HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Proceedings1970 PROCEEDINGS
Board of
Ludlowville, N.Y.
Ludlowville, N.Y.
Board of
Ludlowville, N.Y.
Ludlowville, N.Y.
State of New York
County of Tompkins
Board of Representatives
In pursuance of the authority conferred by Section 19 of the County
Law, we each for ourself, do hereby certify that the copy of the Pro-
ceedings of this Board of Representatives of the County of Tomp-
kins, New York, for the year 1970, contained in this volume is true
and correct.
Chairman of Board of Representatives
Clerk of Board of Representatives
January 5, 1970 3
Monday, January 5, 1970
Pursuant to Section 151 of the County Law and a resolution adopted
by the Board of Supervisors December 22, 1969, the Board of Representa-
tives convened in its rooms in the Court House in the City of Ithaca,
New York, Monday, January 5, 1970 at 10:00 a.m. and was called to
order by the Deputy Clerk of the Board.
Upon the call of the roll by Districts, the following Representatives
answered to their names as follows:
Ithaca City:
District No. 1
James R. Graves
Michael J. Leary
Louis R. Webster
Edward P. Abbott
John Marcham
Donald J. Culligan
Frederick H. Stutz
Lansing 8 Harris B. Dates
Caroline -
Danby 9 Erie J. Miller, Jr.
Enfield -
Newfield 10 Harry A. Kerr
Groton 11 Claude Holden
Ithaca 12 Robert L. Bruce
Ithaca 13 Hugh S. MacNeil
Dryden 14 Gary A. Lee
Dryden 15 Marion Schickel
Ulysses 16 Arthur Golder, Jr.
121 Elm Street
325 N. Albany Street
213 Bryant Avenue
905 N. Cayuga Street
414 E. Buffalo Street
627 Hudson Street
49 Woodcrest Street
R.D. 1, Ludlowville 14862
R.D. 4, Ithaca 14850
114 Bank St., Newfield 14867
R.D. 1, Groton 13073
504 Hanshaw Rd., Ithaca 14850
132 Glenside Dr., Ithaca 14850
940 Dryden Rd., Ithaca 14850
85 Ferguson Rd., Dryden 13053
19 Congress St., Trumansburg 14886
At this time members and guests participated in the Pledge of Al-
legiance to the Flag.
The Deputy Clerk announced the first order of business was the ap-
pointment of a Temporary Chairman.
Mr. Holden placed in nomination the name of Edward Abbott for
Temporary Chairman, MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Holden,
That nominations be closed and the Deputy Clerk cast one ballot for
Mr. Abbott as Temporary Chairman. The Deputy Clerk cast one ballot
and Mr. Abbott took the Chair.
4 January 5, 1970
Mr. Abbott announced the next order of business was the appoint-
ment of a Clerk of the Board and Mr. Leary placed in nomination the
name of Phyllis B. Howell. MOVED by Mr. Dates, seconded by Mr.
Leary, That nominations be closed and the Clerk cast one ballot. The
ballot being cast, Mr. Abbott declared Phyllis B. Howell appointed
Clerk of the Board to serve for the term of this Board and at its pleasure.
The next order of business being the appointment of the Deputy Clerk
of the Board, Mr. Leary placed in nomination the name of Kathryn Dim-
mick. There being no further nominations, it was MOVED by Mr. Lee,
seconded by Mr. Graves, That nominations be closed. Mr. Abbott de-
clared Kathryn Dimmick appointed Deputy Clerk of the Board for the
term of this Board and at its pleasure.
The next order of business being the appointment of County Attorney,
Mr. Graves placed in nomination the name of Robert I. Williamson.
MOVED by Mr. Leary, seconded by Mr. Holden, That nominations be
closed and the deputy Clerk cast one ballot for the above named nominee.
The ballot being cast, Mr. Abbott declared Robert I. Williamson County
The next order of business being the appointment of a Commissioner
of Budget and Administration, Mr. Marcham placed in nomination the
name of John Murphy. MOVED by Mr. Holden, seconded by Mr. Leary,
That nominations be closed and the Deputy Clerk cast one ballot for
the above nominee. The ballot being cast, Mr. Abbott declared Mr.
John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
The next order of business being the appointment of Director of As-
sessment, Mr. Graves placed in nomination the name of Thomas Payne.
MOVED by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Holden, That nominations be
closed and the Deputy Clerk cast one ballot for the above-named
nominee. The ballot being cast, Mr. Abbott declared Thomas Payne
Director of Assessment.
The next order of business being the appointment of Jail Physician,
Mr. Graves placed in nomination the name of Dr. George McCauley.
MOVED by Mr. Leary, seconded by Mr. Graves, That nominations be
closed and the Deputy Clerk cast one ballot for the above nominee. The
ballot being cast, Mr. Abbott declared Dr. George McCauley, Jail
Mr. Abbott announced the next order of business was the election
of a Permanent Chairman.
Mr. Kerr placed in nomination the name of Harris Dates as Permanent
Chairman. Mr. Leary placed in nomination the name of James Graves
and Mr. Marcham placed in nomination the name of Donald Culligan.
January 5, 1970 5
Mr. Graves thanked Mr. Leary for his nomination and stated he has
never solicited votes for the Chairmanship. He called attention to the
accomplishments of the Board of Supervisors inthe past and the progress
of Tompkins County. He feels the present Board of Representatives
should be a non-partisan Board and big city politics should have no place
on the Board.
Mr. Dates thanked Mr. Kerr for his nomination. He stated the Board
of Supervisors has had a proud past and the Board of Representatives
will have a challenging future and there should be competent, thought-
ful leadership. He also stated that there is no place on the Board for
partisan politics.
Mr. Culligan stated he hopes that the new Executive Committee will
not become an exclusive club and that no meetings will occur without the
knowledge of the full Board. He also feels there should be more sub -
chairman responsibility. He too feels the Board should be non partisan.
Mr. Leary spoke commending Mr. Graves for the Chairmanship, and
Mr. Marcham spoke commending Mr. Culligan for the Chairmanship.
There being no further nominations, MOVED by Mr. Leary, seconded
by Mr. Lee, That nominations be closed. Mr. Abbott appointed Mr.
Williamson and Mr. Hurlbut as Tellers and the ballots were passed out.
Of 16 votes cast there were 8 for Mr. Dates, 3 for Mr. Graves and 5 for
Mr. Culligan. As a majority vote is needed, a second ballot was taken.
The vote remaining the same, a recess was declared. Business resumed
and a third ballot was taken. Of 16 votes cast there were 9 votes for Mr.
Dates 3 for Mr. Graves and 4 for Mr. Culligan. Mr. Abbott declared Mr.
Dates Permanent Chairman. MOVED by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr.
Leary, That the nomination of Mr. Dates as Chairman be Unanimous.
Mr. Dates took the Chair and read the following statement:
"A sincere thanks to each and everyone of you. I am humbly proud
to be elected the first Chairman of Representatives under our new
Charter. I promise to live up to the high standards set by other Chair-
men such as Cliff Bower and Don Stobbs.
As a historical note, I would like to mention that Richard Townley
from the Town of Lansing was elected the first Chairman of the Tomp-
kins County Board of Supervisors when our county was formed in 1817.
So once again history repeats itself in electing the Representative from
Lansing as the first Chairman under our new Charter.
As we enter this new decade of 1970 under our new Charter, a Charter
that is a part of the Municipal 'Home Rule Law' passed in 1959 by the
6. January 5, 1970
State. Legislature, the basic principal being to return to counties certain
governing powers which previously have been exercised by the State
Government. This Charter is not a cure all, it is, however, a step in the
right direction. It lets us set up a more effective system of Administra-
tion. It gives us the opportunity to strengthen and improve the effective-
ness of our Executive Branch with a detailed relationship of various de-
partments that will be responsible and responsive. It has flexibility.
With this new Charter, this Board of Representatives will become the
predominate `Governmental Unit' of Tompkins County. Assuming this
new roll, new responsibilities and critical public issues will have to be
solved. Therefore, I am proposing that an effort be made to involve more
of our Tompkins County Citizens in advisory capacities on our several
boards. Local County Government more closely mirrors public opinion
than either state or federal governments, therefore; I remind this Board
that Government that is closest to the people is a- more responsive gov-
ernment. The lack of relationship and understanding between the elec-
tors and the elected, has been a matter of continuing concern. There-
fore, I am going to propose that a special committee be set up to get
the facts to the public..
Thanks to the past boards for their leadership and progressive attitude.
We can list a few of the many accomplishments that are now set up and
1. A Department of Budget and Administration.
2. A Department of Health
3. A Department of Social Services
4. A Department of Planning (Helping us to solve our critical en-
vironmental problems)
5.. A Department of Public Works
6. A County Assessment Department
7. A Personnel Department
8. A County Jury Board
A Focus on the future would be to accomplish the following projec-
1. Continued study on consolidation of services, especially in water
and sewer when the facts prove to be in the best interest to all.
2. Conservation of County Natural Resources
3. Health Facilities and Services
4.. Capital Budgeting. A programto establish priorities and no capital
project will be undertaken unless included in the Budget.
5. Joint City -County_. Coordinating Committee. A special committee
under the Intergovernmental Relations Committee to actively ex-
plore all issues with the City and Other Municipalities and make
recommendations to this Board.
January 5, 1970 7
This new Charter will work only as well as we, the elected Representa-
tives, dedicate ourselves and our efforts. I am asking each one of you to
contact me after this meeting if you have any special committee that
you would especially like to serve on. I promise to name an Executive
Board that is non-partisan and in my humble opinion, will furnish the
best leadership for our County, will set a policy outlining what is to
be done, with priorities established, first things first, with emphasis on
cost to the taxpayer.
We all agree that good government is the best politics but let us not
forget — 'One should respect other peoples beliefs, but, we have to live
by our own.' "
The next order of business was the election of an Acting Chairman
pursuant to Local Law No. 2, 1963, to act in national emergency only.
Mr. Lee placed in nomination the name of James Graves. Mr. Graves
declined the nomination. Mr. Graves placed in nomination the name of
Michael Leary. There being no further nominations, MOVED by Mr.
Abbott, seconded by Mr. Holden, That nominations be closed and
Deputy Clerk cast one ballot for the above nominee. The ballot being
cast, Mr. Dates declared Michael Leary Acting Chairman to serve during
an emergency pursuant to Local Law No. 2, 1963.
The next order of business being the appointment of a Deputy Chair-
man, Mr. Leary placed in nomination the name of Edward Abbott. There
being no further nominations, MOVED by Mr. Leary, seconded by Mr.
Holden, That nominations be closed and the Deputy Clerk cast one
ballot for the above nominee. The ballot being cast, Chairman Dates
declared Mr. Abbott Deputy Chairman pursuant to Local" Law No. 2,
1963 to serve in national emergency only.
The next order of business being the appointment of an Interim Suc-
cessor, Mr. Marcham placed in nomination the name of Mr. Golder.
There being no further nominations, MOVED by Mr. Kerr, seconded by
Mr. Holden, That nominations be closed and the Deputy Clerk cast one
ballot for the above-named nominee. The ballot being cast, Chairman
Dates declared Mr. Golder Interim Successor to serve during an emer-
gency pursuant_ to Local Law No. 2, 1963,
RESOLUTION NO. 1—Commissioner of Budget and Administration
to Pay Salaries
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, after certification by the Personnel Director, That the Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration be and he hereby is directed to pay
the salaries of all county officers bi-weekly unless otherwise directed by a
resolution of this Board, with the exception, of the members of the Board of
8 January 5, 1970
Representatives, who shall be paid once each month and the employees of
both the Tompkins County Hospital and the Tompkins County Highway De-
partment who shall be paid every two weeks.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 2—Audit and Payment of Claims
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be and
hereby is authorized and directed to audit all claims in accordance with Sec-
tion 3.06 of the Charter and Code.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 3—Approval of Bond — Commissioner of Budget
and Administration
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board is in receipt of an official undertaking
for John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration, in the amount
of $300,000, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the County Officers' Accounts Commit-
tee, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration's Bond be set at
$300,000 and that this Board approves said undertaking as to form and
amount and the sufficiencies of the sureties and directs that such undertaking
be filed in the office of the County Clerk.
Seconded by Mr. Marcham. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 4 — Approval of Bond — County Clerk
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the County Officers' Accounts Com-
mittee, That the Bond for the County Clerk be set at $15,000 and that this
Board approves said undertaking as to form and amount and the sufficiencies
of the sureties and directs that such undertaking be filed in the office of the
County Clerk.
Seconded by Mr. Lee. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 5—Abolish Position of County Highway
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Civil Service and Salaries Com-
mittee, Highway Committee and the Personnel Director, That the position
of County Highway Superintendent be and it hereby is abolished,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Personnel Director.
Seconded by Mr. Marcham. Carried.
January 5, 1970 9
At this time the County Attorney proceeded to read the rules of the
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Lee, that included in the
Rules should be that the members of the Board of Representatives be
sworn in by the County Clerk as the first order of business for Organiza-
tion Meetings. Carried.
There was a lengthy discussion regarding the second meeting of the
month being an evening meeting and it was MOVED by Mr. Marcham,
seconded by Mr. Stutz, That the Rules stay the same with thesecond
meeting being an evening meeting.
MOVED by Mr. Holden, seconded by Mr. Lee, That the Rules be
amended to read that the meetings be at 10:00 a.m. on the second and
fourth Mondays.
A roll call vote on. Mr. Marcham's Motion that the Rules stay the same
with second meeting being an evening meeting resulted as follows:
Ayes — 8. Noes — 8. Motion LOST.
MOVED by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Webster, That until July
1, 1970, the second Monday Meeting shall convene at 10:00 a.m. in the
morning and the fourth Monday Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the evening. A
roll call resulted as follows: Ayes — 10. Noes — 6. Motion CARRIED.
After a lengthy discussion, it was MOVED by Mr. Marcham, seconded
by Mr. Stutz, That Privilege of the Floor be No. 4 in the Order of
Business. Carried.
MOVED. by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr. Stutz, That No. 4 be
amended to read Reports of Standing and Special Committee meetings
should be submitted in writing and filed with Clerk within one week
after meetings. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — 16. Noes — 0.
A lengthy discussion was had on Section 7 and 8, Rule VIII, regarding
roll call votes. It was decided to leave in the rules as is.
Mr. Abbott was excused from the Meeting at 12:10.
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Holden, That permission be
ranted to bring a Motion to adopt the Rules of the Board on the floor.
Motion Carried.
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Miller, That Rules of the
Board as amended be adopted, effective today. A roll call vote resulted
as follows: Ayes — 15. Noes — 0. Absent — 1. Motion Carried.
On Motion, meeting adjourned.
10 January 12, 1970
Monday, January 12, 1970
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m
PRESENT: Representatives Bruce, Culligan, Dates, Golder, Graves,
Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz,
Webster, Abbott and. Dates — 16.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to the proper committees for action:
Annual Report of County Clerk; Notice of Tentative State Equaliza-
tion Rate for the Villages of Dryden, 82; Freeville, 86; Groton, 97;
Cayuga Heights, 79; Trumansburg, 83; Director's Reports and Minutes
of the Library Board of Trustees, December 29; Minutes of the Li-
brary's Buildings and Grounds Committee, December 19; and Bank
Designation Forms; Pistol Permits for month of December, 1969 to-
talled $153.00.
Letter from Area Director of Syracuse Department of Social Services
regarding Social Services Medicaid Payments for September, 1968;
Memo from Matthew McHugh, District Attorney, stating his appoint-
ments of Assistant District Attorneys;
Contract of County of Allegany with the N.Y.S. Nurses Association;
Notice of Public Hearing to Amend Zoning Ordinance, Town of Ith-
Letter from Grace Baker, former Republican Election Commissioner,
thanking the Board for note of appreciation;
Copy of letter from Hugh Hurlbut to Hon. Robert J. Miller, Public
Employment Relations Board, regarding Tompkins County's amended
procedures required by Chapter 24 of the Laws of 1969;
Letter from the Civil Service Leader requesting Gold Medal Nomina-
tions for outstanding County Employee.
January 12, 1970 11
Copy of letter from William Tyson to Robert Mann, Office of Re-
gional Development concerning water resource survey;
Letter from Ben O. Bradley, Regional Wildlife Manager, concerning
increasing deer harassment by dogs and requesting resolution for 24-
hour dog quarantine. Referred to Animal Health and Conservation
Letter from. Broome County Executive, Edwin L. Crawford, request-
ing comments concerning Broome State School for the Retarded. Re-
ferred to Social and Health Services Committee.
Under privilege of the floor, Gary Lee spoke requesting consideration
be given to the possibility of appointing a Narcotic Council. Referred
to the Public Safety and Health Committees.
Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Culligan mentioned the Twentieth
Annual Winter Conference School in Binghamton for County Legisla-
tors' and Supervisors January 18-21 and felt that it was very worthwhile
and urged everyone to attend, if possible.
Mr. Graves spoke about the various boards and commissions in the
County. In the past, names have been presented and have been com-
pletely ignored and he feels this is a very dangerous practice.
Mr. Marcham noted .there has been tension with the press with the
various food distribution and food stamp programs. He asked the Board
to consider having the new Committee on Social and Health Services
ask the Acting Commissioner of Social Services Department to give a
report on this matter at our next meeting.
Mr. Abbott requested a recess for the Civil Service and Salaries and
Courts and Correction Committees to meet.
Chairman Dates declared a recess at 10:17. Business resumed at 10:27.
MOVED by Mr. Holden, seconded by Mr. Culligan, That resolutions
pertaining to 24-hour dog quarantine; Correction of Erroneous Assess-
ment — Town of Ithaca; and Payments to Community Mental Health
Board, not on the Agenda, be considered at this meeting. Carried:
RESOLUTION NO. 6—Appointment of Tompkins County Self -
Insurance Plan. Administrator
Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, there are still active cases under the Tompkins County Self -
Insurance Plan, now .therefore be it
12 January 12, 1970
RESOLVED, That Robert I. Williamson be and he hereby is reappointed
Administrator of said plan to serve at the pleasure of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 7 — Clerk to Purchase Supplies
Mr. Kerr offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Board of Representatives be authorized
to purchase the necessary supplies for the Board of Representatives.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 8 — Correction of Errors
Mr. Kerr offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board be authorized to correct any
manifest errors in the minutes, or in the reports of any committee.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 9 — Payment to Town Libraries
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be and
he hereby is authorized and directed to pay the sum of $650.00 to each of
the following libraries on or before January 31, 1970, to wit: Southworth
Library, Dryden, New York; Goodyear Memorial Library, Groton, New
York; Newfield Library Association, Newfield, New York; and Ulysses
Philomathic Library, Trumansburg, New York, said payments to be made
in accordance with the contract between libraries and the Board of Represen-
Seconded by Mr. Lee. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 10—Payments for Community Mental Health
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Finance Committee, That the
Commissioner of Budget and Administration be and he hereby is author-
ized and directed to pay the accounts, charges, and claims of the County
Community Mental Health Board which are provided in the budget for the
fiscal year 1970 upon warrants of the Mental Health Board after audit by
said Board, except that salaries set forth in the budget and certified by the
Director of the Mental Health Clinic and County Personnel Director shall
be paid in the same manner as other salaries are paid.
Seconded by Mr. Lee. Carried.
January 12, 1970 13
RESOLUTION NO. 11 —Payments for Soil Conservation District
Mr. Stutz offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the board has appropriated for the Soil Conservation District
$3,000.00 for the year 1970, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 223 of the County Law, That the Commis-
sioner of Budget and Administration be and he hereby is directed to pay
out of the monies from such appropriation upon order of the Chairman of
the District Directors upon his giving a proper receipt therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 12 —Payments for Fire Protection
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be
and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay out during 1970 the sum
of $13,350 or so much therof as may be necessary, upon audit of duly veri-
fied bills for the expenses of the Fire Advisory Board, including the mile-
age of the County Fire Coordinator, but not including cost of extinguishment
of fires, pursuant to the Conservation Law.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 13—Payments to County Extension Service
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board has appropriated for the support of County Ex-
tension Service Association in the year 1970 the sum of $130,098.00, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be
and hereby is authorized and directed to pay the said sum of $130,098.00
to the County Extension Service Association in four quarterly payments on
the 5th day of January, April, July and October, 1970.
Seconded by Mr. Lee. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 14 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment — Town
of Ithaca
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board is informed that an error was made in the 1969
Assessment Roll in the Town of Ithaca, namely, That Parcel No. 23-1-6 as-
sessed to Louis Fendrick was erroneously assessed at $17,430 whereas same
should have been $12,430, a veterans' exemption in the amount of $5,000
having been omitted, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tax Sales Committee, That the
assessment on Parcel No. 23-1-6 assessed to Louis Fendrick be changed from
14 January 12, 1970
$17,430 to $12,430 and the sum of $37.65 be refunded to said taxpayer upon
presentation of receipted bill for the original amount of assessment to this
office or upon confirmation by Town Clerk that the original amount of bill
has been paid and the County of Tompkins charged $26.20 and the Town
of Ithaca $11.45,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to Thomas G. Payne, Director of the Assessment
Department and John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 15 — Request for Dog Quarantine — County of
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County has been advised by the New York State Conser-
vation Department that there is evidence of increasing deer harassment and
mortality caused by dogs in Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, the Conservation Department feels that this situation will
worsen between now and spring, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 115a of the New York State Agriculture
and Markets Law, That this Board determines that the deer population
in the County of Tompkins is suffering severe depredation due to dogs pur-
suing and killing deer and requests the Departments of Agriculture and
Markets and the Commissioner of said department to issue an order for a
twenty-four hour dog quarantine in the County of Tompkins for the period
commencing January 1, 1970 to April 15, 1970,
RESOLVED further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Department of Agriculture and Markets, State Cam-
pus Building, Albany, New York, 12225 and to Ben O. Bradley, Regional
Wildlife Manager, P.O. Box 1169, Cortland, New York, 13045.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried with Supervisor Culligan casting a
dissenting vote.
RESOLUTION NO. 16 — Payments for Veterans' Day
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 224 of the County Law, That the Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration be and he hereby is directed to pay
the sum of $1200.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, heretofore appro-
priated for Veterans' Day Celebration Committee for the purpose of defray-
ing a part of the expense of the celebration of Veterans' Day in 1970, upon
audit of a duly certified bill or bills for the same.
Seconded by Mr. Graves.
MOVED by Mr. 'Wareham, seconded by Mr. Stutz, That the resolu-
tion be amended adding: "RESOLVED, That the County will limit pay-
ment to events and activities that honor veterans." Motion Lost. A voice
vote was taken on the originalresolution and the Resoluion was Carried.
January 12, 1970 15
RESOLUTION NO. 17 — Clerk to Print Certain Annual Reports
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Board be authorized to edit and print
the financial and important parts of the annual reports received by the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 18 —Payment to Finger Lakes Library Associa-
Mr. Webster offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be
and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay the budgeted amount of
$4,500.00 for the year 1970 to the Finger Lakes Library Association.
Seconded by ,Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 19 — Mileage for County Officials and Employees
Mrs. Schickel offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That except as otherwise provided by law or by specific
resolution of this board hereinafter adopted, effective immediately, all county
officials and employees while using their automobiles in the performance
of the duties of their office or employment shall be entitled to mileage at the
rate of ten cents per mile provided, however, that the total mileage for any
particular purpose shall not exceed the amount appropriated therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Lee. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 20 — Payments for Animal Health
Mr. Bruce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be and
hereby is authorized and directed to pay the monies heretofore appropriated
for the year 1970 for the eradication and prevention of Bovine TB or other
infectious diseases affecting domestic animals or fowls, upon the written order
of the committee on Animal Health, signed by the representative of the board
on said committee, provided, however, that all bills for expenses incurred,
other than salaries, shall be audited by this Board.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 21 —Authorization to Appoint Deputy and
Assistant County Attorney
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 7.03 of the County Charter, That the
County Attorney be and he hereby is authorized to appoint one Deputy and
Assistant County Attorney at a salary of $800 per annum.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
16 January 12, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 22 —Authorization to Appoint Third Assistant
District Attorney
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the District Attorney has requested a Third Assistant District
Attorney due to the increased work load in his office, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Courts and Correction Committee
(Public Safety and Correction Committee), The District Attorney, the Per-
sonnel Committee and the Personnel Officer, That the District Attorney
be and he hereby is authorized to appoint a Third Assistant District Attor-
ney in the exempt class, labor grade 16, said monies having already been
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 23 — Approval of Bond — Acting Commissioner
of Social Services
Mr. Abbott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board is in receipt of an official undertak-
ing No. 04-06-17 for Margaret S. Hughes, Acting Commissioner of Social
Services, in the amount of $15,000, and
WHEREAS, this Board must approve the penal amount of the bond to be
obtained by said official, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the County Officers' Accounts Com-
mittee, That the bond for the Acting Commissioner of Social Services be set
in the penal amount of $15,000.00,
RESOLVED, further, That this Board approves said undertaking as to
form and the amount and the sufficiencies of the sureties and directs that
such undertaking be filed in the office of the County Clerk
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 24 — Payments for County Health District
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be and
he hereby is authorized and directed to pay the accounts, charges and claims
of the County Health District which are provided in the budget for the fiscal
year 1970, upon warrants of the Board of Health after audit by the said board
except that salaries set forth in the budget and certified by the County
Health Commissioner and County Personnel Director shall be paid in the
same manner as other salaries are paid.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 25 — On Audit
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins
chargeable to the General Fund in the amount of $8,056.58; to the Airport
Fund in the amount of $564.35; to the County Self -Insurance Fund in the
amount of $110.73; and claims for Personal Services in the amount of
$8,170.98; and claims for Encumbrance Bills in the amount of $1,607.61;
Printing Bills, $35.66; Highway Bills, $54,326.76, be and hereby is audited
January 12, 1970 17
by this Board at the above amounts approved by the various committees;
and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board file a certified list of claims so
audited with the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and that he
be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out
of the various funds appropriated therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Ayes — 16. Noes — 0. Carried.
Mr. Graves mentioned that copies of the approved rules of the board
will be sent to each board member. He also stated that copies of the pro-
posed Airport Agreement regarding Fixed Base Operator are on each
desk and a Public Hearing will be set up at our board meeting on
January 26.
At this time Chairman Dates made appointments of Representatives
to the' following boards:
Tompkins County Jury Commission — Claude Holden
District Forest Practice Board — Claude Holden — 2 -year term expiring
December 31, 1971
Extension Service — Marion Schickel and John Marcham — 1 -year term
expiring December 31, 1970
Soil Conservation District — Robert L. Bruce and Erie J. Miller, Jr. —
1 -year term expiring December 31, 1970
Wildlife Management Act District Board — Hugh S. MacNeil — 2 -year
term expiring December 31, 1971
At this time Chairman Dates announced the following Committee
Budget and Administration (5 members) : Gary A. Lee, Chairman; James
Graves, Edward Abbott, Robert L. Bruce, Marion Schickel
Intergovernmental Relations (3 members) : John Marcham, Chairman;
Frederick Stutz, Erie J. Miller, Jr.
Personnel (5 members) : Edward P. Abbott, Chairman; Hugh S. MacNeil,
Donald Culligan, Arthur Golder, Jr., John Marcham
Planning and Public Works (5 members) : Claude Holden, Chairman;
Michael J. Leary, Robert L. Bruce, James Graves, Harry Kerr
18 January 12, 1970
Public Safety and Correction (5 members) : Michael J. Leary, Chairman;
Claude Holden, Hugh S. MacNeil, Erie J. Miller, Jr., Louis Webster
Social and Health Services (7 members) : Donald Culligan, Chairman;
Gary A. Lee, Arthur Golder, Jr., Harry Kerr, Marion Schickel,
Frederick Stutz, Louis, Webster
Mr. Marcham asked the Board's opinion by the next meeting on
whether they feel the Legislative Committee should go over and make
recommendations on proposed legislation.
Mr. Culligan stated that the Social and Health Services Committee
would meet Monday, January 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Board of Managers'
Room at the Hospital. He also noted that the Soil Conservation Board
meets the second Thursday of each month at 225 S. Fulton Street.
Mr. Leary noted that the Assessment Department, Personnel Depart-
ment and Veterans' Service Agency were all moving to the Ithaca Col-
lege Buildings on a temporary basis within 10 days. Plans should be
set up and the rest of the moving of departments will be by May at the
On motion, meeting adjourned.
January 26, 1970 19
January 26, 1970 - 7:30 p.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Culligan, Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr,
Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Abbott,
Bruce and Dates — 16.
At this time members and guests participated in the Pledge of Alle-
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to committees for action:
Agenda and minutes of January 14 meeting of Tompkins County
Human Rights Commission; Minutes of October 15 and November 19
meetings of Cayuga Lake Basin Board; Statement of Condition of Tomp-
kins County Trust Company; Notice of meeting of Library Board of
Trustees January 19 at 8:00 a.m.; minutes of Tompkins -Cortland Com-
munity College — December 18th; Copy of letter from State Board of
Equalization and Assessment requesting Eino Laine, Assessor of Town of
Newfield, to file a Supplementary report; Wildlife Rabies Control Pro-
gram Report, November 1969; Notice of Public Hearing on Subway
Safety; Revised schedule of per diem rates for sewer from O'Brien 8c
Letter from Conrad Tunney of Finger Lakes Association, Inc. request-
ing notification of changes in appointments and elected officials.
Letter from Hanawalt Associates, Consultants to Local Governments.
Letters of congratulations to Chairman Dates from Ronald Space,
Chairman of Tompkins -Cortland Community College Board of Trustees
and Garth Jackson, Executive Vice -President of First National Bank of
Copy of a letter to County Attorney Williamson from J. B. Komick,
Chief of Airports Branch BOX -600, regarding runway 32 right-of-way.
Letter from John C. Kruzan of Conservation Department concerning
appointments to Wildlife Management Board.
20 January 26, 1970
Copy of letter to the County Clerk from County Attorney Williamson
naming Paul Tavelli as first Assistant Deputy County Attorney, effective
January 1, 1970.
Certified resolutions from Cattaraugus and Schenectady Counties re-
garding reimbursement for mandated expenditures imposed by the
Summary of reasons for requested additional space for County Clerk.
Applications for Recreation for Elderly Program from Warren Shaver
of Department of Education.
Under privilege of the Floor, Mr. John Mulroy, County Executive
from Onondaga County and also President of the County Officers'
Association, spoke to the Board. He noted the Association goes over
and reviews approximately 3,000 legislative bills relative to counties and
makes recommendations. The Association conducts schools and supplies
information for county officials. Laws are being passed in the area of
Health, Education, and Welfare and county legislative branches should
be aware of this field. He believes county -level spending of what he
calls "soft dollars" will increase in the future. He said soft dollars are
"people" expenditures in such areas as welfare, housing, aid to the poor,
race relations improvements and other social services. He said he sees
continuation of "hard dollars" spending for such items as road building
and construction, but increased social service emphasis. He stressed the
issue of home rule and said if there is not more centralization of services
on the county level, the threat of regionalization is imminent. He also
spoke on the subject of per capita state aid. The Governor has set up a
committee to make recommendations concerning this. It has been well
explained by Mr. Mulroy how the fast growing and progressive counties
are hurt by the present formula for per capita aid. The activities and
programs which have been and will be adopted become the financial
responsibilities not of a region but of the county governments located
in the region. Certainly per capita assistance to the counties is too small.
He said the Association will do the best they can to keep counties in-
formed of what's going on in this legislative session.
When questioned on county refuse problem he noted he was able to
get the legislature to allow Onondaga County to establish a Waste Au-
thority. The Authority is committed to the process of scheduling solid
waste and using it in a landfill operation. The County is presently evalu-
ating equipment costs and hopes to have the operation functioning by
Also, under privilege of the Floor, Janet Fitchen, representing the
League of Women Voters, spoke on the Food Surplus Problem and sug-
gested improvements be made in program and the county have more than
one food distribution station, have a publicity program and more certi-
January 26, 1970 21
fication centers throughout the county. She said that many eligible fam-
ilies do no know that the Commodity Distribution Program (food surplus
program) exists, that families have difficulties becoming certified at the
single office authorized to do the certification, that because there is only
one distribution point in the county, transportation problems make it
difficult or impossible to come for surplus food and because all
families are served at a single distribution center on one day a month
for a limited time, people have to wait for long periods of time to
receive their food.
Mr. Reeve Parker representing MOVE also spoke about the Food Sur-
plus Program. He said he had spoken with a representative of Onon-
daga County Food Assistance Program who had been surprised that
Tompkins County only had one site. He said usually urban counties
continued with one site and the more rural counties had more than one.
He feels the county has been negligent as far as serving the needs of the
poor locally and suggested improvement of the program in the future.
Chairman Dates noted that the Executive Committee had met and
has broken down the various committee functions under the six new
committees as follows:
Board of Representatives
Budget and Administration
Assessment Department
Central Garage
Tax Sales
Capital Improvements
Human Relations
Economic Opportunity Commission
Extension Services
Community College
County Historian
"Buildings and Grounds
Highway Department
Area Development Corp.
Fish and Game
Community Beautification
County Public Employment
Relations Board
22 January 26, 1970
Supreme Court
County Court
Family Court
Surrogate Court
District Attorney
County Attorney
Court Library
Grand Jury
Commissioner and Jury Board
Justices and Constables
Legal Defense of Indigents
Sheriff's Department
Traffic Safety
Jail and Other Correction Agencies
Civil Defense
Fire Protection
County Clerk and Motor Vehicle
County Sealer of Weights and Measures
Multiple Residence Review Board
Health Senior Citizens
Mental Health Veterans
Hospital Planned Parenthood
Social Services Animal Health
Coroner Recreation
At this time various committee chairmen gave the following reports:
Mr. Culligan, Social and Health Services, noted his committee had
met and he has delegated responsibilities to members of his committee
as follows:
Louis Webster, Frederick Stutz — Social Services Department
Gary Lee, Harry Kerr — Hospital
Arthur Golder, Jr. — Mental Health Department
Marion Schickel — Health Department
Also, he asked County Attorney Williamson about the appointment of
Paul Tavelli as Deputy County Attorney. Attorney Williamson said the
position is a civil service position but as yet Mr. Tavelli has not taken
the exam, which is in the process of being scheduled. The reason for
January 26, 1970 23
appointing him before is because his duties as Social Services Attorney
require him to appear in Family Court and to do this he must be a
deputy county attorney. Mr. Hurlbut, Personnel Director, stated that
there is now a possibility of the position being non-competitive but if it
stays in Civil Service the committee will be notified of the date the
exam is scheduled.
At this time Mr. Stutz spoke on the Food Surplus Distribution
Problem. He said the department will try a second distribution center,
probably in Dryden or Groton. They have urged the Acting Commis-
sioner of Social Services to use volunteer help. The Department will
publicize what the Food Stamp Program is all about.
Mr. Holden set up a Planning and Public Works Committee meeting
for 7:30 p.m. Monday, February 2 at the Highway Office. He also
mentioned that he had attended the Highway Superintendent's Con-
ference in Syracuse. He said the revisions in the Erwin Plan for town
highway improvements were scheduled to come before the state legisla-
ture for approval. Among the changes are an increase in the maximum
reimbursable amount towns can charge for road improvement from
$9,000 to $18,000 and the availability of up to $4500 for road topping.
There is presently no reimbursement for blacktopping roads. Require-
ments in road building are changed from 16 feet to 18 feet for the
width of a road with bridges required to be 24 feet wide. There is no
reimbursement for bridges. If the revised bill is passed, it will take effect
April, 1972.
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, noted that the committee had
met together with John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Admin-
istration; and Thomas Payne, Director of Assessment to organize and
iron out some of the problems. The next meeting will be tomorrow
At this time, Chairman Dates appointed representatives to the Local
Assessment Review Board:
Marion Schickel — Village of Dryden, Village of Freeville
Claude Holden — Town of Groton, Village of Groton
Robert Bruce — Village of Cayuga Heights
Arthur Golder, Jr. — Village of Trumansburg, Town of Ulysses
Edward Abbott — City of Ithaca
Erie J. Miller, Jr. — Towns of Caroline -Danby
Gary Lee — Town of Dryden
Harry Kerr — Towns of Enfield, Newfield
Hugh MacNeil — Town of Ithaca
Harris Dates - Town of Lansing
24 January 26, 1970
Mr. Leary stated the Assessment Department, Personnel Department
and the Veterans' Service Agency are all moved to the Ithaca College
Complex and the Jury Commissioner's Office is now in the old Veterans'
Agency Office. The plans are being prepared for the remaining depart-
ments that will move. Also, he noted the new heating plant is almost
completed and it has sufficient capacity to take care of the College
Complex sometime in the future.
Mr. Marcham delegated responsibilities in his Intergovernmental
Relations Committee as follows:
Frederick Stutz — Tompkins -Cortland Community College and Tomp-
kins County Library
Erie J. Miller, Jr. — Extension Service
John Marcham — Economic Opportunity Corporation, Human Rights
and Intergovernmental Cooperation
As a committee, the Election Board and Legislation.
Meetings of the Committee will be at 12:00 the second and fourth
Thursdays at Stone Hall, Cornell University. He also recommended all
department heads express their opinions to him on resolutions which
might affect them and told the board that all proposed legislation would
go through his committee prior to its appearance on the floor during a
meeting. He also mentioned a proposal to us from the Human Rights
Personnel Committee for a solution to the problem of getting a part-
time director. They have two candidates who agreed to do the job
for no pay with the understanding that the money would be used to hire
staff to cover the telephone. There will be a meeting at 4:00 Thursday
regarding this. He also said there is a vacancy on the Human Rights
Commission and also a County Representative vacancy on the E. O. C.
Mr. Graves mentioned that he was very impressed with the remodeling
done on the third floor of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College
Building in Groton which provides nine classrooms at a cost of $3,000.
He said other educational groups should use President Bahar's College
as an example.
At this time Mr. Graves, on behalf of the Local Alsac, presented
Chairman Dates with the Medal of St. Jude for services rendered beyond
the call of duty.
MOVED. by Mr. Leary, seconded by Mr. Marcham, That resolutions
pertaining to Request for Legislature — State Reapportionment of Con-
gressional Districts; Change of Title — Library, Authorization to fill posi-
tion of Librarian, Authorization to pay Employee Educational Courses,
not on- the agenda, be considered at this time. Carried.
January 26, 1970 25
RESOLUTION NO. 26—Authorization to Execute Contract with
Tioga County
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Tioga County has requested that the County of Tompkins
through its Commissioner of Health renew the contract for services of the
Tompkins County Health Department in reviewing applications for physical-
ly handicapped in Tioga County at a fee of $5.00 per application, now there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Commit-
tee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and hereby is au-
thorized to execute a contract with the County of Tioga providing the services
of the Tompkins County Health Commissioner in reviewing physically
handicapped applications in Tioga County, and be it
RESOLVED, further, That the contract shall not be effective until executed
by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Tioga County after adoption
of an appropriate resolution approving said contract by said board,
RESOLVED, further, That said contract shall be effective for a one-year
period to expire December 31, 1970.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 27 — Audit of Hospital Accounts
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 128 of the General Municipal Law, That
the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to pay all bills, accounts, salaries and wages which
are approved by the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Hospital
within the amounts appropriated therefor and transmit to the Clerk of the
Board of Representatives monthly an itemized statement thereof,
RESOLVED, further, pursuant to Subdivision 8 of Section 128 of the
General Municipal Law, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be authorized and directed to pay in advance of audit, bills upon which a
discount may be obtained by prompt payment, provided the Board of
Managers shall so request by resolution and shall furnish the Commissioner
from time to time with a list of persons or corporations to whom it applies,
RESOLVED, further, That any such bill or account may be audited, allowed
and paid without verification, if accompanied with a certificate made by
the person presenting such account to be verified by affidavit.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 28 — Change of Title—Library
Mr. Abbott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, the Com-
missioner of Personnel, the Library Director and the Library Board of
Trustees, That the position of Senior Account Clerk Stenographer at the
library be changed to Senior Account Clerk, effective immediately.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 29 — Authorization to Fill Position of Librarian —
Mr. Abbott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
26 January 26, 1970
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, the Com-
missioner of Personnel, the Library Director and the Library Board of
Trustees, That the positions of Senior Librarian I at the Tompkins County
Library be filled with qualified Senior Librarian I people, or if these people
are not .available then permission is granted to hire employees as Junior
Librarians and after two years of service they would then become Senior
Librarian I, effective immediately.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 30 — Creation of Position—Hospital
Mr. Abbott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, the Com-
missioner of Personnel, the Hospital Administrator and the Board of
Managers, That the position of Operating Room Manager be created in the
competitive class, labor grade 12, effective immediately.
Seconded by Mr. Marcham. Discussion followed and it was MOVED by
Mr. Stutz, seconded by Mr. Miller, That this resolution be turned back to
committee. Mr. Culligan stated the old Health Committee has studied
this since last October and suggested it either be accepted or rejected.
Mr. Stutz withdrew his Motion and Mr. Miller withdrew his second.
After further discussion, it was MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by
Mr. Leary, That the resolution be TABLED. A roll call vote resulted as
follows: Ayes — 9. Noes — 7. Motion to Table. CARRIED.
RESOLUTION NO. 31 —Request for Legislation — State Reapportion-
ment of Congressional Districts
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Tompkins County is and has been a single political and
governmental entity for more than 150 years, and
WHEREAS, the continued treatment of the county as a single unit in state
and national elections will tend to encourage the fullest participation and
representation of the citizens of Tompkins County in civic and political life,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Committee on Intergovernmental
Relations, That this Board of Representatives of Tompkins County records
its opposition to the proposal of a Joint Legislative Committee of the New
York State Legislature to separate the Towns of Enfield and Ulysses from
this county for purposes of elections of a member of Congress,
RESOLVED, further, That this Board urges the Legislature to review its
reapportionment bill in order to keep Tompkins County whole for purposes
of all state and national elections both present and future.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 32 — Opposition to New York State Budget
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of New York has just submitted to
the Legislature a devastating record budget for the fiscal year 1970-71 in the
amount of $7.25 billion, and
WHEREAS, in spite of the fact that the budget exceeds the present one
January 26, 1970 27
by $982 million, there are no calls by the Governor for any new taxes or
hikes in the present taxes to balance said budget and yet it is balanced on
paper, and
WHEREAS, in order to do so, it is imperative that money come from
somplace to match said additional expenditures to balance said budget, and
WHEREAS, in order to accomplish this so-called miracle, the Governor in
fact has suggested that the state borrow extensively and defer payment of
said loans to next year and the following years, and
WHEREAS, while such a practice might benefit certain office seekers
in this election year, it also does indeed deceive the taxpayers in that in the
years following they must of necessity be hit with devastating tax hikes for
these loans must be paid, and
WHEREAS, election or no, such a practice should not be foisted on the
public by our representatives in high public office nor tolerated by the tax-
payers, and
WHEREAS, the time is past due for all governments to start saying
"no" to all the pressure groups who constantly have their hands out, and
WHEREAS, our state government headed by the Governor should be setting
the correct example for all local municipalities to hold the line before we all
become bankrupt,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County
Board of Representatives urge Governor Rockefeller to withdraw his budget
and submit a realistic one responsive only to the critical public needs and
one which will align with efforts being made by the president to counteract
inflationary action within the national government, and be it
RESOLVED, further, That in the absence of such action by the Governor,
that our representatives in the State Senate and Assembly assume the leader-
ship in rejecting said budget and submitting a reasonable and responsive
budget which the taxpayers can afford, and be it
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk send copies of said resolution to
Governor Rockefeller, Assemblywoman Constance Cook and Senator William
Seconded by Mr. Miller. Discussion followed and a roll call vote was
taken which resulted as follows: Ayes — 6. Noes — 10. RESOLUTION
RESOLUTION NO. 33 — Amendment to Resolution No. 15—Dog
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board duly adopted resolution No. 15 on January 12,
1970, pursuant to Section 115a of the New York State Agriculture and
Markets Law, requesting that the Department of Agriculture and Markets
and the Commissioner of said department issue an order for a twenty-four
hour dog quarantine in the County of Tompkins for the period commencing
February 1, 1970 to April 15, 1970, and
WHEREAS, this Board believes that said quarantine is unnecessary within
the limits of the City of Ithaca, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction
Committee, That said resolution be amended to request said quarantine for
that portion of the County of Tompkins lying outside the boundaries of the
City of Ithaca for the period February 1, 1970 to April 15, 1970,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the Department of Agriculture and Markets, State
Campus Building, Albany, New York, 12225 and to Ben O. Bradley,
Regional Wildlife Manager, P.O. Box 1169, Cortland, N.Y. 13045.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
28 January 26, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 34—Authorizing Payments for Community
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore and by resolution approved the
1969-70 operating and capital budgets for the Tompkins -Cortland Community
College and appropriated the necessary funds to pay the Tompkins County pro-
portionate share of the operating and capital budgets of said college, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be
and he hereby is authorized and directed pursuant to the provisions of the
Education Law of the State of New York and within the authorization pro-
vided by this Board, to pay the duly bonded Treasurer of the Tompkins -
Cortland Community College, the Tompkins County proportionate share of
the operating budget of said college for the fiscal year 1969-70 on the
following dates in the following amounts:
January 1, 1970 $ 58,564.00
March 1, 1970 58,564.00
May 1, 1970 58,564.00
July 1, 1970 58,564.00
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay within the appropriations of
this board to himself as custodian, the Tompkins County proportionate share
of the approved capital budget of said college for the fiscal year 1969-70 on
the following dates in the following amounts:
January 1, 1970 $ 38,106.25
March 1, 1970 38,106.25
May 1, 1970 38,106.25
July 1, 1970 38,106.25
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is
directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the President and
Treasurer of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College, the Clerk of the
Board of Supervisors of Cortland County and the Cortland County
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 35—Authorization to Pay Expenses of Employees
Taking Educational Courses
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Section 77 (b) of the General Municipal Law authorizes a
county to pay expenses for employees attending a school, the attendance of
which is for the betterment of the county government, and
WHEREAS, there has been appropriated in the 1970 County Budget the
sum of $3000 which has been matched by an annual amount by the Trustees
of the Tompkins County Hospital, and
WHEREAS, said monies are to be used for the payment of educational
expenses on behalf of employees attending courses for the benefit of the
County, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Board of Managers, the Health
Committee and the Hospital Administrator, That the Hospital Administrator
be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay the expenses incurred by
February 9, 1970 29
individuals attending institutions of higher learning and taking courses for
the betterment of the county up to the limit of the monies appropriated in
the budget.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Discussion followed and a roll call resulted as
follows: Ayes — 12. Noes — 4. Absent — 0. Carried.
Mr. MacNeil suggested that the names and addresses of the public
that attended our first night meeting be taken. A list is on file in the
Clerks' Office.
Mr. Webster noted that a request has been received from the Nar-
cotics Guidance Council requesting the Board recognize it as Tompkins
County Narcotics Guidance Council. He suggested this be referred to the
Social Services and Health Committee for consideration. Chairman
Dates referred this to the committee.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
Monday, February 9, 1970 -10:00 a.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Abbott, Bruce, Culligan, Dates, Graves,
Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz
and Webster — 15.
ABSENT: Representative Golder — 1.
At this time members and guests participated in the Pledge of Alle-
giance to the Flag.
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to various committees for action:
Tompkins County Public Library Board of Trustees minutes of Janu-
ary 19, 1970; Tompkins County Hospital Board of Managers minutes of
December 15 and December 22, 1969; Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee meeting minutes of January 29, 1970; Annual Report of Sealer
30 February 9, 1970
of Weights and Measures; County of Orleans re -sharing of federal rev-
enues with states and local governments; Notice of tentative special fran-
chise assessments for 1970 for the City of Ithaca, Villages of Dryden,
Freeville, Groton, Cayuga Heights, and Trumansburg; copy of letter to
Claude Holden from Office of Planning Coordination re Transportation
Resource Study Phase I; Municipal Affairs Review for January; and
Pistol Permits for January in the amount of $67.00.
Letter from Conrad T. Tunney, Executive Director of Finger Lakes
Association requesting literature for travel show in Pennsylvania.
Letter from Michael S. Hall concerning fixed -base operator at Tomp-
kins County Airport.
Letters from Hunna John, Mayor of the City of Ithaca, Charles G.
McCord, Supervisor of the Town of Dryden, and Charles Howell, Super-
visor of the Town of Lansing, with recommendations to the County
Sewer Agency.
Letter from John Mulroy, County Executive of Onondaga County en-
closing a breakdown of the distribution of sales tax for County of Onon-
Booklet on Cost Control in Hospital Design and Construction from
Tompkins County Hospital.
Letter from Governor's Office concerning food stamp program.
Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Dorothy L. Saperstone spoke regard-
ing the Retarded Children's Program. The program provides a training
program and workshops which motivate the retarded to do better. She
stated their present quarters are crowded and there is a lack of space.
They must find a new facility which will accommodate the program and
be approved by D.V.R., the division of vocational rehabilitation which
is under the State Education Dept. They are holding priority for fund-
ing A.R.C. and to obtain this funding A.R.C. must first get new loca-
tion. They have requested extra money from the County to meet the
requirements of the program.
Also under privilege of the floor, Mr. Sacko spoke on this same problem
and feels something should be done for the retarded people in the com-
munity and stressed a building is very badly needed. Chairman Dates
referred this matter to the Social Services and Health Committee.
Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Florence Rumph stated she was
interviewed as a candidate for the position of Human Rights Director
which was to be a paid position. She questioned why this was changed
after she was interviewed. Mr. 'Wareham stated that the two people
February 9, 1970 31
selected volunteered to work without pay if the money was used to pay
for telephone coverage.
Also under privilege of the floor, Mr. Stutz expressed his appreciation
to veteran members of the Board for their advice and help to him in
learning about county government.
Mr. Lee stated he had a letter from the Town Board indicating their
deep concern about the refuse problem and stated they would like to be
advised on a month to month basis of the progress toward the solution as
our projection as currently outlined indicate the Town of Dryden dump
cannot sustain the rate of input for more than another six months. The
letter is on file with the Clerk.
The Chairman declared a recess at 10:34 a.m.; business resumed at
11:10 a.m.
Various committee chairmen reported as follows:
Mr. Culligan, Social and Health Services, said the committee had met
and listened to problems in many areas. A group of doctors met with
committee and are concerned about the unit fee allowed on medicaid
problems. The State allowed $5.00 one time, cut it to $4.00 then a new
ruling came in that 20% has to be billed to patient and they would like
the county to pick up the difference in money. This matter was referred
to Mr. Webster and Mr. Stutz.
He also noted that the ARC could lease the Gilbert Funeral Home.
The building remains on the tax rolls and the owner has consented to
make sanitary improvements. However, the DVR has been through the
building and will not approve it because there is not enough space.
Dr. Broad also met with the committee regarding the Sanitary Engineer
Contract with Cortland County. Cortland County is willing to share a
person with Tompkins County. Mr. Culligan was given permission to talk
with Cortland Officials regarding this contract.
Mr. Arnold and Mr. Murray from the Board of Managers of the Hos-
pital spoke to the Committee in relationship to the future of the hospital
and the possibility of hiring an architect for a study. At this time Mr.
Murray spoke to the Board regarding this subject. He said they are at a
point of going ahead and hiring an architect and get plans formulated
for a new hospital. He stated that a firm in N.Y.C. was recommended as
a consultant firm. However, other firms are going to be contacted to find
out the prices and decide what will be done. The purpose of hiring a
firm is to have their advice and experience from now until the contract is
let. He asked for authority to transfer money from their 'Enterprise Fund
into the Planning Fund, and said they are not asking for extra money.
32 February 9, 1970
Mr. Culligan also reported that the Narcotic Council is requesting the
Council be county -wide. This matter is under consideration and a de-
cision will be made.
He said a committee meeting will be held the 17th at 8:00 to review
applications for Social Services Commissioner.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works Committee, said the com-
mittee met and allowed Superintendent of Public Works to write specifi-
cations for a new car. Also, the Assessment Department, having moved
into the College Building, have problems with their machines and would
like to get an estimate for going through the building with electricity and
plumbing. Also, the Finger Lakes Association is $3,000 in the budget and
they are requesting more. However, the committee recommends leaving
it the same. Also mentioned was that the committee was unanimous in
having the Superintendent of Public Works work through Buildings and
Grounds Department and Les Tottey and Library, Don McCray, then
back to committee. The Airport will be the same set up through Glenn
Turner. This procedure will be on trial basis for a while. He mentioned
that bids for a truck and material spreader have been advertised for the
Airport. The next meeting will be held March 11 at 7:30.
Mr. Culligan mentioned the committee did approve the creation of
two Practical Nurses positions at the County Home. Money is not in the
budget. The nurses are needed very badly. This matter was referred to
the Personnel Committee.
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, noted his committee had met
and discussed recommending appointment of consultant to the Assess-
ment Department. The have authorized the Assessment Department to
continue with tax mapping with T. G. Miller, Engineer. Further assessing
procedures will be discussed at the next meeting.
Mr. Leary noted that he felt Mrs. Saperstone should go before the
Board of Public Works Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. and get some idea of who
is going in the city space at the naval building, as there is no firm com-
mittment with the ARC. Also, he said he will conduct a tour of the
County Buildings and offices tomorrow morning for anyone that wished
to go.
Mr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations, said the EOC Board has
several vacancies and the Committee would like to recommend the ap-
pointment of Erie J. Miller, Jr. to replace Paul Menzies. A letter has been
written to the City requesting an appointment to replace Bill Sullivan
on the Board. He also noted that the committee had discussed the reduc-
tion of salary of the Curator of the Historical Society. The Committee is
recommending an additional appropriation. He stated that before legis-
lative resolutions are put on the floor they will be copied and sent out
to the board members to give them a chance to look them over before
February 9, 1970 33
they vote. He said the Intergovernmental Relations committee is charged
with working with the city and other municipalities in intergovernmental
cooperation regarding the appointment of a City Cooperation Commit-
tee. The committee has been appointed and he said he would like to go
into the first meeting without an agenda to find out 'what is on every-
one's mind. He said he had met with Assemblywoman Cook to discuss
the best way to go over legislation. She suggested the same procedure as
usual. A meeting is being considered to meet with Assmblywoman Cook
and Senator Smith later next month.
MOVED by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Graves, That Resolutions per-
taining to Transfer of Funds — Social Services Department, Expunge-
ment of Taxes — Dryden — Community College and the Audit, not on the
agenda, be considered at this time.
RESOLUTION NO. 36 — Transfer of Funds -Social Services
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon request of the Acting Commissioner of Social Services
and recommendation of the Social and Health Services Committee, That the
Acting Commissioner of Social Services be and she hereby is authorized to
make the following transfer of funds: From Code 160-608 Medical
Assistance — $50,000 To Code 155-400 Purchase of Services $50,000,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the necessary transfers
on his books.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 37 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment —
Town of Dryden
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll on the Town of Dryden, namely, That Parcel 39-12, Tax
Map Number 37-1-9 assessed to Fay H. Stafford, has been public property
since November 26, 1969, and
WHEREAS, this board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll in the Town of Dryden, namely, That parcel 39-2, Tax
Map Number 37-1-8.2 assessed to Fay H. Stafford, has been public property
since November 26, 1969, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the assessment on Parcel 39-12, Tax Map 37-1-9 assessed to
Fay H. Stafford be expunged and the sum of $34.80 be charged back; $14.10
to the County of Tompkins and $20.70 to the Town of Dryden,
RESOLVED, further, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration
Committee, That the assessment on Parcel 39-2, Tax Map Number 37-1-8.2
assessed to Fay H. Stafford be expunged and the sum of $309.10 be charged
back; $125.24 to the County of Tompkins and $183.86 to the Town of
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
34 February 9, 1970
of this resolution to Thomas G. Payne, Director, Assessment Department;
Robert J. Wells, Assessor and John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 38 — On Audit
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins charge-
able to the General Fund in the amount of $39,666.05; to the Airport Fund
in the amount of $2,069.50; to the Dog Fund in the amount of $90.00; to
the County Self -Insurance Fund in the amount of $3,152.88; and claims for
Personal Services in the amount of $4,173.65; Eucumbrance Bills in the
amount of $10,096.32; Printing Bills in the amount of $1,498.00 and Highway
Bills in the amount of $123,082.20; be and hereby are audited by this Board
at the above amounts approved by the various committees, and be it
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board file a certified list of claims so
audited with the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and that he
hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the
various funds appropriated therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Ayes — 15. Noes — 0. Absent 1. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 39 — Authorization to Pay Overtime — Assessment
Mr. Abbott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, the Budget
and Administration Committee, the Commissioner of Personnel and the
Commissioner of Budget and Administration, That Helen Frazier be paid
for 59 hours of overtime accrued from December 6, 1969 through January 8,
1970, at her hourly rate for a total of $171.91 and that Anna Moses be paid
for 120 hours of overtime accrued from December 6, 1969 through January
9, 1970, at her regular hourly rate for a total of $352.65.
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said payments to said employees,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
ofthis resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and to the Commissioner
of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 40 — Creation of Position —Assessment
Mr. Abbott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, the Budget
and Administration Committee, the Commissioner of Personnel and the Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration, That the position of Assistant to the
Director (Assessment)—City Tax Roll—be created effective January 1, 1970,
at an annual salary of $12,000, for the period of January 1, 1970 through
March 31, 1970,
February 9, 1970 35
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and the Commissioner of
Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 41— Appointment of Directors — Human Rights
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Rights Commission and
Intergovernmental Relations Committee, That M. Barry Herbert, Sr. and
Richard Rubin be appointed Co -Directors of the Human Rights Commission.
RESOLVED, further, That these positions and the performance of the in-
cumbents shall be reviewed after six months and a decision made by Human
Rights Commission, approved the Board of Representatives, regarding con-
tinuance or change in these positions.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. A lengthy discussion followed and it was
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Leary, That this resolution be
TABLED until the next meeting. Carried with Mr. Marcham voting no.
MOVED by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Kerr, That Resolution No.
30 — Creation of Position — Hospital, be lifted from the Table. Carried.
MOVED by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Stutz, that Resolution No.
30 be accepted. Discussion followed and the resolution was Carried with
Mr. Abbott voting no.
At this time, Mr. Erie J. Miller, Jr. was appointed to replace Paul
Menzies on the Economic Opportunity Board, said term expiring June
30, 1970.
At this time, Ira Reed was appointed to replace John Chury as, Sports-
men's Representative on the Wildlife Management Board, for a two-
year term expiring December 31, 1971.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
March 9, 1970 47
Monday, March 9, 1970
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham,
Miller, Stutz, Webster, Bruce, Culligan, Golder, Graves, Holden and
Dates — 14.
ABSENT: Representative Schickel (Arrived 10:24) — 1.
EXCUSED: Representative Abbott (ill) — 1.
At this time members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegi-
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received and/
or referred to the proper committee for action:
Minutes of the Social and Health Services Committee for February 20;
Planning and Public Works Committee for February 17; Personnel Com-
mittee for February 25; Hospital Board of Managers for January 19;
Tompkins -Cortland Community College for February 19; and Library
Board of Trustees for February 16, 1970.
Letter from Finger Lakes Library System thanking the County for
$4500 appropriation for bookmobile service.
Proposals of space needs from the County Clerk, Probation Depart-
ment and Judge Kenneth C. Johnson.
Reports of boiler inspections at the Jail, Court House, Highway Gar-
age, Airport Terminal Building and County Home and Farm.
Agreement between Livingston County and the County Civil Service
Employees Association, Deputy Sheriff's Association and the New York
State Nurses Association.
Woodstock Township Taxpayers Association demanding relief of the
doubly -taxed homeowners.
Letter to Chairman Dates from Representative Frederick Stutz hoping
we can move toward County Authority re: Water and Sewer.
48 March 9, 1970
Agreements between Chautauqua County and Tioga County with their
respective Civil Service Employees Associations.
Letter from Doris Levy thanking Chairman Harris Dates for opening
the Natural Disaster Conference welcoming everyone to Tompkins
Legislative Resolutions received from Columbia County and copies
of four resolutions adopted at the recent 20th Annual Winter Confer-
ence of Supervisors' and County Legislators' Association with requests
for your consideration and possible similar action.
Pistol Permits for the month of February totalled $83.00.
Invitation to the graduation exercises of the Forty First Class of the
School of Practical Nursing sponsored by Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga Board
of Cooperative Educational Services to be held in the auditorium of the
Tompkins County Hospital at three o'clock Thursday, March 12.
There will be a three-day workshop on "GRIEVANCE ARBITRA-
1970 — 9:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Minutes of the Cayuga Lake Basin Board of December 17, 1969 and
January 21, 1970.
Notice of Tentative Equalization Rates for the Town of Caroline, 99;
Danby, 85; Dryden, 83; Enfield, 97; Groton, 96; Ithaca, 84; Lansing, 82;
Ulysses, 87.
The Board of Trustees of Tompkins -Cortland Community College is
pleased to announce the Inauguration of Hushang Bahar as First Presi-
dent of the College, Saturday, May 2, 1970.
FAA announcing an audit of FAAP Project No. C605, on March 16,
Continuity of Government for Tompkins County prepared by Civil
OPC sent State Clearinghouse Procedures Under U.S. Bureau of the
Budget Circular A-95.
Annual Report of the Social Services Department and Civil Defense
Proceedings on motion of the State of New York Public Service Com-
March 9, 1970 49
mission relative to the proposed crossing of an access road to be con-
structed by the State Department of Conservation and the tracks of the
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company in the Town of Lansing.
Resolution from the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Lansing Fire
Department opposing the burning of trees at the Airport for clearing
Letter from Cushing H. Murray, President, Hospital Board of Man-
agers requesting authority to proceed with further planning and a dis-
cussion of various methods of financing with the proper authorities.
Resolution from the Town Board of Lansing stating that in the event
a new hospital is constructed in Tompkins County, said hospital should
be so located that it would be equally accessible to all persons in Tomp-
kins County and they also requested the status report on the proposed
hospital building.
At this time, Mr. Graves mentioned that Representative Edward
Abbott is progressing very well and is now able to have visitors at the
Chairman Dates declared a recess at 10:25; business resumed at 10:30.
Various Committee Chairmen reported as follows:
Mr. Culligan, Social and Health Services, said the committee had met
with the Mental Health Board and the Association for Retarded Chil-
dren. They discussed the Mental Health Day Care Center for mentally
retarded people in the community and the Association for Retarded
Children and the possibility of their going together into one center.
He also mentioned the committee had received a resolution from the
Hospital Board of Managers requesting the Board of Representatives to
authorize them to proceed with planning for expanded facilities to meet
the health care needs of citizens in Tompkins County. He reported that
they also discussed the nursing program and Mr. Stutz will report on
that later. He said the program is very beneficial to the hospital.
Mr. Stutz, a member of the Social Sc Health Services Committee, spoke
regarding the Practical Nursing Program. BOCES has indicated they
would have to drop the program and the possibility of having the Com-
munity College take over the program has been discussed. President
Bahar is going to Albany to try to get State Approval of the program and
he would like the support of both Tompkins and Cortland Counties in
the form of a resolution. He also reported that candidates are being inter-
viewed for the position of Commissioner of Social Services.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, reported that the committee
50 March 9, 1970
had met and authorized the Planning Director to contract with a con-
sultant to find out the feasibility of the restoration of the Old Court
House. There will be a resolution later in the meeting. They also au-
thorized him to obtain an option for $100 for land for landfill opera-
tion on the Pleasant Valley Road in Groton. He also reported that the
committee discussed the office space plans in the Court House and the
majority at that time approved Alternate 3. After comments following
Mr. Liguori's presentation at the Board meeting March 2, the Planning
Department did more work on this and came up with Alternate 3A.
There will be another presentation of the plans for the Bar Association
and interested department heads later this week. Regarding the Regional
County Water Agency, they came up with a recommendation and there
will be a resolution at the next meeting regarding this.
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, set up a meeting for March 12
at 7:15 p.m. At this meeting they will discuss policies and procedures on
assessing. He mentioned the Grievance Days in the villages went quite
well. He also reported they will continue to pursue filling personnel
vacancies in the Assessment Department. He stated that the position of
Historic Site Caretaker had been investigated and the Commissioner
of Budget and Administration recommended that the money not be ap-
propriated as there is enough money in the budget.
Mr. Webster, Social and Health Services, reported that the committee
has agreed on the formation of a drug council. There will be a resolu-
tion presented later.
Mr. Leary, Public Safety and Correction, stated the committee met
and discussed the request from the County Clerk's Office to deputize
employees. It is the opinion of the committee to recommend this be
done and there will be a resolution later. The committee also considered
the request of the Sheriff to apply for funds for new communication
equipment, education equipment and additional crowd control equip-
ment. There will be a resolution on this later.
Sheriff Howard spoke relative to the request and said there is money
available in matching funds that we could apply for. The total request
is $27,000 of which the County would pay $9,873.41. He said the present
communication system was put in approximately 35 years ago and they
only have two telephone lines. A new system will be needed in their
offices at the complex, too. He feels the additional crowd control equip-
ment is needed to better protect the public and the deputies.
Mr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations, reported the City Coop-
eration Committee had met and discussed many areas of concern and
set some priorities. He also mentioned his committee and other board
members had met with Assemblywoman Cook and Senator Smith and
discussed various bills referred to them from this board. It was decided
March 9, 1970 51
to discontinue having resolutions approving and opposing legislation as
there are approximately 150 bills on one subject. Therefore, unless we
give a detailed explanation, our action is meaningless. They decided to
get together with our legislators at least once a year. Regarding the in-
vestigation of the Historic Site Caretaker position, Mr. Marcham said
the Intergovernmental Relations Committee recommends an appropria-
tion for additional funds for this position. However, this matter was
given to the Budget and Administration Committee for investigation
and that committee recommends that an appropriation not be made be-
cause there is enough money in the budget. Mr. Marcham also stated
that the committee plans to review the whole relationship of the his-
torical contents of the museum by the middle of the year. There is about
$100,000 worth of belongings there. He reported that the co -directors
of the Human Rights Commission are at work and suggested the board
members make it a point to meet them.
Mr. Marcham noted there was a vacancy on the EOC Board appoint-
ed by the County and he has recommended the name of David Stokes
but would like other recommendations also.
Mr. Miller mentioned the Town Supervisors met regarding mutual
problems and are organizing as a body to communicate between the
Board of Representatives and the Towns. They are concerned with the
sales tax situation as it is now even though it has been in progress only
eight days. They are also concerned about the way sales tax revenues
are distributed between the towns. He said if anyone is interested in
changing the method of distribution, Senator Smith suggested the Board
of Representatives pass a resolution on the county level making a request
for a change and send it to Albany. They are also concerned about the
county waste problem. The group would like to receive the Agenda's
and minutes of the Board so that they may keep better aware of what
is being done in the County.
Mr. MacNeil stated the Personnel Committee met and discussed items
mostly related to the hospital, Social Services and Mental Health and
acted on all of these matters and there will be a resolution later in the
Mr. Dates noted there will be an Executive Committee meeting at
5:00 p.m. tomorrow.
At this time, Frank Liguori, Planning Director, noted they now have
a complete set of floor plans on all the alternate proposals including
the Court House and Building A of the complex. There were some
problems expressed with Alternate 3 at the last meeting, which is the
proposal which has the concept of putting the Court functions on the
main floor and the County Clerk functions on the ground floor. There-
fore, another alternate 3A has been worked out and he explained it to
the board.
52 March 9, 1970
MOVED by Mr. Leary, seconded by Mr. Lee, That resolutions not on
the Agenda be considered at this time. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 54 — Hospital
Mr. Kerr offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, our Hospital Board of Managers has determined thru care-
ful study that in order to provide adequate care for the people of Tompkins
County additional hospital facilities are needed, and
WHEREAS, said Hospital Board has requested authorization to initiate
preliminary planning towards the above-mentioned additional hospital facili-
ties, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives com-
mend the Hospital Board of Managers for their diligence and dedication
to their assigned tasks and hereby approve the initiation of effort which will
lead to the development of plans for the needed additional hospital facilities
for Tompkins County.
Seconded by Mr. Lee. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 55 — Authorization to Pay Overtime — Social
Services Department
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, Social and
Health Services Committee and the Commissioner of Personnel, That Gwyn-
dolen Vail be paid a total of 35 hours overtime accrued during 1969 at her
regular hourly rate of $4.05 for a total of $141.75,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said payment to said employee,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and to the Commissioner
of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 56 — Authorization for Full -Time Typist — Social
Services Department
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, Social and
Health Services Committee and the Commissioner of Personnel, . That the
position of part-time typist, Day Care, Social Services Department, be
changed from part-time position to full-time typist position, Day Care, Social
Services Department,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Margaret S. Hughes, Acting Commissioner of Social
Services; Hugh Hurlbut, Commissioner of Personnel and John J. Murphy,
Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
March 9, 1970 53
RESOLUTION NO. 57 - Creation of Position — Mental Health
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of ;he Personnel Committee, Social and
Health Services Committee and the Commissioner of Personnel, That the
position of Account Clerk Typist—Mental Health Department be abolished
and that the position of Account Clerk Stenographer, competitive class,
labor grade VI be created, effective immediately.
Seconded by Mr Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 58 — Creation of Positions — Social Services
Department — Appropriation from
Contingent Fund
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, Social and
Health Services Committee and the Commissioner of Personnel, That two,
new, Licensed Practical Nurse positions be created in the noncompetitive
class, labor grade VI, in the Public Home — Social Services Department.
RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $9,625 be appropriated from the
Contingent Fund (Code 290-650A) to Public Home — Personal Services
(Code A151-100) to cover the salaries for these two positions for the re-
mainder of 1970.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Margaret S. Hughes, Acting Commissioner of Social
Services; Hugh Hurlbut, Commissioner of Personnel and John J. Murphy,
Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — 15.
Noes — 0. Absent — 1. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 59 — Appropriation from Surplus to Hospital
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Budget and Ad-
ministration, That the sum of $100,000 be appropriated from Enterprise Fund
Surplus to Hospital Construction (Code 290-560),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books.
Seconded by Mr. Webster. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes —
15. Noes — 0. Absent — 1. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 60 — Establishing an Identification for Buildings
in the County Building Complex in the Court
House Area
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning Director and the Plan-
ning and Public Works Committee, That in order to promote efficiency
54 March 9, 1970
and provide for order, the buildings in the Court House area, including those
purchased from Ithaca College, be henceforth designated as follows:
Present Designation
Tompkins County Court House
Old Court House
Tompkins County Jail
Ithaca College Buildings
Academic Building
Ticket Office
Library — TV
Seconded by Mr. Graves.
New Designation
Tompkins County Court House
Old Court House
Tompkins County Jail & Sheriff's Bldg.
County Offices
Building A
Building B
Building C
Building D
Building E
Authorization for the Commissioner of Public
Works to Engage the Services of a Mechanical
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, there is need for the services of a mechanical engineer to
evaluate the heating, lighting, electrical, plumbing, air conditioning, ventila-
ton, and other mechanical features of certain buildings owned by the County
of Tompkins, and in particular at this time, the Court House and other build-
ings in the Court House Complex, and
WHEREAS, there are advantages to the county to retain a mechanical
engineer on an annual retainer basis with the option of cancelling the an-
nual arrangement if advisable in the future, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby author-
ized and directed to engage the services of engineers Personius and Wads-
orth on an annual retainer basis prorated hourly, subject to a contract to
be submitted to and approved by the Planning and Public Works Committee.
RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $4500 be appropriated from the Con-
tingent Fund (Code 290-650) to A65 - Public Works Administration,
A65-100 - Salary, Engineer,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Public Works and to the Commis-
sioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — 15.
Noes — 0. Absent — 1. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 62 — Authorization. to Hire Consultant - County
Buildings and Appropriation from Contin-
gent Fund
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, there is considerable interest in the historic and architectural
value of the Old Court House and the Ithaca College Museum (Building D),
WHEREAS, meaningful decision on restoration cannot be made without
first determining the feasibility of restoration, and
WHEREAS, in order to determine the feasibility of restoration, it is neces-
sary that both buildings be examined and evaluated by a consultant with
training and experience in the art of restoration, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning Director and the
Planning and Public Works Committee, That a consultant be employed at
March 9, 1970 55
a cost not to exceed $1000 and that the sum of $1000 be appropriated from
the Contingent Fund (Code 290-650) to A192 - Historical Properties — A192-
400 - Fees for Services — Consultant for said purpose and the Planning
Director be and he hereby is authorized to engage a consultant to prepare
said feasibility report.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Planning Director and to the Commissioner of
Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — 15.
Noes — 0. Absent — 1. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 63 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment — Town
of Ithaca
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board is informed that an error was made in the 1968
and 1969 Assessment Rolls in the Town of Ithaca, namely, That Tax Map
Parcel No. 37-1-4 assessed to Mrs. Wallace Shulenburg in the amount of
$2,850 is owned by the State of New York and is exempt, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the assesment on Tax Map Parcel No. 37-1-4 assessed to Mrs.
Wallace Shulenburg in the amount of $2,850 be expunged,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Thomas G. Payne, Director, Assessment Department
and John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 64 — Creation of Position — Personnel Depart-
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee and the
Commissioner of Personnel, That the position of Typist, competitive class,
labor Grade IV in the Personnel Department be created, effective immedi-
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 65 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment — Town
of Dryden
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board is informed that an error was made in the 1969
Assessment Roll in the Town of Dryden, namely, That Tax Map Parcel No.
44-1-2.1 assessed to Samuel and May Campbell was erroneously assessed at
$22,570 whereas same should have been assessed at $22,280, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the assessment on Tax Map Parcel No. 44-1-2.1, assessed to
Samuel and May Campbell on the 1969 Assessment Roll in the Town of
56 March 9, 1970
Dryden, be reduced from $22,570 to $22,280 and the sum of $3.89 be refund-
ed to Samuel and May Campbell and charge $2.87 to the Town of Dryden
and $1.02 to the County of Tompkins,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Thomas G. Payne, Director, Assessment Department and
John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 66 — Request to County Clerk's Office
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the maintenance of tax maps and the preparation of assess-
ment rolls for the several tax districts of Tompkins County has been delegated
to the Director of Assessment under Article III, Section 3.04, Tompkins
County Charter and Code, and
WHEREAS, on March 31, 1970, the present practice of deeds being pre-
sented at the City of Ithaca Assessment Office will cease because of the
discontinuance of such office, and
WHEREAS, the practice of such presentation has proven to be of great
benefit in maintaining accurate and up-to-date records on behalf of the tax
paying public, and
WHEREAS, this Board of Representatives and the Director of Assessment
concur in the desirability of continuing such practice to insure accurate
records and to reduce costs of tax map maintenance, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That beginning on the 1st day of April, 1970, all convey-
ances recorded in the offices of the County Clerk of the County of Tomp-
kins shall be identified by tax map section, block and lot numbers, and in
addition, the mailing address to which the future tax notice shall be mailed
and a verification of the consideration for which the real property is con-
RESOLVED, further, That the County Clerk shall designate a person or
persons who, in addition to other assigned duties, shall receive all convey-
ances of title for recording, who shall have the responsibility of determining
that such conveyances contain such tax map numbers and future mailing ad-
dresses and shall solicit such information from the person or persons re-
cording such conveyances. Where such conveyance is recorded and the in-
strument is intended to convey a part of the lot or lots as shown on the
tax map, a note shall be made of such intention on the space provided
on the change order provided therefore,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Clerk shall cause a change order
form to be completed containing the following:
1. Name of village, city or town in which the property is located.
2. Book and page
3. Date of deed and recording date
4. Grantor
5. Grantee
6. Grantee mailing address (for next tax notice)
7. Total consideration $ , Tax stamps $ , Mortgage $
8. Attorney
9. Personal property
10. Other Information
11. Type of deed
Change orders so completed shall be delivered to the Supervisor, Tax
Map Section, Division of Assessment, on the day following the recording of
the conveyance, and it shall be the responsibility of the Assessment Division
to prepare the Real Property Transfer Report required by Section 574 of
the Real Property Tax Law,
March 9, 1970 57
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the County Clerk and to the Director, Assessment De-
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 67 —Authorization to Sheriff to Apply for Federal
Funds Under Safe Streets Act
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Tompkins County Sheriff, That
he is hereby authorized to apply for federal funds under the Safe Streets
Act with which to purchase communication equipment, education equipment
and crowd control equipment,
RESOLVED, further, That the County shall appropriate 25% of the total
cost of said crowd control equipment and 40% of the total cost of the com-
munication equipment and education equipment, the estimated total cost of
which will be $27,000,
RESOLVED, further, That Sheriff Robert Howard be and he hereby is
authorized to complete said application on behalf of the County.
Seconded by Mr. Holden.
MOVED by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Kerr, That this resolution
be Tabled because any appropriation over $5000 has to be advertised in
RESOLUTION NO. 68 —Authorization to Deputize Employees —
County Clerk's Office
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction
Committee, Personnel Committee, Commissioner of Personnel and the County
Clerk, That the County Clerk be and she hereby is authorized to appoint
employees in her office as deputies to act for and in her place in her ab-
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and to the County Clerk.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr.
MOVED by Mr. Culligan that this resolution be Tabled. Upon receiv-
ing no second, there was further discussion and it was moved by Mr.
Culligan, seconded by Mr. Golder, That the resolution be tabled.
RESOLUTION NO. 69 — Creation. of Positions — County Library
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee, the Personnel Committee and the Commissioner of Personnel, That
58 March 9, 1970
two additional full-time positions and one half-time position of Library Clerk,
competitive class, labor grade IV be created, effective January 1, 1970.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Discussion followed and a roll call resulted
as follows:
Ayes — Representatives Bruce, Culligan, Dates, Golder, Holden (I was
in on the budget and wasn't happy with the Library Budget) , Lee,
MacNeil, Marcham, Schickel, Stutz, Webster. — 11.
Noes — Representatives Graves, Kerr, Leary and Miller — 4. Absent —
1. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 70 — Appropriation from Contingent Fund —
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That the sum of $420 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund
(Code 290-650) Historic Site Caretaker (Code A59-100),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books and
that the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy of this resolution to
the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Discussion followed and it was MOVED by
Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Culligan, That this resolution be Tabled.
MOTION TO TABLE CARRIED with Mr. Marcham casting a dis-
senting vote.
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins
chargeable to the General Fund in the amount of $21,666.79; to the Airport
Fund in the amount of $1,345.05; to the Dog Fund in the amount of $177.64;
to the County Self -Insurance Fund in the amount of $69.44-; Highway Bills
in the amount of $190,653.73; Eucumbrance Bills in the amount of $582.00;
Printing Bills, $378.30, be and hereby are audited by this Board at the
above amounts approved by the various committees; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board file a certified list of claims so
audited with the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and that he
be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited
out of the various funds appropriated therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Ayes — 15. Noes — 0. Absent — 1. Carried.
Mr. Dates announced an Airport Committee Meeting will be held to-
morrow evening at 7:30 p.m.
On Motion, meeting adjourned.
36 February 23, 1970
Monday, February 23, 1970-7:30 p.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, Mac-
Neil, Marcham, Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Bruce, Culligan, Golder, and
and Dates — 14.
ABSENT: Representative Miller — 1.
EXCUSED: Representative Abbott (hospitalized) — 1.
ARRIVED: Representative Miller — 1.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
At this time the Clerk noted the following correspondence had been
received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee:
Minutes of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee for February
2, 9 and 12; Planning and Public Works Committee for February 2;
Human Rights Commission for February 11; Social and Health Services
for January 19, February 5, 17, 1970.
Reports of the N. Y. S. Assn. of Retarded Children, Inc. of January
28, 1970; Tompkins County Treasurer on dog monies for 1969; Annual
Reports of the Veterans' Service Agency; Sheriff's Department; County
Attorney and Highway Department.
Agreements received and executed between the County of Tompkins
and the Cooperative Extension Association; County of Tioga for physic-
ally handicapped children; Southworth Library Association of Dryden;
and the County of Onondaga for the boarding of prisoners.
Statement of Town Accounts for 1969 from the Towns of Caroline,
Enfield, Newfield, Groton and Ulysses.
State Aid applications for the Departments of Probation and Mental
Health have been completed.
February 23, 1970 37
Letters from Frederick Stutz and Arthur Golder, Jr. approving the
chairman's suggestions for meetings with department heads.
Letter from Constance Cook, Assemblywoman, acknowledging Reso-
lution No. 31 — Reapportionment of County.
Certified Resolution from Allegany County endorsing Bill No. 582 —
Petition from Tompco Better Housing, Inc. to Town of Ithaca for
extension of water and sewer.
Letter from' Richard Cummings, Director of Veterans' Service Agency,
regarding a flag donated to the Agency by the V.F.W.
Under privilege of the floor, Gary A. Lee, requested a committee be
formed consisting of the city representatives including the mayor and the
city attorney and all agencies that were involved in the water problems.
The group would determine the composition of a water authority, how
it could be financed and decide where the expertise of the staff would
come in. He said the time to move was now. Chairman Dates said he
would contact the Mayor to arrange a meeting. Mr. Holden said the
matter was already in the appropriate committee of the Board.
Various committee chairmen reported as follows:
Mrs. Schickel mentioned that Dr. Crispell had received a letter from
Department of Agriculture regarding possibility of Tompkins County
joining the South Central Resource Conservation and Development
Project. The letter is on file with the Clerk, and the matter was re-
ferred to the Planning and Public Works Committee.
Mr. Culligan, Social and Health Services, noted the Committee is
screening candidates for the position of Social Services Commissioner
and hope to have personal interviews and make a decision soon. He said
he had contacted Mrs. Fitzgerald, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
in Cortland County, regarding sharing of services of a Sanitary En-
gineer by both counties and he will be hearing from her soon. He re-
ported that he and Mr. Lee met with officials of the Community College,
BOCES, the Hospital, and Mr. Duncan, N.Y.S. Employment Bureau,
regarding the Practical Nursing School.
Mr. Culligan, Social and Health Services, noted the report of the
County Treasurer to the Board in connection with all monies received
and disbursed by him for the licensing of dogs and protection of domes-
tic animals indicated the following: Total disbursements for the 'year
1969 were $18,740.62; Surplus, $14,169.30 and 75% of the above sur-
plus amounting to $10,626.98 to be apportioned to cities and towns in
38 February 23, 1970
proportion to the contribution each made. A resolution including ap-
portionment will be presented later in the meeting.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, said that his committee had
met and approved a bid for the car for the Highway Department. There
will be a resolution later awarding the bid. He also mentioned there
would be a resolution later for a transfer of funds for the Highway
Department. He reported that Tompkins County will not be in the
Central District of the Regional Planning Board but will be in direct
contact with the Southern Tier. Concerning the water, met in Executive
Session and Mr. Liguori will be attending a meeting in Albany regard-
ing this next week. Regarding the study of office space needs, he stated
he would like to adjourn this meeting to Monday, March •2 at 10:00 a.m.
to hear a presentation by Mr. Liguori and would like department heads
invited. He also mentioned bids were opened on truck and material
spreader at the Airport and a resolution will be presented later in the
meeting awarding the bid. He said there wasn't anything being done
on clearing of grounds at the airport because they have to obtain a per-
mit to burn and they will wait until they hear from the Health Depart-
Mr. Stutz reported on the need of the County Home for additional
positions of Practical Nurses because of the crowded condition there and
people that need considerable nursing. There will be something at the
next meeting regarding this. Also, the County Medical Society and par-
ticularly those members that have a good deal of Medicaid Practice are
concerned about the fact that under Medicaid Legislation now and
coming up under state regulations their fees per unit have dropped once
and will drop again so they will be making a considerably lower figure
per unit on Medicaid office patients than before. They have asked the
Committee if there was anything they could do and have proposed three
steps. 1) that we strongly urge the state to redress this position and re-
store to doctors the original figure, 2) that we assist them in billing so
they do not have to put the lower fees on the bills. Their reasoning
being they don't want to publicly advertise that they make a lower
charge than their normal unit fee, 3) we might assist them by taking
from our funds monies needed to make up the difference between the
current charge they can make and their conventional office charge. The
Committee has considered these propositions but have not yet made a
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, stated Mr. Payne, Director of
Assessment, is considering the possibility of establishing a common county
taxable status date. Mr. Payne will report back to committee on the
feasibility of this. Also, recommended the consideration and implemen-
tation of a common building permit throughout county to try to assist
his department in the acquisition of new property under construction,
etc. Also, Mr. Payne will have Attorney Williamson draft a resolution
relevant to a required form in conveyances of property for tax purposes
February 23, 1970 39
to assure we have maximum information available for the Assessment
Department. He is also going to implement a standard complaint form
for Grievance Day. The Committee also authorized Director Payne to
certify and verify the rolls for Tompkins County, and also write a
memo to town, city, villages relevant to Special Districts. This is a ques-
tion of whether or not the county will administer these districts to put
up the rolls. It was agreed by the Committee that welevy the ad-
ministrative charge back to the municipalities .for providing the rolls
for purposes of raising the taxes to pay money in the budget for the
district. The Committee agreed to the following tentative schedule for
adopting our proposed assessing policies and procedures:
2/10/70 - 3/1/70 — Legal Refinement and approval by County At-
3/16/70 — Draft No. 1 of Policies and Procedures
4/16/70 — First Public Hearing
5/1/70 — Board of Representatives' approval by resolution
He also noted there have been requests made to him relevant to trying
to keep our committes directed toward policy making and not get in-
volved in the administrative details that have to be performed. He urged
committees, relative to administrative questions and budget questions, to
direct people to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Mr. Lee also reported that they have instituted an Interim Report on
Purchasing so all department heads purchasing equipment are utilizing
an interim form to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
The Committee also agreed that members of the Board may file monthly
expenses or, if preferred, to do so on an annual basis.
Mr. Lee, as a member of the Social Services and Health Committee,
said he and Mr. Kerr requested the Board of Managers to write a formal
letter to this board expressing their intent to move in the direction of a
new medical facility if that is what they decide to do and this Board
would go from there as to what the appropriate course of action should
At this time, Chairman Dates announced the appointment of Michael
J. Leary to serve as alternate to the City Assessment Review Board.
Mr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations, reported that all the
legislative resolutions were held over to give board members a chance to
see them before voting. He also mentioned the matter concerning the
Historical Society has been in both his committee and the Budget and
Administration Committee and will be brought up later. He stated his
committee is dealing with Community College regarding their budget.
After discussion, Chairman Dates requested Mr. Stutz and Mr. Lee set
up a special meeting to go over the budget. Mr. Marcham reminded the
40 February 23, 1970
Board of the luncheon meeting with Assemblywoman Cook and Senator
Smith. He noted the City has the name of John Blanchard in nomina-
tion as a replacement for William Sullivan on the EOC Board.
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Stutz, That resolution per-
tinent to Salary during illness — Clair Updike, not on the Agenda, be
considered at this time. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 42 — Award of Bids — Truck Chassis and Cab and
Material Spreader — Airport
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Planning and Public Works Committee has advertised for
bids for a truck chassis and cab and a material spreader for use at the
Tompkins County Airport in accordance with specifications filed in the Air-
port Manager's Office, and
WHEREAS, Cayuga Motors of Ithaca, New York is the lowest respon-
sible bidder meeting all specifications with a total bid of $7,050.00, for a
1970 Ford L-800 truck chassis and cab, and
WHEREAS, Seneca Supply & Equipment Company, Inc., of Ithaca, New
York, is the lowest responsible bidder, meeting all specifications with a total
bid of $2,94-5.00, for one new Fox Model 9SHA Spreader, as described on
the enclosed specifications, including 12" box extensions, dual cab controls,
front mounted commercial shearing PTO, pump, hydraulic tank, filter, in-
verted V -load bridge, catwalks with splash guards and complete mounting,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That the bid of Cayuga Motors of Ithaca, New York for a 1970
Ford L-800 truck and chassis and cab and the bid of Seneca Supply & Equip-
ment Company, Inc. of Ithaca, New York for a material spreader as de-
scribed in the specifications be and the same hereby are accepted and the
Airport Manager be and he hereby is authorized and directed to complete
the purchase of said truck chassis and cab and material spreader on behalf
of the County.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 43 — Apportionment of Dog Monies
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Budget and Administration has in his
hands surplus monies in the Dog Fund for apportionment, pursuant to Section
122 of the Agriculture and Markets Law, in the total amount of $10,626.98,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be and hereby
is authorized and directed to pay the several towns in the County and the
City of Ithaca, the amounts set forth below as apportioned and approved
by this Board.
Cities and Towns
February 23, 1970 41
Amount Contributed
Including Penalties
and Costs
Apportionment of
Seventy -Five per cent
of surplus
Caroline $ 1,352.00 $ 712.75
Danby 1,098.00 578.85
Dryden 4,200.00 2,214.23
Enfield 1,046.00 551.43
Groton 2,216.00 1,168.22
Ithaca 2,894.00 1,525.72
Lansing 2,347.00 1,237.30
Newfield 1,428.00 752.83
Ulysses 1,981.00 1,044.42
City of Ithaca 1,595.60 841.23
$20,157.60 $10,626.98
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 44 — Award of Bids — Tompkins County Highway
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has advertised for bids for
one Four -Door Sedan in accordance with specifications filed in his office,
WHEREAS, Erie J. Miller, Inc., of Ithaca, New York is the lowest re-
sponsible bidder meeting all specifications with a net bid of $2,338.00, allow-
ing for trade-in of one 1968 Plymouth Four -Door Sedan, and
WHEREAS, this item was not budgeted for in preparing the 1970 budget,
that the amount of $2,338.00 be transferred from the Machinery Fund to
Item #E-110-200, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That the said bid of Erie J. Miller, Inc. of Ithaca, New York, in the
amount of $2,338.00 be and the same hereby is accepted and the Commis-
sioner of Public Works is authorized and directed to complete said pur-
chase on behalf of the County, and be it
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is directed to make said transfer on his books, and
the Clerk of the Board of Representatives forward a certified copy of this
resolution to the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of
Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 45 — Transfer of Funds — Highway Department
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That the Commissioner of Public. Works be and he hereby is
authorized to make the following transfers:
42 February 23, 1970
From: County Road Fund
To: Item 100 Personnel $45,000
Item 300 Materials 15,000
Item 400 Rentals 65,000
From: County Road Fund
To: Item 100 Personnel $20,000
Item 400 Rentals 40,000
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be
and he hereby is directed to make said transfer on his books and the Clerk
of the Board of Representatives forward a certified copy of this resolution
to the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Budget
and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 46 — Salary Paid During Illness — Clair D. Updike
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Clair D. Updike, former Supervisor of the Town of Enfield
suffered a heart attack and was absent from work as a Supervisor from
the meetings of the Board of Supervisors of May 26, June 9, June 11, June
16 and June 23, 1969,
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins continued to make payment of his
Supervisor's pay for said period, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Board of Representatives is hereby
authorized to certify, for income tax purposes, that payment of wages was
made to Clair D. Updike while absent from work.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 47 — Transfer of Funds — Family Court
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com-
mittee, That the following transfer be made: From 22-300 — Supplies and
Materials To 22-200 — Equipment $333.00
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make said transfer on
his books.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 48 — Creation of Position — Co -Directors —
Human Rights
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Human Rights Commission and
the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, That the position of Director of
the Human Rights Commission be abolished and the position of Co -Director
of Human Rights be created in the non-competitive class, effective immedi-
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — Rep-
resentatives Bruce, Dates, Golder, Holden, Kerr, Marcham, Miller,
February 23, 1970 43
Schickel, Stutz and Webster — 10. Noes — Representatives Culligan (feel
one person should do this job) , Graves, Leary, Lee and MacNeil — 5.
Absent — 1. Carried.
MOVED by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr. Golder, That Resolution
No. 41 — Appointment of Directors — Human Rights, be lifted from the
Table. A roll call on the Motion resulted as follows: Representatives
Bruce, Culligan, Golder, Holden, Kerr, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller,
Schickel, Stutz, Webster and Dates — 13. Noes — Representatives Graves
and Leary — 2. Absent — 1. Motion Carried.
Mr. Graves at this time placed in nomination the name of Mrs. Flor-
ence Rumph and after a lengthy discussion Mr. Graves withdrew his
nomination and a roll call was taken on Res. No. 41 as follows: Ayes —
Representatives Bruce, Golder, Kerr, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz,
'Webster and Dates. — 9. Noes — Representatives Culligan, Graves,
Holden (would like to see someone in there not from Cornell) Leary,
Lee and MacNeil — 6. Absent — 1. Resolution No. 41 Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 49 — Opposition to Legislation
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives and its pre-
decessor Board of Supervisors has in the past recorded its opposition to fur-
ther pollution of Cayuga Lake and other lakes in New York State and con-
tinues to hold this position, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That this Board opposes any and all efforts to ease anti -pollution
laws or to delay the implementation of any such bills,
RESOLVED, further, That this Board records its complete opposition to
Senate Bill No. 6243-A which would further delay implementation of strong
boat sewage laws originally intended to take force in 1967.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Hon. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Governor; Assembly-
woman Constance Cook and Senator William T. Smith.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 50 —Approval of Proposed Legislation
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee, That this Board approves the following bills pending in the Legis-
3 — GRIFFIN Amends Sections 1250, 1252, Public Health Law, to increase
from $500 to $2,500, maximum penalty for water polution violation, and from
$100 to $500, additional penalty for each day during which violation con-
tinues, with fine for criminal liability to be not less than $500 nor more than
$2,500, instead of not less than $100 nor more than $500. Health Com.
44 February 23, 1970
4 — GRIFFIN Amends Sections 1286, 1288, adds Sections 1287-a, Public
Health Law, to increase from $1,000 to $2,500 maximum penalty for violation
of code or rule of air pollution control board and from $200 to $500, maxi-
mum additional penalty for each day during which violation continues, and
to fix new provisions making wilfull violation misdemeanor; prescribes
criminal liability. Health Com.
22 — BLOOM Amends Section 404, Real Property Tax Law, to provide that
property of state, used for other than public purpose and from which state
is receiving revenue, or portion thereof, shall not be exempt from taxation.
Taxation Com.
711 — BRONSTON Adds Section 126, Election Law, to make all provisions
hereof as to application for any voting by absentee ballot at general election,
apply with same force and effect to special election, and to include powers
and duties conferred upon public office or body. Judiciary Com.
821 — LAVERNE Amends Section 212, Military Law, to require that ex-
penses and compensation of troops used in civil disorders, shall be paid
by state, instead of by county or city. Defense Com.
999 — HUDSON Adds Section 54-c, State Finance Law, to provide that in
county, city or town in which total of exemptions granted upon real property
is 40% or more of total assessed valuation therein, amount of state aid
thereto in fiscal year shall be increased by 25% above amount of state aid
otherwise provided by law. Finance Com.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to Hon. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Governor; Senator
William T. Smith and Assemblywoman Constance Cook.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 51 —Approval of Proposed Legislation
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee and the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, That Assembly Bill
Introductory No. 582, offered by Assemblyman Clark C. Wemple, to amend
the State Constitution to prohibit the State Legislature from passing any bill
which imposes a program upon a local government mandating the expendi-
ture of money unless there is included in such legislation the necessary pro-
visions for reimbursement by the state to the local government for moneys
expended pursuant to such legislation, be and the same hereby is approved,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Hon. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Governor; Assemblywoman
Constance Cook and Senator Smith.
Seconded by Mr. Lee. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 52 — The Home Rule Request for Legislation
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Thomas Payne, Director of Assessment, has requested an
amendment to the Real Property Law of the State of New York relating to
the conveyances of real property affecting land in Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, said Legislation has been introduced in the Assembly and
Senate of the State of New York being Assembly Introductory No. 1789 and
Senate Introductory No. 6484, and
February 23, 1970 45
WHEREAS, said Legislation reads as follows:
"Section 1. Section three hundred thirty-three of the real property law is
hereby amended by adding a new section 1 g. to read as follows:
Section 1 g.
The recording officer of the County of Tompkins shall not record, or ac-
cept for record, any conveyance of real property affecting land in said county
unless the tax billing address and the tax map designation on the tax map of
the city or town in which the land affected by the conveyance lies shall be
contained in the body thereof, or shall be endorsed thereon to be recorded
therewith; provided, however, that the provisions of this subdivision shall
not operate to invalidate any conveyance of such real property on which
the tax billing add?ess and/or such tax map designation shall not have been
stated or which have been erroneously stated nor affect the record contrary
to the provisions of this subdivision, nor impair any title founded on such a
conveyance or record."
Section 2. This act shall take effect the 1st day of May, 1970.
RESOLVED, That this Board of Representatives hereby requests enact-
ment of the aforesaid bill.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 53 — Opposition to Legislation
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That this Board opposes any bills in the State Legislature to exempt
additional items from sales and use taxes, and additional exemptions on
real property taxes.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to Hon. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Governor; Assem-
blywoman Constance Cook and Senator William T. Smith..
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
At this time, Mr. John Blanchard was appointed a member of the
Economic Opportunity Corporation to replace William Sullivan, said
term expiring June 30, 1970.
At this time Mr. Graves asked Mr. Marcham if he knew of any ir-
regularities regarding the Economic Opportunity Corporation. Mr.
Marcham said he was unaware of any.
On Motion, meeting adjourned to Monday, March 2 at 10:00 a.m.
46 March 2, 1970
Monday, March 2, 1970--10:00 a.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Kerr, Leary, Lee,. MacNeil, Miller,
Schickel, Webster, Culligan, Golder, Graves; Holden and Dates — 12.
ABSENT: Representative Bruce — 1.
EXCUSED: Representatives Marcham, Stutz and Abbott — 3.
At this time members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegi-
The Clerk read a letter of resignation from Mrs. Florence Rumph,
Director of the Economic Opportunity Corporation. The letter is on
file in the Clerk's Office.
Also read was a letter from Robert Johnson, member of the Memorial
Day Graves Decoration Sub -Committee, requesting 126 dozen flags to
be placed on veterans' graves throughout the County on Memorial Day.
Under privilege of the floor, Frank Liguori, Planning Director, pre-
sented the departments' floor plans for predicted office space needs for
Tompkins County. After discussion it was decided to come up with an-
other alternate floor plan for the ground floor as the floor plan was not
adequate for the County Clerk's Office.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
March 23, 1970 59
Monday, March 23,1970-7:30 p.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller,
Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Bruce, Graves, Golder, Holden, Kerr and Dates
— 14.
ABSENT: Representative Culligan (Arrived 7:35) — 1.
EXCUSED: Representative Abbott (ill) — 1.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Upon hearing no objections, Chairman Dates declared the minutes of
the February 9th meeting approved.
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action:
Annual Reports were received from the Health Department and the
Airport; minutes were received from the Budget and Administration
Committee for the meeting of February 10; Social and Health Services
Committee for meeting of March 5; Planning and Public Works Com
mittee for meetings of February 17, March 4, 10 and 16; resolutions re.
ceived from Allegany County, Putnam County and Orange County con-
cerning bills before the Legislature; Town Board of Lansing opposing
burning of trees at Airport; Workmen's Compensation Certificates re-
ceived from A. Friederich and Sons Company under Policy Y436113 for
1970; Civil Defense "Plan for Emergency Activation of Staff" and Alert-
ing Procedures" received.
Letter received from John Paxton, Chairman of Civil Defense Sur-
plus Property Committee, requesting the board action on enclosed
resolution re surplus property.
Copy of a letter to Mr. E. E. Leuallen, Asst. Commissioner for Profes-
sional Education of the State Education Department, from Irvin E.
Henry, District Superintendent notifying of discontinuance of the opera-
tion of the School of Practical Nursing at the Tompkins County Hospi-
tal effective September 1, 1970.
60March 23, 1970
Certificates of Final Special Franchise Assessments for the City of
Ithaca, Villages of Dryden, Freeville, Groton, Cayuga Heights and Tru-
mansburg, and the Towns of Dryden, Groton, Ithaca and Ulysses.
The Clerk read a resolution from the Town Board of Lansing oppos-
ing the burning of any trees or brush at the airport.
The Clerk also read a letter received from Edward P. Abbott, Chair-
man of the Cayuga Lake Basin, concerning sewage disposal problems of
Lansing and the County and the Basin Board's investigation over the
past five years of the possibility of regionalizing the treatment of sew-
age in the interest of water quality (Referred to the Town of Lansing
by Chairman Dates) .
At this time, Chairman Dates introduced Town of Ithaca Supervisor
Walter Schwan, who is the Secretary of the newly created body consist-
ing of all town supervisors for purposes of communicating between the
towns and the county.
Chairman Dates called a recess at 7:40; business resumed at 7:53.
Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Lee stated he had received a letter
from the SPCA regarding the dog situation in Tompkins County in
which they request a committee be formed to study and evaluate this
problem and formulate recommendations for the humane control and
regulation of dogs in this county. Chairman Dates referred this matter
to the Public Safety Committee.
Mr. Lee also stated that the legislature passed a bill last year which
amended the Municipal and Real Property Law in the county which
authorizes the creation of industrial development agencies. There are
interests in the county advocating this board request the N.Y.S. Legis-
lature to pass a bill that would authorize such an agency. The Legisla-
ture adjourns in a few weeks and consequently, once it does adjourn,
we must wait until the next session. Therefore, he suggested considera-
tion that the board authorize Chairman Dates to call Assemblywoman
Cook, whom he talked with today, and she will initiate action although
the deadline for filing a bill has gone by. Hopefully by our next meet-
ing, the board will have opportunity to look at the law and by official
resolution give authority to her to introduce legislation for considera-
tion and hopeful adoption. The purpose of the agency would be to pro-
mote, develop, encourage, assist in acquiring construction, re -construct-
ing, improving, maintaining, equipping, furnishing industrial manu-
facturing, warehousing, commercial and research facilities. It shall be a
public benefit corporation with no taxing powers with right to issue
tax free bonds. Chairman Dates said he will call Assemblywoman Cook,
turn it back to committee and have them bring back a report. Mr. Lee
said if the bill is passed the board has six months in which to iron out
details and if final details cannot be agreed on, the agency is dead.
March 23, 1970 61
Mr. Marcham noted he had been discussing with Commissioner of
Budget and Administration the problem of legal ads and are trying to
work out ways of cutting down extra costs and charges. This will go
through the Budget and Administration Committee.
Chairman Dates introduced Mayor Hunna Johns and reported that
he and Mayor johns had attended a meeting at the United Fund Office.
The United Fund and other agencies in the county have been trying
to solve the problem of duplication of services — a group coming to the
Board of Representatives, City, United Fund and every agency for part
of their budget. Upon hearing no objections, he said he would continue
to attend these meetings and report back to the board.
