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1985 Proceedings
1985 PROCEEDINGS Board of REPRESENTATIVES TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK HARRIS B. DATES, Chairman Lansing, New York PHYLLIS B. HOWELL, Clerk Lansing, New York State of New York ) County of Tompkins ) ss: Board of Representatives ) In pursuance of the authority conferred by Section 19 of the County Law, we each for ourself do hereby certify that the copy of the Proceedings of the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, New York, for the year 1985, contained in this volume is true and correct. HARRIS B. DATES Chairman of Board of Representatives PHYLLIS B. HOWELL Clerk of Board of Representatives BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES Left to right - standing Phil Shurtleff, District No. 9, Town of Groton; Gust L. Freeman, District No. 12, Town of Ithaca W; Kervieth Tillapaugh, District No. 13, Town of Dryden; Donald Litton, District No. 5, City of Ithaca; James A. Mason, District No. 15, Town of Ulysses: Donald J. Slattery, District No. 1, City of Ithaca; Harris B. Dates, District No. 6, Town of Lansing; Daniel M. Winch, District No. 8, Towns of Newfield/Enfield; Stuart W. Stein, District No. 3, City of Ithaca; Donald J. Culligan, District No. 2, City of Ithaca; Robert 1. Watros, District No. 14, Town of Dryden; Robert I. Williamson, County Attorney; Frank P. Proto, District No. 7, Towns of Caroline/Danby Left to right - seated Beverly E. Livesay, District No. 11, Town of Ithaca SE; Judy Caporiccio, Deputy Clerk; Mary G. Call, District No. 10, Town of Ithaca NE; Ethel Nichols, District No. 4, City of Ithaca; Phyllis B. Howell, Clerk; Amy Firmerty, Stenographer ORGANIZATION MEETING January 8, 1985 Pursuant to Section 151 of County Law, Section 2.04 of the Charter and Code, Rule I of the Rules of the Board and the date established by Resolution No. 362 adopted by the Board on December 18, 1984, the Board of Representatives convened at its Chambers in the Courthouse in the City of Ithaca, New York, on Tuesday, January 8, 1985 at 9:30 a.m. and was called to order by Phyllis B. Howell, Clerk of the Board. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Howell welcomed Donald B. Brown, representing District No. 8, Towns of Enfield and Newfield; and Frank P. Proto, representing District No. 7, Towns of Danby and Caroline. Present: Representatives Donald J. Slattery, Donald J. Culligan, Stuart W. Stein, Ethel Nichols, Donald Lifton, Harris B. Dates, Frank P. Proto, Donald B. Brown, Phil Shurtleff, Mary Call, Beverly E. Livesay, Gust L. Freeman, Kenneth Tillapaugh, Robert I. Watros, James A. Mason - 15. The Clerk noted that the first order of business was the election of a temporary chairman and nominations were opened. It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Livesay to nominate Mr. Stein as temporary chairman. There were no further nominations, and Mr. Stein was unanimously declared temporary chairman. Mr. Stein took the chair. The next order of business was the election of a permanent chairman and nominations were opened. Mr. Watros nominated Mr. Dates for permanent chairman, seconded by Mr. Freeman. Mrs. Nichols nominated Mrs. Livesay for permanent chair- man, seconded by Mr. Slattery. Nominations were closed and a roll call vote was taken. Mr, Dates received 2,412 votes (Representatives Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Brown, Call, Dates, Freeman, Mason). Mrs. Livesay received 1,587 votes (Representatives Nichols, Slattery, Stein, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay). Chairman Dates took the chair and thanked the Board for the honor of being chairman, Pursuant to Local Law No. 2 of 1982, nominations were opened for the position of vice chairman. Mr. Tillapaugh nominated Mr. Shurtleff for vice chairman, seconded by Mr. Freeman. Mr. Slattery nominated Mr. Culligan for vice chairman, seconded by Mr. Freeman. Nominations were closed and a roll call vote was taken. Mr. Shurtleff received 2,412 votes (Representatives Preto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Brown, Call, Freeman, Mason, Dates). Mr. Culligan. received 1,587 votes (Representatives Nichols, Slattery, Stein, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay). Mr. Shurtleff was declared vice chairman for 1985. Pursuant to Local Law No. 2 of 1963, the following nominations were Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call and unanimously adopted by voice vote: Acting Chairman - Kenneth Tillapaugh Deputy Chairman - Gust freeman Interim Successor - Donald Slattery 3 January 8, 1985 Chairman Dates made the following committee appointments for 1985: Budget and Administration Committee - Robert Watros, Chairman; James Mason, Vice Chairman; Mary Call; Donald Culligan; Gust Freeman; Stuart Stein; Kenneth Tillapaugh Education Committee - Donald Culligan, Chairman; Donald Slattery, Vice Chairman; Donald Lifton; Ethel Nichols; Frank Proto Economic Development/Planning - Stuart Stein, Chairman; Gust Freeman, Vice Chair- man; Mary Call; James Mason; Donald Slattery Public Works - Gust Freeman, Chairman; Stuart Stein, Vice Chairman; Donald Culligan; Phil Shurtleff; Kenneth Tillapaugh Health - Kenneth Tillapaugh, Chairman; Phil Shurtleff, Donald Lifton; Beverly Livesay Human Services - Mary Call, Chairman; Beverly Livesay, Ethel Nichols; Frank Proto Public Safety and Corrections - James Mason, Chairman; man: Donald Brown; Beverly Livesay; Frank Proto It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Call,that Mr. Freeman be appointed to the Industrial Development Agency. Unanimously adopted by voice vote. Vice Chairman; Donald Brown; Vice Chairman; Donald Brown; Ethel Nichols, Vice Chair - Chamber of Commerce - Harris Dates; Frank Proto, alternate Finger Lakes Association - Harris Dates; Donald Culligan, alternate Fire and Disaster Advisory Board - James Mason Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Development Board - John Gutenberger; James Mason Management Compensation Committee - James Mason; Mary Call; Stuart Stein Tompkins Countv Area Development Corporation - Gust Freeman (one-year term) Local Advisory Board Cayuga Heights (V) Dryden (V) Freeville (V) Groton (V) Trumansburg (V) Lansing (V) Caroline/Danby (T) Enfield/Newfield (T) Groton (T) of Assessment Review Mary Call Ithaca - Robert Watros - Robert Watros - Phil Shurtleff - James Mason - Harris Dates - Frank Proto - Donald Brown - Phil Shurtleff 4 (T) Dryden (T) Lansing (T) Ulysses (T) Ithaca (C) - Mary Call; Gust Freeman; Beverly Livesav - Kenneth Tillapaugh; Robert Watros - Harris Dates - James Mason - Donald Slattery January 8, 1985 The minutes of the November 20, 1984 Budget Hearing were approved. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said the committee will meet January 23 at 4 p.m. in Board Chambers. Mr. Williamson, County Attorney, reported that the Gangl case has been settled. He said there are now two actions pending. One involves a claim that the jail is improperly furnished and has no law library or law clerks to help defend- ants. The other case involves a claim of discrimination against the County ac the time an application was submitted for a job at the Health Department. Mr. Murphy, County Administrator, informed the Board of his intention to submit on March 8, 1985, official written notice of his retirement as of April 5, 1985. He said he sincerely appreciates the assistance, guidance, and support he has received from past and present Board members. Chairman Dates thanked Mr. Murphy on behalf of the Board. He referred the recruitment procedure to the Budget and Administration and Management Compensation Committees and asked them to report back to the Board on the orocedure they intend to follow. He asked Board members to contact the Budget and Administration Committee with any suggestions. On motion of Mr. Tillaoaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, the resolution entitled Award of Bid - Mental Health Department was added to the agenda by voice•vote. On motion of Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason, the resolution entitled Creation of Position - Probation was added to the agenda by voice vote. Chairman Dates ruled that two resolutionson the agenda --Opposition to the Proposed Elimination of State and Local Tax Deductions from the Federal Income Tax and Opposition to the Proposed Medicare Freeze-- be referred to the Budget and Administration Committee with the authority to call in any other committee. that is appropriate. Chairman Dates reminded committee chairman to follow the procedure set forth in the Rules of the Board to bring business before the Board. RESOLUTION NO. 1 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1985 - ESTABLISHING A LIMITED GRANT PROGRAM TO ASSIST AND ENCOURAGE VARIOUS TOWNS TO INITIATE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY FEASIBILITY STUDIES Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Mason. After discussion, a short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on proposed Local Law No. 1 on December 18, 1984 concerning the establishment of a limited grant program to assist and encourage various towns to initiate public water supply feasibility studies, and WHEREAS, all interested persons were heard at said public hearing, and WHEREAS, there exists in the County several small hamlets, clusters of homes and commercial establishments where no public water supply is available and where individual on-site private water systems are used, and 5 January 8, 1985 WHEREAS, in some cases these individual water systems are inadequate in quantity, poor in quality, and sometimes dangerously contaminated so that the people cannot enjoy the benefits of a safe and adequate supply of water, and WHEREAS, it is often within the best interests of these people, the town and the County that a study be initiated to determine the feasibility of estab- lishing a town water district to serve the area, and WHEREAS, prior to establishing a town water district under Article 12 of the Town Law, maps and plans must be prepared by a licensed engineer in accordance with Section 192 so that the town and the people involved may determine the most appropriate means of supplying a public water supply, the area to'be served, and the costs to the benefiting users, and WHEREAS, the cost of said maps and plans are a direct charge against the town general fund until a district is actually established, in which case the benefiting users pay the costs through a special district charge, and if the district is not established for any reason, the costs become a town charge, and WHEREAS, many small towns have limited fiscal resources and find it difficult to advance the cost of the feasibility study, and WHEREAS, it is within the interest of the County as a whole that safe and adequate water supplies be available where necessary, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Planning, the Planning and Public Works Committee, and the County Board of Health (Resolution adopted by the Board of Health on August 1, 1984), That this Board does hereby adopt Local Law No. 1 of 1985 establishing a limited grant program to advance up to fifty (50) percent of the varifiable costs of a feasibility water district study not to exceed $15,000 for any one project in any one year, based upon an applica- tion by the town to the County, which application shall meet prescribed criteria established by the Planning and Public Works Committee, RESOLVED, further, That upon approval of the appropriate committee, each proposal shall be submitted to the Board for approval, RESOLVED, further, That if a water district is established in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 or Article 12-A, a town board (acting for the district) shall reimburse the County the full amount of the fifty (50) percent advance funding, RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Planning is hereby directed to administer this program, submit an annual report on the activities and make recommendations as appropriate for an annual budget to the appropriate committee, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said Local Law No. 1 of 1985 in the official newspapers of the County for two succes- sive weeks within ten days after this locallaw is adopted, and after said local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy in the Office of the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comptroller and four certified copies with the Secretary of :State. RESOLUTION N0. 2 - TOMTRAN SERVICES CONTRACT WITH CU TRANSIT, INC. Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Mason and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Article 5 (i), Section 119-r of the General Municipal Law of the State of T:ew York permits Tompkins County to contract with a duly authorized 6 January 8, 1985 private bus carrier to provide public transit services, and WHEREAS, the County is eligible to receive capital and operating assistance funding for the provision of public transit services pursuant to Section 18 (b) of the Transportation Law of the State of New York and the Federal Section 18 Program of the Urban Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1978, as amended, and WHEREAS, since January 1, 1984, the County has contracted with CU Transit, Inc., a transportation corporation, for the operation of TOMTRAN Ithaca -Dryden Transit, hereinafter referred to as "IDT," which provided public transit service to the City of Ithaca; Towns of Ithaca, Dryden and Groton; and the Villages of Dryden, Freeville and Groton, and WHEREAS, the County desires to extend TOMTRAN public transit service to the Towns of Ulysses, Enfield, Ithaca and Newfield; the Village of Trumansburg; and the City of Ithaca; hereinafter referred to as "UNIT," and WHEREAS, CU Transit, Inc. agrees to operate said TOMTRAN IDT and UNIT public transit services under contract with the County at the following 1985 prices, subsequent years to be negotiated: Price to operate County -owned buses $28.25/hour Price to lease CU Transit -owned buses $ .40/mile Price to operate CU Transit -owned buses $28.25/hour WHEREAS, the County agrees to provide liability insurance coverage of $5 million, and comprehensive and collision insurance for County -owned buses, and WHEREAS, the prices have been reviewed, found acceptable and within the 1985 TOMTRAN budget, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Committee, That the County of Tompkins grants CU Transit, Inc. the right to operate any and all TOMTRAN IDT and UNIT public transit service for a period of five years commencing January 1, 1985 and ending December 31, 1989, subject to the annual approval of County funding beyond 1985, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement on behalf of the County with CU Transit, Inc., RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is authorized and directed to make payments from Account 5630.425 (TOMTRAN Services Contract) to CU Transit, Inc. upon proper vouchering, RESOLVED, further, That both parties may terminate this agreement by giving ninety (90) days notice in writing; however, in the event that no further state or federal transportation funds are appropriated or made available to the County, then the County may terminate the agreement by giving CU Transit thirty (30) days written notice. RESOLUTION N0. 3 - ENDORSEMENT OF FEDERAL SECTION 18 PROGRAM SIXTH YEAR FUNDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF LTHACA AND TOMPKINS COUNTY Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Nichols and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the New York Stare Department of Trnasportation has notified the County of Tompkins that a total of $140.000 in Federal Section 18 transportation 7 January 8, 1985 funds has been reserved for use by theCounty and the City of Ithaca, and WHEREAS, the County Section 18 Coordinator, Frank Liguori, has prepared a sixth year allocation of the Section 18 funding as follows: Total Federal Section 18 funds reserved (Sixth year only) Funds to be reserved for projects for which the County willbe the applicant Funds to be reserved for projects for which. the City will be the applicant $140,000 $ 70,000 $ 70,000 and WHEREAS, the budget has been approved by the City of Ithaca, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Committee, That the budget is hereby approved, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is autho- rized to execute an agreement with the City of Ithaca to allocate the Federal Section 18 Program funds. RESOLUTION NO. 4 - AUTHORIZATION OF CHEMUNC TRANSIT TO OPERATE A BUS ROUTE IN TOMPKINS COUNTY Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Mason. After discussion, a voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Chemung County Transit System, in conjunction with Schuyler County, desires to operate a fixed -route, public transit service between the Village of Watkins Glen in Schuyler County and the City of Ithaca in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, the County Planning Department has evaluated the proposed service and determined that it will benefit persons who work in Tompkins County and residents of the Town of Enfield, who may use the bus route along the Route 79 corridor, and WHEREAS, the proposed bus service complements the TOMTRAN Ulysses -Newfield Transit Service and has been agreed to by Ithaca Transit of the City of Ithaca, and WHEREAS, Chemung County Transit System does not seek any financial assistance from the City of Ithaca or Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County is authorized by Article 5, Section 119 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York to enter into agreements with other municipal corporations for the provision of public transit services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Committee, That the County of Tompkins does hereby authorize the Chemung County Transit System to operate a fixed -route public transit service from the Town of Enfield, along State Route 79, to the City of Ithaca, RESOLVED, further, That this authorization is subject to the following condi- tions: 8 January 8, 1985 I. The Chemung County Transit System agrees to identify and hold the County of Tompkins harmless and defend the County against any and all causes of action brought against the County for damages or injuries arising out of this agreement. 2. The Chemung County Transit System agrees to work with the County Planning Department to coordinate the proposed bus service and any future transit services with TOMTRAN. RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute an agreement with the Chemung County Transit System, subject the above conditions. RESOLUTION NO. 5 - ESTABLISHING 1985 REGULAR MEETING DATES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. There was discussion, and it was Moved by Mr. Watros, Seconded by Mr. Slattery to amend the resolution by changing the 9:30 a.m. meeting times to 5:30 p.m. A voice vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes: 3,535. Noes: 464 (Representatives Freeman, Proto). Amendment adopted. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff to change the date of the January 22 meeting to January 29. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 1,882 (Representatives Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Call Mason, Dates). Noes: 2,117 (Representatives Nichols, Slattery, Stein, Brown, Culligan, Freeman, Litton, Livesay). Amendment lost. The resolution as amended was adopted by voice vote with Representative Proto voting no. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the 1985 regular meetings of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives are as follows: Tuesday, January 8, 1985 at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, January 22, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 19, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 5, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 19, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 7, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 21, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 11, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 25, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 9, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 13, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 3, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 17, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 8, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 22, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 6, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 19, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 3, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 17, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. 9 January 8, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 6 - DESIGNATION OF NEWSPAPERS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Stein and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, That the following newspapers be and they are hereby designated as official newspapers of the County of Tompkins for 1985 for the publication of all local laws, notices and other matters required by law to be published as required by County Law, Article 5, Section 214, subdivision (2): Ithaca Journal, Ithaca, New York Trumansburg Free Press, Trumansburg, New York RESOLUTION NO. 7 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FROM NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA- TION - PHASE II AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS - PROJECT NO. 3902.66 Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation has offered a grant in the amount of $34,650 as the State's share of the Phase II Airport improvements including signage, transformer vault and generator, and associated work, Project No. 3902.66, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Committee, That the grant offer is hereby accepted and the Chairman of the Board is hereby autho- rized and directed to execute the grant agreement on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION NO. 8 - CREATION OF POSITION - PROBATION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Probation Officer (12-33), labor grade XII, competitive class, be created effecitve January 1, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That monies to fund said position are included in the approved 1985 County budget. RESOLUTION NO. 9 - AWARD OF BID - MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for a fifteen (15) passenger van for use by the Meadow House Program of the Mental Health Department, and WHEREAS, William T. Pritchard, Inc. is the lowest responsible bidder for a fifteen (15) passenger Dodge van with a total bid of $14,000, now therefore be it 10 January 8, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the aforesaid bid be and the same hereby is accepted and the Mental Health Department be and they hereby are authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County. Chairman Dates dismissed the Reapportionment Committee and thanked Mr. Stein, Chairman, and the rest of the committee for their work. Chairman Dates asked staff, with John Murphy as chairman, Frank Liguori and Robert Williamson, to contact any and all former inquiries to see if they are still interested in purchasing the Biggs Complex, prepare a chronological list of events of the last five years, and report at the next meeting with an update of the situ- ation and a recommendation to the full Board. On motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Freeman, the following people were appointed to the Stop -DWI Advisory Board for three-year terms which expire December 31, 1987: Robert Day - Village Police Departments Benjamin Bucko - District Attorney's Office John Beach - Probation Department Frances Helmstadter - At -large On motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, the following people were appointed to the Family Court Advisory Council for three-year terms which expire December 31, 1987: Lois Humphrey - Probation Department Henry Radke - At -large Richard Greenburg - At -large The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. 11 REGULAR MEETING January 22, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). It was Moved by Mr. Lefton, seconded by Mrs. Livesay to approve the minutes of November 20, 1984 as corrected by the mailed resolution distributed by the Clerk of the Board, and the date of response set forth in this resolution be February 1, 1985. Unanimously adopted by voice vote. The minutes of December 18, 1984 were adopted by voice vote subject to cor- rection by the Clerk. There was a recess for the Budget and Administration Committee to discuss resolutions to add to this agenda (5:45-5:50). Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Livesay said there is a road within the City of Ithaca, Forest Home Drive, that largely serves ocher municipalities as well es Cornell University, which may be closed. She said this is an opportunity for the County to take a Leadership role in helping the various entities resolve their differences, and she requested that the Economic Development/Planning Committee be authorized to review this situation. Chairman Dates said he will take this re- quest under advisement. Mr. Liguori, Commissioner of Planning, said he has been asked to help with this situation, and he said an agreement has been reached be- tween the Mayor of the City of Ithaca, the Town Supervisors, and Cornell University to meet as a group and produce a joint study of the impacts of the proposed clos- ing. Mr. Liguori said he has already spoken with Mr. Stein about this,and he will be glad to report back to the committee. Mr. Stein noted to the Board that this is a local issue and the County's role will be one of assistance. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said the committee will meet January 23, 1985 at 4 p.m. in Board Chambers. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met before this meeting and their action is reelected on the agenda. He referred to Resolution No. 218 of 1984 which authorized a contract with the Credit Bureau of Ithaca for collection of restitution from people who have re- ceived assigned counsel and can now afford to pay for the services. He said this program has not vet been implemented because Judge Barrett questions whether it is in accordance with the State law, and Mr. Mason said the County Attorney is now pursuing rulings from the New York State Department of Audit and Control and the Attorney General. 12 January 22, 1985 Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Study Committee, said the committee has two resolutions on the agenda tonight. He also informed the Board that formal approval of the Warren Road site has been received from the Commission of Corrections. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, said the commit- tee met last week and had preliminary discussions on the procedure to fill the position of County Administrator. They asked the Commissioner of Personnel to review the Tompkins County Charter and Code and update the job description, and they also decided how to advertise for the position. Mr. Mason said that process is underway. The committee also discussed the process of recommending salary ad- justments for Tompkins County legislators prior to the passing of petitions, and Mr. Mason said the committee will be bringing a recommendation to the Board. Mr, Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met January 18 and their action is reflected on the agenda. In addition, they heard a presentation from Joe Bennett on the County's solid waste disposal. The next committee meeting is scheduled for February 2 at noon at the Planning office. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Economic Development/Planning Committee, said the committee met before this meeting and their action is reflected on the agenda. In addition, they will have several appointments at the appropriate time. The meeting schedule for the Economic Development/Planning Committee will be the Wednesday before the monthly Budget and Administration Committee meeting at noon at the Planning office. Mrs. Livesay, Vice Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the commit- tee met January 16 and their action will be reflected on future agendas. En addi- tion, the committee established liaison positions for the year and heard updates on the Homebound Detention and Dispositional Alternatives Programs, the transporta- tion policy developed by the Department of Social Services for medical care for recipients, and the Department of Social Services Advisory Committee. She said they also reviewed the funeral directors' contract and asked for further negoti- ations. The next committee meeting is scheduled for February 5 at 3:30 p.m. in Board Chambers. Mrs. Livesay reminded the Board of the Human Services Coalition annual meeting on January 25 at noon at Joe's Restaurant. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met January 14 and some of their action is reflected on the agenda. He said a resolution Urging Rescission of State Legislators' Salary Bill and a resolu- tion in Opposition to the Proposed Elimination of State and Local Tax Deductions From the Federal Income Tax did not receive committee endorsement. Mr. Murphy, County Administrator, said he received a letter yesterday from New York State. Health Systems Agency requesting a response from the County by January 24 in regard to its support of the Hospicare application to be established as a certified hospice. It was the consensus of the Board that the County Admin- istrator send a letter of support. Mr. Murphy also informed the Board of a docu- ment recently received and on Elle for review relating to the quality of assess- ing in New York State. He said Tompkins County is ranked third out of 57 counties and New York City in assessing residential property and is also ranked third out of 57 counties and New York City in assessing all property, 13 January 22, 1985 It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote to add to the agenda the following resolutions: Increase of Time - Assistant District Attorney; Amendment of Lease Agreement - Charles Houghton; Authorization to Execute Contract - Midland Appraisal Associates - Sawtooth Development Assessment Case; Support of Application for Housing Assistance - Section 8 - Existing Housing Program. Chairman Dates said that minority reports will be considered on this evening's agenda subject to future opinion of the County Attorney. RESOLUTION N0. 10 - FEDERAL SECTION 18 PROGRAM - TOMTRAN RURAL TRANSIT OPERATING ASSISTANCE APPLICATION Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, provides for the payment of federal financial assistance for public transportation in rural and small urban areas through a formula grant program administered by New York State Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, the TOMTRAN Rural Transit Program is operated by CU Transit Inc., under contract with the County of Tompkins (Resolution No. 2 of 1985) and provides fixed -route public transit service between the City of Ithaca; the towns of Ithaca, Dryden, Groton, Ulysses, and Newfield; and the villages of Lansing, Cayuga Heights, Dryden, Freeville, Groton, and Trumansburg, and WHEREAS, the County Section 18 Coordinator, Frank R. Liguori, recommends that the County apply for an operating assistance grant in the amount of $148,004.44 for the two-year period January I, 1984 to December 31, 1985, to be used for the TOMTRAN Rural Transit Program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Economic Development and Planning Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute and submit a federal Section 18 operating assistance application to the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $148,004.44. RESOLUTION N0. 11 - OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED ELIMINATION OF STATE AND LOCAL TAX DEDUCTIONS FROM THE FEDERAL INCOME TAX Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. Mr. Stein explained his reasons for supporting this resolution, and he said he feels it is important to constituents that the Board take a stand on issues that are carefully selected and important beyond just budget impact. After further discussion, Mr. Watros said he opposes this resolution onthe basis of principle rather than substance because he said the Board could debate national and state issues at tenth and neglect the principle charge of conducting Tompkins County business. It was Moved by Mr. Mason, secon,ed by qtr. Watros to Table this resolution indefinitely in order not to be placed in a position of voting against the substance of the resolution. A roll cal_ vote was taken. Ayes: 1,415 (Repr.:sentatives Shurtleff, Watros, Freeman, Mason, Dates). Noes: 2,133 (Representatives Proto, Slattery, Stein, Brown, Culligan, Tifton, Livesav, Nichols). Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Motion to Table lost. A voice vote was taken on the resolution. Ayes: 2,347. Noes: 1,201 14 January 22, 1984 (Representatives Shurtleff, Watros, Freeman, Dates). Excused: 451 (Representa- tives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Treasury Secretary, Donald Regan, has submitted to the President a tax simplification program proposing many changes in the federal income tax system, and WHEREAS, one of the proposed changes calls for the elimination of State and local tax deductions from federal income tax returns, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has evalu- ated this proposal and has determined that, if enacted into law, it would severely harm the State's taxpayers, including those who reside in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, this severe negative impact would be felt by New York State and several other older industrial states in a way not evenly shared by others, and WHEREAS, this uneven negative impact, if enacted into law, also will have an adverse impact on efforts to build the economy of New York State, including Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, our elected representatives, including Governor Cuomo, United States Senators D'Amato and Moynihan and New York State Comptroller Regan, have forcefully expressed their opposition to this proposal, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That this Board strongly expresses its opposition to the elimina- tion of State and local tax deductions from federal tax returns, as proposed by United States Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution be sent to President Reagan, Governor Cuomo, Senators D'Amato and Moynihan, Congressmen McHugh, Boehlert and Lundine and Office of Management and Budget Director David Stockman. RESOLUTION N0. 12 - ESTABLISHING PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW N0. 2 OF 1985 - AMENDING EFFECTIVE DATE OF LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF 1984 - VETERANS' EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY TAXES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,548. Noes: 0. Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives in the Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York, on February 19, 1985 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof on proposed Local Law No. 2 of 1985 amending the adopted and effective date of Local Law No. 6 of 1984 from November 29, 1984 to February 19, 1985 in relation to veterans' exemption for real property taxes. RESOLUTION N0. 13 - WITHDRAWAL OF PARCEL FROM 1984 TAX FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Prato and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the action of the Budget and Finance Office and County Attorney withdrawing 15 January 22, 1985 parcel number 12-1-6 in the Town of Lansing, assessed to Robert and Gwendolyn Barnum, and being serial number 38 fro:c the 1984 Tax Foreclosure Proceeding be approved, said tax and arrearages having been paid in full. RESOLUTION NO. 14 - APPORTIONMENT OF DOG MONIES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,548. Noes: 0. Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has surplus monies in the Dog Fund for apportionment, pursuant to Section 122 of the Agriculture and Markets Law, in the amount of $5,744.65, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on reco:umendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay the several towns in the County and the City of Ithaca the amounts set forth below as apportioned and approved by this Board: Remitting Municipality Amount 75 Percent of Remitted Surplus Apportioned Caroline $ 821.94 $ 376.35 Danby 607.63 278.22 Dryden 2,374.03 1,087.00 Enfield 827.92 379.08 Groton 1,325.75 607.02 Ithaca 1,355.16 620.49 Lansing 1,484.45 679.68 Newfield 1,173.22 537.18 Ulysses 1,049.76 480.66 City of Ithaca 1,526.58 698.97 $12,546.44 $5,744.65 RESOLUTION N0. 15 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - ASSESSMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,548. Noes: 0. Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Eudget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Appropriation: A1356.330 Revenue: A1250 Printing $6,400 Assessors' Fees and Tax Maps $6,400 Explanation: Adjustment needed to print one-half size (12 x 18) tax maps for sale. Orders have been received for 32 copies of the full set of maps as of January 2, 1985 16 January 22, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 16 - ADOPTION OF REVISED POLICY - ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following revised policy be and it hereby is adopted for inclusion in the Administrative Manual: 05-04 Transfer of Funds, Budget Adjustments, Appropriations RESOLUTION NO. 17 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - PROBATION DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason. After discussion, a short roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3,548. Noes: 0. Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration and the Public Safety and Corrections Committees, That one position of•Probation Assistant (06-14) competitive class, be reclassified to Probation Officer (12-33) competi- tive class, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is directed to make the following transfer on his books: Appropriation: From: A1990 Contingent Fund To: A3140.100 Probation Salaries Budget Adjustment: Revenue: A3310 Appropriation: A3140.100 State Aid - Probation Probation Salaries $1,891 $1,891 $1,642 $1,642 RESOLUTION NO. 18 - URGINC RESCISSION OF STATE LEGISLATORS' SALARY BILL Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr, Freeman. After discussion, is was Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff to Table this resolution indefinitely. Motion co Table lost by voice vote with Representatives Mason and Watros voting aye. A voice vote was taken on the resolution. Ayes: 2,904. Noes: 644 (Representatives Shurtleff, Dates). Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. WHEREAS, the State of New York Legislators voted themselves a 30.5 percent pay raise on December 6, 1984 from $32,960 to $43,000, and WHEREAS, the pay raise was done without debate and such a move should have been done at the end of the General Session before petition signing time for Primary and General Elections, and WHEREAS, the Citizens of Tompkins County, in general, feel that the raise was very much out of Line with industry and what local governments and school 17 January 22, 1985 districts have been able to afford for administrators and employees, and WHEREAS, per diem rates for State Legislators and other stipends and extra salary for political and committee assignments have been fair, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County make it known, on behalf of the residents of said County, that the salary increases are coo high, RESOLVED, further, That the State Legislators rescind their 30.5 percent raise and adopt a policy of setting salaries for the subsequent legislature prior to the date for passing petitions for those offices, RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution be sent to Legislators representing Tompkins County and all adjacent counties. RESOLUTION NO. 19 - AUDIT - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CADY ELECTRIC, INC. Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,548. Noes: 0. Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following Payment Requests No. 4 were submitted by Cady Electric, Inc. and audited by the Public Works Committee: Phase I Work Phase II Work $12,430.89 81,553.06 $93,983.95 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amounts are hereby audited and approved, and the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims from Account No. 84- 5610.202, withholding 5 percent retainage as required. RESOLUTION N0. 20 - AUDIT - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CALOCERINOS AND SPINA Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,548. Noes: O. Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claims have been submitted by Calocerinos and Spina and audited by the Public Works Committee: Request No. 2 - Phase II Inspection $ 482.83 Request No. 3 - Phase I Inspection 7,959.89 58,442.72 now therefore be it 18 January 22, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the aforesaid amounts are hereby audited and approved, and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claims from Account No. 84-5610.201, withhold- ing 5 percent retainage as required. RESOLUTION NO. 21 - AWARD OF BID - MACHINERY - HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids in accordance with specifications filed in the Highway Department for one new and unused 1985 chipper with 16 inch cut, one new 1985 tractor/loader/backhoe, two new and unused 1985 ten -wheel dump trucks, and two 1985 new and unused underbody scrapers, and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bidders meeting the specifications for the aforesaid equipment are as follows: one 1985 chipper for $12,486.15 from Lyons Equipment Co., P.O. Box 107, Rock City St. Ext., Little Valley, New York one 1985 four-wheel drive tractor/loader/backhoe for S50,000 from Arsenault Tractor Sales, Inc., of Brooktondale, New York two 1985 ten -wheel dump trucks (without tires and tubes) for $129,360 from Burr Truck and Trailer Sales, Inc., Vestal, New York (including the trade-in of two 1971 Brockways and one 1969 Brockway, being County vehicles No. 41, No. 42, No. 45) two 1985 mounted underbody scrapers for $15,346 from Charles J. Blackwell, Inc., of Horseheads, New York, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said bids be and they hereby are accepted, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he hereby is authorized to complete said transactions on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION NO. 22 - AUDIT - WINDOW REPLACEMENT - COURTHOUSE Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,548. Noes: 0. Adopted: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That Payment Request Nos. 1-5 of McGuire & Bennett, Inc., in relation to Resolution No. 45 (1984), the amount of $232,166 is hereby audited and approved and the County Administrator is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of funds provided therefore in Account No. F52-1620.201. 19 January 22, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 23 - AUTHORIZING TOPOGRAPHIC, PROPERTY AND UTILITY MAP - WARREN ROAD BUILDING SITE Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Slattery. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,086. Noes: 462 (Representatives Freeman, Lifton). Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. WHEREAS, it is now appropriate to prepare a map of the Warren Road jail site to show property lines and other physical features, including topography, utilities, etc., for use by the consultants Hershey, Malone and Associates in the design of the County Jail/Public Safety Building, and WHEREAS, T. G. Miller, P.C., has agreed to prepare the map for a cost not to exceed $1,200, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail Committee, That the Chair- man be and he hereby is authorized to execute an agreement with T. G. Miller, P.C., for the map at a cost not to exceed $1,200, subject to approval of the Agreement by the County Attorney, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized to expend funds from Account No. 58-3150.215 upon proper vouchering and audit. RESOLUTION N0. 24 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH HERSHEY, MALONE AND ASSOCIATES FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICE FOR JAIL/ PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,310. Noes: 238 (Representative Lifton). Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 292 of 1984 authorized the Special Jail Committee to negotiate with the firm of Hershey, Malone and Associates for a written agree- ment for the design phases and basic construction phase of the proposed County Jail/Public Safety Building, and WHEREAS, the Special Jail Committee has completed the negotiations, has reviewed the written agreement and finds it to be satisfactory, and has forwarded a copy to the County Attorney for legal review, and WHEREAS, the agreement is for the design phases and basic construction service, but does not at this time include "resident service" during construction, and the various phases are as follows: Phase I - Phase II - Phase III - Phase IV - Phase V - WHEREAS, the Special Board near the completion now therefore be it Conceptual Plans Preliminary Design Final Design and Bid Contract Documents Bidding Basic Construction Service Jail Committee will submit reports for approval of the of each phase and prior to commencing the next phase, 20 January 22, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute the agreement between the County and Hershey, Malone and Associates for an amount not to exceed the following, subject to review by the County Attorney: Cost of Construction Project Maximum Consultants Fee - Up to $3,000,000 - An additional 5% of that portion between $3.0 and $4.0 million - An additional 3% of that portion between $4.0 and $5.0 million $200,000 50,000 30,000 $280,000 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make payments to the consultant from Account No. 58-3150.210 upon proper vouchering and audit. RESOLUTION N0. 25 - INCREASE OF TIME - ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,548. Noes: 0. Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Budget and Administration Committees, That the position of Assistant District Attorney (EE -04), Management Grade E, exempt class, created by Board Resolution No. 121 on October 5, 1965, at 50 percent of the time be increased to 75 percent time effec- tive January 14, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That sufficient monies have been included in the 1985 ap- proved budget for this increased time. RESOLUTION NO. 26 - AMENDMENT OF LEASE AGREEMENT - CHARLES HOUGHTON Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the lease between the County and Charles Houghton for County Home lands be amended to extend the deadline for the renewal of said lease for the year 1985 from December 31, 1983 to December 31, 1984 and extend the approval date by the County from January 31, 1984 to January 31, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute said amendment on behalf of the County. 21 January 22, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 27 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - MIDLAND APPRAISAL ASSOCIATES - SAWTOOTH DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CASE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,324. Noes: 224 (Representative Freeman). Excused: 451 (Representa- tives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, • That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directedto execute a contract between the County and Midland Appraisal Associates for the appraisal of the Sawtooth Development property in the amount of $2,750, plus expenses, as set forth in the proposal submitted by Midland Appraisal dated December 13, 1984. RESOLUTION NO. 28 - SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR HOUSING ASSISTANCE - SECTION 8 - EXISTING HOUSING PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. After discussion, a voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,548. Noes: 0. Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Adopted. WHEREAS, an application has been submitted to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for housing assistance in Tompkins County for 100 units under Section 8 - Existing Housing Program to be administered by the New York State Housing Finance Agency, and WHEREAS, said assistance will in part benefit dwelling units for the elderly, handicapped, or disabled, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Economic Opportunity Corporation wholeheartedly supports said application, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That this Board supports said application in its entirety and the Clerk of the Board is directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to its office in Buffalo, New York. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman, the following people were appointed to the Tompkins County Planning Board for terms which expire December 31, 1987: Alan Davidoff, Labor Community; Earl Arnold, Energy/Housing; Philip Tavelli, Ithaca College; George Totman, Town of Groton; Viola Killer Mullane, Town of Lansing; H. G. (John) Johnson, City of Ithaca Planning Board; Raymond Hemming, City of Ithaca; William Savey, Village of Trumansburg; Robert Gould, Village of Dryden; Hushang Behar, Tompkins Cortland Community College; Michael Messitt, Health Planning Council: Lewis Roscoe, Cornell University; Anne Tompkins Jones, Human Services Coalition: Tommy Brown, Town of Enfield; Frank Satterly, Village of Groton; William Mearle Greene, Agriculture; Paul Sarokwash, Village of Lansing; Ronald Anderson, Village of Cayuga Heights; Donald Graham, Town of Danby; Barbara Caldwell, Town of Dryden; James Ainslie, Economic Advisory Board; Carolyn Grigorov, Town of Ithaca. 22 January 22, 1985 On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, Ashley Miller was appointed as the City of Ithaca representative on the Environmental Management Council to fill a vacancy which expires December 31, 1985. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman, the following people were appointed to the Economic Advisory Board for terms which expire December 31, 1987: Nelson Ripley, Village of Lansing; Kit Lambert, Board of Realtors; Jack Stull, Town of Lansing; Aubrey Brickhouse,, Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce (Industrial); Herb Brewer, Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce (Retail); Donald Ryan, Ithaca College. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, Gust Freeman was appointed to the Soil and Water Conservation District for a term which expires December 31, 1985. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, Gust Freeman was appointed to the Regional Forest Practice Board for a term which expires December 31, 1985. On motion of Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman, John W. Alexander was ap- pointed to the Assessment Review Board for a term which expires December 31, 1989. Mr. Murphy, County Administrator, reported to the Board that in accordance with the charge given to staff at the January 8, 1985 Board of Representatives meeting, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Liguori, and Mr. Murphy have met to discuss the old hospital complex. He said they have also contacted the four parties who submitted purchase proposals as of November 1, 1983, and three have indicated current interest in acquiring the property; the fourth has not yet responded. Mr. Murphy said that a chronological listing of events from March 24, 1980 through December 31, 1984 has been prepared by the Clerk of the Board and is on file in the Office of the Clerk, and it includes copies of correspondence between the County Attorney and Marc Dahan, Attorney for the I.T.D. Group, Inc. Mr. Murphy said the staff committee makes the following recommendations to the Board: a) The committee believes that the parties who submitted previous purchase proposals should be invited to submit, in writing, a new proposal. b) Since it is possible that someone who did not submit a previous proposal may now be interested in acquiring this property, th e Board may wish to open up a new deadline for any and all proposals. c) Although the Board has not accepted this recommendation in the past, the staff committee respectfully suggests that the Board should consider use of the facility for offices for county/private/ not-for-profit agency use. The Commissioner of Planning has copies on file in his office of several previous studies recommending su:h use as well as an updated report indicating advantages of such use and an updated listing of potential tenants, which can be made available now or in the future as the Board desires. d) It is the opinion of staff that the Public Works Committee should pursue the possible uses or sale of the facility with direct staff help from the Commissioner of Planning, Commissioner of Public Works, County Attorney and County Administrator, with additional staff help from any or all other County department heads as may be needed. Chairman Dates thanked the staff for completing this charge. After discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Slattery, seconded by Mrs. Nichols to refer the staff committee's recommendation ro the Economic Development/Planning and Public Works Committees for 23 January 22, 1985 further study and recommendation back to this Board. Chairman Dates noted that any decisions to be made will be brought back to this Board to be voted on as a committee of the whole. After discussion, Mr. Shurtleff called for the question. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 644 (Representatives Shurtleff, Dates). Noes: 2,904 (Representatives Proto, Slattery, Stein, Watros, Brown, Culligan, Freeman, Lifton, Livesay, Mason, Nichols). Excused: 451 (Representatives Call, Tillapaugh). Motion to call for the question lost. There was further discussion, and it was Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Livesay to hold an executive session to dis- cuss negotiations concerning disposition of the old hospital. Motion unanimously adopted by voice vote (7:26-8:04). At the request of Mr. Slattery, the motion he made before the executive session, which was seconded by Mrs. Nichols, was with- drawn. On motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Slattery, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. to Tuesday, January 29, 1985 at 5:00 p.m. to continue this discussion. 24 ADJOURNED MEETING January 29, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. Present: 10 (Representative Watros arrived at 5:20 p.m.). Excused: 5 (Representatives Brown, Call, Culligan, Livesay, Tillapaugh). Chairman Dates announced that he is issuing a proclamation declaring February as Heart Month in Tompkins County, and he is also signing a joint proclamation with the Mayor of the City of Ithaca declaring February 9, 1985 as Boy Scout Diamond Jubilee Day in the City and County. Chairman Dates referred to Resolution No. 12 of 1985 and proposed Local Law No. 2 of 1985 and said that the County Attorney has ruled that the two words "adopted and" be added to each so that they both read ". . adopted and effec- tive . . Mr. Murphy said he has contacted -the four parties who previously submitted bids to purchase the old hospital, and they have all expressed some interest. He introduced one of those bidders, Nicholas Fortescue. Dr. Fortescue said he is glad for this opportunity to speak to the Board, and he said he talked with Reynolds Metals and they are interested in pursuing the project. There was discussion, and Dr. Fortescue answered questions asked by Board members, and he said he believes he will need some time to complete his Preliminary research process. Mr. Murphy introduced Steven Bauman of Development Planning Services. Mr. Bauman said he previously submitted a bid under Summit Park Development, which was a corporation formed specifically for this project. He said that when the bid was withdrawn, that corporation was dissolved. He has contacted the people who were involved and some of them are now involved with other projects, but he said Reynolds Metals is still interested in this project. Mr. Bauman said he, Dr. Fortescue, and Reynolds Metals have a tentative agreement to combine their projects into a single proposal. It was Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Proto to hold an executive session with John McConnell, President of Tompkins Community Hospital Board of Directors, and Bonnie Howell, Administrator of Tompkins Community Hospital. Mrs. Howell said they would like to discuss the hospital's long-range plans, which deal with other individuals and negotiations with those individuals. A voice vote was taken on the motion to hold an executive session. Ayes: 2,488. Noes: 238 (Representative Lifton). Excused: 1,273 (Representatives Brown, Call, Culligan, Livesay, Tillapaugh). Adopted (5:47-6:26). Mrs. Howell said she is here on behalf of the Tompkins Community Hospital Board of Directors to say that they have had an opportunity over the last two days to listen to both Dr. Fortescue and Mr. Bauman. She said that she worked 25 January 29, 1985 with them previously and feels that they are both very much above board in terms of the projects they have to offer. However, she said she has concerns about the various issues before us., and if the Board of Representatives shares those concerns, the Hospital Board is open to negotiations for purchasing the property known as the old hospital building. It was Moved. by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason to hold an executive session so that Dr. Fortescue and Mr. Bauman cal update their proposals. Motion unanimously adopted by voice vote. Mrs. Howell and Mr. McConnell were also present at the executive session (6:30-6:58). It was Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff that staff and/or Planning and/or Public Works Committees bring forth a recommendation in light of the new option heard tonight that the community hospital is interested in some or all of the property and that the possibility of bringing the County Home closer to the community be included. There was discussion and the motion lost by voice vote with Representatives Freeman and Shurtleff voting aye. There was further discussion and it was the consensus of th., Board that the Board deal exclusively with Dr. Fortescue and/or the hospital, although Dr. Fortescue may develop any relationships he desires. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mrs. Nichols that the Board of Repre- sentatives delegate Mr. Williamson, working in collaberation with the Chairmanof the Board, to ask Dr. Fortescue in writing for an updated version of his last proposal and seek that updated version within five working days of receipt of a letter from Mr. Williamson. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 2,262. Noes: 464 (Representatives Freeman, Shurtleff). Excused: 1,273 (Representatives Brown, Call, Culligan, Livesay, Tillapaugh). Adopted. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 26 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE February 11, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Present: 14 (Representatives Nichols and Watros arrived at 5:07 p.m. Representative Stein arrived at 5:58 p.m.). Excused: 1 (Representative Brown). Mr. Murphy, County Administrator, said an Updated Proposal to Purchase the Biggs Complex from W. N. Fortescue and Associates, dated February 6, 1985, was received in the County Administrator's office at 8:50 a.m. on February 8, 1985. Mr. Murphy read notes made from telephone conversations with John Pohlman, Consultant for AMEDCO Development and Management, Inc., and R. J. Serres, Executive Vice President for Marketing of AMEDCO Corporation. There was discussion, and it was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff that this Board request County staff to meet as soon as possible with hospital staff and the hospital Board chairman to find out from them what their proposal is, and, from that discussion, have County staff report back to this Board by March 1, 1985 with a definite proposal from the hospital in terms of what they can pay for how much of the building and how much of the land. After some discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mrs. Nichols to amend the motion by stating that until March 1, 1985 while discussions are being held with the hospital representation, the County encourages other proposals from other parties w b o may have an interest in purchasing the land. A roll call vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes: 1,768 (Representatives Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Call, Culligan, Lifton, Nichols). Noes: 1,925 (Representatives Proto, Watros, Freeman, Livesay, Mason, Shurtleff, Dates). Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Amendment Lost. A roll call vote was taken on the original motion. Ayes: 2,699 (Representatives Shurtleff, Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Call, Freeman, Mason, Nichols, Dates). Noes: 994 (Representatives Proto, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay). Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. It was the unanimous consensus of the Board that Dr. Fortescue should be contacted. After discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Slattery That Dr. Fortescue be contacted and asked if he would consider accepting a Board resolution giving him a 90 -day exclusive option for $25,000, and asking him to respond to this letter in five business days. Unanimously adopted by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 6:34 p.m. 27 REGULAR MEETING February 19, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 (Representative Nichols arrived at 5:36 p.m.). Excused: 1 (Representative Brown). PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to'order a public hearing on proposed Local Law No. 2 of 1985, amending the adopted and effective date of Local Law No. 6 of 1984 re- garding veterans' tax exemption on real property. Mr. Williamson, County Attorney, explained that this local law would bring the adopted and effective date into compliance with the State law. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:34 p.m. The minutes of November 29, 1984; January 22, 1985; and January 29, 1985 were approved subject to correction by the Clerk. Mrs. Howell, Clerk of the Board, said that Donald Brown asked to be excused from this meeting, and he will be resigning as the District Pio. 8 representative on the Board.effective at midnight on February 25, 1985, to pursue an out-of-state employment opportunity. Rachael Pierce, County Clerk, presented the 1984 Annual Report of the County Clerk and highlighted some of the items. Ms. Pierce thanked the Board for their support and cooperation. Under privilege of the floor, Iona Schriner of Ellis Hollow Apartments for Senior Citizens spoke against the proposed relocation of the intersection of Pine Tree, Ellis Hollow, and Judd Falls Roads, which would place a major highway in frcnt of the complex. She said building a highway there would be a great hazard since many of the residents depend on walking to live independently at Ellis Hollow Apartments, and she urged the Board to reconsider such an action. There was discussion and Mr. Mobbs said this issue has been discussed for many years, and it recently resurfaced at a Town of Ithaca Board meeting. Mr. Liguori said that the Town of Ithaca has volunteered engineering services on the proposal, and Cornell University has begun studying rights-of-way. He said that at the appropriate time, all information will be brought to the appropriate County committee as well as the Town and Cornell University. Mrs. Livesay said she believes this is a planning issue or policy decision rather than a public works decision. After further discussion, Chairman Dates said that no decision has yet been made, and residents of Ellis Hollow Apartments will be notified through Ms. Schriner at the appropriate rime in deliberations. Under privilege of the Floor, Mr. Lifson explained that many Tompkins County homeowners agree to establish an escrow account with the bank that is holding 28 February 19, 1985 their mortgage with the understanding that these funds will be used to pay the homeowners' taxes. He said that in many cases the homeowners agree to have their tax bills sent directly to the bank, and he feels that the failure of the bank to pay the tax bills in a timely fashion clouds these constituents' reputations by being tax delinquent. (See page 4 for a motion to add a resolution to the agenda.) Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the committee met February 6 and approved specifications for two cars forthe Health Department. They also met jointly with the Budget and Administration Committee before this meeting and will have a resolution to add to the agenda at the appropriate time. He said the Central New York Health Systems Agency has requested the Board and the Health Committee to comment on the request of Groton Nursing Home to convert 15 health related beds into 15 skilled nursing beds, and the committee expects to respond to this at their next meeting on March 6. Mr. Tillapaugh said a copy of the Federal Grant Continuation Application forthe Central New York Health Systems Agency is on file in the Board office for public review. He also said that Mrs. Livesay will be the liaison to the Mental Health Board for this year, and there are still two vacancies on this Board. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said the committee has met and their action is reflected on the agenda. They will also have appoint- ments to recommend at the appropriate time. Mr. Culligan said there is a vacancy on the Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees, and he asked that nominations be submitted before the March 7 Education Committee meeting. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee will meet February 26 at 5:15 p.m. to continue discussion on the alterna- tives to incarceration program and to make nominations for appointment to the Criminal Justice Advisory Board, which is required to submit to Albany a proposed plan on alternatives to incarceration. He said a public hearing is required 30 days prior to the effective date of the plan. Mr. Mason also said he attended a meeting of the Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Development Board in Binghamton which concerned alternatives to incarceration. In addition, he.high- lighted the 1984 Annual Report of the Tompkins County Fire Investigation Team and noted that the working relationship between the Fire Investigation Team and the various police agencies in the County as well as the District Attorney's office has continued to strengthen, which Mr. Mason feels will result in more effective determination of the causes of fires as well as more effective prosecution of those determined to be arson. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee has met twice since the last Board meeting, and most of their business is reflected on the agenda. In addition, the committee discussed airport renovations and the acoustics in the Board Room. Mr. Freeman noted that the parking meters have been installed in the Courthouse parking lot, and he said the committee plans to dis- cuss Courthouse parking further at their next meeting. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, said the committee met February 6 and some of their business is reflected on the agenda. They will also have appointments to recommend at the appropriate time. The committee also heard updates on the flood control program; water system support proposal; Ulysses/Newfield/Enfield bus route; and an arrangement with Tioga 29 February 19, 1985 County to make an allocation available from their rural transportation assistance to subsidize C & D Transportation service, which will be discussed further at the next committee meeting. Mr. Stein said there is on file a copy of the Tompkins County Profile prepared by the Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Develop- ment Board. He noted that the committee name has been changed to Planning and Development Committee, and the meeting schedule has also been changed. The Planning and Development Committee will meet on the same Friday as the Public Works Committee at 11 a.m.; at noon, both committees will meet jointly and will be followed by a Public Works Committee meeting. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met February 5, and they have several resolutions on the agenda as well as appoint- ments to recommend at the appropriate time. The committee also approved car specifications for the Department of Social Services and heard updates on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and the Summer Jobs Guidelines. She informed the Board that the Public Health Law has been amended to include munici- pal summer camps; the day care survey is underway; and the Affirmative Action Subcommittee has nearly completed its work. Mrs. Call said the twelve municipal appointments to the Economic Opportunity Corporation expire March 31, and she asked that nominations be submitted before the next committee meeting, which is scheduled for March 5. She also announced that Sue Perlgut is now the director of the Tompkins County Arts Council, and Marilyn Gray is now the director of the Senior Citizens Council. Mr. Mason, Vice Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met February 11 and most of their action is reflected on the agenda. In addition, he said the committee discussed with the Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services their request for revenue sharing funds, and it was the consensus of the committee that this is an economic program. He said the committee unanimously recommended that Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services submit their funding re- quest through the Planning and Development Committee. Mr. Murphy, County Administrator, said there are arrangements in the contract to bag the parking meters for committee and Board meetings, and they are now working on an appropriate procedure to cover the meters for meetings held during morning or early afternoon. Mr. Williamson, County Attorney, read to the Board a telegram received at 4:45 p.m. this afternoon from Dr. Fortescue which stated, "Unfortunately your letter dated February 13, 1985, not received in time for detailed response by February 19th deadline. Am generally in agreement regarding $25,000 option and AMEDCO and I are prepared to proceed with feasibility studies but details need to be addressed. Suggest Board consider designating representatives to meet with us at earliest possible date. More detailed letter follows." Mr. Williamson also said that Chairman Dates received a letter from Mrs. Howell, Hospital Admin- istrator, with further comments regarding the old hospital, and Mr. Williamson said this letter will be copied and placed in each Board member's mailbox. Chair- man Dates referred this to the Planning and Development and Public Works Committees, with appropriate staff assistance. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, the following resolut'.ons were added to the agenda by voice vote: Approval of 1985 Contract With Cooperative 30 February 19, 1985 Extension to Operate Youth Council Program - Youth Bureau; Authorization to Apply for Additional Funds - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Office for the Aging. On motion of Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, the resolution entitled Budget Adjustment and Appropriation - CASA Coordinator - Increase of Hours was added to the agenda by voice vote. On motion of Mr. Freeman, the following resolutions were added to the agenda by voice vote: Audit - Courthouse Window Replacement - McGuire and Bennett, Inc.; Authorization of Public Hearing - Declaring Certain Parcels of Old Hospital Prop- erty as no Longer Needed for Public Use. On motion of Mr. Watros, the following resolutions were added to the agenda by voice vote: Approval - TC3/CSEA Contract; Appropriation and Budget Adjustment - Biggs Building. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton to add to the agenda a resolution entitled Urging Prompt Payment of Property Taxes by Local Banks That Have Established Homeowner Escrow Accounts for Such Purposes. Chairman Dates referred this resolution to the Budget and Administration Committee. RESOLUTION NO. 29 - AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SURVEYOR - COUNTY PURCHASE OF LAND FOR LANDFILL Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,447. Noes: 246 (Representative Culligan). Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development and the Public Works Committees, That Milton Green of Cortland be retained by the County for a fee not to exceed $850 to do the necessary surveying as required by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation of properties being purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snowberger and Mrs. Agnes Alcott in the Town of Dryden. RESOLUTION NO. 30 - ENDORSEMENT OF FEDERAL SECTION 18 PROGRAM - SEVENTH YEAR FUNDING BETWEEN CITY OF ITHACA AND COUNTY Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation has notified the County of Tompkins that a total of $175,000 in Federal Section 18 transportation funds has been reserved for use by the County and the City of Ithaca, and WHEREAS, the County Section 18 Coordinator, Frank R. Liguori, has prepared a seventh year allocation of the Section 18 funding as follows: Tota]. Federal Section 18 funds reserved (Seventh Year Only) $175,000 31 February 19, 1985 Funds to be reserved for projects for which the County will be the applicant .$ 87,500 Funds to be reserved for projects for which the City will be the applicant $ 87,500 WHEREAS, the budget has been approved by the City of Ithaca, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the budget is hereby approved, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized to execute an agreement with the City of Ithaca for the above allocation of the Section 18 Program funds. RESOLUTION NO. 31 - APPROVAL OF FIVE-YEAR AIRPORT EMPROVEMENT PLAN - 1985-1989 Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Culligan, Mr. Stein reported that the Airport Master Plan has been revised so that the architectural work will be done in 1986 with the start of construction anticipated within five years. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Airport Manager has prepared the annual Five -Year Airport Improve- ment Plan for 1985-1989 to be used as a guide for capital improvements and Federal Aviation Administration and New York State Department of Transportation funding grants, and WHEREAS, said Plan has been reviewed and approved by both the Public Works Committee and the Planning and Development Committee, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee and the Planning and Development Committee, That said Five -Year Airport Improvement Plan, as circulated to the Board and dated January 1985, be and the same is hereby ap- proved subject to approval of the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized to submit applications for funding grants for the 1985 projects. RESOLUTION NO. 32 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 2 - 1985 - AMENDING EFFECTIVE DATE OF LOCAL LAW NO. 6 - 1984 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,423. Noes: 270 (Representative Livesay). Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held on Local Law No. 2 of 1985, which local law amended the adoptive and effective date of Local Law No. 6 - 1984 from November 29, 1934 to February 19, 1985, and WHEREAS, opportunity for full discussion was had at public hearing of February 19, 1985, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That Local Law No. 2 - 1985 be and the same is hereby adopted, 32 February 19, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said Local Law No. 2 of 1985 in the official newspapers of the County for two succes- sive weeks within ten days after this local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy in the Office of the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comptroller and four certified copies with the Secretary of State. RESOLUTION N0. 33 - WITHDRAWAL OF PARCEL FROM 1984 TAX FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A voice vote was, taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Office of Budget and Finance has received all monies due and owing on one parcel included in the 1984 Tax Foreclosure; said parcel being 32-1-29.1 in the Town of Lansing, assessed to Violet Simpson, and being serial number 40 in the 1984 Tax Foreclosure Proceeding, and WHEREAS, said monies were received subject to the approval of this Board of the withdrawal of the above parcel from the 1984 Tax Foreclosure, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the aforesaid parcel be and it hereby is withdrawn from the 1984 Tax Fore- closure Proceeding. RESOLUTION NO. 34 - CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF NEWFIELD Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error has been made in the 1985 Town of Newfield tax roll; namely, a returned school tax in the amount of $71.09 was erroneously relevied on parcel 32-1-11.2 when the relevy should have been made on parcel 32-1-11.3, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the tax on parcel 32-1-11.2 be corrected from $103:87 to $32.78 and that the tax on parcel 32-1-11.3 be corrected from $32.78 to $103.87, RESOLVED, further, That the Town of Newfield Tax Collector be authorized to correct the 1985 tax roll and issue corrected tax bills. . RESOLUTION N0. 35 - URGING ADOPTION OF LEGISLATION RE TORT LIABILITY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. After discussion, a voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, in recent years the cost of tort liability for local government has increased dramatically, especially in New York State, and WHEREAS, New York is one of only two states with unlimited liability exposure for local government entities, and 33 February 19, 1985 WHEREAS, such unlimited liability has caused serious fiscal problems for local government budgets, which threatens the financial health of public treas- uries and diverts limited tax dollars from the provision of essential services, and WHEREAS, the unpredictability of large damage awards and settlements is a constant threat to many of the State's smaller jurisdictions which may simply not be able to afford a catastrophic loss, and WHEREAS, the state legislature can take action to moderate local government liability at no cost to the State, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County of Tompkins respectfully requests the New York State Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign into law, a bill or bills for the purpose and effect of: - Amending the doctrine of joint and several liability to limit damages governmental defendants are required to pay to their equitable share of judgments; - Limiting recovery for non -economic losses (e.g. pain and suffering) to cases where significant injury is proven according to objective standards; - Establishing a reasonable cap on recovery against governmental tort defendants or some other appropriate means of limiting local government liability; RESOLVED, further, That this County urges the state legislature to act favorably on the legislation currently pending before it, or a comparable alter- native thereto, which would accomplish the aforementioned goals, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies of this resolution to Governor Cuomo; Senator Lloyd S. Riford, Jr.; Assemblyman H. Sam MacNeil; members of the New York State Legislature of adjoining counties; the New York State Association of Counties; and the Supervisors' and County Legislators' Association of the State of New York. RESOLUTION NO. 36 - TRANSFERS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections, Human Services,and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers on his books: District Attorney: From: To: A1165.442 A1165.229 Professional Services $ 866 Data Processing Equipment $ 866 34 February 19, 1985 Explanation: Purchase of the IBM hard disc and memory expansion was inadver- tently left out of the 1985 budget. The cost of the equipment is $2,411. A year-end adjustment in 1984 of $1,545 was made into the .229 account, leaving $866 needed to cover the cost of the equipment. Central Services: From: A1670.428 Duplicator 9400 $ 23 To: A1670.204 Other Equipment $ 23 Explanation: The price of the budgeted calculator was increased from $120 to $143 by the manufacturer on December 1. Social Services: From: A6141.400 HEAP $ 7,250 To: A6010.206 Computer $.5,800 .302 Office Supplies 500 .425 Service Contracts 950 Explanation: To cover purchase of, and supplies and maintenance for, a computer for use by the HEAP unit. Job Training. Appropriation: 13-4-6345.100 Personal Services $ 7,462 .302 Supplies 24 .330 Printing 82 .332 Training Supplies and Materials 781 .414 Local Mileage 121 .424 Equipment Rental 100 432Rent 450 .442 Professional Service Fees 150 .472 Telephone 355 .810 Retirement 959 .830 FICA 485 .840 Workers' Compensation 22 .860 Health Insurance 1,080 .870 Unemployment Insurance 129 $12,200 Revenue: 13-4-2350.000 $12,200 Explanation: Set up books for ERP2 Program carried over from 1984. RESOLUTION N0. 37 - ADOPTION OF REVISED POLICIES - ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. On motion of Mrs. Livesay, the following amendmend to Policy 01-23 - Smoking was unanimously adopted by voice vote: Policy and Procedure 3d) Impact on the general rublic. Policy 01-23 - Smoking as amended was adopted by voice vote with Representative Proto voting no. 35 February 19, 1985 It was Moved by Mr. Slattery, seconded by Mr. Stein to amend Policy 01-28 - County -Owned Vehicles by adding to Policy and Procedure 9, "or other County - authorized stickers." The amendment was unanimously adopted by voice vote. Policy 01-28 - County -Owned Vehicles as amended was unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following revised policies be adopted for inclusion in the Adminis- trative Manual: 01-23 Smoking 01-28 County -owned Vehicles RESOLUTION NO. 38 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - COUNTY ATTORNEY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Nichols to change Labor Grade 11 to Labor Grade 12. After dis- cussion, it was Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Watros to Table this resolu- tion until March 5 and in the meantime refer it to the Management Compensation Committee. Motion to Table unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 39 - CREATION OF POSITION - JOB TRAINING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Employment and Training Coordi- nator (11-35), labor grade XI, competitive class, be created effective immedi- ately to extend through July 31, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That all salaries and fringes are 100 percent reimbursable, RESOLVED, further, That when the 100 percent reimbursable monies stop, the position shall be re-evaluated. RESOLUTION NO. 40 - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES - AUTHORIZATION FOR MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, Tompkins County Administrative Policy 01-08 requires approval from the Board of Representatives for department membership in more than two professional organizations, and WHEREAS, there is an Association of Foster Parent Trainers, and WHEREAS, foster parent training is an area to which the Department of Social Services has a strong commitment and where the New York State Department of Social Services has strengthened the requirements regarding foster parents, and 36 February 19, 1985 WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Department of Social Services' membership in the organization will assist the Department in keeping abreast of new develop- ments and ideas regarding foster parent training, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Department is hereby authorized to become a member of the Association of Foster Parent Trainers at a charge of $15 per annum. RESOLUTION NO. 41 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - HEAP ((/2) 1984-85 - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (Title XXVI of Public Law 97-35) authorizes grants to provide assistance to eligible households to meet the cost of home energy, and WHEREAS, the State of New York has agreed to administer and supervise the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 in accordance with Section 260S of said Act through local departments of social services, and WHEREAS, the State of New York has made available additional funds of $741,966 for the HEAP program, and WHEREAS, such appropriations, when expended, are 100 percent reimbursable by the State of New York, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following budget adjustment be made: Appropriation: 6141 HEAP $741,966 Revenue: 4641 HEAP $741,966 RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make the necessary budget adjustments on his books. RESOLUTION NO. 42 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND VARIOUS BANKS - FOOD STAMP PROGRAM Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Social Services administers the Food Stamp Program in New York on behalf of the United States Department of Agriculture, and the New York State Department of Social Services requires the local Social Service Districts to administer the Food Stamp Program, and WHEREAS, the local Social Service District requires the services of local issuing agents, and WHEREAS, the following banks are eligible and willing to serve as coupon issuers, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of rhe Human Services Committee, That the Chair- man of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute the follow- ing contracts inadvertently omitted from the 1985 budget for issuing food stamps 37 February 19, 1985 at $1.40 per valid transaction: First Bank of Groton Tompkins County Trust Company Security Trust Company RESOLUTION NO. 43 - REOUESTING THE NEW YORK STATE LEGISLATURE TO INCREASE STATE AID TO NEW YORK'S COMMUNITY COLLEGES Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Lifton and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, community colleges are an essential service for the future welfare of New York Sta[:e, and WHEREAS, previous legislation has indicated that 40 percent should be the state -support level for colleges implementing a Full Opportunity Program, and WHEREAS, local governments should not bear the burden of increasing costs for the state's share of support, and WHEREAS, students should not bear the burden on increasing costs for the state's share of support. Dramatically increasing tuition at community colleges will deprive a segment of the state's population of an opportunity for higher education, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Tompkins County Board of Representatives requests the Governor of the State of New York and the New York State Legislature to develop a budget for New York's Community Colleges that will truly reflect and maintain high quality comprehensive programs; to provide access to the maximum number of state residents; and to provide recognition of the impact of increasing costs on college operations, RESOLVED, further, That we request formula changes for state support agree with the State University of New York's request as follows: 1. Increase Base Aid - $1,070 to $1,270/FTE student 2. Increase Disadvantaged Aid - $212 to $245/FTE student 3. Increase Technical Aid - $195 to $230/FTE student 4. Increase Business Aid - $82 to $100/FTE student 5. Request the Governor to appoint a commission to study and recommend a multi-year approach to achieve 40 percent state support of community colleges. RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk forward a certified copy of this resolu- tion to the Cortland County Legislature for their consideration of co -endorsement of this resolution, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk forward certified copies of this resolu- tion to Governor Cuomo; Senator Lloyd S. Riford, Jr.; Assemblyman H. Sam MacNeil; Senator James Donovan, Chairman of the Senate Education Committee: Assemblyman Jose Serrano, Chairman of the Assembly Education Comitttee; the New York State 38 February 19, 1985 Association of Counties; and the Supervisors' and County Legislators' Associ- ation of the State of New York. RESOLUTION N0. 44 - JOB TRAINING - EXTENSION OF LEASE Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Job Training Department has a lease for space on the fourth floor of the T. G. Miller building at 330 East State Street, and WHEREAS, said lease epxires February 28, 1985, and WHEREAS, the Job Training Department will continue to require that space for the delivery of its programs, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute an extension of said lease through September 30, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That rent shall be paid 100 percent from Job Training Department accounts. RESOLUTION NO. 45 - DISTRIBUTION OF COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAPITAL RESERVE FUNDS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. 'Mr. Murphy explained the reso-' lution and said that although Tompkins Cortland Community College will maintain the money, they cannot spend it without approval from both the Tompkins and Cortland County Legislatures. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee and the Education Committee, That the amount of $21,250 be transferred from the Tompkins County Capital Reserve Account established by Resolution No. 164 of 1984 to the Tompkins Cortland Community College Capital Fund, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution is contingent upon the adoption of a concurrent resolution by Cortland County authorizing their pro rata share. RESOLUTION NO. 46 - AUDIT - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CALOCERINOS AND SPINA Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by Calocerinos and Spina and audited by the Public Works Committee: Request No. 4 - Phase I Inspection - $4,102.89 now therefore be it RESOLVED, or. recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the aforesaid amount be and it hereby is audited and approved and the County Administrator is 39 February 19, 1985 hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 84-5610.201, withholding 5 percent retainage as required. RESOLUTION NO. 47 - AUDIT - COURTHOUSE WINDOW REPLACEMENT - ARCHITECUTRAL SERVICES J. VICTOR BAGNARDI Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,963. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by J. Victor Bagnardi, Architect, in relation to Resolution No. 96 - 1984 and audited by the Public Works Committee: Payment Request No. 2 - $6,665.70 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be and it hereby is audited and approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 52-5-1620.200. RESOLUTION NO. 48 - AWARD OF BID - BURNS ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. After discussion, a voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for the replacement of the Burns Road bridge over Six Mile Creek in the Town of Ithaca in accordance with specifications filed in the Office of the Tompkins County Highway Department, and WHEREAS, the bids were publicly opened on Wednesday, February 13, 1985, at 10 a.m. in the Office of the County Administrator, and WHEREAS, FLC Contractors, Inc., of Ithaca, New York is the lowest responsible bidder for the replacement of the Burns Road bridge meeting all specifications, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid of FLC Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $149,818 be and the same hereby is ac- cepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to execute a contract with FLC Contractors, Inc., on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION NO. 49 - PUBLIC HEARING - HERTZ CORPORATION AND AVIS RENT -A -CAR SYSTEM - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mrs. Call. After discussion, a voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: O. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. 40 February 19, 1985 WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has approved proposals of the Hertz Corporation and Avis Rent-A-Car System for the rental of vehicles at the Tompkins County Airport, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That a public hearing be held on said proposed contracts on March 5, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. in the Tompkins County Board of Representatives Chambers, County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York. RESOLUTION NO. 50 - PETTY CASH INCREASE - COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, the:Budget and Administration Committee, and State auditors, That the County Clerk's petty cash account be increased from $300 to $1,000 to provide funds for the use of a mailing machine recently acquired for the Motor Vehicle Bureau and to provide increased cash drawer funds, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the necessary adjustment on his books. RESOLUTION NO. 51 - BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS - STOP -DWI Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget appropri- ations on his books: From: A599 General Fund Balance (Stop -DWI Funds) $4,500 To: 4250.442 Professional Service Fees $4,500 Explanation: For costs incurred by the City of Ithaca, towns and villages of Tompkins County, and Tompkins County for DWI blood tests. From: A599 General Fund Balance (Stop -DWI Funds) $ 582 To: 4250.412 Conference $ 582 Explanation: To attend statewide conferences as well as periodically send police and Assistant District Attorneys to DWI workshops and conferences. RESOLUTION N0. 52 - ACCEPTANCE OF SECTION 18 CAPITAL GRANT FOR THREE BUS SHELTERS - TOMTRAN ITHACA-DRYDEN TRANSIT vote. Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call and unanimously adopted by voice 41 February 19, 1985 WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has submitted a request for a grant of funds to the New York State Department of Transportation and the United States ' Department of Transportation (Resolution No. 60 - 1984) pursuant to Section 18, of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, for a project to pur- chase and install three bus passenger shelters with benches and schedule display cases (PIN 3794.03.306), and WHEREAS, the project budget is $16,500; using $13,200 in Section 18 funds and $3,300 in New York State Transportation funds, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and.Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to sign: 1. Any and all agreements between the County of Tompkins and the State of New York for the above-named project; 2. Any and all agreements between the County of Tompkins and any third party contractors necessary to complete the project, if appropriate; and 3. Any municipality/vendor contracts for the purchase and installation of the bus shelters. RESOLUTION NO. 53 - ACCEPTANCE OF SECTION 18 CAPITAL GRANT FOR ONE TRANSIT BUS - TOMTRAN EAST ITHACA TRANSIT Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has submitted a request for a grant of funds to the New York State Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation (Resolution No. 232 - 1982), pursuant to Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, for a project to pur- chase one 35-48 passenger bus and related equipment (PIN 3794.01.306), and WHEREAS, the project budget is $97,180 with the following sources of funding: Section 18 ($77,744), New York State ($9,718), and the TOMTRAN Appalachian Regional Commission grant ($9,718), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to sign: 1. Any and all agreements between the County of Tompkins and the State of New York for the above-named project; 2. Any and all agreements between the County of Tompkins and any third party contractors necessary to complete the project, if appropriate; and 3. Any municipality/vendor contracts for the purchase and installation of the bus shelters. 42 February 19, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 54 - AUDIT - COURTHOUSE WINDOW REPLACEMENT - McGUIRE AND BENNETT, INC. Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). ;Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claims have been submitted by McGuire and Bennett, Inc., in relation to Resolution No. 45 - 1984, and audited by the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee: Payment Request No. 6 - $ 2,631.00 Payment Request No. 7 - $17,661.00 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be and it hereby is audited and approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. F52-1620.201. RESOLUTION NO. 55 - APPROVAL OF 1985 CONTRACT WITH COOPERATIVE EXTENSION TO OPERATE YOUTH COUNCIL PROGRAM - YOUTH BUREAU Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,455. Noes: 238 (Representative Lifton). Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, $5,000 in Division for Youth matching funds was approved in the 1985 County Budget A7022.570 for the City of Ithaca Youth Bureau to operate a Youth Council, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca will not be able to operate the program in 1985, and WHEREAS, the Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County has submitted an alternate proposal to operate said program for $5,000 in Division for Youth matching funds, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Youth Board has recommended approval of the substitute proposal, now therefore be it • RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute and amend all required applications and contract. RESOLUTION NO. 56 - APPROPRIATION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - BIGGS BUILDING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees and review by the County Administrator, Planning and Public Works departments, That the Mental Health Department is authorized to use the room in the southeast corner of the first floor of the Biggs Building, adja- cent to the reception area, being allocated 340 square feet, and 43 February 19, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That to effecutate this change the County Administrator is authorized and directed to make the following appropriation and budget adjust- ment on his books: Appropriation From: A1990 Contingent Fund To: A4311.432 Mental Health Clinic Rent Budget Adjustment Appropriation: A4311.432 Mental Health Clinic Rent Revenue: 3490.010 State Aid $587 $587 $587 $587 RESOLUTION NO. 57 - AUTHORIZATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - DECLARING CERTAIN PARCELS OF OLD HOSPITAL PROPERTY AS NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. After discussion, a voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused': 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Board of Representatives hold a public hearing March 5, 1985 at 5:30 in the evening thereof in the Chambers of the Board of Representatives to consider a resolution declaring all or some of the following parcels as no longer needed for public use: P-3, P-4, P -5A, P -5B, P -7A, P -7B, P -8A, P -8B, P-9, P-10, P-11, P-12, P-13, and P-14, as shown on a map entitled "Subdivision Map of Lands of the County of Tompkins" dated August 1, 1984. RESOLUTION N0. 58 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS - SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. Mrs. Call explained that because of the short time frame, she and Chairman Dates authorized the Director of the Office for the Aging to apply for this grant. A voice voce was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Office for the Aging received a grant of $52,500 of State funds for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for the period October 1, 1984 through March 31, 1985, and WHEREAS, the State Office for the Aging has offered the County the oppor- tunity to apply for supplemental funds to be used before March 31, 1985, and WHEREAS, SNAP is now renting two vehicles while awaiting the delivery of one which was authorized as part of the first six months program budget, and WHEREAS, the su:cess of SNAP is highly dependent on a reliable delivery system in all pares of the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Director of the Office for the Aging be and is hereby authorized to apply co the State Office for the Aging for $8,000 in additional SNAP funds to be added 44 February 19, 1985 to the present SNAP budget for the purpose of vehicle purchase, such funds to be used or encumbered by March 31, 1985. RESOLUTION NO. 59 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND APPROPRIATION - CASA COORDINATOR - INCREASE OF HOURS Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives established one half-time position of Public Health Nurse -CASA Coordinator by Resolution No. 88 of 1984, and WHEREAS, there is a need for additional service time to be provided by the coordinator, and WHEREAS, there is funding available from the County Office for the Aging through the Community Services for the Elderly Act to fund an increase in the coordinator's position through March 31, 1985, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Public Health Nurse -CASA Coordinator position be increased from a half-time position to a 70 percent time positioneffective immediately which increase in time shall be authorized until April 1, 1985, at which time this position shall revert back to a half-time position unless other- wise directed by the Board, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized to make the following budget adjustment and appropriation on his books: Budget Adjustment Appropriation: 4026.100 Personal Services $272 4026.830 FICA 27 Revenue: 1626 CASA Local Revenue (COFA Funds) $299 Appropriation From: 1990 Contingent Fund $ 99 To: 4026.100 Personal Services $ 99 RESOLUTION NO. 60 - APPROVAL - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE/CSEA CONTRACT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Freeman to hold an executive session to hear the details of the contract. Motion unanimously adopted by voice vote (7:26-7:35). A voice vote was taken on the resolution. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Brown). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins Cortland Community College Negoti- ating Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives approves the tentative agreement between the Civil Service Employees Association and the Tompkins 45 February 19, 1985 Cortland Community College support staff contingent upon approval by both the Cortland County Legislature and the Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, Roger Keeney was appointed to the Human Rights Commission to fill a vacancy which expires December 31, 1987. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, Kathleen Mahoney was ap- pointed to the Youth Board to represent the Town of Lansing for a term which expires December 31, 1986. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman, Mark Hamlet was reappointed chairman of the Environmental Management Council for 1985. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman, the following appointments were made to the Environmental Management Council for terms which expire December 31, 1985: Judy Rossiter, County Planning Board representative; Carol Sisler, at -large representative. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman, the following appointments were made to the County Planning Board for terms which expire December 31, 1987: Judy Rossiter, Environmental Management Council representative; Stuart Stein, Planning and Development Committee representative; H. William Smith, Town of Ulysses representative; Benjamin Curtin, Town of Caroline representative. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, the following appointments were made to the Economic Advisory Board for terms which expire December 31, 1987: Ralph Jordan, Banking Community representative; Dick Flaville, City of Ithaca rep- resentative; Stuart Stein, Tompkins County representative. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, the following appointments were made to the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Commission for terms which expire December 31, 1986: Donald Slattery, Tompkins County member; James Mason, Tompkins County alternate. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, Lewis D. Cartee was reappointed to the Multiple Residence Review Board for a term which expires December 31, 1987. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman, the following appointments were made to the Soil and Water Conservation District: Kenneth Tillapaugh - term expires December 31, 1985 Robert Miller - term expires December 31, 1987 On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, Joyce Maglione was appointed as a business representative on the Job Training Council to fill a vacancy which expires June 30, 1985. On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto, David Strong was appointed as a business representative on the Service Delivery Area Private industry Council co fill a vacancy which expires June 30, 1986. 46 February 19, 1985 On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr'.Slattery, Dona34 Lifton-:was ap- pointed to the Cooperative Extension Board for:a term:wh3ch expires.:December 31, 1985. Chairman Dates appointed Thomas-Todd'as the landowner. representative on the Fish and Wildlife Management Board for a term which.expirea. Decembe.r,31,:.1986. The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m. 47 REGULAR MEETING March 5, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. Chairman Dates welcomed Daniel M. Winch, representing the Towns of Newfield and Enfield, and said he will assume the committee assignments of Mr. Brown. PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to order the public hearing to consider declaring all or some parcels of land at the Biggs Complex no Longer needed for public use. Merrill Shipherd said he believes there is renewed interest and concern about retaining the old hospital building as the nucleus for community use. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:38 p.m. The minutes of January 8 and February 11 were approved, and the minutes of February 19 were approved subject co revision by the Clerk. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Livesay informed the Board that RSVP is offering free income tax assistance, and she said some forms are available in the Board office listing more information on this assistance. Mr. Tiliapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the next meeting is scheduled for March 6 at 4:30 p.m. in Board Chambers. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said the committee will meet March 7 at 4:30 p.m. in Board Chambers. He also reminded the Board of a meeting at Tompkins Cortland Community College on March 8 at 10 a.m. with Cortland County legislators and the two State Legislators to discuss the budget for next year. Mr. Culligan said he attended a meeting last week of the Finger Lakes Associ- ation, and he said one of their primary efforts for the upcoming tourist season will be co encourage Canadian tourism by establishing parity between the Canadian and American dollars. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Study Committee, said the committee is con- tinuing to meet with the consultants to formulate details for the design of the facility, and he asked that any suggestions on the design be forwarded to him in the near future. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, said response has been excellent from applicants for the County Administrator's position, and he said he will keep the Board updated on the committee's progress. 48 March 5, 1985 Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee has met twice since the last Board meeting. He said they rejected the bids for marked Sheriff's cars, which were substantially over budget, and approved redrafted specifications to rebid the cats. Mrs. Nichols, Chairman of the Alternatives to Incarceration Advisory Board, said the committee has met twice, and one meeting was with representatives of the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. She said the committee is now collecting data, and they plan to meet on March 18 at 4:45 p.m. in Board Chambers to prepare a document for the Board to consider. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee will meet jointly with the Planning and Development Committee on March 8 at 1:00 p.m. in the Planning office. He said there are samples of the wall covering and carpet that are being considered as an acoustical covering for the recessed wall in Board Chambers, and he asked Board members to comment on these samples before the March 8 meeting. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, said the committee will meet jointly with the Public Works Committee on March 8 at 1:00 p.m. in the Planning office. He said Mr. Liguori has been in touch with the New York State Department of Transportation regarding Route 13 and the.resolution adopted by the Board, and the State is still working on this and will be meeting with the County in March. Mr. Stein said he intends to contact the State and urge them to proceed on this project. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met this afternoon and their business will be reflected on future. agendas in addition to appointments later in this meeting. She said the committee also heard updates on the child support services legislation and the County Home evalu- ation, which includes both a facility/physical plant evaluation and a program evaluation. Mrs. Call noted that the Human Rights Commission and Youth Bureau annual reports have been distributed to the Board. - Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee will meet March 11 at noon in Board Chambers. Mr, Culligan asked for an update of the veteran's tax exemption legislation. Chairman Dates referred this request to the Budget and Administration Committee and asked the committee to report on this at the next Board meeting. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Culligan, the resolution entitled Establish Public Hearing on Proposed Contracts With USAir, Empire Airlines, Inc., and Brockway Air - Airport was added to the agenda by voice vote. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein, the resolution entitled Authorization to Approve Required Publication by New York Power Authority - Contract Between Authority and County was added to the agenda by voice vote. On motion of Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason, the resolution entitled Disposition of the Old Hospital was added to the agenda by voice vote with Representatives Livesay and Litton voting no. 49 March 5, 1985 At the request of Mr. Freeman, the resolution entitled Declaring Certain Hospital Premises No Longer Needed for Public Use was withdrawn from the agenda. Mr. Freeman said that adoption of this resolution would remove the County from involvement in renting or developing this property, and until a firm proposal is received, he and the County Attorney feel that it would be best to withdraw the resolution. Mr. Williamson explained that since the public hearing has been held, the resolution can be acted on at another time. RESOLUTION NO. 61 - AUDIT - TOPOGRAPHIC, PROPERTY AND UTILITY MAP - WARREN ROAD JAIL SITE - T. G. MILLER, P.C. Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 23 of January 1985 authorized monies for preparation of a topographic, property and utility map of the Warren Road Jail Site, and WHEREAS, T. G. Miller, P.C. has submitted a claim in the amount of $1,200 for said map, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount has been audited by the Special Jail Committee and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim out of funds provided therefore in Account No. 58-3150.215. RESOLUTION NO. 62 - ESTABLISHMENT OF TOMPKINS COUNTY ADVISORY BOARD ON ALTERNA- TIVES TO INCARCERATION Moved by Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Proto and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives voted to participate in the Alternatives to Incarceration program established in 1984 by the New York State Legislature, and WHEREAS, the enabling legislation requires the appointment of a local advisory board to supervise the preparation and implementation of the Alterna- tives to Incarceration program for Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, although various local officials must be members of the advisory board and are specified in the legal guidelines, the number of members of the advisory board and their terms of office are at the convenience of the County Board of Representatives, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Advisory Board on Alternatives to Incarceration be established and the following persons are hereby appointed as members for the year 1985: Harris B. Dates, Chairman of the Board of Representatives Betty Friedlander, County Court Judge M. John Sherman, Acting City Judge Ethel Nichols, County Board Representative Benjamin Bucko, District Attorney Robert Howard, Sheriff Robert Stolp, Assigned Counsel Administrator Lois Humphrey, Director of Probation 50 March 5, 1985 James M. Herson, City Police Chief Harlin R. McEwen, Cayuga Heights Police Chief Merton J. Wallenbeck, Town Justice Eric J. Lerner, Executive Director, Offender Aid and Resotration Paul G. Smith, At -large H. L. Bradshaw, Jr., At -large Kirk S. Hazen, At -large Lewis E. Ward, At -large RESOLUTION NO. 63 - ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING - HERTZ CORPORATION AND AVIS RENT -A - CAR SYSTEM - AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Proto. Mr: Freeman explained that the first notice was not received by the newspaper in time to be published, so the public hearing will have to be held March 19. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has approved proposals of the Hertz Corporation and Avis Rent-A-Car System for the rental of vehicles at the Tompkins County Airport, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That a public hearing be held on said proposed contracts on March 19, 1985, at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols to lift from the Table Resolution No. 38 - Reclassification of Position - County Attorney's Office. Motion unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 38 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Slattery. Mr. Stein withdrew his motion to amend the resolution to change Labor Grade 11 to Labor Grade 12 with the consent of Mrs. Nichols, who seconded the motion to amend. There was lengthy discussion, and Mr. Stein said his understanding is that this position and .the Assistant County Attorney's position will be reviewed to ensure that each is performing the proper duties. In addition, he said that the Management Compensation Committee asked that this position be reviewed the next time a consultant is hired. A roll call vote was taken on the resolution. Ayes: 3,157 (Representatives Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff). Noes: 842 (Representatives Freeman, Mason, Dates). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommend=.tion of the Budget and Administration Committee and the Special Compensation Committee, That one position of Secretary (10-09), labor grade X, exempt class, in the County Attorney's Office, be reclassified to Para- legal Aide (11-43), labor grade XI, exempt class, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $650 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (A1990) to County Attorney - Personal Services (A1420.100). 51 March 5, 1985 RESOLUTION N0. 64 - ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONTRACTS WITH USAIR, EMPIRE AIRLINES, INC., AND BROCKWAY AIR - AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: O. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Negotiating Committee, That a public hearing be held on Tuesday, March 19, 1985 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York, on proposed contracts with USAir, Empire Airlines, Inc., and Brockway Air for airline passenger service at the Tompkins County Airport. RESOLUTION N0. 65 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPROVE REQUIRED PUBLICATION BY NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY - CONTRACT BETWEEN AUTHORITY AND COUNTY Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has previously completed an application to the New York Power Authority for electric service, authorized by Resolution No. 159 of 1984, and WHEREAS, the County is in receipt of a proposed power sale agreement, and WHEREAS, the rules of the New York Power Authority require a thirty -day notice of public hearing on the proposed agreement between the Authority and the County, and WHEREAS, the Power Authority has requested authorization from the County of Tompkins approving said statutory publication, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to notify the Power Authority ofthe County's approval authorizing the required publication on the proposed agreement. Chairman Dates referred to a letter received from Dr. Fortescue dated March 5, 1985, regarding the purchase of the Biggs Complex_ There was discussion with Dr. Fortescue, and it was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Slattery to hold an executive session to discuss negotiations of the option to purchase. Motion adopted by voice vote with Representative Freeman voting no (7:05-8:40). RESOLUTION NO. 66 - DISPOSITION OF THE OLD HOSPITAL Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 2,106 (Representatives Tillapaugh, Watros, Call, Freeman, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Dates). Noes: 1,893 (Representatives Slattery, Stein, Winch, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols). Adopted. WHEREAS. the Tompkins Community Hospital has shown interest in purchasing the old hospital, and WHEREAS, the old and new hospitals are served by inseparable common facilities, and 52 March 5, 1985 WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of Tome%ins-County to,.m'ai'ntain the two buildings, utilities, and other appurtenances under:oci-e"ownershiWand WHEREAS, Dr. Nicholas Fortescue and Associates do not Wish to be -in a competitive position with the Tompkins Community Hospital for' -ownership of this property, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That this Board expresses deep appreciation and thanks Dr. Fortescue Fortescue for his strong interest in developing this property over the past fifteen months, RESOLVED, further, That this Board hereby suspends negotiations with Dr. Fortescue at this time to enter into negotiations withTompkins Community' Hospital for the purchase of the facility known as the old hospital. Chairman Dates asked Mr. Freeman, Mr. Stein, and staff `to`immediately start discussions to bring this (disposition of the old hospital) =to a complete and satisfactory conclusion. . On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, Thomas Hanna andEdwardo Barrow were reappointed to the Tompkins County Youth Board for -terms which ex- pire December 31, 1987 The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 p.m. 53 REGULAR MEETING March 19. 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to order the public hearing on the proposed contracts with USAir, Empire Airlines, Inc., and Brockway Air for airline passenger service at the airport. Mr. Murphy said he has signed contracts from USAir and Brockway Air, and the attorney for Empire Airlines, Inc., said their signed contract was mailed today. Noone else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5;39 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to order the public hearing on the proposed contracts with Hertz Corporation and Avis Rene -A --Car System for rental of vehicles at the airport. `fel Bartlett, General Manager of Budget Rent-A-Car, said he respectfully disagrees with what has come forth, and he believes that there should be further study of the services that can be provided at the airport. He said he submitted a proposal, and he asked that there be further investigation of the contracts and professionalism of Budget Rent-A-Car. Joe Mendelis, a resident of the City of Ithaca, said that as a private citizen he is concerned that the Board is not looking closely enough at the present situation with the car rental facility at the airport. He said he supports the Budget Rent-A-Car proposal because he feels the current occupants at the airport do not meet the same high standards as Budget Rent-A-Car. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5.43 p.m. The minutes of March 5, 1985 were adopted. Chairman Dates read a news release he received from the New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs that stated that they had successfully concluded the armory site selection process with the private donation of an Il -acre parcel located in the Town of Dryden. