HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935 ProceedingsPROCEEDINGS BoaEd of SupeTvfloore Tompkins County New York 1935 JOSEPH B. MYERS, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. WILLIAM 0. SMELEY, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. Board of Supervisors Tompkins County RULES Enacted January 14, 1935 Functions of STANDING COMMITTEES RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RULE I. Sessions. Regular Sessions of the Board shall be held at 10 a. m. on the second Monday of each month. The annual session of the Board for the purpose of organi- zation shall be held on the 2nd day of January at 10 a. m. each year, except when such day shall fall on Sunday or a legal holi- day in which case the said session shall be held on the next busi- ness day; said session to be held for the purpose of electing a chairman and clerk of the Board, for the appointment of a jail physician and jail matron, all to serve 'for that year; also for the appointment biennially in even numbered years of a Coun- ty Attorney to serve for two years, and for the transaction of such other business as may legally come before said session. The regular annual session of the Board for the audit of bills and levy of taxes and such other matters as may come be- fore the Board shall commence at 10 a.m. on the second Thurs- day after General Election Day in November, and continue by adjournment from time to time until the business of said session is completed. Special sessions of the Board shall be held when called by the Clerk pursuant to the provisions of Section 10 of the County,Law. The call for such special sessions shall be made by serving a notice, stating the purpose therefor, on each mem- ber of the Board personally or by depositing the same in the post -office at Ithaca, New York, directed to him, at least three days before each such special session. The County Board of Canvassers consisting of all the mem- bers of the Board of Supervisors shall meet at 10 a. m. on the Tuesday following General Election Day in November. All sessions of the Board, unless otherwise ordered, by the Board, shall be held in the Supervisors' Chambers in the Coun- ty Court House at Ithaca, New York RULE II. Quorum. A majority of all the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In all cases of the absence of a quorum during the sessions of the Board, the members present may take such measures as III C) RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS they deem necessary to secure the presence of a quorum and may inflict such censure or pecuniary penalty as they may deem proper upon those members who, on being called for that ,purpose, shall render no sufficient excuse for their absence. RULE III. Call to Order and Roll Call. All sessions shall be called to order by the Chairman upon the appearance of a quorum In case of the absence of the Chairman, the clerk shall call the session to order and a Chair- man pro tem shall be chosen. On roll call the Clerk shall record by names all members present and all members absent Any member, having answered roll call at any meeting of the Board, shall not be permitted to absent himself from such meeting unless permission to do so has been received from the Chairman. The Chairman shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions of order subject to appeal to the Board. He may name a member of the Board to perform the duties of the Chair for a period not longer than to the next adjournment. RULE IV. Order of Business The order of Business at each session, except at such times as may be set apart for the consideration of special orders of the day, shall be as follows : 1. Roll Call. 2 Reading of the minutes of the proceedings of the pre- vious session. 3. Reports of standing committees. 4. Reports of special committees. 5. Presentation of petitions, communications, ` and ac- counts. 6. Resolutions, motions, and notices 7. Introduction of bills. 8. Special Order of the day. 9. Unfinished business. 10. Reading and Audit of bills. Any question before the Board may be made a "Special Order of Business" at the request of any member of the Board, IV RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS if the majority of the members present agree thereto. The motion shall include the day and the time of day for the "Special Order of Business." RULE V. Presentation of petitions, resolutions, communica- tions and reports. Petitions, resolutions and communications may be presented to the Board by the Chairman or any member of the Board and the same shall be read by the Clerk. No other matter shall be considered until disposition thereof is made All petitions, resolutions, and reports of officers shall be in writing and if a request is made by any member all amend- ments shall also be presented in writing. Persons not members of the Board may be permitted, by unanimous consent of the Board, to speak in regard to matters pending before the board. Any county or state official or county employee may be heard before the Board on official business at the request of any member of the Board. No report shall be made by any committee on any subject referred to it in the absence of a majority of the said com- mittee, unless a majority of the Board so orders and directs. RULE VI. Rules of Debate. No motion or resolution shall be debated until seconded. After a motion or resolution has been stated by the Chairman it is in the possession of the Board, but may be withdrawn by the two members who offered and seconded it at any time be- fore amendment or decision. The names of the members who offered and seconded the resolution or motion shall be entered In the proceedings by the Clerk. If the question being debated contains several distinct propositions the same shall be divided by the Chairman at the request of any member, to the end that a vote may be taken on each proposition. When a question is under debate no motion shall be received except as herein stated, to have precedence in the following order: 1 For an adjournment of the Board v RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 2 For the previous question 3 To lay on the table 4 To postpone indefinitely 5 To postpone to a certain day 6 To amend 7 To refer to a committee No member shall speak on any question without first ris- ing, addressing the Chairman, and upon being recognized by the" Chairman, shall proceed When two or more members rise at once the Chairman shall name the member who shall speak first No member shall speak more than ten minutes at any one time, or more than twice on the same question, without per- mission of the Board, unless every member present desiring to speak shall have spoken. Any member called to order by the Chairman shall immedi- ately take his seat in an orderly manner and not rise unless to explain or to proceed in order. Any appeal from the decision of the Chairman shall be de- cided without debate. The question to be stated by the Chair- man shall be : "Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the Board." A motion to reconsider shall not be in order except on the same day or at the next session of the Board after which the decision proposed to be reconsidered took place Such motion must be made by a member who voted with the majority on the question, except that a member who was necessarily absent may have a right to move a reconsideration of the same. No subject shall be reconsidered a second time without the unanimous consent of the Board. In any matter of procedure whatsoever not covered by these Rules of Debate the Board shall be governed by the Rules of Order of the Assembly of the State of New York RULE VII. Rules of Voting. Every member present, when a question is stated by the Chairman, shall vote thereon unless excused by unanimous consent of all the members present. The Chairman shall in VI RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS all cases, except upon appeals from his rulings, have a right to vote When the vote is equally divided, including the Chair- man's vote, the motion or resolution shall be declared lost. Any member requesting to be excused from voting may make, when his name is called, or immediately after the roll is called and before the result is announced by the Clerk, a brief statement of his reasons for making such request Such statement shall be limited to five minutes in time and the Board without debate, shall decide in the affirmative or the negative upon the said request But nothing in this rule shall abridge the right of any member to record his vote on any question before the result is announced by the Clerk The ayes and noes shall be taken by roll call upon all resolu- tions and other proceedings involving the appropriation or payment of moneys, and upon any other question when any member so requests, and whenever so taken they shall be entered by the Clerk in the Proceedings of the Board. RULE VIII. Auditing of Bills and Petitions for Appropria- tions to be passed upon by committee. No bill shall be audited by the Board nor shall any petition asking for the appropriation of money be acted upon at any meeting unless the same shall first have been passed upon by the proper committee. RULE IX Action upon Report of Equalization Committee. The report of the Committee on Equalization shall lie at least one day without motion, except by unanimous consent of the Board. RULE X. Standing Committees. The Chairman shall appoint the Standing Committees with- in twenty days from the date of organization in January and file a list of the same with the Clerk At the first meeting of the Board thereafter the list so filed shall be read by the Clerk and, if satisfactory to a majority of tiie Board, the same shall upon motion be formally ratified, otherwise the list shall then be modified until it meets with the approval of a majority of the Board and as so modified shall be duly ratified When the list of standing committees have been ratified by the Board it shall be the duty of the Clerk to have such list VII RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS properly printed and to deliver a copy of the same to each member of the Board. The members of all standing committees of the previous year who continue in office shall hold over and have full power to act until the new committee members have been duly chosen and their appointments ratified as herein provided. The Chairman, by and with the consent of a majority of the Board, may make temporary appointments to fill vacancies on any committee caused by the absence ofany ofits ormembers whenever a necessity exists for such appointment appoint- ments In case of the absence of the chairman of any com- mittee at any meeting, the members present shall choose one of their number as temporary chairman The following shall be the standing committees . 1. Bovine Tuberculosis (2) 2 Charities (3) 3 County Buildings, Grounds & Employees (5) 4 County Laboratory (3) 5 County Officers' Accounts (3) 6 County Treasurer's Accounts (3) 7 Courts, Correction and Legislation (3) 8 Dog Quarantine Enforcement (3) 9 Education (3) 10. Equalization (7) 11 Erroneous Assessments & Returned Taxes (3) 12. Finance (5) 13. Highway (5) 14 Highway & Bridge Advisory- (3) 15 Insurance & County Officers' Bonds (3) 16 Jail Supplies (3) 17 Public Health (3) 18 Purchasing (3) 19. Reforestation (3) 20 Salaries & Wages (3) 21 Soldiers' Relief (3) 22 To Audit Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital (8) 23 To Sell lands acquired at Tax Sale 4(1) 24 Town Officers' Accounts (3) 25 Workmen's Compensation (3) RULE XI. Special Committees. Special Committees may be authorized at any legal meet - VIII RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ing of the Board They shall, unless otherwise ordered or directed by a majority of the Board, be appointed by the Chairman RULE XII Committee of the Whole. The Board may, at any time when in session, resolve itself Into a committee of the whole on any subject before it. When the Board goes into a committee of the whole the Chairman may appoint a member of the Board to preside as chairman of the said committee or he may himself act as its chairman. RULE XIII. Limitation of Expenditures by Committees. No committee shall purchase or authorize the purchase of any equipment, material, goods, wares, or merchandise, or authorize the performance of any act or labor, for the county or any of its departments at a price in excess of three hundred dollars ($300 00) unless duly ,authorized by a resolution adopted by the Board, or by a committee report requesting such expenditure which has been presented to and adopted by the Board and the recommendations therein authorized to be carried out; provided however, that in case of an emergency requiring the expenditure of a sum in excess of $300, the Committee having the matter in charge may order the Clerk to take a vote by mail from each member of the Board on the question of such expenditure, and the committee shall be governed by that vote, and such vote shall be recorded in the minutes and printed in the proceedings. RULE XIV. Amendment and Suspension of Rules. These rules shall not be altered or amended except by a two- thirds vote of the members of the Board, and then only after at least one day's notice accompanied by a written or printed copy of the proposed alteration or amendment. Any of the rules of debate set forth in Rule VI, however, may be suspended during the pendency of any question by the unanimous consent of the Board IX RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FUNCTIONS OF STANDING COMMITTEES ADOPTED AUGUST 12, 1935 The several standing committees shall have the functions, powers, and duties herein enumerated and such other func- tions, powers, and duties as shall from time to time be con- ferred upon or assigned to, them by the Board Every stand- ing committee shall have implied authority to do whatever is necessary to carry out the main purpose of the committee or reasonably incidental thereto 1. Bovine Tuberculosis (5 members including 2 super- visors) It shall be the duty of this committee to supervise the eradication of bovine tuberculosis and all investigations in connection therewith, to employ and, if advisable, dis- charge the personnel necessary to carry on this work and fix the amount of their compensation within the amount appropriated; to audit all bills incurred in such work and to recommend appropriations therefor The County Treasurer is authorized to pay out monies, with- in the appropriation, upon the written order of the Committee, signed by the representatives from the Board. (See County Law §12 subd 28 c ) 2. Charities (3 members) It shall be the duty of this Committee to look after the lands and buildings of the County Home and to see that the same are kept in proper condition, reporting to the Board when any alterations or additions are required; to act in an advisory capacity to the Commissioner of Public Welfare, and to audit the accounts of the Wel- fare Department and recommend appropriations there- for. 3. County Buildings, Grounds and Employees (5 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to look after the county buildings and grounds located- in the City of Ithaca, including the new courthouse and jail, the old courthouse, and the old comity clerk's building, anc any property rented by the county for county purposes but not including the county highway building, and to select, hire, and discharge all employees required for the care of said buildings and grounds, including the telephone operator in the courthouse The wages of x RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS such employees, however, shall be fixed by, the Com- mittee on Salaries and Wages. 4. County Laboratory (3 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to audit the bills and accounts of the board of managers of the county laboratory, and recommend appropriations there- for. 5. County Officers' Accounts (3 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to audit the bills and accounts of the Supervisors, County Judge and Surrogate, Special County Judge, Childrens' Court Judge, County Clerk, Commissioners of Election, Coroner, and Sealer of Weights and Measures. 6 County Treasurer's Accounts (3 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to audit the ac- counts of the County Treasurer. 7. Courts, Correction, and Legislation (3 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to audit the bills and accounts of the Sheriff (excepting bills for jail sup- plies), the County Attorney, the District Attorney, and the Probation Officer, and all bills relating to the Su- preme Court, County Court, Courthouse Library, Penal Institutions and Reform Schools To this committee shall be referred the reports of the above named officials, all business pertaining to lawsuits and/or legislation in which the County is concerned or interested, and all matters involving the interpretation or amendment of the Rules of this Board. 8 Dog Quarantine Enforcement (3 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to make all necessary arrangements for the proper enforcement of the quarantine on dogs, to appoint and, if advisable to discharge any enforcement officer, and to issue orders on the County Treasurer for the payment of any neces- sary expenses incurred in the proper enforcement of such quarantine (See Article 7 Agriculture & Mar- kets Law) XI RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 9 Education (3 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to recommend appropriations for the Farm Bureau Association, Home Bureau Association, Farm Bureau for Junior Project Extension Work, Board of Child Welfare, Public Health Committee and Cornell Library Association ; and to audit bills and recommend appropriations for the Rural Traveling Library System, Educational Notices, Care of Deaf Mutes and Blind, and for such other items as may be referred to it. 10 Equalization (7 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to examine the assessment rolls and report as to the form and sufficiency of the verifications of the roll required by Section 38 of the Tax Law. The committee shall have authority subject to ratification by the Board to correct manifest clerical errors in the rolls under Section 16 of the County Law, and make such changes in the descriptions of real property as shall be deemed necessary as provided by §§ 54 and 106 of the Tax Law, and incorporate in their report all those parcels of real property which by reason of lack of definite description should be omitted from taxation for the current year under Section 54 of the Tax Law, which report shall be rendered prior to the 10th day of the Annual Session. This committee shall determine the accuracy of the footings of the several assessment rolls and tabulate their results in such manner as may be required to show the assessment liable for each tax levied, which re- port shall be rendered on or prior to the 15th day of the Annual Session. This committee shall investigate the ratio or per- centage which the assessed value of the real property in each tax district bears to the full value of such prop- erty and shall report and recommend to the Board such percentages for each district as determined by such investigation. In connection with such report the committee shall make the computations required by Section 50 of the Tax Law based upon such proposed percentages, and XII RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS shall show• such computation and results arrived at in full. In case other percentages are adopted by the Board, this committee shall make and report the other com- putations required. They shall also compile and tabulate a statement of the total valuation of taxable property within each tax district of the County as a basis for the apportionment of the County Taxes. This committee shall apportion to the several tax districts the share of the State and County Tax to be borne by each of them and shall determine and report the several tax rates required for each tax district for which a rate is fixed by the Board of Supervisors. 11 Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes (3 mem- bers) It shall be the duty of this committee to consider all applications and orders for a refund of taxes; prepare a tabulated statement of all taxes refunded including the name of the person or corporation entitled thereto and the amount to be levied on each town or city by reason of such refund, to determine the amount of school and highway taxes returned as unpaid, recom- mend the adoption of such resolutions as may be neces- sary in order that they may be relevied, and report o to the Board a tabular statement of the taxes reassessed. To this committee shall be referred the certificate of school trustees mentioned in §436 of the Education Law, and the certificate of town superintendents mentioned in §55 of the Highway Law. 12 Finance (5 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to consider all resolutions relating to Mond issues and such resolutions for appropriations, temporary loans, and other finan- cial matters as may be referred to it; to prepare and present to the Board at its annual session a statement of the necessary appropriations for county expenditures and the estimated county revenues, other than taxes, for the ensuing year in the form prescribed by the State Comptroller. All committees recommending appropria- tions shall file their reports with the Clerk on or before the 12th day of the Annual Session and the report of the t XIII RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Law, where such lands are required for highway pur- n-ge,§ o1 4uunsand `aadoad sump 1.1 se uogBiadoaddn (d) Negotiate on behalf of the Board for lands for rights of way, and other purposes specified in the Highway of the Highway Law for the removal of snow from the highways of the county and for sanding or other- wise treating them for the purpose of removing dan- ger due to ice and snow thereon, and for the planting of trees, the cutting and removal of noxious weeds, briers, and brush within the bounds of county roads and town highways improved by county aid, and the purchase and erection of snow fences or other struc- tures to prevent the drifting of snow on the highways. (b) Introduce in its discretion a resolution on or before October lst, of each year requesting state aid for snow removal, pursuant to §53-c of the Highway Law, designating the state and county highways from which snow is sought to be removed and the number of miles on each highway. (c) Report to' the Board with its approval or disapproval plans for state highways specified in §122 of the Highway Law which have not already been construct- ed or approved. Finance Committee shall be presented not slater than the 18th day of the annual session. 13 Highway (5 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to (a) Recommend to the board at its annual session such poses, and if possible obtain options for purchase of the same upon terms which the committee considers fair and reasonable where such options can- not be obtained, secure if possible releases or agree- ments giving the right to enter and occupy the lands for highway purposes. If such lands cannot be ac- quired by purchase at a price satisfactory to the board, the committee shall introduce a resolution au- thorizing a proceeding for the condemnation thereof, pursuant to §150 of the Highway Law, and it shall be the duty of the committee to advise and assist the County Attorney in the prosecution of such proceed- ings. XIV RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Finance Committee annualsession. e riened not later than the 18th day of 13. Highway (5 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to (a) Recommend to the board aits nnu annual session ant to §53-a such appropriation as it deems proper, p of the Highway Law for the removal of snow from the highways of the county and for sanding or other- wise treating them for the purpose of removing dan- ger a-ger due to ice and snow thereon, and for the planting of trees, the cutting and removal of noxious weeds, briers, and brush within oved by bounds the ountycaid, tand the roads and town highways imp purchase and erection of snow fences or other struc- tures to prevent the drifting of snow on the highways. (b) Introduce in its discretion a resolution on stat ore abdf foi October 1st, of each year requesting snow removal, pursuant to §53-c of the Highway Law whichdesisnow is ng the county highways fron sought to be removed and the numbe of miles on each highway. (c) Report to the Board with its approval or disapprove plans for state highways specified in §122 of th Highway Law which have not already been construct ed or approved. (d) Negotiate on behalf of the Board for lands for right of way and other purposes specified in the Highwe 'Law, where such lands are required for highway pu poses, and if possible obtain options for purchase the same upon terms which the committee conside. fair and reasonable where such options ca not be obtained, secure if possible releases or agre ments giving the right to enter and occupy n for highway purposes. If such lands cannot be e quired by purchase at a price satisfactory to t board, the committee shall introduce a resolution a thorizing a proceeding for the condemnation there pursuant to §150 of the Highway Law, and it sh be the duty of committee to assist t County Attorney eadvise n the prosecution of such proce ings. XIV RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (e) Consider and report to the Board with its recom- mendation the request of any town board for a walk or path for pedestrians along any improved state or county highway or along a part thereof, in accord- ance with §160-b of the Highway Law. • (f) Consider the needs for construction or improvement of bridges in one or more towns of the county at the joint expense of the county and town or towns, as provided in §262-a of the Highway Law, and recom- mend to the Board appropriate action in accordance with said law. (g) Consider the need for extending county aid in the construction or improvement of highways in a town or towns, and the designation of highways which the town or towns are to construct or improve by such aid, as provided in §320-a of the Highway Law and recommend to the Board appropriate action in ac- cordance with said law (h) Examine the map of the proposed county road system, and amendments thereof, as prepared by the County Superintendent, and the Superintendent's statement of the roads on such map proposed to be constructed or reconstructed, consider the appropriations and con- tributions required for the county road fund, and recommend to the Board such action as it deems ap- propriate in accordance with the provisions of §320-b of the Highway Law (i) Consider the need for the construction or improve- ment of highways or sections thereof through in= corporated villages at the joint expense of the county and village, as provided in §320-e of the Highway Law, and recommend to the Board appropriate action in accordance with said law. (0 ) Audit bills for expenses incurred in all matters em- braced within subdivision d above, and for mileage of the County Superintendent of Highways and his expenses in attending conferences or conventions, and all other bills for highway purposes excepting those which the County Treasurer is•authorized to pay with- out audit. xv RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 14. Highway and Bridge Advisory (3 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to confer with and advise the County Superintendent of Highways in such matters pertaining to county and state highways and bridges as the Superintendent ,shall bring to their attention. 15. Insurance and County Officers' Bonds (3 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to determine the amount of fire insurance required on all county build- ings and the contents thereof, select the companies with which such insurance shall be carried and negotiate contracts therefor, with a yiew to an equitable dis- tribution thereof among the insurance agents doing business in the county The committee shall have simi- lar authority in regard to such other forms and kinds of insurance as the board may direct them to secure It shall also be the duty of this committee to examine and approve the form and sufficiency of all county officers' bonds 16. Jail Supplies (3 memoers) It shall be the duty of this committee to audit all bills for books, records, furniture, implements, tools, ma- terials, food, and other supplies of whatever nature, necessary for the custody and maintenance of prisoners and other persons detained within the county jail. 17. Public Health (11 members including 3 supervisors and 5 physicians) It shall be the duty of this committee to recommend to the board of supervisors the appointment and em- ployment of such public health nurses, dental hygienists and clinic physicians, as it may deem proper, recommend appropriations to provide for the expenses thereof, and to approve or disapprove the designation by school authorities of any public health nurse as a school nurse in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 44a of §12 of the County Law All such public health em= ployees shall work under the direction of this committee. The supervisor members of this committee shall audit the bills incurred for such purposes, and the County Treasurer is authorized to pay any public health em - XVI RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ployee in advance of audit, within the limits of appropri- ations made, upon the presentation of a verified written statement with vouchers approved by any member of the Board who is a member of thi's committee, each of whom is hereby designated to act for that purpose. 18 Purchasing (3,members) It shall be the duty of this committee to purchase in the name of the county, within appropriations made and subject to the limitation specified in Rule XIII of the rules of the Board, all books, furniture, office equip- ment, stationery, and supplies, required in and for the offices of all county officials; also fuel, light, and tele- phone service for all county buildings excepting the highway building. 19 Reforestation (3 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to recommend to the Board appropriations for the purchase of lands for reforestation, the planting of trees upon such lands and the caring for and protecting such plantations and other forests thereon; to obtain and submit to the Board options for the purchase of such lands as in its opinion are desirable and adapted for reforestation ; and to represent and act for the Board in all reforestation pro- jects. The County Treasurer is authorized to pay claims for service rendered in tree planting upon the order of this committee, and the committee shall render a com- plete report of all payments and to whom made at the next regular meeting of the Board following the dis- bursement. 20 Salaries and Wages (3 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to prepare and recommend to the Board at its annual session a schedule showing the amount of salaries to be paid to all county officials and the amount of salaries or wages to be paid to all county employees except employees of the tuber- culosis hospital, the county laboratory, the welfare de- partment, and the county home, but including the com- missioner of welfare and the attending physician of the XVII RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS county home , and to recommend appropriations there- for. In the interim between annual sessions when new employees are taken on, or new officials appointed, and changes in salaries or wages are required, it shall be the duty of this committee to pass upon the same, and recommend appropriate action at any meeting of the Board 21. Soldiers' Relief (8 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to arrange for the burial of old soldiers and the erection of headstones at their graves, who are residents of the county and die without leaving sufficient means to defray such ex- penses; and to audit the bills therefor, and to consider and make recommendations to the Board with respect to all matters affecting veterans, veterans' organiza- tions and veteran's relief which are not handled by the commissioner of public welfare 22 To Audit Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital (3 mem- bers) It shall be, the duty of this committee to audit the bills and accounts presented by the board of managers of the tuberculosis hospital within the limits of the ap- propriation therefor. 23. To Sell Lands Acquired at Tax Sale (1 member) This committee shall have full power to sell any prop- erty purchased or acquired by the county at tax sale, and is hereby given full power and authority to execute contracts of sale, options, deeds of conveyance, and/or other necessary instruments in writing, which may be required for the disposition of such property, as the duly authorized agent of Tompkins County for such purposes 24 Town Officers' Accounts (3 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to audit the bills of justices of the peace, assessors, and deputy sheriffs in dog cases and in any other cases where the expenses are county charges. ' This committee shall report to the Board the amount necessary to be raised by the county and towns for ' XVIII RULES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the con- struction of roads, in accordance with notice from the State Comptroller, and the several sums to be charged to the county, city and towns for election expenses. 25. Workmen's Compensation (3 members) It shall be the duty of this committee to manage the assessment plan of mutual self-insurance for the county and such of the cities, villages and towns as by resolu- tion of their governing board elect to participate, for the payment of compensation to the employees of the county and of the several participating municipal cor- porations, including volunteer firemen to the limits as fixed by §205 of the general municipal law, in accord- ance with §50 subdivision 3a of the Workmen's Com- pensation Law; to audit bills for all expense incurred in the operation of such plan, recommend to the board sufficient appropriations to take care of such expenses, apportion to the county and to the respective participat- ing municipalities their proper share thereof, and certify to the clerk of the board the amounts so ap- portioned The committee shall also transmit to the clerk of each participating village the amount appor- tioned by it to such village. The clerk of the board shall be the clerk of this com- mittee and shall make out and file with the Bureau of Workmen's Compensation of the Department of Labor of the State of New York all reports required by the said Bureau or by the Workmen's Compensation Law. The County Attorney shall represent the county and all participating municipalities in the, proceedings and hear- ings conducted pursuant to the Workmen's Compensa- tion Law, and shall be the legal advisor of the Com- mittee in respect to all pending cases. xIx Board of 'Supervisors Tompkins County HISTORICAL SKETCH ° OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Historical Sketch of Tompkins County The County of Tompkins was organized by an Act of the Legislature, from Cayuga and Seneca Counties on , April • 7, 1817. Cayuga County was erected from Onondaga County March 8, 1799 and Seneca County from Cayuga County on March 24, 1804 Onondaga County was originally a part of Herkimer County and was erected March 5, 1794 Herkimer County was erected February 16, "1791, from Montgomery County. Montgomery County was erected March 12, 1772, from Al- bany County The original name of Montgomery County was Tryon Coun- ty, but its present name was adopted April 2, 1784 Albany County was one of the ten original counties of the State, and was erected November 1, 1683 Thus it will be seen that Tompkins County was originally a part of Albany County. The other nine original counties of the State were Dutchess, Kings, New York, Orange, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk, Ulster and Westchester, and were all erected at the same time as Albany County. Tompkins County was the fiftieth county erected in the State and at the time of its organization, comprised the towns of Ulysses, Hector (now in Schuyler County), Covert (now in Seneca County), Dryden, Lansing and Groton. Ulysses was formed in 1795 and comprised its present terri- tory as well as what is now the towns of Enfield and Ithaca, including the present City of Ithaca. XXIII HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Dryden was first surveyed in 1790 and was known as town- ship No. 23, Military tract. In 1791 it became a part of the town of Owego, Tioga County and in 1794 was made a part of Onondaga County, from 1799 to 1817 it was a,part of Cayuga County Groton was formed from Cayuga County under the name of "Division" in 1817 and its present name was adopted March 13, 1818. Lansing was also formed from Cayuga County in 1817 Enfield and Ithaca were formed from Ulysses, March 16, 1821. Caroline, Danby and Cayuta (Newfield) were organized from the Town of Spencer in Tioga County, February 22, 1811 and were annexed to Tompkins County March 22, 1822. A part of Caroline was annexed to Danby in 1839 and a part of Danby was annexed to Caroline in 1856 A part of Newfield was annexed to Schuyler County in 1853 The City of Ithaca was erected in 1888 from the town of Ithaca. The first principal officials of Tompkins County were : County Judge—Oliver C. Comstock, County Clerk—Archer Green, Sheriff—Henry Bloom, F Surrogate—Andrew D W Bruyn. The following is a list of the Supervisors of the several towns of Tompkins County from the date of the organization of the county to the present time This record is published at this time, with the belief that it may be of interest to the public in general, and of historical value for future reference A former record published in the Supervisors' report of 1915 was incomplete, because of the fact that, at that time no records were available prior to 1857, the date of the publication of the first proceedings of the Board of Supervisors However, recently the re -organized DeWitt Historical Society placed in our hands the original long hand minutes of the Board of Supervisors' of Tompkins County from its first meeting, April 28, 1817. XXIV HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNT Y 1817 Covert—Levi Wheeler Division—Samuel Crittenden Dryden—Parley Whitmore Hector—Richard Smith Lansing—Richard Townley (Chair ) Ulysses—John Sutton Clerk 'Parley Whitmore 1818 Covert—John DeMott Dryden—John Ellis Groton—Samuel Crittenden Hector—Sullivan D. Hubbel Lansing—Richard Townley Ulysses—Nicoll Halsey (Chair.) Clerk—John Ellis 1819 Dryden—John Ellis Groton—Isaac Allen (Chair.) Hector—Peter Himrod Lansing—Richard Townley Ulysses—Wm R Collins Clerk—John Ellis 1820 Dryden—John Ellis Groton—Isaac Allen Hector—Caleb Smith Lansing—Richard Townley Ulysses—John Sutton (Chair ) Clerk—John Ellis 1821 Dryden—John Ellis Enfield—Walter Pain Groton—Jonathan Bennett (Chair.) Hector—Aranthus Everts Ithaca—Nathan Herrick Lansing—Richard Townley Ulysses—Nicoll Halsey Clerk—John Ellis xxv HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1822 Dryden—John Elhs Enfield—John Applegate Groton—Jonathan Bennett Hector—Peter Himrod Ithaca—Nathan Herrick Lansing—Wm Hunter Ulysses—Nicoll Halsey (Chair.) Clerk—John Ellis 1823 ' Caroline—Levi Slater Danby—Benjamin Jennings Dryden—John Elhs Enfield—Walter Paine Groton—Jonathan Bennett Hector—Samuel Hanley Ithaca—Nathan Herrick Lansing—Richard Townley Newfield—Jared Patchen Ulysses—Nicoll Halsey (Chair.) Clerk—John Ellis 1824 ` • Caroline—Levi Slater Danby—Benjamin Jennings Dryden—John Ellis Enfield—John Applegate Groton—Nathan Benson Hector—Samuel Hanley Ithaca—Nathan Herrick Lansing—John Brown Newfield—Jared Patchen Ulysses—Nicoll Halsey (Chair ) Clerk—John Ellis 1825 Caroline—Levi Slater Danby—Benjamin Jennings Dryden—John Ellis Enfield—John Applegate , Groton—Nathan Benson Hector—John Saylor Ithaca—Andrew D W Bruyn XXVI HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Lansing—John Brown ' Newfield—Jared Patchen Ulysses—Nicoll Halsey (Chair.) Clerk—John Ellis 1826 Caroline—Robert Freeland Danby—Benjamin Jennings Dryden—John Ellis Enfield—Gilbert J. Ogden Groton—Job Ailing Hector—John Saylor Ithaca—Ben Johnson Lansing—Arad Joy Newfield—Jared Patchen Ulysses—Nicoll Halsey (Chair ) Clerk—Henry J. Walbridge , 1827 Caroline—Robert Freeland Danby—Elbert Curtis Dryden—John Ellis Enfield—Gilbert J. Ogden Groton—Job Ailing Hector—Caleb Smith (Chair ) Ithaca—Ira Tillotson Lansing—Josiah Hedden Newfield—John White Ulysses—John Thompson Clerk—Henry J Walbridge 1828 Caroline—Augustin Boyer, Danby—Jonathan B Gosman Dryden—John Ellis Enfield—Christopher Mille/ Groton—Wm Woodbury Hector—Caleb Smith (Chair ) Ithaca—Ira Tillotson Lansing—Ebenezer Brown 2d Newfield—Daniel B Swartwood Ulysses—John Thompson Clerk—Henry S Walbridge xxvI I HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1829 Caroline—Wm. Jackson Danby—Harley S. Lord Dryden—John Ellis (Chair.) Enfield—Christopher Miller Groton—Wm. Woodbury Hector—John Saylor Ithaca—Ira Tillotson Lansing—Josiah Hedden Newfield—Daniel B. Swartwood Ulysses—John Thompson Clerk—H. S. Walbridge 1830 Caroline—Wm. Jackson Danby—Benjamin Jennings (Chair ) Dryden—John Ellis Enfield—Christopher Miller Groton—Wm Woodbury Hector—Caleb Smith Ithaca—Ira Tillotson Lansing—Calvin Burr Newfield—Daniel B. Swartwood Ulysses—David Bower Clerk—H. S. Walbridge 1831 Caroline—Wm. Jackson Danby—Chester W. Lord Dryden—John Ellis Enfield—Christopher Miller Groton—Xury Blodgett Hector—Eleazei Brown (Chair.) Ithaca—Ira Tillotson Lansing—Calvin Burr Newfield—Jared Patchen Ulysses—David Bower Clerk—H S Walbridge 1832 Caroline—Samuel H Dean Danby—Chester W. Lord Dryden—John Ellis XXVIII HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Enfield—Wm. Hunter Groton—Xury Blodgett Hector—Eleazer Brown (Chair ) Ithaca—Ira Tillotson Lansing—Josiah Hedden Newfield—Daniel' B Swartwood Ulysses—David Bower Clerk—H S. Walbridge 1833 Caroline—Samuel H. Dean Danby—Alexander Gaston Dryden—John Ellis Enfield—Wm. Hunter (Chair.) Groton—John Boynton Hector—Thomas B. Sears Ithaca—Ira Tillotson Lansing—Josiah Hedden ' Newfield—Israel Mead Ulysses—David Bower Clerk—H S Walbridge 1834 Caroline—Samuel H. Dean , Danby—Elbert Curtis Dryden—John Ellis (Chair.) Enfield—David Atwater Groton—John Boynton Hector—Thomas B. Sears Ithaca—Ira Tillotson Lansing—Luther Hedden Newfield—Cornelius Sebring Ulysses—David Bower Clerk—Wm. H L. Bogart 1835 Caroline—Henry Tears Danby—Miles C. Mix Dryden—Joshua Phillips Enfield—Bethuel V. Gould Groton—Silvanus Larned Hector—Caleb Smith (Chair ) Ithaca—Julius Ackley Lansing—John Griswold XXIX HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Newfield—Cornelius Sebring Ulysses—David Bower Clerk—Geo G Freer i , 1836 1 Carohne—Spencer Hungerford 1 Danby—Sherman Miller Dryden—Joshua Phillips Enfield—Bethuel V. Gould Groton—Silvanus Larned (Chair.) Hector—Ira Reynolds ' Ithaca—Joseph Esty Lansing—John Griswold Newfield—Abram Dudley Ulysses—David Bower Clerk—Geo. G Freer 1837 Caroline—Spencer Hungerford Danby—Elbert Curtis Dryden—Joshua Phillips Enfield—Bethuel V. Gould Groton=Wm. Woodbury Hector—Ararithus Everts (Chair.) Ithaca—Amos Hixson Lansing—John Griswold Newfield—Geo. Dudley Ulysses—David Bower Clerk—Wm. H L Bogart 1838 Caroline—Lyman Kingman Danby—Andrew Taylor Dryden—John Ellis Enfield—Bethuel V Gould Groton—Wm Woodbury Hector—Robert Swartwout (Chair.) Ithaca—John J Speed, Jr. Lansing—Daniel D. Metier Newfield—Israel Mead Ulysses—David Bower Clerk—Wm H L Bogart xxx HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1839 Caroline—Lyman Kingman Danby—Andrew Taylor Dryden—Joshua Phillips Enfield—Carlos C Applegate Groton—John Boynton Hector—John Sayler' (Chair ) Ithaca—Jacob M McCormick Lansing—Daniel D Minier Newfield—Chas M. Turner , Ulysses—John M Miller Clerk—Wm H L. Bogart 1840 Caroline—Lyman Kingman Danby—Frederick Beers Dryden—Elias W. Cady Enfield—Carlos C Applegate (Chair.) Groton—Sylvester Nash Hector—Richard M Graham ,Ithaca—Jeremiah L Beebe Lansing—Daniel D Minier Newfield Charles M Turner Ulysses—John M Miller Clerk—Wm H. L. Bogart 1841 Caroline—Lyman Kingman Danby—Elbert Curtis (Chair.) Dryden—Elias W. Cady Enfield—Carlos C Applegate Groton—Sylvester Nash Hector—Elisha Payne Ithaca—Horace Mack Lansing—Wm. R Fitch Newfield—Charles M Turner Ulysses—John M Miller Clerk—James Thompson 1842 Caroline—Lyman Kingman Danby—Eli Beers Dryden—Henry B. Weaver XXXI HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Enfield—John S A. Williams Groton—John Youngs Hector—Thomas B. Sears (Chair ) Ithaca—Amasa Dana Lansing—Wm. R Fitch Newfield—Nelson Hotchkiss Ulysses—Alexander Bower Clerk—Moses R. Wright 1843 Caroline—James R. Speed Danby—Andrew Taylor Dryden—Henry B. Weaver (Chair ) Enfield—Joshua S. Miller Groton—John Youngs Hector—Thomas B. Sears Ithaca—Joseph F. Hixson Lansing—Wm. R. Fitch Newfield—Nelson Hotchkiss Ulysses—Alex Bower Clerk—Moses R Wright 1844 Caroline—Lyman Kingman (Chair.) Danby—Chester W Lord Dryden—Jeremiah Snyder Enfield—Jared Freeman Groton—John Youngs Hector—Horatio H. Woodward Ithaca—Joseph F. Hixson Lansing—Wm. R. Fitch Newfield—Daniel Crawford Ulysses—Alex Bower Clerk—John M. Brown 1845 Caroline—John Chambers Danby—Chester W. Lord Dryden—Wessels S. Middaugh Enfield—Chas Woodward Groton—Cicero Phelps Hector—H. H. Woodward Ithaca—Samuel Giles Lansing—Luther Hedden Newfield—Benjamin Brown Ulysses—Wm 1 Stone (Chair.) Clerk—M R. Wright XXXII 1 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1846 Caroline—Daniel S. Mead Danby—Eleazer Taylor Dryden—Wessels S `Middaugh Enfield—Cyrus Gray Groton—Cicero Phelps Hector—Elijah Baker Ithaca—Wm Andrus Lansing—Luther Hedden (Chair ) Newfield—Abram Cook Ulysses—Alexander Bower Clerk—Wm Marsh 1847 Caroline—Lyman Kingman Danby—Francis Nourse Dryden—Wessels S Middaugh Enfield—Cyrus Gray Groton—Ethan Mix Hector—Alexander Graham Ithaca—Wm Andrus Lansing—Luther Hedden (Chair ,) Newfield—Abram Cdok Ulysses—Alexander Bower Clerk—Wm Marsh 1848 Caroline—Samuel E Green Danby—Gideon Tuthill. Dryden—Albert J Twogood Enfield—Daniel L. Starr Groton—Ethan Mix Hector—Horatio H Woodward Ithaca—Wm. Andrus Lansing—David Crocker, Jr. Newfield—Abram Cook Ulysses—Alexander Bower (Chair.) Clerk—Wm Marsh 1849 Caroline—Samuel E Green Danby—Gideon Tuthill Dryden—Hiram Snyder Enfield—Carlos C Applegate (Chair.) Groton—Wm. Woodbury Hector—James B Bodle , Ithaca—Frederick Deeming XXXIII 0 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Lansing—Clinton Bowker Newfield—Daniel Crawford Ulysses—Lewis W Owen Clerk—Samuel Crittenden 1850 Caroline—Wm. Cooper Danby—Eli Beers Dryden—Chas. Givens Enfield—Amos Curry Groton—Wm. Woodbury (Chair.) Hector—Andrew Darling Ithaca—Nathan T. Williams Lansing—Benoni Brown Newfield—Benjamin Brown Ulysses—Wm. C. Wadworth Clerk—Samuel Crittenden 1851 Caroline—Henry Crum Danby—Francis Nourse Dryden—Hiram Snyder Enfield—John Hardenburgh Groton—I. P Pennoyer Hector—R. S. Smith Ithaca—Frederick _Deeming (Chair.) Lansing—David Crocker, Jr Newfield—Wm Campbell Ulysses—Thomas Bowers Clerk—Wm. V Bruyn 1852 Caroline—Michael C. Krum Danby—Francis Nourse , Dryden—Hiram Snyder Enfield—Joseph Rolfe Groton—Wm. Woodbury (Chair ) Hector—Reuben S. Smith t Ithaca—Jonathan B. Gosman Lansing—Wm R. Fitch Newfield—;Benjamin R McAllister Ulysses—A B Dickerman Clerk—Wm. V. Bruyn 1853 Caroline—Edward Hungerford Danby—E. L. B. Curtis xxxIv HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Dryden—Hiram Snyder Enfield—Joshua S. Miller Groton—Justus P Pennoyer Hector—Henry Fish Ithaca—Stephen B Cushing Lansing—Benjamin Joy (Chair.) Newfield—Ichabod B. Palmer Ulysses—Wm. C Woodworth Clerk—Marcus Lyon 1854 Caroline—Robert H. Hyde Danby—Francis Nourse Dryden—Warren D. Ellis Enfield—Joseph Rolfe Groton—Clark Chapman Hector—Henry Fish Ithaca—Stephen B. Cushing Lansing—Wm. R. Fitch (Chair.) Newfield—Ninim Cutter Ulysses—Aaron B. Dickerman Clerk—Spence Spencer 1855 Caroline—H. C Reed Danby—F. Beers Dryden—S. Robinson Enfield—Peter Van Dorn Groton—C. Chapman (Chair.) Ithaca—B. G Ferris Lansing—E. C. Moe Newfield—P. S. Dudley Ulysses—H. B. Chase ' Clerk—M. S. Barnes 1856 Caroline—John Bull Danby—Lemuel Jennings Dryden—Hiram Snyder Enfield—Chester Rolfe Groton—Clark Chapman Ithaca—Wm. L Hoyt Lansing—Clinton Bowker (Chair.) Newfield—Niram Cutter Ulysses—Henry B. Chase Clerk—Geo. H. Collins ,xxxv HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1857 Caroline—John Bull - Danby—Elbert Curtis Dryden—J. W. Dwight (Chair ) Enfield—S. V. Graham Groton—E. J. Watrous Ithaca—Wm. S Hoyt Lansing—A W Knettles Newfield—John Alexander Ulysses—L H. Owen Clerk—James W Stansbury 1858 Caroline—Charles J. Rounsville Danby—D. A Marsh Dryden—J. W Dwight (Chair.) Enfield—S V Graham Groton—E. J Watrous Ithaca—Wm S Hoyt Lansing—A. W Knettles Newfield—John Alexander Ulysses—L. H Owen Clerk—James W Stansbury 1859 Caroline—John J Bush Danby—Lytleton F Clark Dryden—Lemi Grover Enfield—Henry Brewer Groton—Wm. D Mount Ithaca—John Gauntlett (Chair.) Lansing—James B Walker Newfield—Abram Cook Ulysses—L. H. Owen Clerk—Joseph M. Lyon 1860 Caroline—Peter Lounsbery Danby—Lyleton F Clark Dryden—Leim Grover Enfield—Henry Brewer Groton—W. D. Mount (Chair ) Ithaca—H. F. Hibbard Lansing—Henry B Lord Newfield—P S. Dudley Ulysses—A M Holman ' Clerk—James W. Stansbury =vi HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1861 Caroline—W H Blair Danby—W. A Mandeville Dryden—Caleb Bartholomew Enfield—Wm L. Bostwick Groton—W. D. Mount (Chair.) Ithaca—John Gauntlett Lansing—H. B Lord Newfield—B R McAllister Ulysses—A. M Holman Clerk—B G Jayhe 1862 Caroline—William Curtis Danby—W A. Mandeville Dryden—Luther Griswold Enfield—Wm L Bostwick Groton—Wm. D Mount (Chair.) Ithaca—John L Winton Lansing—H B Lord Newfield—B R McAllister Ulysses—Lyman Congdon Clerk—B G. Jayne 1863 Caroline—James H. Snow Danby—Levi Curtis Dryden—Luther Griswold Enfield—D W Bailey Groton—M. D. Fitch Ithaca—P J. Partenheimer Lansing—H. B Lord (Chair ) Newfield—Abram Coon Ulysses—Lyman Congdon Clerk—,John H Emery 1864 Caroline—Samuel E. Green Danby—Levi Curtis . , Dryden—Luther Griswold Enfield—David Colegrove Groton—M D. Fitch Ithaca—A. B Cornell Lansing—H. B Lord (Chair ) Newfield—John L Puff Ulysses—Lyman Congdon Clerk—John H Emery XXXVII HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1865 Caroline—Samuel E. Green Danby—Levi Curtis Dryden—Luther Griswold Enfield—D W. Bailey Groton—M D. Fitch Ithaca—A. B. Cornell Lansing—H. B. Lord (Chair ) Newfield—Ira C. Rockwell Ulysses—Lyman Congdon Clerk—John H. Emery 1866 Caroline—Sharrard Slater Danby—E. L. B. Curtis Dryden—John M. Smith Enfield—D. W. Bailey Groton—D. B. Marsh Ithaca—Joseph M. Lyons Lansing—A. W Knettles (Chair.) Newfield—Ira C. Rockwell Ulysses—William Pierson Clerk—John H. Emery 1867 Caroline—Samuel P. Ashley Danby—E. L. B. Curtis Dryden—John M. Smith Enfield—D. W. Bailey Groton=Walter W. White Ithaca—Wm. L. Bostwick (Chair.) Lansing—William Mead Newfield—Benjamin Starr Ulysses—Alexander Bower Clerk—John H. Emery 1868 Caroline—Lyman Kingman Danby—Josiah Hawes Dryden—John M Smith (Chair.) Enfield—Samuel V. Graham Groton—Walter W. White Ithaca—David L Burtt Lansing—J. Bruyn Bogardus Newfield—Andrew J. White Ulysses—Levi H Owen Clerk—S H Wilcox XXXVIII HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1869 Caroline—Sharrard Slater Danby—Josiah Hawes Dryden—John M Smith (Chair ) Enfield—Samuel V Graham Groton—Wm. D. Mount Ithaca—Howard C Williams Lansing—James M Woodbury Newfield—Christopher C. Cook Ulysses—Henry B Chase Clerk—S H Wilcox 1870 Caroline—John Wolcott Danby—Josiah Hawes Dryden—John M. Smith (Chair.) Enfield—John G Wortman Groton—Nelson Stevens Ithaca—Howard C Williams- Lansing—James M. Woodbury Newfield—Christopher C. Cook Ulysses—Levi H. Owen Clerk -S. H Wilcox 1871 Caroline—John Wolcott Danby—Josiah Hawes (Chair.) Dryden—John M. Smith Enfield -John G. Wortman Groton—Nelson Stevens Ithaca—Howard C Williams Lansing—James M Woodbury Newfield—Christopher C Cook Ulysses—Thomas Bower, 2nd Clerk—TE C Van Kirk 1872 Caroline—John Wolcott Danby—Josiah Hawes (Chair Dryden—James H George Enfield—S B Rolfe Groton—Nelson Stevens Ithaca—C W Bates Lansing—J M Woodbury, Newfield—John P Todd Ulysses—Thomas Bower, 2nd Clerk—E C Van Kirk xxxix ' ) , HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1873 Caroline—Chauncey L Wattles Danby—Josiah Hawes (Chair ) Dryden—James H George Enfield—Ebenezer Havens - Groton—V B Gross Ithaca—(Chas W Bates) D L Burtt Lansing—James M Woodbury Newfield—Hiram S Rockwell Ulysses—Thos Bower, 2nd Clerk—J L Baker - 1874 Caroline—Chauncey L Wattles Danby—Josiah Hawes (Chair ) Dryden—E. R Wade Enfield—Ebenezer Havens Groton—V B Gross Ithaca—David L Burtt Lansing—J M Woodbury Newfield—Stephen Davenport Ulysses—Alfred B Woodworth Clerk—J L Baker 1875 Caroline—Chauncey L Wattles Danby—Josiah Hawes Dryden—Harrison Marvin Enfield—D W. Bailey Groton—V. B. Gross Ithaca—David L Burtt (Chair ) Lansing—J M Woodbury Newfield—A J White Ulysses—J. P King Clerk—Thomas Burns 1876 Caroline—C L Wattles (Chair.) Danby—John E Beers Dryden—Harrison Marvin Enfield—Leroy H Van Kirk Groton—Nelson Stevens Ithaca—David L Burtt Lansing—Jas M Woodbury Newfield—Ezra Marion Ulysses—J Parker King Clerk—Thos W Burns' XL 4' r HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1877 Caroline—Epenetus Howe Danby—John E Beers Dryden—Harrison Marvin (Chair Enfield—L H. Van Kirk Groton—Nelson Stevens Ithaca—D L Burtt Lansing—David Crocker Newfield—Ezra Marion Ulysses—J P King , Clerk—T W. Burns 1878 Caroline—Epenetus Howe Danby—John E Beers Dryden—Hari ison Marvin Enfield—L H Van Kirk (Chair ) Groton—Wm Henry Fitch 'Ithaca—Pierce Pierson Lansing—David Crocker ' Newfield—Ezra Marion Ulysses—Horace G Cooper Clerk—D C Bouton 1879 Caroline—Smith D Stevens Danby—John E Beers (Chair ) Dryden—James H George Enfield—Seth B Harvey Groton—Wm H Fitch Ithaca—David L Burtt Lansing—David Crocker Newfield—Robert Alexander . Ulysses—Horace G Cooper ' Clerk—DeWitt C Bouton 1880 Caroline—Smith D Stevens Danby—John E. Beers (Chair.) Dryden—James H George Enfield—Seth B Harvey Groton—Wm H Fitch Ithaca—Alex Frear Lansing—David Crocker Newfield—Randolph Horton Ulysses—J Parker King Clerk—DeWitt C Bouton XLI ) HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1881 Caroline—James H Mount Danby—John E Beers (Chair ) Dryden—James H George Enfield—Isaac Newman Groton—Albert G Chapman Ithaca—Alex. Frear Lansing—David Crocker Newfield—Randolph Horton Ulysses—Horace G. Cooper Clerk—James McLachlan, Jr. 1882 Caroline—James Boice Danby—John E Beers Dryden—George M Rockwell Enfield—John J. Abel Groton—Albert G. Chapman Ithaca—Richard A. Crozier Lansing—David Crocker (Chair ) Newfield—Randolph Horton Ulysses—Horace A. Bower Clerk—DeVoe P. Hodson 1883 Caroline—James Boice Danby—John E. Beers Dryden—George M Rockwell Enfield—Daniel W Bailey Groton—Albert G Chapman Ithaca—Richard A. Crozier Lansing—David Crocker (Chair Newfield—Randolph Horton Ulysses—Levi J Wheeler Clerk—DeVoe P Hodson 1884 Caroline—Robert G H Speed Danby—John E. Beers ' Dryden—James H George (Chair ) Enfield—Lysander T White Groton—Albert G Chapman Ithaca—Richard A Crozier Lansing—David Crocker Newfield—Randolph Horton Ulysses—Levi J Wheeler Clerk—Myron N Tompkins ) XLII HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1885 Caroline—Robert G H Speed Danby—John E. Beers (Chair Dryden—James H. George Enfield—Byron Jackson Groton—Albert G. Chapman Ithaca—Richard A Crozier Lansing—David Crocker Newfield—Randolph Horton Ulysses—A. H Pierson Clerk—M. N. Tompkins ) 1886 Caroline—Robert G H Speed Danby—John E. Beers ' Dryden—George M. Rockwell Enfield—Tertelus Jones Groton—Albert G. Chapman (Chair Ithaca—Richard A Crozier Lansing—David Crocker Newfield—Randolph Horton Ulysses—Albert H. Pierson Clerk—M N. Tompkins 1887 Caroline—Robert G. H Speed Danby—John E Beers Dryden—G M. Rockwell (Chair.) Enfield—Burr Rumsey Groton—John W. Jones Ithaca—Geo. W. Frost Lansing—Horatio Brown Newfield—Randolph Horton Ulysses—Albert H Pierson Clerk—J. H. Jennings 1888 Caroline—James Boice Danby—Frank A Todd Dryden—John H Kennedy Enfield—Daniel W. Bailey Groton—John W Jones Ithaca—George W Frost Lansing—Horatio Brown Newfield—Samuel A Seabring, Ulysses—A. H Pierson (Chair.) Clerk—C B Fish XLIII ) 1 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1889 Caroline—Fred E. Bates Danby—John E. Beers (Chair.) Dryden—John H. Kennedy Enfield—Joshua S. Miller Groton—John W. Jones 'Ithaca (Town) —Nicholas Pearson Ithaca (City)—R A Crozier Ithaca (City)—H 'M. Hibbard Lansing—Horatio Brown , Newfield—Samuel A Seabring Ulysses—Albert H Pierson Clerk—C B Fish 1890 Caroline—Fred E. Bates Danby—John E Beers Dryden—J H. Kennedy Enfield—D. W. Bailey Groton—C W. Conger Ithaca (Town)—N Pearson (Chair.) Ithaca (City)—A G Genung Ithaca (City)—R Wolf Lansing—John H. Conklin , Newfield—S. A. Seabring Ulysses—A. H. Pierson Clerk—Chas C Van Kirk 1891 Caroline—Fred E Bates Danby—John E Beers Dryden—J H. Kennedy (Chair.) Enfield—T. Jones Groton—C. W. Conger Ithaca' (Town) --Chas M. Titus' Ithaca (City)—R A Crozier Ithaca (City)—R. Wolf Lansing—John H Conklin Newfield—Randolph Horton Ulysses—A H Pierson Clerk—Fred L Clock 1892 Caroline—Fred E Bates, John Bull Danby—Frank A. Todd Dryden—J H Kennedy (Chair.) Enfield—Wm. F. Smith Groton—Dana Rhodes XLIV HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Ithaca (Town)—Chas. M Titus Ithaca (City) —Amasa G Genung Ithaca (City)—Geo W. Frost Lansing—John H. Conklin Newfield—Randolph Horton Ulysses—Edward Camp Clerk—Fred L. Clock 1893 Caroline—John Bull Danby—F A Todd Dryden—J. H Kennedy Enfield—Levi J Newman Groton—Dana Rhodes Ithaca (Town)—N Pearson Ithaca (City)—E. S Carpenter Ithaca (City)—L G. Todd Ithaca (City)—T. S Thompson Ithaca (City)—J E. Van Natta Lansing—J. H. Conklin Newfield—R Horton (Chair ) Ulysses—Edward Camp Clerk—Hugh T. Burtt 1894 Caroline—Wm. K Boice Danby—Henry F. Hutchings Dryden—J. H Kennedy (Chair ) Enfield—Levi J. Newman Groton—John J Young . i Ithaca (Town) —A. O. Hart Ithaca (City)—C. F. Hottes Ithaca (City)—L G. Todd Ithaca (City)—T S Thompson Ithaca (City)—W. P. Harrington Lansing—J H Conklin Newfield—W. H. Van Ostrand Ulysses—Jarvis Ganoung Clerk—F. L. Clock 1895 Caroline—Wm. K. Boice Danby—Henry F. Hutchings Dryden—J. H. Kennedy Enfield—Levi J. Newman Groton—John J Young - Ithaca (Town)—Ai. O. Hart Ithaca (City)—C. F Hottes XLV HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Ithaca (City) —L. G. Todd Ithaca (City)—T. S. Thompson Ithaca (City)—W. P. Harrington Lansing—J. H. Conklin Newfield—W. H. VanOstrand (Chair ) Ulysses—Jarvis Ganoung Clerk—Arthur G. Marion 1896 Caroline—Wm. K Boice Danby—Frank A. Todd Dryden—Theron Johnson Enfield—Frank B. Aiken Groton—Frank A. Begent Ithaca (Town)—N. Pearson Ithaca (City)—C. F. Hottes Ithaca (City)—G W. Frost - Ithaca (City)—T. S. Thompson Ithaca (City)—W. P Harrington Lansing—B. M. Hagin Newfield—W. H. Van Ostrand (Chair.) Ulysses—W. H. Pinckney Clerk 'Arthur G. Marion 1897 Caroline—Wm. K. Boice Danby—Frank A. Todd (Chair.) Dryden—Theron Johnson Enfield—Frank B Aiken Groton—Frank A. Begent Ithaca (Town)—N. Pearson Ithaca (City)—C. F. Hottes Ithaca (City)—G. W. Frost Ithaca (City)—T. S. Thompson Ithaca (City)—W. P. Harrington Lansing—B. M. Hagin Newfield—W M. Van Ostrand Ulysses—W. H. Pinckney Clerk—Arthur G. Marion 1898' Caroline—F A. Snow , Danby—J. E. Beers Dryden—J. B. Wilson Enfield—James Hine Groton—A. M. Francis Ithaca (Town)—N. Pearson Ithaca (City)—L. F. Noxon XLVI HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY ,Ithaca (City) -G W. Frost Ithaca (City)—T. S Thompson Ithaca (City)—W P Harrington Lansing—B. M. Hagin Newfield—W. H. Van Ostrand (Chair.) Ulysses—W. H. Pinckney Clerk—Arthur G. Marion 1899 Caroline—F. A. Snow Danby—John E Beers (Chair) Dryden—J. B. Wilson Enfield—James H. Hine Groton—A. M. Francis Ithaca (Town)—N. Pearson Ithaca (City) —L. F. Noxon Ithaca (City)—G. W. Frost Ithaca (City)—T. S. Thompson Ithaca (City)—W. P. Harrington Lansing—B. M Hagin Newfield—W H. Van Ostrand Ulysses—W. H Pinckney Clerk—A. G Marion 1900 Caroline—F A Snow Danby—J E. Beers (Chair ) Dryden—J. B Wilson Enfield—Jas. H. Hine Groton—A M Francis Ithaca (Town)—Robert Pearson Ithaca (City)—L F. Noxon ' Ithaca (City)—G W. Frost Ithaca (City)—T. S Thompson Ithaca (City)—W. P Harrington Lansing—B. M. Hagin Newfield—W. H Van Ostrand Ulysses—W H. Pinckney Clerk --M A. Downing 1901 Caroline—F. A. Snow Danby—Wm. H. Baker Dryden—J. B. Wilson (Chair.) Enfield—J. H. Hine Groton—R. N. Mount Ithaca (Town)—J. J. Hanshaw Ithaca (City)—L. F. Noxon XLVII , HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Ithaca (City)—G. W Frost Ithaca (City)—T S Thompson Ithaca (City)—P S. Livermore Lansing—B M. Hagin Newfield—W H. Van Ostrand Ulysses—Eugene Terry Clerk—M A Downing 1902 Caroline—F. A Snow Danby—Wm. j H. Baker Dryden—J B. Wilson (Chair.) Enfield—J 111 Hine Groton—R N. Mount Ithaca (Town) —J. J. Hanshaw Ithaca (City)—L F. Noxon Ithaca (City)—W C. Hine Ithaca (City)—Charles Sprigg Ithaca (City) —P S Livermore Lansing—B M Hagin Newfield—W. H. Van Ostrand Ulysses—Eugene Terry ' Clerk—Bert T Baker 1903 Caroline—W. C Gallagher Danby—Wm H Baker Dryden—Webb Corbin Enfield—Jas H. Hine Groton—R. N. Mount Ithaca (Town)—J J. Hanshaw Ithaca (City)—L F. Noxon Ithaca (City)—W. C. Hine Ithaca (City)—Charles Sprigg Ithaca (City)—P. S Livermore Lansing—B. M Hagin Newfield—John C. Thompson ' Ulysses—Eugene Terry (Chair.) Clerk—Bert T Baker 1904 Caroline—W. C. Gallagher Danby—Wm. H. Baker Dryden—Webb Corbin Enfield—Jas. H. Hine Groton—R. N. Mount (Chair.) Ithaca (Town) -J. J. Hanshaw XLVIII HISTORICAL 'SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Ithaca (City)—Wm H Parker Ithaca (City) —H C. Fairbanks Ithaca (City)—Charles Sprigg Ithaca (City) —A. N. Miller Lansing—Chas. E. Wood Newfield—John C Thompson Ulysses—Eugene Terry Clerk—Bert T Baker 1905 Caroline—W. C. Gallagher Danby—Henry F. Hutchings Dryden—R F. Chappuis Enfield—Frank D. Fish Groton—R N. Mount (Chair.) Ithaca (Town)—J. J. Hanshaw Ithaca (City)—Wm. H. Parker Ithaca (City)—H. C. Fairbanks Ithaca (City)—Charles Sprigg Ithaca (City)—A N Miller Lansing—Orlando White Newfield—Berkley Simpson Ulysses—Harry Pearsall Clerk—Bert T. Baker 1906 Caroline—W. C Gallagher (Chair.) Danby—Henry F. Hutchings Dryden—R. F Chappuis Enfield—Frank D. Fish Groton—R. Newton Mount Ithaca (Town)—J. J. Hanshaw Ithaca (City)—Wm H Parker Ithaca (City)—H. C Fairbanks Ithaca (City)—Charles H. Beach Ithaca (City)—A. N. Miller o , Lansing—Orlando White Newfield—Berkley Simpson Ulysses—Harry B Pearsall Clerk—Bert T. Baker 1907 Caroline—Geo R Peck Danby—John B. Hamblin Dryden—R F Chappuis Enfield—F. D. Fish , Groton—Stephen H. Clapp Ithaca (Town)—John W. Preswick XLIX I HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Ithaca (City)—Wm. H. Parker Ithaca (City)—H. C.' Fairbanks Ithaca (City)—Chas. H. Beach Ithaca (City)—Arthur N. Miller Lansing—Orlando White (Chair.) Newfield—John C Thompson , Ulysses—Frank B. Aiken Clerk—Edward J Mone 1908 Caroline—Geo. R Peck Danby—John B Hamblin Dryden—R. F. Chappuis Enfield—Frank D. Fish Groton—Stephen H. Clapp Ithaca (Town)—J. W. Preswick Ithaca (City)—Wm H. Parker Ithaca (City)—L. E. Patterson Ithaca ' (City) —Chas H Beach Ithaca (City)—Frank B. Davis Lansing—Orlando White (Chair ) Newfield -=J. C Thompson Ulysses—Frank B. Aiken Clerk—Edward J Mone 1909 Caroline—W. C Gallagher Danby—Frank A. Todd Dryden—R. F. Chappuis Enfield—Wheeler Smith Groton—John W. Jones Ithaca (Town)—J. W. Preswick Ithaca (City)—Wm. H. Parker Ithaca (City)—L. E. 'Patterson Ithaca (City)—Chas. H. Beach Ithaca (City)—Frank B. Davis Ithaca (City)—Chas. A. Mackey Lansing—Orlando White Newfield—B. F. McAllister Ulysses—Frank B. Aiken (Chair.) Clerk—Bert T Baker 1910 Caroline—W. C. Gallagher ., Danby—Frank A. Todd Dryden—R. F. Chappuis Enfield—Wheeler Smith Groton—John W. Jones L HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY' Ithaca (Town) —J W. Preswick Ithaca (City)—Wm. H. Parker Ithaca (City)—L. E. Patterson Ithaca (City)—Geo. W. Frost Ithaca (City)—Frank B. Davis Ithaca (City)—Seth B. Squier, Lansing= -Orlando White Newfield=–B. F. McAllister Ulysses—Frank B. Aiken (Chair.) Clerk—Bert T. Baker 1911 Caroline—W. C. Gallagher Danby—Frank A Todd Dryden—R. F. Chappuis Enfield—Nelson B. Brown Groton—Frank A. Begent Ithaca (Town)—J. W. Preswick Ithaca (City)—R P McGreevy Ithaca (City)—L. E Patterson Ithaca (City)—Geo. W. Frost Ithaca (City)—Frank B. Davis Ithaca (City)—Seth B Squier , Lansing—Fox Holden (Chair.) Newfield—B Frank McAllister Ulysses—Milton D. Batty Clerk—Bert T. Baker 1912 Caroline—W. C Gallagher Danby—Frank A. Todd Dryden—R. F. Chappuis (Chair.) Enfield—Nelson B. Brown Groton—Frank A. Begent Ithaca (Town)—J. W. Preswick Ithaca (City)—R. P. McGreevy Ithaca (City)=A. C. Hyers Ithaca (City)—John Francis Ithaca (City)—Jas. R. Robinson, Jr. Ithaca (City)—Seth B. Squier' Lansing—Casper Fenner Newfield—B. F. McAllister Ulysses—Milton D. Batty Clerk—Aaron G. Mintz 1913 Caroline—W. C. Gallagher Danby—Frank A. Todd LI /1 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Dryden—M. L Stanton Enfield—Jas. H. Hine Groton—Frank A. Begent Ithaca (Town)—J. W. Preswick Ithaca (City)—R. P. McGreevy Ithaca (City)—A. C. Hyers Ithaca (City)—John' Francis Ithaca (City)—J R. Robinson, Jr. (Chair ) Ithaca (City)=Seth B. Squier Lansing—Casper Fenner Newfield—Albert Dassance Ulysses—J. M Townsend Clerk—Aaron G. Mintz 1914 Caroline—W C Gallagher Danby—Frank A Todd Dryden—M L Stanton - Enfield—J. H. Hine Groton—Frank A Begent Ithaca (Town)—J W Preswick Ithaca (City)—Wm H -Parker Ithaca (City)—Augustin I Schaefer Ithaca (City)—Fred C Evans Ithaca (City)—J. R Robinson (Chair.) Ithaca (City)—Wilber G Fish Lansing—Casper Fenner Newfield—Albert Dassance Ulysses—J M Townsend Clerk—Fred L. Clock 1915 Caroline—W C Gallagher (Chair.) Danby—Frank A Todd Dryden—Ed. S Hill , Enfield—Jas. H. Hine Groton—Frank A Begent Ithaca (Town)—Henry S Wright Ithaca (City)—Chas H Darnels - Ithaca (City)—Augustin I. Schaefer Ithaca (City)—Fred C. Evans Ithaca (City)—J. R. Robinson Ithaca (City)—Wilber, G " Fish Lansing—Casper Fenner Newfield—Albert Dassance Ulysses—J. M. Townsend Clerk—Fred L. Clock LII HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1916 Caroline—W. C Gallagher (Chair.) Danby—Frank A. Todd Dryden—Ed. S. Hill Enfield—James H. Hine Groton—Frank A Begent Ithaca (Town)—Henry S. Wright • Ithaca (City)—John P. Kelly Ithaca (City)—Augustin I. Schaefer Ithaca (City)—Wm. B. Wilkinson ' Ithaca (City)—Max Kluebert Ithaca (City)—Wilber G Fish Lansing—Casper Fenner Newfield—Albert Dassance Ulysses—J. M Townsend Clerk—Fred L. Clock 1917 Caroline—W. C Gallagher (Chair.) Danby—Frank A. Todd Dryden—Ed. S. Hill Enfield—Jas. H. Hine o Groton—Frank A Begent Ithaca (Town)—Henry S Wright Ithaca (City) —John P. Kelly Ithaca (City)—Augustin I Schaefer Ithaca (City)—Wm B. Wilkinson Ithaca (City)—Max Kluebert Ithaca (City)—Wilber G Fish 'Lansing—Casper Fenner Newfield—Albert Dassance Ulysses—J. M. Townsend Clerk—Fred L Clock 1918 Caroline—W. C. Gallagher (Chair.) Danby—Haines C. Thatcher Dryden—Ed. S. Hill Enfield—Frank S. Stevenson Groton—Frank A. Begent Ithaca (Town)—Henry S Wright Ithaca (City) —Arthur Bishop Ithaca (City)—Leigh M. Champaign Ithaca (City)—E. Morgan St. John Ithaca (City)—Max Kluebert Ithaca (City)—Wilber G. Fish i HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Lansing—Clarence M. Buck Newfield—Roy C. Albright Ulysses—John M Townsend Clerk—Fred L. Clock 1919 Caroline—Wm. C. Gallagher (Chair ) Danby—Haines C. Thatcher Dryden—Ed. S. Hill Enfield—Frank S. Stevenson Groton—Frank A. Begent Ithaca (Town)—Henry S Wright Ithaca (City)—Arthur Bishop Ithaca (City)—Leigh M Champaign Ithaca (City)—E. Morgan St John Ithaca (City)—Max Kluebert Ithaca (City)—Wilber G Fish Lansing—Clarence M Buck Newfield—Roy C Albright Ulysses—J. M. Townsend Clerk—Fred L Clock ,1920 Caroline—W. C Gallagher, Resigned Leslie I. Crispell, Resigned Chas. R. Lounsberry Danby—W. 0. Smiley Dryden—Ed. S. Hill Enfield—Olen A. King Groton—Frank A. Begent Ithaca (Town)—Henry S Wright Ithaca (City)—Wm H Leonard Ithaca (City)—L. E. Patterson Ithaca (City) —E. Morgan St. John Ithaca (City)—Jas R. Robinson Ithaca (City)—Wilber G. Fish (Chair.) Lansing—Clarence M Buck Newfield—Roy C. Albright Ulysses—John M. Townsend Clerk—Fred L. Clock 1921 , ' Caroline—Chas. 'R. Lounsberry Danby—W. 0. Smiley I Dryden—Ed. S. Hill Enfield—Olen A. King Groton—Frank A. Begent Ithaca (Town)—Henry S. Wright LIV HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUN1I Ithaca (City)—Wm. H Leonard ' Ithaca (City)—L. E Patterson Ithaca (City)—E Morgan St. John (Chair ) Ithaca (City)—Jas R Robinson Ithaca (City) —Wilber G Fish Lansing—Clarence M Buck Newfield—Roy C Albright Ulysses—John M Townsend Clerk—Fred L Clock 1922 Caroline=Carl R. Wade Danby—W. 0 Smiley Dryden—Ed. S. Hill Enfield—Olen A. King Groton—, Frank A Begent Ithaca (Town)—Arthur S Miller Ithaca (City)—Arthur Bishop Ithaca (City)—L. E. Patterson' Ithaca (City)—E Morgan St. John (Chan .) Ithaca (City)—Sidney L Howell Ithaca (City)—Albert H Roskelly Lansing—Wm. F. George Newfield—Albert Dassance Ulysses—John M Townsend Clerk—Fred L. Clock 1923 Caroline—Carl R. Wade Danby—W. 0. Smiley Dryden—Ed. S Hill Enfield—Olen A. King Groton—Frank A. Begent Ithaca (Town)—Arthur S Miller Ithaca (City)—Arthur Bishop Ithaca (City)—L E Patterson Ithaca (City)—E. Morgan St. John (Chair.) Ithaca (City)—Sidney L. Howell - , Ithaca (City)—Albert H Roskelly , Lansing—Wm F. George Newfield—Albert Dassance Ulysses—John M Townsend Clerk—Fred L. Clock 1924 Caroline—H. A. Whittaker Danby—W. 0. Smiley Dryden—Wm. J Shaver LV HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY I Enfield—Olen A King Groton—John W Jones Ithaca (Town)—Arthur S Miller Ithaca (City)—F. D Van Order Ithaca (City)—L E. Patterson , Ithaca (City)—E Morgan St John (Chair) ' Ithaca (City)—Sidney L Howell Ithaca (City)—Leslie R. Pierce Lansing—Wm F George Newfield—Albert Dassance Ulysses—John M Townsend Clerk—Fred L Clock 1925 Caroline—H A. Whittaker Danby=W 0 Smiley Dryden—Wm J. Shaver Enfield—Olen A. King Groton—John W. Jones Ithaca (Town)—Arthur S Miller Ithaca (City)—F D. Van Order Ithaca (City)—L E Patterson Ithaca (City)—E Morgan St John (Chair ) Ithaca (City)—Sidney L Howell Ithaca (City)—Leslie R Pierce Lansing—Wm ° F. George Newfield—Albert Dassance Ulysses—John M Townsend Clerk—Fred L Clock 1926 Caroline—H. A Whittaker Danby—W. O. Smiley Dryden—Wm. J Shaver Enfield—Olen A. King Groton—John W. Jones Ithaca (Town)—Lagrand E. Chase Ithaca (City)—Fred D Van Order Ithaca (City)—L E. Patterson Ithaca (City)—E Morgan St. John (Chair ) Ithaca (City)—Sidney L. Howell Ithaca (City)—Leslie R Pierce Lansing—Clarence M. Buck Newfield—Frank G. Snyder Ulysses—John M Townsend , Clerk—Fred L Clock LVI HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 1927 Caroline—H A. Whittaker Danby—W. 0. Smiley Dryden—Wm J Shaver (Chair.) Nov. 17th Enfield—Olen A King (Chair) (Apr 5 to Nov. 1 Groton—John W Jones Ithaca (Town)—Lagrand E Chase Ithaca (City)—Fred D Van Order Ithaca (City)—L E Patterson Ithaca (City)—E Morgan Si John (Chair ) Resigned April 5 Wm B Wilkinson Ithaca (City)—Sidney L Howell ' Ithaca (City)—Leslie R Pierce Lansing—Clarence M Buck Newfield—Frank G Snyder Ulysses—Alfred W Allen Clerk—Fred L Clock 1928 Caroline—H A Whittaker Danby—David A Moore Dryden—Wm J Shaver (Chair ) Enfield—Olen A King , Groton—Frank A Begent' Ithaca (Town)—Lagrand E Chase , Ithaca (City)—F. D Van Order , Ithaca (City)—Fitch H Stephens Ithaca (City) —Albert L Huff Ithaca (City)—Sidney L Howell Ithaca (City)—Leslie R. Pierce Lansing—Clarence M. Buck Newfield—Albert Dassance Ulysses—Alfred W Allen Clerk—Fred L Clock 1929 Caroline -7H A Whittaker Danby—David A Moore Dryden—Wm J Shaver (Chair.) Enfield=Olen A. King Groton—Frank A. Begent Ithaca (Town) —Lagrand E ' Chase Ithaca (City)—F. D. Van Order Ithaca (City) —Fitch H. Stephens Ithaca (City)—Albert L. Huff Ithaca (City)—Sidney L. Howell Ithaca (City)—Leslie R Pierce ° LVII HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Lansing—Clarence M. Buck Newfield -Albert Dassance Ulysses—Alfred W. Allen Clerk—Fred L Clock 1930 Caroline—Lamont C Snow, Danby—David A. Moore Dryden—Frank C. Ellis Enfield—Alan T. Rumsey Groton—Richard C. Smith Ithaca (Town)—Lagrand E Chase Ithaca (City)—Fred D Van Order Ithaca (City)—Fitch H Stephens Ithaca (City)—Albert L Huff Ithaca (City)—Sidney L Howell (Chair ) Ithaca (City)—Leslie R Pierce Lansing—Andrew J Conlon Newfield—Frank G. Snyder Ulysses—O Howard McDaniels Clerk—Fred L Clock 1931 Caroline—Lamont C. Snow Danby—David A Moore Dryden—Frank C. Ellis Enfield—Alan T. Rumsey Groton—Richard C. Smith Ithaca (Town)—Lagrand E Chase Ithaca (City)—Fred D Van Order Ithaca (City)—Fitch H. Stephens Ithaca (City)—Albert L. Huff Ithaca (City)—Sidney L Howell (Chair.) Ithaca (City)—Leslie R Pierce Lansing—Andrew J. Conlon Newfield—Frank G. ,Snyder Ulysses -0 Howard McDaniels Clerk—Fred L. Clock - ' 1932 Caroline—Lamont C.' Snow Danby—W 0 Smiley Dryden—Delbert H. Decker Enfield—Alan T. Rumsey' Groton—Richard C Smith Ithaca (Town)—Lagrand E. Chase Ithaca (City)—Fred' D Van Order Ithaca (City)—Wm C Blackmer LVIII HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Ithaca (City)—Edw J. Crittenden ' Ithaca (City)—Sidney L. Howell (Chair.) Ithaca (City)—Leslie R. Pierce Lansing—Andrew J. Conlon, Newfield—Forest J. Payne Ulysses -0 Howard McDaniels Clerk—Fred L. Clock , 1933 Caroline—Lamont C Snow Danby—W. 0. Smiley Dryden—Carl A. Mott Enfield—Alan T. Rumsey Groton—Richard C. Smith Ithaca (Town)—Lagrand E Chase (Chair.) Ithaca (City)—Fred D. Van Order Ithaca (City)—Wm C. Blackmer Ithaca (City)—Edw. J. Crittenden (J. B. Myers) Ithaca -(City)—Sidney L. Howell Ithaca (City)—Leslie R. Pierce Lansing—Andrew, J. Conlon Newfield—Forest J Payne Ulysses—O. Howard McDaniels (LePine Stone) Clerk—Fred L. Clock 1934 Caroline—Lamont C. Snow Danby—Thomas G. Miller Dryden—Carl A. Mott Enfield—Harvey Stevenson Groton—Denton J. Watrous Ithaca (Town)—Lagrand E Chase Ithaca (City)—Fred D Van Order Ithaca (City)—Henry 0. Veit Ithaca (City)—Joseph B Myers (Chair.) Ithaca (City)—R. C. Osborn Ithaca (City)—Clarence C. Squier Lansing—Andrew J Conlon Newfield—Roy C. Albright Ulysses—LePine Stone Clerk=—W. 0 Smiley, 1935 Caroline—Lamont C. Snow Danby—Thomas G Miller Dryden—Carl, A. Mott LIX ,� HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Enfield—Harvey Stevenson Groton—Denton J. Watrous Ithaca (Town)—Lagrand E. Chase Ithaca (City)—Fred D. Van Order Ithaca (City)—Henry 0. Veit Ithaca (City)—Joseph B. Myers (Chair ) Ithaca (City)—R C. Osborn Ithaca (City)—Clarence C. Squier Lansing—Andrew J Conlon Newfield—Roy C. Albright Ulysses—LePine Stone Clerk—W. 0 Smiley LX PROCEEDINGS • Board of Supervisors Tompkins County New York 1935 JOSEPH B. MYERS, Chairman —Ithaca, N. Y. WILLIAM O. SMILEY,'Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. - 1 . OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 3 Monthly Meeting Monday, January ,14, '1935 - MORNING SESSION Roll Call' All members present, except Mr Chase Mr Myers announced the first order of business was the election of a Temporary Chairman Mr Snow placed in nomination the name of Fred D Van Order, as .Temporary Chairman i Mr Van Order's nomination was seconded by Mr Stone There being no other nominations, Mr Myers declared Mr. Van Order elected Temporary Chairman, and Mr Van Order ' took the chair Mr. Osborn placed in nomination Joseph B Myers as Per- manent Chairman Mr. Myers' nomination was seconded by Mr Squier There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Wat- rous, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Joseph B Myers The Clerk cast one vote for Joseph B Myers and Mr Myers was declared elected Permanent Chairman, and Mr Myers' took the chair The Chairman announced the next order', of business was the election of a clerk for the ensuing year Mr Miller placed in nomination the name of William 0 Smiley, as Clerk of the,Board for the ensuing year Mr Smiley's nomination was seconded 'by Mr. Watrous. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Snow, the Chairman was directed to cast one ballot for W 0 Smiley, 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS as Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for the ensuing year. The Chairman cast one ballot for W. 0 'Smiley, and declar' ed Mr. Smiley duly elected Clerk of the Board for the ensu- ing year. ,Mr. Wat'rous, Chairman of the Highway Committee, offer- . ed a resolution relative to the construction and maintenance of the county system of highways Seconded by Mr • Osborn Moved by Mr. Miller, that the matter be laid on the table until the afternoon session Seconded by Mr Albright Carried Mr Veit, Chairman of the Committee on Snow Equipment, announced that the committee had purchased of the Clapp Machinery Company of Groton, N Y. 24,000 feet of unpainted snow fence for $1,896.00 and 2,600 posts for $714.74, making a total of $2,610 74 . Mr. Veit offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : •Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Snow 'Equipment be approved and accepted, and be it further . Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $2,610 74, to the Clapp Machinery Company of Groton, N. Y., for snow fence and posts, and that the Clerk be direct- , ed to issue an order at this time, for said amount, payable to the foregoing party entitled thereto, and that the County Trea- surer be directed to pay said order out of any available funds ` in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 5 Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness, be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the en- tries required by said, Section 41, of the County Law Seconded by Mr Osborn Ayes -13 Noes -0. Carried. I Mr Miller offered the following resolution and moved its ` adoption : WHEREAS, the claim of the First Baptist Church for $900.00 for rental of the old Courthouse property from October 1, 1933 to January 20, 1934 was rejected by this Board at the meeting of the Board held on June 11, 1934, and at the same meeting a resolution was adopted to submit the said claim to arbitration, and WHEREAS, Messrs. Harry Colegrove and T. B Maxfield, the duly appointed arbitrators have rendered their report, finding that the County owes the Church the sum of $,367.00, with in- terest at 3% per annum from January 20, 1934, on account of such rental , Be it Resolved—That the report of the arbitrators be ac- cepted and that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $378.01, in full payment of the claim of the First Baptist Church for rental of the old Courthouse property, and the County Treasurer ,is hereby authorized and directed to pay the said sum forthwith out of any funds in her hands avail- able for the purpose Seconded by Mr Stone Ayes -12. Noes -1 Mr Van Order' voting in the nega- tive Carried 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Clerk read the Claims of Arthur J. Kirk and Dana B Green, in the amounts of $1,050 00 and $2,400 00 respectively, for damages resulting from the construction of the Catskill Turnpike, CH483 The claims were referred to the Highway Committee The report of the Clothing Bureau' was received and placed on file. The Clerk read a communication from the State Depart- ment of Social Welfare, Division for the Blind, requesting what action had been taken by the Board with regard to their re- quest for an appropriation for the year 1935. No action was taken and the communication was placed on file. Bills for audit were received and placed in the hands of the several committees On motion,'adjourned to 1 30 P M P Roll Call. Mr Stone adoption : AFTERNOON SESSION All members present, except Mr. Chase 0 offered the following resolution and moved its Resolved,—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of' $4,189 71, to take care of the county's contribution to the State under the Employees' Retirement System, and the Clerk is herby authorized and directed to draw orders for the following amounts : $3,822 84, for the year 1932 and $3,866 87, for the year 1933, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pur- suance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 7 to be contained in the taxes for the current year; the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness, shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the en- tries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Miller Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried. A communication from Matthew Bender & Company rela- tive to the Supervisors' Manuals, received and placed on file. The Clerk read a communication from the Secretary of the Association of Supervisors of the State of New York, relative to membership. Moved by Mr. Stone, that the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors join this Association of Supervisors Seconded by Mr Watrous Carried Mr. Stone moved that Mr Snow be elected the Tompkins County delegate to the above named Association Seconded - by Mr Conlon Carried Moved by Mr. Squier, that the Chairman be appointed the alternate delegate. Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the County Attorney be authorized to ar- range with the Baptist Church for a reasonable extension of time on occupancy of the old Courthouse' Seconded by Mr. Osborn Carried Mr Stone moved that the rules and committees which have been under discussion for 'some time be accepted and adopted as of this date. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Ayes -13. Noes -0 _ Carried. Mr Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved,—That the resolution of December, 31, 1934, with reference to toll charges on canals be rescinded Seconded by Mr. Van Order Ayes—Messrs Myers, Snow, Miller, Mott, Watrous, Van Order, Veit and Conlon -8. Noes—Messrs Stevenson, Osborn, Squier, Albright, Stone —5 Resolution carried. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Reolved—That the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins go on record as opposing the taking over of the construction and maintenance of the county system of high- ways for the following reasons : 1. We believe that the County Superintendent of High- ways, together with the Board of Supervisors, is more familiar with the local county needs, and that under the jurisdiction of such County Superintendent, roads which serve such county needs, would be' more apt to be constructed than by the De- partment of Public Works OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 9 2 Under Chapter 364 of the Laws of 1929, the State Legis- lature passed what is known as the tax on Gasoline That ac- cording to Section 289-D of the Tax Law, "Moneys paid into the state treasury pursuant to this subdivision, shall be ap- propriated and used for the construction, maintenance and re- pairs of highways and bridges under the direction of Superin- tendent of Public Works " That this money, though voted for highway purposes, has been diverted and used for other than highway purposes That by the same chapter, a percentage of such money goes to the county to be used for the same purpose That under the supervision of the Superintendent of Highways and the Board of Supervisors, this money has been, continuous- ly used for the construction and maintenance of county roads. That inasmuch as the State has NOT used the money for the purpose intended, while the county on the contrary HAS, we feel that should the moneys to be used by the county for county roads be placed under the control of the Department of Public Works and the Legislature at Albany, it might also' be used for purposes other than intended. 3 That inasmuch as county roads are local improvements, that the construction and maintenance, together with the choice of which roads are to be maintained and constructed, should be left with the county, and some rights of local gov- ernment preserved to the people in the local units 4 That the cost of the construction of highways' by the Department of Public Works is more expensive than by the county, for the reason, that large sums are expended in the survey of such roads and the purchase of rights of way, while under the county supervision, such moneys are not expended 5 This Board feels that there has been too much centrali- zation of power of government in Albany and that rather than centralize further, there should be a de -centralization, and powers which have been heretofore surrendered and such centralized state government should be returned to the counties and the' local. municipalities rather than the giving of more powers to such state government. 6 That counties have purchased the necessary machinery to build and maintain the county system of highways, and if such systems is now taken over by the state, it will mean that the county would be left with all such expensive machinery with n� use for the same, and it would therefore become a loss 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS to the county. 7 That before the Department of Public Works or the Legislature even considers the taking over of the county system of highways, it should first take over the purchase of the rights of way and the entire cost of removal of snow on the state highways, before it attempts to take over the building and maintenance, of more roads under its supervision 8 That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to our Assemblyman and Senator as well as other Boards of Super- visors of the State and other persons interested Seconded by Mr. Stone Ayes—Messrs Myers, Stevenson, Watrous, Veit, Osborn, Squier, Conlon and Stone -8. Noes—Messrs. Snow, Miller, Mott, Van Order and Albright —5 Resolution carried Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That this Board go on record against the State taking over the Town highways for the following reasons. 1. We believe that the construction and maintenance of dirt roads are and should be classified as local improvement We believe that to the people and local officers should be preserved the rights of local government and that the right of home rule should be preserved rather than centralized in the state departments and committees at Albany 2 That the local superintendent of highways is in closer touch with local highway needs than any department at Al- bany. 3. That should the local people desire a dirt road to be im- proved at present, they go to the town board, the supervisor or superintendent of highways who know local needs, condi- tions and costs and pass on the same If this power is vested OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 11 111 a department at Albany it will mean that these people will have to petition a department in Albany, unfamiliar with local needs and to attend hearings at such a place as the state may choose with cost to them of time and expenses, etc 4. That at present local men are employed who pay their taxes from the wages received from such employment and many are employed now who would be un -employed and there- fore on the relief roll The town superintendent knows his men and their needs for work 5 ' That if the state assumes full charge, with the entire cost of dirt roads, it will mean an increased expense to the cities and villages of the State of New York 6 That in the opinion of this board it will cost more to have the state take charge than to have local people perform those duties 7 That the towns of this state have millions of dollars in- vested in town buildings, gravel banks, and road building machinery together with snow fighting equipment which they have been compelled to buy to clear the county and state high- ways which would be of tittle value sold as second hand equip- ment. 8. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to ,our as- semblyman and senator and other persons interested in this matter. Seconded by Mr Stevenson Ayes -12. Noes -1 Mr Van Order voting in the nega- tive Carried The several committees reported the following claims for audit to which they had been referred, with the amounts al- lowed thereon : , T- 1 Frank C Ellis, Exp & Mileage—Sheriff 2 John D Kinney Co', Inc , Bond—Sheriff 3 Fay Elston, Services—Dep. Sheriff $ 135 70 75 00 18 60 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 4 J C Stowell Co , Supplies—Jail 5 40 5 Walton Reporter Co., Copies of Brief—Dist 27 13 Atty 6 Stover Printing Co , Supplies—Dist Atty 13 30 7 Howard L O'Daniel, Exp & Postage—Co Clerk 44 14 8 Corner Bookstores, Inc , Supplies—Co Clerk 6 00 9 J B Lyon Co , Pistol Blanks—Co Judge 4 00 10 The Hand .Stamp Co , Rubber stamps—Com of Elec 3 20 11 Howell & Howell, Bonds—Co Clk. $90 Supt. Hwgy $25 115 00 12 Fred A Rogalsky, Bond—Co. Treas 506 25 13 J E Van Natta, Repairs—Co Treas 1 25 14 Corner Bookstores, Inc , Supplies—Co Treas 75 15 Paul J. Cushing, Insurance—T B Hosp 81 26 16 Bernetta 'Cronk, Bd Alice Fairchild, 22 das P H C 1135 17 Corbet S Johnson; Exam in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 18 Dr James R Cargill, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 19 Dr H P Denniston, Exam in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 20 Chas W Clark Co , Books—Co Library 235 82 21 Stover Printing Co , Supplies—Co Library 21 00 22 H. W Wilson Co ,' File Service—Co Library 10 60 23 C J Rumsey & Co , Supplies—Jail 25 24 John J Sinsabaugh, Mileage & Expenses—Co Sealer 35 85 25 J E Van Natta, Supplies—Sup. Ct. Judge 3 00 26 Corner Bookstores, Inc , Supplies—Supr 29 17 27 Wm A Church Co , Supplies—Supr 48.15 28 C. C. Squier, Extending Tax—Supr 12213 29 Fred Van Order, Extending Tax—Supr 122 13 30 C J Rumsey & Co , Supplies—Ct House 9 50 31 Jamieson -McKinney Co , Inc , Supplies Ct House 2 05 32 Bert I Vann, Mileage & Exp —Co. Supt 95 68 33 Free Press, Pub Condemn Proceed —Rt of Way 3 23 34 J H Hardy, Mimeographing—Co Library 3 30 35 Karl D Hesley, Expenses—T E R A 97 64 36 Arthur Gregg, Services—Constable 9 14 37 Edward Ozmun, Fees in Felony—Justice 7 70 $1,934 67 Mr Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, D -EW YORK 13 Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $1,934 67, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which they were re- ferred, and that the "County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands,i and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which_ to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem neces- sary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or cer- tificates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not exceed- ing six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and, countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for, and on behalf, of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to charge Claims Nos. T-17 and T-18, being for examinations in Lunacy to the town of Newfield and of Claim No. T-19, also being for examination in Lunacy to the City of Ithaca, that of Claim No T-1, being for Sheriff's expense, she charge to the town of Danby, the sum of $3 00 , Dryden, $11 20 , Ithaca, $10.80 , Lansing, $26 70 , Newfield, $2 70, Ulysses, $2 40 and the City of Ithaca, $2 70, the amounts so charged being properly charge- able to the respective towns and city, and to be placed in the tax budget thereof for the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for, and in their behalf Seconded by Mr Osborn Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Wednesday, January 23, 1935 at 10 00 A M 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Adjourned Monthly Meeting Wednesday, January 23, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present. i Minutes of January, 14th meeting, read and approved Mr C. W. Thomas gave a summary of all TER A projects from September 1, 1934 to January 17th, 1935 Mr. Southwick, Assistant Regional Director of the A.A.A. spoke to the Board relative to the marginal lands to be bought in Tompkins County. Bills for audit were received and placed in the hands of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation , On motion, adjourned to 2 P. M AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present The Clerk read a communication with reference to the Work- men's Compensation Department meeting to be held in Utica, on February 6th Mr. Squier moved, that the Chairman to be appointed, of the Workmen's Compensation Committee, be authorized to attend this meeting Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried The Clerk read a communication from the Conservation De- partment relative to the State owned lands in the Town of Dryden, which was referred to the County Attorney for ac- tion OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 15 The Clerk read a communication from Onondaga County relative to tax legislation which was received and placed on file Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That this Board of Supervisors offer the First Baptist Church the sum of $7,500 00 for the old Court House property with the following reservation, namely : that we give the said Church a temporary right of way of ten feet on the east side of the old Court House, and that we also agree to deed over a permanent right of way ten feet on the west side of the old Court House when the old Court House building is demolished Seconded by Mr. Veit Ayes—Messrs Myers, Snow, Miller, Mott, Watrous, Chase, Van Order, Veit, Osborn, Squier, Conlon, Albright and Stone —13 Noes—Mr Stevenson -1 Resolution carried Moved by Mr Osborn, that the Chairman and the County Attorney notify the Baptist Church of this proposition to buy the old Court House property Seconded by Mr Miller Carried Moved by Mr Osborn, that when we adjourn it be on the call of the Chair not later than Monday, January 28th, at 10 :30 A M Seconded by Mr Stone Carried Moved by Mr Stevenson, that a committee of three be ap- pointed to confer with the A A A Board with reference to land purchases, employees, etc, Seconded by Mr Osborn. Carried 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ' The Chairman appointed Messrs Stevenson, Squier and Chase for the above committee. The Committee on County Officers and Compensation re- ported the following claims for audit to which they had been referred, with the amounts allowed thereon : T-38 Lamont C Snow, Extending .Tax—Supr 39 T. G Miller, Extending Tax—Supr 40 Carl A Mott, Extending Tax—Supr. 41 Harvey Stevenson, Extending Tax—Supr 42 D. J Watrous,' Extending, Tax—Supr 43 Lagrand Chase, Extending Tax—Supr 44 A. J. Conlon, Extending Tax—Supr 45 R. C. Albright, Extending Tax—Supr. 46 LePine Stone, Extending Tax—Supr $ 48 07 58 60 87 09 33 97 87 13 85 50 66 21 5132 86 02 $603 91 Mr Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $603 91, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the Committee on County Officers and Compensa- tion, to which they were referred, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be authorized and directed to draw orders for the above amounts, payable to the foregoing persons entitled thereto ; and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands Seconded by Mr Osborn. ' Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried On motion, adjourned OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 17 Adjourned Monthly Meeting Monday, January 28, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of January 23rd meeting, read and approved Dr. Dean F. Smiley was present and explained the County Health Unit plan as outlined to the Tompkins County Medical Society by Dr Parran, State Commissioner of Health. On motion, adjourned to 2 P M AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present. , The Chairman reported that the offer of $7,500 00 to the Baptist Church for purchase of the old Court House property . had been rejected by them Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption a Resolved—That the offer of the First Baptist Church for the sale of the old Court house property,, exclusive of the parcel west of the First Baptist Church Building, for $8,500.00 cash, reserving for the Church a twelve foot right of way to,the east of the old Court house with the privilege to the County of mov- ing such right of way to the west boundary of the west prop- erty line if and when the old Court house building is razed, be accepted, on condition that the sale include an easement for pedestrians to pass to and from the property sold across the parcel which is west of the First Baptist Church building and south of the property hereby purchased Seconded by Mr. Mott 18 ,PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes—Messrs Myers, Snow, Miller, Mott, Chase, Osborn, Squier and Albright -8 Noes—Messrs. Stevenson; Watrous, Van Order, Veit, Con- lon and Stone -6. , Resolution carried Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the county health unit plan as explained by Dr Smiley in the forenoon be approved by this Board. Seconded by Mr Chase Moved by Mr. Stevenson, that the matter be laid on the table for consideration until the next monthly meeting Seconded by Mr. Miller Carried Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : , Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay the three janitors in the new county buildings, $75.00 per month each, until further notice, also that she be directed to pay the night watchman $80 00 per month until further notice. Seconded by Mr ,Miller. Carried IMr Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : , Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $12 50 per month to pay the county's share of the Central Index, so-called, until further notice and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands and, if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part- thereof, she be 'and hereby is authorized to borrow the said sum, or so much there of as may to her seem necessary in anticipation of the collec- tion of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further OF 10MPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 19 Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be and she here- by is authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and countersigned by the Tompkins County Clerk and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law Seconded by Mr Conlon Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Stevenson offered the following report of the Special Committee appointed to confer with the A.A A Bureaus. Your Committee appointed by this Board to confer with Mr. Bond and Mr. Allen of the Land Purchasing department of the Federal and State government, reports as follows : Your Committee held a meeting with Mr. Bond and Mr Allen, in the Supervisors' Rooms at Ithaca, N. Y , January 26th, 1935 at 10 :45 A. M. Mr_s Bond stated that 30 people were employed in his and Mr Allen's departments and that of these 30 people 15 were residents of Tompkins County, that excepting those employees who were skilled in appraising land or taking land descriptions, etc it was, their intention to em- ploy Tompkins County people These gentlemen told the Committee that some 30,000 acres were to be purchased in five counties including Tompkins, and that probably 10,000 to 15,000 acres would be purchased in Tompkins County, largely on land classified as No 1 As to taxes on this land Mr Bond said he did not know what the attitude of the state would be but thought the state would continue to pay the local taxes As to the employees it was stated that employees were not asked as to their political faith or party but that the endorse-, 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ment of Mr Bretz, Chairman of the Democratic party in Tompkins County was required on each applicant for a posi- tion ; when asked if they thought this was proper considering the fact that public money was used to support these projects, these gentlemen replied • That this was a matter oyer which these men personally had no control as it was a policy adopted by the administration In Washington and that Mr Bond and Mr Allen were instructed to secure Mr Bretz's endorsement of employees, that the administration took the attitude that they had set up these projects, and were therefore entitled to the patronage required to successfully carry them to completion Moved by Mr Stone, that the report of the committee be accepted Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried On motion, adjourned Monthly Meeting ' Monday, February '11, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present Minutes of January 28th meeting, read and approved Dr. H B. Sutton, President of the Tompkins County Medi- cal Society, appeared before the Board in the interests of the County Health District plan Resolutions relative to town and county highways as passed by Dutchess county, were received and pliced on,file. The January report of the Clothing Bureau was received and placed on file. A communication' from the r Department of Public Works OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 21 with reference to abandonment of certain sections of State Highway No 5294, in the town of Dryden, was received and placed on file A report from the Department of Agriculture and Markets, with reference to the County Farm, was received and placed on file Bills for audit were received and placed in the hands of the various •committees. On motion, adjourned to 2 P M. AFTERNOON, SESSION Roll call All members present Mr Veit, Chairman of the Committee on Snow Equipment, announced that the committee had purchased of Charles J. Blackwell, of Horseheads, N. Y. two snow plows in the amount of $660.00 Mr Veit offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Snow Equip- ment be approved and accepted, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $660 00, in payment -of such snow equipment, payable to Charles J. Blackwell of Horseheads, N Y and that the Clerk be directed to issue an order at this time, for the above amount, payable to the party entitled thereto, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay said order out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, and in pur- suance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not mare than six months after the date of issue and to bear inter- est at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness, be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the en- tries required by said Section 41, of the County Law Seconded by Mr Albright Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried Mr Watrous, Chairman of the Highway Committee, re- ported that that committee had effected settlement with Frank_ L Baker on the Etna-Freeville-Dryden State Highway, No 5294, for the right of way and all property damage caused thereby in the amount of $1,500 00 ' Mr Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption :- Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,500 00, for lands taken for the right of way and all property damages, payable to Frank L Baker and Leila B Baker, his wife, on the Etna-Freeville-Dryden State High- way -No 5294, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order for the above amount, payable to the foregoing persons, upon the delivery to him of proper deed of conveyance ot the lands taken and a release of all property damages, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights ot way Seconded by Mr Chase Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 23 of $4,000.00 to cover the cost of T.E.R.A. Administration from February 15th to August 15th, 1935. Seconded by Mr. Osborn Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Compensation In- surance, gave a report of the meeting attended by him in Utica with reference to mutual compensation insurance Mr. Chase moved that the county furnish for the County Clerk the hold-iip insurance as asked for by him Seconded by •Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried. Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The Trustees of the First Baptist Church have submitted to the County Attorney for examination an unexe- cuted deed of the old Courthouse property, and the same has been presented to this Board for its approval Resolved—That the terms of said deed are satisfactory, and that the Chairman be authorized to accept and record said deed on behalf of this Board when properly executed and ac- companied by an abstract of title showing the property to be free and clear of encumbrances and showing the authority of the church to convey the same Further Resolved that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $8,500.00 in payment of the purchase price of said property, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $8,500 00, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current, year, the moneys so ob- tained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the County Treasurer be and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further , Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by Section 41, of the County Law - Seconded by Mr Osborn. Ayes—Messrs. Myers, Snow, ,Miller, Mott, Stevenson, Wat- rous, Chase, Osborn, Squier, Conlon and Albright -11. Noes—Messrs. Van Order, Veit and Stone -3 . Resolution carried. Mr. Osborn called for the question of county health plan which had been laid on the table for consideration at this time , offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That the County Health Plan as outlined by Dr. Dean F Smiley January 28th, be approved and passed and that there be and hereby is appropriated $300 00 for clinical ' material, the same to be paid by the County Treasurer on the order of Dr Van Volkenburg, Assistant District Health Officer Seconded by Mr. Chase Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried The County Attorney's report on duties of the new commit- tees,.as adopted, was received and passed, on motion of Mr Miller, seconded by Mr. Osborn Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be added to the Standing Committees, as adopted at the January meeting, -a committee on "Courts, Correction and Legislation" to assume the functions formerly OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 25 ° performed by the committees on "Rules and Legislation" and "Correction and Reformation" , ' Further Resolved—That the name of the committee on "Town Officers Accounts" be changed to "Town and County Accounts, Town Officers' Accounts and Town Expenses " 0 Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried, The Chairman announced the following as the Standing Committees for the remainder of the year 1935: BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS Snow, Alb -right CHARITIES Snow, Stone, Myers COUNTY BUILDINGS, GROUNDS AND EMPLOYEES Squier, Watrous, Chase, Myers, Miller COUNTY LABORATORY Osborn, Watrous, Miller COUNTY OFFICERS ACCOUNTS Van Order, Osborn, Mott COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS Snow, Myers, Conlon COURTS, CORRECTION AND LEGISLATION Stone, Squier, Miller DOG QUARANTINE ENFORCEMENT Stone, Van Order, Stevenson EDUCATION Stevenson, Osborn, Conlon i 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EQUALIZATION Osborn, Watrous, Mott, Snow, Chase, Myers, Miller ERRONEOUS ASSESSMENTS AND RETURNED TAXES Mott, Conlon, Stevenson FINANCE Chase, Stone, Myers, Squier, Osborn HIGHWAY Watrous, Albright, Chase, Miller, Stevenson HIGHWAY AND BRIDGE , ADVISORY Myers, Chase, Miller INSURANCE AND COUNTY OFFICERS BONDS Squier, Albright, Myers JAIL SUPPLIES Mott, Conlon, Watrous PUBLIC HEALTH Chase, Van Order, Stone PURCHASING Veit, Myers, Snow REFORESTATION Stevenson, Albright, Squier SALARIES AND WAGES Mott, Van Order, Veit SOLDIER'S RELIEF Van Order, Osborn, Veit TO AUDIT ACCOUNTS OF TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL Albright, Veit, Squier 0 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 27 TO SELL LANDS ACQUIRED AT TAX SALE Squier TOWN AND COUNTY ACCOUNTS, TOWN OFFICERS' 'ACCOUNTS AND TOWN EXPENSES - Conlon Osborn, Mott WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Snow, Stone, Veit - Moved by Mr Snow, that the committee designations, as an- nounced by the Chairman, be approved by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Chase Carried Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the County Attorney be directed to serve notice upon W. C. Gallagher to cease all wood opera- tions now carried on by him on what is known as the Kinsley property, in the town of Dryden, formerly owned by Tompkins County Seconded by Mr Mott. Carried. Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That members of the T E R A Executive com- mittee receive mileage at 6 cents per mile, when performing the duties of their office, the same to be received from the time of their appointment. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Carried Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That requisition blanks be printed and furnished to all county officials, and that all such officials be requested to use the same whenever supplies, materials or equipment are needed for their offices, said blanks when filled out to be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and by him re- ferred to the Purchasing Committee, which committee shall purchase all such supplies, materials and equipment. 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS — - Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried The ewhich they had beel committees n referredrted' , with the amounts claims for audit to al- lowed thereon : T- 47 H L O'Daniel, Postage, expenses—Co. Clerk $ 79 86 48 Hand Stamp Co , Stamp—Co. Clerk 1 35lies—Co. Clk 22 70 49 T G. Miller s1Sons Paper Co , Supp 50 Edward Thompson Co., Law Books—Co Clk 20 00 51 Wm. A. 52 Beatrice CCu Haley, Alphabetizing—Comm rch Co , Repairs on Cl4k 4 75 of 45.00 ' Elec.G.Supplies—Surro- gate T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co ,Supp 6 43 gate 24 50 54 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies—Surrogate 82 05 55 Frank C. Ellis, Mileage—Sheriff 42.72 56 Louis Vasteno, Special Turnkey—Sheriff 59 00 ' 57 Weinstein Brothers, Badges, etc Supplies—Jail Sheriffs 1 42 58 Rothschild Bros , 10.19 59 A B. Brooks & Son, Supplies—Jail Inmates 16 91 60 Dr. H H. Crum, Services—Jail Physician 61 T. G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Dist. 11 00 Atty. 101 92 62 Bert I Vann, Mileage—Co. Supt.16 30 63 Bert I Vann, Office expenses—Co. Supt. 64 Bert I Vann, Expenses to Convention—Co 29 00 Supt. 9.00 65 Stover Printing Co., Supplies—Co. Supt 66 H L. O'Daniel, Services, stenographer—Con- 40 00 demm Right of Way 67 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Evelyn Freese 3 00 —P. H C 68 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Barbara Good -93 00 Good- band—P H C 69 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care—Shirley Harvey93 00 —P H C 70 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Loretta Kin- 36 00 youn'—P H C 71 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Margaret 103 00 Meeker—P H C. 72 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Robert Mic- 93 00 cinati—P. H C. 73 Bernetta Cronk, Bd and care—Alice Fairchild, P H C 12.90 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, ,NEW YORK 29 74 Rochester General Hospital, Care—Lois Van Nest—P H C 179.00 75 G A C Berry, Braces—Helen Fuller—P H C 15 00 76 Donohue -Halverson, Inc , Labor & Supplies—Co Home 28 00 77 Charlotte V Bush, Postage—Co Treas- 12 00 78 Wm A Church Co , Supplies—Co Treas. • ' 4 25 79 W 0 Smiley, Postage—Supr 510 80 Stover Printing Co , Supplies—Supr 74.70 81 Matthew Bender & Co , Eager's Forms—Supr 50 00 82 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Supr. 27.98 83 Harry Colegrove, Arbitrator—Supr 25 00 84 Fred A Rogalsky, Insurance—Co Clk's Bldg 16 88 85 Donohue -Halverson, Inc , Labor & Supplies— Co Clk's Bldg 4164 86 Tisdel's Repair Shop, Yale Keys—Co Clk's Bldg .75 87 Edward Thompson Co , Supplement—Sup Ct Judge 2 00 88 Lawyer's Co -Op Publishing Co , N Y Digest— Sup Ct Judge 15 00 89 J 'E VanNatta, Supplies—Ct House 11.75 ' 90 ,Catherine M Dunlavey, Switchboard , Opera- tor—Ct House 4 27 91 Mrs Lena Miller, Switchboard Operator— Ct House 4.50 92 Caroline E Hook, Typewriter & desk—Techni- , cal Staff 20 00 93 Louis Shulman, Mahogany desk—T E R A 20 00 94 J E Van Natta, Rent of typewriter—T E R A 4 00 95 John J Sinsabaugh, Expenses—Co Sealer 16 22 96 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Sheriff N R 97 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Old Ct House 5 25 98 W. T. Pritchard, Labor & Supplies—Co Library 2413 99 Charles W Clark Co , Books—Co Library 117 43 100 E D. Crumb, Mileage & Expenses—T E R A 32 24 101 Hugh J Williams, Mileage—T E R ,A 9 54 102 John Vincent Larkin, Mileage—T E R A 14 84 103 Charles H Newman, Expenses—Co Atty 34 00 104 Charles H Newman, Expenses to conference— Co. Atty 22 40 $1,982 62 30 PROCEEDINGS OF ,THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and, moved its adoption : Resolved --That the foregoing claims, mounting to the sum of $1,982.62, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which they were referred, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the same, and to pledge the full faith'and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to charge Claim No T-55, being for Sheriff's expenses to the towns of Caroline, the sum of $4 50 , Dryden, $7.20 ; Groton, $4.80 ,_ Lansing, $6 60; Ulysses, $2.70, and the City of Ithaca, $15.90, said claims being properly chargeable to said towns and, city and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city, to be collected at the next en- suing tax levy ,to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 31 Monthly Meeting Monday, March 11, 1935 MORNING SESSION Ro11 call. All members present. Minutes of February llth meeting, read and approved with corrections Communication from the Niagara Falls Board of Super- visors, inclosing card for Tompkins County Membership in the New York State Supervisors' Association, read and placed on file. Mr. Squier reported that he had had offers to sell two parcels of land owned by the county and was given the approval of the Board Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $100.00 for lands taken for right of way and all prop- erty damage, payable to Mrs. Cora A Curry on the Enfield - Ulysses State Highway No 1623, and the Clerk is hereby di- rected to issue an order payable to Cora A Curry for such land taken and property damages, upon receipt from her of a good and sufficient deed of conveyance of the land taken and a re- lease for all damages sustained by reason thereof, and the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, directed to pay said claim out of the moneys appropriated for securing rights of way Seconded by Mr Albright Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried The County Attorney reported with reference to resolution of February 11, that notice had been served upon W. C Gall- agher and all operations ceased. 32 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD, OF SUPERVISORS Bills for audit were received and placed in the hands of -the various committees On motion, adjourned to 2 P M AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present , The Cornell Library Association through the following named persons, Claude L Kulp, Harry G Stutz, Dwight San- derson and Rev Alfred P Coman, expressed a desire for co- operation with the Board of Supervisors in the establishment of a new county library, building and asked that a committee from this Board be appointed to meet with a committee of their Board for discussion The Chairman announced that the appointees to said com- mittee from this Board would be duly notified by mail Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $2,500 00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to the T E R A for work relief, as the county's share of 25% of T E R.A projects, and the County Treasurer is hereby di- rected to pay out the same in like manner as heretofore, and be it further Resolved—That if the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as to her may seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the cur- _ rent year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 33 more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear in- terest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the en- tries required by said Section 41, of the County Law Seconded by Mr. Miller Ayes -14. Noes -0 ' Carried Mr. Thomas G Miller, Chairman of a Special Committee appointed by the Chairman to investigate and report on T E R A expenses for the year 1934, rendered a partial report. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and ,moved its adoption • Resolved—That there be 'and hereby is appropriated to the Department of Public Welfare the sum of $1,020.00 to pay a stenographer for services in that department at the rate of $85 00 per month, to be paid the same as other county em- ployees are paid, and be it further° Resolved—That in the event the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said sum of $1,020.00, or so much thereof, as to her may seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and counter- signed by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr Stone. Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried The several committees reported the `following claims for audit to which they had been referred, with the amounts al- lowed thereon : , T-105 Bert I. Vann, Expenses—Cd. Supt. $ 93 04 106 A. I. Merrill, Rent of typewriter—N.R S 20 00 107 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Co ' 3 10 Treas 108 Wm. A. Church Co., Receipt Book—Co Treas 11 50 109 Donohue -Halverson, Inc , Plumbing—Co Home 7 44 110 Bernetta Cronk, Bd Alice Fairchild—P.H C 16 00 111 C. L Kulp, Supt Bd of Education, Tuition— 20 00 Alice Fairchild P.H C. 112 Binghamton City Hospital, Care—Rudolph 173 00 Whitted—P H.C. 113 Binghamton City Hospital, Care --Jeannette 164.00 Schutt—P.H.0 114 Children's Reconstruction Home of Elmira, N 21 00 Y , Care—Orne Olson—P.H C. • 115 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Beulah Par - shall, Jan., Feb , P.H C 116 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Robert Mic- cinati, x-ray—P.H C. 182 00 117 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Margaret Meeker—Jan , Feb.—P H C 177 00 118 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Shirley Harvey—Jan., Feb.—P.H.C. 177 00 119 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Barbara Goodband—Jan Feb —P.H C 177 00 Home, Reconstruction Inc , Care—Evelyn Freese—Jan , Feb —P H C 177 00 ' 121 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Edward Dimmick—Jacket P H C 10 00 122 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Helen Fuller ' —Jacket—P H C 10 00 123 Fred A. Rogalsky, Insurance—Old Ct. House • 27 25 124 The Perry Agency, Insurance—Old Ct House 25 04 125 P W Wood & Son, Insurance—Old Ct House 38 75 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 35 126 P. W. Wood & Son, Robbery Insurance—Co. Clerk 19 50 128 Hon Riley H. Heath, Sup. Ct Judge, Postage, etc —Sup Ct Judge 25 00 129 J. B. Lyon Co , Session Laws—Ct Library 40.00 130 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses—Sheriff ' 109.95 131 Frank C Ellis, Disbursements—Sheriff ' 13 50 132 Arthur G Adams, Expenses—Dist. Atty 273 36 133 Oliver H. Metcalf, Sheriff, Execution of War- rant—Dist Atty. 7.25 134 Oliver Miles, Services—Dist. Atty ' 25.00 135 James E. Hodge, Services—Dist Atty. 30.45 136 i Warrington R Tompkins, Negatives, etc —Dist Atty. 24 50 137 Dr Minor McDaniels, Exam in Lunacy—Insane 10.00 138 Dr. H. P. Denniston, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 139 Dr H H Crum, Exam in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 140 Dr. Keith Sears, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane 10.00 141 A J Metzgar, Fees in Dog Cases—Constable 28.25 142 Wm. A Church Co , Tax Receipt Books—Tax ' Notices 67 50 143 H A Manning Co , City Directories—Co. Offi- cers90 00 144 John J Sinsabaugh, Expenses—Co Sealer 17 42 145 Karl D. Hesley, Expenses—Co. Dev. Asso. 176.63 146 J. E. Van Natta, Rent of Typewriter—T E R A 4 00 147 H. L O'Daniel, Expenses—Co Clerk 45 55 148 J. E Van Natta, Supplies—Co Clerk 1.20 149 Hall & McChesney, Inc Index—Co. Clerk 90.00 150 Wm. A Church Co , Marriage Register—Co Clerk 1.00 151 Corner Bookstores, Inc , Supplies—Co Clerk 11.10 152 Lamont C. Snow, Expenses to Conference— Supr. 9 70 153 Corner Bookstores, Inc , Supplies—Supr 7 80 154 J C. Gutenberger, Expenses--6Ct House 2 06 155 Clarkson, Chemical & Supply Co , Inc,Supplies —Ct House 186 90 156 Jamieson -McKinney Co , Supplies=Ct House 8 10 157 McCann Electric Co , Electrical Work—Ct House 17.13 158 ' C J Rumsey & Co , Supplies—Ct House 25 14 159 Dominick Gofornia, Labor—Old Ct House 18 65 160 Mike Turcsik, Labor—Old Ct House 8 40 161 John Shaff, Labor -Old Ct House 8 40 162 Ralph Sager, Labor—Old Ct House 53 00 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD 'OF SUPERVISORS 163 McCann Electric Co , Electrical work—Old Ct 3 27 House 164 _C J Rumsey & 'Co , Supphes—Old Ct House 5 36 165 Tisdel's Repair Shop, Keys—Old Co. Clk's-Bldg 1 00 166 McCann Electric Co , Electrical work—Old 1 27 Co. Clk'`s Bldg ' 167 Donohue -Halverson, Inc , Plumbing—Old Co 17.91 Clk's B1dk ' 168 Dr H H Crum, Services—Jail Physician, 4 00 169 American Library Asso , , Subscription—Co 1 00 Liblary 170 The H. R. Hunting Co , Books—Co Library 42 65 171 Wm T Pritchard, Labor & Supplies—Co • 11 66 Librar�,y 172 S. E. Norton, Supphes—Co Bldgs. 87 78 ' 173 S. E. Norton, Supplies—New Ct. House 1.40 174 S E. Norton, Supplies—Old Ct. House 20.86 ' 175 Edward W. Sykes, Appraising Dog Damages— 5 50 Assessor 176 Sanitary Appliance Co., Supplies—Co. Bldgs 18 90 177 Dr. J. E Lovell, Exam in Lunacy—Insane 1310 00 00 178, Swift & Co , Inc., Soap—Jail 179 West Disinfecting Co , Disinfectant—Jail ' 12 50 50 180 Rothschild Bros , Supplies—Jail 181 The Sport Shop, Supplies—Jail Inmates 27.00 182 C J Rumsey & Co , Supplies -Jail 10 40 $3,455 02 Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $3 455 02 be audited by -this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the committees to which they were referred, sand the County Treasuret is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not suf- ficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow' the sum of $3,455 02, or so much thereof as may'to her seem neces- sary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- OF TOMPKINS' COUNTY, NEW YORK 37 by is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and counter- signed by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by 'said Section 41, of the County Law, and be it further t, Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be and she here- by is directed to pay Claim No. T-175 out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund , that she charge Claims Nos T-137, T-138, T-139, being for examinations in Lunacy to the City of Ithaca, that she charge Claims Nos T-140 and T-177, being for examinations in Lunacy to the County of Erie, and that of Claim No T-130, being for Sheriff's expenses, she charge $3 60 thereof to the town of Dryden, $9 30 to the town of Enfield, $4 65 to the town of Ithaca; $19 20 to the town of Newfield, $5 70 to the town of Ulysses and $3 60 to the City of Ithaca, 'said amounts so charged being,properly chargeable to said towns and city, the same to be placed in the budgets of those respective towns and city and collected at the next en- suing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and in their behalf Seconded by Mr Miller Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried On motion, adjourned 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Monthly Meeting Monday, April 8, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr Conlon Minutes of February 11 ,meeting, read and approved Mr. iChase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—Public .Service Case No 6645, Town of Ithaca, has been referred to us by the Comptroller, Morris S Tre- maine, as being completed and financed by the State to the extent of the county's share of 1%, or $280.59, now therefore, be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $280 59 from the General Fund, to pay the county's share of the grade crossing elimination, in the Town of Itha- ca, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be authorized and directed to draw an order, payable to the Comptroller, Morris S Tremaine, in the amount of $280.59, being the. county's total share of such grade crossing elimination ; and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same out of the general fund Seconded by Mr Stone Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . WHEREAS—The New York State Commission for the Blind has forwarded to this Board the application of Howard D Hoyt, of 621 Utica Street, Ithaca, New York, a totally blind person, for relief and the findings of the Commission with re- spect to the earning capacity of said Howard D. Hoyt, and a recommendation that a relief allowance of $16 00 per month be granted to said Howard D. Hoyt, all in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 185, of the Laws of 1932, and WHEREAS—This Board finds that said Howard D Hoyt is wholly blind and resides in this county and is otherwise eligi- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 39 ble for such• relief and is without means of support' and in- capable of self-support , Be at resolved—That this Board grants to said Howard D Hoyt, an allowance of $16 00 per month for the balance of the year 1935, to commence as of the first day of April, 1935; and that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $144 00 for such purpose and the County Treasurer is authorized and directed to pay out the same to said Howard D Hoyt in monthly installments of $16 00 each, payable monthly in ad- vance and commencing with the month of April, 1935. ' Seconded by Mr Chase Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr. Watrous, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- ported to the Board that there 'had been received a bill against the county from the Bero Engineering and Construction Co. of North Tonawanda, for the sum of $2,379 71, for extra work done on the Groton-Freeville County Highway No 926, and offered the following resolution Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $2,379 71, to the Bero Engineerinng and Construction Co. of North Tonawanda, N. Y , for extra work, consisting of cattle passes, retaining walls, laying pipes, etc on five differ- ent properties, as follows : On the Willis Howard Farm for spring to barn $ 96.85 Willis Howard Farm for spring to house 113 45 Dr. Homer Genung's farm—cattle pass 583.48 T. Edward Walpole—cattle pass 163.33 Jay Portzline—cattle pass 171 40 Charles Jackson—Retaining wall 1124 30 Charles Jackson—drains from house, stairs and extra work 126 90 $2,379 71 ' on the Groton-Freeville County Highway No. 926, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order at this time, for said amount, payable to the Bero Engineering and Construc- tion Co:, and the County Treasurer is directed to pay said order out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for secur- ing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Squier. 40 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 1 Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay the Treasurer of the Cornell Library Association the sum of $3,000 00, heretofore appropriated to said Association in quarterly payments on the first days of January, April, July and, October, 1935 Seconded by Mr Stone Carried. Mr Watrous, Chairman of the Highway Committee, report- 1 ed that a supplemental settlement had been made with Mer- rill Curry of $50 00 for water damages and $25 00 for erec- tion of fence Mr Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to draw an order for $50 00 for a supplemental settlement for water damages and $25 00 for erection of fence, on the S H No 1623, North and East to S H No 616, County Road, County of Tompkins, pay- able to Merrill F Curry, and the County Treasurer is directed to pay the same out of the moneys appropriated for securing rights of way Seconded by Mr Miller • Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr. Snow reported on the condition of the cow stables at the County Home and offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Charities be authorized to make the necessary improvements at the County Home Seconded by Mr Osborn. Carried Mr. Osborn, Chairman of the Special Library Committee reported progress in their work OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 41 Bills for audit were received and placed in the hands of the several committees On motion, adjourned -to 2 P M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present Mr Mott raised the question of tax extension for towns which was referred to the County Attorney who reported that this matter was a question as between the individual super- visors and the County Treasurer Moved by Mr Squier, that we place in the hands of the County Attorney the matter of finding out the legality of the mileage charge of the Sheriff Seconded by Mr Miller Carried. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, with the names of the claimants and the amounts allowed, as reported by the several committees T-183 H L O'Daniel, Postage, etc.—Co Clerk ' $ 34.00 184 Corner Bookstores, Inc , Typewriter Ribbons —Co Clerk 4 75 185 J E Van Natta, Supplies—Co Clerk 0 90 186 L J Clasgens, Order Book—Surrogate 38 29 187 J E Van Natta, Supplies—Surrogate 12 30 188 The Atkinson Press, Enrollment Bks —Comm Elec 422 40 189 Wm A Church Co , Supplies—Supr 29 95 190 W 0 Smiley, Postage, etc—Supr. 8 10 191 Dr Leo F Bleyer, Services-Autopsy—Coroner 25 00 192 John J Sinsabaugh, Expenses—Co Sealer 26 69 193 Bert I Vann, Disbursement—Co Supt 16 80 194 Bert I Vann, Expenses—Co Supt 133 68 195 Wm A. Church Co , Supplies—Co Treas 76 44 196 J E Van Natta, Supplies—Co Treas 1 45 197 T G Miller & Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Co , Treas 4 97 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS , 198 Charlotte V. Bush, Postage—Co Treas 13 00 199 Louise D'Orazio, Spec Teaching—Stanley Fonda—P. H. C 37.50 200 Donohue -Halverson, Inc., Faucet—Co Home 175 201 P. W Wood & Son, Insurance—Co Hwgy Bldg. 115 49 202 P. W. Wood & Son, Insurance—Co Clk's Bldg. 10 80 203 Chas. B Stamon, Insurance, Co. Clk's Bldg 10 80 204 Walter G. Kinch, Fees in Dog Cases—Justice 35 80 205 Joseph B Sheeler, Fees in Dog Cases—Justice 30 78 206 Geo F. Warner, Fees in Dog Cases—Constable 71 20 207 J. E Van Natta, Supplies—Co. Dev Asso 12 13 208 J. E Van Natta, Rent of Typewriter—N.R S 16 00 209 J. E. Van Natta, Typewriters—Co Dev Asso & N.R S. 65 00 210 American Library Association, Books—Rural Library 1 40 211 American Book Co., Books—Rural Library 61 06 212 Gladys L. Buckingham, Services as Secy — Rural Library Comm. 12.50 213 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses—Sheriff 157 45 214 Louis J. Vasteno, Services—Dep. Sheriff 20 00 215 Arthur G. Adams, Expenses—Dist Atty 172.05 216 Dr. H. H. Crum, Services—Jail Physician 2 00 217 Matthew, Bender & Co , Law Book—Supr. 10 00 218 Dr Minor McDaniels, Exam in Lunacy—Insane 10.00 219 Dr. H P Denniston, Exam in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 220 Dr. H. P. Denniston, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane 10.00 221 Dr. Minor McDaniels, Exam in Lunacy—Insane 10.00 222 Dr Wm. H. Licht, Exam in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 223 Dr Keith Sears, Exam in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 224 C. J Rumsey & Co , Supplies—Co. Bldg 22 70 225 Max Kluebert, Supplies—Co Bldg 2 25 226 Robinson & Carpenter, Supplies—Old Ct House 14 51 227 Clarkson, Chemical & Supply Co., Supplies— Co Bldg. 2 91 228 Fuller Brush Co , Supplies—Co Bldg 40 15 229 Mrs Mary Gofornia, Cleaning—Old Ct House 4 80 230 Mrs: Harold Frost, Cleaning—Old Ct House 4 80 231 Rothschild Bros , Supplies—Jail 1 60 232 J C. Stowell Co., Matches—Jail 5 29 233 Farnsworth W. Reckerd, Supplies—Jail 22 90 234 Wm. F George, Pres Bd Elections—Postage— Comm. Elec 6 00 235 Clarence R. Beach, Fees in Dog Cases—Dep. Sheriff 9 00 0 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 43 236 Floyd W Beach, Fees in Dog Cases—Justice 4 80 237 Floyd W Beach, Fees in Felony—Justice 8 05 238 Dr Wilber G Fish, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 239 R C. Mandeville, Investigating Lands—Co Officers 6 00 , , 240 Mrs T J •Barker, Attending Vet. Hearing— Co Officers 18 85 241 Bernetta Cronk, Bd —Alice Fairchild—P H C 16 00 242 Robinson & Carpenter, Supplies—Old Ct House 10 16 $1,963 18 Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $1,963.18, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the committees to which they were referred, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $1,963 18, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further ' Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certi- ficates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates iof indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and counter- signed by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is directed to pay Claims Nos T-204, T-205 and T-206, out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund , that she be di- rected to pay Claims Nos T-235 and T-236 out of the moneys 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS in her hands in the Dog Fund, that of claim No T-238, being for examination in Lunacy she charge to the town of New- field, that she charge Claims Nos T-218 and T-219, being for examinations in Lunacy to the town of Dryden, that of Claims Nos T-220 and T-221, being also for examinations in Lunacy to the City of Ithaca , and that of Claims No.s T-222 and T-223, being also for examinations in Lunacy she charge to the town of Enfield , that of Claim No T-213, being for Sheriff's ex- penses, she charge $14 40 thereof to the town of Dryden , $4 50 . to the town of Enfield, $10 65 to the town of Ithaca, $4 20 to the town of Lansing, $6 00 to the town of Newfield and $3 60 to the town of Ulysses, said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city, the same to be placed in the budgets of those respective towns and city, and collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys ex- pended for and in their behalf Seconded by Mr Conlon Ayes -13 Noes -0 , Carried On motion, adjourned Monthly Meeting Monday, May 13, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present Minutes of April 8th meeting, read and approved Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to reduce the rate of the interest pen- alty from 10% to 6%, for failure to pay any real property tax for the year 1935, which shall have been returned by a town OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 45 collector or city treasurer or chamberlain, to such county treasurer and for the collection of which no sale of the prop- erty shall have been made, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 468, Laws of 1933 Seconded by Mr. Osborn Carried Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That Dr H B Sutton, Dr Norman S Moore and Dr Wm L Sell, be elected additional members on the Public Health Committee for the year 1935 Seconded by Mr Stone , Carried A resolution passed by the Board of Managers of the Tuber- culosis Hospital, relative to the money on deposit to their credit, which was sent by the Secretary of that organization to the Clerk of the Board, was read by the Clerk and the matter referred to the County Attorney The County Attorney gave his report relative to the mileage charge of the Sheriff which was received and filed The County Treasurer appeared before the Board relative to county office hours during the summer months, which matter was referred to the County Attorney to report at the afternoon session Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . • Resolved—That this Board ratify the offer of $300 00 for the arrest and conviction of the hit and run driver in the Mar- garet Collins case Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried The County Attorney read a communication from A H Moore, relative to a supplemental claim because of construction of S H No 1623, north and east to S H No 616, County Road, which upon the motion of Mr. Van Order, seconded by Mr Stone was referred to the Highway Committee I 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its ' adoption • Resolved --That this Board authorize the Building Com- mittee to make repairs in the old Court House so as to provide suitable quarters for the new medical set up 0 Seconded by Mr Veit Carried Bills for audit were received and 'placed in the hands of the several committees On motion, adjourned to 2.00 P M AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Watrous offered the follow ng resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $96 00, payable to L E Cady, for the cost of moving building and all property damage of meat market located in the Village of Freeville, on the Groton-Freeville Road; also that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $400.00, pay- able to Maude R. Davis, covering the purchase of two pieces of land containing 1/100 and 52/100 acres of land along the Etna-Freeville-Dryden Highway No 5294, also all property damage and future damages of creek, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order for the above amounts payable to the foregoing persons, upon the receipt from them of a good and sufficient deed of conveyance of the lands taken and a release for all damages sustained by reason thereof, and the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, directed to pay said claims out of the moneys appropriated for securing rights of way Seconded by Mr. Mott Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 47 Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum ,of $950.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in payment of the Printed Proceedings of this Board, for the year 1934, the order thereof to be drawn by the Clerk of this Board upon the County Treasurer, upon the delivery to and acceptance by the Clerk of said Printed Proceedings, and be it further - Resolved --That the County Treasurer ;is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands +with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- cates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding 6% per annum, until the date fixed„for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by -the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law Seconded by Mr. Miller • Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr. Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, the moneys appropriated for the payment of janitors salaries has been exhausted, therefore be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,600 00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of paying the salaries of janitors for the balance of the fiscal year, and be it further, 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That if the County Treasurer has not sufficient moneys in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as to her may seem necessary, in anticipa- tion of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the pur- poses to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificate's of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear in- terest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of 'indebtedness be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County (Clerk shall make the en- tries required by said Section 41, of the County Law Seconded by Mr Conlon Ayes -14 ' Noes -0 Carried Mr Osborn offered the following resolution and moved, its adoption : Resolved—That subject to the approval of the taxpayers of Tompkins County, by referendum, the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors hereby adopts the following program for a new County Library • 1. The Board of Supervisors will immediately request the Public Works Administration to advance $150,000 for the acquisition of a new site and the erection of a new library building It is understood that 70% of the amount borrowed will be refunded with 4% interest by the County in 30 years 2 The new building, when completed, will be leased to the Cornell Library Association to house the present Cornell Library and to provide adequate library services for all the people of Tompkins County The present County and Traveling Library will be housed in the new build- ing. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 49 3 The Cornell Library Board guarantees adequate repre- sentation of the Board of Supervisors on the Library Board. 4 The Board of Supervisors agrees to increase its present yearly 'contribution for library purposes to $12,000, this sum to cover all present County and Traveling Library services and to increase the effectiveness of such serv- ices. Seconded by Mr Stone. Moved by Mr Van Order, that the matter, be laid on the table - Seconded by Mr Stevenson Carried Mr Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Charities Committee investigate and re- port to the Board the expense involved in an addition to- the County Home sufficient to take care of fifty additional in- mates. Seconded by Mr , Conlon. Moved by Mr. Snow, that the matter be laid on the table in- definitely Seconded by Mr Van Order Carried The County Attorney rendered his report relative to the hours of the County offices and the duties of the Board in reguq lating the hours which are not fixed by law Moved by Mr Stone, that the Board of Supervisors change the hours from 8 to 4 during the summer months of June, July and August, in the following offices, County Treasurer, Wel- fare Department office and. the Highway office and all other offices not governed by law may have the privilege of doing the same Seconded by Mr Miller t 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the matter be laid on the table Seconded by Mr. Squier. Motion lost A vote being taken on the original motion, resulted as fol- lows :I ' Ayes -12 ried ' Mr Veit adoption • Noes -2 --Messrs Stevenson and Squier. Car - offered the following resolution and moved its Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $500 00, or so much thereof as may be needed, for the purchase of books, furniture, office equipment, stationery and supplies required for the county, or for any county department, office or official ; all of such purchases to be made by the Pur- chasing Committee Seconded by Mr Stone Ayes -14. Noes -0 :Carried. Mr. Squier offered the following resolution. and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $200 00 for repairs to the old Court House if the same can be done as a work project. Seconded by Mr Miller. Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr Thomas appeared before the Board and talked with re- ference to the T.E R A activities and need for tools by the T.E.R A board Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 51 , Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $1,- 000 00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to take care of the county's share of the purchase of tools for use by the T E.R A board, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay out the same in like manner as heretofore, and be it further Resolved—That if the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as to her may seem necessary, in antici- pation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, un- til the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That, such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the en- tries required by said Section 41, of the County Law Seconded by Mr Stone Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried The Clerk read the following claims for audit, with the names of the claimants and the amounts allowed, as reported by the several committees . T-243 Frank C. Ellis, Mileage—Sheriff $104 45, 244 Dr H. H. Crum, Services—Jail Physician 8.00 ' 245 J E Van Natta, Supplies—Sup Ct Judge 1 25 246 Lawyers' Co -Op Pub. Co., Supplement—Sup. Ct Judge 10 00 247 T. G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Dist. Atty. 15 50 248 Dr. R G. Wiggans, Services—Millard Case— 52 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dist Atty 103 00 249 Dr F. B Hutt, Services—Millard Case—Dist Atty 50 00 250 Dr L J Cross, Services—Millard Case—Dist. Atty 100 00 251 James H Rice,' Services—Millard Case—Dist 100 00 Atty 252 Dr R S Gutsell, Exam in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 253 Dr Minor McDaniels, Exam in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 254 'Wm A Church Co , Supplies—Co Dev Asso 26 25 255 T. G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Co Dev Asso 51 70 256 T. G Miller's Sons Paper Co-, Supplies—N R S 3 60 257 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Rural Travel Lib 2 00 258 Treman, King & Co , Supplies—Rural Travel Lib 1 70 259 Wm T Pritchard, Garage & Supplies—Rural Travel Lib 12 44 260 College Book Shop, Books—Rural Travel Lib 559 15 261 Student Transfer, Freight & Cartage—Rural Travel Lib 0 98 262 Eleanor Bohach, Extra Work & Exp —Rural Travel Lib 17.85 263 Mrs Myron Bennett,'Classifying Books—Rural Travel Lib 24 00 264 C J Rumsey & Co , Supplies—Jail 1 75 265 Charlotte V Bush, Postage—Co Treas , 7 00 266 L E Patterson, Agent, Insurance—Co Boilers 86 78 267 Reconstruction Home Inc , Care—Evelyn Freese, Mar —P H C. 93 00 268 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Barbara Goodband, Mar & Apr —P H C 99 00 269 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Margaret Meeker—March—P H C 93 00 .270 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care, Beulah Par- shall—Feb & Mar —13H C 98 00 271 Bernetta Cronk, Bd Alice Fairchild—Apr —PHC 960 272 Arthur Gregg, Fees in Dog Cases—Constable 21 35 273 Edward Ozmun, Fees in Dog Cases—Justice 7 70 274 C J Rumsey & Co , Supplies --Court House 11 75 275 J C Gutenberger, Expenses—Court House 13 15 276 Clarkson, Chemical & Supply Co , Inc ,—Sup- plies—Co Bldgs 29 25 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY; NEW YORK, 53 277 Norton Electric Co , Labor & Supplies—Old Court House 38 87 278 , Robinson & Carpenter, Supplies—Old Court House 204 96 279 Treman, King & Co , Supplies—Old Court House 116 52 280 C. J Rumsey & Co., Supplies—Old Court House 5 25 281 Jamieson -McKinney Co , Inc , Labor & Sup- plies -01d Court House 10 97 282 Driscoll Bros & Co , Labor & Supplies—Old Court House 3 91 283 Harold R Frost, Labor—Old Court House 6 00 284 Harry Lindsay, Labor—Old Court House 9 68 285 Raymond Boda, Carpenter Work -Old Court House 113 75 286 S. Watson, Carpenter Work—Old Court House 72 00 287 Charles Van Buskirk, , Painter—Old .Court House 129 00 288 John V. Griffin, Painter, Old' Court House 136 00 289 Mike Turcsik, Labor—Old Court House 28 88 290 H. L O'Daniel, Postage, etc —Co Clerk - 29.06 291 Hall & McChesney, Inc , Deed Book—Co. Clerk 35 00 292 Wm. A Church Co., Repair of Books—Co Clerk 7 95 293 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Co Clerk 50 33 294 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Supr 3 10 295 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Surro- gate 1 00 296 West Publishing Co , N. Y Supp —Surrogate 15 00 297 Grace Printing Co , Enrollment Forms—Comm of Elec 7 50 298 John C Winston Co , Books—Rural Tray Lib 6 93 299 John J Sinsabaugh, Mileage & Exp —Co Sealer - 59 58 300 Bert I Vann, Mileage—Co Supt 132 88 301 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co ,—Supplies—Co Supt 14 30 302' Wm A Church Co , Repairing Book—Co Clerk 3 50 303 James Manufacturing Co , Equipm6nt Cow Barn—Co Home 624 51 304 Bert Cummings, Sexton—Burial Ivan Harris— Pensioner 10 00 305 Donohue -Halverson, Inc , Labor & Supplies— Old Ct. House 5 40 $3,665 03 54 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : , Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $3,655 03, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the , committees to which they were referred, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $3,665 03, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to' which such taxes are applicable, and be it further , Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and countersigned by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be and she here- by is directed to pay Claims T-272 and T-273, out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund , that she charge Claims Nos T-252 and T-253, being for examinations in Lunacy to the City of Ithaca, that of Claim No. T-243, being for Sheriff's expenses, she charge $4 35 to the town of Danby ; $33 90 to the town of Dryden , $3 90 to the town of Enfield , $2 70 to the town of Ithaca, $14 55 to the town of Lansing, $21 00 to the town of Ulysses and $4 25 to the City of Ithaca, said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city, the same to be placed in the budgets of those respective towns and city and collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and in their behalf Seconded by Mr Stone Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried On motion, adjourned OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 55 Monthly Meeting Monday, June 10, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Mott. Minutes of May 13th meeting, read and approved The Clerk read a communication from the Chamber of Com- merce extending to the Board of Supervisors an invitation to attend a July 4th celebration, to be known as Tompkins County Day. Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—We, the Board of Supervisors realizing the bene- fits to be derived by hearty co-operation between the City and the County outside, therefore be it Resolvecl--ThaC we accept with thanks the invitation ex- tended by the Common 'Council to participate in a July 4th celebration to be known as Tompkins County Day, and will to the best of our ability endeavor to create a county- wide in- terest in the same Seconded by Mr Chase Carried The Clerk read a petition from the City Assessor, relative to refund of taxes to Dr R C. Warren, which was placed on file Mr Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—Property at 205 and 207 East Buffalo Street belonging to Richard C Warren was condemned and taken 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS by the Federal Government on October 10th, 1934, in con- nection with the remodeling of the Post Office Building, and WHEREAS—The State and County Tax on said property was paid through error by Richard C Warren to the City Cham- berlain, amounting to the sum of $79 68, therefore be it Resolved—That the sum of $79 68 be refunded to the said Richard C. Warren and that the amount of $79 68 so refunded be placed in the budget of the City of Ithaca at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse, the county for money so refunded, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order to Richard C Warren for that amount and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any avail- able funds now in her hands. Seconded by Mr Squier Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried , Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Department of Public Welfare, the sum of $900 00 to meet the salary of the Case Supervisor from May 1st to the end of the year, and be it further Resolved—That in the event the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said sum of $900.00, or so much thereof, as to her may seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, and be it further , Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per, annum, until the date fixed OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK for their payment, and be it further 1 57 Resolved --That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and countersigned by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr Osborn. Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried The Clerk read a communication relative to the annual meet- ing of the Election Commissioners of the State of New York, to be held at Lake Placid, July 24th and 25th, which was placed on file. Mr. Veit offered the following 'resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That our local Election Commissioners be au- thorized to attend this convention. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Clerk be authorized to attend the State Organization of County Clerk's to be held at James- town on the 15th, 16th and 17th of July. Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried The reports of the Tompkins County Clothing Bureau for the months of March, April and May, 1935, were received and placed on file The matter of an addition to the County Highway Build- ing being under discussion, on motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Conlon, the matter was left with the County Superin- tendent, Mr. Vann, recommending the employment of Mr H. C. Thorne, as architect. 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr Watrous, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- ported that that committee had effected settlements for rights of way and property damages, with William E. Davis, on the Etna-Freeville-Dryden, State Highway No. 5294 and Arthur J. Kirk and Dana B Green, 'on the Catskill Turnpike Highway No 483, to the amount of $1,350 00 Mr Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,350.00, for rights of way and all property damages on the Etna-Freeville-Dryden State Highway No 5294 and the Cat- skill Turnpike highway' No. 483, payable as follows . - William E. Davis, Etna-Freeville Dryden, S, H $ 150 00 No 5294 Arthur J Kirk, Catskill Turnpike Highway No 483 600 00 Dana B. Green, Catskill Turnpike Highway No 483 600 00 $1,350 00 1 and that the old and abandoned rights of way on the property of said Green and Kirk be deeded, by a quit -claim deed, to them respectively, and the Clerk his hereby directed to issue orders for the above amounts, payable to the foregoing persons, upon the delivery to him of proper deeds of conveyance of lands taken, and a release of all property damages, sustained by reason thereof, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders, out of the moneys appropriated for secur-, ing rights of way Seconded by Mr Snow. Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried Mr. Joseph Hickey and L J. Gaurnier, appeared before the Board and talked relative to the coming 4th of July celebration which is to be known as Tompkins County Day. Mr. Veit offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK , 59 1 Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the organization sponsoring the 4th of July celebration, the sum of $650.00, and that the Clerk be directed to draw an order for said amount, payable to Fred A Rogalsky, as Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, to pay the county's share of the Tompkins County Day celebration, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pur- suance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certi- ficates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue 'and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding six per cent per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law Seconded by Mr Van Order Ayes -12 Noes -2 Messrs Snow and Watrous voting in the negative Carried Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated 'the sum of $150 00 to the Village of Groton and the American Le- gion for their July 4th Field Day celebration Seconded by Mr Miller Ayes—Messrs. Miller, Watrous, Chase 'and Conlon —4 b 1 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Noes—Messrs. Myers, Snow, Mott, Stevenson, Van Order, Veit, Osborn, Squier, Albright and Stone -10. Resolution lost Bills for audit were received and placed in the hands of the several committees On motion, adjourned to 2 P M AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, last winter, many taxpayers residing in the north end of the City of Ithaca suffered serious water damage from the overflow of water from Fall Creek, therefore be it Resolved—That this Board of Supervisors call the attention of the Common Council of the City of Ithaca to this condition and assure them that this Board is ready to cooperate in rem- edying this condition. Seconded by Mr Chase Carried Mr Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, re- ported with reference to repairs recently made at the County Home and the expenses thereof. The County Attorney reported the result of the Condemna- tion action for right of way in the Ross case Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : • Resolved—That the Chairman be authorized to sign options of sale on county owned lands used for reforestation pu'rposes. Seconded by Mr Stevenson Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 61 Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—Farm-to-Market Roads seem to be in demand as a means of dirt road improvement, and WHEREAS—The State Administration is advocating the con- struction of such roads, and WHEREAS—Th1S Board believes that such roads can most economically and efficiently be constructed by the towns hav- ,ing equipment for building the same, under the supervision and direction of the County Superintendent of Highways, therefore be it Resolved—That there be allowed, as County Aid, to each town of the county, constructing such gravel roads, the sum of $3,000 00 per mile for the construction of a ten foot gravel road, and the sum of $4,000 00 per mile for the construction of a fourteen foot gravel road, but not to exceed the sum of $6,000.00 to any one town for the year of 1935 in addition to any amount of County Aid already granted such town for a similar purpose, and be it 'further Resolved—That such construction shall be done by the town forces with the Town Superintendent of Highways acting as Foreman, but under the direction and control of the County Superintendent of Highways in the following manner,. - 1 Gravel shall be of good quality and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways 2 Such gravel shall be spread on the road in two layers at a thickness sufficient to form a good base suitable to the location and traffic thereon , 3 All roads shall be properly ditched and shoulders built to the satisfaction and approval of the CounLy Super- intendent of Highways; and be it further Resolved—That payment shall be made to the Supervisor of the town by the County Treasurer upon the written order of the County Superintendent of Highways from time to time as the work progresses and be it further 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $54,000.00, or as much thereof as "may be necessary to pay the County's share of such construction, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay such sums out of any avail- able funds now in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her, hands with which to pay the same or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and T hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or cer- tificates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceed- ing six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further , Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer -and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, Moved by Mr Osborn, that the matter be laid on the table until the next meeting , Seconded by Mr Van Order Motion lost A vote being taken on the original resolution resulted as fol- lows • Ayes—Messrs Snow, Miller, Mott, Stevenson, Watrous, Chase, Conlon, Albright and Stone -9 Noes—Messrs. Myers, Van Order, Veit, Osborn and Squier —5. Resolution carried. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, with the I • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 63 names of the claimants and the amounts allowed, as reported by the several committees. T-306 T. H Davenport Co. Inc , Insurance—Old Ct. o House $ 33 00 307 Edward E Slights, Fees in Dog Cases—Dep Sheriff 13 60 308 C J. Rumsey & Co , Supplies—Jail 1 05 '309 College Book Shop, Books—Rural Traveling Library 7 50 310 Charles W Clark Co , Books—Rural Trav Library 89 84 311 The H. W Wilson Company, Books—Rural Trav Library 2 50 312 Norton Printing, Co , Supplies—Rural Trav Library 17 50 313 Wm T. Pritchard, Garage & Supplies—Rural Trav Library 13 70 314 Roland Mulhauser, Supplies—Rural Trav Library 3 00 315 Hand Stamp Co , Rubber stamps—Rural Trav Library 3 46 316 Karl D Hesley, Expenses—Co Dev Asso 159 27 317 .Wm A Church Co , Folders—Co Dev Asso 45 00 318 Louise D'Orazio, Spec teaching—Stanley Fonda P H C 52 50 319 Bernetta'Cronk, Bd & care—Alice Fairchild— P.H C 16 00 320 Board of Education, Claude L Kulp, Supt Tui- tion—Alice Fairchild—P H C 20 00 321 Hon Riley H Heath, Postage—Sup Ct. Judge 25 00 322 Frank C Ellis, Mileage—Sheriff 125 00 323 Dr. H H. Crum, Services—Jail Physician 12 00 324 Ralph E Briggs, Transcript -Co. Bldg. suit— Co Atty 10 00 325 Stover Printing Co , Supplies—Dist Atty 8 50 326 J E. Van Natta, Supplies—Dist Atty 4 55 327 J Leslie Winnie, Transcript—Millard case— Dist. Atty . 51 80 328 ' Leslie Tyler, Freight & Cartage—Court House 1 00 329 C J Rumsey & Co , Supplies—Court House 5 40 330 . Clarkson, Chemical & Supply Co , Supplies— Court House 8 05 331 Bool Floral Co , Inc., Supplies—Court House 4 00 332 Paul Rockwell, Supplies—Court House 6 30 333 -Otis Elevator Co , Services on elevator—Jail - 8 91 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 334 A B. Oltz, Push Flush—Old Ct House 3.00 335 Driscoll Bros & Co , "Supphes—Old Ct House 0 85 336 Treman, King & Co., Supphes—Old Ct. House 15 30 337 Art Jones, Sign—Medical Staff 2 50 338 J. E. Van Natta, Supphes—Medical Staff 106 -49 339 Rothschild Bros , Supplies—Medical Staff 35 68 340 Arthur L Daniels, Shades—Old Ct House 23 75 341 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supphes—Medi- cal Staff - 2 70 342 J. E. Van Natta, Supphes—Co. Officers 4 95 343 Burroughs Adding Machine Co . Maintenance, Co. Machines—Co. Officers 52 90 344 John J. Sinsabaugh, Mileage & Expenses—Co Sealer 90 92 345 H. L. O'Daniel, Postage & Expenses—Co. Clerk 76 15 346 Callaghan & Co , Law Book—Co Clerk 3.00 347 Corner Bookstores, Inc , Supplies—Co. Clerk , 6 00 348 The Atkinson Press, Supphes—Co Judge 19 50 349 W 0. Smiley, Postage—Supervisors 6.47 350 Corner Bookstores, Inc , Supplies—Supervisors 2.40 351 J E. Van Natta, Shelving, etc —Supervisors 52 85 352 Wm A. Church Co., Bill Heads—Supervisors 18 50 353 Wm A Church Co , Supplies—Supervisors 9 75 354 Carman & Pearsall, Supplies—Co Home 289 12 355 The Biggs Co , Supplies—Co. Home ' 181 57 356 Town of Ulysses, Trucking, etc —Co Home 486 45 357 Town of Ulysses, Truck, etc —Co. Home 1,276 56 358 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies—Co Clerk 21.65 359 Journal & Courier, Pub. Notices—Rt of Way 3 50 360 Bert I Vann, Mileage—Co Supt. 142 96 361 Bert I Vann, Expenses—Co. Supt 10 20 362 Board of Elections, Emma L Card, Comm Postage—Comm of Elec 10.50 $3,704 60 Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $3,704 60, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended to the several committees to which they were referred and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands 'with' which to pay the same, OF TOMPKINS ' COUNTY, NEW YORK 65 or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be ,and hereby is; authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys, so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further , Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer' be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or cer- tificates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceed- ing six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the en- tries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for and on behalf of the,Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to charge Claim No. T-322, being for Sheriff's expenses, to the town of Caroline, the sum of $6 90; to the town of Dryden, ,the sum of $4.20 , to the town of Ithaca, $5 25 , to the town of Lansing, $23 70; to the town of Newfield, $6 30; to the town of Ulysses, $8 40; and to the City of Ithaca, $15 90, the amounts so charged being properly chargeable to the respective towns and city and to be placed in the tax budget thereof for the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for, and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr Watrous Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried On motion, add ourned 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Monthly -Meeting Monday, July 8, 1935 MORNING SESSION The regular monthly meeting was called to order by the Chairman, at 10 A M Quorum present. There being so many members absent because of the unusual conditions occasioned by the heavy down pour of ram for the last two days, with the result that nearly nine inches of water has fallen, and the fact that no one knows at present how much damage the County has suffered through loss of bridges, roads, etc Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : i f Resolved—That this meeting stand adjourned for one week, subject to the call of the Chairman, if in his judgment it should meet sooner. Seconded by Mr Snow. Carried Meeting adjourned Adjourned Monthly Meeting Monday, July 15, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present Minutes of June 10th and July 8th meetings, read and ap- proved Mr. Watrous, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 67 0 ported that that committee had effected settlements for rights of way and property damages on the Etna-Freeville-Dryden State Highway No. 5294 and the Freeville-Groton County Highway No 926 c Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $2,300 00, for rights of way and all property damages on the Etna-Freeville-Dryden State Highway No 5294 and the Freeville-Groton County Highway No 926, payable as follows : 'Mrs Gertrude Spaulding—Etna-Freeville-Dry- den, S H No 5294 $ 150 00 Harry Tucker—Etna-Freeville-Dryden S H No. 5294 350 00 Charles I. Hart—Etna-Freeville-Dryden, S H No 5294 300 00 Jay Portzline—Freeville-Groton County High- way No 926 1,500 00 $2,300 00 and that the Clerk is hereby directed to, issue orders for the above amounts, payable to the foregoing persons, upon the delivery to him of proper deeds of conveyance of the lands taken and releases of all property damages, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way Seconded by Mr Miller Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried r Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $300 00 for the payment of the reward offered by the county to the person giving information leading to the arrest and con- viction of the hit and run driver in connection with the death of Margaret Collins, on March 12, 1935 , and that the Clerk is authorized to draw an order payable to Marion Frost for i 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1- 0 the above amount, and the County Treasurer is directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands Seconded by Mr Osborn Ayes -14' Noes -0 Carried. The Clerk reald a communication from the State Tax Com- mission relative) to meeting a representative of the Commis- sion with the Assessors of the towns of Caroline, Danby and / Dryden for adjustment of valuations to lands owned by the State and held for reforestation purposes. Mr C W. Thomas, of the T E RA office rendered a report on meetings held in Albany 'and Binghamton, with reference to work relief. Mr Chase presented a statement with reference to the Cath- erwood articles as published in the Ithaca Journal -News, re- lative to comparative tax budgets of 1933 and 1934 Mr Osborn expressed his thanks to Mr Chase and moved that the statement be published in the Ithaca Journal -News so that the public may know the facts and also to have the statement included in the minutes of the proceedings "Having read the Articles published by Prof M P Cather - wood in which he says he was authorized to make a study of the increased Tax Budget for 1934 by Mr Myers, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, I feel compelled to call the atten- tion of this Board to certain statements made by Mr Cathei - wood which are misleading and incorrect First •—I resent the inference that this Board made and adopted a Budget without knowing what it was all about and that we had to appeal to Cornell University to inform us It Mr. Myers asked Mr Catherwood to make a study of the Tax - Budget, he did so as an individual Supervisor and not as Chair- man of -the Board of Supervisors as this Board had not author- ized him to do so Second :—Mr Catherwood says the Budget for 1933 was $333,625 If you will check the appropriations itemized an that Budget, you will find the actual Budget was $283,625 and t OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 69 not $333,625 , the 'difference being $50,000 00 which was a di- rect appropriation to the General Fund for 1933 Third :—Mr. Catherwood says $59,000.00 was left out of the 1933 Budget, and included in the 1934 Budget. Let's look at this very carefully In 1933, the Welfare Commissioner asked for an appropriation of $138,714 and the Committee having that Department in charge, for very good reasons, ap- proved $69,150 or $69,564 less than the Commissioner asked for, knowing that certain funds would be available to take care of the balance should that amount be needed, without putting it in the Budget and taxing the people for it In May, 1934, the Committee found that $59,150 would be sufficient to take care of the Welfare for the balance of the year and this amount was appropriated on that date. Mr Cather - wood says this was included in the 1934 Budget but here Mr. Catherwood is mistaken ' It is not included in the 1934 Budget Why? For the the simple reason that the $50,000.00 surplus raised in the 1933 Budget, together with a balance in the Building Fund and certain refunds from the State were more than enough to take care of this $59,000.00 and did, and the taxpayers were benefited to that extent In 1934, the Welfare Commissioner asked for an appropria- tion of $140,114 and the committee appropriated $139,318 for the reason that no appropriation was made to the General Fund and no balances were available from which to transfer This made it necessary to put all this appropriation in the Budget. This then shows us that without the General Fund appropriation, the 1933 Budget would have been $283,625; and even including the $59,000 which Mr Catherwood says should have been in anyway, ,it would have only reached $342,- 625 and not $432,775 as stated by Mr Catherwood II Now, why was the 1934 Budget high? First :—Because the whole Welfare appropriation was in- cluded in the 1934 Budget. Second :—Because $70,000 was included for work relief ap- propriations to the T.E R.A. instead of $26,767 for T E.R.A. in 1933. Check these figures and you will find that T.E.R.A. work relief increased the Budget $43,233 while Welfare in- 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS creased the Budget $70,168 because it was necessary to put all the Welfare appropriation in the Budget. These two items in- creased the Budget $113,401.. Highways added 411,200 and Crippled Children appropriation $7,197. These items account for $131,798 out of a total increase of $131,859 and not one penny of this rightfully belonged to the 1933 Budget Mr. Catherwood says that Highway appropriations have de- creased during the last few years because of T.E R.A. assist- ance in road building. This is wrong as the T.E R A does not effect this part of the highway budget in anyway whatever, as T.E.R A. carries a separate appropriation under the heading Work Relief. The decrease in highway has been due to a de- crease in appropriations for rights of ways, snow removal and bridges Summing this up, we find the 1934 Budget is high by $131,- 859 over the 1933 Budget. That no part of this belonged or could have been included in the 1933 Budget That T.E.R.A. has increased the budget and not decreased it. I would like to say that this statement is not meant in any way to discredit Mr. Catherwood in his work but I feel he ,should have consulted some members of the Finance Com- mittee of the Board of Supervisors who were familiar with the making up of the Budget." Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • WHEREAS—Tompkins County and Cortland County have completed construction of a county road connecting the state highway near Harford with the county road at Caroline and there remains unconstructed a segment of road about one mile in length in the Town of `Richford, Tioga County, now therefore, be it Resolvec�That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County respectfully requests the Board of Supervisors of Tioga OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 71 County to consider the construction of this segment sof road as soon as possible for the convenience of the people served by this road. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. Bilis-for audit were placed in the hands of the various com- mittees. On motion, adjourned to 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. A petition relative to a county library signed by twenty- eight taxpayers was presented by Mr. Osborn and placed on file. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—A petition has been presented to this board signed by more than twenty-five taxpayers requesting a sub- mission to the electorate of the question of providing library facilities for the people of Tompkins County at the next gen- eral election, therefore be it • Resolved—That the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes its Library Committee, of which R C. Os- born is Chairman, to confer with the Library Committee of the Cornell Library concerning plans for the administration of the proposed new County Library, each committee to include its attorney in all discussions pertaining to this important mat- ter. Resolved Further, that the Board of Supervisors hereby authorize its Library Committee to take the necessary steps in having preliminary sketch plans of a new library building pre- pared by a registered architect, with the understanding that if this project is approved by the federal government and the people of Tompkins County, the architect will be reimbursed 72 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS at the usual fee Otherwise, this Board will have no financial obligation, and be it further Resolved—That this Tompkins County Board of Super- visors hereby authorizes its Library Committee, R C. Osborn, Chairman, to submit plans and a properly prepared applica- tion for a federal grant to the proper federal agency ,in con- nection with the proposed new Library Building. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS -It has been reported to this Board that three children of E J. Meeker, of the town of Lansing have been drowned in Cayuga Lake and that their bodies have not been recovered, and that the said E J. Meeker is without funds to search for said bodies, and is a person in need of relief , Resolved—That the Sheriff of the county be and he hereby is authorized to employ grapplers to search for the bodies of said children at a cost to the county not exceeding the sum of $200 00 Seconded by Mr Albright. Carried Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer may deduct and pay out from the salary of any county employee monthly pay- ments for insurance upon the request of such county employee Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -13. Mr. Squier voting in the negative Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That two engineers be employed to take the place of E. D. Crumb and John V. Larkin, for as long a period as seems necessary under T.E.R.A. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 73 Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Carried. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, with the names of the claimants' and the amounts allowed, as reported by the several committees : T-363 Charlotte V. Bush, Postage—Co Treas. $ 67.69 364 Bernetta Cronk, Bd.—Alice Fairchild—P.H.C. 11.20 365 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Beulah Par - shall 4/1/35 to 6/1/35—P.H.C. 183 00 366 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care—Robert Mic- cinati 4/1/35 to 6/1/35—P.H C. 183.00 367 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care—Margaret Meeker 4/1/35 to6/1/35—P.H.C. 183.00 368 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care—Evelyn Freese 4/1/35 to 6/1/35—P.H C. 183.00 369 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Jacket—Edward Dimmick—P.H.C. 10.00 370 Corner Bookstores, Inc , Supplies—Rural Tra- veling Libr. 7.15 371 Roland Mulhauser, Postage—Rural Traveling Libr. 3.00 372 Wm. T. Pritchard, Garage &' Supplies—Rural Traveling Libr. • 18.99 373° Gladys L. Buckingham, Services as Secr Rural Traveling Libr. Comm. 12.50 374 Dr. Eugene Baker, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane 10.00 375 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—N.R S. 6.75 376 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Supplies—Co. Dev. Asso. 60.49 377 Edward Thompson Co., Law Book—Sup. Ct. Judge 2.00 378 The Frank_ Shepard Co., Law Book—Sup. Ct. Judge 35.00 379 Arthur G. Adams, Expenses ---=Diet _ Atty. 209.70 380 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Supplies—Dist–Atty. 11.75 381 Ryan Motor Sales, Storage, etc. Ball Case=------- Dist. Atty. 10.00 382 Warrington R. Tompkins, Photographs—Millard Case—Dist Atty. 217 90 383 R. Walter Bishop, Expert Witness—Millard Case—Dist. Atty. - 170.00 384 G 0. Hall, Expert Witness, Millard Case— Dist. Atty. 108.00 385 F B. Hutt, Expert Witness, Millard Case— 74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dist. Atty. 100.00 386 James E. Rice, Expert Witness, Millard Case— Dist. Atty 191.69 387 Charles H. Newman, Expenses—Co Atty. 27 32 388 Frank C. Ellis, Mileage—Sheriff 199.65 389 Otis Elevator Co., Oil—Jail 2.80 390 Swift & Co., Inc., Soap—Jail 19.50 391 A. B. Brooks & Son, Drugs, etc —Jail 9.14 392 Norton Electric Co , Supplies—Co. Home 12.94 393 J. C. Gutenberger, Supplies—Old Ct House 2 15 394 Norton Electric Co., Supplies (Bond & Allen) —Old Ct. House 53 44 395 Norton Electric Co., Supplies (Health Staff)- -Old Ct House 53 84 396 Rothschild Bros., Flag—Court House , 9 25 397 Sport Shop, Flag—Court House , `9'00 398 Ithaca Junk Co., Pipe—Court House 2.60 399 ' Norton Electric Co., Supplies—Court House 1.45 400 National Case & Carton Co , Supplies—Court House 17 00 401 Ithaca Co-op G L F. Service, Supplies—Court House 6.05 402 Driscoll Bros & Co., Supplies—Court House 0.64 403 Robinson & Carpenter, Supplies—Court'House 3.60 404 C. J. Rumsey & Co , Supplies—Court House 2 45 405 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Court House 133.75 406 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Supplies—Co. Supt. 8.01 407 John J. Sinsabaugh, Mileage & Expenses—Co. Sealer 49.90 408 Matthew Bender & Co., Law Book—Co. Judge 12.00 409 Edward Thompson Co., Law Book—Co. Judge 2.00 410 The Atkinson Press, Supplies—Surrogate 12.00 411 Corner Bookstores, Inc ,_ Supplies—Co. Judge 2.24 412 Grace Printing Co:,-Supplies—Comm. of Elec. 9.50 413 The Atkinson Press, Supplies—Comm. of Elec. 61.00 _-414--Corner Bookstores, Inc., Supplies—Co.-Clerk 5.00' 415 Howard L. O'Damel, Expenses & Postage—Co. Clerk 37.55 416 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., , Supplies—Supr. 1.10 417 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies—Suprs. 13.55 418 Physicians', Service Co. Inc., Supplies—Health Staff 114.04 419 Rothschild Bros., Supplies—Health Staff 5.85 420 Rothchild Bros., Supplies—Health Staff 89.79 421 Ithaca Laundries, Inc., Laundry—Health Staff 3 85 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 75 422 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies—Health Staff 0 65 423 Dow S. Barnes Co., Shoes—Clara Crispell— P.H C. 14.50 424 Grace Printing Co , Supplies—Sheriff 3 25 425 Jack MacCourt, Assigned to J. B Myers, Cut- ting & Setting stone—Ct. House 10 00 426 Bert I Vann, Mileage—Co. Supt. 134 08 427 J. F. Dorsey, Agent, Pumping water out of Jail and tunnel—Co. Bldgs 132 00 $3,284 24 Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $3,284 24 be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which they were referred and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipa- tion of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or cer- tificates of the said county, to.mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding six per_centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further , Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to charge Claim No .T-374, being for examination in Lunacy to the town , 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Newfield; and that Claim No. T-388, being for Sheriff's expenses, she 'charge to the town of Caroline, the sum of $15.75 ; to the town of Danby, the sum of $3 90 ; to the town of Dryden, the sum of $29 85 ; to the town of Groton, the sum of $5.40 ; to the town of Ithaca, the sum of $9.90 ; to the town of Newfield, the sum of $21.00 ; to the town of Ulysses, the sum of $18.30 and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $15.90, the amounts so charged being properly chargeable to the respec- tive towns and city and tQ be ,placed in the tax budget thereof for the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for, and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr Conlon Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried On motion adjourned V OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK To W 0 Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. . ' July 23, 1935 77 We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N Y hereby request you to call a special meeting of said Board, to be held in the Supervisors' Room, in the City of Ithaca, N Y on Tuesday, July 23, 1935, at 9 :30 A M to consider emergency projects and any other business that may properly come before the meeting Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., July 18, 1935 CLARENCE C. SQUIER, HENRY 0. VEIT R. C. OSBORN FRED VAN ORDER THOS. G. MILLER LAGRAND CHASE LEPINE STONE JOS. B. MYERS D. J. WATROUS Special Session Monday, July 23, 1935 Roll call. All members present The Clerk read the call for the special session Mr. Huttleston, Assistant Director from the Binghamton,' Works Progress Administration office was present and talked relative to the new set up. Bert I Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, re- ported relative to the amount of flood damage done in Tomp- kins County to town and county highways and bridges as be- ing around $420,000.00. On motion, adjourned. 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Monthly. Meeting Monday, August 12, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of the adjourned monthly meeting of July 15th and of the special meeting of July 23rd, read and approved Dr. Sears, Superintendent of the Tuberculosis Hospital, ap- peared before the Board with a request for an appropriation of funds to carry the work of the tuberculosis hospital to October 31st. , Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $25.00 payable to George Bowlsby, as per resolution of the Board of Supervisors, July 15, for grappling for the Meaker boys who drowned at Esty's, and -the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order payable to George Bowlsby and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Watrous offered the 'following resolution 'and moved its 'adoption: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $250.00 to take care of part of the architect's fees re- lative to an addition to the County Highway Building, as per , resolution of the Board of Supervisors, June 10, 1935, and the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order payable to, Henry Calder Thorne for the above amount, and the County Treas- urer is hereby directed to pay the same out of the County Highway Fund. , ' OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried. 79 Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $600.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for the equipment for the new health set-up, and be it further Resolved—That in the event that the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section "41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby ,is authorized and directed to give the notes or cer- tificates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding, six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further ' Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that -the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the, following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Department of Public Welfare the sum of $7,000.00, to be ap- portioned as follows : ,1 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Foster Homes $1,000 00 Outside Relief 6,000.00 $7,000.00 and be it further Resolved—That in the event the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part.thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said sum of $7,000 00 or so much thereof, as to her may seem neces- sary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of said county, to mature not more than six, months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and coun- tersigned by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall 'make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $20,000 00 for the construction, reconstruction, main- tenance and repair of bridges, occasioned by the recent flood, for which the county is liable, and be it further . Resolved—That in the event that the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said sum of $20,000 00, or so much thereof as to her may seem OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 81 necessary in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be con- tained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so ob- tained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are ap- plicable, and be it further- Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to "mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and counter- signed by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr Mott 0 Ayes -13. Noes -1. Mr. Van Order voting in the negative Carried Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $20,000 00, or so much thereof as may, be necessary to the maintenance of highways in Tompkins County, to reim- burse the regular maintenance fund depleted by the recent flood, and be it further Resolved—That if the County Treasurer has not sufficient moneys in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or - so much thereof as to her may seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the pur- poses to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and ,directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS more than six months after the date of issue and to bear in- terest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk,, and that the County Clerk shall make the en- tries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Miller Ayes -12. Noes -2 Messrs. Van Order and Squier voting in the negative Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, the sum of $3,000 00, for the year ending October ,31, 1935, and be it further Resolved—That in 'the event that the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said sum of $3,000.00, or so much thereof as to her may seem necessary in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be con- tained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer b'e, and she -hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certi- ficates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins ,County Treasurer and counter- signed by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 83 Clerk shall make the entries required by ,said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr Albright. Moved by Mr. Stevenson, that the matter be' laid on the table until the afternoon session Seconded by Mr Miller Carried. Mr. Newman, County Attorney, presented the duties of the new committee set-up, as adopted January 14, 1935 Moved by Mr. Squier, that the duties and functions of the committees as prepared by the Rules and Legislation commit- tee and the County Attorney be adopted as the functions of the various committees of this board, and the Clerk be authorized to have 200 copies printed of our rules and the duties of the committees. Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried Bills for audit were placed in the hands of the various com- mittees On motion, adjourned to 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present The Clerk read a petition from the Cayuga Lakeside Cot- tagers Association asking for relief, if possible, from the flood conditions, followed by remarks by Mr. Larkin, Chief Riley, Mr Alberger and Mr. Button. 'Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS, the recent flood wrought great havoc to the citi- zens and small property -owners of this county through the blocking of streams and watercourses, much of which might 84 PROCEEDINGS OF' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS , have been avoided by a proper and adequate supervision and control of the said watercourses, and , WHEREAS, many of said watercourses are now in a danger: ous condition, Resolved—That this Board respectfully request the Gov- ernor of the State of New York and the Congressman from this, district in Washington, to do all in their power to bring about the immediate assignment of CCC men or other available labor for the clearing and reconstruction of said water -courses in their proper channels so as to prevent further damage Seconded by Mr Miller. Carried Mr. C. W. Thomas appeared before the Board and reported with reference to W P A. projects submitted by towns and the county. Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, this Board has been informed that our T.E.R.A. works relief bureau will be abolished soon, because of the W.P A. set-up and that there will be a need for assistance in submitting projects which are of a technical nature, Resolved --That this Board hereby approves of the selec, tion of C. W Thomas at his present salary of $45.00 per week, to act for the members of this Board in setting up projects to be submitted to W P A. Board or any other agency with whom this Board selects to do' business with for the benefit of the county or towns If necessary a clerk may be employed to as- sist in this work Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Carried Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its . adoption : WHEREAS—The Tompkins County Agricultural and Horti- cultural Society is educational and recreational, and WHEREAS, The Fair brings to the citizens of Tompkins OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 85 County some $4,300.00 in premiums, and WHEREAS—The association is purely philanthropic, since no rent is paid for the use of the fairgrounds and no, officer or director of the fair association receive any thing for their serv- ices, and WHEREAS—The Fair Association was compelled to pay $1,128 00 to put the fair grounds in shape after the flood so that a fair could be held, and ® WHEREAS—The Fair Association paid nearly $1,500 00 for labor, much of which was to people who were on relief, and WHEREAS—The weather and the flood so curtailed the in- come of the fair that the'Association is facing a deficit of about $800 00, therefore be it ' Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the -sum of $800.00, to be paid to the Treasurer of the Association to ` cover this deficit, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and ' be it further Resolved—That in the event the County' Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said sum of $800 00, or so much thereof, as to her may seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved,—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and coun- tersigned by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr Van Order Ayes—Messrs. Myers, Miller, Mott, Stevenson, Watrous, Chase, Van Order, Conlon and Albright -9. Noes—Messrs. Snow, Veit, Osborn, Squier and Stone -5 Resolution carried Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and 'moved its adoption : Resolved—That of the money hertofore appropriated as county aid to the towns for the construction of gravel roads that a sum of $2,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be used by the towns for repairs of the dam- age caused by the recent flood, such repairs to be approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, and a copy of this resolution be given to the County Superintendent of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Miller Carried. Mr. Newman reported for the Special Library Committee of this Board that an option could be had on the Finch property for $100.00 for six months or $300.00 for one year. Discussion followed but no action taken. The question of sponsoring a grant by the Federal Govern- ment to Ithaca College for building construction was brought to the attention of the Board. After some discussion, on mo- tion of Mr. Miller, this meeting when adjourned, be adjourned to Wednesday morning, August 14th, at 9.30 A. M., that more definite information on this matter might be obtained Seconded by Mr Stone Carried. Upon motion of Mr. Snow his resolution of the forenoon with reference to the appropriation for the Tuberculosis Hos- pital was called from the table and the vote resulted as fol- lows : Ayes -12. Noes -0 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 87 Mr. Stevenson and Mr Squier having been excused from the meeting. Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—In view of the flood conditions which have so recently prevailed that the highway departments of both county and towns be commended for the speed with which the roads were again made passable. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Carried. The several committees reported the following claims for audit to which they I had been referred, with the amounts al- lowed thereon : T-428 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Co. Treas. $ 4.55 429 , Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care—Evelyn Freese -6/1/35 to 6/26/35, 7/17/35 to 8/1/35 P.H.C. 117.00 430 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care—Margaret Meeker -6/1/35 to 6/4/35, 6/24/35pto 7/1/35, Transportation—P.H.C. 37.00 431. Reconstruction Horne ,Inc.; Care—Robert Mic- cinati-3/1/35 to -4/1/35, 6/1/35 to 7/1/35 P.H.C. 93.00 432 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care & X-ray Beulah Parshall—P.H.C. 95.00 433 Grinnel Company, Inc., Sprinkler inspection— Co. Home 75.00 434 Donohue -Halverson, Inc., Supplies—Co. Home 11.30 435 J. C. Stowell Company, Matches—Jail 5 40 436 A. B. Brooks & Son, Drugs—Jail Inmates 1.25 437 The Sport Shop, Boots—Jail 9.90 438 Sturm Bros , Boots—Jail 4.50 439 C J. Rumsey & Co , Supplies—Jail 16 85 440 Tisdel's Repair Shop, Repairs on locks—Jail 6.00 I 441 The Journal & Courier, Pub scholarship no- tices—Educational 9.13 442 Dr. H. P. Denniston, Ex in Lunacy—Insane 10.00 443 Dr. Minor McDaniels, Ex. in Lunacy—Insane 10.00 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 444 Cortland Granite, Works, Soldiers' markers— Soldier 50.00 445 Matthew Bender & Co., Law Book—Sup. Ct. Judge 7.00 446 Matthew Bender & Co , Law Book—Co. Judge 28 50 447 Dr. H. H. Crum, Services—Jail Physician 6.00 448 Frank C. Ellis, Mileage—Sheriff 194 70 449 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses—Sheriff &90 450 Sherman B. Emerick, Flagging traffic—Sheriff 1 50 451 H. L O'Daniel, Expenses—Co. Clerk 74.25 452 The Atkinson Press, Envelopes—Co Clerk 33.50 453 George Frith, Repairs on fan—Co. Clerk , 3.00 454 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Forms—Co. Clerk 0.60 455 The Atkinson Press, Enrollment ballots— Elec. Exp. 195 00 456 J. E. Van Natta, Adjusting typewriter—Comm. of Elec. 2 00 457 Emma L Card, Attending convention—Comm. of Elec. 43 94 458 W. F. George, Attending convention—Comm. of Elec. 43 94 459 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Supr. 2.00 460 Norton Printing Co., Bound copies of proceed- ings—Supr. 40.75 461 Norton Electric Co., Repair motor—Old Ct. House 2.80 462 Donohue -Halverson, Inc , Repairs on plumbing —Old Ct House• - 0.95 463 Norma L. Turk, Switchboard work—Co. Bldg.' 15.00 464 Williams Electric Co , Inc., Electrical' work— Jail 7.00 465 Treman, King & Co., Adjusting gas stove—Jail 3.50 466 Otis Elevator Co., Repairing elevator—Jail 18 66 467 Norton Electric Co., Electrical work—Jail 343.90 468 C. J Rumsey & Co., Supplies—Co. Bldg 1.45 469 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Health Staff ' 534.93 470 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Health Staff 4.01 471 Stover Printing Co., Time cards—Co. Supt. - 5.75 472 Bert I. Vann, Mileage—Co. Supt. 182.08 473 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Co. Treas. 2.12 474 John J. Sinsabaugh, Mileage & Expenses—Co. Sealer 45.40 475 W 0. Smiley, Postage—Supr. 5.00 $2,414.01 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 89 Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $2,414.01, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which they were referred, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section ,41, pf the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her, seem necessary, in anticipa- tion of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the pur- poses to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- cates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of /issue, and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for and on behalf -of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer' be directed to charge Claims Nos. T-442 and T -443, -being for examinations in Lun- acy to the town of Ithaca; that of Claim No. T-448, being for Sheriff's expenses; she charge to -the town of Danby, $1.80; td the town of Dryden, $28.95; to the town of Groton, $2.70; to the town of Ithaca, $9 15; to the town of Lansing, $30 60 , to the town of Ulysses $36.30 and to the City of Ithaca $31 80, the amounts so charged being properly chargeable to the re- spective towns and city, and to be placed in the tax budget thereof for the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county o for moneys expended for, and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr, Osborn. 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -12. Noes -0. Messrs. Stevenson and Squier having been excused from the meeting. Resolution carried. On motion, adjourned. Adjourned Monthly Meeting Wednesday, August 14, 1935 Roll call. All members present, except Messrs Conlon and Van Order. Minutes of regular monthly meeting of August 12th, read and approved. The Clerk read the following petition as presented by the Ithaca College. Ithaca, New York August 13, 1935 -- To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York. WHEREAS, Ithaca College of Ithaca, New York, is de- sirous of securing Federal aid under the Federal Emer- gency Administration of Public Works for the erection of a new college building, athletic field and other facilities, and WHEREAS, sponsorship of some local government agency is an essential part of the application before it will be considered by the Federal Government. NOW THEREFORE, the Trustees of Ithaca College at a Special Meeting held on the 13th day of August, 1935, by suitable resolutions do hereby petition the Board of Super- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 91 visors of Tompkins County to become sponsors for this project on the express understanding that the said County does not involve itself in any financial respon- sibility. Respectfully submitted, ITHACA COLLEGE. By Leonard B. Job, President. Dr. Job appeared for the college and explained the above petition. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • APPLICATION RESOLUTION NO 1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ITHACA COLLEGE TO FILE AN APPLICATION TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THROUGH THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRA- TION OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR A GRANT TO AID IN FINANCING THE CONSTRUCTION OF COLLEGE ,BUILDTNG AND OTHER FACILI- TIES AND DESIGNATING LEONARD B. JOB TO FURNISH SUCH INFORMATION AS THE GOVERNMENT MAY REQUEST. Be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York : SECTION 1. That Leonard B. Job, be and he is authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of Ithaca College to the United States of America for a grant to aid in financing the construction of a college building and other facilities. SECTION 2. That Leonard B. Job, be and is hereby au- thorized and directed to furnish such information as the United States of America through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works may reasonably request in connection with the application which is herein authorized to be filed. It being distinctly understood that the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County does not hereby assume any responsibility now or in the future. 5 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Stone: After discussion and upon motion of Mr. Chase, seconded by, Mr Stone, 'Mr. Squier and the County Attorney were duly authorized to prepare a suitable resolution to be acted upon by this Board 1 Mr. Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : APPLICATION RESOLUTION NO 1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ITHACA COLLEGE TO FILE AN APPLICATION TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THROUGH THE FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR A GRANT TO AID IN FINANCING THE CONSTRUCTION OF COLLEGE BUILDING AND OTHER FACILITIES AND DESIGNATING LEONARD B. JOB TO FURNISH SUCH INFORM- ATION AS THE GOVERNMENT MAY REQUEST. Be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York : SECTION 1. That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County approves the execution and filing of an application by Leonard B. Job on behalf of Ithaca College to the United States of America for a grant to aid in financing the construc- tion of a college building and other facilities SECTION 2 That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County approves the furnishing by said Leonard B. Job of such information as the United States of America through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works may reasonably request .in connection with the application above mentioned. SECTION 3 That the above action by this Board is upon the express condition that there shall be no financial obliga- tion upon the said Board or the County of Tompkins by reason of said application or on account of the proposed project Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 93 Mr. Osborn reported progress by the Special Library Com- mittee. Mr. C W. Thomas reported on projects as submitted under W P.A. as follows : The county's share of Historical research $ 283.00 The county's share of mileage for Visiting Housekeepers 7$0 00 The county's share of County book repair 110 60 $1,173 60 On motion of Mr Osborn, seconded by Mr Albright the above projects were approved Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, the three projects as submitted under W.P A and presented to the Board by C W. Thomas, have been approved by this Board, be it c Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,173 60, apportioned as follows : Historical research $283.00 Visiting Housekeepers 780 00 County book repair 110 60 $1,173 60 and be it further Resolved—That in the event the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said sum of $1,173 60, or so much thereof, as to her may seem neces- sary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certi- cates of indebtedness of said county, to mature not more than 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and counter- signed by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. I Seconded by Mr Stone. Ayes—Messrs. Myers, Mott, Stevenson, Watrous, Chase, Veit, Osborn, Squier, Albright and Stone -10. Noes -2. Messrs. Snow and Miller voting in the negative. Resolution carried Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman of the Board and the County Attorney be authorized to represent Tompkins County on Thursday, August 15th at Binghamton and on Friday, August 16th at Auburn, relative to the matter of flood control. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 95 Monthly Meeting Monday, September 9, 1935 -MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of adjourned monthly meeting of August 14th, read and approved. A communication from Dr. L. R. Simons with reference to flood relief, was read by the Clerk and placed on file Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved,—That the District Attorney, Arthur G. Adams, be instructed to attend, as th'e delegate from Tompkins County, the conference on "Crime, the Criminal and Society" to be held in Albany, September 30th to October 3rd, at the expense of the county. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the options on the two parcels of land, in the town of Newfield, offered by the Federal Govern- ment, be accepted. Ayes—Messrs. Myers, Osborn and Squier.-3. Noes—Messrs. Snow, Miller, Mott, Stevenson, Watrous, Chase, Van Order, Veit, Conlon, Albright and Stone -11 Motion lost. Mr. Osborn, Chairman of the Special Library Committee reported for that committee and asked that the County Attorn- ey prepare a suitable resolution for submission to the elec- torate, to be presented to the Board at the afternoon session. Bills for audit were received and placed in the hands of the several committees. . On motion, adjourned to 2 P. M. 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That options of $15.00 an acre for the 75 acres of land and $12.00 an acre for the 58, acres of land located in the town of Newfield, as now presented to this Board be ac- cepted, the same being lands partially reforested by Tompkins County. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes—Messrs Myers, Miller, Mott, Stevenson, Chase, Van Order, Veit, Osborn, Squier, and Conlon. -10. • 'Noes—Messrs. Snow, Watrous, Albright and Stone -4. Resolution carried Mr Albe'rger speaking for the Cottagers Association re- quested that if possible something ought to be done for pro- tection of lake side property through stream control. Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its' - adoption : Resolved—That Mr. Thomas be authorized to prepare a suit- able project to present to_W.P.A. for stream protection and control. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried Mr. John Baird appeared before the Board and explained the workings of the Federal Housing Administration Act Mr Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That Tompkins County Board of Supervisors sponsor the Federal Housing Administration project as out- lined by Mr. Baird, with the understanding that the county is not to be financially responsible. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 97 Ayes—Messrs. Miller, Van Order and Albright -3. Noes—Messrs. Myers, Snow, Mott, Stevenson, Watrous. Chase, Veit, Osborn, Squier, Conlon and Stone -11. Resolution lost. Mr Watrous, Chairman of the Highway Committee, on recommendation of Bert I. Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, moved the following resolution : Resolved—That the road one mile west from Trumbull's Corners leading west toward Cayutaville, a distance of two miles, be stricken from the County Map, and the road leading from Weatherby's Corners west to the Schuyer County Line, a distance of one mile, be substituted in its place. Seconded by Mr Chase. Carried. Mr. Watrous, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- ported that that committee had effected settlements for rights of way and property damages on the Etna-Freeville-Dryden State Highway No 5294 and the Freeville-Groton County Highway No. 926. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $2,800 00, for rights of way and all property damages on the Etna-Freeville-Dryden State Highway No. 5294 and the Freeville-Groton County Highway No. 926, payable as fol- lows : Fred B. Personius, Freeville-Groton C H. No. 926 $1,000 00 R B. Dedrick, Etna-Freeville-Dryden S. H. No. 5294 800 00 F. M Spaulding, Etna-Freeville-Dryden S. H No 5294 1,000 00 and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders for the above amounts, payable to the foregoing persons, upon the delivery to him of proper deeds of conveyance of the lands taken and releases of all property damages, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way. 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Albright Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Attorney be authorized to em- ploy a stenographer during the months of October, November and December 1935, at a salary approved by the committee on salaries and wages, one-half of which shall be paid by' the firm of Newman & Newman and one-half paid by the County At- torney out of funds heretofore appropriated by this Board for County Attorney's expenses. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -13. Noes -1. Mr. Van Order voting in the nega- tive. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS more than twenty-five taxpayers have petitioned this Board pursuant to §1118 of the Education Law to submit to the voters the question of providing library facilities, and the said law requires that the question be submitted at the next election ; and WHEREAS this Board has received the report of its library committee as to the willingness of the Cornell Library Associa- tion to cooperate in the movement for a new library; be it Resolved—That provided that the Cornell Library Associa- tion by resolution duly adopted will agree that upon comple- tion of the proposed Public Works Administration project for a county library building it will cease to operate its library, turn over its books and equipment to the county, pay to the County Treasurer annually the ,income from its endowment funds and the rents from its real property and on or before the 31st day of December, 1940, transfer to the county the title to its real property or the proceeds thereof ; and will for- ward to the Clerk of this Board a certified copy of such resolu- tion ; the Commissioners of Election are instructed to place OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 99 before the voters of Tompkins County to be voted upon at the general election on November 5, 1935, the, following proposi- tion, to wit :— "Shall the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County establish a county library and, with the assistance of the Federal Administration of Public Works, and provided the project is approved by the Public Works Administra- tion, construct and equip a building therefor at a total cost not exceeding $178,Q00, the county's share of which, including purchase of the site, shall not, exceed $100,0009" Seconded by Mr Miller Carried. The several committees reported the following claims for audit to which they had been referred, with the amounts al- lowed thereon : T-476 Matthew Bender & Co., Law Book—Sup Ct. Judge $ 20.00 477 Dennis & Co:, Inc., Law Book—Co. Judge 5.00 478 H. L. O'Daniel, Postage, etc.—Co. Clerk 35.91 479 Leslie Tyler, Cartage—Co. Clerk b 1 55 480 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Supplies—Co. Clerk 70.00 481 Wm. A. Church Co , Repairing Books—Co. Clerk 8.75 482 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Co. Clerk 11.35 483 Wm. F. George, Pres. Bd of Elections, Postage —Comm of Elec. 8.00 484 The Atkinson Press, Supplies—Comm. of Elec. 25 00 485 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Comm. of Elec 31.58 486 Norton Printing Co , Printing rules—Super- visors 50.79 487 Charlotte V Bush, Postage—Co. Treas 40 00 488 Frank 'C Ellis, Mileage—Sheriff 73 55 489 Dr H H. Crum, Services—Jail Physician 10.00 490 Bert I. Vann, Mileage—Co Supt 152 40 491 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Co. Supt. 2.95 492 Treman, King & Co , Supplies, etc.—Jail 82.81 493 C J. Rumsey & Co , Supplies—Jail 1 50 494 Williams Electric Co , Inc., Repair work—Jail 1 15 495 J. I Holcomb Mfg , Supplies—Jail 10 41 496 Clarkson, Chemical & Supply Co., Inc., Sup - I 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS plies—Jail 16.50 497 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Jail 5 50 498 J. E Van Natta, Supplies—N R S. 3 50 499 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—N.R-.S. 5 45 500 J R. Terpening, Labor & Supphes—N R S. 7 62 501 Gladys L. Buckingham, Services as stenog — Rur. Tray. Libr. 12 50 502 Dr H! P. Denniston, Exam in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 503 Dr. Minor McDaniels, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane 10 00 504 C. J Rumsey & Co , Supplies—Ct. House 23 65 505 Jamieson -McKinney Co , Inc , Supphes—Ct House 5 35 506 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies—Ct House 1 50 507 Jean B Cutler, Supphes—Ct. House 9 50 508 Jack MacCourt, Assigned to W 0 Smiley, Mason—Ct. House 6 00 509 Fitzgibbons Boiler Co Inc , Supplies—Ct: House 5 20 510 Donohue -Halverson, Inc , Supplies—Old 'Ct House 3 51 511 C. A Shelton, Repair of cooler—Ct. House 2 25 512 John J. Sinsabaugh, Mileage & Expenses—Co Sealer 17 26 513 Lena Miller, Switchboard operator—Ct House 10 50 51°4 Karl D. Hesley, Expenses—Co. Dev Asso 302.24 515 J. W. Burke, Expenses—Co. Dev. Asso. 6 37 516 Roland Mulhauser, Postage & Expenses—Rur Tray. Libr. 3 00 517 T G. Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Rur Trav Libr. 9.05 518 Wm. T. Pritchard, Storage, etc —Rur Trav Libr. 12 00 519 American Library Assoc., Books—Rur. Tray. Libr. 4 85 520 The H. R Huntting Co., Inc , Supphes—Rur Trav Libr. 2 53 521 P. W. Wood & Son, Insurance—Rur. Trav Libr. N.R 522 National Grange Mutual Liability Company, Insurance—Rur Trav Libr N.R 523 Joseph B. Myers, Expenses—Supervisors 5 00 $1,143 53 Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 101 of $1,143.53, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which they were refer- red, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- cates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or ceitificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and,countersigned by the County CIerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further , Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to charge Claims Nos. T-502 and T-503 to the City of Ithaca, being for examinations in Lunacy; that of Claim No. T-488, being for Sheriff's expenses, she charge to the town of Dryden, the sum of $9 00; to the town of Groton, the sum of $7.70 ; to the town of Ithaca, the sum of $3 00; to the town of Lansing, the sum of $12 60; to the town of Ulysses, the sum of $8 25; and to the City of Ithaca, the sum of $15 90, the amounts so charged be- ing properly chargeable to the respective towns and city, and to be placed in the tax budgets thereof for the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the 'county for moneys expended for, and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To W. 0. Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y. hereby request you to call a special meeting of the said Board, to be held in the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y on Wednesday, September 18, 1935, at 101A. M to take action upon the following matters, to wit: the maintenance of bridges, the framing of a proposi- tion to be submitted to the voters on the question of providing library facilities, the authorization of the issue of bonds by the town of Ithaca for the Forest Home Water distribution pro- ject, the Federal Housing project, and all matters connected with the flood, damages, and the matter relative to the New York State Conference of Children's Court Judges. Dated, Ithaca,', N. Y. Sept. 14, 1935 JOS B MYERS LEPINE STONE LAMONT C SNOW C. A. MOTT ROY C. ALBRIGHT R C. OSBORN C. C. SQUIER A. J. CONLON HENRY 0. VEIT LAGRAND CHASE THOS. G MILLER HARVEY STEVENSON Special Session Wednesday, September 18, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. i The Clerk read the_call for the Special Meeting Mr. Watrous, Chairman of the Highway Committee, offered OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 103 the following resolution and moved its adoption : c WHEREAS—The State Department of Public Works has offered to build bridges on county roads and county bridges on town roads, now, therefore be it Resolved—That the County of Tompkins agrees to maintain any bridge on county roads and/or county bridges on town roads which may be built by the state and hereby authorize the Chairman and Clerk of the Board to sign each agreement. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. • Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the resolution adopted at the meeting of this Board on September 9, 1935, relative to the submission of the question of providing library -facilities be rescinded. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13 Noes -1. Mr. Van Order voting in the negative. 1 Resolution carried. 0 Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—More than twenty-five taxpayers have petitioned this Board pursuant to §1118 of the Education Law to submit to the voters the question of providing library facilities, and the said law requires that the question be submitted at the next election; the Commissioners of Election are hereby in- structed to place before the voters of Tompkins County to be voted upon at the general election on November 5, 1935, the following proposition, to wit : "Shall the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County au- thorize the construction and equipment of a county library building provided forty-five per cent of the total cost estimated at $178,000, is obtained by grant from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, and provided the county's share of the cost of such project shall not exceed the sum of 104 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS $100,000, and shall be raised by a bond issue payable in equal annual installments over a period of thirty years?" I Seconded by, Mr. Miller. Carried I The Clerk read a letter relative,to a conference of Children's Court Judges and staffs to be held in Jamestown, New York on September 26th, 27th, and 28th and asking that the Children's Court Judge and Clerk be allowed to attend 1 The question was raised as to the legality of any action being taken on same because of its not being included in the call. On advice of the County Attorney and the unanimous con- sent of the Board the call for this special meeting was amend- ed to include the above matter, which on motion of Mr. Osborn, seconded by 1VIr. Squier was carried On motion 1 of Mr Osborn, seconded by Mr Miller, the Children's Court Judge and Clerk were authorized to attend the above named conference at the expense of the county, the same not to exceed $25 00 each I Motion carried A communication from the Flood Control Council of Central - Southern New York, accompanied by blank forms requesting each Supervisor of the towns to fill out and return before September 20th, was read and the forms distributed Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its , adoption : AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO ISSUE ITS BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,000 TO PAY THE TOWN'S SHARE OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING A WATER DISTRI- BUTIONI SYSTEM IN FOREST HOME WATER DISTRICT IN SAID TOWN. Passed pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law, the County Law and Chapter 782 of the Laws of 1933, and the acts amendatory thereof, at a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, held on the 18th day of September, 1935. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 105 The Board of Supervisors -of the County of Tompkins Does Enact as Follows: SECTION 1. The County of Tompkins does hereby ,au- thorize and approve any action taken by the Town of Ithaca through its Town Board to issue and sell negotiable coupon serial bonds of said Town in the principal amount of $22,000, to pay the Town's share of the cost of constructing a water dis- tribution system in said district, substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications contained in the application of said Town for a loan and grant for such purpose filed with the United States of America. Said bonds may contain such terms, may be in such form and may be sold and delivered in such manner as determined by resolution of the Town Board of said Town. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect immeditely. Seconded by Mr. Osborn Ayes -44. Noes -0. Carried. The question of Federal Housing was next taken up and discussed. Mr. Squier moved to reconsider the action on Federal Hous- ing taken on September 9th. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Ayes—Messrs. Myers, Miller, Mott, Van Order, Veit, Squier, Conlon, 'Albright and Stone -9. Noes—Messrs Snow, Stevenson, Watrous, Chase and Os- born -5. - Motion carried A considerable time was taken in discussion of the matter. Moved by Mr. Miller to adjourn to 2 P. M. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Si 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Motion lost. Mr. Van Order called for the question A vote being taken on the original question resulted as fol- lows : Ayes—Messrs. Miller, Van Order, Veit and Conlon -4 Noes—Messrs. Myers, Snow, Mott, Stevenson, Watrous, Chase, Osborn, Squier, Albright and Stone -10 Resolution lost. • Mr. Osborn moved to adjourn to 2 P. M. giving time for preparation of a resolution to be considered at that time Seconded by'Mr Albright Carried AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The matter of Federal Housing was again taken up. A project prepared by C. W Thomas, was then readtand dis- cussed, after which upon motion Mr. Stone offered the follow- ing resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That the project known as the Tompkins County Real Property Canvass project, employ 39 instead of 49_ work- ers at a cost of $13,936 96 to the Federal Government, furn- ishing work for a period of 6 instead of 9 months. The spon- sor's contributions to be $27,124 32, making the total project $41,061.28, with no expense to the county Seconded by Mr. Squier. Mr. Miller offered an amendment increasing this project to the original number, both the number of persons employed and the length of time and money paid, and otherwise leave the project as it stands OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK '107 Seconded by Mr. Van Order Ayes—Messrs Van Order, Veit, Osborn, Conlon, Albright and Miller -6., 1 Noes—Messrs Myers, Snow, Mott, Stevenson, Watrous, Chase, Squier and Stone -8. ' Amendment lost. A vote being taken upon the original resolution resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs. Myers, Miller, Mott, Stevenson, Van Order, Veit, Osborn, Squier, Conlon, Albright and Stone -11 Noes—Messrs. Snow, Watrous and Chase -3 Resolution carried. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the county stand one -sixteenth share of the expenses of the Flood Control Council of Central -Southern New York Seconded by Mr. Albright Carried On motion, adjourned. 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Monthly Meeting Monday, October 14, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present. Minutes of September 9th and September 18th meetings, read and approved. Mr. John J. Sinsabaugh, County Sealer of Weights and Measures appeared before the Board with a brief report of his work showing how flooded conditions had increased, to a considerable degree, his work in the county and asking if the Board would stand for an additional appropriation for ex- penses of his office of $100.00. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That due to the flood conditions this Board grant the request of the County Sealer of Weights and Measures and authorize the appropriation of $100 00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to care for his expenses for the balance of the year, the same to be paid by the County Treasurer in like manner as the original expenses. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the petition from the Board of Assessors of the Town of Ithaca asking for a refund of $91.71 to the Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity by reason of error in the assessment of 1934. 'Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That the petition of the Assessors of the Town of Ithaca, filed October 2nd, 1935, asking for a refund of taxes OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK ' \ 109 erroneously assessed in the year 1934 in said town to Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternty and paid by them to the amount of $91.71 be granted, and that said amount of $91.71 be refunded to said Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity, and that the amount of $9171 so refunded be placed in the budget of the Town of Ithaca at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys ex- pended Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Ayes —14 Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAs—Robert Solomon, as Administrator of the Estate of George Solomon, deceased, Robert Solomon, as Administra- tor of the Estate of Nicholas Solomon, deceased, Robert Solo- mon, as Administrator of the Estate of John Solomon, deceased, and Tony Isaac, as Administrator of the Estate of Jack Isaac, deceased, have presented verified claims for damages on ac- count of the deaths of said George Solomon, Nicholas Solomon, John Solomon and Jack Isaac at Myers in the Town of Lansing, on or about the 8th day of July, by reason of the collapse of a bridge across Salmon Creek, during the flood on said date, in the following amounts, to wit: Claim of Robert Solomon, as Administrator of the Estate of George Solomon, deceased $10,000 Claim of Robert Solomon, as Administrator of the _ Estate of Nicholas Solomon, deceased 10,000 Claim of Robert Solomon, as Administrator of the Estate of John Solomon, deceased 10,000 Claim of Tony Isaac; as Administrator of the Estate of Jack Isaac, deceased 10,000 $40,000 AND WHEREAS, this Board has been advised by the County Attorney and believes that there is no merit in said claims, and no liability for damages to any of said claimants on the part of Tompkins County, now, therefore be it Resolved—That each and every one of the aforesaid claims be, and the same hereby are, denied and rejected `110 , PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The resolution was seconded by Mr. Miller and put to vote which was as follows : Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried Mrs. Eugene Baker, President of the Board of Child Wel- fare, appeared before the Board with reference to additional appropriation to carry on the work of that department for the remainder of the year. The above request was referred to the Education Committee . Mr. Bert I. Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, ap- peared before the Board and presented the following snow removal program for the season of 1935-36 : Road No' Name of Road Length 72 Catskill Turnpike, Pt 1 1 87 336 Cayuga Heights 3.17 338 Catskill Turnpike, Pt. 2 1 38 454 Ithaca 3.64 455 Wyckoff 0.34 483 Catskill Turnpike, Pt. 3 - ,4 44 606 Cayuga Heights, Hanshaw's Cor. 2.12 n 616 'Trumansburg-Ithaca 8 64 681 Ithaca -Dryden, Pt 1 4 72 682 Ithaca -Dryden, Pt 2 3.95 683 Dryden -Cortland, Pt. 1 3 53 926 Freeville-Groton 4.49 1001 Enfield Center -Ithaca 6.45 1002 Groton Village 0 37 Freeville Village 0 84 Dryden Village 133 1003 Mitchell St. E. Town Line 1 37 1004 Cooks Corners-Brooktondale 4 58 488 Groton -Cayuga Co. Line 2.77 `1189 Enfield Falls -Enfield Center 6 34 1330 Ithaca-Esty Glen 2 44 1431 Brooktondale-Speedsville, Pt. 1 3.38 1433 Cortland -Groton Pt. 3' & 4 5 86 1623 Mecklenburg -Ithaca, Pt. 2 3.07 1676 South Lansing -Genoa 6:78 1867 Ithaca -Varna 1.71 1891 South Ithaca -Ithaca 0.68 1921 Taughannock State Park -Ithaca 7 65 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK - ' 111 5043 Ithaca -Danby, Pt. 1 2.59 5122 Ithaca -Danby, Pt. 2 3.25 5206 Trumansburg-Village 1:54 5213 Ithaca -Danby Pt. 3 4.33 5214 Ithaca -Newfield 5.09 5225 Varna Crossing 0.53 5256 Esty Glen -South Lansing 3 08 5294 Etna-Freeville-Dryden 6.69 5379 Ithaca -West Danby, Pt. 1 3.22 5474 Cayuta-Newfield 6.28 5567 Ithaca -West Danby 3 04 5575 Perry City-Trumansburg 3.31 5627 South Lansing -Myers 1 38 5689 Myers -Kings Ferry, Pt. 4 0 11 5720 Myers -Kings Ferry, Pts 1 & 2 0.15 8016 Dryden -Harford 4.47 ' 8155 Spencer -West Danby, Pts.' 1 & 2 2 58 8284 Myers -Kings Ferry, Pt. 3 / 5 58 8317 Myers -Kings Ferry, Pts 1 & 2 1 76 ' 8330 Caroline-Richford, Pts. 1 & 2 0 85 8467 Buttermilk Falls State Park Entrance 0 63 158.37 Mr Watrous offered the following resolution and move its adoption : Resolved—That the snow removal program, as presented by the County Superintendent of Highways be adopted by this Board as the snow removal program for the year 1935-36. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Vann appeared before the Board and recommended that certain roads be placed on the County Map for future construc- tion on which Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the road in the town of Newfield beginning at the intersection of County Road No 133 and County Road No. 134 and running westerly for a distance of three miles to the Schuyler County Line be stricken from the County Map, and be it further Resolved—That one mile of road in the town of Enfield be- 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ginning on County Road No. 136, 2.60 miles south of Station No. 113+50, on County Highway No 1623 and running west- erly for a distance of one mile to the Schuyler County Line be placed on the County Map for future construction, also be it further Resolved—That the road in the town of Danby beginning at the westerly end of County Road No. 128 and running north- erly, northeasterly and easterly for a distance of 2.20 miles and connecting with County Road No. 128, be placed on the County Map for future construction. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson Carried. Dr. V. A. Van Volkenburgh, Assistant District Health Officer, appeared before the Board with reference to health clinics. Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : } Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County Public Health Committee an additional sum of $600 00, for special clinic for venereal diseases, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same to the Committee on Public Health, on orders' of the committee, signed by the representatives of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—The sum appropriated at the last annual meet- ing to the Board of Child Welfare has been expended during the year for the purposes for which it was appropriated; by reason of extra -ordinary and unanticipated emergencies or conditions, be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the ad- ditional sum of $1,500.00 for the Board of Child Welfare for the balance of the year 1935, and the County Treasurer is di- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 113 _ rected to pay the same in like manner as the original appropri- ation. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried. Mr Watrous, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- ported that that committee had effected settlements with Willis Howard on the Groton-Freeville County Highway No 926, for rights of way and all property damage caused thereby Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $900 00 for lands taken for the right of way and all prop- erty damages, payable to Willis B. Howard on the Groton- Freeville County Highway No. 926, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order payable to Mr. Howard or his agent, for such land taken and all property damages, upon receipt by him of a good and sufficient deed of conveyance of land taken and a release for all damages sustained by reason thereof, and the County Treasurer be and she hereby is directed to pay said claim out of moneys appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried Bills for audit were placed in the hands of the various com- mittees. On motion, adjourned to 2 P M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved--T1iat the Clerk of the Board be authorized to se- _ cure bids for 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board, for , the year 1935, reserving the right to reject any, or all bids. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following majority report of the building committee : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on County Buildings calls attention to the fact that at the time ,the New County Court House and Jail were opened a Superintendent of the Buildings and a Chief Engineer were employed ; that at the time these men were employed it was impossible to anticipate how much work would be required of them or what help would be necessary to prop- erly care for the buildings and their equipment After what we believe to be a fair trial of this system of service, your com- mittee believes that a considerable savings might be made and a great deal of misunderstanding and duplication of service among employees avoided if these two positions were con- solidated and placed under one head Your Committee therefore recommends that for greater efficiency and economy that one person be placed in charge of all County Buildings in the City of Ithaca (except the Highway Buildings) with power, subject to the approval of the Build- ing Committee, to hire and discharge if necessary, janitors, firemen, watchmen and caretakers of these buildings, and that such person in charge of these buildings be responsible to the Building Committee for the faithful performance of his duties. Your Committee would also recommend that the Building Committee be empowered to effect such consolidation of these two positions and to employ a suitable person to fill this posi- tion to be known as Superintendent of County Buildings in the City of Ithaca, other than the Highway Buildings. Your Committee would further recommend that because of the added responsibility falling upon such a person that the - committee on Salary and Wages be directed to fix the salary OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK I, 115 of the Superintendent of Buildings at $125 00 per month, ef- fective when such consolidation is made. Respectfully submitted, THOMAS G. MILLER, D. J. WATROUS, LAGRAND CHASE, JOS B MYERS, ' Committee. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption •. Resolved—That this report be accepted and the recommend- ations therein be authorized by this Board 'Seconded by Mr Chase Moved by Mr Osborn, that the matter be laid on the table for one month Seconded by Mr Veit Ayes—Messrs. Myers, Snow, Mott, Stevenson, Veit, Osborn, Squier, Conlon and Stone -9. Noes—Messrs. Miller, Watrous, Chase, Van Order and Al- bright -5. Motion carried Mr. Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $362 20, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of replacing the refrigeration unit in the New Tompkins County Jail Building. Seconded by 1VIr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That we, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, favoring the formation of the Association of Munici- pal Self -insurers of the State of New York hereby authorize the Chairman of the Compensation Insurance ;Committee to sign the application for membership, and to attend all meet- ings of the Association or designate some member of that com- mittee,, or any member of the Board, or the County Attorney to act in his place, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) to pay the membership fee, and the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is hereby directed to draw an order on the County Treasurer for this amount pay- able to Frank P. Gifune, President, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of funds heretofore ap- propriated for Compensation Insurance purposes Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Carried. Mr. C W. Thomas appeared before the Board and presented a project to cover the administrative staff of the T E R A to the first of they year. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $519 75, or so much thereof as may be necessary to take care of the county's share of the project covering the administrative staff of the T E.R.A., and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay out the same in like manner as heretofore, and be it further Resolved—That if the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as to her may seem necessary, in anticipa- tion of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 117 1 and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear in- terest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it•furthei Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be • signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the en- tries required by said Section 41, of the County Law - Seconded by Mr Stone Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Stevenson' offered the -following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The New York State Commission for the Blind has forwarded to this Board the application of Mrs. Alice Willard of Slaterville Springs, N. Y., a totally blind person, for relief and the findings of the Commission with respect to the earning capacity of said Mrs. Alice Willard, and a recom- mendation that a relief allowance of $20 00 per month be granted to said Mrs. Alice Willard, all in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 185, of the Laws of 1922, and WHEREAS—This Board finds that said Mrs. Alice Willard is wholly blind and resides in this county and is otherwise eligible for such relief and is without means of support and in- capable of self-support; Be It Resolved—That this Board grants to said Mrs. Alice Willard, an allowance of $20.00 per month for the balance of the year 1935, to commence as of the first day of October, 1935 ; and that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $60.00 for such purpose and the County Treasurer is authorized and directed to pay out the same to said Mrs. Alice Willard in monthly installments of $20 00 each, payable monthly in ad- vance and commencing with the month of October, 1935 Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes -1. Mr. Squier voting in the negative Carried. 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. B I Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, re- quested that the members set aside two days for inspection of the highways built under the county system , On motion, Tuesday, October 22, and Wednesday, October 23, were designated for the inspection of highways • The Clerk read the following claims for audit, with the names of the claimants and the amounts allowed, as reported by the several committees : 1 T-524 Corner Bookstores, Inc , Supplies—Co Dev Asso. I $ 62 50 525 Corner Bookstores Inc., Books—Rural Tray. Libr. 668.87 526 R R Bowker Co , Subs. Libr. Journal—Rural Tray. Libr. 5 00 527 Wm T. Pritchard, Storage, etc.—Rural Tray. Libr 7 40 528 Roland Mulhauser, Expenses to Conv.—Rural Tray. Libr25 50 529 Roland Mulhauser, Postage—Rural Trav Libr ' 3 00 530 H C Loomis, Agt., National Grange Mutual Liability Co, Insurance—Rural Trav Libr 19.42 531 P W Wood & Son, Insurance—Rural Trav Libr. 66 98 532 Harry Hatfield, Fees in Dog Cases—Justice 6.20 533 Bert I. Vann, Mileage—Co Supt 132.16 534 Bert I. Vann, Expenses --Co Supt 22 60 535 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Supplies—Co 'Supt. 1 92 536 Riley H Heath, Sup Ct Judge, Postage—Sup Ct. Judge 25 00 537 J E Van Natta, Supplies—Sup. Ct Judge 0 85 538 Willard M Kent, Attending Conference—Co Judge 25 00 539 Robert A. Hutchinson, Attending Conference— Clk. Children's Ct. 25 00 540 Arthur G. Adams, Expenses—Dist Atty 236 98 541 Herbert L McLallen, Use of fowls, Millard case —Dist Atty 14.25 542 Dr.'H. H Crum, Services—Jail Physician 10 00 543 Frank C. Ellis, Mileage—Sheriff 76.20 544 Edward C Welser, Developing fingerprints— , Sheriff 2 00 545 Bernetta Cronk, Board, Alice Fairchild—P H C 7 47 546 Syracuse Memonal Hospital, Care, Elizabeth OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 119 Leaver 'P H C 43 00 547 Binghamton City Hospital„ Care, Rudolph Whitted—P.H.C. 41.00 548 Dr. H. B. Stokes, Operation—Philip Frisbey— P.H.C. 75 00 549, S LeRoy Sahler, Anesthetic fees Philip Fris- bey—P.H.C. 30.00 550 G. A. C. Berry, Arch supports—Lenora Bell— P.H.C. 10 00 551 G. A. C. Berry, Braces—Arthur Emerson= P.H.C. 15.00 552 G A. C Berry, Knee cap—Clara Crispell— P.H C. 3 50 553 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Jacket—Helen Ful- ler—P H C. 10 00 554 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care—Margaret Meeker—P.H.C. 183 00, '555 Dr J. C Frey, Anestheic—Margaret Meeker —P.HC. 1000 556 Hospital of the Good Shepherd, Care—Mar- garet Meeker—P.H.0 94'50 557 Lawyers Co -Op Publishing Co., Law Books— Co. Judge 30.00 558 The Atkinson Press, Blanks—Surrogate 25'00 559 H. •L. O'Daniel, Expenses—Co Clerk 30 48 560 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Supplies—Co. Clerk 16.13 561 Edward Thompson Co., Law Book—Co Clerk 4 00 562 Emma L. Card, Expenses—Comm of Elec. 2'00 563 Jennie B Thayer, Clerical work—Comm of Elec 10.00 564 , The Atkinson Press, Printing—Comm of Elec. 41 00 565 The Journal & Courier, Election Notice—Elec. Exp' 1.75 566 W. O. Smiley, Postage & expenses—Supr: 5 85 ,567 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies—Supr. 20.25 568 Grace Printing Co , Real est. transfer reports— , Supr. 23.50 569 Joseph H. Brophy, Warden, Freight on plates— Mot Veh. Clk 60 25 570 New Method Bandage Distr , Supplies—Jail Supplies ' 11.31 571 J. C Stowell Co , Matches—Jail Supplies , 5 40 572 Rothschild Bios., Towels—Jail Supplies 4.54 573 The Sport Shop, Supplies—Jail Supplies - 46 00 - 574 Jack C. Allen, Labor—Co. Bldgs. 64.80 575 T. B. Hepburn, Cleaners—Co " Bldgs 10 00 120 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 576 Genesee Sanitary Wiper, Co., Inc , Supplies— ` Co. Bldgs. 28 60 577 ' Bert Patten, Repairing Clock—Co Bldgs. 4.00 578 F. H. Higgins, Plumbing, etc ,—Jail_ 42.82 579 C. A. Shelton, Electrical work—Jail 362 20 580 ,Otis Elevator Co., Repairs on elevator—Jail ' 37 49 ' 581 Driscoll Bros. & Co., Repairing cupboards—Jail 77 44 582 Ray -S. Young, Assigned to C C: Squier, Hauling top soil=Co Clk Bldg. 20 00 583 Albert H. Roskelly, Labor—Co Clk. Bldg. 8 00 584 Warren Rumsey, Labor—Co. Clk. Bldg. 16.00 '585 Milton Rumsey, Labor—Co. Clk. Bldg 4 00 586 Treman, King & Co , Gate—Co C1k.,Bldg. 15 00 587 John V. Griffin, Painting—Co. Clk Bldg 14 00 588 -.Fred Sherwood, Labor—Courthouse 27.00 589 Norton Electric Co., Electrical Work—Court Hbuse 17.41 ' 590 Tisdel's Repair Shop, Keys—Court House 1.75 591 E M. Rumsey & Son, Sand and Gravel—Co. Farm 85 50 592 John J. Sinsabaugh ,Expenses—Co. Sealer 119.94 593 Chas. H. Newman, Expenses—Co. Atty. 35.10 • $3,287.81 Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and ' moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims 'amounting to the sum ,of $3,287.81, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which, they were referred, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any avaliable funds in her hands; and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, 'or any part thereof and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in antici- pation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- cates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,i NEW YORK 121 Resolved—That such notes for certificates of ` indebtedness shall be signed by the County ;Treasurer, and -countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the en- tries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer' by the Clerk of this Board for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to charge Claim No. T-543, being for Sheriff's expenses, to the town of Danby, the sum of $4 50 ; to the town of Dryden, the sum of ' $6.00; to the town of Enfield, the ,sum of $3.30; to the town of Groton, the sum of $22.20 ; to the town of Ithaca, the sum of $7.20 ; to the town of Lansing, the sum of $6.30 ; to the town of Newfield, the sum of $3.60 ; and to the town of Ulysses, the sum of $8.10, the amounts so charged being properly charge- able to the respective towns, and to be placed in the tax bud- gets thereof for the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the County for moneys expended for, and in their behalf. Seconded by Stone Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 122 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Monthly 'Meeting ' Monday, November 11, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present Minutes of monthly meeting of October 14th, read and ap- proved a' • WHEREAS at the special meeting of this Board, held on the 18th day, of September, 1935, an act authorizing the Town of Ithaca 'to issue its bonds in the amount of $22,000 to pay the, Town's share of the cost of constructing a water distribution system in Forest Home Water District in said Town, was duly adopted, AND WHEREAS It has since been determined that the Town's share of the cost of such construction, will not exceed $17,000 and therefore, the bonds to be issued by the said Town of Ithaca will be in the amount of $17,000 instead of $22,000, as originally contemplated Be It Resolved, that the resolution and act of this Board authorizing such bond issue be and the same hereby is amend- ed to read as' follows: AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO ISSUE ITS BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $17,000 TO PAY THE TOWN'S SHARE OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING A WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN FOREST HOME WATER DISTRICT IN SAID TOWN Passed pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law, the County Law and Chapter 782 of the Laws of 1933, and the acts amendatory thereof, at a meeting of ,the Board of Super- visors of the County of Tompkins, held on the 18th day of September, 1935, and amended at a meeting of said Board, held on the 11th day of November, 1935 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 123 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DOES ENACT AS FOLLOWS : ` SECTION 1. The County of Tompkins does hereby au- thorize and approve any action taken by the Town of Ithaca through its Town Board to issue and sell negotiable coupon serial bonds of said Town in the principal amount of $17,000 to pay the Town's share of the cost of constructing a water 'distribution system in said district, substantially in accord- ance with the plans and specifications contained in the ap- plication of said Town for a loan and grant for such purpose filed with the United States of America. Said bonds- may contain such terms, may be in such form and may be sold and delivered in such manner as determined by resolution of the Town Board of said Town SECTION 2 This act shall take effect immediately. The foregoing resolution was seconded by Mr. Squier and being put to vote, it was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Messrs Snow, Miller, Mott, Stevenson, Watrous, Chase, Conlon, Albright, Stone, Van Order, Veit, Myers, Os- born and Squier-14 Noes—None Carried. Bills for audit, were placed in the hands of the various com- mittees. The Chairman announced the Board of Supervisors were invited to join the American Legion Armistice Day services to be held in DeWitt Park at 11 o'clock On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Osborn, the Board adjourned for -that purpose, to reconvene at 1.30 P M. 124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present. The Clerk read a communication from the Department of Public Works relative to' snow removal program, stating that the highway program as submitted by the County Superin- tendent of Highways, had been approved as the county high- , way Snow Removal Program for 1935-36. Mr.Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The State has created,a special county health district with Dr. Van Volkenburg, as Assistant District Health Officer, be it Resolved—That our present county nurses, Miss Marian May, Miss Elizabeth Hugg and Miss Katherine McKevitt, be appointed as county nurses for the new Tompkins County State Health District. Seconded by Mr Snow Carried. The joint report of the County Treasurer and the County Clerk, relative to the amount received for mortgage tax and the allocation thereof made by them, was received and re- ferred to the Committee on County Treasurer Accounts Mr Snow, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, rendered the following report of the com- mittee, relative to the Mortgage Tax Moneys, in the hands of the County Treasurer on October 1, 1935 To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your ,Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, renders the following report, relative to the Mortgage Tax Moneys received and the allocation thereof made as follows : Caroline $ 69.87 Danby 33 58 Dryden 159.50 Enfield 18.81 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 125 Groton 119 03 Ithaca City 1,586 08 Ithaca Town 456.87 Lansing 120.85 Newfield 62 57 Ulysses 89.00 $2,716 16 ' Your Committee finds that of the amount of $159 50 to which the Town of Dryden is entitled, there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Dryden, the sum of $13 41, and to the incorporated Village of Freeville, the sum of $7.38 ; of the amount of $119 03 to which the Town of Groton is entitled, there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Groton, the sum of $33 22 , of the amount of $456 87 to which the Town of Ithaca is entitled, there should be paid to the in- corporated Village of Cayuga Heights, the sum of $89 66 ; and of the amount of $89 00 to which the Town of Ulysses is en- titled, there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Trumansburg, the sum of $16 40, your committee therefore has recommended the adoption of the following resolution . Resolved—That the report of the' Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, relative to the Mortgage Tax Moneys, and the allocation thereof, as therein made; be accepted and adopted and that this Board issue its warrant to the County Treasurer for the distribution thereof to the several tax dis- tricts of the county entitled thereto, as herein set forth Dated, October 23, 1935. 1 Seconded by Mr Miller LAMONT C SNOW, , A. J CONLON, JOS B MYERS, 0 Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Committee. Mr: Watrous;Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- ported to the Board that there had been received a bill against the county from the Bero Engineering and Construction Cor- poration of North Tonawanda, for the sum of $110 01, for 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS extra work done on the Groton-Freeville County Highway No 926, and offered the following resolution : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $110 01, to the Bero Engineering and Construction Corpora- tion of North Tonawanda, N. Y., for extra work, consisting of installing railing, laying pipes, building wall and repairing spring, on two different properties, as follows : On the Jay Portzline Farm—laying sewer pipe Charles Jackson farm—installing railing, building dry wall and repairing spring on the Groton-Freeville County Highway No. 926, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order at this time, for said amount, payable to the Bero Engineering and Construc- tion Corporation, and the County Treasurer is directed to pay said order out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for se- curing rights of way , Seconded by Mr Miller t Ayes -14 ' Noes -0 Carried Mr. Bert I . Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, ap- peared before the highway committee and recommended pur- chase of snow fence, fence posts and snow plows, as follows: 20,000 feet at 7c 2,500 posts, about 33/ 1 large snow plow about 1 smaller snow plow about $1,400 00 750 00 2,900 00 1,000.00 $6,050 00 Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $6,000.00 for the purchase of snow fence and snow re- moval equipment, and be it further Resolved -=That if the County ,Treasurer has not sufficient OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 127 funds in her hands with which to pay the same, and in pur- suance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the' notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months 'after the date of issue, and to bear gn- terest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment,' and be it further ' Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness, be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the en- tries required by said Section .41, of the'County Law Seconded by Mr Stone Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried The Clerk read the bids which were' received for printing 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board, for the year 1935, as follows : Cayuga Press Norton Printing Co $2 16 per page 2 04 per page Moved by Mr Osborn, that the 'bid of the Norton Printing Company, for the sum of $2 04 per page, be accepted and that the contract for printing 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board, for the year 1935, be awarded to that company, with the agreement on the part, of said company, that the provisions of the State Labor Law will be complied with,' so far as the same relates to `said Proceedings and that the work be done in Tompkins County. Seconded by Mr Stevenson Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Lawrence M. Mintz appeared before the Board on behalf 128 , , PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS i of the American Legion asking the Board of Supervisors to provide suitable quarters for that organization in the Old County Clerk's Building. , On motion of Mr. Osborn, seconded by Mr. Conlon, the above matter was referred to the Building Committee. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption,:, Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Department of Public Welfare for carrying on the work of that department for the months of November and December, 1935, the sum of $25,485 00, apportioned as follows: CHARITABLE—IMPROVIDENT POOR ' Outlide Relief " $5,000.00 Foster Homes4,000.00 Hospitalization 4,000.00 Institutional care of children 1,000.'00 County Home 2,500.00 Case Supervisor , 600.00 Worker 100.00 Stenographers (2) 360.00 T.E.R A. Clerical -work (3) 700.00 Office Expenses 400.00 Traveling expenses 200.00 Food Storage 100.00 OLD AGE SECURITY Allowances $6,000.00 Worker 375.00 Stenographers (2) 300.00 Traveling expenses 100.00 Office expenses 50.00 $18,660.00 6,825 00 $25,485 00 and be ii further Resolved—That in making up the budget for the current year the amounts herein appropriated shall be deducted from the amount recommended by the Welfare Commissioner as' necessary for carrying on the work of that department for the year ending October 31, 1936, and be it further OF=TOMPKINS'COUNTY, NEW YORK , 129 Resolved—That the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is directed to pay the amounts hereby appropriated in the same manner as she has heretofore paid moneys for said department out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized, to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipa- tion of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, ,the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further 0 Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- cates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding 6 per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries'required by said Section 41, of the County Law Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. The matter with reference to the building superintendent, engineer, etc. which was made a special order of business for this meeting was then taken up. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That this matter be laid on the table for the new board taking office January 1, 1936, to consider. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes—Messrs. Veit, Osborn, Squier, Stone, Myers and Stevenson -6. Noes—Messrs. Snow, Miller, Mott,' Watrous, Chase, Van Order, Conlon and Albright -8., , 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Motion lost. A vote being taken on the original question resulted unan- imously. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, with the names of the claimants and the amounts allowed, as reported by the several committees : T-594 Roland Mulhauser, Postage "& Exp —Rur Tray. Libr. ' $ 5' 58 595 Wm. T. Pritchard, Storage, etc —Rur. Trav Libr.. , 7.35 596 Norton Printing Co , Book cards—Rur Tray. Libr. 20 00 597 T. G Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Rur. Tray. Libr 6 83 598 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Co. Treas 125 599 The Journal & Courier, Redemption notices— Co. Treas. 226 24 600 Bert I Vann, Mileage—Co. Supt 120.88 601 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Margaret Meeker—July P H C 93 00 602 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care—Robert Mic- cinati-6/1/35 to 10/1/35 & X;ray—P H C. 371 00 603 Binghamton City Hospital, Care }Rudolph Whited—P H C. 38 00' 604 Bernetta Cronk, Board—Alice Fairchild— P. H. C. ,16 53 605 Driscoll Bros. & Co , Bulletin Board—N R S 2 50 606 T G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—N R S 0 50 607 W W Marquart, Labor—Co Clk's Bldg 2 00 608 C J Rumsey & Co , Supplies—Court House 5 39 609 Fitzgibbons Boiler Co , Supplies—Court House 4.00 610 Francis & Smith, Rent of pump—Court House 12 00 611 Dr H H Crum, Services—Jail Physician 7 00 612 Dr. I Bird -Acosta, Services—Jail Inmates 3 75 613 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Dist Atty , 4 14 614 Matthew Bender & Co , Bender' Index—Co Judge 4 00 615 Williamson Law Book Co., Supplement—Co Judge 5.00 616 H. L. O'Dariiel, Postage & Expenses—Co. Clerk 32.66 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 131 617 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Books—Co Clerk 88 40 618 The Atkinson Press, Bill heads—Co Clerk 9 00 619 T. G. Miller's -Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Co Clerk 1.48 620 Callaghan & Co , Law Book—Co Clerk 5 00 621 The Atkinson Press, Printing—Elections 20.25 622 Norton Printing Co , Printing—Elections 3,436.00, 623 Wm. F George, Pres. Bd. of Elec., Postage— Comm. of Elec. 15.40 624 T G. Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies— Comm. of Elec 12 60 625 Matthew Bender & Co., Benders Index—Supr 4.00 626 Wm A Church Co., Envelopes—Supr 2 75 627 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies—Supr 2.75 628 W 0. Smiley, Postage—Supr 4.00 629 John J. Sinsabaugh, Mileage & Expenses— Co Sealer 79.89 630 J. B Lyon Company, Law Books—Co Judge 45 00 631 West Publishing Co , Law ,Books—Co Judge 15 00 632 Corner Bookstores, Inc , Supplies—Co. Judge 4 75 633 Corner Bookstores, Inc , Supplies—Co. Clerk 4 75 634 Wm F George, Pres. Bd. of Elec , Postage— Comm of Elec 15 00 635 T. G , Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies— Comm. of Elec. 0 3.00 636 Jennie B Thayer, Clerical Work—Comm. of Elec. 20 00 637 Emma L Card, Clerical work—Comm of Elec 20.00 638 Frank C Ellis, Mileage—Sheriff 136 25 639 Journal & Courier, Publishing notices—Elec Exp 27 72 $4,962 59 Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • / Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $4,962.59, be audited by this Board at the amounts -recom- mended by the several committees to which they, were referred, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, 132 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary; in anticipa- tion of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the pur- poses to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or cer- tificates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk. shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this, Board for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be 'directed to charge Claim No T-638, being for Sheriff's expenses, to the town of Caroline, the sum of $5 55 , to the town of Danby, the sum of $4.50 ; to the town of Dryden, the sum of $48 60 , to the town of Enfield, the sum of $9.30 , t8 the town of Groton, the sum of $15.90 ; to the town of Ithaca, the sum of $6.30 ; to the town of Lansing, the sum of $10.80 ; to the town of Newfield, the sum of $15.30 and to the town of Ulysses, the sum of $9.20, the amounts so charged being properly chargeable to the respec- tive towns, and to be placed in the tax budgets thereof for the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys ex- pended for, and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Annual Session First Day Thursday, Novemberd4, 1935 Roll call. All members present 133 Minutes of monthly meeting of November 11th, read and ap- proved. Mr. Carl Crandall appeared before the Board and talked with reference to the continuation of the Tompkins County Development Association activities to July 1, 1936. 1 Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : , II Resolved—That this Board approve the continuance of the County Development Association until the 30th day of June, 1936, upon the condition that the county's share of the cost from this date to June 30, 1936, shall not exceed $2,400.00, in addition to the furnishing of office space for the Association Be It Further Resolved—That there be and hereby is ap- propriated for salary of a draughtsman and other expenses of the Tompkins County Development Association for the period from this date to and including June 30, 1936, the sum of $2,400.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and be it further Resolved—That in the event that the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes \to be contained in the taxes for the current, year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be 'it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS cates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after, the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved, --That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr Albright Mr Squier moved that the matter be laid on the table until Monday, November 18th. Seconded by Mr Conlon Carried The Clerk read the following communication from the State Department of Taxation and Finance, relative to the amount to be raised by the county by taxation for the fiscal year, be- ginning July 1, 1935, for Armory and Stenographer's Tax : Dear , Sir.' The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby notified, as required by statute, to raise by taxation for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1935, the sum of $12,- 811 70 for the following purposes : Armory Purposes. On a total equalized valuation of $58,321,183 $ 8,788 07, Court and Stenographers expenses On an assessed valuation of $63,126,196 4,023.63 Total $12,811.70 Respectfully yours, Commissioner of Taxation and Finance By Frank S Harris, Deputy Commissioner. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 135 0 Referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Squier, Chairman of the Building Committee, reported that the committee was not ready to report on the veterans organizations request, but would ask representatives of all patriotic organizations to meet with them and discuss the question before any recommendations will be made to the Board Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the report be accepted Seconded by Mr. Veit. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Friday, November 15th, at 9 :30 A M. e ' 136 ' PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF, SUPERVISORS Second Day Friday, November 15, 1935 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of November 14th meeting read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the Cayuga Rock Salt Company, Inc., with reference, to use of salt on town and county highways. The Clerk read a communication from the Department of Taxation and Finance, relative to the rates of assessments of property in the tax districts of the county as fixed by that department for the year 1935, as follows : Caroline 96% Danby 98% Dryden 98% Enfield — 96% Groton 97% Ithaca 99% Lansing 98% Newfield 98% Ulysses 90% Ithaca City 88% Referred to Committee) on Equalization. The Clerk read the following communication from the State Department of Audit and Control, relative to' Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds issued for the construction of state and county highways : Dear Sir : , The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County is hereby notified, pursuant to Chapter 469, Laws of 1906, as amended by Chapter 718, Laws of 1907, as amended by Chapter 179, Laws of 1910, to levy a tax of $7,629.21 against said' county and the following towns therein, for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of roads, viz.:' OF TOMPKINa COUNTY, NEW YORK' 137 Roads Towns County Town " Year Sinking Int Sinking Int Total Fund Fund , 606 Ithaca 1935 $163 20 $ 32640 $ 57 60 , $115 20 $ 662 40 616 Ulysses 1935 706 20 1,412 40 216 85 433 69 Ithaca 1935 ' 75 77 151 54 2,996 45 681 Dryden 1935 396 96 793.92 81 03 162 08 Ithaca 1935 42 85 85 72 _ 1,562 56 682 Dryden 1935 305 03 610 05 89 71 179 42 1,184.21 683 Dryden 1935 315 16 630 34 ' 92 69 185 40 1,223 59 $7,629 21 Very truly yours, Morris S. Tremaine, Comptroller By F J. Burns, Deputy Comptroller Referred to Committee on Town Officers' Accounts. Mr Chase called attention, to the resolution which was pass- ed on December 12, 1933, relative to the Sinking Fund and Interest for the Town of Ithaca The Clerk read a communication from the New York State Department of Social Welfare relative to the county's appro- priation for Blind Relief for the year 1936. Referred to the -Committee on Education The report of John J. Sinsabaugh,_as County Sealer of Weights and Measures, was received and refeired_to the Com- mittee on County Officers' Accounts. The annual report of the Commissioners of Election, with the apportionment of election expenses between the County and the several political sub -divisions thereof, was received and referred to the Committee bn Town Officers' Accounts. The report of Arthur G. Adams, District Attorney, was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Courts, Correction and ,Legislation. 138 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The report of the Board of Child Welfare was received and referred to the Committee on Education. The financial reports of the Farm and Home Bureaus were received and referred to the Committee on Education The financial report of the 4-11 Club Department of the Junior Extension together with the budget for 1936, was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Education. The Clerk asked the opinion of the Board with reference to , the correction of the lists of Supervisors of Tompkins County, as published in 11915 On motion of Mr. Watrous, seconded by Mr. ,Osborn, the clerk was authorized to prepare a completed list of names of members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County from 1817 to the present time Mr Squier, Chairman of the Building Committee, called attention to work to be done on the Old Court House`. After discussion of same, on motion of Mr. Osborn, seconded by Mr. Conlon, the Building Committee was authorized to fix the out- er eastern wall of the Old Court House together with the chimney which needs repairs, the same ngt to exceed the cost of $500 00, with authority to accept or reject any bids now received by them Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried On motion, adjourned to Monday, November 18th, 1935 at 9:30 A. M. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 139 Third Day Monday, November 18, 1935 Roll call All members present, except Mr Van Order Minutes of November 15th meeting read and approved Mr. Taylor appeared before the Board and spoke, relative to traffic hazard for pedestrians attending church services both morning and evening, and asked that the Board of Supervisors consider the allowing of parking by such attendants, during the hours of morning and evening church services, in the county private parking space. The Chairman referred the above matter to the Building Committee The report of the County Clerk was received and referred to the Committee on County Officers' Accounts. The general report of the Commissioner of Public Welfare and his report on Old Age Security were received and re- ferred to the Committee on Charities. The Clerk read a communication from the Utica Chamber of Commerce, relative to a convention of, the Association of Supervisors of the State of New York, which will assemble at Hotel Martin November 22nd and 23rd. Mr. Osborn moved, that the Clerk and the County Attorney attend the convention to be held at Utica, November 22nd and 23rd Seconded by Mr Snow Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the State Depart- ment of Public Works, Division of Highways, stating the fact that State Highway No. 1623—North and East—to State Highway No. 616 (Farm to Market Road) was accepted by that department November 13, 1935 and is turned over to the County of {Tompkins for future maintenance and repair 140 PROCEEDINGS OF' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The report of the Surrogate's Clerk, relative to the receipts and disbursements of that office, was received and referred to the Committee on County Officers' Accounts. The report of the County Judge of moneys received by him for pistol permits, was received and referred to the Committee on County Officers' Accounts. The Clerk read a notice of a meeting of the Flood ,Control _ Council of Central -Southern New York to be held in Bing- hamton, November 23rd. Mr. Miller called for his resolution of November 14th which had been laid on the table for consideration at this time. After discussion, a roll call resulted as follows • Ayes—Messrs Myers, Miller, Chase and Albright -4 Noes—Messrs. Snow, Mott, Stevenson, Watrous, Veit, Os- born, Squier, Conlon and Stone -9. Resolution lost. ' The financial report of the Board of Managers of the Tuber- culosis Hospital was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. The report of the Coroner was received and placed on file Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption ., WHEREAS -It appears from the records in the County Clerk's Office that certain property in the town of Newfield more particularly described as "All that tract of land, situate in School District No 8 in the town of Newfield, County of Tompkins, and State of New York, formerly assessed ,to August Tudi, containing 71 acres, more or less, bounded north by Patty, east by Smith, south by Bradshaw and west by Deland," was conveyed to the County of Tompkins by Char- lotte, V. Bush, County Treasurer by tax deed dated October 11, 1928, recorded in the said Clerk's Office in Book 215 of , Deeds at page 324 ; and OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 141 WHEREAS=The same property was thereafter sold by the County Treasurer on tax sale and conveyed by her to one C. A. Taylor by tax deed dated, December 10, 1934, and re- corded in said Clerk's Office in Book 237 of Deeds at page 399; and WHEREAS—Said C. A Taylor desires to perfect his title to said property Resolved—That Supervisor, Clarence C. Squier, as Commit- tee to dispose of lands acquired at tax sale, be and he hereby is authorized to execute and deliver, on behalf of the County, to said C A Taylor, a quit -claim deed covering the premises above described, in consideration of the payment to the Coun- ty Treasurer of the amount of all claims which the County of Tompkins may have against said premises for taxes or other liens, or upon such other terms as may be agreed upon between said C A. Taylor and said Supervisor, Clarence C Squier Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried The report of the County Treasurer was received and re- ferred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts O , The reports of R A Hutchinson, as County Probation, Officer and Clerk of Children's Court, with the apportionment for expenses of Children's Court, were received and referred to the Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation. Mr. Watrous, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, reported that that committee had effected a settlement with Stephen P Cheesman on the Ithaca -Danby Pt 1 State High- way No 5043, for rights of way and all property damage caused thereby. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $100.00 for lands taken for the right of way and all property damages, payable to Stephen P Cheesman on the Ithaca -Danby Pt 1, State Highway No. 5043, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order payable to Mr Cheesman, upon the delivery by him of a proper deed of conveyance of 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS land covering all property damages, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That a janitor be employed to serve the Clothing Bureau in the old County Clerk's Building at a salary of twenty dollars per month, and that there be and hereby is appropri- ated the sum of thirty dollars to cover the same for the bal- ance of the year 1935, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same in the same manner as other county employees are paid, out of any available funds in her hands Seconded by Mr Chase. Ayes—Messrs Myers, Snow, Mott, Stevenson, Chase, Os- born, Squier, Conlon, Albright and Stone -10 Noes—Messrs. Miller and Veit -2. Resolution carried On motion of Mr Chase, the Board adjourned to Monday, December 2„ 1935, at 9 :30 A. M OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 143 Fourth Day Monday, December 2, 1935' Roll, call All members present. Minutes of November 18th meeting, read and approved Mr Stone spoke with reference to T C D. A and offered the following resolution : Resolved—That Dr. Ladd be asked to appear before the Board, if possible today, and explain T C. D A continuation Seconded by Mr Chase. Carried. Mr C W. Thomas submitted a report with reference to the continuation of T E R A projects to February 15, 1935, which report was referred by the Chairman to the Finance Commit- tee The annual report of the Superintendent of the County Laboratory was received and referred to the Committee on County Laboratory. The annual reports of the Sheriff and the Jail Matron were received and referred to the Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation Mr. Watrous, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, reported that that committee had effected settlement with the estate of Dr. Homer Genung on the Groton-Freeville County Highway No 926, for the sum of $3,000.00 for rights of way and all property damage caused thereby Mr Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $3,000 00, for lands taken for a right of way and all property damage, payable to Dr Homer Genung's estate, on the Groton-Freeville County Highway No. 926, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order payable to Dr Genung's 144 -PROCEEDING$ OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS estate for such lands taken and, all property damage, upon re- ceipt from them of a good and sufficient deed of conveyance of the land taken and a release of all damages' sustained by reason thereof; and the County -Treasurer be, and she hereby is, directed to pay said claim out of the moneys appropriated for securing rights of way. , Seconded by Mr. Chase Carried The Clerk read the report of the Clothing Bureau Commit- tee on activities of the past year which was placed on file. Mr. Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Board of Supervisors express to the members of the Clothing Bureau Committed the full apprec- iation of this Board for the good work done as shown by the above report Seconded by Mr Conlon Carried The annual report of the Rural Traveling Library was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Education. Lists of the Town Audits of the Towns of Danby, Dryden and Ithaca were received and referred to the Committee on Finance Lists of Corporations of the towns of Caroline, Enfield, Ithaca and Ulysses were received and filed On motion of Mr. Snow, the election of county officers and empolyees and representatives of this Board, to be elected by the Board fdr the year 1936, was made a special order of business for Tuesday, December 10, at 10 :30 A. M _ Seconded by Mr Osborn. Carried Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, read a report from the State Department of Social Welfare relative to an inspection of the County Home, which was received and placed on file. • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 145 Lists of Corporations of the towns of Danby, Dryden, Gro- ton and the City of Ithaca, were received and filed. Mr. Chase presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Town of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Courts, Cor- rection and Legislation. Dr. C. E. Ladd appeared before the Board and talked with reference to the continuation of T. C. D. A. activities. On recommendation of the Chairman the above matter` was made a special order .of business for Wednesday, December 4th., On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 3, 1935, at 9.30 A. M. 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Fifth Day Tuesday, December 3, 1935 ' MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Albright. Minutes of December 2nd meeting, read and approved. Mr Osborn presented the following regular and supplement- al reports of the Committee on Equalization, Etc. on the Foot- ing of Assessment Rolls, which were laid on the table one day under the rule. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESS- MENT ROLLS To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your committee reports that it has verified and corrected the footings of the Assessment Rolls referred to it, as, made by the Assessors of each tax district, and that the following is a cor- rect statement of such footings: Towns Acres a a o ... o a FO ...i5 Ta Ty o ..... W p,' W b A ld M o 15H g E" 5 Caroline _ _ 34,74-71$ 1,032,9201$ 31,632 $ 1,064,552 $ 50,35 Danby - _ _ 33,286 1,229,4-971 35,378 1,264,875 72,79, Dryden _ _ _ 58,286 4,189,3471 142,8591 4,332,206 539,89 Enfield - -- _ - .__ _ - 22,207 835,3181 30,432 865,750 167,75 Groton _ - - __ _ 30,275 4,041,280 62,846 4,104,126 502,10 Ithaca, City - - _ - _ 2,940 59,578,875 778,976 60,357,851 22,478,75 Ithaca, Town ._ -- --.- ._ 16,293 10,473,600 193,050 10,666,650 3,674,30 Lansing _ - __ - _ _ 37,789 3,610,639 72,911 3,683,550 366,67 Newfield 36,997 1,324,981 38,122 1,363,103 103,86 Ulysses . . ... . . .. . ... 19,818 3,556,260 94,178 3,650,438 799,00 0 0 5 0 0 Totals __ - 293,0881$ 89,872,7171$1,480,3841$91,353,1011$28,755,473 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 147 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESS- MENT ROLLS (Continued) Towns Pension Exempt 0 ,, 0V k a V �i C ttl i k G ro W al . L ,-M.:-."E' �aE" �a� SE" � $.�E" C� a 61I.nu aTu �O NcD v< Q+'W P, E.ginvti7.. cg z O a- Z O 0,VzNVVhQI V h a V p4 LL a 2 Caroline _ _ i$ Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca, City Ithaca, Town Lansing _ _ Newfield Ulysses 9501$ 1,013,252 12,8501 1,179,233 11,090 3,781,220 3,850 694,150 6,8251 3,595,201 78,675 37,800,426 4,175 6,988,175 4,625 3,312,250 5,850 1,253,393 3,604 2,847,834- $ ,847,834 $ 1,014,202 1,192,083 3,792,3101 698,0001 3,602,026, 37,879,101 6,992,350 3,316,875 1,259,243 2,851,438 993,881 1,997,304 1 2,715,071 1,047,448 998,381 2,002,504 2,715,071 1,049,502 2,793,929 1,599,522 4,277,279 1,801,936 Totals $132,494 $62,465,134 $62,597,6281$6,753,704 $6,765,458 $10,472,666 Dated, November 21st, 1935 R. C OSBORN, Charman THOS G MILLER, LAMONT C. SNOW, JOS. B. MYERS, D. J. WATROUS, LAGRAND CHASE, CARL A MOTT, Committee 148 PROCEEDINGS OF :THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your Committee renders the following supplemental report relative to the assessed value of property within and without incorporated villages of the several towns of the county. Towns and Villages Total Real Only Except Pensions Total Franchises Real Property and Franchises Subject to GENERAL TAX Pension Exempt Real Property and Franchises Subject to HIGHWAY TAX DRYDEN— Dryden 1 Village ___ _ _ _ Freeville _ _ . _ - Total Inside Corporations . __ Outside Corporations ._ - Totals - $ 636,0001$ 18,9141$ 654,9141$ 1,500 $ 656,414 321,8911 17,076 338,9671 3,000 341,967 957,8911 35,9901 983,881 2,680,4701 106,8691 2,787,339 3,638,3611 142,859 3,781,220 4,500 6,590 11,090 998,381 2,793,929 3,792,310 GROTON— Groton Village _ . Outside Corporation . Totals 1,982,07511 15,229 1,550,280 47,617 3,532,3551 62,846 1,997,304 1,597,897 3,595,201 5,200 1,625 6,825 2,002,504 1,599,522 3,602,026 ITHACA— Cayuga Heights _ - Outside Corporation Totals - - - - - - _2,672,600 1 4,122,525 _ 1 6,795,125 42,471 150,579 193,050 2,715,071 4,273,104 6,988,175 4,175 4,175 2,71'5,071 4,277,279 6,992,350 ULYSSES— Trumaiisburg - - - - Outside Corporation . . Totals - - - 1,013,7361' 33,712 1,047,448 2,054 1,049,502 1,739,9201 60,466 1,800,386 1,550 1,801,936 2,753,6561 94,1781 2,847,834 3,604 2,851,438 Dated, November 21st, 1935 R. C. OSBORN, Chairman THOMAS G. MILLER, LAMONT C. SNOW, JOS. B. MYERS, D J. WATROUS, LAGRAND CHASE, C. A. MOTT, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 149 Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the reports be taken from the table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr Miller. By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the table Mr. `Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the regular and supplemental reports of" the Committee on Equalization, Etc on the Footing of Assess- ment Rolls, be accepted and adopted and that the figures therein be used as a basis for taxation in the several tax dis- tricts of the county, for the year 1935 'Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $529 34, or so much thereof as may be necessary to take care of the county's share of the project covering the administrative staff of the T.E.R A to February 15, 1936 Seconded by Mr Mott Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried A list of Corporations of the town of Newfield was received and filed Reports of Fred E Dorn, George 0 Sears and Arthur G Bennett, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Danby, were received and filed Mr.' Snow presented a list of Special Franchises of the town of Caroline, which was referred to the Committee on Town Officers' Accounts 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk be authorized to purchase the necessary supplies for the Board. Seconded by Mr Squier Carried. Mr. John J. Sinsabaugh, County Sealer of Weights and Measures, appeared before the Board in explanation of his report heretofore filed Mr. Conlon presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing, which was received and filed. Mr. Albright presented the report of Floyd W. Beach, Jus- tice of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, which was received and filed. Mr Chase presented a report of the Special Franchises of the town of Ithaca, which was' referred to the Committee on Town Officers' Accounts. On motion, Thursday, December 5, was designated for the annual inspection at the County Home and the Tuberculosis Hospital I The Clerk read the contract as submitted by the Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County for the board of prisoners from Tompkins County, at the Onondaga County Penitentiary, for the year 1936. Moved by Mr. Chase, that the contract, as submitted by the Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County, be approved by this Board and that the Chairman and Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the same for, and on behalf of, Tompkins County. Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried. Mr. Stevenson, Chairman of the Committee on Reforesta- tion, rendered the following report, relative to the receipts and disbursements for the year 1935. / OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 151 Balance, November 1, 1934 $ 39.78 . Appropriated 200.00 $239.78 Expended 216.10 Balance on Hand $ 23.68 Moved by Mr. Stevenson. that the report of the committee be accepted and that all bills passed by this committee during the year 1935, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Carried. On motion, adjourned to 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Albright. Mr. Roland Mulhauser, Librarian, appeared with Messrs. J. Paul Munson, Daniel Mitchell, Frank G. Snyder and Elmer L Lockwood, members of the Committee on the Rural Travel- ing Library System and rendered the annual report relative to the County Library which was received and referred to the Committee on Education. Dr. Keith Sears, Superintendent' of the Tuberculosis Hos- pital, with the members of the Board of Managers, including Richard C. Smith, Sidney L. Howell, Dr. Norman Moore, Mrs. Eugene Baker and Dr. B. F Hauenstein, presented the annual report for the year 1935, which was received and referred to the Committee To Audit Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hos- pital The County Attorney submitted an oral report with refer- ence to bequests heretofore made to the Tuberculosis Hospital. On motion, adjourned to Wednesday, December 4, 1935 at 9 :30 A. M. 152 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Sixth Day Wednesday, December, 4, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr Osborn Minutes of December 3rd meeting, read and approved The question of reconsideration of T. C. D. A which had been made a special order of business for this time was taken up. 1 The Clerk read several letters addressed to the Board of Supervisors for and against continuation of T C D. A. Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS, it is the purpose of this body to safeguard for Tompkins County the largest possible benefits accruing from the Tompkins County Development Association consistent with the greatest efficiency and economy and , WHEREAS, Dean Ladd appeared before this Board and ex- plained more fully the benefits that might come to Tompkins County if the Tompkins County Development Association was continued, the amount for which the county would be liable would be $1,800.00 instead of $2,400 00 as formerly an- nounced; therefore be it Resolved—That this Board approve the continuance of the County Development Association until, the 30th day of June, 1936, upon the condition that the county's share of the 'cost from this date to June 30, 1936, shall not exceed $1,800 00, in addition to the furnishing of office space for the Association Be It Further Resolved—That there be and hereby is ap- propriated for salary of a draughtsman and other expenses of the Tompkins County Development Association for the period from this date to and including June 30, 1936, the sum of $1,800.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and be it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 153 Resolved—That in the event that the County Treasurer has - not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Albright. Ayes—Messrs. Myers, Miller, Mott, Chase, Van Order, Veit, Conlon, Albright and Stone -9 Noes—Messrs Snow, Stevenson, Watrous and Squier-4 i Resolution carried. Mr. Osborn presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Fourth . Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was referred to the Com- mittee on Courts, Correction and Legislation. A report of the Bonded Indebtedness of th°e City of Ithaca was received and filed. Mr Watrous presented the reports of Miles G. Tarbell, Rexford R Chatterton, J B. Sheeler and George B Sickmon, Justices of the Peace of the town of Groton, which were re- ceived and filed. Mr. Snow presented a list of Grand Jurors' of the Town -of 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 'Caroline, which was referred to the Committee on Courts, Cor- rection and Legislation. Mr. Mott presented the reports of Orrie Cornelius, C. Harry Spaulding and Walter G. Kinch, Justices of the Peace of the town of Dryden, which were received and filed. The annual report of the Coroner was submitted by Dr Wm. L. Seil and referred to the County Officers' Accounts Committee. Sheriff Ellis and Sheriff -elect Adams appeared before the Board and talked with reference to working the local prison - 0 ers on highways, etc. for the coming year. On motion, adjourned to 2 :30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present, except Messrs. Osborn and Veit. Mrs Eugene Baker, President of the Board of Child Wel- fare and Fred A. Williams, Ex -officio member of that organi- zation, appeared before .the Board and presented the annual report of that organization, which was received and referred to the Committee on Education. , Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer be instructed to sell the Straus bonds at the Market price and deposit the proceeds in the fund that is held in trust for the Tuberculosis Hospital, which said trust fund shall be used to reduce their appropria- tion for -the year 1936 Seconded by Mr. Squier. Carried. Mr. Charles H. Newman, County Attorney, submitted his OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 155 second annual report as such officer, which was i$ceived and placed on file. Mr. Chase, Chairman of the Finance Committee called at- tention of the Board to the report of the County Attorney with reference particularly to collections made by him which is one of the outstanding features of said report in that it shows amounts exceeding $2,900, collected by him for the county during the past year. The Chairman talked with reference to the Flood Control Council meeting held in Binghamton, November 23rd. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation together with the County Attorney formulate a resolution to present to this Board with reference to the method of working prisoners confined in the County Jail Seconded by Mr. Watrdus. i On motion, adjourned to Friday, December 6th, 1935 at 9:30 A M. 156 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Roll call Seventh Day Friday, December 6, 1936 MORNING SESSION Quorom present Mr. Squier moved that, the Board adjourn to 2 P. M. and that the reading of the minutes be deferred until that time, because of the County Treasurer's tax sale being now in pro- gress. Seconded by Mr. Chase Carried AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present Minutes of December 4th meeting, read and approved. The members of the Department of Public Welfare appeared before the Board and explained the report of that department, as filed with the Board of Supervisors on November 14, 1935 Miss Arletta Rannings presented her report on Old Age Security Miss Anna K Buell presented her report, as Children's Agent. Miss Dorothy I Eckman, Out -of -Settlement Worker submitted her report of that department Miss Ruth J. White, Case Supervisor, submitted her report covering approximately ten months of work. County Commissioner of Welfare, Fred A. Williams, read the annual report relative to the work of his department and its needs for the coming year. i Mr. Conlon presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 157 of School Districts Nos 9 -and 13 of the, Town of Lansing, which was received and placed on file. , Grand Jury lists from the Towns of Lansing and Newfield, were received and referred to the Committee on Courts, Cor- rection and Legislation Mr. Albright presented. a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Finance. A list of Corporations of the Town of Lansing was received and placed on file A list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Newfield was received and filed The report of Charles Thomas of the Town of Caroline, a Justice of the Peace for that town, was received and filed Mr Albright presented the Town Budget of the Town of Newfield, which was referred to the Committee on Finance On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 10, 1935, at 9.30 A M 1 158 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Monthly Meeting Monday, December 9, 1935 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 6th meeting, read and approved. Bills for audit were received and placed in the hands of the various committees. The Clerk read a communication from the Chenango County Board of Supervisors with reference to the present system of taxation on reforested lands owned by the State. Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, The present system of taxation on reforested lands owned by the state will in time result in greatly increas- ed taxes within districts mere lands are being continually tak- en over by the state for that purpose, which result necessarily follows because of reduction in total assessments within the counties and, WHEREAS, such rural localities should not be asked to pay such increased taxes resulting from loss in total valuations, . Nov, Therefore., Be It Resolved, That it is the sense and opinion of this Board that state owned lands used for reforest- ation purposes should be assessed on the tax rolls of the several tax districts in the same manner as, other lands within such districts and for all purposes and that a change of law to ef- fect that result should be enacted immediately Further Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent by the Clerk to each of our representatives in the State Legis- lature Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the Chamber of Com- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 159 1 merce of Oneonta with reference to tolls on state canals. Upon discussion, the matter was referred by the Chairman to the Finance Committee. A list of Special Franchises of the Town of Enfield was re- ceived and referred_ to the Committee on Town Officers' Ac- counts Mr Stone presented a list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation. Mr. Mott presented a list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation The report of Jay W Stamp, Justice of the Peace,- of the Town of Enfield was received and filed Grand Jury Lists from the Second and Fifth Wards of the City of Ithaca, were received and referred to the Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation Mr Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $28,110 for the construction of highways in Tompkins County in 1936, under the provisions of Section 320-A, of the Highway Law,' said sum of $28,110 to be duplicated by a like amount by the State of New York under the -provisions of Section 320-B, of the Highway Law, and be it further ,- Resolved—That in the event, that the State fails to dupli- cate the sum of $28,110 that the moneys herein appropriated be, and the same hereby are, appropriated to the County Road Fund. Seconded by Mr. Stone Mr. Van Order called for a division of the question The Chairman called for a roll call vote on the first part of a the resolution as submitted, which resulted as follows : 160 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried. Roll call on the second part of the resolution resulted as fol- lows • Ayes—Messrs. Myers, Snow, Miller, Mott, Stevenson, Wat- rous, Chase, Veit, Osborn, Squier, Conlon, Albright and Stone —13 Noes -1 Mr. Van Order voting in the negative Carried The Clerk read the following claims for audit, with the names of the claimants and the amounts allowed, as reported by. the several committees T-640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 Bert I. Vann, Mileage—Co Supt $100 24 Bert I. Vann, Expenses—Co. Supt. 13 55 Stover Printing Co., Supplies—Co Supt 5.75 Charlotte V. Bush, Postage—Co. Treas 23 00 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Co Treas 3 09 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care—Beulah Par- , shall 7/1/35 to 10/26/35—P.H.C. 359 00 Reconstruction Home, Inc , Care and X-ray— Robert Miccinati—P H C 98 00 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care—Evelyn Freese, 8/1/35 to 10/31/35—P H C 276 00 Pearl Wallenbeck, Bd. Robert Inman -60 days, P. H C. 32 00 Bernetta Cronk, Bd Alice Fairchild -27 days, P H C 1440 Dr. Frederick H Flaherty, Operation—Eliza- beth Leaver, P H C. 50 00 Karl D Hesley, Expenses—Co. Dev. Asso. 217.07 Harcourt, Brace & Co , Books—Rur. Tray. Libr. 9 03 Charles W. Clark Co., Books—Rur. Trav Libr. 105.67 The H. R. Huntting Co , Inc , Supplies—Run ., Trav Libr. 2.39 Stover Printing Co., Supplies—Run Tray. Libr. 6 50 Wm T. Pritchard, Garage' & Supplies—Rur. Tray. Libr 44.95 Roland Mulhauser, Postage—Rur. Tray. Libr. 5.00 Gladys L. Buckingham, Services as Secr.—Rur. Tray. Libr. Com. 14.23 Lamont C. Snow, Canvass—Elections 8.08 0 OF TOMPKINS, COUNTY, NEW YORK 161 660 Thos. G. Miller, Canvass -Elections 6.96 661 Carl A. Mott, Canvass -Elections 7.76 66Z Harvey Stevenson, Canvass -Elections 7.28 663 D. J. Watrous, Canvass -Elections' 8.72 664 Lagrand Chase, Canvass -Elections 7.08 665 A. J. Conlon, Canvass -Elections 7.28 666 R. C. Albright, Canvass -Elections 6.96 667 LePine Stone, Canvass -Elections 7.92 668 Fred Van Order, Canvass -Elections -6.00 669 Henry 0. Veit, Canvass -Elections 6.00 670 Jos B. Myers, Canvass -Elections 6.00 671 , R. C. Osborn, Canvass -Elections 6 00 672 C: C. Squier, Canvass -Elections 6 00 673 11. L O'Daniel, Postage & Expenses -Co. Clerk 44.42 674 Norton Printing Co , Certificates -Co. Clerk 12.50 675 The Hand Stamp Co , Stamp -Dep. Sheriff's- ` Co. Clerk 2.20 676 Matthew Bender & Co., Law Book -Sup. Ct. Judge 4 00 677 W. F. George, Pres Bd. of Elections, Postage, etc. -Comm of Elec 83.60 678 Wm. A. Church Co , Repairing Index -Surrogate 4.50 679 Matthew Bender & Co., Law Book -Supervisors 10.00 680 W. 0. Smiley, Postage -Supervisors 3.45 681 W. 0. Smiley, Expenses to Conv.-Supervisors 14 97 682 ,C. C. Squier, Postage & Expenses -Supervisors 3.05 683 Frank C Ellis, Mileage -Sheriff 131.40 684 Frank C Ellis, Expenses -Sheriff 6.69 685 Jacob Mahool, Cutting hair -Jail Inmates 3.50 686 Arthur G Adams, Expenses & Disb -Dist Atty 180 19 687 Stover Printing Co , Envelopes -Dist. Atty. 3.75 688 J. C. Gutenberger, Expenses -Co Bldg. 2.10 689 The Drake Co., Supplies -Co. Bldgs. 38 78 690 The Kent Company, Inc , Polishing brush -Co Bldgs. 