The various committee chairmen reported as follows:
Mr. Marcham stated he has taken into consideration the question of
the Supervisors' Association existence and noted Mr. Miller has been
attending its meetings and he and Mr. Stutz will attend as soon as
possible. He also said there will be nominations to fill the vacancy
on the Human Rights Commission later in the meeting. He reported
that the Intergovernmental Committee has been meeting with city repre-
sentatives. They met Friday and undertook the first of a number of
meetings. Attending were department heads of the towns, City of Ithaca,
and the County in the area of planning. Also present were Mr. Hannan
and Mr. Dingman from the Department of Public Works in the City
and water and sewer were discussed. The next meeting will be the 9th
of April. It has been proposed by the City Cooperation Committee that
we consider having a Citizens' Advisory Committee to Intergovernmental
Relations Committee and he asked for ideas and feelings on this. He
also mentioned that his committee has been working on the Community
College Operating Budget.
Mr. Leary, Public Safety and Correction, reported that the lights in
front of the Court House will be left on all night as a deterrent to
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, noted the committee adopted
policies for the board's consideration regarding $5,000 expenditures
which have not been budgeted and suggest 1) Department head will
originate request and submit to his committee for approval, 2) If the
committee approves and personal services are not required, request is
submitted to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration for placing
of the required advertising, 3) If Committee approves and personal ser-
vices are required, requests must also be approved by the personal com-
mittee after which it is submitted to the Commissioner of Budget and
Administration for placement of advertising, 4) After appropriate ad-
vertising, request is submitted by committee to the entire board for
approval. He also mentioned the Committee has authorized Commis-
62 March 23, 1970
sioner Murphy to review and evaluate all insurance policies in county
buildings with suggestion we look at the possibility of establishing an
anniversary date so our policies expire at one common date. He also
reported that they adopted a policy relative to the utilization of the
county printing facilities in the basement. The department has made
a request to replace the existing Bruning machine and the committee
has adopted a policy that as these machines need replacement, the func-
tion of the service will be transferred to the centralized facility which
the Planning Department has programmed in the basement. The other
problem is the budget calendar. In the Charter there are certain re-
quirements that are spelled out as to how the budget must be formu-
lated. The committee has authorized Mr. Murphy to formulate a ball
park figure relative to possible income and expenditure for the next
fiscal year 1971 and report findings back to the Committee for the de-
velopment of budgetary guidelines for 1971. Once the committee has
this ironed out it will report to the Executive Committee for hopeful
adoption and Mr. Murphy will transmit these guidelines to the depart-
ment heads. He stated the negotiations confronted each year certainly
is a question in terms of the revenues we will need and expenditures we
may incur so we have recommended the chairman begin as soon as pos-
sible with the negotiations.
As Chairman of the Board of Assessors, Mr. Lee stated the Grievance
Day went well. There was one grievance in the Village of Freeville; two
in Village of Dryden; two in the Village of Cayuga Heights; two in Tru-
mansburg. These have all been satisfactorily resolved. Thomas Payne,
Director of Assessment, reported to the committee and gave us a brief-
ing on the assessment procedures for 1970 indicating that he felt he
could accomplish the field work without much difficulty and also indi-
cated no reappraisal work will be conducted during 1970.
Mr. Lee, as a member of the County Sewer Agency, reported that their
meeting held last Thursday was very successful. The next meeting will
be held April 3. There is a preliminary O'Brien Gere Report for pur-
chase available for anyone interested.
Mr. Lee reported that the proposed rules and regulations for assess-
ing are close to schedule set last month and would like to set up a public
hearing sometime in April.
Mr. MacNeil, Personnel, noted the committee has been working dili-
gently and will have a resolution later in the meeting.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, said the Committee had met
on office space plans and after discussion with the Bar Association and
department heads, the committee has a majority report advocating Alter-
nate 3A for the Court House and Alternate 2 in Bldg. A in the College
March 23, 1970 63
Mr. Holden also stated that the State Health Department had denied
a request by the County for permission to burn trees for clearance of
land at the airport. The Committee has discussed the situation and since
Cornell Conservationists have requested that trees be cut and left on the
ground for conservation purposes, a resolution rejecting bids for burn-
ing the trees will be presented later in the meeting and new bids will
be let for the tree cutting. He said there had been a meeting with TNC
and another hearing will be scheduled later.
Mr. Holden also spoke regarding the jury being excused. He said the
Jury Commission had met and the Jury List will be revised.
Mr. Stutz, Intergovernmental Relations, stated that after interview-
ing six candidates for the position of Commissioner of Social Services,
they would like to have a second interview with Representatives with
two of the candidates Friday afternoon at 2:30 and 4:00 and for those
that can't attend, possibly set up individual evening meetings.
Mr. Culligan, Social and Health Services, read a letter from Dr. Robert
Broad concerning contracting with Cortland County for the services of
Sanitary Engineer. We were asked by Dr. Broad to check with Cortland
County to see if Tompkins County could share services because of the
salary range, in order to bring an attractive and qualified candidate
here. He said he had contacted the Chairman of the Board of Super-
visors in Cortland County but as yet has not heard from her. He also
announced a Social and Health Services Committee meeting on April
9 at 8:00 p.m.
At this time Chairman Dates declared a recess; business resumed at
8:35 p.m.
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, said that the Board of Managers
at the Hospital will be requesting $66,000 for a new generator for the
heating plant. He also said Mrs. DeWire and Mrs. Taylor gave a com-
prehensive presentation relative to the comprehensive health planning.
They are available to any group interested in hearing what they are at-
tempting to do in the coordination of health facilities and planning.
MOVED by Mr. Holden, seconded by Mr. Graves, That resolution
pertaining to the Rejection of Bids — Airport, not on the Agenda, be
considered at this meeting. Carried.
MOVED by Mr. Leary, seconded by Mr. Graves, That Resolution
No. 67 — Authorization to Sheriff to apply for Federal Funds under
Safe Streets Act, be lifted from the Table. Carried. A lengthy discus-
sion followed and Sheriff Howard and Mr. Decker from the Sheriff's De-
partment, answered questions regarding this matter. A roll call was taken
on ,Resolution No. 67 and resulted as follows: Ayes — 15. Noes — 0.
Absent — 1. Resolution Carried.
64 March 23, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 72 —Authorization to Appoint Additional
Deputy — County Clerk's Office
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on request of the County Clerk and recommendation of the
Public Safety and Correction Committee, That the County Clerk be and
she hereby is authorized to appoint an additional Deputy County Clerk in
the exempt class, labor grade IX,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel, County Clerk
and Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 73 — Commendation of Civil Defense Volunteers
for Their Assistance During Snow Emergency
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the December, 1969, snow emergency developed into a situa-
tion where many county residents were in need of assistance, such as food,
fuel, medicine, transportation and other services, and
WHEREAS, on request of the County Disaster Coordinator, several vol-
unteers reported for duty at the Disaster Center and worked around the
clock for up to fifty-five hours, manning four telephones and coordinating
assistance with police agencies, highway departments, ambulance services,
grocery stores, fuel suppliers, utilities and numerous other agencies, and
WHEREAS, these trained volunteers were augmented by other Civil De-
fense personnel who manned the rescue truck, private 4 -wheel -drive vehicles,
station wagons, cars and snowmobiles in meeting the needs of county resi-
dents and transients, including transportation of essential personnel to the
county hospital, reconstruction home and nursing homes to relieve those who
had been on duty many extra hours, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That these volunteers be commended for the valuable assis-
tance rendered to the community and to government agencies in relieving
the demands on their services,
RESOLVED, further, That radio stations WTKO and WHCU be com-
mended for their assistance during the emergency, including remaining on
the air several hours beyond their normal sign off time on December 27,
to enable the Disaster Center to keep the public fully informed.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Unanimously Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 74 — Appropriation from Surplus — Court House
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County on July 14, 1969, by Resolution No. 159, awarded
a bid for the air conditioning of the Court House to Wheaton's Sheet Metal
Shop, Inc., and
WHEREAS, monies for said project were never appropriated to the proper
account number, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Budget and
Administration, That the sum of $80,000 be appropriated from Surplus to
Capital Project—Air conditioning (Code 290-560),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
March 23, 1970 65
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 75 — Public Hearing—Local Law No. 1— 1970
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Local Law No. 1-1970 relating to Rules and Regulations
of Assessment Division has been introduced to the members on this 23rd
day of March, 1970, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing on same is required pursuant to the Mu-
nicipal Home Rule Law, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That a public hearing be held on said Rules and Regulations of As-
sessment Division on the 27th day of April, 1970, at 8:00 p.m. in the
evening thereof,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is
directed to place a notice of said public hearing in the official newspapers
of Tompkins County.
Seconded by Mr. Holden: Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 76 — Creation of Positions—Assessment Depart-
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, the Budget
and Administration Committee and the Commissioner of Personnel, That
four part-time, temporary positions of assessor's aides be created in the
Assessment Department, labor grade IV, for a period not to exceed May
30, 1970.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 77 —Appointment of Narcotic Guidance Council
Mr. Webster offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Section 239-U of the General Municipal Law authorizes the
appointment of a Narcotic Guidance Council for the development of a pro-
gram of community participation regarding the control of the use of narcotics
at the local level, and
WHEREAS, such council shall consist of not less than three, or more
than five, members who shall be appointed by the Board of Representa-
tives for a term not exceeding three years and shall include at least one
clergyman, one attorney and one physician, and
WHEREAS, the chairman of said council shall be designated by the
Board of Representatives from the members appointed to same council,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee, That the following persons shall be appointed to the Tompkins
County Narcotic Guidance Council; each to a three-year term:
Rev. David Gramkee City of Ithaca
David Corina, Chairman City of Ithaca
Albert Bedworth Town of Dryden
David Hammond, M.D. Town of Ithaca
Stanley Tsapis, Attorney Town of Ulysses
66 March 23, 1970
RESOLVED, further, That David Corina is hereby designated chairman
of said council,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to each member thereof.
Seconded by. Mr. Lee. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — 14.
Noes — Representative Graves,— 1. Absent - 1. 'Carried.
MOVED by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr. Stutz, That Resolution
No. 70 — Appropriation from Contingent Fund — Historian, be lifted
from the Table. Carried. A lengthy discussion followed and it was
MOVED by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Miller, That the Resolution
be Tabled. A roll call vote resulted on the motion to Table as follows:
Ayes— 4. Noes — `11. Absent — 1. Motion Lost. A roll call vote on Reso-
lution No. 70 resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Dates; Golder,
Kerr, Marcham, Miller, Stutz, Webster — '7. Noes — Representatives
Bruce, Culligan,, Graves, Holden; Leary (relying •n, integiity Qf Budget
and Administration Committee) ,. Lee, MacNeil,..Schickel — 8. Absent —
1. Resolution Lost.
RESOLUTION NO. 78—Selecting the Alternate Proposals for Space
in the Court House Complex .and. Authoriz-
ing Services ()Lan, Architect
Mr. Holden, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
. WHEREAS, the Planning Department. has• submitted for consideration
by the Board of Representatives several alternate proposals for the efficient
and functional allocation and use of space for the operation of county
government in the Court House complex, and
WHEREAS, these alternate proposals have been discussed and exhibited
before all departments of county government involved and,
WHEREAS, the proposals have been carefully. . studied and evaluated,
and be it
RESOLVED, .That upon recommendation of the. Planning and , Public
Works Committee and the Director of Planning, - the following alternates
are hereby.selected for implementation.
Couit 'House=Alternate• No. 3A -asamended by the- closing off of the
Court Street basement entrance, but retaining same as an emergency exit,
and "utilizing the entrance corridor space for incorporation' into the space
allocated`to'the County Clerk, and in general,. carrying out the concept of
housing the County Court functions on the main floor and the County Clerk
functions on the basement floor..
Buildiiig.if—Alternate No. 2, which includes the relocation' of Civil De-
fense in Building. B. '
`Building E—Shall be demolished and the land area converted to parking
`,,The 'Frame Building presently housing Civil Defense and Board of Elec-,
tions shall' be demolished and 'the land used to provide a connecting link
between the Court House and Building A.
RESOLVED; further, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby
empowered and directed to - retain the services of architects. Levatich and'
Miller on an hourly basis pursuant to a 'contract to be submitted and. ap-
proved by the Planning and Public Works Committee to prepare plans,
specifications, and bid contract documents for such work as may be necessary
to effectuate the alternates specified above. -
Seconded by Mr. Graves:
March 23, 1970 67;
A.lengthy discussion followed. Mr. Kerr spoke and stated that he was
not in favor of Alternate 3A. A voice vote was taken with Representa-
tives Miller, Kerr, and Culligan (I don't feel it is justified to put the
Clerk's Office in . the basement) casting dissenting votes. — Resolution
Carried. •..
RESOLU,TLON NO. 79.— Authorization to Establish County Water
Agency and Appoint- Members Thereto
Mr: Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Article 5-A, Sec. 250-251 of the
County Law, the Board of Representatives may establish a County Water
District and appoint a board or body to act as a County Water Agency
having the powers set forth in Sec. 252, 253 and 254 of said article,• and
WHEREAS, it is the considered judgment of this Board that such a
County Water District would be of great advantage to the people of the
County of Tompkins, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That this Board of Representatives does hereby establish a
County Water Agencyconsisting of ten members and six ex -officio members
as follows:
2 members from the City of Ithaca
1 member each from the Village of Cayuga Heights and the Towns .,of
Ithaca, Lansing, Dryden, Groton and Ulysses
1 member from the combined area of the Towns of Enfield and Newfield
1 member from the combined area of the Towns of Danby and Caroline
Ex Officio Non -Voting Members
1 each from the technical staff of the Ithaca City, Cornell University and
Lansing Water Districts
1—The County Planning Commissioner
1—The County Public Works Commissioner
1—A member of the staff or Board of Cayuga Lake Basin Board
RESOLVED, further, That appointments shall be made to said agency
by the Board of Representatives and that the local legislative and other,
bodies outlined above are requested to make recommendations for their re-
spective .member(s) within one month of this date.-
- RESOLVED, further, That the term of office of the members of said agency
shall commence with the date of appointment and end upon discharge of
the agencyby this board and all vacancies on said agency shall be filled
by the Board of Representatives, using the same procedures outlined above,
RESOLVED, further, That the members of said County Water Agency shall
serve without compensation,
RESOLVED, further, That the powers and duties of said agency are to
assemble data and make recommendations to the Board of Representatives
relating to the development of water supply source(s), treatment and distri-
bution and to make such facilities available to several municipalities within
the County,
RESOLVED, further, That .the agency " shall from time to time hold
public meetings to keep the public informed,
RESOLVED, further, That the agency may employ and retain such'en-
gineering, legal, professional and other assistance as may be available
through the County or as may be necessary within the amounts made avail-
able therefor by budget appropriations,
68 March 23, 1970
RESOLVED, further, That the assemblance of data and the recommenda-
tions shall include:
1. The boundaries of the area or areas which, within the Agency's judg-
ment, will be benefited by the particular project.
2. A description of the area or areas sufficient to permit definite and con-
clusive identification of all parcels of property included therein.
3. The proposed location of all facilities, such as water supply source,
pumping stations, water treatment plants and major watermains.
4. Estimates of the cost of construction of the facilities as shown on maps
and plans and the method of financing the same.
5. Zones of assessment, if applicable.
6. What officer, board or body should be the administrative head or
body of the proposed district.
RESOLVED, further, That it is the intention of the Board of Representa-
tives, to appropriate funds to carry out the purposes of said agency, upon
submission of an annual budget by the Agency with the first allocation
to be considered as soon as a budget request shall be submitted by the
RESOLVED, further, That the Agency, established by means of Resolution
No. 93, April 1, 1963, which designated the Planning and Public Relations
Committee of the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors as the County
Water Agency and the County Water Committee created by Resolution
No. 193, August 23, 1965, shall be and hereby are discharged with thanks,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified.
copies of this resolution to the proper County Officials.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — 15.
Noes — 0. Absent — 1. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 80 — Rejection of Bids — Land Clearing — Airport
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County advertised for bids for the clearing of trees in the
Clear Zone at the Tompkins County Airport, and
WHEREAS, the committee has been advised that no burning of dropped
trees will be allowed by the State of New York, and
WHEREAS, Cornell has requested that the trees on their property be
dropped and left to lie in their dropped position, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, further, That the Airport Manager be and he hereby is au-
thorized to advertise for bids for the cutting and dropping of trees only,
in said area.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
At this time Mr. Marcham placed in nomination the names of Mr.
Alvin Knepper and Mr. Philip Allen to fill the vacancy on the Human
Rights Commission. Mrs. Schickel and Mr. Earl Andrews spoke com-
mending Mr. Knepper. Mr. Graves commended Mr. Allen and ballots
were passed out and the results were: Mr. Allen — 12; Mr. Knepper — 3.
Chairman Dates declared Mr. Allen a member of the Human Rights
Commission to fill the unexpired term of Earl E. Andrews which expires
December 31, 1971.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
April 13, 1970 69
Monday, April 13, 1970-10:00 a.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Schickel,
Stutz, Webster, Bruce, Culligan, Golder, Holden, Kerr, Leary and Dates —
EXCUSED: Representative Abbott (ill) Graves — 2.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Upon hearing no objections, Chairman Dates approved the minutes of
the February 23, March 2, March 9 and March 23 meetings.
At this time the Clerk noted the following correspondence had been
received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action:
Minutes received from Planning & Public Works Committee, March 5,
10 and April 2; Hospital Board of Managers, February 16 and March 2;
Tompkins County Library Personnel Committee Meeting, February 25
and March 30; Library Board of Trustees Meeting, March 30; Budget
and Administration Committee, March 12; Tompkins -Cortland Com-
munity College Board of Trustees minutes, March 19; Annual Reports
from Mohawk Airlines and NYS Electric & Gas Corporation; Pistol
Permits for month of March totalled $99.00; Municipal Affairs Review,
March; Consumer Action, March; Annual Reports of Senior Citizens'
Council, Probation Department, County Treasurer, received.
Letter from Lynn Lichtenstein requesting a hospital in more acces-
sible location to the population center of the county. (Referred to Health
and Social Services Committee.)
Letter from Ronald Nordheimer requesting notice of meetings and
minutes of County Sewer Agency. (Referred to Planning Office.)
Letter from R. F. McElwee, President of Tompkins County United
Fund, expressing need for a county -wide organization for social planning
to replace present Tompkins County Social Planning Council. (Referred
to Social and Health Services Committee.)
Resolution received from Rockland County expressing opposition to
plans of the Urban Development Corporation to construct housing on
70 April •13, 1970
State Lands in the County. (Referred to the Intergovernmental Rela-
tions Committee.)
Letter from David, Safadi, Chairman, Emloyees. Negotiating Commit-
tee, regarding the scheduling of a joint meeting between Negotiating
Copy of letters from John Paul Jones, Superintendent of the County
Home, and Margaret Hughes, Acting Commissioner of Social Services,
-regarding emergency evacuation of the County Home in -case of bomb
threats or fire.
Letter to Mr. Dates 'from Peter Jutro, WHCU, together with a tran-
script of a newscast regarding the history of sewage treatment problem
at the State School at Lansing.
Arthur Levitt, State Comptroller, enclosing concise explanation of
Section 601 of the Tax Reform Act of 1969 amending Section 103 of the
Internal Revenue Code.
News Release from U.S. Department of Labor regarding New York
City Building Trades Wages Sc Benefits average $7.90 per hour in Janu-
ary 1970 — up 76c over the year.
- Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Leary read a letter written by Mr.
Graves, who was unable to be here today, regarding the Human Rights
Commission. He stated in the letter that. Mr. Philip Allen, our recently
appointed member of the Commission, has never' been informed about
the time and place of the Commission meetings and was informed by
the Chairman, Mrs. Jacobs 'that no member would be notified. Notifica-
tion to members of time and place of meetings has been the practice since
the Commission was formed. He feels the Commission is practicing dis-
crimination, in the case of Mr. Allen or anyone else who does not agree
-with. their:philosophies. He feels that some resignations from theCom-
mission are in order. On another subject, he stated that he is in favor
of stopping the proposed (America is Bard to Find) doings at Cornell.
It is a dangerous situation considering Public Safety, plus Health and
Medical facilities. This matter was referred- to the Executive Committee.
Also, under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Schickel expressed her disap-
pointment -of the way in which .the appointment to' the Human Rights
Commission was handled .by the 'board at the last meeting. This matter
'was also referred to the Executive Committee.
Mr. Webster reported on the attempt to get a group home established
in Tompkins County. A group home is something between a' traditional
foster home and.• a child caring institution. The N.Y.S..Division for
April 13, 1970 71
Youth has -'agreed to fully finance 3-7 bed units for 15, 16, 17 year old
boys and girls. It will not be possible to begin until April, 1971, assuming
legislative approval which is needed. In the meantime, Mrs. Hughes, Act-
ing Commissioner of Social Services says we can operate a beefed up
foster home program which would in part meet our needs in this area.
It would mean paying foster parents $200/month retainer and a per
diem daily rate for each child in their area. This would not require any
new appropriation of funds.•It would mean a transfer of institutional
budgeted 'funds to foster home fund. It is his opinion that this could re-
sult in a savings to the County. In addition, the money would be spent
in the County and a better job could be done- in providing services and
he feels this to be a much more humane method of dealing with this
problem. Mrs. Hughes would like philosophical support of the board on
this matter. It was MOVED by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Golder,
That the Board of 'Representatives support this. Carried.
At this time, various committee chairmen reported as follows:
,Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, met several times since the
last board meeting and he spoke regarding the Tompkins County Avia-
tion Association who have a tremendous interest in Tompkins County.
He noted that the committee authorized the Planning Department to
advertise for bids for Sanitary Landfill Site. Bids will be opened April
20. He also reported that the committee approved presenting a resolu-
tion for joining the South Eastern Region Planning Agency and a
resolution will be presented later in the meeting. He stated the commit-
tee met regarding . the N-.Y.S. Industrial Agency. A resolution will be
presented later on this also. The committee went over the T.N.G. Avia-
tion, Inc. agreement and made some changes. He requested a Public
Hearing for May 4th.
Mr. Culligan, Social and Health Services, noted that appointments to
fill vacancies on the Mental Health Board will be made soon. He also
said the committee had discussed the future plans of the hospital and
will be coming forth soon on this. He reported that the County Home
is in need of a new water well to be drilled and also discussed the creation
of an Institutional Farmer at the Home. He said Mrs. Hughes was at the
meeting and explained the food stamp program. Also discussed was the
position of Social Services Commissioner. Mr. Culligan requested a brief
recess for committee to meet and possibly they might be able to recom-
mend'a candidate this morning. He also reported that he has not yet
heard from Cortland County regarding sharing the services of a Sanitary
Mr. Leary mentioned that the City of Ithaca Common Council turned
down• the $6000. request from ARC. Mr. Culligan noted that the Social
and Health Services Committee had also voted not to give them any
more funds this year:
72 April 13, 1970
Mr. Stutz, Social and Health, reported that the recommended position
of Institutional Farmer will be presented later in the meeting. The Com-
mittee approved the budget for the food stamp program and hope to
present this on April 27th. The advertising has already been done.
Mr. Leary, Public Safety and Correction, reported that the committee
has been concerned about the meetings on the Cornell Campus April
17-19 and are formulating plans to take care of traffic problems, health
conditions, etc. Mr. Dates noted that the District Attorney is taking the
responsibility of keeping in touch with the proper departments in-
Mr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations, noted he had asked the
board if they had anyone they wished to be considered for the Citizens
Advisory Committee to let him know and since no one did they moved
ahead and decided to ask outside advisors, that they selected, to come
before the Board with one report per month for the next four months
to help the Board move ahead in certain areas where other committees
may be working where they feel a special need to see if the City and
County are cooperating. The first area is water and the first question
to be answered is, Is the proposed City of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca
Water Authority an impediment to the creation of a water district? In
June they will ask for a report on the Solid Waste question — Is addi-
tional legislation or action required by our boards? In July they hope
to have a report on Recreation. They will ask what steps may be needed
to organize a county -wide recreation program. The Sales Tax seeks to
explore where the sales tax is now and where we would like it to be at
the end of the year. Mr. Marcham also noted that the Human Rights
Commission are trying to get a professional 24-hour telephone number.
He also said the committee discussed the question of how to get all their
business done. They have come up with two alternatives to present to
the Executive Committee on the 20th. 1) Recommend the reduction of
responsibilities or 2) The increase of size of the committee. He stated the
Committee is behind with written reports and hoped his oral report
today would suffice.
At this time, Mr. Dates stated that he will be issuing two Proclama-
tions 1) Senior Citizens and 2) Earth Day later.
Mr. Dates declared a recess at 10:40; business resumed at 10:57.
MOVED by Mr. Holden, seconded by Mr. Leary, That resolutions
not on the Agenda be considered at this meeting. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 81 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment — Town
of Groton
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board is informed that an error was made in the 1969
April 13, 1970 73
Assessment Roll in the Town of Groton, namely, That Parcel No. 20-1-26.1
assessed to Virginia Bixler was erroneously assessed at Land $510 total
$4,740, whereas same should have been Land $510, total $510 as there were
no improvements on the land, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the assessment on Parcel No. 20-1-26.1 assessed to Virginia Bix-
ler be reduced from $4,740 to $510 on the 1969 Assessment Roll for the
Town of Groton,
RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $159.64 be refunded to Virginia Bix-
ler and the sum of $19.58 be charged to the County of Tompkins, $44.58 to
the Town of Groton and $95.48 to the School District.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Thomas G. Payne, Director of the Assessment Depart-
ment and John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 82 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment — Town
of Dryden
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board is. informed that errors were made in the 1965
and 1954 thru 1960 Assessment Rolls in the Town of Dryden, namely, That
Parcel No. 2-6.1 assessed to Marquis, Clifford was erroneously valued at
$2,500 whereas Marquis never owned any portion thereof and the value
that is shown on the assessment roll for 1965 was placed on a structure that
was located thereon and was subsequently demolished in 1967, and
WHEREAS, this board is informed that an error was made in the 1954-
1960 Assessment Rolls in the Town of Dryden, namely, That Parcel No. 2-71
assessed to Roger Morse was erroneously valued at $30 whereas the said
parcel upon searching the title was shown not to exist and nowhere within
the records of this or the County Clerk's office can it be determined that
Morse ever owned any land at this location, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the aforesaid Assessment Rolls in the Town of Dryden be cor-
rected by expunging the above described parcels therefrom.
RESOLVED, further, That the clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Thomas G. Payne, Director of the Assessment Depart-
ment and John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 83 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment — Town
of Danby
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that errors were made in the 1970
Assessment Roll for the Town of Danby, namely That Item No. 1124 assessed
to the State of New York in the amount of $6,200 and Item No. 1125 assessed
to the State of New York in the amount of $5,600 are duplicate assessments,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the 1970 Assessment Roll for the Town of Danby be corrected
by expunging the above described parcels therefrom,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Thomas G. Payne, Director of the Assessment Department
and John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
74 April 13, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 84 —Authorization for Improvements at County
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, there is need for a second water well to be drilled at the
County Home because of an overload on the one existing well, and
WHEREAS, certain repairs to the roof of the County Home need im-
mediate attention, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the new well be drilled and the repairs to the roof be
undertaken and estimated cost should not exceed $3,000,
RESOLVED, further, That money from the Capital Improvement Fund for
the County. Home be used for this project.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Ayes — 14. Noes — 0. Absent — 2. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 85 — Appointment . to Tompkins County Mental
Health Board
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the position of .physician on the Tompkins County Mental
Health Board is open, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Social and Health Services Committee of the Board
of Representatives has approved the name of Dr. Noah Kassman of 202
Brookfield Road to fill this appointment,
RESOLVED, further, That copies 'of this resolution be forwarded to the
Director of Mental Health and to Dr. Noah Kassman.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 86—County Planning Council
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the need for a County Planning Council to serve as a com-
mon resource for social planning, study and -evaluation, has been recognized
in meetings between representatives of the City, County, Schools, BOCES,
United Fund and Social Planning Council, and
WHEREAS, such a Council is needed to serve by the setting of standards •
of services, the establishing of priorities, and the identifying of source of
funding, and
WHEREAS, this body would bring, together such groups as, but not lim-
ited to: providers of social service, representatives of business, industry,
government and the concerned public, and .
WHEREAS; a major role of the Council would be to provide the public,
the social. ;agencies,and the various governmental bodies with informed,
objective recommendations, and
WHEREAS, the organization will require not only the willingness on the
part of the participating organizations to accept in principle and to attempt
to carry out the recommendations of the Council, but also to furnish the
necessary financial support to •implement the required studies to arrive at the
proposed recommendations, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives here-
by agrees - that they will participate fully in the •organization of such a
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
April 13, 1970
RESOLUTION•NO. 87—Approval of Action of Tompkins -Cortland
Community College in Establishing Licensed
Practical Nursing Program as Part of College
Curriculum -
Mr. Stutz offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins -Cortland Community
1College has adopted • a 'resolution under date of 'March 19, 1970, accepting
:the Practical Nursing Program as part of the college curriculum, and.
WHEREAS, said program was formerly operated by BOCES, and
WHEREAS, said program should be approved by the • State . Education
;Department and the Stat University of. New York;'now therefore be; it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee and the Social and Health Services Committee, That this board ap-
' proves 'the action of the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins -Cortland C'om- ,
munity College in accepting the Licensed Practical Nursing Program as part , •
of the college offerings, .
• RESOLVED, further, That this board authorizes, encourages and directs the
Chairman of the Board. of Trustees of the .Community College and :the
President to forthwith seek the approval • of said program by the' State
University of New York and the State Education Department,
RESOLVED, further, That this board approve the establishment of said
:program as a ;part; of the regular curriculum of the Community College pro-
vided the same are financed .by the State University of New York, the stu
``''' dents and the Counties of Cortland and Tompkins,
SstCC` RESOLVED, 'furthe'r,; That this 'resolution is .also contingent upon the ap-
proval of the Board of Supervisors' of Cortland County,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of. this resolution to ,the President of the Tompkins -Cortland Community
`College and to the Clerk of the Cortland County Board of Supervisors. -
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried-.
RESOLUTION NO. 88 — Appointment of Commissioner of Social
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED,upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee, Social and
'Health Services Committee and the Commissioner of Personnel, That Craig
Boniface be and hereby is appointed Commissioner of Social Services, effec-
tive, May 4, 1970, for a term of five years in the non competitive class, labor
grade 19. • •
'RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board.forward certified copies
of this resolution to Craig Boniface, to the Commissioner of Budget and
Administration and to the Commissioner of Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 89 — Request of the State Legislature to Authorize
the Creation of- An Industrial Development
' Agency in Tompkins County
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS Article 18-A of the General Municipal Law of the State of
New York authorizes municipalities to organize local Industrial Development
Agencies, and
76 April 13, 1970
WHEREAS, said local agency will benefit the people of Tompkins County
by promoting the economic welfare of its inhabitants and by actively pro-
moting, attracting, encouraging and developing an economically sound com-
merce and industry through governmental action for the purpose of prevent-
ing unemployment and economic deterioration, and
WHEREAS, the permissive legislation enacted by the State Legislature
at this time will not bind Tompkins County to a final decision on the creation
of an Industrial Development Agency, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That the State Legislature be requested to amend the General
Municipal Law authorizing the creation and establishment of an Industrial
Development Agency in Tompkins County,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Hon. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Governor; Assemblywoman
Constance Cook and Senator William T. Smith.
Seconded by Mr. Lee. Ayes — Representatives Lee, Schickel, Holden,
Kerr (merely authorizes the legislature to go ahead and establish per-
mission for Tompkins County to set up agency) , Dates — 5. Noes — Rep-
resentatives Bruce, Culligan, Golder, Leary, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller,
Stutz, Webster — 9. Absent — 2. LOST.
RESOLUTION NO. 90 — Authorize County Participation in Southern
Regional Planning Board Tier East Recom-
mended by Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee and Planning Commissioner
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, it is recognized that development planning on a regional basis
(multi -county) provides the means for focusing public action on the compre-
hensive needs of the region, including the fostering of accelerated growth of
the region's economy, the planning for better public facilities, and the encour-
agement of orderly community and regional development of the residential,
business, industrial and public -use areas of the future; and
WHEREAS, it is recognized that the accomplishment of effective and eco-
nomical development planning on a regional basis requires a cooperative
venture, transcending local political boundaries, by counties having common
or related long-range planning and development goals; and
WHEREAS, it is recognized that thedevelopment of a comprehensive
regional development plan for the area encompassing the counties of Broome,
Chenango, Delaware, Otsego, Tioga and Tompkins, heretofore designated the
Southern Tier East Region by the State of New York, would be in the public
interest of the citizens of such Region and will be best achieved by the estab-
lishment of a regional planning board composed of representatives of such
counties, but that for initiation purposes any two or more of such counties
being contiguous may be deemed a nucleus for the establishment of such board,
with the full right of the remaining counties to participate at a later time
being expressly recognized; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That, pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of
Article 12-B of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, the
County of Tompkins agrees with the County of Tioga and with any one or
more of the other above-mentioned counties, being contiguous, which adopt
a concurring resolution having the same effect as this resolution to the fol-
lowing Agreement:
April 13, 1970 77
Creation and Purpose
1. That there be and hereby is created a regional planning board for the South-
ern Tier East Region, to be known as the "Southern Tier East Regional Planning
Board" (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"), composed of two or more of the
counties of Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego, Tioga and Tompkins, being
contiguous, which adopt appropriate concurring resolutions to this effect (herein-
after referred to as the "Participating Counties").
2. The purposes of the Board shall be to provide the means for developing in
cooperation with the State and the local governments and agencies within the area
encompassed by the Participating Counties, a comprehensive regional development
plan for the entire area to be served by the Board, to perform related planning and
development activities, and to encourage the development of comprehensive planning
for such area. In carrying out its purposes, the Board shall encourage and assist
public and private agencies and persons to undertake a coordinative, comprehensive
planning program and to undertake projects and activities in accordance with the
comprehensive regional development plan.
Membership and Organization
1. a) Representative members. The Board shall consist of three representative
members from each of the Participating Counties, who shall be appointed by the re-
spective boards of supervisors of the said counties and shall be residents of the
county from which they are appointed.
b) Ex -officio members. The County Engineer or Superintendent of Highways or
District Superintendent in each Participating County shall be a member ex -officio,
and in a county which has established the office of Comptroller, or Commissioner of
Finance, such official shall also be a member ex -officio. In addition, the Chairman
of the Board of Supervisors and the Chairman of the County Planning Board, if any,
of each of the Participating Counties shall be a member ex -officio.
2. The three representative members shall be appointed for terms of three years
each, provided, however, that of the members first appointed, one shall be appointed
for_ a term of one year, one for a term of two years, and one for a term of three years.
In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of a member by death, resignation or
otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term.
3. The members of the Board shall receive no salary or compensation for their
services as members of such Board, except that they may be reimbursed for necessary
and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
4. The Board shall annually elect from its membership a chairman, a vice-chair-
man, a secretary and a treasurer, no more than two of whom shall be representatives
of the same county. The Board may elect such other officers as it deems necessary
and appropriate.
5. A majority of the representative members shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of any business or the exercise of any power or function of the Board.
The Board shall act by resolution.
6. The Board may establish such committees as it deems necessary and appro-
The Board may have and exercise the powers, duties and functions hereby con-
ferred with respect to the area encompassing the Participating Counties.
78: April 13, 1970
Powers and Duties,
The Board,in addition to having any and all powers and duties .conferred on
regional planning boards 'under the provisions of Article 12-B of the. General Munici-
pal Law or any other law, is specifically authorized and empowered:
1. To prepare and from time to time revise, amend or add to a comprehensive
regional development plan for the entire area of the Participating Counties. The plan
shall embody the policy recommendations of the Board and shall be coordinated with
the planning of State departments and agencies engaged in related activities, par-
ticularly those of the Office of Planning Coordination.
2. To encourage and assist compliance with the comprehensive regional develop-
ment plan and provide guidance and assistance to public and private agencies in
planning projects and activities.
3. Upon request of any municipality within its jurisdiction, any agency of the
Participating Counties or the State or Federal governments, to review and recom-
men&'concerning any proposed planning, or development project or activity within
its jurisdiction.
4. To conduct studies and projections which will be useful and .applicable to
policy and planning decisions by public and private bodies.
5. To provide a central clearing house for 'planning and development informa-
tion and recommendations with government agencies, civic associations and private
6. To administer programs for assuring adequate understanding and considera-
tion of regional planning and development by public officials and private citizens,
including but not limited to .such items as publications, conferences, seminars and
institutes. ., .. : .
7. To 'provide advice and recommendations concerning planning and • develop-
ment to the governing bodies and agencies of the. Participating Counties and munici-
palities therein, and to the State and Federal governments.
8. To furnish its services to municipalities within the jurisdicton of the Partici-
pating Counties upon the request of such municipalities.
9. To enter into contracts to obtain and provide technical and professional staff
and consulting' services necessary and appropriate for fulfilling its powers and- duties.
10. To receive and expend grants from private foundations or agencies and to
apply for and accept grants from the Federal or State governments, and to enter into
contracts for and agree to accept ,such grants, donations or subsidies in accordance
with applicable law and regulations.
The Board shall make an annual report of its activities to the Boards of Super-
visors of the respective Participating Counties.
1. The Board shall annually prepare and adopt an operating budget to carry out
the responsibilities set forth in this Agreement and submit such budget to the Boards
of Supervisors of each of the Participating Counties.
2. The Board of Supervisors of each of the Participating Counties shall make
available to the Board its proportionate share, in such manner as shall be mutually
agreed upon by the participating counties, of the expenses of the Board. The Par-
ticipating Counties •,shall. not be chargeable with any expense incurred by the Board
except as herein provided.
April 13, 1970 79
Effective Date
This Agreement shall take effect immediately upon the adoption of concurring
resolutions by two or more of the counties of Broome, Chemung, Delaware, Otsego,
Tioga and Tompkins, being contiguous; it being specifically understood and agreed
that any of the said counties not adopting such resolution initially shall have the
option to do so at a later time, so long as such county is then contiguous to one of the
existing Participating Counties, all of • which resolutions when taken together shall
be deenied to constitute one single instrument.
Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 91 — Creation of Position —.Social Services —
County Home and Farm Appropriation
from Contingent Furid
Mr. MacNeil offered, the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the 'Personnel Committee, Social and
Health Services Committee, Commissioner of Personnel and the Acting Com-
missioner of Social Services, That the position of Institution Farmer be
created in the noncompetitive class, labor grade IX; effective immediately,
RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $4,650 be appropriated from the
Contingent Fund - General (Code 290-650A) to Public Home - Personal
Services (Code 152-100),
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution, to -the Commissioner of Personnel, to the Acting Commis-
sioner of Social Services and to the Commissioner: of Budget and Administra-
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration,
.be and he hereby is authorized to make said, transfer on his .books.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Ayes — 13. Noes— 0. Abstain— 1.. Absent — 2.
Carried. •
RESOLUTION NO. 92 _Approval of Amendment of Provisions and
Procedures for Tompkins County
:Mr.'MacNeil'offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
• WHEREAS: Chapter 24 of the Laws of 1969 passed by the New York
State Legislature required that the Tompkins County Board of Representa-
tives amend their provisions and procedures to conform to said amendment,
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Personnel by Resolution 320 (December
22; 1969) was authorized to 'amend the Provisions and Procedures of Tomp-
kins". County to 'conform with the provisions of Section 212 of the Civil
Service Law and P.E.R.B. Rule 203.1, and
WHEREAS, said amended Provisions and Procedures have been approved
by' the State Public Employment Relations Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Personnel and
the Personnel Committee, That the amended Provisions and Procedures for
Tompkins County as amended and approved by, the State be, and hereby are
Seconded by Mr. Leary.. Carried.
80 April 13, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 93—Establishment of Position — Technical Direc-
tor — School of X -Ray Technology
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Personnel, Per-
sonnel Committee, Social and Health Services Committee and Eugene Arnold,
Administrator, Tompkins County Hospital, That the office of Instructional
X -Ray Technician in the competitive class, labor grade XI be abolished and
the position of Technical Director, School of X -Ray Technology be established
in the competitive class, labor grade XII, effective immediately.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 94 — On Audit
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the following list of claims
Tompkins be and hereby is audited by this Board at
proved by the various committees:
General Fund
Highway Fund
Airport Fund
Dog Fund
County Self -Insurance Fund
Printing & Supply Transfers
against the County of
the above amounts ap-
$ 25,756.80
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of this Board file a certified list of
claims so audited with the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and
that he be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so
audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Ayes — 14. Noes — 0. Absent - 2. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 95—Abolish Position of One Full Time Typist
and Create Position of Additional Deputy
County Clerk and Amendment of Resolution
No. 72
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 72 duly and unanimously adopted by the
Board of Representatives at a regular meeting of the Board held March
23, 1970, authorized the appointment of an additional Deputy County Clerk,
pursuant to Article XVIII, Section 18.03 of the County Charter and Article
12, Section 526, Subd. 3 of the County Law, and
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Personnel held a public hearing on the
creation of said position on March 31, 1970, and no one appeared in opposi-
tion thereto, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 18.04 of the County Charter, the County
Clerk has designated in writing, and in order of succession, the Deputy
County Clerks who shall be Acting County Clerk in the event of her absence
from the County or inability to perform and exercise the powers and duties
of her office; such designation having been filed pursuant to authorization
by the Board of Representatives with the Clerk of said Board and in the
County Clerk's Office on March 24, 1970, and
WHEREAS, upon recommendation of the County Clerk, the Commissioner
of Personnel and the Personnel Committee, one position of typist be abolished
April 13, 1970 81
in the County Clerk's Office and the position of Deputy County Clerk in
Grade VIII (rather than Grade IX) in the exempt class be created, and
WHEREAS, the creation of this position will necessitate a transfer of funds
within the already budgeted appropriation for the County Clerk's Office, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, That subject to approval by the State Civil Service Commis-
sion, one typist position be abolished in the County Clerk's Office and in
its place and stead the position of Deputy County Clerk in the exempt class
in Grade VIII, Step A, rather than Grade IX as set forth in Resolution No.
72, be and hereby is created,
RESOLVED, further, upon recommendation of the Budget and Administra-
tion Committee and the County Clerk, That the sum of $600 be transferred
from Code 53A-120 to Code 53A-100 Personal Services, and the Commis-
sioner of Budget and Administration be and he hereby is authorized and
directed to transfer said sum,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the County Clerk, Commissioner of Personnel and Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 96 — Endorsement of Civil Defense Director's
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Section 3 (b) of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1959, as
amended, defines the term "Civil Defense" to mean all those activities and
measures designed or undertaken (1) to minimize the effects upon the civilian
population caused, or which would be caused, by an attack upon the United
States; (2) to deal with the immediate emergency conditions which would
be created by such an attack; and (3) effectuate emergency repairs to, or
the emergency restoration of vital utilities and facilities destroyed or damaged
by any such attack; and
WHEREAS, paragraph 203 (j) (1) of the Federal Property and Adminis-
trative Services Act of 1949 authorizes the donation of Federal Surplus
Property exclusive of real property, for the purposes of education, public
health or Civil Defense with no Federal priority among the three purposes;
WHEREAS, in accordance with paragraph (4) subsection 203 (j) of the
Act, the Director of Civil Defense is responsible for determining what sur-
plus property, exclusive of real property, is useable, and necessary for Civil
Defense purposes; and
WHEREAS, the construction and maintenance of road and highway sys-
tems would be of the utmost importance in national and local emergencies
and for the construction of expedient shelters under fallout conditions, and
WHEREAS, states and political subdivisions with large land areas, topo-
graphical extremes, low population density and minimal assessed valuation
have difficulty in acquiring adequate road and highway construction equip-
ment, and
WHEREAS, existing rules and regulations are restricting the flow of
possible road and highway equipment and public safety equipment, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, That this Board hereby supports and endorses the resolution
of the New York Civil Defense Directors Association respectfully request-
ing the Director of Civil Defense, Office of Civil Defense, Department of De-
fense and Mr. John F. Davis to reevaluate and include road and highway
construction equipment, associated maintenance shop equipment and public
safety equipment in the useable and necessary property list of donable prop-
erty for Civil Defense purposes,
82 April 13, 1970.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Hon. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Governor of New York;
Senator Jacob K. Javits; Senator Charles Goodell; Secretary of Defense, Mel-
vin R. Laird; County Officers Association; Association of Towns; Associa-
tion of Mayors; National Association of County Officers and the United
States Civil Defense Council.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 97 — Appropriation from Contingent Fund —
Sherif f
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com-
mittee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sum of $9,800
be appropriated from the Contingent Fund - General (Code 290-560A) to
Sheriff - Equipment (Code 80-200),
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Robert Howard, Sheriff and John Murphy, Commis-
sioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes — 14. Noes — 0. Absent — 2. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 98 —Altering Terms of Economic Opportunity
Corporation Directors to Conform to Fiscal
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the fiscal year of the Economic Opportunity Corporation runs
from April 1 - March 31 of each year, and
WHEREAS, the By -Laws of the Tompkins County Economic Opportunity
Corporation state that the Directors shall be elected annually, and
WHEREAS, the publicly appointed directors of the Economic Opportunity
Corporation are presently elected for a period July - June 30 of each year,
WHEREAS, the By -Laws of the Economic Opportunity Corporation state
that certain directors shall be elected at the annual meeting which must be
held not later than fifteen days after the commencement of the fiscal year,
namely, April 1, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Economic Opportunity Corpora-
tion recommend that the directors serve from April 1 - March 31 of each
year in order to correspond with the fiscal year, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the directors to be appointed July 1, 1970, be appointed
for a term expiring March 31, 1971, and that commencing April 1, 1971,
all directors appointed shall serve from April 1 thru March 31 of each year,
- RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Directors of the Economic Opportunity Corporation
and the Director of Economic Opportunity Corporation.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 99—Authorization to Pay Historical Site Caretaker
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, the Intergovernmental Relations Committee is authorized to
pay the historical site caretaker in 1970 on the same basis as paid in 1969,
April 13, 1970 83
being 29 per cent of the salary authorized by the labor contract, and be it
RESOLVED, further, That if and when budgeted funds are exhausted in
1970 this board will approve added funds to permit continued payment at 29
per cent, and be it
RESOLVED, further, nothing in this resolution shall prevent further study
of the operation and financing of the museum at a later time this year, in-
cluding changing the percentage of full salary to be paid the historic site
caretaker, and be it
RESOLVED, further, a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the County
Commissioner of Personnel, and he calculate the correct semi-monthly pay
due the person presently being employed as caretaker, and prepare the
necessary papers to make back payment to the caretaker and provide for
future vouchers to be approved by the appropriate committee.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
At this time Mr. Marcham placed in nomination the following names
for appointment to the Economic Opportunity Corporation:
Erie J. Miller, Jr., Raymond Buckley, James Greenman, Hugh Hurl-
but, Charles _McCord, Leonard Miscall, Anthony Spano, Mrs. Marion
Schickel, Nancy Knuutila, John Gutenberger
Upon hearing no further nominations, it was MOVED by Mr. Marcham,
seconded by Mr. Stutz, that the above-named persons be appointed to
the Economic Opportunity Corporation with terms expiring March 31,
1971. Carried.
At this time a public hearing on the Community College Budget was
set up for April 27 at 8:15 p.m.
A public hearing was also set up for May 4th at 8:00 p.m., on T.N.C.
Aviation, Inc.
Upon hearing no objections, Chairman Dates moved the meeting of
May 11th ahead to May 4th at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Leary mentioned that if anyone has a name to recommend as an
outstanding legislator for the year, please let him know before May 22.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
84 April 27, 1970
Monday, April 27, 1970 - 7:30 p.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Representatives MacNeil, Marcham, Schickel, Stutz,
Webster, Bruce, Culligan, Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Lee and Dates -
EXCUSED: Representatives Abbott, Leary — 2.
ABSENT: Representative Miller (Arrived 8:25 p.m.) — 1.
Members and guests at this time participated in the pledge of alle-
Chairman Dates declared the minutes of the April 13th meeting
approved, upon hearing no objections.
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action:
Request for 1971 estimated annual budgets from the Commissioner of
Budget and Administration; Quarterly statement of county financial con-
dition from Commissioner of Budget and Administration; Notice of
appointment of additional county clerk in the County Clerk's Office;
Notice of Claim of Robert A. Brown and Betty B. Brown; from Office
for Local Government with accompanying suggestions for observing
April 22 as Earth Day; Certificates of Final State Equalization Rates for
Caroline, 99; Danby, 85; Dryden, 83; Enfield, 97; Groton, 96; Ithaca, 84;
Lansing, 82; and Ulysses, 87; notice of tentative railroad ceilings for 1970
for Newfield, City of Ithaca, Villages of Dryden, Freeville and Groton;
resolution from County of Cortland endorsing the licensed practical nurs-
ing program at the Tompkins -Cortland Community College; resolution
from Suffolk County urging the enactment of legislation relating to the
New York State Urban Development Corporation; contracts executed for
$650 with the Ulysses Philomathic Library of Trumansburg and the
Goodyear Memorial Library of Groton; minutes received from the
Cayuga Lake Basin Board for February 18; Tompkins County Sewer
Agency for April 3; Social and Health Services Committee for April
9; and the Tompkins County Hospital Board of Managers for March
16, 1970.
April 27, 1970 85
Chairman Dates declared by Proclamation placed on file with the
Clerk, that April 22, 1970 be proclaimed EARTH DAY and urges the
people on our campuses, in our schools, and in our community to partici-
pate in the many and varied teach -ins which are planned within the
MOVED by Mr. Golder, Unanimously seconded and Carried, That
Clifford E. Bower be nominated for the County Legislator of the Year
Award and the nomination be sent to the Supervisors' and County
Legislators' Association for consideration.
At this time various committee chairmen reported as follows:
Mr. Culligan, Social and Health Services, noted the hospital is going
to need money from the Enterprise Fund for study of two or three types
of construction at the hospital.
At this time, Mr. Murray, President of the Board of Managers spoke.
He said the firm will make recommendations as to the requirements of
the type of hospital we should have and follow architects through the
conclusion of their work and letting of the contract. The firm of Wood
and Tower has been highly recommended by Cornell University. He
stated that the recent O'Rourke Report was made to only predict the
future requirements for the next 20 years.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, reported that the committee
had met and the Senior Citizens presented their needs for a room. How-
ever, no action was taken at this time. He said the Commissioner of
Public Works will write specifications on the bulldozer for the refuse
site. The bids for the Refuse Site are being considered and hope to have
a decision in approximately two weeks.
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, noted that 1) Commissioner
Murphy will commence holding department head meetings to get the
feeling of what is on the minds of department heads. 2) The insurance
evaluation which he is conducting is progressing nicely; 3) Interpretation
of the Charter and how it can be worked more effectively; 4) Mr.
Payne, Director of Assessment, reports fine progress in the Assessment
Program. The taxable status date is May 1. It appears everything will
be finished by May 15.
Mr. Marcham noted that a resolution has been received from Cortland
County endorsing the Practical Nursing Program.
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Golder, That resolutions
pertaining to transfer of funds — Library; transfer of funds, Jury Com-
mission; transfer of funds — Social Services Department; expenditure
86 April 27, 1970
from the Enterprise Fund — Hospital; and appreciation of Albert
Bedworth — Mental Health Department, not on the agenda, be con-
sidered at this time.
RESOLUTION NO. 100—Creation of Positions—Social Services
Department — Food Stamp Program
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Social and Health Services
Committee, the Commissioner of Personnel and the Personnel Committee,
That the following positions be created in the Social Services Department,
effective immediately:
1. Welfare Unit Assistant, labor grade VII, competitive class
2. Typist, labor grade IV, competitive class
3. Case Supervisor Grade B, labor grade XIII, competitive class
the aforesaid positions being needed to supervise and direct the Food Stamp
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and to the Commissioner
of Social Services.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 101 — Creation of Positions—Hospital
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Social and Health Services
Committee, the Administrator of the Tompkins County Hospital, the Com-
missioner of Personnel and the Personnel Committee, that the position of
Janitor at the Tompkins County Hospital be and the same hereby is abolished
and the position of Head Janitor in said hospital, labor Grade XII, com-
petitive class, be and the same hereby is created, effective immediately,
RESOLVED, further, That the position of Typist in the Accounting De-
partment at the Tompkins County Hospital be abolished and the position of
Senior Account Clerk Typist, labor grade VII, competitive class, be created
effective immediately,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 102 — Creation of Position and Transfer of Funds
— Family Court
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon the request of the Tompkins County Judge and recom-
mendation of the Commissioner of Personnel, Personnel Committee and the
Public Safety and Correction Committee, That the position of part-time Court
Reporter in the Family Court be created, effective immediately, to expire
December 31, 1970, at the pay rate of $4.36 per hour, it being understood
that Bettina Jennings will be appointed to said position at said pay rate,
RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $400 be transferred from Surrogate,
Personnel Services (Code 23-100) to Family Court Personal Services
(Code 22-100),
April 27, 1970 87
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Adminis-
tration be and he hereby is directed to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and to the Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
Chairman Dates declared a recess at 8:00 p.m. for a Public Hearing
on Local Law No. 1 — Rules and Regulations of the Assessment Division.
The Clerk read the Notice of Public Hearing and the County Attorney
proceeded to present the Local Law.
Pursuant to Article III, Section 3.05 (C) the Tompkins County
Charter and Code, the following rules and regulations of the Assessment
Division are hereby enacted concerning the assessing of property within
the County.
Section 3.05.1
Definitions: See Section 102 Definitions Real Property Tax Law — as
amended from time to time.
Standard of Assessment: See Section 306 (Real Property Tax Law)
Section 3.05.2
Taxable Status Dates:
All Real Property shall be assessed in the City, Town, Village, School
or Special District in which it is situated according to its condition and
ownership as of the following dates:
City of Ithaca — First Day of March
Towns — First Day of May
Special Districts — First Day of May
School Districts — The Taxable Status Date of the City or Town, as the
case may be, shall be controlling for School District
purposes, except as otherwise ,provided in Section
1302 of the Real Property Tax Law.
Villages — First Day of January
Section 3.05.3
Form of Assessment Roll:
1. Names and Addresses of Owners on Assessment Roll. The Director
and his deputies shall make reasonable effort to ascertain the name
88 April 27, 1970
of the owner, last known owner or reputed owner of Real Prop-
erty on the Taxable Status Date Applicable. If in the preparation
of the Assessment Roll an error or ommission is made in the descrip-
tion of a parcel of Real Property or in entering or failing to enter
the Name and Address of the owner, last known owner or
reputed owner, such error or omission shall not prevent the levy,
collection and enforcement of the payment of the taxes thereon if
the parcel can be identified and located with reasonable certainty.
2. Identification of Real Property on the Assessment Roll
Reference to the Section, block and lot number as shown on the
appropriate Certified Tax Map shall be deemed a sufficient
description of such parcel. Any other description which may
appear on the Assessment Roll such as name, address, location,
acres or linear dimensions shall be considered general informa-
tion only. All assessments shall be against the real property itself
which shall be liable to sale pursuant to law for any unpaid taxes or
special Ad Valorem Levies.
Section 3.05.4
Duty of other officers to furnish information:
1. Building Permits: All persons authorized to issue building permits
in the County, City, Town or Village therein, shall, not less
frequently than once a month, deliver to the Director of the Assess-
ment Division a copy of such permits or a list thereof. (Describe
contents of application)
2. County Clerk: — There shall be designated in the Office of
County Clerk a person, or persons who, in addition to other
assigned duties, shall receive all conveyances of title for recording.
Said person or persons shall have the primary responsibility for the
determination that identification of such conveyances by Tax Map
Section, block and lot numbers has been completed. Persons
recording such conveyances of title shall identify such convey-
ances by Tax Map Section, block and lot number, and in addi-
tion, the future Tax Notice or Property Mailing Address.
Change Orders, supplied by the Assessment Division shall be used
to transmit the above information and other specified data re-
garding each conveyance on the clay following the recording of the
conveyance to the Tax Map Section.
Where such conveyance is recorded and the instrument conveys
a part of the lot or lots shown on the Tax Map, the appropriate
section of the change order shall be completed showing in a rough
sketch the intended division of 'the lot or lots.
3. Planning Boards: — All new sub -division maps submitted to Plan-
ning Boards shall have the section, block and lot numbers assigned
April 27, 1970 89
by the Tax Map Section of the Assessment Division prior to final
Planning Boards will indicate those maps which have had a final
approval, whereupon the Surveyor or Engineer or the Developer
shall submit two paper prints of such sub -division to the Tax Map
Section. One paper print shall be retained by the Tax Map Sec-
tion pursuant to Section 334 of the Real Property Law. The second
copy shall be returned to the Developer.
4. Highway Officials: — County, City, Town and Village Officials in
charge of Highway Planning and Appropriation of Land therefore,
shall notify the Tax Map Section of any appropriation of lands for
public rights of way. An appropriation map shall be prepared
showing the extent to which lots as shown on the Tax Map, are
affected. A copy of such map shall be filed with the Tax Map Sec-
tion at the time of appropriation.
Section 3.05.5
Tentative Completion of Assessment Rolls:
1. The Director of Assessment shall complete the tentative Assess-
ment Roll, and cause a copy thereof to be prepared, according to
the following schedule:
Villages — First Day of February
City — First Day of March
Towns — First Day of June
He shall forthwith cause a notice of the contents of which are
herein set forth, to be published once in the Official Newspaper of
such Village, City or Town, or if no newspaper has been desig-
nated the Official Newspaper, in a newspaper having general
circulation in such village, city or town, according to the following
Villages — On or before Eighth Day of February
City — On or before Eighth Day of March
Towns — On or before Eighth Day of June
The Village, City or Town Clerk shall cause a copy of the pub-
lished notice to be posted on the Sign -Board maintained for the
posting of legal notices at the entrance of the Clerk's Office for
the village, city or town.
2. Such notice shall state that the. tentative Assessment Roll has been
completed, that a copy thereof has been left with the Village,
City or Town Clerk at a specified place where it may be examined
by any person until the Third Tuesday following the filing date.
A statement that a member of the professional staff of the Division
90 April 27, 1970
of Assessment will be in attendance with such tentative Assessment
Roll at a specified place during a specified period of at least four
hours between nine o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock in the
evening on a specified day or days after the first. Publication of such
notice and before the day the local Assessment Review Board is
required to meet to hear complaints.
A statement of the date on which the local assessment review
board will meet to consider complaints in relation to assessments
of real property, the place and hours of such meeting, including at
least four hours, not necessarily continuous, between nine o'clock
in the morning and ten o'clock in the evening.
Section 3.05.6
Notice of increased assessments:
Following the filing of the tentative assessment rolls between
the first and fifth days, the director of the assessment division shall
mail to each owner of real property a notice of any increase in
assessment thereof. Failure to mail any such notice or failure of
the owner to receive the same shall not prevent the levy, collection,
and •enforcement of the payment of the taxs on such real property.
Section 3.05.7
Complaints with Respect to Assessments:
Complaints with respect to assessments may be filed with the
professional staff at any time prior to the meeting of the local as-
sessment review board or at the time of such meeting. Complainants
shall file a statement, under oath, specifying the respect in which
the assessment complained of its illegal, erroneous or unequal,
which statement must be made by the person whose property is as-
sessed, or by some person authorized to make such statement who
has knowledge of the facts stated therein.
Section 3.05.8
Correction of Assessment Rolls by Board of Assessors:
Pursuant to Section 3.05 (A and B) the board of assessors shall
thereafter determine the final assessment of the real property of
each complainant and shall correct the assessment roll accordingly.
Such assessment may be greater than, the same as, or less than the
original assessment, or if determined to be illegal, the same shall
be stricken from the roll. All changes in the tentative assessment
roll made by the board of assessors shall be entered on such roll
on or prior to the following dates:
Villages — Fifteenth day of March
City — Fifteenth day of April
Towns — Fifteenth day of July
April 27, 1970 91
Section 3.05.9
Final Completion of Assessment Rolls and Verification Thereof:
The assessment rolls shall be finally completed and verified
on or before the following dates:
Villages — First clay of April
City — First day of May
Towns — First day of August
(B) When the assessment rolls have been completed, the direc-
tor of assessment will appear before any officer of the county
authorized by law to administer oaths and shall make and
subscribe before such officer an oath in the following form:
"I, , director of assessment
do depose and swear that, to the best of my knowledge
and belief, I have set forth in the foregoing assessment
roll all the real property situated in the of
, Tompkins County, New York in which I
am assessor and, with the exception of those cases in
which the value of such real property has been changed
by reason of proof produced before the board of assessors,
and with the exception of those cases in which the value
of any special franchise has been assessed by the state
board of equalization and assessment, I have estimated
the value of such real property at the sums which I have,
or a majority of the members of the board of assessors
has decided to be the full value thereof."
(C) Such written or printed oath shall be a part of the assess-
ment roll, signed by the director of assessment and cer-
tified by the officer.
Section 3.05.10
Filing of Completed Assessment Rolls: Notice thereof -
1. On or before the dates provided for in the Section 3.05.9 the Direc-
tor of Assessment shall file and thereafter keep on file in his office
a certified copy of the completed and verified village, city and
town Assessment Rolls. At the same time a certified copy of the
completed and verified village, city and town Assessment Rolls
shall be filed in the office of the village, city or town clerk.
2. When the completed Village, City of Town Assessment Roll shall
have been filed as provided in Section 3.05.10 (1) , the Director of
Assessment shall forthwith cause a notice, the contents of which
are hereinafter set forth to be published once in the official news-
paper of such village, city, or town, or if no newspaper has.been
designated the official newspaper, in a newspaper having general
92 April 27, 1970
circulation in such village, city or town. The Clerk of the village,
city or town shall cause a copy of the published notice to be posted
on the signboard maintained for the posting of legal notices at the
entrance of the Clerk's office for the village, city or town.
3. Such notice shall state that the Assessment Roll has been finally
completed and a certified copy thereof has been filed in the office
of the Director of Assessment and in the office of the Village, City
or Town Clerk, and will be open for public inspection for a period
of fifteen days.
Section 3.05.11
Proceedings to Review Assessments:
An assessment on the Village, City or Town Assessment Roll shall
be reviewed in the manner provided by the Real Property Tax Law
of the State of New York except as provided in Section 3.05.12 of
this charter.
Section 3.05.12
Time for Beginning and Service of Papers in Proceedings for Review
of Assessments:
The petition and notice for review of an Assessment on the
Village, City or Town Assessment Roll as provided for in Section
3.05.11 of this charter must be served within thirty clays after
filing of the certified copy of the completed and verified Assess-
ment Roll in the offices of the Director of Assessment and the Vil-
lage, City or Town Clerk as required by Section 3.05.10 of this
charter. Three copies of the petition, notice and any other papers
in connection therewith must be served, upon the Director of As-
sessment or upon the Assistant Director thereof. Notwithstanding
the provision of any other general or special law to the contrary it
shall not be necessary to deliver a copy of said petition or notice
to the Clerk of any Village, City, Town or School District.
Section 3.05.13
School District 'Assessment Roll:
The Assessment annually made and completed in and for the
City and the Townships by the Assessment Division shall be the
assessment for School District tax purposes. The Director of Assess-
ment shall, on or before the first day of August, prepare a separate
assessment roll of property situated within school districts, which
separate Assessment Roll shall be a duplicate of that part of the
City or Town Assessment Roll wholly or partly within each school
April 27, 1970
Section 3.05.14
Certification of Assessed Value of Real Property in Villages, City,
Towns and School Districts:
As soon as the Director of Assessment has finally completed and
verified the Assessment Rolls for Village, City, Town, County
and/or School District tax purposes the Director of Assessment
shall certify the total assessed value of the real property, including
special franchises, shown thereon and for the purposes stated above.
Section 3.05.15
Apportionment of Assessment and Taxes:1
1. The owner, mortgagee, holder of a tax lien or prospective pur-
chaser or prospective mortgagee of all or part of a lot may petition
the Director of Assessment for an apportionment of such real
property and the assessment thereof on the Village, City, Town or
School District Assessment Roll, and the apportionment of taxes
and assessments for benefit on such real property and the arrears
thereof including tax liens which have been sold by the county.
2. The petitioner shall state in his petition:
A. The interest which he possesses in such real property.
B. Name, address, nature and degree of the interest of the owners,
mortgagees or holders of tax liens in such real property and
the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of any of them, so
far as the records of the County Clerk, Commissioner of Finance
or the Surrogate of the County show.
C. The relief sought by the petitioner.
D. Any other information which the Division of Assessment may
require by its rules and regulations.
E. Such petition shall be verified by the petitioner.
3. Upon receipt of the petition, the Director of Assessment shall no-
tify by mail the persons mentioned in subdivision 2. (B) of this
section that the petitioner has submitted a request for an appor-
4. The Director of Assessment may approve or reject the petition and
shall promptly notify the petitioner by mail of his decision.
5. A hearing shall be granted on such petition if:
A. The Director of Assessment requests it.
94 April 27, 1970
B. The Director of Assessment rejects the petition in whole or in
part and the petitioner files with the Director of Assessment,
• within ten days from the date of the issuance of the notice or
rejection of the petition a written request for a hearing.
1 Real Property Tax Law — Section 932
C. Any person possessing a legal or equitable interest in such real
property files with the Director of Assessment, within ten days
after the filing of the petition a written notice objecting to the
6. The Director of Assessment shall determine whether the hearing
shall be held before the Board of Assessors or before the Director
or before a member of the Board designated by him or before a pro-
fessional staff member so designated. The Director shall determine
whether the hearing shall be held at the main or a branch office
of the Division of Assessment. The petitioner and other parties
shall be notified by mail by the Director of .the time and place
of the meeting. However, the petitioner or any such party; by a
written statement, may waive notice of such hearing.
7. If the petition is approved in whole or in part, the Board or the
Director of Assessment shall issue a memorandum of apportion-
ment setting forth the apportionment of such real property and
the assessment thereof in such manner as it seems advisable and also
the apportionment of taxes and assessments for benefit on such
real property, and the arrears thereof, including tax liens which
have been sold by the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
however, the memorandum may provide for apportioning only such
real property and the assessment thereof, without apportioning the
taxes and assessments for benefit and arrears thereof. •
No amendment or change in the tax map for the Village, City,
or Town shall be made as a result of the issuance of such memor-
andum of apportionment.
Whenever an instrument is recorded in the office of the County
Clerk which requires the amendment or change in the tax map for
a village, city or town, the Director of Assessment shall upon re-
quest of an owner issue a certificate of apportionment. Upon the
issuance of a certificate of apportionment as herein provided, the
Director of Assessment shall forthwith cause all current assessment
rolls with collectors of taxes, including school district assessment
rolls, to be marked thereon in accordance with such certificate of
8. If a Certificate of Apportionment is issued after the extension of
taxes is completed and the roll delivered to the receiver or collec-
April 27,. 1970 95
tor, the Director shall send a copy of the Certificate of Apportion-
ment to the receiver or collector of taxes for the tax district in
which the real property is situated and in a proper case to the
Commissioner of Budget and Administration. Thereupon such of-
ficer of the village, city, town, school district or county, as the case
may be, shall mark the Assessment Roll over which he has juris-
diction in accordance with such certificate of apportionment and
shall thereafter separately receive the taxes and assessment for bene-
fit so apportioned, and the arrears thereof with interest, penalties
and additions thereon as provided in Article III, Section 3.02 of
this chapter and any other applicable law.
9. Whenever an application is made for the apportionment of taxes
and assessments for benefit, whether before or while said taxes and
assessments for benefit are in the hands of the receivers or collec-
tors of taxes•for collection, no interest or penalties shall accrue on
such taxes and assessments for benefit from and after the date of
such application and until the filing of the Certificate of Appor-
tionment with the receiver or collector for the tax district in which
the real property .is situated or the Commissioner of Budget and
Administration as the case may be, provided said application was
made at least ten days prior to the interest and penalty date and
further provided, that the taxes and assessments for benefit so ap-
portioned are paid within twenty days after the date of billing in
accordance with the Certificate of Apportionment.
Section 3.05.16
Correction of Errors in Assessment Rolls:
1. The Director of Assessment shall exercise and cause the provision
of Section 554 of the Real Property Tax Law to be carried out
regarding the petition of assessors for correction of Assessment
2. The Board of Representatives likewise shall act in accordance with
the provision of Section 554 and 556 of the Real Property Tax Law
upon the petition of the Director of Assessment.
3. The Board of Representatives, when authorizing the correction of
an error in the Assessment Rolls based upon a petition subscribed
by the Director of Assessment, or when it shall appear that such
taxes or assessments for benefit have not been paid because of
errors or omissions not the fault of the owner and which cannot
be corrected under other provisions of this charter may modify or
waive the penalties, charges, costs and interest to be paid on such
taxes or assessments.
4. If under Subdivision 9 Section 3.05.15, any tax or assessment for
96 April 27, 1970
benefit is apportioned, the receiver or collector of taxes and Direc-
tor of Budget and Administration shall receive the same separately
when so apportioned.
5. If under Subdivision 3 Section 3.05.16 any penalty, charge, cost or
interest on any tax or assessment for benefit is waived, the receiver
or collector of taxes shall receive the amount of tax or assessment
without such penalty, charge, cost or interest when a certified copy
of the resolution waiving the same is filed with him.
Section 3.05.17
Validity of Assessment Rolls:
Any incorrect statement of the name of the owner or owners of
any property described on the village, city, town or school district
assessment rolls shall in no way affect the validity of such Assess-
ment Roll.
Section 3.05.18
When Lands Imperfectly Described:
The Director of Assessment may correct any imperfect descrip-
tion in the village, city, town or school district assessment rolls at
any time before the lands are advertised for sale for the non-pay-
ment of taxes or assessments, and not thereafter.
Section 3.05.19
Assessments for Benefit:
1. On or before the fifteenth day of August the Director of Assess-
ment shall cause to be prepared assessment rolls for each and every
town or special district purpose levied on a benefit basis.
2. As each special district is initially approved by a municipality a
map showing the tax map number of each parcel included in the
special district shall be filed with tax map section.
3. Thereupon the parcels so designated on the tax map shall be so
coded to enable the preparation of special district assessment rolls.
4. When the special district assessment rolls are finally completed as.
provided in Subdivision One of this section, they shall be delivered
to the Town Clerk or other lawfully designated person who shall
open them to public review pursuant to Section 239 of the Town
5. On or before the first day of November all special district assess-
April 27, 1970 97
ment rolls shall be returned to the Director of Assessment to be
included in and levied upon the Town Assessment Roll.
6. The Board of Assessors by resolution may authorize the Director
of Assessment to perform and render any additional service on a
time and material basis, pertaining to the preparation and exten-
sion of Assessment Rolls for town or special district purposes levied
on a benefit basis.
Section 3.05.20
Assessment Division Organization:
1. A member of the professional or clerical staff shall not engage di-
rectly or indirectly in the business of real estate broker, or as an
insurance agent or broker, nor shall he speculate or deal in real
estate, nor engage in the collection of data or appraise real estate
within the boundary lines of the County of Tompkins for a fee or
any other form of payment.
2. No person shall be employed and/or assigned duties which directly
relate to the appraisal of real property for purposes of taxation un-
less he meets the minimum qualification standards established by
the State Board. Such appraisal personnel shall attend courses of
training and education prescribed by the State Board within the
limits of the appropriations provided therefore.
Section 3.05.21
Review and Revaluation:
All real property in the County of Tompkins shall be reviewed
and revalued periodically by the staff of the Assessment Division.
Such periodic revaluation and review shall take place between the
fifth and tenth years following the previous revaluation. The in-
terval between such revaluation and reviews shall be determined
from the 1965 market value level and those market value levels
adopted in the future.
At this time, it was agreed that in Section 3.05.6 — Notice of Increased
Assessments, a time limitation be added, to wit:
"Following the filing of the Tentative Assessment rolls between the
first and fifth days, the Director of the Assessment Division shall mail
to each owner of real property a notice of any increase in assessment
It was stated by the County Attorney and Thomas Payne, Director of
Assessment, That there will be a continuous revaluation of real property
98 April 27, 1970
in the County of Tompkins in the sense that they will be in the field
throughout the county.
It was agreed that in Section 3.05.21 — Review and Revaluation, the
words "by the staff of the Assessment Division" be added to the first
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Kerr, That the public hearing
be closed. Carried.
At this time, the Clerk read the Notice of Public Hearing on the Ten-
tative Community College Budget and Mr. Thomas Murphy, Treasurer
of the Community College presented the Budget. Also present were three
Community College students — Phil Munson from Lansing, Wayne
Homer from Cortland, and Don Taylor from Cortland.
April 27, 1970 99
Initial Amended
Budget Budget Change
Request LPN Request Increase
EXPENDITURES 1970-71 Program 1970-71 (Decrease)
Instruction $ 448,427 $65,000 $ 513,427 $170,727
Community Services 0 0 0 0
Library 69,812 0 69,812 206
Student Services 112,069 0 112,069 31,239
Maintenance 52,408 0 52,408 5,108
Administration 180,133 0 180,133 5,433
Employees Benefits &
Insurance 171,972 15,000 186,972 71,617
OPERATING $1,034,821 $80,000 $1,114,821 $284,330
WORK STUDY $ 50,000 $ 0 $ 50,000 $ 22,750
TOTAL OPERATING $1,084,821 $80,000 $1,164,821 $307,080
Salary and Wages $ 637,077 $60,000 $ 747,077 $208,505
Supplies 81,900 1,000 82,900 9,350
Other 93,872 4,000 97,872 (5,142)
Employee Benefits &
Insurance 171,972 15,000 186,972 71,617
OPERATING $1,034,821 $80,000 $1,114,821 $284,330
WORK STUDY $ 50,000 $ 0 $ 50,000 $ 22,750
TOTAL OPERATING $1,084,821 $80,000 $1,164,821 $307,080
Present Sources
Students $ 269,000 $20,000 $ 289,000 $108,500
SUNY 345,674- 28,000 373,674 95,960
Sponsors 353,342 32,000 385,342 35,478
Other 76,805 0 76,805 48,942
OPERATING ..__ $1.044,821 $80,000 $1,124,821 $288,880
WORK STUDY $ 40,000 $' 0 $ 40,000 $ 18,200
TOTAL OPERATING $1,084,821 $80,000 $1,164,821 $307,080
State Share would be $448,408 and Sponsors $319,408 under proposed 40% sharing
program. This is a reduction of $30,456 in the Sponsor's funding share from 1969-70.
100 April 27, 1970
For 1970-71
Instruction $ 65,000
Community Services 0
Library 0
Student Services 0
Maintenance 0
Administration 0
Employee Benefits & Insurance $ 15,000
OPERATING $ 80,000
Salary & Wages $ 60,000
Supplies 1,000
Other 4,000
Employee Benefits & Insurance 15,000
OPERATING $ 80,000
Present Sources
$ 20,000
OPERATING $ 80,000
*Under present funding formula of 1969-70—
Tompkins County $ 21,333
Cortland County 10,667
April 27, 1970 101
1969-70 1970-71 (Decrease)
000 Instruction $ 78,000 $ 85,300 $ 7,300
400 Library 17,000 11,000 (6,000)
500 Student Services 12,000 10,300 (1,700)
600 Maintenance5,000 4,000 (1,000)
700 Administration 8,000 11,400 3,400
TOTAL EQUJIPMENT $120,000 $122,000 $ 2,000
Engineering $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 0
Architects 10,000 10,000 0
Perm. Site Building 300,000 500,000 200,000
Temp. Site Renovation 20,000 0 (20,000)
TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $335,000 $515,000 $180,000
TOTAL CAPITAL $455,000 $637,000 $182,000
Tompkins -Cortland Community College
Change from Budget
as Modified 1969-70 Change from 69-70 Budget
Budget as Modified Actual to Actual 1969-70 Estimated as Modified to Estimated
1969-70 1969-70 Increase (Decrease) 1970-71 1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
DAY DIVISION Enroll- Credit Enroll- Credit Enroll- Credit Enroll- Credit Enroll- Credit Per
ment Hours ment Hours ment Hours ment Hours ment Hours Cent
Fall Term 350 5,250 390 5,850 40 600 530 7,950 180 2,700
— -o
Spring Term 350 5,250 382 5,956 32 706 530 7,950 180 2,700 — =
(A) Totals Full -Time
Students 700 10,500 772 11,806 72 1,306 1,060 15,900 360 5,400 — N
(Day Division Only) `0
Fall Term 50 300 31 279 (19) (21) 50 300 — — 0
Spring Term 50 300 45 377 (5) 77 50 300
(B) Totals — Day
Part -Time Students 100 600 76 656 (24) 56 100 600
(C) Totals for Day
Division (A + B) 800 11,100 848 12,462 48 1,362 1,160 16,500 360 5,400
(D) Full -Time Equiva- FTE FTE FTE FTE FTE
lents (Divide Total
Credit Hours by 30*) — 370.0 415.4 — 45.4 — 550.0 — 180.0 48.6%
*FTE conversion factor for semester credit hour is 30; however, if quarter credit hours are being reported, this factor should be 45.
If there are more than two terms in the college year, please insert the terms in the proper sequence.
Tompkins -Cortland Community College
Budget as Modified Actual
1969-70 1969-70
Change from Budget
as Modified 1969-70
to Actual 1969-70
Increase (Decrease)
Fall Term
Spring Term
(A) Totals for Evening
(B) Full -Time Equiva-
lents (Divide Credit
Hours by 30*)
(A) Totals for Summer
(B) Full -Time Equiva-
lents (Divide Credit
Hours by 30*)
IV Total Enrollments and
Credit Hours (IC + IIA +
V Total FTE
(ID + IIB -f-MB)
Change from 69-70 Budget
as Modified to Estimated
1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
Enroll- Credit Enroll- Credit Enroll- Credit Enroll-
ment Hours ment Hours ment Hours ment
Credit Enroll- Credit Per
Hours ment Hours Cent
. 1,300
- 86.6 — 72.2
— (14.4)
(20.0) 23.1%
360 1,440
Current Est.
300 1,200
(60) (240)
- (8.0)
(47) 688
- 23.0
300 1,200
2,460 19,700
- 656.6
60 240
(8.0) 16.6%
650 4,560 30.1%
— 152.0 30.1%
*FTE conversion factor for semester credit hour is 30; however, if quarter credit hours are being reported, this factor should
*'For Community Colleges with a fiscal year beginning July 1, the summer enrollment and credit hours should be actual.
If there are more than two terms in the college year, please insert these terms in the proper sequence.
be 45.
OL6 L 'LZ I!add
Tompkins -Cortland Community College
Change from 1969-70
Budget as Modified to
020 INSTRUCTION AND DE- Budget as Modified Budget Adopted Budget Adopted 1970-71
1969 -70 1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
DAY DIVISION No. of No. of No. of Per
(Formerly Function 120) FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost Cent
Teaching Faculty
Professors — — — — —
Associate Professors 4.0 45,480 4.0 52,120 — 6,640
Assistant Professors 6.0 61,350 8.8 92,550 2.8 31,200
Instructors 8.0 68,300 11.0 101,400 3.0 33,100
FTE Ungraded 3.0 27,300 3.5 27,550 .5 250
Sub -Total - Teaching Faculty 21.0 202,430 27.3 273,620 6.3 71,190
(Actual Day Teaching
Faculty FTE Positions
1969-70 20.0)
Clerical for Teach. Fac. 3.0 13,800 4.0 20,380 1.0 6,580
Other Clerical — — — — — —
Sabbaticals — — — — —
Div. of Dept. Chairmen 1.0 11,370 1.2 14,830 .2 3,460
Other (Specify)
Allied Health Consultant .5 6,000 .5 6,000 — —
Vocational Ed. Consultant .3 6,000 — — (.3) (6,000)
AND DEPART. RESEARCH 25.8 239,600 33.0 314,830 7.2 75,230 31.4%
(To Schedule 1)
OL6 L 'LL 11'd</
SALARY & WAGES (Continued)
040 INSTRUCTION AND DE- Budget as Modified Budget Adopted,
PARTMENTAL RE- 1969-70 1970-71
(Formerly function 140)
Teaching Faculty
Other (Specify)
Independent Study
(Actual Eve. Teaching
Faculty FTE Positions
1969-70 4.6)
(To Schedule 1)
(Formerly Function 160)
Teaching Faculty
Other (Specify)
(Current Est. Summer
Teaching Faculty FTE
Positions 1969-70)
Change from 1969-70 Budget
as Modified to Budget Adopted
1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
No. of No. of No. of . Per
FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost Cent
4.0 28,000 5.0
40,000 1.0 12,000
.5 1,816 1.0 3,500 .5 1,684
4.5 29,816
6.0 43,500 1.5 13,684 4.5.9% `
3.0 23,400
3.0 24,000
600 2.6%
RESEARCH 3.0 23,400 3.0 24,000 — 600 2.6%
(To Schedule 1)
SALARY & WAGES (Continued)
Change from 1969-70 Budget
100 ORGANIZED ACTIVITIES Budget as Modified Budget Adopted as Modified to Budget Adopted
(Formerly Function 200) 1969-70 1970-71 1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
Professional No. of No. of No. of Per
Clerical FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos, Cost Cent
(To Schedule 1)
(To Schedule 1)
(Formerly Function 600)
(To Schedule 1)
Professional 2.0 17,200 2.0 18,960 — 1,760
Clerical 2.0 10,006 2.5 15,852 .5 5,846
TOTAL LIBRARIES 4.0 27,206 4.5 34,812 .5 7,606 27.9%
(To Schedule 1)
SALARY & WAGES (Continued)
Budget as Modified Budget Adopted
1969-70 1970-71
Change from 1969-70 Budget
as Modified to Budget Adopted
1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
No. of No. of No. of Per
FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost Cent
Dean of Students - - - - - -
Assistants - - - - - -
Counselors 1.6 17,600 2.0 25,920 .4 8,320
Clerical 1.0 5,850 2.0 10,268 1.0 4,418
Admissions Officer 1.3 15,600 1.0 12,600 (.3) (3,000)
Assistants - - - -
Counselors - - - - - -
Clerical 1.0 4,600 1.0 5,134 534
Professional _7 8,500 1.0 12,000 .3 3,500
Clerical 1.0 4,400 2.0 9,852 1.0 5,452
Health Services
Professional .2 3,500 .2 3,500
Clerical - - - - -
Financial Aids
Professional .2 2,100 .3 3,366 .1 1,266
Clerical - - - -
Professional .2 2,100 .3 3,366 .1 1,266
Clerical - - - - - -
Student Activities
Professional .4 4,200 .4 4,488 - 288
Clerical - - - - -
Evening Division
Professional .2 1,500 .3 2,250 .1 750
Clerical - - - - - -
Summer Sessions
Professional - - - -
Other - (Attach List)
TOTAL STUDENT SERVICES 7.8 69,950 10.5 92,744 2.7 22,794 32.6%
(To Schedule 1)
OL6 L 'L6 I!'dt/
(Formerly Function 700)
Maintenance of Plant
Heating Plant
Other (Specify)
SALARY & WAGES (Continued)
Budget as Modified Budget Adopted
1969-70 1970-71
Change from 1969-70 Budget
as Modified to Budget Adopted
1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
No. of No. of No. of Per
FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost Cent
3.5 20,800
5.0 29,508
1.5 8,708
OPERATION OF' PLANT 3.5 20,800 5.0 29,508 1.5 8,708 41.2%
(To Schedule 1)
PROGRAM* 13.1 27,250 22.0 50,000 8.9 22,750 83.5%
(Fed. Econ. Op. Act of 1964
as. amended)
(Vocational Education
Amendments of 1968)
*643 and 650 — Total cost, including college share.
OL6 L 'LZ I!ad'
SALARY & WAGES (Continued)
Budget as Modified Budget Adopted
1969-70 1970-71
(Formerly Function 001)
Dean of College
Academic Affairs
Business Affairs
Public Relations
Institutional Research
Mail & Supply
Evening Division
Summer Sessions
Other (Attach List)
Change from 1969-70 Budget
as Modified to Budget Adoptgd
1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
No. of No. of No. of Per
FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost Cent
1.0 24,000 1.0 25,020
1.0 6,500 1.0 6,500
1.0 22,800 1.0 20,000
1.0 6,500 LO 6,500
1.5 20,250
3.0 17,685
2.0 26,400 .5 6,150
4.0 24,253 1.0 6,568
1.0 6,830 1.0
.5 5,400 .5 5,400
1.5 16,850 1.5
1.0 6,385
18,240 - 1,390
1.5 8,000 .5 1,615
(To Schedule 1)
127,800 14.5
147,683 3.0
19,883 15.5%
GRAND TOTAL 73.2 565,822 98.5 737,077 25.3 171,255 30.3%
OL6L .'LZ I!'dV
Dept. or Div. Humanities
Budget as Modified Budget Adopted
1969-70 1970-71
Change from 1969-70 Budget
as Modified to Budget Adopted
1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
No. of No. of No. of Per
FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost Cent
Associate Professors .8 8,880 — — (.8) (8,800)
Assistant Professors 1.0 10,200 2.8 28,700 1.8 18,500
Instructors 2.0 16,000 1.0 8,950 (1.0) (7,050)
FTE -Ungraded .8 7,000 1.8 14,300 1.0 7,300 Ts
TOTAL 4.6 42,080 5.6 51,950 1.0 9,870 23.4%
Dept. or Div. Business Tech. V
Professors — — - - _
Associate Professors .8 9,560 .8 10,600 — 1,040 'o
Assistant Professors 2.0 22,400 2.0 24,200 — 1,800 V
Instructors 3.0 26,300 4.0 37,250 1.0 10,950
FTE—Ungraded .4 3,900 .5 3,400 .1 (500)
TOTAL 6.2 62,160 7.3 75,450 1.1 13,290 21.4%
Associate Professors
Assistant Professors
(As shown on Schedule B)
Dept. or Div. Math/Science
Budget as Modified Budget Adopted
1969-70 1970-71
Change from 1969-70 Budget
as Modified to Budget Adopted
1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
No. of No. of No. of Per
FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost Cent
Professors — — — — — —
Associate Professors .8 9,920 .8 10,880 960
Assistant Professors 1.0 10,200 1.0 11,500 — 1,300
Instructors 2.0 17,000 3.0 27,900 1.0 10.900
FTE—Ungraded .9 6,100 .3 3,000 (.5) (3,100)
TOTAL 4.6 43,220 5.1 53,280 .5 10,060 23.3%
Dept. or Div. Social Science
Professors — — — — — —
Associate Professors .8 8,560 .8 9,120 — 560
Assistant Professors 1.0 9,800 2.0 20,100 1.0 10,300
Instructors 1.0 9,000 1.0 9,300 — 300
FTE—Ungraded .5 5,150 .4 3,450 (.1) (1,700)
Associate Professors
Assistant Professors
(As shown on Schedule B)
3.3 32,510 4.2 41,970 .9 9,460 29.1%
OL6L 'LZ I!'d`d
Dept. or Div! Health/Rec.
Actual Budget
Expenses as Modified Budget Adopted
1968-69 1969-70 1970-71
Change from 1969-70
Budget as Modified
to Budget Adopted
1970-71 Inc. (Dec.)
No. of No. of No. of Per
FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost FTE Pos. Cost Cent
Associate Professors .8 8,560 .8 9,520 - 960
Assistant Professors 1.0 8,750 1.0 8,050 - (700)
Instructors - - 1.0 8,000 1.0 8,000
FTE -Ungraded .5 5,150 .5 3,400 - (1,750)
2.3 22,460 3.3 28,970 1.0 6,510 29.0%
Dept. or Div. Mech. & Const.
Professors - - J _ _
Associate Professors - - .8 12,000 .8 12,000
Assistant Professors - - - - -
Instructors - - 1.0 10,000 1.0 10,000
FTE -Ungraded - - - - - -
TOTAL - - 1.8 22,000 1.8 22,000 100.0%
Professors - - - - -
Associate Professors 4.0 45,480 4.0 52,120 - 6,640
Assistant Professors 6.0 61,350 8.8 92,550 2.8 31,200
Instructors 8.0 68,300 11.0 101,400 3.0 33,100
FTE -Ungraded 3.0 27,300 3.5 27,550 .5 250
TOTAL TEACHING FACULTY .... 21.0 202,430 27.3 273,620 6.3 71,190 35.2%
(As shown on Schedule B)
OL61. 'LZ I!'dV
Code and !Account Title
Change from 1969-70
Budget as Modified
to Budget Adopted
Actual Budget Budget 1970-71 Inc. (Dec.)
Expenses as Modified Adopted
1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 Amount Per Cent
100 Salaries and Wages* 91,811 239,600 314,830 75,230
200 Equipment Replacement - - - -
300 Materials and Supplies 12,465 18,000 36,525 18,525
400 Other Expenses 1,855 27,534 24,322 (3,212)
Total -Day $106,131 $285,134 $375,677 $ 90,543 31.7%
100 Salaries and Wages* 20,498 29,816 43,500 13,684
200 Equipment Replacement - - - -
300 Materials and Supplies 47 1,000 1,000
400 Other Expenses - 1,250 1,750 500
Total -Evening $.20,545 $ 32,066 $ 46,250 $ 14,184 44.2%
100 Salaries and Wages* 11,680 23,400 24,000 600
200 Equipment Replacement - - - -
300 Materials and Expenses - 1,000 1,000
400 Other Expenses 265 1,100 1,500 400
Total -Summer $ 11,945 $ 25,500 $ 26,500 $ 1,000 3.9%
Total -Instruction and Depart-
mental Research $138,621 $342,700 $448,427 $105,727 30.8%
*From Schedule B
OL6L 'LZ I!ad V
*From Schedule B
*See Addedum
Code and 4ccount Title
Change from 1969-70
Budget as Modified
Actual Budget Budget 1970-71 Inc. (Dec.)
Expenses as Modified Adopted
1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 Amount Per Cent
100 Salaries and Wages*
200 Equipment Replacement
300 Materials and Supplies
400 Other Expenses
Total—Organized Activities $ — $ — $ $ — %
100 Salaries and Wages* — — —
200 Equipment Replacement — V
300 Materials and Supplies — — — —
400 Other Expenses
Total—Sponsored Research and V
Other Sponsored Programs $ — $ — $ — $ °Io O
100 Salaries and Wages*
200 Equipment Replacement —
300 Materials and Supplies —
400 Other Expenses —
Total—Extension and Public
100 Salaries and Wages* 16,918 27,206 34,812 7,606
200 Equipment Replacement — — — —
300 Materials and Supplies 26,121 40,000 30,000 (10,000)
400 Other Expenses 992 2,400 5,000 2,600
$ 44,031 $ 69,606 $ 69,812 $ 206 .3%
*From Schedule B
Code and Account Title
Change from 1969-70
Budget as Modified
to Budg-t Adopted
Actual Budget Budget 1970-71 Inc. (Dec.)
Expenses as Modified Adopted
1968-69 1969-70 1970-71. Amount Per Cent
100 Salaries and Wages* 37,543 69,950 92,744 22,794
200 Equipment Replacement - - - -
300 Materials and Supplies 1,646 4,000 4,625 625
400 Other Expenses 4,205 6,880 14,700 7,820
Total -Student Services $ 43,394 $ 80,830 $112,069 $ 31,239 38.6%
100 Salaries and Wages* 17,121 20,800 29,508 8,708
200 Equipment Replacement - - - -
300 Materials and Supplies 5,225 3,700 3,200 (500)
400 Other Expenses 21,146 22,800 19,700 (3,100)
Total -Maintenance and
Operation of Plant $ 43,492 $ 47,300 $ 52,408 $ 5,108 10.8%
(Fed. Econ. Op. Act of 1964
as amended) - 27,250 50,000 22,750 83.5
(Vocational Education
Amendments of 1968) - - - - -
100 Salaries and Wages* 84,131 127,800 147,683 19,883
200 Equipment Replacement - - - -
300 Materials and Supplies 9,107 5,850 5,550 (300)
400 Other Expenses 34,355 41,050 26,900 (14,150)
Total Administration $127,593 $174,700 $180,133 $ 5,433 .3%
Code and Account Title
Change from 1969-70
Budget as Modified
to Budget Adopted
Actual Budget Budget 1970-71 Inc. (Dec.)
Expenses as Modified Adopted
1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 Amount Per Cent
Employee Benefits **
611 St. Teachers Ret. Suppl. 12,540 27,600 43,432 15,832
610 St. Teachers Ret. - 1,700 2,000 300
616 Optional Ret. Program 15,100 32,000 47,140 15,140 ),-
628 City or St. Employees Ret. 9,760 18,655 22,980 4,325
633 Social Security ..__ 11,670 22,900 34,520 11,620 =
635 Life Insurance - - - - N
636 Health Insurance 2,216 5,500 11,900 6,400 V
629 City or St. Ret. Suppl. - 2,000 2,000 -
630 Compensation Insurance 1,481 1,500 2,500 1,000 V
712 Liability Insurance 3,565 3,000 5,000 2,000
714 Other Insurance (Detail on
Addendum) 693 500 500 -
810 (Detail on Addendum)
Total -Gen. Institutional
Services $ 57,025 $115,355 $171,972 $ 56,617 49.1%
TOTAL OPERATING $454,156 $857,741 $1,084,821 $227,080 26.5%
(Excludes Equipment
**Computation of 1970-71 estimates on attachment
Change from 1969-70
Budget as Modified
to Budget Adopted
Budget Budget 1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
as Modified Adopted
1969-70 1970-71 Amount Per Cent
1150 Student Tuition—Day Division** 130,000 221,000 91,000
1151 Student Tuition—Evening Division** 32,500 30,000 (2,500)
1152 Student Tuition—Summer Sessions** 18,000 18,000 —
1155 Student Fees—Day Division — — —
1156 Student Fees—Evening Division — — —
1157 Student Fees—Summer Sessions — — —
1190 Distribution of Excess Student Revenues— —
Total—Student Revenues $180,500 $269,000 $ 88,500 49.0% y
Excess Student Balances at the end of:
1968-69 69-70 70-71
Actual Est. Est. N
OTHER REVENUES (To Schedule 3)
(Offset to expenses) '0
1237 Rental of Real Property — — o
1238 Rental of Equipment — — —
1240 Extension and Public Service
Revenues (See Addendum) — —
1295 Organized Activities Income — —
1299 Service Fees (See Addendum) 300 300 —
1500 Interest and Earnings 2,000 2,500 500
1730 Insurance Recoveries — — —
1804 Forfeiture of Advance Deposits 500 1,000 500
1851 Other Revenues—Offset to Expenses—
Minor Sales — Other (See Addendum) — — —
1501 Earnings & Profits on Temporary
Total—Other Revenues $ 2,800 $ 3,800 $ 1,000 35.7%
*Revenues for extra charges to non-resident and out-of-state students are under accounts 1115 and 1116
**Computation of 1970-71 estimates attached.
Change from 1969-70 Budget as
Modified to Budget Adopted
Budget Budget 1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
as Modified Adopted
1969-70 1970-71 Amount Per Cent
FEDERAL AID (To Schedule 3)
1434 Federal Aid—Economic Opportunity of
1964 as amended
1460 Federal Aid—Vocational Education
Amendments of 1968
1465 Federal Aid—Other (See Addendum)
40,000 18,200
Total—Federal Aid $ 21,800 $ 40,000 $ 18,200 83.5%
STATE AID (From Schedule 3)
1330 State Aid for Community College—
Operating Expenses 227,714 414,808 137,094 49.3%
$227,714 $414,808
$137,094 49.3%
1114 Charges to Other Counties (From
Schedule 4) 9,200 43,200 34,000
1115 Other Charges from Non -Residents**
1116 Out -of -State Resident Tuition** ..._
1801 Gifts and Donations — — —.
1806 Endowment and Trust Income — — —
1850 Other (See Addendum) 15,863 21,005 5,142
Total—Revenue in Lieu of Local
Sponsor Share $ 25,063 $ 64,205 $ 39,142 156.2%
CONTRIBUTION $349,864 $293,008 $(56,856) (16.2)%
Total Revenues $857,741 $1,084,821 $227,080 26.5%
**Computation of 1970-71 estimates attached
OL61 'LL .I!adY
Tompkins -Cortland Community College
Budget Budget
as Modified Adopted
1969-70 1970-71
Change from 1969-70 Budget as
Modified to Budget Adopted
1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
Amount Per Cent
1150 Student Tuition—Day Division** 130,000 221,000 91,000
1151 Student Tuition—Evening Division-:. 32,500 30,000 (2,500)
1152 Student Tuition—Summer Sessions** 18,000 18,000 —
1155 Student Fees—Day Division — —
1156 Student Fees—Evening Division — —
1157 Student Fees—Summer Sessions —
1190—Distribution of Excess Student Revenues —
Total —Student Revenues $180.500 $269,000 $ 88,500
Excess Student Revenue Balances at the end of:
1968-69 69-70 70-71
Actual Est. Est.
OTHER REVENUES (To Schedule 3)
(Offset to expenses)
1237 Rental of Real Property —
1238 Rental of Equipment —
1240 Extension and Public Service Revenues
(See Addendum) — —
1295 Organized Activities Income — —
1299 Service Fees (See Addendum) 300 300 —
1500 Interest and Earnings 2,000 2,500 500
1730 Insurance Recoveries — — —
1804 Forfeiture of Advance Deposits 500 1,000 500
1851 Other Revenues—Offset to expenses
Minor Sales—Other (See Addendum) — —
1501 Earnings & Profits on Temporary
Total—Other Revenues
$ 2,800 $ 3,800
$ 1,000 35.7%
*Revenues for extra charges to non-resident and out-of-state students are under accounts 1115 and 1116
**Computation of 1970-71 estimates attached.
Change from 1969-70 Budget as
Modified to Budget Adopted
Budget Budget 1970-71 Increase (Decrease)
as Modified Adopted
1969-70 1970-71 Amount Per Cent
FEDERAL AID (To Schedule 3)
1434 Federal Aid—Economic Opportunity Act
of 1964 as amended
1460 Federal Aid—Vocational Education
Amendments of 1968
1465 Federal Aid—Other (See Addendum)
40,000 18,200
Total—Federal Aid $ 21,800 $ 40,000 $ 18,200 83.5% D
STATE AID (From Schedule 3)
1330 State Aid for Community College—
Operating Expenses 277,714 345,674 67,960 N
$277,714 $345,674 $ 67,960 24.5%
1114 Charges to Other Counties (From
Schedule 4) 9,200 52,000 42,800
1115 Other Charges from Non -Residents**
1116 Out -of -State Resident Tuition*'
1801 Gifts and Donations
1806 Endowment and Trust Income -- —
1850 Other (See Addendum) 15,863 21,005 5,142
Total—Revenue in Lieu of Local
Sponsor Share $ 25,063 $ 73,005 $ 47,942 191.4%
CONTRIBUTION $349,864 $353,342 . $ 3,478 1.0%
TOTAL REVENUES $857,741 $1,084,821 $227,080 26.5%
"Computation of 1970-71 estimates attached
April 27, 1970 121
MOVED by Mr. Stutz, Seconded by Mr. Golder, That the Public
Hearing be closed. Carried.
Chairman Dates called the meeting back to order.
RESOLUTION NO. 103—Adopting Budget of Tompkins -Cortland
Community College
Mr. Stutz offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, a tentative budget for the Tompkins -Cortland Community
College for the fiscal year September 1, 1970 thru August 31, 1971 has been
presented to the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins
pursuant to the County Law and Section 6304 of the Education Law, and
WHEREAS, same has been reviewed by the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee of the Board of Representatives and approved by said committee,
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on said proposed Community
College Budget on the 27th day of April 1970, in the Board of Representatives
room in the Tompkins County Court House, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That the said Tentative Operating Budget in the amount of $1,164,821
and the said Tentative Capital Equipment and Construction Budget in the
amount of $637,000 be and the same hereby are approved and adopted
subject to the approval of the salary schedule at a later date, now there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, That the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County
include in the Tompkins County Budget for the year 1971, amounts to be
determined pursuant to the plan for said college adopted by Resolution
No. 208 for the year 1966 as the share of Tompkins County in the operating
budget of $1,164,821 and as the share of Tompkins County in said Capital
and Construction Budget of $637,000 and that the amounts when determined
be raised by taxation in the County of Tompkins in the County Fiscal Year
of 1971.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Ayes — 14. Noes — 0. Absent — 2. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 104—Transfer of Funds — County Library
Mr. Stutz offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee, That the sum of $237.83 be transferred from Social Security
(Code 190-402) to Compensation Insurance (Code 190-404),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 105 —Adoption of Local Law No. 1 — 1970 —
Assessment Rules and Regulations
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held after notice required by law
122 April 27, 1970
on Local Law. No. 1-1970, relative to Rules and Regulations of Assessment
Division, and
WHEREAS, at said public hearing held on April 27, 1970, at 8:00 o'clock
in the evening thereof, no one appeared in opposition to said Rules and
Regulations of Assessment Division, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
• mittee, That said Local Law No. 1-1970 be and the same hereby is adopted,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of
said local law in the official newspapers of the County, for two successive
weeks, within ten days after this local law is adopted, and after said local
law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days one
certified copy with the County Clerk, one certified copy with the State Comp-
troller and three certified copies with the Secretary of State.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 106 — Sale of County Owned Property — Various
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Robert Berggren has offered the sum of $1500 for a Quit
Claim Deed of the County's interest in a parcel situated in the Town of
Ulysses,. formerly assessed to W. B. Hebbard, Inc., known formerly as Parcel
2-24 now Parcel 3-1-3 on the 1966 Assessment Roll, bounded on the North by
the County Line, on the East by the LVRR, on the South by Higgins and on
the West by Snow, said parcel having been acquired by the County by a deed
of the County Treasurer dated the 22nd day of December, 1966, recorded on
the 22nd day of December, 1966, in the County Clerk's Office in Liber 466 at
page 950 and executed pursuant to the judgment of the County Court in the
1966 Tax Foreclosure Proceedings, and
WHEREAS, Robert Sand has offered the sum of $250 for a Quit Claim
Deed of the County's interest in a parcel situated in the Town of Newfield,
formerly assessed to Ethel L. Moody, known as Parcel 33-1-23 on the 1968
Assessment Roll, being a house and two acres, bounded on the North and
East by Hite, on the South by Townline and on the West by Hite, said
parcel having been acquired by the County by a deed of the County
Treasurer, dated the 24th day of December, 1968, recorded on the 24th
of December, 1968, in the Tompkins County Clerk's office in Liber 479 at page
291 and executed pursuant to a judgment of the County Court in the 1968
Tax Foreclosure Proceedings, and
WHEREAS, Chester Bednarczyk has offered the sum of $150 for a Quit
Claim Deed of the county's interest in a parcel situate in the Town of
Lansing, formerly assessed to John VanGeluwe, known as Parcel 40-3-25
on the 1969 Assessment Roll, bounded on the North by Bednarczyk, on the
East by Grandview Drive, on the South by Judson and on the West by
Horkey, said parcel having been acquired by the County by a deed of the
the County Treasurer dated the 23rd day of December, 1969, recorded on the
23rd day of December, 1969, in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office in Liber
485 at page 456 and executed pursuant to a judgment of the County Court
in the 1969 Tax Foreclosure Proceedings, and
WHEREAS, Herman Hodgson has offered the sum of $1,724.24 for a Quit
Claim Deed of the county's interest in a parcel situate in the Town of
Groton, formerly assessed to Herman Hodgson, being parcel No. 38-8-11,
bounded on the North by Bently, on the East by Young, on the South by High-
way and on the West by Lambert, said parcel having been acquired by the
County by a deed of the County Treasurer, dated the 23rd day of December,
1969, recorded on the 23rd day of December, 1969, in the Tompkins County
Clerk's office in Liber 485 at page 456 and executed pursuant to a judgment
April 27, 1970 123
of the County Court in the 1969 Tax Foreclosure Proceedings, now there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Budget and
Administration, That said offers be and the same hereby are accepted and the
Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute on behalf
of the County and deliver to the aforesaid persons Quit Claim Deeds of the
county's interest of the aforesaid parcels for sums aforementioned contingent
on said moneys being received by the Commissioner of Budget and Adminis-
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 107 — Approval of Contract — Finger Lakes
Association, Inc.