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Lifton referred to a draft resolution and packet of information he distributed to Board members regarding divest_ne public monies from banks and firms doing business with or in the Republic of South Africa and Namibia. After explaining this packet, Mr. Lifton said he believes steps 54 March 19, 1985 should be taken to ensure that none of Tompkins County's money goes to South Africa. Chairman Dates referred this to.the Budget and Administration Committee. (See page 3 for additional privilege of the floor). Mr. Stein said he and Mr. Freeman have met twice with representatives of the hospital to hear an outline of the hospital's interest in the old hospital property, and he Moved that an executive session be held to present this information, with hospital representatives present to hear discussion and clarify any questions, but he said the Board will have an opportunity to discuss a response without hospital representatives in attendance. Motion seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote (5:57-7:16). Mr. Tillaoaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the committee met March 6 and in addition tothe items on the agenda and the appointment of Mr. Shurtleff to the Long Term Care Coordinating Committee, the committee was informed by Mr. DeLuca that plans for an addition to the Meadow Houde program have been discontinued because of high costs. He also said that the committee tabled a request by the Health Department for an additional public health sanitarian until further information is presented at their next meeting. Mr. Tillapaugh explained that at the time of the last committee meeting, the report on the proposed Emergency Response System was nor finalized, and Mr. Tillaoaugh requested a meet- ing of the committee of the whole to discuss this proposal. Mrs. Call asked that a budget adjustment also be considered during this meeting. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mr. Gilligan, Public Health Administrator, referred to a report that was distributed to the Board which was prepared by the Health Department regarding the possibility of establishing a Personal Emergency Response System in Tompkins County. He said that there are basically two options. One is to establish the system using County personnel and expertise, and the second is to purchase a packaged system. He said the second option is more costly, but it would have the benefit of organizational experience and would allow for expansion of the home units. Mrs. Harding, Office for the Aging Director, said there is money remaining_ in the contract between the Office for the Aging and Long Term Care Coordinating Services which could be used in the establishment of a Personal Emergency Response System_ She said this is State money which has to be encumbered by the end of March or it will expire. After discussion, it was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Freeman to Table this until it has gone through the Human Services Committee in April. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,491. [woes: 508 (Representatives Lifton, Live_ay). Adopted. Mr. Heyman, Deputy County Administrator, explained that the following budget adjustment is for money that was appropriated into a Department of Social Services account for the purpose of contracting services with Job Training. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols and unanimously adopted by voice vote to add the following budget adjustment to Resolution No. 79: 55 Appropriation: A6010.442 Revenue: 4610 March 19, 1985 Professional Services $19,837 $19,837 Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Livesay said that when the establishment of a Personal Emergency Response System was first presented, the Health Committee requested more information before taking action. She said that when the committee became aware chat funds would be available that could be used for the Personal Emergency Response System, the committee asked staff to prepare a proposal so the County would not be forced to forfeit the funds. Mrs. Livesay said she feels it is unfortunate that the County has reached the print where the funds may now be lost. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said the committee met March 7 and in addition to the item on the agenda, the committee will have an appointment to recommend at the appropriate time. The next meeting is scheduled for April 11 at 4:30 p.m. in Board Chambers. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and. Corrections Committee, said the. committee has met twice since the last Board meeting, and their action is reflected on the agenda. He informed the Board of committee discussion regarding insurance for participants in the Community Service Restitution Program, and he said that money is appropriated in the Probation Department budget for this purpose. How- ever, he said there is a risk involved that could potentially escalate the County's insurance premimums. Mr. Mason said he would like to officially extend appreci- ation to Cornell University and recognize their willingness to negotiate with the Fire and Disaster Coordinator's office to set up a system whereby all fire depart- ments in Tompkins County have 24,hour. access to experts in handling --hazardous materials incidents. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met twice since the last Board meeting, and in addition to the items on the agenda, the committee also discussed Courthouse parking. Mr. Freeman thanked the Public Works Department for their work in painting Board Chambers, and he showed a sample of the soundproofing panels that are being considered for the alcove area of Board Chambers. In addition, he said that the Clerk of the Board and the General Build- ing Supervisor, working with the recommendations of Historic Ithaca, have the authority to hang curtains in Board Chambers, which ha said are allocated in the building maintenance budget. The next committee meeting is scheduled for -April 15 at 10 a.m. at the Planning Office. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, said the committee held an informational meeting on March 8 for updates and discussion of the proposals for improvement of the Pine Tree Road intersection. He reminded the Board and the public of the meeting scheduled for March 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Courtroom when New York State Department of Transportation representatives will present their information and ideas on improvements to Route 13. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the business of the last committee meeting is reflected on the agenda. In addition, she said she will have some appointments to recommend at the appropriate time. 56 March 19, 1985 Hr.•Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said there are several resolutions on the agenda reflecting the committee's actions. In addition, the committee discussed the mainframe computer proposal; a grievance by the Civil Services Employees' Association regarding changes in parking: and Rule No. 12 of the Rules of the Board concerning the procedure by which Board members can obtain information from departments. The committee was also updated on the veterans' tax exemption and was informed that there has not yet been legislation before the State legislature on this subject. Mr. Murphy, County Administrator, explained the Tompkins County Computation of Debt Limit and Statement of Debt as of April 16, 1985, which was distributed to each Board member. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Study Committee, asked if this committee is empowered to perform audits for this Board. Chairman Dates said that before the next meeting, he will appoint a special building committee to perform audits, but in the interim, the Budget and Administration Committee will retain this responsi- bility. Mrs. Nichols, Chairman of the Alternatives to Incarceration Committee, said the committee met March 18 and has prepared a draft program plan which the Board will receive this week. She said this plan will have a 30 -day public comment period before the Alternatives to Incarceration Committee and the Public Safety and Corrections Committee will vote on it and forward it to the Board of Repre- sentatives for action on April 23. At the request of Mr. Tillapaugh, the resolutions entitled Medical Emergency Response System and Budget Adjustment - Hypertension were withdrawn from the agenda because they have been added to Resolution No. 79, and Mr. Tillapaugh noted that the appropriation in Resolution No. 79 for the Personal Emergency Response System was Tabled during the meeting of the committee of the whole held this even- ing. RESOLUTION NO. 67 - SINCERE COMMENDATION: JOHN J. MURPHY Moved by Mr. Culligan, unanimously seconded and adopted (see page 24). WHEREAS, Resolution No. 169 of the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors called for a public hearing for a proposed new Tompkins County Charter and Code to be held on the 26th day of August, 1968, in the County Court Room at 7:30 p.m., and WHEREAS, said public hearing followed months of intense study and research by a special Advisory Charter Study Committee, created on February 13, 1968, and WHEREAS, Local Law No. 1 of 1968 called for the adoption of a County Charter and Code for the County of Tompkins in accordance with the provisions of Article IV of the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York with said law to be a referendum on the 1968 November ballot for Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, Article IT_I_ of said law established a Department of Budget and Administration and Section 3.01 created the position of Commissioner of Budget and Administration who shall serve and be directly responsible to the Board of Representatives. and 57 March 19, 1985 WHEREAS, after the passing of a referendum by the citizens of Tompkins Councy, the Board of Supervisors, on January 6, 1969, passed the official adoption of Local. Law No. 1 - 1969, and WHEREAS, it was known that the position of Commissioner of Budget and Finance was to be the most important office of the new Charter and Code, it was decided to recruit, interview and have this office in effect before the implementation of the new form of government as of January 1, 1970, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 247 on October 27, 1969, by a committee of the whole, recommended that John J. Murphy be and he hereby is appointed, effective immedi- ately, to the position of Commissioner of Budget and Administration, which in later years was amended to the position of County Administrator, and WHEREAS, John J. Murphy of St. John's University, Price Waterhouse accounting firm, and the National Cash Register Corporation became an integral part of County government, and WHEREAS, many new department functions of County government and the Community College permanent site were established under his guidance and leadership, in- cluding the financial and structural planning for the new County hospital and the ramification of turning the new hospital over to a community not-for-profit organi- zation, and WHEREAS, John J. Murphy has been a loyal, dedicated and diligent champion in every endeavor given to the citizens of Tompkins County and his achievements have given valuable returns to all, and WHEREAS, as Sir Richard Steele quoted in the 1700's, "The noblest motive is che public good," now therefore be it RESOLVED, That John J. Murphy has accomplished the "noblest motive" and is a man true to the words "honesty above all," RESOLVED, further, That John J. Murphy is as wise as an owl and as East as a modern day computer and be it known that he follows the Golden Rule and exemplifies the "once in a lifetime person" we sometimes meet in passing through life and he will be very much missed, RESOLVED, further, on behalf of all the staff of the County and the citizens of Tompkins County, That we express our sincere deep appreciation to John J. Murphy for his extraordinary service and personal time given for good government here in our area of New York State, and we wish you and your good wife, Molly, and the rest of the Murphy clan the best for future years. RESOLUTION NO. 68 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS - HERTZ CORPORATION AND AVIS RENT -A -CAR SYSTEM - VEHICLE RENTALS AT AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. Mr. Williamson highlighted che changes made to the contract, and discussion, followed. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,251. Noes: 748 (Representatives Lifton, Livesay, Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, a request for proposals for rental vehicle agencies at the Tompkins County Airport has been duly advertised, and three proposals were timely received, and WHEREAS, a public hearing having been duly advertised and held this 19th day of March, 1985, at which any person wishing to address the Board on this subject has had the opportunity to do so, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of thePublic Works Committee, That the proposals of the 2ertz Corporation and the Avis Rent-A-Car System be and thev hereby are 58 March 19, 1985 accepted, and the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a five-year contract with each of these rental vehicle agencies. RESOLUTION NO. 69 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS - USAir, EMPIRE AIRLINES, INC., AND BROCKWAY AIR - AIRPORT • Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been duly advertised and held the 19th day of March, 1985, regarding contracts with airlines for passenger service at the Tompkins County Airport, at which public hearing any person wishing to address the Board on this subject has had an opportunity to speak, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That rhe Chair- man of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute five- year contracts between the County and USAir, Brockway Air, and Empire Airlines, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 70 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT A REVISED FEDERAL SECTION 18 CAPITAL GRANT APPLICATION FOR PURCHASE OF ONE TRANSIT BUS FOR ULYSSES- NEWFIELD TRANSIT PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Mason and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Tompkins County has submitted a Federal Section 18 capital applica- tion in the amount of $110,000 to purchase one transit bus for the TOMTRAN Ulysses -Newfield Transit System to the New York State Department of Transporta- tion (Resolution No. 244 - 1984, adopted September 25, 1984), and WHEREAS, County Section 18 Coordinator Frank Liguori recommends that the project be revised as follows: Funding Source Proposed Existing Budget Budget Net Change Section 18 $ 67,772 $ 79,772 $(12,000) New York State 16,943 19,943 (3,000) ARC TOMTRAN Grant 25,285 10,285 15,000 Total $110,000 $110,000 -0- WHEREAS, the use of these grant funds requires no County matching dollars, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute and submit the revised project application on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the project cost is estimated to be $110,000, of which $67,772 will be funded by the Federal Section 18 Program; $16,943 will be funded by New York State Mass Transportation Funds; and the balance of $25,285 will be funded by the TOMTRAN Appalachian Regional Commission grant. 59 March 19, 1985 RESOLUTION N0. 71 e ACCEPTANCE OF SECTION 18 OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT FOR TOMTRAN ITHACA-DRYDEN TRANSIT Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Watros and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has submitted a request for a grant of funds to the New York State Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation (Resolution No. 198, adopted March 16, 1984), pursuant to Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, for two operating assistance projects for fixed route, open -to -the -public transit service within Tompkins County provided by CU Transit, Inc., during the period July 1, 1982 to December 31, 1982 and calendar year 1983 (PIN 2794.07.406 and PIN 3794.08.406), and WHEREAS, the following schedule shows the estimated amounts of the eligible federal share for each project: Project Period 1982 1983 PIN Federal Share 3794.07.406 3794.08.406 $ 8,544 51,566 Total Federal Share: $60,110 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to sign any and all agreements between the County and the State of New York for the above-named project, and any and all agreements, if appropriate, between the County and any third party contractors necessary to complete the project. RESOLUTION NO. 72 - AUTHORIZATI_ON FOR PARTICIPATION IN ITHACA TRANSIT HOSPITAL SERVICE - TOWN AND CITY OF ITHACA Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Culligan and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Article 5(i), Section 119, of the General Municipal Law of rhe State of New York permits municipalities of the State of New York to jointly provide certain public transit services, and WHEREAS, the City is the operator of Ithaca Transit and is eligible to receive capital and operating assistance funding for the provision of public transit services pursuant to Section 18(b) of the Transportation Law of the State of New York and the Federal Section 18 Program of the Urban Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1978, as amended, and WHEREAS, Ithaca Transit has provided public transit service from the City of Ithaca to the Tompkins Community Hospital since 1979, under a joint funding agreement between the City, Town, and County, and WHEREAS, in 1981 the City, Town, and County agreed upon the deficit financ- ing arrangement with the City providing one-third and the County and Town sharing 60 March 19, 1985 two-thirds of the net local deficit, divided 60 percent and 40 percent respectively between the County and Town, and WHEREAS, since 1981 the net local deficit has remained at or below the budgeted 1981 levels for the City, Town, and County, and WHEREAS, the County's extension of TOMTRAN public transit service in Tompkins County provides for free transfers to and from the Ithaca Transit hospital route, and WHEREAS, the City, Town, and County desire to continue supporting Ithaca Transit service to the Tompkins Commer'sy hospital as a needed public service, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute an agreement with the Town and City of Ithaca for sponsorship of the Ithaca Transit hospital route, RESOLVED, further, That. the County hereby agrees to assume responsibility for 60 Percent of two-thirds of the net deficit not to exceed 58,085, as itemized in the TOMTRAN Account 5630.425 for 1985, RESOLVED, further, That the City of Ithaca shall keep all necessary financial. and ridership records for the hospital route and to bill the Town and County on a bi-annual basis, RESOLVED, further, That this agreement shall remain in effect as long as the City provides said tran:_it service, although any party may terminate the agreement upon six months written notice to the other parties. RESOLUTION N0. 73 - AWARD OF BID - VEHICLES - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Shurcleff and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for three automobiles with certain specifications for use by the Tompkins County Health Department, and WHEREAS, Spencer Ford, Inc., of Spencer, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder for two Ford vehicles with automatic transmissions meeting all specifica- tions, including warranties and taking into consideration trade-in allowance for one used vehicle with a net bid of 55,515, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the aforesaid bids be and they hereby are accepted and the Commissioner of Public Health be and he hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION N0. 74 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION FOR CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP ON CARING FOR THE AGING Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Livesay and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Mental Health Association has staff with the expertise to plan, organize and present conferences and workshops related to caring for the elderly, and. 61 March 19, 1985 WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department, as part of its Long -Term Care Coordinator services, is interested inprovidinga conference and workshop to inform and educate members of the community and local health care professionals on the issues and alternatives involved in providing care to the elderly population, and WHEREAS, the total projected cost of this conference is approximately $1,200, of which the Health Department will pay $400 with the balance of the conference expenses to be paid by ocher community agencies interested in supporting and partici- pating in the conference and workshop, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the Health Department is hereby authorized to contract with the Mental Health Association for services and items related to holding a conference and workshop on caring for the elderly, to be held April 11 and 12, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to sign such a contract between the Health Department and the Mental Health Association for said conference and workshop materials and services. RESOLUTION NO. 75 - AWARD OF BID FOR PURCHASE OF TWO VEHICLES - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for two vehicles for use by the Department of Socias Services, and WHEREAS, Maguire Ford of Ithaca, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications plus rust -proofing of two vehicles making a net bid of $12,332, and WHEREAS, bids were received from two individuals for Che two vehicles to be disposed of and said bids were the highest responsible bids in the following amounts: Linda Slade $305 for 1978 Chevette W. R. Jorgensen $510 For 1978 Ford Fairmont now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the aforesaid bids be and the same hereby are approved and the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services be and she hereby is authorized and directed to complete said transaction on behalf of the County. RES0LUTION N0. 76 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - FUNERAL SERVICES - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Slattery and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a 62 March 19, 1985 contract not previously included in the 1985 budget, the rate schedule of which is listed below, between the Tompkins County Funeral Directors Association and the Department of Social Services pursuant to Section 141 of the Social Services Law for welfare involvement in funerals: Stillborn to three years of age $200 Over three years of age $1,100 RESOLUTION N0. 77 - AUDIT - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CALOCERINOS AND SPINA Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by Calocerinos and Spina and audited by the Public Works Committee: Payment Request No. 3 - $2,757.66 aow therefore be it • RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be and it hereby is audited and approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 84-5610.201, withholding 5 percent retainage as required. RESOLUTION N0. 78 - APPROVAL OF STOP -DWI PROGRAM PLAN FOR 1985 Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Slattery and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles requires Tompkins County to submit a comprehensive program plan for Stop -DWI in order to receive the fines collected since December 1, 1981, for conviction of alcohol-related offenses in the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee and the Stop -DWI Advisory Board, That the Tompkins County Stop -DWI Program Plan on file with the Clerk of the Board be and it hereby is approved, RESOLVED, further, That the Stop -DWI Coordinator be and she hereby is autho- rized and directed to submit said plan to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. RESOLUTION NO. 79 - TRANSFERS, APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS The resolution as amended was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. It was Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Slattery to amend the resolution by adding an appropriation from the Contingent Fund (A1990) in the amount of $364 to the Jail Equipment account (A3150.210) for a dryer. The amendment was unanimously adopted by voice vote. A short roll call was taken on the resolution as amended. 63 March 19, 1985 Ayes: 3,999. does: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, ort recommendation of the Human Services, Budget and Administration, Health, and Education Committees, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers and budget adjustments on his books: Social Services From: A6010.306 Automotive Supplies $517 To: A6010.210 Other Equipment $517 Explanation: The net bid for the cars was $11,267; rustproofing will cost $125 per car for a total of $11,517. $11,000 was budgeted. Mental Health From: A4310.422 Equipment Maintenance 9482 To: 44310.331 Copier Expenses $482 Appropriation: A4310.331 Copier Expenses 9873 Revenue: 1622 Printing, Mental Health $873 Explanation: The Office of Budget and Finance has suggested that funds for all expenses for the copier located in the Mental Health Department be placed in a special account and that revenues from copiers made by other departments be placed in a revenue account. Appropriation: 4322.450 Challenge Industries 560,075 Revenue: 1625.450 Cont. Private Agency 3490.000 State Aid .010 OT620 OMH .020 620 OMH .030 01.620 OMR .040 620 MR .070 CSS OMH $/7,903 42,172 (11,232) 2,897 29,133 13,713 7,661 560,075 Explanation: The 1985 budget figures for Challenge were based on the agency's preliminary request submitted in June 1984. Adjustments noted above reflect the agency's final 1985 budget submitted to the State in February 1985. No additional County dollars are required. Job Training Appropriation: C06261.484 Revenue: C04760 Travel and Transportation 51,230 JTPA i 6 percent Incentive $1,230 Explanation: Appropriation for incentive award based on performance. 64 March 19, 1985 Appropriation: 6262.100 Salaries $ 8,596 .331 Training Supplies/Materials Z80 .332 Books/Publications 75 .414 Local Mileage 150 .480 Tuition/Fees 439 .810 Retirement 825 .830 Social Security 645 .840 Workers' Compensation 15 .860 Health Insurance 451 $11,476 Revenue: 004760 JTPA T 6 percent Incentive $11,476 Explanation: Appropriation for incentive award based on performance. Public Health Appropriation: A40/8,206 Computer $4,600 Revenue: A3403 Hypertension/State Aid $4,000 1603 Hypertension/Local Revenue 600 Explanation: Stare funding has been made available to provide for the purchase of data processing equipment for the Hypertension program. Funds mustbeused by March 31, 1985. Social Services Appropriation: Revenue: Jail From: To: A6010.442 4610 Professional Services $19,837 $19,837 A1990 Contingent Fund $364 A3150.210 Equipment (Dryer) $364 RESOLUTION NO. 80 - APPROVAL - ME BERSHIP DUES - COUNTY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That memberships in various organizations authorized for 1980 and 1981 by Resolution No. 328 adopted December 22, 1980 and Resolution No. 155 adopted May 26, 1981, and extended through 1982 by Resolution No. 12, adopted January 26, 1982, and through 1983 by Resolution No. 337, adopted December 20, 1982, and through 1984 by Resolution No. 72, adopted March 20, 1984, are hereby authorized for the year 1985, and RESOLVED, further, That the fol/owing is an updated list by department of approved memberships: 65 March 19, 1985 Airport: New York State Airport Manager's Association N. E. Chapter of AAAE American Association of Airport Executives Assessment: New York State Assessors' Association New York State Association of County Directors of Real Property Tax Services Chairman and Clerk and Members - Board of Representatives: New York State Association of Chairmen of County Legislative Boards New York State Association of Clerks of County Legislative Boards New York State Association of Counties Supervisors' and County Legislators' Association of the State of New York, Inc. Budget: New York State Municipal Finance officer's Association County Finance Officer's Association of New York State Joh Training: New York State Association of Job Training Administrators *County Administrator: New York State Association of County Administrators County Clerk: New York State Association of County Clarks District Attorney: New York State District Attorney's Association National District Attorney's Association Elections: New York State Election Commissioner's Association Highway: New York State County Highway Superintendent's Association New York State Association of Town Superintendents of Highways Tompkins County Association of Town Superintendents of Highways Human Rights: Association of Local Human Rights Commission of New York State Mental Health: Conference of Mental Health Directors County Office for the Aging: New York State Association of Ares Agencies on Aging 66 March 19, 1985 Personnel: New York State Public Employer Labor Relations Association New York State Association of Counties Civil Service Officers National Public Employer Labor Relations Association *Tompkins County Health Care Coalition Planning: New York Planning Federation Public Health: Home Care Association of New York State Environmental Management Council: New York State Association of Environmental Management Councils Probation: New York State Area I Probation Administration New York State Council of Probation Administrators Sealer of Weights and Measures: New York State Weights and Measures Association New York State Central Directors Group Association Sheriff: State Traffic Safety Commission National Sheriff's Association New York State Sheriff's Association Social Services: New York State Public Welfare Association New York State Western Region Commission Association *Association of Foster Parent Trainers Stop -DWI: New York State Stop -DWI Coordinators' Association Youth Bureau: Association of New York State Youth Bureaus *Hew RESOLUTION NO. 81 - APPROPRIATION FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE - STOP -DWI Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. Mr. Mason explained that [he motion adopted by the Public Safety and Corrections Committee was based on the Stop -DWI Coordinator's recommendation. }le said that between that meeting and the Budget and Administration Committee meeting, the Coordinator reviewed the request and recommended to the Budget and Administration Committee that the budget figures be amended. It was Moved by Mrs_ Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Nichols to amend the resolution by restoring the dollar figures recommended by the Public 67 March 19, 1985 Safety and Corrections Committee. After discussion, a roll call vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes: 1,587 (Representatives Stein, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Slattery). Noes: 2,412 (Representatives Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Freeman, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Dates). Amendment lost. Chairman Dates referred this resolution back to the Public Safety and Corrections Committee. RESOLUTION NO. 82 - CREATION OF POSITION - PROBATION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Typist (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class, be created effective immediately on a full- time basis through September 20, 1985, at which time the position will revert to a half-time Typist position, RESOLVED, further, That the following budget adjustment and appropriation be made: Budget Adjustment Appropriation: 3140.100 Probation - Personal Services $3,109 Revenue: 3310 State Aid - Probation $3,109 Appropriation From: A1990 Contingent Fund To: 3140.100 Probation - Personal Services $3,576 $3,576 RESOLUTION NO. 83 - AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT SNAP FUNDS FOR Pi14_CHASE OF VEHICLE - OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the New York State Office for the Aging has awarded $8,000 to the Tompkins County Office for the Aging to be added to the current $52,500 grant for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), to be used within the New York State fiscal year ending March 31, 1985, and WHEREAS, no local match is required, and WHEREAS, reliable transportation is an essential part of this program, and the type of vehicle needed can be purchased under State contract for $9,160, and WHEREAS, the additional $1,160 can be transferred from the existing contract, and WHEREAS, this program is now expected to continue in the State fiscal year commencing April 1, 1985, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and the Budget and Adminis- tration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to accept the supplemental grant of $8,000 from New York State, 68 March 19, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment and transfer on his books: Adjustment Transfer Revenue: 3803 $8,000 Appropriation: 7613.231 $8,000 From: To: 7613.491 $1,160 7613.231 $1,160 RESOLVED, further, That the Director of the Office for the Aging be and is hereby authorized to purchase a vehicle under the 1985 State contract for passenger cars (fleet) no. 1800, group no. 40400, for use by the Salvation Army' as contractor operating the Federal Nutrition Program for the Elderly and the State SNAP programs, RESOLVED, further, That the vehicle be used only for the nutrition program and that it be returned to the County if no longer used for that purpose, RESOLVED, further, THat it is understood the County will retain title to the vehicle but that it will be registered and insured in the name of the Salvation Army, RESOLVED, further, That the Salvation Army carry collision insurance as well as liability and other insurance as required in the County's present contract with the Salvation Army. RESOLUTION NO. 84 - AUTHORIZATION FOR GRANT APPLICATION - SNAP 1985/86 Moved by Mrs. Cali, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: O. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Governor's budget now before the State Legislature includes funds for continuation of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Office for the Aging has been advised that the amount available for Tompkins County will be $105,000, which is double the current award for the first six months, and WHEREAS, the experience of the project staff and information obtained from other sources indicate that up to 50 elderly people could be expected to benefit from the program in addition to approximately 50 persons currently participating, and WHEREAS, no local funds are required, and WHEREAS, it would be desirable to enable the program to continue without interruption, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and the Budget and Adminis- tration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to sign an application for $105,000 SNAP funds for use during the period April 1, 1985 and March 31, 1986, 69 March 19, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized to sign a contract with the Salvation Army for operation of the program in conjunction with the Nutrition for the Elderly Program, but with separate account- ing for the funds as required by the State, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized to sign a contract with the Tompkins Community Hospital to provide the services of registered dieticians as consultants to the Director of the Office for the Aging, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Revenue: 3803 $105,000 Appropriations: 761_3.100 $ 895 .302 20 .330 50 .412 300 .442 3,640 .452 20 .472 75 .491 100,000 RESOLVED, further, That this application shall be contingent upon passage of the necessary legislation by the New York State Legislature. RESOLUTION NO. 85 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT - TITLE V - OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes; 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the State Office for the Aging has allocated an additional sum of $1,160 to Tompkins County under the Title V Senior Community Services for ,the Elderly Program to be used by June 30, 1985, and WHEREAS, the operator of the Title V Senior Employment Program, the Dis- placed Homemakers Committee (DHC), has eligible persons on a waiting list, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the additional_ grant of $1,160 be and it hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Appropriation: 7614.400 Title V S1,160 Revenue: 3803 Programs for the Aging $1,160 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman o€ the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized to execute an addendum to the 1984-85 contract with the Center for Religion and Social Policy (CBESP), sponsor of the Displaced Homemakers, to add the addi- tional $1,160 to the contract with local march to be met in kind by DHC. 70 March 19, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 86 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR $7,000 ADDITIONAL FUNDS FROM THE SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SNAP) Moved by Mrs. Cali, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Office for the Aging has an opportunity to apply for additional SNAP funds for use before March 31, 1985, and WHEREAS, the program is expected to continue in the next State fiscal year, WHEREAS, purchase of equipment in March 1985 will enhance the program in the future, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administra- tion Committees, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute an application for additional SNAP funds amounting to $7,000, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: and Appropriation: A7613.231 Vehicles .491 Contracts Revenue: 3803 Programs for the Aging $6,657 343 $7,000 RESOLUTION NO, 87 - AWARD OF BID FOR PURCHASE OF FOUR VEHICLES - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. There was discussion and it was noted that by trading in the car that was going to be used for parts, the fleet has been increased by one. After further discussion, it was suggested that the Board act on this resolution and refer back to the committee the question of what to do about the extra car. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for five marked patrol cars for use by the Sheriff's Department, and WHEREAS, Maguire Ford of Ithaca, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications with a net bid of $42,155, and WHEREAS, the total net bid is 56,155 over budget, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the aforesaid bid of Maguire Ford on four marked cars at $11,231 each and on four trade-ins, producing a net bid of $34,174, be and the same hereby are approved, RESOLVED, further, That the Sheriff of Tompkins County be and he hereby is authorized and directed to complete said transaction on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION NO. 88 - CORNELL TRADITION SUMMER WORK PROGRAM vote. Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch and unanimously adopted by voice 11 March 19, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County of Tompkins participate with Cornell University for the summer of 1985 in the summer work program known as "The Cornell Tradition" under the following conditions; a maximum of ten (10) students would work full time, not to exceed 35.0 hours per week, for a maximum of twelve weeks between May 20, 1985 and August 24, 1985; the students would be employees of Tompkins County; the students' wage rate would be $4.50 per hour for undergraduates; Cornell would reimburse Tompkins County at the end of the program for two-thirds of the total wages paid to students, RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Personnel be authorized to carry out "The Cornell Tradition" program contract with Cornell University, and be responsible to see that wages paid will not exceed the cap, RESOLVED, further, That the necessary funds be appropriated from the Con- tingent Fund (A1990) to the appropriate County departments if required, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make said appropriations on his books, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized to execute contracts on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION NO. 89 - AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN TEMPORARY WORK-STUDY PROGRAMS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is interested in participating in temporary work-study programs, and WHEREAS, the maximum salary that can be paid to each temporary participant is determined by the school he or she is attending, and WHEREAS, the temporary participants will be employees of the schools they are attending, and WHEREAS, the County will reimburse the schools from 5 percent to 50 percent of the temporary participants' wages and mandated deductions, now therefore be.it. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Commissioner of Personnel be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with the different institutions of higher learning for the participants in said work-study programs not to exceed ten work-study students in all County departments, RESOLVED, further, That the necessary funds be appropriated from the Con- tingent Fund (A1990) to the appropriate County department if required, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make said appropriation on his books. RESOLUTION NO Moved by voice vote. WHEREAS, conducted the 1984, and . 90 - AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION - SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM. - 1985 Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan and unanimously adopted by the County sponsored and the Economic Opportunity Corporation federal government's Summer Feeding Program in 1982, 1983, and 72 March 19, 1985 WHEREAS, the Economic Opportunity Corporation has asked the County to sponsor the same program in 1985, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to sign the application for the 1985 Summer Feeding Program, RESOLVED, further, That the Economic Opportunity Corporation will run the 1985 Summer Feeding Program for Tompkins County. RESOLUTION N0. 91 - CANCELLATION OF DELINQUENT TAXES - TOWN OF GROTON Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that Town of Groton parcel 15-1-26.1 was a duplicate assessment on the 1981, 1982, and 1983 town and county tax rolls, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That this parcel be expunged in accordance with Section 557 of the Real Property Tax Law, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $154.98 be charged back as follows: $80.31 to the Groton Central School District, $37.90 to the Town of Groton, and $36.77 to the County of Tompkins. RESOLUTION NO. 92 - CORRECTION OF 1985 TAX ROLL - TOW:] OF ITHACA Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1985 Town and County tax roll for the Town of Ithaca, namely that the Village of Cayuga Heights, owner of parcel 5-3-18.3, was incorrectly assessed at a taxable value of $8;500, and WHEREAS, the correct taxable values should have been $0, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the tax roll be corrected, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of $51.90 be charged back as follows: $9.45 to the Town of Ithaca and $42.45 to the County of Tompkins. RESOLUTION NO. 93 - CORRECTION OF 1985 TAX ROLLS - TOWNS OF DRYDEN, ENFIELD, GROTON, ITHACA, LANSING, NEWFIELD, AND ULYSSES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board is informed that errors were made in the 1985 tax rolls for the Towns of Dryden, Enfield, Groton, Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield, and Ulysses; namely that the New York State Electric and Gas Corporation paid an original tax 73 March 19, 1985 of $789,699.94 based upon assessments for ad valorem special districts which did not have exemptions granted by Section 485-b of the Real Property Tax Law deducted, and WHEREAS, the correct tax should have been $787,709.24 based on the exemptions being deducted (see schedule on file with the Clerk of the Board), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the tax rolls be corrected and the amount of $1,990.70 be refunded to New York State Electric. and Gas Corporation, RESOLVED, further, That the amount of 51,990.70 be charged back in the fol- lowing manner: $340.18 to the Town of Dryden, $67.97 to the Town of Enfield, $125.90 to the Town of Groton, $1,099.26 to the Town of Ithaca, $227.00 to the Town of Lansing, $68.05 to the Town of Newfield, and $62.34 to the Town of Ulysses. RESOLUTION N0. 94 - CREATION OF POSITION - JOB TRAINING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Sirs. Call and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Employment and Training Coordinator (11-35), labor grade XI, competitive class, be created effective immediately through September 27, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That all salaries and fringes are 100 percent reimbursable. RESOLUTION NO. 95 - INCREASE OF HOURS - LONG TERM CARE COORDINATING SERVICE - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the position of Public Health Nurse established by Resolution No. 88, adopted April 17, 1984 as a 50 percent position, be and it hereby is increased to 60 percent time, effective April 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are required to fund this increase in hours, RESOLVED, further, That the Human Services Coalition complete their review of the Long Term Care Coordinating Service no later than September 1, 1985. RESOLUTION NO. 96 - AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - DECLARING PROPERTY NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE - LUDLOWVILLE RIGHT-OF-WAY vote. Moved by 11r. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Winch and unanimously adopted by voice 74 March 19, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, the County Attorney, and the Budget and Administration Committee, That a public hearing be held on the 9th day of April, 1985, at 5:30 in the evening thereof in the Chambers of the Board of Representatives to consider a resolution declaring a strip of highway property adjoining the premises of Shippos, Hughes, and Citizens Savings Bank in Ludlowville as no longer needed for public use, enabling the County to convey said property co the adjoining property owners and reducing the County right-of-way to 49.5 feet. RESOLUTION N0. 97 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Typist (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class, be reclassified to Senior Typist (06-10). labor grade VI, competitive class, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no additional monies are needed to fund this reclassification. RESOLUTION N0. 98 - AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY SAIL - INITIAL DESIGN PHASE - MRB GROUP, Y.C. Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by 101 Group, P.C., and audited by the Budget and Administration Committee: Payment Request No. 1 - $4,800 now therfore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the aforesaid amount be and it hereby is audited and approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 58-3150.a0O . RESOLUTION N0. 99 - URGING PROMPT PAYMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES BY LOCAL BANKS THAT HAVE ESTABLISHED HOMEOWNER ESCROW ACCOUNTS FOR SUCH PURPOSES ?Loved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. There was discussion and Mr. Proto urged defeat of this resolution because he feels it is condemning every bank in the community for the mistakes of the escrow agents of one or two banks. Mr. Lifton said he believes that the wording of this resolution is informational and expresses the Board's ongoing concern, and he urged its support. After further discussion, a roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 1,587 (Representatives Stein, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Slattery), Noes: 2,412 (Representatives 75 March 19, 1985 Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Freeman, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Dates). Resolu- tion lost. WHEREAS, many Tompkins County homeowners agree with local banks to establish an escrow account to save the money needed to pay property taxes, and WHEREAS, these homeowners make the reasonable assumption that the banks will use these funds held in escrow to pay the homeowners' taxes, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That this Board hereby urges all banks with offices in Tompkins County to pay these tax dollars accrued in escrow in a prompt and timely fashion. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, the following people were appointed to the Economic Opportunity Corporation Board of Directors for one- year terms effective April 1, 1985 through March 31, 1986: Carolyn Duddleston - Town of Ulysses Mildred Fury - Village of Lansing Hugh Hurlbut - Tompkins County Ethel Nichols - Tompkins County On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto, Arthur Pearce was appointed to the Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees to fill a vacancy which expires June 30, 1989. On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, John W. McConnell was recommended for reappointment to the Tompkins Community Hospital Board of Directors for a three-year term which expires April 30, 1988. On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Stein, Therese Tischler was ap- pointed to the Community Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Alcoholism Services Board for a term which expires December 31, 1987. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, Bruce Bard was reappointed co the Tompkins County Planning Board to represent the Economic Opportunity Corporation for a term which expires December 31, 1987. Mr. Slattery said he would like to commend the President and staff of Tompkins Cortland Community College for their work in the success of the college's nursing program. He reported several statistics and said Tompkins Cortland Com- munity College is ranked 11th out of 94 Registered Nurse (RN) Programs in New York State. Chairman Dates said that the Board of Representatives has discussed the interests of the Tompkins Community Hospital in the Biggs Complex and will con- tinue negotiations with the representatives of the hospital concerning the build- ings and premises desired by the Tompkins Community Hospital and proposed pur- chase price for said premises. 76 March 19, 1985 Mr. Murphy was presented with a certified copy of Resolutsbn No bl Sincere Commendation: John J. Murphy; a scrollinscribed with a oubtation : from The Tragedy of King Richard II, by William Shakespeare ;'an:d'>a`-plaque in tribute and recognitioh from the:. citizens of Tompkins_:.County to.:John Murphy for his service to -County government. Mr. Murphy said he has enjo-yed;his.work in Tompkins County, and:.he thanked the Board for the he10and- cooperation:he has received over the years. The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m. 77 SPECIAL MEETING April 3, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Chairman Dates said he called this meeting so the Board, acting as a committee of the whole, can respond to the letter received from Mrs. Howell, Hospital Admin- istrator, on behalf of the Tompkins Community Hospital Board of Directors. He said that after receiving the letter, he asked the negotiating committee (Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee; Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee; and staff) co make a recommendation to the full Board. Mr. Freeman explained the content and the boundaries of the proposal. RESOLUTION NO. 100 - INTENTION TO CONVEY REAL PROPERTY (See Resolution No. 101 of April 9, 1985) Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein. Mr. Stein explained that his concern about this proposal is the first refusal clause. He said he feels it is an unnecessary provision which would result in lower proposals than the County would receive without this clause. Mrs. Howell said the Hospital Board does not feel that this clause will restrict the County's ability to sell the property, but it will give the Hospital an opportunity to match any offers received. There was further discussion and Mr. Tillapaugh said that as one of the Hospital Directors appointed by the Board of Representatives, he is in support of this resolution. He feels that it would be in the best interests of Tompkins County, the Hospital and the people they serve to accept this proposal in that the Hospital will use the property in a manner that would be an asset to Tompkins County. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols to amend the section dealing with the first refusal clause to read; "To agree to give to Tompkins Community Hospital, Inc. the first right of refusal to match any written purchase offer of less than $750,000 . .After further discussion, a roll call vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes? 2,221 (Representatives Watros, Winch, Call, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Slattery, Stein). Noes: 1,318 (Representatives Tillapaugh, Freeman, Prato, Shurtleff, Dates). Excused: 460 (Representatives Culligan, Mason). Amendment adopted. Mr. Slattery expressed his concern about the demolition of the D Wing and approximately one-third of the C Wing of the old hospital. Mrs. Livesay said she feels that the public should have an opportunity to comment on the demolition of the wings. Airs. Howell said that possibilities for developing an acceptable plan using the build- ing have been exhausted, and the consultants have advised against use of the building. Mr. Stein explained that there are some ,details that still need to be defined that the committee chose to omit from negotiations that will permit mutual involvement in planning how the building is rebuilt. Mrs. Howell explained that there is a joint venture project planned between the hospital and interested physicians in the construction of a physicians' office complex which will be taxable property. A roll call vote was taken on the resolution as amended. Ayes: 3,269 (Representatives Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Freeman, Litton, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Slattery, Stein, Dates). Noes: '270 (Representative Livesay). Excused: 460 (Representatives Culligan, Mason). Adapted. 78 April 3, 1985 Upon recommendation of the Biggs Complex Negotiating Committee appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Representatives, Be it RESOLVED, That this Board expresses its intention to convey to the Tompkins Community Hospital, Inc. the following properties for the sum of $150,000: Parcel 7B, Parcel 8B, the southernmost one-third, approximately, of the so-called "C Wing"ofthe old hospital building with the property line between "C" Wing and "D" Wing to be defined at a later date, and Parcel 13 of lands appearing on the sub -division map of lands of the County of Tompkins on Route 96, Trumansburg Road, Town of Ithaca, dated August 1, 1984; That this intention is conditioned upon the following: 1. The Community Hospital agreeing to restore the facades of the old hospital building upon demolition of the D Wing and one-third, approximately, of the C Wing of the old hospital building, said restoration plan to be submitted to and approved by the County; 2. The Community Hospital agreeing to pay the cost of any relocation of utilities made necessary by said demolition; And be it further RESOLVED, That the Board expresses its intention: 1. To agree to discuss shared parking for Tompkins Community Hospital on Parcels 8A and 9, provided only that the County retains ownership of those parcels; 2. To agree to give to Tompkins Community Hospital, Inc. the first right of refusal to match any written purchase offer of less than $750,000 accompanied by a reasonable cash deposit and a financial commitment letter for all or part of Parcels 4, 7A, 8A, and 9, which may be offered for sale (this provision ap- plies to Parcel 4 only in the event of an offer for sale to a nonpublic entity); 3. To aeree to require any purchaser of any of the property now owned by Tompkins County in the hospital vicinity to agree to the non -competition section of the ITD agreement. Be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is hereby directed and authorized to prepare an appropriate Board Resolution' and all other documents to implement this resolution. Merrell Shipherd filed a statement with the Clerk concerning proposed uses of the Biggs Complex. Mr. Freeman said the Public Works Committee will meet April 9 at 4:30 p.m. to discuss a resolution on the hospital premises which will be on the agenda for the Board meeting at 5:30 D.M. 79 April 3, 1985 Chairman Dates thanked the Tompkins County Hospital Administrator and Board of Directors for their time and effort in meeting with the negotiating committee. The meeting was adjourned at 6:32 p.m. 80 REGULAR MEETING April 9, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 13 Representatives. Excused: 2 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton). PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to order a public hearing to consider a strip of highway property in Ludlowville adjoining the premises of Shippos, Hughes, and Citizens Savings Bank as no longer needed for public use. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:38 p.m. The minutes of March 19, 1985 were adopted. Monika Crispin, Agriculture Program Leader of Cooperative Extension, gave a status report on agriculture in Tompkins County and asked to be informed of the kind of information that would be useful to the Board in making decisions. She also invited the Board to participate in the Agricultural Economic Impact Study that will be conducted by Cooperative Extension. Under privilege of the floor, Marnie Kirchgessner, 191 Enfield Main Road, said she feels that the public appreciates the efforts the Board has made in attempting to sell the old hospital property, but she feels that there is still a great deal of interest among County residents about the future of this property. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the committee will meet April 10 at 4:30 p.m. in Board Chambers. Mr. Slattery, Vice Chairman of the Education Committee, reported•_on the last meeting of the Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees and said that they have created a committee to entertain proposals from developers for construc- tion of student housing near the campus. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee discussed the fleet level of the Sheriff's Department and felt that retaining an older vehicle to maintain the ten -car fleet is in the best interest of the Sheriff's Department. However, he said the committee asked the Sheriff to continually monitor the maintenance costs of the older vehicle and report to the committee on a regular basis. Mr. Mason informed the Board that the Fire and Disaster Coordinator has requested New York Telephone to prepare a presentation outlining exactly what would be involved with the establishment of the 911 tele- phone reporting system in Tompkins County. He said it is important to keep in- formed of the system because many people who come into this community are familiar with the 911 system and expect to find it in Tompkins County. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Study Committee, said working sessions are continuing between the architects and staff, and the next meeting is scheduled for April 16 at noon at the Planning office. He said the proposed site plan has 81 April 9, 1985 been submitted to the Village of Lansing for their review, and the committee will continue to keep the Village of Lansing informed of their progress. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, said the committee's actions are reflected on the agenda. He said -there have been over 100 inquiries for the position of County Administrator and the County Adminis- trator Search Subcommittee will soon begin the screening process. Chairman Dates charged the Management Compensation Committee (James Mason, Chairman; Mary Call; Stuart Stein) and staff with bringing to this Board up to ten applicants to be interviewed by this Board for the position of County Administrator. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met prior to this meeting and their action is reflected on the agenda. The next meet- ing is scheduled for April 15 at 10 a.m. at the Planning office. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, said the committee will hold an information meeting on April 12 at noon at the Planning office. At that time, the committee will hear a presentation from representa- tives from the Chamber of Commerce on a proposed hotel/motel room tax, and they will also review a report prepared by Planning Department staff showing the potential impact of the federal budget on County programs within the framework of the Planning and Development Committee. Hrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee will have appointments to recommend at the appropriate time, and business from their last meeting will be reflected on the next agenda.. In addition, Mrs. Call said the committee adopted a motion that directs Office for the Aging staff to use the two working documents prepared by the Health Department and the Office for the Aging on the Emergency Response System and involve the Office for the Aging Advisory Board and other interested people in preparing specific. proposals to be presented to the Human Services and Health Committees in June. Mrs. Call also announced that the tenth anniversary of the Office for the Aging is in May, and she asked that comments on the day care survey be submitted by April 15. The following meetings are scheduled for April 11 in Board Chambers: At 1L;30 a.m. the Human Services Committee will continue discussion of the effect of the Supreme Court Ruling requiring municipalities to pay minimum wage: at noon there will be a joint meeting of the Budget and Administration Committee, the Human Services Committee, and the Human Services Coalition to discuss revenue sharing. Mrs. Call informed the Board that as Chairman Dates' appointee to the Intercounty Task Force of the New York State Division for Women, she submitted information on Anna Botsford Comstock, the first woman professor at Cornell University, in re- sponse to a request for information on a person from Tompkins County of signifi- cance to women. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee will meet jointly with the Human Services Committee and the Human Services Coalition to discuss revenue sharing on April 11 at noon in Board Chambers, and the monthly Budget and Administration Committee meeting is sched- uled for April 15 at noon in Board Chambers. It was Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff and unanimously adopted by voice vote to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Audit - 82 April 9, 1985 McPherson Builders, Inc. - Alterations to Building C. RESOLUTION N0. 101 - DECLARING CERTAIN HOSPITAL PREMISES NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONVEYANCE OF PARCELS TO TOMPKINS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein. Mrs. Livesay said she will support this resolution since there was no groundswell of community objection after the Intention to Convey Real Property resolution was adopted last week. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3,515 (Representatives Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Freeman, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Slattery, Stein, Dates). Noes: 0. Excused: 484 (Representatives Culligan, Li£ton). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives has held a public hearing March 5, 1985 to consider a resolution declaring all or some of the following parcels as no longer needed for public use: P-3, P-4, 2-5A, 2-5B, P -7A, P -8A, P-88, P-9, P-10, P-11, P-12, P-13, and P-14, which parcels are shown on a map entitled "Subdivision Map of Lands of the County of Tompkins" dated August 1, 1984, copy of which is on file with the Tompkins County Planning Office, and WHEREAS, full discussion was had on said proposed resolution, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Biggs Complex Negotiating Committee, That this Board hereby declares the following parcels as no longer needed for public use: P -7B, P -8B, the southernmost one-third of "C" Wing, (being P -7A of the Old Hospital Building) with the property line between the "C" and "D" wings as shown on property map attached hereto, said property line to be defined by survey, and parcel 13 as shown on the map hereinabove referred to, RESOLVED, further, That the County shall convey by bargain and sale deed the aforesaid parcels to the Tompkins Community Hospital and the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute same on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That said conveyance shall convey to the Tompkins Com- munity Hospital, Inc., the first right of refusal on any written offer which may be received by the County which the County is willing to accept in the amount of $750,000 or less for all or a part of parcels 4, 8A, 9, and the balance of parcel 7A, (said provision shall be applicable to parcel 4 only in the event of an offer for sale to a non-public entity); it being understood that in the event the Hospital wishes to match an offer received by the County it shall submit same in writing, accompanied by a reasonable cash deposit with a final purchase to be made by certified check or bank draft. The Hospital shall advise the County in writing that it is matching the purchase offer received by the County within 60 days of its receipt of written notice of said offer, RESOLVED, further, That the aforesaid right of first refusal shall not be transferred or assigned to any third party and shall be for a period of five years from the date of closing, RESOLVED, further, That any deed by the County to any purchaser of any of the remaining parcels of land; i.e., 3, 4, 5A, 5B, 8A, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 and the balance of 7A, shall contain the noncompetitive clause (attached hereto) of the proposad agreement between the County, ITD Group, and Tompkins Community Hospital, RESOLVED, further, That consideration for the aforesaid conveyance shall be the sum of $150,000 to be paid by certified check or bank draft at time of clos- ing, 83 April 9, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That said conveyance is conditioned upon the Tompkins Community Hospital agreeing in writing prior to closing to restore the facades of the Old Hospital upon demolition of the "D" wing and a portion of the "C" wing, said restoration plan to be submitted to and approved by the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Community Hospital shall agree in writing prior to closing to pay the cost of any relocation of utilities made necessary by the demolition aforesaid, RESOLVED, further, That this Board agrees to discuss shared parking for the Tompkins Community Hospital for parcels 8A 'and 9, provided the County retains ownership of parcel 7A, as well as parcels 8A and 9, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins Community Hospital shall express in writing prior to closing its continued willingness to cooperate with the County as it did in the past in a sale of all or some of the remaining parcels to a third party or parties, including easements and utilities, RESOLVED, further, That it is the County's intention to convey to the Tompkins Community Hospital, inc., that portion of P-4 south of the westward extension of the new property line through the "C" wing, subject to approval of en access road plan by the Hospital, the Town of Ithaca, and the County. February 4, 1984 COVENANT TO NOT COMPETE Buyer agrees to use their best efforts to work with the Hospital Corporation or its successors or assigns in instituting joint planning between these organiza- tions. Furthermore, the Buyer shall negotiate with the Hospital Corporation or its successors or assigns the purchase of services such as steam, dietary, house- keeping, security, maintenance, management and fiscal services, nursing, ancillary services, out-patient programs, rehabilitation programs, and preventative medicine programs before hiring personnel to perform these services or purchasing these services from another entity. Buyer also agrees that it will not compete with the Hospital Corporation or its successors or assigns with respect to in-patient acute care; and the following for non-residents of the facility: our -patient care preventative medicine, and rehabilitation programs for a period of five (5) years from the closing in the areas of Tompkins, Seneca, and Schuyler Counties in the State of New York. How- ever, the Buyer may contract with the Hospital Corporation or its successors and assigns to provide these services to the Buyer within the five-year period from . the closing. In the event any court decides that the provisions of the above paragraph, or any part thereof, are not enforceable, the Hospital Corporation shall petition that court to determine to what extent such provision, or part thereof, must be modified in order to be considered enforceable and, for the purposes of the case in which the issue arose and thereafter in the territorial jurisdiction of that court, such provision or part thereof shall be interpreted as that court or panel so determines. It that court or panel does not determine to what extent that covenant, or part thereof, must be modified, the following paragraph shall apply: 84 April 9, 1965 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That said claim submitted in the amount of $820 be and the same is hereby audited and approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 75-8165.442. RESOLUTION NO. 107 - AUDIT - McPHERSON BUILDERS, INC. - ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING C Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3,515. Noes: 0. Excused: 484 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by McPherson Builders, Inc., in relation to Resolution No, 254 of 1984 and audited by the Public Works Com- mittee: Payment Request No. 1 - $20,081 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be and it hereby is audired and approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 99-1620.470. On motion of Mrs. Ca11, seconded by Mr. Proto, the following people were appointed to the Economic Opportunity Corporation for one-year terms which ex- pire March 31, 1986: Linda Lukosavich - Town of Groton Jeannette Beach - Town of Newfield Jean Owens - Town of Enfield Sylvia Hiney - Town of Danby Bruce Bard - Town of Caroline On motion of Mrs. Call, the following people were appointed to the Youth Board: Judy Demond - Town of Groton (term expires December 31, 1986) Georgia Coffin - Town of Newfield (term expires December 31, 1987) On motion of Mr. Proto, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, Florence Ricciuti was reappointed to the Stop -DWI Advisory Board to represent the Alcoholism Council for a term which expires December 31, 1987. Chairman Dates reappointed George Blean as the Republican representative to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for a two-year term effective May 1, 1985 through April 30, 1987. The meeting was adjourned at 6:39 p.m. 65 April 9, 1985 It is the desire and the intent of the parties that the terms and conditions of this agreement shall be enforced to the fullest extent permissible under the laws and public policies applied in each jurisdiction in which enforcement is sought. Accordingly, if any particular term or condition of this agreement shall be adjudicated or become by operation of law invalid or unenforceable, this agree- ment shall be deemed amended to delete therefrom such term -or condition and the remainder of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect. A deletion resulting from any adjudication shall apply only with respect to the operation of that term or condition in the particular jurisdiction in which such adjudica- tion is made. Chairman Dates charged the Biggs Complex Negotiating Committee, co-chaired by Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, and Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee; with reviewing staff reports on the feasibility of options for disposition of the (Biggs Complex) Old Hospital build- ing and grounds, to report to the full Board of Representatives on those options, and to make any recommendations to the Board on the future of the Biggs Complex that the committee feels are appropriate. He asked the committee to reach the point of making these recommendations by May of this year, and said the committee may involve any other Board members, municipalities, the City of Ithaca, and the Town of Ithaca as they feel appropriate. Chairman Dates said the County continues to welcome any expressions of interest in purchase of any portion of County prop- erty inthe hospital vicinity with the exception of those parcels that •the -Board h as agreed to sell to the Tompkins Community Hospital, and he recommended that members of the Board tour the Biggs Complex as well as any other space that the County is renting. Mrs. Howell, Hospital Administrator, thanked the committee and the Board for their consideration in working with the.hospital representatives. RESOLUTION NO. 102 - SALARY ADJUSTMENT - BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3,515. Noes: 0. Excused: 484 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton). RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Compensation Committee, That the salaries of the members of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives be set as follows: January 1, 1986 January 1, 1987 January 1, 1988 January 1, 1989 $6,200 $6,200 $6,500 $6,800 RESOLVED, further, That the salary of the Chairman of the Board be twice that of the above salary schedule set for each year. 86 April 9, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 103 - APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,515. Noes: 0. Excused: 484 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Compensation Committee, That effective immediately Scott Heyman be appointed as interim County Administrator pending the Board's appointment of a permanent County Administrator or until December 31, 1985, whichever occurs first. RESOLUTION NO. 104 - AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING - TOMPKINS COUNTY ALTERNATIVES TO INCARCERATION SERVICE PLAN Moved by Mrs. Nichols, seconded by. Mr. Mason and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That a public hearing be held at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof on Tuesday, April 23, 1985, in Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York, on the Tompkins County Alternatives to Incarceration Service Plan prepared by the Tompkins County Alternatives to Incarceration Board and offered to the public for review and comment during the month of April 1985. RESOLUTION NO. 105 - AUDIT - WILLIAM DOWNING - SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION - TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY BUILDING - ASBESTOS PROJECT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3;515. Noes: 0. Excused: 484 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by William Downing Associ- ates, Architect, in relation to Resolution No. 44 of 1984, and audited by the Public Works Committee: Payment Request No. 8 - $3,587.66 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be and it hereby is audited and approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 55.7410.212. RESOLUTION NO. 106 - AUDIT - SURVEYING SERVICES - MILTON GREENE - LANDFILL SITE Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3,515. Noes: 484 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 29 - 1985 authorized Milton Greene to survey properties to be purchased for a County landfill, now therefore be it 87 REGULAR MEETING April 23, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. Members and guests participated in he Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to order a public hearing on the Tompkins County Alternatives to Incarceration Service Plan. Mrs. Nichols, Chairman of the Alternatives to Incarceration Committee, said that the resolution on the agenda, which provides the option of sentencing supervised labor for nonprofit community organizations in place of "weekends only" jail terms, was unanimously supported by the Alternatives to Incarceration Committee. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:37 p.m. The minutes of April 3 and April 9 were approved. (Mrs. Livesay will see the Clerk of the Board.) It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Stein to add to the agenda a motion to reconsider Resolution No. 101 - Declaring Certain Hospital Premises No Longer Needed for Public Use and Authorization to Execute Conveyance of Parcels to Tompkins Community Hospital. Motion adopted by voice vote with Mr. Watros voting no. It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Stein to reconsider Resolution No. 101. Motion adopted by voice vote with Mrs. Livesay voting no. There was discussion about the Covenant to Not Compete that is attached to Resolution No. 101, and Mr. Stein explained that at the time this resolution was adopted and the covenant was included, the Board did not have a copy 'of the covenant in -hand. Mr. Stein asked whether it was the Board's intention to include the first paragraph of the covenant, which states that "the buyer shall negotiate with the Hospital Corporation or its successors or assigns the pur- chase of services" that are listed. After further discussion, it was the con- sensus of the Board that prior to closing, the negotiators point out to the Hospital the Board's interpretation that the words "shall negotiate" do not demand the buyer to purchase these services from the Hospital, but they mean that the buyer will sincerely try to negotiate with the Hospital for these services before obtaining them by another means. The Board unanimously readopted Resolution No. 101 - Declaring Certain Hospital Premises No Longer Needed for Public Use and Authorization to Execute Conveyance of Parcels to Tompkins Com- munity Hospital as adopted on April 9, 1985. Two-thirds of the cotal.weighted vote of the Board required For adoption. Ayes: 1,266. Noes: 0, Under privilege of the floor, John Gutenberger, Mayor of the City of Ithaca, said the City does not invest in any companies or institutions Chat do business in South Africa, and he urged the Board to adopt the same policy for the County by supporting the divestment resolution on the agenda. He said that supporting this resolution supports the United States Cc'stitution, which states that all citizens are treated fairly and equally under the law, and supporting the United States Constitution is part of an elected official's oath of office. 88 April 23, 1985 Under privilege of the floor, Julian Fleron, a Cornell University student, presented petitions to the Board on behalf of the petitioners and protesters at Cornell University,which state that they are grateful that the elected county legislators are seriously considering the issues that surround the struggle for a free South Africa. Under privilege of. the floor, Nancy Tresner of 211 Pleasant Street, Ithaca, urged the Board to support the divestment resolution on the agenda as a message to the South African government that we will not tolerate apartheid. Under privilege of the floor, Jim Morrissette of Coddington Road urged divestment of County funds from any business with an interest in the country of South Africa. He said that as members of a democracy, we have an obligation to reject the blatant and insulting evil of apartheid. Under privilege of the floor, Michael Cohen of 108 Esty Street said he feels that voting against the divestment resolution would raise questions about not only one's opposition to apartheid but.also one's -commitment to freedom in this country. He said there can be no end to racism in the United States if we continue to sup- port racism beyond our borders. Under privilege of the floor, Paul Fairbanks of 509 Cascadilla Street said that as a taxpayer, he does not want to see the County invest its revenue in banks or institutions doing business in South Africa, where separation of the races is the national policy. He feels there is a potential for a holocaust in South Africa, and indirect support of that government bloodies our hands as well. He said that in addition to the moral aspect, there is the secondary aspect of in- vesting in a country where a revolution may be imminent. Under privilege of the floor, Ben Nichols of 109 Llenroc Court said he sup- ports the statements made about the effect of apartheid on millions of people in South Africa and the moral effect on us if we support it, and he urged the Board to support the divestment resolution on the agenda. Under privilege of the floor, Jim Markowitz, a resident of Tompkins County and a professor of Labor Relations at Ithaca College, urged the Board to support the resolution on the agenda, and he said that if counties and other local govern- ments throughout the country with fiscal authority pass similar resolutions, a message will be sent not only to South Africa but also to the federal government that something must be done about the situation in South Africa. Under privilege of the floor, Richard Daly of Myers Road, Lansing, spoke against the divestment resolution and said that if the Board becomes involved with world issues, then he feels there is an obligation to address all questions and not simply a few or even one. Under privilege of the floor, Richard Mulvey, 1101 Hector Street, Ithaca, said he does not think anyone can approve of apartheid, however he does not feel that the County Board of Representatives should devote rime to debating inter- national affairs when we have other government officials whom we have elected to do this. 89 April 23, 1985 Under privilege of the floor, Mark Maier of Danby said he feels that rhe Board has the option of investing County money in more moral ways which do not support a racist government. Under privilege of the floor, Phil Jordan, 112 Hudson Street, Ithaca, said that before voting, Board members need to decide whether the geographical and economical significance and importance of South Africa is worth the cost of human life. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Stein said he has noticed that during the last few weeks The Ithaca Journal has not been sending reporters to all County meetings, and he said that as one of rhe newspapers of record in Tompkins County, he feels that The Ithaca Journal should reorganize so that every County meeting is attended and reported to the public. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the committee met April 10 and in addition to an appointment and the action reflected on the agenda, the committee continued discussion of the possibility of establishing an Emergency Response System in Tompkins County. He also said he anticipates a discussion between the committee and department heads within the next few weeks on the pos- sible impact of the proposed federal budget on health-related programs. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said the committee met April 11 and their action is reflected on the agenda. He also reported that the Finger Lakes Association adopted a resolution supporting National Tourism Week -- May 19-25, and they adopted another resolution in support of changing the designa- tion of the Hector Ranger District of the Green Mountain National Forest to the Hector Ranger District of the Finger Lakes Nacional Forest. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee will meet April 30 at 5:15 p.m. in Board Chambers and will discuss the budget problems of the SPCA. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Study Committee, said the committee will hold a working session on April 26 at noon at the Planning office, and he invited all Board members to attend. He said the committee plans to present the preliminary design of the facility to the Board on May 7, which he said contains 35 cells with the capability of providing 55 beds. He said the committee feels this will pro- vide greater flexibility in program operation and will accommodate the County for many years. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met April 15 and their action is reflected on the agenda. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, said that in discussing the use of the old hospital building, the Biggs Complex Negotiating Committee, co-chaired by Mr. Stein and Mr. Freeman, is also discussing County office space, including the Department of Social Services. Mr. Stein informed the Board that he has begun informal discussions with representatives from the City of Ithaca on the present and future location of the Department of Social Services. 90 April 23, 1985 Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said that in addition to the action reflected on the agenda, she will have an appointment to recommend at the appropriate time. She said sheattended a seminar for local officials in Montour Falls which was sponsored by the Secretary of.State's office, and'she will be attending the Social Trends Conference next week which will focus on youth. Mrs. Call said the Affirmative Action Plan has been prepared and distributed to the Board, and she asked that any comments be returned to her in writing by May 10. She said there are still two vacancies on the Office for the Aging Advisory Com- mittee and three vacancies on the Economic Opportunity Corporation Board of Directors. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met April 15 and -in addition to the action reflected on the agenda, the committee discussed the divestiture resolution. He said this resolution did not receive a committee recommendation, but it is a minority report of the Budget and Administration Committee. In addition, Mr. Watros said the committee dis- cussed the possibility of developing a bureau to promote tourism in the Couaty, which would be funded through a hotel/motel room tax. He said the Planning and Development and Budget and Administration Committees will study this and bring forth a recommendation later in the year. Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, said he will have an appointment to recommend to the Board at the appropriate time. In addition, he said that there are resolutions on the agenda which, if adopted, will authorize an in- house Electronic Data Processing System for the County. Mr. Heyman commended Fred Hoffman, Systems Analyst, for his thoroughness and care in developing this proposal for the Board's consideration. At the request of Mr. Watros, the resolution entitled Regrading of Position - Health Department was withdrawn from this agenda and will be on the May 7 agenda. RESOLUTION NO. 108 - DIVESTING PUBLIC MONIES FROM BANKS AND FIRMS WING BUSINESS WITH OR IN THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA AND NAMIBIA Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. Mr. Lifton said many South African leaders have called for divestment, and he believes that it would be within the best interests of South Africans, would be an easy policy for the County to implement, and would free Tompkins County taxpayers from indirectly supporting the legalized system of racism in South Africa. There was lengthy discussion, and Mrs. Livesay said she feels that the issue is how the county invests its revenue, and she feels we should invest in Tompkins County. Mr. Mason said he feels that supporting this action would help co economically and politi- cally overthrow a foreign government and would result in hurting the people we intend to help. Mt. Winch said he lived in North Africa for 15 months as a teen- ager and has had many discussions with black Africans over the last 20 years through his employment at Cornell University about the conditions in that country. He said that although he does not support apartheid, he cannot support this resolu- tion because he believes this action would cause mass unemployment among blacks for one or two generations before any benefits will be seen, and he suggested that efforts against specific companies would have a more positive impact. Mr. Watros said this debate is not centered around the moral aspect of the South African government, and negative votes should not be construed to be ones that favor racism. •91 April 23, 1985 He feels thatthe issue is logistics, and he said this Board should deal with the business of Tompkins County, and as'individuals we should make our concerns known to our representatives at the state and federal level. Chairman pates thanked the public and the Board for the way in which they presented their views. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 1,587 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Slattery, Stein). Noes: 2,412 (Representatives Watros, Winch, Call, Freeman, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Dates). Resolution lost. WHEREAS, the government of South Africa and Namibia has instituted and maintained a policy of apartheid, citizens' rights according to race, for over thirty years, and WHEREAS, apartheid has caused the institutional subjegation of and hardship to over eighty percent of the people of South Africa and Namibia simply because they are non-white, and WHEREAS, the government of Tompkins County should not support the policy of apartheid by investing in or maintaining investments in companies doing business in South Africa and Namibia directly or indirectly, and WHEREAS, the preservation of principal and the maximization of income are underlying criteria for the selection and retention of investments by fiduciaries, and WHEREAS, a business which operates in a foreign country which is governed in a manner seriously inconsistent with the human rights of all or some of that country's citizens jeopardizes its investments in that country as well as any funds invested in that business, directly or indirectly, and WHEREAS, maintenance of the policy of apartheid in South Africa and Namibia casts doubt on the safety and stability of investments in companies doing business directly or indirectly in South Africa and Namibia, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That no public funds under the care and custody of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives shall be invested or remain invested, or be deposited or remain deposited,in any bank or financial institution which directly or through its subsidiaries has outstanding loans or existing lines of credit to the Republic of South Africa and Namibia; or in any corporation doing business in the Republic of South Africa and Namibia; or in any company or its subsidiaries for the purpose of investment in the Republic of South Africa and Namibia, RESOLVED, further, That no public funds shall be invested or remain in- vested in the stocks, securities, or other obligations of any company doing business in or with the Republic of South Africa and Namibia, or whose subsidiary or affiliate does business in or with the Republic of South Africa and Namibia, RESOLVED,.Eurther, That any proceeds of sales required under this resolution shall be invested as much as reasonably possible in financial institutions or companies which invest or conduct business operations in Tompkins County so long as such use is consistent with sound investment policy, RESOLVED, further, That before any public funds under this resolution can be deposited or invested in any bank or financial institution, corporation or com- pany, each bank or financial institution, corporation or company must submit an affidavit to the Office of the County Administrator certifying that it has no loans or existing lines of credit to the entities in the Republic of South Africa and Namibia. The affidavit shall require the bank or financial institution to notify the County Administrator if it later enters into any loan or extends any line of credit to these entities. These affidavits shall be available for public inspection, '92 April 23, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the divestiture required by this resolution shall be completed within six months of final approval of this resolution. During that six month period, the County Administrator shall make regular reports to the Board of Representatives concerning the progress of divestiture. If, prior to expiration of the six month time limit for divestiture, the Board determines that completion of divestiture within the six month time limit will necessitate substantial losses, then the Board shall consider a brief extension of time within which to complete divestiture, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives urges the New York State Legislature to pass Assembly Bill No. 250 - AN ACT to amend the banking law, the retirement and social security law and the state finance law in relation to establishing certain investment restrictions regarding South Africa so that all County monies contributed into the state retirement system for our employees are divested from the Republic of South Africa and Namibia, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives urges Cornell University to adopt a similar divestiture policy. RESOLUTION N0. 109 - TRANSFERS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Movedby Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections, Health, Human Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Adminis- trator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers and budget adjustments on his books: BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Social Services: Appropriation: Revenue: 6010.410 Site Preparation $3,300 3610 State Aid $3,300 Explanation: Site preparation is necessary to prepare for a State mandated computer. The costs are 100 percent State reimbursable. Job Training Program: Appropriation: 13-5-6345.100 Personal Service $3,734 .302 Supplies 76 .330 Printing 68 .332 Training Supplies & Materials 219 .432 Rent 225 .452 Postage 75 .472 Telephone 645 .810 Retirement 116 .830 FICA 305 .840 Workers' Compensation 8 .860 Health Insurance 933 .870 Unemployment Insurance 421 56,825 93 April 23, 1985 Revenue: 13-4-2350.000 Explanation: Additional funding from DSS. TRANSFERS Sheriff's Department: $6,825 From: 3110.306 Auto Supplies $719 To: 3110.210 Other Equipment $719 Explanation: The new contract with the Deputy Sheriffs' Association requires that each deputy be furnished with a flashlight and batteries. It is felt to be more cost effective to furnish each patrol car with a removable, rechargable light. Board of Elections: From: To: 1451.316 General Election Supplies 1450.213 File Cabinets $500 $500 Explanation: Due to the heavy registration of voters for the November 1984 elections, the department is in need of visible files to store voter registra- tion cards. Spectrum quoted them $10,000 for new files with a capacity of 10,000 pockets. They have been able to find two (2) used files with a capacity of 1,845 pockets from Payne Brothers of Cortland. Public Health: From: 4010.231 Vehicles $225 To: 4010.226 Equipment - Environmental Health $225 Explanation: At the time the 1985 budget was drawn up there were no Environ- mental Health equipment needs; subsequently, they have discovered the need for a PH meter to properly perform State required tests. Funds not needed far vehicle purchases can be utilized. Job Training Program: From: 6292.425 Performance Based Training Contracts $30,791 To: 6292.100 Personal Service $26,290 .810 Retirement 1,216 .830 FICA 943 .840 Workers' Compensation 45 .860 Health Insurance 2,034 .870 Unemployment Insurance 263 $30,791 Explanation: the PIC. Cover expenditures for in-house training proposals approved by 94 April 23, 1985 Probation: From: 3140.203 Dictating Equipment $65 To: 3140.211 Chairs $65 From: 3140.422 Equipment Maintenance $141 To: 3140.211 Chairs $141 Explanation: Five (5) units from County Administrator's office were purchased at $65 each. One (1) unit was returned as irreparable. IBM refused to include this equipment in service contract so 422 was overestimated. Money is needed for typing chair for new typist (Resolution No. 82) and to replace a desk chair which became unusable last week and is irreparable according to Hilker of Maintenance. RESOLUYION NO. 110 - INSURANCE TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator is authorized and directed to make the following transfers, budget adjustments and appropriations on his books so that County departments may pay their appropriate share of 1985 insurance invoices received to date and antici- pated during the remainder of 1985:. TRANSFERS From: 01-1622.462 1622.462 3110.462 4310.462 3110.462 3110.462 3140.462 3140.462 3140.462 3140.462 13-6290.424 6291.484 6292.425 Biggs Building Biggs Building Sheriff Mental Health Adm. Sheriff Sheriff Probation Probation Probation Probation Job Training Program Job Training Program Job Training Program BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS To: 1910 1621.462 3410.462 4311.462 6010.462 6030.462 7020.462 7610.462 8020.462 4311.462 6290.462 6291.462 6292.462 Unallocated Ins. Old Hospital Fire Coordinator Mental Health Clinic Social Services County Home Youth Bureau Office for Aging Planning Mental Health Clinic Job Training Program Job Training Program Job Training Program Amount: $ 67 157 287 444 2,914 1,148 45 99 65 9 169 314 1,122 Revenue: Appropriation: Amount: 01-3401 3490.010 3610 State Aid State Aid State Aid 4010.462 4312.462 6010.462 95 Public Health $5,162 Meadow House 564 Social Services 2,915 April 23, 1985 4610 Federal Aid 6010.462 Social Services $5,829 3630 State Aid 6030.462 County Home 748 3820.015 State Aid 7020.462 Youth Bureau 44 3803 State Aid 7610.462 Office for Aging 355 APPROPRIATIONS From: To: Amount: 01-908 Stop -DWI Fund Bal. 4250.462 Stop -DWI 81 1990 Contingent Fund 4010.462 Public Health $10,323 1990 Contingent Fund 4312.462 Meadow House 565 03-909 Airport Fund Bal. 5610.462 Airport 8,435 RESOLUTION NO. 111 - FUNDING OF TOMPKINS COUNTY RETIREMENT FUND Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Audit and Control officially recommends that the County's New York State Retirement contribution be funded on a current basis to conform with generally accepted accounting principles, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County Retirement is funded only through March 31, 1984, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That 5482,411 be appropriated from the 1984 General Fund Balance to fund the 1984 retirement contribution in full, RESOLVED, further, That 25 percent of the 1985 estimated retirement fund contribution be appropriated to Account No. A637, Due to Employees Retirement System, in the amount of $96,481, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the above appropriation on his books. RESOLUTION NO. 112 - BOND RESOLUTION - PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF EDP SYSTEM FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason. A roll ca11_vote was taken. (A two-thirds majority required). Ayes: 1,184 (Representatives Watros, Winch, Call, Freeman, Lifton, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Prato, Shurtleff, Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Dates). Noes: 0. Abstain: 82 (Representative Culligan). Adopted. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, New York, as follows: Section 1. The following is hereby authorized in and for the County of Tompkins New York: a. The purchase and installation of an EDP System for Tompkins County at a maximum estimated cost of $230,000. 96 April 23, 1985 Section 2. The total estimated cost of the aforesaid specific object and purpose is $230,000 and the plan for the financing thereof is as follows: a. By the issuance of $230,000 serial bonds of said County, hereby authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the Local Finance Law, of which $230,000 serial bonds shall be issued for the specific object or purpose de- scribed in paragraph a of Section 1 of this resolution. Section 3. It is hereby determined as follows: a. That subdivision 81(a), Section 11.00(a), of the Local Finance Law applies to the specific object or purpose described in paragraph a of Section 1 of this resolution and that the period of probable usefulness thereof is ten (10) years. Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Tompkins, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropri- ation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. To the extent not paid from other sources, there shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the County Administrator, the chief Fiscal officer of such County. Such notes shall be of such terms, form, and contents, and shall be sold in such manner as may be prescribed by said County Administrator, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. The validity of such bonds may be contested only if: a. Such bonds are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money; or b. The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication; or c. Such bonds are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 7. This resolution, which takes effect immeidately, shall be published in full in the official newspapers of such County, together with a notice from the Clerk of the Board in substantially the same form as provided for in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. RESOLUTION NO. 113 - CREATION OF POSITIONS - DATA PROCESSING DIVISION ?loved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Computer Operator/Programmer (09-40), labor grade LX, competitive class, be created effective June 1, 1985,. RESOLVED, further, That one position of Data Processing Clerk (05-22), labor grade V, competitive class, be created effective May 1, 1985. 97 April 23, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 114 - TRANSFER, BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND FOR DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT PURCHASE, INSTALLATION AND OPERATING EXPENSES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following entries on his books: TRANSFERS From: 1358.302 Supplies To: 1680.314 Computer Supplies $5,500 .442 Profes. Ser. Fees .314 Computer Supplies 3,000 .442 Profes. Ser. Fees ,420 Conversion Costs 8,000 .442 Profes. Ser. Fees .429 Software/Systems Support 8,472 .442 Profes. Ser. Fees .453 Training 3,215 APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND From: 1990 Contingent Fund 521,572 To: 1680.100 Salaries $15,057 .422 Equipment Maintenance 1,966 .453 Training 785 .800 Fringe Benefits 3,764 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Revenue: 59-5730 Bond Anticipation Note $230,000 Appropriation: 59-1680.229 Data Processing Equipment $230,000 RESOLUTION N0. 115 - HUMAN SERVICES COALITION REVIEW OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING REQUESTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives desires authorized resources for community human services agencies to be allocated in a manner that best meets the needs for these services, and WHEREAS, the Human. Services Coalition is established and funded in part by Tompkins County to provide an objective overview of human services needs and provision based on expert analysis, now therefore be it RESOLVED, an recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Adminis- tration Committees, That the Human Services Coalition is requested, pursuant to its 1985 contract with the County, to recommend to --the Board of Representatives 98 April 23, 1985 no later than September 1, 1985, an allocation of Federal Revenue Sharing funds to human services agencies in Tompkins County aad to explain the reasons each request was recommended/not recommended (specific amount of funds to be specified by Board resolution no later than June 11, 1985), RESOLVED, further, That the following criteria shall be used by the Coali- tion in its review of requests for this funding: 1. Allow the Coalition to recommend portions of a request. 2. Ali funding requests through the Coalition should be considered on their own merit without a distinction being made between new requests versus existing requests. 3. Federal criteria for the use of Federal Revenue Sharing dollars will be used to determine what items are appropriate for funding. 4. The Coalition is to consider the dollar amount as a cap, and it is not necessary to use up all the funds provided by the County. 5. Funding applications must show the benefits to be derived from implement- ing the program and the specific goals of the program. 6. The Coalition will review funding applications based on the responsive- ness to meeting locally identified needs which in turn will be based on a) severity of the current problem in Tompkins County; b) applicant's organizational capability for providing proposed services; c) effect on County departments if this service is no longer available or available in reduced quantity; d) effect on other human services providers if this service is no longer available or available in reduced quantity; and e) effect on the Tompkins County community if this service is no longer available or available in reduced quantity. 7. The Coalition will review funding requests in the light of appropri- ateness of the request for Federal Revenue Sharing funds with respect to ocher available funds and to whether the Federal Revenue Sharing funds are to be used as a local share for securing additional funds. 8. The Coalition is to review applications in the Light of possible dupli- cation of service. 9. The Coalition is to review applications in the light of rural versus city service delivery. 10. The Coalition is to review applications in the light of program account- ability. 11. The Coalition shall present the results of the review of all Revenue Sharing requests and present a prioritized list within the doll"ar cap established by the Board of Representatives. 12. Special situations shall be referred back to the Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee before the Coalition begins its review process. 99 April 23, 1985 13. An application for funding wi11 not be reviewed by the Coalition unless the applying agency is represented at the Coalition's orientation session or unless other arrangements have been made in advance. 14. This Board gives the Coalition Review Committee the option of dis- continuing the review of any agency application. The Board expects notification and documentation regarding any such action. RESOLUTION NO. 116 - AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - INITIAL DESIGN PHASE - MRB GROUP, F.C. Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by MRS Group, P.C., and audited by the Budget and Administration Committee: Payment Request No. 2 - $10,200 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the aforesaid amount be and it hereby is audited and approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 58-3150.210. RESOLUTION N0. 117 - INTERIM STAFFING - BUDGET AND FINANCE OFFICE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, this Board has appointed the Deputy County Administrator for Adminis- tration as Interim County Administrator to serve until a permanent County Adminis- trator is appointed or until December 31, 1985, whichever comes first, and WHEREAS, this creates a vacancy in the position of Deputy County Administrator for Administration, and WHEREAS, the Interim County Administrator has recommended a reassigning of job duties that will create an added workload for the Office of Budget and Finance and will result in the Accounting Supervisor being required to perform tasks requiring a higher level of responsibility, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the County Administrator is authorized and directed to make the following transfer on his books to pay to the Accounting Supervisor added salary during 1985 of $3,000 ($4,000 annual rate), and to pay to Manpower staff up to $6,000 during 1985: TRANSFER From: 1230.100 To: 1310.100 County Administrator Personal Services $9,000 Budget and Finance Personal Services $9,000 100 April 23, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That this assignment of duties and payment in recognition of assuming added responsibilities shall end immediately upon appointment of a permanent County Administrator or December 31, 1985, whichever comes first. RESOLUTION NO. 118 - ABOLITION AND CREATION OF POSITION - BUDGET AND FINANCE OFFICE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Office Manager (13-14), labor grade XIII, competitive class, be abolished effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Accountant (14-14), labor grade XIV, competitive class, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following appropriation from the Contingent Fund: From: 1990 Contingent Fund $1,072 To: 1310.100 • Director of Finance - Personal Services $1,072 RESOLUTION NO. 119 - CREATION OF POSITION - JOB TRAINING (SYETP) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Employment and Training Assistant (06-24), labor grade VI, competitive class, be created on a seasonal basis effec- tive immediately through September 30, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That monies to fund wages and fringe benefits for the above position are 100 percent reimbursable and are included in the 1985 budget. RESOLUTION NO. 120 - ABOLITION AND CREATION OF POSITIONS - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Budget and Administration Committees, That one position of Public Health Technician (10-04), labor grade X, competitive class, be abolished effective April 30, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Public Health Sanitarian (13-15), labor grade XIII, competitive class, be created effective April 30, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That two temporary positions of Public Health Technician (10-04), labor grade X, competitive class, be created effective May 6, 1985, through August 30, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That the above Public Health Technician arrangement be evaluated at the end of the summer, 101 April 23, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment and appropriation from Contingent Fund on his books: BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Appropriation: 4010.100 Salaries $2,269 Revenue: 3401 State Aid $2,269 APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND From: 1990 Contingent Fund $4,536 To: 4010.100 Salaries $4,536 RESOLUTION NO, 121 - ESTABLISHING PETTY CASH FUND - SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Prato and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That an Account 210 Petty Cash Fund be established for the Department of Social Services in the amount of $350 to provide funds for those situations that require emergency cash, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the necessary adjustments on his books. RESOLUTION NO, 122 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR IN-SERVICE TRAINING FUNDS - VARIOUS COUNTY OFFICES FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roil call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the State Office for the Aging has allocated $500 to Tompkins County for in-service training of staff and volunteers in the Office for the Aging and subcontract agencies, and WHEREAS, such training will present topics which the Tompkins County Office for the Aging staff believe would be useful, and WHEREAS, said allocated money may be used only if pooled with similar funds allotted to nearby counties, and WHEREAS, one county must serve as "lead agency" and it is felt between the counties that Tompkins County should serve as the lead agency in this project, and WHEREAS, no local match for funds is required, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to sign an application for in-service training funds for five county Offices for the Aging amounting to $2,057, to be used from January 1 to December 31, 1985 in accordance with State Office for the Aging guidelines, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman be and he hereby is authorized to sign agreements with one or more consultants co conduct the various parts of the 102 April 23, 1985 training, and to sign agreements for payment of room rent if that should become necessary, RESOLVED, further, That a budget adjustment is hereby approved to permit paying the expenses incurred by the five Offices for the Aging, which expenses are included in the approved budgets, and claiming State reimbursement from the funds reserved for the various county Offices for the Aging, RESOLVED, further,, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Revenue: Appropriations: 3803 $2,057 7611-302 $ 200 7611-330 50 7611-412 330 7611-432 50 7611-442 1,110 7611-452 125 7611-472 192 $2,057 RESOLUTION N0. 123 - APPROPRIATION - SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM Moved by Mrs. Cali, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. After discussion, a short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,775. Noes: 224 (Representative Freeman). Adopted. WHEREAS, municipalities are no longer exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act which requires them to pay minimum wage to all employees, and WHEREAS, the County's Summer Job Program was created to reimburse munici- palities paying $2.00 per hour to youth 14-19 years of age, and WHEREAS, funds appropriated for this purpose in 1984 were estimated on the $2.00 per hour wage, and WHEREAS, the Human Services Committee recommends that the program continue to serve as many youth as possible, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That $7,160 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund A1990 to Account No. A7024, Summer Youth Program, to hire up to 166 young people between the ages of 14 and 19 inclusive, RESOLVED, further, That the Human Services Committee and the Youth Bureau revise the program guidelines as needed, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make said appropriations on his books, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION N0. 124 - BALCONY ENCLOSURE - TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. 103 April 23, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following budget adjustments and transfer be made for the purpose of enclosing the balconies at the Tompkins County Public Library: TRANSFER From: To: 55-7410.212 55-7410.221 Testing $3,700 General Contractors $3,700 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Appropriations: 55-7410.221 General Contractor $46,050 .210 Architectural Services 2,500 .204 Carpet 1,100 $49,650 Revenues: 55-3893 State Aid $25,253 55-2397.010 Library Fund Balance 10,000 .020 Friends of the Library 10,000 55-7410.240 Interest 4,397 S49,650 RESOLUTION NO. 125 - APPROPRIATION - PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, it is desirable for Tompkins County to contract with a licensed or certified psychologist to review the appropriateness of the services rendered to handicapped children and paid for by Tompkins County under the Family Court Act, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation Of the Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Administrator is authorized and directed to make the following appropriation on his books: APPROPRIATION From: A1990 Contingent Fund $600 To: A2960.442 Physically Handicapped Children - Professional Services $600 RESOLUTION N0. 126 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - FEDERAL AID - SAFER ROADS DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the total cost of the original Safer Roads Demonstration Project was $14,750.60 with a local share of $1,475.05, and 104 April 23, 1985 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 166 (1981), Resolution No. 140 (1982), and Resolution No. 24 (1984) authorized supplemental agreements totaling $224,000 with a local share of $22,400 to fund various projects, and WHEREAS, additional funding of $179,085 is now available with a local share of $17,908.50 to be provided by in-kind services to fund Brooktondale Road (CR113A), Ringwood Road (CR 164) and Ellis Hollow Road (CR110) Guide Rail Systems, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a supplemental agreement with the New York State Department of Transportation for the aforesaid supplemental monies for the project set forth, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Appropriation: 07-5-5113.312 .442 $115,633 63,452 Revenue: 07-4-4506 Federal Aid $179,085 RESOLUTION NO. 127 - PARTICIPATION, APPROPRIATION, AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - LOCAL BRIDGE PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. Mr. Freeman said the Public Works Department has been asked to submit to the Public Works Committee a priori- tized list of projects for this program. After discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Mason to recess so that the Budget and Administration Committee can act on this resolution (7;30-7;37). It was Moved by Mr. Freeman. seconded by Mr. Culligan to amend the first Resolved to include the Budget and Administration Committee recommendation. Amendment unanimously adopted by voice vote. A short roll call was taken on the resolution as amended. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 836 of the Laws of 1983 and Article 17 of the Transportation Law, the New York State Legislature has authorized and appropri- ated funds for a local bridge program to be administered by the New York State Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, the County desires to participate in such program and has developed the following project: Replacement of the Locke Road (CR154)Bridge over a tribu- tary of Hemlock Creek (BIN 3314330), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County shall participate in the local bridge program pursuant to the terms of the Bond Act, the program guidelines, and the State/applicant agreement which the County ratifies and affirms, RESOLVED, further, That the accomplishment of all local bridge projects authorized under the local bridge program shall be by County forces or by conn petitively let contract with oversight by the Commissioner of Public Works, RESOLVED, further, Thar the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to execute all necessary agreements and documents on behalf of the County as required by the New York State Department of Transportation for participation in its local bridge program, 105 April 23, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustments in the 1985 County budget: Appropriation: Revenue: D5111.410 Contracts, Bridges $85,000 D3505 State Aid Bond Act $85,000 RESOLUTION NO. 128 - DECLARING PARCELS NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE AND AUTHO- RIZATION TO EXECUTE QUIT CLAIM DEEDS - LUDLOWVILLE RIGHT-OF- WAY - COUNTY PROPERTY Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Winch. A roll call vote was taken. (A two-thirds majority required). Ayes: 3,999 (Representatives Watros, Winch, Call, Culligan, Freeman, Lifton, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Dates). Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the 19th day of March, 1985, to de- clare certain portions of the County -owned road in the hamlet of Ludlowville as no longer needed for public use, and WHEREAS, full discussion was had at said public hearing on the proposed abandonment of said lands, and WHEREAS, Shipos, Hughes, and Citizens Savings Bank have all agreed to accept a portion of the County highway running through Ludlowville as part of their premises, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said parcels are no longer needed for public use, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to execute quit claim deeds to Shipos, Hughes, and Citizens Savings Bank for that portion of said County highway bordering their premises as it passes through Ludlowville, thereby reducing the County right-of-way to 49.5 feet; descriptions of said premises are on file in the office of the County Attorney. RESOLUTION NO. 129 - BUDGET APPROPRIATION - STOP -DWI Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0, Adopted. WHEREAS, DWI offenders comprise a majority of the counseling caseload at the Alcoholism Council of Tompkins County and there is a need for an additional counselor, and WHEREAS, the Alcoholism Council of Tompkins County requires a new office complex to provide counseling services to said clients and requires additional rent for said office, and WHEREAS, it is felt that a computer would better document the effects of the services of the Alcoholism Council, and WHEREAS, a growing number of the youth of this County are using and abusing alcohol and other drugs and drinking and driving, and a Supervisor for Drug Education and Intervention for the public schools in the County would assist in 106 April 23, 1985 addressing this problem, now therefore be it RESOLVED,on recommendation of the Stop -DWI Advisory Board, the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following appropriation on his books: APPROPRIATION From: A599 General Fund Balance (Stop -DWI funds) To: 4250.442 1 Alcohol-ism•Counselor (1985 commitment) 4250.442 Rent - Alcoholism Council 4250.442 Computer - Alcoholism Council 4250.442 Supervisor (1985 commitment) $21,063 $ 4,575 3,000 3,488 10,000 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to execute appropriate contracts between the parties. RESOLUTION NO. 130 - AUDIT - COURTHOUSE WINDOW REPLACEMENT - McGUIRE AND BENNETT, INC. Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roil call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by McGuire and Bennett, Inc., in relation to Resolution No. 45 of 1984, and audited by the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee: Payment Request No. 8 - $3,515 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be and it hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 52-1620.201. RESOLUTION N0. 