7 46 691 Ray S. Young, Assigned to C C Squier, Truck- ing -Old Ct. House 36.00 692 Edward Bristol, Labor -Old Ct House 8.00 693 Lamont C., Snow, Mileage & Expenses-Supr. 121 22 694 Thos. G Miller, Mileage & Expenses-Supr 87.36 695 Carl A. Mott, Mileage & Expenses-Supr. 61 52 696 Harvey Stevenson, Milegae & Expenses-Supr. 55.29 697 D. J Watrous, Mileage & Expenses-Supr. 201 28 698 Lagrand E. Chase, Mileage & Expenses-Supr. 90.58 699 A. J. Conlon, Mileage & Expenses-Supr. 24 32 162 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 700 R. C. Albright, Mileage & Expenses—Supr. 31.04 701 LePine Stone, Mileage & Expenses—Supr. 102 28 702 John J. Sinsabaugh, Mileage & Expenses—Co. Sealer - 23.09 703 Charles H. Newman, Expenses—Co. Atty. 89.31 $2,955.76 Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $2,955.76, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- • mended by the several committees to which they were referred, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the Coun- ty Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipa- tion of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- cates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest ata rate not' ex- ' ceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by, said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to charge Claim No. T-683, being for Sheriff's expenses, to the town of Caroline, the sum of $9.60 ; to the town of Danby, the sum of $3 90 ; to the town of Dryden, the sum of $6 90 ; to the town of Enfield, the sum of $4.20 ; to the town of Ithaca, the sum of $5 70; to the town of Lansing, the sum of $17.10 and to the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 163 town of Newfield, the sum of $3.00, the amounts so charged being properly chargeable to the respective towns, and to be placed in the tax budgets -thereof for the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for, and in their behalf Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 1 164 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Eighth Day Tuesday, December 10, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr Van Order Minutes of the monthly meeting of December 9th, read and approved. ' Dr R A. McKinney, County Veterinarian, appeared before the Board and submitted the annual report of the Committee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis and the work per- formed as such county official, during the year, which was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis read the financial statement of that com- mittee. Mr. Snow presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, for the year ending October 31, 1935, which were filed Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Commit- tee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, for the year ending October 31, 1935, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that corn-, mittee Seconded by Mr. Stone Ayes -13 Noes—O. Carried a Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its 'adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Committee for the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 165 sum of $2,500 00 for carrying on the work of that committee for the year from November 1, 1935 to October 31st, 1936, and be it further Resolved'—That any balance standing to the credit of the committee on January 1, 1936, be and the same hereby is ap- propriated to the use of the committee, in addition to the amount hereinbefore appropriated. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -13 Noes -0. Carried. Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Central Index the sum of $150.00 for the current year, ds its share of maintaining the index, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the same out of any money in her hands available for that purpose, such payments to be at the rate of $12.50 per month, payable to Mrs Campbell Wigley. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Mr. Osborn moved that this resolution be deferred until tomorrow. Seconded by Mr °Mi11er. Carried. The election of officers and employees, to be elected by this Board, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. Mr. Squier placed in nomination the name -of Carl A. Mott, as representative of the Board of Supervisors on the Farm, Home and Junior Project Boards, for the year 1936. Mr. Mott's nomination was seconded by Mr Conlon. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Snow, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Carl A. Mott and the "Chairman declared Mr. Mott duly elected as the repre- sentative of this Board on the Farm and Home Bureau Asso- 166 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS dation and Junior Project Board, for one year, from January 1, 1936. .Mr Watrous placed in nomination the names of Eugenia Van 'Cleef, Lera C Bostwick, Lagrand E. Chase, Dr. Minor McDaniels, Dr. Helen Bull, Dr. Dean F Smiley, Dr. Keith Sears, Dr L T Genung, Dr. H B. Sutton, Dr. Norman S Moore, Dr Wm L Sell with LePine Stone, Fred D. Van Order and Harvey Stevenson, as the Public Health Committee for the year 1936. , Seconded by Mr Miller Mr. Osborn moved that this matter be laid on the table until tomorrow Seconded by Mr. Watrous Carried Mr Snow placed in nomination the names of Fred Marshall, Albert G. Stone and -Harry Morse, Manager of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association, as members of the Commit- tee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, for the year 1936 Seconded by Mr Veit. There being no other nominations on motion of Mr. Steven- son, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for the foregoing nominees. The Clerk cast one ballot and the Chairman declared Fred Marshall, Albert G Stone and Harry Morse, Manager of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association, as members of the Committee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, for the year 1936 Mr Stone placed in nomination the name of Dr. Norman S. Moore, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tomp- kins County Tuberculosis Hospital, to succeed himself Dr Moore's nomination was seconded by Mr Squier There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Chase, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Dr. Norman S. Moore. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK - 167 ' The Clerk cast one ballot for Dr. Moore, and the Chairman declared him elected a member of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, for a term of five years from January 1, 1936. Mr. Albright placed in nomination the name of Frank G. Snyder, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tomp- kins County Laboratory, for a term of five years. Mr. Snyder's nomination was seconded by Mr. Stone There being ,no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Wat- rous, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Frank G. Snyder The Clerk cast one ballot for Frank G. Snyder, and the Chairman declared him elected a member of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Laboratory, for a term of five years from January 1, 1936. Mr. Watrous placed in nomination the name of Gladys L. Buckingham as Stenographer for the Board of Supervisors Nomination seconded by Mr. Osborn There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Conlon, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Gladys L Buck- ingham. The Clerk cast one ballot for Gladys L. Buckingham, and the Chairman declared her elected stenographer for the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $17,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the maintenance of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital for the year ending October -31, 1936, and be it further -Resolved—That the sum of $175.84, standing to the credit of that institution November 1, 1935, be, and the same is ,hereby re -appropriated for the maintenance of said Tuber- 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS culosis Hospital in addition to the sum of $17,000.00 herein- ° before appropriated. , Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned to 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION , Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Van Order. Representatives of Tompkins County Farm Bureau, Tomp- kins County Home Bureau, and the Junior Project Extension, appeared before the Board, relative to the reports submitted by those organizations. Mr Harry P. Morse, Manager of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau, submitted the report of that organization and Mr. Daniel Mitchell, Secretary of that organization addressed the Board and asked for an appropriation of $2,500.00 for the year 1936. Mrs. Margaret Jewell, President of the Home Bureau Asso- ciation and Miss Sara Kerr, Agent, addressed the Board rela- tive to that organization. Mrs. Stewart Ainsley, Secretary of that organization, asked for an appropriation of $2,500.00 for the year 1936. Mr. Ralph Higley, Agent of the Junior Extension Project addressed the Board, relative to Junior Extension work and asked for an appropriation of $3,000.00 for the year 1936. The above reports were placed on file and requests for ap- propriations referred to the Education Committee. Mr. Stone offered an amendment to Standing Committee No. 17, as follows : "The Public Health Committee shall be composed of thirteen OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 169 (13) members including three (3) supervisors and six (6) physicians." Seconded by Mr. Miller. Laid on the table, one day under the rule. Reports of Jerry A. Smith, Clay C. Tarbell, Carleton Kintz and Edward Ozmun, Justices, of the Peace of the Town of Lansing, were received and filed. Mr. Watrous presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Town of Groton, which was referred to the Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation. - Reports of P. Alfred Munch and Augustus Middaugh of the Town of Caroline and Vernon II. Earl and Thomas R. Brown, Justices of the Peace of those respective towns, were received and filed. Town Budgets of the towns of Enfield and Groton were re- ceived' and referred to the Committee on Finance. Reports of J. D. Ross of the town of Dryden, W. I. Smith of the town of Ithaca and Forest J. Payne of the town of New- field, Justices of the Peace of•those respective towns, were re- ceived and filed. On motion, adjourned to Wednesday, December 11, 1935 at 9 :30 A. M. 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ninth Day Wednesday, December 11, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present. Minutes of December 10th meeting, read and approved Mr. Stone's amendment of the day previous being called from the table for action resulted as follows • Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried Arthur G. Adams, District Attorney, submitted a report of his attendance at the crime conference held in Albany, which meeting was called by the Governor Mr. Van Order, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers' Accounts, submitted the following report relative to the report of the County Judge for the amounts of moneys received for pistol permits and of the Surrogate's Clerk, rela- tive to the amounts received by her as fees of that office: To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N Y Gentlemen . Your Committee on County Officers' Accounts, reports that it has examined the reports of the County Judge and the Sur- rogate's Clerk and believes that the items therein set forth are correct. That the amount of $76.30 was received from pistol permits and the same has been paid to the County Treasurer. The balance of $261.57, after paying the expenses of the Surrogate's office, has been received and is payable to the County Treasurer. Your Committee believes that each report is a true and cor- rect statement of the financial transactions of the County OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 171 Judge's and Surrogate's office and recommends that each re- port be approved and accepted, and that the balance of $261.57, received from the Surrogate's Clerk be paid to the County Treasurer to be applied to the credit of the general fund. Dated, December 11, 1935 FRED VAN ORDER, CARL A MOTT, R C OSBORN, Committee Moved by Mr Van Order, that the report of the committee be accepted and approved - Seconded by Mr Snow. Carried. Mr. Miller, Chairman of the Committee on Courts, Correc- tion and Legislation, rendered the following report of that committee relative to the report of the Clerk of Children's Court. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation re- ports that it has examined the report of the Clerk of Children's Court as to receipts and disbursements, with the amounts that should be charged to the several political sub -divisions of the county and believes the same to be correct Your committee would therefor recommend the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved --That in accordance with the report of the Clerk of Children's Court, there be charged to the following munici- palities of Tompkins County, the sums set opposite the names of the several towns and city, as follows : City of Ithaca Town of Dryden Town of Enfield Town of Ithaca Town of Lansing Town of Ulysses $145.97 14.26 11 28 31.40 30 65 17.14 $291 95 172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city, and the same to be placed in the budgets thereof and collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended Dated, December 10, 1935. THOS. G. MILLER, C. C. SQUIER, LEPINE STONE, ' Committee Moved by Mr Miller, that the report be accepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr Conlon Carried. Mr. Veit, Chairman of the Purchasing Committee, submit- ted the following report for the year ending October 31, 1935. RECEIPTS Appropriations—Heat and Light $6,500 00 Heat (Co. Home) 2,500 00 Telephones 3,000 00 Refunds on telephones 28.19 $12,028.19 1 DISBURSEMENTS : Light Heat - Telephones County Building $1,861 12 $3,716.71 $2,750 35 Jail - 466.67 397.45 T. B. Hospital 96 99 County Clerk's Bldg. 47.14 130 00 100.49 Old Court House 226 87 369 75 21.34 Historical 22 24 Medical Staff ' 104.78 Almshouse 4,642.98 73.46 Highway 209 32 183 21 OVERDRAFTII 12 $5,859.44 �3°392.31 .68 $12,420_87 HENRY 0. VEIT, LAMONT C. SNOW, JOS. B. MYERS, Committee OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 173 Moved by Mr Veit, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried Mr. Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the several claims audited by the County Buildings Committee for light, fuel and telephones for the year ending October 31, 1935, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr. Stone Ayes -14. Noes -0. \ Carried. Mr. Veit offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $12,000.00 for the following purposes, for the year 1936: For fuel and light in county buildings, in the City of Ithaca $ 6,500.00 Vor fuel at County Home 2,500.00 For telephone service for county buildings 3,000.00 $12,000 00 Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Snow called for his resolution relative to the Central Index, which was laid on the table. A vote being taken on the resolution resulted as follows : Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Lists of Special Franchises from the towns of Dryden and 174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Groton, were received and referred to the Committe on Town Officers' Accounts Mr. Miller presented a hst of Grand Jurors of the Town of Danby, which was referred to the Committee on Courts, Cor- rection and Legislation Mr Myers presented a hst of Grand Jurors for the Third Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation. Mr Miller presented the Town Budget of the Town of Danby, which was referred to the Finance Committee. ' Reports,of J D. Smith and Douglass Carpenter, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Newfield were received and placed on file Mr Chase, Chairman of the Finance Committee, submitted the following report: Your Committee to which was referred a communication from the Chamber of Commerce of Oneonta, N. Y. relative to a resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors of Otsego County pertaining to a constitutional amendment authorizing the collection of tolls on the various canals of the state, wishes to report as follows : Having read with care the resolution of the Board of Ot- sego County, this committee can see no harm in allowing the people of New York State to decide for themselves the ques- tion of collecting tolls on' the various canals of the State There- fore, your committee recommends that this Board approve of such constitutional amendment, and therefore Resolves—That'the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors hereby request the Representatives of Tompkins County in the Legislature to aid the adoption of a resolution authorizing the submission of the constitutional amendment permitting the collection of tolls from the users of the canals of the State, and that the Representatives look into the feasibility of exempting products of New York State Signed LAGRAND CHASE, R C. OSBORN, LEPINE STONE, JOS B. MYERS. 'OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 175 Seconded by Mr. Osborn Carried On motion, adjourned to 2 P. M AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Miss Marian May and Miss Katherine McKevitt presented the annual report of the Public Health Nurses, which was re- ferred to the Committee on Public Health Miss Stewart, Traveling State Nurse spoke relative to the work of the Public Health Nurses. Dr. Norman S. Moore gave the financial report of the Public Health Committee and asked for an appropriation of $4,075.00, for the 'coming year. Dr. V. A. Van Volkenburgh submitted a general report covering the period of time since the special health district had been in operation in this county Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on Public Health for the year ending October 31, 1935, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr. Miller Ayes -14 Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Chase presented the following report of the Committee on Public Health : To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N Y. Your Committee on Public Health, to which was referred the report of the committee, reports that they have examined 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS the several reports, as submitted to this Board, and recom- mends that the amount asked for, as an appropriation to that organization for carrying on its work for the year 1936, is proper and, therefore recommends that the amount of $4,- 075.00 be appropriated to said organization, for the year 1936, as requested by it. Dated, December 11, 1935. LAGRAND CHASE, LEPINE STONE, FRED VAN ORDER, Committee. Moved by Mr: Chase, that the report be accepted Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Carried. The report was referred to the Education Committee. Mr. Watrous placed in nomination the names of Eugenia Van Cleef, Lera C. Bostwick, Sidney L. Howell, LaGrand Chase, Dr. Norman S. Moore, Dr. Dean F. Smiley, Dr. H. B: Sutton, Dr. Keith Sears, Dr. Wm. L. Seil, and Dr. L. T. Gen - ung, as the Public Health Committee for the year 1936. Seconded by Mr Miller. There being no other nominations on motion of Mr. Van Order, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for the afore- said nominees. The Clerk cast one ballot, and the Chairman declared Eugenia Van Cleef, Lera C. Bostwick, Sidney L. Howell, Lagrand Chase, Dr. Norman S' Moore, Dr. Dean F. Smiley, Dr. H. B. Sutton, Dr. Keith Sears, Dr. Wm. L. Seil and Dr. L. T. Genung, as the Tompkins County Public Health Com- mittee, for the term of one year from January 1, 1936. Mr. Osborn, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, presented the following reports of that committee, for the purpose of the General Tax Levy and the Highway Tax Levy, for the year 1935, which were laid on the table one day, under the rule : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 177 REPORT NO. 1 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF GENERAL TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1935 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your Committee on Equalization reports that they have, ex- amined the assessment rolls of the several tax districts in the County of Tompkins, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the valuation in one tax district bears a just relation to the valuations in all the tax districts in the county; that in the opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do not bear such just relations to the valuations in all the tax districts of the county, and your committee would recommend that the valuations of the several tax districts, in order that they may bear such just relations, be increased or diminished according to the following statements so as to make the aggre- gate equalized valuations as indicated in the„tabular statement below. Towns Total Real Only, Ex- clusive of Franchises and Exempt Property Special Franchise Total Real Only as Assessed, Inclusive of Franchises and Ex- clusve o f Exempt Property True Value Caroline Danby Enfield ..... . Groton ... Ithaca, City .. Ithaca, Town Newfield Ulysses ........... ...... ....... .. ---- --- $ 981,620 1,143,855 3,638,361 663,718 3,532,355 37,021,450 6,795,125 3,239,339 1,215,271 2,753,656 $ 31,632 35,378 142,859 30,432, 62,846 778,976 193,050 72,911 38,122 94,178 $ 1,013,252 1,179,233 3,781,220 694,150 3,595,201 37,800,426 6,988,175 3,312,250 1,253,393 2,847,834 $ 1,066,581 1,203,299 3,898,165 723,073 3,745,001 43,953,984 7,058,763 3,523,670 1,278,962 -3,164,250 Totals ._ _ ..� $60,984,750J$1,480,384 $62,465,134 $69,615,748 178 PROCEEDI.' GS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Towns N ° Caroline . ... . Danby ..... ... Dryden .._ ... . Enfield .._ ..... Groton -._. - Ithaca, City Ithaca, Town .. Lansing .. Newfield Ulysses .... ... 95% $ 957,027 $ 98% 1,079,702 97% 3,497,763 96% 648,802 96% 3,360,332 86% 39,439,229 1,638,803 99% 6,333,719 94-% 3,161,734 98% 1,147,594 90% 2,839,232 $ 56,225 $ 957,027 99,531 1,079,702 283,457 3,497,763 45,348 648,802 234,869 3,360,332 39,439,229 654,456 6,333,719 150,516 3,161,734 105,799 1,14-7,594 8,602 2,839,232 Totals .. 162,465,1341$ 1,638,8031$ 1,638,803 $ 62,465,134 And your committee would also report that they have de- termined upon proper inquiry and investigation the ratio or percentage which the assessed value of the real property in each such tax district bears to its full value and would recom- mend that, based upon such determination of your committee, that the board establish such ratios or percentages which are determined and in the opinion of your committee are as above set forth. That your committee have, in accord with such percentage, compiled and that the foregoing table shows the aggregate valuations of each tax district, as determined from the actual values of property fixed according to the above ratios or per- centages and the average rate of assessment of real property in the county which your committee have determined accord- ing to the rules laid down by statute, to be .8972845 and that the table shows by such valuations the several and aggregate valuations upon which the taxes for the county, including the state taxes, should be apportioned between the several tax districts of the county. All of which is respectfully submitted Dated, December 11th, 1935. R. C. OSBORN JOS. B. MYERS, THOMAS G. MILLER, C. A. MOTT, LAGRAND CHASE, LAMONT C. SNOW, D. J. WATROUS, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 179 REPORT NO. 2 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF HIGHWAY TAX LEVY FOR , THE YEAR 1935 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your committee further reports that it has in accordance with the percentages fixed and established by this Board, de- . termined the equalized value of the real property of the several tax districts of this county, liable to the levy of taxes for high- way purposes, as shown by the subjoined tabular statement; that the average rate of assessment as determined by such percentages is 8972897 Towns Special Franchise True Value Caroline Danby$ 982,5701$ 31,632 "-.. 1,156,705 35,378 Dryden --- - - -- - - -. _ 3,649,441 142,859 Enfield _ ..._ _.__ --_ _ __ _ _ 667,5681 30,432 Groton _ 3,539,180 62,846 Ithaca, City .. ... ______ _ 37,100,125 778,976 Ithaca, Town - - _ 6,799,300 193,050 Lansing __ . _ .. ____ 3,243,964 72,911 Newfield _. .._ ... . .. ___ 1,221,121 38,122 Ulysses _. _......... _ 2,757,260 94,178 $ 1,014,202 1,192,083 3,792,300 698,000 3,602,026 37,879,101 6,992,350 3,316,875 1,259,243 2,851,438 $ 1,067,581 1,216,411 3,909,588 727,083 3,752,110 44,045,466 7,062,980 3,528,590 1,284,942 3,168,264- Totals ,168,264 Totals __ - --- - -- $61,117,234 $ 1,480,384 $62,597,618 $69,763,015 , 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Towns Equalized Value Pensions Exempt Caroline .... 95% Danby . . . 98% Dryden .. __ _.. 97% Enfield ... ..._- 96% Groton . _ __ . _ 96% Ithaca, City . 86% Ithaca, Town . 96% Lansing -. .. 94% Newfield ... _ 98% Ulysses _ ... 90% $ 957,930 $ I$ 56,2721$ 950 $ 957,930 1,091,474 100,609 12,850 1,091,474 3,508,024 284,276 11,090 3,508,024 652,405 45,595 3,850 , 652,405 3,366,730 235,296 6,825 , 3,366,730 39,521,543 1,642,442 78,675 39,521,543 3,366,730 235,296 6,285 3,366,730 3,166,158 150,717 4,625 3,166,158 1,152,964 106,279 5,850 1,152,964 2,842,852 8,586 3,604 2,842,852 Totals .. 1$ 62,597,618 $1,642,442 1,642,442 $132,494 $62,597,618 Dated December 11, 1935 Moved by Mr. Osborn, that table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr Miller By unanimous consent, the table. R. C. OSBORN, Chairman THOS., G. MILLER, JOSEPH B. MYERS, CARL A. MOTT, LAGRAND CHASE, LAMONT C. SNOW, D. J. WATROUS, Committee. the reports be taken from the reports were taken from the Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That Report No 1, of the Committee on Equal- OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 181 ization, be accepted and adopted and that the valuation of real property, for the purposes of the General Tax Levy against the several tax districts, of the county, be equalized and deter- mined as therein set forth, as the basis of the apportionment for such General Tax Levy for the year 1935 Seconded by Mr. Squier Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That Report No. 2, of the Committee on Equal- ization, be accepted and adopted and the valuation of real property, for the purposes of Highway Tax Levy against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and deter- mined as therein set forth as the basis of the apportionment of Highway Taxes for the year 1935. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The County Treasurer has in her.custody a fund for the benefit of the Tuberculosis Hospital at Taughannock Falls, the source of which was a bequest of $1,000, under the will of Olin L. Stewart, deceased, a gift of a one thousand dol- lar S. W. Straus Co. Bond from Ellen S. Kimple, and a bequest of $200, under the will of A. K. Briggs, deceased, with accum- ulated interest thereon ; AND WHEREAS --This Board anticipates that the said Tuber- culosis Hospital will cease to operate upon the opening of the new State Tuberculosis Hospital in this county, Be It Resolved—That the funds so held by the County Trea- surer, including the proceeds of the said Straus bond when re- ceived, shall be made available for the benefit of the existing county tuberculosis hospital in such manner as the Board of Managers thereof deems most suitable in recognition of the benevolence of the respective donors, and the County Treasur- 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS er is hereby authorized to pay out all or any part of said fund and/or the proceeds of such bond in advance of audit, upon the order of the Board of Managers of the said county tuberculosis hospital Seconded by Mr Osborn A roll call being asked for, resulted as follows : f Ayes—Messrs. Myers, Snow, Miller, Stevenson, Watrous, Chase, VanOrder, Veit, Osborn, Albright and Stone -11 Noes—Messrs Mott and Squier-2. Mr Conlon being ab- sent Resolution carried I Mr Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its Sdoption : 1 Resolved—That the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital wishing bills to be paid from this special legacy fund shall so indicate to the County Treasurer Seconded by Mr Squier Carried Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . WHEREAS—By the provisions of Section 59, of the Tax Law, as amended, the Board of Supervisors of a County, not em- bracing a portion of the forest preserve, on or before Decem- ber 15, in each year, or such date as may be designated by a resolution of the Board of Supervisors, not later, however, than the first day of February of each year, shall annex to the tax roll a warrant, under the seal of the Board, signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board, commanding the col- lector of each tax district to whom the same is directed, to collect from the several persons named in the tax roll, the several sums mentioned in the last column thereof, opposite their respective names, on or before the first day of the follow- ing February, where the same is annexed on or before the 15th day of December in each year, and OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 183 WHEREAS -It is impossible for, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, to so annex a warrant at this time, as pro- vided in said law, therefore be it .> Resolved—That this Board designate January 20, 1936, as the date on which shall be annexed to the tax roll, the above warrant as specified in said Section 59, of the Tax Law, as amended, commanding the collector of each tax district, to whom the same is, directed, to collect from the several persons named in said tax roll, the several sums mentioned in the last column thereof, opposite their respective names, on or be- fore the first day of May, 1936, and commanding said collec- tor to pay over on or before the said first day of May, 1936, if he be a collector of a city, or a division 'thereof, all moneys so collected 'by him appearing on said roll, to the Treasurer of the County, or if he be the collector of a town, to the Super- visor thereof and to the County Treasurer, as provided by law. Seconded by Mr Miller: Carried On motion, adjourned to Thursday, December 12, 1935 at 9 :30 A M 1. I 184 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Tenth Day ' Thursday, December 12, 1935 MORNING SESSION ' Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Chase and Stevenson. Minutes of December 11th meeting read and approved. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That in accordance with the report of the Com- missioner of Public Welfare, that there be assessed against, levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the follow- ing amounts for the support of poor, hospitalization, etc.,, to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and on their behalf. SUPPORT OF POOR AT COUNTY HOME Caroline $ 150.78 Danby 273.07 Dryden , 465.57 Enfield 390.80 Groton 543.24 Ithaca 253.24 Ithaca City 5,262.20 Lansing 1,101.34 Newfield 2.52 Ulysses I , 563.48 $ 9,582.94 HOSPITALIZATION, ETC. Caroline $ 2,075.92 Danby 4,473.55 Dryden 3,505.69 Enfield 2,272.18 Groton 3,564.79 Ithaca 5,121.09 Ithaca City 20,575.52 Lansing 9,015.63 Newfield 2,434.99 Ulysses 4,639.21 $57,678.57 $67,261.51 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 185 Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Charities sub- mitted the following report, relative to the report.of the Com- missioner of Welfare: To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. The Committee on Charities reports that it has audited the books of the Commissioner of Public Welfare and compared his accounts with bills rendered and vouchers for the same; we believe that the Commissioner's report as to receipts and expenditures is correct. - , "We, therefore recommend that the' report be accepted and approved. " We believe that the estimates of the Commissioner as to the expenses of the department for the current fiscal year have been carefully made and approve the same, as follows : Outside Relief Hospitalization _ Foster Homes County Home Institutional care of children Salary Case Supervisor •• Worker �� _ Investigator (part time) �`--- ., Stenographer Clerical T. E. R. A. Office Expenses Traveling Expenses Food Storage $ 28,000.00 25,000.00 21,000.00 14,000.00 5,000.00 2,400.00 1,200.00 600.00 �_, 1,750.00 2,800.00 . 700 00----------, 1,000 00 400.00 $103,850.00 Inasmuch as there has been appropriated to the different branches of this department the sum of $18,660.00 ; the same to be deducted from the current year's budget; we recommend the following appropriations : 186 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Outside Relief $ 23,000 00 Hospitalization - 21,000 00 Foster Homes " 17,000 00 County Horne 11,500 00 Institutional Care of Children 4,000 00 Case Supervisor 1,800 00 Worker 1,100.00 Investigator (part time) 600 00 Stenographers 1,390 00 T E R A. Clerical 2,100 00 Office Expenses 600 00 Traveling Expenses 800 00 Food Storage 300 00 Dated, December 12, 1935 $ 85,190 00 LAMONT C SNOW, LEPINE STONE,' JOS. B MYERS, Committee. Moved by Mx Snow, that the report of the committee be accepted Seconded by Mr Watrous. Carried Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption _ - Resolved—That there be <,and hereby is appropriated to the Department of Public Welfare -the sum of $85,190 00, ap- portioned as follows; Outside" Relief $ 23,000 00 Hospitalization, Etc 21,000.00 Foster Homes 17,000.00 County Home 11,500 00 Institutional care of children 4,000 00 Case Supervisor 1,800 00 Worker 1,100 00 Investigator (part time) - 600 00 Stenographers 1,390.00 T. E R A. Clerical 2,100 00 Office Expenses 600 00' Traveling Expenses 800 00 Food Storage 300.00 $ 85,190.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 187 i Seconded by Mr. Stone. Mr. Osborn moved to postpone action on this resolution until 2.30 this afternoon. Seconded by Mr Squier Carried. On motion, adjourned to 2 :30 P. M AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present, except Messrs Conlon and Chase. Dr Barton F. Hauenstein, Superintendent of the County Laboratory, appeared before the Board in explanation of the annual report of the County Laboratory, filed with this Board on November 21, which report was received and referred to the County Laboratory Committee Mr. Van Order presented a list of Grand Jurors of the First Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was referred to the Com- mittee on Courts, Correction and Legislation ) Mr Mott presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of School District No 8, of the Town of Drydep, which was received and filed Lists of Town Audits of the, Towns of Groton and Ulysses were received and referred to the Committee an Finance. Mr Stone presented the Town Budget of the Town of Ulysses, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Stevenson presented a list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on+Courts, Correction and Legislation Lists of Special Franchises from. the Towns of Danby and Ulysses were received and referred to the Committee on Town Officers' Accounts. , 188 PROCEEDINGS OF 'rHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS A list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Lansing was received and referred to the Committee on Town Officers' Accounts. Reports of Harry Hatfield of the Town of Danby; Fred N. Smith, Henry Williams, Charles A. Lueder and Howard K. Aiken, of the town of Ulysses, Justices of the Peace of those respective towns, were received and filed. Mr. Miller presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Danby, which was referred to the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes. Mr. Stevenson presented a list of the Town Audits ,of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. Mr. Stevenson presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Enfield, which was referred to the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes Mr. Snow called for action upon his resolution which had been postponed from the forenoon session. A vote being taken on the resolution resulted as follows :_ Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow submitted the following report of the Committee on Charities, relative to Old Age Security Fund : To the Board 'of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N Y. Your Committee on Charities, having examined the report of the Commissioner of Public Welfare relative to the Old Age Security, reports that it has compared his accounts with those of the County Treasurer, and with vouchers for which payments are ordered, and believe the same to be correct. Therefore we recommend that the report be accepted and approved. Your committee also approves the estimate of the County OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 189 Commissioner as to the expense of administering the Old Age Security for the fiscal year November 1st , 1935 to October 31st. 1936, as follows : Allowances granted Applicants $38,000 00 Worker 1,800.00 Stenographers 1,080.00 Traveling expenses 400 00 Office expenses 150.00 Total $41,430 00 Inasmuch as there was appropriated to this department in_ November 1935, the amount of $6,825.00 to be deducted from the estimated budget for the fiscal year, we recommend the appropriation, at this time, of the following sums : Allowances granted Applicants $32,000 00 Worker ' 1,425.00 Stenographers 780.00 Traveling expenses 300.00 Office expenses 100 00 Total $34;605 00 Dated, December 12, 1935. LAMONT C. SNOW, LEPINE STONE, JOS. B. MYERS, Committee. Moved by Mr Snow, that the report be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr Watrous. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Old Age Security Fund the sum of $34,605.00 for the fiscal year ending October 31st. 1936, apportioned as follows : Allowance granted Applicants $32,000.00 Salary of Worker 1,425 00 Stenographers 780 00 190 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Traveling Expenses 300.00 Office Expenses 100 00 $34,605 00 Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -12 Noes -0 Carried Mr Watrous, Chairman of the Highway Committee, sub- mitted the following report of the Committee on Highways, relative to the , amounts expended during the year 1935, for securing rights of way for the highways in Tompkins County Your Highway Committee reports that the following show the condition of accounts for rights of way Balance November 1, 1934 Appropriation Expenditures $13,947 15 10,000 00 $23,947 15 $ 8,799.57 $15,147 58 0 Your Committee therefore recommends that there be ap- propriated for the year 1936, the sum of $8,000 00 in addition to the balance now in the hands of the County Treasurer of $15,147 58 which is hereby re -appropriated, making a total of $23,147.58 Dated, December 11, 1935 D J. WATROUS, R C ALBRIGHT, L. E. CHASE, T G. MILLER, HARVEY STEVENSON, • ' Committee. Moved by Mr Watrous, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr Miller Carried Mr Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption - OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK , 191 Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, for the year 1936, the sum of $8,000 00, for securing rights of way by the county, in addition to the balance of $15,147 58 now in the hands of the County Treasurer in said fund, which is hereby re -appropriated, making a total of $23,147 58 Seconded by Mr Stevenson Ayes -12 Noes -0 Carried Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $250 00, for reforestation purposes for the year 1936. and be it further Resolved—That the balance of $23 68, be and the same here- by is re -appropriated to said fund in addition tb the amount heretofore appropriated Seconded by Mr Stone Ayes -11 Noes -1 Mr Osborn voting in the negative Carried Mr Osborn presented the matter of appropriation to the County Laboratory which, after considerable discussion, was postponed for decision Friday morning On motion, adjourned to Friday, December 13„1935 at 9.30 A M. 4 r 192 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Eleventh Day Friday, December 13, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 12th meeting, read and approved. Mr. Veit, Chairman of the Purchasing Committee, submitted the following report: To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Purchasing Committee submits the following report for the year ending October 31, 1935. Appropriation Disbursements $500.00 57.85 - Balance $442.15 JOS B. MYERS, HENRY O. VEIT, LAMONT C. SNOW, Committee. Moved by Mr. Veit, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Squier Carried. Mr.' Veit offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $500.00, for the use of the Purchasing Committee. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 193 Mr. B. I. Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, ap- peared before the Board and rendered his reports of the re- ceipts and expenditures of his department, and his report as to the condition of machinery and building department ac- counts, for the year 1935 Moved by Mr. Watrous, that the reports be accepted and the Clerk be directed to print the same in the Proceedings of the Board. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. • Mr. Watrous, Chairman of the Highway Committee, an- nounced that the committee had purchased of the Clapp Ma- chinery Company of Groton, N. Y., 20,000 feet of unpainted snow fence for $1,250.00 and 2,500 posts for $731.25, making a total of $1,981.25. t Mr. Watrous offeredthe following resolution 'and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Highways be approved and accepted, and be it further Resolved=That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,981.25 from the Snow Equipment Fund to the Clapp Machinery Company of Groton, N. Y., for snow fence and posts, and that the -Clerk be directed to issue an order at this = time, for said amount, payable to the foregoing party en- ' titled thereto, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay said order out of the funds in her hands to the credit of the Snow Equipment Fund. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Conlon, Chairman of the Committee on Town Officers' Accounts, presented the following report of that committee, relative to the amounts to be raised by the county and the several towns therein, for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of State and County Highways 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N Y. Gentlemen : Your Committee on Town Officers' Accounts, to which was referred a communication from the Comptroller, relative to the amounts to be raised by the county and the several towns therein, wishes to report that it finds that there shall be raised by the county and the 'following towns the sums set opposite their respective names for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of roads, as follows • County Interest Road Sinking on Fund same Town Town Interest Sinking on Fund same Total 606 $220 80 $ 441 60 $ 662 40 616 781 97 1,563 94 Ulysses • $216 85 $433 69 2,996 45 681 439 81 879 64 Dryden 81 03 162 08 - 1,562 56 682 305 03 610 05 Dryden 89 71 179 42 1,184 21 683 315 16 630 34 Dryden 92 69 185 40 1,223 59 $2,062 77 $4,125 57 $408 28 $960 59 $7;629 21 Dated, December 13, •1935 A J. CONLON, C A MOTT, R C OSBORN, Committee Mr. Conlon ,offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 'Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Town Officers' Accounts be accepted and that the amounts therein specified be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop- erty liable therefor in payment of sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of State and County High- ways. Seconded by Mr Squier Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution' and, moved its adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 195 Resolved—That the Committee on Charities, be and hereby is authorized to enter into an agreement, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, with the Tomp- kins County Committee of the State Charities Aid Associa- tion, by which the said Tompkins County Committee of the State Charities Aid Association agrees to provide the serv- ices of an agent, as assistant to the County and Town public welfare officers of the county, in the investigation and super- vision of cases of dependent children and family welfare, with the understanding that such agent shall, so far as her time will permit; be available for investigations requested by the officers of the Children's Court and of the Board of Child Welfare of said county, and be it further Resolved—That said agent shall make , monthly _reports, covering her work, to the County Commissioner of Public Wel- fare and to the Committee on Charities of the Board of Super- visors, and an annual report to the Board of Supervisors, and be it further 'Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $2,000 00 for the services of such agent during the year 1936, and the County Treasurer be directed to pay in equal monthly payments, on the first day of each month,' to the Tompkins County Committee of the State Charities Aid Asso- ciation Seconded by Mr Stone. Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr Miller, Chairman of the Committee on Courts, Correc- tion and Legislation, rendered the following report relative to the list of Grand Jurors for Tompkins County, for the year 1936, viz , To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N Y Gentlemen . Your Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation, to which was referred the list of names of persons selected by the representatives of the towns -of the county and the wards of the city, as qualified persons to serve as Grand Jurors for 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Tompkins County for the year 1936, believes such persons sel- ected are proper and qualified persons to serve as such Grand Jurors ; and recommend that such list of names as selected and filed with the Clerk of this Board, with the occupation and post -office addresses of those therein named, be adopted as the true Grand Jury List of Tompkins County, for the year 1936. Dated, December 13, 1935 THOS G. MILLER, C. C. SQUIER, LEPINE STONE, Committee Moved by Mr. Miller, that the report of the committee be accepted and that the lists of names filed, be adopted as the true Grand Jury List of Tompkins County for the year 1936. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Workmen's Com- pensation Insurance, submitted the following report, relative to the compensation paid, the expenses and the apportionment thereof among the several towns of the county for the year ending October 31, 1935. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Conimittee on Workmen's Compensation Insurance reports as follows, for the year ending October 31, 1935. The total number of county cases on which payments have been ordered and made to October 31, 1935, were twenty, with payments as follows . Compensation $299.24 Hospitalization , 65.75 Surgical treatment 307 50 $672.49 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 197 Expenses—Membership in Asso. and Printing - 20.00 $692.49 The total number of cases of participating municipalities on which payments have been ordered and made to October 31, 1935, were thirteen, with payments as follows : Compensation i $1,533 73 Surgical treatment 240 25 $1,773.98 Making the total cost of compensation insurance, appor- tioned in accordance with the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Law, to the several political sub -divisions of - the county, for county employees and those of the several participating municipalities, as follows : Caroline $ 27.61 Danby 31.15 Dryden 100.91 Enfield 18 72 Groton 96.95 Ithaca Town 182.73 Lansing - 9122 Newfield ' 3311 Ulysses ' 81.91 County 1,802.16 $2,466.47 Respectfully submitted, this 13th day of December, 1935. LAMONT SNOW, LEPINE STONE, HENRY 0 VEIT, Committee Mr._ Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Workmen's Compensation Insurance, to be accepted and adopted, and be it further 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved --That there be assessed upon, levied against and collected from the several towns and the county, the sum set opposite the respective towns and county, for payment of compensation insurance of county employees and those of the several participating municipalities, as follows : Caroline $ 27 61 Danby 31.15 Dryden 100.91 Enfield 18.72 Groton 96.95 Ithaca Town 182.73 Lansing 91 22 Newfield 33.11 Ulysses 81.91 County 1,802.16 $2,466 47 And the County Treasurer is hereby directed to place such sums when collected to the credit of the Compensation Insur- ance Sinking Fund, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Committee on Workmen's Compensation Insurance, the sum of $2,000 00 to pay claims for the year 1936. Seconded by Mr. Miller Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County Laboratory, the sum of $6,500.00 and that there be re -appropriated to said Tompkins County Laboratory all sums standing to the credit of said laboratory in the hands of the County Treasurer on Decembers 31, 1935, including the balance of funds previously appropriated and not withdrawn, the amounts received from said laboratory for fees, and re- ceipts from any other source. Be It Further Resolved—that the County Treasurer is di- rected to pay to the Tompkins County Laboratory on the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 199 orders of the Board of Managers, approved by the committee of this Board, the sum of $6,500.00 and the sum so re -appro- priated, except that the sum of one hundred dollars shall be paid on the order of the Board of,Managers in advance of audit to establish a petty cash revolving fund, and upon receipt of bills showing expenditures from such revolving fund, the County Treasurer is directed to replenish such fund to an • amount not exceeding one hundred dollars, in advance of audit, all of such sums so paid for the said revolving petty cash fund to be charged to the appropriations and re -appro- priations above made. Be It Further Resolved—That the Director of the County Laboratory deposit with the County Treasurer monthly all fees collected from persons using the laboratory Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is ' appropriated the sum of $200 00 as thecounty's share of W.P.A. Project for the cleaning of the streams along the east and west shores of Cayuga Lake; the above sum of $200.00 to be paid to a Super- intendent which Superintendent is to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Seconded by Mr Stone Ayes -13. Noes -1 Mr Snow voting in the negative. Resolution carried. Mr. Osborn placed in nomination the name of F A Alberger as Superintendent on the above named project Seconded by Mr Conlon. Carried. Mr. Stevenson, submitted the following report relative to the various organizations, referred to the Committee on Edu- cation. 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Your Committee on Education to which has been referred the requests of various organizations, associations, boards and committees for the year 1936, reports that it has carefully examined and weighed these requests and therefore recom- mends the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau, the sum of $2,500.00• Tompkins County Home Bureau, the sum of 2,500.00 Tompkins County Farm Bureau, for Tompkins County Junior Project Extension, the sum of 2,500.00 Tompkins County Board of Child Welfare, the sum of7,000.00 Tompkins' County Rural Traveling Library Sys- tem, the sum of 4,150.00 Tompkins County Public Health Committee, the sum of 4,000.00 and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is directed to pay to the Treasurer of the Farm Bureau Association and the Home Bureau Association, the amounts hereby appropriated to them in four quarterly,payments on the 15th day of.February, May, August and November; to the Board of Child Welfare on the written orders of the Treasurer of said Board; to the Travel- ing Library System on audit by the Board of Supervisors as other county bills are paid; for the Committee on Public Health, on orders of the committee signed by the representa- tives of this Board, and be it further Resolved—That the Board of Child Welfare be, and hereby is authorized to use as much of the amount appropriated to it, as in its judgment becomes necessary under the provisions of paragraph D, sub -division 2, §157 of the General Municipal Law, and be it further ° Resolved—That any sums standing to the credit of any of the foregoing activities, in the hands of the County Treasurer on December 31, 1935, and unexpended, be and the same are hereby re -appropriated to the several organizations herein specified. Dated, December 13, 1935. HARVEY STEVENSON, A. J. CONLON, R. C. OSBORN, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 201 Moved by Mr. Stevenson, that the report be accepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Mr. Miller offered -the following amendment to the fore- going resolution : Resolved—That the appropriation to the Tompkins County Public Health Committee be increased to $4,075.00. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. , A vote being taken upon the original resolution as amended, resulted as follows : Ayes -13 Noes -1. Mr. Osborn voting in the negative., Resolution carried. A list of the Town Audits of the Town of Caroline was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Finance. A report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the' Town of Ulysses was received and filed. Mr. Watrous presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Groton, which was referred to the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes. Mr. Snow presented the Town Budget of the Town of Caro- line, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Albright presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Newfield, which'was referred to the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes. A report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Village of Groton and School District No. 8, of the Town of'Groton, was received and filed. Mr. Conlon presented a- list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 16, 1935 at 9 :30 A. M. 202 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Twelfth Day Monday, December 16, 1935 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 13th meeting, read and approved Mr. Hugh J. Williams, the newly appointed Executive Di- rector of the Tompkins County Development Association, ap- peared before the Board with reference to the duties of that office. Moved by Mr. Osborn that vve approve of the appointment of Hugh J. Williams, Executive Director and George Monroe, as Staff Assistant of the Tompkins County Development Association. Seconded by Mr. Miller Carried. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: - Resolved—That Arthur Farhn be appointed as Draftsman for the Tompkins County Development Association to July 1, 1936. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Van Order, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers' Accounts, submitted the following reports of the com- mittee, relative to the annual report of the County Sealer of Weights and Measures : To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on County Officers' Accounts, to which was referred the annual report of the County Sealer of Weights and Measures, having examined said report believes the same to be correct, and your Committee recommends the same be accepted and placed on file. Dated,_December 16, 1935 FRED VAN ORDER, R. C. OSBORN, C. A MOTT, Committee OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 203 Moved by Mr Van Order, that the report be accepted Seconded by Mr Watrous Carried Mr. Van Order, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers' Accounts, submitted a report of that committee rela- tive to the report of the Couhty Clerk , To the Board of Supervisors, ' Tompkins County, N. Y Your Committee has examined the report and made a com- parison of the items listed with the records of the County Treasurer and finds that the moneys received by the County Clerk, as reported by him, were duly paid to the County Treas- urer The disbursements made as appears in his report, were so made to the belief of the committee We believe that the report is a true and correct statement of the financial transaction of the County Clerk and recom- mend that the report be approved and accepted Dated, December 16, 1935 FRED VAN ORDER, R. C OSBORN, C A MOTT, Committee Moved by Mr Van Order, that the report be accepted Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—There having been filed with the Clerk of the Board a statement of the Bonded Indebtedness of the county, city and the several towns, it is ordered, that the same be printed in the Proceedings of the Board. Seconded by Mr Conlon Carried I 204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Mr Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $18,000.00 to aid the towns in the improvement of dirt roads, said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the same provisions and conditions as • provided by the' resolution of ,this Board adopted December 31, 1930, as amended November 13,'1933, and be it further Resolved—That there be allowed to each town the sum of $1,000.00 per mile for two miles of improved road, and be it further Resolved—That any town not completing in any one year, the two miles alloted to it as specified in the resolution and amendment, such town or towns may complete the same the following year and receive in addition to that year's allotment the amount withheld from the previous year Seconded by Mr Miller Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Stone, Chairman of the Enforcement of Quarantine on Dogs presented the several claims audited by the committee during the year ending October 31, 1935, which were filed Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on Enforcement of the Quarantine on Dogs, during the year ending October 31, 1935, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the com- mittee. Seconded by Mr. Squier - Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried ' Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That this Board of Supervisors approve the ap- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 205 pointment of Joseph Weidmaier, Dog Warden for the year 1936. Seconded by Mr Stevenson. Carried Mr. Mott presented the claims audited by the Committeg on Jail Supplies, for the year ending October 31, 1935, which were filed Mr. Mott offered the following' resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on Jail Supplies, for the year ending October 31, 1935, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended and audited by that committee Seconded by Mr. Stone Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried Mr. Albright, Chairman of the Committee on Auditing Ac- counts of the Tuberculosis Hospital, presented the several claims audited by that committee during the year ending Octo- ber 31, 1935, which were filed. Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on Auditing Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital for the r year ending October 31, 1935, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that com- mittee. _ Seconded by Mr. Chase Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Snow presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Caroline which was referred to the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes Reports of Clarence A. Baker and Verne C. Marion, Jus- 206 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS tices of the Peace, of the Town of Ithaca, were received and filed Mr Chase presented the Town Budget of the, Town, of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Conlon, Chairman of the Committee on Town Officers' Accounts, rendered the following report of the committee relative to the report of the Commissioners of Election per- taining to the election expenses for the year 1935 To the Board of Supervisors, - Tompkins County, N Y. Your Committee on Town Officers' Accounts reports that it has examined the 'report of the Commissioners of Election re- lative to the election expenses and believes the same to be a true statement of the Election Expenses of the County, for the year 1935. We recommend that the apportionment of Election Ex- penses for the current year, as made by the Election Com- missioners, be accepted and adopted by this Board, and that the several sums charged to the county, city and towns be as- sessed against, levied upon, and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County and the several towns and city therein, as follows : County of Tompkins City of Ithaca Town of Caroline Town of Danby Town of Dryden Town of Enfield Town of Groton Town of Ithaca Town of Lansing Town of Newfield Town of Ulysses / $3,011.09 1,019 07 256.98 244.00 599 55 171.36 599.55 232 64 342.64 171 36 161.50 $6,809.74 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 207 Total for County Total for City Total for Towns Dated, December 12, 1935 $3,011.09 1,019.07 2,779.58 $6,809.74 A. J., CONLON, R C. OSBORN, C. A MOTT, Committee Mr Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Town Officers' Accounts, relative to the report of the Commissioners of Election pertaining to the election expenses for the year 1935, be accepted and that the amounts therein mentioned be levied upon, and collected from the taxable property of Tomp- kins County, and the several towns and city therein, liable therefor. Seconded by Mr Mott. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Conlon, Chairman of the Committee on Town Officers' Accounts, rendered the following report relative to the volu- tion of the Special Franchises of Tompkins County for the year 1935: Your Committee on Town Officers' Accounts, reports the following to be a, statement of all the Special Franchises' of Tompkins County, outside of the City of Ithaca, as reported by the several town clerks' of the respective towns of the County, for the year 1935 : SPECIAL FRANCHISES FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY FOR 1935 Towns and Villages I EU a 0 0 o v - a o N c U O O • a .a .y O 0. u ej " A' aa. v W0 , E.4_wa '80 h >,o. 6 ;V z z Caroline . Danby Dryden . - Dryden Village Freeville - Enfield - ... Groton . - Groton Village . Ithaca . Cayuga Heights . Lansing - - - Newfield _ . - Ulysses --_.- - Trumansburg --. - $ $ 3,264 5,096 1,455 3,465 2,548 490 $ 24 7,840 2,450 24 441 2,940 2,940 4,171 4,018 4,508 18,528 $- 9,408 $ 16,856 18,522 52,234 40,768 13,328 196 9,310 784 11,424 18,336 14,356 20,758 3,783 7,275 77,616 69,498 34,551 7,920 41,160 31,752 10,094 25,480 27,930 23,324 21,952 1,764 v C 0 .0 0. u[ a E-1 0. `"o oU 432 672 9,212 5,488 $ 24 Totals . .. $12,5641$ 3,7541$ 10,3381$ Dated, December 16, 1935. 4411$ 10,0511$ 8,5261 $353,1221$ 275,7851$ 4321$ 15,3721$ 24 A. J. CONLON, - R. C. OSBORN, C. A. MOTT, Committee N 00 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 209 Moved by Mr. Conlon, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Carried. Mr. Stevenson, Chairman of the Education Committee, of- fered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $432.00 to take care of the Blind Relief in Tompkins County, for the year 1936 Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 17, 1935 at 9:30 A. M. 210 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Thirteenth Day Tuesday, December 17, 1935 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr Watrous. The Board went into executive session to consider the re- port of the Committee on Salaries and Wages. - AFTERNOON SESSION Ro11 call. All members present, except Mr. Watrous Minutes of December 16th meeting, read and approved Mr. Mott, Chairman of the Committee on Salaries and Wages, submitted the following report, relative to salaries of county officers and employees and allowances for expenses. The Committee on Salaries and Wages is of the opinion that the salaries of the various county officials and employees for 1936 should be fixed as follows • County Judge and Surrogate Judge of Children's Court Special County Judge and Surrogate County Court and Surrogate's Stenographer Surrogate's Clerk Clerk of Children's Court County Probation Officer County Clerk Deputy County Clerk Assistants in County Clerk's Office Motor Vehicle Clerk County Attorney County Treasurer ' Clerk of Board of Supervisors Stenographer for Board of Supervisors District Attorney ' $5,000.00 1,500.00 600 00 1,200.00 1,800.00 800.00 1,200.00 3,600.00 1,800.00 6,800 00 1,500 00 2,000.00 2,800 00 1,800.00 1,000.00 2,400.00 I OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 211 Commissioner of Welfare 2,400.00 Coroner 700.00 Two Commissioners of Election @ $1,100 00 each 2,200 00 Sealer of Weights and Measures 900.00 Superintendent of Highways 3,000 00 Sheriff 2,800.00 Under Sheriff 1,320 00 Two Turnkeys and Deputy 1,680.00 Jail Matron 300.00 Superintendent of County Court House and Jail 1,300.00 Fireman 1,080.00 Assistant Fireman and Watchman 1,080.00 Janitors in County Buildings (4) 4,320.00 Telephone Operator in County Court House . 900 00 Total for County Officers and Employees $59,780 00 Your committee recommends that the salaries of the several county officers and employees be fixed by this Board at the foregoing amounts, and your committee directs that the amount to be paid to the. Motor Vehicle Clerk be in full for any notorial fees or other services in connection with the duties of that office That the County Sealer of Weights and Measures, be allow- ed an amount, not to exceed the sum of $500 00 for expenses ana disbursements of his office, that the County Superintend- ent of Highways be allowed an amount, not to exceed the sum of $1,500 00 for expenses, that the Coroner be allowed an amount not to exceed the sum of $100.00 for expenses, that the Sheriff be allowed an amount not to exceed the sum of $1,500.00, while traveling by auto, while said officials are en- gaged in the performance of their duties chargeable to the county; and that the District Attorney be allowed an amount, not to exceed the sum of $800.00 for office expenses; that the Supreme Court Judge be allowed $60000, for postage and in- cidental expenses ; that the Commissioners of Election be al- lowed, an amount not to exceed the sum of $250 00 for ex- penses, that the County Treasurer be allowed an amount, not to exceed $250.00 for postage and expenses , that the Clerk of the Board be allowed the sum of $60 00 for postage; that the County Clerk be allowed an amount, not to exceed $225 00 for postage and incidental expenses ; that the Motor Vehicle Office be allowed an amount, not to exceed $500 00 for postage and incidental expenses ; that the County Attorney be allowed an amount not to exceed the sum of $350 00 for necessary ex- 212 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS penses in executing the duties of his office for the year 1936 and that the County Treasurer be allowed an amount, not to exceed $2,400.00 for Clerk Hire, all claims for expenses and auto hire to be itemized and audited by this Board, in the same manner as other county claims are audited. Dated, December 17, 1935 CARL A. MOTT, HENRY VEIT, FRED VAN ORDER, Committee Moved by Mr. Mott, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr Osborn Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved -That the Clerk be authorized to correct any manifest errors in the minutes or in the report of any com- mittee. Seconded by Mr Squier. Carried Mr. Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order to the County Treasurer for the payment of each claim audited by this Board, and the County Treasurer is hereby di- rected to pay the same out of the moneys in her hands appro- priated for that purpose Seconded by Mr Van Order Carried Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved -That the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to pay to the several towns and the city any balances in her hands standing to the credit of the respective towns and city. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 213 Seconded by Mr Osborn Carried Mr. Chase offered the following resolution -and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the salaries of all county officers and employees monthly, 'unless otherwise directed by a resolution of this Board. Seconded by Mr Miller Carried Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That all moneys now in the hands of the County Treasurer either in the General, Welfare or Highway Funds, and not appropriated by this Board for any specific purpose, be hereby re -appropriated to the General, Welfare or Highway fund respectively Seconded by Mr. Veit Carried 0 Mr: Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman be and he' hereby is author- ized at any time during the year to appoint a special committee consisting of any three members including himself which committee shall have power to act for the county in any mat- ters that may arise between sessions of the Board in which the county is legally interested and which is not within the juris- diction of any regular standing committee Seconded by Mr. Squier Carried Mr. Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Highway Advisory Committee be au- thorized to make any necessary repairs to the County Machin- ery Building. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson , Carried 214 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Veit offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : _ Resolved,—That the Clerk of this Board be authorized and directed to certify for the payment of salaries of all county officers, required to be certified to the State Civil Service Com- mission. Seconded by Mr Squier Carried Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the services of all town superintendents of ,highways, in the matter of snow removal, shall be at the ex- pense of the towns Seconded by Mr Stevenson. Carried Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various towns and the City of Ithaca, the Clerk shall print such rates in the Proceedings of the Board, following the town budgets of the several towns and city. Seconded by Mr Conlon Carried. Mr Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk be idirected to print the audits of the several towns of the county in the Proceedings of the Board. Seconded by Mr. Osborn Carried Mr. Stevenson offered( the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $3,000.00 to the Cornell Library Association, for the maintenance of said library, under the provisions of the Edu- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 215 cation Law, for the year 1936, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay said amount to the Treasurer of said Asso- ciation in quarterly payments on the first days of January, April, July and October, 1936. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Miller presented the following report of the Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. , No. of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 11 Onondaga Co Pen . _Penal Inst ... Bd of Prisoners $1,658 80 $1,658 80 12 Dr H H Crum _ Jail Physician _Services . 4 00 4 00 Respectfully submitted this 17th day of December, 1935. $1,662 80 $1,662 80 T. G. MILLER, C. C. SQUIER, LEPINE STONE, ' Committee. Moved by Mr. Miller, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Chase By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. 216 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Courts, Correction and Legislation be accepted, and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited at the amounts recommended by the committee Seconded by Mr. Chase Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried Mr. Van Order, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers' Accounts, presented the following report, which was laid on the table, two days under the rule : Your` Committee on County Officers' Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper ' form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge ,against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your commit- tee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 22 Lawyer's Co-op Pub Co Sup Ct Judge Law Book $ 15 00 $ 15 00 23 The Commercial Press Sup Ct Judge_ Notices 5 75 5 75 24 The Atkinson Press __ __Co Judge Supplies 86 50 86 50 25 Ithaca Journal Co Clerk _ Pub Notices 1 36 1 36 26 Ithaca Journal Comm of Elec _Pub Notices 57 60 57 60 27 T G Miller's Sons Suprs Supplies 400 400 28 W A Church Co _ Suprs ... _ Supplies _ 10 00 10 00 29 Journal & Courier _ _ Suprs _ _ Pub Notices 4 68 4 68 30 Dr Wm L Seil _ Coroner _ _ Expenses _ 97 06 97 06 31 Corner Bookstores _Suprs _ Supplies 29 11 2911 Respectfully submitted this 17th day of December, 1935. \$ 31106 $ 31106 FRED VAN ORDER, R. C. OSBORN, C. A. MOTT, Committee OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 217 Moved by Mr. Van Order, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Miller. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. • D Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Officers'Accounts be accepted, and that the claims and ac- counts therein listed be audited at the amounts recommended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr Chase Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow presented the following report of the the Com- mittee on Charities, which was laid on the table, two days un- der the rule : / Your Committee on Charities reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper -form for audit and - allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recom- mends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. c Z.3 Claimant Account Nature e z and , Assignment to which Chargeable 1 of Expense . Claimed Allowed 1 Reconstruc Home, Inc Crippled Child _Treatment _ $ 193 00 $ 193 00 2 Reconstruc Home, Inc __Crippled Child _Treatment 90 00 90 00 3 Reconstruc Home, Inc __Crippled Child _Treatment 90 00 90 00 $ 373 00 $ 373 00 Respectfully submitted this 17th _ , day of December, 1935. LAMONT C.' SNOW, LEPINE STONE, J. B. MYERS, '- Committee. 218 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr Snow, that the report be taken from the table and passed at'this time. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Charities be accepted and adopted and that the bills and accounts there- in listed be audited at the amounts recommended by that com- mittee. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow presented the following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports - , that the several claims listed below are in all respects in prop- er form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of„your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed,” and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 4 No of Claun Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 8 T G Miller's Sons __Co Treas __Supplies __ $ 110 $ 110 9 Norton Printing Co Co Treas - ..Ret School tax . forms 13 50 13 50 10 Journal & Courier Co Treas __Pub Notices 1 635 34 635 34 $ 649 94 $ 649 94 Respectfully submitted this 17th day of December, 1935. LAMONT C. SNOW, A. J. CONLON, JOS. B. MYERS, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 219 Moved by Mr. Snow, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr Chase. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Snow . offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts be accepted, and that the claims and accounts therein fisted be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Stevenson presented the following report of the Com- mittee on Education which was laid on the table, two days under the rule : li Your Committee on Education reports that the claim listed below is in all respects in proper form for audit and allow- ance by this Board, that said claim in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Al- lowed", and your committee therefore recommends that said claim be audited 'at the amount so indicated No. of Clain Claimant and Assignment Account to which chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 7 Dr H H Crum ._ . Exam in Lun Insane _ $ 10 00 $ 10 00 Respectfully submitted this 17th day of December, 1935. HARVEY STEVENSON, R. C. OSBORN, A. J. CONLON, Committee. 220 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr Stevenson, that the report be taken from ' the table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr Veit By unanimotis consent, the report was taken from the table. ' Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Education be accepted, and that the claim and account therein listed be audited and allowed at the amount recommended by the com- mittee, and , be it further Resolved—That the County' Treasurer -be directed to charge said Claim No 7, being for examination in Lunacy, to the town of Enfield. Seconded by Mr Conlon Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried Mr. Squier presented the following report of the Committee on Insurance, which was laid on the table, two days under the rule : Your Committee on Insurance reports that the claim listed below is in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that the said claim in the opinion of your com- mittee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tomp- kins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," „ and your committee therefore recommends that said claim be audited at the amount so indicated. A m F.3 cAssignment z Claimant and Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 4 Rexford R Chatterton .Comm WelfareBond Respectfully submitted this 17th day of December, 1935. $75 00 $75 00 CLARENCE C. SQUIER JOS. B. MYERS Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 221 Moved by Mr Squier, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr Veit. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved' its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Insurance be accepted and that the bill and account therein listed be audited and allowed at the amount recommended by the com- mittee. Seconded by Mr. Conlon Ayes -13 Noes—O. Carried Mr Conlon presented the following report of the Commit- tee on Town Officers' Accounts, which was laid on the table / two days under the rule : Your Committee on Town Officers' Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your commit- tee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amounts so indicated. No. of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which chargeable / Nature of Expense Claimed 'Allowed 13 City of Ithaca _ . City Court _ Fees in Felony $26 00 $26 00 16 Geo F Warner _ Constable Fees in Felony 7 80 7 80 15 Henry Williams .... .. Justice Fees in Felony 4 10 4'10 17 Verne C Marion Justice Fees in Dog Cases 26 75 26.75 14 George B Sickmon Justice Fees in Felony 8 00 8 00 Respectfully submitted this 17th day of, December, 1935 $72 65 $72 65 A. J CONLON R. C. OSBORN C. A. MOTT Committee. 222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr Conlon, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr. Veit. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table Mr. Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Town Of- ficers' Accounts be accepted, and that the claims and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee. Seconded by Mr Chase. Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried Mr. Squier presented the following report of the Coninut- tee on County Buildings, which was laid on the table, two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Buildings reports that the sev- eral claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No of Claim Claimant ' and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 19 Robinson & Carpenter_ Old Ct House Materials _ _ _ $98 62 $98 62 21 John Broder _ _ _ Old Ct House Labor _ 85 85 85 85 20 John Hugg _Old Ct House Labor 85 85 85 85 18 Raymond F Townley Old Ct House Labor & Materials_ 2443 2443 Respectfully submitted this 17th day of December, 1935. $294 75 $294 75 C. C SQUIER LAGRAND CHASE JOS. B MYERS .THOS. G. MILLER Committee OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 223 Moved by Mr. Squier, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Buildings be accepted, and that the claims and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Sheriff may, at his discretion, cause such of the convicts under his charge as are capable of hard labor, and who are serving sentences of not less than ten (10) days, to be employed outside of the Jail in this county, upon such terms as may be agreed upon between the sheriff and the officers or persons under whose direction such convicts shall be placed, provided however, that the state or munici- pality, employing such convicts shall furnish transportation to and from the county jail and, a guard approved by the sheriff ; and Be It Further Resolved—that the Sheriff be authorized and directed to purchase and furnish at the expense of the county such items of clothing as may be reasonably necessary and appropriate to equip such convicts for such labor. All such clothing to remain the property .of the county; and Be It Further Resolved—that the County Superintendent of Highways be authorized at such times and places as he thinks best, and with such precautions as the Sheriff shall prescribe, to employ such convicts in building and repairing highways, or in preparing the materials for such highways for sale to arid for the use of the state, county, towns, vil- 224 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS lages, or city, such labor to be paid for out of highway funds at the rate of fifty cents ($.50) per day per man Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 23, 1935 at 9:30 A. M. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 225 Fourteenth Day Monday, December 23, 1935 Roll call All members present, except Mr Squier. Minutes of December 17th meeting, read and approved Mr. Chase presented the following report of the Committee on Finance, relative to the County Budget, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule : Your Committee on Finance wishes to report that, in its opinion, the following appropriations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the County for the next ensuing fiscal year, viz : APPROPRIATIONS FROM GENERAL FUND Contributions: State Tax—Armory Purposes $ 8,788.07 Stenographers, Etc 4,023.63 $ 12,811 70 Tax Expenses, Etc: Tax Notices, etc Redemption Advertising Refunds—Dr. R C. Warren $79 68 Phi Epsilon Pi 91.71 $ 635 34 226.24 171 39 Tax Extensions 848.17 $ 1,88114 Legislative: Supervisors—Compensation , $ 8,550.00 Expenses & Mileage 764.89 Board Expense 300.00 Stenographer 1,000.00 Clerk—Salary 1,800.00 ' Postage 60.00 Expenses 50.00 $ 12,524.89 226 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Administrative Buildings: Co. Ct House—Supt. Bldgs—Salary $ 1,300.00 Fireman—Salary 1,080.00 Assistant Fireman and Watchman—Salary 1,080.00 Janitors (4) 4,320.00 Telephone Operator 900.00 Insurance 533.76 $ 9,213.76 Old County Clerk's Bldg —Insurance $ 60.00 Repairs 100.00 $ 160.00 Judicutl : Supreme Court Judge—Postage & Incidentals $ 600.00 County Judge—Salary $ 5,000.00 Special Co. Judge and Surrogate 600.00 Assistants 3,000.00 Expenses .300.00 $ 8,900.00 Children's Court Judge—Salary Clerk Courts: Supreme County County Attorney • Salary Expenses O $ 1,500.00 800.00 $ 2,300.00 $10,000.00 3,000.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 2,000.00 350.00 $ 2,350.00 County Clerk . Salary $ 3,600.00 Deputy Clerk 1,800.00 Motor Vehicle Clerk - 1,500.00 Assistants 6,800.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 227 Postage 225 00 County Clerk and Assistants' Bonds 60 00 Postage—Motor Vehicle Clerk 500 00 Motor Vehicle Clerk's Bond 30 00 Expenses 2,000 00 $ 16,515 00 Administrative Officers. Commissioners of Election : Salaries $ 2,200.00 Expenses 250.00 Elections—County Canvass 98 04 Election Expenses 6,809 74 $ 9,357 78, County Treasurer. Salary $ 2,800 00 Clerk Hire, 2,400 00 Postage 250.00 Bond—General 1,012 50 Expenses 100 00 $ 6,562 50 Cornell Library Association $ 3,000 00 Regulative Officers: Sealer of Weights and Measures Salary $ 900 00 Expenses 500 00 Other Expenses , 250.00 $ 1,650.00 Corrective Officers: District Attorney—Salary $ 2,400.00 Office Expenses 800.00 $ 3,200.00 Sheriff—Salary $ 2,800 00 Expenses 1,500 00 Other Expenses 600 00 Bond 75.00 Under Sheriff , 1,320.00 Two Turnkeys and Deputy 1,680.00 Jail Matron 300 00 $ 8,275.00 228 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ` Probation Officer—Salary $ 1,200 Coroner—Salary $ 700.00 Expenses 100.00 $ 800.00 Punishment. Jail Physician Onondaga County Penitentiary $ 100.00 $ 1,658 80 Contract Supplies: Heat and Light $ 6,500.00 Heat at County Home 2,500 00 Telephones _ 3,000 00 $ 12,000 00 Reforestation $ 273.68 Public Health County Laboratory Public Health Nurses Eradication Bovine Tuberculosis Educational: Farm Bureau Home Bureau Junior Extension Educational Notices County Library $ 6,500 00 4,075.00 2,500 00 $ 13,075.00 $ 2,500.00 2,500 00 2,500 00 35.97 4,150 00 $ 11,685 97 Compensation Insurance • Disbursements for 1935 $ 2,466 47 State Department 85 00 Appropriation 2,000.00 $ 4,551.47 Employee's Retirement System. County Court House and Jail Bonds: Principal Interest TOTAL APPROPRIATION $ 4,896 09 $16,000 00 26,300.00 $ 42,300 00 $204,842.78 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 229 ° Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the General Fund— Levy on Towns and City for State Tax $12,811.70 Levy on Towns and City for Election Expenses 3,789.65 Levy on Towns for Compensation Insurance 664 31 , Sheriff's Expenses 808.45 Expenses of Children's Court 291.95 Refund Taxes 171.39 Fees of County Clerk 17,770.42 Fees of Surrogate's Clerk 261 57 $ 36,578.44 Net Amount Required for General Fund Appropriation $168,264.34 APPROPRIATION FROM THE POOR FUND Charitable—Improvident Poor: Commissioner of Welfare—Salary County Poor T E.R A. Appropriations and W.P.A. County Home $14,000.00 Outside Relief 23,000.00 Hospitalization 21,000.00 Dependent Children— Foster Homes $21,000.00 Institutional Care 5,000 00 26,000.00 $ 2,400.00 576.70 10,993.35 Case Supervisor—Salary 2,400.00 Worker 1,200.00 Part Time 'Investigator 600.00 Stenographers 1,750.00 Transportation for Investigators 1,000.00' Clerical T.E.R.A. 2,800 00 Office Expenses 700.00 Food Storage 400.00 $ 94,850.00 State Charities Aid Association for Children's Agent $ 2,000.00 230 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Old Age Security: For Allowances Granted of County Districts Investigator's Salary Stenographer ' Office Expenses Traveling Expenses Charitable—Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis Hospital— Maintenance Insurance Mental Diseases: Insane Blind: Applicants $19,000.00 1,800.00 1,080 00 150.00 400.00 $ 22,430.00 Dependent Widows and .Children: Board of Child Welfare Soldiers, Sailors, Etc Crippled Children: Total Appropriation Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the Poor Fund— Levy on Towns and City to Reimburse the County \For: Support of Poor at County Home $9,006.24 000 00 Examination in Lunacy Hospitalization, Etc. 57,678.57 $ 66,934.81 $17,000.00 37.23 $ 17,037.23 $ 250.00 $ 432 00 $ 7,000.00 $ 75 00 $ 6,686.40 $164,730.68 Net Amount Required for Poor Fund Appropriation97,795 87 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 231 APPROPRIATION' FROM THE HIGHWAY FUND Maintenance: Superintendent of Highways— \ Salary $ 3,000.00 Expenses 1,500 00 Other Expenses 200.00 $ 4,700.00 II Construction: Sinking Fund on Bonds—Principal $ 2,543.05 Interest 5,08616 $ 7,629.21 County System of Roads : Construction—County Aid ' (1935) Construction Under §320-A Graveling Town Roads Rights of way: Maintenance—Flood Damage Bridges: 3 $54,000.00 28,110.00 18,000.00 $100,110.00 8,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 County Highway Indebtedness : Highway Bonds—Principal $14,000 00 Interest 3,757.50 17,757.50 Total, Appropriation $178,196.71 Less : Estimated Receipts Applicable to Highway Fund— Levy on Towns to Reimburse the County for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds $ 1,440.87 Money in Special Highway Account Applicable to Highway Bond In- ' debtedness 11,376.66 12,817.53 232 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Net Amount Required for Highway Fund Appropriation $ 165,379.18 Your committee further reports that the foregoing appro- priations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the county government for the next ensuing fiscal year, in pay- ment of 1. Armory Purpose Tax, pursuant to Military Law, as amended; Court and Stenographers' Tax, pursuant to Ar- ticle 6, Section 12, of the State Constitution and the Judiciary Law, as amended 2. Salaries of officers and employees, heretofore authorized by this Board N 3 Claims audited and allowed by this Board 4. Claims to be audited at monthly sessions of this Board, claims to be audited by the Commissioner of Public Welfare, duly authorized certificates and other expenses to be paid prior to the next ensuing tax levy. 5 Amounts to become due on contracts 6 The amounts to be paid for Sinking Fund and Interest on State Highway Bonds 7. County Indebtedness and Interest thereon 8. Appropriations by this Board for other specific pur- poses, and estimated amounts required for unforeseen contin- gencies. Your committee further reports, that the amounts presented in the Budget for outside relief and hospitalization, respec- tively, is for ten months, or from January 1, 1936 'to October 31st, 1936; and that from the report of the County Treasurer, the receipts of the previous year and other information avail- able, it is estimated that the amounts indicated will be avail- able from the various sources specified, to the expenditures for the above purposes, and such amounts are( deducted from OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 233 the estimated amounts required in fixing the amount to be raised by tax levy. Dated, December 23, 1935. , LAGRAND CHASE, LEPINE STONE, J. B. MYERS, R. C. OSBORN, Committee. Moved by Mr Chase, that, the report be taken from the , table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr. Stone By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the committee be accepted, that the several amounts therein specified be and hereby are appropriated from the funds indicated, to and for the pur- poses enumerated, and be it further Resolved—That all moneys received by the County Treas- urer, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for by law, or act of this Board, be credited by her to the general poor or highway fund, in accord with the nature of such re- ceipt, and be it further Resolved—That in case of a deficiency in any appropriation, the County Treasurer, upon the written approval of a majority of the members of the Finance Committee, is hereby authorized to transfer from the general fund, the poor fund or the high- way fund respectively, for the purpose of meeting any pay- ment ordered by this Board, or required by law, which amounts are hereby appropriated for such purposes, but in no case is the County Treasurer authorized to transfer from the general fund or the poor fund to any other fund, without a resolution of this Board specifically authorizing her,, to do so, and be it further Resolved—That there be assessed upon, levied against and ' 234 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, li- able therefore For State Tax For County, General and Poor Tax For County Highway Fund Tax $ 12,811 70 266,060.21 165,379.18 $444,251.09 Seconded by Mr. Osborn Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That all amounts standing to, the credit of any item of the general or poor fund on January 1, 1936, except such items where the State or any municipalities of the county contributes, and any amounts standing to the credit of the item on Compensation Insurance, be and the same 'hereby is re -appropriated to the general fund, and be it further Resolved—That any moneys contributed by the State, or any municipalities of the county subsequent to January 1, 1936, shall be credited by the County Treasurer to the fund from which paid, and to be paid out only on the order of the Board of Supervisors, except the moneys contributed by the State to the County Public Health Committee, the County Laboratory; and to the Old Age Security Fund, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to use the moneys in the Special Highway Account Fund, amounting to -$11,376 66, which was raised for highway bond purposes toward the payment of the highway bonds as desig- nated in this budget Seconded by Mr Osborn Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried The Republican members designated the Ithaca Journal - News, Inc., and the Democratic members the Tompkins Coun- ty Rural News, Dryden, N Y , as the official organs of those OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 235 parties respectively to publish all legal notices required to be published, for the•year 1936 Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, offered the&following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That a correction be made in the apportionment of costs for the support of poor at the County Home; that $97 47 be taken from the town of Enfield and charged to the town of Newfield Seconded by Mr Albright Carried Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Highways, with the County Attorney, be authorized and empowered to secure all necessary rights of way. Seconded by Mr Mott Carried. II Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman and County Attorney be au- thorized to represent the county in any negotiations relative to claims for damages to property in the elimination of grade crossings Seconded by Mr Stevenson Carried Mr. Vann appeared before the Board with recommendations relative to the County Map No. 1. Recommended that the Bald Hill Road in the town of Danby No 126 be stricken from the County Map from the Tompkins -Logo County line northerly for a distance of 2 25 miles as this section has been taken over for reforestation No 2 Recommended that the road in the town of Ithaca known as the Kline Woods Road, beginning at Sta No. 41 on C. H. No. 606 and running westerly for a i 236 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS distance of 0.50 miles be placed on the county map for future maintenance This road was subbased by the town and a hght top put on several years ago, and as it runs through a residential section should be a part of the county system. No 3 Recommended that the road in the town of Enfield known as the Jim Hines Road, beginning at Sta No. 186 + 50 on C H No 1189, and running southerly 0 90 miles and westerly 1 45 miles to County Road No. 133, being 2 35 miles, be placed on the County Map for future construction. No 4 Recommended that the road in the town of Newfield known as the Seabring Settlement Road, beginning at Sta: No 204 on S. H. No. 5474, and running north- easterly for a distance of 2.65 miles and connecting with County Road No 133, be placed on the county map, for future construction Moved by Mr Chase, that the changes in the County Road Map, as recommended by the County Superintendent, be ap- proved by this Board. Seconded by Mr Miller. Carried County Superintendent of Highways, B. I Vann, appeared before the Board and presented the following highway topping, construction and reconstruction programs for the year 1936; with the estimated cost therefor. Project No 1 Speed Road, No. 117, Caroline and Dryden Double Surface Treatment on 2 0 miles gravel 'base $3,000.00 Project No 2 Ringwood Road, No 164, Caroline and Dry- den Double Surface Treatment on 2 5 miles, gravel base 3,750 00 Project No 3 Bald Hill Road, No. 126, Danby. Double Sur- face Treatment on 1.50 miles, gravel base. 2,500.00 Project No. 4 Irish Settlement Road, No. 164 A, Dryden Double Surface Treatment on 5.50 miles gravel base 9,250.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 237 , Project No. 5. North Lansing -West Groton Road No. 181, Lansing and Groton. Double Surface Treat- ment on 1.60 miles, gravel base 2,400.00 Project No. 6 Kline Road, No. 122, Lansing Penetration top on 1 0 miles gravel base 6,000 00 Project No 7 West Danby Road, No. 129, Newfield. Double Surface Treatment on 10 miles gravel base 1,500.00 Project No 8 Halseyville Road, No. 170, Ulysses. Pene- tration top on 1.30 miles gravel base 7,800 00 Project No. 9. Perry City Road, No 142, Ulysses. Double Surface Treatment on 0 90 miles gravel base 1,500.00 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Project No. 10. Flat Iron Road, No. 117A Caroline. 14' gravel base, 1.0 miles $ 7,000.00 Project No. 11. Comfort-Elyea Road, No 128, Danby. 10' gravel base, 2 10 miles 12,000.00 Project No. 12 West Dryden North and South Road, No. I , 182 Dryden. 14' gravel base, 1 50 miles 10,500.00 Project No. 13. Weatherby Road, No 183, Enfield. 14' grav- el base, 1.0 miles 6,500.00 Project No. 14 Buck Road, No 153, Groton 14' gravel base, 2.50 miles 17,500.00 Project No 15. East Side Road, No. 180, Groton 14' gravel base, left over from 1935 17,200.00 Project No. 16. King Schoolhouse Road, No. 179, Ithaca. 0.70 miles 14' gravel base 5,000.00 Project No. 17 West Lansingville Road, No 184, Lansing. 10' gravel base, 2 20 miles 6,400.00 238 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Project No. 18 West Danby Road, No 129, Newfield. 1.05 miles 10' gravel base 6,000.00 Project No 19 Krum's Corners Road, No 141, Ulysses 0 70 miles 14' gravel base 5,000 00 RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Project No 20 Old State Road No. 107 Widen to 14' with a 21/2" mixed in place top 24,000.00 Total $154,800 00 Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the estimates and programs submitted by the County Superintendent be approved by this Board, sub- ject to such minor modifications as the County Superintendent finds necessary, and that the amount indicated in said esti- mates, namely $154,800 00, for topping, construction and re- construction, and $55,000 00 for maintenance, or so much of said amounts as may be necessary for the year 1936, be and the same hereby are appropriated from the County Road Fund for the purposes indicated. Seconded by Mr Miller Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried The report of L A. Culver, Justice of the Peace of Dryden, was received and filed. Mr. Chase presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes Mr. Mott presented the Town Budget of the Town of Dry- den, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. i Mr Mott presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Dryden, which was referred to the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 30, 1935 at 10 A. M. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW /YORK 239 e Fifteenth Day Monday, December 30, 1935 Ron call All members present, except Mr Squier Minutes of December 23rd meeting, read and approved The report of Norman G. Stagg, Justice of the Peace of the Town of Ithaca, was received and filed Mr. Stone presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ulyssd3, which was referred to the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes Mr. Conlon presented the Town Budget of the Town of Lansing, which was referred to the Committee on Finance Mr. Osborn presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the City of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes Mr Mott, Chairman of the Committee on Erroneous Assess ments and Returned Taxes, rendered the following report, relative to the Returned School Taxes of the several school districts of the county : To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes, finds by the certificates signed by the County Treas= urer, and supported by affidavits of the proper officers of the following school districts of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, submitted to this Board by the County Treasurer, that the following school taxes have not been paid, after diligent efforts have been made to enforce the collection thereof, and your committee therefore recommends the fol- lowing sums be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed with 7% in ad- dition thereto 240 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CAROLINE District No. 2— Alfred Myers, 100 acres $ 5.30 Mrs. F. E. Bates (State) 74.29 acres 1.42 Fred Meier (State) 25 88 acres ,.49 Lena Hunt (State) 34 40 acres ,.65 Lena Hunt (State) 45.66 acres .87 District No. 4— J. Lee, 100 acres E. May, 86 acres District No. 6— Richard Bergren, 125 acres 8.09 Emeline Fuller, 32 acres 1.80 Richard Leonard, 66 acres 4.49 Richard Leonard, 78 acres 10.34 Joe Maynard, 18 acres , .45 Joe Maynard 11/2 acres .45 Victoria Kulp (Darling) 67 acres 2:25 Charles Rosencrane, 47 acres - 2.02 Snow, Orson, 3 acres .23 Caroline Telephone Co. .29 - 4.82 5.89 District No. 7— I Orrin Cornelius, 67 acres Wm. McGrath, 42 acres 3.21 2.68 District No. 11— Fordyce Cobb Est (McWhorter) 128 acres 2.68 Joseph Pukas, 86 acres 4.28 Collins Farm (State) 47 acres 1.02 Stanley Farms (State) 139 acres . 2.97 District No. 12— Charles Bacon, 2 acres B. C. Perkins, 25 acres 5.56 11.13 District No 13— Caroline Telephone Co. - 2.14 Conrad, Harmon, 6 acres 7.49 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 241 Merlin Klingle, 45 acres Asa McKenzie, 92 acres Asa McKenzie, 40 acres Wm. P. Rich, 111 acres Martin Yaple , Est., 3/4 acres 6.42 18.73 3.21 8.03 2.68 'District No 14 - Frank Hotaling, 104 acres 4.28 Sidney Smith, 75 acres 1.87 Sidney Smith, 11 acres .54 Federal Land Bank, 97 acres 4.28 Federal Land Bank, 146 acres 10.70 Caroline Farmers Telephone Co., 130 Rd. .70 District No. 16 - Harlan Bogardus, 1/2 acre 1.34 Harlan Bogardus, 56 acres 12.84 Harlan Bogardus, 20 acres 1.07 Harlan Bogardus, 14 acres 1.07, Harlan Bogardus, 20 acres 1.61 Caroline Telephone ,Co. .64 Joseph Gubser, 90 acres 4.28 Joseph Gubser, 8 acres 6.42 Clarence Stamp, 310 acres 19.80' Charles Whalen, 106 acres 1.61 District No. 17 - Lula Benton, 12 acres 1.44 Alva Bennett, 107 acres 9.63 Clinton Mulks, 10 acres .48 Joseph Maynard, 1/2, acre .12 Jessie Davis, 49 acres 2.89 Paul Wilczak, 98 acres 3.37 Caroline Telephone Co. .60 District No. 19 - Mrs. Stella Fairbrother, Est., 55 acres 1, .80 L. H. Gallagher, 10 acres .27 Wm. Overpaugh, 90 acres 4.82 Joseph Pukas, 69 acres 10.70 Jud Smith, 20 acres .54 Dr. Edith Stevensons, 41 acres 6.42 District No. 20 - Howard ' Bush, 109 acres 3.85 242 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS George Brown, 23 acres 1.50 State Land (Cornell Farm), 55 acres .64 Wm. Quick (State Land), 36 acres .64 Wm Quick, 50 acres ' 1.71 Wm. Quick, 50 acres - 1.93 Mary Brown Est., 114 acres 2.14 Wm. Hurd Est , 116 acres 5.14 Wm Hurd Est., 196 acres 2.57 Anna Hurd, 15 acres .32 Orin Van DeMark, 39 acres .64 Joint District No. 181—Caroline and Danby Bert Cooper, 25 acres 12 34 Joint District No 21—Caroline and Dryden Harry Cornell, 143 acres 3.42 R. G. Fuller, 281/2 acres, 21.40 R. G. Fuller, 63, acres 19.69 Lyman H. Gallagher, 1/2 acre 18.83 Lmman H. Gallagher, 1/3 Store 10.27 Lyman H. Gallagher, 1/4 Slater House 17.12 Lyman H. Gallagher, 1 Kelley - .43 Lyman H Gallagher, 2 Kozy Korner 4 28 Lyman H. Gallagher, 1/8 Hubbard 5.14 Lyman H. Gallagher, 3 St. John 1.71 Lyman H. Gallagher, 76 Robinson 17.12 Lyman H. Gallagher, 63 Wyckoff 5.56 Ray Griffin, 3 acres, 2 57 Electa Hollister', Est., 1/3 acre 15.40 L. J. Hollister, 146 acres 27.39 Dr. J. G. Needham, 102 acres 6 85 John Ramsey, 3% acres 16.26 Caroline Farm Telephone ' 7 95 Joint District No. 2 Caroline and Dryden Donald B Besemer 9.63 $ 492.15 DANBY District No. 1— Lewis Harmon, 93 acres $ 2.14 Ora Manning, 50 acres 1.61 , Andrew Scott, 100 acres 5.35 Niilo Wirtainen, 25 acres .80 " I OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 243 District No. 2— Peter Paajanen, 73 acres Harry Slaight, 150 acres District No. 5— Philip Muzzy, 15 acres Philip Muzzy, 96 acres Austin Rose, 75 acres H. E. Rollins, 48 acres 5 78 17.34 5.14 21.83 12.84 8 35 District No. 6— Jacob Makarainen, 86 acres 2140 Glen Parker, 84 acres 10.70 Asher Shaffer, 35 acres 5 35 District No. 8— Homer Bierce, 25 acres Clyde Chase, 50 acres .Leila Cummings, 1 acre Damon Davenport, 5 acres William Eckert, 137 acres Ernest Freeman, 94 acres Ernest Freeman, 57 acres Fred Griffin, 70 acres Harriet Griffin Est., 30 acres Harry Hatfield, 50 acres Lark J. Henderson, 98 acres Ida L. Hiney, 7 acres Leroy Howland, 89 acres Rocco Jamarusty, 39 acres Ruth Knettles, 2 acres Frank Lama Est , 10 acres Joseph Lissick, 330 acres William Logan, 102 acres Frank Mason, 75 acres Frank Moore, 83 acres David Moore, 50 acres David Moore, 53 acres David Moore, 98 acres William Morgan, 100 acres, C. Blood Bertha Maragon, 1/2 acre R. S. Nelson, 1/2 acre R. S. Nelson, 1/2 acre 25 68 23.11 12.84 8.56 35.95 12.84 4 28 7.71 5.14 32.53 11.99 4 28 21 40 10.27 15.41 3 00 38.52 10 27 12.84 34.24 3 00 27.82 8.56 10.27 6.85 1.71 8.56 244 PROCEEDINGS I OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I 1 Quirne Orsino, 20 acres 12.84 Florence Patmore, 971/2 acres 38.52 Ralph Sager, 1/2 acre 12 84 Leland Seely, 1110 acres 25 68 Adelbert Sheffield, 1/Z acre 6 85 Mrs. John Shepherd, 43 acres 21.40 Mrs. John Shepherd, 1/10 acre .43 John Shepherd, 142 acres 9.42 Paul Smiley, 38; acres 25.68 Thomas Smith, 4 acres 34.24 Clarence Swartwood, 8 acres 5.14 r Wm H Taubman, 102 acres 34.24 W. E. & Winme'Taubman, 188 acres 55.64 A. J. Tubbs, 1/8 acre .43 A. J. Tubbs, 121/2 acres .86 Cyrus Watson, 2 acres ,8.56 District No 9 - Geo Grant Est., 40 acres' 6.42 Albert Grant, 28 acres 3.75 Coral Harker 5.14 Geo Hulbert, 261/2 acres 2.68 Geo. Hulbert, 37 acres 8 56 Albert Oltz, 11 acres - 54 Wm. Swartwood, 35 acres 9 63 District No. 11 - Henry Knuntila, 120 acres Henry Knuntila, 661/2 acres Victor Lieb, 244 acres Fred West, 93 acres 0. Van Ostrand 20.97 17.23 29.96 17.23 6.42 District No 12 - Anna Benjamin, 1/2 acre 4.28 Clarence Chilson, 113 acres 5 35 Chas E. Cole, 1/2 acre 3.75 Geo. Cornell, 13/4 acres 5.89 B. T. Emery, 1 acre 2.14 Mrs. Chas Emory, 3 acres 1.61 Mrs. Chas. Emory, 3/4 acre .27 John Goodwin, 1/2 acre, 2.68 Walter Happonen, 59 acres 9.63 M 11 Snyder, 1/8 acre 10.70 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 245 Claude Sutton, 1 acre .54 F B. Lewis Est , 1/4 acre 6.42 John E. Maki, 3/8 acre 12.31 Sarah T. Marshall, 1/4 acre 6.42 Solomon Oltz, 3/4 acre 4.28 'Matt. Ruhinen Est , 115 acres 16.05 Geo. Rousku, 6 acres 9.63 Ray H. Wilcox, 3 acres .27 Claude Wilson, 125 acres 14 98 District No. 13— Lyman Gulick, 106 acres 5.35 Spencer Bank, 50 acres 1.61' N. Y. State Reforest., 78 3/10 acres 1.67 Paul Smiley, 50 acres 1.34 District No 14— Harriet Griffin .64 Bert Heffern .64 Paul Howard 4.52 Asa Howard 6.42 Lena Howard 3.85 David Moore 4.52 W. E Taubman 2.57 District No. 15- 0 Fay J. Lewis, 103 Acres Kate Swartout, 25 acres 2.14 .80 District No. 15— Joe Walling, 76 acres 3..21 Eugene Dorn, 50 acres .61 Eugene Dorn, 100 acres 12.041 David Powers, 9 acres .54 David Powers, 20 acres 3.75 George Hulbert, 76 acres 5.35 Grover & Ostrander, 150 acres 3 21 District No. 16— Mel Crapser, 100 acres J. B ' Liberman, 40 acres J. B. Liberman, 160 acres 5 78 1.93 7.71 246 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Schooley & Baker, 30 acres .96 P. Smiley, 71/2 acres .48 M. Van Dermark, 10 acres -48 Joint District No 18— Ira Myers, 140 acres - DRYDEN 11.56 $1,149 44 District No 2— Fred Herholdt, 5 2/3 acres $ 22 47 F. Stevens, 13/4 acres 12.84 H A Trebler, 53 acres 2.57 H. A. Trebler, 5 Lots 4 82 A. E. Trew, 56 acres - 12 84 A. E. Trew, 1 acre 32 Elmer German, 11/2 acres 19.26 Elmer German, House and Lot 19 26 Elmer German, 1/3 acre 9.63 District No 3— Eugene Brotherton Est , 85 acres 5.78 District No 4 — John Fundis, 18 acres, Lot 29 Con Mullen, 32 acres, Lot 30 O 2 14 3.21 District No. 5— Hattie Bush, 8 acres, Lot 41 45 0. & E Stevens, 100 acres, Lot 42 5 39 Harold Robinson, 1 acre, Lot 31 2 25 Harold Robinson, 1 acre, Lot 31 2.25 District No 6— Robert Purvis, 63 acres Robert Purvis, 164 acres Robert Purvis, 35 acres Robert Purvis, 48 acres Robert Purvis, 20 acres 31.03 496'. 3.10 12 41 .62 `, District No 7— Jay Maxwell, 92 acres 15.79 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 247 District No. 8- C. Beatty Est., 2 acres, Lot 49 .64 J. H. Cotterill & Sons, 80 acres, Lot 38 30.82 J. H. Cotterill & Sons, 30 acres, Lot 38 5.14 J. H. Cotterill & Sons, 4 acres, Lot 38 s .64 Grove Hotel (T. Sherman), 1 acre, Lot 38 22.47 Avery Hiles, 1/2 acre, Lot 38 19.26 Mynderse Hunter, 11/2 acres, Lot 38 1.28 James Macey, 3/4 acre, Lot 38 5.78 Mrs. W. Rannings Est , 1/4 acre, Lot 48 7.69 Wm. Rannings, Lot 48, Hotel 12.84 Wm. Rammngs, 1/3 •acre, Lot 48 7.69 Wm. Rannings, Lot 48, Shop 3.21 Thompson & Brown, Cedar Mill, Lot 48 1 93 District No. 9 - Charles Sodon, 50 acres, Lot 93 Charles Sodon, 50 acres, Lot 83 4.28 3 75 District No. 10 - Caroline Telephone Co., 1130 Rds. .78 Addle Davenport, 125 acres 17.12 Addie Davenport, 61 acres 4.28 Addie Davenport, 65 acres 1.28 Addie Davenport, 26 Acres .86 James Gleason, 120 acres 7.69 Charles Gleason, 3 acres 171 Charles Hazen, 10 acres .43' Minnie Lee, 26 acres 1.28 Charles McGee, 231/2 acres 5.14 Almon Miller, 108 acres 12.84 Horton Ogden Est., 2 acres 7.10 Horton Ogden E'st., 9 acres, .60 Horton Ogden Est , 86 acres 2 57 Ed Phillips, 33/4 acres -.86 Velma Poole, 2 acres , 1.28 Wm. Schutt, 87 acres 6.42 P. Swartwood, 1/3 acre 4.28 Oscar Stevens, 60 acres 1.71 District No. 11 - Amos & Alonzo Caswell, 150 acres, Lot 34 Hubert & Jay Dart, 13/4 acres, Lot 44 Hazel Mostert, 1/4 acre, Lot 44 Dewey Wallace, 8 acres, Lot 34 10.70 7.22 9.63 7.49 248 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 12 George Cole, Est., Lot 67 11.77 George Cole Est., Lot 77 .27 Cornell University, Lot 87 (Wild Flower Preserve) 7.76 Dennis Druley, Lot 69 2.68 John Ellis, Lot 68 .27 George Goodrich, Lot 68 54 George Goodrich, Lot 69 .27 George Goodrich, Lot 67 .54 Isaac Hunt, Lot 89 .80 Isaac & Fred Hunt, Lot 89 .54 Lena Hunt, Lot 78 .80 Mrs. Frink Hutchings, Lot 88 (James Tryon Est.) .54 James Johnson, Lot 88 1.07 Long & McConnell, Lot 57 .27 Clinton Mulks, Lot 57 .54 Robert Purvis, Lot 78 2.14 Rufus Pratt, Lot 57 1.23 E. D. Shurter, Lot 79 .80 Rosa Schillings, Lot 68 3.48 Star Stanton Est., Lot 79 1.61 B. H. Van Auken, Lot 57 & 58 24 61 Mrs. Mattie Van Horn, Lot 78 & 79 5.89 Mrs. Ed. Givens, Lot 57, County .27 Margaret Kinsley, Lot 78 (State Property) 1.87 District No. 13 - Harry Bush & Wife 8.99 F. L. Baker 37.45 ' S. M. Benjamin Est. (County) .87 Jay Baird & Wife 7.49 Wm. P. Brodie .37 Wm. P Brodie 14.98 Harry Ellis 16.48 Frank Foote 16.48 Will Kinch 13.48 Ernest Lewis 1.12 Lena Mannings 18.73 Lena 1\1, niiings .75 Robert Parker 7.49 Bert Smith 22.47 Mrs. Nellie Shults 18.73 Dale Wood 11.24 District No. 14- L. A. Culver, 79 acres 10 34 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK L. A. Culver, 100 acres Frank B. Grover, 70 acres Frank Perkins, 100 acres Clyde Sutliff, 50 acres Clyde Sutliff, 50 acres Lee Sickmon, 60 acres 0. J. Stetson, 84 acres 0. J. Stetson, 16 acres Clayton Stetson, 102 acres District No. 15- B. B. Coyne, 5 acres, Lot 12 L. A. Culver, 106 acres, Lot 12 Mrs. C Douglas, 43 acres, Lot 32 Nelson Frink, 80 acres, Lot 32 Mrs M. Fulkerson, 50 acres, Lot 23 Alfred Hubble, 46 acres, 'Lot 12 Lewis Myers, 1/2 acres Lot 22 Jesse Newton, 21 acres, Lot 20 Francis Smith, 45 acres, Lot 22 Mrs. J. Sutliff, 40 acres, Lot 12 C. L. Swope, 56 acres, Lot 13 Earl Tracy, 100 acres, Lot 23 J. P. Wheeler, 111 acres, Lot 33 Mrs. Wilkins, 56 acres, Lot 3 District No. 18 - Charles Baker Est , 2 acres Everett Elston, 50 acres Chauncey Marinus, 3/4 acre Leslie & Robert Welch, 1 acre Rubkey Hill Nursery, 25 acres District No. 19- 249 4.49 11.24 17.98 8.09 5 39 12.13 7.86 1.12 12.58 .70 15 30 6.96 16.69 5 56 6.96 2.78 1.39 13.91 2.78 17.39 12.52 20.87 10.43 4.55 9.10 22.74 22.74 109.14 , Caroline Telephone Co., 960 Sq. Rd., Lot 66 .82 Alfred Corgel, 411/2 acres, Lot 65 5.89 Chas. Edsall, 104 acres, Lot 66 10.70 .Arthur Genung, 58 acres, Lot 65 9.10 James Lissaman, 91 acres, Lot 65 13 38 Arthur Martin, 21 acres, Lot 65 3.21 Ed. Flannery, 50 acres, Lot 56 5.35 Earl Mix, 126 acres, Lot 56 9.63 Howard Mix, 170 acres, Lot 56 14.45 Augusta Newman, 50 acres, Lot 65 8.56 250 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Robert Shaw, 1 acre, Lot 65 Rose Shevalier, 75 acres, Lot 55 Lloyd Library, 91 acres, Lots 65 & 68 District No. 20— Charlotte Pew, 100 acres, Lot 72 Marie Quesal, 20 acres, Lot 72-73 District No. 22— Frank Cooper, 1/4 acre, Lot 18 J. C. McKinney, 84 acres, Lot 9 D. J. Norton, 11 acres, Lot 9 W. Sweetland, 103 acres, Lot 10 Helen & Pauline Baldwin, 3 acres, Lot 8 E. E. Steele, 7 acres, Lot 18 J M Steele, 13 acres . Chas Wilson, 1/2 acre, Lot 18 Henry Westfall, 100 acres, Lot 19 4.28 12.84 9.63 7.19 2.41 321 58.85 10.70 48.15 3 75 12 84 10.70 4.82 31 03 District No. 21— H Brill, 90 acres 18 87 Jean Burman, 50 acres 6.74 Orin English, 16 acres 1.35 J. H Grant, 1 acre 68 Wm. Klenke, 20 acres 1 35 Jesse Mack, 49 acres 10.11 Jos Nemecek Est , 67 acres 14 83 J. A Smithers, 100 acres 26.96 C. B. Teeter, 136 acres 16.85 Cora Teeter, 10 acres 2 02 District No. 23— A. C. Belknap (County) 76 acres, Lot 76 5.14 A. Hall, 51 acres, Lot 76 5 14 John Larson, 163 acres, Lot 77 19 26 Bert Monroe, 50 acres, Lot 85 ' 1 28 Rita McQuire, 87 acres, Lot 75 10.27 Dana Van Pelt, 18 acres, Lot 85 .96 District No. 26— Henry Beam, 50 acres, Lot 58 3.42 George Watros, 175 acres, Lot 50 & 60 17.12 George Watros, 80 acres, Lot 49 12.84 George Watros, 45 acres, Lot 49 & 50 3.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 251 Joint District No. 10—Groton and Dryden R. L Teeter, Lot 6 1.77 Joint District No 17—Groton and Dryden Percy Howe, 10 acres, Lot 1 6.95 Julius & Hattie Trinkle, 77 acres, Lot 4 12.31 Joe Beck, 50 acres, Lot 3 16.05 Joint District No. 21—Caroline and Dryden Roger Williams, 50 acres Caroline Farm Telephone Co. District No 2—Caroline and Dryden Lena Hunt, State Land, 35 acres Lena Hunt, State Land, 38 acres Fred Meier, State Land, 91 acres Pettigrove Est., State Land, 67 acres Fred Meier, State Land, 76 acres Mattie Van Hoon, State Land, 84 acres Alfred Myers, 50 acres Dryden Telephone Co. ENFIELD District No 1— Howard Bodle, 5 acres Walter Griffin, 12 acres Chas. Fletcher, 97 acres Jennie Proper, 78 acres Kenneth Stoughton, 85 acres Leon Schutt, 10 acres Leon Schutt, 74 acres Geo. Tubbs, 8 acres Geo. Tubbs, 90 acres Geo. Tubbs, 50 acres Geo. Tubbs, 75 acres Geo. Tubbs, 25 acres District No. 2— A. A. Bannister, 98 acres C C. Legg, 183 acres J. D. Scofield, 87 acres 5.14 .45 .71 .73 1.76 1.27 1.47 1.62 1.21 .12 $1,670 94 $ .75 2.25 16.48 9.74 12 73 .75 23.97 1.87 18.73 3.75 . 13.11 4.12 16.05 28.89 12.84 252 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 6— Bryan Bowers, 1/4 acres 3.00 Ezra Bagley, 10 acres 1.50 Harry Bullard, 6 acres 7.49 Steve Burlew, 1/2 acre 7.49 Ina Drake, 61/2 acres 1.87 Burt Lanning, 1/2 acre 3.00 Clayton Stanton, 30 acres 11.98 , District No. 7— Stanley Blayda, 80 acres 7.49 Wm. Miller, 89 acres 13.91 Mrs. Chas. Purdy, 11/2 acres .14 Elmer Rumsey, 68 acres 4.55 Charles Rumsey, 90 acres 8 02 r J. J., Johnson Est., 37 acres 1.61 Estus Taylor, 61/2 acres .54 American Telephone, 22 Poles, 10 Wires 2 71 District No 8— Katherine Eddy, 100 acres 18.73 Freeman McDugan, 33 acres 5 35 Arthur Holub, 52 acres 10.70 District No. 9— Wm. Bird, Lot 1.11 Austin Legge, 75 acres 15.58 Fred Havens, 70 acres 11.98 Fred Johnson Est , 40 acres 7.70 Earl MacCarrick, 74 acres 17.12 Carrie Robinson, 32 acres 8 56 District No. 10— Tracey Becker, 33 acres 2.25 Homer Leonard, 85 acres 8.99 District No. 11— Fred Bowers, 1/2 acre 2.68 Harry Bowers, 11/, acres 3.21 Olen King, 3/4 acre 3.21 Bruce Selman, 68 acres 8.56 Fred Wright, 3 acres 3.21 Merton Ingersoll, 31/2 acres 5.35 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 253 District No. 12— Bert Kirby, 109 acres 19.47 District No. 13— Bert Kirby, 113 acres 21.67 District No. 14 — Randolph Van Ostrand, 90 acres 7.70 Joint District No. 3—Ulysses & Enfield Everal Church, 50 acres 9 63 District No. 6— Orin Austin, 1 acre & Lot 2.14 GROTON District No. 1— Grant Halsey, 82 acres, Lot 51 $ 19.26 Grant Halsey, 200 acres, Lot 52 26.48 Charles Otthoffer, 25 acres, Lot 52 4.33 Ed. Scott, 4 acres, Lot 51 .48 Richard Otis, Lot 61 2.90 $ 436.23 District No 2— Frank Babcock, 61 acres, Lot 84 Dell Mosher, 1/2 acre, Lot 93 John Runkle, 12 acres, Lot 93 District No. 3— Allen Beach, 170 acres 13.38 12.84 1.93 , 6.42 District No. 4— , Winnie Damon, 71 acres, Lot 66 25.68 Winnie Damon, 12 acres, Lot 66 514 Claude Perry, 30 acres, Lot 67 , 20.54 Jessie Underwood, 21 acres, Lot 66 9.63 Jessie Underwood, 51/2 acres, Lot 66 .96 254 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 8 - Wallace & Ruth Arnold, (2) Dewey Ave. lots 2.14 Allen & Potter, 307 Barrow St. 26.75 Allen & Potter, 313-315 Barrow St 29.96 Persis Beach Est , 114 Church St 37.45 John Blair, Jones Ave , lot 1/2 acre .53 John Blair, South Parkway, 1/4 acre .54 John Blair, Clinton St , 1/4 acre .53 Arthur Bowker, Park Ave , 1/4 acre .54 Bower Cornell, 713 S. Main St. 43.36 Egbert Carley, 106 Peru Rd. 5 35 Jennie Colwell, 169 Main St. ` 53.50 L. J. Conger, Jones Ave., lot, Chart. 37 .54 L. J Conger, ,McKinley Ave , lot, Chart 52 1.07 Leta Carter, West Groton Road (Farm) 21.40 William Dimon Est , 312 Spring St. 21.40 Fred Doyle, 165 Main St 40.66 Ward DeWitt, Washington St , 1/4 acre 1.07 Ward DeWitt, Washington Ave, 1/8 acre .53 Phinneta Dennison, Blossom Rd., 1/2 acre 54 Phinneta Dennison, Hillcrest Drive .53 Maud L Edwards, Jones Ave , Lot, 1/4 acre 54 Lottie Gibson Est, 313 Main 48.15 Atal Gladue, 207 William St 17.12 George Harris, Elmwood Ave., 1/4 acre .53 Marian Haskell, S. Main St , 1/2 acre 1 07 Ernest Ketcham, W Cortland St , 1/2 'acre 1.07 Frank Morton, Elm St Road, 100 acres 37 45 Frank Morton, Elm St. Road, 10 acres 5.35 Fred H Morton, 405 S Main St 25.68 Fred H Morton, 405 S Main St , 1/4 acre .53 Fred H. Morton, 405 S. Main St , 7 acres 214 Fred H. Morton, 405 S Main St , 1/4 acre 6.42 Fred H. Morton, Chnton St , 1/4 acre 4.28 Fred H Morton, Brighton Villa 1.61 Fred H Morton, Grand View Hts 4.81 Fred H Morton, Outside Corp , 20 acres 3.21 Cora B Morton, Hamilton Square, 1/8 acre 1.07 Neva Marlett, 111 Sykes St 32.10 Junius Meeker, Clinton St , 1/8 acre ..54 Elmer Morton, Park Ave , 1/2 acre 1.07 John S Maxon, 216 S Main St 28.89 Otto Peterman, Peru Road, 3 acres 3.21 Otto Peterman, Lot, 8 6/10 acres 2.14 Otto Peterman, 102-104 Pasadena Ave , 1/2 acre 2.14 Otto Peterman, Peru Road, 44 acres 26.75 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 255 Otto Peterman, 116 Hamilton Sq., 1/4 acre 1.07 Otto Peterman, Peru Road, 11/2 acres 1.07 Otto Peterman, 311 W. South St. 1.07 Otto Peterman, Outside Corp., 72 acres 16.05 Otto Peterman, Outside Corp., 29 acres 6.42 Otto Peterman, Outside Corp., 10 acres 2.14 Sarah Schudder, 111 Roosevelt Ave 25.68 Leola Stoddard, 120 E. South 1.07 A. B. Townley, 180 Main St. 53.50 Nellie J. Thomas, McKinley Ave. 1.07 Paul L. Teaney, Elm, St. 12.84 Lillian Wood, 151 Main St. 42 80 Lillian Wood, 307 Spring St. 29.96 Barney Walpole Est., 101 Walpole Rd. 32.10 Barney Walpole Est., Outside Corp , 5 acres 214 Frank H Walters, 206 W Cortland St 133 75 Frank H. Walters, Walpole Road, 15 acres 10 70 District No. 15— T. Linehan (Sold to John F. Hall) 105 acres 29.92 L. C. Haynes, 60 acres ' 8:98 District No. 16— Alice Gamel, 67 acres, Lot 57 ' 10.70 Leon Williams & Laurence Clark, 81/2 acres, Lot 68 4 28 District No 19— Daniel Dimon, 20 acres 6 42 District No. 20— H. L. Vaughn, 211 acres, Lot 100 H. L. Vaughn, 13 acres, Lot 90 Floyd Adams, 11/2 acres, Lot 79 Phoebe Brown, 1 acre, Lot 99 Phoebe Brown, 3/4acre, Lot 99 James Gifford, 31/2 acres, Lot 99 George Green, 1/2 acre, Lot 99 Stewart Lamont, 105 acres, Lot 89 F. H. Markle, 1 acre Elsie B. Shimer, 1/2 acre Frank Trapp, 971/2 acres 90.95 5 35 6.42 8.56 10.70 12.84 14.98 29.96 37.45 16.05 48.15 256 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 22— Anna Gates, Dist. 1 (Sold to H. V. Rulison) 133 acres, Lot 72 Percy Howe, 94 acres, Lot 99 Joint District No. Dryden and Groton Bert Shaw, Lot 95 R. L. Teeter, Lot 95 R. L. Teeter, Lot 95 Ralph Mack, Lot 94 ITHACA District No. 2— W T Stevens, 3rd , House and Lot District No. 3— Jerry Baker, 10 acres Nellie Baker, Mrs John Burke, Glenside A. Gallagher, 20 acres E. McQuade James A Miller, Van Order Tract Sidney Moore, 91 acres, Lot 79 Frank O'Neil, Daley M. L. Rumsey H. Sincebaugh, 5 acres, Lot 80 Chas. Sinn, Lot 82 E. Whiting Jr. 22.26 11.13 3.53 2 34 1.77 14.71 $1,467.11 $ 33.70 1 07 1.61 18.72 7.49 8.02 1.07 18.72 24 07 13.37 8.02 2.68 8.02 District No. 4— Fay Allen, House & Lot, 3 acres 5.15 Edwin S. Bennett, Lot 5.15 Alex Brown, 25 acres 10.30 Leon Grover (Fay Allen), 3 acres 3.88 Ray Miller, 46 acres 32.10 Ray Miller, Gas Station 12.84 Nelson Palmer, Lot 1.31 Walker Smith, Gas Station 4 82 Walker Smith 3.21 Mabel Slufflefield, 4 acres 9.63 District No. 5— R. J. Raub .50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 257 District No. 6 - Wm. & Wf. Barger, 104 Northway Rd Mrs. Constance Dall, 507 Cayuga Hts. Rd. Dall, J. J., Leland Davis E. B. MacGachen Harry B. Marshall, Cayuga Hts. Manor Harry C. Morey, Willow Pt. John Mosher, Renwick Pl. Col. J. C. Nicholls, Overlook Rd K. L. Roberts, Triphammer Rd Eunice Cornell Taylor Eunice Cornell Taylor Eunice Cornell Taylor E. P. Tuttle Frank Tyler District No 7 - Ed. Apgar Herman Apgar Art N. Bennett Edna Bennett Frank Bennett F. A. Begent Jacob Benniger R. D. Brinsmaid Felice Ceci Mary Cornish Vincengo Centini Vincengo Centini Vincengo Centini L. A. Dickinson Tony De Angelio Roy Detrick J. J. Driscoll Mrs. J. J. Driscoll C. F. Fiebig R. B. Fitch L. A. Genung Anthony Gallagher Clarence Haven Mrs. Elsie Hamilton Chas. Hurst ' Cesara Honorati Richard Harding 44.94 102.72 19.26 16.05 9.84 28.89 9.84 61.00 98.40 44.94 70.62 64.20 6.42 256.80, 6 42 33 .64 8.02 .33 3.21 .33 3.21 4.82 1.61 5.78 8.02 1:93 14.45 .14 .33 1.29 16.05 4.82 .25 .16 1.61 1.61 2 57 3.21 .14 3.25 96 258 PROCEEDINGS OF tHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ithaca Realty Co .48 W. H. Johnson .49 C. H. Jennings .17 John Joyce 3.25 Don Lovejoy 3.21 Ed. Marit 4.82 Guy MacDougall 4.82 Reuben Dworsky 57.78 Robert Meldrum, Est. 8 02 Oresta Marenelli 1.61 Oresta Marenelli 1.61 A Pakala 5.78 A. J. Quick 14 Mrs. Lottie Quick 16 O. W. Root 3 21 M. L. Rumsey 8.02 Mrs. Harry Schultz 1 .33 John C Shephard 1 1.61 James Terrill . 8 02 Mrs. Oscar Vorhis L .17 W J. C Wismer .20 District No 8- R. E. Burrett 2 14 C W. Franklin 32.10 C. W. Franklin 4.28 A C. Golf 25.68 L M. Hetherington 4.28 "Oreste Morriselle 55.64 C. E. Perry 2.14 Lawrence Rose .85 Chas. E. Shaw 2.14 Geo. Sharpe 6.42 Kenneth Tompkins 4.28 District No 9- R. Mordoff, 100 acres 54.04 John Rockwell (Fred Van Nederynen) 50 acres 22.47 Joint District -Ithaca & Enfield Charles Teeter, 97 acres Charles Teeter, 100 acres • , A L. Tuckerman, 296 acres 37 45 13.38 58 85 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Joint District—Ithaca & Dryden V. Burgess, 1/2 acre Bernard Kramer, 11/2 acres LANSING District No 2 C.NY.SRR $ 325 Clair Spear 9 63 District No. 5— James Stark 19.26 Colonel Pettit (Lawrence Morey) 7.06 A. Volbrecht .64 Mary Wilsey .64 Railroad 14.49 John Brown, Jr 44.94 Fred Davis 14.77 Dempsey Bros , Alcona 19 26 John Flynn 6.42 Mrs. Wava Flynn 3 85 Frank Tarbell 16 05 259 6.42 19 26 $1,630.58 District No 7— Grant Gere, Lot Otis Myers, Lot District No. 8— 321 5 14 Dick Otis, 42 acres, Lot 68 7.49 ' Arthur Volbrecht, 5 acres, Lot 52 4 28 District No 9— Fred Bower, 1 acre, House 5.14 0. J Baldwin, 10 acres 10.27 Aubrey Cratsley, Cottage 2.57 Raymond Collins 1.71 Zachony Dutkey, Lot 43 Nellie Dates, Lot .22 Michael Flynn, Lot .30 J. J. Frawley, Cottage - 8 56 Dana Green, Cottage 2 14 Berman Hamilton, House & Lot 6 85 Edward Hance Est , House & Lot 12 84 260 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dr. House, Cottage 8.56 Merton Ladd, House & Lot 8.56 Mike Misko, 51 acres 23.97 Laurence Mellick, 6 acres, House 5.14 James Meecham, 1 acre .43 Elmer Nichols, Lot .86 Ruby Newman, House & Lot 2.57 Rev. E F. Nedrow, House (Claims Exemption) 12.84 Vern Townley, 2 acres, House 21.40 , Rachael Van Auken, House, Lot & Barn 2.57 Howard Van Auken, House & Lot 1.71 Ed. Wagner, Cottage 2.57 Frank & Art Wooley, 60 acres 21.40 Frank & Art Wooley, 10 acres 4.28 Laura Wooley, 143 acres 53.07 Laura Wooley, 40 acres ' ' 514 District No. 10 - Henry Page Henry Page Chas. Parker Carl Johnson 0. J. Snyder Central S R R Co. Frank Tarbell District No 13 - Kate Dunshie, 22 acres Ralph Dias, 5 acres A G. Eastman, House & Lot John Krupa, House & Lot Chester Thomas, 11 acres New York Central & S. R. R. Raymond Hoaglin, House & Lot District No 15 - Central N. Y. Southern R. R Ed Hance Est , Cottage District No. 16- A. B Willerton, 68 acres, Lot 95 Sylvester Bush, 95 acres, Lot 95 Ralph Bi own, 4 acres, Lot 98 Leroy Brown, 16 acres, Lot 16 26.75 9.63 2.68 4 28 26.75 3.62 28.89 11.56 8.34 25.68 8 34 3.85 8.69 12 84 7.85 3.45 21.40 23.97 38.52 3.42 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 261 C. N. Y. S. R. R. Co. 774 Tony Deitsch, 26 acres, Lot 95 5.99 W. P. Eaton, 3 acres, Lot 97 3.42 Bert Gibbs, 12 acres, Lot 97 10.27 Matthew Herson, Cottage at McKinneys 23.97 Paul J. Kruse, 5 acres, Lot 98 8.56 Fred McGraw Jr , 50 acres, Lot 95 - 8.56 Frank Perkins, Cottage at McKinneys 29.10 Wade Pinckney, Lot at McKinneys 4.28 Ray Snyder, 62 acres, Lot 98 23.99 Fred Summers, Lot in Lot 98 43 District No. 17— Francis Bogardus 14 Dennis Cornelius 9.74 Albert LaBar 16 48 District No. 19— Oscar Hagin 1.07 Louise Moseley, 13.38 Louise Moseley 8.56 Elizabeth Nemecek , 9.63 Mike Slovik - 11 23 Richard Townsend 1.60 District No. 21— Ed Graves, 2 acres 2.63 District No. 22— Mary Kelley, 83 acres 9.63 Joint District No 1=Groton & Lansing Wm. Lisdell, 52 acres, Lot 50 11.07 $908.46 NEWFIELD District No. 1— Freemont Brown, 35 acres $ .73 ' Fred Drake, 6 acres 2.41 Chauncey Freese, 4 acres .25 Chauncey Freese, 30 acres 1.21 , 262 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Chauncey Freese, 5 acres .25 Chauncey Freese, 25 acres .73 Lee Smith, 23 acres 4.82 A. B. Smith, 82 acres 8.67 Clarence Titus, 3 acres .11 August Tudi, 72 acres 10.11' District No -2- John Bush Est Mamie Chaffee Vita Cronkrite Helen Estabrook Chauncey Freese Ted Hestrom Jennie Millard Minna B. Rice Minna B. Rice Minna B. Rice Clarence Scott Orval Van Ostrand Clarence Van Demark District No. 3- Gardie Burns, 4 acres .86 Coral Harker, 32 acres .43 8.99 2.57 16.05 16.05 .64 3.21 11.88 16.05 3.21 1.61 16.05 11.56 4.17 District No. 5- S. W. Cox Est. 1.34 District No. 8- W. R. Bradshaw, 287 acres 13.00 Cora Decker, 48 acres 2.41 Flossie Fralick, 49 acres 1.69 Francis McHale, 78 acres 1.93 Nora Swartwood, 38 acres .96 Nora Swartwood, 11 acres .25 August Tudi, 71 acres .96 August Tudi, 40 acres .73 District No. 9 - Rose Benjamin George Cavanaugh Willis Crance 1.61 2.41 1.07 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 263 Bertha Munson .54 James Parks , 3.21 Charles Ulrich 16.05 District No. 11— Fremont Brown .43 Gertrude Brown 1.28 John Kuntz Est. 3.42 Chas. Swartwood 1.28 District No. 12— Fred Canfield n 6.42 Everle Church .96 Sam Hausner 7.70 Aaron Rumsey 2.57 Budd White 7.70 District No. 13— , Lenferd Seeley Harry Tompkins I 9.63 . 8.19 District No 14- - S. H. Bishop .32 Fred Moot 2.57 Wm. Moot 3.85 Pauline Sickler 3.21 Halton Wilkins .64 American Telephone & Telegraph Co. 6.70 District No. 15— James Conklin, 10 acres .27 Nellie Benton, 44 acres 2.41 Dan Goodwin 5.89 Elvah Venal Est., 33 acres 1.07 Martin Wright, 81 acres 2.14 District No 16— Gertrude Brown, 62 acres Lena Teeter, 82 acres 5.14 6.42 District No. 18— Mamie Chaffee 12.84 0 264 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Leroy Detrick J D. Smith District No. 19— Katie Becker 4.49 1.93 7.49 District No. 20— Gertrude Brown .54 Benj. Jamie Gibson 3.75 Jennie Herrman 4 28 A R. Parsons 27 Joint District—Newfield & Danby Jerry Tourelot, 75 acres 8.03 District No. 12—West Danby Ezra Watson, 50 acres 5 35 $ ,329 96 ULYSSES District No. 1— Wm Austin Heirs, 1 acre Alfred Bates, 50 acres Ruth Beckley Minnie Burgess Thomas Brown Harry Brotz Alice Carpenter Amos Barns Clement Boyer Elizabeth Baum Gardner Jerry Bower Charles Bumpas Est., 50 acres Jay Carpenter, 30 acres Clint Dimmick, 1/2 acre Mary & Ella Dorsey, 1/4 acre Jane Douglas, 1 acre Mrs Frank Dimmick, 2% acres Lewis Durling, 38 acres Enoch Drake Est., 1/4 acre Mary Dorsey, 1 acre George Ehle, 1/4 acre $ 105 .35 2 78 6.96 13.91 16.69 20 87 17.39 4.17 17 39 7 65 16 00 13 91 10 43 6.96 5 56 4 17 13.91 4.86 5.56 5 56 OF'TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 265 Episcopal Manse, 1/4 acre . 6 96 George Frank, 8 acres 41.73 Finger Lake Oil & Gas, 1 acre • 34.78 Francis Griswold, 1/2 acre 4.17 Solomon Garrett Est., 1/8 acre 8.35 Joseph Harpst, 1/4 acre 4.86 Robert Holland, 31/2 acre 9.47 W. B. Hebbard & Wife 45.90 Hagerman Bros , 3 acres 17.39 Joel Horton, 11/4 acres 20.87 D. Johnson Est 60 -acres 19 47 . Fred Kinsman, 1/4 acre 6.96 Leonie Kimiski 24 34 Margaret Kelley Est , 7 acres 4 17 David Lyon & Wife, 1/2 acre .70 Murry Lisk, 3 acres 12 52 Orpha E Lane, 10 acres 8 35 Masonic Temple, 1 acre 34.78 Moore & Son, Garage 20.87 Moore, Nettie & Frank, 1/2 acre 3.48 Thomas McGee, 3/4 acre 8 35 Paul McDonald, 1/4 acre 19.47 Paul McDonald, Store 13.91 Mary McKeel Est., 1/8' acre 13.91 L. H McCluen, 46 acres 9.04 Ed. Miller Est , 128 acres 48 68 Charles Miller, Heir, 154 acres 43 12 Bert North, 1/4 acre 12.52 Guy Newell 22.26 Harry O'Connell, 1/8 acre 11.82 Alfred Woodworth Est. 35 Ella Snyder Est , 12.52 Melvin Owens Est., 1 acre 20.87 Robert C. Ogle, 2 acres 13.91 Coleman Potter & Son, 5 acres 2 78 Seth B Rumsey, Store 18.78 Ed. A. Reynolds, 1/2 acre 27 82 Earl Robertson, 1/4 acre 17.39 G. R Reynolds, 54 acres 8 35 James E Rice, 210 acres 111.28 Mrs. Beth Reynolds, 80 acres 18 08 Marcus Riker, 20 acres 8 35 Lisle Slaght,40 acres 14.50 Leon Sutton, 1/3 acre 1.05 Estelle Sears, Store 20.87 Estelle Sears, 1/4 acre 20.87 266 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Sidney Spicer Est., 2 acres 4.86 Estelle Sears, Lot .70 Goodwin Sherwood, 4 acres 11.13 Algie Skinner, 1/4 acre 8.35 Leon H. Slaght, 1/4 acre 11.13 Clara Seloner, Lot .71 Dr. J. M. Townsend Est., 1 acre 19.47 Clarence Turk, 1/4 acre 9 47 Harold Teeter, 1/2 acre 20.87 Dorr Titus, 1/4 acre 12.52 Eugene Terry, 1 acre 2 44 Leland Terry, 6 acres 2 09 Fred' Vann, 1 acre 6.96 Willis Worden, 22 acres 10.43 Robert Wilcox, 7 acres 6.96 Henry Williams, 4 acres .35 Mrs. Asa Wilson Est., 132 acres 43.82 Hattie M. Potter 20.87 District No. 6— U. S Johnson, 15 acres 11.77 Lee Emerson, 78 acres 16.05 District No. 9— John J. Chase, 94 acres 38.52 Ernest Allen, Shop .64 Mrs. Jane C Kraft, 184 acres 60.34 C. B. Van Buren, 14 acres 16.05 J B. Van Devere, 96 acres 38.52 Fred J. Frazier, House and Lot 26.32 District No. 16— Grant Cole Est., Lot . , .86 G L. Freeman, House and Lot 5 56 Charles Franklin, 10 acres 5 14 Claire Fletcher, House and Lot 4 28 Raymond Hunt, House 3.85 John Elmer, Lot 1.93 Jacob Makarairien, 93 acres 14.54 Michael Pursell, House and Lot 3 85 H. M Peters, House and Lot 5.14 Leon Rumsey (Umphville Club) House, 3 acres 13 27 3 85 Sarah McKeel, 55 acres 15.41 Wm. Stevens, 51 acres OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 267 , Harry Smith, House and Lot Wm. Trembly, House and 7 acres Alice Walters Est., 391/2 acres Walter S. Wolf, House and Lot Walter S Wolf, House and Lot George Sharp Joint District—Ulysses and Enfield Mrs. Fred Westbrook Chester Stewart Phil Horton 7.28 4.71 7.28 11.56 11 34 7 70 1 61 1 87 • 1.34 i $1,583.81 • CITY OF ITHACA ' Baker, -B. T., 117 Hudson St. $ 54.70 Banks, S. E., 412 Univ. Ave. 81.67 Banks, S. E , 204 Linden Ave. 50.08 Banks, S E , (C. & M. Miller own) 401 Eddy St. 42.38 Barker, Thos., 205 S. Hill Terrace 51.62 Barron, G. Est., 208 N. Meadow St. 31.59 (J. Ross reputed owner) Bates, W. J. Est , Blk. 230, Lot 21 1.55 Bates, W. J. Est., Blk. 230, Lot 22, Giles 15.41 Bates, W. J. Est , Blk. 230, Lot 19, Columbia 4 63 (R. Dworsky reputed owner) Bell, Susie, 519 W. Clinton St. 15 41 Bird, W. H., Lot 527 S. Meadow St. 3.09 Bishop, Jas R , 107 Crescent Place 22.35 Bow, Carrie, 629 W. Clinton St 31.59 Bow, Carrie, 509 Cascadilla St 19.26 Bow, Edwd. Est., 533 W. Clinton St. 30.05 Bow, Edwd. Est., 207 S. Corn St. 9.25 Bow, Edwd Est., 136-138 Cleveland.Ave. 19.26 Bow, Edwd. Est , 535 W. Clinton St. 26 97 Bow, Edwd Est , 123 Cleveland Ave 10.02 Brennan, A J., 115 Fifth St. 32.36 Brennan, A J , 610 Hancock St. 6.17 Brennan, A' J., 604 Hancock St. 8.48 Brennan, A. J , Boathouse on Blk. 4, Lot 8 .77 Brennan, E. R , Est., 707 Hancock St. , 10.79 Brennan, E R , Est , 705 Hancock St 10.79 Brooks, Mrs Arlie, 219 W Lincoln St. 36.21 Brown, F. C , 204 E. Lewis St. 20 03 Burling, C B , Lot 118 Heights Ct 11.56 268 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Burling, L. R , 802 N Tioga St. Burns, John C , 117 Ithaca Road Cardinal, Maria, 616 W. Green St Carter, C M. & M. B, 219 S. Plain St. Carter, Mrs L H Est , 221 S Plain St Cascadilla Holding Co , 217 W State St Casey, Margaret, 226 Cleveland Ave ,Cazenona, Adolph, Boathouse on Lot 7, Blk. 4 Clark, T G , 521 Chestnut St Conley, James, 233 S. Albany St Coan, Flora Est , 623 W. State St Coan, Flora Est , 607 W State St Conley, P D Est , Blk 209, Lot 5, Conley Ave. Conley, P D Est., Blk 209, Lot 7-C, Conley Ave. Conley, P D. Est , Blk 209, Lot 7, Conley Ave. Conley, P. D Est , Blk. 209, Lot 7-A, Conley Ave Conley, P D Est , Blk 209, Lot 7-B, Conley Ave Conley, P D Est , 325 E State St Conley, P D Est , Lot 156, Giles St Connor, R & R , Blk 275, Lot 10-A, Oak Ave. Connor, R. & R , 319 Ithaca Road (M Llop reputed owner) Cowles, A S Est , 117 Farm St Cowles, C F , 115 Farm St. Crawford, Frances W , 105 Cascadilla St Crawford, Frances W , 604 N Aurora St Crawford, Frances W , 219 First St Crawford, Frances W , 409 Madison St DeWillings & Bailor, Lot 203 Cobb St. De Ycaza, M , 227 S Geneva St. De Ycaza, M , 231 S Geneva St De Ycaza, M , 510 University Ave Dix, Mrs D. B , 107 S Meadow St Donovan, J Est , 805 Cliff St Donovan, Mrs T ,-110 Highland Place Drake, Grace L , 133 Giles St (R. Banks reputed owner) Driscoll, Elizabeth, 125 Dryden Rd Driscoll, Elizabeth, Barn on Blk 263, Lot 30 Driscoll, Violet G , 108 Second St Driscoll, Violet G , 219 Prospect St. Dunlavy, B F , 108 E Tompkins St Easton, Carrie M , 105 Utica St. Ellis, L B, 601 N Cayuga St France, B H , Lot Rear 125 Maple Ave Franklin, S W., 214 Dryden Rd. Freese, C. B , 604 W Green St 39.05 50 08 25.45 50 08 3159 74.73 17 72 1 55 4 63 58 56 ,15 41 44 69 2 32 2 32 8 47 2 32 2 32 \ 90.91 15 41 6 94 70.88 23 12 20 04 23.12 41.61 30 82 15 41 3 86 83 98 37 75 75 48 18 49 30.82 69 34 36 98 54.70 7.71 _ 33.13 40 84' 25 40 29.2,8 31.59 2.32 92.45 18.49 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 269 Garling, Julia, 405 N Aurora St Genung, G. F , 711 Mitchell St Georgia, D M , 204 W Spencer St Georgia, D. M , 402 S Cayuga St Georgia, D M , 410 College Ave Gifford, B C , 706 E Buffalo St -Goff, A C & M , 305 W Green St Grant, J & A , 301 S Meadow St Granville & Reyna, 509 S Cayuga St Green, Chas , 226-228 Columbia St Haflin, W A , Blk 6, Lot 1, Hector St Hagin, Oscar Est , 312 E. Falls St Hamer, C L Est , Boathouse, Blk 10, Lot 21 Hartman, R A , 412 -Adams St Hazard, W J., 421-423 W Seneca St Hastings, Nora C , 325 N Albany St Heath & Dworsky, 411 S Plain St (Rose Cheek reputed owner) Hill, Mrs. C. S , 121 Cleveland Ave Hoffman, W H & M , 1022-1024 N Tioga St Holley, M. Est , 222 Floral Ave Houghton, G E109 Farm St , Howland, D D 606 W Green St. Howley, H F , 423 Linn St , Now No 425 Linn (J. Dall Jr. owns) Irish, J 3C 420 E State St Ithaca Management Corp , 404 E. State St Johnson, H J., 527 W Green St Jones, Alice, 327 S Titus Ave Jones, Carrie, 114 Morris Ave Jones, Mary A , 105 Second St Kappa Sigma, 600 University Ave Kappa Sigma, Blk 176, Lot 6 Keane, T. R , 223 Linn St. Keeler, Mrs. F. S , Blk 306, Lot 24 Keeler, Mrs. F. S , Blk 312, Lot 12 Keeler, Mrs F S , Blk 312, Lot 13 Keeler, Mrs F S , Blk 310, Lot 6 Keeler, Mrs. F S , Blk. 312, Lot 15 Knott, L S Est , 614 E Buffalo St. Kramer, Mary, 212 Second St. Kuhajado, M , 124 Esty St Kuhajado, M , 511 N. Tioga St Lamb, C. E , 824 Cliff St Letts, Frank, 907 W Buffalo St. Lower, B , 427 Floral Ave Lower, B , Lot 429 Floral Ave 47 00 43 92 50.08 87.06 50.08 76.27 104.78 1410 38 52 26.97 31 59 20 80 2.32 11 56 36 98 36 21 18 49 14 64 63.95 16 95 31 59 14 64 48 59 79 36 346 68 10 79 23.12 11 56 18 49 328 97 34 67 30 28 3 09 20 20 20 20 100.16 30 05 '27.74 70 11 23.12 7.71 11.56 1 55 270 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Lynch, B Est., 207 Fifth St. 10.79 Marcellus, Mary, 320 Elmwood Ave. 61.68 Mason, J. E., 406 S Plain St.33.13 Masters, E D. Est , 215 S Geneva St. 63 18 McAllister, J. B , 418-422 Eddy St. 231.20 McCarthy, J H , 119 Hudson St. 23.12 McMillan, W F Est , 104-106 E. Jay St. 31.59 Mellberg, B. L , 218 First St. 8.48 Melton, P , 223 S. Plain St. 3.09 i Melton, P., 425 W. Seneca St. 21.58 Merrill, M. A., 215 Second St. 10.02 Miller, Frank, 822 W. Clinton St. 29.14 Miller, Fred, 428 Elm St. 23.12 Mintz, Bessie, 111 Brandon, Pl. 55.47 Morgan, E. J., 306 E. Lincoln St. 28.51 Morse Products Inc , Hangar, Cayuga Lake 15.41 (Ithaca Flying Service reputed owner) Moscovitch, M , 122 Catherine St 58.56 Moscovitch, M , 110 Morris Ave. 7.71 1Vloscovitch, M., 112 Morris Ave. 7 71 Mostert, Simon, 407-4071/2 Willow Ave. 35.44 Murray, W. A , 901 W. State St. 73.19 Musto &Bundy, Res. Blk. 1, Lot 21, Hector 28 51 Musto & Bundy, Blk 1, Lot 20, Hector .78 Musto & Bundy, Blk. 1, Lot 19, Hector .78 Musto & Bundy, Blk 1, Lot 18, Hector .78 Oakley, F. N , 1013 E State St. 39 66 O'Brien, Mary E., 313 W. Buffalo St. 47.00 O'Brien, T Est , 521 N Albany St 21.58 Oliver, W. G , 211 Auburn St. 30.90 Oltz, Mrs. F , 315 Floral Ave , 5.40 Oltz, Stephen, 107 Grandview Ave. t 24.66 Payne, W. S , 423 First St. 6 94 Poole, E. J., 320 S Geneva St. 50.85 ' Poole, H L , 723 Cliff St ` 33 90 Potter, H E , Lunch Car on 414 Stewart Ave. 15.41 Powers, Robt , 523 W. Clinton St. 20 81 Poyer, L., M , 210 First St. 20.81 (A Schaber reputed owner) ?resher, F. E , 818 N Cayuga'St 41.92 Quigley & Gelshinan, Lot 305 Hillview Pl. 3.09 Reidy, J Est , Blk 287, Lot 9 2 70 (W. Haflin owns) Lot 309 Cornell St 3.86 Reidy, J. Est , Blk 287, Lot 37 3.08 Reidy, J Est , Blk 287, Lot 38 3.08 Reidy, J Est., Blk. 287, Lot 15 1.93 Reidy, J Est , Blk 287, Lot 16 1.93 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 271 Reidy, J. Est., Blk. 287, Lot 17 1.93 Reidy, J. Est., Blk 287, Lot 18 1.93 Reidy, J. Est., Blk. 287, Lot 19 1.93 Reidy, J. Est., Blk. 287, Lot 24 1.93 Reidy, J. Est , Blk. 287, Lot 25 1.93 Reidy, J. Est., Blk. 287, Lot 26 1.93 Reidy, J. Est , .Bik. 287, Lot 27 1.93 Reidy, J. Est:, Blk. 287, Lot 28 1.93 Reidy, J. Est., Blk. 287, Lot 22 1.93 Reidy, M , M , Lot 105 Maple Ave. 5.40 Reidy, M M., 135 Blair St. 65 09 Renzetti, N., 419 Hudson St. 51.62 Renzetti, N., Blk. 230, Lot 7 7.64 Renzetti, N., Blk 230, Lot 19-A ' 3 08 Reyna, E., 515 S Cayuga St 40.07 Riley, Henry, 403 Lake St. 19 26 Robinson, H. & F., 108 Grandview Ave. 20 81 Rohrer, Elizabeth, 104 E Lewis St. 56.24 Rohrer, J. L., 503 Third St. 13.10 Rumsey, A., 1135 Giles St. 10.79 Rumsey, A., Blk. 308, Lot 7 .39 Rumsey, A., Bik. 308, Lot 9 - .39 Schaeffer, H. A., 310-312 Turner Place 47.00 Schutt, L & R., 426 N. Titus Ave. 34.67 Schutt, L. & R , 428 N. Titus Ave. 21.58 Schutt, L. & R , 430 N. Titus Ave. 35.44 Schutt, L. & R., 319-3191/2 Center St. 34.67 Schutt, L & R., Blk 1, Lot 3 Hector St. 2.32 Scott, J. B , 621 W. Clinton St. 23.88 Scusa, John, 105 Dryden Rd. 155 63 Scusa, Peter, 327 Pleasant St. 36.98 Sharpe, G. W., 214 Eddy' St. , 98.62 Sharpe,'G. W., Bik. 28, Lot 1 2.32 Sharpe, G W , Blk 35, Lot 1 8 48 Sharpe, G. W., Blk 25, Lot 7-A ' 1.55 Sharpe, G. W , Blk 35, Lot 10 1.93 Sherwood, M Est , 244 Floral Ave. 3.09 Smith,' Susie, 221-223 Linden Ave. 54 70 Smith, W. S., 317 S. Aurora St 42.38 Smith, W H., 123 S Hill Terrace 31.59 Snyder, 0. J. Est , 405 S. Aurora St. 27.74 Snyder, 0. J. Est , 407-409 S. Aurora St. 54.70 Space Bros., 616 W Buffalo St 43.92 Sphinx Head Soc , 900 Stewart Ave.57.78 Stanion, P. J., 304 W. Lincoln St 34.67 Stobbs, D. A., 329 S Titus Ave. 28.51 Summerfield, I., Blk. 312, Lot 17, Beach St .20 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Swartwood, C J , 'Lot .108 Park•St. 1.55 Swartwood, C. J , 109 Crescent Pl. 1.16 Swartwood, C. J., 113,Crescent Pl. 1.16 Tarr, C. K , 423 E. Lincoln, St. 26.20 Teeple, J. E. Est , Blk , 304 Pt. Lot 23 Woodcock St 6.17 Thirll, Geo. E , 214 Cleveland Ave. 15.41 Tichenor, Mrs E S Est , 308 W. Green St. 48 54 Tisdel, E. S, 306 College Ave 77 04 (J & F Tishler own) Tishler, F., 211 Wood St 30 82 Tishler, F., 105 Brandon P1 60 10 Tishler, J S , 132 Esty St 39 30 Tompkins, A & C , 216 S Plain St 19 26 Tompkins, Percy, 614 W Court St 14 64 Vallano, Rose, 421 Esty St. 16.18 Vallano, Rose, 422 Second St. 26.97 Vanderhoef, H. E Est., 205 Auburn St 16.95 (Chas. Mente owner) Van Patten, Emma, 407 E Marshall St 22 35 Wallenbeck, M T , 432 Titus Ave. 35 44 , Washington, B , 416 N. Albany St. 20.81 Watson & Smith, Lot 118 Pearsall St. 1.55 Watson, J W , 207 Linden Ave. 56.24 Welch, Alice, 624 W. Seneca St. 18 49 Welch, Alice, 620 W. Green St. 17.72 Welsh, E L , 132-134 Linn St. 33 13 Werner, G L , 109 Hector St Ext 27.74 White, A , 209 Floral Ave. 10.79 Wilkin, H. A , 705 W Green St. 18.49 Williams, W R , 119 Cleveland Ave 21.58 Willis, M. Est , 912 N. Aurora St 42.38/ Wilson, Chas., '701 W. Green St 29 28 Wilson, L S , 507 Cascadilla St 6 94 Wood, F. W , 105, Worth St. 100.93 Woodin, J W , 207-209 Madison St 37.95 Dated, December 30, 1935 $7,508.44 C. A. MOTT, A. J. CONLON, HARVEY STEVENSON, Committee Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 273 Resolved—That the foregoing report of the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes be accepted and that the sums therein set forth be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed, with T% in addition thereto Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -13 Noes -0. Carried Mr Snow, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, submitted the following report relative to the County Treasurer. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Gentlemen : Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts have ex- amined the accounts of the County Treasurer, as presented in her annual report, and in the judgment of your committee the report is correct. Your Committee also reports that it has examined and compared with her books, the vouchers presented by the Coun- ty Treasurer and found the same to correspond with the figures entered therein. Your Committee therefore recommends that the report be accepted Dated, December 30, 1935 LAMONT C. SNOW, • A J CONLON, J B MYERS, Committee Moved by Mr Snow, that the report be accepted Seconded by Mr Stone. Carried Mr. Osborn, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc , presented the following report of thatcommittee, rela- tive to the apportionment of taxes for the year 1935, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : 274 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON APPORTIONMENT OF TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1935 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Equalization, etc., whose duty it is to - apportion the various taxes among the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, reports that the following amounts shall be paid by the several towns and the City of Ithaca, for the State Tax for General Purposes, Armory Pur- poses and Stenographers, etc., Purposes, County Tax for Gen- eral and Poor Purposes and County Tax for Highway Pur- poses, as follows : Towns Total State Tax Caroline -- _ $ 957,027 $ 196 30 $ 134 65 $ 4,076 30 Danby _ _ __ ..___. _ ____. ___.....______...._ 1,079,702 221 46 151 91 4,598 82 Dryden ___ _ __ _ _ ___ ____ ______ 3,497,763 717 401 492 09 14,898 16 Enfield _ _ - -- . - -----•-•-• •- - -••• •••- -- •-- 1 648,8021 133 071 91 28 2,763 47 Groton ------------------......-------------3,360,332 689 22 472 76 14,312 80 Ithaca, City _ _ __ ...___ .__ ....... _..__ 39,439,229 8,089 00 5,548 57 167,985 05 Ithaca, Town .._. __ _ 6,333,719 1,299 05 891 07 26,977 46 Lansing _ _____ _______ ________ _ ____ _ ______ 3 161,734 648 48 444 82 13,466 90 Newfield . __... ________..._ _ : 1,147,594 235 38 16146 4,888 00 Ulysses . . . .. ..... . .. .. . ... .. ...... 2,839,232 58234 399 45 12,093 25 Totals ___ _ _ _ ____ __ ____ __ _ __ _ __ 4$62,465,1344$12,811 701$ 8,788 06 $266,060.21 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 275 Towns Caroline _ 1$ 957,930 $ 2,530 80 $ 6,803 40 Danby .. _.- ._ ... 1,091,474 2,883 60 7,703 88 Dryden __ . _ ... _ _ _ .. 3,508,024 9,268 00 24,883 56 Enfield _ __ . 652,405 1,723 62 4,620 16 Groton - - - - -- _ _ 3,366,730 8,894 70 23,896.72 Ithaca, City _ ._ _ _ _. 39,521,543 104,413 55 280,487 60 Ithaca, Town _____ .. .. _ _ .. 6,337,538 16,743 40 45,019 91 Lansing ..... 3,166,158 8,364 80 22,480 18 Newfield 1,152,964 3,046 06 8,169 44 Ulysses ...._ .._ 2,842,852 7,510 65 20,186 24 Totals _ _____ $62,597,618 $165,379 18$444,251 09 Dated, December 30, 1935. Rate for State Tax $ 00020510 per $1000. Rate for County, General and Poor Tax $00425934 per $1000. ' Rate for County Highway Tax $.00264194 per $1000. .00710638 R. C. OSBORN, Chairman LAGRAND CHASE, C. A. MOTT, LAMONT C SNOW, D. J. WATROUS, J. B. MYERS, THOS. G. MILLER, Committee. Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Chase. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. 276 o PROCEEDINGS ,OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Equaliza- tion, etc , on the Apportionment of Taxes, be accepted and adopted, and that the several amounts therein listed for state tax, county tax and county highway tax for the year 1935, against the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, be assessed against, levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns and city liable therefor. Seconded by Mr Chase. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. , Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The Town Superintendents of the several towns of Tompkins County have made an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised by tax for the improvement of the highways and bridges and other miscellaneous highway purposes of their respective towns, as provided by Section 90, of the Highway Law ; and" WHEREAS, the respective town boards have approved or changed said estimates, as provided by Section 90 of the Highway Law, Therefore, Be It Resolved, That the said estimates as ap- proved by the town boards be received and the sum set opposite the name of the respective towns in the column which bears the heading, "Amount of 1st Item" (which is the amount of the First Item in said estimates), be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of the respective towns, exclusive of the property within the limits of the incorporated village or villages of the respective towns which maintain their streets and highways as a separate road district, and be it further Resolved, That the sum set opposite the names of the respective towns, in the , columns which bear the heading, "Amount of 2nd Item," "Amount of 3rd Item" and "Amount of 4th Item" (which is the amount of the Second, Third, and Fourth Items of said estimates as approved by the various OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 277 town boards), be assessed, levied and collected upon the en- tire taxable property of the various towns of Tompkins Coun- ty, as follows, that is to say • Name of Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of Town First Item Second Item Third Item Fourth Item Caroline $2,800.00 $ 600 00 $2,000 00 $2,250 00 Cert. of Indebt 1,277.25 Danby 3,000 00 200 00 2,000.00 Cert of Indebt 1,550 00 Dryden • 8,000 00 1,000 00 5,000 00 3,000.00 Enfield 2,200 00 100 00 1,000.00 2,200.00 Cert. of Indebt 1,900 00 Groton 5,500 00 2,000 00 4,500 00 3,000.00 Ithaca 5,000 00 500 00 2,380.00 4,000 00 Cert of Indebt 2,120.00 Lansing 7,700.00 1,000 00 3,500 00 5,000.00 Cert. of Indebt 3,762 46 Newfield 2,900.00 2,500.00' 2,500.00 Ulysses" 7,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 And that the several amounts when collected shall be paid to the supervisors of the respective towns, to be paid out by them as provided by law. Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated from the Snow Equipment Fund, the sum of $1,900 00 to Eugene F. Van Name of Horseheads, N. Y , for snow plow with attach- ments, and that the Clerk be directed to issue an order at this time, for said amount, payable to the foregoing party entitled thereto, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay said order out of the funds in her hands to the credit of the Snow Equipment Fund. Seconded by Mi. Stone Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried 278 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated from the Snow Equipment Fund, the sum of $1,429 00 to Charles ' J. Blackwell of Horseheads, N Y , for snow plows and attach- ments, and that the Clerk be directed to issue an order at this time, for said amount, payable to the foregoing party entitled thereto, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay said order out of the funds in her hands to the credit of the Snow Equipment Fund. Seconded by Mr Stevenson Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr F. A. Alberger, the newly appointed Superintendent of W.P A. Cleaning Project appeared before the Board with ref- erence to manner of payment of said Superintendent and asked for an appropriation of $200 00 to cover expenses of necessary small tools. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the amount of $200 00 appropriated by this Board for Superintendent's salary on the W P A Project for cleaning creeks along Cayuga Lake, in eight weekly payments of $25.00 each, on pay rolls certified to by the Works Director, and be it further Resolved—That the Works Director is hereby authorized to spend the sum of not to exceed $200 00 for this project from the amount already appropriated for small tools under T E R A , and that any balance remaining in the amount formally appropriated for small tools under T.E.R A., after paying the above sum of $200 00, shall be re -appropriated to the Gen- eral Fund Seconded by Mr. Miller. O Ayes -13 Noes -0. Carried Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 279 WHEREAS, the Tompkins County National Bank, of Ithaca, New York, as principal, and Mynderse Van Cleef, Charles H. Blood, Robert H Treman, and Albert G Stone, all of the City of Ithaca, New York, as sureties, by a certain indenture dated December 31st, 1930, made and executed a bond to Charlotte V. Bush, of Ithaca, New York, as County Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, State of New York, in the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars 0150,000 00), to secure the deposit in said Tompkins County National Bank of monies of the County of Tompkins, and now desire to be released from the aforementioned bond, and WHEREAS, in consideration of the release by the County of Tompkins, State of New York, and the Tompkins County Treasurer of the principal and sureties on the aforementioned bond, the Tompkins County Trust Company (successor to the Tompkins County ,National Bank), has agreed to deposit with the Chase National Bank of the City of New York, out- standing unmatured bonds or other obligations of the United , States of America, the State of New York, or of any County, Town, City, Village, or School District in the State of New York authorized to be issued by law, of the face value of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000 00), as security for de- posits in said Tompkins County Trust Company of monies and funds deposited by said County Treasurer in and for the said County of Tompkins, State of New York, now be it Resolved—That the County of Tompkins, State of New York, and the County Treasurer release the Tompkins County National Bank, as principal, and Charles H. Blood, Robert H. Treman, Albert G. Stone, and Eugenia Van Cleef, Jeannette Van Cleef Booth, and Arthur W Booth, Executors of the es- tate of Mynderse Van Cleef, deceased, as sureties, from the aforementioned obligation, on the deposit by Tompkins County Trust Company, successor to the Tompkins County National Bank, with the Chase National Bank of the City of New York, of outstanding unmatured bonds of the face value of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) of the United States of America, the State of New York, or of any County, Town, City, Village, or School District in the State of New York authorized to be issued by law, and be it further Resolved—That the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins for and on behalf of Tompkins County consent to the substitution and/or withdrawal by the Tompkins County Trust Company of any or all of the bonds so deposited with Chase J 280 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS National Bank of the City of New York, providing that said Tompkins County Trust Company shall cause to be substituted with the Chase National Bank other outstanding unmatured bonds or other obligations of the United States of America, the State of New York, or of any County, Town, City, Village or School District in the State of New York, authorized to be issued by law in an equal amount of face value, and be it fur- ther Resolved—That the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be and he hereby is authorized to join with the Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, State of New York, in the execution of the release and all other necessary papers, and to affix the seal of the County of Tompkins thereto. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. Mr. Chase presented the following report of the Committee on Finance, relative to Town Budgets for the several towns and city of the county which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on Finance reports that the following tabu- lated statements show the appropriations that will be neces- sary to meet the expenditures of the several towns in the coun- ty and the City of Ithaca, for the ensuing fiscal year, as set forth in the following budgets. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 281 TOWN OF CAROLINE To 'be Paid to the County Treasurer: State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Due County Election Expenses Hospitalization, Etc. Support of Poor at County Home Compensation Insurance $ 196.30 4,076.30 2,530.80 326.24 256.98 2,075.92 150.78 27.61 $9;640.93 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$492.15 To be Paid the Supervisor Town Audits $ 1,490.59 Highways 2,800.00 Bridges 600.00 Machinery 2,000.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 2,250.00 Cert. of Indebtedness (3) 1,277.25 $10,417.84 TOTAL BUDGET $20,550.92 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Brooktondale $395.00 Slaterville Springs 635.00 TAX RATES— General .00860 Highway .01130 Total .01990 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Brooktondale .00270 , Slaterville Springs .00480 282 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DANBY To lie Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Compensation Insurance Due County Election Expenses Hospitalization, Etc. Support of Poor at County Home $ 221.46 4,598.82 2,883.60 31.15 77.99 244.00 4,473.55 273.07 o $12,803.64 RETURNED ,SCHOOL TAXES—$1,149.44 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits { $ 1,293.94 Highways 3,000.00 Bridges 200 00 Machinery 3,550 00 ,Miscellaneous and Snow 3,000.00 Certificate of Indebtedness (Gen. Fund) 1,500 00 General Fund 500.00 $13,043.94 TOTAL BUDGET $26,997.02 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Danby $330 00 West Danby 315 00 TAX RATES—' General .01121 Highway 01060 Total .02181 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS- - ` Danby West Danby .0023 .0051 l OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 283 TOWN OF DRYDEN To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax County Tax , County Highway Tax Compensation Insurance Due County ' ' Election Expenses Expenses of Children's Court Hospitalization, Etc. Sinking Fund & Interest, Rd. No. 681 Sinking Fund & Interest, Rd. No. 682 Sinking Fund & Interest, Rd. No. 683 Support of Poor at County Home $ 717.40 14,898.16 9,268 00 100.91 835.52 599.55 14.26 ' 3,505.69 243.11 269.13 278.09 465.57 $31,195.39 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$1,670.94 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits Highways Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous and Snow Public Welfare Southworth Library Memorial Day General Fund ti $ 3,395 21 8,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 50.00 2,600 00 $24,245.21 TOTAL BUDGET $5,7,111.54 1 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Etna $585 00 McLean 60.00 Peruville ,,35.00 Varna 300.00 TAX RATES— Inside Corporation General .0075 Highway .0051 Total .0126 i 284 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Outside Corporation General .0075 Highway .0051 Primary Highway .0029 Total 0155 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS-:- Etna ISTRICTS=Etna .00532 McLean 0043 Peruville .01667 Varna .00287 e OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TOWN OF ENFIELD To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Compensation Insurance Due County Election Expenses Hospitalization, Etc Expenses of Children's Court Support of Poor at County Home r 285 $ 133.07 2,763.47 1,723.62 18.72 57.72 171 36 2,272 18 11.28 293.33 $ 7,444 75 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$436 23 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $ 1,531.39 Highways 2,200.00 Bridges 100.00 Machinery 1,000 00 Miscellaneous and Snow2,200.00 o Certificates of Indebtedness (3) 1,900 00 Certificates of Indebtedness & Int (Gen.) 300.00 $ 9,231.39 TOTAL BUDGET $17,112.37 TAX RATES— General Highway .01086 01310 Total 02396 286 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF GROTON To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Compensation Insurance Due County Election Expenses Hospitalization, Etc. Support of Poor at County Home $ 689.22 14,312.80 8,894.70 96.95 250.25 '599.55 3,564.79 543.24 $28,951.50 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$1,467.11 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $ 2,500 00 Highways 5,500.00 Bridges ' 2;000.00 Machinery 4,500.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 3,000.00 - Public Welfare 3,500 00 Memorial Day 100.00 Vote by Town for Highway Special 3,000 00 $24,100.00 TOTAL BUDGET $54,518.61 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS McLean $605.00 Peruville 465.00 TAX RATES— Inside Corporation General Highway Total 00730 .00595 .01325 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 287 Outside Corporation {General Elighway Total .00730 .00940 .01670 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— McLean .00476 Peruville .0061 li 288 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 1,299.05 ;County Tax a 26,977.46 County Highway Tax 16,743.40 Compensation Insurance 182.73 Due County 133.91 Hospitalization, Etc Paid Election Expenses 232.64 Expenses of Children's Court 31.40 Support of Poor at County Home' 253.24 Refund of Taxes 91.71 $45,945.54 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$1,666 56 To be Paid the Supervisor : FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES— Highways $ 5,000.00 Bridges 500.00 Machinery—Purchase and Repair $2,380.00 Cert. of Indebt 2,120.00 4,500 00 Miscellaneous and Snow 4,000.00 $14,000.00 FOR"GENERAL AND POOR PURPOSES— Town Audits $ 3,898.36 Welfare 10,000 00 $13,898 36 LESS: Estimated receipts applicable to Gen- eral & Poor, T. E. R. A. & Out -of Settlement $4,500. Special Taxes from , State 3,000. 7,500.00 6,398.36 $20,398.36 TOTAL BUDGET $68,010.46 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK ' 289 TAX FOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS Forest Home Lighting Forest Home Water District Spencer Road Lighting Renwick Heights Lighting TAX RATES— Inside Corporation Outside Corporation General Highway $410 00 842.75 450.00 265.00 .00504 .00371 Total 00875 General Highway Total .00504 00496 .01000 TAX RATES FOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS— , Forest Home Lighting '.00133 Forest Home Water District .00269 Spencer Road Lighting .00191 Renwick Heights Lighting .00140 290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CITY OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 8,089.00 County Tax 167,985.05 County Highway Tax 104,413.55 Due (County 610.38 Election Expenses 1,019.07 Hospitalization, Etc. 20,575.52 Expenses of Children's Court 145.97 Support of Poor at County Home 5,262.20 Refund of Taxes 79.68 $308,180.42 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$7,508 44 (To be paid by the School District of the City of Ithaca, and not a part of - the City Budget, for which this tax is levied.) TAX RATES— General .0054 Highway .00276 Total - .00816 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 291 TOWN OF LANSING To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Compensation Insurance Due County Election Expenses Expenses of Children's, Court Hospitalization, Etc Support of Poor at County Home $ 648 48 13,466.90 8,364 80 91.22 325.18 342 64 30.65 9,015.63 1,101.34 $33,386.84 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$908 46 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits Highways Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous and Snow Certificate of Inbedt & Int (3) 1 Paid $ 7,700 00 1,000 00 3,500 00 5,000 00 3,762 46 $20,962.46 TOTAL BUDGET $55,289 86 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT Ludlowville $350 00 TAX RATES— ' General Highway 00753 00887 Total .01640 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT— Ludlowville ' 00381 2J2 PROCEEDINGS OF -THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS TOWN OF NEWFIELD To be Paid the County Treasurer • State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Compensation Insurance ° Due County Election! Expenses Hospitalization, Etc Support of Poor at County Home $ 235.38 4,888.00 3,046.06 3311 128.90 171.36 2,434.99 99 99 $11,037 79 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$329.96 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $ 1,532 03 Highways 2,900.00 Bridges ° 0,000 00 Machinery 2,500 00 Miscellaneous and Snow 2,500 00 Public Welfare 1,000 00 Memorial Day 25 00 Town Library 300 00 $10,757.03 TOTAL BUDGET $22,124 78 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT Newfield $796 04 TAX RATES— General .0087 Highway 0087 Total , ' .0174 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT— Newfield 0035 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 293 TOWN OF ULYSSES To be Paid the County Treasurer_ : State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Compensation Insurance Due County Election Expenses Expenses of Children's Court Hospitalization, Etc Sinking Fund & Int , Rd. No 616 Support of Poor at County Home $ 582 34 12,093.25 7,510.65 81.91 474.26 161.50 17.14 4,639.21 650.54 563.48 $26,774.28 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$i,583,,81 To be Paid the Supervisor:' Town Audits Highways Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous and Snow General Fund TOTAL BUDGET TAX RATES— Inside Corporation Outside Corporation General Highway Total $ 2,918.94 7,000 00 4,000.00 5,000 00 5,000.00 3,081.06 $27,000.00 .00887 .00754 .01641 General .00887 Highway .00754 Primary Highway 00388 Total 02029 All of which was respectfully submitted. Dated, December 30, 1935. II $55,358.09 LAGRAND CHASE, LEPINE STONE, J. B. MYERS, R. C. OSBORN, . Committee. 294 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr Chase, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr Osborn. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That in accordance with the resolution adopted by the several, town boards of the County of Tompkins, now on file with the Clerk of this Board, and the Laws of the State of New York, and in accordance with the foregoing report and recommendations of the Committee on Finance, that there be levied upon and collectedfrom the taxable property of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the fore- going sums for the purposes therein named Seconded by Mr Osborn Ayes -13. I Noes -0. Carried. The four retiring members spoke briefly regarding pleasant relations with all members of the Board. On motion,, adjourned to January 20th, 1936, at 9 :30 A. M e r OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Sixteenth Day 295 Monday, January 20, 1936 MORNING SESSION Because of bad condition of roads occasioned by a storm of the previous evening a quorum was not present until 12 M. On motion, adjourned to 2 P M AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Snow, Van Order and Payne. Minutes of December 30th meeting, read and approved. Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its– adoption : WHEREAS—The Library Committee has under construction a special panel body for a new Dodge book truck which will soon be ready for delivery, and WHEREAS—Said body must be paid for on delivery, there- fore be it Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to draw an order for $350 00, payable to the Geneva Body Company, Geneva, N. Y., upon the delivery of said body and acceptance by the Library Committee, and the County Treasurer is directed to pay the same out of the book truck fund. Seconded by 'Mr. Squier. Carried The supervisors of the towns of Danby, Dryden, Enfield, Groton, Ithaca and Ulysses, and of the City of Ithaca, pre- sented the Assessment Rolls of their respective municipalities, which were referred to-the,Committee on Equalization to de- 296 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS termine if the same were properly made out, the taxes properly extended and the warrants of the collectors correct. Mr Osborn, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, reported that ,the committee had examined the assessment rolls of the towns !of Danby, Dryden, Enfield, Groton, Ithaca, and Ulysses and of the City of Ithaca, and ascertained the amount of tax to be levied in each respectively, had compared the same with the budgets of the said towns and city, and the warrants of the collectors attached thereto, and had found each to be correct, and that each of the said collectors warrants were properly made out and were ready for the signatures of the Chairman and Clerk of the Board. Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the report of the Committee on Equalization I be accepted and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board be directed to sign the Collectors' Warrants, as attached to the assessment rolls of the said towns of Danby, Dryden, Enfield, Groton, Ithaca, and Ulysses and of the City of Ithaca Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -111 Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Osborin offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—In accordance with §59 of the Tax Law this Board heretofore designated this 20th day of January, 1936, as the date for annexing a warrant to the tax rolls of the several tax districts; in the manner provided by said statute, and WHEREASThe Committee on Equalization has not com- pleted its examination of the assessment rolls of the towns of Caroline, Lansing and Newfield ; 1 Resolved—That the time of annexation of the warrants to the assessment rolls of said towns of Caroline, Lansing, and Newfield, be deferred -to the 23rd day of January, 1936. Seconded Iby Mr. Stevenson. Carried. The Clerk read a letter from District Attorney, Arthur G Adams, with reference to the meeting of District Attorneys of the State! to be held in New York City on January 25th i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 297 Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the District Attorney. be authorized to at- tend the above mentioned conference at the expense of the county. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Mr. Squier, Chairman of the Building Committee, offered a report of that committee with reference to ,the transfer of the N. R. S Office to the Old Court House, making room for the DeWitt Historical Society. On motion, adjourned to Thursday, January 23rd, at 10 A. M. t 298 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seventeenth Day " Thursday, January 23, 1936 MORNING SESSION Roll call found Watrous, Van Order, and Payne absent and T. G. Miller, E.,J. Miller and Squier excused. Minutes of January 20th meeting, read and approved. Adjourned to 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present except Messrs Watrous, Van Order and Payne. E J. Miller excused. The supervisors of the towns of Caroline, Lansing and New- field presented the Assessment Rolls of their respective muni- cipalities, which were referred to the Committee on Equaliza- tion to determine `if the same were properly made out, the taxes properly extended and the warrants of the collectors cor- rect Mr. Osborn, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, reported that the committee had examined the assessment rolls of the towns of Caroline, Lansing and Newfield, and ascertain- ed the amount of tax to be levied in each respectively, had corn - pared the same with the budgets of the said towns, and the warrants of the collectors attached thereto, and had found each to be correct, and that each of the said collectors warrants were properly made out and were ready for the signatures of the Chairman and Clerk of the Board Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the report of the Committee on Equalization be accepted and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board be directed to sign the Collectors' Warrants, as attached to the assessment rolls of the said towns of Caroline, Lansing and Newfield. 4 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 299 Seconded by MT. T G Miller. ' Ayes -10 Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS -It has been brought to our attention that Senate Introductory Bill No. 78, Print No. 78, amends §§109 and 110 of the Agricultural- and Markets Law by reducing by one- half the fees for licensing dogs and kennels, therefore be it Resolved—That we, the Tompkins County Board of Super- visors, desire to go on record as opposing' such action and di- rect the Clerk to acquaint our Senator and Assemblyman of such fact Seconded by Mr. Snow Carried Minutes of day's proceedings read and approved. There being no further business to come before the Board at this annual session, on motion, the same was adjourned without date. W. 0. Smiley, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N Y. r SUPERVISORS' ACCOUNTS Table showing the amount of compensation audited and allowed by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to the members thereof, with the items and nature of such compensation and the amount allowed for the distance traveled by members in attending the meetings of the Board during the year 1935, including salary Towns and City Supervisors Days County Canvass Mileage at 8c per mile Days Annual Session Monthly Meetings Caroline _ L C Snow Danby _ _ T G Miller Dryden _ ___ _ _1Carl A Mott Enfield Harvey Stevenson Groton D J Watrous Ithaca L E Chase Lansing A J Conlon Newfield R C Albright Ulysses _ _ _ _ LePine Stone Ithaca City _ 1st Ward _ F D VanOrder 2nd Ward _ H 0 Veit,_ 3rd Ward _ J B Myers 4th Ward _ R C Osborn 5th Ward _ C C Squier 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 6 00 $ 208 6 00 96 6 00 1 76 600 128 6 00 2 72 600 108 600 128 6 00 96 6 00 1 92 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 17 17 17 17 15 16 17 16 17 14 17 17 16 15 0 O c. d 0 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 16 16 15 16 16 16 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 `tl 0 e5U 0 c o cip $ 121 221$ 48 87 87 36 76 98 51 52 88 23 55 29 36 39 201 28 108 43 103 58 106 51 24 32 71 64 31 04 68 10 102,28 82 07 Extending Tax 5 00 122 13 3 05 122 13 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 750 600 600 $ 0 778 17 771 30 747 51 698 96 918 43 817 37 703 2T-- 706 4706 10 ,792 27 606 00 606 00 761 00 728 12 731 18 Total STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, 1$ 84 001$ 14 041 1$ 786 141$931 481$ 8,5501$10,365 66 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, } I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the number of days the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County was in session the past year, the nature of its duties and the time necessarily employed and the amount allowed for the distance traveled by the individual members in the discharge thereof, as audited by said Board I also certify that no accounts were audited by the said Board for any member thereof, or for any person, without being verified according to law _ Dated, March 30, 1936 W 0 SMILEY, Clerk SS No OF 1'OMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 301 Annual Session Audits 1935 Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 Reconstruction Home, Inc 2 Reconstruction Home, Inc 3 Reconstruction Home, Inc 4 Rexford R Chatterton . ,5 Rexford R Chatterton _ 6 Fred A Rogalsky 7 Dr H H Crum 8 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co _ 9 Norton Printing Co 10 Journal & Courier. . _ 11 Onondaga Co Peniten 12 Dr H H Crum . 13 City of Ithaca 14 Geo B Sickmon 15 Henry Williams 16 Geo F Warner 17 Verne C Marion 18 Raymond F Townley .Care—Margaret Meeker— P H C $ 19300'$ 19306 _Care—Lyndle Grover— PHC _ . 9000 9000 Care—Robert Miccinati— PHC 9000 9000 Bond prem—Comm Welfare 75 00 75 00 Bond prem —Co Treas 506 25 N R Bond , prem —Co Treas 506 25 N R Exam in Lunacy—Insane ` 10 00 10 00 Supplies—Co Treas _ Tax Forms—Co Treas Pub Tax Sale Notices—Co c Treas Bd of Prisoners—Penal Inst _Services, Jail Physician . . Fees in Felony, City Court Fees in Felony, Justice _ Fees in Felony, Justice Fees in Felony, Constable . 7 80 Fees in Dog Cases, Justice _ . 26 75 Conductors & Labor, Old Ct House . _ Supplies etc, Old Ct House Labor, Old Ct House _Labor, Old Ct House _ Law Book, Sup Ct Judge . Notices, Sup Ct Judge .. _ Supplies, Co Judge Pub Notices, Co Clerk . _Pub Notices, Comm of Elec ..Supplies, Supervisors . .Supplies, Supervisors . . Pub Notices, Supervisors Expenses,• Coroner Supplies, Supervisors 19 Robinson & Carpenter 20 John Hugg _ 21 John Broder .... 22 Lawyers Co -Op Pub- lishing Co . 23 The Commercial Press . 24 The Atkinson Press 25 Ithaca Journal _ . 26 Ithaca Journal 27 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co . _ __ ...... 28 Wm A Church Co . _ 29 Journal & Courier . ... 30 Dr Wm L Seil . . 31 Corner Bookstores, Inc . 110 110 13 50 13 50 635 34 1,658 80 4 00 . 26 00 8 00 4 10 24 43 98 62 85 85 85 85 15 00 5 75 86 50 1 36 57 60 4 00 10 00 4 68 97 06 29 11 635 34 1,658 80 4 00 26 00 8 00 4 10 7 80 2E 75 24 43 98 62 85 85 85 85 15 00 5 75 86 50 1 36 57 60 4 00 10 00 4 68 97 06 29 11 $4,461 70 $3,449 20 ' 302 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS State of New York, ' 1 County of Tompkins, `. ss . Board of Supervisors, J I, W. 0 Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, N. Y., DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the fore- going is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Board of Supervisors of said county, at its annual session in the month of December, 1935, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed. Dated, March 30, 1936 W .0 SMILEY, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y No OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TOWN AUDITS TOWN OF CAROLINE ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS FOR 1935 Claimant * 1 Charlotte V Bush 303 Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed Treas__Welfare, Taxes, * 2 Norton Printing Co 3 American Surety Co * 4 American Surety Co 5 American Surety Co * 6 Norton Printing Co _ U S Post Office _ American Surety Co * 9 Williamson Law Book ;10 Prue Ridgway _ 11 American Surety Co _ *12 American Surety Co *13 American Surety Co •14 Frank T Wells * 7 8 • 15 '16 *17 18 X19 $20 -21 *22 23 24 25 Wm A Church Co Corner Book Store _ Charles M Jones Charles Heath P Alfred Munch Wm A Church Co Henry H Watros Charles M Jones Lamont C Snow _ Lamont C Snow Lamont C Snow 26 Lamont C Snow _ Chas Whalen Est _ __ $ 9 37 $ 9 37 Welfare, Bill heads 9 50 9 50 Town Officers, prem on surety Bonds _ 60 00 60 00 Collector, Prem surety Bond 49 03 49 03 Super%lsor, Prem Highway Bond _ _ 29 02 29 02 - Collector, Tax Notices _ ____ 9 00 9 00 _ _ Town Clerk, Envelopes 11 92 11 92 Supervisor, Prem School Bond 20 00 20 00 Co Town Orders _ 6 00 6 00 Welfare Officer, Salary _ 151 00 151 00 Highway, Prem Auto Liability Ins 4635 4635 Highway, Prem , Auto Liability Ins _ _ _ 42 00 42 00 Highway Prem , Auto Liability Ins _ _ 42 00 42 00 Supervisor, Paymaster Check Writer _ Assessors, Field Books __ _ Memorial Day Flags Welfare Officer, Postage __ __Welfare, For Digging Grave Justice of the Peace, Per Diem Assessors, Assessment Rolls Attendance Officer, Salary Welfare Officer, Postage Supervisor, Per Diem Supervisor, Expenses Supervisor, Percentage, School Money 16614 166 14 - Supervisor, Percentage, General Fund 80 42 80 42 Justice of the Peace, Per Diem 24 00 24 00 Justice of the Peace, Per Diem 28 00 28 00 Justice of the Peace, Per Diem 72 00 ' 72 00 Tustice of the Peace, Per Diem 72 00 72 00 Town Clerk, Per Diem 138 00 138 00 Town Clerk,, Expenses _ 8 00 8 00 Town Clerk, Jurors' Lists _ 6 00 , 6 00 Reg of V S Fees 43 00 43 00 Reg of V S 'Expenses 8 00 - 8 00 Insp of Election, Mess Per Diem, Mileage 34 92 34 92 Insp of Elections, Per Diem 23 00 23 00 27 George Richards Estate 28 P Alfred Munch 29 Augustus Middaugh 30 Charles Thomas 31 Elmer L Lockwood _ 32 Elmer L Lockwood 33 Elmer L Lockwood 34 Elmer L Lockwood _ 35 Elmer L Lockwood _ 36 Mary E Westfall _ 37 Ruth Munch 45 75 45 75 525 525 12 00 12 00 3 00 3 006 11 00 11 00 44 00 44 00 20 00 20 00 75 00 -175 00 4 00 4 00 64 00 64 00 1485 1485 304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 38 Helen M Goodrich 39 Chauncey Goodrich _ 40 Grace Munch - _ 41 Myrtle Northrup 42 Harry A Davis _ _ 43 Mary H Chatfield 44 Ira Yaple _ _ 45 C Manley Greene 46 Henry Watros .. 47 Mrs Carrie Davis _ 4-8 Sue C Earsley 4-9 Wilson Osmun . 50 Myron B Predmore 51 Anna M Caveney 52 Harriet Snow 53 Delphine E G Dennis . 54 B H Van Demark - 55 Elmer L Lockwood . 56 D B ,Bull _ - 57 H A Whittaker _ 58 Charles M Jones 59 Charles M Jones . 60 Dr Mary D Ridgway _ 61 Dr Edgar Thorsland _ 62 Lamont C Snow - . _ 63 Sue C Earsley . .... . Insp of Elections, Per Diem Insp of Elections, Per Diem - Poll Clerk, Per Diem - Poll Clerk, Per Diem _ . - Insp of Elections, Mess Per Diem, Mileage Insp of Elections, Per Diem Insp of Elections, Per Diem Insp of Elections, Per Diem - Insp of Elections, Per Diem _ Poll Clerk, Per Diem Poll Clerk, Per Diem Insp of Elections, Mess Per Diem, Mileage _ Insp of Elections, Per Diem Insp of Elections, Per Diem Insp of Elections, Per Diem Poll Clerk, Per Diem _ . Poll Clerk, Per Diem Town Clerk, Election Salary Assessor, Per Diem _ - Assessor, Per Diem _ _ Assessor,! Per Diem _ - - Welfare Officer Salary - Vital Statistics, Fees . - . Vital Statistics, Fees . Trustee, lElection Purposes, Rent 1 . __ _ 20 00 ... Secretary, Election Purposes, , Rent 20 00 Trustee, Election Purposes, Rent _ 20 00 Election Purposes, Rent, Justice's - \ Court _ _.. - 1000 Highway Purposes, Fire Insurance Assessment - ' 4 80 Cemetery Care, Mowing . __ 3'00 .. Cemetery Care, Mowing - 5 00 __ Right of Way _ 190 .._ Welfare, Mileage . 4 00 64 Albert Landon °65 Sue C Earsley; Sec 66 Lamont C Snow, Sec X67 68 69 70 71 23 00 23 00 10 00 10 00 34 60 23 00 23 00 18 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 3412 23 00 23 00 23 00 10 00 10 00 50 00 84 00 80 00 72 00 212 00 4 00 2 50 Charles Fox Floyd Morter .. _ . . Harry Howden _ -. - Emil Hill - ____ ---... _ Charles Thomas, Justice of the Peace Criminal Bill 4 95 _ Justice of the Peace Criminal Bill __ _ _ -- - _ 5 20 ... Justice of the Peace Criminal Bill _ _ 495 Justice of the Peace Criminal Bill 495 Justice of the Peace Criminal Bill __ 6 65 Justice of the Peace Criminal Bill 6 30 ____'._Justice of the Peace Criminal Bill _ 6 30 _ Justice of the Peace, Criminal 72 Charles Thomas 73 Charles Thomas 74 Charles Thomas 75 Charles Thomas 76 Charles Thomas 77 Charles Thomas 78 Charles Thomas se 8 50 23 00 23 00 10 00 10 00 34- 60 23 00 23 00 18 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 34 12 23 00 23 00 23 00 10 00 10 00 50 00 84 00 80 00 72 00 212 00 4 00 2 50 20 00 20 00 20 00 10 00 4 80 3 00 5 00 1 90 4 00 495 5 20 , 495 495 6 65 6 30 6 30 8 50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YOXK No. Claimant Nature of Expense 305 Claimed Allowed 79 Dr Edgar Thorsland .. 80 Dr Edgar Thorsland .. 81 D A Chatfield ........ Nov 1, 1934 to Oct 31, .. Health Officer, Salary .... 243 00 243 00 . Health Officer, Mileage to . Conference _. __ 2 79 2 79 ... Constable, Criminal 'Account 8 75 8 75 1935—Weltare Audits . _ .. _ _ $6,680,71 $6,680 71 Completion of Abstract Total of claims listed . _ _ _ Deduct Total of claims marked in above list __ _____ __ $9,375 49 7,385 90 Balance unpaid – _ ____ __ . _ $1,990 59 , Deduct Estimated surplus available to reduce tax levy ___ __ _ _ 500 00 Balance to be raised by tax for above purposes . - $1,490 59 It is hereby certified : That the within list of accounts numbered from 1 to 81 con= secutively is a true list of all accounts, charges, claims or de- mands presented to and audited by the Town Board of this town at all meetings thereof since the preparation and fihng of the schedule or list for the preceding year. Dated at Brooktondale, N. Y , this 7th day of November, 1935. -LAMONT C. SNOW, Supervisor ELMER L. LOCKWOOD, Town Clerk CHAS THOMAS, Justice of the Peace P. ALFRED MUNCH, Justice of the Peace AUGUSTUS MIDDAUGH, • Justice of the Peace 306 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS FOR 1035 TOWN OF DANBY ,No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed' Allowed 1 Luella L Crevelling 2. Euna Miller - - - - 3 Mabel E Bruce _ 4 Emma L McLaughlin 5 S G Crevelling . _. _ 6 Dewain Vorhis 7 Leonard Briskie 8 Fred B Jones _ 9 Adria Hill _ __ _ 10 Delos Hill . _ _ _ _ - 11 Ellen Luoma . __ __ ___ _ 12 Virginia A Sprague . 13 William E Martin 14 John Mayer 15 Bessie Van Buskirk . - 16 Marie Baylor 17 Edith Snyder 18 May Loomis 19 Nora Cole 20 Miriam Crance 21 John Maki 22 John E Miller 23 George Button . 24 Lewis Cummings _ _ 25 Ray Caswell 26 Fred E Dorn 27 George 0 Sears _ 28 Arthur Bennett 29 Harry A Hatfield 30 T G Miller _ __ __ _____ 31 B J Jennings _ _ 32 B J Jennings ___ 33 Dr J Frank W Allen 34 Edward E Slights - 35 Arthur G Bennett ....... 36 James Baylor _ 37 Harry A Hatfield _ 38 George 0 Sears .. __ Inspector &, Mess Dist 1 _Inspector & Mess , Dist 1 . _Inspector & Mess , Dist 1 Inspector & Mess , Dist 1, . Substitute Inspector, Dist 1 Gen Clerk, Dist 1 _ Gen Clerk, Dist 1 _ Inspector & Mess , Dist 3 _ Inspector (Sc Mess , Dist 3 __ Inspector & Mess , Dist 3 Inspector & Mess , Dist 3 Gen Clerk, Dist 3 Gen Clerk, Dist 3 Trustee School Dist 2, Rental .. Inspector & Mess, Dist 2 _ Inspector, Dist 2 _ Inspector, Dist 2 _ .Inspector, Dist 2 _ _ _ _Gen Clerk, Dist 2 _ Gen Clerk, Dist 2 Rental, Dist 2 .. Storage Assessor - Assessor _ Assessor _ Justice Service _ Justice Service Justice Service 'Justice Service __Service Town Clerk __Reigstrar Health Officer _ __ ... Attendance Officer _ ______ ____ Justice Criminal . ..Dep Sheriff . _ Justice Criminal _ -Justice Criminal $ 38 80 17 00 17 00 13 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 29 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 29 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 5 00 5 00 15 00 20 00 81 00 90 00 90 00 33 00 36 00 39 00 33 00 39 00 86 34 37 25 263 70 125 15 1 10 9 20 9 00 6 80 $ 28 40 17 00 17 00 13 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 29 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 29 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 5 00 5 00 15 00 20 00 81 00 90 00 90 00 33 00 36 00 39 00 33 00 39 00 86 34 37 25 263 70 125 15 110 , 9 20 9 00 6 80 $1,304 34 $1,293 94 I, B J. Jennings, Clerk, of the Town of Danby, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that this is a true and correct copy of the Audits of the Town of Danby, as audited by the Town Board, Nov 7, 1935. B. J. JENNINGS, Town Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 307 ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1935 TOWN OF DRYDEN No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 S W Genung _ 2 Donald McArthur 3 Rhoda Vorhis __ _ _ 4 Bessie Reed _ _ _ 5 Ira W Reed _ _ _ 6 Ethel Lason 7 Mabel Rhodes 8 Bernice Kirk _ 9 Katherine Caswell _ _ 10 Thomas Merrill _ _ 11 Fern Carberry _ _ 12 Howard Welch - 13 Cora Cotanch 14 J D Ross _ 15 C B Snyder 16 Betsey L Clark -- 17 Earle F Lufton 18 Laura McKeon _ 19 Eula Lufton _ _ _ 20 Catherine Guier 21 Edna Hart __ _ 22 Nellie Fulkerson 23 Floyd L Barnes '24 L A Culver _ 25 Lee Sickmon _ _ 26 Edgar Wood ___ 27 Mary E Howe 28 Mary Hatfield _ 29 J D Ross _ _ _ __ 30 Minnie G Space 31 Hester Sweetland 32 Rose Ellis _ -- 33 Libbie J Sweetland 34 Clayton Bowker 35 Mary Hatfield _ __ 36 Perry Hanshaw _ _ _ 37 Harry Tucker -- 38 Maude L Moore _ 39 Marie Moore __ ________ 40 Mary E Vint _ _ _ ... 41 H Clay Dayton _ 42 Marjorie Williams 43 Mrs J C McKinney 44 Howard Hazen _ 45 Robert Willard _ __ 46 Arthur Hammond __ 47 John C Joiner _ 48 Leland Sweetland _ 49 Georgiana Schutt _ 50 Anna' B Harrington _ __ Insp & Mess , Dist 1 _ $ _ Insp Dist 1 __ ____ _____ _ _ Insp Dist 1 _ Insp Dist 1 _' Clerk, Dist 1 _ _ Clerk, Dist 1 Secy Rent of Hall, Dist 2 .. Insp & Mess , Dist 2 _ Insp Dist 2 Insp Dist 2 _ Insp Dist 2 _ _ Clerk, Dist 2 _ — Clerk, Dist 2 ___Rent of Hall, Dist _ _Insp & Mess , Dist -Insp Dist 3 _ - Insp Dist 3 _ Insp Dist 3 Clerk, Dist , 3 Clerk, Dist 3 Treas , Rent of Church, Dist 4 _ Insp & Mess , Dist 4- _ Insp Dist 4 -- _Insp Dist 4 Insp Dist 4 !_Clerk Dist 4 __Clerk Dist 4 Treas Rent of Hall, Dist 5 ____ __Insp & Mess , Dist 5 _ Insp Dist 5 __Insp Dist 5 Insp Dist 5 Insp Dist 5 _ Clerk, Dist 5 __ _ _ _ __Clerk, Dist 5 __ __ _ _ -- Treas , Rent of Hall Dist 6 _Insp & Mess , Dist 6 _ - Insp Dist 6 .. -- -Insp Dist 6 _ _ __ __ ___ - Insp Dist 6 _ - - =Insp Dist 6 _ - Clerk, Dist 6 _ . ___ ___ _ -- - Clerk, Dist 6 Treas , Rent of Hall, Dist 7 __ - - -- Insp & Mess , Dist 7 _ Insp & Mess , Dist 7 __ _ _ - Insp Dist 7 __ __ _ - - Insp Dist 7 _ _ _ _ - - Clerk, Dist 7 _ __ ___ ____ __ _ Clerk, Dist 7 3 3 35 92 $ 35 92 24 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 7 00 7 00 700 700 35 00 35 00 35 60 35 60 24 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 35 00 35 00 3784 3784 24 00 24 00 2400 2400 24 00 24 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 35 00 35 00 38 50 38 50 24 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 700 700 700 700 35 00 35 00 37 84 37 84 24 00 24 00 14 00 14 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 35 00 35 00 36 00 36 00 17 00 17 00 7 00 7 00 24 00 24 00 ' 24 00 24 00 7 00 7 00 700 700 35 00 35 00 31 25 31 25 31 25 31 25 24 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 700 700 700 700 308 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 51 A K Fletcher . _ __ . Printing ... 3 25 3 25 52 Perry Hanshaw __ _ __ _ _ Treas , Rent of Sheds 5 00 5 00 53 Harry Spaulding -----Justice, Service Bill 72 00 72 00 54' Orrie Cornelius ------Justice, Service Bill 78 00 78 00 55 Walter Kinch ._ .. _ Justice, Service Bill _ 120 00 120 00 56 L A Culver _ __ Justice, Service Bill . 48 00 48 00 57 J D Ross _ _ ___ Justice, Service Bill 64 00 64 00 58 Harry Spaulding - Justice, Criminal Bill 77 50 77 50 59 J D Ross --------Justice, Criminal Bill _ 15 00 15 00 60 Walter Kinch .. .. _ __Justice, Criminal Bill 20 00 20 00 61 L A Culver . ._ ... __ Justice, Criminal Bill 21 50 21 50 62 C D Griswold . _ __ Assessor -- --- -- 216 00 216 00 63 Edward W Sykes _ _ . Assessor __ 220 00 220 00 64 Truman English . _ _ Assessor ._ __ __ _ 140 00 140 00 65 A J Hines . _ . _ __Attendance Officer -- - --- ------ 146 60 146 60 66 Jane C Hines .. _ _ __Town Clerk ._ ... _ 300 98 300 98 67 D M Ryan __ . _.._ __Vital Statistics . _ __ 6 00 6 00 68 D M Ryan ---------Health Officer - _ _ 609 88 609 88 69 LeRoy Carter . _.Constable . _ __ _ _ __ __ __ ___ _ 4 30 4 30 70 Williamson Law Book Co Supplies _ .. 23 00 23 00 71 Carl A Mott __ Supervisor Service Bill 132 00 132 00 $3,395 21 $3,395 21 I, Jane C. Hines, Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins, and State of New York, DO HEREBY CERTI- FY, that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the list of accounts against the township, audited by the Town Board, acting as the Board of Auditors for the said town for the year 1935 JANE C. HINES, Town Clerk CARL A. MOTT, Supervisor ORRIE CORNELIUS, C. HARRY SPAULDING, L A. CULVER, WALTER KINCH, J. D. ROSS, Justices. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 309 ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1935 TOWN OF ENFIELD No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. Tomp Co National Bank_ Gen Fund, Cert Indebt Ins T E R A 1934 _ ' $1,045 00 $1,045 00 2 Welfare bill for Dec 1934 Gen Fund Welfare bills 107 42 107 42 3 C F Teeter . . _. _ Gen Fund Wel Off Salary, To Dec 28, 1934 50 08 50 08 4 W D Bailey ------Gen Fund T C Sery & etc To Jan 1, 1935 18 75 18 75 5 S H Stevenson . _ Gen Fund 1% on Gen Fund To Jan 1, 1935 30 34 30 34 6 S H Stevenson _ Gen Fund Sery bill, To Jan 1 1935 12 00 12 00 7 Jay Stamp . ._Gen Fund Service bill To Jan 1, 1935 12 00 12 00 8 V H Earl Gen Fund Service bill To Jan 1, 1935 12 00 12 00 9 Thomas Brown Gen Fund Service bill To Jan 1, 1935 15 00 15 00 10 Welfare bills for Jan . Gen Fund Welfare bills _ 188 44 18844 11 N Y Elec & Gas Co Gen Fund Light for Jan 3 30 3 30 12 Charles Hedglin Gen Fund work in Budd Cern 14 00 14 00 13 N Y Elec & Gas Co . Gen Fund Lights for Feb 3 30 3 30 14 Welfare bills for Feb Gen Fund Welfare bills 132 00 132 00 15 Kenneth Stoughton _ Gen Fund for milk del 3 96 3 96 16 Herbert Ward _ . . Gen Fund for milk del 5 24 5 24 17 Leslie Hine _ __Gen Fund for milk del 5 88 5 88 18 Byron Rumsey . _ _ . Gen Fund for milk del 8 40 8 40 19 N Y Casualty Gen Fund Holdup & Robbery 20 Wilbur Sheffield _ _ 21 N Y Elec & Gas Co . 22 Welfare bills for Mar . 23 N Y Elec & Gas Co . 24 Owen Carmon' _ _ 25 Welfare bills for Apr . 26 Tomp Co Trust Co 27 Tomp Co Trust Co 28 Tomp Co National Bank 29 N Y Elec & Gas Co 30 Welfare bills for May 31 C F Teeter 32 N Y Elec & Gas Co 33 Wilbur Sheffield 34 Bert Lanning 35 James Morgan 36 S H Stevenson Ins for Tax Coll 11 00 Gen Fund At Officers Salary 30 00 Gen Fund Lights for Mar 3 30 Gen Fund Welfare bills 146 94 Gen Fund Lights, for Apr 3 30 Gen Fund Pub Supr Report 20 00 _ Gen Fund Welfare bills 140 93 Gen Fund Cert of Indebt & Int TERA 31500 Gen Fund Cert Indebt & Int TERA Gen Fund Int on Cert of Indebt TER A Gen Fund light for May Gen Fund Welfare billsfl Gen Fund W 0 for supplies Gen Fund light for June Gen Fund At Officer Salary' Gen Fund work in Budd Cern Gen Fund Work in P & C Ceras Gen -Fund to reimburse road fund 11 00 3000 3 30 146 94 3 30 20 u0 140 93 315 00 100 50 100 50 9 00 3 30 122 01 80 3 30 33 00 6 83 28 00 9 00 3 30 122 01 80 3 30 33 00 6 83 28 00 17 40 17 40 310 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 37 Welfare bills for June 38 N Y Elec & Gas Co 39 C F Teeter . . . 40 Welfare bills for_ July .. 41 N Y Elec & Gas Co 42 H J Rothermich - 43 Welfare bills for Aug . 44 N Y Elec & Gas Co 45 Wm H Jones . ... 46 Welfare bills for Sept 47 H D Bailey . _. . 48 H D Bailey _ 49 Grove Cemetery Assn 50 Thomas Brown 51 Thomas Brown . 52 Jay Stamp . 53 S H Stevenson 54 S H Stevenson . 55 C F Teeter 56 Welfare bills for Oct 57 N Y Elec & Gas Co 58 V H Earl _ . 59 Nelson Brown 60 Nelson Brown 61 Welfare bills for Nov 1 T A Edna McFall 2TA 3TA 4TA Margaret Stamp Austin Legge George Lane Gen Fund Welfare bill 13100 13100 Gen Fund lights for July . ' 3 30 3 30 _Gen Fund Wel Off Salary and , expenses 86 08 Gen Fund Welfare bills 150 62 Gen Fund Lights for Aug ' 3 30 Gen Fund Dep Sheriff fees 310 Gen Fund Welfare bills 47'00 Gen Fund Lights for Sept 3 30 .V Gen Fund for Burial 75 00 Gen Fund Welfare bills 168 51 . 'Gen Fund Election work _. 35 00 ._ _Gen Fund T Clk expenses 7 33 Gen Fund opening grave 1000 Gen Fund Criminal Cases 32 25 Gen - Fund service bill _ 45 00 _ Gen Fund service bill 45 00 Gen Fund service bill 45 00 Gen Fund % on school moneys 156 00 Gen Fund Wel Off Salary 42 32 _ Gen Fund Welfare bills 11154 Gen Fund Lights for Oct 3 30 _ Gen Fund service bill _ 6 00 Gen Fund splitting wood 50 Gen Fund splitting wood 100 Gen Fund Welfare bills 73 00 Gen Fund Ins & Mess Elec 1 Gen Fund Ins & Mess Elec 1 _ Gen Fund Insp & Mess Elec 2 Gen Fund Insp & Mess Elec 2 Gen Fund Insp Elec 1 . Gen Fund Insp Elec 1 _ . Gen Fund Insp Elec 2 Gen Fund Insp Elec 2 Fund Clerk Elec 1 Fund Clerk Elec 1 Fund Clerk Elec 2 . Fund Clerk Elec 2 Fund Rent P Pl Dist 1 Fund Assessor Chr . Fund Assessor ' . . Fund Assessor _ . _ Fund Vital Statistic . Gen Fund Health Off & Ex Gen Fund, Ins on Truck _Gen Fund, J Stamp, J P Bond Gen Fund, Stevenson Supr , S Bond _ 3146 Gen Fund, Stevenson Supr H Bond 20 00 20 00 Gen Fund, Stevenson Supr Gen Bond . 40 00 40 00 5 T A Vincent Meyer 6 T A C C Fitch Patrick 7 T A. George Tubbs . 8 T A Anthony Brable _ 9 T A Claud Wilkin 10 T A Fayette Hine 11 T A Edwin Buteux 12 T A Kenneth Stoughton 13 T A Fred McFall _ ' 14 T A Gilbert Fisher 15 T A Ralph Lovelace 16 T A Ward Spencer'_ 17 T A Leon Beardsley 18 T A Leon Beardsley 19 T A C C Fitch Patrick . ,20 T A American Surety Co 21 T A N Y Casualty Co 22 TA N Y Casualty Co 23 TA N Y Casualty Co _Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen . Gen 86 08 -150 62 3 30 3 10 47 00 3 30 75 00 168 51 35 00 7 33 10 00 32 25 45 00 45 00 45 00 156 00 42 32 111 54 3 30 6 00 50 1 00 73 00 35 80 35 80 35 80 35 80 35 80 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 40 00 92 00 72 00 75 00 12 50 189 00 10 40 5 00 35 80 35 80 35 80 \ 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 40 00 92 00 72 00 75 00 12 50 189 00 10 40 5 00 3146 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 311 24 T A N. Y Casualty Co . 25TA 26TA 27TA. 28 T A 29 T A 30 T A 31 T.A. Ithaca Bd of Health Wilber Sheffield . _ William Church Co H D Bailey . ..... H D Bailey ...... . C F Teeter . Dorman S Purdy . __Gen Fund Willis Tax Col Bond _ _ __ ._ 33 03 Gen Fund V I case . 23 50 Gen Fund Attendance Off Sal 27 00 __Gen Fund Supplies _. 36 25 .. Gen Fund T Clk Service . _ 84 00 Gen Fund Vital Statistics . _ 31 00 __Gen Fund Wel Off & Exp 170 28 Gen Fund Ins .._ . . __ .... 235 77 33 03 23 50 '2700 36 25 84 00 31 00 170 28 235 77 $5,457 56 $5,457 56 I, Herbert D. Bailey, Town Clerk of the Town of Enfield, Tompkins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Town Board at its sessions in the year 1935 up to and includ- ing Nov. 9th, 1935, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed. All of the above are paid except the Town, Audits 1 to 31 inclusive, amounting to $1,531.39. Dated, Dec. 9th, 1935 HERBERT D. BAILEY, Town Clerk. 312 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS N., ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1935 TOWN OF GROTON No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 Ella A Moe .. .._ 2 Ella A Moe -_ -- _ - 3 C H Moe _ _. 4 D J Watrous _ 5 M G Tarbell - ... 6 R R Chatterton . _ 7 J B Sheeler _ .... 8 G B Sickmon ._ . . . 9 N Y Gas & Electric 10 Journal & Courier - 11 _Geo F Warner . - .- 12 James 0 Robertson . - . 13 Village of Groton - -- . 14 Henry Geisenhoff - ._ 15 Association of Towns ._ 16 J J Hare, Agent 17 Journal & Courier . 18 Ella A Moe - - -- 19 H M Geisenhoff, Agent 20 American Surety Co . . Rent - .. _ ___ -- - - - $ 50 00 $ .__....Telephone 8 55 _.. Per Diem 24 00 Per Diem & % General Fund 1134 80' Per Diem . _ 24 00 Per Diem 24 00 _ ._ _Per Diem 24 00 - .. _Per Diem 24 00 ... Lights Peru McLean 215 00 .. ... Printing _ __ .. . 20 80 -. Constable Fees .. . - Coll Taxes ._ ......_._. __Rent of Hall .... - Premium Supv Bond ... _. - Dues - --- Premium Bond Tarbell . _Printing - - _ Telephone 2 Mos . __ _ _. _ Bond Premium Bond Premium Sc- Hold Up ' policy -- - Frank T Wells . . . American- Check Prot . Laurence Holcomb . . Labor on chairs _ _ A J Metzgar . . Constable Fees R R Chatterton . _ Justice Fees . Ella A Moe __ _ Rent & Phone J B Sheeler _ . . ... Expense account N Y Gas & Electric Lights Peru & McLean Journal & Courier . Printing -- Ella A Moe -----Telephone ____ . C H -------Service ___Service Per Diem N Y State Gas & Electric Lights Peru & McLean R R Chatterton ... . Justice Fees _ Hobart Cabinet Co . 1' Letter File Wm A Church Co . Books __ Edward Walpole_ Freight on cabinet Williamson Law Book Co Dance Hall Licenses Ella A Moe ' Telephone . C H Moe _ ___ _ Listing Dogs Ella A Moe _ - __Rent & Phone Ins Premium __ __ Attendance Officer Sal _ _Freight on cabinet _ _ _ Jury Lists __ - __ _ - Telephone ' _.Expenses _ _ ___ _. _Constable Fees - Letter File - Lights Peru & McLean - Lights Peru & McLean . 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 -38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ' 48 49 N S Purdy . _ .. Leon F Buck . . Edward Walpole _ C H Moe _ Ella A Moe __ _ J B Sheeler . __ _ . _ A J Metzgar . Hobart Cabinet Co N Y Gas & Electric _ N Y Gas & Elec 4 50 1 60 8 00 40 00 25 00 5 00 13 38 6 50 56 00 125 70 83 25 2 25 2 25 4 25 53 25 27 00 215 00 13 58 3 25 24 00 215 00 5 20 9 90 7 00 1 19 • 1 25 3 25 8 00 53 25 2 88 50 00 1 19 6 00 3 25 47 00 1 60 891 215 00 107 50 50 00 8 55 24 00 134 80 24 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 215 00 20 80 4 50 1 60 8 00 40 00 25 00 5 00 13 38 6 50 56 00 125 70 83 25 2 25 2 25 425 53 25 27 00 215 00 13 58 3 25 24 00 215 00 5 20 9 90 7 00 1 19 1 25 3 25 8 00 53 25 2 88 50 00 1 19 6 00 3 25 47 00 1 60 891 215 00 107 50 No OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Claimant Nature of Expense 313 Claimed Allowed 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 495 94- 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105. Ella A Moe _ _ _ _ Journal & Courier _ R R Chatterton _ R R Chatterton_ _ Wm A Church Co .. R R Chatterton Mead N Givens _ Journal & Courier . A J Metzgar Ella A Moe _ Dennis & Co _ Howard Jackson _ Eva Hopkins . Ettie L Tarbell Grace L Metzgar Gertie Smith _ Emma Karlson Miles Tarbell Mary Ryan _ Lena Jennings _ Walter Halladay A. J Metzgar _ _ Nella Jones Della Halladay _ L C Smith & Corona Co Louise M Voorhees . Atala Gladue _ _ Eva J Dempsey _ Ethel M Bethel Mina Rounseville 'Jessie Metzgar Asa F Metzger _ Village of Groton _ _ Nellie C Hamill _ _ Ellen Hickey _ _ Jennie A King _ Lillian Benedict Mary H Dwyer Lillian Ogden Carrington -Fuller Post R LaVerne Teeter _ Hattie 'M Teeter Sarah E Kirby __ Mary R Long _ James Waterman _ _ Geo Stark _ . Olive M Halladay _ Jay Conger Jr Frank A Brown Jr Teresa Rice _ Mary A Austin _ _ Marjorie Kane Minnie Champlin . Franklin M Clark . Bessie Allen _ Archie R Gillen _ _ _Tel'ephone . Notices . Justice Fees . _ _ _ ..Justice Fees _._ _ 2 Assessment Rolls . __ ____ Justice Fees Constable Fees _ __ _ _ _. Notices Constable Fees __Rent & Phone . _ Supplies . __Inspector 1 _Inspector 1 Inspector 1 _Clerk 1 Clerk 1 _. Insp & Mess 1 ____Care of Booths & Rent ___Insp & Mess 2 ___Insp & Mess 2 Clerk 2 __Clerk 2 __ Inspector 2 Inspector 2 Rent 2 _ Clerk 4 Clerk 4 Inspector 4 _ Inspector 4 Insp & Mess 4 Inspector 4 Insp & Mess 4 _Rent 4 _ _ Inspector,5 _ Clerk 5 • __Inspector 5 Insp & Mess 5 Insp & Mess 5 _Insp & Clerk 5 Rent 5 Inspector 3 Insp & Mess 3 Insp & Mess 3 _ __Inspector 3 _Inspector 3 _ Clerk 3 Clerk 3 Rent 3 _ Clerk 6 Clerk 6 Insp & Mess 6 _ Insp & Mess 6 Insp &, Mess 6 Insp & Mess 6 Rent'6 Erecting booths 6 3 25 1 96 7 25 4 05 30 50 12 70 2 40 1 40 ' 5 55 53 25 10 03 24 00 24 00 24'00 8 00 8 00 40 56 40 00 30 28 30 28 8 00 8 00 24 00 24 00 32 00 8 00 / 8 00 8 00 24 00 30 28 24 00 22 28 32 00 24 00 8 00 19 00 30 28 30 28 13 00 32 00 8 00 22 28 30 28 24 00 24 00 8 00 8 00 32 00 8 00 8 00 26 00 30 76 30 52 26 00 3000 10 00 3 25 1 96 7 25 4 05 30 50 12 70 2 40 1 40 5 55 53 25 10 03 24 00 24 00 24 00 8 00 8 00 40 56 40 00 30 28 3028 8 00 8 00 24 00 24 00 32 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 24 00 30 28 24 00 22 28 ' 32 00 24 00 • 8 00 19 00 30 28 30 28 13 00 3200• 8 00 22 28 30 28 24.00 24 00 8 00 8 00 32 00 8 00 8 00 26 00 30 76 - 30 52 26 00 30 00 10 00 314 No. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 106 Harry Davidson . ...... _Rent & Storage 7 . ____ . _ ._. 37 00 37 00 107 I H Powell . _Insp & Mess 7 . 30 28 30 28 108 Marion S Tomlinson . Insp & Mess 7 _ . __ _ __._ . 30 28 30 28 109 Paulins G Locke ....... _Clerk 7 .. . 8 00 8 00 110 Ruth Stilwell . Clerk 7 . _. 8 00 8 00 111 Frances E Ryan _ . Insp & Mess 7 _ .. _ _ _ __ 26 00 26 00 112 John T Terrell _ .... ___ Insp & Mess 7 _ _ . ..... _ 26 00 26 00 113 Carl Gleason ... Supplies . . ____ . ________ 65 65 114 M L Ford _.. _ _ . _. Flags . _ _ _ 25 25 115 J D Dates Livery . __ . Livery _ 18 00 18 00 116 Leon F Buck .. .... — Expense account ... ._ . . _. 3 28 3 28 1 117 Archie Gillen .. _.......... _Assessor . . ______ __ __ 191 00 191 00 118 C Fay Benson . . . ._ . Assessor __ 185 00 185 00 119 Nelson Van Marter .... Assessor __ _ 195 00 195 00 120 R R Chatterton -------Per Diem & Att Fees . __.. 153 75 153 75 121 R R Chatterton . . - — Justice Fees . _______ . ._ __ 8 65 8 65 122 J D Watrous .. . .. Per Diem & expense . . _ 98 80 98 80 123 J B Sheeler Per Diem ._ .... __ _ 72 00 72 00 124 J B Sheeler -------Expense account _ _ __ ._ ______ 6 65 , 6 65 125 G B Sickmon _ . . Per Diem & Expense . _ _ 66 75 66 75 126 M G Tarbell _ _ Per Diem & Expense _ _ 78 75 78 75 127 C H Moe . ....... __Per Diem V ` S Expense & Labor _ ° __ 338 71 338 71 128 R C Tarbell M D. V S _ __ _ _ _ 2 25 2 25 129 J H Van Marter M D. ._V S _ . _ 8 75 8 75 130 N Y Gas & Electric . Electric Lights _ __ 107 50 107 50 131 E' J Tomlinson . __ .......School Tax _ 1 01 1 01 State of New York, County of Tompkins, Totals __ _ . __ __ . ___ __$4,809 01 General Control .. ... 2,398 72 `Election Expense __ 1,122 54- Contract 4Contract Bills (Lights etc)_ __ 1,287 75 General Fund Expenditures $4,809 01 $4,809 01 e' SS : ` I, the undersigned, Town Clerk of the Town of Groton, Tompkins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a true and complete Abstract of Claims against the General Fund, audited by the Town Board, Town of Groton, Tompkins County , at its sessions during the year 1935, with the Number of the Claim, the name of the claimant, the amount, claimed and the amount allowed. CHARLES H. MOE, Town Clerk. Welfare Claims Nos. 1-W to 403-W were audited upon pre- sentation by Welfare Officer Laurence C. Jackson as follows: T.E R.A. $3,549.40 f Welfare 1,506.41 Total 5,055.81 Grand Total General & Welfare Funds 9,864.82 No OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1935 Claimant TOWN OF ITHACA 315 I Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed II 1 Welfare bills _ Welfare Gen Fund Bills for Dec 1934._ $1,876 88 $1,876 88 F H , Grover -_..Welfare Officer Salary for Nov and Dec 1934:139 00 139 00 Howell & Howell .. Gen Fund Pre on Sup Gen. Bond - .. 40 00 40 00 D S Purdy Gen Fund Pre on T C Bond 250 250 N Y Electric & Gas . - Gen Fund St Lights for Dec. and Jan- _ _ _ 183 16 183 16 Williamson Law Book Co ..Gen Fund Book for Town Clk 12 00 12 00 L D VanRensselaer . - Gen Fund Ins on Warehouse and Trucks _ ._ 1243 00 243 00 Welfare bills - . - Gen Fund Welfare bills for Jan _ - 1,797 31 1,797 31 Welfare bills . . -. ---Gen Fund Welfare bills for Feb _ -_ __ 1,324 77 1,324 77 Howell & Howell Gen Fund Pre on Sup School Bond _ _ 18 00 18 00 N Y State Elec. & Gas - Gen Fund St Lights for Feb 91 58 91 58 Ithaca Journal Gen Fund Pub Sup Financial Report - 7 84 7 84 - Cayuga Press _ -Gen Fund Printing Town Bill heads - ' __ 14 87 14 87 Howard Cobb Agt Gen Fund Pre on Collector's Bond __ _ __ -- `143 15 143 15 D Harold J Palmer Gen Fund Ins on Chev ump Truck 70 58 70 58 Welfare bills - __ . Gen Fund Bills for March 1,598 67 1,598 67 N Y S Elec & Gas - Gen Fund St Lights for Mar 91 58 91 58 D S Purdy . --Gen Fund Gen & Fire Ins. on Truck _ 6410 ---Gen Fund Bills for April 1,084 38 - - Gen Fund Wel Off Salary for Jan __ - 91 00 91 00 - Gen Fund Ins on Brockway Truck __ 120 32 Gen Fund Pre on Sup Highway Bond _ - 30 00 Gen Fund St Lights for April 91 58 Gen Fund FHWD Notice of Hearing on FHWD .. 164 Gen Fund Check Protector. 83 25 Gen Fund Bills as for May 856 21 -Gen Fund Flags for Memorial Day�18 75 18 75 - -< Gen Fund St Lights for May 91 58 91 58 — -- Gen Fund FHWD Filing appli for F H Water 125 125 -----Gen Fund Collector postage and Print - 29 30 29 30 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. Welfare bills - - F H Grover - Howell & Howell Howell & Howell N Y S Elec & Gas Ithaca Journal --- Wells Co - Welfare bills - Corner Bookstore . NYS Elec & Gas County Clerk . Rexford Smith 6410 1,084 38 120 32 30 00 "9158 1 64 83 25 856 21 316 PROCEEDINGS OF 1 HE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No Claimant Nature of Expense - Claimed Allowed 31 Ithaca Journal _ _ _ 32 Welfare bills _ - - 32/ NYS Elec & Gas 33 L D Van Rensselaer - 34 John E Perry 35 C H Newman -- 36 Welfare bills 37 F H Grover _ 38 Emmett Gillow 39 Wm Church Co 40 NYS Elec & Gas _ _ 41 L D Van Rensselaer 42 L VRR Co 43 Ithaca Journal A4 Welfare bills 45 Ithaca Journal 46 D L & W RR Co 47 C H Newman 48 N Y S ,Elec & Gas 49 Harry Eustance 50 C D Tarbell 51 Dennis & Co 52 Welfare Bills - - 53 F H Grover,_ 54 N Y S Elec & Gas 55 Ithaca Journal 56 Ithaca Journal 57 Harry Eustance 58 \L E Chase 59 Welfare Bills 60 Ithaca Journal 61 Cayuga Press 62 Engineering News 63 NYS Elec & Gas - Gen Fund FHWD ,Printing Notice 1 00 _ -Gen Fund Bills for June 826 24 . Gen Fund St Lights for June 93 67 __Gen Fund Ins on Chev Truck54 00 Gen Fund FHWD Eng on F H W D system 150 00 ..-Gen Fund FHWD Attorney for FHWD 176 91 Gen Fund Bills for July 657 02 Gen Fund Wel Off Salary for 3 Mo -- 222 00 Gen Fund Salary Attendance Off Gen Fund 2 Assessment Rolls Gen Fund St Lights for July Gen Fund Ins on Dodge Truck Gen Fund Town Gen Fund Notice __Gen Fund Bills for August Gen Fund Adv Complete Assess Roll 5 20 Gen Fund Rent Polling PI 3 6 00 Gen Fund FHWD Attor for FHWD 203 23 Gen Fund St Lights for August 93 67 Gen Fund FHWD Eng for ' FHWD _ 787 62 - Gen Fund Ins on Lorraine Shovel 5970 Gen Fund Justice Supplies 8 65 Gen Fund Bills for Sept 772 28 Gen Fund Wel Off Salary May 63 00 Gen Fund St Lights for Sept - _ _. 93 67 Gen Fund Adv by Assessors 1 95 Gen Fund FHWD Adv construe bids FHWD _ 1190 Gen Fund FHWD Engineer FHWD73 88 -Gen Fund FHWD Deposit Highway Dept FHWD ' 500 00 Gen Fund bills for October753 27 Gen Fund FHWD Adv for bond' bids _ _ 21 84 Gen Fund FHWD Printing i copies bond bids 2 75 -Gen Fund FHWD Adv Construe. Bids FHWD -. 29 60 Gen Fund St Lights for October __ 93 67 150 00 22 00 93 67 54 00 Elim Keefe Crossing 46 50 FHWD Adv FHWD 11 34 660 08 1 00 826 24 9367 54 00 1'50 00 - 176 91 657 02 222 00 150 00 22 00 93 67 54 00 46 50 11 34 660 08 5 20 6 00 203 23 93 67 787 62 59 70 8 65 772 28 63 00 93 67 195 11 90 73 88 500 00 753 27 21 84 2.75 29 60 93 67 No OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Town Audits Audited Nov 7, 1935-1 to 38 Claimant 317 Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 W G Fish 2 C Morris Gray 3 Willis E Butler _ 4 Peter Campbell . 5 Sam Newman . 6 Arthur Teeter _ _ 7 Charles Morris 8 Floyd E Andrews 9 Margaret S Mapes 10 Emma F Morris . 11 Jean Updike 12 Florence Myers . 13. Cora Gray __ 14 Jessie W Ross _ 15 Anna A Wright 16 Clare B Simmons 17 Maude C Wiegand 18 Helen Fraser 19 Laura M Brown 20 Ernest J Meeker 21 L E Chase 22 L E Chase 23 L E Chase 24 Rachel T Hanshaw 25 Rachel T Hanshaw 26 Rachel T Hanshaw 27 Rachel T Hanshaw 28 C A Baker 29 C A Baker 30 Norman G Stagg _ 31 Norman G Stagg 32 W I Smith 33 V C Marion . 34 V C Marion 35 R C Mandeville 36 F C Marshall 37 Frank B Howe 38 F H Grover __ Gen Fund Health Officer Services 462 00 462 00 . . Gen Fund Custodian' Voting Machines _ ___ _ _ __ 23 00 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 1 41 00 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 1 41 00 _ __Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 1 53 80 __ _ __Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 1 40 00 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 2 51 60 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 2 40 00 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 2 41 00 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 2 41 00 -Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 3 53 00 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 3 41 00 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 3 41 00 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 3 40 00 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 4- 46 60 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 4 40 00 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 4 31 00 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 4 sub 10 00 10 00 Gen Fund Elec Insp Dist 4 41 00 41 00 Gen Fund Janitor Dist r 4 Services 12 00 '12 00 Gen Fund Office Expense _ 46 88 46 88 Gen Fund Supervisor Services _ 366 00 ,366 00 Gen. Fund Supervisor Percentages 345 85 345 85 Gen Fund Town Clcrk Expenses 22 68 22 68 Gen Fund Town Clerk Election Allow 60 00 60 00 Gen Fund Town Clerk Vital Statistics 52 50 52 50 Gen Fund Town Clerk Services 249 00 249 00 Gen Fund Justice, Bd and Comm Meet's 126 00 126 00 - - Gen Fund Justice Fees 3 35 3 35 Gen Fund Justice Bd Meetings 96 00 96 00 Gen Fund Justice Fees _ 97 35 97 35 Gen Fund Justice Bd & Comm Meet's _ 126 00 126 00 Gen Fund Justice Fees 2015 2015 Gen Fund Justice Bd & Comm Meet's 126 00 ' 126 00 Gen Fund Assessor Services 175 00 175 00 Gen Fund Assessor Services 280 00 280 00 Gen' Fund Assessor Services 165 00 165 00 Gen Fund Welfare Off June to Nov _ 350 60 350 60 23 00 41 00 41 00 53 80 40 00 51 60 40 00 41 00 41 00 53 00 41 00 41 00 40 00 46 60 40 00 3100 S18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS State of New York, -County of Tompkins, }ss: I, Rachel T. Hanshaw, Clerk of the Town of Ithaca, DO HEREBY CERTIFY the foregoing is 'a true and complete record of all claims and accounts audited and allowed by the Town Board at all meetings held during the year 1935, and the same are all paid except the Town Audits No. 1 to 38 in- clusive audited Nov. 7, 1935, amounting to $3,900.36. RACHEL T. HANSHAW OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 319 ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS FOR 1935 TOWN OF LANSING We, the undersigned, the Board of Town Auditors of said Town do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board, accounts to be audited the amounts claimed by each of said per- ` sons, and the amounts finally audited to them respectively, to -wit : No Claimant ' Nature of Expense , Claimed Allowed 1 Alice Bristol ------Insp of Elec & Mess 39 60 $ 39 60 2 Fred Bailey . ._ _ Clerk, Elect 10 00 10 00 3 Charles Wooley . _ . Insp of Election _ 28 00 28 00 4 Florence Minturn __ ....._ . Insp of Election _ 28 00 28 00 5 Leila McClure -------Insp of Election 28 00 28 00 6 Karl F Burgess ._ .. .. Clerk, Elect 10 00 10 00 7 Fred Linderbury ------Insp of Election 28 00 28 00 8 Fred Sharpstein _. _ __ . _.Insp of Election . _ 28 00 28 00 9 Bert Breed ... . Clerk, Elect 10 00 10 00 10 Ada M Breed .. __ ..... Insp of Election 28 00 28 00 11 Chas Lobdell _ . . . Clerk, Elect 10 00 10 00 12 Grace Lane . ' . Insp of Elect & Mess _ _ 42 40 42 40 13 N Lansing Grange Hall Election Purposes _ 35 00 35 00 14 So Lansing Grange Hall Election Purposes _. 35 00 35 00 15 Fred Davis ._ . Insp of Election 28 00 28 00 16 Ethel Teeter . . ___:Insp of Election _____ 28 00 28 00 17 Carl J Halliday . _ Insp 'of Elec & Mess . 39 76 39 76 18 Elizabeth G Teeter . Clerk, Elect 10 00 10 00 19 Mary E Wood -----Clerk of Elec 10 00 10 00 20 Ben W Counsell . Insp of Elec & Mess 32 00 32 00 21 Jessie Bush _ . . . Hall, Elec Purposes _ _ 35 00 35 00 22 Jessie Bush _ _ . __? Insp of Election _ . ._._ __ __ 28 00 28 00 23 LaMott Smith Clerk of Election 10 00 10 00 24 Dwight Van Nest _. __ . _Clerk of Election 10 00 10 00 25 blive Van Nest __ . . Insp of Elec & Mess _ _ . 3444 3444 26 , Ella Smith . _ Insp of Elec & Mess . 34 44 3444 27 Anna Frawley _ _1 . Insp of Election _ ___ 28 00 28 00 28 N Lansing Grange Hall . Court Purposes _ __ _ 10 00 10 00 _ 29 Samuel E Lane . Assessors Services _ 104 00 104 00 30 Andrew Tarbell ..Assessors Services 116 00 116 00 31 Jacob B Bower _ _ . Assessors Services __ 116 00 116 00 32 Arthur Gregg . . . Constable Criminal bill . 4 30 4 30 33 Clay C Tarbell Justice Service . _ ` .. 68 00 68 00 34 Jerry Smith .._Justice Service . __ 64 00 64 00 53 Edward Ozmun _ Justice Criminal Case 84 35 84 35 36 Edward Ozmun _ _ Justice Service _ _ . 72 00 72 00 37 Andrew Conlon _ _Supervisor Service . ____ _ 72 00 72 00 38 C D Kintz - Justice Service 72 00 72 00 39 Carl Kintz _ __ _ Justice Criminal 2015 2015 40 C C Tarbell _ ._ Justice Criminal 6 90 6 90 41. Joseph McGill - _ Highway Allowance _ 35 00 35 00' 42 Joseph McGill ___ . _ __ _ Registrar Vital Statistics bill 50 00 50 00 I $1,582 34 $1 582 34 i 320 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATE OF NEW YORK } SS : COUNTY OF TOMPKINS J We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of the Town of Lansing, N. Y., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed and the amount al- lowed. Dated, November 11, 1935. CARLETON KINTZ, EDWARD OZMUN, CLAY C. TARBELL, JERRY A. SMITH, Justices of the Peace. t OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 321 ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS FOR 1935 TOWN OF NEWFIELD No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 L S Taber, Chairman 2 R S McGiven . . _ 3 Anna M Dorn 4 Buena E H Wetherell 5 Elmina B Rumsey . 6 Florence Griffin _ . _ 7 Georgiana McClintock . 8 Frank G Snyder .. . . 9 George H Noble _ 10 Amanda R Van Kirk .- 11 Jessie P Albright _ . 12 Ellen Knuutila . . 13 Chas E Houghtaling _ -- 14 American Surety Co .. 15 Frank H Feller . . 16 Fred W Payne 17 Harry Horton 18 Frank Fish 19 Dr W L Seil 20 Dr W L Seil 21 R C Albright 22 F J Payne . ... 23 Douglass S Carpenter 24 F W Beach _ 25 J D Smith ___ __ 26 Carrie M Peck _ Insp Dist 1 ". . $ 34 28 $ 34 28 _Insp Dist 1 23 00 23 00 ._ _Insp Dist 1 23 00 23 00 . Insp Dist 1 _ _ _ 23 00 23 00 . Clerk Dist 1 8 00 8 00 Clerk Dist 1 _ 8 00 8 00 Chairman Dist 2 __ 34 28 34 28 _ Inspector Dist 2 23 00 23 00 _ __Inspector Dist 2 23 00 23 00 Inspector Dist 2 23 00 23 00 __Clerk Dist 2 8 00 8 00 _ Clerk Dist 2 8 00 8 00 Books'_ 10 55 10 55 ' _ Bonds 1 19187 19187 __Engineer Services . 81 50 81 50 120 00 120 00 140 40 140 40 108 00 108 00 7 50 7 50 21765 21765 68 00 68 00 ...Justice Services 76 00 76 00 Justice Services _ __ 60 00 60 00 . Justice Services 76 00 76 00 __ _Justice Services _ 56 00 56 00 Town Clerk Services _ 80 00 80 00 . _ Assessor Services __Assessor Services _ Assessor Services . Vital Statistic Health Officer Salary _ _ Supervisors Services $1,532 03 $ 1,532 03 I, Carrie M. Peck, Town Clerk of the town of Newfield, Tompkins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Town Board at its annual meeting held Nov. 7, ,1935, with the amounts claimed' and allowed. - CARRIE M. PECK, Town Clerk 322 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS FOR 1935 TOWN OF ULYSSES No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 Clarence Clark 2 John Young 3 Carrie B Briggs 4 Maryland Cas Co - '5 Williamson L B Co 6 Ithaca Journal _ ... 7 Joel Horton _ 8 Dennis & Co _ . 9 American Surety Co . 10 American Surety Co . 11 The Free Press ._ .. 12 The Free Press _ 13 Continental Ins Co . 14 Keith Sears M D _ 15 Keith Sears M D 16 Fay E Elston _ 17 Wm A Church Co _ 18 F S Bower . 19 F S Bower _ _ _ 20 Chas F Smith _ __ _ 21 Edith M Updike . ... 22 , Edith M Updike _ 23 Eugene Thorp _ _ . 24 Philo B Smith _ _ 25 Edwin V Gould 26 H C Steenberg 27 Henry, Williams 28 Henry Williams . 29 ' Chas A Lueder . 30 Howard K Aiken . 31 Howard K Aiken . 32 Fred N Smith .. 33 LePine Stone 34 LePine Stone . . 35 LePine Stone 36 LePine ' Stone 37 Edith M Updike . . 38 Edith M Updike 39 Grant R Fletcher . 40 William Dimick _ 41 Automatic Vot Co -- 42 Mabel Batty _ 43 Lola A Jackson .. 44 Mary V DeLong 45 Arsula Hilliard __ . 46 Ray W Stevens _ 47 Francis J Breen 48 Wm A Allen 49 Belle W Hatch . Rental Elections . _ $ 24 00 $ 24 00 __inspector (1934) 15 00 15 00 _ _ Expenses, Coll 11 00 11 00 _ Volunteer Firemen's Ins 165 00 165 00 _ Supplies . . 7 87 7 87 _ Pub Notices .._ 5 40 5 40 Insurance Vot Machine __ .. 1610 1610 __._._Supplies ___ _. . 3136 3136 Bond Prem , Supervisor .. _ 60 00 60 00 _ Bond Prem , Collector . 101 10 101 10 __ Pub Supv Report . _ __ 20 00 20 00 _ Pub Notices 20 07 20 07 _ Insurance, Tool House . 62 00 62 00 Health Officer 203 86 203 86 Exp H 0 Conference _ 25 68 25 68 _Deputy Sheriff _ 4 06 4 06 _ Assessment Rolls (4) '52 00 52 00 ._ __ Bond Prem , Supv Hway 28 00 28 00 ..__Bond Prem , Supv School _ 14 00 14 00 __Bond Officer .... 110 95 110 95 _Office Exp & Telephone _. 42 60 42 60 _ . Registrar .. 49 40 49 40 _ Labor—Vot Machines . _ 3 50 3 50 Assessor Chairman 290 00 290 00 Assessor_ 225 00 225 00 _Assessor __ ..__ _ . 220 00 220 00 _ __ Justice Service 1 ...... _ ... 56 00 56 00 Justice Fees . - ._ 26 00 26 00 Justice Seivice 45 50 45 50 Justice Service - .. _ 63 00 63 00 _ __Justice Fees _. __ ..._ .. .. 5 20 5 20 _ _ Justice Service' . .. ... 45 50 45 50 ... _Supervisor Service . _ _ _ .. 108 50 108 50 _ . _Supervisor Expense _ 13 15 13 15 _. Percentage Gen Fund _ _. 133 33 , 133 33 Percentage,, School Fund . 61 77 61 77 Town Clerk Service . _ . _ 74 00 74 00 . Election Service 22 00 22 00 Custodian Vot Mach 65 40 65 40 ....Janitor Elections . 6 00 6 00 Supplies, Election . 2 52 2 52 _ Inspector & Mess 40 92 40 92 Inspector __ _ _ ._ 29 00 29 00 Inspector 29 00 29 00 _ _ Inspector __ . 29 00 29 00 _ _Inspector & Mess __ .. 40 92 40 92 Inspector _ ____ 29 00 29 00 _ Inspector __ _ __ 29 00 29 00 Inspector _ 29 00 29 00 J OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 323 No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 50 Henry Williams ___ __ _ __Inspector & Mess _ _ 40 28 40 28 51 Dora F Smith --------Inspector ' _ _ _ 29 00 29 00 52 John J Chase _ _ ____ _Inspector — __ 29 00 29 00 53 Alfred H Hopkins _ Inspector _ _ __ 29 00 29 00 $2,918 94 $2,91.8 94 I, Edith M. Updike, Clerk of the Town of Ulysses, Tompkins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the fore- going is a true and complete record of the accounts audited by the Town Board of said Town at meetings held during the pre- ceding twelve months. Dated Nov 12, 1935. EDITH M. UPDIKE, Town Clerk. f 324 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual Report of the Treasurer of Tompkins County Ithaca, N. Y- ' ' November 15th, 1935 To the Board ,of Supervisors Tompkins County Gentlemen— The following report of , receipts and disbursements of county funds, statement of town accounts and distribution of various monies to towns and villages for the fiscal year ended October 31st, 1935, is respectfully submitted CHARLOTTE V. BUSH, County Treasurer Levy of General Property Taxes , For Town Purposes— Carohne $ 13,998.27 Danby 14,274.21 Dryden 25,398.34 Enfield 9;460 20 Groton 24,170.00 Ithaca 21,144.52 Lansing 20,528 97 'Newfield 13,895 43 Ulysses 21,625.68 $ 164,495.62 For State and County— Carohne $ 10,710 92 Danby 13,059 11 Dryden 36,736 61 Enfield 7,060 25 Groton 30,674.68 - Ithaca 50,432 38 Lansing 32,351 00 Newfield , 12,491 97 Ulysses 29,048 51 Ithaca—City 331,937.78 $ 554,503.21 $ 718,998.83 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 325 Collectors paid town officers $164,490.76 Collectors paid county treasurer 392,811 66 Corporations paid county_ treasurer 76,355.25 Taxes returned to county treasurer 85,341.16 $ 718,998.83 Cash on hand November 1, 1934 $ 196,781.08 Receipts—November 1, 1934 to " ' October 31, 1935 . 1,751,176.47 $1,947,957.55 Payments—November 1, 1934 to October 31, 1935 Gen. and Poor funds 1,440,377 84 Highway fund 256,563.72 Cash on hand November 1, 1935 General fund 126,163 99 County Road 49,091.99 Dog Licenses 2,837 66 Tuberculosis Hospital (Trust fund) 2,348.21 Compensation Insurance 12,137.74 County Library (Truck fund) -1,023 61 Temporary Emergency Relief 13,263 48 Highway—Special account 11,376 66 Special trust funds 32,772.65 $1,947,957.55 The item of $32,772 65 designated as special trust funds is made up of monies over which the county has no control and has no share in • The item of $13,263 48 includes some state money and some county money. The exact distribution cannot be determined until the final audit by_the state. Detailed Statement of Receipts— Collection of taxes—from corporations $ ' 76,355 25 from collectors 392,811.66 taxes collected before sale ;70,333 54 by tax sale 8,773 60 Sale of tax sale certificates 5,397.29 Sale of lands acquired by tax sale - 5,235 54 Licenses' and permits 70 04 Fines 500 00 Interest on general fund deposits 851.04 Interest on highway money 202.50 a 326 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gifts and grants—State aid— County laboratory 3,143.34 Public Health 4,000.00 Crippled children - 3,638.05 Snow removal 3,244 83 Old age security 23,242.83 Emergency relief 182,705.33 County road fund—Tax on gasoline 79,182 03 Motor vehicle fees 49,189 28 State contributions 69,186.08 Departmental earnings—Court and trust fees 190.96 Estate tax fees 2,172.66 Surrogate's fees 322.71 County clerk— registration 17,567.35 court fees 427 95 County laboratory 1,109 59 Old age security 944.00 Commissioner of welfare 12,762 45 Tuberculosis hospital 2,363.59 Refunds and miscellaneous— Deeds 15 50 Highway machinery 22,986 83 County road fund 11 50 Sheriff 16 08 Jail 19.00 Contract supplies — - telephones 28 19 Insurance 199.78 T.E.R.A. projects 1,170.25 Returned school taxes 3,797.44 County library truck fund 2,171.63 County library—refund , 4.37 Temporary Loans - 48,500.00 Public School money 514,977.93 Franchise tax 8,918 28 Beverage tax 60,626 76 Dog licenses 8,338.50 Income tax 24,015 13 Interest on Mortgage tax deposit 36.15 Mortage taxes 5,403.42 Estate Taxes' 22,337.11 Bank taxes 5,992.61 Real estate license fees 157.00 Tax redemptions 3,112.06 Cash bail 500.00 Court and trust funds 1,917.28 $1,751,176.47 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 327 Detailed Statement of Payments— Supervisors' compensation- $ 9,018.17 expenses— Clerk 1,800.00 Stenographer 900.00 Miscellaneous 1,648.47 County publications 942.48 Tax blanks 67 50 Tax sale advertising 2,149 76 Perfecting title to lands 6 00 Commissioners of election—salary 2,200.00' miscellaneous 988 63 Elections 3,345.63 County treasurer—salary 2,800.00 clerks 1,980 00 miscellaneous 1,627 11 County office buildings—salaries 8,197.73 miscellaneous 4,251.84 County Judge and Surrogate—salary 5;000.00 miscellaneous' 3,894.73 Children's Court—salary for clerk and judge 2,300.00 other expenses 371.57 District Attorney—salary 2,400 00 other expenses • 2,406.45 Sheriff salary 2,400.00 salary undersheriff 1,320 00 other expenses 2,738.08 County Clerk—salary 3,600.00 assistants and other expenses 12,279.04, Supreme Court Judge—office expenses 206.60 County Attorney—salary 1,500.00 other expenses 132.07 Supreme Court—Civil 5,433 40 Criminal 4,500.67 County Court—Civil , 550.34 Criminal 2,823.10 Coroners fees and expenses 790.50 County Sealer—salary 900:00 travelling and miscellaneous expense 582.32 Constables' fees 109.29 Conservation of Health— Bovine Tuberculosis County Laboratory Public Health (3 nurses) 2,740.25 13,525.18 7,825.12 328 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Tuberculosis Hospital 23,899.11 Charities—under supervision of county Commissioner of Public Welfare 108,689 36 Old Age Security 37,694.28 Home relief 34,444.34 Demonstration County—T.E.R.A. 181,965 37 Crippled Children 6,167.87 Insane Commitments 270 00 Child Welfare 8,038 56 Educational notices 19.53 Jail—salaries 1,980 00 other expenses 2,660 42 Penal Institutions 1,552 39 Probation officer 1,200.00 County Library 4,601.60 Cornell Library 3,000.00 Farm and Home Bureau and Junior Project 7,500 00 Blind 128.00 Soldiers' burials 60 00 State Highway Sinking Fund 7,629.21 Interest—on temporary loans 1,177 10 on court house and jail bonds 33,225 00 on highway bonds 4,357.50 Indebtedness—temporary loans " 48,500.09 Court house and jail bonds 16,000 00 highway bonds 14,000.00 Tax refund 79.68 Contribution to county fair 800 00 Compensation insurance 2,579 14 ° Central index 150.00 City directories for county offices 90 00 Safe deposit box rent 11 00 Expense of representative to Veterans' hearing 18 85 Expense at county clerk's building 47 53 Returned school taxes' 21,070 12 City court expense 33.20 Insurance on highway building 115.49 Fourth of July expense 648 56 Reward for arrest of hit and run driver 300.00 Town of Ithaca—opening canal on south side of city 200 00 Heat, Light and telephone for county buildings 12,421 05 Employees' Retirement System 7,689 71 To State for taxes—Stenographers' 6,145 31 Armory 8,451.95 Estate ' 20,117.81 Mortgage 2,716.10 Dog Licenses, 683.80 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK To towns and cities—State highway aid Beverage tax Bank taxes Mortgage taxes Income taxes Franchise taxes Real estate licenses Dog license revenue To villages—Bank taxes Mortgage taxes Franchise taxes Income taxes Public school money to towns and districts To individuals from trust funds— Tax redemptions Cash bail refunds Court and trust funds Dog licenses Premium on mortgage tax bond Fees to county from trust funds— Estate taxes Court and trust funds Purchase price and miscellaneous expense on Old Court house paid to First Baptist Church Reforestation of lands 329 31,039.66 60,626 76 5,603.39 4,499 08 21,438.05 8,282.40 157 00 2,226 82 389.22 277.73 635 88 2,577.26 514,977.93 3,052 21 750 00 10,951.53 6,002 58 5.00 2,219.30 190.96 8,878.01 216.10 Total payments from general and poor funds $1,440;377.84 Highway funds— Superintendent—salary 3,0000 00 expenses 1,608 55 Snow removal 4,420 55 County bridges 13,989 36 Architect services 250 00 Time cards 5.75 Highway machinery ° 21,374 69 Snow machinery 3,218 53 'Rights of way 8,799.57 County roads 173,063.36 Gravelling, topping and flood repairs to towns 26,552.77 Grade crossing elimination 380 59 • Total payments from highway fund $ 256,563.72 330 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN ACCOUNTS CAROLINE Due county November 1st, 1934 Examination in lunacy Sheriff expenses Error on 1934 tax roll Uncollectable 1933 taxes Paid in 1934 budget Due county $ , ' 225.18 10.00 34.65 13.81 267.78 $ '551.42 225.18 326.24 DANBY Due county November 1, 1934 $ 185.64 Sheriff expenses 19.95 Uncollectable ,1933 taxes 41.76 247.35 Paid in 1934 budget_ 169.36 Due county $ ' 77.99 DRYDEN Due county November 1st, 1934 Sheriff expenses Examinations in lunacy Shortage on 1934 tax roll Uncollectable 1933 taxes Paid in 1934 budget 1933 tax collected ENFIELD Due county November lst, 1934 $ 110.16 Sheriff expenses 26.10 Examinations in lunacy 20 00 Uncollectable 1933 taxes 11.62 $ 1,207.66 163.60 20.00 285.77 401.79 $ 2,078.82 $1,207.66 35 64 $ 1,243.30 Due county $ 835.52 s 167.88 Paid in 1934 budget 110.16 Due county e 57.72 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 331 GROTON Due county November 1st, 1934 Examination in lunacy Sheriff expenses • Shortage on 1934 tax roll Uncollectable 1933 taxes Paid in 1934 budget Due county 556 04 10.00 42 80 62 88 134.57 806 29 556.04 $ 250.25 ITHACA Due county November lst, 1934 $ 958.04 Examinations in lunacy 20.00 Sheriff expense 67.50 Uncollectable 1933 taxes 46.41 Paid in 1934 budget Due county LANSING Due county November lst, 1934 Sheriff expenses Uncollectable 1933' taxes Paid in 1934 budget 1,091.95 958.04 $ 133.91 $ 605.12 127.05 208.13 940 30 615.12 Due county $ 32518 NEWFIELD Due county November 1st, 1935 Examinations in lunacy Sheriff Uncollectable 1933 taxes $ 248 70 40.00 65.80 35.10 389.60 Paid in 1934 budget $248 70 Surplus on 1934 tax roll 12 00 260.70 Due county $ 128.90 332 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ULYSSES 0 Due county November lst, 1934 Sheriff expenses Examination in lunacy Uncollectable 1933 taxes Paid in 1934 budget Due county CITY OF ITHACA Paid in 1934 budget Surplus on 1934 tax roll Due county November 1st, 1934 Examinations in lunacy Sheriff expenses Uncollectable 1934 taxes $ 392 78 154.05 10 00 310 21 . 