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and, moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he
hereby is authorized to execute a contract with the Finger Lakes Associ-
ation, Inc.,
RESOLVED, further, That the total amount to be paid pursuant to the
terms of said contract shall be limited to a total of $3000 said amount being
provided for in the 1970 buget,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
Conrad T. Tuney, Executive Director, Finger Lakes Association, Inc.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 108 — Transfer of Funds — Commissioner of Jurors
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon request of the Commissioner of Jurors and recommenda-
tion of the Public Safety and Correction Committee, That the Commissioner
of Jurors be and he hereby is authorized to make the following transfer of
funds: From 25-200 Equipment, To 25-400 Contractual and Other Expenses
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make the necessary transfer
on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 109 — Transfer of Funds — Social Services
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the sum of $25,000 was appropriated in the 1970 Budget for
Day Care in code (160-617), and
WHEREAS, the Social Services Department has been advised that said
monies should be in a new appropriation, "Purchase of Services to Recipients",
now therefore be it
124 April 27, 1970
RESOLVED on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee, That the sum of $25,000 be transferred from Day Care (Code 160-617)
to Purchase of Services to Recipients, (Code 155-400),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Commissioner of Social Services.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried with Mr. Graves casting a dissent-
ing vote.
RESOLUTION NO. 110—Appropriation from Enterprise Fund —
Surplus to Capital Construction — Hospital
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS; the existing generator at the hospital is inadequate to meet
the New York State Code for emergency power requirements for hospitals,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee, That the sum of $66,000 be appropriated from the Enterprise Fund —
Surplus to Capital Construction—Hospital (Code 290-560) for the purchase
and installation of a new generator to replace the existing one,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
he and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 111— Appreciation — Albert Bedworth
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Albert Bedworth has served on the Tompkins County Mental
Health Board as its chairman the past two years,
WHEREAS, Albert Bedworth during his term of office as Chairman of
the Mental Health Board helped reorganize the entire Board, brought to
Tompkins County a new Mental Health Director, and gave many hours to
help build the morale of the entire staff of the Mental Health Department,
WHEREAS, during his term of office the said Albert Bedworth diligently
pursued his duties as a Mental Health Board Member taking a personal
interest in all areas of mental health within the County, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, UNANIMOUSLY, That the County Board of Representatives
extends its appreciation to the said Albert Bedworth for his diligent attention
to the duties of Chairman of the Mental Health Board and extends its best
wishes to him in the years to come, and be it further,
RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be spread on the minutes of this
Board and the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is directed to forward
a certified copy of this resolution to Albert Bedworth.
UNANIMOUSLY Seconded and Carried.
April 27, 1970. 125
RESOLUTION NO. 112 —Approval of Change Order on .Tompkins
County Jail Renovation
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the original contract for plumbing with A. J. Eckert Co., Inc.
for the Tompkins County Jail renovations was $86,000, and
WHEREAS, a change order was previously approved by the architect and
the Board of Supervisors for plumbing in the amount of $84, and
WHEREAS, a new change order has been approved by the architect in
the amount of $602.76 for labor, material and equipment for changes in the
shower curtains, modification of piping and removal of a water closet, pur-
chase of a spare water closet and installation of new water closet in
accordance with change order, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com-
mittee, That said change order approved by the architect be and the same
hereby is approved and accepted, and
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to A. J. Eckert Co., Inc. and to the Commissioner of Budget
and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Lee. Carried.
At this time, Mr. Culligan noted that the Mental Health Department
has an opening for a psychiatrist to work with the Director of Mental
Health Services. It has been hard to fill this position because of the
salary range. He suggested the salary be raised one grade level.
On motion, meeting adjourned to Monday, May 4th at 7:30 p.m.
126 May 4, 1970
Monday, May 4, 1970 - 7:30 p.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Webster,
Bruce, Culligan, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Dates —
ABSENT: Representative Golder (Arrived 7:45) — 1.
EXCUSED: Representative Abbott (ill) — 1.
At this time, members and guests participated in the Pledge of
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to the proper committee:
Annual Reports of the New York State Police and the New York State
Department of Agriculture and Markets; Copy of LOGIC (Local Gov-
ernments' Improvement Commission) from the citizens' recommenda-
tions to improve and strengthen local governments in Niagara County;
Letter from Charles Gates, Cayuga Lake Basin Board, enclosing copies
of resolution #4 concerning water sources in the county; Appointments
to the County 'Water Agency received are: Caroline -Danby, Ernie Cole;
Dryden, Charles McCord; Groton, Robert Dempsey; Ulysses, Clifford G.
Northrup; and Ex Officio, John Carter for the Cayuga Lake Basin Board;
Resolutions — from Cortland County endorsing the Licensed Practical
Nursing Program at the Community College; Suffolk County urging the
enactment of legislation relating to the N. Y. S. Urban Development
Corporation. (referred to Intergovernmental Relations Committee)
Notice of Public Hearing from the Ithaca Town Board to consider an
amendment to the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance; Minutes of the
Personnel Committee for April 27, 1970.
Letter from Constance Cook thanking the Board for its cooperation
during the 1970 legislative session and also for facilities made available
to her to meet with constituents.
Scenic Roads in Tompkins County Committee Report completed and
original sent to N. Y. S. Natural Beauty Commission.
May 4, 1970 127
Letter from Tompkins -Cortland Community College requesting Chair-
man Dates to participate in the 1st annual graduation of the College.
Letter from Edward Abbott, Cayuga Lake Basin Board in regard to
the County Sewer Agency.
Letter from James V. Buyoucos requesting action be taken by the
Board of Representatives concerning the serious condition of the library
Resolution from Tompkins -Cortland Community College Board of
Trustees approving the capital budget for 1970-71 in the amount of
$637,000; Minutes of the Planning and Public Works Committee meeting
of April 21 and 29; Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Community
College, April 16; pistol permits for the month of April totalled $125;
and the President to the Congress on Marine Resources and Engineering
At this time, County Attorney Robert Williamson stated that he had
received a call from TNC, Aviation, Inc. this afternoon and they have
withdrawn their bid to operate a fixed base operation here in Ithaca;
therefore, no public hearing need be held.
Mr. Mark Beathan, under Privilege of the Floor, requested that the
Planning and Public Works Committee immediately take steps to
formulate a plan and investigate any further possibilities to utilize our
surplus hangars at the airport.
Various Committee Chairmen reported at this time.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works Committee, reported the
Committee hacl met and approved a full time secretary at the airport and
a full. time maintenance man. Also, the committee discussed how the
Commissioner of Public Works should work with the Charter.
Mr. Culligan, Social and Health Services, announced a committee
meeting would be held Thursday, May 21 at 8:00 p.m. to meet with the
Citizens' Advisory Committee. Also, Mr. Allen Miller from Albany will
be in Ithaca with his assistants Thursday, at the request of ARC to
determine if there are adequate programs. The meeting will be at the
United Fund Office at 12:00.
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, stated he will have a report at
the next meeting of the appropriate transfers necessary for ARC which
are recommended by the Health and Social, Services Committee.
Mr.. Marcham_ noted _that the inauguration of • Hushang Bahar as
128 May 4, 1970
president of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College was a very im-
pressive ceremony.,
Mr. Stutz, Intergovernmental Relations, noted that he will have a reso-
lution for an appropriation for the County Library at the next meeting.
Moved by Mr.. Stutz, seconded by Mr. Marcham, That resolutions per-
taining to appreciation — Margaret Hughes and clarification of appoint-
ments to County Sewer Agency and term of appointments, not on the
agenda, be considered. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 113 — Appropriation from Contingent Fund —
Social Services (Food Stamp Program)
Mr. Stutz offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee, That the sum of $37,650 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund
(Code 290-650A) to the following accounts:
Personal Services 150-100 $17,180
Supplies & Materials 150-300 1,500
Contractual & Other Expenses 150-400 18,970
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration, the
Commissioner of Social Services and to the Commissioner of Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Marcham. Ayes — 15. Noes — 0. Absent — I. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 114 — Resolution of Appreciation — Margaret
Mr. Stutz offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Margaret Hughes, at the present time is Case Supervisor, and
WHEREAS, on two different occasions, she has been appointed by this
Board as Acting Commissioner of Social Services during the time that the
Commissioner's position was vacant, and
WHEREAS, on both occasions, the said Margaret Hughes has operated
and managed said Social Services Department with continuity so that
the needs of the public were properly served and programs of the Social
Services Department were carried on in their normal fashions, now there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, That this Board of Representatives, unanimously expresses its
thanks and appreciation to the said Margaret Hughes for her services as
Acting Commissioner of Social Services,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to Margaret Hughes.
Unanimously Seconded and Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 115 — Creation of Positions — Planning
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
May 4, 1970 129
Committee, Personnel Committee, the Commissioner of Personnel and the
Director of Planning, That the following positions be and hereby are
created in the Planning Department, effective immediately:
2 -Planning Technicians, competitive class, labor grade XI
1 -Junior Planner, competitive class, labor grade, XII
1 -Associate Planner, competitive class, labor grade XVII
RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $2,500 be transferred from Planning
Department Personal Services (Code 73-100) to Temporary Employees (Code
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Director of Planning and to the Commissioner of
Personnel, and the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 116 -Transfer of Funds - Hospital
Mr. Kerr offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Hospital.
has recommended to the Board of Representatives that the firm of Wood and
Tower of New York City be retained as planners and consultants to advise
the County on the physical needs and proposed additions and/or expenses of
the present County Hospital facility and the estimated cost of same, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins
County Hospital and the Social and Health Services Committee, 'That the
sum of $45,000 be transferred from Enterprise Fund - Surplus -Hospital
to Capital Construction - Hospital (Code 290-560) said monies being used
to pay for the services of the planning consultants,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Hospital
and to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Lee. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 117 -Disposition of Old Records - Tompkins
County Clerk
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, by the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County, That
Elsie D. Boyd, Tompkins County Clerk, be and hereby is authorized to dis-
pose of record item numbers 2, 3, 13, 21, 23, 24, 33 thru 42. 44, 65, 69 thru
71, 73, 74, 76 thru 78, 81, 83, 86, 87, 94, 100, 102, 119, 120, 122, 129, 131, 142,
146, 147, 155, 169, 200 thru 202 on Records Disposition Request List Number
239 -CC -13 issued pursuant to Section 114 of the regulations of the Commis-
sioner of Education.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the County Clerk.
Seconded by Mr. Lee. Carried.
130 May 4, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 118 — To Clarify Appointments to County Sewer
Agency and Term of Appointments
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors by Resolution No. 144, dated May
25, 1964, created a County Sewer Agency and established membership on said
agency to consist of seven members as follows:
2 members from the City of Ithaca to be appointed by the Mayor
1 member from the Village of Cayuga Heights to be appointed by the
1 member from the Town of Lansing to be appointed by the Supervisor
1 member from the Town of Dryden to be appointed by the Supervisor
1 member from the Town of Ithaca to be appointed by the Supervisor
1 member to be the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors
WHEREAS, there is now controversy over appointments and the term of
appointment of members, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Resolution No. 144, dated May 25, 1964, is hereby re-
RESOLVED, further, by the Board of Representatives, That there be
and hereby is recreated, a County Sewer Agency pursuant to the provisions
of Article 5-A of the County Law,
RESOLVED, further, That membership on the Agency shall consist of
members to be appointed by the Board of Representatives from a nomination
by the governing body of the municipalities listed below:
2 members from the City of Ithaca
1 member from the Village of Cayuga Heights
1 member from the Town of Lansing
1 member from the Town of Dryden
1 member from the Town of Ithaca
The Chairman of the Board of Representatives shall also be a member.
Ex -officio member — Commissioner of Public Health.
RESOLVED, further, That the membership of such Agency may be ex-
panded to include:
1 member from the Town of Groton
1 member from the Town of Ulysses
1 member from the combined Towns of Enfield and Newfield
1 member from the combined towns of Danby and Caroline
at the request of the Agency or whenever the Board of Representatives feels
it is expedient to do so by virtue of deliberations by the Agency which in-
cludes these towns.
RESOLVED, further, That the County Commissioner of Public Works and
Commissioner of Planning shall serve as ex officio non-voting members and
the Agency may appoint and subsequently discharge such other ex officio
non-voting members as they wish to serve in a resource capacity.
RESOLVED, further, That the Agency shall at its first and annual meet-
ings thereafter elect a chairman and such other officers as they may wish.
RESOLVED, further, That the term of office of the members of said
Agency shall be for three years commencing this date and ending on April
30, 1973, and all vacancies on said board shall be filled by the Board of
Representatives in the same manner as the original appointments.
RESOLVED, further, That members of said County Agency shall serve
without compensation,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the proper county and municipal officials.
RESOLVED, further, That the Agency in its present form continue until
formal announcement of appointments is made under this resolution.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
May 4, 1970 131
RESOLUTION NO. 119 — On Audit
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and -moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the following list of claims against the County of
Tompkins be and hereby is audited by this Board at the above amounts ap-
proved by the various committees:
General Fund $19,088.93
Highway Fund 34,442.51
Airport Fund 4,326.62
County Self -Insurance 2.85
Printing & Supply Transfers 2,310.31
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of this Board file a certified list of
claims so audited with the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and
that he be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so
audited out of the various funds appropriated therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Ayes — 15. Noes — 0. Absent — 1. Carried.
At this time, Mr. Culligan asked if Chairman Dates had been con-
tacted by the Chairman of Cortland County Board of Supervisors regard-
ing the sharing of services of Sanitary Engineer. Chairman Dates stated
that he had talked with the Chairman and will be receiving a letter
shortly from them.
At this time, Chairman Dates announced the following appointments
to the Negotiating Committee: Edward Abbott, John Murphy, Gary Lee,
Robert Williamson, Hugh Hurlbut, Howard Stevenson, Craig Boniface,
Hugh MacNeil.
Chairman Dates also announced the following appointments to the
Capital Projects Committee: John Murphy, Frank Liguori, Howard
Stevenson, Gary Lee, and Donald Culligan.
After a lengthy discussion regarding the appointments to the Negotiat-
ing Committee, Mr. Marcham MOVED to table the appointments until
the next meeting. Upon receiving no second, it was MOVED by Mr.
Graves, That the appoimnents be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Culligan.
MOVED by Mr. MacNeil, That the names of Mr. Abbott, Mr. Murphy,
Mr. Lee and Mr. MacNeil be appointed and any other names will be.
discussed in Executive Committee. Upon receiving no second, it was
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Miller, That permission be
given to present a motion approving the appointments. Carried with Mr.
Marcham dissenting. Mr. Graves withdrew his motion that appointments
be accepted and Chairman Dates MOVED That the following names be
accepted as members of the Negotiating Committee: Edward Abbott,
Gary Lee, John Murphy, Hugh MacNeil. Seconded by Mr. Graves.
132 May 25, 1970
MOVED by Mr. MacNeil, seconded by Mr. Stutz, That appointments
be TABLED until the May 25th Meeting. A roll call vote resulted
as follows: Ayes — 8. Abstain — 1. Noes — 6. Absent — 1. Motion to Table
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Stutz, That the Rules of the
Board be suspended. Carried.
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Stutz, That the first regular
monthly meeting of May llth be omitted. Carried.
At this time Chairman Dates announced the appointment of Marion
Schickel to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
Monday, May 25, 1970-7:30 P.M.
The Chairman 'called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Bruce,
Culligan, Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, MacNeil, Marcham and
Dates — 14.
EXCUSED: Representatives Abbott and Lee — 2.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes of the April 27th and May 4th meetings were approved.
The Clerk noted the following correspondence was received for filing
and/or referred to the proper committee for action:
Notice of tentative special franchise assessments for 1970, and certi-
ficates of final railroad ceiling for 1970; City of Ithaca — 121,932; Vil-
May 25, 1970 133
lage of Dryden — 20,972; Village of Freeville — 31,402; Village of Groton
— 36,744; annual report of the New York State Urban Development
Corporation; appointment of Ernest Cole to represent Town of Danby
on the County Water Agency and Kenneth D. Georgia to represent
Towns of Enfield and Newfield; Finger Lakes Association acknowledged
receipt of agreement with county for 1970; First quarter report of 1970
from Mohawk Airlines; Appropriation balances through April 30 from
Social Services Department.
Letter from Charles C. Morrison, Jr., Director of N.Y.S. Natural Beauty
Commission, acknowledging receipt of the Tompkins County Scenic
Roads report and commenting that it appears to be an exceptionally
fine piece of work.
Letter from James E. Pigott, Veterans' Administration Regional Of-
fice, to Richard Cummings stating the amount of compensation, pension,
and education benefits paid to veterans and/or their beneficiaries re-
siding in Tompkins County during 1970 was $2,103,551. Veteran popu-
lation is 9,709.
Letter from Village of Cayuga Heights engineer explaining accom-
panying bill for sewer service at airport property.
Resolution from Cortland County Board of Supervisors approving
Tompkins -Cortland Community College Budget.
Minutes of the Planning and Public Works Committee for May 6,
minutes of the Tompkins County Public Library Board of Trustees and
Finance Committee for May 12.
At this time, Dr. Broad, speaking under privilege of the floor, pre-
sented a $50,000 rat control program for Tompkins County which would
include education of the public and school children in methods of pre-
vention and eradication of rats and baiting places where rats exists.
This program would be supported by state reimbursement. The program
would provide for general supervision by a qualified sanitarian, employ-
ment of a health educator to inform the public and employment of an
environmental health technician to survey the county for problem areas
and to work with the towns and villages in cleaning out rat harborages
and to bait public areas, purchase of two cars, purchase of materials, and
expenses for training and conferences. The State would provide 80 per
cent of the funding for the above parts of the program with aid decreas-
ing 10 per cent each year to 50 per cent state aid. The State would also
provide $10,000 to be matched by local funds for covering and compact-
ing of existing dumps within the county. In discussing the covering of
the'existing dumps to be replaced by a county sanitary landfill, he said
the operators of the dump will be sent information regarding the cover-
ing and rat control of the dumps. Chairman Dates referred Dr. Broad's
proposal to the Health and Social Services Committee for study.
134 May 25, 1970
Various committee chairmen reported as follows:
Mr. Culligan, Health and Social Services, said the committee met last
week with gentlemen from Cornell who presented the Tompkins County
Hospital construction and its possible needs of funding under the gradu-
ate school of business and public administration and went over the en-
tire Mayor's Citizens' Advisory Committee Report done in connection
with the graduate school. They don't believe everything should be in-
corporated in the hospital program over the next two years but if a few
things from the report could occur it would be for the betterment of
the community. Mainly, the areas of personnel, purchasing and communi-
cation were brought out.
Mr. Culligan also stated the Mental Health Department is continuing
to establish its day care program at State and Meadow Streets. In order
to incorporate it fully, two more positions will be needed which is being
considered by the Personnel Committee at this time. The extra funding
needed will be approximately $4200 which the Board will need to ap-
propriate in June.
Mr. Culligan also noted the Practical Nursing School is still pending.
The Board is responsible to the school through September and will have
to provide payment to them by June.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works Committee, reported that
much of the committee work has been on the refuse site. He noted that
bids will be let for the renovation of offices in the court house as
soon as possible.
Mr. Graves submitted the following report relative to the mortgage
tax monies received and the allocation thereof:
Caroline $ 661.75
Danby 1,198.98
Dryden 3,884.52
Enfield 521.40
Groton 1,337.11
Ithaca - City 9,645.42
Ithaca - Town 6,957.65
Lansing 4,761.81
Newfield 249.03
Ulysses 1,632.77
Your committee finds that of the amount of $3,884.52 to which the
Town of Dryden is entitled there should be paid to the incorporated
May 25, 1970 135
Village of Dryden the sum of $270.28, and tothe incorporated Village
of Freeville the sum of $76.02; of the amount of $1,337.11 to which the
Town of Groton is entitled there should be paid to the -incorporated
Village of Groton the sum of $301.65; of the amount of $6,957.65 to
which the Town of Ithaca is entitled there should be paid to the in-
corporated Village of Cayuga Heights the sum of $1,223.85; and of the
amount of $1,632.77 to which the Town of Ulysses is entitled there should
be paid to the incorporated Village of Trumansburg the sum of $254.39.
Your committee therefore recommends the adoption of a resolution to
be presented later in the meeting.
Mr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations, stated the committee met
with the City's Committee specifically to discuss the use of DeWitt Jr.
High School as a possible site for community charitable agencies to
have their offices. The City is not interested in putting money into it
but thought the county might. The committee decided against it. How-
ever, they feel the building is very important to the development of this
area in which the county has a great stake. For this reason, the commit-
tee decided to turn this back to another committee. They are asking the
Planning Boards of the City, County, and Town of Ithaca to consider
various uses of space around DeWitt Park which affects parking lots and
other things proposed for land the county owns, the development of
the mtiseum as well as DeWitt Jr. High School. The second discussion
dealt with the four temporary advisory committees that were created a
short time ago and the first one to report was the water committee. It was
decided that the city's being a part of the first county water district
was important and are going to urge the city to take part. Mr. Marcham
feels if the city is left out of water planning, it will not be included in
the future and there will be an incomplete water system for the area
around the City of Ithaca.
Mr. Marcham also stated that the Fifth District of the City is greatly
affected by the University's parking and traffic control system and urge
the University to keep in touch with the County Planning Office so
that this traffic can be better controlled.
At this time, it was MOVED by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr.
Graves, That resolutions pertaining to reduction of interest penalties and
community college students, not on the agenda, be considered at this
time. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 120 —Awarding of Bid for Operation of Refuse
Disposal Site No. 1
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has duly advertised for bids to oper-
ate a sanitary landfill site for the sanitary disposal of refuse to serve an area
136 May 25, 1970
including the City of Ithaca, Village of Cayuga Heights, Towns of Ithaca,
Newfield, Danby, Caroline, and designated as Site No. 1, and
WHEREAS, bids were received on April 20, 1970, and have been thoroughly
evaluated in the best interest of the people of Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, bids were received from Carpenter's Backhoe and Dozer
Service, Incorporated, and Landstrom Gravel Company, and
WHEREAS, the low bidder, Carpenter Backhoe and Dozer Service, In-
corporated, submitted a bid of $90,000 for one year's operation for a three-
year renewable period, plus a charge of $.15 for one cubic yard or $.10 per
ton for bulk waste not including ordinary refuse and $1.00 per ton for
stumps, and
WHEREAS, said low bidder intends to operate the sanitary landfill sites on
lands to be leased from a second party off the Bostwick Road partly in the
Town of Ithaca and partly in the Town of Enfield, and
WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Planning and Public Works Committee,
the County Commissioner of Planning, the County Commissioner of Public
Works, and the County Attorney said bid is deficient and not in the best
interest of the people of Tompkins County for the following reasons:
1) An evaluation of the 150 acres of land as submitted in bid indicates
that a section of 70 acres are unavailable in that it lies in the Town of Ithaca
and is subject to a zoning restriction. Furthermore, the above 70 acres and
an additional 20 acres, have, as best can be determined, a limited and un-
clear access through the property of an unwilling third party who has indi-
cated the possibility of legal action to prevent the crossing of his property
for access to the lands proposed for use as a refuse disposal site.
2) Of the remaining 60 acres, approximately 32 acres are isolated from
reasonable accessibility by a deep gully. Furthermore, 12 of these 60 acres,
more or less, are useable only if a stream is diverted to eliminate surface
drainage. The remaining 16 acres of land in the 60 -acre section are in an
open field unscreened from view, presenting public relations problems and
is contrary to local policy for site selection.
3) The unrestricted and unconditional land available for operation is not
sufficient to insure a secure contract for the three-year period. Engineering
estimates indicate a need of 30 acres of effective land for the three-year
period to meet the minimum land requirements to cover the Carpenter bid,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the said Carpenter bid is hereby rejected as not pro-
viding adequate security in the operation of this large and important refuse
disposal operation to serve up to 60,000 people in the County of Tompkins,
and be it further
RESOLVED, That the next higher bid submitted by the Landstrom Gravel
Company for the operation of a site on land owned by Landstrom partly in
the Town of Danby and partly in the Town of Spencer, having met all
specifications including land requirements, including at least 88 acres of
satisfactory and useable land and including unencumbered unrestricted access
to the land, is hereby awarded the bid for an amount of $99,226 for a one-
year period with renewal provisions for three years and with no separate
charges to be made to the people of Tompkins County for bulk wastes, and
be it further
RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives is here-
by authorized to execute a contract with the Landstrom Gravel Company
upon submission by said Company of the following documents, not later than
June 26, 1970.
—Formal approval of a plan for operation of this site in accordance with
the regulations of the New York State Department of Healrh
— Certificate of insurance and workmen's compensation as required in bid
— Performance Bond as required in bid specifications
— Such other documents and facilities as may be required by the terms of
the contract
May 25, 1970 137
—Consent of any mortgagee for the use of the land for refuse disposal,
if so required
RESOLVED, That operation of said refuse disposal site shall commence
on or about July 1, 1970.
Seconded by Mr. Leary.
Mr. Carpenter spoke regarding his bid on the Refuse Disposal Site and
stated he feels his bid is a legitimate one.
Mr. David Gersh spoke on behalf of 25-30 residents of the area which
is the area of Mr. Carpenter's bid. They strongly oppose the selection
of his site because the area is fairly well developed with a great deal of
building taking place.
A voice vote was taken at this time and the resolution was Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 121 —Authorization to Pay Moving Expenses —
Social Services
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee, Personnel Committee and the Commissioner of Personnel, That the
moving expenses of the Commissioner of Social Services, Craig Boniface, the
amount not to exceed one month's salary, be and they hereby are authorized
to be paid,
RESOLVED further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and to the Commissioner
of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 122 — Reduction of Interest Penalties
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board has determined pursuant to Section 1090 of the Real
Property Tax Law that it is for the best interests of the county to reduce
the rates of interest of penalties now imposed by law for failure to pay any'
real property tax or water rent which shall have been returned as unpaid
by a town or city treasurer to the county treasurer and for the collection of
which no sale of the property shall have been made. now therefore be it,
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration he and
he hereby is authorized to reduce the rate of interest imposed by Section 942
Real Property Tax Law on all such taxes levied for the year 1969 which have
been so returned from ten percentum per annum to six percentum per annum.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
138 May 25, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 123 — Apportionment of Mortgage Tax
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board is in receipt of the annual mortgage tax report
showing the amount to be credited to each tax district of the county of the
money collected for the period October 1, 1969 through March 31, 1970, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the report of the Committee on Budget and Administra-
tion relative to the above tax monies and allocation thereof as herein made,
be accepted and adopted, and be it further
RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 261 of the Tax Law, this board issue
its tax warrant for the payment to the respective tax districts of the amounts
so credited and authorize and direct the Commissioner of Budget and Admin-
istration to make distribution thereof to the several tax districts of the
county in accordance with said report.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO.124—Award of Bids — Various Departments
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Budget and Administration has duly
advertised for bids for cars with certain specifications for use by the Sheriff's
Department, Health Department and Social Services Department and for the
sale of used cars owned by the County Health Department, and
WHEREAS, Cayuga Motors Sales Corporation of Ithaca, New York, is
the lowest responsible bidder for four vehicles to be used by the Sheriff's
Department as follows: 3 — 1970 Ford motor vehicles with a gross total bid
of $8,886.00, less an allowance of $1,600.00 for three vehicles to be traded in,
making a net bid of $7,286.00; and an additional 1970 Ford vehicle with no
trade in allowance at a price of $2,469.50, and
WHEREAS, Stafford's Garage, Inc. of Dryden, New York, is the lowest
responsible bidder for one Chevrolet vehicle to be used by the Health De-
partment with a gross bid of $2,112:00, less a trade-in allowance on one used'
vehicle, license number 13540B in the amount of $425.00, making a net_bid
of $1,687.00, and
WHEREAS, Zikakis Chevrolet, Inc., of Ithaca, New York, is the lowest
responsible bidder for three Chevrolet vehicles to be used by the Health De-
partment as follows: 2 — 1970 Novas at a price of $2,052.10 each with no
trade-in allowance; and 1 —1970 Nova at the net price of $1,652.10 taking
into consideration a trade-in allowance of $400.00 on one used Health De-
partment vehicle, license number 15092B, and
WHEREAS, A. J. Babbaro of Ithaca, New York is the highest bidder for
one used Health Department vehicle bearing license number 10049B with a
bid of $475.99, and
WHEREAS, John King of Trumansburg, New York, is the highest bidder
on one used Health Department vehicle bearing license number 15546B with a
bid of $406.00, and
WHEREAS, the first bids meeting specifications for cars for the Social
Services Department were rejected on the grounds that the bidders meet-
ing specifications did not take into consideration any trade-in allowance on
used cars, and the second bid was rejected on the grounds that the bidder did
not meet the specifications, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the rejection of bids for the cars for the Social Services De-
partment is affirmed,
May 25, 1970 139
RESOLVED, further, That the other aforementioned bids'set forth above
be and the same hereby are accepted, and the department heads of the various
departments be and they hereby are authorized to complete said transactions
on behalf of the county,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Sheriff, Commissioner of Health, Commissioner of
Social Services and to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 125— Community College Students — Damage
Resulting from Riots
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, many Tompkins County students presently attend community
colleges situated in the State of New York, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County contributes one-third of the total tuition_
of each Tompkins County student attending such community colleges and
the State of New York contributes one-third of said total tuition of each
student attending such community colleges, and
WHEREAS, student riots, protests and strikes have been increasing in
number; the same frequently having resulted in personal and real property
damage to property of such community colleges, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That any Tompkins County student attending a community
college in the State of New York which college is partially supported by taxes
of the County of Tompkins who participates in the willful destruction of
real and/or personal property during student demonstrations or strikes or
any Tompkins County Student attending such community college who will-
fully obstructs or otherwise interferes with the ordinary administration of
educational processes should be immediately expelled from said educational
institution by the Administration thereof.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. After a lengthy discussion, it was MOVED by
Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Miller, That this resolution be Tabled. A
roll call vote was taken and resulted as follows: Ayes — 7. Noes — 7. Ab-
sent — 2. Motion to TABLE LOST. A roll call on the original resolution
resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Miller, Culligan, Dates,
Graves, Kerr, Leary (as a taxpayer, resent paying money to have it go
down the drain) , MacNeil (was not properly informed about this) , —
7. Noes — Representatives Bruce, Golder, Holden, Marcham, Schickel
(this is in the jurisdiction of the administration of the college) , Stutz,
and Webster — 7. Absent — 2. Resolution LOST.
RESOLUTION NO. 126 — Transfer of Funds from Capital Projects —
Land Acquisition Sanitary Refuse Disposal
to Operating Account
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That the sum of $150,000 be transferred from Capital Projects (Code
140 May 25, 1970
290-560) Land Acquisition Sanitary Refuse Disposal to Operating Account
—Sanitation to
Personal Services 120-100 $ 9.000
Temporary Employees -120 2,000
Equipment -200 62,0^0
Supplies & Materials -300 5,000
Contractual & Other Expenses -400 72,000
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 127—Appropriation from Contingent Fund —
District Attorney
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com-
mittee, That the sum of $750.00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund
(Code 290-650A) to the District Attorney, Supplies and Materials (Code
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the District Attorney and to the C7mmissioner
of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. A Roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — 14.
Noes — 0. Absent — 2. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 128 — Appropriation from Contingent Fund —
Sherif f's Department
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction
Committee, That the sum of $3,155.50 be appropriated from the Contingent
Fund (Code 290-650A) to Sheriff's Department — Equipment (Code 80-200),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Adminis'r3tion.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 129 — Suspending Additional Mortgage Tax
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Chapters 349 and 350 of the Laws of 1969 amended Article
11 of the Tax Law of New York impose an additional tax on mortgages com-
mencing July 1, 1969, and
May 25, 1970 141
WHEREAS, said laws authorize certain counties to suspend said tax by
resolution for any period of time but not less than one year, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety & Correction Com-
mittee and the County Clerk, That said tax imposed by Chapters 349 and
350 of the Laws of 1969 be and the same hereby are suspended for one year
commencing July 1, 1970,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Edward H. Best, Counsel, Law Bureau, Elsie D. Boyd,
County Clerk, and John J. Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Admin-
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 130 — Creation of Position. — County Clerk
(Motor Vehicles Department)
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com-
mittee, Personnel Committee, the County Clerk and the Commissioner of Per-
sonnel, That one additional position of Motor Vehicle License Clerk, labor
grade IV, competitive class, be created, effective immediately, monies al-
ready having been provided in the budget for same,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and to the Commissioner
of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 131 — Creation of Temporary Position — Health
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee, the Personnel Committee, the Commissioner of Health and the
Commissioner of Personnel, That the temporary position of Environmental
Health Technician Trainee, labor grade VIII, competitive class be created,
effective immediately and such position will cease to exist September 14,
1970. Monies already having been provided in the budget for said position,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and to the Commissioner
of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 132 — Authorization To Pay for Overtime Work —
Department of Public Works
ivfr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, Commissioner of Public Works, Personnel Committee and the Com-
missioner of Personnel, That Robert Smith be paid at his regular salary rate
of $2.56 per hour for 7 hours of overtime to be worked May 30, 1970,
142 May 25, 1970
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said payment to said employee,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and to the Commissioner
of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 133 — Creation of Additional Position — Depart-
ment of Public Works
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, Personnel Committee, Commissioner of Public Works and Commis-
sioner of Personnel, that one additional position of cleaner, labor grade
III in the labor class be created in the Department of Public Works, effec-
tive immediately.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and to the Commissioner
of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 134 — Transfer of Funds — County Library
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Board of Trustees of the Library,
the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, the Budget and Administration
Committee and the Commissioner of Budget and Administration, That the
sum of $32,000 be transferred from County Library, Utilities and Mainten-
ance (Code 190-400A) to Contractual & Other Expenses (Code 190-400),
RESOLVED, further, that the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Director of the County Library.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 135—Appropriation from Contingent Fund —
County Library
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That the sum of $707.32 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund
(Code 290-650A) to Library Equipment (Code 190-200),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
and to the Director of the County Library.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Ayes — 13. Noes — 1. Absent — 2. Carried.
May 25, 1970 143
RESOLUTION NO. 136 — Award of Bid — Prirnary Election Materials
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Commissioners of Elections have duly advertised for bids
in accordance with certain specifications filed in their office for the printing
of the 1970 Primary Election supplies, and
WHEREAS, Arnold Printing Corporation, 416 East State Street, Ithaca,
New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting said specifications with
a bid in the amount of $1,389.00, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That the bid of Arnold Printing Corporation in the amount of $1,389.00
be and the same is hereby accepted and the Commissioners of Election be
and they hereby are authorized to complete the said transaction on behalf
of the County. -
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
Mr. Culligan, Health and Social Services, said the committee will
meet June 11 at 8:00 p.m. He also stated that by August there will be
four vacancies on the Mental Health Board and if anyone has a name to
suggest, please let him know.
Mr. Graves announced there will be a Budget and Administration
Committee Meeting June 2 at 7:15 p.m.
Mr. Marcham suggested that the board decide soon on whether to
continue having the second meeting of the month, evenings. Mr. Dates
said there will be discussion and a decision made regarding this at the
June meeting.
Mr. MacNeil set up a joint meeting between the Health and Social
Services and Personnel Committes for Wednesday, May 27th.
At this time, it was MOVED by Mr. MacNeil, seconded by Mr. Graves,
That the nominations to the negotiating committee be lifted from the
table. Carried with Mr. Marcham casting a dissenting vote.
Chairman Dates made the following nominations to the Negotiating
Committee: Edward P. Abbott; Hugh MacNeil; Arthur Golder; John
Murphy, Chairman; and to be responsible to provide staff services to the
special committee — Robert Williamson, County Attorney; Hugh Hurl-
but, Commissioner of Personnel; Howard Stevenson, Commissioner of
Public Works; Craig Boniface, Commissioner of Social Services; and
Eugene Arnold, Hospital Administrator.
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Marcham, That the above-
named persons be accepted. Carried.
Mr. Dates noted there will be an Executive Committee Meeting at
10:00 a.m., June 1.
On Motion, meeting adjourned.
144 June 8, 1970
Monday, June 8, 1970-7:30 P.M.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Schickel, Bruce, Culligan, Golder, Graves,
Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Webster, Dates —
EXCUSED: Representatives Abbott and Stutz — 2.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance and there
was a moment of silent prayer for Major Donald Fisher, former resident
of the Town of Ithaca and a wonderful American, who has been report-
ed missing in action in Viet Nam.
At this time, the Clerk noted the following correspondence had been
received for filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action:
Permission requested and granted for Howard R. Brentlinger to attend
the annual conference of American Library Association to be held in
Detroit on June 26-28, 1970; Carol Scholz, Public Assistance Caseworker
in the Social Services Department, to attend seminar at Smith College,
Mass. on June 8-18, 1970; Probation Officer Richard Murdock to attend
training session at Adelphi Univ.; Probation Officers to attend Institute
on Delinquents in Crime at St. Lawrence University.
Executed contracts received between the County of Tompkins and the
Finger Lakes Association, Inc.; County of Tompkins and Wheaton's
Sheet Metal Shop; application of the County of Tompkins, Docket No.
S-0011, Public Employment Relations Board.
Pistol Permits for the month of May totalling $139.00; Notice of Ten-
tative Special Franchise Assessments for the Town of Newfield; minutes
of the Personnel Committee for May 18, Planning and Public Works
Committee for May 6 and May 20, Hospital Board of Managers for April
20, Director's Report and Board of Trustees of Tompkins County Pub-
lic Library for May 26, 1970; Fire Inspection Reports for 1970 for all
county buildings; annual report of Central New York Regional Plan-
ning Sc Development Board; letter and survey questionnaires concern-
ing travel show participation.
Letter from the Village of Cayuga Heights notifying the county that
a refund will be coming on sewer charges for the Agway Building that
is a Cornell charge instead of the airport.
June 8, 1970 145
Letter from Summer -Ithaca requesting the board allocate funds to the
Chamber of Commerce to cover publications and necessary services.
Resolution received from Schuyler County concerning Federal Surplus
Property for Civil Defense use.
Letter from Martin J. Kehoe, President of New York State Election
Commissioners Association, informing the Board of the Election Com-
missioners' School to be held at Lake George from July 6 thru July 9,
Letter from Senator Jacob K. Javits acknowledging Tompkins County
Resolution and expressing his own interest in surplus property proce-
dures to the National Office of Civil Defense.
Letter from Edward Abbott urging positive action by the Tompkins
County Water Agency.
Letter from F. Clayton Tonnemaker, President, Cayuga Rock Salt
Co., Inc., stating they consider themselves fortunate to be located in an
area where there are such dedicated and enlightened public servants and
governmental bodies and hope that over the years they can show that
they are responsible and progressive corporate citizens of Tompkins
Various committee chairmen reported at this time as follows:
Mr. Kerr, Health and Social Services, noted that the committee and
the Personnel Committee met to further investigate the positions in the
x-ray department at the hospital.
Mr. Culligan, Health and Social Services, noted the committee will
meet Thursday, June 11th at 8:00 p.m. He also stated that the Mental
Health Department and Day Care Center need attention.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, reported that bids were
opened on the bridge in McLean. The low bid was $83,568.55 and since
there was only $60,000 budgeted, this will have to be advertised per
rules of the Board that state anything over $5,000 must be advertised.
Also,the 1968 roller at the Department of Public Works has to be re-
paired and will cost approximately $8,000; therefore, this will have to be
advertised too. The committee is recommending the Seymore Site for
Site No. 2 for Sanitary Landfill however, it has to be readvertised
stating the site will be open two days per week. There will be a resolution
later. The committee is recommending a site for the Dryden -Groton -Lan-
sing area in the Town of Dryden.
Mr. Holden noted that he and the Commissioner of Public Works
met with the Town Board of Danby regarding the use of their roads
146 June 8, 1970
for the trucking of landfill material. He stated they didn't feel the
county wanted to take over the roads but would agree to the exchange
of roads, then if the land wasn't used for landfill site, the land would
revert back. The Commissioner of Public Works will try to work this
Regarding the Airport, Mr. Holden stated there will be a resolution
pertaining to the clearing of the NW and SE approach zones later in the
At this time, Mr. Lee stated that the County Planning Board should
be appointed. Mr. Dates requested that this be clone at our next meeting.
Mr. MacNeil, Personnel, noted the committee met and discussed the
x-ray department at the hospital and some positions at the airport, and
there will be a report later on this.
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, reported that the assessment
rolls have been filed with the Town Clerks which is a new procedure.
Next week the preliminary hearings will be held. The purpose of the
hearings are to eliminate clerical errors and other types of errors to
eliminate the necessity of having to file an official grievance on Griev-
ance Day. Director Payne has reported that this has been an average
to below average year in terms of projected increase in assessed valua-
tion for the county. Therefore, an average year for the last three or four
years has been about $10 million so this would have some impact as
they move forward in their budget formulation.
Mr. Lee also mentioned that they are in the process of formulating a
"ball park" figure for next year's budget. They have not included salary
increases but basically operating and equipment type of expenditures. It
is their objective to report to the Executive Committee soon. Their
major objective is to hopefully formulate guidelines for the negotiations.
Mr. Lee also stated that ,Wednesday is the beginning of a series of
management meetings under the auspices of the Commissioner of Budget
and Administration to try to facilitate the exchange of ideas and hope-
fully improve our communications with key department heads.
Mr. Lee mentioned that the item of purchasing is being worked on
and have tried to work through state contracts. There are state contract
books available and suggest that people check with Mr. Murphy, Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration, to get the prices and make
their selection. They will come back to the Board with a resolution en-
dorsing the purchasing policy.
He also reported that the area ,of.youth employment was. discussed
and recommended that the board consider 'the appointment of a Youth
Affairs Committee charged 'with the responsibility of overseeing this
June 8, 1970 147
area. He would also like to encourage county department heads to hire
young people on a part-time basis over the summer. They will take into
consideration the possibility of appropriating money for next fiscal
year to assure something in the youth. area.
Mr. Miller noted the Town of Danby is very concerned about the use
of their roads for the trucking of landfill material. They feel the county
has a greater responsibility than the Town of Danby. They are not happy
with the arrangements that have been talked about and are meeting on
this tonight.
Mr. Holden stated that if the landfill resolution goes through and the
site is bought in the Town of Dryden, the Town of Dryden will be
treated the same on the exchange of roads as Danby.
Chairman Dates noted he was very proud and happy to represent the
board at the first commencement of Tompkins -Cortland Community
College and also the 102nd commencement at Cornell University.
RESOLUTION NO. 137 - Disposition of Old Records -Tompkins
County Health Department
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, by the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County, That
Robert H. Broad, M.D., Commissioner of Health, be and hereby is author-
ized to dispose of record item numbers 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 thru 30, 32 thru
41, 44- thru 51, 55 thru 65, 70, 71, 73, 78 thru 87, 89, 91, 93 thru 112, 116 thru
147, 150 thru 180, 182, 183, 185 thru 189, 191, 192, 193, 195, 198, 199, 207, 208,
209, 215, thru 242, 244 thru 261, 267 thru 279, 300 thru 327, 332, 333, 334, 338,
339, 342, 344, 346, 349, 350, 351, 356, 357, 358, 362, 363, 367, 368, 371 thru 381
on Records Disposition Request List Number 207-H-7 issued pursuant to
Section 114 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Health.
Seconded by Mrs. Schickel. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 138 - Award of Bid - Department of Public
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has advertised for bids on
one diesel powered Crawler Tractor with Bulldozer and Ripper in accord-
ance with specifications filed in his office, and
WHEREAS, L. B. Smith, Inc. of Syracuse, New York, is the lowest re-
sponsible bidder meeting all specifications with a net bid of $59,958.00 for
one 1970 Terex Model 82-30 Crawler Tractor equipped with bulldozer and
ripper, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, uponrecommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That said bid of L. B. Smith, Inc. of Syracuse, New York, in the
148 June 8, 1970
amount of $59,958.00 be and the same hereby is accepted and the Commis-
sioner of Public Works is authorized and directed to complete said pur-
chase on behalf of the county.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
At this time, County Attorney Williamson ruled that unanimous
permission is needed to bring up the resolution pertaining to authoriza-
tion to negotiate option for purchase of land for landfill operation.
It was MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Golder, That the
resolution be brought on the floor. A voice vote was taken and Mr. Lee
cast a dissenting vote.
It was MOVED by Mr. Lee, That this resolution be Tabled until the
next meeting for further study. Chairman Dates ruled the motion out of
As unanimous approval was not received on the motion to bring the
resolution on the floor, the resolution could not be brought up at this
Chairman Dates declared a recess at 8:08 p.m. for the Health and Social
Services Committee to meet; business resumed at 8:45 p.m.
Mr. Miller was excused from the meeting at this time.
RESOLUTION NO. 139—Award of Bid—Clearing Airport Approaches
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board has duly advertised for bids for clear-
ing both approaches to the main runway at the Tompkins County Airport,
WHEREAS, Walt's Tree Service of Lancaster, New York is the lowest
responsible bidder with a bid in the total amount of $19,640.00, now there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That the bid of Walt's Tree Service of Lancaster, New York
for clearing both approaches to the main runway at the Tompkins County
Airport in the amount of $19,640.00 be and the same hereby is accepted
subject to FAA approval and concurrence,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to T. G. Miller, Engineer and J. B. Komich, Chief,
Airports Branch, Boston, Mass.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 140—Appropriation from Highway Road
Machinery Fund Balance
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he hereby is
June 8, 1970 149
authorized to make the following transfers from Highway Road Machinery
Fund Balance to:
E-110-401—Retirement $835.27
E-110-404—Workmen's Comp. 645.50 $1,480.77
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Public Works and to the Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 141 — Creation of Full Time Position —
Department of Public Works—Airport
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, Personnel Committee, Commissioner of Public Works and the Commis-
sioner of Personnel, That the part-time typist position at the Airport be
changed to a full-time typist position, labor grade IV, competitive class,
effective immediately.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Airport Manager, Commissioner of Personnel and
to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
At this time, Mr. MacNeil presented, as a matter of record, the follow-
ing statement:
"Upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee, Resolved, That the
Board of Representatives direct the Personnel Commissioner, regarding the
x-ray department, to undertake a complete study of the x-ray positions at
the Tompkins County Hospital and shall return a job classification for these
positions, and be it further
Resolved, That exams will be ordered for all new positions at the Tomp-
kins County Hospital in the x-ray department."
RESOLUTION NO. 142—Establishing Budget for Southern Tier East
Regional Planning Board and Appalachian
Local Development District
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 90 adopted April 14, 1970, Tompkins
County agreed to participate in a regional planning board known as the
Southern Tier East Regional Planning Board along with five other counties,
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 122 adopted May 13, 1968, Tompkins County
agreed to establish an Appalachian Area Advisory Council with the seven
other counties of the Southern Tier East Appalachian area, and
WHEREAS, the Appalachian Regional Commission has decided to fund
an Appalachian Local Development District conforming to the eight -county
Southern Tier East Appalachian area, and
150 June 8, 1970
WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish a budget for said Regional Planning
Board and Local Development District for the remainder of 1970 and up
to June 30, 1971, and
WHEREAS, with Local Development District Funds the eight counties
would receive local planning and economic development assistance as well as
assistance in the preparation of grant applications for Federal and State
Assistance, and
WHEREAS, in order to receive a maximum Federal contribution of
$75,000.00, the eight Southern Tier East Appalachian counties need to share a
$25,000.00 local contribution which amounts to a cash contribution of
$3,125.00 per county, and
WHEREAS, said cash contribution of $3,125.00 by the County of Tompkins
will serve as a single county contribution both to the Southern Tier East
Regional Planning Board and the Appalachian Local Development District,
and may possibly be reduced by fifty percent by planning services rendered
by the County Planning Department to said Regional Planning Board and
Local Development District, and
WHEREAS, funds are available in the Planning Department Budget
Account 73-400 to cover the necessary expenditures for the fiscal calendar
budget year, in the amount of $1,562.50, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Planning Commissioner
and the Planning and Public Works Committee, authorization is hereby
extended for the County Commissioner of Budget and Administration to
expend a sum not to exceed $3,125.00 as the share of Tompkins County to-
wards the total budget for the above purposes, effective immediately.
RESOLVED, further, That $1,562.50 be transferred from Planning Depart-
ment Account A-73-400 to Account A-270-518, Joint Municipal Activities,
Regional Planning, to cover the cost for the remainder of this calendar year.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 143 — Transfer of Funds — Various Departments
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon the request of the various departments and recommen-
dations of committees in charge of those departments, That department
heads be and hereby are authorized to make the following transfer of funds:
Department From To Amount
County Library 190-402 190-404 $525.00
Highway D- 90-401 D- 90-404 $123.39
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the Director of the County Library, to the Com-
missioner of Public Works, and to the Commissioner of Budget and Ad-
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 144—Appropriation from Contingent Fund —
Various Departments
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED,'upon the request of the various departments and recommenda-
tions of committees in charge of those departments, That department heads
be and hereby are authorized to make the following transfer of funds from
the Contingent Fund (Code 290-650A) to:
June 8, 1940 151
1. Community College — Tuition students attending outside Tompkins
County (Code A-181-400) — $703.50
2. Board of Representatives — (Advertising) — Contractual & Other
Expenses (Code A-11-400) — $700.00
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and: Administration,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Ayes — 13. Noes — 0. Absent — 3. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 145 — On Audit
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins
chargeable to:
General Fund
Airport Fund
Dog Fund
County Self -Insurance
be and hereby are audited by this Board at the above amounts approved by
the various committees, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board file a certified list of claims
so audited with the Commissioner of Budget and Administration, and that
he be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audit-
ed out of the various funds appropriated therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. A brief discussion followed and Mr. Leary
expressed his concern regarding the Indigent Defendant Bills. The
number of bills are increasing and he suggested that perhaps it would be
better to have a County Legal Defender. Chairman Dates directed the
Public Safety and Correction Committee to study this matter and bring
in a recommendation. Ayes — 13. Noes — 0. Absent — 3. Carried.
At this time, Chairman Dates made the following appointments to the
County Water Agency.
City of Ithaca — 2 members
Village of Cayuga Heights —
1 member
Towns — Ithaca — 1 member each
Enfield -Newfield
Caroline -Danby
William H. Sullivan;
Michael Robinson
Mayor Frederick Marcham
Walter Schwan
Edward LaVigne
Charles McCord
Robert Dempsey
Clifford G. Northrup
Kenneth D. Georgia
Ernest Cole
152 June 8, 1970
Ithaca City — 1 member each
Cornell University
Lansing Water District
Cayuga Lake Basin Board —
staff or board
County Planning Commissioner
County Commissioner of
Public Works
Commissioner of Health
Vincent P. Hannan
Cushing Phillips, Jr.
James W. Howell
John Carter, Board Engineer
Frank Liguori
Howard Stevenson, Jr.
Dr. Robert Broad
Mr. Dates announced that there will be a County Water Agency meet-
ing on June 22 at 10:00 a.m.
At this time, Mr. Webster placed in nomination the name of Helen
Amdur to replace Albert Bedworth on the Narcotic Guidance Council.
Upon hearing no further nominations, it was MOVED That the nomi-
nations be closed and the Clerk cast one ballot for the nominee. The
ballot being cast, Chairman Dates declared Helen Amdur a member of
the Narcotic Guidance Council.
Mr. Webster suggested that something be done concerning the em-
ployment of young people during the summer. Chairman Dates appointed
the Social and Health Services Committee (the Chairman of the com-
mittee is to appoint the chairman of this special committee) to study this
problem and bring in a report and recommendation.
There will be a Planning and Public Works Committee meeting
June 18th at 7:30 p.m. at the Airport.
Mr. Liguori announced that he will present a short film pertaining to
Sanitary Landfill immediately following the meeting and invited every-
one to attend.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
June 22, 1970 153
Monday, June 22, 1970 - 7:30 p.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Representatives Webster, Bruce, Culligan, Graves, Holden,
Kerr, Lee, MacNeil, Miller, Schickel, Dates — 11.
Excused: Representatives Abbott, Leary, Stutz and Marcham — 4.
Absent: Representative Golder (Arrived 7:35 p.m.) — 1.
At this time, members and guests participated in the Pledge of Alle-
Upon hearing no objections, the Chairman declared the minutes of
the May 25th and June 8th meetings approved.
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action:
Permission requested and granted to pay mileage for Richard F.
Cummings, Veterans' Service Director, to attend the VFW Convention
at the Concord Hotel, June 24-27.
Bureau of Census informed the office that preliminary report of the
Tompkins County papulation for 1970 is 75,327 compared to 1960
official count of 66,164.
Preliminary annual report from the Office of the State Comptroller,
Arthur Levitt; Resolution from Allegany County recommending to the
United States Congress that legislation be enacted to prohibit the manu-
facture, distribution, or sale of detergents that stimulate the unnatural
growth of algae, and a resolution from Green County requesting the
1970 Federal Census be completed or new census taken; appropriation
balances from the Social Service Department for May 31, 1970; minutes
received from the Social and Health Services Committee for May 21 and
June 11; Planning and Public Works Committee for June 3; Tompkins
County Hospital Board of Managers for May 25; proposal for Day Care
Mobile Resources Program submitted by the Tompkins County Day Care
Service; Digest of 1970 laws affecting local government from County
Officers Association of the State of New York; Tentative railroad ceilings
for 1970 for the Towns of Danby, Dryden, Groton, Ithaca, Lansing and
Newfield; Notice of claim against the County of Tompkins for Stephen
154 June 22, 1970
R. Pendleton for $550,000; Work release program proposal from the Pro-
bation department; Notice from State of New York Department of Health
that application for State Aid reimbursement for hospital care for TB
patients has been approved.
At this time, Chairman Dates and Representative Culligan announced
that Clifford E. Bower, former Supervisor and Chairman of the Board of
Supervisors, has been chosen "Supervisor of the Year" by the Supervisors'
and County Legislators' Association of the State of New York. The com-
mon sense judgement of Mr. Bower, his willingness to work in the posi-
tions of responsibility which he has held, his ability to withstand immedi-
ate pressures and take the long range view of problems of government
and his unassuming friendliness to all, have earned him the respect
of his constituents and his colleagues in local government. No finer
person could have received this award.
The Chairman declared a recess at 7:40; business resumed at 7:50 p.m.
Various committee chairmen reported as follows:
Mr. Culligan, Health and Social Services, stated the committee met and
discussed many things pertaining to health, hospital and social services.
Dr. Broad and a private businessman in the business of extermination
were in attendance and it was decided not to ask for the State Program
for rat control because the biggest part of that program was for the fill
not so much for rodent control. By municipalities contracting with pri-
vate enterprise, they feel the cost would be less expensive. A resolution
will be drawn up, backed by Dr. Broad, requesting all municipalities
and privately owned refuse areas in the county be closed in a direct and
clean manner satisfactory to the Health Department. Also discussed was
the standardization of the hours of county offices. There will be a
nomination to fill a vacancy on the Mental Health Board later in the
meeting. The Practical Nursing Program was also discussed and there
will be a resolution pertaining to this later.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, reported that the Committee
met with the Danby Town Board and came up with three alternatives
regarding the road situation for the refuse site. However, since then the
committee met and decided to work with the state on improving the
approach on Hillview Road. There was also a meeting pertaining to the
Airport. Mr. Holden stated that Glenn Turner, Airport Manager,
presented' a good report on the cost of operating the airport, etc. They
also discussed the expansion of the terminal buildings at the airport.
He noted that William Motts, Professional Engineer will begin work
July 6th. Also, he gave the estimates for the Court House renovation
and the new electrical system; $90,000, General, $75,000 and separate
contract for changing air conditioning, $10,000, totalling $175,000. Bids
will be opened July 2 at 2:00 p.m.
June 22, 1970 155
Mr. MacNeil, Personnel, stated the committee met and discussed
several problems. He suggested that a representative of the New York
State Civil Service Commission be invited to explain in detail how de-
partment heads and Board of Representatives can best operate under
Civil Service Law. He was given permission to contact him.
Mr. Lee spoke pertinent to the employment of young people in the
county and reported there were approximately 59 young people em-
ployed for the summer. He also mentioned that he had received a letter
from the Chamber of Commerce soliciting an increase in the promotional
activities of the Chamber. He also reported that John Murphy, Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration, had the first of his meetings
with department heads to improve communications. He said Grievance
Day seems to have gone very well with local hearing boards. Preliminary
hearings were advantageous. He also mentioned that the tentative esti-
mated net increase of assessed valuation is 9.8 million. There will be
more details on this later. As Chairman of the Board of Assessment, he
said a litigation is pending and is being handled by the County Attorney.
Mr. Liguori, Planning Director, reported that the first meeting of the
County Water Agency was held this morning and existing water supply
resources were reviewed and discussed. The next meeting will be held
June 29 at 10:00 a.m.
Chairman Dates announced an Executive Committee Meeting will be
held June 29th at 7:30 p.m.
RESOLUTION NO. 146 — Appropriation from Contingent Fund —
Narcotics Guidance Council
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Social and Health Services
Committee, and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sum
of $1,100 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code 290-650A) to
Narcotics Guidance Council, (Code A-128-400) Contractual and Other
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. After a lengthy discussion, a roll call was
taken as follows: Ayes — Representatives Bruce, Culligan (If you haven't
been to Canada, you will get a new experience because they are going
through luggage looking for narcotics) , Golder, Holden, Kerr, Lee,
MacNeil, Miller, Schickel, Dates — 10. Noes — Representative Graves —
1. Abstain — Representative Webster — 1. Absent — 4. Carried.
156 June 22, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 147 - Award of Bid—Purchase of Coal for
County Home
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Budget and Administration has duly
advertised for bids on coal for use in the Tompkins County Home, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee, Budget and Administration Committee, and Planning and Public Works
Committee, That the bid of Bower's Fuel Company, Inc. of Trumansburg,
New York, for the sale of up to 300 tons (more or less) of No. 2, standard
anthracite, buckwheat (rice) coal at $22.60 per ton for use at the County
Home during 1970-1971 heating season be and the same hereby is awarded
according to the bid and specifications thereof, it being understood that at the
time of delivery, the County Home 50 ton capacity shall be filled and one
25 ton truckload to be delivered for stockpile,
RESOLVED, further, That the coal purchased for the County Home shall be
billed to and paid for by the Commissioner of Social Services,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Social Services, the Commissioner
of Budget and Administration and to Bower's Fuel Company, Inc.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 148—Transfer of Funds—Social Services
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sum of
$5,000.00 be transferred from Social Services Programs County Wide —
Foster Care— (Code 160-610) to Juvenile Delinquent Care (Code 160-606),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioners of Social Services and Budget and
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 149 — Appropriation to Licensed Practical Nurse
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services
Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That a sum not
to exceed $20,000 be appropriated to continue the Licensed Practical Nurse
Program by BOCES through August, 1970,
RESOLVED, further, That a sum not to exceed $10,000 be appropriated
from Hospital Enterprise Fund and a sum not to exceed $10,000 be appro-
priated from the Contingent Fund (Code 290-650A), both of said sums being
appropriated to County General — Miscellaneous Other Expenses (Code
June 22, 1970 157 -
RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $9,000 be paid to BOCES prior to
June 30, 1970,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Discussion followed and due to the fact that
this was to be advertised pursuant to the Rules of the Board, in both
papers (it was only in one) , it was MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded
by Mr. Culligan, That the rules of the board be waived so this resolu-
tion may be considered. Carried. A roll call vote on the resolution re-
sulted as follows: Ayes — 12. Noes — 0. Absent — 4. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 150—Award of Bid—Operation of Refuse Dis-
posal Site. No. 2
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board has duly advertised for bids to
operate a sanitary landfill site for the sanitary disposal of refuse to serve
an area designated as Site No. 2, including the Town of Ulysses, Village of
Trumansburg, Town of Enfield, and the northwest portion of the Town
of Ithaca, and
WHEREAS, bids were received on April 20, 1970, and have been thoroughly
evaluated in the best interest of the people of Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, bids were received from Carpenter's Backhoe and Dozer
Service, Inc. and from Seymour's Disposal Service, and
WHEREAS, the low bidder, Carpenter's Backhoe and Dozer Service, Inc.
submitted a low bid of $18,000 but subsequently withdrew said bid,
WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, the Commissioner of Planning and Commissioner of Public Works,
the bid submitted by Seymour's Disposal Service for a site in the Town of
Covert in Seneca County meets the basic specifications for refuse disposal
services and will be open for operation six days per week, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the bid of Seymour's Disposal Service for the bid price
of $20,000 for a one-year period, with renewal provisions for two years, be
and the same hereby is accepted,
RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives
be and he hereby is authorized to execute a contract upon submission of the
following documents, not later than June 26, 1970:
1. Certificate of insurance and Workmen's 'Compensation as required in
bid specifications.
2. Performance bond as required in bid specifications.
3. Such other documents and facilities as may be required by the terms
of the contract.
4. Consent of any mortgagee for the use of the land for refuse disposal if
so encumbered.
5. An acceptable statement on the charges for bulk refuse not including
RESOLVED, further, That operation of said refuse disposal site for use of
the people in Tompkins County shall commence on or about July 1, 1970,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Seymour's Disposal Service, Commissioner of Planning
and Commissoner of Public Works.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
158 June 22, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 151 —Authorization to Negotiate and Execute
Contract for Purchase of Land for Sanitary
Landfill Operation
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Leo J. Gangl and Frances A. Gangl have indicated a willing-
ness to sell to the County of Tompkins portions of two parcels of land owned
separately by them in the Town of Dryden, comprising approximately 60
acres and 50 acres of land (respectively) more or less, designated on tax
maps as Dryden 23-1-18 and 23-1-22.2 respectively, and
WHEREAS, the County is desirous of purchasing said parcels of land for
operation of a sanitary landfill operation in compliance with New York State
Regulations, and
WHEREAS, the parcels of land being purchased are portions of land
described by instruments recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office in
Liber 432 of Deeds at page 315 and Liber 485 of Deeds at page 368, and
WHEREAS, said premises are subject to electric and phone easements re-
corded in Liber 5 Miscellaneous Records 225, Liber 286 of Deeds at page
232, and Liber 390 of Deeds at page 423, and
WHEREAS, the sellers will retain two parcels, one being a parcel with
frontage of 296 ft. and depth 1,615 ft. more or less to include the pond on
Lot 23-1-18 and another parcel with 250 ft. frontage and 300 ft. depth on
Lot 23-1-22.2, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to execute separate contracts for the purchase of
each aforesaid parcel of land,one consisting of approximately 49 acres, and
the other approximately 48 acres for the cash price of $17,170.00 for Lot
23-1-18 and $16,830.00 for Lot 23-1-22.2 for a total price of $34,000, subject to
the following terms and conditions:
1. That the closings shall take place on or about July 1, 1970.
2. Each seller shall furnish 40 -year abstracts showing marketable title to
be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.
3. Each seller shall execute a Warranty Deed conveying said land free and
clear of all liens and encumbrances except easements of record set
forth herein.
4. Comply with zoning ordinance if required.
5. Said Lot 23-1-22.2 to be purchased will include a well recently drilled
at an additional cost not to exceed $900.00, to be paid by the County to
the well driller.
6. The exact descriptions of said parcels shall be completed to the satis-
faction of the County Attorney.
7. The closings shall take place at the Tompkins County Court House and
possession shall be given to the County at time of closing.
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Planning and the County
Attorney are authorized and directed to prepare said contracts on behalf of
the County,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to Leo J. Gangl and Frances A. Gangl.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. It was MOVED by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs.
Schickel, That the following amendment be added to the resolution:
1. When Caswell Road is taken over by. Tompkins County in exchange
for the road in the Town of Dryden, that it be improved adequately
to carry heavy trucks and additional traffic, that the base or subsurface
June 22, 1970 159
be improved and the road not be made wider, no trees cut without
the consent of the land owners adjacent to the area, that the road sides
be policed daily by the county employees overseeing this operation
to insure that any spillage along the road is cleaned up on a daily
basis and that the county support the Town of Dryden in recommend-
ing to the State of New York that the speed limit on Caswell Road
be levied at 35 miles per hour.
2. The Sanitary Landfill Operation will be managed in a way which
will exceed the N.Y.S. Sanitary Code standards.
3. The drinking wells in the immediate area will be sampled and ana-
lyzed by the County Health Department at county expense prior to
the opening of the site and six months later to detect possible effects
on the area water supply.
4. The approximate 110 acres to be purchased at the present time be
the extent of this site, i.e., no additional acreage adjacent to this site
will be purchased or utilized for expansion purposes.
5. The County Planning Committee continue to search for other im-
proved appropriate ways for handling the methods of refuse dis-
After much discussion, Mr. Wade Alexander, Caswell Road, Dryden,
spoke tinder privilege of the floor regarding the site. At this time Mr.
Lee withdrew his amendment with the understanding that the points be
included in a "bill of rights" for dump area landowners to be presented
for adoption in July. After further discussion, it was MOVED by Mrs.
Schickel, seconded by Mr. Lee, That the resolution be amended as
follows: As a Matter of public policy, the board conduct properly adver-
tised public hearings before purchasing the site in West Dryden. After
further discussion, Mrs. Schickel withdrew her amendment with the un-
derstanding that this point also be included in the "Bill of Rights" Reso-
lution. A voice vote was taken on the original resolution as presented and
RESOLUTION NO. .152—Authorizing the Exchange of Approach
Roads in the Immediate Vicinity o!' Sanitary
Landfill Refuse Sites No. 1 and 3
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is establishing sanitary landfill sites
throughout Tompkins County for the convenience and use of the people of the
county, and
WHEREAS, it is recognized that, in some instances, the approach road in
the immediate vicinity of the access to a site will necessitate additional main-
tenance costs, and
160 June 22, 1970
WHEREAS, in the case of Site No. 1 located in the Town of Danby, the
approach road is Hillview Road owned and maintained presently by the
Town of Danby, and in the case of Site No. 3, located in the Town of Dryden,
the approach road is Caswell Road owned and maintained presently by the
Town of Dryden, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chairman of the
Board of Representatives be authorized to negotiate and execute an agreement
with the Town of Danby and the Town of Dryden for an exchange of
Hillview Road and Caswell Road with the County assuming ownership and
maintenance responsibility for each of these roads and an exchange for an
approximate equal mileage of County Roads to each of the towns for their
ownership and maintenance,
RESOLVED, further, That a clause in such agreement may provide for a
reversion of roads back to their present ownership and maintenance at such
time as said sanitary landfill sites are no longer in operation,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Public Works and to the Commis-
sioner of Planning.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 153 — Award of Bid and Appropriation from
County Road Fund Balance
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has advertised for bids for
the construction of one bridge, namely, Village of McLean over Fall Creek,
on County Road 105, Town of Groton, New York, and
WHEREAS, H. D. Besemer, Inc., P. O. Box 41, South Lansing, New
York, is the lowest responsible bidder for the construction of said bridge
with a bid of $83,568.55, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That the bid of H. D. Besemer, Inc. of South Lansing, New York,
for the construction of one bridge in the Town of Groton, in the amount of
$83,568.55, be and the same hereby is accepted and the Chairman of the
Board of Representatives is authorized and directed to execute said contract
on behalf of the County.
RESOLVED, further, upon recommendation of the Budget and Adminis-
tration Committee, That the sum of $35,000.00 be appropriated from County
Road Fund Balance to Highway—County Road Fund Contracts — County
Bridges—Contractual and Other Expenses (Code D-100-400),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Public Works, the Commissioner
of Budget and Administration and to H. D. Besemer, Inc.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 154 — Appropriation from Road Machinery Fund
Balance and Transfer of Funds—Highway
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works,
the Planning and Public Works Committee and the Budget and Administra-
tion Committee, That the sum of $8,064.00 be transferred from Machinery
Fund Balance to Highway Road Machinery Fund—Equipment (Code
June 22, 1970 161
E-110-200) said monies to be used to purchase a new tandem roller for the
county under state bid,
RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $2,000.00 be transferred from High-
way Road Machinery Fund—Supplies and Materials (Code E-110-300) to
Equipment (Code E-110-200) said monies being used to allow for higher
bid prices on budgeted items,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Public Works and to the Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 155 — Appropriation from Enterprise Fund —
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sum
of $19,640.00 be appropriated from the Enterprise Fund to Airport—
Construction and Other Expenses (Code C-210-400),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Airport Manager.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Ayes — 12. Noes — 0. Absent — 4. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 156 — Creation of Position — Hospital (Assistant
Sr. X -Ray Technician)
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Health and Social Services
Committee, Personnel Committee, Hospital Administrator and the Com-
missioner of Personnel, That one position of Assistant Sr. X -Ray Technician,
Labor Grade XI, competitive class, be created effective immediately,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Hospital Administrator and to the Commissioners
of Personnel and Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 157 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment —
City of Ithaca
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll in the City of Ithaca, namely, that property assessed to
Walter R. & Selma C. Schlotzhauer, located at 303 Valley Road, was
erroneously assessed for $23,500 whereas same should have been $21,550 an
additional veterans exemption in the amount of $1,950 not having been
applied, nowtherefore be it
162 June 22, 1970
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That said assessment of $23,500 to Walter R. & Selma C. Schlotzhauer
be and the same hereby is changed from $23,500 to $21,550 on the 1970 Assess-
ment Roll in the City of Ithaca,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Director of the Assessment Department and Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION._ NO. 158 - Disposition of Old Records -Budget and
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, by the -Board of Representatives of Tompkins County, That
John J. Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration, be and he
hereby is authorized to dispose of record item numbers 10 thru 18, 24, 25, 26,
34, 46, 54, 59, 61, 66, 69, 71, 75, 76, 78, 84 thru 88,90, 91, 94 thru 99, 102 thru
105, 109 thru 111, 115, 116, 120, 123, 151, 158, 173 thru 175, 177, 182, thru 184,
191, 194, 213, 216, 218, 219, 221, 224 thru 227, 233 thru 235, 239, 241, 244 thru
246, 251, 252, 265, 271, 282, 312, 315, 317, and 319 thru 321 on Records
Disposition Request List Number 143 -CF -4 issued pursuant to section 65-b
of the Public Officers Law,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of.this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 159 - Insurance Limits -County Employees
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, several employees of the county at various times use their
private cars on county business, and
WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Budget and Administration
Committee that persons using their private vehicles for county business
conform to minimum limits as prescribed by the committee and provide the
Clerk of the Board of Representatives with a Certificate of Insurance
coverage, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That all employees using their vehicles on county business carry
minimum limits of $50,000/$100,000 and $25,000 Property Damage,
RESOLVED, further, That said persons have their insurance agencies file a
certificate of their coverage with the Clerk of the Board of Representatives,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to all department heads.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
Due to the fact that the positions in Resolutions 160 and 161 need to
be readvertised because the sufficient amount was not advertised in the
newspapers, pursuant to Rules of the Board, it was MOVED by Mr.
MacNeil, seconded by Mr. Culligan, That rules of the board be waived
so these resolutions can be presented. Discussion followed and Motion
was Carried.
June 22, 1970 163
RESOLUTION NO. 160 — Creation of Position — Mental Health
Department (Administrative Assistant)
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved .its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, Social and
Health Services Committee, the Commissioner of Personnel and the Com-
missioner of Mental Health Services, That one position of Administrative
Assistant, labor grade 1X, competitive class, be and it hereby is created
effective immediately.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel, the Commissioners of
Mental Health Services and Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan.
At this time, Mr. Graves said he was voting no on these Mental
Health resolutions because he feels the money is going to the administra-
tors rather than the unfortunate. A voice vote was taken and the resolu-
tion was Carried with Representatives Graves and Miller casting dis-
senting votes.
RESOLUTION NO. 161 — Creation of Position — Mental Health
Department (Day Care Center Director)
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, Social and
Health Services Committee, the Commissioner of Personnel and the Com-
missioner of Mental Health Services, That one position of Director of Day
Care Center, labor grade 17, competitive class, be and it hereby is created
effective immediately.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioners of Personnel, Mental Health Services
and Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried with Representatives Miller and
Graves casting dissenting votes.
RESOLUTION NO. 162 — Creation of Position — Mental Health
Department (Day Care Typist)
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, Social and
Health Services Committee, the Commissioner of Personnel and the Com-
missioner of Mental Health Services, That the position of Day Care Typist,
labor grade IV, competitive class, be and it hereby is created effective
164 June 22, 1970
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioners of Personnel, Mental Health Services
and Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried with Representatives Graves and
Miller casting dissenting votes.
Moved by Mr. MacNeil, seconded by Mr. Culligan, That Res. No. 163
not on the Agenda, be considered at this time. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 163 — Authorization to Pay for Overtime Work —
Departmen.t of Social Services
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee, Commissioner of Personnel, Personnel Committee, and Commissioner of
Social Services, That Katherine Hinman, Case Worker, be paid for 70
hours of overtime at her regular hourly rate, $4.05 per hour,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said payment to said employee,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioners of Personnel and Budget Administra-
Seconded by Mr. Webster. Carried.
At this time, Mr. Culligan placed in nomination the name of Mrs.
Edwin Trethaway to fill the unexpired term of Albert Bedworth on the
Mental Health Board. Said term expires August 23, 1972. Upon hearing
no further nominations, Chairman Dates declared Mrs. Trethaway a
member of the Mental Health Board. He said there will be three more
vacancies next month.
Mr. Graves said he felt the name of Mr. Alvin Knepper should be con-
;iclerecl for the next vacancy on the Human Rights Commission.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
July 13, 1970 165
Monday, July 13, 1970 - 10:00 a.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Webster, Culligan, Dates, Golder,
Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller and Stutz —
EXCUSED: Representatives Abbott, Bruce and Schickel — 3.
At this time members and. guests participated in the Pledge of Alle-
giance to the Flag.
Upon hearing no objections, the Chairman declared the minutes of the
June 22nd meeting approved.
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action: .
Permission granted for Lloyd Sherrer and Arvine Pike of the Tompkins
County Hospital to attend the Cleaver Brooks Service Training School
at Lebanon, Pennsylvania, June 22-23; Viola Boothroyd and Barbara
Fellows, Election Commissioners, to attend the Election Commissioners'
Conference at Lake George, July 6-9; Frank Liguori and Harry Missirian
to attend the Office of Planning 'Coordination meeting in Albany, June
29-30, 1970.
Certificate of final special franchise assessments for Towns of Caro-
line, Danby, Dryden, Enfield, Groton, Ithaca, Lansing and Ulysses and
the 'County of Tompkins; Meeting schedules for review of 1968 Study
of Market Values received for City of Ithaca, Towns of Dryden, Lansing,
Danby, Newfield, and Caroline; received 1970 edition of the New York
State Statistical Yearbook; approval of application for State Aid for
Public Health Work and for vaccination of dogs and cats against rabies;
notice from Civil Defense on availability of emergency water supply
equipment; revised Emergency Operating Center Operational Plan
from Civil Defense; copy of the agreement between County of Broome
and their employees; Pistol Permits for the month of June totalled
$99.00; minutes received for the County Sewer Agency for June 18; first
meeting of the County Water Agency for June 22; Budget and Ad-
ministration Committee meeting of June 23; Tompkins -Cortland Com-
munity College Board of Trustees meeting of June 25, 1970, Planning
and Public Works Committee of July 2; County Library Board of
Trustees meeting of June 23.
166 July 13, 1970
Letter received from Agda S. Osborn, Chairman of the Coordinating
Council on Beautification, recommending Tompkins County establish
an environmental management council. (referred to Planning and Public
Works and Social and Health Committees) .
Notice received from New York State Pure Waters Authority of their
expanded assignment and new name — The Environmental Conservation
Department and the Environmental Facilities Corporation. (referred to
both Planning and Public Works and Social and Health Services Com-
Letter from Finger Lakes Association, Inc. thanking Chairman Dates
for participating in the Association's 51st annual dinner meeting.
Resolutions adopted at Conference -School of Supervisors' and County
Legislators' Association re: Requesting extension of time for completion
of 1970 census; Opposing legislation requiring counties to act each year to
be exempt from additional mortgage tax imposition; Requesting the
state to bear the full cost of all future state mandated programs; Oppos-
ing legislation granting exemptions from real property taxation, and
Memorializing legislation amending railroad tax relief act.
Letter from Dr. Ralph J. Low, County Coroner, requesting that path-
ologists at Tompkins County Hospital be paid by the county for autop-
sies performed for the County Coroner.
Letter from David Safadi, M. D., Chairman of the Tompkins County
Employees Negotiating Committee, 'informing the Board that the Em-
ployees Negotiating Committee had scheduled a meeting in the new
conference room of Tompkins County Hospital on July 15 at 12:30 p.m.
Copy of a letter to David Safadi, M.D. from Hugh Hurlbut, Com-
missioner of Personnel, confirming a telephone conversation with Dr.
Safadi, arranging the first meeting for negotiations of 1971 be held on
Wednesday, July 15, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the Tompkins County'Per-
sonnel Office.
Letter from the State of New York Department of Taxation and Fi-
nance suggesting that considerable financial benefit may be derived by
the counties, cities, towns and villages by selling tickets and receiving
the 5% commission on lottery tickets.
Resolution from Cortland County Board of Supervisors approving
the Full Opportunity Plan for Tompkins Cortland Community College.
Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Herbert Mahr, on behalf of the
Forest Home Improvement Association; read a statement of the associ-
ation regarding the serious traffic problems on Cornell University. campus
for residents of the county and suggested :the county, • together with
July. 13, 1970 167
Cornell University, try to come up with a solution beneficial to all as
the present decision of the University is not to their satisfaction. The
Chairman turned this problem over to the Planning and Public Works
Also under privilege of the floor, the Honorable Hushang Bahar, Presi-
dent of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College, explained the forth-
coming resolution for the approval of the full opportunity plan at the
community college. The formal commitment to what the college has
been doing since its opening will bring 40% state aid instead of the
current 33-1/3% on the institution's operating budget. During the dis-
cussion the question of residency was raised and it was MOVED by Mr.
Lee, seconded by Mr. Graves, That the resolution be amended to read
"all applicants residing in the sponsorship area be graduated from Cort-
land and Tompkins High Schools". There being objections to this, Mr.
Lee rephrased his motion to read as follows: "All applicants residing in
sponsorship area and/or who graduated from Tompkins and Cortland
Counties High School". It was decided to present the resolution at this
RESOLUTION NO. 164 — Approving Full Opportunity Plan
Community College
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, a Full Opportunity Plan at Tompkins -Cortland Community
College shall:
1. Establish a policy of offering acceptance in an appropriate program of
the college to all applicants residing in the sponsorship area who gradu-
ated from High Schools and to applicants who are high school graduates
and who were released from active duty with the armed forces of the
United States.
2. Provide for full implementation of such policy by the fall semester of
1970 or if the college demonstrates to the State University Trustees that full
implementation by such time would not be feasible and in the best interests of
the college, provide for a time table to achieve such full implementation
within five (5) years which provides for substantial growth in registration
each year;
3. Make provision for and contain adequate assurances of the expenditure
of funds by the sponsor or sponsors at a level pursuant to State Uni-
versity regulations, at least that necessary to. implement the plan;
4. Provide for adequate programs of remediation, instruction and counselling
to meet the needs of all students to be served by the College, The State
University of New York Trustees may require periodic reports or certifica-
tions from colleges which have submitted plans which have been approved
and may, in appropriate cases, revoke such approval in case a college is in
default of implementing its plan, and
WHEREAS, the Administration of the College has reviewed the Full
Opportunity Plan in detail and has submitted a proposal to the Ad Hoc
Committee of the Board of Trustees, -and
WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc Committee of the Board of Trustees approved
the Full Opportunity Plan and, has forwarded the proposal to the Full
Board of Trustees of the Community_ College, and
WHEREAS, by resolution adopted June 25, 1970, the Board of Trustees
of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College has approved such plan, and
168 July 13, 1970
WHEREAS, it is the understanding of this Board that the State share
of the operating cost of said Community College would be increased from
one-third to two-fifths in the event that this plan is approved by the State
University Trustees, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representativesbeing a
joint sponsor of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College does hereby
approve the State of New York's Full Opportunity Plan and the regulations
set forth therein effective September 1, 1970, subject to 4nnual review
and also provided that our participation in the plan be within the resources
of the community,
RESOLVED, further, That this resolution becomes effective upon the pas-
sage of a concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Board of Super-
visors, a joint sponsor of the said Community Cllege.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz.
At this time, Mr. Lee withdrew his previous motion and it was
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Lee that in No. 1 of the first
whereas in the above resolution, it be amended to read "all applicants
residing in sponsorship areas and/or who graduated from Tompkins and
Cortland High Schools." Motion Carried.
At this time, Dr. Peter Blomerley, the new Dean of the College, was
introduced to the Board.
Ronald Space, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, spoke and urged
board members to participate in a private meeting of both Tompkins and
Cortland Boards and the Trustees of the Community College to be held
Monday, July 27th at 7:30 p.m. at the Dryden High School to reach a
decision on the choice of an architect for the permanent campus of the
community college.
. At this time Mr. Joseph Watkins from the New York State Depart-
ment of Civil Service was introduced to the Board and proceeded to
explain the functions of the County Personnel Commissioner in rela-
tion to the Civil Service Department.
Various committee chairmen reported as follows:
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, noted that bids were
opened on the renovation of the Court House and there will be a reso-
lution awarding the bid later. He also stated that there had been a
planning meeting and the Crime Control Program was discussed. Mr.
Liguori said that the Crime Control Program as far as the Crime in the
Streets Law of the Federal and State Governments, through regional
planning ordinances and local organizations, is basically a planning and
action program. There is in New York State a partial State Crime Control
Program developed. This county is part of the Southern Tier East
Regional Planning Region and as part of the regional function there will
be developed a crime plan together with an action program which has to
July 13, 1970 169
do primarily with funding. The County will have representation at the
regional level and will begin to develop the plan the same as other
counties have. The function of the County Planning Department in
this area is primarily in coordination. Mr. Holden also mentioned that
there had also been a meeting regarding the work release program
at the Sheriff's Department. There will be a resolution on this later
in the meeting.
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, reported that the Board of
Assessment has convened and reviewed all the cases sent to them from
the Local Review Boards for a total of 138 applications that were pro-
cessed and all were officially acted upon by the Board and are now in
the process of communicating the decisions back to the grievors. He also
reported that the Executive Committee did endorse the budget guidelines.
Each committee chairman should have a ballpark budget exclusive of sal-
aries and to review those guidelines for those that might not have acquired
them, 1) hold the line, possibly a percentage cut; the Budget and Ad-
ministration and Executive Committees request that each chairman
with his committee carefully review and scrutinize the budget requests
from areas of responsibility that they oversee, 3) any increase or de-
crease be thoroughly explained indicating the increased services to be
gained from dollar increases for the object to which it applies, 4) the
schedule of formulation for this budget will commence July 15 through
September 1, 5) are trying something new this year — sometime after Sep-
tember 1, the Budget and Administration Committee is going to con-
vene a public informational hearing in which they are going to invite
department Beads, other county personnel and will encourage the public
to participate on various areas of the budget that they want to pursue,
6) Commissioner Murphy will have a statement of our financial con-
dition hopefully by the August meeting.
MOVED by Mr. Leary, seconded by Mr. Holden, That a resolution
pertaining to the Airport Clearing Project, not on the agenda, be con-
sidered at this meeting. Carried.
Chairman Dates at this time commended Mrs. Doris Levy, Civil Defense
Director, for the excellent job she did in handling the emergency du:
ing the recent violent rainstorm.
RESOLUTION NO. 165 — Proper Closing of Refuse and Disposal
Sites— Tompkins County
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has established three major "Land
Fill" refuse areas for use by the residents of Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, small sites that have been used for years will be closed, now
therefore be it
170 July 13, 1970
RESOLVED, That each of the municipalities and private persons who now
operate refuse areas and disposal sites will adhere to the rules and regula-
tions for closing refuse and disposal sites set forth by the Tompkins
County Health Department,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Health for Tompkins
County will create the regulations for the disposal site cover and rodent
control regulations for closing disposal sites are satisfactorily complied with.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 166 — Day Center for Handicapped Adults
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Social and Health Services Committee after careful study
has recommended the establishment of a Day Center for Handicapped Adults,
WHEREAS, by resolution adopted by this board on June 23, 1970, various
positions were created and approved for said Day Center for Handicapped
Adults, and
WHEREAS, to fund said Day Center certain transfers of monies within
the Mental Health Budget are required as well as an appropriation from
the Contingent Fund, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee, the Mental Health Board, the Commissioner of Mental Health
Services and the Commissioner of Budget and Administration, That there be
established a Day Center for Handicapped Adults of Tompkins County as an
additional Mental Health Service to the Community.
RESOLVED, further, That to obtain state aid the following changes be
made in the Mental Health Budget:
A-125—Mental Health Administration
5 mo. add New Total
Personal Services A-125-100
Supplies & Materials
Contractual & Other
Fringe Benefits
21,037 230,878
The following changes be made in the budgets for the contracted Mental
Health Services:
A-126—Contracted Mental Health Services
A-126 From To
Mental Health Association
Association Retarded Children
441 $17,329 $23,596
442 52,736 35,758
RESOLVED, further, That the total amount appropriated due to the above
changes in the original Mental Health Budget is $404,178. This figure being
the total for which the State Aid for the year 1970 will be calculated.
July 13, 1970 171
RESOLVED, further, That to fund the program for the Day Center for
Handicapped Adults for the balance of the year 1970, A) the following
transfers be made:
To Amount
Personal Services 125-A-100 200 $1,500
125-A-100 300 2,000
125-A-100 400 6,850
125-A-100 126-A-441 4,603
Psychiatric Exams 125-A-406 200 1,500
and B) That the sum of $1,664 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund
Code 290-65A) to: 126-A-441—$1,664
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Mental Health Services and to the
Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Ayes — 13. Noes — 0. Absent — 3. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 167 —Approval of Work Release Program —
Sherif f
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Article 27 of the Correction Law, effective January 1, 1969,
provides that the Sheriff upon the approval of the Board of Representatives
may establish a Work Release Program pursuant to which prisoners confined
in the County Jail may be granted privilege of leaving confinement for the
purpose of working or attending educational institutions and female prisoners
may be released during necessary hours for the purpose of caring for the
family, and
WHEREAS, the Sheriff of Tompkins County, has with the cooperation of
the Probation Director and the County Judge, established a proposed Work
Release Program for the County of Tompkins, and
WHEREAS, said program has been approved by the Public Safety and
Correction Committee, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the said committee, That the said
Work Release Program be and the same hereby is adopted and approved by
the County of Tompkins, effective immediately.
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy of this
resolution to the Sheriff.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. After discussion, roll call vote was taken
as follows: Ayes — Representatives Webster, Culligan, Golder, Holden
(with reservations) , Kerr, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Stutz, and
Dates — 11. Noes — Representatives Graves and Leary (I don't know
whether the Sheriff is willing to do without extra help) — 2. Absent — 3.
Carried. It was agreed that the Sheriff make a report of this program in
six months.
172 July 13, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 168 — Award of Bids — Alterations to Tompkins
County Court House
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Architects, Levatich and Miller, have advertised for bids
on alterations to the Tompkins County Court House in accordance with plans
and specifications filed in their office, and
WHEREAS, McPherson Builders of Ithaca, New York, was the lowest re-
sponsible bidder for General Construction Work with a net bid of $56,885 and
Madison Electric Co, Inc. of Ithaca, New York, was the lowest responsible
bidder for electrical work with a net bid of $59,818, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That said bids of McPherson Builders of Ithaca, New York, for
General Construction Work in the amount of $56,885 and Madison Electric
Co., Inc. of Ithaca for electrical work in the amount of $59,818 be and here-
by are accepted and the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and
he hereby is authorized to execute the contracts on behalf of the County.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried with Representative Miller casting a
dissenting vote.
RESOLUTION NO. 169 — Resolution of Appreciation—Scenic Roads
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors in October 1968
appointed a seven member County Scenic Board Committee consisting of
Harlan B. Brumsted, Chairman, and Messrs. David G. Flinn, A. W. Lauben-
gayer, Robert L. Mann, Paul Menzies, Howard A. Stevenson and Mrs.
Elizabeth Simpson, and
WHEREAS, the committee initiated their study in the Spring of 1969 and
worked diligently in making its reports to assist the Chairman of the New
York State Natural Beauty Commission in designating a Study Guide
System of Scenic Roads based on the existing highways network, and
WHEREAS, the Committee toured sites recommended to them from various
sources, and
WHEREAS, they met many, many, times to deliberate over the choice of
the five most scenic locations along existing state highways in Tompkins
County, and
WHEREAS, the committee filed an excellent detailed report with the Board
of Representatives of its work and findings, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, UNANIMOUSLY, by this Board of Representatives, That this
Board extends its heartfelt appreciation and thanks to each and every member
of the committee for their time and effort in the preparation of said report,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to each and every member of the commission.
Seconded Unanimously. 'Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 170 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment —
Town of Ithaca
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board is informed that an error was made in the 1969
Assessment Roll in the Town of Ithaca, Namely, That Parcel No. 54-2-33 was
erroneously assessed to Tompkins County whereas the same should have been
assessed to Alexander Pakkala, now therefore be it
July, 13, 1970 173
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, that said parcel erroneously assessed to Tompkins County be corrected
on the 1969 Assessment Roll in the Town of Ithaca to assess Parcel No.
54-2-33 to Alexander Pakkala,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to Thomas G. Payne, Director, Assessment Depart-
ment and to John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 171 — Appropriation from Contingent Fund —
Various Departments
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon the request of the Public Safety and Correction Com-
mittee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sum of $1,400
be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code 290-650A) to; Board of
Representatives — Supplies & Materials A-10-300—$1,200 and to County
Attorney — Supplies & Materials A-54-300—$200,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Ayes — 12. Noes — 0. Absent — 4. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 172 — Award of Bid—Tompkins County Library
Ramp and Steps
Mr. Stutz offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has duly advertised for bids on
electric snow melting system on ramp and non -slip surface on ramp and
steps, and
WHEREAS, Holmes Bros., Inc. of Syracuse New York, is the lowest re-
sponsible bidder meeting all specifications with a net bid of $8,958, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee and the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, That the said bid
of Holmes Bros., Inc. of Syracuse, New York, in the amount of $8,958, be
and the same hereby is accepted and the Commissioner of Public Works is
directed to complete said transaction on behalf of the County.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. The suggestion of putting a removable
bubble over the ramp during bad weather was discussed. A roll call vote
was taken on the resolution and resulted as follows: Ayes — Representa-
tives Webster, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary (It has been a point of dis-
cussion for a long time) , MacNeil, Marsham, Stutz and Dates — 9. Noes —
Representatives Culligan, Golder, Lee (I think this other suggestion
should have been explored) , Miller (with reservations) — 4. Carried.
174 July 13, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 173 — Authorization to Execute Amendment to
Agreement —Engineer— Airport
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved it adoption:
WHEREAS, the engineer has rendered engineering and surveying services
beyond those contemplated in the original agreement by the inclusion of addi-
tional lands in the area to be cleared under F.A.A. Project No. 6304, and
WHEREAS, it was decided to rebid the clearing work because of adverse
ecological and economic considerations, and
WHEREAS, F.A.A. has indicated that more extensive supervision and
inspection services will be required after the clearing contract is let and
WHEREAS, a proposal has been submitted by the engineer, copy of which
is on file with the Clerk of the Board of Representatives for said extra work
and work to be completed, the total as of April 21, 1970 is $7,160,00, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That said Amendment to the Agreement, dated January 1, 1963 be-
tween the County of Tompkins and Thomas G. Miller be and the same hereby
is amended in accordance with the draft on file with the Clerk of the Board.
RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to execute same on behalf of the County,
RESOLVED, further, That the required funds be appropriated from Enter-
prise Fund (Code CA909) to Capital and Construction—Airport and that
the Commissioner of Budget and Administration is hereby authorized and
directed to make said transfers on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to Glenn Turner, Airport Manager.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Ayes — 13. Noes — 0. Absent — 3. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 174 —On Audit
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins
chargeable to:
General Fund $101,499.28
Airport Fund 4,416.52
Dog Fund 222,80
County Self-Insu rance 1,385.37
Highway 76,934.28
Encumbrances 61.00
Printing 1,473.93
be and hereby are audited by this Board at the above amounts approved
by the various committees, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be and
he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of
various funds appropriated therefore.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Ayes — 13. Noes — 0. Absent — 3. Carried.
At this time, Chairman Dates appointed Dr. Robert Broad to the
Syracuse Regional Health Planning ALTHA.
.. At this time Mrs. Patricia Trethaway, the newly appointed member of
the Mental Health Board, was introduced to the Board.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
August 10, 1970' 175
Monday, August 10, 1970-10:00 a.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
PRESENT, Representatives Culligan, Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr,
Leary, Lee, Marcham, Miller, Stutz, Webster and Dates — 12.
ABSENT: Representative MacNeil (Arrived) — 1.
EXCUSED: Representatives Abbott, Bruce and Schickel — 3.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Upon hearing no objections, Chairman Dates declared the July 13th
minutes approved.
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action:
Permission requested and granted for Sidney Westervelt, Highway, to
attend Cummins Engine Service Training Center, Elmford, N. Y., July
27-30; Howard A. Stevenson, Jr. to attend the N. Y. S. County Highway
Superintendent's Association at Cooperstown, N. Y., August 30 to Sept.
2; Richard F. Cummings to attend the N. Y. S. Convention of American
Legion in conjunction with N. Y. S. County Veterans' Service Officers
Association at Buffalo, July 15-18, 1970; Sheriff Howard to attend the
N. Y. S. Sheriff's Association Conference August 2-6. •
Notice that Thomas Kiser has been readmitted to Mt. Morris Tubercu-
losis Hospital; copy of agreement between County of Chenango and
Employees (Referred to Committee) ; report of inspection of Tompkins
County Jail; Certificate of Final Railroad Ceilings for the Towns of
Danby, Dryden, Groton, Ithaca, Lansing and Newfield; Rabies Control
Report for May, June; New York's Pure Waters Progress 1969 from
Governor Rockefeller's Office (Referred to Committee) ; Pamphlet "The
Old Court House — A Major Historic Landmark of Tompkins County"
from Historic Ithaca; 1970 Comprehensive Crime Control Plan from
State of New York; notice of labor inspection findings for McPherson
Builders, Walt's Tree Service and Wheatori's Sheet Metal Shop; certifi-
cate of insurance — Norton Electric Company; Constitution and By Laws
176 August 10, 1970
of the Association of Clerks of County Legislative Boards and Directors
of Real Property Tax Services and invitation for Director of Assess-
ment to join the Assn.; State Education Department acknowledging
receipt of one copy of our 1969 Proceedings.
New Report on President's Committee on Mental Retardation (Re-
ferred to Committee) .
Phase II Design Report (Rt. 222, Groton -Cortland) from N. Y. S.
Department of Transportation (Referred to Committee)
Resolution from City of Ithaca requesting more adequate representa-
tion of both County Water and Sewer Agencies.
Request from Finger Lakes Association that Tompkins County con-
tribute to Memorial Building Fund for permanent quarters in Penn Yan
(Referred to Committee)
Resolution from Dutchess County requesting legislation to prohibit
the manufacture of detergents that stimulate algae. (Referred to Inter-
governmental Relations, Social and Health Services and Planning and
Public Works Committees)
Telegram from Washington, D. C. informing that President Nixon
signed a Presidential Disaster Declaration for flood stricken areas which
will make area eligible for 100% federal aid for temporary repairs to
public facilities and 50% aid for permanent replacements.
Letter and notification from Doris Levy, Director of Civil Defense, of
the second annual joint Civil Defense -County Hospital exercise scheduled
for Saturday, September 19.
Letter from Donald G. Dickson, Deputy Commissioner, N. Y. S.
Dept. of Health, terminating the Medical Assistance Program Contract
No. C-25255 effective 3/31/70. It has been replaced by Medical Assistance
Program Contract No. C-42756, effective 4/1/70.
Copy of letter to R. J. Low, Coroner, from Dr. Safadi and Dr. Posso
stating they will no longer perform autopsies on D.O.A's free of the
customary and usual fee for autopsies in these situations. This will be
effective July 27, 1970.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance from the Office of Economic
Model Ordinance Regulating Mobile Home Parks from the New York
August 10, 1970 177
Mobile Home Association, Inc. which they would like to have reviewed.
It is the policy of the organization to assist in all ways possible toward
better mobile home park communities.
Letter from Clifford E. Bower expressing thanks and appreciation for
the Board's efforts in getting him named "Supervisor of the Year".
Invitation to attend a preview showing of American Modular Homes
at 19 N. Jenson Road, Vestal, Monday, August 10, 4:00 to 6:00 in the
Copy of the agreement between the County of Tompkins and Land-
strom Gravel Company for Sanitary Landfill Operation.
Letter from Sylvester Walker, Executive Secretary, Supervisors and
County Legislators' Association, asking for Tompkins County's publicity
advertisement for the January issue of the N. Y. S. Town and County
Copy of letter to John Marcham from Lois O'Connor, County
Historian, regarding the suggestion that it might be advisable at this time
for Tompkins County to set up a Center of County Archives.
Minutes of Board of Managers of Tompkins County Hospital for
July 20; Board of Trustees of Tompkins -Cortland Community College
for July 16; County Sewer Agency, July 16; County Water Agency,
July 20.
Copy of a letter to Edward Abbott from Mayor Hunna Johns, regard-
ing possibility of transferring the City Planning Function to the County.
Report for the second quarter 1970 showing appropriations, expendi-
tures and balances in the various budgeted item, and the estimated and
actual income received for the quarter, from the Commissioner of
Budget and Administration.
Letter from Walter C. Jacobs, President of SUA, a Division of Dilling-
ham Corporation, with detailed description of their services and ex-
perience in the field of facilities planning for local government.
Letter from C. Walter Driscoll, Director of the Syracuse Office of
Social Services, reporting the findings of a general survey of the Tomp-
kins County Home and the requirements to be met.
Calendar, of events for August 1970 from Finger Lakes Association
and notification of the Steam Pageant August 13-16 at Roseland Park in
Canandaigua; also August Newsletter and reservation blank for Finger
Lakes Track Day Thursday, August 13.
178 August 10, 1970
Letter from the Clerk of`Chenango County wondering if Tompkins
County sponsors'a scholarship award for professional study of medicine.
He is interested in learning how other counties are handling such scholar-
Letter and programming guide from the Narcotic Control Commission
regarding drug abuse programs. They would like to schedule a meeting
with -Tompkins County to discuss a program with Tompkins County.
Appropriation balances for Social Services Department; Minutes of
the Board of Trustees at the Tompkins County Library, July 28; Pistol
Permits for the Month of July, $121.00.
Various Committee Chairmen reported at this time:
Mr. Graves questioned the decision of the Tompkins County Library
Trustees to restrict investigation of library records by outside persons.
This was referred to the County Attorney for a ruling.
_Mr. Culligan, Health and Social Services, reported that Dr. Broad,
according to the Charter, reported on recommendations for meeting the
public health needs of the County. He also noted that in the Handi-
capped Childrens' Program, in a few severe cases the amount will
probably exceed the budgeted amount of money. However, there may
be some area.for transfer of monies. In the area of orthodontia, it was felt
this should be tightened up and Dr. Broad is to proceed on this. Dr.
Broad is looking for a Senior Public Health Engineer. It appears that
the salary grade will have to be raised.
v1r. Culligan also reported that the Senior Citizens Council, in order
to obtain state aid, must have an Advisory Committee to oversee the
program. Therefore, names will be submitted for appointment later in
the meeting. He said he hopes to have a representative here to address
the board on matters of recreation in general soon.
Mr. Culligan stated that the Mental Health Clinic is in good working
order. He said there has been a large increase in patients. A 10 -bed
ward at the hospital was established and has been approved by the Board
of Managers and renovation has begun. The Psychiatrist position to
replace Dr. Poucher, who retired, has not been filled yet. Due to the
salary range it has been difficult to fill this position. He suggested the
salary grade be increased to Grade 23 with a starting salary of $30,000.
He feels when this position is filled, Tompkins County will have one of
the finest Mental Health Programs in New York State.
In the area of Social Services, a resolution will be presented later in
the meeting requesting a change in the office working hours of the
Social Services Department.
August 10; 1.970 179
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, said the Chartair lease at
the Airport is running out -and will be due for renewal soon. He said
the construction of the T -Hangars has been completed. The Budget and
Aclministration offices are all moved to the 3rd floor and the Planning
Department and Board of Elections have moved to the Complex and
Civil Defense will move this week.
Mr. Leary, Public Safety and Correction, noted that the ID Card
Program at the Sheriff's Department is proceeding and the County
will receive $2.00 for every card issued.
He also said the Inspection Report for the Jail has been received
from the New York State Department of Correction. He is very pleased
with the results. They recommended that an intercom system be in-
stalled to eliminate the need for radios in the cells as they sometimes
become annoying to others. They also recommended a recreation pro-
gram but the lack of space makes this difficult.