131 - AUDIT - TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT - PEAT, MARWICK, MITCHELL & CO. Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., in relation to Resolution No. 157 of 1984, and audited by the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee: now therefore be it Payment Request No. 1 - $10,269,70 107 April 23, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be and it hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. F1620.472. RESOLUTION N0. 132 - AUDIT - CHANGE ORDER - FAN RELAY - CONSTRUCTION, INC. Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: O. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by Construction, Inc., in relation to Resolution No. 44 of the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee: Payment Request/Change Order No. 6 - WILLIAMS ELECTRICAL A short roll call was Williams Electrical 1984, and audited by 9207.95 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be and it hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 55-7410.220. RESOLUTION NO. 133 - AUDIT - WILLIAM DOWNING ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS - TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY - TESTING AND ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by William Downing Associ- ates in relation to Resolution No. 44 of 1984, and audited by the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee: Payment Request No. 10 - 91,410 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be and it hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 55-7410.212. RESOLUTION NO. 134 - AUDIT - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CADY ELECTRIC, INC. (Amended by Res. No. 157 of 1935) Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Sburtleff. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. 108 April 23, 1985 WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by Cady Electric, Inc., and audited by the Public Works Committee: Payment Request No. 4: Phase I Work Phase II Work $15,323.84 4,653.59 $14,977.43 now therefore be it ' RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be and it hereby is audited and approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 84-5610.202, withholding 5 percent retainage as required. RESOLUTION NO. 135 - AUDIT - LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CALOCERINOS AND SPINA Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by Calocerinos and Spina and audited by the Public Works Committee: Request No. 5 - Phase I Inspection - $247.80 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be and is hereby audited and approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 84-5610.201, withholding five (5) percent retainage as required. RESOLUTION NO. 136 - OFFICIAL APPROVAL OF TOMPKINS COUNTY ALTERNATIVES TO INCAR- CERATION SERVICE PLAN Moved by Mrs_ Nichols, seconded by Mr. Slattery. Mr. Mason thanked Mrs. Nichols for her work in developing this plan with the Alternatives to Incarceration Advisory Board. A voice vote was taken_ Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives has voted to participate in the Alternatives to Incarceration program passed by the New York State Legislature in 1984, and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives has appointed an Alternatives to Incarceration Advisory Board inaccordance with the recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee to supervise the preparation and publicizing of the Tompkins County draft pian on the proposed local program, and WHEREAS, representatives of the New York State Alternatives to Incarceration have been in close contact with the local proposal and given it their informal support and approval, and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins expended an legally acceptable alternatives programs in 1984 sufficient monies to provide the local match for implementing the 109 April 23, 1985 the preferred program suggested in the draft plan, namely, the expansion of the Community Restitution project to include a work crew to perform supervised labor for nonprofit community organizations in place of "weekends only" jail sentences, and WHEREAS, additional study and planning will be needed before starting other programs recommended by the Tompkins County Advisory Board on Alternatives to Incarceration, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That, after a duly advertised public hearing on April 23, 1985, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives does hereby approve the draft plan prepared by the Advisory Board on Alternatives to Incarceration and authorize its submission to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is authorized to sign a contract with the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services for the implementation of the proposed plan. RESOLUTION NO. 137 - AUTHORIZING JOINT PARTICIPATION IN THE TOMTRAN NORTHEAST TRANSIT SYSTEM Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, Northeast Transit (NET) is part of the TOMTRAN Suburban Transit System and is operated by Swarthout & Ferris, Inc., under contract with the City of Ithaca, and WHEREAS, NET is jointly supported by the City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, Village of Lansing, Village of Cayuga Heights, Cornell University, and County of Tompkins, and WHEREAS, NET provides a necessary public transit service to County residents and provides for transfers with TOMTRAN transit services and Ithaca transit, and WHEREAS, in 1984, the NET Study Committee and Swarthout & Ferris developed a long-term plan for the operation of NET to expand service and upgrade buses with- out the use of federal funding, and WHEREAS, the NET Study Committee has reviewed the operation and budget for NET for the 1985 calendar year and has recommended that NET continue with joint local participation as follows: Village of Lansing Town of Ithaca Cornell University Village of Cayuga Heights City of Ithaca Tompkins County $ 8,000 8,000 8,000 1,800 5,700 5,700 Total Maximum Local Share $37,200 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That Tompkins County continue to participate in NET for the 1985 calendar year at a cost not to exceed $5,700, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to execute the NET agreement on behalf of the County, 110 April 23, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make payments from TOMTRAN Account No. 5360.425 to the City of Ithaca, up to $5,700 upon proper vouchering on a quarterly basis. RESOLUTION NO. 138 - AUTHORIZING SURVEY TO ESTABLISH NEW PROPERTY BOUNDARY ON SALE OF CERTAIN LANDS AND BUILDINGS TO TOMPKINS COMMUNITY HOSIPTAL CORPORATION Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein. Mr. Liguori explained the property boundaries using a map, and a voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 101 of 1985 authorized the sale of the following to the Hospital Corporation, as shown on the attached map prepared by the Tompkins County Planning Department, dated April 15, 1985: Parcel Parcel 13 Parcel 88 Parcel 7B, including all of Wing D Parcel 7C, including approximately one-third of Wing C Acres 16.53 2.45 1.29 1.24 (est.) Total 21.51 Parcel 4A, intended to be conveyed at a later date after joint approval of new access road .55 (est.) and WHEREAS, the new property lines must be established by survey and markers established, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Biggs Complex Negotiating Committee, That T. G. Miller Associates, P.C., is hereby authorized to prepare the survey and to amend the Subdivision Map dated August 1, 1984, at a cost not to exceed $500, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized to execute the survey agreement and the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to expend funds from Account No. 99-1620.470 in an amount not to exceed $500. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, Albert Lacko was appointed to the Environmental Management Council as a representative of the Town of Lansing for a term which expires December 31, 1985. On motion of Mrs. Call, Katie Ross was appointed to the Youth Board as a representative of the Village of Groton for a term which expires December 31, 1985. April 23, 1985 On motion of Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, Thomas C. Wickenden was appointed to the Community Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Alcohlism Services Board for a term which expires December 31, 1987. Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, recommended to the Board the appointment of Donald Franklin as Director of Assessment. A motion made by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay to confirm this appointment was unani- mously adopted by voice vote. Chairman Daces said he has signed a proclamation declaring the week of April 22, 1985 as Tompkins County Volunteer Week, and he signed a proclamation with Mayor Gutenberger proclaiming May 5-11, 1985 as Asian Pacific American Heritage Week. The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m. 112 REGULAR MEETING May 7, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Lifton referred to sales tax information he distributed to the Board and said history shows that Tompkins County is too cautious in estimating its sales tax revenue, and the taxpayers of the county are. billed for this overcautiousness. He said he hopes that more accurate estimates of revenue are made during theupcomingbudget process. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan said he receives constant complaints that trucks coming down the Aurora Street hill do not shift down at the designated point and also that trucks that are seemingly overweight are coming down the hill. He suggested to the Sheriff that there be increased patrol on this route. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the committee will meet May 8 at 4:30 p.m. in Board Chambers. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said the committee will meet briefly after this meeting and will not meet on May 9. Mr. Proto distrib- uted two handouts developed through the Job Training Office. He said one will be mailed with the Farm Bureau newsletter to notify farmers of what is available to them under the Job Training Program, and the second handout was developed as a means to inform the private sector of the Job Training Program. Mr. Culligan said there is one vacancy on the Library Board of Trustees, and he asked that resumes for nominees be submitted before June 6. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met April 30 and discussed the budget problems of the SPCA. He said the committee asked Mr. Proto to work with the Director of the SPCA to develop a recommendation for the committee to consider. He said they also dis- cussed the continuing concern about the tape recorder at the dispatch center and asked the Fire and Disaster Coordinator to work with the County Administrator on possible funding to replace that system. The next committee meeting is scheduled for May 14 at 5:15 p.m. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Special Jail Committee, said representatives of the MRB Group will present preliminary plans and designs of the new Public Safety Building at the appropriate time tonight, and if the Board authorizes the project to advance to the construction phase, he said they are hopeful to break ground in September 1985. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said each Board member has received a parking permit to be used when parking in the metered parking area of the Courthouse. He said the next committee meeting is scheduled for May 10 at 12:30 p.m. at the Planning Office and some of the agenda items include the parking plan, the landfill, and the bridge projects list. 113 May 7, 1985 Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, said the committee will meet May 10 at 11 a.m. at the Planning office. He said he and Mrs. Call and Mr. Freeman are continuing to meet on an informal basis with representatives of the City of Ithaca in an attempt to find an adequate solution to the Department of Social Services space needs. He noted that each Board member has received a copy of the 1984 Annual Report of the Economic Advisory Board, and he said Ralph Jordan is now the chairman of that Board. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met today at 3:30 p.m. and their action will be reflected on the next agenda.. She said she and Mrs. Livesay attended the Social Trends Conference last week which focused on youth, and she noted that each Board member has received a copy of a Human Services Coalition pamphlet which summarizes community services. She said the Human Rights Commission dinner is scheduled for June 4, and organization, adult, or youth nominees for the Human Rights Award should be submitted to the Human Rights Investigator. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee will meet May 13 at noon in the County Administrator's office. Mrs. Nichols, Chairman of the Alternatives to incarceration Advisory Board, said she has received a Letter from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services acknowledging receipt of Tompkins County's Service Plan. Sheriff Howard said he also received a letter from the State approving the four categories at this point. Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, said the MRB Group has arranged a second tour of the Yates County Sheriff's Department and the Livingston County Jail for May 15, and he said anyone who did not attend last time and is interested in the tour is invited. Mr. Williamson, County Attorney, said he has given to the hospital attorneys tor review the proposed deed, survey, and agreement for the sale of the south wing of the old hospital building. At the request of Mr. Watros, the resolution entitled Regrading of Position - Health Department was withdrawn from the agenda. On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, the resolution entitled Designation of Official Tourist Promotion Agency was added to the agenda by voice vote. Donald Bataille, Larry Bristol, and Robert Hoban of the MRB Group presented to the Board the schematics of the floor plan, the site plan, and a rendering of the proposal for the exterior of the Public Safety Building. RESOLUTION NO. 139 - AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. There was discussion and Mr. Mason said the Village of Lansing has been kept apprised of every step of this 414 May 7, 1985 process. He said they have received personal invitations to more than one meet- ing , including this one, and they were informed that this presentation would be made tonight. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mrs. Livesay to Table this resolution until the next Board meeting to allow the Village of Lansing time to respond in writing to the proposal. Motion to Table lost with Mr. Lifton voting aye. Mr. Mason said the committee intends to meet with the neighbors of the new Public Safety Building to hear their reaction to the proposed plans. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3,491 (Representatives Winch, Call, Culligan, Freeman, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Dates). Noes: 508 (Representatives Lifton, Livesay--because of the size and location and not the specific plans). Adopted. WHEREAS, Architects Hershey, Malone and Associates (now called MRS Group) were retained by authorization of Resolution No. 24 adopted January 22, 1985, to prepare plans for the proposed Public Safety Building under the direction of the Special Jail Committee, and WHEREAS, the consultants have now completed the conceptual and preliminary designs to the satisfaction of the Special Jail Committee and these basic designs have been presented to the Board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail Committee, That the Board hereby accepts the conceptual and preliminary designs and hereby authorizes that the project be'advanced to the construction design phase under the direction of the Special Jail Committee, RESOLVED, further, That prior to authorizing bidding, the construction plans be submitted to the Board for approval. RESOLUTION NO. 140 - ENDORSING DESIGNATION OF THE HECTOR RANGER DISTRICT AS THE FINGER LAKES NATIONAL FOREST Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Slattery and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Hector Ranger District of the Green Mountain National Forest is situated in the midst ofthe Finger Lakes Region of New York State, and WHEREAS, the Hector Ranger District is a significant environmental and recreational resource visited by thousands of persons each year, and WHEREAS, the strong identification of the Green Mountain name with the State of Vermont has made its use to describe a portion of the Finger Lakes Region a source of confusion and question, and WHEREAS, the Green Mountain National Forest name, when associated with Hector Ranger District, tends to be confusing and inhibits potential use of this important public resource, and WHEREAS, the Finger Lakes Region is one of the premier vacation destination lands in the Northeastern United States,and WHEREAS, the Finger Lakes Association is the oldest regional tourist agency in the United States and the largest in New York State, and WHEREAS, the Finger Lakes Association has been promoting the Finger Lakes Region since 1919, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives hereby endorses designation 115 May 7, 1985 of the Hector Ranger District of the Green Mountain National Forest as the Finger Lakes National Forest, RESOLVED, further, That the President of the United States and the Congress are hereby requested to take such action as may be needed to accomplish the proposed redesignation, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies of this resolution to President Ronald W. Reagan; Senator Daniel P. Moynihan; Senator Alfonse D'Amato; Congressman Matthew McHugh; Congressman Stanley N. Lundine; Congressman Sherwood L. Boehlert; and the Department of Interior. P.ESOLUTION N0. 141 - TELECOMMUNICATIONS STUDY BY PEAT, MARWICK, MITCHELL & CO. - CHANGE ORDER TO INCLUDE NEW PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,761. Noes: 238 (Representative Lifton). Adopted. WHEREAS, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company are presently conducting a telecommunications study for Tompkins County, not including the telephone systems for the Sheriff's Department and jail, and WHEREAS, the progress of the construction plans for the new Public Safety Building have progressed co the point where it is feasible to include a tele- phone system in the overall county -wide bidding procedure, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Jail Study Committee, That the firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company is hereby authorized to include the new jail in the bid specifications presently being drawn up, at a fee not to exceed $1,800 plus $500 for expenses in accordance with their proposal of April 24, 1985, and that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to execute such a change order to the existing contract, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator make the following budget adjustment on his books: Revenue: 2831 Interfund Revenues $2,300 Appropriation: 58-3150.472 Telephone 52,300 RESOLVED, further, That payment shall be made upon audit by the Board of Representatives. RESOLUTION N0. 142 - AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - INITIAL DESIGN PHASE - MRB GROUP, P.C. Moved by Mr. Warros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by KRB Group, P.C., and has been approved by the Special Jail Committee for audit by the Budget and Administration Committee: now therefore be it Payment Request No. 3 - $15,000 116 May 7, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the aforesaid amount be and it hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 58-3150.210. RESOLUTION NO. 143 - FEDERAL SECTION 18 PROGRAM - TOMTRAN CARO -VAN OPERATING ASSISTANCE APPLICATION Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, provides for the payment of federal financial assistance for public transportation in rural and small urban areas through a formula grant program administered by New York State Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, TOMTRAN CARO -VAN is operated by C & D Transportation of Berkshire, New York, and provides fixed -route public transit service between Tompkins and Tioga Counties, including the City of Ithaca; the Towns of Ithaca, Dryden, and Caroline in Tompkins County; and the Towns of Richford, Berkshire, and Newark Valley in Tioga County, and WHEREAS, the Tioga County Legislature authorized Tompkins County to apply to use $45,000 of Tioga County's Section 18 funds to provide operating assistance for C & D Transportation (Tioga County Resolution 96-85 of March 12, 1985), and the New York State Department of Transportation is favorable to such an arrange- ment, and WHEREAS, the County Section 18 Coordinator, Frank R. Liguori, recommends that an operating assistance application to use $45,000 in Section 18 funds in support of TOMTRAN CARO -VAN, to cover a two-year period of January 1, 1985 to December 31, 1986, be submitted to the New York State Department of Transporta- tion, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommenation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute and submit a formal application to the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $45,000 for TOMTRAN CARO -VAN, operated by C & D Transportation, for a two-year period of January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1986, RESOLVED, further, That prior to acceptance of the grant and contract with C & D Transportation, a complete report be submitted to the Board for approval. RESOLUTION NO. 144 - AUTHORLZATI03 TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - FISCAL ADVISORY, INC. Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr, Freeman. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, in connection with the County's financing of the new County Public Safety Building, the Special Jail and the Budget and Administration Committees recommend that a financial advisory company be retained to enable the County to obtain the best possible method and rates of financing, both temporary and permanent, far the aforesaid building, and 117 May 7, 1985 WHEREAS, the Special Jail and Budget and Administration Committees have recommended that the County enter into an agreement with Fiscal Advisors, Inc. in connection with this construction financing, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Attorney and the County Administrator negotiate an agreement with Fiscal Advisors, -Inc. for the aforesaid financial services for said jail construction and the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION NO. 145 - DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL TOURIST PROMOTION AGENCY Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Watros. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the New York State Grants Program is designed to encourage promotion of tourism throughout the regions of New York State, and WHEREAS, the State has appropriated funds for this purpose, in the 1985/1986 Commerce Department budget, and WHEREAS, the guidelines for this local assistance program encourage counties to appoint a regional tourist promotion agency, and WHEREAS, the Finger Lakes Association, which has traditionally been and currently is the regional tourist promotion agency for the purpose of this program, has requested to be designated as such again in 1985/1986, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Finger Lakes Association, inc., be and it hereby is designated by this Board as Tompkins County's tourist promotion agency under this program and said associ- ation is hereby authorized to make application for and receive grants on behalf of the County pursuant to the New York State Tourist Promotion Act, RESOLVED, further, That this Board shall appropriate 55,000 for the 1985/ 1986 advertising campaign, sponsored by the Finger Lakes Association, RESOLVED, further, That this Board shall appropriate $5,000 for the develop- ment and printing of a 1986 County Travel Guide, RESOLVED, further, That this Board shall appropriate an additional 5500 for postage costs for response to advertisements and mailing of the Travel Guides, RESOLVED, further, That a certified copy of this resolution be filed by the Clerk of the Board with the appropriate bodies, including but not limited to the Finger Lakes Association, Inc. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, Kimberly Chase was ap- pointed to the Youth Board as a representative of the Town of Dryden for a term which expires December 31, 1985. It was Moved by Mr. Winch, seconded by Mrs. Livesay to appoint Scott Heyman to the Industrial Development Agency to replace John Murphy. Motion unanimously adopted by voice vote. Chairman Dates appointed Scott Heyman co the Special Jail Committee, which he appointed in 1981, to replace John Murphy. He also appointed Mr. Winch and 118 May 7, 1985 Mr. Slattery to the committee, which will be called the Special Jail Study/ Construction Committee, and he said this committee will be responsible for auditing bills and bringing them to this Board. Chairman Dates announced that he signed a proclamation that declares the month of May 1985 as Tompkins County High Blood Pressure Month; another proclamation declares May 11, 1985, as Vietnam Veteran's Day; and a third proclamation proclaims May 19-25, 1985,as Tompkins County Tourism Week. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. 119 REGULAR MEETING May 21, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Livesay). Chairman Dates noted the revisions made to the minutes of April 3 and April 9, and the minutes of April 23 and May 7 were approved. Mrs. Howell said Mr. Hurlbut, Commissioner of Personnel, is in the hospital in Elmira and is scheduled to have back surgery. Under privilege of the floor, Marnie Kirchgessner, President of CSEA Local 855, referred to a letter she wrote expressing concerns about the development of a universal on-call system in the Department of Social Services. Chairman Dates referred this matter to Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee. Under.privilege of the floor, Mr. Lifton noted that the old hospital property has been vacant for six years. Chairman Dates asked that Board members file in the office any statements that are distributed to the news media which deal with Board business. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the committee met May 8, and some of the business they discussed was the possibility of contracting services to Cortland County for the Infant Health Assessment Program, which will be discussed further at the next meeting, and a request for additional funds from Hospicare. The next meeting is scheduled for June 5 at 4:30 p.m. in Board Chambers. Mr. Tillapaugh informed the Board that hospital staff is working closely with State legislators on a solution to the medical malpractice insurance problem, and he said he asked the Hospital Administrator to notify this Board if there is any action that needs to be taken. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said the next meeting is scheduled for June 6 at 4:30 p.m. in Board Chambers. He announced that there is one vacancy on the Library Board of Trustees, and he asked that resumes be sub- mitted for nominees before the next meeting. Mr. Slattery reported on the last meeting of the Tompkins Gartland Community College Board of Trustees and said a study of the utilization of existing space at the college has been completed and is on file in the Board office and in the Planning office. In addition, he said new proposals were adopted for the computer science program and a recreation leadership program. Mr. Slattery also noted that graduation ceremonies were held at Tompkins Cortland Community College on May 19. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met May 14 and discussed the Sheriff's Department Reclassification Study, which he said is available in the Personnel office and the County Administrator's office for Board members to review. He said the committee also heard a concern of 120 May 21, 1985 the sergeant deputy sheriffs that they do not feel they had an appropriate time for appeal following the determination of classification;and Mr. Mason said that the committee requested the Personnel Department to provide an opportunity for appeal. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met May 10 and most of their business is reflected on the agenda. He said the com- mittee requested Mr. Mobbs to notify each municipality within the County of the availability of surplus guide rails prior to advertising the sale of this material, and he said each Board member will receive a copy of the bridge replacement priority list. Mr. Freeman said the committee meetings for the rest of the year will be at noon at the planniag office on the following dates: June 13, June 27, August 1, September 5, October 10, November 7, and December 5. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, said the committee met May 10 and most of their business is reflected an the agenda. He said the Planning Department hopes to hire a work study student this summer to begin a study of the uses of County -owned property at the airport, Mr. Stein also introduced Deb McGowan, the new reporter from The Ithaca Journal. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met May 7 and most of their business is reflected on the agenda. She said the Depart- ment of Social Services is preparing a slide presentation for public relations purposes, and she announced that the Human Rights Commission dinner will be June 4. She said she will have two appointments to recommend at the appropriate time and said there is still one vacancy on the Human Rights Commission and resumes for nominees should be submitted before the June 4 Human;Services Committee meeting. Mrs. Nichols, Chairman of the Alternatives to Incarceration Committee, said the committee met May 13, and they expect to forward some recommendations to the Public Safety and Corrections Committee in the near future that they feel could help reduce the jail population. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met May 13 and most of their action is reflected on the agenda. Mr. Mason explained that traditionally two deputy sheriffs have been assigned airport security duty and their salaries reimbursed by revenue from the airlines for this security. He said that through changes in the contractual agreements at the air- port, those responsibilities have now been assumed by a private security organi- zation,and both the Public Safety and Corrections and the Budget and Administration Committees have reviewed the -situation and resolved to continue these two deputy sheriff positions. Mr. Williamson, County Attorney, said things are progressing on the sale of the south wing of the old hospital. He also said that the annual County fore- closure proceeding has begun,and a list of the properties is on file in the County Attorney's office. On motion of Mr. Slattery, seconded by Mr. Lifson, the resolution entitled Requesting an Appropriate Steep Hill Warning Sign - Route 96 - Cliff Street was added to the agenda by voice vote. 121 May 21, 1985 On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, the resolution entitled Approval to Apply for Grant Funds - Department of Social Services was added to the agenda by voice vote. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Call to withdraw the resolution entitled Appropriation - Hospicare until more information. is available. Motion adopted by voice vote with Mr. Lifton voting no. RESOLUTION NO. 146 - CREATION OF POSITIONS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - CSS UNIT - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health, Human Services, and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following positions be created immediately, contingent upon the availability of 100 percent CSS funding, to last as long as 100 percent CSS funding is available: One Caseworker (11-02). labor grade XI, competitive class One Typist (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Appropriation 6010.100 Salaries - Mental Health $12,531 .202 Typewriter 500 .211 Chairs 480 .212 Desks 600 .213 Filing Cabinets 200 .302 Office Supplies 175 .308 Program Supplies 75 .412 Conferences 125 .414 Local Mileage 1,000 .442 Professional Service Fees 1,690 .452 Postage 25 .472 Telephone 2,250 .830 FICA 877 .860 Health Insurance 1,920 .870 Unemployment 126 $22,574 Revenues A3675 State Aid - CSS $22,574 122 May 21, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 147 - INCREASE OF HOURS - ATTORNEY - SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee and the Budget and Administration. Committee, That one additional position of Social Services Attorney, twenty-five (25) percent time, be and it hereby is created, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the position of Social Services Attorney established by Resolution No. 70, adopted March 12, 1979, as a fifteen (15) percent position, be and it hereby is abolished effective as of September I, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment and appropriation on his books: Budget Adjustment Appropriation: 6010.100 Salaries $2,655 Revenue: 4610 3610 Appropriation From: To: Federal Aid State Aid $1,770 885 1990 Contingent Fund $866 6010.100 Salaries 8866 RESOLUTION NO. 148 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections, Human Services, and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjust- ments on his books: Appropriation Sheriff's Department From: A1990 Contingent Fund $7,500 To: A3150.442 Jail - Pro. Serv. Area $7,500 Explanation: This account covers medical and dental care of prisoners and boarding out of prisoners when the jail is overcrowded. Due to unusually large jail population the first quarter of this year, unforeseen medical costs, and the necessity to place prisoners in psychiatric centers (at 8100 per day), 123 May 21, 1985 this account is depleted. Free balance as of April 26 was $182.87. Budget Adjustments Assessment Appropriation: A1356.330 Printing $600 Revenue: A1250 Sale of Tax Maps $600 Explanation: Adjustment needed to print half-size (12 x 18) tax maps for sale. Orders have been received for three copies of the full set of maps. Social Services (HEAP) Appropriation: A6010.201 Calculators $ 120 .210 Other Equipment 950 .211 Chairs 181 .212 Desks, Bookcases 595 .213 Filing Cabinets 1,238 .302 Office Supplies 176 .402 Advertising 500 .472 Telephones 240 A6141.400 Payments 76,000 Revenue: A4641 HEAP $80,000 Explanation: This is budget adjustment no. 3 for the 1984-85 HEAP program, bringing in an additional $80,000 from the State. Youth Bureau (Programs) Appropriations: A7022.420 Learning Web $300 .535 City Youth Bureau 144 .570 Youth Council 350 .599 Positive Self -Image 400 Revenue: 3820.420 $300 .535 144 .570 350 .599 400 Explanation: DFY funds are available to the County, to be combined with match- ing funds from youth -serving agencies, to support new and/or expanded youth activities. RESOLUTION NO. 149 - AUTHORIZING PRELIMINARY COMPARATIVE ARCHITECTURAL ANALYSIS OF SPACE FOR DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman. Mr. Lifson said he opposes this resolution because he feels that including the old hospital in the analysis of 1.24 May 21, 1985 possible locations for the Department of Social Services delays the Board's commitment'tc selling this building. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,491. Noes: 238 (Representative Lifton). Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Special Department of Social Services Space Committee and the combined Planning and Development and Public Works Committees have agreed that the preliminary architectural analysis should be made of the following possible spaces for housing the Department of Social Services (in addition to the already analyzed City Hall/Jason Fane space): Grand Union building, Challenge Industries and the old Hospital, and WHEREAS, the firm of Anton J. Egner Associates, Architects, has agreed to perform the preliminary evaluation of the buildings and sites for possible renovation and use as offices for the Department of Social Services, considering space needs of at least 30,000 square feet, meeting of ail.'code requirements, and evaluation of the necessary improvements and cost estimates to adapt the space for use together with other predictable costs and to consider parking, general accessibility, and other matters, and WHEREAS, Anton Egner has agreed to do this work at a cost not to exceed S2,500, which shall include meetings with the appropriate committees, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development, Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the firm of Anton J. Egner Associ- ates be engaged to perform these services at a cost not to exceed $2,500 RESOLVED, further, That 52,500 be transferred from Account No. 6010.720 to Account No. 6010.442, and that the County Administrator is hereby authorized to expend funds from this account after proper vouchering. RESOLUTION NO. 150 - APPROVAL TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDS - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr..Winch. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Department of Social Services is in receipt of a Request for Proposal from New York State Department of Social Services detailing the requirements for receipt of funds for demonstration projects pursuant co the Teenage Services Act of 1984, and WHEREAS, these funds will enable local districts to set up a case manage- ment system for applicants or recipients of public assistance who are 18 years of age or under and pregnant or parents, and WHEREAS, this demonstration project, if approved, would be supported by 100 percent State funds, and WHEREAS, the legislation mandates that case management systems be set up in every district following the demonstration project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Department of Social Services be and it hereby is given permission to proceed with application for these funds. 125 May 21, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 151 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE APPLICATION FOR FUNDING CONTRACT - TITLE V - OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, federal funds in the amount of $23,552 are available to the County for the year commencing July 1, 1985 for continuation of the Senior Community Services Employment program under Title V of the Older Americans Act, and WHEREAS, the Center for Religion, Ethics, and Social Policy (CRESP) through the Displaced Homemakers Committee is willing to renew its contract with the County to operate the program, and WHEREAS, there are County residents eligible for this program who need and want the part-time work it provides, and WHEREAS, the necessary local match of $2,355 can be met in-kind without any appropriation of County funds, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to apply to the New York State Office for the Aging for the Title V funds reserved for the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized to contract with CRESP for operation of the Title V Employment Program July 1, 1985 to June 30, 1986, contingent upon the availability of funding, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books for the period July 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985: Revenue: 3803 $11,776 Appropriation: 7614.400 $11,776 RESOLUTION NO. 152 - AUTHORIZING RETENTION OF ELAINE WALKER, Ph.D. Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, it is desirable for Tompkins County to take steps to ensure that funds expended from Account No. 2960, Education of Handicapped Children, upon order of the Family Court are providing needed services for handicapped children, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education Committee, That Elaine Walker, Ph.D., be retained by Tompkins County to review the appropriateness of the level and extent of educational services to handicapped Tompkins County children under the Family Court Act for a sum not to exceed $600, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Elaine Walker for this purpose, that the County Admin- istrator is directed to report to the Education Committee on the results of Elaine Walkers review, and that funds have been appropriated for this purpose in Account No. 2960.442. 126 May 21, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 153 - AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE OPERATING BUDGET 1985-86 Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Slattery. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. RESOLVED, an recommendation of the Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That a public hearing be held on Tuesday, June 25, 1985 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the Board of Representatives Chambers of the Courthouse, Ithaca, New York on the L985-86 operating budget request for Tompkins Cortland Community College, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is directed to place a notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of Tompkins County. RESOLUTION N0. 154 - AWARD OF 3ID - LOCKE ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for the replacement of the Locke Road bridge which spans a tributary of Hemlock Creek in the Town of Lansing in accordance with specifications filed in the office of the Tompkins County Highway Department, and WHEREAS, the bids were publicly opened and read on Wednesday, May 8, 1985 at 10 a.m, in the office of the County Administrator, and WHEREAS, FLC Contractors, Inc., of Ithaca, New York, is the lowest respon- sible bidder meeting all specifications for replacement of the Locke Road bridge, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That upon receipt of final funding approval from the New York State Department of Trans- portation, the bid of FLC Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $65,795 be accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, to execute a contract with FLC Contractors, Inc., on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION NO. 155 - AWARD OF BID - FAINT PROJECT - HERMAN BIGGS BUILDING Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A voice vote was taken, Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 -.(Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for the exterior painting of the Herman Biggs Building in accordance with specifica- tions filed in the Office of the Tompkins County Public Works Department, and WHEREAS, the bids were publicly opened on Wednesday, April 17, 1985, at LO a.m. in the Office of the County Administrator, and WHEREAS, McGuire & Bennett, Inc. of Ithaca, New York is the lowest respon- sible bidder for the painting of the Herman Biggs Building meeting all specifica- tions, now therefore be it 127 May 21, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid of McGuire & Bennett, Inc. in the amount of $10,441 be and the same hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to execute a contract with McGuire & Bennett, Inc. on behalf of the County and that this project shall be paid for out of Account No. 1622.470. RESOLUTION NO. 156 - AUDIT - WILLIAM DOWNING ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS - TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY - TESTING AND ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll. call was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0, Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim in relation to Resolution No. 44 has been audited by the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee: William Downing Associates, Architects - Payment Request No. 11 - $1,335.50 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be aad the same hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to pay said claim out of funds provided therefore in Account No. 55-7410.212. RESOLUTION NO. 157 - (AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 134) CHANCE ORDER NO. 1, PHASE I AND II - JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC. - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the following change orders have been approved by Calocerinos and Spina (Consultants) and the Public Works Committee for changes in the work done by contractor John Mills Electric, Inc., on the Airport Lighting and Taxiway Improvement projects: Change Order No. 1, Phase I - $15,323.84 Change Order No. 1, Phase II - 4,653.59 $19,977.43 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 134, adopted April 23, 1985, audited the payment requests but inadvertently did not specify that the audit was also for approval of change orders., now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That Resolution No. 134 be and the same hereby is amended by substituting this resolution, RESOLVED, further, That the aforesaid change orders be and they hereby are approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said change orders from Account No. 84-5610.202, and copies of the change orders 1,28 May 21, 1985 shall be submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation for approval, RESOLVED, further, That the budget for this project will require an amend- ment, subject to Federal Aviation Administration and New York State Department of Transportation participation in said change orders, and such amendment shall be considered at a future meeting of the Board after action by these agencies. RESOLUTION NO. 158 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - PROBATION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Senior Steno- grapher (09-14), labor grade IX, competitive class, be reclassified to Senior Typist (06-10), labor grade VI, competitive class, effective June 1, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That no monies will be required to fund this reclassifi- cation. RESOLUTION NO. 159 - CREATION OF POSITION - PROBATION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason. After discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols to amend the resolution by adding an additional paragraph to read, "Resolved, further, That the individual who fills this position may not be employed more than .5 time in any other County position." Amendment unanimously adopted by voice vote. It was Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Slattery to amend the resolution by adding an additional paragraph to read, "Resolved, further, That the position be reevaluated when funding is reduced." Amendment unanimously adopted by voice vote. A short roll call was taken on the resolution as amended. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Resolution as amended adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives, at its meeting on April 23, 1985, authorized submission of the Tompkins County Alternatives to Incarceration Service Plan to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that such approval will be forthcoming in the near future, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one half-time position of Working Supervisor (12-28), labor grade XII, non-competitive class, be created effective the date said approval of the service plan is received from the State of New York, RESOLVED, further, That all wages and fringe benefits are 100 percent reimbursable through the Division of Criminal Justice Services, RESOLVED, further, That the individual who fills this position may not be employed more than .5 time in any other County position, RESOLVED, further, That the position be reevaluated when funding is reduced, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: 129 May 21, 1985 Budget Adjustment Appropriation: 3140.100 Salaries $ 7,800 3140.414 Mileage 600 3140.800 Fringe Benefits 2,262 Revenue: 3310 State Aid $10,662 RESOLUTION NO. 160 - CREATION OF POSITIONS - JOB TRAINING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: .0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, funds have been made available to the Job Training Department to deliver as Adolescent Vocational Exploration (AVE) Program during 1985, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Labor has prescribed the positions to be created for the purpose of delivering the AVE Program, said positions being 100 percent reimbursable, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following positions be created, contingent on state approval of funding, effective June 3, 1985, for a period not to exceed December 13, 1985: One position of Administrative Assistant (08-12), labor grade VIII, competitive class Two positions of Employment and Training Coordinator (11-35), labor grade XI, competitive class One position of Employment and Training Counselor (11-34), labor grade XI, competitive class One position of Employment and Training Assistant (06-24), labor grade VI, competitive class RESOLUTION NO. 161 - AWARD OF BID - SURPLUS USED EQUIPMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,489. Noes: 0. Abstained: 240 (Representative Shurtleff). Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for the sale of used surplus equipment no longer needed by the County, and WHEREAS, Ithaca Office Equipment Company is the highest bidder for items 2, 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, 18, 19, 29, and 30 as detailed on the attached "List of Surplus Equipment - 1985," and WHEREAS, Phil Shurtleff is the highest bidder for items 23, 24, 25, 27, and 28 of the attached, and WHEREAS, Bill Bilker is the highest bidder for items 1, 6, and 15 of the attached, now therefore be it 130 May 21, 1965 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and. Administration Committee, That the aforesaid bids be and they hereby are accepted and the County Adminis- trator be and he hereby is authorized and directed'to complete said transactions on behalf of theCounty. Item High Bid 1. IBM Model D. Typewriter Hilker $ 5.00 2. Metal File -- Shaw -Walter IOE 5.00 6. Triner Postal Scale Hiiker 1.00 7. Letter Files IOE 10.00 9. Copy -rite Mimeograph IOE 2.50 10. Adler Electric Typewriter I0E 15.00 14. Olympia Typewriters - 3 IOE 40.00 15. Smith -Corona Typewriters - 2 Hilker 15.00 16. Smith -Corona Typewriter (250) IOE 25.00 18. Mimeograph Machine 10E 2.50 19. Drafting Chairs - 2 IDE 15.00 23. Curtains - 42 sets Shurtleff 50.60 24. Drapery Rods - 41 Shurtleff 5.60 25. Venetian. Blinds - 50 Shurtleff 5.60 27. Metal Filing Cabinets - 2 Shurtleff 11.20 28. Metal Cabinet Shurtleff 5.60 29. Countertop Unit IOE 15.00 30. Print Type Machine IOE 10.00 Total $244.60 RESOLUTION NO. 162 - ACCEPTANCE OF BID FOR DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICES - IBM CORPORATION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,729, Noes: D. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has advertised for bids in accordance with certain specifications filed in his office for direct access storage devices for central data processing, and WHEREAS, IBM Corporation is the only responsible bidder meeting all specifications with a bid of $62,591, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the bid of IBM Corporation be and it hereby is accepted and the Systems Analyst be and he hereby is authorized and directed to complete said trans- action on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION N0. 163 - APPORTIONMENT OF MORTGAGE TAX Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. 131 May 21, 1985 WHEREAS, the County Clerk and the County Administrator have presented their report concerning mortgage tax receipts for the period from October 1, L984 through March 31, 1985, pursuant to Section 261 of the Tax Law, and the same has been apportioned to the various municipalities thereto, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, Thar the apportionment as presented for said period from October 1, 1984 through March 31, 1985 be and hereby is approved: Municipality Amount Total Town of Caroline $ 5,617.35 Town of Danby 4,953.52 Town of Dryden $29,365.74 Village of Dryden 2,426.08 Village of Freeville 540.29 32,332.11 Town of Enfield 3,871.71 Town of Groton 4,270.03 Village -of Groton 1,773.09 6,043.12 City of Ithaca 51,910.11 Town of Ithaca 27,431.21 Village of Cayuga Heights 8,168.97 35,600.18 Town of Lansing 33,162.52 Village of Lansing 10,937.45 44,099.97 Town of Newfield 12,860,28 Town of Ulysses 8,627.99 Village of Trumansburg 2,068.07 10,696.06 $207,984.41 RESOLUTION NO. 164 - AUTHORIZATION TO CREATE TOMPKINS HEALTH CARE CORPORATION AS AN INSTRUMENTALITY OF THE COUNTY - APPROVAL OF RECONSTRUCTION ROME PROSECT (see amendment Res. No. 276 of.1955) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. After discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Nichols to amend Section 5 by adding the following: "1. Chairman of the.Tompkins County Board of Representatives - Presently held by Harris B. Dates; 2. Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives - Presently held by Robert Watros; 3. Tompkins County Board of Representatives member from the district where the Reconstruction Home is located - Presently held by Donald J. Culligan. In the event that one person occupies two of the existing positions on the County Board, the Board Chairman shall appoint the third trustee." Amend- ment unanimously adopted by voice vote. A short roll call was taken on the resolu- tion as amended. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins, New York, hereinafter referred to as the "County," is duly constituted, qualified, and acting under and pursuant to the laws of the State of New York, and WHEREAS, said County is granted powers to assist in providing health care facilities under and pursuant to the laws of the State of New York, and 132 May 21, 1985 WHEREAS, the County desires to provide for nursing homes and health care facilities within the jurisdictional limits of the County, and WHEREAS, the County deems it necessary and proper to authorize the formation of the Tompkins Health Care Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Corpora -- tion;" as a non -stock, non-profit corporation to act as an instrumentality on behalf of the County to provide health care facilities for persons within the jurisdictional area of the County and to cooperate with the Department of Housing and Urban Development of the United States of America, hereinafter referred to as "HUD," and WHEREAS, the County has before this meeting copies of a form of Certification of Incorporation and Bylaws for the Tompkins Health Care Corporation, and WHEREAS, the County deems it necessary and proper to authorize the Corporation to issue notes or other obligations and to provide health care facilities for citizens in the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, as follows: Section 1. That it is hereby determined to be necessary and proper.to authorize and ratify the creation of a charitable non -stock, non-profit corpora- tion to act as the instrumentality on behalf of the County, for the purpose of financing the acquisition of real estate and constructing and/or rehabilitating thereon nursing home and health care facilities within the jurisdiction of the County. Section 2. That the creation of said Corporation is dependent on the financial and legal arrangements being agreed upon to the satisfaction of the County. Section 3. That the form of Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Tompkins Health Care Corporation are hereby approved. Section 4. That the final form of Certificate of Incorporation as filed by the Secretary of State, and Bylaws as adopted by the Corporation, will be agreed upon at a future time. Section 5. The persons occupying the following positions shall serve as trustees of the Corporation: 1. Chairman of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives - Presently held by Harris B. Dates 2. Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives - Presently held by Robert Watros 3. Tompkins County Board of Representatives member from the district where the Reconstruction Home is located - Presently held by Donald S Culligan The term of office for the aforesaid shall be three years unless terminated by reason of the fact that they no longer hold one of the aforesaid Board positions. In the event that one person occupies two of the existing positions on the County Board, the Board Chairman shall appoint the third trustee. 133 May 21, 1985 Section 6. That the.Board of Trustees of the Corporation, upon being issued a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State of the State of New York, is authorized and directedtoissue, sell, and deliver notes or other obligations of said Corporation, pursuant to the applicable laws of the State of New York, to use the proceeds thereof to provide construction and permanent financing secured by interests in real estate, and -to encumber any interest in real estate so acquired by said Corporation, all for the purpose of financing the construction and/or rehabilitation of nursing homes and health Fare facilities, and to enter into contracts for the sale of the notes or other obligations and the making of loans to finance the construction and/or rehabili- tation of the health care facilities for public purposes, subject to final ap- proval by resolution of this County. Section 7. That the Trustees of the Corporation, upon being issued a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State of the State of New York, are authorized and directed to take any other actions necessary to implement the financing and construction of said nursing home and health care facilities, sub- ject to final approval by resolution of this County. Section 8. That the providing of nursing home and health care facilities in and for the County is in the public interest of the citizens of the County, and is a proper public pupose, and this County desires to cooperate with agencies of the federal government and other public bodies to fulfill such public purpose. Section 9. That it is found and determined that all formal actions of this County concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this County; and that all deliberations of this County and of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements. Section 10. This resolution is expressly contingent upon the fact that the securities issued by the Corporation shall not constitute a debt of the County of Tompkins and shall in no way affect the borrowing capacity of the County. RESOLUTION N0. 165 - URGING EXTENSION OF ARC TOMTRAN GRANT PERIOD Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A voice vote was taken_ Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, the TOMTRAN Program has been a highly successful effort generously supported by this Board and the people of the County, and WHEREAS, this success was and is highly dependent upon full utilization of the ARC grant, Federal Section 18 grants, and State Operating Assistance, and WHEREAS, the program has evolved rapidly and with strong local support, notwithstanding the complexity of coordinating the various grants, and WHEREAS, because of this complexity, the contract period for the ARC grant was and is out of synchronization with the other grants and the ARC grant period inadvertently expired well before full utilization of the grant, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Planning has prepared a statement to the Depart- ment of State and the Appalachian Regional Commission explaining the complex 134 May 21, 1985 nature of the grants coordination and has requested an extension of the ARC grant period to allow full utilization of the combined grants, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That this Board endorses the request for an extension of the grant period and urges the Department of State and the Appalachian Regional Commission to approve the extension. RESOLUTION NO. 166 - ACCEPTANCE OF SECTION 18 CAPITAL GRANT FOR ONE TRANSIT BUS - • ULYSSES-NEWFIELD TRANSIT Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Winch and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has submitted a request to the New York State Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation, by Resolution No. 244 of September 25, 1984, for a grant of funds pursuant to Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act -of 1964, as amended, for the pur- chase of one 35- to 48 -passenger, bus and related equipment (PIN 3794.01.306), and WHEREAS, the project budget is $110,000 with the following sources of fund- ing: Section 18 ($79,772), New York State ($19,943), and the TOMTRAN Appalachian Regional Commission grant ($10,285), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to sign the following: any and all agreements between the County and the State for the above-described project; any and all agreements between the County and any third -party contractors necessary to complete said project, if appropriate; and any municipality/vendor contracts for the purchase of vehicles and/or equipment, subject to appropriate bidding procedure. RESOLUTION NO. 167 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY TO GOVERNOR'S TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN FUNDS FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY PROJECTS Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, the New York State Governor's Traffic Safety Committee is soliciting applications for funding assistance for engineering design of highway safety proj- ects, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Traffic Safety Board, the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Commission and its Planning Committee have jointly recommended certain projects to address long-standing traffic safety problems for which fund- ing assistance on engineering design is appropriate and within the interests of the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee and the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to file an application for the funding assistance. 135 May 21, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 168 - AUTHORIZATION TO PAY MEMBERSHIP DUES - NEW YORK PUBLIC TRANSIT MANAGER'S ASSOCIATION, INC. Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That authorization is hereby approved for payment of membership dues to the New York Public Transit Manager's Association, Inc., for the year 1985 through the TOMTRAN Budget Account No. 5630.416, this being an approved line item in the 1985 TOMTRAN budget. RESOLUTION NO. 169 - AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE UPSTATE PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE ASSOCIATION AND AUTHORIZING FAIR SHARE COST OF A RATE ENGINEERING CONSULTANT Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman. After discussion, a roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 456 (Representatives Culligan,. Tillapaugh). 'Noes: 3,273 (Representatives Call, Freeman, Lifton, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Slattery, Stein, Watros, Winch, Dates). Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Lost. WHEREAS, a group of upstate municipalities have banded together to form an organization known as the Upstate Public Utility Service Association for the purpose of providing mutual advice and service to the various public utility service agencies recently established in upstate New York, and WHEREAS, at the present time the Association,on behalf of the participating counties,is negotiating agreements with the New York Power Authority, and WHEREAS, it is also necessary to negotiate agreements with the individual utilities involved, in the case of Tompkins County the New York State Electric and Gas Corporation, and WHEREAS, the Association has determined that in order to negotiate effec-. tively with the utilities, it is necessary to retain the services and assistance of a Rate Engineering consultant, and WHEREAS, the Association has determined that a fair share cost of these services will be $.50 per kilowatt, based upon PASNY Post - 1985 allocation to individual counties, and WHEREAS, the allocation to Tompkins County is 1140 kilowatts, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the joint Planning and Development and Public Works, and the Budget and Administration Committees, That the County is hereby authorized to participate in and with the Upstate Public Utility Service Associ- ation, RESOLVED, further, That $570.50 is hereby approved and authorized as the County's fair share cost for the services of a Rate Engineering Consultant, RESOLVED, further, That $570.50 is hereby appropriated from Account A1990, Contingent Fund, to Account A8033, Upstate Public Utility Service Association, and that the County Administrator is hereby authorized to pay these funds to the City of Syracuse, Commissioner of Finance, to be invested in an interest bearing account in the name of the Upstate Public Utility Service Association and used for a specific purpose of retaining the services of a Rate Engineering Consultant. 136 May 21, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 170 - AUTHORIZATION FOR GRANTS TO MUNICIPALITIES - PROJECTS TO REDUCE IMPACT OF FLOOD/NG FOR 1985 - APPROPRIATION OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,505. Noes: 224 (Representative Freeman). Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives authorized a Flood Program to assist municipalities with up to 50 percent matching grants for eligible flood projects by Resolution No. 22 of January 18, 1983, and WHEREAS, the 1985 budget appropriated $20,000 in Account F-1620.485 for this purpose, and WHEREAS, project applications have been submitted by the various munici- palities and each project has been reviewed, inspected, and rated by staff in accordance with established criteria, and staff has submitted a recommended program plan for funding during the 1985 cycle, as attached hereto, and WHEREAS, the recommended plan for 1985 is for a total County outlay of $25,437, which is in excess of the 1985 budget appropriation of $20,000 by $5,437, and WHEREAS, since the inception of the Flood Program in 1983 there has accumulated in the account unused funds representing the difference between the actual construction costs and the estimated project costs for years 1983 and 1984 in the amount of $1,512.46, which funds are dedicated to the flood program unless further action is taken by the Board to transfer or appropriate the funds for some other purpose, after public hearing, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the program plan for 1985 be and the same hereby is approved as shown on the attached plan in the total amount of $25,437, RESOLVED, further, That $1,512.46 currently in the account be and it hereby is authorized for use during the 1985 program, RESOLVED, further, That an additional $3,924.54 be appropriated to the Flood Program Account 99-1620.485 from Account A8032 (County Water) for use in the 1985 cycle, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized to make the above appropriation and is authorized to make grant awards to the municipalities in accordance with the program plan, provided that the munici- palities meet all requirements as described in the criteria. 137 May 21, 1985 TABLE I COST SUMMARY 1985 APPLICATIONS AND PREVIOUS PROGRAM E CUMBERANC S TOMPKII S COUNTY STREAM PREVENTATIVE NRINTEN NCE PROGRAM TO REDUCE THE IMPACT OF FLOODS APRIL 1985 Municipality City of Ithaca 1985 1984 Town of Caroline 1985 ' 1984 ' 1983 Tcwn of Danby 1984 Town of Dryden 1984-85 Town of Ithaca 1983-85 Town of Newfield 1983 Estimated County County Request Project Encuobered Encumbered Fran County Cost 1983 funds 1984 Funds 1985 Budget $ 7,100 30,000 10,000 3,000 3,000 2,002 3,000 33,000 5,500 $ 275 (2) 1,000 (3) 3,250(3) $15,000.00(3) 1,500.00 $ 3,550 (3) 5,000 117.46(2) 1,500.00(3) 2,000.00(3) 10,000 Village of Cayuga heights 1985 4,500 2,250 Village of Dryden 1984 (a) 600 1984 (b) 4,000 '1983 4,000 20(2) 300.00(2) 800.00(2) Village of Preeville 1984-85 12,564 2,630.00(3) 3,662 1985 1,950 975 1985 900 -0- 138 May 21, 1985 Village of Groton 1984 5,140 1,217.48(3) 5 295(2) $ 1,217.46(2) TOTAL 5131,375 54,250(3) 523,847.48(3) $25,437 (1) Includes $10,000 from NYSDEC. (2) Unused balance at project completion or due. to project cancellation. The County Budget Office encumbered these funds which total $1,512.46. A resolution is recommended to make these funds available for 1985 projects. (3) Encumbered for a specific project not completed to date from 1983 and 1984 funds. TABLE II 1985 APPLICATIONS COST st21?L RY TOMPKINS COUNTY STREAM P0EVETTPATIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TO REDUCE THE IMPAC; OF FLOODS Request Request Request From County From County From County Municipality Total Cost (1983 Budget)* (1984 Budget)* (1985 Budget) city of Ithaca $ 7,100 $ 3,550 TOwn. of Caroline =1 10,000 5,000 42 3,000 $ 1,500* Town of Dryden 3,000 1,500* Town of Ithaca 33,000 S 1,000* 2,000* 10,000 Village of Cayuga Heights 4,500 2,250 Village of Freeville 41 12,584 2,630* 3,662 n2 1,950 975 43 900 -0- TOTAL 576,034 5 1,000* $ 7,630* 525,437 *.A11 funds encumbered from 1983 and 1984. Other 1984 funds for other projects are also encumbered for 1985 completion (see Table I). These municipalities have submitted new applications to ensure continued availability of the funds. 139 May 21, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 171 - REQUESTING AN APPROPRIATE STEEP HILL WARNING SIGN - RT. 96 - CLIFF STREET Moved by Mr. Slattery, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 0. Excused: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, Rt. 96 entering the City of Ithaca down Cliff Street carries a heavy traffic burden including trucks, and WHEREAS, the long steep grade sets up the potential for loss of brakes, resulting in a historical record of runaway trucks, and WHEREAS, Cliff Street is narrow with little or no shoulders and there is the real demonstrated potential of a catastrophic series of accidents from runaway vehicles, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Commission and the Tompkins County Traffic Safety Board, That this Board does hereby petition the New York State Department of Transportation to install an appropriate sign at the top of the hill warning of the long steep hill and requiring that trucks shift to an appropriate low gear. Mr. Slattery announced that there will be a meeting of the Traffic Safety Board, the Transportation Commission and the New York State Department of Transportation on .lune 18 at 7 p.m. in the main Courtroom to discuss Route 96, and the public is invited to attend. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, Ruth Mann was appointed to the Office for the Aging Advisory Committee to fill a vacancy which expires December 31, 1985. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, Donald Slattery was ap- pointed to the Economic Opportunity Corporation as a representative of the City of Ithaca for a term which expires March 31, 1986. On motion of Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, Gloria Escalana was appointed to the Community Mental Health, Mental Retardation 6 Alcoholism Services Board to fill a vacancy which expires December 31, 1986. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. 140 REGULAR MEETING June 11, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives (Representative Shurtleff excused at 7:43 p.m.) Excused: 1 (Representative Slattery). Mrs. Howell said that Mr. Hurlbut is now at home recuperating from back surgery. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Shurtleff thanked Chairman Dates for sending a letter to the Village of Groton congratulating them on the 125th anniversary of the incorporation of the village. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the committee met June 5 and in addition to the business reflected on this agenda and an appoint- ment, the committee's actions will be reflected on the next Board agenda. He said there will be a joint meeting of the Health and Human Services Committees on June 13 at 2:30 p.m. in Board Chambers to discuss the establishment of a Personal Emergency Response System in Tompkins County. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said one term on the Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees expires on June 30, 1985, and he asked that resumes for nominees be submitted before June 24. Mr. Proto distributed a Youth Services Update and a Job Development Update prepared by the Job Training office, and he said that 53 positions have been solicited from the private sector and are available through the Job Training program. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met June 4 and, in addition to the action reflected on the agenda, the committee rejected bids for video equipment for the Fire and Disaster Coordinator's office because of significant deviation from specifications; and they requested that the equipment be rebid. Mr. Mason also said that he recently attended a presentation of the Enhanced 911 System, and he said a two-year lead time is required to make the system operational once the decision is made to establish the system. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Study Committee, said the next committee meeting is scheduled for June 21 at noon at the Planning office, He said the committee is continuing to work on the working drawings for the facility; a subgroup is working on the Sheriff's Department communication system; and he is continuing to meet on an individual basis with people from the community who have concerns about the new building. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the next meeting is scheduled for June 13 at noon at the Planning office. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, said the next meeting is scheduled for June 14 at noon at the Planning office. He said the New York State Department of Transportation will be holding meetings concerning Route 96 141 June 11, 1985 on June 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the main Courtroom and on June 20 at 7:30 p.m. in Common Council Chambers. He said the Planning Department has begun a master pian for County property at the airport and has asked the Village of Lansing, the Town of Lansing, and the Town of Dryden to appoint a representative to an informal committee to meet with staff. Mr. Stein informed the Board that dis- cussions are continuing on the Pine Tree Road relocation and the lodging tax, and he said he is studying further information regarding the Upstate Public Utilities Association. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the.Human Services Committee, said the committee met June 4 and will also meet on June 13 following the joint meeting with the Health Committee. She said the Commissioner of Social Services estimates that that department will be over budget before the end of this year, and she said the committee will continue to receive updates on the status of that budget. Mr. Winch informed the Board that Ray Smith was recently honored for his nine years of community service as a volunteer driver for the Meals on Wheels Program. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee met June 5 and their action is reflected on the agenda. The next meeting is scheduled for June 17 at noon in Board Chambers, and a joint meeting of the Budget and Administration and Education Committees will be held at 4:45 p.m. on June 24 to discuss the Tompkins Cortland Community College Capital and Operat- ing budgets. Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, said the mainframe computer project is progressing; staff has been hired and the Systems Analyst will begin training soon. He said a recommendation will be presented in the near future for the provider of deferred compensation for rhe County. Mr. Williamson, County Attorney, said the closing on the old hospital was on June 7, and he said there will be a hearing concerning Turkey Hill Road on June 13. RESOLUTION NO. 172 - AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAPITAL BUDGET - 1985-86 Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Winch. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,738. Noes: 0. Excused: 261 (Representative Slattery). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That a public hearing be held on Tuesday, June 25, 1985 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the Board of Representatives' Chambers of the Courthouse, Ithaca, New York on the 1985-86 capital budget request for Tompkins Cortland Community College, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is directed to place a notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of Tompkins County. 142 June 11, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 173 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - COMMUNITY DISPUTE RESOLUTION CENTER AND PROBATION DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by'Mrs. Nichols. A voice vote was. taken. Ayes: 3,738. Noes: 0. Excused: 261 (Representative Slattery). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Community Dispute Resolution Center has requested that the Tompkins County Probation Department enter into a referral agreement with the Community Dispute Resolution Center, and WHEREAS, the Probation Department does make referrals to the Community Dispute Resolution Center, and WHEREAS, the funding for the Community Dispute Resolution Center is de- pendent on service agreements with referring agencies, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION N0. 174 - STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW - PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING (JAIL) PROPOSAL Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Freeman. There was discussion and Mr. Stein said his concern is that all legal requirements are met at this time to avoid possible delays in the future. There was discussion about delaying action on this resolution until the next meeting, and Mr. Watros called for the question. A roll call was taken. Ayes: 1,931 (Representatives Freeman, Mason, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Dates). Noes: 1,807 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Prato, Stein, Call). Excused: 261 (Repre- sentative Slattery). Motion to call the question Lost. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Livesay to Table this resolution until the next meeting. A roll call was taken. Ayes: 1,807 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Proto, Stein, Call). Noes: 1,931 (Representatives Freeman, Mason, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Dates). Excused: 261 (Representative Slattery). Motion to Table Lost. After further discussion, a roll call was taken on the resolution. Ayes: 2,177 (Representatives Culligan (He feels it is wrong not to request a two-week delay when a Board member requests it and it does not interfere with the administration), Freeman, Mason, Nichols, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Dates). Noes: 1,561 (Representatives Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Proto, Stein, Call). Excused: 261 (Representative Slattery). Adopted. WHEREAS, the State Environmental Quality Review Regulations (SEQR) of the State of New York require that actions of the Board of Representatives in regard to the process of studying and selection of alternatives for an improved County Jail and Public Safety Building to meet the requirements of the State Commissioner of Corrections, including the selection of a program plan and a site for a new facility, be conducted with an awareness of the environmental impact of the proposal as contemplated by N.Y.C.R.R. Section 517.3, and WHEREAS, the entire process has been conducted with full opportunity for public input and with due regard for the impact on the environment, and all policy decisions including the adoption of a program plan, site investigations, 143 June 11, 1955 identification of environmental and other impacts, and site selection were made by the Board of Representatives after full disclosure of all pertinent facts and potential impacts and public hearings thereon, and WHEREAS, environmental and other concerns of the public and municipalities have been addressed by the Special Jail Committee at public meetings, and informa- tion has been made public prior to public hearings by this Board, and WHEREAS, a full environmental assessment was prepared for the County -owned Warren Road site in the Village of Lansing and the action was deemed to be an Unlisted Action under the SEQR Regulations and a report was prepared and made public and submitted to the Village of Lansing addressing all known potential . impacts and mitigating measures where appropriate prior to a public hearing by the Board of Representatives, which Board ultimately approved of the site by means of Resolution No. 339, duly adopted December 18, 1984, and WHEREAS, full information on the site was submitted to the State Commissioner of Corrections, including an impact statement on forms provided by the Commission, and the site was subsequently approved by the Commission after an on-site inspec- tion by the agency, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail Committee, That the entire Public Safety Building/Jail process is hereby declared to be an Unlisted Action under the SEQR Regulations, RESOLVED, further, That it is the intention of the Board of Representatives, through its Special Jail Committee, to employ design and construction measures which will not have significant environmental impacts, RESOLVED, further, That this Board hereby determines that the construction of the County Public Safety Building/Jail at the Warren Road site will have no "significant effect" on the "environment" as such terms are defined in the "State Environmental Quality Review Act." RESOLUTION N0. 175 - AWARD OF BID - COMPUTER ROOM ENVIRONMENT CONTROL SYSTEM Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Mason. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,738. Noes; 0. Excused: 261 (Representative Slattery). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for a com- puter room environment control system (equipment) in accordance with specifications filed in the office of the Tompkins County Public Works Department, and WHEREAS, J. R. LaCasse & Company, Inc., of Liverpool, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder for the environment control system meeting ail specifications, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid of J. R. LaCasse & Company, Inc., in the amount of $7,880 be and it hereby is ac- cepted, and the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay for said system from Account No. 59-1680.229, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to execute a contract with J. R. LaCasse & Company, Inc., on behalf of the County. I44 June 11, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 176 - ADOPTION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, being representatives of the people of Tompkins County, this Board desires to attract, attain, and retain qualified workers to perform the functions of this County's local government, and WHEREAS, discrimination against any person, applicant, or employee because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, or handicap is con- trary to the legal, moral, and social objectives of Tompkins County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That it is the policy of Tompkins County to support Equal Employment Opportunity; no person shall be denied employment or any privilege pertaining thereto on the basis of any legally prohibited discrimination (race, color, sex, religion, age, marital status, national origin, disability, ex -offender status, or Vietnam Era Veteran status); Tompkins County is committed to the maintenance of Affirmative Action programs. which will assure the continuation of such equality in employ- ment, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board shall be responsible for overseeing the Affirmative Action Program and the Commissioner of Personnel shall be the Affirmative Action Officer for this County, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Affirmative Action Plan, copies having been made available to all members of the Board, be and it hereby is adopted effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board, the Chairman of the Human Services Committee, and the Affirmative Action Officer shall work toward the appointment of a committee to provide guidance to the County in the area of Affirmative Action and report to the Board concerning the charge and structure of this committee in September of 1985. Mr, Shurtleff was excused. RESOLUTION NO. 177 - HUMAN SERVICES GRANT - 1986 Moved by Mr. Watros, seoncded by Mrs. Call. Mr. Lifton said he opposes this resolution because a public hearing on federal revenue sharing funds has not yet been held and because only the human services area gets capped. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 2,766. Noes: 732 (Representatives Freeman, Lifton, Livesay). Excused: 501 (Representatives Shurtleff, Slattery). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the amount of Federal Revenue Sharing funding to be allocated in Account No. F3000 in 1986 be $201,750, pursuant to criteria set forth in Resolution No. 115 of 1985. 145 June 11, 1985 RESOLUTION N0. 178 - 1986 BUDGET SCHEDULE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Livesay to amend the resolution by changing the date of November 19 to October 30 and adding the words "andvote on bu4get,." and by changing the'date of October 30 to October 17. After discussion, a roll call vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes: 1,080 (Representatives Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Stein). Noes: 2,418 (Representatives Culligan, Freeman, Mason, Proto, Tillapaugh,•Watros, Winch, Call, Dates). Excused: 501.(Representatives Shurtieff, Slattery). Amendment Lost. A voice vote was taken on the resolution. Ayes: 2,962. Noes: 536 (Representatives Lifton, Stein). Excused: 501 (Repre- sentatives Shurtieff, Slattery). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following budget schedule of target dates and Board of Representatives meeting dates is hereby adopted: 1985 August 1 1986 Budget requests are to be delivered as follows: a) One copy to each member of your Board of Representatives Committee b) Three (3) copies to the Budget Office (copies may be delivered prior to August 1, 1985, if available) c) County Administrator's staff to meet with department heade to review requests August 30 Human Services Coalition to submit comments and recommendations (FRS ONLY) on Federal Revenue requests to County Budget Office. September 3 Department heads and Ccunty Administrator's staff to meet with program committees of Board of Representatives to obtain com- mittee recommendations October 7 Budget and Administration Committee to review entire budget October 30 public Information meeting (with appropriations and revenues, including Federal Revenue Sharing) November 19 Public Hearing - 1986 County Budget and Federal Revenue Sharing December 10 Last data for Board of Represent?tives to adopt budget. RESOLUTION N0. 179 - AUTHICRIZATION TO SUBMIT A LETTER OF INTENT AND GRANT PROPOSAL - HOME HEALTH CARE GRANT PROGRAM 1985-86 Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Lifton. A voice vote was taken Ayes: 3,498. Noes: 0. Excused: 501 (Representatives Shurtlef£, Slattery) Adopted. 146 June 11, 1985 WHEREAS, a request for proposals, specifically a letter of intent, for a Home Health Care Grant Proposal was received Juae 4, 1985 from the New York State Department of Health requesting letters of intent by June 19, 1985, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is particularly interested in applying for this grant by submission of a letter of intent and a proposal as requested, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That permission be granted to the Health Department to submit said application via letter of intent and proposal, with the understanding that the Health Department's proposal, if funded, wi11'generate no additional County costs not covered by State funding. RESOLUTION NO. 180 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - MENTAL HEALTH (CSS) Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,498. Noes: 0. Excused: 501 (Representatives Shurtleff, Slattery). Adopted. • RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a $440,000 contract with the New York State Office of. Mental Health for 100 percent Commu- nity Support System funding for the period January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985. On motion of Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, Francis H. Fox was appointed to the Board of Health to fill a vacancy which expires December 31, 1985. On motion of Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call, William J. Kiernan was appointed to the Assessment Review Board for a term which expires December 31, 1989. The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m. 147 REGULAR MEETING June 25, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Call). PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to order a public hearing on the proposed capital and operating budgets for Tompkins Cortland Community College for 1985-86. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:35 p.m. On motion of Mr. Winch, seconded by Mr. Slattery, the minutes of May 21, 1985 were unanimously approved by voice vote. Under privilege of the floor, Clarice Abbott of the City of Ithaca said that an amendment to the 1966 resolution that imposed sales taxes stated that these taxes would be used as a substitute for rather than an addition to real estate taxes and would be used to help reduce real estate taxes. She said the Board has been violating this amendment in recent years by continuing to increase real estate taxes while receiving record-breaking sales tax income, and she urged the Board to adopt the budget before election day this year to assure that this does not happen in 1986. Under privilege of the floor, Marnie Kirchgessner of 191 Enfield Road ex- pressed her concerns about the decision to place all casework staff at the Department of Social Services on call, which include concerns about not only the contractual but u t also the quality of service aspect. She feels there are many issues that need to be discussed in a public session to assure that tax- payers receive the best quality of service for the lowest dollar. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan said notification has been re- ceived from Congressman Lundine that the Secretary of Agriculture has agreed. to change the name of the Hector area to the Hector Ranger District of the Finger Lakes National Forest, pending USDA Forest Service review. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Livesay reported on the Supervisors' and County Legislators' Association conference she attended last week and highlighted some of the workshops she attended. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the committee will meet June 26 at 4:30 p.m. in Board Chambers. He also said a panel discussion was held at the last meeting of the Comprehensive Health Planning Council on the medical malpractice insurance dilemma, and it is hoped that the State legislature will take action to help alleviate some of the concerns. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said the committee met jointly with the Budget and Administration Committee and the administration of 145 June 25, 1985 Tompkins Cortland Community College and approved the capital and operating budgets of the college. Mr. Culligan commended the administration and Board of Trustees of the college for their work in preparing these budgets. The next committee meet- ing is scheduled for June 27 at 4:30 p.m. in Board Chambers. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Study Committee, said the committee is continuing to review the construction design phase of the building with the architects and engineers, and they heard updates on the kitchen area and the heating and cooling systems of the facility at the meeting held June 21. Mr. Mason said the committee also discussed concerns expressed by Kirk Hazen in a letter he submitted on behalf of an Ad Hoc Group on Jail Concerns, and some of the questions raised were forwarded to the architects and Commissioner of Corrections for further review. Mr. Mason said he -has met with representatives of this ad hoc group and has invited them to attend committee meetings. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee met June 18 and June 25 and some of their action is reflected on the agenda. In addition, he said they also discussed the Sheriff's Department Reclassification Study but will need further information before forwarding a recommendation to the Board. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee met June 13 and most of their action is reflected on the agenda. He said the next meeting is scheduled for June 28 at 11 a.m. and will be followed by a joint meet- ing with the Planning and Development Committee to discuss the landfill and the intersection of Pine Tree and Ellis Hollow Roads. Mr. Freeman distributed to the Board the list of bridge replacements; and he said the report on space for the Department of Social Services has been received, and the committee will be for- warding a recommendation to the Board. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, said the committee met June 14 and some of their business is reflected on the agenda. In addition, they heard an update on the impact of the federal budget on the TOMTRAN program, which is estimated to be less severe than originally estimated. Also, the committee discussed the Upstate Public Utilities Service Association, and Mr. Stein said the committee may bring another recommendation to the Board in the future. Mrs. Livesay, Vice Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee met June 13 and will have an appointment to recommend at the appropriate time. The committee also discussed with Commissioner Dolan the on-call system in the Depart- ment of Social Services and allocated to the City of Ithaca some of the Summer Youth Employment Program money that was not used. The committee instructed the Youth Bureau Director to notify all other municipalities of the availability of this money. The next meeting is scheduled for June 26 at 3:30 p.m. in Board Chambers. Mr. Williamson said the employees' union has filed papers for an improper practice charge against the County in regard to the on-call system, but he said he and the Commissioner of Personnel have not yet reviewed the information. Mr. Williamson recommended that any discussion of this situation be held in executive 149 June 25, 1985 session. It -was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Stein that at.an appropri- ate time determined by the Chairman, this Board conduct an executive session to discuss a personnel issue involving the on-call system at the Department of Social Services. Motion lost by voice vote with Representatives Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Stein voting aye. Mrs. Nichols resported that today she attended a teleconference on hazardous materials, and she said the state and federal governments are considering legisla- tion to control these substances. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and.Administration Committee, said the committee has met several times and in addition to the business reflected on the agenda, they heard an update from the County Administrator on deferred compensa- tion and discussed Board Rule XII, which will be discussed further at the July 1 committee meeting. A report on the status of the Contingent Fund was distributed, and Mr. Watros asked that any questions'be.directed to Mr. Doyle. Mr. Williamson, County Attorney, said a hearing was held concerning Turkey Hill Road, and he is awaiting the Judge's decision. Mr. Williamson said the Judge lifted the stay on work on Turkey Hill Road except in front of the plaintiff's house, and he indicated that the County did follow State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Regulations. It was Moved'by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Stein to reconsider Resolution No. 178 - 086 Budget Schedule. A roll call was taken. Ayes: 1,080 (Representa- tives Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, and Stein). Noes: 2,678 (Representatives Freeman, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Slattery, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch,. Culligan, Dates). Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Motion to reconsider lost. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute Extension of Snow and Ice Agreement With State of New York - Highway Department was added to the agenda by voice vote. On motion of Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Lifton, the resolution entitled Authorizing Tompkins Cortland Community College to Submit Capital Budget to State University - 1986-87 was added to the agenda by voice vote. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, the resolution entitled Audit - Architectural Services - HOLT Architects - Building "C" Renovations was added to the agenda by voice vote. On motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Freeman, the resolution entitled Award of Bid - Video Equipment - Fire and Disaster Coordinator was added to the agenda by voice vote. At the request of Mr. Stein, the resolution entitled Authorizing Participa- tion in the Upstate Public Utility Service Association and Authorizing Fair Share Cost of a Rate Engineering Consultant was withdrawn from the agenda. At the request of Mr. Mason, the resolution entitled Adoption of Classifica- tion Study - Sheriff's Department was withdrawn from the agenda. 150 June 25, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 181 - ADOPTION OF CAPITAL BUDGET - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE - 1985-86 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Tompkins Cortland Community College has presented to this Board a capital budget for the fiscal year from April 1, 1985 through March 31, 1986, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That said capital budget in the amount of $229,370 which the sponsor- ing community contribution is in the amount of $157,370 be and the same hereby is approved and adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the sponsoring community contribution shall be paid from the capital construction account to be maintained by Tompkins Cortland Community College, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall become effective upon adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature. RESOLUTION NO. 182 - ADOPTION OF 1985-86 OPERATING BUDGET - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Slattery. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, a proposed operating budget for the Tompkins Cortland Community College for the fiscal year September 1, 1985 through August 31, 1986 has been presented to the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins pursuant to the County Law and Section 6306 of the Education Law, and WHEREAS, same has been reviewed by the Education Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee and approved.by said committees, and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held on said proposed Community College budget on the 25th day of June, 1985 by the Board of Representatives, now there- fore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the said proposed operating budget in the amount of $7,382,325 of which the sponsoring community contribution is in the amount of $1,384,336 be and the same hereby is approved and adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County in- cludes in the Tompkins County budget for the year 1986 an amount to be determined pursuant to the approved plan for said college in effect as of September 1, 1985 and that the amount when determined be raised by taxation in the County of Tompkins in the fiscal year 1986, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall become effective upon the adoption of a concurrent resolution by the CortlandCounty Legislature. RESOLUTION NO. 183 - AUTHORIZING TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE TO SUBMIT CAPITAL BUDGET TO STATE UNIVERSITY - 1986-87 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Slattery and unanimously adopted by voice vote. 151 June 25, 1985 WHEREAS, Tompkins. Cortland Community College is required to submit a pro- posed 1986-87 Rehabilitation, Alterations and Improvements capital budget to the State University Construction Fund, and WHEREAS, said proposed 1986-87 Capital Budget 1n the amount of $483,000 for the fiscal year April 1, 1986 through March 31, 1987 has been adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins Cortland Community College pursuant to Section 6306 of the Education Law, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Tompkins' Cortland Community College be and hereby is autho- rized to submit said proposed 1986-87 Capital Budget to the State University Construction Fund, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall be effective upon adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature. William Raynor, Jean McPheeters, and Carl Haynes thanked the Board, on behalf of the Board of Trustees and administration of Tompkins Cortland Com- munity College, for supporting the budgets. RESOLUTION NO. 184 - AUTHORIZING CHANGE IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FEES Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Lifton and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board has recommended that the attached schedule of fees charged by the Environmental Health Division be adopted, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Health Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the attached schedule of fees is hereby approved for the Health Department to charge for Che provision of Environmental Health Division permits and services commencing August 1, 1985. FEE SCHEDULE - TOMPKINS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT - ENVIROI,MEUTAL HEALTH I. Operation Permits Operation permits are generally issued on an annual basis: however, if a multiyear permit Is issued a 255 reduction of the total fee will be allowed. Food Service Establishment (deduct S25 Frozen Qessert fee if applicable) S 50.00 Temporary Food Service Establishment 15.00 Vending Machines (each) 2.00 Refuse Collector and Bulk Water Hauler — S25/1st vehicle $10/each additional Swimming Pool or Bathing Beach S 50.00 Spa Pool 100.00 Children's Overnight or Summer Day Camp 5100.00 (NYSHO fee) Mobile Home Park, Hotel/Motel, or Travel Trailer Park: 3 or 4 units 5 to 9 units 10 to 25 units 26 to 75 units 15 to 150 units over 150 units Subtract 550 if facility is served by municipal water or sewer. and 5100 if served by both. however, in no case shall the fee be less than S25. .additional fee(s) for annual operating permit if facility includes food service. swimming pool, or bathing beach. $ 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 152 June 25, 1985 II. Pian Review - Construction Permit (only for new construction or enlargement of capacity) Sewage System Construction Permit: Under 1,000 gallons S 40.00 1.000 to 2.000 gallons 50.00 Greater than 2,000 gallons 100.00 Food Service Establishment: Full Kitchen Limited Kitchen (Bar, Carry -out only) Mobile Unit 5100.00 50.00 25.00 Swinging Pool/Bathing Beach 5100.00 Public Water Supplies: Part 5 Community Public Water System - source and/or 10 connections S 50.00 - distribution 10 connections 50.00 Part 5 Hon -Community Public Water System 50.00 Tompkins County Local Public Water Systen 25.00 Subdivisions/Apartment Complexes/Tenporary Residences/Mobile Hone Parks Phase One - Preliminary Health Department field testing including written report regarding suitability for development S30/acre (5450 maximum) Phase Two - Plan Review. 550 up to 10 lots or units; 5150 over ten; plus 53.50/1ot subdivisions "'Plus the plan review or construction permit for individual facilities. For subdivision. the S40 sewer construction permit fee would be collected at the time of application for each individual lot. Mass Gathering Application (In addition, anticipated Health Oetartment costs during the event to be paid prior to permit issuance.) 51500.00 11I. Other Copies - 25_ each page S .25 Monitoring of water systems. pools, and bathing area (no exemptions) Lab cost + S2 per sample Tompkins County Sanitary Code Waiver/Variance Applications requiring Board of Health Action 5 25.00 RESOLUTION N0. 185 — AUTHORIZATION OF FUNDS FOR HOSPICARE AND APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,534 (Representatives Lifton, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Culligan, Dates). Noes: 224 (Repre- sentative Freeman). Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, Hospicare of Tompkins County, Inc., is seeking to become a state - certified Hospice, eligible for Medicare and other third -party reimbursement for the provision of Hospice services, and WHEREAS, one of the requirements for State certification is to demonstrate a financial plan which provides sufficient cash flow to meet the operating needs of the agency from the date of certification through the projected receipt of Medicare reimbursement, and 153 June 25, 1985 WHEREAS, this Board recognizes the need for a certified Hospice in the County and recognizes the benefits it would offer residents of the County and wishes toassist Hospicare of Tompkins County to become a state -certified Hospice, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That a contract be drawn between the County and Hospicare of Tompkins. County, which will authorize the County Administrator to pay a maximum amount of $6,750 to Hospicare at the rate of $1,125 per month commencing July 1, 1985 and continuing until such time as Hospicare receives reimbursement from medicare for Hospice service, or until the maximum amount of $6,750 has been paid, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to execute such contract on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following appropriation on his books: From: 1990 Contingent Fund $6,750 To: 400.4520 Hospicare $6,750 RESOLUTION NO. 186 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE LEASE - HOSPICARE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, Hospicare of -Tompkins County, Inc., is a private not-for-profit agency providing hospice services to Tompkins County residents, and WHEREAS, Hospicare wishes to Lease space in the County -owned Biggs.Building located at 1287 Trumansburg Road, and WHEREAS, space is available in the Biggs Building, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, Public Works Committee, Planning and Development Committee, and Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to lease 1,013 square feet of space in said building at an annual rate of $5.00 per square foot for a sum of $5,065 to Hospicare of Tompkins County, Inc., said lease shall be effective from the date Hospicare becomes a New York State certified Hospice and shall continue through December 31, 1985. It shall be renewable at the end of this period by mutual agreement to the terms and conditions established for any subsequent lease period, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to sign the above -authorized lease agreement. RESOLUTION NO. 187 - AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH PERSONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEM IN TOMPKINS COUNTY Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Proto. After discussion, a voice vote was taken. Ayes: .3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. 154 June 25, 1985 WHEREAS, this Board authorized the Tompkins County Office for the Aging and the Tompkins County Health Department to study the need for and feasibility of establishing. a personal emergency response system in Tompkins County and a com- plete report with recommendations regarding the establishment of such a system for the residents of the County, and WHEREAS, the report from that study has been submitted to the Board, which report has indicated a need for a personal emergency response system in the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Health Committees, That the County establish a personal emergency response system (PERS) operated as described in the proposal dated June 7, 1985 and presented to the Health and Human Services Committees on June 13, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That the County Fire and Disaster Coordinator's office will be the location of the base station, with the regular 24 -hour -a -day staff responsible for monitoring the base station, RESOLVED, further, That the Health Department will act as administrator of said response system, with duties divided among existing and proposed County staff as indicated in the PERS report. The Health Department's responsibility will be to initiate the system and oversee its operation for a period of up to one year, it being understood that there will be cooperation between the Health Department, the Office for the Aging, and the Fire and Disaster Coordinator's office in the implementation and operation of this service, RESOLVED, further, That the Health Department and Office for the Aging are hereby authorized to prepare funding applications to be submitted to various foundations and voluntary organizations and to accept donations from these groups and individuals for the purchase of additional home units and other program costs, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to sign these funding applications and a special account will be established to receive these funds and equipment fees, RESOLVED, further, That policies will be developed for payment of fees, in- cluding provision for a sliding fee scale and waivers, and criteria to be followed in the assignment of County -owned units, which policies shall be approved by this Board or by a policy committee designated by this Board, RESOLVED, further, That a request for proposals from voluntary organizations interested in becoming the sponsor of the emergency response system shall be developed, which request -for proposals shall include County requirements in regard to the service to be provided and the financial support the sponsor could expect from the County, RESOLVED, further, That budget requests related to the purchase of equipment and establishing a part-time outreach worker position in the Office for the Aging will be developed for consideration at the next meeting of the Board with the expectation that the service shall begin in September, 1985. RESOLUTION N0. 188 - AUDIT - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CADY ELECTRIC, INC. Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. 155 June 25, 1985 WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by Cady Electric, Inc., and audited by the Public Works Committee: Phase I Work $18,078.36 Phase II Work 9,458.15 $27,536.51 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Work.. Committee, That the afore- said amounts are hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 84-5610.202, withholding five per- cent retainage as required. RESOLUTION N0. 189 - AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - MRB GROUP, P.C. Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded'by Mr. Winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). 'Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claims have been submitted by MRB Group, P.C., and audited by the Special Jail Committee: Payment Request No. 4 (Preliminary Design Phase) Payment Request No. 5 (Final Design Phase) $30,000 18,000 $48,000 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Speical Jail Committee, That the afore- said amounts are hereby audited and -approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No.' 58-3150.210. RESOLUTION N0. 190 - OFFICE SPACE ASSIGNED TO PROBATION DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections, Planning, Public Works, and Budget and Administration Committees after review and recommenda- tion by the Departments of Planning, Public Works, and Administration, That Room 301 in the new Courthouse is assigned to the Department of Probation for its use as soon as the Systems Analyst has moved to Building C. RESOLUTION N0. 191 - AUDIT - T. G. MILLER ASSOCIATES - SURVEY NEW PROPERTY LINES AND AMENDMENT OF SUBDIVISION MAP - BIGGS COMPLEX Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. 156 June 25, 1985 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 138, adopted April 25, 1985, authorized T. G. Miller Associates to survey to establish aew property boundaries and amend the subdivision map of certain Biggs Complex lands, and WHEREAS, T. G. Miller Associates have submitted a payment request in the amount of $500, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is audited and approved.and.the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim out of funds provided therefore in Account No. 99-1620.470. RESOLUTION NO. 192 - AUTHORIZING CONTRIBUTION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION INFORMATION SYSTEM ON MICROCOMPUTERS Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Lifton. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,460. Noes: 0. Abstained: 298 (Representative Stein). Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Office of the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning at Cornell University, is implementing a pro- gram called "Historic Preservation Information System on Microcomputers," and WHEREAS, the objective of this program is to develop an informationsystem for storing, processing, retrieving, and analyzing data on historic preservation which will be used for course work and research, which information will be avail- able to the people of Tompkins County through the Cornell office, the City office of Planning and Development, and the County Planning Department, and WHEREAS, the program is in need of initial funds to input local information into a microcomputer system, and Cornell University and the City of Ithaca have agreed to participate with a $500 contribution each, and the County has been asked to contribute $500, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development and the Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make the following appropriation on his books: From: A1990 Contingent Fund $500 To: A8020.442 Professional Service Fees $500 RESOLUTION NO. 193 - BUDGET GUIDELINES - 1986 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason. After discussion, it was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Mason to amend the resolution by deleting the following sentence in the second guideline: "Accounts for training (.453) must be only for mandated training and must be supported by documentation." Amend- ment unanimously adopted by voice vote. A voice vote was taken on the resolution as amended. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Reso- lution as amended adopted. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Administrative Manual states that the Board of Representatives must set budget guidelines during the second quarter of the year, now therefore be it 157 June 25, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following guidelines be adopted for the 1986 budget: 1. Any department requesting a new position and/or program in the 1986 budget must accompany such request with a list of lower priority items (positions and/or programs) which might be eliminated to offset the cost of new positions and/or programs unless it is demonstrated how it is substantially (at least 90 percent) offset by non -County funding. New position requests which are not accompanied by such a list will not be considered for inclusion in the 1986 budget. 2. Accounts for conferences, meetings and travel (.412) must be no more than 3 percent above 1985 levels. 3. Computer supplies must be budgetedin a separate account (.314). Ac- counts for office supplies (.302) must be no more than 5 percent above 1985 levels for items other than computer supplies. RESOLUTION N0. 194 - APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND - WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes': 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. RESOLVED,. on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following appropriation on his books to enable the Director of Weights and Measures to attend a meeting of the New York State Association of Weights and Measures: From: A1990 Contingent Fund $78 To: A3630.412 Conferences $78 RESOLUTION N0. 195 - ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW N0. 3 AND LOCAL LAW N0. 4 - AMENDMENTS TO TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee and the Health Committee, That a public hearing be held on Tuesday, July 9, 1985 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the Board of Representatives' Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York, on proposed Local Law No. 3 to amend the Charter and Code, Article VIII, changingthe position of Commissioner of Health to that of Public Health Director, and on proposed Local Law No. 4 to amend the Charter and Code, Article I, clarifying the description of the County Seal, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is directed to place a notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of Tompkins County. 158 June 25, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 196 - TRANSFERS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS JOB TRAINING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustments and transfers on his books: Budget Adju9tmert• Revenue: CD 4760 JTPA I 6% Incentive $2,459 Appropriation: CD 6260.100 Salaries $1,312 .302 Office Supplies 66 .330 Printing 66 .452 Postage 66 .472 Telephones 602 .810 Retirement 125 • .830 FICA 91 .840 Workers' Compensation 4 .860 Health Insurance 115 .870 Unemployment Insurance 12 Explanation: New appropriation - incentive award based on performance. Transfers From: CD 6345.414 Local Mileage $ 121 .432. Rent 225 .442 Professional Service Fees 150 .810 Retirement 210 .860 Health Insurance 800 To: CD 6345.100 Personal Service $1,506 From: CD 6345.332 Training Supplies and Materials $548 To: CD 6345.472 Telephones $548 Explanation: To make final adjustments to the ERP2 account. From: CD 6292.425 Performance -Based Training Contracts $3,857 To: CD 6292.335 Training Supplies and Materials $1,440 .411 Local. Mileage 1,692 .473 Telephones 725 159 June 25, 1985 Explanation: To cover expenditures for in-house training proposals approved by the PIC. From: To: CD 6292.480 Adult CRT Tuition and Fees $1,575 CD 6292.202 Training Equipment $ 175 .405 Advertising, Promotional 1,000 .327 Printing, Assessment 100 .328 Printing, Class Training 100 .329 Printing, Job Club 100 .330 Printing, Program Development 100 Explanation: To cover printing and promotional costs. RESOLUTION N0. 197 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND - PROBATION DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, the State of New York mandates that each professional staff member of a probation department receive a minimum of 21 hours of training each year, and WHEREAS, for the Tompkins County Probation Department, this means a total of 357 hours of training, 137.5 of which are yet to be obtained for 1985, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment and appropriation from the Contingent Fund on his books: Budget Adjustment Revenue: A3310 State Aid $698 Appropriation: A3140.453 Training $698 Appropriation From: AL990 Contingent Fund $802 To: A3140.453 Training $802 RESOLUTION N0. 198 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AMENDMENT - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, the New York State Division of Alcoholism has approved additional State aid for the Alcoholism Councilfor two counseling positions and an increase 160 June 25, 1985 in rental costs upon the agency's move to a new facility, the local share being provided by Stop DWI revenues already approved, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Revenue: 1625 Contribution Private Agency $ 6,880 3490.050 DAAA OT 818 6,880 .060 DAAA 818 9,276 Appropriation: 4322.440 Alcoholism Council $23,036 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized to execute an amended contract with the Alcoholism Council to reflect the additional revenues. RESOLUTION N0. 199 - PARTICIPATION IN CENTRAL NEW YORK COALITION. OF LOCAL GOVERN- MENTS, INC. Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A roll call was taken. Ayes: 2,528 (Representatives:Li£ton, Livesay, Nichols, Proto, Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Dates). Noes: 1,230 (Representatives Freeman, Mason, Shurtleff, Winch, Culligan). Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Central Coalition for Local Government has provided valuable employment training services and opportunities for local governments in Central New York, and WHEREAS, the Central New York Coalition for Local Government is currently an informal organization without clearly defined membership, officers and board of directors requirements, and WHEREAS, the Central New York Coalition for Local Government is now desirous of becoming a not-for-profit corporation pursuant to the laws of the State of New York, under the name of the Central New York Coalition of Local Governments, Inc., and WHEREAS, the purposes of the Central New York Coalition of Local Governments, Inc. will include, but not necessarily be limited to: (a) Developing a linkage model to be replicated across the state for the purpose of demonstrating intermunicipal and interdepartmental cooperation with agencies of the state and federal governments; (b) Providing state and federal agencies with a means and process by which such agencies can develop training assistance seminars and educational programs for local government entities in New York State; (c) Providing a system to examine the effectiveness of technical training and educational courses in the workplace as well as determining the necessity for integration and utilization of new management and job skills; (d) Developing a comprehensive response to the needs of management of local government entities for long-range plans aimed to advance staff development; 161 June 25, 1985 (e) Providing training and education for officials and employees of local government entities in cooperation with the public employee unions to demonstrate efficient and cost effective administration of local governments; (f) Doing any other act or thing incidental to or connected with the fore- going purposes or in advancement thereof, but not for the pecuniary profit or financial gain of its members, directors or officers or other private persons, except to the extent permitted under Article 5 of the Not -for -Profit Corporation Law, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County of Tompkins is hereby authorized to become a charter member of the Central New York Coalition of Local Governments, Inc. and to participate as a member thereof for the purposes of said corporation. RESOLUTION NO. 200 - CHANGE IN CLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - PROBATION DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused.: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Typist created by Resolution No. 34, adopted by the Board on February 21, 1984, be reclassified from non-competitive to competitive Civil Service status. RESOLUTION NO. 201 - CREATION OF POSITION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - HEALTH DEPART- MENT (INFANT HEALTH ASSESSMENT PROGRAM - LEAP) Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tiliapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Public Health, Bureau of Maternal and Child Health, has encouraged Cortland County Health Department to develop and operate an Infant Health Assessment Program (IHAP), and WHEREAS, the Cortland County Health Department has requested that the Tompkins County Health Department provide the IHAP program services to Cortland County on a contract basis, and WHEREAS, the Cortland County legislature, by Resolution No. 189 adopted May 8, 1985, has authorized a contract with Tompkins County Health Department for said service in accordance with the budget allocation of the New York State Depart- ment of Health, and WHEREAS, the State has approved funding to Cortland County in the amount of $3,089 for TRAP services provided by Tompkins County for the period of April 1, 1985, to September 30, 1985, with anticipated grant renewal effective October 1, 1985, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Budget and Administration Committees, That the IHAP program services be provided for Cortland County under contract, 162 June 25, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That one part-time position, to a maximum of 33.3 percent annual full-time equivalent, of Public Health Nurse (IHAP), (12-21), labor grade XII, competitive class, be created effective July 1, 1985, said position to con- tinue only as long as 100 percent state funding is available and completely allocated under contract by Cortland County to Tompkins County to cover all salary, fringes, and travel, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to.execute such contract on behalf of Tompkins County with Cortland County effective July 1 through'December 31, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustments on his books: Appropriation: 4011:100 .414 Revenue: 4011.1611 Infant Health Assessment Program Personal Services IHAP - Local Travel $2,601 488 Cortland Contract Revenue $3,089 RESOLUTION NO. 202 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - INCREASE IN HOURS OP STAFF SOCIAL WORKER - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, Human Services Committee, and Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Staff Social Worker (13-17), labor grade XIII, created half-time by Resolution No. 278, adopted • October 23, 1984, be increased to full time effective September 1, 1985, contin- gent upon the availability of 100 percent CSS funding for salary and fringes, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Appropriation: 4311.100 Salaries - Mental Health $5,.703 .830 FICA • 399 .870 Unemployment Insurance 57 Revenue: 3490.070 State Aid - CSS $6,159 RESOLUTION NO. 203 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE EXTENSION OF SNOW AND ICE AGREEMENT WITH STATE OF NEW YORK - HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has heretofore entered into an agreement with the State of New York pursuant to Section 12 of the Highway Law relating to control of snow and ice on state highways in towns and incorporated villages, and 163 June 25, 1985 WHEREAS, Sections 7 and 10 of said agreement respectively provide a method for modifying the•map of affected state highways and for annually updating the estimated expenditures, and WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the County to extend said agreement, currently set to expire June 20, 1987, as modified and updated, for an additional one-year period, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That an extension of said snow and ice agreement ishereby authorized for a period of one year from July 1, 1987 through June 30, 1988, and the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute such extension on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION NO. 204 - AUDIT - ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES - HOLT ARCHITECTS - BUILDING ."C" RENOVATIONS Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted.' WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by HOLT Architects, as authorized by Resolution No. 150 and audited by the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee: Payment Request No. 2 $761.73 mow therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee, That the aforesaid amount is hereby audited and.approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County. Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. F1620.470. RESOLUTION NO. 205 - AWARD OF BID - VIDEO EQUIPMENT - FIRE AND DISASTER COORDINATOR Moved by Mr:. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,758. Noes: 0. Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids in accordance with specifications filed in the office of the County Administrator for video equipment for use at the Fire and Disaster Coordinator's office, and WHEREAS, Action Audio of Newburgh, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder for the video equipment, meeting all specifications with a total bid of $6,600, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the bid of Action Audio in the amount of $6,600 be and it hereby is accepted and the Fire and Disaster Coordinator be and he hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County. On motion of Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, Raymond Davis was appointed to the Human Rights Commission to fill a vacancy which expires December 31, 1986. 164 June 25, 1985. On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Lifton, Carol Kamen was appointed to the Library Board of Trustees to fill a vacancy which expires December 31, 1987. On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto, the following people,were reappointed to the Job Training Council for one-year terms effective Ju1y.1, 1985 through June 30, 1986: Virginia Bryant - Community Based Organization Barbara Caldwell - Business Etta Gray - Labor *Richard Matthews - Business Judy Morgan - Education (four year) David Strong - Business Herbert Brewer - Business Erys Cail - Alternative Business Charlie Caughey - Job Service Mary Pat Dolan - Social Services Kirby Edmonds - Unemployed Lois Gans - Business Michael Jackson - Business Nancy Lieberman - Education (two year) Jerome Lutkenhouse - Business Joyce Maglione -- Business Deborah Shanley - Alternative Business James Sirdevan - Business Elizabeth Snyder —:Education (BOCES) Nancy Zahler - Youth *Richard Matthews was also reappointed to the Service Delivery Area- Private Industry Council for a three-year term effective July 1, 1985 through June 30,. 1988. Mr. Culligan announced three vacancies on the Job Training Council in the following categories: Business, Economic Development, and Rehabilitation Agency. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. 165 REGULAR MEETING July 9, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Winch). PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to order a. public hearing on proposed amendments to the Tompkins County Charter and Code as follows: Article VIII --changing the positions of Commissioner of Health to that of Public Health Director and Deputy Commissioner of Health to that of Medical Director, and Article I --clarifying the description of the County seal. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:36 p.m. Under privilege of the floor, Francis Wright, President of Tompkins County Cooperative Extension, explained that the present location of Cooperative Extension does not meet electrical or handicap accessibility codes and does not provide adequate parking space, and he said they have begun a search for a new location. Helen Saunders, Chairperson of the Headquarters and Office Committee, listed the four alternatives currently under investigation: expansion of 4-H Acres; purchase of the former County fairgrounds; rental at the old hospital; and the Knowlton proposal-Statler West. She asked for input on the proposals and invited the Board to a meeting on the Knowlton proposal on July 16 at 7:30 p.m. at Statler West. Under privilege of the floor, Jill Hartz, President of the Tompkins County Arts Council, and Donna Middleton, Vice President of the Tompkins County Arts Counil and Chairperson of the Decentralization Project Committee, said the Arts Council -has received a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts for the Decentralization Project, $15,000 of which will be regranted to municipalities and arts organizations throughout the County to increase local accessibility to quality arts programs. Ms. Middleton asked the Board to inform the Arts Council of organizations that may be eligible for these funds and also to submit names of nominees to serve on the panel that will review the applications. Under privilege of the floor, Kirk Hazen, on behalf of an ad hoc group of citizens in Tompkins County who are interested in the construction and planning for the new jail, referred to a letter he sent to the Board and requested that a public information meeting be scheduled for architects to present the plans for the jail, which would be followed by a public hearing for the public to express their opinions on the plans. (See page 2 for Jail Committee report.) Under privilege of the floor, Paul Fairbanks said that as a member of the ad hoc group on jail concerns, his major concerns deal with the dormitory setting, types of visitation, and staffing patterns. He feels that the structure and function of the jail reflects the community's values, and he also requested that a public information meeting and public hearing be scheduled to discuss the jail plans. (See page 2 for Jail Committee report.) 966 July 9, 1985 Under privilege of the floor, Dan Kramer said he has concerns about the proposed on-call system that is to be implemented in the Department of Social Services on August 1. He said the plan would require all casework staff to be on call for twelve days per year, in many cases outside their area of expertise. He said this is an important issue which should be publicly discussed, or imple- mentation should be postponed until the union action is resolved and discussion can be held. Chairman Dates said this is a management decision that will be referred to Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee. Mrs. Call said that the committee has been advised by the County Attorney that discussion should be held in executive session and that because of the filing of an improper practice charge by the employees' union, the matter is now out of the committee's jurisdiction. There was lengthy discussion about the possibility of allowing discussion of those items that are not related to the grievance, and it was Moved by Mr. Lifton, sec- onded by Mrs. Livesay to challenge the ruling of the Chair. Mrs. Howell said that in accordance with the Rules of the Board, a roll call will be taken on the ques- tion "Shall the ruling of the Chair be sustained?" and the Chairman does not vote on an appeal. Ayes: • 1;702 (Representatives Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Watros, Call, Freeman). Noes: 1,587 (Representatives Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Slattery, Stein, Culligan).. Excused: 326 (Representative Winch). Chairmau Dates: 404. Mr. Williamson ruled that because neither side received the necessary 2,000 votes for a majority, the Chair prevails. Mrs. Call said she will meet with the County Attorney, the Commissioner of Social Services, and the spokesperson for the caseworkers to separate those items which are not related to the grievance and may be discussed. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs, Livesay said she attended a discussion on the Open Meetings Law. She referred to a proposed resolution she distributed that reouests the State legislature to repeal an amendment to the law which she feels is so broad as to permit a majority of -any body to make public decisions.in private, and she asked that the Budget and Administration Committee consider the proposed resolution. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said the committee will have several appointments to recommend later in the meeting. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, referred to the appropriation on the agenda to pay attorney's fees Eor legal defense of indigents and noted that this amount will only pay for bills that are currently outstanding and will not cover any bills incurred before the end of the year. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Study Committee, said that after the con- sultants have adequately addressed the rest of the concerns that have been raised, he will notify Mr. Hazen and the media of an informational meeting and presentation of the plans for the public safety building to allow the public another opportunity to see what is being proposed and to comment. 167 July 9, 1985 Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda. He said the report on space for the Department of Social Services has been received and may be reviewed by contacting Mr. Freeman or Mr. Stein. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Huama Services Committee, updated the Board on the committee's actions and said copies of the Youth Board's Special Delinquency Phase Down Policy will be distributed to the Board, and she asked that comments be re- ferred to her by July 26. She also asked that comments on the preliminary results of the day care survey be referred to her in the near future. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee has requested that funding be included in the 1986 budget for 12 weeks of Human Services Coalition time. Mr. Tillapaugh noted that the New York State'Depart- ment of Civil Services has issued a report commending the Tompkins County Personnel office for the high level of civil service administration during the period February 1976 to September 1984. Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, said the mainframe computer equip- ment has arrived, and they hope to be operational early next month. RESOLUTION NO, 206 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 3 OF 1985 - AMENDING TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - PUBLIC HEALTH DIRECTOR AND MEDICAL DIRECTOR Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr, Tillapaugh. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh and unanimously adopted by voice vote to amend the local law by changing the effective date from August 1 to September 30. A short roll call was takenon the resolution. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Repre- sentative Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Board of Representatives after proper notice on proposed Local Law No. 3 of 1985 to amend the Tompkins County Charter and Code, Article VIII, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing there was full discussion of said proposed Local Law No. 3 of 1985, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Budget and Administration Committees, That Local Law No. 3 of 1985 amending the Tompkins County Charter and Coda, Article VIII, changing the positions of Commissioner of Health to that of Public Health Director and Deputy Commissioner of Health to that of Medical Director be and hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said Local Law No. 3 of 1985 in the official newspapers of the County for two suc- cessive weeks, the first within ten days after this local law is adopted, and after said local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy in rhe office of the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comptroller and four certified copies with the Secretary of State. 168 July 9, 1985 RESOLUTION N0. 207 - CREATION OF POSITIONS - ABOLITION OF POSITION - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee and Budget and Adminis- tration Committee, That one full-time position of Public.Heaith Director (II 04), management plan grade I, and one 40 percent time (Health Committee recommended 30 percent time) position of Medical Director (HH 05), management plan grade H, be created effective September 30, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Commissioner of Health (KK 01), management plan grade K, be abolished effective September 30, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed for the above. In cooperation with the Board of Health, Chairman Dates appointed the follow- ing committee to work with a committee appointed by Dr. Hirshfeld to search for an applicant for the Board of Health and Board of Representatives to consider as Public Health Director: Ken Tillapaugh, Chairman, Health Committee; Hugh Hurlbut, Commissioner of Personnel; Scott Heyman, Interim County Administrator; Robert Watros, Chairman, Budget and Administration Committee. RESOLUTION NO. 208 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - MOTOR VEHICLE BUREAU Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a renewal agreement for an additional five years with Hancock Plaza Property for premises currently occupied by the Motor Vehicle Bureau. RESOLUTION NO. 209 - AUDIT - LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CALOCERINOS AND SPINA Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by Calocerinos and Spina and audited by the Public Works Committee: Payment Request No. 4 - Phase II Inspection Payment Request No. 5 - Phase II Inspection $ 379.18 1,659.87 2,039.05 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public WorksCommittee, That the aforesaid amount is hereby audited and approved, 1.69 July 9, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 84-5610.201, withholding five percent retainage as required. RESOLUTION N0. 210 - AWARD OF BID AND FUNDING - TAPE RECORDER - FIRE AND DISASTER COORDINATOR Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,469. Noes: 224 (Representative Freeman). Excused: 306 (Representative Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids in accordance with specifications filed in the office of the Tompkins County Public Works Depart- ment for a 56 -channel tape recorder for use at the Fire Dispatcher Center, and WHEREAS, Stancil Corporation of Hollywood, California, is the lowest respon- sible bidder for the 56 -channel tape recorder meeting all specifications with a total bid of $28,575, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the bid of Stancil Corporation in the amount of $28,575 be and it hereby is accepted and the Fire and Disaster Coordinator be and he hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the Connty Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following transfer, budget adjustment, and appropri- ation from the Contingent Fund on his books: Transfer From: To: 3410.240 Arson Control Equipment $ 1,100 .311 Maintenance 7,000 .340 Arson Supplies 500 .414 Local Mileage 250 .425 Maintenance Contracts 5,500 .453 Training 500 3410.222 Communications Equipment $14,850 Budget Adjustment Revenue: 2655 Salary Equipment $2,000 Appropriation: 3410.222 Communications Equipment $2,000 Appropriation From: 1990 Contingent Fund $11,725 To: 3410.222 Communications Equipment $11,725 170 July 9, 1985 RESOLUTION N0. 211 - AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE UPSTATE PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE ASSOCIATION AND AUTHORIZING FAIR SHARE COST OF A RATE ENGINEER- ING CONSULTANT Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. It was Moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by Mr. Lifton to Table this resolution for one meeting in order to receive input from the Executive Committee of the Municipal Electric Utilities Association of New York State. Motion to Table unanimously adopted by voice vote. • RESOLUTION NO. 212 - AMENDED MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985 - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tiilapaugh. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: O. Excused: 306 (Representative Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 222, September 8, 1980, this Board adopted a Minority Business Enterprise Plan, which is applicable to construction and leas- ing activities at the County Airport and is a prerequisite for Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Project (AIP) grants, and WHEREAS, the federal guidelines require that the Minority Business Enterprise Plan be amended annually to reflect goals and activities in each fiscal year, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Minority Business Enterprise Plan as originally adopted be amended as follows: ITEM N0. 7: MINORITY ENTERPRISE GOAL 1. The Fiscal Year 1985-86 Minority Business Enterprise Airport Construction Goal shall be ten percent, insofar as possible, with an eight percent allocation for minority-owned business enterprises and two percent for women -owned business enterprises. 2. The 1985-86 goal for leasing activity shall be ten percent. RESOLUTION N0. 213 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW N0. 4 - 1985 - AMENDING TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - COUNTY SEAL Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives has held a public hearing on proposed Local Law No. 4, amending the Tompkins County Charter and Code, Article 1, clarify- ing the description of the County Seal, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing there was full discussion of said proposed local law, now therefore be it RESOLVED, onrecommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That Local Law No. 4, amending the Tompkins County Charter and Code, Article I, clarify- ing the description of the County Seal, be and the same hereby is accepted, 171 July 9, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said local law in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks, the first within ten days after this local law is adopted, and after said local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comptroller and four certified copies with the Secretary of State. RESOLUTION NO. 214 - ADOPTION OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY -- SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. Mr. Mason noted that this is the first department -wide reclassification the County has undertaken. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Winch). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety ami Corrections Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the classification study of the Tompkins County Sheriff's Department, completed by the Personnel Department to'implement Local Law No. 4 of 1984, be accepted in its entirety, effective inmediately, RESOLVED, further, That the following positions be reclassified in accordance with this study and that the incumbents of these positions gain permanent competi- tive class status in their respective titles, effective immediately, pursuant to Civil Service Law and Rules and County Law No. 4 of 1984: From One position of Chief Criminal Investigator (15-19), Sheriff's Dept. salary plan, grade XV, Flaherty class, be reclassified Three positions of Criminal Investi- gator (13-32), SD salary plan, grade XIII, be reclassified One position of Deputy Sheriff I (11-33), SD salary plan, grade XI, Flaherty class, be reclassified One position of Civil Officer (11-32), SD salary plan, grade XI, Flaherty class,be reclassified Five positions of Sgt. Deputy Sheriff (13-31), SD salary plan, grade XIII, Flaherty class be reclassified Twenty positions of Deputy Sheriff I (11-33), 5D salary plan, grade XI, Flaherty class, be reclassified To Chief Criminal Investigator (16-07), Sheriff's Dep't. salary plan, grade XVI, Competitive class Criminal Investigator (13-32), SD salary plan, grade XIII, Competitive class Juvenile Investigator (13-39), SD salary plan, grade XIII, Competitive class Civil Officer/Sgt. Deputy Sheriff (13-40), SD salary plan, grade XIII, Competitive class Sgt. Deputy Sheriff (13-31), SD salary plan, grade XIII, Competitive class Deputy Sheriff (11-44), SD salary plan, grade XI, competitive class 172 July 9, 1985 From Four positions of Dispatcher (06-15), SD salary plan, grade VI, Competitive class, be reclassified One position of Sr. Account Clerk - Typist (07-10), SD salary plan, grade VII, Flaherty class, be reclassified One position of Typist (04-09), SD salary plan, grade IV, Flaherty class be reclassified One position of Typist (04-09), SD salary plan, grade IV, Flaherty class, be reclassified To Dispatcher (09-41), SD salary plan, grade IX, Competitive class Civil Account Clerk -Typist (08-25), SD salary plan, grade VIII, Competitive class Senior Typist (06-10), SD salary plan, grade VI, Competitive class Typist (04-09), SD salary plan, grade IV, Competitive class RESOLVED, further, That the following positions be reclassified in accordance with this study, effective immediately, with the incumbents of these positions being jurisdictionally classified as noted, pursuant to Civil Service Law and County Law No. 4 of 1984: From One position of Sheriff, elected official, unclassified service One position of Undersheriff (DD09) Management Flan, grade D, Flaherty class Two positions of Deputy Sheriff I (PT) (11-33), SD salary plan, grade XI, Flaherty class, be reclassified Two positions of Deputy Sheriff III (09-34), SD salary plan, grade IX, Flaherty class, be reclassified One position of Jail Cook (07-04), SD salary plan, grade VII, Flaherty class, be reclassified One position of Jail Cook (PT) (07-04), SD salary plan, grade VII, Flaherty class, be reclassified 173 To Remains as is. Remains as is. Deputy Sheriff (PT) (11-44), SD salary plan, grade XI, Flaherty class Corrections Officer (09-42), SD salary plan, grade IX, Competitive class, with the incumbents receiving provisional appointments Head Cook (09-38), SD salary plan, grade IX, Non-competieive class pending ap- proval by State Civil Service Commission Cook (PT), (08-03), SD salary plan, grade VIII, Non-competitive class pend- ing approval by the State Civil Service Commission July 9, 1985. RESOLVED, further, That the incumbents of the sixteen positions of Deputy Sheriff II (10-03), SD salary plan, grade X, be grandfathered into the title of Deputy Sheriff (11-44), SD salary plan, grade XI, and be placed in the step of Grade XI with the salary closest to, but not lower than, their current salary. These employees shall gain permanent competitive class status as Deputy Sheriffs pursuant to Civil Service Law and Rules and County Law No. 4 of 1984, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Sergeant -Deputy Sheriff (Jail facility) be reclassified to Corrections Sergeant (1I-45), Sheriff's Department salary plan, grade XI, when next vacant; that one position of Deputy Sheriff (Jail/clerical) be reviewed for reclassification to an appropriate position when next vacant; and that all of the current sixteen positions of Deputy Sheriff who are assigned to the Jail be reclassified to Corrections Officer as they become vacant. RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $8,413 be appropriated from the Con- tingent Fund (A1990) and General Fund balance (A599) to Code A3110.100 (Sheriff - Personal Services) and $2,121 to Code A3150.100 (Jail - Personal Services), RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make said appropriation on his books. RESOLUTION N0. 215 - APPROPRIATION AND INCREASE IN POSITION LEVEL - SYSTEMS ANALYST Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. After brief discussion, a short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,469. Noes: 224 (Representative Freeman). Excused: 306 (Representative Winch). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Management Compensation Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the management position level of the Systems Analyst is hereby raised from E to F, and that the County Adminis- trator is hereby authorized and directed to make the following appropriation on his books: From: A1990 Contingent Fund $2,453 To: A1680.100 Central Data Processing Personal Services S2,453 RESOLUTION NO. 216 - CREATION OF POSITION OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE - BUDGET ADJUST- MENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH ITHACA HOUSING AUTHOR/TY (TITUS TOWERS) Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Winch). Adopted. WHEREAS, numerous residents of Titus Towers require nursing services from the Tompkins County Health Department's Home Health Agency, and WHEREAS, both the Health Department and Ithaca Housing Authority are interested in providing additional nursing staff time to develop a preventative health program for the residents of Titus Towers to encourage improvement of their health status and enable them to continue living at their maximum level of 174 July 9, 1985 independence in the Titus facilities, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Public Health Nurse, labor grade XII, competitive class, be created effective August 1, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That the Health Department is authorized to enter into a contract with the'Ithaca Housing Authority to develop a preventive health care program for the residents of the Titus facility and the Health Department is to provide additional nursing staff time for this purpose, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract with the Ithaca Housing Authority on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment and appropriation from the Contingent Fund on his books: Budget Adjustment Appropriation: 4010.100 Salaries $4,984 .830 FICA 464 .860 Health Insurance 720 .870 Unemployment Insurance 66 Revenue: 3401 State Aid $2,317 Income (contract) 3,917 Appropriation From: 1990 Contingent Fund $1,600 To: 4010.100 Salaries $1,600 RESOLUTION NO. 217 - AUTHORIZATION TO ADJUST RATE OF PAY - COURT STENOGRAPHERS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason. After discussion, a short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,455. Noes: 238 (Representative Lifton). Excused: 306 (Representative Winch). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County is hereby authorized to pay court stenographers a race per tran- script pageas set forth in 22 NYCRR §108.2 (7/1/85 - $1.25/page; 7/1/86 - $1.375/ page), RESOLVED, further, That the County is hereby authorized to pay a per diem of up to $50 to court stenographers not on salary. RESOLUTION NO. 218 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS, TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS FROM CONTINGENT FUND - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative winch). Adopted. 175 July 9, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health, Public Safety and Corrections, Education, and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjust- ments, transfers and appropriations from the Contingent Fund on his books: Budget Adjustments Job Training: Revenue: 13-4-4821-000 Appropriation: 13-5-7320.100 .330 .412 .414 .424 .810 .830 .840 .870 Revenue: 13-4-4821-000 Appropriation: 13-5-7321.100 .412 .414 .840 .860 .870 Revenue: 13-4-4821-000 Personal Services Printing Conference Travel Local Mileage Equipment Rental. Retirement Social Security Workers' Compensation Unemployment Insurance Personal Services Conference Travel Local Mileage Workers' Compensation Health Insurance Unemployment Insurance Appropriation: 13-5-7322.330 Printing .332 Training Explanation: Set up books for the Health Department: Appropriation: A4010.353 Revenue: A1686.100 A34O1 $10,254 $ 7,619 170 300 200 200 910 537 13 305 $10,254 $3,241 $1,842 974 250 3 97 75 $3,241 $1,005 $ 255 Supplies & Materials 750 AVE Program. Biologicals Vaccine State Aid $3,300 $2,780 520 Explanation: Increased volume of flu immunizations provided in recent years and provision of both Hepatitis B and human rabies vaccine on a preventive basis. 176 July 9, 1985 Youth Bureau: Revenue: Appropriation: A3820.015 State Aid $ 625 A2070 Local Contribution 625 A7020.411 $1,250 Explanation: To plan and implement a County -wide conference on children and youth. Appropriations Sheriff's Department From: To: AL990 Contingent Fund $20,000 A3150.442 Professional Service Fees $20,000 Explanation: On May 21, 1985, Resolution 148 gave this account $7,500 for prisoners' medical expenses and boarding out of prisoners: $3,210.88 covered the overdrawn balance from the previous month and $4,755 was paid to the Oneida County Sheriff for guarding of prisoners. This left an overdrawn balance of $465.88. $2,480 is presently needed to pay Schuyler County for boarding out prisoners for the month of May and $1,000 is needed for Radiology Associates for outstanding and future bills. It is estimated that this account will need $20,000 to complete the year. Legal Defense of Indigents: From: 599 General Fund Balance $15,000 To: A1170.120 Legal Defense of Indigents Attorney Fees $15,000 Transfers Assessment: Prom: 1355.416 Dues Memberships $85 To: 1358.213 Cabinets $85 Explanation: Additional amount needed because of price increase. RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to convey these funds. 177 July 9, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 219 - AMENDMENT OF RULES OF THE BOARD Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Stein. Mr. Lifton asked if a meeting with a key staff member of Tompkins County would be in violation of Rule XII, and Chairman Dates ruled that it would not be in violation. A voice vote was taken on the resolution. Ayes: 3,693. Noes: 0. Excused: 306 (Representative Winch). Adopted. • RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the changes in Rule XII of the Rules of the Board of Representatives, copy of which are on file with the Clerk of the Board, be and the same hereby are adopted. On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Lifton, the following people were appointed to the Job Training Council for terms which expire June 30, 1986: Jessica Guthrie, rehabilitation agency representative; Doug Dylia, business repre- sentative; Frank Proto, economic development representative. Mr. Proto was also appointed to the Service Delivery Area Private Industry Council for a term which expires June 30, 1988. On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Slattery, Georgia MacNeil was reappointed to the Tompkins Cortland Community College Board of Trustees for a term which expires June 30, 1994. On motion of Mr. Stein, Thomas Reitz was appointed to the Planning Board as a representative of the Town of Ulysses for a term which expires December 31, 1987. The meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m. 178 REGULAR MEETING August 13, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Fledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. On motion of -Mr. Winch, the minutes of June 11, June 25, and July 9, 1985, were unanimously approved by voice vote. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Call read a note from John Murphy thank- ing everyone who contributed to the Immaculate Conception School Second Century Fund in his honor. " Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Livesay said the Governor signed a bill adopted by the State legislature which allows county clerks and sheriffs to have four-year_ terms, and she asked if this Board needs to take action to initiate this in Tompkins County. Mr. Williamson said he will report back to the Board after reviewing a copy of the legislation. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the.Health Committee, said the committee's actions are reflected on the agenda. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said the committee's actions will be reflected in an appointment on the agenda. Mr. Culligan updated the Board on the recent meeting of the Finger Lakes Association. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda. In addition, he informed the Board that the County received a letter from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation denying the request to extend operation of the Caswell Road Landfill. Mr. Freeman, Hospital Use Committee, updated the Board on recent meetings of that committee, which included a tour of the Morse Emerson building as a possible location for the Department of Social Services. He requested that Chairman Dates dissolve this committee, which consists of Mrs. Call, Mr. Free- man, Mr. Stein and representatives of the City of Ithaca, and place the issues of the location of the Department of Social Services and the use of the Old Hospital in the proper standing committees of the Board of Representatives. Mrs. Call and Mr. Stein said that after touring the Morse Emerson building, they are not in agreement with this request. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, updated the Board on recent committee business. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee's actions are reflected on the agenda. 179 • August 13, 1985 Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Study Committee, said that the committee held a public information meeting on the 'design of the jail. He informed the Board that there is a disagreement between the Department of State and the Commis- sion of Corrections over who .has jurisdictional •authority over design and plans for construction of new jails, and the outcome could result in modifications in the design and cost of the Tompkins County facility. Mr. Mason also distrib- uted to the Board of copy of the Pre -Final Project Cost Estimate of the Tompkins County Jail. Mrs. 'Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not.reflected on the agenda and said the committee held a public meeting to receive comments on the effect of the on- call system on the community and clients.. Commissioner Dolan said she answered questions at this meeting and explained her reasons for the development of the on-call proposal, which were to avoid the necessity of creating duplicate and costly parallel systems. Mr. Metros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda. Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, said he has begun reviewing 1986 department and agency budgetrequests. He distributed a list of 1985 appropri- ations from the Contingent Fund and General Fund Balance as of August 13, 1985 and reported on the sales tax revenue for the second quarter of 1985. Mr. Litton said that based on historical record, he believes that the County has under- estimated sales tax revenue for 1985. Mr. Williamson, County Attorney, reported on the status of the Turkey Hill Road lawsuit and the improper practice charge brought against the County. It was Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Winch to hold an executive session to discuss personnel matters related to an individual(s) employment history and to disucss personnel matters related to Resolution No. 231. Motion unanimously adopted by voice vote. (7:10-7:40) It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman, to lift from the Table Resolution No. 211 entitled Authorizing Participation in the Upstate Public Utility Service Association and Authorizing Fair Share Cost of a Rate Engineering Consultant (Tabled July 9, 1985). Motion unanimously adopted by voice vote. At the request of Mrs. Call, the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute Contract - Department of Social Services and Registered Dietician - Services at County Home was withdrawn from the agenda. Chairman Dates withdrew from the agenda and referred'to -the Public Works Committee the resolution entitled Confirming Intention to Cease Operations of Caswell Road Landfill in 1985, and he asked the committee to bring a recommenda- tion to the Board at the next meeting. Mr. Watros requested that a schedule to deal with treatment of waste be included in the committee's recommendation. 180 August 13, 1985 RESOLUTION N0. 220 - AUTHORIZATION TO .BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by . Mr.Masoa .,. n, seconded by Mr. Freeman: Mr. Mason and representatives of the MRB Group answered questions from the Board and the public concerning the design of -the new facility. It was Moved by Mr. Mason. seconded by Mrs. Nichols to amend the resolution by adding, "Resolved, further, That the County Administrator be and is hereby authorized and directed to expend up to $8,092 from Account No. 58-5-3150.220, Building permit, New York State, for a. building permit application fee to the Codes Division of the New York State Department of State. Amendment unanimously adopted by voice vote. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Lifton to amend the first Resolved to read, "Resolved . . . basic plans plus an alternative plan which replaces two of the dormitory units with single occupancy cell units, subject to required . . . bidding for the basic plan plus alternative plan, which Committee . . . After discussion, a roll call vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes: 776 (Repre- sentatives Proto, Stein, Lifton). Noes: 3,223 (Representatives Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Shurtleff, Slattery, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Culligan, Freeman, Dates). Amendment lost. A roll call vote was taken on the resolution as amended. Ayes: 3,193 (Representatives Mason, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Slattery, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call [feels the jail is being built in the wrong place but accepts the will of the Board], Culligan, Freeman Dates). Noes: 806 (Representatives Livesay [feels the wrong building is being built in the wrong place but is not against a new facility], Stein, Lifton). Adopted. WHEREAS, construction plans for the proposed County Public Safety Building on Warren Road are essentially completed, and WHEREAS, the Special Jail Committee has continually encouraged public dis- cussion and input at its several public meetings during the preparation of the plans, and WHEREAS, the preliminary plans were presented by the MAR Group (consultants) before this Board at the May 7, 1985 meeting, at which time the Board authorized preparation of the construction plans, and WHEREAS, the consultants are again available at this meeting for additional information and presentations as desired, and WHEREAS, the Special Jail Committee and the MRB Group presented the con- struction plans at a duly announced public information meeting on July 31, 1985, at which time a representative of the State Commission of Corrections was present and answered questions on their policies and rules, and WHEREAS, this extensive 'public .input has resulted in some beneficial changes which have been incorporated in the design of the building, and WHEREAS, the plans and specifications will be submitted to the New York State Commissioner of Corrections and other appropriate State and local agencies having jurisdiction for approval prior to the bidding, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail Committee, That this Board hereby approves the basic plans, subject to required modifications and approvals 181 August 13, 1985 of jurisdictional agencies and others as necessary, and authorizes the Committee to proceed with open bidding; which Committee. upon receipt of bids, shall tabu- late same and report to the Board with recommendations for bid selection and a budget program,, -_ RESOLVED,' -further, That the. County Administrator be and is hereby authorized and directed'to expend up to $8,092 from Account No. 58-5-3150.220, Building Permit, New York State, for a building permit application fee to the Codes Division of the New York State Department of State. RESOLUTION NO. 221 - AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - MRB GROUP, P.C. Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by MRB Group, P.C. and audited by the Public Works Committee: Payment Request No. 6 (Final Design Phase) $36,000 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail Committee, That the afore- said amount is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 58-3150.210. RESOLUTION NO. 222 - AWARD OF BID, AUTHORIZATION FOR EQUIPMENT PURCHASE, APPROPRI- ATION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND ESTABLISHMENT OF ADVISORY BOARD - PERSONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEM Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Culligan to amend the resolution by deleting from the second Resolved, "a member of the Board of Representatives," from the member- ship of the Personal Emergency Response Service Advisory Board. Amendment lost by voice vote with Representatives Lifton and Watros voting aye. A short roll call was taken on the resolution. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 187 of June 25, 1985, the County Board of Repre- sentatives authorized the establishment o£'a Personal Emergency Response System in. Tompkins County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections, Health, and Budget and Administrtation Committees, That the Fire and Disaster Coordinator's Office and the Health Department are authorized to purchase a base station monitor- ing unit, with all necessary hardware and a telephone line to be located in the Fire and Disaster Dispatch Center. These departments are also authorized to obtain twenty (20) units to be connected into the home telephone system of clients eligible to be on this system who meet criteria established by the Personal Emergency Response System Advisory Board and approved by the Board of Repre- sentatives, 182 August 13, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That a Personal.Emergency Response Service Advisory Board be appointed by the Chairman:of the Board of Representatives and confirmed by the full Board. The members of this Board shall be a member of the Board of Representatives, four- (4) members who are representing agencies dealing with or providing services to aging and/or disabled clients such as but not limited to Ithacare, Red Cross, Senior Citizens Council,Tompkins Community Hospital. and one (1) additional member from community at large. This Board will be respon- sible for recommending policies and procedures for the operation of the Personal Emergency Response System and for developing criteria to be used in requesting proposals from non -county agencies to take over the administrative and outreach activities of the service. Terms shall be for two (2) years and shall be stag- gered by having one-half of the initial members have terms of one (1) year, RESOLVED, further, That the bid of .A. E. S. Corporation of Peabody, Massa- chusetts. in the amount of $4,435 for twenty (20) home units is hereby accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment and appropriations on his books: Appropriation: A4050.100 Salary $100 Revenue: A1689 Other Income $100 From: A909 General Fund Balance $10,659 To: 4050.100 Salaries $ 1,772 .200 Equipment 7,441 .300 Supplies 160 .414 Mileage 584 .472 Telephone- 60 .830 FICA 215 .840 Workers Compensation 4D .860 Health Insurance 387 RESOLUTION NO. 223 - OFFICE FOR THE AGING - HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND CREATION OF OUTREACH WORKER (HEAP/PERSONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEM) POSITION Moved by Mrs. Call seconed by Mr. Proto. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Office for the Aging expects State Aid amounting to $21,197 for the fiscal year October 1, 1985 to September 30, 1986 for operation of the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) for persons age 60 plus in coopera- tion with the Department of Social Services, and WHERES, the County wishes to have the program started as soon after October 1 as authorization is received from State Office for the Aging and State and local Departments of Social Services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendationof the Human Services and Budget and Administra- tion Committees, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to sign the grant application for 1985-86 and that use of the funds approved is contingent on 183 August 13, 1985 receipt of notice of availability of funding from the State Office for the Aging, RESOLVED, further, That the following"budget adjustment be approved: Appropriation: 7618.100 • $ 551 .330 . 150 .412 30 .414 40 .452 80 .472 50 .830 91 .860 226 .870 183 Revenue: 3803 $1,401 RESOLVED, further, That one (1) position of Outreach Worker (PERS/HEAP), (05-23), labor grade V, competitive class, be created effective immediately; two-thirds of the hours on a yearly basis to be devoted to HEAP, one-third of the hours to be devoted to PERS, RESOLVED, further, That the HEAP portion of this position only exists as long as 100 percent funding is available from Federal or State monies to cover all wages and fringe benefits, RESOLVED, further, That the .two (2) Outreach Porker positions nowin the Office for the Aging be abolished effective immediately. RESOLUTION NO. 224 - APPROPRIATIONS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS, AND TRANSFERS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Litton to delete the budget transfer of $107,796.05 from 16- 909 to 52-2831 for Courthouse windows and put this item on the next Board agenda in order to research the Board's policy for payment when the windows were origi- nally purchased. Amendment adopted by voice vote with Representative Freeman voting aa. A short roll call was taken on the resolution as amended. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections, Education, Human Services, Budget and Administration, Health, and Public Works Committees, That the County Administrator be and he hereby iS authorized and directed to make the following appropriations and transfers on his books: Sheriff's Department From: A909 General Fund Balance $2,000 To: A3110.340 Clothing $2,000 Legal Defense of Indigents From: A909 General Fund Balance $60,000 To: A1070.120 Legal Defense of Indigents Attorney Fees $60,000 184 August 13, 1985 Probation From: A3140.100 Salaries ' To: A3140.441: Professional Services - Manpower Sheriff's Department From: A3110.306 To:.... A3110.210 Automotive Supplies Other Equipment Office for the Aging (HEAP) From: A7618.830 Social Security To: A7618.412 Conferences $973 $973 $ 750 $ 750 $220 $220 From: A7618,452 Postage $10 To: A7618.472 Telephone $10 From: A7618.302 Office Supplies $27 To: A7618.860 Health Insurance $20 .472 Telephone 5 .414 Local Mileage 2 Health Department From 4010.442 Professional Services To: 4010.206 Equipment, Computer Mental Health Clinic From: To; 4311.422 4311.308 Equipment Maintenance Medical Supplies $1,439 $1,439 $200 $200 Old Hospital Approriation: A1621.425 Service Contracts 813.000 Revenue: 2660 Sale of Real Property 813,000 Health Department Appropriation: 4018.100 Salaries $1,372 .200 Computer Table 200 Operator's Chair 110 File Cabinet 190 Bookcase 200 Video Equipment 1,300 .330 Printing 1,600 .332 Books/Publications 1,350 .442 Professional Services 1,700 185 August 13, 1985 Revenue: 1603 .Local Revenue $6,500 3403 Hypertension State Aid 1,522• RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and diretted to sign any contracts necessary to implement the above budget adjustments, transfers, and appropriations. RESOLUTION N0. 225 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by. Mrs. Call, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Management Compensation and Budget and Administration Committees, That the position of Director of Administrative Ser- vices (CC 03) is hereby reclassified from Management Position Level C to Level E, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no additional funds are needed for this purpose. RESOLUTION N0. 226 - REGRADING OF POSITION - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Budget and Administration Committees, That the position of Civil Officer/Sergeant Deputy Sheriff (13-40), labor grade XIII, competitive class, be regraded to labor grade XIV (14-15), competitive class, effective immediately, RESOVLED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this regrading. RESOLUTION N0. 227 - REQUESTING THE NEW YORK STATE LEGISLATURE TO REPEAL S.6284/ A7804, AN ACT AMENDING THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote to amend the resolu- tion by adding to the first Resolved, "and pass appropriate legislation that prohibits closed meetings of majority and minority groups of a public body." A voice vote was taken on the resolution as amended. Ayes: 3,759. Noes: 240 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, by S.6284/A.7804 of 1985, the New York State Legislature did amend the Open Meetings Law, and WHEREAS, the wording of said amendment is so broad as to permit any public body to make decisions by a majority of its members in closed session, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives firmly believes that public business should be considered and debated in public, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the New York State Legislature repeal S.6284/A.7804 of 1985 and pass appropri- ate legislation that prohibits closed meetings of majority and minority groups 186 August 13, 1985 of'a public.body ' RESOLVED, further; That copies of .this_ resolution be sent to Assemblyman A. Sam.MacNell; Senator Lloyd 8. Riford;•.7r.; Governor Mario Cuomo; the Supervisors' and County Legislators' Association and the New York,State Association of Counties. RESOLUTION NO. 228 - INTERIM STAFFING - BUDGET AND FINANCE OFFICE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded .by Mr. Mason, and unanimously adopted by voice voter WHEREAS, this Board has appointed the Deputy County Administrator for Admin- istration as Interim County Administrator to serve until a permanent County Administrator is appointed or until December 31, 1985, whichever comes first, and WHEREAS, the Interim County Administrator has recommended a reassigning of job duties that will result in the Deputy County Administrator for Finance. being required to perform tasks requiring a higher level of responsibility, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator is authorized and directed to make the following transfer on his books to pay to the Deputy County Administrator for Finance added salary during 1985 of $1,943 ($5,020 annual rate): From: 1230.100 County Administrator Personal Services $1,943 To: 1310.100 Budget and Finance Personal Services $1,943 RESOLVED, further, That this agreement of duties and payment in recognition of assuming added responsibilities shall end immediately upon appointment of a permanent County Administrator or December 31, 1985, whichever comes first. RESOLUTION N0. 229 -- AUDIT - COMPUTER PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION COSTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: O. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following payment requests were submitted by variousvenders to be paid from Construction Account 59: IBM Corporation (paid 6/28/85) $169,077.00 Liebert Corporation (paid 7/12/85) 7,735.50 Anderson Moving 125.00 Deanco, Inc. 47.52 OHM Electronics 85.20 Sherwin-Williams 282.53 Danby Builders Company, Inc. 4,100.00 now therefore be it 187 August 13, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the aforesaid amounts are approved for payment and the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorised and directed tb pay said claims from funds provided. RESOLUTION NO. 230 - AMENDMENT OF RULES OP THE BOARD Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, Mr. Lifton expressed concern with Rule VI because it does not require that a copy of a resolution adopted by a program committee prior to Budget and Administration Committee amendments be mailed to the Board in addition to the amended version. In a separated vote, Representatives Livesay, Stein, and Lifton voted no: on Rule VI. Rule IX ryas unanimously adopted by voic@,vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following Rules of the Board be amended in accordance with the proposals on file with the Clerk of the Board: RULE VI (6) - Presentation and Withdrawal of Motions and Resolutions RULE IX (9) - Appointments RESOLUTION NO. 231 - APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEYS - SPECIAL PROSECUTOR - COUNTY A'TTORNEY'S OFFICE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Stein, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, there is a conflict in the County Attorney's Office in the prosecu- tion of a juvenile delinquency case, and WHEREAS, the County Attorney has requested that he be authorized to appoint an Assistant County Attorney as special prosecutor of said case pursuant to County Law Section 502 and the County Charter and Code, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Attorney be and he hereby is authorized and directed to appoint an Assistant County Attorney to act as special prosecutor on said juvenile delin- quency case in Tompkins County Family Court, RESOLVED, further, That the County Attorney be and he hereby is authorized to appoint Leonard Snow as Assistant County Attorney, without further compensation, to prosecute Family Court cases on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION N0. 232 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES vote. Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Depart- ment of Social Services is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Roche I88 August"13, 1985 Biomedical Laboratories, Jut., ,p.;0. Box 2230, Burlington, North Carolina, to provide paternity testing services for the Department, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho - rized and directed to execute said contract on behaif of the County. • RESOLUTION NO..233 -.AUDIT-- LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC. Moved -by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: .0. 'Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by John Mills Electric, Inc., and audited by the Public Works Committee: Phase I Work Phase II Work $41,227,61 29,539.04 $70,766.65 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 84-5610.202, withholding five percent retainage as required. RESOLUTION NO. 234 - AUDIT - TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT -- PEAT, MARWICK, MITCHELL & COMPANY Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by Peat, Marwick. Mitchell & Company pursuant to Resolution No. 157 and audited by the Public Works Admin- istrative Subcommittee: Payment Request No. 2 $5,898.06 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee, That the aforesaid amount is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. F1620.472. RESOLUTION NO. 235 - AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY - DANIEL J. LYNCH Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. 189 August 13, 1985 WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted 'by Daniel J. Lynch, Inc. and audited by the Public Works Committee:" - Payment Request No.. 6, Change Order No, 2 $5,317 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee. That the afore- said amount is hereby audited and approved, - RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 55-7410.221. RESOLUTION N0. 236.- AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY - BALCONY CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 - DANIEL J. LYNCH AND BROCKPORT CARPET AND LINOLEUM Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mrs. Call. It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Winch, to amend the resolution by adding, "Resolved, further, That the aforesaid payment requests will not be paid until funds are received from the other two participants (Tompkins County Public Library and the Friends of the Library)." Amendment unanimously adopted by voice vote. A short roll call was taken on the resolution as amended. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claims have been submitted by Daniel J. Lynch, Inc. and Brockport Carpet and, Linoleum pursuant to Resolution No. 124 of 1985 and audited by the Public Works Committee: Payment Request No. 1 - Brockport Carpet and Linoleum Payment Request No. 7 - Daniel J. Lynch, Inc. $ 1,099.20 $44,750.00 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the aforesaid payment requests will not be paid until funds are received from the other two participants (Tompkins County Public Library and the Friends of the Library), RESOLVED. further, That the County Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claims from Account No. 55-7410.221 (Daniel J. Lynch) and Account No. 55-7410.204 (Brockport Carpet and Linoleum). RESOLUTION NO. 237 - AWARD OF BID - SURPLUS USED GUIDE RAIL MATERIAL Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Winch, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids in accordance with specifications filed in the Office of the Tompkins County Public Works Department for the sale of used guide rail material no longer needed for use by the County, and WHEREAS, Safety Road Materials Company, Inc., of New York City, is the highest responsible bidder meeting all specifications with a total bid of $2,000 ' 190 August 13, 1985 now therefore be'it' '`- RESOLVED, on -recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid of Safety Road Materials Company,. Inc.,, be 'and it hereby is accepted and the Commissioner of Public Works:beand he .hereby •is authorized to complete said transaction on'behalf of the County RESOLUTION NO. 238 - AWARD OF BIDS - AIRPORT EQUIPMENT - 1986 AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Moved by Mr Freeman, seconded by Mr..Tillapaugh, and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for equipment for the Airport under the Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Program, with New York State Department of Transportation participation, and WHEREAS, the bids have been received and tabulated and the low bids are as follows: Snow Plow/Sander (Blackwell) Ramp and Intersection Plow/Sand Loader (Tracey) Rebuild High -Speed. Sweeper (Jenkins) $163,923 97,463 47,850 $309,236 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the low bids are hereby accepted, subject to approval by the Federal Aviation Administra- tion, the New York State Department of Transportation, and receipt of the appropri- ate grant offers, RESOLVED, further, That the budget for said project shall be formulated at the time of receipt of the grant offers. (See page 2 for motion to lift Resolution No. 211 from the Table.) RESOLUTION NO. 211 - AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE UPSTATE PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE ASSOCIATION AND AUTHORIZING FAIR SHARE COST OF A RATE ENGINEERING CONSULTANT Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman. Mr. Shurtleff said he will not support this resolution because he feels it creates a paper agency which has no clear legal status with the federal goverment. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,759. Noes: 240 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, a group of upstate municipalities have banded together to form an organziation known as the Upstate Public Utility Service Association for the purpose of providing mutual advice and service to the various public utility service agencies recently established in upstate New York, and 191 August 13, 1985 WHEREAS, at the present time the Association on behalf of the participating municipalities, is negotiating agreements- with. the New York Power. Authority, and.. WHEREAS,.it is also necessary to negotiate. agreements with the individual utilities involved, in the case of Tompkins County the New York State.Electric and Gas Corporation, and -• WHEREAS, the Association has determined that in order to negotiate effec- tively with the utilities, it is necessary to retain the services and assistance of a rate engineering consultant, and WHEREAS, the Association has determined that a fair share cost of these services will be $.50 per kilowatt, based upon PASNY Post - 1985 allocation to individual counties, and WHEREAS, the allocation to Tompkins County is 1210 kilowatts, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the joint Planning and Development and Public Works, and the Budget and Administration Committees, That the County is hereby authorized to participate in and with the Upstate Public Utility Service Associ- ation, R$SOLVED, further, That $605.00 is hereby approved and authorized as the County's fair share cost for the services of a rate engineering consultant and $125.00 is authorized and approved for annual dues. RESOLVED, further, That $730.00 is hereby appropriated from Account No. A1990, Contingent Fund, to Account No. A8033, Upstate Public Utility Service Association, and that the County Administrator is hereby authorized to pay these funds to the Treasurer of the Association to be invested in an interest-bearing account in the name of the Upstate Public Utility Service Association and used for a specific purpose of retaining the services of a rate engineering consultant and for annual dues, respectively. On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, David Donner was appointed to the Library Board of Trustees to fill a vacancy which expires December 31, 1986. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Prato, Suzanne Yaple was appointed to the Tompkins County Planning Board as a representative of the Town of Caroline for a term which expires December 31, 1987, On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, Wade Thomas was appointed to the Economic Advisory Board as a representative of Ithaca College fora term which expires December 31, 1987. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto, Francis Gordon was appointed to the Environmental Management Council as a representative of the Village of Groton for a term which expires December 31, 1985. On motion of Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, the following people were appointed to the Public Employment Relations Board: John Clynes, term expires May 31, 1990; Marilyn Ryan, term expires May 31, 1991. 192 August 13, 1985 On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Proto, Patricia Hutton was ap- pointed to the Job Training Council as a'representative of four-year education for a term which expires June 30, 1986. . • On motion of Mr. Culligan; seconded by Mr. Proto, Patricia Hutton was ap- pointed to the Service Delivery Area Private Industry Council as a representative of four-year education for a term which expires June 30, 1987. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, Hugh Corrigan was ap- pointed to the Office for the Aging Advisory Committee for a term which expires December 31, 1985. The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m. 193 REGULAR MEETING September 3, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Shurtleff ). Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan referred to the 1984 Revenue Sharing Population Estimates provided to the Planning Department by the Southern Tier East Regional Planning Development Board. Mr. Liguori noted that the figures indicate a slowdown growth rate which has been disputed because it is not evident locally. Chairman Dates referred this to the Planning and Development Committee for review and said the City of Ithaca should be informed of these estimates since the city is the only municipality showing a loss of population. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Slattery read a letter he received from Gerald P, Schickel of 202 Sunrise Road, Ithaca, regarding the advertisement of tax sales. He strongly urged the Board to take steps to change current procedures so that updating tax rolls would be required prior to publication. Chairman Dates referred this letter to the Budget and Administration Committee to review and report back to the Board. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Lifton referred to a memorandum he sent to Mr. Watros requesting that the Budget and Administration Committee consider a resolution regarding the payment of property taxes by First Federal Savings and Loan f om mortgage escrow accounts. Mr. Lifton said he has talked with the executive vice president of First Federal Savings and Loan of Rochester and expects to receive in writing the bank's plans to ensure prompt payment of these taxes in the future. Mr. Lifton requested that the committee delay considering this resolution until the letter is received. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda and said Tompkins Community Hospital is 'sponsoring a teaching and educational program on September 28 to recognize the efforts of the people who provide emergency medical services in Tompkins County. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, reported that the business of the committee's recent meeting is reflected on the agenda. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, updated the Board on the various planning and development issues before the committee and the Board, and he said the Environmental Management. Council will be sponsoring educational programs throughout the coming year on various aspects of landfill operations. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, informed the Board that the Senior Games will be held in Cortland on October 5-6, 1985. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee has received copies of the 1986 budget request summary. He explained that the committee review process has not yet taken place, and any questions at this point should be discussed with the Interim County Administrator. 194 September 3, 1985 Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, reported that the mainframe computer operation is continuing to progress, and he said the specifications have been ap- proved for the new telephone system for Tompkins County. Mr. Liguori, Secretary of the Industrial Development Agency, said the Industrial Development Agency has scheduled a public information meeting and public hearing for September 10 at noon in the Courthouse regarding the application by Tompkins Medical Office Associates for industrial revenue bond financing. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, the resolution entitled Confirming Intention to Cease Operations of Caswell Road Landfill in 1985 was added to agenda by voice vote. At the request of Mr. Mason, the resolution entitled Authorization to. Execute Renewal Lease With Hancock Plaza Property - Department of Motor Vehicles was with- drawn ithdrawn from the agenda. RESOLUTION NO. 239 - APPROVAL OF ARSON CONTROL GRANT APPLICATION - NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Proeo. A voice vote was taken. - Ayes: 3,759. Noes: 0. Excused: 240 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the State Legislature has enacted Section 204-C of the General Municipal Law, requiring each county to prepare a plan for arson investigation, and WHEREAS, grant funds are available through the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control to assist localities in arson prevention and control activities, now therefore be it' RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be authorized and directed to sign such project agreement as may be required to secure such grant funds on behalf of the County of Tompkins. RESOLUTION NO. 240 - AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - MRS CROUP, P.C. Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call, was taken. Ayes: 3,759. Noes: 0. Excused: 240 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by MRB Group, P.C., and audited by the Special Jail Committee: Payment Request No. 7 (Final Design Phase) $27,000 (90 percent completion) - now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail Committee, That the afore- said amount is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No, 58-3150,210. 195 September 3, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 241 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Senior Typist, labor grade D. competitive class, be abolished 'effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Senior Stenographer, labor grade G, competitive class, be created effective immediately. RESOLVED, further, That sufficient funds are included in the Tompkins Cortland Community College budgets to cover creation of the new position. RESOLUTION NO. 242 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - COURTHOUSE WINDOWS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. There was discussion about financing the Courthouse windows through bonding, and it was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mrs. Livesay to amend the resolution as discussed. (Mr. Lifton said the thrust of the amendment is to change the funding from what is listed to a bonding situation.) After further discussion, Chairman Dates called the question. A roll call was taken. Ayes: 1,148 (Representatives Nichols, Culligan, Freeman, Dates). Noes: 2,611 (Representatives Mason, Preto, Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Lifton, Livesay). Excused: 240 (Representative Shurtleff). Motion to call the question Lost. There was further discussion, and Mr. Watros called the question. Motion unanimously adopted by voice vote. A roll call vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes:' 1,828 (Representatives Nichols, Slattery, Stein, Call, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay). Noes: L,931 (Representatives Mason, Proto, Tillapaugh, Watros,, Winch, Freeman, Dates). Excused: 240 (Representative Shurtleff). Amendment Lost. 'A roll call vote was taken on the original resolu- tion. Ayes: 2,953 (Representatives Mason, Nichols, Proto, Slattery, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Culligan, Freeman, Dates). Noes: 806 (Representatives Stein, Lifton, Livesay). Excused: 240 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following transfers on his books: From: 16-909 Debt Service Fund Balance To: 52-2831 Interfund Transfer $107,796.05 $107,796.05 RESOLUTION NO. 243 - AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO ACQUIRE OPTIONS TO PURCHASE SANITARY LANDFILL SITES Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr_ Culligan. A short roll call was token. Ayes: 3,759. Noes: 0. Excused: 240 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 257, adopted October 5, 1982, authorized the execution of options to purchase or lease sites for e new sanitary landfill site, and 196 September 3, 1985 WHEREAS, such options are needed in order to be able to enter sites to perform the necessary investigations and report to determine if the site is feasible and approvable by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and • WHEREAS, the $5,000 authorized by Resolution No. 257 is insufficient to allow for options on alternate sites, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the -Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That an additional $5,000 is hereby appropriated from Account No. 75- 8165.442 (Solid Wastes), • RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized to expend funds from said account upon proper vouchering, as approved by the Public Works Committee, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he -hereby is autho- rized and directed to execute the options as approved by the Public Works Committee. RESOLUTION NO. 244 APPROPRIATION - SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL - LANDSTROM SITE Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. There was discussion and Mr. Proto.expressed concerns about maintenance of the access road and the iiabiiityoE the Town of Danby caused by the additional traffic to this landfill site. Chair- man Dates said staff will research and report back to the Board the feasibility of holding harmless and defending municipalities with respect to solid waste disposal operations of the County. A short roll call was taken. Ayes:,✓ 3,519. Noes: 240 (Representative Prato), Excused: 240 (Representative Shurtleff). RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following amounts be appropriated for the disposal of addi- tional solid waste at the Landstrom landfill site from October 15, 1985 through December 31, 1985, made necessary by the closure of the Caswell Road landfill on October 15, 1985: From: A909 General Fund Balance $49,300 To: 8160.442 $49,300 RESOLUTION N0. 245 - CONFIRMING INTENTION TO CEASE OPERATIONS OF CASWELL ROAD LANDFILL IN 1985 Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Watros and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 192 of 1970, establishing a landfill on Caswell Road in the Town of .Dryden, implied that the landfill would exist over a fifteen - year period ending in 1985, and WHEREAS, discussion prior to adopting Resolution No. 348 of 1984, purchasing additional land, further implied that the landfill operations would not be ex- tended beyond 1985, and WHEREAS, residents in the area of the landfill tolerated all the negative aspects associated with landfill operations assuming that they could expect relief in 1985, aad 197 September 3, 1985 WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Consent Order, adopted by Resolution No. 109 of 1983, directs Tompkins County to terminate operations of the landfill by October 15, 1985,.now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Board of Representatives hereby confirms its intention to cease landfill operations -in 1985 and hereby directs the Commissioner of Public Works to terminate the receipt of refuse on or before October 15, 1985, and to proceed with the appropriate closing procedures as required by the New York State Department of Environmental Conserva- tion. Chairman Dates appointed Hugh Hurlbut, Commissioner of Personnel, to the Search Committee for a New President of Tompkins Cortland Community College: The meeting was adjourned at 6:54 p.m. 198 REGULAR METING September 17, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. Under privilege of the floor, Ken Morin, Director of Finance for Odyssey Research Associates, informed the Board that this company is interested in leasing space in the old hospital building as a short-term solution to their office space needs. Chairman Dates noted the urgency of this request and referred it to the Planning and Development Committee. Mr. Stein said he has talked with Mr. Morin and the president of the company, and they will be meeting this week to discuss this request with the understanding that the County has not yet made a decision whether co keep or sell this building. Under privilege of the floor, Douglas Salter said his understanding is that the resolution Petitioning New York State Legislature to Authorize a Local Law Imposing a Tax on Occupancy of Hotel/Motel Rooms will be withdrawn from this agenda, and he will speak against it at the time it is introduced to the Board. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Nichols expressed concern about the policies of the Sheriff's Department in making arrests, and Chairman Dates suggested that the Public Safety and Corrections Committee discuss this. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Winch reported to the Board that opening ceremonies were held on September 8 for Newfield Garden Apartments for senior citizens. He also said he would like to work with the committees on standardi- zation of bid specifications and maintenance for fleet vehicles. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, updated the Board on the committee's recent business and said they will soon begin their budget review process. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Committee, updated the Board on the committee's recent business and said they have been preparing for a hearing before the Depart- ment of State to determine whether any variances are necessary to the jail plans as drawn as a result of the jurisdictional dispute between the Department of State and the Department of Corrections. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said most of the committee's business will be reflected in resolutions. He referred to a report prepared by Mr. Liguori, Mr. Mobbs, and staff on landfill and solid waste and said the committee would like Board members to review the report and comment on it before the committee submits a recommendation for the Board's consideration. After discussion, Mr. Freeman scheduled a Public Works Committee public informa- tion meeting on the landfill for September 30 ac 7:30 p.m. and invited the full Board to attend. 199 September 17, 1985 Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, said the committee's business will be reflected in resolutions. (Also see below) Mrs. Call, Chairman of [he Human Services Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda. She said she recently attended a Tompkins County Housing Concerns Forum and also represented the Board at the Senior Celebration on September 14. Mrs. Call announced that Handicapped Awareness Day will be October 5 on the Ithaca Commons, Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee business is reflected in resolutions on the agenda, and he'said they will soon begin their review of budget requests for 1986. Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, informed the Board, on behalf of the Health Director Search Committee, that they are not prepared to make a recommendation or appointment at this time. Mrs. Livesay asked about the Board of Representatives' involvement in the appointment process prior to confirmation, and Chairman Dates said that considering the established procedure, any questions should be discussed with the Chairman of the Health Committee and the President of the Board of Health. Mr. Williamson, County Attorney, said a decision has been received concerning the Turkey Rill Road case, which, he said, stays everything pending a trial. In the interim, Mr. Williamson said work can continue on this road except in front of the petitioners' residence. On motion of Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, the resolutions entitled Amendment of Resolution No. 164 of 1985 - Authorization to Create Tompkins Health Care Corporation for a Public Purpose - Approval of Reconstruction Home Project; and Approving'the Formation of the Tompkins Health Care Corporation and the Issuance of Its Obligations were added to the agenda by voice vote. At the request of Mr. Stein, the resolution entitled Petitioning New York State Legislature to Authorize a Local Law Imposing a Tax on Occupancy of Hotel/ Motel Rooms waswithdrawn from the agenda. Mr. Stein explained that it is the' committee's intention to have full and open discussion about this subject so that everyone has an accurate understanding of the issues before making a decision, and he said the Chamber of Commerce is in agreement with this postponement. RESOLUTION NO. 246 - AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND CONTRACT - SPEECH THERAPY - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Nichols and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department has a contract for speech therapy services, of which the major amount is reimbursed by third party, and WHEREAS, the need for such services will exceed the amount approved in the budget and contract for these services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the Health Department's 1985 contract for speech therapy services be amended to increase the maximum contractual amount of the contract from $9,000 to $12,000, 200 September 17, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to sign such amendment to the contract for speech therapy services. RESOLUTION NO. 247 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOMPKINS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND KEUKA COLLEGE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed co execute an agreement between the Tompkins County Health Department and Keuka College for the provision of a practicum experience in Community Health Nursing for Keuka College student nurses. RESOLUTION N0. 248 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOMPKINS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND PATRICIA FLOYD, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay and unanimously adopted by voice vote. - RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute an agreement between the Tompkins County Health Department and Patricia Floyd, Registered Occupational Therapist, for the provision of occupational therapy services to patients of the department's Home Health Agency, total amount available for payment under this contract shall not exceed $3,000. RESOLUTION N0. 249 _ AUTHORIZATION TO INCREASE STAFF TIME - HYPERTENSION PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Budget and Administration Committees, That the position of Typist (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class, created by Resolution No. 99,adopted April 28, 1980, be increased immedi- ately from 50 percent time to 65 percent time, RESOLVED, further, That the two positions of Registered Professional Nurse (11-17), labor grade XI, non-competitive class, created by Resolution No. 99 adopted April 28, 1980, and Resolution No. 277 adopted October 28, 1981, for the Hypertension Program be increased from 110 percent to 125 percent of the time, RESOLVED, further, That sufficient monies co fund this increase are available from Hypertension Program revenues. 201 September 17, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 250 - CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITION - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Budget and Administration Committees, That one temporary position of Public Health Technician (10-04), labor grade X, competitive class, be created effective September 18, 1985 through October 18, 1985, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this position. RESOLUTION NO. 251 - CREATE POSITIONS - MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT; ABOLISH POSITIONS - SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. There was discussion and Mrs. Livesay said she will oppose this series of resolutions because they force the Board to make policy decisions based on administrative decisions that have been made„within the department. After further discussion, a short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Department of Social Services wishes to transfer responsibility for 100 percent funded Community Support System case management program to the Mental Health Department, and WHEREAS, the Mental Health Department wishes to assume responsibility for the operation of this program, and WHEREAS, the Director of Mental Health Services desires that all incumbents in the CSS funded positions now in the Department of Social Services be trans- ferred to the Mental Health Department, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, Human Services Committee, and the Budget and Administration Committee, That, contingent upon the availability of 100 percent CSS funding, the following positions be created in the Department of Mental Health and abolished in She Department of Social Services, effective October 1, 1985: 1 Senior Caseworker (12-23), labor grade XII, competitive class 6 Caseworkers (11-02), labor grade XI, competitive class 1 Typist (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget transfers on his books: From: 6010.100 Personal Services - Social Services Department $37,902 To: 4313.100 Personal Services - Mental Health Department $37,902 From: 6010.830 FICA - Social Services $ 2,653 To: 4313.830 FICA - Mental Health $ 2,653 From: 5010.860 Health Insurance - Social Services $ 4,340 To: 4313.860 Health Insurance - Mental Health $ 4,340 202 From: 6010.870 Unemployment - Social Services To: 43/3.870 Unemployment - Mental Health September 17, 1985 $379 $379 RESOLUTION N0. 252 - TRANSFERS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - CSS - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols_ A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 270 (Representatives Livesay). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Human Services Committees, That effective October 1, 1985 the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to establish a new account in the Mental Health Department, Account No. 4313, Case Management, contingent upon the availability of 100 percent fund- ing and to make the Following appropriations and transfers on his books: Transfers From: 6010.202 Typewriters $ 500 6010.211 Chairs 404 6010.212 Desks 304 6010.213 Filing Cabinets 200 6010.302 Office Supplies 250 6010.308 Program Supplies 75 6010.330 Printing 100 6010.332 Books and Publications 75 6010.412 Conferences 720 6010.414 Local Travel 1,500 6010.432 Rent 420 6010.442 Professional Fees 1,690 6010.452 Postage 100 6010.471 Telephone 3,000 6010.810 Retirement 1,590 4311.100 Mental Health Clinic Salaries 4,529 4311.830 FICA 317 4311.860 Health Insurance 193 4311.870 Unemployment 45 $16,012 To: 4313.202 Typewriters $ 525 4313.211 Chairs 379 4313.212 Desks 248 4313.213 Filing Cabinets 100 4313.210 Other Equipment 806 4313.302 Office Supplies 395 4313.330 Printing 250 4313.412 Conferences 500 4313.442 Equipment Maintenance 75 4313.414 Local Travel 500 4313.432 Rent 2,777 4313.442 Professional Fees 820 4313.452 Postage 50 203 September 17, 1985 4313.472 Telephone $ 3,050 4313.476 Building Maintenance 453 4313.100 Case Management Salaries 4,529 4313.830 FICA 317 4313.860 Health Insurance 193 4313.870 Unemployment 45 $16,012 Adjustments 4312.231 Vehicles $18,000 Revenues 1623 Mental Health Fees $18,000 4312.306 Automotive Supplies $600 4313.330 Printing 100 Revenues 1623 Mental Health Fees $700 4313.462 Insurance $ 850 4313.472 Telephone 2,000 Revenues 1623 Mental Health Fees $2,850 RESOLUTION NO. 253 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE LEASE - JOHN NOVARR - CSS SPACE Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Winch.: A voice vote was ta!_en. Ayes: 3,729. Noes: 270 (Representative Livesay). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the 100 percent Community Support Services (CSS) funded case management program be relocated at 120 West State Street (the Bern Furniture Building) on or about October 15, 1985 and that after review by the County Attorney, the Chairman of the Board be directed to sign a lease with John Novarr, landlord, for 1709 square feet at $6.50 per square foot on the second floor of the building at an annual rental cost of $Ii,109 for the first year of occupancy. RESOLUTION NO. 254 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXTEND CONTRACT - CENTRAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the purchase of office supplies for use by County departments was bid in 1984, and WHEREAS, the contract expires October 31, 1985 and is renewable for two additional one-year terms by mutual consent and with approval of the Board of Representatives, and WHEREAS, the County Administrator's office is recommending renewal of the present contract fol- another year, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute a renewal of the contract for office supplies with Spectrum Office Products, Inc., for an additional year. 204 September 17, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 255 - AUDIT - COMPUTER PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION COSTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following payment requests were submitted by various venders to be paid from Construction Account 59: Computer Resources Company Con -Way Eastern Express Corcraft Products LBM Corporation OHM Electronics $ 2,214.46 74.11 154.00 21,038.00 132.20 $23;612,77 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the ,aforesaid amounts are approved for payment and, the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims from funds provided. RESOLUTION NO. 256 - CREATION OF POSITION - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Budget and.Administration Committees, That one position of Criminal investigator (13-32), labor grade XIII, competitive class, be abolished effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Senior Criminal Investigator (14-16), labor grade XIV, competitive class, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this position. RESOLUTION NO. 257 - CREATION OF FULL-TIME POSITION - PROBATION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Budget and Administration Committees, That Resolution No. 82 adopted on March 20, 1985, which created a full-time Typist position in the Probation Department until September 20, 1985, when it was to become half-time, be amended so this position may continue as a full-time Typist (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class, for an indefinite period, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed at this time. RESOLUTION NO. 258 - PARTICIPATION IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT TRAINING PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. 205 September 17. 1985 WHEREAS, Tompkins County has cooperated in the past with ten other Central New York counties to sponsor training programs for County employees under the Federal Intergovernmental Personnel Act grants, and WHEREAS, the Federal funds to continue such a program are no longer available, and WHEREAS, the county appropriated $500 by Resolution No. 62 dated March 16, 1982, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That Tompkins County will participate with University College and other municipalities to establish and maintain training programs, RESOLVED, further, That employees taking part in such programa will be rembursed for mileage and shall be allowed to charge work time (Code 1) for attendance at such training, RESOLVED, further, That said training monies must be paid from each depart- ment's conference or training account. RESOLUTION NO. 259 - APPROPRIATIONS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS,AND TRANSFERS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections, Human Services, Health, ane. Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the follow- ing budget adjustments and transfers on his books: Transfers Social Services (County Home): From: To: Sheriff's Department: From: To: 6030.210 6030.462 3110.306 3110.421 Health Department (Hypertension): From: To: Probation Department: From: To: 4018.206 4018.422 3140.41.4 3140.211 Other Equipment $ 513 Insurance $ 513 Automotive Supplies $1,300 Automotive Repairs $1,300 Computer $ 750 Equipment Maintenance S 750 Mileage $ 70 Chairs S 70 206 Budget Adjustments Health Department (Hypertension): Appropriation: 4018.442 Revenue: 3403 Health Department: Appropriation: Revenue: September 17, 1985 Professional Service Fees State Aid - Hypertension 4010.442 Professional Service Fees 1610 Home Care $3,500 $3,500 53,000 $3,000 Youth Bureau: Appropriation: 7020.411 Youth Conference $ 500 Revenue: 3820.015 State Aid $ 250 2070 Local Contribution 250 RESOLVED, further, That the'Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to sign any contracts necessary to implement the above budget adjustments, transfers, and appropriations. RESOLUTION N0. 260 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS WITH MUNICIPALITIES - HOLD HARMLESS RE SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute agreements on behalf of the County with any town, village, or city in the County of Tompkins holding harmless said municipality and agreeing to defend said municipality with respect to damages caused by or alleged to be caused by solid waste disposal operations of the County or to a decision to conduct such operations within said municipality, provided the County is requested to execute such an agreement, RESOLVED, further, That said agreements shall not include a hold harmless obligation or duty to defend said municipality for any damages specifically caused by or alleged to be caused by the solid waste disposal operations of a town, village, or city. RESOLUTION N0. 261 - SUBACCOUNTS - CONFERENCES AND TRAINING vote. Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call and unanimously adopted by voice 207 September 17, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That effective January 1, 1986, .412 subaccounts shall be entitled "Conferences and Optional Training" and funds therein shall be used for that purpose, RESOLVED, further, That .453 subaccounts shall be entitled "Mandated Train- ing" and funds therein shall only be used for training mandated in writing by a State or Federal law, rule, or regulation. RESOLUTION N0. 262 - URGING ADOPTION OF LEGISLATION PERMITTING POOLING OF MUNICIPAL INSURANCE RISKS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Nichols and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives urges adoption of Assembly Bill No. 2205 and Senate Bill No. 1554 permitting municipalities in the State of New York to create reserve funds for all risks and hazards, to pool reserve funds, and to establish reciprocal insurance agreements to lessen the burdens being created by skyrocketing insurance premiums and the unavailability of some insurance coverages at any cost. RESOLUTION NO. 263 - YOUTH BUREAU AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN DFY AMENDMENTS Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, changes in subaccounts of youth programs contracting with the County to receive Division for Youth funding must be approved by the County, and WHEREAS, the Division for Youth will accept the signature of the Youth Bureau Director on required amendment forms, and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives will retain the authority and responsibility to approve applications and amendments to increase or decrease the total state aid, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Board of Representatives authorizes and directs the County Youth Bureau Director to review and approve Division for Youth intra -fund amendments, and RESOLVED, further, That this authorization take effect immediately upon approval of the Board of Representatives. RESOLUTION NO. 264 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND REGISTERED DIETICIAN - SERVICES AT COUNTY HOME Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. 208 September 17, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Tompkins County Department of Social Services is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with a registered dietician for providing dietary super- vision and consultation at the Tompkins County Home as required by New York Codes, Rules, and Regulations, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION NO. 265 - ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFLRMATIVE ACTION COMMITTEE Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Prato and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives adopted the Tompkins County Affirmative Action Plan on June 11, 1985 by Resolution No. 176, and WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Board, the Chairman of the Human Services Committee, and the Affirmative Action Officer were directed to work toward the appointment of a committee to provide guidance to the County in the area of Affirmative Action and report to the Board concerning the charge and structure of this committee in September of 1985, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That a Com- munity Affirmative Action Committee be established, said Committee to consist of five voting members and :he Affirmative Action Officer as a non-voting ex - officio sixth member, with one of the five voting members to be selected by the Human Rights Commission from among its membership; one of the five voting members to be a member of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, nominated by the Chairman of the Board and appointed by the Board of Representatives through the normal appointment process; and the remaining three voting members co be citizens -at -large, members of the protected classes, one of whom should be a County employee who is from a level ocher than management, all three to be appointed by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, RESOLVED, further, That the term of appointment for the member of the Human Rights Commission and the member of the Board of Representatives shall each be for one year and that the terms of appointment for the three at -large members shall be for three years each, with the initial appointments being one, two, and three years so chat there will thereafter be ane three-year appoint- ment of a citizen at -large expiring each year, RESOLVED, further, That the responsibility of the Community Affirmative Action Committee is to assist the County in achieving equity in employment opportunity and in fulfilling other planned objectives as outlined in the Tompkins County Affirmative Action Plan, RESOLVED, further, That in fulfilling this responsibility, the Community Affirmative Action Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Tompkins County Board of Representatives. RESOLUTION NO. 266 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH EOC - OFFICE FOR THE AGING HEAP OUTREACH BUDGET Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Nichols and unanimously adopted by voice vote. 209 September 17, 1985 WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 223 adopted August 13, 1985, the Board of Representatives authorized the Chairman of the Board to sign an application for HEAP funds to be used by the Office for the Aging in 1985-1986 when federal/ state funds are available, and WHEREAS, the assistance of the Economic Opportunity Corporation is an important factor is reaching potential HEAP recipients county -wide, now there- fore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to exectue a contract with the Economic Opportunity Corporation for up to $5,000 as part of the Office for the Aging's HEAP outreach budget for October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986. RESOLUTION NO. 267 - ACCEPTANCE OF F.A.A. GRANT OFFER - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE ENGINEERING AGREEMENT - AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 3-36- 0047-04-85 (Amended by Res. No. 289 of 1985) Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration has made a grant offer in the amount of $47,112 as the 90 percent federal share of the Airport Layout Plan Update, and WHEREAS, a grant offer from the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $3,926 is also anticipated, and WHEREAS, Calacerinos and Spina, Consulting Engineers, have submitted an agreement to make the study at a cost not to exceed $52,347, and said agreement has been reviewed by the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the grant offer from the Federal Aviation Administration in the amount of $47,112 is hereby accepted and the project budget is approved as follows: Revenue FAA Share (907..) NYSDOT Share (7.5%) County Share (2.5%) $47,112 (Account 88-4592) 3,926 (Account 88-3592) 1,309 (Account 88-2831) Appropriation $52,347 (Account 88-5610.200) RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute the Federal Aviation Administration grant agreement and the agreement with Calacerinos and Spina on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized to expend funds for this project upon proper vouchering from Account No. 88- 5610.200, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $1,309 be appropriated from the Airport Fund Balance to Account No. 88-2831, 210 September 17, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to advance $51,038 from the General Fund to Fund 88 until federal and state reimbursement is received. RESOLUTION NO. 268 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE RENEWAL LEASE WITH HANCOCK PLAZA PROPERTY - DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Mason and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Public Works Committees, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized anddirectedto execute a renewal lease with Hancock Plaza Property for the period May 1, 1986 through April 30, 1991 for the Motor Vehicle Bureau. RESOLUTION NO. 269 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER SERVICES - TOMPKINS COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Freeman. There vas discussion and Mr. Lifton explained that he will oppose this resolution because he would like a local company to receive the bid. Mr. Mason said the local bid received was more than double this bid. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,463. Noes: 536 (Representatives Stein, Lifton). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail Committee, That the Chair- man of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with The John W. Cowper Company, Inc. to provide construction management services in connection with the construction of the Tompkins County Public Safety Building for a sum not to exceed $120,000, and RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is authorized and directed to make payments under said contract, upon audit by this Board, from the Public Safety Building Construction account. RESOLUTION NO. 270 - SUPPORTING AN ACT BEFORE STATE LEGISLATURE TO AMEND PUBLIC SERVICE LAW TO PROVIDE PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call. After discussion, a voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,759. Noes: 240 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Upstate Public Utilities Service Association, of which Tompkins County is a member, is supporting an Act before the State Legislature to amend the Public Service Law to provide public utility services formed under Section 360 of the General Municipal Law with certain rights in relation to the transmission and distribution systems of investor-owned utilities, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That this Board hereby supports such legislation and urges the legislators of the 211 September 17, 1985 State of New York to consider an appropriate Act as suggested by the Upstate Public Utilities Service Association. RESOLUTION N0. 271 - ACCEPTANCE OF F.A.A. GRANT OFFER - AIRPORT SNOWPLOW/SANDER AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE PURCHASE AGREEMENT - AIP PROJECT NO. 3-36-0047-05-85 Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call was taken. WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration has made a grant offer in the amount of $147,531 as the 90 percent federal share of the Airport snowplow/ sander, and WHEREAS, a grant offer from the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $12,294 is also anticipated, and WHEREAS, Charles J. Blackwell, Inc., was low bidder with a bid of $163,923 and said bid has been reviewed by the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the grant offer from the Federal Aviation Administration in the amount of $147,531 is hereby accepted and the project budget is approved as follows: Revenue FAA Share (901) NYSDOT Share (7.51,) County Share (2.51) $147,531 (Account 83-4592) 12,294 (Account 83-3592) 4,098 (Account 83-2831) Appropriation $163,923 (Account 83-5610.200) RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute the Federal Aviation Administration grant agreement and the agreement with Charles J. Blackwell, Inc., on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to expend funds for this project upon proper vouchering from Account No. 83-5610.200, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to appropriate $4,098 from the Airport Fund Balance to Account No. 83- 2831, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to advance $159,825 from the General Fund to Fund 83 until federal and state reimbursement is received. RESOLUTION NO. 272 - ACCEPTANCE OF F.A.A. GRANT OFFER - REBUILD AIRPORT HIGH- SPEED SWEEPER AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE PURCHASE AGREEMENT AIP PROJECT N0. 3-36-0047-05-85 Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded. by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. 212 September 17, 1985 WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration has made a grant offer in the amount of $43,065 as the 90 percent federal share of the project to rebuild the Airport high-speed sweeper, and WHEREAS,. a grant offer from the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $3,589 is also anticipated, and WHEREAS, Sweepster Jenkins Equipment Company, Inc., was low bidder with a bid of $47,850 and said bid has been reviewed by the Federal Aviation Administra- tion and the New York State Department of Transportation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the grant offer from the Federal Aviation Administration in the amount of $43,065 is hereby accepted and the project budget is approved as follows: Revenue FAA Share (90%) NYSDOT Share (7.5%) County Share (2.5X) $43,065 (Account 83-4592) 3,589 (Account 83-3592) 1,196 (Account 83-2831) Appropriation $47,850 (Account 83-5610.202) RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute the Federal Aviation Administration grant agreement and the agreement with Sweepster Jenkins Equipment Company, Inc., on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized to expend funds for this project upon proper vouchering from Account No. 83-5610.202, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to appropriate $1,196 from the Airport Fund Balance to Account 83-2831, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to advance $46,654 from the General Fund to Fund 83 until federal and state re- imbursement is received. RESOLUTION NO. 273 - ACCEPTANCE OF F.A.A. GRANT OFFER - AIRPORT RAMP AND INTER- SECTION PLOW/SANDLOADER, AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE PURCHASE AGREEMENT - AIP PROJECT NO.3-36-0047-05-85 Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration has made a grant offer in the amount of $87,717 as the 90 percent federal share of the Airport ramp and intersection plow/sandloader, and WHEREAS, a grant offer from the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $7,310 is also anticipated, and WHEREAS, Tracey Road Equipment, Inc., was low bidder with a bid of $97,463 and said bid has been reviewed by the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the grant offer from the Federal Aviation Administration in the amount of $87,717 is 213 September 17, 1985 hereby accepted and the project budget is approved as follows: Revenue FAA Share (90Z) NYSDOT Share (7.5Z) County Share (2.5Z) $87,717 (Account 83-4592) 7,310 (Account 83-3592) 2,436 (Account 83-2831) Appropriation $97,463 (Account 83-3610.201) RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute the Federal Aviation Administration grant agreement and the agreement with Tracey Road Equipment, Inc., on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to expend funds for this project upon proper vouchering from Account 83-5610.201, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to appropriate $2,436 from the Airport Fund Balance to Account No. 83-2831, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to advance $95,027 from the General Fund to Fund 83 until federal and state re- imbursement is received. RESOLUTION NO. 274 - AWARD OF BID - TERMINAL RENOVATION Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. There was lengthy discussion and Mr. Lifton said he will oppose this resolution because he feels that the renovations in addition to the handicap accessible -related renovations will not improve the building enough in the short time the airport is expected to remain in the present facility to justify the added expenditure. Mr. Freeman said he will oppose this resolution because it is so much over projection that he would like to have the various parts of the bids separated and rebid. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Lifton to Table the resolution until the next Board meeting, and return it to the committee for further discussion. A roll call vote.was taken. Ayes: 1,598 (Representatives Proto, Shurtleff, Watros, Winch, Call, Lifton). Noes: 2,401 (Representatives Nichols, Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Culligan, Freeman, Livesay, Mason, Dates). Motion to Table Lost. There was further discussion and a roll call vote was taken on the original resolution. Ayes: 3,547 (Representatives Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Culligan, Livesay, Mason, Dates). Noes: 452 (Representatives Freeman, Lifton). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for renova- tion of the terminal at the Tompkins County Airport, and WHEREAS, the following were the lowest responsible bidders for said renova- tions meeting all specifications with bids listed, 214 September 17, 1985 General Construction McGuire & Bennett, Inc. Ithaca, New York Electric B & W Electric Alpine, New York $120,921 11,495 Heating Donohue -Halverson, Inc. Ithaca, New York 9,945 Plumbing Total J & K Plumbing & Heating Binghamton, New York 20.994 $163,355 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Budget and Administra- tion Committees, That the aforesaid bids of listed low bidders in the amounts listed for the said renovations be and the same hereby are accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chai,nan of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute agreements with said low bidders on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is authorized to prepare a bond resolution in the amount of $163,355 to fund the project, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be authorized and directed to enter the following budget adjustment on his books: Revenue: 90-5730 Bond Anticipation Notes $163,355 Appropriation: 90-5610.201 General Construction $120,921 90-5610.202 Electric 11,495 90-5610.203 Heating 9,945 90-5610.204 Plumbing 20,994 RESOLUTION NO. 275 - AUDIT - TERMINAL RENOVATION - VICTOR BAGNARDI, ARCHITECT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by Victor Bagnardi, Architect, and audited by the Public Works Committee: Payment Request No. 1 $7,200 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount. is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the Councy Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 90-5610.200. 215 September 17, 1985 RESOLUTION N0. 276 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION N0. 164 OF 1985 - AUTHORIZATION TO CREATE TOMPKINS HEALTH CARE CORPORATION FOR A PUBLIC PURPOSE - APPROVAL OF RECONSTRUCTION HOME PROJECT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives adopted Resolution No. 164 on May 21, 1985, approving the creation of the Tompkins County Health Care Corporation, and WHEREAS, Audit and Control has recommended certain changes in said resolu- tion, Certificate of Incorporation, and By -Laws, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the aforesaid resolution be and the same hereby is amended as follows: WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins, New York, hereinafter referred to as the "County," is duly constituted, qualified, and acting under and pursuant to the laws of the State of New York, and WHEREAS, said County is granted powers to assist in providing health care facilities under and pursuant to the laws of the State of New York, and WHEREAS, the County desires to provide for nursing homes and health care facilities within the jurisdictional limits -of the County, and WHEREAS, the County deems it necessary and proper to approve the formation of the Tompkins Health Care Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Corpora- tion," as a non -stock, non-profit corporation to act for the public purpose of providing a, health care facility for persons within the jurisdictional area of the County and to cooperate with the Department of Housing and Urban Development of the United States of America, hereinafter referred to as "HUD," and WHEREAS, this Board has before it copies of an amended form of Certificate of Incorporation and By -Laws for the rompkins Health Care Corporation, and WHEREAS, the County deems it necessary and proper to approve the issuing of notes or other obligations and to provide a health care facility for citizens in the County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, as follows: Section 1. That itis hereby determined to be necessary and proper to ap- prove and ratify the creation of the Tompkins County Health Care Corporation, a charitable non -stock, non-profit corporation organized forthe purpose as set forth in Revenue Ruling 63-20, and the issuance of its obligations, co act for the public purpose of financing the acquisition of real estate and construction and/or rehabilitating thereon the nursing home and health care facility, know as the "Reconstruction Home Project," within the County. Section 2. That the amended form of Certificate of Incorporation and By - Laws of the Tompkins Health Care Corporation,are hereby approved. Section 3. The persons occupying the following positions shall serve as trustees of the Corporation: 1. Andrew J. Sciarrabba, 101 Brandywine Drive, Ithaca, New York 2. Dr. Leo Wuori, 2596 North Triphammer Road, Ithaca, New York 3: Dr. Frederick Beck, Jr., 906 Danby Road, Ithaca, New York 216 September 17, 1985 The term of office for the aforesaid shall be three years. The County of Tompkins reserves the right to approve trustees and to remove trustees with cause. Section 4. That the Board of Trustees of the Corporation, upon being issued a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State of the State of New York, is authorized and directed to issue, sell, and deliver notes or other obligations of said Corporation, pursuant to the applicable laws of the State of New York, to use the proceeds thereof to provide construction and permanent financing secured by interests in real estate, and to encumber any interest in real estate so ac- quired by said Corporation, all for the purpose of financing the construction and/or rehabilitation of a nursing home and health care facility referred to as the "Reconstruction Home Project," and to enter into contracts for the sale of the notes or other obligations and the making of loans to finance the construction and/or rehabilitation of said health care facility for a public purpose, subject to final approval by Resolution of this County. Section 5. That the trustees of the Corporation, upon being issued a Certifi- cate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State of the State of New York, are autho- rized and directed to take any other actions necessary to implement the financing and construction of said nursing home and health care facility, subject to final approval by Resolution of this County. Section 6. That providing a nursing home and health care facility in and for the County is in the public interest of the citizens of the County, and is a proper public purpose, and this County desires to cooperate with agencies of the federal government and ocher public bodies to fulfill such public purpose. Section 7. That it is found and determined that all formal actions of this County concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this County; and that all deliberations of this County and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements. Section 8. This resolution is expressly contingent upon the fact that the securities issued by the Corporation shall not constitute a debt of the County of Tompkins and shall in no way affect the borrowing capacity of the County. RESOLUTION N0. 