did not have a report. Mr. Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee will meet December 11. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, said that the Comptroller had received notice of the County's AA credit rating. Mr. Mulvey, County Attorney, reported on the proposed illegal dumping law. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to lift from the Table Resolution No. 359 - Approval of Permit Agreement AIR -89-06 - Flight Instruction at Tompkins County Airport. Chairman Mason gave Mr. Tillapaugh permission to withdraw Resolution No. 359 of 1989. (Res. No. 359 was adopted December 19, 1989.) RESOLUTION NO. 403 - AWARD OF BID - SALE OF TIMBER PRODUCTS Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for sale of timber on County -owned land, and WHEREAS, three bids were received and opened on Thursday, November 16, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the high bid of Wagner Lumber of Owego, New York be accepted in the amount of $14,227, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Wagner Lumber and that the Planning Department be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 325 December 5, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 404 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS - RENTAL VEHICLE AGENCIES - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, a request for proposals for two rental vehicle agency operations at the Tompkins County Airport has been duly advertised and two proposals were timely received, and WHEREAS, a public hearing having been duly advertised and held this 5th day of December, 1989, and all persons wishing to address the Board on this subject have had the opportunity to do so, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the proposals of Hertz Corporation and Budget Rent a Car of Rochester, be and the same are hereby accepted and the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with these rental vehicle agencies, said contracts terminating December 31, 1992. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 405 - AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT WITH BETTER HOUSING FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY (BHTC) TO OPERATE A TWO PART MINOR HOME REPAIR PROGRAM FOR LOW INCOME ELDERLY AND DISABLED HOMEOWNERS Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, frail elderly and disabled homeowners find it difficult or impossible to do their own home repairs or to employ private contractors for minor repair jobs, and WHEREAS, minor repairs may be necessary to enable such individuals to continue to live safely in their own homes, and WHEREAS, funds were earmarked in the 1990 budget for home repairs without designating a contractor, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute a two-part agreement between the County and Better Housing for Tompkins County (BHTC) to be administered by the Office for the Aging (COFA) and operated by BHTC. Part one will be a minor home repair program for frail elderly homeowners, subject to the requirements of the New York State Community Service for the Elderly Program (CSEP) and Part two a similar program for all ages supported by County Health and Human Services grant funds, RESOLVED, further, That the BHTC plan will include a subcontract under which some of the work will be done by the Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Service (INHS), RESOLVED, further, That the program will be conducted according to guidelines based on CSEP legislation, local conditions and experience, and the Committee's interest in accountability and evaluation of the program, RESOLVED, further, That the name of the program shall be Tompkins County Home Repair Program, RESOLVED, further, That the funding for Part one shall be for $8,000 with $4,000 from the Office for the Aging's CSEP allocation for the period April 1, 1990, to March 31, 1991, Account No. 6777.4991, and $4,000 from County Health and Human Services grant, Account No. 6310 and that funding for Part two shall be for $12,000 from Account No. 6310, for the period January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1990. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 326 December 5, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 406 - AWARD OF BID - HIGHWAY MATERIALS (GABIONS AND WOODEN RAIL) Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for highway materials, said bids having been received and publicly opened on August 25, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the following bidders be awarded the bid in the categories indicated: ITEM BID 1. Wooden Rail (3 bidders) 2. Gabions - Galvanized* a. Wall Type - English System (5 bidders) Items 1 through 5 Items 6 through 8 b. Wall Type - Metric System (5 bidders) Items 9 through 17 SUCCESSFUL BIDDER Laminated Concepts, Inc. Elmira, New York Charles H. Haynes, Inc. Syracuse, New York Chemung Supply Corporation Elmira, New York Pavilion Drainage Supply Co., Inc. Pavilion, New York c. Mattress (5 bidders) Items 18 and 19 Chemung Supply Corporation Elmira, New York * Pavilion Drainage is awarded the bid for items 1 through 17 if purchases can be made in lots of 300 or more units. 3. Gabions - PVC** a. Wall Type - English System (4 bidders) Items 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8 Items 3 and 7 Item 4 b. Wall Type - Metric System (4 bidders) Items 9 through 17 Chemung Supply Corporation Elmira, New York Pavilion Drainage Supply Co., Inc. Pavilion, New York Charles H. Haynes, Inc. Syracuse, New York Pavilion Drainage Supply Co., Inc. Pavilion, New York c. Mattress (4 bidders) Items 18 and 19 Chemung Supply Corporation Elmira, New York ** Pavilion Drainage is awarded the bid for items 1 through 17 if purchases can be made in lots of 300 or more units. NOTE: County reserves the option to purchase bid items from other vendors in cases where items cannot be supplied by the successful bidder on a timely basis as defined by the County. RESOLVED, further, That the Engineering Division of the Department of Public Works is authorized and directed to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 327 December 5, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 407 - APPORTIONMENT OF ELECTION EXPENSES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the report of the Commissioners of Elections pertaining to the election expenses for the year 1989 be accepted and that the amount therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County and the several towns and city therein, RESOLVED, further, That the apportionment of election expenses for the County of Tompkins at large, the City of Ithaca, and the several towns of the county is as follows: Towns Amount Caroline $ 1,345.38 Danby 1,330.26 Dryden 4,221.73 Enfield 854.94 Groton 1,807.91 Ithaca 4,776.95 Lansing 3,098.93 Newfield 1,330.26 Ulysses 1,772.43 City of Ithaca 8,770.46 County of Tompkins at large 79,538.86 Total $108,848.11 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason said the public hearings to hear input from the public concerning the permit application for the DR -7 landfill site sponsored by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation have been scheduled for December 13, 1989 at 7 p.m. in the New York State Electric and Gas auditorium and December 14, 1989 at 10 a.m. in the Women's Community Building. On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote the following appointments were made to the various boards: Tompkins County Youth Board Term expires December 31, 1992 Anita Chirco representing Village of Dryden Board of Health Term expires December 31, 1995 Cornelia Hill representing City of Ithaca On motion, the meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m. 328 December 18, 1989 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING Chairman Mason called the special meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. Chairman Mason said the special meeting is for the purpose of acting on the acceptance of the final Environmental Impact Statement and authorization to prepare Findings Statement concerning the Central Processing Facility on Commercial Avenue. Under privilege of the floor, Bill Manos, Manos Diner, said that he feels the Elmira Road is too valuable to be used for a Central Processing Facility. Under privilege of the floor, Mark Wheeler, Journey's End Motel, opposed the proposed location of the Central Processing Facility on Commercial Avenue. He also said he would like the final Environmental Impact Statement available for review and, if so, how can it be obtained. Under privilege of the floor, Daniel Winch read a letter from Robert Romanowski, First Ward Alderman, City of Ithaca. The letter stated his strong protest on the selection of the Commercial Avenue site as the Baling/Transfer Station location, feeling there are deficiencies in the site selection process as well as negative impacts to businesses and the environment in the area. No one else wished to speak and Chairman Mason closed privilege of the floor at 5:40 p.m. James Dwyer, Consulting Attorney, reviewed the procedures as identified in proposed Resolution No. 408. Mr. Lifton said again he wished both positive and negative statements could be prepared. RESOLUTION NO. 408 ACCEPTANCE OF THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR THE COMMERCIAL AVENUE, CITY OF ITHACA, NEW YORK, ALTERNATE PREFERRED SITE FOR A CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY, DIRECTING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION PURSUANT TO SEQR, AND DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF A PROPOSED FINDINGS STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SEQR Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Call. Mr. Winch said copies of the two volume final Environmental Impact Statement will be available for review at the following locations: Common Council, City of Ithaca Clerk, Clerk of the Board, Cooperative Extension, Tompkins County Public Library, Chamber of Commerce, Solid Waste office, copies will also be available for people to sign out and for the media to borrow at the Solid Waste office, and if anyone wished to purchase the set, the cost is $60. Mr. Winch called upon Ken Teter, Resource Associates, concerning the contents of the final Environmental Impact Statement and a summary of the issues - economics, facility operations, land use and zoning, noise, odor, site selection, solid waste management plan/SEQR, wastewater, and water resources and wetlands. He also mentioned the resolution (Res. No. 343 of October 1989) creating a Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Commercial Avenue Central Processing Facility Site. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Nichols). Resolution adopted. 329 December 18, 1989 WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives as lead agency by Resolution No. 92, dated March 22, 1989, selected the Commercial Avenue site in the City of Ithaca, New York as the alternate preferred site of the Central Processing Facility for the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Project, directed the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement and authorized the filing of a "Positive Declaration" for said site pursuant to SEQR, and WHEREAS, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement was thereafter prepared for said Central Processing Facility component of the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Project to be located at the Commercial Avenue site in the City of Ithaca, New York, which was accepted by this Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 268, dated September 13, 1989, for the purpose of public review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.8, and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 268 of September 13, 1989 directed that a public hearing be conducted for public comment, for acceptance of written comments regarding said Facility and the filing of a Notice of Completion of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was conducted on October 12, 1989 at which time oral comments were transcribed and written comments were received, as directed by this Board of Representatives, and receipt of written comments was extended until October 16, 1989 regarding said Draft Environmental Impact Statement and all substantive comments received at the hearing or in writing have been responded to in writing as part of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, as directed by Resolution No. 228 of this Board, dated September 13, 1989, and WHEREAS, a Final Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared which includes the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and all reports incorporated by reference, the transcript of testimony at the hearing conducted on October 12, 1989, the written comments received and responses of the County of Tompkins to the substantive comments, either oral or written, as heretofore directed by this Board of Representatives, which this Board has reviewed and considered, and WHEREAS, SEQR (6 NYCRR SECTION 617.8 (e)) requires the filing of a Final Environmental Impact Statement ("FEIS") within 45 calendar days after the close of the comments (October 16, 1989), except said filing date for the FEIS may be extended if it is determined that additional time is necessary to prepare the statement adequately, and WHEREAS, SEQR (6 NYCRR SECTION 617.14 (i)) requires that an FEIS must consist of "the draft EIS, including any revisions or supplements to it, copies or a summary of the substantive comments received and their source (whether or not the comments were received in the context of a hearing), and the lead agency's responses to all substantive comments, and WHEREAS, due to the nature, extent and complexity of the substantive comments the FEIS could not be adequately prepared within the aforesaid 45 day time limit, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That this Board of Representatives determines that additional time was necessary under the circumstances set forth above to adequately respond in writing to comments received relative to the CPF DEIS for the Commercial Avenue, City of Ithaca site and to prepare an FEIS, RESOLVED, further, That the time is so extended until acceptance of the FEIS by this Board of Representatives as of the date of this Resolution, RESOLVED, further, That this Board of Representatives as lead agency finds that the Final Environmental Impact Statement is complete pursuant to SEQR (6 NYCRR Section 617.10 (f)), RESOLVED, further, That a Notice of Completion of the Final Environmental Impact Statement shall be filed and publicized according to law, RESOLVED, further, That a proposed Findings Statement be prepared for review and consideration by this Board of Representatives as lead agency at its meeting on December 28, 1989 in accordance with 6 NYCRR Section 617.9. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) (PREVIOUS ACTION) 330 December 18, 1989 On motion, the meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m. 331 December 19, 1989 REGULAR MEETING Public Hearing Chairman Mason called the public hearing to order at 5:38 p.m. concerning the qualified abandonment of Burns Road in the Town of Ithaca. Chairman Mason asked if anyone wished to speak. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:39 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives (Representative Lifton arrived at 6:30 p.m.). It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote to approve the Board minutes of the August 15, 1989; September 5, 1989; and September 6, 1989 meetings. Under privilege of the floor, Andrea Clardy, Task Force for Local Resources and Community Arts Coalition, urged the approval of the resolution allocating $7,500 to the Community Arts Coalition. Under privilege of the floor, Guy Gerard, City of Ithaca, spoke in opposition to the Trashtag System. Under privilege of the floor, Richard Ruswick, Town of Ithaca Attorney's office, stated the Town is in favor of the resolution concerning the qualified abandonment of Burns Road. Under privilege of the floor, Larry Chace, CROWD, Inc., commended the Board for its water well protection program. He also thanked the Board members who attended the public hearings sponsored by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. He spoke about the timetable for construction and referred to a handout, specifically Item No. 6, he distributed to the Board which was to James Mason from O'Brien and Gere concerning pore pressure relief system costs. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Stein asked that a public meeting(s) be held in 1990 to explain to constituents what is involved with the Trashtag System. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Tillapaugh said for several years the Board has heard about the lack of funds to Tompkins County from Cornell University, but he said he would like to recognize Cornell University and what it does for Tompkins County such as donating their facilities for community events; i.e., annual Fourth of July fireworks at Schoellkopf. Mr. Proto, Chairman, Airport Development Committee, said the committee is awaiting the return of the draft contract from the consultants. He said USAir forwarded four (4) sets of plans concerning their needs with developing a terminal to the Tompkins County Airport for review. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman, Public Works Committee, said the committee met December 8. The committee discussed the plans for the proposed renovations of the Board Room and reception area for the Board of Representatives office. The committee also discussed the household hazardous waste collection daytime schedule. The committee asked the County Attorney to revise the draft local law regulating disposal of solid waste. The committee discussed the problems at the Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Plant. 332 December 19, 1989 Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met December 7. He updated the Board on committee business. Mrs. Call, Chairman, Human Services Committee, said the committee met December 7 and jointly with Planning and Economic Development Committee on December 18 concerning the Advisory Board on Affordable Housing appointments. On December 7, the committee approved the resolution entitled Distribution of 1990 Food Program Monies. The committee discussed two agencies for the Human Services Coalition to evaluate in 1990. The committee also discussed runaway and homeless youth. She updated the Board on human service activities throughout the community. Mr. Stein, Chairman, Planning and Economic Development Committee, said the committee also met December 7 and jointly with Human Services Committee on December 18 to discuss the Advisory Board on Affordable Housing appointments. He updated the Board on other committee business. Mr. Winch, Chairman of the Construction Management Committee, said the committee's business reflects on the agenda. He thanked Helen Howell who served on the Mental Health Facility Planning Committee and Jeff True who served on the Construction Management Committee for their involvement and input on the construction projects. Mr. Watros requested County staff to present to the Board the cost estimates that were in existence in December 1988 (referred to in Larry Chace's statement), the revised cost prior to the formal Statement of Findings in 1989 and current level of expected cost for DR -7. Mrs. Howell, Chairman of the Health and Education Committee, said the committee met December 6 and updated the Board on committee business and discussions. Mrs. Livesay, Chairman, Management Compensation Committee, updated the Board on the Job Reclassification Study. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met December 11. The committee discussed the County bridge policy. He said the committee is working on the Charter and Code revisions. He also reported on the Tompkins County Colleges/Community Committee. Mr. Heyman, County Administrator, updated the Board on the progress of the disposal fee issue and the concern with illegal dumping. Chairman Mason expressed his appreciation to the board members who would not be on the Board next year: Helen Howell, Donald Lifton, Ethel Nichols, Kenneth Tillapaugh, and Jeffrey True. Chairman Mason granted Mr. Tillapaugh permission to withdraw the resolution entitled Standardizing on Northern Telecom Telecommunications Equipment. On motion and duly seconded and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present to add to the agenda the following resolutions: - Amendment to Service Plan for Alternatives to Incarceration Program, Offender Aid and Restoration - Authorization to Execute Contract - Robert Stolp, Attorney Authorization to Execute Contract with William F. Albern, P.E. - Highway Facility Ventilation System Design Award of Bid - Leachate Hauling - Solid Waste - Compensation Plan - Confidential Employees 333 December 19, 1989 - Approval of Change Orders No. 3 and 4, for Contract 202 Triangle Steel, Inc. Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building Authorization To Transfer Real Property - East Shore Drive RESOLUTION NO. 409 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT A GRANT PROPOSAL - HIV GRANT Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, a request for proposals for an HIV Grant was received from the New York State Department of Health requesting proposals by December 8, 1989, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is particularly interested in applying for this grant in the amount not to exceed $125,500, by submission of a proposal as requested, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That permission be granted to the Health Department to submit said application via letter of intent and proposal, with the understanding that the Health Department's proposal, if funded, will generate no additional County costs not covered by the grant. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 410 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT A GRANT PROPOSAL - CANCER PREVENTION GRANT Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, a request for proposals for a Cancer Prevention Grant was received from the National Cancer Institute requesting proposals by December 11, 1989, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is particularly interested in applying for this grant in the amount of $199,500, by submission of a proposal as requested, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That permission be granted to the Health Department to submit said application via letter of intent and proposal, with the understanding that the Health Department's proposal, if funded, will generate no additional County costs not covered by the grant. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 411 - AUTHORIZING CHANGE IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FEES Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board has recommended that the following modification to the schedule of fees charged by the Environmental Health Division is adopted, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the following modification to the schedule of fees is hereby approved for the Health Department to charge for the provision of Environmental Health Division permits and services commencing January 1, 1990: OPERATING OR PERMIT FEES Temporary Residences and Mobile Home Parks 334 1990 FEE MODIFIED 1990 FEE December 19, 1989 Less than 10 units/rooms Less than 5 units/rooms 5-10 units/rooms 11-50 units/rooms 51-100 units/rooms 100+ units/rooms SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) $ 50.00 75.00 150.00 200.00 $ 25.00 50.00 75.00 150.00 200.00 RESOLUTION NO. 412 - APPROVAL OF PROPOSED LICENSE AGREEMENT - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. True, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That a proposed license agreement between the Tompkins Cortland Community College and Eric Grutka and Brian Magnosi for the manufacture and sale of plastic mugs with the College logo be and is hereby approved. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 413 - ALLOCATION OF FUNDS TO COMMUNITY ARTS COALITION Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 2 (Representatives Tillapaugh and Watros). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the remaining $7,500 in the current Tompkins County Budget originally targeted for the Tompkins County Arts Council be allocated to the Community Arts Coalition, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute an addendum to the present contract with the Community Arts Coalition for this purpose. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 414 - AUTHORIZING CHARGE STRUCTURE - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mrs. Howell, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Education Committee, That the Tompkins County Health Department implement the charge structure as recommended by Jack Venesky, C.P.A. in order to maximize both the Medicaid and Medicare revenues. 1990 Home Health Agency Charges Nursing $ 84.00 Physical Therapy 65.00 Speech Therapy 70.00 Home Health Aide 19.00 per hour 58.00 per visit Occupational Therapy 71.00 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 335 December 19, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 415 - APPROVAL OF QUALIFIED ABANDONMENT OF BURNS ROAD - TOWN OF ITHACA Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly advertised and held on the 19th day of December, 1989, regarding the qualified abandonment of Burns Road in the Town of Ithaca, at which public hearing all persons wishing to address the Board on this subject had an opportunity to speak, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That a portion of Burns Road, a Town highway in the Town of Ithaca as described below has not become wholly disused for a period of six (6) years but that it has not for the last two (2) years and longer been usually traveled along the greater part thereof, by more than two vehicles daily, in addition to pedestrians and persons on horseback; that said portion of said road is improved but that the bridge spanning Six Mile Creek on said portion of road has been removed; and that there are no residences located along said road. The portion of Burns Road to be qualified abandoned is that portion of the old Burns Road right of way (being a three rod right of way), the centerline of which can be described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southerly right of way line of the new Burns Road, which point lies 80 feet, plus or minus, westerly of a pin set in the southerly right of way of new Burns Road and such pin lies on a curve to the right having a radius of 706.2 feet, a chord length of 325.4 feet, and a chord bearing of South 57 degrees 02' West an arc distance of 328.2 feet from a pin set in the southerly right of way line of the new Burns Road and which second pin is set opposite the west end of the new bridge over Six Mile Creek. THENCE southeasterly along the centerline of old Burns Road as it bends and turns to a point in the northerly bank of Six Mile Creek; THENCE from a point in the southerly bank of Six Mile Creek opposite the last mentioned point running southerly along the centerline of old Burns Road as it bends and turns; THENCE along the centerline of old Burns Road on a large curve to the left; THENCE running northerly along the old centerline of old Burns Road to a pin set in the southerly right of way line of the new Burns Road. This pin is set the following courses and distances from the second pin described above: North 38 degrees 33' East 337.5 feet to a pin; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 1,081.3 feet, a chord length of 511.4 feet a chord bearing of North 57 degrees 12' East an arc distance of 516.3 feet. The above described premises are shown on a survey map entitled "Portion of Burns Road Showing New Location Through City of Ithaca Water Shed, Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York," dated March 31, 1989, by T. G. Miller licensed surveyors. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That Burns Road is hereby determined for qualified abandonment and such abandonment will not cause injustice or hardship to any owners or occupants of any lands adjoining said highway and that the Commissioner of Public Works, in fulfillment of duties as County Superintendent of Highways is authorized to notify the Town of Ithaca of this approved qualified abandonment. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 416 - APPROPRIATION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TO INCLUDE THE CITY OF ITHACA IN THE TOMPKINS COUNTY RECYCLING PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF ITHACA TO COLLECT RECYCLABLES 336 December 19, 1989 Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Stein. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, Tompkins County has assumed the responsibility of conducting a recycling program to collect recyclables from various residential areas in the County, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of Ithaca and Tompkins County recycling programs to merge, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute a contract with the City of Ithaca for the collection of recyclable materials in residential areas in the City, effective January 1, 1990, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to make the following appropriation: Appropriation A8163.1643 Recycling Specialist $ 18,000 .4313 Photographic Supplies 780 .4330 Printing 7,500 .4402 Advertising 1,200 .4442 Professional Services 140,800 (collection, processing, transport) .4452 Postage 1,600 .4465 Job Necessitated Travel and Training 850 TOTAL $170,730 Revenue 1990 Contingent Fund (1990) $151,870 3959 State Aid 15,000 2226 Sale of Supplies 3,860 TOTAL $170,730 SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 417 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING - CONTRACT WITH USAIR GROUP Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on January 4, 1990 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York concerning a proposed contract with USAir Group at the Tompkins County Airport. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 418 - DETOUR OF TRAFFIC - RECONSTRUCTION OF MCLEAN ROAD IN CORTLAND COUNTY (Tabled to January 16, 1990, Tabled to February 20, 1990 and adopted) Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan. After discussion, it was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Winch, to Table this resolution to the January 16, 1990 Board meeting. A 337 December 19, 1989 voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 3 (Representatives Culligan, Livesay, and Stein). Motion to Table carried. RESOLUTION NO. 419 - AWARD OF BID - BULLDOZER - SOLID WASTE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for a bulldozer for use by the Solid Waste Division at the landfill, and WHEREAS, three bids were received and duly opened on Thursday, November 30, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the five-year total cost bid for a 1990 bulldozer without trade be awarded to Syracuse Supply Company of Vestal, New York in the amount of $224,229, RESOLVED, further, That the bid for the used 82-20 Terex dozer be awarded to Carpenter's Excavators, Inc., of Ithaca, New York in the amount of $6,050.25, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Solid Waste be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds being available in Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 420 - AWARD OF BID - GABION STONE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Howell. Mr. Proto alerted the Board to the fact that he and his company are about to enter negotiations with Cayuga Crushed Stone and if the Board wishes he would abstain. Chairman Mason said the abstention carries. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 0, Abstain - 1 (Representative Proto). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for gabion stone, and WHEREAS, seven bids were received and opened on November 30, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the following bidders be awarded the bid with the County reserving the option to purchase for each job by location, taking into consideration material availability, haul length and travel time from each bidder's facility to location of use or storage: R. M. S. Gravel Dryden, NY R. B. Robinson Contracting, Inc. Candor, NY The General Crushed Stone Company Jamesville, NY Seneca Stone Corp. Fayette, NY Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. Lansing, NY Landstrom Gravel Co., Inc. Newfield, NY Case Trucking Groton, NY 338 December 19, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That the Engineering Division of the Department of Public Works is authorized and directed to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 421 - AWARD OF BID - TRASH LABELS Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto. After discussion, a voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 14, Noes - 1 (Representative Lifton). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for trash bag labels for use in the fee per container Solid Waste Management Program, and WHEREAS, three bids were received and duly opened on Monday, December 4, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid for trash bag labels be awarded to Syracuse Label Company of Syracuse, New York according to the prices contained in the bid, as being the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, RESOLVED, further, That the Solid Waste Manager be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer $34,000 from Account No. A8160.4451, Closure Services, to A8160.4330, Printing, to fund the disposal tag program. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 359 - APPROVAL OF PERMIT AGREEMENT AIR -89-06 - FLIGHT INSTRUCTION AT TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, there is a desire for airport users to provide flight instruction for rated pilots, and WHEREAS, the County wishes to promote use of the airport facilities and services on fair and reasonable terms without unjust discrimination, in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular No. 150/5190-1A, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and is hereby authorized to sign Flight Instruction Permit Agreements with interested and qualified applicants. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 422 - ESTABLISHING 1990 REGULAR MEETING DATES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the 1990 regular meetings of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives are as follows: Thursday, January 4, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 16, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 6, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. 339 December 19, 1989 Tuesday, February 20, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 6, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 20, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 3, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 17, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 15, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 5, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 26, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 10, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 14, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 4, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 25, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 9, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 23, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 7, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 20, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 4, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 18, 1990 at 5:30 p.m. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 423 - CORRECTION OF ERRORS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Clerk of the Board be and hereby is authorized to correct any manifest errors in the minutes or in reports of any committees. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 424 - AUTHORIZATION TO DISBURSE FUNDS - COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to disburse all appropriated funds up to the amount of the appropriation included in the 1990 budget, provided that whenever a contract is required funds will be disbursed in accordance with the terms of said agreements. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 425 - ABOLISHING AND CREATING YOUTH BUREAU POSITIONS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. 340 December 19, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following positions be created effective January 1, 1990: 2 Senior Program Management Specialists (12/652), Labor Grade XII, Competitive Class 2 Program Management Specialists (10/655), Labor Grade X, Competitive Class 1 Administrative Assistant (08/535), Labor Grade VIII, Competitive Class RESOLVED, further, That the following position be abolished January 1, 1990: Youth Services Specialist (10/560), Labor Grade X, Competitive Class RESOLVED, further, That the monies to fund these position changes are included in the County's 1990 budget. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 426 - ADOPTION OF WATER WELL PROTECTION PROGRAM FOR NEIGHBORHOODS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY LANDFILL (LANDS OF WILLIAM LANDSTROM), CLOSED LANDFILL SITE ON CASWELL ROAD AND PROPOSED LANDFILL SITE AT DR -7 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 156 of 1987 and Resolution 27 of 1988 require the Task Group for Compensation Plan to propose a Water Well Protection Program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Citizens Advisory and the Budget and Administration Committees, That the Water Well Protection Program for neighborhoods of Tompkins County landfill (lands of William Landstrom), closed landfill site on Caswell Road and proposed landfill site at DR -7, dated August 9, 1989 as amended by the Citizens Advisory Committee, is hereby approved and adopted. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) RESOLUTION NO. 427 - CREATION OF TRAINEE POSITION - PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Specification Writer Trainee (11/667), labor grade XI, competitive class be created effective immediately, such position to be utilized in those instances when there are not at least three candidates available as the result of advertising or the examination process, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this position. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 428 - AWARD OF BID - PAPER - PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for envelopes, bond, xerographic paper, card stock, and computer forms for use by County departments, and WHEREAS, bids were received and opened at 2 p.m. on Friday, December 1, 1989, and 341 December 19, 1989 WHEREAS, the bid will be awarded by paper group to the responsible bidder having the lowest total for that group, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the bid for the following paper groups be awarded as follows for a time period of six (6) months: PAPER GROUP VENDOR I. Envelopes II. Bond III. Xerographic IV. Card Stock V. Computer Forms, 1 -part VI. Computer Forms, Multiforms VII. Laser Print D.J. Mead, Hubbs & Howe, Inc. Horseheads, NY D.J. Mead, Hubbs & Howe, Inc. Horseheads, NY D.J. Mead, Hubbs & Howe, Inc. Horseheads, NY D.J. Mead, Hubbs & Howe, Inc. Horseheads, NY Horwitz Paper and Packaging Co. Elmira, NY D.J. Mead, Hubbs & Howe, Inc. Horseheads, NY D.J. Mead, Hubbs & Howe, Inc. Horseheads, NY RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. A1345.4304 and various department accounts, RESOLVED, further, That due to the recurring nature of this bid and the difficulty of coordinating bid openings with scheduled Committee and Board meetings, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be given the authority to award the bid for paper products to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, with an understanding that a resolution be brought annually to this Board for action and a report of the bid be forwarded to the budget and Administration Committee. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 429 - TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services, Public Safety and Corrections, and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books: BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Office for the Aging Revenue: A3803 State Aid $ 3,055 Appropriation: A6780.4491 Homecare Services to Clients $ 3,055 Revenue: A2665 Sale of Equipment Appropriation: A6774.4342 Food Jail Revenue: A3150.1525 Appropriation: A3150.4442 APPROPRIATIONS Fire and Disaster Prisoner Charges Professional Service Fees 342 $ 466 $ 466 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 December 19, 1989 FROM: A1990 Contingent Fund $ 4,690 TO: A3410.2222 Communications Equipment $ 4,690 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 430 - AUTHORIZING RENEWAL OF TOMTRAN CONTRACT WITH CU TRANSIT INC. Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, since January 1, 1984, Tompkins County has contracted with CU Transit, Inc., a transportation corporation, for the operation of TOMTRAN Rural Transit, providing public transportation to the City of Ithaca, the Towns of Ithaca, Dryden, Lansing, Groton, Newfield and Ulysses, and WHEREAS, in 1985, the County and CU Transit entered into a five year operating agreement for TOMTRAN and provided an option to renew the agreement in future five year periods, subject to annual approval of County funding (Resolution No. 2 of 1985, January 8, 1985), and WHEREAS, CU Transit's operation of TOMTRAN Rural Transit is reliable, responsible and fulfills the terms of the agreement, and WHEREAS, CU Transit agrees to operate TOMTRAN Rural Transit services under contract with the County at the following 1990 prices, subsequent years to be negotiated: Price to operate County -owned buses $30.00 per hour Price to lease CU Transit buses $ .75 per mile WHEREAS, the County agrees to provide liability insurance coverage of $5 million, and comprehensive and collision insurance for County owned buses, and WHEREAS, the prices have been reviewed, found acceptable, and within the 1990 budget (and represent a 6.2 percent increase over 1985 contract prices), and the County desires to renew the TOMTRAN Rural Transit agreement, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Economic Development Committee, That the County of Tompkins renews the TOMTRAN Rural Transit operating agreement for a five year period commencing January 1, 1990 and ending December 31, 1994, subject to the annual approval of County funding beyond 1990, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement on behalf of the County with CU Transit, Inc., RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller is authorized to make payments from TOMTRAN Account No. A5630.4425, RESOLVED, further, That either party may terminate this agreement by giving ninety (90) days written notice; however, in the event that no further state or federal transportation funds are appropriated or made available to the County, then the County may terminate the agreement with a thirty (30) day written notice to CU Transit. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 431 - AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD ENGINEERING CONTRACT TO PREPARE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE DR -7 LANDFILL AND PREPARATION OF U. S. CORPS OF ENGINEERS APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS 343 December 19, 1989 Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. After a lengthy discussion, a roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, Noes - 4 (Representatives Lifton, Nichols, Tillapaugh, and Watros). Adopted. WHEREAS, proposals were received for engineering services associated with preparation of construction documents for the DR -7 landfill, and preparation of U. S. Corps of Engineers application for wetlands, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the contract for preparation of contract documents for the DR -7 be awarded to Stearns and Wheler in an amount not to exceed $264,576 (includes a 10 percent contingency) funded through Account No. HH8165.9239. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 432 - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT PWD -88-10, ADDENDUM 1, OLD COURTHOUSE RAMP Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 158, dated June 8, 1988, authorized the execution of a contract with Downing-Hascup Associates, Architects, for the design of a handicap access ramp for the Old Courthouse, and WHEREAS, the bids for construction, based on the initial design parameters, were substantially over budget, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Addendum 1 to Contract PWD -88-10 be approved on a cost-plus basis in an amount not to exceed $4,000 for the redesign of the Old Courthouse ramp, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized and directed to execute said Addendum. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 433 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH WILLIAM DOWNING ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS FOR EXTERIOR COURTHOUSE RENOVATIONS (Res. No. 190 of May 15, 1990 authorized addendum to contract) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, renovations are required to the entrance stairs, sandstone window walls, eaves, parking lot and other exterior components of the courthouse, and WHEREAS, William Downing Associates, Architects were the only architectural firm to submit a proposal to perform the design work, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized and directed to execute an agreement with William Downing Associates, Architects on a cost-plus basis with a not to exceed total of $8,000. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 434 - DISTRIBUTION OF 1990 FOOD PROGRAM MONIES 344 December 19, 1989 Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the process for distribution of food dollars through local pantries in 1989 was successful, and WHEREAS, Family and Children's Service has graciously agreed to assist us in 1990 in the continuation of this process, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to sign a contract with Family and Children's service for 1990 to enable the food pantries who have a signed contract with Southern Tier Food Bank, to receive and distribute food to low income families based on the guidelines established by the Human Services Committee, RESOLVED, further, That funds therefor being available in Account No. A6310.4546. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason declared recess at 8:25 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:34 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 435 - AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT FOR HOUSING CONSULTATION SERVICES - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Lifton, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That authority is hereby given to the Department of Social Services to contract with D. Dylla Associates to provide technical assistance to the Department on a variety of housing issues, RESOLVED, further, That the total amount of said contract shall not exceed $2,500, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed for this contract. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 436 - AWARD OF BID - FOOD COMMODITIES Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for food commodities for use by County departments, and WHEREAS, four bids were received and opened on Thursday, November 8, 1989, and WHEREAS, the bid will be awarded by commodity group to the responsible bidder having the lowest extended total for the time period involved, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the bid for the following commodity groups be awarded as follows for the time period indicated: COMMODITY GROUP VENDOR TIME PERIOD I. Canned Goods Flickinger Co. 11/6/89 - 1/31/90 Elmira Heights, NY II. Condiments, etc. Flickinger Co. 11/6/89 - 1/31/90 Elmira Heights, NY III. Dry Goods Flickinger Co. 11/6/89 - 1/31/90 Elmira Heights, NY IV. Coffee, Tea Flickinger Co. 11/6/89 - 1/31/90 Elmira Heights, NY 345 December 19, 1989 V. Frozen Foods Flickinger Co. 11/6/89 - 1/31/90 Elmira Heights, NY VI. Meats Sysco Frosted Foods 12/1/89 - 12/31/89 Horseheads, NY VII. Eggs Houghton Poultry Farm 12/20/89 - 10/31/90 Ithaca, NY VIII. Ice Cream Byrne Dairy, Inc. 12/20/89 - 10/31/90 Ithaca, NY 14850 IX. Milk and Milk Products H. P. Hood, Inc. 12/20/89 - 10/31/90 Syracuse, NY RESOLVED, further, That the using departments be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from Account No. A3150.4342 and A6774.4342, RESOLVED, further, That due to the recurring nature of this bid and the difficulty of coordinating bid openings with scheduled Committee and Board meetings, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services be given the authority to award the various bids in food commodities to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, with the understanding that a resolution be brought annually to this Board for action and a report of bid award be forwarded every month to the Human Services, Public Safety and Corrections and Budget and Administration Committees. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 437 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT FOR BOARDING -IN OF PRISONERS - PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the Sheriff of Tompkins County be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts on behalf of Tompkins County for boarding -in of prisoners from other counties at the Tompkins County Public Safety Building, 779 Warren Road, Ithaca, New York, at a rate of seventy-five dollars ($75) per day. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 438 - AMENDMENT TO SERVICE PLAN FOR THE SERVICE WORK ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM - PROBATION Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, additional money is available from New York State to fund the expansion or creation of Alternatives to Incarceration Programs, and WHEREAS, approval of the Board of Representatives is required before this money can be obtained, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Probation Department is proposing to enhance the present Service Work Alternatives Program (Community Service) weekend work crew by expanding the Crew Supervisor position from one-half time to three-quarter time (approximately $3,000) and expending approximately $2,500 for the purchase of tools, safety equipment and a camera during the remaining one half of the current contract year, January 1, 1990 to June 30, 1990, and WHEREAS, as the Probation Department is expending more money than the current State allotment, there shall be no additional County money required for this expansion, now therefore be it 346 December 19, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Criminal Justice Advisory/Alternatives to Incarceration Board and Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the amended Service Plan be approved by the Board of Representatives, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute necessary documents relating to said amended Service Plan. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 439 - ACCEPTANCE OF THE FINDINGS STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SEQR FOR THE CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY ON COMMERCIAL AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ITHACA, AND, AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A TRANSFER/BALING AND RECYCLING FACILITY AT SAID SITE PURSUANT TO PART 360 (Adopted 12/28/89) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to Table this resolution to the December 28, 1989 Board meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 440 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - ROBERT STOLP, ATTORNEY Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Robert Stolp, Attorney, to provide services as Assigned Counsel Program Administrator in an amount not to exceed $1,444 per month, said contract to expire upon thirty (30) days notice by the Advisory Board on Indigent Representation to Attorney Stolp of the full start-up of the Enhanced Assigned Counsel Program previously approved by this Board of Representatives. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 441 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH WILLIAM F. ALBERN, P.E. - HIGHWAY FACILITY VENTILATION SYSTEM DESIGN Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with William F. Albern, P.E. for the design of a ventilation system at the Bostwick Road facility of the Highway Division, RESOLVED, further, That the contract will be on a cost-plus basis with a not -to -exceed total of $3,000, payment to be made from Professional Services Account No. 5110.4442. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) 347 December 19, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 442 - AWARD OF BID - LEACHATE HAULING - SOLID WASTE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for hauling leachate from the Caswell and Landstrom landfills, and WHEREAS, one bid was received and opened on Friday, December 15, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid for hauling leachate be awarded to John Potter Trucking Company of Cortland, New York in the amount of $35 per thousand gallons, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute a contract for this service, RESOLVED, further, That the Division of Solid Waste implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 443 - AMENDMENT TO SERVICE PLAN FOR ALTERNATIVES TO INCARCERATION PROGRAM, OFFENDER AID AND RESTORATION Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, additional money is available from New York State to fund the expansion or creation of Alternatives to Incarceration Programs, and WHEREAS, approval of the Board of Representatives is required before this money can be obtained, and WHEREAS, Offender Aid and Restoration of Tompkins County is proposing to establish a new Alternatives to Incarceration Program of defender -based advocacy for pre-trial release and post- conviction non-incarcerative sentences by adding one full-time Alternatives to Incarceration Coordinator (approximately $8,800) and expending approximately $500 for the purchase of office equipment, $300 for local travel, $500 for paralegal training and $1,800 for consultant fees for substance abuse evaluations during the remaining one-half of the current contract year, January 1, 1990 to June 30, 1990, and WHEREAS, as Offender Aid and Restoration is expending more money than the current State allotment, there shall be no additional County money required for this expansion, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Criminal Justice Advisory/Alternatives to Incarceration Board and Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the amended Service Plan be and hereby is approved by the Board of Representatives, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute necessary documents relating to said amended Service Plan. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 444 - COMPENSATION PLAN, CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. 348 December 19, 1989 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Management Compensation Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the confidential salary schedule be increased for 1990 by 5.5%. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 445 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDERS NO. 3 AND 4, FOR CONTRACT 202 TRIANGLE STEEL, INC., TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Howell, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 228 of July 11, 1989 authorized the execution of a contract with Triangle Steel, Inc. for Tompkins County Mental Health Services Building structural steel, and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 3 provides for grouting base plates with non -shrink material for the sum of $8,775, and a deduct credit for paint on structural steel for -$7,608, the net of same is the sum of $1,167, WHEREAS, Change Order No. 4 provides window washer davits pedestal framing and related parapet framing at roof level for a sum of $13,764, RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That Change Orders No. 3 and 4 be and hereby are approved in the amount of $14,931, RESOLVED, further, That the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $14,931 from the project contingency fund to Account No. HQ4310.4400, established by Resolution No. 38 of 1989. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 446 - AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER REAL PROPERTY - EAST SHORE DRIVE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 15, Noes - 0. (Two-thirds vote required.) Adopted. WHEREAS, the County may be the owner in fee of a portion of premises described in a deed recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office in Liber 280 of Deeds at page 131 dated August 20, 1945, and in a deed recorded in Liber 361 of Deeds at page 510 dated September 18, 1953, and situate in the Town of Lansing along East Shore Drive, and WHEREAS, a quitclaim deed from the County is necessary to clarify the current description and to correct any errors in the aforesaid deeds, and WHEREAS, such real property is no longer necessary for public use, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute all documents that may be required to effectuate the sale and transfer of all right, title and interest of the County in said property for consideration in the amount of $1.00. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) Chairman Mason appointed the following people to the Deputy Sheriffs Association Negotiating Committee: Appointments unanimously adopted by voice vote. Hugh Hurlbut, Personnel Commissioner - Chairman Robert Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee 349 December 19, 1989 Donald Culligan, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee Scott Heyman, County Administrator Robert Howard, Sheriff Anita Fitzpatrick, Personnel Department Chairman Mason appointed the following people to establish a retreat for the Board of Representatives: (Retreat held February 10, 1990 at the Newfield Rod and Gun Club, Inc.) Daniel Winch Deborah Dietrich Scott Heyman On motion of the appropriate committee chairmen and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote the following appointments were made to the various boards: Community Affirmative Action Committee Term expires December 31, 1990 Jo Bard (Human Rights Commission) Term expires December 31, 1992 Marian Kira (at -large) Human Rights Commission Terms expire December 31, 1992 William Gilmore Jo Bard Isabel Walker Office for the Aging Advisory Committee Terms expire December 31, 1992 Joan Taylor Shirley Carey Nick Wilson Clara Goodman Term expires December 31, 1991 Philip Taietz Tompkins County Youth Board Terms expire December 31, 1992 Jennifer Hubbell (youth) Luis Garza (youth) LaBerta Glasser (City of Ithaca) Frederic Dietrich (Town of Danby) Carol Barrier (Town of Enfield) John Gaines IV (Town of Groton) Advisory Board on Indigent Representation Terms expire December 31, 1992 John Ward Mark Solomon William Sullivan Criminal Justice Advisory/Alternatives to Incarceration Board Term expires December 31, 1991 350 December 19, 1989 Robert Howard (Sheriff) Terms expire December 31, 1992 David Wall (Cayuga Heights Police Chief) John Beach (at -large) Merton Wallenbeck (Town Justice) Family Court Advisory Council Term expires December 31, 1990 Louise Miller (at -large) Terms expire December 31, 1992 Jeffrey Ford (Family & Children's Service) Sally Sumner (Schools) William Highland (at -large) Susan Hatch (at -large) Fire and Disaster Advisory Board Terms expire December 31, 1992 Christopher O'Connor (Delegate, Town of Dryden) William Carter (Alternate, Town of Dryden) Michael Totman (Delegate, Town of Groton) Thomas Mills (Delegate, City of Ithaca) John Ward (Alternate, City of Ithaca) John Millier (Delegate, Village of Cayuga Heights) Jeffrey Silber (Alternate, Village of Cayuga Heights) Mark Vann (Delegate, Town of Ulysses) Wade Wright (Alternate, Town of Ulysses) STOP -DWI Advisory Board Terms expire December 31, 1992 Gordon Klumpp (Public Schools/BOCES) Arthur Dawson (Sheriffs Department) Stu Bergman (Substance Abuse Subcommittee of Mental Health Board) Job Training Council Terms expire December 31, 1992 Barbara Caldwell (Business) Herbert Brewer (Business) James Sirdevan (Business) Nancy Lieberman (Education - two-year) Virginia Bryant (Community Based Organization) Library Board of Trustees Terms expire December 31, 1992 Ezra Cornell Gayla Lorthridge Steve Parsons Community Mental Health Services Board Terms expire December 31, 1993 Anne Brous Gordon Kirkwood Sandra Stein 351 December 19, 1989 Stu Bergman Joseph Rothenberg Service Delivery Area Private Industry Council Term expires December 31, 1992 Virginia Bryant (Community Based Organization) Citizens Advisory Committee Term expires December 31, 1992 Robin Yengo (Village of Freeville) Brian Earle (Neighborhood) Multiple Residence Review Board Term expires December 31, 1992 Charles Hubbell Environmental Management Council Terms expire December 31, 1991 Ashley Miller (Town of Enfield) Jay Miller (Town of Dryden) Alton Reed (Soil and Water Conservation District) Herbert Engman (Town of Danby) Gordon Nesbitt (Regional Forest Practice Board) Gary Hotaling (Town of Caroline) Roger Farrell (City of Ithaca) John C. Howell (Town of Lansing) Bard Prentiss (Village of Dryden) Byron Unsworth (at -large) Robert Beck (at -large) Edward Cope (at -large) David Weinstein (at -large) Carol Sisler (at -large) Donald Barber, Jr. (at -large) Nicholas Vandam (at -large) On motion of the appropriate committee chairman and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote to waive the Rules of the Board (requires two-thirds vote) concerning prior notification of Gust Freeman's and Larry Tvaroha's resume. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Dietrich, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to appoint Gust Freeman (Sportsmen's Representative) and Larry Tvaroha (Alternate, Sportsmen's Representative) to the Fish and Wildlife Management Board for a term which expires December 31, 1991. On motion of the appropriate committee chairman and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote to waive the Rules of the Board (requires two-thirds vote) concerning prior notification of the Advisory Board on Affordable Housing resumes. On motion of the appropriate committee chairman and duly seconded and adopted by voice vote to appoint the following people to the Advisory Board on Affordable Housing: 1990 Andrew Frost (Municipal) 352 December 19, 1989 Pam Zinder (Tenants/Landlord) Charles Pomada (Housing Advocacy Group) 1991 George Totman (Municipal) Katharine Ross-Caveney (Real Estate Community) Marjorie Olds (Neighborhood Association) Jean McPheeters (Public) Becky Bilderback (Housing Advocacy Group) Benjamin Curtis (Housing Advocacy Group) 1992 H. Mattys Van Cort (Municipal) Barbara Caldwell (Real Estate Community) Carol Chernikoff (Banks) Carol Kammen (Planning Board) Terry Ofner (Housing Advocacy Group) Mrytle Whitcomb (Neighborhood Association) It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote, to hold an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. An executive session was held at 8:59 p.m. and returned to regular session at 9:10 p.m. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. to December 28, 1989 at 7 p.m. 353 December 28, 1989 ADJOURNED BOARD MEETING Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 7:19 p.m. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representatives Culligan and Stein). It was Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to add to the agenda the following resolutions: - Award of Bid - Vehicle - Fire and Disaster - Award of Bid - Portable Defibrillator/Cardioscope - Fire and Disaster - Award of Bid - Vertical High Pressure Aid Compressor - Fire and Disaster RESOLUTION NO. 447 - AWARD OF BID - VEHICLE - FIRE AND DISASTER Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing and Central Services has advertised for bids for a vehicle for use by the Fire and Disaster Coordinator, and WHEREAS, five bids were received and duly opened on Thursday, December 28, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the bid for a vehicle for use by the Fire and Disaster Coordinator be awarded to Saulsbury Fire Equipment Company of Tully, New York in the amount of $48,411, this being the bid for a combined Ford diesel chassis and apparatus body, taking advantage of a $26,000 deduct on the air compressor system and a $1,000 credit for paying for the chassis on delivery, RESOLVED, further, That the Fire and Disaster Coordinator be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds being available in the 1990 budget in Account No. A3410.2231. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 448 - AWARD OF BID - PORTABLE DEFIBRILLATOR/CARDIOSCOPE - FIRE AND DISASTER Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for portable defibrillator/cardioscopes for use by Tompkins County area fire and E.M.T. departments, and WHEREAS, one bid was received and duly opened on Thursday, December 28, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the bid for portable defibrillators/cardioscopes with accessories be awarded to Physio Control Corporation of Rowayton, Connecticut in the following amounts with prices to be good for twelve (12) months from date of award: Defibrillator/cardioscope per specifications $6,277.50 each Battery support system $1,260.00 each ECG paper $ 12.15 per box of 3 rolls Battery pak $ 90.00 each Carrying case $ 85.50 each 354 December 28, 1989 RESOLVED, further, That the Fire and Disaster Coordinator be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE 11 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) RESOLUTION NO. 449 - AWARD OF BID - VERTICAL HIGH PRESSURE AIR COMPRESSOR - FIRE AND DISASTER Moved by Mrs. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present. WHEREAS, the Division of Purchasing and Central Services has duly advertised for bids for one vertical high pressure air compressor for use by the Fire and Disaster Coordinator, and WHEREAS, four bids were received and duly opened on Thursday, December 28, 1989, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the bid for a vertical high pressure air compressor be awarded to Holter Associates of Pittsford, New York in the amount of $39,695.60, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications, RESOLVED, further, That the Fire and Disaster Coordinator be authorized to implement this bid on behalf of the County, funds being available in the 1990 budget in Account No. A3410.2210. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE II (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by all present, to hold an executive session to discuss contract negotiations. An executive session was held at 7:23 p.m. and returned to regular session at 7:46 p.m. The following resolution was Moved and seconded during executive session and was released January 4, 1990: RESOLUTION NO. 450 - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT - CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION (WHITE COLLAR UNIT) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 2 (Representatives Culligan and Stein). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Negotiating Committee, That the proposed contract between the County of Tompkins and the White Collar Unit, Tompkins Local 855, CSEA/AFSCME be and the same is hereby approved effective January 1, 1990, except where provided differently in the agreement, RESOLVED, further, That all fringe benefits for all confidential and managerial employees will be the same as awarded hereunder unless provided differently by Board resolution, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute the contract. SEQR ACTION: EXEMPT OR TYPE 11 (NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY) It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Call, to lift from the Table Resolution No. 439 - Acceptance of the Findings Statement Pursuant to SEQR for the Central Processing Facility on Commercial Avenue in the City of Ithaca, and Authorizing the Filing of an Application to Construct and Operate a Transfer/Baling and Recycling Facility at Said Site Pursuant to Part 360. A voice vote resulted 355 December 28, 1989 as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 1 (Representative Lifton), Excused - 2 (Representatives Culligan and Stein). Motion carries. RESOLUTION NO. 439 - ACCEPTANCE OF THE FINDINGS STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SEQR FOR THE CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY ON COMMERCIAL AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ITHACA, AND, AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A TRANSFER/BALING AND RECYCLING FACILITY AT SAID SITE PURSUANT TO PART 360 (Findings Statement - See pages 357-377) Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Proto. Mr. James Dwyer, consulting attorney, reviewed the changes by the Construction Management Committee on the Findings Statement. After discussion, a roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10; Noes - 3 (Representatives Lifton, Nichols, and True); Excused - 2 (Representatives Culligan, and Stein). Adopted. WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives as lead agency by Resolution No. 12 dated January 17, 1989 authorized the evaluation of additional property in the vicinity of the City of Ithaca Industrial Park and other additional sites to locate the proposed Central Processing Facility and subsequently the Ithaca Industrial Park Site was withdrawn as the preferred site by Resolution No. 80 dated March 7, 1989, and WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 92 dated March 21, 1989 selected the Commercial Avenue Site in the City of Ithaca, New York as the "alternate preferred site" and further authorized the filing of a "Positive Declaration" for said Commercial Avenue Site for the Central Processing Facility pursuant to SEQR, and further directed the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 92 dated September 6, 1989 accepted the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Commercial Avenue "alternate preferred site" for the Central Processing Facility for purposes of commencing public review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.8 and directed a public hearing in accordance therewith, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was conducted as directed on October 12, 1989 and written comments were received through October 16, 1989, the extended date, and, a Final Environmental Impact Statement having been prepared which responds to the "substantive comments" received which was reviewed by this Board of Representatives, and WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 408 dated December 18, 1989 accepted the Final Environmental Impact Statement, directed the preparation and filing of a Notice of Completion of the Final Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to SEQR and authorized preparation of a proposed Findings Statement, which has been submitted to this Board of Representatives for review and consideration, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Management Committee, That this Board of Representatives as lead agency accepts the Findings Statement annexed hereto and made part hereof, as further modified and considered by this Board of Representatives, and directs that it be filed according to law (6 NYCRR Section 617.10 (i)); and, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of this Board of Representatives is authorized and directed to file an application for a permit to construct and operate the Central Processing Facility to include a recycling center, central transfer and baling, as part of the overall Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Project with the Department of Environmental Conservation in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 360. SEQR ACTION: TYPE I OR UNLISTED (DETERMINATIONS OR FINDINGS INCLUDED HEREIN) On motion, the meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m. 356 December 28, 1989 State Environmental Quality Review FINDINGS STATEMENT December 28, 1989 Pursuant to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act - SEQR) of the Environ- mental Conservation Law, 6 NYCRR Part 617 and Resolution No. 408 of County of Tompkins Board of Representatives dated December 18, 1989 authorizing the making of and filing of Findings, the County of Tompkins as lead agency does make the following findings: Name of Action: County of Tompkins Central Processing Facility. Description of Action: The proposed project includes construction and operation of a Central Processing Facility to receive recyclables for processing and marketing, small amounts (less than five cubic yards per load) of construction and demolition debris and non-baleables for transfer to the DR -7 landfill site in the Town .of Dryden, New York, and for receipt, baling and transfer of baled solid wastes, exclusive of recyclables and construction and demolition debris, to the DR -7 landfill site as described herein. Project Location: The proposed location is: north and west of New York State Route #13, fronting the north side of Commercial Avenue in the City of Ithaca, New York and consisting of approximately 14.0 vacant acres of land. This parcel is east of the Cayuga Lake Inlet and in the southwest quadrant of the City of Ithaca. 357 December 28, 1989 Agency Jurisdiction: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for the following permits: Permit to construct and operate a Central Processing Facility to include: Transfer Station (6 NYCRR §360.11); Recyclable Handling and Recovery Facility (6 NYCRR §360.12); and Hauling permit (6 NYCRR Part 364) if waste water cannot be discharged into the sanitary sewer system and the County is the hauler. Pate Final EIS Filed: December 18, 1989. Facts and Conclusion in the FEIS Relied Upon to Support the Decision: 1. The County of Tompkins has given consideration to the findings in the Final EIS; and 2. The requirements of this part (6 NYCRR 617) have been met; and 3. Consistent with social, economic and other essential considerations from among the reasonable alternatives thereto, the action approved is one which minimizes or avoids adverse environmental effects to the maximum extent practicable; including the effects disclosed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement; and 4. Consistent with social, economic and other essential considerations, to the 358 December 28, 1989 maximum extent practicable, adverse environmental effects revealed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement process will be minimized or avoided by incorporating as conditions to the decision those mitigative measures which were identified as practicable. 5. The following facts and conclusions contained in the Environmental Impact Statement are relied upon to support the decision of this Board of Representatives to proceed with the project in authorizing the filing of an application to construct and operate a Central Processing Facility, including social, economic and other factors and standards which formed the basis thereof: a. The need for the project. Approximately 80,000 tons of solid waste are generated within Tompkins County annually and this volume has been increasing annually. The County recently and currently is disposing of its solid waste, including construction and demolition debris, at the County Landfill in the Town of Spencer, New York formerly known as the Landstrom Landfill. That landfill is under a Consent Order with the Department of Environmental Conservation ('DEC") to close and will reach capacity in any event by the end of 1990. The County in the meantime is proceeding to site, permit and construct the major elements of its solid waste management project, including the sanitary landfill at the DR -7 site and the Central Processing Facility at the Commer- cial Avenue site, here under review. In addition, recycling, except for mandatory recycling, has also been assessed. As indicated hereafter in paragraph "6.", the County is committing to the preparation of a subsequent 359 December 28, 1989 DEIS to evaluate other elements of the plan under consideration, including, but not limited to household hazardous wastes, mandatory recycling and composting, including an evaluation of all the interrelated elements. This would provide the County with the necessary environmental assessment of its plan which it must implement in accordance with Environmental Conservation Law Section 27-0107. b. Recycling. The County has already implemented a pilot recycling program and completed a recycling analysis entitled "Comprehensive Recycling Analysis" by Recourse Systems, Inc. dated June, 1989. This analysis was incorporated by reference in the CPF DEIS and is also part of the application to construct and operate a sanitary landfill at the DR -7 site, as required by 6 NYCRR Sections 360-2.3 (j) and 360-1.9 (f). The application for the landfill permit was declared complete by DEC on November 15, 1989 in accordance with 6 NYCRR Section 621.5. The County interprets this to mean that the recycling program being "phased in" to later include mandatory source separation is acceptable to DEC for permit application purposes. The pilot program includes curbside collection at a number of designated municipalities in the County. Drop site collection is in place at more rural municipalities. Mandatory source separation of residential recyclables will be in place no later than September 30, 1991. Full countywide recycling will be in place after the CPF becomes operational. Such an event would clearly enhance the recycling effort required by the State Solid Waste Management Act of 1988 at a centralized December 28, 1989 and accessible site on Commercial Avenue near the centroid of waste generation for the County. The Phase II Report of O'Brien and Gere dated October, 1987 incorporated by reference in this DEIS concluded that the county waste stream was insufficient to justify the construction of a full scale intermediate processing center dedicated solely to processing recyclables. This proposed CPF will contain the centralized recycling facility as well as the central baling and transfer facility for non -recyclable wastes, and transfer of small volumes of construction and demolition debris. As indicated elsewhere in this Findings Statement, the balance of the recycling program, including the required mandatory source separation element, will be addressed in a subsequent DEIS and will also embrace the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Plan, as required by law. c. Baling. Most of the solid waste delivered to the DR -7 sanitary landfill will be baled solid waste. The primary exception will be bulky non-baleable wastes and construction and demolition debris. The baling will occur at the Central Processing Facility located on Commercial Avenue. This will involve central processing at the baling facility and transportation in baled form to the landfill which is described in detail in the DEIS. The baling and transfer will reduce volume and will reduce traffic to the landfill site. It will also mitigate escape of fugitive materials while in transit and eliminate the necessity of compaction at the operating site and the required equipment to accomplish same, thus reducing noise levels at DR -7. Baling of the waste as herein considered has been committed to by the County in the landfill December 28, 1989 SEQR and permit process as a mitigative measure for property owners near the landfill site. d. Siting of the Central Processing Facility. The elements of the siting process were first set forth in the Volume Reduction Study contained in the Phase I Report of O'Brien and Gere dated February, 1987 which was incorporated by reference in this DEIS. That study recommended further evaluation of recycling, co -composting, and baling. Such evaluations are contained in the Phase II Report (incorporated by reference in the DEIS) in Sections 1, 3 and 4. Central baling and transfer of non -recyclable solid waste was recommended. This "offers the ability to reduce vehicle traffic in the vicinity of the landfill", "reduces blowing papers", and "reduce landfill operating expenses that tend to offset the added expense of baling". Southwest Park in the City of Ithaca was mentioned as a possible acceptable site subject to further investigations. Private sector participation is under review. The Phase 11 Report recognized the need for some limited processing of recyclables in the implementation of the County's initial efforts to include some baling and glass processing. This could be "contained in a separate materials handling facility or incorporated into a centrally located baling/transfer station. The Phase I and Phase II Reports were incorporated by reference in the DR -7 landfill DEIS and included in that environmental assessment. This summary of the development of baling, transfer, and recycling at a central location is relevant in the site selection process for such a facility. December 28, 1989 By Resolution No. 156 dated June 16, 1987, the Board of Representatives committed to off site baling contingent on a favorable evaluation of same. That evaluation was accomplished in the Phase II Report dated October, 1987 which was accepted by the Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 305 dated November 16, 1987. When DR -7 was selected as the preferred landfill site for SEQR review by Board of Representative's Resolution No. 334 dated December 7, 1987, the Board also selected the option to site, permit, and construct a separate "centrally located transfer and baling facility" to include the materials handling/recycling facility. And, further, the Board directed proceeding with the "siting and permitting of a separate, centrally located combination baling, recycling and transfer facility as described in the Phase II Report." The Phase II Report accepted by the Board as lead agency identified the New York State Route 13 corridor as the most practical location for the development of the Central Processing Facility and viewed one specific site, Southwest Park, as the basis for that analysis, although other sites were potentially available. Based on that analysis, a Central Processing Facility (CPF) site Assessments Report ("CPF Report") dated April, 1988 was prepared by O'Brien & Gere and is incorporated by reference into the DEIS herein. The CPF Report presents the results of detailed assessments of 11 potential sites for the CPF located in the City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, and Town of Lansing. These sites are identified as follows: 1. Cornell/Collins site 2. County Airport site 3. Steam Plant site 4. Waste Water Treatment Plant site 5. Wallace Steel site 6. Southwest Park site 7. Mancini site 8. Cherry Street site 9. Industrial Park site 10. Weiner site 11. Commercial Park site December 28, 1989 The CPF Report recommended further consideration of the Waste Water Treatment Plant site, the Cherry Street site, the County Airport site, the Weiner site, and the Commercial Park site as being most suitable for construction of the proposed CPF. The Southwest Park site which had received earlier mention in the Phase II Report was removed from consideration because it was a dedicated park subject to federal assistance grants that would be difficult to abrogate. The County next considered the Waste Water Treatment Plant site which was located on the eastern bank of the Cayuga Inlet between the City of Ithaca Waste Water Treatment Plant and the New York State Department of Transportation maintenance facilities. The City of Ithaca objected to the use of waterfront property for the intended purpose and, in the meantime, allowed the Farmers Market to locate at this site which precluded, for all practical purposes, its utilization as a site for the proposed Central Processing Facility. By Resolution No. 150 dated June 7, 1988, the Board of Representatives as lead agency selected the Industrial Park Site as the preferred site and directed further studies and evaluation, including preparation of a DEIS. In the subsequent evaluation, substantial design and operational limitations were identified regarding the Industrial Park Site, and the Board of Representatives by Resolution No. 12 dated January 17, 1989 authorized additional evaluation of other sites by Resource Associates. In furtherance thereof, a report was prepared entitled "CPF Site Evaluations" dated February, 1989 which is incorporated by reference in this DEIS. The December 28, 1989 Board as lead agency by Resolution No. 80 dated March 7, 1989 withdrew the Industrial Park site as the preferred site for the facility. Although the earlier 1988 CPF Site Assessments considered two sites near or on the Tompkins County Airport (Cornell/Collins Site and the County Airport Site). Cornell/Collins did not merit further consideration. The County Airport Site did if the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would authorize a permit under its jurisdiction. The Tompkins County Planning Department submitted an appropriate and detailed application as indicated in the FEIS and the request was denied by the FAA (DEIS Appendix W) by letter dated November 28, 