Mr. Leary also mentioned the Civil Defense meeting that was held
in Montour Falls and was very well attended. He commended Doris
Levy, Director of Civil Defense, for being so well versed in Civil
Defense Work.
Mr. Lee questioned •if the County Hospital physician could perform
the work of the jail physician. The Chairman referred this matter to
the Public Safety and Correction Committee.
Mr. Leary stated that the Work Release Program at the Sheriff's
Office, recently approved by this board, has not been started yet.
RESOLUTION NO. 175 — Selection of Architectural Firm —
Tompkins-Cortlancl Community College
Mr. Stutz offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins -Cortland Community
College recommended the firm of Caudill, Rowlett, and Scott to this Board
and to the Board of Supervisors of Cortland County to be the principal
architectural firm for• the development of the Tompkins -Cortland Com-
munity College Campus to associate with the firm of Levatich, Miller and
Hoffman of Ithaca, New York, now therefore be it
RESOLVED on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee, That this Board approves the firm of Caudill, Rowlett and Scott
to be the principal architectural firm for the development of the Tompkins-
Cortland Community College to associate with the firm of Levatich, Miller
and Hoffman of Ithaca, New York,
RESOLVED, further, that approval to retain the services of the firm of
Caudill, Rowlett and Scott is contingent upon approval of same by the Board
of Supervisors of Cortland County,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
180 August 10, 1970
copies of this resolution to the Board of Supervisors of Cortland County,
the President of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College, the Chairman
of the Board of Trustees,
RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to issue a letter of intent to Caudill, Rowlett and
Scott and to Levatich, Miller and Hoffman.
Seconded by Mr. Marcham. Discussion followed and Mr. Marcham
said the fee has been discussed at length but has not been resolved but
will come later pending approval of this resolution. The fees are well
mandated. After further discussion Ronald Space, Chairman of the
Board of Trustees of the Community College, gave a brief report on the
history of the selection of the architectural firm. Mr. Thomas Murphy,
Treasurer of the Community College spoke on the fees of the archi-
tects and said it will be based according to what the total cost of the
campus will be. It was agreed that a letter of intent be sent to the
architectural firm so they can proceed with their work. A roll call vote
was taken which resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Culligan,
Golder, Graves (would save money by having single firm) , Holden,
Kerr, Lee, MacNeil (with reservation — I am all for having single firm
because you know where the responsibility lies. You save money by having
the whole pie) , Marcham, Miller, Stutz, Webster, Dates — 12. Noes —
Representative Leary — 1. Absent — 3. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 176—Audit of Community College Capital
Expenditures Previously Paid
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee and previously paid from the Capital Account of the Tompkins -
Cortland Community College are as follows:
Construction $ 12,836.60
Equipment — Office, Library and Classroom 159.411.04
Books 48,773.64-
8,773.64Repairs • 27,572,24
Architect — Farm House Renovation 1,103.75
Consultant — R. Mann 7,070.00
Land Survey 9,926.22
Sports Equipment 3,477.87
Automobiles (3) 5,791.81
Other Miscellaneous 5,411.48
RESOLVED, That this Board approve said audit,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins -Cortland Com-
munity College, the Cortland County Board of Supervisors and to the Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Ayes — 13. Noes — 0. Absent — 3. Carried.
August 10, 1970 181
RESOLUTION NO. 177—Audit of Community College Capital
Expenditures to be Paid
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee to be paid from the Capital Account of the Tompkins -Cortland
Community College are:
1. Claim for Robert Mann, Architect, consulting services for months of
June and July, 1970. $4,000.
2. Bentley Hardware, 15' Aluminum Canoes, paddles, cushions, and car
carriers, $559.23.
3. Haverstick Golf & Tractor, Inc., Toto 23100 Whirlwind HD-S.P. 21"
width, self-propelled mower, $154.
4. Eureka Tent & Awning Co., Inc. Holiday Umbrella Tents, $629.69.
5. Karl H. Wendt, Architect, preparation of bidding documents for re-
modeling of existing house, site of Tompkins -Cortland Community
College, $1,103.75.
6. F. Donald McKee, Topographic Survey reducing 50 scale maps to 100
scale map with prints—mapping of the intersection of the McLean
Road, $1,262.72.
RESOLVED, That this Board approves said audit, and the payment of said
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins -Cortland Com-
munity College, the Cortland County Board of Supervisors and to the Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Ayes — Representatives Culligan, Golder,
Holden, Kerr, Leary (Want to know termination date of Mr. Mann's
Contract) , Lee, MacNeil (have great confidence of President Bahar's
administration) , Marcham, Miller, Stutz, Webster, Dates — 12. Noes —
Representative Graves — 1. Absent — 3. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Holden, seconded by Mr. Kerr, That resolutions per-
taining to Transfer of Funds — Budget and Administration Department;
Authorization to pay assessors aides; Position in Budget and Administra-
tion Department; Creation of Position — Hospital; not on the agenda,
be considered at this time. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 178 — Renewal of Snow and Ice Agreement
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED. That the agreement dated November 22, 1956 between THE
PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK acting by and through the
OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS: pursuant to subdivision 2 of Section
12 of the Highway Law as such section was amended by Chapter 305 of the
Laws of 1946, relating to performance of the work of control of snow and ice
on the state highways in towns and incorporated villages in such county, be
and the same hereby is extended for additional period of one year (1971-
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is
182 August 10, 1970
directed to forward three certified copies of this resolution to Theodore
W. Parker, Commissioner of the Department of Transportation.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 179—Addition to Contract — Air Conditioning
Court House
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins by Resolution No. 159 on July 14,
1969 entered into a contract with Wheaton's Sheet Metal Shop, Inc. of
Ithaca, New York for air conditioning of the Court House, and
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins had undertaken extensive renovations
within said Court House before the guarantee period on original work ex-
pired, and
WHEREAS, Wheaton's Sheet Metal Shop, Inc. has quoted an upset price
of $12,500 to rework five units as shown on plans of Levatich & Miller,
Architects, for renovation. Said price includes all registers, ductwork, electric
and refrigeration in the renovation required, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That the present contract be extended to cover the renovation work,
and payment be made from Capital Construction Fund—Court House.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried..
RESOLUTION NO. r80 — Authorization to Pay for Change Order—
`Capital Construction— T -Hangars — Airport
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS. pursuant to Resolution No. 35, adopted February 3, 1969,
contracts have been executed for the construction of T -Hangars at the
Tompkins County Airport and for related site and electrical work with A.
Friederich & Sons Co., Inc. and Norton Electric Company, Inc., and
WHEREAS, extra work in the construction of said T -Hangars in the
amount of $808.30 was done by A. Friederich & Sons Co., Inc. and $307.65 by
Norton Electric Company, Inc., now therefore be it
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
mittee, That the sum of $808.30 is authorized to be paid to A. Friederich &
Sons Co., Inc. and the sum of $307.65 to Norton Electric Company, Inc.
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to pay said sums to said companies.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr.. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. '181 - Authorization to Execute Contract —
T -Hangars
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS,' the County awarded' the bids for' the construction of T-
August 10, 1970 1$3
Hangars February 26, 1969, and
WHEREAS, in connection with the construction of said T -Hangars, the
County retained the services of Thomas G. Miller, Engineer and Surveyor, to
perform the necessary engineering consulting and supervision of the work
during construction of said T -Hangars,
WHEREAS, a contract has been submitted to the Planning and Public
Works Committee retroactive to February 26, 1969, for the engagement of
Thomas G. Miller to render said services, and
WHEREAS, the total amount to be paid from the Capital Construction
Fund pursuant to said contract will be $8,854.61, and
WHEREAS, there has already been paid the sum of $4,219.68 and there re-
mains a balance of $4,634.93, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That the aforesaid contract be and the same hereby is approved and
the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute said
contract on behalf of the County,
RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $8,854.61 be paid from the Airport
Capital Construction Fund,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 182 — Transfer of Funds—Planning Department
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, $2,500.00 be transferred from Planning Department Account 73-
100, Personal Services to Account 73-120, Temporary Employees,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board of Representatives
forward copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and
Administration, the Commissioner of Personnel and the Commissioner of
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 183•— Standardization o f Hours — Social Services
Department •
Mr. Stutz offered_ the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, at the present time, the Department of Social Services has
various personnel working from 8:00 to 4:00, other personnel working from
9:00 to 5:00 and other personnel working from 8:30 to 4:30, and
WHEREAS. the Commissioner of Social Services has recommended that
the hours be standardized in said department for all employees, now there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee and the Personnel Committee, That the hours for work in the De-
partment of Social Services for all employees in said department shall be
from 8:30 to 4:30,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioners of Social Services and Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried.
184 August 10, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 184 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment—
ssessment—Town of Dryden
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll in the Town of Dryden, namely that Parcel No. 36-1-20
assessed to Earl and Gertrude Stuttle was erroneously valued at $11,530
whereas same should have been $9,340 the dwelling having been demolished
by fire prior to May 1, 1970, now therefore be it
RESOLVED. That the 1970 Assessment Roll in the Town of Dryden be and
the same hereby is corrected to reduce the assessment on Parcel No. 36-1-20
assessed to Earl and Gertrude Stuttle from $11,530 to $9,340,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Thomas G. Payne, Director of the Assessment Depart-
ment and John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 185 — Designation of Authorized Representative
for Disaster Assistance Applications — Civil
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That Doris Levy, County Disaster Coordinator be and hereby
is authorized to execute for and in behalf of Tompkins County a public en-
tity established under the laws of the State of New York, this application
and to file it in the appropriate State Office for the purpose of obtaining cer-
tain Federal financial assistance under the Federal Disaster Act (Public Law
875, 81st Congress, 42nd U.S.C. 1855-1855g).
Seconded by Mr. Lee. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 186 — Transfer of Funds—Probation
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com-
mittee, That the sum of $500.00 be transferred from Contractual & Other
Expenses (Code A-31-300),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
At this time it was MOVED by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr.
Holden, That Resolution No. 164— Full Opportunity Plan - Com-
munity College, passed on July 13th, be amended to read in No. 1 of
August 10, 1970 185
the first Whereas as follows "Establish a policy of offering acceptance
in an appropriate program of the college to all applicants who reside in
Tompkins and Cortland Counties and who graduated from a high
school serving a school district which includes territory in the sponsor-
ship area and to applicants who are high school graduates and who were
released from active duty with the armed forces of the United States".
Motion Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 187 —Position — Budget and Administration
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, the Personnel Committee, the Commissioner of Personnel and the Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration, That effective immediately, the
Senior Account Clerk position, competitive class, labor grade VII in the office
of Budget and Administration be changed to Senior Clerk, competitive class,
labor grade VI,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioners of Personnel and Budget and Ad-
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 188 — Creation of Position—Hospital
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel Committee, the Health
Committee, and the Commissioner of Personnel, That the position of Staff
Physician, competitive class, labor grade XIX be deleted and that the new
position of Hospital Physician competitive class labor grade XXI be created,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and to the Commissioner
of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Lee. After a brief recess for the Social and Health
Services Committee to review this, the resolution was Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 189 — Transfer of Funds — Budget and
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the sum of $1,000 be transferred from Supplies and Materials
(Code 40-300) to Contractual and Other Expenses (Code 40-400),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he, hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books.
1:86 August: 10,: 1970
RESOLVED, further, That the ;Clerkof the'Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by .Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO: 190 —Authorization to Pay Assessor's Aide —
Assessnaent Department
.Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, the Personnel Committee, the Commissioner of Personnel and the
Commissioner of Budget and Administration, That John O'Brien, Assessor's
Aide, be paid at the rate of $2.51 per hour for 1714 hours of work on June
10, 17 and 22, 1970,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Commissioner of Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 191 — On Audit
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins
chargeable to:
General Fund $47,461.60
Airport 4,495.46
Dog Fund 49.80
Transfer of Funds 1,275.50
Highway Department 112,237.87 $165,520.23
be and hereby are audited by this Board at the above amounts approved by
the various committees, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be and
he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the
various funds appropriated therefore.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Ayes — 13. Noes — 0. Absent — 3. Carried.
Mr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations, said the committee has
reviewed the budget of the Election Dept. and it does include the
amount of increase for the 18 -year old vote. He also mentioned .that
the question of evening meetings will be presented for action at our
September meeting. He said the. committee is still continuing with small
committee size.
At this time, Chairman Dates set up an Executive Committee Meeting
for Tuesday, August 11. at 1:30 p.m.
IVIr. Marcham said he received a resolution indicating a problem with
the census. Since .his committee will be involved in Reapportionment in
September 14, 1970 187
the next three years, he requested anyone that hears of any complaints
to let him know.
Mr. Culligan presented the following names for approval as members
of, the Advisory Committee for the Senior Citizens' Council: Arthur J.
Masterman; John Huttar; George Ideman; Reginald Moore and Mrs.
Pheobe Moore. Upon hearing no objections, Chairman Dates declared
the above-mentioned names approved.
Mr. Culligan stated the Commissioner of Social Services is thinking
of reactivating the Citizens' Advisory Committee for the Social Services
Department and questioned whether the old committee should be re-
activated or an entirely new committee appointed.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
Monday, September 14, 1970-10:00 a.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Present: Representatives Culligan, Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr,
Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Bruce and
Dates — 14.
Absent: Representative Miller (Arrived 10:40) - 1.
Excused: Representative Abbott — I.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action:
Minutes of Social and Health Services Committee for August 6;
Cayuga Lake Basin Board for March 18, April 15, May 20 and June 17;
Tompkins County Public Library Executive Committee meeting of
August 13; Tompkins -Cortland Community College Board of Trustees
and Foundation for August 20; Intergovernmental Relations Committee
meetings of August 24 at 2:00 p.m., August 24 at 7:30 p.m. and
August 27; Hospital Board of Managers meeting on July 20.
188 September 14, 1970
Resolution and amendment to TCCC Full Opportunity Plan from
Cortland County Board of Supervisors; resolution from Cortland Board
of Supervisors approving of Architectural Firms — Development of Tomp-
kins Cortland Community College Campus; resolution from Putnam
County Board of Supervisors requesting legislation be enacted to exempt
legally constituted charitable organizations from gambling laws as they
affect fund raising; resolution from Lansing Town Board requesting
Caswell Road Sanitary Landfill be opened seven days a week — 7 a.m.
to dark — year round.
Approved copy of 1971-72 Snow and Ice Resolution Agreement from the
Department of Transportation.
Copy of agreement between Cortland County Chapter of the Civil Serv-
ice Employees Association, Inc. and the County of Cortland.
Copy of application for a Communications System Design Project for
the Cortland/Tompkins Mobile Radio District.
Telegram from Charles Goodell, J. K. Javits, and Howard Robinson,
advising that Small Business Administration has declared Tompkins
County eligible for Federal Disaster Assistance with regard to flood
damage that occurred during July.
Disclosure of Interest pursuant to Sec. 803 of the General Municipal
Law from James R. Graves, Representative from District No. 1, City of
Summary of 1970 Real Property Tax Legislation from State Board of
Equalization and Assessment; Report of the President of Tompkins
Cortland Community. College; Federal Aviation Administration report
of final inspection of clearing at the Tompkins County Airport on
FAAP Project No. 9-30-034-6404, by Walt's Tree Service, Inc.
Stockholders Report of Mohawk Airlines, Inc. — second quarter, 1970;
Project Information Report I —Relocation of Route 13 received from
Region #3, Director of Transportation; Pistol Permits for the month
of August totalled $54.00; Posters from Arthur Levitt, Article 18, Conflict
of Interest of Municipal Officers and Employees to be placed in all county
Request from Finger Lakes Assn., Inc. for listing of two or three
scenic points of interest in the county, slides or photos, and list of muni-
cipal parks and their facilities.
Letter from Vincent L. Tofany, Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, ex-
tending the use of the new teleprocessing system to include vehicles
registered to political subdivisions.
September 14, 1970 189
Letter from T. W. Parker, Commissioner of N.Y.S. Transportation,
requesting proposed aviation capital programs for 1971-72 be submitted.
Letter from the State Education Department granting conditional ap-
proval for the Recreation for the Elderly Program subject to notifica-
tion of appoints to an "Advisory Committee."
Letter from Finger Lakes Assn., Inc. thanking the board for annual
payment per agreement, sent membership cards to each representative,
and requested cooperation in intelligent conservation practices.
Letter from Charles Thomsen of Caudill Rowlett Scott acknowledg-
ing letter of intent from Chairman Dates of their appointment as archi-
tects for TCCC.
Copy of a letter to John Murphy from County Officers Assn. stating
that clues for Tompkins County for 1971 is $1,200 — an increase of $300
as a result of up -dating a 1964 table of full valuation for counties, and
notice of meeting October 8, 10 a.m. at Holiday Inn, Route 17, Horse-
heads, N.Y. on effect of 1970 legislation "for" and "to" local govern-
Copy of letter from Eclward P. Abbott to Mayor Hunna Johns ex-
pressing concurrence in water, sewage, and planning being on a county-
wide basis.
Letter of inquiry from Thomas Miller, Consulting Engineer, on coun-
ty's willingness to sell its interest in County/Airport Research Park sewer
line located in the Town of Lansing to the Town.
Copy of a letter from John Murphy, Chairman of the County Nego-
tiating Committee, that after 11 meetings they feel they are now at an
Letter and report of Conservation Education at Camp Barton with
request consideration of the $300.00 grant for this year for the further-
ance of this program.
Notice of Tentative State Equalization Rates: Villages of Dryden —
80; Freeville — 84; Groton — 95; Cayuga Heights — 79; Trumansburg —
Letter from Civil Defense announcing planning meeting for OPTOCO-
70 for Tuesday, September 15 at 7:30 p.m. in Civil Defense new quar-
ters at DeWitt Park.
Wildlife Rabies Control Program of the New York State Department
of Environmental Conservation.
190 September 14, 1970
. Letter from FAA stating Application No. 1 $18,000 was processed
for payment under FAAP Project No. 9-30-034-6404.
Resolution from Cortland County Board of Supervisors authorizing
agreement with Tompkins County re: Capital Expenditures for Tomp-
kins -Cortland Community College.
Letter from Mrs. Vivian Solomon, President of the Tompkins County
Employees Association, requesting that the board authorize the depart-
ments to go on skeleton staff from 4 o'clock till closing for those em-
ployees wishing to get an early start to attend the annual clambake.
Permission was granted.
Certified resolution from the Common Council of the City of Ithaca
requesting the Tompkins County Water Agency and the Tompkins
County Board of Representatives to underwrite all expenses, both direct
and indirect, involved in locating and developing an interim source of
water to serve the community until the long-term plan can be imple-
mented since it is the feeling that all of this water will go to serve areas
outside the limits of the City of Ithaca.
At this time, Chairman Dates congratulated Representaive Culligan
for his recognition as an outstanding leader in being named Director of
Athletics for the Ithaca Schools.
Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Graves spoke, objecting to the Welfare
Rights Group article that was in the Ithaca Journal.
Various Committee chairmen reported as follows:
Mr. Culligan set up an important meeting of the Social and Health
Services Committee, Thursday, September 17 at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, reported that an airport
meeting was held on August 20 and Mr. Jones of the Aeronautical
Company is interested in a fixed -base operation. They will meet with
him and go over various questions. He also stated that the committee
met and went over the budget of the highway, airport and building de-
partments. He said Glenn Turner, Airport Manager, was given authori-
zation to rent hangars. The resolution of "intent" concerning the sani-
tary landfill sites was discussed at great length and the committee is
unanimously in favor of presenting . the resolution that will be pre-
sented later in the meeting. He also reported that bids were opened for
a building at the refuse site. The bid was felt to be too high and will be
readvertised and opened on the 21st. He also said they had received
one inspection report regarding the airport clearing project.•
September. 14 1970 191
Mr.: MacNeil, Personnel, stated the committee had met and went over
and approved their budgets. •
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, reported that the budgets are
corning in to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration very well.
There will be an informational meeting for the public September 2].
He also reported that the Wood and Tower Study is progressing on
schedule at the Hospital and there will be a report in the future.
Mr. Webster reported on the drug situation. He said that at a meeting
on August 17 the Chairman of the State Narcotic Commission outlined
an in-patient program for drug addicts and abusers. He said in late
July and early August there were 8 addicted persons identified in
Tompkins County. At the meeting were members of the Narcotic Guid-
ance Council, Dr. Broad and others and it was established that a com-
mittee be appointed to study the state proposal. The state said a pro-
posal must be prepared and submitted by November 1 in order to re-
ceive state funds.
Mr. Leary, Public Safety and Correction, noted there will be another
committee meeting to discuss the Probation Department budget. He also
stated the cost for sending prisoners to the Onondaga County Peniten-
tiary will be increased $3.00 per day effective January 1, 1971. There-
fore, the budget for this will be increased for next year. He also stated
the City of .Ithaca's Parking and Traffic Committee is upset with the
unsafe condition that exists at the mental health site at the corner of
Meadow and State Streets. The city is going to eliminate one parking
meter to make room for safer loading and unloading of people there.
Chairman Dates instructed the Health and Social Services Committee
to look into this dangerous situation.
Mr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations Committee, said the com-
mittee has met several times and approved budgets. He requested the
board meeting be held on September 21 instead of September 28 as there
are several items of business to be taken up concerning the community
college. He also said he would encourage the city, with the board's
approval, to defer reapportioning wards until 1972 to eliminate con-
fusion and duplicate expense. Also, he said the city's question of preser-
vation of DeWitt Park was referred to the Planning and Public Works
Committee. He reported that the big business to be faced in the next
month is the final approval of the contract for the architects of the com-
munity college. The architects have gone ahead per the board's letter
of intent. It was noted that the clerk -of -the -works will be a person em-
ployed by the county. Mr. Marcham also reported that the city has asked
that consideration be given to comprising the city planning function
with the county planning function. He said he will get together with
the city on this matter. He also stated the hours of the Board of Repre-
sentatives should be settled and as his committee is not in agreement,
192 September 14, 1970
he is turning it back to the Executive Committee. However, it was
MOVED by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Graves, That the rules of the
board be waived and a vote be taken on the amendment to the rules of
the board re meeting, hours. A voice vote was taken and the Motion was
Carried. It was Moved by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr. Stutz, That
the rules of the board be amended and the following deletions as indi-
cated by brackets be made:
RULE I — MEETINGS — 2) Regular Meetings: The board
shall convene in regular meeting on the second and fourth
Monday of each month with the exception of the months of
July and August when the board shall meet only on the second
Monday of these months. [Until July 1, 1970,] The second
meeting shall convene at 10:00 o'clock in the morning and the
fourth Monday meeting at 7:30 in the evening. [Prior to July
1, 1970, the board shall determine the time for the meetings to
be held after July ], 1970.] Any regular meeting may be ad-
journed by motion adopted by majority vote of the whole board.
The organization meeting shall be deemed a regular meeting.
At each regular meeting the board may transact such business
as may properly come before such meeting.
A roll call was taken and resulted as follows: Ayes: Representatives
Culligan, Kerr, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Stutz, Bruce, Webster and
Dates — 9. Noes — Representatives Golder, Graves, Holden, Leary, Mil-
ler, Schickel — 6. Absent — 1. Motion Carried.
At this time it was unanimously approved to present resolutions per-
taining to appropriation from Contingent Fund — County Sewer Agency
and Amendment to Contract — Seymour's Disposal Service, not on the
agenda, at this meeting.
RESOLUTION NO. 192 — Declaration of Intent to Protect Neighbor-
hoods in Which County Refuse Sites are
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has assumed responsibility for dis-
posal of refuse generated within Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, from time to time, it will be necessary to select and estab-
lish refuse disposal sites, strategically located so as to serve the people of
the county, and
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has every intention of selecting and
operating these sites in a manner which will not only meet all requirements
of the State Law governing refuse disposal, but which will also insure that
the impact upon the environmental qualities of neighborhoods in which sites
are located, are kept at a minimum, and to this end be it therefore
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That the following items shall be given due consideration in the selec-
tion and operation of such sites:
September 14, 1970 193
1) The site selection shall take into account existing adjacent land uses,
and proposed future land uses.
2) Adequate steps shall be taken to insure that the impact on the ecology
of the area is minimized and insure freedom from ground and surface
water pollution. Arrangements shall be made with the County Health
Department to periodically sample well water supplies and surface
water supplies in the immediate vicinity to insure that the refuse site
does no impair the quality of these waters in accordance with the pro-
visions of the water pollution laws of the State of New York.
3) Upon completion of preliminary plans, informational meetings shall be
held to inform people of the proposals, particularly people in the
4) The county shall assume responsibility for or insure that the designated
immediate approach roads are of such size and construction to ade-
quately handle the additional traffic which may result from the pro-
posal, and the visual amenities of the approach roads shall be main-
tained and strengthened. Furthermore, the county shall support such
reasonable, additional traffic controls as may seem appropriate to
adequately control traffic.
5) Suitable steps shall be taken to provide or enhance visual barriers
around the refuse disposal area to restrict direct view by the general
public along the immediate approach roads, and the integrity of natu-
ral visual barriers and buffers shall be maintained and strengthened
to achieve this end.
6) The entrance to the site shall be designed, landscaped and constructed
in such a way that it will not detract from the general character of the
neighborhood and, insofar as possible, enhance the appearance of the
7) Regulations dealing with anti -litter shall be enforced vigorously in the
vicinity of the refuse site.
8) The county shall continue to investigate ways and means of improving
operations and refuse disposal methods, and shall strive for a high
quality of operation.
9) Burning of refuse shall not be practiced except by methods approved
by the State of New York.
RESOLVED, Further, That a copy of this resolution be made available to
the news media of Tompkins County and that copies be forwarded to the
County Attorney, County Sheriff, State Police, Commissioner of Public
Works, Commissioner of Planning, Commissioner of Health, and each Town
Board, City Counsel and Village Board.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr.
At this time, Mrs. JoAnne Ball, representing neighbors of the county
owned landfill site on Caswell Road in Dryden, spoke requesting con-
sideration of an amendment indicating the foreseeable end of use and
also that would strengthen litter enforcement by adding the promise
that the county would send a pickup patrol around daily on approach
MOVED by Mrs. Schickel, seconded by Mr. Miller, That the site be
limited to 10-15 year limit for the use of this site in the Town of Dryden.
After discussion, Mrs. Schickel and Mr. Miller withdrew this amend-
It was MOVED by Mr. Culligan, seconded by Mr. Marcham, That
194 September 14, 1970
this matter be TABLED for one month. A roll call resulted as follows:
Ayes—Representatives Culligan, Golder, Kerr, MacNeil, Marcham, Mil-
ler — 6. Noes — Representatives Bruce, Graves, Holden, Leary, Lee,
Schickel, Stutz, Webster and Dates — 9. Absent — 1. Motion to table
It was MOVED by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Miller, That the resolu-
tion be amended to include the two additional points as follows: 1) As
a matter of policy, consideration should be given to limiting the opera-
tion of a. particular site for a period of about fifteen years. A roll call
resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Culligan, Lee, MacNeil,
Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Bruce and Dates — 9. Noes — Repre-
sentatives Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Marcham (.I think this
is an obligation that we have not adequately studied) — 6. Absent — 1.
Amendment Carried. 2) Regulations dealing with anti -litter shall be
enforced vigorously in the vicinity of the refuse site and the immediate
approach road shall be patrolled generally at daily intervals to remove
accumulated litter. A roll call resulted as follows: Ayes — Representa-
tives Lee and Schickel — 2. Noes — Representatives Culligan, Golder,
Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Stutz, Webster,
Bruce and Dates — 13. Absent — 1. Amendment Lost. A roll call was
taken on the original resolution with the first amendment included,
which resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Culligan, Graves, Lee
(concerned about the ecology) , MacNeil, Miller, Schickel, Stutz and Web-
ster, Bruce and Dates — 10. Noes — Representatives Golder, (Holden,
Kerr, Leary and Marcham agree with amendment but not the way
brought up) — 5. Absent —1. Resolution Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 193 — Request for Recision of Library Trustees
Policy Relative to Library Records
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Trustees of the Tompkins County Library have adopted a
policy denying access to the records of the library to all persons except
library employees, and
WHEREAS, denial of access to library records to determine names of
borrowers applies to all government units including federal, state and local,
WHEREAS, in other areas law enforcement officials have been allowed
access to the records in order to determine the names of people borrowing
books relative to the construction of homemade bombs and other incendiary
devices, and
WHEREAS, there have been numerous bombings resulting in death .to
police officers and other persons during the past several months throughout
the country, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, by this Board, that the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins
County Library are hereby respectfully requested to rescind said policy rela-
tive to library records and to permit law enforcement officials to inspect said
records in order that they may ascertain the names of people borrowing books
dealing with the construction of bombs and other incendiary devices in order
to be adequately prepared to protect the lives of the citizens of the com-
September 14, 1970 195
munity by having a list of those people borrowing books on the construc-
tion of bombs and other devices,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins County
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Discussion followed and it was MOVED by
Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr. Kerr, That this resolution be referred to.
the joint Public Safety and Intergovernmental Relations Committees.
A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Culligan,
Marcham, Schickel, Stutz, Bruce and Dates — 6. Noes — Representatives
Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Miller and Webster
— 9. Absent — 1. Motion LOST. A roll call was taken on the Resolu-
tion No. 193. and resulted as follows: • Ayes — Representatives Golder,
Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Miller and Dates — 9. Noes
— Representatives Bruce, Culligan (this information can be gotten by
subpoena) , Marcham, Schickel (I feel reading is a private matter and
the library is an extension of home) , Stutz and Webster — 6. Absent — 1.
Resolution Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 194 — Anaen.dnaent to Agreement — Airport
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 173 duly adopted by the Board of Repre-
sentatives on July 13, 1970, an addendum to the contract with Thomas G.
Miller, Engineer, was executed and
WHEREAS, said contract authorized to the said Thomas G. Miller, En-
gineer, to supervise additional work done on the clearing project at the
Tompkins County Airport, and
WHEREAS, said additional supervision amounts to $2,240.00, now there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sum of
$2,240.00 be paid from Airport Capital Account,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 195—Award of Bid—Sanitary Landfill Fencing
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has duly advertised for bids
on furnishing and erecting Chain Link Fence at Sanitary Landfill Site,
Caswell Road, Town of Dryden, and
WHEREAS, C. Y. Cushman, Inc., 1284 Front Street, Binghamton, New
York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all requirements with a net
bid in the amount of $5,681.00, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That the bid of C. Y. Cushman, Inc. of Binghamton, New York,
196 September 14, 1970
in the amount of $5,681.00 be and the same hereby is accepted and the Com-
missioner of Public Works is authorized and directed to complete said trans-
action on behalf of the. County.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 196 — Approval of Bond—Surrogate Court
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board is in receipt of an official undertak-
ing No. 08-42-08 for Elizabeth R. Carpenter, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court,
in the amount of $10,000, and
WHEREAS, this Board must approve the penalamount of the bond to
be obtained, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction
Committee, That the Surrogate Court Clerk's Bond be set at $10,000, and
RESOLVED, further, That pursuant to Section 11 of the Public Officers
Law and Section 403 of the County Law, this Board approves said under-
taking as to form and amount of the sufficiencies of the sureties and directs
that such undertaking be filed in the office of the County Clerk.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 197 —Establishment of Petty Cash Fund—County
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com-
mittee, That a revolving petty cash fund in the amount of $25.00 be estab-
lished for the County Court pursuant to Section 371 of the County Law,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the County Court.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 198 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment—Town
of Dryden
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS„ this board is informed that errors were made in the 1969 As-
sessment Roll in the Town of Dryden, namely, That Parcel No. 21-1-39
assessed to Kenneth Brotherton was erroneously valued at $22,640 whereas
same should have been $17,460 three trailer sites and three trailers having
been duplicated in the amount of $5,180, and •
WHEREAS, Parcels No. 62-1-8, 62-1-10, 62-1-11 and 62-1-22 assessed to
Lawrence and Anne Keech and Parcel No. 78-1-18 assessed to Dennis and
Pauline Wilson were appropriated by the State of New York prior to the
signing of the tax warrant and should therefore be expunged, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the assessment on Parcel No. 21-1-39 assessed to Kenneth Bro-
therton be reduced on the 1969 Assessment Roll in the Town of Dryden from
$22,640 to $17,460 and the sum of $213.01 be refunded to Kenneth Brotherton
and charge the Town of Dryden $39.90, the Dryden School District $120.75
and the County of Tompkins $52.36,
September 14, 1970 197
RESOLVED, further, That the assessment on Parcels No. 62-1-8, 62-1-10,
62-1-11, 62-1-22 assessed to Lawrence and Anne Keech and Parcel No. 78-1-18
assessed to Dennis and Pauline Wilson be expunged from the 1969 Assess-
ment Roll in the Town of Dryden and refund $429.08 to Lawrence and
Anne Keech and charge the Town of Dryden $240.65 and the County of
Tompkins $188.44 and refund $29.53 to Dennis and Pauline Wilson and
charge the Town of Dryden $16.56 and the County of Tompkins $12.97,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to Thomas G. Payne, Director of the Assessment Depart-
ment and John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Bruce. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 199 — Transfer of Funds— Various Departments
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon the request of the various departments and recommenda-
tions of committes in charge of those departments, That department heads be
and hereby are authorized to make the following transfer of funds.
Department From To Amount
Human Rights Commission
Social Services
Budget and Administration
A-76-100 A-76-120 $ 380
A-76-100 A-76-300 50
A-76-100 A-76-400 250
A-170-400 A-170-119 500
A-170-400 A-80-400 3,000
A-160-608 A-160-612 5,000
A-160-610 A-16-606 10,000
A-150-100 A-150-120 1,500
A-160 A-155-100 20,238
A-55-200 A-55-400 500
A-40-300 A-40-400 1,000
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
At this time County Attorney Williamson ruled that the resolution
for the position of audio-visual technician at the Community College,
be withdrawn and the position be advertised to be consistent with ad-
vertising policy. After a lengthy discussion, Chairman Dates overruled
Attorney Williamson's decision and ruled that the resolution be voted
on today. Representative Graves challenged this ruling and a voice vote
was taken and the chairman's ruling was overruled.
198 September 14,.1970
RESOLUTION NO. 200 — Authorizing Agreement with Cortland
County re: Capital Expenditure Tompkins -
Cortland Community College
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, it is necessary that the County of Tompkins and the County of
Cortland as joint sponsors of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College
establish a uniform procedure for the audit and expenditure of capital funds of
the college, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Chairman of this Board be and he hereby is au-
thorized on behalf of the County of Tompkins to execute an agreement with
the County of Cortland in regard to the audit and expenditure of capital
funds of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College in form approved by
the County Attorney.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 201 — Audit of Community College Capital
Expenditures to be Paid
Mr. "Wareham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tomp-
kins -Cortland Community College are:
1. Karl H. Wendt, Architect $ 126.10
2. Bro-Dart (order forms) 80.27
3. Robert I.. Mann, Architect 2,000.00
and from the Capital Equipment Account of the Tompkins -Cortland Com-
munity College:
4. L. Wernick & Son, air conditioner 440.00
5. Cayuga Electric, exhaust fans, 395.00
6. Latham Motors, auto 1,979.00
7. H. W. Taynton, supplies 5.94-
.948. Seiden Sound, tape recorders 304.75
9. Bro-Dart, art equipment 303.75
10. Pitney -Bowes, collator 367.00
11. Sears Roebuck, lawn building 203.95
12. High Fidelity, radio equipment 82.62
13. Gaylord Bros., microfilm equipment 566.43
14. Travis -Westbrook, audio equipment 899.20
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That this Board approves said
audit, and the payment of said bills,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of. the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins -Cortland Com-
munity College, the Cortland County Board of Supervisors and to the
Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried.
Mr. Stutz was excused from the meeting at this time.
September 14, 1970. 199
RESOLUTION NO. 202 — Amendment of Contract — Seymour's
Disposal Service
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the contract between Richard Seymour, D/B/A Seymour's
Disposal Service and the County of Tompkins for a sanitary landfill
commencing July 1, 1970 and expiring June 30, 1971, and
WHEREAS, Article 10 of said contract requires a performance bond in
the amount of $10,000.00 for the faithful performance of the terms of the
contract in accordance with said article, and
WHEREAS, in lieu of said bond Richard Seymour has proposed to execute
a first mortgage on said disposal site to the County of Tompkins in the sum
of $10,000.00 as collateral security in lieu of said performance bond, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED; upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That Article 10 of said contract between the County of Tompkins
and Richard Seymour, D/B/A Seymour's Disposal Service be amended to
substitute said collateral mortgage in the amount of $10,000.00 on premises
owned by Richard Seymour and the County of Seneca in lieu of the requir-
ment of the $10,000.00 performance bond, all the conditions of said article
and contract to remain the same; provided, however, that said title to said
premises is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Ayes — 14. Noes — 0. Absent — 2. Carried.
At this time County Attorney Williamson ruled the resolution for
appropriation to the County Sewer Agency out of order as it must be
advertised per rules of the board.
RESOLUTION NO. 203 — On Audit
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins
chargeable to:
General Fund $ 59,170.38
Airport 8,790.57
Highway. 54,445.85
Compensation Insurance 153.29
Transfer of Funds 1,091.17
Total $1233,651.26
be and hereby are audited by this Board at the above amounts approved by
the various committees, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board file a certified list of claims
so audited with the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and that he
be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out
of the various funds appropriated therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Ayes — 14. Noes — 0. Absent — 2. Carried.
200 September 21, 1970
At this time, Mr. 'Wareham placed in nomination the names of David
Eggers and Will Davie to replace John Marcham and Edward Abbott on
the Economic Opportunity Corporation whose terms have expired. Upon
hearing no further nominations, Chairman Dates declared the above-
named persons members of the Economic Opportunity Corporation, said
terms expiring March 31, 1971.
Mr. Marcham noted the resignations of both the Co -Directors Richard
Rubin and M. Barry Herbert, Sr., and also Desdemona Jacobs, Chair-
man. The Commission appointed Mr. Robert Smock the new chairman.
The Intergovernmental Relations Committee is recommending that the
new co -directors not be reappointed until a later date.
Mr. MacNeil stated a press release has been released on the status
of the employees negotiations.
Upon consent of the board, the meeting was adjourned to September
21 at 7:30 p.m.
Monday, September 21, 1970 - 7:30 p.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Culligan, Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr,
Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Bruce
and Dates — 15.
EXCUSED: Representative Abbott — 1.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance:
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action:
Minutes of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee meeting for
September 11; County Water Agency meeting for August 20;. County
Sewer Agency meeting for August 27; Also a letter from Elizabeth Earle,
Secretary, Ithaca Branch of Women's International League for Peace
and Freedom, urging reconsideration of the board's resolution passed
at the last meeting regarding the request for recision of library trustees
policy relative to library records.
September 21, 1970 201
Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Edward Collins spoke requesting that
landfill operations have longer hours. He stated the present closing
hour does not give the Collins Trucks time to empty their final load
in the afternoon causing garbage to be left on the trucks overnight and
the springs of his trucks are being broken as a result. He said that damage
to the trucks will result in higher prices for customers. Chairman Dates
instructed the Planning and Public Works Committee to study this
situation further.
.Various committee chairmen reported as follows:
Mr. Culligan, Social and Health Services, noted the committee met and
went over their budgets. He also requested a brief recess later in the
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, noted there will be a meeting
Wednesday, September 23 at 7:30 p.m. Also, there will be an informal
meeting for the public on October 1 regarding the budgets.
Mr. Holden noted there will be a Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. to meet with the architects
of the Community College.
At this time, Mr. Leary, Public Safety and Correction, noted a meet-
ing will be held at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, September 23. He also said
that the annual report from Frank Albanese, Administrator of the
county's Assigned Counsel Plan, was received for the period July 1,
1969 to July 1, 1970. The report states there were 121 cases assigned with
a cost to the county of $14,634.27, as compared to previous year when the
number of cases were 78. This does not include the many cases that were
re fused.
At this time, Chairman Dates welcomed Honorable Hushang Bahar,
President of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College; Ronald Space,
Chairman of the Board of Trustees; and Manley Thaler, a member of the
Board of Trustees.
RESOLUTION NO. 204—Approval of Architect's Contract —
Community College
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins -Cortland Community
College have reviewed and approved the proposed contract between Caudill,
Rowlett, and Scott, Architects, and the Counties of Tompkins and Cortland,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee, That the proposed contract between Caudill, Rowlett and Scott,
202 September 21, 1970
Architects, and the Counties of Tompkins and Cortland be approved subject
to the approval of the Cortland County Board of Supervisors and the State
of New York,
RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives
be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute said contract on
behalf of the county.
Seconded by Mr., Stutz. A lengthy discussion followed. It was pointed
out that the Board of Representatives will have a vote on the bids.when
submitted. A roll call resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Cul-
ligan, Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham,
Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Bruce and Dates — 15. Noes — 0.
Absent 1. Resolution Carried. •
RESOLUTION NO. 205 — Approval of Contract — Robert Mann and
Associates—Community College
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Robert Mann and Associates has previously been retained
by the Tompkins -Cortland Community College Board of Trustees to do land-
scape architecture site planning and coordinate with Caudill, Rowlett, Scott
Architects in the preparation of the overall Master Plan for the Tompkins -
Cortland Community College and
WHEREAS the Tompkins -Cortland Community College has recommended
to the sponsoring counties that a contract be authorized between Robert Mann
Associates for the aforesaid services, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee, That this Board recommends and approves the execution of a
contract between Robert Mann and Associates for landscape architecture, site
planning, preparation of the overall Master Plan of the College in conjunc-
tion with Caudill, Rowlett, and Scott, architects, and correlating documenta-
tion between the State University of New York, the architects, the college and
the sponsoring counties in the planning and construction of the college; said
contract to commence as of June 1, 1970 and continue for 36 months (termi-
nable on 60 day notice) at a total fee of $54,000, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the chairman of the Board of Representatives is author-
ized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of Tompkins County
and be it further
RESOLVED, the said contract is subject to approval of Cortland County
Board of Supervisors, State University of New York, and the State Civil
Service Department.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Attorney Williamson explained that the Civil
Service Department did not like the form of the contract as written be-
cause it indicated too much employee -employer relationship. He said the
Intergovernmental Relations Committee felt there was too much work to
be clone by Mr. Mann than suggested by the contract; therefore, feel
a new contract should be drawn up. After a lengthy discussion, it was
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Golder, That the resolution be
Tabled until a copy of the new contract is available to each board mem-
ber. A roll call resulted as follows on the motion to table: Ayes —
September 21,•1970 203
Representatives Golder (trust county attorney) , Graves, Holden,' Leary,
Miller 5. Noes — Representatives Culligan ( trust county Attorney) ,
Kerr, Lee, MacNeil (after my research) , Marcham, Schickel, Stutz, Web-
ster (because of research) , Bruce and Dates — 10. Absent — 1. Motion to
Table Lost. At this time Mr. Marcham, with the consent of his committee,
withdrew this resolution.
Recess was called at 8:41; business resumed at 9:05.
It was MOVED by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr. Leary, That
resolutions pertaining to appropriation from the Enterprise Fund —
Airport; Transfer of Funds — Court House; Award of Bid — Sanitary
Landfill; Authorization to purchase without bid—emergency (dish-
washer at County Home) ; Transfer of Funds — Health Department;
Mental Health Department Transfer — Physically Handicapped Childrens
Program; Transfer of Funds — Purchasing (Central Storeroom) ; not on
the agenda, be considered at 'this meeting. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 206 — Authorization to Purchase Without Bid —
Declaration of Public Emergency
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Social and Health Services Committee has been advised
by the Superintendent of the County Home that the dishwasher used for the
patients of the County Home has broken down and is inoperative, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department has advised the said
Superintendent of the County Home that a properly functioning dishwasher
is a necessity in order to avoid disease and infection among the patients and
help at the County Home, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, by this Board that a public emergency exists at the County
Home arising out of the breaking down of the dishwasher which public
emergency affects the health and safety of the 'patients of said home,
RESOLVED, further, That pursuant to Section 103 of the General Munici-
pal Law the purchase of a new dishwasher without competitive bidding for
a total of $1,895.00 be and the same hereby is authorized.
RESOLVED, further, That the Superintendent of the County Home be and
he hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the County.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 206 — Transfer of Funds — Physically
Handicapped Children's Program — Health
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Physically Handicapped Children's Program has increased
over the estimated budget approved for the 1970 year, and
WHEREAS, Dr. Robert Broad, Commissioner of Health, is the official
in charge of said program, and
204 September 21, 1970
WHEREAS, claims have exceeded monies adopted in the 1970 budget, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, That $10,000 be transferred from Code A-30-100, Personal
Services, Health Department, to A-139-882, Physically Handicapped Chil-
dren's Program,
RESOLVED, further, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Com-
missioners of Health and Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
Mr. Culligan reported that the Board of Managers would like authori-
zation to begin a program to have full doctor coverage in the emergency
room at the hospital. Mr. Cush Murray, President of the Board of Man-
agers, spoke on this subject and said they would like to begin as soon as
RESOLUTION NO. 207 — Appropriation from Contingent Fund —
County Sewer Agency
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Budget and Administration
Committee, That the sum of $12,500 be appropriated from the Contingent
Fund (Code A290 -650A) to County Sewer Agency (Code A-250-765) to pay
for the engineering services of O'Brien and Gere for County Sewer planning,
said monies to be reimbursed to the County of Tompkins by the County
Sewer District if same is formed,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. A roll call resulted as follows: Ayes —15.
Noes — 0. Absent — 1. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 208 — Transfer of Funds —Buildings and
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That the' following transfer be and hereby is approved:
- From—Old Court House Repairs A-74-402 $1,000
Fahey Property A-74-406 500
To— Utility Service — Heat A -74-401B 1,500
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
September 21, 1970 205
RESOLUTION NO. 209 — Appropriation from Enterprise Fund
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That, to repair runways, the sum of $4,500 be appropriated from the
Airport Enterprise Fund. Balance to Contractual and Other Expenses
(Code C-210-400),
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 210 — Award of Bid— Equipment Storage and
Office Building—Sanitary Landfill Site
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has duly advertised for bids
on Equipment Storage and Office Building at the Sanitary Landfill Site,
Caswell Road, Town of Dryden, and
WHEREAS, Keech Construction, Inc., 23 Etna Road, Etna, New York,
is the responsible bidder meeting all specifications with a net bid of
$16,648, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That the said bid of Keech Construction, Inc. of Etna, New York,
in the amount of $16,648 be and the same hereby is accepted and the
Commissioner of Public Works is authorized and directed to complete said
transaction on behalf of the County.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 211 — Re -Evaluation of Position — Seamstress —
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services Committees, That the position of Seamstress, labor grade III,
following evaluation of the position be re-evaluated and placed in labor
grade IV, effective immediately.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Hospital and to the Commissioner of Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
206 September 21, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 212 — Creation of Position of Audio -Visual
Technician—Community College
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Intergovernmental
Relations Committees, That one position of Audio -Visual Technician, labor
grade X, competitive class, be created, effective immediately,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Community College and to the Personnel Director.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 213 — Creation of Senior Stenographer Position —
Social Services
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services Committees, That one new position of Senior Stenographer, labor
grade IX, competitive class be created, effective immediately.
RESOLVED, further, That certified copies of this resolution be forwarded
to the Commissioners of Personnel and Social Services.
Seconded by Mr. Marcham. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 214 — .Re -Evaluation of Administrative Assistant —
Mental Health Day Care Center
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services Committee, That the position of Administrative Assistant—Day
Care Center be and hereby is changed from labor grade IX to labor grade
VIII due to a reevaluation of the position, effective immediately,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Director of Mental Health and to the Commissioner
of Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 215 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment —
Town of Newfield
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and .moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll in the Town of Newfield, namely, That Parcel No.
28-1-2.2 was erroneously assessed at $16,180 whereas same should have been
assessed at $11,370, now therefore be it
September 21, 1970 207
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the assessment on Parcel No. 28-1-2.2 be reduced on the 1970
Assessment Roll in the Town of Newfield from $16,180 to $11,370,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and
to the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 216 — Correction of Erroneous Assessments
Town of Groton
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that errors were made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of the Town of Groton, a trailer having been removed
prior to May 1, 1970 in each case, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the errors as set forth below be and the same hereby are
corrected on the 1970 Assessment Roll of the Town of Groton:
1. Parcel No. 18-1-42 assessed to Lewis & Phyllis Updike be reduced from
$7,690 to $5,190.
2. Parcel No. 22-1-22 assessed to Earl & Mildred Ferris be reduced from
$4,810 to $1,140.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and
to the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 217 — Correction of Erroneous Assessments —
Town of Dryden
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that errors were made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of the Town of Dryden due to errors in transcribing, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the errors as set forth below and the same hereby are corrected
on the 1970 Assessment Roll of the Town of Dryden:
1. Parcel No. 46-1-49.18 assessed to Joseph A. & Helen Lepak be increased
from $1,000 to $15,700.
2. Parcel No. 46-1-49.15 assessed to Honey Butter Products Corp. be reduced
from $15,700 to $1,000.
3. Parcel No. 20-1-11.3 assessed to Ellen W. Epstein be reduced from
$1,220 to $60.
4. Parcel No. 20-1-11.6 assessed to Ellen W. Epstein be reduced from
$1,260 to $50.
5. Parcel No. 36-1-4 assessed to Walter and Hazel Yaples be reduced from
$21,210 to $15,050.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
208 September 21, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 218 — Transfer of Funds—Purchasing (Central
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the sum of $1,000.00 be transferred from Supplies and Materials—
Print Room (Code 70-302) to Supplies and Materials—Central Supply (Code
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Marcham. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 219 — Award of Bid—Election Supplies
Mr. 'Wareham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Commissioners of Elections have duly advertised for bids
in accordance with certain specifications filed in their office for the printing
of the 1970 general election supplies, and
WHEREAS, Arnold Printing Corporation of Ithaca, New York is the
lowest responsible bidder meeting said specifications with a bid in the
amount of $4,4-13.00, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee, That the bid of Arnold Printing Corporation be and the same
hereby is accepted and the Commissioners of Election be and they hereby are
authorized to complete the said transaction on behalf of the county.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
At this time, Mrs. Schickel placed in nomination the name of Mr. Alvin
Knepper as a member of the Human Rights Commission to fill a
vacancy. Upon hearing no further nomination, the Chairman declared
Mr. Knepper a member of the commission, said term expiring December
31, 1970.
At this time, Mr. Kerr, on behalf of the Hospital Board of Managers,
extended an invitation to the Board of Representatives to attend the
meetings of the Board of Managers. He also mentioned that Tompkins
County is becoming a healthier place in which to live. The patient days
at the hospital are down from last year. However, with the increasing
population more services must be provided.
On motion meeting adjourned to October 12.
October 12, 1970 209
Monday, October 12, 1970-10:00 a.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee,
MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Webster, Bruce, and Dates — 13.
ABSENT: Representative Culligan (Arrived 10:10) — 1.
EXCUSED: Representatives Abbott and Stutz — 2.
Members and guests at this time participated in the Pledge of Alle-
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to various committees for action:
Notice of Corridor Public Hearing for Improvement of Route 13 on
Thursday, October 15, starting at 5:00 p.m. at Dryden High School;
Notice of meeting by Planning Department for September 25 and
October 9 to discuss relocation of Route 13; Notice of semi-annual
meeting of Finger Lakes Association, October 15 at 6:30 p.m. at the
new Sheraton Motor Inn at Canandaigua. Guest of Honor will be Henry
L. Diamond, Commissioner of Environmental Conservation; Received
executed agreement between Tompkins -Cortland Community College
and the sponsoring boards for approval of the expenditure of monies
from the Capital Budget; Resolution from Genesee County requesting
legislation requiring vehicles on highways and railroad cars carrying
dangerous and toxic materials be in some manner coded for recognition
by fire, police and health authorities; resolution from Tompkins -Cortland
Community College Board of Trustees re Architectural Contract and
Auditing of Operating and Funds of College; resolutions from Cortland
County — Approval of Architect Contract — Community College; reso-
lution from Greene County — Requesting Aid for Construction and Re-
construction of County Highways; resolutions from County Officers
Association — Requesting legislation for proper marking of Carriers of
Toxic Chemicals and also Amendment of Section 485 (8) of Code of
Criminal Procedure.
Minutes of Tompkins -Cortland Community College Board of Trustees
for September 11; Crime Control Planning Technical Action group for
September_8; and Tompkins County Public Library Board of Trustees for
September 29, 1970. '
210 October 12, 1970
Equalization Rates adjusted to the 1970 roll: Ithaca City 82; Caroline
99; Danby 85; Dryden 83; Enfield 97; Groton 96; Ithaca 84; Lansing 82;
Newfield 100; and Ulysses 87.
Fire Inspection Report for September 1970 of buildings in Ithaca Fire
Department protection area.
Certificate of Approval from New York Board of Fire Underwriters for
work of Superior Electric Construction Co., Inc. for Tompkins County
Tompkins County Senior Citizens' Council, Inc. budget requesting the
same amount for 1971 as for 1970.
Letter from Sylvester Walker, Executive Secretary of Supervisors and
County Legislators Association, requesting any items of interest in our
county or towns.
Letter from Edward A. Lutz expressing concern over Board of Repre-
sentatives' resolution requesting the library board to rescind its action
closing library records to public inspection.
Under privilege of the floor, Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson spoke regarding
the Boardman House which is owned by the County and leased by Ithaca
College. The house is badly in need of extensive repairs and she expressed
concern over the'possibility of the house being demolished rather than re-
paired. She is interested in preserving the house for historical and tourist
Mr. Ronald Space, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Tomp-
kins -Cortland Community College, spoke concerning the fee schedule for
the architect. He said the preliminary schematic design shows one build-
ing. Mr. Marcham said he would like this meeting adjourned to October
19th for an informational meeting on the preliminary and master con-
struction plans of the college.
Various committee chairmen reported as follows:
NIr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations, reported on the library
policy of privacy of records. The Board of Trustees of the Library
would like to meet with the Board regarding the Board of Representa-
tive's recent resolution requesting the library to rescind their policy
denying access to records to all persons except library employees. He also
announced the appointment of Alvin Knepper, made at the September
12th meeting to fill the unexpired term of Desdemona Jacobs, has been
corrected. His term is to fill the unexpired term of Arthur Cunningham,
said term 'expiring December 31, 1972. He also mentioned that he attend-
October 12, 1970 211
ed a meeting of the County Officers' Association in Horseheads. The
main item of discussion was a legislation for sharing of state aid. Also
discussed was aid to the Extension Service and the state will be asked
to decide if they are going to give more support to this.
Mr. Marsham stated that the Boardman House is in such bad shape
that it would be less expensive for the county to demolish it rather than
repair. A new roof and chimney is needed to get through the winter at
an estimated cost of $18,000 for the roof and $3,000 for the chimney. He
said a proposal was made from private groups that an attempt be made
to restore two buildings on DeWitt Park — the Old Court House and the
Boardman House. He feels the Old Court House is more important.
The cost of saving these two buildings is approximately 1/2 million
dollars. However, he said it is conceivable that as much as 50% aid would
be available, therefore; he feels if the county can get enough evidence
of community -Support' to. help pay for the restoration, then it might be
feasible. This matter will"be studied further and a decision made soon.
At this time, Mr. Culligan stated his committee will meet Thursday,
October 13 at 7:30 p.m. He stated the By -Laws of the Tompkins County
Hospital needs board approval, hopefully at the next meeting.
Mr. Eugene Arnold, Administrator of the Tompkins County Hospital
spoke about the plan which will provide staff doctors for seven clays a
week, 16 hours a day emergency and out-patient coverage for people
using the emergency room. He said if physicians can be hired in -time,
coverage should. start November 1. The plan will be included in the
hospital budget for the next fiscal year but $6250 is needed to pay the
salaries for a two-month period for three men. The physicians who will be
retained by the hospital at a rate of $25,000 per year, per physician, will
be primarily responsible for accident room admissions. They would also
respond to emergency needs of in-hospital patients until attending
physicians could get there. The service is anticipated to be self-supporting
since patients will be charged regular fees.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, stated there was discussion
of the forming of the County Planning Board and this will be discussed
further. He also mentioned the covering of the paneling in the County
Clerk's Office was discussed but he was the sole member of the committee
that was in favor of this. He said the matter of the Boardman House
has been discussed in committee and a decision will be made as soon
as possible. He said the windows of the Court House are going to be
glazed as they are all in bad condition and there will be a change order
for this. Regarding the Resource Conservation and Development
Project, appointments of representatives is being studied further. He
also reported on the matter of the hours at the Sanitary Landfill and
said this is being studied. He set up a meeting of his committee for
October 20 at 7:30 p.m.
212 October 12, 1970
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, stated under the Charter the
purchasing will go through the Budget and Administration Department.
He also mentioned a matter is pending before the Board of Assessors that
could involve us in litigation.
RESOLUTION NO. 220 — Authorization to Execute Contract —Robert
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee and the Trustees of the Community College, That the proposed
contract between Robert Mann and Associates and the Counties of Tompkins
and Cortland for planning and development of the physical facilities at the
Community College for a total fee of $54,000.00 be and the same is hereby
approved, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors of Cortland
RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives
of Tompkins County be and he hereby is authorized to execute said contract
after the approval of same by both counties.
Seconded by Mrs. Schickel. Discussion took place and it was MOVED
by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Leary, That this resolution be Tabled
until Monday, October 19. A roll call resulted as follows: Ayes — Repre-
sentatives Graves, Holden, Leary, Miller — 4. Noes — Representatives
Golder, Kerr, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Schickel, Webster, Bruce, Culli-
gan and Dates — 10. Absent — . Motion to Table LOST. Mr. Marcham
withdrew the resolution until later in the meeting.
MOVED by Mr. Holden, seconded by Mr. MacNeil, That resolutions
pertaining to an appropriation from the Hospital Enterprise Fund;
appropriation from the Contingent Fund for Publicity and the Special
Children's Center; payment to various town libraries, not on the agenda,
be considered at this meeting. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 221— Appropriation from Hospital Enterprise—
Hospital Emergency Room and Out -Patient
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services and
Budget and Administration Committees, That the sum of $6250 be appro-
priated from Hospital Enterprise to Hospital Emergency Room and Out -
Patient Care,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. It was MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded
by Mr. Holden, That the resolution be amended to state that emergency
and out-patient coverage be adopted. Carried.
A roll call resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Golder, Graves,
Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Webster,
Bruce, Culligan and Dates — 14. Absent — 2. Carried.
October 12, 1970 213
RESOLUTION NO. 222. —Payment for Veterans' Burials
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the amount to be paid by the County effective immedi-
ately and for the year 1970 for the interment of the body of any honorably
discharged member of the Armed Forces of the United States, or the body
of any minor child, or either parent, or the wife or widow of any member
of the Armed Forces of the United States, who shall die such widow, if
such person shall hereafter die a resident of Tompkins County without
leaving sufficient means to defray his or her funeral expenses, shall be in
accordance with the following schedule:
Stillborn to 41/2 days $ 80
41/2 days to 2'/z years 188
2/ years to 6 years 280
6 years (classified adult) 400
and the Commissioner of Budget and Administration is hereby authorized
and directed to pay bills for the purposes if the same have been audited by
this board and within the total amount apppropriated therefor,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Director of the Veterans' Agency
shall, after accepting application for the payment of any of said funds as
aforementioned, but prior to submitting same for payment ascertain whether
the deceased died without leaving sufficient means to defray his or her funeral
expenses and shall investigate each application on its merits, and
RESOLVED, further, That the said County Director of Veterans' Agency
shall file a claim on behalf of the county against the estate of any of the de-
ceased persons aforementioned for whom the county has paid any monies for
the interment of the bodies if it is later ascertained that they died with an
estate leaving sufficient monies to defray all or part of his or her funeral
RESOLVED, further, That Resolution No. 273 passed by this board Novem-
ber 25, 1958 is hereby rescinded,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Director, Veterans' Service Agency and to the
Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 223—Authorizing Services of Mechanical
Engineer — Court House Complex
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 61, the Commissioner of Public Works en-
gaged the services of Mechanical Engineers, Personius-Wadsworth-Miller,
on a retainer basis to evaluate mechanical features of County -owned
buildings, and
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 78, this Board authorized certain altera-
tions and remodeling of buildings in the Court House Complex and engaged
an architect to prepare architectural plans and specifications and to accept
bids, and
WHEREAS, said Mechanical Engineers are familiar with these county
buildings, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That Personius, Wadsworth and Miller's contract be extended to
prepare mechanical plans and specifications in conjunction with said archi-
tect for work authorized by Resolution No. 78,
RESOLVED, further, That this work be paid out of the Capital Construc-
tion Fund.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
214 October 12, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 224 — Award of Bid — Airport
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Airport Manager has advertised for bids for a tractor and
mower for use at the Tompkins County Airport in accordance with specifica-
tions filed in his office,
WHEREAS, S. C. Hansen, Inc., 180 Ithaca Road, Horseheads, New York,
is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications with a gross bid
of $12,676.00 for one Case 770 Gas Tractor equipped with a Rotary Cutter,
less trade-in allowance on a John Deere 1010 Tractor and loader in the
amount of $5,407.00 making a net bid of $7,269.00, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That the bid of S. C. Hansen, Inc., in the amount of $7,269.00
be and the same hereby is accepted and the Airport Manager be and he
hereby is authorized to complete said transaction on behalf of the county.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 225 — Workmen's Compensation Budget and
Apportionment— Mutual Self -Insurance
Plan •
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Budget and Administration Committee estimates that the
sum of $35,000.00 will be required during the year 1971 for the payment
of compensation in old and pending cases on behalf of the County partici-
pating municipalities under the Mutual Self -Insurance Plan and for the
expenses of administering same, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That there be raised from the county and participating
municipalities in 1971 the total sum of $35,000.00, the same to be apportioned
to the county and the several participating municipalities in the proportion
that their equalized valuation bears to the aggregate valuation of the county
and all participating municipal corporations, as follows:
(Based on 1969 Assessment)
Assessed State Full or True Apportionment
Value Rate Value $35,000
Caroline $ 8,070,866 104 $ 7,760,448 $ 337.20
Danby 6,938,128 91 7,624,316 331.28
Dryden 38,247,500 . 85 44,997,059 1,995.17
Enfield 5,919,439 102 5,803,372 252.16
Groton 16,289,216 101 16,127,937 700.78
Ithaca Town 67,926,480 86 78,984,279 3,431.95
Lansing 56,244,721 81 69,437,927 3,017.15
Newfield 10,933,972 104 10,513,435 456.82
Ulysses 17,135,402 89 19,253,261 836.58
Ithaca City 98,276,673 83 118,402,016 5,144.71
Dryden Village 5,322,601 85 6,261,884 272.09
Freeville Village 1,497,043 85 1,761,227 76.54
Groton Village 7,350,866 101 7,278,085 316.24
Cayuga Heights 23,901,982 86 27,793,300 1,207.65
County 325,978,397 85 383,503,996 16,663.68
TOTAL $690,029,286 $805,502,542 $35,000.00
(Rate — .00000434511)
RESOLVED, further, That the County's share of such apportionment being
October 12, 1970 215
the sum of $16,663.68 be included in the budget of the county and that amounts
apportioned to each of the participating towns and City of Ithaca as shown in
the foregoing schedule be included in the next tax levy against the taxable
property of said towns and city respectively, and that the Clerk of the Board
transmit to the Clerk of each participating village a statement of the amount
apportioned to such village with the request that _the same be paid to the
Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 226 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment —
Town of Caroline
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of the Town of Caroline due to an error in computation,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the error as set forth below be and the same hereby is corrected
on the 1970 Assessment Roll of the Town of Caroline:
Parcel No. 11-1-27.3 assessed to Charles and Helen Gee be reduced from
$21,690 to $19,530.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. •
RESOLUTION NO. 227 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment —
Town of Dryden
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of the Town of Dryden, fire having destroyed part of the
buildings located thereon prior to taxable status date, now therefor he it
RESOLVED. on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the error as set forth be and the same hereby is corrected on
the 1970 Assessment Roll of the Town of Dryden: Parcel No. 26-1-8, assessed
to Arthur Anderson be reduced from $16,270 to $14,260.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mrs. Schickel. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 228 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment —
Town of Ithaca
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of the Town of Ithaca, the buildings having been destroyed
prior to May 1, 1970, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittees, That the error as set forth below be and the same hereby is corrected
on the 1970 Assessment Roll of the Town of Ithaca: Parcel No. 21-2-32
assessed to Milo Kouf be reduced from $13,210 to $3,300.
216 October 12, 1970
RESOLVED, further, That the 'Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mrs. Schickel. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 229 —Correction of Erroneous Assessment —
Town of Groton
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of the Town of Groton, a parcel owned by John C. and
Lillian McMullin of R. D. 3, Cortland, New York, having been omitted
therefrom, consisting of 5.33 acres of land, a mobile home and identified on
the tax map for the said Town as part of Parcel No. 39-1-25.12 with an
assessed value of Land $720, Land and Building total $4,600, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the error as set forth above be and the same hereby is corrected
on the 1970 Assessment Roll of the Town of Groton, by adding said parcel to
said roll,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 230 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment —
Town of Lansing
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll in the Town of Lansing, a mobile home having been removed
prior to the taxable status day, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the error as set forth below be and the same hereby is corrected
on the 1970 Assessment Roll of the Town of Lansing: Parcel No. 39-1-18
assessed to Hazel Smith be reduced from $9,110 to $7,270.
RESOLVED, further, that the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and
to the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mr. Bruce. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 231 — Transfer of Funds— Various Departments
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the various committees, That
department heads be and hereby are authorized to make the 'following trans-
fer of funds:
From: 170-400 — Jail — Contractual and Other Expenses
To: 80-300 — Sheriff's dept. — Supplies & Materials $ 3,000.00
From: 160-608 — Social Services—Medical Assistance $300,000.00
To: 160-603 — Social Services — Aid to Dependent Children 258,000.00
160-601 — Social Services—Home Relief 42,000.00
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized :to make said transfers on his books.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
October 12, 1970 217
RESOLUTION NO. 232 — Appropriation from Contingent Fund —
Publicity and Special Children's Center
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Budget and Administration and
Social and Health Services Committees, That the following appropriation
be and it hereby is approved:
From: Contingent Fund (Code 290-650A) $15,900
To: Publicity— Chamber of Commerce (Code 234-400) $ 2,000
Special Children's Center (Code 126-440) 13,900 15,900
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Ayes — 14. Noes — 0. Absent — 2. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 233 — Payment to Libraries
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County, on or about January of 1965, entered into con -
‘tracts with the Southworth Library, Dryden, New York; Goodyear Memorial
Library, Groton, New York; Newfield Library Association, Newfield, New
York; and the Ulysses Philomathic Library, Trumansburg, New York, which
contracts continue from year to year but not to exceed five years, and
WHEREAS, the sum to be paid by the County to each of said libraries could
be negotiated each year, and
WHEREAS, it is the usual custom that certain monies be appropriated
for the libraries for the year 1971, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the following sum be appropriated to the following
libraries for 1971:
Southworth Library, Dryden, New York $650.00
Goodyear Library, Groton, New York 650.00
Newfield Library Association, Newfield, New York 650.00
Ulysses Philomathic Library, Trumansburg, New York 650.00
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 234—Audit of Community College Capital
Expenditures to be Paid
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -
Cortland Community College are: Robert L. Mann & Associates—$2,000.00,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That this Board approves said audit and the payment of said
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins -Cortland
Community College and the Cortland County Board of Supervisors and
to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Ayes — Representatives Golder, Graves,
Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Webster,
Bruce, Culligan and Dates — 14. Noes — 0. Absent — 2. Carried.
218 October 12, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 235 — Resolution of Respect — James Conley
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, James Conley, a former member of the Tompkins County Board
of Supervisors from the City of Ithaca, Passed away September 29, 1970, and
WHEREAS, with the passing of James Conley, the County of Tompkins
lost a dedicated official and valued friend, and
WHEREAS, throughout all of the years of faithful service to the City of
Ithaca and to the County of Tompkins, the said James Conley served as
Supervisor from the Second Ward of the City of Ithaca in the years 1950
and 1951. andwas elected Supervisor from the Third Ward for the years
1954 through 1957, inclusive, and
WHEREAS, the said James Conley was Chairman of many important
committees, including Chairman of the Health Committee and Public Welfare
Committees, and
WHEREAS, he also served on many other committees including the High-
way and Bridge Committee, Civil Service and Salaries and Buildings and
Grounds, Committees, and
WHEREAS, the said James Conley was also a member of the Tompkins
County Board of Health, and
WHEREAS, throughout his adult years the said James Conley was ex-
tremely interested and active in City and County affairs, now therefore be it
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, That the members of this Board express
their deep and heartfelt sympathy and sincere condolences to the family of
James Conley.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to Mrs. James Conley.
Seconded Unanimously and Carried.
It was MOVED by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr. Golder, That
permission be given to present a resolution setting the date for a public
hearing on Chartair at the airport. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 236 — Notice of Public Hearing—Proposed
Addendum to Agreement—Fixed Base
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That a public hearing be held concerning the proposed addendum
to agreement between fixed Base Operator, Chartair, Inc. and the County of
Tompkins in the Board of Representatives' Rooms, County Court House,
Ithaca, New York on the 26th of October, 1970 at 8:00 p.m. in the evening
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is
directed to place a notice of said public hearing in the official newspapers
of Tompkins County.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
At this time, Mr. Marcham MOVED Resolution No. 220 — Authoriza-
tion to Execute Contract — Robert Mann, which was previously present-
ed and withdrawn earlier in the meeting. Seconded by Mrs. Schickel.
Discussion followed and County Attorney Williamson stated that he
felt the contract was valid even though the State Civil Service Depart-
ment objects to providing reimbursement for mileage. A roll call vote
October 12, 1970 219
resulted as follows: Ayes - representatives Golder, Holden, Kerr, Leary,
Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Webster, Bruce, Culligan
and Dates — 13. Noes — Representative Graves (in view of the difference
of opinion) 1. Absent — 2. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 237 — On Audit
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins
chargeable to:
General Fund $ 52,896.05
Airport 3,188.29
Dog Fund 132.75
Highway 148,715.57
Printing Transfers 816.25
County Self -Insurance 251.45
Encumbrance 155.66
Total $206,156.02
be and hereby are audited by this board at the above amounts approved
by the various committees, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be and
he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the
various funds appropriated therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Ayes — 13. Noes — 0. Absent — 3. Carried.
At this time, Mr. Lee suggested the name of Mrs. Evelyn Rucker for
consideration for appointment to the remaining vacancy on the Human
Rights Commission.
On motion, meeting adjourned to October 19th at 10:00 a.m.
220 October 19, 1970
Monday, October 19, 1970 - 10:00 a.m.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, MacNeil,
Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Bruce, Golder and Dates — 12.
EXCUSED: Representatives Abbott, Culligan, Lee — 3.
ABSENT: Representative Webster — 1.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Chairman recessed the meeting for a presentation by the Archi-
tects of the Community College.
At this time Chairman Dates introduced Honorable Hushang Bahar,
President of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College, who intro-
duced the architects and officials of the college.
Architects Caudill, Rowlett and Scott and Levatich, Miller and Hoff-
man and Planner Robert Mann, presented their proposal for the con-
struction of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College. The cost is
$32 per square foot. It was noted that double use of the facilities has
been worked for and the college is being designed to run day and night.
The proposal, including Phase I and II of construction show the largest
amount of square feet is to be used for the Learning Resource Center
and Student activities area. Most of the Phase I construction will be
classrooms, administration and student centers. The larger projects, i.e.,
swimming pool, theater, gym, is left to the Phase II. Phase I will allow
115 square foot per student. The addition of larger spaces in the second
phase will bring the total to approximately 140 square feet per student.
Mr. Ellis M. Rowland from the State University of New York said the
State usually asks for 160 square feet but the presentation today was
excellent and realistic in cost. The State University must approve this
plan because it pays 50 per cent of the cost. Mr. Richard Sawicki of
Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, said if the capital budget can be approved
soon, some clearing, leveling and etc. can be done this fall. Construction
of Phase I will begin in the Spring with a completion date of September
1972. Mr. Marcham thanked everyone for an excellent presentation and
the Chairman called the meeting back to order.
Mr. MacNeil announced a meeting of the Personnel Committee for
4:00 p.m. on Wednesday.
October 26, 1970 221
Mr. Marcham gave a brief committee reporton the matter of the
Boardman House. An extensive report is being prepared with cost data
and will be ready later. He set up a meeting of his committee for
Thursday, 12:00.
It was MOVED by Mr. Leary, seconded by Mr. Golder, That the
meeting of October 26 be held at 10:00 a.m. instead of 7:30 p.m.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
Monday, October 26, 1970
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:15 A.M.
PRESENT: Representatives Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, MacNeil,
'Wareham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Bruce, Dates, and Golder — 12.
ABSENT: Representatives Abbott, Culligan, Lee, and Webster — 4.
EXCUSED: Representative Miller (10:40) — 1.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing or referred to various committees:
Minutes of the Hospital Board of Managers for July 20 and August 17,
Planning and Public Works Committee for October 7, 1970; Report of
3rd quarter 1970 appropriations, expenditures, and balances for the
county from the Office of Budget and Administration; Report of wild-
life rabies control program from the New York State Department of En-
vironmental Conservation; Certificate of Approval of State Aid for Duane
Saunders at the Rochester School for the Deaf; Record of the proceed-
ings of the New York State Association of Traffic Safety Boards held
at Niagara Falls on June 26, 1970; Resolution from Cortland County
ERT MANN; Letter of approval of Tompkins County's work -release pro-
gram by the State Commission of Correction held on October 15, 1970;
222 October 26, 1970.
Copy of a letter from Mary S. Ryan to Jerry Langdon of the Ithaca Jour-
nal expressing interest in the preservation of Boardman House.
The Clerk read a letter addressed to Claude Holden from Agda Os-
born, chairman of the Coordinating Council on Beautification, con-
cerning a special committee on Regional Beautification to preserve natu-
ral beauty of the region.
Various committee chairmen reported as follows:
Mr. Leary, Public Safety and Correction Committee, reported that
Ithaca College is a tenant of Boardman House until June, 1971. He
also called a committee meeting immediately following the board meet-
Mr. Graves, reporting for the Budget and Administration Committee,
informed the board that their committee would be recommending sub-
stantial budget cuts.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works Committee, said they were
requesting application to the South Central New York Regional Con-
servation and Development Project with a resolution to be brought
up later in the meeting.
Mr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations Committee, reported the
committee. was proceeding on a report on the feasibility of saving
Boardman House. The committee had a report from Human Rights Com-
mission asking that a commission vacancy not be filled until December.
MOVED by Mr. MacNeil, seconded by Mr. Holden, That personnel
resolutions pertaining to positions of Environmental Health Technician;
Senior Environmental Technician; Landfill Supervisor; Building Main-
tenance Foreman; and Supervising Psychiatrist not on the agenda, be
considered at this meeting. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 238 — Authorizing the County to Co-sponsor
Membership in the South Central New York
Regional Conservation and Development
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Soil and Water Conservation District,
after thorough study, resolved on September 10, 1970, to seek membership in
the South Central New York Regional Conservation and Development Project
(which includes seven neighboring counties) and,
WHEREAS, the Soil and Water Conservation District has requested that
the Tompkins County Board of Representatives cosponsor said application
for membership and,
October 26, 1970 223
WHEREAS, Tompkins County is richly endowed with natural' resources,
many of which may be improved for the benefit of all peoples in the county
by sound planning and development through the guidance of the said Resource
Conservation Development Project, be it therefore
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That this Board cosponsor an application for membership in the
South Central New York Regional Conservation and Development Project.
Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 239 — Approval of Expenditure of Monies for
Construction of Community College
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Trustees and staff of the Tompkins -Cortland Community
College presented their plans for the construction of the new campus for
said college, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee, That this Board authorizes the architects for Phase I of college
construction to proceed to develop schematic design drawings and more de-
tailed cost figures within a tentative budget not to exceed $8,656,800 of which
$1,517,500 has been previously committed leaving a balance of $7,139,300 all
in accordance with the copy of the Capital Budget - Projected Cost Summary
copy of which is filed with the Clerk of the Board of Representatives.
RESOLVED, further, That the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, in
cooperation with the Cortland County Board of Supervisors, is authorized to
negotiate with a cost control firm to serve the college sponsors in analyzing
and making recommendations to the sponsors on preliminary and final design
of the college and cost figures for its construction,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Attorney be and he hereby is au-
thorized and directed to contact Sykes, Galloway and Dikeman, Bond Attor-
neys, in New York City, for the preparation of the necessary bond resolution
for the financing of said construction,
RESOLVED, further, That this resolution is contingent upon the adoption
of same by the Cortland County Board of Supervisors.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Clerk of the Board of the Cortland County Board
of Supervisors and to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. A lengthy discussion followed and Mr. Mar-
cham said a cost control firm would be about $30,000. They would be
interviewing three firms. It was brought to the board's attention that
they would have two other opportunities to review the architects' plans
— the schematic design drawings and the detailed plans prior to being
put to bid. Phase I, about 160,000 square feet to accommodate 1,400
students, would cost approximately $8.6 million. Phase II, adding 100,000
in coming years to accommodate 1,900 students, would cost an addi-
tional $3.2 million. The apparent difference in square foot costs between
the college proposal at $32 and BOCES vocational school at $18.90 two
years ago was due to strike conditions with firms bidding that were
eager for work. BOCES is one-story, no library or lecture halls, simple
cafeteria, and few faculty -administrative offices. On a per -pupil basis,
BOCES would cost $5800 per student in comparison with $6100 per
student at the community college.
224 October 26, 1970
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Leary, That Resolution No.
239 be amended to cut $1 million from the construction budget.
Discussion brought out the facts that this would entail limiting the
building which is presently barely meeting the 115 square -foot -per stu-
dent minimum. Cutbacks in site, utilities and furnishings could not
offer substantial savings.
A rollcall vote resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Graves,
Holden, and Leary — 3. Noes — Representatives Bruce, Dates, Golder,
Kerr, MacNeil, Marcham, Schickel and Stutz —, 8. Absent — Represen-
tatives Abbott, Culligan, Lee, Webster and Miller — 5. Motion LOST.
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Leary, That Resolution No.
239 be TABLED until November 2nd meeting.
A rollcall vote resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Bruce, Dates,
Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr (think the full board should be here) ,
Leary, MacNeil and Schickel — 9. Noes — Representatives Marcham and
Stutz — 2. Absent — Representatives Abbot, Culligan, Lee, Miller, Web-
ster — 5. Motion to TABLE — Carried.
Mr. Graves presented the regular and supplemental reports of the
Budget and Administration Committee on the footing of assessment rolls
which were laid on the table one day under the rule.
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Kerr, that the regular and
supplemental reports on footing of assessment rolls be taken from the
table. Unanimously Carried.
October 26, 1970
Towns and Villages
Total Real Only
Exclusive of all
Exemptions - Inc.
Public Service
Real Property and
Franchise Subject
To General and
Highway Tax
DRYDEN—Dryden Village
—Freeville Village
267,276 5,493,529
82,014 1,508,744
Total—Inside Corporation
—Outside Corporation
34-9,290 7,002,273
612,906 32,685,044
Groton—Groton Village
—Outside Corporation
222,102 9,005,322
461,414 16,395,570
Ithaca—Cayuga Heights
—Outside Corporation
756,572 24,963,047
1,102,339 45,672,619
1,858,911 70,635,666
—Outside Corporation
270,259 5,385,119
293,386 12,019,436
563,645 17,404,555
226 October 26, 1970
Prepared in 1970
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.
Your .committee reports that it has verified and corrected the footings of the
Assessment Rolls referred to it, as made by the Assessors of each tax district that
the following is a correct statement of such footings.
Dated October 19, 1970.
Tax District
Full Value of
Land Exclusive
of Buildings
Full Value of
Real Property
Including Buildings
(Prior to Exemption)
Pension and
Partial Exempt
Real Property
of Public
Service Corp.
v N''''
Town of Caroline
Town of Danby
Town of Dryden
Town of Enfield
Town of Groton
Town of Ithaca
Town of Lansing
Town of Newfield
Town of Ulysses
City of Ithaca
Town of Caroline
Town of Danby
Town of Dryden
Town of Enfield
Town of Groton
Town of Ithaca
Town of Lansing
Town of Newfield
Town of Ulysses
City of Ithaca
Tax District
o — — t,. -4 ,-, ..
'"i'° - o" oan
-..,%---4,-,s, V w wt,a .A
00 .A w 00 a 00 o N
o V -‘0 -1,.) o, W O o, o, o
c4, aaLAaN,".°
Total Taxable Real
and Franchise
Subject to Special
District Taxes
(Total Col. 3-5-6)
,o . ,. L„„,r L„
sz -42-'9°..c' a -c °"9°
eco - o,'w so c' - 4
4. V. -`V `^-`^ 0 ' ° s 00
.t -.L' V •r0o T-•
Real Property and
Franchise Subject
to GENERAL and
(Col. 7 less Col. 4)
t^w o
wa .0 o
t'O N N ` 0 `
-4 i" w
Property Within
Incorp. Villages
Subject to
,o ., ,. L,
:0S"-' °° `^:° e'S'" °°
.+ON00 o, ON00
,o .+ 00 V o 0 00 V V
t^ ,o v, N N t^ O t^ O, 00
oma. w0,w4.000,
,t2wto' 2,otN,�$a°`
Property Outside
Incorp. Villages
Subject to
,o w N4, o w o,
w� ..o c,a�-4VN
to 4.,o Oww O0." 00
N V N ." o. N ,O N.,?.. V
O,o toV 000 V 0 w 0.n
t^ - V V t^ V 00 O, w 00
00000 000000
-' .-
N'0 00
00 '0 w
w VV b
O O O co
sr, av .+
so NOQ+ V W,O
V -4,1A-0,-,0';--'-,-.3":-401-'",:,
'w' 0L.,-'ooc,o'o� os00
w o o w.0, . 40 00
00 V ,o o, V w O to • ,
V — O,o a., CT too, N.+ .-,
Grand Total
of Roll
LZZ 0L6 L '9Z .iagopp0
228 October 26, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 240 — Adoption of Regular and Supplemental
Reports on Footing of Assessment Rolls
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved, its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the regular and supplemental reports of the Budget and
Administration Committee on the footing of the assessment rolls be accepted
and adopted and that the figures therein be used as a basis for the taxation
in the several tax districts of the county for the year 1971.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
Mr. Graves, Budget and Administration Committee, submitted the
following report relative to the valuation of the 1970 Special Franchises of
Tompkins County as reported on assessment rolls (Section 616 of the Real
Property Tax Law) :
w v
O 0
O • ti
.. 0
$ 2,719
$ 4,700 $ 127,370 $
309 3,213
$ $ 8,384 $ $
1,245 2,991
28,321 17,056
301 8,379
TOTAL $5,973,221 $2,352,440 $ $ 4,700 $ 369,813 $ 553 $ 114,388 $ 1,546 $ 269,868 $ 61,629 $ 9,821
230 October 26, 1970
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Holden, That Special Fran-
chise Report as read be approved. Carried.
RATES was offered by Mr. Graves and seconded by Mr. Kerr. Discussion
followed and time requested to consult with townships and the city for
their approval.
MOVED by Marcham, seconded by Mr. Stutz, That Resolution to
Establish County Equalization Rates be TABLED. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 241 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment — Town
of Danby
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of the Town of Danby namely that Parcel No. 14-1-17
assessed to Robert and Lois Newman, Land $700, Land and Buildings
$6,820, Exemption $6,820, Total $0 whereas same should have been Land
$700, Land and Buildings $6,820, Exemption $5,000, Total $1,820 an
exemption having been granted in the wrong amount, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the error as set forth above be and the same hereby is corrected
on the 1970 Assessment Roll of the Town of Danby.
RESOLVED, further That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and
to the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 242—Correction of Erroneous Assessments —
Town of Dryden
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that errors were made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of the Town of Dryden, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the errors as set forth below be and the same hereby are
corrected on the 1970 Assessment Roll of the Town of Dryden:
1. Parcel 67-1-36.32 assessed to Donald F. Cornelius be reduced from
$3,230 to $460 a trailer having been removed prior to May 1,
2. Parcel No. 58-1-1 assessed to Loren and Virginia Hardesty in the
amount of $1,060 be expunged as the parcel was combined with
Parcel No. 58-1-3 and is assessed as a part of it.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward copies of this
resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to the
Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mrs. Schickel. Carried.
October 26, 1970 231
RESOLUTION NO. 243 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment —
City of Ithaca
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of the City of Ithaca, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the error as set forth below be and the same hereby is corrected
on the 1970 Assessment Roll of the City of Ithaca:
Parcel No. 37-1-4 assessed to Cerrache T.V. Corp. and further de-
scribed as Fifth St., L, Whse. assessed at $950 be reduced to Zero
the building having been destroyed prior to March 1, 1969.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
and to the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 244—Transfer of Funds—Library
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee, That the following transfer of funds he and it hereby is ap-
From L-190-300 Supplies and Materials
To L-190-400 Contractual and Other Expenses $1,800.00
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 245 — Transfer of Funds—County Clerk
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction
Committee That the following transfer of funds be and it hereby is ap-
From 53B-400 Contractual & Other Expenses
To 53A-200 Equipment $1,300.00
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. MacNeil. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 246 — Creation of Position—Environmental
Health Technician—Health Department
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services Committees, That the position of Environmental Health Technician,
232 October 26, 1970
competitive class, labor grade X, be created effective October 6, 1970, and
that one position of Environmental Health Technician Trainee be abolished,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Health Department and to the Commissioner of Per-
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 247 —Creation of Position — Senior Environmental
Technician — Health Department
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services Committees, That the position of Senior Environmental Technician,
competitive class, labor grade XII, be created effective immediately and that
on position of Environmental Health Technician be abolished.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Health Department and to the Commissioner of Per-
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 248 — Creation of Position — Landfill Supervisor —
Department of Public Works
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Planning and Public
Works Committees, That the position of Landfill Supervisor - Department
of Public Works, competitive class, labor grade XI and one position of
Labor, labor class, labor grade VIII in the Department of Public Works
be created effective immediately,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the Commissioners of Public Works and Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 249 — Creation of Position—Building Mainten-
ance Foreman —Department of Public
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Planning and Public
Works Committee, That the position of Building Maintenance Foreman -
Department of Public Works, competitive class, labor grade XIII, be created
effective immediately and the position of Head Janitor - Department of
Public Works be abolished.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioners of Public Works and Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 250 — Reclassification of Position — Psychiatrist —
Department of Mental Health
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services Committees, That the position of Supervising Psychiatrist - Depart-
October 26, 1970 233
ment o•f Mental Health be reclassified from labor grade XXI to labor grade
XXII, effective immediately.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Director of the Mental Health Department and to the
Commissioner of Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 251 — Appropriation — Lowman Money
Mr. Golder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable
property of Tompkins County the sum of $27,000.00 for the construction of
highways in Tompkins County in 1971 under the provisions of Section 111
of the Highway Law, and be it further
RESOLVED, That in the event the state fails to match the sum of
$27,000.00 that the monies herein appropriated be and the same hereby are
appropriated to the County Road Fund.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 252—Recision of Resolution No. 235 and Notice
of Public Hearing — Proposed Addendum to
Agreement Fixed Base Operator Airport
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 235 adopted by this Board on October 19, 1970,
provided for a public hearing on the proposed addendum to agreement Fixed
Base Operator - Airport, on the 26th day of October, 1970, at 8:00 in the
evening, and
WHEREAS, the Board meeting was adjourned to a morning meeting,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Resolution No. 235 be and hereby is rescinded, and be
it further
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That a public hearing be held concerning the proposed Addendum
to Agreement between Fixed Base Operator, Chartair, Inc. and the County
of Tompkins in the Board of Representatives' Room, Court House, Ithaca,
New York, on the 23rd day of November, 1970, at 8:00 P.M. o'clock in the
Court House thereof,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is
directed to place a notice of said public hearing in the official newspapers
of Tompkins County.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Golder, That Rules of the
Board be suspended to waive the regularly scheduledmeeting of October
26th at 7:30 p.m. Carried.
On motion, meeting adjourned to Monday, November 2, 1970, at
10:00 A.M.
234 November 2, 1970
Monday, November 2, 1970
The chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M.
PRESENT: Representatives Holden, Kerr, Leary, MacNeil, Marcham,
Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Bruce, Culligan, Dates, Golder, Graves —
ABSENT: Representative Abbott — 1.
ARRIVED: Representative Lee (10:06) — 1.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
The Clerk read a letter addressed to Chairman Dates from the Execu-
tive Committee of Pomona Grange urging the Board of Representatives
to provide interim computer service and additional office space to the
Social Services Department. They feel this will bring increased efficiency
and eventually save tax dollars. Chairman Dates referred the letter to the
Budget and Administration Committee.
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Marcham, That the resolu-
at the meeting of October 26th, be lifted from the table. Unanimously
RESOLUTION NO. 253 — Establishing County Equalization Rates
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the State Board of Equalization and Assessment has established
Advisory Equalization Rates for 1970 Assessment Rolls based on State
Equalization Rates established for rolls completed in 1969 adjusted for
changes in level of assessment on 1970 Assessment Rolls, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 804 of the Real Property Tax Law,
the ratio or percentage which the assessed value of the real property in each
district bears to its full value is hereby established as follows'
Towns of — Caroline 99
Danby 85
Dryden 83
Enfield 97
Groton 96
Ithaca 84
Lansing 82
Newfield 100
Ulysses 87
City of Ithaca 82
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
November 2, 1970 235
MOVED by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Graves, Thatthe resolution
APPORTIONMENT OF MORTGAGE TAX, not on the agenda, be
considered at this meeting.. Carried.
MOVED by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr. Stutz, That Resolution
No. 239, Tabled at the meeting of October 26th be lifted from the table.
RESOLUTION NO. 239—Approval of Expenditure of Monies for
Construction of Community College
(see page 223 of October 26, 1970) was MOVED by Mr. Marcham and
seconded by Mr. Stutz.
Mr. Graves reported results of a computer analysis showing per pupil
costs for Tompkins County to be 88% higher than Cortland County by
the cost-sharing formula agreement between the two counties in 1966.
Ronald Space, chairman of the Tompkins -Cortland Community College
Board of Trustees, cited the state education law which says capitol costs
must be apportioned on the basis of assessed valuation but that operating
costs, however, can be apportioned on the basis of the number of students
from each sponsoring county. John Murphy presented cost -per -student
figures based on the 1970-71 budget and 1970 fall enrollment. It was
suggested that the Intergovernmental Relations Committee review the
cost sharing with both sponsoring counties according to State law.
MOVED by Mr. Golder, seconded by Mr. Culligan, That Resolution
No. 239 be AMENDED to establish the total project cost of $8,200,000
for Phase I.
Mr. Golder felt the place to approach this was at the building cost and
recommended a figure of $30 per square foot instead of $32.
Mrs. Schickel stated the hiring of a cost -control firm mentioned in
the resolution would perhaps answer many of the questions brought forth
today. The committee has interviewed three firms.
Mr. Space defended the excellent job of arriving at square footage of
Phase I with increased space efficiency, concern for construction cost and
choice of architects. It was felt that Caudill, Rowlett, Scott had sufficient
expertise in cost control but if the sponsoring boards wished to hire
their own firm, the Tompkins -Cortland Community College would not
stand in their way.
Roll call on the amendment to cut square footage to $30 resulted as
follows: Ayes — Representatives Culligan, Golder, Graves, Holden, Leary,
and Lee — 6. Noes — Representatives Bruce, Dates, Kerr, MacNeil,
Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Webster — 9. Absent — Representative
Abbott — 1. MOTION LOST.
236 November 2, 1970
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. MacNeil that Resolution No.
239 be AMENDED to be contingent upon the revision of the agreement
adopted September 26, 1966 between Cortland and Tompkins Counties
relative to the apportionment of Tompkins -Cortland Community College
operating expenses.
In discussion of the proposed amendment Mr. Marcham said we could
be working against ourselves by delaying action while the sponsors de-
bated cost sharing and the further we go into the spring the harder it is
to get a favorable bid.
Roll call on the above amendment resulted as follows: Ayes — Repre-
sentatives Culligan, Graves, Kerr, Leary, Lee and . Miller — 6. Noes —
Representatives Bruce, Dates, Golder, Holden, MacNeil, Marcham,
Schickel, Stutz and Webster — 9. Absent — Representative Abbott — 1.
Roll call vote on the original Resolution No. 239 resulted as follows:
Ayes Representatives Bruce, Dates, Golder, Kerr, Lee ("I ask that the
county attorney draft a resolution to open up cost sharing more in line
for both counties") , MacNeil ("I concur with Mr. Lee") , Marcham ("I
agree . with Mr. Lee and Mr. MacNeil') , Schickel, Stutz, Webster — 10.
Noes — Representatives Culligan, Graves, Holden, Leary ("I want it
clearly understood that I am not opposed to the community college. I am
voting no for my constituents who are oppressed by taxes") , Miller ("It is
not that I don't trust Mr. Space or Mr. Mann but because of the total cost
and the people I serve I vote no") — 5. Absent — Representative Abbott —
Mr. Dates directed County Attorney Robert Williamson to open new
negotiations with the proper committees of both boards.
Mr. Culligan announced a meeting of the Social and Health Services
Committee immediately following the board meeting. There is now a
vacancy on the Board of Managers of the Hospital and if anyone has
suggestions, please contact Mr. Culligan.
Mr. Kerr reported on X -Ray Technical Training School at the Hos-
pital. Five students were selected, four from Tompkins County and one
from Moravia in Cayuga County. The school is using rooms in the
hospital tower. The initial evaluation of students has been most satis-
factory in all respects. The school has been approved by the New York
State Health Department, Veterans' Administration, and the American
Medical Association. Graduates are eligible to take exams for license with
Civil Service and also registry under the American Society of Radiological
Technicians. They anticipate adding another five students for a full
compliment of ten.
November 2, 1970 237
MOVED by Mr. MacNeil, seconded by Mr. Marcham, That the
CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE be considered at this meeting.
RESOLUTION NO. 254 — Creation of Position — Typist — Tompkins -
Cortland Community College
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Intergovernmental
Relations Committee, That one position of Typist in the competitive class,
labor grade IV, be created effective immediately, '
RESOLVED, further That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Community College and to the Commissioner of
Seconded by Mr. Marcham. Carried.
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration Committee, submitted the fol-
lowing report relative to mortgage tax monies received and the allocation
thereof for the period April 1, 1970 to September 30, 1970:
April 1, 1970 through September 30, 1970
CAROLINE $ 2,080.93
DANBY 2,348.32
DRYDEN 15,556.82
ENFIELD 1,281.85
GROTON 4,082.47
ITHACA — CITY 19,941.04
ITHACA — TOWN 13,858.18
LANSING 46,593.57
NEWFIELD 1,724.57
ULYSSES 3,434.84
Your committee finds that of the amount of $15,556.82 to which the
Town of Dryden is entitled there should be paid to the incorporated
Village of Dryden the sum of $1,082.44, and to the incorporated Village
of Freeville the sum of $304.45; of the amount of $4,082.47 to which the
Town of Groton is entitled there should be paid to the incorporated
Village of Groton the sum of $921.13; of the amount of $13,858.18 to
which the Town of Ithaca is entitled there should be paid to the in-
corporated Village of Cayuga Heights the sum of $2,437.65; and of the
238 November 2, 1970
amount of $3,434.84 to which the Town of Ulysses is entitled there should
be paid to the incorporated Village of Trumansburg the sum of $535.15.
Your committee therefore recommends the adoption of a resolution to be
presented later in the meeting.
GARY A. LEE, Chairman
RESOLUTION NO. 255 — Apportionment of Mortgage Tax
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is in receipt of the annual mortgage tax report
showing the amount to be credited to each tax district of the County of the
money collected for the period April 1, 1970 through September 30, 1970, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the report of the Committee on Budget and Administra-
tion relative to the above tax monies and allocation thereof as herein made,
be accepted and adopted,
RESOLVED, further That pursuant to Section 261 of the Tax Law, this
Board issue its tax warrant for the payment to the respective tax districts
of the amounts so credited and authorize and direct the Commissioner of
Budget and Administration to make distribution thereof to the several tax
districts of the County in accordance with said report.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 256 — Public Hearing on Budget
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That a public hearing on the Proposed Budget be held Novem-
ber 16, 1970, in the Court House at 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of hearing all
persons interested therein who desire to be heard; and the Clerk is hereby
directed to cause a notice of public hearing to be published in the official
newspapers of the county in the manner required by Section 359 of the
County Law.
Seconded by Mr. Marcham. Carried.
Mr. Lee announced that budgets would be available on November 12th.
He also requested that board members be at the public hearing meeting
at 7:30 P.M. first in board chambers.
Mr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations Committee, reported they
were moving ahead on a tight schedule with the DeWitt Park Museum
arrangement. There are a series of meetings Wednesday, November 4th
November 9, 1970 239
for the committee. At 2:00 P.M., cost -control firm interview, 3:00 P.M.
meeting with organizations who use the building, and a 4:00 meeting
with organizations from the community who we hope will support fi-
nancially the museum and Boardman House. At 6:00 P.M. the Inter-
governmental Relations Committee will have a dinner to review in-
formation. We also have the Code of Ethics and reapportionment com-
ing up.
Mr. Marcham also referred to the availability of material to poll
watchers at election time. The carbon copies of the list of persons who
have have voted will be kept in the voting places and available to author-
ized people of all parties.
Mr. Culligan reminded the board that election inspectors bringing
material back to the election office were to have assistance to carry heavy
equipment to the second floor election office. Mr. Leary said this matter
had been taken care of already.
Mr. Boniface, Commissioner of Social Services, introduced Mr. Walter
Driscoll of the Syracuse Area Office of New York State Department of
Social Services.
On Motion, meeting adjourned.
Monday, November 9, 1970
Chairman Dates called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M.
PRESENT: Representatives Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham,
Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Bruce, Culligan, Golder, Graves, Holden and
Dates — 14.
ABSENT: Representative Miller — 1.
EXCUSED: Representative Abbott — 1.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Upon hearing no objection, the Chairman declared the minutes of. the
September 14th and 21st and October 12th and 19th meetings approved
as printed and corrected.
240 November 9, 1970
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received and
had been filed or referred to the proper committee:
Certificate of Approval for State Aid for transportation for Penny
Marie Burin to Rochester School for the Deaf; Certificate of Final State
Equalization Rates for the Villages of Dryden -80; Freeville-84; Groton -
95; Cayuga Heights -79; and Trumansburg-84; Code of Ethics adopted
by the County of Chenanago; Copy of proposed zoning ordinance for the
Village of Trumansburg; Public Notice for the Department of the Army
Corps of Engineers concerning pollution of navigable waters and also
permits required for work in navigable waters of the United States;
Executed bond anticipationrenewal note certificate authorizing the issu-
ance of $75,000 to pay a part of the cost of improvements at the Tomp-
kins County Airport. Letter from Sykes, Galloway and Dikeman stating
said note has been authorized and issued in accordance with Constitu-
tion and statutes of the State of New York; Executed agreement between
Counties of Tompkins and Cortland and Robert Mann, Landscape Archi-
tect for Tompkins -Cortland Community College; Minutes of Planning
and Public Works Committee for October 21st; Intergovernmental Re-
lations Committee for October 22nd; Tompkins -Cortland Board of
Trustees for October 29th; Wildlife Rabies Control Program report for
September 1970; Ithaca Area Transportation Study Policy coordinating
committee meeting for September 11, 1970. Referred to Planning and
Public Works Committee; Letter from American Association of Uni-
versity Women unanimously agreeing that Boardman House should be
Under privilege of the floor, Mr. Leary, Public Safety and Correction
Committee, brought before the board the possibility of supporting a
joint County -City contract with the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals to provide a single county -wide service covering humane work,
protection of livestock, and the enforcement of existing leash and related
clog -control laws and nuisance calls. He recommended that city and
county committees prepare resolutions for a dollar -sharing formula. A
contract with the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for a one
year period with a joint city -county committee to review progress quarter-
ly was suggested. Neal McLain of the SPCA Board told of expanding dog
population problems. A proposed budget for 1971 of $31,000 would pro-
vide twenty-four hour telephone coverage, two full-time circulating
wardens, and one full-time and one part-time worker at the Hanshaw
Road shelter. The wardens would concentrate on problem areas besides
handling complaint calls. A possible cost sharing of sixty percent for the
county and forty percent for the city was mentioned. The Agriculture
and Markets Law mandates a dog warden for the city.
Chairman Dates asked Mr. Lee to contact the city and come back to the
board with a recommendation.
November 9, 1970 241
Chairman Dates declared a recess at 10:29 for the Social and Health
Services Committee to meet. Business resumed at 11:08.
Mr. Culligan, Social and Health Services, announced an opening on
the Hospital Board of Managers and requested names and occupations
of appointees be submitted to him in writing. Action. deferred until
November 23rd.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, reported they had opened
bids for renovation of the county office building. Bids came in at
$491,367 with an architect's estimate of $395,000. The committee will
meet in the architect's office Wednesday, November 11th at 7:30 P.M.
The Boardman House is tied in with the alternates.
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, reminded the board that they
had received notice of the Public Hearing on November 19th instead of
Monday, November 16th. The Budget and Administration committee
will meet in John Murphy's office for lunch on Friday, November 13th at
Mr. Leary, Public Safety and Correction, reported that Tompkins
County Sheriff's "finest" did a very splendid job in the Veterans' Day
Mr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations, reported the committee
had met four times on the Community College. They had met with
Supervisor Frank Taylor of the Cortland County Board to interview firms
on cost control. Final selection of a firm is expected this week. Re -negotia-
tion of apportionment of operating costs has begun. They asked County
Attorney Robert Williamson for our legal position, the number of stu-
dents from each county for each year and also what circumstances
prompted agreement to the apportionment we have now.
Thirty organizations from the community were brought up-to-date on
Boardman House at a meeting November 4th. Mr. Marcham had been
authorized to meet with a potential tenant for Boardman House. The
board will be receiving a report on Boardman House soon. It was sug-
gested Martin Catherwood might be able to help with an industrial
analysis of the county for interest in tourism. Chairman Dates suggested
the Planning Committee might already be working on this.
Mr. Marcham asked the board members to look over the Code of Ethics
bill on their desks. We must approve a code of ethics by the end of the
The committee has been asked to request minority scholarship program
for blacks. They asked Tompkins -Cortland Community College to make
the same request as Ithaca College and Cornell.
