HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 Proceedings1975 ?ROCEEDIN OS g30,E12 ® YaIMPEIROMKIMUEVIZO TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK HARRY A KERR, Chairman Newfield, N Y PHYLLIS B. HOWELL, Clerk Lansing, N Y DEDICATION OF 1975 PROCEEDINGS TO FORMER TOMPKINS COUNTY HOSPITAL BOARD OF MANAGERS The Tompkins County Board of Representatives wishes to commend the following members of the former Tompkins County Board of Managers Col Richard Comstock, Douglas Brown, Helen Hoefer, David Martin, Clifford Northrup, Morris Garmise, Lawrence Siany, Thomas G 1\Iil1er, and all those serving throughout the hospital history who have held the care of the sick and the infirm of Tompkins County uppermost in their minds, diligently striving to ever improve the health facilities for the benefit of the community Top Row, left to right—Erie J Miller, Jr, Towns of Caroline, Danby, Herbert Haight, Town of Ulysses, James E Kidney, Town of Dry- den, Harris B Dates, Town of Lansing, Robert I Watros, Town of Dryden, Claude W Holden, Town of Groton, Harry A Kerr, Towns of Enfield, Newfield, Bryant Robey, District No 5, City of Ithaca, Hugh S MacNeil, Town of Ithaca, Donald J Culligan, District No 2, City of Ithaca, Louis R Webster, District No 3, City of Ithaca, John C Clynes, District No 1, City of Ithaca, Roger A Morse, Town of Ithaca; Robert I Williamson, County Attorney Bottom Row, left to right—Kathryn Dimmick, Deputy Clerk, Beverly E Livesay, Town of Ithaca, Phyllis B Howell, Clerk, Sandra L Bab- cock, Stenographer, LeGrace G Benson, District No 4, City of Ithaca IN MEMORY MICHAEL J LEARY In the history of Tompkins County Government numerous Supervisors and Legislators have served here One truly outstanding public servant was Michael Leary He served here with a style and quality that should always be emu- lated He was a statesman of the first order and his standards for achievement were excellence, excellence, and excellence Mike was proud of the Ithaca College property acquisition under his com- mittee chairmanship This accomplishment to him represented a long term, positive county action His personal efforts to floodlight this beautiful building (Court House) in the evening hours was one of deep pride for him The installation of air-conditioning was a long sought goal by Mike in behalf of the employees in this complex Mike's charm, sense of humor, impeccable appearance and daily rounds to the various stations in this Court House shall be deeply missed, but never forgotten To have known him and to have served with him was a distinct privilege Excerpts from Assemblyman Gary A Lee's statement on October 13, 1975 presenting the Neu) York State Flag in Memory of Michael J Leary 1 1975 PROCEEDINGS Board of REPRESENTATIVES TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK HARRY A. KERR, Chairman Newfield, N Y PHYLLIS B. HOWELL, Clerk Lansing, N Y State of New York County of Tompkins Board of Representatives ss In pursuance of the authority conferred by Section 19 of the County Law, we each for ourself, do hereby certify that the copy of the Pro- ceedings of this Board of Representatives of the County of Tomp- kins, New York, for the year 1975, contained in this volume is true and correct HARRY A KERR Chairman of Board of Representatives PHYLLIS B. HOWELL, Clerk of Board of Representatives January 6, 1975 3 ORGANIZATION MEETING JANUARY 6, 1975 Pursuant to Section 151 of the County Law and a resolution adopted by the Board of Representatives on December 23, 1974, the Board of Representatives convened at its chamber in the Court House in the City of Ithaca, New York, on Monday, January 6, 1975 at 10 00 a m and was called to order by Mrs Phyllis B ,Howell, Clerk of the Board Present Representatives MacNeil, Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Benson, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kerr, Kidney, Bruce, Livesay — 15 The Clerk announced the first order of business was the election of a Temporary Chairman Mr Kidney placed in nomination the name of Ene J Miller, Jr Mr Webster placed in nomination the name of Robert Bruce There being no further nomina- tions, it was Moved by Mr Kerr, seconded by Mr Haight, That nominations be closed Mr John Murphy and Mr Robert Williamson were appointed as tellers and the ballots were passed out and resulted Erie J Miller, Jr — 8 Robert Bruce — 7 Mr Miller took the chair and thanked the board for the honor and said a prayer The Temporary Chairman announced the next order of business was the ap- pointment of a Permanent Chairman Mr Dates placed in nomination the name of Harry A Kerr Mr Culligan placed in nomination the name of Harris B Dates Mr Dates withdrew his name — the County Attorney stated Mr Dates withdrew his name but did not say he would decline to serve if elected, therefore, his name remained on' the ballot Mr Robey placed in nomination the name of Donald Culligan Upon hearing no further nominations, it was Moved, seconded and adopted that nominations be closed Ballots were passed out and resulted as follows Harry Kerr — 8 Harris Dates — 7 Donald Culligan — 0 Mr Kerr took the chair He thanked the board for the high honor and said he will put forth to carry out the duties of the office in an efficient and capable manner He said uppermost in our minds at this time of economic stress is that of holding the costs of county operations to a bare minimum in order that the tax load on the property owner may be as low as passible On the other hand, now is the time to carry out public construction projects funded over a long term which will help to provide employment for our citizens He said we are fortunate in the action of the board in approving the new hospital plan which when underway will provide considerable employ- ment Reconstruction of the old court house — a fitting project for 1975 and an economic boost to the trades — as well as a boost to our historic morale Other continuing projects which will merit our keen attention and pressure are the Route 13 - Route 96 Octopus areas Hopefully, with the aid of our capable assem- blyman and Congressman, local, state and federal road blocks may be overcome County responsibilities on areas of fiscal balance, human services and natural resource development and management shall be continued at the highest level To our County Administrator, Mr John Murphy, the several Commissioners and many employees and friends he had only compliments for a sometimes difficult job well done and pledged support and all assistance possible toward an efficient and productive 1975 He said he will do his best to continue our exemplary record and looks forward to a year of fiscal responsibility, physical accomplish- ment and community unity and pride in our county government The next order of business, pursuant to Local Law No 2, 1963, was the election of an acting chairman, deputy chairman, and interim successor to serve in the event of a national disaster Mr Watros placed in nomination the name of Hugh S MacNeil Mr Webster placed in nomination the name of John C Clynes There being no further nominations, it was Moved, seconded and adopted that the nominations be closed Ballots were passed out and resulted as follows Hugh MacNeil — 8 John Clynes — 7 Mr Culligan placed in nomination the name of Beverly Livesay for deputy chairman Mr Miller placed in nomination the name of Donald Culligan It was moved, seconded and adopted that nominations be closed Ballots were passed out and resulted as follows Donald Culligan — 9 Beverly Livesay — 6 4 January 6, 1975 Mr Webster placed in nomination the name of Bryant Robey for Interim Successor Mr Miller placed in nomination the name of Claude Holden It was moved, seconded, adopted that nominations be closed The balloting resulted as follows Holden — 8 Robey — 7 At this time Mr Holden explained there is a deadline to meet relative to CETA funds and requested a recess for the Personnel Committee to review it and come up with a resolution and he asked whether the Rules of the Board should be waived The County Attorney said the organization meeting is con- sidered a regular meeting according to the rules Mr Huribut, Personnel Commissioner, explained on Thursday he received a telegram regarding Title 6 CETA Funds — funds to give municipalities extra funds to alleviate the unemployment problem People have to be employed as quickly as possible It was Moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mr Bruce, that the board go into a committee -of -the -whole to discuss this situation Motion adopted The Chairman convened a committee -of -the -whole The Chairman adjourned the committee -of -the -whole and the Personnel Committee met to draft a resolution The chairman reconvened the organization meeting at 11 28 a m It was Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Miller, That this resolution be added to the agenda Ayes — 14 Noes — 0 Excused — 1 Motion adopted RESOLUTION NO 1—ESTABLISH EMPLOYMENT — C.E.T.A. — TITLE VI FUNDS Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Benson Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, That the Commissioner of Personnel be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pro ceed under CET A — Title VI to act within the Federal Guidelines to establish employment on a temporary basis for Tompkins County residents not to extend beyond February 10, 1976, RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Personnel be and he hereby is directed to notify the State Labor Department that with reference to those funds which are to go to State Agencies that said funds be allocated to Tompkins County residents working in State Agencies within Tompkins County, RESOLVED, further, That county department heads, other municipalities and school districts within Tompkins County be advised of the availability of funds and that the Personnel Commissioner request said department heads, mumcipah- ties and school districts provide him with titles and justification for new posi- tions, and RESOLVED, further, that priority be given to those on the New York State unemployment rolls and Tompkins County Social Services rolls with preference being given to veterans and heads of households, RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Personnel work with the Personnel Committee authorizing and directing them to establish five posts within districts of Tompkins County on or before January 10, 1975, RESOLVED, further, That the Personnel Committee review the action taken at this meeting at a later date with the possibility of submitting and adopting further resolutions concerning same Mr Webster reported on problems which have occurred in the Intensive Supervision Unit and most have been overcome Mrs Benson asked if they could have a report by the Tompkins County Bicentennial Committee on the progress of the committee Mr Culligan requested a short Health Committee meeting following this meeting On motion, meeting adjourned at 11 49 a m 1 January 13, 1975 5 REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 13, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 15 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The minutes of the December 23, 1974 meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Copy of resignation of Gary A Lee to Lucy Grinnell, County Clerk, said resignation from Tompkins County Board of Representatives to be effective December 30, 1974 at midnight, Clerk of the Board notified Dryden Town Clerk and Dryden Town Supervisior that a vacancy exists on the Tompkins County Board of Representatives from District No 13 created by the resignation of Gary A Lee effective December 30, 1974 at midnight, resolution from Town Board of Dryden appointing James Kidney of 1800 Ellis Hollow Road to fill the vacancy of District No 13 on the Tompkins County Board of Representatives created by the resignation of Gary A Lee, Mr Kidney's appointment effective December 31, 1974 through December 31, 1975, minutes of Personnel Committee for December 12, 1974, notification that Ontario Telephone Company, Inc and the Trumansburg Home Telephone Company have filed with Public Service Commission tariff provisions covering the provision of "911" emergency reporting service, minutes of Executive Committee of Library Board of Trustees for December 17, Depart- ment of Labor notice that Congress adds a Title VI to C E T A , STE reviews for Groton Housing Authority/Senior Citizen Apartments, Tompkins County Hospital Weekly review # 15 and # 16, Public Service Commission list of parties for Case 80002 — NYSE&G Cayuga Station, Department of Labor sent amendment to 2 MGBD ADM -6 Public Employment Program Grant No EEA -36-2-0018 Mod #18, Tompkins County Airport monthly activity report November 1974, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, & Co , re evaluation of the purchasing function at Winter Conference School, telegram from Department of Labor re balance of State Counties meeting January 3 in Albany, notice of claim on behalf of Acnes Morals, Jr , Debra F Smith and Timothy Morals, Case 80002—NYSEG-Cayuga Station application re rulings on prehearing conference issues, and letter to James Lundquest acknowledging his letter of December 20, Ithaca Journal acknowledged our resolution designating them as official newspaper; annual report of Sealer of Weights and Measures, Clair Updike for early part of 1974, letter from Ronald Howard, Jr re a resolution being circulated in some counties entitled "Utilization of Farm Lands within an Ag District" and urging this Board consider provisions of the law carefully, attempt to quantify alleged financial losses, and consult with DEC before voting on such resolution, Board of Electric Generating Siting and the Environment reply of NYSEG to comments on the motion for waiver and late submittal, Department of Transportation sent combined copy of all reports relative to the improvement of Route 13, letter from Hospital Administrator reclassificaion of Typist position at laboratory, NYS Fish and Wildlife Manage- ment Board re Board appointments for 1975, STE review for NYS Department of Correctional Services/Vocational Education Program in Correctional Facilities, resolution from Cortland County re Modification of Budget — TC3 fiscal year 1974-1975. Public Service Commission sent copy of letter from Alan J Roth, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Electric Generation Siting and the Environ- ment to Commissioner of Environmental Conservation James Biggane re ap- plication of NYSEG-Cayuga Station Department of Transportation acknowledged Board resolution No 260 concerning Route 96 to improve access to Tompkins County Hospital, FAA letter informing that in request for financial aid dated February 1, 1974, Secretary of Transportation has allocated $33,950 under Airport and Airport Development Act of 1970 $28,700 — Crash/Fire/Rescue Vehicle, $5 250 — Install Inadvertent entry fencing, minutes of Tompkins -Cortland Com- munity College Board of Trustees for December 5 and agenda for January 9, mina+es of Health Committee for October 2, 9, 16 and November 22 Casa 80002— NYSE&G-application for a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need to construct an 850 MW coal -fueled electric generating unit at a site in Town 6 January 13, 1975 of Lansing — amendments to the Joint Statement of the Staff and DEC on ap- plicants motion for waivers and late submittals, Fire Advisory Board delegates and alternates recommendations for 1975, letter from Clerk of the Broome County Legislature enclosing copy of Res No 416 authorizing participation by Broome County in the STE Local Development District, STE 75-2 notice to local agencies of proposed project in review; Hugh Hurlbut memo to department heads notifying therm of CETA Title VI funds and to present in writing by January 13th requests and titles if interested, pistol permits for December totalled $136 00, Inter -County Publishers, Inc acknowledging their selection as an official newspaper of Tomp- kins County, Department of Labor requesting renewal of insurance coverage (Protective Liability Insurance and Workmen's Compensation), Re Case No 80002 —Cayuga Station Copy of a letter from Huber, MaGill Lawrence and Farrell to Public Service Commission re dates of filing of appeals, Statement and request by the DEC supplemental to the amended joint statement with the Public Service Commission, and staff motion to the Acting Chairman for a protective order pend- ing the determination of the applicant's motion for waivers and late submittals Under privilege of the floor, Mrs Pauline Darrett spoke to the Board op- posing the allocation of $5,000 to the Human Rights Commission Representative Miller said he received a letter from Mr and Mrs DeGraf of Brooktondale suggesting the Tompkins County Airport be renamed the "Glenn A Turner" Airport He referred the request to the Planning and Public Works Committee Various committee chairmen reported as follows Mr Culligan, Chairman of the Health Committee, reported there are three appointments to be made on the Hospital Board of Managers and request board members to submit the names of anyone they wish considered Mr Webster, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, re- ported there will be a meeting January 15th at the Ithaca High School Activities Room of the Ad hoc Youth Recreation Committee The Rural Representatives and Town Supervisors will meet January 22 at 8 00 p m Mr Holden, Chairman of Personnel Committee, said the committee has not met but they acted fast on the CETA Program He requested a committee meeting following this board meeting Mrs Livesay said she feels the county should have an active Manpower Advisory Committee other than the Personnel Committee She said a list of names were drafted but were never formally appointed The Personnel Committee is to come back to the board with a recommendation on this, hopefully, at the next meeting Mr Miller, Public Safety and Correction Committee Chairman, mentioned the fire in the Tompkins County Jail and said it was fortunate there were no serious injuries There was a meeting to discuss the situation as it pertains to the Sheriff's Department He said they want people to know the jail is not going to be a mental institution any longer He met with the Jail Advisory Committee re the request for deputies Mr MacNeil, Social Services Committee Chairman, spoke regarding the Office for the Aging They have seven names of people who applied for the position of Director and hope to set up interviews soon There will be a meeting of the Office for the Aging January 25 at 10 00 a m at NYSE&G The County Attorney said they had a favorable decision from Judge Bryant on the Out -of -Title case before him by Order of Show Cause There was a meeting in Albany on the Tompkins -Cortland Community College bills, nothing was resolved at that meeting Chairman Kerr said he heard immediately about the difficulty at the jail He said he visited a former chairman of the board, Mr Harvey Stevenson who is ill It was Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Webster, that resolutions pertaining to modification of the TC3 budget, Audit of TC3 Capital Expenditures, Bid - Old Court House be added to the agenda Motion adopted January 13, 1975 7 RESOLUTION NO. 2—PAYMENT TO COURT ATTENDANTS Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Webster, adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Com- mittee, That the per diem monies to be paid to the court attendants for the County of Tompkins, commencing January 1, 1975, shall be $12 50 per day or any part thereof RESOLUTION NO. 3—FEES AND MILEAGE—TRIAL AND GRAND JURORS Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mrs Benison, adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, and the Budget and Administration Committee, That pursuant to Section 749-a of the Judiciary Law, each trial and grand juror shall be paid $10 00 per day for each day's attendance at a trial of record of Civil or Criminal Jurisdiction held within Tompkins County and provided further, that each trial and grand juror residing outside the City of Ithaca shall receive ten cents per mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning for each day during the term, commencing January 1, 1975 RESOLUTION NO 4—MODIFICATION OF BUDGET, TOMPKINS-CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE FISCAL YEAR 1974-1975 Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Watros Ayes -14 Noes -0 Absent - 1 Resolution adopted WHEREAS, the operating budget for Tompkins -Cortland Community College fiscal year September 1, 1974 through August 31, 1975 has been approved by the Board of Trustees of said college by Resolution 1973-74-44, by the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County by Resolution No 152 and by the Cortland County Legislature by Resolution No 241 and by the Executive Committee of the State University Board of Trustees on August 6, 1974, pursuant to Section 6303 of the Education Law, and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of said community college has approved an amended increase of $354,070 00 from the original appropriation level of $2,248,562 00 to the new amended appropriation level of $2,602,632 pursuant to Resolution 1974-75-19 and has presented said amended budget to the Inter- governmental Relations Committee and full membership of this board, and WHEREAS, said amended budget does not require any further appropriation of funds by the County of Tompkins, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee of the Board of Representatives, that the operating budget of Tompkins -Cortland Community College be and hereby is modified in the amount of $354,070 00 from $2,248,562 00 to the amount of $2,602,632 00 for the fiscal year September 1, 1974 to August 31, 1975, pursuant to Section 6306 of the Education Law, and be it further RESOLVED, that this resolution shall become effective upon the adoption of a concurrent resolution by the County Legislature of Cortland County RESOLUTION NO. 5—AUTHORIZING PAYMENTS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Holden Ayes -15 Noes -0 Adopted WHEREAS, this board has heretofore and by resolution approved the 1975- 1976 operating and capital budgets for the Tompkins -Cortland Community College and appropriated the necessary funds to pay the Tompkins County proportionate share of the operating and capital budgets of said college, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed pursuant to the provisions of the Education Law of the State of New York and within the authorization provided by this board, to pay the duly bonded treasurer of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College, an amount up to but not to exceed the Tompkins County budgeted share of the operating budget of 8 January 13, 1975 said college for the fiscal year 1975-1976 on the following dates m the following amounts January 1, 1975 — $ 97,285 March 1, 1975 — 97,285 May 1, 1975 — 97,285 July 1, 1975 — 97,285 Total — $389,140 RESOLVED, further that this resolution is contingent upon the adoption of a similar resolution by the Board of Supervisors of Cortland County RESOLUTION NO. 6—AUDIT OF CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS — TOMPKINS-CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Watros, seconded by Mr Webster Ayes — 15 Noes — 0 Adopted WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee in the amount of $1,945 25 to be paid from the Capital Construction account of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College are Claim No 89 — Con- struction — $1,920 29 and Advertising — $24 96 RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amounts be and the same are hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, that the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor RESOLUTION NO. 7—AUTHORIZATION TO COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO MAKE PAYMENTS FOR 1975 Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Haight, adopted WHEREAS, this Board has approved the 1975 Budget and appropriated the sums thereunder required for the operation of County Government for the year 1975, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com- mittee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay out during 1975 from the various budgetary items monies to various contracting agencies pursuant to contract and accounts, charges and claims of the various agencies and departments of the county after audit by the County Administrator of duly certified bills for said expenditures RESOLUTION NO 8—CORRECTION OF ERRORS AND PRINT ANNUAL RE- PORTS Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller, adopted RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board be authorized to correct any mani- fest errors in the minutes, or in the reports of any committee, and RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be authorized to audit and print the financial and important parts of the annual reports received by this Board RESOLUTION NO 9—AWARD OF BID—PRINTING OF PROCEEDINGS Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller After a discussion regarding the price of printing these books, the resolution was adopted with Mr Robey casting a dissenting vote WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board has advertised for bids for the printing of the Proceedings of the Board of Representatives foi the year 1975 in ac- cordance with the specifications filed in her office, and WHEREAS, the bid of Arnold Printing Corporation, Inc for furnishing 300 copies at $22 00 per page for 8 pt body matter and $26 00 for 8 pt tables is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that said bid be and the same hereby is accepted for copies of the proceedings and the bid for printing said proceedings for 1975 be and the same hereby is awarded to Arnold Printing Corporation, and the Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract on behalf of the County for said work January 13, 1975 9 RESOLUTION NO. 10—APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATION FOR MAINTENANCE OF COUNTY ROADS AND BRIDGES Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Webster, adopted WHEREAS, the County Commissioner of Public Works has recommended an appropriation of $1,816,740 for maintenance of county roads and bridges for the year 1975, in accordance with Section 129 of the Highway Law, and requests the aforementioned sum, or as much thereof as many be necessary, be expended under his supervision from County Road Funds monies to the following accounts D-3310 Traffic Control $ 52,114 D-5010 Administration 33,012 D-5110 Maintenance Roads & Bridges 1,254,050 D-5142 Snow Removal — County 235,000 D-5144 Snow Removal — State 110,000 D-5110 810 Retirement 68,064 D-5110 830 Social Security 29,500 D-5110 840 Compensation 20,000 D-5110 860 Health Insurance 15,000 $1,816,740 r RESOLVED, That the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is approved and the Clerk and Chairman of the Board of Repre- sentatives be and hereby are authorized and directed to sign the agreements re- giured by the State Department of Public Works RESOLUTION NO. 11—AWARD OF BID — TWO-WAY RADIO COMMUNICA- TION SYSTEM Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Holden A brief discussion followed and the resolution was adopted WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has advertised for bids for furnishing and installation of a total new two-way radio communication system for County Highway Department, and WHEREAS, Motorola, Inc , One Northern Concourse, Syracuse, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder with a net bid of $41,461 00 for a new two-way radio system in accordance with the specifications on file at the highway office, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee and the Commissioner of Public Works that the bid of Motorola in the amount of $41,461 00 be and the same is hereby accepted, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the County RESOLUTION NO 12—AWARD OF BID — BRIDGE — TOWN OF ITHACA Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Culligan A lengthy discussion took place Ayes — Robey, Watros, Webster, Benson, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil, Kerr — 13 Noes — Miller, Bruce — 2 Resolution adopted WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has advertised for bids on rehabilitation of Forest Home Bridge over Fall Creek, Town of Ithaca, and WHEREAS, the Standard Bridge Corp , 1743 Western Avenue, Albany, New York, 12203 is the lowest responsible bidder for work on said bridge with a bid of $39,329 00 in accordance with the specifications on file at the highway office, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of majority of the Planning and Public Works Committee and the Commissioner of Public Works that the bid of Standard Bridge Corp in the amount of $39,329 00 be and the same is hereby accepted, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the County 10 January 13, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 13—AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS — OLD COURT HOUSE Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Dates A lengthy discussion took place. Ayes — Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Benson, Bruce, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden (hope it will be reconsidered on what the cost of doing this building), Kidney (would like to abstain because I do not know enough details) I don't see voting for this at this time), Livesay, MacNeil, Kerr — 14 Noes — 0 The Board gave Mr Kidney permission to be excused from voting on this resolu- tion Resolution adopted WHEREAS, the Board decided in Resolution No 94, April 16, 1973, to reno- vate the Old Court House and employed architect William Downing for that purpose, and WHEREAS, in Resolution No 227, September 10, 1973, the Board approved a program for said renovation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the architect and the Planning and Public Works Committee, that the architect is authorized to advertise for bids It was Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mrs Livesay, That the Rules of the Board be waived and the Board reconsider Resolution No 201 — Payment of Moving Expenses — Supervising Psychiatrist Ayes — Miller, Robey, Webster, Benson, Bruce, Culligan, Dates, Kidney, Lxvesay, MacNeil, Kerr — 11 Noes — Clynes, Haight, Holden, Watros — 4 Adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 14—RECONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 201 — 1974 — PAYMENT OF MOVING EXPENSE — SUPERVISING PSYCHIATRIST Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mrs Benson Discussion followed and a roll call resulted as follows Ayes — Miller (hope this situation never happens again), Robey, Watros, Webster, Benson, Bruce, Culligan, Dates, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil, Kerr — 12 Noes — Clynes, Haight, Holden — 3 Adopted RESOLVED, That the sum of $1,073 44 be paid to Roberta Batt, M D to reim- burse her for moving from Slingerlands, New York, to Ithaca, such sum is to be repaid to the County by Dr Batt if she terminates her employment with Tompkins County for any reasons prior to September 16, 1975 The Personnel Committee was instructed to try to establish a policy regarding payment of moving expenses to present for the next meeting Mr Miller reported on a meeting with the Board of Health concerning the dumping of septic tank sludge in the Town of Caroline He read a resolution passed by the Board of Health pertaining to this problem Mr Kerr announced he has made committee appointments for 1975 as follows Budget & Administration Harris B Dates, Chairman Donald J Culligan Claude W Holden Robert L Bruce Hugh S MacNeil Bryant Robey Health Donald J Culligan, Chairman Robert I Watros, John C Clynes, Herbert W Haight, Bryant Robey Intergovernmental Relations Louis R Webster, Chairman Robert I Watros Beverly E Livesay January 13, 1975 11 Personnel Claude W Holden, Chairman LeGrace G Benson, James Kidney Hugh S MacNeil Planning & Public Works Hugh S MacNeil, Chairman Harris B Dates, John C Clynes James Kidney, Robert L Bruce Public Safety & Corrections Herbert W Haight, Chairman LeGrace G Benson, Lotus R Webster Erie J Miller, Jr Social Services Erie J Miller, Jr Beverly E Livesay Louis R Webster Mr Kerr made the following statement He suggested committee -of -the -whole sessions be held regularly for open discussion of special items He urged any member of this board to call for a session anytime There will be executive sessions of the board to discuss sensitive items and clarify misunderstandings He pointed out that no official action may be taken on any subject in executive session The privilege of the floor will continue and be limited to five minutes, however, as they want to encourage public input, an individual or group may make a presentation and be allowed additional time by prior arrangement Office hours of the chairman will be Monday and Wednesday from 9 00 a m through 1 00 p m and any other time by appointment The Chairman and the County Ad- ministrator will direct the development of the Administrative manual or hand- book of county organization and operation, and as each fact develops, board members will receive copies for comments He suggested a completion day of May 1 He suggested minutes be kept by committees and submitted to the clerk as soon as possible Regarding state and federal aid, he recommended that any cut in aid coming to Tompkins County to any of our items will result in com- parable direct and immediate cuts to those items in the County Budget Mr Bruce questioned why Mr Lee was still a member of the Industrial Development Agency Mr Kerr said the appointments were made by action of the board to serve at the pleasure of the board Mr Dates said he asked the County Attorney's opinion and will report back at the next meeting Mr Dates suggested perhaps changing the deadline for the Administrative Code to September 15th instead of May 1 Mr Robey questioned if the Budget Committee should be titled the Budget & Administration Committee The title was changed The Health Committee will meet January 21 at 7 30 p m On motion, meeting adjourned at 12 01 p m 12 January 27, 1975 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 15 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The minutes of the January 6 and 13 meetings were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Letter from Dr Roberta Batt and Dr Robert Hamlisch to Chairman re January 9th Ithaca Journal article allegations concerning the recent jail fire, NYS Com- mittee on Public Access to Records memorandum re model regulations available on request, copy of letter from Seneca Lake Waterways Association, Inc , Richard E Morse, President, requesting Boards of Supervisors to take positive action on the issue of returnable beverage containers, State Board of Equalization and Assessment sent notice of public hearings on 1975 Agriculture and Forest Land value factors to be used for the assessment of certain, Interstate Commerce Com- missioner notice of Rail Planning Office issuing amended standards for deter- mining rail service continuation subsidies, STE books on "Use of Sails", "Recrea- tion", and "Growth Areas", STE minutes of board meeting for December 19, letter from FAA re acknowledging that Tompkins County Airport has recently been issued ADAP allocation and that in bidding to comply with Title 49 CFR part 21 minority businesses and firms, STE Review NYS Education Department Migrant Program, ESEA, Title I, STE Reviews of NYS Appalachian Development Projects/Programs Design and Modification Monitoring and Educational Training Network, STE Review of NYS Pohce/Computer Support System, copy of a letter from Area Beautification Council of Tompkins County's Bicentennial Committee announcing exploratory meeting January 21 for a Circle Greenway for Greater Ithaca, letter from Chairman of Tompkins County Fire Advisory Board outlining policies of Fire Ambulance units in case of a deceased person, Case 80002 — Cayuga Station: a brief on behalf of NYSEG in opposition to staff motion for a protective order, minutes of Library Board of Trustees for December 27, 1974, NYS Department of Public Service Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment, re Cayuga Station application rulings on prehearing conference issue, Department of Labor reported monies obligated in Tompkins County through December 31 of on-the-job training funds sub -contracted under CETA, copy of letter from Stewart & Bennett, Inc asking to be considered for con- struction management approach on new hospital, letter from Thomas G Payne, Director of Assessment, reporting on a meeting with State Board of Equalization and Assessment re new law concerning correction of errors on assessment and tax rolls, copy of a letter from Robert Roberson, representing Town of Somerset, to the Public Service Commission re NYSEG Cayuga Station application to con- struct an 850 MW coal -fueled generating unit, STE Review of NYS Division of Probation Grants Coordinating Unit/Albany Co , copy of a letter from Thomas G Payne re Local Advisory Boards of Assessment Review schedule, monthly activity report for December from Tompkins County Airport, request of Election Commissioners to attend the State Association meeting, February 11-14, Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meeting of December 19, 1974, statement of profit and loss for 1974 balance sheet for December 31 and an- nouncement of next meeting on January 23, STE Review NYS Department of Correctional Services — Library Improvement — Therapeutic Drug Program — Therapeutic Community for Inmates, received six copies of application for State Aid f"r Operating Costs for Tompkins County Mental Health Department, City of Ithaca sent copy of a Proclamation "Evelyn P Rucker Day" at request of Mrs Sullivan of the Red Cross, NYS Select Committee on Election Law sent copy of a request to Viola Boothroyd for 1974 annual report to evaluate the impact of 1974 changes of Election Law, minutes of Hospital Board of Managers for Decem- ber H. 1974 conference request — Hospital — Jamie Dritschilo, OTR, NY Medi- cal School, March 24-28, STE Review NYS Division for Youth Projects, Aggres- sive/Violent and Disturbed Adolescent Demonstration Prosect, Group Counseling II, Video Development Project, Huber, Magill, Lawrence and Farrell — Applicants January 27, 1975 13 Brief in opposition to interlocultory appeals taken from the presiding examiner's decision date 12/27/74 — Case 80002 NYSE&G Cayuga Station; Order referring Motion and Interlocutory Appeals to Presiding Examiner, memo from Clinton County Legislature enclosing resolution dated 10/9/74 calling for Statewide support for restructuring taxation for public elementary and secondary school education and urging support of the resolution, copy of letter from Richard King, Staff Counsel of Public Service Commission, to Hon Boschwitz, Hearing Examiner, re Case 80002 — Cayuga Station, minutes South Central New York Resource Conservation & Development Project January 22 and Project Coordina- tors report for January, certified copy of resolution adopted by Otsego County Board January 8, 1975 Authorizing participation in Southern Tier East Local Development District, appropriation balances of Social Services Department 1974, annual report Veterans' Service Agency for 1974 Under privilege of the floor, Mrs Pauline Darrett again spoke to the board opposing the appropriation of $5,000 to the Human Rights Commission Mrs Betty Muka spoke about the notice of claim she will submit for $1 000,000 against the County of Tompkins for allegedly refusing to prosecute 333 crimes committed against her in 1974 Mr Miller introduced Supervisor Harold Payton of The Town of Caroline who spoke to the board regarding the septic tank sludge dumping problem m the Town of Caroline Mr Dates suggested the appropriate committee write a letter to Mrs Dar- rett explaining that money has not been appropriated to an individual but to the Human Rights Commission — the money is in the budget and explain in detail what the money is for and the auditing procedure Mr Webster, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee was instructed to write a detailed letter to Mrs Darret with copies to the news media Mr Eugene Arnold, Hospital Administrator, gave a report regarding the hospital Mr Kerr asked the Intergovernmental Relations Committee to have a report on Mrs Darrett's complaints against the Human Rights Commission over the past few years to bring the newer board members up-to-date on the situation and would like a recommendation, if any Pertaining to Mrs Muka's remarks, he re- ferred to the county attorney for a comment at the next meeting Mr Miller told the board he will withdraw the resolution — Letter to the Department of Environmental Conservation on behalf of the Town of Caroline be- cause after consultation with the Health Committee it was felt best if he per- sonally contact the Department of Environmental Conservation in Syracuse Various committee chairmen reported as follows Mr Dates, Budget and Administration, said there will be a resolution at the next meeting relative to revenue sharing monies Mr Culligan, Health Committee Chairman, said Dr Safadi described the Medical Examiner problems The committee will meet with the Undertakers' As- sociation They discussed three openings on the Mental Health Board and he will make nominations for appointment at the end of the meeting He asked Repre- sentative Clynes to read a letter regarding HMO Citizens' Study Group and their recommendations on the general feasibility study Mr Clynes said that the Citizens' Study Group considering the establishment of a prepaid health services system decided not to ask the Board of Representa- tives to sponsor a feasibility study for such, at least at the present time A letter and a resolution was received from Robert Broad, M D , Chairman, regarding their recommendations Mr Culligan said they have not worked on the report yet but felt the board should be aware of it Copies will be sent to all board members Mr Webster announced an Intergovernmental Relations meeting at 7 30 p m Wednesday and the Human Rights Commission will meet Tuesday at 7 30 p m Mr Holden, Chan -man of the Personnel Committee, reported relative to Title VI CETA monies for creation of jobs in Tompkins County There will be resolu- tions today on Establishment of Appropriation and Revenue Accounts — CETA and Creation of positions — CETA Title VI Mr Kerr complimented the Personnel Committee and the Personnel Commissioner for the excellent handling of the 14 January 27, 1975 CETA Program and will continue to take advantage of the programs that arise and be prepared to cope with them Mr MacNeil said he attended the annual meeting of the Senior Citizens' Council of Tompkins County The recommended candidate for the Director of Office for the Aging was introduced He has available a summary of his position on the Boardman House He reported relative to bids for the Old Court House and cost of renovating the new Court House if the Board of Representatives moves There was a meeting with representatives of the airport regarding the condition of the airport crash fire and disaster equipment There will be a resolution later in the meeting He will lay on the table later in the meeting the name of someone for consideration as Keeper of the Covered Bridge in Newfield Mr Bruce objected to the announcement of appointments before they are actually appointed by the board It was suggested a memo be written on the procedure of appointments Mr Kerr said the list with areas of responsibility for each committee is being reviewed and a new list will be prepared Mr Haight, Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, re- ported there is a resolution on the agenda to execute SPCA agreement There is a list of recommended people to serve on the Tompkins County Fire Advisory Board He said no delegate -at -large has been appointed to represent the, Board of Representatives yet They are also discussing with Personnel the request of the Sheriff for additional deputies which is recommended in the Criminal Justice Committee report The committee received a report from Mr Webster relative to the Intensive Supervision Facility Mr Miller, Chairman of the Social Services Committee, announced their meeting will be held February 4 Mr Stevenson, Hospital Construction Committee, reported they met with the architects in mid-January Mr Murphy said there is a Bond Resolution relative to the hospital which will be presented later in the meeting He explained the funding of various pro- grams such as CETA, etc Mr Kerr announced that Mrs Livesay was appointed to the Board of Direc- tors of the Supervisors' and County Legislators' Association Mrs Livesay re- ported on the meeting she attended and the various programs that were on the agenda Mr Kerr attended a Route 13 Task Force meeting A group met with Al- legheny Airlines for renegotiation of the contract He said he had visitors from Chenango County who are interested in developing a charter and are interested in our charter He said he would like to visit surrounding counties and invited anyone interested to go along He met with the Bicentennial Committee Chair- man to start to initiate procedure there Mr Robey said he would like to know the details of the Chartair problem and requested a committee -of -the -whole to discuss the situation It was decided to hold an executive session immediately following the meeting Mrs Benson asked the status of the Bicentennial Committee Mr Kerr said they are in need of activity now and he, Mr Liguori, and Mr Dates are meeting today and will see what steps can be taken and how to proceed There will be a full report at the next meeting It was Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mrs Benson and adopted, that the resolution regarding the Letter to Department of Environmental Conservation on behalf of the Town of Caroline, be withdrawn It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates, That the Rules of the Board be waived to allow two resolutions to be presented — Establish Steering Committee with the Town of Lansing to oversee an impact analysis informational report on certain phases of the proposed Cayuga Station Generating Plant and Acceptance of bid for airport fire and crash equipment Motion to Waive Rules adopted. RESOLUTION NO 15—ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 1 — 1975, AMEND- MENT TO TOMPKINS COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Holden After discussion, it was Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Webster, that the resolution be amended January 27, 1975 15 by replacing the second Resolved "directing that in the event of passage, a referendum be held and adoption of this shall be subject to such referendum " A roll call on the amendment resulted Ayes — Representatives Robey, Benson, Bruce, Livesay — 4 Noes — Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, MacNeil, Miller, Watros, Webster and Kerr — 11 Motion Lost. It was Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mrs Benson, that this resolution be tabled to the first meeting in February A roll call on the Motion to Table resulted Ayes — Repre- sentatives Robey, Webster, Benson, Bruce, Culligan, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil — 8 Noes — Clynes, Dates, Haight, Holden, Miller, Watros, Kerr — 7 Motion to Table adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held after notice required by law on Local Law No 1 — 1975, pertaining to amendment to the Tompkins County Char- ter and Code, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing held on January 27, 1975, at 9 30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, discussion was had on same relative to amending Section 2 03 of the Tompkins County Charter and Code pertaining to qualifications for holding the office of county legislature, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, that said Local Law No 1 — 1975, be and the same hereby is adopted, sub- ject to permissive referendum pursuant to Section 34 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board of Representatives be and she hereby is authorized and directed to publish in the designated official news- papers the Local Law in its entirety once each week for two consecutive weeks within ten days of said adoption, and further, file one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk, one certified copy in the office of the State Comptroller and four certified copies in the office of the Secretary of State within five days after the expiration of time for the filing of a petition requesting a referendum on said Local Law, which pursuant to law is sixty days from the date of adoption RESOLUTION NO. 16—APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND — IN- TENSIVE SUPERVISION UNIT — "HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY" Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Miller After a brief explanation by Mr Webster, a roll call resulted Ayes — 15 Noes — 0 Adopted WHEREAS, the Public Safety and Corrections Committee has been advised that to continue operation of the Intensive Supervision Unit — "House in the Country" up to July 1, 1975, there will be needed additional funds from the County in an amount up to approximately $1,500 00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Com- mittee, that a sum up to $1,500 00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code A1990) to Intensive Supervision Unit — "House in the Country" (Code 3145) said amount to be based on the final figures to be submitted by the Proba- tion Department RESOLUTION NO. 17—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT — OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr MacNeil Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Health Committee, That the Chair- man of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a lease, copy of which is on file with the Clerk of the Board, for the rental of approximately 474 sq ft of space from the Cooperative Extension Association of Tompkins County in their building at 225 South Fulton Street, Ithaca, New York, from February 1, 1975 through December 31, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 18—APPORTIONMENT OF DOG MONIES Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Robey Adopted WHEREAS, the County Administrator has in his hands surplus monies in the Dog Fund for apportionment, pursuant to Section 122 of the Agriculture and Markets Law, in the total amount of $17,79519, now therefore be it 16 January 27, 1975 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Commit- tee,, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay the several towns in the County and the City of Ithaca, the amounts set forth below as apportioned and approved by this Board, representing 75% of said surplus Amount contributed Cities and Towns Including penalties Apportionment of Contributing and costs 75% of surplus Caroline $ 1,655 00 $ 936 58 Danby 1,482 00 838 69 Dryden 5,012 00 2,836 35 Enfield 1,289 00 729 46 Groton 2,607 00 1,475 34 Ithaca 2,211 00 1,251 22 Lansing 3,774 00 2,135 76 Newfield 1,,772 00 1,002 79 Ulysses 2,36105 1,336 15 City of Ithaca 1,420 80 804 05 $23,583 85 $13,346 39 RESOLUTION NO. 19—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT — SPCA Moved by Mrs Benson, seconded by Mr Haight Adopted WHEREAS, the County and the City entered into a contract as of January 1, 1972, pursuant to the provisions of the Agriculture and Markets Law, by which contract the SPCA undertook the Dog Warden program for the County of Tompkins, and WHEREAS, the Public Safety and Corrections Committee has recommended the continuation of said contract for the year, 1975, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of said Public Safety and Correction Com- mittee, That said contract between the County, City and SPCA, dated January 1, 1972, be and the same is hereby extended for the calendar year, 1975, and the County Attorney be and he hereby is authorized to execute said contract, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is authorized to execute same on behalf of the County RESOLVED, further, That the maximum amount of said budget on an annual basis will be the same as previously submitted $53,586 00 to be raised as follows $14,500 SPCA $25,053 Tompkins County $14,033 City of Ithaca $53,586 RESOLVED, further, That the contract is subject to the approval of the City of Ithaca, SPCA and the Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies of this resolution to the City Clerk of Ithaca, County Administrator, Tompkins County United Fund and the SPCA RESOLUTION NO 20—APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR, OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Benson It was Moved by Mr Clynes, seconded by Mr Culligan that the resolution be tabled until the next meeting It was decided to go into executive session for discussion The regular meeting reconvened and Mr Clynes with the approval of Mr Culligan, withdrew his motion to table the resolution A voice vote was taken and the resolution was adopted with Representatives Clynes and Culligan casting dissenting votes RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services and Personnel Com- mittees, that Susan Clarke be appointed to the position of Director, Office for the Aging (13-28), labor grade XIII, competitive class, effective immediately January 27, 1975 17 RESOLUTION NO. 21—ESTABLISHMENT OF APPROPRIATION AND REVENUE ACCOUNTS, CETA PROGRAM Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Dates Ayes — 15 Noes — 0 Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Personnel Committees, That the following accounts be established for federally funded programs, since resolutions authorizing contracts for said programs failed to set up appropriation and revenue accounts CETA SPEDY PROGRAM, TITLE III 1974 Revenue Account 4730 — $63,795 00 1974 Appropriation Account 6520 1 — $63,795 00 CETA TITLE I 1974 Revenue Account 4730 — $30,000 00 1974 Appropriation Account 6250 2 — $30,000 00 1975 Revenue Account 4730 — $166,007 00 1975 Appropriation Account 6250 2 — $166,007 00 CETA TITLE VI 1975 Revenue Account 4730 — $117,569 00 1975 Appropriation Account 6250 3 — $117,569 00 RESOLUTION NO. 22—CREATION OF POSITIONS — COMPREHENSIVE EM- PLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT (CETA) TITLE VI Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Kidney Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the fol- lowing positions be created on a temporary basis not to exceed February 10, 1976, said positions to be funded 100 per cent for wages and benefits under the CETA Title VI federal grant Social Services Department 1 Caseworker (11-02) labor grade XI, competitive class 1 Community Service Aide (02-06), labor grade II, non-competitive class 1 Clerk (03-02), labor grade III, competitive class Health Department 1 Home Health Aide, labor grade III, non-competitive class 1 Environmental Health Aide, labor grade II, non-competitive class Hospital 1 Typist (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class 1 C1erk'(03-02), labor grade III, competitive class Assessment 1 Clerk (03-02), labor grade III, competitive class RESOLUTION NO. 23—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — FINGER LAKES ASSOCIATION INC. Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Bruce Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Pubhc Works Com- mittee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized to execute a contract with the Finger Lakes Association, Inc RESOLVED, further, That the total amount to be paid pursuant to the terms of said contract shall be limited to a total of $5,000, said amount being provided for in the 1975 budget i RESOLUTION NO. 24—ACCEPTANCE OF BID—AIRPORT FIRE AND CRASH EQUIPMENT Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Bruce Ayes — 15 Noes — 0 Adopted WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works and the Fire and Disaster Coordinator have duly advertised for bids for fire and crash equipment to be used at the Tompkins County Airport, and WHEREAS, Saulsbury Fire Corporation, Community Drive, Tully, New York is the lowest responsible bidder for said equipment meeting all specifications on file in the Fire and Disaster Coordinator's office for a total bid of $29,233 00, now therefore be it 18 January 27, 1975 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Commit- tee and the Fire and Disaster Coordinator, that the said bid of Saulsbury Fire Equipment Corporation, Community Drive, Tully, New York in the amount of $29,233 00 be and the same hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, that the 1975 Airport Budget be amended to increase both Appropriations and Revenues Accounts by $23,971 06, specifically Appropria- tion Account B-5610 200 Airport Equipment and Revenue Account, Federal Aid, and that an additional amount of $5,261 94 be appropriated from the Airport Fund Balance to account B-5610 200 Airport Equipment, RESOLVED, further, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the county, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 25—APPROVAL OF ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT — LEVA- TICH MILLER HOFFMAN PC AND FRED THOMAS ASSOCIATES PC Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Dates After discussion, the resolu- tion was adopted WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins and Levatich Miller Hoffman PC and Fred H Thomas Associates PC have entered into an agreement dated the llth day of March, 1974, retaining the aforesaid architects for the preparation of plans and specifications for addition and/or alterations to the Tompkins County Hospital, and WHEREAS, pursuant to said contract the fee to be paid to said architects was fixed at 7% for new construction and 9% for renovation, and WHEREAS, the architects have offered to do both new construction and renovation at a fee of 7%, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Hospital Construction Committee that the offer of the architect to do all work required by the aforesaid contract both for new construction and renovation be and the same are hereby accepted RESOLVED, further, that the letter executed by the architects, addressed to the Hospital Construction Committee, dated January 15, 1975, further clarifying the agreement between the County and the consultants, copy of which is attached, is hereby made a part of said original contract and incorporated therein, RESOLVED, further, on recommendation of the Hospital Construction Com- mittee, that the architects be and they hereby are authorized to proceed through the design development phase of the contract, RESOLVED, further, that the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute the addendum to the contract on behalf of the County RESOLUTION NO. 26—ESTABLISHMENT OF JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE WITH THE TOWN OF LANSING TO OVERSEE AN IM- PACT ANALYSIS INFORMATIONAL REPORT ON CER- TAIN PHASES OF THE PROPOSED CAYUGA STATION GENERATING PLANT Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Bruce After a discussion, it was Moved by Mrs Benson, seconded by Mr Dates and adopted, that the resolution be tabled until later in the meeting Later in the meeting, after a discussion and explanation by Frank Liguori, a roll call was taken which resulted as follows Ayes — Representatives Watros, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight. Holden, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil, Miller, Kerr — 11 Noes — Benson, Bruce, Robey, Webster — 4 Resolution adopted WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, jointly with the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, did declare their intention to the Public Service Commission to participate in the hearing procedures in relation to the proposed Cayuga Station power generating plant by means of Resolution No 104, May 1974, and WHEREAS, said Boards did also jointly apply to the Public Service Com- mission for funding to defray the cost of the preparation of an Impact Analysis relating to certain phases of the proposed Cayuga Station, and January 27, 1975 19 WHEREAS, the Public Service Commission has informed the Boards that $24,000 has been allocated for said Impact Analysis and $1,000 for hearing expenses, and WHEREAS, the apphcation to the Public Service Commission did outline a scope of study activities and a report to be prepared by Consultants Reinmann- Buechner Partnership of Syracuse, New York at a total cost not to exceed $24,000, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the County Board of Representatives is hereby authorized and directed to co-sign an agreement with the Chairman of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing and the firm of Reinmann-Buechner Partnership, and RESOLVED, further, That a Joint Steering Committee is hereby established to oversee the study activities and to submit a report of findings and recom- mendation to the Boards and to the public, and RESOLVED, further, That the Steering Committee shall consist of the mem- bers of the Planning and Public Works Committee, with member Harris Dates serving as Chairman, Board member Herbert Haight to represent the Town of Ulysses, the Commissioner of Planning, a member to be selected from the En- vironmental Management Council, and in addition, three members to be selected by the Lansing Town Board, and RESOLVED, further, That the Legislative bodies of the Counties of Seneca and Cayuga shall be invited to appoint a member to serve on said Steering Com- mittee, and RESOLVED, further, That a report, together with recommendations, shall be submitted prior to the official hearing to be held by the Public Service Commis- sion, and RESOLVED, further, That the 1975 Bridget is hereby amended to increase the revenue in Acct 3089 00 (State Aid Other) by $25,000 and the budget of Acct 8024 by $25,000 and the County Administrator is hereby authorized to expend up to $25,000 00 in anticipation of 100% reimbursement from the State Public Service Commission including any share which may be allocated to the Town of Lansing RESOLUTION NO. 27—BOND RESOLUTION — TOMPKINS COUNTY HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller It was Moved by Mrs Benson, seconded by Mrs Livesay that the resolution be tabled A voice vote was taken and the motion to table Lost. A roll call was taken on the resolution as follows Ayes Representatives Robey, Watros, Webster, Benson, Bruce, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil, Miller, Kerr — 15 Noes — 0 Adopted BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tomp- kins, New York, as follows Section 1. The following are hereby authorized in and far the County of Tompkins, New York a The construction on the site of the existing County General Hospital, located on Trumansburg Road in the Town of Ithaca, of a new hospital building, including original furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus required for the purposes for which such building will be used, and the gradin and im- provement of the site thereof, at a maximum estimated cost of $20,100 000, and b The reconstruction of the existing County hospital building on the afore- said site, including original furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus required for the purposes for which such reconstructed building will be used, at a maximum estimated cost of $548,000 Section 2. The total estimated cost of the aforesaid specific objects or purposes is $20,648,000, and the plan for the financing thereof is as follows a By the issuance of $20,515,500 serial bonds of said County, hereby authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the Local Finance Law, of which 20 January 27, 1975 $19,998,000 serial bonds shall be issued for the specific object or purpose described in paragraph a of Section 1 of this resolution and $517,500 serial bonds shall be issued for the specific object or purpose described in paragraph b of such Section, and b By the expenditure of $132,500 heretofore appropriated and made available from Federal revenue sharing funds, of which $102,000 was provided for the specific object or purpose described in paragraph a of Section 1 of this resolu- tion and $30,500 was provided for the specific object or purpose described in para- graph b of such Section Section 3. It is hereby determined as follows a That subdivision 11(a) of paragraph a of Section 11 00 of the Local Finance Law applies to the specific object or purpose described in paragraph a of Section 1 of this resolution, and that the period of probable usefulness thereof is thirty years, b That subdivision 12(a) (1) of said paragraph and Section of the Local Fi- nance Law applies to the specific object or purpose described in paragraph b of Section 1 of this resolution, and that the period of probable usefulness thereof is twenty years, c That the aforesaid current funds in the amount of $30,500, heretofore pro- vided to pay a part of the cost of the specific object or purpose described in paragraph b of Section 1 of this resolution, shall constitute the down payment required in connection with the issuance of the serial bonds herein authorized for such specific object or purpose, and d That, pursuant to item (g) of subdivision 3 of paragraph d of Section 107 00 of the Local Finance Law, no down payment is required in connection with the issuance of the bonds herein authorized for the specific object or pur- pose described in paragraph a of Section 1 of this resolution Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Tompkins, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable An annual ap- propriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year To the extent not paid from other sources, there shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the County Administrator, the chief fiscal officer of such County Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said County Ad- ministrator, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law Section 6. The validity of such bonds may be contested only if 1) Such bonds are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be compiled with at the date of publi- cation of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such bonds are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitu- tion Section 7. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in the official newspapers of such County, together with a notice of the Clerk of the Board of Representatives in substantially the form provided in Sec- tion 81 00 of the Local Finance Law January 27, 1975 21 RESOLUTION NO. 28—ON AUDIT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden Mr Haight questioned four bills for the Assigned Counsel Plan and withdrew them from the audit until the next meeting He said the bill that was previously withdrawn for the Wrecker Service for storage of impounded cars was approved Ayes — 15 Noes — 0 Adopted RESOLVED, That a list of claims against the County of Tompkins charge- able to General Fund $ 55,667 34 Eucumbrances 6,88213 Comp Insurance 1,490 24 Airport 13,761 00 Highway 111,907 88 $189,708 59 be and hereby are audited by this Board at the above amounts approved by the various committees, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor Mr Culligan placed in nomination for appointment to the Hospital Board of Managers, the name of Mrs Helen Hoefer to replace Ronald Cotanch who resigned The term expires December 31, 1977 He also placed in nomination the name of Morris Garmise to be reappointed for a five-year term Said term ex- pires December 31, 1979 He placed in nomination the name of Lawrence Siany for a five-year term which expires December 31, 1979 Upon hearing no further nominations, the above-named persons were declared members of the Hospital Board of Managers - Mr MacNeil placed in nomination the name of Steven Heslop to be laid on the table for appointment as Keeper of the Covered Bridge in Newfield for 19'75 The Fire Advisory Board Appointments were withdrawn until later Mr Kerr placed the name of Roger Gleason on the table for appointment to the Soil Conservation District Board (Farm Bureau) An executive session of the Board will be held at 9 00 a m on February 10 On motion, meeting adjourned 22 February 10, 1975 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 14 Excused — Representative Miller — 1 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The minutes of the January 27th meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Public Service Commission order referring motion and interlocutory appeals to presiding examiner, American League of Anglers, Inc re NYS Stream Pro- tection Law; copy of letter from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to Buyoucos King and Rheingold re Public Service Commission case — Cayuga Station; Cortland County Legislature's resolution for Audit of TC3 Ex- penditures, Public Service Commission regarding Cayuga Station dates of replies re rulings on prehearing conference issues, Hugh Hurlbut sent summary list of positions committed for funding under Title VI CETA, Public Service Commission — NYSE&G Cayuga Station tentative hearing schedule, minutes of County Plan- ning Board for January 8, Public Service Commission — NYSE&G — Cayuga Station request for clarification, Mailgram advising Appalachian Regional Com- mission approval of $789,090 grant for 13 mile access road serving Tompkins County Industrial Park, Public Service Commission examiner verifying Harry Kerr as Tompkins County Board Chairman, Office for Local Government sent letter re temporary restraining order preventing enforcement of Federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1974, copy of letter from Dr Hamlisch to Robert Howard re Jeffrey Grummons, letter and resolution from Tompkins County Senior Citizens' Council, Inc re appreciation for support, STE re ARC Job Opportunity Preap- plication, minutes of Planning and Public Works Committee for January 28, Program Update from Cooperative Extension, copy of letter from Finger Lakes Association to H B Dates re his appointment, copy of a letter of Public Service Commission examiner to Alfred W Eipper re NYSE&G — Cayuga Station and acknowledging his appearance on behalf of the Cayuga Lake Conservation Associa- tion, minutes of TC3 Board of Trustees for January 9, Bureau of Resource Re- cover, Division of Solid Waste, sent draft copy of a proposed Constitution; letter from Hugh Hurlbut recommending Donald Wilson be appointed as Acting Director of Probation until a Director can be appointed, Pistol Permits for January totalled $115 00, letter from Hospital Affiliates, Nashville, Tenn re hospital con- sultants and wish to be notified of whom to contact on committees, STE reviews for NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services, Police Instructor Standards and Penal Law Instruction for Police Officers, NYS Division for Youth Non -Secure Detention Unit — Group Home Development, and NYS Department of Labor CETA Title VI Balance of State, letter from William J Kiernan, Loan Officer of the Ithaca Savings and Loan Association to Harry Kerr stating they are selling the property at 215 N Aurora Street in Ithaca known as the Tectonics Building or Acrographics Building Mrs Pauline Darrett spoke under privilege of the floor regarding her com- plaints concerning the Human Rights Commission Mrs Louise DeLaurentis spoke to the board urging them to vote against the proposed Charter amendment — Local Law No 1 pertaining to qualifications for holding office of County Legislator Mr Dates introduced Louis J Long, Secretary of the Tompkins County Area Development Corporation who gave a report and explained the purpose and function of the Corporation and mentioned some of their projects Various committee chairmen reported as follows Mr Culligan, Chairman of the Health Committee, said their next meeting will be held February 19 at 7 30 p m The committee will be considering names of people to fill a vacancy on the Mental Health Board as the Chairman of the Board is leaving soon He reported the hospital has another budgetary problem in the area of liabihty insurance on malpractice problems He asked Eugene Arnold, Hospital Administrator, to attend the committee meeting on the 19th to bring them up to date February 10, 1975 23 Mr Webster, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, re- ported the committee met January 29th and discussed resolutions that have been proposed by other counties Mrs Livesay and Robert Watros are going to examine the Clinton County proposal of implementation of the Fleishman Report He an- nounced that committee members would be responsible for the following areas. Mrs Livesay — Legislation, Economic Opportunity Corporation and Extension Service, Mr Watros — Tompkins -Cortland Community College and County His- torian, Mr Webster — Library and Elections They will pass on to the Chairman the recommendation that the Charter be amended to comply with the committee structure They also met with Charles Herndon of the Economic Opportunity Corporation who spoke of Headstart budget problems and there is a resolution on the agenda He also mentioned it was reported the Human Rights has hired an investigator Last year there was approval for a consultant to do a report for the library The report will be forthcoming The Library Board of Trustees has ap- pointed a liaison committee to work with the County Administration Committee on the county code They are distributing to committees and the board two resolu- tions, one on the creation of an ad hoc Youth and Recreation Committee and a resolution to the state requesting they not pass legislation requiring monies in the middle of the year He hopes to have them prepared for the next meeting He reported he and Mrs Livesay met with Mrs Darrett and now he has a better un- derstanding of her concern They will be meeting with her again and will have a report for the board He said they haven't yet prepared the financial report Mrs Livesay reported the Ad Hoc Committee for Youth and Recreation will meet tomorrow at 7 30 p m and welcomed board members to attend Mr Holden, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, noted they will be pre- senting resolutions today He reported the doctor who does county physicals does not want to do so another year The cost for a new one would be $8 00 plus lab charges The committee also discussed changes m procedures for applications in the Personnel Department Mr MacNeil, Chairman of Planning and Public Works Committee, announced the committee will meet on the fourth Thursday of each month at 12 00 noon He reported regarding negotiations with Chartair at the airport Discussion was had regarding the Ad hoc Youth and Recreation Committee The Planning and Public Works Committee last year referred it to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee and the subsequent action of the present committee was to refer it also to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee He said he met with Mrs Sisler and reviewed what county action is regarding the old court house The bids will be opened March 5th He said the name of Millard Brink will be considered later in the meeting for appointment to the Soil Conservation District and James Gordon for appoint- ment to the Environmental Management Council He reported that several repre- sentatives had considered the cost and other factors regarding the impact of pos- sibility of the board moving to the old court house and an estimate was received of less than $50,000 to renovate this new court house Frank Liguori will give a full impact statement at the next meeting The committee discussed interim space for the Sheriff to house his staff and they recommended Plan B in DeWitt Mall for a period not to exceed two years while the old court house is being renovated They had discussion of Warren Road changes and architects will be interviewed They also discussed the Sanitary Landfill on which they were in- formed of the Tri -County Study underway regarding the impact of solid waste in the area and should have results in the near future They listened to a proposal re establishment of an airport sports center, motel, etc He said Mr Clynes is a member of the City as well as the Junior National Olympic Planning Committee and he will let them know in a month or two, the county's responsibility in getting ready for this event He said there was no discussion re the lease of the restaurant but there will be a resolution presented today for Mr Williamson and Mr Steven- son to execute a lease or a transfer of lease from Mr Giordano to Mr Wilkinson Mr Haight, Chairman of Public Safety and Correction Committee, said they discussed the appointment of Don Wilson as Acting Director of Probation and it is on the agenda for action today Mr Webster, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, said 24 February 10, 1975 they conducted interviews and considered three applicants as possible Director of Probation Don Wilson is qualified but does not have enough service as a supervisor, therefore, the NYS Division of Probation ruled that he may serve as Acting Director They find his work to be commendable and recommend his appointment Mr Haight mentioned there are corrections on the list of appointments to the Fire Advisory Board in the Village of Cayuga Heights Lowell T George, Delegate, Ronald Anderson, Alternate, Edward Collins, Delegate; and Gary Moravec, Alternate The appointments will be made later in the meeting There will be a resolution later in the meeting to appoint another Deputy Sheriff Mr Hurlbut will report on that later There was discussion re moving the Sheriff's Department to DeWitt Mall Mr MacNeil reported they had a meeting February 3 of the Office for the Aging On February 6 he wrote to notify the State of Susan Clark's appointment as Director They are setting up an office at 225 S Fulton Street He, Mr Kerr, Mr Stevenson and Mr Murphy met and discussed the management of the airport under present supervision and under Mr Kerr's direction, Mr MacNeil and Mr Stevenson will conduct a detailed research into proper management of the air- port considering the Master Plan which will be available in February, and the safety, legal and efficient operation and economic relationship to the county Job descriptions will be studied and recommendations made in relationship to the fixed -base operator, Alleghany and any other interested party These recom- mendations will go to the Planning and Public Works Committee and then to the board They received from Mr Williamson a copy of some of the costs involved in carrier's landing at our airport and lease for that Mrs Livesay reporting for the Social Services Committee said they met with Robert Wagner, Commissioner of Social Services, regarding care in foster homes They also approved several equipment purchases and discussed the committee taking over the Office for the Aging and the Human Rights Commission Mr Holden said they discussed the assigned workload in the Personnel Department He also mentioned Thomas Griffin was appointed as Commissioner of Jurors one year ago for a four-year term He said the law has changed and heretofore any Juror had to see the judge to be excused People may now be excused by contacting the Jury Commissioner Mr Murphy, a member of the Hospital Construction Committee, said they met February 7 to review the architects progress to date, to discuss alternate methods of designating responsibilities during construction, and to solicit legal opinion on the alternate methods under investigation in #2 Larry Hoffman described in detail the diagrammatic plan that was submitted as a part of the Phase 2 applica- tion to New York State Health Department The committee accepts as valid the diagrammatic plan but took no action because additional input will shortly be forthcoming from Albany, mechanical engineers, and others The committee did direct considerable attention to placement of Route 96 The committee expressed a confidence in the facts and principles delineated in the functional plan that are tailored for this community Furthermore, should conditions change in the future as a result of governmental edict, medical breakthrough, or other causes — the current design allows sufficient flexibility to meet such change In the near future other meetings will evaluate possible services from specialists who are familiar with coordination and cost control as apphed to construction and pro- curement Mr Murphy, County Administrator, said they have been spending a lot of time on regular year-end work He met with the new Human Rights Investigator and she would like space available for her He also spoke with Susan Clark and her office will be at 225 S Fulton Street Relative to the hospital EDP, as far as cleaning up whatever program problems that have been identified, he talked with several firms and has received proposals from four firms They settled on Auto- mation Services proposal from Elmira and a man is on the fob full time There will be a detailed report at the next board meeting Mr Williamson, County Attorney, mentioned the proposed appeal by Rita Schmidt on the County Sewer Case February 10, 1975 25, Mr Kerr called attention to the recommended policy on appointments Con- siderable time has been spent on getting appointments up-to-date He asked the board to look it over and possibly before the end of the year it could be amended to our rules of the board Regarding committee assignments and responsibilities, it is open for suggestions He asked it be in the record with the understanding that each year it will be revised and brought up-to-date Mr Robey questioned whether Mr Lee as a non-member of the Board could continue to serve on the Industrial Development Agency Mr Williamson, County Attorney, said he wrote to the New York State Audit and Control_ for clarification and is awaiting a reply Mr Culligan suggested a good look be taken at committees under the Charter It was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Kidney and adopted that a resolution re lighting at the library and lease for the airport restaurant, be added to the agenda It was Moved by Mr Kidney, seconded by Mr Haight, and adopted that Reso- lution No 15 Local Law No 1 be lifted from the table After a lengthy discussion, a roll call was taken on the resolution which resulted as follows Ayes — Watros, Clynes, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kerr — 6 Noes— Benson, Bruce, Culligan, Kid- ney, Livesay, MacNeil, Robey, Webster — 9 Excused — Miller Resolution Lost. RESOLUTION NO. 29—REQUEST FOR INCREASE IN FEDERAL FUNDS FOR HEADSTART PROGRAMS Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Watros and adopted WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Economic Opportunity Corporation has been operating Headstart and Child Development programs in this county, and WHEREAS, the programs are of good quality and benefit the Tompkins County community, and WHEREAS, the programs have been operating at an austerity level of funding so that if funding is not increased to meet cost -of -living increases and costs of added mandated responsibilities this will result in a cut in the program in quality, quantity or both, and WHEREAS, the pressures in the community are for expanding rather than curtailing these programs, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County sup- ports the Economic Opportunity Corporation's request to the Federal Government to fund an additional $48,000 for this program RESOLUTION NO. 30—CREATION OF POSITION — HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Benson It was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden, to amend to put in the amount of $10,140 to be appro- priated from the Contingent Fund Motion to amend adopted. A roll call on the resolution as amended resulted as follows Ayes — 14 Noes — 0 Excused — 1 Adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Personnel Committees, that one position of Public Health Sanitarian (13-15), labor grade XIII, competi- tive class, be created effective immediately, said position having been duly ad- vertised, RESOLVED, further, that the sum of $10,140 00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code A-1990) to Public Health Department, Personal Services (Code A-4010-100), RESOLVED, further, that the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 31—CREATION OF POSITION — SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Webster Mr Hurlbut, Commissioner of Personnel, explained to the board the reason for this request He said because the Village of Trumansburg is creating their own Police Department, two Sheriff's 26 February 10, 1975 Deputies assigned to the village are coming back to the Sheriff's Department He said it was considered and agreed to that there be one position created for night duty in the jail from midnight to 8 00 a m and it was suggested one would pick up counseling services for daytime programs and one for general duties Mr Elmer Blomgren of the Jail Advisory Committee spoke expressing their wishes that there be 24 hour jail coverage and also have someone work with the Program Committee After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed the money be appropriated and included in the resolution from the Contingent Fund A roll call resulted Ayes — 14 Noes — 0 Excused —1 Resolution adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Personnel Committees, that three positions of Deputy Sheriff originally created for use in the Village of Trumansburg be transferred to regular positions, RESOLVED, further, that one position of Deputy Sheriff (10-03), Labor Grade X, Flaherty class, be created effective immediately, said position having been duly advertised, RESOLVED, further that the sum of $8,231 00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code A-1990) to Sheriff, Personal Services (Code A-3110-100), RESOLVED, further, that the County Administrator be and hereby is author- ized and directed to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 32—CREATION OF POSITION — MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Robev A discussion followed and the resolution was withdrawn and referred to the Health Committee RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Personnel Committees, That one position of Stenographer (05-09), competitive class, Labor Grade V, be created on a half-time basis effective immediately, said position to be 100 per cent reimbursable to the County under a grant from the N Y S Division of Alcoholism, and said position having been duly advertised RESOLUTION NO. 33—RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION — TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Benson Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations and Personnel Committees, That one position of Library Clerk at Tompkins -Cortland Community College be reclassified to Senior Library Clerk, competitive class, Labor Grade D, effective immediately, monies having been included in the 1975 budget RESOLUTION NO. 34—REVISION IN PAYMENT FOR MILEAGE TO PERSONS ON JURY DUTY Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Kidney Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is authorized to write our Assemblyman, Gary A Lee, asking hum to introduce legislation which would change Section 749 A-2 of the Judiciary Law to allow municipalities to set their own rates of reimbursement for mileage to trial and grand jurors to re- place the present law mandating an allowance of ten cents per mile RESOLUTION NO. 35—CREATION OF POSITION — OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Livesay Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services and Personnel Com- mittees, That one position of Stenographer (05-09), Labor Grade V, competitive class, be created effective immediately, said position having been duly advertised RESOLUTION NO. 36—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE — GIORDANO Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Webster A discussion followed and resolution was adopted February 10, 1975 27 WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins entered into a lease agreement with Vincent Giordano for the leasing of the old Terminal building operated as a restaurant, and WHEREAS, said lease term commenced September 1, 1973, and continues for a period of five years with an option to renew for an additional five years, and WHEREAS, Section 15 of said contract authorized an assignment of said lease by lessee upon the written consent of the County, and WHEREAS, Vincent Giordano has requested that the County consent to an assignment of said lease to Robert L Wilkinson D/B/A Airport Lounge, effective as of February 1, 1975, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Pubhc Works Com- mittee, that the County hereby consents to the assignment of said lease from Vincent Giordano D/B/A Airport Heights Restaurant, to Robert L Wilkinson D/B/A Airport Lounge, effective as of February 1, 1975, reserving to the county all rights against the assignor under the terms of the lease agreement RESOLVED, further, that the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a consent to said assignment on behalf of the County Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Holden, and adopted that Steven Heslop be appointed as Keeper of the Covered Bridge in Newfield for the year 1975 The Chairman appointed Mr Don Wilson as Acting Director of the Probation Department It was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Haight and adopted that Erie J Miller, Jr be appointed to the Agricultural District Advisory Committee and serve as the chairman It was Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Kidney that Stanley Warren be appointed to serve on the Assessment Review Board to replace Edward A Lutz The term is for three years and expires December 31, 1977 It was Moved by Mr Kidney, seconded by Mr Culligan and adopted that James Gordon (member at large) and Roger Gleason (Extension) be appointed to serve on the Environmental Management Council It was Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Webster, and adopted that the following persons be appointed to serve on the Fire Advisory Board - City of Ithaca: William Sullivan, Deg Robert Cook, Alt Charles Tuckerman, Deg Kennedy Reeves, Alt James Sheehan, Deg John Harding, Alt W Lyle Neigh, Deg William Henry, Alt Town of Lansing. David L Beckley, Deg Paul Welch, Alt Max Crozier, Deg Frederick Steinhardt, Alt Town of Dryden. Edward Bell, Deg Donald Hansen, Alt Edgar Parker, Deg Joseph Petersen, Alt Paul Edwards, Deg Harold Case, Alt Town of Danby: Earl Colburn, Deg William R Lehto, Alt Town of Enfield: Michael Carlisle, Deg Larry Lanning, Alt 28 February 24; 1975 Village of Cayuga Heights. Lowell T George, Deg Ronald Anderson, Alt Edward Collins, Deg Gary R Moravec, Alt Town of Groton Robert Walpole, Deg Gary Miller, Alt Harold Reese, Deg Kenneth Shaw, Jr , Alt Town of Caroline: Silas E Ferguson, Deg David Moesch, Alt Town of Newfield: Richard N Watson, Deg Ralph J Payne, Sr , Alt Town of Ulysses• Brian Ford, Deg Sidney Thompson, Alt Jack Covert, Deg Allen Gorton, Alt It was Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Holden, That Raymond Blanchard be reappointed to the Multiple Residence Review Board for a three- year term which expires December 31, 1977 Adopted It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Kidney, and adopted that Millard Brink be appointed to serve on the County Planning Board It was Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Haight, and adopted that Thomas Todd be reappointed to serve on the Soil Conservation District Board for a three-year term which expires December 31, 1977 Chairman Kerr reappointed Mr MacNeil to serve on the Board of Directors of the Office for the Aging for 1975 On motion, meeting adjourned at 12 26 p m PUBLIC HEARING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1975 The Chairman called the public hearing on Local Law No 1 — 1975 — Proposed Amendments to Local Law No 2 — 1966, to order at 10 00 a m The Clerk read the notice of hearing which was published in the official newspapers COUNTY OF TOMPKINS LOCAL LAW NO 1 — 1975 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO LOCAL LAW NO 2 — 1966 (Matter in parentheses is old, bold is new) A local law of the County of Tompkins, State of New York, providing for the amendment of Local Law No 2 — 1966, adopted by this Board September 26, 1966, and amended by Local Law No 1 — 1971, adopted February 22, 1971 BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins as follows Section 1 Section 2 of Local Law No 2 — 1966 is hereby amended by Local Law No 1 — 1975 to read as follows Section 2 The following requirements must be met in order to qualify for an exemption 1 Either the husband or wife must be 65 years of age or over on the date the application for said exemption is filed, 2 Title to the property must have been vested in the owners of the property for at least (5) 2 years prior to the date of the application, 3 The property must be used exclusively for residential purposes and be occupied in whole or in part by the owner or owners and said property must be their legal residence, 4 The income of all the owners must not exceed ($4,000) $6,500 during the income tax year immediately preceding the date of application Where the title to the property is vested in either a husband or wife, the combined income of the husband and wife may not exceed ($4,000) $6,500. "Income" includes all social February 24, 1975 29 security and retirement payments, interest, dividends, net rental income, salaries or other earnings including net income from self-employment It does not include gifts or inheritances received during the income tax year The burden of proof is upon the applicants to show eligibility and they may be required to obtain and submit copies of their latest Federal and State income tax returns, social security statements, etc Section 2 Application for such exemption must be made by the owner or all of the owners of the property on forms prescribed by the State Board to be furnished by the appropriate assessing authority and shall furnish the informa- tion and be executed in the manner required or prescribed in said forms and same shall be filed in the Assessor's office at the County Office Building, Ithaca, New York, on or before taxable status date a At least 60 days prior to the appropriate taxable status date, the assessing authority shall mail to each person who was granted exemption pursuant to this section on the latest completed assessment roll an application form and a notice that such application must be filed on or before taxable status date and be ap- proved in order for the exemption to be granted Failure to mail any such ap- plication form and notice or the failure of such person to receive the same shall not prevent the levy, collection and enforcement of the payment of the taxes on property owned by such person Section 3 If the application requesting a tax exemption is granted by the As- sessor then, and in that event, the real property owned by the owner or owners shall be assessed at 50% of the assessed value for the year in which it is granted Section 4 Pursuant to Section 467 of the Real Property Tax Law, any conviction of having made any wilful false statement in the application for such exemption, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100 00) and shall disqualify the applicant or applicants from further exemption for a period of five (5) years Section 6 This local law shall be effective immediately Mrs Helen Vandervort expressed her appreciation for all that has been done which has enabled this law to become a reality The Chairman closed the public hearing at 10 05 a m REGULAR MEETING MONDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 06 a m Present 13 Representatives Excused — Mr Culligan and Mr Haight — 2 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance The minutes of the February 10th meeting were approved as submitted The Clerk noted the following correspondence was received for filing and/ or referred to the proper committee for action Copy of a memorandum to John Murphy from Frank Liguori re Tri -County Solid Waste Recovery, Leonard S Wegman Co , Inc Consulting Engineer, Septem- ber -October 1974, Controllers Contract No C75877, minutes County Sewer Agency meeting January 30, 1975 and Comprehensive Sewerage Study Progress Report as of January 30, 1975, minutes of the Ad hoc Youth and Recreational Services Committee meeting on January 15, 1975, "Report of the Office of Public Counsel" Rail Services Planning Office, Interstate Commerce Commission January 1975, summarization of First Task Force Committee meeting January 13, 1975, informa- tion memorandum from NYS Executive Department Office for the Aging re New York State Council on the Aging, memorandum to City, Village and Town Planning Boards, Tompkins County from Frank Liguori re Summary of amendment to the NYS Environmental Conservation Law — Mined Land Reclamation Law, State of New York Department of Public Service Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment re Case 80002 — NYSEG Corporation — Cayuga Station; minutes of the Second meeting of the Balance of State Manpower Planning Council of Dec 18, notice to local agencies, Division of Criminal Justice Services/ 30 February 24, 1975 1975 Action Grant Application/Statewide STE 75-18, notice of Tentative State Equalization Rate — City of Ithaca, 62 16, certificates of Final Equalization Rates — Village of Dryden — 63, Village of Freeville — 59, Village of Groton — 79, Village of Trumansburg — 62, copy of letter, questionnaire and tables supplied to the Commission on Eminent Domai nand Real Property Tax Assessment Re- view from Assessment Department, STE Board minutes for January 15, copy of Women's Multi -Purpose Center proposal and description of work program, letter from Dept of Transportation, FAA, re certification/safety inspection at Tompkins County Airport, Huber, Magill, Lawrence & Farrell to Public Service Commission re Cayuga Station Article VIII and errata and inspection sheet correcting errors in Supplement No 4, copy of a letter Dept of Labor to Commissioner of Per- sonnel re Title VI state agencies plan for county, memorandum re Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 Association's Preliminary System Plan, letter from Carl Willsey re Hospital Affiliates potential management of new facility, letter from Ruth Durling, Secretary, Veterans' Day Committee concerning proposed monument for veterans who served during Korean and Vietnam Wars, STE Area - wide and Local Planning for Health Action/Primary Care Cooperative, STE Division of Criminal Justice Services/ 1975 Action Grant — Comprehensive Crime Control Plan, STE Social Service — Commission for visually handicapped/State- wide umbrella radio project for older blind, STE Tompkins County Airport Im- provements FY 1975-1976, Dept of Labor corrections to NYS Manpower Directory, minutes of Tompkins County Library Board of Trustees for January 28, 1975, copy of letter from the Public Service Commission to Robert Roberson re Environ- mental Conservation announcement to appoint an associate examiner and take active part in future course of proceedings, Public Service Commission to hear- ing examiner request for reconsideration of applicants' witnesses, copy of memorandum from Frank Liguori to Hugh S MacNeil re representatives from Village of Lansing to County Planning Board, County Sewer Agency and Co Sewer Distnct No 1, NYS Select Legislative Committee on Transportation notice of public hearing February 25 in Albany on operating assistance and incentive grants for public transportation in New York, Health Committee minutes for January 21, resolution from Sullivan County requesting Governor Carey to re- store funds for training of volunteer firemen and the continued operation of the State Academy of Fire Science, letter from County Officers' Association re de- velopment of a new formula for the apportionment of general state revenue sharing that recommends using need, capacity and effort as its basis, resolution from Niagara County urging the state to pass legislation making all costs of fringe benefits in County Public Health and Probation departments eligible for State Aid, letter from STE recommending the water, sewer and fire pond for Tompkins County Industrial Park to Appalachia Regional Commission for funding — all necessary applications and documentations should be submitted OPS by March 1, 1975, copies of letters from Tompkins County Environmental Management Council to Department of Environmental Conservation and Bureau of Lands and Forests re an early March forum on the designation of Fall Creek as a recreational river, copy of letter from Dept of Labor to Hugh Hurlbut re retention of services of staff members D'Eredita and Masucci, memorandum from Frank Liguori to Board members re report of "Factual" information on alternate proposals and implications use of old and new court house, Dept of Labor information re the obligation of CETA - OJT funds during January 1975, letter from Tompkins County Fair Association requesting for funds, copy of executed agreement Cornell University and Cooperative Extension Association of Tompkins County, executed agreement between County of Tompkins and Mall Airways, Inc , executed copy of lease agreement between County of Tompkins and Cooperative Extension for the Office for the Aging, letter from Arthur DeGrout, Prospect Enterprises, Inc re NYS Stream Protection Law, Public Service Commission re NYSE&G Cayuga Station — change of address for David Dinsmore Comey to 4 James Street Ithaca, Public Service Commission acknowledged receipt of the joint resolution filed on behalf of County of Tompkins and Town of Lansing, resignation of Alton I Reed as Agricultural Representative on the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council, received summary of the grant application as required by paragraph 99 13 (c) (1) of the Rules and Regulations for Title VI of the Compre- February 24, 1975 31 hensive Employment and Training Act, certificate of insurance from H A Carey Co , Inc for general liability for Robert L Wilkinson d/b/a Airport Lounge, letter from NYS Executive Department Office for the Aging approving the application establishing an Area Agency on Aging in Tompkins County, effective period is January 1, 1975, A-95 Reviews December 19, 1974 to January 16, 1975, resolution from Dutchess County endorsement of Legislative Proposal No 2 relative to the financing of Community College, resolution from Cortland County re TC3 Audit and a resolution from Rockland County memorializing the governor and Rockland County elected State Representatives to oppose any cuts in state aid to educational or local governments, copy of point statement by the directors of the Alcohol Information Center and the Alcohol Recovery Program, minutes of Social Services Committee meeting of February 4, Public Service Commission re NYSE&G hearing acknowledging letter from Francis Fallon (Huber, Magill, Lawrence & Farrell), STE Reviews of NYS Department of Labor/CETA Title II/ Modification Balance of State and NYS Dept of Education/Right to Read Plan, letter from Assemblyman Gary A Lee resigning as a director of Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency Mr Bruce again questioned appointments to Industrial Development Agency and nature of representation on it and structure of the Agency He asked if the by-laws could be made available to the board to study and make a decision so if and when such a problem arises again The County Attorney was asked to make available by-laws and action of the board establishing the corporation It was sug- gested that the by-laws be in the record of the board Mr Bruce said he would like clarified the relationship between the board and the Industrial Development Agency Mrs Ruth Pettengill reported pertinent to the Human Services Coalition and thanked the board for all the support given them Mr Miller reported relative to the septic tank sludge situation in the Town of Carohne He contacted the state and before they will approve any site again, they will come down and examine it Mr Kerr said he attended a meeting with many others at the Tin Can to try to come up with recommendations re efficiencies in the human services in the county Mr Dates, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said Mr Murphy is in contact with the Department of Audit and Control regarding revenue sharing and hopefully a report and resolution will be presented at the first meet- ing in March Mr Watros, Health Committee, reported the committee met on February 19 There was discussion on proposal for a rate raise at the hospital He suggested a special meeting be held with the Board of Managers and the Construction Com- mittee to further discuss this matter so action may be taken at the next board meeting He said later in the meeting he will withdraw Resolution No 32 per- taining to Creation of Position at the Mental Health Department from the agenda Mr Robey, Health Committee, spoke regarding Resolution No 32 pertaining to the Creation of position at the Mental Health Department which was withdrawn at the February 10th meeting He said it was discussed and the committee felt it would support the position if the state could guarantee in writing that funds will be available He said he attended a Mental Health Board meeting and the Alcoholism Steering Committee has been formed to assist the Alcoholism Co- ordinator, Mrs Ingrid Goulder Mr Miller will be on the committee They asked her to put together in writing a summary of various efforts in the county directed toward alcoholism and she has agreed to do a report The Mental Health Board has formed a nominating committee to suggest names for replacement for Mr Jackson Hall who resigned Mr Eugene Arnold, Administrator of the Tompkins County Hospital, re- ported on the proposed rate increase He also said they are waiting for a final report on the appeal from the State Health Department Mr Webster, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Relations Commitee, said they are having a meeting Thursday, February 27th at 4 00 p m They met with Mr Carpenter, Chairman of the Tompkins County Library Board of Trustees 32 February 24, 1975 They have received the Greer report and are reviewing and will make it avail- able to the board as soon as they finish the review Mr Holden, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, reported they met Febru- ary 10th They are discussing the moving expense policy and asked Mr Hurlbut to write to the County Administrator to include this m the administrative manual There will be a recommendation regarding staffing in the Personnel Department at the next meeting They have received a request from the City of Ithaca for the County to take over the civil service function It is under discussion and there will be a report soon He requested a short committee meeting after the board meeting Mr Kerr said he is holdmg an executive committee meeting following this meeting Mr MacNeil reported the committee for the Office for the Aging met February 17 Susan Clarke is working up a fob description for an assistant The Nutrition Program is thought to be with the Extension Service until July and are to find out whether the Office for the Aging should take it over Beverly Livesay is now going to be a representative of the Office for the Aging There was a Budget Committee set up It was thought they would get a credit card for the Department of the Office for the Aging The next meeting is March 3 They feel the Office should be open February 24 The State is taking request for first quarter funding under consideration and the office should spend their own money first He said the committee has been interviewing engineers for the War- ren Road Project He would like a resolution regarding this added to the agenda later in the meeting Mr Liguori, Planning Commissioner, wrote a memo to the board regarding alternate proposals and implications for the use of the old and new court house They are awaiting the Public Safety and Correction Committee to approve Plan A or B for the move of the Sheriff's Department Discussion was held regarding Building C and he feels the building is overloaded He asked every- one to study the impact statement from Mr Liguori and perhaps at the next meeting the board could take a formal vote A Planning and Public Works Com- mittee meeting will be held February 27 at noon Mrs Benson, Public Safety and Correction Committee, said they met February 19 and discussed the contract for the radio system maintenance contract which Mr