1988. The reasons given were (1) the airport has an existing bird problem and location of the proposed facility would aggravate this concern, (2) it would be in the flight plan and traffic pattern. The fact that it was an enclosed facility did not matter. If the FAA objects, the DEC could not consider a permit application because of the restrictions of General Municipal Law Section 356. In addition, the Tompkins County Airport is listed on an EPA/FAA document entitled "Airports Having a Known Bird Hazard" (EPA, SW -828, 1980). Under the circumstances, any resubmittal would be futile. Thereafter, the Board by Resolution No. 92 dated March 21, 1989, reviewed the CPF Site Evaluations Report and selected the Commercial Avenue Site as the "alternate preferred site" to replace the Industrial Park Site for SEQR review. The CPF Site Evaluations Report includes the environmental analysis by the Tompkins County Department of Planning which is presented at Appendix "A" of that Report, in full. The Report December 28, 1989 evaluated an expanded Ithaca Industrial Park Site and four other sites, including Cherry Street, Weiner, Commercial Avenue and Mancini. During the development of the Tompkins County Solid Waste Project, including the CPF, the City of Ithaca was kept apprised of matters relating thereto including siting. Numerous meetings took place between County and City staff, as well as elected officials. (See Appendix "B" of the DEIS.) A week prior to the meeting of the County's Construction Management Committee to recommend an alternate preferred site to the Board of Representatives, a notice was sent to the Mayor of the City of Ithaca informing him of the meeting and to invite appropriate staff and other officials. At the March 16, 1989 meeting of the Construction Management Committee, eight persons attended in behalf of the City, including the Mayor, four Common Council members, and staff. After discussion, the Commercial Avenue site was selected by the Committee as the alternate preferred site and approved by the Board as such. The Commercial Avenue site as indicated herein was the fourth site considered with City knowledge and the City could have voiced an objection at the time of selection, but did not. Site selection is a substantive element of SEQR and requires a reasoned approach based upon substantial evidence in the record and must not be arbitrary and capricious. The County has met this requirement. e. Compliance with New York State Solid Waste Management Plan. The New York State Solid Waste Management Plan or Policy (Section 27- 0106 of the Environmental Conservation Law) has four components, and they are: December 28, 1989 1) Reduce the amount of solid waste generated; 2) Reuse or recycle solid waste; 3) Recover energy from the solid waste that cannot be reused or recycled; and 4) The part that cannot be reused or recycled, or is not subject to energy recovery, be landfilled. The Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Project including recycling, central transfer and baling, and landfilling, meets the require- ments of the New York State Solid Waste Management Plan. An adequate analysis has been provided as to why energy recovery is not appropriate at this time. In addition, the County has initiated a pilot program to convert yard wastes and sewage sludge for reuse through composting to reduce the disposable wastes. The County intends to implement a full-scale sludge composting operation subsequently. The household hazardous waste program, the development of a composting program and a mandatory recycling law are elements of the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Plan that will subsequently be assessed and evaluated. The New York State Solid Waste Management Act of 1988 (Environmental Conservation Law Section 27-0107) requires that a County implement a solid waste management plan which would require SEQR December 28, 1989 review. The County hereby commits to a DEIS to be filed subsequently which will analyze, assess and evaluate mandatory source separation required by law, the household hazardous waste program, and the composting program to coordinate same with the existing elements including the landfill at DR -7, the Central Processing Facility, and current recycling into the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Plan, as required by law. f. CPF Design. The Central Processing Facility will be safe for all users; simple, efficient, and organized to use and operate; sensitive to the concerns of neighboring properties and the environment; and flexible enough to grow and change with the rapidly evolving solid waste and recycling industry. In addition, the design addresses and conforms to all the requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 360 regulations, and responds to the issues requiring mitigation as described in the following paragraphs. A more detailed design will be included in the DEC permit process which is subject to public comment. g. Economics. To the extent that it actually occurs, economic loss could be a significantly adverse impact of the CPF. From investigations made in other communities where solid waste processing facilities are located near business areas there was no evidence that the existence of a similar type of processing facility produced a decline in property values or jobs. In fact, recent sales of December 28, 1989 properties in some of these areas indicated values were increasing. There appeared to be no relationship between business, or the value of property, and the waste processing operation in the communities investigated. Loss of opportunity for private development of the Commercial Avenue site cannot be avoided. The value of this type of development must be balanced against the need for a recycling and solid waste processing facility. The level of this impact, if it occurs, is not known due to the fact that the property has remained vacant for 20 years under the existing zoning classification. h. Land Use and Zoning. The degree of incompatibility with Southwest Park will depend on the nature of the future development. For instance, new housing that may be built in the future on the park site offers some possibility of incompatibility, whereas a recreational or industrial use of Southwest Park would not, most likely, be significantly affected by the activities of the CPF. As indicated by the responses in the FEIS, mitigation measures such as screening, fencing, and sensitive site planning of the future intended use of the park land, can be employed to reduce impacts. An advantage, if new housing were proposed for Southwest Park, is that the development of the CPF will be a "known" entity, thereby reducing the anxiety of developing next to a vacant industrially zoned parcel of land. A degree of land use incompatibility between the CPF and nearby fast-food December 28, 1989 restaurants and the adjacent motel is acknowledged. All such restaurants face Elmira Road and are currently affected by the environmental conditions produced by this heavily traveled major highway. Placement of the CPF behind these restaurants, and the layout and landscaping of the CPF itself, will help to reduce land use dissimilarities. In addition, operating standards imposed by the DEC, and those to be implemented by the County, should be very effective in minimizing potential problems that could affect development of adjacent land and existing businesses in the area. Zoning of the Commercial Avenue site has been changed by the City of Ithaca since the investigation of environmental impacts of the proposed CPF began. At the time the studies were made, the CPF operation was clearly allowed by the zoning ordinance; now, it is not. As required by County Law Section 226-b, Tompkins County has taken these regulations and land use into consideration. i. Noise Impacts. Noise from the CPF operation is not expected to be a significant problem for adjacent businesses. While operating a chipper, noise measurements were made on Elmira Road, Spencer Road and Floral Avenue and inside and around Journey's End Motel. Sound emanating from the chipper, believed to be the noisiest operation on the CPF site, was not audible from Spencer Road or Floral Avenue, nor from within the motel. The noise emanating from trucks queuing at the entrance would be less significant than that of the chipper, although it will begin earlier. Ambient noise levels on December 28, 1989 Elmira Road are relatively high and off-site noise from the CPF operation is not expected to exceed those levels. Odor Impacts. Odor that may be produced by the CPF operation is the least tangible, and possibly the most difficult impact to evaluate. Other concerns, such as economic loss and neighborhood quality are based, in large part, on the potential problem of off-site odor emanating from the waste handling process. Investigation in other communities produced some evidence that off-site odors could be an occasional problem. By and large, however, offensive odor was not listed as a problem even by those establishments located adjacent to the waste handling facility in the communities inves- tigated. Cleanliness of operation has been identified as the key to odor prevention. The County has stated its strong commitment to keeping the Central Processing Facility free of waste and trash accumulations and to clean the CPF on a daily basis. This should reduce to an acceptable minimum, or eliminate the potential for adverse odor, even on those days when climatic conditions prevent a free flow of air in the Inlet Valley. There are odor reducing processes that can be employed to further reduce any problems that might arise. The CPF is designed to be retrofitted with appropriate odor control equipment and the County is committed to the installation of such equipment if the need arises. The Neighborhood December 28, 1989 Advisory Committee will advise the County in developing a mechanism or program for monitoring odor complaints and concerns. The County shall be ultimately responsible for addressing these concerns. k. Water Resources and Wetlands. The CPF project is not a disposal facility and as such does not represent a threat to the groundwater. All of the potential contaminants that may arrive at the site will be processed inside the main building and the clean-up water will be collected for disposal at the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant. Runoff from the delivery vehicles in the yard waste drop-off area is not likely to be significant and there are no mitigative measures planned. A specific program for monitoring the local groundwater quality will be submitted as part of the 6 NYCRR Part 360 permit application. The Neighborhood Advisory Committee will advise the County in developing a mechanism or program for monitoring groundwater impacts. The Commercial Avenue site is not within the 100 year floodplain, and based on discussions and data relative to high water conditions, the site is not prone to flooding. As indicated on Figure 6 of the DEIS, no part of the premises is a protected wetland under DEC jurisdiction pursuant to the New York Freshwater Wetlands Act. In addition, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has determined by letter dated November 6, 1989 that it has no jurisdiction in December 28, 1989 that there are no federally regulated wetlands within the CPF site pursuant to the United States Clean Waters Act. 1. Wastewater. The separation of household hazardous and toxic materials from the general waste stream is a component of the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Program that will be instituted and subsequently incorporated into the proposed Central Processing Facility. The separation of these materials will reduce the amount present on the tipping floor and will improve the overall quality of the wastewater generated at the facility. All refuse will be contained within the CPF building. All wastewater within the building will be collected and piped to a storage tank. The wastewater will be routinely tested for compliance with local pretreatment regulations, and if satisfactory, will be released for treatment at the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility. If the wastewater is not found to be in compliance, then it will be treated prior to its release. Information collected from other similar existing solid waste facilities indicates that typical wastewater (including household hazardous and toxic materials) does not require pretreatment prior to release to a treatment facility. m. Positive conditions. The following positive or favorable conditions regarding the Central Processing Facility site on Commercial Avenue are present: December 28, 1989 1) It complies with the siting criteria established by the County in the review of alternative sites required by SEQR which include: (1) proximity to the centroid of waste generation, and (2) proximity to a main transportation route through the county, and (3) consideration of zoning and land use. 2) When the site was selected for SEQR review, it complied with local zoning (City of Ithaca Industrial -1) and an industrial classification is generally accepted as the least restrictive of any zoning clas- sification. 3) The premises., consisting of approximately 14 acres and zoned Industrial, has remained vacant under such zoning classification for over 20 years. 4) There is ample space on premises under the present proposal for queuing delivery vehicles, thus removing them from public streets. 5) The combining of central recycling with central baling and transfer will substantially enhance the regulatory required recycling effort. December 28, 1989 6) The location on Commercial Avenue has potential for construction of a railroad spur which could be used for export of recyclables to market. (7) The CPF site offers space to house the administrative offices of the Tompkins county Solid Waste Department. (8) The size of the site and direction of visual observation to the site offer adequate buffering opportunities. (9) The site has sewer, water, gas and electric service available. (10) The site is flat and vacant, and will require little pre -construction preparation excavation. 6. On January 4, 1989, the County of Tompkins issued and filed a Findings Statement pursuant to SEQR for the DR -7 landfill component of the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Project. It addressed the recycling program as it then existed, and, committed to delivery of baled solid waste "from a central processing facility located in the City of Ithaca, New York." It was also determined in this earlier Findings Statement that "[T]he baling and transfer will reduce volume and will reduce traffic to the landfill site. It will also mitigate escape of fugitive materials while in transit and eliminate the necessity of compaction at the operating site and the required equipment to accomplish same, thus reducing noise levels in that regard." Environmental Conservation Law Section 27-0107 requires a county to prepare a 375 December 28, 1989 local solid waste management plan by January 1, 1990. Such a plan will be prepared by the County to describe the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Project. The County acknowledges it will not meet the January 1, 1990 deadline. The DEIS under current review for the CPF and the earlier DEIS for the landfill component at the DR -7 site, address the initial elements of the project or plan, including recycling (except for required mandatory recycling). As indicated in paragraph "5. e." above, the County effort does comply with the New York State Solid Waste Management Plan, and the proposed interim related effort (recycling, CPF, and DR -7 landfill) will allow the County to proceed with in county disposal of its solid waste without the necessity of costly export while the remaining elements of the plan will be addressed and subject to public review in a subsequent DEIS. That document will include a review of the overall solid waste management plan covering all elements. These elements requiring additional review or complete review in a DEIS to be subsequently promulgated by the County are as follows: 1. Household Hazardous Wastes Program; 2. Composting at the DR -7 landfill site; and 3. A mandatory recycling law. The County of Tompkins commits to the aforementioned subsequent DEIS which will address and establish the local plan as required by law after evaluating the interrelationship of all elements. 7. Consistent with the applicable policies of Article 42 of the Executive Law, as 376 December 28, 1989 implemented by 19 NYCRR §600.5, if appropriate, this action will achieve a balance between the protection of the environment and the need to accommodate social and economic considerations. LEAD AGENCY: County of Tompkins ADDRESS: Board of Representatives Courthouse 320 North Tioga Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Copies of this Findings Statement and the authorizing Resolution are being mailed to: Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road Albany, New York 12233-0001 Region VII Department of Environmental Conservation 615 Erie Blvd. West Syracuse, New York 13204 Clerk, Tompkins County Board of Representatives Tompkins County Courthouse Ithaca, New York 14850 Tompkins County Solid Waste Manager c/o Department of Public Works Bostwick Road Ithaca, New York 14850 City Clerk, City of Ithaca City Hall 108 East Green Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Town Clerk, Town of Dryden 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 By: Jam.' A. Mason, C Tompkins County 377 airman oard of Representatives 1989 LOCAL LAWS LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1989 2 OF 1989 3 OF 1989 4 OF 1989 Tompkins County Proceedings LOCAL LAW TITLE JANUARY 4, 1989 A LOCAL LAW OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, STATE OF NEW YORK, PROVIDING FOR A SMOKING BAN IN TOMPKINS COUNTY OWNED OR OCCUPIED BUILDING AND VEHICLES (AMENDED BY LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF 1990) JULY 11, 1989 A LOCAL AMENDING THE TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE, SECTION 5.10 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS WITHIN OR AMONG UNITS OR AGENCIES AUGUST 15, 1989 A LOCAL LAW DESIGNATING CERTAIN CONTROLLED COUNTY PARKING AREAS, ADOPTING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF SAID CONTROLLED AREAS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF (AMENDED BY LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 1990) (REPEALED BY LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF 1997) A LOCAL LAW OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS KNOWN AS THE "TOMPKINS COUNTY HOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX LAW" (AMENDED BY LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1991) 379 Tompkins County Proceedings Local Law No. 1 of 1989 A LOCAL LAW OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, STATE OF NEW YORK, PROVIDING FOR A SMOKING BAN IN TOMPKINS COUNTY OWNED OR OCCUPIED BUILDING AND VEHICLES (AMENDED BY LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF 1990) Be it enacted by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins as follows: SECTION I. Legislative Intent: This law implements the smoking policy adopted by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives as a result of negotiations with the Tompkins County Unit, Local 855, Civil Service Employees' Association, Inc., and reflects said Board's concern for the health and safety of County employees and members of the general public that use County owned or occupied buildings and vehicles. SECTION II. No person shall smoke or carry a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other form of smoking object or device in any County owned or occupied building or vehicle, with the exception of the Public Safety Building and Sheriffs Department vehicles. SECTION III. Insofar as the provisions of this local law are inconsistent with the provisions of any other local law or act, the provisions of this local law shall be controlling. SECTION IV. This local law shall take effect on January 1, 1989. Local Law No. 2 of 1989 A LOCAL AMENDING THE TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE, SECTION 5.10 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS WITHIN OR AMONG UNITS OR AGENCIES Be it enacted by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins as follows: SECTION 1. Section 5.10 of the Tompkins County Charter and Code - Appropriation Transfers Within or Among Units or Agencies - hereby is amended to read as follows: The Board of Representatives may transfer part or all of any unencumbered appropriation balance within the same unit of County government or from one County administrative unit to another. The Board of Representatives may designate by resolution which transfers require affirmative action by the Board of Representatives, and which may be authorized by action of the Budget and Administration Committee, the appropriate Board of Representatives committee, or the County Administrator or County Comptroller only. No transfer shall be made from appropriations for debt service, and no appropriations may be reduced below an amount required by law to be so appropriated. SECTION 2. This local law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. Local Law No. 3 of 1989 A LOCAL LAW DESIGNATING CERTAIN CONTROLLED COUNTY PARKING