242 November 9, 1970
Mr. Stutz, Intergovernmental Relations committee, asked the board to
submit recommendations to him to fill vacancies on the Library Board
of Trustees. They are asking to have the Board expanded by resolution
at this meeting.
MOVED by Mr. Holden, seconded by Mr. Stutz, That resolution per-
taining to Appropriation from Contingent Fund —Supreme Court; Au-
thorization to Increase Number of Members on the Board of Trustees —
Tompkins County Public Library; Authorization to Reschedule Public
Hearing and Delegation of Drug Education, Prevention and Treatment
not on the agenda be considered. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 257 — Increase in Petty Cash Fund — Tompkins
County Mental Health Services
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, a petty cash fund was established for the Tompkins County
Mental Health Services in the amount of $150 and
WHEREAS, the Mental Health Services Department has advised the
Social and Health Services Committee that the addition of the Meadow House
program requires an increase in said fund, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services Com-
mittee, That the request of the Assistant to the Commissioner of Mental
Health Services that said petty cash fund be increased to $300 be approved,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Mental Health Services Department and to the
Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 258—Authorization to Increase Number of Mem-
bers on the Board of Trustees — Tompkins
County Public Library
Mr. Stutz offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins County Public Library
at their meeting held on October 29th asked the Director, Howard R. Brent -
linger, to transmit their request that the Board of Representatives authorize
an increase in the size of the Board of Trustees from from seven to nine
members, now therefore be it
RESOLVED on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee and the request of the Board of Trustees, That the number of trus-
tees be increased from seven to nine members, said new members to be ap-
pointed by the Board of Representatives.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified
copy of this resolution to Howard R. Brentlinger, Director of the Tompkins
County Public Library.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried with Mr. Graves casting a dis-
senting vote.
Mr. Stutz explained expansion of the board would make it easier to
have a quorum, and it would more broadly represent the county. This
resolution must also be approved by the Board of Regents.
November 9, 1970 243
RESOLUTION NO. 259 — Transfer of Funds — Various Departments
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon request of the various departments and recommenda-
tions of committees in charge of those departments, That department heads
be and hereby are authorized to make the following transfer of funds:
Department From To Amount
Highway Machinery Fund
E-110-300 $1,300 E-110-400 $1,000.
E-110-403 300.
County Road Fund
D-90-401 D-90-403 1,217.94
County Clerk A-20-300 A-20-400 100.
District Attorney A-27-400 A-270-200 386.
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he. hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 260 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment — Town
of Groton
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of -the Town of Groton, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the error as set forth below be and the same hereby is correct-
ed on the 1970 Assessment Roll of the Town of Groton:
Parcel No. 17-1-27.3 owned by Dison on May 1, 1970 (now owned by
Frederick M. and Jean C. Conklin, R.D. 2, Groton, N.Y.) be reduced
from $11,530 to $8,130 a mobile home having been removed prior to
May lst.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 261 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment — Town
of Ithaca
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of the Town of Ithaca, namely that the railroad ceiling
assessment for the Lehigh Valley Railroad was erroneously shown as
$104,755 whereas the actual and final railroad ceiling is $101,363 for 1970,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the railroad ceiling assessment be reduced on the 1970 Assess-
ment Roll of the Town of Ithaca from $104,755 to $101,363.
RESOLVED, further That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and
to the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
244 November 9, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 262 — Correction of Erroneous Assessments —
Town of Ithaca
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that errors were made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of the Town of Ithaca, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the errors as set forth below be and the same hereby are cor-
rected on the 1970 Assessment Roll of the Town of Ithaca:
1. Parcel No. 72-1-1.63 assessed to Lagrand E. Chase, 5 Sandra Pl.,
Ithaca, N.Y. be increased from $1,740 to $5,4-20 structure having been
charged to the wrong parcel.
2. Parcel No. 72-1-1.64 assessed to Lagrand E. Chase be increased from
$5,420 to $24,510 structure having been charged to the wrong parcel.
3. Parcel No. 72-1-1.165 assessed to Lagrand E. Chase be reduced from
$24,510 to $1,740 structure having been charged to the wrong parcel.
4. Parcel No.5 4-7-18 assessed to Bruce Eastman, 244 Pennsylvania Ave-
nue, Ithaca, N. Y. be increased from $720 to $4,700 the building
value having been erroneously removed.
5. Parcel No. 41-1-27 now owned by Ithaca College, Danby Road, Ithaca,
N.Y. was erroneously assessed to Lawrence and Gertrude Gray.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
and to the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 263 — Correction of Erroneous Assessment — Town
of Newfield
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that an error was made in the 1970
Assessment Roll of the Town of Newfield, namely that the railroad ceiling
assessment for the Lehigh Valley Railroad was erroneously shown as
$70,113 whereas the actual and final railroad ceiling is $67,631 for 1970, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the railroad ceiling assessment be reduced on the 1970 Assess-
ment Roll of the Town of Newfield from $70,113 to $67,631.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Director of the Assessment Department.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 264 — Authorization to Re -Schedule Public Hear-
ing on Budget
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That a re -scheduled public hearing on the Proposed Budget
be held Thursday, November 19, 1970, instead of Monday, November 16,
1970, in the Court House at 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of hearing all persons
interested therein who desire to be heard; and the Clerk is hereby directed
to cause a notice of re -scheduled public hearing to be published in the official
newspapers of the County in the manner required by Section 359 of the
County Law.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
November 9, 1970 245
RESOLUTION NO. 265—Delegation of Drug Education, Prevention
and Treatment
Mr. Webster offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of Dr. Robert H. Broad, County Health
Commissioner, Dr. Robert E. Hamlisch, Director of Mental Health and the
Social and Health Services Committee, That the responsibility for drug
education, prevention and treatment be delegated to the Mental Health
Board of the County of Tompkins,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to Dr. Robert H. Broad and Dr. Robert E. Hamlisch.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. 'Discussion followed with Mr. Webster ex-
plaining the state had asked for a comprehensive program. It was felt
Mental Health was ideal supervisor of the program which involves sev-
eral other agencies. This will have a budget in the neighborhood of
$200,000 with $108,000 of this from the state in in-kind contributions.
Fifty-one percent of this is to be directed toward sixteen -year-olds or
younger and forty-nine for sixteen and above. Mr. Culligan asked if Dr.
Hamlisch, Director of Mental Health, was aware of this.
Roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Kerr, Leary,
Lee, Marcham, Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Bruce, Culligan, Golder, Holden
and Dates — 12. Noes — Representatives Graves ("I just wish you would
mark near my vote `I told you so' ") , MacNeil ("I vote no because I do
not understand. It is a poor way to do business to rush something
through.") — 2. Absent — Representative Miller — 1. Excused — Repre-
sentative Abbott— 1.
RESOLUTION NO. 266—Appropriation from Contingent Fund
Supreme Court
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction
Committee and the Budget and Administration Committee That the sum of
$900 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code 290-650A) to Supreme
Court (Code A-20-129).
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books.
Seconded by Mr. Bruce.
Ayes — 14. Noes — 0. Absent — 2. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 267 — Audit of Community College Capital Ex-
penditures to be Paid
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations
246 November .9, 1970
Committee to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -
Cortland Community College are:
Bentleys' Hardware $ 39.90
Bell and Howell 540.60
Monroe Calculator 495.00
Luttons Office Equipment 975.00
Robert Mann $6,059.51
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That this Board approves said
audit, and the payment of said bills,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins -Cortland
Community College, the Cortland County Board of Supervisors and to the
Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mrs. Schickel.
Ayes — 13. Noes — 1. Absent — 2. Carried
RESOLUTION NO. 268 — On Audit
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins
chargeable to:
General Fund $ 34,339.49
Airport 3,071.65
Dog Fund —0—
Highway 137,979.51
Printing Transfers 1,628.95
County Self -Insurance 281.60
Encumberance -0—
be and hereby are audited by this board at the above amounts approved
by the various committees, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be
and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out
of the various funds appropriated therefore.
Seconded by Mr. Holden.
Ayes — 14. Noes — 0. Absent — 2. Carried.
Mr. Culligan, Social and Health Services chairman placed in nomina-
tion the name of Lawrence Jordan, Jr. of DuBoise Road, to serve the
unexpired term of John O'Brien on the Mental Health Board. Carried.
Mr. Culligan said he would like to have the names of the other candi-
dates kept for future appointments. On Motion, meeting adjourned.
November 19, 1970 247
November 19, 1970 - 7:30 P.M.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
PRESENT: Representatives Abbott, Bruce, Culligan, Golder, Graves,
Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz
and Dates — 15.
EXCUSED: Representative Webster (arrived 10:15) — 1.
At this time members and guests participated in the Pledge of Alle-
giance to the Flag.
It was MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Miller, that a letter
of commendation be sent to the Ithaca High School football coach and
players for their victory as New York State champions. Unanimously
Mr. Marcham noted that he would like to bring up the Resolution
authorizing Public Hearing for the Code of Ethics at the next meeting.
MOVED by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr. Golder, that the Rules of
the Board be WAIVED in order to consider a contract with a cost control
firm — Tompkins -Cortland Community College. A voice vote was taken
and Representative Leary cast a dissenting vote. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 269—Authorization for Chairman to Execute
Contract — Cost Control Firm—
Tompkins-Cortland Community College
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Relations Committee has conferred
with members of the Community College and the Trustees concerning the
hiring of a Cost Consultant Firm during the construction of the Tompkins -
Cortland Community College, and
WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Relations Committee recommends that
cost control firm would be very beneficial in controlling costs and expenses
during the construction of said college, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to
execute a contract with McKee-Berger-Mansueto Inc., Cost Consultant Firm,
at a price not to exceed $17,500.00 to be paid for from the Capital Budget of
the Community College, which contract will commence immediately and expire
on the successful letting of contracts for the present planned construction,
RESOLVED, further, That this resolution is subject to the approval of
the Trustees of the Community College and the Cortland County Board of
Seconded by Mrs. Schickel. After discussion it was MOVED by Mr.
248 November 19, 1970
Kerr, seconded by Mr. Culligan, that the resolution be TABLED. A
roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Abbott, Culligan,
Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil — 8. Noes — Representatives
Bruce, Golder, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Dates -7. Absent —
Representative Webster — 1. MOTION TO TABLE LOST. A roll call
was taken on Resolution 269. Ayes — Representatives Bruce, Dates,
Golder, Kerr, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz — 10.
Noes — Representatives Abbott, Culligan, Graves, Holden, Leary — 5. Ab-
sent — Webster — 1. Resolution carried.
The Chairman declared a recess for a public hearing on the Budget
scheduled for 8:00 P.M.
At 8:00 P.M. many interested citizens, county officials and department
heads gathered for the public hearing.
Mr. John Murphy, Commissioner of Budget and Administration, pre-
sented the Tentative Budget as approved by the Representatives and the
floor was opened for questions and answers. Those participating in dis-
cussion were District Attorney Matthew McHugh, who raised a question
regarding appropriations for the Grand Jury Stenographer, but this was
a misunderstanding and was explained by Commissioner Murphy, and
Doris Levy, Director of Civil Defense, objecting to the cuts in her de-
partment budget. Also Mrs. Krayniak from the Town of Enfield asked
the reason for the increase in Health Insurance throughout the budget.
Commissioner Murphy explained that there was a rate increase in July of
1970 and is sure it will increase again.
Representative Kerr asked about the hospital appropriation and Cush
Murray, President of the Board of Managers of Hospital, said the rates
will increase if the operation costs increase.
The Chairman called the meeting back to order.
It was MOVED by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Graves, that the Rules
of the Board be WAIVED to consider resolutions pertaining to the
Adoption of the Budget. A roll call vote resulted: Ayes — Representatives
Abbott, Bruce, Dates, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee, MacNeil,
Marcham, Schickel, Stutz — 12. Noes — Representatives Culligan, Golder,
Miller — 3. Absent — Representative Webster — 1. Carried.
November 19, 1970 249
(Excluding Inter -Fund Items)
Estimated Revenues (Excluding Inter -Fund
Items) shown in Schedule I $12,601,553
Sales Tax Revenue 2,000,000
Appropriated Cash Surplus:
General Fund:
Other Surplus 1,000,000
Sales Tax Surplus 800,000
General County Road Public
Other Road Machinery Enterprise Library
Purposes Fund Fund Fund Fund
INTER -FUND ITEMS $19,077,028.00 $11,640,100.00 $ 780,000.00 $ 0 $6,577,498.00 $ 79,4-30.00
INTER -FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1,455,168.00 0 537,622.00 314,340.00 356,791.00 246,415.00
$20,532,196.00 $11,640,100.00 $1,317,622.00 $314,340.00 $6,934,289.00 $325,845.00
EXCLUDING INTER -FUND ITEMS $12,601,553.00 $ 5,164,625.00 $ 780,000.00 $ 0 $6,577,498.00 $ 79,430.00
INTER -FUND REVENUES 1,455,168.00 0 537,622.00 314,340.00 356,791.00 246,415.00
SALES TAX REVENUE 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 0 0 0 0
APPROPRIATED CASH SURPLUS 1,800,000.00 1,800,000.00 0 0 0 0
$17,856,721.00 $ 8,964,625.00 $1,317,622.00 $314,340.00 $6,934,289.00 $325,845.00
TAX LEVY $ 2,675,475.00 $ 2,675,475.00 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
OL6 L '6 L JagwanoN
Revenues Not
Revenues Attributable to
State and Attributable Special Gifts and Net
Appropriations Federal Aid to Functions Functions Donations Budget
Legislative $ 81,650.00 $ - 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 81,650.00
Judicial 365,103.00 71,500.00 14,900.00 0 0 278,703.00
Staff 707,255.00 5,000.00 331,000.00 0 0 371,255.00
Public Safety 296,276.00 1,000.00 25,600.00 0 0 269,676.00
Sanitary Landfill 150,545.00 0 0 0 0 150,545.00
Mental Health 437,020.00 235,510.00 16,000.00 0 89,170.00 96,340.00
Narcotics 197,912.00 98,956.00 0 0 98,956.00 0
Health 563,263.00 229,623.00 33,300.00 0 0 300,340.00
Social Services 5,548,835.00 3,346,280.00 121,800.00 0 0 2,080,755.00
Corrections 63,364.00 0 0 0 0 63,364.00
Education 269,697.00 0 0 0 0 269,697.00
Recreation 6,472.00 1,930.00 0 0 0 4,542.00
Natural Resources 13,675.00 0 0 0 0 13,675.00
Authorized Agencies 165,800.00 0 0 0 0 165,800.00
County General 2,773,233.00 216,000.00 228,100.00 0 0 2,329,133.00
Enterprises 6,934,289.00 0 6,547,498.00 356,791.00 30,000.00 0
Highways 1,631,962.00 780,000.00 314,340.00 537,622.00 0 0
Libraries 325,845.00 41,410.00 34,346.00 246,415.00 3,674.00 0
Total $20,532,196.00 $5,027,209.00 $7,666,884.00 $1,140,828.00 $221,800.00 $6,475,475.00
Sales Tax Revenue $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $2,000,000.00 $ 0 $ 0
Real Estate Taxes 0 0 0 2,675,475.00 0 0
Cash Surplus Unit 0 0 0 1,800,000.00 0 0
Total $20,532,196.00 $5,027,209.00 $7,666,884.00 $7,616,303.00 $221,800.00 $ 0
'61 JagweAoN
Schedule 1
Accounts prefixed by "A" represent the General Fund
Accounts prefixed by "D" represent the County Road Fund
Accounts prefixed by "E" represent the Road Machinery Fund
1971 1971
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
1020—Relevy of Returned School Taxes $ 172,009.4-1 $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000.00
1021—Returned School Taxes Collected
Prior to Relevy 2,761.80 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
1022—Unneeded Reserve for Delinquent Taxes .___ 38,220.87 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
1023—Excess Tax Collections applied in
Reduction of Current Levy 0 4,950.00 3,100.00 3,100.00
1024—Gain from Sale of Tax Acquired Property 695.20 0 0 0
ETC. $ 213,687.28 $ 222,950.00 $ 221,100.00 $ 221,100.00
1050—Retail Sales Tax $ 2,892,661.51 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 2,000,000.00
1100—Interest and Penalties on Real Property Taxes .._29,076.11 20,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00
1200—Pistol and Revolver Licenses 1,353.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
OL6l '6 L JagwanoN
Schedule 1 (Cont'd)
1971 1971
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
1258—Mental Health Fees $ 6,948.50 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00
1259—Assessment Department Fees 1,298.82 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
1260—County Clerk Fees 103,119.41 80,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00
1262—Sheriff Fees 14,042.21 11,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
1263—Surrogate Court Clerk Fees 14,407.50 11,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
1264—Budget & Administration Fees 12,932.37 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
1267—Health Fees
A—X-Ray 6,807.25 7,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00
B—Engineering 658.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
C—Vital Statistics 5,516.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00
D—Home Nursing Charges 59,122.71 20,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00
E—Contract Tioga County 0 500.00 500.00 500.00
1269A—Mental Health—Medicaid 0 3,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
1298—Store Room Sales & Xerox Charges 9,964.34 8,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00
TOTAL—Department Fees and Charges $ 234,817.11 $ 165,300.00 $ 217,300.00 $ 217,300.00
OL6 L '61. aagwanoN
Schedule 1 (Cont'd)
1971 1971
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
1308—Medical Assistance—P.H. $ 10,457.03 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0
1311—Care of Physically Handicapped 16,660.63 4,500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 ry
1313—Public Health Work 144,088.56 170,750.00 219,623.00 219,623.00 3
1317—Medical Assistance 544,628.92 450,000.00 555,000.00 555,000.00 tr
1318—Adult Care, Public Institutions 20,682.35 27,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00
1320—Blind '827.67 100.00 825.00 825.00
1321—Dependent Children 249,613.23 230,000.00 300,000.00 328,000.00 .o
1322—Disabled 23,577.61 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00
1323—Home Relief 67,896.05 60,000.00 98,000.00 98,000.00 o
1324—01d Age Assistance 44,682.94 40,000.00 51,000.00 51,000.00 V
1325—Social Services Administration 141,186.67 160,000.00 170,000.00 170,000.00
1326—Foster Care 112,397.91 125,000.00 121,455.00 121,455.00
1328—Juvenile Delinquents 12,020.40 5,000.00 12,000.00 - 12,000.00
1329—Burials 5,979.61 2,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00
1331—Services for Recipients 3,493.21 0 10,000.00 10,000.00
1334—Recreation for Elderly 3,114.51 1,930.00 1,930.00 1,930.00
1345—Judicial Salaries 9,500.00 10,000.00 21,500.00 21,500.00
1350—Veterans' Service Agency 4,999.87 6,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Schedule 1 (Cont'd)
1971 1971
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
STATE: (Continued)
1365—Mental Health Clinic $ 205,581.85 $ 115,383.00 $ 151,340.00 $ 151,340.00
A—Special Children's Center 0 25,356.00 35,000.00 35,000.00
B—Mental Health Association 0 10,836.00 14,270.00 14,270.00
C—Assn. Retarded Children 0 23,731.00 0 0
D—Family and Children's Center 0 675.00 750.00 750.00
E—Alcoholic Council 0 8,168.00 9,100.00 9,100.00
F—Challenge Workshop 0 13,950.00 17,500.00 17,500.00
G—Ithaca Youth Bureau Day Camp 0 0 3,550.00 3,550.00
H—Suicide Prevention 0 0 4,000.00 4,000.00
1371—Probation Services 44,962.30 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
1374—Navigation Law Enforcement 1,367.11 750.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
1390—Per Capita Aid 168,365.08 166,000.00 216,000.00 216,000.00
1399—Narcotics Guidance 0 0 98,956.00 98,956.00
TOTAL—STATE AID $ 1,836,083.51 $ 1,731,129.00 $ 2,275,799.00 $ 2,275,799.00
1416—Day Care $ 18,872.76 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
1417—Medical Assistance 937,991.27 800,000.00 971,000.00 971,000.00
1420—Blind 1,566.73 1,500.00 1,650.00 1,650.00
1421—Dependent Children 367,985.56 360,000.00 494,000.00 494,000.00
1422—Disabled 31,580.07 33,000.00 48,000.00 48,000.00
1423—Home Relief 714.75 0 0 0
1424—Old Age Assistance 79,867.23 72,000.00 110,000.00 110,000.00
'61 .19gwanoN
Schedule 1 (Cont'd)
1971 1971
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
FEDERAL AID: (Continued)
1425—Social Services Administration $ 192,830.48 $ 175,000.00 $ 244,350.00 $ 244,350.00
1431—Service for Recipients 10,044.81 0 61,000.00 61,000.00
1459—Library Construction 68,633.00 0 0 0
1470—Civil Defense Equipment 811.12 0 0 0 Z
1481—Highway Safety 1,239.10 0 0 0 C
TOTAL—FEDERAL AID $ 1,712,136.88 $ 1,441,500.00 $ 1,930,000.00 $ 1,930,000.00 3
1500—Interest on Deposits $ 111,600.28 $ 50,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ _ 150,000.00 m
1512—Sales of Farm Products $ 11,267.80 $ 5,500.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 -z
1615—Transporting Prisoners—State 725.00 0 0 0 'V
1619—Social Security Reimbursement—State 1,485.70 0 0 0 fp
1642—Election Expenses—Towns and City 9,428.71 5,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00
1648—Sale of Tax Maps 599.00 450.00 500.00 500.00
1649—City Prisoners—County Jail 1,502.00 0 0 0
APPROPRIATION EXPENSES $ 13,740.41 $ 5,450.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 6,500.00
1650—Adults—Other Welfare Districts $ 21,297.87 $ 4,000.00 $ 8,000.00
$ 8,000.00
1659—Deputy Sheriff Salaries, etc.—Trumansburg 7,276.63 14,000.00 13,600.00 13,600.00
1662—Tax Advertising 2,443.00 3,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00
Schedule 1 (Cont'd)
1971 1971
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
SOURCES (Continued)
1667—Care of Physically Handicapped $ 5,115.68 $ 5,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00
1669A—Telephone Reimbursement —
Probation Department 1,534.35 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
1669B—Public Health Salary .. 1,441.67 0 0 0
1669C—Council Fees 50.00 0 0 0
OTHER SOURCES $ 39,159.20 $ 27,700.00 $ 28,300.00 $ 28,300.00
1671—Aid to Dependent Children $ 15,097.04 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00
1672—Burials 255.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
1673—Aid to Disabled 918.85 500.00 800.00 800.00
1674—Foster Care 10,497.83 10,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
1675—Home Relief 1,808.03 0 1,000.00 1,000.00
1677—Old Age Assistance 7,301.89 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
1678—Adult Care, Public Institutions 60,905.31 45,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00
1680—Juvenile Delinquent Care 270.00 0 0 0
1681—State Training School Expense 50.00 0 0 0
1682—Medical Assistance 17,949.33 9,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00
ASSISTANCE & CARE $ 115,053.28 $ 85,500.00 $ 106,800.00 $ 106,800.00
1700A—Fines & Forfeitures of Bail $ 610.00 $ 0 $ 500.00 $ 500.00
OL6L '61 iiegwanoN
Schedule 1 (Cont'd)
1971 1971
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
1729—Minor Sales (General) $ 7,840.50 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00
1731—Property Damage Recover 3,153.08 0 0 0
1732—Sales of Autos—Health Department 726.00 0 0 0
1734—Sales of Equipment 1.00 0 0 0
TION FOR LOSSES $ 11,720.58 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00
1800—Contributions from Private Agencies
for Mental Health $ 0 $ 7,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00
1801—Gifts and Donations—Mental Health
A—Special Children's Center 33,440.68 30,990.00 35,000.00 35,000.00
B—Mental Health Association 9,026.16 13,243.00 9,270.00 9,270.00
C—Association for Retarded Children 22,446.29 20,349.00 0 0
D—Family and Children's Service 142.50 825.00 750.00 750.00
E—Alcoholic Council 1,966.06 9,982.00 9,100.00 9,100.00
F—Challenge Workshop 11,023.80 17,050.00 17,500.00 17,500.00
G—Ithaca Youth Bureau 0 0 3,550.00 3,550.00
H—Suicide Prevention 0 0 4,000.00 4,000.00
J—In-kind Contribution 0 0 98,956.00 98,956.00
OL6 L '61 JagwanoN
Schedule 1 (Cont'd)
1971 1971
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
1810—Refunds of Appropriation Expenses
Prior Years $ 959.91 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
1849—Telephone Booth 57.46 0 0 0
TOTAL—MISCELLANEOUS $ 79,062.86 $ 99,439.00 $ 188,126.00 $ 188,126.00
Exclusive of Inter -Fund $ 7,802,029.81 $ 7,062,668.00 $ 7,164,625.00 $ 7,164,625.00
1902—Contribution from Machinery Fund $ 60,000.00 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Including Inter -Fund $ 7,862,029.81 $ 7,062,668.00 $ 7,164,625.00 $ 7,164,625.00
L1239—Rentals $ 14,694.58 $ 19,000.00 $ 14,212.00 $ 14,212.00
L1249—Charges for Services: Other 0 1,800.00 6,634.00 6,634.00
L1331—State Aid 15,000.00 14,250.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
L1445—Federal Aid 4,600.61 11,000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00
L1503—Interest—Trust Funds 2,596.69 0 0 0
L1701—Library Fines 10,083.86 13,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
L1729—Minor Sales 903.32 774.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
L1739—Other Compensation for Losses 290.43 0 300.00 300.00
L1801—Gifts and Donations 2,512.55 2,900.00 3,674.00 3,674.00
OL6 L '61 JagwanoN
Schedule 1 (Cont'd)
1971 1971
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
L1807—Library System Grant $ 11,157.00 $ 10,235.00 $ 15,410.00 $ 15,410.00
L1810—Refund of Appropriation—Prior Years 415.00 0 0 0
L1849—Other Unclassified Revenue 196.19 2,250.00 200.00 200.00
FUND (Before Inter -Fund Revenues) $ 62,450.23 $ 75,209.00 $ 79,430.00 $ 79,430.00
L1900—Contribution from General Fund $ 182,613.00 $ 246,783.00 $ 246,415.00 $ 246,415.00
FUND (Including Inter -Fund Revenues) $ 245,063.23 $ 321,992.00 $ 325,845.00 $ 325,845.00
0L6 L '6 L iegwanoN
Schedule 1 (Cont'd)
1971 1971
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
RENTAL—C-1230—Rental of Real Property $ 70,260.00 $ 74,520.00 $ 83,000.00 $ 83,000.00
C1254—Employees Subsistence 153,962.77 150,000.00 160,000.00 160,000.00
C1530—In Patient Charges 4,646,754.12 5,556,520.00 5,985,004.00 5,985,004.00
C1530A—In Patient Charges (Provision—Salary
Adjustment) 0 0 236,810.00 236,810.00
C1269—Copying Records 1,417.99 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00
TOTAL—Rentals, Charges and Fees $ 4,872,394.88 $ 5,782,540.00 $ 6,466,314.00 $ 6,466,314.00
STATE AID: C1399—Grant, Rehab. Center $ 33,331.81 0 0 0
C1500—Interest 14,500.00 0 15,000.00 15,000.00
C1669—Salary 6,255.03 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00
C1729—Minor Sales 6,040.30 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00
C1801—Gifts and Donations 52,939.44 30,000;00 30,000.00 30,000.00
C1810—Refunds of Appr. of Prior Years 0 0 0 0
TOTAL—Miscellaneous $ 79,734.77 $ 40,500.00 $ 55,500.00 $ 55,500.00
(Before Inter -Fund Revenues) $ 4,985,461.46 $ 5,823,040.00 $ 6,521,814.00 $ 6,521,814.00
C1910—Contributions from General Fund-
-General Fund—(Debt Fund) $ 232,929.04 $ 230,570.00 $ 230,976.00 $ 230,976.00
(Including Inter -Fund Revenues) $ 5,218,390.50 $ 6,053,610.00 $ 6,752,790.00 $ 6,752,790.00
LL6 L '6•L .iaquaanoN
Schedule 1 (Cont'd)
1971 1971.
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
C-1550—Airport Landing Fees $ 12,894.60 $ 12,500.00 $ 13,600.00 $ 13,600.00
C-1551—Rental of Buildings, etc. 21,356.16 26,535.00 26,634.00 26,634.00
C-1552—Airport Concessions 19,218.15 15,585.00 15,450.00 15,450.00
TOTAL FEES, RENTALS & CONCESSIONS $ 53,468.91 $ 54,620.00 $ 55,684.00 $ 55,684.00
(Before Inter -Fund Revenues) $ 53,468.91 $ 54,620.00 $ 55,684.00 $ 55,684.00
C-1900—Contributions from General Fund $ 13,894.00 $ 35,110.00 $ 28,116.00 $ 28,116.00
Contributions from General Fund (Debt) 102,954.84 106,450.00 97,699.00 97,699.00
TOTAL INTER -FUND REVENUES: $ 116,848.84 $ 141,560.00 $ 125,815.00 $ 125,815.00
(Including Inter -Fund Revenues) $ 170,317.75 $ 196,180.00 $ 181,499.00 $ 181,499.00
(Including Inter -Fund Revenues) $ 5,388,708.25 $ 6,249,790.00 $ 6,934,289.00
$ 6,934,289.00
'6 L .iagwenoN
Schedule 1 (Cont'd)
1971 1971
Budget Recommended
Estimate and. Adopted
D-1300—Motor Fuel Tax
D-1301—Motor Vehicle License Fees
D-1302—Matching Aid
D-1303—Mileage and Valuation Aid
D-1500—Interest on Deposits
TOTAL—State Aid
$ 444,866.52
$ 430,000.00
$ 480,000.00
$ 480,000.00
$ 656,126.53 $ 653,000.00 $ 700,000.00 $ 700,000.00
D-1600—Snow Removal—State $ 76,420.30
City 1,500.00
30,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00
0 0 0
$ 77,920.30 $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00
D-1729—Miscellaneous Refunds $ 116.40
D-1739—Other Compensation of/or Losses 0
D-1810—Ref. Appropriation of Prior Years 133.00
D -1849 --Other Unclassified Revenues 1,164.16
$ 1,413.56 $ 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
$ 0 $ 0
ROAD FUND $ 735,460.39 $ 733,000.00 $ 780,000.00 $ 780,000.00
OL6L '61 .iagwanoN
Schedule 1 (Cont'd)
1971 1971
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
D- 599 -Appropriated Surplus $ $ $ $
D-1900—Contributions from General Fund 442,152.00 544,912.00 537,622.00 537,622.00
TOTAL—Inter-Fund Revenues $ $ $ $
FUND (Including Inter -Fund Revenues) $ 1,177,612.39 $ 1,277,912.00 $ 1,317,622.00 $ 1,317,622.00
E-1233—Equipment, Other Governments $ 3,441.50 $ $ $
E -1722 --Sale of Scrap $ 229.44 $ $ $
E-1731—Property Damage Recovery 237.22
SATION FOR LOSS $ 466.66 $ $ $
E-1729—Minor Sales Other $ 105.73 $ $ $
E-1810—Refunds of Appropriations of Prior Years 133.19
E-1849—Other Unclassified Revenues 606.39
TOTAL—Miscellaneous $ 845.31
OL6L '61. iagwanoN
Schedule 1 (Coned)
1971 1971
Actual Budget Budget Recommended
1969 1970 Estimate and Adopted
E-599—Appropriated Surplus
E-1921—Rentals of Equipment to County Road Fund
$ $
290,950.00 314,340.00
TOTAL—Inter-Fund Revenues $ 281,789.32 $ 290,950.00 $ 314,340.00 $ 314,340.00
FUND (Including Inter -Fund Revenues) $ 286,542.79 $ 290,950.00 $ 314,340.00 $ 314,340.00
FUNDS $14,959,956.47 $15,203,312.00 $16,056,721.00 $16,056,721.00
LESS: Inter -Fund Revenues:
County Road from General $ 142,152.00 $ 544,912.00 $ 537,622.00 $ 537,622.00
Library Fund from General Fund 182,613.00 246,783.00 246,415.00 246,415.00
Enterprise Fund from General Fund—Airport 13,894.00 35,110.00 28,116.00 28,116.00
Enterprise Debt Fund from General Fund—Airport 102,954.84 106,450.00 97,699.00 97,699.00
Hospital._232,929.04 230,570.00 230,976.00 230,976.00
Road Machinery Fund from County Road 281,789.32 290,950.00 314,340.00 314,340.00
$ 1,256,332.20 $ 1,454,775.00 $ 1,455,168.00 $ 1,455,168.00
FUNDS (Excluding Inter -Fund Revenues) $13,703,624.27 $13,748,537.00 $14,601,553.00 $14,601,553.00
OL61. '61. aagwanON
Schedule 2
Accounts with no prefixed letter represent the General Fund
Accounts prefixed by "C" represent Public Enterprise
Accounts prefixed by "D"represent the County Road Fund
Accounts prefixed by "E" represent the Road Machinery Fund
Accounts prefixed by "L" represent the Library
ated in
& Adm.
Budget Comm. Z
Committee and/or 0
Recommen- Adopted
dation 1971 3
100—Personal Services $ 60,966.71
200—Equipment ... 891.15
300—Supplies and Materials 7,091.54
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 7,072.88
TOTAL—Board of Representatives
$ 50,500.00 $ 50,500.00 $ 50,500.00 $
1,100.00 193.00 193.00
7,925.00 8,000.00 8,000.00
6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00
50,500.00 $ 50,500.00
0 0
8,000.00 8,000.00 V
6,000.00 6,000.00 Q
$ 76,022.28 $ 65,525.00 $ 64,693.00 $ 64,693.00 $ 64,500.00 $ 64,500.00
100—Personal Services
300—Supplies and Materials
400—Contractual and Other Expenses
$ 20,796.00 $
15,350.00 $
15,350.00 $
15,350.00 $
TOTAL—Clerk of Board $ $ 22,906.00 $ 17,150.00 $ 17,150.00 $ 17,150.00 $ 17,150.00
TOTAL—Legislation $ 76,022.28 $ 88,431.00 $ 81,843.00 $ 81,84-3.00 $ 81,650.00 $ 81,650.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
129 -Fees for Services -Non -employees $ 17,380.44 $ 16,000.00 $ 17,300.00 $ 17,300.00 $ 17,300.00 $ 17,300.00
200 -Equipment -County Clerk 0 0 0 0 0 0
201 -Equipment -Judge Simpson 0 200.00 200.00 200.00 0 0
202 -Equipment -Judge Bryant 350.40 200.00 200.00 200.00 0 0
300 -Supplies and Materials -County Clerk 168.93 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
301 -Supplies and Materials -Judge Simpson 239.78 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
302 -Supplies and Materials -Judge Bryant 2,149.99 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
400 -Contractual and Other Expenses.._.
County Clerk 1,985.15 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
401 -Contractual and Other Expenses -
Judge Simpson 75.34 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00
4 -02 -Contractual and Other Expenses -
Judge Bryant 142.22 600.00 600.00 600.00 150.00 150.00
TOTAL -SUPREME COURT $ 22,492.25 $ 19,750.00 $ 21,550.00 $ 21,550.00 $ 20,700.00 $ 20,700.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended atedin Request Recommien- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 27,114.62 $ 27,804.00 $ 58,371.00 $ 56,371.00 $ 56,371.00 $ 56,371.00
121—Jurors (Trial & Grand) 13,301.14 10,000.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 z
200—Equipment—Judge Johnson 2,657.42 200.00 0 0 0 0 o
201—Equipment—Judge Dean 0 0 4,268.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 m
300—Supplies and Materials—Judge Johnson 371.09 500.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 3
301—Supplies and Materials—Judge Dean 0 0 200.00 600.00 600.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses— _
Judge Johnson 1,565.95 1,400.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 'o
401—Contractual and Other Expenses—
Judge Dean 0 ' 0 500.00 500.00 500.00 V
402—Contractual and Other Expenses— o
County Clerk 0 1,400.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
TOTAL—COUNTY COURT $ 45,010.22 $ 41,304.00 $ 93,189.00 $ 86,171.00 $ 86,171.00 $ 86,171.00
100—Personal Services $ 27,008.87 $ 30,368.00 $ 48,721.00 $ 42,167.00 $ 42,167.00 $ 42,167.00
200—Equipment 1,140.44 533.00 3,948.00 1,849.00 650.00 650.00
300—Supplies and Materials 413.01 667.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 435.38 700.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 700.00 700.00
TOTAL—FAMILY COURT $ 28,997.70 $ 32,268.00 $ 55,469.00 $ 46,816.00 $ 44,517.00 $ 44,517.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 8,693.04 $ 13,404.00 $ 13,804.00 $ 12,320.00 $ 12,320.00 $ 12,320.00 Z
200—Equipment 487.60 800.00 800.00 800.00 500.00 500.00 0
300—Supplies and Materials 1,515.99 2,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 N
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 196.51 500.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 cr
TOTAL --SURROGATE COURT $ 10,893.14 $ 17,204.00 $ 18,404.00 $ 16,920.00 $ 14,620.00 $ 14,620.00 "
100—Personal Services $ 2,351.58 $ 9,852.00 $ 9,676.00 $ 9,676.00 $ 9,676.00 $ 9,676.00 V
200—Equipment 1,986.00 900.00 400.00 400.00 0 0 0
300—Supplies and Materials 1,352.84 1,600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 381.85 900.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00
JURORS $ 6,072.27 $ 13,252.00 $ 12,476.00 $ 12,476.00 $ 11,576.00 $ 11,576.00
300—Supplies and Materials $ 1,718.50 $ 3,900.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 5,400.00
TOTAL—COURT LIBRARY $ 1,718.50 $ 3,900.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 5,400.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
ated in
100—Personal Services $ 27,859.34 $
200—Equipment 0
300—Supplies and Materials 918.88
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 3,934.11
34,100.00 $
33,850.00 $
33,850.00 $
33,850.00 $
1,500.00 Z
7,500.00 <
43,700.00 $ 44,350.00 $ 44,350.00 $ 43,525.00 $ 43,525.00
129—Justices and Constables Fees
CONSTABLES $ 115.00 $
$ 115.00 $
500.00 $
500.00 $ 500.00 $
500.00 $
500.00 $ 500.00
500.00 $ 500.00 $
500.00 $
500.00 Vo
100—Personal Services $ 3,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses
498.40 400.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
CORONER $ 3,498.40 $ 4,900.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00
129—Fees and Expenses—Grand Jurors $ 3,284.33 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
TOTAL—GRAND JURY $ 3,284.33 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 84,587.32 $ 97,710.00 $ 96,948.00 $ 96,654.00 $ 96,654.00 $ 96,654.00
200—Equipment 1,747.12 560.00 3,104.00 2,809.00 500.00 500.00
300—Supplies and Materials 1,682.39 2,250.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 2,550.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 6,743.36 6,100.00 7,390.00 7,390.00 7,390.00 7,390.00
TOTAL—PROBATION $ 94,760.19 $ 106,620.00 $ 109,992.00 $ 109,403.00 $ 107,094.00 $ 107,094.00
120—Administrator Contract $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00
129—Fees of Attorneys 14,117.09 15,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 0 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 500.00 500.00
INDIGENTS $ 17,117.09 $ 20,500.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 22,000.00 $ 22,000.00
TOTAL—JUDICIAL $ 266,671.42 $ 307,898.00 $ 395,330.00 $ 376,586.00 $ 365,103.00 $ 365,103.00
100—Personal Services $ 39,588.95 $ 86,410.00 $ 105,910.00 $ 105,910.00 $ 105,910.00 $ 105,910.00
200—Equipment 0 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
300—Supplies and Materials 1,311.32 2,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 1,676.74 4,023.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00
ADMINISTRATION $ 42,577.01 $ 95,433.00 $ 115,410.00 $ 114,410.00 $ 114,410.00 $ 114,410.00 N
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100 --Personal Services $ 31,361.46 $ 35,030.00 $ 33,030.00 $ 33,030.00 $ 33,030.00 $ 33,030.00 Z
200—Equipment 843.73 2,390.00 0 0 0 0
300—Supplies and Materials 3,445.71 4,775.00 4,085.00 4,085.00 4,085.00 4,085.00 <
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 807.95 1,290.00 1,630.00 1,630.00 1,630.00 1,630.00 3
401—Assessors Expenses 660.58 900.00 0 0 0 0
402—Services—Office Machines 3,387.80 6,032.00 7,610.00 7,610.00 7,610.00 7,610.00 is
TOTAL—ADMINISTRATION $ 40,507.23 $ 50,417.00 $ 46,355.00 $ 46,355.00 $ 46,355.00 $ 46,355.00 �o
100—Personal Services $ 4,602.19 $ 20,116.00 $ 18,116.00 $ 18,116.00 $ 18,116.00 $ 18,116.00 v
200—Equipment 8.30 8,279.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0
300—Supplies and Materials 39.18 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 19,534.69 19,350.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00
401—Tax Maps (For Resale) 1,999.63 2,000.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00
TOTAL—TAX MAP DIVISION $ 26,183.99 $ 49,945.00 $ 23,366.00 $ 23,366.00 $ 23,366.00 $ 23,366.00
100—Personal Services $ 0 $ 42,762.00 $ 44,740.00 $ 44,740.00 $ 44,740.00 $ 44,740.00
200—Equipment 0 3,529.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00
300—Supplies and Materials __ 0 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 0 15,160.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00
TOTAL—FIELD DIVISION $ 0 $ 61,551.00 $ 49,115.00 $ 49,115.00 $ 49,115.00 $ 49,115.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 0 $ 16,130.00 $ 17,014.00 $ 17,014.00 $ 17,014.00 $ 17,014.00
200—Equipment 0 4,667.00 0 0 0 0
300—Supplies and Materials 0 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 OZ
TOTAL—ACCOUNTING DIVISION $ 0 $ 20,897.00 $ 17,114.00 $ 17,114.00 $ 17,114.00 $ 17,114.00
TOTAL—ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT$ 66,691.22 $ 182,810.00 $ 135,950.00 $ 135,950.00 $ 135,950.00 $ 135,950.00 E
A-53A—COUNTY CLERK (Except Courts) o
100—Personal Services $ 32,731.38 $ 38,590.00 $ 44,308.00 $ 44,308.00 $ 44,308.00 $ 44,308.00
200—Equipment 768.57 1,550.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 200.00 .3
300—Supplies and Materials 9,562.39 11,950.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 oV
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 2,885.08 4,125.00 16,500.00 16,500.00 12,500.00 12,500.00
TOTAL—COUNTY CLERK $ 45,947.42 $ 56,215.00 $ 64,008.00 $ 64,008.00 $ 59,208.00 $ 59,208.00
100—Personal Services $ 36,243.32 $ 44,772.00 $ 44,622.00 $ 44,622.00 $ 44,622.00 $ 44,622.00
200—Equipment 164.00 500.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
300—Supplies and Materials 257.76 575.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 3,608.48 2,525.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
TOTAL—MOTOR VEHICLES $ 40,273.56 $ 48,372.00 $ 46,722.00 $ 46,722.00 $ 46,722.00 $ 46,722.00
(Except Courts) $ 86,220.98 $ 104,587.00 $ 110,730.00 $ 110,730.00 $ 105,930.00 $ 105,930.00 V
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100 -Personal Services $ 15,950.00 $ 17,520.00 $ 17,520.00 $ 17,520.00 $ 17,520.00 $ 17,520.00
200 -Equipment 0 0 486.00486.00 0 0
300 -Supplies and Materials 173.46 450.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 O
400 -Contractual and Other Expenses 208.29 350.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 m
TOTAL -COUNTY ATTORNEY $ 16,331.75 $ 18,320.00 $ 18,756.00 $ 18,756.00 $ 18,270.00 $ 18,270.00 c
100 -Personal Services $ 23,541.61 $ 30,436.00 $ 29,268.00 $ 29,268.00 $ 29,268.00 $ 29,268.00
200 -Equipment 698.34 2,020.00 500.00 500.00 0 0 .0
300 -Supplies and Materials 1,031.67 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 C
400 -Contractual and Other Expenses 3,617.68 4,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
ADMINISTRATION $ 28,889.30 $ 38,956.00 $ 37,768.00 $ 36,768.00 $ 36,268.00 $ 36,268.00
100 -Personal Services $ 2,205.72 $ 3,275.00 $ 3,275.00 $ 3,275.00 $ 3,275.00 $ 3,275.00
200 -Equipment 0 0 316.00 316.00 0 0
300 -Supplies and Materials 90.93 100.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00
400 -Contractual and Other Expenses 61.75 125.00 490.00 490.00 490.00 490.00
TOTAL -HISTORIAN $ 2,358.40 $ 3,500.00 $ 4,231.00 $ 4,231.00 $ 3,915.00 $ 3,915.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 20,200.00 $ 22,408.00 $ 22,408.00 $ 22,408.00 $ 22,408.00 $ 22,408.00 z
200—Equipment 512.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 0 0 o
300—Supplies and Materials 257.02 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 N
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 1,839.58 3,200.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3
TOTAL—ADMINISTRATION $ 22,808.60 $ 26,508.00 $ 27,308.00 $ 27,308.00 $ 25,708.00 $ 25,708.00
120—Temporary Employees $ 852.76 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00
300—Supplies and Materials 0 500.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 �p
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 13,856.81 13,500.00 14,500.00 14,500.00 14,500.00 14,500.00 0
TOTAL—ELECTIONS $ 14,709.57 $ 16,500.00 $ 17,700.00 $ 17,700.00 $ 17,700.00 $ 17,700.00
60C—BOARD OF ELECTIONS -18 year olds'
120—Temporary Employees $ 0 $ 0 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00
200—Equipment 0 0 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
300—Supplies and Materials 0 0 700.00 700.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 0 0 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
18 year olds: $ 0 $ 0 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
TOTAL—BOARD OF ELECTIONS $ 37,518.17 $ 43,008.00 $ 49,008.00 $ 49,008.00 $ 47,408.00 $ 47,408.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 12,299.46 $ 13,676.00 $ 13,676.00 $ 13,676.00 $ 13,076.00 $ 13,076.00 g
200—Equipment 212.75 500.00 500.00 500.00 0 0 x-
300—Supplies and Materials 264.91 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 763.79 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
AGENCY $ 13,540.91 $ 16,176.00 $ 16,176.00 $ 16,176.00 $ 14,576.00 $ 14,576.00 ;o
100—Personal Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 18,720.00 $ 18,720.00 $ 18,720.00 $ 18,720.00
200—Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0
300—Supplies and Materials 0 0 0 0 0 0
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 0 4,500.00 0 0 0 0
ADMINISTRATION $ 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 18,720.00 $ 18,720.00 $ 18,720.00 $ 18,720.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
A-70—PURCHASING (Central Storeroom)
100—Personal Services $ 4,674.76 $ 7,134.00 $ 6,134.00 $ 6,134.00 $ 5,134.00 $ 5,134.00
200—Equipment—Central Supply 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z
201—Equipment—Mail Room 0 100.00 0 0 0 0 0
202—Equipment--Print Room 0 1,500.00 0 0 0 0 <
300—Supplies and Materials—Central Supply 4,106.12 5,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 g
301—Supplies and Materials—Mail Room 0 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 0-
302—Supplies and Materials—Print Room 8,487.66 8,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0
400—Contractual and Other Expenses—
Central Supply 0 0 0 0 0 0 �p
401—Contractual and Other Expenses—
Mail Room 840.68 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 �o
402—Contractual and Other Expenses— V
Print Room 226.74 400.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 0
Storeroom) $ 18,335.96 $ 23,884.00 $ 23,084.00 $ 23,084.00 $ 22,084.00 $ 22,084.00
100—Personal Services $ 24,517.00 $ 61,634.00 $ 64,554.00 $ 64,554.00 $ 64,554.00 $ 64,554.00
200—Equipment 6,415.99 1,800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
300—Supplies and Materials 1,954.44 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 2,494.75 5,687.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 6,400.00
TOTAL—PLANNING DEPARTMENT ....$ 35,382.18 $ 72,121.00 $ 73,954.00 $ 73,954.00 $ 73,954.00 $ 73,954.00 V
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 26,726.41 $ 49,072.00 $ 38,490.00 $ 38,4-90.00 $ 38,490.00 $ 38,490.00 0
200—Equipment 129.00 850.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 g
300—Supplies and Materials 2,322.65 2,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3
400—Contractual & Other Expenses 17.69 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 tT
401A—Utility Service—Lights 4,896.20 5,500.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 4
B—Utility Service—Heat 8,549.22 9,500.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00
C—Utility Service—Telephone 11,032.74 13,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 ,;O
D—Utility Service—Water 2,493.21 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00
402—Old Court House Repairs 357.27 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 43
403—Painting—County Buildings 0 2,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 V
404—Court House & Jail Repairs 8,486.44 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 -
405—Repairs—County Grounds 0 200.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
406—Fahey Property 36.00 500.00 0 0 0 0
TOTAL—BUILDINGS $ 65,046.83 $ 97,222.00 $ 109,090.00 $ 109,090.00 $ 104,090.00 $ 104,090.00
300 --Supplies and Materials $ 6,439.92 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 .
TOTAL—CENTRAL GARAGE $ 6,439.92 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 180.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 2,480.00 $ 2,480.00 $ 2,480.00 $ 2,480.00
200—Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0
300—Supplies and Materials 14.29 150.00 275.00 275.00 225.00 225.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 20.97 200.00 925.00 925.00 975.00 975.00
COMMISSION $ 215.26 $ 4,250.00 $ 3,680.00 $ 3,680.00 $ 3,680.00 $ 3,680.00
TOTAL—STAFF $ 419,547.89 $ 712,767.00 $ 723,557.00 $ 722,557.00 $ 707,255.00 $ 707,255.00
a -
100—Personal Services $ 153,002.18 $ 202,698.00 $ 210,098.00 $ 210,098.00 $ 210,098.00 $ 210,098.00 43
200—Equipment 12,748.96 22,555.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 19,100.00 19,100.00 p
300—Supplies and Materials 18,582.81 17,500.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 3,915.06 5,100.00 6,300.00 6,300.00 6,300.00 6,300.00
401—Radio Service Contract 1,810.44 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00
TOTAL—SHERIFF $ 190,059.45 $ 249,953.00 $ 254,498.00 $ 254,498.00 $ 255,598.00 $ 255,598.00
100—Personal Services $ 2,200.00 $ 2,450.00 $ 2,450.00 $ 2,4-50.00 $ 2,450.00 $ 2,450.00
200—Equipment 2,320.00 2,950.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00
300—Supplies and Materials 0 650.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00
400—Cohtractual and Other Expenses 5,915.83 7,300.00 7,664.00 7,664.00 6,600.00 6,600.00
TOTAL—FIRE DEPARTMENT $ 10,435.83 $ 13,350.00 $ 14,714.00 $ 14,714.00 $ 13,650.00 $ 13,650.00 N
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
ated in
100—Personal Services $
300—Supplies and Materials
400—Contractual and Other Expenses
TOTAL—CIVIL DEFENSE $ 17,179.98 $ 21,338.00 $
11,329.53 $ 13,958.00 $
865.84 1,800.00
1,773.89 2,000.00
3,210.72 3,580.00
13,958.00 $
$ 13,958.00 $
21,758.00 $ 21,758.00 $ 18,958.00
18,958.00 3
100—Personal Services $ 6,750.00 $ 7,370.00 $ 7,370.00 $ 7,370.00 :°
200—Equipment 305.00 200.00 0 0
300—Supplies and Materials 21.95 50.00 50.00 50.00 No
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 467.45 600.00 650.00 650.00 0
AND MEASURES $ 7,544.40 $ 8,220.00 $ 8,270.00 $ 8,270.00 $ 8,070.00 $ 8,070.00
TOTAL—PUBLIC SAFETY $ 225,219.66 $ 292,861.00 $ 299,240.00 $ 299,240.00 $ 296,276.00 $ 296,276.00
7,370.00 $
7,370.00 $
100—Personal Services $
300—Supplies & Materials
400—Contractual and Other Expenses
0 $ 11,000.00 $
0 62,000.00
0 5,000.00
0 72,000.00
20,545.00 $ 20,545.00 $ 20,545.00 $ 20,545.00
1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00
10,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00
129,000.00 129,000.00 122,500.00 122,500.00
$ 0 $ 150,000.00 $ 161,045.00 $ 161,045.00 $ 150,545.00 $ 150,545.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971 Z
100—Personal Services $ 115,570.29 $ 152,538.00 $ 204,170.00 $ 204,170.00 $ 204,170.00 $ 204,170.00
200—Equipment 1,714.47 5,000.00 7,250.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 3,750.00
300—Supplies and Materials 2,464.05 4,000.00 5,450.00 5,450.00 5,450.00 5,4-50.00 43
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 16,954.46 29,550.00 35,200.00 35,200.00 35,200.00 35,200.00
401—Retirement 9,253.03 6,750.00 10,500.00 10,210.00 10,210.00 10,210.00
402—Social Security 4,289.97 4,900.00 6,100.00 6,100.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 V
403—Health Insurance 684.66 600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,650.00 1,650.00
404—Compensation Insurance 0 200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,050.00 1,050.00
405—Certification—Medical Indigents 0 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
406—Psychiatric Exams 0 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00
ADMINISTRATION $ 150,930.93 $ 205,238.00 $ 273,170.00 $ 269,380.00 $ 268,680.00 $ 268,680.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
440—Special Children's Center $ 63,646.47 $ 56,346.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00 0
441—Mental Health Association 16,436.26 23,596.00 28,540.00 28,540.00 28,540.00 28,540.00 <
442—Association Retarded Children 47,900.48 52,736.00 0 0 0 0 m
443—Family and Children's Service 585.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 x-
444—Alcoholic Council 10,705.57 18,150.00 18,200.00 18,200.00 18,200.00 18,200.00 to
445—Challenge Industries 14,949.12 31,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00
446—Day Camp Youth Bureau 0 6,950.00 7,100.00 7,100.00 7,100.00 7,100.00 "O
447—Suicide Prevention 0 0 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 `
HEALTH SERVICES $ 154,222.90 $ 190,278.00 $ 168,340.00 $ 168,340.00 $ 168,340.00 $ 168,340.00 0
HEALTH SERVICES $ 305,153.83 $ 395,516.00 $ 441,510.00 $ 437,720.00 $ 437,020.00 $ 437,020.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses
0 $ 1,100.00 $ 197,912.00 $ 197,912.00 $ 197,912.00 $ 197,912.00
0 $ 1,100.00 $ 197,912.00 $ 197,912.00 $ 197,912.00 $ 197,912.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted Z
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971 0
100—Personal Services $ 213,255.16 $ 268,270.00 $ 269,383.00 $ 269,383.00 $ 269,383.00 $ 269,383.00
120—Fees—Other Services 27,197.61 34,050.00 44,200.00 44,200.00 44,200.00 44,200.00 ;0
200—Equipment 7,769.40 9,000.00 11,250.00 . 11,250.00 11,250,00 11,250.00
300—Supplies and Materials 21,388.84 22,850.00 24,250.00 24,250.00 21,500.00 21,500.00 .0
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 20,134.90 23,290.00 26,440.00 26,440.00 29,190.00 29,190.00 C
401—Retirement 27,576.26 28,150.00 28,150.00 28,150.00 31,000.00 31,000.00
402—Social Security 8,958.99 11,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,350.00 12,350.00
403—Health Insurance 2,010.85 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 6,300.00 6,300.00
404—Workmen's Compensation 982.00 900.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,600.00 2,600.00
TOTAL—HEALTH DEPARTMENT $ 329,274.01 $ 400,010.00 $ 420,173.00 $ 420,173.00 $ 427,773.00 $ 427,773.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100 -Personal Services $ 17,630.68 $ 12,311.00 $ 12,250.00 $ 12,250.00 $ 12,250.00 $ 12,250.00
200 -Equipment _ __ 0 0 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
300 -Supplies and Materials 454.00 0 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 z
400 -Contractual and Other Expenses 797.88 18,000.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 0
401 -Retirement 2,768.01 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,540.00 1,540.00 m
402 -Social Security 815.02 600.00 650.00 650.00 650.00 650.00 3
403 -Health Insurance 287.77 325.00 325.00 325.00 300.00 300.00 0-
404 -Compensation Insurance 7,62 275.00 275.00 275.00 300.00 300.00 !
TOTAL -MA PROGRAMS $ 22,760.98 $ 34,511.00 $ 17,350.00 $ 17,350.00 $ 15,890.00 $ 15,890.00 �o
100 -Personal Services $ 30,671.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 v
MEDICARE -MEDICAID $ 30,671.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00
880 -Rabies Control (Dogs) $ 518.86 $ 1,750.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00
882 -Physically Handicapped Children 30,229.19 34,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00
883 -Adult Poliomyelitis 500.00500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
884 -Tuberculosis Care and Treatment 8,490.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00
885 -Comprehensive Health Planning 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
PROGRAMS $ 39,238.05 $ 48,750.00 $ 89,600.00 $ 89,600.00 $ 69,600.00 $ 69,600.00
TOTAL -HEALTH DEPARTMENT $ 421,944.04 $ 523,271.00 $ 577,123.00 $ 577,123.00 $ 563,263.00 $ 563,263.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 375,651.79 $ 450,525.00 $ 556,736.00 $ 497,133.00 $ 497,133.00 $ 497,133.00 <
200—Equipment 10,826.31 8,300.00 24,274.00 24,274.00 14,625.00 14,625.00 g
300—Supplies and Materials 10,377.50 16,500.00 26,000.00 18,500.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 0-
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 40,473.95 53,970.00 95,284.00 48,184.00 44,984.00 44,984.00
401—Retirement 18,000.00 35,650.00 50,000.00 35,630.00 35,630.00 35,630.00
402—Social Security 21,160.72 25,000.00 32,000.00 29,000.00 29,000.00 29,000.00 7,8
403—Health Insurance 5,130.93 5,400.00 7,500.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00
404—Compensation Insurance 1,957.81 1,700.00 4,000.00 4,900.00 4,900.00 4,900.00 �o
ADMINISTRATION $ 483,579.01 $ 597,045.00 $ 795,794.00 $ 671,621.00 $ 652,772.00 $ 652,772.00
100—Personal Services $ 54,786.41 $ 80,001.00 $ 96,918.00 $ 96,918.00 $ 96,918.00 $ 96,918.00
200—Equipment 5,242.33 7,350.00 7,100.00 7,100.00 7,100.00 7,100.00
300—Supplies and Materials 41,045.02 45,125.00 50,175.00 50,175.00. 50,175.00 50,175.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 8,141.15 7,850.00 9,650.00 9,650.00 9,650.00 9,650.00
TOTAL—PUBLIC HOME $ 109,214.91 $ 140,326.00 $ 163,843.00 $ 163,843.00 $ 163,843.00 $ 163,843.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd) •
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 3,301.72 $ 15,650.00 $ 25,082.00 $ 25,082.00 $ 25,082.00 $ 25,082.00
200—Equipment 1,781.11 5,400.00 5,550.00 4,050.00 4,050.00 4,050.00
300—Supplies and Materials 11,295.42 10,100.00 14,300.00 14,300.00 14,300.00 14,300.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 3,933.83 5,250.00 5,750.00 7,250.00 7,250.00 7,250.00
TOTAL—FARM $ 20,312.08 $ 36,400.00 $ 50,682.00 $ 50,682.00 $ 50,682.00 $ 50,682.00
100—Personal Services $ . 0 $ 0 $ 20,238.00 $ 20,238.00 $ 20,238.00 $ 20,238.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 36,136.82 95,238.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00
RECIPIENTS $ 36,136.82 $ 95,238.00 $ 95,238.00 $ 95,238.00 $ 85,238.00 $ 85,238.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
ated in
& Adm.
601—Home Relief $ 140,997.80 $ 155,000.00 $ 229,900.00
602—Old Age Assistance 177,219.82 208,000.00 229,900.00
603—Aid to Dependent Children 872,732.02 960,000.00 1,505,600.00
604—Assistance to the Blind 3,295.33 3,300.00 3,300.00
605—Aid to the Disabled 79,834.55 96,000.00 105,600.00
606—Juvenile Delinquent Care 19,603.00 19,000.00 32,000.00
607—State Training Schools 45,940.45 50,000.00 50,000.00
608—Medical Assistance 2,049,205.70 2,450,000.00 2,500,000.00
610—Foster Care 232,992.52 295,000.00 300,000.00
612—Burials 12,243.98 10,000.00 15,000.00
615—Other Social Service Districts •for
Adults in Institutions 71.13
0 0
$ 229,900.00 $ 229,900.00 $
229,900.00 229,900.00
1,285,600.00 1,285,600.00
3,300.00 3,300.00
105,600.00 100,600.00
32,000.00 27,000.00
50,000.00 30,000.00
2,500,000.00 2,400,000.00
300,000.00 275,000,00
15,000.00 15,000.00
0 0
229,900.00 3
229,900.00 Cr
100,600.00 �0
30,000.00 .0
2,400,000.00 v
PROGRAMS $ 3,634,136.30 $ 4,246,300.00 $ 4,971.300.00 $ 4,751,300.00 $ 4,596,300.00 $ 4,596,300.00
DEPARTMENT $ 4,283,379.12 $ 5,115,309.00 $ 6,076.857.00 $ 5,732,684.00 $ 5,548,835.00 $ 5,548,835.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recotrnmen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 20,696.00 $ 27,774.00 $ 27,066.00 $ 27,066.00 $ 27,066.00 $ 27,066.00 N
119—Jail Physician 369.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 a'
200—Equipment 24.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0 0 N
300—Supplies and Materials 12,413.05 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 -`
400—Contractual & Other Expenses 7,610.79 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
401—Elevator Contract 821.64 950.00 950.00 950.00 998.00 998.00
TOTAL—JAIL $ 41,934.48 $ 55,824.00 $ 55,116.00 $ 55,116.00 $ 44,664.00 $ 44,664.00 v
A-172—Penitentiary $ 5,820.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 18,000.00
A-174—Juvenile Detention Home 0 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00
AGENCIES $ 5,820.00 $ 15,700.00 $ 18,700.00 $ 18,700.00 $ 18,700.00 $ 18,700.00
TOTAL—CORRECTION $ 47,754.48 $ 71,524.0 $ 73,816.00 $ 73,816.00 $ 63,364.00 $ 63,364.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
400—Contractual and Other Expenses (PHC) $ 1,540.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 0
TOTAL—EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES $ 1,540.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 3
400—Contractual and Other Expenses (Tuition) ..$ 74,781.78 $ 73,858.50 $ 51,000.00 $ 51,000.00 $ 51,000.00 $ 51,000.00
401—Operating Expense—
(T -C Community College) 166,607.00 234,257.00 217,197.00 217,197.00 217,197.00 217,197.00
TOTAL—COMMUNITY COLLEGE $ 241,388.78 $ 308,115.50 $ 268,197.00 $ 268,197.00 $ 268,197.00 $ 268,197.00
TOTAL—EDUCATION $ 242,928.78 $ 309,615.50 $ 269,697.00 $ 269,697.00 $ 269,697.00 $ 269,697.00
400—Contractual and Other Expenses $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
0 $ O $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
A -204 -Adult Recreation $ 4,872.00 $ 4,872.00 $ 4,872.00 $ 4,872.00 $ 4,872.00 $ 4,872.00
A -208 -Celebrations -Veterans Day 450.00 1,200.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00
TOTAL -RECREATION $ 5,322.00 $ 6,072.00 $ 6,472.00 $ 6,472.00 $ 6,472.00 $ 6,472.00 0
(Bangs and Bovine Tuberculosis)
129 -Personal Services: Secretary (PT) $ 995.00 $ 1,325.00 $ 1,325.00 $ 1,325.00 $ 1,325.00 $ 1,325.00 ;°
200 -Equipment .0 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 _,
300 -Supplies and Materials 5.33 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 �o
401 -Control of Bangs Disease 987.80 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 p
402 -Indemnification of Rabies 0 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
LIVESTOCK (Bangs and
Bovine Tuberculosis $ 1,988.13 $ 3,925.00 $ 3,925.00 $ 3,925.00 $ 3,925.00 $ 3,925.00
401 -Reforestation $ 0 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00
402 -Forest Fires 0 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
43 -Boy Scouts of America 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
TOTAL -FORESTRY $ 300.00 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 $ 700.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
400—Contractual and Other Expenses
(Sportsmen's Club) $ 556.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00
TOTAL—FISH AND GAME $ 556.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 0
A—Soil Conservation District $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Sr
B—District Forest Practice Board 0 50.00 0 0 0 0 -'
TOTAL—CONSERVATION $ 3,000.00 $ 3,050.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 O
A -234 ---PUBLICITY v
400—Contractual & Other Expenses 0
• Finger Lakes Association $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00
Chamber of Commerce 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
N.Y.S. Supervisors' Association 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
TOTAL PUBLICITY $ 7,300.00 $ 7,300.00 $ 5,300.00 $ 5,300.00 $ 5,300.00 $ 5,300.00
Water $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
RESOURCES $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0
TOTAL—NATURAL RESOURCES $ 15,114.13 $ 17,725.00 $ 13,675.00 $ 13,675.00 $ 13,675.00 $ 13,675.00 ry
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
711—County Extension Service Z
Agriculture Work
Home Demonstration$ 115,700.00 $ 130,098.00 $ 151,848.00 $ 140,700.00 $ 140,700.00 $ 140,700.00
4-H Club m
721—Libraries in Towns of Dryden, 3
Groton, Newfield, Ulysses 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 lir
723—Finger Lakes Library Association ..._ 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 ''
724—Area Development Corporation 9,445.00 9,445.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
765—County Sewer Agency 15,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 -O
766—County Water Agency 0 0 15,000.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00
767—County Public Employment Relations "O
Board (PERB) 647.93 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 o
TOTAL $ 147,892.93 $ 162,143.00 $ 184,448.00 $ 165,800.00 $ 165,800.00 $ 165,800.00
518—County Planning Board _.__.._._._ $ 0 $ 1,562.50 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
ACTIVITIES $ 0 $ 1,562.50 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
$ 147,892.93 $ 163,705.50 $ 184,448.00 $ 165,800.00 $ 165,800.00 $ 165,800.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recomrnen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
400—Other Expenses—Insurance, etc $ 7,130.93 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 3
401—Licensed Practical Nurses 0 20,000.00 0 0 0 0
450—County Officers' Association 900.00 900.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 m
560—Provisions for Capital Projects:
Community College 67,000.00 152,425.00 216,580.00 216,580.00 216,580.00 216,580.00 ;a
County Buildings 410,000.00 330,000.00 300,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00
Library Construction 35,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 so
Airport 160,000.00 0 0 0 0 0
Land Acquisition—Sanitary
Refuse Disposal 100,000.00 0 0 0 0 0
610—Judgments and Claims 0 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
611—Litigation Expenses 1,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
619—Unpaid School Taxes 174,771.21 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00
621—Refunds on Real Estate Taxes 145.13 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
622—Taxes on County Property 0 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
623—Expenses on Property Acquired
for Taxes 0 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00
624—Tax Advertising and Expense 1,924.07 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
A-290—COUNTY GENERAL (continued)
625—Payments to State, Supreme Court Z
and Stenographers Expenses $ 63,292.76 $ 62,908.00 $ 68,675.00 $ 68,675.00 $ 68,675.00 $ 68,675.00 0
626—Bond and Interest Collection 76.75 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 m
628—Payments to Retirement System 39,254.29 60,575.00 61,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 3
629—Assistance to Retired Employees 9,325.00 12,625.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 zT
630—Workmen's Compensation 27,465.00 20,735.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 -1
633—Payments to State for Social _
Security Contribution Fund 32,755.85 50,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 56,000.00 .;CI
636—Health Insurance 8,768.52 12,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 25,200.00 25,200.00
643—Psychiatric Expense—Criminal Action 2,037.98 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 4o
644—Veterans' Burials and Headstones 3,500.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 OV
650—Contingent Fund—General 87,594.68 275,000.00 275,000.00 275,000.00 275,000.00
660—Provision for Reserve for Uncollected
Taxes 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00
670—Contribution to County Road Fund 442,152.00 544,912.00 550,032.00 537,622.00 537,622.00 537,622.00
672—Contribution to Airport Fund 13,894.00 35,110.00 27,300.00 28,116.0028,116.00 28,116.00
673—Contribution to Hospital Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0
674—Provision for Salary Adjustment 0 0 0 183,000.00 183,000.00 183,000.00
675—Contribution to Public Library Fund 182,613.00 247,490.32 244,600.00 246,415.00 246,415.00 246,415.00
676—Contribution to Enterprise Debt Fund:
Hospital 232,929.04 230,570.00 230,975.50 230,976.00 230,976.00 230,976.00
Airport 102,954.84 106,450.00 97,699.50 97,700.00 97,699.00 97,699.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
681—Bond Anticipation Note—Highway $ 3,750.00 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
693—Bond Anticipation Note—Highway 100,000.00 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL—COUNTY GENERAL $ 2,353,140.37 $ 2,398,743.00 $ 2,463,812.00 $ 2,657,034.00 $ 2,773,233.00 $ 2,773,233.00
GRAND TOTAL—GENERAL $ 8,810,120.93 $10,554,538.00 $11,965,337.00 $11,744,204.00 $11,640,100.00 $11,640,100.00
0L61 '61. aagwanoN
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
ated in
100—Personal Services
100A—Provision for Salary Adjustment ....._.._
300—Supplies & Materials
400—Contractual & Other Expenses—
Board of Managers
$ 3,191,631.22 $ 3,851,650.00 $ 3,94-6,824.00 $ 3,946,824.00 $ 3,946,824.00 $ 3,946,824.00 z
0 0 236,810.00 236,810.00 236,810.00 236,810.00 o
119,728.92 80,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 <
821,335.49 913,315.00 981,680.00 981,680.00 981,680.00 981,680.00 3
715,990.18 978,075.00 1,320.000.00 1,320,000.00 1,256,500.00 1,256,500.00
$ 4,848,685.81 $ 5,823,040.00 $ 6,585,314.00 $ 6,585,314.00 $ 6,521,814.00 $ 6,521,814.00 .8
100—Personal Services $ 22,386.85
200—Equipment 988.40
300—Supplies & Materials 5,313.41
400—Contractual & Other Expenses 23,008.32
400A—Construction Expense 2,038.19
B—Hangar Rental 3,000.00
401—Retirement 2,008.91
402—Social Security 1,073.84
403—Health Insurance 295.51
404—Compensation Insurance 300.00
$ 28,000.00
$ 33,477.00
$ 33,477.00
$ 33,477.00
$ 33,477.00
TOTAL—AIRPORT $ . 60,413.43 $ 109,370.00 $ 83,002.00 $ 83,002.00 $ 83,800.00 $ 83,800.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
C-290-560—HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION $ 171,030.00 $ 211,000.00 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 cr
680—Interest on Bonds—Hospital 5,172.66 4,020.00 2,876.00 2,876.00 2,876.00 2,876.00 14
— Airport 2,117.34 1,650.00 1,174.00 1,174.00 1,174.00 1,174.00
681—Interest on Notes—Hospital 42,600.00 58,950.00 60,500.00 60,500.00 60,500.00 60,500.00
—Airport 8,437.50 12,400.00 4,125.00 4,125.00 4,125.00 4,125.00 o
C-300-690—Bond Principal—Hospital 60,156.38 42,600.00 42,600.00 42,600.00 42,600.00 42,600.00 O
— Airport 17,400.00 17,4-00.00 17,400.00 17,400.00 17,400.00 17,400.00
693—Bond Anticipation
Notes —Hospital 125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00
—Airport ......... ..... ........... , 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00
TOTAL—DEBT REDEMPTION $ 506,913.88 $ 548,020.00 $ 328,675.00 $ 328,675.00 $ 328,675.00 $ 328,675.00
TOTAL—PUBLIC ENTERPRISE $ 5,416,013.12 $ 6,480,430.00 $ 6,996,991.00 $ 6,996,991.00 $ 6,934,289.00 $ 6,934,289.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
ated in
100—Personal Services $ 9,018.61 $
300—Supplies & Materials 12,061.42
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 14,963.31
11,000.00 $
TOTAL—TRAFFIC $ 36,043.34 $
100— Personal Services $ 242,127.85 $
300—Supplies & Materials 263,461.55
400—Contractual & Other Expenses 257,241.87
401—Retirement 28,177.76
402—Social Security 13,170.78
403—Health Insurance 5,819.11
404—Compensation Insurance 11,529.03
100—Personal Services
300—Supplies & Materials
400—Contractual and Other Expenses
12,920.00 $
$ 12,920.00 $
46,000.00 $ 44,920.00 $ 44,920.00 $ 40,920.00 $ 40,920.00
272,800.00 $
278,000.00 $
14, 000.00
$ 266,000.00
$ 821,527.95 $ 919,800.00 $ 935,000.00 $ 923,000.00 $ 927,190.00 $ 927,190.00
$ 37,941.13 $ 90,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00
28,753.91 35,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
57,564.31 130,000.00 94,000.00 94,000.00 94,000.00 94,000.00
124,259.35 $ 255,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 130,000.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 18,883.28 $ 45,000.00 $ 12,500.00 $ 12,500.00 $ 12,500.00 $ 12,500.00 0
300—Supplies & Materials 12,245.26 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 <
400—Contractual & Other Expenses 29,476.84 80,000.00 52,500.00 52,500.00 52,500.00 52,500.00 g
TOTAL—SNOW REMOVAL—STATE 60,605.38 $ 140,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00 m
100—Personal Services $ 24,552.00 $ 39,812.00 $ 23,112.00 $ 23,112.00 $ 23,112.00 $ 23,112.00
200—Equipment 655.19 800.00 600.00 600.00 0 0 .0
300—Supplies & Materials 976.44 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 V
400—Contractual & Other Expenses 435.72 500.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 °
TOTAL—ADMINISTRATION $ 26,619.35 $ 42,112.00 $ 25,112.00 $ 25,112.00 $ 24,512.00 $ 24,512.00
400—Contractual & Other Expenses $ 1,884.20 $ 95,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00
BRIDGES $ 1,884.20 $ 95,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00
TOTAL—COUNTY ROAD FUND $ 1,070,939.57 $ 1,497,912.00 $ 1,330,032.00 $ 1,318,032.00 $ 1,317,622.00 $ 1,317,622.00
Schedule 2 (Cont'd)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
100—Personal Services $ 54,818.50 $ 60,000.00 $ 63,000.00 $ 63,000.00 $ 63,000.00 $ 63,000.00
200—Equipment 67,328.12 122,064.00 125,800.00 125,800.00 125,800.00 125,800.00
300—Supplies and Materials 75,596.20 78,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 Z
400—Contractual and Other Expenses 86,394.25 27,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0
401—Retirement 5,770.86 7,085.27 7,800.00 7,800.00 7,340.00 7,340.00 m
402—Social Security 2,597.50 2,900.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3
403—Health Insurance 1,006.22 1,200.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 2,000.00 69-
1,131.60 2,000.00
404—Compensation Insurance 2,245.502,700.00 2,700.00 '"
TOTAL—ROAD MACHINERY FUND $ 294,643.26 $ 300,494.77 $ 314,200.00 $ 314,200.00 $ 314,340.00 $ 314,340.00 :8
ALL FUNDS $ 1,365,582.83 $ 1,798,416.77 $ 1,644,232.00 $ 1,632,232.00 $ 1,631,962.00 $ 1,631,962.00 oV
100—Personal Services $ 140,702.33 $ 215,147.00 $ 213,160.00 $ 213,160.00 $ 213,160.00 $ 213,160.00
200—Equipment 1,195.90 11,300.00 1,945.00 1,945.00 1,945.00 1,945.00
300—Supplies and Materials 28,190.35 40,570.00 40,600.00 40,600.00 40,600.00 40,600.00
4-00—Contractual and Other Expenses 30,007.69 36,050.00 44,200.00 44,200.00 44,200.00 44,200.00
401—Retirement 1,542.54 7,525.00 7,525.00 7,525.00 10,740.00 10,740.00
402—Social Security 5,800.77 8,837.17 8,837.17 8,837.17 10,600.00 10,600.00
403—Health Insurance 1,018.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 3,200.00 3,200.00
404—Compensation Insurance 548.82 1,162.83 1,162.83 1,162.83 1,400.00 1,400.00
TOTAL—COUNTY LIBRARY $ 209,006.40 $ 321,992.00 $ 318,830.00 $ 318,830.00 $ 325,845.00 $ 325,845.00
Schedule 2 (Coned)
& Adm.
Depart- Com- Budget Comm.
Appropri- mental mittee Committee and/or
Expended ated in Request Recommen- Recommen- Adopted
1969 1970 1971 dation dation 1971
ALL FUNDS $20,925,390.00 $20,722,257.00 $20,532,196.00 $20,532,196.00 3
General Fund Appropriations for:
Airport 28,116.00 28,116.00 28,116.00 '0
Debt Fund: Airport 97,699.00 97,699.00 97,699.00
Hospital 230,976.00 230,976.00 230,976.00 ;a
County Road Fund 537,622.00 537,622.00 537,622.00 V
Library 246,415.00 246,415.00 246,415.00 0
Appropriations for Road Machinery Fund 314,340.00. 314,340.00 314,340.00
TOTAL—Inter-Fund Items $ 1,455,168.00 $ 1,455,168.00 $ 1,455,168.00
(Excluding Inter -Fund Items, etc.) $19,267,089.00 $19,077,028.00 $19,077,028.00
302 November 19, 1970
County Enter- Road
General Road prise Machinery
Surplus Fund Fund Fund
ENCUMBRANCES $2,500,000.00 $ 0 $ 0
REDUCE TAX LEVY $1,800,000.00 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Appendix 1
November 19, 1970 303
November 15, 1970
(General Municipal Law, Sec. 6-C)
(General Municipal Law, Sec. 6-D)
Appendix 2
November 19, 1970
NOVEMBER 15, 1970
Date of
Issue Rate Amount
Hospital and Airport
1961 2.7% $ 180,000.00
Hospital 1966 $1,174,233.00
Airport 75,000.00
November 19, 1970 305
RESOLUTION NO. 270 — Adoptionof the Budget
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Proposed Budget for the year 1971 has been duly presented
to the Board by the Budget Officer and a Public Hearing has been duly called
and held pursuant to the provisions of Section 359 of the County Law and
all persons desiring to be heard concerning same have been heard, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 360 of the County Law, the said
Proposed Budget be and hereby is adopted subject to correction of manifest
errors by the Clerk of the Board and Budget Officer, as the budget of Tomp-
kins County for the year 1971.
Seconded by Mr. Graves.
It was MOVED by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Miller, that this resolu-
tion be withdrawn. The Chairman ruled the motion out of order. A roll
call was taken on the resolution as follows: Ayes — Representatives
Abbott, Bruce, Culligan, Dates, Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary,
Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz — 15. Noes — 0. Absent —
Representative Webster — 1. Unanimously Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 271 —Appropriation for Conduct of County
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, this board by Resolution No. 271 dated November 19, 1970
has adopted a budget for the conduct of county government for the fiscal
year 1971 which budget is set forth in full in the minutes, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 356 of the County Law the several
amounts specified in such budget opposite each and every item of expendi-
ture set forth in the column adopted be and hereby are appropriated
for the objects and purposes specified, effective January 1, 1971.
Seconded by Mr. Bruce. Unanimously Carried.
Mr. Lee, Chairman of Budget and Administration Committee, reported
relative to the budget of the several towns and city of the County:
Your Committee on Budget and Administration reports that the
following tabulated statements show the appropriations that will be
necessary to meet the expenditures of the several towns of the county and
the city of Ithaca for the ensuing fiscal year, as set forth in the following
306 November 19, 1970.
To be paid the Commissioner of Budget and Administration:
State and County General and Highway Tax $ 56,475A1
Compensation Insurance: Self -Insurance Plan 337.20
Election Expense
365.64 $ 57,178.25
Less: Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy $ 18,749.28
To be paid the Supervisor:
General Fund
Highway Fund—Item
$ 15,145.00
I 34,290.00
I -a 0.00
II—Bridges 0.00
III—Machinery 16,483.34
IV—Misc. and Snow 980.00
$ 66,898.34
Brooktondale Lighting $ 1,468.66
Brooktondale Fire 8,375.00
Caroline Fire Protection 1,600.00
Slaterville Lighting 1,080.00
Slaterville Fire 6,462.50
Speedsville Lighting District 445.05 $ 19,431.21
TOTAL BUDGET $129,172.28
County $ 4.65
Town 7.93
Rate Used $12.58
Brooktondale Lighting $1.067
Brooktondale Fire 1.872
Caroline Fire Protection 1.151
Slaterville Lighting 1.063
Slaterville Fire 2.330
Speedsville Lighting District 2.073
November 19, 1970 307
To be paid the Commissioner of Budget and Administration:
State and County General and Highway Tax $ 57,016.85
Compensation Insurance: Self -Insurance Plan 331.28
Election Expense 243.78 $ 57,591.91
Less: Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy $ 18,929.03
Plus: Special Grade Crossing Levy — L.V.R.R. 20.17
To be paid the Supervisor:
General Fund $ 18,785.00
Highway Fund — Item I 28,543.00
— Item I -a 0.00
— Item II— Bridges 1,100.00
— Item III — Machinery 10,365.19
— Item IV — Misc. and Snow 5,200.00 $ 63,993.19
Returned Water $ 1,403.93
Danby Fire $ 26,851.74
West Danby Water District 8,092.74 $ 34,944.48
TOTAL BUDGET $143,391.84
County $ 5.39
Town 8.80
Rate Used $14.19
Danby Fire $ 3.60
West Danby Water 0.00
308 November 19, 1970
To be paid the Commissioner of Budget and Administration:
State and County General and Highway Tax $ 322,929.83
Compensation Insurance: Self -Insurance Plan 1,955.17
Election Expense 858.77 $325,743.77
Less: Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy $107,209.50
Plus: Special Grade Crossing Levy _ L.V.R.R. 57.95
To be paid the Supervisor:
General $. 34,940.00
General Fund — Outside Villages 1,300.00
Highway Fund — Item I 114,040.00
- Item I -a 11,300.00
— Item I.I—Bridges 4,500.00
— Item III—Machinery 76,500.00
— Item IV—Misc. and Snow 41,500.00 $284,080.00
Etna Lighting $ 716.00
McLean Lighting 45.00
Varna Lighting 1,250.00
Dryden Fire Protection 20,695.50
Varna Water 12,524.89
Varna Sewer 19,271.30
Sapsucker Woods Road Sewer 370.33 $ 54,873.02
TOTAL BUDGET $603,428.53
INSIDE: County $ 5.51 OUTSIDE: County $ 5.51
Town $ 3.97 Town $ 7.85
Rate Used $ 9.48 Rate Used $13.36
Dryden Fire $ 0.63
Etna Lighting 0.95
McLean Lighting 1.29
Varna Lighting 1.19
Sewer District No. 1 2.44 per M
No. 2 81.34 Per Unit
Water District No. 1 2.912 Per M: 35.04 Per Unit:
0.043 Per Foot
November 19, 1970 309
To be paid the Commissioner of Budget and Administration:
State and County General and Highway Tax $ 43,170.54
Compensation Insurance: Self -Insurance Plan 252.16
Election Expense 248.13 $ 43,670.83
Less: Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy $ 14,332.19
To be paid the Supervisor:
General Fund $ 5,390.00
Highway Fund — Item I 20,190.00
— Item I -a 3,750.00
— Item II—Bridges 0.00
— Item III—Machinery 5,220.00
— Item IV—Misc. and Snow 5,100.00 $ 39,650.00
TAX FOR SPECIAL DISTRICT: Fire Protection District $ 5,950.00
TOTAL BUDGET $ 80,470.50
County $ 4.74
Town 6.395
Rate Used $11.135
TAX RATE FOR SPECIAL DISTRICT: Fire Protection District $0.941
310 November 19, 1970
To be paid the Commissioner of Budget and Administration:
State and County General and Highway Tax $115,342.62
Compensation Insurance: Self -Insurance Plan 700.78
Election Expense 487.51 $116,530.91
Less: Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy $ 38,292.61
Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy — L.V.R.R
Grand Total to be Paid Commissioner of
Budget and Administration
$ 78,238.30
$ 24.84
$ 78,263.14
To be paid the Supervisor:
General Fund $ 27,934.50
General Fund — Outside Village 3,490.00
Highway Fund — Item I 16,253.15
— Item I -a 0.00
— Item II—Bridges 0.00
— Item III—Machinery 30,765.00
— Item IV—Misc. and Snow 25,300.00 $103,742.65
McLean Lighting $ 927.67
Peruville Lighting 408.29
Outside Fire Protection 8,690.65
Ambulance Fund 1,006.29 $ 11,032.90
TOTAL BUDGET $241,549.71
INSIDE: County $ 4.78 OUTSIDE: County $ 4.78
Total 5.13 Town 7.33
Rate Used $ 9.91 Rate Used $12.11
McLean Lighting $ 1.20
Peruville. Lighting 1.26
Outside Fire Protection 0.95
Ambulance Fund 0.11
November 19, 1970 311'
To be paid the Commissioner of Budget and Administration:
State and County General and Highway Tax $567,909.68
Compensation Insurance: Self -Insurance Plan 3,431.95
Election Expense 1,030.99 $572,372.62
Less: Sales Tax to. Reduce County Levy $188,540.38
Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy — L.V.R.R. 26.95
Grand Total to be Paid Commissioner of
Budget and Administration $383,859.19
To be paid the Supervisor:
General Fund $ 31,875.00
Highway Fund — Item I 22,225.00
-Item I -a 0.00
— Item II—Bridges 700.00
— Item III—Machinery 19,400.00
— Item Iv—Misc. and. Snow 33,105.00 $107,305.00
Forest Home Water $ 0.00
Northeast Water 29,296.27
East State St. Ext. Water 8,712.46
Glenside Lighting , . 325.00
Forest Home Lighting 783.86
Renwick Heights Water 3,249.17
Renwick Heights Lighting 385.00
South Hill Ext: Water ' 17,460.36
Trumansburg Road Water 2,070.27
Willow Point Lake Rd. Water 350.00
,,Renwick Heights Sewer 6,859.90
- Hanshaw Road Sewer 4,136.37
EastIthaca Water (old) 325:36
Northeast Sewer District 34,016.05
Glenside Water 100.00
East Ithaca Water (new) 5,523.18
Snyder Hill Road Water 22,076.02
2nd South Hill Water 29,569.53
2nd South Hill Water Ext. 1 .7,751.04
2nd South Hill Water Ext. 2 4,648.09
Slaterville Road Sewer 36,760.22
Ellis Hollow Road Sewer 5,663.11
312 November 19, 1970
South Hill Sewer 57,160.81
South Hill Sewer Ext. 1 6,196.60
South Hill Sewer Ext. 2 7,666.37
Fire Protection 34,985.00
Special Improvement Dist (South Hill) 2,317.15 $328,387.19
TOTAL BUDGET $823,213.68
INSIDE: County $ 5.44 OUTSIDE: County $ 5.44
Town 0.452 Town 2.104
Rate Used $ 5.892 Rate Used $ 7.544
Forest Home Lighting $ 0.55
Glenside Lighting 1.04
Renwick Heights Water 3.47
Renwick Heights Lighting 0.45
South Hill Ext. Water Primary Units $16.00,
Secondary Units $14.00
Minimum charge $12.50;
frontage, front foot $.04
Willow Point—Lake Road Water $ 0.55
East State Street•Ext. Water 35.00/primary unit $21.00/
secondary unit -frontage
Assessed value .47/M
Hanshaw Road Sewer Assessed valuation 1.16 -
frontage .10/front foot
Maintenance 5.39/unit
improvement 54.69
15.00/primary unit - 10.00/
secondary unit - frontage
Assessed value .98/M
39.53 per unit
Renwick Heights Sewer
East Ithaca Water (Old)
Trumansburg Road Water
Northeast Water
Northeast Sewer
Glenside Water
East Ithaca Water (new)
Assessed Value Units $ 5.06
Frontage Units $85.42
November 19, 1970 313
Snyder Hill Road Water $100.20/unit
2nd South Hill Water 115.35/unit
min. charge 1.00
2nd South Hill Water Ext. 1 $110.10/unit
min. charge 1.00
2nd South Hill Water Ext. 2 123.85/unit
min. charge 1.00
Slaterville Road Sewer 71.68/unit
min. charge 1.00
Ellis Hollow Road Sewer 68.63/unit
min. charge 1.00
South Hill Sewer 82.60/unit
min. charge 1.00
South Hill Sewer Ext. 1 88.02/unit
min. charge 1.00
South Hill Sewer Ext. 2 75.09/unit
min. charge 1.00
Fire Protection 0.756/M
Pearsall Improvement Dist. Water Consumption
314 November 19, 1970
To be paid the Commissioner of Budget and Administration:
State and County General and Highway Tax $484,794.74
Compensation Insurance: Self -Insurance Plan3,017.15
Election Expense 611.57 $488,423.46
Less: Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy $160,947.04
Plus Special Grade Crossing Levy—L.V.R.R. 46.58
Grand Total to be Paid Commissioner of
Budget and Administration $327,523.00
To be paid the Supervisor:
General Fund $ 65,337.16
Highway Fund—Item I 74,500.00
—Item I -a 0.00
—Item II—Bridges 6,000.00
—Item III—Machinery 90,250.00
—Item IV—Misc. and Snow 41,742.90 $277,830.06
Returned Water and Sewer 5,491.80
Ludlowville Lighting $ 501.44
McKinney's Water 75.07
Lansing Fire 44,421.15
Lansing Water No. 1 91,794.53
Lansing Water No. 2 (Meyers) 4,145.07
Lansing Sewer No. 2 16,527.61
Catherwood Lighting 288.26 $157,753.13
TOTAL BUDGET $800,384.80
County $ 5.57
Town $ 4.72
Rate Used $10.29
Ludlowville Lighting $ 1.320
McKinney's Water 0.225
Lansing Fire 0.750
November 19, 1970 315
To be paid the Commissioner of Budget and Administration:
State and County General and Highway Tax $ 75,742.49
Compensation Insurance: Self -Insurance Plan 456.82
Election Expense 243.78 $ 76,443.09
Plus: Special Grade Crossing Levy—L.V.R.R17.98
Less: Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy $ 25,145.75
To be paid the Supervisor:
General Fund
Highway Fund—Item
— Item
— Item
$ 3,744.00
I 44,971.00
Ia 0.00
II—Bridges 2,500.00
III— Machinery 32,100.00
IV—Misc. and Snow 12,695.00 $ 96,010.00
Newfield Lighting $ 2,900.00
Newfield Fire Protection 5,500.00
Newfield Water 40,500.00 $ 48,900.00
TOTAL BUDGET $213,641.26
County $ 4.58
Town 8.53
Rate Used $13.11
Newfield Lighting $ 1.37
Fire Protection $ 0.48
316 November 19, 1970
To be paid the Commissioner of Budget and Administration:
State and County General and Highway Tax $135,107.11
Compensation Insurance: Self -Insurance Plan 836.58
Election Expense 372.15 $136,315.84
Less: Sales Tax to Reduce County Levy $ 44,854.22
To be paid the Supervisor:
General Fund $13,000.00
General Fund—Outside Village 1,700.00
—Item I 17,850.00
—Item I -a 0.00
-Item II—Bridges 1,600.00
— Item III—Machinery 17,000.00
— Item IV—Misc. and Snow 12,000.00 $ 63,150.00
Fire Protection $ 10,809.95
TOTAL BUDGET $198,186.27
INSIDE: County $5.26 OUTSIDE: County $5.26
Town $232 Town $4.15
Rate Used $7.78 Rate Used $9.41
Fire Protection $ 0.885
November 19, 1970 317
To be paid the Commissioner of Budget and Administration:
State and County General and Highway Tax $816,985.73
Compensation Insurance — County 5,144.71
Election Expense 2,457.73 $824,588.17
Less: Amount Due City — 1970 Accounts 709.73
Plus: Special Grade Crossing Levy—L.V.R.R: 33.49
TOTAL BUDGET $823,911.93
RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES: (To be paid by the School
District of the City of Ithaca and not part of the city
budget for which this tax is levied).
County $ 8.31
Rate Used $ 8.31
318 November 19, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 272.- Town Budgets
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That in accordance with budgets adopted by the several
town boards of the County of Tompkins now on file with the Clerk of this
board and the laws of the State of New York, and in accordance with the
foregoing report and recommendations of the Budget and Administration
Committee that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property
of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the foregoing
sums for the purposes therein named.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Unanimously Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 273 — Tax Levy
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the sum of $2,675.475 required to meet the expenses
and cost of county government in Tompkins County for the fiscal year
1971 as set forth in the budget be assessed against, levied upon, and
collected from the taxable property of the nine towns and the city liable
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Unanimously Carried.
Mr. Lee, Chairman of the Budget and Administration Committee,
presented the report of that committee for the apportionment of county
taxes on the basis of full value for 1971 taxes.
November 19, 1970 319
To the Board of Representatives
Tompkins County, New York
Your Committee on Budget and Administration reports that they have
inquired into and ascertained as near as may be the percentage of full
value at which taxable real property in each city and town therein is
assessed, which percentage shall be the county equalization rate for such
city and town, and the committee further reports that the aggregate full
valuation of taxable real property in each city and town for the purpose
of apportioning county taxes has been determined by dividing the
assessed valuation thereof by the county equalization rate established for
such city and town.
That your committee has, in accord with such percentage compiled,
and that the foregoing table shows the aggregate valuations of each
tax district as determined from the actual values of property fixed
according to the above ratios or percentages and the average rate of
assessment of real property in the county which your committee has de-
termined according to the rules laid down by statute to be $6.7535872/M
and that the table shows by such valuations the several and aggregate
valuations upon which the taxesforthe county, including that state
taxes should be apportioned between the several tax districts of the
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Date: November 19, 1970
Gary A. Lee, Chairman
James Graves
Edward Abbott
Robert Bruce
Marion Schickel
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Name of Assessed Ratio of Full Amount Sales Tax Net Tax Rate
City or Town Valuation A.V. to F.V. Valuation of Levy Credit Tax per $M on AV.
$ 8,278,661 99 $ 8,362,284 $ 56,475.41 $ 18,749.28 $ 37,726.13 4.56
7,176,086 85 8,442,454 57,016.85 18,929.03 38,087.82 5.31
Dryden 39,687,317 83 47,816,045 322,929.83 107,209.50 215,720.33 5.44-
Enfield 6,200,471 97 6,392,238 43,170.54 14,332.19 28,838.35 4.65
Groton 16,395,570 96 17,078,719 115,342:62 38,292.61 77,050.01 4.70
Ithaca - Town 70,635,666 84 84,090,079 567,909.68 188,540.38 379,369.30 5.37
Lansing 58,862,301 82 71,783,294 484,794.74 160,947.04 323,847.70 5.51
Newfield 11,215,149 100 11,215,149 75,742.49 25,145.75 50,596.74 4.52
Ulysses 17,404,555 87 20,005,236 135,107.11 44,854.22 90,252.89 5.19
Ithaca - City 99,195,921 82 120,970,635 816,985.73 0 816,985.73 8.24
TOTAL 335,051,697 396,156,133 $2,675,475.00 $ 617,000.00 $2,058,475.00
Tax Rate per $1,000 of Full Value = $6.7535872
'6L Jag wanoN
November 19, .1970 321
RESOLUTION NO. 274—Report of Budget and Administration
Committee for Apportionment of General
and Highway Tax Levies
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That th'e report of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee be accepted arid adopted and that the valuation of real property and
franchises, for the purposes of general and highway tax levies against
the several tax districts of the county be equalized at full value and
determined as therein set forth as the basis of the apportionment for such
general and highway tax levies for the year 1971.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 275—Adoption of Apportionment of Taxes
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the report of the Committee on Budget and Administra-
tion be accepted and adopted and that the several amounts therein listed for
state tax, county tax for general welfare and health purposes, enterprise fund
tax and county highway tax for the year 1971 against the several towns of the
county and the City of Ithaca, be assessed against, levied upon and collected
from the taxable property of the several towns and city liable therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
Representative Webster arrived at this time.
Discussion was held for the fifty percent tax exemption allowance for
people in the county aged sixty-five years or older with incomes of $5,000
or less. Several towns have set up public hearings on the matter and
Representative Lee advised the board to talk with constituents on this
matter. Director of Assessments, Thomas Payne, spoke in favor of having
uniform exemptions in the towns.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
322 November 30, 1970
Monday, November 30, 1970
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
PRESENT: Representatives Bruce, Golder, Graves, .Holden, Kerr,
Leary, Lee, MacNeil, Marcham, . Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Webster and
Dates — 14.
ABSENT: Representatives Abbott and Culligan — 2.
ARRIVED: Representatives Abbott and Culligan — 2.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing and/or referred to the proper committee for action:
Appropriation balances from Social Services Department for the month
of October; Pistol Permits for the month of October totalled $57.00;
Resolutions from Cortland County Board of Supervisors re APPROVAL
MUNITY COLLEGE, and from Ontario County Board of Supervisors
TOXIC MATERIALS; Comptroller's Certificate re Public Service Case
No. 5357 (Town of Newfield) Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Debtor
— $227.96; Electric Data Processing brochure from the Office of Local
Government. Referred to Budget and Administration Committee; Crit-
ique on OPTOCO-70 to be held in the Civil Defense office Wednesday,
December 2, 7:30 p.m.; Minutes of Ithaca Area Transportation Study
Policy Coordinating Committee for September 11; Hospital Board of
Managers meeting for October 19; County Water Agency meeting for
October 22; Intergovernmental Relations committee meetings for Oc-
tober 30, three meetings on November 4, November 5, November 11 and
November 17, 1970; Letter from Verlaine Boyd seeking the preservation
of Boardman House; Petition of twenty-seven names from Campus Club
Antiques Study Group in favor of preserving Boardman House.
The Chairman noted that there will be a report later regarding the
appointment of a Grievance Committee.
November 30, 1970 323
Various Committee Chairmen reported as follows:
Mr. Lee asked about the progress of the possibility of extending hours
of the Sanitary Landfill. Mr. Holden said this has been discussed and
Committee recommends the hours be left as is.
Mr. Kerr mentioned that a copy of the booklet on Environmental
Conservation Councils is on each desk. He said interest is progressing
on the organization of such a council and a meeting will be held at the
Agricultural Center, Friday, December 4, 4:00 p.m. He extended an in-
vitation for anyone interested to attend.
Mr. Culligan; Health and Social Services, noted, regarding the By -Laws
at the Tompkins County Hospital, the committee is working on them
and there will be a report later.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, mentioned that the com-
mittee is not satisfied with the bids on the renovation of the Complex.
There will be a meeting Wednesday, December 3, to discuss this matter.
Mr. Lee stated regarding the hospital that a preliminary report has
been received from Wood and Tower. A meeting will be held to review
this in the near future. Regarding the SPCA proposal, there will hope-
fully be a resolution at the next meeting.
Mrs. Schickel noted there will be a meeting to review the Schematic
Drawings for Tompkins -Cortland Community College, December 3rd
at 3:00 p.m. in Groton.
Mr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations, expressed concern about
water running under the roof of the Old Court House and asked if any-
thing was being done. Mr. Holden said this was in committee.
It was MOVED by Mr. Holden, seconded by Mr. Kerr, that resolu-
tions pertaining to Future Use of Boardman House; Appropriation from
Contingent Fund — District Attorney; Changing Hearing for Fixed Base
Operation at the Airport not on the agenda, be considered at this time.
Mr. Stutz submitted the following report of the committee relative
to the report of the Commissioners of Elections pertaining to the election
expenses of the county for the year 1970.
To the Board of Representatives
Tompkins County, New York
We recommend that the apportionment of election expenses for the
current year, as made by the election commissioners, be accepted and
324 November 30, 1970
adopted by the board and the several sums charged to the county, city
and towns be assessed against levied and collected from the taxable
property of Tompkins County and the several towns and city therein as
County of Tompkins $27,662A1
City of Ithaca 2,457.73
Caroline 365.64
Danby 243.78
Dryden 858.77
Enfield 248.13
Groton 487.51
Ithaca 1,030.99
Lansing 611.57
Newfield 243.78 -
Ulysses 372.15
Total for County $27,662.41
Total for City 2,457.73
Total for Towns 4,426.32
Grand Total $34,582.46
Dated: November 23, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 276—Apportionment of Election Expenses
Mr. Stutz offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the report of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee
relative to the report of the Commissioners of Elections pertaining to the
election expenses for the year 1970 be accepted and that the amount therin
mentioned be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins
County and the several towns and city therein.
Seconded by Mr. Marcham. Carried.
November 30, 1970 325
RESOLUTION NO. 277—Approval of Appropriation for Maintenance
of County Roads and Bridges
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County Commissioner of Public Works has recommended
an appropriation of $1,317,622 for maintenance of county roads and bridges
for the year 1971, in accordance with Section 129 of the Highway Law, and
requests the aforementioned sum, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be
expended under his supervision from County Road Fund monies to the follow-
ing accounts:
D-85 Traffic $ 40,920
D-90 Maintenance Roads and Bridges 927,190
D-91 Snow Removal Division—County 130,000
D-92 Snow Removal Division—State 80,000
D-98 County Road Administration 24,512
D-100 Contracts—County Bridges 115,000
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public
Works be and hereby is approved and the Clerk and Chairman of the
Board of Representatives be and hereby are authorized and directed to sign
the agreements required by the State Department of Public Works.
Seconded by Mr. Graves.
Discussion followed. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 278 — Approval of Change Order — Court House
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS. during the course of renovating the Court House, and moving
various departments about, extra work that was unforeseen in preparing
the plans and specifications came up, and
WHEREAS, the general contractor was on the premises, he was directed
to do the work at rates incorporated in the contract, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee That Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $16,439.94 (break-
down attached) to McPherson Builders, Savings Bank Building, Ithaca, New
York, be and hereby is approved, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is au-
thorized and directed to execute said change order.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 279 —Authorization to Execute Amendment to
Lease — FAA
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That Lease No. Clca-4303-A between the County of Tompkins
and the FAA for the VOR facility at the Tompkins County Airport, dated
August 21, 1957, be amended to provide for automatic renewal of said lease
effective December 1, 1970.
RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the board be and he hereby
is authorized to execute said amendment to the lease on behalf of the
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
326 November 30, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 280 — Authorizing Participation in Urban Plan-
ning Assistance Program
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins,in order to provide for a planning
study contributing to an overall program for its future community develop-
ment, desires to participate in the federal -state Urban Planning Assistance
Program as authorized by Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amend-
ed, and Article 19-k of the New York State Executive Law, and
WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Planning Coordination, under
authority of Article 19-k of the New York State Executive Law, is the
official state agency designated to administer state funds under the provisions
of Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended, now therefore, be it
RESOLVED That the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins
hereby requests the New York State Office of Planning Coordination to
provide planning assistance under authority of Article 19-k of the New York
State Executive Law, with such financial assistance as may be provided by
the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, under
authority of Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended, and Article
19-k of the New York State Executive Law. Such planning assistance is more
particularly described in the project application.