277 - APPROVING THE FORMATION OF 111E TOMPKINS HEALTH CARE CORPORA- TION AND THE ISSUANCE OF ITS OBLIGATIONS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins, New York (the "County") desires to assist Tompkins Health Care Corporation (the "Corporation") to provide an intermediate care facility in the area of Ithaca, New York, as provided in the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation, and WHEREAS, said County has determined it to be in its best interest to ap- prove the formation of the Corporation as a charitable, non -stock, nom -profit corporation to act for the public purpose as set forth in Revenue Ruling 63-20 to provide for the acquisition and construction, and financing therefor, of intermediate care facilities therefor to be developed by the Corporation, and to cooperate with the Department of Housing and Urban Development of the United States of America ("HUD"), and 217 September 17, 1985 WHEREAS, the County will take title to said Corporation upon completion of the project financing as required by Internal Revenue Service Revenue Ruling 63-20, and WHEREAS, the County has previously reviewed the Articles of Incorporation, the Certificate of Amendment thereof and By -Laws for the Corporation, as filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (the "State"), and has reviewed certain other documents listed below prepared and presented to this meeting with regard to the proposed issuance of the Corporation's $3,765,000 aggregate principal amount Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 1985 (FHA Insured Loan - Reconstruction Home, Inc. Project) (the "Bonds") to be issued for the purpose of providing funds to finance the acquisition and construction of the Project, and WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this meeting the proposed form of the following documents relating. to th=. financing of the Project: 1. Supplemental Loan Agreement (the "Supplemental Loan Agreement") between the Corporation and Reconstruction Home, Inc. (the "Owner") pursuant to which the Corporation will use the proceeds of the Bonds to purchase the Project site and to fund the costs of construction as work progresses, 2. Trust Indenture (the "Indenture") between the Corporation and The Riggs National Bank of Washington, D.C., as trustee (the "Trustee") pursuant to which the Corporation's Bonds are issued and secured to provide funds with which the Corporation will finance the acquisition and construction of the Project, 3. The Official Statement from the Corporation and Owner, and 4. The Agreement (the "Agreement) between the Corporation and the Owner regarding the transactions contemplated by the above -listed documents, now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the County of Tompkins, New York, a body corporate and politic, a lawful quorum of which is duly assembled, as follows: Section 1. That it is hereby determined to be proper to approve the creation of the Corporation as a charitable, non-profit corporation for the public purpose as set forth in Revenue Ruling 63-20 of acquiring and construction the Project, and approving the issuance of its obligations therefor, to be conveyed to this County at the completion of the Project financing. Section 2. That the Corporation, and the Articles of Incorporation, the Certificate of Amendment thereof and Code of Regulations of the Corporation, and its organizational and other activities, are hereby ratified and approved. Section 3. That the County has been presented with a Bond Resolution of the Corporation including provisions for the issuance and sale thereof, and hereby approves the Bond Resolution as well as the form of Supplemental Loan Agreement, form ofBonds, form of Indenture, form of Official Statement and form of Agreement, all presented to this meeting, and all other documents necessary and proper to carry out all the purposes herein and therein. Section 4. That the Directors of the Corporation have been issued a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State, and the County autho- rizes and approves the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds of said Corpora- tion pursuant to the applicable laws of the State, the encumbrance of any interests in real estate so acquired by said Corporation for the purpose of acquiring and constructing said nursing home and health facilities. 218 September 17, 1985 Section 5. That the Bonds of the Corporation shall not constitute a debt of this County, or the State, nor affect the borrowing capacity of Tompkins County. Section 6. That this County hereby agrees to accept the fee title to the Project at the earlier of the time of dissolution of the Corporation or upon payment of the Bonds in full. The County further agrees that the Corporation shall grant to the Councy an option to purchase the Project at any time while the Bonds are outstanding for an amount sufficient to redeem the amount of Bonds outstanding. Section 7. That the providing of intermediate care facilities in and for the County is in the public interest of the citizens of the County, and is a proper public purpose, and this County desires to cooperate with agencies of the Federal Government and other public bodies to fulfill such public purposes. Section 8. That the prior lawful acts of the Corporation in authorizing, issuing and selling the Bonds secured by the Indenture are approved. Section 9. If any section, paragraph or provision of this resolution shall be held to be invalid of unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforce- ability of such section, paragraph or provision shall not affect any of the remain- ing provisions of this resolution. Section 10. All resolutions and orders or parts thereon in conflict here- with are, to the extent of such conflict, thereby repealed. Section 11. That it is found and determined that all formal actions of this County concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this County, and that all deliberations of this County and of its committees that resulted in such formal actions were in meec- ings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements. THIS RESOLUTION shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage in accordance with the regulations of this County. Mr. Watros was excused at 7:33 p.m. On motion of Mr. Stein, Richard Owlett was appointed to the Economic Advisory Board as a representative of the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Commission for a term which expires December 31, 1987. On motion of Mr. Stein, Robert Bland was appointed to the Environmental Management Council as a representative of the Town of Dryden for a term which expires December 31, 1985. Mrs. -Call announced that nominations will be accepted for the at -large positions on the Community Affirmative Action Committee. The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m. 219 REGULAR MEETING October 8, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 (Representative Lifton arrived at 6:10 p.m.). Commissioner Dolan showed a slide presentation of the services available ,through the Department of Social Services, and she said that this presentation is available for public meetings as a means of familiarizing the community with the operation of this department. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Winch, the minutes of September 3, 1985 were approved subject to revision by the Clerk. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the committee is continuing their review of 1986 budget requests, and he informed -the Board that the'Personal Emergency Response System equipment has been installed in the Fire and Disaster Coordinator's office and is ready for use. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the. Education Committee, said the committee's actions are reflected on the agenda. He announced that there are two vacancies on the Library Board of Trustees, and he asked that nominees submit resumes by Octe'her 22. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee has completed most of their budget reviews, and he summarized the effects of the committee's recommendations. He informed the Board that the County has received notification from the State that the Tompkins County Jail is substantially in non-compliance, has lost the privilege of using a four -category classification system, and must revert to a twelve -category classification system. Mr. Mason said a resolution will be on the next Board agenda in response to this change. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Construction Committee, said the bids will be opened on October 18, and the committee hopes to have recommendations for the Board to consider to award contracts at the next meeting. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said that in addition to the business reflected on the agenda, the committee also held a public informa- tion meeting concerning solid waste disposal. In additten, he said negotiations are continuing with Odyssey Research Associates for rental of space at the Biggs Center, and they hope to have a recommendation for the Board to consider in the near future. Mr. Stein, Chairman of. the Planning and Development Committee, said the committee has been reviewing budget requests for 1986, and he said it became apparent during their deliberations that there is not an established procedure for setting fares for Tomtran. He updated the Board on other committee business and announced that the Environmental Management Council will hold a public informa- tion meeting concerning landfills on October 24. 220 October 8, 1985 Mr. Stein reported on behalf of the special committee appointed by the Chairman to make a recommendation to the. Board on the use of the old hospital. He said that this committee feels that before a proposal can be made, a decision must be made on the location of the Department of Social Services. He said seven sites were analyzed, and a draft report was prepared by the Planning Depart- ment. The committee decided that only two of the seven sites. were feasible, and Mr. Stein said they are the old hospital and Morse Building 21. Some of the physical characteristics of Morse Building 21 were described; there was dis- cussion and a tour of the building for Board members was scheduled (see executive session on page 9). Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said that in addition to an appointment and the business reflected on the agenda, the committee has met to review 1986 budget requests and appointments to the Community Affirmative Action Committee. She announced that the Office for the Aging will hold a public hearing on the service needs of the elderly on October 25. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, announced the committee's budget review schedule. Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, updated the Board on the mainframe computer operation, and he announced that Lois Humphrey, Probation Director, will retire on January 31, 1986. Mr. Williamson, County Attorney, said he is working with the Clerk of the Board to eliminate references to weighted voting from the Charter for 1986.- He also said be does not feel that a Charter amendment is needed in response to a recent New York State Law changing the term of office of the County Clerk and the Sheriff to four years. On motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Slattery, the resolution entitled Rescission of Resolution No. 205 - 1985 and Award of Bid for Video Equipment - Fire and Disaster Coordinator was added to the agenda by voice vote. RESOLUTION N0. 278 - ACCEPTANCE OF SECTION 18 OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT FOR TOMTRAN RURAL TRANSIT PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County has submitted a request for a grant of funds to the New York State Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation by Resolution No. 10 adopted January 22, 1985, pursuant to Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, for two operating assistance projects for fixed -route, open -to -the -public transit service within Tompkins County provided by CU Transit, Inc., during calendar year 1984 and calendar year 1985 (PIN 3794.11.406 and PIN 3795.12.406), and WHEREAS, the following schedule shows the estimated amounts of the eligible federal share for each project: 221 Project Period October 8, 1985 PIN Federal Share 1984 3794.11.406 $ 51,158 1985 3795.12.406 93,769 Total Federal Share $144,927 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to sign any and all agreements between the County and the State of New York for the above project and any and all_agreements between the County and any third -party con- tractors necessary to complete the project, if appropriate. RESOLUTION N0. 279 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT BETWEEN TIOGA AND TOMPKINS COUNTY - REIMBURSEMENT OF NEW YORK STATE TRANSIT OPERATING ASSISTANCE FUNDS - CARO -VAN Moved by Mr, Stein, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, CARO -VAN (operated by Tioga Transport, Inc., d/b/a/ C S D Trans- portation) provides a beneficial public transit service for Tioga County residents in the towns of Caroline and Ithaca, and WHEREAS, Tompkins and Tioga Counties have agreed to support a federal Section 18 rural transportation project (Resolution No. 143 adopted May 7, 1985) for the CARO -VAN service, to be managed by Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, Tioga County received a quarterly prorated share of New York State Transit Operating Assistance, which will be prepaid by Tompkins County to the operator under the terms of the CARO -VAN operating contract, and WHEREAS, the effective date of the CARO -VAN contract will be duly 1, 1985, and WHEREAS, both Tompkins and Tioga Counties agree that the CARO -VAN share of the quarterly state aid payment wi11 be paid by Tioga County to Tompkins County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Tioga County to implement this payment plan. RESOLUTION N0. 280 - TOMTRAN SERVICES CONTRACT WITH TIOGA TRANSPORT, INC_ Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Slattery. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, Article 5(i), Section 119-r of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York permits Tompkins County to contract with a duly authorized private bus carrier to provide public transit services, and WHEREAS, CARO -VAN (operated by Tioga Transport, Inc., d/b/a/ C & D Trans- portation) provides a beneficial public transit service for residents of the 222 October 8, 1985 towns. of Newark Valley, Berkshire, and Richford in Tioga County; and residents of the towns of Caroline and Ithaca in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, Tompkins and Tioga Counties agreed to support a federal Section 18 rural transportation project to provide operating assistance (Resolution No. 143, adopted May 7, 1985) for the CARO -VAN service, to be managed by Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, Tompkins and Tioga Counties receive a prorated share of state transit operating assistance for CARD -VAN, pursuant to Section 18(b) of the Transportation Law of the State of New York, and Tioga County agrees to pay its share of state aid to Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, Tioga Transport, Inc., agrees to operate CARO -VAN public transit service under contract with the County at the following prices: July 1, 1985 - December 31, 1985 $.862 per mile January 1, 1986 - December 31, 1986 $.883 per mile and is expected to cost $49,195 in 1985 and $120,981 in 1986, the total amounts and said prices to be determined according to the actual amount of fare revenue, state, and federal aid received by Tompkins County for CARO -VAN in equivalent amounts, and WHEREAS, the prices have been reviewed and found acceptable, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the County of Tompkins grants Tioga Transport, Inc., the right to operate the CARO -VAN public transit service for the period July 1, 1985 through December 31, 1986, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute -an agreement with Tioga Transport, Inc., on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to make payments from Account No. 5630.425 (TOMTRAN Services Contract) to Tioga Transport, Inc., upon proper vouchering. RESOLUTION N0. 281 - ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW N0. 5 - AMENDMENT TO TOMPIiINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tiliapaugh and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Admiaistration Committee, That a public hearing be held on Tuesday, October 22, 1985, at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the Board of Representatives' Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York, on proposed Local Law No. 5 to amend the Charter and Code, Artilce VIII, changing the cern of office of the Public Health Director from three (3) years to six (6) years. RESOLUTION NO. 282 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - JOB TRAINING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. 223 October 8, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Education Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Appropriation: 13-5-6931.487 Non -Cash Support $ 525 .488 Needs -Based Payments 550 .489 Travel and Transportation 1,625 Revenue: 13-4-4280.000 $2,700 RESOLUTION NO. 283 - AWARD OF BID - ELECTION SUPPLIES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Litton. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids in accordance with specifications filed in the County Administrator's Office for printing of election supplies for the November 5, 1985 General Election,. and WHEREAS, Arnold Printing Corporation of Ithaca, New York, is the only responsible bidder meeting said specifications with a net bid of $9,309, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the bid of Arnold Printing Corporation be and the same hereby is accepted and the Commissioners of Elections be and they hereby are authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION N0. 284 - RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTER Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County is aware of the special needs of its disabled residents, WHEREAS, the County wishes to offer the broadest possible range of services to said residents, and WHEREAS, the primary goal of an Independent Living Center is to provide in one comprehensive, central location information and expertise for all disabled residents and to help disabled persons become independent and productive members of their community, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Board of Representatives urges the New York State Legislature to designate Tompkins County as a site for an Independent Living Center which would serve this and the seven contiguous counties. and 224 October 8, 1985 RESOLUTION N0. 285 - AWARD OF BID FOR COAL AT COUNTY HOME Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for coal for use at the Tompkins County Home for the 1985-1986 heating season, and WHEREAS, Bowers Fuel Company, Inc., of Trumansburg, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for furnishing 150 tons, more or less, of rice coal at $101 per ton delivered, and 7 tons, more or less, of chest- nut coal at $108 per ton delivered, all for use at the County Home during the 1985-1986 heating season ending June 1, 1986, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the bid of Bowers Fuel Company, Inc., as set forth above be and it hereby is accepted, it being understood that deliveries are to be made at the request of the County Home Administrator and that all specifications of the bid continue to be complied with, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized co execute a contract with Bowers Fuel Company, Inc., on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION N0. 286 - TERMINATION OF LEASE - MONTESSORI COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Montessori Country Day School has gone out of business and has not occupied space in the Biggs Building since August 23, 1985, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Chair- man of the Board is authorized and directed to release the Montessori Country Day School from its lease obligations after August 23, 1985. RESOLUTION N0. 287 - AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY COURTHOUSE WINDOW REPLACEMENT - ARCHITECTURAL EEE Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted in relation to Resolution No. 96 by J. Victor Bagnardi, Architect, and audited by the Public Works Com- mittee: Payment Request No. 3 $3,367.54 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 52-5-1620.200. 225 October 8, 1985 RESOLUTION N0. 288 - AUDIT - PAINT PROJECT SIGGS BUILDING - MCGUIRE & BENNETT, INC. Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by McGuire & Bennett, Inc., in relation to Resolution No. 155 and audited by the Public Works Committee: Payment Request No. 1 $10,441,00 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 1622.470. RESOLUTION N0. 289 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO, 267 - ACCEPTANCE OF P.A.A. GRANT OFFER - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE ENGINEERING AGREEMENT - AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 3-36-0047-04-85 Moved by Mr. 3,999. Noes: 0. WHEREAS, the amount of $42,401_ Update, and WHEREAS', a grant offer from the New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $3,533 is also anticipated,'and WHEREAS, Calocerinos and Spina, Consulting Engineers, h.ave submitted an agreement to make the study at a cost not to exceed $47,112 and said agreement has been reviewed by the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the grant offer from the Federal Aviation Administration in the amount of $42,401 is hereby accepted and the project budget is approved as follows: Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: Adopted. • Federal Aviation Administration has made a grant offer in the as the 90 -percent federal share of the Airport Layout Plan Revenue: FAA Share (90%) NYSDOT Share (7.5%) County Share (2.5%) $42,401 (Account 88-4592) 3,533 (Account 88-3592) 1,178 (Account 88-2831) Appropriation: $47,112 (Account 88-5610.200) RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized to execute the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Depart- ment of Transportation grant agreements and the agreement with Calocerinos and Spina on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized to expend funds for this project upon proper vouchering from Account No. 5610.200, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $1,178 he appropriated from the Airport Fund Balance to Account No. 88-2831, 226 October 8, 1985 • RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to advance $45,934 from the General Fund to Fund 88 until federal and state reimbursement is received. RESOLUTION NO. 290 - AWARD OP BID - COUNTY HOME FARMLAND Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for the leasing of approximately 93 acres of land at the County Home for farm purposes for the 1985/86 growing season with option to renew for another year by mutual consent, and WHEREAS, Charles C. Houghton of Houghton Poultry Farm, Perry City Road, has met all of the specifications and legal requirements with a bid of $55 per acre per year for the lease of said 93 acres from October 8, 1985 through December 31, 1986, with option to renew through December 31, 1987 by mutual agreement, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That said bid of Charles Houghton be accepted and the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract for the lease of said premises with Charles Houghton. RESOLUTION NO. 291 - AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - MRS GROUP, P.C. Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr, Freeman. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by MRB Group, P.C., and audited by the Special Jail Committee: Payment Request No. 9 - Final Design Phase $9,000 (100 percent completion) now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail Committee, That the afore- said amount is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he is,hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 58-3150.210. RESOLUTION N0. 292 - RESCISSION OF RESOLUTION NO. 205 - 1985 AND AWARD OF BID FOR VIDEO EQUIPMENT - FIRE AND DISASTER C00RDINATOR Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 205 adopted June 25, 1985 awarded the bid for certain video equipment to Action Audio of Newburgh, New York, and 227 October 8, 1985 WHEREAS, Action Audio has failed to deliver said equipment per bid specifications, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public safety and Corrections Committee, That Resolution No. 205 be and it hereby is rescinded, RESOLVED, further, That the bid of Univisions Video Systems of Syracuse, New York, in the amount of $6,433 plus $167 for a table, for a total of $6,600 be and it hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Fire and Disaster Coordinator of Tompkins County be and he hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Mason, Thomas Lange was appointed to the Economic Opportunity Corporation as a representative of the Village of Trumansburg for a term which expires March 31, 1986. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, Jim Cayea was appointed to the Family Court Advisory Council as a representative of schools for a term which expires December 31, 1986. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, the following appointments by Chairman Dates to the Personal Emergency Response Service Advisory Board were confirmed, in accordance with Resolution No. 222 of 1985: Term expiring December 31, 1985 - Kenneth Tillapaugh (County representative); Terms expiring December 31, 1986 - Georgia Coffin (Economic Opportunity Corporation representative), Thelma A. Jones (at -large representative); Terms expiring December 31, 1987 - David J. Wall (Cayuga Heights Police Department representative), Marilyn Grey (Senior Citizens' Council representative, Judith Phillips (StaHome HealthCare - Ithacare representative). Chairman Dates appointed Ethel Nichols and James Mason to work with the Personnel Commissioner and the County Administrator in bringing to this Board for appointment confirmation a candidate for the position of Probation Director. Chairman Dates announced that he signed a proclamation for observance of National 4-H week in Tompkins County from October 6-12, 1985. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mrs. Call, an executive session was held for the purpose of negotiating a lease (for Morse Building 21) (7:05-7:30 p.m). The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. 228 REGULAR MEETING October 22, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to order a public hearing on proposed Local Law No. 5 of 1985, changing the term of the Public Health Director from three years to six years No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:32 p.m. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan said he feels that the Budget and Administration Committee and the Board should seriously study the County's liability insurance and the possibility of becoming a self-insured community. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Mason reminded the Board that a decision will have to be made on use of the old jail building after the new jail is built. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, updated the Board on the committee's budget deliberations. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee's business is reflected on the agenda. He said the committee will be meeting to discuss recent legislation concerning the PINS program and its ramifi- cations on the operation of the County Probation Department. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Management' Compensation Committee, said the County Administrator Search Subcommittee has asked the Commissioner of personnel, to re - advertise the position and to correspond with the applicants on file to verify their interest since the process has been delayed. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Study Committee, said work on this project is continuing, and groundbreaking is anticipated within the next month. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said most of the committee's actions are reflected on the agenda. He said the committee met prior to this meeting to discuss the proposal of Odyssey Research Associates to rent space in the old hospital building, and the committee will be request- ing the addition of a resolution to the agenda which would establish a public hearing to declare the property no longer needed for public use (see Resolution No. 321 of 1985). 229 October 22, 1985 Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda. He informed the Board that the report of scheduled Route 13 improvements has been received from the New York State Department of Transportation, and he feels it is important that the County and the -individual municipalities respond to this report. Mr. Stein announced that the Environmental Management Council will hold a public information meeting concerning solid waste disposal on November 24. He also said there will be a joint meeting of the Human Services and Planning and Development Committees on October 28 to discuss office space for the Department of Social Services. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee's actions are reflected on the agenda. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, updated the Board on recent committee discussions and said they are continuing their review of 1986 budget requests. Mr. Watros also said that the committee dis- cussed the procedure to inform the public that those names published for unpaid taxes may not necessarily be the owners of the property at that time. Mr.. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, said that in accordance with the Tompkins County Charter and Code, he is recommending the appointment of Suzanne Stopen as Public Health Director, effective December 1, 1985, subject to con- firmation by the Board of Representatives and the Board of Health. It was Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Call, that the Board confirm this appoint- ment. It was Moved by Mr. L-ifton, seconded by Mr. Stein to hold an executive session to discuss personnel matters related to specific individuals in the applicant pool for this appointment. Motion to hold an executive session lost by voice vote. A voice vote was taken on the motion to confirm the appointment of Suzanne Stopen as Public Health Director. Unanimously adopted. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, the resolution entitled Authorization to Apply for Job Training Partnership Act Funds - Office for the Aging was added to the agenda by voice vote. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman, the resolution entitled Audit - Lighting and Taxiway Improvements - John Mills Electric was added to the agenda by voice vote. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute Lease With Odyssey Research Associates, Inc. - Old Hospital was added to the agenda by voice vote. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, the resolution entitled Authorization for Public Hearing - Declaring a Portion of the Biggs Center Property No Longer Needed for Pub/it Use was added to the agenda by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 293 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE LEASE WITH ODYSSEY RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. - OLD HOSPITAL Moved by Mr, Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. Mr. Freeman introduced Richard Platek, President of Odyssey Research Associates, Inc., and Ken Morin, 230 October 22, 1985 their Director of Finance. There was discussion about the resolution, and, at the request of Mr. Freeman, the resolution was Tabled to the date of the public hear- ing. (See Resolution No. 332 adopted November 13, 1985.) RESOLUTION N0. 294 - CREATION OF POSITION AND APPROPRIATION FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE - PISTOL PERMIT CLERK - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the clerical function involved in the issuance of pistal permits in Tompkins County is being transferred from the County Court jurisdiction to the Sheriff's Department, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Pistol Permit Clerk (04-25), labor grade IV, competitive class, be created effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized to make the following budget adjustment and appropriation to fund this position: Budget Adjustment: Revenue: A2545 Licenses and Permits $1,500 Appropriation: A3110.100 Sheriff - Salaries $1,500 Appropriation: From: General Fund Balance $660 To: A3110.100 Sheriff - Salaries $660 RESOLUTION N0. 295 - CREATION OF POSITIONS AND APPROPRIATION FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE - CORRECTIONS OFFICERS - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Deputy Sheriff (11-44), labor grade XI, competitive class, in the Sheriff's Department Road Patrol be transferred to the Jail, effective immediately, with the incumbent retaining permanent competitive class status as a Deputy Sheriff; this position to be reclassified to Corrections Officer (09-42), labor grade IX, competitive class, when next vacant, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to transfer the sum of $3,150 from Road Patrol Account No. 3110.100, Personal Services, to the Jail Account No. 3150.100, Personal Services, RESOLVED, further, That three positions of Corrections Officer (09-42), labor grade IX, competitive class, be created in the Sheriff's Department, Jail, .effective immediately, 231 October 22, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized to appropriate the sum of $8,150 from the General Fund balance to Account No. 3150.100, ,Tail - Personal Services, to fund these three positions. RESOLUTION NO. 296 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Slattery. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,759. Noes: 240 (Representative Shurtleff). Adopted. WHEREAS, the New York Power Authority of the State of New York has submitted a formal contract document between the Power Authority and the Tompkins County Public Utility Service Agency, established pursuant to Article 14-A of the General Municipal Law, and WHEREAS, the contract shall beeline effective upon written notification by the County to the Power Authority that all delivery service arrangements necessary for the Agency to take delivery under this contract have been completed, and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives as a whole is designated as the Tompkins County Public Utility Service Agency, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract agreement between the parties on behalf of the Tompkins County Public Utility Service Agency. RESOLUTION NO. 297 - AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO ARC FOR FUNDING ASSISTANCE - BIGGS CENTER ENTERPRISE INCUBATOR Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman. After Mr. Liguori explained some of the details of an enterprise incubator, a voice vote was taken on the resolution. Ayes: 3,761. Noes: 238 (Representative Litton). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Planning and Development Committee authorized the Commissioner of Planning to submit an exploratory application for possible Appalachian Regional Commission funding to assist in rhe development of an enterprise incubator at the Biggs Center (Old Hospital), and WHEREAS, the enterprise incubator will help provide inexpensive space for fledgling industries and other enterprises, providing opportunities for economic growth and jobs during the early period of formation of the enterprise, and WHEREAS-, the project concept has been discussed on numerous occasions in the past and is particularly appropriate at this time as there are no other unrented incubator -type spaces remaining in the County, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County is a particularly fertile area for emergence of fledgling enterpriseswhich provide jobs and which have growth potential, and WHEREAS, the infusion of Appalachian Regional Commission funding assistance will enhance the project development including energy improvements, thus making it possible to keep rental costs comparatively low during the crucial early period of an enterprise development, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute the application to the 237 October 22, 1985 Appalachian Regional Commission on behalf of the County for approximately 50 percent funding assistance, RESOLVED, further, That the Board agrees to make available the local share (currently estimated at $129,000) at the time of grant acceptance by the County. RESOLUTION NO. 298 - AWARD OF BID - CSS VEHICLES - MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Winch. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for three 1986 cars to be used by the Case Management Program of the Mental Health Depart- ment, and WHEREAS, McGuire Ford, Inc., is the lowest responsible bidder for three Ford Escort L cars with a total bid of $19,614 (made up of a base bid of $19,062; rustproofing $447; and AM radios $105), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the aforesaid bid be and the same is hereby accepted, and the Mental Health Department be and it hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION NO. 299 - ESTABLISH PETTY CASH ACCOUNT - COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES (CSS) - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Winch and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That a fifty dollar ($50) petty cash fund be established for the Mental Health Department's Community Support Services (CSS) funded case management program, pursuant to Section 2.16 of the Tompkins County Charter and Code. RESOLUTION NO. 300 - ESTABLISH PROTECTIVE ACCOUNT - COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES (CSS) - MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Budget and Administration Committees, That the Mental Health Department establish a protective account with the Tompkins County Trust Company for the purpose of providing financial management to Community Support Services (CSS) clients served in the Department's Case Management program who have been determined to be unable to manage their Social Security, Veterans Administration, or other benefits, RESOLVED, further, That the Mental Health Department will provide quarterly financial statements and other documentation as requested to the Deputy County Administrator for Finance. 233 October 22, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 301 - BOND RESOLUTION - AIRPORT TERMINAL RENOVATION Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3,537 (Representatives Shurtleff, Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Culligan, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Dates). Noes: 462 (Representatives Freeman, Lifton). Adopted. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, New York, as follows: Section 1. The following is hereby authorized in and for the County of Tompkins, New York: a. The renovation of the Tompkins County Airport Terminal Building at a maximum estimated cost of $163,355. Section 2. The total estimated cost of the aforesaid specific project and purpose is $163,355 and the plan for the financing thereof is as follows: a. By the issuance of $163,355 serial bonds of said County, hereby autho rized to be issued therefor pursuant to the Local Finance Law, of which $163,355 serial bonds shall be issued for the specific object or purpose described' in paragraph a of Section 1 of this resolution, and shall have a maturity not to exceed five years. Section 3. It is hereby determined as follows: a. That subdivision 14, Section 11.0 of the Local Finance Law applies to the specific object or purpose described in paragraph a of Section 1 of this resolution, and that the period of probable usefulness thereof is ten (10) years. Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Tompkins, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropri- ation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. To the extent not paid from other sources, there shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated co the County Administrator, the chief fiscal officer of such County. Such notes shall be of such terms, form, and contents, and shall be sold in such manner as may be prescribed by said County Administrator, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. The validity of such bonds may be contested only if: 234 October 22, 1985 a. Such bonds are authorized for an objector purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money; or b. The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied With, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication; or c. Such bonds are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 7. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in the official newspapers of such County, together with a notice from the Clerk of the Board in substantially the same form as provided for in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. RESOLUTION N0. 302 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF 1985 - AMENDING LOCAL LAW N0. 3 OF 1985 - TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - PUBLIC HEALTH DIRECTOR TERM Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Board of Representatives after proper notice on proposed Local Laa No. 5 of 1985 amending Local Law No. 3 of 1985 amending the Charter and Code, Article VIII, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing there was full discussion of said proposed Local Law No. 5 of 1985, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Budget and Administration Committees, That Local Law No; 5 o£'1985 amending Local Law No. 3 of 1985 amend- ing Article VIII of the Tompkins County Charter and Code, changing the term of office of the Public Health Director from three years to six years be and hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said Local Law No. 5 of 1985 in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks, the first within ten days after this local law is adopted, and after said local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comptroller and four certified copies with the Secretary of State. RESOLUTION N0. 303 - WITHDRAWAL OF PARCELS FROM 1985 TAX FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Office of Budget and Finance has received all monies due and owing on two parcels included in the 1985 Tax Foreclosure; said parcels being 5-1-7 in the Town of Groton, assessed to Marita Alcorn, and being serial number 29; 235 October 22, 1985 and parcel 12-4-24 in the Town of Ulysses assessed to Lisa Renner and being serial number 54 in the 1985 Tax Foreclosure Proceeding, and WHEREAS, said monies were received subject to the approval of this Board of the withdrawal of the above parcels from the 1985 Tax Foreclosure, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the aforesaid parcels be and they hereby are withdrawn from the 1985 Tax Foreclosure Proceeding. RESOLUTION N0. 304 - ADVERTISE PUBLIC HEARING ON 1986 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. Mr. Lifton said he would prefer to have the vote on the proposed 1986 budget before election day, but given our constraints on publication, there is not enough time to advertise and hold a public hearing before election day. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Stein to Table this resolution until the next Board meeting. Motion to Table lost by voice vote. A roll call vote was taken_on the resolution. Ayes: 2,678 (Representatives Shurtleff, Slattery, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Culligan, Freeman, Mason, Proto, Dates). Noes: 1,321 (Representatives Stein, Call, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That a public hearing on the proposed 1986 budget, including use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, be held on Tuesday, November 19, 1985 at 7:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the main Courtroom of the Tompkins County Courthouse, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, for the purpose of hearing all persons interested therein who desire to be heard, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk is hereby directed to publish a notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of the County in the manner required by Section 359 of County Law. RESOLUTION N0. 305 - ADOPTION OF REGULAR AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS OF FOOTINGS OF ASSESSMENT ROLL Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the regular and supplemental report of the footing of assessment rolls be accepted and the figures therein be used as a basis for the taxation in the several tax districts of the county for the year 1986. RESOLUTION N0. 306 - ESTABLISHING COUNTY EQUALIZATION RATES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, pursuant to Article III, Section 4.1.2 Subdivision (d) of the Tompkins County Charter and Code, the Director of Assessment has submitted and 236 REPORT OF COMM IiTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT 1400,10 Prepared in 1985 To ill,. Board 40 Super, 40 4 N Tomplim C9unry, N.Y. Your rommissre.,porta 416111 has verified cad corrcrled 161 footings 09 the Assessment 702141(471,1019,011 made by Ilia Assessora of each l.. di arcirl and 1h91 be following s . correct al.hmeel of such 7aolings, 1 TAN 1)15'1'11101 Arra 2 fu11 Valor of 1.4.nd 6.rlusiv7 nl Building, 3 Full 0.lue or Ile.] Irrupe.t9 Incl uding 0o11,11oa (prior re Exemption] 1 Pension and l'arli.1 E.empl 3 Special Franchiar 6 Real lsroperry of Pu66, Service Corp. TOWN OF CAROLINE 34,091 36,109,300 1,659,839 1,386,569 2,012,700 TO195 OF OANBY 33,286 9,357,900 35,297,000 1,239,838 902,064 1,177,589 TOWN 01134 YD EN 56,285 40,933,000 168.687,700 4,535,345 4,820,785 . 34,875.400 101,444 OF ENFIELD 02,507 9,294600 31,391,200 2088,758 517,742 1,952,100 TOWN 000410TON 30,725 16,191,800 60,166,000 1,465,193 2,163.471 5,024,400 110495106 ITHACA 16253 94558.500 244,697.800 7,389,631 0,702,503 14,779,759 704677 OF LANSING 37,785 36.964200 175.512.200 9,376835 1,264.111 84,852,434 T0,14 00 N07410117 36,992 11,296,460 44761,000 1,675,040 3,519,606 8,287.888 TOWN 067116SES 19818 20,100,500 19,521,300 3,110.160 2.415,186 3.095.500 CRY OF 1111.0.4 2.940 53.360,350 288.539.600 10,551,65. 16750.362 9,461,022 '(01A 15 293,088 252,706,950 159,716,300 16,312.562 43,411.199 168,817,822 'IA%015TRICF Total Ta ably 6..1 and Franchise 5ubjecl t0 Special Diarcill Ta.es Fr614 Cul. 3-5-61 6 Il r.4 Prupeny and Frani-hive Subject 19 GENERAL and 311CJIWAY TAXES (Co1.71422 Col. 45 9 7,0perty Wilhln lororp. Vlll.ge4 Subject to CENURAL and HIGHWAY TA 91.5 10 Properly Oo1.ide int orp. 5'121.80. Subject to GENERAI_.ed HICIRVAY TAXES 11 Wholly E.empl 12 Grand Total 6111011 '(02604OF CA 110E101. 39,538,069 37.875.230 37,878,230 7,181000 16726.069 '15)1754 01' DA N OT 20.676653 54436,815 39136.815 1,001,540 11,681,193 TOWN 0713110,1)15314 208,383,865 203,846.540 30.696576 172,952,961 38,316.350 216,707.235 T0103.' 070041E1.10 33,864,012 31,175.281 31475,264 2167,500 36031,542 TOWN OF CROTON 67353,471 62.887.978 22,792,485 40,095,493 11,778,600 79.132.271 TOWN OF ITHACA 269,176,092 261786,161 11.927,665 179.658,596 167,783.950 436960,042 TOWN OF LANSING 263,658.745 251,331410 81,773,303 169,558,608 12938,100 306,596.615 TOWN OF NEWFIELD 54,568094 52053.454 52,893.154 9,880,890 64,419,384 TOWN OF ULYSSES 80.031,986 76,921,828 21.129,615 55,791211 32,035,700 92.067,656 CRY OF ITILACA 311,754.181 304,202,561 304,202,561 296,099,690 610,853,784 TOTALS 1,372,005,621 1,325,663,059 711,519,813 1.084,143,216 592,195.130 1.964,201,051 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS 1955 TOWNS AND VILLAGES Total Real Only Esc/ usive of all Exemptions - Inc. Public Service Total Franchises Real Property and Francbiee Subject 44 General and Highway Taa Pension Exempt 0070EN - Dryden Village Freeville Village 24,264,085 1,086,418 35,350,503 396,615 5,149,380 396,693 5,546,073 290,120 Total -baside Corp. Outside Corp. Totals 29,413465 • 1,483,111 30,896,576 686,735 169,614,290 3,337,674 172,951,964 3,848,610 199,027,735 4,820,785 203,848,510 4,535,345 GROTON Groton Village Outside Corp. Tutsis 21,949,950 842.535 22792.485 1,240,450 38,774,957 1,320,536 40,095,493 3,275,043 60,724,907 2163,071 62,887,978 4,465,493 ITHACA . Cayuga Heights Outside Corp. Totals 78,056,600 3,869,265 81,923.065 829,800 174,025,358 5,833,238 179,858516 6,559,831 252,083,95B 9,702503 261,786,461 7,389,631 LANSING- Laming Village Outside Corp. Totals 83,814566 958,736 84773,502 5,448,800 167,253,293 2,305,375 169558,608 31578035 251,067,799 3,264,111 254331,910 9,326,535 ULYSSES - Trumutsburg Outside Corp. Tutsis 19,973,305 4,156,310 21,129515 467,495 54,533,335 1,258,876 55,792211 2642665 71.506.640 2415,186 76,921,826 3,110,160 238 October 22, 1985 recommended the adoption of equalization rates for all towns in Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca for the assessment rolls filed in 1985 and for the apportion- ment of County taxes levied in 1986, now therefore be it - RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following equalization rates'be and hereby are adopted: AGGREGATE ASSESSED AGGREGATE FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE COUNTY' VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY FOR EQUALIZATION REAL PROPERTY FOR TOWN COUNTY PURPOSES RATE COUNTY PURPOSES Caroline 37,878,230 102.67 36,893,182 Danby 39,436,815 97.19 40,577,030 Dryden 203,848,540 101.92 200,008,379 Enfield 31,475,284 95.01 33,128,391 Groton 62,887,978 101.05 62,234,516 Ithaca 261,786,461 104.30 250,993,730 Lansing- 254,331,910 101.77 249,908,529 Newfield 52,893,454 93.12 56,801,390 Ulysses 76,921,826 98.00 78,491,660 Ithaca (City) 304,202,561 97.50 312, 02,627 Totals 1,325,663,059 1,321,039,434 RESOLUTION N0. 307 - RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Director of Assessment of the County be and he hereby is authorized and directed to add to the respective 1986 tax rolls the amount of the uncollected school taxes returned by the collectors of the various districts, exclusive of the City of Ithaca School District, to the County Administrator and remaining unpaid and that have not been heretofore relevied on town tax rolls and that said returned school taxes be reassessed and relevied on town tax rolls as they are returned, and that said school taxes returned in 1985 be reassessed and relevied upon the lots and parcels so returned with 12.0 percent annual interest in addition thereto. RESOLUTION NO. 308 - RETURNED VILLAGE TAXES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Director of Assessment of the County be and he hereby is authorized and directed to add to the respective 1986 tax rolls the amount of the uncollected village taxes returned by the collectors of the various villages to the County 239 October 22, 1985 Administrator and remaining unpaid and that have not been heretofore relevied on town tax rolls, and that said returned village taxes be reassessed and relevied on town tax rolls as they are returned, and that said returned village taxes be reassessed and relevied upon the lots and parcels so returned with 12.0 percent annual interest in addition thereto. RESOLUTION N0. 309 - CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITION AND APPROPRIATION FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE - PERSONNEL ASSISTANT - PERSONNEL Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Personnel Assistant (DDOS), labor grade D, competitive class, be created effective immediately on a temporary basis not to exceed March 7, 1986, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to appropriate the sum of 5700 from the General Fund balance to Personnel - Personal Services (1430.100) to fund this position. RESOLUTION N0. 310 - CREATION OF POSITION AND APPROPRIATION FROM AIRPORT FUND BALANCE - ASSISTANT AIRPORT MAINTENANCE WORKER - AIRPORT Moved:by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Assistant Airport Maintenance Worker (04-24) competitive class, be created effective immediately, not to exceed December 31, 1986, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to appropriate the sum of $1,980 from the Airport Fund balance to Account No. B5610.100 to fund said position. RESOLUTION N0. 311 - APPROPRIATIONS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS, AND TRANSFERS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Cali. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Roman Services, Health, Budget and Admin- istration, and Public Works Committees, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustments and transfers on his books: 240 October 22, 1985 authorized to contract with the Day Care and Child Development Council for provi- sion of these services, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Appropriation: 6010.442 $44,889 Revenue: 3610 $44,889 RESOLUTION N0. 313 - ABANDONMENT OF MYERS ROAD TO TOWN OF LANSING Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A voice vote was taken Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has recommended, pursuant to Article 6, Section 115b, of the Highway Law, that Myers Road in the Town of Lansing, as set forth below, be removed from the map of the Tompkins County road system, and WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing has been notified of and concurs with the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works to remove said road from the map of the Tompkins County road system, now therefore be it RESOLVED-, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, pursuant to Article 6, Section 115b, of the Highway Law, That Myers Road, County Road No. 159, from the southerly end of the Myers Road Bridge to New York State Road 34B, being a distance of 0.60 miles, be removed from the map of the Tompkins County road system to revert to and be maintained by the Town of Lansing; subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of New York, RESOLVED, further, That the amendment to the map of the Tompkins County road system described above become effective upon the date of approval of the same by the New York State Commissioner of Transportation. RESOLUTION NO. 314 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - JOINT TRAFFIC SAFETY PROJECT AT BUTTERMILK FALLS STATE PARK Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Culligan and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the County to participate in projects which improve the level of safety for pedestrians and vehicles utilizing County facilities, and WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation has developed such a project entitled "The Joint Traffic Safety Project. at Buttermilk State Park," and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reviewed said project for compliance with accepted standards, and WHEREAS, upon completion of said project, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation wi11 assume ownership and all maintenance of the County -owned bridge on Sand Bank Road, and 241 October 22, 1985 WHEREAS, said project can be completed with currently budgeted highway maintenance funds, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the County participate in the Joint Traffic Safety Project at Buttermilk Palls State Park, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an agreement on behalf of the County with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation. RESOLUTION NO. 315 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - PHASE II, AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC. Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, Change Order No. 2, Phase II, NYSDOT Project No, 3902.64, ATP No. 3-36-0047-01-82 has been approved by the project engineer and accepted by the contractor, John Mills Electric, Inc., to include electric operators on the louver vents for the emergency generator room at a total net additional cost of $2,640.71, and WHEREAS, the electric operators are necessary in order to more efficiently control temperatures within the generator vault, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Change Order No, 2 be and it hereby is approved and the County Administrator is autho- rized and directed to expend funds fo:_ said Change Order from Account No. 84-- 5610.212, RESOLVED, further, That certified copies of the Change Order shall be sub- mitted to the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation with the request that these agencies participate in the cost of the Change Order. RESOLUTION N0. 316 - AUDIT - LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurcleff. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by John Mills Electric and audited by the Public Works Committee in the amount of $13,239.47, including Change Order No. 2, Phase II, represe.-ting Payment Request No. 8, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 84-5610.202, withholding five percent retainage as required. 242 October 22, 1985 TRANSFERS Health Department: From: A4010.462 Insurance $368 To: A4010.840 Workers' Compensation $368 Mental Health (CSS): From: A4313.306 Auto Supplies (CSS) $ 200 .442 Professional Service Fees 102 .472 Telephone. 1,239 To: A4313.231 Vehicles (CSS) $1,541 From: A4313.472 Telephone (CSS) $3,11I To: A4313.222 Communications Equipment $3,111 Social Services: From: A6010.432 Rent $1,613 To: A6O10.210 Other Equipment $ 450 .211 Chairs 481 .212 Desks, Bookcases 682 County Road Administration: From: To: Assessment: 01-4-5010.425 Service Contracts 01-5-5010.412 Conferences $344 $344 From: A1355.332 Books and Publications $200 .412 Conferences 600 To: A1358.302 Office Supplies $800 Probation: From: A3L40.414 Mileage $650 To: A3140.330 Printing $650 District Attorney: From: To: A1165.202 Typewriters $ 73 .229 Data Processing 246 A1165.436 Auto Storage $319 243 October 22, 1985 District Attorney: From: A1165.416 To: A1165.332 Sheriff's Department: From: A3I10.231 To: A3110.42I From: A3110.453 To: A3110.346 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Sheriff's Department: Appropriation: A3110.212 Revenue: A2545 Appropriation: From: A909 To: A3150.442 Health Department (WIC): Dues, Memberships Books, Publications Vehicles Automobile Repair. Training Navigation Desks -Licenses General Fund Balance Professional Service Fees Appropriation: A4012.860 Health Insurance Revenue: A3403 Health Department: Appropriation: A4010.442 Revenue: A1610 State Aid $343 $343 $1,826 $1,826 $400 $400 $250 $250 $25,000 $25,000 $3,300 $3,300 Professional Service Fees $60,000 Home Care $60,000 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to sign any contracts necessary to implement the above budget adjustments, transfers, and appropriations. RESOLUTION N0. 312 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - TEEN PREGNANCY CASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the application of the Tompkins County Department of Social Services to operate a Teen Pregnancy Case Management Project has been approved, now there- fore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee and the Human Services Committee, That the Department of Social Services is hereby 244 0ctobEr 22, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 317 - AWARD OF BIDS - TOMPKINS COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. After brief discussioa,.a voice vote was .taken. Ayes: 3,761. Noes: 238 (Representative Lifton). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for con- struction of the Tompkins County Public Safety Building, and WHEREAS, McGuire & Bennett, Inc., 706 West Clinton Street, Ithaca, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for the general con- struction work with a bid of two million six hundred sixty-five thousand dollars ($2,665,000), and WHEREAS, Buchanan Plumbing and Heating,. P. 0. Box 229, Horseheads, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for the plumbing work with a bid of two hundred eighty thousand one hundred ninety-two dollars ($280,192), and WHEREAS, Buchanan Plumbing and Heating, P. 0. Box 229, Horseheads, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning work totalling four hundred sixty-seven thousand six hundred fifty-seven dollars ($467,657), and WHEREAS, MATCO Electric Company, Inc., 701 Azon Road, Johnson City, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for the electrical work including Alternative No. 1, additional closed circuit television equipment, in the amount of five hundred thirty-nine thousand dollars. ($539,000), now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Jail Study and the Budget and'Administration Committees, That the bids for construction of the Tompkins County Public Safety Building be awarded to the bidders set forth above, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to execute contracts with the said bidders on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION NO. 318 - SELECTION OF TELEPHONE VENDOR AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Proto and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the proposal of All -Mode Communications, Inc., of Freeville, New York, to provide a telephone system for Tompkins County is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract with All -Mode Communications, inc., on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION N0. 319 - BOND RESOLUTION - PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OP TELEPHONE SYSTEM Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein. A roll call vote was taken. A two-thirds majority is required for adoption. Ayes: 3,999 (Representatives Shurtleff, Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Culligan, Freeman, Lifton, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Dates). Noes: 0. Adopted. 245 October 22, 1985 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, New York, as follows: Section 1. The following'is hereby authorized in and for the County of Tompkins, New York: a. The purchase and installation of a telephone system at a maximum estimated cost of $191,603. Section 2. The total estimated cost of the aforesaid specific object and purpose is $191,603 and the plan for the financing thereof is as follows: a. By the expenditure of $40,000 heretofore appropriated and made available from federal revenue sharing funds. b. by the issuance of $151,603 serial bonds of said County hereby autho- rized to be issued therefor pursuant to the Local Finance Law. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of such specific object or purpose ii ten (10) years pursuant to subdivision 25 of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Tompkins, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An anhual appropri- ation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. To the extent not paid from other sources, there shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the County Administrator, the chief fiscal officer of such County. Such notes shall be of such terms, form, and contents, and shall be sold in such manner as may be prescribed by said County Administrator, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. The validity of such bonds may be.contested only if: a. Such bonds are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money; or b The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication; or c. Such bonds are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. 7.46 October 22, 1985 Section 7. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in the official newspapers of such County, together with a notice from the Clerk of the Board in substantially the same form as provided for in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. RESOLUTION NO..320 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT FUNDS - OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto and unanimously adopted -'by voice vote. WHEREAS, a preliminary study conducted in the summer of 1985 by the Tompkins County Office for the Aging found that 43 men and women age.55 and older in two areas of the City of Ithaca were unemployed or underemployed, were seriously interested in finding employment or additional hours of employment, and who were not making use of existing job training or job finding services, and WHEREAS, those who were willing and eligible for services under JTPA were referred to that office and the remainder were referred to the New York State Job Service and the Older Person's Employment Network, and WHEREAS, additional contact with the people of this initial study will identify barriers in the use of job finding services, and WHEREAS, older workers have made little use of programs under the Job Training Partnership Act in Tompkins County or elsewhere, and WHEREAS, none of the job preparation offices have staff to offer this service, now therefore be is RESOLVED,. on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the County Office for the Aging be encouraged to continue its study of the needs of older workers, RESOLVED, further, That the County Office for the Aging be authorized to prepare applications to the Cayuga -Cortland -Tompkins Private Industry Council, the State Office for the Aging, and/or the State Department of Labor for funds to repeat the present study and referral process in other parts of the County, to offer an individualized job readiness or job search program not currently available, as a demonstration project, and to record and'report on the results for use in future planning, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to sign an application for Job Training Partnership Act three -percent funds, RESOLVED, further, That the project will include provision for a temporary person for the survey and case finding portion of the project, and a consultant for the job readiness, counseling, training, and support aspects of the program. RESOLUTION N0. 321 - AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - DECLARING A PORTION OF THE BIGGS CENTER PROPERTY NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Stein and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the Board of Representatives hold a public bearing on Wednesday, November 13, 1985, at 247 October 22, 1985. 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the chambers of the Board of Representatives to consider a resolution declaring all or a portion of the balance of Parcel 7A as no longer needed for public use, said Parcel 7A shown on a map entitled "Subdivision Map of Lands of the County of Tompkins," dated August 1, 1984. On motion of Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, the following people were appointed to the Library Board of Trustees for terms which expire December 31, 1989: W. Donald Cooke, Theodore Penalver. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Mason, Michael Stamm was appointed to the Economic Advisory Board as a representative of the Tompkins County Area Development Agency for a term which expires December 31, 1987. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. 748 PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING PROPOSED 1986 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET October 30, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the courtroom of the Tompkins County Courthouse and introduced the members of the Board of Repre- sentatives, Mr. Mason was excused. `tr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said this is a public information meeting to present the proposed budget, and a public hearing will be held on November 19, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. in the courtroom to receive public comments. Mr. Watros introduced Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, who presented the proposed 1986 budget and answered questions. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. 249 REGULAR MEETING November 6, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14. Excused: 1 (Representative Freeman). The minutes of October 30, 1985 were approved. Under privilege of the floor, Brian Eaton, a resident of Tioga County, said he is speaking on behalf of other Tioga County residents who are concerned with the situation involving Landstrom Landfill. He .said the landfill is not in compliance with many statutes and regulations, and the residents will be seeking closure of Landstrom Landfill. He encouraged the Board to work toward resolution of this issue in cooperation with residents. Under privilege of the floor, Raymond Cooke, a resident of the Town of Spencer, said he is concerned about the Landstrom Landfill, especially data on file with the Department of Environmental Conservation concerning leakage of leachate from the landfill. He urged the Board to work with residents of Tioga County to find a safe site for disposal of solid waste, and he submitted petitions to the Board signed by residents of the Town of Spencer urging the County to request that the Department of Environmental Conservation close the Landstrom Landfill. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Liguori announced that the consultants have completed their report on the Landstrom Landfill, which will be submitted to the New York State Department of Transportation and a copy will be sent to the Tawn of Spencer. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Mason referred to an editorial in The Ithaca Journal regarding Route 96 which solicited responses. He said he sub- mitted a response as a private citizen which he was told would not be printed because he is an elected official. Mr. Mason said the letter stressed the con- cerns of the people of the Towns of Enfield and Ulysses that the Ithaca City Common Council take action soon to support and implement Alternative C for improve- ment to Route 96, and he asked City representatives to share these concerns with Common Council. Under privilege of the floor, Mr: Stein said he feels that this Board should make a statement by resolution on the issue of apartheid and divestment of South Afritan investments. Chairman Dates referred this request to the Budget and Administration Committee. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Lifton referred to comments made by Mr. Mason and an article in the Trumansburg Free Press regarding a proposed boycott of City businesses by Trumansburg residents to show their frustration with Common Council's lack of a decision for improvements to Route 96. Mr. Lifton expressed concern with this proposed boycott and said he feels that community unity should be promoted. 250 November 6, 1985 Mrs. Nichols, Vice Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the committee's actions are reflected on the agenda,and Mr.Heymaninformed the Board that the Public Safety Building construction project is underway. Mr. Stein, Vice Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee's actions are reflected on the agenda. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, informed the Board of upcoming committee business, including review of a document dis- tributed to the Board concerning management of space in County buildings to lease to others. He asked that any comments or revisions to this document be submitted to him. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the committee's actions will be reflected in appointments, and she announced that the Human Rights Commission has proclaimed this week as Holocaust Awareness Week in Tompkins County. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said the committee's actions are reflected on the agenda. Chairman Dates announced that he signed a proclamation declaring the November25, 1985 Tompkins County Conference on Youth and Families as our community's official celebration of International Youth Year. RESOLUTION NO. 322 - DESIGNATION OF PROBATION DEPARTMENT AS COORDINATING AGENCY FOR DIVERSION OF PERSONS IN NEED OF SUPERVISION (PINS) Moved by Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Mason. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,775. Noes: 0. Excused: 224 (Representative Freeman). Adopted. WHEREAS, mandatory persons in need of supervision (PINS) diversion legisla- tion was signed into law on August 8, 1985, and WHEREAS, the purpose is to decrease the inappropriate utilization of the family court process and the number of out -of -home placements in matters involv- ing persons alleged to be in need of supervision, and WHEREAS, the act seeks to accomplish these reductions by establishing new preliminary procedures at probation intake for PINS cases by requiring imple- mentation of an assessment, planning, and service delivery strategy, and WHEREAS, the legislation provides short-term enriched funding to assist counties in identifying, coordinating, and strengthening services for persons allegedly in need of supervision and their families, and WHEREAS, the legislation requires that to be eligible for such funding, the county must submit an adjustment services plan developed by the county coordi- nating agency collaborating probation service, Social Services Department and Youth Bureau; approved by the county governing body; and submitted by the county probation service to the State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives, now therefore be it 251 November 6, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the Tompkins County Probation Department be designated the coordinating agency and that they initiate development of an adjustment services plan for persons in need of supervision and that development of that plan begin immediately, RESOLVED. further, That said plan be presented to the Public Safety and Corrections Committee for its review upon completion. RESOLUTICN N0. 323 - AUTHORIZING T. G. MILLER TO SET CORNER MARKERS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,775. Noes: 0. Excused; • 224 (Representative Freeman). Adopted. WHEREAS, the County is responsible for setting the corner markers for the new Public Safety Building prior to construction, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Jail Committee, That T. G. Miler Associ- ates, P.C., is hereby authorized to set the markers in concert with the general contractor at a cost not to exceed $250, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to expend funds from Account No. 58-3150,215 upon proper vouchering and audit. RESOLUTION NO. 324 - SEQR DETERMINATION, SITING MICROWAVE TOWERS FOR CENTRAL COMMUNICATIONS, PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County is considering the construction of four new, additional microwave towers and the placing of a microwave transceiver on an existing tower (to complement five existing tower -mounted transceivers) to be strategically located so as to facilitate essentially 100 percent coverage of the County for central police, fire, emergency, and municipal radio communications, and WHEREAS, this new "state-of-the-art" communication system will have long- lasting benefits to the people of the County and is an appropriate consideration as part of the new Public Safety Building currently under construction, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Planning advises that the proposal for four new microwave towers is a Type I Action under the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Regulations by virtue of the fact that one tower exceeds 100 feet in height in a municipality that has no zoning regulations regarding height, and thus requires an assessment of the impact of the proposal, and WHEREAS, the assessment has been completed by the Commissioner of Planning, and said assessment shows that no significant adverse environmental impact will result from the construction of four new microwave towers at the general locations shown in the preliminary plan approved by the Special Jail Committee and the County Fire and Disaster Coordinator, and WHEREAS,. the municipalities in which the towers are proposed have been informed of the proposal, and local zoning specifications will be met to the extent possible, and 252 November 6, 1985 WHEREAS, it is intended that the necessary land will be leased or purchased from the owners, and it is not intended to use the powers of land condemnation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Planning and the Special Jail Committee, That the SEQR procedures are completed and this Board concurs with the determination that "no significant environmental impact" will result from the implementation of this project. RESOLUTION NO. 325 - BOND RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $4,795,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK, TO PAY PART OF THE COST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING FOR SAID COUNTY Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A roll call vote was taken. A two-thirds majority is required. Ayes: 1,186 (Representatives Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Dates). Noes: 0. Excused: 80 (Representative Freeman). Adopted. WHEREAS, all conditions precedent to the financing of the capital project hereinafter described, including compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act, have been performed, and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, New York, as follows: Section 1. The specific object or purpose to be financed pursuant to this resolution is the construction of a new public safety building/jail, such building to be constructed on County -owned land located on Warren Road in the Village of Lansing in the vicinity of the County Airport, including grading and improve- ment of the site and the purchase and installation of original furnishing, equip- ment, machinery and apparatus required for the purposes for which said building will be used, Section 2. The maximum estimated cost of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is hereby determined to be $4,795,616, and the plan for the financing thereof is by the issuance of $4,795,000 serial bonds of said County hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, and by the expenditure of $616 current funds of said county, hereby appropriated thereof. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid object or purpose is thirty years, pursuant to subdivision 11(a)(1) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. It is hereby further determined that the maximum maturity of the serial bonds herein autho- rized shall not exceed fifteen years, one-half of the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose, and that, pursuant to Section 107.00 (a)(4) of the Local Finance Law, no down payment is required in connection there- with. 253 November 6, 1985 Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Tompkins, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged to' the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropri- ation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property in said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, .the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the County Administrator, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall besoldin such manner, as may be prescribed by said County Administrator, consist- ent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date .of publi- cation of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 7. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in The Ithaca Journal and The Trumansburg Free Press, which are hereby designated as the official newspapers of such County for such purpose, together witha notice of the Clerk of the Board of Representatives in substan- tially the form provided inSection 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. RESOLUTION NO. 326 - BOND RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $728,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK, TO PAY PART OF THE COST OF THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A MICROWAVE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR USE BY THE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AND OTHER COUNTY DEPARTMENTS PROVIDING EMERGENCY SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Mason. A two-thirds majority is required. Ayes: 1,186 (Representatives Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Dates). Noes: 0. Excused: 80 (Representative Freeman). Adopted. WHEREAS, all conditions precedent to the financing of the capital project hereinafter described, including compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act, have been performed, and 256 November 6, 1985 WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Board of Representativesof the County of Tompkins, New York, as follows: Section -1-. The specific object or purpose to be financed pursuant to this resolution is the acquistion of, construction and installation of a microwave communication system for use by the County Sheriff's Department and other County Departments providing emergency services, including communications towers, micro- wave dish antennas, receiving and transmitting equipment and other pertinent facilities in connection therewith, such system to be construction at various locations throughout said County. Section 2. The maximum estimated cost of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is hereby determined to be $1,049,784, and the plan for the financing thereof is by the issuance of $728,000 serial bonds of said County hereby autho- rized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law and by the expenditure of $321,784 current funds of said County, hereby appropriated therefor. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is ten years, pursuant to subdivision 25 of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Tompkins, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropri- ation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the County Administrator, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said County Administrator, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 7. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in The Ithaca Journal and The Trumansburg Free Press, which are hereby designated as the official newspapers of such County for such purpose, 255 November 6, 1985 together with a notice of the Clerk of the Board of Representatives in substan- tially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. RESOLUTION N0. 327 - AUTHORIZING THE CONSOLIDATION AND SALE OF $5,523,000 SERIAL BONDS OP THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK, FOR VARIOUS COUNTY PURPOSES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A roll call vote was taken. A two-thirds majority is required. Ayes: 1,186 (Representatives Slattery, Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Prato, Shurtleff, Dates). Noes: 0. Excused: 80 (Representative Freeman). Adopted. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, New York, as follows: Section 1. The $728,000 serial bonds authorized by bond resolution dated November 6, 1985, for the acquisition of,—construction and installation of a microwave communication system for use by the County Sheriff's Department and other County Departments providing emergency services, in and for the County of Tompkins, New York, shall mature $63,000 in the year 1987, $65,000 in•each of the years 1988 and 1989, $90,000 in the year 1990, $85,000 in the year 1991, and $90,000 in each of the years 1992 to -1995, both inclusive, and shall be ,consolidated with another issue of bonds of said County as hereinafter authorizes:. It is -hereby determined that the period of -probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is ten years, pursuant to subdivision 25 of paragrapha of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, computed from the date of issuance of the bonds, there having been no bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefore. Section 2. The $4,795,000 serial bonds authorized by bond resolution dated November 6, 1985, for the construction of a new public safety building/jail in and for the County of Tompkins, New York, shall mature $285,000 in bach of the years 1987 to 1989, both inclusive, $310,000 in the year 1990, $315,000 in the year 1991, $310,000 in each of the years 1992 to 1995, both inclusive, $400,000 in each of the years 1996 and -1997, and $425,000 in each of the years 1998 to 2000', both inclusive, and shall be consolidated with another issue of bonds of said County as hereinafter authorized. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is thirty years, pursuant to subdivision 11(a)(1) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, it being hereby further determined that the maximum maturity of the serial bonds will not exceed fifteen years, computed from the date of issuance of the bonds, there having been no bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor. Section 3. :The serial bonds described in the preceding sections hereof are hereby authorized to be consolidated for purposes of sale into one bond issue, aggregating $5,523,000. Such bonds shall each be designated substantially PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT (SERIAL) BOND, 1985, shall be dated December 15, 1985, shall be of the denomination of $5,000 each or any integral multiple thereof not exceed- ing the principal amount of each respective maturity. Bonds may be transferred 256 November 6, 1985 or exchanged at any time prior to maturity at the principal corporate trust office of the Fiscal Agent for the bonds or any successor Fiscal Agent, for bonds of the same maturity of any authorized denomination or denominations in the same aggregate principal amount. The bonds shall mature in the amount of $348,000 on June 15, 1987, $350,000 on June 15 in each of the years 1988 and 1989, $400,000 on June 15 in each of the years 1990 to 2000, both inclusive and shall bear interest payable on December 15, 1986 and semi-annually thereafter on June 15 and December 16. Such bonds shall bear interest at such rate as may be necessary to sell the same, which rate shall be determined in the manner provided in Section 59.00 of the Local Finance Law. Such bonds shall be in registered form and shall not be registrable to bearer or convertible into bearer coupon form. Principal of the bonds will be payable to the registered owners upon surrender of the bonds at the principal corporate trust office of the Fiscal Agent for the bonds, or any successor Fiscal Agent. Interest on the bonds will be payable by check or draft mailed by the Fiscal Agent to the registered owners of the bonds, as shown on the registration books of the County maintained by the Fiscal Agent, as of the close of business on the last day of the calendar month preceding the date of each interest payment date. Principal of and interest on the bonds will be payable in lawful money of the United States of America. The aforesaid maturities constitute the aggregate of the individual maturities of each separate issue, which individual maturities are prescribed in the preceding sections hereof. Such bonds shall be executed in the name of said County by the manual or facsimile signature of the County Administrator, and a facsimile of its corporate seal shall be imprinted thereon. The bonds shall be authenticated by the manual countersignature of an authorized officer or employee of the Fiscal Agent. It is hereby determined that it is to the financial advantage of the County not to impose and collect from registered owners any charges for mailing, shipping and insuring bonds transferred or exchanged by the Fiscal Agent, and, accordingly, pursuant to paragraph c of Section 70.00 of the Local Finance Law, no scch charges shall be so collected by the Fiscal Agent. Section 4 The County Administrator, as chief fiscal officer of the County, is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the bank or trust company located or authorized to do business in the State of New York for the purpose of having such Bank or trust company act, in connection with the obligation herein described, as the Fiscal Agent for said County to perform the services described in Section 70.00 of the Local Finance Law, and to execute such agreement on behalf of the Board of Representatives of said County. Section 5 All other matters, except as provided herein relating to such bonds, shall be determined by the County Administrator. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the County Administrator shall determine. Section 6. The faith and credit of said County of Tompkins, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property within said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same becomes due and payable. 257 November 6, 1985 Section 7. The powers and duties of advertising such bonds for sale, conduct- ing the sale and awarding the bonds, are hereby delegated to the County Adminis- trator, who shall advertise such bonds for sale, conduct the sale and award the bonds in such manner as he shall deem best for the interests of said County. provided, however, that in the exercise of these delegated powers, he shall comply fully with the provisions of the Local Finance Law and any order or rule of the State Comptroller applicable to the sale of municipal bonds. The receipt of the County Administrator shall be a full acquittance to the purchaser of such bonds, who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 8. This resolution shall take effect immediately.. RESOLUTION NO. 328 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,775. Noes: 0. Excused: 224 (Representative Freeman). Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: Appropriations: 58-3150.202 General $2,665,000 .203 Plumbing 280,192 .204 HVAC 467,657 .205 Electrical 539,000 .208 Construction Contingency 280,000 .210 Architects, Engineers & Expenses 312,082 .211 Construction Management 131,500 .212 Furnishings & Equipment 69,266 .213 Moving 2,500 .221 Heat 1986/87 10,000 .222 Fiscal Advisors 9,000 .223 Bonding - Attorneys & Fees 16,000 .224 Builders Risk Insurance 13,419 .230 Communications Equipment 1,049,784 Revenues: 58-5710 Bonds $5,523,000 58-2831 Interfund Transfers 322,400 $5,845,400 RESOLVED, further, That funds may be expended from these accounts upon audit by the Board of Representatives following review and resolution by the Public Safety Building Construction Committee. 258 November 6, 1985 RESOLUTION N0. 329 - AUDIT AND CHANGE ORDERS N0. 3 - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,775. Noes: 0. Excused: 224 (Representative Freeman). Adopted. WHEREAS, during the construction of the airport lighting and taxiway improve- ments, the agreement with contractor John Mills Electric included items based upon unit costs, together with estimated quantities, with the understanding that quantities would vary depending upon conditions found at the time, and the consultants were authorized to confirm the quantities, some of which are above and below given estimates, and WHEREAS, the project is now completed as certified by the consultants Calocerinos and Spina and final Change Orders No. 3 for Phases I and II have been prepared and certified by the consultants with a net increase in costs above estimates of $4,017.78 as follows: Change Order No. 3, Phase I - $27,573.11 (increase) Change Order No. 3, Phase II - (5,555.33) (decrease) Net $22,017.78 WHEREAS, the total of all Change Orders for the project is $44,645.92, which amount represents costs in excess of the budget estimate for the project, and WHEREAS, application will be made to the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation for grant increases to cover these over -budget Change Orders, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That Change Orders No. 3 are hereby approved as recommended by the consultants and the Plan- ning and Development Committee in the amount of $22,017.78, and the County Adminis- trator is hereby authorized to expend funds in that amount upon proper vouchering from Account No. 84-5610.202, RESOLVED, further, That the final budget for this project shall be adjusted as necessary after notification from the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation on grant participation in the Change Orders. RESOLUTION NO. 330 - AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - MR8 GROUP, P.C. Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,775. Noes: 0. Excused: 224 (Representative Freeman). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by MR8 Group, P.C., audited by the Special Jail Committee: Payment Request No. 9 (services through bidding and award of contracts) 259 $47,154 and November 6, 1985 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail Committee, That the afore- said amount is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and directed to pay said claim from Acount No. 58-3150.210, withholding five percent retainage as required. RESOLUTION NO. 331 - AUDIT - AIRPORT LAYOUT PLAN UPDATE - CALOCERINOS AND SPINA Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,775. Noes: 0. Excused: 224 (Representative Freeman). Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim has been submitted by Calocerinos and Spina and audited by the Public Works Committee: Request No. 1 $576.91 now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- said amount be and is hereby audited and approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 88-5610.200, withholding five (5) percent retainage as required. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call, Sherry Login was appointed to the Environmental Management Council as a youth representative for a term which expires December 31, 1985. On motion of Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Culligan, the meeting was adjourned at 6:38 p.m to November 13, 1985 at 5:30 p.m. 260 ADJOURNED MEETING November 13, 1985 Chairman Dates called the adjourned meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Present: 14 (Representative Nichols arrived at 5:37 p.m.). Excused: 1 (Representative Call). PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to order the public hearing declaring all or a portion of Parcel 7A, as shown on a map entitled "Subdivision Map of Lands of the County of Tompkins," as no longer needed for public use. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:32 p.m. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Mason, the resolution entitled Declaring Certain Hospital Premises No Longer Needed for Public Use was added to the agenda by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 332 - DECLARING CERTAIN HOSPITAL PREMISES NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. There was lengthy dis- cussion about the various expenses to the County to prepare and rent this space and the anticipated revenue generated by this lease. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff to amend the resolution to include language that would address a termination clause, said termination would be upon one-year notice of termination of the lease agreement. Amendment unanimously adopted by voice vote. It was Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff to amend the resolution to state that the lease be .for two years and may be extended for one additional year upon mutual agreement of both parties. Amendment unanimously adopted by voice vote. Mr. Lifton said he does not support this resolution because he does not believe that this lease agreement would make the building more saleable since it utilizes a primary portion of the building. In addition, Mr. Lifton feels that the net profit that the County would realize is not substantial enough to permit a company into the building which would consider classified research. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3,520 (Representatives Slattery, Steil+, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Culligan, Freeman, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Dates). Noes: 238 (Representative Lifton). Excused: 241 (Representative Call). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives held a public hearing on November 13, 1985 to consider a resolution declaring the entire balance or a portion of parcel P -7A as 'no longer needed for public use, which parcel is shown on a map entitled "Subdivision Map of Lands of the County of Tompkins," dated August 1, 1984, copy of which is on file with the Tompkins County Planning Office, and WHEREAS, full discussion was had on said proposed resolution, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That this Board hereby declares 30 percent of parcel P -7A as no longer needed for public use, which 30 percent includes an area to be leased to Odyssey Research Associates, Inc., 262 November 13, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the County shall enter into a two-year lease with Odyssey Research Associates, Inc., for approximately 7,000 square feet with an option to lease up to 12,000 square feet in the building located on said parcel, RESOLVED, further, That said lease may be terminated by either party upon one year's written notice to the other at any time; that said Lease may be extended for a third year on terms agreed to by both parties; and the Odyssey Research Associates, Inc., shall pay all utilities and real estate taxes or payments in lieu of real estate taxes charged to the leased area, RESOLVED, further, That this lease is contingent upon the Town of Ithaca . granting necessary zoning approvals for the proposed use of the leased area. The meeting was adjourned at 6:22 p.m. 263 REGULAR MEETING November 19, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance: Present: 15 Representatives. Under privilege of the floor, Charles Becker, Vice President of the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce, spoke in favor of the resolution entitled Petitioning New York State Legislature to Authorize a Local Law Levying a Tax on Occupancy of Hotel/Motel Rooms. Re said the Chamber proposes the establishment of a Convention and Visitors' Bureau to be funded through,a lodging tax levied by the County on the occupancy of hotel and motel rooms. He said the Chamber feels that this Bureau will be beneficial by bringing more business to Tompkins County, creating new jobs, and generating additional sales tax revenues. Under privilege of the floor, Douglas Salter, a resident of Tompkins County and president of the Ithaca -based company National Punning Data Corporation, spoke against the lodging tax resolution on the agenda. He said the tax will affect his out-of-town employees and customers and will increase his cost of doing business. Mr. Salter said the economy of New York State is not conducive to small business operation, and he feels that this tax will reduce his oppor- tunities to expand and create new jobs in the community. Under privilege of the floor. Chuck Johns, owner of the Varna Inn, said he is not in favor of the proposed lodging tax because he does not want taxpayer dollars to be spent on advertising or subsidizing his business. He. suggested that one alternative would be for motel owners themselves to voluntarily con- tribute ontribute to the tourism bureau. Under Privilege of the floor, Ralph Jordan, past Executive Director of the Chamber of .Commerce, spoke in favor of the proposed room tax, Fie explained that this is not an additional tax on County taxpayers, rather it is a fee charged to visitors to this community which is deposited in this community for the goods and services they expect. Mr. Jordan feels this is the most effective means of increasing the economy of this County. Under privilege of the floor, Chris Boehme, an employee of Danny's Place, spoke in favor of the Convention and Visitors' Bureau. He said he sympathizes with the burdens of taxation but said this is a proven method of bringing outside dollars into the community and will benefit many types of businesses. He feels that the tax will help to maintain or increase existing jobs in addition to creating new jobs. Under privilege of the floor, William Bennett, President of the Chamber of Commerce, spoke in favor of the lodging tax resolution en the agenda. He said the intent of the Chamber's proposal is to phase out the use of County funds for the promotion and advertising of tourism activities and develop an alternate fund- ing source for these services. 264 November 19, 1985 Under privilege of the floor, Charlotte Stone, past President of the Chamber of Commerce, spoke in support of the lodging tax. She noted that tourism is the second largest income -generating industry in New York State, and she said that the lodging tax has proven successful in many communities as a means of receiving fees from visitors for services provided in that community. Under privilege of the floor, Ray Sordoni, of the Chamber of Commerce, noted that in addition to the saving in the County budget for the tourism allocation, the Chamber's proposal will also result in a saving in the City of Ithaca budget of approximately $15,000 for the tourism allocation. He said this should be con- sidered along with increased sales tax revenue.. Under privilege of the floor, Alan Colby spoke on behalf of the Howard Johnson Company and said that as inkeepers, they acknowledge the benefits a Convention and Visitors' Bureau would provide to a wide segment of the community. However, he said they are not in favor of an additional tax and feel that this tax specifi- cally is an arbitrary way to raise revenues. Mr. Colby said they are very concerned that if this tax is approved, the guidelines and governing rules of the Convention and Visitor's Bureau be explicit in defining the use of the revenues solely for purposes of generating tourism in the area. Under privilege o€ the floor, Ellen Rosten of Collegetown Motor Lodge said she feels that all citizens of Tompkins County will benefit from the room tax if the revenues are administered by a -Convention and Visitors' Bureau because the dollars will be used to continue or enhance programs that are expected and needed in the County. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the committee's business is reflected on the agenda. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee, said the committee's business is reflected on the agenda, and he announced that there are two vacancies on the Job Training Council. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said the next committee meeting is scheduled for November 26. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Jail Committee, said construction has begun on the new building, and he said the working committee meets with the project manager every week at the construction site to review the status of the job. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the action of the committee is reflected on the agenda. He also noted that the eommittee heard a presentation by representatives of Yates County concerning solid waste disposal. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, said a joint meeting with the Human Services Committee is scheduled for November 20 to dis- cuss office space for the Department of Social Services. He also announced that there will be a meeting in Tompkins County on November 22 of the Upstate Public 265 November 19, 1985 Utilities Service Association regarding the status of contracts with investment - owned utilities. Mr. Stein said the Geohydrolic Study of the Landstrom Landfill has been received, and Mr. Liguori briefly reported on his interpretation of the study. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, said the actions of the committee are reflected on the agenda in resolutions and appointments. She announced that the County Home Bazaar is scheduled for November 23, and the Youth Conference is scheduled for November 25. Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda, and he said they will be discussing the establishment of a sick bank for County employees to donate accumulated benefits to be used by other County employees in need. Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, said a public sale of serial bonds for the communications system and the Public Safety Building is scheduled for December 18, in the County Administrator's office. Mr. Williamson, County Attorney, said the tax foreclosure proceedings have taken place, and the County owns the properties subject to sale by the County Administrator. He said Richard Greenburg resigned as Assistant County Attorney, and John Albanese has been appointed as his replacement. On motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Preto, the resolution entitled Audit - T. G. Miller Associates, P.C., Set Corner Markers for Public Safety Building was added to the agenda by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 333 - PETITIONING NEW YORK STATE LEGISLATURE TO AUTHORIZE A LOCAL LAW LEVYING A TAX ON OCCUPANCY OF HOTEL/MOTEL ROOMS Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman. It was Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Watros to amend the resolution to reflect more accurately the committees' recommendations by adding to the end of Item 1 ". . . at two percent for three years." Amendment unanimously adopted by voice vote. There was dis- cussion and Mr. Lifton said that although he feels that the Chamber of Commerce is capable of.operating a Convention and Visitors' Bureau, he believes the resolution should be worded to permit fair competition for use of the funds and administration of the Bureau and not designate the Chamber of Commerce specifi- cally. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Stein to amend item 3 to read, ". . thereafter to .be allocated for the purposes of improving the economy in Tompkins County through the development and promotion of tourism as an industry." Mr. Stein said that the Chamber of Commerce is the originator of this proposal, and, from the.discussions he has had with their representatives, Mr. Stein feels that severing this linkage would not be acceptable to the Chamber. A voice vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes: 544 (Representatives Livesay, Nichols). Noes:. 3,455. Amendment lost. It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mrs., Livesay to amend the resolution by changing Item 3 to item 4 and inserting Item 3 to read, "Upon enactment at the State legislative level , the County shall create a Request for Proposal soliciting interested parties in the community to present a budget and supplementary documents outlining their views on administering the proposed 266 November 19, 1985 Convention and Visitors' Bureau." A voice vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes: 508 (Representatives Lifton, Livesay). Noes: 3,491. Amendment lost. A roll call vote was taken on the resolution as amended. Ayes: 3,491 (Repre- sentatives Watros, Winch, Call, Culligan, Freeman, Lifton, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Slattery,. Dates). Noes: 508 (Representatives Stein, Tillapaugh). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Convention and Visitors' Bureau Task Force of the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce has prepared a report and recommended that a Conventica and i siLorS' Bureau be established within Tompkins County and that said Bureau be funded from revenues generated from the enactment of a local law levying a lodging tax by the County of Tompkins on the occupancy of hotel/ motel rooms pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 501 of the New York State Laws of 1975, and WHEREAS, the intent of this local law is to enhance the general economy of Tompkins County - its city, towns, and villages - through the promotion of conventions, trade shows, special events and tourist activity, and WHEREAS, the proposal has been discussed at the public meetings of the Board of Representatives and before the Planning and Development Committee of the Board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of rhe Planning and Development and Budget and Administration. Committees, That the Board of Representatives hereby petitions State Assemblyman H. Sam MacNeil and State Senator Lloyd S. Riford, Jr., they being the local representatives on the State Legislature, to assist the County in preparing a Home Rule Law to Se considered by the State Legislature authoriz- ing said lodging tax; to be followed by the enactment of a local law which in- cludes the following provisions: 1. The authorized lodging tax shall be up to three percent (3%) and the actual tax levy shall be established by the Board of Representatives by local law at a later date at two percent (2%) for three years, and 2. The local law establishing the lodging tax shall be for a term of three (3) years at which time the law shall be reviewed and revised to respond to existing conditions; and 3. A11 revenues resulting from the levying of the tax under this law, except for the actual collection and handling costs to be retained by the County of Tompkins, shall be credited and deposited in the general fund of the County, thereafter to be allocated to the Convention and Visitors` Bureau account to further the intent of the local Law. RESOLUTION N0. 334 - APPROVAL OF ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR 1986 AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE FUNDING APPLICATIONS Moved by Mrs. Cal],, seconded by Mrs. Nichols and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County Office for the Aging adopted a four-year plan for services and planning activities for the years 1984-87, to be carried out under 267 November 19, 1985 the Older Americans Act and the New York State Community Services for the Elderly Act a n d Annual Implementation Plans for 1984 and 1985 as required by the New York State Office far the Aging, and WHEREAS, the Office for the Aging has prepared an Annual Implementation Plan for 1986, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Office for the Aging Advisory Committee, after required notice., on October 25, 1985, and WHEREAS, no one appeared in opposition tosaidproposed plans, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to sign the Annual Implementation Plan for 1986 for submission to the New York State Office tor the Aging, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized to sign one-year funding applications for federal funds under Title III -B, III -C1, and III -C2 of the Older Americans Act and cash in lieu of commodity foods for the nutrition program for the elderly, and State funds under the New York State Community Services for the Elderly Act, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board he and he hereby is autho- rized to execute the contracts needed to implement the program as provided in the 1986 County budget. RESOLUTION NO. 335 - ADVERTISE PUBLIC HEARING.ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF 1985 - AMENDING THE TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF DIVISION OF ASSESSMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That a public hearing on proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1985, amending the Tompkins County Charter and Code, Section 4.14, Rules and Regulations for Assessment Division, be held pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law on Tuesday, December 3, 1985 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof at the Board of Representatives Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is directed to publish a notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of the County in the manner required by Section 359 of County Law. RESOLUTION NO. 336 - PROPOSED EXISTING ROUTE L3 IMPROVEMENTS Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman. Mr. Watros said he supports this resolution although he feels that there are other significant improvements that should be made as well. It was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh to amend the resolution by adding an additional Resolved to read, "Resolved, further, That every effort be made to compress the timeframe of proposed improvements as a matter of life safety, and that emphasis be placed on that portion between Warren Road and the Tompkins Cortland Community College entrance." Amendment unanimously adopted by voice vote. A voice vote was taken on the resolution as amended. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. 268 November 19, 1985 WHEREAS, after a detailed analysis of accident records, field investigations, highway plans, and other records available to them, including problem areas identified by the various municipalities and the County, the New York State Department of Transportation has submitted a list of proposed projects for improvements to existing Route 13 from Triphammer Road north to the County line, beginning with 1985 and continuing for the next few years, and WHEREAS, the priority List of improvements has been distributed by the County to the various municipalities and other interested parties, soliciting their comments, and some have commented to the County or to the New York State Department of Transportation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That the Syracuse District Office of the New York State Department of Transportation is to be commended for their cooperation in pursuing the project plan for improve- ments, RESOLVED, further, That where traffic signal improvements are indicated, the County and the municipalities in which they are located be given an oppor- tunity to review the proposed improvements prior to implementation, RESOLVED, further, That every effort be made to compress the timeframe of proposed improvements as a matter of life safety, and that emphasis be placed on that portion between Warren Road and the Tompkins Cortland Community College entrance. RESOLUTION NO. 337 - AUTHORIZATION FOR SLIDING SCALE FOR RENTAL OF PERSONAL EMERGENCY RE6PONSE EQUIPMENT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Personal Emergency Response Advisory Board has reviewed and recommended approval of the sliding fee scale shown below, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the following sliding fee schedule be approved for individuals renting personal emergency response equipment from the Health Department: Net Monthly Income Net Income Sliding Fee One -Person Household Two -Person Household $ 0.00 Less than $500 Less than $600 2.50 $501-600 $ 601- 750 5.00 601-700 751- 900 7.50 701-800 901-1,000 10.00 800+ 1,000+ RESOLUTION NO. 338 - AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF 1985 TO REPEAL LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 1976 - FRESHWATER WETLANDS PROTECTION LAW Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote. 269 November 19, 1985 WHEREAS, in 1976 the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation advised all counties and other municipalities to. adopt a local law for the enforce- ment of the Freshwater Wetlands Act of the State of New York in order to retain the option of enforcing said Freshwater Wetlands Act at the local level, and WHEREAS, since that time the State Freshwater Wetlands Act has been amended so that a municipality may opt for enforcement at any time that the municipality can demonstrate to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation that they have developed the capability for administering enforcement, and WHEREAS, the State Freshwater Wetlands Protection Law is now in full force and effect in Tompkins County, and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has informed all municipalities in the County, including the County of Tompkins, that they may now apply for enforcement of said provisions of the Freshwater Wetlands Law under the provisions of Part 665, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation will enforce the provisions of the Freshwater Wetlands Protection Law in those munici- palities that do not opt for.local enforcement, and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has demonstrated that they are in a -position to provide effective, competent, comprehensive, timely, and impartial enforcement at no cost to the County, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has recommended that if the County does not assume jurisdiction for enforcement, the old L976 Local Law should be repealed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, after studying the impact of local enforcement vis-a-vis State enforcement, That the County does not at this time wish to accept responsibility for enforcement of the State Freshwater Wetlands Protection Law within those portions of the County wherein other local municipalities do not opt for enforcement, RESOLVED, further, on recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives in the Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York,on the 3rd day of December, 1985, at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof on proposed Local Law No. 7 of 1985 to repeal Local Law No. 4 of 1976 relating to the Freshwater Wetlands Protection Law. RESOLUTION N0. 339 - WORKERS' COMPENSATION BUDGET AND APPORTIONMENT - MUTUAL SELF- INSURANCE PLAN Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Budget and Administration Committee estimates that the sum of 58,090 will be required during the year 1986 for the payment of compensation in old and pending cases on behalf of the County and participating municipalities under the Mutual Self -Insurance Plan and for the expenses of administering same, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That there be raised from the County and participating municipalities in 1986 the total sum of 58,000, the same to be apportioned to the County and the several participating municipalities in the proportion that their equalized valuation bears to the aggregate valuation of the County and all participating municipal corporations as follows: 270 November 19, 1985 Municipality Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca (Town) Lansing Newfield Ulysses Ithaca (City) Dryden (Village) Freeville (Village) Groton (Village) Cayuga Heights (Village) County of Tompkins Full Value Assessed Full Value Apportionment $ 34,582,304 38,256,868 186,697,352 30,901,950 59,859,508 238,630,053 237,161,623 53,084,763 73,849,312 298,543,292 23,674,096 5,272,276 21,332,044 70,412,911 1,251,567,025 $2,623,825,377 RESOLUTION N0. 340 - APPORTIONMENT OF ELECTION EXPENSES $ 105.44 116.64 569.24 94.22 182.51 727.58 723.10 161.85 225.17 910.25 72.18 16.08 65.04 214.69 3,816.01 $8,000.00 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the report of the Commissioners of Elections pertaining tothe election expenses for the year 1985 be accepted and that the amount therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County and the several towns and city therein, RESOLVED, further, That the apportionment of election expenses for the County of Tompkins at large, the City of Ithaca, and the several towns of the county is as follows: Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses City of Ithaca County of Tompkins at large 271 Amount $ 1,857.78 1,464.75 5,271.80 1,625.52 2,740.40 5,855.88 4,553.00 1,611.14 . 2,632.90 12,234.15 68,958.02 $108,805.34 November 19, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 341 - AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 8 OF 1985 REPEALING LOCAL LAW NO. I OF 1983 - UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Mason and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Planning and Development Committees, That a public hearing be held by the Board of Representatives on Tuesday, December 3, 1985 at 5:30 o'clock irr the evening thereof in Board Chambers of the Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York to consider proposed Local Law No. 8 of 1985 to repeal Local Law No. 1 of 1983, it now being the intention of the County to enforce the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code on its own buildings and structures, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is directed to publish a notice of public hearing in the official newspapers of the County in the manner required by Section 359 of County Law. RESOLUTION NO. 342 - SALE OF TRUCK - HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded.by Mr. Winch. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids in accordance with information filed in the Office of the Tompkins County Highway Department for the sale of one 1971 Ford F600 Dump Truck (serial no. F61CCK82850), and WHEREAS, the highest bid for the 1971 Ford F600 Dump Truck was Richard Berggren of 119 Williams Glen Road, Ithaca, New York, with a bid of $1,791.00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the afore- mentioned bid be and the same hereby is accepted and the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County. RESOLUTION N0. 343 - AUDIT - ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES - CRASH/FIRE/RESCUE BUILDING Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim in relation co Resolution No. 139 has been audited by the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee: J. Victor Bagnardi, Architect - Payment Request "Final" - $1,502.11 now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed -to pay said claim out of funds provided therefore in Account No. 77-5-5610.200 272 November 19, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 344 - AUDIT - TELEPHONE SYSTEM - CONDUIT PROJECT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Proto. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: G. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claims have been audited by the Public Works Admin- istrative Subcommittee: Agway $ 30.58 Anderson Rent -All 30.00 Cayuga Crushed Stone 620.75 Ithaca Wholesale Electric 1,485.55 Landstrom Gravel Co. 126.25 Paul Mancini 6 Sons 96.00 Taylor Rental 50.15 Triangle Steel 13.40 Total $2,452.68 now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to pay said claim out of funds provided therefore in Account No. 66-1620.200. RESOLUTION NO. 345 - AUDIT - TERMINAL RENOVATION - MCGUIRE 6 BENNETT, INC. Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim in relation to Resolution No. 274 has been audited by the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee: McGuire & Bennett, Inc. Contractor - Payment Request:No..1 - S37,501 now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to pay said claim out of funds provided therefore in Account No. 90-5610.201. RESOLUTION NO. 346 - AUDIT - ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE - H.O.L.T. - BUILDING "C" ALTERATIONS Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. 273 November 19, 1985 WHEREAS, the following claim in relation to Resolution.No. 150 has been audited by the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee: Hoffman, O'Brien, Levatich S Taube, Architects - Payment Request No. 3 (Final) - $488.27 now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is audited and approved, - RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to pay said claim out of funds provided therefore in Account No. F1620.470. RESOLUTION NO. 347 - AUDIT - ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING "C" - MCPHERSON BUILDERS, INC. Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Culligan. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim in relation to Resolution No. 254 has been audited by the Public Works Subcommittee: McPherson Builders, Inc., Contractor - Payment Request No. 2 (Final) - $5,823.05 now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to pay said claim out of funds provided therefore in Account No. 99-1620.470. RESOLUTION N0. 348 - AUDIT - PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim in relation to Resolution No. 317 has been audited by the Public Safety Building Construction Committee: Agway $ 15.29 Acrographics 121.80 Ithaca Journal 52.65 Total $189.74 now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to pay said claim out of funds provided therefore in Account No. 58-1620.200. 274 November 19, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 349 - AUDIT - T. G. MILLER ASSOCIATES, P.C., SET CORNER MARKERS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Moved by Mr. Mason. seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3.999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 323, dated November 6, 1985, did authorize T. G. Miller Associates, P.C., to set corner markers for the Public Safety Building prior to construction, and WHEREAS, T. G. Miller has submitted a payment request in the amount of $250, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Special Jail Committee, That the afore- said amount is hereby audited and approved and the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said claim from Account No. 58-5610.202. RESOLUTION N0, 350 - APPORTIONMENT OF MORTGAGE TAX "loved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Clerk and the County Administrator have presented their report concerning mortgage tax receipts for the period from April 1, 1985 through September 30, 1985, pursuant to Section 251 of the Tax Law, and the same has been apportioned to the various, municipalities thereto, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the 'apportionment as presented for said period from April 1; 1985 through September 30, 1985 be and hereby is approved: Municipality Amount Total Town of Caroline $ 9,605.99 Town of Danby 7,385.41 Town of Dryden $47,208.20 Village of Dryden 3,782.88 Village of Freeville 829.12 51,820.20 Town of Enfield 5,175.98 Town of Groton 7,993.67 Village of Groton 3,170.68 11,164.35 City of Ithaca 129,222.32 Town of Ithaca 80,463.56 Village of Cayuga Heights 23,763.85 104,227.41 Town of Lansing 50,961.19 Village of Lansing 16,987.06 67,948.25 Town of Newfield 12,492.35 Town of Ulysses 18,691.46 Village of Trumansburg 4,355.96 23,047.42 $422,089.68 275 November 19, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 351 - TOWN BUDGETS Moved by Mr. Watros. seconded by Mr. Freeman and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee. That in accordance with budgets adopted by the several town boards of the County of Tompkins now on file with the Clerk of the Board and laws of the State of New York and in accordance with the foregoing report and recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the County and the City of Ithaca the foregoing sums for the purposes therein named, RESOLVED, further, That said summaries of the budgets of the several towns of the County and the City of Ithaca be printed in the 1985 proceedings of the Board of Representatives. RESOLUTION NO. 352 - APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION COMMISSIONER FOR 1986-87 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Chairperson of the Tompkins County Republican Committee has filed a certificate of recommendation with the Clerk of the Board for the Republican Party Election Commissioner for the.two-year term -commencing January 1,' 1986 and expiring December 31, 1987, and WHEREAS, said certificate recommends Marian R. Gillespie as said Commissioner of Elections, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins County Republican Committee, That Marian R. Gillespie be and hereby is appointed Republican Party Election Commissioner for the two-year term commencing January 1, 1986. RESOLUTION NO. 353 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - FISCAL AGENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute an agree- ment with Chase Lincoln First Bank, N.A., of Rochester, New York, to act as Fiscal Agent with respect to the Public Safety Building and Communications Equipment bond issue previously approved by this Board. RESOLUTION NO. 354 - APPROPRIATIONS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS, AND TRANSFERS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freemen. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: O. Adopted. 276 November 19, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections, Education, Human Services, Health, and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustments, appropriations, and transfers on his books: TRANSFERS Stop -DWI: From: A4250.442 To: A425O.412 Central Data Processing: From: A1680.420 .429 To: A1680.442 From: A1680.453 To: A1680.422 Job Training: From: To: From: To: From: To: 13-5-6241.424 13-5-6241.412 13-5-7322.332 13-5-7322.462 13-5-6290.412 13-5-6290.330 Mental Health Clinic: From: A4311.442 To: A4311.302 .308 .330 .332 County home: From: To: A6030.308 A6030.442 Professional Service Fees Conferences Conversion Costs Computer Software Professional Service Fees Training Equipment Maintenance Equipment Rental Conference Travel Training, Supplies, and Materials Insurance Conference Travel Printing Consultants Office Supplies Medical Supplies Printing Books and Publications Medical Supplies Professional Service Fees 277 $285 $285 $ 8,000 9,702 $17,702 $1,390 $1,390 $395 $395 $75 $75 $340 $340 $1,050 $ 300 250 400 100 $400 $400 November 19, 1985 Social Services (HEAP): From: 6141.000 HEAP Payments $3,951 To: 6010.210 Other Equipment $2,005 .212 Desks, Bookcases 160 .213 File Cabinets 170 .302 Office Supplies 116 .332 Books and Publications 1,500 Social Services: From: A6010.432 Rent $32,450 To: A6010.330 Printing $ 6,500 .414 Local Mileage 650 .442 Professional Services 9,500 .472 Telephone 14,800 .486 Medical Transportation 1,000 From: 6123 Juvenile Delinquent Care $10,075 To: 6070 Purchase of Services $10,075 Office for the Aging (HEAP): From: To: 7618.412 Conferences $126 7618.302 Office Supplies $ 23 .330 Printing 16 .452 Postage 30 .472 Telephone 40 .830 Social Security 2 .840 Workers' Compensation 15 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Social Services: Revenue: 3670 State Aid $ 9,300 4670 Federal Aid 58,125 Appropriation: 6070.400 Purchase of Services $67,425 Revenue: Appropriation: 3642 Emergency Aid to Adults 6142.400 Emergency Assistance to Adults $7,000 $7,000 Revenue: 3648 State Aid - Burials $1,500 Appropriation: 6148.400 Burials $1,500 278 November 19, 1985 Social Services (continued): Revenue: 3610 State Aid $2,300 4610 Federal Aid $4,600 Appropriation: 6010.472 Telephone $6,900 Public Health: Revenue: 1650 PERS Revenue $6,660 Appropriation: 4050.210 PERS Communication Equipment $6,660 Revenue: 1689 Other Revenue $2,300 Appropriation: 4010.472 Telephone $2,300 Assessment: Revenue: 1250 Assessor's Fees and TaxMap9 $4,230 Appropriation: 1356.330 Printing $4,230 APPROPRIATIONS Sheriff's Department: From: A909 General F:.nd $16,250 To: 3150.342 3110.421 Personnel: Food (Jail) Automobile Repairs From: A909 General Fund To: 1430.402 Advertising Social Services: $ 6,250 10,000 $1,500 $1,500 From: A909 General Fund $21,800 To: A6010.472 Telephone $ 2,300 6142.400 Emergency Assistance to Adults 7,000 6148.400 Burials 12,500 RESOLUTION NO. 355 - QUIT CLAIM DEED - PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF LANSING - 1985 TAX FORECLOSURE Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, property designated as tax map no. 28-1-7 in the Town of Lansing was conveyed to the County in the 1985 tax foreclosure proceeding, and `^ 279 November 19, 1985 WHEREAS, it is the County's intent to help families keep their property, now therefore be it- . RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County hereby quit claims tax map no. 28-1-7 to Mrs. Helen C. Ellis upon payment of all back taxes and penalties on said property located in the Town of Lansing. RESOLUTION N0. 356-_ WITHDRAWAL OF PARCEL FROM 1985 TAX FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS Moved by Mr. Watros,.seconded by Mr. Culligan and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Office of Budget and Finance has received all monies due and owing on a parcel' included in the 1985 Tax Foreclosure; said parcel being 19-1-35 Town of Groton, assessed to John and Janice Weishaupt and being serial number 37 in the 1985 Tax Foreclosure Proceeding, and WHEREAS, said monies_.were received subject to the approval of this Board of the withdrawal of the above parcel from the 1985 Tax Foreclosure, now therefore be it - RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the aforesaid parcel be and hereby is withdrawn from the I985 Tax Foreclosure Proceeding. RESOLUTION N0. 357 - RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS - SENIOR LIBRARY CLERK AND 'COMMUNICATIONS AND SUPPORT SERVICES COORDINATOR - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr:,Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. 'Adopted. RESOLVED, onrecommendation of the Budget and Administration and Education Committees, That one position of Library Clerk, labor grade B, competitive class, be reclassified effective immediately to Senior Library Clerk, labor grade D, competitive class, (RESOLVED, further, That one position of Administrative Assistant, labor grade F, competitive class, be reclassified to Communications and Support Services Coordinator, labor grade J, competitive class, effective immediately, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are required to fund these reclassifi- cations. RESOLUTION N0. 358 -CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITION - DATA ENTRY MACHINE OPERATOR - BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES Moved by Mr. Watros,,seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh and unanimously adopted by voice vote. .RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That one position of Data Entry Machine Operator (04-20), labor grade IV, 280 November 19, 1985 competitive class,.be created on.a.temporary basis, effeer** tdmedinrel}i4. RESOLVED, filrther;ThatliaidA)nsition shall.he 44** ferr'a?perl.od,:not _ . to exceed one year froMcrhe date of hire, RESOLVED, further., the following transfeis,ibe4mede4 1985 From: 1010.700 Board of RepFepAgNix.pies To: 1010.100 . Ioardof441Yees'elmt4lei*es 1986 ' Fro1010.700 Board'of:-.RepresenterisTes To: 1010.100Board of HepresentariYes -..• f•,---, RESOLUTION NO. 359 - SELECTION OF LONG-DISTANCAIUELIDI:. Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by. Mr. Freeman,: k7rkre;:-Atete.waa.takeh. Ayes: 3,725.. Noes: O. Abstain:. 274(RePTe-seAt#4VfOtgebras),..Adopted. HESOLVED, on recommendation'of-the Budget .and' Adejtnibaeitetion4Committee, That the Board authorizes the Connty'Administraiortoiuif NewIYork Telephone that the County is selecting AmeriranTelePhnne..,andT00:41vas.,theirlong, distance carrier. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded.bylr.jreeman;. ,James,Howe 1,/as appointed simultaneously to the Environmental.Mne:WPAtc6*141-4e:Presentative:hf the Tompkins County Planning Board fot:.a,terM:Whd:rb:i4X01**4TIecember-31, 19:851 and to the Tompkins County Planning Boarpre.,repreienr#0Ye,:of:rhe,EnVironmental Management Council for a term which expireaDedeMber3:987.. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Stein-„the:'fOkkoWingappointments were made to the Community Affirmative Action COMmitteellarianlira; at -large ,representative (term expires December 31, 1986);Wi11UW::G1100teHuman RighCs Commission representative (term expires:DeceMbet.31,198WV-Erhel.Winhols; County Board representative (term expires Decembet'31.,:.1945):94i.ght::-Mengel, at -large representative/County employee (term expiresJOecember-A1i1987JOhnnie Hill -Marsh, at -large representative (term:expirea:becember;31-g88), At 7:25 p.m., the meeting was adjourned to 7_:30par:the-public hearing on the proposed 1986 Tompkins County Budget to behewtl':theCourtrOom. 281 PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED 1986 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET November 19, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m. and introduced each member of the Board of Representatives, the Clerk, Deputy Clerk, County Attorney, Interim County Administrator, and Deputy County Administrator. Present: 15 Representatives. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 7:40 p.m. RESOLUTION N0. 360 - ADOPTION OF 1986 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Freeman. Mrs. Livesay commended the Budget and Administration Committee for the way the budget review process was conducted and said that although she is not com- pletely satisfied with the proposed budget, she feels that it was fairly developed given the constraints that the County is facing. Mrs. Livesay urged next year's Budget and Administration Committee and the full Board to work closely with the community in developing the 1987 budget because the County will be facing more constraints in the coming year. Mr. Lifton expressed his belief that a five percent figure should be used to determine the ratio of the General Fund Balance to the budget, and he said he also believes that the sales tax.revenue has been underestimated in the proposed budget. After discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mrs. Livesay to adjust Account No. A1110 to show a 1986 estimated revenue of sales tax of $8,333,000 and that the allocation from the General Fund Balance to the General Fund be lowered by $70,000. After discussion, a voice vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes: 238 (Representative Lifton). .Noes: 3,761. Amendment Lost. A roll call vote was taken on the original resolution. Ayes: 3,761 (Repre- sentatives Stein, Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Culligan, Freeman, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Shurtieff, Slattery, Dates). Noes: 238 (Representative Lifton). Adopted. WHEREAS, the proposed budget for the year 1986 has been presented to the Board by -the Budget Officer and a public hearing has been duly called and held pursuant to the provisions of Section 359 of the County Law and all persons desiring to be heard concerning same have been heard, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 360 of the County Law, the said proposed budget as amended be and hereby is adopted, subject to the correction of manifest errors by the Clerk of the Board and Budget Officer, as the budget of Tompkins County for the year 1986, RESOLVED, further, That pursuant to Section 356 of the County Law, the several amounts specified in such budget oppositeeach item of expenditure set forth in the column adopted be and hereby are appropriated for the objects and purposes specified, effective January 1, 1986, 282 November 19, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $7,764,848 required to meet expenses and costs of county government in Tompkins County for the fiscal year 1986 as set forth in the budget be assessed against, levied upon, and collected from the taxable property of the nine towns and the city liable therefore. Chairman Dates commended the Budget and Administration Committee, the program committees, department heads, and staff for their work in preparing the budget. RESOLUTION NO. 361 - ADOPTION OF APPORTIONMENT OF TAXES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Slattery. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the report of the Budget and Administration Committee be accepted and adopted and that valuation of real property and franchise for the purposes of general and highway tax levied against the several tax districts of the County be equalized at full value and determined as therein set forth as the basis for the apportionment for such general and highway tax levies for the year 1986, RESOLVED, further, That several amounts therein listed for state tax, county tax for general county purposes, enterprise fund tax and county highway tax for 1986 against the several towns of the county and City of Ithaca be assessed against, levied upon and collected from taxable property of the several towns and city liable therefore. RESOLUTION N0. 362 - APPROVING COMPLETED TAX ROLLS AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTING AND DELIVERY OF WARRANTS Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Stein. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, upon rhe tax rolls of the several towns and city, the several taxes will be extended, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That .the tax rolls be approved as completed, that the taxes extended upon the rolls in the several amounts extended against such parcel of property upon the said rolls are hereby determined to be the taxes due thereon as set forth therein, RESOLVED, further, That there be annexed to each of said rolls a tax warrant prepared by the Director of Assessment.as provided for in Section 4.12 (b) of the Tompkins County Charter and Code, chat such warrants shall be the respective amounts theretofore authorized to be levied upon each of said rolls, that the several warrants be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board under seal of the Board and by the Director of Assessment, that said rolls with said war- rants annexed are to be forthwith delivered to the respective collectors of the several districts of the County. 283 FORM 0 SUMMARY OF 1 9 8 6 BUDGET - ALL FUN/DS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS OF ALL FUNDS $38,776,033 (Excluding Interfund Items) Less: ESTIMATED REVENUES, APPROPRIATED CASH SURPLUS AND APPROPRIATED RESERVES OF ALL FUNDS: Estimated Revenues $30,168,086 (Excluding Interfund Items) Appropriated fund Balance: General Fund General Fund (STOP -DWI) Federal Revenue Sharing County Road 725,000 23,438 19,662 75,000 $31,011,186 TOTAL REAL ESTATE TAX LEVY 7,764,847 284 ST:\T_1: \T OF DEBT AS OF OCTOBER 30, 1985 Purpose Date o, Issue Rate Amount BONDS OUTSTANDING - liosp1 10/15/76 NOTES OUTSTANDING - Warren Road 05/01/81 - Library, Computer Equipment0]/29/82 - Library, hoof/Asbestos 08/14/84 - Data Processing Equipment 05/21/85 5.5% - 5.7% $16,400,000 3.5% 4.910 5.1% 5.21% 69,575 97,232 400.936 230.000 FORI4 I ESTLM.ATED FUND BALANCE AT END OF PRESENT FISCAL YEAR 1955 General Fund Federal County Hinhxay Revenue Sharing Road Machinery Fund Airport Fund Fund ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE AT END OF PRESENT FISCAL YEAR AFTER DEDUCTING ESTIMATED ENCUMBRANCES 52,250,000 519,622 530,000 $100,000 -0- ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED BY BOARD '1'0 REDUCE TAX LEVY S 725;000 519,622 -0- $ 75,000 -0- 285 COUNTY DISTRIBUTION TABLE - 1965 ASSESSED VALUE FOR THE 1986 BUDGET Assessed Equal Full Towns Sales Tax Horhars' Adjusted Final Name of City or Tann Valuation Rate Valuation Grose Levy fax Credit Net Levy Rate Elections Comp Net lax Tar. Rate Caroline 37,818,230 102.672 36,893,182 216,051.90 230,344,+15 (13,542.151 (0.3581 1,057,70 105.44 (]1,576.93.1 (11,305; Danby 19,436,815 92.117. 40,577,030 230,504.94 204,622.87 33,881.97 0.659 1,464,75 116.64 15,463.36 0.900 Dryden -Outside Vill 172,951,964 101.927, 169,641,842 997,43€.74 869,301.06 .128,050.73 D.740 4,412.71 482,96 133,006.46 0.171! -1nside 0i41 30,09(3,576 101,927 10,314,537 118,1E3.74 0.00 176,183.74 5.767 /99.03 86.28 174,069,05 5.796 Total 203,046,540 200,008,3/9 1,175,615.52 869,531.06 306,234.46 5,271.00 569.24 312,075.50 Enfield 31,415,264 95.011 13,128,391 194,723.09 191+,647.94 (1,924.05] (0.1251 1,625.52 91.22 12,205.111 10,01101 Groton -Outside Vill 40,495,193 101. 057 39,678,865 231,225.66 271,175.16 (51,949.401 (1.4451 1,741. 20 116.36 (53,085.971 (1.398) -1nside 0i11 22,192,485 101.054 22,555,651 132,519.31 0.00 132,576.31 5.917 443,20 1,6,15 153,637,60 5.864 Total 62,867,978 62,2264,516 365,603.94 291,115.16 74,628.83 2,744.41 162.51 77,551.74 Ithaca -Outside Vill -Inside Vill Total 179,656,376 104,304 172,443,525 1,015,593.96 1,129,992.61 (116,196.711 (0.6471 4,023.24 499.08 (111,875.591 10.6221 01,927,865 104,302. 78,554,206 961,704,66 0.00 461,704.86 5.636 1,83.64 227,10 463,765.20 5.661 261,786,461 250,993,731 1,475,298.62 1,129,992.67 345,306.15 5,655.88 127.58 154 ,689.61 lensing -03tsi0e Vill 169,558,608 1111.777, 166,609,610 979,302.23 681,657.88 291,645.35 1.120 3,035.44 482.08 245,162.83 1,141 -Inside 91]1 84,773,302 101.770 83,298,911 489,616.45 6,6115.85 482,981.10 5.697 1,517.60 241.02 494,739.72 5,7719 Total 254,311,910 249,908,529 1,468,9211.19 694,293.73 774,626.46 4,553.07 722.10 779,902.56 Newfield 52,073,454 93.121. 56,801,390 333,668.99 367,192.53 (33,323.341 (0.6301 1,611.14 161.05 (11,550.351 10.5961 Ulysses -Outside Vill 55,792,211 90.00l1 56,9300,826 334,629.81 276,400.49 56,629.72 1.051 1,909.67 161.32 60,702.71 1.069 -inside 4311 21,124,615 78.00L 21,560,832 126,730.94 0.00 126,730.94 5.998 723.23 61.95 127,516.02 6.036 Tota] 76,421,926 76,491,660 461,300.14 210,000.09 185,160.65 2,632.90 225.11 1E0,216.72 Ithaca City 304,702,561 97,5111 1112,002,627 1,853,890.822 0.00 1,933,898.92 6.429 12,234.15 910.25 1,847,043.22 6.013 *MI TOTAL +11.1 1,325,661,057 1,321,034,434 7,164,647,00 4,261,100,00 3,503,147,00 2.643 39,647.32 3,816.01 3,546,8111,32 2,616 Apportionment of:GROSE LEVY an the basis of fell value. SALES TAk CREDIT on the basis of population to Towns and Villages.. (At RATE PER 11000 on the basis of assessed value. ESTIMATED REVENUES ESTIMATED REVENUES OTHER THAN REAL ESTATE TAXES - ALL FUNDS Accounts prefixed Accounts prefixed Accounts prefixed Accounts prefixed Accounts prefixed Accounts prefixed Accounts prefixed ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION by "A" represent the by "B" represent the by "C" represent the by "D" represent the by "E" represent the by "F" represent the by "V" represent the GENERAL FUND REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS A1051 Gain from Sale of Tax Acquired property A1081 Payments in Lieu of Taxes A1090 Interest & Penalties on Real Property Taxes TOTAL - REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS NON -PROPERTY TAXES A1110 Sales and Use Tax DEPARTMENTAL INCOME A1230 Treasurer Fees A1235 Tax Advertising & Expense A1250 Assessors Fees A1255 Clerk Fees TOTAL - DEPARTMENTAL INCOME PUBLIC SAFETY 41510 Sheriff Fees A1525 Prisoner Charges TOTAL- PUBLIC SAFETY 287 General Fund Airport Enterprise Fund Job Training Fund County Road Fund Highway Machinery Fund Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Debt Service Fund 1984 ACTUAL 1985 BUDGET 1986 1986 ESTIMATE ADOPTEI 20,620 16,129 30,000 35,000 35,000 289,897 300,000 325,000 325,000 326,646 330,000 360,000 360,000 7,397,181 7,701,000 8,263,000 8,263,000 47,056 48,000 43,000 43,000 6,660 6,000 6,500 6,500 5,233 12,000 9,324 9,324 366,160 369,175 376,102 376,102 425,109 435,175 434,926 434,926 35,810 40,500 38,350 38,350 29,370 57,700 35,000 35,000 65,180 98,200 73,350 73,350 ESI MATED REVENUES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1984 1985 1986 1966 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE ADOPTED HEALTH A1601 Public Health Fees 39,603 38,000 45,000 45,000 A1603 Hypertension Program 20,975 22,033 17,474 17,474 41605 Care for Handicapped Children 1,072 1,000 1,000 1,000 41606 Schuyler County Contract 704 2,200 2,200 - 2,200 A1610 Home Nursing Charges 591,340 643,000 640,000 640,000 41611 Schuyler and Cortland County Contract 4,090 7,000 7,000 41615 Laboratory Fees 7.663 15,000 12,000 12,000 41620 Mental Health Fees 151,795 150,000 226,800 226,800 41621 Meadow House Fees 256,433 226,5u0 251,750 251,750 41622 Mental Health Printing 873 2,283 2,283 41623 Mental Health Fees 21,550 41625 Mental Health Contri. - Private Agency .410 - Special Children's Center 91,950 98,671 92,745 92,745 .420 - Mental Health Association 14,935 19,986 23,468 23.468 .440 - Alcoholism Council 22,673 62,342 58,610 58,610 .450 - Challenge - ARC Workship 105,004 111,423 140,301 140,301 .460 - Ithaca Youth Bureau Day Camp 19,020 20,246 21,653 21,653 .470 - Suicide Prevention 31.276 46,670 49,575 49,575 .460 - Emergency Community Shelter 20,194 Sub Total 41625 283,936 374,732 386,352 386,352 A1626 C.A.S.A. 2,183 17,864 21,771 21,771 41686 Vaccine 2,920 2,780 5,000 5,000 A1687 Rabies 837 500 500 41686 Flu Clinic Donations 2,063 1,500 1,500 288 ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION A1689 Other Health Department Income 41690 Other Health Dept, Dental Supplies TOTAL - HEALTH TRANSPORTATIOrN A1792 Tomtran 1984 1985 1986 1986 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE ADOPTEI 3,499 11,517 3,500 3,500 1,926 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,368,851 1,538,139 1,626,130 1,626,130 117,947 180,679 204,910 204,910 ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE & DEVELOPMENT Repayments of: A1801 Medical Assistance 198,347 231,500 260,000 260,000 41803 Aid to Aged, Blind & Disabled `4,001 5,000 A1809 Aid to Dependent Children 212,703 170,000 196,000 196,000 A1811 Child Support - Incentive Earnings 29,186 31,000 31,000 31,000 41819 Child Care 32,586 25,000 20,000 20,000 A1823 Juvenile Delinquents Care 9,612 14,000 10,000 10,000 A1830 Adult Care - Public Institutions 79,105 65,000 108,000 108,000 A1840 Home Relief 57,736 58,100 61,000 61,000 A1841 H.E.A.P. ,9,789 41842 Emergency Aid to Adults 495 400 400 400 A1848 Burials 7,394 6,000 8,000 8,000 A1870 Purchases of Services 624 100 1,500 1,500 TOTAL - ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE & DEVELOPMENT 641,578 606,100 695,900 695,900 289 E S T I M A T E D REVENUES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1984 1485 1986 1986 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE ADOPTED GENERAL CHARGES 42070 County Wide Conference 875 42115 Planning Department 162 42215 Election Expenses 28,454 32,000 42226 Sale of Supplies 85,344 80,000 42266 Dog Control Services - Other Governments 39,471 43,000 42349 Employment Readiness Program 30,056 T0TAL - GENERAL CHARGES 183,487 155,875 42,000 80,000 15,000 42,000 80,000 15,000 137,000 137,000 JSE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 42401 Interest & Earnings 417,131 400,000 300,000 300,000 A2.10 Rentals 174,355 156,909 128,680 128,680 42414 Lease o4 Equipment 3,600 3,600 225 225 42;50 Commissions 802 500 800 800 TOTAL - USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 595,888 561,004 424,705 429,705 LICENSES & PERMITS 545 Licenses 1,798 2,000 3,500 3,500 FINES &. FORFEITURES 42610 Fines & Forfeited Bail 2,000 2,000 2,000 42611 Fines & Penalties - Dog Cases 865 500 500 500 42615 STOP - DWI 103,078 87,500 80,000 80,000 3T?.L - FINES & FORFEITURES 103,443 90,000 82,500 62,500 290 ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1984 1985 1986 1986 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE ADOPTE SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS A2655 Minor Sales 18,656 22,000 28,000 28,000 A2660 Sales of Real Property 26,100 13,000 A2665 Sale of Equipment 318 652 652 A2680 Insurance Recoveries 27,579 TOTAL - SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 72,653 35,000 28,652 28,652 MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES A2701 Refunds of Prior Years Expense 101,374 B0,000 25,000 25,000 A2702 Fire Dispatchers 35,537 32,000 38,797 38,797 A2770 Other Unclassified Revenues .000 EMS Registration 5,250 .010 Miscellaneous Reimbursements 26,376 .020 Planning 3,615 2,300 .030 Telephone & Postage Reimb. - Courts 11,423 17,000 3,000 3,000 .035 D.A. Reimb. STOP -DWI 6,259 9,106 9,106 .036 Probation Reimb. STOP -DWI 12,809 12,568 12,568 .037 Sheriff Reimb. STOP -DWI 5,500 4,500 4,500 .040 Assigned Counsel Fees 360 .050 Human Services Coal. - Refund 2,050 .061 Transportation 2,275 .070 Discounts 565 800 500 500 .090 Security Officers - Airport 44,137 Sub Total A2770 96,071 44,668 29,674 2°,674 TOTAL - MISCELLANEOUS 232,982 156,668 93,47'. 93,471 291 ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1984 1985 1986 1986 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE ADOPTED STATE AID A3001 Per Capita (Revenue Sharing) 365,224 365,000 458,000 458,000 43030 District Attorney 10,000 23,825 23,825 23,825 43089 State Aid (Other) .020 Environmental Management Council 7,424 5,810 5,892 5,892 .040 Flood Control 10,000 .060 Transportation 151,951 .080 Parole 2,000 2,500 2,500 .090 Forestry 250 Sub Total A3089 169,375 8,060 8,392 8,392 A3277 Education of Handicapped Children 209,798 250,000 250,000 250,000 A3310 Probation Services 178,000 210,155 234,138 234,136 A3315 Navigation Law Enforcement 14,301 2,000 2,300 2,300 A3330 Security Costs - Court Reporter 9,572 16,000 16,000 16,000 43401 Public Health Work 334,949 338,815 381,894 381,894 A3402 WIC Nutrition 95,646 116,229 116,096 116,096 A3403 Hypertension Program 19,061 34,520 36,150 36,150 A3411 IHAP 4,860 9,570 10,159 10,159 A3442 Rabies 484 900 900 900 A3446 Care of Handicapped Children 16,360 20,000 20,000 20,000 A3448 Adult Polio 566 2,000 500 500 A3486 Narcotic Addiction Control 250,945 420,750 420,750 420,750 292 ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION A3490 Mental Health .010 Mental Health other than 620 .020 Mental Health 620 .030 Mental Retardation o/t 620 .040 Mental Retardation 620 .050 Div. of Alcoholism o/t 818 .060 Div. of Alcoholism 818 .070 C.S.S. Sub Total A3490 A3594 Bus & Other Mass Transportation A3601 Medical Assistance A3602 Long Term Medical'Cars A3603 Aid to Aged, Blind & Disabled A3609 Aid to Dependent Children 43610 Social Services Administration A3611 Food Stamps A3613 Home Relief A3619 Child Care A3623 Juvenile Delinquents A3630 Adult Care - Public Institutions A3642 Emergency Aid - Adults A3648 Burials A3670 Services for Recipients A3675 CSS/OMH 293 1984 ACTUAL 1985 BUDGET 1986 ESTIMATE 1986 ADOPTE: 229,218 309,255 285,133 285,133 34,761 22,822 17,922 17,922 294,339 314,200 331,340 331,340 134,520 121,947 147,268 147,268 60,028 66,953 69,907 69,907 17,542 23,529 18,838 18,838 223,733 368,687 510,799 510,799 994,141 1,227,393 1,381,207 1,381,207 88,987 495,893 480,421 480,421 -53,684 49,046 100,000 100,000 55,000 1,012,463 1,057,500 1,327,000 1,327,000 607,404 633,668 624,267 624,267 168,537 170,458 200,898 200,898 1,187,156 1,215,000 1,349,500 1,349,500 296,317 275,000 323,000 323,000 215,407 205,500 172,500 172,500 277,179 146,486 201,714 201,714 5,375 3,800 5,875 5,875 3,981 6,000 6,500 6,500 30,608 30,613 37,000 37,000 93,979 146,249 ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1984 1965 1986 1986 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE ADOPTED A3801 Recreation for the Ederly 4,145 4,145 4,145 4,145 43803 Programs for the Aging 295,018 421,082 359,381 359,381 A3818 Youth Bureau -Administrative .440 - Family and Children Service 897 897 .505 - Day Care Council 5,920 5,920 .550 - American Red Cross 2,929 2,929 .570 - 4H Youth Council 5,350 4,560 6,560 Sub Total A3618 5,350 16,306 16,306 A3819 Youth Bureau - SDDF' .010 - Ulysses Youth Unlimited 7,049 7,500 7,187 7,187 .020 - Child Sexual Abuse 10,000 10,449 6,813 6,813 .050 - 'dioh Risk Youth Apr. 6 Employ. 11,094 11,290 8,468 6,468 .040 - Drug and Alcohol Program 6,000 6,000 .050 - Rural Access Program 6,223 .055 - Youth Bureau 3,088 .060 - Planned Parenthood 6,971 3,110 .065 - Groton Youth Commission 2,065 4,328 4,328 4,328 070 - Red Cross - Indep. Living Skills 1,779 6,252 6,252 6,252 .085 - Community Dispute Resolution Center 2,500 4,381 4,381 .090 - OAR Intake and Bail Fund 3,965 3,985 3,985 Sut iota! A3819 48,269 49,414 49,414 49,414 294 ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION A3820 Youth Programs .015 - Youth Bureau .420 - Learning Web .440 - Interim Families .470 - 4-1 Urban Outreach .505 - Day Care - Outreach .510 - Ulysses Youth Unlimited .520 - Suicide Prevention .530 - Brooktondale Community Canter .535 - City of Ithaca Youth Bureau .550 - Emergency Community Center .555 - Battered 'Women .560 - Community Dispute Resolution Center .570 - !YE! Youth Council .591 - Bottom Line .594 - Offender Aid & Restoration .595 - One to One .598 - Pre - School Family Support .599 - Positive Self - Image .605 - Child School Abuse Sub Total A3820 TOTAL - STATE AID 295 1984 1985 1986 1986 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE AD0PTE1 16,812 30,369 29,607 24,607 14,000 14,300 14,000 14,000 12,008 9,196 8,299 8,299 4,100 4,100 4,344 4,344 5,489 9,867 3,946 3,946 6,777 7,431 7,434 7,434 .4,692 4,919 6,581 6,581 2,612 3,550 3,550 3,550 9,507 8,640 2,496 8,496 4,413 4,281 4,281 4,281 8,503 8,142 8,710 8,710 "2,500 8,911 8,376 9,376 8,376 2,929 3,250 3,250 3,250 20,208 19,593 20,181 20,181 .4.812 6,300 6,322 5,922 5,922 2,367 2,367 134,473 142,336 139,344 139,344 7,137,942 2,108,711 2.757.576 8,757,576 EST IMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FEDERAL AID A4594 - Bus and Other Mass Transportation A4601 - Medical Assistance A4609 - Aid to Dependent Children A4610 - Social Services Administration A4611 - Food Stamps_ A4513 - Nome Relief 44619 - Child Care ADE -FC A4641 - H.E,A.F. A4670 - Services for Recipients TOTAL - FEDERAL AID TOTAL - GENERAL FUND REVENUES ENTERPRISE REVENUES 1984 1985 1986 1986 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE ADOPTED 70,000 120,640 120,640 140,061 1,854,0134 2,115,000 2,443,000 2,443,000 1,162,979 1,280,571 1,090,045 1,090,045 207,227 170,458 238,630 238,630 21,851 22,500 29,000 29,000 261,424 230,000 168,000 168,000 723,843 821,966 123,575 183,675 235,000 235,000 4,555,064 4,894,170 4,:24,315 4,324,315 23,226,249 24,892,726 25,514,935 25,514,935 AIRPORT 81770 - Airport Landing Fees 112,142 119,977 105,541 105,541 81774 - Airport Concessions 99,232 88,540 96,154 96,154 62401 - Interest 2,690 82410 - Rentals 65,475 61,651 71,923 71,923 82701 - Refunds - Prior Year's Expense 23 62770 - Unclassified Revenues 4,1353 3,012 43,118 43,118 TOTAL - AIRPORT REVENUES 284,415 273,180 316,736 316,736 296 ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION COUNTY ROAD FUND REVENUES LOCAL SOURCES D2302 Snow Removal Services, Other Gov'ts. 02401 - Interest 02701 - Refund of Prior Year's Expense 02770 - Other Unclassified Revenues TOTAL - LOCAL SOURCES STATE AID D3501 - Consolidated Highway Aid 03505 - State Bond Act TOTAL - STATE AID FEDERAL AID 04506 - Safer Roads Demonstration Program TOTAL - FEDERAL AID TOTAL - COUNTY ROAD REVENUES (Excl. Interfund) 02810 - Transier from General Fund TOTAL - COUNTY ROAD REVENUES (Incl. Interfund) 297 1984 1985 1986 1986 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE ADOPTE. 8,4,247 7,167 6,704 3,193 101,311 854,630 37,128 891,758 187,000 21,000 208,000 848,917 85,000 933,917 138,309 179,085 138,309 179,085 190,000 190,000 5,000 5,000 195,000 195,000 860,356 860,356 860,356 860,356 1,131,378 1,321,002 1,055,356 1,055,356 2,284,103 1,933,784 2,310,069 2,310,069 3,420,481 3,254,786 3,365,425 3,365,425 ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1984 ACTUAL 1985 1986 BUDGET ESTIMATE 1986 ADOPTED HIGHWAY MACHINERY REVENUES E2401 - Interest 8,882 82416 - Rental's Other Governments 4,000 4,000 E2650 - Sale of Scrap 463 62655 - Minor Sales, Gther 60 62770 - Other Unclassified Revenues 15,214 E2701 Refund of Prior Years Expense 379 TOTAL - HIGHWAY MACHINERY REV. (Excl. Inter -fund) 24,49B 41000 4,000 62822 - Transfer from County Road Fund 682,430 522,303 653,101 653,101 TOTAL - HIGHWAY MACHINERY REV. (Incl. Interfund) 707,428 522,303 657,101 657,101 JOB TRAINING REVENUES CD2350 DSS Employment Readiness Program 19,025 CO2701 Refund of Prior Years Expense 830 804743 - Title 11 5 117,817 139,401 151,442 151,442 CD4760 JTPA incentive 15,165 CD4792 - Title II A 224,340 317,229 345,362 345,362 804820 - A.V.E, Grant 29,137 14,500 TOTAL - JOB TRAINING REVENUES 377,124 505,320 496,804 496,804 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING REVENUES F2401 Interest and Earnings F4001 - Federal Revenue Sharing TOTAL - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING REVENUES 298 52,704 673,969 726,678 650,026 650,026 15,000 15,000 587,628 587,62B 602,628 602,628 ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1984 ACTUAL 1985 1986 1986 BUDGET ESTIMATE ADDPTEI DEBT SERVICE REVENUES V2401.000 Interest and Earnings 11,456 177,500 177,500 92960.620 - Serial Bonds - Hospital 1,050,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 V2960.770 - Interest/Ser. Bonds - Hospital 1,000,800 946,800 892,300 892,300 V2970.610 - BAN Library 32,411 37,946 48,616 48,616 92970.620 - Interest - RAN Library 8,111 4,775 4,775 92970.630 - BAN - Warren Road 70,000 3,130 92970.660 - HAN - Telephone 42,453 42,453 92970,670 - BAN - Airport Terminal 11,9833 11,983 TOTAL - DEBT SERVICE REVENUES (Excl. Interfund) 2,164,667 1,995„987 2,177,627 2,177,627 V5031.000 - Interfund transfers 11,296 75,945 475,789 475,789 TOTAL - DEBT SERVICE REVENUES (incl. lnterfundl 2,175,963 2,071,332 2,653,416 2,653,416 GRAND TOTAL - ESTIMATED REVENUES 30,918,338 32,170,273 33,607,045 33,607,045 OTHER THAN REAL ESTATE LESS; INTERFUND ITEMS Appropriations far County Road Fund Appropriations for Highway Machinery Appropriations for Debt Service TOTAL - INTERFUND ITEMS 2,289,103 1,933,784 2,310,069 2,310,069 682,430 522,303 653,101 653,101 I1,296 75,945 475,789 475,789 2,982,829 2,532.032 3,438,959 3,438,959 GRAND TOTAL - ALL FUNDS (Excl. Interfund Items} 27,935,509 29,638,241 30,168,086 30,168,086 299 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPR I A T IONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 41010 BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 94,203 99,200 99,200 99,200 99,200 99,200 200 EQUIPMENT 285 0 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 1,971 11,000 11,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 10,852 17,498 29,754 29,759 27,971 27,971 TOTAL, BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES 107,311 127,698 139,959 130,959 129,171 129,171 41040 CLERK OF THE BOARD 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 44,659 48,199 49,770 49,770 49,770 49,770 200 EQUIPMENT 369 675 875 675 875 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,218 2,940 3,710 3,710 3,685 3,685 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 8,259' 7,230 7,505 7,505 7,505 7,505 TOTAL, CLERK OF THE BOARD 55,505 58,369 61,860 61,860 61,835 61,835 A1162 COURT SECURITY/TELEPHONE 26,479 33,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 81165 DISTRICT ATTORNEY 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 200 EQUIPMENT 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. TOTAL, DISTRICT ATTORNEY 175,389 204,477 198,135 198,135 195,041 195,091 1,735 4,868 2,830 2,695 2,695 2,695 7,821 8,550 8,850 8,850 6,950 8,850 46,414 43,657 43,096 42,846 42,375 42,375 231,359 261,552 252,911 252,526 249,011 249,011 300 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTE! A1166 SPECIAL PROSECUTOR 2,183 A.1170 LEGAL DEFENSE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 132,909 156,320 158,052 208,052 188,052 188,052 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 408 500 500 500 500 500 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 5,553 9,600 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 TOTAL, LEGAL DEFENSE 138,870 166,420 163,652 213,652 193,652 193,652 A1120 JUSTICE k CONSTABLE 680 750 750 750 750 750 A1230 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 114,184 110,950 105,519 105,519 105,519 105,519 200 EQUIPMENT 588 4,652 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 300) SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,460 2,695 2,713 2,713 2,300 2,300 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 5,278 5,242 4,745 4,645 3,918 3,918 TOTAL, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 122,510 123,539 114,127 114,027 112,887 112,887 A1310 BUDGET AND FINANCE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 144,789 153,383 142,031 148,031 148,031 148,031 200 EQUIPMENT 1,177 2,750 160 160 160 160 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 7,501 6,550 7,360 7,360 7,360 7,360 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 12,536 15,359 17,412 17,418 15,688 15,688 TOTAL, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 166,003 172,042 172,969 172,969 171,239 171,239 301 APPROPRIATIONS DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION 1984 1985 1966 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A1355 ASSESSMENT 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 253,609 269,391 276,545 276,545 276,545 276,545 200 EQUIPMENT 802 85 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 10,173 12,550 16,355 16,355 14,755 14,755 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 75,224 64,027 19,750 19,475 18,675 18,675 TOTAL, ASSESSMENT 339,808 346,053 312,650 312,375 309,975 309,975 41362 TAX ADVERTISING EXPENSE 5,432 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 A1364 EXPENSE -TAX ACQUIRED PROP 581 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 A1380 FISCAL AGENT FEES 1,898 1,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 41410 COUNTY CLERK 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 200 EQUIPMENT 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. TOTAL, COUNTY CLERK 93,899 101,387 101,571 100,993 100,943 100,991 1,467 11,098 4,367 3,625 2,335 2,335 2,987 9,985 6,445 6,485 6,268 6,268 25,803 34,063 39,612 39,572 39,572 39,572 124,156 156,533 151,995 150,675 149,168 149,168 A1411 MOTOR VEHICLE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 113,744 118,598 126,111 121,969 121,969 121,969 200 EQUIPMENT 1,890 770 500 400 400 400 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 752 B50 850 890 890 690 400 CONTRACTUAL AND CTHEF LIP. 39,405 39,663 43,915 43,875 43,875 43,875 TOTAL, MOTOR VEHICLE 155,791 159,681 171,376 167,134 167,134 167,134 302 APPROPRIATIONS DEPARTMENT 1 DESCRIPTION 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BHT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTEI A1420 COUNTY ATTORNEY 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 59,534 64,305 66,049 66,049 66,049 66,049 200 EQUIPMENT 3,030 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,144 2,550 2,641 2,266 2,266 2,266 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 61,537 23,105 22,870 22,878 17,017 17,017 TOTAL, COUNTY ATTORNEY 123,215 92,990 91,568 91,193 85,332 85,332 A1430 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 109,880 119,652 121,546 121,546 121,546 121,546 200 EQUIPMENT 845 8,200 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 6,299 5,600 5,900 5,300 5,100 5,100 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 16,117 19,947 20,687 19,987 18,719 18,719 TOTAL, PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 135,141 153,399 148,133 146,833 145,365 145,365 A1450 BOARD OF ELECT. ADM. 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 74,150 66,218 38,246 60,000 60,000 60,000 200 EQUIPMENT 589 500 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 716 1,225 1,280 1,280 1,280 1,280 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 5,213 3,859 11;630 1.630 1,630 1,630 TOTAL, BOARD OF ELECT. ADM. 80,668 71,802 9:156 62,910 62,910 62.910 A1451 ELECTIONS 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. TOTAL, ELECTIONS 33,751 30,800 34,535 14,611 17,800 20,000 48,362 48,600 54,535 303 34,535 15,000 49,535 34,285 15,000 49,285 34,285 15,000 49,285 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION A1480 HUMAN SERVICES COALITION APPROPRI A T IONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 19,882 10,882 1,297 1,297 2,057 2,057 41490 PUBLIC WORKS ADM. 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 61,102 65,737 65,737 65,737 65,737 65,737 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 1,500 439 675 150 150 150 TOTAL, PUBLIC WORKS ADM. 62,602 66,176 66,412 65,687 65,867 65,887 41620 BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 69,175 80,072 75,433 78,348 78,348 72,340 200 EQUIPMENT 1,925 125 5,554 3,227 1,727 1,727 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 8,175 6,275 6,975 6,975 6,653 8,42: 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 140,600 136,507 148,785 147,372 143,372 143,372 TOTAL, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS 219,675 222,479 236,747 235,922 230,100 230,100 A1621 OLD HOSPITAL 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 6,214 2,951 2,951 2,951 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 196 100 400 4,150 4,150 4,150 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 57,566 48,505 51,400 40,650 40,172 40,172 TOTAL, OLD HOSPITAL 63,996 48,605 51,800 47,751 47,273 47,273 41622 BIGGS BUILDING 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 200 EQUIPMENT 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. TOTAL, BIGGS BUILDING 31,511 30,706 6,199 4,750 78,201 100,284 115,911 135,740 304 41,241 35,375 35,375 35,375 5,000 8,500 5,000 5,000 4,850 5,100 5,100 5,100 40,600 78,850 78,850 78,650 141,691 125,825 124,325 124,325 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION A1640 CENTRAL GARAGE APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTE[ 24,910 34,000 . 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 A1670 CENTRAL SERVICES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 12,287 12,917 13,686 13,686 13,686 13,686 200 EQUIPMENT 1,445 373 265 265 265 265 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 26,038 30,100 30,100 30,100 30,100 30,100 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 41,500 ' 43,133 41,106 41,106 41,106 41,106 TOTAL, CENTRAL SERVICES 81,270 86,523 85,157 85,157 85,157 85,157 A1680 CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 29,028 47,989 61,109 61,109 61,109 61,109 200 EQUIPMENT 779 7,900 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 417 9,450 13,060 13,060 13,060 13,060 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 27,892 56,398 39,060 39,010 37,843 37,843 TOTAL, CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING 58,116 121,737 116,729 116,679 115,512 115,512 A1900 SPECIAL ITEMS. 400 1910 UNALLOCATED INS. 38,822 43,067 64,000 64,000 64,000 64,000 400 1915 UNALL, MANAGE.TRAIN. 3,371 2,000 2,000 1,900 1,900 400 1920 MUNI. ASSOC. DUES 4,154 4,415 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 400 1930 JUDGEMENTS & CLAIMS 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 400 1950 TAXES ON CO. PROP. 393 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 400 1989 EMT TRAINING 2,401 400 1990 CONTINGENT FUND 200,000 200,000 300,000 300,000 TOTAL, SPECIAL ITEMS. 47,270 53,853 272,600 272,600 372,500 372,500 TOTAL GEN"L GOVT SUPP'T 2,561,784 2,768,063 2,954,574 2,933,016 2,985,025 2,985,025 305 APPROPRIATIONS DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION 1984 1985 1486 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 42400 EDUCATION 400 2490 OUTSIDE CO COMM COLL 61,364 80,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 400 2495 TC -3 753,763 806,526 872,132 672,132 864,232 864,232 400 2960 PHY HANDICAP CHILD 362,503 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 400 2981 COOP EXTENSION 382,571 407,752 437,271 437,271 432,898 432,898 442 2960 PHC PROF SERV FEES 600 TOTAL, EDUCATION 1,560.201 1,794,878 1,884,403 1,884,403 1,872,130 1,872,130 43110 SHERIFF 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 661,677 200 EQUIPMENT 11,371 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 55,244 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 65,104 7074L, SHERIFF 793,596 43111 NAVAGATION GRANT 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 2,376 200 EQUIPMENT 7,040 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 167 400 CONTRACTUAL AND"'O'TNFR EXP. 1,377 TOTAL, NAVAGATION GRANT 10,960 683,802 38,389 61,331 56,424 805,840 96,920 70,700 66,350 839,946 1,039,810 751.352 45,400 62,960 65,150 924,862 751,352 43,750 62,460 60,150 917,712 751,352 43,750 62,460 60,150 917,712 A3140 PROBATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 335,718 396,219 415,356 415,35B 415,358 415,358 200 EQUIPMENT 1.514 967 10,547 10,478 10,478 10,478 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 5,167 5,650 8,244 8,244 6,529 6,529 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 26,033 32,362 32,582 30,982 27,982 27,982 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 2,262 6,837 6,434 6,434 6,434 TOTAL, PROBATION 368,432 439,480 473,568 471,496 466,781 466,781 306 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTEI A3150 JAIL 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 279,164 296,313 392,115 392,115 392,115 392,115 200 EQUIPMENT 1,860 364 600 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 69,744 73,100 87,500 72,500 72,100 72,100 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 24,440 52,800 76,000 55,200 54,700 54,700 TOTAL, JAIL 375,208 422,577 556,215 519,815 518,915 518,915 A3170 OFFENDER AID & RESTORATION 18,323 18,323 18,140 18,140 A3410 FIRE & DIS. COORDINATOR 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 123,941 121,403 123,786 123,786 123,786 123,786 200 EQUIPMENT 82,035 96.449 54,585 54,585 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 15,570 17;325 29,200 24,675 20,651 20,651 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 50,783 51,082 55,935 55,910 55,910 55,910 TOTAL, FIRE & DIS. COORDINATOR 272,329 274,259 263,506 258,956 200,347 200,347 43510 CONTROL OF ANIMALS 400 CONTROL OF ANIMALS 37,933 38,000 410 DOG DAMAGE CLAIMS 2,249 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL, CONTROL OF ANIMALS 40,182 43,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 A3520 CONTROL OF OTHER ANIMALS 18,000 18,900 20,000 20,000 19,800 19,800 307 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APF ROPR I AT 1 DNS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 43630 COUNTY SEALER 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 17,545 18,959 18,959 18,959 18,959 18,959 200 EQUIPMENT 1,195 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 258 404 214 214 214 214 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 2,722 2,774 3,011 2,831 2,831 2,831 TOTAL, COUNTY SEALER 21,720 22,137 22,184 22,004 22,004 22,004 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 1,900,427 2,062,299 2,398,606 2,240,456 2,168,699 2,168,699 A4010 PUBLIC HEALTH 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 696,017 749,695 770,791 770,791 770,791 770,791 200 EQUIPMENT 23,585 23,494 47,910 28,016 14,816 14,816 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 33,354 39,650 42,800 42,000 40,870 40,870 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 572,153 635,751 625,953 623,803 622,463 622,463 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 170,006 199,985 220,985 220,965 220,985 220,985 TOTAL, PUBLIC HEALTH 1,495,120 1,648,575 1,708,439 1,685,595 1,669,925 1,669,925 A4011 I.H.A.P. 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 4,462 10,669 14,116 14,116 14,116 14,116 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 440 1,189 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,802 1,943 1,943 1,943 1,943 TOTAL, I.H.A.P. 4,902 13,660 17,159 17,159 17,159 17,159 308 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTEE A4012 WIC NUTRITION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 57,855 65,315 62,235 62,235 62,235 62,235 200 EQUIPMENT 243 520 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 3,296 4,075 2,775 2,775 2,775 2,775 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 28,907 32,639 35,164 35,164 35,164 35,164 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 10,522 13,680 15,922 15,922 15,922 15,922 TOTAL, WIC NUTRITION 100,823 116,229 116,096 116,096 116,096 116,096 A4014 MEDICAL EXAMINER 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 34,128 36,223 37,333 37,333 37,333 37,333 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 391 450 450 450 450 450 ' 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 12,380 13,413 14,213 14,213 14,213 14,213 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 10,240 11,520 11,425 10,765 10,765 10,765 TOTAL, MEDICAL EXAMINER 57,139 61,606 63,421 62,761 62,76! 62,761 A4015 LABORATORY 70,903 80,000 79,500 79,500 78,500 78,500 A4018 HYPERTENSION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 20,144 24,599 27,934 27,934 27,934 27,934 200 EQUIPMENT 6,690 100 100 100 100 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 8511 4,668 3,602 3,602 3,602 3,602 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 738 13,626 15,530 15,530 15,530 15,530 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 3,067 6,968 6,458 6,458 6,458 6,453 TOTAL, HYPERTENSION 24,802 56,553 53,624 53,624 53,624 53,624 309 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND AN,PTED A4026 C.A.S.A. 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 7,494 13,756 15,926 15,926 15,926 15,926 200 EQUIPMENT 975 850 645 645 645 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 253 1,450 1,450 1,450 650 -650 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 261 2,250 2,250 2,250 1,600 1,600 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,820 4,560 5,327 5,327 5,327 5,327 TOTAL, C.A.S.A. 10,803 22,016 25,803 25,598 24,148 24,148 84042 PUBLIC HEALTH 3,233 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 44046 PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED 40,069 41,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 41,0000 84048 ADULT POLIO 1,698 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 44050 P. E. R. S. 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 1,872 3,623 3,623 3,823 3,823 200 EQUIPMENT 7,441 4,600 4,600 . 4,600 4,600 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 160 160 160 160 160 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 644 704 704 704 704 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 542 814 B14 814 614 TOTAL, P.E.R.S. 10,759 10,101 10,101 10,101 10,101 310 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION A4080 COMP. HEALTH PLANNING A4220 NARCOTIC CONTROL A4250 STOP DWI 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 200 EQUIPMENT 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 900 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TOTAL, STOP DWI APPROPRIATIONS 1984 ACTUAL 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTEI 22,448 20,517 20,517 20,517 20,517 20,517 204,707 420,750 420,750 420,750 420,750 420,750 25,364 27,421 27,585 27,585 27,585 27,585 10,716 4,600 6,743 8,675 4,700 4,700 4,700 4,700 37,971 107,480 65,639 65,339 65,339 65,339 3,781 5,281 5,814 5,814 5,814 5,814 84;575 153,457 103,738 103,438 103,438 103,438 44310 MENTAL HEALTH ADMIN. 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 93,697 89,540 91,592 91,592 91,592 91,592 200 EQUIPMENT 371 416 ' 65+) 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS -100 3,350 3,378 3,203 3,203 3,203 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 26,712 31,827 30,900 30,927 30,858 30,858 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 18,460 21,951 21,972 22,126 22,126 22,126 TOTAL, MENTAL HEALTH ADMIN. 129,150 147,084 148,492 147,848 147,779 147,779 A4311 MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 259,291 295,600 293,302 293,302 293,302 293,302 200 EQUIPMENT 9,384 700 715 1,065 1,065 1,065 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,661 3,075 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,400 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 103,636 122,804 121,852 120,829 109,869 109,869 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 42.370 61,720 59,219 59,219 59,219 59,219 TOTAL, MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC 422,7y42 483,899 479,488 478,815 467,855 467,855 311 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1985 1966 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECLHMEND ADOPTED A4312 MEADOW ROUSE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 201,497 247,961 230,549 230,549 230,549 230,549 200 EQUIPMENT 10,436 16,125 2,750 2,750 2,750 2,750 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 11,003 12,000 13,750 13,250 13,250 13,250 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 83,961 106,929 94,379 93,79693,796 93,796 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS36,744 54,348 52,482 52,508 52,508 52,508 TOTAL, MEADOW HOUSE 343,641 437,413 393,910 392,853 392,853 392,853 A4313 CASE MANAGEMENT 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 200 EQUIPMENT 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 900 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TOTAL, CASE MANAGEMENT 44322 MENTAL HEALTH 410 SPECIAL CHILD CENTER 420 MH ASSOCIATION 440 ALCOHOLISM COUNCIL 450 CHALLENGE ARC WORKSH. 460 DAY CAMP YOUTH BUREAU 470 SUICIDE PREVENTION 480 EMERGENCY COMM. SHELTER TOTAL, MENTAL HEALTH 173,177 38,439 90,927 569,676 49,225 86,056 42,431 20,058 1,345 11,075 7,927 82,836 197,742 39,970 140,538 617,794 55,066 93,340 40,388 149,304 1,520 4,900 26,113 34,122 215,959 189,419 46,946 149,478 711,851 59,026 98,978 19,927 149,304 1,520 4,400 26,113 34,122 215,959 189,419 46,946 149,478 711,851 59,028 98,978 19,927 149,304 1,520 4,900 26,113 34,122 215,959 184,419 46,946 149,478 711,851 59,028 40,978 19,927 149,304 1,520 4,900 26,113 34,122 215,954 189,419 46,946 149,478 711,851 59,028 98,978 19,927 1,007,500 1,184,838 1,275,627 1,275,627 1,275,627 1,275,627 312 APPROPRIATIONS DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION 1484 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTEE A4323 CHALLENGE INDUSTRIES 10,000 9,900 9,900 A4390 MENTAL HEALTH PSY. EXP. 20,842 22,000 40,000 A4520 HOSPICARE 6,750 TOTAL HEALTH 4,044,777 5,015,142 5,218,824 5,162,441 5,132,192 5,132,192 A5630 BUS OPERATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 21,337 22,769 24,240 24,240 24,240 24,240 200 EQUIPMENT 60,173 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,288 2,850 3,150 3,150 2,815 2,815 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 480,286 792,641 878,692 889,192 985,849 585,849 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 4,855 4,335 5,014 5,014 5,014 5,014 TOTAL, BUS OPERATIONS 568,939 822,595 911,096 921,596 917,918 717,918 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 568,939 822,595 911,096 921,596 917,918 917,913 A6010 SOCIAL SEVICES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 1,773,606 1,904,576 1,896,837 1,896,837 1,923,141 1,923,141 200 EQUIPMENT 8,604 29,265 21,775 21,775 21,775 21,775 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 43,817 41,409 44,500 44,500 44,500 44,500 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 326,671 480,183 423,670 420,670 420,670 420,670 500 TRAINING 4,961 5,000 5,150 5,150 5,150 5,150 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 533,356 588,406 562,686 558,085 558,085 .558,085 TOTAL, SOCIAL SEVICES 2,691,015 3,048,839 2,954,618 2,947,017 2,973,321 2,973.321 313 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION A P P R O P R I A T I O N S 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOrMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A6012 TITLE XX 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 4,455 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 47,658 B00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 432 TOTAL, TITLE XX 52,545 A6030 PUBLIC HOMES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 306,914 317,373 325,713 325,713 325,713 325,713 200 EQUIPMENT 1,020 6,438 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 68,561 71,300 71,400 71,400 69,770 69,770 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 48,872 57,765 65,960 65,960 62,960 62,960 TOTAL, PUBLIC HOMES 425,367 452,876 453,073 463,073 458,443 458,443 A6070 PURCHASE OF SERVICES 245,378 245,000 315,000 315,000 315,000 315,000 A6100 SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAMS 400 6101 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE 250,957 230,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 400 6102 MEDICAL 4857. STATE 2,541,997 2,300,000 2,350,000 2,350,000 2,150,000 2,150,000 400 6109 AID TO DEP. CHILDREN 4,103,096 4,400,000 5,070,000 4,970,000 4,970,000 4,970,000 400 6119 CHILD CARE 736,025 770,000 770,000 770,000 770,000 770,000 400 6123 DELINQUENT CARE 344,430 400,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 400 6129 STATE TRAIN. SCHOOL 85,056 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 400 6140 HOME RELIEF 2,293,446 2,450,000 2,920,000 2,820,000 2,725,000 2,725,000 400 6141 FUEL CRISIS ASST.ST. 701,127 810,716 400 6142 EMERGENCY AID ADULTS 11,484 8,000 11,750 11,750 11,750 11,750 400 6148 BURIALS 33,298 40,000 55,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 TOTAL, SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAMS 11,100,916 11,498,716 11,836,750 11,631,750 11,335,750 11,336,750 314 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION A6210 CETA ADMINISTRATION 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TOTAL, CETA ADMINISTRATION A6250 BATTERED WOMEN A6326 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY CORP 400 ECON. OPPOR. CORP. 401 S. TIER FOOD BANK 402 EOC OUTREACH TOTAL, ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY CORP 46327 ITHACA NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BOOT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTEE 1,532 8,004 9,536 3,080 43,964 20,224 20,224 20,224 20,224 20,224 4,875 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,435 6,435 14,000 13,860 13,860 48,839 26,724 26,724 40,724 40,519 40,519 A6340 EMPLOYEE READINESS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 18,547 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 980 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 1,069 B00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 3,709 TOTAL, EMPLOYEE READINESS 24,305 5,000 5,000 5,000 4,950 4,950 315 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION A6410 PUBLICITY 400 FFINGER LAKES ASSOC. 401 I. LOVE N.Y. 402 TRAVEL GUIDE 410 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 430 RSVP TOTAL, PUBLICITY APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1965 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REOOEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 12,110 13,230 17,460 15,000 14,850 14,850 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 2,306 5,500 6,000 7,000 6,930 6,930 2,520 2,900 3,000 3,000 2,970 2,970 26,436 32,130 36,960 35,500 35,250 35,250 A6420 PROMOTION OF INDUSTRY 5,000 12,500 12,500 7,500 7,500 TOTAL ECON. ASST. & OPPR 14,627,417 15,314,285 15,652,625 15,450,564 15,171,733 15,171,733 A7020 YOUTH BUREAU 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 38,864 41,905 42,726 42,726 42,499 42,499 200 EQUIPMENT 106 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,042 2,235 2,308 2,308 2,213 2,213 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 14,987 16,600 18,603 14,777 14,502 14,502 TOTAL, YOUTH BUREAU 55,999 60,740 63,637 59,811 59,214 59,214 316 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION A7022 YOUTH PROGRAMS 420 LEARNING WEB 440 INTERIM FAMILIES 470 4-H HANCOCK 505 DAY CARE OUTREACH 510 ULYSSES YOUTH UNLUM. 520 SUICIDE PREVENTION 530 BROOKTONDALE COMM CTR 535 CITY YOUTH BUREAU 550 EMERG. COMM, SHELTER 555 BATTERED WOMEN 560 COMM. DISPUTE RESOL. CTR. 580 CAMP FIRE SELF RELIANCE 591 BOTTOM LINE PROG. 594 OFF. AID RESTOR. 595 ONE TO ONE 598 PRE SCH FAM SUPPORT 600 POSITIVE SELF IMAGE 605 CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE TOTAL, YOUTH PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIONS 1984 ACTUAL 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTEI 11,179 14,300 15,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 12,780 13,996 13,703 13,299 13,249 13,249 4,100 4,100 4,500 4,344 4,344 4,344 3,677 9,867 10,300 3,946 3,946 3,946 6,671 7,431 9,306 7,434 7,434 7,434 2,405 4,919 7,704 6,581 6,581 6,581 1,041 3,550 5,015 3,550 3,550 3,550 9,507 8,640 9,220 8,496 8,496 8,496 4,167 4,281 4,665 . 4,281 4,281 4,281 6,303 8,142 8,710 8,710 8,710 8,710 1,875 9,422 4,593 7,839 8,376 9,452 8,376 8,376 8,376 2,829 3,250 4,082 3,250 3,250 3,250 15,194 19,593 24,125 20,181 20,181 20,181 3,653 5,192 6,322 6,094 5,922 5,922 5,922 3,342 2,367 2,367 2,367 98,412 116,767 149,233 114,737 ' 114,627 114,687 317 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPRIAT I 0 14 6 1984 1485 1486 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL A?TROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 97023 YOUTH PROG.-SDPP 410 ULYSSES YOUTH UNLTD. 6,486 7,500 5,625 7,187 7,187 7,167 420 CHILD SEX. ABUSE TFBW 10,000 10,449 7,838 8,813 6,613 8,813 430 HIGH RISK YOUTH 8,524 11,290 8,466 6,466 6,468 5,468 44D DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAM 10,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 450 RURAL ACCESS PROGRAM 1,250 460 RED CROSS 797 6,252 6,252 6,252 6,252 6,252 465 GROTON YOUTH PROGRAM 1,596 4,326 4,328 4,328 4,328 4,328 470 PLANNED PARENTHOOD 4,795 3,110 480 RURAL ACCESS PROGRAM 364 465 CDRC: SDPP 2,500 2,500 4,361 4,381 4,381 490 OAR INTAKE & BAIL FUND 3,485 3,985 3,985 3,985 3,965 TOTAL, YOUTH PROD.-SDPP 33,312 49,414 48,996 49,414 49,414 49,414 97024 SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM 11,711 25,000 25,000 25,000 14,850 14,850 97025 YOUTH PROGRAMS - ADMIN. 440 FAMILY & CHILD. SERVICE 897 897 897 B97 505 DAY CARE COUNCIL 5,920 5,920 5,920 550 AMERICAN RED CROSS 2,929 2,929 2,929 2,929 570 4-H YOUTH COUNCIL 5,350 6,580 8,560 6,560 6,560 TOTAL, YOUTH PROGRAMS - ADMIN. 5,350 10,386 16,306 16,306 16,306 A7410 LIBRARY 400 FINGER LAKES LIB. ASSOC. 410 LIBRARIES 1N TOWNS 420 TOMP. CO. PUBLIC LIB. TOTAL, LIBRARY 10,888 11,770 7,306 7,306 7,306 7,306 6,000 6,000 6,000 8,000 6,400 6,400 3,000 408,164 461,608 461,608 538,242 538,242 19,888 425,934 474,414 474,914 551,948 551,948 318 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTEC A7510 HIST SERV CONTROL 44,800 44,800 44,800 44,800 44,600 44,600 A7550 CELEBRATIONS 410 VETERANS/FLAG DAY 1,400 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,534 1,534 420 FIREMAN'S CONVENTION 2,766 l TOTAL, CELEBRATIONS 4,166 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,534 1,534 A7560 ARTS 7,500 10,000 8,600 8,514 8,514 A7610 OFFICE OF AGING 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 43,159 44,818 46,489 46,489 46,489 46,489 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 972 1,510 1,700 1,700 1,440 1,440 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 21,103 29,353 30,787 30,787 30,132 30,132 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 10,448 10,801 12,527 12,527 12,527 12,527 TOTAL, OFFICE OF AGING 75,682 86,482 91,503 91,503 90,588 90,588 A7611 IN SERVICE TRAINING 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 250 400 CONTRACTUAL ANO OTHER EXP. 1,807 TOTAL, IN SERVICE TRAINING 2,057 A7612 RETIRED SR. 8,386 8,673 319 9,280 10,280 10,280 10,280 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPR 1 AT IONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BOOT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED A7613 SNAP 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 1,395 671 671 671 671 200 EQUIPMENT 15,817 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 70 53 53 53 53 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 13,664 103,218 70,514 70,514 70,514 70,514 TOTAL, SNAP 13,664 120,500 78,738 78,738 78,738 78,738 A7614 TITLE V 22,770 24,728 11,770 11,776 11,776 11,776 A7615 NUTRITION 152,546 153,736 160,244 160,244 158,642 158,642 A7616 COMM. SERv. FOR EDERLY 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 15,735 15,689 15,670 15,670 15,670 15,670 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 891 500 500 500 500 500 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 31,249 40,915 40,926 40,926 40,926 40,926 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 2,705 3,007 4,342 4,342 4,342 4,342 TOTAL, COMM, SERV. FOR EDERLY 50,580 60,111 61,438 61,438 61,438 61,438 A76I8 HEAP 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 11,676 12,901 9,491 9,491 9,491 9,491 200 EQUIPMENT 124 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 744 673 500 500 500 500 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 7,219 6,850 6,185 6,185 6,185 6,185 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,357 2,174 1,748 1,748 1,748 1,748 TOTAL, HEAP 21,120 22,598 17,924 17,924 17,924 17,924 320 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION A P P R O P R I A T I O N S 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTEE A7620 ADULT RECREATION 400 ADULT RECREATION 24,604 25,604 27,396 27,396 27,122 27,122 401 OPEN 2,000 1,980 1,980 TOTAL CULTURE & RECREATION 638,140 1,241,544 1,286,915 1,256,431 1,319,555 1,319,555 A8020 PLANNING 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 137,487 155,350 160,770 160,770 160,770 160,770 200 EQUIPMENT 1,060 580 2,916 2,916 2,916 2,916 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 4,873 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 5,009 6,847 5,277 5,277 5,277 5,277 TOTAL, PLANNING 148,429 167,877 174,063 174,063 174,063 174,063 A8021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT/EMC 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TOTAL, PLANNING DEPARTMENT/EMC A8025 JOINT PLANNING BOARD A8031 COUNTY SEWER A8032 COUNTY WATER 18,202 20,137 21,347 21,347 21,347 21,347 1,151 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,256, 1,250 6,975 2,681 2,304 2,304 2,304 2,304 2,552 5,724 5,167 3,167 5,167 5,167 28,880 29,792 30,068 30,063 30,068 30,068 6,226 6,226 6,226 6,226 6,226 6,226 37,514 11,075 321 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION A P P R O P R I AT I O N S 1984 ACTUAL 1985 1986 COMMITTEE ODGT COMM 1986 APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 48033 UPSTATE PUBLIC UTILITY 730 A8040 HUMAN RIGHTS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 17,116 18,508 18,508 18,508 18,508 18,508 200 EQUIPMENT 140 65 65 65 65 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 433 625 625 625 569 569 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 2,756 6,517 5,625 5,659 5,591 5,591 TOTAL, HUMAN RIGHTS 20,305 25,790 24,823 24,857 24,733 24,733 48160 SANITARY LANDFILL 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 59,960 60,268 36,710 9,178 9,176 9,178 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 23,897 29,200 18,000 4,500 4,000 4,000 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 304,756 357,927 954,381 533,331 533,331 533,331 TOTAL, SANITARY LANDFILL 388,613 447,395 1,009,091 547,009 546,509 546,509 A8720 FISH & GAME 2,033 2,250 3,165 2,250 2,227 2,227 A8730 S01L CONSERVATION DISTR. 6,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 7,920 7,920 A8750 AG & LIVESTOCK 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL HOME & COMM. SERV, 640,000 699,135 1,257,436 792,473 791,746 791,746 322 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTEE A9000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 400 9010 RETIREMENT 361,521 371,800 '397,000 390,347 390,347 390,347 400 9030 SOCIAL SECURITY 205,383 241,062 270,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 400 9040 COMPENSATION 19,488 25,030 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 400 9060 HEALTH INSURANCE 226,134 276,272 215,000 215,000 215,000 215,000 400 9070 UNEMPLOYMENT INS. 5,264 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 TOTAL, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 816,790 924,164 922,000 895,347 895,347 895,347 A9500 TRANSFERS 400 9522 COUNTY ROAD 400 996E DEBT SERVICE 400) 9990 CONSTRUCTION 99 TOTAL, TRANSFERS INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL GENERAL FUND (A) 8610 AIRPORT 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 200 EQUIPMENT 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 200 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TOTAL, AIRPORT 2,289,103 1,933,784 2,535,247 2,484,497 2,310,069 2,310,069 5,957 75,945 232,033 232,033 475,789 475,789 3,925 2,295,060 2,013,654 2,767,280 2,716,530 2,785,858 2,785,858 2,295,060 2,013,654 2,767,280 2,716,530 2,785,858 2,785,858 29,653,535 32,655,759 35,253,659 34,253,257 34,040,203 34,040,203 98,448 124,156 140,342 140,342 140,342 140,342 17,174 20,425 20,450 1,775 1,775 20,624 16,965 18,865 17,565 17,565 17,565 104,102 112,798 123,105 112,105 112,105 112,105 26,825 29,709 33,173 32,966 32,966 32,966 267,173 283,528 335,910 323,428 304,753 304,753 323 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION B9550 INTERFUND TRANSFER 400 9516 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERV. 9500 TRANSFER TO CONST. 99 9583 TRANSFER TO CONST. 93 9588 TRANSFER TO CONST. S8 TOTAL, INTERFUND TRANSFER TOTAL AIRPORT FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1984 ACTUAL 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 11,983 11,983 11,983 9,000 9,750 7,730 1,309 9,000 18,789 11,983 11,983 11,983 276,173 302,317 335,910 335,411 316,736 316,736 13310 TRAFFIC CONTROL 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 29,338 32,130 33,248 33,248 33,248 33,248 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 16,184 15,500 15,500 15,500 14,439 14,439 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 53,868 57,315 57,315 57,315 57,315 57,315 TOTAL, TRAFFIC CONTROL 99,390 104,945 106,063 106,063 105,002 105,002 15010 COUNTY ROAD ADMIN. 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 200 EQUIPMENT 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. TOTAL, COUNTY ROAD ADMIN. 67,505 75,228 74,465 74,465 74,465 74,465 6,367 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 3,277 2,050 2,790 2,790 2,394 2,384 1,583 3,055 2,565 2,215 2,215 2,215 78,732 ' 80,333 61,520 81,170 80,764 80,764 D5110 COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 563,233 681,725 706,333 706,333 706,333 706,333 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 834,837 826,000 850,000 850,000 838,694 838,694 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 909,980 651,961 948,592 908,192 822,759 822,759 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 220,189 249,076 236,523 236,523 236,523 236,523 TOTAL, COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE 2,528,239 2,408,762 2,741,448 2,701,048 2,604,309 2,604,309 05111 STATE 80ND ACT 85,000 324 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION D5113 SAFER ROADS PROJECTS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. TOTAL, SAFER ROADS PROJECTS 05142 SNOW REMOVAL COUNTY 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. TOTAL, SNOW REMOVAL COUNTY D5144 SNOW REMOVAL STATE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. TOTAL, SNOW REMOVAL STATE TOTAL CO. ROAD FUND APPROPR I AT 1 ONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BOOT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTEI 36,609 106,400 115,633 13,781 63,452 156,790 179,085 35,825 48,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 86,027 75,000 85,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 354,643 340,000 340,000 340,000 335,350 335,350 476,495 463,000 475,000 465,000 460,350 460,350 10,723 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 33,850 88,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 70,000 20,341 84,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 64,914 187,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 3,404,560 3,508,125 3,594,031 3,543,281 3,440,425 3,440,425 85130 HIGHWAY MACHINERY 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 132,212 130,904 134,793 134,793 134,793 134,793 200 EQUIPMENT 171,503 217,000 235,000 217,000 152,000 152,000 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 214,543 200,000 224,500 210,000 200,000 200,000 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 101,592 110,273 115,320 111,420 122,420 122,420 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 45,540 44,126 47,888 47,888 47,888 47,888 TOTAL, HIGHWAY MACHINERY 665,390 702,303 757,501 721,101 657,101 657,101 TOTAL HIWAY MACHINERY FUND 665,3'90 702,303 757,501 721,101 657,101 657,101 325 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION F1620 CAPITAL PROJECTS 435 AIRPORT PROJECTS 460 HIGHWAY BUILDING ROOF 461 LIBRARY -ASBESTOS, ROOF 462 LIBRARY REPAVING 475 JAIL RENOVATIONS 485 FLOOD CONTROL TOTAL, CAPITAL PROJECTS A P P R D P R I A T 1 O N S 1984 1965 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 18,750 18,750 18,750 18,750 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 107,865 25,000 25,000 10,000 10,000 240,000 18,500 20,000 25,000 25,000 15,000 15,000 258,500 127,865 108,750 108,750 83,750 E3,750 F3000 HUMAN SERVICES GRANTS 400 2980 LITERACY VOLUNT. 3,720 3,000 2,970 2,9%0 400 3170 OFFENDER AID & RESTR 35,b44 41,129 53,097 34,774 34,426 34.426 410 4322 SPEC. CHILDRENS CTR. 17,629 15,000 15,000 9,000 8,910 8,910 440 4322 ALCOHOLISM COUNCIL 16,850 10,110 10,009 10,00'7 450 4322 CHALLENGE INDUSTRIES 24,028 26,757 30,000 20,000 19,800 19,800 470 4322 SUICIDE PREVENTION 5,156 7,697 8,592 8,592 8,506 9.506 400 4520 HOSPICARE 10,000 6,750 20,000 15,000 14,850 14,250 400 6119 DROP-IN CENTER 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,475 2,475 400 6250 BATTERED WOMEN 9,790 13,770 14,735 12,835 12,707 12,707 400 6326 EDC OUTREACH 8,800 25,847 35,000 21,000 20,790 20,790 400 6327 TOMPKINS COUNTY EOC 24,217 401 6326 CHORES 4.300 14,000 10,000 4,900 9,900 420 7022 LEARNING WEB 5,000 5,000 4,000 3,960 33,960 470 7022 SIAC MULTICULTURAL 1,950 480 7022 COMM. DISPUTE RESOL. 2,500 2,500 2,475 2,475 440 7022 SOUTHSIDE COM.CENTER 10,667 9,211 9,119 9,119 400 7023 EMERGENCY SHELTER 1,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 4,950 4,950 326 APPROPRIATIONS DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1906 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 410 7560 ARTS COUNCIL 1,500 400 7612 R.S.V.P. 2,412 3,500 3,500 2,1002,079 2,079 430 7622 GADABOUT 32,600 37,000 39,500 29,000 28,710 28,710 440 7622 SR.CITIZENS OPEN 3,211 5,000 5,000 3,000 2,970 2,970 450 7622 CAROLINE SENIORS 1,000 460 7622 NEWFIELD SENIORS 6,424 TOTAL, HUMAN SERVICES GRANTS 192,911 201,750 286,611 201,622 199,606 199,606 F7410 PUBLIC LIBRARY 785,369 397,323 474,717 454,617 338,934 338,934 TOTAL FED. REV. SHARING 1,237,280 726,938 870,078 764,989 622,290 622,290 56241 JOB TNG. ADMIN. IIB 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 11,962 13,202 9,310 9,310 9,310 9,310 200 EQUIPMENT 950 950 950 950 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 298 258 405 405 405 405 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 2,426 2,058 1,743 1,743 1,743 1,743 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 2,468 3,047 2,391) 2,390 2,390 2,390 TOTAL, JOB TNG. ADMIN. 118 17,154 18,565 14,798 14,798 14,798 14,798 36242 PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 487 NON-CASH SUPPORT SVC. 500 500 500 500 500 488 NEEDS -BASED PAYMENTS 2,500 2,500 2,300 2,500 2,500 489 TRAVEL & TRANSPORTATION 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL, PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 327 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1985 1966 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED J6243 308 TNG. & SVCS. I16 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 97,324 103,012 105,500 105,500 105,500 105,500 200 EQUIPMENT 416 950 950 950 950 3300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 829 1,390 1,697 1,697 1,697 1,697 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 2,242 6,003 . 17,458 17,458 17,456 17,458 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 2,076 6,468 6,039 6,039 6,039 6,039 TOTAL, 306 TNG. & SVCS. 116 103,687 116,873 131,644 131,644 131,644 131,644 J6260 167.. INCENTIVE 2,459 36261 INCENTIVE 1,230 36262 INCENTIVE 11,476 36290 JTPA ADMIN. IIA 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 24,091 23,367 14,568 14,568 14,568 14,566 200 EQUIPMENT 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 1,326 435 653 653 653 653 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 6,716 7,407 3,710 3,710 3,710 3,710 600 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 5,539 5,257 2,859 2,859 2,659 2,859 TOTAL, DTPA ADMIN. 11A 37,664 36,466 23,090 23,040 23,090 23,090 328 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BDGT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTE 36291 PARTICIPANT SUPP. IIA 462 INSURANCE 314 258 258 258 258 482 NON CASH 8/8 452 3,242 3,242 3,242 3,242 3,242 483 ADULT CRT NEEDS B.P. 4,641 6,483 6,483 6,483 6,483 6,483 484 ADULT CRT PART T & T 5,055 11,573 11,573 11,573 11,573 11,573 487 YOUTH CRT NON CASH S6 1,005 2,161 2,161 2,161 2,161 2,16! 488 YOUTH CRT NEEDS B.P. 1,057 4,323 ' 4,323 4,323 4,323 4,323 489 YOUTH CRT PART T & T 913 8,025 8,025 8,025 8,025 8,025 490 AD. JOB CLUB NON -C SS 1,202 1,202 1,202 1,202 1,202 491 AD. JOB CLUB NEED BP 170 2,161 2,161 2,161 2,161 2,161 492 AD 30B CLUB PART T&T 82 33,962 3,962 3,962 3,962 3,962 493 YOUTH 3 C NON-CASH 55 56 943 843 843 843 843 494 YOUTH 3 C NEEDS 8P 107 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 495 YOUTH J C P497 7 & T 132 2,641 2,641 2,641 2,641 2,641 TOTAL, PARTICIPANT SUPP. IIA 13,670 48,370 48,314 48,314 48,314 48,314 36292 TRAINING & SVCS, 11A 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 48,129 101,059 92,496 92,496 92,496 92,496 200 EQUIPMENT 971 175 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,994 4,955 3,812 3,812 3,812 3,812 400 CONTRACTUAL AND OTHER EXP. 50,729 99,441 155,341 _ 155,341 155,341 155,341 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 12,011 25,726 21,009 21,009 21,009 21,009 TOTAL, TRAINING & SVCS, 1IA 114,834 231,356 273,958 273,958 273,958 273,958 J6345 7,994 19,025 329 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION 37320 AVE ADMIN j7321 AVE SERVICES 7322 AVE IRA1NJNE TOTAL JPTA FUND v9600 DEBT SERVICE FUND 620 BUNDS -HOSPITAL o30 LIBRARI RENOVATIONS 640 COMPUTER 660 TELEPHONE 670 AIRPORT TERMINAL 680 BAN -LIBRARY EQUIPMENT 690 BAN -WARREN ROAD 720 BOND INT. -HOSPITAL 730 INT, LIBRARY RENOVATIONS 740 INTEREST COMPUTER 750 INT. JAIL 760 INT, TELEPHONE 770 INT. AIRPORT TERMINAL 780 BAN. INT. LIBR. EQUIP. 790 BAN. INT. -WARREN ROAD TOTAL, DEBT SERVICE FUND APPROPRIAT I ONS 1984 1965 1966 COMMITTEE 806T COMM 19E6 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTED 18,269 10,254 8,256 3,241 5,958 1,005 327,486 505,320 496,804 496,804 '496,804 496,804 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 80,200 80,200 80,200 80,200 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 30,323 30,323 30,323 32,671 32,671 32,671 52,411 17,946 48,616 48,616 48,616 48,616 70,000 70,000 69,575 69,575 69,575 69,575 1,000,800 946,800 892,300 892,300 892,300 692,300 20,448 20,448 20,448 20,448 11,983 11,983 11,983 11,963 387,500 367,500 387,500 12,130 12,130 12,130 13,066 13,068 13,068 9,442 8,111 4,775 4,775 4,775 4,775 5,957 9,075 3,827 3,827 3,827 3,827 2,116,610 2,071,932 2,177,724 2,653,416 2,653,416 2,653,416 8.RAND TOTAL W/INTERFUND ITEMS 37,683,034 40,472,694 43,465,707 42,766,259 42,226,975 42,226,975 330 DEPARTMENT / DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATIONS 1984 1985 1986 COMMITTEE BHT COMM 1986 ACTUAL APPROP REQUEST RECOMMEND RECOMMEND ADOPTE 19800 LESS INTERFUND ITEMS 900 AIRPORT 9,000 18,789 11,983 11,983 11,983 900 COUNTY ROAD FUND 2,289,103 1,933,784 2,535,247 2,484,497 2,310,069 2,310,069 900 DEBT SERVICE 5,957 75,945 232,033 232,033 475,789 475,789 900 HIGHWAY MACH. APPROP. 665,390 702,303 757,501 721,101 653,101 653,101 TOTAL, LESS 1NTERFUND ITEMS 2,969,450 2•,730,821 3,524,781 3,449,614 3,450,942 3,450,942 GRAND TOTAL W/O IQTERFUND ITEMS 34,713,584 37,741,873 39,960,926 39,318,645 38,776,033 38,776,033 331 November 19, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 363 - AUTHORIZING THE CERTIFICATION OF COUNTY TAXES DUE FROM THE CITY OF ITHACA AND EACH TOWN Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Slattery and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives has adopted a budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1986 in which the County taxes to be levied are $7,764,848, and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives must certify to the City and each town the contribution of the City and each town to the taxes of the County based upon the full valuation of taxable real property in such City and towns in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the Real Property Tax Law, and WHEREAS, Chapter 828 of the Laws of 1985 requires that the City and towns levy the exact amount certified to be due, and direct the extension of such amount against each parcel of taxable real property, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That on or before November 30, 1985, the Chairman of the Board is hereby autho- rized and directed to issue a certificate to the City and each town certifying the contribution of the City and each town to County taxes and the rate per $1.00 of taxable assessed value, RESOLVED, further, That the certificate shall be delivered co the Chief Fiscal Officer of the City and each town in person or served by the Sheriff of Tompkins County in rte same manner as a summons; and the certificate shall contain the rate per $1.00 of assessed value as determined from the latest final assessment roll, ' RESOLVED, further, That in the event the City or a town shall fail to make the levy required by law and return same to the Board on or before December 15, 1985, the County Attorney is directed to institute an Article 78 proceeding against the City or town to compel the levy and assessment of County taxes by such town or City. The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m. 333 REGULAR MEETING December 3, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 14 Representatives. Excused: 1 (Representative Culligan). PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to order the public hearing on proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1985 amending the Charter and Code regarding Rules and Regulations of the Division of Assessment. Mr. Franklin briefly described the changes, and Mr. Watros noted that the taxable status date will be effected. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:36 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to order the public hearing on proposed Local Law No. 7 of 1985 repealing Local Law No. 4 of 1976 - Freshwater Wetlands Protection Law. Mr. Liguori explained that the original legislation has been amended to allow counties to opt in and out of enforcement of the Freshwater Wetland Act. Mr. Liguori said he recommends that the County not opt to enforce the Act at this time but leave enforcement to the State of New York. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:38 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Dates called to order the public hearing on proposed Local Law No. 8 of 1985 repealing Local Law No. 1 of 1983 - enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Mr. Liguori explained that the primary purpose of this local law is to allow the County to inspect its own facilities. However, he informed the Board that adoption of the Local law would require the County to provide enforcement for any municipality in the County which is not itself enforcing the Code. Mr. Mason noted that the building permit and fire inspection fees the County currently pays co the State of New York will not continue if the County opts to enforce the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:47 o.m. The minutes of September 17, November 13, and November 19, 1985 were approved. Under privilege of the floor, Marnie Kirchgessner, 191 Enfield Main Road, said she feels that it is inappropriate for the Loard to act on Resolution f - Authorization to Terminate Department of Social Services Lease - Jason Fane 334 December 3, 1985 and City of Ithaca and Relocate the Department of Social Services prior to the public information meeting scheduled for 7:30 p.m. this evening to discuss the location of the Department of Social Services. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Nichols presented a book to the Board on behalf of the author, Carol Kammen, entitled The Peopling of Tompkins County: A Social History. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda. He also informed the Board that the committee is discussing the establishment of a County policy to follow in incidents involving rabid wildlife. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee's business is reflected on the agenda. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Comittee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Comittee, said the committee business will be reflected in resolutions. She announced that December 10, 1985 is Human Rights Day in Tompkins County, and she reminded the Board that the slide presentation on the Department of Social Services is available for community meetings. Mrs. Call announced that there are vacancies on the Office for the Aging Advisory Committee, and the Commissioner of Social Services would welcome nominees to the Department of Social Services Commissioner's Advisory Board. Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, noted that each Board member received a memorandum outlining the details of a tentative agreement between the County and the union for staff working on-call in the Department of Social Services. Mr. Williamson informed the Board that the County was defeated in this court case. After discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mrs. Livesay to hold an executive session to be held at the appropriate time as determined by the Chairman to discuss the County's position on on-call service. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,785. Noes: 214 (Representative Mason). Adopted. (See page 9). On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto, the resolution entitled Creation of Temporary Position - Social Services Attorney - Department of Social Services was added to the agenda by voice vote. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto, the resolution entitled Use of County Car - On -Call Worker - Department of Social Services was added to the agenda by voice vote. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, the resolution entitled Audit - Architectural Services - Airport Terminal Renovation - J. Victor Bagnardi was added to the agenda by voice vote. 335 December 3, 1985 On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh, the resolution entitled Authorization for Public Hearing - Airport Contracts was added to the agenda by voice vote. Mr. Freeman referred to the resolution entitled Authorization to Terminate Department of Social Services Lease - Jason Fane and City of Ithaca and Relocate the Department of Social Services, and he said it was never the intention of the committee to ask the Board to act on this resolution prior to the public information meeting this evening. He said the committee felt they were following the instruction of the Planning and Development Committee in bringing forth this resolution, and their intention is to Table this resolution to allow the appropriate committees to make recommendations following the public information meeting. Chairman Dates Tabled to December 17, 1985 the resolution entitled Authorization to Terminate Department of Social Services Lease - Jason Fane and City of Ithaca and Relocate the Department of Social Services. RESOLUTION NO. 364 - RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TOMPKINS COUNTY APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN BONDS BY THE TOMPKINS COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CON- CURRING IN THE ISSUER'S DETERMINATION UNDER THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT AND PLEDGING NON- INTERFERENCE WITH THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF THE BONDS, ALL RELATIVE TO THE TOMPKINS MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING ASSOCIATES FACILITY. IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Moved by Mr. Slattery, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 3,753 (Representatives Tillapaugh, Watros, Winch, Call, Freeman, Lifton, Livesay, Mason, Nichols, Proto, Shurtleff, Slattery, Stein, Dates). Noes: 0. Excused: 246 (Representataive Culligan). Adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County (the "Legislature") has been advised by the Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency (the "Issuer") that the Issuer proposes to issue, contingent upon the adoption of this Resolution, its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Tompkins Medical Office Building Associates Facility) in an aggregate principal amount sufficient to pay the cost of acquiring and constructing the below -described facility (the "Facility"), presently estimated to be approximately $2,700,000 but not to exceed $10,000,000 (the "Bonds"), and WHEREAS, the Facility shall consist of the acquisition and construction of a 33,904 square foot medical office building to be located at 1285 Trumansburg Road in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, State of New York (the "Facility"), and WHEREAS, the Facility will be leased to Tompkins Medical Office Building Associates, and WHEREAS, on September 10, 1985, the Issuer determined that the Facility will not have a "significant effect" on the environment within the meaning of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law of the State, and 336 December 3, 1985 WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Issuer that interest on the Bonds qualify for exemption from Federal income taxation pursuant to Section 103(b)(6) of the Internal Revenue code of 1954, as amended (the "Code"), and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 103(k) of the Code, interest on the Bonds will not qualify for exemption from Federal income taxation unless the issuance of the Bonds is approved by the Legislature after a public hearing to consider both the issuance of the Bonds and the nature and location of the Facility has been conducted following reasonable public notice, and WHEREAS, on December 3, 1985, the Issuer held such a public hearing, and a report of the public hearing has been made available to each member of the Legislature prior to this meeting, and WHEREAS, the Legislature desires that the interest on the Bonds qualify for exemption from Federal income taxation, and WHEREAS, Section 870 of the General Municipal Law specifically provides that neither the Bonds nor any other obligation of the Issuer shall be a debt of Tompkins County (the "County"), nor shall the County be liable thereon, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 868 of the General Municipal Law, the Legislature desires to pledge to and agree with the purchasers and holders of the Bonds that the County will not limit or alter rights and remedies of the holders of the Bonds, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TOMPKINS COUNTY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. For the sole purpose of qualifying the interest payable on the Bonds for exemption from Federal income taxation pursuant to the provisions of Section 103(b) of the Code, the Legislature, as the elected legislative body of the County, hereby approves the issuance by the Issuer of the Bonds to finance the acquisition and construction of the Facility, provided that the Bonds, and the interest and the premium (if any) thereon, shall be special obligations of the Issuer and shall never be a debt of the State nor any political subdivision thereof, including without limitation the County, and neither the State nor any political subdivision thereof, including without limitation the County, shall be liable thereon. Section 2. The Legislature concurs in the finding of the Issuer that the Facility will not have a "significant effect" on the environment within the meaning of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law of the State. Section 3. In order to induce and encourage and purchase and enhance the marketability of the Bonds, the County, pursuant to the authorization set forth in Section 868 of the General Municipal Law, does hereby pledge to and agree with the holders of the Bonds, when, as, and if issued by the Issuer, that the County will not limit or alter the rights vested in the issuer pursuant to the Act to acquire, hold, lease, maintain, and sell the Facility, to establish and collect rentals, fees, installments of purchase price and other charges, to grant a security interest in the Facility and to fulfill the terms of any agreements made by the Issuer with the holders of such Bonds, nor in any way impair the rights and remedies of the holders of such Bonds until such Bonds, together with the interest thereon, with interest on any unpaid installments of interest and all costs and expenses in connection with any action or proceeding by or on behalf of the holders of the Bonds, are fully met and discharged. • 337 December 3, 1985 Section 4. This Resolution shall be deemed to be made for the benefit of the holders, from time to time, of the Bonds and shall constitute a contract between the County and the holders of the Bonds. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. RESOLUTION NO. 365 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS WITH TOWNS FOR SNOW REMOVAL ON COUNTY ROADS Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, Section 135-A of the Highway Law permits the County to contract with any town for the removal of snow from County roads and for creating them for the purpose of removing the danger of ice and snow, and WHEREAS, it is in the County's best interest to continue such contracts co provide for orderly and efficient snow removal, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the County shall renew such contracts with the various towns, • RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized to execute such contracts with the various towns for a period of five years beginning January 1, 1986. RESOLUTION N0. 366 - AUDIT - ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES - AIRPORT TERMINAL RENOVATIONS - J. VICTOR BAGNARDI Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claim in relation to Resolution No. 345 has been audited by the Public Works Administrative Subcommittee: J. Victor Bagnardi, Architect - Payment Request No. 1 - $7,200 now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized.and directed to pay said claim out of funds provided therefore in Account No. 90-5610.200. RESOLUTION N0. 367 - AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - AIRPORT CONTRACTS Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Airport Committee, That a public hearing be held on the 17th day of December, 1985 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the Chambers of the Board of Representatives in the Tompkins County Courthouse 338 December 3, 1985 located at 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, to consider a contract for a proposed gift shop at the Airport terminal building and a contract for limousine service at the Airport. RESOLUTION NO. 368 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 8 OF 1985 REPEALING LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1983 - UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Freeman. It was Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Lifton to amend the second Resolved to designate the Commissioner of Public Works "or his designee" and add, "and that the Commissioner of Public Works is directed to bring forth a plan of implementation for approval by the Board." Amendment unanimously adopted by voice vote. A short roll call was taken on the resolution as amended. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on proposed Local Law No. 8 of 1985 on the 3rd day of December, 1985, to repeal Local Law No. 1 of 1985, it now being the County's intention to enforce the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code on its own buildings and structures, and WHEREAS, all interested persons were heard at said public hearing, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and Planning and Development Committees, That Local Law No. 8 of 1985 repealing Local Law No. 1 of 1983 be and the same is hereby adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Public Works or his designee is hereby designated as the Code enforcement official and that the Commissioner of Public Works is directed to bring forth a plan of implementation for approval by the Board, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said local law in the official newspapers of the county for two successive weeks within ten days after this local law is adopted. After said local law has been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy with the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comptroller, and three certified copies with the Secretary of State. RESOLUTION NO. 369 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF 1985 - AMENDING TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - RULES AND REGULATIONS OF DIVISION OF ASSESSMENT Moved by Mr. Wacros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on proposed Local Law No. 6 of 1985 on the 3rd day of December, 1985, to amend the Tompkins County Charter and Code as it relates to the rules and regulations of the Division of Assessment. and WHEREAS, all interested persons were heard at said public hearing, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommandation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That Local Law No. 6 of 1985 amending the Tompkins County Charter and Code - Ru1es and Regulations of Division of Assessment, be and the same is hereby adopted. 339 December 3, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said local law in the official newspapers of the County for two successive weeks within ten days after chis local law is adopted. After said local law has been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy with the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comptroller, and three certi- fied copies with the Secretary of State. RESOLUTION NO. 370 - ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF 1985 REPEALING LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 1976 - FRESHWATER WETLANDS PROTECTION LAW Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on proposed Local Law No. 7 of 1985 repealing Local Law No. 4 of 1976 - Freshwater Wetlands Protection Law on the 3rd day of December, 1985, and WHEREAS, all interested persons were heard at said public hearing, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Local Law No. 7 of 1985 repealing Local Law No. 4 of 1976 - Freshwater Wetlands Protection Law be and the same is hereby adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation be informed that the County does not wish to provide for local enforcement of the Freshwater Wetlands Act at this time, reserving the right to reconsider the matter at some future date as under Part 655, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said Local Law No. 7 of 1985 in the official newspapers of the County for two succes- sive weeks within ten days after this local law is adopted. After said local law has been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy with the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comptroller, and three certified copies with the Secretary of State. RESOLUTION NO. 371 - AWARD OF BID - PLANETARY CAMERA Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for a Planetary Microfilm Camera for the Tompkins County Clerk, and WHEREAS, Mico -Pro, Inc., is the lowest possible bidder with a total bid of 511,708.64 less rebate of $200, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Budget and Adminsitration Committees, That the aforesaid bid be and the same is hereby accepted and the County Clerk is hereby authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment on his books: 340 December 3, 1985 Revenue: 1255 Clerks Fees $1,509 Appropriation: 1401.210 Other Equipment $1,509 RESOLUTION N0. 372 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECTUE CONTRACT - ARSON PREVENTION AND CONTROL LOCAL ASSISTANCE GRANT Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute the Arson Prevention and Control Local Assistance Grant Agreement with the State of New York in the amount of $11,000 for equipment and it being under- stood that no County Funds'will be needed, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to make the following budget adjustment: Revenue: A3089.070 State Aid - Arson Control $11,000 Appropriation: A3410.240 Arson Control Equipment $11,000 RESOLUTION N0. 373 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECTUE APPLICATION TO NEW YORK STATE DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES - OFFENDER AID AND RESTORATION BAIL FUND AND JAIL IN -TAKE SCREENING PROGRAM Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Nichols and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Offender Aid and Restoration Inc. of Ithaca, New York, has made pre -application to the Division of Criminal Justice Services through the Southern Tier East Regional Planning Board for a grant for the Bail Fund and Jail In - Take Screening Program, and WHEREAS, tentative approval has been made by Southern Tier East Regional Planning Board and Tompkins County has been asked to make an application as the funding municipality for this grant, and WHEREAS, this grant will reduce Tompkins County's contribution to this program by $9,956 in 1986, now therfore be it RESOLVED, on recommenation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute and submit an application to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services in the amount of $9,956. RESOLUTION N0. 374 - CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITION - SOCIAL SERVICES ATTORNEY - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES vote. Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Proto and unanimously adopted by voice 341 December 3, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Adminis- tration Committees, That one position of Social Services Attorney (EE -09), labor grade E, competitive class be created on a temporary basis effective immediately through January 31, 1986, RESOLVED, further, That monies to fund such position are available in the 1985 Social Services Personal Services (.100) account. There was an executive session to discuss the County's position on on-call service. (See page 2.) (6:50 -7:25) RESOLUTION N0. 375 - USE OF COUNTY CAR - ON-CALL WORKER - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Winch and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administra- tion Committees, That the employee performing on-call services in the Department of Social Services will be allowed the use of one County vehicle. Chairman Dates announced that he signed a proclamation declaring December 10, 1985 as Human Rights Day in Tompkins County. He also signed a proclamation in conjunction with Mayor Gutenberger. declaring December 15-21, 1985 as Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week and a proclamation recognizing Ruth DeWire as the recipient of the Distinguished Community Service Award of the Ithaca Rotary Clubs. Mr. TilLapaugh read a proclamation recognizing Dr. Alx Galvin as a lifetime emeritus member of the Board of Health. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mrs. Livesay, Philip Dankertwasreappointed to the Youth Board as a representative of the Village of Lansing for a term effective January 1, 1986 through December 31, 1988. On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call, Carl Leopold was reappointed to the Environmental Management Council as a representative of the Village of Lansing for a term effective January 1, 1986 through December 31, 1987. On motion of Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr. Freeman, Franziska Racker was appointed to the Board of Health for a term which expires December 31, 1991. The meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m. 342 REGULAR MEETING December 17, 1985 Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: 15 Representatives. Under privilege of the floor, Pam Zinder, Home Economist for the Department of Social Services, spoke against the resolution abolishing the position of Home Economist and creating the position of Social Welfare Examiner (Resolution No. 397). She feels that a driver or clerical position needs to be created, but not at the expense of the Home Economist, who provides important services to the residents of Tompkins County. Under privilege of the floor, Mayor Gutenberger referred to a resolution adopted by Common Council, which was distributed to the Board, requesting that the Department of Social Services remain in downtown Ithaca and offering City Hall to the County as a location for the Department of Social Services. He also suggested that County and City officials meet to discuss long-range planning for the community. Under privilege of the floor, Tom O'Hara, a resident of Groton, said he feels that a Groton to Ithaca bus run needs to be made at 6 a.m. He also said he does not feel that the old hospital is the proper location for the Department of Social Services when there are so many downtown possibilities. Under privilege of the floor, Merrell Shipherd said he feels it is very important for the municipalities and industries in Tompkins County to carefully review common concerns and pool their resources for positive solutions. He also suggested that a health care and human services campus would be abeneficial use of the property in the hospital area. Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Livesay referred to the recent election in District No. 1 for a County legislator, and she requested that the Chairman appoint a bipartisan committee of this Board to conduct an invstgation of the electoral process and submit appropriate recommendations. Chairman Dates said he will refer this request to the 1986 Chairman of the Board. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Tillapaugh announced that he and Chairman Dates attended the first annual Tompkins County Farmer of the Year Award banquet, and he informed the Board the George Holmes received the Farmer of the Year Award. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Lifton requested that the flag in front of the Courthouse be flown at half-mast during the holiday season in recognition of the sacrifice of the United States servicemen who were killed while returning home. Chairman Dates said he will discuss this request with the County Attorney. 343 December 17, 1985 Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Stein referred to the resolution he placed on the agenda entitled Directing the County Industrial Development Agency to Require That Certain Local Taxes be Paid on the Proposed Medical Office Building. He said he has learned that this action at this time might seriously jeopardize the project, so he intends to withdraw the resolution. However, he still has concerns. He feels that the Board did not have all the necessary information at the time action was taken; he feels that the County must review its policies on tax exemptions at a time of serious budgetary concerns; and he feels that the role of the Industrial Development Agency must be reviewed. Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Winch informed the Board of the death of Jeannette Beach, former Town Clerk of the Town of Newfield. Mr. Tillapaugh, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the committee's actions are reflected on the agenda and in appointments. He updated the Board on other committee business and announced that there is one vacancy on the Commu- nity Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Alcoholism Services Board. Mr. Culligan, Chairman of the Education Committee said the committee's actions will be reflected in appointments. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, informed the Board that a Ruling has been received from the Attorney General's office in response to an appeal filed by Tompkins County after a Tompkins County judge refused to implement the Board's proposal to collect reimbursement from indi- viduals who received legal defense as indigents and later became solvent. He said the Ruling also denies implementation of chis plan. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Public Safety Building Construction Committee, updated the Board on this project and said that construction will be haulted in the near future for the winter months. Mr. Mason, Chairman of the Management Compensation Committee, updated the Board on the progress of the County Administrator Search Committee and the Direc- tor of Probation Search Committee. There was discussion about Board member's access to applicants' records, including those applicants not recomended co the Board by the committee. Mr. Williamson said he has researched this, and his opinion is that only those Board members who are members of the committee should have access to records of those applicants not recommended to the Board. Mr. Freeman, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, said the committee's actions are reflected on the agenda. Mr. Stein, Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, said the committee's actions are reflected on the agenda. He urged Board members to encourage their municipalities to act on appointments, and he announced that there are at -large vacancies on several advisory boards. Mrs. Call, Chairman of the Human Services Committee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda. 344 December 17, 1985 Mr. Watros, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Comittee, updated the Board on the committee business that is not reflected on the agenda. Mr. Heyman, Interim County Administrator, introduced Suzanne Stopen, Public Health Director. Mr. Williamson, County Attorney, informed the Board that he and the Clerk of the Board are modifying the Rules of the Board to eliminate references to weighted voting and to eliminate references to the Public Disaster Emergency Powers Law, which was repealed. At the request of Mr. Stein, the resolution entitled Directing the County Industrial Development Agency to Require That Certain Local Taxes be Paid on the Proposed Medical Office Building was withdrawn from the agenda. On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Culligan, the resolution entitled Audit - McGuire & Bennett - Court House Window Replacement was added CO the agenda by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 376 - AUTHORIZATION TO MAKE CURRENT DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES SPACE FUNCTIONALLY USEFUL AND SAFE AND TO IDENTIFY A PERMANENT SPACE Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Nichols. There was lengthy discussion about the resolution adopted by Common Council (see page 1) and the timing of it in addition to discussion about the location of the Department of Social Services. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 1,587 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Slattery, Stein). Noes: 2,412 (Representatives Watros, Winch, Call, Freeman, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Dates). Lost. WHEREAS, the Department of Social Services requires an improved office space, and WHEREAS, many sites for relocation have been examined, and WHEREAS, the County and the City of Ithaca have had studies of renovating the existing space done by Egner Associates entitled Program Report of Space Needs for the Tompkins County Department of Social Services, Project No. 8343, dated February 29, 1984, and WHEREAS, none of the sites that have been studied meet ail of the criteria for location with good accessibility for clients and functional space needs, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the current space be made as functionally useful and safe as is possible, using the above-mentioned Egner studies, and the Department remain there temporarily, RESOLVED, further, that a permanent optimum space for the Department of Social Services be identified and prepared commencing immediately. RESOLUTION N0. 377 - AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE DEPARTURE DATE WITH PRESENT LANDLORDS AND RELOCATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AT MORSE BUILDING 21 Moved by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mrs. Call. There was discussion about 345 December 17, 1985 the location of this building and its accessibility to the handicapped. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 1,582 (Representatives Call, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Slattery, Stein). Noes: 2,417 (Representatives Watros, Winch, Culligan, Freeman Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Dates), Lost. WHEREAS, the Department of Social Services requires an improvement in its office space, and WHEREAS, various sites have been explored by the County Planning Department staff with the results of said study presented in the report entitled County of Tompkins, County Office Space Study, October 1985, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca has indica'ad that: 1) the sole vehicular access to this site be from South Aurora Street, except for access by emergency vehicles; 2) such accessfrom South Aurora Street to Building 21 be on an improved right- of-way, generally following the abandoned railroad line; 3) the City of Ithaca contribute wholly or in substantial part to the cost of such improved access or constructs such access itself; 4) the conditions of curbside parking and traffic flow along Turner Place and South Cayuga Street not be impacted by this Department of Social Services location and that the appropriate steps be taken by the City of Ithaca to ensure this result, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Department of Social Services office space be located at Morse Buiding 21, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board authorize the Interim County Administrator to negotiate with Morse Chain regarding purchase of the building and acreage attached and recommend to the several program committees involved whether to lease or buy said building. The (County staff) (Interim County Administrator) shall, further, notify the present landlords of the depar- ture of the Department of Social Services and negotiate a departure date as soon as possible. RESOLUTION NO. 378 - AUTHORIZATION TO TERMINATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES LEASE WITH JASON FANE AND CITY OF ITHACA AND RELOCATE OFFICES OF DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Proto. There was discussion about the costs of renovating the old hospital building and the amount of reimbursement the County will receive. It was Moved by Mr. Slattery, seconded by Mr. Stein to amend the last Resolved to read, "Resolved, further, That it is the intention of the Board to move the offices of the Department of Social Services on an interim basis to the Old Hospital Building . . . . ' A roll call vote was taken on the amend- ment. Ayes: 1,828 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Slattery, Stein). Noes: 2,171 (Representatives Watros, Winch, Freeman, Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Dates). Amendment lost. There was further discussion, and Mr. Williamson said he does not believe that a member of the 1986 Board of Representatives who is not a member of the 1985 Board of Representatives can be deemed "necessarily absent" from this meeting, pursuant to the Rules of the Board, and offer a reconsideration of this resolution at the next meeting, if this resolution is adopted. 346 December 17, 1985 It was Moved by Mr. Lifton, seconded by Mr. Slattery to amend the resolution as follows: "Resolved, That the 1985 Soard of Representatives recommends that the 1986 Board of Representatives authorize the Chairman of the Board to exercise the termination clause . . .; Resolved, further, That the 1985 Board of Represen- tatives recommends that the 1986 Chairman of the Board be authorized and directed to notify the City of Ithaca . . . , Resolved, further, That the 1985 Board of Representatives recommends that the offices of the Department of Social Services be moved to the old hospital building . . . A roll call vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes: 1,828 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Slattery, Stein). Noes: 2,171 (Representatives Watros, Winch, Freeman, Mason, Proco, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Dates). Amendment lost. It was Moved by Mrs. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Stein to divide the motion by separating termination of the lease with Jason Fane from termination of the lease with the City of Ithaca and moving the Department of Social Services to the old hospital building. A roll tali vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes: 1,587 (Representatives Culligan, Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Slattery, Stein). Noes: 2,412 (Representatives Watros, Winch, Call, Freeman, Mason, Proro, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Dates). Amendment lost. Mr. Lifton said he is going to support this resolution so that, in accordance with the Rules of the Board, he can move co reconsider this resolution at the next Board meeting with the intention of Tabling it to give the new members of the Board an opportunity to vote on this resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the resolution. Ayes: 2,679 (Representatives Watros, Winch, Freeman, Lifton (based on the above explanation), Livesay (in the event that Mr. Lifton cannot attend the next Soard meeting), Mason, Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Dates)- Noes: 1,320 (Representatives Call, Culligan, Nichols, Slattery, Stein)- Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration and Public Works Committees, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to exercise the termination clause in the lease with Jason Fane for Department of Social Services space effective January 1, 1487 and to request of Jason Fane a termination of said lease on or about May 1, 1986, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to notify the City of Ithaca of the County's intention to terminate its month- to-month rental arrangement for Department of Social Services space effective the same date as the termination of the Fane lease, RESOLVED, further, That it is the intention of this Board to move the offices of the Department of Social Services to the old hospital building as soon as practicable and that County staff are requested to make recommendations as soon as possible with respect to all the actions needed to effectuate this move. RESOLUTION NO. 379 - ACCEPTANCE OF NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT OFFER, PURCHASE RAMP, INTERSECTION/PLOW LOADER, SNOWPLOW/SANDER, REBUILD HIGH-SPEED BROOM Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. floes' 0. Adopted. 