Harlin McEwen has negotiated This contract will be on the agenda for ap- proval at the next meeting They approved the use of the board room for the Grand Jury and also, upon the request of the District Attorney, are installing another telephone line Mr Webster is looking into the Personnel needs of Family Court They are continuing to look into the moving of the Sheriff's Department There will be a special meeting on March 12 regarding Criminal Justice report and the sections they have not considered Mr Miller, Social Services Committee, said they had their first meeting on February 4th They will be meeting at 4 00 p m on the 1st Tuesday of each month He asked if the board still wants to receive the monthly report of the Social Services Department It was decided one copy will be filed with the Clerk of the Board each month and be available for anyone interested Mr Dates reported relative to the Four -County Rail Committee There will be a copy of recommendations as soon as they are made official They will be reporting further on this matter He attended a meeting of the State Crime Control Commission There is money available through the Southern Tier East Regional Planning Board There will be a meeting of the Steering Committee for the proposed Cayuga Station February 25th Mr Murphy, County Administrator, reported on the final appropriations and transfer figures for 1974 He also reported relative to the EDP System at the hospital Chairman Kerr reported he has attended many meetings He attended an enjoyable gathering with the 4-H Group at the Cayuga Preventorium He also said the County Charter calls for an Executive Committee to meet once a month and there will be a meeting immediately following this meeting It was Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Watros and adopted that Resolu- tion No 32 — Creation of Position — Mental Health Department, be withdrawn February 24, 1975 33 from the agenda and a resolution pertaining to Engineer for the Warren Road project be added to the agenda RESOLUTION NO. 37—ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 1 — 1975 — AMEND- MENTS TO LOCAL LAW NO. 2 — 1966 Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller Thomas Payne, Director of Assessment, explained the change A roll call resulted as follows Ayes — 13 Noes — 0 Excused — 2 Adopted WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held after notice required by law on Local Law No 1 — 1975, relative to amendments to Local Law No 2 — 1966, as amended by Local Law No 1 — 1971, increasing the income limitation to $6,500 for those 65 years of age or over and further amending said Local Law No 2 — 1966, as amended to conform with recent legislation, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing held on February 24, 1975, at 10 00 o'clock in the morning thereof, no one appeared in opposition to said amendment, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com- mittee that said Local Law No 1 — 1975, be and the same hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, that the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said local law in the official newspapers of the County, for two successive weeks, with- in ten days after this local law is adopted, and after said local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy of the of- fice of the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comptroller and four certified copies with the Secretary of State RESOLUTION NO. 38—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Watros, seconded by Mr Webster Ayes — 13 — Noes — 0 Excused — 2 Adopted WHEREAS the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee in the amount of $11,932 25 to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College are Claim No 90 — Construction Costs — $11 932 25 RESOLVED, that the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is audited and approved RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is author- ized and direced to pay said claim out of the funds provided therefor RESOLUTION NO. 39—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT — CO- OPERATIVE EXTENSION ASSOCIATION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Moved by Mr Robey, seconded by Mrs Benson Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, that the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute the agreement between the County of Tompkins and the Cooperative Extension Association of Tompkins County dated January 1, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 40—RESOLUTION FOR CORRECTION OF CERTAIN CLERICAL ERRORS ON TAX ROLLS Moved by Mr Robev seconded by Mr Holden Adopted WHEREAS, application has been received for correction of a clerical error pursuant to Section 554 of the Real Property Tax Law, and WHEREAS, the Director of Assessment of Tompkins County has pursuant to Section 554, investigated all facts and circumstances surrounding the claimed clerical error to determine whether same exists, and WHEREAS, the said Director of Assessment of Tompkins County has trans- mitted a written report of his investigation and his recommendation for action thereon, together with copies of the application to the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Commit- tee, That this board hereby approves said application, RESOLVED, further, that the Director of Assessment is authorized to notate 34 February 24, 1975 the approval of said application on the copy of same and enter thereon the correct extension of taxes, RESOLVED, further, that this Board hereby orders and directs Lois Baker, the Collecting Officer for the Town of Groton to correct said tax roll and tax bill for the year 1975, RESOLVED, further, that the Clerk of the Board shall forward a certified copy of this resolution and order to Lois Baker, the Collecting Officer of the Town of Groton and to the applicant, and that there be charged to the County $0.11 and to the Town $9.80 RESOLUTION NO. 41—RESOLUTION URGING CONGRESSIONAL ACTION TO CLARIFY STATE DOT PARTICIPATION IN HIGHWAY ORIENTED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENTS UNDER NEPA Moved by Mr Clynes, seconded by Mr MacNeil Adopted WHEREAS, recent court rulings indicate that the responsibility for the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements relative to highway construc- tion is properly a function of the Federal Highway Administration under the National Environmental Protection Act and not the State Department of Trans- portation, and WHEREAS, the effect of this ruling seriously sets back time tables in rela- tion to the construction of new highways m the State of New York which have already advanced through the Environmental Impact Statements, and WHEREAS, in particular, said court ruhng will have a significant effect on the time table for the reconstruction of Rt 96, which is turn has significant impact upon the reconstruction of the County Hospital, the traffic patterns at the hazardous Octopus intersection, and improvements in the grade crossings of the Lehigh Valley Railroad and major highway systems in the City of Ithaca, there- fore be it RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives urges the Congress of the United States to rectify the impact of the court decision by authorizing the Federal Highway Administration to utilize the services and re- sources of the State Department of Transportation in relation to preparation of Environmental Impact Statements on new highway construction, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Congressman Matthew McHugh, Congressman William F Walsh, Senator Jacob K Javits, Senator William T Smith, NYS Commissioner of Department of Transportation, Commissioner of Public Works, Commissioner of Planning RESOLUTION NO. 42—RESOLUTION URGING APPALACHIA REGIONAL COM- MISSION AND CONGRESS TO CONSIDER ADDING THE RT. 13 CORRIDOR FROM ELMIRA, NEW YORK THROUGH ITHACA AND TERMINATING AT CORTLAND 1.81 AS AN EXTENSION OF THE APPALACHIA THRU- WAY CONCEPT Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Clynes A discussion followed and resolution was adopted WHEREAS, the Ithaca urban area is the only urban growth area of the State of New York without a good connecting link to the Interstate and Express high- way systems, and WHEREAS, the State of New York Department of Transportation has desig- nated the Rt 13 corridor as a "principle highway" in the State Transportation Master Plan, and WHEREAS, the NYS Department of Transportation has concluded that the costs of major improvements to Rt 13 are in excess of the funds which are cur- rently available to the State of New York for the development of "principle high- ways", WHEREAS, it its understood that the Appalachia Regional Commission is urging the Congress to extend the corridor authority mileage of the Appalachia Regional Commission from 2,700 miles to 2,900 miles, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins does urge the NYS Department of Transportation, the Appalachia Regional Com- February 24, 1975 35 mission and the Congress, to consider the extension of the Appalachia Regional Commission's highway corridor authority to include the Rt 13 corridor from Elmira, through Ithaca to Cortland, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Develop- ment Board, a local development district under the Appalachia Regional Com- mission, be urged to support this resolution, and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to Congressman Mat- thew McHugh, Congressman William F Walsh, Senator Jacob K Javits, Senator James L Buckley, Assemblyman Gary A Lee, State Senator William T Smith, Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Development Board, County of Cort- land, County of Chemung, NYS Office of Planning Service, NYS Department of Transportation, Commissioner of Public Works, and Commissioner of Planning RESOLUTION NO. 43—WELCOMING THE NEW VILLAGE OF LANSING AND EXTENDING MEMBERSHIP ON AGENCIES AND BOARDS Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr MacNeil It was Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mrs Benson, That an amendment be added as follows "RESOLVED, That all departments of county government are directed to extend maximum cooperation and efficient and orderly establishment of village govern- ment functions, and That the department heads of county government be added to the distribution list of this resolution " Amendment Adopted. Resolution as amended adopted. WHEREAS, the people of the Village of Lansing have approved the forma- tion of a new Village of Lansing and have now elected a Mayor and Village Board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the new Village of Lansing be and they are hereby wel- comed into the family of municipal corporations within the county, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Lansing is hereby extended the privilege of representation on the following organizations which are municipally oriented in their membership The County Planning Board, The County Sewer Agency, County Sewer District No 1, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Board expresses its sincere desire for continued, on- going intermunicipal cooperation for the general improvement of the welfare of all peoples of this county, RESOLVED, further, That all departments of County Government are directed to extend maximum cooperation to efficient and orderly establishment of village government functions RESOLUTION NO. 44—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — CHAM- BER OF COMMERCE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Watros A brief discussion followed and resolution was adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, that the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute a contract with the Chamber of Commerce providing the Chamber of Commerce with $12,500 00 for the year, 1975, to promote tourism and informational services for the County of Tompkins for said period RESOLUTION NO. 45—SELECTION OF CONSULTING ENGINEER TO DESIGN WARREN ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Clynes Adopted WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives did authorize by means of Resolu- tion No 104, April 16, 1973, the filing of an application to the Appalachia Regional Commission and the NYS Department of Transportation for improvements to Warren Road in the vicinity of the Tompkins County Industrial Park as an Appalachian local access road improvement, and WHEREAS, the Appalachia Regional Commission and the State of New York Department of Transportation has declared their intention to assume 100% of the actual construction cost now estimated at $1,250,000, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No 104, 1973, the Board of Representatives did 36 February 24, 1975 agree to assume 100% of the costs of the engineering design, the cost for any right-of-way acquisitions, and any other ineligible construction costs, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Public Works Committee has interviewed three qualified Consulting Engineers, therefore be it RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Committee that Engineer Thomas G Miller is hereby selected, subject to ap- proval by the NYS Department of Transportation, to submit a scope of service and a proposal for the design of said road improvements m accordance with specifications of the NYS Department of Transportation, and be it further RESOLVED, That the proposal and scope of services by submitted to NYS Department of Transportation and subsequently to this Board for authorization to proceed with a contractual agreement, and be it further RESOLVED, That upon completion of the preliminary design, the plan be presented before the Board for approval and authorization to proceed to final plans RESOLUTION NO 46—AUTHORIZATION TO EXPUNGE TAXES Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca has advised the County that it has the oppor- tunity to acquire three parcels of propery located at 219, 223 and 309 Floral Avenue in the City of Ithaca, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca is interested in acquiring said parcels as an addition to park areas in the Floral Avenue area, and/or future use in the widening of Floral Avenue if said widening were deemed necessary, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca is willing to expunge taxes due to the City of Ithaca prior to the year, 1967, when the present owner acquired said property, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca is desirous of purchasing said parcel from the current owner for the use aforesaid, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca requested the County of Tompkins to ex- punge taxes due the County on 219 Floral Avenue prior to 1967 in the amount of approximately $350 00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com- mittee, that taxes due the County of Tompkins on parcel located at 219 Floral Avenue, accrued prior to 1967, in the approximate amount of $350 00 be and the same hereby are expunged, RESOLVED, further, that the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to expunge said taxes from the record RESOLUTION NO 47—ON AUDIT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden Ayes — 13 Noes — 0 Excused — 2 Adopted RESOLVED, That a list of claims against the County of Tompkins chargeable to General Fund $ 74,11555 Encumbrance 1,964 27 County Self Insurance 149 30 Dog Fund 17 70 Printing Transfers 2,753 81 Airport 41,901 08 Highway 135,805 55 $256,707 26 be and hereby are audited by this Board at the above amounts approved by the various committees, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor Mr Kerr said Mr Lee resigned from the Industrial Development Agency and he would like to have his name put on the table for consideration to replace him On motion, meeting adjourned until Monday, March 3 at 7 30 p m 1 March 10, 1975 37 REGULAR MEETING MARCH 10, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m ' Present 12 Excused — Representatives Dates, Watros — 2 Absent — Repre- sentative Miller (arrived) — 1 ' Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag The minutes of the February 24th meeting were approved, subject to cor- rection by the Clerk The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action "Preliminary Views on Rail Restructuring" from Rail Services Planning Of- fice, minutes of Personnel Comnuttee for February 10, letter from Robert Earle Chairman, Environmental Management Council, informing that Professor Gene Likens, Department of Ecology and Septematics at Cornell, has been designated as Environmental Management Council Representative to the Cayuga Station Steering Committee, notice from Public Service Commission that law firm of Berlin, Roisman, Kessler and Cashdan of Washington, D C , has been retained by Alfred Eipper, Mrs Elaine Gill and Mrs Dooley Kieffer on behalf of groups they represent (respectively — Cayuga Lake Coalition, Coalition to Conserve Cayuga Lake and League of Women Voters of Tompkins County), letter from Judge Bruce G Dean recommending Plan "B" of Frank Liguori's communication relating to use of new and old Court House, resolutions from Tompkins -Cortland Community Col- lege Board of Trustees re Phase I — Capital Equipment in the amounts of $2,360 and $740 and also resolution of appreciation to Trustee Manley H Thaler for donating labor and materials to provide TC3 logo in center jump circle of the basketball court, Questionnaire from Joseph E Seagram and Sons, Inc , United States Bicentennial Project documenting county court houses across the country, letter from STE Regional Planning Board re latest information regarding Title X of Job Opportunities Program, copies of letters from Thomas Payne to Vito Grasso, NYS Assembly Standing Committee on Real Property Taxation, request- ing complete repeal of Section 470 by passage of Assembly Bill No 2429 or at least Assembly Bill No 1303 freeze on assessed valuation of central office equip- ment by telephone companies, STE Review on NYS Division of Probation/Demon- stration Comprehensive Probation Program and STE review of NYS Department of Transportation/Federal-State Cooperative Work Program, letter from Helen Vandervort thanking the Board on behalf of the Legislative Committee of the Tompkins County Senior Citizens Council for raising tax exemption level to $6,500 for the elderly and support in many of its programs, copy of a letter from Howard Stevenson to Louis J Cardinali, Chief Airport Division, FAA in response to his letter of February 7 re certification/safety inspection No 2 Tompkins County Airport, resolution from Lansing Town Board re agreement with Reinmann- Buechner for impact analysis study for Cayuga Station and appointing Wesley McDermott, Louis Bush, and Bert Hilliard to Joint Steering Committee, minutes of proposed Cayuga Station Impact Study Steering Committee meetmv of February 25, 1975, copy of a letter from Tompkins County Veterans' Service Director Rich- ard Cummings to James Mastin Chief Veterans' Service Director re VA records listing deceased veterans of either Korean or the Viet Nam campaigns, resume of James Gordon who has been recommended to the EMC to represent recreation interests, STE Review of Community Development Block Grant Ithaca/Tompkins County, Resource Conservation and Development Project Executive Board meeting of February 26 and the February report, minutes of the County Planning Board for February 12, Public Service Notice of Cayuga Station application/concluding preliminary interrogation of the applicants witnesses sponsoring testimony regard- ing parts 74 2 (a) and 80 2 (a) (2) (v) is warranted, STE Volume 2, Economic Activity of the Board Growth Area Study, pistol permits for February 1975 totaled to $136 00, memorandum from NYS Office of Court Administration re new re- porting system for civil proceedings in the Supreme Court and the County Courts outside the City of New York, Eleanor Nicolas McQuillm interested in position as Medical Examiner; certificate of Final State Equalization Rate for Village of Cayuga Heights — 64, minutes of Board of Managers for January 20, 1975, letter 38 March 10, 1975 from Robert S Coppola of the Design Company, re a signage system for the hospital and redesign of the airport interior, letter from Mrs Priscilla Smith, Senior Field Representative of NYS Office for the Aging acknowledging receipt of application for State Aid under the Recreation for the Elderly Program, copy of letter to Frank Liguori from Judge Johnson re old and new court house, letter from Seymour Smidt, Mayor of the Village of Lansing, notifying that the Board of Trustees appointed Edward Foss and Anne Furry as members of County Sewer District No 1 representing the village, William Allard, Fiscal Officer of NYS Office for Aging, enclosing official copy of the notification of Grant awarded, application and budget for the first year Area Plan of the Tompkins County Office for the Aging, Sierra Club Niagara Group re hardings March 19, 1975 Case 80002 — NYSE&G Corporation — Cayuga Station — list of parties, copy of letter to President Bahar, TC3, from Hendrix Dullea, Chancellor of State University of New York, re a resolution passed by the State Board of Trustees re increase of operating budget for TC3 September 1, 1974 - August 31, 1975, copy of letter to Huber, Magill, Lawrence, and Farrell from Public Service Commission re Re- quest for clarification of the Commission's Order issued January 22 in Case 80002 — NYSE&G — Cayuga Station, minutes of Social Services Comnuttee of March 4, Demand for Arbitration — Claimant Caudill, Rowlett, Scott and Levatich, Miller, Hoffman to Counties of Tompkins and Cortland re TC3 project Under privilege of the floor, Mr Herbert Ley, Ambassador from 4-H in the Town of Lansing, explained the programs of the 4-H One is a 4-H Ambassador Program for Youths 15-18 and another is the Interstate Program Councilman Donald Slatterly from the City of Ithaca's Intergovernmental Relations Committee, spoke to the board regarding a proposal for improving governmental administration and policies He read a report on improving inter- governmental cooperation and asked it be referred to the proper committee of the Board of Representatives The Chairman referred this request to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee Mrs Pauline Darrett spoke opposing the appropriation of $5,000 to the Human Rights Commission She feels the Commission should be abolished both on local and state levels Various committee chairmen reported as follows Mr Bruce, a member of the Budget & Administration Committee, said the committee met twice since the last meeting and will be presenting a resolution for the creation of a position in the Budget & Administration Department to work with Mr Murphy to develop an administrative code They also went over the revenue sharing again Mr Murphy and Mr Williamson are drawing up a contract and hope to bring to the board for action at the next meeting He said the EDP problem at the hospital seems to be making progress Mr Culligan, Chairman of the Health Committee, said there is a vacancy on the Mental Health Board Mr Webster, Chairman of Intergovernmental Relations Committee, said they are in the process of reviewing state legislation and resolutions from other counties He said Mr Watros and Mrs Livesay reported on their findings re- garding Clinton County's resolution of support of the Fleishman Report The com- mittee does not feel at this time they can support it because part of it is out of date and not applicable He said Mr Watros reported on the community college's efforts to save money through shedding process during peak electrical consump- tion periods They will be receiving a request from the college regarding this matter In reviewing State Legislation, they considered a law that would change the status of Probation Officers to peace officers They are suggesting the county pass a resolution against that legislation and will have a resolution at the next meeting They will also present today a resolution for a Youth Service and Youth Recreation Study Committee He said reviewing all the legislation is awesome and if anyone has any feeling about particular legislation, let them know Mr MacNeil, Chairman of Planning and Public Works Committee, reported that bids were received for the renovation of the Old Court House The committee will be reviewing them and will have a recommendation He said copies of the Airport Master Plan were distributed to the board Mrs Benson, Public Safety and Correction Committee, said there will be a I March 10, 1975 39 resolution later m the meeting regarding a maintenance agreement for the radio communications system Mr Miller, Chairman of the Social Services Committee, said everything seems to be running smoothly in all departments State and federal auditors have visited the department and have not found any fraud or ineligibility in Tompkins County in the last 15 months Mrs Livesay reported that the Advisory Council for the Office for the Agmg is meeting twice monthly The Secretary has been hired The committee approved the fob description for the program assistant They are already receiving many calls She said a decision was made at the last meeting to take over the Nutrition Program The Extension Department was running the program temporarily until the Office for the Aging was established She said it was her understanding no action of this board is required at this time since it is in the existing resolution There was a question on whether there should be a resolution of approval by the Board The Chairman asked the County Attorney to have an opinion at the next meeting as to whether action is needed by the board She also reported that the Municipal Officers' Association will meet March 19 There will be a meeting on Equalization and Assessment April 2. Mr Stevenson reported on the Hospital Construction Committee He met with architects and are still working on their most efficient layout for the hospital - County Attorney Williamson said a Demand for Arbitration was received from the architects He met with Tompkins -Cortland Community College people and is preparing an answer to this Arbitration Demand Chairman Kerr said the Bicentennial Commission has met and agreed to have their headquarters in the Clinton House It has been proposed that Mr Patrick Foltz, County Historian, be added to the Commission It was Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Webster, and adopted that a resolution for the creation of a position in the Budget and Administration Office, be added to the agenda It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Kidney, and adopted, that a resolution authorizing counties to participate in the Planning Assistance Program, be added to the agenda RESOLUTION NO 48—APPROVAL OF INCREASED RATES — TOMPKINS COUNTY HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Clynes Mr Culligan stated it was without recommendation of the Health Committee After a lengthy discussion, it was Moved by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr Robey, That the resolution be amended to say that room rates and fees at the hospital on file with the Clerk be reduced by fifty per cent A discussion followed and a roll call on the amend- ment resulted as follows Ayes — Representatives Culligan, Miller, Webster, Kerr — 4 Noes — Benson, Bruce, Clynes, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Livesay, Mac- Neil, Robey — 9 Excused — 2 Amendment Lost. It was Moved by1 Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Benson, That this resolution be tabled for one month Ayes — Benson, Culligan, Livesay, Miller, Webster, Kerr — 6 Noes — Bruce, Clynes, Haight, Holden, Kidney, MacNeil, Robey — 7 Excused — 2 Motion to table Lost. After further discussion, a roll call was taken on the resolution which resulted as follows Ayes — Clynes, Holden — 2 Noes — Benson, Bruce, Culligan, Haight, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil, Miller, Robey, Webster, Kerr — 11 Excused — 2 Resolution Lost. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Hospital Board of Managers, That the schedule of increased room rates and fees on file with the Clerk of the Board be and the same hereby are approved Mr Kerr referred this subject to the Budget and Administration Committee and the committee is to come up with a report or a summary of the conditions that enter into determining rates at the hospital He said he would like to have the report at the April 14th meeting RESOLUTION NO. 49—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT—KEEPER OF THE BRIDGE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Miller, adopted . RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Commit- 40 March 10, 1975 tee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the county with Steven Heslop of Newfield, New York, ap- pointed to the Honorarium Position of Keeper of the Bridge, said contract being for the calendar year, 1975, RESOLVED, further, that said position is an appointed one, it being under- stood that the appointee is not an employee of the County RESOLUTION NO 50—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — TOMP- KINS COUNTY FEDERATION OF SPORTSMEN'S CLUBS Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Miller A discussion took place as to what the money appropriated to them is used for It was moved by Mrs Benson, seconded by Mr Miller, That this resolution be tabled Motion to Table adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute a contract with the Tompkins County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs for the year 1975 regarding the expenditure of monies approved to said sportsmen's clubs by the Board of Representatives for said year RESOLUTION NO. 51—PETTY CASH FUND — OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Kidney Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services Committee, That a revolving petty cash fund in the amount of $50 00 be established far the Director of the Office for the Aging pursuant to Section 371 of the County Law RESOLUTION NO 52—APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND — SANITARY LANDFILL OPERATION Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Bruce A discussion followed Ayes — Representatives Bruce (with understanding Mr MacNeil's provision that steps be taken immediately to put this out for bid), Clynes, Culligan, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil, Miller, Robey, Webster, Kerr — 12 Noes — Benson Excused — 2 Adopted WHEREAS, by Resolution No 120, dated May 25, 1970, Tompkins County did enter into a contract with Landstrom Gravel Company for operation of Sanitary Landfill Site No 1, for a three-year period, commencing July 1, 1970, and ex- piring June 30, 1973, for a price of $99,226 per year, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No 157, dated June 11, 1973, bids were rejected for further study and rebidding which continued previous agreement on a month- to-month basis, an WHEREAS, by Resolution No 107, dated May 13, 1974, Tompkins County en- tered into a Tri -County study on the problems of solid waste recovery and dis- posal systems, which report will be forthcoming by June, 1975, at which time the County should know the future direction of solid waste disposal in the county, and WHEREAS, Landstrom Gravel Company, by letter of February 4, 1975, has requested an increase to $120,000 per year or $10,000 per month, with substan- tiating evidence for such increase, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, that Landstrom Gravel Company be paid $10,000 per month far operation of Sanitary Landfill Site No 1, under the conditions of the original contract and that the sum of $20,774 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code A1990) to Sanitary Landfill (Code A8160-400), RESOLVED, further, that the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 53—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE MOTOROLA MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Moved by Mrs Benson, seconded by Mr Webster Mr Harlin McEwen ex- plained the agreement Resolution adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com- mittee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a maintenance agreement, copy of which is on file with the clerk of the Board, for two years commencing April 1, 1975 through March 31, 1977, with Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc on behalf of the County March 10, 1975 41 RESOLUTION NO. 54—AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN SUMMER WORK STUDY PROGRAM — CORNELL UNIVERSITY Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Benson Adopted WHEREAS, Cornell University has requested the County to participate in a Work Study Program for the summer of 1975, and WHEREAS, said Work Study Program would entail a full-time student work- ing for Hon Kenneth C Johnson, Jr , County Judge, during the summer of 1975, and WHEREAS, the maximum salary to be paid by said study by Coinell Uni- versity is $1,000 00, and WHEREAS, Cornell University has requested the County of Tompkins to participate in said program to a maximum of $200 00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee and the Public Safety and Correction Committee, that the Commissioner of Personnel be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Cornell University for the participation of the County in said work program, RESOLVED, further, that the sum of $200 00 be appropriated from the Con- tingent Fund (Code A1990) to Contractual & Other Expenses (Code 1110 400), RESOLVED, further, that the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 55—RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN OF THE ' BOARD TO FILE AN APPLICATION WITH THE FED- ERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION AND NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR GRANT ASSISTANCE FOR AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Miller Discussion followed Resolu- tion adopted WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation, and the Airport Master Plan of the County Airport currently nearing completion, have identified certain needs at the County Air- port, and WHEREAS, these needs consist of the following Purchase of a second quick dash CFR vehicle to meet Index B requirements — total estimated cost $155,000 One 3 -Bay CFR fire station and ancillary equipment to properly house the CFR equipment and enhance CFR capability — estimated cost $120,000 Rehabilitation and strengthening of runway 14-32, taxiways and aprons — estimated cost $1,100,000 Security command gate for the use of authorized personnel and vehicles in the airport operations area — estimated cost $5,000 WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration under the ADAP Program will provide funding assistance of up to 82% on the CFR vehicle and 75% on other items, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation will partici- pate with a Grant of 75% of the remaining balance, and WHEREAS, application at this time does not in any way commit the County of Tompkins, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee that the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to file a pre -application with the New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration for consideration in fiscal year 1975-76 RESOLUTION NO. 56—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT — DEWITT HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Robey Mr Bruce abstained from voting because he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the DeWitt Historical Society Resolution adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute 42 March 10, 1975 a contract with the DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County to retain the Society to work with the County in preparation and planning for the bicentennial celebration of the founding of our country RESOLUTION NO 57—APPOINTMENT — INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Miller It was Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Miller, That the resolution be amended to read that the Chairman of the Board be appointed an ex officio member with full voting rights and responsibihtes, effective immediately, to serve during the term of his office Amendment adopted A voice vote was taken on the resolution as amended and the resolution was adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Chairman of the Board, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be appointed an ex officio member with full voting rights and responsibilities to the Industrial Development Agency, effective immediately to serve during the term of his office RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy of appointment to the Secretary of State RESOLUTION NO 58—PAYENTS FOR CROSS TOWN ROAD STUDY Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted WHEREAS, by Resolution No 333, dated December 10, 1973, this board did authorize a Route Determination Study for a Cross Town Highway from Route 79 east to Route 13 north, for a cost not to exceed $5,000, and WHEREAS, during the course of said study, the engineer was authorized, but without this board's approval and financing, to extend said study from Route 79 east to Route 13 south, and WHEREAS, said study was completed, including both segments, at a total cost of $7,500 of which $5,000 has been paid, leaving a balance of $2,500 and WHEREAS, the Planning and Public Works Committee did authorize the printing of one hundred extra copies of the Cross Town Report at their meeting on October 29, 1974, and said copies have been received and billed at $1,245 19, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee that John S MacNeil of Homer, New York, be paid the sum of $2,500 additional compensation in total settlement for work done over and above his original contract, and the sum of $1,245 19 for one hundred copies of said report, and that the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to pay said amount from Revenue Sharing Fund — County Highway Development (Code F- 9550 95) RESOLUTION NO. 59—YOUTH SERVICE AND YOUTH RECREATION STUDY COMMITTE E Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Livesay Adopted WHEREAS, the New York State Division for Youth has requested that coun- ties develop a Comprehensive Plan for Youth Service and Youth Recreation, and WHEREAS, an ad hoc group representing agencies and municipalities has formed and is in the process of studying the youth service and recreation pro- grams in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, it is essential that Tompkins County, in order to comply with the New York State Division for Youth request, have a comprehensive plan for Youth services and recreation in Tompkins County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives appoint the following to serve on the Tompkins County Youth Services and Recreation Study Committee, said study to recommend the most appropriate manner of delivering youth and recreation service, said study to be completed by July 1, 1975 and made available to the Planning Coalition and Tompkins County Board of Representatives March 10, 1975 43 RESOLUTION NO. 60—CREATION OF POSITION — BUDGET AND ADMINISTRATION OFFICE Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted WHEREAS, the Budget and Administration Committee has requested the County Administrator's office to complete the proposed Administrative Manual for the County of Tompkins as expeditiously as possible, and WHEREAS, in order to complete said manual, it is necessary that the County Administrator employ an Administrative Manual Writer, and WHEREAS, there are monies to pay for said position already budgeted in the unfilled position of Administrative Assistant, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Ad- ministration Committees, that the position of Administrative Manual Writer be created in the office of the County Adminstrator, effective immediately RESOLVED, further, that said employee be paid in Grade XI, RESOLVED, further, that monies already budgeted for the Administrative Assistant position be used to remunerate the employee in the above position, and that the Administrative Assistant position not be filled while the funds are being used for this purpose RESOLUTION NO. 61—AUTHORIZING COUNTY PARTICIPATION IN COMPRE- HENSIVE PLANNING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Miller, Adopted WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins, m order to provide for a planning study contributing to an overall program for its future development, desires to participate in the Fedeial-State Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program as authorized by Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended, and Article 26 of the New York State Executive Law, and WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Planning Services, under authority of Article 26 of the New York State Executive Law, is the official State planning agency designated to administer Federal and State funds under the provisions of Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That this Board hereby requests the New York State Office of Planning Services to provide planning assistance under authority of Article 26 of the New York State Executive Law, with such financial assistance as may be provided by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, under authority of Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended Such planning assistance is more particularly described in the project application, and be it further RESOLVED, That if the aforesaid application is approved and accepted by both the Director of the New York State Office of Planning Services and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the County of Tompkins shall enter into a formal agreement with the New York State Office of Planning Services to undertake the project, described in the approved application and to provide the County's local share of the total cost (total cost $34,629) of the said project through the provision of technical and professional services of the Plan- ning Department in an amount equivalent to 16 7 per cent or five thousand, seven hundred and seventy-two dollars, ($5,772) together with such other terms and conditions as may be deemed necessary and appropriate to carry out the said project, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and here- by is authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the County of Tomp- kins all necessary applications, contracts and agreements to implement and carry out the purposes specified in this resolution Mr Robey, Mrs Livesay and Mr Watros were appointed to the Advisory Board of Assessment Review Mrs Benson was appointed as Delegate -at -Large on the Fire Advisory Board Mr Patrick Foltz, County Historian was appointed a member of the Tompkins County Bicentennial Committee 44 March 24, 1975 It was Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr MacNeil, That James Gordon be appointed a member of the Environmental Management Council Chairman Kerr said a special committee has been formed—Ad hoc Committee on Governance, Organization and Management for the Tompkins County Hospital This committee of the Board of Representatives shall study the problem associa- ted with the governance, organization and management of the hospital At the present time, all considerations will be based on the assumption that the hospital is and will remain county -owned It is anticipated the committee will be prepared to present its final report in writing no later than the October 13, 1975 meeting of the Board of Representatives The following people were appointed to the committee Robert Watros, Chairman Donald Culligan LeGrace G Benson John C Clynes Douglas Brown Lawrence Siany Daniel Yale Mr MacNeil said he is still awaiting a decision from the Public Safety and Correction Committtee regarding the proposed move of the Sheriff's Department to DeWitt Mall Mr Stevenson said the hospital architects are asking if there has been a committee appointed to look into the use of the present hospital Mr Kerr said this will be done in two weeks On motion, meeting adjourned at 12 24 p m REGULAR MEETING MARCH 24, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 12 Excused — Representatives Bruce, Culligan, Dates — 3 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance The minutes of March 10, 1975 meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Annual Report of County Administrator for 1974 showing appropriations, expenditures and balances in the various budgeted items and the estimated and actual income received, copy of letter from Frank Liguori to Margaret M Myerson, Director of Operation Division Department of HUD, notifying of Old Court House bids and inquiring about additional grant, hopefully of up to 50% of construction costs, notice of tentative railroad ceilings for Lehigh Valley for City of Ithaca — $90,184, Village of Dryden — $15,645, Village of Freeville — $23,939, and Village of Groton — $30,804, Department of Agriculture and Markets acknowledged re- ceipt of contract between County of Tompkins, City of Ithaca and the Tompkins County SPCA for 1975 and referred to the Department Legal Bureau for re- view before submission to the Commissioner for approval, Public Service Com- mission notice of further hearings re Cayuga Station beginning on Tuesday, March 25 at Albany, minutes of Planning and Public Works Committee for February 27, copy of executed agreement between County of Tompkins and Timothy Resler for thinning of trees in compartment 7 of Newfield forest plantations, Public Service Commission notice that staff will submit testimony and exhibits which were subject of preliminary interrogation of the applicant's witnesses at Albany, hearings on this to be in Syracuse March 17, memo from ALPHA re designation of health service areas under the National Health Planning and Resources De- velopment Act of 1974, Order from Commissioner Walkley for night quarantine on dogs in Tompkins County from April 1, 1975 until March 31, 1977, resolution from Cortland County re Audit of TC3 Capital Expenditures, NYS Department of March 24, 1975 45 Environmental Conservation re NYSE&G — Cayuga Station case stating their intent to submit testimony of expert witnesses and DEC strongly supports Sierra Club request for further preliminary interrogation of applicant's witness and the request of Cayuga Lake Conservation Association, the Coalition to Conserve Cayuga Lake and the League of Women Voters of Tompkins County to extend filing dates and to postpone preliminary hearings concerning testimony and exhibits under preparation by these parties, Public Service Commission re NYSE&G — Cayuga Station notice that further hearing scheduled is at Dept of Environmental Conservation, Copy of letter Huber, Magill, Lawrence & Farrell re NYSE&G Cayuga Station and Sierra Club motion for preliminary interrogation on Section 80 2 (A) (1), summary of Route 13 Task Force Advisory Group Meeting of February 26, letter from L J Cordinali, FAA re Tompkins County Airport Certification/Safety Inspection No 2 Supplemental Comment request for addi- tional information, minutes of Health Committee for February 19, resolution from Cayuga County urging adoption of proposed State legislation mandating use of returnable - deposit beverage containers, STE Board minutes of February 20 and A-95 reviews of February 20 to March 20, Public Service Commission re NYSE&G — Cayuga Station to Sierra Club re further preliminary interrogation of the applicant's witness sponsoring Sections 80 2 (a)(1) and 8 03 (f)(6), copy of a letter from Berlin, Roisman and Kessler to the Public Service Commission and DEC re NYSE&G — Cayuga Station advising that Cayuga Lake Conservation Association, Coalition to Conserve Cayuga Lake and the League of Women Voters of Tompkins County will not be filing direct testimony and exhibits relative to either (L) the March 17 deadline or (2) the March 24 deadline set for filing, request for correction on Fire Advisory Board of Kenneth Decker as Alternate for City of Ithaca, letter from William L O'Toole, Department of Labor, re appointment of permanent official designee to represent Chairman on Balance of State Man- power Planning Council, letter from Tompkins County American Legion Auxiliary, Arlee Robinson, requesting the Board to adopt a resolution supporting the con- tinued operation of the Tompkins County Veterans' Service Agency, minutes of Hospital Board of Managers of February 17, Public Service Commission notice that staff of PSC intends to submit testimony re NYSE&G Cayuga Station, Dept of Labor sent additional information regarding the obligation of CETA — OJT funds Treyz, one traffic rate clerk, and Ithaca Gun, Three drill press operators and three power milling machine operators, Resource Conservation and Develop- ment Annual Report, letter from Medical Society of the County of Tompkins, Inc calling attention to the rapid and great rise in patient costs which will occur un- less something is done to curb the pending 200% increase in Medical Liability Insurance premums to doctors — and equally ruinous insurance costs for other health purveyors Some solution must be found by State Legislature before June 30, 1975, Resignation received from S M Woodside as Chairman of the Tompkins County Bicentennial Commission in view of other obligations and commitments, resignation with regret to Herbert L Warren as member of the Human Rights Commission Under privilege of the floor, Pauline Darrett spoke to the board opposing the allocation of money to the Human Rights Commission She feels the Commis- sion should be abolished Mrs Betty 0 Muka spoke to the board regarding alleged erimes committed against her She also complained of the drug situation in the schools Mr Holden, a member of the Budget and Administration Committee, reported they met this morning and reviewed revenue sharing He said Mr Murphy will meet with departments to see about a state contract regarding tires Mr Clynes said there will be a meeting in Binghamton April 9 on hospital rates and reimbursements He said the Board of Managers issued a report indi- cating approximately 8-1/2 million dollars in billings last year and upon question- ing they responded 11-12% of that won't be collected The staff remarked accounts payable for last month was the highest in memory due to late billing by suppliers The proposal to underwrite increases in malpractice insurance for physician services was tabled They also reported out a utilization review staffing recom- mendation which Col Comstock has been authorized to sign It is federally man- 46 March 24, 1975 dated Failure to comply within a reasonable period of time may result in reim- bursement penalties in Blue Cross, Medicaid and Medicare Mr Webster, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, re- ported they will be meeting tomorrow evening with Mr Shipherd and Human Coalition staff to consider Joint approach to budget He said he will be distributing copy of the Greer Report summary and recommendations They attended meeting with the Library Board of Trustees Many recommendations were discussed There is a necessity for improvements in the quality of fighting in the library A resolution will be presented by the Planning and Public Works Committee con- cerning this later in the meeting Mr Holden, Chairman of Personnel Committee, said they have additional funds from CETA for wages, fringes, benefits They will have several resolu- tions later in the meeting The committee recommends the Personnel Department taking over the civil service function for the city Mr MacNeil, Chairman of Planning & Public Works Committee, asked Frank Liguori to speak regarding the Airport Master Plan Mr Liguori said on April 3 at 7 00 p m the consulting firm of Arnold Thompson will make a presentation to the Board of Representatives and a public presentation will be made at 8 15 p m Mr MacNeil said the committee met on March llth and discussed bids for the Old Court House Mr Liguori was asked to write the Department of Housing and Urban Development to see if their appropriation could be increased He said they have not yet received a recommendation from the Public Safety and Cor- rection Committee regarding the moving of the Sheriff's Department to DeWitt Building He asked if he could have a sense -of -the Board regarding the board moving to the Old Court House He said they met with Mr Hayes regarding lease of fixed base operation He also attended a meeting Thursday re State DOT completion of construction for the Triphammer intersection north of Route 13 Mr Liguori said at the present tune the intersection on the south side of Route 13 has been accepted by the property owners with exception of the Citizens Bank The final Plan has been drawn by NYS DOT and is progressing satisfac- torily On the North Side there has not yet been general agreement with property owners and will continue to pursue He said they have a resolution for improve- ment of lighting at the library later in the meeting Mr Haight, Chairman of Public Safety and Correction Committee, said the committee met March 21 They approved Karen Carr of the Probation Department to attend a Drug Events Counseling Program and John Miller, Fire and Disaster Coordinator, to attend the Fire Coordinators' Convention They discussed further recommendation on the Criminal Justice Committee Report They have a resolu- tion on the agenda re summer work program at Cornell University They discussed temporary move of the Sheriff and approved his going to DeWitt Mall They are leaving the decision of Plan A or B to the Planning and Public Works Committee Mr Miller, Social Services Committee, met with a group of Senior Citizens' from Tompkins County and took a tour of the Tompkins County Home and had dinner there Mr Stevenson, Hospital Construction Committee, met March 12 with archi- tects and consultants to review their progress thus far on the implementation of functional plan Their next order of business is to have several meetings on the pros and cons of management Mr Arnold, Hospital Administrator, said the program in Binghamton April 9 is sponsored by the Hospital Association of New York State and not designed to take care of specific problems but to explain the whole concept of hospital re- imbursement of third party payments in New York State Regarding the utiliza- tion review requirements, the president of the Board of Managers has authority to sign on behalf of the Board a plan to do the utilization review Mr Murphy, County Administrator, reported on the EDP situation at the hospital They have completed most of the testing involved with problems pre- viously reported They are dealing with those important that are required now to get the system working properly He said the people working on it are in agree- ment that the system has progressed satisfactorily and is on time As far as hospital rates are concerned, he met with the hospital people and have reviewed work sheets available and requested additional information and are also reviewing the March 24, 1975 47 Rosenfeld projections comparing them to hospital projections There are dif- ferences that he feels have to be resolved He also said they are still awaiting a reply to the appeal to the NYS Health Department He also mentioned the Meadow House people requested inspection from Public Health because of re- quirement for their reimbursement The report states the Meadow House people have three months to submit a plan He feels at the end of three months satis- factory arrangements will be made He said work will be delayed on the ad- ministrative code because the person hired to do it is having problems with his schedule Chairman Kerr said he attended a meeting in Albany with the Chamber of Commerce He also attended an important informational meeting held at NYSE&G on proposed Fall Creek Recreational Stream He said neither the Environmental Management Council, County Planning Board, or this board have submitted any type of request to the Department of Environmental Conservation for such a designation There was good discussion and many questions raised on the part of property owners that were not answered Questions raised were in the interest of private property owners and rights and discussion is to continue along that line and many answers arrived at before a project can be proposed Mr Williamson, County Attorney, said the Health Board action against Pyra- mid Corporation is pending The adjourned date is April 3 He will be having a meeting shortly to discuss the matter Legal Aid has made a Motion for the handling of indigents where they have a conflict They have a claim signed against the county by Caudill, Rowlett, Scott and Levatich, Miller, Hoffman He prepared a counterclaim Mr Michael Leary spoke objecting to the use of taxpayers money far the preservation of the Old Court House because of economic conditions It was Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Haight, that resolution per- taining to County providing Civil Service Function for the City of Ithaca, be with- drawn from the agenda and the resolution for contract with Sportmen's Club be hfted from the table Motion Carried RESOLUTION NO. 62—APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION — FUNDING PROPOSAL — TOMPKINS-CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Watros Mr Space, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, explained the reason for the resolution After a lengthy dis- cussion, a roll call was taken which resulted as follows- Ayes — Representatives Clynes, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil, Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Benson, Kerr — 12 Excused — Bruce, Culligan, Dates — 3 WHEREAS, Tompkins -Cortland Community College was established in 1967 with the legal and moral obligation of state funding of 33-1/3% of the total obligation, and WHEREAS, Tompkins -Cortland Community College in 1970 developed a Full Opportunity Plan with the legal and moral obligation of state funding at 40% of the total obligation, and WHEREAS, Article 125, Section 6304, 1 (a) of the Education Law states, "State financial aid shall be one-half of the amount of capital costs, and one-third of the amount of operating costs, each as approved by the state university trustees, pro- vided that such aid for a college shall be for two-fifths of operating costs for any fiscal year of the college during which it is implementing a program of full opportunity provided a plan has been approved by the state university trustees Such plan, which shall be submitted by the college only after approval by the Board of Trustees and the local sponsor or sponsors", and WHEREAS, a SUNY administrative formula was established in 1972 to further restrict the community college from receiving their total state obligation of 40%, and WHEREAS, in 1975, the SUNY Board of Trustees have recommended a major amendment to this funding formula with the purpose being that the state once again maintain their prior state obligation of 40%, and WHEREAS, only the SUNY Board of Trustees proposal will establish the actual funding of community colleges in the State of New York in the prescribed legal and moral obligation of 40% funding, now therefore be it 48 March 24, 1975 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins - Cortland Community College and the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, that the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County fully support the SUNY Board of Trustees funding proposal forwarded to the Governor of the State of New York RESOLVED, further, That this resolution is contingent upon the adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Board of Supervisors of Cortland County RESOLUTION NO 63—RECOMMENDATION FOR AREA DESIGNATION FOR HEALTH SERVICE AREAS IN NEW YORK STATE Moved by Mr Watros, seconded by Mr Clynes Dr Gaffney, Health Commis- sioner, explained the resolution to the board Discussion followed and resolution adopted WHEREAS, Public Law 93-641 has been enacted to replace existing 314b agencies with regional Health System Agencies, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County has had a functioning Comprehensive Health Planning Council since May 1968, and which chose to join with the Syracuse based regional (314b) health planning agency (ALPHA) in August 1969, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Health has always felt responsi- bility for support and continuance of such regional planning efforts, and WHEREAS, since that original designation significant achievements in area -wide health planning have occurred which strengthen our ties to this region, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Health has recommended that under 93-641, Tompkins County continue to be included in a Syracuse based region for health planning, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee that Tompkins County continue to be included in a Syracuse based region for Health Planning Mrs Benson was excused from the meeting RESOLUTION NO. 64—CREATION OF POSITIONS — TOMPKINS-CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Webster Discussion followed It was Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Miller, that this resolution be tabled Ayes — Representatives Clynes, Haight, Holden (this hasn't been before the Personnel Committee), Kidney, MacNeil, Miller, Kerr — 7 Noes — Livesay, Robey, Watros, Webster — 4 Excused — 4 Motion to table LOST After further discussion, resolution was adopted with Representatives Miller, Kidney, Haight casting dissenting votes RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations and Personnel Committees, That the following positions be and they hereby are created at the Tompkins -Cortland Community College, effective immediately 6—Cleaner Positions, Grade A, labor class 1—Library Clerk position, Grade B, competitive class said positions are included in the 1974-75 Tompkins -Cortland Community College amended budget, adopted per Resolution No 4, dated January 13, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 65—AWARD OF BID — PRESERVATION AND REMODELING OLD COURT HOUSE After a lengthy discussion, it was Moved by Mr Kidney, seconded by Mr Miller, that this resolution be tabled until the next meeting Motion to table adopted. RESOLUTION NO 66—ESTABLISH HOSPITAL GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Moved by Mr Clynes, seconded by Mr Holden It was Moved by Mr Robey, seconded by Mrs Livesay that the resolution have an unspecified number of mem- bers Amendment adopted Resolution as amended adopted. WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Charter and Code and the Rules of the Board authorized the creation of special committees, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That a special committee be created known as the Hospital Governance Committee, members of said committee to be appointed by the Chair- man of the Board pursuant to Rule 15 of the Rules of the Board March 24, 1975 49 RESOLUTION NO. 67—RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS — HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Robey Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Personnel Committees, That two positions of Environmental Health Technician (10-04), labor grade X, competitive class, be reclassified to Environmental Health Technician Trainee (08-06), labor grade VIII, competitive class, effective immediately, for a maximum of one year RESOLUTION NO. 68—RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS — TOMPKINS COUNTY HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Kidney, Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Personnel Committees, That two positions of Typists (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class, be reclassi- fied —one to Senior Stenographer (09-14), labor grade IX, competitive class, and one to Senior Typist (06-10), labor grade VI, competitive class, effective im- mediately, monies are available in the 1975 budget to cover this increase RESOLUTION NO. 69—AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN SUMMER WORK STUDY PROGRAM — CORNELL UNIVERSITY Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Miller, Adopted. WHEREAS, Cornell University has requested the County to participate in a Work Study Program for the summer of 1975, and WHEREAS, said Work Study Program would entail a full time student work- ing for Joseph Joch, District Attorney, during the summer of 1975, and WHEREAS, the maximum salary to be paid by said study by Cornell Univer- sity is $1,000 00, and WHEREAS, Cornell University has requested the County of Tompkins to participate in said program to a maximum of $200 00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee and the Public Safety and Correction Committee, That the Commissioner of Personnel be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Cornell Univer- sity for the participation of the County in said work program RESOLVED, FURTHER, THAT THE SUM OF $200 00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code A 1990) to District Attorney, Contractual & Other Expenses (Code A 1165 400), RESOLVED, further that the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 70—CREATION OF POSITION—PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Kidney Ayes — 11 Noes — 0 Ex- cused — 4 Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That one posi- tion of Senior Clerk (06-06), labor grade VI, competitive class, be created, effec- tive immediately, said position having been duly advertised, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $6,672 00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code A 1990) to Personnel Administration, Personal Services (Code A 1430 100), RESOLVED, further, that the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 71—LIGHTING FIXTURES FOR LIBRARY Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Clynes Discussion followed Ayes — 11 Noes — 0 Excused — 4 Adopted WHEREAS, certain fixtures in the library are no longer manufactured, and the lamps have become expensive, and in short supply, an adequate foot candle lighting level cannot be maintained with the present fixtures, the library needs to start a replacement program which utilizes salvage of present fixtures, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, that such program be started by replacement of said fixtures m the Childrens' Reading Room for a cost not to exceed $2,440, and that the Commis- 50 March 24, 1975 stoner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized to proceed with said replace- ments, and RESOLVED, further, that the sum of $2,440 be authorized from Library Fund Balance to Code L 7410 400 RESOLUTION NO. 72—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Watros, seconded by Mr Holden Ayes — 11 Noes — 0 Ex- cused — 4 Adopted WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee in the amount of $1,470 18 to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College are Claim No 91 — Con- struction Costs — $1,470 18, RFSOT VVED, that the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Adnunistrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim out of the funds provided therefore RESOLUTION NO. 73—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS — REVENUE SHARING Moved by Mr Robey, seconded by Mr Miller A lengthy discussion followed Ayes — 11 Noes — 0 Excused — 4 Adopted WHEREAS, the Budget and Administration Committee has considered Revenue Sharing requests for the year, 1975, from various groups in the com- munity, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of said committee, that the following groups receive revenue sharing funds for the year, 1975, in the amounts set forth below subject to final contract approval by appropriate state and/or federal agencies Center for the Arts at Ithaca $10,000 Day Care and Child Development Council of Tompkins County, Inc 16.000 The Groton Child Development Center 2,000 I A C C Day Care Center 3 750 Tompkins County Economic Opportunity Corporation 30,000 Cooperative Extension Association of Tompkins County 10,000 Ithaca Speech Clinic 12 000 T' mnkrns County Agricultural and Horticultural Society 10,000 Alcoholism Council of Tompkins County 3,010 $96,760 RESOLVED, further, That the total amount of $96,760 be appropriated as above listed from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Balance RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said transfer on his books, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is directed to execute contracts on behalf of the County with each of the afore- mentioned agencies Mr Alvin Knepper thanked the board for their help to the Ithaca Speech Clime It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Webster and Carried, That the resolution pertaining to Sportsmen's Club, be lifted from the table. RESOLUTION NO. 50—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — TOMP- KINS COUNTY FEDERATION OF SPORTMEN'S CLUBS Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted with Mr Webster casting a dissenting vote April 14, 1975 51 RESOLUTION NO. 74—ON AUDIT Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Robey Mr Haight expressed concern with the amount of Assigned Counsel Bills per month Further discussion took place and a roll call resulted as follows Ayes — 11 Noes — 0 Excused — 4 Adopted RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County chargeable to General Fund $ 53,164 75 Encumbrances 22,922 55 County Self -Insurance 1,931 95 Dog Fund 37 80 Airport 32,886 13 Highway 144,089 97 Federal Revenue Sharing $ 3,586 50 $258,619 65 be and hereby are audited by this Board at the above amounts approved by the various committees, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor It was Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Miller and adopted, that Mr Ken Decker be appointed as alternate on the Fire Advisory Board Chairman Kerr said Mr Sam Woodside has resigned from the Bicentennial Committee Mr Charlie Chatfield has agreed to serve and there will be an ap- pointment at the next meeting On motion, meeting adjourned at 12 50 p m REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 15 Representatives Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance The nunutes of the March 24th meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Notice of claim of Mrs Betty Muka against the County of Tompkins in the sum of $1,000,002 re official and statutory duties of county officials and alleged crimes against Mrs Betty Muka, copy of legislation introduced by Gary A Lee, Assemblyman, to amend Section 749(a)(2) of Judiciary Law re rates of reimburse- ment for mileage to trial and grand jurors, minutes of Personnel Committee for March 10 and for the TC3 Board of Trustees, March 6 and special meeting March 20, resolution from Cortland County supporting SUNY Board of Trustees pro- posal re financing Community College, executed copy of agreement between County and Steven Heslop for "Keeper of the Covered Bridge" for 1975 copy of letter from Mr and Mrs John Tierney to Governor Hugh Carey requesting help to prevent doctors from leaving New York State because of high cost of mal- practice insurance; letter from Mr and Mrs Clair Mahoney voicing objection to the increase in malpractice insurance for doctors and urging fair legislation to help keep doctors from leaving New York State, Public Service Commission re NYSE&G — Cayuga Station notice that comments of matters under preliminary investigation shall be filed by April 11, letter from Dennis Willsey requesting help for malpractice insurance for doctors, ICC sent Federal Register --Rail Services Continuation Subsidies, minutes of Planning and Public Works Commit- tee for March 11, copy of letter from Susan Clarke, Office for the Aging, to County Administrator confirming the fact that they have borrowed IBM dictating and transcribing units from the Board of Representatives, pistol permits for March 52 April 14, 1975 totaled $216 00, letter from Joseph Greenberger urging remedial action be taken by legislature for doctors malpractice insurance; letter from H L Davis urging assistance for doctors malpractice insurance; copy of resolution from Lansing Town Board increasing limitation on income of elderly to $6,500 for real property exemption, letter from Carl A Willsey, stating that Hospital Affiliates Inc would need a management contract for review before certifications by the State of New York, letter from Dr Kathleen Gaffney, Commissioner of Health, m response to copy of Dr Judd's letter of 3/21/75 and stating that they are working on a county plan for tuberculosis care that they anticipate will require little additional money from county, letter from Marc Loudon, Cornell Universiy, re health care crisis of medical hability insurance, doctor shortage, time-consuming red tape, and doctors becoming target of excessive liability suits, minutes of County Sewer Agency for March 27, letters urging legislative help for physicians liability in- surance problems from Mr and Mrs John Laverty, Mary Lou Baker, David J Rip- ley, Mr and Mrs D J Mancuso, and Mrs Alice B Hearn, ICC Release of infor- mation on Rail Service Planning Office final standards for determining rail services continuation subsidies, resolution adopted by the Tompkins County Board of Health re malpractice insurance system, letter from Harry Smith re mal- practice insurance—concerned about doctors leaving the community, resolution from Ithaca Fire Department Nerition Station No 9 recommending Board of Rep- resentatives provide funds to purchase a ten channel recording system at a cost of $11,180 12 for the fire and ambulance dispatch center, Public Service Com- mission re NYSE&G—Cayuga Station air quality date recovery and also per- manent waivers and late submittal, letters concerning the need for doctors mal- practice insurance from Reuben I Wiener, M D , Mrs A E McFarran, Mrs Ken- neth Smith, Mrs Elizabeth R Goodrich, Mrs Lily Ann Newbury, Sandra Everts, Mr Joseph A Mulcahy and Louise and Harold B Cornelius, Department of State acknowledged Board of Representatives certificate of appointment of Harry A Kerr as a member of the Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency, Resolutions from Dryden, Freeville, Groton, Ithaca, Slaterville Springs, North Lansing and McLean and the Town Board of Groton, requesting County to pur- chase an $11,180 12 ten -channel recording system for dispatch center, minutes of Planning and Pubhc Works Comnuttee for March 27, 1975, letters concerning the need for doctors malpractice insurance from M Jordon, Rose Sternberg, Arthur Zabiela, Mrs Francis Lacey, James R Kelly, 25 signatures of Senior Citizens of Danby, copy of letter from Joseph Hayes, Lakes District Director of Division of Military and Naval Affairs re Tompkins County's disaster preparedness oper- ations Under privilege of the floor, Pauhne Darrett spoke opposing the allocation of $5,000 to the Human Rights Comnussion and feels the commission should be abolished Also under privilege of the floor, Mrs Betty Muka spoke about her claims against the county for alleged crimes committed against her Thomas Koshan, Jon Meggs and Judith Ashton, spoke urging the board to vote for a senior caseworker position in the Social Services Department Representative Benson called attention to "World Food Day" and urged everyone to attend the events Representative Robey asked if the board could consider the resolution for the Creation of Position—Senior Caseworker and the Old Court House resolution, early in the meeting RESOLUTION NO 75—CREATION OF POSITION—SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Miller A lengthy discussion took place Mr Robert Wagner, Commissioner of Social Services explained the need for the position Ayes—Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Livesay, Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Benson, Bruce, Kerr -12 Noes—Holden, Kidney, MacNeil -3 Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services Committee, but with- out the approval of the Personnel Committee, That one position of Senior Case- worker (12-23), in the Adoption Unit, labor grade XII, competitive class, be created, effective immediately, said position having been duly advertised, RESOLVED, further, That $7,000 be appropriated from the Contingent Furid April 14, 1975 53 (Code A-1990) to Social Services Admmistration Personnel Services (Code A -601Q 100), RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books Mr Robey was excused from the meeting Various committee chairmen reported as follows Mr Culligan, Chairman of the Health Committee, said the committee will meet at 7 30, Wednesday They will review names to fill a vacancy on the Mental Health Board He read a letter from Dr Hamhsch, Commissioner of Mental Health Services, requesting a transfer of money to cover an unforeseen increase in the Mental Health Clinic Liability Policy for 1975 He said he has received letters from people in the community who are worried about the increase of malpractice insurance fees in this community and the state He feels something should be done by the board to support the Tarkey-Lombardi Bill Mr Webster, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, said their next meeting will be held April 23 Mr Watros said the committee has been involved in investigating various legislation before the state pertinent to the malpractice insurance situation At this point it was concluded that it was not advisable to come to the board with any specific recommendations They haven't a conclusive bill to bring before the board They will be reviewing the Lombardi Bill Mrs Livesay reported on the meeting with the Human Services Coalition to see if there was some way that they might help the county -city governments to deal with revenue sharing requests for human services Mr Holden, Personnel Committee, said they met March 24 He said the Division of Youth contract has been held up some because of retirement prob- lem He mentioned a few of the positions under Title VI of CETA There will be a resolution for a position later in the meeting Mr MacNeil, Planning and Public Works Committee, said they discussed, because of the new village, the county's relationship to the roads which will be located within the Village of Lansing Chairman Kerr asked the Committee to have a recommendation on this matter possibly at the next meeting Mr Haight, Chairman of the Public Safety and Correction Committee, said they met and discussed report from Mr Webster re probation appointments and it was referred to the Personnel Committee Also discussed was the Criminal Justice Board appointments and that will be considered at the next meeting The committee also discussed the purchase of tape recorders for the fire dispatchers Mr Miller, Chairman of the Social Services Committee, said they met and discussed the food program for the elderly He met with Human Services Coalition and they are very active He has also been meeting with the new Alcoholism Coordinator Mr Murphy, County Administrator, reported the item of Social Services was a problem discussed at the County Officers' Convention He also reported on the status of the EDP problem at the hospital He also reported on the Health In- surance rates which apply to New York State Health Insurance Program which the County is covered by Notice has been received from the New York State In- surance Office that premiums will go up about 25% and will go into effect July 1 Mr Williamson, County Attorney, said the place for action in the lawsuit of Levatich, Miller, Hoffman and Caudill Rowlett and Scott and TC3 has been moved to Dryden Chairman Kerr mentioned the Route 13 Task Force met and their decision was to continue its recommendation Hushing for acquisition of a new corridor and a two lane highway constructed in the new corridor He said when the discussion of the Old Court House comes up this morning he has a statement to make It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded and adopted that a resolution for the reclassification of positions—Highway Department, be added to the agenda RESOLUTION NO 76—APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden Ayes -14 Noes -0 Excused -1 Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Commit- tee, that the following appropriation be and it hereby is approved from Con- tingent Fund A1990 to Municipal Association Dues A1920 $300 00, I 1 I 54 April 14, 1975 RESOLVED, that the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make such transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 77—AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE (1) TRANSMITTER AND (1) RECEIVER—FIRE AND DISASTER COORDINATOR Moved by Mrs Benson, seconded by Mr Haight It was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Webster, that resolution be amended to transfer of funds from the 400 account to the 200 account—$796 00 Amendment Carried The resolution as amended adopted. WHEREAS by Resolution No 36, the Board of Representatives adopted on February 13, 1973, Standardization of Commumcation Equipment with Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc , and WHEREAS, the Fire and Disaster Coordinator has informed this Board that the purchase of two pieces of Motorola Radio Equipment are needed to provide service in the event of a breakdown of equipment in emergency vehicles, and WHEREAS, said equipment is further required to implement the new radio maintenance agreement for the Fire and Disaster Coordinator, and WHEREAS, there is no standby equipment at the present time, now there- fore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Com- mittee, That this Board approves the purchase of two pieces of Motorola Equip- ment from Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc for the total amount of $796 00, RESOLVED, further, That the Fire and Disaster Coordinator be and he here- by is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the county, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $796 00 be transferred from Fire and Disaster Coordanater account A-3410 400 to A-3410 200 and the County Adminis- trator be and hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 78—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE MOTOROLA MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Moved by Mrs Benson, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted WHEREAS, the County Fire and Disaster Coordinator has negotiated with Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc , on behalf of the County, a main- tenance agreement, copy of which is on file with the Clerk of the Board, and WHEREAS, said agreement will be effective April 1, 1975 through March 31, 1976, and WHEREAS, this agreement will be implemented by the purchase of two standby units in the event of breakdown of equipment in emergency vehicles, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Com- mittee. That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute said maintenance agreement on behalf of the County for 123 units at a total cost of $498 00 per month RESOLUTION NO. 79—RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION—SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services and Personnel Com- mittees, That one position of Caseworker (11-02), be reclassified to Senior Case- worker (12-23), in the Child Protective Unit, labor grade XII, competitive class, effective immediately RESOLUTION NO. 80—CREATION OF POSITION—MENTAL HEALTH (Office of Alcohol Coordinator) Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Miller A discussion followed and it was Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Dates, and adopted, that this resolu- tion be tabled and referred back to Personnel Committee Motion to Table adopted RESOLUTION NO. 81—AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE (2) TRANSMITTERS- RECEIVERS—FIRE AND DISASTER COORDINATOR Moved by Mrs Benson, seconded by Mr Holden A discussion followed Ayes -14 Noes -0 Excused -1 Adopted WHEREAS, the Fire and Disaster Coordinator has informed this board that April 14, 1975 55 the Groton Fire Department and the Etna Fire Department will put into service a total of two additional pieces of fire apparatus, and WHEREAS, said addition will increase total inventory of trucks by two, and WHEREAS, two additional mobile units will be required to be installed in said vehicles, and WHEREAS, Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc can furnish two mobile units for a total amount of $1,165 00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the aforesaid bid of Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc for two mobile units in the amount of $1,165 00 be and the same hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the County Fire and Disaster Coordinator be and he hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the county, RESOLVED, further, That the balance of $675 00 of the Fire and Disaster Coordinator Equipment Account be applied against the total bid of $1,165 00 and that $155 00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code A-1990) to Fire and Disaster Coordinator Equipment Account (Code A-3410 200), and Transfer $374 00 from Contractual and other expenses (Code A-3410 400) to Fire and Dis- aster Coordinator Equipment Account (Code A-3410 200), RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 82—RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS—HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Kidney Discussion took place and resolution was adopted RESOLVED, on the recommendation of the Planning and Public Works and Personnel Committees, That eighteen positions of seasonal Laborer (08-09), labor class labor gr -'de VIII be reclassified to eighteen positions of seasonal worker (06-17), labor class labor grade VI, effective immediately, monies having been approved in the 1975 budget RESOLUTION NO. 83—LIGHTING FIXTURES FOR LIBRARY Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Webster Ayes -14 Noes -0 Ex- cused -1 Adopted WHEREAS, certain fixtures in the hbrary are no longer manufactured, and the lamps have become expensive and in short supply, an adequate foot candle lighting level cannot be maintained with the present fixtures, the library needs to start a replacement program which utihzes salvage of present fixtures, now therefore be it RESOLVFD upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, that such program be continued by replacement of said fixtures in the Meeting Room for a cost not to exceed $2,204 and that the Commissioner of Pub- lic Works be and hereby is authorized to proceed with said replacements, and RESOLVED, further That the sum of $2,204 be authorized from Library Fund Balance to Code L7410 400 RESOLUTION NO. 84—RESCISSION OF RESOLUTION NO 227-1973 AND SELECTION OF PLAN B PROGRAM FOR USE OF OLD COURT HOUSE It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Clynes After discussion, a roll call resulted Ayes—Clynes, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kerr, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil, Malley, Watros, Webster -11 Noes—Benson, Bruce, Culligan -3 Ex - c use d—Robev-1 Adopted WHEREAS, by means of Resolution No 227, September 10, 1973, the Board of Representatives did establish a program for the use of the Old Court House, which included the concept that the Board of Representatives' Chambers the Office of the Clerk of the Board, and the offices associated with the County Administrator, would be relocated to the Old Court House, with the existmg Board of Representatives' Chambers being converted to a second Court Room, and with the relocation of the Sheriff to the first level of the new Court House, and WHEREAS, the alternate proposal, generally called Plan B, calls for the use of the Old Court House to provide for the immediate space needs of county 56 April 14, 1975 government offices, including the location of the second Court Room on the second floor of the Old Court House, with the Sheriff occupying, more or less on a permanent basis, space on the first floor and the interim location of the Per- sonnel Department also on the first floor, with the basement level being used as may be appropriate for the Sheriff's Department, Personnel, utilities and gen- eral storage, and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives in pursuing its ultimate objective of providing for the present and future space needs of county government, re- affirms its objectives (1) To preserve and utilize the Old Court House, (2) To pursue the provision of such additional space as may be needed to meet the long-range needs of county government, (3) To pursue the objective that the New Court House will, as soon as feasible, be used primarily for Judicial and related functions, and (4) To provide for the immediate space needs of county government, including the immediate need for a second Court Room, the need for adequate space for the Sheriff, and the need for additional space for the Per- sonnel Department, all to be accomplished in the least traumatic and least expensive way possible pending the provision of new additional long-range space, and WHEREAS, Plan B is compatible with and best meets the above objectives and interim needs, therefore be it RESOLVED, That Resolution No 227, September 10, 1973, be and it is hereby rescinded and that in its stead, the Board adopts the principles spelled out in Plan B, and be it further RESOLVED, That Architect William Downing be and he hereby is instructed to make such changes as may be necessary in the floor plan designs of the Old Court House to accommodate Plan B, under the guidance of the Planning and Public Works Committee, and be it frther RESOLVED, That the architect be and he hereby is instructed to negotiate with the successful bidders for the Old Court House, to incorporate these changes in the contracts It was Moved by Mr. MacNeil, seconded by Mr Bruce, that Resolution No 65 Award of Bid—Preservation and Remodeling of the Old Court House, be lifted from the table. Motion adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 65—AWARD OF BID—PRESERVATION AND REMODELING OF THE OLD COURT HOUSE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Clynes A lengthy discussion followed Mr Bruce spoke in favor of the project Mr Dates said he supports this but doesn't want an open-end contract Mr Downing, the architect, said there will probably be some minimum changes Mr Haight spoke against the project be- cause of the high cost Mr Kerr stated he cannot support this project and he feels the cost of the renovation is too excessive A roll call resulted Ayes— Clynes, Dates, Holden, Livesay, MacNeil, Benson, Bruce -7 Noes—Culligan (not exactly the same reasons chairman indicated but to be consistent with my vote previously to rescind I felt, and I know it has been a delay, that we would be ready to go into this new meeting room as originally planned for the Bicentennial celebration), Haight, Kerr, Kidney (Going to take the same stand as Mr Kerr After hearing Mr Kerr and refreshing my memory, I think at this stage of the game we do have to be a little careful of our spending so I am voting no), Miller (originally was in favor but as costs continue to rise I have second thoughts), Watros-6 Excused—Robey, Webster -2 Resolution Lost WHEREAS, Resolution No 94, adopted by this board on April 16, 1973, authorized renovation of the Old Court House and employed Architect William Downing, and WHEREAS, Resolution No 13, adopted by this board on January 13, 1975, authorized Architect, William Downing, to advertise for bids, and WHEREAS, Stewart & Bennett, Inc , Ithaca, New York, is the lowest re- sponsible bidder meetin all suecifications for the General Construction contract in the amount of $331,220, and WHEREAS, Kimball Plumbing & Heating, Inc , Elmira, New York, is the April 14, 1975 57 lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for the Heating, ventilating and Air Conditioning contract with a bid in the amount of $132,500, and WHEREAS, Kimball Plumbmg & Heating, Inc , Elmira, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for the Plumbing Contract with a bid in the amount of $35,350, and WHEREAS, Norton Electric Company, Inc , Ithaca, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for the electrical contract with a bid in the amount of $63,346, and WHEREAS, the total of said bids amounts to $562,416, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Commit- tee, That said bids be and they hereby are accepted, RESOLVED, further, that the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute said contracts on behalf of the County RESOLUTION NO. 85—APPROVING LIGHTING—TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY Moved by Mr Watros, seconded by Mrs Livesay Ayes—Livesay, Watros, Benson, Bruce -4 Noes—Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Mac- Neil, Miller, Kerr -9 Excused—Robey, Webster -2 Resolution Lost. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins County Public Library has approved tract lighting for the programs presented in the Sherman Peer Room and requested approval for said lighting, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee that $985 00 be appropriated from the Library Fund Balance to L-7410 400 for purpose of program lighting in the Sherman Peer Room RESOLUTION NO. 86—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS—TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Watros, seconded by Mrs Livesay Ayes -12 Noes -0 Ex- cused -3 Adopted WHEREAS, the List of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee m the amount of $2,248 75 to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College are Claim No 92—Con- struction Costs—$2,248 75, RESOLVED, that the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claim out of the funds provided therefor RESOLUTION NO. 87—RESOLUTION OF RESPECT—PAUL MENZIES Moved by Mr Miller, unanimously seconded and adopted WHEREAS, Paul Menzies, a former member of the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors passed away April 6, 1975, and WHEREAS, he was a member of the Board of Supervisors during the years 1968 and 1969, and Supervisor for the Town of Caroline in the years 1968 through 1971, inclusive, and WHEREAS, during his term of office as Supervisor from the Town of Caro- line, he was Chairman of the Animal Health and Conservation Committee and Tax Sales Committee, and WHEREAS, he also served with distinction on the Courts and Correction, Health, Highway, and Building and Grounds Committees, and WHEREAS, during lus term of office, he gave untiringly of his time in at- tending to the duties of Supervisor, now therefore be it RESOLVED, UNANIMOUSLY, by this Board, That the members thereof ex- press their sympathy and sincere condolences to the family of Paul Menzies RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy of this resolution to the family of Paul Menzies Mr Kerr announced the reappointment of Mr Cushing Murray to the Alco- holic Beverage Control Board He also announced on May 5th there will be a dedication of a plaque for Glenn Turner, former airport manager, who died last year On motion, meeting adjourned 58 April 28, 1975 APRIL 28, 1975 REGULAR MEETING The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 15 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The minutes of the April 14th meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filmg and/or referred to the proper committee for action Letter from Alicia Lewkowicz requesting full-time position in Social Services to initiate family studies for purposes of adoption, Social Services monthly statistical report for February 1975, Resolution from Cortland County re Audit of Capital Expenditures of TC3, Claim 92, letters concerning the need for doctors' malpractice insurance; minutes of Social Services Committee for April 8, resolu- tions requesting the County to purchase a ten -channel recorder at a cost of $11,180 13 for the dispatch center from the Village of Trumansburg Board of Trustees, Ithaca Fire Company #2, South Lansing Fire Company, Lansingville Fire Department, Lansing Fire District Board of Commissioners, Lansing Com- pany #5, Ulysses Town Board, Varna Fire Department, Danby Fire Department, Town Board of Dryden and Village of Dryden, State of New York Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control acknowledged receipt of the appointment of Cushing Murray as a member of the Tompkins County Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for a two-year term commencing May 1, 1975, PSC re Case 80002—NYSE&G —Cayuga Station, comments of Cayuga Lake Conservation Association, The Coaltion to Conserve Cayuga Lake and League of Women Voters of Tompkins County concerning matters under preliminary investigation, PSC staff comments on preliminary interrogation issues and a brief submitted after preliminary hear- ings with respect to motions for waivers of 16 NYCRR sections, Report of Examina- tion of Tompkins County Public Library 1/1/73 through 12/31/73 by NYS Depart- ment of Audit and Control, copy of letter from Frank Liguori to NYS Department of Transportation re Appalachia Local Access Road, Tompkins County Industrial Park, PIN — 3750 44, copy of a newspaper legal from NYS Industrial Commis- sioner on modification of grant application of NYS as prune sponsor for financial assistance under Title VI of the CETA of 1973, Carl A Willsey sent items con- cerning Hospital Affiliates International, Inc and their ability to manage hospi- tals and asking to meet with Board in late May to discuss management of the new hospital, letter from Tompkins County Senior Citizens requesting May 1975 as Senior Citizens' Month in Tompkins County, NYS Department of Environment Conservation sent first position of DEC Summary of Position re adequacy of NYSE&G application, Chairman executed contracts for CETA Title VI for City of Ithaca, Village of Cayuga Heights, Ithaca City School District, Dryden Central School, Village of Groton, and Newfield Central School, certificate of Final State Equalization Rate for City of Ithaca — 6216, minutes of STE for March 20, minutes of Industrial Development Agency for April 14, 1975, copy of letter from Assemblyman Gary A Lee to Commissioner of Transportation Schuler re Route 96 relocation project, minutes of EMC for March 27, report of examination of accounts and fiscal affairs Federal Revenue Sharing of the County and Tompkins County Hospital from NYS Department of Audit and Control, minutes of Per- sonnel Committee for March 24, Chairman Kerr designated May 1975 as Senior Citizens' Month m Tompkins County, copies of letters of Veterans' Service Agency re proposed amendments to Sections 357 and 359 of Article 17 of Executive Law to make it permissive rather than mandatory that counties establish a Veterans' Service Agency, Mailgram from Graham W Watt, Director, Office of Revenue Sharing re allocation for the period July 1975 through June 1976, certificate of Final Railroad Ceilings for the City of Ithaca, Village of Dryden, Village of Free- ville and the Village of Groton, Report from the Airport for the months of Jan- uary, February, and March 1975, copy of approved application for state and for the Senior Citizens' recreational programs and services, Resolutions from Brook- tondale Fire Department and Ludlowville Fire Company re ten channel recorder, minutes of County Planning Board for April 19, minutes of Library Board of Trustees for February 25, General Revenue Sharing Planned Use Report — En- April 28, 1975 59 titlement Period 6 — July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976 Village of Lansing Mayor Smidt requesting input on construction of Pyramid Companies, Letter from Com- missioner of Transportation Raymond Schuler enclosing Rules and Regulations on Federal Rural Highway Public Transportation Demonstration Program, South Central New York RC&D project monthly report for April and minutes of April 23, notice of Tentative State Equalization Rates for Towns of Caroline — 53 84, Danby — 49 71, Dryden — 49 49, Enfield — 5418, Groton — 62 38, Ithaca — 57 76, Lansing — 56 37, Newfield — 60 51, Ulysses — 52 36, Letter from Charles Breckheimer opposing four -lane road between Dryden and Ithaca, letter to Chair- man Kerr from D W Pulleyn, Ithaca, documenting his position on designation of Fall Creek as "recreational river " Under privilege of the floor Eugene Arnold, Hospital Administrator, reported pertinent to the hospital He said they received by phone, subject to confirmation by letter, increase of medicaid rates, effective May 11 There is a mandated require- ment for utilization review It was to become operational in April and the Federal Government has delayed it until July 1 They will be asking for a position of Utilization Review Coordinator He also explained the reported discussion re rates and budgeting He said the Ad Hoc Committee of the Board of Managers is meet- ing with department heads of the hospital to examine operations Mr Webster, speaking as chairman of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee and a member of the Social Services Committee, said he and Mrs Livesay met with Mrs Pauline Darrett to consider and better understand her complaints Subsequent to that meeting they talked with a number of persons and responded to Mrs Darrett in writing Her case has been to all available reviewing authori- ties. There is no further action that can be taken within the structure of the Human Rights Law There is nothing further to be done at this time Chairman Kerr stated the County Board being a legislative function does not have responsibility or authority in the judicial field Therefore, there are several instances in the past where this board has been extremely tolerant of time and subject matter that has come before this board The Board will no longer con- tinue to listen to complaints of or in the judicial area He asked everyone in the future to carefully select their subject matter and bring before the board subject matter relating to or pertaining to only the responsibility of this board which is in the legislative field However, he would encourage people at least one time if they have a comment or complaint in other areas to bring it to the board's atten- tion and it will be considered but no longer will this board listen to continued com- plaints of the same nature in areas where they have no authority and no re- sponsibility Mrs Betty Muka made a complaint regarding the Sheriff Nancy Meyer spoke in favor of renovation of the Old Court House Ms Carol Sisler on behalf of the members of Historic Ithaca, spoke relative to the renovation of the Old Court House Mr Alvin Knepper said he supports the Sheriff and has much respect for him He also spoke about the new policy the Chairman set this morning Chairman Kerr said this board has a history of close cooperation, close com- munication and definite support of our County Sheriff Regarding the policy, he said he will not tolerate continuing repetition of an original complaint People should consider the type of complaint they want to make and this board by all means will listen to an original complaint in any subject area from any person Mr Kidney said at the last board meeting he voted against awarding bids for renovation of the Old Court House because the amount of money ($663,961) was exorbitant He is very concerned about the economic problem However, he realizes there is a critical need for additional space for several departments and steps do have to be taken to alleviate the problem He is interested in historic pa enervation for the Old Court House He feels a workable plan could be adopted whereby they would be fulfilling obligation to historic preservation of Old Court House and also solving to some extent problem of more space He could support a plan to remodel that would not exceed $360,000 minus $162,500 granted by HUD leaving balance of $197,500 which would be county's share of renovation The first floor could be used for departments with highest priority for space 60 April 28, 1975 needs and second floor to be used for meetings for county groups He hopes the I board will give this plan, or one similar, serious consideration Mr Holden said he has given this subject much thought and consideration and he would also like to go back for study of figures Mr Culligan, Chairman of the Health Committee, said they met and will have a resolution later in the meeting in which a pharmacist in training position at the hospital will be abolished and a full-time position created whereby the person in training would take over full time Mrs Ingrid Goulder, Alcoholism Coordina- tor, spoke to them After January 1, 1976 an intoxicated person can no longer be put in jail unless they commit a crime The committee agreed she should have a full-time secretary The state mandates a program of about 14 patients Her office is working on the possible contractual factor He announced on May 12 in Syracuse there will be a meeting of State Health Commissioners and State Health Officers in this area Mr Clynes said they will be getting a request on the upgrading of Bio- chemist from Grade 18 to 19 There is a resolution to pay moving expenses for hun later in the meeting Another request will be coming in for public relations director, title has not been created but is budgeted Another request will be com- ing in on the Out -Care Facilities for typist position now instead of June Mr Webster, Intergovernmental Relations Committee, said they met Wednes- day and this morning and have a resolution re medical malpractice insurance They also are submitting for approval appointments to the Economic Opportumty Corportion from the public sector The annual meeting of the Corporation will be held May 2 Mr Holden, Personnel Committee, said they will be re -studying the requested position for the Alcoholism Coordinator They met with the CETA Advisory Com- mittee last week regarding funds The GIAC has open house May 1' Mr MacNeil, Chairman of Planning and Public Works Committee, said their next meeting will be tomorrow at 12 00 Mr Haight, Public Safety and Correction, said they have a meeting May 7 Mr Miller, Social Services, said the Human Services organization has been meeting and doing work on establishing a form for revenue sharing Mrs Livesay said the Office for the Aging has been meeting twice a month They are working with the Social Services Department and Human Services Coalition on information referrals They are also putting in a lot of effort with community groups in putting out publications for the elderly The Director is working on Nutrition Programs and reported approximately six weeks ago that the Office for the Aging would take over that with county staffing and they are trying to find another community agency to do it so it wouldn't be a county office but would be very closely coordinated with the Office of the Aging Mr Kerr noted under procedures the county has operated under, it has been the intent to have public input for revenue sharing monies Mr Stevenson, Chairman of the Hospital Construction Committee, said they met April 15 and reported on their progress Mr Kerr said there will be a joint meeting between the Construction Com- mittee, Board of Managers, and Board of Representatives on May 14 Mr Murphy, County Administrator, said they are in the process of following through on tax foreclosure procedure which is an annual procedure where taxes have remained unpaid for the 5th year He also reported relative to EDP progress at the hospital He also spoke about budgeting policy for new positions Mr Watros reported the Hospital Governance Committee met twice and dealt with organization and developing criteria for evaluation process The next meeting is May 6 Chairman Kerr said he attended several meetings with the Board of Managers relative to questions on increase in rates He is calling a special Executive Ses- sion of the Board and Board of Managers on May 5th at the hospital conference room He said this office, as well as the County Administrator's office, receives copies from the NYS Department of Audit and Control of reports on revenue April 28, 1975 61 sharing funds He complimented Mr Murphy's office in this task On May 5th the Airport Association of Airport Managers will have representatives here to present a plaque in memory of Glenn Turner It was Moved by Mr Robey, seconded by Mr Miller, That Resolution No 65, Award of Bad — Preservation and Remodeling of the Old Court House which lost at the last meeting, be reconsidered Also, that a resolution for lighting at the Tompkins Couny Library, (which lost at the last meeting) be reconsidered and be added to the agenda and a resolution for relocation of the Sheriff's office, if needed, and a resolution extending a lease for the House in the County RESOLUTION NO. 85—APPROVING LIGHTING — TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Miller Discussion followed and a roll call vote resulted as follows Ayes — Livesay, Miller, Robey, Watros, Web- ster — 5 Noes — Benson, Bruce, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, MacNeil, Kerr — 10 Resolution Lost. RESOLUTION NO 65—AWARD OF BID — PRESERVATION AND REMODEL- ING OF THE OLD COURT HOUSE Moved by Mr Robey, seconded by Mrs Benson After discussion it was Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Dates, That the resolution be tabled for further study and try to come up with a compromise figure Ayes — Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Miller, Watros, Kerr — 8 Noes — Benson, Bruce, Clynes, Livesay, MacNeil, Robey, Webster — 7 Motion to Table adopted. 