RESOLVED, further, That if the aforesaid application is approved and
accepted by both the Director of the New York State Office of Planning
Coordination and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the
County of Tompkins shall enter into a formal agreement with the New York
State Office of Planning Coordination to undertake the project described in
theapproved application and to pay to the State of New York its share of the
estimated total cost of the said project together with such other terms and
conditions as may be deemed necessary and appropriate to carry out the said
RESOLVED, further, that the Tompkins County Planning Department
hereby agrees to have available, in the year the project is to be completed,
the sum of six thousand and two hundred and fifty dollars ($6,250.00), or
so much thereof as may be necessary to contribute a sum not to exceed seven-
teen per centum (17%) of the total cost of said project, to be paid to the
State of New York, on condition that the above-mentioned application is
approved by both the Department of Housing and Urban Development and
the Director of the New York State Office of Planning Coordination,
RESOLVED, further, That the County of Tompkins shall assume the costs
of operating and maintaining its own planning board or commission includ-
ing such services as clerical personnel, office space, equipment, materials,
communication and travel, as such costs cannot be charged to the Urban
Planning Assistance Program.
RESOLVED, further, That it is understood that current planning services
may not be charged to the Urban Planning Assistance Program,
RESOLVED, further That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives of
the County of Tompkins be and hereby is authorized and empowered to
execute in the name of the County of Tompkins all necessary applications,
contracts and agreements to implement and carry out the purposes specified
in this resolution.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. A brief discussion followed. Carried.
November 30, 1970 327
RESOLUTION NO. -281 -Recision of Resolution No. 252 and Notice
Of Public Hearing—Proposed Addendum to
Agreement — Fixed -Base Operator — Airport
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 252 adopted by this Board on October 26,
1970, provided for a public hearing on the proposed addendum to agreement
of Fixed -Base Operator—Airport, on the 23rd day of November, 1970, at
8:00 in the evening, and
WHEREAS, the Board meeting was adjourned to November 30, 1970, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Resolution No. 252 be and it hereby is rescinded,
and be it further
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works
Committee, That a public hearing be held concerning the proposed Addendum
to Agreement between Fixed -Base Operator, Chartair, Inc. and the County
of Tompkins in the Board of Representatives' Room, Court House, Ithaca,
New York, on the 28th day of December, 1970, at eight o'clock in the evening
RESOLVED, further That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is
directed to place a notice of said public hearing in the official newspapers
of Tompkins County.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 282 — Creation of Positions — Caseworkers —
Social Services
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services Committees, That two new positions of Caseworkers in the competi-
tive class, labor grade XI, be created effective immediately.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the Commissioners of Personnel and Social
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 283 — Creation of Position — Case Supervisor Grade
A (Child Welfare) — Social Services
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services Committees, That one position of Case Supervisor Grade A (Child
Welfare) in the competitive class, labor grade XV, be created effective im-
mediately, .
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioners of Personnel and Social Services.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
328 November 30, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 284 — Creation of Position — Welfare Unit
Assistant — Social Services
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services Committees, That a position of Welfare Unit Assistant iri the com-
petitive class, labor grade VII be created effective immediately,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioners of Personnel and Social Services.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 285 — Creation of Position — Home Economist —
Social Services
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services committees, That a position of Home Economist in the cohnpetitive
class, labor grade X, be created effective immediately,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioners of Personnel and Social Services.
Seconded by Mr. Webster. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 286 — Creation of Position — Training Supervisor
— Social Services
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services Committees, That one new position of Training Supervisor in the
competitve class, labor grade XII, be created effective immediately.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this Resolution to the Commissioners of Personnel and Social Services.
Seconded by Mr. Webster. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 287 — Creation of Positions — Tompkins -Cortland
Community College
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Intergovernmental
Relations Committees, That, effective immediately, one position of Clerk,
labor grade III, competitive class and one position of Cleaner, labor grade
III, labor class, be created at the Community College,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the President of the Community College and to the
Commissioners of Personnel and Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Carried.
November 30, 1970 329
RESOLUTION NO. 288—Abolishing Position of Assistant Director of
Nursing and Creating Position of Director of
Nursing — Hospital
Mr. MacNeil offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services Committees, That, effective immediately, the Assistant Director of
Nursing position established by Resolution No. 319, December 22, 1969, be
abolished and that the position of Director of Nursing, labor grade XVII,
competitive class be created, effective immediately,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioners of Budget and Administration and
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
To the Board of Representatives
Tompkins County, New York
Your committee on Budget and Administration finds by the certifi-
cates signed by the Budget and Administration Committee and supported
by affidavits of the proper officers of the school districts of the several
towns of the county submitted to this board by the Commissioner of
Budget and Administration, That the following school taxes have not
been paid after diligent efforts have been made to enforce the collec-
tion thereof, and your committee therefore recommends the following
sums be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon
which the same were imposed, with 7% in addition thereto:
Original Return
Interest and
Penalties Total
Caroline 4,124.99 288.77 4,413.76
Danby 4,081.50 285.69 4,367.19
Dryden 42,881.58 3,001.71 45,883.29
Enfield 5,169.98 361.88 5,531.86
Groton 45,343.83 3,167.19 48,511.02
Lansing 29,707.27 2,068.87 31,786.81
Newfield 16,275.81 1,302.37 1,7,415.11
Ulysses 30,626.49 2,138.21 32,764.70
RESOLUTION NO. 289 — Returned School Taxes
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the Director of Assessments of the county be and he is
hereby authorized and directed to add to the respective 1971 tax and assess-
ment rolls the amount of the uncollected school taxes returned by the collec-
tors of the various districts, exclusive of the Town of Ithaca and the City of
Ithaca School District, to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
and remaining unpaid and that have not been heretofore relevied on town
tax rolls, and that said returned school taxes be reassessed and relevied upon
the lots and parcels so returned with 7 per cent in addition thereto; and
330 November 30, 1970
when collected the same should be returned to the Commissioner of Budget
and Administration to reimburse the amount so advanced with the expense
of collection.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 290 — Policy for Encumbrances — All Departments
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the policy for encumbering funds in the various departmental
budgets was established pursuant to Resolution No. 263, 1966, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, That commencing immediately no funds in any department
shall be encumbered unless said encumbrance is approved by the Budget and
Administration Committee and the Committee which has jurisdiction over said
department; said approvals to be made prior to the second meeting in
December, and
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certifed
copy of this resolution to all department heads in the county.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 291 — Transfer of Funds— Various Departments
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon the request of the various departments andrecommen-
dations of committees in charge of those departments, That department
heads be and hereby are authorized to make the following transfer of funds:
Department From To Amount
County Farm 152-200 152-300 $1,500.00
Board of Reps. A 10-400 10-200 200.00
District Attorney A 27-120 27-100 250.00
Central Supply A 70-302 70-300 1,000.00
Health Department—
Medical Assistance Program A131-401 131-100 100.00
A131-401 131-403 100.00
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books.
Seconded by Mrs. Schickel. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 292—Designation of Depositories for County
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 212 of the County Law and Sec-
tion 11 of the General Municipal Law the following banks located in Tomp-
kins County be and they are designated for the deposit of monies received by
the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and that the maximum which
may be kept on deposit or in certificates of deposit in said banks at any one
time in the name of the Commissioner of Budget and Administration shall
be as follows:
First National Bank of Dryden $ 200,000.
First National Bank & Trust Company of Ithaca 4,500,000.
Tompkins County Trust Company 4,500,000.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
November 30, 1970 331
RESOLUTION NO. 293 - Printing of Tax Rates
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED. That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various
towns and the City of Ithaca, the Clerk shall print such rates in the Pro-,
ceedingsof the Board following the budgets of the several towns and city.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 294 — Approving Completed Tax Rolls and Direct-
ing the Execution and Delivery of Warrants
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, upon the tax rolls of the several towns and city, the several
taxes will be extended, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the tax rolls be approved as completed, that the taxes
extended upon the tax rolls in the several amounts extended against such
parcel of property upon the, said rolls are hereby determined to, be the
taxes due thereon as set forth therein,
RESOLVED, further, That there be annexed to each of said rolls a tax
warrant prepared by the Director of Assessment as provided for in Section
3.04 (b) of the Tompkins County Charter and Code, that such warrants shall
be the respective amounts heretofore authorized to be levied upon each of
said rolls, that the several warrants be signed by the Chairman and Clerk
of the Board under seal of the Board and by the Director of Assessment,
that said rolls with said warrants annexed are to be forthwith delivered to
the respective collectors of the several tax districts of the County.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 295—Printing of Bonded and Temporary
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, statements of the bonded and temporary indebtedness of the
county and of the several towns, villages and school districts have been
filed with the Clerk of the Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the same be printed in the 1970 Proceedings of the
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 296 — To Print Audit Statements — Towns
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the Clerk be directed to print and, audit statements of
the several towns of the county in the proceedings of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
332 November 30, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 297 —Designation of Official Newspapers — 1971
Mrs. Schickel offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the following newspapers be and they hereby are
designated as official newspapers of the County of Tompkins for the publi-
cation of all local laws, notices and other matters required by law to be
published exclusive of concurrent canvass and tax notices, to wit:
Ithaca Journal, Ithaca, New York
Rural News, Dryden. New York
Seconded by Mr. Marcham. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 298—Appointment of Deputy Fire Coordinators —
Tompkins County
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction
Committee, the Tompkins County Fire Coordinator and the Fire Advisory
Board, That Albert Moore of Trumansburg and Edward Smith of Groton
be appointed Deputy Fire Coordinators for Tompkins County to replace
Richard Gregg of Enfield and Harold Fitts of Dryden who have resigned
as said Deputy Fire Coordinators.
Second by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 299—Appropriation from Contingent Fund
District Attorney
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com-
mittee, That the following transfers be made:
From. Contingent Fund- (code 290-650A) $600.
To Personal Services (Code 27-100) $100
Supplies and Materials (Code 27-300) $500 $600.
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfers on his books.
. RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
and to the District Attorney.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Roll call resulted as follows: Ayes — 16. Noes —
0. Carried.
After a lengthy discussion regarding the Boardman House, it was sug-
gested that a decision be made at the first meeting in February as to
whether we ask Ithaca College to remain in the House or to vacate.
Chairman. Dates so instructed that this be done.
RESOLUTION NO. 300 — Regarding Future Use of Boardman House
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Relations Committee has made a pre-
liminary study on the future of Boardman House, a copy of which report
is on file with the Clerk of the Board, now therefore be it
November 30, 1970 333
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration, Planning
Director and such other County employees as they may wish to call upon,
ascertain the interest of private persons or groups, including Ithaca College,
in the future leasing and/or purchase of the Boardman House onand after
June 15, 1971, including the possibility of a sale with the requirement of
the purchaser to restore the building,
RESOLVED, further, That said study be completed with written recom-
mendations to the Planning and Public Works and•Intergovernmental Rela-
tions Committees or their successors in order that the County Board may
reach a decision on or before March 1, 1971.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified
copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion and the Planning Director.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. After a lengthy discussion it was MOVED
by Mr. Leary, seconded by Mr. Holden, that the resolution be TABLED.
A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives Lee, MacNeil,
Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Webster, Abbott, Culligan, Graves, Holden,
Kerr, Leary — 12. Noes — Representatives Bruce, Golder, Stutz, Dates — 4.
RESOLUTION NO. 301 — Historic Advisory Board
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Relations Committee has made a pre-
liminary study on the county historical services including the preservation of
DeWitt Park, and
WHEREAS, the committee feels it is in the best interest of the community
to create a temporary advisory committee to aid the county in its decisions on
certain historical services, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That a temporary advisory committee consisting of not more than
seven members be appointed by this board whose duties will include advis-
ing the Planning and Public Works and the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee and where appropriate officers of the county on:
a) a final decision on use of the Boardman House to be made on or
before March 1, 1971.
b) the various methods available to the county to provide museum,
historical, archival and geneological services, said report to be made
on or before July 1, 1971.
c) the restoration or disposal of the old court house, such reportto be
made on or before September 1, 1971.
d) and such other matters related to DeWitt Park development as may
be referred to it, or recommendations it may wish to make on its
own initiative.
Seconded by Mrs. Schickel.
After a discussion it was MOVED by Mr. Holden, seconded by Mr.
Graves, that this resolution be tabled. A roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes — Representatives Abbott, Culligan, Graves, Holden, Leary, Mac-
Neil, Miller — 7. Noes — Representatives Bruce, Golder, Kerr, Lee, Mar-
cham, Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Dates — 9. MOTION TO TABLE LOST.
A roll call on the original resolution resulted as follows: Ayes — Repre-
sentatives Bruce, Golder, Kerr, Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Webster,
334 November 30, 1970
Dates — 9. Noes — Representatives. Abbott, Culligan, Graves, Holden,
Leary, Lee ("I construe our County Charter is a necessary vehicle") ,
MacNeil — 7. Resolution Carried.
Mr. Lee stressed the importance of getting the County Planning Board
appointed and underway. Mr. Dates instructed Mr. Marcham and Mr.
Holden to bring in names for this at the next meeting.
Mr. Culligan asked for names to be considered for the vacancy on the
Board of Managers at the Tompkins County Hospital.
RESOLUTION NO. 302 — Request for Legislation — Amendment of
New York State Uniform Commercial Code
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the New York State County Clerk's Association has adopted
a resolution favoring a requirement that persons filing a financing state-
ment under the Uniform Commercial Code Law be required to file a ter-
mination statement with the County Clerk, within a reasonable period of
time, when the debt is fully satisfied, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the County Clerk, Public Safety and
Correction Committee and the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, That
this Board request the New York State Legislature to amend the New York
State Uniform Commercial Code Law to require the secured partyto file a
termination statement with the County Clerk, within a reasonable period of
time, when the debt is fully satisfied thus permitting removal of the card
from the active file,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution and correspondence regarding requested amendment, to
Hon. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Governor; Assemblywoman Constance Cook
and Senator William T. Smith.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 303 — Public Hearing — Local Law No. 2 — 1970
Code of Ethics
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Local Law No. 2 — 1970 relating to establishing standards
of conduct for officers and employees of the County of Tompkins has been
introduced to the members of this Board on the 19th day of October, 1970 and
WHEREAS, a public hearing on same is required pursuant to the Municipal
Home Rule Law, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That a public hearing be held on said Code of Ethics on the 28th
day of December, 1970 at 8:15 o'clock in the evening thereof, in the board
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is
directed to place a notice of said public hearing in the official newspapers
of Tompkins County.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
November 30, 1970 335
RESOLUTION NO. 304 —Public Hearing — Local Law No. 3. — 1970
Board of Ethics
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Local Law No. 3 — 1970 relating to establishing a Board of
Ethics has been introduced to the members of this Board on the 19th day of
October, 1970, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing on same is required pursuant to the Municipal
Home Rule Law, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That a public hearing be held on said Board of Ethics on the 28th
day of December, 1970, at 8:15 o'clock in the evening thereof, in the board
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board be and she hereby is
directed to place a notice of said public hearing in the official newspapers
of Tompkins County.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 305 — Directing County Attorney to Prepare
Amendments to County Charter and Code
and Rules of the Board of Representatives
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Relations Committee has by experience
during the course of the calendar year, 1970, ascertained an uneven load of
work on this board's committees, and
WHEREAS, the board and its committees have had a year to work under
a new County Charter and Code, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That the County Attorney be and he hereby is directed to prepare
necessary legislation amending the Charter and Code and Rules of the
Board to provide the following:
I. That the Charter would be changed where needed to provide that
where a particular committee is named that it would be referred to as "the
appropriate committee of the board" and that the Rules of the Board be
amended to list the appropriate committee having jurisdiction over each
particular section of the Charter. That such change would allow for other
changes in the Charter without amending same and assure the spirit and
maintain the intent of the charter to have only a limited number of com-
II. That the Charter be changed to provide that the board have at least
five but not more than eight standing committees.
III. The Rules of the Board be changed to provide for the following com-
mittees, with Budget and Administration to have six members and all others
a) Budget and Administration — The Committee on Personnel to be
abolished and the functions of the Personnel Committee to be added to
Budget and Administration.
b) Public Safety — remain as is.
c) Public Works — a new separate committee.
d) Health Services — a new committee to deal only with Mental Health,
Health Department, Hospital and other health matters.
e) Social Services — to deal with Welfare, Economic Opportunity Cor-
poration, Extension, Human Rights and related subjects.
f) Education — a new committee to deal with the college, library and
g) Planning and Intergovernmental Relations — to include also elec-
tions, Legislation, and Board Rules.
336 November 30, 1970
IV. The Charter and Code would be amended to require that the Commis-
sioner of Personnel would report directly to the Commissioner of Budget
and Administration insofar as consistent with the State Law.
V. That the Rules of the Board be amended to set an hour and day for
the monthly meeting of the Executive Committee.
RESOLVED, further, That the County Attorney prepare said local law
amending the Charter and Code together with the amendments to the Rules
of the Board to be presented at the December meeting of the Board of Rep-
Seconded by Mr. Stutz.
MOVED by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Graves, that this matter be
referred to the Executive Committee for a full report and recommenda-
tion. Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 306 — Resolution of Commendation — Ithaca High
Football Team
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Ithaca High Football Team has just concluded its second
consecutive, undefeated season, and
WHEREAS, the Ithaca High Football Team is on its longest winning
streak in history, and
WHEREAS, the 338 points scored in 1970 are the most points that any
Ithaca High Football Team has ever scored in one season, and
WHEREAS, the 1969 team was second in rank in the State of New York,
WHEREAS, the 1970 team finished Number One in the State of New
York, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on Motion of Representative James R. Graves and Seconded,
Unanimously, by the Board of Representatives, That this Board commends
the outstanding achievement of the Ithaca High Football Team whose record
was not only inspirational to the students of the school but also to the entire
RESOLVED, further, That the outstanding performance of the team is a
tribute to the positive attitude and commitment of the members of the team,
RESOLVED, further, That this Board commends the Head Coach of the
Ithaca High Football Team, Joseph Moresco, and each and every member
of his staff, for their splendid effort in working with the members of the
squad to achieve their success,
RESOLVED, further, That this Board, on behalf of the entire community,
expresses to each individual member of the squad best wishes for success in
all of their future endeavors,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Director of Athletics of the Ithaca High School.
Unanimously seconded and Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 307 — Resolution of Commendation — Ithaca High
Cross -Country Team
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
December 14, 1970 337
WHEREAS, the Ithaca High School Cross -Country Team has recently
won its fourth consecutive Section 4- championship, and
WHEREAS, in the year, 1970, it not only won the Section 4 championship
but also was undefeated in seven dual meets and won the New York State
Cross -Country Championship, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on Motion made by Representative James R. Graves and
Seconded, Unanimously, by this Board, That this Board, on behalf of the
entire Ithaca community, commends the splendid efforts of the individual
members of the Ithaca High Cross -Country Team in their outstanding success
in the year, 1970, as well as the success of the three years previous thereto,
RESOLVED, further, That the success of the Cross -Country Team serves
to demonstrate the fine performance of the youth of this community in ath-
letic achievements,
RESOLVED, further, That the fourth consecutive Section 4 championship
during five years of coaching illustrates the fine effort and commitment of
the. team's coach, Harold Porter,
RESOLVED, further, That this Board extends to each and every member of
the Cross -Country Team the best of luck and success in their future endea-
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Director of Athletics of the Ithaca High School.
Unanimously seconded and Carried.
Mr. Marcham placed in nomination the name of Viola Boothroyd as
Democratic Election Commissioner for a term of two years effective
January 1, 1971 and expiring December 31, 1972. Seconded by Mr. Leary.
A roll call resulted as follows: Ayes — 16. Noes. — 0. Carried.
The Chairman announced an Executive Committee meeting Monday,
December 7 at 7:30 p.m.
At this time the Chairman adjourned the meeting to an Executive
Monday, December 14, 1970
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. and led the
members and guests in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag following the
roll call.
PRESENT: Representatives MacNeil, Marcham, Schickel, Stutz, Web-
ster, Bruce, Culligan, Dates, Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee —
ABSENT: Representatives Abbott and Miller — 2.
ARRIVED: Representatives Abbott (10:20) and Miller (10:38)
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing or referred to various committees:
338 December 14, 1970
Announcement of the 21st Annual Winter Conference — School of New
New York State Supervisors' and County Legislators' Association at Hotel
Concord, Kiamesha Lake, January 10-13, 1971; Permission requested and
granted for Glenn Turner, Airport Manager, to attend CAB-AAAE Sym-
posium in Washington, D.C., Nov. 16-18. Also, William Mobbs, Highway,
to attend course on Rating Bridges at Cornell, January 20-22, 1971, and
William Mobbs and H. Stevenson, Jr. to attend New York State County
Highway Supervisors Association Winter meeting in Rochester, January
27-29, 1971; 1970 Annual reports of Coroner, Ralph J. Low, M.D.;
Cooperative Extension Association of Tompkins County; Bond Anticipa=
tion Renewal Note Certificate (H -5-R) dated November 5th authorizing
issuance of $200,000 to pay part of the cost of hospital reconstruction;
Resolutions from Cortland County authorizing contract with cost -control
firm at Tompkins -Cortland Community College and also audit of Tomp-
kins -Cortland capital expenditures; Broome County requesting proper
marking of carriers of toxic chemicals and also requesting legislation
eliminating the printing of the record on appeal in Class A Felonies;
Niagara County legislation that all legalized abortions be performed in
licensed hospital or related service and setting of minimal residency re-
quirement and also requesting Federal Government pay 75% of total
Welfare. budget in county; Report and resolutions from Westchester
County requesting Congress of United States of America to prohibit
manufacture, distribution and sale of detergents; Tompkins County
Pomona Grange executive committee requesting inadequately lighted
corner at Triphammer and Peruville Roads be corrected; Pamphlet on
Real Property Tax Law, Art. 15-A, Assessment Improvement Legislation,
from the State of New York; Pistol Permits for November totalled $23.00;
Invitation to review schematic drawings of Tompkins -Cortland Com-
munity College on Thursday, December 3, 3:00 P.M. in Groton; Request
for required information, re FAA Project No. 9-30-039-6404 at Tompkins
County Airport; Agreement between Greene County and Greene County
Chapter of Civil Service Employees Association, Inc., Revised copy of the
Proposed Zoning Ordinance for the Village of Trumansburg. Public
Hearing to be held December 21, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. in Village Fire Hall;
Memo from New York State Fish and Wildlife Management Board con-
cerning the landowner representative appointment expiring December
31, 1970; Letter from Ithaca Journal acknowledging their designation as
one of the official newspapers of the County of Tompkins; Letter to the
board from Gladys Goldsmith advocating continued operation of the
hospital bus; Appropriation balances for November from Social Services
Department; Certificate of Workmen's Compensation Insurance covering
the period from November 1, 1970 to November 1, 1971, for Norton
Electric Company; Minutes of County Sewer Agency Meeting, November
10; County Sewer Agency Meeting, November 19; from Frank Ligouri,
Commissioner of Planning, on Structure of County Planning and a Sug-
gested Re -organization of the County Planning Board; Tompkins -Cort-
land Community College Board of Trustees Meeting, November 19,
December 14, 1970 339
1970; Crime Control Planning, October 27; Intergovernmental Relations
Committee, December 8 and January 2.
Various committee chairmen reported as follows:
Mr. Leary, chairman of Public Safety and Correction Committee,
introduced newly -elected County Judge Bruce Dean to the Board of
Representatives. Judge Dean reported that he and Judge Kenneth
Johnson have prepared a court calendar that will be sent to all the
attorneys. There will be at least two more trial terms. Another court
stenographer will be required and they have been unable to hire anyone
at the $8,000 salary.
Mr. Lee and Mrs. Schickel, Representatives of the Town of Dryden,
requested a letter of commendation be sent to Earl Butts for saving the
lives of Mrs. Sheila Lorows and her children when their car skidded on
icy pavement and plunged into the Butts' swimming pool.
Mr. Graves recommended abandoning the Human Rights organization.
Mr. Holden, Planning and Public Works, announced they were recom-
mending acceptance of bids for highway equipment. The Pomona Grange
Executive Committee proposal of a light on the corner of Triphammer
and Peruville Roads was rejected.
The committee is presenting a resolution to reject all bids for the
Court House complex.
Mr. Lee, Budget and Administration, reported on the 65 -years of age
or older tax exemption level. The county will hold a public hearing as
several municipalities have moved on increasing the income limitation
from $3,000 up to $5,000.
County insurance has been reviewed with the possibility of putting it,
out for bid in the future. It was recommended that county vehicles have
appropriate identification of "County of Tompkins" conspicuous at all
times. The committee hopes to have a better procedure for job change -
orders. The computer study is still moving along. Tax bills are on
schedule and are going to towns as soon as possible.
Mrs. Schickel said that on December 28th they are hoping to have
reports from Tompkins -Cortland Community College schematics and the
cost -control firm.
Mr. Leary, Public Safety and Correction, reported the probation
director has requested additional personnel for 1971. A resolution
340 December 14, 1970
approving SPCA as dog warden will be presented even though it does not
have majority approval of the committee.
Mr. Marcham, Intergovernmental Relations, stated the committee's
recommendations for changing Rules of the Board in Resolution No. 305
that was TABLED to the Executive Committee were defeated. A survey
of processing Library charge slips manually verus computer shows it costs
about 50% more to be done by hand than by computer. Results are to be
turned over to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration. The
building commissioner says the chimney and overhang on Boardman
House are unsafe. The American Association for State and Local History
gave William Heidt, Jr., an award at the DeWitt Historical Society. Mr.
Heidt was presented with a scroll at a ceremony attended by Chairman
Dates and Mr. Marcham of the Board. A Christmas story was told of a
gift tree for DeWitt Park by Camp Fire Girls, lights donated by Mrs.
Frank Bolton, and electrical hookup by Norton Electric and Department
of Public Works. A tree dedication and lighting will be held December
18th at 7:30 P.M.
Chairman Dates declared a brief recess for committees to meet at
10:45 A.M. Business resumed at 11:02 A.M.
Mr. Dates announced the naming of a grievance board under the
provisions of the agreement with employees. Board members are Mrs.
Isabel L. Bemont, Mr. James F. O'Connor, and Mr. Milton R. Shaw.
MOVED by Mr. Leary, seconded by Mr. Kerr That resolutions not on
the agenda — Appropriation from Contingent Fund for Sheriff's Depart-
ment and Public Hearing for Amendment of Local Law No. 2 of 1966 --
be considered at this meeting. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 308 — Authorization to Prepare Contract —
1Ir. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County and the City have had numerous conferences with
the S.P.C.A. concerning a proposed contract with the S.P.C.A. for the seizure
and impounding of dogs, pursuant to Section 120 of the Agriculture and
Markets Law, said contract to be for a period January 1, 1971 through
December 31, 1971, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee, That the County Attorney be and he hereby is authorized and di-
rected to prepare for approval by this Board a proposed contract with the
City and the S.P.C.A. to provide for the seizure and impounding of dogs,
pursuant to the Agriculture and Market Law for the calendor year 1971,
December 14, 1970 341
RESOLVED, further, That the maximum amount to be appropriated for
said contract will be $39,000 to be raised as follows:
$10,000 S.P.C.A. Revenues
1,500 United Fund
17,500 Tompkins County (including dog fund)
10,000 City of Ithaca
RESOLVED, further, That monies received for fines will be credited as
income in making the budgetary obligations of this commitment,
RESOLVED, further, That a Joint Committee of the County and City with
representatives from County, City and local law enforcement agencies will
oversee the operation of said proposed contract during the calendar year,
RESOLVED, further, That this proposed contract is subject to the approval
of the City of Ithaca, S.P.C.A. and the Commissioner of Agriculture and
Markets, -
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the City Clerk of Ithaca, Commissioner of Budget and
Administration and to the Tompkins County United Fund.
Seconded by Mr. Lee. In discussion that followed it was brought out
that S.P.C.A. handling on a county -wide basis instead of the present
system of the city hiring a dog warden and the Sheriff's Department
acting as county dog warden would cost the city $10,000 and the county
$17,500. In the hope of resolving the dog problem it was suggested both
Public Safety and Correction and Budget and Administration committees
bring back recommendations on operation and financing costs.
MOVED by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Webster, That the resolu-
tion be TABLED to the appropriate committees to review both sides and
give the board a definite recommendation. Motion Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 309 — Award of Bid—Mobile Radios—Fire-
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board has duly advertised for bids for four
mobile radios for use by the Tompkins County Fire Department, and
WHEREAS, Chemung Electronics, Inc., 601 East Church Street, Elmira,
New York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for
four (4) - General Electric mobile radios, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction Com-
mittee, That the bid of Chemung Electronics, Inc., in the amount of $2,759.60
for four (4) General Electric Model RG64TCS 50 Watt Two. Frequency. Mo-
bile Radios, be and it hereby is accepted and the Fire Coordinator be and
he hereby is authorized to complete the said transaction on behalf of the
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
342 December 14, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 310 —Approval of Contract for Board of
Prisoners — Onondaga County Penitentiary
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the County of Onondaga has submitted a contract for execu-
tion by the County of Tompkins for the boarding of prisoners in the Onon-
daga County Penitentiary from the 1st day of January, 1971, through the
31st day of December, 1971 and
WHEREAS, the County of Onondaga has requested that approval of this
contract be made by resolution of the Board of Representatives, now there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction
Committee That the proposed contract between the Onondaga County Legisla-
ture and the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins for the
boarding of prisoners at the Onondaga County Penitentiary between January
1, 1971 and December 31, 1971, copy of which is on file with the Clerk of the
Board of Representatives, be and the same hereby is approved and the
Chairman of the Board be and he is authorized to execute same on behalf of
the County,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board of Representatives be
and she hereby is authorized and directed to publish notice of said contract
in the official newspapers of the county for a period of four consecutive
weeks and thereafter forward two proofs of publication from each newspaper
to the County of Onondaga; and that she be and is hereby authorized and
directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution, together with all copies
of the contract duly executed, to Eli Gingold, Onondaga County Attorney.
Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 311 — Appropriation from Contingent Fund —
Sheriff's Department
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction
Committee, That the sum of $3,500.00 be appropriated from the Contingent
Fund (Code 290-650A) to Sheriff's Department—Supplies and Materials
(Code 80-300),
RESOLVED, further That the Commissioner of Budget and Administra-
tion be and he hereby is authorized to make said transfer on his books,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Ayes — 16. Noes — 0. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 312 — Authorization to Execute Contract with
Trumansburg Re: Sheriff's Deputies
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction
Committee, That the contract between the Village of Trumansburg and the
County of Tompkins be renewed for a period commencing January 1, 1971,
and terminating December 31, 1971,
RESOLVED, further, That the terms of said contract shall be the same
in all respects,
December 14, 1970 343
RESOLVED, further, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby
is authorized to execute a contract with the Mayor of the Village of Tru-
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 313 — Authorization to Execute Agreement —
Genealogical Society Permitting
Microfilming of County Clerk's Records
Mr. Leary offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety and Correction,
Committee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he
hereby is authorized to execute an agreement on behalf of the County of
Tompkins with the Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus, Christ of
Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, permitting said Society to micro-
film and add to its collection of microfilmed genealogical records, certain
records belonging to Tompkins County currently in the custody of the County
Clerk and providing that said microfilming shall be done at no expense or
liability whatsoever to the County of Tompkins and that the County will be
provided one microfilm copy of filming performed free of charge and that
arrangements for the work to be performed shall be made with the County
Clerk who has custody of the records and said agreement to be approved by
the County Attorney.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 314 — Abolish Positions — Store Clerks —
Social Services
Mr. Abbott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Social and Health
Services Committees, That five positions of store clerk, labor grade IV, non-
competitive class (surplus food), be abolished effective immediately,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioners of Personnel and Social Services.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 315 — Creation of New Positions — Judge Dean's
Mr. Abbott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Personnel and Public Safety and
Correction Committees, That one position of Secretary, labor. grade X, exempt
class (State Civil Service approval pending) and one position of Court
Reporter I, labor grade XIII, competitive class be created, effective January
1, 1971,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
MOVED by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr. Miller that Resolution No.
300 — Future Use of Boardman House — be lifted from the table. Carried.
344 December 14, 1970
At this time Mr. Marcham presented Resolution No. 300 — Future Use
of Boardman House. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 316 — Authorization to Execute Contract —
Tompkins County Senior Citizens' Council,
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:.
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Social and Health Services
Committee That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to
execute a contract with the Tompkins County Senior Citizens' Council, Inc.
for recreation for the elderly project for the year 1971 which will provide a
total payment of $4,872 of which fifty percent shall be reimbursed by the
State of New York.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 317—Naming of Negotiating Committee on
Community College Operating Costs
Mr. Stutz offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Cortland County has named its board Chairman, finance
committee Chairman, and budget officer to negotiate operating cost-sharing
for Tompkins -Cortland Community College with Tompkins County, therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee That this board name its board Chairman, Budget and Administration
Committee Chairman, and Commissioner of Budget and Administration to
negotiate for Tompkins County in this matter.
Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried with Mr. Golder casting a dissenting
RESOLUTION NO. 318 — Authorization to Execute Contract =
Tompkins County Federation of Sportmen's
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby is authorized to
execute a contract with the Tompkins County Federation of Sportsmens' Clubs
for the year 1971 regarding the expenditure of monies approved to said
sportsmen's clubs by the Board of Representatives for said year.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 319 — Award of Bids —Tompkins County
Highway Department
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, The County, Superintendent of Highways has advertised for
December 14, 1970 345
bids in accordance with specifications filed in his office on the following
4—Small Dump Trucks
2—Six Man Pickup Trucks
1—Six Man. Cab Stake Body Truck
1—Hydraulic Excavator
2—Material Spreaders
2—Brockway Tandem Trucks and
WHEREAS, the following were the lowest responsible bidders meeting
all specifications as follows:
Cayuga Motors Sales Corp. of Ithaca with a gross bid of $6595 each for
small Dump Trucks with a trade allowance of $1400 per truck, leaving a
net of $5,195 per truck, and $20,780 for four trucks.
Cayuga Motors Sales Corp. of Ithaca with gross bid of $3611 each for six
man Pickup Trucks —The Superintendent of Highways recommends buying
one. •
Cayuga Motors Sales Corp. of Ithaca with gross bid of $6379 for a six
man Stake Body Truck with a trade allowance of $800 leaving a net of
J. C. Georg Corp. of Syracuse, New York, with a, gross bid of $58,266
for a Hydraulic Excavator with a trade allowance of $13,234. leaving a net
of $45,032.
Hanna and Hamilton, Inc. of Bath, New York with a gross bid of $4,349
for two Material Spreaders.
Brockway Motor Trucks of Elmira, New York with a gross bid of
$54,560 for two Brockway Tandem Truckswith a trade of $6,630 for two
trucks and a further allowance of $2930 for delivery without tires, tubes, or
flaps, leaving a net of $45,000. The County cost of tires, tubes and flaps is
$1,933. Now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee That the aforementioned low bids be and the same hereby are ac-
cepted and. the County Superintendent of Highways is authorized and di-
rected to complete said purchases on behalf of the County.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 320 — Rejection of All Bids for Alterations and
Additions to Buildings A and B
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, bids were received by the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee on November 3, 1970 for alterations and additions to Buildings A and
B of the former Ithaca College buildings to convert same to general County
office use, and
WHEREAS, bids were received from the following general contractors:.
Foster -Staples, Friederich, Giordano McElwee, and McPherson, and bids
for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning were received from Hull and
Donohue -Halverson, and bids for plumbing were received from Hull,
Donohue -Halverson, and Wilson, and bids for electric work were received
from Superior and Madison, in accordance with the schedule attached here-
with, and
WHEREAS, the total base bid for the low bidders in each category amount-
ed to $491,985.00 and
WHEREAS, the useful life of said buildings after alterations and addi-
tions, has been estimated at approximately twenty years, and
WHEREAS, the cost of the alterations and additions is approaching the
cost of a new equivalent building with an estimated useful life of fifty
years, therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public' Works Com-
mittee, That all bids are hereby rejected, and be it further
346 December 14, 1970
RESOLVED, That the Planning and Public Works Committee be directed
to investigate and prepare a report on the comparative cost and advan-
tages of a new building versus renovation of the existing buildings and
other alternatives, and That this report be submitted for consideration by
this Board not later than March 1, 1971 and be it further
RESOLVED, That architects Levatich, Miller and Hoffman be released
from further obligations pending decisions on this matter.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Discussion disclosed the committee felt bids
were too high for renovation and all other alternatives for building,
renovating, and renting should be investigated by the Planning De-
It was MOVED by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr. Miller and Carried
That the Planning Department report back to the board on all alterna-
tives for additional office space.
RESOLUTION NO. 321 — Award of Bid — Printing of Proceedings
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board has advertised for bids for the print-
ing of the Proceedings of the Board of Representatives for the year 1971 in
accordance with the specifications filed in her office, and
WHEREAS, the bid of Arnold Printing Corporation, Ithaca New York, for
furnishing 500 copies at $7.75 per page for 10 point type; $15.43 per page
for 8 point type and $18.15 per page for 8 point tables is the lowest respon-
sible bidder meeting all specifications, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That said bid be and the same hereby is accepted for copies
of the proceedings and the bid for printing said proceedings for 1971 be
and the same hereby is awarded to Arnold Printing Corporation and the
Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract on behalf
of the County for said work.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 322 — Special Grade Crossing Levy — Lehigh
Valley Railroad Company
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the State of New York is entitled to certain monies in the
amount of $227.96 from the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company pursuant to
the laws of the State of New York for the elimination of a grade crossing
in the Town of Newfield, said monies being for labor and material rendered
by the state in connection with said project, and
WHEREAS, said case is designated as Public Service Case No. 5357
(Town of Newfield), and
WHEREAS, said sum is outstanding and unpaid as certified by the State
Comptroller of the State of New York, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the law, the unpaid amount is to be apportioned
according to procedures outlined by the Department of Audit and Control and
apportioned against the individual assessments of the said company in each
tax district of the county where real property of the railroad is located, and
WHEREAS, the Department of Audit and Control requires that the Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration set up an account on his books to
show the several amounts due the state, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget and Administration Com-
mittee and the Director of Assessments, That the sum of $227.96 due the
December 14, 1970 347
State of New York by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company arising out of
the elimination of a railroad crossing in the Town of Newfield (Public
Service Case. No. 5357) be apportioned against the real property owned .by
the railroad within the County of Tompkins, a summary of which is set forth
below, the particularization being on file with the Clerk of the Board and
Director of Assessments,
RESOLVED, further, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration
is hereby authorized and directed to set up an account on the books of the
County as follows to show the amount due the State of New York:
A634 Due to State of New York—Grade Crossing Elimination
RESOLVED, further, That the amounts due the state will be paid only
ifand when collected,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Assessments be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to add the said amounts to the several tax rolls
and tax warrants of the Tax Districts as shown in the above summary,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration and to
the Director of Assessments.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 323 — Transfer of Funds — Various Departments
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Department . From To Amount
Board of Elections 60B-400 60A-200 $ 105.
Library 1331 L 190-200 4,649.
1331 L 300 6,450.
Highway—County Road D-90-400 D-90-300 16,790.
403 300 78.
402 300 272.
1849 100 9,000.
Probation 31-300 31-400 260.62
Social Services A-160-602 $14,000.
605 5,000.
610 28,000.
608 10,000.
A-160-601 $17,000.
603 40,000.
A-150-100 A-150-120. 3,500.
A-150-400 A-150-403 2,000.
404 2,500. 4,500.
A-160-607 A-160-606 1,000.
Personnel A-55-300 A-55-400 100.
Seconded by Mr. Holden.
A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives MacNeil,
Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Abbott, Culligan; Dates, Golder,
Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee — 14. Noes — Representatives Webster,
Bruce — 2. Carried.
348 December 14, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 324—Public Awards—Amendment of Local
Law No. 2— 1966
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, That a
public hearing be scheduled on the 28th day of December to consider an
amendment to Local Law No. 2 - 1966, adopted September 26, 1966, which
amendment will conform the local law of the County of Tompkins to certain
amendments adopted by the State and will increase the income limitations
from $3,000 to $5,000.
Seconded by Mr. Graves.
MOVED by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Golder to TABLE the
resolution until January. Motion to Table Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 325—Audit of Community College Capital
Mrs. Schickel offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the list of claims audited by the Intergovernmental Relations
Committee to be paid from the Capital Construction Account of the Tompkins -
Cortland Community College are:
Caudill, Rowlett, Scott $ 41,794.15
Robert L. Mann & Associates 5,198.50
Construction $ 46,992.65
Equipment $ 20,372.04 $ 67,364.69
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That this Board approves said audit, and the payment of
said bills,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins -Cortland Com-
College, the Cortland County Board of Supervisors and to the Com-
missioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Marcham.
A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes — Representatives MacNeil,
Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Abbott, Culligan, Dates, Golder,
Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee — 14. Noes — Representatives Bruce and
Webster — 2. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 326 — On Audit
Mr. Lee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins
chargeable to the
General Fund $ 39,628.32
Airport Fund 4,467.27
Dog Fund 4,983.50
County Self -Insurance Fund 390.32
Transfer of Funds 1,054.41
Highway Bills 110,402.83
Total $160,926.65
December 14, 1970 349
be and hereby are audited by this Board at
by the various committees, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board
so audited with the Commissioner of Budget
she be and hereby is authorized and directed
out of the various -funds appropriated therefo
the aboveamounts approved
file a certified list of claims
and Administration and That
to pay said claims so audited
Seconded by Mr. Graves.
A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes—Representatives MacNeil,
Marcham, Miller, Schickel, Stutz, Abbott, Bruce, Culligan, Dates, Golder,
Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, Lee — 14. Noes — Representatives Webster
and Bruce — 2. Carried.
Chairman Dates announced a Special Executives Session of the whole
board for Tuesday, December 15th at 7:30 P.M. in board chambers.
Mr. Marcham placed in nomination the following named persons to
serve on the Historic Advisory Board: Mr. Daniel Carey, Mr. William
Downing, Mr. Herbert Finch, Mr. Stephen Jacobs, Mr. R. C. Osborn,
Mrs. John Reinhardt, and Mr. Peter Zaharis.
There being no further nominations from the floor, Chairman Dates
declared the above-named persons appointed.
Mr. Stutz placed in nomination the following named persons to serve
on Tompkins County Public Library Board of Trustees effective January
1971: Mr. James V. Buyoucos to be reappointed to a five-year term to
expire December 31, 1975, Mr. Charles Pettis to a three-year term to
expire December 31, 1973, Mrs. James A. Liggett to a five-year term to
expire December 31, 1975, and Mrs. Louis Szabadi to a four-year term
to expire December 31, 1974.
There being no further nominations, it was MOVED, Seconded and
unanimously Carried that the nominees become members of the Library
Board of Trustees.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
350 December 21, 1970
December 21, 1970 - 8:00 P.M.
Approximately forty people attended the public hearing to hear the
Tompkins County Civil Service Employees' Association Negotiating Com-
mittee and the County's Negotiating Committee present their positions.
The major differences are in salary increases; the County proposes a 6%
increase for all those employees who would be raised an increment. The
increase would be calculated on the present salary. The fact finder's
report recommended a 5.8% increase on top of each increment. The
employees' assumption is the normal increments have already been nego-
tiated as a condition of employment and cost of living raises should be in
excess of increments. Also there is disagreement for payment of unused
sick leave upon resignation or retirement.
Joseph Roedel questioned the money that was set aside in the 1971
budget to administer the increase in salaries. Mr. Murphy explained
that in the budget the salary adjustment was not known so dollars were
put in the budget. The reserves were put in two places. The fringe
benefits were put in the line items.
Richard Murdock questioned the mileage rate per mile. Mr. Murphy
said this is not in the contract. The mileage rate is set by the Board of
Mr. Marcham, Representative of the 5th Ward, asked John Shipherd,
co-chairman of the Civil Service Employees' Association Negotiating
Committee, if he had any comment regarding the comparison of County
salaries with private and public employment. Mr. Shipherd stated the
evidence submitted to the factfinder by PERB showing figures on a state-
wide level were fairer in the negotiating team's opinion. The County
has consistently maintained that its salary level is in favorable com-
parison with salaries in other counties in the area. Mr. Marcham also
asked whether the County employees acted upon or expressed them-
selves on the offer of the County. Mr. Shipherd said the County offer has
remained consistent throughout negotiations and employees have had
the opportunity to voice their opinions. Mr. Marcham questioned Mr.
Shipherd on retroactivity. Mr. Shipherd said from the information they
have from employees, he could not recommend any settlement for
approval unless it is retroactive.
Upon hearing no further questions, the Chairman thanked everyone
for attending and thanked both negotiating committees for the many
hours of their time spent on negotiations.
The Public Hearing was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
December 28, 1970 351
The Board convened to hear officials of the Community College,
Thomas Murphy, Finance Officer; Ronald Space, Chairman of the Board
of Trustees; and Robert Mann, Consultant; explain the possibility of
receiving $41/2 million from Appalachian funds and Title I federal funds
for construction of Phase I and II of the Community College which
would make it possible for completion by 1973. It was pointed out that
if the aid is not received, the College does not have to proceed with the
construction. A resolution will be presented at the December 28th
At this time the Board went into Executive Session.
Monday, December 28, 1970
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
PRESENT: Representatives Marcharn, Miller, Schickel, Stutz, 'Web-
ster, Abbott, Bruce, Culligan, Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary,
MacNeil, and Dates — 15.
EXCUSED: Representative Lee — 1.
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
The Clerk noted the following correspondence had been received for
filing or given to the proper committees:
Contracts received: County of Tompkins and Seymour's Disposal Serv-
ice for refuse disposal at Site No. 2; Counties of Tompkins and Cortland
and Robert Mann and Associates as landscape architect at Tompkins -
Cortland Community College; Counties of Tompkins and Cortland and
McKee-Berger-Mansueto Inc. for construction cost management at Tomp-
kins -Cortland Community College with Addendum; Counties of Tomp-
kins and Cortland and Caudill Rowlett . Scott and Levatich, Miller and
Hoffman as Associates of CRS for architectural services for the Tompkins -
Cortland Community College; County of Tompkins and the FAA for
VOR facility at the airport; and County of Tompkins and the Tompkins
County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs; and County of Tompkins and
352 December 28, 1970
Senior Citizen's Council; Bond Anticipation Note Certificate dated
August 28, 1970, authorizing issuance of $75,000. to pay a part of the
cost of certain improvements at the airport; Recommendations from the
TCCSEA for settlement of the present contract dispute; Memo of possi-
ble undergrounding of electric, telephone and telegraph facilities. Re-
ferred to Planning Department; Letter from Department of Agriculture
and Markets requesting we continue the night quarantine order for dogs
in the county; Letter from Department of Environmental Conservation
recommending implementation of dog quarantine from January 15
through May 1, 1971, to protect deer; Letter from Department of Audit
and Control indicating that Code of Ethics has not been filed; Resolu-
tion from County of Schenectady urging STATE TO ASSUME FINAN-
Annual Report of Region 3 Fish and Wildlife Management Division of
N.Y.S. Conservation Department; Certificate of Insurance for Norton
Electric Company, Inc.; Letter from Tompkins County Hospital Auxil-
iary urging continued operation of bus services to the hospital.
Dr. Ralph J. Low, county coroner, reported to the board on the
coroner's findings for 1970. He reviewed each case which totalled seventy-
two deaths from natural causes, twenty-two by accident, and ten by
Chairman Dates called a recess at 8:15 P.M. for a public hearing on
the agreement with Chartair, Inc. and the clerk read the notice. The
proposed addendum to agreement reads as follows:
TOMPKINS entered into an agreement for Fixed Base Operations at the
Tompkins County Airport, dated August 31, 1965, and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Public Works Committee and Allen Hayes
have discussed said contract and various phases of the operation
NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed to amend the original agree-
ment as follows:
1. Article VII — Sale of Fuel: the words "per year" are added for clarifica-
tion of the last paragraph of the Article.
2. Article XIV, subdivision (e) thereof is eliminated.
3. Exhibit A showing the land and buildings leased to Chartair is attached
hereto. Said Exhibit'A has been updated and includes an area shown as
Item "9" presently used by ITH-AIR, INC. for fuel storing, it being under-
stood that the said fuel storage was installed by Allen Hayes and upon the
termination of this lease the said tanks and fuel storage at the option of the
County shall be removed at the expense of ITH-AIR, INC.
4. The sum of $494.04 due by the Fixed Base Operator for the sale of Avjet
is forgiven due to expense of transferring from Shell to Texaco in order
to be able to supply Avjet fuel.
Upon hearing no objections, Chairman Dates declared the hearing
closed at 8:29 P.M.
December 28, 1970 353
Chairman Dates called a recess at 8:30 P.M. for a public hearing on
Code of Ethics and Board of Ethics and the clerk read the notice. The
proposed Local Laws No. 2 and 3 read as follows:
LOCAL LAW NO. 2 — 1970
A local law establishing standards of conduct for officers and em-
ployees of the County of Tompkins.
Be it enacted by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tomp-
kins as follows:
Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of section eight hundred six of
the General Municipal Law, the Board of Representatives of the County
of Tompkins recognizes that there are rules of ethical conduct for public
officers and employees which must be observed if a high degree of moral
conduct is to be obtained and if public confidence is to be maintained
in our unit of local government. It is the purpose of this local law to
promulgate these rules of ethical conduct for the officers and employees
of the County of Tompkins. These rules shall serve as a guide for official
conduct of the officers and employees of the County of Tompkins. The
rules of ethical conduct of this local law as adopted, shall not conflict
with, but shall be in addition to any prohibition of article eighteen of
the General Municipal Law or any other general or special law relating
to ethical conduct and interest in contracts of municipal officers and
§2. Definition.
(a) "Municipal Officer or Employee" means an officer or em-
ployee of the County of Tompkins, whether paid or unpaid, including
members of any administrative board, commission or other agency there-
of. No person shall be deemed to be a municipal officer or employee
solely by reason of being a volunteer fireman or civil defense volunteer,
except a chief engineer or assistant chief engineer.
(b) "Interest" means a pecuniary or material benefit accruing
to a municipal officer or employee unless the context otherwise requires.
§3. Standards of Conduct. Every officer or employee of the County of
Tompkins shall be subject to and abide by the following standards of
(a) Gifts. He shall not directly or indirectly, solicit any gift; or ac-
cept or receive any gift having a value of twenty-five dollars or more,
354 December 28, 1970
whether in the form of money, services, loan, travel, entertainment,
hospitality, thing or promise, or any other form, under circumstances in
which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended to in-
fluence him, or could reasonably be expected to influence him, in the
performance of his official duties or was intended as a reward for any
official action on his part.
(b) Confidential information. He shall not disclose confidential
information acquired by him in the course of his official duties or use
such information to further his personal interest.
(c) Representation before one's own agency. He shall not receive,
or enter into any agreement, express or implied, for compensation for
services to be rendered in relation to any matter before any municipal
agency of which he is an officer, member or employee or of any municipal
agency over which he has jurisdiction or to which he has the power to
appoint any member, officer or employee.
(d) Representation before any agency for a contingent fee. He
shall not receive, or enter into any agreement, express or implied for
compensation for services to be rendered in relation to any matter before
any agency of his municipality, whereby his compensation is to be de-
pendent or contingent upon any action by such agency with respect to
such matter, provided that this paragraph shall not prohibit the fixing
at any time of fees based upon the reasonable value of the services
(e) Disclosure of interest in legislation. To the extent that he
knows thereof, a member of the Board of Representatives and any officer
or employee of the County of Tompkins, whether paid or unpaid, who
participates in the discussion or gives official opinion to the Board of
Representatives on any legislation before the Board of Representatives
shall publicly disclose on the official record the nature and extent of
any direct or indirect financial or other private interest he has in such
(f) Investments in conflict with official duties. He shall not invest
or hold any investment directly or indirectly in any financial, business,
commercial or other private transaction, which creates a conflict with
his official duties.
(g) Private employment. He shall not engage in, solicit, negotiate
for or promise to accept private employment or render services for
private interests when such employment or service creates a conflict with
or impairs the proper discharge of his official duties.
(h) Future employment. He shall not, after the termination of
service or employment with such municipality, appear before any board
December 28, 1970 355
or agency of the County of Tompkins in relation to any case, proceeding
or application in which he personally participated during the period of
his service or employment or which was under his active consideration.
§4. Nothing herein shall be deemd to bar or prevent the timely filing
by a present or former municipal officer or employee of any claim, ac-
count, demand or suit against the County of Tompkins, or .any agency
thereof on behalf of himself or any member of his family arising out of
any personal injury or property damage or for any lawful benefit
authorized or permitted by law.
§5. Distribution of Code of Ethics. The Chairman of the Board of
Representatives of the County of Tompkins shall cause a copy of this
code of ethics to be distributed to every officer and employee of the
County of Tompkins within 30 clays after the effective date of this
local law. Each officer and employee elected or appointed thereafter
shall be furnished a copy before entering upon the duties of his office or
§6. Penalties. In addition to any penalty contained in any other _pro-
vision of law, any person who shall knowingly and intentionally violate
any of the provisions of this code may be fined, suspended or removed
from office or. employment, as the case may be, in the manner provided
by law.
§7. Effective date. This local law shall take effect upon filing as
provided in section twenty-seven of the municipal home rule law.
LOCAL LAW NO. 3 — 1970
A local law establishing a Board of Ethics.
Be it enacted by the Board of Representatives of the County of Tomp-
kins as follows:
Section 1. There is hereby established a Board of Ethics consisting of
three members to be appointed by the Board of Representatives and who
shall serve without compensation and at the pleasure of the Board of
Representatives. A majority of such members shall be persons other than
officers or employees of the County of Tompkins, but shall include at
least one member who is an elected or appointed officer or employee of
the County of Tompkins.
§2. The Board of Ethics shall have the powers and duties prescribed
by article eighteen of the General Municipal Law and shall render ad-
356 December 28, 1970
visory opinions to the officers and employees of the County of Tompkins
with respect to article eighteen of the General Municipal Law and any
Code of Ethics adopted pursuant to such article, under such rules and
regulations as the board may prescribe. In addition, the board may make
recommendations with respect to the drafting and adoption of a Code of
Ethics or amendments thereto upon request of the Board of Representa-
§3. This local law shall take effect upon filing as provided in section
twenty-seven of the General Municipal Law.
Upon hearing no objections, Chairman Dates declared the hearing
closed at 8:40 P.M.
Chairman Dates declared a recess of the board at 8:41 P.M. and the
meeting was called back to order at 9:08 P.M.
MOVED by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Abbott, That resolutions not
on the agenda pertaining to appointment of a medical examiner, anti -
recession legislation in New York State, dog warden in Tompkins County,
and resolution of respect for William Alles, be considered at this meeting.
RESOLUTION NO. 327 — Resolution of Respect — William Alles
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, William Alles, a former member of the Tompkins County
Board of Supervisors passed away December 26, 1970, and
WHEREAS, the said William Alles had been a resident of the City of
Ithaca since 1934 when he first came to Ithaca from Philadelphia, and
WHEREAS, he was appointed Supervisor of the Second Ward in 1962 upon
the death of Paul Blanchard and served through December 31, 1963, and
WHEREAS, he served as Chairman of the Compensation Insurance Corn-
mittee and was a member of the Animal Health, Insurance and Bonds, Public
Welfare, Purchasing and Tax Sales Committees during his term of office, and
WHEREAS, as Supervisor he gave untiringly of his time in attending to
the duties of his office, now therefore he it
RESOLVED, UNANIMOUSLY, by this Board, That the members thereof
express their sympathy and sincere condolences to the family of William
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the family of William Alles.
Unanimously seconded. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 328 — Amendment of Resolution No. 239 —
Approval of Expenditure of Monies for
Construction of Community College
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 239, the Board of Representatives of Tomp-
kins County and the Board of Supervisors of Cortland County approved a
December 28, 1970 357
tentative budget not to exceed $8,656,804. for the construction of Phase I of
the Tompkins -Cortland Community College, all in accordance with the copy
of the Capital Budget — Projected Cost Summary, a copy of which is on file
with the Clerk of the Board of Representatives, and
WHEREAS, the Community College has made investigation into the possible
additional funds that may be obtained from Federal and State sources which
could be used in the construction of said college, and
WHEREAS, certain funds are available from the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare and other additional funds are available from the
Appalachian Regional Planning Commission, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Resolution No. 239 be amended to approve the construc-
tion of Phase I and Phase II within a tentative budget not to exceed 14.2
million dollars in accordance with the copy of the Amended Capital Budget —
Projected Cost Summary copy of which is filed with the Clerk of the Board
of Representatives, said increase contingent upon the receipt of State and Fed-
eral aid to cover said increased cost,
RESOLVED, further, That said budget as it presently exists is amended
to add an additional $10,000 to same, said monies to be used to pay the archi-
tect for work required to be done on the schematic design in order to file
the application with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and
the Appalachian Regional Planning Commisson to obtian said funds,
RESOLVED, further, That this resolution is contingent upon adoption of
same by the Cortland County Board of Supervisors,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Clerk of the Cortland County Board of Supervisors
and to the Commissioner of Budget and Administration.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz. Discussion followed and it was understood
that building Phase II at an earlier date with Appalachian Funds would
not increase local costs above those anticipated in approving the Tomp-
kins -Cortland Community College construction. SUNY takes the position
of approving the money spent for academic purposes only.
A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Representatives Bruce, Cul-
ligan, Golder, Graves, Holden, Kerr, Leary, MacNeil, Marcham, Miller,
Schickel, Stutz, Webster, Dates — 14. Noes: Representatives Abbott — 1.
Excused: Representative Lee — 1. Carried.
MOVED by Mr. Marcham, seconded by Mr. Miller That Resolution
SPCA — TABLED on December 14, be lifted from the table.
Ayes — 9. Noes — 6. Absent — 1. Carried.
County Attorney Robert Williamson read a draft of a resolution to
name Sheriff Robert Howard as dog warden.. The various aspects of
both proposals were discussed at great length.
MOVED by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Stutz That Resolution No.
308 be TABLED to Intergovernmental Relations and Public Safety and
Correction committees. Carried.
358 December 28, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 329 — Appointment of Medical Examiner
Mr. Culligan offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Coroner Ralph Low's term of office expires December 31,
1970, and
WHEREAS, the County Charter and Code requires the appointment of a
Medical Examiner to take the place of the office of Coroner, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Social and Health Services and
Personnel Committees That Ralph Low be and he hereby is appointed Medi-
cal Examiner pursuant to Section 19.0 of the County Charter, effective
January 1, 1971, to serve at the pleasure of the Board, said position to be in
the same Labor Grade as Coroner, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies of this
resolution to Dr. Ralph Low and to the Commissioner of Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 330 — Award of Bid — Roofing Old Court House
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has duly advertised for bids on
roofing of old Court House, and
WHEREAS, W. D. McElwee and• Sons, 129 W. Fall Street, Ithaca, New
York, is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications with a net
bid of $4,420., now therefore be it
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That the said bid of W. D. McElwee and Sons of Ithaca, New York,
in the amount of $4,420. be and the same hereby is accepted and the Com-
missioner of Public Works is authorized and directed to complete said
transaction on behalf of the County.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 331—Rejection of Bids—Mobile Radios—
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, bids have been received for six mobile radios after due ad-
vertising as required by law, and
WHEREAS, the Airport Manager has ascertained that he could not ob-
tain the frequency for said radios as advertised, and
WHEREAS, said radio frequency was vital and essential to the use of
said mobile radios, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee and the Airport Manager, That said bids be and hereby are rejected.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 332 —Award of Bid — Snowplow — Airport
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the airport Manager has duly advertised for bids for a power
reversible snow plow, and
December 28, 1970 359
WHEREAS, Charles J. Blackwell, Inc. of Horseheads, New York, was the
lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications for one (1) new Frink
Model 3611 APRT Power Reversible Snow Plow with front mounting and
controls per specifications, delivered, for the sum of $3,400.00, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Commit-
tee and the Airport Manager, That the bid of Charles J. Blackwell, Inc. of
Horseheads, New York, for one (1) Power Reversible Snow Plow, mounted
and delivered for the sum of $3,400.00 be and the same hereby is accepted
and the Airport Manager be and he herby is authorized to complete the said
transaction on behalf of the County.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 333—Approval of Addendum — Chartair and the
County of Tompkins
Mr. Holden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held on the 23rd day of November,
1970, on a proposed Addendum Agreement between Chartair, Inc., and the
County of Tompkins relating to certain matters in the original agreement
including the fuel storage area installed by the Fixed Base Operator and the
expense of supplying Avjet Fuel, and
WHEREAS, no one appeared in opposition to said addendum, now there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning and Public Works Com-
mittee, That the Chairman of the Board of Representatives be and he hereby
is authorized to execute said addendum on behalf of the county.
Seconded by Mr. Kerr. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 334 — 1971 Compensation for Employees Including
Fringe Benefits
Mr. Abbott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the negotiating committees for both the County and the County
employees have and still are negotiating in an attempt to arrive at a contract
covering compensation and fringe benefits for county employees for the year
1971, and
WHEREAS, the rules and regulations of the local Public Employment Rela-
tions Board have been compiled with in all respects, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives of the County of Tompkins must
establish compensation and fringe benefits for the year 1971, until a contract
is agreed upon, and
WHEREAS, an agreement may not be arrived at on or before January 1,
1971, between the parties, and
WHEREAS, as of January 1, 1971, the agreement executed between the
parties effective as of January 1, 1969 through December 31, 1970 will no
longer be effective after said date, and
WHEREAS, the County wishes to maintain continuity of employment in
all its departments, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That this resolution be adopted covering employee compensa-
tion and fringe benefits for the calendar year 1971, commencing as of January
1, 1971, until an agreement is reached with the Tompkins County Civil Service
Employees Association: I: That the Public Employees Fair Employment Act
of the State of New York, the other provisions of the Civil Service Law and
local laws and resolutions now or hereafter adopted by the County of Tomp-
360 December 28, 1970
kins which are not inconsistent with said act shall govern the terms of this
resolution; II: That the County of Tompkins recognizes the Tompkins County
Civil Service Employees Association as the sole and exclusive representative
for all employees of Tompkins County. Attached hereto and made a part
hereof, marked Exhibit A, is a copy of the resolution adopted by the Board
of Supervisors, July 10, 1967, recognizing said bargaining agent; III: That
said recognition is contingent upon the continuing affirmation that said asso-
ciation does not assert the right to strike against the employer, to assist or
participate in any such strike, or to impose an obligation upon its members to
conduct or to participate in such a strike; reference is made to the affirma-
tion of said bargaining agent, a copy of which is attached to the afore-
mentioned January 1, 1969 agreement between the parties for reference;
/V: That for purposes of clarity and brevity, the County by this resolution
hereby incorporates herein and adopts the following clauses and paragraphs
of the contract executed between the County of Tompkins and the Tompkins
County Civil Service Employees Association, dated as of January 1, 1969,
with the same force and effect as if set forth herein at length it being under-
stood that by said reference the County in no way extends the aforesaid con-
tract beyond December 31, 1970: f!). Referring to said agreement all clauses
are made a part of this resolution except that the following are deleted: Open-
ing paragraph, page 1, and Articles I, II, III 2-(a), (b), (c), 3(a); XIV,
XV, and XVI. With respect to compensation this means that all employees
will be paid the same annual salary received in 1970 except that it shall be
computed on the basis of 261 work days; V: That this resolution shall become
effective immediately on January 1, 1971, providing no agreement between
the County and the Tompkins County Civil Service Employees Association
is agreed upon on or before said date; 1/I: That there shall be no retroactive
salary increases or fringe benefits of any kind or nature except that salaries
and fringe benefits agreed upon in the contract finally executed with the
Tompkins County Civil Service Employees Association will be effective from
the first day of the month in which the contract is executed.
EXHIBIT A — JULY 10, 1967
RESOLUTION NO. 125 — Recognizing Bargaining Agent — Article 14
Civil Service Law
Mr. Fuller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of New York has passed the
Public Employees Fair Employment Act effective September 1, 1967, and
WHEREAS, the Legislature by said act declared it to be the public policy
of the State to promote harmonious and cooperative collective bargaining re-
lations between government and public employees and to protect the public
by assuring, at all times, the orderly and uninterrupted operation and func-
tion of government, and
WHEREAS, these policies are best effectuated and are required by statute
to be effectuated (a) granting to public employees the right of organization
and representation, (b) by requiring Local Governments and other political
subdivisions to negotiate with and to enter into written agreement with em-
ployee organizations representing public employees which have been certified
or recognized, (c) creation of a Tompkins County Public Employment Rela-
tions Board to assist in resolving disputes between public employers and
public employees, and (d) continuing the prohibition against strikes by public
employees and provide a remedy for violation of such prohibition, and
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins desires to follow the public policy of
the State of New York as expressed in the Public Employee's Fair Employ-
ment Act, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins Chapter of the Civil Service Employees Associa-
tion, Inc. hereinafter referred to as the CSEA and the Tompkins County Em-
ployees Association have requested that the Tompkins County Board of
Supervisors recognize the said associations, acting through a joint board
December 28, 1970 361
known as the Tompkins County Civil Service Employees Association, to
recognize said associations acting through their joint board as the sole bar-
gaining agent and representative for and on behalf of all the employees of
the County of Tompkins, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has in the past recognized the Civil
Service Employees Association and the Tompkins County Employees Associa-
tion as representative of all of the employees of the County of Tompkins,
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that the Civil
Service Employees Association and the Tompkins County Employees Associa-
tion are both organizations which have experience and ability required to
provide able and adequate representation for the employees of Tompkins
County acting through the joint board known as the Tompkins County Civil
Service Employees Association, and
WHEREAS, the Civil Service and Salaries Committee has ascertained the
County employees choice of the group to act as their bargaining agent by
means of dues deduction authorization, informal vote, and presentation to the
committee by the Civil Service Employees Association and the Tompkins
County Employees Association during the months of May and June, 1967,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Civil Service and Salaries Com-
mittee and the Personnel Director, That based on the employees choice this
Board of Supervisors does hereby recognize the Tompkins County Civil
Service Employees Association as the sole and exclusive representative and
bargaining agent for and on behalf of all the employees of Tompkins County.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 335 — Creation of Position — Typist (Temporary)
— Board of Representatives
Mr. Abbott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Personnel and Budget and Ad-
ministration Committees, That one temporary position of Typist, labor grade
IV, non-competitive class, be created effective immediately, for the duration
of Kathryn Dimmick's disability,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward a certified copy
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel.
Seconded by Mr. Golder. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 336 — Creation of Position — Clerk (Temporary)
— Community College
Mr. Abbott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Personnel and Intergovernmental
Relations Committee, That one position of Clerk, labor grade III, non-
competitive class, be created effective immediately, on a temporary basis
twice a year for a maximum of ten weeks to assist in registering students
at the Community College,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board forward certified copies
of this resolution to the Commissioner of Personnel and to the President of
the Tompkins -Cortland Community College.
Seconded by Mrs. Schickel. Carried.
362 December 28, 1970
RESOLUTION NO. 337 — Request for Anti -Recession Legislation —
State of New York
Mr. Abbott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, last week, Hon. Martin P. Catherwood, Industrial Labor
Commissioner, told the press that the state was on the verge of a' recession.
To back up his contention, he cited the following figures: average unemploy-
ment throughout the state, 5%; unemployment in the City of Buffalo, 10%;
Syracuse, Rochester, New York and several other cities are plagued with
growing welfare rolls and shrinking jobs, and
WHEREAS, a program of austerity does not seem to coincide with an
economy based on consumption, it would seem that the state should initiate
an immediate program to restore the normal activities of all bureaus, and
WHEREAS, welfare and unemployement insurance payments are at best
palliatives which treat only the effect of our plight and do not reach the
cause for which we recommend the immediate consideration of creating work
in several phases of the pollution problem which can be attacked right now,
WHEREAS, past experience in depressions and recessions indicate that
the restoration of purchasing power is an effective key to restoring economic
health, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Governor consult with the Legislature on the open-
ing of the 1971 Session for the purpose of providing monies for the initiation
of job -creating programs, for appropriate laws which will ease the burden
on certain cities where unemployment is greatest, to cancel the state austerity
program which in action promotes inefficiency and waste as many high
salaried employees are forced to proceed at half speed due to the lack of
ordinary essential services and conveniences and finally forthright intelligent
facing of the facts and the development of a program to meet them.
Seconded by Mr. Graves. Carried.
The Clerk was instructed to send this resolution to all counties of
New York State and to the Office of Local Government.
RESOLUTION NO. 338 — Adoption of Local Law No. 2 — 1970 Code
of Ethics
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held after notice required by law on
Local Law No. 2 — 1970 relative to establishing standards of conduct for
officers and employees of the County of Tompkins, and
WHEREAS, at said public hearing held on December 28, 1970, at 8:15
o'clock in the evening thereof, no one appeared in opposition to said Code
of Ethics, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That said Local Law No. 2 — 1970, be and the same hereby is adopted,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of
said local law in the official newspapers of the County, for two successive
weeks, within ten days after this local law is adopted, and after said local
law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days
one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk, one certified copy with
the State Comptroller and three certified copies with the Secretary of State.
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
December 28, 1970 363
RESOLUTION NO. 339—Adoption of Local Law No. 3 — 1970 Board
of Ethics
Mr. Marcham offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held after notice required by law
on Local Law No. 3 — 1970 relative to establishing a Board of Ethics, and
WHEREAS, at said public hearing held on December 28, 1970, at 8:15
o'clock in the evening thereof, no one appeared in opposition to said Board
of Ethics, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Intergovernmental Relations Com-
mittee, That said Local Law No. 3 — 1970, be and the same hereby is adopted,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board publish a true copy of
said local law in the official newspapers of the County, for two successive
Aveeks, within ten days after this local law is adopted, and after said local
law shall have been finally adopted, the Clerk shall file within five days
one certified copy in the office of the County Clerk, one certified copy with
the State Comptroller and three certified copies with the Secretary of State.
Seconded by Mr. Leary. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 340 — Transfer of Funds — Various Departments
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon request of the various departments and recommenda-
tions of committees in charge of those departments, that department heads
be and hereby are authorized to make the following transfer of funds:
Transfers From:
74-200 375.00
74-400 99.00
74-401 D 1357.00
74-403 798.00
74-404 2300.00
74-405 140.00
74-100 1356.26
Transfer To:
74-402 5.08
74-300 280.48
74-401 A 1865.98
74-401 B 1308.74.
74-401 C 1608.72
74-401 B 1356.26
53A-300 County Clerk
To: 53A-200
10-400 Board of Representatives
To: 10-300
40-200 Budget and Administration
To: 40-400
125-300 Mental Health
To: 125-403
From: 130-401
To: 130-404
23 8.3 6
364 December 28, 1970
From: A-160-607 2000.00
To: A-160-610 2000.00
From: 152-200 100.00
To: 152-300 100.00
From: 34-400 1000.00
To: 34-120 B 1000.00
From: 290-633 6100.00
To: 290-636 6100.00
From: 53A-300 287.48
To: 53A-100 287.48
From: 73-400 39.49
To: A73-300 39.49
From: 55-200 102.43
To: 55-400 102.43
From: 76-300 41.45
To: 76-400 41.45
From: 80-400 460.95
To: 80-300 460.95
From: 120-120 2000.00
120-300 1759.88
To: 120-100 3759.88
Airport From: CA210-120 1136.78
CA210-120 533.35
To: CA210-100 1136.78
CA210-100 367.33
CA210-403 85.60
CA210-404 80.42
Library From: L-190-402 31.18
To: L-190-403 31.18
From: L-190-402 482.70
To: L-190-401 411.44
L-190-403 56.98
L-190-404 14.28
Seconded by Mr. Holden. Carried.
Mr. Stutz was excused at 10:40 P.M.
RESOLUTION NO. 341 -Appropriation from Contingent Fund
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, upon the request of the Public Safety and Correction Commit-
tee and the Budget and Administration Committee, That the sum of $4,457.20
be appropriated from the Contingent Fund (Code 290-650A) to:
COUNTY HISTORIAN Code 59-100 $ 734.72
CHILDREN Code 139-882 227.05
Code 21-121 3,495.43
Seconded by Mr. Miller. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes -
14. Noes - 0. Excused - 2. Carried.
December 28, 1970 365
RESOLUTION NO. 342 — Date of Organization Meeting
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That in accordance with Section 151 of the County Law, the
Organization Meeting of the Board of Representatives shall be held at 10:00
A.M., January 4, 1971, in the Representatives' Rooms of the Court House.
Seconded by Mr. Culligan. Carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 343 — On Audit
Mr. Graves offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the list of claims against the County of Tompkins
chargeable to:
General Fund $14,018.29
Airport Fund 18,888.91
Dog Fund 59.00
County Self -Insurance 00
Highway 18,229.61
Encumbrances 2,355.70
Printing Transfers 1,009.14
be and hereby are audited by this Board at the above amounts approved by
the various committees, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Budget and Administration be and
he hereby is authorized and directed to pay said claims so audited out of the
various funds appropriated therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Marcham. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes
— 14. Noes — 0. Excused — 2. Carried.
Mr. Culligan placed in nomination the name of Dr. Norman S. Moore
to succeed himself as physician member on the Board of Health for a
six-year term commencing January 1, 1971 and expiring December 31,
1976. He also nominated Dr. John Hirshfeld to succeed Dr. Lyman
Fisher as physician member on the Board of Health for a six-year term
commencing January 1, 1971 and expiring December 31, 1976. There
being no further nominations, it was MOVED that nominations be
closed and the Clerk cast one ballot for each nominee. The ballots cast,
Chairman Dates declared the above-named physicians members of the
Board of Health.
Mr. Culligan placed in nomination the name of Colonel Richard
Comstock to succeed himself as a member of the Hospital Board of Man-
agers for a five-year term commencing January 1, 1971 and expiring
December 31, 1975. Mr. Marcham placed in nomination the name of
Douglas Brown. There being no further nominations it was MOVED
That nominations be closed, a voice vote was taken and Colonel Richard
366 December 28, 1970
Comstock was declared a member of the Board of Managers. Mr. Culli-
gan placed in nomination the name of Mr. Phillip Allen to fill the un-
expired term of C. W. Sadd as a member of the Hospital Board of
Managers. Said term expires December 31, 1972. Mr. Marcham placed
in nomination the name of Douglas Brown. There being no further
nominations it was MOVED That nominations be closed. A voice vote
was taken and Mr. Phillip Allen was declared a member of the Board
of Managers. It was MOVED and Carried That the above-named appoint-
ments are Unanimously approved.
Mr. Culligan placed in nomination the names of Mr. William Agard,
Mr. Robert Carpenter,. and Mr. Glen Cline as members of the Bovine
TB and Animal Health Committee for a one-year term beginning Janu-
ary 1, 1971 and expiring .December 31, 1971. There being no further
nominations, it was MOVED That nominations be closed and the Clerk
cast one ballot for the nominees. The ballot being cast, Chairman Dates
declared the above-named persons members of said committee.
Mr. Holden placed in nomination the name of Mr. Everett Morgan to
succeed himself as a member of the Multiple Residence Review Board for
a three-year term commencing January 1, 1971 and expiring December
31, 1973. There being no further nominations, it was MOVED That
nominations be closed and the Clerk cast one ballot for the nominee.
The ballot being cast, Chairman Dates declared Mr. Everett Morgan a
member of the Multiple Residence Review Board.
Mr. Leary placed in nomination the names of Mrs. Virginia Powers,
Mrs. Sharon Scott, Mrs. Glenda Sheffield, and Mr. Herbert Van Ostrand
to succeed themselves as members of the Traffic Safety Board for three-
year terms to expire September 23, 1973. There being no further nomina-
tions, it was MOVED That nominations be closed and the Clerk cast
one ballot for the nominees. The ballot being cast, Chairman Dates
declared the above-named persons members of the Traffic Safety Board.
Mr. Holden placed in nomination the name of John Juber as a mem-
ber of the Wildlife Management Act District Board for a two-year term
commencing January 1, 1971 and expiring December 31, 1972. There be-
ing no further nominations, it was MOVED That nominations be closed
and the Clerk cast one ballot for the nominee. The ballot being cast,
Chairman Dates declared John Juber a member of the Wildlife Manage-
ment Act District Board.
Mr. Holden placed in nomination the names of Mr. Roger Gleason
and Mr. Sheldon Clark to succeed themselves as members of the District
Forest Practice Board for a three-year term beginning January 1, 1971
and expiring December 31, 1973. There being no further nominations,
it was MOVED That nominations be closed and the Clerk cast one ballot
for the nominees. The ballot being cast, Chairman Dates declared the
above-named persons members of the District Forest Practice Board.
December 28, 1970 367
Mr. Holden placed in nomination the names of Representative Erie
J. Miller, Jr., Representative Robert Bruce (for the Board of Representa-
tives) , Mr. Beach Stover (for the Grange) and Mr. Robert Bock (Mem-
ber -at -Large) to succeed themselves as members of the Soil Conservation
District for a three-year term beginning January 1, 1971 and expiring
December 31, 1973. There being no further nominations, it was MOVED
That nominations be closed and the Clerk cast one ballot for the nomi-
nees. The ballot being cast, Chairman Dates declared the above-named
persons members of the Soil Conservation District.
Mr. Marcham placed in nomination the names of Representative
Marion Schickel and Representative Erie J. Miller, Jr. to succeed them-
selves as members of Extension Service for a one-year term to expire
December 31, 197]. There being no further nominations, it was MOVED
That nominations be closed and the Clerk cast one ballot for the nomi-
nees. The ballot being cast, Chairman Dates declared the above-named
persons members of the Extension Service.
Mr. Marcham MOVED That the terms of Mr. Myron Stanton, Mr.
Isaiah Murray, Mr. John Harding, Mr. Richard Agard, and Mrs. Casper
Cottrell be extended for one month for a decision from a new consti-
tuted Intergovernmental Relations Committee on their successors.
Seconded by Mr. Stutz and Carried with Mr. Graves casting a dissenting
On motion, meeting adjourned to executive session.
368 Tompkins County, New York
January 12, 1970
or Allowed
Glenn A. Turner, Expenses $ 39.80
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Limestone Dust 51.84
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 50.90
T. G. Miller, Eng., Preliminary mapping 195.00
Huntington Gardens, Plants 45.00
Radio Communications Co., Repair & Labor 44.35
Am. Assoc. of Airport Exec., Subscription 60.00
N.Y. Telephone, Service -Nov. 24.25
Cramer's Auto Parts, Parts 53.21
Total 564.35
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 398.52
Total 398.52
Doris Levy, Expenses 28.61
Am. Telephone & Telegraph, Monthly charge 12.00
Total 40.61
Smith's Hardware Inc., Supplies -Dec. 43.95
B.P. Oil Corp., Fuel Oil, College Annex 313.30
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 2.25
Cayuga Signs Co., Signs 9.50
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service -Little Theatre 353.19
N.Y. Telephone, Service -Court House 989.02
Ithaca Glass, Glass 46.61
Alby & Son, Snow Plowing 48.00
Donohue -Halverson, Parts & Repairs 92.70
Total 1,898.52
T. G. Miller Sons Paper, Record Book 6.30
The Grover Press, Rubber Stamps 39.27
H. A. Carey Co., Inc., Bonds 360.00
Hall & McChesney, Inc., Motor Veh. Reg. -Dec. 12.70
Total 418.27
Lutton's Office Equipment, Roll -A -Matic Paper 49.90
Total 49.90
Carl Roe, Mileage 51.10
Total 51.10
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 369
or Allowed
Williams Press, Inc., Subscription 25.00
West Publishing Co., Abbot N.Y. Digest '69 60.50
Lond Publications, Supp. to Fisch 6.75
Total 92.25
Matthew McHugh, Postage, etc.
Click Studios—Ron Fenner, Photographs
Dorothy M. Burdorf, Minutes & transcripts
Total 90.87
Arnold Printing, Business Reply Cards 39.00
Cayuga Press, Copies of Charts 9.50
Total 48.50
West Publishing Co., Book 16.00
Sampson Paper Co., Book 18.91
Total 34.91
Seneca Supply & Equip. Co., Posts
Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co., Traffic sign faces
Robinson & Carpenter, Inc., Supplies
Total 688.05
Warren Bros. Roads Co., Stone 1,512.47
General Arborists, Inc., Stump Removal, etc. 380.00
H. D. Besemer, Inc., Setting drainage pipe 263.00
Finger Lakes Stone Co. Inc., Head Wall Stone 500.00
Koppers Co. Inc., Supplies 17,919.57
Republic Steel Corp., Pipe, etc. 2,64-3.20
Wallace Steel, Inc., Steel bar 72.39
Chemung Supply Corp., Steel pipe 3,799.14
Total 27,089.77
Bob Murphy, Inc., Cinders 6,772.50
Rumsey-Ithaca Corp., Road sand 2,025.24
Highway Materials Co. Inc., Rock salt 1,782.65
Total 10,580.39
Highway Materials Co. Inc., Rock salt 3,784.77
Total 3,784.77
370 Tompkins County, New York
Nichols Business Equip., Photo copy paper 30.11
Race Office Equip. Co., 2 ribbons 4.50
Howard A. Stevenson, Expenses 14.65
or Allowed
Total 49.26
Grand Total 42,192.24
Art's Fixit Service, Parts & Labor 66.65
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 135.20
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 2,040.08
Rural News, Public Notice 5.88
R. Herschel Mfg. Corp. Parts 17.82
Ithaca Gear & Auto Parts, Parts - 19.58
Paul Fontana, Parts 88.64
Vasco Brands, Inc., Supplies 16.50
Coverall Service & Supply, Supplies 43.60
Atlantic Tug & Equipment, Parts 2,110.05
L. B. Townsend Inc., Diesel Fuel 119.82
Albee Truck, Inc., Parts 26.35
Cayuga Electric Supply Co. Inc., Parts 12.28
J. C. Georg Corp., Parts 446.24
The Welles Supply Co. Inc., Rustoleum 55.04
Cayuga Motor Sales Corp., Regulator 37.98
Seneca Supply & Equip. Co., Inc., Parts 297.65
B. & D. Cleaning Co., Janitor service -Nov. 40.00
Empire Hardware & Machinery Co., Parts 223.70
Gary's Auto Upholstery, Parts & Labor 8.50
Memphis Equipment, Parts 82.42
C.C.O. Construction Equip., Inc., Parts 382.60
Cayuga Leasing Inc., 3 axle Tandem Roller (used) 4,300.00
Brockway Motor Trucks, Parts 7.66
Charles Boykin's Body Shop, Parts 101.50
Tioga Auto Parts, Parts 253.32
Crispell Automotive Inc., Alternator 97.60
Myers' Automotive, Parts 372.21
Cramer's Auto Parts, Inc., Parts 55.73
National Auto Weld, Inc., Parts 125.33
Hull Heating & Plumbing Inc., Repairs -heating unit 36.60
Ithaca Plumbing Supply Co., Pipe 7.92
Marion Electric Co. Inc., Parts & Labor 346.40
Erie J. Miller, Inc., Parts 10.25
Syracuse Supply Co., Parts 71.00
Elmira Auto Spring Works Co., steel spring 72.41
Total 12,134.51
J. William Little, M.D., Carl Rude -exam 20.00
Northside Pharmacy, Re: A. Mikula, Wm. Underwood 90.73
Total 110.73
Geo. G. McCauley, M.D., Jail visits 24 0)
Bond Baking Co., Bread 55.54
S. W. Blatchly, M.D., Re: E. Stevens 10.00
Mall Pharmacy, Various articles 37.92
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 371
or Allowed
PERSONAL SERVICES: (Pd. Dec. 24, '69)
Yvonne Stewart, Sr. Typist 270.90
Bettina Jennings, Typist -Surrogate Ct. 113.74
Zdenka Stepan, Acct. Sup.-Treas. 394.93
Zdenka Stepan, Acct. Sup.-Treas. 273.42
Ava Vormwald, Clerk -Assessment 137.97
Donald Franklin, Asst. Director -Assessment 406.00
Wm. M. Page, Sr. Assessor 180.56
Kenneth A. Tarbell, Sr. Assessor 341.60
Betty J. Hart, Sr. Typist -Assessment 227.33
Edith Beasley, Draftsman -Assessment 96.64
Nancy Morgan, Sr. Clerk -Motor Vehicle 180.60
Edith Ellis, Clerk -Personnel 136.80
Ernest Bury, Planning Tech. -Planning 231.40
Robert Beauregard, Planning Tech. -Planning 67.64
Harold Mednis, Planning Tech. -Planning 259.70
Timothy Jones, Planning Tech. -Planning 103.88
Richard Foster, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 165.90
Peter Strizak, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 137.97
Wm. Spencer, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 107.31
Ernest Borgeson, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 159.60
Vera Lyme, Rel. Tel. Operator 36.45
Robert McCracken, Deputy Sheriff 230.40
Florence Rumph, Typist -Civil Def. 23.20
Shirley Holcomb, Matron -Jail 192:00
(Pd. Jan. 8, 1970)
Bettina Jennings, Typist -Surrogate Court 57.98
D. A. Stobbs, Consultant -Budget & Adm. 490.00
Zdenka Stepan, Acct. Supervisor 230.79
Wm. M. Page, Sr. Assessor -Assessment 104.31
Sharon Housworth, Stenographer -Assessment 128.38
Kenneth A. Tarbell, Sr. Assessor -Assessment 350.14
Edith Beasley, Draftsman -Assessment 31.16
Betty J. Hart, Sr. Typist -Assessment 243.33
Ava Vormwald, Typist -Assessment 94.64
Anne Capogrossi, Typist -Assessment 35.24
Nancy Morgan, Sr. Clerk -Motor Vehicle 180.60
Edith M. Ellis, Clerk -Personnel 140.16
Dennis C. Updike, Typist -Personnel 120.61
Ava Vormwald, Clerk -Elections 45.99
Robert Beauregard, Planning Tech. -Planning 70.87
Timothy Jones, Planning Tech. -Planning 33.39
Peter Strizack, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 146.44
Wm. Spencer, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 155.96
Richard Foster, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 172.70
Ernest Borgeson, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 163.52
Vera Lyme, Rel. Telephone Opr. 29.63
Edward Fowler, Deputy Sheriff 146.40
John Cooper, Deputy Sheriff 146.40
Arthur Dawson? Deputy Sheriff 170.80
Shirley Holcomb, Matron -Jail 205.60
Total 8,170.98
Co. of Tompkins, Gasoline 6.86
Am. Chemical Society, Book 7.00
Am. Society of Planning Officers, Subscription 120.00
Bishop's of Ithaca, Natural cork 9.99
372 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Frank R. Liguori, Supplies & expenses 65.35
Ernest Bury, Mileage 15.10
Total 224.30
T. G. Miller & Sons, Supplies 2.00
West Publishing Co., McKinney Supp. '69 8.00
Donald E. Wilson, Mileage - 10.80
Richard E. Murdock, Mileage 7.00
Paul W. Churcher, Mileage 15.00
Joseph S. Roedel, Mileage 10.80
Stuart Grinnell, Mileage 12.80
Joan Reed, Mileage 56.20
Ithaca Office Equip., Ribbon & installation 6.25
Total 128.85
Norman Freeman, Esq., Re: Kaye, Meshaw, Jr. 162.50
David Gersh, Esq., Re: James R. Burgess 135.83
Total 298.33
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 473.96
Ithaca Tire Co., Tires & balance 36.82
Hall & McChesney, Inc., Motor Veh. Reg. -Dec. 5.35
Nuber & Nuber, Inc., Uniforms 791.75
Robert S. Boothroyd Agency, #52S17041 6.00
Robert L. Howard, Petty Cash 246.57
Ithaca Journal, Legal Ad 48.30
CESCo. Comm., Radio service 105.00
Total 1,713.75
James H. Cortright, Expenses '69 208.58
Rural News, Legal ad 133.32
Ithaca Journal, Legal ad 120.54
Total 462.44
West Publishing Co., '69 McKinney -book 57.50
Total 57.50
Co -Operative Extension Assoc., Postage & Secretarial 331.50
Total 331.50
N.Y. Telephone Co., Radio Telephone line 10.00
CESCo. Comm., Service -1/70 429.00
Total 439.00
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 373
or Allowed
Co. Officers Assoc. of N.Y., Membership Dues 900.00
Elwood C. Wagner, Funeral & Burial 250.00
Total 1,150.00
Chester Alan Ras, Inc., Furniture -Veteran's 212.75
I.B.M., Typewriter -Co. Court 339.00
Charles Bruning Co., Supplies -Planning 222.86
Hall & McChesney, Inc., Index sheets, film storage 528.00
W. & L. E. Gurley, Weight set -Co. Sealer 305.00
Total 1,607.61
Total Audit $ 72,837.00
February 9, 1970
Seneca Supply & Equipment, Parts $ 240.77
Cayuga Elec. Supply, Parts 36.89
Harbeck Paper, Rubber Cement 1.80
Town of Lansing, Water bill 65.45
Robert Eastman, Inc., Envelopes 21.22
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Mise. Supplies 13.67
Coverall Service & Supply, 12/69 Services 47.00
Atlantic Richfield Co., 1/27/70 303.97
Charles J. Blackwell, Inc., Pipe Brace, Cross Channel 77.35
Dryden Implement, Inc., Parts 9.70
Cramer's Auto Parts, Parts 70.38
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 24.80
Fellows Fuel Service, Hose 22.50
Crispell Automotive, Inc., Battery & Parts 29.80
H. A. Carey Ins. Co., Bldgs. & Workmen's Comp. 321.00
N.Y.S. Elec. & Gas, Service 11/69-12/26/69 783.20
Total 2,069.50
Addressograph Multigraph, Equipment, Ribbons ' 4,001.30
N.Y.S. Assessor's Assoc., Dues & registration 100.00
Hotel Syracuse, Expenses 242.76
Thomas G. Payne, Mileage-N.Y.S.A.A. 64.00
Jerry L. Confer, Desk, reel 150.00
Robinson & Carpenter,. Map cases built 50.85
T. G. Miller, Consulting Eng., Co. Tax Map Maint. 2,158.00
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex-Dec. 36.15
Kenneth A. Tarbell, Mileage 16.00
Donald Franklin, Mileage & bus fare 19.10
Robert J. Benedict, Mileage 25.70
Total 6,863.86
Arnold Printing Co., 250 letterhead 16.00
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Appointment date books 7.84
Gary A. Lee, Expenses '69 81.50
James R. Graves, Expenses -Co. Highway Supts. Assoc. 51.85
374 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Stellar Industries, Tapes for recorder 24.78
Burrough's Corp., Maint. agreement 27.00
Rural News, Local Law #6 25.16
Ithaca Journal, Legal Notices 26.06
Lehigh Valley Restaurant, Comm. Pub. Works Interviews 30.10
Total 290.29
Burroughs Corp., Sig. Plate, Maint. Agreement 253.50
H. A. Carey Ins. Co., Bond -J. Murphy 1,423.00
National Cash Register Co., Maint. Agreement 384.10
I.B.M. Corp., Selectric Typewriter 468.00
Chester Alan Ras, Inc., Furniture 1,445.81
Total 3,974.41
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 525.78
Total 525.78
I.B.M., Typewriter & ribbon 462.30
Ithaca Journal, 1 yr. subscription 31.20
Co. of Tompkins, Gasoline 4.37
Doris Levy, Petty Cash 18.06
H. A. Carey Ins. Co., Add. Veh. policy 35.00
N.Y. Telephone, Dec. & Jan. 110.35
Am. Telephone & Telegraph, Monthly Charge 12.00
Motorola Comm. & Electronics, Maintenance 69.00
Total 742.28
'Smith's Hardware, Supplies -Jan. '70 42.63
B P Oil Corp., Fuel Oil -College Annex• 679.30
Mickey's Market, Supplies 7.38
Alby & Son, Snow Plowing 34.00
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies 130.42
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 75.80
Les Tottey, Mop cleaning 3.85
Cayuga Elec. Supply, Supplies 27.80
N.Y. Telephone, Service 966.52
Cortright Electric, Parts & Labor 83.16
Jim's Fix -it Shop, Repairs & keys 62.50
G. & H. Extinguisher Service, Services 25.00
Mario Guidi, Carpenter 82.04
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 2,100.98
Sherwin Williams Co., Paint remover, Paint, etc. 211.23
Total 4,532.61
Arnold Printing Co., Envelopes 22.00
Keystone Envelope Co., File jackets 23.05
Race Office Equipment, Spindle, pencil sharpener 6.61
Arnold Printing Co., Envelopes 45.00
Moore Business Forms, Receipts 50.40
Hall & McChesney, Indexing & Recording 538.19
Race Office Equipment, Typing Stand 40.73
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 375
or Allowed
I.B.M., Typewriter 486.00
T. G. Miller's Sons, Sealing tape 34.90
Total 1,246.88
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 42.00
City of Ithaca, Code of Ord. Supp. '69 & '70 20.00
Martindale -Hubbell, Inc., Subscription 80.00
Total 142.00
W. & L. E. Gurly, Seals printed 31.95
W. & L. E. Gurly, Postage charges on weight set 6.88
Total 38.83
West Publishing Co., Books 98.50
Matthew Bender & Co., Books 106.90
Legislative Index Co., Subscription 175.00
Lawyers Co-op, Books 655.65
Total 1,036.05
I.B.M. Corp., Dictating Machine 565.00
Acme Law Book Co., Supplement 16.00
Search & Seizure Bulletin, Subscription 17.00
Lond Publication, Supplement 6.75
Dorothy M. Burdorf, Stenographic Services 123.00
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 55.00
H. A. Carey Co., Public Official Bond 10.00
Matthew McHugh, Petty Cash 173.73
Total 966.48
Clarence Westfall, Dog Food 80.00
Small Animal Clinic, 10 -Euthanasia 10.00
Total 90.00
Grover Press, Rubber Stamps 4.95
Total 4.95
N.Y. Telephone, Radio Telep. line 10.00
CESCo. Comm., Service 454.00
N.Y. Telephone, Service 8.45
N.Y.S. Elec. & Gas, Service 14.45
Total 486.90
376 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
D-91 Snow Removal Division -Co., Payrolls 43,244.22
D-92 Snow Removal Division -St., Payrolls 22,563.35
D-90 Maint. Roads & Bridges, Health Ins. 516.88
Lyle Signs, Inc., County Route markers 412.50
Minnesota Mining Mfg. Co., Sign face red stop signs 743.70
Payrolls 26, 1 & 2 (Rentals) 68.00
Payrolls 1 & 2 (Rentals) 1,595.87
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc., Limestone 2,624.03
Wallace Steel, Inc., Rods 27.86
H. A. Carey Co. Inc., Workmen's Comp. 9,472.00
Payrolls 26, 1 & 2 (Rentals) 16,414.51
Rumsey-Ithaca Corp., Road Sand 266.32
Bob Murphy, Inc., Cinders 2,133.75
Highway Materials Co. Inc., Rock Salt 1,359.16
Meadow Court Motel, Inc., Rooms 64.00
Payrolls 26, 1 & 2 (Rentals) 11,789.29
Highway Materials Co. Inc., Supplies 1,802.68
Howard A. Stevenson, Expenses 117.08
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies 1.89
Printing and Supply, Supplies & Printing 24.65
Triangle Book Shop, Inc., Student & Staff Directory -Cornell 2.00
Burroughs Corp., Maintenance Agreement 27.00
Total 48,946.29
N.Y.S. Elec. & Gas Corp., Service 98.52
Marion Electric Co., Inc., Parts & Labor 34.66
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 145.15
Ithaca Journal, Legal Notice 5.39
CESCo. Communications, Radio Service 278.50
Ashland Oil & Refining Co., Gas 126.95
Art's Fixit Service, Parts & Labor 101.40
BP Oil Corp., Oil, trans. fluid 116.32
Dick Clapp Lincoln Mercury, Bearing 8.48
H. A. Carey Co., Workmen's Comp. 863.00
Benzing's Service, Parts 47.40
A. L. Barnum & Son, Jersey Aggregate Hopper 993.00
Charles J. Blackwell, Inc., Parts 1,106.69
Coverall Service & Supply Co., Service -Dec. 52.30
Crispell Automotive, Inc., Parts 92.19
Ithaca Agway Cooperative, Parts 123.22
Walter Roberts Enterprises, Spinner Assembly 63.60
Ithaca Gear & Auto Parts Co., Parts 51.93
Johnson Boat Yard & Marina, Go -Mix 23.29
Cramer's Auto Parts, Parts 52.47
Smith's Hardware Inc., Supplies 3.32
Brooks Pharmacy, Iodine, Band-aids, etc. 15.17
Tioga Auto Parts, Parts 223.94
East Penn Mfg. Co., Batteries 96.23
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives ' 377
or Allowed
Empire Hardware & Machinery Co., Parts 242.89
Atlantic Richfield Co., Gasoline 1,016.72
Cayuga Electric Supply, Parts 67.07
Cotton -Hanlon Inc., SSE Oak Rgh. 21.40
Leo Deeb, Bolt chain 35.22
J. C. Georg Corp., Fuel pump 29.25
Barnet -Hewett Tire Co., Tires, tubes & repair 422.21.