347 December 17, 1985 WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation has made a grant offer in the amount of $23,193, Project No. PIN 3902.68, for the purchase of one ramp, intersection/plow loader, one snowplow/sander, and rebuilding of one high-speed broom, representing 7.5 percent of the total project cost of $309,236, and WHEREAS, the budget for said project is as follows: Ramp, Intersection/Plow Loader $ 97,463.00 Snowplow/Sander 163,923.00 Rebuild High -Speed Broom 47,850 00 Total Project $309,236,00 Federal Aviation Administration Grant Share (90%) 5278,312.40 New York State Department of Transportation Share (7.5%) 23,192.70 County Share (2.5%) 7,730.90 6309,236.00 WHEREAS, the budgets for the above items were respectively approved by Resolution Nos. 271, 272, and 273 of September 17, 1985,now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the grant offer from New York State Department of Transportation in the amount of $23,193 is hereby accepted and the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute the grant agreement. RESOLI!TION N0. 380 - AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE 1N REPLACEMENT OP PINCKNEy ROAD BRIDGE, APPROPRIATION, AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, a project for Pinckney Road Bridge Replacement over Fall Creek, funded under the Federal Aid Highway Program as provided for by the appropriate sections of Title 23 U.S. Code, calls for state or local participation, and WHEREAS, the County desires to advance the project, which is not or portions of which are not on the State Highway System, by authorizing the County to par- ticipate in a share of the cost of preliminary engineering and/or right-of-way incidental work, including final design of the project or portions of the project not on the State Highway System, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works and the Budget and Adminis- tration Committees, That this resolution in no way diminishes the County's rights under present procedures to review and comment on specific stages of the project, RESOLVED, further, That the County shall provide 25 percent of the non-federal share of the costs of construction of the subject project, or portions of the project, that are not on the State Highway System, estimated to be $33,000, before such construction can be authorized, RESOLVED, further, That this Board hereby authorized the County co participate in the cost of preliminary engineering, including final design of the subject project or portions of the subject project that are not on the State Highway System, and/or in the costs of right-of-way incidental work by providing the local share of the cost, RESOLVED, further, That this authorization shall commit the County to an amount not to exceed $7,710 for the local share of the preliminary engineering 348 December 17, 1985 including final design of the project and/or for the right-of-way incidental work, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to make the following appropriation on his books: From: D599 County Road Fund $7,710 To: 5110.442 Professional Services $7,710 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute al/ necessary agreements on behalf of the County with the New York State Department of Transportation approving the above project and providing for the municipality's participation in the cost of the local share of the project at a total cost for design, right-of-way acquisitions, and construction not to exceed $40,710. RESOLUTION N0. 381 - AWARD OF BID - FABRICATION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL - MORRELL ROAD BRIDGE Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Winch and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for the fabrication of structural steel for Morrell Road Bridge in accordance with specifications filed in the office of the Tompkins County Highway Department, and WHEREAS, said bids were publicly opened on Wednesday, December 4, 1985 at 10 a.m. in the office of the County Administrator, and WHEREAS, Triangle Steel, Inc., of 726 West Clinton Street, Ithaca, New York, was the lowest responsible bidder for the fabrication of structural steel for Morrell Road Bridge meeting all specifications, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the bid of Triangle Steel, Inc., in the amount of $6,550 be and the same hereby is accepted. RESOLUTION N0. 382 - AUDIT AIRPORT HIGH-SPEED SWEEPER AND AIRPORT TERMINAL RENOVATIONS Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded -by Mr. Winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the following claims have been audited by the Public Works Committee: Sweepster Jenkins Equipment Company Rebuild High Speed Sweeper (83-5610.202) Terminal Renovations McGuire & Bennett - Request No. 2 (90-5610.201) I & K Plumbing & Heating - Request No. 1 (90-5610.204) Request No. 2 (90-5610.204) Total Audit now therefore be it 349 947,850 25,060 5,400 8,844 $87,154 December 17, 1985 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Works Committee, That the aforesaid amount be and the same is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to pay said claims out of funds provided therefore. RESOLUTION N0. 383 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION N0. 367 - AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - AIRPORT CONTRACTS Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 367, adopted on December 3, 1985, did not allow sufficient time for advertising the public hearing as required by law, now there- fore be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be held on Tuesday, January 7, 1986 at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof in the Chambers of the Board of Representatives in the Tompkins County Courthouse located at 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, to consider a contract for a proposed gift shop at the Airport terminal building and a contract for limousine service at the Airport. MOTION: It was Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff that Resolution No. 366 - Audit - Architectural Services - Airport Terminal Renovations - J. Victor Bagnardi, adopted on December 3, 1985 be and hereby is rescinded, said resolution being a duplication of Resolution No. 275, adopted on September 17, 1985. Notion unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLUTION N0. 384 - AUDIT - MCGUIRE & BENNETT - COURTHOUSE WINDOW REPLACEMENT Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff. Following discussion concerning the completion of the job, it was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Slattery to Table this resolution until all adjustments are made and the windows are in perfect operating order. Motion to Table adopted by voice vote with Representatives Culligan and Freeman voting noe. (See minutes of January 21, 1986.) RESOLUTION N0. 385 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - MEDICAL DIRECTOR - PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,537. Noes: 462 (Representatives Freeman, LiftonJ. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Willard Schmidt, M.D., co perform the services of Medical Director for the Tomkins County Health Department on a part-time, as -needed basis until January 7, 1986, at the rate of $25 per hour and $10 for each additional half-hour. 350 December 17, 1985 RESOLUTION N0. 386 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES - MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC Moved by Mr, Tillapaugh, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with George Brampton, M.D., to provide psychiatric services to the Mental Health Clinic up to seven hours per week at a rate of $65 per hour for the period December 1, 1985 through December 31, 1986. Sufficient monies are budgeted in the Clinic's professional fees acount to cover this expense. RESOLUTION N0. 387 - CREATION OF POSITION - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Budget and Administration Committees. That one position of Data Entry Machine Operator (04-20), labor grade IV, competitive class, be created effective immediately on a full --time basis for four weeks from the date of hire, RESOLVED.' further, That sufficient monies are included in the Health Depart- ment 1985 and 1986 budgets, Account No. 4010.100, to fund this temporary position. RESOLUTION NO. 388 - APPROPRIATIONS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS, AND TRANSFERS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections, Human Services, Health, Public Works, and Budget and Administration Committees, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustments, appropriations, and transfers on his books: Fire and Disaster: - From: 3410.425 Service Contracts $296.00 .412 Conferences 244.00 To: 3410.311 Maintenance $540.00 Sheriff's Department (Jail): From: 3150.453 Training $400.00 To: 3150.302 Jail Supplies $400.00 County Clerk:. From: 1401.100 Salaries $2,000.00 To: 1401.442 Professional Services 5 2,000.00 351 December 17, 1985 Office for the Aging From: To: Social Services From: To: Public Works From: To: County Clerk Appropriation: Revenue: Mental Health Appropriation: Revenue: Public Works Appropriation: Revenue: Public Works From: To: 7611.302 .330 .412 .432 .442 .452 .472 Supplies Printing Conferences Rent Consultant Postage Telephone 7611.332 Books and Films 6010.206 6010.412 Computers Conferences 1622.425 Service Contracts 1620.471 Electric 1410.442 Professional Services 1255 Cle.ks Fees 4322.450 Challenge Industries 1625.450 Cont. Private Agency 3490 State Aid 1621.210 .304 .343 .344 .345 .425 .470 .485 2410 Equipment Cleaning Supplies Plumbing Supplies Mechanical Supplies Painting Supplies Service Contracts Repairs - Buildings and Grounds Taxes Rentals D599 County Road Fund D5110.410 Contracts - County Bridges 352 $179.72 7.80 234.52 50.00 357.73 77.48 86.56 $993.81 $565.00 $565.00 $5.000.00 55,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $108,964.00 $ 51,148.00 57,816.00 $10,500.00 200.00 500.00 500.00 2,500.00 9,000.00 5,500.00 5,880.00 $34,580.00 $34,580.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 December 17, 1985 RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed to execute any contracts necessary to implement the above transfers, budget adjustments, and appropriations. RESOLUTION NO. - 389 - ADOPTION OF REVISED MANUAL POLICIES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Livesay. There was discussion about the appropriateness of including elected officials in Administrative Manual policies. It was Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch to Table Policy 01-06 - Public Access to Records and Policy 01-29 - Standards of Conduct and refer them back to (the Budget and Administration) committee, A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Motion to Table adopted. A voice vote was taken on the resolution as amended. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the following revised policies be adopted for inclusion in the Administrative Manual: 01-01 Preparing Resolutions 01-07 Central Services 01-09 Petty Cash Funds 02-01 Creating New Positions and Changing Existing Positions 02-15 Management Performance Evaluation 03-06 Retirement Insurance 03-07 Moving Expenses Reimbursement 03-11 Emergency Closing 03-13 Rest and Meal Periods 04-01 Preparing Time Cards and Managerial Hours Certification Records 04-04 Work Week and Work Shift 04-10 Travel Expense Reimbursement 06-03 Purchasing Office Supplies 06-07 Bidding Procedures 06-09 County -Owned Buildings, Equipment and Furniture RESOLUTION NO. 390 - PRINTING OF TAX RATES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr, Proto and unanimously adopted by voice vote - RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various towns and tte City of Ithaca, the Clerk shall print such rates in the Proceedings of the Board following budgets of the several towns and City. 353 December 17, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 391 - AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN DRAFTS - COUNTY.ADMINISTRATOR Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Culligan and unanimously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee. That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to sign all drafts of the County of Tompkins_ RESOLUTION NO. 392 - AUTHORIZATION FOR COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO MAKE YEAR-END TRANSFERS, APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGET ADJIISTNENTS AS REQUIRED Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Winch. A short"-'Yold call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration •Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized' -to make year-end transfers, appropriations and budget adjustments required to c`le'ar credit balances from the books at year-end, any additional entries made'by the County Administrator shall be reported back to the Board. RESOLUTION N0. 393 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS AND`A$PEICATTONS - 1986 Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh and'unanmously adopted by voice vote. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute all contracts and fundingapplicationson behalf of the County of Tompkins for items specifically identified in the departmental budget in an amount not to exceed the amount appropriated' in the 1986 budget for each specific contract, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman is specifically not authorized to sign a contract for the expenditure of the funds in Account No. A3520, Control of Other Animals, pending recommendation of the PublicSafetj and Corrections Committee and future action of this Board. RESOLUTION NO. 394 - AUTHORIZING PAYMENTS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGE. OPERATING BUDGET Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Slattery and unanimously adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore and by resoluciori „approved the 1985- 86 Operating Budget for the Tompkins Cortland Community College and appropriated the necessary funds to pay the Tompkins County proportionate share of the Operat- ing Budget of said college, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed, pursuant to the provisions of the Education Law of the State of New York and within the 354 December 17, 1985 authorization provided by this Board, to pay Tompkins Cortland Community College an amount up to but not to exceed the Tompkins County budgeted share of the operating of said 'college for the fiscal year 1985-86 on the following dates in the following amounts: January 1, 1986 $216,058 March 1, 1986 $216,058 May 1, 1986 $216,058 July 1, 1986 $216,058 RESOLUTION 'NO. 3:95 DATE OF ORGANIZATION MEETING Moved by Mr: -Watros, seconded by Mrs_ Call. It was Moved by Mrs- Livesay, seconded by Mr. Culligan to amend the resolution to hold the organization meeting on January 2, 1986 At 5:30 p.m. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: 1,326 (Repre- sentatives Culliga,,..Lifton, Livesay, Nichols, Stein). Noes: 2,412 (Repre- sentatives •Wat-ros,.. iipch, Call, Freeman, Mason. Proto, Shurtleff, Tillapaugh, Dates). •Abstained: •261 (Representative Slattery). Amendment lost. A voice vote was taken on the original resolution. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That in accordance with Section 151 of the County Law, the organization meeting of the Board ofaRepresentatives shall be held in the Board of Representatives Chambers of the`Tompkins County Courthouse, Ithaca, New York, on Tuesday, January 7, 1986 at 5:30:o'c:ack in the evening thereof. RESOLUTION N0. 396 -. AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call was taken_ Ayes: 3,999. Noes. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services and Budget and Administra- tion Committees, That the Department of Social Services is given permission to enter into .an;;agreement with the Task Force for Battered Women as parent agency for the Child Sexual Abuse Project for counseling and advocacy services. The amount of such contract shall not exceed $7,000 per annum, RESOLVED, further. That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute said.:conttact, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and directed o make the following adjustments on his 1986 books: Appropriation: 6070 Purchase of Service $5,250 Revenue:' 3670 State Aid $1,750 4670 Federal Aid 3,500 From: A1990 Contingent Fund 51,750 To;:.: 6070 Purchase of Service $1,750 355 December 17, 1985 RESOLUTION N0. 397 - AUTHORIZATION TO ABOLISH AND CREATE POS_ITIONs - SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mrs. Call. There_ was. discussion about concerns expressed in opposition to this resolution (see page 1). A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,725. Noes: 274 (Representative N -i -c -hofs)..- Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration and Human Services Committees, That one position of Home Economist,(,10-12), labor grade X, competitive class, be abolished effective January 1, L986i - RESOLVED, further, That one position of. Social Welfare Examiner (08-46), labor grade VIII, competitive class, be created effective January 1, 1986, RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed'Ea .rtiJ this position. RESOLUTION NO. 398 - CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITIONS'AND- BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mr. Watros, seconded by Mr. Proto. A shoito11 call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the Office for the Aging has been authorized to submit a proposal for a project that would seek unemployed older workers eligible r `DTPA enroll - sent and offer a counseling/training program, as authorized Or bir Resolution No. 320, adopted October 22, 1985, now therefore be it }' '` RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Services aad'Bktdget and Administra- tion Committees, That one position of Employment and- Trariing'Assistant (O6- 24), labor grade VI, competitive class, be created on a temporary basis, effective January 2, 1986, and continue for twelve weeks on a 35 -hour work week basis, and then for 13 weeks on a 17.5 -hour work week basis through .June 27, 1986, RESOLVED, further, That one position of Employment and Training Program Coordinator (11-35), labor grade XI, competitive class- be `created effective January 2, 1986 for 7.0 hours per week through June 27, 1986;:. . RESOLVED, further, That 100 percent of salaries and fringes for these posi- tions will be covered by a JTPA grant, RESOLVED, further, That the filling of the positibit. will be contingent upon approval of the grant project by the JTPA-PIC official's; +. - RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be_and-he -hereby is autho- rized and directed to make thefollowing budget adjustmentou'his books: Appropriation: 7630.100 Salaries $5,660 .302 Office Supplies _ 35 _. .330 Printing 25 .332 Books and Publicati$ins. 107 ,402 Advertising 250 ,414 Training Materials 239 .432 Rent " 150 .452 Postage 100 .472 Telephone 150 .830 Social Security 440 .840 Workers Compensation 59 356 December 17, 1985 Reveriie 3804 $7,215 RESOLUTION NO 399' -'AUDIT - COMPUTER INSTALLATION Moved 'by- Mr`.-,IJat-ros; seconded by Mr. Tillapaugh. A voice vote was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adopted. WHEREAS, the'lolloiwi'ng claims have been submitted by the following companies and audited by the BUd$et and Administration Committee pursuant to Resolution 114: ' ' j:. , gmputer Resources Company $ 573.49 C Corcraft Products 622.00 Craig Data Cable 597.53 ,International Business Machines 12,751.00 Norton Electric 2,885.00 Race Office Equipment 113.30 Sper.3 Corporation 493.00 Wilson &.Sons 3,000.00 $21,D35.32 now therefore be -..Lt.,.;, RESOLVED, _q 'recommendation of the Budget and Administration Committee, That the aforesaid amount is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED,.further,,, That the County Administrator be and he is hereby autho- rized and direcced_to- pay said claim from Account No. 59-1680.229. RESOLUTION.NO.'400-r, 1986 SALARIES - MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL STAFF Moved by_ Mr,^Mason,.seconded by Mrs. Call. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: -0. Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Management Compensation and Budget and Administration ,Committees., That 1986 salaries for all confidential staff shall increase by 5.56 percent over the 1985 level and that the salary for all labor grades and tor e.11,steps shall likewise increase by 5.56 percent. RESOLVED,, fur;thet.,. That the salaries of all management staff shall increase as recommended by the Management Compensation and Budget and Administration Committees' and that the salary schedule (minimum, midpoint and maximum) for all management positions shall increase by 4 percent, RESOLVED, further, That to effectuate these increases the County Administrator is authorized and di''ected to make the following adjustments and appropriations in the approved 1986 budget: APPROPRIATIONS From: A1990 Contingent Puna 563,579 To: Various Department Accounts $63,579 357 December 17, 1985 From: A899 General Fund Balance (Stop7DWl:.;gunds),,,,:f....7I$,1,404 To: A4250.100 Stop -DWI $1,404.: From: 8909 Airport Fund Balance $1.757 To: 8561.0.100 Salaries •°$'1,757 From: 0909 County Road Fund Balance 4;3;215 To: 05010.100 Salaries -$2,251 05110.100 Salaries 964 ADJUSTMENTS Appropriations: Revenues: Various Departments $18,860 Federal and State $18,860' RESOLUTION NO. 401 - APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mrs_. Call,. It..Ipt4144;-514Yed.;by Ht -6. Livesay, seconded by Mr. Lifton that this appointment would: eiplre anuary 7, 1986,;: at which time the 1986 Board of Representatives would make 'the 'appointment., A voice vote was taken ou the amendment. Ayes: 8014t4presentatives Lifton, Livesay, Stein). Noes: 3,193. Amendment lost. A -1 Ce-'votewas taken on the original resolution. Ayes: 3,999. Noes: 0. Adapted ' WHEREAS, Resolution No. 103, adopted on April 1'985', appointed Scott Heyman as Interim County Administrator until a permafient`^ ortnty` Administrator is appointed or until December 31, 1985, whichever occitts ,fiCst;' now therefore be it -.. ... RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Management 1C'gYupensation' Committee, That Scott Heyman be reappointed effective January 1;- t986;. as"Interim County Administrator pending the Board's appointment of a perbtanenF'Eounty'Administrator. RESOLUTION N0. 402 - INTERIM STAFFING - BUDGET AND FINANCE OFFICE' Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, and unanimous1y,adopted by voice vote. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 117 adopted April 23, 85 prbv '19ided 'for increased compensation for the Accounting Supervisor, now therefore`4e RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Management Compensation Committee, That effective January 1, 1986 the Accounting Supervisor cprgAnye on the.same basis as provided in Resolution No. 117 until a new County AddiinTS rator'is appointed, RESOLVED, further, That monies to fund said adjustment are. included in the 1986 resolution for Managerial and Confidential 'empr'oye'ee ' RESOLUTION N0. 403 - INTERIM STAFFING - BUDGET AND FINANCEoOF'FIC1: Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Shurtleff, Wand 'unanimously, adopted by voice vote. 358 December 17, 1985 WHEREAS-, Reso i!@i''otwNU. 228 adopted on August 13, 1985 provided for increased .compensation for the .-Deputy County Administrator for Finance, now therefore be it RESOLVED, 'On -recommendation of the Management Compensation Committee, That effective January,1-, .1986 the Deputy County Administrator for Finance continues on the same basis a5',Covided.in Re'solutibn No. 228 until a new County Adminis- trator is appointed, RESOLVED, further, That monies to fund said adjustment are included in the 1986 resolution for:managerial employees. RESOLUTION:NO. 404 - AUDIT - PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Moved by Mr. Mason,. 'seconded by Mr. Winch. A short roll call was taken. Ayes: 3,.999. 'N8a5''0 '•.Adopted. ., WHEREAS„';.the :BoJ;r$tsiitg claims have been audited by the Public Safety Build- ing-.Constructior=Coamdtt . s, Dutch Buchana{i.,F Sons, Inc. (Heating) $ 5,931.00 Dutch -Buchanan.& Sons„ Inc. (Plumbing) 32,356.00 McGuire &,.Be.nnet,t, Inc. (General) 70,571.00 John W. .Cowper Co., Inc.. (Pre -Construction) 8,000.00 John Wr,Cowper,Ce „ Inc. (November 1985) 8,000.00 Agway Petrplµ4,Ooop. (Equipment) 1,578.60 .The Carey._McKnney Group 13,419.00 Cayuga Type'writr Services 38.50 Lee-C,Jackspr (Construction and Management) 38.00 C. Spec.trumOffi.ce Products 6.55 Trun¢aasburg;Pree Press 28.48 Nath, Walsh 312.00 Xerox Corporation 210.00 $140,488.53 now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the 'aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, ,f.urther,hat the County Administrator be and he hereby is autho- rized and'directed,to:piy said claim out of funds provided therefore. RESOLUTt0N'80. 405COMMENDATION - GUST L. FREEMAN Moved by'Mr. Wa, ttosunanimously seconded and adopted. WHEREAS, the term of public office for Gust L. Freeman, Representative from District No.,1.20.in the. Town of Ithaca, will end on December 31, 1985, and WHEREAS,. Mr. Freeman` was appointed to the Board of Representatives in May of 1979 to complete the perry of office of Loran Marion, who resigned, and WHEREAS, Mr.'' Freeman'served as Chairman of the Human Services Committee :from L980 through 1983, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee in 1984, 359 December 17, 1985 and Chairman of the Public Works Commi.ttee-in:19854„and.1,i.so aeryved-.an.the:Budget and Administration Committee, all of which.required en4trhous dsd cat,.,on, involve- ment, and time, and WHEREAS, Mr. Freeman always carried his share of committee assignments and willingly served on the Tompkins County.. Area l? epelopmenGorppration Board of Directors and the Tompkins Councy Industrial Deve],genG AggaG.y ,and.he repre- sented Tompkins County on the Sail and. Water.Conservat,ozi IIistr.ict;anrl was liaison from aur Board to the Environmental Management Council, WHEREAS, Mr. Mr. Freeman was able to serve with distinction as Chairman of the New York State Region 7 Fishand.Wildlife `MahageMent Board, and he serves at the State level as Chairman of the 'GreatsF.akes-.:ilceessommi; tee -Board of Directors, and WHEREAS, Mr. Freeman has giventoteffgzt. and ,dedic,ation to not only his committee assignments but co the overall concernf'his constituents and the Board of Representatives as a whole. during hisyears.gfservice,..now therefore be it 3 RESOLVED, unaniously, That this'Board- hereby Ae4. ds 3tsepest appreci- ation co Gust L. Freeman for his unriri'ng efforts in tke_.w k p-f.the Board during his years of office, _ RESOLVED, further, That this Board expresses- its be3c,:wishes�r;o Gust L. Freeman, his wife Ginny, and his family,.for' good healt#i and success i.othe coming years. RESOLUTION NO. 406 SINCERE COMMENDATION' DONALD 3IOW • Moved by Mrs. Nichols, unanimously seconded. andadopted WHEREAS, the term of public office.. for Donald .J,.._,Slattery wilI::end on on December 31, 1985, and WHEREAS, Mr. Slattery served 'fourteen years on the i5, sa Common Council before coming to the Tompkins County Board of Represe:nta£ius ,.;and; WHEREAS, Mr. Slattery served on many, committees of _CQmmon Council and made an important contributiontc inter -municipal coapRrat.toa actively partici- pating on the commission to plan the, new Waste Water; Faca,lity• f ,.saidacility now being completed to serve the City of Ithaca th tekten, of- :Ithaca, .and.,,the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, Mr. Slattery has been a most active me5be of the Tompkins. County Industrial Development Agency and the Stop-DWL.Advasory t}pard• and has :been a liaison co the Tompkins County Economic Opportunity..Corporation,,and WHEREAS, Mr. Slattery has been a highly. respected.- sber of rhe,_Board.of Representatives' Public Safety, Planning and Development,`aud.Educatian Committees, and was a liaison to the County`Library Board of Trustees .,and„_ WHEREAS, the past two years he has been a very ac[-iva liaison of this Board of Representatives to the Tompkins Cortland Community Coll_ee,-;and. WHEREAS, Donald J. Slattery acted always in very: &e:ntlemanly way towards his constituents, fellow Board members, County staff, sai general .publc, and. - WHEREAS, he always utilized common sense and04nd4l;...advice on matters of community concern, with thoughtful exercise in carryingout his ,assigned duties, now therefore be it 360 December 17, 1985 RESOLVED Tharhh lcdmmunity .certaihly is,a better. -place because Donald J. Slattery has bei' w319 itgT'to become involved and`' has been a respected member of both the. Common Council and the County Board of Representatives for the past 'RESOLVED fiirttYer x'hati this Board unanimously records in its minutes its ' deep ppre.eia ott o# 46tia1' 4. Slattery, wishes him continued success in his position-xc'Coriseil iJnivers ty ':and wlshss him and his, wife, Theresa, even more happy hours together. RE-DtUTION iTJ A07T$tB :'C0MFIE19DATI0fi"- HARRIS B. -DATES Moved by Mr, C'uiligan un nliaously seconded and adopted. WHEREAS; anJanuary 1957,' the Tokpkins County Board of Supervisors minutes recorded, "All members .present .with Lansing's new supervisor, Harris B. Dates, Ludlowvilie, i 11 2'; -ait§ '`r`Sng roll call for the first time, and WHEREAS, .Mr --,I "xi .'H, Dates has dutifully, answered roll calls for the Last twenty-nine years, and WHEREAS; '-Ham' '`B 15ates has serried on every major committee of the old Board of S-ipersors4nil °tfienew Board of Representatives, and WHEREAS, he•was elected -to be the 'first Chairman of the new Board of Repre- sentatives in..1970 and 1,971,_.and.-__ • WHEREAS, he relinguished the chairmanship in 1972 because of his many duties at Cornell University;'= a`iid" - ' WHEREAS, upon 'retirement from Cornell, he again became Chairman of the Board of RepresehCit file's"-o&'T.ompkins- County in ;January of 1979 to the present and WHEREAS, -as='Cha rman-.of' the Board, Harris B. Dates served as an ex -officio member•of all committees,, and WHEREAS, he•he9`alsh served on the Tompkins County Area Development Corpora- tion since 1964•.andgavOt%i great energies as an important member of the Cornell Research Park AdV airyCbt attee, the -Special Sales Tax Committee, and the early established.County-SWwe- Aency,-and..• WHEREAS; he`hes a1soV'been _an -active board liaison to the Tompkins County 'Chamber of CommerceT`e id'.iLrhe 'Piager Lakes Association in the promotion of business and tourism in ourareae,, and' ' WHEREAS,; Mr 1lates1 S seen-and'been an especially competent decision -maker in the strong'grcO tfi `dfompkins County including the development of a county library, a communfty=''cpllege,'-e new hospital facility, a new jail, and the establishment of"'oo t `#raenty-five new departments and programs that did not exit^'in 17 atfd ? ` ' WHEREAS, he g`$ve tins"peiingly of his time and effort and took a great interest in all affairs' oemrtie'County;" andthroughout the terms of his office attempted at all times robe`€4ir.1n providing the service for all people, and WHEREAS`;Harri�sx:'S.:bates' term of office as an elected official expires =`December'31, ';a'iid`'.:'7'` WHEREAS, his. long experience on the County Board will• be sorely missed as will ilia ;stacemexKUVuiaYle-,suany times, "I am just a country boy from Lansing, now` -therefore' bi `` 361 December 17, 1985 RESOLVED, ,That this Board, speaking not :only form theg;aehv`es'1;.but also. for their predecessors,unanimously' commends ;Mr-.., Harris 4'rDates;for :_.phe, •e1ccelLent manner in which he has 'served ,the . County, .itsaad,:,the' general Tiublic and we all ,say "Thanks"' -for the extraordinary service.'-and.;,personal time given to all.citezens of Tompkins County, , . RESOLVED, further. That Harxis pates has ;accgmplished Che-"Noblest•;MOCibia," service to fellow man and the publicgood, RESOLVED, further, rhat his achievements and 1riepdships;,have;give,n valuable returnsto all and: on behalf of all citizens, yc ung, and oid, u' we wish yoand your lovely wife, Betty Dates, thef best ohealth and 'happiness in yo0r,!'now full retirement and. hope you .enjoy the` -warmth 'of Flozida's. sun in the;-w±nter months for many years to come. On motion of Mr. ,Tillapaugh, _,seconded, following people were appointed to the.; Bovine'iTuberculosis .and • An 41::,,Vi lth+;Committee' for ,one- year terms effective 'January 1, 1986 "=through.Decedbetr:31,. 1986:: Francis. _Fox, James Ainslie, Kenneth' Tillapaugh. Mr. Ti'llapaugh ;announced, that= there are two vacancies on this Board. On motion of •Mr. Tillapaugh, seconded 'by+ -Mr.. Pro[o., ,t,he following .people were reappointed to the Community Mental Health; Mental;Retardation, an$ Alcoholism Services Board for :four-year• terms' effective J,anuary.- 1, 1986 ..through; _December31, 1989: Anne Brous,' Gordon Kirl<prood Marjorie' Doris Sandia Stein. On motion of Mr. .Tillapaugh, seconded by Mr..: Winch ,Francis Fox was -appointed to the Board of. ,Health . for a' six year term effetive 3anuary 1, ; 1986 thr.0ugh Decemeber 31, 1991... On motion of: Mr. Culligan, seconded by .Mrs;.: ,the following people were appointed to`the Library Board of;.Trustees for- five-year terms. ffective January 1, 1986 through December 31, 1;990 i.,Harold Cnhari,,,Elf riede'Batterman: On motion of Mr. Stein, seconded,hy .Mr., .Sl�yrxlef£, .;,the follo� people were appointed to the. EnvironmentalManagement EounciL for°.two-year'-termseffective January 1, 1986 through December. 31, 1987: KeithEMarquls. Sdil.and'Water onserva- tion District; James" Howe, Tompkins County` Planning 9pard; Lyle Raymond, :,Town of Groton; Herb Engman, Town of Danby;, Albert, -Lacko Towi of Lansiimg?`Donald Barber, Town of Enfield. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by He. Proto; ;tite.following ,peopYe—.were appointed to the Office for the Aging Advisory Committee -:for terms. effective January 1, 1986' through December 31, 1988: Coreva Car+,enter,-Sylvia-Wahl; Ruth Mann, Madge O'Brien. Mrs. Call announced thatther.e.._is_.one vacancy o14.`thi's committee. On motion of Mrs. Call, seconded by Mr. Pr.oto;.,the:;following. people. -were appointed to the Human Rights Commission for three.yeart.erms effective, January 1, 1986 through December 31, 1988: ,Nancy Brown, Margar-etcaDennis,:Steven Fellows, Betsy Johnson, Judy Tulla. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p•m- 362 7985 RESOLUTION INDEX RES NO. TITLE ] ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1985 - ESTABLISHING A LIMITED GRANT PROGRAM TO ASSIST AND ENCOURAGE VARIOUS TOWNS TO INITIATE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY FEASIBILITY 2 TOMTRAN SERVICES CONTRACT WITH CU TRANSIT, INC. 3 ENDORSEMENT OF FEDERAL SECTION 18 PROGRAM SIXTH YEAR FUNDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ITHACA AND TOMPKINS COUNTY 4 AUTHORIZATION OF CHEMUNG TRANSIT TO OPERATE A BUS ROUTE IN TOMPKINS COUNTY 5 ESTABLISHING 1985 REGULAR MEETING DATES 6 DESIGNATION OF NEWSPAPERS 7 ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FROM NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - PHASE II AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS - PROJECT NO. 3902.66 8 CREATION OF POSITION - PROBATION 9 AWARD OF BID - MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT 10 FEDERAL SECTION 18 PROGRAM - TOMTRAN RURAL TRANSIT OPERATING ASSISTANCE APPLICATION OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED ELIMINATION OF STATE AND LOCAL TAX DEDUCTIONS FROM THE FEDERAL INCOME TAX 12 ESTABLISHING PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 2 OF 1985 - AMENDING EFFECTIVE DATE OF LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF 1984 - VETERANS' EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY TAXES 13 WITHDRAWAL OF PARCEL FROM 1984 TAX FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS 14 APPORTIONMENT OF DOG MONIES 15 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - ASSESSMENT 16 ADOPTION OF REVISED POLICY - ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL 17 RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - PROBATION DEPARTMENT 18 URGING RESCISSION OF STATE LEGISLATORS' SALARY BILL 19 AUDIT - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CADY ELECTRIC, INC. 20 AUDIT - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CALOCERINOS AND SPINA 21 WARD OF BID - MACHINERY - HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 22 AUDIT - WINDOW REPLACEMENT - COURTHOUSE 23 AUTHORIZING TOPOGRAPHIC, PROPERTY AND UTILITY MAP - WARREN ROAD BUILDING SITE 24 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH HERSHEY, MALONE AND ASSOCIATES FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICE FOR JAIL/PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 25 INCREASE OF TIME - ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY 26 AMENDMENT OF LEASE AGREEMENT -CHARLES HOUGHTON 27 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - MIDLAND APPRAISAL ASSOCIATES - SAWTOOTH DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CASE 28 SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR HOUSING ASSISTANCE - SECTION 8 - EXISTING HOUSING PROGRAM 29 AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SURVEYOR - COUNTY PURCHASE OF LAND FOR LANDFILL 30 ENDORSEMENT OF FEDERAL SECTION 18 PROGRAM - SEVENTH YEAR FUNDING BETWEEN CITY OF ITHACA AND COUNTY 31 APPROVAL OF FIVE-YEAR AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PLAN - 1985-1989 32 ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 2 -1985 - AMENDING EFFECTIVE DATE OF LOCAL LAW NO. 6 - 1984 33 WITHDRAWAL OF PARCEL FROM 1984 TAX FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS 34 CORRECTION OF TAX ROLL - TOWN OF NEWFIELD 35 URGING ADOPTION OF LEGISLATION RE TORT LIABILITY RFS NO. TITLE 36 TRANSFERS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 37 ADOPTION OF REVISED POLICIES - ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL 38 RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE (TABLED TO 3/5/85 AND ADOPTED) 39 CREATION OF POSITION - JOB TRAINING 40 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES - AUTHORIZATION FOR MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION 41 BUDGET ADIUSTMENT - HEAP (62) 1984-85 - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 42 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND VARIOUS BANKS - FOOD STAMP PROGRAM 43 REQUESTING THE NEW YORK STATE LEGISLATURE TO INCREASE STATE AID TO NEW YORK'S COMMUNITY COLLEGES 44 JOB TRAINING - EXTENSION OF LEASE 45 DISTRIBUTION OF COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAPITAL RESERVE FUNDS 46 AUDIT - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CALOCERINOS AND SPINA 47 AUDIT - COURTHOUSE WINDOW REPLACEMENT - ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES -1. VICTOR BAGNARDI 48 AWARD OF BID - BURNS ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 49 PUBLIC HEARING - HERTZ CORPORATION AND AVIS RENT -A -CAR SYSTEM - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT 50 PETTY CASH INCREASE - COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE 51 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS - STOP DWI 52 ACCEPTANCE OF SECTION 18 CAPITAL GRAM FOR THREE BUS SHELTERS- TOMTRAN ITHACA-DRYDEN TRANSIT 53 ACCEPTANCE OF SECTION 18 CAPITAL GRANT FOR ONE TRANSIT BUS - TOMTRAN EAST ITHACA TRANSIT 54 AUDIT -COURTHOUSE WINDOW REPLACEMENT- MCGUIRE AND BENNEIT, INC. 55 APPROVAL OF 1985 CONTRACT WITH COOPERATIVE EXTENSION TO OPERATE YOUTH COUNCIL PROGRAM - YOUTH BUREAU 56 APPROPRIATION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - BIGGS BUILDING 57 AUTHORIZATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - DECLARING CERTAIN PARCELS OF OLD HOSPITAL PROPERTY AS NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE 58 AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS - SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - OFFICE FOR THE AGING 59 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND APPROPRIATION - CASA COORDINATOR - INCREASE OF HOURS 60 APPROVAL - TC3/CS EA CONTRACT 61 AUDIT - TOPOGRAPHIC, PROPERTY AND UTILITY MAP - WARREN AD JAIL SITE - T.G. MILLER, P.C. 62 ESTABLISHMENT OF TOMPKINS COUNTY ADVISORY BOARD ON ALTERNATIVES TO INCARCERATION (RENAMED - RES. 57 OF 1986; ADDITIONAL MEMBER - RES. 367 OF 1986; AND ADDITIONAL MEMBER - RFS. 84 OF 1990) 63 ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING - HERTZ CORPORATION AND AVIS RENT -A -CAR SYSTEM AIRPORT 64 ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONTRACTS WITH USAIR, EMPIRE AIRLINES, INC., AND BROCKWAY AIR - AIRPORT 65 AUTHORIZATION TO APPROVE REQUIRED PUBLICATION BY NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY - CONTRACT BETWEEN AUTHORITY AND COUNTY 66 DISPOSITION OF THE OLD HOSPITAL 67 SINCERE COMMENDATION: JOHN J. MURPHY 68 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS - HERTZ CORPORATION AND AVIS RENT -A -CAR SYSTEM - VEHICLE RENTALS AT AIRPORT RES NO. TITLE 69 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS -11.5 AIR, EMPIRE AIRLINES, INC., AND BROCKWAY AIR • AIRPORT 70 AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT A REVISED FEDERAL SECTION 13 CAPITAL GRANT APPLICATION FOR PURCHASE OF ONE TRANSIT BUS FOR ULYSSES - NE W F1ELD TRANSIT PROGRAM 71 ACCEPTANCE OF SECTION 18 OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT FOR TOMTRAN ITHACA-DRYDEN TRANSIT 72 AUTHORIZATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN ITHACA TRANSIT HOSPITAL SERVICE - TOWN AND CITY OF ITHACA 73 AWARD OF BID- VEHICLES -HEALTH DEPARTMENT 74 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - TOMPKINS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION FOR CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP ON CARING FOR THE AGING 75 AWARD OF BID FOR PURCHASE OF TWO VEHICLES - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 76 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - FUNERAL SERVICES - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 77 AUDIT - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CALOCERINOS AND SPINA 78 APPROVAL OF STOP DWI PROGRAM PLAN FOR 1935 79 TRANSFERS, APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 80 APPROVAL - MEMBERSHIP DUES - COUNTY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES 81 APPROPRIATION FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE - STOP DWI (LOST - REFERRED BACK TO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE) 82 CREATION OF POSITION - PROBATION 83 AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT SNAP FUNDS FOR PURCHASE OF VEHICLE - OFFICE FOR THE AGING 84 AUTHORIZATION FOR GRANT APPLICATION - SNAP 1985/86 85 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT - TITLE V - OFFICE FOR THE AGING 86 AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR 57,000 ADDITIONAL FUNDS FROM THE SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SNAP) 67 AWARD OF 1311) FOR PURCHASE OF FOUR VEHICLES - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 88 CORNELL TRADITION SUMMER WORK PROGRAM 89 AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN TEMPORARY WORK-STUDY PROGRAMS 90 AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION - SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM - 1985 9! CANCELLATION OF DELINQUENT TAXES - TOWN OF GROTON 92 CORRECTION OF 1985 TAX ROLL - TOWN OF ITHACA 93 CORRECTION OF 1985 TAX ROLLS - TOWN OF DRYDEN, ENFIELD, GORTON, ITHACA, LANSING, NEWFIELD AND ULYSSES 94 CREATION OF POSITION - JOB TRAINING 95 INCREASE IN HOURS - LONG TERM CARE COORDINATING SERVICE HEALTH DEPARTMENT 96 AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC REARING - DECLARING PROPERTY NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE - LUDLOWVILLE RIGHT-OF-WAY 97 RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - MENTAL HEALTH 96 AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - INITIAL DESIGN PHASE - MRB GROUP, P.C. 99 URGING PROMPT PAYMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES BY LOCAL BANKS THAT HAVE ESTABLISHED HOMEOWNER ESCROW ACCOUNTS FOR SUCH PURPOSES (LOST) 100 INTENTION TO CONVEY REAL PROPERTY (SEE RES. NO. 101 ADOPTED APRIL9, 1985) 101 DECLARING CERTAIN HOSPITAL PREMISES NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONVEYANCE OF PARCELS TO TOMPKINS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL RES NO. TITLE 102 SALARY ADJUSTMENT - BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES 103 APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 104 AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARING - TOMPKINS COUNTY ALTERNATIVES TO INCARCERATION SERVICE PLAN 105 AUDIT- WILLIAM DOWNING - SUPERVISION OFCONSTRUCTION - TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY BUILDING - ASBESTOS PROJECT 106 AUDIT - SURVEYING SERVICES - MILTON GREENE -LANDFILL SITE 107 AUDIT - MCPHERSON BUILDERS, INC. - ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING C 108 DIVESTING PUBLIC MONIES FROM BANKS AND FIRMS DOING BUSINESS WITH OR IN THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA AND NAMIBIA (LOST) 109 TRANSFERS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 110 INSURANCE TRANSFERS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS 111 FUNDING OF TOMPKINS COUNTY RETIREMENT FUND 112 BOND RESOLUTION - PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF EDP SYSTEM FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY 113 CREATION OF POSITION - DATA PROCESSING DIVISION 114 TRANSFER, BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND FOR DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT PURCHASE, INSTALLATION AND OPERATING EXPENSES 115 HUMAN SERVICES COAUTION REVIEW OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING REQUESTS 116 AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - ENITIAL DESIGN PHASE MRB GROUP, P.C. 117 INTERIM STAFFING - BUDGET AND FINANCE OFFICE 118 ABOLITION AND CREATION OF POSITION - BUDGET AND FINANCE OFFICE 119 CREATION OF POSITION - JOB TRAINING (SYETP) 120 ABOLITION AND CREATION OF POSITIONS - HEALTH DEPARTMENT 121 ESTABLISHING PETTY CASH FUND - SOCIAL SERVICES 122 AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR IN-SERVICE TRAINING FUNDS - VARIOUS COUNTY OFFICES FOR THE AGING 123 APPROPRIATION - SUMMER. YOUTH PROGRAM 124 BALCONY ENCLOSURE - TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY 125 APPROPRIATION -PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN 126 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - FEDERAL AID - SAFER. ROADS DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM 127 PARTICIPATION, APPROPRIATION, AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - LOCAL BRIDGE PROGRAM 128 DECLARING PARCELS NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE QUIT CLAIM DEEDS - LUDLOWVILLE RIGHT-OF-WAY - COUNTY PROPERTY 129 BUDGET APPROPRIATION - STOP DWI 130 AUDIT -COURTHOUSE WINDOW REPLACEMENT• MCGUIRE AND BENNETT, INC. 131 AUDIT- TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT - PEAT, MARWICK, MITCHELL & CO. 132 AUDIT - CHANGE ORDER - FAN RELAY - WILLIAMS ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 133 AUDIT - WILLIAM DOWNING ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS- TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY - TESTING AND ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 134 AUDIT- AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CADY ELECTRIC, INC. (SEE RES. NO. 157 - 521(85) 135 AUDIT OF LIGHTING AND 'TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CALOCERINOS AND SPINA 136 OFFICIAL APPROVAL OF TOMPKINS COUNTY ALTERNATIVES TO INCARCERATION SERVICE PLAN 137 AUTHORIZING JOINT PARTICIPATION IN THE TOMTRAN NORTHEAST TRANSIT SYSTEM RES NO. TITLE 138 AUTHORIZING SURVEY TO ESTABLISH NEW PROPERTY BOUNDARY ON SALE OF CERTAIN LANDS AND BUILDINGS TO TOMPKINS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL CORPORATION 139 AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR PUBLIC SAFELY BUILDING 140 ENDORSING DESIGNATION OF THE HECTOR RANGER DISTRICT AS THE FINGER LAKES NATIONAL FOREST 141 TELECOMMUNICATIONS STUDY BY PEAT, MARWICK, MITCHELL & . CO. - CHANGE ORDER TO INCLUDE NEW PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 142 AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY TAIL - INITIAL DESIGN PHASE - MRB GROUP, P.C. 143 FEDERAL SECTION 18 PROGRAM - TOMTRAN CARO -VAN OPERATING ASSISTANCE APPLICATION 144 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECITFE CONTRACT - FISCAL ADVISORS, INC. 145 DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL TOURIST PROMOTION AGENCY 146 CREATION OF POSITIONS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - (CSS UNIT) - DEPARTMENI' OF SOCIAL SERVICES 147 INCREASE OF HOURS - ATTORNEY - SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT 148 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 149 AUTHORIZING PRELIMINARY COMPARATIVE ARCHITECTURAL APPROVAL TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDS - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 151 BUDGET ADIUSTMENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE APPFJCATION FOR FUNDING CONTRACT - TITLE V - OFFICE FOR THE AGING 152 AUTHORIZING RETENTION OF ELAINE WALKER, Ph.D. 153 AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE OPERATING BUDGET 1985.86 154 AWARD OF BID- LOCKE ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 155 AWARD OF BID - PAINT PROJECT - HERMANN BIGGS PROJECT 156 AUDIT - WILLIAM DOWNING ASSOCIATES. ARCHITECTS - TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY - TESTING AND ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 157 (AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION 134) CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, PHASE! AND 11 - JOIN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC. - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS t58 RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - PROBATION 159 CREATION OF POSITION - PROBATION 160 CREATION OF POSITIONS - LOB TRAINING 161 AWARD OF BID - SURPLUS USED EQUIPMENT 162 ACCEPTANCE OF BID OR DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICES - IBM CORPORATION 163 APPORTIONMENT OF MORTGAGE TAX 164 AUTHORIZATION TO CREATE TOMPKINS HEALTH CARE CORPORATION AS AN INSTRUMENTALITY OF THE COUNTY - APPROVAL OF RECONSTRUCTION HOME PROJECT (AMENDED BY RES. 276 OF 9/17/85) 165 URGING EXTENSION OF ARC TOMTRAN GRANT PERIOD 166 ACCEPTANCE OF SECTION 18 CAPITAL GRANT FOR ONE TRANSIT BUS - TOMTRAN ULYSSES-NEWFIELD TRANSIT 167 AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY TO GOVERNOR'S TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN FUNDS FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY PROJECTS 168 AUTHORIZATION TO PAY MEMBERSHIP DUES - NEW YORK PUBLIC TRANSIT MANAGER'S ASSOCIATION, INC. 169 AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE UPSTATE PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE ASSOCIATION AND AUTHORIZING FAIR SHARE COST OF A RATE ENGINEERING CONSULTANT - LOST (SEE RES. 211 ADOPTED 8/13/85) RES NO. TITLE 170 AUTHORIZATION FOR GRANTS TO MUNICIPALITIES - PROJECTS TO REDUCE IMPACT OF FLOODING FOR 1985 - APPROPRIATION OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS 171 REQUESTING AN APPROPRIATE STEEP HILL WARNING SIGN - ROUTE 96 - CLIFF STREET 172 AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAPITAL BUDGET - 1985-86 173 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT- COMMUNITY DISPUTE RESOLUTION CENTER AND PROBATION DEPARTMENT 174 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW -PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING (JAIL) PROPOSAL 175 AWARD OF BID- COMPUTER ROOM ENVIRONMENT CONTROL SYSTEM 176 ADOPTION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN 177 HUMAN SERVICE GRANT - 1986 178 1986 BUDGET SCHEDULE 179 AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT A LETTER OF INTENT AND GRANT PROPOSAL - HOME HEALTH CARE GRANT PROGRAM 1985-86 880 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - MENTAL HEALTH (CSS) 181 ADOPTION OF CAPITAL BUDGET - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE -1985-86 182 ADOPTION OF 1985-86 OPERATING BUDGET - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE 163 AUTHORIZING TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE TO SUBMIT CAPITAL BUDGET TO STATE UNIVERSITY - 1986-87 184 AUTHORIZING CHANGE IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FEES 185 AUTHORIZATION OF FUNDS FOR HOSPICARE AND APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND 186 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE LEASE - HOSPICARE 187 AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH PERSONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEM IN TOMPKINS COUNTY 188 AUDIT - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CADY ELECTRIC, INC. 189 AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - MRB GROUP, P.C. 190 OFFICE SPACE ASSIGNED TO PROBATION DEPARTMENT 191 AUDIT - T.G. MILLER ASSOCIATES - SURVEY NEW PROPERTY LINES AND AMENDMENT OF SUBDIVISION MAP - BIGGS COMPLEX 192 AUTHORIZING CONTRIBUTION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION INFORMATION SYSTEM ON MICROCOMPUTERS 193 BUDGET GUIDELINES - 1986 194 APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND - WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 195 ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 3 AND LOCAL LAW NO.4 - AMENDMENTS TO TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE 196 TRANSFERS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - JOB TRAINING 197 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND PROBATION DEPARTMENT 198 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AMENDMENT - MENTAL HEALTH 199 PARTICIPATION IN CENTRAL NEW YORK COALITION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, INC. 200 CHANGE IN CLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - PROBATION DEPARTMENT 201 CREATION OF POSITION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT (INFANT HEALTH ASSESSMENT PROGRAM - IHAP) 202 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - INCREASE IN HOURS OF STAFF SOCIAL WORKER - MENTAL HEALTH 203 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE EXTENSION OF SNOW AND ICE AGREEMENT WITH STATE OF NEW YORK - HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RES NO. TITLE 204 AUDIT - ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES - HOLT ARCHITECTS - BUILDING "C" RENOVATIONS 205 AWARD OF BID - VIDEO EQUIPMENT - FIRE ANI) DISASTER COORDINATOR (RESCINDED 10/8/85 BY RES. NO. 292) 206 ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 3 OF 1985 -AMENDING TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - PUBLIC HEALTH DIRECTOR AND MEDICAL DIRECTOR 207 CREATION OF POSITIONS • ABOLITION OF POSITION - HEALTH DEPARTMENT 208 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - MOTOR VEHICLE BUREAU 209 AUDIT - LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CALOCERINOS AND SPINA 210 AWARD OF BID AND FUNDING -TAPE RECORDER- FIRE AND DISASTER COORDINATOR 211 AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE UPSTATE PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE ASSOCIATION AND AUTHORIZING FAIR SHARE COST OF A RATE ENGINEERING CONSULTANT (TABLED TO 8/13 AND ADOPTED, SEE RES. NO. 169 OF 5/19/85) 212 AMENDED MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985 - TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT 213 ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 1985 - AMENDING TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - COUNTY SEAL 214 ADOPTION OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 215 APPROPRIATION AND INCREASE IN POSITION LEVEL - SYSTEMS ANALYST 216 CREATION OF POSITION OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE - BUDGET AD ADJUSTMENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH ITHACA HOUSING AUTHORITY (TITUS TOWERS) 217 AUTHORIZATION TO ADJUST RATE OF PAY -COURT STENOGRAPHERS 218 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS, TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS FROM CONTINGENT FUND - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 219 AMENDMENT OF RULES OF THE BOARD 220 AUTHORIZATION TO BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 221 AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - MRB GROUP, P.C. 222 AWARD OF BID. AUTHORIZATION FOR EQUIPMENT PURCHASE. APPROPRIATION AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND ESTABLISHMENT OF ADVISORY BOAR D- PERSONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEM 223 OFFICE FOR THE AGING - HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND CREATION OF OUTREACH WORKER (HEAP/PERSONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEM) POSITION 224. APPROPRIATIONS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS, AND TRANSFERS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 225 RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 226 REGRADING OF POSITION - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 227 REQUESTING THE NEW YORK STATE LEGISLATURE TO REPEAL S.6284/A.7804, AN ACT AMENDING THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW 228 INTERIM STAFFING - BUDGET AND FINANCE OFFICE 229 AUDIT - COMPUTER PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION COSTS 230 AMENDMENT OF RULES OF THE BOARD 231 APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEYS - PROSECUTOR - COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 232 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES 233 AUDIT- LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC. 234 AUDIT- TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT - PEAT, MARWICK, MITCHELL & COMPANY RES NO. TITLE 235 AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY - DANIEL 1. LYNCH 236 AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY - BALCONY CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 - DANIEL J. LYNCH AND BROCKPORT CARPET AND LINOLEUM 237 AWARD OF 810 - SURPLUS USED GUIDE RAIL MATERIAL 238 AWARD OF BIDS - AIRPORT EQUIPMENT - 1985 AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 211 AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION N THE UPSTATE PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE ASSOCIATION AND AUTHORIZING FAIR SHARE COST OF A RATE ENGINEERING CONSULTANT (TABLED ON 7/9) 239 APPROVAL OF ARSON CONTROL GRANT APPLICATION - NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL 240 AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - 64163 GROUP, P.C. 241 RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE 242 TRANSFER OF FUND -COURTHOUSE WINDOWS 243 AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO ACQUIRE OPTIONS TO PURCHASE SANITARY LANDFILL SITES 244 APPROPRIATION - SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL - LANDSTROM SITE 245 CONFIRMING INTENTION TO CEASE OPERATIONS OF CAS WELL ROAD LANDFILL N 1985 246 AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND CONTRACT - SPEECH THERAPY - HEALTH DEPARTMENT 247 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOMPKINS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND KEUKA COLLEGE 248 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOMPKINS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND PATRICIA. FLOYD, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 249 AUTHORIZATION TO INCREASE STAFF TIME - HYPERTENSION PROGRAM 250 CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITION - HEALTH DEPARTMENT 251 CREATE POSITIONS - MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT ABOLISH POSITIONS - SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT 252 TRANSFERS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - CSS - MENTAL HEALTH 253 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE LEASE - JOHN NOVARR- CSS SPACE 254 AUTHORIZATION TO EXTEND CONTRACT - CENTRAL SERVICES 255 AUDIT - COMPUTER PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION COSTS 256 CREATION OF POSITION - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 257 CREATION OF FULL-TIME POSITION - PROBATION 258 PARTICIPATION IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT TRANNG PROGRAM 259 APPROPRIATIONS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS, AND TRANSFERS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 260 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS WITH MUNICIPALITIES - HOLD HARMLESS RE SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 261 SUBACCOUNTS - CONFERENCES AND TRAINING 262 URGING ADOPTION OF LEGISLATION PERMITTING POOLNG OF MUNICIPAL INSURANCE RISKS 263 YOUTH BUREAU AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN DFY AMENDMENTS 264 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT -DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND REGISTERED DIETITIAN - SERVICES AT COUNTY HOME 265 ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMITTEE 266 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH EOC - OFFICE FOR THE AGING HEAP OUTREACH BUDGET 267 ACCEPTANCE OF FAA GRANT OFFER -AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE ENGINEERING AGREEMENT -AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 3-36-0047-04-85 (AMENDED 10/8/85 BY RES. NO. 289) 268 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE RENEWAL LEASE WITH HANCOCK PLAZA PROPERTY - DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES RES NO. TITLE 269 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER SERVICES - TOMPKINS COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 270 SUPPORTING AN ACT BEFORE STATE LEGISLATURE TO AMEND PUBLIC SERVICE LAW TO PROVIDE PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES 271 ACCEPTANCE OF FAA GRANT OFFER - AIRPORT SNOW PLOW/SANDER, AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE PURCHASE AGREEMENT - AIP PROJECT NO. 3-36-0047.05-85 272 ACCEPTANCE OF FAA GRANT OFFER- REBUILD AIRPORT HIGH- SPEED SWEEPER AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE PURCHASE AGREEMENT - A1P PROJECT NO. 3-36-0047-0545 273 ACCEPTANCE OF FAA GRANT OFFER - AIRPORT RAMP AND INTERSECTION PLOW/SANDLOADER, AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE PURCHASE AGREEMENT - AFP PROJECT N0.3-36-0047-05- 85 274 AWARD OF BID - TERMINAL RENOVATION 275 AUDIT - TERMINAL RENOVATION - VICTOR BAGNARDI, ARCHITECT 276 AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 164 OF 1985 - AUTHORIZATION TO CREATE TOMPKINS HEALTH CARE CORPORATION FORA PUBLIC PURPOSE - APPROVAL OF RECONSTRUCTION HOME PROJECT 277 APPROVING THE FORMATION OF THE TOMPKINS HEALTH CARE CORPORATION AND THE ISSUANCE OF ITS OBLIGATION 278 ACCEPTANCE OF SECTION 18 OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT FOR TOMTRAN RURAL TRANSIT PROGRAM 279 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT BETWEEN TIOGA AND TOMPKINS COUNTY - REIMBURSEMENT OF NEW YORK STATE TRANSIT OPERATING ASSISTANCE FUNDS - CARO -VAN 280 TOMTRAN SERVICES CONTRACT WITH TIOGA TRANSPORT, INC. 281 ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 5 - AMENDMENT TO TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE 282 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT • JOB TRAINING 283 AWARD OF BID - ELECTION SUPPLIES 284 RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTER 285 AWARD OF BID FOR COAL AT COUNTY HOME 286 TERMINATION OF LEASE - MONTESSORI COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL 287 AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY COURTHOUSE WINDOW REPLACEMENT - ARCHITECTURAL FEE 288 AUDIT - PAINT PROJECT BIGGS BUILDING - MCGUIRE & BENNETT, INC. 289 AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 267 - ACCEPTANCE OF FAA GRANT OFFER - AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE ENGINEERING AGREEMENT - AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 3-36-0047-04- 85 290 AWARD OF BID -COUNTY HOME FARMLAND 291 AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - MRB GROUP, P.C. 292 RESCISSION OF RESOLUTION NO. 205 - 1985 AND AWARD OF BID FOR VIDEO EQUIPMENT - FIRE AND DISASTER COORDINATOR 293 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE LEASE WITH ODYSSEY RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. - OLD HOSPITAL (TABLED) (SEE RES, NO. 332 OF 1 1/13/85) 294 CREATION OF POSITION AND APPROPRIATION FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE - PISTOL PERMIT CLERK - SHERJFF'S DEPARTMENT 295 CREATION OF POSITIONS AND APPROPRIATION FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE - CORRECTIONS OFFICERS - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 296 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY 297 AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO ARC FOR FUNDING ASSISTANCE - BIGGS CENTER ENTERPRISE INCUBATOR 298 AWARD OF BID - CSS VEHICLES - MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT RES NO. TITLE 299 ESTABLISH PETTY CASH ACCOUNT-COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES (CSS) - MENTAL HEALTH 300 ESTABLISH PROTECTIVE ACCOUNT - COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES (CSS) - MENTAL HEALTH 301 BOND RESOLUTION - AIRPORT TERMINAL RENOVATION 302 ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW N0.5 OF 1985 - AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 3 OF 1985 - TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - PUBLIC HEALTH DIRECTOR TERM 303 WITHDRAWAL OF PARCELS FROM 1985 TAX FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS 304 ADVERTISE PUBLIC HEARING ON 1986 TOMPKINS COUNTY BUDGET 305 ADOPTION OF REGULAR AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS OF FOOTINGS OF ASSESSMENT ROLL 306 ESTABLISHING COUNTY EQUALIZATION RATES 307 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES 308 RETURNED VILLAGE TAXES 309 CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITION AND APPROPRIATION FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE - PERSONNEL ASSISTANT - PERSONNEL 310 CREATION OF POSTHON AND APPROPRIATION FROM AIRPORT FUND BALANCE - ASSISTANT AIRPORT MAINTENANCE WORKER - AIRPORT 311 APPROPRIATIONS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENT, AND TRANSFERS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 312 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - TEEN PREGNANCY CASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - SOCIAL SERVICES 313 ABANDONMENT OF MYERS ROAD TO TOWN OF LANSING 314 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS - JOINT TRAFFIC SAFETY PROJECT AT BUTTERMILK FALLS STATE PARK 315 CHANGE ORDER N0.2 - PHASE 11, AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC. 316 AUDIT- LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC 317 AWARD OF BIDS- TOMPKINS COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 318 SELECTION OF TELEPHONE VENDOR AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT 319' BOND RESOLUTION - PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF TELEPHONE SYSTEM ' 320 AUTHORIZATION ID APPLY FOR JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT FUNDS - OFFICE FOR THE AGING 321 AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - DECLARING A PORTION OF THE B1GGS CENTER PROPERTY NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE 322 DESIGNATION OF PROBATION DEPARTMENT AS COORDINATING AGENCY FOR DIVERSION OF PERSONS IN NEED OF SUPERVISION (PINS) 323 AUTHORIZING T.G. MILLER TO SET CORNER MARKERS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 324 SEQR DETERMINATION, SITING MICROWAVE TOWERS FOR CENTRAL COMMUNICATIONS, PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 325 BOND RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF 54,795,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK, TO PAY PART OF THE COST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING FOR SAID COUNTY 326 BOND RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF 0728,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK, TO PAY PART OF THE COST OF THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, AND INSTALLATION OFA MICROWAVE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR USE BY THE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AND OTHER COUNTY DEPARTMENTS PROVIDING EMERGENCY SERVICES RES NO. TITLE 327 AUTHORIZING THE CONSOLIDATION AND SALE OF 55,523,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK, FOR VARIOUS COUNTY PURPOSES 328 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT 329 AUDIT AND CHANGE ORDERS NO. 3 - AIRPORT LIGHTING AND TAXIWAY IMPROVEMENTS - JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC 330 AUDIT - TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL - MRB GROUP, P.C. 331 AUDIT - AIRPORT LAYOUT PLAN UPDATE - CALOC£RNOS AND SPINA 332 DECLARING CERTAIN HOSPITAL PREMISES NO LONGER NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE - ODYSSEY RESEARCH 333 PETITIONING NEW YORK STATE LEGISLATURE TO AUTHORIZE A LOCAL LAW LEVYING A TAX ON OCCUPANCY OF HOTEIJMOTEL ROOMS 334 APPROVAL OF ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR 1986 AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE FUNDING APPLICATIONS 335 ADVERTISE PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF 1985 - AMENDING THE TOMPKJNS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - RULES AND REGULATIONS OF DIVISION OF ASSESSMENT 336 PROPOSED EXISTING ROUTE 13 IMPROVEMENTS 337 AUTHORIZATION FOR SLIDING SCALE FOR RENTAL OF PERSONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT 338 AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF 1985 TO REPEAL LOCAL LAW 140.4 OF 1976 - FRESHWATER WETLANDS PROTECTION LAW 339 WORKERS' COMPENSATION BUDGET AND APPORTIONMENT - MUTUAL SELF-INSURANCE PLAN 340 APPORTIONMENT OF ELECTION EXPENSES 341 AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO, 8 OF 1985 REPEALING LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1983 - UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE 342 SALE OF TRUCK - HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 343 AUDIT - ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES - CRASH/FIRE/RESCUE BUILDING 344 AUDIT - TELEPHONE SYSTEM - CONDUIT PROJECT 345 AUDIT - TERMINAL RENOVATION - MCGUIRE & BENNETT, INC. 346 AUDIT - ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE - H.O.L.T. - BUILDNG"C" ALTERATIONS 347 AUDIT - ALTERNATIONS TO BUILDING "C" - MCPHERSON BUILDERS, INC. 348 AUDIT - PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 349 AUDIT - T.G. MILLER ASSOCIATES, P.C., SET CORNER MARKERS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 350 APPORTIONMENT OF MORTGAGE TAX 351 TOWN BUDGETS 352 APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION COMMISSIONER FOR 1986-87 353 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - FISCAL AGENT 354 APPROPRIATIONS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS, AND TRANSFERS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 355 QUIT CLAIM DEED - PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF LANSING - 1985 TAX FORECLOSURE 356 WITHDRAWAL OF PARCEL FROM 1985 TAX FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS 357 RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS - SENIOR LIBRARY CLERK AND' COMMUNICATIONS AND SUPPORT SERVICES COORDINATOR - TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE 358 CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITION - DATA ENTRY MACHINE OPERATOR - BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES 359 SELECTION OF LONG-DISTANCE CARRIER 360 ADOPTION OF 1986 TOMPKNS COUNTY BUDGET 361 ADOPTION OF APPORTIONMENT OF TAXES RES NO. TITLE 362 APPROVING COMPLETED TAX ROLLS AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTING AND DELIVERY OF WARRANTS 363 AUTHORIZING THE CERTIFICATION OF COUNTY TAXES DUE FROM CITY OF ITHACA AND EACH TOWN 364 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TOMPKINS COUNTY APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN BONDS BY THE TOMPKINS COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CONCURRING IN THE ISSUER'S DETERMINATION UNDER THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT AND PLEDGING NON-INTERFERENCE WITH THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF THE BONDS, ALL RELATIVE TO THE TOMPKINS MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING ASSOCIATES FACILITY, IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 365 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS WITH TOWNS FOR SNOW REMOVAL ON COUNTY ROADS 366 AUDIT - ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES - AIRPORT TERMINAL RENOVATIONS -1. VICTOR BAGNARDI (RESCINDED) 367 AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - AIRPORT CONTRACTS (RECONSIDERED 12/17/85) 368 ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 8 OF 1985 REPEALING LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1983 - UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE 369 ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 6 - 1985 AMENDING TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - RULES AND REGULATIONS OF DIVISION OF ASSESSMENT . 370 ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW N0. 7 OF 1985 REPEALING LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 1976 - FRESHWATER WETLANDS PROTECTION LAW 371 AWARD OF BID FOR PLANETARY CAMERA - COUNTY CLERK 372 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT T- ARSON PREVENTION AND CONTROL LOCAL ASSISTANCE GRANT 373 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE APPLICATION TO NEW YORK STATE DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES - OFFENDER AID AND RESTORATION BAIL FUND AND JAIL IN -TAKE SCREENING PROGRAM 374 CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITION - SOCIAL SERVICES ATTORNEY - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 375 USE OF COUNTY CAR - ON-CALL WORKER - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 376 AUTHORIZATION TO MAKE CURRENT DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL IDENTIFY A PERMANENT SPACE (LOST) 377 AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE DEPARTURE DATE WITH PRESENT LANDLORDS AND RELOCATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AT MORSE BUILDING 21 (LOST) 378 AUTHORIZATION TO TERMINATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES LEASE WITH JASON FANE AND CITY OF ITHACA AND RELOCATED OFFICES OF DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES (SEE RES. NOS. 13 AND 140F 1/7/86) 379 ACCEPTANCE OF NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT OFFER, PURCHASE RAMP, INTERSECTION/PLOW LOADER, SNOWPLOW/SANDER REBUILD HIGH-SPEED BROOM 380 AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN REPLACEMENT OF PINCKNEY ROAD BRIDGE, APPROPRIATION, AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS 381 AWARD OF BID - FABRICATION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL - MORRELL ROAD BRIDGE 382 AUDIT - AIRPORT HIGH-SPEED SWEEPER AND AIRPORT TERMINAL RENOVATIONS 383 AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 367 - AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING - AIRPORT CONTRACTS 384 AUDIT- MCGUIRE & BENNEIT- COURTHOUSE WINDOW REPLACEMENT (TABLED) 385 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - MEDICAL DIRECTOR - PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT RES NO. TITLE 386 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT - PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES - MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC 387 CREATION OF POSITION - HEALTH DEPARTMENT 388 APPROPRIATIONS, BUDGET ADJUSTMENT, AND TRANSFERS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 389 ADOPTION OF REVISED MANUAL POLICIES 390 PRINTING OF TAX RATES 391 AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN DRAFTS - COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 392 AUTHORIZATION FOR COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO MAKE YEAR-END TRANSFERS, APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AS REQUIRED 393 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS AND APPLICATIONS - 1986 394 AUTHORIZING PAYMENTS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGE OPERATING BUDGET 395 DATE OF ORGANIZATION MEETING 396 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 397 AUTHORIZATION TO ABOLISH AND CREATE POSITIONS - SOCIAL SERVICES (CORRECTED COPY II) 398 CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITIONS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - OFFICE FOR THE AGING 399 AUDIT • COMPUTER INSTALLATION 400 1986 SALARIES - MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL STAFF 401 APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 402 INTERUM STAFFING - BUDGET AND FINANCE OFFICE 403 INTERIM STAFFING BUDGET AND FINANCE OFFICE 404 AUDIT - PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 405 SINCERE COMMENDATION - GUST L. FREEMAN 406 SINCERE COMMENDATION - DONALD J. SLATTERY 407 SINCERE COMMENDATION - HARRIS B. DATES 1985 ANNUAL REPORTS REPORTS HAVE BEEN SUMMARIZED. DETAILED REPORTS ON FILE WITH THE CLERK OF THE BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES ANNUAL REPORT TOMPKINS COUNTY SURROGATE Constance L Delaney, Chid -Clerk The total revenues of the Tompkins County Surrogate Court for the year 1988 were: 5709,013.26. 364 STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS IN RELATION TO THE VOTES CAST AT A GENERAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 5, 1985 The Board of County Canvassers of the County of Tompkins having met at the office of the Board, on the Sixth day of November, to canvass and estimate the votes given in the several Election Districts of said County, at the General Election, held on the 5t1 day of November in the year 1985 do certify as follows: The whole number of votes given for the office of JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT including all ballots endorsed " marked for identification," was Paul J. Yesawich, Dem. - 6,803 Phillip 3. Kramer, Dem. 7,196 Paul .1. Yesawich, Rep. 7,017 Carl 1. Mugglin, Rep, 7,099 Paul J. Yesawich, Cons. 446 Carl J. Mugglin, Cons. 522 Blank 8,379 Void 4 Scattering 6 Total 38,072 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Benjamin 1. Bunko. Rep. 10,154 Blank 8,807 Void 6 Scattering 69 Total 19,036 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 1, CITY OF ITHACA, WARD 1 Donald 1. Slattery, Dem. 706 Jeffery B. True, Rep, 708 Blank 109 Void 2 Scattering Total 1,525 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 2, CITY OF ITHACA, WARD 2 Donald J. Culligan, Dem. 807 Anne T. Jones, Rep. 309 Anne T. Jones, Independents 36 Earl B. Arnold, Citizens 194 Blank 94 Void Scattering Total 1.440 365 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 3, CITY OF ITHACA, WARD 3 Stuart W. Stein, Dem. 474 Stuart W. Stein, Lib. 6b Blank 294 Void _ Scattering 2 Total 836 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 4, CITY OF ITHACA, WARD 4 Ethel B. Nichols, Dem. 296 Blank 131 Void ., , Scaflering 2 Total 429 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 5, CITY OF ITHACA, WARD 5 Donald E. Liflon, Dem. 566 Joseph Moresco, Jr, Rep. 546 Blank 88 Void Scattering Tont 1,200 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE., DIST. 6, TOWN OF LANSING Helen E. Howell, Rep. 1,109 Blank 563 Void 2 Total 1,674 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 7, TOWNS OF CAROLINE Si DANDY Frank P. Prato, Rep. 869 Tim Joseph, Citizens 384 Blank 324 Void - Scattering Total 1,577 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 8, TOWNS OF ENFIELD & NEWFIELD Margaret L. Kirchgessner, Dem. 470 Daniel M. Winch, Rep. 591 Blank 89 Void . Scattering 2 Total 1,152 366 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 9, TOWN OF CROTON Thomas 3. O'Hara, N., Dem. 342 Phil E. Shurtleff, Rcp. 763 Barbara Best Clark, Ind. Grotonian 188 Phil E. Shurticff, Taxpayers 33 Blank 67 Void Scattering Total 1,393 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 10, TOWNS OF ITHACA & LANSING Thomas P. Niederkom, Dem. 630 Mazy G. Call, Rep. 826 Mary G, Call, Villagers 56 Blank 35 Void - Scattering Total 1,537 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 11, TOWN OF ITHACA Beverly E. Livsay, Dem. 651 James B. Marsh, Creative 155 Blank 226 Void - Scattering 1 Total 1,033 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 12, TOWN OF ITHACA Deborah F. Dietrich, Dem. 418 Gust L. Freeman, Rcp. 352 Deborah F. Dietrich, Equity 13 Blank 19 Void - Scattering Total 802 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 13, TOWN OF DRYDEN Al Davidoff, Dem. 599 Kenneth Tillapaugh, Rep. 780 Blank 52 Void - Scattering 1 Total 1,432 367 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 14, TOWN OF DRYDEN Robert I. Warms, Rep. 951 Blank 292 Void Scattering J Total 1,244 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DIST. 15, TOWNS OF ENFIELD & ULYSSES James Mason, Rep. 1,155 Blank 606 Void Scattering _ 1 Total 1,762 PROPOSAL NO. I AN AMENDMENT Improvement of job opportunities in New York— Job Development Authority Affirmative 7,735 Negative 3,849 Blank 7,448 Void 4 Total 19,036 PROPOSAL NO -2 AN AMENDMENT Content of laws imposing, wntinuing,. or receiving a tax Affirmative 4,791 Negative 5,781 Blank 8,460 Void4 Total 19,036 PROPOSAL NO3 AN AMENDMENT Jurisdiction of the Court of Appals Affirmative 6,912 Negative 3,640 Blank 8,480 Void 4 Total 19,036 368 PROPOSAL N0.4 AN AMENDMENT Issuance of sinking fund bonds by municipalities or school districts Affirmative 5,361 Negative 5,413 Blank 8,258 Void 4 Total 19,036 PROPOSAL NO.5 AN AMENDMENT Real Estate tax limitations of certain school districts Affirmative 3,897 Negative 7,417 Blank 7,718 Void 2 Scattering 2 Total 19,036 MAYOR. CITY OF ITHACA John C. Crutcnbetger, Dem. 3,586 Charlotte Stone, Rep. 1,710 Blank 132 Void Scattering 2 Total 5,430 CITY JUDGE, CITY OF ITHACA James J. Clynes, Jr., Dem. 2,763 James J. Clynes, Jr., Rep. 1,586 Blank 1,076 Void Scattering 5 Total 5,450 ALDERMAN, WARD 1, CITY OF ITHACA Raymond M. Schlather, Dem_ 750 Ralph] (a Padula, Rep. 651 Blank 123 Void - Total 1,525 369 ALDERMAN, WARD 2, CITY OF ITHACA David A. Lyte1, Dem. 913 Charles William Pappas, ll, Rep. 400 Charles William Pappas, II, Ind. 20 Blank 99 Void Scattering Total 1,440 ALDERMAN, WARD 3, CITY OF ITHACA H. John Johnson, Dem. 303 H. John Johnson, Lib, 26 H. John Johnson, Ind. Third Ward 2] Richard S. Rooth, Ind. 429 Blank 56 Void _ Scattering 1 Total 836 ALDERMAN, WARD 4, CITY OF ITHACA Sean F. Killeen. Dem. 241 Michael T. Rindncr, Ithaca Neighborhood Socialist ...... 122 Blank 65 Void . Scattering Total 429 ALDERMAN WARD 5. CITY OF ITHACA Daniel L. Hoffman, Dem. 711 Myrtle M. Johns, Rep. 411 Blank 72 Void - Scanering Total 1,200 SUPERVISOR. TOWN OF CAROLINE Suzanne M. Yaple, Rep. 576 Blank 226 Void Scattering Total _ 002 370 TOWN CLERIC, TOWN OF CAROLINE Marilyn G. Wc6b, Rcp. 538 Blank 264 Void Scattering Total 802 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, TOWN OF CAROLINE Richard A. Davenport, Rcp. . 526 Blank 276 Void - Scattering Total 802 COUNCILMAN, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF CAROLINE Bertha M. DeEmager, Dern. 317 Fred It Woodin, Rep. 389 C. Maude Overbaugh, Dem. 314 Richard Morgan, Rep. 356 Blank_......_ ............................................. 228 Void Scattering Total 1,604 COUNCILMAN, 2 YEAR, TO FILL VACANCY, TOWN OF CAROLINE Robert B. Goodrich, Rep. 522 Blank 280 Void Scattering Total 802 TOWN JUSTICE, TOWN OF CAROLINE Harold A. Phoenix, Rep. 545 Blank - 257 Void Scattering Total 802 TOWN JUSTICE, TOWN OF CAROLINE Edward 14. Murphy, Rep. 536 Bunk ................__... 266 Void - Scattering Total 802 371 SUPERVISOR, TOWN OF DANBY Joel P. Gagnon, Dem. 263 Donald R Burdick, Rep. 462 Blank 50 Void - Scattering Total 775 TOWN CLERK, TOWN OF DANBY Linda Fetherbay, Dcm. 330 Linda Fethcrbay, Rep. 386 Blank 59 Void Scattering Total 775 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, TOWN OF DANBY Kenneth "Pete" Coddington, Dem. 451 Raymond 1, Babbitt, Rep. 273 Blank 51 Void Scattering Total 775 COUNCILMAN, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF DANBY Jolla C. Tagliavento, Dem, 354 Dorothy Roberts. Rep... 38i Luke Carpenter, Dem. 296 Robert G. Dutcher, Rcp. 334 Blank 185 Void Scattering .......... .... ......... Total 1,550 TOWN JUSTICE, TOWN OF DANBY Ronda C. Engman, Dem, 263 A. Francis Wright, Rep. 461 Blank 51 Void . . . - Scattering Total 775 372 SUPERVISOR, TOWN OF DRYDEN Roger W. Yonkin, Dem. 1,206 Clinton E. Cotterill, Rep. 1,304 Blank 166 Void Scattering Total 2,676 TOWN CLERK, TOWN OF DRYDEN Susanne 1. Lloyd, Rcp. 1,906 Blank 718 Void - Scattering 2 Total 2.676 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, TOWN OF DRYDEN Gregory P. Humphrey, Rcp. i ,896 Blank 778 Void - Scattering 2 Total 2,676 COUNCILMAN, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF DRYDEN Charles V. Evans, Rep. 1,668 Karl 1. Garlock. Rep. 1667 Blank 2,006 Void - Scattering 11 ToW 5,352 TOWN JUSTICE, TOWN OF DRYDEN Mark N. Goldfarb, Dem. 1,140 Bruce L. Lloyd, Rep. 1,284 Blank 249 Void 1 Scattering 2 Total 2,676 SUPERVISOR, TOWN OF ENFIELD Roger Hubbell, Dem, 289 Etta C. Gray, Rep. 331 Eta C. Gray, Enfield Town 28 Blank . 33 Void - Scattering .. .. .. ..._ ._... .. .. .. .. .. Total 681 373 TOWN CLERK, TOWN OF ENFIELD Roy Barriere, Dem. 130 Shirley M. Holcomb, Rep. 482 Blank 69 Void Scattering Total 601 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, TOWN OF ENFIELD Carleton Thall, Dem. 325 Kenneth (Bud) M. Hubbell, Rep. 278 Blank 46 Void Scattering 32 Total 681 COUNCILMAN, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF ENFIELD Jane Bassett, Dem, 271 Robert E. Linton, Rep. 310 Doreen Lauper, Dem. 267 Lawrence C. Lanning, Rep. 306 Blank 205 Void Scattering 3 Total 1,362 TOWN JUSTICE, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF ENFIELD Robert Bock Dem. 287 Robert Bock, Rep. 319 Blank _ 73 Void - Scanering 2 Total 601 TOWN JUSTICE, 2 YEAR, TO FILL VACANCY, TOWN OF ENFIELD Richard G. Holley, Dem. 252 Jake E. Smithers, Rep. 362 Blank 67 Void Scattering Total 681 SUPERVISOR, TOWN OF GROTON Teresa M. Robinson, Dern. 768 Blank 624 Void Scattering Total 1,393 374 TOWN CLERIC, TOWN OF GROTON Colleen D. Pierson, Rep. 1,101 Blank 292 Void Scattering Total 1,393 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, TOWN OF GROTON Leland E. Cornelius, Rep. 1,059 Blank 334 Void Scattering Total 1,393 COUNCILMAN, 4 YEAR. TOWN OF GROTON Ellard L. Sovoeocl, Rep. 995 Gordon C. Van Bensehoten, Rep. 1,033 Blank 758 Void - Scattering Total 2,786 TOWN JUSTICE, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF GROTON Arland, L. Heffron, Rep. 999 Blank 393 Void - Scattering 1 Total 1,393 SUPERVISOR, TOWN OF ITHACA Noel Desch, Rep. 1,712 Blank 1,232 Void .. . . . - Scattering - 19 Total 2,962 COUNCILMAN, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF ITHACA Patricia A. Leary, Dem. 1,391 George -C. Kugler, Ir., Rep. 1,229 Lawrence P. O'Neil, Dem. 1,320 Henry L. McPeak, Rcp. 1,327 Lawrence A. Rosenberg, Dem. 1,281 Robes G. Battholf, Rep. 1,353 Blank 985 Void Scattering Tonal 8,886 375 TOWN JUSTICE, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF ITHACA Warren A. Blyc, Rep. 1.646 Blank 1,308 Void _ Scattering 8 Total 2,962 SUPERVISOR, TOWN OF LANSING Alvin V. White, Dem. 896 Herbert H. Howell, Rep. 1,044 Blank 339 Void 2 Scattering 3 Total 2,084 TOWN CLERK, TOWN OF LANSING Jane Bush Horky, Rep. 1,422 Blank 659 Void 2 Scattering 1 Total 2 084 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, TOWN OF LANSING Martin E. Farkas, Dem. 931 Howard L. Groat, Rep. ],012 Blank 139 Void 2 Scattering Total 2,484 COUNCILMAN, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF LANSING John M. Ancpacher, Dem. 487 Louis E. Bush, Rep. 1,041 Jeannine.. Kirby, Dem. 1,122 George H. Stevens, Rep. 1,069 Blank 447 Void 2 Scattering Total 4,168 TOWN JUSTICE, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF LANSING Fredrick J. Spry, Rep. 1,466 Blank 616 Void 2 Scattering Total 2,084 376 SUPERVISOR, TOWN OF NEWFIELD lames H. Drader, Jr., Rep. - 516 Blank 207 Void - Scattering 2 Total 725 • TOWN CLERK, TOWN OF NEWFIELD Lois B. Minteer, Rep. 543 Blank 181 Void - Scattering 1 Total 725 HIGHWAY SUPERLNTENDENT, TOWN OF NEWFIELD Kenneth E. Payne, Rep, 539 Blank 185 Void Scattering 1 Total 725 COUNCILMAN, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF NEWFIELD Fredrick R. K19501 , Dem. 286 Charles E. Berggren, Rep. 446 Blank 715 Void - Scattering Total 1,450 TOWN JUSTICE, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF NEWFIELD Howard M. Allen, Rep. 5 t 0 Blank 215 Void Scattering Total 725 SUPERVISOR, TOWN OF ULYSSES Martin A. Luster, Dem. 801 Edwin J. Brown, Rep. 671 Blank 36 Void - - Scattering Total 1,508 377 TOWN CLERK, TOWN OF ULYSSES Marsha L. Georgia, Rep. 1,062 Blank 446 Void Scattering Total 1,508 IIIGITWAV SUPERINTENDENT, TOWN OF ULYSSES James A. Meeker, Rep. 1,099 Blank 408 Void - Scattering 1 Total . 1,508 COUNCILMAN, 4 YEAR. TOWN OF ULYSSES Ellen 13. Haith, Dern, 544 Robert A. Weatherby, Rep. 924 lames E. Vorp, Rep. 903 Blank 655 Void Scattering Total _ 3,016 COUNCILMAN, 2 YEAR, TO FILL VACANCY. TOWN OF ULYSSES Richard E Parker, Dem. 489 Thomas R. Reitz, Rep. 849 Blank . 173 Void - Scattering 1 Total 1,508 TOWN JUSTICE, 4 YEAR, TOWN OF ULYSSES James E. Rice, Jr., Rep 1,073 Blank 435 Void Scattering Total ....._ .... ................ ._...._._ 1,508 RECEIVER OF TAXES, TOWN OF ULYSSES Anna L. SI adish, Dem. 484 Paula]. Mount, Rep, 927 Blank 97 Void Scattering Total 1,508 378 MENTAL HEALTH BOARD ACTIVITIES At the January 28 annual meeting, the Board elected the following officers: Jacqueline Perky - Chairperson Anne Brous - Vice Chairperson Sandra Stein - Secretary Gustav Landon -Treasurer The Board welcomed three new Board members, Theresa Tischler, Gloria Escalona and Thomas W ichendcn. It accepted, with regret, the resignations of Edith Read and Ellen Zaslow. Several program initiatives were sponsored. Thou included: 1) Day Services Planning Committee 2) Children and Youth Services Planning 3) Meadow House Work Activities Program 4) Addition of Emergency Housing Shelter as a contract agency 5) Transfer of the case management program to die Mental Health Department Budget decisions included the following: 1) Approval of 1986 preliminary state aidcd budgets of 52,723,306. These included addition of the Mental Health Association's Aurora Street Friends program, annualization of the Emergency Housing Shelter's contract, expansion of HOMES community residence program, start up funds for an alcohol crisis center to be operated by Tompkins Community Hospital, start up funds for an alcoholism community residence, expansion of the Alcoholism Council's management structure. 2) Approval of the 1985-86 Tompkins County budget of 52,359,317 of which SI .083,690 supposed County programs and S1,275,627 supported contracted services. The Board also approved 1986 Local Govt Plans for the offices of Mental Health, Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities and the Divisions of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, Tompkins County Community Mental Health Services Board Mental Health Subcommittee The work plan of the subcommittee reflected the 1985 Local Govt. Plan program priorities, and regular updates from the Clinic and Meadow House. In addition, the subcommittee reviewed 1986 program and budget requests from the Clinic, Meadow House, Suicide Prevention and Crisis Services, Mental Health Association, and Emergency Housing Shelter. A 1986 Local Govt. Plan was Developed which continued the priorities identified in the 1985 plan. Program Priorities 1. Crisis Services The subcommittee met regularly with Clinic representatives to review the status of changes in the Emergency Outreach Service and After Hours programs which the subcommittee had recommended be implemented. 2. Community Residences The subcommittee approved expansion plans for Evergreen and the supportive apartment program operated by HOMES, INC. Agency representatives also updated the subcommittee on the new OMIT community residence structure. 3. Vocational Rehabilitation Services The subcommittee met with members of the Challenge rehabilitation staff. to review current and planned programs far the OMH population. 4. Case Management The subcommittee approved the transfer from the CSS funded case management program to the Mental Health Department and monitored its transition. 379 informational presentation on agency activities. It also approved submission of a proposal to provide demonstration funding for the Aurora Street Friends program. Mental Health Clinic and Meadow House The subcommittee met regularly with the Mental Health Clinic Director to review various clinic programs, including Elmira PC/children and youth, forensic, VA, and emergency services. Staff from Family and Children's Service and Willard outpatient also discussed coordination of clinic services among providers and management of waiting lists. Representatives from Meadow House staff and advisory committee provided a program update. MR/DD Subcommittee A large part of the Committee's time during the first half of the year was occupied with reviewing the 1986 plans and budgets for the Special Children's Center, the Ithaca Youth Bureaa's Adult Recreation Program, and, in conjunction with the MH Subcommittee, for Challenge Industries and HOMES, INC. In the course of our review the Committee hold visit meetings, in March and April, at SCC and at challenge. At our January meeting we received and discussed a proposal from Asbury Hill Farms for a program of riding for handicapped persons. Thc Committee found the proposal attractive and promising, but so far as we know there have been no further developments. As we have reported to the Board on several occasions. the committee received progress reports on the establishment of a respite program. This program, supported by OMRIDD funding, is now in operation, as a program of the Special Children's Center, with respite coordinator and twelve respite providers. Much credit is due to the members of the Respite Council and above all to its Chairman, Caroline Bartell, for bringing this valuable project to fulfillment The committee is aware that there is much .more to be done in respite care and in the related area of parent/family member training. Richard J. Thamaseq Director of BDC, in his letter of 9/17185 accepting the Tompkins County 1986 MR/DD Service. Plan, asked us to concentrate on day training and parent/family member training and we arc undertaking to do so. At the December.meeling of the Committee, Mary Hutchings, of BOCES and the SCC, gave us a report on the current programs in parent training at SCC and BOLES, and we hope to have further information on this matter at out February meeting. It is clear that in Me plans of the Slate OMRDD, family support services are given high priority. Ina memorandum of 9/1186 to MR/DD directors, Commissioner Webb states that more than 75% of the substantially developmentally disabled NY residents live at home, and stresses the need for respite services, other support services, and day program expansion. • We expect that family support services and day programs will be among the items that occupy the Committee in 1986. Substance Abuse Subcommittee Alcoholism Services 1985 was a year of planning for expansion of services. The Alcoholism Council moved to new larger quarters and added two counseling staff positions. Tompkins Community Hospital opened a detoxification service and submitted a funding proposal for an alcoholism crisis center. HOMES, INC. agreed to develop a planning proposal for a community residence. These new initiatives were included in the 1986 Local Govt. Plan. The subcommittee also approved a funding proposal to support restructuring of the Alcoholism Council management staff to reflect expansion of clinical services and theproposed community residence program. Drug Abuse Services Thc Subcommittee reviewed and approved the 1985-86 Alpha House program and budget. It also met with representatives of the Division of Substance Abuse Services to clarify the County's role in budget formulation, program and fiscal evaluation. Thc 1986 Substance Abuse plan. approved by the 3S0 providers and that a school board intervention/prevention program be established at BOCES. DIRECT SERVICES Mental Health Clinic Services at the Mental Health Clinic increased significandy in 1985. We have continued the practice initiated in 1984 of increasing available hours to include evening appointments Monday through Thursday. We have continued tW empbasixe emergency and forensic services. Our contract with the Veterans Administration continued with a decreased capacity because of legislative changes which resulted in cuts in funding for this program. Case management services increased significantly in 1985, Narratives about these four programs highlight 1985 activities. Program statistics follow the narrative section. EMERGENCY SERVICES The Emergency Outreach Service provides mobile crisis intervention assessment and follow up. 1985 marked a year of transition for the program. Full coverage was suspended at the cnd of March. Two- day -a -week coverage resumed in mid-July, and full coverage in mid-September. The most significant changes in the internal structure of the program are outlined below: 1) The program is now shared by two staff members at the Clinic; one covering 908 two days a weeks, the other covering FOS three days a week. 2) The program now operates almost entirely out of the Clinic, though EOS workers check in regularly Monday and Friday at Suicide Prevention and Crisis Service. 3) The program has expanded in conception to include services to populations who have traditionally not been able to make use of existing mental health services, such as the seriously ill and shot - ins. The program has also been covering the jail for the forensic worker when she is unable to make regularly scheduled visits. 4) The program has begun to expand the concept of the second team member to include either a person already involved in tete client's "system or someone from a potential referral agency. The above changes, which have allowed job sharing and integration of clinical and outreach experiences, seem to be working well. Because of these changes, significant effort was made in the fall to educate potential community referral sources regarding services available through EOS. Impact of the program's transition is reflected in the statistical data following the naRalive sections. AFTER HOURS PROGRAM Everting. weekend and holiday coverage is provided by the Clinic's After Hours program and provides a response capability when all of the usual mental health agencies arc closed. The program provides for an on-call professional to be available on a weekly shift in the Emergency Room at Tompkins Community Hospital. Comparative statistics indicate that, daring 1985, there was a significant reduction (33%) in total eontaet3 as compared to the two prior years. and a corresponding reduction in consultant's income. This appears to be as a resultof greater involvement by staff of the psychiatric unit in providing coverage to the Emergency Room. Th. Tompkins Community Hospital Emergency Room, which supplied 70% and 72% of referrds in the two prior years accounted for only 57% in 1985. On the other hand, the share of referrals from Police/Jail doubled, to I5% in 1985. The Clinic's supervisory psychologist directs this program and meets with the After Hours consnita [5 at least once every three months, or more often, in case there are problems which have 10 be dealt with. The EOS workers am included in these meetings, to facilitate coordination between EOS and After Hours. He is also available for consultation with the consultants for problems which may arise during their tour of duty. FORENSIC PROGRAM There are several components to the Forensic Menial Health services provided by Tompkins County Mental Health Clinic. One Psychiatric Social Worker is at the Tompkins County Jail Monday 381 services to the jail. This extra assistance has assured inmates of timely assistance, 7hc primary services provided are assessment of suicide lethality, referral to psychiatrist for medication or hospitalization, crisis =trading. and a small amount of ongoing individual therapy. The Forensic Social Worker also co -leads a weekly support group with an OAR staff member for jail inmates. A second component of the Forensic Program is treatment provided to sex offenders. The Tompkins County Mental Health Clinic currently runs two sex offenders groups. Each group is nun by a mate and a female therapist Prior to joining a group, each sex offender is given an evaluation, typically consisting of 4-6 individual appointments. Most sex offenders arc mandated into treatment by Probation, Family Court or parole. The sex offenders, referred to the Clinic, primarily are incest offenders, although the treatment needs of a wide range of sex offenders are addressed. Most members of the sex offenders groups are in need of individual and family therapy as well as group therapy. Presently, the most pressing need in the Forensic Program is for a family therapist to be available immediately after disclosure of sexual abuse to asses the family's needs for treatment, to help the family cope with the crisis created by disclosure, and to assist CPS personnel in determining the child's safety in his or her home. The third component of Tompkins County Mental Health Clinic Forensic services is court ordered evaluations. The Clinic Director, handles the referrals from Probation and the Courts and assigns clients to Clinic staf for evaluation. Ow consulting psychiatrists are available to handle Article 730 Evaluations. Two staff psychologists conduct psychological tests when needed for court ordered evaluations. The final aspect of the Forensic Program i5 that clinical staff provides ongoing therapy to persons on probation and parole who are mandated to participate in therapy. VIETNAM VETERANS PROGRAM The Clinic has served one hundred thirty one Vietnam era veterans since it was first awarded a contract by the Veterans Administration. Eighty percent of those who have received services are diagnosed as suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Diagnoses of others referred to the program have included, various forms of depression, anxiety and marital problems. Sixty-two percent of the veterans were Vietnam Theatre Veterans. In 1985, our contact included services 10 Veterans from Tompkins. Cortland, Chemung, Cayuga, and Schuyler Counties. Cases have remained opened from seven months to Mime years. Group, individual, and family therapies arc provided. Forty veterans have attended weekly group sessions, twenty veterans have attended weekly or bi-weekly individual sessions, twenty-seven attended both individual and group sessions, eight received individual and family therapy, thirty-one have received psychiatric treatment at some point during their therapy. Services initiated under the contract are through referral only and must be approved by the Veterans Administration before the Clinic can bill the VA. Because there is often a significant time lag in receiving approval, the Clinic has instituted a policy of providing services when the referral is received. CASE MANAGEMENT For the first ren months of 1985, this Clinic program remained in the Adult Services Unit of the Department of Social Services. Following discussions between the Director of Mental Health Services and the Commissioner of Social Services a decision was reached to transfer direct operation of the program to the Mental Health Department - Fallowing approval by the NYS Office of Mental Health and the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, the program moved to its new quarters at 120 West State Street in mid-November. Staff included five full time caseworkers, one senior caseworker, a psychiatric social worker, and a typist In addition to providing an advocacy, linkage and monitoring role for its clients, the Mental Health Department assumed financial management responsibilities for thirty five persons who received Social Security or Veterans Administration benefits. Comparative data for this program shows the following: 382 Avg. no. persons on rolls 104 136 167 Admissions 31 46 48 Terminations 10 15 17 Case Mgt Hrs. 3,934 4,999 6,682 The figures graphically illustrate the tremendous growth of this program since 1983. Average number of clients on the mils in 1985 reflected a 61% increase over a similar number in 1981 Case management hours provided to clients has increased 70% over 1983 levels. The program will add a sixth caseworker position in 1986. While we anticipate continued growth both in client numbers and case mgt. hours, the program should stabilize somewhat in the coming year. Comparative Data (1983, 1984,1985) Tompkins County Mental Health Clinic 1983 1984 1985 Avg. no. patients on rolls/mo. 489 410 324 Total admissions 722 500 268' Total terminations 782 552 401' Total Clinic visits Total emergency visits 7,694 7,708 8,865 195 363 360 Avg. no. patients one/more visits/mo. 267 277 228 % of total active caseload 55% 68% 70% Ciinio visits increased 15% over 1984 levels. Over half of that increase reflects the change implemented in 1984, to delay formal admission until the person is seen for three visits. The emergency contacts remained at 1984 levels. •Admission and terminations reflect the first foil year of implementation of the screening process noted above. - Emergency Outreach Service Comparative Data 1984-1985 1984 (12mos) 1985 (7mos) Total Contacts 199 96 Sex Male 48 32 Female 151 64 Age 10-20 26 15 21-40 78 39 41-60 53 13 60+ 30 11 Unknown 12 18 1984 1985 Marital Status Single 82 31 Married 51 23 Separated 10 9 Divorced 33 9 Widowed 13 10 Unknown 10 11 383 Sources of Referral TCH/PR SPCS Police/Jail Family/friend Mental Health Clinic Social Agency Other Presenting Problem Suicidal Anxiety/Depression Alcohol/Drugs Family/Marital Psychosis Other DSM 111 Residence City/Town Ithaca Dryden Lansing Trumansburg Enfield/Newfield Caroline Danby Groton Unknown 2 3 57 24 9 3 12 27 36 13 26 13 57 20 40 12 45 20 6 6 30 I5 44 15 34 28 117 55 21 5 9 4 13 2 12 11 l 2 6 1 4 7 16 9 Referrals Mental Health Clinic 37 28 Willard Clinic $ 4 Pvt. therapist 14 8 T_C, Hospital 19 8 Police/Sheriff 9 2 SPCS 12 4 F&CS 28 6 DSS 25 6 None indicated 13 12 Other 19 21 Total Contacts Type of Contact Telephone Face to Face Sex Male Female After Hours Program 1983 1994 1985 295 283 190 1983 1984 1985 71 67 42 165 166 148 1983 1984 1985 384 132 132 89 163 136 101 15-20 39 41 37 21-40 167 1)7 96 41-60 41 36 22 61+ 6 15 31 Unknown Marital Status Single 72 58 33 Married 125 116 81 Separated 33 21 11 Divorced 11 15 10 Widowed 10 2 5 Unknown 51 61 50 Sources of Referral TCH Emergency Room 206 205 109 Suicide Prevention 49 46 31 Police/)ail 25 19 28 Other 15 13 22 Presenti9R Problem Suicidal 38 36 19 Anxiety/Depression 131 119 94 Psychosis 61 62 33 Alcohol/Drugs 35 23 11 Family/Marital 28 20 14 Other 9 23 19 Referrals Mental Health Clinic 97 62 47 Pvt therapist 18 24 5 TCH Psych Unit 59 69 51 Psychiatric Hospital 8 17 13 DSS/CSS 4 5 2 Jail/Police 18 11 14 Alcoholism Service 3 - 2 5 2 No indicated/refused 51 54 23 Other 27 35 33 Consultants Fees 514,940 014,640 510,320 Forensic Program (6 months) Avg. no. patients on rolls/mo. 19 Total Admission 31 Total Terminations 29 Total Visits 485 Avg. no. pts. 1/more visits/mo. 16 Individuals screened/not admitted 70 Court Ordered 730 Exams Court Requested Exams Probation Requested Exams 385 8 16 3 No. of veterans served 131 Service Provided Individual 56 Group 97 Family 8 Diagnosis Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome Marital Other Meadow house 105 17 Meadow House, certified by the N.Y.S. Office of Mental Health as a Continuing Treatment Program, is operated by Tompkins County Mental Health Services for adults with persistent psychiatric disabilities. Persons receiving services usually require program from 3-5 hours a day, one to five days a week. In 1985 the agency continued to provide Or assure by agreement with other agencies) the full range of Continuing Treatment Services: Assessment and treatment planning, ease management function, crisis services, medication therapy, social training, socialization, task and skill training, and verbal therapia. Efforts were made to maintain and enhance service delivery as well: (a) Their program was re -certified for another two years; and (B) the expectation programs in the mornings, and more informal, club and socially oriented programs in the afternoons. The hoped-for new Work Activities Program, however, was not instituted. for reasons of funding. Staff resignation and illness during the last half of the year contributed to a drop in services to clients. The major contributing factor was a change in the client population. A decrease in the older individuals served by the program noted first in 1984 continued in 1935. Psychiatric hospitalizations affected about 12%. of Meadow House enrollment, Probably the most important factor, which may bo viewed as a positive sign was the transitioning of Meadow House clients to Challenge Industries and WPC's Hospital Industries. With a comparatively small County population base, new referrals were not sufficient to fill the gap created by the factors noted above. Funding implications as the result of this decrease in service arc also significant and may mean introduction of programs and budget adjustments in 1986. Meadow House Comparative Client Data Total Total Total 1983 CSS OTCSS 1984 CSS OTCSS 1985 CSS OTCSS On rolls III 97 60 24 110 86 24 115 86 23 Admissions 36 24 12 45 35 10 40 30 10 Terminations 23 18 5. 35 26 9 48 39 9 Avg. no/mo. 99 71 28 113 90 23 109 90 113 Total Caseload 130 101 29 150 122 28 149 122 27 Who Served Lige 1983 1984 1985 18-25 21 19 19 26-35 38 44 45 36-45 23 33 37 46-55 14 17 17 56-65 17 23 15 66+ 17 14 16 386 Sex Male 65 74 76 Female 65 76 73 Diagnosis Mental Illness Mental Retardation 128 148 148 2 2 1 How Much Service Total Visits 9,630 12,280 11,424 Avg. No. Visitslmo. 802 1,023 952 Residence 9 Clients °A Clients 1983 1984 1985 1983 1984 1985 City of Ithaca 88 96 102 6864 69 Town of Ithaca 7 8 8 5 5 5 Dryden 2 3 5 2 2 3 Lansing 5 5 4 4 3 3 Groton 1 5 4 .7 3 3 Ulysses 25 28 23 19 19 15 Caroline 1 4 1 .7 3 .8 Other County 1 1 2 .7 1 1 387 TOMPKINS COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Staterrren! otPurpose The Department of Planning responsibilities are for the preparation of a County -wide comprehensive land use master plan, the collection of information relative to State, regional and municipal planning, research into County economic conditions. maintenance of data on the County, preparation and maintenance of base maps for the County, recommendations regarding special permits and zoning pursuant to the General Municipal Law, assisting Departments with their capital project requests. acting as a resource for grant funding for municipalities and agencies in the County and providing technical and administrative services to the County Board of Representatives. Sunman,. of Activities for 5985 The Planning Department allocated its time in the following ways in 1985: Community Assistance 30% Tomtran Rural Public Transit 26% Env ironmental/EMC 13 Miscellaneous (Administration and Office) 10 Economic fl% Transportation 8 Land Usc 5 The Department performed activities in a variety of areas during 1985. The primary focuses of the Department were community assistance, public transportation and work on environmental concerns. Significant staff time was also spent on transportation planning, economic planning, land (Inc planning and other miscellaneous items. Among major projects performed in the community assistance category were the development of a grant application on behalf of the Town of Lansing fora water main extension, the performance of a County Office Space Study and support of activities to redraw the Census Tract boundaries in Tompkins County. The Office Space Study resulted in the moving of several departments from downtown to the Biggs Complex, which was formerly the Tompkins County Hospital. The Department also participated in the Airpon Land Use Study, the Specie Jail Committee and design and planning work on County parking facilities. The Department also assisted several municipalities with zoning and subdivision regulation updates, as well as assisting a variety of boards and commissions on planning -related matters. The Tomtran Rural Public Transit program performed several new functions in 1985, including the beginning of new service to Ulysses and Newfield, the extension of the original ARC grant for Tomtran facilities and a survey of Caro -Van riders to determine what ways service could be improved. Tomtran also simplified and improved its schedules during 1985 and performed work to obtain more funding assistance. In enviroruntntal planning, the Department worked in the following areas; a site location study for microwave towers as part of the Public Safety Building, completing the long Environmental Assessment Form for the Biggs Complex for the transfer of County Departments from downtown to the Complex, the Tompkins County Freshwater Wetlands project and three educational programs for environmental awareness, which were performed in conjunction with the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council. 388 improvements. Projects analyzed through Department study include a functional classification of highways in Tompkins County, work on Route 13 and 96 improvements as well as improvements to Forest Home Drive and Pine Tree Road, and an application for State funding for local design projects for highway and railroad crossing improvements. The economic planning efforts of the Department included staff assistance to the Economic Advisory Board, Industrial Development Agency and Tompkins County Area Development The Department's land use planning work included projects on landfill site location, solid waste disposal, signage of County forest lands, mapping of industrial and commercial activities in the County, completion of a boundary map for Agricultural Districts and new maps showing the location of existing and proposed areas for microwave towers. A plan of action for the coming three years was adopted by the Commissioner to continue and improve the overall service and effectiveness of the Planning Department_ Commissioner prank Liguori considered the year a success, stating that the staff had done a credible job and there was much to look forward to in 1986. 389 PROBATION DEPARTMENT FAMILY COURT INTAKE The Family Court Act provides for an adjustment process in that "the probation service may confer with any person seeking to file a petition, the potential respondent and other interested persons concerning the advisability of filing a petition; to attempt through conciliation and agreement to adjust suitable cases before a petition is filed over which the court apparently would have jurisdiction." Probation Officers screen cases to determine which ones may be adjusted within the probation department's intake service, which cases need court action, and which cases should/must be referred to other community agencies. The probation officer attempts to adjust as many appropriate casts as possible. As this process is one in which the parties provide input, with the probation officer's assistance, the panes are ultimately resolving the conflict themselves. However, the probation officer may not prevent any person who wishes to file a petition from having access to the court for that purpose. Successful adjustments divert those cases from the court process, and, thus, spare the parties the emotional trauma and financial expense of a court proceeding. 1n 1985 the Probation Department received a total of 444 cases, There were 92 JD, 93 PINS, 104 Family Offense, 36 Support, 118 Custody, and one conciliation case opened. The largest decrease in number of cases opened occurred in the category of Custody. Overall 43% of the total cases were adjusted at the Intake level without involvement of the Family Court. In 46 cases (of the total 444) there was no fonow through by the pasties. The largest percentages of adjustment occurred for Juvenile Delinquents (77%) and for Support (6196). Family Offenses were only adjusted in 16% of the cases; however, in 75% of the Family Offense cases, the Probation Department assisted the complainant in preparing a petition for the Family Court or in seeking counsel in order to access the Family Court. 10 1986 the Probation Department received a total 01444 intake cases maintaining the same level of cases as in 1985. These cases included 140 JD eases, 60 PINS referrals, 107 Custody/Visitation cases, 48 Support cases, and 89 Family Offense cases. The most significant increase was the 52% increase in the number of JD referrals; however, this was somewhat offset by a decline in the PiWS cases. 67% oflhe JD and 47% of the PINS cases were successfully adjusted without court intervention. Of the remaining JD and PINS cases, 41were referred to Family Court for immediate intervention at the request of the respondent, respondent's parent or guardian, the complainant, and/or the screening probation personnel. 19 other cases were referred to Family Court as unresolved during the intake process. With regard to other family issues, Custody and Visitation casts were resolved in 54% of 1150 cases. 48% of the Support cases were adjusted through intake services. 81% of the Family Offense cases were referred to petition immediately in order that the petitioner access the court to obtain a temporary order of protection. The probation department assisted the petitioner in preparing the petition in many of these cases. During the first 9 months of 1986, Intake Services were provided by seven Core Probation officers on a daily, rotating basis. 1st October tate entire intake component was incorporated as Ons of the responsibilities of a newly created Probation Unit. AS one of its services, this new unit will provide specialized intake services using a case management approach to meet the needs of families. This will involve the continued cooperation among Probation, Social Services, schools, and other community agencies to address the needs of these families. The Family Court Intake Unit will also continue to assist parties in reaching mutual agreements regarding Custody, Visitation, and Support issues without the need for the sometimes adversarial atmosphere of Family Court. Nancy Bahns, Probation Officer 390 During 1986, the Probation Department continued its Release on Recognizance (ROR) and Release Under Supervision (RUS) Programs in an attempt to facilitate release from jail without financial conditions by identifying appropriate defendants for Release on Recognizance or Conditional release. The programs am only provided to those defendants who have not been convicted of the crime with which they are charged All defendants in custody are given the opportunity to be interviewed, except for those over whom the Court has no jurisdiction to effect release (i.e. federal detainees, violations of probation m parole, pending warrants, no bail offenses, ere.). After an initial screening and personal interview with thc defendant, an investigation of his legal, social and employment history, and checking personal references, a recommendation is made to the Court as to the best release possibility. The recommendation may be for Release On Recognizance, Release Under Supervision, no release, or release to a third party (parents, ere.). 