AREAS, ADOPTING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF SAID CONTROLLED AREAS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF (AMENDED BY LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 1990) (REPEALED BY LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF 1997) 380 Tompkins County Proceedings Be it enacted by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins as follows: SECTION 1. The following County -owned lands and areas are designated as controlled parking areas to be used in conjunction with Tompkins County office buildings and courthouses: A. All of the premises located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Tioga Street and Court Street in the City of Ithaca, commonly called the Courthouse Complex, including those areas adjacent to the buildings known as the Tompkins County Courthouse, Courthouse annex, County Jail, and the Old Courthouse. SECTION 2. The following words, when used in this local law, shall have the meaning as set forth in this section: A. "Vehicle" shall mean any device in, upon, or by which a person or property is or may be transported upon a highway except a device which is operated upon rails or tracks. B. "Person" shall mean and include every natural person, firm, co -partnership, association, or corporation. C. "Operator" shall mean and include every person who shall operate a vehicle as the owner thereof or as the agent, employer, or permittee of the owner, or who is in actual physical control of a vehicle. D. "Park" shall mean and include the permitting of any vehicle to be parked or put in place and let remain or leave standing in or upon the County -owned property heretofore described in Section 1. E. "Area" shall mean and include the County -owned property heretofore described in Section 1. F. "Controlled parking area" shall mean the parking areas used in conjunction with County office buildings and courthouses, all subject to control by the provisions of this law. G. "Restricted parking area" shall mean designated portions of the controlled parking areas set aside by the County for the exclusive use by designated County and State officials and including parking areas marked and designated for use by the handicapped. Unless otherwise herein indicated, all words used shall have the meanings as defined in the General Construction Law of the State of New York. SECTION 3. Parking of vehicles by persons or operators in any of the designated restricted areas is prohibited unless said person or operator shall have a parking permit duly issued by Tompkins County or otherwise granted official permission to park in said areas, which permits shall be restricted to employees, elected officials, certain State employees, and handicapped individuals designated by the County public works committee, and such other persons having business in the County Courthouse or County office buildings to warrant a special parking permit. SECTION 4. The County may also set aside designated areas for parking by the general public, with or without fee, and may contract with others for parking service. SECTION 5. All parking in said restricted areas shall be in areas designated by signs and markings or other directions posted by the Tompkins County Commissioner of Public Works under the direction of the public works committee of the Board of Representatives. It shall be unlawful for any person or operator to park outside of the designated line spaces or otherwise than is designated by signs or to use the area unreasonably and contrary to the intent of this local law, including the disposal of litter. SECTION 6. It shall also be unlawful for any person or operator to park any vehicle within any of the public areas beyond 12 midnight of one day until 6:00 a.m. of the following weekday, except that this provision shall not apply to County or State employees on duty. 381 Tompkins County Proceedings SECTION 7. The Commissioner of Public Works or his designee shall post a notice of illegal parking to the person or operator unlawfully parking a vehicle in the area contrary to the provisions of this local law. A copy of such notice of illegal parking shall be delivered to the Personnel Office. SECTION 8. Whenever any vehicle shall be found parked in violation of this local law, the Commissioner of Public Works, his designee or appropriate police agency shall place a written notice to the owner on such vehicle that such vehicle has been parked in violation of the provisions of this local law, and shall thereby summon such owner to appear at the Ithaca City Court to answer for such violation in accordance with this law. Jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon such court to hear, try, and determine all questions of law and/or fact arising under this local law, and to impose the fine or punishment hereinafter provided. Such summons may permit the owner, as he may elect, to plead guilty to the offense indicated thereon, signing his true and correct name thereto at such election, and to authorize his appearance in said court at the time prescribed to be noted, and to pay a fine as designated. When a vehicle is found to be parked in violation of this local law, such vehicle may be removed and conveyed by means of towing the same or otherwise to some suitable place of storage. Before the owner or person in charge of that vehicle shall be permitted to retrieve the vehicle, he/she must furnish evidence of his/her identity and ownership or right to possession, pay the proper charges and sign a receipt for such vehicle. SECTION 9. Violation of this local law is hereby made a traffic infraction and, upon a first conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of ten dollars ($10.00); upon conviction of a second violation within a period of eighteen months, shall be punishable by a fine of fifteen dollars ($15.00); and upon a conviction of a third violation within eighteen months, shall be punishable by a fine of thirty dollars ($30.00). Failure to appear or answer on the return date set forth in said summons shall result in a certification of same by said City Court to the New York State Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. SECTION 10. All fines assessed by the City Court shall become the property of the City of Ithaca. SECTION 11. If any section, part of a section, sentence, clause or phrase of this local law is held to be invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining provisions thereof shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect. SECTION 12. This local law shall take effect on the date it is filed with the Secretary of State. Local Law No. 4 of 1989 A LOCAL LAW OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS KNOWN AS THE "TOMPKINS COUNTY HOTEL ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX LAW" (AMENDED BY LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1991) Be it enacted by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins as follows: SECTION 1. TITLE: This local law shall be known as the "Tompkins County Hotel Room Occupancy Tax Law". SECTION 2. INTENT: 382 Tompkins County Proceedings The intent of this local law shall be to enhance the general economy of Tompkins County, its cities, towns, and villages through promotion of tourist activities, conventions, trade shows, special events and other directly related and supporting activities. SECTION 3. TEXT: 1. Definitions 2. Imposition of Tax 3. Transitional Provisions 4. Exempt Organizations 5. Territorial Limitations 6. Registration 7. Administration and Collection 8. Records to be Kept 9. Returns 10. Payment of Tax 11. Determination of Tax 12. Disposition of Revenues 13. Refunds 14. Remedies Exclusive 15. Proceedings to Recover Tax 16. General Power of County Administrator 17. Administration of Oaths 18. Reference of Tax 19. Penalties and Interest 20. Returns to be Secret 21. Notices and Limitations of Time 22. Separability 1. Definitions: a. Person. An individual, partnership, society, association, joint stock company, corporation, estate, receiver, trustee, assignee, referee and any other person acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity, whether appointed by a court or otherwise, and any combination of the foregoing. b. Operator. Any person operating a hotel in Tompkins County, including but not limited to the owner or proprietor of such premises, lessee, sublessee, mortgagee in possession, licensee, or any other person otherwise operating such hotel. c. Hotel. A building or portion thereof which is regularly used and kept open as such for the lodging of guests. The term "hotel" includes an apartment hotel, a motel, guest house, or facility known as a "bed and breakfast" tourist facility, whether or not meals are served. d. Occupancy. The use or possession, or the right to the use or possession of any room in a hotel. e. Occupant. A person who, for a consideration, uses, possesses, or has the right to use or possess any room in a hotel under any lease, concession, permit, right of access, license to use or other agreement, or otherwise. f. Permanent Resident. Any occupant of any room or rooms in a hotel for at least thirty (30) consecutive days shall be considered a permanent resident with regard to the period of such occupancy. 383 Tompkins County Proceedings g. Rent. The consideration received for occupancy valued in money, whether received in money or otherwise. h. Room. Any room or rooms of any kind in any part or portion of a hotel, which is available for or let out for any purpose other than a place of assembly. i. Return. Any return filed or required to be filed as herein provided. j. County Administrator. The budget officer for the County of Tompkins. 2. Imposition of Tax: On or after the fifth day of September 1989, there is hereby imposed and there shall be paid a tax of three percent of the rent for every occupancy of a room or rooms in a hotel in this County except that the tax shall not be imposed upon a permanent resident of the hotel, nor where the rent is not more than at the rate of four dollars per day, nor where there are fewer than four rooms available to the public. 3. Transition Provisions: The tax imposed by this local law shall be paid upon any occupancy on and after the fifth day of September 1989, although such occupancy is pursuant to a prior contract, lease, or other arrangement. Where rent is paid or payable on a weekly, monthly, or other term, the rent shall be subject to the tax imposed by this local law to the extent that it covers any period on or after the fifth day of September 1989. 4. Exempt Organizations: a. This local law shall not authorize the imposition of such tax upon any transactions by or with any of the following in accordance with Section 1230 of the Tax Law: (1) the State of New York or any of its agencies, instrumentalities, public corporations (including a public corporation created pursuant to agreement or compact with another state or Canada), improvement districts or political subdivisions of the State; (2) the United States of America or any of its agencies and instrumentalities; insofar as it is immune from taxation; and (3)any corporation, association, trust, community chest, fund, or foundation organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, and no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual and no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation; provided, however, that nothing in this subdivision shall include an organization operated for the primary purpose of carrying on a trade or business for profit, whether or not all of its profits are payable to one or more organizations described in this subdivision. b. The hotel operator shall submit such written proof as may be required to show that the use or occupancy falls within the aforedescribed exempt categories. In the absence of such documentation, the tax must be collected by the operator. 5. Territorial Limitations: The tax imposed by this local law shall apply only to occupancies within the territorial limits of the County of Tompkins. 6. Registration: Within three days after commencing hotel business in Tompkins County, every operator shall file with the County Administrator's Office a certificate of registration in a form prescribed by the County Administrator. Within five days after such registration, the County Administrator shall 384 Tompkins County Proceedings issue without charge to each operator a certificate of authority empowering such operator to collect the tax from the occupant and duplicate thereof for each additional hotel of such operator. Each certificate or duplicate shall state the hotel to which it is applicable. Such certificates of authority shall be prominently displayed by the operator in a manner that it may be seen and come to the notice of all occupants and persons seeking occupancy in the hotel to which it applies. Such certificates shall be non - assignable and non -transferable, and shall be surrendered immediately to the County Administrator upon the cessation of business at the hotel named or upon its sale or transfer. 7. Administration and Collection: a. The tax imposed by this local law shall be administered and collected by the Tompkins County Administrator, or other fiscal officers of the County as the Administrator may designate by such means and in such manner as are other taxes which are now administered and collected by such officers in accordance with the County Charter and Code, or as otherwise provided by this local law. b. The tax to be collected shall be stated and charged separately from the rent and shown separately on any record thereof at the time when the occupancy is arranged or contracted or contracted and charged for, and upon every evidence of occupancy or any bill, statement, or charge made for said occupancy issued or delivered by the operator. The tax shall be paid by the occupant to the operator as trustee for and on account of the County, and the operator shall be liable for the tax and collection of the same. The operator and any officer of any corporate operator shall be personally liable for the tax collected or required to be collected under this local law. The operator shall have the same right in respect to collecting the tax from the occupant, or in respect to non-payment of the tax by the occupant, as if the tax were a part of the rent for the occupancy payable at the time such tax shall become due and owing, including all rights of eviction, dispossession, repossession and enforcement of any innkeeper's lien that the innkeeper may have in the event of non-payment of rent by the occupant; provided, however, that the County Administrator or other designated fiscal officer(s), employees or agents shall be jointed as a party in any action or proceeding brought by the operator to collect or enforce collection of the tax. c. The County Administrator may, wherever deemed necessary for the proper enforcement of this local law, provide by regulation that the occupant shall file returns and pay directly to the County Administrator the tax herein imposed, at such times as returns are required to be filed and payment made by the operator. d. The tax imposed by this local law shall be paid upon any occupancy on or after September 5, 1989, although such occupancy is had pursuant to a contract, lease, or other arrangement made prior to such date. Where rent is paid, charged, billed, or falls due on either a weekly, monthly, or other term basis, the rent so paid, charged, billed, or falling due shall be subject to the tax herein imposed to the extent that it covers any portion of the period on and after September 5, 1989. Where any tax has been paid hereunder upon any rent which has been ascertained to be worthless, the County Administrator may, by regulation, provide for the credit and/or refund of the amount of such tax upon application therefore as provided in Section 13 of this local law. e. For the purpose of the proper administration of this local law, and to prevent evasion of the tax hereby imposed, it shall be presumed that all rents are subject to tax until the contrary is established. The burden of proving that a rent for occupancy is not taxable hereunder shall be upon the operator, except that, where by regulation pursuant to subdivision 7 (c) of this section, an occupant is required to file returns and pay directly to the County Administrator the tax herein imposed, the burden of proving that a rent for occupancy is not taxable shall be upon the occupant. Where an occupant claims exemption from the tax under the provisions of subdivision 4 of this section, the rent shall be deemed taxable hereunder unless the operator shall receive from the occupant claiming such exemption a certificate duly executed by an exempt corporation or association certifying that the occupant is its agent, 385 Tompkins County Proceedings representative, or employee, together with a certificate executed by the occupant that the occupancy is paid or to be paid by such exempt corporation or association, and is necessary or required in the course of or in connection with the occupant's duties as a representative of such corporation or association. Where deemed necessary by the operator, the operator may further require that any occupant claiming exemption from the tax furnish a coy of a certificate issued by the County Administrator certifying that the corporation or association therein named is exempt from tax under subdivision 4 of this section. 8. Records to be kept: Every operator shall keep records of every occupancy, of all rent paid, charged, or due, and of the tax payable thereon, in such form as the County Administrator may require by regulation. Such records shall be available for inspection and examination at any time upon demand by the County Administrator or his duly authorized employee or agent, and shall be preserved for a period of three years, except that the County Administrator may consent to their destruction within that period or may require that they be kept longer. 9. Returns: a. Every operator shall file with the County Administrator a return of occupancy, of rents, and of taxes payable thereon for the periods ending February 28, May 31, August 31, and November 30 of each year, on and after September 5, 1989. Such returns shall be filed within 20 days from the expiration of the period covered thereby. The County Administrator may permit or require returns to be made by other periods and upon such dates as may be specified. If the County Administrator deems it necessary in order to ensure the payment of the tax imposed by this local law, returns may be required for shorter periods than those prescribed pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this section and upon such dates as may be specified. b. The form of returns shall be prescribed by the County Administrator and shall contain such information as may be deemed necessary for the proper administration of this local law. The County Administrator may require amended returns to be filed within 20 days after notice and to contain the information specified in the notice. c. If a return required by this local law is not filed, or a return when filed is incorrect or insufficient on its face, the County Administrator shall take the necessary steps to enforce the filing of such a return or of a corrected return. 10. Payment of Tax: At the time of filing a return of occupancy and of rents, each operator shall pay to the County Administrator the taxes imposed by this local law upon the rents required to be included in such return, as well as all other monies collected by the operator acting or purporting to act under the provisions of this local law. Where the County Administrator deems it necessary to protect revenues to be obtained under this local law, any operator required to collect the tax imposed by this local law may be required to file a bond, issued by a surety company authorized to transact business in this state and approved by the superintendent of insurance of this state as to solvency and responsibility, in such amount as the County Administrator may fix to secure the payment of any tax and/or penalties and interest due or which may become due from such operator. In the event that the County Administrator determines that an operator is to file such a bond, notice to the operator shall be given to that effect, specifying the amount of the bond required. The operator shall file the bond within five days after the giving of notice unless within those five days the operator requests in writing a hearing before the County Administrator, at which the necessity, propriety, and amount of the bond shall be determined by the County Administrator. This determination shall be final and shall be complied with within 15 days after the giving of notice thereof. In lieu of a bond, securities approved by the County Administrator or cash in the amount prescribed may be deposited into the custody of the County Administrator, who may at any time, without notice to the depository, apply them to any tax and/or 386 Tompkins County Proceedings interest or penalties due, and for that purpose the securities may be sold at public or private sale without notice to the depositor thereof. 