9 RESOLUTION NO. 88—AUTHORIZATION TO PAY ARCHITECT — PRELIM- INARY SITE SURVEY AND SOIL BORINGS — NEW HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Kidney Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Hospital Construction Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay from the Hospital Capital Construction Account the architect's expense for pre- lunmary site survey and soil borings at the new Tompkins County Hospital in the amount of $1,395 13 RESOLUTION NO 89—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — TOPO- GRAPHIC SURVEY AT PROPOSED SITE FOR NEW HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Haight Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Hospital Construction Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby as authorized to execute a con- tract between the County of Tompkins and T G Miller, for topographic survey at the proposed site for the new Tompkins County Hospital at a cost not to exceed $6,500 00, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to pay said amount from the Hospital Capital Construction Account RESOLUTION NO. 90—TRANSFER OF FUNDS — HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Kidney Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works and Budget and Administration Committees, that the following transfer be and it hereby is approved From County Road Fund — Administration, Supplies & Materials D-5010 300 To Contractual & Other Expenses D-5010 400 — $400 00 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books 62 April 28, 1975 MORTGAGE TAX REPORT for Period October 1, 1974, through March 31, 1975 Caroline $ 2,85611 Danby 1,720 57 Dryden 13,045 48 Enfield 1,322 37 Groton 2,757 07 Ithaca — City 20,429 75 Ithaca — Town 15,137 34 Lansing 7,930 74 Newfield 3,188 14 Ulysses 4,325 03 $72,712 60 Your committee finds that of the amount of $13,045 48 to which the Town of Dryden is entitled, there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Dryden the sum of $867 75, and to the incorporated Village of Freeville the sum of $206 84, of the amount of $2,707 57 to which the Town of Groton is entitled there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Groton the sum of $608 07, of the amount of $15,137 34 to which the Town of Ithaca is entitled there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Cayuga Heights the sum of $2,476 63, of the amount of $4,325 03 to which the Town of Ulysses is entitled there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Trumansburg the sum of $653 85, and of the amount of $7,930 74 to wluch the Town of Lansing is entitled there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Lansing the sum of $592 08 which represents their pro - rata share from December 19, 1974, the date of their incorporation Your com- mittee therefore recommends the adoption of a resolution to be presented later in the meeting Harris B Dates, Chairman Donald J Culligan Claude W Holden Robert L Bruce Hugh S MacNeil Bryant Robey RESOLUTION NO. 91—APPORTIONMENT OF MORTGAGE TAX Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted WHEREAS, this board is in receipt of the mortgage tax report showing the amount to be credited to each tax district of the county of the money collected for the period October 1, 1974 - March 31, 1975, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the report of the Budget Committee relative to the above tax monies and allocation thereof as herein made, be accepted and adopted, RESOLVED, further, That pursuant to Section 261 of the Tax Law, this board issue its tax warrant for the payment for the respective tax district of the amount so credited and authorize and direct the County Administrator to make distribu- tion thereof to the several tax districts of the county in accordance with said report RESOLUTION NO 92—CREATION OF POSITION—HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Kidney Adopted RFSOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Personnel Committees, That one position of Pharmacist -in -Training (12-20), noncompetitive class, labor grade XII, be abolished, and one position of Pharmacist (15-06), competitive class, labor grade XV be created, effective immediately, monies having been included in the 1975 budget RESOLUTION NO. 93—CREATION OF POSITIONS—PROBATION Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Webster After a discussion, it was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Watros, That resolution be tabled until questions are answered Ayes — Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Mac- Neil, Watros, Clynes, Kerr — 9 Noes — Benson, Bruce, Livesay, Miller, Robey, Webster — 6 Motion to Table adopted. April 28, 1975 63 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Personnel, Committees, That the following positions be created in the Probation Department, said positions having been duly advertised 1 Probation Supervisor (14-12), labor grade XIV, competitive class 1 Probation Assistant (06-14), labor grade VI, competitive class RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $11,670 be appropriated from the Con- tingent Fund (Code A-1990) to Probation — Personal Services (Code A-3140 100) RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 94—AUTHORIZATION TO PAY MOVING EXPENSES — HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr MacNeil A lengthy discussion fol- lowed and the resolution was withdrawn and will be on the next agenda RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That a sum not to exceed $1,315 25 be paid to Dr Joseph Christiane, Biochemist for the Tompkins County Hospital, for reimbursement of moving expenses from Westfield, Massa- chusetts, to Ithaca, New York, said sum to be repaid to the County if Dr Christiano terminates his employment with Tompkins County for any reason within one year from the date he reports for work RESOLUTION NO 95—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT—COUNTY OF TOMPKINS AND 4-H, A DIVISION OF THE TOMP- KINS COUNTY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ASSOCIA- TION Moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mr Webster A lengthy discussion fol- lowed and Jean Szabadi explained the project The resolution was adopted with Representatives Kidney and Culligan casting dissenting votes WHEREAS, the 4-1-1 Division of the Tompkins County Cooperative Extension Association has identified the desirability for a person to identify needs, interests and resources of the youth and their families in West Village and Hancock Housing within the City of Ithaca, including the development, implementation and evaluation of programs, and working with youth and their families from both sites, in the formulation of said programs aforementioned, and WHEREAS, there is on file documentation indicating the need for said pro- grams in both West Village and Hancock Housing, and WHEREAS, the New York State Division of Youth has indicated that they are willing, conditioned upon state approval, to provide reimbursable funds up to $2 357 for a 4-H Program Aide who will perform the aforementioned job activities, and WHEREAS, the total proposed budget on file with the Clerk of the Board of Representatives, includes a pro rated salary for said assistant, at an annual amount of $3 900 with a total budget of $4,715, the reimbursable anticipated state aid is $2,357 with the balance of $2,358 to be furnished from funds already provided to 4-H from County funds, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract for the aforesaid Program Aide, to work in the West Village and Hancock Housing development areas, on behalf of the County RESOLUTION NO 96—REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION — MALPRACTICE INSURANCE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Watros Resolution adopted with Representatives Clynes and Benson casting dissenting votes WHFREAS, there is a critical situation in New York State with respect to Medical Doctors' Malpractice Insurance Lability, and WHEREAS, this presents a threat to medical service in Tompkins County, now therefore be it 64 April 28, 1975 RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives supports pending legisltion in the New York State Legislature which will provide for the private underwriting of malpractice insurance 1 Speed the process for arbitration 2 Make findings of arbitration panels admissable in court 3 Shorten statute of limitations 4 Provide for compulsory arbitration of cases under $25,000 00 5 Study the question of developing a maximum fee schedule for attorneys 6 Provide a faster system for correction of habitual malpractice by offending physicians 7 Develop and support a process whereby the medical profession together with other appropriate interested agencies take action to control malprac- tice by physicians RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to appropriate repre- sentatives in Albany RESOLUTION NO 97—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE LEASE — HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY (INTENSIVE SUPERVISION UNIT) — UPDIKE Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted WHEREAS, the lease with Mr and Mrs Clair Updike for the House in the Country expires on April 30, 1975, and WHEREAS, the Director of Probation has recommended that the County renew its lease with Mr and Mrs Clair Updike for a three-month period to ex- pire on July 31, 1975 at the monthly rental of $350 00, and WHEREAS, Federal monies for the House in the Country will run out as of July 31, 1975, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com- nuttee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a lease with Mr and Mrs Clair Updike for a three-month period commencing May 1, 1975 and terminating July 31, 1975 for rental of the House in the Country (Intensive Supervision Unit), it being under- stood that Federal and State Aid will expire on July 31, 1975, RESOLUTION NO. 98—ON AUDIT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller Ayes — 15 Noes — 0 Adopted RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins charge- able to General Fund $ 81,144 65 Encumbrances 206 20 County Self -Insurance 1,355 20 Dog Fund 8 45 Printing Transfers 3,063 71 Airport 4,849 44 Highway 154,068 56 Federal Revenue Sharing 6,303 55 $250,999 76 be and hereby are audited by this board at the above amounts approved by the various committees, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor April 28, 1975 65 RESOLUTION NO. 99—RESOLUTION OF RESPECT — JOHN BUTTON Moved by Mr Culligan, unanimously seconded and adopted WHEREAS, John Button passed away on Friday, April 18, 1975, and WHEREAS, the said John Button spent most of his entire life in the City of Ithaca and was employed for many years by the Citizens Savings Bank and pre- viously by the J B Lang Engine and Garage Co , Inc , which garage was founded by his grandfather, and WHEREAS, John Button served as an Alderman and Supervisor from the Third Ward in the City of Ithaca, and WHEREAS, he served on the Board of Supervisors from October 16, 1950, through December 31, 1951, and WHEREAS, he served as Chairman of the Civil Defense Committee and as a member of the Health, Physically Handicapped Children, Insurance and the County Officers Committees, and WHEREAS, the said John Button performed all of his duties as a County Representative with due diligence, and WHEREAS, following his retirement from public office, he continued to be an active member of the Ithaca community, serving as a member of Fire Company No 3 and maintaining an active interest in all other community affairs, now therefore be it RESOLVED, UNANIMOUSLY, That this board expresses its sincere sorrow at the passing of John Button, RESOLVED, further, That this Board extends its sympathy to the widow and family of John Button RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy of this resolution to the family of John Button At this time Mr Culligan placed the name of Michael Ouckama on the table for two weeks for appointment to the Mental Health Board Mr Webster placed the following names on the table for appointment to the Economic Opportunity Corporation Bruce Bard Gary Hotaling Ruth Blanchard Hugh Hurlbut Donald Chatman Beverly Livesay Will Davie John Marcham Grace Evans Leonard Miscall Jeanne Vanderbilt Anthony Spano Chairman Kerr announced a dedication of Tompkins -Cortland Community College will be held May 3 He requested a brief executive session of the board immediately following thus meeting On motion, meeting adjourned at 12 50 p m 66 May 12, 1975 REGULAR MEETING MAY 12, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 15 Representatives Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The minutes of the April 28th meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Minutes of the TC3 Board of Trustees for April 7, copy of a letter from Edward Foss of the Village of Lansing to Commissioner Schuler re Route 13/ Triphammer overpass, copy of a letter from Robert King to A Hayes of Chartair re no more refueling of aircraft inside hangars, copy of executed application for CFR vehicle and inadvertent entry fencing, minutes of the Route 13 Task Force Group for April 15, minutes of the Cayuga Station Impact Analysis Steering Committee for April 22, Tompkins County Comprehensive Health Planning Coun- cil in favor of ten -channel recorder for dispatch center, South Central New York RC&D sent supplement to data in the Project Plan because of the addition of Tompkins County in 1971, STE semi-annual program activity report, minutes of County Library Board of Trustees for March 25, annual report of the Human Raghts Commission for 1974, PSC Case 80002 NYSE&G rulings on prehearmg conference issues, resolution from City of Ithaca Planning Board supporting re- sponsible actions aimed rehabihtation of Boardman House, First Baptist Church and the Old Court House, minutes of Intergovernmental Relations Committee for April 22, letter from Mrs Helen Cameron opposing any legislation which would increase their insurance payment, pistol permits for April totalled $96 00, Report on Evaluation of the U S Railway Associations Prelmunary System Plan; memo from L J Long, Secretary, Industrial Development Agency, notifying that bids for Morse Chain sewer connection are to be opened on May 19th, Manual Posso request to attend June 15-20 Conference at New Orleans for Coroners and Medical Examiners, NYS DOT Fish and Wildlife Office enclosing information concerning NYS Environmental Conservation Stream Protection Law, Resolutions from Ithaca Fire Companies No 1 and No 7 recommending the Board of Representatives to purchase $11,180 12 ten -channel recorder for dispatch center, PSC re NYSE&G Cayuga Station notice extending time limit for appeals and replies to May 16, 1975, copies of letters from Chamber of Commerce to Senator William T Smith and Assemblyman Gary Lee re malpractice insurance for medical profession, copy of a letter from Civil Service Employees' Association Inc demanding the County reverse January 1, 1975 decision to eliminate the hiring step as of May 12, 1975 Mrs Ann Furrey spoke to the Board under privilege of the floor in regard to a Statement of the Village of Lansing relative to a bill to go to the legislature to legalize certain proceedings of Tompkins County in relation to County Sewer District No 1 Section 1 of the proposed bill confirms the formation of County Sewer District No 1 and Section 2 allows the county to set rates for sewer service by resolution of the Board of Representatives She raised some questions and asked the board to carefully study this act She also said she is appointed to the Sewer Commission However, she doesn't have a vote Mr Kerr said this could be modified by a resolution from this board and the Sewer Agency is going to consider it and will have a recommendation to this board Mr Williamson, County Attorney, said Section 2 of the bill may need some reworking so it would satisfy everyone concerned Mr Bruce said he has documents from the Village of Cayuga Heights Board which requests this board to hold in abeyance any proposed legislation concern- ing Sewer District No 1 until questions are answered and wishes the board would not support the legislation as it now stands Mr Kerr said he believes it is a matter for the Sewer Agency to consider and come back to the board with a recommendation Mrs Livesay said the Intergovernmental Relations Committee met with the May 12, 1975 67 Village of Lansing Wednesday at their request because of their concern on the bill and concern that the delegates to the Sewer Commission from the Village of Lansing were not permitted to vote and she feels this board should make a decision on who should vote on the comnussion She also questioned the necessity of the contract aimed at providing sewer service to Pyramid She would like to see this board sit down with participants and see what is being objected to and what needs to be done to remedy the situation Chairman Kerr asked for a summary of the questions raised and requested a report and recommendation in approximately one month from the County At- torney on what this board should do to clarify any of these questions and will then take whatever action is needed Dr Reuben Weiner spoke under privilege of the floor regarding the reloca- tion of Route 96 He has circulated petitions supporting the project and urged the board to take a sincere action on this issue He also spoke relative to malpractice insurance crisis Mr MacNeil spoke about the Octopus situation at the west end of Ithaca Mr Liguori reported that it was indicated that construction of the Route 96 project could start near the end of this decade with completion perhaps by 1980 He feels the community should keep applying pressure Mr Miller said he is on the Alcoholism Steering Committee which is meeting regularly There will be a decriminalization of public intoxication to take effect January 1, 1976 It is hoped a Detoxification Center can be set up in the hospital Mr Culligan, Chairman of the Health Committee, said they will meet May 22 and Mrs Bonnie Howell will give a report on the financial status of the Family Health Center Mr Holden, Chairman, Personnel Committee, stated the moving expenses resolution for the Biochemist that was tabled has not been resolved yet They have been working on the creation of position in the Mental Health Department which was tabled for more information and a resolution will be presented later. Mr MacNeil, Chairman of Planning and Public Works Committee, said a plaque was dedicated at the airport honoring Glenn Turner on May 5 He said Mrs Jones from the City will be meeting tomorrow with he, Mr Liguori, and Mr Meggs regarding DeWitt Park They discussued the roads with the Village of Lansing and he read a draft resolution which will be presented at the next meeting He said he attended a meeting to review Impact Study of the NYSE&G Plan Mr Liguori said they received a draft report of the statement by the con- sulting engineers which has been in committee and the final report will be made in June Mr MacNeil also said copies of Professor Myberg's Study on Transporta- tion should be available by June 1 The next committee meeting will be held June 3 Mr Haight, Chairman of Public Safety and Correction Committee, reported they met and approved changing the supplier for the microfilm in the County Clerk's Office due to poor service by the present supplier They also approved the purchase of a camera by the Sheriff's Department They did not approve the purchase of tape recorders suggested by the Fire Coordinator and suggested it be held over until budget time for future consideration They voted to recom- mend hiring another deputy clerk for Family Court. Mr Webster, Chairman of Intergovernmental Relations Committee, said there was a meeting held to consider the future of the Intensive Supervision Unit It was decided not to consider continuing the operation of the facility They are looking for a July 15th closing date Mr Miller, Chairman of Social Services Committee, said they met with the District Attorney to discuss different situations There will be a resolution later in the meeting for a position in the Office for the Aging Mrs Livesay said the creation of a position for the Office for the Aging was in the original description of the Office She said at the Advisory Committee meeting, they discussed revision of the budget It was approved by the Advisory Committee and Social Services Committee and a resolution is needed by this 68 May 12, 1975 board She also reported negotiations are continuing relative to the Nutrition for the Elderly Program and they hope to have something for the next meeting She laid two names on the table for consideration of appointment to the Human Rights Commission — Ruthie Matthews to replace Eloise Dowdell and Rev David Winter to replace Cleveland Myers Mr Howard Stevenson, Hospital Construction Committee, reported they met April 30th to discuss the construction management concept Several people went to Albany May 7 to talk with Health Department officials regarding the status of Part II Submission — an answer is expected within a week They met May 9th and came up with a scope of services and will interview several firms for a partial concept of construction management and will come back to the Board for approval The architects and their consultants will meet with the staff at the hospital May 13, 14, and 15 There is a jomt meeting May 14th with the Board of Managers and architects will be there with a report Mr Murphy, County Administrator, said they are still progressing with prob- lems relative to EDP and are making satisfactory progress Mr Williamson, County Attorney, said there are two lawsuits involving personnel matters in the Highway Department and Social Services Department The case will be heard May 21 Chairman Kerr said he and Mr Stevenson met with four representatives from the FAA to look over airport facilities and review problems Mr Webster said he met with the Sheriff and there was another fire in the jail last night It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Bruce and Adopted that the resolutions for Award of Bid — Preservation and remodeling of the Old Court House, Creation of Positions — Probation Department and Creation of Position — Mental Health, be lifted from the table and presented at this meeting RESOLUTION NO. 100—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Watros, seconded by Mr Webster Ayes — 15 Noes — 0 Adopted WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee in the amount of $1,096 13 to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College are Claim 93—Construction Costs $1,059 84 Capital Miscellaneous Expenses 36 29 $1,096 13 RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amounts be and the same are hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor RESOLUTION NO 101—CREATION OF POSITION — COMPREHENSIVE EM- PLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT (CETA), TITLE VI Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Benson Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the fol- lowing position be created on a temporary basis not to exceed February 10, 1976, said position to be funded 100 percent for wages and benefits under CETA Title VI federal grant Planning Department (Environmental Management Council) 1 Senior Stenographer (09-14) Labor grade IX, Competitive Class, one- half time RESOLUTION NO. 102—CREATION OF POSITION — OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services and Personnel Com- May 12, 1975 69 mittees, That one position of Aging Services Specialist (10-17), labor grade X, competitive class, be created effective immediately, monies having been provided in the 1975 budget RESOLUTION NO. 80—CREATION OF POSITION — MENTAL HEALTH (Was tabled at April 14th meeting) Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Culligan A discussion followed and the resolution was adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Personnel Committees, That one position of Stenographer (05-09), competitive class, labor gr,de V, be created effective immediately on a full-time basis, said position to be 100 per cent reimbursable to the County under a grant from the N Y S Division of Alcoholism, and said position having been duly advertised, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $6,324 00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (A-1990) to the 4250 100 Account, RESOLVED, further That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 93—CREATION OF POSITIONS — PROBATION (Was tabled at April 28th meeting) Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Miller Discussion followed and a voice vote was taken on the Probation Supervisor position and it was adopted A voice vote was taken on the Probation Assistant position and it was adopted with Mr Dates casting a dissenting vote A roll call vote was taken which resulted as follows Ayes — Benson, Bruce, Holden, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil, Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Kerr — 11 Noes — Clynes, Culligan, Haight, Dates — 4 Resolution adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections and Personnel Committees, That the following positions be created in the Probation Department, said positions having been duly advertised 1 Probation Supervisor (14-12), labor grade XIV, competitive class 1 Probation Assistant (06-14), labor grade VI, competitive class RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $11,670 be appropriated from the Con- tingent Fund (Code A-1990) to Probation — Personal Services (Code A-3140 100), RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Bruce, That Resolution No 65 — Award of Bid — Preservation and Remodeling of the Old Court House which was Tabled at the April 28th meeting be lifted from the table Motion adopted RESOLUTION NO 65—AWARD OF BID — PRESERVATION AND REMODEL- ING OF THE OLD COURT HOUSE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Robey There was a general dis- cussion and a roll call vote was taken which resulted as follows Ayes — Dates, Livesay, MacNeil, Miller, Robey, Webster, Benson, Bruce, Clynes — 9 Noes -- Culligan, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Watros, Kerr — 6 Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, Resolution No 94, adopted by this board on April 16, 1973, authorized renovation of the Old Court House and employed Architect William Downing, and WHEREAS, Resolution No 13, adopted by this board on January 13, 1975, authorized Architect William Downing to advertise for bids, and WHEREAS, Stewart & Bennett, Inc , Ithaca, New York, is the lowest respon- sible bidder meeting all specifications for the General Construction contract in the amount of $331,220, and WHEREAS, Kimball Plumbing & Heating, Inc , Elmira, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for the Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning contract with a bid in the amount of $132,500, and 70 May 12, 1975 WHEREAS, Kimball Plumbing & Heating, Inc , Elmira, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for the Plumbing contract with a bid in the amount of $35,350, and WHEREAS, Norton Electric Company, Inc , Ithaca, New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for the Electrical contract with a bid in the amount of $63,346, and WHEREAS, the total of sand bids amounts to $562,416, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, That said bids be and they hereby are accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute said contracts on behalf of the County RESOLUTION NO. 103—INCREASE IN RATES — TOMPKINS COUNTY HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Bruce A lengthy discussion followed and the resolution was adopted WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Board that costs at Tompkins County Hospital shall be — as far as possible — recovered from patient billing, and WHEREAS, it is also the policy of this Board that equity be sought within the fee schedule, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Hospital Board of Managers and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the management of the hospital is directed to revise the fee schedule of the hospital as needed to yield an average cost to commercial and self -pay patients equal to the 1975 Blue Cross rate Chairman Kerr announced the next meeting will be held May 27th instead of Memorial Day Mr Webster placed in nomination the names of the following people to be appointed to the Economic Opportunity Corporation Ruth Blanchard, Donald Chatman, Will Davie, Bruce Bard, Grace Evans, Gary Hotaling, Hugh Hurlbut, Beverly E Livesay, John Marcham, Leonard Miscall, Anthony Spano, Jeanne Vanderbilt Upon hearing no further nominations, the Chairman declared the above-named people members of the Economic Oppor- tunity Corporation Mr Culligan placed in nomination the name of Mr Michael Ouckama to be appointed a member of the Mental Health Board Upon hearing no further nominations, the Chairman declared Mr Ouckama a member of the Mental Health Board Chairman Kerr announced a meeting of the Hospital Construction Committee will be held at the hospital on Wednesday and tomorrow evening a meeting will be held with the Hospital Board of Managers, and immediately following today's meeting there will be a brief executive session of the board Mr Murphy explained the rates at the hospital On motion, meeting adjourned at 12 41 p m May 27, 1975 71 REGULAR MEETING MAY 27, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m. Present 13 Excused Representatives MacNeil and Culligan — 2. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The minutes of the May 12th meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Village of Cayuga Heights sent minutes of special meeting of May 7 with resolutions appointing Peter Minotti to zoning Board of Appeals and requesting proposed legislation concerning County Sewer District No 1 be held in abeyance; copy of letter from Frank Liguori to NYS DOT Aviation Development Section re amendment to FAA application for Federal Assistance for CFR weight vehicle and installation of inadvertent entry fencing, copy of executed contract with W. C Dean for thinning of trees on Caroline Town Forest Plantation; copy of Thomas G Payne's annual report of valuations on the City Assessment Roll; copy of Village of Cayuga Heights resolution of June 1973 appointing David J Allee and reappointing Rane F Randolph as representatives on Sanitary Sewer District No 1, letter from George Train, President, Finger Lakes Association re additional request for money for programs — NYS Tourist Promotion Grant was only 1/3 of what had been indicated, letter from Stanley Steingut, Speaker of the Assem- bly, re bill passed in legislature on malpractice insurance; letter from Sheldon Bradshaw, Executive Director, Alcoholism Information Center re revenue sharing contracts for 1975, letter from Dr Batt and Dr Hamlisch re examination of H. VanDoren on jail fire, memorandum from NYS Health Planning Comnussion re Governor Carey's announcement of designation of eight health service areas in NYS to comply with National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974, Gary Lee, Assemblyman, sent copy of letter to Roger Barton, Chairman of Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce, re medical malpractice insurance prob- lem, application of NYSE&G to the Siting Board Case 80002 Apphcant's memo to Chairman Roth opposing the presiding examiner's recommendation of dismissal of the application and discussing the rulings on which recommendation is based; letter from STE requesting Tompkins County to appoint three representatives as members to the reorganized Board prior to July 1, 1975, STE 1974 Annual Fiscal Report, from Eugene Arnold, Hospital Administrator, copies of 1975 Fee Schedule and Analysis of impact of fee increase on Income vs 1974 Income, Moravia Cen- tral School Board of Education letter petitioning legislators of Tompkins County to allow school taxes in Tompkins County to be paid in installments, letter from Gary A Lee re Public Intoxication Removal Program and asking what Tompkins County plans on this important matter, copy of draft resolution to clarify member- ship on County Sewer District No 1 Commission sent to municipalities, Resolution from City of Ithaca American Revolutionary Bicentennial Commission with respect to DeWittt Park, letter from NYS Dept of Labor re Manpower Adm of the US Dept of Labor has indicated funds for 1975 Summer Youth Program are anti- cipated and planning allocation for Tompkins County is $57,416 Under privilege of the floor Mayor Snudt of the Village of Lansing spoke to the board regarding a resolution adopted by the village re maintenance, snow removal, etc for roads for which the village is responsible They would like to avoid the necessity of forming a separate road department One of the ways to supply road service is to contract with another unit of government He said he would like to speak to the resolution on the agenda re abandonment of roads when it is presented Mr Alvin Knepper spoke under privilege of the floor relative to contribu- tion to a monument for the Korean and Viet Nam War casualties 1 Various committee chairmen reported as follows Mr Dates, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, made a progress report on the Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency and the extension of sewer along Warren Road from the manhole in front of the Agway 72 May 27, 1975 Research Laboratories for the Morse Chain Project Funds for this extension were to be provided, temporarily, by the Tompkins County Area Development, Inc which would then be reimbursed 60 per cent from federal sources and 40 per cent from Sewer District No 2 which presently owns the sewer line from the Warren Road pumping station to Agway Laboratories Bids were opened and the low bid of L R S Excavating Company was accepted, providing they can comply with bonding and insurance requirements of the contract The procedure followed provides the necessary sewage for the Morse Chain plant without any capital out- lay from the county or town and will make final acquisition by the sewer district at a cost of only 40 per cent of the total project cost of $26,000 including engineer- ing costs and supervision of the work Mr Dates also reported that we are receiving requests for funds from people from organizations who have cuts in Federal and State monies Mr Clynes, member of the Health Committee, reported the committee met and received a presentation from the Mental Health Department on their budget and a proposed increase of staffing but before they request it formally, suggested a department personnel analysis This matter was referred to the County Ad- ministrator They referred and suggested the Budget and Administration Com- mittee, in conjunction with the Health Committee, take a look at the Challenge Industries item Mr Robey said also discussed at a meeting of the Mental Health Board was 620 funding He explained the funding to the board Mr Webster, Intergovernmental Relations Committee, announced a meeting of the Ad hoc Youth and Recreation Committee will be held Wednesday at 7 30 p m The committee will meet May 28 They met with the County Administrator, TC3 administration and Cortland County for a preliminary review of budget needs for 1975-1976 They will be meeting with the Budget and Administration Com- mittee Mrs Benson asked about the progress of an issue about establishing closer communication between the city and county Mr Webster said they will be able to come to the board with a formal proposal hopefully within a month Mr Kerr stated, relative to Mr Knepper's request this morning, that there is interest and he felt a report will be made on this matter in the future Mr Kidney said he is hopeful that an attempt be made to obtain a line item budget for TC3 Mr Holden, Personnel Committee, stated he will be withdrawing the reso- lution relative to moving expenses for the biochemist at the hospital Mr Haight, Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said they considered a tape recorder for the fire department and suggested no further consideration until budget time They received communication from Judge Anthony Schultz from the Town of Caroline that they are having problems with stray dogs and they will be meeting with the SPCA Mr Miller, Social Services Committee, met May 6 and discussed welfare fraud He spoke relative to a registered nurse position change to therapist at County Home The Commissioner of Social Services has requested a typist posi- tion Mrs Livesay said negotiations are underway for the Nutrition program Several members of the Advisory Committee for the Office for the Aging and various personnel involved met with the Salvation Army Board of Directors Nego- tiations are still continuing Mr Stevenson, Chairman of the Hospital Construction Committee, reported on their progress Mr Robert Williamson, County Attorney, reported on the cases re workers in the Social Services Department and the Highway Department workers Also, he reported that Ramada has asked to have their assessment reduced Mr John Murphy reported relative to the administrative manual and the EDP matter at the hospital May 27, 1975 73 Chairman Kerr said there has been several meetings the last few weeks with the Hospital Board of Managers and there is a resolution to be presented later in the meeting Mr Dates asked permission to withdraw the resolution regarding abandon- ment of roads in the village of Lansing Mayor Smidt pointed out that their fiscal year begins June 1 and hopes they will be given reasonable notice Mr Dates said he is sure notice will be given The resolution was withdrawn until the first meeting in June RESOLUTION NO. 104—CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITIONS — HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Clynes Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Health Committees, That the following positions be created under Section 64 of the Civil Service Law, on a temporary basis- not to exceed 90 calendar days, at the Tompkins County Hospital, effective immediately, monies having been included in the 1975 budget 18 Hospital Aides (03-05), labor class, grade III 4 Hospital Orderlies (04-04), labor class, grade IV 1 Ward Clerk (04-10), noncompetitive class, grade IV 2 Laboratory Helpers (03-06), labor class, grade III 3 Food Service Helpers (02-02), labor class, grade II 4 Clerks (03-02), competitive class, grade III 2 Cleaners (03-01), labor class, grade IH 4 Typists (04-09), competitive class, grade IV RESOLUTION NO 105—AUTHORIZATION TO TEMPORARILY RELOCATE SHERIFF'S OFFICES INTO THE DEWITT BUILDING Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted WHEREAS, plans for the preservation of the Old Court House are underway, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide interim space for the use of the Sheriff's Department during the period of reconstruction, and WHEREAS, space is available in the DeWitt Building under an alternate plan designated as Plan B, including 1,200 square feet at $4 50 per square foot for a monthly charge of $450 00, and WHEREAS, it is anticipated the interim space will be necessary for approxi- mately 15 Months, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee and the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the owners of the DeWitt Mall for rental of said space under the Plan B arrangement for an approximate period of 15 months at $450 00 per month, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to expend $6,750 from the County Building Capital Construction Ac- count to cover the lease agreement RESOLUTION NO. 106—AWARD OF BIDS — HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Kidney Adopted WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has advertised for bids in ac- cordance with specifications filed at his office for one new 1975 Heavy Duty Truck, and WHEREAS, Brockway Motor Trucks, Factory Branch, Elmira, New York was the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications with a net bid of $31,795 00, and an alternate deduct of $1,895 00 for deletion of tires, now there- fore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee that the bid of Brockway Motor trucks be and the same hereby is accepted in the amount of $29,900 00, and the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized and directed to complete said purchase on behalf of the county 74 May 27, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 107—AWARD OF BIDS — AIR CONDITIONING UNITS — BUILDING C Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Dates Discussion followed and resolu- tion was adopted WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has advertised and received bids for furnishing and installing Air Conditioning Units, along with all electrical work, and WHEREAS, Norton Electric Company, Inc , 1013 West State Street, Ithaca, New York, was lowest responsible bidder, meeting all specifications with a bid of $16,586 00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, that the low bid of Norton Electric Company, Inc in the amount of $16,586 00 be and the same hereby is accepted and the Commissioner of Pubhc Works is directed to complete said transaction on behalf of the County, and RESOLVED, further, That $17,641 shall be paid from Encumbered 1974 Funds — Building C — Federal Revenue Sharing Account F9550 942, said amount including engineering and printing in addition to the above bid RESOLUTION NO. 108—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — IN- DIRECT COST REPORT AND A COST ALLOCATION PLAN — SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden Discussion followed and resolu- tion was adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Budget and Administration and Social Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is directed to execute a contract with Peat, Marwich and Mitchell, Syracuse, New York, to furnish a Cost Allocation Plan and an Indirect Cost Re- port for the Social Services Department required for reimbursement, cost not to exceed $8,500 RESOLUTION NO. 109—CORRECTION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL — TOWN OF ULYSSES Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Robey, adopted WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1973 Assess- ment Roll for the Town of Ulysses, namely, Tax Map Number 19-3-2-6 2 was a duplicate assessment and should be expunged, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Commit- tee, That the assessment on Tax Map Number 19-3-2-6 2 be expunged from the 1973 Assessment Roll for the Town of Ulysses and charge back $23 67 to the County of Tompkins, $2 18 to the Town of Ulysses and $30 96 to the School Distnct RESOLUTION NO. 110—HOSPITAL FISCAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Clynes, seconded by Mr Kidney A discussion followed and a roll call resulted Ayes Representatives Haight, Holden, Kidney, Livesay, Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Benson, Bruce, Clynes, Dates, Kerr — 13 Noes — 0 Excused 2 Adopted WHEREAS, the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Hospital has adopted a resolution on the 14th day of May, 1975, requesting that the Fiscal Af- fairs of the Tompkins County Hospital be placed under the control of the Office of the County Administrator, and WHEREAS, it is requested that the operational details for the change -over be supervised by a Committee of the members of the Board of Representatives and Board of Managers, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on request of the Tompkins County Board of Managers and the recommendation of the Health and Budget and Administration Committees, That the entire Fiscal Services Department of the Tompkins County Hospital be placed under the direct supervision and control of the Office of the County Administra- tor, in his role as Treasurer of Tompkins County Hospital, it being understood, May 27, 1975 75 however, that employees in the department shall continue to be hospital em- ployees RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator as Hospital Treasurer be and he hereby is further authorized to reorganize and implement such ad- ministrative and financial innovations as he deems necessary and proper for the efficient management of the Fiscal Services Department of said hospital, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to work with the committee named hereafter in the operational details incident to the change -over of the Fiscal Services Department of the hospital, effective June 1, 1975, RESOLVED, further, That a six -member Special Committee be formed to supervise the operational details required for the aforesaid change -over to con- sist of three members from the Board of Managers, namely, Messrs Garmise, Martin and Siany and three members from the Board of Representatives, ap- pointed by the Chairman, namely, Messrs Culligan, Clynes and Kerr RESOLUTION NO. 111—ON AUDIT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller Ayes — 13 Noes — 0 Excused — 2 Adopted RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins charge- able to General Fund $ 49,497 38 Encumbrances 600 69 County Self -Insurance 332 03 Dog Fund 20615 Airport 2,993 05 Highway 119,255 68 Federal Revenue Sharing 4,540 35 Total $177,425 33 be and hereby are audited by this board at the above amounts approved by the various committees, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor Mr Webster placed in nomination the following names for appointment to the Human Rights Commission Ruthie Matthews to replace Eloise Dowdell The term expires December 31, 1975 Rev David Winter to replace Cleveland Myers The term expires December 31, 1975 Upon hearing no further nominations, the Chairman declared the above-named people members of the Human Rights Com- mission Mr Webster placed the name of Ronald Space on the table for two weeks to be considered for reappointment to the Board of Trustees of Tompkins -Cortland Community College Mr Kerr placed the name of Emily Warren on the table to replace Daniel Marvin from the Town of Enfield as a member of the Bicentennial Commission Mr Marvin has moved from the Town of Enfield but is interested in continuing to serve on the Commission Mr Kerr placed his name on the table for two weeks for consideration of appointment as a member at large On motion, meeting adjourned at 11, 22 a m 76 June 9, 1975 REGULAR MEETING JUNE 9, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 14 Representatives Excused Representative Culligan — 1 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The minutes of the May 27th meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Resolutions urging the Board of Representatives to purchase $11,180 12 ten - channel recorder for dispatch center from West Danby Fire Company and Town Board of Newfield and Village of Cayuga Heights, notice from Motorola Com- munications and Electronics canceling Antenna Site Lease No 73 -ASL -No 2 on Hungerford Hill dated July 1, 1973 if it has not been done previously, copy of a letter DOT Airport Development Section of Airports District Office approving application for Federal Assistance C/F/R and fencing at Tompkins County Air- port, copy of annual plan of operation for South Central New York RC&D project and monthly report for May, Pistol Permits for May totalled $179 00, resignation of Robert L Bruce effective June 30, 1975 from the Board of Representatives, Request from Cayuga Heights Fire Department for Board of Representatives to purchase ten -channel recorder for the dispatch center, notice that the Department of Housing and Urban Development will accept applications to administer an Existing Housing Program in Tompkins County Response should indicate your willingness to participate in the program and that you are ready to accept applica- tions for Housing Assistance Payments within your jurisdiction, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation letter strongly supporting PSC presiding exam- iners recommendation that NYSE&G's application be rejected at this time, copy of executed contract agreement with Thomas L Botsford for thinning of trees in Compartment 7 of Newfield plantation Under privilege of the floor, Mary Lamm spoke regarding the District Attor- ney's Office Mrs Pauhne Darrett again spoke in opposition to the Human Rights Com- mission Mayor Seymour Smidt of the Village of Lansing said he would like to speak when the resolution of abandonment of county roads is presented Mr MacNeil said the committee will be requesting this resolution be tabled Mr Clynes, Health Committee, reported on the progress of the Family Health Care Programs Mr Webster, Intergovernmental Relations Committee Chairman, said they considered a request from representatives of the City Youth Bureau and Main Line and will have a resolution later in the meeting They also discussed the re- quest of Mr Slattery from the City of Ithaca and hope to have a resolution to consider at the June 23rd meeting Mr Holden, Personnel Committee Chairman, said they met and discussed office space for the Personnel Committee and the creation of two positions — one for the Recreation Therapist at the County Home and one for a typist at the Social Services Department The typist position has not been advertised Mr MacNeil, Planning and Pubhc Works Committee Chairman, reported they met June 3 The City Planning Department has invited them to a meeting to dis- cuss DeWitt Park There was discussion of the management of the airport and the Commissioner of Public Works has recommended to continue the present system until they can make a determination on the Master Plan He spoke about proposals of Alleghany Airlines and Alan Hayes, Chartair He reported on Hertz and Avis companies who rent space at the airport He will be requesting that the resolu- tion regarding the abandonment of roads be tabled for two weeks He discussed the septic tank treatment at Cayuga Heights System It is felt the County Sanitary Landfill has a lifetime of 15 years Plans are going forward for the renovation of the Old Court House and on-the-job supervisor has been designated Mr Haight, Public Safety and Correction Committee Chairman, said they re- viewed ballpark budgets for the County Clerk and District Attorney Judge Schultz spoke to them about dog problems in the Town of Caroline The SPCA was 1 June 9, 1975 77 there and satisfaction was reached by both sides The District Attorney suggested that the county contract with the City of Ithaca to have the city prosecutor join with the District Attorney's office and become a full time District Attorney assistant. Mr Miller, Social Services Committee Chairman, requested a change in a position at the County Home from Registered Nurse to Recreation Therapist Mrs Livesay said the negotiations with the Salvation Army are continuing Mr Kerr asked for a clarification of the food procedure at the County Home Mr Wagner said Dr Kathleen Gaffney, Commissioner of the Tompkins County Health Department, has told the County Home they cannot can foods anymore because of the danger of botulism, however, they can freeze foods Mr Dates, Budget and Administration Committee Chairman, spoke relative to Human Services regarding draft of application for federal revenue sharing funds Mr Murphy, County Administrator, spoke pertinent to the possibility of the office of the Secretary of State's participation in preparation of the County Ad- ministrative Manual He also reported on the progress of the hospital EDP He spoke relative to a letter received from Onondaga County There will be a meet- ing June 17 re the National Health Planning & Resources Development Act He also reported regarding the interest rate on unpaid county tax bills Mr Robert Wilhamson, County Attorney, reported on the motion re em- ployees in the Highway Department There is another case coming up involving hospital personnel Mr Stevenson, Hospital Construction Committee, made a progress report It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Webster, That Resolution for Abandonment of County Roads to Village of Lansing, be tabled until the next meeting Motion to Table adopted. Mr Miller withdrew the resolution pertaining to Creation of Position of Typist — Social Services Department RESOLUTION NO. 112—CREATION OF POSITION — SOCIAL SERVICES (COUNTY HOME) Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Livesay Discussion followed and resolution was adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services and Personnel Com- mittees, That one position of Registered Professional Nurse (11-17), labor grade XI, non competitive class, be abolished effective immediately and that one posi- tion of Recreation Therapist (09-24), labor grade IX, competitive class, be created effective immediately, monies available in the 1975 budget RESOLUTION NO 113—AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN SUMMER WORK STUDY PROGRAM — CORNELL UNIVERSITY Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Benson Ayes — 14 Noes — 0 Excused — 1 Adopted - WHEREAS, Cornell University has requested the County to participate in a Work Study Program for the summer of 1975, and WHEREAS, said Work Study Program would entail a full time student work- ing for Frank Liguori, Commissioner of Planning, for the summer of 1975, and WHEREAS, the maximum salary to be paid by said study by Cornell Univer- sity is $1,000 00, and WHEREAS, Cornell University has requested the County of Tompkins to participate in said progi am to a maximum of $200 00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and the Planning and Public Works Committees, that the Commissioner of Personnel be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Cornell University for the participation of the County in said work program, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $200 00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code A1990) to Planning Department, Contractual and Other Expenses (Code A 8020 400), - RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books 78 June 9, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 114—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — MAIN LINE Moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mrs Benson After a discussion it was Moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mr Clynes, that the rules of the board be waived so the resolution can be presented (any unbudgeted item over $5,000 must be advertised) Ayes — 14 Noes — 0 Excused — 1 Motion to waive rules adopted. A lengthy discussion took place and a roll call vote resulted as follows Ayes — 14 Noes — 0 Excused — 1 Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, Main Line, a corporation of volunteers with a paid coordinator providing college -oriented drug information and counseling has witnessed in- creasing juvenile drug abuse and delinquency m the area, and WHEREAS, Main Line is able to provide a variety of programs to stimulate involvement of youth with positive older -role models and development of personal responsibility for their own hves, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca Youth Bureau has identified a need for a youth -oriented program to serve youth from throughout the County to provide the aforesaid drug information and counseling program, and WHEREAS, the headquarters of said program would be located m College - town, Ithaca, New York, and WHEREAS, the total proposed budget on file with the Clerk of the Board of Representatives for said program is $13,952 of which $6,976 has been raised in the community by Main Line, and WHEREAS, the New York State Division of Youth has indicated that it is willing, conditioned upon State Approval, to providereimbursement funds in the amount of $6,976, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with a not-for-profit corporation, being organized by the Main Line volunteers for the aforesaid youth programs, conditional upon State approval, and contingent upon state funding, on behalf of the County, RESOLVED, further, That the 1975 Budget be amended and changed as fol- lows Revenue Accounts (Agency Contribution) Code 1621—Narcotics—Main Line $ 6,976 (State Aid) Code 3487—Narcotics—Main Line 6,976 Appropriation Account Code 4221—Narcotics—Main Line $13,952 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said amendments to the 1975 Budget RESOLUTION NO. 115—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE GRANT AGREEMENT — TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Kidney Discussion followed Adopted WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has tendered to the County on behalf of the United States a proposed Amendment No 2 to the Grant Agreement for Project No 9-30-034-6404, duly executed by the FAA, to be executed by the County, if such Amendment No 2 is found acceptable, and WHEREAS, the County has determined that such Amendment No 2 is ac- ceptable, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, 1 That the County does hereby accept such Amendment No 2 which is here- by attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and 2 That, on behalf of the County, Harry A Kerr, Chairman of the Board of Representatives, be and he hereby is authorized to execute Amendment No 2, and 3 That his execution of said Amendment No 2 be and hereby is ratified 4 That Phyllis B Howell, Clerk of the Board of Representatives, be and she hereby is directed a to attest such execution June 9, 1975 79 b To affix the official seal of the County c to attach a copy of Amendment No 2, so executed by the FAA to the transcript of this resolution and d to deliver to the FAA six copies of the fully executed Amendment No 2 together with three certified copies of the transcript of this resolution RESOLUTION NO. 116—PETTY CASH FUND — COMMISSIONER OF MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Robey Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Budget and Administra- tion Committees, That a petty cash fund m the amount of $50 00 be established for the Commissioner of Mental Health pursuant to Section 371 of the County Law RESOLUTION NO. 117—ACCEPTANCE OF FOOTPRINT AND GENERAL LAY- OUT OF NEW COUNTY HOSPITAL Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Clynes Mr Bruce requested a public review of the footprint Mr Larry Hoffman reviewed the footprmt and general layout of the hospital A roll call was taken as follows Ayes — 13 Noes — 0. Excused — 2 Adopted WHEREAS, the architects have dehvered to the Hospital Construction Com- mittee the proposed footprint and general layout of the new County Hospital, and WHEREAS, the, Hospital Construction Committee has reviewed the aforesaid plans in depth, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Hospital Construction Committee, that the footprint and general layout of the new County Hospital as proposed by the architects and on file with the Clerk of the Board of Representatives be and the same hereby are accepted RESOLUTION NO. 118—TRANSFER OF FUNDS—SOCIAL SERVICES DEPART- MENT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden Ayes — 14 Noes — 0 Excused — 1. Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Social Services Committee and Budget and Administration Committee, That the following transfer of funds be and hereby is approved From Code 6010 400 Contractual Expense To Code 6010 840 Retirement $244 09 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books. RESOLUTION NO. 119—REQUEST FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT — STATE OF NEW YORK — SOCIAL SERVICES' REIMBURSEMENT Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Dates Discussion followed It was Moved by Mr Bruce, seconded by Mr Webster, that resolution be tabled until such time as committees have a chance to study Mr Kerr said it would be referred to the Social Services Committee Motion to Table adopted with Mr. Dates casting a dissenting vote WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of New York has by executive order forwarded to the City of New York the reimbursement due to the City of New York from the State of New York under the various Social Services programs, and WHEREAS, said monies m the approximate amount of $600,000,000 were directed to be paid to the city in advance of the dates required, and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins anticipates deficiencies in its Social Services Budget, and WHEREAS, said County may need to borrow monies to fulfill the require- ments of the various programs due to said expenditures in excess of the amount budgeted, and WHEREAS, receipt of Social Services' reimbursement monies from the state in advance of the due date of saidreimbursement would alleviate the need for borrowing said monies, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that this board formally requests the Governor to extend his 80 June 9, 1975 executive order to include the advancement of Social Services monies due to the County of Tompkins as reimbursement from the State of New York under the Social Services Law in an amount equal to its anticipated share of $1,700,000 RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies of this resolution to Governor Hugh Carey, Senator William T Smith, Assembly- man Gary A Lee, the New York State Commissioner of Social Services, Tompkins County Commissioner of Social Services, the Yates County Legislature and the Seneca County Board of Supervisors It was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden, that a resolution per- taining to Revenue Anticipation Note — Hospital, be considered at this meeting Motion adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 120—REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE RESOLUTION OF JUNE 9, 1975, OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, STATE OF NEW YORK, IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,300,000 — HOSPITAL OPERATING COSTS Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Webster Ayes — 14 Noes — 0 Ex- cused — 1 Adopted BE IT RESOLVED, this 9th day of June, 1975, by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins, New York, as follows Section 1 That, pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, said County of Tompkins in anticipation of the collection of specific revenues other than real estate taxes or assessments, to wit, revenue received for services rendered for patient care at the Tompkins County Hospital, to become due and payable during the current fiscal year ending December 31, 1975, shall issue and sell a revenue anticipation note, or notes, in the amount not to exceed One Million Three Hundred Dollars ($1,300,000) to mature not later than the 16th day of June, 1976 Section 2 That the amount of the uncollected revenue aforesaid, to wit, monies due for services rendered for the care of patients at the Tompkins County Hospital, against which the said note is authorized is as of April 30, 1975, the sum of Two Million One Hundred Twenty -Four Thousand One Hundred Forty -Four and 00/100 Dollars ($2,124,14400) and that there are no other outstanding revenue anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the receipt of such revenue Section 3 That, except as herein prescribed, said note shall be of the dates, terms, form contents, and price of payment, and at the rate of interest as may be determined by the County Administrator consistent, however, with the provisions of the said Local Finance Law of the State of New York, and shall be executed in the name of the County of Tompkins by the County Administrator and the seal of the County shall be attached thereto Section 4 That, the said note shall be sold at private sale by the County Administrator, at a price of not less than par value and accrued interest, if any, and upon a due execution and sale of said note, the same shall be delivered to the purchaser upon the payment by him to the County Administrator of Tompkins County of the purchase price in cash, and the receipt by such County Administra- tor shall be a full acquittance to such purchaser who shall not be obhgated to see to the application of the purchase money Section 5 Said note shall contain the clause that it may redeemed on any date prior to maturity by mailing written notice to the purchaser of said note and interest shall cease to be paid thereon after the date of redemption Section 6 The full faith and credit of the County of Tompkins is hereby pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on said note when due Section 7 This resolution shall take effect immediately It was Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Livesay and adopted that Mr Ronald Space be reappointed to the Tompkins -Cortland Community College Board of Trustees for a nine-year term to expire June 30, 1984, Emily Warren to replace Daniel Marvin on the Bicentennial Committeee from the Town of Enfield and Daniel Marvin to serve as a member -at -large Mr Webster requested a report of the Bicentennial Committee for the next meeting On motion, meeting adjourned at 12 49 p m June 23, 1975 81 REGULAR MEETING JUNE 23, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present Representatives — 11 Excused — Livesay, Watros — 2. Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag The minutes of the June 9th meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following Correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to proper committees for action Letter from Dryden Town Clerk Rosemary Stelick alleging that approximately 30 "Orders to Seize Unlicensed Dogs" turned over to SPCA in March and April have not received action, letter from Assemblyman Gary A Lee requesting a resolution asking Governor advance state aid payments to Tompkins County amounting to $1 7 million in light of his advanced state aid payments to NYC; letter from R Comstock, President, Board of Managers re positions at hospital for Director of Community Relations and typist for Family Medicine Program, exe- cuted copy of lease with DeWitt Park Apartments for relocation of Sheriff's office; resolution requesting Board to purchase $11,180 12 ten -channel recorder for dis- patch center from Newfield Fire Department and Village Board of Freeville, letter from Gertrude T Carman concerning the proposed new hospital on cost, limiting to acute care only and questioning single -bed rooms only especially as it applies to Blue Cross, letter from Assemblyman Gary A Lee concerning medical mal- practice insurance and summary of the bill passed by both Senate and Assembly, letter from Senator James Buckley re H R 3130 proposed environmental impact statement procedure, letter from NYS Division of Military and Naval Affairs re meeting to discuss incorporating necessary civil defense functions enabling Tompkins County to react to emergencies more readily The chairman called a recess for the board to convene to Executive session The regular meeting was reconvened at 10 36 a m Mrs Betty Muka spoke to the board under privilege of the floor regarding her complaint which had been referred to committee She said she will have another claim to file with the Clerk of the Board Mr Dates, Chairman of Budget & Administration Committee, said by Charter there should be a budget message and they would like to develop one They have met with Human Services Coalition There will be another meeting this week re the draft for applying for revenue sharing funds They did not withdraw any funds for the Volunteer Action Center They considered them but were not able to come up with any funds They decided re the Finger Lakes Request, any additional funds will be discussed for budget for 1976 They have a consultant on the data processing He reported he attended the opening of the Tioga Trans- portation Museum He also reported re the railroads Mr Culligan, Chairman of the Health Committee, reported a resignation was received from the Board of Managers He will request a resolution be added to the agenda for additional working space for the Health Department They have taken no action on the request for public relations officer position at the hospital They approved a typist position for the Family Medicine Program with the possi- bility perhaps if through reorganization someone already employed in the county could do this job He reported regarding laws being passed by the State Legisla- ture He said he is representative to the Board for the National Junior Olympics to be held in Tompkins County this summer Mr Webster, Chairman of Intergovernmental Relations Committee, said they considered a request from Nancy Meyer for county contribution to a Children's Theater Group There will be a resolution presented later in the meeting They also discussed TC3 preliminary budget and passed recommenda- tions on to the Budget & Administration Committee He will present a resolution later in the meeting regarding establishment of greater Ithaca Area Inter- governmental Study Committee Mr MacNeil, Chairman of Planning & Public Works Committee, reported they 82 June 23, 1975 met with the City Planmng Council re DeWitt Park and the Boardman House There will be a recommendation regarding Boardman House at the July 14th meeting He reported on the proposed abandonment of roads in the Village of Lansing He said he has instructed Frank Liguori to write to the American Insti- tute of Architects in Washington relative to a county office building Mr Webster questioned if anything is being done about the weed problem at the other end of the lake Mr MacNeil said the committee will look into it Mr Stevenson, Hospital Construction Committee, reported they had been in- terviewing firms to act as construction manager for the project The committee recommends the construction management and they would like a letter of intent to enter into a contract with John W Cowper, Inc from Buffalo Mr Haight, Chairman of the Public Safety and Correction, reported the com- mittee acted on a complaint from citizen Mary Lamm The problem has been resolved Mr Culligan reported as of June 30th the Mental Health Department will not serve prisoners at the city and county jail Mr Haight said he has researched the law and feels the Commissioner of Mental Health must comply Mr William- son said he will review the law and inform them The Chairman requested a letter be written to Dr Robert Hamhsch and Dr Roberta Batt that they continue to serve the city and county jail and if there is any change in the future it will be done by approval of the Board of Representatives Mr Robey reported relative to the Soil Conservation Board He said the long-range plan is prepared The Planning and Public Works Committee will meet tomorrow, Thursday and also July 8th re the airport master plan Mr Kerr stated veterans are interested in constructing memorials in the park to honor Korean and Vietnam veterans A committee has been working and there will be a report at the next meeting Permission was given for a resolution to be put on the agenda pertaining additional space for the Health Department and a resolution of Intent for hospital construction consultant It was Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Dates, That a resolution — Request for Advance Payment — State of New York — Social Services' Reimbursement, be hfted from the table Motion to lift from the table adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 119—REQUEST FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT — STATE OF NEW YORK — SOCIAL SERVICES' REIMBURSEMENT Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Dates Ayes — Representatives Kidney, MacNeil, Miller, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kerr — 8 Noes — Representa- tives Benson, Clynes, Robey, Webster — 4 Excused — Representatives Bruce, Livesay, Watros — 3 Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 121—ABANDONMENT OF COUNTY ROADS TO VILLAGE OF LANSING Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Kidney Mr Smidt, Mayor of the Village of Lansing, spoke to the board regarding this situation Discussion fol- lowed and it was decided any policy should be looked at Resolution was adopted with Representatives Benson casting a dissenting vote WHEREAS, certain County roads or portions of County roads he wholly within the incorporated limits of the Village of Lansing, namely Cayuga Heights Road CR 192A — 1 59 miles Burdick Hill Road CR 192 — 1 00 miles Triphammer Road CR 122 — 1 81( miles (approx ) Warren Road CR 121 — 1 54 miles (approx ) 5 94 miles WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Commissioner of Public Works does recom- mend that this mileage be removed from the County Highway Road System and did request so of the New York State Commission of Transportation by letter dated May 9, 1975, pursuant to Section 115-B of the Highway Law, and June 23, 1975 83 RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- rruttee and the Commissioner of Public Works, that the above road mileage in- cluding Cayuga Heights Road (1 59), Burdick Hill Road (1 00) and Triphammer Road (1 81) are hereby removed from the County Road System and shall revert to the Village of Lansing for maintenance, RESOLVED, further, That the transfer of the Warren Road, north of Route 13, mileage is hereby deferred to a later date to facilitate certain improvements of the road by the County under federal and state aided grants, under a pre- viously initiated plan, RESOLVED, further, That certified copies of this resolution shall be for- warded to the Commissioner of Transportation, the Village of Lansing, and be filed in the Tompkins County Clerk's office RESOLUTION NO. 122—ACCEPTING GRANT OFFER FROM FAA FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE CFR VEHICLE AND TO INSTALL INADVERTENT ENTRY FENCING Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration has identified the need for a crash, fire and rescue vehicle (light weight) for use at the Airport and has identi- fied the need to install inadvertent entry fencing, and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has made application to FAA for grant assistance in the purchase of said CFR vehicle and to install said inadvertent entry fencing, and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration has made a grant offer of 82% of the cost of the CFR vehicle and 75% of the cost of the inadvertent entry fencing, the maximum total grant being $28,535 toward a total project cost of $35,318, leaving a share for the County of Tompkins of $6,783, therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee that this Board of Representatives does accept the grant offer and does hereby direct the Chairman of the Board to execute the grant agreement on be- half of the Board and to deliver same to the FAA, and be it further RESOLVED, That an unconformed copy of said grant agreement dated June 6, 1975, Project No 8-36-0047-03, Contract No FA -EA -1416, is hereby incorporated as part of this resolution and shall be attached thereto and represents a complete copy of the grant offer, and be it further RESOLVED, That three certified copies of this resolution shall be submitted to FAA together with the executed copies of the grant agreement RESOLUTION NO. 123—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH CORNELL UNIVERSITY — COUNTY HIGHWAY COM- MUNICATIONS TRANSMITTER Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Kidney Adopted WHEREAS, the County Highway Department would like to install a com- munications systems at the site of the WHCU transmitter, and WHEREAS Cornell University agrees to said installation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Commit- tee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute an agreement with Cornell University for said installation on behalf of the County RESOLUTION NO. 124—RENEWAL OF SNOW AND ICE AGREEMENT Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Clynes Discussion followed Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Planning and Public Works Committee, That the Agreement authorized by Resolution No 230, dated September 10, 1973 between the People of the State of New York acting by and through the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of New York and the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County, pur- suant to Section 12 of the Highway Law and relative to work of snow and ice 84 June 23, 1975 control on state highways in Tompkins County, be and the same hereby is extended for an additional period of one year (1977-1978), RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the board be and hereby is directed to forward three certified copies of this resolution to the Comnussioner of Trans- portation RESOLUTION NO 125—OPPOSITION TO IMPOUNDMENT OF FUNDS — TOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (DONOVAN PLAN) Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Holden Discussion followed Resolu- tion adopted with Representatives Benson and Robey casting dissenting votes. WHEREAS, the Town Highway Improvement Program (Donovan Plan) is of vital importance to the citizens of this County in assisting ongoing improvement to the Town Highway System and WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of New York has appropriated $4 8 million to fund this program and Governor Carey has impounded $1 0 million of this fund, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That this Board of Representatives of Tompkins County being in opposition to this impoundment of funds does hereby appeal to the Honorable Governor Carey for his release of these needed funds, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to for- ward certified copies of this resolution to the Honorable Governor Carey, Ray- mond Shuler, Director of Transportation, Assemblyman Gary A Lee, Senator William T Smith RESOLUTION NO. 126—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — TOMPKINS COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS' COUNCIL, INC. Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Culligan Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Social Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute a contract with the Tompkins County Senior Citizens' Council, Inc for recreation for the elderly project for the year 1975 which will provide a total payment of $9,500 00 of which $4,144 00 shall be reimbursed by the State of New York RESOLUTION NO 127—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Miller Ayes — 12 Noes — 0 Excused — 3 Adopted WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee in the amount of $1,756 63 to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins-Coitland Community College are Capital Construction — Claim No 94 — $1,756 63, RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amounts be and the same are hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor RESOLUTION NO. 128—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT—ITHACA CITY YOUTH BUREAU CHILDRENS' THEATER WORK- SHOP PROGRAM Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Benson r Nancy Meyer explained the program to the board After a lengthy discussion, Chairman Kerr ruled that the motion was out of order at this time and is to be brought back at the next meeting for a report Mr Robey made a motion to overrule the chair After dis- cussion, a roll call vote was taken on whether the ruling of the chair shall be sustained Ayes — Representatives Kidney, MacNeil (wish to reaffirm its privilege of anyone to bring resolution at any time), Dates, Haight, Holden (hope this doesn't set a precedent), Kerr — 6 Noes — Representatives Benson, Clynes, June 23, 1975 85 Culligan, Miller, Robey, Webster — 6 Excused — Representatives Bruce, Livesay, Watros — 3 Ruling not sustained. A roll call on the resolution resulted — Ayes — Representatives Kidney (anything from the Contingent Fund should come from the Budget and Administration Committee), MacNeil (would like to re-emphasize but if we are going to make anything of Coalition — should be action), Miller, Robey, Webster, Benson, Clynes, Culligan, Haight — 9 Noes — Representatives, Dates (want to bring this report in for full ad hoc comnuttee), Holden, Kerr — 3 Excused — Representatives Bruce, Livesay, Watros — 3 Adopted WHEREAS, there is an attempt to conduct a childrens' theater workshop program for young people in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, various county organizations are contributing varying amounts of money which will be matched by New York State Division of Youth, and WHEREAS, the County is being requested to contribute $950 00 as their share of the $3,500 00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That $950 00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code A-1990) to joint Youth Program (Code A7320 0) for the Ithaca City Youth Bureau Childrens' Theater Workshop Program RESOLUTION NO. 129—CREATION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADVISORY BOARD Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Miller Discussion followed It was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Haight, That resolution be tabled until the next meeting Motion to table adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 130—CREATION OF POSITION — SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Benson Adopted with Mr MacNeil casting a dissenting vote RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services and Personnel Com- mittees, That one position of Typist (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class, be created effective immediately in the Medicaid Unit, monies available in the 1975 budget, said position has been duly advertised RESOLUTION NO. 131—CODING — OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services Committee, That the following Coding for the Office for the Aging be and it hereby is approved Personnel 7610 100 $29,168 Equipment 200 2,265 Printing & Supply 300 1,760 Contractual & Other 400 14,611 $47,804 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is directed to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 132—ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GREATER ITHACA AREA INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS STUDY COMMIT- TEE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Robey Discussion followed and it was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Kidney, That this resolution be tabled Motion to table adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 133—AUTHORIZATION FOR ADDITIONAL SPACE — HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Dates Ayes —12 Noes —0 Excused — 3 Adopted WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department is in need of more of- fice working space, and WHEREAS, no additional space has been acquired since 1968 by this de- partment, and 86 June 23, 1975 WHEREAS, in these seven years, four (4) full-time staff members have been added to the Environmental Health, two (2) CETA persons have been hired this year, the nursing staff has increased by two (2) full-time positions and an engineer position will be filled by July, 1975, now therefore be it I RESOLVED, that four (4) offices adjacent to the clinic be utilized by the Tompkins County Health Department covering 483 5 square feet a $3 45 per square foot for six months of 1975 for $834 00, RESOLVED, further, That $860 00 be appropriated for installation and tele- phone service for the remaining six months of 1975, RESOLVED, further, That $1,694 be appropriated from the contingent fund (Code A 1990) to amend the Tompkins County Department of Health 1975 Budget as follows A 4010 3 Installation and telephone service for six months of 1975 $860 00 A 4010 4 Space rental 483 5 square feet at $3 45 for six months of 1975 $834 00 $1,694 00 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is directed to make said transfers on his books RESOLUTION NO 134—PROPOSED HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGE- MENT CONTRACT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Culligan Adopted with Mr Clynes and Mr Webster casting dissenting votes WHEREAS, the Hospital Construction Committee hats recommended that the County enter into negotiations with John W Cowper, Inc of Buffalo, New York as Construction Manager of the hospital project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that said negotiations be commenced to formulate an agreement between the County and John W Cowper, Inc for Construction Manager of the hospital project, and said agreement being subject to the 'approval of the Board of Representatives RESOLUTION NO 135—ON AUDIT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Webster Ayes — 12 Noes — 0 Ex- cused — 3 Adopted RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins charge- able to General Fund $ 56,597 79 Eucumbrances 271 78 County Self -Insurance 657 90 Printing Transfers 270 26 Airport 8,266 63 Highway 160,589 08 Federal Revenue Sharing 3,908 65 $230,562 09 be and hereby are audited by this board at the above amounts approved by the various committees, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor Chairman Kerr urged board members to get resolutions to the Clerk by Mon- day at 5 00 p m Mr MacNeil and Mr Kerr commended Mr Bruce who resigned effective July 1 On motion, meeting adjourned 12-36 p m July 14, 1975 87 REGULAR MEETING July 14, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 15 Representatives Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The minutes of the June 23rd meeting were approved as presented The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Minutes of County Planning Board of June 11, resolution of Tompkins County Municipal Officials Association requesting County Admmstrator to obtain from New York State Sales Tax Department copies of all the sales tax reports (Form ST -100) filed by merchants in Tompkins County for the first quarter of 1975, Mrs Mary Lamb served papers on clerk for Mrs Betty Muka, Chairman Kerr signed Grant Agreement Part 1 — Offer Project No 8-36-0047-03 FA -EA 1416 for CFR and install inadvertent entry fencing, Chairman Kerr signed Inventory listing of equipment categorical grants to CETA program stay at EOC, resolution of Seneca County recommending New York State institute bonus plan for veterans of Korean and Vietnam conflicts, minutes of Tompkins County Library Board of Trustees for May 27, Annual Program Activity Report of STE RP&D Board for July 1974 - June 1975, minutes of STE Board meeting for June 5, Social Services Department monthly statistical report for May 1975, summary of meeting of eleven counties on National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1975, notice of meeting July 11 in Albany re Perspectives on Organization of Health Systems Agencies, comprehensive and summary reports of Socio -Economic Impact Analysis of the Proposed Cayuga Station Generating Plant, copy of application of petitioners for proposed Agricultural District No. 5, Town of Danby, pistol permits for June totaled $148 00, minutes of Planning and Public Works Committee for June 23, 25, and 26, copy of a resolution from Lansing Village Board of Trustees revoking the building permits previously issued to Pyramid Company, Department of State letter re completion of review and evaluation of all 1975-76 regional, county and major city applications under the Comprehensive Planning and Management As- sistance Program and advising that total program of $31,306 will be available to Tompkins County, Department of Transportation notification of forwarding Resolution No 121 to Regional Director Powers and notice of receipt from Com- missioner Schuler, Livingston County sent copy of contract for multi -county operation of Mt Morris T B Respiratory Disease Clinic if we should decide to participate In the future, letter and statement of President, Hospital Board of Managers concerning cost and implementing of new utilization review procedures at hospital and notice of claim against County of Tompkins — Franklin Milton for damages $250,000, minutes of Social Services Committee for July 9, annual report of Tompkins County Environmental Management Council, U S Environ- mental Protection Agency sent copy of impact appraisal on abatement of pollution of Owasco Inlet by secondary treatment of wastewater for Village of Groton, minutes of TC3 Board of Trustees for June 5 and June 26, County Medical Board concurring with Board of Managers concerning mandated effect of concurrent review on the efficiency of hospital patient care, NYS Dept of Labor report of $41,000 on -the -lob training funds under CETA has been obligated to firms in Tompkins County, Copy of a letter from Public Service Commission Alan J Roth rescinding NYSEG application for docketing, and report of County Ad- ministrator for first half of 1975 Chairman Kerr Introduced Roger A Morse of 425 Hanshaw Road as District No 10 appointment of Ithaca Town Board to the Tompkins County Board of Representatives Barbara Stewart of Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County reported on activities of the association especially as it relates to pressures of inflation Mrs Pauline Darrett again spoke to the board in opposition to the Human Rights Commission Mr Courtney Crawford, president of Historic Ithaca, urged the board to find an adaptive use for Boardman House Mrs Alice Reid asked the County to consider the economy of Boardman 88 July 14, 1975 House space She recalled estimates of $125,000 to $135,000 for renovation, or $25- $30 a square foot She said the national estimate is now about $50 a square foot for new construction Michael J Leary, former member of the Board of Representatives from the City of Ithaca, spoke to the board in favor of the demolition of Boardman House He hopes in the future that a county office building will be on the prime property He said he thought the Old Court House was going to be, preserved but finds that the inside has been totally gutted, and he feels it is too expensive for space for two departments Mr Webster requested time for Mrs Isabelle Flight to speak when the resolu- tion is presented on Boardman House Mr Miller announced that the County Board is In receipt of a petition for an Agriculture District located in the Town of Danby and the proposal is to be ad- vertised in newspapers and filed in the County Clerk's office on July 16, 1975 for a thirty -day period as required by law Mr Dates, chairman of the Steering Committee for the socio-economic im- pact analysis for Cayuga Station, reported that a copy of the study is on file in Board's library, and reminded that the purpose of report is to document the poten- tial impacts whether adverse of beneficial, of a social, economic, and land -use nature resulting from the proposed construction of an 850 MW generating plant in the Town of Lansing by the NYSEG Corp He also announced receipt of the initial report of the Public Council of Rail Services Planning Office which goes to the Congress on July 29 Mr Dates read the following and requested it be incorporated in the minutes A STATEMENT OF POLICY by THE TOMPKINS COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency was created by an Act of the New York State Legislature on June 17, 1971 pursuant to the General Municipal Law #895-b Through the establishment of this Agency, it is our goal to aid all commerce and industry in the County, or which might come into the County, in order to promote and develop a broad tax base and increase job opportunities for the benefit of the County and its various political subdivisions While the Industrial Development Agency law specifically exempts Agency from all State and local taxes, it is our policy to require payments m heu of all local taxes and special assessments However, it is within the scope of powers of the Industrial Development Agency to waive the sales tax and at the same time collect in lieu thereof an lamount equal to the local share of said tax which monies will be distributed as if collected as sales tax revenues This modification of policy was read to the Board of Representatives at its regular July 14, 1975 meeting In order to en- courage new commerce and industry in Tompkins County and remain competitive with other areas in New York and other States, this modifi- cation of policy will be considered by the Agency at an early date The Agency, from its inception, has and will I continue to provide capital funds to those businesses qualifying for an issue of Industrial Revenue Bonds This pohcy has enabled us to help' Morse -Borg Warner, NCR and Rothschilds to expand in the Ithaca area and has provided a significantly broader tax base for the City, Town of Ithaca, Town of Lansing, the school districts serving those areas, and 'Tompkins County It is our policy to use Revenue Bonds to attract new manufacturing and research to the area which will not only broaden the tax base but will provide a variety of employment for area residents Since our Agency and interest covers the entire County, any business within the boundaries of Tompkins County may, if eligible, apply for assistance Mr Dates also reported the Budget and Administration Committee had met with the Intergovernmental Relations Committee of this Board and the Education Committee of the Cortland Board for TC3 budget. July 14, 1975 89 Mr Webster, Intergovernmental Relations Committee, said they met July 14 and would have several resolutions Mr Holden, Personnel, reported they met July 9 with CSEA officers of Tompkins County and met on the 10th in regard to the Hospital rating studies including utilization review and the director of community relations The typist at the Family Medicine Center was after they met so is without the recommenda- tion of the Personnel Committee The majority of the Committee recommended $16,500 for the County Clerk's salary for the next three years The committee ap- proved Commissioner Hurlbut's attendance at Labor Relations meeting in Washington Mr MacNeil, Planning and Public Works, highlighted from the minutes sent to board members He placed the summary of the Airport Master Plan on the table until the August meeting when they will ask for a sense of the board on the implementation of the plan A meeting will be held July 15 to discuss a possible Airport Day On June 26 the committee heard a proposal for a sports center and motel development at the Airport by Mr Angelo Petito Mr Petito and his attorney Stanley Tsapis are here to ask for a sense of direction from the board Mr Tsapis and Mr Petito discussed the proposal which will involve leasing land at the Airport which is owned by the County It will present substantial legal problems, and they are at the point where substantial expenditures will have to be made by the developers They are talking about a motel, ice skating facility, indoor ice skating, an eighteen -hole golf course, an indoor tennis facility, swimming pool, bowling, etc Mr MacNeil said the airport has lost money for the last twenty years, there are many good things in the Airport Master Plan, perhaps this type of economic development might be beneficial to bring additional revenues and get the airport out of the red He suggested tabling the proposal for a month Mr Haight, Public Safety and Correction, said they would ask that the resolution establishing the County Clerk's salary be on the agenda Mr Watros, Hospital Governance Committee, reported that arrangements had been made wtih Attorney John Ferguson of Syracuse who handled the legal ramificaions involved with changing from a public hospital to private non-profit hospital in Fulton to meet with the committee on July 24, and he invited the board and public Mr Stevenson, Hospital Construction Committee, reported that Mr Murphy, Mr Arnold, the architects and he had met with the State Health Department on_July 11 regarding Part II approval and we have assurance that it will be in writing to us this week Dr Kathleen Gaffney, Commissioner of Health, explained that since Living- ston County had requested that Tompkins County contract with them for Tuber- culosis treatment at Mount Morris it is the recommendation that under Sec 2202 of Public Health Law, which provides that the State or county shall provide out- patient and in-patient care, that Tompkins County can provide services locally for $1800 The Board of Representatives recessed at 11 00 a m for a Public Hearing on the Tompkins -Cortland Community College budget, and the Clerk read the notice of public hearing Questions were asked by board members of the Board of Trustees of the college concerning the adjunct faculty schedule and fringe benefits The public hearing was closed at 11 17 a m and the board meeting was reconvened Mr Murphy reported on the Hospital EDP broken down by third -party payers Original reports are alphabetical and difficult on who owes the money We have it broken down by six major payers — Medicaid, Medicare, Blue Cross, Workmens' Compensation, commercial and self -pay We are trying to get a "handle" on who owes us the money, for what period of time and what we have to do to collect it, or write some of it off Medicaid six -months figures are complete, Social Services contract services programs — Medicaid, Aid to Dependent Children, Child Care, Home Relief, etc — is running approximately $920,000 over budget Our share will range between 25% to 30% Most of the items are covered, 50% 90 Ju'y 14, 1975 Federal and 25% State We are not sure what effect Medicaid will have on hospital collections They have a six -months cutoff County Attorney reported that they are still awaiting decisions from the Court on the Starkweather case, the hospital has a Social!Services case, and hope- fully we can resolve the CRS case this morning We did get a decision from Judge Bryant on the Maki case and the Westervelt case He denied the petition of Mr Maki and we have to have a further hearing on the Westervelt case The Chairman of the Board complemented Sheriff Robert Howard for taking care of a developing situation in the lad with some of our guests in view of the attitude within the Mental Health organization of New York State It was Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Holden that resolutions per- taining to the County Clerk's salary, audit of capital expenditures of TC3, and change -orders for the Old Court House be added to the agenda Motion adopted RESOLUTION NO 136—ADOPTION OF BUDGET OF TOMPKINS-CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Watros, seconded by Mr Webster Mr Watros spoke in favor of the adoption He said the Board of Trustees had responded in a positive man- ner in terms of meeting with all groups and in reducing the budget Mr Morse said he was voting negatively on this budget because at a time when private col- leges are in difficulty, it is not appropriate for us to expand public colleges Mr MacNeil said in regard to fringe benefits that there was not an employer present extending the same fringe benefit package to their employees that they are giving away from state and taxpayer money to the employees of TC3 Roll call on the resolution Ayes — Representatives Livesay, Robey, Watros, Webster, Benson, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden — 9 Noes — Representatives MacNeil, Miller, Morse, Clynes, Kidney, Kerr (1 agree with remarks of Mr MacNeil and my reserva- tions on this are the matters that have been pointed out that are contrary to the general policy of fiscal matters in Tompkins County Several of us have re- peated this in the past and it has not been considered If we continue to approve these items, the County is in for trouble in the future) — 6 Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, A Tentative Operating Budget for the Tompkins -Cortland Com- munity College for the fiscal year September 1, 1975, through August 31, 1976, has been presented to the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins pursuant to the County Law and Section 6304 of the Education Law, and WHEREAS, same has been reviewed by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee of the Board of Representatives and approved by said committee, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on said proposed Community College Budget on the 14th day of July, 1975, in the Board of Representatives' Chambers in the Tompkins County Court House, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That the said Tentative Operating Budget in the! amount of $3,452,982 00 of which the Sponsoring Community Contribution is in the amount of $698,981 00 be and the same hereby is approved and adopted subject to firm determination of State Aid and charge -backs to other counties, RESOLVED, further, That the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County includes in the Tompkins County Budget for the year 1976 an amount to be deter- mined pursuant to the approved plan for said college in effect as of September 1, 1975, and that the amount when determined be raised by taxation in the County of Tompkins in the fiscal year 1976, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall become effective upon the adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature RESOLUTION NO. 137—ACCEPTANCE OF BID—HIGH SCHOOL—TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted WHEREAS, Tompkins -Cortland Community College duly advertised for bids for the sale of its building in the Village of Groton, being the former Groton High School, and WHEREAS, Dave Burlew has submitted the highest bid in the amount of $2,610 00, now therefore be it I RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Board of Trustees of Tompkins-Cort- July 14, 1975 91 land Community College and the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, That the bid of Dave Burlew, in the amount of $2,610 00, be and it hereby is accepted, RESOLVED, further, That the Counties of Tompkins and Cortland convey said property to the said high bidder contingent upon the refusal of Smith -Corona to indicate its wish that said building be conveyed to it pursuant to its agree- ment with the college, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution is contingent upon a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature RESOLUTION NO. 138—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE RELEASE—CAUDILL ROWLETT SCOTT AND LEVATICH-MILLER-HOFFMAN Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Culligan Adopted WHEREAS, Caudill Rowlett Scott filed a claim against the County of Tomp- kins for monies due under the contract between Caudill Rowlett Scott and Levatich-Miller-Hoffman, and Tompkins and Cortland Counties, dated September 1, 1970, in the total amount of $129,972 59, and WHEREAS, the Counties of Tompkins and Cortland filed a counterclaim against said claimants in the amount of $110,652 27, and WHEREAS, after numerous conferences and prehearing negotiations, the Counties' architects have recommended a settlement in the amount of $75,000 00 to be paid by the Counties to Caudill Rowlett Scott and Levatich-Miller-Hoffman, said monies being in full settlement of any/all claims arising out of said con- tract, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Construction Committee of Tompkins - Cortland Community College, the Board of Trustees of Tompkins -Cortland Com- munity College and the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, That the Counties of Tompkins and Cortland hereby settle all claims which Caudill Rowlett Scott and Levatich-Miller-Hoffman may have against the Counties of Tompkins and Cortland and Tompkins -Cortland Community College, by payment of $75,000 00 to Caudill Rowlett Scott and Levatich-Miller-Hoffman and Bernstein, Weiss, Parter, Coplan & Weinstein, Attorneys, upon receipt of a general release executed by claimants, RESOLVED, further, That the aforesaid amounts be and the same are hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Adnunistrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said payment upon receipt of a proper voucher from said claimants, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a general release in the amount of $1 00 to Caudill Rowlett Scott and Levatich-Miller-Hoffman in settlement of any claims which the Counties of Tompkins and Cortland may have against the said Caudill Rowlett Scott and Levatich-Miller-Hoffman, RESOLVED, further, That this resolution is contingent upon a concurrent resolution by order of the Cortland County Legislature RESOLUTION NO. 139—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT — EPISCOPAL CHURCH Moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mr Miller Roll call Ayes — 15 Adopted WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission has made a search for office space in the downtown area of Ithaca, and WHEREAS, the Commission has found acceptable space for its headquarters in a building owned by the Episcopal Church on Cayuga Street, in Ithaca, New York, and WHEREAS, the church is willing to permit the Human Rights Commission to have its office in said building in exchange for an amount equal to its actual costs, and WHEREAS, the actual costs are estimated to be $800 00 per annum, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services Committee, That the County of Tompkins execute an agreement with the Episcopal Church for 92 Jufy 14, 1975 space for the office of the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission, for the period of August 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975, for the, sum of $333 33, RESOLVED, further, That $333 33 be appropriated from Contingent Fund (Code A-1990) to Human Rights Commission (Code A-8040 400 Contractual and Other Expenses) and the County Administrator is directed and hereby authorized to make said transfer on his books, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the County RESOLUTION NO 140—BOARDMAN HOUSE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Holden After a lengthy discussion, the roll call resulted Ayes — Representatives MacNeil, Watros, Morse, Clynes, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney and Kerr — 9 Noes — Representatives Livesay, Miller, Robey, Webster, Benson and Culligan — 6 Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, the Planning and Public Works Committee and a special Sub - Committee thereof have for several years concerned themselves with the disposi- tion of the Boardman House, and WHEREAS, by means of Resolution No 309, November 26, 1973, the Board of Representatives, upon the recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Committee, did declare that said building be demolished after efforts to sell or lease the building under criteria approved by the Board of Representatives were fruitless, and WHEREAS, notwithstanding Resolution No 309, the Board and Planning and Public Works Committee have continued to solicit offers and arrangements for the sale or lease of the Boardman House to insure that every opportunity be given to consider the preservation of the building, and WHEREAS, during this extended period of time, there has been considerable interest shown in preserving the Boardman House butt none have developed an offer to meet Board acceptance, and WHEREAS, upon further deliberation, the Planning and Public Works Committee firmly believes that it is within the best interests of the County of Tompkins that the Boardman House property remain under the direct control of the Board of Representatives to be used as may be appropriate for County government use and that further considerations of the sale or long term lease of the property will not be within the best interests of the county, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, with considerable input by other members of they Board, the City and Com- munity, That the Resolution No 309, dated November 26, 1973, be confirmed in principle and that the Boardman House be demolished, RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby in- structed to file proper applications with the City of Ithaca and arrange a con- tract with a reputable demolition firm, or obtain bids as may be necessary, for execution by the Chairman of this Board and that demolition proceed without unnecessary delay under the general direction of the Planning and Public Works Committee, RESOLVED, further, That the Planning and Public Works Committee be and it hereby is directed to consult with the City of Ithaca, Ithe DeWitt Park Associa- tion, Historic Ithaca, and other agencies and organizations as may be appropriate to insure that any historically significant artifacts withml the building are properly disposed of at the discretion of the Committee and that these agencies and organi- zations be consulted in relation to the landscaping of the property after demolition and that the landscape plan be submitted to the Board for approval, RESOLVED, further, That this Board declares its intention to pursue an architectural design in the future appropriate to the neighborhood setting to insure the best design possible for any new building proposed for construction on the lands owned by the County in the vicinity of the Court House and the DeWitt Park, July 14, 1975 93 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to allocate and expend up to $3,000 00 from the County Building Account for the purpose of the demolition RESOLUTION NO. 141—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT—FISCAL ADVISORS, INC. Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Robey Discussion followed Adopted WHEREAS, in connection with the County's financing of the new County Hospital and renovations to the old hospital, the Budget and Administration Com- mittee recommends that a financial advisory company be retained to enable the County to obtain the best possible method and rates of financing, both temporary and permanent, for the aforesaid hospital, and WHEREAS, the Budget and Administration Committee has recommended that the County enter into an agreement with Fiscal Advisors, Inc in connection with its hospital construction financing, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com- mittee, That the County Attorney and the County Administrator negotiate an agreement wih Fiscal Advisors, Inc for the aforesaid financial service for said hospital construction and the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is author- ized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the County RESOLUTION NO. 142—AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO 128 — AUTHORI- ZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — CHILDREN'S MATINEE SERIES Moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mr Webster Roll call Ayes — 14 Noes — 0 Excused — 1 (Clynes) Adopted WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives adopted a resolution at its regular meeting held the 23rd day of June, 1975, for the Children's Matinee Series, and WHEREAS, in said resolution, it indicated that the total budget was $3,500 00, and WHEREAS, the total budget for said program is in fact $7,000 00 of which $3,500 00 is the local share, and WHEREAS, the County's share of the local share is $950 00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That Resolution No 128, adopted June 23, 1975, affirmed appropriating $950 00 from the Contingent Fund (Code A-1990), RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to set up necessary accounts in the County Budget, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the County a contract with the Children's Matinee Series RESOLUTION NO. 143—CHANGE ORDERS — OLD COURT HOUSE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Roll call Ayes — Representa- tives Livesay, MacNeil, Robey, Watros, Webster, Benson, Morse, Dates, Holden, Kerr — 10 Noes — Representatives Culligan, Haight, Kidney, Miller — 4 Excused — Clynes — 1 Adopted WHEREAS, the Planning and Public Works Committee and the architect have recommended certain change orders in the reconstruction of the Old Court House, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Public Works Committee and the architect have recommended an expenditure of money for certain furnishings of the Old Court House, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Commit- tee, and the architect, that change orders for the reconstruction of the Old Court House be approved as follows Kimball Plumbing and Heating, Inc , — Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Contract — change order — increase + $ 4,788 94 July 14, 1975 Kimball Plumbing and Healting, Inc — Plumbing Contract — change order — increase Norton Electric Company, Inc — Electrical Contract — change order — decrease Stewart and Bennett, Inc — General Construction Contract — change order — increase + 1,792 — 395 + 8,375 Total change orders — net increase $14,560 RESOLVED, further, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Committee and the architect, That the sum of $15,440 00 is hereby approved as the maximum to be expended for certain furnishings in the Old Court House to be negotiated or obtained by bid RESOLUTION NO. 144—RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE FIRE COORDINATOR TO OVERSEE FIRE SAFETY AT THE COUNTY AIR- PORT AND INSTRUCTING THE COUNTY AIRPORT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TOMPKINS COUNTY MUTUAL AID PLAN Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted WHEREAS, it is desirable that the County Fire Coordinator oversee fire safety at the County Airport, and WHEREAS, it is also desirable that the Tompkins County Airport participate in the Tompkins County Fire Mutual Aid Plan as now in force and as amended from time to time, and WHEREAS, the County Fire Coordinator, John Miller, has certified that no restriction exists against "outside service" by the Tompkins County Airport within the meaning of Section 209 of the General Municipal Law, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, That the Tompkins County Fire Coordinator be and he hereby is directed to oversee fire safety at the County Airport, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Airport shall participate in the County Fire Mutual Aid Plan RESOLUTION NO. 145—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — OLD COURT HOUSE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Robey Mr MacNeil said construc- tion is two months ahead of schedule Roll call Ayes — Representatives Livesay, MacNeil, Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Benson, Morse, Dates, Haight, Holden and Kerr — 12 Noes — Representatives Culligan (to be consistent) and Kidney — 2 Excused — Representative Clynes — 1 Adopted WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Planning and Public Works Committee in the amount of $23,081 00 to be paid from the County Building Capital Construction Account are Stewart & Bennett, Inc $19,990 00 William Downing 3,09100 $23,081 00 RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount be and the same is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor RESOLUTION NO. 146—AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD BID — BOARD OF ELECTIONS Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Watros Adopted WHEREAS, the Commissioners of Elections are to advertise for bids in accordance with certain specifications for the printing of the 1975 primary elec- tion supplies, and WHEREAS, it is imperative that said bid be awarded as soon as possible in order that the Election Commissioners can properly conduct the election, and July 14, 1975 95 WHEREAS, said bids will be received prior to the next meeting of the Board of Representatives, namely August 11, 1975, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That this board hereby authorizes said committee to award the bid for the election supplies to the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications RESOLUTION NO. 147—UPHOLDING FEDERAL AND STATE COURTS INJUNC- TIONS AGAINST THE LEGISLATION REQUIRING A UTILIZATION REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR HOSPITALS Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr MacNeil Adopted (Representative Benson voted no ) WHEREAS, the Federal and State Legislators have passed new legislation mandating that strong utilization review teams be set up in the hospitals of the state, and WHEREAS, this legislation means more unnecessary paper work for doctors and the hiring of additional personnel by hospitals, and WHEREAS, the medical profession could be over -ruled by non-medical per- sonnel in patient stays at hospitals, and WHEREAS, a Federal judge has ruled to set aside this legislation, and WHEREAS, in well-managed hospitals such as Tompkins County Hospital it is not needed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County and the Health Committee urge the State Legislature to amend the law by making it man- datory only for hospitals whose patients' average days stay are seven days or more, RESOLVED, further, That the Board also endorses the Federal and State Courts' injunctions against the applications of such legislation and approves an extension of the decision on the matter, RESOLVED, further, That certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to Senator William Smith, Assemblyman Gary A Lee, Governor Hugh Carey, President of the Board of Managers, Richard Comstock, Dr Noah Kassman the New York State Commissioner of Health and the news media RESOLUTION NO. 148—CREATION OF POSITION — TYPIST — FAMILY MEDICINE CENTER Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Benson Roll Call Ayes — Repre- sentatives Livesay, Robey, Webster, Benson, Culligan, Dates — 6 Noes — Repre- sentatives MacNeil, Miller, Watros, Morse, Haight, Holden, Kidney and Kerr — 8 Excused — Representative Clynes — 1 Resolution Lost. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee but without the recommendation of the majority of the Personnel Committee, That one position of Typist (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class, be created in the Family Medi- cine Center, effective immediately, monies for said position are included in the Family Medicine Center's Appalachian Grant, RESOLVED, further, That the committees recommend the filling of such position from a typist position presently allocated to the Tompkins County Hospital RESOLUTION NO 149—TRANSFER OF FUNDS — COUNTY LIBRARY Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Livesay Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That the following transfer be and hereby is approved From L-7410 County Library From L-7410 200 Equipment To L-7410 300 Supplies & Materials $1,862 00 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said transfer on his books 96 July 14, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 150—RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION — ROBERT L. BRUCE Moved by Mr Culligan and unanimously seconded and adopted WHEREAS, Robert L Bruce was duly elected Representative from the Town of Ithaca, effective January 1, 1970, and WHEREAS, he served continuously as Representative from said town through June 30, 1975, and WHEREAS, he was a member of the Administration Committee and Planning and Pubhc Works Committee, and WHEREAS, he served as Chairman of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee during 1973 and Chairman of the Administration Committee during 1974, and WHEREAS, he served as County Representative on the Soil Conservation Committee and as a member of a Special Committee, the Sales Tax Committee, and WHEREAS, the said Robert L Bruce gave unsparingly and untiringly of his time to the duties delegated to him as a member of the Board of Representatives, now therefore be it RESOLVED, UNANIMOUSLY, by this Board, That the members express their deep appreciation to the said Robert L Bruce for his years of service to the County of Tompkins and wish him the best of health and best wishes in the years to come, I RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy of this resolution to the said Robert L Bruce RESOLUTION NO 151—FIXING OF SALARY — COUNTY CLERK Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted (Representatives Benson and Miller voting no ) WHEREAS, the office of County Clerk will be filled for the three-year term commencing January 1, 1976, at the November General Election, and WHEREAS, the Personnel and Public Safety and Correction Committees have met concerning the salary of the County Clerk for the three-year term commencing January 1, 1976, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of a majority of the Personnel Committee and the Public Safety and Correction Committee, That the salary of the County Clerk be fixed at $16,500 00 for the three-year term commencing January 1, 1976 RESOLUTION NO. 152—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Watros, seconded by Mr Webster Roll call Ayes — 14 Ex- cused — 1 (Clynes) Adopted WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee in the amount of $5,542 24 to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College are Construction Cost — Claim No 96 — $5,542 24 RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amounts be and the same are hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Miller to lift Resolution No 129 and Resolution No 132 from the table Motion adopted RESOLUTION NO. 129—CREATION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY CRIMINAL JUS- TICE ADVISORY BOARD Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Benson Adopted (Representative Holden voted no) WHEREAS, report of the Tompkins County Criminal Justice Advisory Plan- July 14, 1975 97 nmg Committee recommends that the Board of Representatives formally establish an advisory board to be known as the "Tompkins County Criminal Justice Ad- visory Board" and assign to this body specific responsibilities with respect to the County's criminal justice system, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com- mittee, That the Tompkins County Criminal Justice Advisory Board is hereby established by the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County, RESOLVED, further, That the Criminal Justice Advisory Board shall consist of 'fifteen members appointed by the Board of Representatives, and that these members shall be drawn from various public and private organizations concerned with the operation of the County's criminal justice system, including A representative of the Board of Representives A representative of the City of Ithaca A representative of the Town Governments A representative of the County Judicial System A representative of the Local Magistrates System A representative of the Police of Tompkins County A representative of the Correctional System in Tompkins County A representative of the County Planning Agency A representative of the Tompkins County Social Services Department Six members of the public who shall come from local business, schools, an ex -offender, League of Women Voters, etc RESOLVED, further That the term of each member of the Criminal Justice Board shall be for three years, provided however, that of the members first ap- pointed, five shall be appointed for a term of one year, five for a term of two years and five for a term of three years Vacancies shall be filled for unexpired terms in the same manner as original appointments, RESOLVED, further, That the functions of the Criminal Justice Board shall include studying and identifying needs of Tompkins County's criminal justice system, monitoring the criminal justice system, recommending effective methods for meeting the needs of the system, and gathering relevant data regarding the operation of the criminal justice system, and RESOLVED, further, That the Criminal Justice Board shall make periodic reports to the Public Safety and Corrections Committee and an annual report to the Board of Representatives RESOLUTION NO. 132—ESTABLISHMENT OF THE TOMPKINS COUNTY IN- TERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS STUDY COMMIT- TEE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Livesay Adopted (Representative Holden voted no ) WHEREAS, Tompkins County includes the City of Ithaca, several towns, villages and special districts (schools, water and sewer), and WHEREAS, these separate and independent units of local government are involved in an attempt to provide efficient and economical delivery of essential municipal services to Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, among the municipal services involved are police, fire protec- tion, procurement of supplies and equipment, development of human resources, public works, and physical resource utilization, and WHEREAS, there is a resulting need for a comprehensive study of ways and means of achieving greater cooperation among these various units of local govern- ment in order that the providing of required public services to Tompkins County can be improved in quality and cost of such services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That Tompkins County Intergovernmental Relations Study Committee is hereby established by the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Intergovernmental Relations Study Committee shall consist of eleven to fifteen members appointed by the 98 July 14, 1975 Board of Representatives of Tompkins County and the membership shall consist of a member of the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County, a member of the Common Council of the City of Ithaca, a member of the Tompkins County Mumcipal Officials' Association and eight to twelve additional individuals broadly representative of the Tompkins County community, RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Intergovernmental Relations Study Committee shall consider ways and means of achieving greater cooperation among the local government units which comprise Tompkins County, shall pro- pose priorities, and based on such studies, shall make recommendations designed to facilitate the effective and economical dehvery of essential public services throughout Tompkins County, RESOLVED, further, That such studies and recommendations shall be made available for consideration and use by the various local government units which comprise Tompkins County RESOLUTION NO. 153—ON AUDIT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Haight Roll call Ayes — 14 Excused — 1 (Clynes) Adopted RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins charge- able to General Fund $ 42,414 04 Encumbrances 5,008 00 County Self Insurance 525 61 Dog Fund 115 00 Printing Transfers 2,538 89 Airport 4,879 56 Highway 167,798 90 Federal Revenue Sharing 6 46 TOTAL AUDIT $223,286 46 be and hereby are audited by this Board at the above amounts approved by the various committees, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor Mr Kerr said we should have an executive committee meeting from time to time and if anyone felt a need for one it would be held this month The meeting was adjourned at 12 52 p m August 11, 1975 99 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present. 15 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The minutes of the July 14th meeting were approved subject to correction by the clerk The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Certificates of final state equalization rates for the Town of Danby — 4971, Town of Enfield — 5418, Town of Groton — 62 38, Town of Ithaca — 57 74, Town of Lansing — 56 37 and Town of Newfield — 63 48, letter from Richard Comstock, President of the Hospital Board of Managers re arbitrary manner in which State Health Department has attempted through threats to enforce fines of $1,000 a day and reductions in Blue Cross and Medicaid reimbursements, memorandum from Hugh Hurlbut re Jeanne Strobel, R N at Tompkins County Hospital re Social Security benefits, letter from Joseph Rundle, Ithaca City Clerk, re His- torical Marker for (Boardman House) Ithaca Conservatory, memorandum from William L O'Toole, Administrative Director, Executive Deputy Industrial Com- missioners Office re agreements with non-profit agencies as Employers under Title II and VI of CETA, Claims against County of Tompkins by Betty Muka claiming damages of $1,000,004, $1,000,005, $1,000,006, and $1,000,007, Order for Education of Handicapped Children — William Earl, Jr , Ryan Lamb, Mark Jacoby, Erin Bradley and Barry Congdon, letter from Jack Clynes re Federal Health Planning Act of 1975, letter to Smith -Corona from Hushang Bahar, President of TC3 re bid of $2,610 for Groton campus — do they wish to repurchase, memorandum from Executive Deputy Industrial Commissioner, William O'Toole, Administrative Director re FY1976 Special Vocational Education Funds, certificate of final State Equalization Rate for Town of Caroline — 53 84 and Town of Dryden — 49 49, notice of claim Claude B and Betty C Walker against County for personal in- juries sustained and the wrongful death of Gail E Walker by reason of Tompkins County Highway in Town of Dryden on May 2, 1975, memorandum from NYS Office for the Aging re Title IV -A plan, notice of motion of Betty Muka, vs County of Tompkins and District Attorney Yoch, Order for Education of Handicapped Children — Jennifer Beebee, Daniel L Ames, and Louisa Elaine Oltz, letter from James Kerrigan, Esq re resignation from Mental Health Board, letter from Ray- mond T Schuler, Commissioner of Transportation re not accepting county aban- donment of roads to the Village of Lansing, would consider other three Cayuga Heights, Burdick Hill and Warren Roads separately, but not Triphammer Road until such time as County and Village come to same understanding, letter from Raymond T Schuler re Section 148 of Federal -Aid Highway Act of 1973, certifi- cate of final State Equalization Rate for Town of Ulysses, memorandum from Arthur Levitt, Department of Audit & Control re Accounting for Social Services — Child Support Enforcement programs, pistol permits for July totalled $118 00, letter from James A Hagen, President, U S Railway Association re alternative uses for railroad properties in our area, letter from Eileen Dickinson resigning from the Mental Health Board, annual report for Social Services, memorandum from Assemblyman Gary A Lee re possible formation of a standing committee in the County Legislature to coordinate efforts on behalf of the NYS Council on the Arts, job description of clinical biochemist, letter from Henry Stebbins, Office of Environmental Analysis re Agricultural District mapping, letter to Raymond Schuler, Commissioner of Transportation from Fred Marcham, Mayor, Village of Cayuga Heights, concerning the county's abandonment of roads, copy of a resolution passed by the Hospital Board of Managers and staff re biochemist salary recommending increase of not less than $2500 per annum, letter from Kathleen Gaffney, Commissioner of Health, re encephalitis problem There does not appear to be a major threat of encephalitis this year Mr Charles Chatfield, Chairman of the Tompkms County Bicentennial Com- 100 August 11, 1975 mission, spoke under privilege of the floor and reported some of the bicentennial celebrations planned for Tompkins County The chairman comphmented the Commission and Mr Chatfield for the fine Under privilege of the floor, Mrs Betty Muka mentioned she has seven notices of claims against Tompkins County She also mentioned that under- takings for county officials should be filed in the County Clerk's Office She asked to have the alleged malfunction in the District Attorney's Office investi- gated The Chairman referred her complaint to the County Attorney Mr William- son said there are three of her lawsuits presently in the Courts Arlee Robmson, representative of the Tompkins County Veterans' Associa- tion, asked the board to consider means of appropriating funds for construction of two monuments in DeWitt Park for people who lost their lives in the Korean and Vietnam Wars Chairman Kerr referred her request to the Planning and Public Works Committee Mr Alvin Knepper spoke regarding the pioposed memorials Mrs Livesay asked about county policy leaving to the discretion of the highway superintendent as to what highways are to be improved She said the highway law says the highway superintendent should bring before this board any major repairs and improvements to be made for approval She questioned whether the county policy is a proper policy and whether it should be continued Another policy she questioned was the abandonment of county roads to the vil- lages She also questioned the legal situation in regard to Pyramid building permit and road widening Mr Robey feels Triphammer Road is not a routine road -widening project He feels the board should have responsibility to vote on something like tlus He asked the board and the Planning and Public Works Committee to consider this entire question It was stated that Mr Kerr has drafted a letter to Commissioner Schuler Mr Dates, Chairman of Budget and Administration Committee, distributed the following budget message to the board "Two items determine the total amount and the contents of an honest and fair budget of government First is the needs and wants of the people so governed and second is the ability of those people to pay for those goods and services as provided by their government It is the duty of governmental bodies in general and this County Board of Representatives in particular, to determine what are the vital, the critical, the real needs of our county's people and to provide, insofar as possible, for the fulfill- ment of these needs It is also the duty of this county board to listen attentively to the wants of the people These wants are being continually and capably expressed by citizens of our community to this board in terms of their definition of a "need" for their organization, group or clientele These individuals, organizations or groups are rarely, if ever, concerned as to the source of the requested money so long as it is provided — hopefully by somebody else Again, it is the duty of this county board to determine the needs and wants of the community, to sort out and reject those which do not contribute to the survival or the improvement of the community and to set priorities and limits with all acceptable needs and wants commensurate with the taxpayers' ability to pay for this subdivision of government The year 1975 in Tompkins County has seen unemployment rise to an alarm- ing percentage of our total work force Increasing costs in the marketplace have placed additional burdens on everybody's available dollars These two factors in our area should clearly point the direction for budget making for the coming year of 1976 Principles to consider are Carefully examine and determine the needs of the community, establish priorities and fund those winch contribute directly to the survival and improvement of the community and its people; be prepared to eliminate some present budget items which do not meet the criteria above because of limited or narrow application or of historical needs or wants no job August 11, 1975 101 longer existent, and finally to be fair with all workers m the community, keep all expenditures for personnel services at a conservative, comparative level con- sidering our 1975 budget and the county's total employment situation In summary, to so build the 1976 budget that our county board will show ex- treme compassion for our employees and even more so for our taxpayers and providers within a framework of real government efficiency and economy " He also said Donald Franklin from the Assessment Department was present to answer questions re state equalization rates Mr Culligan, Chairman of the Health Committee, said that committee will be meeting on the 20th at 7 30 p m He said Junior Olympics Officials said this is the best they have ever had He said there were about 2000 volunteers Mr Robey mentioned there are two resignations on the Mental Health Board — Eileen Dickinson and James Kerrigan Mr Kerr commended the Tompkins County Assessment Department Mr Webster, Chairman of Intergovernmental Relations Committee, compli- mented Mr Culligan and Mr Miller and everyone for their contribution to the Junior Olympics He welcomed any names for consideration to the Criminal Justice Advisory Board and the Intergovernmental Relations Committee His com- nuttee met and considered an inquiry from the Supervisors and County Legislators Association re how future conferences and meetings be paid The committee recommends participants not be encouraged to pick up cost but rather than having two annual meetings, have regional meetings He said he will withdraw one reso- lution from the agenda pertaining to authorization to execute contract — Family and Children's Service and will be brought to the board later They reviewed the present adjunct employment policy at TC3 Mr Holden, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said they approved pay- ment of moving expenses for new library director and senior public health engineer They reviewed the position of public relations coordinator and the change of grade for the biochemist position Mr MacNeil, Chairman of the Planning and Public Works Committee, said they have discussed the road situation at length They are meeting with the Vil- lage of Lansing whenever they wish They agreed to recommend to the board the acceptance of an airport master plan which will be very expensive but vital There has been much difficulty negotiating contracts at the airport They have recommended parking fees at the airport There is a resolution later in the meet- ing for appointments to the Southern Tier East Planning and Development Board He received a letter from the Ithaca Landmarks Preservation Committee regarding their consideration of a demolition permit for Boardman House today He ex- pressed thanks to the people involved for the fine job at the Tompkins County Fair and the Junior Olympics He said the membership of the County Sewer District will be reviewed Mr Haight, Chairman of the Public Safety and Correction Committee, said there is a resolution on the agenda regarding contracts with the ambulance service in the county Mrs Benson reported on the program of the state regarding police and fire training program Mr Miller announced the Superintendent and Matron at the County Home have resigned and they will be looking for replacements Mr Watros said the next Hospital Governance Committee will be held August 20th at 7 30 p m Mr Stevenson, Hospital Construction Committee, said they met last week and will meet again in two weeks Mr Murphy, County Administrator, reported on the progress of EDP at the hospital, the administrative manual and there is a resolution on the agenda per- taining to that, and he said he expressed concern to the Hospital Construction Committee and State people about the change in the interest rates that has occured since the original presentation of the financial plan Mr Williamson, County Attorney, said they had a favorable decision on 102 August 11, 1975 the Starkweather case and a Social Services case They have three cases re Mrs. Muka and he said he filed a blanket public employees bond with the County Clerk's office. Chairman Kerr expressed congratulations to the Junior Olympics Committee and the volunteers Permission was granted for the resolution pertaining to authorization to execute contract — Family and Children's Service to be withdrawn from today's agenda RESOLUTION NO. 154—REGRADING POSITION OF BIOCHEMIST — HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Miller A lengthy discussion took place It was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Watros, That this resolution be tabled until Tuesday, August 19th at 10 00 a m A roll call on the motion to table resulted as follows Ayes — Representatives Benson, Morse, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Livesay, Watros, Kerr — 11 Noes — Representa- tives MacNeil, Miller, Robey, Webster — 4 Motion to table adopted. RESOLVED, That the position of Biochemist (18-11), labor grade XVIII, competitive class, be regraded to labor grade XIX (19-12), competitive class, effec- tive September 1, 1975, monies available in the 1975 budget RESOLUTION NO. 155—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — OLD COURT HOUSE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Ayes — Representatives Mac- Neil, Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Benson, Morse, Clynes, Dates, Haight, Holden, Livesay, Kerr — 13 Noes — Representatives Culhgan, Kidney — 2. Adopted WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee in the amount of $34,476 05 to be paid from the County Building Capital Construction Account are Wilham Downing Supervision $ 2,060 54 Acrographics 204 01 Additional Mechanical Eng Time 2,979 50 $ 5,344 05 Kimble Plumbing and Heating Heating — Air Conditioning #1 Plumbing #1 10,012 00 3,150 00 $13,162 00 Stewart and Bennett #2 65,970 00 $65,9'70 00 Total Construction Costs $84,476 05 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor RESOLUTION NO. 156—APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS—AIRPORT Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Robey Ayes — 15 Noes — 0 Adopted WHEREAS, Resolution No 288 — Award of Bid — Runway Jet Broome — Airport was adopted by this Board at their December 23, 1974 meeting, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Adnumstration Commit- tee, That the following transfer of funds be and they hereby are authorized From Airport Fund Balance to Airport Equipment Account — B-5610 200 — $35,793 00, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books August 11, 1975 103 RESOLUTION NO. 157—TRANSFER OF FUNDS — HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr MacNeil, Seconded by Mr Holden Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee That the following transfer be and it hereby is approved From Traffic D3310 400 to Traffic D3310 300 — $16,400, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO 158—CORRECTION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL — TOWN OF GROTON Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted WHEREAS, this board is informed that an error was made in the 1973 Assess- ment Roll for the Town of Groton, namely that tax map parcel 5-27-1-14 2 was a duplicate assessment, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Commit- tee, that tax map parcel 5.27-1-14 2 be expunged from the said roll and charge back $6 11 to the County, $1 59 to the Town and $5 30 to the school district RESOLUTION NO. 159—REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE — SECRETARY OF STATE Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Haight Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Commit- tee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to request the Office of the Secretary of State of New York to assist the Office of County Ad- ministrator m the preparation of an Administrative Manual for Tompkins County. RESOLUTION NO. 160—NUTRITION FOR ELDERLY — FUNDING Moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mrs Benson Ayes — 15 Noes — 0 Adopted WHEREAS, the Federal Nutrition for the Elderly Program was established in Tompkins County by the Board of Representatives under the aegis of the Cooperative Extension Association of Tompkins County in 1974, and WHEREAS, the federal funds available in 1975 to support the program total $87,927 75 and must be matched by at least a 10% local share, and WHEREAS, the Cooperative Extension reported to the Board of Representa- tives in December, 1974 on the use, expense, and future need for the program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Social Services Committee, That the money to pay the county's share of this program be and is hereby appropriated from the Contingency Fund Account Code 1990 to the Cooperative Extension Ac- count Code 2981 m the amount of $8,792 77 RESOLUTION NO. 161—AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 55 — RESOLU- TION AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO FILE AN APPLICATION WITH THE FEDERAL AVIA- TION ADMINISTRATION AND NEW YORK STATE DE- PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR GRANT ASSISTANCE FOR AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS. Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Clynes Discussion followed Resolu- tion was adopted WHEREAS, Resolution No 55 was adopted by this Board on the 10th day of March, 1975, and WHEREAS, since the adoption of said resolution, some additional security fencing has been identified near the terminal building, and WHEREAS, the State and Federal Aviation Administration have identified an opportunity and need for funding of a VASI System to serve Runway 14 32, now therefore be it 104 August 11, 1975 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Pubhc Works Commit- tee, that said resolution be and it hereby is amended as follows WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation, and the Airport Master Plan of the County Air- port currently nearing completion, have identified certain needs at the County Airport, and WHEREAS, these needs consist of the following 1 Purchase of a second quick dash CFR vehicle to meet Index B requirements — total estimated cost $155,000 2 One 3 -bay CFR fire station and ancillary equipment to properly house the CFR equipment and enhance CFR capability — estimated cost $120,000 and maintenance building estimated at $100,000 3 Rehabilitation and strengthening of runway 14-32, taxiways and aprons — estimated cost $1,100,000 4 Security command gate and fence for the use of authorized personnel and vehicles in the airport operations area — estimated cost $16,000 5 VASI, R/W 14-32 — $60,000 WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration under the ADAP Program will provide funding assistance of up to 82% on the CFR vehicle and 75% on other items, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation will partici- pate with a grant of 75% of the remaining balance, and WHEREAS, ,application at this time does not in any way commit the County of Tompkins, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Commit- tee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to file a pre -application with the New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration for consideration in fiscal year 1975-1976 RESOLUTION NO. 162—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — FEMINIST ART STUDIO WORKSHOPS Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Benson Discussion followed and a roll call resulted Ayes — Representatives Benson, Clynes, Culligan, Kidney (after spending $84,000 on the old court house), Livesay, Malley, Robey — 7 Noes — Representatives Morse, Dates, Haight, Holden, MacNeil (either make the Coalition strong or get rid of it — until this is before the Coalition), Watros, Webster, Kerr — 8 Resolution Lost. WHEREAS, Feminist Art Studio Workshops, a group of volunteers, are desirous of operating various work shops for the young disadvantaged women and for women residing in the rural areas in order to develop in said persons a strong sense of self-awareness, and WHEREAS, Feminist Art Studio Workshops is able to provide a variety of the programs to reach the desired goal aforementioned, and WHEREAS, the total proposed budget on file with Clerk of the Board of Representatives is $2,820 00 of which $1,410 00 has been raised by the America the Beautiful Fund, and WHEREAS, the New York State Division for Youth has indicated it is willing, conditioned upon State approval, to provide reimbursement funds in the amount of $1,410 00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with the Feminist Art Studio Workshops for the aforementioned program, conditioned upon State approval, and conditioned upon State funding on behalf of the County August 11, 1975 105 RESOLUTION NO. 163—APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS, SOUTHERN TIER EAST REGIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is a member of the Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Development Board as reorganized by concurring resolu- tions by the member counties (Resolution 261, December 9, 1974), and WHEREAS, the reorganization of the Board, with the move of the head- quarters from Norwich, New York to Binghamton, New York, was completed effective July 1, 1975, and WHEREAS, the participating counties are entitled to three representatives and in addition certain ex officio members, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the following are hereby appointed upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Committee as representatives to the Regional Board to represent Tompkins County, effective July 1, 1975 with staggered terms of office as listed below Voting Members Roger Morse (County Board of Representatives — one year term — expires June 30, 1976 Hugh S MacNeil (County Board of Representatives) — two year term — expires June 30, 1977 Frank Liguori (Commissioner of Planning) — three year term — expires June 30, 1978 Ex Officio Members (non voting) Chairman, Board of Representatives County Administrator Commissioner of Public Works Commissioner of Planning RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the appointed members and the Executive Director of the Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Development Board RESOLUTION NO. 164—AUTHORIZATION TO RENEW AGREEMENT — TALLMADGE TIRE SERVICE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Kidney Discussion followed and resolution was adopted with Representatives Miller, Benson and Haight voting no WHEREAS, by agieement dated August 1, 1972, Tallmadge Tire Service agreed to do maintenance and service of cars owned by the County for a period of one year, with a right to renewal for an additional year, by mutual agreement, and WHEREAS, Tallmadge Tire Service has advised the Commissioner of Public Works that he is wilting to renew the service contract for an additional year on the same price, terms and conditions, except the published list for parts items shall be updated to the latest published list, discount remaining the same, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, that said contract be renewed as revised for an additional year commencing the 1st day of August, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 165—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS — EMERGENCY MEDICAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com- mittee and Fire and Disaster Coordinator, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute the agreements between the 106 August 11, 1975 County of Tompkins and the various ambulance services and rescue squads within the County of Tompkins, for the district communications and use of various items of communication hardware by the various ambulance services participating in the emergency medical communication services program, RESOLVED, further, that said contracts will run from August 19, 1975 to August 19, 1976 RESOLUTION NO. 166—ABOLISH POSITION — PROBATION ASSISTANT Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Kidney Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Public Safety and Correction Committees, That one position of Probation Assistant for House in the Country established by Resolution No 128, adopted by this board on June 10, 1974, be and it hereby is abolished, effective immediately RESOLUTION NO 167—AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 104 — 1975 — CREATION OF TEMPORARY POSITIONS — HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Kidney, Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Personnel Committees, That Resolution No 104, adopted by this board on May 28, 1975, establishing summer positions at the hospital for a maximum of 90 days from the date of adoption of the resolution, be amended, to establish summer employment for the positions fisted in said resolution for a maximum of 90 days from the date of original hire in 1975 in each title RESOLUTION NO. 168—RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION — PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Kidney Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That one posi- tion of Admlmstrative Assistant (08-12), labor grade VIII, competitive class, be abolished and one position of Manpower Coordinator (08-17), competitive class labor grade VIII, be created effective immediately RESOLUTION NO. 169—CREATION OF POSITIONS — TOMPKINS-CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Webster Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations and Personnel Committees, That effective September 1, 1975, monies having been included in the 1975-1976 Tompkins -Cortland Community College Budget, the following seven new positions be created 1—Account Clerk, L G B, competitive class 1—Clerk — L G A, competitive class 1—Guard, L G B, non-competitive class 1—Office Machine Operator, L G C, competitive class 11—Typist, L G B, competitive class 1—Senior Typist, L G D, competitive class 1—Maintenance Worker, L G E, non-competitive class RESOLUTION NO. 170—AUTHORIZATION TO PAY MOVING EXPENSES — LIBRARY DIRECTOR Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Webster Discussion on policy fol- lowed and the Budget and Administration Committee will study and make a recommendation pertaining to the moving expense policy by the October meeting Ayes — Representatives Benson, Morse, Culligan, Dates, Holden, Kerr, Livesay, MacNeil, Robey, Webster, Kerr — 10 Noes — Clynes, Haight, Kidney, Miller, Watros — 5 The resolution was adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee and the Library Trustees, That the moving expenses of the newly appointed Library Director be paid up to a maximum of one month's gross salary, $1,157 33 to be repaid to the County if he terminates employment within one year from the date of ap- pointment. August 11, 1975 107 RESOLUTION NO. 171—AUTHORIZATION TO PAY MOVING EXPENSES — SENIOR PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Culligan Ayes — Representatives Benson, Morse, Culligan, Dates, Holden, Livesay, MacNeil, Robey, Webster, Kerr — 10 Noes — Representatives Clynes, Haight, Kidney, Miller, Watros — 5 Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Health Committees, That the moving expenses of the Senior Public Health Engineer be paid up to a maximum of one month's gross salary, $1,578 25 to be repaid to the County if he terminates employment within one year from the date of appointment RESOLUTION NO. 172—ON AUDIT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller Ayes —15 Noes — 0 Adopted. RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins charge- able to General Fund $ 52,116 84 Encumbrances 243 49 County Self -Insurance 1,063 00 Printing Transfers 1,068 58 Airport 1,997 30 Highway 114,420 54 Total Audit $170,909 75 be and hereby are audited by this Board at the above amounts approved by the various committees, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor It was Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Webster, That the rules of the board be waived to allow the board to consider an appointment to the Hospital Board of Managers Motion adopted. Mr Culligan placed in nomination the name of Mr Thomas G Miller to serve as a member of the Hospital Board of Managers to fill the unexpired term of Chfford Northrup Said term expires December 31, 1978 Upon hearing no further nominations, the Chairman declared Mr Miller a member of the Board of Managers. On motion, meeting adjourned at 1 35 p m to August 19th at 10 00 a m 108 September 8, 1975 REGULAR MEETING September 8, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 15 Representatives Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The minutes of the August llth meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Memorandum and report on Hospital Governance prepared by Health Plan- ning Council, copy of a letter from ABC Sandblasting, Inc to J J Murphy stating that they are not interested in Boardman House property, Mary Lamb served Claim for Betty 0 Muka in the amount of $1,000,008, letter from WCNY-TV FM would like to seek support grants from additional county governments to further develop a regional concept in that station's affairs, letter from Forest City Grange #288 requesting Board of Representatives and Commissioner of Social Services reconsider resignation of Edwin and Millicent Conklin as Superintendent and Matron of County Home, monthly statistical report of Social Services for June, copy of letter to Raymond T Schuler, Commissioner of DOT, from Seymour Smidt, Mayor of Village of Lansing to the Clerk of the Board pertaining to Triphammer Road, letter from Attorney Leonard Snow to Chairman Kerr suggesting caution in the consideration of the proposal of the Public Safety Committee to have seven - man layman committee to investigate charges made by Mrs Betty Muka, letter from William F Leavy, Director, NYS Health Planning Commission, re formation of health systems agencies and recommendation that in each area of the State, a steering committee be formed which includes as equal partners four major inter- est groups including units of county government in the region, resolution of Cort- land County re Audit of TC3 Capital Expenditures Claim No 96, resolutions from TC3 Board of Trustees re capital equipment audit approving Phase I, Requisi- tion Number 182 $7,662 and Requisition Numbers 211 and 212—$3,800, ex- pressing appreciation for helpfulness of Ithaca College in production of dedica- tion film for TC3, expressing appreciation for Mr Rod Serhng volunteering to do narrative for dedication film, support of SUNY's request for supplementary budget for community college, recommendation to sponsor's acceptance of high bid for Groton building and retaining Maxfield, Randolph and Carpenter, Auditors of Ithaca at a fee not to exceed $4,000 to audit operating and capital funds of TC3 for fiscal year 1975-76, copy of the Ithaca Landmark's Preservation Commission's denial of the county's application of July 15, 1975 for a permit to demolish Board- man House; letter from D Boardman Lee favoring the retention of Boardman House; Social Services Statistical Report for July, letter of Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce to people of Ithaca and Tompkins County re success of National Junior Olympics; letter from Mrs Shailer Philbrick stating she feels resignations of Edwin and Millicent Conklin from Tompkins County Home and Farm is a tragedy and urges the board to forestall the tragedy, copy of a memoran- dum from Representative Beverly Livesay to Representative Hugh MacNeil re County Highway Law Article V, Section 102 for Highway Superintendent to an- nually submit statement to board on amount to be raised for construction im- provement and maintenance of county roads, airport activity report for July, notice of restricted highway Enfield Falls — Enfield Center and Enfield Center — Ithaca, notice of Claim of Betty 0 Muka against County of Tompkins and County Attorney Williamson in the sum of $3 000,000 Mrs Betty 0 Muka appeared under privilege of the floor regarding the lawsuits she has against various people and asked the Board of Representatives for assistance The Chairman referred any questions to the Public Safety and Cor- rections Committee Mrs Pauline Darrett spoke in opposition to the money allocated to the Human Rights Commission Representative Miller read a resolution adopted by the Town Board of Caro- line pertaining to the proposed master plan for land use September 8, 1975 109 Mr Dates, Budget and Administration Committee, said Mr Murphy will be reporting later in the meeting on the administrative manual Mr Culligan, Chairman of the Health Committee, said they will meet Septem- ber 16 and 23 to review budgets of the Health, Hospital and Mental Health De- partments Mr Holden, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said they met Tuesday and spent time on CETA positions The Family Court Position was returned for action by the Public Safety and Correction Committee Mr MacNeil, Chairman of the Planning and Public Works Committee, said they met and discussed several items The old Court House renovation is pro- ceeding and should be completed within one year from beginning of construction They discussed the Centrex Telephone System They considered the veterans' memorial project and the committee supported it and referred it to the Budget and Administration Committee Both committees referred it to the County Ad- ministrator to see if the money for the project can be found He will present a resolution later in the meeting authorizing architectural services to clearly define the constraints entailed by the Boardman House in the fulfillment of long range plans for county office space He said they received a memo from Representative Livesay asking for list of where major repairs to highways are to be made in the coming year and to be presented at Budget time to the Planning and Public Works Committee The committee is unanimous and are going to continue the present policy for abandoning highways He also spoke about the John and Viola Miller property Mr Haight, Chairman of the Public Safety and Correction Committee, said they met and approved a contract with Schuyler County for boarding of Tomp- kins County prisoners He will ask that a resolution authorizing the contract be added to the agenda They approved the training program for Probation Depart- ment financed by the State They also approved the abolishment of position at the Intensive Supervision Facility The Sheriff presented his request for increased deputies It is still under advisement The Probation Department presented a re- quest for plans to increase office space and is still under consideration Mr Miller, Chairman of the Social Services Committee, discussed the County Home situation and there are four applications for County Home Superintendent There will be a resolution for transfer of funds to complete the year Mr Stevenson, Hospital Construction Committee, reported the architects ai e examining what has been done and there will be another meeting this week Mr Murphy, County Administrator, reported relative to bonding for the new hospital He said the bond market has changed drastically He said they probably will not be bidding until next spring Relative to the Administrative Manual, they have had one visit from the State and they had to cancel another due to a conflict in their schedule The committee discussed the moving expense policy Mr Williamson, County Attorney, said Mrs Muka has filed a suit against him for $3 million dollars and his law firm for $3 million dollars She also has one against William Sullivan, Jr for $1 million dollars There is another against the Sheriff and deputies of which he will ask for dismissal He has been spending approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of his time taking care of her allegations and this will probably increase as they get into memorandums of law The question was asked if the Board of Representatives has any right to intervene and if it would be prop- er to ask her not to appear before the board in view of her many lawsuits Mr Williamson said these cases are in the courts and the judges will decide them He said in the rules of the board privilege of the floor is limited to the consent of the chairman or request of two or more members of the board Chairman Kerr spoke about economy and asked board members to consider decreasing the number of copies of proceedings and possibly eliminating hard bound copies to save money Mr Dates commented relative to procedures for human services review He said the Budget & Administration Committee receives invitations to attend their 110 September 8, 1975 hearings and he thought perhaps board members would like to know when these hearings are held He read a list of meeting dates Mrs Cullings stated the Human Services Coalition has been asked to review revenue sharing applications and have established a procedure They will be meet- ing at the United Way Building It was Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Miller, That resolutions per- taining to audit of construction costs at TC3, authorization to execute contract with Schuyler County for boarding of prisoners, and creation of positions — CETA for TC3, not listed on the agenda, be considered today Motion adopted. It was Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Kidney, That a resolution that was lost, Resolution No 162 — Authorization to execute contract — Feminist Art Studio Workshops, be reconsidered at this meeting Motion adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 162—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — FEMINIST ART STUDIO WORKSHOPS Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Livesay After a lengthy discussion, it was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller, that this resolution be tabled until the next meeting and receive a report from the Human Services Committee Motion to Table Lost. A roll call resulted Ayes — Miller, Robey, Webster, Benson, Culligan, Kidney, Livesay — 7 Noes — Morse, Clynes, Dates, Haight, Holden, MacNeil, Watros, Kerr — 8 Resolution Lost. WHEREAS, Feminist Art Studio Workshops, a not for profit corporation, are desirous of operating various workshops for the young disadvantaged women and for women residing in the rural areas in order to develop in said persons a strong sense of self-awareness, and WHEREAS, Feminist Art Studio Workshops is able to provide a variety of the programs to reach the desired goal aforementioned, and WHEREAS, the total proposed budget on file with the Clerk of the Board of Representatives is $2,820 00 of which $1,410 00 has been raised by the America the Beautiful Fund, and WHEREAS, the New York State Division for Youth has indicated it is willing, conditioned upon State approval, to provide reimbursement funds in the amount of $1,410 00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with the Feminist Art Studio Workshops for the aforementioned program, conditioned upon State approval, and conditioned upon State funding on behalf of the County RESOLUTION NO. 173—TRANSFER OF FUNDS—SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mrs Webster Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Budget and Administration and Social Services Committees, That the following transfer be and it hereby is ap- proved From Code 6010 400 Contractual Expense To Code 6010 840 Compensation Insurance $2,811 95, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 174—APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND — COUNTY ATTORNEY Moved by Mr. Dates, seconded by Mr Webster Ayes —15 Noes — 0 Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Budget and Administration and Public Safety & Correction Committees, That the following appropriation be and it hereby is approved From Contingent Fund Code A-1990 to Contractual and Other Expenses Code A-1420 400 — $175 00, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books September 8, 1975 111 RESOLUTION NO 175—DISPOSITION OF RECORDS — COUNTY CLERK Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Webster Adopted. RESOLVED, by the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County that Rec- ords Retention and Disposition Schedule No 13 -CC -1 containing records retention periods for records of the County Clerk established pursuant to Part 185, Title 8 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York, is hereby adopted for use by the County Clerk of this county RESOLVED, further, That the Board of Representatives authorizes the disposi- tion of records in accordance with retention periods set forth in the adopted Records Retention and Disposition Schedule RESOLUTION NO. 176—DISPOSITION OF RECORDS — BOARD OF REPRE- SENTATIVES Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Webster Adopted RESOLVED, by the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County that Rec- ords Retention and Disposition Schedule No 267 -CBS -12 containing records reten- tion periods for records of the Board of Representatives established pursuant to the provisions of section 65-b of the Public Officers Law, is hereby adopted for use by the Clerk of the Board of Representatives, RESOLVED, further, That the Board of Representatives authorizes the dis- position of records in accordance with retention periods set forth in the adopted Records Retention and Disposition Schedule RESOLUTION NO 177—AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD BID — BOARD OF ELECTIONS MovedV Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Watros Adopted WHEREAS, the Commissioners of Elections are to advertise for bids in ac- cordance with certain specifications for the printing of the 1975 General elections supplies, and WHEREAS, it is imperative that said bid be awarded as soon as possible in order that the Election Commissioners can properly conduct the election, and WHEREAS, said bids will be received on the same day as the next meeting of the Board of Representatives, namely September 8, 1975, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That this board hereby authorizes said committee to award the bid for the election supplies to the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications RESOLUTION NO 178—RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXTENSION OF THE HOSPITAL CENTREX TELEPHONE SYSTEM TO IN- CLUDE OTHER COUNTY OFFICES Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Webster A lengthy discussion took place and it was Moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mr Webster, That the second resolved be amended to read "Resolved, further, that a centralized information and referral program utilizing the centrex system be considered " Amendment adopted. The Resolution as amended was adopted. WHEREAS, the telephone systems serving the Department of Social Services, the Court House and others are no longer adequate to meet needs, and WHEREAS, the New York Telephone Company, at the request of the county, has completed a detailed study of the system and does recommend the expansion of the Centrex System at the County Hospital to include certain other depart- ments, but probably not including the Sheriff's Department and the Highway Department, and WHEREAS, the Centrex System is more efficient and is expandable to meet future needs of county government, and WHEREAS, there is also an opportunity to develop a centralized information and referral system for county government functions, thus eliminating the need for separate information and referral systems by various departments, now there- fore be it 112 September 8, 1975 RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee that the county contract with the New York Telephone Company to install the equipment necessary to extend the Hospital Centrex telephone system to m- clude other county departments, including the Court House, RESOLVED, further, That a centralized information and referral program utilizing the Centrex System be considered, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is authorized to expend $5,000 for the installation of said system through a 1976 budget item RESOLUTION NO. 179—AUTHORIZING ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE TO DE- FINE THE CONSTRAINTS AFFORDED BY THE BOARD - MAN HOUSE IN THE FULFILLMENT OF LONG RANGE PLANS FOR OFFICE SPACE IN THE COURT HOUSE AREA It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates A lengthy discussion followed and it was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates, That the resolution be tabled Ayes — Miller, Morse, Clynes, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, MacNeil, Kerr — 9 Noes — Benson, Culligan (Want to vote no on resolution), Livesay, Robey, Watros, Webster — 6 Motion to Table adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 180—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — SCHUYLER COUNTY JAIL Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Webster Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is directed to execute an agreement on behalf of the County of Tompkins for the use of Schuyler County Jail Facilities for the boarding of prisoners at those times when the Tompkins County Jail becomes overcrowded RESOLUTION NO. 181—AUTHORIZATION FOR CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE YOUTH SERVICE PROJECT Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Webster Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com- mittee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a Youth Service Project Application to the State of New York for the period of September 1, 1975 through December 31, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 182—EXTENSION OF CETA TITLE VI FUNDS Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Robey Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee, and with the approval of the N Y S Department of Labor, That the termination date for CETA employment be amended from February 10, 1976 to June 30, 1976, for Title VI participants, RESOLVED, further, That Resolution 1, dated January 6, 1975, Resolution 22, dated January 27, 1975 and Resolution 101, dated May 12, 1975, be amended to reflect this change It was Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Dates, That the Rules of the Board be Waived so the resolution pertaining to amendment Resolution No. 101 — Planning Department, Creation of positions — Title VI, and Creation of Posi- tion Hospital, can be presented today Motion to Waive Rules adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 183—AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO 101 (May 12, 1975) —PLANNING DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Culligan, Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That Resolu- tion 101 dated May 12, 1975, which created this position under CETA funding, be amended to create the position of Senior Stenographer (part-time) on a full-time temporary basis, effective immediately, not to exceed June 30, 1976 1 1 September 8, 1975 113 RESOLUTION NO. 184—CREATION OF POSITIONS — COMPREHENSIVE EM- - PLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT (CETA), TITLE VI Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Livesay Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the fol- lowing positions be created on a temporary basis not to exceed June 30, 1976, said positions to be funded 100 percent for wages and benefits under the CETA Title VI federal grant Hospital Financial Affairs Office 4 Typists (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class District Attorney 1 Assistant District Attorney (16-02)), labor grade XVI, exempt class Health Department 1 Dental Hygenist (09-04), labor grade IX, non-competitive class Mental Health 1 Stenographer (05-09), labor grade V, competitive class 1 Chnical Program Assistant, (11-27), labor grade XI, competitive class — Meadow House 1 Group Leader (07-13), labor grade VII, competitive class — Meadow House Office for the Aging 1 Outreach Worker (04-15), labor grade IV, competitive class Probation 1 Assistant to the Investigator (06-18), labor grade VI, competitive class RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Personnel be and he hereby is authorized to work out contractual arrangements with the following agencies and municipalities for the creation of temporary positions within the guidelines set by the Personnel Committee, to be funded 100 percent under CETA for a period not to exceed June 30, 1976 School Districts- Dryden, Groton, Lansing, Newfield, and Tompkins-Seneca- Tioga BOCES, Ithaca City Towns: Ithaca, Dryden Villages. Lansing, Trumansburg City of Ithaca RESOLUTION NO 185—CREATION OF POSITION — HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Culligan Ayes — Miller, Robey, Webster, Benson, Morse, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Livesay — 12 Noes — MacNeil — 1 Excused — Kidney, Watros — 2 Adopted RESOLVED, on the recommendation of the Health and Personnel Commit- tees, That one position of Utilization Review Coordinator (09-25), labor grade IX, competitive class, be established effective immediately at the Tompkins County Hospital, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $2400 00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code A-1990) to Hospital Personal Services (Code C-4510 100), RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO 186—CREATION OF POSITIONS—TOMPKINS-CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Webster Adopted with Representa. tive Morse casting a dissenting vote RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the fol- lowing CETA positions be created at the Tompkins -Cortland Community College under Section 64 of the Civil Service Law, temporary appointments, effective im- mediately for a period not to exceed June 30, 1976, 114 September 8, 1975 RESOLVED, further, that such positions will be funded with Cortland County CETA Funds 1 Key Punch Operator, competitive class, labor grade C 1 Administrative Assistant, competitive clzss, labor grade F L Typist, competitive class, labor grade B 1 Stores Clerk, competitive class, labor grade B It was Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Miller, That Resolution No 154 — Regrading Position of Biochemist, which was tabled at the August llth meeting, be hfted from the table Motion adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 154—REGRADING POSITION OF BIOCHEMIST Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Miller After discussion it was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Haight, That the resolution be tabled until the next meeting with the understanding there will be action with the Health and Person- nel Committees Motion to table adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 187—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Robey Ayes — 13 Noes — 0 Excused — Kidney, Watros — 2 Adopted WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee in the amount of $118,035 21 to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College are Construction Cost— Claim No 98 — $118,035 21, RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amounts be and the same are hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor RESOLUTION NO. 188—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — OLD COURT HOUSE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Clynes Ayes —12 Noes —1 (Cul- ligan) Excused —Kidney, Watros — 2 WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Planning and Public Works Committee in the amount of $69,711 63 to be paid from the County Building Capital Construction Account are William Downing, Architect $ 2,39161 Kimble Plumbing and Heating Plumbing #2 $10,517 00 Plumbing #3 8,518 00 Heating - Air Conditioning 8,55100 27,586 00 Norton Electric Co , Inc #1 9,270 00 Stewart and Bennett #3 30,464 00 Total Construction Costs $69,711 63 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor There was a brief discussion on which committee would study the use of the old hospital building On motion, meeting adjourned at 12 21 p m September 22, 1975 115 REGULAR MEETING Monday, September 22, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present Representatives — 11 Excused — Representatives Culligan, Kidney, Watros, and Webster — 4 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Minutes of the September 8, 1975 meeting were approved subject to correc- tion by the Clerk The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Letter from Ralph Jordan of Chamber of Commerce to Chairman Kerr com- plimenting Tompkins County Radio Club for assistance during National Junior Olympic Competition, Interstate Commerce Commission Evaluation of the U S Railway Association's Final System Plan, Cooperative Extension Association quarterly narrative report April 1 -June 30, 1975, certificates of approval of State Aid for handicapped children, TC3 Audit Resolution for Claim No 98, De- partment of Taxation and Finance notice to raise $141,898 by taxation for court and stenographers' expenses for fiscal year beginning April 1, 1975, letter from Maxine Dull urging the preservation of Boardman House, copy of letter from Ralph Jordan, Executive Director of Chamber of Commerce, to Harris Dates re effect of Centrex on EAS calling between Groton, Freeville, and Lansing, letter from Joseph Powers of Department of Transportation offering assistance to Task Force Committee on Route 13, Ithaca -Cortland, Tompkins and Cortland Counties; copy of letter to Harris Dates, Chairman of Budget and Administration Commit- tee, from Ruth Pettengill and Michael Martin of the Human Services Coahtion enclosing a supplemental to the Interim Families Proposal, minutes of Bicentennial Commission for August 21, 1975 and listing of current membership with ad- dress and telephone numbers, letter from Virginia Beyer urging restoration of Boardman House, copy of letter from Richard Comstock, President of Hospital Board of Managers to John Murphy, County Administrator, re non -concurrence to recommendation to bring in an outside consultant for hospital job rating of laboratory and pharmacy, resolution of Danby Town Board renaming a section of Nelson Road to Stream Mill Road, memo from Frank Liguori re Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Development Board cash contribution fiscal year July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976, copy of Village of Groton appointment of Gary Watrous to serve on County Environmental Management Council, airport activity report Under privilege of the floor Mr Frank Liguori, Commissioner of Planning, gave a slide presentation of Alternate Settlement Patterns for the Future Mr D Boardman Lee spoke to the Board regarding Boardman House He suggested that the County retain Boardman House, raze Building C and proceed to construct an addition to the new Court House and try to engage the architect who designed the Court House as a consulting architect His suggestions were referred to the Planning and Public Works Committee Mr Eric Gibson from Cooperative Extension, spoke to the Board regarding the expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program Ms Dorothy Durham spoke about the gardening projects she has worked with this summer Representative Miller said he attended a meeting of the Agricultural Dis- trict Committee The Town of Danby is almost ready to have a hearing on an Agricultural District He also attended the Tompkins County Municipal Officers Association and discussed Sheriff's request for additional deputies, contract with SPCA and Tompkins County Sales Tax Various committee chairmen reported as follows Mr Dates said there will be a joint meeting September 25th of the County Sewer Agency and the Adhoc Sewer Committee 1 16 September 22, 1975 Mr Clynes, a member of the Health Committee, said they met and reviewed budgets There will be a resolution presented later in the meeting requesting legislation — court committed patients He reported the Health Systems Agency is mandated and probably will involve funding The Agency will take over all health planning and related functions Mrs Livesay, a member of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, said the committee reviewed and approved the Extension Service Budget and referred it on to the Budget and Administration Committee She said Mr Webster gave a report on the Intergovernmental Relations Study Committee and selection of candidates is now in progress They will review the Election Board budget later as they had some questions Mr MacNeil, Planning and Pubhc Works Committee Chairman, said they met and reviewed the Planning Department Budget He said the Personnel Commis- sioner is receiving applications for the position of Airport Manager He said be- cause of added interest in the Boardman House, the resolution will be tabled for two weeks They received a proposal from APCO Corporation regarding paid park- ing at the airport The contract is being reviewed by the County Attorney and John Murphy and the committee will review it and hopefully have a recommenda- tion at the next board meeting Mr Haight, Public Safety and Corrections Committee Chairman, said they met and considered budgets The County Attorney mentioned the possibility of needing an assistant temporarily until some of the lawsuits are resolved He feels it is time for the board to set up priorities and the committees alone should not carry the ball on such a budget system as we have now Mr Stevenson, Chairman of the Hospital Construction Committee, said a let- ter was received from Mr Larry Hoffman outlining 'major changes to be made There was discussion regarding laundry space and the chairman said if anyone has any questions to contact the construction committee and architects Chairman Kerr stated Mr Watros, the Chairman of the Hospital Governance Committee, is out of town but the final report will be presented to this board at the November 10th meeting An item not taken care of is the use of the present building and he assigned the study of the use of the present building with the Planning and Public Works Committee and Howard Stevenson Mr Murphy, County Administrator, reported he has met with people regard- ing the parking proposal at the airport but nothing has been committed He also met with Cowper, Construction Manager at the hospital, and a contract is being negotiated Relative to the Administrative Manual, he said they still anti- cipate that State people will see this project through Department Budget requests are being reviewed Mr Williamson, County Attorney, reported on the progress of the Betty Muka lawsuits Chairman Kerr mentioned he and Mr Miller attended the State Conservation Council and it was a successful meeting Mr Holden, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said it is the responsi- bility of the Chairman per Resolution No 103 of 1972, if asked, to review grading of positions — to take it to the Personnel Committee, Budget and Administration and John Murphy or an outside firm They had requests and it was decided on an outside person Since then he has completed a review of Library Director position and completed position of Magnetic Card Selector Operator at TC3 RESOLUTION NO. 189—REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION — COURT -COMMITTED PATIENTS Moved by Mr Robey, seconded by Mr Clynes, and adopted WHEREAS, inpatient psychiatric care in facilities operated by the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene has historically been provided by State funds, and WHEREAS, the law was changed in 1973 so that Counties would be charged with the cost of such inpatient services for court -committed patients, and September 22, 1975 117 WHEREAS, this change punishes the County for matters beyond its control and so discriminates against the County for any court-comnutted patient, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins County Mental Health Board and the Health Committee, That the Tompkins County Board of Representa- tives expresses its concern over the mandated use of County funds to pay for court -committed patients at State facilities and respectfully urges that such in- patient services hereafter be funded as all other such services are — fully by the State Department of Mental Hygiene, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies of this resolution to Senator William T Smith and Assemblyman Gary A Lee, requesting that appropriate legislation be introduced at the next session of the State Legislature to reinstate the previous policy of state payment RESOLUTION NO. 190—APPROPRIATION FROM AIRPORT ENTERPRISE FUND BALANCE TO AIRPORT CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Ayes — 11 Noes — 0 Ex- cused — 4 Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the County Attorney and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to appropriate the sum of $18,973 57 from the Airport Enterprise Fund Balance to Airport Capital Construcion Account for acquisition of property owned by John I and Viola H Miller, under FAA Project No 9-30-034-6404, per the judgment entered on May 2, 1974 RESOLUTION NO. 191—ON AUDIT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Robey Ayes — 11 Noes — 0 Excused — 4 Adopted RESOLVED, That a list of claims against the County of Tompkins chargeable to: General Fund $ 71,641 62 Encumbrances 1,149 16 County Self Insurance 3,686 78 Printing Transfers 4,198 00 Airport 9,271 08 Highway 174,872 70 Total Audit $264,819 34 be and hereby are audited by this Board at the above amounts approved by the various committees, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor. Chairman Kerr appointed the following people to serve on the County Nego- tiating Committee. County Attorney Commissioner of Personnel County Administrator Commissioner of Social Services Hospital Administrator Claude Holden LeGrace Benson On motion, meeting adjourned at 11 35 a m 118 October 13, 1975 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 15 Representatives Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance The minutes of the September 22, 1975 meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Letter from Center for the Arts re consideration of a local arts council, memorandum from Louis J Long, Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency, re a public hearing on October 30 at 10 p m at City Hall for the purpose of analyzing Industrial Development Agencies, letter from Joseph Greenberger suggesting the relocation of Boardman House to increase tax base, increase revenue from building and make land available, Dept of Labor letter notifying that Tompkins County will not receive Title II funds ($80,443) The amount wi11 be added to Title VI program bring FY1976 allocation up to $412,063, telegram from regional office of U S Department of Labor approving FY75 Title I CETA Plan and that new sub -grant agreements for FY76 plans will be sent to use, letter from Amateur Athletic Union commending Roger Barton and all amateur radio operators for their contribution to the National Junior Olympics held in Ithaca, copy of Division for Youth consolidated programs application for period 9/1/75 to 12/31/75, Department of State sent executed copy of amendatory agreement CPA -NY -02-00-1039 to Comprehensive Planning and Management Assistance Program Agreement, Human Services Coalition recommendations on applications for Revenue Sharing, resolution from Danby Town Board asking Board of Repre- sentatives curtail certain services if necessary to prevent financial hardship for taxpayers, Pistol Permits for September 1975 totaled $155 00, copy of a letter from Assemblyman Gary A Lee to Mary and Kathryn Leary re presenting a New York State Flag in Michael's memory, October 13, 1975, letter from Assemblyman Gary Lee regarding progress and status of the Route 13 Tompkins -Cortland State - Committee, letter re deer depredation quarantine orders pursuant to Section 115-a of the Agriculture and Markets Law such quaranines can only be ordered as emer- gency measures and only when existing snow and weather conditions dictate a need for such restriction of dogs, letter from Mayor Edward Conley re city urges the county to consider feasibility of Boardman House in DeWitt Park, letter from Facilities Development Corp re proposed Tompkins County Hospital Project, letter from Department of Transportation stating that state funds have been ap- proved in the supplemental budget for crash/fire/rescue building and vehicles and inadvertent fencing re 1975 Aviation Capital Project Tompkins County Airport NYSDOT Project No 3902 20, notice from Department of Labor that October 5-11 rill be National Employ the Handicapped Week, mailgram confirmation of tele- gram sent October 3 to Governor Hugh L Carey by Chairman Harry A Kerr re- questing the designation of Tompkins County as a disaster area as result of flood damages September 24-26, 1975, letter from Congressman Matthew McHugh favor- ing extension of revenue sharing for five years, copy of fetter from ALPHA to D J Culhgan re status of Health Systems Agency, letter from D Boardman Lee including a resolution adapted at recent meeting of NYS Association for Re- tarded Children, Inc asking Commissioner of Mental Health, Dr Lawrence Kolb, to withdraw a memorandum recommending that whenever a member of Mental Health Board is also on staff or board of service agency bemg considered he should not participate, letter from Assemblyman Gary Lee acknowledging our Resolution 18 requesting legislation court -committed patients, copy of telegram sent to Gary Lee re consideration of Tompkins County as a disaster area, resolu- tion of Tompkins County Municipal Officials Association recommending top priority for the increased personnel for Tompkins County Sheriff's Department, Human Services Coalition reviews of Revenue Sharing requests for EOC Outreach Program and Groton Housing Authority, resolution of Cortland County re Audit of TC3 Capital Expenditures Claim No 99, approved application for state aid in providing recreation for the elderly programs and services October 13, 1975 119 Chairman Kerr mentioned that last week was National 4-H Week He attended a ribbon -cutting ceremony at Challenge Industries on October 9 The Chairman introduced and welcomed Miss Mary Pat Leary and Kathryn Leary Assemblyman Gary A Lee presented to the Board of Representatives a New York State Flag as a personal gift in memory of Michael J Leary, a former board member and a truly outstanding public servant who served with a style and quality that should always be emulated Under privilege of the floor, Representative Webster introduced Mr John Carpenter who introduced the new Director of the Tompkins County Library — Mr Lajos Mezgar Mr Mezgar stated the library is not simply storage of books, there is informational services and a large collection of local history Representatives of the United Way presented a film of one of the organiza- tions of the United Way — the Special Children's Center Mr Dates said a tentative date for the public hearing on the budget is Novem- ber 10 They will be going over revenue sharing requests and would like the com- mittees' action on them so the Budget Committee can consider them in with the full budget Mr Culligan, Chairman of the Health Committee, said they went over the hospital budget and the hospital will lose money again this year basically due to less patient days at the hospital than projected He said the County Attorney ap- proved the Mental Health Board increasing from nine members to twelve mem- bers They are looking for people to serve on that board The Mental Health Department wants a reevaluation They feel more office work can be done by Assistant Business Admimstrator and more time devoted to actual clinical and mental health work in the county by the Director of Mental Health Mr Clynes reported on the progress of the Health Systems Agency They are still operating without guidelines so their timetable of December 1 is not feasible Their new meeting is tomorrow Mr Webster reported the Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee will have names to report at the October 27th meeting Names will also be presented for the Criminal Justice Advisory Committee on October 27 Mrs Livesay reported on the Ad Hoc Youth and Recreation Committee and their next meeting will be held October 28 At their last meeting there was a preliminary report to the committee from the Technical Advisory Committee which was a combination of data collected so far and is available to the board It is not a definitive report with recommendations yet They are hoping for a decision for a recommendaion to the board, in case it goes in the direction of recommendation, to set up a County Youth Bureau to have it in for this year's budget consideration It was pointed out they hope to have adequate local com- munity input on this Mr Holden, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said there is a resolution on this agenda for CETA positions Mr MacNeil, Chairman of Planning and Public Works Committee, said they met and reviewed topics of transfer of funds for Highway Department, control of access road to tower, discussion on possible entry way into the Old Court House for handicapped persons, Boardman House, Old Court House, possible alternate uses of the hospital property if and when a new hospital is built The airport paid parking proposal is still in negotiation They reviewed with FAA the fire pond for the Industrial Park The FAA felt the location at the end of the runway might cause a hazard A grant of $50,000 for airport improvements was received Mrs Livesay said she is not satisfied yet with the decision of the Planning and Public Works Committee on her request that the Highway Superintendent provide to this board a list of the major constructions or repairs to be made on county highways With the budget problems, she feels it is important to have that in- formation Mr Haight, Chairman of Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said they met with the Fire Advisory Board to work out their communications with this 120 October 13, 1975 board and to listen to their budget requests They also informed them of the budget procedures and salary procedures of the CSEA Mr Miller, Chairman of Social Services Committee, reported they went over budgets He and Representative Morse will attend a state-wide welfare conference October 14 in Poughkeepsie Mr Stevenson, Chairman of the Hospital Construction Committee, reported that the revised Part II submission will be submitted to the State this week. There was a meeting with Mental Health over the question of psychiatric beds and staffing pattern The resolution pertaining to Hospital Construction Equipment Planning Contract will be withdrawn from today's agenda Mr Watros said he will have a complete report of the Hospital Governance Committee at the November 10th or 27th meeting Mr Murphy, County Administrator, explained in detail a survey by the New York State Tax Auditors is underway in Tompkins County They are here from the Department of Taxation not at the request of any local municipality but ordered in as a result of the Glens Falls -Warren County adjustment The press release prepared by the NYS Tax Department indicated Commissioner Tully stated he would be assigning auditors into other cities where similar circumstances possibly exist There is a request from Tompkins County Municipal Officers Association to him for detailed sales tax reporting information within the county By law the Chief Fiscal Officer of the County is the individual who can obtain such information Emphasis was placed on confidential aspect County Attorney Williamson reported on the progress of the Betty Muka cases Chairman Kerr reported a meeting on the expansion of Corps of Engineers Permit Authority will be held October 30 at 7 30 p m in Geneva Also, October 15th there will be a meeting with the Corps of Engineers regarding the Seneca River Basin Mr Dates withdrew the resolution pertaining to appropriation of federal revenue sharing funds — Old Court House The committee is going to consider all revenue sharing at one time and a report will be made at budget time RESOLUTION NO. 192—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Watros Ayes — 14 Noes — 0 Excused — Miller — 1 Adopted WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee in the amount of $862 58 to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -Cortland College are Claim No 99 — Capital Construc- tion Costs — $862 58, RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amounts be and the same are hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator he and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor RESOLUTION NO. 193—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ASSOCIATION Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Benson Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee, That the proposed agreement between the Counties of Tompkins, Chemung, Schuyler and Tioga and Cornell University for the operation of the Dairy and Field Crops Extension Program for the calendar years 1976 and 1977, be approved, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the County October 13, 1975 121 RESOLUTION NO. 194—REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION — HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Haight Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Commit- tee, That Chapter 109 of the Laws of 1956 be amended to repeal Section 5 thereof restricting the use and conveyance of the County Hospital buildings and premises and to direct the Commissioner of Health of the State of New York to execute a deed of correction to the County of Tompkins without consideration correcting the previous conveyance to the County by eliminating the aforesaid restriction, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies of this resolution to Senator William T Smith and Assemblyman Gary A Lee RESOLUTION NO. 195—CREATION OF POSITIONS — COMPREHENSIVE EM- PLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT (CETA), TITLE VI Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mrs Benson After a lengthy discussion regarding the function of the proposed investigator position in the District At- torney's Office, it was Moved by Mr Watros, seconded by Mr Webster That the resolution be amended to delete the position of Detective -Investigator in the District Attorney's Office Amendment adopted The resolution as amended was adopted. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the fol- lowing positions be created on a temporary basis not to exceed June 30, 1976, said positions to be funded 100 per cent for wages and benefits under the CETA Title VI federal grant District Attorney 1 Receptionist (04-07), labor grade IV, competitive class Highway 3 Laborers (08-09), labor grade VIII, labor class Hospital 1 Typist (Credit Office), (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class 1 Registered Professional Nurse (Infectious Control) (11-17), labor grade XI, non-competitive Mental Health (Meadow House) 1 Group Leader (07-13), labor grade VII, competitive class Social Services 1 Clerk (03-02), labor grade III, competitive class Tompkins -Cortland Community College 1 Senior Typist, labor grade D, competitive class Personnel 1 Typist (04-09), labor grade IV, competitive class Motor Vehicle Bureau, County Clerk 1 Clerk (03-02), labor grade III, competitive class County Judge 1 Law Clerk (05-14), labor grade V, competitive class RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Personnel be and he hereby is authorized to work contractual arrangements with the following agencies and municipalities for the creation of temporary positions within the guidelines set 122 October 13, 1975 by the Personnel Committee, to be funded 100 per cent under CETA for a period not to exceed June 30, 1976 Ithaca City School District Town of Ithaca City of Ithaca New York State RESOLUTION NO. 196—APPROPRIATION — HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Holden Ayes — 14 Noes — 0 Ex- cused — Miller — 1 Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, That the appropriation listed below be and it hereby is authorized From County Road Fund Balance to Maintenance — Roads & Bridges D- 5110 300 Supplies and Materials — $75,000 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books RESOLUTION NO. 197—CHANGE ORDERS — OLD COURT HOUSE CONTRACTS Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted WHEREAS, the Planning and Public Works Committee and the Architect have recommended certain change orders in the reconstruction of the Old Court House, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Committee and the Architect, That change orders for the reconstruction of the Old Court House be approved as follows Stewart and Bennett, Inc — General Construction — Eves line work, $519 00, 4 Lintels in stair towers, $795 00 Contract change order increase — $1,314 00 Kimball Plumbing and Heating, Inc — Renew credit given for use of plastic pipe Contract change order increase — $600 00 RESOLUTION NO. 198—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — OLD COURT HOUSE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Webster Ayes — 13 Noes — Kidney — 1 Excused — Miller — 1 Adopted WHEREAS, the list of claims audited Committee in the amount of $81,237 96 to Capital Construction Account are Norton Electric Co , Inc #2 Stewart and Bennett, Inc #4 Kimble Plumbing and Heating, Inc Heating -Air Conditioning #3 Plumbing #4 William Downing Associates Architects by the Planning and Public Works be paid from the County Building $17,100 00 30,083 00 28,080 00 4,918 00 1,056 96 Total Construction Costs $81,237 96 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor RESOLUTION NO. 199—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — JOHN W. COWPER COMPANY, INC. Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr MacNeil After discussion regarding the total amount of agreement, the resolution was withdrawn for two weeks October 13, 1975 123 RESOLUTION NO 200—RESOLUTION OF RESPECT — MICHAEL J. LEARY Moved by Mr Culligan Unanimously seconded and adopted WHEREAS, Michael J Leary, a former member of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives from the City of Ithaca passed away on the 17th day of September 1975, and WHEREAS, with the passing of Michael J Leary, the County of Tompkins lost a dedicated official and valued friend, and WHEREAS, the said Michael J Leary served as Representative from District No 2 of the City of Ithaca in the years 1964 through 1973, inclusive, and WHEREAS, thereafter, he served as Court Crier for Tompkins County until his untimely death, and WHEREAS, the said Michael J Leary was chairman of many important com- mittees, including Physically Handicapped, Public Safety and Correction and Buildings and Grounds, and WHEREAS, he also served on many other committees including Animal Health and Conservation, County Officers' Accounts, Education, Purchasing, Equalization and Tax Sales, and WHEREAS, he also served on Special Committees of the Board including Administration Study, Grievance Board, Ithaca Festival, City -County Police Task Force and Board of Health, and WHEREAS, throughout his adult years the said Michael J Leary was ex- tremely interested and active in City and County affairs and served the County and City with years of devotion and faithfulness, now therefore be it UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, That the members of this Board express their deep and heartfelt sympathy and sincere condolences to the family of Michael J Leary, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy of this resolution to the family of Michael J Leary At this time, Board members and guests observed a moment of silence in memory of Michael J Leary On motion, meeting adjourned at 12 09 p m 124 October 27, 1975 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present Representatives — 13 Excused — Representatives Clynes and Kid- ney — 2 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance The minutes of the October 13th meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Notice of Claim No 10 from Betty 0 Muka against County of Tompkins, Judge Kenneth Johnson, Judge Bruce G Dean and Special Prosecuter Elizabeth Bixler Yanof in the amount of $1,000,010, Village of Dryden appointing Ivan Marion to Tompkins County Sewer Agency following resignation of Daniel P VanAlstine, NYS Department of Health approval of Budget items submitted with application for state aid — Laboratory, $35,000 and Public Health Work, $589,851 80, copy of Fire Advisory Board proposed by-laws submitted for Board action before January 1, 1976, memorandum from NYS Board of Equalization and Assessment re Advisory equalization rates for the purpose of apportioning county taxes, City of Ithaca — 62 16, Towns of Caroline — 56 06, Danby — 51 64, Dryden — 49 71, Enfield — 54 18, Groton — 62 38, Ithaca — 57 74, Lansing 56 37, New- field — 63 75 and Ulysses — 53 36, Herkimer County Department of Social Services position paper on welfare reform; Fulton County resolution urging staff and Federal Social Welfare reform; letter from Governor Hugh L Carey in re- sponse to Chairman Kerr's telegram on the recent flooding which affected Tomp- kins County stating he had immediately requested Federal Disaster Assistance Administration to designate Tompkins County as eligible for federal assistance; copy of resolution from Dutchess County re welfare reform; executed copy of agreement re Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program Project CPA -NY -02-00 —1100 Tompkins County, and travel expense guidelines for recipients of federal grants and payment request procedures, copy of telegram to County Administrator from Senator Jacob Javits' Office declaring Tompkins County a disaster area be- cause of recent flooding, resolution from Cayuga County supporting welfare re- form legislation, letter from Dept of Labor re obligation of On -The -Job Training and Individual Referral to Vocation training funds, Tompkins County Airport Activity Report for September 1975, 1974 Report and 1975 Directors of the NYS Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Letter from Human Services Coalition re apphcation for Revenue Sharing funds for Groton Housing Authority for $12,675, notice of appointment of Andrew P Starostecki as Assistant District Attorney Under privilege of the floor Beverly Livesay introduced visitors from the office of the Aging — Miss Susan Clarke, Philip Johnson and L G Fowler Miss Clarke gave a summary Progress Report In the first eight months of operation the Office of the Aging has made some progress on every objective outlined in the 1575 Area Plan Mr Miller thanked Susan and the others for the excellent work Representative Benson introduced Glenn Cline, County Extension Coordina- tor He spoke about some of the programs Cooperative Extension is involved in He introduced Mr John Hicks, a dairy farmer north of Ithaca, who spoke about the dairy industry and the help the Cooperative Extension Program has been to him Mr Alvin Knepper requested information regarding progress of the Veterans' Committee request for funds for a memorial in DeWitt Park honoring Korean and Viet Nam war dead Mr MacNeil said the Planning and Public Works Committee recommended to the Budget and Administration Committee that $3,000 be ap- propriated Representative MacNeil explained that Mrs Livesay requested compliance with the Highway Law He said he finds it difficult to comply with this particular law until it is more pragmatically defined Mrs Livesay said all she is requesting is a list of where major improvements are to be made to be submitted with the budget request for the year It is the County Attorney's understanding that the October 27, 1975 125 Highway Superintendent is required to present the information to the board Mr. Kerr said if anyone has any questions to see the County Attorney Representative Miller reported notices of the Public Hearing on Agricultural District No 5 in the Town of Danby will be sent out to residents of the district and there will be a meeting November 6th at the Town Hall to answer any questions before the public hearing He mentioned the report Frank Liguori has put out regarding the Town of Danby and Agricultural District, etc is a fine report 1 Various committee chairman reported as follows Mr Dates, Budget and Administration, said there are still budgets to be turned in He will ask for dates for public hearings later in the meeting The In- dustrial Development Agency State Legislators are having a public hearing Thurs- day, October 30 at 10 a m Mr Culligan, Chairman of the Health Committee, said at their last meeting Dr Gaffney, Commissioner of Health, mentioned some of the rate increases in home services such as physiotherapist, out-patient therapist and home health aides It has to be approved by the State He also said the Health Committee agreed to present a resolution for authorization to sign a contract between the Health Department and Special Children's Center for dental services He said the Mental Health Board has been studying the problems of doing business and feel the time is coming where a deputy commissioner of Mental Health is needed Two names will be placed on the table for appointment to the Mental Health Board later in the meeting Mr Webster, Chairman of Intergovernmental Relations Committee, said they met last week and considered the various budgets They met with Charles Herndon and Karen Ainsworth from Economic Opportunity Corporation and heard a report on the work of EOC aides The Human Services Coalition rejected their request for revenue sharing funds The committee suggested subsequent to beginning of 1976, they could make a new request Mrs Pettengill said the Coalition did not turn them down flat but made suggestion that they come back in March He also mentioned he attended a meeting at the library with people from seven counties They took a walk and were particularly impressed with the Old Court House Mr Holden, Chairman of Personnel Committee, noted they reviewed budgets Funds were reappropriated from Title I which goes through June 1976 Mr Haight, Chairman of Public Safety and Corrections Committee, said they met and approved most of their budgets Mr Miller, Chairman of Social Services Committee, reported Mr Harold Doane is the new Superintendent of the Tompkins County Home and Farm He mentioned he and Mr Morse attended a meeting in Poughkeepsie with thirty other counties to discuss the Social Services problem A resolution came out of that meeting and he will move to add a resolution to the agenda He said the Human Services Coalition met Thursday and he and several other representatives were there Mr Stevenson, Chairman of Hospital Construction Committee, said the com- mittee met last Thursday to go over construction manager's contract He asked to withdraw the resolution that is on the agenda because it isn't ready yet Mr Watros, Chairman of Hospital Governance Committee, said the committee will have a report at the next board meeting Mr Murphy, County Administrator, said Representatives from the State De- partment were here and met with representatives of various boards such as Hospital, Tompkins -Cortland Community College, Mental Health They will be back and would like to meet with each board member He also spoke about the Medicaid rates problem He said there is a review underway , Mr Williamson, County Attorney, announced a favorable decision has been received in the case of Betty Muka against the Sheriff and two deputies There is another case which the Judge will decide on November 4 There is a new case— Betty Muka against Joseph Yoch and the County is involved He said Grievance Hearings were held in the Personnel Office Chairman Kerr said at the next meeting the Cornell Film Department will film some of the meeting which will be used to introduce a film on county govern- 126 October 27, 1975 ment He reported the Corps of Engineers were here October 15th to discuss sur- vey plans far Oswego River Basin It was Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mrs Livesay, and adopted, That a resolution pertaining to appropriation from General Fund Balance — Social Services, be added to the agenda and the advertising rule be waived, and the resolution regarding Construction Management Contract, be withdrawn It was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden and adopted, That the following dates be established November 5 at 7 30 p m — Committee of the Whole, November 6 at 7 30 p m — Public Informational meeting on Budget, November 10 at 10 a m — Public Hearing on Agricultural District No 5, Novem- ber 24 at 10 a m — Public Hearing, on Office for the Aging Area Plan RESOLUTION NO. 201—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Culligan Ayes — 13 Noes — 0 Excused — Clynes, Kidney Adopted WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee in the amount of $1,085 00 to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College are Capital Construction — Claim No 100 — $1,085 00 RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount be and the same is hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor Mr. Webster reported the TC3 auditor's annual report was presented and is available RESOLUTION NO. 202—A RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO THE REVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICES (Tabled) Moved by Mr Morse, seconded by Mr Miller It was Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Dates, That paragraph No 5 be amended to add "when the case history shows the client does not pay properly " It was Moved by Mrs Benson, seconded by Mr Webster, That each section be taken separately According to the rules, her motion took precedence over the previous motion After discussion, Mrs Benson withdrew her amendment if it didn't prejudice her making it again Mr Webster withdrew his second Mr Culligan withdrew his amendment It was Moved by Mr Robey, seconded by Mrs Benson, That this resolution be tabled until the next meeting to give the Social Services Committee a chance to review and give those who have suggestions a chance to make them and the resolution be brought back at the next meeting A roll call on the motion to table resulted as follows Representatives Webster, Benson, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Livesay, MacNeil (I compliment Mr Robey for being able to understand 70% of that I think our whole board is going to have to do a lot of homework), Robey, Watros, —10 Noes — Representatives Morse, Miller, Kerr — 3 Excused — Rep- resentatives Clynes and Kidney — 2 Motion to Table adopted. A meeting of the Social Services Committee will be held November 5th at 8 a m and board mem- bers are invited to discuss the resolution WHEREAS, there exists a need for federal and state leadership in legislation for social services reform by answering to the actual human needs of clients, WHEREAS, local government has been forced to the brink of bankruptcy by skyrocketing welfare costs resulting from massive, uncontrollable and often im- possible to justify federally and state mandated public welfare programs, and WHEREAS, there presently exists a chaotic proliferation of uncoordinated, ineffective and overly expensive public welfare programs eminating from a federal and state bureaucratic philosophy that believes more is better — develop bigger programs and spend more money — and, WHEREAS, the compelling and urgent need to establish a responsive, simpli- fied and economical welfare system overshadows any other domestic issue, now therefore be it October 27, 1975 127 RESOLVED, That the federal and state governments assign first priority to welfare reform at their next scheduled legislative sessions, and RESOLVED, That the federal and state governments favorably consider and enact the following recommendations for positive action, designed to alleviate the immediate critical financial and administrative plight of local government, RESOLVED, further, That upon passage, the Chairman of the Board of Repre- sentatives of Tompkins County forward to all elected officials representing this county a copy of this resolution thereby emphasizing that Tompkins County feels that relief from Federal and State mandates is necessary for our continued well being CHANGES IN FEDERAL MANDATES: 1 Amend the 30-1/3 Work Incentive Allowance to AFDC Recipients WHEREAS, Title 45, Chapter II, Part 233 — Code of Federal Regulations and the Social Security Act Section 402 (a) has mandated a work incentive allowance (30-1/3 income exemption) for AFDC recipients which does not include a mone- tary or time limitation on entitlement to such benefits, thereby creating case situa- tions where many welfare recipients covered by the 30-1/3 incentive allowance are over compensated at the taxpayers' expense, be it further RESOLVED, That the present federal work incentive allowance be amended to provide that an AFDC mother's gross earned income and public assistance pay- ments combined cannot exceed the state's established Medicaid income level for a comparable size family, and be it further RESOLVED, That the 304/3 work incentive allowance contain provision to limit such benefits to a maximum of three months 2 Repeal the 10% Federally Imposed Limitation on Restricted Payments in the AFDC Cases WHEREAS, there now exists a federal limitation on restricted payments in the form of direct payments to landlords and utility companies to 10% of the number of persons in cases receiving federal participating unrestricted cash payments only, plus the unduplicated number of children for whom ADC -FC pay- ments were made during a given month, and WHEREAS, application of this complex formula denies counties and states federal reimbursement when shelter and utilities are paid directly to the pro- vider as a result of a recipient's mismanagement, or misappropriation of cash assistance, and WHEREAS, the 10% limitation imposes a gross unfair penalty on localities and the state for insuring that providers of services to recipients are paid, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the 10% limitation be immediately repealed 3 Impose an immediate Moratorium on the Implementation of Any New Federally Mandated Programs WHEREAS, the serious cost and administrative consequences of implementing untested welfare program concepts is clearly evident from past experience, and WHEREAS, federal social services' programs are often mandated upon locali- ties without sufficient lead time and after a county has adopted its annual operating budget, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That a moratorium be placed on the implementation of any new federally mandated program, and RESOLVED, further, That whenever a federally mandated welfare program is imposed in the future, after a county budget has been adopted, the total operating costs for the balance of that year shall be at full federal expense until the follow- ing year 4 Able -Bodied AFDC Recipients (Adults) Should be Assigned to Public Work Relief Protects WHEREAS, there already exists in New York State a Work Relief Program for employable Home Relief recipients unable to secure employment in the regular economy (New York State Social Welfare Law — Section 385 10), 128 October 27, 1975 WHEREAS, the aforementioned public Work Relief Project is designed to maintain and develop an individual's job skills through useful employment in states, cities, towns, villages or other non-profit public service organizatons and, WHEREAS, there are proper safeguards within the present state Work Relief Program to insure that persons assigned will not replace or perform any job ordinarily and actually performed by regular workers, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the provisions stipulated in New York State's Work Relief Program be expanded to include able-bodied, adult AFDC recipients under ap- propriate circumstances which insure reasonable assignment of such individuals 5 Federal Financing of Supplemental Security Income Program Medical Costs for All Cases Which Became SSI Eligible After January lst, 1974 WHEREAS, implementation of the Supplemental Security Income Program on January 1st, 1974, contained provision limiting the local share for payments to aged, blind and disabled cases to the amount spent by counties in 1973, and WHEREAS, from January 1st, 1974, there has been a tremendous increase in SSI cases whose Medicaid expenses counties are obligated to pay, thereby grossly increasing local medical expenditures far above the 1973 hold harmless level, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the federal government fully finance all medical costs for those SSI cases which became active on or after January lst, 1974 6 Eliminate the Separation of Services Administrative Structure WHEREAS, the administrative structure known as Separation of Services has since its inception been cumbersome, inefficient and, in fact, a system which greatly contributes to the morass of bureaucratic red tape, and WHEREAS, the almost total absence of a responsive and consistent source of contact between recipient and staff has seriously weakened case management controls, RESOLVED, That the federally mandated Separation of Services' system be abolished and replaced by a client -caseworker caseload concept similar to that previously in effect PROPOSALS FOR CHANGES IN STATE MANDATES: 1 The State Should Not Superimpose Options on Basic Federal Welfare Pro- gram Requirements WHEREAS, the State of New York has at times greatly expanded on basic federal welfare program guidelines and benefits, thereby imposing further fiscal and administrative demands on counties, most notably with respect to the Medi- caid and Child Health Assurance Programs, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the state should immediately adopt a pohcy for imple- menting new mandated programs on the basis on minimum federal requirements, RESOLVED, further, That a temporary State Commission, including ap- propriate local representation, be established to review' all existing State Regula- tions, with a view toward amending those which may be contributing to unneces- sary program expenditures 2. More Severe Sanctions for Those Refusing to Work WHEREAS, present regulations allow, subject to certain time limitations, pubhc assistance payments to employable individuals who willfully terminate employment or intentionally reduce their earning capacity, and WHEREAS, employable persons who fail to report far an employment inter- view or accept a legitimate job offer, also subject to certain time limitations, are allowed welfare, and WHEREAS, such provisions dull an individual's incentive to work when the availability of welfare payments is almost immediate, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That any employable person who willfully terminates employ- ment or intentionally reduces his or her earning capacity should not qualify for welfare payments, and RESOLVED, further, That a single, employable individual who did not quit 1 October 27, 1975 129 a job or intentially reduce his or her earning capacity should be entitled to a maximum of 30 days' public assistance 3 Terminate Public Assistance Payments to Recipients When a Local Agency, After a Hearing, Has Determined That the Individual No Longer Qualifies for Benefits (Repeal Section 358.8 (2) C1 State Social Welfare Law) 1 WHEREAS, the Fair Hearing Regulations provide for continued uninterrupted public assistance to cases which have already been found ineligible for aid by local agencies until a State Hearing is held and a decision rendered is procedural- ly and financially costly, and WHEREAS, there is an appropriate local mechanism for conducting an ad- ministrative review of chent appeals, RESOLVED, that once a local determination is made to discontinue assistance and following an internal administrative review, public assistance payments should be terminated immediately to eliminate continued payments to ineligible recipients (The State's formal Fair Hearing would, of course, be held at a later date for a final case decision ) 4 The Medicaid Program Should be Completely Administered by Either the Social Services Department or State Department of Health WHEREAS, the divided responsibility between Departments of Social Serv- ices and Health in Administering Medicaid has contributed to fragmented services, duplication of authority and unprecedented increases in program costs, and WHEREAS, there is virtually no organized, unified state system for Medicaid Program monitoring, from the standpoint of either costs or quality care, RESOLVED, That either the Department of Social Services or the State Health Department be designated as the single state agency responsible for Medi- caid Program administration — including the promulgation of medical rates and fees 5 Replace Cash Assistance For Rent and Utilities With Voucher Payments WHEREAS, the present public welfare system encourages continued de- pendency by making generous, unrestricted cash benefits available, RESOLVED, that voucher payments for rent and utilities be substituted for cash payments 6 A Study Should be Conducted to Assess the Fiscal Impact on Counties Re- sulting From Their Withdrawal From the Federal Welfare System WHEREAS, counties are no longer able to assume the enormous task of fund- ing or administering the ever-increasing number of federally mandated programs, and WHEREAS, counties are rapidly becoming unable to provide other essential public services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That a study be authorized to assess the financial impact on local government as a consequence of withdrawing from participation in the federal public welfare system RESOLUTION NO 203—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — TOMP- KINS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND SPECIAL CHILDREN'S CENTER Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Robey Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract on behalf of the County between the Tompkins County Health Department and the Special Children's Center for the Dental Health Services Program RESOLUTION NO. 204—WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BUDGET AND APPOR- TIONMENT — MUTUAL SELF-INSURANCE PLAN Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Webster It was pointed out that there was an oversight and the Village of Lansing should be included Adopted WHEREAS, the Budget and Administration Committee estimates that the sum of $30,000 00 will be required during the year 1976 for the payment of compensa- 130 October 27, 1975 tion in old and pending cases on behalf of the County participating municipalities under the Mutual Self -Insurance Plan and for the expenses of administering same, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That there be raised from the county and participating munici- palities in 1976 the total sum of $30,000 00, the same to be apportioned to the county and the several participating municipalities in the proportion that their equalized valuation bears to the aggregate valuation of the county and all partici- pating municipal corporations, as follows (Based on 1974 Assessment) Assessed State Full or True Value Rate Value Apportionment Caroline $ 9,693,277 70 13,847,539 $ 323 22 Danby 8,585,860 60 14,309,767 333 99 Dryden 47,625,066 57 83,552,747 1,950 09 Enfield 7,412,885 62 11,956,266 279 06 Groton 18,084,549 78 23,185,319 54117 Ithaca -Town 77,727,228 62 125,366,497 2,926 02 Lansing 76,507,851 69 110,880,943 2,587 92 Newfield 14,189,469 70 20,270,670 47310 Ulysses 19,365,590 61 31,746,869 740 97 Ithaca City 103,280,000 65 158,892,307 3,708 51 Dryden Village 6,335,777 57 11,115,398 259 41 Freeville Village 1,510,277 57 2,649,521 6186 Groton Village 7,977,068 78 10,227,010 238 68 Cayuga Heights 25,433,965 62 41,022,524 957.48 Lansing Village 22,304,960 69 32,326,029 754 47 County 382,471,775 64 594,008,924 13,864 05 $828,505,547 1,285,358,330 $30,000 00 RESOLVED, further, That the County's share of such apportionment being the sum of $14,147 16 be included in the budget of the county and that amounts apportioned to each of the participating towns and City of Ithaca as shown in the foregoing schedule be included in the next tax levy against the taxable property of said towns and city respectively, and that the Clerk of the Board transmit to the Clerk of each participating village a statement of the amount apportioned to such village with the request that the same be paid to the County Administrator MORTGAGE TAX REPORT for period April 1, 1975 thru September 30, 1975 Caroline $ 2,12140 Danby 2,527 29 Dryden 18,731 44 Enfield 2,628 49 Groton 5,042 47 Ithaca -City 27,870 08 Ithaca -Town 24,141 51 Lansing 39,099 84 Newfield 3,062 57 Ulysses 5,688 71 $130,913 80 Your committee finds that of the amount of $18,731 44 to which the Town of Dryden is entitled, there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Dryden the sum of $1,245 96 and to the incorporated Village of Freeville the sum of $296 99, of the amount of $5,042 47 to which the Town of Groton is entitled there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Groton the sum of $1,11211, of the amount of $24,141 51 to which the Town of Ithaca is entitled there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Cayuga Heights the sum of $3,949 80, of the amount of $5,688 71 to which the Town of Ulysses is entitled there should be October 27, 1975 131 paid to the incorporated Village of Trumansburg the sum of $860 00, and of the amount of $39,099 84 to which the Town of Lansing is entitled there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Lansing the sum of $6,013 14 Your committee therefore recommends the adoption of a resolution to be presented later in the meeting Harris B Dates, Chairman Donald J Culligan Claude W Holden Roger Morse Hugh S MacNeil Bryant Robey RESOLUTION NO. 205—APPORTIONMENT OF MORTGAGE TAX Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller Ayes — 13 Noes — 0 Excused — Representatives Clynes and Kidney — 2 Adopted WHEREAS, this Board is in receipt of the Mortgage Tax Report showing the amount to be credited to each tax district of the county of the money collected for the period April 1, 1975 thru September 30, 1975, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the report of the Budget Committee relative to the above tax momes and allocation thereof as herein made, be accepted and adopted, RESOLVED, further, That pursuant to Section 261 of the Tax Law, this Board issue its tax warrant for the payment to the respective tax districts of the amount so credited and authorize and direct the County Administrator to make distribu- tion thereof to the several tax districts of the county in accordance with said report. RESOLUTION NO. 206—TRANSFER OF FUNDS — VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr Robey, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com- mittee, That the following transfers be and they hereby are approved Public Health Department From 4010 830 Social Security To 4010 840 Workmen's Compensation $ 392 22 Highway From D-5110 400 Contractual and Other Expenses To D-5110 840 Compensation 9,732 78 From E-5130 200 Equipment To E-5130 840 Compensation 5,167 88 From D-5110 400 Contractual & Other Expenses To D-5010 300 Supplies and Materials 200 00 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books RESOLUTION NO. 207—APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENT FUND — COUNTY ATTORNEY Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Miller, Ayes — 13 Noes — 0 Excused — Representatives Clynes and Kidney Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Budget and Administration and Public Safety & Corrections Committees, That the following appropriation be and it hereby is approved From Contingent Fund Code A-1990 To Supplies and Materials Code A-1420 300 — $250 00 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 208—APPROPRIATION FROM AIRPORT ENTERPRISE FUND BALANCE TO AIRPORT CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION AC- COUNT Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Ayes — 13 Noes — 0 Ex- cused — Representatives Clynes and Kidney — 2 Adopted 132 October 27, 1975 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the County Attorney and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to appropriate the sum of $1,276 00 from the Airport En- terprise Fund Balance to Airport Capital Construction Account for acquisition of property owned by John I and Viola H Miller, under FAA Project No 9-30-034- 6404, per the judgment entered on May 2, 1974, to cover interest on said judgment RESOLUTION NO. 209—CREATION OF POSITION — DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Webster Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That one position of Criminal Law Assistant (09-26), labor grade IX, exempt class, be created in the District Attorney's office on a tem- porary basis not to exceed June 30, 1976, said position to be funded 100 per cent for wages and benefits under the CETA Title VI federal grant RESOLUTION NO. 210—AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 184 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 8, 1975 Movd by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Robey Adopted RESOLVED, on the recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That Resolution No 184 adopted by the Board of Representatives on September 8, 1975, be corrected as follows under the heading of "Towns", the Towns of Dryden and Ithaca should be deleted, and under the heading of "Villages", the Village of Dryden should be added RESOLUTION NO. 211—APPROPRIATION FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE— SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Webster A lengthy discussion fol- lowed and It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates, That this resolu- tion be tabled and it was pointed out this will be advertised in the newspapers Motion to Table adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 212—ON AUDIT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller Ayes — 13 Noes — 0 Excused — Representatives Clynes and Kidney — 2 Adopted RESOLVED, That a list of claims against the County of Tompkins chargeable General Fund $ 68,109 42 Encumbrances 863 93 County Self -Insurance 787 00 Printing & Supply Transfers 4,936 31 Airport 4,821.02 Highway 110,602 19 to Total Audit $190,119 87 be and hereby are audited by this Board at the above amounts approved by the various committees, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor. Mr Webster distributed a list of members to be considered for appointment to the Criminal Justice Advisory Board and will be presented at the next meeting Mr Culligan nominated the names of George R Pfann, Jr and John Richard Weisz to serve as members of the Mental Health Board Upon hearing no further nominations, the chairman declared the above-named persons members of the Mental Health Board The question of whether it would be proper for Mr Pfann to serve as he is Assistant County Attorney, will be looked into by the County Attorney. On motion, meeting adjourned at 12 11 p m November 10, 1975 133 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1975 ' The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 13 Representatives Excused Representatives Morse and Robey — 2 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Mr Miller opened the public hearing on Agricultural District No 5 — Town of 'Danby and the Clerk read the Notice of Public Hearing Mr Liguori reviewed the Agricultural District proposal Upon hearing no objections, Mr Miller closed the public hearing The minutes of the October 27th meeting were approved Memorandum from Frank Liguori re Gene Arnold filing with Southern Tier East Regional Planning & Development Board a project application for hospital construction funding, Planning Views for September -October 1975 from STE Regional Planning & Development Board, resolution of Herkimer County re the rising cost of Social Welfare, letter from Area Congregations Together, Inc, stating that the Board of Directors voted unanimously to endorse recommenda- tions of the Hospital Committee of the Tompkins County Comprehensive Health Planning Council on Hospital governance; three resolutions of Sullivan County requesting federal and state governments enact welfare system legislation to alleviate financial and administrative plight of local government, to extend un- employment insurance benefits until current severe economic situation eases, and welfare reform listing of sixteen recommendations, letter from Leonard Mis- call, Treasurer of Tompkins County Economic Opportunity Corporation, requesting restoration of previous direct line of communication with Board of Representatives rather than to go through Coalition of Human Services, resolution of Ontario County protesting a federal penalty against the State of New York in administra- tion of public assistance Department of Audit and Control request for a resolu- tion of Board apportioning certificate of Comptroller re elimination of certain highway -railroad crossing at grade of Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, execution of agreement for thinning of trees in Newfield between the County of Tompkins and Eugene H Roe of Newfield, copies of letters of President Hushang Bahar of TC3 to State Education Department and Elmira College protesting alleged course offerings of Elmira College in Ithaca, copy of a proposal by Commissioner of Health Kathleen Gaffney to review Tioga County Physically Handicapped Children cases, Copy of letter and report of inspection of Tompkins County Home, notice of claim No 11 of Mrs Betty 0 Muka against County of Tompkins for treble damages of $3,000,000, notice of claim No 12 of Mrs Betty 0 Muka against County of Tompkins for treble damages of $9,000,000 Mr Dates, Chairman of Budget and Administration Committee, mentioned the informational meeting for the public will be held November 13th and the public hearing on the budget will be held November 24th Mr Culligan, Chairman of Health Committee, said he would like to waive the rules to allow consideration of an appointment to the Mental Health Board He said there will be a resolution later in the meeting to increase the membership on the Mental Health Board from nine members to twelve Mr Webster, Chairman of Intergovernmental Relations Committee, requested the waiving of rules to allow consideration of appointments to the Intergovern- mental Cooperation Committee at this meeting Mr Holden, Chairman of Personnel Committee, said he received a report on the study relating to different positions in the county and it will be on file with the Clerk of the Board Mr MacNeil, Chairman, Planning and Public Works Committee, met October 301h and their next meeting will be November 17th at noon He reported on the progress of the renovation of the Old Court House There is a map of Tompkins County with major state highways within the County given a priority rating He asked the Chairman to sign with the recommendation of the Committee Regard- ing the airport, there is a possibility there might be an airport day next year He spoke relative to the proposed plans for new memorial for DeWitt Park The com- mittee reviewed and passed it to the Budget & Administration Committee for their approval They are still working to negotiate renewal of the lease with Chartair 134 November 10, 1975 Mr Haight, Chairman, Public Safety and Correction Committee, said they completed their budget assignments and reviewed the Criminal Justice Commit- tee requested by Mr Webster Mr Miller, Chairman, Social Services Committee, said he attended a lengthy meeting with the Mental Health people concerning the Public Intoxication Law which will go into effect They are hoping to work together and put into effect as soon as possible a sobering -up station in Tompkins County Mrs Livesay said she will be proposing appointments under the Office for the Aging The Ad hoc Youth Committee meeting will be held November 18th Mr Stevenson, Chairman, Hospital Construction Committee, said the contract with John Cowper will be ready at the next board meeting Mr Watros, Chairman of Hospital Governance Committee, reviewed a few highlights of their report and noted some corrections They recommend a volun- tary nonprofit hospital Chairman Kerr scheduled a committee -of -the -whole meet- ing for November 17 at which time they will carefully review and discuss the report At the close of that meeting, he will refer the matter to the Health Com- mittee for recommendation at the earliest time, hopefully by the next board meeting RECOMMENDATION After a thorough and exhaustive study of alternative forms of hospital gov- ernance, the Ad Hoc Committee on Hospital Governance recommends to both the Health Committee and the members of the Tompkins County Board of Representa- tives the following course of action The Committee makes the following recom- mendations based on preliminary legal investigation and research, subsequent action will be contingent upon acceptance and approval by the appropriate public agencies and conformity with existing legal statutes and regulations • That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives endorse the establishment of a voluntary non-profit hospital as the most appropriate means of providing medical care to the residents of Tompkins County The following process is offered as the most logical and feasible approach to implementing the above stated recommendation • The current Board of Managers should be dissolved effective 12/31/75 (Cur- rent members of the Board of Managers will be eligible for membership on the new Board ) • A new Board of Managers, with membership expanded to fifteen (15) residents of Tompkins County, should be appointed by the Board of Representatives This Board would asssume its duties as of January 1, 1976 • The newly created Board of Managers should be accorded greater autonomy and flexibility in carrying out their responsibilities and should be encouraged to do so Therefore, all functions relative to the administration of Tompkins County Hospital should be vested in the new Board of Managers, with the ex- ception of final budget and capital construction cost approval Civil Service and retirement systems would remain in effect in this interim period • The new Board of Managers should be charged with the responsibility of draft- ing a charter for the establishment of a voluntary, non-profit corporation during the year 1976, which would become effective January is 1977 • The new powers of the non-profit corporation should be reflected in the charter and by-laws The charter should also provide for publicly elected trustees on an annual rotating basis for a five-year (5) period, thus allowing for three (3) vacancies annually • Tompkins County shall retain ownership of hospital facilities and establish a lease arrangement with the private, non-profit corporation The new corpora- tion should have the total responsibility for the operation and management of the hospital facilities • Tompkins County shall retain ownership of hospital facilities and establish a lease arrangement with the private, non-profit corporation for management purposes The new corporation should have the total responsibility for the administration of hospital facilities in the County • The non-profit corporation should be actively involved with the Tompkins County Construction Committee in developing a new hospital complex November 10, 1975 135 • That appropriate resolutions be introduced by the Tompkins County Health Committee to incorporate the above recommendations • That the Board of Representatives pass appropriate enabling resolutions that contain the provisions as well as the intent of the above recommendations (re- fer to Section 4, Resolutions) Mr Murphy, County Administrator, said most of his time has been spent on budgets Mr Robert Williamson, County Attorney, said two more claims have been received from Betty Muka A favorable decision was received from Judge Bryant in the Muka versus former District Attorney Sullivan, Judge Johnson, Sheriff's Office It was Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Kidney and adopted that a resolution to purchase coal for the County Home, be added to the agenda RESOLUTION NO. 213—INCREASING NUMBER OF MEMBERS — MENTAL HEALTH BOARD Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Clynes Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Health Committee, That the com- position of the Mental Health Board be increased from nine to twelve, effective January 1, 1976, pursuant to Section 11 11 of the Mental Hygiene Law. RESOLUTION NO. 214—AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED FURTHER WITH CON- TRACT — LEVATICH-MILLER-HOFFMAN PC AND FRED H. THOMAS ASSOCIATES PC Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted WHEREAS, by Resolution No 25 dated January 28, 1975, this board did authorize the architects to proceed through the design development phase of the contract approved by this board March 11, 1974, by Resolution No 68, and WHEREAS, by the contract the design development phase is specified as 35 percent of the total work, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Hospital Construction Committee, That the architect be and they hereby are authorized to proceed to 40 percent of the total work, the additional 5 percent being part of the construction document phase and to be for preliminary site work drawings and foundation and structural drawings. RESOLUTION NO. 215—TRANSFER OF FUNDS — SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Social Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the following transfers be and they hereby are approved From A-6140—Home Relief To A-6103—Aid to Aged, Blind & Disabled $10,804 A-6119—Child Care 29,000 A -6123 --Juvenile Delinquent Care 23,460 A-6070—Purchase of Services 4,340 $67,604. From A-6142—Emergency Aid to Adults To A-6103—Aid to Aged, Blind and Disabled 5,196 A-6109—Aid to Dependent Children 3,652 $ 8,848. From A-6129—State Training School To A-6101—Medical Assistance $38,471. 'From A-6148—Burials To. A-6101—Medical Assistance $ 92. RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books 136 November 10, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 216—APPROPRIATION FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE — SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mrs Livesay Ayes — 13 Noes — 0 Ex- cused — Representatives Morse and Robey — 2 Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Social Services and Budget and Administration Committees, That the sum of $886,785 be appropriated from the General Fund Balance to A-6101—Medical Assistance — $548,437 A-6109—Aid to Dependent Children $338,348 $886,785 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 217—BUDGET ADJUSTMENT — PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Holden Ayes — 12 Noes — 0 Excused — Representatives Morse, Robey, Miller, — 3 Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Budget and Administra- tion Committees, That the following budget adjustments be made Increase Revenue Account — 1610 — Home Nursing Charges and Increase Appropriation Account A-4012 Home Care (Medicaid, Medicare) $20,000 00, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said adjustments on his books RESOLUTION NO. 218—APPROPRIATION FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE — PERSONNEL Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Kidney Ayes — 12 Noes — 0 Ex- cused — Representatives Morse, Robey, Miller — 3 Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Ad- ministration Committees, That the sum of $9,700 be appropriated from the General Fund Balance to Personnel Administration — Contractual & Other Expenses A-1430 400, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 219—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — OLD COURT HOUSE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Ayes — Representatives Ben- son, Clynes, Dates, Haight, Holden, Livesay, MacNeil, Miller, Watros, Webster, Kerr — 11 Noes — Representatives Culhgan, Kidney — 2 Excused — Represen- tatives Morse, Robey — 2 Adopted WHEREAS, the hst of claims audited by the Planning and Public Works Committee in the amount of $97,608 53 to be paid from the County Building Capital Construction Account are Kimble Plumbing and Heating, Inc • Heating - Air Conditioning #4 $29,160 00 Plumbing #5 4,335 00 Norton Electric Co , Inc #3 12,600 00 Stewart and Bennett, Inc #5 48,933 00 William Downing Associates Architects 1,329 99 Tompkins County Road Fund 1,250 54 Total Construction Costs $97,608 53 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor. Mr Dates laid the equalization rates on the table and there will be a resolu- tion at the November 24th meeting He also laid on the table the Footings of Assessment Roll It was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden, and adopted, That the Special Franchise Report be approved Towns and Villages CAROLINE DANBY DRYDEN DRYDEN VILLAGE FREEVILLE VILLAGE ENFIELD GROTON GROTON VILLAGE ITHACA CAYUGA HGTS VILLAGE ITHACA CITY LANSING NEWFIELD ULYSSES TRUMANSBURG VILLAGE TOTAL SPECIAL FRANCHISES FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY FOR 1975 $ 197,006 84,128 355,772 165,898 54,051 65,861 126,513 141,653 793,521 571,811 3,244,320 295,006 189,789 176,034 228,005 a) 0 0 a a) 5 F o ▪ ▪ 0 ca Z $ 1,996 62,296 91,725 0 39 55,073 108,225 82,588 477,145 282,707 1,432,705 270,595 125,838 47,485 838 a 0 a) 8 F° O a) Ual r. U O 04 00 $ 34,745 8,562 58,000 0 0 13,254 5,768 0 60,079 30,509 136,885 73,299 29,580 4,722 0 $6,689,368 $3,039,255 $455,403 $144,554 200 202,115 73,331 15,767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $435,967 5 U o o Y o i. O 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 3,878 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73,760 44,882 $122,520 $ 0 0 15,907 11,551 3,510 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 04 0o o bi)O o a Ri OF $4,800 424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 347 0 0 0 0 0 0 267 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,759 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 1,241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 528 0 0 $30,968 $5,224 $614 $13,759 $1,769 138 November 10, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 220—SPECIAL GRADE CROSSING LEVY — LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD CROSSING Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller Ayes —13 Noes — 0 Excused — Representatives Morse and Robey — 2 Adopted WHEREAS, the State of New York is entitled to certain monies in the amount of $4,545 54 from the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company pursuant to the Laws of the State of New York for the elimination of grade crossings in the Towns of Newfield and Ithaca and City of Ithaca, said monies bemg for labor and material rendered by the state in connection with said project, and WHEREAS, said cases are designated as Public Service Case Nos 4697, 7689, 5356, 6645, and 5357 (Towns of Newfield and Ithaca and City of Ithaca), and WHEREAS, said sum is outstanding and unpaid as certified by the State Comptroller of the State of New York, and WHEREAS, pursuant to the law, the unpaid amount is to be apportioned according to procedures outlined by the Department of Audit and Control and apportioned against the individual assessments of the said company in each tax district of the county where real property of the railroad is located, and WHEREAS, the Department of Audit and Control requires that the County Administrator set up an account on his books to show the several amounts due the state, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget Committee and the Director of Assessment, That the sum of $4,545 54 due the State of New York by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company arising out of the elimination of railroad crossings in the Town of Newfield and Ithaca and City of Ithaca as fisted below be apportioned against the real property owned by the railroad within the County of Tompkins, a summary of which is set forth below, the particularization being on file with the Clerk of the Board and Director of Assessments PSC 4697 Town of Newfield PSC 7689 City of Ithaca PSC 5356 Town of Ithaca PSC 6645 Town of Ithaca PSC 5357 Town of Newfield $ 153 87 1,059 73 2,693 51 429 68 208 75 $4,545 54 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to set up an account on the books of the County as follows to show the amount due the State of New York Liability Account A634 Due to State of New York — Grade Crossing Elimination Charges, RESOLVED, further, That the amounts due the state will be paid only if and when collected, and RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Assessments be and hereby is authorized and directed to add the said amounts to the several tax rolls and tax warrants of the Tax Districts as shown in the above summary RESOLUTION NO. 221—INCREASING NUMBER OF TRUSTEES — TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Haight Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com- mittee and the Board of Trustees at the Tompkins County Library, the number of Trustees at the library be increased from nine to eleven members on the Board of Trustees pursuant to Section 260 of the Education Law effective January 1, 1976 RESOLUTION NO. 222—ADOPTION OF A PLAN FOR FORMATION OF AGRI- CULTURAL DISTRICT NO. 5, TOWN OF DANBY Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted WHEREAS, a petition has been duly executed, filed, and received for the I November 10, 1975 139 formation of an Agricultural District located in the vicinity of the hamlet of Danby in the Town of Danby, herein after referred to as Agricultural District No 5, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before this Board in accordance with the provisions of Article 25AA of the Agriculture and Markets Law, State of New York, on November 10, 1975, and WHEREAS, at this public hearing all interested parties were given an oppor- tunity to be heard in relation to the proposed district, and WHEREAS, the evidence and statements presented at the hearing clearly indicated a favorable response for the formation of the proposed Agricultural District No 5, and WHEREAS, the Agricultural Districting Advisory Committee and the Com- missioner of Planning have recommended that the plan of the proposed Agricul- tural District No 5 be accepted, and WHEREAS, the best interests of the County of Tompkins will be served by preserving the viable agricultural lands within the proposed district, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the district map dated June 1975 and revised October 1975, as modified, is hereby adopted, RESOLVED, further, That certified copies of this resolution and other docu- ments as required by Article 25AA of the Agricultural and Markets Law be for- warded by the Commissioner of Planning of the New York State Agricultural Re- sources Commission and the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation It was decided to leave the previous resolution "relevant to the Revision of Social Services" on the table and a new resolution be presented RESOLUTION NO 223—RESOLUTION RELEVANT TO THE REVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Haight A lengthy discussion followed and resolution was adopted WHREAS, Tompkins County has far exceeded its budget for social services programs for 1975, with no relief in sight for 1976, because of increased costs over which local government has no control, and WHEREAS, these uncontrollable costs result in part from a maze of regula- tions and poorly coordinated programs which do not achieve their desired objec- tives efficiently or effectively, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That federal and state governments assign a high priority to the compelling and urgent need to establish a responsive, simplified and economical welfare system and that action be taken to alleviate the critical financial and administrative plight of local government, RESOLVED, further, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Senator Jacob K Javits, Congressman Matthew McHugh, Congressman William F Walsh, Senator William T Smith, Assemblyman Gary A Lee RESOLUTION NO. 224—AWARD OF BID — PURCHASE OF COAL FOR COUNTY HOME Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Culligan Adopted WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for coal use in the Tompkins County Home, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services Committee and Budget and Administration Committee, That the bid of Bowers' Fuel Co , Inc of Trumans- burg, New York, for the sale of 200 tons (more or less) of No 2 Buckwheat (Rice) coal at $56 20 per ton for use at the County Home during the 1975-1976 heating season be and the same hereby is awarded according to the bid and specifications thereof, it being understood that approximately 75 tons (50 tons into the bin and at least 25 tons for stock pile) are to be delivered during the month of November 140 November 10, 1975 1975 and the rest to be delivered as requested by the Superintendent of the County Home, and RESOLVED, further, That the coal purchased for the County Home shall be billed to and paid for by the Commissioner of Social Services Mr Culligan placed the name of Edith Frey Read in nomination for appoint- ment to the Mental Health Board to fill the unexpired term of G W Degner who resigned The term expires December 31, 1976 Upon hearing no further nomina- tions, the Chairman declared Edith Frey Read a member of the Mental Health Board Mr Webster placed in nomination the following names for appointment to the Criminal Justice Advisory Board Robert Howard, Joseph Joch, Donald Wil- son, Donald Tompkins, Anthony Schultz, Fred Spry, Helen Morse, Donald How- land, Mrs Martha Tolles, Elmer Blomgren, John Grady, L R Webster, Lucille Poley, Roger Sovocool, James Johnston Upon hearing no further nominations, the Chairman declared the above-named persons members of the Criminal Justice Advisory Board Mr Webster placed in nomination the following names for appointment to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee Raymond VanHoutte, W David Curtiss, Keith McNeil, John Marcham, Robert Linton, Hicks Dow, Stuart Stein, Ed Lutz, Barbara Holcomb, Garth Jackson, Donald Slattery, Dick Webster, Ned Flash, Bryant Robey Upon hearing no further nominations, the Chairman declared the above-named persons members of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Com- mittee Mrs Livesay laid the following names on the table for consideration of ap- pointment to the Office for the Aging Committee There are four vacancies Lucille LeBoffe, Mrs Mildred Georgia, Mrs Blanche Drake, Mark Zwerger, Philip Freytag, Mrs Vivian Morgan, Louise deLaurentis On motion, meeting adjourned at 11 35 a m November 24, 1975 141 REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 24, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 15 Representatives Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The Chairman declared a public hearing on the Area Plan for the Office for the Aging and the Clerk read the notice of hearing as published in the official newspapers Ms Susan Clarke, Director of the Office for the Aging, explained the plan and its objectives Chairman Kerr recognized Mr Dan Carey, an honorable citizen who has participated in many of the county's activities, who spoke in favor of the plan Elizabeth Randall, Ruth Pettengill, Philip Johnson, Rev Ralph Williamson, Frank Baldwin, Paul Gibbons, Malcolm Freeborn, R G Fowler, all spoke in favor of the plan Mr MacNeil said he has been involved from the beginning and sincerely thanked everyone involved for the work done The Chairman closed the public hearing at 10 45 a m The Chairman reconvened the regular meeting The minutes of the November 10th meeting were approved The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Copy of a letter from Commissioner of Mental Health Services, Robert Ham- lisch to Chairman of Hospital Construction Committee Howard Stevenson re plan- ning of proposed psychiatric in-patient service of new hospital, letter from State Commissioner of Correction urging every effort be made to avoid reducing the resources available for correctional facility operation, copy of AAU News on recent Junior Olympics held in Ithaca in August, copy of Caroline Town Budget for 1976, resolution of Schuyler County re welfare reform, resolution of Schuyler County authorizing agreement with Tompkins County Department of Health in respect of the physically handicapped children's program, State Commission of Corrections letter re county funding for Phase I of Basic Training Program; New- field Town Budget for 1976, Activity report of Tompkins County Airport for October 1975, letter from Assemblyman Lee acknowledging receipt of Res No 223 and asking if our resolution endorses the recommendations of the Temporary Commission of Welfare Reform chaired by Senator W T Smith, letter from E Dean Grout of Medenco, Inc re management or lease of the Tompkins County Hospital Statement of the Board of County Canvassers for 1975, Dryden Town Budget for 1976, Resolution from Franklin County relating to welfare reform; executed copy of agreement between Special Children's Center and County of Tompkins for dental health services, letter and proposal for central region for off-track betting from Onondaga County Legislature, Temporary State Commis- sion to Revise the Social Services Law of the State of New York sent proposals for welfare legislation, copy of a memo from Southern Tier East Regional Plan- ning & Development Board re community development block grant program metropohtan and non -metropolitan discretionary funds, copy of a letter from Mr Jess J Present, Chairman of Senate Committee on Local Government, to Mr Dates thanking him for recent testimony at joint hearings on Industrial Develop- ment Agency legislation and he will send copy of a comprehensive report late In January Under privilege of the floor, Alvin Knepper spoke objecting to the cut in the Challenge Industries Budget and requested another look be taken at priorities Mr Webster reserved the right for the District Attorney to speak when the resolution is presented later in the meeting Mrs Livesay said she has asked that the Planning and Public Works Depart- ment submit to this board the list of highways where mayor improvements are to be made next year She said the County Attorney has given an opinion that it is required She asked that the list be submitted Representative Robey spoke about Tompkins County consumers There is a meeting December 4th to discuss consumer protection and to receive public ideas 142 November 24, 1975 Mr Dates, Budget and Administration Committee Chairman, said the pubhc hearing on the 1976 Budget will be held tonight at 7 30 p m Mr Murphy will have a list of new changes Mr Culligan, Health Committee Chairman, said they met Tuesday and hstened to people who represent departments in the county and others regarding their budgets The Drug Coordinator told them if he can't get $15,000 in their budget, the department will go out of business Dr Gaffney, Commissioner of Health, feels her department in the services of Medicaid, would rather have them served from Tompkins County rather than out of the Syracuse Office She needs a 90day termination factor Dr Hamlisch, Mental Health Services, gave review of his job Meadow House and Challenge Industries also spoke to the committee Perkins Funeral Service indicated the county should be responsible when coroner orders the removal of a body to hospital for autopsy purposes At present individual families are billed The committee did not act on it and will consider it in the future The committee approved a contract with Schuyler County for physically handicapped program They accepted Mr Hughes' report on the biochemist and utilization review coordinator They did not accept the pharmacy position. They also heard from the Alcoholism Council who are recommending to our board to present and back their plan for a sobering -up station The committee sent it on to the Budget and Administration Committee Mr Webster, Intergovernmental Relations Committee Chairman, noted at the December 8th meeting they will present a report on the Ad hoc Youth and Recrea- tion Committee Mr Watros reported on the revised TC3 Budget It was adopted by the TC3 Board of Trustees and will be presented in detail to the full board for approval Mr MacNeil, Planning and Public Works Committee Chairman, said their next meeting will be held December 1 Relative to Mrs Livesay's request for a listing of major improvements to highways, the committee unanimously had voted to disregard that request but will reconsider it again on December 1 He made cor- rections in the minutes of the committee meeting Mr Haight, Public Safety and Corrections Committee Chairman, said they met many times and will have action later in the meeting Mr Miller, Social Services Committee Chairman, said they met on November 10th and spent much time discussing Social Services request for new workers positions A resolution will be presented later in the meeting They discussed the Veterans' Office Mr Holden, Personnel Committee Chairman, said they met and went over Mr Hughes' report and accepted it The Utilization Review Coordinator will be on the agenda in two weeks The Assistant District Attorney salary under CETA was sent in incorrectly $10 000 is the minimum salary and the committee was unani- mous in the county not making up the difference Mr Stevenson, Hospital Construction Committee Chairman, reported the architects are finishing up design development and will present it to the board early in December They would like to bid structural steel and foundation in February and rest of building in March Mr Murphy, County Administrator, spoke relative to the budget He reported the items that have been considered since the public information hearing and approved by the Budget and Administration Committee for incluson He also spoke about the sales tax credits and tax rate Mr Williamson, County Attorney, reported a favorable decision from Mr Markowitz involving a dispute with employee over vacation time At Watkins Glen they cited the County for contempt of court in the welfare caseworkers case, child abuse case, and he issued a memorandum He is hopeful for a decision soon Another motion with Mrs Muka was received She had three more cross motions and appeals The Judge set a date of December 11 in Special Term because she has an amended complaint with other charges Mr Kerr attended numerous meetings with the Budget and Administration Committee There is a movement within county employees to establish their own credit union operation It was Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Miller, adopted, That a resolu- tion re assistant district attorney, be added to the agenda November 24, 1975 143 RESOLUTION NO. 225—AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 184 — CREATION OF POSITIONS — COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT (CETA) TITLE VI It was Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr MacNeil A lengthy discussion followed District Attorney Joch spoke about the situation A roll call vote re- sulted as follows Ayes — Representatives Morse, Holden, Kidney, MacNeil — 4 Noes — Representatives Benson, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Livesay, Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Kerr — 11 Resolution LOST RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That Resolution No 184 adopted by this Board on September 8, 1975, be and hereby is amended as follows Delete District Attorney — 1 Assistant District Attorney (16-02), labor grade XVI, exempt class RESOLVED, further, That said resolution be amended to create in the Office of the District Attorney 1 District Attorney Associate, labor grade XIII at the biweekly salary of $383 14 RESOLUTION NO. 226—AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 184 DATED SEPTEMBER 8, 1975 Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Miller, Ayes — Benson, Morse, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Livesay, Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Kerr — 12 Noes — Holden, Kidney, MacNeil — 3 Adopted WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives created a temporary position of Assistant District Attorney (16-02), labor grade XVI, exempt class under the CETA Program, and extended through June 30, 1976, and WHEREAS, CETA salaries may not exceed $10,000 00 annually, the Board appropriates $604 51 to pay the difference between allowable CETA salary and the salary for Assistant District Attorney in Tompkins County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the sum of $604 5L be and it hereby is appropriated from the Contingent Fund (A-1990) to District Attorney (A-1165 100) to cover the period from Otcober 10, 1975 through December 31, 1975, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said transfer on his books It was Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Dates, that the Equalization Rates be lifted from the Table Motion adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 227—ESTABLISHING COUNTY EQUALIZATION RATES Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Culligan, adopted with Mr Miller casting a dissenting vote WHEREAS, the State Board of Equalization and Assessment has established Advisory Equalization Rates for 1975 Assessment Rolls based on State Equaliza- tion Rates established for rolls completed in 1974 adjusted for changes in level of assessment to 1975 Assessment Roll, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 804 of the Real Property Tax Law, the ratio or percentage which the assessed value of the property in each district bears to its full value is hereby established as follows Towns of Caroline — 56 06 Danby — 5164 Dryden — 49 71 Enfield — 5418 Groton — 62 38 Ithaca — 57 74 Lansing — 56 37 Newfield — 63 75 Ulysses — 53 36 City of Ithaca — 6216 144 November 24, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 228—ENDORSING ALCOHOLISM COUNCIL REQUEST FOR SOBERING -UP STATION Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted WHEREAS, the New York State Assembly and the New York State Senate have passed amendments to the Mental Hygiene Law, the Penal Law, the Public Hearings Law, and the Second Class Cities Law relating to public intoxication and WHEREAS, of January 1, 1976 it is mandated that each county and or munici- pality be ready to operate and recognize a Detoxification and Sobering -up Station, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Tompkins County Health Com- mittee, That the Plan of the Alcoholism Steering Committee be accepted for this county RESOLUTION NO. 229—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — SCHUYLER COUNTY (PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN) Moved by Mr Culhgan, seconded by Mr Robey Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Health Committee and the request of the Schuyler County Legislature, That the Chairman of the Board is authorized and directed to execute a contract on behalf of Tompkins County with the County of Schuyler authorizing Tompkins County Medical Director, Dr Kathleen Gaffney, to provide medical review of eligibility and to coordinate medical aspects of physically handicapped children case referrals on behalf of Schuyler County on a fee basis of $5 00 for each case handled RESOLUTION NO 230—HEALTH COMMITTEE APPROVAL IN CONCEPT OF REPORT OF AD HOC HOSPITAL GOVERNANCE COM- MITTEE Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Holden Discussion followed It was moved by Mr Robey, seconded by Mr Watros, That the resolution be amended to include "The newly created Board of Managers should be accorded greater autonomy and flexibility in carrying out their responsibilities and should be encouraged to do so Therefore, all functions relative to the administration of Tompkins County Hospital should be vested in the new Board of Managers, with the exception of final budget and capital construction cost approval Civil Service and retirement system would remain in effect in this interim period " After further discussion, the amendment was withdrawn. A roll call on the resolution resulted Ayes — Representatives Benson (think as we are voting on that recom- mendation that Hospital Governance Committee made — somewhat eroded), Morse, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil, Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Kerr — 15 Noes — 0 Resolution adopted. WHEREAS, the Report of the Ad Hoc Hospital Governance Committee indi- cates that the hospital in Tompkins County become a voluntary non-profit hospital and that the Board of Governing Managers will consist of the fifteen members, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Health Committee that the Report of the Ad Hoc Hospital Governance Committee be accepted in concept by the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County, and be it RESOLVED, further, That the present Board of Managers will cease to exist upon the appointment of the new fifteen members in 1976, and be it RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution be sent to John Murphy, Eugene Arnold and all members of the present Board of Managers RESOLUTION NO. 231—ADOPTION OF REGULAR AND SUPPLEMENTAL RE- PORTS ON FOOTINGS OF ASSESSMENT ROLL Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Robey, adopted RESOLVED, That the regular and supplemental report of the Budget Com- mittee on the footing of the assessment rolls be accepted and the figures therein be used as a basis for the taxation in the several tax districts of the county for the year 1975 November 24, 1975 145 RESOLUTION NO. 232—AUTHORIZATION FOR CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO REQUEST DOG QUARANTINE Moved by Mrs Benson, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted WHEREAS, the deer population in the County of Tompkins may suffer severe depredation due to dogs pursuing and killing deer, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County be and hereby is empowered, when he deems it necessary, to request the Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets with the concurrence of the Commis- sioner of Environmental Conservation to issue an order that all dogs in the County of Tompkins be securely confined, such confinement is to take effect 24 hours after notice is given in the manner prescribed by the Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets RESOLUTION NO. 233—CREATION OF POSITION — COMPREHENSIVE EM- PLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT (CETA), TITLE VI — CORTLAND COUNTY — TOMPKINS-CORTLAND COM- MUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr. Holden, seconded by Mrs Benson, adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the fol- lowing CETA position be created at the Tompkins -Cortland Community College under Section 64 of the Civil Service Law, temporary appointments, effective im- mediately for a period not to exceed June 30, 1976, RESOLVED, further, that such position will be funded with Cortland County CETA funds 1 Groundskeeper, labor class, labor grade C RESOLUTION NO. 234—CREATION OF POSITIONS — SOCIAL WELFARE EXAMINERS — SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mrs Livesay Discussion followed and because the positions were only advertised in one official newepaper, it was Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr Miller, That the rules of the Board regarding advertising be waived to allow this resolution to be presented A roll call on the motion resulted as follows Ayes — Representatives Livesay, Miller, Webster — 3. Noes — Benson, Morse, Clynes, Culhgan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, MacNeil, Robey, Watros, Kerr — 12 Motion to Waive Rules LOST The resolution could not be presented. RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services Committee, That 4 new positrons of Social Welfare Examiner, labor grade VIII (08-16), competitive class, be created, effective immediately, such positions having been advertised in the Ithaca Journal, RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $2,689 00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (A-1990) to Social Services Administration — Personal Services (A-6010 100), RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 235—SPONSORSHIP OF THE FEDERAL NUTRITION FOR THE ELDERLY PROGRAM Moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mr Webster Discussion followed and resolution was adopted with Mr Morse casting a dissenting vote WHEREAS, the Federal Nutrition for the Elderly Program in Tompkins County is one of the important services to older citizens, and WHEREAS, its present sponsor, the Cooperative Extension Association of Tompkins County, provided such sponsorship only until another organizational sponsor could be found, and WHEREAS, the Salvation Army Corps in Tompkins County is willing to be- come the sponsor of the Federal Nutrition for the Elderly Program in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, the Advisory Council to the Elderly Nutrition Program and the Advisory Committee to the Tompkins County office for the Aging have both 146 November 24, 1975 unanimously recommended that the Salvation Army become the sponsor for the nutrition program in 1976, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Social Services Committee, That the Salvation Army become the sponsor of the Federal Nutrition for the Elderly Program in Tompkins County, RESOLVED, further, That the Salvation Army submit an application for funding to the New York State Office for the Aging for the operation of the nutrition program in Tompkins County in 1976 with the assurance that the 10% local share of the nutrition program budget, not to exceed $10,000, shall be fur- nished by the Board of Representatives after the nutrition program budget for Tompkins County for 1976 becomes available and after a public hearing on said budget RESOLUTION NO. 236—CHANGE ORDERS—OLD COURT HOUSE CONTRACTS Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted WHEREAS, the Planning and Public Works Committee and the Architect have recommended certain change orders in the reconstruction of the Old Court House, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Pubhc Works Commit- tee and the Architect, That change orders for reconstruction of the Old Court House be approved as follows Stewart and Bennett, Inc — General Construction— Change in application procedure for exterior stucco and side walls of Court Room — Contract Change Order Decrease — $3,000 Delete Glass Partition on balcony of Court Room — Contract Change Order Decrease — $1,772 Provide 4 new pine entrance doors — Contract Change Order Increase — $1,265 RESOLUTION NO. 237—APPORTIONMENT OF ELECTION EXPENSES Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted RESOLVED, That the report of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee relative to the report of the Commissioners of Elections pertaining to the election expenses for the year 1975 be accepted and that the amount therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County and the several towns and city therein RESOLUTION NO. 238—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE YOUTH SERVICE PROJECT APPLICATION Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mrs Benson It was Moved by Mrs Live - say, seconded by Mr Miller, That it be tabled until tonight's meeting After dis- cussion, the motion to table was withdrawn. The resolution was adopted. RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Com- mittee That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute for the year 1976, a Youth Service Project Application to the State of New York, for State Aid in the amount of $13,212 for the fiscal year ending December 31S 1976, for the following program Sheriff — Juvenile Aid Bureau $ 5,217 4-H — Hancock Street and West Village 2,560 Mainhne 5,435 Total $13,212 RESOLUTION NO. 239—TRANSFER OF FUNDS — PUBLIC HEALTH Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Robey Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Health and Budget and Administra- November 24, 1975 147 tion Committees, That the following transfers be made and they hereby are ap- proved From A4070 400—T B Care $ 4,000 A4042 400—Rabies 1,000 A4010 110—Fees & Other Services 1,000 To A4046 400—Physically Handicapped Children $ 6,000 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 240—ADOPTION OF 1976 AREA PLAN AS AMENDED — OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Webster It was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Culligan, That this resolution be tabled Motion to Table adopted. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held after notice required by law to consider the 1976 Area Plan, as amended — Office for the Aging, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing held on the 24th day of November, 1975, at 10 00 a m discussion was had and no one appeared in opposition to said pro- posed Area Plan, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services Committee, That said 1976 Area Plan, as amended — Office for the Aging be and the same hereby is adopted, copy of said Area Plan on file with the Clerk of the Board RESOLUTION NO. 241—ON AUDIT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller Ayes — 15 Noes — 0 Adopted RESOLVED, That a list of claims against the County of Tompkins chargeable to General Fund $ 75,602 01 Encumbrance 16 33 County Self Insurance 0 Dog Fund 2,074 00 Printing Transfers 880 71 Airport 4,105 93 Highway 110,700 79 Total $193,379 77 be and hereby are audited by this board at the above amounts approved by the various committees, and RESOLVED, that the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor Mr MacNeil said he would like to have a public hearing for paid parking at the airport on December 8th It was also pointed out that a meeting will be held to hear a report on the Tri -County Solid Waste Study Mr MacNeil laid the name of Donald Ryan on the table for consideration of appointment to the Environmental Management Council Mr Murphy announced the appointment of John Joubert as Tompkins County Airport Manager On motion, meeting adjourned until 7 30 p m this evening 148 November 24, 1975 PUBLIC HEARING 1976 BUDGET NOVEMBER 24, 1975 The Chairman called the public hearing to order at 7 30 p m Mr John Murphy, County Administrator, explained the $31,369,555 budget and answered many questions It was pointed out there are no new positions and no new programs included in the 1976 budget Many people spoke in favor of the Learning Web which was not included in the budget Mr Spero and Dr. Hamlisch from the Mental Health Department spoke re- garding the Mental Health Budget The Executive Director of Challenge Industries spoke regarding that budget. Mrs Ruth Pettengill read a statement regarding the Human Services Coalition. The public hearing was adjourned at 9 10 p m ADJOURNED MEETING NOVEMBER 24, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9 17 p m Mr Kerr read the following budget message "Two items deternune the total amount and the contents of an honest and fair budget of government First is the needs and wants of the people so governed and second is the ability of those people to pay for those goods and services as provided by their government It is the duty of governmental bodies m general and this County Board of Representatives in particular, to determine what are the vital, the critical, the real needs of our county's people and to provide, insofar as possible, for the ful- fillment of these needs It is also the duty of this county board to listen attentively to the wants of the people These wants are being continually and capably expressed by citizens of our community to this board in terms of their definition of a "need" for their organization, group or clientele These individuals, organizations or groups are rarely, if ever, concerned as to the source of the requested money so long as it is provided — hopefully by somebody else Again, it is the duty of this county board to determine the needs and wants of the community, to sort out and reject those which do not contribute to the survival or the improvement of the community and to set priorities and limits with all acceptable needs and wants commensurate with the taxpayers' ability to pay for this subdivision of government The year 1975 in Tompkins County has seen unemployment rise to an alarm- ing percentage of our total work force Increasing costs in the marketplace have placed additional burdens on everybody's available dollars These two factors in our area should clearly point the direction for budget making for the coming year of 1976 Principles to consider are Carefully examine and determine the needs of the community, estabhsh priorities and fund those which contribute directly to the survival and improvement of the community and its people, be prepared to eliminate some present budget items which do not meet the criteria above because of limited or narrow application or of historical needs or wants no longer existent, and finally to be fair with all workers in the community, keep all expenditures for personnel services at a conservative, comparative level considering our 1975 budget and the county's total employment situation I November 24, 1975 149 In summary, to so build the 1976 budget that our county board will show extreme compassion for our employees and even more so for our taxpayers and providers within a framework of real government efficiency and economy Mr Kerr said the committee has done a real job the past several months in developing the proposed budget RESOLUTION NO. 242—ADOPTION OF BUDGET Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden After discussion it was Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Benson, That the Learning Web — A7320 420 be included in the 1976 appropriation in the amount of $22,000 Ayes — Repre- sentatives Benson, Culligan, Livesay, Miller, Robey, Webster — 6 Noes — Morse, Clynes, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, MacNeil, Watros, Kerr — 9 Amendment Lost. It was Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Culligan, That Account A7320 430 Big Brother/Big Sister — $15,200 be included in 1976 Budget Ayes — Representatives Benson, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Kidney, Livesay, Mac- Neil, Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Kerr — 13 No — Morse, Holden — 2 Amendment adopted. It was Moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mr Webster, That $32,000 be included in A7610 Office for Aging Ayes — Representatives Benson, Dates, Haight, Livesay, Miller, Webster — 6 Noes — Morse, Clynes, Culli- gan, Holden, Kidney, MacNeil, Robey, Watros, Kerr — 9 Amendment Lost. It was Moved by Mr Robey, seconded by Mr Miller, That total budget include $68,000 — A7610 Ayes — Representatives Benson, Morse, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil, Miller, Robey, Watros, Webster, Kerr — 13 Noes — Clynes, Holden — 2 Amendment adopted Mr MacNeil stated he feels this 1976 Budget is too high and would like the Board to review the budget again It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Morse, That the resolution be tabled Ayes — Representatives Morse, MacNeil, Miller, Watros — 4 Noes — Benson, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Livesay, Robey, Webster, Kerr — 11 Motion to Table Lost. A roll call was taken on the resolution as amended as follows Ayes — Representatives Benson, Morse, Clynes, Culligan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Livesay, Robey, Webster (would like to sincerely congratulate Mr Dates and committee In keeping with wants and needs of my taxpayers and contrary to Mr MacNeal, I heard a number of taxpayers speaking tonight, but I am supporting budget), Kerr — 11 Noes — Kidney, MacNeil, Miller, Watros — 4 Resolution as amended adopted. WHEREAS, the proposed budget for the year 1976 has been duly presented to the Board by the Budget Officer and a Public Hearing has been duly called and held pursuant to the provisions of Section 359 of the County Law and all persons desiring to be heard concerning same have been heard, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 360 of the County Law, the said pro- posed budget as amended be and hereby is adopted subject to the correction of manifest errors by the Clerk of the Board and Budget Officer, as the Budget of Tompkins County for the year 1976 150 November 24, 1975 FORM D SUMMARY OF BUDGET—ALL FUNDS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS OF ALL FUNDS AS SHOWN IN SCHEDULE A (Excluding Inter -Fund Items) LESS ESTIMATED REVENUES, APPROPRIATED CASH SURPLUS AND APPROPRIATED RESERVES OF ALL FUNDS $31,405,612 Estimated Revenues (Excluding Inter -Fund Items) shown in Schedule I $25,011,274 Appropriated Fund Balance General Fund $ 1,400,000 Highway Road Machinery $ 50,000 $26,461,274 TOTAL REAL ESTATE TAX LEVY $ 4,944,338 FORM G ESTIMATED REVENUES OTHER THAN REAL ESTATE TAXES—ALL FUNDS Accounts prefixed by "A" represent the General Fund Accounts prefixed by "B" represent the Airport Enterprise Fund Accounts prefixed by "C" represent the Hospital Enterprise Fund Accounts prefixed by "D" represent the County Road Fund Accounts prefixed by "E" represent the Road Machinery Fund Accounts prefixed by "L" represent the Library Fund GENERAL FUND 1976 Actual Budget Budget 1976 1974 1975 Estimate Adopted REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS 1050—Unneeded Reserve for Delinquent Taxes .. $ 0 $ 31,300 $ 0 $ 0 1051—Gain from Sales of Tax Acquired Property 2,191 0 0 0 1060—Relevy of Returned School Taxes 255,952 260,000 300,000 300,000 1061—Returned School Taxes Collected Prior to Relevy 0 0 0 0 1090—Interest & Penalties on Real Property Taxes 40,509 35,000 65,000 65,000 TOTAL—REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS $ 298,652 $ 326,300 $ 365,000 $ 365,000 NON -PROPERTY TAXES 1110—Sales and Use Tax $ 3,150,707 $ 3,100,000 $ 3,300,000 $ 3,300,000 9L6 L 'FL JagwanoN 1976 Actual Budget Budget 1976 1974 1975 Estimate Adopted GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 1215 -Surrogate Fees . _ $ 18,718 $ 17,000 $ 17,500 $ 17,500 1230 -Treasurer Fees 19,891 18,000 18,500 18,500 1235 -Charges for Tax Advertising and Redemption Expenses 2,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1250 -Assessors Fees and Tax Maps _ 1,269 1,500 1,500 1,500 1255 -Clerk Fees _ _ _ 130,392 145,000 136,000 136,000 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL INCOME . $ 172,370 $ 182,500 $ 174,500 $ 174,500 PUBLIC SAFETY 1510 -Sheriff Fees $ 24,370 $ 35,500 $ 24,600 $ 24,600 1525 -Prisoner Charges 4,790 4,925 5,000 5,000 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY . $ 29,160 $ 40,425 $ 29,600 $ 29,600 HEALTH 1601 -Public Health Fees . _. ._ $ 33,399 $ 37,600 $ 32,200 $ 32,200 1605 -Charges for Care of Handicapped Children . 9,652 3,000 4,000 4,000 1610 -Home Nursing Charges _ __..... . 75,742 92,400 134,300 134,300 1620 -Mental Health Fees 48,829 54,500 39,000 39,000 1625 -Mental Health Conrtibution-Private Agency 410 -Special Children's Center 28,668 43,710 52,079 52,079 420 -Mental Health Association 6,872 7,989 8,728 8,728 430 -Family & Children's Service 1,557 10,208 13,289 13,289 440 -Alcoholism Council _ 9,860 15,350 16,145 16,145 450 -Challenge -ARC Workshop 86,687 93,500 101,420 101,420 460 -Ithaca Youth Bureau Day Camp . _ 2,659 4,800 3,998 3,998 470 --Suicide Prevention 5,877 6,800 7,576 7,576 TOTAL HEALTH _ $ 309,802 $ 369,857 $ 412,735 $ 412,735 ,rz JagwanoN •o V 1976 Actual Budget Budget 1976 1974 1975 Estimate Adopted GENERAL FUND ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND DEVELOPMENT 1801 -Repayments of Medical Assistance $ 51,285 $ 30,000 $ 54,000 $ 54,000 1803 -Repayments of Aid to Aged, Blind and Disabled _ 33,110 0 0 0 1809 -Repayments of Aid to Dependent Children 23,042 25,000 28,000 28,000 1819 -Repayments of Child Care (Foster Care) 17,679 12,000 10,000 10,000 1823 -Repayments of Juvenile Delinquent Care 1,437 2,000 1,600 1,600 1830 -Repayments of Adult Care, Public Institutions . 71,912 105,000 80,000 80,000 1840 -Repayments of Home Relief __ 5,072 1,000 21,000 21,000 1848 -Repayments of Burials 0 500 500 500 1870 -Repayments of Purchase of Services & Day Care 3,577 2,800 0 0 1890 -Sale of Farm Products 40,344 11,000 14,000 14,000 TOTAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND DEVELOPMENT .. $ 247,458 $ 189,300 $ 209,100 $ 209,100 CULTURE AND RECREATION 2070 -Contributions from Private Agencies for Youth 010-4-H Youth Program $ 0 $ 2,358 $ 2,560 $ 2,560 020 -Main -Line _ 0 6,976 5,435 5,435 030 -Big Brother/Big Sister 0 0 7,550 7,550 040 -Interim Families 0 0 3,102 3,102 TOTAL CULTURE AND RECREATION $ 0 $ 9,334 $ 18,647 $ 18,647 GENERAL CHARGES 2115 -Planning Department $ 118 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 2215 -Election Expenses 8,693 7,000 9,000 9,000 2226 -Sales of Supplies 24,567 30,000 40,000 40,000 TOTAL GENERAL CHARGES _ $ 33,378 $ 37,000 $ 49,000 $ 49,000 PUBLIC SAFETY 2260 -Police Services for Other Governments (Trumansburg) . _ . . . . 2349 -Economic Assistance & Opportunity Services . . SL6 L 'trZ JagwanoN $ 17,305 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 12,000 0 0 0 tr w 1976 Actual Budget Budget 1976 1974 1975 Estimate Adapted GENERAL FUND USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 2401 -Interest and Earnings $ 511,864 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 2414 -Rental of Equipment 1,800 0 0 0 2450 -Commissions _ _ _ ....._......... 63 0 0 0 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY .... $ 513,727 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 LICENSES AND PERMITS 2454 -Licenses $ 1,169 $ 1,100 $ 1,200 $ I,200 FINES AND FORFEITURES 2610 -Fines and Forfeited Bail $ 1,955 $ 2,000 $ 2,200 $ 2,200 SALES OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 2655 -Minor Sales, Other $ 22,688 $ 25,000 $ 17,000 $ 17,000 2680 -Insurance Recoveries 5,924 0 0 0 TOTAL -SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS _ .. $ 28,612 $ 25,000 $ 17,000 $ 17,000 MISCELLANEOUS 2701 -Refunds of Prior Years Expenses $ 15,060 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 2702 -Fire Dispatchers 9,558 21,203 21,200 21,200 2770 -Other Unclassified Revenues . ......- 010 -Miscellaneous Reimbursements . ... 4,163 360 0 0 020 -Salary Reimbursement -Janitors from Library _ _ .... .. 0 6,000 6,000 6,000 030 -Telephone Reimbursement -Probation . 1,312 1,600 0 0 040 -Counsel Fees - 258 0 0 0 050 -Narcotic Addiction Control -In -Kind . 0 66,182 82,957 82,957 070 -Intensive Care Supervision . .. . ..- 766 0 0 0 TOTAL -MISCELLANEOUS $ 31,117 $ 95,345 $ 110,157 $ 110,157 SL6 L 'qZ JagwanoN 1976 Actual Budget Budget 1976 1974 1975 Estimate Adopted GENERAL FUND STATE AID 3001 -Per Capita (Revenue Sharing) $ 272,572 $ 270,000 $ 306,000 $ 306,000 3020 -State Aid for Judicial Salaries 29,650 23,650 35,650 35,650 3089 -State Aid, Other (Specify) 010 -Planning Grant . ............... 7,478 20,000 26,062 26,062 020 -Environmental Management Council 7,234 10,000 6,091 6,901 050 -Airport Master Plan 7,390 0 0 0 060 -Landfill . .... . 14,929 0 0 0 070 -Flood Plain Study 14,509 0 0 0 080 -Cayuga Station Impact Study 0 25,000 0 0 3277 -Education of Handicapped Children 0 10,000 12,500 12,500 3310 -Probation Services 76,478 83,020 92,906 92,906 3311 -Probation Services -Intensive Supervision Unit 51,939 32,762 0 0 3315 -Navigation Law Enforcement 1,448 6,000 1,000 1,000 3317 -Snowmobile Law Enforcement . 136 0 0 0 3401 -Public Health Work 221,511 253,554 231,000 231,000 3402 -MA Program Administration 0 21,753 2,873 2,873 3442 -Rabies .. 2,057 1,200 2,000 2,000 3446 -Care of Handicapped Children 10,340 16,000 21,000 21,000 3448 -Adult Polio 210 0 250 2!0 3482-T B Care & Treatment . 0 0 1,500 1,500 3486 -Narcotic Addiction Control 136,132 225,344 255,482 255,482 3487 -Main -Line . 0 6,976 5,435 5,435 3490 -Mental Health . 383,684 442,240 564,245 564,24-5 3491 -Alcoholism Addiction Control 0 7,400 23,950 23,950 3601 -Medical Assistance 901,856 965,900 1,200,000 1,200,000 3603 -Aid to Aged, Blind and Disabled _ _ 789 0 0 0 3609 -Aid to Dependent Children 513,120 544,200 800,000 800,000 3610 -Social Services Administration 295,694 298,722 290,000 290,00Q 3611 -Food Stamps _ 22,759 19,686 35,000 35,000 3613 -Home Relief 431,445 551,500 567,000 567,000 3619 -Child Care (Foster Care) 93,492 110,000 129,000 129,000 9L6 L 'VZ JagwanoN 1976 Actual Budget Budget 1976 1974 1975 Estimate Adopted GENERAL FUND 3623 -Juvenile Delinquents 27,699 36,500 82,000 82,000 3630 -Adult Care, Public Institutions 28,170 53,426 13,000 13,000 3642 -Emergency Aid, Adults 0 5,000 0 0 3648 -Burials _ _ 2,885 2,000 2,500 2,500 3670 -Services for Recipients 49,248 70,107 90,000 90,000 3710 -Veterans Service Agencies 5,938 4,500 4,500 4,500 3789 -Other 88 0 0 0 3801 -Recreation for Elderly 3,562 4,000 4,144 4,144 3803 -Programs for the Aging 0 41,770 50,573 63,308 3820 -Youth Programs 010 -Sheriff 7,483 7,000 5,220 5,220 020-4-H 0 2,357 2,560 2,560 030 -Big Brother/Big Sister 0 0 7,550 7,550 TOTAL STATE AID $ 3,621,925 $ 4,171,567 $ 4,870,991 $ 4,883,726 FEDERAL AID• 4089 -Other • 010 -Planning Grant -U S Department Housing and Urban Development $ 12,457 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 030 -Police Communication System 0 0 1,273 1,273 040 -Airport Master Plan 16,936 0 0 0 4289 -Education 44,178 0 0 0 4389 -Other Public Safety 24,024 0 0 0 4486 -Drug Abuse 29,730 0 0 0 4490 -Mental Health _ 22,939 0 0 0 4601 -Medical Assistance 1,549,296 1,708,900 2,122,000 2,122,000 4603 -Aid to Aged, Blind & Disabled (692) 0 0 0 4609 -Aid to Dependent Children 1,012,402 1,088,580 1,536,000 1,536,000 4610 -Social Services Administration 610,667 619,598 607,000 607,000 4611 -Food Stamps 19,930 16,954 40,000 40,000 to o. G L6 L 'VZ iagwanoN Actual 1974 Budget 1975 1976 Budget Estimate 1976 Adopted 4670 -Services for Recipients 4730-CETA Training & Employment Program 4780 -Public Employment Program (Labor Manpower) 4830 -Federal Recreation Program TOTAL -FEDERAL AID TOTAL REVENUES -GENERAL FUND $ 34,479 94,277 121,105 3,004 GENERAL FUND $ 124,036 117,569 218,510 0 $ 48,000 438,560 21,401 0 $ 48,000 438,560 21,401 0 $ 3,594,732 .. $12,064,069 HOSPITAL C -1592 -Employees Subsistence C -1635 -In -Patients C -1636 -Patients Family Medicine C -2228 -Copying Records C -2401 -Interest C -2410 -Rental of Real Property C2655 -Minor Sales . C -2705 -Gifts & Donations C -2770 -Not Otherwise Classified (Salary Ref ) . C -4430 -Federal Grant -Appalachia Regional Commission .... _ ... ..... ----- C-4001-Federal Revenue Sharing . _ TOTAL --HOSPITAL REVENUES . $ 182,249 6,941,139 23,281 1,601 11,619 76,382 17,465 81,764 1,439 104,297 600,000 $ 3,894,147 $12,693,875 $ 4,814,234 $14,624,364 ENTERPRISE REVENUES $ 187,000 8,367,350 180,000 1,700 0 60,400 7,000 30,000 0 151,000 0 $ 187,000 8,788,450 150,000 1,700 0 82,700 15,000 60,000 0 156,000 0 $ 4,814,234 $14,637,099 $ 187,000 8,788,450 150,000 1,700 0 82,700 15,090 60,000 0 156,000 0 $ 8,041,236 $ 8,984,450 $ 9,440,850 $ 9,440,850 9L6L `qL J9gW9AON tr N 1976 Actual Budget Budget 1976 1974 1975 Estimate Adopted ENTERPRISE REVENUES AIRPORT B -1770 -Airport Landing Fees $ 6,745 $ 26,000 $ 26,000 $ 26,000 B -1774 -Airport Concession 25,888 14,450 20,000 20,000 B -2401 -Interest _ 4,693 0 0 0 B -2410 -Rentals 38,364 41,616 36,572 36,572 B -2770 -Other Unclassified Revenues 14,276 0 0 0 B -4089 -Federal Aid -CFR Vehicle 0 23,971 0 0 TOTAL -AIRPORT REVENUES B -2810 -Contributions from General Fund $ 89,966 $ 106,037 $ 82,572 $ 82,572 39,918 22,141 38,248 38,248 TOTAL -AIRPORT REVENUES (Including Interfund Revenues) ... $ 129,884 $ 128,178 $ 120,820 $ 120,820 COUNTY ROAD FUND REVENUES D -2302 -Snow Removal Services, Other Government, $ 27,965 $ 110,000 $ 111,000 $ 111,000 D -2401 -Interest _ _ $ 3,097 $ 0 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 D -2770 -Other Unclassified Revenues $ 16,124 $ 0 0 12,000 $ 12,000 STATE AID D -3503 -Motor Fuel Tax $ 494,184 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 D -3504 -Motor Vehicle License Fees 115,132 110,000 110,000 110,000 TOTAL STATE AID $ 609,316 $ 610,000 $ 610,000 $ 610,000 TOTAL REVENUES -COUNTY ROAD FUND (Excluding Inter -Fund) $ 656,502 $ 720,000 $ 735,500 $ 735,500 INTERFUND REVENUES D -2810 -Transfer from General Fund $ 978,233 $ 1,096,740 $ 1,223,816 $ 1,223,816 D -4589 -Federal Aid 71,678 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES -COUNTY ROAD FUND (Including Inter -Fund) $ 1,706,413 $ 1,816,740 $ 1,959,316 $ 1,959,316 9L6 L Irz JagwoAoN 1976 Actual Budget Budget 1976 1974 1975 Estimate Adopted ROAD MACHINERY REVENUES USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY E-2401—Interest _ _ . $ 448 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 E-2416—Rental of Equipment, Other Governments .. 16,166 0 20,000 20,000 TOTAL—USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY . $ 16,614 $ 0 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 SALES OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS E-2650—Sales of Scrap & Excess Materials _ $ 442 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 E-2655—Minor Sales, Other _ 73 0 0 0 E-2680—Insurance Recoveries _ 770 0 0 0 TOTAL—SALES OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS $ 1,285 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 MISCELLANEOUS E-2770—Other Unclassified Revenues—Refunds $ 1,438 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL REVENUES—ROAD MACHINERY FUND (Excluding Inter -Fund) . $ 19,337 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 INTERFUND REVENUES E-2822—Transfer from County Road Fund . _ . $ 385,257 $ 438,450 $ 396,353 $ 396,353 TOTAL REVENUES—ROAD MACHINERY FUND (Including Inter -Fund) _ ...... $ 404,594 $ 438,450 $ 416,353 $ 416,353 SL6L 'yZ .I9gW9AON tr '0 Actual 1974 Budget 1975 1976 Budget Estimate 1976 Adopted CULTURE AND RECREATION -LIBRARY• L -2082 -Fines . _ L -2360 -Charges for Services ... . TOTAL -CULTURE AND RECREATION ... USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY L -2401 -Interest .. L -2410 -Rental of Real Property _ . ....._ TOTAL -USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY . _ .. SALES OF PROPERTY & OTHER COMPENSATION FOR LOSS• L -2650 -Sales of Scrap & Excess Materals ... ... _ .... L -2690 -Other Compensation for Loss . ....... TOTAL -SALES OF PROPERTY & OTHER COMPENSATION FOR LOSS MISCELLANEOUS L -2755 -Endowment & Trust Fund Income L -2760 -Library System Grant . L -2770 --Other Unclassified Revenues TOTAL -MISCELLANEOUS .. _ ................ $ 19,467 11,656 LIBRARY REVENUES $ 17,000 $ 20,000 10,500 11,600 $ 20,000 11,600 $ 31,123 $ 448 13,116 $ 27,500 $ 31,600 $ 200 13,050 $ 400 13,100 $ 31,600 $ 400 13,100 $ 13,564 $ 13,250 $ 13,500 $ 13,500 $ 849 $ 600 $ 850 $ 850 910 700 700 700 $ 1,759 $ 1,300 $ 1,550 $ 3,707 21,849 679 $ 3,400 21,850 700 $ 2,200 22,160 650 $ 1,550 $ 2,200 22,160 650 $ 26,235 $ 25,950 $ 25,010 $ 25,010 0 9L61 'qL JagwanoN 1976 Actual Budget Budget 1976 1974 1975 Estimate Adopted LIBRARY REVENUES (Continued) STATE AID L-3840—State Aid for Libraries $ 23,593 $ 23,593 $ 23,593 $ 23,593 FEDERAL AID L-4840—Federal Aid for Libraries $ 2,743 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL—LIBRARY REVENUES (Excluding Inter -Fund) . . $ 99,017 $ 91,593 $ 95,253 $ 95,253 INTERFUND REVENUES: L-2810—Transfer from General Fund $ 342,750 $ 369,440 $ 410,665 $ 410,665 TOTAL—LIBRARY REVENUES (Including Inter -Fund) $ 441,766 $ 461,033 $ 505,918 $ 505,918 GRAND TOTAL—ESTIMATED REVENUES OTHER THAN REAL ESTATE .._ .._.—_..._..._._ $22,787,962 $24,522,726 $27,067,621 $27,080,356 LESS INTER -FUND ITEMS General Fund Appropriations for• Airport . .. $ 39,918 $ 22,141 $ 38,248 $ 38,248 County Road Fund _. .._... _. _.............___. _. 978,233 1,096,740 1,223,816 1,223,816 Library342,750 369,440 410,665 410,665 Appropriations for Road Machinery Fund ..._._.......... 0 438,450 396,353 396,353 TOTAL—INTER-FUND ITEMS . . . $ 1,360,901 $ 1,926,771 $ 2,069,082 $ 2,069,082 GRAND TOTAL—ALL FUNDS (Excluding Inter -Fund Items, etc) ... . _ .. ........ $21,427,061 $22,595,955 $24,998,539 $25,011,274 9L6 L 'qZ Jegwe oN Expended 1974 1975 Appropri- ations 1976 Depart- mental Request Committee Recommen- dation Budget Committee Recommen- dation Adopted 1976 A -1010 -BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES 100 -Personal Services ....... 300 -Supplies & Materials . .... .. 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses TOTAL -BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES . A -1040 -CLERK OF BOARD OF REPRESESTATIVES 100 -Personal Services 300 -Supplies & Materials _ _ _ _ 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses TOTAL -CLERK OF BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES _ TOTAL -LEGISLATION LEGISLATION . . . $ 55,980 $ 56,000 $ 56,000 $ 56,000 $ 56,000 $ 56,000 0 8,356 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 cs 5,644 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 0„ Et 69,980 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 A 0 0 25,227 1,045 796 28,200 900 1,300 28,200 900 1,300 28,200 900 1,300 28,200 900 1,300 28,200 900 1,300 27,068 30,400 30,400 30,400 $ 97,048 $ 100,400 $ 100,400 $ 100,400 30,400 $ 100,400 30,400 $ 100,400 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recomruen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -1110 -COUNTY COURT JUDICIAL Z co 100 -Personal Services 77,691 $ 87,959 $ 92,939 $ 92,939 $ 92,439 $ 92,439 W 110 -Special Judge _ 0 850 850 850 0 0 3 120 -Jurors (Trial & Grand) 26,658 36,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 m 200 -Equipment -Judge Johnson 0 0 333 333 0 0 "' 210 -Equipment -Judge Dean _ 487 450 0 0 0 0 300 -Supplies & Materials -Johnson 647 600 900 900 600 600 310 -Supplies & Materials -Dean . 1,078 600 600 600 600 600 7:; 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses V (Judge Johnson) 2,433 5,150 5,700 5,700 5,000 5,000 to 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses (Judge Dean) _ 5,532 8,950 5,278 5,278 5,000 5,000 420 -Contractual & Other Expenses (County Clerk) _ 439 1,000 500 500 500 500 TOTAL -COUNTY COURT $ 114,965 $ 141,559 $ 137,100 $ 137,100 $ 134,139 $ 134,139 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Approprt- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 JUDICIAL o A-1135—SUPREME COURT m 110—Fees for Services—(Jurors, Court p - Attendants, Stenographers) . $ 16,606 $ 26,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 c 220—Equipment—Judge Bryant 90 40 1,026 1,026 1,026 1,026 300—Supplies & Materials—County Clerk .. 0 100 100 100 100 100 A 320—Supplies & Materials—Judge Bryant . 338 750 750 750 750 750 400—Contractual & Other Expenses 43 (County Clerk) . 996 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 420—Contractual & Other Expenses (Judge Bryant) 405 500 500 500 500 500 430—Payments to State—Supreme Court Expense ._ .... 94,753 144,837 141,898 141,898 141,898 141,898 TOTAL—SUPREME COURT $ 113,188 $ 173,727 $ 165,774- $ 165,774 $ 165,774 $ 165,774 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 JUDICIAL A -1140 -FAMILY COURT 100 -Personal Services - $ 42,903 $ 44,674 $ 63,781 $ 57,109 $ 49,744 $ 49,744 200 -Equipment _ _ 100 0 250 250 0 0 300 -Supplies & Materials 1,118 800 1,000 1,000 800 800 0 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 4,184 9,454 7,000 7,000 5,000 5,000 m TOTAL -FAMILY COURT 48,305 54,928 72,031 65,359 55,544 55,544 0- ED, A -1145 -SURROGATE COURT N 100 -Personal Services 15,895 16,908 16,908 16,908 16,908 16,908 A 200 -Equipment _ _ 0 0 672 672 672 672 300 -Supplies & Materials 1,252 1,000 500 500 1,000 1,000 V 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 425 500 500 500 800 800 v' TOTAL -SURROGATE COURT 17,572 18,408 18,580 18,580 19,380 19,380 A -1155 -COMMISSIONER OF JURORS 100 -Personal Services 12,816 14,220 14,220 14,220 14,220 14,220 200 -Equipment __ 0 0 100 100 100 100 300 -Supplies & Materials _ _ 350 400 400 400 400 400 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 500 800 800 800 800 800 TOTAL -COMMISSIONER OF JURORS $ 13,666 $ 15,420 $ 15,520 $ 15,520 $ 15,520 $ 15,520 O• to 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 atlons Request dation dation 1976 A -1160 -COURT LIBRARY 300 -Supplies & Materials TOTAL -COURT LIBRARY JUDICIAL $ 3,511 $ 3,400 $ 3,400 $ 3,400 $ 3,400 $ 3,400 3,511 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 A -1165 -DISTRICT ATTORNEY 100 -Personal Services .. _ 63,588 74,571 80,664 80,664 74,571 74,571 200 -Equipment _ 1,400 600 3,125 2,200 1,200 1,200 300 -Supplies & Materials 5,163 5,600 4,215 4,215 3,500 3,500 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 22,664 25,200 19,310 19,310 19,310 19,310 TOTAL -DISTRICT ATTORNEY 92,815 105,971 107,314 106,389 98,581 98,581 o. 0. A A -1170 -LEGAL DEFENSE OF INDIGENTS v 110 -Administrator Contract 4,000 4,000 5,000 4,5004,000 4,000 th 120 -Fees of Attorneys .......... 26,065 28,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 300 -Supplies & Materials ..... 0 0 100 100 100 100 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses . 2,991 4,000 60 4,000 3,500 3,500 TOTAL -LEGAL DEFENSE OF INDIGENTS _ 33,056 36,000 45,160 48,600 47,600 47,600 A -1180 -JUSTICES AND CONSTABLES 110 -Justices and Constables Fees 205 350 350 350 350 350 TOTAL -JUSTICES AND CONSTABLES $ 205 $ 350 $ 350 $ 350 $ 350 $ 350 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Approprt- menta) Recommen- Recomnien- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -1185 -MEDICAL EXAMINERS & CORONERS 100 -Personal Services $ 9,468 $ 10,434 $ 10,434 $ 10,434 $ 10,434 $ 10,434 200 -Equipment . 113 350 350 350 0 0 300 -Supplies & Materials 0 200 1,200 1,200 200 200 Z 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses _ 90 500 10,200 10,200 200 200 < TOTAL -MEDICAL EXAMINERS 3 & CORONERS . . . 9,671 11,484 22,184 22,184 10,834 10,834 m A -1190 --GRAND JURY (Supreme Court & 1.3 County Court) ?' 110 -Fees & Expenses -Grand Jurors 7,382 12,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 70. TOTAL -GRAND JURY 7,382 12,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 tVii TOTAL -JUDICIAL 454,336 573,247 598,413 594,256 562,122 562,122 A -1230 -COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 100 -Personal Services . 60,890 72,994 72,994 72,994 72,994 72,994 200 -Equipment 2,730 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 300 -Supplies & Materials 949 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 966 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 JUDICIAL TOTAL -COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR $ 65,535 $ 77,994 $ 77,994 $ 77,994 $ 77,994 $ 77,994 ON V o. 03 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dations dation 1976 A -1310 -DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 100 -Personal Services ...... .. 53,266 $ 78,924 $ 75,138 $ 75,138 $ 75,138 $ 75,138 200 -Equipment ... ..._ .. ... . 2,000 1,500 0 0 0 0 300 -Supplies & Materials .. 4,989 9,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 12,904 20,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 0 TOTAL -DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 73,159 109,424 102,138 102,138 102,138 102,138 3 tr A -1355 -ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT 0 1355 -ADMINISTRATION 100 -Personal Services ...... _ 44,046 46,734 46,734 46,734 46,734 46,734 A 200 -Equipment ._ ... _ 0 0 2,020 0 0 0 300 -Supplies & Materials .. _ 961 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 `O 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 3,039 3,375 10,300 9,500 9,500 9,500 c,, TOTAL -ADMINISTRATION 48,046 51,109 61,054 58,234 58,234 58,234 1356 -TAX MAP DIVISION• 100 -Personal Services . 20,553 23,491 23,491 23,491 23,491 23,491 200 -Equipment . .. .. 17 0 375 0 0 0 300 -Supplies & Materials . 521 800 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 1,729 1,900 2,500 1,900 1,900 4900 TOTAL -TAX MAP DIVISION $ 22,820 $ 26,191 $ 27,866 $ 26,891 $ 26,891 $ 26,891 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 atom Request dation datum 1976 A -1355 -ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT (Continued) 1357 -FIELD DIVISION 100 -Personal Services .. 53,463 $ 59,240 $ 59,240 $ 59,240 $ 59,240 $ 59,240 z 200 -Equipment _ _...... _ .__._. 0 0 350 0 0 0 o 300 -Supplies & Materials ........... 32 100 100 100 100 100 g 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses . 2,321 3,200 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 3 TOTAL -FIELD DIVISION 55,816 62,540 68,690 68,340 68,340 68,340 Lni N 1358 -ACCOUNTING DIVISION 2a 100 -Personal Services . _ .. ... 20,726 22,729 22,72922,729 22,729 22,729 zo 200 -Equipment . ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 300 -Supplies & Materials ........ 6,194 6,500 10,900 10,900 10,900 10,900 v' 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 14,816 15,747 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 TOTAL -ACCOUNTING DIVISION 41,736 44,976 51,129 51,129 51,129 51,129 TOTAL -ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT 168,418 184,816 208,739 204,594 204,594 204,594 A -1362 -TAX ADVERTISING & EXPENSES _ .. 2,295 5,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 A -1364 -EXPENSES ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED FOR TAXES 840 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 O: ,o V 0 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recominen- Recomirien- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -1410 -COUNTY CLERK (Except Courts) 1410 -COUNTY CLERK 100 -Personal Services . 60,589 $ 68,279 $ 69,682 $ 69,682 $ 69,682 $ 69,682 200 -Equipment _ . 3,150 1,050 700 700 700 700 < 300 -Supplies & Materials . .. .2,439 2,500 3,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 3 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 21,128 18,150 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 a TOTAL -COUNTY CLERK . _. m 87,306 89,979 95,882 95,882 95,382 95,382 N 1411 -DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES 100 -Personal Services ...:73 59,623 58,724 58,724 58,724 58,724 'o 200 -Equipment 250 0 200 200 200 200 tVn 300 -Supplies & Materials 289 300 300 300 300 300 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 1,967 2,300 3,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 TOTAL -DIVISION OF MOTOR 57,920 62,223 62,224 62,224 61,724 61,724 TOTAL -COUNTY CLERK (Except Courts) .._ . . . . ..... . ... $ 145,226 $ 152,202 $ 158,106 $ 158,106 $ 157,106 $ 157,106 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recomr ien- Recommen- Adopted 1474 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -1420 -COUNTY ATTORNEY -LAW 100 -Personal Services . .... . $ 31,452 $ 35,904 $ 35,904 $ 35,904 $ 35,754 $ 35,754 300 -Supplies & Materials 366 325 325 325 325 325 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 345 325 325 325 325 325 TOTAL -COUNTY ATTORNEY -LAW 32,163 36,554 36,554 36,554 36,404 36,404 A -1430 -PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 100 -Personal Services . .. 42,708 52,715 59,387 59,387 59,387 59,387 200 -Equipment 446 700 3,727 2,687 2,687 2,687 300 -Supplies & Materials _ 2,125 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 400 -Contractual & Other Supplies _ 13,779 7,100 14,425 15,425 15,425 15,425 410-P E R B . .. 250 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Z 0 m 3 cn TOTAL-PERSOSNEL ADMINISTRATION $ 59,308 $ 63,915 $ 80,939 $ 80,899 $ 80,899 $ 80,899 , TOTAL -PERSONNEL v 1450 -ADMINISTRATION 100 -Personal Services $ 32,630 $ 36,672 $ 38,052 $ 38,052 $ 38,052 $ 38,052 200 -Equipment 432 330 700 700 200 200 300 -Supplies & Materials 260 400 500 500 500 500 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses . . 4,071 4,800 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 37,393 42,202 45,752 45,752 45,252 45,252 1451 -ELECTIONS 300 -Supplies & Materials . 608 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses . 15,297 17,600 21,300 21,300 21,300 21,300 TOTAL ELECTIONS . 15,905 18,700 22,400 22,400 22,400 22,400 TOTAL -BOARD OF ELECTIONS .. $ 53,298 $ 60,902 $ 68,152 $ 68,152 $ 67,652 $ 67,652 V 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Reoommen- Recorn en- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -1490 -PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 100 -Personal Services ._ . . . .. $ 25,074 $ 27,238 $ 27,238 $ 27,238 $ 27,238 $ 27,238 Z 0 TOTAL -PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 25,074 27,238 27,238 27,238 27,238 27,238 3 s A -1620 -BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 100 -Personal Services .... ... 45,509 52,523 52,175 52,175 52,175 52,175 N 200 -Equipment __ _.. _ ._..._ ___......... 0 0 0 0 0 0? 300 -Supplies & Materials ... 2,151 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 400 -Lights _ __ _ 13,517 14,000 20,000 20,00020,000 20,000 V 420 -Heat _, _ 12,128 16,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 to 430 -Telephone . 28,157 30,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 440 -Water . _ __ 1,320 1,200 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 460 -Painting . . 828 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 470 -Court House & Jail Repairs 10,890 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 480 -Repairs -County Grounds . 604 300 300 300 300 300 TOTAL -BUILDINGS & GROUNDS . $ 115,104 $ 132,523 $ 146,075 $ 146,075 $ 146,075 $ 146,075 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -1640 -CENTRAL GARAGE 300 -Supplies & Materials $ 20,905 $ 26,000 $ 17,000 $ 17,000 $ 17,000 $ 17,000 TOTAL -CENTRAL GARAGE 20,905 26,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 A -1670 -CENTRAL PRINTING & MAILING 100 -Personal Services 6,668 7,389 7,389 7,389 7,389 7,389 200 -Equipment -Print Room _ .. 145 0 0 0 0 0 300 -Supplies & Materials -Central Supply 12,906 16,050 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 320 -Supplies & Materials -Print Room 14,513 14,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses- Z (Mail Room) ... .. . 708 800 850 850 850 850 410 -Contractual & Other Expenses- ai (Print Room) 2,085 2,000 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 - 4-1 TOTAL -CENTRAL PRINTING & MAILING $ 37,025 $ 40,239 $ 46,539 $ 46,539 $ 46,539 $ 46,539 A SPECIAL ITEMS :o A -1910 -Unallocated Insurance . $ 7,667 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 N A -1920 -Municipal Association Dues _ . 1,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 A -1930 -Judgements and Claims 1,139 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 A -1950 -Taxes and Assessments on County Property 191 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 A -1960 -Unpaid School Taxes . _ . .._... 240,242 260,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 A -1980 -Provision for Uncollected Taxes 30,000 51,30073,000 73,000 73,000 73,000 A -1990 -Contingent Fund 0 14,864 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 TOTAL -SPECIAL ITEMS 280,739 365,164 712,000 712,000 712,000 712,000 EDUCATION A -2490 -Community College Tuition 61,584 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 A -2495 -Joint Community College Tuition (TC -3) . 252,795 389,140 471,473 471,473 471,473 471,473 A -2960 -Education of Handicapped Children . . 4,999 20,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 A -2981 -County Extension Service 170,000 206,293 208,396 208,396 208,396 208,396 TOTAL -EDUCATION . $ 489,378 $ 715,433 $ 804,869 $ 804,869 $ 804,869 $ 804,869 V 43 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -3110 -SHERIFF 100 -Personal Services 200 -Equipment . 300 -Supplies & Materials . . 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 410 -Radio Service Contract 325,936 $ 359,620 $ 440,084 $ 380,908 $ 355,344 $ 355,344 24,845 28,500 40,000 40,000 14,240 14,240 42,926 30,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 11,606 12,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 3,052 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 V A. TOTAL -SHERIFF 408,365 435,120 533,084 473,908 422,584 422,584 C A -3140 -PROBATION co 100 -Personal Services . . _ 139,146 157,823 175,060 175,060 175,060 175,060 Q. 200 -Equipment ... ... . . _ .. . 100 5,400 3,071 2,021 1,200 1,200 cD 300 -Supplies & Materials ___ .. 4,457 5,200 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 N 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses .. 9,756 10,500 12,160 12,160 12,160 12,160 t+. TOTAL -PROBATION . 153,459 178,923 195,591 194,541 193,720 193,720 .p V A -3145 -INTENSIVE SUPERVISION UNIT to (Halfway House) 100 -Personal Services 20,951 28,910 0 0 0 0 200 -Equipment 3,886 2,300 0 0 0 0 300 -Supplies & Materials 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 17,276 11,480 0 0 0 0 810 -Retirement . ..... 0 2,720 0 0 0 0 830 -Social Security . . . .... 659 960 0 0 0 0 840 -Compensation . 0 100 0 0 0 0 860 -Health Insurance . .._ .. _ _ 503 702 0 0 0 0 TOTAL -INTENSIVE SUPERVISION UNIT ... $ 43,275 $ 47,172 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -3150 -JAIL 100 -Personal Services $ 49,174 $ 65,381 $ 64,256 $ 64,256 $ 64,256 $ 64,256 300 -Supplies & Matenals 23,993 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 7,800 10,500 20,500 20,500 13,000 13,000 410 -Elevator Contract 1,411 1,533 1,735 1,735 1,735 1,735 TOTAL -JAIL _ 82,378 105,414 114,491 114,491 106,991106,991 G A -3410 --FIRE- & DISASTER COORDINATOR 3 100 -Personal Services 43,924 52,171 51,946 51,946 51,946 51,946 um 200 -Equipment 15,882 11,092 43,68123262 23,262 23,262 210 -Vol Radio Program 456 200 200 200 A 300 -Supplies & Materials _ 4,121 4,475 5,075 0 500 5,,075 5,075 5,075 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 13,984 15,802 16,455 16,455 16,455 16,455 p V TOTAL -FIRE & DISASTER 0 COORDINATOR . 78,367 83,540 117,657 96,938 96,938 96,938 A -3510 -CONTROL OF ANIMALS 21,149 25,053 30,660 27,053 27,053 27,053 A -3630 -COUNTY SEALER 100 -Personal Services . 8,488 9,122 9,122 9,122 9,122 9,122 200 -Equipment _ - _ .. ..._..... 0 600 1,056 1,056 1,056 1,056 300 -Supplies & Materials . . _ . 407 90 225 225 225 225 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 775 1,000 1,125 1,125 1,125 1,125 TOTAL -COUNTY SEALER $ 9,670 $ 10,812 $ 11,528 $ 11,528 $ 11,528 $ 11,528 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recomrpen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -4010 -PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT 100 -Personal Services .... _ _ $ 306,936 $ 361,016 $ 389,207 $ 389,207 $ 379,067 $ 379,067 110 -Fees -Other Services _ _ .. 40,977 55,600 58,600 58,600 55,600 55,600 200 -Equipment _ _ 11,201 17,200 19,000 19,000 1,500 1,500 300 -Supplies & Materials .. _ 24,791 30,860 35,640 35,640 35,640 35,640 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses __ 34,023 39,334 46,850 46,850 45,850 45,850 810 -Retirement _ . . 