1f Release Under Supervision is recommended, specific conditions of release arc submitted to the Court- During ourt During 1986, a total of 342 individuals were remanded to the jail. Two hundred thirty-eight investigations were completed and forwarded to the Courts as opposed to 114 investigations completed in 1985. The remainder of the oases consisted of defendants who were released on bail, sentenced, or had additional warrants filed prior to the submission of the report. Bernadette Stranger Probation Assistant PRE-TRIAL DIVERSION PROGRAM The Pre -Trial Diversion Program offers certain first time offenders, charged with a misdemeanor or felony, an alternative to the traditional Court process. Successful completion of the program can result in the defendant's having the pending charges dismissed. By referring many Cost time offenders to Diversion, the Court frees itself to spend time with more complex cases. Diversion clients keep regular appointments with our staff, visit Tompkins County Jail or Aubum State Prison, volunteer their time helping the community, and pay restitution to the victims. The standardized Policies and Procedures for the Pre -Trial Diversion Program, which were being developed in 1984, were completed in 1985. They are now incorporated into the Departmental Policy and Procedures Manual. Historically, the two full time positions in the Pre -Trial Diversion Program were both Probation Assistant positions. In 1983 one position was upgraded to Probation Officer. In 1985 we saw the remaining Probation Assistant position upgraded also. This change was in response to both the growing number of clients being serviced by the program as well as internal modifications designed to increase the program's overall structure and effectiveness. Further changes occurred in 1986 when the Pre -Trial Diversion Program became rhe responsibility ofa Pre -adjudicatory services unit Within the department. The three Probation Officers in this unit provide Family Court Intake Services as well as supervise Diversion clients. MISDEMEANOR FELONY 1984 (1985) 1986 1984 (1985) 1986 Refereed to Program 222 (252) 232 17 (6) 21 Found to he Ineligible 18 (15) 9 N/A (N/A) N/A Returned for Prosecution 31 (18) 38 1 (NIA) NIA Successful Completions 178 (210) 178 5 (3) 16 391 The purpose of the probation investigation is to provide the ordering court with accurate, reliable information in a succinct and analytical format, so as to assist the court in making decisions. Investigations include social background information about the person(s) presently before the court and any other areas which the cowl may wish to consider 31 the time of sentencing or final disposition of the case. The Probation Department conducts investigations for the Family Coort and Criminal Courts. The Criminal Procedure Law requires a presentence report for any felony or misdemeanor when a sentence of probation, imprisonment for a term of 90 days or cumulative sentence of imprisonment aggregating more tban ninety days is in order. An investigation for a misdemeanor charge, lesser offenses, or a pre -plea may be ordered at the discretion of the coup. The Family Court Act provides that prcdispositional investigations are required in 011 Juvenile Delinquency cases. In Person in Need Of Supervision (PINS) cases a predisposMonal investigation is discretionary, but is most often the rule locally. In addition, Family Court may order investigations involving child custody, visitation, adoption, support, family offense, and parents who are before the Family Court as a result of abuse or neglect of their child(ren). Family Court Investigations The total number of investigations ordered by the Family Court in 1985 decreased 25% from 1984 but increased 30% over 1984 in 1986. The greatest percentage increase (500%) was evidenced by the Supplemental Investigation category which includes addenda and up -dated reports for previously completed investigations. However, the category comprised of Custody, Visitation, and Adoption Investigations (as a rule the most involved and complicated investigations performed by the department) saw the greatest increase. The number ordered during 1986 was 31 more than in 1984 and 37 more than in 1985. TYPE NUMBER ORDERED PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 1984 1985 1986 1984 1985 1986 Juvenile Delinquent 19 17 30 11.0 14.0 14,0 Support 8 I 1 5.0 0.8 0.0 Adoption Custody Visitation 32 76 113 50.0 61.0 53.0 Persons in Need of Supervision31 21 38 19.0 17.0 18.0 Supplemental 11 5 25 7.0 4.0 12.0 Other 14 4 9 8,0 3.0 4.0 Total Criminal Court Investigations 165 124 215 Wall Cogswell Sr. Probation Officer All Felony investigations are initiated by County Court; whereas, misdemeanor investigations arc ordered by city and justice courts as well as county court. Presentence investigations not only provide the courts with information for decision making but also assist a multiplicity of agencies, including probation, parole, and rehabilitative institutions to formulate treatment and supervisory plans. In past years the number of Criminal Court Investigations reported in the annual reports reflected not only the number of presentence investigations ordered but also by the Pre -Trial Release reports completed. This year's annual report will only include presentence investigations ordered during 1985 and 1986. 392 courts. Of this number, 12 were pre -plea investigations and one was ordered for a Certificate of Relief from Disabilities. The number of misdemeanor investigations decreased by 77 from 1985, and the number of felony investigations increased by 28 from 1985. Investigations Ordered 1985 1986 Misdemeanors 247 170 Felonies 127 155 Susan Robinson Probation Officer PROBATION SUPERVISION Over the years, the role of County Probation Departments in New York State has expanded to meet the needs of the people of New York State. However, the major role of those departments remains the supervision of persons sentenced to or placed on probation by the Courts. Such supervision has the statewide objectives of providing public protection; preparing the probationer for independent, law-abiding living; identifying, utilizing, and creating resources in the community 10 fulfill program needs of probationers; providing an opportunity for full participation of the probationer in planning his activities in the community; conducting a supervision program based on cost effectiveness; and providing recovery to victims of criminal acts wherever practicable. Each person, juvenile or adult, who i5 placed under probation supervision is court-ordered to fulfill certain conditions of probation such as the following: attend school or be employed, obey all laws, obtain counseling, or pay restitution. Through living within the confines of specific conditions, it is hoped that the probationer achieves the objectives and effects of his rehabilitation. The probation officer provides the guidance and supervision deemed necessary by the Court to help the probationer achieve rehabilitation. Family Court Supervision Family Count Probation Supervision primarily deals with juveniles, aged seven to sixteen years, who have been adjudicated by the Court as Juvenile Delinquents (JD) or Persons in Need of Supervision (PINS). In some cases of family offense, support., or child abuse or neglect, adults are supervised. The total number of new Family Court Probationers received by this department in 1985 totaled 22, a 15.4%decrease over 26 received in 1984 JD PMS ADULT TOTAL Carried over from 1984 13 15 3 31 Received on Probation 1985 6 15 1 22 •Discharged 11 19 3 33 Carried into 1986 8 I I 1 20 • Discharged figures indicate 14 maximum expiration, 6 early discharge, 12 revocations due to further charges, and 1 transfer, New Family Court Probation Supervision cases received by the Probation Department in 1986 totaled 28, a 27.356 increase over the 1985 total of 22 new cases. JD PMS ADULT TOTAL Carried over from 1985 8 11 1 20 Received 1986 15 94 28 'Discharged 8 11 2 29 Carried into 1987 15 9 3 27 • Discharged figures indicate 11 maximum expiration, 2 early discharge, 6 revocations due to further charges, and 2 transfers. In addition to supervising persons who have been placed on probation by the Family Court because of an adjudication based on the merits of a petition, probation officers are also ordered to supervise persons who have been referred to the Court on a petition for Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal (ACD). In such cases, the matter is adjourned for a set period of time and will be eventually dismissed if the 393 officer for the set length ail= and such supervision is called Pre-Dispositional Supervision. As can be seen on the following chart, Pro-Dispositional Supervision from Tompkins County Family Cour decreased by 10054 in 1985 over 1984. 1D PINS ADULT TOTAL Received 1984 0 4 0 4 Carried over from 1984 0 2 0 2 Received 1985 0 0 0 0 Discharged 0 2 0 2 Carred into 1986 0 0 0 0 In 1986, the total number of new Pre-Dispositional Supervision cases assigned to the Probation Department was 6, an increase of that many over 1985. 1D PINS ADULT TOTAL Received 1985 0 0 0 0 Carried over from 19850 0 0 0 Received 1986 4 2 0 6 Discharged 1 2 0 3 Carried into 1987 3 0 0 3 tan Zahler Probation Officer Criminal Court Supervision The Criminal Court Supervision function primarily deals with persons over sixteen years of age who have committed a crime (misdemeanor or felony) and have been determined to be a low enough risk to the community to allow them to remain out of jail or prison. The number of felony supervisions received by the department in 1985 and 1986 increased over the number received in 1984 by 19% arid 85% respectively. Although the number of misdemeanor supervisions received in 1985 increased 7% over the number received in 1984, the number received in 1986 represented a 16% decrease from 1984. FELONY MISDEMEANOR 'TOTAL 1984 (1985) 1986 1984 (1985) 1986 (1985) 1986 Carried from Prior Year 135 (161) 191 167 (183) 179 (344) 380 Received on Probation 75 (89) 86 100 (107) 84 (F96) 170 Discharged, Max. Expiration 3 (10) 12 (40) II (50) 23 Discharged, Early As Improved 19 (25) 32 (22) 6 (47) 38 Terminated/ Revoked Unfavorably 4 (i8) 13 10 (9) (27) 14 Transfers to Other Counties 23 (21) 26 26 (15) 18 (36) 44 Carried Into NextYear 161 (191) 183 183 (179) 161 (370) 344 Walter Cogswell Sr. Probation Officer 394 The Tompkins County Intensive Supervision/Alternative Sentencing Program (ISP/ASP) continues in operation, and its guidelines remain basically the same as in 1983-1984. The program averages six months and includes a two time per week personal contact with the probationer, an emphasis. on employment and home visits; numerous collateral contacts with family, friends, and treatment providers; and immediate communication with the courts if so wan -anted. During the years of 1985 and 1986, there have been a total of 49 individuals who have been selected by various Probation Officers, the Intensive Supervision Officer, and Probation Supervisors as appropriate for Intensive Supervision. These individuals are usually identified during the presentence process as high risks to fail on probation. Some am also transferred internally to ISP after they have been on regular probation for a period of time and their continued illegal behavior or attitude requires more intensified supervision. Of the 49 individuals, 15 have been Iransitioncd to regular probation supervision, 14 have had their probation sentences revoked (6 re -sentenced to local jail time, 5 re -sentenced to stale prison, 1 re -sentenced to Community Service, 2 discharged from probation), 2 have had their probation cases transferred to other locations, 1 has been discharged from probation as improved, 3 have absconded and 14 remain under active probation supervision. Even though the Intensive Supervision Program in the past two years has not met the preferred goal of 10011 rehabilitation, the success rate has been approximately 60% of those who are no longer on ISP. This is a creditable accomplishment and has been a nue alternative to incarceration for those who have succeeded; since without ISP, each one may have been incarcerated, In 1987 ISP will be changing somewhat based on new guidelines from the New York State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives. These guidelines are not yet in effect. but they will involve more differential supervision (required probation contacts baud on the probationer's status of employment, schoot, or involvement with other activities), and there will be efforts made to have ISP involved earlier in the court process before a conviction. These changes stem exciting and will be elaborated on more fully after their implementation. Mitch Youngl ing Probation Officer Intensive Supervision Program DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED PROGRAM The Tompkins County Probation Department's Driving While Intoxicated Program has been operational since January I, 1985. Previous to this time DWI defendants referred for Probation Supervision were assigned to one of several Probation Officers whose responsibilities include a variety of other tasks in the Criminal and Family Courts. The increased number of DWI referrals for Probation Supervision, especially is comparison with other offenses (see chart; Probation Supervision Profile 1981/1986), indicated that more Probation resources were needed. However, the high recidivism rate of DWI, especially felony DWI, and its attendant danger to the community, as welt as the more recent understanding of Alcoholism as a disease, made the need for a mom intensive. specialized supervision program apparent. The County STOP -DWI Program and New York State fund the position for a full time DWI Probation Officer. The DWI Probation Program serves all Criminal Courts in Tompkins County with the highest referrals coming from the County Court, which refers approximately 3/4 of the cases, usually felony (repeat) DWI's (sec chart: DWI Probation Supervision Case Load Felony and Misdemeanor Comparison). Most clients have more than two alcohol related driving offenses with the average being 3 DWI's or DWA1's. Criteria for referral to the DWI Probation Program are high blood alcohol content (greater than .1514), greater than 50 points on the Mortimer-Filkens Test for identifying problem drinkers, two or more DWI's or DWAI's in the past 5 years or 3 or more in the past 10 years, attitude of the individual (negative), past rehabilitative efforts, whether or not an accident was involved, an alcohol evaluation which indicates the need for treatment, and a legal history that seems to indicate alcohol related problems. The DWI Probation Officer has an intensive caseload of approximately 25 clients. The leading component of the program has been alcohol treatment. Alcohol treatment has included residential placement out of county, outpatient counseling at the Alcoholism Council and other Certified Alcohol Agencies, family counseling, mental health counseling, AA attendance, AI -Anon anendance, and other treatment programs. 395 A second emphasis is the close supervision of the individual within the community. The DWI program is modeled after the Tompkins County Probation Department Intensive. Supervision Program. The Individual is held accountable for his actions or inactions, Weekly office contacts are made with the individual; home visits (scheduled and unscheduled), employment visits as well as agency contacts arc maintained on a regular basis. Conditions of Probation for alcohol related driving offenses have been standardized to include the following; alcohol treatment, no alcohol, remaining out of establishments where alcohol is served, testing for continued alcohol/drug usage, not to drive without a valid Ncw York State license and not to apply for a license without prior written permission from the Courts. Home and employment visits arc regularly made, as are occasional field "bar checks" to verify compliance. According to ream statistics provided by the Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives, 19% of our department's active supervision cases are alcohol related driving offenses. Translated, this means ofa total of 436 supervisions, 91 are DWI's and 25 are supervised intensively on the DWI caseload. The third major duty of the DWI Probation Officer is the completion of presentence investigations for the Courts. To date, over 116 DWI investigations have been completed since January of 1985, most of which have been prepared for the Tompkins County Court and a few for other county courts. In 1985, forty seven DWI presentence investigations were completed. In 1986 that number increased to forty nine. In the first quarter of 1987, twenty DWI Presentence investigations were completed, or a projected yearly increase of 590,4 over 1985. The program has room to grow and will be continually refined in the future. David R Spielman DWI Probation Officer SERVICE WORK ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM "Evolving" is the work that best describes the state of The Service Work Alternative Program - the department's community service restitution program. Two rather major events occurred during 1985 which assisted in the change process. First of all, new state law became effective which allows public and nonprofit organizations to provide Worker's Compensation coverage for persons with court-ordered community service hours to perform. This has allowed the program to expand beyond the county departments, which had been the primary placement sites for our clients, and into other nonprofit organizations. Secondly, Tompkins County entered into a contract with the New York State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives (NYSDPCA) to provide an "enhanced" community service restitution program—that is, a weekend work crew that is supervised directly by one-half time employee of the Probation Deet rh»ent. The crew, which tan be composed of up to eight (8) persons, works at various sites (again, not-for-profit and public agencies) throughout Tompkins County. The Weekend Work Crew is an experimental program, the costs of which are totally reimbursed to the county by NYSDPCA. Adding the Crew component, and thus the direct supervisory role, necessitated the development of more stringent accountability system for the program. In addition, the State Division's mandate that the enhanced program provide courts with a nue alternative to incarceration has required the development of eligibility criteria specific to Tompkins County; a program that is readily accountable to the courts; clear expectational and behavioral guidelines for the participating clients; and. of course, a databased system for managing cases and evaluating the program. Several of these systems have been developed, and others are in process. Program: In current practice there are essentially three populations with the Service Work Alternative 1) A group of persons who would probably not have been incarcerated but art ordered to do community service as a "payback" to the community, 2) A group of apparently "jail -bound" persons who can work at a "regular" agency during normal business hours, and 396 3) A group of `jail -bound". high risk persons who require direct supervision and who are unable to work their hours during usual business hours -the Weekend Work Crow. Although thc concept of using community service sentences solely as a means of making retribution to thc community is a popular and reasonable idea, the Probation Department does not currently have the personnel or resources to continue such a program. AS a result, we have chosen to develop the community service program as a sentencing alternative to incarceration. The purposes of such an alternative are to reduce the local jail population and, therefore, to reduce the cost associated with imprisonment; to allow defendants to remain within the family. Community, and workplace; and to provide a degree of "pay bac" to the community. Significant statistics for the alternative sentencing program are as follows: 1985 1986 Number Successful Completions 3 20 Number Unsuccessful Completions 9 3 Service hours completed 325 2,456 The program's goals for 1987 are varied and quite numerous. Primarily we hope to expand our list of user agencies, increase our credibility with the courts and community, thoroughly evaluate all aspects of the program and modify as appropriate, and more stringently delineate the appropriate client population. As part of the July 1986 to Jane 1987 contract with NYSDPCA, the department is also coordinating the production of a resource handbook for thc Courts and Criminal Court Attorneys. The handbook will thoroughly describe county programs that provide services as alternatives to incarceration. Distribution of the manual is tentatively planned for May 1987. Walt Cogswell Sr. Probation Officer COLLECTIONS "Collections" include those charges levied by the courts against defendants in the form of fines, surcharges and/Or restitution to crime victims. The Probation Department is frequently ordered by the cows to collect Such kyles, monitor payments, disburse monies to the victims, and report on thc status of each case to the appropriate court. The department's IBM PC -XT has proved invaluable in computing arrearages and maintaining accurate records. As can be seen below, collections continue to increase as we respond to the needs oldie justice system. The total collected has nearly tripled in Inc years. 1985 and 1986 COLLECTION FIGURES Case Numbers Cases carried over from 1985. 180 Cases opened in 1986: 117 Total cases carried in 1986: 297 Cases closed in 1986: 137 Cases carried over to 1987 160 Collection Amount Comparison Totals: 1982 517,063.35 1983 23,827.58 40% increase 1984 20,128.14 16% decrease 1985 31,965.22 63% increase 1986 47,796.06 50% increase 397 1986 1905 Fines S 6,321.75 S 3,505.00 Restitution 41,474.31 28,460.22 Total 547,796.06 531,965.22 Debra L. Kelley Account Clerk -Typist URINALYSIS SCREENING The department continues to actively use urinalysis screening lo detect Cannabinoid (marijuana), Alcohol, and other drug use among probationers. Usually, submission to testing is ordered as a Condition of Probation Supervision; however, some testing is submitted to on a voluntary basis. The 1985 budget for urinalysis was 56,000.00 and for the year 95,400.82 was spent on a total of 256 samples. A total of 368 tests were taken in the following categories: Cannabinoid 235 Other drug 86 Alcohol - 47 Total 368 Tests Employment of urinalysis testing has been invaluable to verify probationers' use of drugs or alcohol. Normally, probationers are ordered to abstain from the use of thesesubstances because they have become involved in difficulty which was tither directly or indirectly tied to substance use/abuse. The ability to verify current use is essential to ascertain the probationer's progress. A positive result as a urinalysis test could be used as a tool to require treatment or, as a last resort, for verification for a Violation of probation Proceeding. Because testing for alcohol use is somewhat expensive and many times did not result in positive result, in an effort to cut costs, Alco -scan tabs were ordered to do preliminary testing for alcohol. The scans are much cheaper and have saved quite a bit of money. In 1936 the use of Alco -scans (51.42 each) saves us over six hundred dollars with their use of being substituted for each expensive (517.00) alcohol urinalysis. Only 6 the case of a positive Alco -scans result do we run a urinalysis as verification. The 1986 budget for Urinalysis was 54,000. 53,695.55 was spent in the year on a total of 269 samples. The remainder spent covered the Alco -scans. Canoab,:aoid 102 Other drug 61 Alcohol 26 Total 269 Jan Zahler Probation Officer MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM We have been utilizing IBM - PC's for the past two, years both for caseload retard keeping and work processing purposes. All supervision, investigation, and collection records are computerized, and input has started on intake, pretrial release, and diversion records. The word-processing capabilities have allowed us to prepare our reports quicker and also to increase the quality of our documents. With the assistance of the New York State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives and the county's Central Data Processing Department, we should be able to increase areas of utilization during the coming year. We will also begin investigation of an eventual tic -in with the county's mainframe computer to further enhance our computer capabilities. John P. Reach, Probation Supervisor 398 COMPUTER TERMINAL The NYSPIN System allows for direct access, via the terminal, to Criminal History record information (CHAT), and wanted/missing persons information contained in the division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) files, plus Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Driver's License and vehicle registration information. The system also provides the capability of communicating directly with other Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, and DMV Agencies nationwide. and Law Enforcement Agencies worldwide via INTERPOL (International Police Agency). In addition. access to the State Division of Probation's Registrant System (PRS) is available, In August 1996, our NYSPIN equipment was updated with new RCA-NYSPIN enforcer system. During 1986, a total of 1571 messages were sent via the system to the Department of Criminal Justice Service, National Crime Information Center, and other relevant agencies. The utilization of the NYSPIN terminal has continued to be a valuable asset to the Overall functioning of the department. The information received allows the department to provide faster, mom accurate and current reports for the Courts of Tompkins County. Bernadette Stranger, Probation Assistant PINS ADJUSTMENT SERVICES PLANNING In 1985 the N.Y. State legislature passed an important new legislative program (Ch. 813 of the Laws of 1985) designed to implement assessment, planning, and service delivery strategies, statewide, that will support successful diversion of persons in need of supervision (PINS) from the Family Court process. This PINS Adjustments Service Act is intended to decrease the inappropriate utitization of the Family Court process and to decrease the number of out of home placements on PINS. The Act encourages localities to set and accomplish long term goals in planning for the delivery of a comprehensive array of services to meet the need of these youths and their families. Youth and families should, thereby, have appropriate and easily available access to services without the need of court intervention. The Act establishes a 4 year period. beginning January of 1987, during which localities may voluntarily implement the provision of the Act. On November 6, 1985, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives designated the Probation Department as the Coordinating Agency of a team effon in the development of a detailed, comprehensive, community -wide planning process and plan. Since that date, Probation personnel have chaired an inter- agency planning commirtee, and we are anticipating a plan completion date of July 1987. Hopefully, the County approved plan will be approved by the State Inter -Agency team by late 1987, and Tompkins County will be ready to make the PINS Actoperational until January 1988. Lois D. King, Probation Supervisor COMMUNITY AGENCY INTERFACING The effective functioning of the Probation Department is dependent upon strong working relationships with diverse community agencies and the mutual, active exchange of programming information and ideas. The department encourages the professional staff to serve on governing, advisory and programming committees of service agencies/groups within Tompkins County. During 1985 and 1986, professional staff members served on the Boards Of Directors for Group Homes of Tompkins County, Goodhope Youth Homes, Offender Aid and Restoration, The Alcoholism Council of Tompkins County, and the Stop -DWI program. Probation personnel have also represented the department on Advisory committees to the Tompkins County Family Court, Suicide Prevention and Crisis Service, Ithaca City Youth Bureau, Alternative Community School, subcommittees of the Mental Health Board, and the Child Protective Unit of the Department of Social Services. Staff involvement with the Sexual Abuse Task Force, Community Case Management Team, and Justice Awareness Programs (Bottom Line and Junior Deputies) continued, as did staff participation in training courses given at the local police academy. The expertise of probation staff persons has also been sought for temporary task forces/study groups that are established from time to time. Walt Cogswell, Sr. Probation Officer 399 TOMPKINS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY Louis Mu:gar, Director During 5985 the library fully recovered from the asbestos removal related effects of limited services. The total circulation of 312,629 was the third highest 0975 - 537,157; 1976 - 517,597) in the library's history. The over 300% increase in film/video circulation proves the demand for such materials and justifies the establishment and support of this service by the Finger Lakes Library System. The increase in reference questions follows the long trend except for the decrease in 1984 due to asbestos removal. The most gratifying point is the close to 2044 increase in the number of registered borrowers totaling 30,092 which represents slightly more than 30% of the County's population. The current heavy use of library services indicates a success, but at the same time foreshadows potential tong range problems. Every successful tax supported public library is caught in a contradiction: the better the library and its services, the more people will be demanding better and more services resulting in higher statistics and higher budgetary needs. On the other hand, to moderately decrease the quantity and quality of services is not necessarily saving real tax dollars due to the high fixed costs of library operations such as staff, fringe benefits, utilities, and maintenance, but actually might result in vastly inferior services for a little less money. During 1985 we had the potential fora circulation of 530,000 instead of the actual (and impressive) 512,629, but our purchasing of audio recordings decreased by 50% and our leasing of popular books decreased by 30% due to measures to accommodate a budget that was slightly lower than the basic amount needed. We are facing a better year now, and I hope that the library will remain successful to everyone's satisfaction, even if this means slightly higher expenses for library services. 1 would like to thank the staff and the Friends of the Library volunteers for their hard wort: and the Library Board for their commitment for a better library. CIRCULATION STATISTICS REPORT 1985 1985 1984 Total circulation of library materials 519,684 , 380,404 Film circulation 16,199 5,211 (30 I.V.H. cassettes checked out on ALIS, and therefore, not included in Film total) Interlibrary loan to other libraries 7,055 7,416 Interlibrary loan borrowed from other libraries 12,236 5,816 (includes film and videocassertes) Reference questions answered 21,736 12,932 (Adult) 16,992 10,184 (Juvenile) 4,714 2,748 Reserves filled - 9,001 6,230 Reserves proceeded 7,296 5,865 Total number registered borrowers 30,092 25,426 Number of patrons using library 271,546 128,081' '1984 -No count while operating out of Challenge Industries. 400 Reference Questions 1185 1984 16,992 10,184 Holdings Statistics: TCPL book holdings 84,808 81,017 ELLS (CBA) book holdings 77,594 76,692 Grand fatal book holdings 162,402 157,709 TCPL total materials holdings 132,072 118,091 Number of art reproductions 488 562 Number of current periodical subscriptions 304 299 Number of phono-reunds and audio cassettes 11,312 10,867 FINANCIAL REPORT BALANCE ON HAND - January 1, 1985 S 77,854 Encumbered for payment during 1985 '84 Fund Bal. to be tr. to '85 Operating Budget '81-'83 Fund Balance Construction Reserve Unappropriated Fund Balance - 1981-83 Unemployment and Petty Cash Reserves S 28,231 25,548 10,000 3,774 18 301 S 77,854 RECEIPTS Tompkins County 5805,487 Finger Lakes Library System 102,145 Fines and Fees 32,772 Rentals and Contract Charges 45,108 Miscellaneous 17 .761 DISBURSEMENTS Salaries and Benefits 5710,030 Books and Other Library Materials 79.480• Equipment 58,548 Repairs to Bldg. and Bldg. Equipment 29272 Utilities 75,506 Other Operating Expenses 72y945 1983 13,434 51,003,273 BALANCE ON HAND - December 31, 1985 $ 55,346 Encumbered for payment during 1986 f 9,716 Unappropriated Fund Balances 1981-1985 30,032 Unemployment and Petty Cash Reserves 15,598 $ 55,346 ' An additional 810,672 worth of Gift and Memorial Books and Recordings were purchased through the Friends of the Library. 401 TOMPKINS COUNTY FIRE INVESTIGATION TEAM Mark N. Vann, Deputy Fire Coordinator, Fire Investigation We saw a sizeable increase in the number of investigationis done during 1985. There was a slight decrease in arson fires over 1984 but the number of suspicious Gres nearly doubled. For the second year in a row, there were no fire fatalities involved in any of our investigations. There were, however, 8 injuries reported to the TCFIT investigators. A fair number of these were to county firefighters during fore suppression. Accidental fire causes were up by percentage and there were two reported incidents caused by children playing with fire. 1 would like to thank all county fire chiefs for the support they have shown for the team through their requests for TCFIT and through the cooperation shown the investigators while in the fie/d. My personal thanks to all the volunteers who make up the Tompkins County Firs Investigation Team. 11 has been a pure pleasure to be associated with you. Being that this is my final report as the team administrator, 1 wish you all the best of everything with your pursuit of fire investigation. TOMPKINS COUNTY FIRE INVESTIGATION TEAM REPORT 1985 INCIDENTS BY FIRE CAUSE Accidental 15 Children 2 Suspicious 13 Arson 9 Undetermined 0 Under Investigation 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF INVESTIGATIONS: 54 FIRE DEPARTMENTS USING TCFIT Dar eptment Total Arson Fires Suspicious Fires Brooktondaie 2 1 Cayuga Heights 0 Etna 0 Danby 1 Dryden 2 Enfield 2 Frccville 1 Groton 1 t Ithaca 25 4 9 Lansing 9 2 McLean 5 Newfield 1 Slatervillc 0 Speedsviile Trumansburg 31 1 1 MUTUAL AID _p _ TOTAL 54 9 13 Miles Driven by Team Members, 3,401 miles 402 TOMPKINS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Submitted by Mary Pal Dolan, Commissioner The Department of Social Services is responsible for the provision of financial assistance and services necessary to sustain individuals and assist them in achieving the greatest degree of independence possible. Programs are authorized under the Federal Social Security Act and the New York State Social Services Law. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Thele are three financial programs; namely, (1) Public Assistance, which is divided into ADC, HR. EAF, and EAA, (2) Medicaid, and (3) Food Stamps. I. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE (PA) Public Assistance is the only program that authorizes cash payments to recipients. This program provides funds under four categories of assistance; namely, Aid to Dependent Children (ADC), Home Relief (HR), Emergency Aid to Families (EAF), and Emergency Aid to Adults (EAA). Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) is financial assistance given to a family with minor children, without sufficient means of support because of the absence, death, unemployment or incapacity of a parent. This is the largest direct assistance (cash) program administered by this department Home Relief (HR) is assistance for single individuals and childless couples. Emergency Aid to Families (EAF) is assistance for families to meet a one-time financial crisis. Emergency Aid to Adults (EAA) is aid to meet crisis situations for persons who are disabled and/or over sixty-five and who are receiving Supplementary Security Income (SSI). I1. MEDICAID (MA) Medical Assistance (MA) i5 a program that pays medical bills in whole or in pan for New York State residents who cannot pay the cost of such medical care. In this program, money is not given to the eligible recipients, but rather the department pays for the needed medical care directly to the provider of the medical service, Le. doctor, hospital, nursing home, drug store, etc. III. FOOD STAMPS (FS) The Food Stamp Program is designed to increase the food purchasing power for eligible individuals and families. Depending on factors such as income and size of family, it is determined that a family will be eligible for a certain number of free food stamps. Food stamps are obtained at participating banks and can be redeemed for food at any store that accepts food stamps. The Food Stamp Program costs Tompkins County nothing, since all costs are borne by the Federal and State Government. IV. HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (REAP) The Home Energy Assistance Act of 1951 (Title Bt of Public Law 92.223) authorizes grants to stales to provide funds to eligible households to help pay the cost of home energy that is excessive in relation to household income. Eligibility is based on circumstances for the entire calendar month in which the household filed an application. No assets test 35 required. Level of assistance is based on a matrix that considers the weather in the region, differences in fuel type and household size. Funds are available to obtain energy necessary to 403 Operate heating equipment, to repair or maintain heating equipment to assure safe operation and/or for emergency shelter 01 relocation. SERVICES DIVISION To comply with New York State Department of Social Services regulations, the Services Division completed a Consolidated Plan which included four major plans: namely, Title XX Plan, Child Protective Services Plan. Fancily and Children's Plan and Protective Services for Adults. Each plan involves demographic and statistical analysis, trends, predictions, resource analysis, problem areas, specific goals and estimates of costs. In addition, the plans required community input and public hearings. 1. ADULT SERVICES Adult services are divided into General Adult (GA), Protective Services for Adults (PSA), Post -institutional Placement Services (PIS?), and Community Support Services Cases (CSS). GA cases are those needing help with: housing, aleoholldmg problems, education, emancipation, and train ing/employment. PSA involves investigation of reports of persons (abused, neglected, exploited) in need of protection and provision of services such as counseling, financial management, arranging for alternate housing, guardianship, homemaker and housekeeper services. P1SP involves services to persons who have been in psychiatric or developmental centers for five years or more or to persons hospitalized less time but who do not meet CSS requirements. The Community Screening Team reviews cases of all potential releases before discharge. Serving on the team are representatives from Mental Health Services, Meadow House, Challenge, Social Services, and other agencies and professionals, if their services might be needed upon discharge of clients from an institution to the community. II. DAY CARE FOR CHILDREN Day Care Services involves the processing of applications from persons needing day care for their children, and arranging placement, recruiting, studying, and certifying Family Day Care Homes; periodically visiting Family Day Care Homes and state licensed Day Care Centers; screening day care provider bills and authorizing payment DI. CHILD WELFARE Child Welfare Services include: intake, foster care of children, in home supervision, cecn_itment and certification of foster homes for children, counseling for unmarried parents, recruiting and approving families to adopt, taking surrenders of children for adoption, placing surrendered children in adoptive homes, custody investigations, initiating procedures to obtain permanent custody of children in foster care if parents do not actively plan for return of child, emancipation studies of persons 16.18 years old. Adoption Services include receiving surrendered children, preparing them for adoption, placing them in adoptive homes, arranging for this county's adoptive families to receive children from elsewhere, supervising the placement until the adoptions are finalized, working with children in foster homes waiting for adoptive placement Adoptive Home Finding services include screening all inquiries from persons wishing to adopt, studying families, and approving/rejecting these families to receive children for adoption. The agency has about six informational meetings a year 10 explain to people inquiring about adoption, the kind of children available, what is involved in the studies, and extensive education and training for people who wish to pursue adoption. 404 The Adoptive Families Association volunteers assist in the group studies, i.e. they lead some exercises, and give patenting skill demonstrations. They also provide on-going support as couples raise questions, and provide help with children with special problems. The Association also has group meetings for adoptive parents, after children are placed in adoptive homes. Faster Family Home -Finding services involves screening all inquiries from persons wishing to be licensed foster parents, and certifying parents and homes. Preventive Services and Family Counseling is provided by the department to families to keep a child out of foster cam or enable him, if already placed, to return home within 90 days. In addition to family counseling, the department provides individual counseling, case management, and parent -aid day care. IV. CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES This unit investigates each report from the State Central Register of alleged abuse or neglect They have up to 90 days to determine if a case is indicated, i.e., there is credible evidence ofabuse/neglect. Once a case is indicated, services are provided to the family, either directly by unit staff or by purchase. Children placed in foster care for protection and the foster parents of these children are given services by caseworkers in the unit. V. INFORMATION AND REFERRAL This service is given by agency staff and also purchased by contract from the Human Services Coalition. DSS statistics include nor only instances of persons catling for information, but also includes persons who ars given an intake interview and found not to be eligible to receive the service or need service we do not provide. These people are referred to other community agencies. WELFARE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WMS is a statewide computer system. The system is a management loot capable of receiving, maintaining, and processing information concerning persons who are eligible for Public Assistance, Medical Assistance, Food Stamps and Support Services. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Once Welfare Management System (WMS) was eompletsly operational, the agency became part of the Medical Management Information System (MMIS). WMS drives MMIS in that all information as to the eligibility of individual clients for Medicaid is obtained from WMS. MMIS is a state-wide medical information system to improve administrative control over rising Medicaid costs. This system verifies the qualifications and eligibility of health care providers, receives, audits, and pays provider bits for eligible clients. SUPPORT COLLECTION PROGRAM This department collects and disburses court-ordered support monies for private citizens and for Public Assistance reeipicnts. The department also locates and obtains court orders of support from deserting parents of children receiving any forms of public assistance. COUNTY HOME As a unit of the Tompkins County Department of Social Services. the Tompkins County Home and Farm are maintained to provide a controlled environment for persons who are unable to function in a private setting. 405 The Home is an approved Domiciliary Care Facility under New York State Department of Social Services, and one of two or three in New York State, which still operates its farm. The fano is to provide food for the Home and to provide therapy for those residents able to participate. The Home's location on the Perry City Road, just off Route 1196, makes it an ideal place for the person with a rural background or the urbanite who appreciates the peace and tranquillity of the countryside. The home provides food; shelter; special diets, when necessary; assistance with all activities of daily living; and a therapeutic, recreational and diversionary activity program for all residents, Care and supervision are provided on a twenty-four hour basis. All caseload and financial summaries are on file in the Department of Social Services. 406 DIRECTOR OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Louis Emmick, Director 1. Establishments Establishment Total in tuns. Supermarket 13 Food Store/Deli 43 Farm/Produce 27 Fish/Butcher 7 Candy/Nut 9 Bakery 5 Drug 16 Hardware 12 Gas Station 36 Gas Station/Store 18 Variety/Multiple 5 Fuel Oil Dealer 13 LPG 8 ProcJWare./Manuf 13 Asphalt/Salvage 4 Fabric/Sewing 4 Feed & Fertilizer 1 Other 28 Total 262 11. Devices Results of Presecribed Tests No. No. Req. Other Tests Incorrect Devices Rechecks Device Tota] No. Correct Incorrect Visual Not Complaints Type in Juris, No. 55/. f+) (-) (Other) Inspection Tested Requests Computing Scale 194 382 97 3 5 2 4rs Pre -pack Scale 34 60 98 1 Customer Scale 16 24 92 1 l 2 2 Vehicle Scale 17 21 78 3 1 1 2 Track Scale 3 3 100 Prescription Scale 15 15 100 Hopper/Batch Tank Scale 10 9 2 Platform Scale 71 116 95 2 1 3 Livestock Scale 2 4 80 Misc. Scale 83 17] 98 I 1 Petroleum Pump 343 645 92 33 11 11 11 Petroleum Meter 25 26 81 2 3 1 13 Rack Meter 4 4 Liquid Measure 3 3 100 Weights 407 Weights Other 120 232 99 1 2 Linear Measure 10 13 93 1 Linear Measure 12 28 85 4 1 Device Timing Device 10 17 85 3 Non -Comm, Device 56 50 89 5 1 1II. Test Summary Total Scales 445 805 96 10 9 1I 8 5 Total Liquid 375 674 92 35 14 12 24 Meas. Device Total Weights 314 426 99 1 2 Total Linear Meas. 22 41 89 4 1 Total Misc. Timing 10 17 85 3 Total All Devices 852 1537 94 49 27 23 Noncom not included as "device" 56 50 89 5 1 IV. Farm Milk Tanks Total Tanks in jurisdiction 160 New Calibrationis 7 Recalibralions 2 No. against Producer No. against Receiver V. Complaints Type No. Received No. Resolved or Ret'errcd Shortweight 1 I Gasoline I 1 LPG 2 2? Firewood 3 3 Total 7 Cons. A;Taits Related 1/2 VL Commodities Correct Short Over Commodity Types Number % Number % Number % Labdline Random. Packaged Meat 1451 88 124 8 68 2 Random Packaged Produce 615 89 73 11 2 Random Packaged Dairy 1206 99 14 1 Random Packaged Deli 727 92 54 7 12 1 5 Standard Packaged Groceries 2747 99 7 .5 .5 Standard Packaged Baked Goods 717 96.5 9 1.2 17 2.3 6 408 Dairy 1022 99 10 Standard Packaged Meat 996 97.3 27 2.6 Standard Packaged Produce 1157 98,7 9 .7 6 .6 Standard Packaged Non-food Comm. 1407 95.4 54 3.6 15 Total 12045 96 381 3 124 14 VII. Workload Total man-hours worked 1,600 Offense Weighing devices inspected and tested 23% Gasoline pumps inspected and tested 19% All other commercial devices 14.3% Non -mandated tests and requests 5% Package Control 19% Rechecks 1% Complaints 1.5% Travel 6.2% Training 5% Civil Penalty and Court Hearings 1% Administration (records, reports, scheduling) 12% Public Relations 2% Total 100% VIII. Funiculars of Civil Proceedings Or Prosecutions Specify Whether Resolution Thru Civil Compromise By Director (D), County Avomey Section(s) of State (A), or Prosecution Result Law, Regulation, or By District Attorney Of Fined - Loca1 Ordinances Cited (D.A.) Amount S 3 Wood short Article 16, Circular 904 A deliveries, same Section 166-2 seller Failure to post time Article 16, Circular 904 D on car wash and Section 221-16 clothes driers "Customer scale Article 16, Circular 904 D removal Section 190.5 5200.00 Total Penalties Collected by Jurisdiction 5200.00 '1 sought a 050.00 penalty and letter of assurance by end of month, or matter would go to County Attorney for 6200.00 plus court costs, the Company charged, missed the `end of month" - and sent the full 5200.00. 409 SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES LEVIED BY COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (LEGISLATORS) FOR 1986 COUNTY OF TOMPKINS County Taxes and Assessments General Tax 97,764,848.01 Town and City Account County Self -Insurance Platt 3,816.00 Chargebacks for. Election Expenses 39,847.32 Excess from Current Year Tax Rate 1 089 33 Total. 97,809,600.66 Deficit from Current Year Tax Rate -346.71 TOTAL COUNTY TAX LEVY $7,809,253.95 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce County Levy . -4,048,404.36 NET COUNTY TAX LEVY $3,760,849.59 Returned School and Village Taxes, Including Interest and Penalties 91,107,245.34 TOTAL - TO COUNTY TREASURER. $4,868,094.93 Town Taxes: General (town wide) 51,026,31200 General (town outside village) 62683.00 Highway (town wide) 2,219,251.00 Highway (town outside village) 963,044.00 TOTAL TOWN TAX LEVY $4,271,200.00 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce Town Levy -213,295.64 NET TOWN TAX LEVY .$4,057,994.36 Special District Taxes: Real Property Taxes Benefit Assessments Fire 5943,06200 $ 943,06200 Fire Protection 293,540.00 293,540.00 Lighting 31,240.00 31,240.00 Sewer 5365,277.17 365,277.17 Water 35,487.31 322,137.54 357,624.85 Total 51,301,329.31 5687,414.71 91 990 744.02 TOTAL - TOWN AND SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES AND/OR BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS $6,048,738.38 Delinquent Assessments, Water and Other Charges 75 929.59 TOTAL - TO SUPERVISOR 16 124,667 92 TOTAL - ALL TAXES 510,992,76185 Taxable Assessed Valuations: County purposes (town outside village) $1,083,930,353.00 (village area) 241,484,843.00 TOTAL COUNTY $1,325,415,196.00 Town Purposes (town outside village) $ 787,261,707.00 (village area) 242177,163.00 TOTAL COUNTY 91,029,378,870.00 410 SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES TOWN OF CAROLINE County Taxes and Assessments: General Tax $216,851.93 Town and City Account: County Self -Insurance Plan 105.44 Chargebacks for. Election Expenses 1,857,78 Excess from Current Year Tax Rate 123.54 TOTAL COUNTY TAX LEVY.._.._. -.__._._ 5218,938.69 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce County Levy -218.815.15 NET COUNTY TAX LEVY 517354 Returned School and Village Taxes, Including Interest and Penalties 517,038.33 TOTAL - TO COUNTY TREASURER $17,161.87 Town Taxes: General (town wide) $ 56,985.00 Highway (town wide) 262,101.00 TOTAL TOWN TAX LEVY 5319,086.00 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce Town Levy -11578.40 NET TOWN TAX LEVY 5307,507.10 Special District Taxes, Real Property Taxes Fire $55,837.00 $ 55,837.00 Fire Protection 17,000.00 17,000.00 Lighting 6,930.00 6,930.00 Total 579,767.00 $ 79,767.00 TOTAL -TOWN AND SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES AND/OR BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS $387,274.10 TOTAL - TO SUPERVISOR $387.274.10 TOTAL - ALL TAXES $404,435.97 Town Taxable Assessed Valuations. Outside Village Village Area TOTAL TOWN County Purposes $37,866,730.00 .00 $37,866,730.00 Town Purposes 540,954,601.00 .00 540,954,801.00 Tax Rates per 51000 Assessed Valuation: County 0.00 Town 7.509 7.509 The town will receive a share of the county sales tax 5 230,394.05 411 SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES TOWN OF DANBY County Taxes and Assessments: General Tax 5238,504.97 Town and City Account County Self -Insurance Plan 13664 Chargebacks for: Election Expenses 1,464.75 Excess from Current Year Tax Rate 77.81 TOTAL COUNTY TAX LEVY 5240,164,17 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce County Levy -204,622,97 NET COUNTY TAX LEVY $ 35,541.20 Returned School and V illageTaxes, lnkvding Interest and Penalties 26,686.18 TOTAL- TO COUNTY TREASURER 5 62,227.38 Town Taxes: General (town wide) $ 40,036. 00 Highway (town wide) 205,34100 TOTAL TOWN TAX LEVY 5245,377.00 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce Town Levy 0.00 NET TOWN TAX LEVY 5245,377.00 Special District Taxes: Real Property Taxes Fire 5118,878.00 5118,878.00 Water 6,500.00 6,500.00 Total $125,378.00 5125,378.00 TOTAL - TOWN AND SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES AND/OR BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS 5370,75500 Delinquent Assessments, Water and Other Charges 2,864.50 TOTAL- TO SUPERVISOR 5373,619.50 TOTAL - ALL TAXES $435,846.88 Town Taxable Assessed Valuations: Outside Village Village Area TOTAL TOWN County Purposes 539,424,415.00 .00 539424,415.00 Town Purposes 42,288,318.00 .00 542288,318.00 Tax Rates per $1000 Assessed Valuation: County .900 Town 5.803 The town will receive a share of the county sales tax $ 204,62297 412 SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES TOWN OF DRYDEN County Taxes and Assessments: General Tax 57,175,615.67 Town and City Account County Self -Insurance Plan. 569.24 Chargebadks for. Election Expenses 5,271.80 Excess from Current Year Tax Rate 183.09 TOTAL COUNTY TAX LEVY 51,181,639.80 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce County Levy -869,381.06 NEC COUNTY TAX LEVY 5 31,258.74 Returned School and Village Taxes, Including Interest and Penalties $ 249,488.47 TOTAL - TO COUNTY TREASURER 5561,747.21 Town Taxes, General (town wide) 5147,640.00 General (town outside village) 5,000.00 Highway (town wide) 614,950.00 Highway (town outside village) 242,900.00 TOTAL TOWN TAX LEVY 1.009,990.00 NET TOWN TAX LEVY 51,009.990.00 Special District Taxes: Real Property Taxes Benefit Assessments Fire 5 9,483.23 $ 9,483.23 Fire Protection 182,100.00 182,100.00 Lighting 6,250.00 6,250.00 Sewer 560,200.00 60,200.00 Water 22,000.00 22,000.00 Total 5197,833.23 58120000 5280,533-23 TOTAL - TOWN AND SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES AND/OR BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS 51,290,023.23 Delinquent Assessments, Water and Other Charges 939.04 TOTAL - TO SUPERVISOR.. $1,290,96227 TOTAL - ALL TAXES $1,852,709.48 Town Taxable Assessed Valuations: Outside Villaxe Village Area TOTAL TOWN County Purposes 5172,942,064.00 530,861.576.00 5203,8013.640.00 Town Purposes 174,492,104.00 530,861,576.00 5205,353,680.00 Tax Rates per 51000 Assessed Valuation: County .770 5.796 Town 5.132 3.719 The town will receive a share of the county sales tax $ 869,381.06 413 SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES TOWN OF ENFIELD County Taxes and Assessments: General Tax 8194,723.12 Town andCity Account County Self -Insurance Plan 9422 Chargebacks for. E1etRon Expenses. 1,62552 Excess from Current Year Tax Rate 41.82 TOTAL COUNTY TAX LEVY $196,484.68 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce County Levy _196.442.86 NET COUNTY TAX LEVY $ 41.82 Returned School and Village Taxes, Including Interest and Penalties 41,06282 TOTAL - TO COUNTY TREASURER. 541,104,64 Town Taxes: General (town wide) $ 15,822.00 Highway (town wide) 180,100.00 Debt Service 12,285.00 TOTAL TOWN TAX LEVY $208,207.00 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce Town Levy 2,205,08 NET TOWN TAX LEVY 5206,001.92 Special District Taxes: Real Property Taxes Fire $63,725.00 Total 563,725.00 $ 63,725.00 TOTAL - TOWN AND SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES AND/OR BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS $269.726.92 TOTAL -TO SUPERVISOR_ $269,726.92 TOTAL - ALL TAXES 5310,831.56 Town Taxable Assessed Valuations, Outside Village Village Area TOTAL TOWN County Purposes 531,475,284.00 .00 531,475,284.00 Town Purposes 31,516,002.00 .00 531,516,00200 Tax Rates per 51000 Assessed Valuation: County 0.00 Town 6.537 The town will receive a share of the county sales tax $ 198,647.94 414 SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES TOWN OF GROTON County Taxes and Assessments General Tax $365,804.04 Town andCity Account: Courtly Self -Insurance Plan 18251 Chargebacks for. Election Expenses 2,740.40 Excess from Current Year Tax Rate 54.58 TOTAL COUNTY TAX LEVY 368,78L53 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce County Levy -235,089.27 NET COUNTY TAX LEVY $133,69226 Returned School and Village Taxes, Including Interest and Penalties 192,427.76 TOTAL - TO COUNTY TREASURER $326,120.02 Town Taxes: General (town wide) - 3193,872.00 General (Town outside village) 42,400.00 Highway (town wide) 133,500.00 Highway (town outside village) 72,052.00 TOTAL TOWN TAX LEVY 441,824.0 Sales To Credit to Reduce Town Levy 56.085.89 NET TOWN TAX LEVY 5385,738.11 Special District Taxes Rea/ Property Taxes Fire 520,537.77 0 20537.77 Fire Protection 31,940.00 31,940.00 Lighting 3,200.00 3.200.00 Total 555,677.77 5 55,677.77 TOTAL - TOWN AND SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES AND/OR BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS 441,415.88 TOTAL -TO SUPERVISOR 5441,415.88 TOTAL - ALL TAXES 5767,535.90 Town Taxable Assessed Valuations: Outside Village Village Area TOTAL TOWN County Purposes 340,095,493.00 322,792,485.00 562,887,978.00 Town Purposes 40,328,861.00 522,992,035.00 $63,320,896.00 Tax Rates per 81000 Assessed Valuation: County 0.00 5.864 Town 6.618 5.170 The town will receive a share of the county sales tax $ 291,175.16 415 SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES TOWN OF ITHACA County Tates and Assessments: General Tax $1,475,299.01 Town and City Account: County Self -Insurance Plan 727.58 Chargebacks for Election Expenses 5,855.88 Excess from Current Yea]. Tax Rate 166.65 TOTAL COUNTY TAX LEVY 51,482,049.12 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce County Levy 1,018,117.21 NET COUNTY TAX LEVY $ 463,931.91 Returned School and Village Taxes, Inchading Interest and Penalties 5.631.48 TOTAL - TO COUNTY TREASURER $469,563.39 Town Taxes General (town wide) 5293,500.00 Highway (town outside village) 415,400.00 TOTAL TOWN TAX LEVY 5708,900.00 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce Town Levy -111.875.46 NET TOWN TAX LEVY 5597,024.54 Special District Taxes: Real Property Taxes Benefit Assessment Fire $381,724.00 $ 381,724.00 Lighting..__.._......................4,870.00 4,870.00 Sewer 5242,079.58 242,079.58 Water 299,093.24 299,093.24 Total 5927,766.82. 5541,17282 $ 927,765.82 TOTAL - TOWN AND SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES AND/OR BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS $1,524,791.36 Delinquent Assessment, Water and Other Charges 12,509.03 TOTAL - TO SUPERVISOR $ 1,537,300.39 TOTAL - ALL TAXES 52,006,863.78 Town Taxable Assessed Valuations: Outside Village Village Area County Purposes 5179,832.696.00 581,927,865.00 Town Purposes 178,196,046.00 582,151,465.00 Tax Rates per 51000 Assessed Valuation County 0.00 5.661 Town 2.832 1.127 416 TOTAL TOWN 5261,760,561.00 5260,347.511.00 SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES TOWN OF LANSING County Taxes and Assessments: General Tax 51,468,920.38 Town and City Account County Self -Insurance Plan 723.10 Chargebacks for Election Expenses 4,553.00 Excess from Current Year Tax Rate 79.38 TOTAL COUNTY TAX LEVY 51,474,275.86 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce County Levy - 699,293.73 NET COUNTY TAX LEVY 5 779,982.13 Retumed School and Village Taxes, Including Interest and Penalties 250,889.47 TOTAL - TO COUNTY TREASURER 51,030,871.60 Town Taxes: General (town wide) 594,935.00 Debt Service 12,28200 Highway (town wide) 318,610.00 Highway (town outside village) 161,43200 TOTAL TOWN TAX LEVY -587,259.00 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce Town Levy 0.00 NET TOWN TAX LEVY 5587,25900 Special District Taxes; Real Property Taxes Benefit Assessments Fire 5259,300.00 5259,300.00 Lighting 1,190.00 1,190.00 Sewer 529,877.59 29,877.59 Water 987.31 1,044.30 2,031.61 Total 5261,477.31 .530,881.89 5 292,399.20 TOTAL - TOWN AND SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES AND/OR BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS 5 879,658.20 Delinquent Assessments, Water and Other Charges $ 89,616.97 TOTAL -TO SUPERVISOR $ 939,275.17 TOTAL - ALL TAXES 51,970,146.77 Town Taxable Assessed Valuations: de Village Village Area TOTAL TOWN County Purposes 5169525,108.00 584,773,302.00 5254,298,410.00 Town Purposes 5169,733,698.00 584,819.602.00 9254553,250.00 Tax Rates per 51000 Assessed Valuation: County 1.741 5.719 Town 2624 1.673 The town will receive a share of the county sales tax 5 694,293.73 ail SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES TOWN OF NEWFIELD County Taxes and Assessments: General Tax .$333,869.03 Town and City Account County Self -Insurance Plan 161.85 Chargebacks for. Election Expenses 1,611.19 Excess from Current Year Tax Rate 281.91 TOTAL COUNTY TAX LEVY 5335,923.93 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce County Levy -335,64202 NET COUNTY TAX LEVY $ 281.91 Returned School and Village Taxes, Including Interest and Penalties 147,251.44 TOTAL - TO COUNTY TREASURER $147,53335 Town Taxes: General (town wide) $100,255.00 Highway (town wide) 392,800.00 TOTAL TOWN TAX LEVY 5493,055,00 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce Town Levy - 31,550,31 NET TOWN TAX LEVY 5461,504.69 Special District Taxes: Rea] Property Taxes Benefit Assessments Fire Protection 562,500.00 $ 62,500.00 Lighting 8,800.00 8,800.00 Sewer 533,120.00 33,120.00 Water 28,000.00 28,000.00 Total. 599,300.00 533,120.00 3132420.00 TOTAL - TOWN AND SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES AND/OR BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS 593,924.69 TOTAL - TO SUPERVISOR 5593,924.69 TOTAL - ALL TAXES 5791,4558.04 Town Taxable Assessed Valuations: Outside Village Village Area TOTAL TOWN County Purposes $52,893,454.0 .00 $52,893.454.00 Town Purposes 53,773,976.00 .00 $53,773,976.00 Tax Rates per $1000 Assessed Valuation: County 0.00 Town 8.583 The town will receive a share of the county sales tax $ 367,19233 418 SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES TOWN OF ULYSSES County Taxes and Assessments: General Tax $461,360.80 Town and City Account County Self -Insurance Plan 225.17 Chargabacks for. Election Expenses 2,632.90 Excess from Current Year Tax Rate 80.55 TOTAL COUNTY TAX LEVY $464,299.42 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce County Levy -276.000.09 NET COUNTY TAX LEVY 5188,299.33 Returned School and Village Taxes, Including Interest and Penalties 176.769.39 TOTAL - TO COUNTY TREASURER. $365,068.72 Town Taxes: General (town wide) 583,267.00 General (town outside village) 3,001.00 Highway (town wide) 111,849.00 ]Highway (town outside village) 59,475.00 TOTAL TOWN TAX LEVY_ 525759200 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce Town Levy 0.00 NET TOWN TAX LEVY $257592.00 Special District Taxes: Real Property Taxes Fire 533,577.00 Total 533,577.00 5 33,577.00 TOTAL - TOWN AND SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES AND/OR BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS 5291,169.00 TOTAL - TO SUPERVISOR 5291.169.00 TOTAL - ALL TAXES $656.237.72 Town Taxable Assessed Valuations: Outside Village Village Area TOTAL TOWN County Purposes $55,792,211.00 521,129,615.00 576,921.826.00 Town Purposes 555,977.951.00 521,292485.00 $77,270.436,00 Tax Rates per 51000 Assessed Valuation. County 1.089 6.036 Town 3.641 2.525 The town will receive a share of the county sales tax $ 276,000.09 419 SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES CITY OF ITIIACA County Taxes and Assessments: General Tax 31,833.899.06 Town and City Account: County Self -Insurance Plan 910.25 Chargebacks for. Election Expenses 12,234.15 Deficit from Current Year Tax Rate 346.71. TOTAL COUNTY TAX LEVY $1,846,696,75 Sales Tax Credit to Reduce County Levy 0,00 NEC COUNTY TAX LEVY 51,846,696.75 TOTAL - TO COUNTY TREASURER 51,846,696.75 TOTAL -ALL TAXES 51,846,696.75 Taxable Assessed Valuations: C Village Area TOTAL TOWN County Purposes 5304,082.898.00 50.00 $304,082,898.00 Tax Rates per $1000 Assessed Valuation: County 6,073 420 1985 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND REVENUE ACCOUNTS UNEARNED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET RECEIPTS BALANCE REAL PROPERTY -TAX ITEMS 61001 Real Property Ta.es 2,792185.00 2,797_085.00 0.00 61681 Payments in Lieu of Taxes 30,000.06 37.64208 (264208) 61090 Int & Penalties on Real Prop. Taxes 300,000 00 324,12660 (24.126.60) TOTAL- REAL PROPERTY TAX MEMS 3,122;485-00 3,153,953.68 (31,76668) NON -PROPERTY TAXES 61110 Sales and Use Tax 7,701,0600 7,906,489.08 (7(5.489.08) A1115 Non Property Tax to Reduce Town Levy 3,940,000.00 3,940,000.00 000 TOTAL - NON -PROPERTY TAXES 11,641,000.00 11,846,469.00 (205,48908) DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 81230 Treasurer Fees 48,000.00 51,613,47 (3,645.47) A1235 Tax Advertising&Expense 6,00,00 6,019.0 (18.00) A1350 Assessors Fees 16,270.0 19,955499 (3,725.99) A1255 Clerk Fees 377,404.00 386,626.0 (9,222.00) TOTAL- DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 447,634.W 464,24346 (16,609 46) PUBLIC SAFETY A1510 Sheriff Fees 61225 Prisoner Charges A5580 Probation Resgt. Surcharge TOTAL - PUBLIC SAFETY HEALTH 61601 Public Health Fees 61603 Hypotension Program A1605 Care for Handicapped Children A1606 Schuyler County Contract A1610 dome Nursing Charges A1611 Schuyler County Contract A1615 Laboratory Fees 61620 Mental Health Fees 61621 Meadow House Fees 61622 MIL Printing A1623 Mental Health Fees 81625 Mental Health Contri. - Private Agenc7 410 - Special Children., Center .421- Mental Health Association 140 - Alcoholism Council .450 - Challenge - ARC Workshop .460 - khan. Youth Bureau Day Camp .470 -Suicide Prevention .480 - Emergency Community Shelter Sub Total 61625 A1626 CA.S.A. 61650 P.E.RS. A1686 Vaccine A16875rvine Flu Donations A1688 Flu Curd[ Donations 61689 Other Health Deaprtmol Income 40,500.00 45,799.10 57,790.0 11.135.00 0.00 774.58 98,200.00 60,70058 (5,299.00) 7,3,565.00 (774 58) 17,49142 38,00,00 47,330.12 (9,330.12) 22033.0 19,503.75 2,520,3,9 100.00 2141.09 (1,141.09) 224800 1,488.0 712.00 703,00.00 625,456.68 7750332 4,090.0 1,301.50 2,788.50 15,00.0 14,287.00 71300 150,00000 148,44707 1,58293 226,500.00 342336.55 (115,836.55) 873.00 1,52264 (649.64) 21,550,00 27,08200 (553200) 98,871.00 57,370,26 19,986.0 21,833.22 62,342.0 32734.28 162571.00 051,505,90 20,246,00 20,206.42 46,438.0 36290.13 20,194.110 0.00 432,648.00 302,100.21 17564.0 11,576.45 6.660.00 1,998.0 2280.00 3,63000 0.00 953.42 0.60 1,93511 13,817W 9,385.71 421 31,500 74 (1,847.22) 29,607.72 38,985.10 (40.42) 12147.67 20,194.00 130547.79 6,787.55 4,662.00 (850.00) (953.42) (1,935.11) 4,43129 A1690 Other Health Dept., DentalSupplies 2,000.00 297200 28.00 TOTAL- HEALTH 1,660,015.00 1564,41730 95,597.70 TRANSPORTATION A1792Tom50u 180679.00 168,776.28 2590272 ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE & DEVELOPMENT Repayment oh A1801 Medical Assistance 231,500.00 .209,888.80 21,61120 A1803 Aid to Aged, Blind & Disabled 5000.00 0.00 5,000.00 A1809 Aid to Dependent Children 170,000.56 217,780.93 (47,780.93) 07811 Child Support- Ir.. dye Ea -minks 31,000.00 3292756 (1,927.56) A1819 Child Care 25,000.00 22,134.02 5865.98 A1823 Juvenile Delinyuint Care 14,000.00 10,69938 3210.62 A1829 State Training Schools 000 304765 (3,047.65) A1830 Adult Care- Public hsstituti .9 65,000.00 96,058.81 (31,058.81) A1840 Home Relief 58,10000 60,59267 (2,492.67) A1841 H.E.A.P 24,726.00 24,726,88 (0.88) A1842 Emergency Aid to Adults 40000 0.00 400.00 A1848 Burials 6,000.00 7,948.16 (1,938.16) A1870 Purchases of Services 10020 1.013.61 (913.61) TOTAL- ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE & DEV. 630,82600 687,808.47 (56,982.47) GENERAL CHARGES A2070 County -Wide Conference A2115 Planning Dept. Fees A2215 Election Expenses A2226 Sale. of Supplies A2268 Dog Control Services - Other Gav, TOTAL -GENERAL CHARGES U5E OF MONEY 1e PROPERTY A2401 Interest & Earnings A2410 Rentals A2414 Lease of Equipment A2450 CoumJssions TOTAL - USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY LICENSES & PERMITS A2545 Licenses 875.00 0.00 87500 0.00 184.16 (184.16) 13,063,00 47,278.89 (1421589) 80,000.00 95,454.59 (15,454.59) 43,000.00 14,182.48 28,187.52 156,938.00 157,730.12 (79212) 400,000.00 298,152.31 ,101,847.69 156,909,00 154,787.89 2121.11 3,600.00 3,60000 0.00 500.00 417.95 0205 561,009.00 456,958.15 104,050.85 3,750.00 4,145.00 (395.00) FINES & FORFEITURES A2610 Fines & Forfeited Bail 2000,00 2,650.00 (650.00) A2611 Fines ex Penalties - Dog Cases 500.00 000 50000 A2615 STOP -DWI 87,500.00 87295.00 105.00 TOTAL - FINES &FORFEITURES 90,000.00 90,045,00 (4600) SALE OF PROPERTY & COMP. FOR LCSS A2655 Minor Sales A2660 Sales of Real Property TOTAL -SALE OF PROP. & COM PENSATIO MISCELLANEOUS UACAL SOURCES A2701 Refunds of Plias Years Expense A2702 Fire Dispatchers A2770 Other Uruiassi ieft Revenues .010 MLueUaneous Reimbursement .020 Planning 422 7200000 16,604.98 5295.02 13,000.00 150,000.00 (137,000.00) 35,000.00 166,604.98 (131,604.98) 80,000.00 19,802.53 60,197.47 32000.00 33,06926 (1,069.26) 0.00 5,710.12 (5,710.12) 230.00 6.00 2,300.00 030 Telephone & Postage Reimb.-Co9t .035 D.A. Reimbursement Stop D.W. ). ,036 Probation Reimb Stop p. W, 1. .037 Sheriff Reimbursement Stop D W. 1 .060 Wastewater Study .070 Discounts .090 Security Officers - Airport Sub Total 02770 TOTAL • M]SCELLANEOUS STATE AID .93001 Per Capita (Revenue Sharing) A3030 District Attorney A30895tate Aid (Other) .020 EMC .060 East Ithaca Transit .070 Arson Control .080 Parole .090 Forestry Sob Total A3089 A3777 Education of Handicapped Children A3310 Probation Services A3315 Navigation law Enforcement A3330 Security Costs - Court Reporter A3401 Public Health Work A3402 WIC Nutrition A3403 Hypertension Program A34111HAP A3442 Rabies 63446 Care of Handicapped Children A3448 Adult Polio A3485 Narcotic Addiction Conmo] A3490 Mental Health .010 Mental Health other Oban 620 020 Menta Health 620 .030 Mental Retardation o/ t 620 .040 Mental Retardation 620 .000 Div. of Akobolism o/ t 818 060 Div of Alcoholism 378 070CSS. Sub Total A3490 A3994 Bra & Other Mass Transportation A3601 Medical Assistance A36O2 MMIS Revenue A3603 Aid To Aged Blind & Disabled A3609 Aid to Dependent Child,, , A3610 Social Services Administration A3611 Food Stamps A3613 Home Relief 63619 Child Cate A3623 Juvenile Delinquents A3630 Adult Care- Public Institutions A3642 Emergency Aid - Adults A3648 Burials 63670 Services for Recipients A3675 CSS/OMH A3801 Recreation for the Elderly A3903 Programs for the Aging 17,000.00 14577.53 2,422.66 6,259.00 3,59200 (2,333.00) 12809.00 14,988.60 (1.179.60) 5,500.00 2273.21 3,226.79 0.00 73551.00 (1.1,054.00) 800,00 32.13 767,87 0.00 71,319.69 (3,319.69) 44,668.00 96,597.09 (51,879.09) 156,66800 149,41888 7,249.12 365500.00 416520.17 (51,320.17) 23,825.00 23,82500 0.00 5,819.00 9,306.73 (3,496.73) 000 1613.50 (1,84350) 11,000.00 0.00 11,000.00 7500.09 2413.01 (413.03) 250.00 000 250.00 19,060.00 13.563.27 5,996.73 750,000.0 255,904.66 (5904.66) 211,30600 208,351.94 2,954.06 2000,00 (1,247.76) 3,247.76 16,005.00 11,04250 4,957.50 338815.00 393,249.86 (54,434.86) 119,529.00 101,45603 18,07297 34,520,00 34,074.43 44557 9,57000 8,034.13 133587 900.00 545.01 354.99 25,000.00 19,640.92 359.08 7000.9 137.50 1,862.50 420.750.00 299016.74 720,733.26 328,752,09 244,224.00 84,523.00 23,667.00 22,837.00 930.00 375,004.00 281,673.9 93,331.00 135,859.00 165,59300 (29,734.99 66,953.00 60,311.9 6,6429 23,529.00 17,59,00 6.029_00 360,598.9 505,9989 (145,400.00) 1,314,36200 1,298,136.00 15,226.9 502521.00 752785.16 (250,264.16) 000 (11,06383) 11,06383 0.00 96,726.58 (96,726.58) 55,000,00 000 55,09.00 1,057,73100 1,231,746.00 (179,015.00) 680857.00 964,464.48 (283,607.48) 170,458.00 167,765.0 2693.00 1,215,90.00 1,059,065.9 155,935,00 254,347.0 316,749.0 (42303.00) 205,500.00 173,712.9 31,783.00 146,486.9 150,3229 (3536.00) 10,89.00 9,999.9 801.9 7,59.00 4,974.00 75269 39,951.00 40,216.00 (265.00) 146,249.00 0.00 146,249.00 4,145.9 4,144.50 0.50 422,982.00 379,945.37 43,00643 423 43819 Youth Bureau - SDDP 010 Ulysses Youth Unlimited 7,500.00 9,157,88 (1,657.88) .020 Child Sexual Abuse 10,44900 10,449.00 031 .030 - High Risk Youth Apr. & Employ. 11,290.00 11479,58 (189.58) .060 - Planned Parenthood 3,110.00 3,110,03 0.00 .065 - Groton Youth Commission 4,325.00 4,098.95 229.05 .070 -Red Cross - Indep. Living Skills 4252.00 4,835.69 1516.31 985 -Community Dispute Res Center 250000 2,499,60 540 .090 - OAR Intake & Bad Fund 3585.00 3,985.00 980 Sub Total A3819 49,41400 49,615.70 (201.70) 93820 Youth Programs .015 -Youth Bureau 30,369.00 38,759.80 (8,390.80) .420 - Learning Web 14,300.00 14,300.00 0.00 .440 - Interum Families 9,196,00 9,196.00 0.00 .470-4-H Urban Outreach 4.1110.55 4,100.00 0.00 .505 - Day Care -Outreach 9,86700 7,689.23 2177.77 S10 - Ulysses Youth Unhmued 7,431.00 6,000 37 1,34743 .520 -Suicide Prevention 4,919.00 4,914.00 5.00 .530 - Brooktordak Como,o, ity Center 3,.550.00 1,759.94 1,790.06 535 - City of Ithaca Youth Bureau 8,640.00 8610.00 0.90 550- Emergency Community Center 4,201.00 4,28100 0.00 .555 -Battered Women 8,14200 8,14200 0,00 570-1.45. Youth Council 5,350.00 4497.92 85208 .591 - Bottom Line 8,376,00 8,37690 000 594- Offender Aid & Restoration 3,250.00 3,921.16 (671.16) .595 - One to One 19,593.00 19593 82 (0.02) .598 -Pre- School Family Support 0.00 2,177.77 (2177.77) .599 - Positive Selt-Image 63,22200 6,14559 178.41 Sub Total A3820 147,686.00 152,574.80 (4,88880) TOTAL- STATE Ail) 9,294,354.00 853473216 (242178.16) FEDERAL AID A4594 - Bus & Other Mass Transportation A4601 - Medical Assistance 64609 - Aid to Dependent Children 64610 - Social Services Ad ministration 64611 - Food Stamps 64.613 - Home Relief A4619 - Child Care ADC -FC 64641 • H-E.A.P A4670 - Services for Recipients TOTAL- FEDERAL AID TOTAL- GENERAL FUND REVENUES 70,000.00 23,44200 46,558.00 0.00 38,61600 ' (38.616.00) 2115,419,00 2,271,657.W (156,23800) 1,285,17190 896,927.35 385,243.65 170.458.00 217,898-00 (47,440.00) 7,2,500.09 Z3,715.00 (1,21903) 234,944.00 184,329.00 50,615.05 843,732.00 621466.00 21,866.00 24203700 241,224.00 813.00 4,984,261.00 4,719,67835 261,58265 32,062,51900 32,247,709.49 (185590.49) AIRPORT ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AIRPORT 81770 - Airportg Fees 61774 - Airport Concessions 62401- Interest 82410- Rena), 82701- Rehnrds - Prior Year's Expense 02770- Unclassified Revenues TOTAL -AIRPORT REVENUES UNEARNED BUDGET RECEIPTS BALANCE 119,977.00 110,513.70 9,96330 88,540.00 89,993.25 (1,453.25) 000 3,473.72 (3573.72) 61,65I.00 65,910.98 (4,249.98) 0.00 657.34 (657.34) 3,01200 54,022.12 (51,010.12) 273,18000 334,061.11 (50,65131) 424 COUNTY ROAD FUND REVENUE ACCOUNTS UNEARNED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET RECEIPTS BALANCE LOCAL SOURCES 02302- Snow Removal Services, Other Coves- 187,600.00 96,70766 90,292.94 D2401 - Interest 0.00 261729 (261729) D2701 -Rotund of Prior Years Experue 0.00 5,04273 (394773) 02770 - Other Unclassified Revenues 21,000.00 391902 17,380.18 TOTAL - LOCAL SOURCES 208,000.06 105,986.90 102013.10 STATE AID D3501 -Consolidated Highway Aid D3505 -State Bond Act TOTAL- STATE AID FEDERAL AID 04106 -safer Roads Demons/aeon Program TOTAL- FEDERAL AID TOTAL -CO. RD. REV. (Excl. Interfund) 02810 - Transfer from Genera[ Fund TOTAL - COUNTY ROAD REVENUES 848,917.00 860,35625 (11.439.25) 85,000.00 65,795.00 19,205.00 933,917.00 926,151.25 7,765.75 179,68500 179,085.90 1,321,002.00 1,933,784.00 3,254,786.00 HIGHWAY MACHINERY FUND REVENUE ACCOUNTS 1I6,297.17 116,297.17 1,148,435.32 1,933,784.00 3,082,21932 62,787.83 62787.83 172,566,68 0.00 17256668 UNEARNED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET RECEIPTS BALANCE HIGHWAY MACHINERY REVENUES 02401 -Irate:.st 1,534.00 1534.96 (0.96) 02650 -Sale of Scrap 368.00 368.7/ (071) 02655- Mirror Sales, OeheI 351.00 151.00 5,00 02770- Other Unclassified Revenues 0.00 3200 (3700) TOTAL- HGHWY. MACH. REV. (Ern. !stereo 2,25300 2,28667 (33.67) 02822- Transfer from County Road Fund 529,137.00 529,136.48 0.52 TOTAL- HCHWY. MACH. REV. (Ina. lnlerlu 531,390.00 531,4233.15 (33.15) JOB TRAINING FUND REVENUE ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION (09 TRAINING REVENUES CD2990 - DDS Employment Program CD2701 - Refund Prior Years Expense CTh210 - AVE Grant CD4743 - Tale 11 B 0134760 - J.T. P. q. 16 % incentive CO4792-Title If A 0134820 - AVE Grant C04821 - AVE Program TOTAL- JOH TRAINING REVENUES UNEARNED BUDGET 11ECEIPF5 BALANCE 19,025.00 0.00 2700.00 139,401.00 15,165.00 317,729.00 9.00 14.500.00 508,020.00 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND REVENUE ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING REVENUES F2401 -Interest F4001 -General Revenue Sharing TOTAL- FED. REVENUE SHARING REV. 26,66159 (7,636.59) 61.08 (61.08) 000 270000 96,98225 40,418.80 6,313,05 9,851.95 210,85176 106,377.24 13,45013 (13,450.13) 0.00 14,500.00 356,319.81 151,700.19 UNEARNED BUDGET RECEIPTS BALANCE 0,00 19,935.88 (19,935.88) 650,02600 633,220.00 16,806.00 650,026.00 653,155.88 (1129.88) 425 DEBT SERVICE FUND REVENUE ACCOUNTS UNEARNED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET RECEIPTS BALANCE DEBT SERVICE REVENUES V2401 - interest 0.90 9,579.01 (9,57901) 92831 - lnterfund Revenue 183,810.00 183,81080 000 V2960.620 - Serial Bends -Hospital 1,000,00080 185000000 (50,000,00) V2960.720 - Interest/Ser. Bonds - Hospital 946,800.00 946,800.00 0.00 V2970010 - BAN Library 37,946.00 37,589.00 357.00 V2975620 -Interest- BAN Library 8,111.00 9,470.00 (1,359.00) V2970630 -BAN -Warren Road 3,130.00 0.00 313000 TOTAL- DEBT SERVICE REVENUES 2,179,79780 2,237348.01 (57,451.01) GRAND TOTAL- EST. REV. OTHER 39,459,718.00 39,432,13677 27,581.23 THAN REAL. ESTATE LESS: INTSOFUND ITEMS General Fund Appropriations for: County Road Fund 1,933,784.00 1,933,784.00 0.00 Appropriations for Highway Machinery 529137.00 529,13648 052 TOTAL-INTERFUND ITEMS 2,462,921.00 2,462,920,48 0.52 GRAND TOTAL- ALL FUNDS 36,996,787.00 36.969,216.29 77,580.71 (E97 Interfund Items) GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION ACCOIJNT5 ENCUMBERED DEPARTAMENT/DESCRIPTION APPROP, EXPEND. BALANCE BALANCE 1010 BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES 800 PERSONAL SERVICES 99,636.00 99,116.67 51933 300 SIJPPIJES dr MATERIALS 8,276.00 180.82 8,095.18 8,094 50 400 CONTRACTUAL 6r OTHER EXP. 20222.00 17,851.54 2,37046 2,369 47 700 PREV. YEAR ENC. 26,245.98 2,16798 24,77800 24,078.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 154,379.98 119,317.01 35,06297 34541.97 1040 CLERK 0E1111 BOARD 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 48,199.00 46,29602 1,99298 300 SUPPLIES 8. MATERIALS 3,655.00 3,624.50 3050 28.71 400 CONTRACTUAL Jr OTHER EXP. 6,880.00 6,437.38 44262 412.00 780 PREV. YEAR ENC. 11,208.43 9.468.50 1,739.93 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 69,94243 65,736.40 4,29603 440.71 1162 COURT SECURITY/TELEPHONE 400 CONTRACTUAL 6r 01}96R EXP. 33,000.00 32606,10 393.90 DEPARTMENT TOT AL 33,00000 31606.10 393.90 0.00 426 9� § * ;,§$f 88 88E; 22888 £ 7 » §}! � -! ! gm�,k !N¥;$ «¥,t+ /,Jl,a 3 {{2§k /|8888 /,W\ 8-8: ,ww#e ke84t ,■mks: k { § B5§ # ; s » 8$N (;i\§j ewe;a, );¥[\ »«w.v: 88 \\ })4$ 2888 )z I &4r% 6»s! m.l,e/ Vng. 88888E 2@ e�k< ■s;i�= 8 88 x^'88 888888 gsgosl snnsgs"s'sgggs! s"sggaa gi `sl g`sg oO AcA m� HWII OMS m pabn .s2 00 IT �+ Tjd 7:G o % Q u �nm z i'n "•a v u $ N v18 888 °.w Li' o$ S a g a ,n 8$ 8 8 vY a 8 8 8 & S6,2 $88$ 282%arAN S$%62$& LNm lX $ Lts as $8.28s itN ctss� aw was s4. §s gw 44 !!) mr 42 ; / FJ 844 R=;<;r 2�9)(\ 8R ss$ 888882 7} $«) $@§K44 ate§ ■ 7.1 § !§§!2 87 § § \ 888 2 §)| 6488:8 88 28224:8 48224! 7888844 7!/r)§/ \(/ }§.4 g !@ &7«!: a P 8 „ ©@888.67 ®\e[ EH Vi \} En<;!\ !§\k?9 §VS",k gff; ,, , ,m-» »� ! g »w ®n 88. 88888 82 888sr 8.8868 !k8.% ,%#K !! ';1Aik. [#}9!& 464 R -g8.\ !z 8282866 } rri g !§ § ( § E ! \ ! E §� (, }, ; s : ], :) )( fkRj: (\( /)!§'2§ §(u( �$/� §/uk %§( (\ (\§( \\ §!u§ (\.`\§\ §# §j`p ; 8.k ;,� R §�,<a� (!§ >w ,«,@ w. �w !)] \§<y § L��(` (®�§° §� ;¥�§� »�#�)� ! \}§ \k§§ \\\(\\ \/(\ }((\/ () §\[() (\7/§ \(k}(/§\ B� er@ a §�� Bma r;2.Bwa 4827/§!° 75 4888 .„ ■2555# \!;&E B!\§2 15 !\n;§r !§!■!r \§■■§;§ NN NN 88 N � 8 888 ! 8~5 288888 $$"88 mS 8$8888 S g V 4 p uvti gp � NN zr r. 2888888 Nng fZ Llgx Wan 8 8 8 Hain $ 8 8 8 8 8 '"vyw N * $ O bla 8 8 8 6 5 y G 8 8888889 agase,ss N 8 \ } \)(((/) *7@3! @ \©K~/ F $rF,1, ®§k9k*5 /®"«4 aa#n e@asaz..; gRE'i 2 \{!($"} ( ; & .5- ( a / y ( /,0 4 )§W .4, z0' § §z±§.§@2 110A § Mai $$g $ $ 7®`a\ n; ;@ a §} § 7 lmReeR rm§§ F.e: 4-5- »/(\§ § §\¥ ®K®! eels {1(\ 7l;m F.' k\~}) as!!a«e -%f\ B:-.82`8.4 ,nm - Acr' §®i rr: - ! -, »,�,�_ $$$$$$ )f}) a,@ &®, $$$$$$ !\})\& )\)/ § y( 22\)ak 22§ 2 //2\ l..�m� ;EM & ;?.EVM ;§!& §§ m § 2! ;!»!■ 2!! §!n■=! 4026 C.AS.A. 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 13,756.00 13,47016 28584 300 SUPPLIES & MATE1oIAL5 L450.00 130.17 1.319.83 18.00 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER 025. 2250.00 1,008.71 1,241.29 30.44 703 PREP. YEAR ENC. 360.50 461.14 19936 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 4,560,00 4,175.10 434.90 269.90 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 22376,50 18,895.28 3,481.22 358.34 9042 PUBLIC HEALTH 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 3,20100 2,588.44 611.56 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 3,20000 2,568,44 611.56 0.00 4046 PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP 40,929.0 39,648.90 1,780.10 1,25I.88 700 PREY. YEAR ENC. 7,551.40 1,774.03 5,777.37 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 48,480.40 41,42293 7,057.47 1,251.88 4048 ADULT POLIO 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 2,000.00 2000.00 700 PREY. YEAR ENC 4,958.65 05.00 4,683.65 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 6,95865 275.00 6.68365 0.00 4050 P.E. R.S. 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 1,87100 1,87185 0.15 208 EQUIPMENT 14,101.00 7,20735 889365 6.802.50 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 160.00 11.59 148.41 32.92 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 644.00 22058 423.42 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 642.00 34455 297.45 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 17,419.00 9,655.92 7,76308 6,035,42 4080 COMP. HEALTH PLAN 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 20,517.00 20317.00 000 DEPARTMENTTOTAL 20,517,00 20517.00 0,00 0.00 4220 NARCOTIC CONTROL 408 CONTRACTUAL & 011 -TER EXP. 420,75000 210,75274 210,497.26 700 PREV. YEAR ENC. 6287329 36,00261 26,870.68 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 483,623.29 246,255.35 297,36794 000 4250 STOP 1-2401 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 27,421.00 28612.59 808.41 200 EQUIPMENT 4.600.00 4,215-64 38436 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 8,675.00 5,144.91 3530.09 53.43 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 107,480.00 77,277.70 30,202.30 4,604.93 700 PREY. YEAR ENC. 1,245,38 1,132.46 113.92 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 5,281.00 4,99398 287.02 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 154,702.38 219,376.28 35,326.10 4,658,36 4310 MENTAL HEALTH ADMIN. 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 200 EQUIPMENT 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 407 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 700 PREY. YEAR ENC. 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEPARTMENT TOTAL 89,911.00 89,910.90 0.10 41600 395.65 2035 3,350.00 2,950.89 399.11 177.04 30,495.00 28,371.75 2123.25 1,907.60 1,488 60 409.00 21,951 00 20,873.64 1,077.36 537 99 148,030.60 143,991.43 4,039.17 734,53 432 4311 M. HEALTH CLINIC 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 295,229.00 275.15110 20077.90 200 EQUIPMENT 700.00 41958 280,42 9725 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 4,125.00 3,244.46 880,54 72333 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 121,754.00 107,886.43 13,867.57 12,707.70 700 PREY. YEAR ENC, 6,61034 6,286.62 323.72 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 61,770,00 52477.02 924298 2019.14 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 490,138.34 445,465.21 44,673.13 15,541.42 4312 MEADOW HOUSE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 247,961.00 204,767,44 43,193.60 200 EQUIPMENT 16,12500 16,115.90 9.10 300 SUPPLIES&MATERIALS 12,000.00 9,290.17 2,709.83 1,16957 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EAP. 106,929.0 87,211.69 19,717.31 8,951.00 700 PREV. YEAR ENC 8,585.40 7,62906 956.34 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 54398.00 44830,12 9567.68 3,37948 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 445,99840 369,844,54 76,153.86 13,503.05 4313 CASE MANAGEMENT 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 42,430.00 31,431.83 10,499.17 200 EQUIPMENT 24,710.00 4,811.81 19,89819 19,784.00 300 5UPPLIE5 & MATERIALS 1,14500 50021 644.79 74.19 400 CONTRACTUAL &OTHER EXP_ 6,623.00 3,410.84 3,21216 1,878.36 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 7,927.00 3,874 90 4,052.20 2.879,80 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 82836.00 44.02959 38,80641 24,616.35 4322 MENTAL HEALTH 410 SPECIAL CHILD. CENTER 224,266.00 206,040.65 18,225.35 18,724.96 420 MENTAL HEALTH A59/1G. 45831.00 40,240.97 590.03 589.14 440 ALCOHOLISM COUNCIL 140,53800 109,77085 30,767.15 6,24950 450 CHALLENGE ARC 990505001P 726,758.00 675,23622 51,521.78 7,387.50 460 DAY CAMP YTH BUR 55,066.00 50,856.28 4,209.72 470 SUICIDE PREVENTION 56,87600 96,876.00 0.00 480 EMERGENCY SHELTER 40,388.00 11,907,90 28,480.10 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,324,723.00 L190,928.87 133,794.13 32451.10 4390 MENTAL HEALTH P5Y. EXP. 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 22,000.00 222,00000 500 700 1'REY. YEAR ENC. 66,257.88 18,972.69 47,285.19 47,285.19 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 88,257.88 40972.69 47.285,19 47,285.19 4520 HOSPICARE 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. DEPARTMENT TOTAL 4998 TOTAL HEALTH 0750.00 6,750.00 0.00 6,750.00 6,750.00 - 000 0.00 5,456,431.68 4,669,90524 786,526.44 217,902.47 5620 BUS OPERATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 22,769.00 19,668.67 3,100.33 300 SUPPLIES & MATER] ALS 2,952.00 2,78645 16555 141.90 400 CONTRACTUAL &OTHER EXP. 799,167.00 792,06] 42 7,105.58 3,285.80 700 PREY. YEAR ENC. 172524.93 74,448,48 98,076.45 96,636.45 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 4,33500 4.062.11 271.89 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,001,747.93 893,027.13 108,728.80 100,064.15 5631 8115 OPERATIONS 700 00.871. YEAR ENC. 236,49224 42,555.25 195,973.99 184,022.93 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 238,49224 42.518.25 195,973.99 184,02293 433 5998 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 1,240,240.17 935,51538 304,699.79 284,087.06 6010 SOCIAL SERVICES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 1,909,576,00 1,841,57959 62,996.41 200 EQUIPMENT 32446.00 24,916.79 7,731.21 5782.82 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 49,525.00 44,620.14 4,904.86 4.441.35 400 CONTRACTUAL &CM-1EREICP. 524224.00 448,620.19 78.10386 68,67225 500 TRAINING 5,05000 4,470.76 52924 247.42 700 910EV. YEAR ENC. 135,255.89 43,735.65 9152024 32,000.00 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 568,406.00 563,224.53 25182.47 4.162.40 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 3,792134.89 2,971,167.60 270,96729 115306.24 6011 WELPARE MANAGEMENT SYS. 700 PREV. YEAR ENC. 1,676.88 2,00800 068.86 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,676.68 1,00800 66888 000 6012 TITLE XX 700 MEV. YEAR ENC. 2,556.25 175.00 2,381.15 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 2,556.15 175.00 2,381.15 0.00 6030 PUBLIC HOMES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 317,373.00 299406.08 22,966.92 200 EQUIPMENT 6,428.00 2649.58 3,788.42 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 70,900.00 53,80980 17,39020 13,49637 900 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 58,165.00 48.86238 9802.62 4,732.88 700 ?REV. YEAR ENC. 35.526.55 6,659.51 28,867.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 488,402.51 406,387.35 82,015.16 15,22905 6070 PURCHASE OF SERVICES 900 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP_ 12281600 37151539 0.61 DEPARTMENTTOTAL 322,81600 32281559 3,61 000 6100 SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAMS 430 6101 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE 400 6102 MED. ASST. STATE 4006109 AID TO DEP. CHILD. 4006119 CHILDCARE 4006127 DELINQUENT CARE 4006129 STATE TRAINING SCH. 4006140 HOME RELIEF 400 6141 FUEL CRISIS ASST 57 400 6142 EMERGENCY AID ADULT 4006148 BURIALS 7006141 PREY. YEARS ENC. DEPARTMENT TOTAL 251,217.00 251,216,07 3.93 2213,793.00 7,.151,715.16 62,077.84 4,400,85500 4,400,354.36 0.64 792,471.00 792,470.38 0.62 389,92538 358,546.88 31576.12 146,654.00 126,653.71 20.000.29 20,000.00 2450,000.00 2,382,91299 67,08701 853,257.00 853,021.61 235.39 27,000.00 19,991 80 2008.20 54,000.00 48,20088 5.799.12 5,799.00 120,202.80 470.00 119,73180 27,694,37480 11,385,85584 308,520.96 25,799.00 6210 CETA ADMINISTRATION 700 PREV. YEAR ENC. 19,36625 19366.25 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 19,366.25 0.00 19,36625 000 6250 BATTERED WOMEN 700 PREY. YEAR INC 42000 420.00 000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 42000 420.00 0,00 0.00 6326 ECONOMIC OPPOR7UNITY CORP 400 ECONOMIC OPP. CORP. 20,22500 20,224.08 0.92 401 S. TIER FOOD BANK 6,500 00 4,875.00 1,625.00 1,625.00 700 PREV. YEAR ENG 1,625.00 1625.00 000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 28,35000 26,724.08 1,675.92 1,625.00 '434 6327 ITHACA NEIGHBORHOOD HSG. 400 ITHACA NEIGHBORHOOD HSG. 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 5,000.00 5,000.00 000 0.00 6410 PUBLICITY 400 FINGER LAKES ASSOC. 13230.00 13,230.00 000 401 I LOVE NY 5,000.00 5.000.00 0.00 402 TRAVEL GUIDE 5,500.00 550000 000 410 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 5,500.00 5500.00 0.00 430 R.S.V.P. 2,900.00 2811.71 88.29 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 37,130.00 32041.71 8829 0.00 6420 PROMOTION OF INDUSTRY 400 PROMOTION OF INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT TOTAL 6998 TOTAL ECON. ASST. & 0000. 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,00000 000 0.00 15,842,227.48 15,156,592.97 685,634.51 157,959.29 7020 YOUTH BUREAU 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 41,905.00 40,312.38 1,59262 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 2336.03 2086.38 24962 24825 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 18,015.00 16,410.95 1,604.05 850.79 700 PREV. YEAR ENC 1109 216.54 655 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 62479.09 59,02625 3,45284 1,09904 7022 YOUTH PROGRAMS 420 LEARNING WEB 14,300.00 12379.92 1,920.08 1,920.08 440 INTERIM FAMILIES 13,996.00 12926.10 1,069.90 1,069,90 470 4H HANCOCK 4,100.00 4,10000 0.00 505 DAY CARE, OUTREACH 9,867.00 7,689.23 2,177.77 2177.77 510 ULYSSES YOUTH UNLIMITED 7431 6,027.54 1,403.46 1,403.46 520 SUICIDE PREVENTION 4,919.00 3,766.81 1,15219 1,15219 530 BROOKTONDALE COMM CTR 3,550.00 1,759.94 1,790.06 1,790.06 535 CITY YOUTH BUREAU 8,6.10.00 8,640.00 0.00 550 EMERGENCY COMM SHELTER 4,281.00 3,437.71 843.29 843.29 555 BATTERED WOMEN 8,142.00 5,75252 2389.48 2,389.48 570 I.Y.B. YOUTH COUNCIL 5,35000 2770.28 2579.72 2,579.72 591 BOTTOM UNE 8,376,00 7,733.09 64291 64291 594 OFF. AID & RFS1OR. 3,250.00 2666.83 583.17 583.17 595 ONE TOONE 19,593.00 14,621.77 4.971.21 9,971.23 600 POSITIVE SELF IMAGE 6,322.00 5,024.37 1,297.63 1,297.63 700 PREV. YEAR ENC. 25,294.71 23,480.26 1,814.45 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 147,411.71 122776.37 24,63534 22,820.89 7023 YOUTH PROG. S0PP 410 ULYSSES YI14 UNLIMTTED 7,500.00 6,23034 1,269.66 1,269.66 420 CHILD ABUSE PROGRAM 10,449.00 10,449.W 0.03 430 HIGH RISK YOUTH 11,290.00 8,416.20 2873.80 2873.80 460 REDC0005 6,25200 4,85369 1,41631 1,41637 465 GROTON 5316 COMM. 4,328.00 3,218.60 1,109.40 1.109.40 470 PLANNED PARENTHOOD 3,110.00 2,837.61 272.39 27239 485 CDRC-000P 2,500.00 1,909.20 59060 590.80 490 OAR INTAKE & BAIL FUND 3,985.00 3,164.45 82055 820.55 700 PREV. YEAR ENC. 12878.27 9,878.71 2,999.56 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 62292D 50,939.00 10,35247 8,35291 7024 SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. DEPARTMENT TOTAL 435 25,000.00 21,16535 3,834.65 180.00 25,0(0.00 21,165.35 3,834.65 180.00 7410 LIBRARY 400 FINGER LAKES UB. ASSCC 11,770.00 11,77000 0.00 410 LIBRARIES IN TOWNS 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 420 TOM. CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY 408,164.00 408,164.00 000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 425,934.00 425,934.00 0.00 0.00 75510141ST SERV CONTROL 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 44,800.00 44,800.00 0.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 44,800.00 44,800.00 0.00 0.00 7550 CELEBRATIONS 410 VETERANS/FLAG DAY 1550.00 1,425.00 125.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,550.00 1,425.00 125.00 0.00 7560 TOn4P. COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL 400 TOMP. COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL 7500.00 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 7,50000 7500.00 000 7610 OFFICE OF AGING 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 44.818.00 41,529.91 3,288.09 300 SUPPUES & MATERIALS 1510.00 1.045.48 464.52 32656 400 CONTRACTUAL be OTHER EXP. 27,609.0 24,505.81 3,103.19 2,005.67 700 PREY. YEAR ENC 2816.40 2,54954 266.86 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1254500 1206947 475.53 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 89,298.40 81,700.21 7598.19 2332.23 7611 IN SERVICE TRAINING 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,053.29 54.48 998.81 992.77 1,003.71 1,002.91 0.80 2057.00 1,05739 999.61 992.77 7612 RS.V.P. 400 CONTRACTUAL & OT1100 EXP. 8,673.00 6,504.75 2168.25 2,168.25 700 PREV. YEAR ENC 2,312.00 231200 0.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 10,985.00 8,816.75 2,168.25 2,168.25 7613 SNAP 100 PERSONALSERVICES 1,395,00 1,395.00 0.00 200 EQUIPMENT 15,817.00 15,817.00 0.00 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 70.00 64,76 524 524 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 103,218.00 62492.84 40,725.16 39,908.16 700 PREV. YEAR ENC. 41,506,77 37,476.46 4,03031 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 162,006.77 117,246,06 44,760.71 39,913.40 7614 TITLE V 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 700 PREV. YEAR ENC DEPARTMENT TOTAL 7615 NUTRITION 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 700 PREV. YEAR ENC DEPARTMENT TOTAL 7616 COMM. SERV. FOR ELDERLY 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 24,728.00 23,470.17 1,257.83 1.25783 5,242.59 5,242.59 0.00 29,97039 28,712 76 1,257.83 1,257.83 151,736.00 138,137.42 15,598.58 15,487.75 1,811.18 1,521.18 290.00 155,547.18 139,658.60 15,868.58 15,487.75 15,689.00 14,101.59 1,587.41 500.00 467.39 32.61 28.26 •436 g`sgg"a! g! a$ 8 a! lingo. g'ggs 1 g§gam §gg � p c. m 1 -- -" 8 b. ro-C py ,7- '' i>>8z-I , ,> DHO 8 ZD Z2'>D ZA,.R>C Aoy, Z f TO n�e ' Kn rnC>A ^mf>> n - - A m R. 2 Q 2 2 2 rA 2 z 2 b A W v .. .. w ., ui N n 13dssss W� s asysss y 1ss88 ss 1� 8 s ss a $868 =88 aof a h oG t44spis 8 s s sat&sti ss 1)4 .-.P; PP 88 N y W& o q8 8 a 8 G N Y = 8 8 s S s sN 'd :12a2 55 g 0 G 8:,888 8 8160 SANITARY LANDFILL 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 60,268.00 57,708.46 2559.54 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 30,382,00 30,380.67 1.33 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 356,745.00 354,18143 2,563.37 700 PREV. YEAR ENC 43,338.07 41,90895 1,429.12 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 490,733.07 484,179.71 6,553.36 0.00 8720 F151 -I & GAME 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 2250.00 2250.00 0.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 2250.00 2,250.00 000 0.00 8730 SOIL CONSERVATION DISTR. 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 6,000.00 6,00000 0.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 8745 FLOOD CONTROL 700 PREV. YEAR ENC 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 8750 AG & LIVESTOCK 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 250000 2500.00 000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 2500.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 8998 TOTAL HOME & COMM. SERV. 776,950.10 718,36057 58,589.53 34559.13 9000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 4009010 RETIREMENT 515,956.00 510,539.33 5,416.67 4009030 SOCIAL SECURITY 241,06200 207,14294 33,919.06 4009040 COMPENSATION 55,117.00 53555.50 1,561.50 400 9060 HEALTH INSURANCE 245,936.00 134,240.48 111,695.52 400 9070 UNEMPLOYMENT INS. 10,249.00 10,249.00 0.00 700 9070 PRE YEAR ENC. 551.15 551.15 0.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,068,871.15 916,278.40 152.59275 0.00 9098 TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,068,871.15 916,278.40 152592.75 0.00 9500 TRANSFERS 4009522 COUNTY ROAD 4009530 TRANS. DEBT SERVICE 400 9990 TRANSFER 99 CONST. DEPARTMENT TOTAL 9898 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 1,933,784.00 1,933,784.00 0.00 75,945.00 75,945.00 0.00 3,924.54 392454 0.00 2,013,653.54 2013,653.54 0.00 0.00 2013,65354 2013,653.54 0.00 000 9998 T0TAL GENERAL FUND (A) 34,795,410.98 32084,839.06 2710,571.92 1,12290225 AIRPORT ENTERPRISE FUND APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTS ENCUMBERED DEPARTMENT/DESCRIPTION APPROP. EXPEND. BALANCE BALANCE 5610 AIRPORT 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 126,136.00 121,068.96 5,067.04 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 17,436.00 13,419.76 4016.24 3,940.45 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 11222.7.00 95,234.67 16992.33 14,354.72 700 PREV. YEAR ENC. 25,634.40 18,609.59 7,024.81 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 29,709.00 29,614.80 94.20 900 TRANSFER TO CONSTUCTION 19,967.00 19,967.00 0.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 311,190.40 297,914.78 33.194.62 18.295.17 438 8gsx E8E8ti Eq E^�^ EE§E = EEEO(.� EEEs=b 8 p n 'a Z m y 'L O N N O n o IPP n O O '''9' 9 - >mT,v ;;,u4 � D O y . jgZ 9 ZA p›.. "Sm rP." A '' gr�0 >> 3.-21,''0 4Y 4-2;,7,?. ,aRro • g q p 8 n x m` q t o !Pflfl n, 0 °, n:0 z 2 2 z Q • %;ffl� :AF611,§ VNO 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 888 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 tai 'a 8 8 8 0'8 8 8 8 • J ..--, �" � A �N}l r d SdmGaS& y NNra & wr: Y 8 � $ 8 ,:',8, X81 88 $:88 ,4. 8,8886 aEd o g 8 ;i T 8888'a E'i G.- 88 •8:-.:8:,•28'5 V 808 G& tl ffi m 8 8 8 88 8 88 89 8 8 0 ° z a n O 8 z HIGHWAY MACHINERY FUND APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTS ENCUMBERED DEPARTMENT/DESCRIPTION APPROP )3ALANCB BALANCE 5130 HIGHWAY MACH. 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 137167.35 137167.22 0.13 200 EQUIPMENT 216,48724 210,14724 6340.00 6,340.00 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 210,095.9 209,488.58 607.21 607.21 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 97,966.22 92,467.72 5,499.00 5,499.00 700 00EV. YEAR ENC 51.670.45 49.390.14 2,25031 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 49,673.40 49,673.40 0.00 DEPARTMENT 117TAL 763,060.45 748,333.80 14,726.65 12,446.21 5198 TOTAL HIWAY MACH FUND 763,060.45 748,333.80 14,726.65 12,446.21 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTS ENCUMBERED DEPARTMENT/ DESCRIPTION APPRO . EXPEND. BALANCE BALANCE 3000 HUMAN SERVICES GRANTS 4006326 TOMP. CO. EDC 25,847.00 25,847.00 0.00 4003170 OFF. AID &RESTOR 41,129.00 41,129.00 0.00 4004250 HOSPICARE 6,750.00 6,750.00 0.00 4006250 BATTERED WOMEN 13,770.00 12710.08 1,059.92 1,059.92 4007023 EMERGENCY SHELTER 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 4007612 R5.V.P. 3,500.00 3,500.00 000 4016326 CHORES 9,300.00 9,181.76 118.24 11824 4104322 SPEC CHILD. CEN 15,000.00 11,67266 3,32734 327.34 4207022 LEARNING WEB 5,000.00 .3,750.00 1250.00 1,250.00 4307622 GADABOUT 37,00000 36,999.96 0.04 4407622 SR CITIZENS CNL 5,000.00 4,628.40 371.60 371.60 4504372 CHALLENGE ARC WKSHP 26,757.00 . 26.756.99 . 0.01 4704322 SUICIDE PREVENTION 7,697.00 6,053.88 1,643.12 1,643.12 7004322 PREY. YEAR ENC 12166.42 10,762.55 1,400.87 700 6326 PREY. YEAR ENC. 7,73522 2,365.67 4,86955 700 7612 PREV. YEAR ENC 1,08831 1,088.31 0.00 700 7672 PREY. YEAR ENC. 6,731.38 2789.10 3,942218 3,942.28 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 228,971.33 210,98536 17,985.97 11,71250 7410 PUBLIC LIBRARY 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. DEPARTMENT TOTAL 397,323.00 397,323.00 397,323.00 397,323.00 000 0.00 000 95001NIERFUND TRANSFERS 4009516 TRANSFER TO DEBT SER 107,865.00 107,865.00 0.00 4009999 TRANSFER TO CONT. 99 20,000.00 20,000.00 000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 127,865.00 177865,00 0.00 0.00 9598 TOTAL FED. REV. SHARING 754,159.33 736,173.36 17,985.97 11,712.50 JOB TRAINING FUND APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT/DESCRIPTION 6241 108 INC. ADMIN. 118 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 700 PREV. YEAR ENC. 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEPARTMENT TOTAL ENCUMBERED APPROF EXPEND. BALANCE BALANC$ 13,202.00 8,110.15 5,091.85 258.00 108.08 149.92 2058.00 961.20 1,09680 10.00 10.00 000 3,047.00 1,758.86 1,288.14 18,575.00 10,94829 7,626.71 0.00 440 gal gggggg2 gsg. gg`sgg2 gggg2 'sa gggg$ gr"' o9a> m Wr'0 o aNb V; 0 8'M; zR >s nn �z Ain›no '6.`n 2 0 8� >hi gl ;� �z F' c,, 5 r Rn` D m A� R` r Z C R�` r p.,/ caZ'a� pryA� �Z�aAa�Caz rp.,/;.74 c r a r r a G r r a A A A A .. A A r, ZmNg< 3 t� K em Ci Ip "' B t N±A5$ k't gea "g � gg � ANN §ggVg §§ 88 u8�8888 SS8 Wsws88 $8888 88 $$$88 88888 8 88 g (3 N , 0 " }" EEtiag In U vN v .ZA88A614 SS; t�� Nom' pg r.r.;.888,-,5aBW�wr.;.888,-,5as Saris mssas o§ N 0C y 8 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 2173.00 2,173,00 0.00 700 PREV. YEAR ENC. 305.00 249.00 56.00 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 3,448.00 2984.00 46400 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 19,330.00 18,448.99 881.01 0.00 6391 ITPA/SE 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 2.700.00 2,700.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 2.700.00 0.00 2,700.00 000 7320 AVE ADMIN 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 7,943.00 7,94294 0.06 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 170.00 49.20 120.80 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 70000 39298 307,02 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,44100 1,428.13 1287 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 10,25400 9,813.25 440.75 0.00 7321 AVE SERVICES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 1,84200 1,833.45 8.55 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 1,11600 789.41 32659 800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 283.00 209.09 73.91 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 3,241.00 2,831.95 409.05 0.00 7322 AVE TRAINING 300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 930.00 527.71 40229 400 CONTRACTUAL & OTHER EXP. 75.00 75.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,005.00 527.71 477.29 0.00 7398 TOTAL JPTA FUND 555,726.18 362,718.86 193,07732 13,39550 DEBT SERVICE FUND APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTS ENCUMBERED DEPARTME /DESCRIPTION APPROP. EXPEND. BALANCE BALANCE 9600 DEBT SERVICE FUND 610 BAN -LIBRARY 37,946.00 37,946.00 0.00 615 BAN- LIBRARY RENOVATIONS 107,86500 28,036.05 79,828.95 79,828.95 620 BONDS -HOSPITAL 1,000,000,00 1,000,000.00 0,00 620 BAN - WARREN ROAD 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 710 BAN. INT. LIBR. EQUIP. 8,111.00 8,111.00 0.00 720 BOND INT. -HOSPITAL 946,800.00 946,800.00 0.00 720 BAN. INT. -WARREN ROAD 9,075.00 9,07238 2.62 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 2.179,797.00 2,099,965.43 79,83157 79,828.95 9698 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 2.179,797.00 2,099,965.43 79,832.57 79,82895 9798 GRAND TOTAL 42943,603.99 39,456,144.09 3,487,459.90 1,429,76789 442 1986 TOWN BUDGET SUMMARIES TOWN OF CAROLINE SUMMARY OF 1986 TOWN BUDGET 443 Approp.& Provisions for Other Uses Less Estimated Revenues Less Unexpected Balance Amt. to be Raised by Tax CODE FUND A B DA DB CD CF L V S General General Outside Village Highway- Townwide Highway - Outside Village Community Development Federal Revenue Sharing Public Library Fund Debt Service Fund SPECIAL DISTRICTS: Brooktondale Light Slaterville Light Speedsville Light Caroline Fire Protection Brooktondale Fire Slaterville Fire Dist. $176,110.00 585,125,00 534,000.00 $56,985.00 342,650.00 62,525.00 18,024.00 262,101.00 15,300.00 14,900.00 400.00 -0- 4,200.00 175.00 900.00 3,125.00 3,200.00 125.00 400.00 2,675.00 1,400.00 70.00 200.00 1,130.00 17,000.00 -0- -0- 17,000.00 41,612.00 7,950.00 -0- 33,662.00 22,175.00 -0- -0- 22,175.00 Totals 5623,647.00 5170,870.00 553,924.00 5398,853.00 443 TOWN OF DANBY SUMMARY OF 1986 TOWN BUDGET 444 Approp.& Provisions for Other Uses Less Estimated Revenues Less Unexpected Balance Amt. to be Raised by Tax CODE FUND A B DA DB CD CF L V 5 General General Outside Village Highway - Townwide Highway -Outside Village Community Development Federal Revenue Sharing Public Library Fund Debt Service Fund Total: General & Highway SPECIAL DISTRICTS: Fire District Water District 5158,289.00 558,248.00 560,000.00 540,036.00 300,806.00 57,465.00 38,000.00 205,34100 59,823.00 18,369,00 41,454.00 -0- 459,090.00 115,713.00 98,000.00 245,377.00 118,878.00 118,878-00 23,715.00 10,900.00 6.815.00 6,500.00 Totals 5661,506.00 5144,48200 5146,269.00 5370,755.00 444 TOWN OF DRYDEN SUMMARY OF 1986 TOWN BUDGET TOWN OF ENFIELD SUMMARY OF 1986 TOWN BUDGET Approp.& Provisions for Other Uses Less Estimated Revenues Less Unexpected Balance Amt. to be Raised by Tax CODE FUND A B DA DB CD CF L V 5 General General Outside Village Highway - Townwide Highway - Outside Village Community Development Federal Revenue Sharing Public Library Fund Debt Service Fund SPECIAL DISTRICTS: Lighting 41 - Vama Lighting #2 - Etna Lighting 43 - Meadow Water #1 Dryden Fire McLean Fire Dist. Sewer #1 - Sapsucker Sewer #2 - Varna Sewer #3 - Cortland Rd. 5388,640.00 5166,000.00 575,000.00 5147,640.00 102,905.00 58,000.00 39,905.00 5,000.00 664,950.00 50,000.00 -0- 614,950.00 432400.00 140,000.00 50,000.00 242,400.00 54,300.00 49,500.00 4,800.00 -0- 12,285.00 12,285.00 3,000,00 300.00 2,700.00 2300.00 $451,361.00 1,000.00 1,300.00 2250.00 2,250.00 57,000.00 35,000.00 22,000.00 199,300.00 517,200.00 182,100.00 9,483.23 9,483,23 3,200.00 3,200.00 51,000.00 12,000.00 39,000.00 23,000.00 5,000.00 18,000.00 Totals 51,993,728.23 5515,500.00 5188,203.00 51,290,023.23 TOWN OF ENFIELD SUMMARY OF 1986 TOWN BUDGET 445 Approp.& Provisions for Other Uses Less Estimated Revenues Less Unexpected Balance Amt. to be Raised by Tax CODE FUND A B DA DB CD CF L V 5 General General Outside Village Highway - Townwide Highway - Outside Village Community Development Federal Revenue Sharing Public Library Fund Debt Service Fund SPECIAL DISTRICTS: Enfield Fire 5112,355.00 966,533.00 $30,000.00 515,822.00 248,346.00 38,246.00 30,000.00 180,100.00 14,650.00 14,650.00 12,285.00 12,285.00 63,725.00 63,725.00 Totals $451,361.00 5119,429.00 560,000.00 5271,932.00 445 TOWN OF GROTON SUMMARY OF 1986 TOWN BUDGET TOWN OF NEWFIELD SUMMARY OF 1986 TOWN BUDGET Approp.& Provisions for Other Uses Less Estimated Revenues Less Unexpected Balance Amt. to be Raised by Tax CODE FUND A B DA DB CD CF L V S General General Outside Village Highway-Townwide Highway - Outside Village Community Development Federal Revenue Sharing Public Library Fund Debt Service Fund SPECIAL DISTRIC.Ib Groton Fire Protection McLean Fire District Peru Light District McLean Light District 5270,372.00 $56,500.00 520,000.00 5193,872.00 58,000.00 3,600.00 72,000.00 42,400.00 310,500.00 27,000.00 150,000.00 133,500.00 159,469.00 63,417.00 24,000.00 72,0.52.00 35,752.00 35,752.00 69,500.00 -0- 31,940.00 -0- -0- 31,940.00 20,537.77 -0- -0- 20,537.77 1,200.00 17,070.00 51,780.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 11,000.00 56,220.00 2,000.00 Totals 5889,770.77 5186,269.00 5206,000.00 5497501.77 TOWN OF NEWFIELD SUMMARY OF 1986 TOWN BUDGET 446 Approp.& Provisions for Other Uses Less Estimated Revenues Less Unexpected Balance Amt. to be Raised by Tax CODE FUND A 8 DA DB CD CF L V S General General Outside Village Highway - Townwide Highway - Outside Village Community Development Federal Revenue Sharing Public Library Fund Debt Service Fund SPECIAL DISTRICTS Fire SFI Light SLI Water SW1 Sewer SSI 5232,285.00 $97,030.00 635,000.00 $100,255.00 518,800.00 66,000.00 60,000.00 392,800.00 98,500.00 29,000.00 69,500.00 -0- 62500.00 -0- -0- 62,500.00 8,800.00 -0- -0- 8,800.00 96,850.00 17,070.00 51,780.00 28,000.00 100,340.00 11,000.00 56,220.00 33,120.00 Totals $1,118,075.00 5220,100.00 , $272,500.00 $625,475.00 446 TOWN OF LANSING SUMMARY OF 1986 TOWN BUDGET CODE A B DA DB CF V SW2 SW3 SW4, 5,6,7 SL P P FUND General General Outside Village Highway - Townwide Highway - Outside Village Federal Revenue Sharing Debt Service Fund TOTALS SPECIAL DISTRIL15 Lansing Fire District Lansing Water Dist #2 Lansing Water #3 McKinney's Lansing Water Systems & Barg -Warner Ludlowville Light Dist #1 Special Assess. Water Dist #1 Special Assess. Sewer Dist #2 District Totals GRAND TOTALS Approp.& Provisions for Other Less Estimated Less Unexpected Amt. to be Raised by Uses Revenues Balance Tax 5525,252.00 8249,216.00 5180,000.00 596,036.00 33,500.00 28,500.00 5,000.00 - 465,148.00 118,538.00 28,000.00 318,610.00 280,925.00 89,993.00 30,000.00 161,43200 49,584.00 - 49,584.00 - 13,180.00 788.00 110.00 12,28200 $1,367,589.00 $486,535.00 5292,694.00 5588,360.00 5574,891.00 5292,880.00 $44,300.00 $287,669.00 5264,300.00 55,000.09 - 5259,300.00 14,929.00 7,190.00 56,621.00 1,118.00 4,287.31 2,900.00 400.00 987.31 111,613.58 52,993.58 - 58,620.00 1,190.00 - - 1,190.00 123,744.80 123,744.00 - - 30,724.00 850.00 - 29,674.00 $550,788.69 5192,678.38 57,021.00 5351,089.31 51,918,377.69 $679,213.38 5299,715.00 5939,949.31 TOWN OF ULYSSES SUMMARY OF 1986 TOWN BUDGET CODE A B DA DB CF 5 FUND General General Outside Village Highway - Townwide Highway -Outside Village Federal Revenue Sharing SPECIAL, DISTRIL Ib Fire Protection TOTALS Approp.& Provisions for Other Less Estimated Less Unexpected Amt. to be Raised by Uses Revenues Balance Tax 5185,723.00 591,956.00 514,000.00 579,767.00 17,88200 14,839.00 -0- 3,001.00 172,759.00 47,610.00 13,300.00 111,849.00 129,000.00 52,525.00 17,000.00 59,475.00 35,950.00 35,950.00 33,577.00 33,577.00 5574,891.00 5292,880.00 $44,300.00 $287,669.00 44.7 TOWN OF ITHACA SUMMARY OF 1986 BUDGET FUND ADOPTED BUDGET 1986 GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE (includes Village & Parttown) Appropriations Appro. Fund Balance & Revenues Gross Tax Levy Sales Tax Levy TOTAL TO BE RAISED IN TAXES GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE TAX RATE GENERAL FUND PARTTOWN TAX RATE ASSESSMENT 627,500.00 334,000.00 293,500.00 293,500.00 1.127 260,324,811.00 HIGHWAY FUND & GEN'L FUND OUTSIDE VILLAGE (parttown area only) Appropriations 606,400.00 Appro. Fund Balance & Revenues 191,000.00 TOTAL TO BE RAISED IN TAXES 415,400.00 GENERAL FUND OUTSIDE VILLAGE & HIGHWAY FUND TAX RATE 2331 ASSESSMENT 178,173,346.00 FIRE PROTECTION FUND Appropriations Unexpended Balance & Revenues 389,724.00 8,000.00 TOTAL TO BE RAISED IN TAXES 381,724.00 FIRE PROTECTION TAX RATE 2.074 TOTAL TAX RATE (Outside Cayuga Heights) 5.533 FOREST HOME LIGHTING Appropriations 1,550.00 Appro. Fund Balance & Revenues 50.00 TOTAL TO BE RAISED IN TAXES FOREST HOME LIGHTING TAX RATE 448 1 1,500.00 .310 GLENSIDE LIGHTING Appropriations Appro. Fund Balance & Revenues TOTAL TO BE RAISED IN TAXES GLENSIDE LIGHTING TAX RATE RENWICK HEIGHTS LIGHTING Appropriations Appro. Fund Balance & Revenues TOTAL TO BE RAISED IN TAXES RENWICK HTS. LIGHTING TAX RATE 740.00 40.00 700.00 0.621 850.00 30.00 820.00 0.289 EASTWOOD COMMONS LIGHTING Appropriations Appro. Fund Balance & Revenues TOTAL TO BE RAISED IN TAXES EASTWOOK CMN. LIGHT. TAX RATE I,650.00 50.00 1,600.00 0.487 CLOVER LANE LIGHTING Appropriations Appro. Fund Balance & Revenues TOTAL TO BE RAISED IN TAXES CLOVER LANE LIGHTING TAX RATE 449 260.00 10.00 250.00 0.417 CITY OF ITHACA SUMMARY 0F1986 BUDGET REVENUE COMM, GENERAL WATER SEWER SHARING ASS APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL FUND FUND FUND FUND Fl General Govt Support 52,288,875 52,104,800 $65,600 $42,000 $76,475 Public Safety 4,704,827 4,582,217 122,610 Health 385 385 Transportation 2,489,554 2,467,554 22,000 Culture I. Recreation 1,546,863 1,512,803 34,060' Home & Community Serv, 2,714,919 661,614 971,691 1,013,114 68,500 Employee Benefits 3,264,222 2,496.855 135,100 200,700 431,567 Debt Service 1,488,550 1,186,525 160,243 85,007 55E Interfund Transfers 25,000 25,000 Total Appropriations 518,523,195 515,037,753 51,332,634 51,340,821 5755,212 SSE ESTIMATED REVENUES Real Property Tax Items 5161,520 $88,000 $7: Non -Property Tax Items 3,963,000 3,963,000 Departmental Income 3,795,050 1,807,300 5950,250 51,037,500 Use of Money 8 Property 633,500 450,500 110,000 20,000 550,000 Licenses & Permits 33,900 33,900 Fines & Forfeitures 347,700 347,700 Sale of Prop. & Comp. for Loss 43,500 41,500 1,000 1,000 Miscellaneous 111,800 111,800 Interfund Revenues 167,100 167,100 Interfund Transfers 58,600 20,000 11.600 27,000 State Aid 3,062,875 3,012,875 Federal Aid 512,000 12,000 Total Estimated Revenues 512,890,515 510,055,675 51,072,850 51,135,500 5550,000 $7t 50,000 500,000 Approp. Cash Surplus 1,132,223 481,651 259,784 205,321 205,212 (11 TOTAL REVENUES 514,022,768 $10,537,326 51,332,634 51,340,821 5755,212 $50 450 1986 COUNTY AND TOWN TAX RATES COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK Based on 1985 Assessment Rolls (per $1,000 assessed value) 1985-86 Tax District I n County Eire Light Water Village CAROLINF 7.509 0 Brooktondale 1.672 0.571 Slaterville 1.769 0.81 Caroline 1.746 Speedsville J)ANRY 5.803 0.9 2.741 DRYDEN-OUTSIDE 5.132 0.77 1.059 Freeville Village 3.714 5.796 Dryden Village 3.714 5.796 Etna Light 0.355 Varna Light 0.68 McLean Fire 1.58 Meadow/Leasure Light 2.425 1.514 1.999 ENFIELD GROTON-OU-[SIDF Groton Village Peruville Light McLean ■6 •1\-• 5.537 0 1.885 6.618 0 1.055 2.99 6.03 5.17 5.864 9.5 0.664 1.595 0.966 2.832 0 2.074 Cayuga Heights 1.127 5.661 4.64 Forest Home Light 0.31 Glenside Light 0.621 Renwick Heights Light 0.289 Eastwood Commons Light 0.487 Clover Lane Light 0.417 LANS.I.N_CazaLLLSIDE 2.624 1.741 - 0.998 Lansing Village 1.673 5.719 2.45 Ludlowville Light 0.635 ivlcKinney's Water 0.737 NEWFIELD 8.583 0 1.131 0.937 1.5 I.LYSSES-OUTSIDE 3.641 1.089 0.576 Trumansburg Village 2.525 6.036 5 CITY OF ITHACA 6.073 (CITY) 14.8 451 1985 FRANCHISE TAX BILLINGS BY TOWN CAROLINE DANBY DRYDEN ENFIELD GROTON ITHACA LANSING NEWFIELD ULYSSES TOTAL AMERICAN TV 423.40 425.86 2,353.06 173.72 1,300.96 1,082.93 844.87 783.37 627.66 8,015.83 BUCKEYE PIPELINE 0.00 0.00 952.25 0.00 3,108.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,060.26 CONSOLIDATED GAS 0.00 13,090.72 69,472.75 0.00 11,517.69 2,235.17 0.00 31,547.01 0.00 127,863.34 CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE 160.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.83 0.00 170.82 CHENANGO UNADILLA TELE 0.00 8.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.28 CONRAIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.49 0.00 20.49 EASTERN MICROWAVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.17 0.00 58.17 EMPIRE TELEPHONE 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 189.56 0.00 195.87 GENERAL EXECTRIC RADIO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 181.06 0.00 181.06 IROQUOIS TELEPHONE 8,383.01 57.69 21,459.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,900.32 LEHICH VALLEY RR 0.00 2,780.33 0.00 0.00 33.67 1,225.69 4,662.11 1,568.89 0.00 10,270.69 MOBIL OIL CORP 0.00 1,464.53 0.00 1,235.59 0.00 457.54 0.00 1,367.41 584.96 5,110.03 NYSEG 13,364.43 13,005.37 130,834.12 8,191.72 19,484.89 73,899.70 488,211.98 22,852.92 19,854 81 789,699.94 NY TELEPHONE 183.25 11,029.39 12,173.08 7,303.78 20,103.78 40,539.94 23,936.71 21,152.87 2,284.52 138,707.32 TEXAS EASTERN TRANS 2,939.42 1,992.60 927.94 773.59 0.00 74.32 0.00 2,541.47 0.00 9,249.34 TRUMANSBURG TELEPHONE 0.00 0.00 0.00 497.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,906.05 9,403.35 WESTERN COUNTIES TELE 0.00 483.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.91 0.00 487.39 WESTERN UNION 0.00 0.00 1,097.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.76 857.81 0.00 1,963.03 TOTAL 25,454.50 44,338.25 239,270.28 18,182.01 55,549.00 119,515.29 517,663.43 83,134.77 32,258.00 1,135,365.53 1985 LOCAL LAW INDEX 1985 Local Laws Local Law No. Local Law Title of 1985 A Local Law Establishing a Limited Grant Program to Assist and Encourage Various Towns to Initiate Public Water Supply Feasibility Studies 2 of 1985 A Local Law in Relation to the Alternate Veterans Exemption for Real Property Taxes (Repealed by Local Law No. 1 of 1997) 3 of 1985 A Local Law Amending Article VIII of the Tompkins County Charier and Code Reorganizing the Tompkins County Health Department to Provide for a Public Health Director in Place of a Commissioner of Health (Amended by Local Law No. 5 of 1985) 4 of 1985 A Local Law Amending Article 1, Section 1.05 of the Tompkins County Charter and Code to Correct the Description of the County Seal 5 of 1985 A Local Law Amending Local Law No. 3 of 1985, Amending Article Viii of the Tompkins County Charter and Code, Changing the Term of Office of the Public Health Director from Three (3) Years to Six (6) Years 6 of 1985 A Local Law Amending the Tompkins County Charter and Code Concerning the Assessing of Property Within the County 7 of 1985 A Local Law Repealing Local Law No. 4 of 1976 that Provided for the Protection, Preservation and Conservation of the Freshwater Wetlands by the County of Tompkins Within its Boundaries 8 of 1985 A Local Law Repealing Local Law No. 1 for the Year 1983 Entitled "Declaration that the County of Tompkins will not Enforce the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code 453 1985 Local Laws Local Law No. 1 of 1985 "A Local Law Establishing a Limited Grant Program to Assist and Encourage Various Towns to Initiate Public Water Supply Feasibility Studies" Section 1, The purpose of this legislation is to provide up to 50 percent of the verifiable costs of feasibility studies for water supply districts in the various towns in the County of Tompkins up to a maximum of $15,000, which sum shall be reimbursed to the County upon the formation of a water district. The grant of said monies to the towns will be based upon an application by the town meeting prescribed criteria established by the Tompkins County Planning and Public Works Committee of the Board of Representatives. Section 2 The program will provide aid to those areas which are currently served with inadequate water systems, as to both quantity and quality of water, providing in general for the overall health and benefit of the citizens of the County of Tompkins in the particular areas affected. i n The Board of Representatives may appropriate monies to establish a limited grant program for the purpose of advancing up to 50 percent of the verifiable costs of a feasibility study for a proposed water district in any town of the County of Tompkins not to exceed $15,000 for any one project in any one year. The monies shall be advanced by the County to pay for the audited cost of map and plans, and feasibility study, all as required by Article 12 and 12A of the Town Law. Section 4 The County shall grant said monies based upon an application by the town to the County of Tompkins, which application shall meet the prescribed criteria established by the Planning and Public Works Committee. Section 5 Each application must be approved in final form by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives. Section 6 When a water district is established in the town in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of 12A of the Town Law, the town board of the town acting for the district must reimburse the County the full amount of the advanced funding. Section). If any provisions of this local law or the application thereof to any person or circumstance be held unconstitutional or invalid in whole or in part in any court, such holding of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall in no way affect or impair any other provision of this local law or the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance. Section 8. This local law shall take effect immediately. Local Law No. 2 of 1985 "A Local Law in Relation to the Alternate Veterans Exemption for Real Property Taxes" Section I, Section 2 of Local Law No. 6 of 1984, adopted by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives November 29, 1984 shall be amended to make said Local Law No. 6 of 1984 adopted and effective as of February 19, 1985. Section II. This Local Law shall take effect immediately. 454 1985 Local Laws Local Law No. 3 of 1985 "A Local Law Amending Article VIII of the Tompkins County Charter and Code Reorganizing the Tompkins County Health Department to Provide for a Public Health Director in Place of a Commissioner of Health" Section 1 Article VIII, Section 8.00 of the Tompkins County Charter and Code shall be amended to read as follows: Section 8.00 County Health District; Department of Health; Public Health Director; Appointment; Qualifications. The County of Tompkins shall be a County Health District. There shall be a Department of Health headed by a Public Health Director, who shall be appointed by the County Administrator, upon recommendation of the Board of Health, subject to confirmation by the Board of Representatives and the Board of Health. The Public Health Director shall be directly responsible to the Board of Health for the implementation and enforcement of the County Sanitary Code and other public health programs, and directly responsible to the County Administrator for the implementation of financial, personnel, and administrative policies, not affecting the public health within the County, established by the Board of Representatives. The term of office shall be three years. The Public Health Director shall meet qualifications as prescribed by the local Civil Service office, and approved by the Board of Representatives. Section 2. Section 8.01 of the Tompkins County Charter and Code shall be amended to read as follows: Section 8.01