Tarrant Mfg. Co., Aluminum filters 79.01
Goodyear Service Stores, Parts 134.00
Myers Automotive, Parts 129.07
National Auto Weld Inc., Parts 43.95
Seneca Supply & Equip., Supplies 213.59
Sears, Roebuck & Co., Pliers 2.99
Sun Oil Co., Sunfleet special 271.14
Overhead Door Co. of Cortland, Parts & labor 256.70
Hull Heating & Plumbing, Inc., Service boilers, switches 36.00
The Welles Supply Co., Rustoleum 87.13
Total 7,811.46
Mrs. Wilma Lloyd, Recording Secretary 92.15
Miss Ronalda Andrews, Recording Secretary 20.00
Ithaca Journal, Display Advertising 56.00
Arnold Printing, folders 53.00
Total 221.15
INSURANCE (Compensation Claims)
Francis C. Ward, Re: E. Terwilliger 125.80
Mack's Pharmacy, Re: R. protts 5.95
J. F. Wiltberger, M.D., Re: R. Walrad 20.00
M. B. Tinker, M.D., Re: F. Leonard 19.50
Frieda Leonard, Rx 7/28/69-12/10/69 102.45
Brooks Pharmacy, Re: M. Hubbell 5.60
D. I. Yale, M.D., Re: D. Murphy 6.50
Workmen's Comp. Board, Assessment -Self -Ins. Plan 2,867.08
Total 3,152.88
Victory Chain, Inc., Groceries 391.02
Bond Baking Co., Bread 63.38
Perry City Farms, Inc., Potatoes 28.80
Budget Wholesalers, Groceries 281.17
Dairylea Milk, Milk 109.35
Jamesway Discount Store, Sheets, towels 94.20
F. A. May, Eggs 20.55
Ithaca Bakery, Bread 1.74
Total 990.21
T. G. Miller's Sons, Tabbing 1.19
Total 1.19
Bettina Jennings, Typist -Surrogate Court 105.69
.. D. A. Stobbs, Consultant -Budget & Adm. 700.00
378 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Kenneth A. Tarbell, Sr. Assessor -Assessment 384.30
Betty J. Hart, Sr. Typist -Assessment 207.80
Sharon Housworth, Stenographer -Assessment 183.40
Ava Vormwald, Clerk -Assessment 66.64-
6.64Edith Beasley, Draftsman -Assessment 95.19
Dennis C. Updike, Typist -Personnel 189.70
Edith Ellis, Clerk -Personnel 153.60
Robert Beauregard, Planning Tech. -Planning 61.50
Timothy Jones, Planning Tech. -Planning 180.23
Ernest Borgeson, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 179.20
Wm. Spencer, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 166.60
Peter Strizack, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 23.80
Leon Edsall, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 83.30
Richard Foster, Cleaner -Bldg. & Grounds 185.50
Vera Lyme, Relief Telephone Operator 40.80
Arthur Dawson, Deputy Sheriff 244.00
Edward Fowler, Deputy Sheriff 244.00
John Cooper, Deputy Sheriff 244.00
Shirley Holcomb, Matron -Jail 205.60
Judith Miller, Typist -Jail 228.80
Total 4,173.65
David Raponi, Civil Serv. Exams monitor 10.00
Total 10.00
VanNostrand-Reinhold Co., Supplies 25.30
Frank Liguori, Petty Cash 20.44
Charles Bruning Co., Prints 35.00
Co. of Tompkins 5.42
Acrographics, Inc., Reprographis Service 98.55
Total 184.71
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies 281.60
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 127.20
Triaxon, Inc., Plates, Letterhead 70.50
Pitney -Bowes, Inc., Machine Inspection 50.00
United Parcel Service, Service 6.49
Addressograph Multilith, Maint. Agreement 1,342.00
Total 1,877.79
Printing Dept., Board of Representatives 162.32
Printing Dept., Supreme Court 34.46
Printing Dept., Family Court 14.60
Printing Dept., Jury Commission 148.08
Printing Dept., District Attorney 12.56
Printing Dept., Probation 126.28
Printing Dept., Budget & Adm. 39.96
Printing Dept., Assessment 162.97
Printing Dept., County Clerk 208.40
Printing Dept., Motor - Vehicle 73.37
Printing Dept., County Attorney 35.52
Printing Dept., Personnel 132.41
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 379
or Allowed
Printing Dept., Elections 25.23
Printing Dept., Veterans 34.94
Printing Dept., Planning 109.84
Printing Dept., Human Rights 16.86
Printing Dept., Sheriff 129.99
Printing Dept., Civil Defense 9.72
Printing Dept., Surrogate Court 20.49
Total 1,498.00
Acme Law Book Co., Supplement 6.00
Luttons Office Equipment, Apeco Copy Paper 49.90
Burroughs Corp., Service Agreement 40.02
Ithaca Office Equip., Service on adder 8.00
Ruth Pettengill, Training -Murdock & Reed 50.00
Stuart Grinnell, Mileage 50.50
Richard E. Murdock, Mileage 9.00
Joseph S. Roedel, Mileage 22.50
Paul W. Churcher, Mileage .. 26.30
Thomas A. Williams, Mileage 51.90
Total 314.12
Ralph R. Barnard, Esq., Re: T. Chilcott 140.00
Evan Webster, Esq., Re: A. Buchanan 114.10
David Gersh, Esq., Re: C. Rustyak 72.50
Paul Tavelli, Esq., Re: H. Miller 90.00
Harrop A. Freeman, Esq., Re: J. Kelly 330.90
Norman Freeman, Esq., Re: R. Russell 157.50
• Total 905.00
Lawless Fire Equip. Co., Lens for Beacon Ray 5.54
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 5.67
Cayuga Motors Sales, Oil Filter and oil 7.08
Nuber & Nuber, Inc., Uniforms 669.63
Cayuga Elec. Supply, Supplies .75
Ithaca Tire Co., Tires 4.61
Cramers' Auto Parts, Misc. Parts 72.48
Kirkwood Service, Gasoline 7.05
Williamson Law Book Co., Day book and Post binder 39.19
Mis's Esso Service Center, Chains, tighteners 22.15
Carroll's Sales & Service, Chains and tires 92.66
Cayuga Motor Sales, Parts 256.59
Robert Boothroyd Agency, Bond -Carol Beebee 10.00
N.Y. Tel. Co., Service 70.24
CESCo., Service 90.20
Christian Broadcasting, Storage Transmitters 19.12
Gee's Sport Shop, Ammunition 6.30
Co. of Tompkins, Gasoline 517.14
TOTAL 1,896.40
380 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Jeanne Brust, Supplies 4.51-
.54Arnold Printing, Court Calendars -Feb. 525.00
Robert Cullen & Assocs., Rug Cleaning Service 20.00
TOTAL 549.54
Richard F. Cummings, Expenses 18.10
TOTAL 18.10
Onondaga Co. Penitentiary, Boarding Prisoners 6,489.00
Bangs Funeral Home, Re: R. A. Reynolds, Jr. 400.00
H. A. Carey Co., Workmen's Comp. 4,251.00
H. A. Carey Co., Boiler Policy Endorsement 138.00
TOTAL 11,278.00
Charles Bruning Co., Supplies -Planning 93.53
Hall & McChesney, Record Book -County Clerk 106.51
Race Office Equipment, Rental -typewriter -Personnel 30.00
Luttons Office Equip., Exec. chair 230.00
Arnold Printing, Evidence labels -Printing Dept. 12.00
Binghamton Press, Comm. of Pub. Works Ad -Personnel 10.50
Post -Standard, Help Wanted Ad -Personnel 16.92
Am. Soc. Personnel Adm., Membership dues -Personnel 25.00
Tompkins Co. Hospital, Laboratory Tests -Personnel 17.50
Star -Gazette, Help ad -Personnel 10.50
John E. Glab, Interview Expenses -Personnel 7.60
Pitney -Bowes, Inc., Meter•Rental-Printing Dept. 45.00
United Parcel Service, 12/6 -27/69 -Printing Dept. 26.55
Addressograph Multilith, Maint. Agree. -Printing Dept. 355.00
KeeLox Manufacturing Co., Selectric ribbons -Printing Dept. 8.10
O'Brien & Gere, Sewer Agency Agreement 9,101.61
Chester Alan Ras, Inc., Furniture 568.52
TOTAL 10,664.84
March 9, 1970
• Cayuga Crushed Stone, Limestone Dust 57.54-
7.54Coverall Service & Supply, Jan. Service 37.60
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 58.62
National Safety products Co., Signs 87.81
Lutton's Office Equip., Ribbons 3.50
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 39.53
Smith's Hardware, Jan. purchases 3.19
N.Y.S. Elec. & Gas, Service 809.77
Ithaca Plastics, Vinyl Signs 32.00
Northeast Chapter Pub. Co., Subscription 10.00
Cayuga Elec. Supply, Parts 14.72
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 20.05
Crispell Automotive, Parts & Service 160.23
Radio Comm. Inc., Parts & Service 11.88
Ithaca Journal, Notice 4.41
Rural News, Notice 4.20
TOTAL 1,355.05
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 38,1
or !Allowed
Lutton's Office Equip., Supplies 1,596.52
Ithaca Office Equip., Tax roll sheets, binders 496.00
Addressograph.Multigraph, Ribbons 11.80
Wilcox Press, Inc., Abstract & books 71.70
Thomas G. Payne, Mileage 19.40
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex recording 40.93
T. G. Miller, Cons. Eng., Tax Map Maintenance 689.50
Acrographics Inc., Reprographic Service 168.78
Robert J. Benedict, Mileage 33.40
Donald P. Franklin, Mileage 18.70
TOTAL 3,146.73
I.B.M. Corp., Maint. Agreement 39.90
Budget & Adm., Petty Cash 73.70
TOTAL 113.60
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 507.90
TOTAL 507.90
St. Edu. Agcy. for Surplus Prop., Metal Beds 111.75
Doris Levy, Petty Cash & expenses 30.25
Am. Telephone & Telegraph, Monthly charge 12.00
N.Y. Telephone, Service 60.90
Motorola Comm. Sr Electronics, Maint. 138.00
TOTAL 352.90
Robert I. Williamson, Expenses 155.47
TOTAL 155.47
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Tissue 15.95
Cayuga Elec. Supply, Sylvania tubes 15.12
Smith's Hardware, Feb. purchases 30.37
Harbeck Paper Co., Vanisol 35.09
N.Y.S. Elec. & Gas, Service 2,605.87
B. P. Oil Corp., Fuel -College Annex 355.33
N.Y. Telephone Co., Feb. service 1,173.81
Alby & Son, Snow removal 16.00
Donahue -Halverson, Parts & labor 228.68
M. W. Guidi Const., Carpenter hrs. 13.50
Mogul Corp., Solvent for boilers 209.41,
City of Ithaca, Water 618.58
TOTAL 5,317.71
Lutton's Office Equip., Copy Paper 66.45
Williams Press, Inc., Book 5.50
Hall & McChesney, Indexing & recording 574.93
Simplex Time Recorder Co., Maint. agreement 32.00
R. L. Polk & Co., Annual correction service 12.00
TOTAL._._ 690.88
382 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Arnold Printing Corp., Court calendars 375.00
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 73.00
TOTAL 448.00
Carl Roe, Mileage 62.80
TOTAL.... 62.80
West Publishing Co., Books 191.00
Lawyers Co-op, Book 6.00
Williams Press, Inc., Misc. reports 10.00
Callaghan & Co., Books 72.50
TOTAL - 279.50
Dorothy Burdorf, Transcripts & Grand Jury Minutes 585.00
Acrographics, Inc., Xerox copies 42.24
Ridley Printing Co., Envelopes & letterhead 99.00
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 84.50
N.Y.S.D.A. Assoc., Assoc. dues 40.00
Matthew McHugh, Petty cash & expenses 466.01
TOTAL 1,316.75
Agway Farm Store, Wire & poultry netting 5.29
Small Animal Clinic, Euthanasia & hospitalization 167.00
Jane C. Bush, Delinquent dogs 5.35
TOTAL 177.64
S. & H. Grossinger, Inc., Fellows & Boothroyd 154.20
Barbara S. Fellows, Expenses 36.15
Viola C. Boothroyd, Expenses 9.00
Arnold Printing Corp., Registration cards , 77.00
Arnold Printing Corp., Clasp envelopes 28.00
TOTAL 304.35
I.B.M. Corp., Typewriter 333.00
TOTAL 333.00
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 18.80
CESCo., March service 429.00
TOTAL 447,80
Payrolls 3 and 4 128.00
TOTAL.... 128.00
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 383
or Allowed
The Ithaca Journal News 4.41
Rural News 4.41
Wallace Steele, Inc. 51.74
Chemung Steel, Inc. 900.00
Ithaca Plumbing Supply Co. 10.68
Tompkins County Self Insurance Fund 1,338.39
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. 759.45
H. D. Besemer, Inc. 2,772.00
Warren Brothers Roads Co. 617.90
Payrolls 3 and 4 3,242.71
TOTAL 9,701.69
Rumsey-Ithaca Corp. 111.16
Highway Materials Co. Inc. 1,223.31
Payrolls 3 and 4 11,586.36
TOTAL 12,920.83
Highway Materials Co. Inc. 5,411.89
Payrolls 3 and 4 4,632.14
TOTAL 10,044.03
Burroughs Corporation 27.00
Nichols Business Equipment Inc. 30.11
Howard A. Stevenson, Jr. 16.85
TOTAL 73.96
Tompkins County Commissioner of Budget and Administration 248.50
Rural News 3.99
C.E.S. Co. Communications Inc. 288.50
Overhead Door Co. Cortland, Inc. 8.00
J. C. Georg Corporation 36,060.05
Brockway Motor Truck 43,000.00
Walco Equipment 378.92
The Welles Supply Co. Inc 83.18
Syracuse Supply Co. 57.12
North State Supply Co. Inc. 8.23
Coverall Service and Supply Co. 45.20
Sawyer Foundry and Machine Works 65.55
B & D Cleaning Co. 40.00
Valley Fixit Shop, Inc. 31.85
Crispell Automotive, Inc. 415.60
Ithaca Journal News 3.92
Myers Automotive 139.10
L. B. Smith, Inc. 119.34
Bill Bishop's Finger Lake Tool Sales 3.95
Smith's Hardware Inc. 1.04
Paul Fontana 63.61
O'Donnell Quigley Co. Inc. 88.76
Charles Boykin's Body Shop 56.50
East Penn Mfg. Co. Inc. 17.37
G & J Supply 242.04
B & P Oil Corp. 95.96
384 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Sam Kramer's Auto Finishes 4.00
Goodyear Service Stores 1,975.17
Ithaca Gear & Auto Parts 229.42
Milo's Wrecker Service 5.00
Seneca Engineering Co. 152.26
Erie J. Miller, Inc. 4,750.00
Brockway Motor Trucks 310.20
Wallace Steel, Inc. 239.79
New York Telephone Co. 230.56
Arsenault Tractor Sales 26.95
Moore Business Forms, Inc. 137.79
Ashland Oil & Refining 379.95
Atlantic Richfield Company 1,401.55
Barnet -Hewett 20.75
Tioga Auto Parts 376.34
Cramer's Auto Parts 53.12
Erie J. Miller, Inc. 15.30
Ithaca Agway Coop. Inc. 19.51
Seneca Supply & Equipment Co. Inc. 549.43
Albee Truck, Inc. 13.05
Charles J. Blackwell, Inc. 266.15
Vann's 5.85
Cayuga Motor Sales Corp. 7.45
Ames Welding & Supply Co. 42.00
Sun Oil Company 82.78
National Auto Weld Inc. 65.65
New York State Electric & Gas Corp. 2,762.80
J. A. Jackson Corp. 57.17
Total 95,746.27
Wilma Lloyd, Recording minutes 20.00
Total 20.00
Perry City Farms, Inc., Potatoes 38.80
Budget Wholesalers, Groceries 410.59
Ithaca Supply, Supplies 49.90
Geo. G. McCauley, M.D., Jail visits 26.00
Total 525.29
N.Y.S. Assoc. of Civil Serv., Subscription 3.75
Social Casework, Personnel Ad. 42.00
Tompkins Co. Hosp. Lab., Lab tests 31.50
David Raponi, Monitor -Civil Serv. exams 20.00
Am. Soc. of Safety Eng's, Subscription 20.00
Bureau of Nat'l Affairs, Labor relations reporter 109.00
Rural News, Public Hearing Notice 3.36
Total 229.61
Charles Bruning Co., Supplies 43.90
Frank Liguori, Petty cash 62.70
Syracuse Blueprint Co., Negatives, mylars 25.74
Total 132.34
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 385
or Allowed
Lutton's Office Equip., Supplies 167.07
Ithaca Office Equip., Ribbons & picture frames 22.00
Transparent Ind. Envelopes, Velva Tip markers 15.89
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies 557.51
Arnold Printing Corp., Supplies 792.00
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 133.37
Addressograph Multigraph, Supplies - 195.13
Triaxon, Inc., Plates, etc. 20.25
Addressograph Multigraph, Supplies 283.79
United Parcel Service, Service 26.50
Total 2,213.51
Printing Dept., Board of Representatives 13.80
Printing Dept., Supreme Court II 66.63
Printing Dept., Supreme Court 4.98
Printing Dept., Family Court 15.36
Printing Dept., Surrogate Court 9.01
Printing Dept., Jury Commission 2.76
Printing Dept., District Attorney 1.84
Printing Dept., Probation 58.06
Printing Dept., Budget & Administration 15.86
Printing Dept., Assessment 9.78
Printing Dept., County Clerk 27.06
Printing Dept., Motor Vehicle 59.98
Printing Dept.. County Attorney 10.00
Printing Dept., Personnel 24.25
Printing Dept., Elections 1.50
Printing Dept., Veterans 6.73
Printing Dept., Planning .90
Printing Dept., Sheriff 35.64
Printing Dept., Civil Defense 14.16
Total 378.30
Lutton's Office Equip., Stat Toner 11.95
Wm. S. Hein & Co., Supplement & replacement pgs. 12.50
Stuart Grinnell, Mileage 27.70
Richard E. Murdock, Mileage 13.40
Donald E. Wilson, Mileage 78.35
Thomas A. Williams, Mileage 31.90
Leo L. Teeter, Mileage & expenses 86.95
Total 262.75
Murray Lewis, Esq., Re: R. Crance 77.50
Stanley Tsapis, Esq., Re: J. Cortright 102.50
Norman Freeman, Esq., Re: J. Rollins 411.00
James M. Kerrigan, Esq.. Re: J. Miller 40.00
D. Boardman Lee, Esq., Re: A. Mooney 123.75
Total 754.75
Precision Tool & Gun, Chem Mace with holsters 131.40
Pete's Atlantic Sere., Gas 24.40
Triphammer Texaco, Head light 2.00
386 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Hall & McChesney, Registration 11.78
Esso, Humble Oil & Ref., Gas 10.45
Cramer's Auto Parts, Parts 41.68
Cayuga Motor Sales, Lube and labor 332.15
National Auto Weld, Dry chem ext. recharged 3.50
Bishop's of Ithaca, Roller sets, covers, blades 8.82
Carl Taber's Texaco, Pennzoil 2.40
State Street Mobil, Parts and labor 18.35
Fall Creek Texaco, Hose & antifreeze 7.56
Robert Howard, Petty cash 119.61
N.Y. Telephone, Service 65.60
Robert Boothroyd Agency, Bonds 38.00
Ithaca Journal, Legal Notices 51.80
CESCo., Feb. & March Service 210.00
Total 1,079.50
George's Restaurant, Jurors dinners 88.16
Lutton's Office Equipment, Service call-Stenorette 12.00
Total 100.16
Richard F. Cummings, Expenses 33.90
Total 33.90
Mt. Morris Tuberculosis Hospital Patient, care & maint. 105.00
State of N.Y. Dept. Audit & Control 30.00
Total 135.00
#9 West Publish. Co., Books 582.00
Total 582.00
Supervisors & Co. Leg. Assoc., Promotional Advertising 150.00
Tomp. Co. Area Dev. Corp., 10/1/69-12/21/69 2,355.70
Total 2,505.70
Donald J. Culligan, Expenses 19.35
Acrographics, Xerox copies 9.28
Harris B. Dates, Expenses 168.26
Total 196.89
Northside Pharmacy, Re: A. Mikula 60.39
Brooks Pharmacy, M. Hubbell, R. Walrad 9.05
Total $214,882.95
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 387
April 13, 1970
or Allowed
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Limestone Dust 7.68
Haverstick & Co., Parts 51.29
Coverall Service & Supply, Feb. Service 24.90
Robinson & Carpenter, White sand 8.40
Acrographics, Xerox copies 27.00
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies 10.90
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 55.70
Seneca Supply & Equipment, Battery 20.33
Wainwright Oil, Oil & Hydraulic fluid 124.30
Ames Welding & Supply, Oxygen 4.75
Cayuga Motor Sales, Truck -per Res. #42 7,050.00
Cramers Auto Parts, Parts 132.27
N.Y.S. Elec. & Gas, Service 1,248.55
N.Y. Telephone, Service 20.68
Crispell Automotive, Parts & labor 367.05
Electronic Lights, Inc., Repair Reil Master 12.29
Glenn A. Turner, Petty cash 60.16
Ithaca Plumbing Supply, Supplies 127.41
Brockway Motor Trucks, Parts 18.96
Total 9,372.62
The Grover Press, Rubber Stamps 29.48
Robert S. Means Co., "Bld. Const. Cost Data" 5.00
Ithaca Office Equipment, Binders 71.50
Wilcox Press, Misc. printing 149.59
Ithaca Journal, Tentative Assessment Roll notice 16.40
McGraw-Hill, Inc., Subscription 32.00
Thomas G. Payne, Mileage & postage 4.70
Frieden, Inc., Parts & labor 67.42
Lutton's Office Equipment, 3 Insulated files 928.80
T. G. Millers, Cons. Eng. Tax Map -March 1,056.50
Hall & McChesney, Inc., Permafiles recording 26.43
Acrographics, Reprographics service 25.92
Joseph T. Conley, Mileage , 4.00
Robert Benedict, Mileage 27.50
Donald Franklin, Mileage 5.30
Kenneth Tarbell, Mileage 36.20
Clo J. Calistri, Mileage 31.00
Total 2,517.74
CoOperative Extension Service, Secretarial service & postage 338.61
Total 338.61
Arnold Printing, 5000 checks 180.00
The Drawing Board, Letterhead, envelopes, etc. 67.70
Total 247.70
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 773.21
Total 773.21
388 Tompkins County, New York
Doris Levy, Sec.-Treas., Civil Def. Assoc., Dues 5.00
Doris Levy, Petty cash & expenses 45.20
Am. Telephone & Telegraph, March service 12.00
N.Y. Telephone Co., Feb. & March 66.58
or A!lowed
Total 128.78
I.B.M. Corp., Maint. agreement 15.50
Robert I. Williamson, Mileage 9.00
Cook-Gauntlett Agency, Airline ticket. 25.00
Total 49.50
Smith's Hardware, Purchases -March 68.52
Sherwin Williams Co., Paint 192.29
Leonard Vacuum Cleaner, Supplies 99.55
Cayuga Elec. Supply Co., Supplies 63.36
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, towels 13.50
Leslie Tottey, Soap & mop head laundry 3.15
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 29.10
Ithaca Glass Co., Glass -College Bldg., Fahey Prop. 71.78
M. W. Guidi, Adjust doors & locks 27.00
Cortright Electric, Inc., Parts & labor -wiring 1,298.90
B. p. Oil Corp., Fuel, College Annex 391.82
N.Y. Telephone, Service 1,198.95
Alby & Son, Snow plowing -March 16.00
Donohue -Halverson, Boiler repair, etc. 157.23
N.Y.S. Elec. & Gas, Service 1,963.80
Total 5,594.95
H. A. Carey, Inc., Errors & Omission policy 322.84
Lutton's Office Equipment, Map rolling stand 131.85
Total 454.69
Williamson Law Book Co., Books 29.37
Luttons Office Equip., Typewriter pad 2.47
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 59.00
Kenneth Johnson, Petty Cash 72.00
Lutton's Office Equip., Rental -copy machine 60.00
Frances R. Sullivan, Co. Judges Assoc. 15.00
Carl Roe, Expenses 44.00
H. A. Carey, Ins., Public official Bond 10.00
Total 54.00
Acme Law Book Co., Books 7.00
West Publishing Co., Books 159.00
Lawyers Co -Op 41.50
Total 207.50
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 389
or Allowed
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Report covers 13.95
The Reporter Co., Inc., Printing brief 141.30
Lillian M. Keown, Transcripts 16.00
Leslie Strom, Telep. to Chicago -DA business 5.20
Coffee Break Service Plan, Supplies 31.25
Dorothy Burdorf, Minutes & transcripts 71.00
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 62.00
Matthew McHugh, Expenses and petty cash 438.83
Robert J. Clune, Expenses-D.A. Conference 182.85
Total 962.38
Clarence Westfall, Dog feed 80.00
Geo. A. Blean, Report Del. dogs 6.65
Jeannette Beach, Report Del. dogs 2.70
Mabel Purdy, Report Del. dogs 3.25
Merton Inman, Dog summons 12.90
Robert F. Parlett, Dog summons 33.70
Small Animal Clinic, 51 -Euthanasia, hosp. & exams 110.00
Florence Starr, Report & serve Delinquent Dog Owners 9.95
Total 259.15
Viola C. Boothroyd, Postage -return cards of voters 10.71
Rural News, List of Nominations 588.00
Lutton's Office Equipment, Typewriter 328.50
Arnold Printing, Book covers, Petition & Certificate of Designation 116.20
Total 1,043.41
Luttons Office Equipment, Rental 0 copy machine 60.00
Acme Law Book Co., Supp. Fam. Court Practice 14.00
Total 74.00
John L. Miller, Training School expense 135.28
N.Y. Telephone, Service -Feb. & Mar. 29.94
N.Y.S. Elec. & Gas, Service 13.84
Ray Lattin, Expenses -State Fire Coord Conf. 100.95
CESCo. Comm., Radio Service -April 429.00
Total 709.01
Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. 24.45
Payroll #5 128.00
Total 152.45
Payrolls 5,6,7 11,923.58
Ithaca Journal News 4.90
Rural News 5.25
Chemung Supply Corp. 366.28
Wallace Steel, Inc. 246.09
390 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Warren Brothers Roads Co. 3,613.72
Cortland Asphalt Products Corp. 499.29
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. 910.89
Total 17, 570.00
Payrolls 5,6,7 ' 7,749.18
Bob Murphy, Inc. 6,568.75
Rumsey-Ithaca, Inc. 348.50
Highway Materials Co. Inc. 349.66
Total 15,016.09
Payrolls 5,6,7 2,605.75
Highway Materials Co. Inc. 2,629.88
Total 5,235.63
Printing and Supply 76.77
Freeville Lumber Co, 15.80
Nichols Business Equipment Inc. 30.11
Howard Stevenson, Jr. 19.44
Total 142.12
New York Telephone Co. 156.08
Johnson Service Company 56.00
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas 100.05
Hull Heating & Plumbing, Inc. 437.17
Marion Electric Co. Inc. 40.65
C.E.S. Co. Communication Inc. 548.45
Erie J. Miller, Inc. 200.75
Memphis Equipment 11.75
Van Auken Mill Supplies & Equip. 33.14
Maxon International, Inc. 35.68
Resco Equipment & Supply Corp. 40.69
Seneca Supply & Equipment Co. Inc. 129.02
Coverall Service & Supply Co. 54.80
Ithaca Plumbing Supply Co. 71.63
Ithaca Gear & Auto Parts Co. 25.91
Binghamton Equipment Corp. 21.00
Taylor, Symonds Company 22.41
Albee Truck, Inc. 70.56
United Auto Parts, Inc. 63.37
Carroll's Sales & Service, Inc. 3.32
H. E. P. Materials Corp. 12.46
Charles Boykin's Body Shop 29.00
Harbeck Paper Company 123.35
Ritter's Inc. 14.40
ACI Supply Co. 63.91
Vann's 9.40
J. A. Jackson Corp. 8.00
Porter Sheet Metal 14.65
Ithaca Glass Co. Inc. 22.56
Grossman'c 11.57
Cayuga Electric Supply Co., Inc. 15.12
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 391
or Allowed
Goodyear Service Stores 429.28
Walco Equipment 38.30
Syracuse Supply Company 197.05
Charles J. Blackwell, Inc. 308.92
Tarrant Mfg. Co. 217.26
Brockway Motor Trucks 276.05
Cayuga Motor Sales Corp. 18,243.79
B. P. Oil Corporation 102.82
Atlantic Richfield Co. 202.46
Ashland Oil & Refining Co. 103.35
Smith's Hardware Inc. 17.04
Paul Fontana's Auto Parts 21.60
Robinson and Carpenters Inc. 6.34
Tioga Auto Parts 350.81
Barnett -Hewett Tire Co. 173.13
Cramer's Auto Parts 6.30
J. C. Georg Corporation 1,015.67
Empire Hardware & Machinery Co. 235.18
Ames Welding & Supply Co. 9.30
National Auto Weld Inc. 318.90
Crispell Automotive Inc. 95.25
Mobil Oil Corporation 1,753.70
TOTAL 26,569.35
Mrs. Erneste Cottrell, Postage & envelopes 7.15
Mrs. Wilma Lloyd, Secretarial service 20.00
TOTAL 27.15
D. I. Yale, M.D., Re. D. Murphy 6.50
Arnold Printing Corp., Printing checks 94.00
Martin Tinker, Re. Frieda Leonard 13.00
Northside Pharmacy, Re. A. Mikula, Wm. Underwood 56.09
TOTAL 169.59
Dr. Krantz & Kaufmann, Jail visits, etc. 65.00
Robert Keiffer, M.D., Jail visits, etc. 64.00
Wendell L. Bryce, M.D., Jail visits, etc. 43.00
Geo. G. McCauley, M.D., Jail visits, etc. 159.00
Jamesway Discount Store, Sheets, towels, etc. 92.80
F. A. May, Eggs 19.05
Dairylea Milk, Milk 105.30
Perry City Farms, Potatoes .15.00
Bond Baking Co., Bread 141.85
Budget Wholesalers, Meat & vegetables 207.27
Victory Chain, Inc., Groceries 12/30-3/18 2,383.34-
,383.34Mall Pharmacy, Medicine 96.74
Shelton's Refrigeration, Parts & labor 82.50
TOTAL 3,474.85
Rural News, Notices 12.67
Noel M. Rosenbaum, Interview expenses -Comm. Soc. Serv. 41.00
Retail Credit Co., Personnel Selection 75.30
Public Personnel Assoc., Subscription 8.00
Social Caseworker, Personnel Advertising 42.00
392 Tompkins County, New York.
or Allowed
Craig R. Boniface, Job applicant -expenses 69.12
Gerard V. Danzi, Job applicant -expenses 73.56
David Raponi, Monitor -Civil Service 10.00
Tompkins Co. Hosp. Lab., Lab. tests ' 56.00
Lenz & Riecker, Inc., Subscription 40.00
Day -Timers, Inc.; Refills -desk calendars 20.10
John H. Melville, Job applicant expenses 36.00
Ithaca Journal, Public Hearing Notices 18.40
TOTAL 502.15
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 10.25
American Society of Plan., Membership dues 20.00
Acrographics, Reprographic service 221.08
Syracuse Blueprint, Mylar prints 19.74
Frank Liguori, Petty cash 44.40
Frank Liguori, Expenses -Conference 154.95
John Vasse, Option money -Todd Property 100.00
Harry Missirian, Expenses -Conference 68.60
TOTAL 639.02
Lutton's Office Equipment, Supplies 95.53
Broderick Legal Supply, Supplies 126.39
I.B.M. Corp., Ribbons, carbon paper 25.30
T. G. Miller's Sons, Paper, Supplies 259.37
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 239.97
Addressograph Multigraph, Supplies 265.37
Arnold Printing Corp., Ledger sheets, envelopes 144.00
Triaxon, Inc., Plates 62.40
United Parcel Service, Service 2/28-3/21 25.21
Sylvia Voorheis, Mileage 4.08
TOTAL 1,247.62
Printing Dept., Family Court 18.81
Printing Dept., Supreme Court #I 101.83
Printing Dept., Supreme Court #II 7.74
Printing Dept., Surrogate Court 125.18
Printing Dept., District Attorney 23.95
Printing Dept., Probation 116.45
Printing Dept., Budget & Administration 74.47
Printing Dept., County Clerk 326.39
Printing Dept., Motor Vehicle 73.94
Printing Dept., Assessment 110.29
Printing Dept., Personnel 134.07
Printing Dept., Elections 557.54
Printing Dept., Veterans 56.21
Printing Dept., Planning 88.93
Printing Dept., Bldg. & Grounds 6.00
Printing Dept., Human Rights 4.23
Printing Dept., County Court 28.10
Printing Dept., Jury Commission 45.01
Printing Dept., Co. Attorney 156.05
Printing Dept., Sheriff 185.03
TOTAL 2,240.19
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 393
Claim ed
or Allowed
Joan L Reed Mileage 23.30
Joseph S. Roedel Mileage 43.70
Thomas A. Williams Mileage 26.50
Donald E. Wilson Mileage 36.05
Stuart Grinnel Mileage 27.02
Richard E. Murdock Mileage 10.10
TOTAL 166.67
Geo. Pfann, Esq., Re: S. MacManes 50.00
Walter O'Connell, Esq., Re: D. Rinchack 110.00
Leonard Snow, Esq., Re: J. Dahmen 120.00
Benj. Bucko, Esq., Re: J. Root 116.30
Paul Tavelli, Esq., Re: R. Cowan 50.00
Norman Freeman, Esq., Re: Wm. Barnhart 70.00
Norman Freeman, Esq., Re: P. Herron 90.00
TOTAL 606.30
State Chem. Mfg. Co., Silicone Lubricant 128.56
Precision Tool & Gun, Chemical mace 18.00
Co. of Tompkins, Gasoline 2/3-4/7 1,212.61
Humble Oil & Ref., Gasoline 50.74
Cayuga Motor Sales, Parts & repairs 240.96
A. J. Laux & Co., No. record sheets 81.15
Ithaca Tire Co., Tires & balance 39.82
Inlet Park Marine, Slip rental -boat 100.00
Meadow St. Service, Gasoline 11.84-
1.84State Street Service, Gasoline 5.60
I.B.M. Corp., Maint. agreement 14.51
Ithaca Supply Co., Supplies 11.25
Jim Cutting's Atlantic, Gasoline 8.57
Nuber & Nuber, Inc., Uniforms, badges, etc. 564.31
Bill Zikakis Chevytown, Parts & repair 832.05
Cramer's Auto Parts, Bulbs, flares, etc. 211.89
A -B Emblem Corp., Emblems 20.00
Robert Howard, Expenses 155.45
CESCo. Comm., Radio service 105.00
Mix's Esso Service, Oil changes & lubrication 27.75
Bush Oil Co., Motor Oil 83.60
N.Y. Telephone, Service 74.99
TOTAL 3,998.65
Brooks Pharmacy, First Aid Supplies 12.37
I.B.M. Corp., Maint. agreement 39.90
TOTAL 52.27
Lutton's Office Equipment, Copy Machine rental 60.00
Chester Alan Ras, Inc., Chair 52.80
Ithaca Office Equipment, Repair typewriter 10.00
TOTAL 122.80
394' Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Richard F. Cummings, Expenses 15.00
TOTAL 15.00
Mt. Morris T.B. Hospital, Patient care & maint. 225.00
Matthew J. Herson, Funeral -Clara E. Bower 400.00
W. A. Butler Co., Rabies vaccine 409.00
Paul R. Perkins, Funeral -S. J. Edsall 400.00
TOTAL 1,434.00
Enc. #1 U.S.D.A. Soil Cons., Reimbursement -acceleration
soil surveys for Resource
Planning 12/69-1/70 785.20
TOTAL 785.20
Burrough's Corp., Adding machine ribbon 2.00
Phyllis Howell, Petty cash -stamped envelopes 75.00
.TOTAL 77.00
TOTAL 141,579.18
May 4, 1970
Seneca Supply & Equip., Spreader & supplies 2,975.55
Coverall Service & Supply, March service 37.60
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 107.73
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Limestone dust 7.26
Town of Lansing, Water 74.00
Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Tires & balance 40.16
Cayuga Elec. Supply, Supplies 58.66
McGuire Gardens, Water pump 21.00
Bob's Auto Upholstery, Repair cushions 5.00
Glenn A. Turner, Expenses 95.40
N.Y.S. Elec & Gas, Service 904.26
TOTAL 4,326.62
Wilcox Press, Inc., I.D. cards, ledger 169.61
Day -Timers, Inc., Pocket day -timer w/wallet 11.95
Addressograph Multigraph, Maint. agreement 871.56
Lutton's Office Equipment. Insulated files 619.20
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex 30.44
Acrographics, Reprographic service 143.88
Smith's Hardware, Tapes 54.31
Donald Franklin Mileage 15.10
Robert J. Benedict, Mileage 36.90
Joseph T. Conley Mileage 60.80
John O'Brien Mileage 51.20
Kenneth Tarbell Mileage 32.10
Kit Boynton Mileage 33.80
Geo. Baker Mileage 37.20
Thomas G. Payne Mileage 26.40
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 395
or Allowed
Lehigh Valley Restaurant, Committee meetings 103.80
Rural News, Legal Notices 46.82
Phyllis B. Howell, Expense & mileage 35.00
Ithaca Journal, Legal Notices 24.01
The Grossinger, Expenses -Co. Officers Meeting 250.30
TOTAL 459.93
The Grossinger, Co. Officers Conf.-Murphy & Stobbs 167.20
Rural News, Display Ads 18.20
Moore Business Forms, Saddles & plates 71.57
Monroe Calculator Co., Maint. agreement 51.00
Ithaca Journal News, Display Ad 17.15
TOTAL 325.12
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 546.39
TOTAL 546.39
Doris Levy, Folding cots, water cans, etc. 105.44
Rad -Tronics, Multi -Channel monitors 277.20
N.Y. Telephone, Service 64.98
Am. Telephone & Telegraph, Service 12.00
Thruway Hyatt House, St. Civil Def. Director's Conf. 30.67
TOTAL 490.29
N.Y.S. Elec. & Gas, Service 2,144.62
N.Y. Telephone, Service 1,160.01
V. Giordano Const., Interior Painting 603.00
Marion Elec. Co., College Bldg. 55.55
Ithaca Glass Co., Glass & labor 44.60
Cortright Elec., Supplies & labor 62.48
Dorothy Aston -Jim's Fixit, Keys, etc. 56.50
Sherwin Williams Co., Paint, etc. 135.07
TOTAL 4,261.83
The Grossinger, Co. Officer's Conf. 81.10
Lutton's Office Equipment, Copy paper 74.40
Iron Mt. Security Storage, Storage 92.50
Hall & McChesney, Indexing plates 483.35
Stott & Davis Motor Express, License plates 20.19
Chester Alan Ras, Inc., 5 -shelf Lat. file 394.80
TOTAL 1,146.34
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 70.00
TOTAL 70.00
Carl Roe, Expenses 30.90
TOTAL 30.90
396 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Acme Law Book Co., Book 7.00
TOTAL 7.00
Matthew McHugh, Petty Cash 525.76
Cook-Gauntlett Agency, Airline ticket 25.00
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 182.50
Robt. J. Clune, Expenses 78.94
The Reporter Co., Printing 71.60
Dorothy M. Burdorf, Transcripts & minutes 226.50
TOTAL 1,110.30
Barbara Fellows, Expenses 54.40
Viola C. Boothroyd, Expenses 20.00
Arnold Printing Corp., Printing 120.00
TOTAL 194.40
N.Y. Telephone, Service 10.80
TOTAL 10.80
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 51.98
Robert D. Spence, Inc. 349.96
Payroll #8 128.00
TOTAL 529.94
Ashland Oil & Refining Company 40.00
Wallace Steel, Inc. 185.55
Grossman's 57.00
The General Crushed Stone Co. 97.73
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. 285.60
Payroll #8 8,938.30
TOTAL 9,604.18
Payroll #8 838.77
Bob Murphy, Inc. 434.00
TOTAL 1,272 77
Payroll #8 303.26
TOTAL 303.26
Lutton's Office Equipment Co. Inc. 2.25
Howard A. Stevenson, Jr. 87.00
TOTAL 89.25
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 397
or Allowed
New York State Electric & Gas Corp. 2,746.24-
,746.24Hull Heating & Plumbing Inc. 194.90
C.E.S. Co. Communication Inc. 338.50
Ames Welding & Supply Co. 263.50
The Welles Supply Co. 91.17
Charles Boykin's Body Shop 29.00
Coverall Service & Supply Co. 47.20
Clute Motor Company Inc. 98.34
Salino Electric Motors 1.20
Ithaca Supply Co. 9.00
Cayuga Electric Supply Co., Inc. 2.88
L. B. Smith, Inc. 5.93
Syracuse Bearing Corp. 3.91
Atlantic Richfield Co. 1,016.72
Gary's Auto Upholstery 17.50
Erie J. Miller, Inc. 2,338.00
East Penn Mfg. Co. Inc. 218.94
J. C. Georg Corp. 786.80
Wickes Lumber & Building Supplies 290.64
Crispell Automotive, Inc. 33.52
Cramer's Auto Parts, Inc. 13.39
BP Oil Corp. 17.28
National Auto Weld, Inc. 10.25
Ashland Oil & Refining Co. 63.60
Ithaca Gear & Auto Parts Co. 12.07
Goodyear Service Stores 258.08
C.C.O. Construction Equipment, Inc. 28.54
Simplex Time Recorder Co. 39.50
Parker's Radiator Shop 65.00
Seneca Engineering Co. 44.92
Cayuga Motor Sales Corp. 4.05
Charles J. Blackwell, Inc. 157.20
G. & J. Supply Co. 795.54
N.Y. Telephone Co. 161.57
Seneca Supply & Equipment Co. Inc. 240.13
Brockway Motor Trucks 33.02
TOTAL 10,478.03
TOTAL HIGHWAY $ 34,442.51
Ithaca Journal, Display Advr. 53.76
Wilma Lloyd, Secretarial Service 20.00
TOTAL 73.76
398 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
F. A. May, Eggs 24.75
Budget Wholesalers, Groceries 195.83
Welders Supply Co., Inspect and fix kitchen hood 20.00
Dr. Ronald Krantz, Professional services 75.00
Tompkins Co. Hospital, Biliribin, X-rays 38.00
Geo. McCauley, M.D., Jail visits 63.00
TOTAL 416.58
The Grossinger, Co. Officers Meeting 81.10
A. J. Laux & Co., Roster cards 23.81
The Drawing Board, Letterheads, envelopes, etc. 67.70
Malcolm J. Mann, M. D., Physicals - police patrolman exam. 90.00
David Raponi, Monitor civil service exam. 10.00
Retail Credit Co., Personnel selection 144.55
Craig R. Boniface, Expenses 42.25
Ind. & Labor Relations Rev., Subscription 8.00
Noel Rosenbaum, Expenses 62.00
Publishers Service Co., Subscription 50.00
Civil Service Leader, Notice published 118.80
Rural News, Legal Ad. 7.56
Sheraton Motor Inn, Lodging -Noel Rosenbaum & wife 20.10
Howard Johnson Motor Lodge, Lodging -Craig Boniface 19.70
TOTAL 745.57
Graduate School Pub. Affairs, Annual 5.00
Acrographics, Reprographic service 128.78
N.Y. Planning Federation, Membership dues 100.00
Co. of Tompkins, Gasoline 3.89
Syracuse Blueprint Co., Tompkins Co. Tax map 9.04
TOTAL 246.71
T. G. Miller Son's Paper, Supplies 363.84
Ithaca Office Equipment, Supplies 17.80
Keystone Envelope, Mailer, file folders 164.04
Lutton's Office Equip., Supplies 13.18
Amsterdam Pen Co., Supplies 15.13
Atlantic Advertising, Zip strap tape 34.06
Harbeck Paper, Supplies 157.02
Arnold Printing Corp., Window envelopes 23.00
Triaxon, Inc., Plates 19.20
Pitney -Bowes, Machine inspection 135.00
United Parcel Service, 3/28-4/4/70 26.68
TOTAL 968.95
Printing Dept., Board of Representatives 219.93
Printing Dept., Supreme Court I 24.29
Printing Dept., Supreme Court II 7.92
Printing Dept., Family Court 45.78
Printing Dept., Surrogate Court 1.33
Printing Dept., County Court 42.12
Printing Dept., Jury Commission 313.33
Printing Dept., District Attorney 69.70
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 399.
or Allowed
Printing Dept., Budget & Administration 270.73
Printing Dept., Budget & Administration 228.28
Printing Dept., Assessment 126.45
Printing Dept., County Clerk 112.01
Printing Dept., Motor Bureau 94.36
Printing Dept., County Attorney 49.28
Printing Dept., Personnel 212.11
Printing Dept., Elections 33.47
Printing Dept., Veterans 12.03
Printing Dept., Planning 31.02
Printing Dept., Human Rights 10.83
Printing Dept., Sheriff 135.67
Printing Dept., Civil Defense 187.15
Printing Dept., County Historian 46.86
Printing Dept., Probation 35.66
TOTAL 2,310.31
Ithaca Office Equipment, Repair typewriter 10.00
Donald E. Wilson, Mileage 92.10
Lois Humphrey Mileage 21.10
Joan Read Mileage. 61.35
Richard Murdock Mileage 16.00
Thomas A. Williams Mileage 18.90
Stuart Grinnell Mileage 20.10
Joseph S. Roedel Mileage 17.00
Paul W. Chuicher Mileage 69.60
TOTAL 326.15
D. Boardman Lee, Esq., Re: R. Wood 342.26
Paul N. Tavelli, Esq., Re: R. Briggs 72.50
Frederick Beck, Jr., Esq., Re: W. Decker 75.00
Leonard J. Snow, Esq., Re: R. Thomas 187.50
Mrs. Loretta Leskovec, Co. Court case 144.16
Mrs. Jessie L. Traum, Co. Court case 24.85
TOTAL 846.27
Lawless Fire Equip., Beacon Ray Lights 31.40
Winston Prod. for Education, Marijuana Awareness Wafer Packets 76.00
Cayuga Motor Sales, Parts & labor 334.50
Hall & McChesney, Motor Veh. registration 5.64-
.64Ithaca Tire Co., Tires and balance 98.07
John's Service Station, Radiator "stop leak" 1.25
State Street Mobil, Oil 5.45
Bill Zakakis Chevrolet, Parts & repair 297.30
Humble Oil & Refining, Gasoline 27.06
Carroll's Sales & Service, Tire & balance 163.01
N.Y. Telephone, Service 84.49
TOTAL 1,124.17
400 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Keystone Envelope Co., Mailers 59.62
Arnold Printing Corp., Supreme Court Calendars 410.00
TOTAL 469.62
Lutton's Office Equip., Rubber Stamp Pad 5.15
TOTAL 5.15
The Grossinger, Co. Officers Meeting 81.10
Richard F. Cummings, Expenses 71.05
TOTAL 152.15
State of N.Y. Dept. of Audit and Control, Justice Court Fund 15.00
Mt. Morris TB Hospital, March Maint. & care 160.00
John Chury, Pres. Tomp. Co. Sportsmen's Club, Expenses 110.00
H. A. Carey, Inc., Additional locations—Boiler policy 220.00
TOTAL 505.60
Mall Pharmacy, Rx—Ruth Walrad 2.85
TOTAL 2.85
Tompkins Co. Area Development Corp., 1/1/70-3/31/70 2,361.10
TOTAL 2,361.10
TOTAL AUDIT 60,171.22
June 8, 1970
Coverall Service & Supply, April service 35.00
Super Duper Market, Spic & Span 7.74
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Limestone Dust 10.84
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 67.57
Stardust Hotel & Co. Club, Am. Assoc. of Airport Exec. Conf. 5/11-14 48.00
Am. Assoc. of Airport Exec's., Public service announcement 20.00
Hull Heating & Plumbing, Labor 346.29
Cramer's Auto Parts, Fittings & hose 5.83
Mohawk Airlines, Ithaca -Nevada round trip 258.00
N.Y.S. Electric, Service 676.62
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Transformer restoration 38.08
Crispell Automotive, Tire & tube repair 8.89
N.Y. Telephone, Service 32.89
Chas. J. Blackwell, Inc., Snow wing 295.00
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 401.
or Allowed
Valley Fix't Shop, Parts 69.62
United Rent -All, Mid-air Vac: 3.50
Ithaca Plastics, Signs 11.00
T. G. Miller's Cons: Eng., Master Plan Overlay -showing
North-South Runway 452.00
Glenn A. Turner, Expenses.... 104.09
Village of Cayuga Heights, Sewer Rent Charges 6/70 - 5/71 150.00
TOTAL •" 2,640.92
ASSESSMENT: . ...... .
Addressograph Multigraph, Plates 76.70
Moore Business Forms, Village of Co. Tax bill forms 627.61
Wilcox Press, Inc., Printing 559.80
Ithaca Journal, Filing Assessment roll ad. 6.59
Hall & McChesney, Inc., Permaflex 37.43
T. G. Miller, Con. Eng., Co. Tax Map Maint. 2,371.50
Acrographics, Inc., Reprographic service 431.84
Donald P. Franklin, Mileage 51.00
Eino Laine, Mileage 58.40
John B. O'Brien Mileage 40.40
Kit Boynton Mileage 46.10
George Baker . Mileage 30.00
Thomas G. Payne Mileage 88.20
Robert Benedict Mileage 35.90
Joseph Conley Mileage 38.10
TOTAL 4,499.57
Wallace Holmes, D.V.M., Calves Vaccinated 119.50
TOTAL 119.50
I.B.M. Corp., Maint. agreement 42.12
Rural News, Legal ads 28.21
Wilcox Press, Inc., Printing Library checks 158.83
J. J. Murphy, Expenses & petty cash 99.26
Ithaca -Journal, Legal ads 67.62
TOTAL 396.04
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 698.25
TOTAL.... 698.25
"Survive", Subscription 3.00
Doris Levy, Petty cash & expenses 84.28
N.Y. Telephone, Service 67.54
Am. Telephone & Telegraph, Service 12.00
Motorola Comm. & Electronics, Maintenance 138.00
I.B.M. Corp., Maintenance agreement 8.40
TOTAL 313.22
402 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
The Corner Book Store, Flag 23.63
Crispell Automotive, Battery Ex. 21.29
Harbeck Paper, Supplies 16.53
Vasco Brands, Inc., Amonia, dust cloths 18.50
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 1,513.97
B. P. Oil Corp., College Annex fuel 332.43
N.Y. Telephone, Service & tolls 1,255.39
Sherwin Williams Co., Paint -Jail 211.97
V. Giordano Construction, Remod. I.C. Bldg. & Rep. pt. splash damage 1,048.80
G. & H. Extinguisher, Recharges 39.75
Donohue -Halverson, College Bldg. & Court House 192.67
Dorothy Alston, Jim's Fix'it, Keys & service 20.00
Cortright Electric, Fahey Prop., Court House 89.77
City of Ithaca, Water 439.32
TOTAL .__ 5,224.02
Elsie D. Boyd, Petty cash 58.36
Lillian Keown, Attend Meeting 2.00
Marian Havington, Attend Meeting 16.60
West Publishing, Book 62.50
I.B.M. Corp., Maint. agreement 207.67
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex, indexing, etc. 353.77
Keystone Envelope Co., Files 272.04
Dorothy S. McKay, Mileage & expense -Terminal Instruction 32.00
Golda Rumsey, Attend meeting 2.00
TOTAL 1,006.94
Lutton's Office Equip., Rental copy machine 60.00
Dorothy Burdorf, Minutes and transcripts 40.00
Oravisual Co., Inc., Easel, chalkboard, etc. 302.36
Robt. J. Sise, Treas., Dues -Assn. of Judges 30.00
TOTAL 432.36
Lois O'Connor, Co. Historian Assoc. Meeting 66.50
TOTAL 66.50
Carl Roe, Mileage 52.10
TOTAL 52.10
Acme Law Book Co., Books 7.50
The Legislative Index Co., Books 60.00
West Publishing Co., Books 292.00
TOTAL.... 359.50
Dorothy Burdorf, Minutes & transcripts 838.00
Broderick Legal Supply, Litigation covers 20.16
Ridley Printing Co., Grand jury subpeonas 22.75
The Reporter Co., Inc., Printing of Briefs 274.65
Acme Law Book Co., Supp. to Charges to Jury 7.50
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 403
or Allowed
West Publishing Co., Book 25.00
The Cornell Daily Sun, Subscription 2.00
Matthew McHugh, Petty cash 130.01
I.B.M. Corp., Maint. agreement 30.00
Race Office Equipment, Cleaning typewriter 17.66
TOTAL 1,367.73
Small Animal Clinic, Euthanasia 53.00
TOTAL 53.00
Ithaca Journal, Legal Notice 5.39
Automatic Voting Machine Co., Election Systems, etc. 118.95
Arnold Printing Corp., Post Cards—"Polling Place" 56.00
Rural News, Legal Notice 4.83
TOTAL 185.17
Lutton's Office Equipment, Rental copy machine 60.00
TOTAL 60.00
CESCo. Communications, Radio Service — May and June 858.00
N.Y. Telephone, Service 20.30
N.Y.S. Electric, Service 14.24
TOTAL 892.54
Robert D. Spence, Inc. 318.24
Minnesota Mining Mfg. Co. Inc. 469.14
Seneca Supply & Equipment Co. Inc. 151.00
Payrolls 9, 10, 11 Rentals 128.00
TOTAL 1,066.38
Cayuga Leasing Inc. 93.30
H. A. Carey Co. Inc. 1,313.00
Ashland Oil & Refining Co. 60.00
Wallace Steel, Inc 10.75
Cortland Asphalt Products 696.43
The General Crushed Stone Co. 134.26
Warren Brothers Roads Co. 3,759.78
Republic Steel Corp. 80.29
Chemung Supply Corp. 3,516.72
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. 731.08
Koppers Co. Inc. 13,620.56
Employee's Retirement System 35,258.67
Payrolls 9, 10, 00 Rentals 40,700.87
TOTALS 99,975.71
404 Tompkins County, New York
or /plowed
Rumsey-Ithaca Corp. 709.65
Bob Murphy, Inc. 2,069.25
Payroll 10 228.08
TOTAL 3,006.98
Graphic System 51.65
Lutton's Office Equipment Co., Inc. 21.55
Printing & Supply Dept. 14.97
Howard A. Stevenson, Jr. 12.00
TOTAL 100.17
N.Y. Telephone Co. 168.68
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas Corp. 78.79
C.E.S. Co. Communications Inc. 330.50
H. A. Carey Co. Inc 1,134.00
B & M Transport Inc. 12.60
Salino Electric Motors 2.80
Coverall Service & Supply Co. 55.90
M. Berger Co.-... 26.94
Goodyear Service Stores 604.65
Crispell Automotive, Inc. 146.22
Charles Boykin's Body Shop 35.00
Gary's Auto Upholstery 17.50
Harbeck Paper Co. 18.20
Seneca Engineering Co. 9.90
Cramer's Auto Parts, Inc. 8.60
C. C. O. Construction Equipment Co. 202.38
Tioga Auto Parts 91.88
United Auto Parts, Inc. 34.55
Cayuga Motors Sales Corp. 9.20
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 134.03
Smith's Hardware Inc. 10.21
Empire Hardware & Machinery Co. 57.85
National Auto Weld, Inc. 21.85
Atlantic Richfield Co. 202.46
Erie J. Miller, Inc. 60.00
J. C. Georg Equipment Corp. 126.22
Charles J. Blackwell, Inc.9.75
L. B. Smith, Inc. 50.54
Syracuse Supply Co. 6.14
Employees Retirement System 7,085.27
Sun Oil Co. 312.53
B. P. Oil Corp. 82.66
Atlantic Tug & Equipment 241.66
J. C. Georg Equipment Corp. 77.17
V. Giordano Construction & Supply Corp. 168.93
TOTAL 11,635.56
Arnold Printing Corp., Envelopes 19.00
Ithaca Journal, Display ad. 40.32
TOTAL 59.32
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 405
or Allowed
F. A. May, Eggs 20.70
Bond Baking Co., Baked goods 54.61
Budget Wholesalers, Groceries 482.22
Victory Chain, Inc., Groceries 687.47
Acme of Ithaca, Angle & rod 4.00
Tompkins Co. Hospital, Re: K. Predmore 14.00
George McCauley, M.D., Jail visit 8.00
TOTAL 1,271.00
Tompkins Co. Hospital, X-ray, urinalysis 90.00
David Raponi, Monitor Civil Service exams 10.00
Ithaca Journal News, Public Hearing Notices 12.95
Retail Credit Corp., Personnel Selections 92.85
TOTAL 205.80
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Prestype 6.00
Charles Bruning Co., Mylar drafting material 97.41
Frank Liguori, Petty cash & expenses 91.43
Lutton's Office Equipment, Service contract -typewriter,
Calculator, Stenorette 122.50
Acrographics, Inc., Reprographic Service 22.14
Co. of Tompkins, Gasoline 3.75
TOTAL 343.23
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies 391.95
Harbeck Paper, Supplies 269.02
Keystone Envelope Co., Fiberpress binders 9.20
Block & Co., Ruled legal pads 47.89
I.B.M.. Corp., Ribbons 16.10
Race Office Equipment, Paper 10.35
Triaxon, Inc., Plates 108.20
Arnold Printing Corp., Posters -Sheriff 30.00
Addressograph-Multigraph, Paper & ink 142.70
United Parcel Service, 4/25-5/16 19.36
Sylvia Voorheis, Mileage 1.20
TOTAL 1,045.97
Printing Department, Board of Representatives 38.40
Printing Department, Supreme Court I 13.96
Printing Department, Supreme Court II 3.82
Printing Department, County Court 9.25
Printing Department, Family Court 116.11
Printing Department, Surrogate Court 32.44
Printing Department, District Attorney 15.01
Printing Department, Probation 152.56
Printing Department, Budget & Administration 61.81
Printing Department, Assessment 128.41
Printing Department, County Clerk 55.88
Printing Department, Motor Vehicle 52.80
Printing Department, County Attorney 6.15
Printing Department, Personnel 46.28
Printing Department, Board of Elections 14.69
406 Tompkins County, New York
Printing Department,
Printing Department,
Printing Department,
Printing Department,
Printing Department,
or Allowed
Veterans 16.32
Planning 37.02
Sheriff 113.64
Civil Defense 107.75
Jury Commission 31.08
TOTAL 1,053.38
Joseph S. Roedel Mileage 30.30
Joan Read Mileage 10.20
Thomas A. Williams Mileage 32.10
Richard E. Murdock Mileage 16.50
Donald E. Wilson Mileage 31.55
Lois Humphrey Mileage 30.4-0
John J. Maceri, Chm., N.Y.S. Prob. & Parole Reg. 13.00
Stuart Grinnell, Mileage 64.30
Burrough's Corp., Various forms 1,052.93
West Publishing Co., Book 37.50
TOTAL 1,318.78
Norman Freeman, Esq., Re: Carlton Holmes, Jr. 57.50
Norman Freeman, Esq., Re: Frederick Hines 120.00
Stanley Tsapis, Esq., Re: M. Ray 500.00
Stanley Tsapis, Esq., Re: K. Harris 162.50
Stanley Tsapis, Esq., Re: Wm. Zobkin 360.00
Richard Mulvey, Esq., Re: C. Sullivan /aka/Snyder 282.85
Richard Mulvey, Esq., Re: G. Luoma 123.43
Richard Mulvey, Esq., Re: R. Knight 237.68
Richard Mulvey, Esq., Re: Glennis Peterson 616.68
Fred Weinstein, Esq., Re: J. Scripa 213.00
Harrop A. Freeman, Esq., Re: Wm. Siebert 465.40
Henry Theisen, Esq., Re. E. Hamilton, Jr. 32.50
Evan Webster, Esq., Re: J. Rush 300.00
Murray Lewis, Esq., Re: V. Hubbard 180.00
Walter J. Wiggins, Esq., Re: J. Smith 90.00
Roger Sovocool, Esq., Re: R. J. Ellis 105.00
Roger Sovocool, Esq., Re: Roger Protts 967.50
TOTAL 4,814.01-
Chester Alan Ras, Inc., File w/lock 121.00
N.Y.S. Sheriff's Assoc., Fatigue -riot training cap seals 18.00
Gee's Sport Shop, Ammunition 32.13
Hall & McChesney, Inc., Motor Veh. Registration 10.11
Natl. Police Chiefs & Sheriff's Info. Bureau, Directory of Law
Enforce. Administrators 12.50
Pritchard's Corner Station, Change flat tire 4.24
Sherman's Mobil, Oil .95
Chevron Oil Co., Gas 6.85
Mix's Esso Service, Gasoline 9.30
Cramer's Auto Parts, Parts 25.72
Nuber & Nuber, Inc., Jacket 53.68
Ithaca Tire Co., Tires, tubes & changing 275.24
Cayuga Motor Sales, Parts & Labor 676.11
CESCo. Communication, Radio service 220.00
Robert L. Howard, Petty cash 103.36
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 407
or Allowid
Robert Boothroyd Agency, Bond 5.00
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 87.83
Ithaca Journal, Legal Notice 51.80
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 4/7-6/1/70 1,009.70
TOTAL 2,723.52
Race Office Equipment, Pen 1.78
The Pengad Unpunched forms 11.30
Lutton's Office Equipment, Prestoline 67.45
Williamson Law Book Co., Marriage certificates 5.50
Arnold Printing, Court Calendars 140.00
Elsie D. Boyd, Co. Clerk, Expenses 22.18
Total 248.21
Lutton's Office Equipment, Copy machine rental 60.00
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Numbering Machine 152.00
Ithaca Office Equipment, Used desk, electric adder 224.00
Williamson Law Book, Receipts & book 158.14
Total 594.14
Race Office Equipment, Typewriter maint. 74.74
Richard F. Cummings, Expenses 3.80
Total 78.55
Arnold Printing Co., Rosters 403.00
Michael J. Leary, Expenses 11.75
Phyllis Howell, Assoc. of Clerks School 30.10
Katherine Dimmick, Assoc. of Clerks School 28.25
Rural News, Legal Notices 290.24
Ithaca Journal, Legal Notices 289.90
Arthur Hubert, Repair tape recorder 4.00
Donald J. Culligan, Soc. & Health Serv. Comm. Exp. 8.52
Lehigh Valley Restaurant, Comm. meeting luncheon 14.00
Mohawk Airlines, Round trip -Las Vegas 258.00
Harris B. Dates, Expenses -3/70-6/70 373.94
Total 1,711.70
John F. Wiltberger, M.D., Re: Ruth Walrad 6.50
North Side Pharmacy, Re: Anna Mikula 68.33
Brooks Pharmacy, Re: Donald Murphy 31.50
D. I. Yale, M.D., Re: Donald Murphy 6.50
Frieda Leonard, Rx -1/12-5/22/70 72.95
Total 185.78
Donald H. Crispell, D.V.M., Rabies Clinic 37.50
Dr. James Hoffmire, Rabies Clinic 60.00
Dr. Wallace Holmes, Rabies Clinic 60.00
Dr. Wm. Hume, Rabies Clinic 60.00
Dr. Leo Wuori, Rabies Clinic 90.00
408 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Sharon M. Brown, Rabies Clinic 12.00
David Cornelius, Rabies Clinic 6.00
Donna J. Cornelius, Rabies Clinic 18.00
Evelyn B. Dawson, Rabies Clinic 30.00
Michela Edelbroek, Rabies Clinic 6.00
Lucretia Merrill, Rabies Clinic 18.00
Mrs. Lewis Pearsall, Rabies Clinic 18.00
Linda Pearsall, Rabies Clinic 12.00
Ithaca Journal, Rabies Clinic Ad 35.84
Mt. Morris T.B. Hospital, Care & Maint.-April 50.00
H. A. Carey Insurance, Workmen's Comp. Audit 2,319.00
Vincent D. Tryon, Funeral -M. Riker 400.00
Total 3,232.34
O'Brien & Gere, Sewer Agency Agreement 2,397.28
Total 2,397.28
TOTAL AUDIT $155,435.20
July 13, 1970
Ithaca Agway, Brooms, rakes, roof coat, handles $ 40.81
Atlantic Richfield Co., Gasoline 25.26
Coverall Service & Supply, Service 28.00
Globe Chemicals, Inc., Spray 691.14
Cortright Electric, Check wires at tank removal site 24.75
Cramers Auto Supply, Parts 12.55
Monroe Enterprise, Gaskets for sprayer 6.15
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 482.95
Arsenault Tractor Sales, Part 16.15
Valley Fixit Shop, Belts, grinding, labor, etc. 51.80
Crispell Automotive, Parts, tire repair 26.50
General Electric Supply, Water valve 10.01
Dryden Implement, Inc., Parts 22.08
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 107.11
CESCo. Communications, Battery 52.00
H. R. Carey Ins. Co., Ins. on buildings (Hangars) 670.00
Dyer -Fitts Const. Co., Blacktopping 1,160.26
Finger Lakes Const. Co., Digging up leaking fuel tank 989.00
Total 4,416.52
Wilcox Press, Inc., Printing 78.38
Ithaca Office Equipment, Binders 200.85
Groton Journal & Courier, Filing Tentative Assessment 7.98
Rural News Filing Tentative Assessment 7.98
Ithaca Journal News Filing Tentative Assessment 77.17
Monroe Calculator, Maintenance agreement 56.00
I.B.M. Corp., Maintenance agreement 39.90
Addressograph Multigraph, Maintenance agreement 454.32
Cornell Campus Store, Supplies 228.42
T. G. Miller Cons. Eng., Co. Tax Map Maintenance 1,540.00
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex 52.42
Acrographics, Reprographic service 29.13
Ronald W. Driscoll Mileage 6.00
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 409
or Allowed
Donald P. Franklin Mileage 38.20
Robert Benedict Mileage 20.20
Joseph Conley Mileage 23.40
Thomas G. Paynye Mileage 33.20
Nancy Mazourek Mileage 2.00
Eino Laine Mileage 2.50
Kenneth A. Tarbell Mileage 78.50
Frieden Div., Singer Co., (1) Used Flexowriter 1,600.00
Total 4,576.55
Arnold Printing Co., '69 Proceedings; Business cards 7,212.07
Stardust Hotel & Co. Club, Airport Exec. Meeting (Harris Dates) __95.00
Harris B. Dates, Am. Assoc. Airport Exec's. 50.00
Michael J. Leary, Supervisor's & Co. Legislator Conference 150.80
Donald J. Culligan, Supervisor's & Co. Legislator Conference 100.20
Phyllis B. Howell, Co. Clerk's Press release meeting 38.85
Century Housewares, Recorder tapes 21.54
Total 7,668.46
Ithaca Journal, Legal notices & display ads 22.71
Rural News, Legal notices & display ads 14.14
J. J. Murphy, Petty Cash, Envelopes & postage 84.05
Tompkins County Trust Co., Safe deposit box rental 12.00
Total 132.90
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 876.61
Total 876.61
Alcor, Inc., Roving rostrum 179.10
Ames of Ithaca, Inc., Fire extinguishers 22.00
Doris Levy, Mileage & expenses 21.60
Quick's Garage, Garage rent -rescue truck 90.00
N.Y. Telephone, Service 64.98
American Telephone & Telegraph, Service 12.00
Motorola Comm. & Electronics, Maintenance 69.00
I.B.M. Corp., Maint. agreement 44.27
Total 502.95
Ithaca Agway Corp., Mower, rake, peat moss 46.29
Vasco Brands, Inc., Sponges, mop bucket, etc. 34.60
LeValley McLeod, Inc., G.E. light bulbs 33.48
Leonard Vacuum Cleaner, Supplies 46.40
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Cups & towels 34.70
Robinson & Carpenter, White sand 3.00
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service (lights & gas) 1,314.65
N.Y. Telephone, Service 1,221.02
Sherwin-Williams, Paint 153.80
Smith's Hardware, Supplies .45
Cayuga Signs, Inc., Signs 40.00
410 Tompkins County, New York
or flllo'wed
Ithaca Glass Co., Glass 97.86
Kenyon Florists, Flowers & plants 58.40
V. Giordano Const., Replace windows 734.29
Total 3,818.94
Esther M. Pulling, Co. Clerk's Reg. Meeting 5.50
Elsie D. Boyd, Co. Clerk's Reg. Meeting 4.93
Elsy M. Frazier, Co. Clerks' Reg. Meeting 15.90
Hall & McChesney, Indexing, permaflev, etc. 610.61
Race Office Equipment, Adding machine 178.50
Cayuga Signs, Inc., Signs 68.00
Dorothy S. McKay, Reg. meeting at Delhi 29.95
Ithaca Journal, Display ad 44.80
Arnold Printing Co., Envelopes 42.00
Total 1,000.19
Lutton's Office Equipment, Prestoline 6.45
Arnold Printing Corp., County Court Calendars 290.00
Bettina Jennings, County Court minutes 90.00
Total 386.45
Carl Roe, Mileage 45.50
Total 45.50
Shepard's Citations, Subscription 88.00
Acme Law Book Co., Books 12.00
West Publishing Co., Books 99.00
Matthew Bender & Co., Books 1.75
Total 200.75
Chilton Book Co., Book 6.73
West Publishing Co., Book 25.00
Matthew Bender & Co., Book 24.50
Bettina Jennings, County Court minutes 108.00
Dorothy M. Burdorf, Preliminary hearing minutes 44.00
Coffee Break Service Plan, Supplies 22.50
Herbert L. MacDonnell, Private consultant 374.96
Terminal Taxi, Fare for witness 5.50
Click Studio, Photos for trial 25.00
John C. Barney, Argument of Foster Appeal -in Albany 49.25
Matthew F. McHugh, Petty Cash 41.70
Wm. P. Sullivan, Jr., Expenses-D.A. Conference 163.00
Matthew F. McHugh, Expenses-D.A. Conference 163.00
Total 1,053.14
Small Animal Clinic, Euthanazia & exam. 3.00
Clarence Westfall, Dog feed 81.50
Delford K. Barnes, Served dog summonses 7.00
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 411
or Allowed
Dorothy Roberts, Reporting delinquent dog owners 3.15
Larry D. Murphy, Serve dog summons 172.15
Total 266.80
Dudley J. Greenwood, Conduct school on voting machines
John T. Feller, Conduct school on voting machines
Ithaca Journal, Spring primary
Rural News, Spring primary
Thomas H. Huhn, Compensators for voting machine
Arnold Printing Corp., Primary election supplies
Total 1,810.50
I.B.M. Corp., Maintenance agreement 13.12
Grace Bryant, Expenses—Clerk's Assoc. Conf. 135.25
Lutton's Office Equipment, Copy paper 49.90
Total 198.27
N.Y. Telephone, Service 20.14
CESCo. Communications, Radio services, etc. 450.15
Total 470.29
Payrolls 11A and 12 Rentals 128.00
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 200.19
Seneca Supply & Equip. Co. Inc. 633.00
Nichols Block & Brick Corp. 15.00
Total 976.19
Payrolls 11A and 12 Rentals 21,916.98
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 97.84
Volbrecht Lumber Co. Inc. 954.25
Ashland Oil & Refining Co. 20.00
Warren Bros. Road Co. 1,581.20
Republic Steel Corp. 69.93
Chemung Supply Corp. 4,697.02
Koppers Co. Inc. 25,214.65
Robinson & Carpenter, Inc. 1.68
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. 4157.91
The General Crushed Stone Co. 284.00
Total 58,995.46
Bob Murphy, Inc. 2,193.75
V. Giordano Const. & Supply Corp. 30.68
Total 2,224.43
412 Tompkins County, New York
D-98 or !Allowed
Lutton's Office Equip. Co. Inc. 2.90
Printing and Supply Dept. 3.50
Howard A. Stevenson, Jr. 5.00
Total 11.40
The Ithaca Journal 10.78
Rural News 10.29
Total 21.07
New York Telephone Co. 180.30
New York State Electric & Gas Corp. 1,911.53
C.E.S. Co. Communications Inc. 338.50
Johnson Service Co. 227.19
B & D Cleaning 190.00
Harold's Inc. 45.00
Crispell Automotive, Inc. 255.53
Hull Heating & Plumbing 12.50
Binghamton Equipment Corp. 1,193.00
Cayuga Motor Sales Corp. 3,692.00
J. C. Georg Equipment Co. 48.95
Brockway Motor Trucks 1,400.74
Charles J. Blackwell, Inc. 615.70
Emerson's Safe & Lock Service 1.20
Wainwright Oil Co. 5.80
Goodyear Service Stores 44.60
S. C. Hansen, Inc. 37.20
Cleveland Cotton Products 257.50
Brooks' Pharmacy 15.19
Edwin D. Ure 14.80
East Penn Mfg. Co. Inc. 82.36
Coverall Service & Supply Co. 72.20
Harbeck Paper Co. 18.20
Myers Automotive 321.06
Atlantic Tug & Equipment Co. 33.00
Sun Oil Co. 41.39
L. B. Smith, Inc. 31.12
Ithaca Agway Cooperative, Inc. 24.13
Tioga Auto Parts 132.87
Syracuse Supply Co. 137.53
Cramer's Auto Parts, Inc. 5.30
National Auto Weld, Inc. 235.45
Marion Electric Co. Inc. 114.40
C.C.O. Construction Equipment Co. 183.68
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 104.42
Seneca Supply & Equipment Co., Inc. 491.61
Atlantic Richfield Co. 998.53
Empire Hardware & Machinery Co. 13.07
Mobil Oil Corp. 880.10
B P Oil Corp. 115.33
Tioga Auto Parts 112.15
Coverall Service & Supply Co. 70.60
Total 14,705.73
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 413
or Allowed
Lloyd's Secretarial Service, Secretarial work 104.50
Total 104.50
George G. McCauley, M.D., Jail visits 48.00
Robert Keiffer, M.D., Jail visits 50.00
Bond Baking Co., Baked goods 61.62
F. A. May, Eggs 22.95
Dairylea Coop., Milk 108.54
Budget Wholesalers, Groceries 293.43
Tompkins County Hospital, Ambulance, X-ray, etc. 49.00
Drs. Krantz & Kaufmann, Extractions 40.00
Orrin J. VanDyke, M.D., Office visit 6.00
Mall Pharmacy, Rx & supplies 56.30
Total 735.84
Houragency, Inc., Placement of ads 340.00
Race Office Equipment, Typewriter rental 20.00
Tom Sawyer Motor Inn, Hurlbut lodging at State Siv. Serv. Conf. 12.00
David Raponi, Monitor Civil Service exam 20.00
Ithaca Journal, Help wanted ad 9.31
Superintendent of Documents, Subscription 4.00
Retail Credit Corp., Personnel selection 33.45
Tompkins County Hospital Lab., Urinalysis tests 63.00
Total 501.76
Charles Bruning Co., Planimeter Overlays 81.59
Ithaca Journal, Copies of Sanitary Landfill map 20.00
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 3.62
Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline 11.63
Int. City Mgmt. Assoc., '70 Municipal year book 15.00
Reston Virginia Foundation for Community Programs, Booklet
on low cost housing 10.00
Frank Liguori, Petty cash 60.18
Erie J. Miller, Inc., Repairs, etc. on Co. car 359.69
Harry Missirian, Mileage 6.60
John Vasse, Professional services re: Sanitary Landfill Site invest. 32.60
Acrographics, Reprographic service 26.54
Am. Society of Planning Officers, Placement of Ad 33.00
Total 660.45
Race Office Equipment, Carbon paper 9.27
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, various supplies 209.76
Lutton's Office Equipment, Binder 5.76
I.B.M. Corp., Ribbons 9.90
Transparent Industrial Env., Report covers 31.43
Federated Business Materials, Pens, carbon, etc. 62.46
Harbeck Paper 'Co., Supplies 164.09
Addressograph-Multigraph, Paper 248.25
Arnold Printing Corp., Envelopes, letterhead, etc. 298.40
Star Scientific Supply, Paper 30.00
United Parcel Service, Service 5/23-6/20/70 16.24
Total 1,085.56
414 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Printing Dept., Board of Representatives 222.38
Printing Dept., Supreme Court II 3.78
Printing Dept., Surrogate Court 47.47
Printing Dept., Jury Commission 87.74
Printing Dept., District Attorney 12.04
Printing Dept., Probation 151.02
Printing Department, Assessment Dept. 151.19
Printing Dept., County Clerk 90.27
Printing Dept., Motor Vehicle 63.72
Printing Dept., County Attorney 27.32
Printing Dept., Personnel 135.34
Printing Dept., Elections 33.33
Printing Dept., Veterans 21.34
Printing Dept., Planning 65.86
Printing Dept., Human Rights 1.48
Printing Dept., Sheriff 178.30
Printing Dept., Civil Defense 51.81
Printing Dept., Budget & Administration 59.83
Printing Dept., Supreme Court I 17.15
Printing Dept., Family Court 28.17
Printing Dept., Public Defender 24.39
Total 1,473.93
Leo L. Teeter, Petty Cash 29.26
Stuart Grinnell, Mileage & expenses 172.30
Leo L. Teeter, Mileage 4.00
Joseph S. Roedel, Mileage 38.50
Richard E. Murdock, Mileage & expenses 103.90
Thomas A. Williams, Mileage 31.30
Donald E. Wilson, Mileage 43.00
Joan Read, Mileage 24.50
Moran Institute, St. Lawrence University Conference -
Grinnell & Humphrey 135.00
Burroughs Corp., Ribbon 7.00
Rubin Starer, Chairman Summer Inst. School of Social Work 160.00
Leo L. Teeter, Expenses -Annual Family Ct. Conference 133.95
Total 882.71
Fred Weinstein, Esq., Re: Shalid Makhumi 30.00
Richard B. Thaler, Esq., Re: Albert Haynes 27.50
David B. Gersh, Esq., Re: Lewis Hall 233.21
Frank Bell, Esq., Re: Robert Rink 275.70
James Kerrigan, Esq., Re: R. Rychlick 108.75
Stanley Tsapis, Esq., Re: Morris Ray 91.20
Leonard J. Snow, Esq., J. Napier 207.60
Leonard J. Snow, Esq., Re: J. Sargent 95.00
Ralph A. Jones, Esq., Re: Stanley Mudge 356.85
Total 1,425.81
Millspaugh Bros., Supplies for bldg. console 99.11
Cayuga Motor Sales, New sheriff's car; repairs and service 4,668.07
H. A. Carey Co., Inc., Boat Ins. policy 182.00
Inlet Park Marine, Inc., Parts & labor for boat 48.38
Cramer's Auto Part, Batteries 8.16
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 415
or Allowed
Ithaca Supply Co., Spoons, mugs, etc. 35.20
Travis -Westbrook, Inc., Parts, repair - typewriter 39.19
Bill Zikakis Chevrolet, Parts, repairs 62.41
Nuber & Nuber, Uniforms, etc. 289.97
Financial Publishing Co., Chart 2.00
Ithaca Tire Company, Tires & balance 53.20
Stetson Hats, Inc., Sheriff style hats 54.50
Sturm. Bros., Shirt & pants 12.90
State Street Mobil, Head lamp, repair dashlight 7.95
Stone's Gun & Tackle, Ammunition 53.55
Hall & McChesney, Inc., Motor Vehicle Registration 12.93
Williamson Law Book, Pads 39.46
Finger Lakes Marine Service, Belt 4.25
Humble Oil & Refining, Fuel 4.93
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 608.92
Robert S. Boothroyd, Bond -new deputy 5.00
Robert Howard, Sheriff, Petty cash 33.88
Christian Broadcasting, Transmitter storage 95.60
N.Y. Telephone, Service 87.80
CESCo. Communications, Radio service 117.50
Total 6,626.86
T. G. Miller & Sons Paper, Labels, zip code book 2.38
Total 2.38
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex recording 76.20
Total 76.20
Richard F. Cummings, Mileage & expenses 92.80
Chester Alan Ras, Inc., Card file w/lock 158.00
Total 250.80
D. I. Yale, M.D., Re: D. Murphy 6.50
Brooks Pharmacy, Rx -Mildred Hubbell 5.60
North Side Pharmacy, Rx -Anna Mikula 33.34
Workmen's Comp. Board, Self -Insurance 1,339.93
Total 1,385.37
Cooperative Extension Service, Postage & secretarial service 331.85
Total 331.85
Matthew J. Herson, Re: Burial -C. Howell 400.00
John H. VanOrder, Re: Burial -P. King 400.00
Ithaca Journal, Legal Notice -Sanitary Refuse Fund 3.78
Rural News, Legal Notice -Sanitary Refuse Fund 4.41
L. B. Smith, Inc., Terex Crawler Tractor, Sanitary Refuse Site 59,958.00
Elmer S. Phillips, Scenic Road Pictures 50.00
416 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Orin M. Bullock, Jr., Feasibility Study -Old Court House 999.36
Ithaca Journal News, Tax deed and foreclosure notice 133.79
Rural News, Tax deed and foreclosure notice 123.72
Total 62,073.06
Tompkins Co. Chamber of Comm., Brochures, maps, calendars, etc. 4,000.00
Total 4,000.00
Lutton's Office Equip., Prestoline-County Court 61.00
Total 61.00
TOTAL AUDIT $186,037.18
August 10, 1970
Coverall Service & Supply, Service 28.00
Seneca Supply & Equipment, Battery 22.03
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 70.60
Wainright Oil Company, Lithium 11.20
Ithaca Agway, Supplies 21.15
Globe Chemicals, Inc., Supplies 201.21
Town of Lansing Water District #1, Water 3/31-6/30/70 71.35
Hughey & Phillips, Inc., Light bulbs, runway bulbs 241.92
Rochester Germicide Co., Disinfectant 127.50
Valley Fixit Shop, Used mower, chain, etc. 66.20
Cramers' Auto Parts, Parts 35.92
Ithaca Plumbing Supply, Supplies 9.50
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 437.41
N.Y. Telephone, Service 31.80
Crispell Automotive, Tire repair -tractor 3.50
Arsenault Tractor Sales, Parts 93.11
Glenn A. Turner, Parts for mower & pump, Postage 23.06
Mohawk Airlines, Inc., Hangar Lease Agreement 7/31/70-7/31/71 3,000.00
Total 4,495.46
Singer, Frieden Div., Electronic Calculator 1,000.00
Wilcox Press, County books stapled 6.00
Ithaca Office Equipment, Shelving 61.20
Publications & Education Div., Subscription renewal 20.00
Acrographics, Reproductive service 57.11
Monroe Calculator, Maint. agreement 56.00
T. G. Miller, Cons. Engineers, Tax Map Maintenance 779.00
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex 31.00
John B. O'Brien, Mileage 33.40
Thomas G. Payne, Mileage 25.10
Robert Benedict, Mileage 20.90
Joseph Conley, Mileage 15.70
Total 2,105.41
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives
Claude Holden, Planning & Public Works Committee expense
Arnold Printing, County maps, labels
or Allowed
Total 152.25
Dr. Thomas F. Benson, Calf vaccination
Dr. Wallace E. Holmes, Calf vaccination
Total 63.40
Rural News, Display ads 18.20
West Publishing Co., Book 12.50
Tectonics, Inc., Data processing service 450.00
Artcraft of Ithaca, Inc., 49.35
Total 530.05
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 634.44
Total 634.44
I.B.M. Corporation, Ribbons 11.88
Mayers Smoke Shop, County/City maps 12.00
Lutton's Office Equipment, Rubber stamp 3.40
Doris Levy, Petty cash & expenses 33.10
Motorola Comm. & Electronics, July & Aug. maintenance 138.00
N.Y. Telephone, Service -June & July 64.98
American Telephone & Telegraph, July monthly charge 12.00
Total 275.36
Ithaca Agway Coop., Tools, fuses, seed, fertilizer, fittings 151.64
T. G. Miller Son's Paper, Casters 5.50
LeValley McLeod, Inc., G.E. lamps 76.25
Donohue -Halverson, Parts & labor 79.94
Vasco Brands, Amonia, mopheads 23.90
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 759.03
N.Y. Telephone, Service 1,161.22
Serwin-Wms. Co., Paint 41.76
Emerson's Safe & Lock Service, Keys, sharpen shears 37.76
Marion Electric Co., Parts & labor 9.84
Airken-Auburn, Supplies 89.25
Total 2,436.09
Race Office Equipment, File guides 24.75
Hall & McChesney, Indexing, permaflex 1,120.90
Lutton's Office Equipment, Copy paper 66.45
Singer, Frieden Div., Maintenance agreement 235.00
Total 1,447.10
418 Tompkins County, New York
or !Mowed
Marsha L. Mosher, Minutes of Arraignment 14.50
Dorothy Owler, Court reporter 140.00
Total 154.50
Carl Roe, Mileage 29.20
Total 29.20
Dorothy Burdorf, Grand Jury minutes & Transcripts 276.00
Lawyers Co-operative Pub., U.S. Advance sheets 20.00
Ridley Printing Co., Supreme Court indictments 69.50
Marsha Mosher, Transcript of arraignments 4.50
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts of arraignments 44.50
Charles W. Kehler, Justices Court 50.00
Lillian Keown, Minutes & transcripts 40.00
Matthew McHugh, Petty cash 12.38
Total 516.88
Small Animal Clinic, Euthanasia & exams 43.00
Robert Howard, Dog summons 6.80
Total 49.80
City School District of Ithaca, Use of school for Primary instruction .__. 10.00
Barbara Fellows, Summer Seminar -Lake George 55.20
Viola C. Boothroyd, Summer Seminar -Lake George 48.60
Fort Orange Press, Inc., '70-'71 Political Calendars 25.69
Total 139.49
Rad -Tronics, Radio parts 30.25
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 14.55
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service' 30.76
Total 75.56
Chemi-Trot Chemical Co. 10,872.98
Payroll 13 (Rentals) 128.00
Total 11,000.98
Ashland Oil & Refining Co. 40.00
Ithaca Agway Cooperative, Inc. 3.15
Ithaca Journal News 5.39
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 380.00
H. A. Carey Co. Inc. 42.00
The General Crushed Stone Co. 1,812.29
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. 8,085.82
Cortland Asphalt Products Corp. 82.33
Republic Steel Corp. 10.08
Highway Materials Co. Inc. 146.54
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 419
or Allowed
Chemung Supply Corp. 2,357.76
Kopper's Co. Inc. -Organic Material Div. 16,857.64
Concrete Materials Corp. 1,336.11
Village of Cayuga Heights 25.63
Landstrom Gravel Co. 741.96
Payroll 13, 14, 15 (Rentals) 48,346.77
Total 80,273.47
Simplex Time Recorder Co. 24.45
Nichols Business Equipment, Inc. 59.00
Printing and Supply Dept. 15.40
Howard A. Stevenson, Jr. (July Expenses) 36.00
Total 134.85
H. D. Besemer, Inc. 15,000.00
Total 15,000.00
New York State Electric & Gas Corp. 65.53
New York Telephone Co. 181.61
CES Co. Communications, Inc. 278.50
S. C. Hansen, Inc. 25.30
Ithaca Plumbing Supply Co. 42.20
Ithaca Glass Co. Inc. 23.64-
3.64C.C.O. Construction Equipment, Inc. 623.24
Crispell Automotive, Inc. 50.95
H. W. Taynton Co. Inc. 5.94
Walco Equipment Co. Inc. 16.54
East Penn Mfg. Co. Inc. 44.32
R. Herschel Mfg. Co. 90.88
Cayuga Motor Sales Corp. 6.15
L. B. Smith, Inc. 91.96
Ashland Oil & Refining Co. 67.05
Harbeck Paper Co. 15.60
Smith's Hardware Inc. 5.04
Empire Hardware & Machinery Co. 95.29
Brockway Motor Trucks 445.61
Wainwright Oil Co. 11.50
National Auto Weld Inc. 122.70
BP Oil Corp. 236.23
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 168.01
Syracuse Supply Co. 47.54
Mobil Oil Corp. 880.10
Charles J. Blackwell Inc. 973.30
Cramer's Auto Parts, Inc. 13.74
Atlantic Richfield Co. 1,200.10
Total 5,828.57
New York Telephone, Service -June & July 47.24
Total 47.24
420 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Ithaca Bakery, Bread 2.78
F. A. May, Eggs 17.10
Budget Wholesalers, Groceries 479.25
Dairylea Milk, Milk 59.40
Bond Baking Co., Bread 66.16
Victory Chain, Groceries 1,479.30
Mack's Pharmacy, Rx -S. Supek 2.05
Shelton's Refrigeration, Parts & labor 14.42
S. W. Blatchly, M.D., Blood alcohol test 10.00
Geo. G. McCauley, M.D., Jail visits 73.00
Total 2,203.46
Lutton's Office Equipment, Tapes 47.02
Sears, Roebuck & Co., Drapes & rods 171.86
Remington Rand, Forms & folders 203.37
Am. Household Storage, Moving expenses -Mr. Boniface 1,041.76
Rural News, Public hearing notice 3.36
Ithaca Journal, Public hearing notice Soc. Serv. ad 24.24
Tompkins County Hospital, Lab tests 35.00
Personnel Publications, Subscription renewal 6.5)
Retail Credit Corp., Personnel selection 31.25
Race Office Equipment, Typewriter rental 20.00
Bureau of National Affairs, Gov't Employees report 175.00
Total 1,759.36
Charles Bruning Co., Plastic drafting erasers 2.90
Ernest S. Southby, Pamphlet cases 8.90
Frank Liguori, Petty cash 33.19
Harry Missirian, Land Use Seminar expense 41.20
W. L. Coughtry Co., Reproduction service 7.00
Acrographics, Reproduction service 104.23
Lutton's Office Equipment, Typewriter parts 21.50
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 3.68
Total 222.60
Lutton's Office Equipment, Liquid paper 10.80
T. G. Miller & Sons, Supplies 184.68
Race Office Equipment, Supplies 10.62
Keelox Manufacturing Co., Supplies 79.12
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 294.80
Keystone Envelone Co., Supplies 101.12
Addressograph-Multigraph, Paper 158.72
Arnold Printing Corp., Various printing jobs 248.50
A. B. Dick Sales & Service, Stencils, ink, copy paper 52.90
Pitney -Bowes, Inc., Mach. repair 47.15
United Parcel Service, Service 26.99
Sylvia Voorhees, Mileage 1.35
Total 1,216.75
Printing Dept., Board of Representatives 33.34
Printing Dept., County Court 1.08
Printing Dept., Family Court 26.78
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 421
or Allowed
Printing Dept., Surrogate Court 6.76
Printing Dept., Jury Commission 49.86
Printing Dept., Probation 135.45
Printing Dept., Public Defender 89.00
Printing Dept., Budget & Administration 105.29
Printing Dept., Assessment 67.34
Printing Dept., County Clerk 66.05
Printing Dept., Motor Vehicle 83.45
Printing Dept., County Attorney 32.40
Printing Dept., Personnel 155.25
Printing Dept., Elections 3.26
Printing Dept., Veterans 128.78
Printing Dept., Human Rights 2.59
Printing Dept., Civil Defense 35.50
Printing Dept., Sheriff 185.93
Printing Dept., Planning 67.39
Total 1,275.50
Burroughs Corp., Carbon 6.77
Joseph S. Roedel, Mileage 24.00
Paul W. Churcher, Mileage 15.80
Joan L. Read, Mileage 14.00
Stuart Grinnell, Mileage 86.60
Donald E. Wilson, Mileage 27.00
Richard E. Murdock, Mileage 13.50
Lois Humphrey, Mileage 14.90
Total 202.57
Murray F. Lewis, Esq., Re: Terry M. Diaz 252.00
D. Boardman Lee, Esq., Re: Krista Inman 42.50
D. Boardman Lee, Esq., Re: Clair D. Freeman 140.42
Wesley McDermott, Esq., Re: Randy Hollenbeck 69.77
Total 504.69
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 614.07
Ithaca Tire Company, Tires and balance 76.33
Cayuga Motor Sales, 3 cars; service 7,710.30
Russell Service Station, Gas & various parts 32.60
Cramer's Auto Parts, Flares, batteries, etc. 72.63
State Street Mobil, Headlights 4.80
Pete's Atlantic, Gasoline 6.20
Ithaca Office Equipment, Card files 13.00
Robert Howard, Petty cash 95.00
Ithaca Journal, Legal ad 59.20
Robert S. Boothroyd, Bond -3 deputies 13.00
N.Y. Telephone, Service 73.37
CESCo. Communications, Radio changeovers 160.00
Total 8,930.50
Lutton's Office Equipment, Paper & toner 63.85
Preston Paper Co., Court forms 100.00
Hall & McChesney, Inc., Permaflex recording 30.10
Total 193.95
422 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Richard F. Cummings, Mileage & expenses 83.05
Total. 83.05
Finger Lakes Assoc., Promotional & publicity services 3,000.00
Tompkins Co. Area Develop. Corp., Per agreement 4/1/70-6/30/70 2,365.40
Total 5,365.40
Dept. of Audit & Control, Justice Court Fund 45.00
Onondaga Co. Penitentiary, Boarding of prisoners 7,367.00
Mount Morris TB Hospital, Care & maint.—June 270.00
John F. Bangs, Funeral—Chas. W. Smith 400.00
Landstrom Gravel Co., Sanit. Landfill Site #1, July operation 8,268.84
Richard Seymour, Sanit. Landfill Site #2, July operation 1,666.66
Rural News, Tax Redemption notice 154.80
Total 18,172.30
TOTAL 165,520.23
September 14, 1970
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 118.85
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 42.77
Revere Chemical Corp., Chemicals 129.25
Cayuga Electric Supply, Supplies 12.52
Coverall Service & Supply, Service 79.80
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies 20.84
H. A. Carey Insurance Co., Ins. coverage -7 policies 6,336.00
Smith's Hardware, Screwdriver & screws 5.65
New York Telephone Co., August service 40.27
Radio Communications, Repair PA System 99.50
New York State Electric & Gas, 6/26-7/28 service 380.48
Globe Chemicals, Inc., Plasti-Seal 173.84
Robinson & Carpenter, Saws, blades, etc. 14.41
Cramer's Auto Parts, parts 33.64
Jane Bush, Tax Collector, 1970 Town of Lansing School Taxes 1,302.75
Total 8,790.57
Wilcox Press, Inc., Printing 155.22
Ithaca Office Equipment, Rental -2 adding machines 20.00
Ithaca Journal, Notice of Final Assessment Roll 38.71
Rural News, Notice of Final Assessment Roll 4.41
Addressograph-Multigraph, Maint. agreement 145.68
Cornell Campus Store, Template 8.10
T. G. Miller, Cons. Engineer, Tax Map Maintenance 685.00
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex recording 81.04
Acrographics, Inc., Reprographic service "1,195.98
Kenneth Tarbell, Mileage 18.00
Thomas G. Payne, Mileage 5.60
Joseph T. Conley, Mileage 7.30
Total 2,365.04
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 423
or Allowed
Phyllis B. Howell, Post cards & stamps 8.50
Total 8.50
Burroughs Corporation, Repair adding machine 72.11
John J. Murphy, Expenses 34.80
Total 106.91
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 579.42
Total 579.42
Sears, Roebuck & Co., Equipment 91.45
Wilcox Press, Letterhead 72.88
Smith's Hardware, Mail box 8.05
Ithaca Office Equipment, Typewriter, Service 10.20
New York Telephone, Service 154.98
Ithaca Office Equipment, Typewriter, Service 12.00
American Telephone & Telegraph, Service 12.00
Motorola Comm. & Electronic, Maintenance 69.00
Total 439.30
I.B.M. Corporation, Maintenance agreement 39.90
Total 39.90
Marion Electric Co., Electrical work 1,051.95
Ace Fixit Shop, Various keys, etc. 18.90
Donohue -Halverson, Repairs 196.40
Frank Gleason, Repair gas pumps 33.35
City of Ithaca, Water 6/1-9/1/70 599.95
Petrillose Cleaners, Rug cleaning 29.40
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies 192.40
Cayuga Electric Supply, Masonry drill 6.38
New York Telephone, Service 1,609.82
New York State Electric & Gas, Service 914.71
Total 4,653.26
Race Office Equipment, Adding machine ribbons 3.06
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Desk plate 6.50
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex recording 49.55
Moore Business Forms, Receipts 53.35
The Bates Manufacturing Co., Pads 7.24-
.24Ithaca Journal, Display ad 8.96
Total 128.66
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 20.00
Lutton's Office Equipment, Rental -Copy machine 45.00
Total 65.00
424 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Carl Roe, Mileage 52.60
Total 52.60
West Publishing Co., Books 68.00
Callagan & Co., Books 30.00
Matthew Bender & Co., Books 19.00
Lawyers Co-operative, Books 17.50
Total 134.50
Dorothy Burdorf, Grand jury transcripts 206.00
Law & Psychology Press, Book 15.24
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 59.00
Herbert L. MacDonnell, Expert testimony 262.48
Meadow Court Motel, Grand Jury witnesses lodging 81.04
Matthew McHugh, Petty cash 7.05
Total 630.81
Board of Elections, Post cards & postage mail check cards 1,061.01
Rural News, Notice -Bids for supplies 5.25
Arnold Printing Corp., Post cards & address cards 161.00
Total 1,227.26
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 38.50
Preston Paper Co., Court forms 95.00
I.B.M. Corp., Maintenance agreements 88.20
Lutton's Office Equipment, Rental -copy machine 4-5.00
Total 266.70
New York Telephone, Service - 20.30
CESCo. Communications, Radio service 868.00
Total 888.30
Seneca Supply & Equipment Co. Inc. 433.00
Total 433.00
Ashland Oil & Refining Co. 20.00
University Sand & Gravel 40.10
Nichol Block & Brick Corp. - 3.40
Wallace Steel, Inc. 107.03
Republic Steel Corp. 34.74
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. 8,753.22
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 85.61
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 425
or Allowed
Concrete Materials, Inc. 1,786.12
Town of Lansing 2,706.00
The General Crushed Stone Co. 2,907.00
Highway Materials Co. Inc. 84.66
Cortland Asphalt Products Corp. 281.69
Wallace Steel, Inc. 40.00
Total 16,849.57
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co. 2.07
Nichols Business Equipment Inc. 30.11
Howard A. Stevenson, Jr. 154.35
Total 186.53
H. D. Besemer, Inc. 30,000.00
Total 30,000.00
Brockway Motor Trucks 569.26
Empire Hardware & Machinery Co. 185.87
Overhead Door Co. of Cortland, Inc. 24.00
New York Telephone Co. 179.61
New York State Electric & Gas Corp. 1,020.99
Marion Electric Co. Inc. 32.73
C.E.S. Co. Communications, Inc. 278.50
S. C. Hansen, Inc. 28.50
Sidney Westervelt 170.40
Goodyear Service Stores 246.56
Coverall Service & Supply Co. 42.80
Sun Oil Co. 347.92
Sun Electronic Corp. 510.40
Hep Materials Corp. 11.88
VanDeMark Heavy Equipment Service, Inc. 27.00
United Auto Parts, Inc. 70.94
Print -O -Tape Inc. 119.11
Sears, Roebuck & Co. 9.57
Walco Equipment Co. Inc. 39.34
Wainwright Oil Co. 27.60
Crispell Automotive Inc. 223.38
Syracuse Supply Co. 52.32
Seneca Supply & Equipment Co. Inc. 456.49
J. C. Georg Equipment Corp. 190.99
Harbeck Paper Co. 17.00
Smith's Hardware Inc. 8.93
Atlantic Tug & Equipment Co. Inc. 54.62
Ashland Oil & Refining Co. 17.60
Barnet -Hewett Tire Co. 67.84
Mobil Oil Corp. 880.10
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 7.35
Charles J. Blackwell, Inc. 255.80
Cayuga Motor Sales Corp. 9.68
L. B. Townsend 93.00
Ithaca Agway Cooperative, Inc. 21.01
Cramer's Auto Parts, Inc. 28.85
National Auto Weld Inc. 163.94
C.C.O. Construction Equipment Inc. 187.27
426 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Simplex Time Recorder Co. 5.40
Agway Petroleum Corp. 292.20
Total 6,976.75
Geo. G. McCauley, M.D., Jail visits 89.00
F. A. May, Eggs 26.10
Ithaca Supply, Plates 16.50_
Dairylea Milk, Milk 52.65
Bond Baking Co., Bread 61.68
Budget Wholesalers, Groceries 283.4-0
Victory Chain, Groceries 644.38
Tompkins County Farm, Vegetables 15.50
Drs. Krantz & Kaufman, X-rays & extractions 30.00
Wendell L. Bryce, M.D., Jail visits 24.00
Ames of Ithaca, Inc., Refill fire extinguisher 4.75
Mall Pharmacy, Prescriptions 180.13
Total 1,4-28.09
The Drawing Board, Inc., Letterhead, envelopes 82.88
Jeffco Industries, Inc., File folders 16.58
Tompkins County Hospital, Lab tests 52.50
Hugh Hurlbut, Petty cash 208.45
Houragency, Inc., Clinical psychologist ad 170.00
Rural News, Public hearing notice 3.36
I.B.M. Corp., Maint. agreement 84.00
Lutton's Office Equip., Stenorette tapes 112.80
Total 730.57
Charles Bruning Co., Equipment 228.13
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 2.85
Frank Liguori, Petty cash 57.53
Lockwood Mapping, Inc., Enlargements 134.10
Total 422.61
Lutton's Office Equipment, Supplies 9.16
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies 93.34
Keelox Manufacturing Co., Supplies 60.93
Race Office Equipment, Supplies 28.65
Federated Business Materials, Supplies 112.96
Ithaca Office Equipment, Supplies 16.50
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 161.03
I.B.M. Corp.. Ribbons 15.85
Arnold Printing Corp., Printing 180.00
Triaxon, Ithaca, Inc., Plates 5.85
United Parcel, Service 9.28
Total 693.55
Printing Dept., Board of Representatives 20.27
Printing Dept., Supreme Court I 109.72
Printing Dept., Supreme Court II 40.25
Printing Dept., Family Court 34.67
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 427
or Allowed
Printing Dept., Surrogate Court 22.74
Printing Dept., Jury Commission 96.76
Printing Dept., District Attorney 26.23
Printing Dept., Probation 115.75
Printing Dept., Budget & Administration . 81.12
Printing Dept., Assessment 68.57
Printing Dept., County Clerk 43.04
Printing Dept., Motor Vehicle 114.63
Printing Dept., County Attorney 28.38
Printing Dept., Personnel 110.90
Printing Dept., Elections 18.87
Printing Dept., Veterans 7.77
Printing Dept., Planning 31.83
Printing Dept., Human Rights .98
Printing Dept., Sheriff '57.78
Printing Dept., Civil Defense 60.91
Total 1,091.17
Richard E. Murdock, Mileage 15.40
Joan L. Read, Mileage 9.50
Leo L. Teeter, Mileage 17.60
Stuart Grinnell, Mileage 71.80
Donald E. Wilson, Mileage .40.00
Samuel S. Boone, Mileage 14.50
Joseph S. Roedel, Mileage 24.20
I.B.M. Corp.. Maintenance agreements, 79.80
Lutton's Office Equipment, Repair stenorette 13.00
Ithaca Office Equipment, Service on typewriter 10.00
Lutton's Office Equipment, Rental -copy machine 45.00
County of Tompkins, Telephone charges 7/9/69-7/9/70 2,019.94
Total 2,360.74-
Roger B. Sovocool, Esq., Re: D. Golden 50.00
Murray F. Lewis, Esq., Re: M. R. Slade 336.25
D. Boardman Lee, Esq., Re: D. Smith 146.97
Fred Weinstein, Esq., Re: J. Cryan/B. Winner 229.20
Leonard J. Snow, Esq., Re: R. Kastenhuber 500.00
Leonard J. Snow, Esq., Re. R. Kastenhuber 465.00
Leonard J. Snow, Esq., Re: D. Lattin 60.00
Paul Tavelli, Esq, Re: B. Eddins 85.00
James Kerrigan, Esq., Re: K. Predmore 500.00
Henry Thiesen, Esq., Re. H. Gunn 87.00
Dorothy Burdorf, Transcripts 21.00
Total 2,480.42
Millspaugh Bros., Supplies 45.32
Ithaca Tire Co., Tires & balance 217.90
The Eagle Library, Inc., '70 Penal Law 48.00
Inlet Park Marine, Parts, repair -boat 105.35
Cramer's Auto Parts, Parts 21.35
Williamson Law Book, Traffic summons 70.91
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 409.84
Humble Oil & Refining, Gasoline 23.90
Cayuga Motor Sales, Service, parts, labor 702.74
428 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Bill Zikakis, Repair brakes 31.25
American Optical Corp., Pressure glass 2.20
Robert Howard, Sheriff, Petty cash 180.70
New York Telephone, Service 73.79
CESCo. Communications, Radio service 222.50
Total 2,155.75
Lutton's Office Equipment, Repair stenorette 14:30
Total 14.30
H. A. Carey Insurance Co., Public Official Bond 25.00
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex recording 14.90
Lutton's Office Equipment, Rental—copy machine 45.00
Total 84.90
Richard F. Cummings, Mileage & Expenses 17.80
Total 17.80
Northside Pharmacy, Rx—A. Mikula, R. Walrad 65.49
Frieda Leonard, Rx 82.40
Brooks Pharmacy, Rx—Mildred Hubbell 5.40
Total 153.29
Cayuga Signs, Inc., Signs 88.00
Rural News, Notice to bidders 4.41
Seymour's Disposal Service, Site #2—August 1,666.66
Landstrom Gravel, Site #1—August 8,268.84
County of Tompkins, Personal services, equipment, supplies, etc: 26,139.18
Total 36,167.09
Matthew J. Herson, Veterans burial—C. Howell 100.00
Vincent D. Tryon, Burial—E. Swansborough 400.00
Paul P. Perkins, Burial—J. A. Sulfin 400.00
Ithaca Journal News, Tax Redemption Sale 128.40
Total 1,028.40
TOTAL $123,651.26
October 12, 1970
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies .72
Hughey & Phillips, Inc., Filters 170.98
Glenn A. Turner, Expenses 146.63
Crispell Automotive, Repairs, parts 167.08
Seneca Supply & Equipment, Parts 6.06
Cramer's Auto Parts, Parts & supplies 22.91
Ithaca Floor Covering, Floor covering 80.07
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 429
or Allowed
Ames of Ithaca, Inc., Parts & repair 6.20
Arsenault Tractor Sales, Parts - 14.25
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 500.80
N.Y. Telephone, Service 44.94
Ithaca Agway, Supplies 11.70
Cayuga Electric Supply, Supplies 15.42
Hertz Corp., Rental 31.80
Sheraton Inn, Expenses-N.E. Chapter of Airport Exec's. Conf. 81.65
Smith's Hardware, Supplies 29.41
National Airport Equipment, Clamps for runway lights 51.67
H. A. Carey Ins. Co., Ins. on "T" Hangars 1,806.00
Total 3,188.29
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 47.05
Acme Visible Records, Photo Panel cards 387.35
Wilcox Press, Forms 46.88
Moore Business Forms, County Tax Bills 16.67
Rural News, Notice 4.41
Ithaca Office Equipment, Rental -Adding. Mach. 10.00
Am. Inst. of Real Est. Appraisers, Books 16.50
Singer, Frieden Div., Maintenance agreements 2,682.47
T. G. Miller, Cons. Eng., Tax Map Maint. 1,497.50
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex Recording 68.01
Acrographics, Reprographic service 15.30
Donald P. Franklin, Mileage 13.70
Joseph Conley, Mileage 11.00
Total 4,816.84
Harris B. Dates, Expenses 375.17
Lehigh Valley Restaurant, Committee Meeting Exp. 77.70
James R. Graves, Expenses 109.80
Tompkins Co. Public Library, Xerox copies 10.64
Phyllis B. Howell, Clerk, Petty Cash, expenses 39.00
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 47.05
Total 659.36
Cooperative Extension Service, Postage & Secretarial Service 331.15
Total 331.15
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 47.05
Wilcox Press, Inc., Checks printed 142.21
John J. Murphy, Expenses, etc. 27.86
Ithaca Journal, Notices 3.43
Rural News, Notices 12.88
Total 233.43
Atlantic Richfield, Gasoline 86.97
Total 86.97
430 Tompkins. County, New York
or Bllowed
Smith's Hardware, Supplies 31.79
Quick's Garage, Repair on utility van 151.20
Robinson & Carpenter, Metal stripping 7.50
National Auto Weld, Porto -power parts & repair 74.83
Doris Levy, Petty cash 32.62
Am. Telephone & Telegraph, Service 12.00
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 67.19
Motorola Comm. & Elect. Maintenance 69.00
Rad -Tronics, Antenna repair, etc. 22.45
H. A. Carey Co., Insurance 190.88
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 47.05
Total 706.51
Smith's Hardware, Equipment 2.11
Vasco Brands, Inc., Supplies 20.27
Petrillose Cleaners, Mop cleaning 4.20
Harbeck Paper Co., Soap, towels 16.70,
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Towels, etc. 27.30
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 939.88
N.Y. Telephone, Service 1,132.84
Total 2,143.30
Race Office Equipment, Steel cash drawer 84.33
Lutton's Office Equipment, Copy paper 66.45
Keystone Envelope Co., Mailers 63.39
Hall & McChesney, Indexing, etc. 786.64
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 47.06
Geo. LaFave, Refinish Co. Clerk's desk 75.00
Total 1,122.87
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 85.50
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 23.53
Total 109.03
Carl Roe, Mileage 28.80
Total 28.80
Shepard's Citations, Inc., Subscriptions 88.00
Callaghan & Co., Book 30.00
Lawyers Cooperative, Book 20.00
Matthew Bender Co., Book 9.50
West Publishing Co., Book 46.00
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 47.05
Total 240.55
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 91.50
Matthew McHugh, Petty cash 232.92
Coffee Break Serv. Plan, Supplies 24.00
Robert J. Clune, Expenses 42.59
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 431 '
or Allowed
Margaret A. Palmer, Stenographic services 64:50
Simplex Time Recorder, Maintenance agreement 37.00
Tompkins County Trust, Safe deposit box rental 12.60
Lillian M. Keown, Minutes & transcripts 36.00
Dorothy Burdorf, Transcripts, etc. 178.00
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 47.05
Total 766.16
Small Animal Clinic, Euthanasia, exams 92.00
Clarence Westfall, Dog food 40.75
Total 132.75
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 23.53
Barbara Fellows, Public Hearing expense_ 38.00
The Frame Shop, Maps mounted 25.25
Ithaca Journal, Notice 4.90
Fort Orange Press, Leaflets 31.44
Arnold Printing Corp., Mail check cards, etc. 387.00
Total 510.12
Grace Bryant, Expenses 35.10
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 47.06
Total 82.16
N.Y. Telephone, Service 20.14
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 14.55
CESCo. Communications, Radio service 499.00
Total 533.69
Seneca Supply & Equipment Co. Inc. 98.20
Total 354.20
Otsego Iron & Metal Corp. 300.00
Davidson Granite Co. 6,355.71
H. H. Besemer, Inc. 280.00
John Rentals, Inc. 47.00
Volbrecht Lumber Co. Inc. 954.25
Chemung Supply Corp. 5,883.26
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 139.48
Ithaca Agway Cooperatives, Inc. 10.59
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. 4,483.68
General Crushed Stone Co. 1,029.50
Kopper's Co. Inc. -Organic Materials Div. 48,728.51
Rentals 58,567.22
Landstrom Gravel Co, 4,298.79
Wallace Steel, Inc. 25.62
Total 131,103.61
' 432 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Nichols Business Equipment, Inc. 511.94
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co. 4.65
Printing & Supply 22.37
William J. Mobbs 11.74
Howard A. Stevenson, Jr. 7.32
Total 558.02
H. D. Besemer, Inc. 13,000.00
Total 13,000.00
New York State Electric & Gas 72.29
New York Telephone Co. 167.00
C.E.S. Co. Communications, Inc. 458.50
Coverall Service & Supply Co. 48.80
Leland McKane 25.00
Buyers' Products Co. 26.78
Binghamton Equipment Corp. 29.08
A.C.I. Supply Co. 8.28
S. C. Hansen Inc. 12.90
Goodyear Service Stores 48.64
Atlantic Richfield Co. 998.40
Ritter's Inc. 16.28
O'Donnell-Quiglery Co. Inc. 26.92
Ithaca Glass Co. Inc. 127.49
Charles Boykin's Body Shop 79.47
Ithaca Agway Coop. Inc. 51.94
Walter M. Roberts Inc. 35.00
Cayuga Motors Sales Corp. 48.46
J. C. Georg Equipment Corp. 119.32
Robinson & Carpenter, Inc. 55.01
Tioga Auto Parts 183.24
Harbeck Paper Co. 9.30
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 28.29
Charles J. Blackwell, Inc. 234.40
Cramer's Auto Parts, Inc. 11.40
Erie J. Miller, Inc. 14.16
Brockway Motor Trucks 78.87
Walco Equipment Co. Inc. 60.91
B.P. Oil Corp. 280.49
Seneca Supply Co. 343.12
Total . 3,699.74
INSURANCE: (Compensation)
Patricia B. Oliver, Surgical brace, Rx 90.95
Milton C. Cobey, M.D., Xray & office call 60.00
Verle I. Walter, PH.T., Physical Therapy, etc. 21.00
Freida D. Leonard, Rx 45.20
Brooks Pharmacy, Various prescriptions 15.65
Robert I. Williamson, Expenses -Comp. Hearing 18.65
Total 251.45
Geo. G. McCauley, M.D., Jail visits 74.00
Victory Chain, Inc., Groceries 427.39
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 433
or Allowed
Bond Baking Co., Bread 57.05
Tompkins County Farm, Vegetables 52.00
F. A. May, Eggs 18.60
Budget Wholesalers, Groceries 295.78
Frederick Mitchell, M.D., Accident room 20.00
The Mall Pharmacy, Prescription 116.64
Tompkins County Hospital, Xrays, etc. 91.00
Drs. Krantz & Kaufmann, Dental work 20.00
The Corner Drug Store, Prescriptions 3.40
Robert Keiffer, M.D., Jail visits, etc. 48.00
Total 1,223.86
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 47.05
Ithaca Journal, Notice 6.90
Tompkins County Hospital, Lab tests 24.50
Hugh Hurlbut, Expenses 32.81
John Beach, Civil Service monitor 10.00
Judy Tynyk, Civil Service monitor 10.00
David Raponi, Civil Service monitor 20.00
Walter E. Landor, Sr. Planner interview 34.80
I.B.M. Corp., Typewriter 243.00
Total 429.06
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 23.53
Steelcase, Inc., Storage cabinet 138.90
Lutton's Office Equipment, Table top & chairs 312.87
Am. Society of Planning, Subscription fees 18.65
Frank R. Liguori, Petty cash 40.90
Charles Bruning Co., Supplies, etc. 80.35
Acrographics, Reprographic Service 58.64
W. L. Coughtry Co., Print 2.50
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 5.55
H. A. Carey Co., Insurance 90.19
Solid Wastes Mgmt., Subscription 6.00
Total 778.08
Amsterdam Pen Co., Pens & pencils 100.28
The Drawing Board, Supplies - 9.64
Transparent Industrial Envelopes, Page Protectors 17.77
Lutton's Office Equipment, Supplies 24.57
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies 84.58
Race Office Equipment, Supplies 2.66
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 92.57
Arnold Printing Corp., Various printing 151.00
Addressograph-Multigraph, Paper 199.75
United Parcel Service, Service 26.04
Sylvia Voorhees, Mileage 1.75
Total 710.61
Printing Department Board of Reps. 40.24
Printing Department Supreme Court I 5.87
Printing Department Supreme Court II 23.53
Printing Department Family Court 9.60
434 Tompkins County, New York
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
or Allowed
County Court & Surrogate 51.52
Jury Commission 28.50
District Attorney 6.95
Probation 118.59
Budget & Administration 47.85
Assessment 26.56
County Clerk 54.54
Motor Vehicle 48.57
County Attorney 13.63
Personnel 112.81
Elections 77.52
Veterans 18.39
Planning 49.98
Sheriff 66.98
Civil Defense 14.62
Total 816.25
Lutton's Office Equipment, Photo -paper 49.90
Richard E. Murdock Mileage 19.20
Donald E. Wilson Mileage 55.25
Stuart Grinnell Mileage 32.00
Joseph S. Roedel Mileage 16.60
Leo L. Teeter Mileage 7.40
Laura Rattan Mileage 21.00
Samuel Boone Mileage 28.40
Joseph P. Beach Mileage 8.70
Total 238.45
Norman D. Freeman, Esq., Re: Ervin Bratcher 109.65
Norman D. Freeman, Esq., Re: Willie D. Lyman 110.00
Richard Thaler, Esq., Re: J. D. Younger 25.00
Richard I. Mulvey, Esq., Re: Gary Williams 57.50
James Kerrigan, Esq., Re: David Kitts 65.00
Paul N. Tavelli, Esq., Re: Robert Burke 497.50
Wm. Barrett, Esq., Re: David Ruth, L. Frank 65.00
Total 929.65
Chevron Oil Co., Gasoline 3.74
Cayuga Auto Parts, Supplies 4.86
Nuber & Nuber, Inc., Uniforms, etc. 446.12
National Sheriff's Assoc., Directory 15.00
West Publishing Co., Book 75.00
Sturm Bros., Coveralls 187.50
Ithaca Amwav Coon., Supplies 4.58
Ithaca Tire Co., Tires & balance 112.51
Precision Tool & Gun, Mace, holsters, etc. 75.53
Lansing Atlantic, Fan belt for boat 4.65
Cayuga Motor Sales, Parts, labor & repairs 189.21
Cramer's Auto Parts, Batteries, bulbs 10.60
Ace Fix -it, Lock, key 3.00
Hall & McChesney, Motor Veh. Registration 10.98
Ithaca Office Equipment, Repair typewriter 10.00
Robert L. Howard, Petty cash 53.22
N.Y. Telephone, Service 102.69
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 435
or Allowed
H. A. Carey Co., Insurance 1,304.91
CESCo. Communications, Radio Service 105.00
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 47.05
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 518.87
Total 3,285.02
Woolworth Dept. Store, Refrigerator 83.95
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies 1.19
Columbia Law Review, Subscription 12.50
Frederick B. Bryant, Petty Cash 64.20
Total 161.84
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 23.53
Total 23.53
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 47.06
Richard F. Cummings, Mileage 31.85
I.B.M. Corp, Typewriter 243.00
Total 321.91
Mt. Morris TB Hospital, Care & Maint. 580.00
H. A. Carey Co., Insurance 405.36
Boy Scouts of America, Camp Barton 300.00
Family & Children's Service, Narcotic Guidance Expense 112.00
Total 1,397.36
O'Brien & Gere, Sewer Agency Agreement 14,016.94
Tompkins Co. Area Dev. Corp., Per Agreement 7/1-9/3/70 2,362.30
Chamber of Commerce 2,000.00
Total 18,379.24
O'Brien & Gere, Sewer Agency Agreement 12/28/69-9/5/70 155.66
Total 155.66
Walco Equipment Co., Pump 548.00
Ithaca Journal News, Notice to Bidders 4.41
Rural News, Notice to Bidders 4.20
Landstrom Gravel Co., Operation—Site #1 8,268.84
Seymour's Disposal, Operation—Site #2 1,666.66
Iriquois Telephone Co., Service 26.25
H. A. Carey Co., Insurance 128.00
County of Tompkins, Operation of sites 1,956.69
Total 12,603.05
436 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
H. A. Manning Co., City Directory 47.05
Total 47.05
TOTAL 206,159.62
November 9, 1970
Globe Chemicals, Inc., Supplies 78.31
Coverall Service & Supply, Cleaning Services 47.00
Rochester Germicide Co., Disinfectant 21.25
Lansing Water Dist #1, Water 6/30-9/30/70 98.25
Dryden Implement, Inc., Trucking 66.00
Cayuga Motors, Carburetor 52.00
Farm Equipment Store, Parts 36.05
Cramer's Auto Parts, Repairs & parts . 110.56
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 32.60
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 311.71
Paul Mancini & Sons, Blacktop runways 1,665.93
H. A. Carey Co., Auto Liability 550.07
Robinson & Carpenter, Supplies 1.92
Total 3,071.65
Wilcox Press, Inc., Printing 59.79
Am. Inst. Real Est. Appraisers, Subscription 8.00
Charles Bruning Co., Supplies 51.74
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex-Sept. 45.10
T. G. Miller, Cons. Eng., Tax Map Maint.-Oct. 550.00
Robert J. Benedict, Mileage 21.10
Ronald W. Driscoll, Mileage 13.10
Joseph Conley, Mileage 21.80
Donald P. Franklin, Mileage 6.20
Kenneth A. Tarbell, Mileage 13.90
Total 790.73
Dean's Upholstery, Recover Chairs Bd. rooms 1,100.00
Peter R. Jetro, Research for Intergovernmental Comm. 172.00
Louis R. Webster, Mileages -Co. Off. Conf. 30.10
Michael J. Leary, Mileage, etc. -Co. Off. Conf. 39.10
Century Housewares, Recording tapes 21.54
Ithaca Journal, Notice to bidders 28.19
Total 1,390.93
Wilcox Press, Inc., Printing checks 187.88
Monroe Calculator Co., Repair calculator 158.30
Rural News, Display ad 9.10
Ithaca Journal, Display ad 16.66
West Publishing Co., Law Book supplement 60.00
Monroe Calculator Co., Maint. agreement 51.00
Total 482.94
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 437
or Allowed
Texaco, Inc., Gasoline 1,060.46
Mayer's Smoke. Shop, Maps 20.00
Chamber of Commerce, Film and developing 17.84
Head's Camera Shop, Photo. prints & slides 21.40
Doris Levy, Petty cash & expenses 50.44
N.Y. Telephone, Service 66.36
Am. Telephone and Telegraph, Monthly charges 12.00
The Towne House, Civil Def. Dir's. Conf. 50.48
Motorola Comm. & Electronics, Nov. maintenance 69.00
Rad -Tronics, Parts and repairs 95.00
Total 402.52
Bishop's of Ithaca, Supplies 47.63
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Towels 26.80
Leonard Vacuum Cleaners, Supplies 56.40
Smith's Hardware, Supplies 6.87
Harbeck Paper Co., Towels, brooms 64.00
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 910.75
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 1,337.82
Ithaca Glass Co., Window glass 19.08
Sherwin -William's Co., paint 191.14
Hancock Building Products, Supplies 25.00
Marion Electric Co., Electrical work 121.07
Donohue -Halverson, Cleaned roof drains, etc. 182.30
Emerson's Safe & Lock Serv., Locks and keys 17.40
Cayuga Signs, Inc., Various signs 86.00
Total 3,092.26
Steelcase, Inc., Equipment 504.80
Keystone Envelope Co., Supplies 336.00
Hall & McChesney, Indexing, Permaflex, etc. 671.55
Simplex Time Recorder, Parts 76.50
Race Office Equipment, Repairs -Typewriter 26.58
Elsie D. Boyd, Co. Off. Conf.-mileage 43.50
Nicholas Business Eq., Maintenance agreement 59.00
Dean's Upholstery, Chairs upholstered 105.00
Elsie D. Boyd, Petty cash 90.55
Total 1,913.48
Lillian M. Keown, Minutes & transcripts 11.00
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 37.00
Luttons' Office Equipment, Paper 44.91'
Total 92.91
Carl Roe, Mileage 42.10
Total 42.10
438 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Lawyer's Cooperative, Books 20.00
Matthew Bender, Books 5.50
Mathew Bender, Books 48.00
Total 73.50
Dorothy M. Burdorf, Minutes & transcripts 750.50
West Publishing Co., Books 49.50
Broderick Legal Supply, Supplies 15.50
Sheraton Motor Inn, Room for witness 307.50
Cornell Daily Sun, Subscription 9.50
Margaret A. Palmer, Transcripts 34.50
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 37.00
Matthew McHugh, Petty Cash 61.97
Wm. P. Sullivan, Assistant DA, Expenses—Albany 71.10
Total 1,337.07
Ithaca Office Equipment, Index dividers 52.00
Lake George Sagamore, Conference 192.50
Ithaca Journal, Election notice, etc. 293.08
Election Machine Service, Elections systems 110.55
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 38.12
Arnold Printing Corp., Envelopes, etc. 170.00
Rural News, Election notice, List of Nominations 165.90
Total 1,022.15
West Publishing Co., Book 18.00
Total 18.00
CESCO. Communications, Radio Service, repairs 512.54
N.Y. Telephone C., Service—Oct. 10.80
Total 523.34
Payrolls 20 and 21 (Rentals) 128.00
Robinson & Carpenter, Inc. 5.37
Chemi-Trol Chemical Co. 6,482.39
Total 6,615.76
D-90 Payrolls 2 Oand 21 (Rentals) 32,597.89
Rumsey-Ithaca Corp. 233.14
H. A. Carey Insurance Co., Inc. 3,226.00
Paul Mancini & Sons, Inc. 2,773.82
Nichol Block & Brick Corp. 3.40
The General Crushed Stone Co. 1,186.40
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. 2,097.14
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 439
or Allowed
Wallace Steel, Inc. 231.78
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 120.92
Koppers Co. Inc. Organic 23,786.88
Chemung Suppy Corp. 13,955.80
Total 80,213.17
D-91 Payroll 21 (Rentals) 27.93
Highway Materials Co. Inca 2,001.00
Totals 2,028.93
D-92 Payroll 21 (Rentals) 30.15
Highway Materials Co. Inc. 1,370.06
Total 1,400.21
D-98 West Publishing Co. 18.00
McGraw-Hill Publications Co. 18.00
Nichols Business, /Equipment Inc. 25.15
Frieden Division, The Singer Co. 44.00
Phyllis B. Howell, Clk. Board of Reps. 47.05
Howard A. Stevenson, Jr. 15.00
Printing and Supply 25.56
Concord Hotel 57.30
Total 250.06
D-100 H. D. Besemer, Inc. 25,568.55
Total 25,568.55
E-110 New York Telephone Co. 183.35
Ken Smith Machinery Co. Inc. 8,064.00
Maxon International, Inc. 10.50
Lansing Service Station 25.00
Atlantic Tug & Equipment Co. Inc. 3.36
N.Y.S: Electric & Gas Corp. 1,175.76
Coverall Service & Supply Co. 55.50
Vasco Brands, Inc. 32.25
Mobile Glass Shop 44.02
Cleveland Cotton Products 257.50
Wainwright Oil Co. 114.84
Dave Haney Radiator Service 49.75
H. A. Carey Company, Inc. 4,481.90
Erie J. Miller, Inc. 742.75
Goodyear Service Stores 667.16
C.E.S. Co. Communications, Inc. 278.50
Brockway Motor Trucks 366.06
Southern Tier Truck Equipment, Inc. 82.32
Ehrlich 'Supply Co. 8.75
Empire Hardware & Machinery Co. 98.63
Crispell Automotive, Inc. 1,375.73
LeValley McLeod, Inc. 67.70
Texaco Inc. 198.43
Marion Electric Co., Inc. 10.82
440 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
B & D Cleaning Co. 210.00
J. C. Georg Equipment Corp. 159.27
Chapin -Owen Co. Inc. 11.60
Charles J. Blackwell, Inc. 530.65
C.C.O. Construction & Equipment Inc. 899.22
Cayuga Motor Sales Corp. 314.45
Smith's Hardware, Inc. 7.76
Cramer's Auto Parts, Inc. 64.03
Syracuse Supply Co. 345.38
Tioga Auto Parts 127.99
National Auto Weld, Inc. 280.28
BP Oil Corporation 382.03
The Welles Supply Co. Inc. 117.84
Cayuga Oil Co. 57.75
Total 21,902.83
INSURANCE (Compensation) :
S. W. Blatchly, M.D. Re: E. McFall 17.25
W. R. Short, M.D., Re: E. McFall 25.00
G. G. McCauley, M.D., Re: E. McFall 111.15
Brooks Pharmacy, Re: D. Murphy 5.30
D. I. Yale, M.D., Re: D. Murphy 6.50
M. C. Cobey, Re: P. Oliver 10.00
North Side Pharmacy, Rx -Wm. Underwood, A. Mikula 106.40
Total 281.60
G. G. McCauley, M.D., Jail visits 66.00
Robert Kieffer, M.D., Jail visits 47.50
F. A. May, Eggs 34.20
Bond Baking Co., Bread 47.95
Budget Wholesalers, Groceries 236.93
Ithaca Supply Co., Supplies 14.70
Dairylea Milk, Milk 121.50
Louis Shulman Furniture, Mattresses, pillows 173.40
Ithaca Bakery, Bread 1.16
Wendell L. Bryce, M.D., Jail visits 8.00
The Mall Pharmacy, Prescriptions 136.50
Tompkins County Hospital, Accident room 21.00
Ames of Ithaca, Weld bunks, chairs, tables 30.00
Welder's Supply Co., Inspect and service kitchen hood & duct 20.00
Total 958.84
Century Housewares, Phonograph 55.95
Tompkins County Hospital, Lab tests 45.50
Total 101.45
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 7.02
Frank R. Liguori, Petty cash 41.88
Charles Bruning Co., Paper, machine rental 89.87
Herman J. Eckelman, Photo work 20.00
Frank R. Liguori, Expenses-N.Y.S. Planning Federation Meeting 56.00
Total 214.77
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives .441
or dllowed
Otto G. Roykouff, Supplies
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies
I.B.M. Corp., Ribbons, paper
Keelox Manufacturing Co., Ribbons, paper
Arnold Printing Corp., Letterheads, etc.