11. Determination of Tax: If a return required by this law is not filed, or if a return when filed is incorrect or insufficient, the amount of tax due shall be determined by the County Administrator from obtainable information. If necessary, the tax may be estimated on the basis of external indices, such as number of rooms, location, scale of rents, comparable rents, type of accommodations and service, number of employees and/or other factors. Notice of such determination shall be given to the person liable for the collection and/or payment of the tax. Such determination shall finally and irrevocably fix the tax unless the person against whom it is assessed, within 30 days after giving notice of such determination, applies to the County Administrator for a hearing, or unless the County Administrator redetermines the same. After such a hearing, the County Administrator shall give notice of the determination to the person against whom the tax is assessed. The determination of the County Administrator shall be reviewable for error, illegality, unconstitutionality, or any other reason whatsoever by proceeding under Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules if application thereof is made to the Supreme Court within 30 days after the filing of the notice of such determination. A proceeding under Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules shall not be instituted unless the amount of any tax sought to be reviewed with penalties and interest thereon, if any, is first deposited with the County Administrator and an undertaking is filed with the County Administrator, issued by a surety company authorized to transact business in this state, approved by the superintendent of insurance of this state as to the solvency and responsibility, in an amount approved by a Supreme Court Justice, to the effect that if the proceeding is dismissed or the tax confirmed, the petitioner will pay all charges and costs which may accrue in the prosecution of the proceeding, or, at the option of the applicant, such undertaking filed with the County Administrator may be in a sum sufficient to cover the taxes, penalties, and interest thereon stated in such determination plus the costs and charges which may accrue against it in the prosecution of the proceeding. In that event, the applicant will not be required to deposit such taxes, penalties, and interest as a condition precedent to the application. 12. Disposition of Revenues: All revenues resulting from the imposition of the tax under this local law shall be paid into the treasury of the County, credited to and deposited in(to) the General Fund of the County, thereafter to be allocated for tourism and convention development; except however, that the County is hereby authorized to retain up to a maximum of ten percent (10%) of such revenue to defer the necessary expenses of the County in administering the tax. The revenue derived from the tax, after deducting the amount provided for administering such tax, as so authorized by this local law, shall be allocated to enhance the general economy of Tompkins County, its cities, towns and villages, through promotion of tourist activities, conventions, trade shows, special events and other directly related and supporting activities. 13. Refund, Revision or Credits: a. In the manner provided in this section, the County Administrator shall refund or credit, without interest, any tax, penalty, or interest erroneously, illegally or unconstitutionally collected or paid if application to the County Administrator for such refund is made within one year from the payment thereof. Whenever a refund is made by the County Administrator, the reason therefor shall be stated in writing. Such application may be made by the occupant, operator, or other persons who has actually paid the tax. Such application may also be made by an operator who has collected and paid over such tax to the County Administrator, provided that the application is made within one year of the payment by the occupant to the operator. However, no actual refund of monies shall be made to such operator until it is first established to the satisfaction of the County Administrator under such regulations as the County Administrator by authority of the Board of Representatives may prescribe, that the operator has repaid to the occupant the amount for which the application for refund is made. In lieu of any refund required to be made, the County Administrator may allow credit therefor on payments due from the applicant. 387 Tompkins County Proceedings b. An application for a refund or credit made as herein provided shall be deemed an application for a revision of any tax, penalty, or interest complained of, and the County Administrator may receive evidence with respect thereto. After making determination, the County Administrator shall give notice thereof to the applicant, who shall be entitled to review said determination by a proceeding pursuant to Article 78 of the C.P.L.R., providing the proceeding is instituted within 30 days after the giving of the notice of determination and provided a final determination of tax due was not previously made. Such a proceeding shall not be instituted unless an undertaking is field with the County Administrator in an amount and with sureties approved by a Justice of the Supreme Court to the effect that if such proceedings are dismissed or the tax confirmed, the petitioner will pay all costs and charges that may accrue in the prosecution of said proceeding. c. A person shall not be entitled under this section to a revision, refund, or credit of a tax, interest, or penalty that had been determined to be due pursuant to the provisions of Section 13 of this local law where said person has had a hearing or an opportunity for a hearing as provided in this section, or who has failed to avail himself of the remedies provided therein. No refund or credit of a tax, interest, or penalty paid after a determination by the County Administrator pursuant to Section 11 of this local law shall be paid unless it is found that the determination was erroneous, illegal, unconstitutional, or otherwise improper by the County Administrator after a hearing or of his own motion, or in a proceeding under Article 78 of the C.P.L.R. pursuant to the provisions of said section. In that event, refund or credit without interest shall be made of the tax, interest, or penalty found to have been overpaid. 14. Remedies Exclusive: The remedies provided by Sections 11 and 13 of this local law shall be exclusive remedies available to any person for the review of tax liability imposed by this local law. No determination, proposed determination of tax nor determination on any application for refund shall be enjoined or reviewed except as hereinafter provided, by an action for declaratory judgment, an action for money had and received, or by any action or proceeding other than a proceeding in the nature of a certiorari proceeding under Article 78 of the C.P.L.R. A taxpayer may, however, proceed by a declaratory judgment if he/she institutes suit within 30 days after a deficiency assessment is made and pays the amount of the deficiency assessment to the County Administrator prior to the institution of such suit and posts a bond for costs as provided in Section 11 of this local law. 15. Proceedings to Recover Tax: a. Whenever any operator, any officer of a corporate operator, any occupant, or other person fails to collect and pay over any tax and/or penalty or interest as imposed by this local law, the County Attorney shall, at the request of the County Administrator, bring or cause to be brought an action to enforce the payment of same on behalf of the County in any court of the State of New York or of any other state or of the United States. If, however, the County Administrator believes that any such operator, officer, occupant, or other person is about to cease business, leave the state, or remove or dissipate the assets out of which the tax or penalties might be satisfied, and that any such tax or penalty will not be paid when due, such tax or penalty may be declared to be immediately due and payable, and the County Administrator may issue a warrant immediately. b. As an additional or alternate remedy, the County Administrator may issue a warrant, directed to the Sheriff, commanding the Sheriff to levy upon and sell the real and personal property of the operator, officer of a corporate operator, or other person liable for the tax, which may be found within the County for the payment of the amount thereof, with any penalties and interest, and the cost of executing the warrant, and to return such warrant to the County Administrator and to pay to the County Administrator the money collected by virtue thereof within 60 days after the receipt of said warrant. Within five days after the receipt of the warrant, the Sheriff shall file a copy of same with the County Clerk. Thereupon the Clerk shall enter in the judgment docket the name of the person stated in the warrant, the amount of the tax, penalties, and interest for which the warrant is issued, and the date when such copy is filed. Thereupon the amount of such warrant so docketed shall become a lien upon the 388 Tompkins County Proceedings interest in real and personal property of the person against whom the warrant is issued. The Sheriff shall then proceed upon the warrant in the same manner and with like effect as that provided by law in respect to executions issued against property upon judgments of the court of record. For services in executing the warrant, the Sheriff shall be entitled to the same fees, which may be collected in the same manner. In the discretion of the County Administrator, a warrant of like terms, force, and effect may be issued and directed to any officer or employee of the County Administrator. In the execution thereof, such officer or employee shall have all the powers conferred by law upon sheriffs, but shall be entitled to no fee or compensation in excess of the actual expenses paid in the performance of such duty. If a warrant is returned not fully satisfied, the County Administrator may, from time to time, issue new warrants and shall also have the same remedies to enforce the amount due thereunder as if the County has recovered judgment therefor and execution thereon has been returned unsatisfied. c. Whenever an operator makes a sale, transfer, or assignment of any part or the whole of the hotel or lease, license, or other agreement or right to possess or operate such hotel or the equipment, furnishings, fixtures, supplies, or stock of merchandise, or the said premises or lease, license or other agreement or right to possess or operate such hotel and equipment, furnishings, fixtures, supplies and stock of merchandising pertaining to the conduct or operation of said hotel, other than in the ordinary and regular prosecution of business, the purchaser, transferee or assignee shall, at least ten days before taking possession of the subject of said sale, transfer or assignment, or before making payment, notify the County Administrator by registered mail of the proposed sale and the price, terms, and conditions thereof whether or not the seller, transferor or assignor has represented to or informed the purchaser, transferee, or assignee that it owes any tax pursuant to this local law, whether or not the purchaser, transferee, or assignee has knowledge that such taxes are owing, and whether any such taxes are in fact owing. d. Whenever the seller, transferor, or assignor fails to give notice to the County Administrator as required above, or whenever the County Administrator informs the purchaser, transferee, or assignee that a possible claim for such tax(es) exists, any sums of money, property, choses in action, or other consideration which the purchaser, transferee or assignee is required to transfer over to the seller, transferor, or assignor shall be subject to a first priority right and lien for any such taxes theretofore or thereafter determined to be due from the seller, transferor, or assignor to the County. The purchaser, transferee, or assignee is then forbidden to transfer to the seller, transferor, or assignor any such sums of money, property, or choses in action to the extent of the amount of the County's claim. For failure to comply with the provisions of this subdivision, the purchaser, transferee, or assignee, in addition to being subject to the liabilities and remedies imposed under the provisions of Article 6 of the Uniform Commercial Code, shall, as well as the seller, transferor, or assignor, be personally liable for the payment to the County of any such taxes theretofore and thereafter determined to be due to the County from the seller, transferor, or assignor. Such liability may be assessed and enforced in the same manner as the liability for tax under this local law. 16. General Powers of the County Administrator: a. In addition to the powers granted in this local law, the County Administrator is hereby authorized and empowered to: (1) extend for cause shown, the time of filing any return for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days; and for cause shown, to remit penalties but not interest; and to compromise disputed claims in connection with the taxes hereby imposed; (2) request information from the Tax Commission of the State of New York or the Treasury Department of the United States relative to any person; and to afford information to such Tax Commission or Treasury Department relative to any person, notwithstanding any other provision of this local law; 389 Tompkins County Proceedings (3) delegate functions hereunder to a Deputy County Administrator or any employee(s) of County Administration; (4) prescribe methods for confirming the rents for occupancy and to confirm the accuracy of information on the taxable and non-taxable rents; (5) require any operator with the County, if it is determined that adequate records are not being maintained, to keep detailed records of the nature and type of hotel maintained; nature and type of service rendered; number of rooms available and occupied; daily leases, occupancy contracts or arrangements; rents received, charged, and accrued; the names and addresses of the occupants; whether or not any occupancy is claimed to be subject to the tax imposed by this local law; and to furnish such information at the request of the County Administrator; (6) impose as a penalty upon any operator within the County any necessary costs of auditing services generated by discrepancies discovered upon audit, in the records of the operator; and (7) make, adopt, and amend such other rules and regulations appropriate to the carrying out of this local law and the purposes thereof as may be approved by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives. 17. Administration of Oaths and Compelling Testimony: a. The County Administrator or employee(s) or agent(s) duly designated and authorized shall have the power to administer oaths and take affidavits in relation to any matter or proceeding in the exercise of their powers and duties under this local law. The County Administrator shall have the power to subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers and documents to secure information pertinent to the performance of the duties hereunder in the enforcement of this local law, and to examine them in relation thereto. The County Administrator shall also have the power to issue commissions for the examination of witnesses who are out of the state, unable to attend, or who are excused from attendance. b. A Supreme Court Justice, either in court or in chambers, shall have the power to summarily enforce by proper proceedings the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production and examination of books, papers, and documents called for by the subpoena of the County Administrator under this local law. c. Any subpoenaed person who refuses to testify or produce books or records, or who testifies falsely in any material matter pending before the County Administrator under this local law shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishment for which shall be a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both fine and imprisonment. d. The officers who serve the summons or subpoena of the County Administrator and witnesses attending in response thereto shall be entitled to the same fees as are allowed to officers and witnesses in civil cases in courts of record, except as herein provided otherwise. Such officers shall be the County Sheriff and duly appointed deputies, or any officers or employees of the County Administrator's office designated to serve such process. 18. Reference to Tax: Whenever reference is made to this tax in placards or advertisements or in any other publications, such reference shall be substantially in the following form: "Tax on occupancy of hotel rooms" or "occupancy tax," except that in any bill, receipt, statement, or other evidence of 390 Tompkins County Proceedings memorandum of occupancy or rent charge issued or employed by the operator, the word "tax" will suffice. 19. Penalties and Interest: a. Any person failing to file a return or to pay over any tax to the County Administrator within the time required by this local law shall be subject to a penalty of ten percent (10%) of the amount of tax due, plus interest at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) of such tax for each month of delay, except the first month after such return was required to be filed or such tax became due. Such penalties and interest shall be paid and disposed of in the same manner as other revenues from this local law. b. The following persons shall, in addition to the penalties herein or elsewhere prescribed, be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishment for which shall be a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both: (1) any operator, occupant, or any officer of a corporate operator or occupant failing to file a return required by this local law, or filing or causing to be filed, making or causing to be made, giving or causing to be given any return, certificate, affidavit, representation, information, testimony or statement authorized or required by this local law, which is willfully false; (2) any operator or officer of a corporate operator willfully failing to file a bond required to be filed pursuant to Section 11 of this local law, failing to file a registration certificate and such data in connection therewith as the County Administrator may require, failing to display or surrender the certificate of authority as required by this local law, or assigning or transferring such certificate of authority; (3) any operator or officer of a corporate operator willfully failing to charge separately from the rent the tax herein imposed, willfully failing to state such tax separately on any evidence or occupancy and on any bill, statement, or receipt of rent issued or employed by the operator, or willfully failing or refusing to collect such tax from the occupant; (4) any operator or officer of a corporate operator who refers or causes reference to be made to this tax in a form or manner other than that required by this local law; and (5) any operator failing to keep records required by subdivision 8 and Section 3 of this local law. c. Any operator or officer of a corporate operator who fails to file a certificate of registration as provided under this local law shall be subject to a penalty of $50 for each month of delinquency in filing such certificate. Officers of a corporate operator shall be personally liable for the tax collected or required to be collected by such corporation under this local law, and subject to the penalties hereinabove imposed. d. The certificate of the County Administrator to the effect that a tax has not been paid, that a return, bond, or registration certificate has not been filed, or that information has not been supplied pursuant to the provisions of this local law, shall be presumptive evidence thereof. 20. Returns to be Secret: 391 Tompkins County Proceedings a. Except in accordance with the proper judicial order, or as otherwise provided by law, it shall be unlawful for the County Administrator or any officer or employee of the County Administrator's office to disclose in any manner the rents or other information relating to the business of a taxpayer contained in any return required under this local law, except to such persons and at such times as necessary to carry out this local law. The officers charged with the custody of such returns shall not be required to produce any of them or evidence of anything contained in them in any action or proceeding in any court, except on behalf of the County Administrator in an action or proceeding under the provisions of this local law, or on behalf of any party to any action or proceeding under the provisions of this local law when the returns or facts shown thereby are directly involved in such action or proceeding. In any of these events, the Court may require the production of and may admit into evidence as much of said returns or the facts shown thereby as are pertinent to the action or proceeding, and no more. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the delivery to the taxpayer or his/her duly authorized representative of a certified copy of any return filed in connection with his/her tax nor to prohibit the publication of statistics classified so as to prevent the identification of particular returns and the items thereof. In addition nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the inspection by the County Attorney or other legal representatives of the County of the return of the taxpayer who shall bring action to set aside or review the tax based thereon, or against whom an action or proceeding has been instituted for the collection of tax or penalty. Returns shall be preserved for three years and thereafter until the County Administrator permits them to be destroyed. b. Any violation of subdivision a. of this section shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the Court. If the offender is an officer or employee of the County, (s)he shall be subject to dismissal from office. 