48,236 43,500 47,593 47,593 47,593 47,593 0 830 -Social Security _ _ _ . 16,643 21,800 24,200 24,200 24,200 24,200 < 840 -Workmen's Compensation . ._ 2,018 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 3 860 -Health Insurance _ .. .. 6,933 7,000 10,700 10,700 10,700 10,700 cs TOTAL -PUBLIC HEALTH N DEPARTMENT ..,. 491,758 578,310 634,290 634,290 602,650 602,650 A A -4011 -CONTRACT SERVICES MEDICAL Zo ASSISTANCE PROGRAM CA v 100 -Personal Services _ _ _ _ _ 8,979 20,000 30,241 30,241 2,500 2,500 200 -Equipment 0 0 800 800 0 0 300 -Supplies & Materials _ ___ _- 0 600 500 500 100 100 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 102 0 200 200 0 0 810 -Retirement _ _ ....... 1,905 2,510 1,440 1,440 450 450 830 -Social Security .. 534 1,200 1,900 1,900 147 147 840 -Compensation Insurance ___ 0 100 170 170 12 12 860 -Health Insurance . 395 450 800 800 100 100 TOTAL -CONTRACT SERVICES MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM _ _ ..... _ $ 11,915 $ 24,860 $ 36,051 $ 36,051 $ 3,309 $ 3,309 1976 - Budget - 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT (Continued) : A -4102 -HOME CARE (Medicaid, Medicare) . _. .. $ 59,468 $ 80,000 $ 120,000 $ 120,000 A-4042-RABIE COSTROL (Dogs) _ ... . 4,600 2,400 4,000 4,000 A -4046 -PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN _ _ _ .. _.. 30,681 33,000 45,000 45,000 A -4048 ----ADULT POLIO _ _ _ _ ... 0 500 1,000 1,000 A -4070 -TUBERCULOSIS CARE & TREATMENT . 0 6,040 6,000 6,000 $ 120,000 $ 120,000 4,000 4,000 45,000 45,000 500 500 3,000 3,000 TOTAL ...... . . . 94,749 121,940 176,000 176,000 172,500 172,500 TOTAL -PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT .. 598,422 725,110 846,341 846,341 778,459 778,459 oZ A -4080 -COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH PLANNING m 100 -Personal Services . . . . ....... 6,211 6,324 6,324 6,324 6,324 6,324 200 -Equipment . ..... 0 150 465 465 465 465 o 300 -Supplies & Materials .. 0 1,320 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 12,213 12,900 13,777 13,777 13,777 13,777 . TOTAL -COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH PLANNING 18,424 20,694 22,116 22,116 22,116 22,116 N A -4220 -NARCOTIC ADDICTION CONTROL YOUTHFUL DRUG ABUSE 143,225 298,679 355,839 355,839 340,387 340,387 A -4250 -ALCOHOLIC ADDICTION CONTROL 100 -Personal Services . _ . 0 10,140 16,464 16,464 16,464 16,464 200 -Equipment 0 0 1,040 1,040 1,040 1,040 300 -Supplies & Materials 0 50 349 349 349 349 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 0 300 2,388 2,388 2,388 2,388 810 -Retirement . . 0 730 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 830 -Social Security .. 0 330 1,020 1,020 1,020 1,020 840 -Workmen's Compensation . _ . 0 20 100 100 100 100 860 -Health Insurance 0 320 400 400 400 400 TOTAL -ALCOHOLIC ADDICTION CONTROL .._ _ ...... . $ 0 $ 11,890 $ 23,961 $ 23,961 $ 23,961 $ 23,961 v 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Comnuttee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation datiop 1976 V CO A -4310 --MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION 100 -Personal Services _ . __ _ ................ $ 229,371 $ 289,391 $ 327,086 $ 327,086 $ 288,709 $ 288,709 200 -Equipment _. _......_.....».... .. 470 3,536 5,063 5,063 1,100 1,100 300 -Supplies & Materials . . _ ......... 3,655 4,080 7,142 7,142 5,000 5,000 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses __ ....»»»....... 39,313 53,600 76,678 76,678 65,000 65,000 410 -Certification -Medical Indigents . ... 0 200 200 200 200 200 420 -Psychiatric Exams .. ...._. 585 1,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 810 -Retirement 24,951 24,515 33,440 28,987 28,987 28,987 830 -Social Security __ ._. _ ..._ _............. . 11,217 13,250 18,385 18,385 14,800 14,800 Z 840 -Compensation Insurance . 1,474 1,000 1,400 1,400 1,330 1,330 860 -Health Insurance _ _ . _ _ _ 3,994 4,000 4,350 4,350 6,000 6,000 3 TOTAL -MENTAL HEALTH trm ADMINISTRATION . ... 315,030 395,072 476,244 471,791 413,626 413,626 N A -4322 -CONTRACTED MENTAL HEALTH A SERVICES 410 -Special Children's Center . 75,714 89,706 104,157 104,157 104,157 104,157 V 420 -Mental Health Association . ... 14,526 15,978 17,456 17,456 17,456 17,456 v' 430 -Family & Children's Service 3,200 20,417 26,577 26,577 26,577 26,577 440 -Alcoholic Council . _ . _ 19,615 30,700 32,290 32,290 32,290 32,290 450 -Challenge -ARC Workshop 278,246 323,544 341,779 341,779 341,779 341,779 460 -Day Camp Youth 6,950 9,600 7,9967,996 7,996 7,996 470 -Suicide Prevention 11,800 13,600 15,152 15,152 15,152 15,152 TOTAL -CONTRACTED MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES .. . 410,051 503,545 545,407 545,407 545,407 545,407 A -4390 -PSYCHIATRIC EXPENSE _ _ 7,047 6,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 TOTAL -MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT .. 732,128 904,617 1,046,651 1,042,198 984,033 984,033 A -5641 -RAILROAD FEASIBILITY STUDY .. $ 10,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -6010 -SOCIAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 100 -Personal Services _ _ _ $ 735,062 $ 872,335 $ 941,823 $ 941,823 $ 884,927 $ 884,927 200 -Equipment .. 4,051 5,565 8,107 7,207 1,730 1,730 300 -Supplies & Materials __. 38,340 41,421 53,500 53,500 53,500 53,500 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses _ _ _. 100,534 132,524 138,500 138,500 138,500 138,500 500 -Staff Development Volunteer Services 1,948 1,500 2,400 2,400 1,000 1,000 810 -Retirement .... 82,227 85,631 128,229 128,229 128,229 128,229 830 -Social Security 60,498 61,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 840 -Compensation Insurance 7,985 6,820 7,000 7,000 10,400 10,400 860 -Health Insurance 24,321 24,000 30,500 30,500 33,600 33,600 TOTAL -SOCIAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 1,054,966 1,230,796 1,375,059 1,374,159 1,316,886 1,316,886 Z 0 CD 3 tr co N A �o V to A -6030 -PUBLIC HOME 100 -Personal Services 117,522 124,288 142,246 142,246 142,246 142,246 200 -Equipment _._ 3,038 9,000 6,000 6,000 1,000 1,000 300 -Supplies & Materials 56,969 65,000 78,000 78,000 65,000 65,000 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses _ 11,250 17,500 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 , TOTAL -PUBLIC HOME , $ 188,779 $ 215,788 $ 241,246 $ 241,246 $ 223,246 $ 223,246 V •0 1976 Budget 03 t 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recomr en- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -6070 -PURCHASES OF SERVICES - RECIPIENTS 100 -Personal Services . ..$ 27,323 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses . ........ 255,604 269,644 269,644 269,644 269,644 269,644 TOTAL -PURCHASES OF SERVICES - RECIPIENTS 282,927 269,644 269,644 269,644 269,644 269,644 A -6090 -FARM 100 -Personal Services 27,531 28,321 28,321 28,321 28,321 28,321 200 -Equipment . 9,262 1,920 6,995 3,700 1,800 1,800 300 -Supplies & Materials.. 22,724 15,594 20,848 20,848 16,000 16,000 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses _ 8,420 8,860 10,220 10,220 3,000 3,000 TOTAL -FARM 67,937 54,695 66,384 63,089 49,121 49,121 SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAMS A -6101 -MEDICAL ASSISTANCE 3,399,898 3,715,000 4,950,000 4,950,000 4,716,400 4,716,400 A -6103 -AID TO AGED, BLIND & DISABLED 94,279 90,000 122,000 122,000 122,000 122,000 A -6109 -AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN . 2,284,681 2,432,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 A -6119 -CHILD CARE _ 216,611 232,000 301,500 301,500 301,500 301,500 A -6123 -JUVENILE DELINQUENT CARE 64,942 75,000 164,300 164,300 164,500 164,500 A -6129 -STATE TRAINING SCHOOLS 51,630 114,000 125,400 125,400 115,000 115,000 A -6140 -HOME RELIEF .__ 860,743 1,103,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,135,000 1,135,000 A -6142 -EMERGENCY AID TO ADULTS . _ 175 10,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 A -6148 -BURIALS . _ .. .... 9,564 11,000 15,000 15,000 11,000 11,000 TOTAL -SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAMS . _ . 6,982,523 7,782,000 10,138,200 10,138,200 9,766,400 9,766,400 TOTAL -SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT 8,577,132 9,552,923 12,090,533 12,086,338 11,625,297 11,625,297 A-6250-CETA 100 -Personal Services _ 1,310 0 56,483 56,483 56,483 56,483 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses . - 85,364 117,569 382,077 382,077 382,077 382,077 TOTAL-CETA _ $ 86,674 $ 117,569 $ 438,560 $ 438,560 $ 438,560 $ 438,560 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Comnuttee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -6326 -ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY CORPORATION _ . $ 7,746 $ 6,370 $ 6,370 $ 6,370 $ 6,370 $ 6,370 A -6380 -FEDERAL AID EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM 100 -Personal Services_ 114,628 13,299 21,401 21,401 21,401 21,401 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses . 0 205,211 0 0 0 0 Z 0 TOTAL -FEDERAL AID EMERGENCY m EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM 114,628 218,510 21,401 21,401 21,401 21,401 g. A -6410 -PUBLICITY 400 -Finger Lakes Association 5,000 5,000 8,529 6,000 6,000 6,000 A 410 -Chamber of Commerce 5,000 12,500 7,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 TOTAL -PUBLICITY 10,000 17,500 15,529 12,000 12,000 12,000 v to A -6510 -VETERANS' SERVICE AGENCY 100 -Personal Services _ 16,433 17,838 17,838 17,838 17,838 17,838 200 -Equipment ._ 0 0 250 250 250 250 300 -Supplies & Materials _ 172 400 800 800 800 800 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 1,337 1,825 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 410 -Veterans' Burials 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL -VETERANS' SERVICE AGENCY . 22,942 25,063 25,888 25,888 25,888 25,888 A -7310 -FEDERAL RECREATION PROGRAM 3,004 0 0 0 0 0 CO N 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -7320 -JOINT YOUTH PROGRAM 410 -Children's Matinee Series _ 0 7,000 0 0 0 0 420 -Learning Web 0 0 24,532 24,532 0 0 430 -Big Brother/Big Sister 0 0 15,100 15,100 0 15,100 440 -Interim Families 0 0 10,726 10,726 3,102 *3,102 450 -County Youth Worker _ .. 0 0 12,015 12,015 0 C 460 -Mainline . .. _ 0 13,952 10,870 10,870 10,870 10,870 470-4-H _ 0 4,715 5,120 5,120 5,120 5,120 Z TOTAL -JOINT YOUTH PROGRAM . $ 0 $ 25,667 $ 78,363 $ 78,363 $ 19,092 $ 34,192 m A -7410 -LIBRARY 3 Cr 400 -FINGER LAKES LIBRARY ASSOCIATION$ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,570 $ 5,570 $ 5,570 $ 5,570 to 410 -LIBRARIES IN TOWNS OF DRYDEN, A GROTON, NEWFIELD, ULYSSES 2,600 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 va TOTAL -LIBRARY 7,600 8,300 8,570 8,570 8,570 8,570 A-7510-HITORICAL SERVICES 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 31,250 35,600 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 TOTAL -HISTORICAL SERVICES 31,250 35,600 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 A -7550 -CELEBRATIONS 410 -Veterans' Day _ . 400 800 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 411 -Veterans' Monument 0 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 420 -Bicentennial _ 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL -CELEBRATIONS 5,400 5,800 9,200 9,200 9,200 9,200 *Total appropriation - $8,102 Federal Revenue Sharing portion of $5,000 on page 192 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -7610 -OFFICE FOR THE AGING 100 -Personal Services . _ 0 29,168 24,695 24,695 24,695 24,695 200 -Equipment _ . .. 0 2,265 644 644 644 644 300 -Supplies & Materials . 0 1,760 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 0 14,611 32,800 32,800 20,065 32,800 TOTAL -OFFICE FOR THE AGING . A -7615 -NUTRITION FOR ELDERLY PROGRAM . A -7620 -ADULT RECREATION .$ 0 47,804 60,539 60,539 47,804 60,539 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Z 0 9,500 $ 9,500 $ 12,500 $ 12,500 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 g 3 A -8020 -PLANNING DEPARTMENT cr 100 -Personal Services . _ _ . $ 84,974 $ 93,075 $ 93,589 $ 93,589 $ 93,589 $ 93,589 91 200 -Equipment _ 817 300 4,000 4,000 300 300 N 300 -Supplies & Materials -- .. 3,652 3,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 A' 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses ... _ 5,120 4,200 4,900 4,900 4,200 4,200 0 TOTAL -PLANNING DEPARTMENT 94,563 101,075 106,489 106,489 102,089 102,089 VI A -8024 -JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE- CAYUGA STATION . ..... _ 0 25,000 0 0 0 0 A -8025 -JOINT PLANNING BOARD . . 1,563 3,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 A -8040 -HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION 100 -Personal Services . . .... ... 0 3,885 3,885 3,885 3,885 3,885 200 -Equipment _ 0 0 200 200 200 200 300 -Supplies & Materials . . .. _.._ 140 180 240 240 24-0 240 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses . .._ 795 1,743 2,612 2,612 2,612 2,612 TOTAL -HUMANS RIGHTS COMMISSION .. _ .. . 935 5,808 6,937 6,937 6,937 6,937 00 A 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 A -8160 -SANITARY LANDFILL 100 -Personal Services 27,636 31,113 30,700 30,700 30,700 30,700 200 -Equipment 0 0 74,000 74,000 74,000 74,000 300 -Supplies & Materials _ 11,221 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 137,849 159,874 152,000 152,000 152,000 152,000 TOTAL -SANITARY LANDFILL $ 176,706 $ 197,987 $ 263,700 $ 263,700 $ 263,700 $ 263,700 z 0 m 3 NATURAL RESOURCES m 1 A -8710 -FORESTRY is) 410 -Reforestation _ . . $ 0 $ 4,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 1' 420 -Forest Fires _... 0 200 0 0 0 0 -' 430 -Boy Scouts of America . 300 300 0 0 00 V tr TOTAL -FORESTRY . _ 300 4,500 0 0 0 0 A -8720 -FISH AND GAME (Sportsmen's Club) 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses . 830 1,600 850 850 850 850 A -8730 -CONSERVATION 400 -Soil Conservation District 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 A -8745 --FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL . . ... 16,000 0 0 0 0 0 A -8750 -AGRICULTURE & LIVESTOCK (Bangs & Bovine Tuberculosis) 400 -Contractual & Other (Secretary PT) ._.... $ 1,353 $ 1,370 $ 1,515 $ 1,515 $ 1,515 $ 1,515 Expended 1974 1975 Appropri- ations 1976 Depart- mental Request Committee Recommen- dation Budget Comnuttee Recommen- dation Adopted 1976 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A -9010 -STATE RETIREMENT A -9030 -SOCIAL SECURITY __ _ A -9040 -WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION A -9060 -HOSPITAL & MEDICAL INSURANCE TOTAL -EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INTERFUND TRANSFERS A -9512 -PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND A -9514 -AIRPORT ENTERPRISE FUND _ A -9522 --COUNTY ROAD FUND _ TOTAL-INTERFUND TRANSFERS. TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUND A-9550 901 -HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION A-9550 910 -COUNTY HOME $ 177,667 82,902 13,455 46,450 $ 197,380 94,000 22,000 48,000 $ 252,600 127,000 28,500 63,500 $ 252,600 127,000 28,500 63,500 320,474 342,750 39,918 978,233 361,380 369,440 22,141 1,096,740 $ 252,600 $ 252,600 127,000 127,000 Z 28,500 28,500 < 63,500 63,500 3 471,600 471,600 471,600 471,600 R- N 435,012 422,826 410,665 410,665 4/"' 78,675 78,675 38,248 38,248 O 1,516,111 1,516,111 1,223,816 1,223,816 1,360,901 1,488,321 0 12,300 0 0 2,029,798 0 0 2,017,612 1,672,729 1,672,729 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL -TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUND _ _ $ 12,300 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 w o, 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Approprt- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 anon., Request dation dation 1976 Z 0 DEBT SERVICE • co A-9730 6—BOND ANTICIPATION o- NOTES —Community College $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 N A-9730 7—INTEREST ON BOND A ANTICIPATION NOTES — Community College . 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 v — Hospital ... .. 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 to TOTAL—DEBT SERVICE . .... 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL—GENERAL FUND .. .... $15,383,514 $17,885,422 $22,177,088 $22,073,360 $20,953,602 $20,981,437 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 ENTERPRISE FUNDS C -4510 -HOSPITAL FUND 100 -Personal Services $ 4,582,131 $ 4,954,600 $ 4,929,400 $ 4,929,400 $ 4,929,400 $ 4,929,400 Z 200 -Equipment . . . 130,667 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 < 300 -Supplies & Materials _ .. . 1,312,488 1,509,600 1,721,600 1,721,600 1,721,600 1,721,600 3 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 1,957,946 2,390,250 2,659,850 2,659,850 2,659,850 2,659,850 o m TOTAL -HOSPITAL FUND .. 7,983,232 8,984,450 9,440,850 9,440,850 9,440,850 9,440,850 N A B -5610 -AIRPORT FUND 100 -Personal Services _ 43,655 52,386 57,800 57,800 57,800 57,800 `o 200 -Equipment 1,468 65,026 11,047 11,047 800 800 Li, 300 -Supplies & Materials ..... .. _ 8,096 11,600 16,000 16,000 13,000 13,000 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 25,411 34,200 38,600 38,600 38,600 38,600 810 -Retirement ... .. ..5,569 5,535 5,000 5,000 5,020 5,020 830 -Social Security .. . . _ 2,5022,900 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 840 -Compensation . _ . 77 700 2,200 2,200 1,000 1,000 870 -Health Insurance 1,017 1,080 700 700 1,200 1,200 TOTAL -AIRPORT FUND ...._. .$ 87,795 $ 173,427 $ 134,747 $ 134,747 $ 120,820 $ 120,820 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 COUNTY ROAD FUND D -3310 -TRAFFIC CONTROL 100 -Personal Services .. $ 17,141 $ 18,314 $ 18,314 $ 18,314 $ 18,314 $ 18,314 300 -Supplies & Materials . _ 23,635 26,400 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 9,852 8,600 29,000 29,000 24,000 24,000 TOTAL -TRAFFIC CONTROL 50,628 53,314 57,314 57,314 52,314 52,314 p co D -5010 -ADMINISTRATION 3 100 -Personal Services .. _ 30,703 32,397 32,397 32,397 32,397 32,397 gr 300 -Supplies & Materials . _ _ 1,250 900 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses .. . 966 1,400 800 800 800 800 A TOTAL-ADMINISTRATION32,919 34,697 34,797 34,797 34,797 34,797 0 V D -5110 -MAINTENANCE -ROADS & BRIDGES to 100 -Personal Services 387,585 443,304 427,000 427,000 407,000 407,000 300 -Supplies & Materials .. _ 387,725 350,000 530,000 530,000 530,000 530,000 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 356,182 418,050 468,800 468,800365,453 365,453 410 -Contracts -County Bridges _ 70,303 100,000 150,000 150,000 125,000 125,000 810 -Retirement _ ... 57,490 68,064 78,000 78,000 73,452 73,452 830 -Social Security 26,148 29,500 28,000 28,000 32,000 32,000 840 -Compensation _ 19,32020,000 29,000 29,000 27,800 27,800 860 -Health Insurance . . _ .. _.. 14,278 15,000 18,000 18,000 15,500 15,500 TOTAL -MAINTENANCE -ROADS & BRIDGES$ 1,319,031 $ 1,443,918 $ 1,728,800 $ 1,728,800 $ 1,576,205 $ 1,576,205 Expended 1974 1975 Appropri- ations 1976 Depart- mental Request Committee Recommen- dation Budget Committee Recommen- dation Adopted 1976 D -5142 -SNOW REMOVAL -COUNTY 100 -Personal Services 300 -Supplies & Materials 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses _ $ 22,757 40,960 137,397 COUNTY ROAD $ 25,000 46,000 164,000 $ 25,000 46,000 164,000 FUND (Continued) $ 25,000 46,000 164,000 $ 20,000 40,000 125,000 $ 20,000 40,000 125,000 TOTAL -SNOW REMOVAL -COUNTY 201,114 D 5144 -SNOW REMOVAL -STATE 100 -Personal Services _ _ 5,330 300 -Supplies & Materials_ 15,186 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses_ _ 31,661 TOTAL -SNOW REMOVAL -STATE _ 52,177 TOTAL -COUNTY ROAD FUND E -5130 -HIGHWAY MACHINERY 100 -Personal Services _ 200 -Equipment 300 -Supplies & Materials 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses 810 -Retirement 830 -Social Security _ _ _ 840 -Compensation .. . 860 -Health Insurance TOTAL -HIGHWAY MACHINERY TOTAL -HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 235,000 235,000 15,000 20,000 75,000 110,000 15,000 20,000 76,000 111,000 235,000 185,000 15,000 20,000 76,000 111,000 15,000 20,000 76,000 111,000 $ 1,655,869 $ 1,876,929 75,837 $ 83,195 113,159 160,000 111,869 126,000 59,005 49,000 11,884 n 12,950 4,410 5,000 1,474 2,000 2,522 2,700 $ 2,166,911 $ 2,166,911 ROAD MACHINERY FUND $ 82,700 174,000 160,000 56,000 15,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 $ 1,959,316 $ 82,700 $ 82,700 174,000 174,000 160,000 140,000 56,000 49,000 15,000 10,253 5,000 5,200 4,000 2,200 3,000 3,000 185,000 0 15,000 20,000 3 76,000 111,000 N $ 1,959,316 A 704 U $ 82,700 174,000 140,000 49,000 10,253 5,200 2,200 3,000 380,160 $ 2,036,029 440,845 $ 2,317,774 499,700 $ 2,666,611 499,700 $ 2,666,611 466,353 $ 2,425,669 466,353 $ 2,425,669 co '0 Expended 1974 1975 Appropri- ations 1976 Depart- mental Request Committee Recommen- dation Budget Committee Recommen- dation Adopted 1976 L -7410 -COUNTY LIBRARY 100 -Personal Services 200 -Equipment ... 300 -Supplies & Materials . . . 400 -Contractual & Other Expenses . 810 -Retirement _ _ _ 830 -Social Security 840 -Compensation .. _ _ 860 -Health Insurance ._ TOTAL -COUNTY LIBRARY $ 284,592 $ 348,824 _ 7,944 1,793 51,012 50,546 51,852 58,464 21,624 38,328 15,334 17,000 _ 1,106 600 5,178 5,500 GRAND TOTAL -ALL APPROPRIATIONS - ALL FUNDS _ _ LESS INTER -FUND ITEMS General Fund Appropriations for Airport County Road Fund . Library Appropriations for Road Machinery Fund TOTAL -INTER -FUND ITEMS PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND $ 341,241 $ 4,208 56,660 55,200 43,260 19,900 1,400 7,300 329,055 4,208 56,660 55,200 43,260 21,096 1,400 7,200 $ 322,962 1,800 53,000 55,200 43,260 21,096 1,400 7,200 $ 322,962 1,800 53,000 55,200 43,260 21,096 1,400 7,200 $ 438,642 $ 521,055 $ 529,169 $ 518,079 $ 505,918 $ 505,918 .0 0 Z 0 o 3 0" m 1 N $27,924,848 $29,882,128 $34,948,465 $34,833,647 $33,446,859 $33,474,694 U 39,918 978,233 342,750 380,160 22,141 1,096,740 369,440 440,845 78,675 1,516,111 435,012 499,700 78,675 1,516,111 435,012 499,700 38,248 1,223,816 410,665 396,353 38,248 1,223,816 410,665 396,353 1,741,061 1,929,166 2,529,498 2,529,498 2,069,082 2,069,082 GRAND TOTAL -ALL FUNDS (Excluding Inter -Fund Items, etc) $26,183,787 $27,952,962 $32,419,967 $32,304,149 $31,377,777 $31,405,612 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Comnuttee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recommen- Adopted 1974 atims Request dation dation 1976 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND F-1310 400 -Director of Finance -EDP Systems Consultation _ . - $ 40,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 F-2980 010 -Day Care & Child Development 0 16,000 0 0 0 0 020 -Groton Child Development Center 0 2,000 0 0 0 0 030-IACC Day Care Center . _ . 0 3,750 0 0 0 0 040 -Ithaca Speech Clinic - 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 Z F-2981 -County Extension Service-EFNEP 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 9,000 0 F-2982 -Tompkins County Agricultural and m Horticultural Society _ __ _ 0 10,000 0 0 00 9 F-34-10 410 -Fire Disaster -Transmitter 26,136 0 0 0 0 0 F-4250 -Alcohol Council, Tompkins County 0 3,010 0 0 0 O N F-4510 400 -Hospital -Clinic Program . _ 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 ?. F-6326 -Tompkins County E 0 C. 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 F-7010 -Center of the Arts of Ithaca _. 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 V F-9550 910 -Hospital Construction 132,500 0 0 0 0 0 to F-9550 931 -Airport _ ... 32,000 0 0 0 0 0 F-9550 942 -Building "C" Renovation 170,000 0 0 0 0 0 F-9550 943 -"new" Court House Renovation 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 F-9550 951 -County Highway Development 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 F-9550 952 -Industrial Park Road Program 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 F-9550 960 -Septic Waste Disposal .. _ 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 F-9730 600 -TC -3 Bond Anticipation Notes 600,000 275,000 0 0 0 0 F-9730 700 -Hospital Revenue Anticipation Note . 600,000 450,000 0 0 0 0 F-4322 450 -Challenge Industries _ _... 0 0 1,634 0 1,634 1,634 -Groton Village Housing Authority _ .. 0 0 12,675 0 6,350 6,350 -Group Homes of Tompkins County . 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 -Learning Web ... 0 $ 0 $ 2,532 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 43 �o N 1976 Budget 1975 Depart- Committee Committee Expended Appropri- mental Recommen- Recomrpen- Adopted z 1974 ations Request dation dation 1976 o — Meadow House .. .. 0 $ 0 $ 8,880 —Open House .... _ 0 0 926 —Special Children's Center 0 0 6,750 — YMCA Drop -In Center 0 0 6,000 —Voluntary Action Center _ 0 0 6,899 —Economic Opportunity Corporation 0 0 43,170 — Southside, Inc . _ . _ 0 0 187,394 —Interim Families .. 0 0 7,624 CD $ 0 $ 0 $0 a- 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 6,000 0 ? 0 0 0_. 0 0 0 V 0 0 0 tri 0 5,000 5,000 TOTAL—FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND $ 1,995,636 $ 821,760 $ 299,484 $ 10,000 $ 27,984 $ 21,984 FORM I ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE AT END OF PRESENT FISCAL YEAR 1975 County Road General Road Machinery Fund Airport Fund Fund Hospital Library ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE AT END OF PRESENT FISCAL YEAR AFTER DEDUCTING ESTIMATED ENCUMBRANCES ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED BY BOARD TO REDUCE TAX LEVY 3,500,000 38,000 100,000 72,000 (1,000,000) 30,000 1,400,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 SL61. 'VC JegwanoN 194 November 24, 1975 Appendix 1 STATEMENT OF RESERVE FUNDS AS OF November 13, 1975 CAPITAL RESERVE FUND FOR HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION (General Municipal Law, Sec 6-C) REPAIR RESERVE FUND (General Municipal Law, Sec 6-D) NONE November 24, 1975 195 STATEMENT OF DEBT AS OF NOVEMBER 13, 1975 Purpose Date of Issue Rate Amount BONDS OUTSTANDING $ 0 NOTES OUTSTANDING -- Tompkins -Cortland Community College 6/ 5/75 5 0% $1,023,616 Hospital—Revenue 6/13/75 5 0% $1,100,000 Hospital—Construction 5/21/75 5 25% $ 425,000 196 November 24, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 243—TOWN BUDGETS Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted RESOLVED, That in accordance with budgets adopted by the several town boards of the County of Tompkins now on file with the Clerk of the Board and laws of the State of New York and in accordance with the foregoing report and recommendation of the Budget Committee that there be levied upon and collected 'from the taxable property of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the foregoing sums for the purposes therein named November 24, 1975 197 TOWN OF CAROLINE To be paid the County Administrator County General and Highway Tax Compensation Insurance Election Expenses Less Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy—LVRR Total to be Paid Commissioner of Budget and Adminstration Returned School Tax TOTAL To be paid the Town Supervisor General Highway Repairs and Improvements (Item I) Bridges (Item II) Machinery (Item III) Snow and Miscellaneous (Item IV) Improvement Program (Item IA) Special Districts Brooktondale Fire Caroline Fire Protection Slaterville Fire Brooktondale Light Slaterville Light Speedsville Light Total to be paid Supervisor TOTAL BUDGET TAX RATES County $ 4 521 Town 10 106 TAX RATES FOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS Brooktondale Fire (1F1) $ 1 703 Slaterville Fire (1F2) 2 990 Caroline Fire (1F3) 1 269 Brooktondale Light (1L1) 875 Slaterville Light (1L2) 977 Speedsville Light (1L3) 1 823 $126,262 37 33153 623 15 82,742 55 0 00 44,474 50 $ 8,028 74 $ 52,503 24 $ 20,279 10 49,990 00 437 00 30,460 00 7,322 00 0 00 $108,488 10 $ 9,090 00 2,900 00 10,326 07 1,465 10 1,064 22 441 34 $ 25,286 73 $133,774 83 $186,278 07 198 November 24, 1975 TOWN OF DANBY To be paid the County Administrator County General and Highway Tax Compensation Insurance Election Expenses Less Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy-LVRR Total to be Paid Commissioner of Budget and Admuustration Returned School Tax TOTAL To be paid the Town Supervisor General Highway Repairs and Improvements (Items I) Bridges (Item II) Machinery (Item III) Snow and Miscellaneous (Item IV) Improvement Program (Item IA) Delinquent Charges Special Districts Danby Fire West Danby Water Total to be paid Supervisor TOTAL BUDGET $122,609 53 342 60 349 40 69,947 59 393 64 53,747 58 $ 9,17120 $ 62,918 78 $ 21,785 00 45,845 00 0 00 7,411 00 15,400 00 16,200 00 $106,641 00 $ 1,21988 $ 35,569 78 6,976 00 $ 42,545 78 $150,406 66 $213,325 44 TAX RATES County $ 6 063 Town 11220 TAX RATES FOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS Danby Fire (2F1) $ 3 640 West Danby Water (2W1) 9.228 November 24, 1975 199 TOWN OF DRYDEN To be paid the County Administrator i � County General and Highway Tax $93,665 93 $634,442 39 ' Compensation Insurance 26180 1,76158 Election Expenses 270 39 1,83133 Less Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy 0 00 270,560 06 Total $94,198 10 $367,475 24 $461,673 34 Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy—LVRR $ 1,088 66 Total to be Paid Commissioner of Budget and Administration $462,762.00 Returned School Tax $ 90,351 14 TOTAL $553,11314 To be paid the Town Supervisor: General General—Outside Village Highway Repairs and Improvements (Item I) Bridges (Item II) Machinery (Item III) Snow and Miscellaneous (Item IV) Improvement Program (Item IA) $ 15,836 00 124,537 00 4,500 00 77,000 00 63,490 00 36,000 00 $321,363 00 Delinquent Charges $ 40 30 Special Districts Etna Fire $ 65,035 00 Etna Light 1,298 00 McLean Light 000 Varna Light 1,609 00 Varna Water 18,003 23 Sapsucker Rd Sewer 924 00 Varna Sewer 22,718 00 Ringwood Ct Rd 2,476 80 $112,064 03 Total to be paid Supervisor $433,467 33 TOTAL BUDGET TAX RATES Dryden Village. Dryden Outside County $14,553 County Town 3 170 Town Freeville Village County Town 8.383 3 170 TAX RATES FOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS Fire Protection (3F1) 1 500 Etna Light (3L1) 1 339 McLean Light (3L2) — Varna Light (3L3) 1 290 , $986,580 47 8383 6 926 200 November 24, 1975 TOWN OF ENFIELD To be paid the County Administrator County General and Highway Tax Compensation Insurance Election Expenses $102,913 47 286 17 166 69 Less Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy 66,203 76 Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy—LVRR 0 00 Total to be Paid Commissioner of Budget and Administration Returned School Tax TOTAL To be paid the Town Supervisor General Highway Repairs and Improvements (Item I) Bridges (Item II) Machinery (Item III) Snow and Miscellaneous (Item IV) Improvement Program (Item IA) Special Districts Fire Protection Total to be paid Supervisor TOTAL BUDGET TAX RATES County 4 796 Town 10.903 TAX RATE FOR SPECIAL DISTRICT Fire Protection (4F1) 1 463 $ 37,162 57 $ 9,35015 $ 46,512 72 $ 8,075 00 43,465 00 0 00 18,319 54 14,650 00 0 00 $ 84,509 54 $ 12,500 00 $ 97,009 54 $143,522 26 November 24, 1975 201 TOWN OF GROTON To be paid the County Administrator County General and Highway Tax Compensation Insurance Election Expenses Less Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy Total $92,813 78 $119,408 27 24898 31229 349 97 450 25 0 00 90,261 38 $93,412 73 $ 29,909 43 $123,32216 Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy—LVRR $ 52137 ' Total to be Paid Commissioner of Budget and Administration $123,843 53 Returned School Tax $ 62,422 98 TOTAL $186,266 51 To be paid the Town Supervisor General $ 25,304 10 General — Outside Village 7,534 00 Highway Repairs and Improvements (Item I) 28,091 25 Bridges (Item II) 0 00 Machinery (Item III) 66,974 12 Snow and Miscellaneous (Item IV) 27,315 00 Improvement Program (Item IA) 0 00 $155,218 47 Special Districts Fire Protection $ 18,340 38 McLean Light 994 89 Peruville Light 538 38 Ambulance 8,850 00 $ 28,723 65 Total to be paid Supervisor $183,942 12 TOTAL BUDGET $370,208 63 TAX RATES Inside County 11611 Outside County 2 890 Town 6 500 Town 9 940 TAX RATES FOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS• Fire Protection (5F1) 1 700 McLean Light (5L1) 1 130 Peruville Light (5L2) 1 630 Ambulance (5A1) 820 202 November 24, 1975 TOWN OF ITHACA To be paid the County Administrator: County General and Highway Tax $323,205 53 $677,623 56 Compensation Insurance 937 17 2,119 02 Election Expenses 484 47 1,015 74 Less Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy 0 00 404,214 10 Total $324,627 17 $276,544 22 $601,171 39 Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy—LVRR $ 587 74 Total to be Paid Commissioner of Budget and Administration $601,759 13 Returned School Tax $ 000 TOTAL $601,759 13 To be paid the Town Supervisor General $ 29,684 00 General — Outside Village 0 00 Highway Repairs and Improvements (Item I) 0 00 Bridges (Item II) 0 00 Machinery (Item III) 34,307 00 Snow and Miscellaneous (Item IV)' 51,037 00 Improvement Program (Item IA) 0 00 $115,028 00 Delinquent Charges $ 31,414 71 Special Districts Fire Protection $153,650 00 Forest Home Light 690 00 Glenside Light 160 00 Renwick Hgts Light 340 00 Ithaca Water -Bolton Pt 221,236 03 Ithaca Sewer 199,890 62 Eastwood Light 330 00 $576,296 65 Total to be paid Supervisor $722,739 36 TOTAL BUDGET $1,324,498 49 TAX RATES Inside County 12 514 Outside County 5 086 Town 373 Town 1959 TAX RATES FOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS Fire Protection (6F1) 2.782 Forest Home Light (6L1) 465 Glenside Light (6L2) 500 Renwick Hgts Light (6L3) 378 Eastwood Comm Light (6L4) 753 November 24, 1975 203 TOWN OF LANSING To be paid the County Administrator County General and Highway Tax $1,006,518 27 Compensation Insurance 2,654 70 Election Expenses 1,023 69 Less Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy 195,018 32 $815,178 34 Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy—LVRR 946 38 Total to be Paid Commissioner of Budget and Administration $816,124 72 Returned School Tax $ 79,376 79 TOTAL $895,50151 To be paid the Town Supervisor General $ 62,699 00 Highway Repairs and Improvements (Item I) 79,653 00 Bridges (Item II) 000 Machinery (Item III) 65,609 00 Snow and Miscellaneous (Item IV) 54,264 00 Improvement Program (Item IA) 0 00 $262,225 00 Dehnquent Charges $ 42,084 93 Special Districts Fire District $ McKinney Water Dist 71,608 33 Ludlowville Light 509 24 Catherwood Light 484 79 Water Dist #1 1,028 06 Water Dist # 2 138,043 64 Sewer Dist #1 4,208 05 Sewer Dist #2 7,986 57 42,290 46 To be paid Supervisor TOTAL BUDGET TAX RATES Inside County Town $266,159 14 $570,469 07 $1,465,970 58 10 336 Outside County 10 336 2 316 Town 3 771 TAX RATES FOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS Fire Protection (7F1) 900 Ludlowville Light (7L1) 1 104 McKinney Water (7W1) 1 495 204 November 24, 1975 TOWN OF NEWFIELD To be paid the County Administrator County General and Highway Tax $165,445 63 Compensation Insurance 485 31 Election Expenses 34185 Less Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy 110,348 78 Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy—LVRR Total to be Paid Commissioner of Budget and Administration Returned School Tax TOTAL To be paid the Town Supervisor General Highway Repairs and Improvements (Item I) Bridges (Item H) Machinery (Item III) Snow and Miscellaneous (Item IV) Improvement Program (Item IA) Delinquent Charges Special Districts Fire Protection Newfield Light Newfield Water Total to be paid Supervisor TOTAL BUDGET $ 22,903 40 92,300 00 1,120 00 31,300 00 30,150 00 14,040 00 $ 34410 $ 56,26811 $ 31,949 06 $ 88,217 17 $191,813 40 $ 000 $ 12,498 76 3,100 00 20,300 00 $ 35,898 76 $227,712 16 $315,929 33 TAX RATES County 3 816 Town 12 930 TAX RATES FOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS Fire Protection (8F1) 830 Newfield Light (8L1) 1 180 Newfield Water (8W1) 3 620 November 24, 1975 205 TOWN OF ULYSSES To be paid the County Administrator County General and Highway Tax $79,590 62 $184,839 13 Compensation Insurance 228 78 531 30 Election Expenses 206 77 480 21 Less Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy 0 00 89,085 92 Total $80,026 17 $ 96,764 72 $176,790 89 Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy—LVRR $ 0 00 Total to be Paid Commissioner of Budget and Administration $176,790 89 Returned School Tax $ 47,333 32 TOTAL $224,124 21 To be paid the Town Supervisor General ' $ 15,415 00 General — Outside Village 4,375 00 Highway Repairs and Improvements (Item I) 31,703 00 Bridges (Item II) 1,720 00 Machinery (Item III) 16,815 00 Snow and Miscellaneous (Item IV) 18,630 00 Improvement Program (Item IA) 0 00 $ 88,658 00 Special Districts Fire Protection Total to be paid Supervisor TOTAL BUDGET $ 13,942 00 $102,600 00 $326,724 21 TAX RATES Inside County 13 555 Outside County 7 059 Town 2 682 Town 5 313 TAX RATES FOR SPECIAL DISTRICT Fire Protection (9F1) 980 206 November 24, 1975 CITY OF ITHACA-1976 To be paid the County Administrator. County General and Highway Tax $1,214,999 52 Compensation 3,83418 Election Expenses 2,966 35 Less Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy 0 00 Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy—LVRR 663 65 Total to be Paid to County Administrator 1,222,463 70 TOTAL $1,222,463 70 TAX RATES County 11 638 RESOLUTION NO. 244—REPORT OF BUDGET COMMITTEE FOR APPORTION- MENT OF GENERAL AND HIGHWAY LEVIES Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Morse Adopted RESOLVED, That the report of the Budget Committee be accepted and adopted and that valuation of real property and franchises, for the purposes of general and highway tax levies against the several tax districts of the county be equalized at full value and determined as therein set forth as the basis of the apportionment for such general and highway tax levies for the year 1976 RESOLUTION NO. 245—APPROPRIATION FOR CONDUCT OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Haight Adopted WHEREAS, this board by Resolution No 242 dated November 24, 1975, has adopted a budget for the conduct of county government for the fiscal year 1976, which budget is set forth in full in the minutes, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 356 of the County Law the several amounts specified in such budget opposite each item of expenditure set forth in the column adopted be and hereby are appropriated for the objects and purposes specified, effective January 1 RESOLUTION NO 246—ADOPTION APPORTIONMENT OF TAXES Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted RESOLVED, That the report of the Committee on Budget be accepted and adopted and that the several amounts therein listed for state tax, county tax for general welfare and health purposes, enterprise fund tax and county highway tax for the year 1976 against the several towns of the county and City of Ithaca, be assessed against, levied upon and collected from taxable property of the several towns and city liable therefor RESOLUTION NO. 247—TAX LEVY Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Culligan Ayes — 15 Noes — 0 Adopted RESOLVED, That the sum of $4,944,338 required to meet the expenses and cost of county government in Tompkins County for the fiscal year 1976 as set forth in the budget be assessed against, levied upon, and collected from the tax- able property of the nine towns and the city liable therefor November 24, 1975 207 RESOLUTION NO. 248—PRINTING OF TAX RATES Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Robey Adopted RESOLVED, That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various towns and the City of Ithaca the Clerk shall print such rates in the Proceedings of the Board following the Budgets of the several towns and city 1 It was Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Culligan, That the resolution pertaining to Workmen's Compensation Apportionment which was adopted at the October 27, 1975 meeting, be brought on the floor for correction deleting the Village of Lansing Motion adopted. The corrected resolution is as follows RESOLUTION NO. 204—WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BUDGET AND APPOR- TIONMENT — MUTUAL SELF-INSURANCE PLAN WHEREAS, in the apportionment of the 1976 Workmen's Compensation Bud- get the Village of Lansing was erroneously apportioned the sum of $754 47 when in fact they should not be apportioned any sum, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Administrator of Workmen's Com- pensation that the apportionment of said $30,000 00 Workmen's Compensation Budget, adopted by Resolution No 204 on November 6, 1975, be amended to read as follows (Based on 1974 Assessment) Assessed State Value Rate Full or True Value Apportionment Caroline $ 9,693,277 70 $ 13,847,539 $ 33153 Danby 8,585,860 60 14,309,767 342 60 Dryden 47,625,066 57 83,552,747 2,023 38 Enfield 7,412,885 62 11,956,266 28617 Groton 18,084,549 78 23,185,319 56127 Ithaca Town 77,727,228 62 125,366,497 3,05619 Lansing 76,507,851 69 110,880,943 2,654 70 Newfield 14,189,469 70 20,270,670 485 31 Ulysses 19,365,590 61 31,746,869 76008 Ithaca City 103,280,000 65 158,892,307 3,83418 Dryden Village 6,335,777 57 11,115,398 25941 Freeville Village 1,510,227 57 2,649,521 6186 Groton Village 7,977,068 78 10,227,010 238 68 Cayuga Heights 25,433,965 62 41,022,524 957 48 County 382,471,775 64 594,008,924 14,147 16 Total $806,200,587 $1,253,032,301 $30,000 00 RESOLVED, further, That the County's share of such apportionment being the sum of $14,147 16 be included in the budget of the county and that amounts apportioned to each of the participating towns and City of Ithaca as shown in the foregoing schedule be included in the next tax levy against the taxable proper- ty of said towns and city respectively, and that the Clerk of the Board transmit to the Clerk of each participating village a statement of the amount apportioned to such village with the request that the same be paid to the County Administrator Mrs Livesay placed in nomination the names of Mrs Mildred Georgia, Mrs Blanche Drake, Mrs Lucy LeBoffe, Mr Philip Freytag for appointment to the Tompkins County Office for the Aging Advisory Committee Upon hearing no further nominations, the chairman declared the above-named persons members of said committee It was Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mrs Livesay, That Resolution No 240 Adoption of 1976 Area Plan as amended — Office for the Aging, be lifted from the table. Motion adopted. 208 December 8, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 240—ADOPTION OF 1976 AREA PLAN AS AMENDED — OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held after notice required by law to consider the 1976 Area Plan, as amended — Office for the Aging, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing held on the 24th day of November, 1975, at 10 00 a m discussion was had and no one appeared in opposition to said pro- posed area plan, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services Committee, That said 1976 Area Plan, as amended — Office for the Aging be and the same hereby is adopted, copy of said Area Plan on file with the Clerk of the Board Mr Dates, on behalf of the Budget and Administration Committee, expressed thanks to John Murphy, David Doyle and William Burr On motion, meeting adjourned at 10 16 p m PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 8, 1975 NUTRITION FOR THE ELDERLY PROGRAM The Chairman called the public hearing to order at 9 30 a m The Clerk read the notice of pubhc hearing that was published in the official newspapers Susan Clarke, Director of the Office for the Aging, gave the board some back- ground information on the program Upon hearing no further discussion, the hearing was closed at 9 36 p m REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10 00 a m Present 14 Representatives Excused — Representative Watros — 1 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance The Chairman called the Public Hearing to order on the contract between the County of Tompkins and APCOA Services, Inc concerning paid parking at the Tompkins County Airport The Clerk read the notice of public hearing as it appeared in the official newspapers Mr Randall Shew, Director of Community Relations at Cornell University, Mr Henry S Cramer, Director of Employee Relations at Cornell University, and Mr Stuart Stein, all spoke opposing the proposal Representative MacNeil gave his views on the proposal and said he favors the paid parking 1 Mr Lawrence Amico, a representative of APCOA Services, Inc noted ad- vantages and answered many questions regarding the proposed operation Mr Ralph Jordon, Chamber of Commerce, said a brief survey of a few Cham- ber members was made and most were opposed He said the Chamber would be acceptable for a survey of businesses using airport facility if such a request were made by county authority December 8, 1975 209 ' Mrs Livesay wondered if there is any other possibility or alternative that could be worked out that would bring in additional income from airport users She felt this should be explored with the committee Mr MacNeil said because of statements here he feels there are still un- answered questions and will move to lay the matter on the table later in the meeting for an additional two weeks The hearing was closed at 10 54 p m Under privilege of the floor Representative Miller said on January 6, 1976 there will be a meeting of the Carohne Town Board and all residents of Caroline are invited Department Heads of the county will be there to answer questions and anyone interested is invited to attend The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Town of Ithaca Budget for 1976, Groton Town Budget for 1976, resolutions from TC3 re contract approval policy, audit of capital expenditures, modification of 1975-1976 budget, and 1976-77 tuition and fee charges, executed copy of renewal note certificate authorizing issuance of $425,000 bond anticipation renewal note of Tompkins County re expansion of Tompkins County Hospital, letter from De- partment of Labor re eligibility of and benefits due CETA Title I, II and VI participants who receive Basic Educational Opportunity Grants, Social Services Department monthly statistical report for October, notice of tentative state equalization rates for City of Ithaca — 6055, Village of Dryden — 56 82, Village of Freeville — 54 33, Village of Groton — 7014, Village of Cayuga Heights — 5812, Village of Lansing — 53 50, Village of Trumansburg — 55 39, letter from Karen Brammer of Wells College re overall health system in Tompkins County, Pistol Permits for November 1-30, 1975 totaled $87 00, letter from Joseph M Missavage, Executive Director STE re Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Development Board membership with a copy of the bylaws, resolution of Cortland County re audit of capital expenditures (Avella $1,189 27 Claim No 101), copy of 1974-1975 report of Cooperative Extension Association of Tompkins County, letter from Inter -County Publishers Inc requesting the 1976 designation as official newspaper and said circulation of Rural News and Groton Journal is 1998 and with Lansing Observer is 3,198, copy of proposed Agricultural District No 5 for Danby as submitted to Department of Environmental Conservation, executed copy of Tompkins and Schuyler County contract re review of Physically Handicapped cases Permission was granted to delete a motion made at the November 24, 1975 evening meeting which was to add to Resolution No 238 — Authorization to Execute Service Project Application, Big Brother -Big Sister in the amount of $15,100 A resolution will be presented later in the meeting to cover the motion which will put the proper resolution with the proper application The minutes of the November 24, 1975 a m and p m meetings were ap- proved , Various committee chairmen reported as follows Mr Dates, Chairman of Budget and Administration, said there will be a resolution presented later in the meeting regarding revenue sharing apMr Culligan, Chairman of Health Committee, said he has not received many plications for appointment to the Board of Managers and if anyone has any names for consideration to contact him He asked Mr Williamson, County At- torney, to answer questions 1) If practicing physicians could be on the Board of Managers They can be appointed provided they are Tompkins County residents and not employees of the county 2) Could the local Board of Representatives be acting voting members Board members can be appointed providing there is a local law authorizing it He will ask for a resolution for a public hearing at the December 22nd meeting Mr Webster, Chairman, Intergovernmental Relations Committee, said the Municipal Officials' Association meeting will be held December 17th at the Ramada Inn 210 December 8, 1975 Mrs Livesay gave a progress report on the Ad hoc Youth and Recreation Committee The report date of July 1975 was not 'realistic and they were not able to come up with a recommendation by budget time She is hopeful for a recommendation of whether or not to have a County Youth Bureau by June 1976 There is new state legislation that wants counties to get more involved in overall planning coordinating in all areas, recreation programs, youth service programs, criminal justice system, etc The funding affects local municipalities It is because of affects on municipalities as well as what our own responsibilities are that this is being studied The State says in order to become involved in comprehensive health planning which is necessary for the higher reimbursement rate, we would have to have a County Youth Bureau There is some resistance to this from towns and villages The committee will be meeting in January in Trumansburg Mr MacNeil, Chairman of Planning and Publics Works Committee, said the Environmental Management Council met November 13th and discussed bylaws for the coming year They met and discussed the appointment of Mr Ryan as chairman of this group Mr Earle explained some pertinent topics one of which was the Cross Town Road proposal The Committee met December 1 They had an update on the Old Court House renovation, discussed purchase of equipment by the Highway Department and there is a resolution on the agenda today but he said he will ask for it to be tabled until December 22 There will be an ap- propriation resolution for the Planning Department 'necessary due to unexpected printing costs He said they reviewed the road situation as requested by Mrs Livesay and a list was made Mr Liguori explained to the committee in detail the purpose of Southern Tier East Planning and Development Board There are A95 funds available and Mr Liguori is attempting to gather people in the com- munity interested in applying for those funds They also discussed paid parking at the airport and landing fees Due to confusion in the parking lot at the court- house, Mr Liguori and Mr Stevenson were requested to come up with a better plan than now exists Mr Miller, Chairman, Social Services Committee, said they will meet tomor- row to discuss the County Veterans' Office Mr Stevenson, Hospital Construction Committee, said a meeting will be held December 22 at 7 30 p m to review the design development phase and at 2 30 p m the committee will meet Mr Murphy, County Administrator, has a report on reallocation of and new federal revenue sharing funds updating the October 31 report He also spoke about off-track betting He has been advised that 'six other counties, of which Onondaga County is carrying the ball, reapply for off-track betting in the Region 6 which included Tompkins County, and if interested there is a meeting coming up He said he has made no' commitment and one will be made before the board takes action to authorize it Mr Williamson, County Attorney, said he has not heard from Judge Yesowich concerning the child abuse matter There are motions pending with Mrs Betty Muka Chairman Kerr noted there will be a luncheon for present and past board members on December 22 December llth at 7 30 1 p m the Health Committee, Board of Managers and Board of Representatives will meet to discuss ways and means of future management of the hospital It was moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mr Miller, That resolutions per- taining to authorization contract project application and public hearing on Local Law No 2, be added to the agenda and Resolution No 234 — Creation of Position — Social Services be withdrawn Motion adopted It was Moved by Mr. MacNeil, seconded by Mr Kidney, that the resolution for Award of Bids for Machinery — Highway be Tabled Motion to Table adopted. It was Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates, That the Resolution for Authorization to Execute Agreement — APCOA Services, Inc be tabled until the next meeting Motion to Table adopted. December 8, 1975 211 RESOLUTION NO. 199—AUTHORIZATION FOR CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE CONTRACT — JOHN W. COWPER COMPANY, INC. Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by MacNeil A lengthy discussion followed A roll call resulted as follows Ayes — Representatives Clynes, Culhgan, Dates, Haight, Holden, Kidney, Livesay, MacNeil (enthusiastically), Robey (with hope they will itemize savings at the end of period), Webster, Benson, Morse, Kerr — 13 Noes — 0 Excused — Miller, Watros — 2 Adopted WHEREAS, the Hospital Construction Committee has fully explored the need for a construction manager during the design and construction phase of the project and has recommended to the Board of Representatives that a construction manager be employed, and WHEREAS, the Hospital Construction Committee has interviewed and con- sidered the applications of a number of construction managers, and WHEREAS, the Hospital Construction Committee recommends that a con- tract be entered into between the County of Tompkins and John W Cowper Company, Inc for the services of construction manager for the design and building of the new hospital pursuant to a contract agreement dated December 2, 1975 in the basic amount of $671,400 00, but subject to the terms for modification in event that the project exceeds certain limitations as to cost and construction schedules as defined therein, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the County of Tompkins enter into a contract for the services of the John W Cowper Company, Inc as construction manager for the planning and building of a new hospital facility pursuant to the terms of a con- tract dated December 2, 1975, attached hereto and made a part hereof, for a base cost of $671,400 00, but subject to certain modifications based upon actual cost of construction and construction schedule, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be authorized to execute said contract on behalf of Tompkins County RESOLUTION NO. 249—TRANSFER OF FUNDS — COUNTY CLERK Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Haight Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the County Clerk and the Budget & Adnunistration Committee, That the following transfer be made From Code A1410 200 To Code A1411 200 — $316 25 RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books RESOLUTION NO. 250—AWARD OF BID — PRINTING OF PROCEEDINGS Moved by Mr Morse, seconded by Mr Haight Adopted , WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board has advertised for bids for the printing of the Proceedings of the Board of Representatives for the year 1976 in ac- cordance with specifications filed in her office, and WHEREAS, the bid of ArtCraft, Inc for furnishing 300 copies at' $20 25 per page for 8 pt body matter and $27 00 far 8 pt tables is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that said bid be and the same hereby is accepted for copies of therproceedings and the bid for printing said proceedings for 1976 be and the same hereby is awarded to ArtCraft, Inc and the Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract on behalf of the County for said work RESOLUTION NO. 251—RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES Moved by Mr Morse, seconded by Mr Webster Adopted RESOLVED, That the Director of Assessment of the County be and he hereby as authorized and directed to add to the respective 1976 tax and 1975 assessment rolls the amount of the uncollected school taxes returned by the collectors of the various districts, exclusive of the City of Ithaca School District, to the County Administrator and remaining unpaid and that have not been heretofore re -levied in town tax rolls, and that said returned school taxes be re -assessed and-relevied on town tax rolls, and that said returned school taxes be re -assessed and re -levied 212 December 8, 1975 upon the lots and parcels so returned with seven (7) and when collected the same should be returned to reimburse the amount so advanced with the expense per cent in addition thereto, the County Administrator to of collection RESOLUTION NO. 252—APPROVING COMPLETED TAX ROLLS AND DIRECT- ING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF WARRANTS Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted WHEREAS, upon the tax rolls of the several towns and city, the several taxes will be extended, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the tax rolls be approved as completed, that the taxes extended upon the rolls in the several amounts extended against such parcel of property upon the said rolls are hereby determined to be the taxes due thereon as set forth therein, RESOLVED, further, That there be annexed to each of said rolls a tax war- rant prepared by the Director of Assessment as provided for in Section 3 04 (b) of the Tompkins County Charter and Code, that such warrants of said rolls, that the several warrants be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board under seal of the Board and ,by the Director of Assessment, that said rolls with said warrants annexed are to be forthwith delivered to the respective collectors of the several tax districts of the County RESOLUTION NO. 253—PRINT AUDIT STATEMENTS — TOWNS Moved by Mr Robey, seconded by Mr Culligan Adopted RESOLVED, That the Clerk be directed to print audit statements of the several towns of the County in the Proceedings of the Board RESOLUTION NO 254—REGRADING OF POSITION — HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Culligan Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, That the posi- tion of Utilization Review Coordinator (09-25) be regraded to labor grade XII (12-35), effective immediately RESOLUTION NO. 255—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — OLD COURT HOUSE Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Webster Ayes — 11 Noes — Repre- sentatives Culligan, Kidney — 2 Excused — Representatives Miller, Watros — 2 Adopted. WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee in the amount of $45,287 10 to be paid from the County ,Building Capital Construction Account are William Downing Associates Architects (Balance to Complete $7,511 75) $ 1,26310 Stewart and Bennett, Inc #6 General Contractor (Balance to Complete $112,290 00) 32,729 00 Kimble Plumbing and Heating, Inc #5 —Heating - Air Conditioning (Balance to complete $50 190 00) 11,295 00 —Plumbing (Balance to complete $5,694 00) none Norton Electric Co Inc (Balance, to complete $23,726 25) none Total Construction Costs $45,287 10 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor December 8, 1975 213 RESOLUTION NO. 256—VALIDATION AND APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO COUNTY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 COMMISSION , Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted ToWHEREAS, the County of Tompkins did approve the establishment of the mpkins County Sanitary Sewer District No 1 by means of Resolution 46-72, pursuant to the provisions of Article 5a of the County Law, and WHEREAS, Section VI of the Report of the County Sewer District adopted by this Board does establish a Sanitary Sewer Commission to manage and operate said Sewer District, and WHEREAS, the organization plan in said Report requires that the Board of Representatives appoint members to the Sanitary Sewer District Commission upon nomination of the participating municipality and in addition, certain ex officio members, and WHEREAS, the original membership did include two representatives each from the Village of Cayuga Heights, the Town of Ithaca, and the Town of Lansing and one representative from the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, since the original organization of the County Sewer District Com- mission, the new Village of Lansing has become incorporated and is included within the boundaries of County Sewer District No 1, therefore be it RESOLVED, That membership on the Sanitary Sewer District Commission No 1 shall now be composed of two members each from the Village of Cayuga Heights, the Town of Ithaca, the Village of Lansing, and one member from the Town of Lansing and the Town of Dryden, all such members to have full voting privileges, be it further RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives, or his designee, shall also serve as a full voting member, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Planning shall serve as ex officio members with voice but no vote, and be it further RESOLVED, That the following are hereby appointed, upon nomination of the respective participating municipalities, for two year terms all expiring on June 30th of each odd year Gordon Wheeler, Village of Cayuga Heights, expires June 30, 1977 David Allee, Village of Cayuga Heights, expires June 30, 1977 Walter Schwan, Town of Ithaca, expires June 30, 1977 Robert Powers, Town of Ithaca, expires June 30, 1977 Anne Furry, Village of Lansing, expires June 30, 1977 Edward Foss, Village of Lansing, expires June 30, 1977 (Lee Naegely, Town of Lansing, expires June 30, 1977 (James Showacre Janet Graham, Town of Dryden, expires June 30, 1977 RESOLVED, That not withstanding the above term of office expiration date, participating municipalities may petition the Board of Representatives by Reso- lution at any time to change the respective person(s) serving that municipality as members, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Sewer Commission shall elect officers annually among the membership to include a Chairman, a Vice Chairman and such other officers as may be appropriate, and be it further RESOLVED, That the powers and duties of the Commission shall be those prescribed in Article 5a of the County Law, including those enumerated within Section VI of the Report of the County Sewer District as filed with the NYS De- partment of Audit and Control, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Commission shall prepare and adopt Bylaws to govern the conduct of meetings and business, and be it further RESOLVED, That this Resolution shall supercede all prevaous resolutions deahng with the membership and organization of the Sewer Commission, and be it further 214 December 8, 1975 RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to each of the par- ticipating municipalities, each member herein appointed, the Commissioner of Planning, the Commissioner of Public Works, the County Administrator, and the County Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 257—APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATION FOR MAINTENANCE OF COUNTY ROADS AND BRIDGES Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted WHEREAS, the County Commissioner of Public Works has recommended an appropriation of $1,959,316 for maintenance of county roads and bridges for the year 1976 in accordance with Section 129 of the Highway Law, and requests the aforementioned sum, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be expended under his supervision from County Road Fund monies to the following accounts D-3310 Traffic Control $ 52,314 D-5010 County Road Administration 34,797 D-5110 Maintenance Road and Bridges 1,427,453 D-5142 Snow Removal Division — County 185,000 D-5144 Snow Removal Division — State 111,000 D-5110 810 State Retirement 73,452 D-5110 830 Social Security 32,000 D-5110 840 Compensation 27,800 D-5110 860 Health Insurance 15,500 $1,959,316 RESOLVED, That the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is approved and the Clerk and Chairman of the Board of Repre- sentatives be and hereby are authorized and directed to sign the agreements re- quired by the State Department of Public Works RESOLUTION NO 258- ADOPTION OF BUDGET — OFFICE FOR THE AGING I — TITLE VI (NUTRITION FOR ELDERLY) Moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mr. Webster Adopted WHEREAS, a public hearing on the 1976 Budget for the Nutrition for the Elderly Program was held December 8, 1975 in the Board of Representatives Chambers of the Tompkins County Court House, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social Services Committee, That the 1976 Budget for the Nutrition for the Elderly Program in Tompkins County in the amount of $10,000 be and the same hereby is approved and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 259—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE YOUTH SERVICE PROJECT APPLICATION Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mrs Livesay Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute for the year 1976, a Youth Service Project Application to the State of New York, for State Aid in the amount of $10,652 for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1976 for the following programs Big Brother/Big Sister $ 7,550 Interim Families 3,102 $10,652 RESOLVED, further, That the amendment to Resolution No 238 adopted at the adjourned meeting of the Board on November 24, 1975 re Big Brother/Big Sister application be and the same is rescinded December 8, 1975 215 RESOLUTION NO. 260—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS — DIVISION FOR YOUTH PROJECTS Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Webster Adopted WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Board of Representatives has been authorized to execute a Youth Service Project Application with the New York State Division for Youth for renewal of the joint Youth Programs within the County, and that as a result contracts are required to be executed between the County and the various agencies involved, and WHEREAS, the New York State Division for Youth has indicated their willingness, conditioned upon State approval, to provide reimbursement funds for a portion of the total program budgets as outlined below Revenues Program Appropriations State Aid Local Contributions 4-H Hancock & West Village $ 5,120 $ 2,560 $ 2,560 Mainline 10,870 5,435 5,435 Big Brother/Big Sister 15,100 7,550 7,550 Interim Famihes 8,102 3,102 5,000 WHEREAS, the individual agency contracts are required to assure reimburse- ment to the County of each agency's local contribution, now therefore be it ' RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com- mittee, That the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with 4-11, Mainline, EOC (Big Brother/Big Sister) and Family and Children's Services (Interim Families), for the renewal of their Youth Pro- grams, conditioned upon state approval, and contingent upon state funding, on behalf of the County, for the calendar year 1976 RESOLUTION NO. 261—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS — TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Livesay Ayes — 13 Noes — 0 Excused — Representatives Miller, Watros — 2 Adopted WHEREAS, the hst of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee in the amount of $1,189 27 to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College are Capital Construction — Claim No 101 — $1,189 27 ' RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amounts be and the same are hereby audited and approved, RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor RESOLUTION NO. 262—CANCELLATION OF TAXES — TOWN OF ULYSSES Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Webster Adopted WHEREAS, a parcel of vacant land unlawfully appeared upon the 1972 As- sessment Roll for the Town of Ulysses, in the Village of Trumansburg, described thereon as tax map number 19-7-6-19, and WHEREAS, said parcel was assessed for $100 and subsequently in 1973 and thereafter the following taxes and penalties have been levied thereon County $12 76 Town (in) 22 School 3 29 (Trumansburg Central) Total $16 27 WHEREAS, it has been determined that the said parcel does not exist being a part of surrounding parcels, and 216 December 8, 1975 WHEREAS, under Section 932 of the Real Property Tax Law it is hereby recommended by the Director of Assessment and the Budget and Administration Committee that the saidl taxes and penalties be canceled, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the said taxes and penalties be canceled and charged back to the County, Town of Ulysses and Trumansburg Central School District as shown above RESOLUTION NO. 263 ;SETTING DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING — ESTAB- LISHMENT OF RULES, REGULATIONS, FEES AND RENTAL AT TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT BY INTER- STATE SCHEDULED AIRLINES Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted WHEREAS, a proposed ordinance establishing rules, regulations, fees and ren- tal for use and occupancy of the Tompkins County Airport be interstate scheduled airlines has been submitted to the board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning & Public Works Commit- tee, That a public hearing be held on the 22nd day of December, 1975, at 10 00 a m. RESOLUTION NO. 264—APPROPRIATION FROM REVENUE SHARING FUND BALANCE Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden Ayes — 13 Noes — 0 Ex- cused — Representatives Watros, Miller — 2 Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com- mittee, That the sum of $730,000 be appropriated from Revenue Sharing Fund Balance to Account Name Amount F7320 440 Interim Families Program $ 5,000 F9730 600 Payment of principal on Bond Anticipation Note — Tompkins -Cortland Community College 275,000 F9730 700 Contribution to T C Hosp Fund Balance 450,000 $730,000 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said transfers on his books RESOLUTION NO. 265—TRANSFER OF FUNDS—REVENUE SHARING FUNDS Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted with Mr Culhgan and Mr Kidney casting dissenting votes RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com- mittee, That transfers of Revenue Sharing Funds be made as follows From To Amount F4510.400 Hospital Clinic F9730 700 Contrib.—TC Hosp Fund Bal $60 000 F9550 951 Co Hwy Develop F9730 700 Contrib —TC Hosp Fund Bal 16,255 $ 76,255 F9550 943 "New" Ct House Renov F9550 944 "Old" Ct House Renov $100,000 F9550 942 Bldg C F9550 944 "Old" Ct House Renov 125,000 F9550 952 Ind Pk Rd Prog F9550 944 "Old" Ct House Renov 50,000 $275,000 RESOLVED, further, That the County l Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said transfers on his books December 8, 1975 217 RESOLUTION NO. 266—RECLASSIFICATION OF POSITION — TYPIST — HOSPITAL Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Culligan Adopted ' RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Personnel Committees, That one position of Typist (04-09) in the Director of Nursing office at the Hospital be upgraded to Senior Typist (06-10), labor grade VI, competitive class, effective immediately, monies for said position are in the 1975 and 1976 budgets RESOLUTION NO. 267—DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING — LOCAL LAW NO. 2- 1975 Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Robey Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Health Committee, That the Board of Representatives will hold a public hearing on proposed Local Law No 2 — 1975 in the Board of Representatives' Chambers, Court House, Ithaca, New York, on the 22nd day of December, 1975 at 10 15 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, author- izing the Board of Representatives to appoint members from its Board to the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Hospital Mr MacNeil placed the name of Donald Ryan in nomination as Chairman of the Environmental Management Council for a term of one year effective January 1,1976 and expires December 31, 1976 Upon hearing no further nominations, the Chairman declared Mr Ryan Chairman of said Council , On motion, meeting adjourned at 12 40 p m 218 December 22, 1975 PUBLIC HEARING December 22, 1975 The Chairman called the public hearing to order at 10 00 a m on an Or- dinance establishing rules, regulations, fees, and rental for use and occupancy of Tompkins County Airport by Interstate Scheduled, Airlines. Mr MacNeil asked if anyone wished to make a statement George J King, Vice President of Public Affairs, Allegheny Airlines, gave a background on negotiations and stated Allegheny's position In their view, the sharp increase demanded by the county is unwarranted, unreasonable and arbitrary He also spoke about the economy and oil sources and prices He said the local Allegheny service here is provided at a loss even though passenger service is at an all time high He said sooner or later these costs must be passed through to the customers i Mr MacNeil said it would be to the , county's advantage to negotiate a settlement and they would like to negotiate a settlement He said their main statement has been that they only wish to be comparative Mr John Murphy said the last time the negotiating committee spoke m per- son to an Allegheny Representative was August 5th although he has spoken to him several times by telephone He said they are ready to further negotiate They only want to be comparable with other airports Upon hearing no further discussion, the hearing was closed at 10 25 a m I' PUBLIC HEARING December 22, 1975 The Chairman called the public hearing to order at 10 25 a m on Local Law No 2—Authorize Board of Representatives to Appoint members from its Board of Managers at Tompkins County Hospital. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS LOCAL LAW NO. 2-1975 A local law of the County of Tompkins, State of New York, authorizing the Board of Representatives to appoint members from its Board to the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Hospital BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Representatives of the County as follows Section 1 The Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins is hereby authorized to appoint members of said Board to the Board of Man- agers of the Tompkins County Hospital Section 2 Said members of the Board of Representatives appointed to the Board of Managers of said hospital shall be appointed for terms of office as set forth in Section 127 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, provided, however, that the term of office of said members shall automatically terminate at the end of the representative's term m office Section 3 This local law shall be effective immediately No one appeared and the hearing was closed at 10 26 a m December 22, 1975 219 REGULAR MEETING December 22, 1975 The Chairman called the meeting to order Present Representatives -15 Members and guests participated m the Pledge of Allegiance The minutes of the December 8, 1975 meeting were approved subject to cor- rection by the Clerk The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action Copy of recommendations of Hospital Committee of the Tompkins County Comprehensive Health Planning Council for new Board of Managers, resolution from the Town of Ulysses i ecommending the appointment of Mrs Robert Beers to the new Board of Managers, letter from Mayor Conley that he will represent the City on Southern Tier East Regional Planning & Development Board, State De- partment of Social Services sent copy of proposed legislation designed to reduce expenditures in State Social Services 'Budget, Town of Danby Budget for 1976 Under privilege of the floor, Lydia Darling, Director of the Nutrition for the Elderly Program, gave a progress report on the program Barbara Stewart from Cooperative Extension Service also spoke about the program Mr MacNeil made public a letter he wrote to Robert King who has been acting airport manager since the death of Glenn Turner He expressed thanks to Mr King for doing such a fine job Chairman Kerr also expressed thanks to him on behalf of the whole Board of Representatives Various committee chairmen reported as follows Mr Dates, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee, said they will be presenting resolutions later in the meeting Mr Clynes, a member of the Health Committee, said the committee met with Dr Salad]. and Mr Perkins of Perkins Funeral Home regarding the problem of order of State Law on unattended deaths removal to hospitals They met this morning with the Budget and Administration Committee and they have no recom- mendation at this time They met with Dr Hamlisch and Mr Gibbons of the Mental Health Department They approved the funding problem Mental Health has in the four items underbudgeted at the beginning of the year that can't pos- sibly be avoided There will be a resolution on that this morning There was dis- cussion of the new psychiatric unit at the hospital The Health Committee feels that the responsibility belongs with the Board of Managers since it is a hospital function They were aprised of $3800 capital funding project to do with state directives on life and safety measures This is a reduction from the original budget Regarding Health Systems Agency, they had a written report outlining the timetable of the Task Force at the present time and function of local Compre- hensive Health Planning Regarding nominations from Tompkins County to the permanent board, there will be three seats The Nominating Committee has been appointed by Comprehensive Health Planning and are accepting nominations He also reported that Mr Culligan has written members of the current Board of Managers asking if they desire to be a member of the new board The Health Com- mittee is accepting suggestions for the new fifteen member board Mr Culligan is hopeful of having the new board seated by February 1, 1976 Mr Webster, Chairman of Intergovernmental Relations Committee, stated the Tompkins County Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee held its second meeting December 18 They have begun a process to get input from all units of Tompkins County Government expressing their needs with respect to intergovern- mental cooperation Mrs Livesay said she attended a meeting of the Municipal Officials As- sociation There were several items discussed that she felt the board would be interested in such as the sales tax question and the association is going to be requesting legislation at the state level to enable them to have an audit con- ducted They also passed a resolution opposing the environmental act It was a productive meeting 220 December 22I 1975 Mr Haight, Chairman of Public Safety and Correction Committee, said they met and considered request by the Fire Coordinator for changing grade of wage scale They considered change in state mandated law to supply counsel to indigent persons in Family Court cases which the state is going to require They reviewed the report for the Health Department in changes in Sheriff's kitchen facilities to bring it up to health standards Mr Webster reported they held their first meeting of the Criminal Justice Board Mr Roger Sovocool was elected chairman and Mr James Johnston was elected vice chairman Mr Miller, Chairman, Social Services Committee, said at their last meeting they spent time discussing the county veterans' office and met with John Nulli- gan, State Division of Veterans' Affairs They will discuss this matter further and hope to come up with a recommendation by January 12 He mentioned there will be a coffee tomorrow at 9 30 a m at the County Home to honor Dr Ralph Low who is completing 33 years of practice as physician at the County Home Dis- cussion was held regarding the 1976 Budget request and there have been many complaints from both county representatives and taxpayers Mr Webster felt there was a lack of knowledge as to what the expenditures of money to the Department of Social Services actually meant Expenditures will be reviewed and analyzed and Commissioner Wagner will get back to committee with statistics on three items 1) Amount of welfare money out of budget paid to landlords in Tompkins County, 2) Bonus value of food stamps which enter local economy, 3) Amount that Medicaid might pay to our local physicians and provide us with health care in Tompkins County They hope to have a report as soon as possible Mr Miller also reported they met with Human Services and everything seems to be going well Mr MacNeil, Chairman of Planning and Public Works Committee, stated the resolution regarding airport parking is going to be kept on the table until Jan- uary 12 Last week he and Mr Liguori attended a regional meeting of the Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Development Board and because of change in By Laws will allow us to have four representatives instead of three Edward Conley, Mayor of Ithaca, also attended that meeting In this year Tompkins County will receive approximately $700,000 in aid through Southern Tier East for various types of projects that go on in the county They had a Committee meeting and discussed car rental at the airport and discussed car rental space for Social Services cars through the city and the County Attorney is signing contract with the city regarding this rental fee They discussed the Environmental Impact Quality Review Act There was discussion on the Route 96 plan for the bridge and road and Mr Clynes brought to attention that the Environmental Impact Statement should be in Washington and this is the last hurdle to get over They have written to Congressmen McHugh and Walsh to ask them to' continue to follow this matter They reviewed bids and have resolutions later in the meeting for award of bids for the Highway Department He reported that the Environmental Management Council met and Mr Ryan was presented and will, take over as Chairman January 1 They discussed the Route 13 Corridor relative to transportation and there is a task force studying They are reviewing the State Environmental Report The County Planning Board met December 10th and discussed several items Mrs Livesay gave a report on the status quo of the Ad hoc Youth Committee There also was a report by Mr Hayes, former leader of the Southern Tier East regarding operation of the Board Mr Murphy, County Administrator, reported relative to off-track betting He pointed out that no commitment has been made Regarding the airport and Allegheny Airlines, he says the County is trying to be reasonable and competitive with rates of other comparable airports He feels the present rates are woefully low 1 Mr Williamson, County Attorney, said they have a decision on the contempt motion of Social Services workers against the County and Judge Yesovich denied the motion and put everything back at status quo -18 hours CTO and no beepers Chairman Kerr received communication' from Assemblyman Lee on the State Environmental Quality Review Senator Bernie Smith and Commissioner Reed December 22, 1975 221 assured that rules and regulations are going to be redrafted but Mr Lee recom- mended going ahead with action this morning He pointed with pride on the man- agement of the airport under difficult circumstances He commended each com- mittee for the excellent job done this year It was Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mrs Livesay and adopted that a resolution for audit of construction bills at TC3 be added to the agenda RESOLUTION NO. 268—ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 2-1975 Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Clynes Adopted with Representative Benson casting a dissenting vote WHEREAS, a pubhc hearing has been held after notice required by law on Local Law No 2-1975 authorizing the Board of Representatives to appoint mem- bers from its Board to the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Hospital, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing held on the 22nd day of December, 1975, at 10 15 o'clock in the morning thereof, no one appeared in opposition to said Local Law No 2-1975, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That said Local Law No 2-1975 be and the same hereby is adopted, RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of said local law in the official newspapers of the County, for two successive weeks, within ten days after this local law is adopted, and after said local law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comptroller and four certified copies with the Secretary of State RESOLUTION NO. 269—AWARD OF BID—LANDFILL Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Webster Discussion took place Resolution was adopted with Representative Livesay casting a dissenting vote WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has advertised for bids on December 8, 1975, for one crawler tractor in accordance with specifications filed in his office, and WHEREAS, L B Smith, Inc of Syracuse, N Y is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications with a net bid of $79,992 00 including trade-in allowance of $32,560 00 for one used crawler tractor, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, That the said bid of L B Smith, Inc of Syracuse, N Y in the amount of $79,992 00 be and the same hereby is accepted and the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized and directed to complete said transaction on behalf of the County, and be it further RESOLVED, That the sum of $6,000 00 be transferred from Sanitary Landfill Code 8160 400 to 8160 200, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said transfer RESOLUTION NO. 270—PURCHASE OF VEHICLES—VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS I Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted 1 WHEREAS, the County Administrator has duly advertised for bids for auto- mobiles with certain specifications for use by the Sheriff and Health Departments, and WHEREAS, Ray Stafford's Garage, Inc , Dryden, N Y is the lowest re- sponsible bidder meeting all specifications for four (4) 1976 passenger vehicles to be used by the Public Health Department with a net bid including trade-ins, of $10,083, and WHEREAS, Zikakis Chevrolet, Inc , Ithaca, N Y is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for two (2) 1976 passenger vehicles to be used by the Public Health Department with a gross bid of $6,090, and WHEREAS, Erie J Miller, Inc , of Ithaca, N Y is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for one (1) 1976 unmarked patrol vehicle to be used by the Sheriff's Department with a net bid, including trade-in, of $3,713 25, and li 222 December 22, 1975 WHEREAS, a bid has been received for the sale of one (1) used Public Health vehicle m the amount of $825 to Albert M. Donohue of 513 N Cayuga Street, Ithaca, N Y , now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Commit- tee, That the aforementioned bids for the purchase of said vehicles and sale of one vehicle as set forth above be and the same hereby are accepted, and the de- partment heads be and they hereby are authorized to complete said transactions on behalf of the County RESOLUTION NO. 271—AWARD OF BIDS HIGHWAY Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has advertised for bids in accordance with specifications filed in his office on the following equipment 1—motor grader 1-2/ ton truck chassis 1-1/ ton truck chassis 1—horizontal discharge trailer 2—Brockway 10 wheel truck chassis 2—horizontal discharge bodies 1 WHEREAS, the following were the lowest responsible bidders meeting all specifications as follows Charles F Blackwell, Inc , Horseheads, N Y , with a net bid of $58,245 00 for one motor grader taking into consideration an allowance for two used motor graders in the amount of $16,000 00 Cayuga Ford, Inc , Ithaca, N Y , with a net bid of $5,982 00 for a 2/ ton truck chassis and $3,697 34 for a 1/ ton truck chassis, taking into consideration trade-in allowances on two (2) used truck chassis Brockway Motor trucks, Elmira, N Y , with a net bid of $64,000 00 for two heavy duty 10 -wheel truck chassis, including trade-in of $15,200 for 2 used Brockway trucks and 1 Ford truck Gateway Equipment Corporation, Syracuse, N Y , with a net bid of $20,115 00 for 1 horizontal discharge trailer and $18,000 00 for 2 horizontal discharge bodies, there being no trade-ins, now there- fore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, That the aforementioned low bids be and the same hereby are accepted and the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized and directed to complete said transactions on behalf of the County , RESOLUTION NO. 272—AWARD OF BID—HIGHWAY Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Culligan A brief discussion took place and the resolution was adopted WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has advertised for bids on November 25, 1975, for one asphalt spreader m accordance with specifications filed in his office, and WHEREAS, Walter M Roberts Enterprises, Inc of Cazenovia, N Y is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications with a net bid of $2,785 00, there being no trade-in, now therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, That the said bid of Walter M Roberts Enterprises, Inc in the amount of $2,785 00 be and the same hereby is accepted and the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized and directed to complete said transaction on behalf of the County RESOLUTION NO. 273—ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE—TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Morse A brief discussion took place and resolution was adopted WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held after due notice required by law on a proposed ordinance estabhshing rules, regulations, fees and rental for use and occupancy of the Tompkins County Airport by interstate scheduled airlines, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing held on the 22nd day of December, 1975, at 10 00 o'clock in the morning thereof, full discussion was had concerning the proposed ordinance, now therefore be it December 22, 1975 223 RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Commit- tee, That said ordinance be and the same hereby is adopted, effective immedi- ately. RESOLUTION NO 274—EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT IN ITS APPLICATION TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT Moved by Mr MacNeil, seconded by Mr Haight Discussion followed and resolution was adopted with Representative Benson casting a dissenting vote WHEREAS, the State Legislature did amend Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law to include an Environmental Quality Review Law applicable to all agencies of government in the State of New York, and WHEREAS, said law did authorize the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation to adopt regulations to implement the State Environmental Quality Review Law, and WHEREAS, during the course of the hearings in relation to the proposed regulations, the full implications of the law and its effect upon government decision making became more apparent, and WHEREAS, it is clear that the law and the proposed regulations will impose undue constraints upon almost every aspect of government decision making in- volving activities on the land, air and water, and impose added expense at all levels of government in the State of New York, and WHEREAS, regulations dealing with the environment are already essential- ly all inclusive and already provide reasonable and adequate protection to the environment without the need for a further all encompassing and time consuming review system, which is based upon unclear and undefinable criteria for judging a quality environment and the impact of activities on that quality, therefore be it RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com- mittee, That this Board expresses its opposition to the Environmental Quality Review Law in its emerging form in that it is an unnecessary noble gesture which will establish an unwieldy review process which will add little to the already strong emphasis on environmental impact and will result in undue constraints upon governmental decision making RESOLVED, further That the Legislature of the State of New York is urged to reconsider the law and its full implications, RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to Governor Hugh Carey, Commissioner Ogden Reid, Senator William T Smith, and Assembly- man Gary A Lee RESOLUTION NO. 275—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT— GROTON DAY CARE CENTER Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a lease on behalf of the County with the Groton Day Care Center for a one-year period, commencing November 1, 1975, with a 30 day cancellation clause at the rental of $100 00 per month RESOLUTION NO. 276—AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN DRAFTS—COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Miller Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Budget Committee, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed to sign all drafts of the County of Tompkins RESOLUTION NO. 277—APPORTIONING TAXES—JOHN I. AND VIOLA H. MILLER PROPERTY Moved by Mr Holden, seconded by Mr Dates Adopted WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins condemned certain property owned by John I and Viola H Miller, and WHEREAS, the taking was effective June 28, 1968, and 224 December 22, 1975 WHEREAS, said property continued to 'remain in whole on the tax roll in the name of John I and Viola H Miller, and WHEREAS, the said John I and Viola 11 Miller continued to pay taxes on said property up to and including the present time, and WHEREAS, on said property John I and Viola H Miller have paid since the date of taking to and including 1975 Town and County tax School tax $384 42 County tax 91 93 Town tax 4818 Fire tax 10 49 Total $535 02 WHEREAS, said parcel should have been tax exempt since June 28, 1968, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Commit- tee, That the following sums be reimbursed to John I and Viola H Miller and charged to the respective tax districts School tax $384 42 Charge to the City of Ithaca School District County tax 86 16 Charge to the County of Tompkins Town tax 44 89 Charge to the Town of Lansing Lansing Fire , District 9 76 Charge to the Town of Lansing Fire District Total $525 23 RESOLUTION NO. 278—BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Holden Adopted RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Commit- tee, That the following budget adjustments be made Increase Revenue Account-1060—Relevy of Return School Taxes $37,501 00 Increase Appropriation Account-1960—Unpaid School Taxes $37,501 00 Increase Revenue Account-3491—State Aid 'Alcoholic Addiction Control $ 2,104 00 Increase Appropriation Account -4250 300—Supplies $ 197 00 4250 400—Contractual $ 1,668 00 4250 830—FICA $ 239 00 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said adjustments on this books RESOLUTION NO. 279—TRANSFER OF FUNDS—VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr Morse, seconded by Mr Webster Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendaiton of the Budget and Administration Com- mittee, That the following transfers be and they hereby are approved Department From To Amount Board of Representatives 1010 400 1010 300 $ 384 00 Clerk, Board of Representatives 1040 400 1040 300 26 74 County Court 1112 400 1112 100 238 73 County Court 1112 400 1112 300 264 01 County Court 1113 410 1113 100 247 49 County Court 1113 410 1113 310 114 75 Surrogate Court 1145 300 1145 400 36 00 Commissioner of Jurors 1155 400 1155 300 1 88 Legal Defense of Indigents 1170 400 1170 120 664 00 Medical Examiner 1185 300 1185 400 192 30 County Administrator 1230 300 1230 200 211 00 County Administrator 1230 300 1230 400 9 71 County Administrator 1230 400 1230 200 653 00 Assessment 1355 400 1358 400 1,054 00 Assessment 1356 400 1358 400 744 00 County Attorney 1420 300 1420 400 34 91 Personnel 1430 410 1430 400 108 09 Board of Elections 1450 400 1450 200 10 30 Building and Grounds 1620 410 1620 440 57 00 December 22, 1975 225 Department From To Amount Building and Grounds 1620 460 1620 440 387 80 Central Printing and Mailing 1670 300 1670 320 310 00 Central Printing and Mailing 1670 310 1670 320 50 00 Central Printing and Mailing 1670 400 1670 320 34 00 Central Printing and Mailing 1670 410 1670 320 138 00 Sheriff 3110 410 3110 300 13 Sheriff 3110 410 3110 400 77 82 Probation 3140 400 3140 100 346 23 Jail 3150 300 3150 200 320 00 Jail 3150 300 3150 400 1,182 00 Fire and Disaster Coordinator 3410 400 3410 100 36 08 Fire and Disaster Coordinator 3410 400 3410 300 689 00 County Sealer 3630 400 3630 300 190 27 Public Health 4010 110 4010 810 1,245 24 Public Health 4010 110 4010 860 993 74 Pubhc Health 4010 830 4010 200 133 82 Public Health 4010 330 4010 860 746 93 Contract Services Medical Assistance Program 4011 810 4011 400 1,247 00 4011840 4011400 100 00 4011860 4011400 79 00 4011 830 4011400 700 00 4011300 4011400 467 00 Alcoholism Coordinator 4250 810 4250 300 730 00 Alcoholism Coordinator 4250 840 4250 300 8 87 4250 860 4250 300 320 00 4250 830 4250 300 9913 Mental Health 4310 300 4310 860 285 43 4310 420 4310 840 501 58 4310 830 4310 860 246 79 4310 410 4310 860 7 49 Social Services Administration 6010 400 6010 300 2,346 00 6010 400 6010 500 605 68 6010 830 6010 100 1,053 87 6010 830 6010 400 217 04 Social Services County Home 6030 300 6030 400 1,125 84 Social Services County Farm 6090 400 6090 300 1,586 21 Social Services Medical Assistance 6101 400 6140 400 14,875 81 Social Services Child Care 6119 400 6103 400 $ 350 00 Social Services Child Care 6119 400 6109 400 12,409 00 Social Services Child Care 6119 400 6123 400 73,500 00 Social Services Child Care 6119 400 6140 400 8,497 00 CETA 6380 400 6250 430 4,700 54 6380 400 6250 100 416 51 6380 400 6250 440 1,939 00 6380 400 6250 450 92,174 00 6380 400 6250 420 50,000 00 6380 400 6250 430 40,057 00 6250 430 6250 100 80,500 00 6380 400 6380 100 6,971 00 Office for the Aging 7610 400 7610 300 367 94 Planning 8020 200 8020 400 283 00 Human Rights Commission 8040 300 8040 200 50 00 Sanitary Landfill 8160 400 8160 300 3,968 70 Highway D5110 300 5110 400 1,941 49 5110 830 5110 860 1,454 79 Hospital C4510 200 4510 100 2,785 00 4510 300 4510 100 131,762 00 4510 400 4510 100 116,311 00 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books 226 December 22, 1975 1 RESOLUTION NO. 280—APPROPRIATION FROM VARIOUS FUNDS— VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Moved by Mr Morse, seconded by Mr Robey' Ayes -13 Noes -0 RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com. mittee, That the following appropriations be and they hereby are approved From Contingent Fund Code 1990 To Department Account Amount Board of Representatives 1010 1 30 00 Clerk, Board of Representatives 1040 11 2,400 00 County Court 11101 17,500 00 Family Court 1140 1 1,780 00 Surrogate Court 11451 1,710 00 Surrogate Court 1145 4 195 74 Commissioner of Jurors 11551 1,410 00 1155 4 26 33 District Attorney 1165 1 10,220 00 Medical Examiner 1185 1 1,220 00 County Administrator 1230 1 2,620 00 Assessment 1355 1 2,700 00 1355 3 63100 1355 4 986 1356 1 2,150 00 1356 3 91 00 1357 1 4,630 00 1357 3 1800 1357 4 608 00 1358 1 2,010 00 1358 3 273 00 1358 4 2,681 08 County Clerk 14101 1,300 00 Motor Vehicles 1411 1 3,820 00 County Attorney 1420 1 2,440 00 Personnel 1430 3 1,515 00 Board of Elections 1450 1 2,160 00 Public Works 14901 2,170 00 Buildings and Grounds 16201 43400 Central Printing and Mailing 16701 820 00 Sheriff 31101 34,300 00 Probation 31401 2,500 00 Jail 31501 8,805 00 Fire and Disaster Coordinator 34101 5,330 00 County Sealer 36301 915 00 Comprehensive Health Planning 40801 710 00 Mental Health 4310 1 6,000 00 4310 3 8715 Social Services Administration 60101 61,490 00 Social Services County Home 6030 1 8,600 00 Veterans 6510 1 1,410 00 Planning 8020 1 5,200 00 8020 2 283 00 8020 3 1,143 00 8020 4 71 18 Human Rights Commission 80401 300 00 Sanitary Landfill 81601 800 00 Total $211,423 34 December 22, 1975 227 Appropriate from General Fund Balance (A599) To Department Account Amount Legal Defense of Indigents 1170 12 $ 14,284 00 Personnel 1430 4 1,913 00 Printing and Supply 1670 32 3,889 28 Education of Handicapped Children 2960 4 3,592 00 Sheriff 3110 3 17,735 00 3110 4 2,523 00 Jail 3150 4 1,449 00 Fire and Disaster Coordinator 3410 21 232 00 3410 3 442 00 Contract Services Medical Assistance Program 40114 9 00 Alcoholic Addiction Control 4250 4 938 00 4250 239 00 Mental Health 4310 43 1,583 00 4310 86 1,543 00 Psychiatric Expense 4390 4 11,010 00 Social Services Administration 6010 3 2,565 00 Social Services Health Insurance 6010 86 3,921 00 Social Services Medical Assistance 61014 100,000 00 Celebrations—Veterans' Day 7550 41 555 00 Conservation 8730 400 25,559 00 Health Insurance 9060 5,297 82 Hospital 9514 41 81,909 00 Total $281,188 10 Appropriate from Airport Fund Balance (B599) To Airport B5610 4 13,518 00 Appropriate from Highway Fund Balance (D599) To Highway D3310 1 2,560 00 50101 2,020 00 51101 34,060 00 Total $ 38,640 00 Appropriate from Library Fund Balance (L599) To Library L7410 1 12,295 06 7410 4 7,008 81 7410 81 52 05 741084 75950 7410 86 1,365 82 Total $ 21,481 24 RESOLVED, further that, the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books RESOLUTION NO. 281—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT— TOMPKINS COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS' COUNCIL, INC. Moved by Mr Miller, seconded by Mrs Livesay Adopted RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Social Services Committee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute a contract with the Tompkins County Senior Citizens' Council, Inc for recreation for the elderly project for the year 1976, which will provide a total payment of $10,000 00 of which $4,144 00 shall be reimbursed by the State of New York, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute a Municipal Application Form with the New York State Executive Department, Office for the Aging, for the purpose of securing said reimbursement 228December 22, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 282—DESIGNATION OP OFF CIAL NEWSPAPERS Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Holden It was Moved by Mrs Benson, seconded by Mrs Livesay, that the newspapers Ithaca Journal and Newfield News be designated There was discussion and it was Moved by Mr Haight, seconded by Mr Miller, That the resolution be tabled until January 12th Board meeting Motion to Table Adopted. RESOLVED, That the following newspapers be and they hereby are designated as official newspapers of the County of Tompkins as required by State Law for the publication of all local laws, notices and )other matters required by law to be published exclusive of concurrent canvass and tax notices, to wit Ithaca Journal, Ithaca, New York and Rural News, Dryden, New w York RESOLUTION NO. 283—AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT— OFFICE FOR THE AGING Moved by Mrs Livesay, seconded by Mr1 Miller Discussion followed pertain- ing to policy and whether the Director of the Office for the Aging should be given authorization to execute certain contracts to carry out their programs The committee was asked to bring in a recommendation in general Resolution was adopted. ' RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Social Services Committee, That the agreement between the Tompkins County Office for the Aging, City of Ithaca. Town of Ithaca and Groff Associates for payment of the operating deficit of transit services for senior citizens in designated parts of the City and Town of Ithaca be and the same hereby is approved, Said amount not to exceed $2,000 00, RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the County I RESOLUTION NO. 284—ON AUDIT i I Moved by Mr Dates, seconded by Mr Morse Ayes -13 Noes -0 Excused— Representatives Kidney, MacNeil -2 Adopted RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins charge- able to General Fund $174,200 63 Encumbrance I 285 00 County Self Insurance 1,375 39 Dog Fund I 3,312 50 Printing Transfers ,1 4,037 66 Airport 1 5,087 08 Highway '16,295 74 Federal Revenue Sharing 937 48 $105,531 48 be and hereby are audited by this Board at' the above amounts approved by the various committees, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor il RESOLUTION NO. 285—AUDIT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS—TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr' Miller Ayes -13 Noes -0 Excused— Representatives Kidney and MacNeil -2 Adopted) WHEREAS, the list of claims audited ;by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee in the amount of $16,170 00 to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College are Claim No 102—Construction Costs—$16,170 00 RESOLVED, That the aforesaid amount be and the same are hereby audited and approved, 1 December 22, 1975 229 RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims out of the funds provided therefor RESOLUTION NO. 286—RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION—HOWARD R. BRENTLINGER Moved by Mr Webster, unanimously seconded and adopted WHEREAS, on January 1, 1968 management of the Cornell Library passed from the Cornell Library Association to the County, and WHEREAS, the first Board of Trustees appointed Howard R Brentlinger, former Director of the Cornell Library, Director of the new Tompkins County Public Library, and WHEREAS, the essential quality services furnished by the Tompkins County Public Library were developed under lus leadership, and WHEREAS, the said Howard R Brentlinger performed his duties with diligence as Director of the Tompkins County Public Library, now therefore be it RESOLVED, unanimously by this Board, That the members express their deep appreciation to the said Howard R Brentlinger for the years of service rendered to the citizens of Tompkins County as Director of the Tompkins County Public Library. RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy of this resolution to the said Howard R Brentlinger RESOLUTION NO. 287—DATE OF ORGANIZATION MEETING Moved by Mr Culligan, seconded by Mr Miller, adopted RESOLVED, That in accordance with Section 151 of the County Law, the Organization Meeting of the Board of Representatives shall be held at 10 00 a m January 5, 1976, in the Representatives' Chambers of the Court House, Ithaca, New York It was Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Miller and adopted, That the Rules of the Board be waived so appointments to the Library Board of Trustees and Mental Health Board can be made at this meeting Mr Webster placed in nomination for appointment to the Tompkins County Library Board of Trustees the names of Mrs Alice Young to succeed herself for a five-year term, said term expires December 31, 1980 Mr James Buyoucos to succeed himself for a five-year term, said term expires December 31, 1980 Mr Wilham Scoones to fill the unexpired term of Arthur Mizener who resigned, said term expires December 31, 1978 Mrs Joan Ormondroyd for a five-year term, said term expires December 31, 1980 Mr George M Finley for a five-year term, said term expires December 31, 1980 Upon hearing no further nominations, the chair- man declared the above-named persons members of the Library Board of Trustees Mr Robey placed in nomination for appointment to the Mental Health Board, the names of Ruth Pettengill to succeed herself for a term of four years The term expires December 31, 1979 Michael Ouckama to succeed himself for a term of four years Said term expires December 31, 1979 John R Weisz to succeed himself for a four-year term Said term expires December 31, 1979 Dr Willard C Smidt to replace Dr David Hammond who resigned, for a four-year term Said term expires December 31, 1979 Upon hearing no further nominations, the chair- man declared the above-named persons members of the Mental Health Board It was Moved by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Miller, That Mrs Barbara Fellows be reappointed as Republican Election Commissioner for a term of two years Motion adopted Chairman Kerr said there will be a report and recommendation for Keeper of the Covered Bridge in Newfield He also expressed appreciation to all members of the County Board for the successful year he believes it was The meeting was adjourned at 12 30 p m until December 31 at 10 00 a m 230 Tompk ns County, New York PROPOSED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES AND THE CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION, INC. January 1 -December 31, 1975 AGREEMENT AGREEMENT, made as of the first day of January, 1975, by and between the County of Tompkins, hereinafter referred to as the County, and the Tompkins County Chapter of The Civil Service Employees' Association, Inc , hereinafter referred to as the Association I 1 The Public Employees Fair Employment Act of the State of New York, the other provisions of the Civil Service Law, and local laws and resolutions now or hereafter adopted by the County which are not inconsistent with said Act shall govern the terms of this agreement II RECOGNITION 1 The County recogmzes the Association as the sole and exclusive rep- resentative for all employees, excluding elected officials Attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit A, Is a copy of the resolution adopted by the Tompkins County Public Employment Relations Board, dated December 6, 1971, recognizing said bargaining agent 2 The Association affirms that it does not assert the right to strike against the employer, to assist or participate, in any such strike, or to impose an obligation upon its members to conduct or to participate in such a strike At- tached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit B, is said affirmation of said bargaining agent III COMPENSATION I j 1 Schedules of approved wage scales (Exhibit C) and schedules of job classifications slotted in proper labor grades (Exhibit D) are attached to and mads a part of this agreement a) The salary shown in Exhibit 'C for all employees of the County Home who live at the County Home and employees of the Probation Department at the Intensive Supervision Facility does include an allowance of $1,200 to com- pensate for room and board 2 Commencing January 1, 1975, County employees authorized to use their personal vehicles in the absence of a County vehicle will be paid 13 cents per mile for the use of such vehicles 3 Annual Salary Increases The County shall grant, as of Januaryll, 1975, salary increases to the next step These increases shall equal the annual increment for the salary grade in which the employees' classification falls However, when in the opinion of the appointing authority, an employee's performance is unsatisfactory, the appointing authority will recommend in writing to the Commissioner of Personnel that the annual increment be withheld and the reason for such action, with a copy to the employee 4 The County will pay a four (4) per cent premium of the employee's actual salary to all employees who are assigned to work a regularly scheduled second or third shift a) Regularly scheduled spht shifts will be paid in the following manner where the second part of the shift begins four (4) hours after the end of the first part of the shift, regularly scheduled hours worked in the second part of the shift will be paid shift premium provided they''comply with night shift definition as set forth in Section III 9 b) Shift premium will be paid only for those hours for which salary is paid 5 Payment for part-time employees or overtime worked will be made on the basis of the annual salary for the classification concerned divided by the department's standard annual work hours Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 231 6 All new employees will be hired at the minimum salary 7 Any person reinstated within one year from the date of resigna- tion in the same classification and the same department may be reinstated at the same step as earned at the time of resignation a) Any person reinstated within one year from the date of resigna- tion in the same classification but a different department would be hired at the nunimum salary of the labor grade in which the classification falls After twelve weeks of employment, the employee would move to the same step as earned at the time of resignation 8 Overtime Compensation a) Overtime compensation shall be as follows except where federal laws, state laws, or this contract provide differently b) Definition—Overtime—Defined as the computation of all hours worked by an employee beyond the total hours of the normal pay period of the particular county department c) Overtime shall be computed as follows Authorized overtime will be credited to an employee in units of one-tenth of an hour d) Tardiness Regular time shall be computed from the normal startmg time of each employee's regularly scheduled shift In the event of tardi- ness, the time deducted will be computed m one-tenth hour units e) Except in emergencies, no employee shall work overtime unless said overtime is necessary and has prior approval by the appropriate department head or his designee f) Employees in the Highway Department who are called in to work outside the regular shift will be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours work g) On-call in the Child Protective Unit of the Tompkins County Social Services Department will be shared among the total Caseworker profes- sional staff The individual who is on call will be provided with a communication device for alerting the employee For the purpose of being on call, the individual will receive one hour of compensatory time off for each week -day and two hours of compensatory time off for Saturday and two hours for Sunday, and 35 hours of compensatory time off for each holiday In addition to the above, the employee will receive compensatory time off for actual time spent rendering service h) Earned overtime will be compensated by compensatory time off (an equivalent period of time off) at a time which will not interfere with the effective operation of the department When it is impracticable to grant com- pensatory time off within a reasonable period, the department head will recom- mend to the Board of Representatives, through the Personnel Committee, that the employee be paid for overtime work i) Compensatory time off may be accrued to a maximum of five days, which time must be taken within one year from the time the maximum is gained Compensatory time off may not be taken in conjunction with vacation or holiday except on approval of the department head j) The following positions will not earn compensatory time off credits, but may only be granted time off at the discretion of the department head or his delegate Where jobs are created, the Commissioner of Personnel will meet with the Association to review additions to the list Accounting Supervisor, Grade B Airport Manager Assistant Assessor Assistant Director of Assessment Assistant County Attorney Assistant Director of Nursing Assistant District Attorney Assistant Hospital Administrator Assistant Hospital Admimstrator Trainee Assistant Library Director II Assistant Matron -Cook Associate Planner Automotive Shop Foreman Biochemist Building Maintenance Foreman Buyer Case Supervisor, Grade A Case Supervisor, Grade B Chief Clerk, Surrogate Court Chief Criminal Investigator Clerk, Board of Representatives Clerk, Family Court Clinical Psychologist 232 Tompkins County, New York Assistant to Commissioner of Mental Health Associate Pathologist Commissioner of Health Commissioner of Jurors Commissioner of Mental Health Commissioner of Personnel Commissioner of Planning Commissioner of Public Works Commissioner of Social Services Coordinator of Rehabilitation Services County Attorney County Fire and Disaster Coordinator County Home Matron County Home Superintendent Court Attendant Court Reporter I Credit Manager Criminal Investigator Dental Director Deputy Clerk, Board of Representatives Deputy Clerk, Family Court Deputy County Clerk Deputy County Treasurer Deputy Health Commissioner Dietitian Director of Administrative Services Director of Assessment Dierctor of Day Care Center Director of Food Services Director of Laboratory (Pathologist) Director of Nursing Director of Public Health Nursing Director of Radiology Director of Rehabilitation Director of Social Services Director of Veterans' Service Agency Executive Housekeeper Food Production Manager Food Service Supervisor General Highway Foreman Grounds Foreman Head Janitor Head Nurse Highway Construction Foreman Hospital Administrator Hospital Comptroller Hospital Maintenance Foreman Hospital Physician Hospital Plant Supervisor Hospital Volunteer Services Supervisor Inhalation Therapist Institution Farmer Jail Physician Commissioner of Budget arid Administration Commissioner(s) of Election Junior Engineer Junior Librarian Laborer (Landfill) Landfill Supervisor Laundry Supervisor Library Director IV Medical Director Medical Examiner Medical Records Librarian Medical Social Worker Medical Worker Microbiologist Motor Equipment Operator (Landfill) Motor Vehicle Bureau Supervisor Office Manager Operating Room Manager Personnel Clerk Pharmacist Physician—County Home Probation Director II Psychiatric Social Worker Public Health Sanitarian Purchasing Agent Radiologist Registered Professional Nurse (Clinical Teacher) Resource Investigator Sealer of Weights and Measures Senior Assessor Senior Caseworker Senior Civil Engineer Senior Environmental Health Technician Senior Librarian I Senior Librarian II Senior Nurse Senior Planner Senior Public Health Engineer Senior X-ray Technician Sergeant'Deputy Sheriff Social Services Attorney Staff Development Coordinator Supervising Clinical Psychologist Supervising Inhalation Therapist Supervising Medical Social Worker Supervising Microbiologist Supervising Nurse Supervising Pharmacist Supervising Probation Officer Supervising Psychiatric Social Worker Supervising Psychiatrist Supervising Public Health Nurse Technical Director, School of X-ray Technology Undersheriff Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 233 9 Employee—Definition a) Full-time employee—All employees are to be considered full- time employees unless they come under one of the following definitions (1) Part-time employees—Part-time employment means any em- ployment or combination of one or more employments in Tompkins County in which an individual works less than fifty percent of the time prescribed as a normal work week by the appropriate governing body or other appropriate authority of the civil division or wherein the employee earns not more than twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500 00) annually (2) Temporary employee—A temporary employee is a person hired for a period not exceeding one month when the need for such service is important and urgent A temporary appointment may be made for a period exceeding one month under the following circumstances only When an employee is on leave of absence from his position, a temporary appointment to such position may be made for a period not exceeding the authorized duration of such leave of absence as prescribed by statute or rule (3) Seasonal employee—A seasonal employee is a person hired to fill a position where the nature of the service is such that it is not continuous throughout the year but recurs in each successive year 10 Work Shift—Definitions a) Day shift—Any shift starting from 6 00 a m through 11 59 a m b) Night shift—Any shift starting from 12 00 noon through 4 59 p m (second shift) Any shift starting from 5 00 p m through 5 59 a m (third shift) be IV WORK WEEK The work week, based on an annual salary, for all county employees will 32 5 hours—Election Commissioners 37 5 hours—Hospital (line personnel), County Home 40 0 hours—Hospital (staff personnel), Public Works (except clerical), Sheriff, Highway Department 35 0 hours—All other departments, Public Works (Highway) clerical An employee automatically accepts the standard work week of the de- partment as a condition of employment V HOLIDAYS 1 The following paid holidays shall be observed by the County of Tompkins New Year's Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Me- morial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, General Election Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day 2 All departments shall close on these holidays except the Hospital, Sheriff's Department, County Home, Public Works which shall be open when necessary If a holiday falls on Sunday, it will be observed on the following Mon- day If a holiday falls on Saturday, it will be observed on the previous Friday except that the following departments will be open Clerk of the Board County Clerk, Civil Office of the Sheriff, Surrogate, Budget and Administration 3 For those departments which work on holidays, the employees must be compensated by compensatory time off The department head shall be re- sponsible for scheduling time off within six (6) weeks before or six (6) weeks after the holiday a) Those employees who work on the holiday may suggest to the department head a date or dates (not to exceed three dates) to be observed as the holiday The department head will give consideration to the employee's sug- gested dates The sole and final responsibility for deciding the day off in lieu of the holiday remains the prerogative of the department head 4 If a scheduled holiday falls on an employee's regularly scheduled day off, the employee will be granted an extra day without loss of pay 234 Tompkins County, New York VI VACATION 1. Annual vacation with pay will be granted to full-time employees, us- ing the employee's anniversary date as the qualifying date each year 2. Vacation for the year 1975 Maximum Vacation Length of Continuous Service (Working Days) 0 months to 6 months 0 More than 1 year but less than 7 years 10 (except that 5 of the 10 days earned in the first year may be taken after the first six months of continuous employment) More than 7 years but less than 16 years 15 More than 16 years 1 20 3 Vacation may not be accumulated and must be taken within the twelve months following the employee's anniversary date 4 Earned vacation time shall be paid to all employees upon termina- tion of their employment with the county, or their death, except that those em- ployees who are discharged for cause or who do not give at least two weeks written notice to the Commissioner of Personnel 'of their resignation will not be paid terminal vacation pay 5 All vacation time must be requested of and approved by the depart- ment head or his designee in advance of the vacation The department head will be responsible for scheduling vacation time 6 If a scheduled holiday falls within an employee's vacation period, he will be granted an extra day of vacation without loss of pay 7 Employees who are taken sick or injured while on vacation may charge such time to sick leave effective from the time the employee sees a doctor through the period of disability covered by the 'doctor's statement, which state- ment must be submitted to the department head for transmittal to the Commis- sioner of Personnel VII LEAVE 1 Employees must report all absence or tardiness as early as possible by contacting the department head and giving the following information name, reason for absence, and length of time expected to be absent 2 Each full-time employee shall accumulate sick leave time at the rate of one day per month, to a maximum of 120'working days 3 A maximum of three days of the twelve sick days per year may be used, if prior approval is given by the department head, for personal business except after notice of termination has been filed a) Sick leave days are the only days which an employee may ac- cumulate from year to year 4 Employees absent from work for five or more consecutive days due to personal illness or accident shall submit to the Personnel Department a doctor's statement covering the complete absence (form I supplied by Tompkins County) before returning to work and/or receiving sick pay a) For each additional two-week period of absence, the employee shall submit a new doctor's statement to the Personnel Department before re- ceiving his sick pay 5 Maternity Leave—Maternity leave will be granted, at the employee's request, up to four months without pay after the' completion of one year of con- tinuous service 1 I 6 In the event of a death in the immediate family (spouse, son daugh- ter mother, father, sister, brother, or spouse's mother or father, or grandparents and grandchilden) of an employee of the County, said employee shall be entitled to time off with pay for the purpose of attending the funeral, through the date of interment, not to exceed four (4) regularly scheduled work days Compensa- tion shall be at the employee's regular hourly rate, exclusive of any shift dif- ferential, and shall not exceed the standard hours for that department A state- ment covering the absence (form supplied by the Personnel Department) must be signed and returned to the Personnel Department on the day the employee re- turns to work Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 235 ! 7 Employees with accumulated sick leave in excess of 120 days will not accumulate any more sick time until personal illness deletes their sick leave below the maximum accumulation of 120 days 8 Snow Days—If county departments are closed by the chairman of the Board or one of his delegates, all employees will be paid for that day and an- nouncement of the closing for the first shift and other times when appropriate will be made on the radio or in the news media except that the Sheriff, County Home, Airport, Hospital and Highway Departments shall establish their own procedure regarding announcement If county departments are not officially closed and an employee cannot come to work because of snow, then compensation for such employee shall be as follows (1) If they have compensatory time, they will use this first, (2) If no compensatory time and they have unused personal days to the extent allowed by Section VII -3 of the Tompkins County/CSEA Agreement, they will use this next, (3) If no compensatory or personal time and they have accrued va- cation time, they may request the department head to use vacation time for snow days, (4) If they have neither (1), (2), or (3), they will not be paid VIII RETIREMENT INSURANCE 1 The 1/60 non-contributory retirement plan, Section 75-c, will remain in effect as adopted by the Board of Supervisors on August 28, 1967 All retire- ment will be based on the 55 -year plan a) During the contract year 1975, the death benefit will be paid in accordance with the provisions of Section 60-b of the New York State Employees' Retirement Law b) A pension of 1/60 of an employee's final average salary for each year of service rendered after April 1, 1960, as provided by Section 75-c of the New York State Retirement Law in effect as of January 1, 1973 IX HEALTH INSURANCE 1 The present health insurance plan for County employees shall con- tinue in effect Premiums as estabhshed by the New York State Insurance De- partment will be used a) During the contract year 1975, the employer shall pay 90 percent of the individual employee premium and 50 percent of the employee dependents' coverage X REST PERIODS All full-time employees will be allowed a twenty -minute rest period for each full shift they work XI RECIPROCAL RIGHTS 1 The County will not interfere with, restrain, or coerce the employees because of membership or lawful activity in the Association, nor will the County discriminate in respect to hiring 2 The County recognizes the right of the employees to designate rep- resentatives of the Association to appear on their behalf 3 The Association will promptly advise the Commissioner of Personnel, in writing, of all its officials and representatives, and of any changes 4 The County recommends that officials and representatives will not exceed one employee per department per shift 5 The Association shall have the right to post notices and communica- tions on the bulletin boards maintained on the premises and facilities of the County, subject to the approval of such notices by the Commissioner of Person- nel. 6 The Association agrees that it and its members will restrict the amount of necessary Association activity conducted on County time to the lowest possible minimum, and agrees to use everything in its power to prevent abuses using County time privilege, and to discipline its members when necessary for any abuse of this privilege 236 Tompkins County, New York 7 All Association officials and representatives shall obtain permis- sion from their department heads for them to leave their jobs 8 Union time off—Time off without pay shall be granted for union conferences, provided ten working days' notice 1 is given, in writing, to the de- partment head, with a limit of one person per department at one time The em- ployee may alternatively charge such time against compensatory tune off, vaca- tion time, or personal time There will be a maximum limit of five days per person per year XII PERSONNEL FILES—Each employee shall be given copies of all job evaluations that are placed in the employee's personnel file He shall have the opportunity to sign, date and submit any response he desires to the evaluation The employee's personnel files are those in the Personnel Office The only recognized personnel file is that kept in the personnel office and only that file may be the basis of disciplinary action All papers over three years old are null and void per Section 75 of the Civil Service Law XIII MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Except as expressly limited by other provisions of this agreement, all of the authority, rights and responsibilities possessed by the County are retained by it, including, but not limited to, the right to determine the mission, purposes, objectives, hours, scheduling, days off, and policies of the County, to determine the facilities, methods, means and number of personnel required for conduct of County programs, to administer the New York State Civil Service Law, including the examination, selection, recruitment, hiring, appraisal, training, retention, promotion, assignment, or transfer of employees pursuant to law, to direct, deploy, and utilize the work force, to establish specifications for each class of positions and to classify or reclassify and to allocate or reallocate new or existing positions in accordance with law, and to discipline or discharge employees in accordance with law and the provisions of this agreement XIV PROMOTION 1 Promotion means any employee who moves from his present posi- tion to a higher rated position By such movement, the employee will be moved to an appropriate step level to guarantee an, increase in annual salary 2 Competitive class jobs will be filled in accordance with Civil Service Law 3 The County, through the office ofd the Commissioner of Personnel, shall post, when possible, any new jobs and/or vacancies These will be either full descriptions or a summarized list XV TERMINATION , Employees in the non-competitive, labor, exempt and Flaherty class shall be accorded the same rights that competitive class employees have under provisions of Section 75 of the Civil Service Law, after two years of continuous service with the county XVI LABOR MANAGEMENT MEETINGS There will be on one month's notice from either party, at least three labor management meetings each calendar year At the time of the request, the party requesting the meeting will supply the agenda of items to be discussed at such meeting The Association will be represented by the following only president of the chapter and a representative of the following departments Hospital, Social Services, Health, Public Works, Sheriff, Court House complex, Library, and whoever else present they feel necessary to discuss items on the agenda The Commissioner of Personnel must be ipresent, and he may have whom- ever else present he feels necessary to discuss items on the agenda SECTION XVII OUT OF TITLE WORK A joint study committee shall be established to study the problem of out -of - title work, and shall be composed of three people from each side There will be two weeks notice from either party to schedule a meeting Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 237 ' XVIII AGREEMENT A copy of this agreement, including the grievance procedure, will be given to all present employees, and to all new employees upon beginning employ- ment It shall also be the responsibihty of the Personnel Office to send to each department for posting, any changes in the contract XIX DURATION This agreement shall become effective as of January 1, 1975 and re- main m force and effect through December 31, 1975 XX SAVING CLAUSE In the event any provisions of this agreement shall conflict with any of the provisions or requirements of any state or federal law, the provisions of the state or federal law shall prevail and the agreement shall not be invalidated by such a conflict XXI GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 1 Definitions As used herein, the following definitions shall have the following meanings a) "Employee" shall mean any person directly employed and com- pensated by the County of Tompkins b) "Grievance" shall mean any claimed violation, misinterpreta- tion, or inequitable application of the existing laws, provisions of this contract, rules, procedures, regulations, administrative orders or work rules of the County of Tompkins or a department thereof, which relates to or involves employee health, safety, physical facilities, materials or equipment furmshed to employees, or supervision of employees, provided, however, that such term shall not in- clude any matter involving an employee's rate of compensation, retirement bene- fits, disciplinary proceeding or any other matter which is otherwise reviewable pursuant to law or any rule or regulation having the force and effect of law c) "Supervisor" shall mean an employee or officer on a higher level of authority above the employee and who assigns and supervises the em- ployee's work and approves his time record or evaluates his work performance d) "Days" shall mean all days other than Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays shall be excluded in com- puting the number of days within which action must be taken or notice given within the terms of this grievance procedure e) "Appointing authority" means anybody having the power of appointment to subordinate positions f) "C S E A " means the Tompkins County Chapter of The Civil Service Employees' Association, Inc 2 Declaration of Basic Principle Every employee of this County shall have the right to present his grievance in accordance with the procedures provided herein, free from inter- ference coercion, restraint, disenmination or reprisal and shall have the right to be, represented by a representative of the Association at all stages of the grievance procedure 3 Grievance Procedure a) Every employee of Tompkins County shall have the right to present to his immediate supervisor, or appointing authority, within five (5) days after the grievance occurs, either orally or in writing, any grievance that falls within the scope of the definition set forth in paragraph 1 b) above b) If the matter is satisfactorily resolved, the employee, super- visor, or appointing authority and Association representative, if any, shall each sign a memorandum showing the nature of the grievance and stating that the matter has been satisfactorily resolved A copy of this memorandum shall im- mediately be sent to the Commissioner of Personnel, which memorandum shall remain filed permanently in the employee's file c) If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, the employee shall have the right to proceed to the second step of the grievance procedure Second Step 238 Tompkins County, New York d) (1) Where applicable, the department head will hold a hearing between the aggrieved employee and the department head Either side may have a representative at this meeting The department head, within ten (10) work - mg days, will give a written statement of facts (2) If the employee wants to proceed, he must file for a hear- ing within ten (10) days with the department head and the Commissioner of Personnel e) The department head and the Commissioner of Personnel shall hold a hearing within ten (10) days after receiving the written request and state- ment from the employee The employee and Association representative, if any, may appear at the hearing and present oral statements of arguments f) Within ten (10) days after the close of the hearing, the depart- ment head shall make his decision and communicate same to the employee pre- senting the grievance and to the Association representative, if any, and the Com- missioner of Personnel 4 Binding Arbitration a) A single arbitrator will be appointed as hereinafter set forth to hear appeals from decisions of department heads on grievances (1) Initially, both parties shall agree on the selection of a single arbitrator (2) If the parties fail to agree on the selection of an arbitrator, the Tompkins County Public Employment Relations Board will appoint an arbi- trator b) Both parties will share equally the expenses of the arbitrator c) The arbitrator may make and amend rules and regulations for the conduct of proceedings not inconsistent with the provisions of the grievance procedure 5 Appeals to Arbitrator a) An employee may appeal from the decision of the department head within thirty (30) days after notice of such decision The appeal shall be taken by submitting to the arbitrator a written statement signed by the employee taking the appeal, containing• (1) The name, residence' address and department of employ- ment of the employee presenting the grievance (2) The name, residence address and department of employ- ment of each other employee involved in the grievance (3) The name and address of the employee's representative and his department of employment, if he be a fellow employee (4) A concise statement of the nature of the grievance, the facts relating to it, and the proceedings and decisions on the grievance up to the time of the appeal (5) A request for a review of the decision of the department head b) The arbitrator may request the department head to submit a written statement of facts, including a summary of the record of the hearing, if a hearing was held and the original or a true copy of any other record or document used by the department head in making his decision Such written statement shall be submitted within ten (10) days after request by the arbitrator c) The arbitrator shall hold a hearing within twenty (20) days after receiving the written request for review The arbitrator shall give at least three (3) days notice of the time and place of such hearing to the employee, the As- sociation representative, if any, the department head, and the Commissioner of Personnel, all of whom shall be entitled to'be present at the hearing d) The hearing on the appeal will be held in private e) New evidence, testimony,' or arguments, as well as any docu- ments, exhibits, or other information submitted' to the department head at the hearing held by him may be introduced at the hearing by the employee, the department head, the Association representative, and the Commissioner of Per- sonnel, or upon the request of the arbitrator f) The hearing may be adjourned from time to time by the arbi- trator, if in his judgment such adjournment is necessary in order to obtain material evidence The total of all such adjournments, however, shall not exceed Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 239 ten (10) days, except that adjournments consented to by both the employee and the department head shall not be counted in deteriiiimng the total days of ad- journments as herein limited g) A written summary shall be kept of each hearing held by the arbitrator h) The arbitrator shall make his report in writing within ten (10) days after the close of the hearing He shall immediately file his report and the written summary of the proceedings with the Clerk of the Board of Representa- tives and shall at the same time send a copy of his report to the employee, the Association representative, if any, the department head and the Commissioner of Personnel The report shall include a statement of the arbitrator's findings of fact and conclusions 6 Time Limits The time limits set herein for the presentation of grievances in all stages may be waived or extended by mutual agreement of the parties involved SECTION XXII TAYLOR LAW (Section 204-a) "IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES THAT ANY PRO- VISION OF THIS AGREEMENT REQUIRING LEGISLATIVE ACTION TO PERMIT ITS IMPLEMENTION BY AMENDMENT OF LAW OR BY PROVIDING THE AD- DITIONAL FUNDS THEREFOR, SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL THE APPROPRIATE LEGISLATIVE BODY HAS GIVEN APPROVAL" Signed for C.S.E.A. Signed for Tompkins County James Julian, C S E A Claude Holden Elmer Maki Hugh S MacNeil Ralph Ballweg John C Clynes Edward Tarbox Robert I Williamson Barbara Newton John J Murphy JoanAnn Evans Patrick J Hamill Nadie Lee Morris Hugh G Hurlbut Frances Ellett Eugene G Arnold Dorothy Gleckner Howard A Stevenson Joan Adler Robert J Wagner Dorothea Hautamemi James Morris Louis Nayman Phyllis Knapp Thomas Hoffman Jean Brawn Dona Rae McElroy EXHIBIT A COUNTY OF TOMPKINS PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS BOARD IN THE MATTER OF County of Tompkins, Employer, —and— The Civil Service Employees' Association, Inc , Petitioner, —and— Tompkins County Employees' Association CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATION An election having been conducted in the above matter by the Public Em- ployment Relations Board in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Board, and it appearing that a negotiating representative has been selected; Pursuant to the authority vested in the Board, IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that The Civil Service Employees' Association, Inc has been designated and selected by a majority of the employees of the above-named public employer, in the unit described below, as their exclusive rep- resentative for the purpose of collective negotiations and the settlement of grievances I 240 Tompkins County; New York UNIT Included—All full-time and regular part-time employees of the County of Tompkins '1 UNIT Excluded—Elected officials Signed on the 6th day of December, 1971 1 On behalf of the Tompkins County Public Employment Relations Board s/ John C Clynes 11 Johri C Clynes, Chairman s/ John C Huttar John C Huttar / / EXHIBIT B AFFIRMATION OF NO -STRIKE Pursuant to the provisions of Subdivision b of Section 207 of the Civil Service Law, known as the "Public Employees' Fair Employment Act"I, Elmer Maki, President of the Tompkins County Chapter, Employees' The Civil Service Association, Inc , do hereby affirm on behalf of The Civil Service Employees' Association, Inc , that It does not assert the right to strike against any government, to assist or participate m any such strike, or to impose an obligation to conduct, assist, or participate in such a strike. The above affirmation is given for the purpose of establishing The Civil Service Employees' Association, Inc , as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all employees of Tompkins County 1 I EXHIBIT C s/ Elmer Maki Elmer Maki, President Tompkins County Chapter The Civil Service Employees' Association, Inc SALARY PLAN EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1975 Salary Grade Min A B C D E 1 4821 4973 5126 2 5631 5815 6000 3 5804 5995 6188 4 6093 6296 6499 5 6324 6537 6749 6 6672 6897 7124 7 7018 7258 7498 8 7365 7619 7873 9 7769 8040 8310 10 8231 8521 8809 11 8809 9122 9434 12 9446 9783 10121 13 10140 10504 10870 14 10834 11227 11624 15 11723 12151 12596 16 12626 13112 13617 17 13888 14423 14979 18 15783 16391 17022 19 18939 19668 20426 20 22726 23601 24510 21 27147 28190 29276 22 31566 32780 34042 23 40909 42483 44119 24 47728 49563 51472 5278 5431 5584 6186 6371 6554 6379 6571 6764 6703 6907 7110 6961 7174 7389 7351 7576 7805 7739 7979 8221 8127 8383 8637 8580 8851 9122 9100 9387 9677 9746 10058 10371 10458 10796 11135 11235 11606 11986 12031 12441 12863 13063 13529 13995 14124 14627 15132 15534 16090 16646 17654 18284 18915 21183 21942 22699 25419 26328 27238 30362 31448 32534 35304 36567 37830 45755 47394 49028 53381 55290 57201 EXHIBIT D Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 241 JOB CLASSIFICATION, BY SALARY GRADE GRADE 1 Farm Laborer Institutional Aide Page GRADE II Community Service Aide County Home Housekeeper Food Service Helper Housekeeper Laundry Worker Nursing Aide GRADE III Cleaner Clerk Darkroom Attendant EKG Technician Trainee Homemaker Hospital Aide Laboratory Helper GRADE IV Account Clerk Activity Leader Commissioner of Jurors Histology Technician Trainee Hospital Orderly Library Clerk Motor Vehicle Clerk Receptionist Seamstress Stores Clerk Typist Ward Clerk Watchman GRADE V Account Clerk -Typist Assistant Cook Autopsy Assistant Bookkeeping Machine Operator Deputy Chief Clerk, Surrogate Court EKG Technician Groundskeeper Laboratory Technician Trainee Office Machine Operator Operating Room Technician Stenographer Switchboard Operator GRADE VI Account Clerk -Stenographer Assistant Matron -Cook Cashier Court Attendant Dispatcher Licensed Practical Nurse Probation Assistant Salad/Dessert Worker 242 Tompkins County, New York Senior Clerk Senior Housekeeper Senior Library Clerk Senior Library Typist Senior Typist Steamboiler Fireman GRADE VII Assistant Matron Commissioner of Elections Dietitian Aide Gift Shop Buyer Group Leader Jail Cook Janitor Maintenance Man Matron Patient Care Evaluation Officer Payroll Clerk Senor Account Clerk Senior Account Clerk -Typist Senior Laundry Worker GRADE VIII Administrative Assistant Baker Co -Directors, Human Rights Commission Cook Deputy County Clerk Draftsman Environmental Health Technician Trainee Financial Investigator Histology Technician Laborer Senior Account Clerk -Stenographer Social Welfare Examiner GRADE IX Airport Maintenance Man Credit Manager Cytology Technician Dental Hygienist Deputy Clerk, Family Court Garage Attendant Inhalation Therapist Institution Farmer Investigator, Human Rights Laboratory Technician Pharmacy Aide Principal Clerk Principal Library Clerk Recreation Instructor Secretary to County Administrator Senior Stenographer Tax Receiver Welfare Employment Representative X-ray Technician GRADE X Airport Security Officer Audio Visual Techician Buyer Deputy Clerk, Board of Representatives Proceedings of the Board of Representatives - 243 Deputy Sheriff Environmental Health Technician Food Service Supervisor Head Sign Painter Home Economist Hospital Volunteer Services Supervisor Librarian Trainee Motor Equipment Operator Secretary Senior Social Welfare Examiner Supervising Inhalation Therapist Tax Map Supervisor GRADE XI Assistant Senior X-ray Technician Carpenter Caseworker Chief Clerk, Surrogate Court Clerk, Family Court County Fire Coordinator Deputy County Clerk Electrician Heavy Equipment Operator Landfill Supervisor Mason Painter Personnel Clerk Planning Technician Plumber/Steamfitter Principal Social Welfare Examiner Probation Officer Trainee Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic Registered Professional Nurse Resource Assistant Sealer of Weights and Measures Senior Laboratory Technician Welfare Investigator GRADE XII Automotive Mechanic County Fire & Disaster Coordinator County Home Matron Criminal Investigator Director, Veterans' Service Agency Food Production Manager Grounds Foreman Head Janitor Junior Engineer Junior Librarian Junior Planner Laundry Supervisor Medical Worker Occupational Therapist Operating Room Manager Pharmacist -in -Training Physical Therapist Probation Officer Public Health Nurse RPN (Clinical Teacher) Senior Caseworker Senior Environmental Health Technician Senior Nurse P 244 Tompkins County, New York Sergeant -Deputy Sheriff Speech Therapist Staff Development Coordinator Technical Director, School of X-ray Technology Working Foreman GRADE XIII Accounting Supervisor, Grade B Alcohol Program Coordinator Assistant Assessor Building Maintenance Foreman Case Supervisor Grade B Clerk, Board of Representatives Court Reporter I Deputy County Treasurer Dietitian Director, Office for the Aging Executive Housekeeper Head Nurse Head Social Welfare Examiner Hospital Maintenance Foreman Medical Records Librarian Medical Social Worker Motor Vehicle Supervisor Office Manager Probation Officer II Public Health Sanitarian Purchasing Agent Senior Librarian I Senior X-ray Technician Staff Social Worker GRADE XIV Assistant Hospital Administrator Trainee Chief Criminal Investigator County Home Superintendent Director of Administrative Services Director of Food Service Equipment Service Manager Highway Construction Foreman Personnel Assistant Probation Supervisor Supervising Nurse Supervising Public Health Nurse GRADE XV Airport Manager Assistant to Commissioner of Mental Health Assistant Director of Nursing Case Supervisor, Grade A Coordinator of Rehabilitation Services County Clerk Pharmacist Physician's Associate Senior Assessor Senior Librarian II Supervising Medical Social Worker Supervising Staff Social Worker Undersheriff GRADE XVI Assistant County Attorney Assistant District Attorney Assistant Library Director II Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 245 Clinical Psychologist Director of Social Services Probation Director II Sensor Planner Social Services Attorney Supervising Pharmacist GRADE XVII Assistant Director of Assessment Associate Planner County Sheriff Director of Day Care Center Director of Nursing Director of Public Health Nursing General Highway Foreman Hospital Comptroller Hospital Plant Supervisor Library Director IV GRADE XVIII Assistant Hospital Administrator Biochemist Commissioner of Personnel Deputy County Administrator (Administration) Deputy County Administrator (Finance) Microbiologist Senior Civil Engineer Supervising Clinical Psychologist Supervising Microbiologist Systems Analyst GRADE XIX Commissioner of Planning Commissioner of Social Services County Attorney Deputy Health Commissioner Deputy Medical Examiner Director of Assessment Medical Exanuner Physician Senior Public Health Engineer GRADE XX Commissioner of Public Works District Attorney Hospital Administrator GRADE XXI Director of Rehabilitation Hospital Physician Medical Director GRADE XXII Commissioner of Health County Administrator County Judge Supervising Psychiatrist GRADE XXIII Associate Pathologist Commissioner of Mental Health Radiologist GRADE XXIV Director of Laboratory (Pathologist) Driector of Radiology 246 Tompkins County, New York ANNUAL REPORT TOMPKINS COUNTY VETERANS' 1975 SERVICE AGENCY (Submitted by Colene 11 Rice, Secretary) Tompkins County, according to the Veteran's Administration Census, has a population of 80,100 including approximately 8;404 veterans, of whom, 270 are World War I, 3,863 are World War II, 1,702 are Korean; 5,116 are post Korean and Viet Nam veterans, who have been released and have returned and come under the Viet Nam G I Bill These are veterans having contact with the Veteran's Administration 1 The total number of contacts (personal, letter, and telephone) during the year amounted to 5,384 of which 2,504 were personal; 1,993 inbound letters; 1,846 inbound telephone calls The preponderence of j contacts were the veterans, and the remainder of the contacts were primarily with families of veterans and service- men A total of 7,616 counseling services were rendered during the year We have been without a Director in the office since Mr Cummings suffered two strokes during the month of July, and was 'not able to return to work The office has remained opened with the secretary doing all of the work On January 6, 1976 the Tompkins County Veteran's Service Agency received a letter from the Veteran's Administration Regional Office in Buffalo, New York showing the new population figures of veterans in Tompkins County The popula- tion figure is 8,404 The following facts were shown in the letter That for the current 12 month period expenditures by the Federal Government to Tompkins County veterans were $2,137,570 (for compensation and pension benefits), $1,181,638 for educational benefits. Counseling Service Statistical Summary Counseled in Depth 59 Armed Forces 390 Burial Benefits 917 Education 987 On The Job Training 185 Employment Inquiries 59 Housing 193 Insurance 289 Legal 179 Compensation 961 Medical 414 Pension and Appeals 1843 Personal Affairs 527 Social Security 166 Social Services 91 Taxes 226 Blind Annunity 8 TOTAL 7616 Contacts Statistical Summary Veterans Servicemen Veterans' Dependents Other Personal Letter Telephone Original 'Repeat TOTAL 4406 15 715 248 2504 1034 1846 574 4810 5384 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 247 STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS IN RELATION TO THE VOTES CAST AT A GENERAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 5, 1975 (Submitted by Viola C Boothroyd and Barbara S Fellows, Commissioners) The Board of County Canvassers of the County of Tompkins having met at the office of the Clerk of said County, on the 5th day of November, to canvass and estimate the votes given in the several Election Districts of said County, at the General Election held on the 4th day of November in the year 1975, do certify as follows That is appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes given for the office of County Clerk, including all ballots endorsed "marked for identification," was Received Lucille K Grinnell, Rep 10,786 Blank 9,161 Void 4 Scattering 7 19,958 PROPOSITION NO. 1 Shall chapter 554 of the laws of nineteen hundred seventy-five entitled "An act authorizing the creation of an additional state debt in the aggregate amount of two hundred fifty million dollars for low rent housing purposes under and pursuant to article eighteen of the constitution, authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds to said amount, authorizing loans to be made from the proceeds thereof pursuant to such article, making an appropriation to the state division of housing and community renewal for loans to lnmted profit housing companies established to provide housing for the aged, and providing for the submission to the people of a proposition or question therefor to be voted upon at the general election to be held in November nineteen hundred seventy-five" be approved? Affirmative 5,283 Negative 10,010 Blank 4,661 Void 4 19,958 AMENDMENT NO. 1 Shall the proposed amendment to Article I of the Constitution inserting a new section 13 therein in relation to providing that equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the state or/any subdivision thereof on account of sex, be approved? Affirmative 8,382 Negative 8,935 Blank 2,635 Void 6 19,958 248 Tompkins County, New York AMENDMENT NO 2 Shall the proposed amendment to Article VI of the Constitution, adding a new Section 36-c thereto and amending Section 22 thereof, in relation to the powers of and reconstituting the Court on the Judiciary and creating a commis- sion on judicial conduct, be approved? Affirmative 9,188 Negative 5,431 Blank 5,335 Void 4 19,958 AMENDMENT NO 3 Shall the proposed amendments to Article VI and VII of the Constitution, in relation to the administration and financing of the Unified Court System of the State, be approved? Affirmative 6,882 Negative 6,966 Blank 6,106 Void 4 1 I 19,958 AMENDMENT NO 4 Shall the proposed amendment to Article III of the Constitution inserting a new Section 18 therein in relation to the, convening of extra -ordinary sessions of the Legislature upon petition of the members l of the Legislature, and the pro- posed amendment to Article IV, Section 3 of the Constitution, in relation to extra- ordinary sessions of the Legislature convened by the Governor, be approved? Affirmative Negative Blank Void 7,677 6,307 5,970 4 19,958 AMENDMENT NO!5 Shall the proposed amendment to Article VIII, Section 2-a, subdivision C to provide that the provisions thereof that any county, city, town or village or any county or town on behalf of an improvement district may be authorized to contract indebtedness to provide facilities, in excess of its own needs, for the conveyance, treatment and disposal of sewage from any other public corporation or improvement district, shall include the contracting of indebtedness for storm water facilities for the conveyance, treatment and disposal of surface water from any other public corporation or improvement district, and the proposed amend- ment to Article VIII, Section 2-a, subdivision V, to provide that the provisions thereof that two or more public corporations and improvement districts may be authorized to provide for the common conveyance, treatment and disposal of sewage, shall include surface water and storm water facilities and that indebted- ness may be authorized to be contracted by any such corporation or by a county or town on behalf of an improvement district therefor, be approved? Affirmative Negative Blank Void 6,980 7,061 5,913 4 19,958 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 249 AMENDMENT NO. 6 Shall the proposed amendments to Article VIII, Section 11, subdivision (b) of the Constitution in relation to excluding taxes required for the cost of em- ployer's contribution for pension, retirement and social security liabilities from the Article VIII, Section 10 tax limitations of any county, city (other than the city of New York), village or certain school districts, be approved? Affirmative 6,615 Negative 8,289 Blank 5,050 Void 4 19,958 AMENDMENT NO. 7 Shall the proposed amendment to Article I, Section 9, subdivision 2 of the Constitution in relation to authorizing the limited conduct of certam games of chance by religious, charitable or non-profit organizations of veterans, volunteer firemen and similar non-profit organizations, be approved? Affirmative 7,742 Negative 7,456 Blank 4,756 Void 4 19,958 MAYOR (City of Ithaca) Edward J Conley, Dem 2,854 Anne Tompkins Jones, Rep 1,983 Edward J Conley, Lib 299 Blank 188 Void 2 Scattering 21 5,347 ALDERMAN (First Ward) Donald J Slattery, Dem 598 Donald L Barber, Rep 577 Blank 138 Void 1 1,314 ALDERMAN (Second Ward) David W G Fuller, Dem 585 Elva W Holman, Rep 517 Elva W Holman, Lib 97 Blank 139 Void 2 Scattering 5 1,345 250 Tompkins County; New York I ,I 1 ALDERMAN (Third Ward) James P Dennis, Dem F Clark Hamlin, Rep James P Dennis, Lib Blank I 1 I1 II 1 431 388 104 52 975 ALDERMAN (Fourth Ward) Nancy Meyer, Dem Nancy Meyer, Lib Blank Scattering 319 83 218 1 621 ALDERMAN (Fifth Ward) John D Bodine, Dem Anthony F Spano, Rep John D Bodine, Lib Blank Scattering 1 421 1 523 63 84 1 1,092 CAROLINE SUPERVISOR j Harold B Payton, Rep 586 Blank I 225 811 CAROLINE TOWN CLERK Florence Starr, Rep. Blank 656 155 811 11 CAROLINE HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT William J Dean, Rep Blank 580 231 811 I CAROLINE COUNCILMAN (Elect 2) 1 Sandra G Sarfield, Dem Herbert A Whittaker, Dem Solon Ogden, Rep Philip F Barden, Rep Blank 463 463 291 295 110 1,622 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 251 DANBY SUPERVISOR Joyce Stafford, Dem 183 A Francis Wright, Dep 388 Blank 42 Scattering 1 614 DANBY TOWN CLERK Mary Oltz, Rep 459 Blank 154 Scattering 1 614 DANBY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Joseph Hulbert, Rep 438 Blank 176 614 DANBY TOWN JUSTICE Milton Todd, Rep. 437 Blank 177 614 DANBY COUNCILMAN (4 yrs ) Ralph Wilbur, Rep 425 Blank 189 614 DANBY COUNCILMAN (2yrs vacancy) Paul G Smith, Rep 423 Blank 191 614 DRYDEN COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE (2 yrs vacancy) Representative District (Districts 4, 5, 8, 9) Jane R French, Dem 506 James E Kidney, Rep 808 Blank 34 1,348 252 Tompkins County, 'New York DRYDEN SUPERVISOR Charles G McCord, Dem Charles G McCord, Rep Blank Scattering 998 1,579 372 9 2,958 DRYDEN TOWN CLERK Susanne I Lloyd, Rep Blank Scattering 1,835 1,121 2 2,958 DRYDEN HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Gregory P Humphrey, Dem Frank J Stehck, Rep Blank Scattering 1,467 1,282 208 1 2,958 DRYDEN TOWN JUSTICE Edwin R Sweetland, Rep 1,955 Blank 1,003 2,958 DRYDEN COUNCILMAN (Elect 2) Noe Diaz, Dem Sara M Doherty, Dem Janet U Graham, Rep Merton Webb, Rep Blank 776 947 1,857 1,723 613 5,916 ENFIELD SUPERVISOR Robert Linton, Rep 409 Blank 148 557 ENFIELD TOWN CLERK Jean Kraymak, Dem 158 Mabel Purdy, Rep 375 Blank 24 11 557 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 253 ENFIELD HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Wesley Rolfe, Rep 411 Blank 146 557 ENFIELD TOWN JUSTICE Richard Holley, Dem 236 Harold Clark, Rep 285 Blank 36 557 ENFIELD COUNCILMAN (4 yrs ) Tommy L Brown, Dem 205 Betty R Howard, Rep 318 Blank 34 557 ENFIELD COUNCILMAN (2 yrs vacancy) Fern Smith, Rep 402 ' Blank 155 557 ENFIELD TAX COLLECTOR Diann Bailey, Dem 197 Edna Palmer, Rep. 336 Blank 24 557 GROTON SUPERVISOR Hicks B Dow, Rep 1,117 Blank 286 1,403 GROTON TOWN CLERK Lois Baker, Rep 1,207 Blank 196 1,403 GROTON HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Leland E Cornelius, Rep 1,161 Blank 242 1,403 254 Tompkins County, 'New York GROTON COUNCILMAN Josephine Bell, Dem 490 Verl Rankin, Jr , Rep 842 Blank 71 1,403 - GROTON TOWN JUSTICE Robert F Walpole, Dem 800 George L Totman, Rep 560 Blank 43 1,403 ITHACA COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE (2 yrs Representative District 10 (Districts 6, 7, 8, 9) vacancy) Henry W Theisen, Dem 811 Roger A Morse, Rep 731 Henry W Theisen, Lib 126 Blank 65 1,734 ITHACA SUPERVISOR H William Batt, Dem Walter J. Schwan, Rep Blank 1,704 1,811 264 3,779 ITHACA TOWN JUSTICE Sally A Jackie, Dem 1,810 Merton J Wallenbeck, Rep 1,695 Blank 274 3,779 ITHACA COUNCILMAN (Elect 4) Bruce M John, Dem Shirley A Raffensperger, Dem David B Wilson, Dem Robert R Julian, Dem Robert N Powers, Rep Andrew W McElwee, Rep Willis S Hilker, Rep Catherine Valentino, Rep Blank Scattering 1,509 1,700 1,672 1,677 1,811 1,923 1,620 1,708 1,495 1 15,116 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 255 i LANSING SUPERVISOR Wesley E McDermott, Dem 1,369 Blank _ 689 Void 1 Scattering 3 2,062 LANSING TOWN CLERK Jane Bush Horky, Dem 945 Jane Bush Horky, Rep 904 Blank 210 Void 1 Scattering 2 2,062 LANSING HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Lloyd Sharpsteen, Rep 1,355 Blank 703 Void 1 Scattering 3 2,062 LANSING TOWN JUSTICE Jean E Robinson, Dem 778 Floyd S Ferris, Rep 1,148 Blank 135 Void 1 2,062 LANSING COUNCILMAN (Elect 2) Steven G Baughman, Dem 950 Frankie D Lechner, Dem 761 Lee Naegeley, Rep 957 Bert Hilliard, Rep 1,138 Blank 316 Void 1 Scattering 1 4,124 NEWFIELD SUPERVISOR Elmer Maki, Dem 545 James H Drader, Jr , Rep 552 Blank 36 1,133 256 Tompkins County, New York NEWFIELD TOWN CLERK Sarah Ulloth, Dem Jeannette Beach, Rep Blank 322 779 32 1,133 NEWFIELD HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Alexander Yenei, Dem 707 Roger Vargo, Rep 392 Blank 34 1,133 NEWFIELD TOWN JUSTICE Kenneth Cutter, Dem 527 Everd Lampila, Rep 541 Blank 65 I i 1,133 NEWFIELD COUNCILMAN Frederick Kippola, Dem 510 Kenneth E Payne, Rep 578 Blank 45 1,133 ULYSSES SUPERVISOR Bruce M Payne, Rep 1,012 Blank 281 Void 1 1,294 ULYSSES TOWN CLERK Marilyn E Ough, Dem 543 Alice B. Conover, Rep. 697 Blank 53 Void 1 1,294 ULYSSES HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Rolf A Holtkamp, Rep Blank Void 1,028 265 1 1,294 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 257 ULYSSES TOWN JUSTICE Roger N Rector, Rep 929 Blank 364 Void 1 1,294 ULYSSES COUNCILMAN (Elect 2) Frederick Bowen, Dem 264 Earl Richar, Dem 412 11 William Smith, Rep 877 William Agard, Rep 847 Blank 187 Void 1 2,588 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 3 8 OF THE ITHACA CITY CHARTER Should section 3 8 of the Ithaca City Charter be amended to remove the provision in section 3 8 in the Ithaca City Charter which prohibits the Common Council from enacting or enforcing any local laws or ordinance or resolution for any purpose pertaining in any manner to the fluoridation of the water under the control of City, or of the Water Department of the City government? Affirmative 1,487 Negative 2,794 Blank 1,064 Void 2 5,347 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 5 13 OF THE ITHACA CITY CHARTER Should section 513 of the Ithaca City Charter be amended to remove the provision in section 513 in the Ithaca City Charter which prohibits the Board of Public Works from fluoridating in any manner the water under the control of the Water Department in the City government? Affirmative 1,465 Negative 2,745 Blank 1,135 Void 2 5,347 258 Tompkins County, New York STATE OF NEW YORK County of Tompkins Office of Board of Elections l„ I ' WE HEREBY CERTIFY that we have compared the foregoing with the original statement remaining on file in this office, and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original Witness our hand and official seal at Ithaca, New York, this 7th day of November, one thousand nme hundred seventy-five. VIOLA C BOOTHROYD BARBARA S. FELLOWS Commissioners of Elections County of Tompkins li Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 259 ANNUAL REPORT—TOMPKINS COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINER -1975 (Submitted by David Safadi, M D ) Number of Autopsies -68 Deaths listed by categories 1. Natural Causes 55 2 Accidental, non -vehicular Drowning 5 Overdose 1 Asphyxiation 3 Fire 1 Carbon Monoxide 1 Fall in gorge 1 TOTAL 12 3 Accidental—vehicular One -car 9 Two -car 6 Truck 1 Motorcycle 2 Bicycle -car 1 TOTAL 19 4 Suicides Hanging 2 Overdose 2 Carbon Monoxide 1 Gunshot 1 Drowning 1 TOTAL 7 5 Infant deaths Child beating 1 Aspiration 1 TOTAL 2 6 Homicides 2 2 GRAND TOTAL 97 260 Tompkins County, New York ANNUAL REPORT -1975 TOMPKINS COUNTY LIBRARY Laps Mezgar, Director 1975 has been the busiest year in the history of our library as proven by the following statistics Circulation: Total circulation of library materials— Film circulation— Art reproduction circulation— Interlibrary loans to other hbraries— Interlibrary loans from other libraries— Services: Number of reference questions Number of reserves filled Number of registered borrowers Personnel in full-time equivalents: Librarians Clerical and page staff Total 537,157— 5 4% increase from 1974 2,148-17 7% increase from 1974 2,461— 5 6% increase from 1974 6,551— 6 1% increase from 1974 2,776-19 5% increase from 1974 13,627-15 8% increase from 1974 12,984— 5 8% increase from 1974 27,369— 0 2% increase from 1974 8 9— 0 4% decrease from 1974 315—no change 40 4— 0 4% decrease from 1974 The above figures are the proof that' we are providing a good service and providing it as economically as possible People need and use the library The library is not a prestigious luxury item on the county budget, it is a necessity STAFF Our Young Adult librarian position has been open since September, 1975, as the State Civil Service Commission has not provided the necessary eligible list Miss Elizabeth Khnko, our librarian trainee is filling-in now, and we have hired temporarily, a professional librarian to provide help to the overworked reference personnel, since December, 1975 This missing YA librarian represents the drop of 0 4 full-time equivalent for our professional staff for 1975 As the people in our area are demanding more services besides books for borrowing, any such drop in personnel is detrimental to the quality of our operations, as these services are provided by the library staff BUILDING The lights in the Children's Department have been replaced, as must all the rest of the small square light fixtures in the entire building, as no replacement units are available for the present fixtures FINGER LAKES LIBRARY SYSTEM I Miss Nancy McGinnies, Assistant Director of the Tompkins County Public Library and Mr Edward Ormondroyd, Technical Services Librarian from the Finger Lakes Library System are cooperating in the establishment of an improved and speedy book selection procedure to purchase Central Book Aid books Our library, as the Central Library of the System, received the following support during 1975 Member Library Grant $19,090 00 Aid to Central Library 3,500 00 Central Library Development Grant (state aid) 19,739 51 Local Sponsor Incentive Aid (state aid) 3,853 20 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 261 Our staff has been participating with Finger Lakes Library System in joint monthly book meetings and in the work of book selection, film previewing and m a Bicentennial committee We are looking forward to substantial accomplish- ments in our future cooperative projects FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Our thanks to President Caroline Barlow, to her dedicated board, and to the many volunteers for their contribution and help In addition to considerable financial donations for concerts, workshops and outreach activities, the Friends' volunteers gave 2,116 hours of their own time to the library, which amounts to 1 2 full-time equivalent in our personnel LIBRARY PROGRAMMING We had over 200 library sponsored or cosponsored events in the hbrary To celebrate the Bicentennial we are having the American Issues Forums at regular intervals since September, 1975 We had a highly successful quilt exhibit and a Beethoven's Birthday Concert during December The public is highly appreciative of our exhibits, concerts and lectures, and we are reaching hundreds of people through these special events, who are other- wise not regular library users THE FUTURE OF OUR LIBRARY The new director has spent a considerable number of hours on revising pro- cedures, and planning for the more efficient use of the available space With a modest investment in shelving, display and storage modules, the library's space requirements can be secured within the existing structure until 1980 The most radical revisions in our procedures might enable our clerical staff to keep up with the increased library use if we can take advantage of modern technology in the very near future A computerized circulation system will be a necessity within 1-3 years, as our circulation control equipment is antiquated and only computer- ized systems are able to cope with a circulation of 500,000 and more per year As people are using the library increasingly as an information center, an additional professional position in the Reference Department is a necessity now This type of person-to-person service cannot be simplified or automated, and it is the most important contribution of the library to the community Information is not a privilege for the few "The Right to Know Act" of the Congress is acknowledging this fact which is supported by recent library studies stating that 50% of the people visiting the library never borrow books, but use reference books or consult the librarians to satisfy their information needs It is impera- tive that the County Board of Representatives understands the position of the library as a unique, important service agency, with special needs for different type of personnel, salaries and policies, which cannot be handled simply as an- other county department My special thanks to Chairman Jack Carpenter and all members of the Li- brary Board for their time, work, and understanding 262 Tompkins County, New York 1975 ANNUAL REPORT TOMPKINS COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUNCIL (Submitted by Dennis A Winters, TCDP Staff, EMC Coordinator) The objectives of the Council as set forth in the Board of Representatives resolu- tion establishing the Council are (1) To serve as County Environmental Information Center with respect to all matters affecting the environment and natural resources of the county (2) To Review and Recommend, for consideration by action groups, all mat- ters affecting the environment and natural resources of the county (3) To assist in the coordination of activities, data and expertise in matters of environmental concern (4) To act as a Public Forum and provide Educational materials and in- formation to foster a broader understanding of environmental issues and their possible solutions The mayor activities of the Council during the past year are summarized below Staff assistance was provided by the County Planning Department A booklet which describes these activities and their implications in greater detail will also be made available for distribution —Framework for Environmental Analysis A part of the Comprehensive Plan Studies for Tompkins County Includes part of the Natural Resources Inven- tory of such features, a methodology for determining environmental impact of developments and preparation of environmental impact statements, an analysis of the county to determine the' most suitable areas for settlement —Unique Natural Areas Inventory A list of 84 areas mentioned by the public and a complete description of natural features and other amenities to which unique qualities are attributed Areas will be analyzed for suitable protective devices 11 — Fall Creek Recreational River Proposal Public Forum with DEC represen- tatives attended by 200 people held to discuss issues concerning state desig- nation and alternative methods of preservation Preparation of draft manage- ment plan based upon intermunicipal cooperation and development regula- tions, existing protective laws and EMC coordination — State of the Environment Part of the Natural Resources Inventory Series including an assessment of land, air, water conditions and statistics Antici- pated Spring 1976 publication —Environmental Directory Listing of county, state, federal organizations involved with environmental issues Description of activities of county groups —Container Legislation Review of Senate -Assembly bills, sending of infor- mation periodically to Board by EMC Committee —Mined Land Reclamation Law Review of law and forum with DEC repre- sentatives, mining operators and highway superintendents to explain impli- cations of the law —Erosion and Sedimentation Presentation by SCS representative of legisla- tion proposed for such control Review of Erosion and Sediment Inventory for Tompkins County Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 263 —NYSEG Power Station Impact Review Participation in Ad hoc Committee after having suggested that the Board apply for PSC Art 8 funds -Highway Salting Presentation to Council by Cargill Salt and DOT represen- tatives on storage and use of deicing chemicals. Commencement of Council study —SEQR Review Review of law and rules and regulations Preparation for annual meeting at which explanation of SEQR presented by DEC representa- tives —Octopus Review of proposed plans, study of attitudes and preparation of report to be made in Winter 1976. —Route 13 Corridor Participation on Ad hoc Corridor Location Committee Proposal review by Council —Great White Oak Communication with concerned personnel so as to begin necessary medicinal measures to save this natural symbol at the Tripham- mer—Route 13 intersection —Railroad Service Resolution supporting continuation of service to Tomp- kins County prepared and sent to Board and Congressional Representatives —Reviews Freshwater Wetlands Law, Coy Glen Conditions, Bolton Point Soil. ' Conservation Activities, Selective Settlement Patterns, Aquatic Vegetation, Crosstown Road, Pennsylvania Energy Park —Participation in Environmental Leaders Forum, Natural Resources Inventory Training Session, EPL Convention, New York State Assn of EMC, T C Plan- ning Board, T C Area Beautification Council —Administration- Revision of by-laws, reorganization into Task Teams based upon member interest, preparation of annual report, preparation of quarterly reports and requests for reimbursement, preparation of annual work pro- grams and State budget requests 264 Tompkins County; New York To the Comptroller of the State of New York and the Commissioner of Trans- portation The following is a Statement, Pursuant to Section 278 of the Highway Law of the several towns in the County of Tompkins, and assessed valuations, and amount of tax levied, for the repair and im'p'rovement of highways, by the County Legislature in the month of December, 1975 NAME OF TOWN Assessed valuation of taxable prop- erty of the town outside of In- corporated Villages —(Do Not in- clude property exempt from tax ) REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENT Highway Law, Sec 141 (1) Real Property Tax Levy HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Highway Law, Article 8A Real Property Tax Levy Town of Caroline $ 10,735,7461100 Town of Danby 9,510,458'00 Town of Dryden 42,741,610 00 Town of Enfield 7,752,208 100 Town of Groton 10,358,911'00 Town of Ithaca 53,838,610;00 0 00 0 00 Town of Lansing 54,788,255 00 79,653 00 0 00 Town of Newfield 14,850,287 00 92,300 00 14,040 00 Town of Ulysses 13,712,731 00 31,703 00 0 00 TOTAL $218,288,816 00 $496,059 25 $66,240 00 I certify that the preceding statement isl correct 1 PHYLLIS B HOWELL, Clerk State of New York ss• County of Tompkins Harry A Kerr being duly sworn, says that he is the Chairman or officer desig- nated by county law or charter, of the County Legislature of Tompkins County, that he has read the preceding statement and kncws the same to be true Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 265 SUMMARY SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES LEVIED BY COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (LEGISLATORS) FOR 1976 ALL TOWNS AND CITY OF ITHACA COUNTY OF TOMPKINS (Individual Schedules on file in Clerk's Office) Item Amount County Taxes and Assessments General Tax (include court and stenographer tax) (Add) Town and City Account County Self -Insurance Plan Chargebacks for Election Expenses Special grade Crossing levy—LVRR (Deduct) Town and City Account Excess from Prior Year Tax Rate Total (Deduct) Sales Tax Credits to Reduce County Levy Net County Tax Levy (Add) Returned School Taxes Interest and Penalties on Returned School Taxes TOTAL—TO COUNTY TREASURER Town Taxes General (town wide) General (town outside village) Highway, Item 1 Highway, Item 1A Highway, Item 2 Highway, Item 3 Highway, Item 4 Total Net Town Tax Levy Special District Taxes Fire Fire Protection Lighting Sewer Water Other Dryden—Road $2 476 80 Groton—Ambulance $8,850 00 Total ^ TOTAL—TOWN AND SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES AND/OR CHARGES Delinquent Assessments, Water and Other Charges TOTAL—TO SUPERVISOR TOTAL—ALL TAXES $4,944,338 00 14,335 41 10,560 24 4,545 54 1,910 00 $4,975,689 19 1,378,382 46 $3,597,306 73 315,512 71 22,470 67 $3,935,290 11 $ 221,980 60 11,909 00 495,584 25 66,240 00 7,777 00 348,195 66 282,258 00 $1,433,944 51 $1,433,944 51 126,594 18 278,866 14 13,543 78 273,809 65 409,276 19 11,326 80 $1,113,416 74 $2,547,361 25 74,759 82 $2,622,121 07 $6,557,411 18 266 Tompkins County, New York ANNUAL REPORT COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ASSOCIATION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Submitted by Glenn W Cline, Extension Agent The following audiences were identified as priority audiences during the pro- gram year, 10/74 to 9/75 and special emphasis was given to develop programs for them These include consumers, the elderly, youth, low income persons in need of nutrition information and commercial farmers IA partial listing of some of the program activities conducted for these audiences follows CONSUMERS: "Change for Your Dollar" is a Cooperative Extension program designed to put helpful information into the hands of consumers Regular radio spots, a weekly television news feature, a newsletter, 16 bulletin boards and meet- ings on special topics were the major methods used to reach consumers Food preservation clinics, meetings on "Canning for Beginners" and a telephone hotline were used to help provide the skills and to answer questions on home food preservation Approximately 1200 individuals received answers to questions in this area ELDERLY: We continued to work with and supervise the Nutrition for the Elderly program A newsletter for low income elderly was established to provide this audience with consumer 'information, helpful services available, health care, etc and this was mailed to 750 individuals YOUTH: 4-H reaches many youth through programs conducted at schools Some of the programs conducted and the number of youth reached are as follows Bicycle Safety Program, (2500), Snowmobile certification, (375), the Talking Plant, (700), Embryology, (400) Other activities conducted for youth by 4-H included a Clothing Revue at which 190 girls and boys modeled garments they had constructed, a Tractor Certification program for 40 youth aged 14 to 15 so that they' could work for farmers, other than their parents, a Horse program and Horse Show, a Plant Sale with over 230 4-H'ers and leaders participating, a Citizenship Development program for youth, a City 4-H program, and a summer camp with 225 4-H members from Tompkins County attending Some other major activities included the 4 HI Acres Youth Fair, Leader Training, Public Presentations, and the annual cookie sales Over 8,000 youth participated in 4H activities under the direction of the staff and 693 volunteer leaders LOW INCOME NUTRITION PROGRAM: Much ofd the work in this program is on a one to one basis However, the work with groups of families has been expanded as an efficient method of reaching more people The "Out -of -Sites" program con- ducted by EFNEP and 4-H reached over 600 youth with nutritional information. A special gardening program was conducted for EFNEP families last summer A regular Newsletter provides EFNEP families with nutritional information, cost cutting ideas and low cost recipes COMMERCIAL FARMERS: Some 200 dairy farmers, that sold more than $10 4 million dollars worth of milk according to the most recent annual figures, form the core group for this program area A severe outbreak of the potato leafhopper insect on alfalfa occurred this summer and farmers were aided in its control Around 125 farmers have received Pesticide Certification training Between 400 to 500 more persons will need this training, !during the next two years Farmers were supplied with economic information to aid them in making management decisions The uncertainty of the economic climate this year has made this type of information particularly useful A fourth Agricultural District was formed with a fifth District well underway to beingiformed Cooperative Extension through its advisory committees made up of program participants, continually tries to adjust its program offerings to meet the cur- rent needs of people in Tompkins County Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 267 ANNUAL REPORT TOMPKINS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES (Submitted by Robert Wagner) Public assistance—"welfare"—is money and services given to needy families and individuals who qualify for Ft under the Federal Social Security Act and the New York State Social Services Law DIRECT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS There are three money programs namely (1) Public Assistance which is divided into ADC and HR (2) Medicaid and (3) Food Stamps These programs are ad- ministered by workers called Social Welfare Examiners The Social Welfare Examiner's responsibilities continue to grow as new laws are passed and various court decisions are handed down The courts have become increasingly powerful as they affect the operation of social service departments A decision on a class action brought by a group of re- cipients against New York State Department of Social Services may result in a change in procedure for all Social Services departments in New York State. I PUBLIC ASSISTANCE (PA) Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) is financial assistance given to a family with minor children without sufficient means of support because of the absence, death, or incapacity of a parent or the unemployment of the father This is the largest direct assistance (cash) program administered by this department A Team Concepts This year we have continued to use the team concept in Public As- sistance, this system was initiated in 1973 There are several ad- vantages to the Team System 1 The client has contact with the same Team rather than seeing or talking to possibly fifteen different people in a matter of months 2 The Team members become familiar with the cases in their load and handle requests more efficiently and expeditiously 3 Team members cover for absent or vacationing Team mem- bers without disrupting other Teams B Case Load (PA) CASES: January 1975 December 1975 ADC 706 769 HR 322 469 TOTALS 1028 1233 II MEDICAID (MA) Medical Assistance (MA) is a program that pays medical bills, in whole or in part, of New York State residents who can not pay the cost of such medical care In the program, money is not given to the eligible recipients but rather the department pays for the needed medical care directly to the provider of the medical service, i e , doctor, hospital, nursing home, drug store, etc Case Load January 1975 December 1975 Reg MA 827 798 SSI 707 758 TOTALS 1534 1556 268 Tompkins County, ,New York III FOOD STAMPS The Food Stamp program is designed to increase the food purchasing power for eligible individuals and families. Depending on factors such as income and size of family, it is determined that a family will be eligible for a cer- tain "bonus" amount of Food Stamps An eligible family can purchase, at banks, food stamps that are worth more Mani was paid for them The stamps are redeemable at any store that accepts food stamps The food stamp program costs Tompkins, County very little since all costs are borne by the Federal and State government We have done very little in Out- reach efforts locally because our staff is completely involved in eligibility and the required paperwork We are getting pressure from Central Office to step up our Outreach efforts, however Case Load January 1975 December 1975 TOTAL 1142 1345 IV TITLE IV -D A program estabhshed under Title IV -D of the Social Security Act was im- plemented this year that requires all support payment to be paid directly to New York State instead of to the client The intent of this legislation is to make IRS, Social Security and VA files available to the state for more thorough checking of resources (support) available to children receiving as- sistance payments SERVICE PROGRAMS The outstanding change in 1975 was the implementation of Title XX, effec- tive date October 1 An annual plan for services was submitted to Albany in July based on sketchy information with a goal of a completely researched and comprehensive plan for 1976 The intent of Title XX is community in- volvement to avoid duplication of services and to set community priorities for the use of available service monies Title XX requires a specific application to determine eligibility for Social Services A reporting system to record who is being served and the kinds of services being given is an integral part of Title XX The Services Division continues to service clients under the following categories I ADULT AND FAMILY UNIT Services single adults, families with children and without children Some of examples of services are emergency services, educational training, family planning, health-related services, home delivered meals, homemaker/house- keeper, home management, services to blind, assisting persons to remain in community or return to the community from institutions, paternity and support actions, etc II CHILD WELFARE UNIT Handles adoptions, foster care for children, counsels unmarried mothers, provides home management counseling,: parent education, conducts Family Court-ordered custody investigations and private adoption studies, provides services to families so foster care will not be needed, etc III DAY CARE UNIT Recruits and certifies Day Care Homes, approves placement of children in these homes, arranges payment for Day Care if family is eligible for subsidy, etc Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 269 IV CHILD PROTECTIVE UNIT Investigates all complaints of child abuse, neglect, or maltreatment, provides and obtains necessary services COUNTY HOME As a unit of the Tompkins County Department of Social Services, the Tompkins County Home and Farm are maintained to provide a controlled environment for persons who are unable to function in a private setting The Home is an approved Domicilary Care Facility under the Board of Social Welfare and one of two or three in New York State which still operates its farm The farm is maintained to provide food for the Home including therapy of those residents able to par- ticipate The Home's location on Perry City Road just off Route 96, makes it ideal for the person with a rural background or the urbanite who appreciates the peace and tranquility of the countryside. The home provides food, shelter, special diets when necessary, assistance with all activities of daily living and a therapeutic, recreational and diversionary ac- tivity program for all residents Care and supervision are provided on a twenty- four hour basis A total number of 23 725 days of resident care was given during 1975 FINANCIAL REPORT 1975 1975 Total Appropriation—$10,351,214 00 Total Expenditures—$10,418,145 25 ANNUAL REPORT SURROGATE COURT CLERK (Submitted by E R Carpenter, Clerk) TO THE TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES THE SURROGATE COURT FEES FOR THE YEAR 1975 ARE IN THE AMOUNT OF $19,602 00 ANNUAL REPORT TOMPKINS COUNTY AIRPORT Submitted by John J Joubert, Manager The major accomplishments during 1975 include A Medium Intensity Ap- proach Light System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights were installed on Runway 32, placement of siren on the North Hangar roof for warning system, new access road for T -hangar tenants and FAA tower personnel was built and trees in Southeast approach of Runway 32 were removed I The restaurant's name was changed to "The Airport Lounge" and provided good service to many a weary traveler Many youngsters passed through the facilities on our guided tours, handled mostly by Chartair people Allegheny Airlines actual departures were 6,470 with a total of 118,232 pas- sengers There were 86 cancellations There were 35,695 lbs of airmail, 13,316 lbs air express and 415,347 lbs of air freight Chartair, Inc actual departures were 794 with a total of 2,507 passengers East Hill Flying Club—Active Membership -105, Total Aircraft Hours - 2660 44, Flight Tests—Private Certificates -23 Ithaca Limousine—Total of 9,715 passengers. Out of town trips -44 Record of Snowfall -57 5 inches 270 Tompkins County; 'New ANNUAL REPORT York SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Submitted by Louis J F.mmick, Sealer Standards and Working Apparatus—Weights Avoirdupois Metric No. Apothecary No. Decimal No. Avoirdupois 10 lb -1 500 gram -1 4 dram -4 5 lb —1 200 gram -2 2 dram -2 2 lb -2 100 gram -1 1 dram -1 1 lb —1 50 gram -1 1/2 dram -1 8 oz —1 20 gram -2 1 s —2 4 oz -1 10 gram -1 1/2 s-1 2 oz —1 5 gram -1 10 gr —1 1 oz —1 2 gram -1 5 gr 1 1/2 oz —1 1 gram -1 2 gr -2 1/4 oz —1 500 mg —1 1 gr —1 1/16 oz -1 200 mg -2 5 gr -1 1/32 oz -2 100 mg -1 2 gr 1 50 mg —1 1 gr —1 20 mg —2 2 oz —2 10 mg —1 1 oz —1 The equipment listed above has been certified within five years Certificate No. NY Eagle 74-3814 3-1 2-1 1-1 05-1 02-1 01-1 005-1 002-1 001-1 50 lb —9 25 lb -2 Capacity Measures—Liquid Apparatus 5 gal —2 1/2 gal. —1 1 qt —1 1 pint -1 1/2 pint -1 3 gill —1 100 gal. -1 The equipment listed above has been NY 75-19463, 74-2616, 742325, 74-20 Summary of Test Made - Total Scales tested -983, percentage tentage short -6 1 Steel tapes -1 Portable Balance -1 certified within five years, Certificate Nos correct -91 0, percentage over -2 9, peril - Total measures tested -988, percentage correct -95 3, percentage over -2 3, per- centage short -2A Farm Milk tanks—Original Calibrations -6,11 recalibration -1, 205 (est) tanks in jurisdiction Weights tested -493, percentage correct -9714, percentage over— 4, percentage short -2 2 Weighing and Measurements Commodities—Total packages weighed -11,833; percentage correct 89 4, percentage over 3 0, percentage short -7 6 Total Bulk Commodities weighed -604, percentage correct -90 6, percentage over -1 5, per- centage short -7 9 General information There were 797 inspections registered and all were investigated Therei was gasoline complaints, and one complaint in regard 1 seven requests for recalibrating Farm Milk Tank is spent doing Farm Tanks (all types), Seven complaints one IT Gas complaint, four o short weight meat Received Approximately 2 9% of time Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 271 ANNUAL REPORT FIRE AND DISASTER COORDINATOR Submitted by John L Miller, Coordinator (detailed report on file with Clerk) In 1975 Fire Training Program has been most successful In the past year Tompkins County was allotted 492 training hours by the New York State Division of Fire Prevention and Control Tompkins County has two certified Instructors— Theodore Szymanski and John Miller In April we had a County -wide Disaster Drill This drill was held at Ithaca College and simulated a fire on the seventh floor of the East Tower At this drill, Ithaca Fire Department, under the direction of Deputy Chief Tuckerman, re- sponded, from that point he requested County Control to put into action the Disaster Plan This in turn brought m City Police, Tompkins County Sheriff, New York State Police, Cayuga Heights Police, Cornell Safety and Ithaca College Safety, Tompkins County Hospital along with Hospital Ambulance Service, County Ambulance Service, Perkins Ambulance with personnel Also ambulances from Trumansburg, Groton, Lansing and Slaterville County Fire Coordinator's Vehicle with its portable Air System, supplied air for the many breathing systems used This drill was of great help in further developing County -wide Disaster Plans As in the past three years, there is an increase in emergency alarms handled at Tompkins County Emergency Control This 37% increase is due to the most part to county residents use of the one phone number for emergency services, both volunteer ambulance and commercial ambulance services along with fire Also we receive numerous calls for Police Service from the Groton and Speedsville exchange, as this is the only way they make contact toll free Our records show that we received 26,755 phone calls asking for help or information With our cross-reference of assessment map numbers, roads, individual property owner's names, buildings, mobile home parks, schools, churches and apartments, we assist Pohce, Utility Companies and others in their search for locations The following is the break -down of alarms for 1975 FIRES Apartments -94, Dwellings -272, rooming houses -11, mobile homes -31, dormitories -116, store and offices -53; manufacturing -16, schools and colleges -174, institutions -38, public assembly -42, farm buildings (barns) -36, mis —26, motor vehicles -149, marine craft -1, outdoor fires -68, railroad right -of -way --4, brush and grass - 125; malicious false -116, and mutual aid --179 AMBULANCE CALLS. Groton F D —213, Lansing F D —183, Slaterville Springs F.D —106; Trumansburg-220, County Ambulance -240, Hospital Ambulance - 258, Perkins Ambulance -148, Interlaken F D —3, Moravia F D —1 272 Tompkins County, New York ANNUAL REPORT TOMPKINS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Submitted by Robert L Howard, Sheriff (detailed report on file with Clerk) According to reports received from the Department of Criminal Justice Serv- ices, the Sheriff's Department had 965 crimes of a serious nature, felonies and misdemeanors, reported in the first eleven months of last year The New York State Police in Tompkins County received 388 such complaints and all other vil- lage police departments had a combined total ofl 146 The overall total for the County was 1,466 The Ithaca Police Department and college safety divisions are not included in this figure Youth programs sponsored by the Sheriff's Department continue to thrive Departmental training of personnel continues in training schools and Basic Training Schools. We have had a great deal 'of help in our training efforts from other police agencies and the Tompkins -Cortland Community College Recently one of our deputies saved the life of a man who was overcome by smoke in his burning trailer Deputy Day dragged the man from the trailer and applied mouth to mouth resuscitation Deputy Day recently completed Basic Training School and was taught the skill of applying mouth to mouth resuscitation at this school During 1975, those juveniles petitioned to Family Court or referred to the Probation Department numbered 60 which was slightly reduced from 1974 The number of warnings issued was 141, which was th'e same as in 1974 There was a total of $1,868 00 paid through restitution by juveniles in 1975 There was a total of 309 juvenile cases The year 1975 was a very safe boating season Two minor accidents were investigated by Deputy Morris Harper A total of forty-nine complaints were received and acted upon Twenty-one summonses were issued for improper life saving equipment, speeding and improper water skiing One hundred and seventy vessels were checked for equipment with many warnings issued Complaints handled by this department Animals -235, arson -4, assault - 58, assist to other departments -128; automobilesi 212, burglary -319, checks - 176; children -19; civil action -71, conservation -84, criminal mischief -349, disorderly conduct -534, deaths -54, domestic -221, doors/lights/alarms-462, extortion -1, fires -121, fireworks -9, forgery!17, frauds -10; larceny -737, tittering -39, liquor law violation -2, lost and found -129, missing person - 172, narcotics -32, navigation -54; peddlers and pawnbrokers -9, persons ill/ injured -97, prisoners -5, public health violation -5, public safety situation - 56, riots -1, resisting arrest -1, robbery -L5, 'sex crimes -12, trespassing - 233, unclassified -263, v&t violations -432, 1weapons-30, warrants -168 Total complaints -5,566 Total amount of stolen property -$209,192 62 Total amount of stolen property recovered -$79,427 37 11 Sheriff's Department Arrests burglary -IT -42, robbery -1, arson -2, rape - 1, grand larceny -3, petit larceny -172, criminal mischief -17, disorderly con- duct -14, forgery -6, issuing bad checks -11, driving while intoxicated -106, public intoxication -25, narcotic drug laws -12, criminal trespass -23, theft of services -9, obstructing governmental administration -4, family offenses -14, unauthorized use of motoi vehicle -5, assault! 39, violation of parole -8, criminal possession of stolen property -14, violation of probation -8, warrants for other departments -10, harassment --42, reckless endangerment -4, loiter- ing -2, public lewdness -1, menacing -1, possession of weapons -5, resisting arrest -1, civil -2, falsely reporting an incident -2, violation court order -3, sexual abuse -2, fugitive from justice -3, violation of conditional discharge -2, others -7 Total -623 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 273 Vehicle and Traffic Arrests Misdemeanois Driving while intoxicated - 106, leaving the scene of an accident -14, reckless driving -8, no insurance - 120; driving while license revoked -12, Driving while ability impaired -9 In- fractions: consuming alcoholic beverage -4, following too closely -17, un- licensed operator -120, unregistered motor vehicle -98, permitting unlicensed operation -7, unregistered motorcycle -20, unlicensed operator motorcycle -12, speeding -445, stop sign -207, no inspection certificate -193, failure to yield right of way -39, improper passing -60, unsafe tires -106, improper turn -26, failure to keep right -101, insufficient lights -89, miscellaneous infractions - 109, inadequate muffler -30, studded tires -36; failure to yield emergency vehicle -5, failure to stop (red fight) -37, switched plates -20 Traffic and Parking Arrest by Towns Ithaca -722, Lansing -776; Dryden - 351, Newfield -106, Ulysses -399, Danby -68, Groton -36, Caroline -60, En- field -57. Total -2,575 Total amount of fines -$21,876 00 Civil Department Receipts for 1975-$257,256 88 Disbursements for 1975- $257,256 88. Report of Prisoners Total number of prisoners in custody December 31, 1975-19 Number of prisoners received during the year -1,060 Male and 126 Female. Highest number of inmates at any time during the year -43; lowest num- ber of inmates at any time during the year -16, average number of inmates at any time during the year (daily) -28. Total number of meals served prisonei s -31,722 Average cost per meal-$ 75. Miscellaneous Activities• Radio log transmissions -47,576, Civil Defense calls - 1,095; visitors to prisoners -1,256; day book entries -369, jail physician's calls - 177; summons served -2,884, executions served -607. Crime of Prisoners Detained at County Jail Number Sentenced Admitted to Jail Felonies 170 6 Misdemeanors -Offenses -Violations 666 165 Traffic Violations 71 31 Miscellaneous 70 7 Automobile Accidents Investigated There were 1,091 274 Tompkins County, New York TOMPKINS COUNTY CLERK 1975 ANNUAL REPORT (Submitted by Lucille Grinnell) Il For the second consecutive year the economic situation of our country was reflected in the revenues collected by the County Clerk's Office for services rendered Although there was a decrease of $2,790 69 in revenues retained by our office, taxes and license fees collected and remitted to other agencies in- creased over 1974 by $82,195 37 There was a 10% decrease in real property recordings during 1975 as com- pared with 1974 There were 1,783 passport applications processed during the year, an increase of approximately 330 over 1974 New petitions for citizenship totalled 117 and 113 new citizens were naturalized The sale of hunting and fish- ing licenses decreased in the County office due to the availability of the licenses from local stores There were 220 more legal proceedings instituted during 1975 and a 30% increase in the number of money judgments entered against individuals and businesses Both Supreme and County Courts continued to be very active with trial and special terms scheduled every month A significant increase resulted in the collection of sales taxes from the casual sale of motor vehicles This is mainly due to the implementation of new pro- cedures in the collection of the tax as mandated to us by the State Department of Taxation and Finance Revenues collected during 1975 for services rendered are as follows Deeds $10,880 00 Mortgages 9,775 25 Other Documents 8,154 25 Judgments 902 00 Sales Tax 8,07125 Certifications 955 70 UCC Filings 10,736 75 Notary Fees 33100 Passports 5,349 00 Naturalization 1,362 50 Conservation Licenses 2,447 96 Motor Vehicle Fees 61,903 25 Miscellaneous 18,092 15 Total $138,961 06 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 275 The following is an accounting of the funds collected by the County Clerk's Recording Office on behalf of other State and Federal Agencies Sales Tax $228,027 42 Mortgage Tax (retained by County and apportioned to City, Towns and Villages) 542,148 96 Conservation Licenses (Does not include Town sales) 16,804 25 Naturalization 1,362 50 Revenue Stamp Tax 39,235 35 Total $827,578 48 Total Fees 138,961 06 Total Revenues Collected $966,539 54 In the Motor Vehicle Office 31,597 transactions were processed Gross fees collected totalled $1,282,216 95, $61,903 25 were retained as our fees, and the balance was deposited to the account of the New York State Commissioner of Motor Vehicles Summary of fees Recording Office Motor Vehicle Office $ 77,057 81 61,903 25 Total Fees remitted to the County Administrator $138,961 06 On November 4, 1975, Lucille Grinnell was elected to her first regular three- year term as Tompkins County Clerk On behalf of myself and the entire staff, I wish to thank the Board for its support and guidance through 1975 I 276 Tompkins County, New York ANNUAL REPORT TOMPKINS COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (Detailed Report on file with Clerk of Board) Landowner accomplishments with district assistance from January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975• Number of different landowners worked with -312, total requests to district for technical assistance -751, number of landowners applying a soil conservation practice -116, land management conservation plans prepared —16, number of old plans revised -21, inventories and evaluations made on re- source problems -193; number of units of governments assisted -25, detailed inventories provided to units of government—I-16' groups serviced -1, groups applying practices -1, pasture and hayland planting -38 acres; critical area seeded down with technical assistance -23 acres, animal waste holding areas constructed under SCS guidance -2, sod waterway constructed under SCS guid- ance -5164 feet; diversion ditch built under SCS guidance -1211 feet, ponds constructed under SCS guidance -10, open ditch constructed -2700 feet; debris basins built -1, tree planting -34 acres, woodland improvement -50 acres; wood- land harvest cut made -40 acres, strip cropping established under SCS guidance —105 acres, title drains installed under SCS guidance -60,584 feet, housing subdivision reviewed by SCS staff -18. Forestr's Report• Of 283 requests for assistance, 263 were serviced 51 acres of timber stand improvement was com- pleted on 10 properties and 13 timber sales'werel marked Highlights of 1975 This year construction of permanent soil and water conservation measures fell behind some of the I records set in 1974 The USDA Soil Conservation Service, which provides the Tompkins County Soil and Water Conservation District with technical staff, had adequate staff to meet most Tompkins County needs and private contractors were readily available to do the work Money for the landowner to carry out the work seemed to be the limiting factor Application of strip cropping, sod waterway and underground drainage were higher than in 1974. Special accomplishments in 1975 include 1. Drive -It -Yourself Tour of conservation practices was set up in the Town of Dryden 8 stops were featured on the 32 mile i our. 2 On November 1, a delegation of agricultural officials from New Jersey toured 2 milking parlor waste lagoons built with district assistance on two Tompkins County farms 3 The District had an exhibit at the Tompkins County Fair 4. The first combination manure and milking parlor waste holding pit was built on farm in Lansing with district assistance. 5. As a service to landowners, the district took orders for fish to stock ponds and arranged with a private hatchery to supply the fish 6 Experimental planting of various plants on a roadbank on State Route 13 by the Etna Connecticut Hill Game Management Area , to control soil erosion were made turnoff, on Route 34, 96 and on Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 277 7. Provided evergreen tree seedlings to children at Glenwood Elementary School to stimulate interest in conservation. District Accomplishments: new cooperators signed up -5, number of land- owners serviced -312; total services provided -758, cooperators applying prac- tices -116, conservation plans made and revised -37, inventories and evaluations made -193, units of government assisted -25, total services to government units —43, studies made for government units -16, units of government applying Soil Conservation Practices -0, subdivision plats reviewed -18, diversion ditches built -1211, ponds built -10, grass waterway built -5164 feet, open ditch built - 2700 feet; strip cropping installed -105 acres, tile drainage installed 60,584 feet, milking waste lagoon built -1, manure holding areas -1 Outlook for 1976 Agricultural Outlook—The USDA Agricultural Stabiliza- tion and Conservation Service has about 5,000 feet of sod waterway, 3,000 feet of diversion ditch, 2 ponds, 100 acres of strip cropping and 30,000 feet of under- ground drainage on which they have agreed to provide Federal cost sharing but the work was not done this year It is anticipated that this work will be done next spring Each season, more farmers are expressing interest in the Long Term Agreement program that the ASCS has. Under this program, ASCS office provides cost sharing to carry out a complete soil and water conservation plan on a farm. The N Y S Legislature, during the past session, passed an amendment to the Soil and Water Conservation District Law requiring that all agricultural producers must apply to the local Soil and Water Conservation District for a farm conservation plan by 1978 No penalties were attached to the law. What effect this law will have is uncertain Financial Report: Receipts—$12,354 87 Disbursements—$12,354 87 i II 1 278 Tompkins County, New York �jI� ANNUAL REPORT TOMPKINS COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Submitted by Frank R Liguori, Planning Commissioner 1 Planning is essentially a process to assist and improve decision making The County Planning Department has a charter designated role in this general area It fulfills this role by the following broad actidrties —Preparation of an area -wide comprehensive plan for the development of the county as a proper frame of reference for decision making at all levels of the government. I — Provide technical service and project planning for county government —Provide technical service in planning and zoning matters for local govern- ment, at their request — Serve as a resource and information center for planning activities in the county and related regional, state, and federal information — Serve as a resource for and assist municipalities and other organizations in the gaining of funding for appropriate programs through state, federal, and other funding sources. — Assist in the coordination and integration of planning activities in the county The Planning Department operated with a full staff compliment during the year effectively utilizing special talent, often on a part time basis, to accomplish special tasks In the interest of brevity, the major'activities of the Planning Department are listed in excerpt form Comprehensive Planning Program Activities in the development of an area -wide comprehensive plan continued with financial assistance from the U S Department of Housing and Urban De- velopment and the NYS Department of State in the amount of $20,000 In ad- dition, the Planning Department received about $6,000 more in state funding for staff services provided to the Environmental Management Council Since all of the county planning activities are done "in-house" without the need for con- tractual consulting services, the state and federal grants (in effect) reduce the County Planning Department's budget by the amount received During the past few years the Planning Department has been carrying on detailed planning studies and report preparation in those functional areas which are important to community development The functional areas include the fol- lowing human resources, the economy, the environment (both natural and man- made), land use, community facilities, housing and transportation These func- tional area studies were integrated during the year into a basic comprehensive planning document which was published and made available to people and municipalities for comment and discussion An important feature of the compre- hensive plan is the "Policy Plan" which was prepared with the advice and as- sistance of the County Planning Board The "Policies Plan" states the goals that the people and municipalities of the county hope to strive to achieve in each of the functional areas, the objectri, es which may be accomplished along the direction of the goals, and the governmental and other policies which will be necessary to implement programs to achieve the objectives As part of this effort, the following reports were completed and published during the year — ANALYTIC BASE, a summary of the major findings and conclusions of the several preliminary reports prepared and published previously Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 279 —A suggested POLICIES PLAN, which presents many of the community issues and problems, suggested goals an -1 objectives in many areas of community concern It is preliminary in that it will be amended to reflect consensus input by people and municipalities —ENVIRONMENTAL IMAGE This is basically a framework for the analysis of environmental characteristics which affect development It outlines a format to assess the impact of development on various environmental factors —HIGHLIGHTS of the comprehensive plan which presents the plan in a popular form for easy reading, discussion and input Perhaps the most cogent features of the comprehensive plan are the alterna- tive future settlement and activity patterns within the county The County Plan- ning Department, County Planning Board, and the Environmental Management Council and several other organizations have agreed that the so-called "selective community" pattern for future development is the most advantageous for the county At the present time the alternative settlement patterns, paricularly the selective community pattern, are being discussed before municipal boards, civic associations, and other groups It is quite apparent that' there is strong support for the selective community concept Under the enabling legislation of the State of New York, the responsibility tor land use management is vested with each individual city, town and village Since there is often a tendency on the part of individual municipalities to pursue their own interests, often without regard to the county -wide interest, the im- portance and value of a comprehensive plan at the county level becomes evident It is the purpose of the comprehensive plan, and in particular the suggestions for future settlement patterns, to provide a framework for common direction so that actions by individual governments will be along a common desirable di- rection During 1976, the Planning Department and the Planning Board will pursue the "selective community pattern" concept vigorously It is hoped that county government will see fit to endorse the concept to pave the way for con- sideration by each individual municipality The County Planning Department will assist each municipality in adjusting land use controls to conform with the general concepts of the plan The County Planning Board The County Planning Board continued to grow in stature during the year The organization of the Board as a "coalition" with representation by each mu- nicipality and by all of the major agencies and organizations that have an active role in functional planning, is living up to expectations Attendance at the Plan- ning Board meetings is very good, interest is strong, and participation is good The Board meets on the second Wednesday of each month The Board has several Standing Committees, including Transportation, the Policies Plan, Board Structure, Housing, and Historical Preservation The Trans- portation and Policies Planning Committees were particularly active during the year At the request of the Planning and Public Works Committee, the Planning Board sponsored an Ad Hoc Youth and Recreation Service Committee to study the structure of youth and recreation services in the county and to make recom- mendations for improvements A draft report has been published and it is quite likely that a final report will be mad. early in 1976 The Planning Board and the Environmental Management Council jointly sponsored a forum to discuss the proposals for the designation of Fall Creek as a recreational iivei under State law Southern Tier East Reginal Plannenq Development Board Tompkins County continues to be an active member of the Southern Tier East Regional Planning Development Board, an Appalachia Region oriented Board The county was represented by Robert Bruce and Ruth Pettengill for the first six months and by Roger Morse and Hugh S MacNeil for the last six months Frank Liguori served for the entire year 280 Tompkins County,,New York The Regional Planning Board was reorganized during the year and the head- quarters was moved from Norwich to the Broome County Office Building in Binghamton The staff was also reorganized and now works closely with the Broome County Planning Department staff The result has been a significant strengthening of the organization and staff. The main thrust of the regional planning program is in the preparation of an annual investment plan for funding assistance by the Appalachia Regional Commission, assistance in economic development, local planning assistance (pri- marily for those counties without local staff potential and support), coordination of planning activities involving interaction between counties, and a modest region- al planning effort Of particular interest to legislators is the opportunity foi Appalachia Regional Commission funding for various projects and programs Agencies and governments in Tompkins County will receive approximately Y4 million dollars of Appalachia Regional Commission funding in fiscal year 1976 First efforts to obtain a grant to fund the Tompkins County Hospital were not successful Efforts are continuing Local Planning Assistance The Planning Department continued to provide planning assistance to local municipalities at their request Under the provisions of Section 239 of the General Municipal Law, the Planning Department I reviewed 32 official referrals by mumcipahties for proposed zoning changes and developments which were within designated areas of possible impact with other municipalities, county or state facilities Appropriate recommendations were made In addition, several mu- nicipalities requested assistance in the review of other proposals Special planning assistance was provided to the Village of Lansing to assist in the review of their land use policies and controls Planning assistance was also provided for the Town of Danby in revision of zoning and subdivision ordinances With the completion of the basic comprehensive planning studies, the Plan- ning Department will be in a stronger position to offer more assistance to local municipalities. The Department maintained close working relationships with the City and Ithaca Town Planning staff, taking every opportunity possible to interact on various activities Special Planning Studies and Activities The Planning Department assisted county government and the County Air- port in the preparation of an Airport Master Plan funded by the Federal Avi- ation Administration, utilizing the services of a consultant The Plan was pub- lished during the year and given wide circulation It will form the basis for future decision making at the Airport The County Board of Representatives joined with the counties of Cayuga and Cortland on a Tri -County Solid Waste Recovery Study Each county appointed representatives to a Steering Committee The Commissioner of Planning served as Chairman of the Steering Committee The report was prepared through 140%0 State funding through the services of consulting engineers The published report was given wide circulation The study activities will continue during 1976 to re- fine the studies and develop the mechanisms, for implementation and to resolve several remaining issues In the meantime, the counties of Chemung and Steuben have shown interest in participation with other counties. The County Planning Department participated in an evaluation of the socio- economic impacts of the proposed NYSEG coal generating power plant (Cayuga Station) under consideration by the Public Service Commission The report was prepared through the services of consultants through special funding from the Public Service Commission. The published report was given wide distribution The Planning Department assisted a special Rt. 13 Task Force Committee ap- pointed by the State Department of Transportation to study the alternative pro- Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 281 posals for a new Rt 13 from Warren Road to Cortland A counterpart group in Cortland County looked at the proposals within that county As a result of these activities, the Special Task Group prepared recommendations for a new cor- ridor as opposed to improvements of Rt 13 along the existing alignment as pro- posed by NYS DOT The Cortland County group is still studying the matter Early in 1976, the two groups will prepare a joint statement for consideration by NYS DOT At the present time transportation planning in Tompkins County is frag- mented among several special committees, functioning more or less independently Near the end of the year, the Planning Department prepared a report which recommends the consolidation of all transportation planning (on a multi -modal basis) under an inter -municipal concept called the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportat,on Commission It is hoped that the report will stimulate an early consolidation of this important function. Project Planning The Planning Department continued to assist the Board of Representatives and county departments in initiating and carrying out special project plans Some of the more significant projects are as follows The Department continued to assist in developing proposals for improved allocation of office space for the county government functions in the Court House area This included a program for the use of the Old Court House, currently under reconstruction, and the provision of interim space for the Sheriff's Depart- ment during the reconstruction period The Department coordinates the federal funding arrangements Federal funding assistance also includes costs for re- location of the Sheriff, the Office of Economic Opportunity Corporation, and the DeWitt Historical Society The Department assisted county government on matters concerned with the Boardman House. The Department continued to assist the Airport Manager and the Depart- ment of Public Works in the packaging of proposals for federal, state, and Appalachia Regional Commission funding for Airport improvements including the removal and relocation of the WHCU radio tower, the preparation and instal- lation for an instrument landing system, the purchase of crash, fire and rescue equipment and the provision of security fencing An application has also been submitted for other improvements in 1976, including a second crash, fire and rescue truck, the construction of a CFR and maintenance building, improvements in security fencing, and related activities The Department continued to assist the Industrial Development Agency in the development of the Industrial Park concept on Warren Road in the vicinity of the Airport Through funding assistance from the Appalachia Regional Com- mission and the Farmers Home Administration, grants have been dedicated for the extension of water and sewer. the construction of a fire safety pond, im- proved drainage, and improvements to Warren Road The Department served as coordinators in connection with the combining of access driveways from various establishments at the intersection of Rt 13 and Triphammer Road under construction during the year A fifth Agricultural District was established in the Town of Danby The Planning Department plays a leading role in the preparation of plans, the pack- aging of proposals, and the administration of Agricultural Districts There are now five Agricultural Districts in the county with a combined acreage of 66,155 and representing 22% of the land area of the county Discussions are underway for possible future Agricultural Districts in the Towns of Caroline, Newfield, and Enfield. 