Lutton's Office Equipment, Paper
United Parcel Service, Service 9/19-11/2/70
Pitney -Bowes, Meter. rental
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies
Total 777.75
Printing Department Board of Representatives
Printing Department Supreme Court II
Printing Department Family Court
Printing Department Surrogate Court
Printing Department Jury Commission
Printing Department District Attorney
Printing Department Probation Dept.
Printing Department Budget & Administration
Assessment Dept.
County Clerk
Motor Vehicle Bureau
County Attorney
Personnel Dept.
Board of Elections
Planning Dept.
Sheriff's Dept.
Civil Defense
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
Printing Department
• 62.18
Total 1,628.95
Stuart Grinnell, Mileage 31.50
Richard E. Murdock, Mileage & Conf. exp. 23.25
Joseph S. Roedel, Mileage 38.10
Donald E. Wilson, Mileage & Conf. exp. 48.60
Lois Humphrey, Mileage & Conf. exp. 50.32
Laura Rattan, Mileage & Conf. exp. 71.60
John P. Beach, Mileage & Conf. exp. 55.10
Samuel Boone, Mileage & Conf. exp. 53.80
Total 372.27
Walter O'Connell, Esq., Re: R. Crance 350.00
Walter O'Connell, Esq., Re: C. W. Anderson 50.00
Wesley McDermott, Esq., Re: P. Burke 169.05
Henry Theisen, Esq., Re: G. Carpenter 61.25
Henry Theisen, Esq., Re: B. Pender 157.00
Frederick Beck, Esq., Re: S. Franciamone 100.00
Total 887.30
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 589.17
Inlet Park Marine, Parts & repairs -boat 62.50
Whyte's Mobil Station, Gasoline 5.00
442 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
Lawyer's Cooperative, Book 12.00
Addressograph-Multigraph, Laminating sheets 73.97
Stetson Hats, Inc., Hats 107.72
Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline 4.56
Cayuga Motors, Parts and repairs 664.78
State Street Service, Battery charge, wiper blade 6.50
Cramer's Auto Parts, Batteries, flares, etc. 69.64
Ithaca Tire Co., Tires and balance 107.24
Nuber and Nuber, Shirts and emblems 25.69
Robert S. Boothroyd, Bond 10.00
Ithaca Journal, Trial term advertising 46.64
N.Y. Telephone, Service 83.88
CESCo. Communications, Radio service 171.25
Total 2,040.54
F. B. Bryant, Supplies 18.20
Lutton's Office Equipment, Typewriter cleaned 34.20
Arnold Printing Corp., Court Calendars 475.00
Elsie D. Boyd, Petty cash 8.40
Total 535.80
Richard F. Cummings, Expenses 21.45
Total 21.45
County of Tompkins, Operation of sites 3,782.88
Ithaca Journal, Notice to bidders 4.41
Seymour's Disposal Service, Site #2 -October 1,666.66
Landstrom Gravel, Site #1 -October 8,268.84
Iroquois Telephone Co., Service 7.83
Total 13,730.62
Family & Children's Service, Envelopes -Narcotic Guid. Council 4.50
Ithaca Journal, Tax Sale 717.83
Rural News, Tax Sale 463.98
Dept. of Audit & Control, Justice Court Fund 15.00
Bangs Funeral Home, Funeral & Burial (infant) 80.00
John H. VanOrder, Funeral & Burial 400.00
Mt. Morris TB Hospital, Care & maintenance 265.00
Tompkins Co. Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, Expenses 510.00
Total 2,456.31
TOTAL AUDIT $177,301.20
December 14, 1970
Bles Stump -Axe Co., Equipment 495.00
Coverall Service & Supply Co., Oct. & Nov. Service 76.05
Texaco, Inc., Gasoline 111.54
Leonard Vacuum Cleaner Co., Cleaner Bags 4.35
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 85.45
Cayuga Electric Supply, Supplies 19.44
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 443
or Allowed
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies 10.19
Seneca Supply & Equipment Co., Equipment 213.18
Glenn A. Turner, Expenses -Wash., D.C. 181.59
Ames of Ithaca, Inc., Regulator 35.00
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas Corp, Service -Nov. 570.90
General Crushed Stone Co., Paving airport runway 1,235.40
Crispell Automotive, Inspection, etc. 454.85
G. J. Supply, Blade & bolts 226.46
Tompkins Co. Hwg. Dept., Driveway sealer 300.00
Farm Equipment Store, Supplies 117.36
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 39.23
Chas. J. Blackwell, Inc., Packing 32.50
Ithaca Plastics, Signs, labor & material 103.10
Ithaca Agway Corp., Pipe dip handle 11.00
Robinson & Carpenter, Padlocks 6.00
Cramer's Auto Parts, Supplies. 138.68
Total 4,467.27
Moore Business Form, Inc., Forms 67.50
Hall & McChesney, Inc., Permaflex recording 18.95
Singer, Frieden Div., Calculators (3) 1,440.00
Lawyer's Coop. Publishing, Book 18.00
West Publishing Co., Book 9.00
Singer, Frieden Div., Ribbons 23.59
H. W. Taynton Co., Printed forms 7.75
Ronald Driscoll, Mileage 3.20
Joseph T. Conley, Mileage 5.00
Kenneth A. Tarbell, Mileage 27.40
Robert J. Benedict, Mileage 31.90
Charles Bruning Co., Printing machine 400.00
Total 2,052.29
The Glass Shop, Glass desk top 30.00
LaFayette Radio Electronics, Cassette Recorder 169.95
James R. Graves, Expenses 12/69-11/70 171.20
Michael J. Leary, Expenses 12/69-12/3/70 64.35
Tompkins Co. Library, Xerox copies 1.32
Phyllis B. Howell, Petty cash 72.40
Rural News, Public notices 22.68
Frederick Stutz, Expenses 1/70-12/70 39.00
Concord Hotel, Co. Officer's Conv.-Howell, Dates, Leary, Webster __ 382.75
Ithaca Journal, Legal ads 28.92
Total 982.57
Rural News, Display Ads 9.10
John J. Murphy, Expenses 37.81
Concord Hotel, Co. Officer's Conv.-Murphy, Stobbs 206.90
Total 253.81
Texaco Inc., Gasoline 943.60
Total 943.60
444 Tompkins County, New York
or !Allowed
Ithaca Office Equipment, Equipment 500.90
Robinson & Carpenter, Make, repair & treat gin poles 22.54
Cayuga Signs, Inc., Printing on van 57.00
Doris Levy, Petty cash & expenses 62.18
Hall Ski -Lift Co., Rescue kit 189.95
Crispell Automotive, Repair rescue truck 302.16
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 1.64
Quick's Garage, 6 mos. garage rent 90.00
N.Y. Telephone, Oct. & Nov. Service 72.33
Am. Telephone & Telegraph, Monthly charge 12.00
I.B.M. Corp, Repair typewriter 28.50
Motorola Comm. & Electronics, Dec. maintenance 69.00
Total 1,408.20
Robert I. Williamson, Petty cash 1.87
Total 1.87
Vasco Brands, Inc., Supplies 50.65
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 19.48
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies 85.25 -
Ace Fix -It, Keys made 2.00
Agway Petroleum Corp., Motor, fuel oil, oil filter 212.63
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 1,127.72
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 1,365.96
City of Ithaca, Water 9/1/70-12/1/70 484.24
Donohue Halverson, Parts & labor 186.99
Marion Electric Co., Parts & labor 46.94
Davis -Fetch Corp., Cork 25.20
Vann's Outdoor Power Equip., Repair snow blower 39.70
Total 3,646.76
Chester Alan Ras, Inc., Desks, chairs, etc. 1,166.10
Lutton's Office Equipment, Copy paper 34.50
Arnold Printing Corp., Envelopes 42.00
Hall & McChesney, Permaflex, indexing 397.80
Race Office Equipment, Sorting rack 9.00
West Publishing Co., Book 22.50
Monroe Calculator Co., Maint. agreement 27.00
Simplex Time Recorder, Part 1.90
Total 1,700.80
Arnold Printing Corp., Court Calendars 420.00
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 67.50
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts 39.50
N.Y. Law Journal, Subscription 85.00
Lutton's Office Equipment, Rental -copy machine 45.00
Total. 657.00
Carl Roe, Mileage 37.50
Total 37.50
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 445
or Allowed
West Publishing Co., Books 287.50
Lawyer's Coop. Publishing Co., Books 113.60
Matthew Bender & Co., Books 89.00
Acme Law Book Co., Books 17.00
Callaghan & Co., Books 30.00
Lond Publishing Co., Books 7.50
Total 544.60
John C. Barney, Expenses
Dorothy Burdorf, Transcripts & min.
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts
Dorothy Owler, Transcripts
Collegetown Motor Lodge, Lodging -witness
Coffee Break Service Plan, Kit
M. F. McHugh, Petty. Cash
Acrographics, Inc., Xerox copies & bind.
Lond Publications, Book
Ridley Printing Co., Envelopes, letterhead
M. F. McHugh, Petty cash
Total 1,189.07
Bertha Delmage (Caroline), Dog enumerator 416.00
Walter A. Westfall (Dryden), Dog enumerator 94-4.50
Elnora Warren (Enfield), dog enumerator 241.00
Blanche Tichenor (Groton), Dog enumerator 556.50
George J. Kleeman (Ithaca -City), Dog enumerator 503.00
June F. Miles (Ithaca -Town), Dog enumerator 638.00
John H. Brink (Lansing), Dog enumerator 605.50
Lois Beach (Newfield), Dog enumerator 408.00
Patricia S. VanLieu (Ulysses), Dog enumerator 520.50
Clarence Westfall, Dog food 81.50
Small Animal Clinic, Euthanasia, etc. 69.00
Total 4,983.50
West Publishing Co., Book 9.00
Addressograph-Multigraph, Plates 31.25
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 13.18
Automatic Voting Mach. Div., Printer packs 7.80
Steuben Co. Bd. of Elections, voter registration 2.60
Arnold Printing Corp., Election supplies, postcards 4,467.00
Rural News, Public notices 217.56
Ithaca Journal, Legal notices 139.30
Total 4,887.69
Lutton's Office Equip., Copy paper 44.91
Lutton's Office Equipment, Rental -copy machine 45.00
Concord Hotel, Co. Officer's Cony. - Grace Bryant 103.45
Total 193.36
446 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 20.41
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 13.84
CESCo. Communications, Radio service 429.00
Ray Lattin, Expenses 4/3/70-12/30/70 104.80
Total 568.05
Seneca Supply & Equipment Co.. 314.00
Payroll #22 (Rentals) 128.00
Total 442.00
Town of Groton 1,750.70
Town of Ulysses 924.80
Nichol Block & Brick Corp. 28.52
Robinson & Carpenter, Inc. 49.33
Landstrom Gravel Co. 931.55
White Nurseries of Mecklenburg 17.29
University Sand & Gravel 50.86
William Ostrander 16.00
Republic Steel Corp. 164.06
Cayuga Leasing, Inc. 735.00
Wallace Steel, Inc. 248.91
The General Crushed Stone Co. 81.64
Chemung Supply Corp. 3,955.92
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Inc. 16,167.12
Koppers Co. Inc., Organic Material Div. 13,375.88
Payrolls 22-23-24 (Rentals) 41,330.60
Total 79,828.18
Bob Murphy, Inc. 1,259.50
Wickwire Div. of Keystone Consolidated Ind. Inc. 24.90
Payroll #24 (Rentals) 262.53
Total 1,546.93
Payroll #24 (Rentals) 63.51
Total 63.51
Nichols Business Equipment, Inc. 49.52
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co. 9.65
Printing & Supply 15.20
Total 74.37
Konski Engineers 11,406.49
Total 11,406.49
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 447
or Allowed
Simplex Time Recorder Co. 21.39
New York State Electric & Gas Corp. • 72.29
New York Telephone Co. 177.02
Hull Heating & Plumbing, Inc. 133.45
C. E. S. Co. Communications, Inc 362.56
B & D Cleaning Co. 40.00
Brockway Motor Trucks 1,153.84
S. C. Hansen, Inc. 316:85
Smith's Hardware, Inc. 59.24
Coverall Service & Supply Co. 48.80
Edwin D. Ure 19.50
Tioga Auto Parts 404.27
Dave Haney Radiator Service 15.00
Brooks Pharmacy 24.14
Erie J. Miller, Inc. 1,366.32
Binghamton Equipment Corp. 280.56
Harbeck Paper Co. 43.10
Binghamton -Ithaca Express, Inc. 5.40
Ithaca Glass Co., Inc. 271.40
Sam Kramer's Auto Finishes 4.00
A C I Supply Co. 24.49
Sears, Roebuck & Co. 78.88
Salino Electric Motors 68.62
LeValley McLeod, Inc. 17.69
L. B. Townsend 105.43
Wainwright Oil Co. 27.00
East Penn Mfg. Co., Inc. 29.94
Ken Smith Machinery Co. Inc. 17.20
Seneca Supply & Equipment Co. Inc. 850.41
Cayuga Motors Sales Corp. 49.20
A,hland Oil & Refining Co. 135.15
Ithaca Supply Co. 9.00
Ithaca Gear & Auto Parts, Co. 43.00
Empire Hardware & Machinery Co. 64.53
W. H. Taynton Co. Inc. 11.70
National Auto -Weld Inc. 155.01
Ithaca Plumbing Supply Co. 2.16
Myers Automotive 125.95
Cramer's Auto Parts, Inc. 46.96
Crispell Automotive, Inc. 1,226.03
Ithaca Agway Cooperative Inc. 37.63
Sun Oil Co. 283.14
Mobil Oil Corp. 1,815.45
L. B. Smith, Inc. 3,408.78
Charles J. Blackwell, Inc. 238.73
B.P. Oil Corp. 92.87
Goodyear Service Stores 1,759.16
Syracuse Supply Co. 87.18
Texaco, Inc. 1,410.93
Total $ 17,041.35
Mrs. C. L. Cottrell, Postage 12.00
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service -Aug. -Nov. 75.39
Ithaca Journal, Advertising 90.44
Total 177.83
448 Tompkins County, New York
or Allowed
INSURANCE (compensation) :
Brooks Pharmacy, Prescription 3.05
Cortland Memorial Hospital, Re: E. McFall 106.00
Dr. Lyman R. Fisher, Re: C. Wood 107.10
Robert E. Grant, R.P.T., Re: D. Murphy 48.00
Northside Pharmacy, Prescription 15.07
Francis C. Ward, M.D., Re: E. Terwilliger 103.60
D. I. Yale, M.D., Re: D. Murphy 7.50
Total 390.32
Perry City Farms, Potatoes 40.00
Dairylea Coop., Milk 60.75
Tompkins County Farm, Potatoes & cabbage 52.00
Bond Baking Co., Bread 64.56
Budget Wholesalers, Groceries 429.32
Ames of Ithaca, Inc., Repairs; fire exting. 28.50
The Mall Pharmacy, Prescriptions, etc. 85.84
Drs. Krantz & Kaufman, Extractions 30.00
Frederick M. Mitchell, M.D., Accident room treatment 10.00
Stanley K. Gutelius, M.D., Blood test 7.00
Dr. Ralph J. Mazza, Treatment -mace spray 20.00
Go. G. McCauley, M.D., Jail visits 103.00
Total 930.97
Chester Alan Ras, Inc., Desk, chairs 435.40
West Publishing Co., Book 36.00
Executive Compensation Ser. Am. Management Assoc., Inc.
Management renort 50.00
Cortland Standard Print. Co., Ad -Senior Assessor 13.09
Hugh Hurlbut, Petty Cash 62.58
Elmira Star -Gazette, Ad 34.72
David Raponi, Monitor -Civil Serv. 30.00
Retail Credit Corp., Personnel selection 130.40
Tompkins County Hospital, Lab tests 56.00
Binghamton Press, Ad -Computer systems analyst 59.75
Cortland Standard Print. Co., Ad -Computer systems analyst 11.55
Ithaca Journal, Ad -Computer systems analyst; L.P.N. 23.40
Concord Hotel, Co. Officer's Conv.-Hurlbut 103.45
Total 1,046.34
Charles Bruning Co., Printing Machine 822.50
Lutton's Office Equipment, Chairs (6) 208.74
Rud Clarke Co., Inc., Carrying case for slide projector 12.38
Humble Oil & Ref., Wheel, mount snow tire 10.00
West Publishing Co., Book 4.50
Charles Bruning Co., Supplies ' 110.36
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 6.87
Frank Liguori, Petty cash 59.93
Harry Missirian, Mileage 9.00
Total . 1,244.28
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 449
or Allowed
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies
I.B.M. Corp., Ribbons
The Drawing Board, Personal pads
Race Office Equipment, Calendar refills, ribbons
Block & Co., Inc., Supplies
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies
Lutton's Office Equipment, Supplies
Triaxon Ithaca, Inc., Plates
Addressograph-Multigraph, Supplies
Arnold Printing Corp., File cards, envelopes
United Parcel Service, Serv. 12/31-11/21/70
Total 1,107.54
Printing Department, Bd. of Reps. 47.48
Printing Department, Supreme Court I 19.54
Printing Department, County Court 28.63
Printing Department, Family Court 6.69
Printing Department, Surrogate Court 14.27
Printing Department, Jury Commission 23.82
Printing Department, District Attorney 19.15
Printing Department, Budget & Adm. 119.14
Printing Department, Assessment 83.19
Printing Department, County Clerk 68.93
Printing Department, Motor Vehicle 84.80
Printing Department, County Attorney 74.37
Printing Department, Personnel 76.76
Printing Department, Board of Elections 13.37
Printing Department, Veterans 85.96
Printing Department, Planning 55.06
Printing Department, Human Rights 4.64
Printing Department, Sheriff 147.41
Printing Department, Sheriff -Juvenile 46.69
Printing Department, Civil Defense 34.51
Total 1,054.41
West Publishing Co., Book 30.00
Lutton's Office Equipment, Service Stenorette 23.40
Lutton's Office Equipment, Rental -copy machine 45.00
Concord Hotel, Co. Officers' Conv.-Teeter 103.45
Total 201.85
Nicholas L. Sullivan, Esq., Re: G. R. Smith 172.62
Murray Lewis, Esq., Re: J. Davie 122.50
Leonard Snow, Esq., Re: E. Gagner 57.50
Total 352.62
Ugh Copy Center, Signs 16.80
Seymour's Disposal, Site #2 -Nov. 1,666.66
Landstrom Gravel, Site #1 -Nov. 8,268.84
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Pole & wire 99.60
County of Tompkins, Operation of Sites 1,938.81
Total 11,990.71
450 Tompkins County, New York
County of Tompkins, Gasoline 554.51
Ithaca Tire Co., Tires & balance 219.06
Ithaca Agway Corp., Plastic & stapler 17.50
General Computing Corp., Supplies 8.94
Tioga Auto Parts, Supplies 2.37.
Cramer's Auto Parts, Batteries, fuses, flasher 99.30
Stone's.. Gun .& Tackle, Ammunition 117.45
Inlet Park Marine, Winter Storage, repair of boat, etc. 105.00
West Publishing Co., Book 4.50
Lawyers Coop., Book 7.50
Nuber & Nuber, Inc., Plastic hat covers 10.70
Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline 10.18
Cayuga Motor Sales, Parts, service, labor 1,277.22
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 66.95
H. A. Carey Ins. Co., Auto. audit; liability audit 116.48
CESCo. Communication, Radio service 155.40
or !Allowed
Total 2,773.06
Harold E. Simpson, Postage 18.00
Total 18.00
Hall & McChesney, Binder, permaflcx 57.60
Lutton's Office Equipment, Rental -copy machine 45.00
Total • • . 102.60
Richard F. Cummings, Expenses 19.45
Concord Hotel;• Co. Officer's Conv.-Cummings 103.45
Total 122.90
Paul P. Perkins, Funeral & Burial-Swawn W. Brecht 80.00
Mt. Morris T.B. Hospital, Care & maintenance 260.00
Total 340.00
John C. Clynes, P.E.R.B.-expense 4.42
O'Brien & Gere, Sewer Agency Agreement 9/6/70-10/3/70 148.03
Total 152.45
TOTAL AUDIT $160,926.65
December 28, .1970.......
Cayuga Crushed Stone, Limestone Dust 19.92
Church's Wallpaper & Paint, Paint 113.38
Crispell Automotive, Inc., Carburetor 46.50
Seneca Supply Equipment, Nuts, bolts, compartment bin 310.52
Cramer's Auto Parts, Inc., Flares, chain, etc. 105.58
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 25.78
Haverstick & Co., Thermacouple 3.30
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 451
or Allowed
Am. Assoc. of Airport Exec's., Subscription 60.00
H. A. Carey Insurance Co., Insurance 643.28
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 784.65
Walt's Tree Service, Clearing NW approach 16,776.00
Total. 18,888.91
The Globe -Wernicke Co., Equipment 493.99
Moore Business Forms, File cards 48.66
Keelox Manufacturing Co., Binders 22.98
Thomas G. Payne, Mileage 47.50
Thomas G. Payne, Expenses 40.00
Hall & McChesney, Inc., Permaflex-Nov. & Dec. 96.87
Cornell Univ. Typewriter & Inst. Repair, Repair micro film reader 24.00
Acrographics, Inc., Reprographic service 6.10
Joseph T. Conley, Mileage 3.50
Robert J. Benedict, Mileage 2.20
Kenneth A. Tarbell, Mileage 22.10
Total 807.90
Marion Schickel, Expenses 184.27
Rural News, Legal notices 21.99
Total 206.26
Wilcox Press, Inc., Supplies 873.35
Rural News, Legal notices 9.45
J. J. Murphy, Postage stamps 6.00
Total 888.80
Smith's Hardware, Supplies 32.02
Rad Tronics, Parts & repair 166.03
Doris Levy, Petty cash & expenses 36.35
N.Y. Telephone Co., Nov. service 13.02
Total 247.42
N.Y.S. Electric & Gas, Service 2,316.34
Agway Petroleum Corp., Fuel Oil 168.46
N.Y. Telephone, Service 36.34
LeValley McLeod, Inc., Lights 66.24
Donohue -Halverson, Parts & labor 221.71
Ithaca Glass Co., Inc., Windows glazed, etc. 55.70
Total 2,864.79
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Am. Flag outfit 69.03
Hall & McChesney, Inc., Permaflex & indexing 409.95
West Publishing Co., Book 15.00
Ithaca Glass Co., Desk top 36.00
Secord-Lane Builders, Counter for terminal equip. 594.52
Total " 1,124.50
452 Tompkins County, New York
I.B.M. Corp., Typewriter 486.00
Steelcase, Inc., Filing Cabinet 81.00
Marlene Haight, Transcript 33.00
or Allowed
Total 600.00
Small Animal Clinic, Euthanazia, exams., etc. 59.00
Total 59.00
Grover Press, Rubber stamp 1.70
Addressograph-Multigraph, Masters 28.50
Total 30.20
Tompkins County Area Development, Enc. #12 2,355.70
Total 2,355.70
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 20.68
Chemung Communications, Install & convert radios 105.00
Total 125.68
Chemung Supply Corp. 1,490.00
Porter Sheet Metal 16.50
Payroll #25 (Rentals) 128.00
Seneca Supply & Equipment Co. Inc. 126.80
Total 1,761.30
Highway Materials Co. Inc. 3,035.90
Town of Groton, Payroll #1 1,403.37
Town of Lansing, Payroll #1 2,853.52
Payroll #25 (Rentals) 2,809.93
Total 10,102.72
Payroll #25 (Rentals) 2,102.19
Town of Groton, Payroll #1 695.96
Town of Lansing, Payroll #1 658.26
Total 3,456.41
Howard A. Stevenson, Jr. 9.00
Day Timers, Inc. 27.40
Printing and Supply 2.95
Total 39.35
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 453
or Allowed
Ithaca Journal News 4.90
Dryden Rural News 5.46
C.E.S. Co. Communications, Inc. 278.50
Marion Electric Co. 153.90
Ithaca Glass Co Inc. 10.01
Atlantic Tug & Equipment Co. 272.20
Cayuga Motor Sales Corp. 3.60
Barnet -Hewett Tire Co. 439.00
J. C. Georg Equipment Corp. 178.39
East Penn Mfg. Co. Inc. 288.26
G & J Supply Co. 871.30
Crispell Automotive, Inc. 234.33
Coverall Service & Supply Co. 47.20
Sun Oil Co. 82.78
Total 2,869.83
Wilma G. Lloyd, Minutes, typing, etc. 74.70
Henry McPeak, Human Rights hearing 16.00
Total 90.70
Tompkins County Hospital, Exams, treatment 183.20
Wendell L. Bryce, M.D., Jail visits 68.00
Ithaca Supply Co., Supplies 147.98
Bond Baking Co., Bread & rolls 64.44
Total 463.62
A. J. Laux & Co., Inc., Roster records 23.86
Am. Soc. for Personnel Adm., Subscription 30.00
Elmira Star -Gazette, Classified ad 21.70
Ithaca Journal, Classified ad 22.40
Total 97.96
Humble Oil & Refining Co., Service call 1.50
Acrographics, Reprographic service 89.25
Robinson & Carpenter, Supplies 56.02
H. A. Carey Ins. Co., Automobile audit 106.30
Am. Soc. of Planning Officers, Subscription 150.00
Charles Bruning Co., Rental -copy machine 6.75
Total 409.82
Lutton's Office Equipment, Supplies 96.35
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper, Supplies 342.50
Ithaca Office Equipment, Supplies 20.00
Harbeck Paper Co., Supplies 7.93
Keystone Envelope Co., File folders & envelopes 232.88
Arnold Printing Corp., Printing 329.00
Addressograph-Multigraph, Paper 89.25
Acrographics, Inc., Reprographic service 40.39
United Parcel Service, Service 6.67
Pitney -Bowes, Inc., Machine inspection 50.00
Total 1,214.97
454 Tompkins County, New York
or 'plowed
Printing Department, Supreme Court 5.15
Printing Department, County Court 55.59
Printing Department, Family Court 8.34
Printing Department, Surrogate Court 8.78
Printing Department, Jury Commission 94.66
Printing Department, District Attorney 14.96
Printing Department, Budget & Administration 37.35
Printing Department, Assessment 35.78
Printing Department, County Clerk 41.11
Printing Department, Motor Vehicle 60.35
Printing Department, Personnel 58.13
Printing Department, Elections 3.47
Printing Department, Veterans 58.53
Printing Department, Bldg. & Grounds .24
Printing Department, Sheriff 199.29
Printing Department, Civil Defense 216.43
Printing Department, Planning 110.98
Total 1,009.14
Samuel S. Boone, Mileage & expenses 50.92
John P. Beach, Mileage & expenses 8.60
Laura Rattan, Mileage & expenses 35.60
Donald E. Wilson, Mileage & expenses 31.95
Richard Murdock, Mileage & expenses 12.40
Joseph S. Roedel, Mileage & expenses 6.40 -
Stuart Grinnell, Mileage & expenses 18.00
Total 163.87
George Pfann, Esq., Re: Harry J. Miller 570.00
Helen Amdur, Re. C. L. Fields 148.00
Helen Amdur, Re: J. Hamilton 81.00
Helen Amdur, Re: C. Blake, Jr. 60.00
Helen Amdur, Esq., Re: J. Kriner 60.00
Total 919.00
Iroquois Telephone •Co., Service 7.18
Total 7.18
Lawyers Cooperative Pub. Co., Books 24.00
Ithaca Tire Co., Tires & balance 60.48
Cayuga Motors Sales Corp., Parts & labor 648.92
Nuber & Nuber, Inc., Parts 27.79
Humble Oil & Ref. Co., Gasoline 7.78
N.Y. Telephone Co., Service 79.91
Robert Howard, Sheriff, Petty cash 131.52
Total 980.40
Hall & McChesney, Inc., Permaflex 17.05
Total 17.05
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 455
or Allowed
Mt. Morris TB Hospital, Care & Maint.—Nov. '70 150.00
Tompkins Co. Veterans' Day Comm, Expenses 711.68
Vincent D. Tryon, Funeral & Burial 400.00
H. A. Carey Ins. Co., Insurance 873.99
Beverly Heyduk, Stenographic service—Narcotic Guid. Council 22.50
Family & Childrens Service, Services & materials 600.00
Total 2,758.17
TOTAL AUDIT $ 54,560.65
456 Tompkins County, New York
(Detailed report on file in the office of
the Clerk of the Board of Representatives)
Commercial Agriculture
Dairy farming is the largest farm enterprise in the county. The most
recent figures show that slightly more than 250 dairymen sold nearly 126
million pounds of milk for over 7.2 million dollars This was an increase
of six million pounds of milk over the previous year which combined
with a slightly higher price brought in an additional $700,000 into the
county. 'In addition there is an estimated 1.5 million dollars gross income
from cull dairy animals and surplus dairy calves and field crops in the
county. Extension's educational program with the dairy and field crop
farmers is carried out by three specialists in the Dairy and Field Crops
Team that works in Tompkins County. A major overall objective of
their program is to help retain this important industry in Tompkins
County by helping our dairymen remain competitive with dairymen from
other areas. A major emphasis of this year's program has been to help
dairymen analyze their situation and plan for desirable changes in their
Although the number of poultry farms in the county is relatively small,
they generate more than an estimated 2.7 million dollars for our
economy. The extension poultry specialist has provided answers for many
different types of problems during the past year.
Home Grounds
One of the main objectives of the program is to provide homeowners
with information that will help them to develop and maintain their
property so as to make a contribution towards improving our general
environment at the same time it helps the individuals to make the best
use of the resources available to them.
Home Economics Division
The major objectives of the Home Economics Division in 1970 focused
on the concerns of families that relate to improving the "quality of liv-
ing"., The Division has experimented with several methods of reaching
those most in need of Extension's informal approach to providing sound
factual information. The top priority has been Nutrition with emphasis
on the poorly fed family. The emphasis on reaching young families has
come closer to achievement this year. A third objective has been to have
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 457
Cooperative Extension recognized as the resource center for unbiased
Home Economics information. To this end, efforts have been directed
towards three groups. Another area of concern has been using the full
potential of available manpower especially womanpower.
4-H Division
The 4-H program is the official youth program of the Cooperative Ex-
tension Association of New York State in cooperation with USDA, Cornell
University and county government.
4-H is a dynamic youth educational program with its primary success
through the training of hundreds of volunteer adult leaders. Its primary
purpose is to serve the needs of people and prepare the young people of
our society to "learn for living".
Readers of this report must take specific note to understand that the
4-H Division is offering programs to four distinct groups in Tompkins
County which are: adult and junior volunteer leaders, 4-H clubs, special
4-H interest groups, and other one-time 4-H instruction programs for
other youth groups and schools.
Therefore the priority audiences of 4-H in Tompkins County are
as follows:
1. Community 4-H Clubs
2. Disadvantage Youth and Adults
3. Youth Not in 4-H Clubs
4. Teens
Target Areas for 4-H in Tompkins County:
1. Parents
2. Drug Abuse
3. Environmental Quality
Some Major Objectives for Tompkins County 4-H in 1970 were:
1. To provide District 4-H Leaders with training program, information
about their 4-H clubs in their areas, leadership for elections and
terms, and help in organization and maintenances of club and com-
munity activities.
2. To provide Tompkins County with a sound volunteer leader system
enhancing the educational output to youth.
3. To teach youth skills in subject matter areas in Home Economics,
Agriculture, and Science.
a. Safety Programs
458 Tompkins County, New York
b. Conservation
c. Embryology—Sex education, Understanding of Life
d. Home Economics subject matter
4. To provide a program to recognize leadership and increase citizen.
ship development in young people through supporting programs.
5. To provide the opportunity for 4-H members to attend camp. To
learn skills, live together, and share in the decision making affect-
ing their own age group.
6 To provide programs in animal science.
7. To provide contributing educational opportunites.
8. To help teen-age youth learn knowledge and develop skills necessary
to plan for their future.
Three Cooperative Extension 4-H Agents provide the administrative
and total leadership for a county 4-H program reaching between 40% to
50% of the eligible youth, more than 500 volunteer leaders, hundreds of
Tompkins County families and between 25 to 50 associated organizations
and agencies throughout the county. This staff assists in the leadership for
the total Cooperative Extension effort in all of Tompkins County in-
cluding assistance for finances, personnel, and long range planning,
public relations, and the administration of the total 4-H effort including
the training program assistance and supervision of volunteer leaders,
school teachers, and other agency personnel.
Expanded Nutrition Education Program
This has been the first full year the ENEP has been in operation. The
objectives of this program are as follows:
1. To increase low income families' knowledge about the essentials
of good nutrition.
2. To increase low income families' ability to select food that satisfied
nutritional needs.
3. To increase low income families' ability to prepare and serve palat-
able meals.
4. To increase low income families' ability to understand and manage
available resources, including money, time and donated foods.
Community Resource Development
A project was carried out for the purpose of identifying the land in
Tompkins County that is currently used by commercial farmers in their
farming operations. The preliminary work in this project has been com-
pleted. Farm and community leaders in each town have identified on
aerial photos, land currently being usedfor field crops by medium and
large sized farm operations. This information will be summarized and
made available to the interested groups in the towns. One town has al-
ready used this information in connection with a ,701 planning project.
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 459
The. Greenbelt sub -committee of Extension's Community Resource De-
velopment Committee has continued their work. They have promoted the
establishment of a County Environmental Management Council. This
concept was presented and explained to many different organizations in
the county. The organizations that agreed with this idea were asked to
indicate their support to the Board of Representatives. The -proposal has
been presented to the proper committee of that Board is presently
receiving their consideration. The purpose of the Council is to identify
and inventory those natural features of the county that should receive
special consideration for their contribution to our environment as future
plans are developed.
Cooperation was given to the Soil and Water Conservation District
Directors in the development of a program to explain the Resource Con-
servation and Development program which they are planning to join.
This has been approved by the Board of Representatives and the final
application is being made to the seven county Resource Conservation
and Development District.
November 1, 1969 — December 31, 1970
submitted by
Ralph J. Low, M.D.
(Detailed report on file in the office of
the Clerk of the Board of Representatives)
The Coroner's Report shows: 49 deaths from natural causes; 25
accidental; 13 suicides, for a total of 84 cases. There were 30 autopsies.
460 Tompkins County, New York
submitted by
Helena Schaber, Curator
Detailed report on file in the office of
the Clerk of the Board of Representatives)
The DeWitt Historical Society experienced a busy year with many
calls for service particularly from high school and college students doing
Registered attendance totaled 3,503 with at least another 500 who
came but did not register. Of visitors who registered, Tompkins County
residents totaled 2,182; from elsewhere in the state, 255; from 26 other
states, 155; and from 10 foreign countries, 24. A registered attendance of
887 came from group meetings including school classes, Scouts and
Campfire Girls and those from the South Lansing School for Girls.
There were 83 accessions of donated gifts to the Society including note-
worthy collections from Mrs. Dorothy Longnecker, a trustee, and from the
late W. Glenn Norris, Albert Force and Ralph Smith.
Highlights of the 1970 activities of the DeWitt Historical Society are
as follows:
I. William Heidt Jr., City of Ithaca historian, former curator of the
DeWitt Historical Society and a current trustee, received a citation from
the American Association for, State and Local History in recognition of
his efforts in the field of local history. Mrs. Constance Cook, Tompkins
County assemblyman, made the presentation at a reception given for Mr.
Heidt at the Museum. Mr. Heidt also received twin statuettes of colonial
figurines from radio station WTKO for his service in providing historical
material to the station. Subsequently Mr. Heidt received the ITHACA
JOURNAL'S Man -of -the -Year Award.
Many programs, lectures, and slides were given and during the past few
months Mrs. Elizabeth Mulholland has supervised a rearrangement of
the museum's display cases and installation of several exhibitions.
The DeWitt Historical Society has greatly benefited through several
grants from the New York State Council of the Arts. Two noteworthy
accomplishments of the past year undertaken on such grants have been
publication of Elizabeth Rogers' manuscript, THE ENDURING CLIN-
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 461
R. Dankert's professional cataloging of the Society's library.
For 1971 the Council on the Arts has made a grant of $13,500 to the
DeWitt Historical Society for the one-year salary of a professional director
plus administrative expense. The Society's president, Walter Stainton,
is in communication regarding possible candidates for the position.
The unique publishing program carried on for the Society by Mr.
Heidt continues to gather interest and greatly increased requests from all
parts of New York State for publication of local history material.
The Genealogy Dept., now in charge of Mrs. Barbara Hassan, has a
steadily mounting work load. Also, a workshop in geneology was con-
ducted with genealogist from Cayuga, Chemung as well as Tompkins
attending and future workshops will be scheduled on request.
As a new feature, a group of DeWitt Jr. High School students made
three audio-visual recordings of the Society lectures. Research material
in the museum's collection is constantly in demand and used by public
schools, colleges, businesses, hospital, library, and many individuals.
County Historian, Lois O'Connor, draws on the files for her WHCU
radio program. There was also an interview with Amelia Bielaski who is
working on the now famous Smith — Telfer photographic collection. It
was hoped to obtain some guidelines in dealing with the valuable
photographic materials owned by the Society.
The Curator would like to express special recognition to several
volunteers who have assisted with the Operation and some special
problems at the museum. Mrs. Mulholland for undertaking rearrange-
ment of the museum's artifacts, Mrs. Ryan for work on keeping the
accessions current and for special research of records to. fill requests for
information; Mrs. Rebecca Harris for the task of sorting and filing
pictures and clippings; and Harry Beckley for assistance as locksmith.
462 Tompkins County, New York
submitted by
Lois O'Connor, Historian
(Detailed report on file in the office of
the Clerk of the Board of Representatives)
The past year has been one of orientation to the position of county
historian that was held for 25 years (1944-1969) by the county's first and
only preceding historian, the late W. Glenn Norris.
Considerable time was given to discussion with the trustees, curator
and volunteer assistants of the DeWitt Historical Society. The operation
of the museum, in particular, currently presents problems of exhibition
space; accommodation of the many school groups that come for lectures;
storage and work areas; but most seriously the need for adequate con-
servation and protective measures for the invaluable collections housed
in the Old Courthouse.
Perhaps the most concrete accomplishment of the year has been the
arrangement for the county historian to have a regular radio program
with Barbara Hall on Station .WHCU. The programs began Tuesday,
Nov. 17, and are broadcast on alternate weeks.
Frank Liguori, county planning director, requested on March 12 that
the county historian prepare documentation on the Old Courthouse and
Boardman House to be used as background information from Oren Bul-
lock, restoration architect, engaged to evaluate both buildings as to ad-
visability of restoration or rehabilitation. A 14 -page report plus copies
of several documents was sent to Mr. Liguori on April 24.
A letter was sent in 'August to Harris Dates, chairman of the Board of
Representatives, and to John 'Wareham, chairman of the Intergovern-
mental Relations Committee, recommending that Tompkins County
establish an Archives Department. With the business of the county
rapidly increasing both in bulk and importance there should be a center
for the adequate preservation of archival material and a system that
facilitates retrieval of information from inactive records.
The primary objective for 1971 should be activating a program for the
township historians of Tompkins County and devising a plan for super-
vision and assistance in their local activities.
It might be noted that county historians are already being involved in
statewide plans for the observance of BICENTENNIAL of the American
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 463
(detailed report on file with Clerk, Board of Representatives)
Fish and Wildlife Population Management
Over the past five years, wildlife experts have been trapping varying
hare in areas unaccessible to hunters and transferring them into suitable
areas; fishing biologists studied thirteen different bodies of water with
Region 3 and collected samples of fish from each to determine the inci-
dence of DDT in sport fish populations; to 'have a wild turkey popula-
tion scattered throughout a large geographical area has long been a
goal. This program has been successful; Coho salmon were introduced
into waters of New York recently. Biologists have surveyed streams where
additional Coho may be released in the future; during 1969, three bodies
of water were treated with rotenone and restocked. In the spring of
1968, two experimental areas were stocked with an exotic species of
pheasant; namely, the Korean pheasant. From this experiment it is hoped
to establish a huntable population of pheasants. Wildlife biologists spend
a considerable portion of their time working with deer; continuing
studies of age, sex composition, and growth rate of fish populations of
the .Finger Lakes yield valuable information.
Fish and Wildlife Habitat Manipulation
The improvement of certain waters within our region is as important
as their protection. Nineteen applications for stream improvement were
reviewed and approved. Also approved was five hundred plans for work
on upland terrain. During 1969, ten pot hole marshes were excavated.
These potholes are important to nesting and migrating birds. Also focal
points for hunting, bird watching and photography; State-owned wild-
life areas provide necessary ingredient (land) for untold hours of recrea-
tion. To improve access to these areas 11/2 miles of new roads were
constructed, four new vehicle parking areas constructed and miles of
existing roads graded and improved; during 1969, wildlife technicians
maintained 120 small wildlife marshes, 250 acres of grassland, etc.;
extensive bird clog field trials, archery tournaments and was utilized
by the Boy Scouts.
Fish and Wildlife Stocking Programs
2,200 Korean pheasants were stocked; approximately 900 game pheas-
ants were released; 2,400 muskellonge were released; 30,000 norloage
fish were released.
Tompkins County, New York
Portions of New York State Fish and Wildlife Management Act make
it possible for the Conservation Department to establish cooperative
arguments with private landowners with the management of some of
the natural resources of the state and to provide a reasonable amount of
controlled public access to private land.
In addition to keeping planning units and state policy makers abreast
of problems and solutions to problems associated with use of our natural
resources, division personnel were instrumental in the planning and de-
sign of four educational displays for public viewing.
Aquatic Habitat Protection
One of the greatest problems now confronted by the Division of Fish
and Wildlife is the protection of fish and wildlife habitat. Most of the
unit's effort is working with Federal, State, County, Town and Village
government units. A close larson is mandated with state and county
health department officials with respect to matters of water pollution
which involves this office.
The Division of Fish and Wildlife promoting the wisest action of our
fish and wildlife resources and planning ahead so that future generations
will inherit an environment that is an asset and not a liability.
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 465
submitted by
Robert Howard, County Sheriff
(Detailed report on file in the office of
the Clerk of the Board of Representatives)
This year (1970) marked the first year that the Sheriff's Department
had a full time officer assigned to do juvenile work. The position of
Juvenile Officer was created by the Board of Representatives late in 1969.
Deputy Edward Hall assumed the full-time assignment as Juvenile Offi-
cer on January 1, 1970.
The duties of the Juvenile Officer are varied. Sheriff's deputies super-
vised the Junior Deputy League throughout the ten county elementary
schools. Again this year, over 300 boys were enrolled in this program.
The program consists of monthly meetings in each school, in which
sixth grade boys are taught the fundamentals of police work of how and
why police officers are required to carry out their duties of enforcing
the laws of our state. Lectures on the laws most frequently violated by
juveniles are given and discussions and explanations of these laws are
stressed. We are finding that more often than not, our children are told
they must obey the law but they have never had the laws explained to
them. We feel that thru more knowledge of the laws, perhaps there may
be a more positive attitude towards them. Consequently, in the not too
distant future, Tompkins County might see a decline in the ever in-
creasing spiral of Juvenile delinquency.
The Junior Deputy program, also consists of tours thru our Courthouse
and Sheriff's Department, including a tour of the jail cellblock. This
phase of the program usually includes sixth grade girls as guests of the
Junior Deputies.
We are proud of our Junior Deputy program and feel that the results
of it, although unmeasurable, will help mold young lives into more posi-
tive and productive paths.
The Juvenile Officer investigates all complaints and crimes perpetrated
by Juveniles. Juvenile offenders are handled under the Family Court Act
of New York State. Thus, the process is completely different from the
one of adults. Based on rehabilitation more than punitive measures, it
gives the juvenile officer a more varied means of adjustment when a
crime is.committed. Many hours are spent not only in apprehension, but
in conferences with worried parents and the juvenile, himself before the
final disposition of a juvenile case is reached.
466 Tompkins County, New York
We had initiated a new system which we feel will prove to be a
strong weapon in combating Juvenile delinquency. In the past, if a juve-
nile committed a crime, which because of the nature or degree of serious-
ness, it was decided not to formally take the youth into Family Court. A
warning would be given to the youth and he would be told that any fur-
ther involvement with the law would mean full persecution. Because of
limited manpower this was not always carried out. Unless the individual
deputy which conducted the original investigation came in contact with
the youth was possible that a youth who showed a definite trend toward
juvenile delinquency and a later life of crime, might receive a second or
even third warning. It is not difficult to see that a youth could develop an
opinion that he could continue to break the law and nothing of any
great consequence would happen to him. The same situation was true
in many of the other police agencies in our county.
Under our new system which we refer to as our "Official Warning
File", any youth which commits an offense of which he could be
convicted, is referred to Family Court and will have his name and the
details of the case placed on file within our department. Thus, if the
youth becomes involved in any future trouble, and when the complaint
crosses the Juvenile Officer's desk, a check of the file will reveal a past
warning and appropriate action can then be taken. Likewise, any policy
agency, city, village or state can obtain this information from the Sheriff's
Department, upon request. We sincerely hope that by spotting delinquent
behavior earlier, before a youth becomes involved in more serious
trouble, the proper measures can be taken to assist the youth to a more
positive direction in life.
Eighty-four official warnings were given to youths by the Sheriff's De-
partment in 1970. Sixty-five youths were referred to Family Court or the
Probation Department. Four youths were referred to Welfare and an
additional seven were referred to other police agencies. A total of three
hundred -sixty juvenile cases were handled this year by the Sheriff's De-
Upon request of school authorities, Juvenile Officer Hall conducted
twelve narcotic lectures in grades five thru twelve. Fourteen safety lectures
were given to elementary students. Three high school groups were in-
structed on the subject of "The Law", dealing with what it is and the
reasons it is needed.
We at the Sheriff's Department are pleased that we are now in the
position of having a full time juvenile Officer. We know that the youths
of our county will greatly benefit as the results of this position, making
Tompkins County a better place to grow up in and for the adults, a
better place in which to live.
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 467
The total number of juvenile cases was 360. The breakdown is listed
Handled within department and
Released to parents, etc. -284
Referred to Juvenile Court -65
Referred to Welfare Agency -4
Referred to Other Police Agency -7
Civil Department
The receipts for 1970 were $150,446.32; disbursements, $150,446.32;
miscellaneous activities—radio log transmissions -24,820; civil defense
calls -1,695; visitors to prisoners -735; day book entries -445; stolen
vehicle reports -155; stolen vehicles recovered -111; jail physician calls -
126; summons served -2,081; executions -559; the total number of com-
plaints handled -2,199. Sheriff's Department arrests—male, 366 -female,
31. Crimes of prisoners detained—felonies-104; misdeameanors-526;
traffic infractions -174; miscellaneous -120.
Report of Prisoners — Total number of prisoners in custody December 31,
1970, — 20 male — 1 female. The number of prisoners received during the
year, male -734, female -50. The number of prisoners discharged during
year — 737 male, 49 female. The total number of meals served prisoners
20,121. The average cost per meal 59c;
Automobile Accidents — There were 919 automobile accidents investi-
gated during the year. There were 10 fatalities.
Navigation —The navigation patrol started May 1, 1970, and ended
October 1, 1970. There were 10 summons issued with 9. convictions. Com-
plaints received and acted upon — 22; number of 'vessel checks — 485;
stolen or lost vessels — 14; stolen or lost vessels recovered — 12; accidents
investigated — 5; rescues made — 3; regattas patrolled — 4; • removal of
hazards — 38; disabled vessels towed in — 5.
468 Tompkins County, New York
Tompkins County Veterans' Service Agency
(Submitted by Richard F. Cummings, Director)
Tompkins County, according to the census, has a population of 70,000
residents, including approximately 9709 veterans of whom 500 are World
War I, 4600 are World War II, 1736 are Korean, and 2873 are post -
Korean and Viet Nam veterans who have been released and have re-
turned. All veterans, servicemen, and their families are eligible for service
by our Agency.
The total number of contacts (personal, letter, and telephone) during
the year amounted to 5735; 3212 were personal, 2141 were inbound
letters, and 382 were inbound telephone calls. The preponderance of
contacts was primarily with veterans and their families. There were few
contacts with servicemen.
A total of 77 meetings were attended by the Director during the year.
He also attended 51 events such as dinners, U.S.O. breakfasts, military
funerals, etc. At all meetings and events the Director either represented
Tompkins County Veterans' Service Agency or the veterans of Tompkins
County. A total of 54 outside contacts was made, primarily to veterans
in the Veterans Administration Hospitals in Syracuse and Bath, New
York; some veterans were counseled in their homes. The total number of
services rendered to the veterans and their families was 6794. These
dealt primarily with education, pension, burial benefits, and hospitaliza-
This year another study was conducted to attempt to show some of the
money coming back to veterans who are residents of the County from
the result of our filing claims for the veteran and his family. This is
based on the original award letter received by this office on an annual
basis for the year 1970: Burial awards, $19,978; Insurance awards,
$53,098; and Educational benefits (under Federal Public Laws 89-358 and
90-77) $364,392; Pension awards, $172,860; Compensation awards,
$181,188; and On -the -Job Training benefits, $15,564; making a combined
total of $807,080 brought into Tompkins County. These figures are on
only the cases in which this office had jurisdiction and appointment of
the Veterans Service Organization as claimant's representative.
During the year of 1970, the Veterans Administration Regional Office,
Buffalo, New York, released a letter to the Tompkins County Veterans'
Service Agency with the following facts concerning the Federal Govern-
ment fiscal year 7/1/69 - 7/1170: the 9709 -man veteran benefits in the
amount of $2',103,551.
I hereby certify that the following is a true statement of all the indebt dness of the County of Tompkins, and of each sub -division thereof, and of
the facts relating thereto as reported to me pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Highway Law and Section 29, subd. 5 of the Town Law for the
year 1970.
Dated, November 30, 1970
Clerk, Board of Representatives
Ithaca, New York
Political Division
for which created
For what
purpose created
what law
Nov. 15
Amt. due
next fiscal
Payable Total
Town of Caroline
Town of Danby
Town of Danby
Town of Danby
Town of Danby
West Danby Water
Town of Danby
West Danby Water
Town of Danby
West Danby Water
Town of Dryden
Town of Dryden
Town of Enfield
Town of Enfield
Town of Enfield
Alles Chalmers
Loader -Highway
Purchase of Highway
Purchase of Highway
Purchase of Highway .
First year operating
expenses and
Construct water
Water and Sewer
No. 1
Sewer District No. 2
Highway Bldg.
Highway Machinery
Tax Anticipation
Highway Local
Finance Law
Local Finance
Local Finance
Local Finance
Local Finance
Local Finance
Local Finance and
NYS General
Revenue Call
S202 -a Art. 12
S202 -a Art. 12
Highway .
% •
4 %
6.7 %
3 %
20,890 4,178
17,825 7,130
26,020 15,612
23,470 18,776
75,000 75,000
7,500 7,500
94,000 92,000
173,000 159,500
244,000 232,000
19,800 3,880
24,900 14,940
3,000 3,000
Plus Int.
To be paid
this year
2/71 &
4/71 &
Political Division
for which created
For what
purpose created
what law
Nov. 15
Amt. due
next fiscal
Payable Total
Groton Central School
Groton Central School
Groton Elementary
Town of Groton
Town of Groton
Village of Groton
Village of Groton
Village of Groton
Village of Groton
Village of Groton
Town of Ithaca:
Renwick Heights
Sewer District
East State Street
Ext. Water Dist.
Northeast Water
South Hill Ext.
Water District
Hanshaw Road Sewer
Northeast Sewer
Ellis Hollow Road
Sewer District
Slaterville Road
Sewer District
New building, bus
barns; alterations
New building
New building
New building
Central Garage
Municipal Electric
Sanitary Sewer
Fire Pond
Sewage Collection
Water System
Water System
Water System
Sewage Collection
Sewage Collection
Sewer System
Sewer System
Section 142
Local Finance
Local Finance
Local Finance ._._
Local Finance
Chapter 634
Laws of 1932
Chapter 782
Laws of 1933
Chapter 782
Laws of 1933
Chapter 782
Laws of 1933
Chapter 634
Laws of 1932 _...._
Local Finance Law ..
Local Finance Law _.
Local Finance Law ..
3.2 % 1,683,000 745,000
4.7 % 1,165,000 1,085,000
3.7 % 1,300,000 1,010,000
3.5 % 95,000 42,000
5.5 % 16,000 16,000
3.9 % 110,000 50,000
5%% 30,000 6,000
5Y4% 25,000 10,000
3.5 % 700,000 575,000
5.5 % 16,000 16,000
3.3 % 130,000
2.6 % 150,000
3.8 % 350,000
2.6 % 200,000
4.2 % 75,000
5.5 % 500,000
5.5 % 90,000
5.5 % 450,000
449,15 5.70
6. 1/71
Political Division
for which created
For what
purpose created
what law
Nov. 15
Amt. due
next fiscal
Payable Total
Snyder Hill Road
Water District
East Ithaca
Water District
South Hill Sewer
Dist. (Note #1)
South Hill Sewer
Dist. (Note #2)
South Hill Sewer
Dist. (Note #3)
South Hill Sewer
Dist. -Ext. #1
South Hill Sewer
Dist. -Ext. #2
2nd South Hill Water
District (Note #1)
2nd South Hill Water
District -Ext. 1
2nd South Hill Water
District -Ext. 2
2nd South Hill Water
Dist. (Note #2)
Lansing Central
Lansing Central
Town of Lansing
Town of Lansing
Town of Lansing
Town of Lansing
Town of Lansing
Town of Lansing
Water System
Water System
Sewer System
Sewer System
Sewer System
Sewer System
Sewer System
Water System
Water System
Water System
Water System
Highway Equipment
Highway Equipment
Water Dist. #1
Water Dist. #1
Water Dist. #1
Water Dist. #2
Local Finance Law .. 5.5 % 200,000 192,000 4,000 Annually
Local Finance Law .. 5.5 % 44,000 42,000 2,000 Annually
Local Finance Law 5.5 % 300,000 292,976 7,024 Annually
Local Finance Law 5.5 % 540,000 527,356 12,644 Annually
Local Finance Law 5.5 % 185,000 180,668 4,332 Annually
Local Finance Law __ 5.5 % 106,000 103,000 3,000 Annually
Local Finance Law 5.5 % 130,000 126,000 4,000 Annually
Local Finance Law 5.5 % 270,000 264,938 5,062 Annually
Local Finance Law 5.5 % 58,000 56,500 1,500 Annually
Local Finance Law ._ 5.5 % 13,000 12,000 1,000 Annually
Local Finance Law ._ 5.5 % 210,000 206,062 3,938 Annually
Education and 4/1/71 -
Local Finance 2.5 % 615,000 250,000 20,000 4/1/81
Education and 5/1/71 -
Local Finance 2.9 % 2,105,000 910,000 110,000 5/1/78
2/15/71 -
Highway 3/70 20,000 8,000 4,000 2/15/72
2/15/71 -
Highway 43/4% 25,000 20,000 5,000 2/15/74
Town Law 5.5 % 175,000 170,000 5,000 2/10/71
Town Law 5.5 % 900,000 800,000 24,000 4/30/71
Town Law 5.5 %d 70,000 66,000 2,000 4/30/71
Town Law 5.5 % 45,000 41,500 1,500 11/13/71
Political Division
for which created
Town of Lansing
Town of Lansing
Town of Newfield
Water District
Central School
Central School
Central School
For what
purpose created
what law
Nov. 15
Amt. due
next fiscal When
year Payable Total
Sewer Dist. #2
Highway Garage
Town Law
Local Finance Law
Local Finance
5.5 %
5.5 %
2.5 %
3.5 %
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 473
Ballot Total
Nelson A. Rockefeller, Republican 13,566
Nelson A. Rockefeller, Civil Service—Ind. 98
Arthur Goldberg, Democrat 5,770
Arthur Goldberg, Liberal 970
Paul L. Adams 1,536
Clifton DeBerry, Socialist Worker 32
Rasheed Storey, Communist 27
Stephen Emery, Socialist Labor 24-
4Blank 543
Void 5
Scattering 4
Edward V. Regan, Republican
Arthur Levitt, Democrat
Arthur Levitt, Liberal
Anthony R. Spinelli, Conservative
Ruthann Miller, Socialist Worker
Walter Steinhilber, Socialist Labor
Louis J. Lefkowitz, Republican
Louis J. Lefkowitz, Liberal
Adam Walinsky, Democrat
Leo J. Kesselring, Conservative
Miguel Padilla, Jr., Socialist Worker
Charles E. Goodell, Republican
Charles E. Goodell, Democrat
Richard L. Ottinger, Democrat
James L. Buckley, Conservative
Kipp Dawson, Socialist. Worker
Arnold Johnson, Communist
John Emanuel, Socialist Labor
James L. Buckley, Ind. Alliance
474 Tompkins County, New York
Ballot Total
Howard W. Robison, Republican
David Bernstein, Democrat
David Bernstein, Liberal
John H. Terry, Republican
John H. Terry, Conservative
Neal P. McCurn, Democrat
William T. Smith, Republican
William T. Smith, Conservative
John B. Schamel, Democrat
John B. Schamel, Liberal
Constance E. Cook, Republican I 15,014
Peter L. De Wysocki, Democrat I 5,680
Blank I 1,875
Void 1 2
Scattering 1 4
Bruce G. Dean, Republican I 13,492
Helen Amdur, Democrat I 6,666
Helen Amdur, Liberal I 1,273
Blank 1 1,139
Void 5
Shall chapter nine hundred twenty-six of the laws of nine-
teen hundred seventy, entitled "An Act to amend the public
housing law, in relation to state subsidies, increasing by
twenty million dollars the maximum aggregate amount of state
periodic subsidies for the payment of which, in any one year,
contracts may be outstanding for low rent housing and urban
renewal purposes, and providing for the submission to the
people of a proposition or question therefor to be voted upon
at the general election to be held in November, nineteen
hundred seventy" be approved?
Affirmative 1 5,299
Negative 1 6,371
Blank 1 10,901
Void 4
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 475
ALDERMAN 3rd Ward (3 Years Vacancy)
Ballot Total
Wilmer J. Andrews, Representative 205
John Gutenberger, Democrat 229
Helene S. Fine, Liberal 1 206
Blank 1 29 669
Should the Town of Danby purchase the property formerly occupied by the Danby
Fire District located on Bald Hill Road, as described in a Deed to the Danby Fire
District from John S. Hoover for the sum of $8,000.00 to be financed by a $5,000.00
Town of Danby bond?
Affirmative 1 212
Negative 1 225
Blank 305
TOWN CLERK (1 year vacany)
Rosemary Stelick, Republican 1 2,252
Blank 1 954
Scattering 1 1 3,207
COUNCILMAN (1 year vacancy)
Merton Webb, Republican 2,036 1
Robert C. Keech, Independent 345 1
Blank 1 821 1
Scattering 1 5 1 3,207
TOWN JUSTICE (3 years vacancy)
Warren Blye, Republican 1 2,814
Blank 1 1,677
Scattering 1 1
COUNCILMAN (1 year vacancy)
Bert J. Hilliard, Republican 1 1,422 1
Blank 1 653 1
Void 1 2 1 2,097
COUNCILMAN (1 year vacancy)
Ralph J. Payne, Republican
Ralph J. Payne, Democrat
115 1 977
476 Tompkins County, New York
(submitted by E. R. Carpenter, Chief Clerk)
Deposited with Tompkins County $17,101.50 received from January 1,
1970 to December 31, 1970 for Certificates of Appointment, Filing of
Petitions and recording, and certified copies of Records.
Detailed report on file with
Clerk of Board of Representatives)
(submitted by Carl Roe, Sealer)
Probably the one great outstanding question in the public's mind now,
is the one concerning possible conversion of our present weights and
measures standards to the international metric system.
This has been proposed for many years, but our vast vested stock -pile
of goods, measuring and weighing devices, tools, machinery parts, etc.,
all now based on feet, inches, acres, etc., if changed would vex all phases
of industry for a long time.
Our county has 325 bulk milk tanks in use on its farms, and milk
producers face continued pressure to make bulk tanks the one single
means of milk handling at the source of supply.
Sanitation -wise and economy -wise this is desirable and inevitably this
method must prevail.
Regarding the eight complaints recorded, three concerned gas pump
delivery, two, fruit bought by measure, and three pre -packed meat. A
re -check of the gas pumps, found all three well within the acceptable
tolerance. The gauges in cars are not the most accurate possible, and I
believe Detroit will put any size tank in a car frame that will fit, and call
it o.k.
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 477
The buying public still holds to the conception of 60 lbs. to the
bushel, due to their experience of buying potatoes, but apples for instance
will vary, from 40 - 44 lbs. per bushel, depending on variety, size, and
weather conditions for that year.
Consumers still question if pre -packed meat is priced by net weight
only, and you can be assured this is true! All weights and measures of-
ficials closely watch for this, scales for pre -packed items have long been
used in the trade and are continuously checked for accurate adjustment
`Warnings given were for clear and legible weight declarations on
packages, the proper level placement of scales, positioning of scales, for
clear view of the scale reading window on the customers side.
This past summer -I was requested to check a personal weighing scale
for T.O.P.S. club. The lady in charge there told me that T.O.P.S. meant
'Take off pounds sensibly'! I claim my interpretation is better, because
I once unluckily got between two fat women at a bargain sale and the
pressure was on! Anyway if we go to the metric system the T.O.P.S.
women will be happy, for they will weigh less than half as much (emo-
tionally) , for 1 kilo equals 2.205 lbs., so a 220 Ib. girl will weigh less than
100 kilos — what joy! But wrestlers by their published weights would
appear to be a team of midgets! There will be a lot of laughs for a while
in the new system.
478 Tompkins County, New York
(detailed report on file with Clerk of Board of Representatives)
Formed in 1944 as a result of growing concern over the deterioration of
good farm land in Tompkins County, the Tompkins Soil and Water Con-
servation District for 27 years has carried on an active educational;
planning, and application program on soil and water conservation and
principles of sound land use management. A tour through any part of the
county shows the results. For example, roughly 350 ponds have been con-
structed through the District program.
For many years, the bulk of the District's efforts were concentrated
toward working with the farmers of the county; to assist them to institute
management programs based on sound soil and water conservation
measures. In recent years, soil and water management problems on urban
and suburban constructionsites, roadbank and streambank erosion and
various assorted land use management problems have attracted the
attention and efforts of the District. In Tompkins County, as elsewhere,
concern over air, water and land pollution is increasing. In an effort to
increase its services toward creating and helping to maintain a high
quality natural environment for Tompkins County residents, the District
is in the process of seeking membership in the South Central New York
Resource Conservation and Development Project. If membership is ob-
tained, the District will be in a better position to furnish assistance on
community wide projects.
1970 has been a productive and busy year for the Tompkins District
and 1971 promises to pose many challenges. But it is facing and overcom-
ing challenges that an agency, as well as an individual, grows and the
Tompkins District welcomes the challenges of the 70's, in the hopes that
in a small way, through their efforts our children will live in a county
that they can take pride in — where there will be green parklands and
woodlands, prosperous and well managed farmlands, varied and numerous
wildlife and clear sparkling lakes and streams. We must all plan and work
today, if we want a better life tomorrow.
Table showing the amount of compensation audited and allowed by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to the
members thereof, with the items and nature of such compensation and the amount allowed for the distance traveled by members
in attending the meetings of the Board during the year 1970, including salary.
Adjourned Meetings
Caroline -Danby Erie J. Miller, Jr.
Dryden Gary A. Lee
Dryden Marion Schickel
Enfield -Newfield Harry A. Kerr
Groton Claude Holden
Ithaca Robert Bruce
Ithaca Hugh MacNeil
Lansing-Chrm. Harris B. Dates
Ulysses Arthur Golder, Jr.
First Ward James R. Graves
Second Ward Michael J. Leary
Third Ward Louis R. Webster
Fourth Ward Edward P. Abbott
Fifth Ward John Marcham
Sixth Ward Donald J. Culligan
Seventh Ward Frederick Stutz
15 7 1 0
15 4 1 $ 191.50
14 7 1 184.27
16 7 1 0
16 7 1 19.25
14 6 1 14.90
16 7 1 0
16 7 1 1,206.52
15 7 1 0
15 7 1
14 7 1
16 5 1
3 1 1
15 6 1
16 5 1
14 6 1
$ 3,000.00
$2,547.26 50,500 $53,047.26
I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement
County was in session the past year; the nature of its duties and
distance traveled by the individual members in the discharge the
were audited by the said Board for any member thereof, or for
of the number of days the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
the time necessarily employed and the amount allowed for the
reof, as audited by said Board. I also certify that no accounts
any person, without being verified according to law.
480 Tompkins County, New York
Year Ending December 31, 1970
Dec. 31,
Jan. 1, 1970 1970
Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance
General Fund $ 5,006.07 $ 40,432.07 $ 34,350.36 $ 11,087.78
Highway Fund 15,205.37 63,774.63 68,070.55 10,879.45
Trust and Agency Funds 45.26 6,468.05 6,468.19 45.12
Brooktondale Youth 182.24 1,633.36 1,481.78 333.82
Slaterville Youth 0 647.03 719.85 (72.82)
Brooktondale Light 16.34 1,468.66 1,468.66 16.34-
6.34Slaterville Light 6.79 1,073.21 1,080.00 0
Speedsville Light 4.95 445.05 445.05 4.95
Brooktondale Fire 0 7,787.50 7,787.50 0
Slaterville Fire 0 6,575.00 6,575.00 0
Caroline Fire Protection 0 1,300.00 1,300.00 0
TOTAL $20,467.02 $131,574.56 $129,746.94 $ 22,294.64
Dec. 31,
Jan. 1, 1970 1970
Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance
General Fund $ 3.306.29 $ 78,361.32 $ 72,124.29 9,543.32
Highway Fund 31,080.65 165,702.30 151,714.10 45,068.85
Fire District 0 23,509.88 23,509.88 0
West Danby Water District 174.48 29,702.94 28,625.70 1,251.72
TOTAL $34,561.42 $297,276.44 $275,973.97 $ 55,863.89
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 481
Dec. 31,
Jan. 1, 1970 1970
Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance
General Fund $ 6,976.14 $ 85,497.59 $ 77,944.15 $ 14,529.58
Highway Fund 43,631.44 304,099.76 315,727.32 32,003.88
Part -Town Fund 5,127.49 18,542.03 12,724.03 10,945.49
McLean Lighting 0 45.00 42.11 2.89
Etna Lighting 0 716.00 715.32 .68
Varna Lighting 0 1,250.00 1,201.14 48.86
Fire Protection 1,243.01 16,796.06 15,044.57 2,994.50
Reserve No. 1 9,674.22 368.55 0 10,042.77
McArthur 3,118.92 141.73 0 3,260.65
Trust and Agency Funds 0 20,484.22 18,790.15 1,694.07
Sewer Dist. #1 11,464.03 949.15 8,441.84 3,971.34
Sewer Dist. #2 55,969.01 76,281.85 126,512.72 5,738.14
Water Dist. #1 4,104.47 9,307.17 12,973.27 438.37
TOTAL $141,308.73 $534,479.11 $590,116.62 $ 85,671.22
Dec. 31,
Jan. 1, 1970 1970
Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance
General Fund $ 3,952.41 $ 27,679.63 $ 25,427.21 $ 6,204.83
Highway Fund 4,708.76 54,267.51 54,131.57 4,844.70
Fire Protection 0 4,000.00 4,000.00 0
Cemetery (Perpetual Care) 928.73 44.97 0 973.70
Trust and Agency Funds 0 8,815.57 8,815.57 0
Building Fund
TOTAL $ 9,589.90 $ 94,807.68 $ 92,374.35 $ 12,023.23
Dec. 31,
Jan. 1, 1970 1970
Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance
General Fund $25,769.93 $ 59,466.67 $ 62,014.64 $ 23,221.96
Highway Fund 42,256.43 135,116.59 149,712.78 27,660.24-
Peru Light 6.87 407.85 408.72 6.00
McLean Light 12.29 930.35 930.84 11.80
Fire Protection 299.53 8,074.52 7,668.60 705.45
TOTAL $68,345.05 $203,995.98 $220,735.58 $ 51,605.45
482 Tompkins County, New York
Dec. 31,
Jan. 1, 1970 1970
Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance
General Fund $ 78,931.04 $ 92,181.93 $118,163.79 $ 52,949.18
General Fund -Part Town 18,152.63 46,924.66 39,000.24 26,077.05
Highway Fund -Repairs &
Improv. - Item 1 5,170.61 63,094.69 63,322.97 4,942.33
Highway Fund - Bridge
Fund -Item 2 368.51 .00 .00 368.51
Highway Fund - Machinery
Fund - Item 3 14,632.40 26,139.81 14,762.21 26,010.00
Highway Fund -Snow &
Misc. Fund - Item 4 7,132.91 34,267.86 29,413.91 11,986.86
Forest Home Light District 168.48 783.86 670.12 282.22
Glenside Light District 456.22 325.00 .266.40 514.82
Renwick Heights Light District11.87 385.00 378.35 18.52
New East Ithaca Water Dist 2,552.51 4,199.19 4,763.18 1,988.52
Old East Ithaca Water Dist .20 3,975.10 3,975.00 .30
East State Street Ext. W.D -462.32* 9,522.24 9,301.84 -241.92
Forest Home Water Dist 11,937.66 , 2,482.38 2,694.74 11,725.30
Glenside Water District 265.36 100.00 100.00 265.36
Northeast Water District 2,854.25 27,660.95 25,933.49 4,581.71
Renwick Heights Water Dist90.94 3,249.14 3,334.38 5.70
Snyder Hill Rd. Water Dist .__ 5,553.06 16,653.33 22,134.58 71.81
South Hill Water District 3,097.11 14,836.10 18,148.44 -215.23*
2nd South Hill Water Dist 25,472.78 00.00 47,531.75 -22,058.97*
2nd So. Hill Water Dist. Ext. 1_ 4,264.53 00.00 682.91 3,581.62
2nd So. Hill Water Dist. Ext. 2381.29 00.00 67.81 313.48
Trumansburg Rd. Water Dist-131.56* 1,899.33 2,174.49 -406.72*
Willow Pt. Lake Rd. Water
District 180.46 350.00 250.00 280.46
Fire Protection 55.29 31,295.00 31,295.00 55.29
Ellis Hollow Rd. Sewer Dist 6,763.02 6,463.22 7,947.60 5,278.64
Hanshaw Rd. Sewer Dist. 1,217.42 4,565.48 4,422.78 1,360.12
Northeast Sewer Dist. 61,754.84 30,051.38 75,015.23 16,790.99
Slaterville Rd. Area Sewer
District 15,522.70 30,003.96 41,369.24 4,157.42
Renwick Heights Sewer Dist 1,556.50 8,193.10 7,818.54 1,931.06
So. Hill Sewer District 54,027.81 54,864.97 92,542.87 16,349.91
So. Hill Sewer Dist. 1 7,591.45 6,205.40 8,942.01 4,854.84
So. Hill Sewer Dist. 2 7,694.30 7,926.46 10,501.23 5,119.53
T'Burg Rd. Sewer Dist. 44.05 00.00 00.00 44.05
TOTALS $366,599.06 $609,752.32 $797,267.08 $179,084.30
*Means Deficit
Proceedings of the Board of Representatives 483
Jan. 1, 1970
Dec. 31,
Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance
General Fund
Highway Fund
Ludlowville Light District
Lansing Fire District
McKinney Water District
Lansing Water District #1
Lansing Youth Fund
Trust and Agency Fund
Lansing Water District #2
Lansing Sewer District #2
Highway Garage Building Fund
$20,023.97 $196;168.16 $168,525.42 $ 47,666.71
13,338.88 390,598.40 375,661.02 28,276.26
479.61 9.79
42,453.06 0
75.00 (.32)
159,796.19 45,393.94
6,004.27 1,035.33
18,974.62 2,087.94
16,530.68 9,055.07
425.966.46 6,368.47
42,152.50 58.05
$92,452.19 $924.117.88 $876,618.83 $139,951.24
Dec. 31,
Jan. 1, 1970 1970
Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance
General Fund .... $22,693.43 $ 30,139.91 $ 34,687.15 $ 18,146.19
Highway Fund
Fire District 1.24 5,500.00 1.24
Light District 420.69 2,865.00 455.69
Water District 491.94 86,574.78 11,919.78
Storm Disaster 23,022.60 1,354.40
7,164.36 117,221.00 108,363.47 16,021.89
0 24,377.00
$30,771.66 $278,140.53 $261,013.00 $ 47,899.19
Dec. 31,
Jan. 1, 1970 1970
Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance
General Fund
Highway Fund
Part -Town Fund
Fire Protection
$18,517.21 $ 41,851.46 $ 36,435.74 $ 23,932.93
29,196.86 83,597.83 63,824.24 48,970.45
991.59 2,312.00 1,828.31 1,475.28
7.19 11,491.76 11,154.45
TOTAL $48,712.85 $139,253.05 $113,242.74- $ 74,723.16
484 Tompkins County, New York
To the Comptroller of the State of New York and the Commissioner of Transportation:
The following is a Statement, Pursuant to Section 278 of the Highway Law of the
several towns in the County of Tompkins, and assessed valuations, and amount of
tax levied therein for the repair of highways, by the County Legislature in the month
of December, 1970.
o � �
1+ 4
3 C V
N %
O .b
.2 0 O
2 . E
> v O
bID '
4J W V
Caroline $ 8,278,661.00 $ 34,290.00
$ 0
Danby 7,176,086.00 28,543.00 0
Dryden 32,685,044.00 114,04-0.00 11,300.00
Enfield 6,200,471.00 20,190.00 3,750.00
Groton 9,005,322.00 16,253.15 0
Ithaca 45,672,619.00 22,225.00 0
Lansing 58,862,301.00 74,500.00 0
Newfield 11,215,149.00 44,971.00 0
Ulysses 12,019,436.00 17,850.00 0
TOTAL $191,115,089.00 $372,862.15
I certify that the preceding statement is correct.
Caroline Danby Dryden
Lansing Newfield Ulysses
$ 2,000
$ 3,500
$ 2,500
$ 2,050
$ 3,350
$ 6,038
$ 4,225
$ 3,300
$ 3,800
Town Justices
Town Clerk
Zoning Officer
Tax Collector or Receiver of Taxes
Town Buildings and Offices
Contingent Account
Central Printing & Mailing
Independent Accounting and Auditing
• 0
Unallocated Insurance
Municipal Association Dues
TOTAL - General Government
$ 17,355
$ 26,170
$ 41,900
$ 12,185
$ 21,780
$ 74,100
$ 80,100
$ 20,074
$ 28,105
Danby Dryden
Groton Ithaca
Lansing Newfield. Ulysses
Police and Constables 1 $ 125
Traffic � 500
Dog Warden 1 0
Fire Fighting 1 0
$ 50
$ 300
$ 50
$ 50$
$ 2,080
1 12,000
$ 650
• 0
$ 100
TOTAL - Safety 1 $ 625
$ 450
$ 450 1 $ 50 $ 1,050
$ 49,040
$ 1,150
$ 1,130
$ 600
Historian 1 0
Library 0
TOTAL - Education 1 $ 0
$ 0
1 $ 750
1 $ 0 $ 0
I $ 0
$ 0
$ 1,000
$ 800
Superintendent of Highways
$ 8,400
$ 8,400.
$ 11,800
$ 7,500
$ 8,950
$ 10,110
$ 11,100
$ 9,050
$ 7,800
200 5,400 1
TOTAL - Highway
$ 8,400
$ 9,300
$ 11,800
$ 23,750
$ 10,850
$ 10,310
$ 17,975
$ 12,300
$ 19,600
1 $ 0
$ 0
$ 2,000
$ 0
$ 0
$ 900
$ 0
$ 0
$ 200
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 200
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 200
Planning -701 Plan
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 4,990
$ 0
$ 6,700
$ 0
$ 0
Parks and Playgrounds
$ 150
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
.$ 0
$ 17,500
$ 22,000
$ 500
$ 0
Youth Recreation
Recreation for the Elderly
TOTAL - Recreation
I $ 200
$ 4,490
$ 4,300
$ 2,620
$ 3,125
$ 25,600
$ 31,225
$ 1,275
$ 1,000
Dry den
Groton Ithaca
Lansing Newfield Ulysses
Social Services Day Care Center 1
$ 0
$ 0 1
$ 0 I
$ 0
$ 1,000 1 $ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
Airport 1
Planning 1
Cemeteries 1
$ 0
$ 550
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0 I $ 0
0 1 0
0 1 125
$ 0
$ 0
'$ 0
TOTAL - Special Activities
$ 300
$ 1,050 1
$ 0 1
$ 500 1
$ 0 1 $ 125
$ 1,200 1
$ 800 1
$ 95
Bond Anticipation Notes
Tax Anticipation Notes 1
Interest on Bonds 1
Interest on Notes 1
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
I $ 3,980
I 0
$ 7,000 $
0 1 0
0 1 0
1,347.50 I 0
0 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
TOTAL - Debt Service 1
$ 7,500
1 $ 0
1 $ 0
$ 7,210
$8,347.50 1 $ 0
$ 21,510
1 $ 0
Employees Benefits:
Town Share - Retirement
Town Share - Social Security
Town Share - Hospital, Medical,
Surgical and Life Insurance
Compensation Insurance
Fire and Liability Insurance
Other Unemployment Insurance
TOTAL - Miscellaneous
$ 2,525
1 $ 4,000
$ 11,500
$ 1,160
1 $ 8,400
1 $ 6,200
$ 17,250
$ 5,665
1 $ 7,40(
E f' 1
Non -Property Taxes
Interest and Penalties on Taxes
Fines, Fees and Forfeited Bail
(Returned by State)
Refund of Approp. Expense
Police Fees
1 $ 0
1 1,300
$ 0
$ 0
n Ie d
$ 0
$ 0
$ 600
$ 0
$ 0
Interest and Earnings
Interest and Profits on Investments
State Aid:
Per Capita
Highway, Traffic & Transportation
Mortgage Tax
Youth Recreation
1 $ 0
$ 250
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 600
TOTAL - State Aid $ 1,300
$ 37,125
1 $ 17,230
$ 20,540
$ 82,100
$ 51,770
$ 31,250
$ 1,250
Dog Licenses from Co. Treasurer
Fees of Town Clerk
Fees of Tax Collector or Receiver of Taxes
Fees of Constables or Police Officers, Justices
Fees of Parks and Playgrounds
TV Franchises
Zoning Fees
Other (Specify) Clerical Work
Boat Slips
$ 675
$ 700
$ 550
$ 300
$ 1,500
$ 500
$ 550
$ 325
$ 900
$ 500
$ 1,200
$ 610
800 \
$ 1,200
$ 1,000
$ 500
$ 300
_ 0
$ 900
$ 600
Total - Departmental Revenues 1 $ 900 1 $ 500 1
$ 500 $ 325 1 $ 500 $ 1,410 $ 9,400 1
$ 700
$ 1,800
Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses
Charges for Services 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 975 I 0 0 0
Youth Recreation (Other Municipalities) 1$ 0 1$ 0 1$ 0 1$ 0 1 $ 0 1 $ 0 1$ 6,650 $ 0 $ 0
TOTAL - Other Revenues 1$ 0 1$ 0 1$ 0 1$ 0 1 $ 0 1$ 975 1$ 6,650 $ 0 $ 0
UNEXPENDED BALANCE 1 $ 0 1 $ 0 1 $ 1,000 1 .$ 3,000 1 $ 10,000 1$ 0 1$39,202.84- $ 6,000 $ 21,000
GRAND TOTAL - Estimated Revenues_. $ 2,200 $ 38,175 $55,510.90 $ 21,105 $ 31,940 1$84,719.75 108,212.841 $ 38,450 1 $ 24,950
Zoning Commission 1 $ 0' $ 0 $
Planning Board 1 0 0
0 $ 0
0 0
0 1 $ 9,075 $ 0 $ 0 $ 2,800
0 I 4,000 0 0 100
TOTAL - General Government
Employees' Benefits:
Town Share -Social Security
TOTAL - Miscellaneous
$ off$ 0I$
0 $ 0
$ 01$13,0751$ 01$ 0 $ 2,900
0 I $
0j$ 150 $ 0 $ 0 $ 100
0 l $ 100
01 $
150 1 $
GRAND TOTAL -General Fund -
Town Outside Village Appropriations
1 $ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
I $ 0
1 $ 13,225 1 $ 0