21. Notices and Limitations of Time: a. Any notice authorized or required under the provisions of this local law may be given by mailing the same to the person for whom it is intended in a postpaid envelope addressed to such person at the address given in the last return filed by him pursuant to the provisions of this local law, or in any application made by him. If no return has been filed nor application made, then notice may be given by mailing same to such address as may be obtainable. Mailing of such notice shall be presumptive evidence of the receipt of same by the person to whom it is addressed. Any period of time which is determined according to the provisions of this local law by the giving of notice shall commence to run from the date of mailing of such notice. b. The provisions of the Civil Practice Law and Rules or any other law relative to limitations of time for the enforcement of a civil remedy shall not apply to any action or proceeding taken by the County to levy, appraise, assess, determine, or enforce the collection of any tax or penalty provided by this local law. However, except in the case of a willfully false or fraudulent return with the intent to evade the tax, no assessment of additional tax shall be made after the expiration of more than three years from the date of filing of a return; provided, however, that where no return has been filed as provided by law, the tax may be assessed and collected at any time. c. Where a taxpayer has consented in writing, before the expiration of the period prescribed herein for the assessment of an additional tax, that such period be extended, the amount of such additional tax due may be determined at any time within the extended period. The period so extended may be further extended by subsequent consents in writing made before the expiration of the extended period. 22. Separability: If any provision of this local law, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held to be invalid, the remainder of this local law and the application of its provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. 392 Tompkins County Proceedings SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE: This local law shall take effect upon filing in the Office of the Secretary of State as provided by the Municipal Home Rule Law. 393 1990 TOWN BUDGETS FUND Tompkins County Proceedings Town of Caroline 1990 Budget Summary AMOUNT IMPLIED LESS LESS FUND TO BE TAX APPROP. ESTIMATED BALANCE & RAISED BY RATE/ ADOPTED REVENUES APPR RESER TAX $1,000 GENERAL FUND $272,193 $102,200 $0 $169,993 $3.94925 HIGHWAY FUND $424,957 $76,500 $0 $348,457 $8.09532 Caroline Lighting District $8,500 $275 $500 $7,725 $0.79602 Caroline Fire Prot. Dist. $27,000 $0 $0 $27,000 $2.71396 Brooktondale Fire Dist. $47,923 $0 $0 $47,923 $2.20586 Slaterville Fire Dist. $25,135 $0 $0 $25,135 $1.93473 Totals $805,708 $178,975 $500 $626,233 395 Tompkins County Proceedings Town of Danby 1990 Budget Summary APPROPRIATIONS LESS LESS AMOUNT TO AND PROVISIONS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BE RAISED FUND FOR OTHER USES REVENUES BALANCE BY TAX GENERAL $305,406 $102,715 $50,000 $152,691 HIGHWAY - TOWNWIDE $420,969 $75,711 $25,000 $320,258 SPECIAL DISTRICT WATER DISTRICT $26,155 $14,347 $5,250 $6,558 FIRE DISTRICT $138,892 $0 $0 $138,892 TOTALS $891,422 $192,773 $80,250 $618,399 TAX RATE INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE IN TOWN'S BUDGET 396 FUND GENERAL TOWNWIDE HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE TOTAL VILLAGES GENERAL OUTSIDE HIGHWAY OUTSIDE GENERAL OUTSIDE VILLAGES HIGHWAY OUTSIDE VILLAGES TOWN TOWN OUTSIDE TOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS DRYDEN FIRE MCLEAN FIRE VARNA LIGHTING ETNA LIGHTING MEADOW/LEISURE LIGHTING SAPSUCKER SEWER -UNITS ONLY VARNA SEWER -UNITS ONLY CORTLAND ROAD SEWER MONKEY RUN SEWER VARNA WATER SNYDER HILL WATER MONKEY RUN WATER SPECIAL DISTRICTS TOTAL Town of Dryden 1990 Budget Summary UNEXPENDED AMOUNT TO BE APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES BALANCE RAISED BY TAX TAX RATE $121,678.20 $122,178.95 $35,049.00 $7,840.00 $31,290.00 $0.00 $55,339.20 $114,338.95 $243,857.15 $42,889.00 $31,290.00 $169,678.15 $5.036 $747,451.80 $215,301.00 $192,210.00 $339,940.00 $725,821.05 $444,160.00 $0.00 $281,661.05 $172,500.00 $92,500.00 $80,000.00 $0.00 $720,000.00 $720,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,365,772.85 $1,471,961.00 $272,210.00 $621,601.05 $3.215 $2,609,630.00 $1,514,850.00 $303,500.00 $791,280.00 $357,250.00 $19,823.00 $3,700.00 $3,000.00 $1,500.00 $13,415.00 $51,630.00 $111,100.00 $90,583.93 $77,030.00 $13,210.00 $73,423.62 $1,500.00 $0.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $6,740.00 $23,000.00 $87,000.00 $2,500.00 $45,600.00 $1,950.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $355,750.00 $1.864 $0.00 $19,823.00 $2.973 $500.00 $3,100.00 $0.699 $1,000.00 $1,900.00 $0.513 $500.00 $950.00 $0.832 $0.00 $6,675.00. $98.162 $15,000.00 $13,630.00 $37.652 $0.00 $31,000.00 $0.055 $0.00 $0.00 $28,196.00 $5,900.00 $1,260.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $742,241.93 $168,540.00 $46,456.00 $414,604.50 TOTAL FOR TOWN $3,351,871.93 $1,683,390.00 $349,956.00 $1,163,279.50 s'uzpaaaoJd (C1unoD supiduroJ FUND GENERAL HIGHWAY - TOWNWIDE FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING DEBT SERVICE FUND SUBTOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS FIRE COMPANY TOTALS Tompkins County Proceedings Town of Enfield 1990 Budget Summary APPROPRIATIONS LESS AND PROVISIONS ESTIMATED FOR OTHER USES REVENUES $220,954.00 $82,098.00 $377,915.00 $49,759.00 $0.00 $0.00 $29,678.00 $0.00 LESS UNEXPENDED BALANCE $50,000.00 $90,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX $88,856.00 $238,216.00 $0.00 $29,678.00 $628,547.00 $131,857.00 $140,000.00 $356,750.00 $129,330.00 $0.00 $0.00 $129,330.00 $757,877.00 $131,857.00 $140,000.00 $486,080.00 TAX RATE INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE IN TOWN'S BUDGET 398 A B DA DB FUND GENERAL GENERAL OUTSIDE VILLAGE HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE HIGHWAY OUTSIDE VILLAGE SPECIAL DISTRICTS GROTON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT MCLEAN FIRE DISTRICT MCLEAN LIGHT DISTRICT PERUVILLE LIGHT DISTRICT TOTALS Tompkins County Proceedings Town of Groton 1990 Budget Summary APPROPRIATIONS LESS LESS AMOUNT TO AND PROVISIONS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BE RAISED FOR OTHER USES REVENUES BALANCES BY TAX $358,210.00 $72,500.00 $45,000.00 $240,710.00 $108,400.00 $7,600.00 $35,000.00 $65,800.00 $411,500.00 $71,000.00 $160,000.00 $180,500.00 $186,000.00 $75,948.00 $25,000.00 $85,052.00 $50,000.00 $40,476.00 $3,000.00 $1,750.00 $50,000.00 $40,476.00 $3,000.00 $1,750.00 $1,159,336.00 $227,048.00 $265,000.00 $667,288.00 TAX RATE INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE IN TOWN'S BUDGET 399 Town of Ithaca 1990 Budget Summary APPRO. FUND UNEXPENDED AMOUNT TO BALANCE AND BALANCE AND BE RAISED TAX APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES REVENUES BY TAXES RATE GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE (INCLUDES VILLAGE & PART TOWN) $929,287.00 $757,070.00 $172,217.00 2.013 HIGHWAY FUND AND GENERAL FUND OUTSIDE VILLAGE (PART TOWN AREA ONLY) $1,523,850.00 $1,523,850.00 $0.00 0.000 FIRE PROTECTION FUND $919,664.00 $0.00 $9,000.00 $910,664.00 4.324 FOREST HOME LIGHTING $1,910.00 $60.00 $1,850.00 0.313 GLENSIDE LIGHTING $800.00 $50.00 $750.00 0.662 RENWICK HGTS LIGHTING $980.00 $30.00 $950.00 0.323 EASTWOOD COMMONS LIGHTING $2,280.00 $80.00 $2,200.00 0.568 o CLOVER LANE LIGHTING $270.00 $10.00 $260.00 0.433 c) WINNERS CIRCLE LIGHTING $310.00 $10.00 $300.00 1.818 TOTAL $3,379,351.00 $2,281,160.00 $9,000.00 $1,089,191.00 s'uzpadoodd (CIunoD suRdwoJ FUND GENERAL - TOWNWIDE GENERAL - OUTSIDE VILLAGE HIGHWAY - TOWNWIDE HIGHWAY - OUTSIDE VILLAGE DEBT SERVICE FUND TOTALS SPECIAL DISTRICTS LANSING FIRE DISTRICT LANSING WATER DISTRICTS MC KINNEY'S WATER #3 LANSING LIGHTING DISTRICT TOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS GRAND TOTALS Town of Lansing 1990 Budget Summary APPROPRIATIONS $675,510 $64,035 $527,570 $280,950 $152,746 LESS ESTIMATED REVENUES $372,995 $58,110 $139,233 $91,166 $142,485 LESS UNEXPENDED BALANCE $125,000 $5,925 $70,000 $25,000 $100 TAX AMOUNT TO BE RATE/ RAISED BY TAX $1000 $177,514 0.6173 $0 $318,337 1.1069 $164,784 0.8928 $10,161 0.0353 $1,700,811 $803,989 $226,025 $670,796 $526,706 $235,448 $5,186 $1,300 $768,640 $45,000 $183,943 $3,550 $0 $232,493 $0 $51,050 $600 $0 $52,105 $549,373 $0 $1,036 $1,300 $551,709 $2,469,451 $1,036,482 $278,130 $1,222,506 s2uzpaaaodd (C,7unoD supiduroJ Tompkins County Proceedings Town of Newfield 1990 Budget Summary APPROPRIATIONS LESS LESS AMOUNT TO AND PROVISIONS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BE RAISED BY FUND FOR OTHER USES REVENUES BALANCE TAX GENERAL $363,742 $159,129 $88,000 $116,613 HIGHWAY- TOWNWIDE $638,045 $106,928 $120,000 $411,117 SPECIAL DISTRICTS FIRE $111,000 $0 $0 $111,000 LIGHT $10,000 $0 $0 $10,000 WATER $107,477 $15,280 $71,697 $20,500 SEWER $46,847 $11,980 $247 $34,620 TOTALS $1,277,111 $293,317 $279,944 $703,850 TAX RATE INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE IN TOWN'S BUDGET 402 FUND GENERAL GENERAL - OUTSIDE VILLAGE HIGHWAY HIGHWAY - OUTSIDE VILLAGE FIRE PROTECTION WATER TOTALS Town of Ulysses 1990 Budget Summary APPROPRIATION ADOPTED $248,297 $38,424 $230,370 $140,552 $87,258 $2,262 LESS ESTIMATED REVENUES $124,305 $19,125 $60,000 $50,125 $0 $2,282 LESS UNEXPENDED BALANCE $25,000 $10,000 $35,000 $8,000 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX $98,992 $9,299 $135,370 $82,427 $87,258 -$20 $747,163.00 $255,837.00 $78,000.00 $413,326.00 IMPLIED TAX RATE/ $1000 0.20936 0.15560 1.65378 1.37923 1.24930 0.00000 Tompkins County Proceedings APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT PUBLIC SAFETY TRANSPORTATION CULTURE & RECREATION HOME & COMMUNITY SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEBT SERVICE INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED REVENUES REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS NON -PROPERTY TAX ITEMS DEPARTMENTAL INCOME USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY LICENSES & PERMITS FINES & FORFEITURES SALE OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS MISCELLANEOUS INTERFUND REVENUES INTERFUND TRANSFERS STATE AID TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES APPROPRIATED CASH SURPLUS TOTAL REVENUES BALANCE OF APPROPRIATIONS TO BE RAISED BY REAL PROPERTY TAXES: City of Ithaca 1990 Budget Summary TOTAL $3,749,148 $6,671,256 $3,196,341 $2,450,878 $5,858,081 $3,941,390 $2,098,103 $389,500 $28,354,697 GENERAL FUND $3,002,848 $6,671,256 $3,196,341 $2,450,878 $1,384,354 $3,496,037 $1,679,489 $186,500 $22,067,703 WATER FUND $87,800 SEWER JOINT ACTIVITY FUND FUND $58,500 $1,329,579 $1,879,481 $166,427 $144,467 $130,691 $287,923 $59,467 $43,533 $1,773,964 $2,413,904 $600,000 $1,264,667 $134,459 $100,000 $2,099,126 $211,573 $5,398,056 $9,342,441 $348,800 $154,850 $657,200 $285,500 $206,000 $509,196 $0 $3,539,588 $20,653,204 $1,622,098 $22,275,302 $211,573 $5,398,056 $4,066,255 $238,800 $154,850 $657,200 $284,000 $206,000 $509,196 $0 $3,439,588 $15,165,518 $822,790 $15,988,308 $1,525,302 $50,000 $1,000 $1,576,302 $197,662 $1,773,964 $2,071,758 $40,000 $500 $2,112,258 $301,646 $2,413,904 $1,679,126 $20,000 $100,000 $1,799,126 $300,000 $2,099,126 ASSESSED PROPERTY VALUE $319,968,156 1990 TAX RATE 19.00 TAX LEVY $6,079,395 Tompkins County Proceedings Primary Secondary 1989 Index - Journal of Proceedings Notes Date Action Page 4-H Acres Youth Fair Week 4-H Week in Tompkins County Administrative Manual Administrative Manual Administrative Manual Administrative Manual Administrative Manual Administrative Manual Administrative Manual Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Extension Service Policy Changes Policy Changes Policy Changes Policy Changes Policy Changes Policy Changes Ad Hoc Advisory Board on Public Trans. Advisory Board on Affordable Housing Advisory Board on Affordable Housing Advisory Board on Indigent Representation Advisory Board on Indigent Representation Advisory Board on Indigent Representation Advisory Board on Indigent Representation Advisory Board on Indigent Representation Advisory Board on Tourism Development Agricultural District Advisory Committee Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Assessment Review Board Board of Health Board of Health Board of Health Board of Representatives Retreat Capital Program Chamber of Commerce Charter and Code Citizens Advisory Committee Citizens Advisory Committee Comm. Mental Hlth, Mental Ret. & Alc. Serv. Bd. Nichols 02-08 (Processing JTPA Employees); 04-07 (Paychecks); 04-14 (Promotions) 06-07 Bidding Procedures 03-04 - Family Emergencies 03-01 - Personal/Disability Leave for Management/Confidential Employees Establishment of Establishment of Frost, Zinder, Pomada, Totman, Ross-Caveney, Olds, McPheeters, Bilderback, Curtis, Van Cort, Caldwell, Chemikoff, Other, Kammen, Whitcomb Proto and Dietrich Thomas Adoption of bylaws Cowley Ward, Solomon, Sullivan Establishment of, allocation of proceeds, contract w/Chamber Dedrick Blean Kiernan Perry Tyler Hill Winch, Dietrich, Heyman Winch, True, Proto, Dietrich, and Stein Mason and Proto Revision Commission Bonn Yengo, Earle Matusiewicz 27 Jun 1989 10 Oct 1989 7 Feb 1989 18 Apr 1989 16 May 1989 27 Jun 1989 11 Jul 1989 19 Sep 1989 24 Oct 1989 24 Oct 1989 10 Oct 1989 19 Dec 1989 17 Jan 1989 7 Feb 1989 7 Feb 1989 21 Mar 1989 19 Dec 1989 10 Oct 1989 21 Feb 1989 4 Apr 1989 19 Sep 1989 17 Jan 1989 21 Mar 1989 5 Dec 1989 19 Dec 1989 7 Feb 1989 17 Jan 1989 15 Aug 1989 11 Jul 1989 19 Dec 1989 6 Jun 1989 Proclamation Proclamation Chair's Appointment Resolution Withdraw from Agenda Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Appointment Chair's Appointment Appointment Resolution Appointment Appointment Resolution Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Chairs Appointment Chair's Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Page 1 of 26 125 213 35 89 101 133 150 194 238 229 220 352 15 34 32 78 350 215 53 80 210 28 78 328 350 34 15 177 157 352 124 Primary Secondary Notes Date Action Page Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Community Affirmative Action Community Affirmative Action Community Affirmative Action Community Affirmative Action Community Mental Health Services Board Criminal Justice Advisory/ATT Board Criminal Justice Advisory/ATI Board Criminal Justice Advisory/ATI Board Criminal Justice Advisory/ATI Board Deputy Sheriffs Assoc. Negotiating Comm. Economic Advisory Board Economic Advisory Board Economic Advisory Board Economic Advisory Board Economic Advisory Board Economic Opportunity Corporation Economic Opportunity Corporation Emergency Medical Services Committee Environmental Management Council Environmental Management Council Environmental Management Council Environmental Management Council Environmental Management Council Family Court Advisory Council Family Court Advisory Council Forger Lakes Association Fire and Disaster Advisory Board Fire, Disaster, and EMS Fire, Disaster, and EMS Fire, Disaster, and EMS Fire, Disaster, and EMS Fish and Wildlife Management Board Fish and Wildlife Management Board Greater Ithaca Activities Board Nichols Bard Granger Bard, Kira Brous, Kirkwood, Stein, Bergman, Rothenberg Lerner and Stevens Bames Van Allen Howard, Wall, Beach, Wallenbeck Hurlbut, Watros, Culligan, Heyman, Howard, Fitzpatrick Burdge, Demo, Corey, and Fitzgerald Ellis Post Reniff Wall Roe Owens, Watros, and Hurlbut Mason Prentiss, Mulligan, Barber Unsworth and Miller Wright Marino A. Miller, J. Miller, Reed, Engman, Nesbitt, Hotaling, Farrell, Howell, Prentiss, Unsworth, Beck, Cope, Weinstein, Sisler, Barber, Vandam Highland and Van Schoick Miller, Ford, Sumner, Highland, Hatch Culligan and Mason O'Connor, Carter, Totman, Mills, Ward, Millier, Siolber, Vann, Wright Aasen Proto O'Connor and Bronson Carrican and Carlisle Todd Freeman Livesay 7 Feb 1989 21 Feb 1989 21 Mar 1989 19 Dec 1989 19 Dec 1989 16 May 1989 15 Aug 1989 19 Sep 1989 19 Dec 1989 19 Dec 1989 21 Feb 1989 7 Mar 1989 2 May 1989 19 Sep 1989 19 Sep 1989 7 Mar 1989 18 Apr 1989 7 Feb 1989 21 Feb 1989 6 Jun 1989 27 Jun 1989 11 Jul 1989 19 Dec 1989 7 Feb 1989 19 Dec 1989 7 Feb 1989 19 Dec 1989 7 Feb 1989 7 Feb 1989 21 Feb 1989 18 Apr 1989 21 Feb 1989 19 Dec 1989 7 Feb 1989 Chair's Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Chair's Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Chair's Appointment Appointment Appointment Chair's Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Chair's Appointment Page 2 of 26 35 52 78 350 351 115 179 209 350 349 52 60 98 209 210 60 93 35 52 124 142 157 352 34 351 35 351 34 35 52 93 53 352 35 Primary Secondary Notes Date Action Page Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Greater Ithaca Activities Board Human Rights Commission Human Rights Commission Human Rights Commission Industrial Development Agency (IDA) Installment Taxes Job Training Council Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee Library Board of Trustees Local Advisory Board on Assessment Review Local Emergency Planning Committee Local Emergency Planning Committee Local Emergency Planning Committee Multiple Residence Review Board Negotiating Committee Negotiating Committee Neighborhood Advisory Central Proc. Fac. Comm. Neighborhood Advisory Central Proc. Fac. Comm Office for the Aging Office for the Aging Advisory Committee Overcharges of O'Brien and Gere Committee Personal Emerg. Response Service Regional Forest Practice Board Regional Forest Practice Board Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Retired Senior Volunteer Program Room Tax Review Committee Search Process Relinquish one seat for this year only Del Plato Walker Fort and Sams Mason, Chairman Committee established: Heyman, Watros, Shurtleff, Stein, Doyle, and Hoffman Caldwell, Brewer, Sirdevan, Lieberman, Bryant Pendell, Morgan, and Raupp Uzmann Comell, Lorthridge, Parsons Call, Watros, Shurtleff, Mason, Proto, Winch, Tillapaugh, Livesay, Dietrich, Howell, Nichols Culligan, Howell, Mason (ex -officio) Carlton Kubarek and Iselin Hubbell CSEA (White Collar) Watros, Livesay, Heyman, Hurlbut, Fitzpatrick CSEA (Blue Collar) - Mobbs, Hungerford, Vargo, and Sincebaugh Creation of and acceptance of DEIS Creation of (amended by Res. No. 78 of 1990 and Res. No. 140 of 1991) Boothroyd Taylor, Carey, Wilson, Goodman Taietz True, Proto, and Stein Wall, Grey, Bookout, Tillapaugh, Jones, Coffin Nesbitt Levatich Subcommittee for septage facilities at treatment plant Ad Hoc Committee on the Designation of a Tourist Promotion Agency Tipping Fee Subcommittee Ad Hoc Committee on Defense of Indigents Negotiating Team - Tompkins Cortland Community College Livesay Watros (Chairman), Stein, Mason, Heyman Planning Commissioner 19 Sep 1989 18 Apr 1989 11 Jul 1989 19 Sep 1989 7 Feb 1989 11 Jul 1989 19 Dec 1989 21 Feb 1989 21 Mar 1989 19 Dec 1989 7 Feb 1989 Motion Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Appointment Chair's Appointment 17 Jan 1989 Chair's Appointment 18 Apr 1989 Appointment 16 May 1989 Appointment 19 Dec 1989 Appointment 10 Oct 1989 Appointment 24 Oct 1989 Appointment 6 Sep 1989 Resolution 24 Oct 1989 Resolution 7 Feb 1989 19 Dec 1989 16 May 1989 7 Feb 1989 21 Feb 1989 27 Jun 1989 8 Nov 1989 8 Nov 1989 8 Nov 1989 8 Nov 1989 8 Nov 1989 7 Mar 1989 21 Mar 1989 11 Jul 1989 Appointment Appointment Chair's Appointment Chairs Appointment Appointment Appointment Chair's Report Chairs Report Chairs Report Chair's Report Chair's Report Appointment Chairs Appointment Appointment Page 3 of 26 210 93 157 209 34 145 351 52 78 351 35 15 93 115 352 224 245 186 240 34 350 115 35 53 142 295 295 295 295 295 61 78 157 Primary Secondary Notes Date Action Page Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Advisory Boards and Special Committees Aging Aging Aging Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Airport (see also Air Service Task Force) Service Delivery Area Private Industry Council Soil and Water Conservation District Soil and Water Conservation District Souther Tief East Regional Ping. & Dev. Board STOP -DWI STOP -DWI Advisory Board STOP -DWI Advisory Board STOP -DWI Advisory Board Tompkins Community Hospital Board of Directors Tompkins Cortland Community College Tompkins County Area Development Tompkins County Planning Board Tompkins County Planning Board Tompkins County Planning Board Tompkins County Planning Board Tompkins County Planning Board Tompkins County Planning Board Youth Board Youth Board Youth Board Youth Board Youth Board Youth Board Youth Board Youth Board Youth Board Youth Services Study Committee Application Nursing Home Beds Personal Emerg. Response Service Apportionment of Dog Monies Districts Districts Agreement Bryant Tillapaugh and Winch Marquis Howell and Nichols Selection committee for new Coordinat