282 Tompkins County, New York Participation in Other Community Planning Activities and Organizations The Planning Department continued with active participation and cooper- ation with many organizations as follows. —The Commissioner of Planning serves as Secretary of the County Water Agency and the County Sewer Agency The County Sewer Agency is currently overseeing a Comprehensive Sewerage Study for the entire county through State Department of Environmental Conservation funding A draft report has been prepared and will be published early in 1976. —The Department participates in they 'County Human Service Coalition and provides some staff service to the Coalition The Commissioner of Planning is a member of the Executive Committee i — A staff member serves on the County Area Beautification Council —The Department provides staff assistance to the Environmental Manage- ment Council II — The Planning Commissioner is an Ex) Officio member and Acting Secretary of County Sewer District No. 1 He also serves) as a member of the County In- dustrial Development Agency and is Chairman of the Tompkins County Transit Committee which is overseeing a county -wide Transit Study under preparation by Professor Arnim Meyburg of Cornell University. This study is funded by the Federal Highway Administration 11 — Planning Department staff members' participate in numerous other meet- ings, speak before many groups and civic organizations These activities provide the Department with an opportunity to better understand the concerns, needs, and desires of people and organizations 1 I i 11 1 1 I 11 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 283 ANNUAL REPORT TOMPKINS COUNTY HISTORIAN Submitted by Patrick A Foltz, County Historian (detailed report on file with Clerk of the Board) During the past year, the County Historian's function, has focused on two major activities—one, the collection, preservation and processing of materials relevant to county history; the other, the coordination of town oriented projects run by local historians or historical groups In each area significant progress has been made Since my appointment in 1973, a portion of working time has been spent sorting, culling, and generally reorganizing the documents, manuscripts, photo- graphs and correspondence designated as the property of the County Historian Recently the Historical Society received a grant to hold a "Community His- tory Day" at the museum The purpose of the event was to encourage people to bring in personal possessions of historical significance to be photographically documented In this way the Society could increase the depth of its research col- lections without depending upon the outfight donation of these items, any of which are considered family heirlooms that would never be given to the museum For the most part, the events have generated a good deal of public enthusiasm and have produced a wealth of previously -undiscovered materials on the social and economic history of the area As usual, institutions and agencies affiliated or identified with Tompkins County receive countless requests for information about various aspects of County History Requests sent to the Library, Chamber of Commerce, and County Clerk are forwarded to the County Historian's office to be answered Counting these inquiries and those sent to the County Historian care of the Historical Society, over 100 requests were received and answered The great majority of these letters requested genealogical references, though questions about the Ithaca Calendar Clock Company, the movie -making industry in Ithaca and railroads are common Since January 1975, we have provided over 25 programs for interested groups within the community The lecture and slide programs have been well re- ceived by the Sertoma Clubs, the two Ithaca Rotary Chapters, the Federation of Women's Clubs, Ithaca High School, and Ithaca College's Bicentennial course, "Tompkins County The Human Enterprise, 1776-1976' 284 Tompkins County, New York THE TOMPKINS COUNTY OFFICE FOR THE AGING ANNUAL REPORT -1975 The Tompkins County Office for the Aging officially opened March 1, 1975 In its first 10 months of operation it accomplished the following: 1. Established an Advisory Committee. 2 Leased office space furnished and equipped it 3 Hired three full time staff (Director, Aging Services Specialist, Secre- tary). 4. Researched federal and state program mandates for Area Agencies on Aging. 1 5. Set up administrative systems to facilitate reporting of financial and programmatic data to the Board of Representatives, the New York State Office for the Aging and the Tompkins County community at large 6 Researched and established resource files, in the areas of gerontology, geriatrics, physical handicaps related to the aging process, legislation impacting upon older persons, potential sources of funding for program aimed at the elderly, supporting services1 to older persons, trends in national, state, and local service systems which affect older persons, and related topical files The availability of this information was communi- cated to all appropriate community groups1 7. Established working relationships with those public and private service agencies and organizations working with older citizens 8. Made contact with groups of older I, persons in the county, including Senior Citizen Council units, residents ofl domiciliary care, health re- lated and skilled nursing facilities, and various housing units for older persons. 9. Employed and trained three full time outreach workers (CETA-funded) to act as information and referral, Problem -solving, and advocacy per- sonnel in relation to individual older persons 10 Contracted with the Community Transit System of the City of Ithaca, the Town of Ithaca and the Ellis Hollow Apartments for the extension of an experimental bus service to older persons through 1975 11. Operated a Dial -A -Ride Service for older persons in the Ithaca City Area. 12 Steered the Nutrition for the Elderly Program through long negotiations in regard to the sponsorship of that program resulting in its sponsor- ship by a private community organization (The Salvation Army) for 1976 and beyond 13 Assisted in the application for funding and the later establishment of a home winterization program for low-income and elderly persons through the Economic Opportunity Corporation 14 Provided informational support to a Cooperative Extension newsletter, the Seasoned Citizen, aimed at low-income elderly 15 Provided informational and financial support for a county -wide news- letter, the Senior Circle in a joint effort with the Senior Citizens Council 16 Prepared and published a Resource Directory for Older Persons in Tomp- kins County Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 285 17. Operated, in cooperation with the county Department of Social Services, an Information and Referral Resource System This has included the recording of data for use by the county and various agencies in planning for a central information and referral system 18. Provided a bi-monthly training session for other agency personnel on services available to older people in Tompkins County from September to November 19 Prepared a 1976 Area Plan outlining the office activities for its next fiscal year, seeking maximum citizen input into that planning, pro- gramming and budgeting process. A full annual report and evaluation will be made to the Board of Representatives in April 1976 by the Advisory Committee An annual assessment of the office is also made by the Field Representative of the New York State Office for the Aging and will be forwarded to the Board of Representatives before June Both will be on file with the Clerk of the Board ANNUAL REPORT HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Submitted by Anne Bodman, Investigator (detailed report on file with Clerk of Board) The Human Rights Commission was established by Resolution No 290 of the County Board of Representatives under provision of N Y S General Municipal Law, Article 12-D Under this legislation, the mandate to the Commission is to promote mutual respect, understanding, and equality for all members of the community In order to comply with this charge, the Commission serves in two ways—by listening and responding to expressed concerns and by actively pro- viding information and educational programs designed to increase public aware- ness on human rights issues As a part of fulfilling these responsibilities, the Commission offers specific information about the Human Rights Law, assists persons in the handling of grievances, and receives and forwards formal com- plaints to the State Division of Human Rights, the state agency responsible for investigating and resolving alleged violations of the Human Rights Law Wher- ever possible, it is the policy of the Commission to attempt a local resolution of difficulties and reconciliation of the parties involved The Commission's efforts in these directions have been greatly facilitated by strong support at both the state and local level Throughout the year we were fortunate to have a representative from the Regional Office of the State Division of Human Rights at each meeting On the local level, Beverly Livesay and Erie J. Miller, Jr have served as helpful and supportive liaisons to the County Board of Representatives as has County Attorney Robert Williamson Many county groups have participated in projects with the Commission Two important changes in the structure of the Commission were the hiring of an Investigator and the opening of an office In February 1975 Anne Bodman was hired as part time Investigator and assumed principal responsibility for re- sponding to inquiries to the Commission and providing necessary information 286 Tompkins County, New York or assistance When referral of a formal complaint must be made to the State Division of Human Rights, she works with the complainants in preparing com- plaints and continues to be available as liaison between complainant and the Regional Office during investigation In addition td these duties, the Investigator acts on the Commission's business and, in meetings (with employers, realtors, local establishments and interest groups, provides information about the Human Rights Law In August, an office was opened at 206 N Cayuga Street During 1975, the commission held four public meetings to provide forums for discussions of issues and interpretation of laws On the first occasion, a film was shown honoring Martin Luther King A second meeting was held to educate the public on recent legislation concerning the rights of disabled persons and rights in the area of credit Together with the Women's Community Building, the Commission sponsored an evening on the subject oflwomen's rights with speakers representing the Lieutenant Governor's Office, the State Division of Human Rights, and an attorney who discussed legal matters of particular interest to women Finally, the Commission offered its facilities for a presentation by rep- resentatives from the United Farms Workers With the additions of an Investigator and an office, utilization of the com- mission's services markedly increased and the Commission was able to respond more quickly and effectively to inquiries For example, in 1974 the Commission kept records of 98 calls, representing about 78 inquiries covered by the Human Rights Law, of these 8 were referred to the State Division of Human Rights for investigation During 1975, the Commission received 246 calls, almost 21/2 times as many as the previous year, and there were 27 formal complaints As in previous years, more questions were in the area of employment than in any other area, and for the first time inquiries alleging discrimination be- cause of sex outnumbered inquiries alleging discrimination because of race, color, or national origin Of the 15 formal complaints involving sex discrimination, 13 were filed by women and 2 by men New coverage for age and disability dis- crimination also accounted for the broader range of inquiries than in previous years During 1975 the Commission was called 'upon by members of the gay com- munity and by the Charter and Ordinance Committee of Common Council to study and evaluate a proposed Human Rights Bill for the City of Ithaca The Commis- sion set up a Task Force to consider the proposal, and in October the Commission issued a report which suggested some changes and recommended that Common Council enact legislation guaranteeing rights equally to all residents of the City The Commission realizes that not all members of the community choose to voice their concerns and that many of these may go unrecognized and unmet In an effort to increase awareness and discover these needs, the Commission has begun to work with the Ithaca Video Project in the production of a documentary video tape questioning local citizens as to their feelings and experiences on the issues of human rights and discrimination We anticipate the cooperation of many groups throughout the County during the production of this tape Upon com- pletion, the tape will be available to local groups, schools, TV, and, eventually, to other communities Financial Statement—Budgeted—$5,474 50 Spent $5,044 41 ($266 for rent came from separate funds ) Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 287 ANNUAL REPORT DEWITT HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Submitted by Armand L Adams, President (detailed report on file with Clerk of Board) Again we have had a successful and productive year Most of the "kinks" in the Society's activities have been ironed out However, some of our objectives in internal organization and better public relations to improve our public image and establish our identity have yet to be attained Every single artifact and archival record has finally been removed from the Old Court House For the most part they are all located in our present quarters here in the Clinton House Some larger artifacts and particularly farm equipment are stored in theo barn at the Frear House Total Expenditures for 1975—$52,777 46 Total receipts for 1975—$56,928 55 On June 1, 1974 we had 332 members, today we have 359—only a slight in- crease This is one of the areas where attention is required During the year Patrick Foltz was officially appointed the Tompkins County Historian by the County Board of Representatives and confirmed by the State Historian Since taking office as Director, Mr and Mrs Foltz have served as cus- todians and tenants of the residence on the Frear Farm After July 1, 1974, the effective date of the transfer of the legal title to the Frear Farm, the maintenance of the farm became the responsibility of the own- ers—the DeWitt Historical Society and the Westhill Cemetery Association Be- ginning July 1, 1974, the two organizations, acting through their respective presi- dents and with board authority, undertook the operation of a fruit farm This operation continued 10 months, until May 1, 1975 The operation was conducted under the name "Indian Creek Farm " This "operation" of the Indian Ci eek Farm has been a "holding" operation, because no decision has been made as to the ultimate future use of either our or the Cemetery's property Our concern was that it not deteriorate in value as it would if it were not cultivated and improved Neither of the organizations is in a position to continue a farming operation Accordingly, we have been making long-range plans for the operation of the farm Through the fine work of Stanley W Warren, we have been able to negotiate a two-year lease (with renewal option) of the farm operation with Richard L Perry, a nearby and competent farmer The lease in its final form will be presented for approval to the Board of Trustees at its meeting tonight Every expectation is that in the future, while we are making a decision as to the ultimate use of the farm, the farm will not only cost us nothing but by good husbandry it will be improved and there will be income to the Society to defray the expenses of maintaining the residence and some Two special Bicentennial activities begun this year, which will continue through December 31, 1976, are underway By resolution of the County Board of Representatives, the Society was desig- nated as the official agency to administer funds of and assist the promotion and program of the County Bicentennial Commission Patrick Foltz has been desig- nated as a member of the Commission and Alice Hemenway has been engaged half-time as Executive Secretary Both work with Charlie Chatfield who is chair- man of the County Bicentennial Commission A separate account has been set up 288 Tompkins County, New York and disbursements made, as authorized by the Commission, by the Society Treasurer A written policy statement has been executed by the Society and the Commission to indicate the responsibilities of the two agencies The Eight Square School is again functioning as a school Through the auspices of Stanley W Warren, a contractual agreement has been negotiated and entered into by the Society and the Dryden Bicentennial Commission operating under the corporate name of "Dryden Spirit of 1'76, Inc ", under which the corp- oration will renovate, maintain and operate the school house It is expected that all the 4th grade pupils in the public schools of the county and also as many other grade classes as possible will spend at least a day in a "one room" school BOCES has made and will in the future make extensive and badly needed re- pairs to the school house and out -buildings They Ithaca -Cayuga Rotary Club do- nated and erected a flag pole and the 4th grad students in the Dryden Schools, by various fund raising activities, raised the money to purchase the American flag which flies there A movie showing the activities of the school and other Bicentennial proj- ects has been made by the Ithaca College Visual FAids Department The Society quarters now house the activities and provide meeting space for historically related groups—the Spinners Guild, Finger Lakes Bottle Club and Ithaca Geneological Society We hosted the Ithaca Public Schools Art work exhibit In co-operation with the Cornell University Johnson Museum and th'e Laboratory of Ornithology we took part in a Fuertes Anniversary Exhibit—that located in the DeWitt Museum consisting of personal memorabilia of Louis Agassiz Fuertes The other exhibits "hung" or displayed during the year were Ithaca Pot- teries, Winter Sports, Bottles, the Volunteer Fireman, Ithaca Views and the History of the Clinton House. A very successful Community History' Day was held May 10, 1975 at which local residents communicated stories, contributed relics of local history with which they were personally familiar. Appropriate signs identifying the Society, its activities and open museum days and hours have been posted beside the exterior entrance to the museum. The famous "Firemen's Banner" has been framed arid has a place of honor in what was formerly the Main Dining Room now known officially as the "Assembly Room " The small dining room, which is restored to its early days has been appropriately named the "1830 Room" The Geneological Reading Room on the first floor off the main lobby has been set up and a working library and research material made available It is a busy place with someone working there almost all the time the offices and museum are open to the public Some of the goals we set for completion in 1974-75 are not completed The most important is the publication of an Informational Brochure describing the Society, its museum and activities and among other things, differentiating be- tween the DeWitt Historical Society and Historic Ithaca, Inc The "William Heidt Memorial Press" is not yet functional Problems have arisen in the repair of the linotype press which was damaged during the move from the Old Court House The letter press is operable. Because of the delay in getting the press room operable, we have not printed, published or republished any historical pamphlets or booklets Our Newsletter, sent quarterly to members, has been printed by contract printers. Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 289 To the Honorable Board of Representatives Tompkms County Ithaca, New York 14850 Gentlemen I am submitting herewith a report for the year 1975 showing appropriations, expenditures, and balances in the various budgeted items, and the estimated and actual income received John J. Murphy County Administrator 290 Tompkins County, New York GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTS Expenditures Unexpended Appropr 1010 -BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES 100 Personal Services 56,028 01 1 99 56,030 00 300 Supplies 8,384 00 8,384 00 400 Other Expense 5,616 00 5,616 00 70,028 01 199 70,030 00 1040 CLERK OF BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES 100 Personal Services 28,203'53 300 Supplies 926 74 400 Other Expense 1,144 50 3 47 28,207 00 926 74 128 76 1,273 26 30,274'77 132 23 30,407 00 1111 COUNTY COURT -COUNTY CLERK 120 Personal Services 28,763 420 Other Expense 390 59 7,236 41 36,000 00 05 609 95 1,000 00 29,153 64 7,846 36 37,000 00 1112 COUNTY COURT -JUDGE JOHNSON 100 Personal Services 46,291 73 46,291 73 110 Special Judge 481 50 368 50 850 00 300 Supplies 864 01 864 01 400 Other Expense 3,972'58 674 68 4,647 26 51,609 82 1,043 18 52,653 00 1113 COUNTY COURT -JUDGE DEAN 100 Personal Services 210 Equipment 310 Supplies 410 Other Expense 43,670 49 450 00 714 75 4,482 09 43,670 49 450 00 714 75 4,105 67 8,587 76 49,317!33 4,105 67 53,423 00 1135 SUPREME COURT -COUNTY CLERK 110 Fees 15,516 89 10,483 11 300 Supplies 8199 91 01 400 Other Expense 1,11928 380 72 26,000 00 10000 1,500 00 16,645! 16 10,954 84 27,600 00 1136 SUPREME COURT -JUDGE BRYANT 220 Equipment 320 Supplies 420 Other Expense 430 Payments to State 40 00 40 00 54214 207 86 750 00 283 18 216 82 500 00 144,836!57 43 144,837 00 145,661 89 465 11 146,127 00 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 291 1140 FAMILY COURT 100 Personal Services 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense Expenditures Unexpended Appropr 44,676 13 625 87 4,251 26 7 87 44,684 00 17413 800 00 5,202 74 9,454 00 49,553 26 5,384 74 54,938 00 1145 SURROGATE COURT 100 Personal Expense 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 16,910 19 963 39 731 74 981 61 16,920 00 96400 731 74 18,605 32 10 42 18,615 74 1155 COMMISSIONER OF JURORS 100 Personal Services 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 14,219 61 401 88 824 45 7 39 14,227 00 40188 824 45 15,445 94 7 39 15,453 33 1160 COURT LIBRARY 300 Supplies 2,838 25 561 75 3,400 00 2,838 25 561 75 3,400 00 1165 DISTRICT ATTORNEY 100 Personal Services 74,568 85 609.66 75,178 51 200 Equipment 378 05 221 95 600 00 300 Supplies 3,674 98 1,925 02 5,600 00 400 Other Expense 23,517 16 1,682 84 25,200 00 102,139 04 4,439 47 106,578 51 1170 LEGAL DEFENSE OF INDIGENTS ,110 Adm Contract 4,000 00 4,000 00 120 Attorneys Fees 42,947 56 44 42,948 00 400 Other Expense 3,335 85 15 3,336 00 50,283 41 59 50,284 00 1180 JUSTICES & CONSTABLES 110 Fees 255 00 95 00 350 00 255 00 95 00 350 00 1185 MEDICAL EXAMINER & CORONER 100 Personal Services 10,47406 200 Equipment 257 39 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 692 30 17 94 92 61 7 70 10,492 00 350 00 7 70 692 30 11,423 75 118 25 11,542 00 1190 GRAND JURY 110 Fees & Expense 8,395 36 3,604 64 12,000 00 8,395 36 3,604 64 12,000 00 292 Tompkins County; New York I) Expenditures Unexpended Appropr 1230 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 100 Personal Services 70;491 04 196 70,493 00 200 Equipment 1;863 80 .20 1,864 00 300 Supplies 1;779 00 29 1,779 29 400 Other Expense 14356.71 1,356 71 75;490 55 2 45 75,49300 1310 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 67;296 14 1;500 00 7,232 72 13,4559 79 8,974 86 1,767 28 6,540 21 76,271 00 1,500 00 9,000 00 20,000 00 89,488.65 17,282 35 106,771 00 1355 ASSESSMENT -ADMINISTRATION 11 100 Personal Services 46,734 59 10 41 46,745 00 300 Supplies 1,630 24 76 1,631 00 400 Other Expense 2;330 86 2,330 86 50,695 69 11 17 50,706 86 1356 TAX MAP DIVISION 100 Personal Services 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 23,059 11 890 76 1;155 90 10 89 23,070 00 24 891 00 10 1,156 00 25,105 77 1123 25,117 00 1357 FIELD DIVISION , i 100 Personal Services 59,264 80 8 20 59,273 00 300 Supplies '1117 75 25 118 00 400 Other Expense 3,807 40 60 3,808 00 63,189 95 9 05 63,199 00 1358 ACCOUNTING DIVISION 100 Personal Services 22,727 93 7 07 22,735 00 300 Supplies 6,772 20 80 6,773 00 400 Other Expense 141,168 87 6,057 21 20,226 08 43,669 00 6,065 08 49,734 08 1362 TAX ADVERTISING 400 Expense 4',515 97 484 03 5,000 00 41,515 97 484 03 5,000 00 1364 EXP PPOP ACQUIRED TAXES 400 Expense 1,500 00 1,500 00 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1410 COUNTY CLERK 100 Personal Services 65,457 69 86 31 65,544 00 200 Equipment 11733 75 733 75 300 Supplies 2,47803 2197 2,500 00 400 Other Expense 17,997 38 152.62 18,150 00 86;666 85 260 90 86,927.75 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 293 Expenditures Unexpended Appropr 1411 DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES 100 Personal Services 58,841 70 305 30 59,147.00 200 Equipment 316 25 316 25 300 Supplies 297 74 2 26 300 00 400 Other Expense 2,28016 19 84 2,300 00 61,735 85 327 40 62,063 25 1420 COUNTY ATTORNEY -LAW 100 Personal Services 35,827 46 2 54 35,830 00 300 Supplies 463 95 76 14 540 09 400 Other Expense 534.91 534 91 36,826 32 78 68 36,905 00 1430 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 100 Personal Services 52,902 39 2,963 61 55,866 00 200 Equipment 700 00 700 00 300 Supplies 3,914 75 25 3,915 00 400 Other Expense 18,821 09 18,821 09 410 P E R B 862 50 29 41 89191 77,200 73 2,993 27 80,194 00 1450 BOARD OF ELECTIONS 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 35,271 46 340 30 14180 4,067 26 540 54 35,812 00 340 30 258 20 400 00 722 44 4,789 70 39,820 82 1,521 18 41,342 00 1451 ELECTIONS 300 Supplies 7,90136 41164 8,313 00 400 Other Expense 6,836 37 3,550 63 10,387 00 14,737 73 3,962 27 18,700 00 1490 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 100 Personal Services 27,238 01 5 99 27,244 00 27,238 01 5 99 27,244 00 1620 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 100 Personal Services 300 Supplies 410 Lights 420 Heat 430 Telephone 440 Water 460 Painting 470 Ct House & Jail Repairs 480 Repairs -County Grounds 51,787 59 2,231 22 13,631 76 12,519 90 29,181 47 1,644 80 473 35 7,263 34 133 09 54 41 268 78 31124 3,480 10 818 53 1,138 85 6,736 66 166 91 51,842 00 2,500 00 13,943 00 16,000 00 30,000 00 1,644 80 1,612 20 14,000 00 300 00 118,866 52 12,975 48 131,842 00 1640 CENTRAL GARAGE 300 Supplies 12,893 15 13,106 85 26,000 00 12,893 15 13,106 85 26,000 00 294 Tompkins County, New York 1670 CENTRAL PRINTING & MAILING 100 Personal Services 300 Supplies 320 Print Room Supplies 400 Mail Room Other Expense 410 Print Room Other Expense Expenditures 7,388 91 15,689 93 18,420'69 765 96 1,86145 Unexpended Appropr 5 09 7,394 00 07 15,690 00 59 18,42128 04 766 00 55 1,862 00 44,126 X94 6 34 44,133 28 SPECIAL ITEMS 1910 400 Unallocated Ins 1920 400 Municipal Assoc Dues 1930 400 Judgements & Claims 1950 400 Taxes & Assess Co Pr 1960 400 Unpaid School Taxes 1980 400 Prov For Uncoil Taxes 1990 400 Contingent Fund 10,766 50 2,00000 525 100 '11 297,500 X65 51,300 00 i 14,233 50 9,475 00 1,999 89 35 11 05 25,000 00 2,000 00 10,000 00 2,000 00 297,501 00 51,300 00 11 05 362,092 1,26 25,719 79 387,812 05 EDUCATION 2490 400 Community College Tuition 2495 400 TC 3 Joint Tuition 2960 400 Handicapped Children 2981 400 County Ext Service 77,982 96 389,140 00 23,591'35 206,292 11 22,017 04 100,000 00 389,140 00 65 23,592 00 66 206,292 77 697,006 42 22,018 35 719,024 77 3110 SHERIFF 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies ' 400 Other Expense 410 Radio Service 365,877 76 28,500 00 47,735 13 14,600 82 3,738 88 158 24 366,036 00 28,500 00 47,735 13 14,600 82 4,922 05 1,183 17 460,452 59 1,34141 461,794 00 3140 PROBATION 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 159,459 20 5,400 00 4,757 40 9,463 09 03 159,459 23 5,400 00 5,200 00 10,153 77 442 60 690 68 179,079 69 1,133 31 180,213 00 3145 PROBATION -INTENSIVE 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 400 Other Expense 810 Retirement 830 Social Security 840 Compensation 860 Health Insurance SUPERVISION UNIT 14,490 88 512 22 10,123 37 2,720 00 914 98 29711 1,509 12 1,787 78 1,356 63 45 02 100 00 404 89 16,000 00 2,300 00 11,480 00 2,720 00 960 00 100 00 702 00 29,058 56 5,203 44 34,262 00 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 295 3150 JAIL 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 410 Elevator Contract Expenditures Unexpended Appropr 66,696 04 319 95 26,497 60 13,130 30 1,532 40 279 96 66,976 00 05 320 00 40 26,498 00 70 13,131 00 60 1,533 00 108,176 29 28171 108,458 00 3410 FIRE & DISASTER COORDINATOR 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 210 Vol Radio Equip 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 52,275 08 11,087 56 23190 5,605 78 15,038 00 444 10 22 38 92 52,275 08 11,092 00 232 00 5,606 00 15,076 92 84,238 32 43 68 84,282 00 3510 400 CONTROL OF ANIMALS 25,053 00 25,053 00 25,053 00 00 25,053 00 3630 COUNTY SEALER 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 9,121 96 386 80 280 27 727 67 204 213 20 82 06 9,124 00 600 00 280 27 809 73 10,516 70 297 30 10,814 00 4010 PUBLIC HEALTH 100 Personal Services 110 Fees 200 Equipment 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 810 Retirement 830 Social Security 840 Compensation 860 Health Insurance 346,155 60 10,15140 51,811 95 549 07 17,333 82 29,575 34 1,284 66 39,071 32 262 68 44,745 24 18,785 34 1,74169 2,392 22 8,740 67 356,307 00 52,361 02 17,333 82 30,860 00 39,334 00 44,745 24 20,527 03 2,392 22 8,740 67 558,611 50 13,989 50 572,601 00 4011 M A CONTRACT SERVICES 100 Personal Services 300 Supphes 400 Other Expense 810 Retirement 830 Social Security 840 Compensation 860 Health Insurance 8,134 07 11,865 93 13214 86 2,602 00 1,262 84 16 473 42 26 58 370 84 16 20,000 00 133 00 2,602 00 1,263 00 500 00 371 00 12,975 31 11,893 69 24,869 00 4012 4 HM Care Medicaid -Medicare 4042 4 Rabies Control Dogs 4046 4 Handicapped Children 4048 4 Adult Polio 4070 4 T B Care & Treatment 99,846 19 1,303 49 38,991 88 114 95 1,867 16 153 81 96 51 8 12 385 05 17284 100,000 00 1,400 00 39,000 00 500 00 2,040 00 142,123 67 816 33 142,940 00 I 296 Tompkins County, New York Expenditures Unexpended Appropr 4080 COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH PLANNING 100 Personal Services 6,266 69 31 6,267 00 200 Equipment 150 00 150 00 300 Supplies 441 23 878 77 1,320 00 400 Other Expense 12,819 53 80 47 12,900 00 19,527 45 1,109 55 20,637 00 4220 4 NARCOTIC ADD CONTROL 213,122 68 85,556 32 298,679 00 213,122 68 85,556 32 298,679 00 4250 ALCOHOLIC ADDICTION 100 Personal Services 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 830 Social Security 840 Compensation 9,819 05 1,405 00 2,816 07 545 40 2,154 95 89 93 163 47 11 13 11,974 00 1,405 00 2,906 00 708 87 11 13 14,585 52 2,419 48 17,005 00 4310 MENTAL HEALTH 100 Personal Services 279,057 39 726 61 279,784 00 200 Equipment 3,536 00 3,536 00 300 Other Expense 3,881 72 3,881 72 400 Other Expense 55,182 52 48 55,183 00 410 Cert Med. Indigents 192 51 192 51 420 Psychiatric Exams 998 42 998 42 810 Retirement 24,514 96 04 24,515 00 830 Social Security 13,003 21 13,003 21 840 Compensation 1,50158 1,50158 860 Health Insurance 6,082 71 6,082 71 387,951 02 72713 388,678 15 4322 CONTRACTED MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 410 Special Childrens Center 89,705 34 66 89,706 00 420 Mental Health Assoc 14,406 34 1,57166 15,978 00 430 Family & Childrens Service 8,90100 11,516 00 20,417 00 440 Alcoholic Council 27,422 02 3,277 98 30,700 00 450 Challenge Industries 291,162 41 32,381 59 323,544 00 460 Youth Day Camp 6,832 86 2,767 14 9,600 00 470 Suicide Prevention 13,596 90 4 00 13,600 00 452,025 97 51,519 03 503,545 00 4390 4 PSYCHIATRIC EXPENSE 17,009 80 20 17,010 00 17,009 80 20 17,010 00 6250 CETA 100 Personal Services 420 Title I 430 Title VI 450 Title III Spedy 1 80,916 51 193,951'81 81,826 54 92,174 00 22,055 19 80,916 51 216,007 00 81,826 54 92,174 00 448,868 86 22,055 19 470,924 05 6326.4 EOC RENT 6,370 00 6,370 00 6,370 00 00 6,370 00 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 297 1 Expenditures Unexpended Appropr 6380 FED AID EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 100 Personal Services 19,840 65 429 35 20,270 00 400 Other Expense 1,72164 7,231 31 8,952 95 21,562 29 7,660 66 29,222 95 6410 PUBLICITY 400 Finger Lakes Assoc 5,000 00 5,000 00 410 Chamber of Commerce 12,500 00 12,500 00 17,500 00 00 17,500 00 6510 VETERANS SERVICE AGENCY 100 Personal Services 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 410 Veterans Burials 17,839 35 356 91 1,373 56 4 65 43 09 451 44 5,000 00 17,844 00 400 00 1,825 00 5,000 00 19,569 82 5,499 18 25,069 00 7130 4 Fed Recreation Program 7320 4 Joint Youth Program 7320 460 Narcotics Mainline 7320 470 4H Clubs 1,939 00 950 00 7,616 27 4,715 00 1,939 00 950 00 6,335 73 13,952 00 4,715 00 15,220 27 6,335 73 21,556 00 7410 LIBRARIES 400 Finger Lakes Library Assoc 5,300 00 5,300 00 410 Libraries in Towns 3,000 00 3,000 00 8,300 00 00 8,300 00 7510 4 HISTORICAL SERV OTHER EXP 35,600 00 00 35,600 00 35,600 00 00 35,600 00 7550 CELEBRATIONS 410 Veterans Day 1,354 31 69 1,355 00 420 Bicentennial 5,000 00 5,000 00 1 6,354 31 69 6,355 00 7610 OFFICE OF AGING 1100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies X400 Other Expense 18,321 65 2,174 95 2,127 94 5,575 40 10,846 35 90 05 8,667 66 29,168 00 2,265 00 2,127 94 14,243 06 I 28,199 94 19,604 06 47,804 00 7620 4 ADULT RECREATION 9,500 00 9,500 00 9,500 00 00 9,500 00 298 Tompkins County, New York I Expenditures Unexpended Appropr 8020 PLANNING DEPARTMENT j 100 Personal Services 93,067 46 263 54 93,331 00 200 Equipment 1300 00 300 00 300 Supplies 4,642 48 52 4,643 00 400 Other Expense 4,55418 4,55418 102,564 12 264 06 102,828 18 SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT 6010 ADMINISTRATION 100 Personal Services 860,742 87 860,742 87 200 Equipment 5,358 72 206 28 5,565 00 300 Supplies 46,331 58 42 46,332 00 400 Other Expense 126,977 32 126,977 32 500 Volunteer Services 2,105 68 2,105 68 810 Retirement 85;631 09 85,631 09 830 Social Security 56,990 34 2,738 75 59,729 09 840 Compensation 9,63195 9,63195 860 Health Insurance 27,920 01 99 27,921 00 1,221;689 56 2,946 44 1,224,636 00 6030 PUBLIC HOME 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 128;583 84 7,057 10 49,990 11 18,625 84 36816 1,942 90 13,884 05 128,952 00 9,000 00 63,874 16 18,625 84 204,256 89 16,195 11 220,452 00 6070 PURCHASE OF SERVICES 400 Expense 264,514 49 9,469 51 273,984 00 264,514 49 9,469 51 273,984 00 6090 FARM 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 20;578 71 1;850 00 17,'180 21 5,569 89 4,320 29 70 00 1,703 90 24,899 00 1,920 00 17,180 21 7,273 79 45,178 18 6,09419 51,273 00 SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAMS 6101 Medical Assistance 4,348,496 59 38,627 60 4,387,124 19 6103 Aid to Aged, Etc 106,350 00 106,350 00 6109 Aid to Dependent Children 2,758,854 98 27,554 02 2,786,409 00 6119 Child Care 157,726 19 8,517 81 166,244 00 6123 Juvenile Delinquent Care 171,958 99 1 01 171,960 00 6129 State Training Schools 69,756 18 5,772 82 75,529 00 6140 Home Relief 1,058,768 21 60 1,058,768 81 6142 Emergency Aid to Adults 1,079 68 72 32 1,152 00 6148 Burials 9,864 68 1,043 32 10,908 00 8,682;855 50 81,589 50 8,764,445 00 Total Social Services 10,418,495 25 116,294 75 10,534,790 00 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives ,299 8024 4 Joint Steering Comm Cayuga Sta 8025 4 Joint Planning Board Expenditures Unexpended Appropr 25,000 00 25,000 00 1,900 00 1,300 00 3,200 00 26,900 00 1,300 00 28,200 00 8040 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 3,613 08 50 00 130 00 1,717 63 275 92 3,889 00 50 00 130 00 25 70 1,743 33 5,510 71 301 62 5,812 33 8160 SANITARY LANDFILL 100 Personal Services 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 29,141 25 10,968 70 155,281 34 658 75 29,800 00 10,968 70 623 96 155,905 30 195,391 29 1,282 71 196,674 00 8710 NATURAL RESOURCES 410 Reforestation 420 Forest Fires 430 Boy Scouts of Amer 4,000 00 4,000 00 200 00 200 00 300 00 300 00 00 4,500 00 4,500 00 8720 4 FISH & GAME CONTROL 1,600 00 1,600 00 1,600 00 00 1,600 00 8730 4 SOIL CONSERVATION 30,559 00 30,559 00 30,559,00 00 30,559 00 8750 4 BANGS & BOVINE TB 1,350 40 19 60 1,370 00 1,350 40 19 60 1,370 00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 9010 State Retirement 9030 Social Security 9040 Compensation 9060 Health Insurance 197,104 62 93,535 47 19,935 17 53,297 82 275 38 464 53 2,064 83 197,380 00 94,000 00 22,000 00 53,297 82 363,873 08 2,804 74 366,677 82 INTERFUND REVENUE TRANSFERS 9512 000 Public Library 369,440 00 , 9514 Airport Enterprise 22,141 00 , 9514 410 Hospital Enterprise 84,309 00 9522 County Road 1,096,740 00 9730 700 Interest on Bond Anticip Notes -Hospital 100,000 00 369,440 00 22,141 00 84,309 00 1,096,740 00 100,000 00 1,672,630 00 00 1,672,630 00 Sub Total A Fund 8,314,929 29 395,073 81 8,710,003 10 Total Social Services 10,418,495 25 116,294 75 10,534,790 00 Grand Total A Fund 18,733,424 54 511,36856 19,244,793 10 300 Tompkins County, iNew York COUNTY ROAD FUND Expenditures Unexpended Appropr 3310 TRAFFIC 100 Personal Services 18,993 21 680 79 19,674 00 300 Supplies 24,429 86 1,97014 26,400.00 400 Other Expense 7,361 36 1,238 64 8,600 00 50,784 43 3,889 57 54,674 00 5010 ADMINISTRATION 100 Personal Services 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 32,231 19 1,093 34 1,389 94 500 81 6 66 10 06 32,732 00 1,100 00 1,400 00 34,714 47 517 53 35,232.00 5110 ROADS & BRIDGES 100 Personal Services 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 410 Contracts County Bridges 810 Retirement 830 Social Security 840 Compensation 860 Health Insurance I 407,819 07 12,240 93 420,060 00 413,095 43 9,963 08 423,058 51 405,623 71 4,435 00 410,058 71 99,356 61 643 39 100,000 00 68,063 60 40 68,064 00 27,180 18 865 03 28,045 21 29,732 78 29,732 78 16,454 79 16,454 79 1,467,326 17 28,147 83 1,495,474 00 5142 SNOW REMOVAL COUNTY 100 Personal Services 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 20,804 23 32,402 15 143,245 79 4,195 77 25,000 00 13,597 85 46,000 00 20,754 30 164,000 00 196,452 08 38,547 92 235,000 00 I 5144 SNOW REMOVAL STATE 100 Personal Services 5,313 31 9,686 69 15,000 00 300 Supplies 11,645 83 8,35417 20,000 00 400 Other Expense 24,959 13 50,040 87 75,000 00 41,918 27 68,081 73 110,00000 Total County Road Fund 1,791,195 42 139,184 58 1,930,380 00 5130 ROAD MACHINERY 1 100 Personal Services 78,073 33 2,726 67 80,800 00 200 Equipment 150,630 07 4,202 05 154,832 12 300 Supplies 125,399 43 600 57 126,000 00 400 Other Expense 40,808 50 8,191 50 49,000 00 810 Retirement 12,949 23 '77 12,950 00 830 Social Security 4,472 49 527 51 5,000 00 840 Compensation 2,103 81 5,064 07 7,167 88 860 Health Insurance 2,424 87 275 13 2,700 00 Road Machinery Total 416,861 73 21,588 27 438,450 00 Grand Total Co Road & Machinery 2,208,057 15 160,772.85 2,368,830 00 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 301 5610 AIRPORT ,100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 810 Retirement 830 Social Security 840 Compensation 860 Health Insurance ENTERPRISE FUNDS Expenditures Unexpended Appropr 47,703 83 65,026 00 11,568 26 47,717 51 5,534 86 2,747 21 97 17 1,077 11 488 17 48,192 00 65,026 00 3174 11,600 00 49 47,718 00 14 5,535 00 152 79 2,900 00 602 83 700 00 2 89 1,080 00 181,47195 1,279 05 182,751 00 9550 TR TO AIRPORT CONST FUND 20,249 57 20,249 57 20,249 57 00 20,249 57 Total Airport 201,721 52 1,279 05 203,000 57 4510 HOSPITAL 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 4,847,989 83 127,214 56 1,377,837 91 2,273,938 17 17 4,847,990 00 44 127,215 00 09 1,377,838 00 83 2,273,939 00 8,626,980 47 153 8,626,982 00 9770 TR TO HOSPITAL CONSTR 526,250 00 526,250 00 526,250 00 00 526,250 00 Total Hospital 9,153,230 47 153 9,153,232 00 'Total Enterprise Fund 9,354,951 99 1,280 58 9,356,232 57 7410 LIBRARY 100 Personal Services 200 Equipment 300 Supplies 400 Other Expense 810 Retirement 830 Social Security 840 Compensation 860 Health Insurance 305,741 06 1,730 20 50,546 00 65,472 81 38,380 05 16,710 19 1,359 50 6,865 82 305,741 06 62 80 1,793 00 50,546 00 65,472 81 38,380 05 17,000 00 1,359 50 6,865 82 289 81 486,805 63 352 61 487,158 24 Total Library 486,805 63 352 61 487,158 24 302 Tompkins County, New York FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Expenditures Unexpended Appropr 2980 010 Day Care & Child Dev 16,000 00 16,000 00 020 Groton Child Dev. Center 2,000 00 2,000 00 030 IAAC Day Care Center 3,750 00 3,750 00 040 Ithaca Speech Clinic 12,000 00 12,000 00 2981 Coop Ext Assoc 1 of Tomp Co 10,000 00 10,000 00 2982 Tomp Co Ag & Hort Society 10,000 00 10,000 00 4250 Alcoholic Council of Tomp Co 3,010 00 3,010 00 6326 Tomp Co. EOC 30.000 00 30,000 00 7010 Center—Arts of Ithaca 10,000 00 10,000 00 7320 Interum Families Program 5,000 00 5,000 00 9730 600 TC3 Bond Antiep Notes 275,000 00 275,000 00 9730 700 Hosp Rev Antic Note 450,000 00 450,000 00 826,760 00 00 826,760 00 Total Federal Revenue Sharing 826,760 00 00 826,760 00 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 303 GENERAL FUND REVENUE ACCOUNTS Bal Estimated Credits Unearned Rev REAL PROPERTY ITEMS 1001 Real Property Taxes 2,768,297 02 1050 Unneeded Res for Delinq Txs. 31,300 00 1060 Relevy of Returned Sch Txs 297,245 47 255 53 1081 Other Pay in Lieu of Txs 1,321 00 1,321 00cr 1090 Int & Penal on R1 Prop Txs 85,096 06 50,096 06cr 1110 Sales & Use Tax 3,316,427 90 216,427 90cr 1115 Non Prop Rx Reduce Tx Levy 1,379,335 98 2,768,297 02 31,300 00 297,501 00 35,000 00 3,100,000 00 1,379,335 98 7,847,723 43 236,289 43cr 7,611,434 00 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 1215 Surrogate Fees 1230 Treasurers Fees 1235 Redemption Expense 1250 Assessors Fees & Tax Maps 1255 Clerks Fees 18,225 00 20,564 52 2,595 00 1,849 11 138,470 61 1,225 00cr 2,564 52cr 1,595 00cr 349 11cr 6,529 39 17,000 00 18,000 00 1,000 00 1,500 00 145,000 00 181,704 24 795 76 182,500 00 PUBLIC SAFETY 1510 Sheriff Fees 1525 Prisoner Charges 24,660 62 3,745 00 10,839 38 1,180 00 35,500 00 4,925 00 28,405 62 12,019 38 40,425 00 HEALTH 1601 Public Health Fees 1605 Chgs Care Handi Children 1610 Home Nursing Care 1620 Mental Health Fees 1621 Narcotics Mainline 1625 410 Special Childrens Ctr 420 Mental Health Assoc ) 430 Family & Childrens Sery 440 Alcoholism Council 450 Challenge Arc Workshop 460 Ithaca Youth Bur Day Camp 470 Suicide Prevention 33,442 15 4,809 21 121,077 86 42,067 82 1,882 24 40,374 91 7,073 82 3,206 04 13,412 17 72,306 08 3 416 43 6,303 14 4,157 85 1,809 21cr 8,677 86cr 12,432 18 5,093 76 3,335 09 915 18 7,001 96 1,937 83 21,193 92 1,383 57 496 86 37,600 00 3,000 00 112,400 00 54,500 00 6,976 00 43,710 00 7,989 00 10,208 00 15,350 00 93,500 00 4,800 00 6,800 00 349,371 87 47,461 13 396,833 00 ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE & DEVELOPMENT 1801 Repay Medical Assistance 55,484 22 1803 Repay Aid to Aged, Etc 1,783 83 1809 Repay Aid to Depend Children 30,817 70 1819 Repay Child Care Foster Care 23,732 39 1823 Repay Juvenile Dehnq Care 1,623 20 1830 Repay Adult Care Pub Inst 78,299 66 1840 Repay Home Relief 19,807 92 1848 Repay Burials 1,234 89 1870 Repay Pur Sery Day Care 1890 Sale of Farm Products 17,119 15 25,484 22cr 30,000 00 1,783 83cr 5,817 70cr 25,000 00 11,732 39cr 12,000 00 376 80 2,000 00 26,700 34 105,000 00 18,807 92cr 1,000 00 734 89cr 500 00 2,800 00 2,800 00 6,119 15cr 11,000 00 229,902 96 40,602 96cr 189,300 00 304 Tompkins County, New York CULTURE & RECREATION 2070 010 Cont Fr Pvt Agencies 4-H 2215 Election Exp. Other Govt 2226 Sale of Supplies Credits 10,203 24 30,989 94 Bal. Estimated Unearned Rev 2,358 00 3,203 24cr 989 94cr 2,358 00 7,000 00 30,000 00 41,193 18 1,835 18cr 39,358 00 PUBLIC SAFETY 2260 Police Sery Other Govts 44,054 64 44,054 64cr 44,054 64 44,054 64cr 00 USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 2401 Interest & Earnings 2414 Rental of Equipment 306,944 88 56,944 88cr 250,000 00 600 00 600 00cr GYUV 1jV1111111JJ1V11J 1 1 U ice .. .+L+,+ 307,622 20 57,622 20cr 250,000 00 LICENSES & PERMITS 2545 Licenses 1,639 00 539 00cr 1,100 00 1,639 00 539 00cr 1,100 00 FINES & FORFEITED BAIL 2610 Fines & Forfeited Bail 2,415 00 415 00cr 2,000 00 2,415 00 415 00cr 2,000 00 SALE OF PROP & COMP FOR LOSS 2652 Sale of Forest Products 457 00 457 00cr 2655 Minor Sales Other 2665 Sale of Equipment 2680 Insurance Recoveries 12,165 53 1,285 00 591 79 12,834 47 1,285 00cr 591 79cr 25,000 00 14,499 32 10,500 68 25,000 00 MISCELLANEOUS 2701 Refund Prior Yrs Expense 2702 Fire Dispatcher 2705 Gifts & Donations 2770 010 Misc Reimbursements 020 Sal Reimb Janitor Library 030 Reimb Prop Telephone 040 Counsel Fees 050 Narcotic Addict Control in Kind 070 Intensive Care Supervision 25,756 07 25,756 07cr 18,142 41 3,060 59 21,203 00 8 90 8 90cr 1,112 84 752 84cr 360 00 7,008 81 1,008 81cr 6,00000 1 10 1,598 90 1,600 00 63 75 63 75cr { 66,182 00 66,182 00 2,733 36 2,733 36cr 54,827 24 40,517 76 95,345 00 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 305 1 Bal. Estimated Credits Unearned Rev STATE AID 3001 Per Capita Rev Shar 305,988 00 3015 Tax Abatement 2nd Year 2,641 13 3020 Judicial Salaries 35,650 00 3089 010 Planning Grant 47,726 00 020 Environmental Mangmt 3,406 06 040 Surface Drainage Study 15,038 41 .080 Cayuga Station 24,000 00 100 Economic Growth Study 27,500 00 110 St Police Data Speed 2,084 41 3277 Educ Handicapped Children 10,610 87 3310 Probation Services 81,345 84 3311 Intensive Supervision Unit 24,037 19 3315 Navigation Law Enforcement 2,400 93 3317 Snowmobile Law Enforcement 132 64 3401 Public Health Work 230,893 01 3402 Ma Program Administration 12,185 15 3442 Rabies 895 45 3446 Care of Handicapped Children 15,096 45 3448 Adult Polio 57 48 3486 Narcotic Addiction Control 199,891 65 3487 Narcotics - Mainlme 1,878 09 3490 Mental Health 498,972 25 3491 Alcoholic Addiction Control 7,400 00 3601 Medical Assistance 1,162,068 85 3603 Aid Aged Blind & Disabled 749 76 3609 Aid to Dependent Children 708,231 98 3610 Social Services Admin 273,357 79 3611 Food Stamps 44,074 51 3613 Home Relief 524,894 06 3619 Child Foster Care 33,587 64 3623 Juvenile Delinquents 20,671 83 3630 Adult Care Inst 19,070 25 3642 Emergency Aid Adults 540 63 3648 Burials 3,614 59 3670 Services for Recipients 100,625 89 3710 Veterans Service Agency 5,000 00 3801 Recreation for Elderly 3,108 50 3803 Programs for Aging 29,444 67 3820 Sheriff Division of Youth 6,52167 3821 Division for Youth 4-H 35,988 00cr 2,641 13cr 12,000 00cr 27,726 00cr 6,593 94 15,038 41cr 1,000 00 27,500 00cr 2,084 41cr 610 87cr 1,67416 8,724 81 3,599 07 132 64cr 22,660 99 9,567 85 304 55 903 55 57 48cr 25,452 35 5,097 91 56,732 25cr 2,104 00 196,168 85cr 749 76cr 164,031 98cr 25,364 21 24,388 51cr 26,605 94 76,412 36 15,828 17 34,355 75 4,459 37 1,614 59cr 30,518 89cr 500 00cr 891 50 12,325 33 478 33 2,357 00 270,000 00 23,650 00 20,000 00 10,000 00 25,000 00 10,000 00 83,020 00 32,762 00 6,000 00 253,554 00 21,753 00 1,200 00 16,000 00 225,344 00 6,976 00 442,240 00 9,504 00 965,900 00 544,200 00 298,722 00 19,686 00 551,500 00 110,000 00 36,500 00 53,426 00 5,000 00 2,000 00 70,107 00 4,500 00 4,000 00 41,770 00 7,000 00 2,357 00 4,485,393 63 311,722 63cr 4,173,671 00 FEDERAL AID OTHER 4089 020 Airport Runway Ext 040 Airport Master Plan 4601 Medical Assistance 4609 Aid to Dependent Children 4610 Social Services Admin 4611 Food Stamps 4670 Services for Recipients 4730 420 CETA Title I 430 CETA TITLE VI 4780 EEA Labor Manpower 4830 CETA Summer Rec 4,000 00 264 00 1,908,118 91 1,419,518 64 714,152 31 64,330 30 64,320 85 186,814 73 175,977 80 112,608 00 1,939 00 4,000 00cr 264 00cr 199,218 91cr 330,938 64cr 94,554 31cr 47,376 30cr 59,715 15 20,807 73cr 58,408 80cr 105,902 00 1,939 00cr 1,708,900 00 1,088,580 00 619,598 00 16,954 00 124,036 00 166,007 00 117,569 00 218,510 00 4,652,044 54 591,890 54cr 4,060,154 00 Grand Total A Fund Revenues 18,240,796 87 1,173,676 87cr 7,067,120 00 306 Tompkins County! New York II Credits COUNTY ROAD REVENUES 2302 Snow Removal Other Govts 75,000 00 2401 Interest 2,537 67 2680 Insurance Recoveries ,889 78 2770 Other Unclassified Revs 26,493 89 2810 Tr Fr General Fund 1,096,740 00 3503 St Aid Motor Fuel Tax 477',704 98 3504 St Aid Mtr Veh Lic Fees 117,045 78 Bal Estimated Unearned Rev 35,000 00 110,000 00 2,537 67cr 889 78cr 26,493 89er 1,096,740 00 22,295 02 500,000 00 7,045 78cr 110,000 00 1,796,412 10 20,327 90 1,816,740 00 11 ROAD MACHINERY REVENUES 2401 Interest 1,335 83 2416 Rent Equip Other Govts 4,142 75 2650 Sale of Scrap & Excess Matls I 1200 00 2655 Minor Sales Other II 505 85 2680 Insurance Recoveries ' ' 685 85 2822 TSF Fr County Road Fund 420,486 39 1,335 83cr 4,142 75cr 200 00cr 505 85cr 685 85cr 17,963 61 438,450 00 427,356 67 11,093 33 438,450 00 Grand Total County Road & Highway Machinery Revenues 2,223,768 77 31,421 23 2,255,190 00 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 307 ENTERPRISE REVENUE ACCOUNTS Bal Estimated Credits Unearned Rev AIRPORT 1770 Landing Fees 1774 Concessions 2401 Interest 2410 Rentals 2770 Other Unclassified Revs 2810 Contribution Fr Gen Fund 4089 Federal Aid 17,312 60 22,739 01 2,632 02 24,726 13 1,463 13 22,141 00 23,971 06 8,687 40 8,289 Olcr 2,632 02cr 16,889 87 1,463 13cr 26,000 00 14,450 00 41,616 00 22,141 00 23,971 06 114,984 95 13,193 11 128,178 06 HOSPITAL 1592 Employee Subsistence 1635 In Patients 1636 Patients Family Medicine 2228 Copying Records 2401 Interest 2410 Rental of Real Property 2655 Minor Sales 2705 Gifts & Donations 2810 Transfer Fr Gen Fund 4001 Federal Rev Sharing 4430 Fed Grant Appalachia 173,164 25 13,835 75 187,000 00 7,823,998 65 101,574 35 7,925,573 00 119,099 23 60,900 77 180,000 00 2,068 67 368 67cr 1,700 00 10,537 80 10,537 80cr 66,863 60 6,463 60cr 60,400 00 27,609 12 20,609 12cr 7,000 00 82,217 58 52,217 58cr 30,000 00 84,309 00 84,309 00 526,250 00 526,250 00 199,624 49 48,624 49cr 151,000 00 9,115,742 39 37,489 61 9,153,232 00 LIBRARY 2080 Fines 20,243 65 3,243 65cr 17,000 00 2360 Charges for Services 13,592 52 3,092 52cr 10,500 00 2401 Interest 314 39 114 39cr 200 00 2410 Rental of Real Property 13,076 00 26 00cr 13,050 00 2650 Sale of Scrap & Excess Matls 856 13 256 13cr 600 00 2690 Other Comp For Loss 955 50 255 50cr 700 00 2755 Endow & Tr Fund Income 3,551 86 151 86cr 3,400 00 2760 Library System Grant 22,590 00 740 00cr 21,850 00 2770 Other Unclassified Revs 1,185 90 485 90cr 700 00 2810 Transfer Fr Gen Fund 369 440 00 369,440 00 3840 State Aid For Libraries 23,592 71 29 23,593 00 469,398 66 8,365 66cr 461,033 00 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING 2401 Interest 4001 Fed Aid Gen Revenue Sharing 64,082 92 619,514 00 64,082 92cr 619,514 00cr 683,596 92 683,596 92cr 00 Grand Total Revenues Enterprise Funds 10,383,722 92 641,279 86cr 9,742,443 06 308 Tompkins County; New York I ANNUAL REPORT TOMPKINS COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT (Submitted by Howard Stevenson, Commissioner of Public Works) County Road fund balance as of December 31, 1974—$224,490 65, receipts for 1975 totaled $1,796,412 10 and total expenditures for 1975 were $1,791,195 42 Machinery and Building Upkeep balance as l of January 1, 1975—$74,649 61; revenues totaled $427,356 67 and total expenditures for 1975 were $416,861 73 Equipment purchased in 1975—Loader—$46,477.00, Spreader—$4,165 35, Mower—$14,195 00, Ford Pickup (2)—$7,358 03, Ford Pickup—$3,078 6, Flail Mower—$1,190.00, Radio—$41,461 00, Wagon—$20 00, Brockway Truck—$29,- 900 00 and Spreader Box—$2,785 00 Total equipment purchased totaled—$150,- 630 07 ASSIGNED COLTNSEL iPLAN July 1974—June 1975 (Submitted by Robert Stolp, Administrator) Total Number of defendants referred for all matters Felony — 139 Misdemeanor — 158 Violation — 5 Family Court Matters — 4 Felony Misdemeanor Violation Trial level Dispositions Plea Trial Plea Trial Plea Trial Convicted as charged 2 3 7 1 Convicted of felony (less than charged) 14 Convicted of Misdemeanor 15 1 4 (less than charged) Convicted of Violation 1 (less than charged) 19 1 Dismissed 17 32 Other Dispositions 2 3 Plead to DWI in connection with DWI Charges — 11) Cases pending June 30, 1975 Trial level — Felony — 88 Appellate level — 3 Trial level — Misdemeanors — 69 Appellate level — 0 Trial level — Violation —1 Appellate level — 0 Selected specific proceedings Probation Violation — 4 Defendants not represented after referral or foriwhom representation was dis- continued Not indigent —16. Cost of operation of plan Total Cost — $35,653 55 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 309 -4 ANNUAL REPORT TOMPKINS COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL, INC (Submitted by Philip G Johnson, President) (detailed report on file with Clerk of Board) It is with a feeling of sadness that this message and report must come to you written rather than in spoken form Many, many persons have helped dur- mg 1975 A smaller group has participated in the planning and operations of our Annual Meeting. I want to thank each of you for your excellent help and participation This report for 1975 is designed to summarize what the Council has ac- complished in the past year All of this has been possible through the Board of Directors, our committees, our staff and volunteers, and our officers Where there are suggestions and recommendations for 1976, 2n any reports, it is understood that such comments are meant to convey to our Board of Directors certain matters which require special thoughtful study Only after such study and then official action by the Board will any suggestions and recommenda- tions for 1976 become a part of the Council's policies and operations Disbursements for 1975 totaled $80,487 00 Receipts for 1975 totaled $85,234 00 There have been several noteworthy accomplishments of the Council dur- ing 1975 First and foremost was the finding and then the securing of the services of a Director for the Council I believe all of you will join with me in commending the work of our Personnel Committee under Helen Vandervort and the Board of Directors for its wise action in securing Dorothy Spencer for our Director Another accomplishment has been the preparation and distribu- tion of Volume I, Number 1 of our SENIOR CIRCLE Here we thank Ruth Pond for a job well done and we also thank her for other excellent services within the Council's program of services We have had an extraordinary year of bus trips and we all appreciate very much the careful preparation which May - belle Leland makes for these trips, but we also thank her for her attention to our business and membership records There have been some special improve- ments in our front office and for this we thank Shirley Shackleton who has done a fine job We have also come a long way toward the clarification of policies and activities of our Recreation, Bus Trips and Discount committees We have seen improvements in the coordination of Unit and Council activities For all these efforts and for efficient, thoughtful and friendly management of the Center and other Council matters we are very grateful to our Director, Dorothy Spencer Finally, we have put our relationships with the Board of Cooperative Educational Services on a businesslike basis through the effective help of Mary Ann McNeil We thank her for this help There are so many, many others who have been very helpful that it is impos- sible to recognize them by name So to unit leaders, officers, committee chairmen and committee members, shop leadership and volunteers, staff members of our BOCES programs, volunteers and all of you who have participated, we can only say thank you very, very much 310 Tompkins County, New York STATEMENT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS Year ending December 31, 1975 CAROLINE Jan 1, 1975 Dec 31, 1975 Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance General $ 18,762 37 $ 59,404 41 $ 54,017 27 $ 24,149 51 Federal Revenue Sharing 3,706 28 12,970 68 3,742 67 12,934 29 Highway Repair & Improvement 14,974 25 52,686 33 57,562 95 10,097 63 Bridges 1,664 17 26 99 30 00 1,661 16 Machinery 6,963 63 32,640 73 32,511 98 7,092 38 Snow & Miscellaneous 9,919 80 16,372 79 12,665 81 13,626 78 Special Districts 1 Brooktondale Youth 533 25 2,134 85 1,864 71 803 39 Slaterville Youth 369 88 1,691 16 1,527 32 560 72 Summer Reading Prog 166 00 566 63 488 25 244 38 Speedsville Youth 50 50 353 92 215 15 189 27 Brooktondale Light 00 1,474 00 1,468 66 5 34 Slaterville Light 00 1,073 97 1,06812 5 85 Speedsville Light 00 450 61 445.05 5 56 Caroline Fire Protection 00 2,92188 2,900 00 2188 Other Funds Capital 440 99 3,000 00 2,650 48 790 51 Reserve -High Equip 10,464 31 10,996 52 00 21,460 83 Trust & Agency 3,031 56 38,311i 23 38,605 73 2,737 06 Total All Funds $ 71,073 99 $237,076 70 $211,764 15 $ 96,386 54 DANBY Jan 1, 1975 Dec 31, 1975 Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance General Fund Highway Funds Revenue Sharing Special Districts West Danby Water District Fire District Other Funds Capital Funds Trust and Agency $ 26,360 64 31,285 09 9,109 78 2,573 60 -5 36 42,589 00 999 82 $ 60,17121 128,684 91 14,825 00 1 17,870 33 34,961 76 6,386 00 5,906 06 $ 47,652 27 118,291 09 7,574 00 14,649 24 34,961 76 18,995 76 5,906 06 $ 38,879 58 41,678 91 16,360 78 5,794 69 -5 36 29,988 24 1,003 19 Total $112,921 57 $268,805 27 $248,030 18 $133,700 03 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 311 DRYDEN Jan 1, 1975 Dec 31, 1975 Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance General Fund Highway Fund Part -Town Fund Federal Revenue Fund Special Funds Fire Protection Dist Varna Lighting Dist. Etna Lighting Dist McLean Lighting Dist Water Dist # 1 Sewer Dist # 1 Sewer Dist # 2 Other Funds Capital Fund Reserve #1 Special Assessment Trust & Agency 147,562 55 142,307 46 35,584 49 53,623 86 159,113 23 442,587 85 54,130 85 53,777 72 2,946 12 56,447 78 206 17 1,577 03 153 83 1,210 27 0 77 35 3,214 76 14,048 72 5,157 26 1,181 53 20,468 71 26,578 30 186 83 17,868 00 2,148 20 12142 0 5,607 62 9,33162 80,825 20 174,632 29 132,043 49 458,331 00 126,564 31 52,057 75 37,657 59 54,666 93 52,734 65 58,144 40 1,249 50 1,336 87 446 33 1,207 33 156 77 41 11 36 24 11,614 91 5,648 57 2,224 36 4,114 43 24,448 42 22,598 59 18,054 83 0 0 2,269 62 4,72152 88610 78,953 66 11,203 16 Total -All Funds $422,891 86 $915,152 87 $940,435 38 $397,609 35 ENFIELD Jan 1, 1975 Dec 31, 1975 Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance General Federal Revenue Sharing Highway Repair & Improvement Machinery Snow & Miscellaneous Special Districts Fire Protection Other Funds Trust & Agency $ 23,254 47 $ 36,269 65 $ 46,621 03 $ 17,903 09 5,121 30 10,846 24 10,348 54 5,619 00 9,114 29 89,335 53 84,353 71 14,096 11 2,705 81 20,861 78 14,880 62 3,606 97 7,849 54 13,662 80 12,096 21 9,416 13 12,504 27 12,504 27 1,940 30 14,490 14 15,197 89 1,232 55 Total -All Funds $ 49,985 71 $197,970 41 $196,002 27 $ 51,953 85 312 Tompkins County, New York GROTON Jan 1, 1975 Dec 31, 1975 Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance General -Town Wide $ 11,530 71 $i 69,028 77 General -Outside Village -303 02 , 5,945 06 Federal Revenue Sharing 11,899 23 23,249 00 Repair & Improvement 947 48 157,48919 Bridges 683 35 1 0 Machinery 16,244 08 98,442 95 Snow & Miscellaneous 10,487 97 25,592 00 Improvement Program 7,019 26 3,406.50 T D Balance 4,48160 Special Districts. Peru Light -84 78 McLean Light -4128 Fire Prot Dist 498 39 Ambulance Fund 79 20 Other Funds Trust and Agency 1,799 02 $ 63,839 70 $ 16,719 78 5,207 71 434 33 28,530 71 6,617.52 55,643 98 2,792 69 0 683 35 91,496 86 24,19017 28,105 95 5,974 02 1,056 76 9,369 00 4,48160 619 86 534 99 09 1 1,03811 99504 179 16,324 90 16,285 65 537 64 '1 3,000 62 3,000 00 79 82 I, 126,132 97 26,276 76 1,655 23 Total -All Funds $ 65,241 21 $328,269 93 $320,974 11 $ 72,537 03 ITHACA Jan 1, 1975 1 Dec 31, 1975 Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance General -Town Wide $ 38,962 70 $ 437,827 19 $ 329,638 74 $ 147,151 15 General -Outside Village 54,209 55 128,81179 109,511 66 73,509 68 Federal Revenue Sharing 208,869 23 1192,722 33 131,406 03 170,185 53 Repair & Improvement 10,067 76 105,275 31 83,564 71 31,778 36 Bridges 379 67 ' 0 0 379 67 Machinery 32,467 93 133,862 24 51,396 01 14,934 16 Snow & Miscellaneous 39,499 64 1153,626 02 50,733 81 42,391 85 Water Fund 9,030 02 141,369 92 149,826 14 573 80 Sewer Fund 138,816 26 220,282 04 219,912 95 139,185 35 Joint Activity 56,697 63 8,043,571 13 3,548,123 35 4,552,145 41 Capital Reserve.- Machinery 0 121,000 00 15,263 27 5,736 73 111 29 ,155,800 69 154,025 00 1,886 98 356 37 1 100 00 276 92 179 45 134 25 11 650 00 702 19 82 06 99 96 385 00 ° 380 76 104 20 Special Districts Fire Protection Glenside Lighting Forest Home Lighting Renwick Heights Lighting Other Funds T&F Joint Activity Trust and Agency 0 1,43514 4,354 24 4,354 24 0 69,500 59 70,335 73 600 00 Total Funds $591,137 40 $9,509,138 49 $4,919,451 51 $5,180,824 38 • 1 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 313 LANSING Jan 1, 1975 Dec 31, 1975 Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance General -Town Wide $ 62,751 51 $ 251,909 71 $174,436 24 $140,224 98 Federal Revenue Sharing 50,851 32 33,536 01 13,612 71 70,774 62 Repair & Improvement 66,853 36 115,401 60 109,213 82 73,041 14 Bridges 0 9,048 02 9,048 02 0 Machinery 0 102,446 65 86,771.46 15,675 19 Snow & Misc 11,154 97 105,608 64 84,018 38 32,745 23 Improvement Program 0 4,250 00 4,250 00 0 Special Districts. Ludlowville Light 36 485.38 484 61 1.13 McKinney Water .12 386 27 385 50 .89 Catherwood Light 0 846 97 846 97 0 Lansing Water # 1 13,326 14 249,346 92 248,260 92 14,412 14 Lansing Water # 2 12,718 99 10,028 48 13,105 92 9,641 55 Lansing Sewer # 1 28,828 31 17,580 46 16,063 88 30,344 89 Lansing Sewer # 2 405 88 80,829 00 73,341 35 7,893 53 Other Funds Capital Reserve - Hwy Equip 20,634 86 11,090.48 0 31,725 34 Trust & Agency 4,01195 100,790 32 100,794 88 4,007 39 Total -All Funds $271,537 77 $1,093,584 91 $934,634 66 $430,488 02 NEWFIELD Jan 1, 1975 Dec 31, 1975 Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance General -Town Wide $ 85,935 90 $ 92,218 81 $ 69,893 17 $108,261 54 Federal Revenue Sharing 7 11 21,452 00 10,975 00 10,484 11 Repair and Improvement -12,129 74 115,783 51 92,273 86 11,380 23 Bridges 4,970 91 1,120 00 0 6,090 91 Machinery 22,649 51 28,490 80 28,791 72 22,348 59 Snow and Misc 8,852 42 31,465 44 31,408 89 8,908 97 Improvement Program 0 25,380 00 16,870 15 8,509 85 Special Districts Light 223 91 3,180 00 3,100 00 303 91 Water 1 15,375 33 36,232 27 34,732 67 16,974 93 Fire 1 1 24 10,000 00 10,000 00 124 Other Funds Capital Water Bond Fund 2,11012 0 0 2,11012 Trust and Agency 74 47,279 27 47,270 01 10 00 Total -All Funds $127,997 77 $412,602 10 $345,315 47 $195,284 40 314 Tompkins County, New York ULYSSES Jan 1, 1975 Dec 31, 1975 Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance General -Town Wide $ 37,377 20 $ 75,891 92 $ 72,567 08 $ 40,702 04 General -Outside Village 590 22 4,790 00 4,176 78 1,203 44 Federal Revenue Sharing 11,999 21 23,538 69 19,829 30 15,708 60 Repair and Improvement 9,687 26 140,505 74 48,960 13 1,232 87 Bridges 6,009 78 558 00 1,740 37 4,827 41 Machinery -(9,163 79) 31,802 22 17,830 18 4,807 45 Snow and Miscellaneous 24,109 23 33,267 33 29,036 10 28,340 46 Fire Protection 0 13,942 00 13,942 00 0 Other Funds Trust and Agency 1,633 26 15,290 83 15,416 36 1,507.73 Total -All Funds $ 82,242 37 $239,586 73 $223,499 10 $ 98,330 00 REPRESENTATIVES ACCOUNTS Table showing the amount of compensation audited and allowed by the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County to the members thereof, with the items and nature of such compensation and the amount allowed for the dis- tance traveled by members in attending the meetings of the board during the year 1975, including salary Towns Board Mileage and Meetings & City Representatives Attended Expenses Salary Caroline/Danby Erie J Miller, Jr 23 $248 36 $3,499 92 Dryden Robert I Watros 20 274 66 3,499 92 Dryden James E Kidney 22 13156 3,529.09* Enfield/Newfield Harry A Kerr, Chairman 24 578 39 6,999 96 Groton Claude W Holden 24 00 3,499 92 Ithaca Robert L Bruce 12 17 42 1,749 96 Roger A Morse (replaced Bruce 7/1/75) 10 153.91 1,749 96 Ithaca Beverly E Livesay 23 836 18 3,499 96 Ithaca Hugh S MacNeil 23 407 69 3,499 96 Lansing Harris B Dates 22 714 20 3,499 96 Ulysses Herbert W Haight 23 22149 3,499 96 City of Ithaca 1st District John C Clynes 23 338 02 3,499 96 2nd District Donald J Culligan 19 193 10 3,499 96 3rd District Louis R Webster 23 46 80 3,499 96 4th District LeGrace G Benson 24 00 3,499 96 5th District Bryant Robey 23 00 3,499 96 *includes one day of pay for 1974 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 316 Tompkins County,. New York SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE', COMMITTEE ON FOOTING 1 OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS 1975' Towns and Villages V ›,-y H [� 4.4 U o a o t 0>+,vi �"N¢c) H'[a I 1 1 1 iI cal .�'r ° s. E+rxw �, as y .,�..+�zx S� '� C6 2 P. „ E" 04�� a+uocp 3 �x • , 6 G) W 0 w DRYDEN—Dryden Village Freeville Vill Total—Inside Corp Outside Corp Totals 6,222,727 I 250,780 6,473,507 231,720 1,445,271 ! ! 73,328 1,518,599 55,240 7,667,998 ;1 324,108 7,992,106 286,960 41,605,921 : 723,519 42,329,440 612,930 49,273,919 1j 1,047,627 50,321,546 899,890 GROTON—Groton Village Outside Corp. Totals 7,811,559 238,000 8,049,559 229,490 10,121,3071 234,739 10,356,046 430,470 17,932,866 472,739 18,405,605 659,960 ITHACA—Cayuga Heights Outside Corp Totals 25,060,935 ' 885,027 25,945,962 268,025 53,066,825 'i 1,330,745 54,397,570 846,940 78,127,760 2,215,772 80,343,532 1,114,965 LANSING—Lansing Vill Outside Corp Totals 24,094,835 1 0 24,094,835 51,045 54,149,355 'i 638,900 54,788,255 630,670 78,244,190 ' ! 638,900 78,883,090 681,715 ULYSSES—Trumansburg Outside Corp Totals 5,630,895 '' 273,725 5,904,620 179,105 13,410,730 302,001 13,712,731 516,060 19,041,625 ! 575,726 19,617,351 695,165 0 -ZL ,LH Glg 9L61 1103 QRSSaSSV 5L61-3IHV.L NOLLVZIlVIIOR A.LNLOO APPORTIONMENT OF GROSS LEVY ON THE BASIS OF FULL VALUE SALES TAX CREDIT ON THE BASIS OF POPULATION TO TOWNS AND VILLAGES TAX RATE PER $1000 ON THE BASIS OF ASSESSED VALUE 4 P4 0 0 0 0 0 oU Caroline Danby Out Dryden -In Total Enfield Out Groton -In Total Out Ithaca -In Town Total Lansing Newfield 9,841,046 8,802,878 43,848,039 6,473,507 50,321,546 7,752,208 10,356,046 8,049,559 18,405,605 54,397,570 25,945,962 80,343,532 78,883,090 14,663,907 Out Ulysses -In Total Ithaca -City TOTAL 13,712,731 5,904,620 19,617,351 105,002,909 393,634,072 56 06 17,554,488 51 64 17,046,627 88,207,682 13,022,545 49 71 101,230,227 54 18 14,308,247 16,601,549 12,904,070 62 38 29,505,619 94,211,240 44,935,854 57 74 139,147,094 56 37 139,938,070 63 75 23,002,207 25,698,521 11,065,630 53 36 36,764,151 62 16 168,923,599 687,420,329 126,262 37 122,609 53 634,442 39 93,665 93 728,108 32 102,913 47 119,408 27 92,813 78 212,222 05 677,623 56 323,205 53 1,000,829 09 1,006,518 27 165,445 63 184,839 13 79,590 62 264,429 75 1,214,999 52 4,944,338 00 82,742 55 43,519 82 69,947 59 52,661 94- 270,560 4270,560 06 363,882 33 0 93,665 93 270,560 06 457,548 26 66,203 76 36,709 71 90,261 38 29 146 89 0 92,813 78 90,261 38 121,960 67 404,214 10 273,409 46 0 323,205 53 404,21410 596,61499 195,018 32 811,499 95 110,348 78 55,096 85 89,085 92 95,753 21 0 79,590 62 89,085 92 175,343 83 0 1,214,999 52 1,378,382 46 3,565,955 54 4 423 623 15 5 983 349 40 8 299 1,831 33 14469 270 37 2,101 70 4 736 166 69 2 815 450 25 11 530 349 97 800 22 5 027 1,015 74 12 457 484 47 1,500 21 10 288 1,023 69 3 758 341 85 6 983 480 21 13 479 206 77 686 98 11 571 2,966 35 9 059 10,560 24 331 53 342 60 1,761 58 261 80 2,023 38 286 17 312 29 248 98 561 27 2,119 02 937 17 3,056 19 2,654 70 485 31 531 30 228 78 760 08 3,83418 14,335 41 44,474 50 53,353 94 367,475 24 94,198 10 461,673 34- 37,162 437,162 57 29,909 43 93,412 73 123,322 16 276,544 22 324,627 17 601,171 39 815,178 34 55,924 01 96,764 72 80,026 17 176,790 89 1,221,800 05 3,590,851 19 4 521 6 063 8 383 14 553 4 796 2 890 11 611 5 086 12 514 10 336 3 816 7 059 13 555 11 638 Tax Rate per $1000 on Full Value on Gross Levy Tax Rate per $1000 of Assessed Value on Gross Levy Tax Rate per $1000 of Assessed Value on Net Levy 1976 719259788 12 56074703 9 05906220 1975 6 98244224 10 84428518 7 23791193 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS Prepared in 1975 For County Purpose Only To the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County, N Y Your committee reports that it has verified and corrected the footings of the Assessment Rolls referred to it, as made by the Assessors of each tax district and that the following is a correct statement of such footings Town of Caroline 34,747 Town of Danby 33,286 Town of Dryden 58,286 Town of Enfield 22,207 Town of Groton 30,725 Town of Ithaca 16,293 Town of Lansing 37,789 Town of Newfield 36,997 Town of Ulysses 19,818 City of Ithaca 2,940 TOTALS 293,088 1,694,830 1,178,850 6,632,350 1,340,720 2,667,640 16,005,460 8,631,523 1,657,330 4,235,960 17,856,560 $61,901,223 to ›,7-1 � xfr. a uW 2 ODUiw 9,228,050 7,855,130 39,493,380 7,953,690 17,017,500 75,664,240 45,356,000 12,021,140 18,917,990 98,340,890 303,265 257,905 899,890 793,795 659,960 1,114,965 681,715 344,015 695,165 2,218,525 $331,848,010 $7,969,200 383,101 156,851 1,047,627 138,413 472,739 2,215,772 638,900 346,002 575,726 4,813,910 533,160 1,048,802 10,680,429 453,900 1,575,326 3,578,485 33,569,905 2,640,780 818,800 4,066,634 $10,789,041 $58,966,221 00 IaoA MGN 'X;unoJ sui)fdwol Fi CIS Town of Caroline Town of Danby Town of Dryden Town of Enfield Town of Groton Town of Ithaca Town of Lansing Town of Newfield Town of Ulysses City of Ithaca TOTALS 10,144,311 9,060,783 51,221,436 8,546,003 19,065,565 81,458,497 79,564,805 15,007,922 20,312,516 107,221,434 9,841,046 8,802,878 50,321,546 7,752,208 18,405,605 80,343,532 78,883,090 14,663,907 19,617,351 105,002,909 $401,603,272 $393,634,072 7,992,106 8,049,559 25,945,962 24,094,835 5,904,620 9,841,046 8,802,878 42,329,440 7,752,208 10,356,046 54,397,570 54,788,255 14,663,907 13,712,731 105,002,909 2,309,230 1,417,610 13,187,560 635,180 3,728,710 74,788,680 6,153,990 2,440,520 6,061,700 152,580,410 cvs 0 ME j � O 12,453,541 10,478,393 64,408,996 9,181,183 22,794,275 156,247,177 85,718,795 17,448,442 26,374,216 259,801,844 $71,987,082 $321,646,990 263,303,590 $664,906,862 Proceedings of the Board of Representatives INDEX A ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL Reports 11,38,43,47,72, 77,101,109,116 Resolutions Request for assistance—Secretary of State, R159 103 AGING, OFFICE FOR THE Annual report 284-285 Application establishing area agency 31 Appointments 28,134,140 Area plan 38,124,126,141,147,208 Assistant 32,39 Borrowing equipment, Board of Representatives 51 Budget 183 Credit card 32 Committee, Social Services 24 Director 6,14,24 Funding 32 Information referrals 60 Nutrition program 32,39,60,68,72,145-146,183,208,219 Position 67 Recreation for Elderly 118 Representative 32 Resolutions Adoption of 1976 Area Plan as amended, R240 147,208 Adoption of budget (Nutrition for Elderly), R258 214 Agreement, R17 15,30 Appointment of Director, R20 16 Authorization execute agreement (City and Town of Ithaca and Groff Assoc ), R283 228 Creation of positions, R35, R79 26,69 Creation of Position (CETA), R184, R210 113,132 Coding, R131 85 Nutrition for elderly, R160, R258 103,214 Petty cash fund, R51 40 Transfers, R279 225 Senior Citizens 14,22,37,38,46,52,58,84,227,309 Title IV—A plan 99 AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 27 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS District No 5—Town of Danby 5,87,88,99,115,125,209 Resolutions Adoption of plan—Agricultural District No 5 (Danby), R222 138-139 AIRPORT Access road to tower 119 1 Acting Manager 219 i ADAP Allocation 12 Airport Day airlines 14,220 , Annual report 269 Budget 187 Car rental space 220 Carrier's landing lease 24 Certification/safety inspection 30,37,45 Chartair 14,23,46,66,133 Crash, fire, disaster equipment - 14,41,76,118 FAA 68,119 Financial aid—CFR vehicle and inadvertent fencing 5,71 1 Fire pond Former manager (Turner) Mall airway agreement Manager Master plan Monthly report Paid parking—APCOA Parking fees Proposed sportscenter, motel, etc Redesign airport interior Resolutions Acceptance of bid, fire and crash equipment, R24 Accepting grant offer—FAA—purchase of CFR vehicle, R122 119 6,61,67 30 116,147 24,38,46,76,82,89,101 5,12,58,108,115,124,141 116,119,147,208-209,210,220 101 23,89 38 17 83 Adoption of ordinance, R273 1 222-223 Appointing fire coordinator to oversee fire safety, R144 94 Apportioning taxes (Miller Property) R277 223-224 Appropriation from enterprise fund—balance to capital con- struction account (Miller Property), R190, R208 117,131-132 Appropriation of funds, R156 102 Authorization to execute agreement of lease—Giordano, R36 26 Authorization to execute grant agreement, R115 78-79, 87 Authorization to file for grant assistance) airport improvements, 41 R55 Amendment to resolution no 55, R161 103-104 Pubhc hearing date—rules, regulations and fees and rental by interstate schedules airlines, R263 216,218 Restaurant 1 23,31 ALCOHOLISM Alcoholism steering committee Appointment—alcoholic beverage control boiard Budget Detoxification center/sobering-up station New law—decriminalization of pubhc intoxification Position Resolutions Appropriation, R280 Creation of position (Stenographer),; R32 Transfer, R279 Revenue sharing contracts AMBULANCE APPOINTMENTS Aging, Office for Agricultural District Advisory Committee Alcoholic beverage control board Airport manager Assessment review board Bicentennial committee Criminal justice board Community college, board of trustees Economic opportunity corporation I Election commissioner (Fellows) Environmental Management council Fire advisory board Hospital board of managers Hospital governance committee Human rights commission Industrial development agency Keeper of covered bridge (Heslop) Library board of trustees Mental Health Board Multiple residence review board Planning board, County Probation director 2 iI R80 31 58 177 67,134,142,144 60,67,71 60 227 26,54,31 225 71 12,101 16,28,140 27 58 147 27 75,80 140 75,80 65,70 229 23,27,44,147 27-28 21 44 68,75 42,52 21,27 229 65,70,140,229 28 28 27 Sewer district no 1, county 38,213 Soil conservation district 23,28 Southern tier east 101,105 APPROPRIATIONS 15,17,32,53,54,110,117,226 ARTS COUNCIL 118 ASSESSMENT Annual report of valuations 71 Appointments, review board 27 Budget Correction of errors 1168 112 Equalization rates 30,37,58,59,99,101,124,136,143,209,317 Footings of assessment roll 136 Meeting equalization and assessment 39 Railroad ceilings 58 Report of committee on footing of assessment rolls 318-319 Resolutions Adoption apportionment of taxes, R264 206 Adoption of regular and supplemental reports on footings of assessment rolls, R231 144 Apportionment of general and highway levies, R244 206 Appropriation from various, R280 226 Correction of assessment rolls, R109, R158 74,103 Correction of clerical errors on tax rolls, R40 33 Establishing county equalization rates, R227 143 Expunge taxes, R46 36 Returned school taxes, R251 211 Special grade crossing, R220 138 Tax levy, R247 206 Transfer of funds, R279 224 Supplemental Report on footing of assessment rolls 316 Summary, schedule of real property taxes 265 ASSIGNED COUNSEL 47,166,224,227,308 AUDIT 8,21,33,36,51,64,75,86,98,107,117,132,147,228 B BAPTIST CHURCH 66 BICENTENNIAL 12,14,39,45,75,80,99-100,115 BIDS, Award of Airport fire and crash equipment, R24 17 Authorization to advertise for—Old Court House, R13 10 Bridge, Town of Ithaca, R12 9 Building C—air conditioning, R107 74 Fire coordinator, 1 transmitter and 1 receiver, R77 54 Fire coordinator, 2 Transmitters and receivers, R81 54 Highway, R106, R271, R272 73,222 Landfill, R269 221 Proceedings, R9, R250 8,211 Remodeling, Old Court House, R65 48,56,61 Two-way radio communication system, Rll 9 BOARDMAN HOUSE (see county buildings) BOTTLE LEGISLATION 12,45 BUDGET Adoption of, R242 149 Budget adjustments, R278 224 Budgeting process—new positions 60 County budget 150-195 Message, by Charter 81,100-101,148-149 Public hearing dates 133 3 Request for funds Review of Town budgets, R243 BUILDING C (see county buildings) 72 109 196,197-206,141,209,219 C CAYUGA STATION 5,6,12,13,18,22,29,30,31,37,38,44,45,51,52,58,66,67,71,76,87,88 109,111,115 72,119,141,148 12,35 14,22,23 CENTREX TELEPHONE SYSTEM CHALLENGE INDUSTRIES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHARTER CIVIL SERVICE (see personnel) CLAIMS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Appointments Bills Budget Course offerings (Elmira college) Dedication Demand for arbitration Groton campus Minutes Resolutions Acceptance of bid—High school (Burlew), R137 Adoption of budget, R136 Approval of legislation—funding proposal, R62 Audit capital construction costs Auth for payments, R5 Auth to execute release—Caudill Rowlett Miller and Hoffman, R138 CETA Positions, R195, R233 Creations of positions, R169, R1861 Resolutions, Cortland County Resolutions, Board of Trustees COMMENDATION Robert Bruce, R150 Howard Brentlinger, R286 Scott 5,13,51,81,87,99,108 75,80 6 5,38,81,89,142 133 65 38,39,47,53 99 51,66,87 90 90 47 8,33,50, 57,68,84,96,114, 120,126,209,215,228 7 and Levatich 91 121,145 106,113 22,31,44,51,58,108,118, 209 37,108,115,209 CONTRACTS Aging, Office for the, R17 Chamber of Commerce, R44 Civil Service Employees proposed agreement Comprehensive Planning and Management Assistance Program Cornell University—County Highway Communications Transmitters, R123 Cowper, John (design Hospital), R199 I DeWitt Apartments—relocation Sheriffs Department DeWitt Historical Society, R56 Emergency medical communication services, R165 Episcopal church, R139 Extension Service, R39, R193 , 4-H program aid Federation of sportsmen's clubs, R50 Finger Lakes Association, R23 Fiscal Advisors, Inc , R141 Grant agreement—Tompkins County Airport, R115 Groton Day care center, R275 Health department and special children's center, R203 Hospital construction management, R134 Indirect cost report and cost allocation' plan, R108 4 I 96,86 229 15,30 35 230-245 118,124 83 211 81 41 105-106 91,92 30,33,120 95 40,50 17 93 78-79,87 223 129 86 74 Keeper of covered bridge, R49 Levatich-Miller-Hoffman and Thomas Associates (hospital), R25 Main line, R114 Mall airways Motorola maintenance agreement, R53, R78 Revenue sharing SPCA, R19 Schuyler County Jail, R180 Senior Citizens, R126 Snow and Ice Agreement, R124 Tallmadge tire, R164 Thinning trees Youth bureau (Ithaca City) Children's Theater Workshop R128, R142 (amendment) CORP OF ENGINEERS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Annual report Budget Resolutions Appropriations, R280 Creation of position (administrative manual writer), R60 Hospital fiscal services department, R110 Make payments, R7 Sign drafts, R275 Transfer of funds, R279 COUNTY ATTORNEY Budget Need of assistant Resolutions Appropriation from contingent, R174, R207 Appropriation from various, R280 Transfer of funds, R279 COUNTY BUILDINGS Boardman House ABC Sandblasting, Inc Architects' services Demolition Landmarks preservation commission Position on Recommendation Rehabilitation of Relocation Resolutions Auth architectural service to define constraints the Boardman House in the fulfillment of Plans for Office Space, R179 (Tabled) Boardman House, R140 Suggestions Uses Building C Buildings and Grounds Old Court House Bids Board moving to Entryway for handicapped Reconstruction Renovation Resolutions Advertise for bids, R13 Audit of construction costs, R145, 39,51 18 78 30 40,54 50 16,44 112 84 83 105 44,71,76,133 Program, 84,9 120,126 44,289-307 167-168 226 43,39 74-75 8 223 224 171 116 110,131 226 224 108 109 88,101 denial of pernut to demolish 108 14,108,115 82 66,88 118 Award of bid -remodeling, R65 Uses 5 afforded by Long Range 112 92-93 115 87 74 22,172,173,224-226 23,38,44,46 23,46 119 3,14,66 47,59,60,76,88,109,133,210 10 R155, R188, R198 94,102,114, 122,136,212 48,56,61,69 30,32,37 COUNTY CLERK. 1 Annual report 274-275 Budget Microfilm supplier 67 Resolutions: Appropriations, R280 226 Disposition of records, R175 1 111 Transfer of funds, R249 211 Salary 89,96 COUNTY HOME ' I Health Department request—cease canning foods 77 Inspection of 133 Physician , 220 Resignation—Matron and Superintendent 101,108 Resolutions Appropriations, R280 226 Award of Bid—Purchase of coal, R224 139-140 Creation of position—recreation therapist, R112 '77 Transfer of funds, R279 225 Superintendent position 109,125 Therapist position 72,76,77 COUNTY JUDGE 121 COURT Budget 163,16€ Reporting system civil proceedings i 37 Resolutions ,i Appropriations, R80 ! 226 Attendants, payment to, R2 '7 Fees, mileage—trial and grand jurors, R3 7 Request for legislation—Court-committed patients, R189 11166 Transfer of funds, R279 CRIMINAL JUSTICE: ,1 Appointments 53,101,119,132,140 Reports I 32,46,220 Resolutions i I Creation of Criminal Justice Board, R129 85,96-97 Review of D' DATA PROCESSING 24,32,38 DEWITT HISTORICAL SOCIETY (see Historical) DEWITT PARK 1 67,71,76,82,100,124,133 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Appointment—assistant (Starostecki) 124,142 Budget I 166 Full time assistant (city prosecutor) I 77 Grand jury budget I 167 Motion—Muka against Yoch I 99,125 Privilege of floor—Mary Lamb I 76 Resolutions , 1 Amendment to Resolution 184, R210, R225, R226 132,143 Appropriations, R280 1 226 Creation of CETA position (criminal law assistant), R209 132 Creation of CETA position (Assistant), R184 113 Creation of CETA position (receptionist), R195 121 Telephone 32 DOGS Complaint against SPCA—Dryden Town Clerk Deer depredation Night quarantine Problems with stray dogs—Town of Caroline 6 81 118 44 72,76 Resolutions Apportionment—dog monies, R18 15 Authorization Chairman to sign—request for dog quarantine, R232 145 SPCA agreement, R19 14,16,44,115 DRUG COORDINATOR 45,142 E ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY CORPORATION 23,25,60,65,70,125,181 EDP (hospital) 46,53,60,68,72,77,89,101 ELECTIONS Annual report 12 Appointment—Republican election commissioner (Fellows) 229 Budget 116,171 Resolutions Apportionment of election expenses, R237 146 Appropriations, R280 226 Authorization to award bid, R146, R177 94-95,111 Transfer of funds, R279 224 Statement—Board of canvassers 141,247-258 Travel request 12 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUNCIL 23,27,30,37,44,87,112,115, 147,210,220,223,262-263 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 14,29,30,81,82 EQUALIZATION RATES 30,37,58,59,99,101,136,143,209,317 EXTENSION SERVICE Annual report 115,209,266 Budget 116 4-H program 38,119 Food and nutrition education program 115 Privilege of the floor 87,124,219 Resolutions Agreement, R39 30,33 Authorization to execute contract -4-H, R95, R193 63,120 F FALL CREEK RECREATIONAL STREAM 47,59 FAMILY COURT Budget 165 Personnel needs 32 Position 109 Recommendation additional deputy clerk 67 Resolutions Appropriations, R280 226 FEDERATION OF SPORTSMEN'S CLUBS 40,50 FEMINIST ART STUDIO WORKSHOPS 104,110 FINGER LAKES ASSOCIATION 17,22,71 FIRE Advisory board 6,12,14,21,23,27-28,45,119-120,124 Annual report 271 Budget 175 Civil defense function 81 Disaster preparedness operations 52 Fire training 101 Resolutions Appointing Fire Coordinator to oversee fire safety at airport and instructing airport to participate in the Mutual aid plan, R144 94 7 Appropriations, R280 Authorization to execute contract—emergency medical com- munication services, R165 Authorization to execute motorola maintenance agreement, R78 Authorization to purchase -1 transmitter and 1 receiver, R77 Auhorization to purchase -2 transmitters' and receivers, R81 Transfer of funds, R279 Restore funds—training of volunteer firemen Salary Ten channel recording system Travel request FLOOD 226,227 105-106 54 54 54 225 30 220 52,53,58,66,67,72,76,81 46 118,124 FORESTRY 184 GIAC GROTON DAY CARE CENTER G H ' HALFWAY HOUSE (see intensive supervision) HEALTH Budget Comprehensive health planning Encephalitis problem Family health center Health systems agency Malpractice insurance Mount Morris TB Hospital Physically handicapped program Rate increases—home services Resolutions Auth for additional space, R133 Auth to execute contract—Special Children's Center, R203 Auth to pay moving expenses, R171 Budget adjustment, R217 Creation of position (Public Health Sanitarian), R30 Creation of CETA position, R184, R210 (amendment) Purchase vehicles, R270 Reclassification of position, R67 Recommendation for area designation for health service areas in New York State, R63 Transfer of funds, R239, R279 Request information health procedure Tuberculosis HIGHWAY Abandonment of roads policy Annual report Budget Cross town road Highway i hway repairs policy Ma P Notice restricted highway, Enfield Opposition four lane road Purchase of equipment Resolutions Abandonment of roads/Village of Lansing, R121 Appropriation—highway, R196, R280 Approval—Appropriation maintenance of county bridges, R10, R257 60 223 176-177 177,226 99 67,76,81,89,148 44,71,87,108,116,119, 219 6,45,51,52,53,58,60,63-64,66,67,71,81 87,89 133,141,142,144,209 125 85,81 129 107 136 25 113,132 221-222 49 48 146-147,225 209 52 109 308 188,189 210 100,108,109,119,124-125,141,142,210 133 108 59 210 8 roads and 82 122,227 9,214 Authorization to execute agreement/Cornell University Com- munications Transmittei, R123 83 Award of bid Asphalt spreader, R272 222 Bridge, R12 9 Motor grader, etc , R271 222 Truck, R106 73 Two way radio system, R11 9 Creation of CETA positions (laborers), R195 121 Opposition to impoundment of funds—Town Highway Improve- ment Program (Donovan Plan), R125 84 Payments for cross town road study, R58 42 Reclassification of positions, R82 55 Renewal snow and ice agreement, R124 83 Selection of engineer to design Warren Road improvements, R45 35 Transfer of funds, R206, R279 131,225 Urging appalachia regional commission and congress to consider adding Rt 13 Corridor from Elmira thru Ithaca and Term- inating at I-85 as extension of Appalachia thruway concept, R42 34 Urging congressional action to clarify state DOT participation in highway oriented environmental impact statements under NEPA, R41 34 Roads/Village of Lansing 53,67,71,73,76,77,82,87,99,100 Rules/transportation program 59 Transportation study 67 Triphammer intersection 46 Warren road 23,32,35 HOSPITAL HISTORICAL 41,283,287-288 Appeal to New York State Health Department 47 Appointment, Hospital Governance Committee 44 Architects progress 24,142 Bids, structural steel and foundation 142 Billing 45 Biochemist 60,63,67,72,99,101,102,142 Board of Managers 6,12,45,21,107,209,219 Bonding 109 Bond anticipation note renewal 209 Budget Consultants 119,122 Construction committee 14,39,46,60,68,70,77,89,101,109,116,125,133,210 Constiuction Manager—Cowper, Inc 134 Director, Community Relations 81,89 EDP 46,53,60,68,72,77,89,101 Examination of accounts—department of audit and control 58 Governance Committee 60,89,101,108,116,120,125,133,134-135,144 HMO 13 Hospital affiliates 52,58 Job rating 115 Malpractice insurance (see insurance) Management or lease of 141 Meadow house inspection 47 Medicaid rates 59 Opposition new hospital 81 Payment for removal of body to hospital 142,219 Pharmacist 60,62,142 Planning—proposed psychiatric in-patient service 141 Public relations coordinator 101 Rates 31,39,45,46,60,70 Reimbursement, third party payments 46,99 Report 13 9 Resignation, Board of Managers 81 Resolutions Acceptance of footprint and general layout—new county hospital, R117 79 Adoption of Local Law No 2—Board of Managers, R268 221 Appropriations, 11280 227 Approval addendum to contract, Levatich Miller Hoffman and Fred Thomas Associates PC, R25 18 Approval in concept—report Ad hoc hospital governance com- mittee, R230 144 Auth to execute contract—Fiscal Advisors, Inc , R141 93 Auth execute contract—J W Cowper Co , Inc , R199 122,211 Auth to proceed further with contract—Levatich Miller Hoff- man and Fred H Thomas Associates PC, R214 135 Auth to pay architect—preliminary site survey and soil borings, R88 61 Auth execute contract—topographic survey at proposed site— new hospital, R89 61 Bond resolution, R27 19 Creation of positions (Pharmacist), R92 62 Creation of positions, 11104, R167 (amendment) 73,106 Creation of position (typist) Family Medicine Center, R148 95 Creation of position—Utilization Review Coordinator, R185 113 Creation of CETA position (Financial Affairs Office) R184, R210 113,132 Creation of CETA positions, R195 121 Establish Hospital Governance Committee, 1166 48 Hospital Fiscal services department, R110 74-75 Increase in rates, R48 (LOST) R103 39,70 Proposed Hospital Construction Management Contract, R134 86 Reclassification position, R68 49 Reclassification typist position, 11266 i 217 Regrading of position (biochemist), R1541 102,114 Request for legislation, 11194 121 Revenue anticipation note—hospital operating costs, R120 80 Transfer of funds, R279 I 225 Upholding federal and state courts injunctions against the legis- lature requiring a utilization review committee for hospitals, 11147 1 95 Signage system 1238 Travel request Typist position I 5 Uses of hospital if new one is built 119 Utilization review 45,46,59,87,89,95,142 Weekly Review HOUSING 76 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION 6,13,22,23,24,38,45,52,59,66,68, 75,76,87,108,183,225,226,285-286 HUMAN SERVICES 31,46,53,77,81,109,110,115,124,125,148,220 1 INDIGENT DEFENDANT (see assigned counsel) INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1 Appointments 1 Bids, Morse Chain sewer Industrial park Membership Progress report Reports Resolutions Appointment, R57 Statement of policy 10 11,31,36,52 66 22,30 25 71 118,125,141 42 88 INSURANCE Health 6,53 Malpractice 6,22,45,51,52,53,58,60,63-64,66,67,71,81 I Resolutions i Request for legislation, R96 63-64 Workmen's comp budget and apportionment—mutual self insur- ance, R104 129-130 INTENSIVE SUPERVISION FACILITY Budget 174 Closing 67 Report 14 Resolutions Appropriation from contingent fund, R16 15 Auth to execute lease (Updike), R97 64 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS STUDY COMMITTEE Appointments 133,140 Candidates 116,119 Proposal 38,81 Report 219 Resolutions Establishment of, R132 85,97-98 J JAIL Budget 175 Boarding of prisoners 109 Fire 6,12,68,71,90 Resolutions Appropriation, R280 226,227 Auth execute contract, Schuyler County, R180 112 Transfer, R279 225 JUNIOR OLYMPICS 23,81,101,102,108,115,118,141 JURY Commissioner of Jurors 24,165,224,226 Excused jurors 24 Legislation, proposed—mileage 51 Resolutions Fees, mileage—trial and grand jurors, R3 7 Revision in payment for mileage, R34 26 Use of board room 32 K KEEPER OF COVERED BRIDGE 14,21,27,39,51,229 L LEARNING WEB 148 LEGISLATION 23,38,63-64 LIBRARY Annual report 260-261 Appointments—Board of Trustees 229 Budget 182,190 Director 119 Examination, audit and control 58 Greer report 46 Liaison committee 23 Lighting 46 Minutes 30 Report 23 11 Resolutions Appropriation, R280 Increasing number of trustees, R221 Lighting fixtures, R71, R83, R85 (LOST) Moving expenses, Director, R170 Transfer of funds, R149 LOCAL LAWS Adoption of L L #1-1975—amendment to charter and code, R15 (TABLED) Adoption of L L # 1-1975—amendments to L L #2-1966, R37 Adoption of L L #2-1975—Board of Representatives on Hospital Board of Managers, R268 Public hearing—L L # 1-1975—proposed amendments to L L # 2 —1966 Public hearing—L L # 2-1975—appomt Board of Representatives to Hospital Board of Managers, R267 227 138 49,55,57,61 106,101 95 M MANPOWER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEDICAL EXAMINER MENTAL HEALTH Appointments Board Budget Continue serving city and county jail Funding Increase in staff Jail fire Petty cash fund Position Resignations Resolutions 14 33 221 28 217,218 6,71 13,37,66,142,167,219,224,226,259 65,70,132,133,140,229 119,125,133 148,178,219 82 72 72 12,71 79 67,125 99,101 Appropriation, R280 226,227 Creation of CETA positicns, R184, R195, R210 113,121,132 Increasing number of members on Mental Health Board, R213 135 Payment of moving expenses—Supervising Psychiatrist, R14 10 Transfers, R279 225 State aid for operating costs Transfer Vacancies, Mental Health Board MORTGAGE TAX MOTOR VEHICLE MOVING EXPENSES Authorization to pay Biochemist, R94 (withdrawn) Library director, R170 Senior public health engineer, R171 Supervising psychiatrist, R14 Policy MUKA, BETTY MULTIPLE RESIDENCE REVIEW BOARD MUNICIPAL OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION N 12 53 13,22,31,38,53 62,130-131 121,170,226 63,67 106,101 107,101 10 10,32,109 45,51,52,59,81,87,99,100,102,108, 109,116,120,124,25,133,135,142,210 28 39,209,219 NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE 117 NEWSPAPERS 5,6,209,228 NUTRITION PROGRAM FOR THE ELDERLY (see Aging, Office for the) 12 1 0 OCTOPUS, Route 96 3,67 OFF-TRACK BETTING 141,210,220 OFFICE FOR THE AGING (see Aging) OLD COURT HOUSE (see County Buildings) P PERSONNEL Budget 171 CETA 4,5,6,12,13,14,30,45,46,53,58,60,68,87,99,109,112,118,125,145,180,209,225 Changes in procedures for applications 23 Civil service 32,36,47,66 County physicals 23 Dispute with employees—vacation 142 Employees credit union 142 Grievance hearings 125 Job description—biochemist 99 National employ the handicapped week 118 Office space 76 On-the-job training 124 Proposed agreement—Co Board of Representatives and Civil Service Employees Assoc 230-245 Resolutions Appropriation from various, R280 226,227 Appropriation from various, R280 226,227 Auth to participate in summer work study program, R69 49 Creation of Positions CETA, R22 17 Creation of position—personnel, R70 49 Creation of position CETA, R101 68 Creation of position CETA, R195 121 Establish employment CETA, Title VI, R1 4 Establish appropriation and revenue accts, CETA Programs, R21 17 Reclassification position—personnel, R168 106 Summer work study program, R54 41 Transfer of funds, R279 224 Review grading of positions 116 Staffing 32 Social Security benefits 99 Summer Work Program—Cornell 46,49,77 PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED 133,141,142,209,227 PISTOL PERMITS 6,22,37,51,66,76,87,99,118,209 PLANNING Alternate Settlement patterns 115 Annual report 278-282 Appointment—Planning Board 28,30 Budget 183 Cornell work study prcgram 77 Land use—proposed master plan 108 Minutes 44,51,52 Resolutions Amendment to Res 101 (Position), R183 - 112 Appropriation, R280 226 Creation of CETA position, R101 68 Office space, R179 (tabled) 112 Planning assistance program, R61 43,39,87 Transfer, R279 225 PRINTING AND SUPPLY 173,225,226,227 PROBATION ` Acting director 22,23,27 Approval attendance at meeting 46 13 Appointments 53 Budget 174 House in the country (Intensive Supervision Unit) 61,109 Office space ' 109 Officers II 38 Resolutions ' Abolish position—probation assistant, R166 106 Appropriation, R280 I 226 Creation of position, R93 1 62,69 Creation of CETA position, R210 113,132 Transfer, R279 I 225 Training program 109 PROCEEDINGS 8,109 PROCLAMATION 12 PUBLIC ACCESS TO RECORDS 12 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 126,141 Aging, Office for, Area Plan Agricultural District No 5—Danby 126,133 Airport, Establish rules, regulations, fees and rental—Interstate air- lines, R263 216,218 APCOA Services i 208-209 Budget 1 133 L L #1-1975—proposed amendments to L L #2-1966 28 L L # 2-1975—Board of Managers, R267 217-218 Nutrition for elderly program 208 Tompkins -Cortland Community College budget 89 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 5 47,59,67,87,100 PYRAMID CORPORATION RADIO RAILROADS REPORTS Annual Aging, Office for the Airport Assigned Counsel Plan County Administrator County Clerk County Historian DeWitt Historical Society Elections Environmental Management Council Extension Fire and Disaster Coordinator Highway Human Rights Library Medical examiner Planning Sealer of weights & measures Senior Citizens Council Sheriff Social Services Soil and Water conservation Southern resource conservation Southern tier east Surrogate clerk Veteran's agency General Airport monthly 1 R 32,39,40,76,108 29,30,32,37,44,5 ,52,58,66,81,88,99,115,133,138,178 I and; development board 14 284-285 269 308 44,289-307 274-275 283 287-288 141,247-258 87,262-263 209,266 271 308 66,285-286 260-261 259 278-282 270 309 272-273 99,267-269 276-277 45 71,87 269 13,246 5,12, 58,108,115,124,141 Clerk to comptroller 264 County Administrator 87 Equahzation table 317 Project coordinators 13 Report footings of assessment rolls 318-319 Representatives accounts 315 Statement of town accounts 310-314 Supplemental report on footmg of assessment rolls 316 Summary, schedule of real property taxes 265 REPRESENTATIVES Appointments 3,4,5 Appointment policy 25 Budget 162 Chairman 3,11,65 Clerk 8,162,212 Committee -of -the -whole 4 Committee appointments 10-11,23 Communications 133 Cornell Film Department 125 Executive meeting 32,65,98 Introduction (Morse) replaces Bruce 87 Move to Old Court House, Sense of the Board 46 New York State Flag in memory of M Leary 118,119 Privilege of floor 59 Representatives' accounts 315 Resignation (1974) Gary Lee 5 Resignation (1975) Robert Bruce 6/30/75 76 Resolutions 86 Resolutions Appropriations, R280 226 Appropriation for conduct of County Government, R245 206 Award of bid, proceedings, R250 211 Date of organization meeting, R287 229 Disposition of records, R176 111 Transfer of funds, R279 224 Rules of the Board 4 Supervisors' and County Legislators' Association 14 Vacancy, District 13 (Lee) 5 RESOLUTIONS OTHER COUNTIES 13,23,30,31,87 RESPECT, RESOLUTIONS OF Button, John, R99 65 Leary, Michael J , R200 123 Menzies, Paul, R87 57 REVENUE SHARING Budget 191-192 Reports 13,30,31,38,45,53,58,60,71,77,81,110,118,119,124,209,210 Resolutions Appropriation, R264 216 Auth to execute contracts, R73 50 Transfer of funds, R265 216 ROUTE 13 Reports 3,5,14,34,45,53,66,118 Resolutions Res urging appalachia regional comm & congress to consider adding Rt 13 corridor from Elmira, N Y thru Ithaca and terminating at I-81 as extension of appalachia thruway con- cept, R42 34 ROUTE 96 5,24,58,67 S SALARIES County Clerk, R151 96,89 15 SANITARY LANDFILL SEALER OF WEIGHTS & MEASURES SENIOR CITIZENS (see office for the Aging) SEPTIC TANK SLUDGE SEWER Appointments Compr sewerage study progress report County attorney to report Meeting Minutes Proposed appeal Service to pyramid Sewer commission—vote Sewer District No 1 SHERIFF Annual report Budget Interim space Kitchen facilities Move to DeWitt Mall Muka case Purchase—camera Resolutions Appropriation, R280 Auth to temporarily relocate R105 Creation of position, R31 Purchase vehicles, R270 Transfer, R279 Request, additional deputies 23,40,76,184,221,225,226 5,175,225,226,270 10,13,31 30,124 29 67 115 52 24 67 66,67 38,66,71,101,213-214 272-273 174 23,24,32 220 44,46,73,81 59,125 67 226-227 sheriff office to Dewitt Building, 73 25 221-222 225 14,24,109,115,118 SOCIAL SERVICES Annual report 99,267-269 Budget 179-180 Car rental space 220 Child support enforcement programs 99 Equipment 24 Foster homes 24 Monthly report 13,32,58,87,108,209 Position 58 Proposed legislation 219 Report 220 Request for typist 72,76,77 Resolutions Appropriation, R280 226,227226,27 Appropriation general fund, R211, R216 Auth execute contract, indirect cost report and cost allocation 74 plan, R108 Creation of positions Senior caseworker, R75 52 Typist, R130 I 85 Social welfare examiners, R2341, I 145 Creation of CETA position (clerk), R195 I 121 Reclassification of position (senior caseworker), R79 54 Res relative to revision of Social Services) (tabled), R202 126-129 Res relative to revision of Social Services, R223 139 Request advance payment—N Y S —Social Services reimburse- ment,79-80,82 R119 Transfer of funds, R118, R173, R215, R279 I 79,110,135,225 State-wide welfare conference 120 Welfare 1 72,124,133,141 SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD 21,23,28,82,124,276-277 16 SOLID WASTE SOUTH CENTRAL NEW YORK VELOPMENT PROJECT SOUTHERN TIER EAST SPCA (see Dogs) SPECIAL FRANCHISE REPORT SPORTSMAN'S CLUB STATE MB STATEMENT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS STENOGRAPHERS EXPENSES STREAM PROTECTION LAW SUPREME COURT SURROGATE COURT 29,147 RESOURCE CONSERVATION & DE - 13,45,59,66,76 5,6,12,22,30,31,66,71,101,105,115,133,209,219,220 T TAXES Exemption for elderly Mortgage tax report Request taxes be paid in installments Resolutions Adoption apportionment of taxes, R246 - Apportionment of mortgage tax, R91, R205 Apportionment of taxes (Miller property), R277 Approving tax rolls & directing the execution & d rants, R252 Auth to expunge, R46 Cancellation of taxes—Town of Ulysses, R262 Correction of certain clerical errors on tax rolls, R Printing tax rates, R248 Tax levy, R247 Sales tax Survey—N Y S Tax Auditors Summary of real property taxes for 1976 Tax foreclosure procedure TELEPHONE (see Centrex) THINNING TREES TOMPKINS COUNTY AREA DEVELOPMENT TRANSFER OF FUNDS TRAVEL REQUEST UNITED WAY U V VETERANS Annual report Appropriations, R280 Budget Monument—Korean & Viet Nam Casuahties Res from Seneca County re bonus plan VA records Veterans service agency office VILLAGE OF LANSING Abandonment of county roads Letters from Commissioner Schuler's office re Policy roads 17 136-137 47,50 12,81,99,115,118,124,133 310-314 115 22,30,66 164 165,224,226,269 40 37,52 62,130-131 71 206 62,131 223-224 212 36 215-216 33 207 206 87,115 120 265 60 elivery of war - 44,71,76,133 22 79,110,131,135,146-147 12,46,89 119 246 226,227 181 30,71,72,82,100,109,124,133 87 37 45,58,142,210,220 71, 73,76,77,82,99,100,101 abandonment 87,99,108 53,67 Pyramid Corp 47,59,67,87,100 Resolutions Abandonment of County Roads to Village of Lansing, R121 82 Welcoming & extending membership on agencies & board, R43 35 W WARREN ROAD WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT WORLD FOOD DAY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Reports 129,185 Resolutions Transfer of funds, R206 131 Workmen's comp budget & apportionment—mutual self insur- ance plan, R204 I 129-130,207 23,32,35 5 52 Y YOUTH Ad hoc committee Big Brother -big sister Budget Division of youth 4-H program Resolutions Auth chairman to execute youth service project, R181 Auth to execute contracts—Div for youthprojects, R260 Auth execute youth service project application, R238, R259 Children's theater group, R128, R148 Feminist art studio workshop, R162 (lost) Main line, R114 6,23,29,38,42,59,72,119,134,142,210,220 209,214 182 53,118,215 38 18 112 215 146,214 81,84,93 104 78