867.04 $ 392.78 $ , 474 26 $ 510 20 1,197.65 1,707.85 $510 20 90.00 135 95 361.32 1,097.47 Due city $ 610.38 DISTRIBUTION OF MONIES TO TOWNS, VILLAGES AND CITY— TOWNS Income Franchise' Mortgage Bank Caroline . ._ _. $ 449 08 $ 16 $ 113 74 $ Danby . _ ... __ .. 456 29 70 59 50 Dryden _. __ -._ -__ __ 1,138 16 141 28 244 18 23 98 Enfield .. - _____ - _ _ 264 16 15 40 29 Groton .. _ 612 87 814 37 121 46 85 06 Ithaca _ _ ____ _ _ 1,561 57 06 654 97 Lansing . - . 1,304 03 ' 1,421 60 185 99 Newfield . _ __ ____ _ 480 30 25 71 89 74- Ulysses 4Ulysses .. - . 666 34 66 66 152 11 City _ _ _ 14,505 25 5,811 71 2,837 10 5,494 35 VILLAGES Dryden 250 88 5 35 23 60 35 26 Freeville ..... . 140 74 12 98 Groton _ ,. 780 02 589 79 47 01 270 02 Trumansburg ___ __ 390 34 40 74 34 33 Cayuga Heights 1,015 28 159 81 SCHOOLS Groton . - 45 27 Dryden _ ___ __________ _- 38 67 $24,015 31 $8,918 28 0 $4,776 81 $5,992 61 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 333 State Bid Dog Licenses Beverage Tax City _ __ _ __ __ __ $ 273 90 $30,256 83 Caroline _ _ $ 4,144 12 207 09 2,361 18 Danby __ _ 4,281 53 131 33 2,057 95 Dryden __ 4,638 37 365 20 5,162 28 Enfield ___ _ _ 2,968 02 91 30 1,380 39 2,669 62 276 13 5,536 11 Ithaca _ _ _ _ _ 1,381 87 280 58 4,301 94 Lansing _ 3,625 12 269 45 , 3,984 51 Newfield _ _ _ 5,600 39 ' 138 06 2,105 16 Ulysses _ _ _ 1,730 62 ,193 73 • 3,480 41 $31,039 66 $2,226 82 , $60,626 76 Indebtedness due in 1936. Highway improvement bonds ' Court House and Jail Building Bohds Interest on highway bonds building bonds STATE OF NEW YORK ISS. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS $14,000.00 16,000.00 $ 3,757.50 26,300.00 _ Charlotte V. Bush being duly sworn, says that she is the treasurer of the County of Tompkins, and that the foregoing report is a true and correct statement of financial transactions of said county for the fiscal year ended October 31st, 1935, as shown by the official records of said county CHARLOTTE V BUSH Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th day of November, 1935. ZDENKA KORBEL Notary Public. / • 334 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual Report of County Treasurer . County Road Fund County of Tompkins, for year ending December 31, 1935 CREDITS Balance from previous year unappro- priated - $19,310 64 Contributed by towns— Section 320-B, Par 2 Appropriated by county— Section 320-B, Par. 4 48,110.00 Appropriated by State— Section 320-B, Par 3 28,110 00 Motor vehicle fees 49,295 45 Motor fuel tax 79,182.03 Refunded for materials, etc. 2,431.89 Received from other sources Interest on deposit 170.72 Received from State Aid to towns, Sec. 103, Par. 3 10,036.42 Total credits, including balance from previous year $236,647 15 DEBITS Received for materials, etc Maintenance—Appropriation by board of supervisors $ 2,431.89 75,000.00 Total available $ 77,431 89 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $74,663.75 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 74,663.75 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 2,768.14 • Project No. 1, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 4,000.00 Total available $ 4,000 00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $ 3,823.28 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 335 Total disbursements $ 3,823.28 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 176.72 Project No. 2, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 2,300.00 Total available $ 2,300.00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $2,190.95 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 2,190.95 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 109.05 Project No. 3, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors $ 5,200.00 Total available $ 5,200.00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $ 4,754 84 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 4,754.84 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 445.16 Project No 4, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 2,280.00 • Total available $ 2,280.00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $ 2,181.71 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 2,181.71 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 98.29 Project No. 5, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 14,000.00 Total available $ 14,000 00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $13,779 34 , 336 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 13,779 r34 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 220.66 2,700 00 2,700.00 2,665.00 Project No. 6, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors Total available $ Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $ 2,665 00 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements Balance December 31, 1935 $ 35.00 Project No. 7, Appropriation by Board of ' Supervisors 13,300.00 Total available $ 13,300 00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $13,275.62 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 13,275.62 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 24.38 Project No. 8, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 9,000.00 . Total available $ 9,000.00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $ 8,702.93 Refunded to county -road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 8,702.93 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 297.07 Project No. 9, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 2,500.00 Total available $ 2,500.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 337 Disbursed on order of the County \ 4 Superintendent of Highways $ 1,854.10 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements Balance December 31, 1935 1,85410 $ 645.90 Moneys appropriated and unexpended on projects as bal- ances on uncompleted projects, shall not be refunded to County Road Fund Account by County Treasurer without an authori- zation from County Superintendent of Highways. Project No. 10, Appropriation by Board of ' Supervisors 1,900.00 Total available $ 1,900.00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintedent of Highways $ 1,527 52 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 1,527.52 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 372.48 Project No. 11, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors ' $ 3,000.00 Total available $ 3,000.00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $ 2,800.48 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements » 2,800.48 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 199.52 Project No. 12, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors Total available , $ Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $ 2,785 32 ' ' Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,785.32 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 214.68 0 338 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Project No. 13, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 9,000.00 Total available $ 9,000.00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $ 8,884 94 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 8,884.94 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 115.06 Project No. 14, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors14,000.00 Total available $ 14,000.00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $13,951.09 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 13,951 09 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 48.91 Project No. 15,Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 21,000.00 Total available $ 21,000.00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintedent of Highways $ 4,158.81 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 4,158.81 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 16,841.19 Project No. 16, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 10,000.00 Total available $ 10,000.00 ` Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $ 9,704.54 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 9,704.54 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 295.46 () OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 339 Project No. 17, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 9,000.00 Total available ( $ 9,000 00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $ 8,843 84 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 8,843.84 Balance December 31, 1935 ° $ 156.16 Project No 18, Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 17,500 00 Total available $ 17,500.00 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $17,162 52 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 17,162 52 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 337.48 ATTACH BANK STATEMENT AS OF DEC. 31, 1935 Balance from previous year $ 19,310.64 Preliminary Engineering—Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 221,111.89 Total available $240,422.53 Disbursed on order of the County Superintendent of Highways $197,710 58 Refunded to county road fund—Completed projects Total disbursements 197,710.58 Balance December 31, 1935 $ 42,611.95 II 1 340 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUMMARY OF PROJECTS Balance on Appropriated Disbursed Uncompleted Projects Maint J Project 1 I Prod ect 2 Prod ect 3 Prod ect 4 Prod ect 5 Project 6 ,Project 7 Project 8 Prod ect 9 Prod ect 10 Prod ect 11 Project 12 Project 13 Prod ect 14 Project 15 Project 16 Prod ect 17 Prod ect 18 $ 77,431.89 $ 74,663.75 $ 2,768.14 4,000.00 3,823 28 176.72 2,300 00 2,190.95 109.05 5,200.00 4,754.84 445.16 2,280.00 2,181.71 98.29 14,000.00 13,779 34 220.66 2,700.00 2,665.00 35.00 13,300.00 13,275 62 24.38 9,000 00 8,702 93 297.07 2,500 00 1,854 10 645.90 1,900.00 1,527.52 372.48 3,000.00 2,800.48 199.52 3,000 00 2,785 32 214 68 9,000 00 8°884.94 115 06 14,000.00 13,951.09 48.91 21,000 00 4,158 81 16,841.19 10,000 00 9,704 54 295.46 9,000.00 8,843 84 156.16 17,500.00 17,162 52 337.48 Total $221,111 89 $197,710 58 $ 23,401.31 Total credited to County Road Fund $236,647.15 Total appropriations 221,111 89 Balance unappropriated Dec 31, 1935 $ 15,535.26 RECONCILIATION BETWEEN BOOK AND BANK BALANCES Bank Balance December 31, 1935 credited to County Road Fund $ 43,026.45 Certified shps attached hereto (2) Received in December, deposited January 2; 1936 416.50 Book balance (uncompleted work and unappropriated money $38,966.66 43,442.95 Outstanding checks to be paid $ 4,476 29_ Reconciliation $ 43,442.95 OF-TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 341 STATE OF NEW YORK SS COUNTY OF TOMPKINS } Charlotte V. Bush being duly sworn, says that she is the treasurer of the county of Tompkins and that the foregoing report is a true and correct statement of the transactions of the County Road Fund of said county for 'the year ending December 31, 1935 as shown by the official records of said county. CHARLOTTE V. BUSH Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of January, 1936. ZDENKA KORBEL, Notary Public i 342 PROCEEDINdS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County Clerk's Report A Statement of all moneys received for the County of Tomp- kins by H L O'Damel, Clerk of Tompkins County from Nov- ember 1st, 1934 to November 1st, 1935 or by his assistants for fees prerequisites and emoluments, for all services rendered by him or his assistants in their official capacity, from Novem- ber lst, 1934 to November lst, 1935. RECEIPTS Recording Deeds $1,196.30 Recording Mortgages ` 1,082 20 Recording other Documents 1,138 60, Pertaining to Judgments 427 20 Copies 155.60 0 Searches 4,007.84 Filing Papers and other services 2,281.43 Motor Vehicle Fees 7,481.25 $17,770.42 Mortgage Tax held for Apportionment Nov. 1, 1934 4,593.50 Interest on Taxes held for Apportionment 29.95 Mortgage Tax 5,353 00 Notary Fees Less Discount allowed the County included in Filing Papers Passport applications and Renewals Less fee allowed the County included in Filing Papers Hunting Licenses Less Discount allowed the County included in Filing Papers Naturalization Fees Less fee allowed the County included in Filing Papers 514 00 9,976.45 100.00 414 00 I,005 00 99.00 906 00 9,807 04 196 16 9,610.88 310.00 155.00 155.00 $38,832.75 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 343 r DISBURSEMENTS County Treasurer -Office Fees $17,770.42 County Treasurer, State Mortgage Tax $5,483.64 County Treasurer, Interest on Taxes Held 29.95 County Treasurer from Mtg. fund for Clerk Hire 225.00 Postage allowed by State Tax Commission 12.00 Expense allowed by State Tax Commission 28.57 Bond Audited by State - Tax Commission 5.00 Tax apportionment to other Counties 4,171.19 Tax held 21.10 9,976.45 Dept. of Taxation & Finance Notary Fees 414.00 Secy of State, Washington, D. C. Passport Division 906.00 State Conservation Dept. Hunters 9,610.88 Secy. of Labor, Washington, D. C. Naturalization Fees 155.00 $38,832.75 County of Tompkins ss : State of New York, H. L. O'Daniel, being duly sworn, says that he is Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing is in all respects a full and true statement as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. H. L. O'DANIEL Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1935. L. H. ARNOLD, Notary Publc. , 344 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual Report of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital November 1, 1934 to October 31, 1935 To the Board of Supervisors, Honorable Sirs; In accordance with the laws of New York State, we present our annual report. On November 1, 1934, we had 22 patients. Admitted 8 men 12 women 7 children Discharged , 9 men 7 women 7 children Died 1 man Census—October 31st, 1935. • 10 men 8 women 7 children During the year, 2 patients were re -admitted. Four patients were transferred to other hospitals. Of those discharged 11 were recovered, 6 were improved, and 6 not improved. Of the six patients discharged unimproved, 4 went to other hospitals for treatment. That 11 were discharged as re- covered is a very good record. The total days treatment 8598 and actual cost of main- tenance $20,227.95, making a daily cost per patient of $2 36 This, is slightly less than last year : There is a satisfaction to us in these statistics. One death is the lowest for any year since the opening of the hospital. This indicates that patients come to the hospital earlier in the disease and therefore have a better chance to improve. The financial statement shows that our per day cost is less than last year. It has become necessary for our hospital to assume re- sponsibility for the treatment of cases of tuberculosis requir- ing pneumothorax. These are cases mostly with cavity forma- tion who require weekly infections into the pleural cavity in order to keep the patient from using the diseased lung. To giv' this treatment, it is necessary to have an Xray, so this OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 345 work is being done in Ithaca by Doctors McCormick, Frost and Moore., This makes an addition to our expense this year of $585 50 and for the next year will be nearly twice as much. When the new hospital is completed, this treatment will be done there. The Division of Tuberculosis at Albany has suggested that your committee communicate with them in regard to caring for the patients from this county. We suggest that you write the Department of Health soon so that our patients may have the benefit of facilities in The Biggs •Hospital. This Hospital we understand is now 95 per cent completed. We thank you for your interest and co-operation. Respectfully submitted. BOARD OF MANAGERS. R. C. SMITH. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE TOMPKINS COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL FOR THE YEAR 0 NOVEMBER 1, 1934 TO OCTOBER 31, 1935 Balance November 1, 1934 Appropriation • Appropriation for Insurance Extra Appropriation Expendztures; Administra,tion— Salaries Office Supplies Insurance Professional Care of Patients— Salaries Drugs Dietary— Salaries Foods and Fuel Supplies $ 3,837 43 17,000 00 237.52 3,000.00 $24,074.95 2,400 00 198 23 155.94 5,343.92 756.64 2,071.50 5,740.48 158.89 346 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Household— Salaries 325.95 Clothing and Bedding 55.75 Supplies 235.15 Plant Operation and Maantenance— Salaries 933.10 Fuel, Light, Water and Oil 1,502.77 Repairs 267.24 - Miscellaneous— Laundry 1,535.98 Dispensary— X-Ray and Treatments 585.50 Other Payments— Teacher 960.00 $23,227.04 BALANCE $ 847.91 Paid into General Fund from receipts $2,363.59, so that act- ual cost to the County was $20,863.45 and the per capita cost $2 36 which is lower than 1934. For the coming year, we request an appropriation of $24,000 00. DR. KEITH SEARS, Secretary. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 347 Report of Commissioner of Public Welfare To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York. Gentlemen : The Commissioner of Public Welfare of Tompkins County, in accordance with law, herewith submits his annual report for the year ending October 31, 1935. Appropriation Expenses ' Balance Outside Relief $ 28,000 00 $ 26,578.99 $ 1,421.01 Hospitalization 30,000.00 28,626.42 1,373.58 Foster Homes 21,000.00 20,911.06 88:94 County Home 14,000.00 13,935.56 64 44 Board in Institutions 4,000.00 3,714.78 285.22 Salary of Worker 1,800.00 1,500 00 -300.00 Case Supervisor 1,500.00 1,471.43 28.57 Stenographer 600.00 550.00 50.00 Stenographer 850 00 816.00 34.00 T.E.R A. Clerical 1,050.00 1,020.00 30.00 T E.R A. Clerical 1,020 00 515 48 504.52 Federal Foods Clerk 780 00 570.00 210.00 Rehabilitation Salaries 750.00 362.49 387.51 Food Storage 500 00 302 95 197.05 Office Expenses 700 00 612.63 87 37 Traveling Expenses 1,200.00 142.68 1,057.32 Commissioner's Expenses ' 200.00 183.25 16.75 Traveling Exp. , Case Supervisor 200.00 182 84 17.16 Traveling Exp. Rehabilitation 100 00 100.00 $108,250.00 $101,996.56 $ 6,253.44 County, Home Account < Salaries of Supt., Matron and Administration Employees $ 2,952.08 Office Expenses at County Home 14.96 Other Home Administration Expenses 200.10 Salary of Buildings Employees , 300.00 Light and Power 563 26 Other Buildings Expense, 85.14 Repairs, replacement of Equipment and Furnishings 7.68 348 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Salaries of Physician, Chaplain, Cook, Nurse and Attendants 2,223.77 Food 1,847.24 Clothing 678.64 Medicines and Medical Supplies 206.67 Household, Kitchen, Laundry and Disinfectants 385725 32 96 Other Supplies including Tobacco Other Expenses including Transportation to Home 87.06 Salaries and Wages of Farm Employees 1,718.55 Feed, Seed and Fertilizer 1,133.00 Other Supplies including Gasoline 508.40 Replacement of Equipment 142.65 Repairs to Buildings 26 58 Purchase of New Equipment 128.50 $13,935.56 Hospitalization Tompkins County Memorial Hospital $14,979.85 Other Hospitals : 31.50 Rochester General Robert Packer 671.00 Utica General 62.50 Hospital of Good Shepherd 105 50 Binghamton City Hospital 172.25 Faxton Hospital—Utica 200.00 Cortland County Hospital 1,453.90 Genoa Hospital 413.90 Strong Memorial 0 284 00 Bailey Jones 594.02 3,988.57 Paid Tompkins County Physicians 7,560.31 Paid Other Doctors 675.00 Reimbursement to Other Counties 1,422.69 $28,626.42 Outside Relief Relief to families in their own homes—rent, 11,540.44 groceries, clothing, fuel, medical care $ 4,524.53 Reimbursement to Towns 4,117.85 Reimbursement to Other Counties117.85 Seeds Cod Liver Oil 83.082,583.08 Food Supplies for Nursery School OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 349 Transportation of persons in need of relief 193 23 Examinations for commitment to State Institutions 130.00 Burials 3,180.25 Board in Chemung County Home 135.76 $26,578 99 RECEIPTS Outside relief Individuals $ 242 47 Broome County 83 03 Cayuga County 245 92 Chemung County 65 51 Cortland County i 144 83 Dutchess County 3.00 Erie County 147 79 Herkimer County 17.34 Monroe County 128-65 Niagara County 7 73 New York City ,13 50 Onondaga County 213 81 Ontario County 3 93 Renssalear County 5.43 Seneca County 755.63 Schuyler County 293.69 Steuben County 17.87 Tioga County 886 09 Westchester County 89.86 State 106.73 $ 3,472.81 Hospital Individuals $ 125 00 Cayuga County 102 50 Chemung County' 58 00 Cortland County 253 50 Erie County 77 17 Monroe County 33 70 Niagara County ' 73.00 New York City 190 53 Onondaga County 438 90 Otsego County 51.17 Seneca County 170.25 Tioga County 477.25 Westchester County 256 35 Yates County 11.00 State 81.25 $ 2,399.57 r 350 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Board of Children Relatives Cayuga County $ 927.18 63.00 ' 990.18 Board at County Home Monroe County ' 69.00 Refunds from T.E.R A.—Home Relief 9,975.31 Salaries 3,848.91 $13,824.22 $20,755.78 Expenses for Year $101,996.56 Receipts 20,755 78 Sales 1,173 34 21,929.12 Actual Expenses for year $80,067.44 FEDERAL FOODS RECEIVED FROM T. E. R. A 18,715 cans beef 1,248 cans mutton 2,760 cans veal 1,008 3 qt cans beef broth 1,737 lb. butter 6,000 lb. cabbage 640 21/2 lb. pkg. cheese 2,000 lb. sugar 2,524 2 lb. pkg. rice 5,904 141/2 oz. cans evaporated milk 21,000 lb. potatoes 925 lbs. prunes Cotton Materials 6,499 yards comfort covering 720 yards cotton bats 5,0941/2 yards huck toweling 2,432 yards terry toweling 7061/4 yards 63 in. sheeting 1,644 yards 90 in. sheeting 1,986 yards 45 in. pillow casing AMOUNTS SPENT FOR TOWNS Town of Caroline Reimbursement to Other Counties $ 537.15 Hospital 643.56 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 351 4 Board of Children Home relief Cod liver oil 636 45 246.89 11.87 $2,075.92 Town of Danby Hospital ' $2,629 10 ) Burials s 337.00 Home relief 440.03 Board of children 999 31 Reimbursement to Other Counties 56 24 Cod liver oil - 11.87 $4,473.55 Town of Dryden , Reimbursement to Other Counties $ 372 30 Hospital 2,324 63 Board of children 452.85 Home relief 332 00 Transportation 12 04 Cod liver oil 11.87 $3,505.69 Town of Enfield Home relief $ 298 21 Hospital 1,074.19 Reimbursement to Other Counties 389 11 Board and medical care—children 510 67 $2,272.18 Town of Groton • Hospital $2,017 55 Reimbursement to other counties 186.62 Home relief 141.94 Board of children 1,218.68 $3,564.79 Town of Ithaca Examinations for commitment— (also clothing) $ 7711 Board of children 2,312.23 Home relief - 51 04 Hospital 2,207 94 Reimbursement Other Counties 225 90 Burials 235.00' Cod liver oil 11.87 $5,121.09 352 , PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Town of Lansing Hospital and medical Home relief Reimbursement Other Counties Board of children Examinations for commitment Cod liver oil Town of Newfield $3,623 58 564 08 778.57 4,017 53 20.00 11.87 $9,015.63 Hospital $1,830 90 Home relief 61.63 Reimbursement Other Counties 306.23 Board of children 224 36 Cod liver oil 11.87 $2,434.99 Town of Ulysses Hospital $3,161.38 Home relief 180 32 Reimbursement Other Counties 197 85 Burials 175 00 Transportation 30.03 Board of children 882.76 Cod liver oil 11.87 $4,639.21 City of Ithaca Home relief $2,429.55 Board of Children 7,810.83 Examination for commitment 10.00 Hospital 2,441.51 Board in Institutions (Children) 2,838.23 Reimbursement Other Counties 2,482.95 Old Age Relief 469 53 Board in Other Institutions 9 90 Transportation 4.44 Special Medical at Co. Home 83 33 Ambulance 7.00 • Burials 1,988.25 $20,575.52 $57,678.57 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 353 COUNTY HOME PATIENT CENSUS - Male Female Total Inmates at close of previous year 58 15 73 ' First admissions 27 9 36 Re -admissions 8 2 10 Total number supported 93 26 119 Left to receive Old Age Relief 3 2 5 Left to live with friends or relatives 4 3 7 Other institutions 1 1 2 Died l _ 17 5 22 Discharged to accept employment 12 0 12 37 ,11 48 Inmates Present at Close of Year 16 to 50 to 65 to 70 and Under 2 50 65 70 over Total Able-bodied 9 16 4 4 33 Sick 3 7 3 ' 20 33 Epileptic 1 - 1 Blind 2 2 Deaf 1 1 2 13 24 7 27 71 Residence of Inmates Present at Close of Year Caroline 1 Danby 1 Dryden 3 Enfield 3 Groton 3 Ithaca 1 Lansing 9 Newfield 0 Ulysses 3 County , 4 City of Ithaca 43 71 PATIENT DAYS IN THE COUNTY HOME Town No of Days Amount Charged Caroline 365 $ 150.78 Danby 661 273.07 354 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dryden 1,127 465.57 Enfield 946 390.80 Groton 1,315 543.24 Ithaca ' 613 253.24 Lansing 2,666 1,101.34 Newfield 6 , 2 52 Ulysses 1,364 563.48 Ithaca City 12,738 5,262.20 County 1,396 576.70 23,197 $9,582.94 The cash cost assessed to the County ,and Towns for the sup- port of the patients in the County Home, includes the follow- ing items and gives a per diem cost of ,00.413+. Administration Employees 1 $2,952.08 Light and Power 563.26 Salaries of attendants 2,223 77 Food 1,847.24 Clothing 678.64 Medical 206 67 Household, kitchen, laundry, etc 725 32 Other supplies 385.96 $9,582.94 SALES FROM THE COUNTY FARM 2,262 lb veal 6c -9c $ 171.76 491 45 lbs butterfat 21c -37c 139.21 660 lbs. butter 25c 'to 30c 178.60 21 pigs ' 70.00 27,180 lbs. hay $10 00 135 90 13,068 doz. eggs 20c to 30c 338.38 Refund from G.L.F. 35.46 Refund on returned goods 9 03 Sale of stock 95.00 $1,173.34 The following prof ucts were raised on the County Farm during the year ending' October 31, 1935: ' 256 bu. wheat—$1 00 $ 256.00 700 bu. oats -32c 224.00 200 bu. field corn -30c 60.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK' 355 40 bu. apples -$1.00 40.00 480 bu. potatoes -75c 360.00 36 bu. barley -55c ' 19.80 11 bu. beets -85c 9.35 30 bu. carrots -80c 24.00 28 bu. onions -$1.00 28 00 15 bu. string beans -90c 13.50 75 bu sweet corn -75c 56.25 75 bu. tomatoes -75c 56.25 10 bu. salsify -60c 6,00 25 bu. pea -90c 22.50 10 bu. parsnips -90c 9.00 3 bu. turnips -90c 2.70 10 bu. cucumbers -90 c , 9.00 10 bu., radishes -90c 9.00 20 bu. summer squash -50c 10.00 20 bu. swiss chard -50c 10.00 2,000 hds. cabbage -5c 100.00 1 ton winter squash -3c 60 00 5 bu. plums -$1 00 , 5 00 4 bu. pears -$1.00 4.00 8 bu. lettuce -60c 4.80 100 qts. strawberries -15c 15 00 CANNED FRUITS AND PICKLES 30 qts raspberries 40 qts. strawberries 20 qts. plums 100 qts. peaches 40 qts. pears 15 qts. grapes 100 qts. tomatoes 10 gal. catsup 100 qts. pickles (all kinds) 100 qts. canned meats 100 glasses jelly 15 gal. cucumber pickles Milk -184815 lbs. Butter -2,134 lbs. Milk used in Home -9,000 qts. Cream used in Home -400 qts. Skim milk used in Home -17,050 qts. Buttermilk Pork killed 4654 lbs. -10c a 7.50 14 00 8.25 25.00 10.00 3 75 20.00 15.00 30.00 50.00 10.00 15.00 90.00 160 00 351 00 75 00 456.40 $2,755.05 356 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS INVENTORY OF STOCK 1 grey team of horses $ 500 00 13 milk cows 780.00 1 bull calf (thoroughbred) 15.00 1 heifer _ 30.00 2 heifer calves at $15 00 30.00 1 bull (thoroughbred) 75.00 4 brood sows 120.00 1 boar 25 00 11 pigs at $4.00 44.00 200 fowls at 75c , 150.00 $1,769.00 INVENTORY OF TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 1 ,grain binder $ 75.00 1 manure spreader (new) 150.00 1 lumber wagon 50.00 2 set bob sleds 70.00 1 hay tedder 40.00 1 lime sower 65.00 1 side delivery rake 60.00 1 mowing machine (new) 90.00 1 hay loader 90.00 1 Studebaker truck 1,000.00 1 land roller 25.00 1 grain drill (new) 170.00 1 ensilage cutter and belt (new) 300.00 1 corn binder 125.00 1 2 -horse cultivator - 20.00 1 1 -horse cultivator 10.00 1 potato planter 75.00 2 spring tooth harrows 25 00 1' peg tooth harrow 6.00 1 grass seeder 5.00 1 corn sheller 8.00 1 fanning mill 15.00 2 lawn mowers (1 new) 30.00 1 wheel plow 75.00 2 walking plows 20.00 1 set heavy harness 45.00 1 set scales 30.00 150 potato crates 30.00 50 s grain bags 7.50 1 potato digger (new) 100.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 357 1 half -bushel measure Forks, shovels and picks Log chains and crow bars 1 creamery, meat refrigerator and motor 1 dining room refrigerator 1 milk cart 3 milk cans 10 milk carts 1 set milk scales 1 set butter scales 1 butter worker and churn 2 washing machines 1 laundry extractor 1 brooder house and stove 5 laundry tubs 4 electric motors '1 food cooker for pigs 1 fitter carrier (pig house) 2 gas tanks - 1 compression boiler 1 electric washing machine 1 milk separator 1 fire sprinkling system and pump 1 water heater and tank 1 small heating stove 2.00 10 00 10.00 1,000 00 500.00 5.00 7.50 8.00 - 8.00 9.00 100.00 700.00 650.00 100 00 95 00 250.00 25.00 30.00 40 00 50.00 100 00 100.00 15,000 00' 1,000.00 18.00 $22,629.00 In compliance with Section II of the Public Welfare ,Law of the State of New York, I respectfully report that I estimate the expense for the Department of Public Welfare for the year 1936 to be : Outside Relief $28,000 00 Hospitalization 25,000 00 Foster Homes , 21,000 00 County Home ' 14,000.00 Institutional care Children 5,000 00 Salary Case Supervisor 2,400 00 Worker 1,200.00 Investigator (part time) 600.00 Stenographers 1,750 00 Clerical T. E. R. A. 2,800 00 Office Expenses 70,0.00 Traveling Expenses 1,000.00 Food Storage 400.00 $103,850.00 FRED A. WILLIAMS 358 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD , OF SUPERVISORS STATE OF NEW YORK 1 SS. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS Fred A. Williams being duly sworn says that he is Commis- sioner of Welfare of Tompkins County, that to his knowledge and belief the foregoing statement is a full account of the re- ceipts and disbursements of the. Public Welfare, Department for the year ending October 31, 1935. FRED A. WILLIAMS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 1935. INEZ M. KING, Notary Publzc OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 359 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WELFARE RELATIVE TO OLD AGE SECURITY FUND -1935 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, State of New York. Gentlemen : The Commissioner of Public Welfare of Tompkins County, in accordance with law, herewith submits his annual report relative to Old Age Security Funds for the year ending Octo- ber, 31, 1935: Appropriation Expense Balance Allowances $40,000 00 $35,052 86 $4,947.14 Salary of Worker 1,800.00 1,500 00 300.00 Stenographer 600.00 600 00 Stenographer 264.00 264 00 Traveling Expenses 400 00 339 75 60 25 Office Expenses 150.00 104.52 45.48 $43,214 00 $37,861.13 $5,352.87 STATISTICAL REPORT Number of applications received during year 73 Approved 35 Denied 32 Withdrawn 3 Died before decision 1 Investigation not complete 2 73 Number receiving grants October 1934 180 Number of new grants 36 Re -instatement of discontinued cases 12 Deaths 17 Discontinued other reasons 25 42 42 Number receiving relief October 1935 - 186 Average amount of grant October 1934 $14.33 Average amount of grant October 1935 $14.33 228 ,360 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RESIDENCE OF OLD AGE SECURITY RECIPIENTS Caroline 17 Danby 15 Dryden 35 Enfield 3 Groton 30 Ithaca 11 Lansing' 24 Newfield 22 Ulysses 29 186 RECEIPTS From State $23,346 82 From estates 578 37 Sale or rent of property 63 00 Other Counties 288 63 Refunds 14.00 $24,290.82 In compliance with Section II of the Public Welfare Law of the State of New York, I respectfully report that I estimate the expenses of administering the Old Age Security Law for the year of 1936 to be : Allowances $38,000 00 Salary of worker 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,080 00 Traveling Expenses 400 00 Office expenses 150.00 $41,430.00 FRED A. WILLIAMS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK STATE OF NEW YORK ;. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS SS. 361 Fred A. Williams being duly sworn 'says that he is Commis- sioner of Welfare of Tompkins County ; that to his knowledge and belief the foregoing is a true and full account of the re- ceipts and disbursements of .the Old Age Security Funds for the year ending October 31, 1935. FRED A. WILLIAMS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 1935. INEZ M. KING, Notary Publac., 362 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Old Age Security Worker TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS October} 31, 1934 — November 1, 1935 I wish to submit the following report to the Board of Super- visors for their inspection : We all realize, as a result of the Social Security Act, Dr. Townsend and the newspapers, that this particular Division has become of great interest to the public. The Social Security Act, passed in the last session of Con- gress, contains two parts that will vitally effect this Depart- ment. (1) Old Age Insurance: This will not become effective un- til January 1st, 1942. At that time, persons 65 years of age or over who have worked at least five years after 1937, will be eligible. This amount will be paid as an annuity ranging from $10 to $85 a month. The insurance is to be secured, beginning January 1937, by payments of employees and employers de- pending on the wage of the worker. The amount of this an- nuity depends on his previous salary. (2) Grants to State for Old Age Assistance: The purpose of this is to enable each State to furnish assistance, as far as practical under the conditions of each State, to aged needy individuals. The Federal Government will pay half of such allowances, not to exceed $15 per person. It also provides a minimum age limit of 65, -compulsory in 1940, but optional with the State until that time. Our State Legislature passed an act enabling the State to accept the Federal assistance, if and when the appropriation is granted. / It is to be expected that there will be no material change in our present system, except in residence requirement and the fact that probably our funds will come about one-half from Federal, one-fourth from State, -and one-fourth from County. Up to date, this County has received 542 new applica- tions; 360 have been approved; some were originally with- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 363 drawn, or were denied and were later re -considered; 154 denied; 18 withdrawn and 10 died before a decision was reached. During the year we received 73 new applications which were disposed of as follows: 36 were approved; 33 denied; 3 with- drawn and 1 died before a decision was reached. We also granted 12 additional cases that had been re -considered During the month of October 1935, we had 186 cases which were distributed among the Towns as follows : \ Dryden 35 Groton .. 30 Ulysses 29 Lansing 24 Newfield 22 Caroline 17 Danby 15 Ithaca 11 Enfield 3 Of these cases, 13 are receiving allowances chargeable to an- other Welfare District. We also have 14 cases that are in other Welfare Districts and are chargeable to Tompkins County. The work done in the past year consisted of the following: (1) Thoroughly investigating each new application or re- application. . (2) Investigating each recipient and responsible relatives at least every six months. (3) Making visits and answering inquiries from other Coun- ties. (4) Making a great many service calls, which include secur- ing the services of a doctor, optician, nurse or hospital, mov- ing a recipient, and investigating complaints of all kinds The total expenditures for Old Age Security during the year was $37,861.13. We received refunds from estates total- ing $655.37. We also received $288 63 reimbursements from 364 PROCEEDINGS OF THE kOARD OF SUPERVISORS other Counties The expense to Tompkins County was $18,- 314.25 - In October 1934, there were 180 cases with an average allow- ance of $14.33, not including Special Relief ; this October there were 186 cases, with the same average allowance Including all the Special Relief, the average allowance was $15.80. The lowest monthly average during the year was $14.05; the high- est monthly average was in August and was $16 82. We gave relief to 228 different cases during the year ; al- though there were not as many as this at any one time This is due to a constant turnover, resulting from the mortality, change of residence or conditions, and new applications. Of +urse this does not include all the clients the Worker has had contact with, as a great deal of work is done for apphcants or •e -applicants, who never receive any relief vv elfare officials and workers in this field have become aware of a recent change in public opinion toward the work. Many people who would not consider applying to the Town for help, think they should receive Old Age Security believing they are entitled to -it if they have reached the age limit. Although eventually, this may evolve into a pension, as yet, need of the applicant and ability of the responsible relatives are the main factors for our decision. Respectfully submitted, MISS ARLEETA RANNINGS, County Old Age Security Worker 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 365 Annual Report of Children's Agent ' TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NOVEMBER 1, 1934—OCTOBER 31, 1935 This year completes the first year's work by the present Children's Agent. During the past fifteen months she has worked in this County with children in their own homes, in boarding, free and work homes, with children in institutions, with unmarried mothers, with children in Board of Child Wel- fare cases and in the Court CHILDREN IN THEIR, OWN HOMES Many children are referred to the Agent in order that some plan may be made for them; sometimes the request comes from the parents, but more often from interested friends, neighbors, or officials who know of improper conditions in the family. Aside from the common causes of complaint, that is, a dirty home or an immoral condition, a child may need some special attention; quite often attendance at the Child Guidance Clinic is indicated, and here behavior problems are interpreted and treated. As a result, this year eight children have been com- mitted to schools for the feebleminded, four going to Newark State School and four to Syracuse State School. This latter institution takes only the trainable child under twelve or thir- teen, and equips him with some vocation which will fit him to earn his living when he leaves the institution. New families receiving assistance from the Children's Agent this year originated in towns as follows : Town No of families . No. of children Caroline 5 12 Danby 5 11 Dryden 5 8 Enfield 1 1 Groton 6 6 Ithaca 6 6 Lansing 5 6 Newfield 1 1 Ulysses 6 - 8 City of Ithaca 37 60 Out -of -settlement 19 29 County 2 3 98 151 366 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS At the beginning of the year two hundred one children were under 'supervision ;' and at the end' two hundred forty- three children, plus eighteen adults, are receiving care. A total of three hundred fifty-two children were supervised dur- ing this period. CHILDREN IN BOARDING HOUSES As a last resort in working with a family, it may be neces- sary to break it up, and then the children must be placed in boarding homes. Tompkins County may well be proud of its forty-nine boarding homes, where patient, motherly women labor, not only in giving good physical care to boarding chil- dren, but in striving to inculcate in them principles of char- acter that will make them good citizens. Not only should Tompkins County be proud of its boarding homes, but of the community spirit , toward boarding children. The fact that these children are being boarded by the County does not here lower them in the social scale, as so often happens in other places. On the contrary, the community seems to take special pride in these children and their problems. One of the aims of boarding care for children is that the community accept them just as it does children in their own homes, and not distin- guish them from others in any way. During the year one hundred thirty-four children, placed In boarding homes were under -supervision; there were forty- five new placements and forty discharges The tabulation below shows many discharges to relatives which is a hopeful sign as it indicates re-established homes Four older boys have this year been placed with widowed fathers who are thereby assuming a proper responsibility in furnishing them with good care and supervision. Against the total expense of $20,91106 for boarding, clothing and medical care $751.18 was collected from parents, either directly or through Court orders, and $63 00 from other Counties In the cases of three children included in the total of boarded children, there was no expense to the County as the board was paid directly by the parents Eleven new home investigations were made this year. The following is a tabulation showing the number boarded during the year : Town OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK ' 367 , No cared for No discharged Cont'd under care Caroline 5 2 1 death 3 1 to relative Danby 7 ' 1 to relative 6 Dryden 5, 2 to relative 3 Enfield 2 0 2 Groton 6 0 6 Ithaca 12 3 to relative 9 Lansing 19 3 2 to relative 16 1 to f m inst Newfield 2 2 1 to free home 0 1 to relative Ulysses 6 1 to SCAA 5 City Ithaca 67 26 22 to, relatives 41 1 to SCAA 1 to free home 2 to Correctional Inst County 3 0 3 134 40 94 Not included in the tabulation are ten children being board-' ed, in most cases at a reduced figure, with relatives. This has been encouraged whenever homes are suitable, for''it is not only the most natural place for the child, but it will also mean that the family may assume the financial responsibility for the child themselves sooner than if he were entirely away from the family. CHILDREN IN INSTITUTIONS During the year there have been twenty-nine children in institutions under the supervision of this Department; seven were discharged leaving twenty-two under care The entire cost of this care was $3,714 28, of which $176.00 was contri- buted by parents. Service only was given in one of these cases. In two others, children are in deaf and dumb institutions, and the cost is in connection with clothing. The end of the year leaves nineteen children in the Children's Home and one in a' Roman Catholic institution in Rochester. CHILDREN IN FREE HOMES During the year there have been seven new placements in free homes and six discharges, increasing the number of children from twenty-two to twenty-three in this type of home 368 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS One discharge is worthy of note, for through the State Depart- ment is was possible to return a child in an undesirable free home to his own father in another State Quite probably this boy would have become a public charge had he remained here for any great length of time. CHILDREN IN WORK HOMES There have been two new placements in work homes during this period and one discharge, leaving three children under care. UNMARRIED MOTHERS Making plans for unmarried mothers before and after the birth of the child takes a great deal of time. Thirteen of these were under supervision at the beginning of the year and dur- ing this time sixteen new cases were handled; eight originated in the City and eight in the County. Because of some satis- factory plan, eight cases have been dropped. Of these, two were out -of -settlement ; one was returned to a neighboring County, while another was sent to Pennsylvania through plans made by the State Department. Two girls who have their babies with them, have married but not to the fathers of their children. Of the twenty-one cases still under supervision, fourteen are very active, as it has not been possible to make a final plan in their cases. Two babies have been transported to New York City for placement in adoption homes by the State Charities' Aid Association. Eight cases have been taken into Children's Court for the establishment of paternity and support; three have been won, two were unsuccessful, and three have as yet been undecided. CHILDREN'S COURT The Children's Agent works quite closely with the Children's Court, which is of great assistance in working out plans for our children. Parents are brought in for non-support; peti- tions for commitment to State Institutions are handled here, and, in some cases, in order to obtain the custody of neglected children, it is necessary to ask the Judge of the Children's Court for this legal power. Often the Court asks the Chil- dren's Agent to make investigations. BOARD OF CHILD WELFARE As Investigator for the Board of Child Welfare, thirteen OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 369 new investigations were made this year. The Agent also at- tends the regular monthly meetings of this Board. AMERICAN RED CROSS - During the year the Agent handled for the American Red Cross, ninety home service cases, nineteen ex -service cases, twenty-two transients', and four inquiries, or a total of one hundred thirty-five. , Adding this figure, one hundred thirty-five, to the number of cases handled by the Agent for the County as follows : One hundred ninety families with children in own, boarding homes or institutions; twenty-nine unmarried mothers; thirteen Board of Child Welfare cases; the Agent has had contact with three hundred sixty-seven cases during the year. This year in Tompkins County has been of great benefit to the Children's Agent; the great variety of work required of one in this position has been made easier and more pleasant by the fine co-operation of interested persons and public officials. Respectfully submitted, (MISS) ANNA K. BUELL County Children's Agent - J 370 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ANNUAL REPORT TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS November 1, 1934 to October 31, 1935 When New York State, through the T.E.R.A., began to con- tribute a certain percentage of State aid to County and Town relief funds, they also set up some very definite rulings and standards which must be complied with, if State aid were to be continued. So in order to assist the County and Town Commissioners in meeting these requirements, a Social Worker, familiar with T.E.R A. procedures, has been sent into most of the New York State Counties. This Worker, or Case Supervisor, goes into a County with the purpose of working directly with Town Welfare Officers and'assiting them not only in meeting techni- cal relief requirements, but also in helping them to settle the problems of their most difficult relief families. I came to Tompkins County as Case Supervisor in February 1935, and have spent these ten months in working with the nine Town Welfare Officers. I have helped them keep their' budget cards and records of relief given up to date and ready for State audit, and assisted them with their monthly reports to the State. I have advised them as to brief written records, of their relief families, and arranged stenographic help for them, so that this invaluable knowledge of theirs regarding relief families, might 'be on file in case the Welfare Officers changed from year to year. I have also aided them in getting Insurance Adjustments for their relief families who are either carrying Insurance, or holding lapsed policies, so that if any cash is available, these families might obtain it, and thus care for themselves without Town help, at least for a brief period. The County office has, also audited all of the Town claims for reimbursement, and forwarded them to New York, and has acted as a clearing house for men placed at W.P.A.; that is, by certifying the Town relief cases and by notifying the Wel- fare Officers of all W.P.A. placements. In general the Case Supervisor tries to act as a medium be- tween the Towns, the County office, and the State District Office, so that we may all three work together for the efficient and practical administering of relief in Tompkins County. ' OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 371 The Home Relief costs for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1935, were $59,671 52, with the highest monthly cost of such being $7,680.70, spent for 412 families in January. During the remaining months, the cost has gone all the way down the scale to $3,107.73 spent for 196 families in August. The Work Relief costs for the fiscal year were $112,154 62; which figure constitutes only the actual Work Relief wages reimburs- able at 75%. During the heavy - winter months, some of the Welfare Officers have cared for as many as 83 families in one Town, while during the summer months, one Welfare Officer reduced his number of families to 12. Our monthly reports have shown us that about one-fifth of the people on relief are unemployable—that is due to age, or mental or physical disability, will never be able to care for themselves without public help So there will undoubtedly have to be a relief program for this one-fifth for some time to come. At the close of the fiscal year, 349 families were receiving relief, and since September 1, 324 men have been placed on W.P.A., so our relief load at present is considerably smaller. I feel that my report would not be complete without men- tioning to the Board, the work done by their Town Welfare Officers. Their job is a hard one—on the one hand they do not want any suffering among their relief families, and on the other hand they must consider the local tax -payer. So it is often difficult to find the right answer in giving or with -hold- ing relief especially since the Welfare Officer cannot devote his entire time to this work. Under these circumstances it seems to me that they deserve considerable credit for their sensible decisions, and I have found it a real pleasure ,to work with them these last ten months. - Respectfully submitted, RUTH J. WHITE , Case Supervisor 372 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Report of Case Worker TO THE TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Out -Of -Settlement work for Tompkins County was carried on by two consecutive workers for the welfare year of 1934-1935. Miss Hoag was with the Department from No- vember 1, 1934 to April 1, 1935. I have been with the Depart- ment since April 1. HOME RELIEF 83 home relief cases were handled during the welfare year Most of these people resided in the City of Ithaca, while their settlement went back to some other County or one of the towns of Tompkins County. During the welfare year 35 of the home relief' cases active at the beginning of the year were closed. In looking over the records, the worker is interested to note that of the majority of home relief cases still active with this Department are ones which were opened two ore three years ago. In other words, we might say that the "chronic" are still with us. Since I have come to the Department in April, eighteen new home relief cases were opened. At present there are only three cases still active. The majority of these eighteen new cases involve home relief for just a short period of time, due usually to illness or unemployment in the family. At present, at the end of the welfare year, there are 30 home relief cases active. In all cases of home relief, in families where there are employable members, there is one member or more employed It has been interesting and enjoyable in many ways to take care of the home' relief, because the case load has been so small that the worker has had the opportunity to do some case work. This may in some measure account for the fact that we have been able to close fifteen 'of the eighteen cases which came on just since April. 113 Tompkins County families received home relief during year in other counties. WORK RELIEF 73 cases were opened for work relief during the year. The majority of these were for "white collar jobs" which include the Nursery School, Adult Education and Educational Survey Projects. At present, most of these projects have been closed except the Nursery School. We have tried as far as possible to give people work on these projects only when they qualify , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 373 for relief. Since the beginning of April there have been fif- teen applicants who applied for work relief on these special projects who were found, after investigation, ineligible for relief and were never given any work relief. TRANSIENT WORK The transient work for Tompkins County has been handled by the Out -Of -Settlement Worker. Nine transient families were assisted during the Welfare,year. To date there, is only one transient family receiving any relief and this is supple- mentary as the man is employed in private industry The men in the majority of the transient families are now working in private industries. A member of one transient family is in C C.0 Camp and his family are, getting along on his earnings Two transient families were returned to their own place of legal settlement during the year Transient relief has stopped. Any of these families now re -applying for relief will be handled as TER A 'cases at 40-60% reimbursement OUT OF TOWN INQUIRIES A very interesting feature of the Out of Settlement Work is to take care of the Out of Town Inquiries which come to the Department During the Welfare year there were 68 out of town inquiries, representing 12 states It is interesting to note that the majority of the out of town inquiries were ,from Pennsylvania and California One may be inclined to think that this is unnecessary and that there is no constructive work done as a result of these inquiries. However, most of these involve settlement. They are usually in regard to returning a person to this vicinity who is thought to have a settlement in Tompkins County by the agency sending the inquiry. , In the majority of cases, investigation shows that the person does not have any settlement here. Perhaps if this work were not done, we would have more people than we already have being sent into our community by other agencies who believe that their legal settlement, is here The 68 out of town inquiries involved 76 letters and 78 visits for the worker in order to answer these inquiries' satisfactorily. I have enjoyed doing the Out of Settlement Work for Tomp- kins County as it is most interesting and also quite varied My work sometimes takes me into the towns, where I come in contact with and I must work with their Town Welfare I 374 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Officers who I have found to be most helpful and cooperative. It has been a real privilege to work during this past year with members of our fine County Welfare Staff. Respectfully submitted, DOROTHY I. ECKMAN, Out of Settlement Worker r OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 375 Report of Superintendent of Highways 1935 To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County. The following is a statement of the money received and ex- penditures made for the different projects of highway con- struction in Tompkins County for the year 1935. Project No. 1, Speed Road, No. 117. Appropriation $4,000.00 Expenditures Labor $ 378.28 Material 2,511.95 Other Expenditures 933.05 $ 3,823.28 Balance 176.72 Project No. 2, Shindagin Hollow Road, No. 175. Appropriation $ 2,300.00 Expenditures Labor $ 144.25 Material 1,796.00 Other Expenditures 250.70 $ 2,190.95 Balance 109.05 Project No. 3, South Danby Road, No. 125. Appropriation $ 5,200.00 Expenditures Labor $ 228.79 - Material3,817.05 Other- Expenditures 709.00 $ 4,754.84 Balance 445.16 Project No. 4, McClintock Road, No. 176. Appropriation $ 2,280.00 Expenditures Labor $ 109 05 Material 1,827.84 Other Expenditures 244.82 $ 2,181.71 Balance , 98.29 376 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS , Project No. 5, Halseyville Road, No. 170. Appropriation $14,000.00 Expenditures Labor $1,825 51 Material 8,964.75 Other Expenditures 2,989.08 $13,779.34 Balance 220.66 Project No 6, Pleasant Valley Road, No. 178 Appropriation $ 2,700 00 Expenditures Labor $ 420 45 Material 1,801.28 Other Expenditures 443.27 $ 2,665.00 Balance 35.00 Project No. 7, VanOstrand Road, No. 151. Appropriation $13,300.00 Expenditures Labor $1,740 16 Material 8,771 20 Other Expenditures ` ‘ 2,764.26 $13,275.62 Balance 24.38 Project No. 8, Berkshire Road Extension, No 165. Appropriation $ 9,000.00 Expenditures Labor $1,707.43 Material 4,739 92 Other Expenditures 2,255 58 , 8,702 93 , Balance 297.07 Project No. 9, Kennedy's Corners Road, No 172 Appropriation ' Expenditures Labor Material Other Expenditures $ 2,500 00 $' 424 73 1,191.57 237.80 $ 1,854.10 Balance 645.90 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 377 Project No. 10, King ,Schoolhouse Road, No 179. Appropriation Expenditures Labor Material Other Expenditures Project No. 11, Shaffer Road, No. 131. Appropriation Expenditures Labor Material Other Expenditures $ 1,900 00 $ 115 87 1,209.74 201.91, $ 1,527.52 Balance 372.48 $ 3,000 00 $1,083 96 1,046 73 - 669.79 $ 2,800.48' Balance Project No. 12, Dassance Road, No. 132. Appropriation Expenditures Labor Material Other Expenditures 199.52 $ 3,000.00 $1,102 79 - 1,346 23 320.30 $ 2,769.32 Balance 'Project No. 13, Merchants Corner Road, No. 169 Appropriation Expenditures Labor Material Other Expenditures Project No. 14, Speed Road, No. 117. Appropriation Expenditures Labor Material Other Expenditures 230.68 . $ 9,000.00 $1`,331.73 5,372.41 2,180 80 $ 8,884 94 Balance 115.06 $14,000 00 ' $4,530 30 2,527.44 6,894.35 $13,952.09 Balance 47.91 0 378 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Project No. 15, East Side Road, No. 180. Appropriation Expenditures Labor Material Other Expenditures About 10% done $21,000.00 $1,186.43 251.51 ' 1,138.76 $ 2,576.70 Balance Project No 16, Halseyville Road, No. 170. Appropriation Expenditures Labor Material Other Expenditures About 65% done 18,423.30 $10,000.00 $2,303.71 1,293.74 2,956.99 $ 6,554 44 Balance 3,445.56 Project No. 17, West -Groton -North Lansing Road, Appropriation Expenditures Labor Material Other Expenditures No. 181.. $ 9,000.00 $3,301.33 925 63 4,615.88 $ 8,842.84 Balance 57.16 Project No. 18, Ringwood Road, No. 164 Appropriation Expenditures Labor Material Other Expenditures $17,500.00 $6,053.35 2,202.76 8,906.41 $17,162.52 Balance 337.48 Maintenance Appropriation $55,000.00 Appropriation for flood damage 20,000.00 Stone sold . 2.50 Work on Marion Buckley's driveway 8.00 Car asphalt bought for Ulysses 532.63 3 cars asphalt bought for Dryden 1,610.26 9 tons calcium bought for Trumansburg Village 189.00 4 tons calcium bought for Ulysses 84.00 $77,426.39 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 379 Expenditures Labor $33,854.20 Material, 23,579.00 Other Expenditures 12,982.05 $70,415.25 Total Balance on all projects Balance . 7,011.14 $32,292.52 REPORT ON MACHINERY AND BUILDING UPKEEP ACCOUNT December 12, 1935 Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1934 Received from other sources Received from rentals on snow removal Received from rentals on county projects Total Expenditures Paid out for repairs, extras, janitor service, coal, new equipment, etc. Balance on hand COUNTY BRIDGE ACCOUNT Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1934 Appropriation in December Appropriation for flood repair $33,847.55 1,065.46 663.74 25,032.84 $60,609.59 $21,461.85 $39,147.74 $ 4,219.03 3,000.00 20,000.00 Total $27,219.03 Expenditures Construction of 6 new bridges $12,779.92 Repairs on other .bridges 4,030.40 $16,810.32 1 Balance 10,408.71 SNOW REMOVAL ACCOUNT Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1934 $ 7,187.91 Received from State, 50% spent on State Roads 2,581.09 Expenditures Spent for snow removal on S. H. Spent for snow removal on C. R. Spent for gas, oil, cinder, repairs $ 9,769.00 $1,639.07 1,874 60• 906.88 $ 4,420.55 • Balance 5,348.45 380 ' PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SPECIAL ROAD FUND ACCOUNT Balance Dec. 31, 1934 Expenditures i 0 $ 1,334 23 00.00 Balance, $ 1,334.23 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 381 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOMPKINS SS : BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I, W. O. Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, N. Y , DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that I have com- pared the foregoing Journal of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., with the original records thereof, that the said is a full and correct transcript of the transactions of the said Board, at the special, monthly and annual sessions thereof, held during the year 1935, also the reports of the several county officers submitted to said Board and published herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the official seal of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., to be hereunto affixed this 27th day of. March,.1936 W. O. SMILEY, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. 1' 382 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORTS OF THE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE CAROLINE Charles Thomas reported $20.00 received. P. Alfred Munch reported no moneys received. Augustus Middaugh reported no moneys received. DANBY Harry A. Hatfield reported $35 00 received. Arthur G. Bennett reported $8.00 received. George O. Sears reported $5.00 received. Fred E. Dorn reported no moneys received. DRYDEN C. Harry Spaulding reported $80.00 received J. D. Ross reported $20 00 received. Walter G Kinch reported $15.00 received. L. A. Culver reported no moneys received Orrie Cornelius reported no moneys received. ENFIELD Thomas R. Brown reported $45 00 received. Jay Stamp reported $10.00 received. Vernon H. Earl reported no moneys received. GROTON Rexford R. Chatterton reported $130 00 received. ' George B Sickmon reported $3 00 received. J. B Sheeler reported no moneys recived. Miles G. Tarbell reported no moneys received. ITHACA Norman G. Stagg reported $57.00 received. Verne C. Marion reported $55 00 received. C. A. Baker reported $40.00 received. W. I. Smith reported no moneys received. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 383 LANSING Carleton Kintz reported $45.00 received. Edward Ozmun reported $20.00 received. Jerry A. Smith reported no moneys received. Clay C. Tarbell reported no moneys received. NEWFIELD Floyd W. Beach reported $95.00 received. Douglass Carpenter reported no moneys received. Forest J. Payne reported no moneys received. J. D. Smth reported no moneys received. ULYSSES Henry Williams reported $47.60 received. Fred N. Smith reported no moneys received. Charles A. Lueder reported no moneys received. Howard K. Aiken reported no moneys received. 384 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MORTGAGE TAX STATEMENT The following statement shows the assessed valuation of each town with an incorporated village or city therein, the amount of mortgage tax to be distributed to the towns, villages and city and paid thereto for the year 1935. Town, Villages and City 0 y -o `,";,3 h, ro 0 G 7 E Caroline _ _ Danby _ _ Dryden Dryden Village Freeville _ Enfield Groton Groton Village Ithaca City _ Ithaca Town Cayuga Heights . Lansing - Newfield - .. ...._.. Ulysses _ _ _ _ _ Trumansburg 1$ 1$ 3,943,324 662,862 _ 364,7201 1 18 81 18 81 3,638,702 • 119 03 85.81 2,031,082 69 87 $ 33 58 159 50 69 87 $ 33 58 138 71 6,916,930 2,714,806 2,807,0261 1,034,4361 1,586 08 456 87 367 21 120 85 62 57 89 00 120 85 62 57 72 60 13 41 7 38 33 22 1,586 08 89 66 16 40 1$ 69 87 33 59 159 50 18 81 119 03 1,586 08 456 87 120 85 62 57 89 00 Totals _ .. 1 1$ 2,716 16 $ 970 011$ 1,746 15 $ 2,716 16 Dated, October 23, 1935. W. O. SMILEY, Clerk, Board of Supervisors STATEMENT OF VALUATIONS OF PROPERTY Statement of the Aggregate Valuations of Real Property in the Several Cities and Towns in the County of Tompkins as corrected by the Board of Supervisors at their Annual Meeting in the year one thousand nine hundred thirty-five together with the rate of assessment for each tax district and the average county rate of assessment used in the preparation of the Equalization table Cities and Towns Acres of Land ▪ G v a ▪ E E.' v " o b Cen ro �� o N o ftl - N O N Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Gro on Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses 34,747 33,286 58,286 22,207 30,275 2,940 16,293 37,789 36,997 19,818 $ 1,014,202 1,192,083 3,792,300 698,000 3,602,026 37,879,101 6,992,350 3,316,875 1,259,243 2,851,438 95% 98% 97% 96% 96% 86% 99% 94% 98% 90% $ 957,930 1,091,474 3,508,024 652,405 3,366,730 39,521,543 6,337,538 3,166,158 1,152,964 2,842,852 Totals 1 293,088 1 $62,597,618 1 $62,597,618 Average rate of assessment I, W 0 Smiley, Clerk of the a true statement of the aggregate County, as corrected by said Board of set forth, which statement is required of real property in the county, 8972897 per cent _ Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is valuations of the taxable real property in the several cities and towns in said Supervisors, at their annual meeting in the year 1935 together with other information as by Section 61 of the Tax Law W 0 SMILEY, Clerk P 0 Address, Ithaca, N Y. 0 1-30 z in O - z y z FC 0 CO 1 386 PROCEEDINGS 'OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1 1 STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED Statement of the amount of Taxes and Tax Rates for the several cities and towns in the County of Tompkins as levied by the Board of Supervisors at their Annual Meeting in the year 1935, together with the receipts of monies from the sources as indicated, and the I amount of bonded indebtedness of the county and of each district therein except; cities , Cities, Towns and Villages County Taxes, General Fund County Taxes Highway Fund Caroline ----------- Dryden.--- Enfield _ .. .. _ . _. - - Groton .._ ..... Ithaca City - - -_ - _ _- - -- .! Ithaca Town .. Lansing Newfield -- .- Ulysses Cayuga Heights ... - Dryden Village _ - Freeville - - - Groton Village __ - . Trumansburg . School Dist 8, Dryden School Dist 8, Groton School Dist 1, Ithaca School Dist 9, Lansing - School Dist 13, Lansing School Dist 1, Ulysses 61 651$ 134 651$ 6,913 83 $ 2,530 80 69 55 151 91 9,698 58 2,883 60 225 31 492 09 20,419 66 9,268 00 41 79 91 28 5,588 06 1,723 62 216 46 472 76 19,367 58 8,894 70 2,540 43 5,548 57 195,677 87 104,413 55 407 98 891 07 27,903 09 16,743 40 203 66 444 82 24,373 56 8,364 80 73 92 161 46 7,756 35 3,046 06 182 89 399 45 18,030 75 x,510 65 Totals __ _ I $4,023 641 $8,788 06 $335,729 33L$165,379 18 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) 387 Cities, Towns and Villages 0 Highway Taxes Highway Taxes Item 2, only Caroline ...._. . . Dryden Enfield Groton _ Ithaca City .. . Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield _ Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village . Freeville Groton Village _ Trumansburg ...... School Dist 8, Dryden _________ School Dist 8 Groton _ School Dist 1, Ithaca . . ... School Dist 9, Lansing . ....__ School Dist 13, Lansing School Dist 1, Ulysses $ 1,490 59 3,293 94 7,245 21 1,831 39 6,100 00 13,898 36 2,857 03 6,000 00 $ 8,927 25 $ 2,800 00 $ 600 00 9,750 00 3,000 00 200 00, 17,790 33 8,000 00 1,000 00 7,400 00 2,200 00 100 00 18,000 00 5,500 00 2,000 00 14,000 00 5,000 00 500 00 19,962 46 7,700 00 1,000 00 7,900 00 2,900 00 21,650 54 7,000 00 4,000 00 • Totals . _ .. _ 1$ 42,716 521$125,380 581$ 44,100 001$ 9,400 00 38$ PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages Highway Taxes Item 4, Only Number of special districts in town Caroline Danby Dryden _ Enfield Groton Ithaca City 'Ithaca Town Lansing _ Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village _ _ Trumansburg School Dist 8, Dryden School Dist' 8, Groton: School Dist 1, Ithaca , School Dist 9, Lansing School Dist 13, Lansing School Dist 1, Ulysses' - -I $ 3,277 25 3,550 00 5,000 00 2,900 00 4,500 00 4,500 00 7,262 46 2,500 00 5,000 00 $ 2,250 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 2,200 00 3,000 00 4,000 00 5,000 00 2,500 00 5,000 00 2 2 4 2 1 4 1 1 $ 1,030 00 645 00 980 00 1,070 00 1 1,967 75 350 00 796 04 $ 69 87 33 58 138 71 18 81 85 81 367 21 120 85 62 57 72 60 Totals $38,489 71 $29,950 001 $ 6,838 79 $970 01 0 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) 389 Cities, Towns and Villages Fc b. m b.0g 0 O U 0.v c ✓ 0 A L.. wy c 0 o � > Caroline _. Dryden ..... Enfield Groton _ Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing _ _ .__ __ . Newfield ..... Ulysses __ Cayuga Heights .. Dryden Village .. Freeville _ Groton Village . Trumansburg School Dist 8, Dryden . School Dist 8, Groton . School Dist 1, Ithaca School Dist 9, Lansing . School Dist 13, Lansing . School Dist 1, Ulysses _ _ _ 1,586 08 89 66 13 41 7 38 33 22 16 40 $ 69 87 $ 449 08 $ 33 58 456 29 138 71 1,138 16 18 81 264 16 85 81 612 87 1,586 08 14,505 25 367 21 1,561 57 120 85 1,304 03 62 57 480 30 72 60 666 34 89 66 13 41 7 38 33 22 16 40 1,015 28 250 88 140 74 780 02 390 34 Totals . ,$ 1,746 151$ 2,716 161$ 21,438 051$ 2,577 26 390 _ PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages Banks and Trust 0 to towns Caroline - - ----- Danby ._ Dryden - - -_ Enfield ------------- Groton . _ . 1 .. Ithaca City ..... Ithaca Town .. _ Lansing ... . . Newfield -- Ulysses .- - - - - -- Cayuga Heights ---- Dryden Village- Freeville. . ... ... . .... Groton Village . - Trumansburg - School Dist 8, Dryden _ - School Dist 8, Groton - School Dist 1, Ithaca _ - School Dist 9, Lansing School Dist 13, Lansing .- School Dist. 1, Ulysses ........... $ 449 08 $ 456 29 1,138 16 264 16 612 87 14,505 25 1,561 57 1,304 03 480 30 666 34 1,015 28 250 88 140 74 780 021 390 341 23 98 85 06 $ $ 5,494 35 35 26 270 021 38 67 45 27 Totals - - - -- - -- -- - - - -- 1$ 24,015.311$ 109 041$ 5,799 631$ 83 94 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 391 STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages Caroline ._ .. ... . ...... ...1$ 1$ 161$ Danby ...... 70 . Dryden 23 98 141 28 Enfield . _.. 15 Groton . .......... ....................... 85 06 814 37 Ithaca City ....................... 5,494 35 5,811 71 Ithaca Town .............. 06 Lansing - 1,421 60 25 71 66 66 Ulysses ... . .......... Cayuga Heights .... Dryden Village ._ ._..r _ ..... _. Freeville . .. .. .. .. ....... .... Groton Village ........ . . ..:..... . . Trumansburg . . _ _ ._ ..... School Dist 8, Dryden . _ ...... . School Dist. 8, Groton . __ School Dist 1, Ithaca .... School Dist 9, Lansing School Dist 13, Lansing .... . . School Dist. 1, Ulysses 2 ...._ ... 35 26 270 02 38 67 45 27 5 35 589 79 40 74 16 70 141 28 15 814 37 5,811 71 .06 1,421 60 25 71 66 66 5 351 589 79 40 74 Totals . . .. ............. . 1$ 5,992 611$ 8,282 401$ ` 635 881$ 8,918.28 392 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages 0, 0, v a CD N w �^ O DI N O M - V o ^y W" "04. 00 ▪ m b ea 01 vM c,. PC1Y Temporary Indebtedness Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town _ Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights _ Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist 8, Dryden School Dist 8, Groton _ School Dist 1, Ithaca School Dist 9, Lansing School Dist 13, Lansing _ School Dist 1, Ulysses $2,361 18 2,057 95 5,162 28 1,380 39 5,536 11 0,256 831 4,301 94 3,984 51 2,105 16 3,480 41 $19 90 per M $ 21 81 per M 1550per M 23 96 per M 1670per M • 8 16 per M 11,791,271 93 10 00 per M 16 40 per M 1740per M 20 29 per M $ 11,131 52 14,097 58 34,590 60 8,976 14 31,451 50 49,843 90 33,386 84 12,569 82 29,693 22 80,500 01 10,000 001 121,500 001 93,775 001 6,500 001 155,000 001 Totals 160,626 761 r - County Tax Rate 007110638 per M Bonded indebtedness of County, exclusive of Highways and Bridge Bonds, $534,000 Temporary indebtedness of County $0 00 Highway and Bridge Bonds ds of County $90,000 Sinking Fund of County $0 00 I, W 0 Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the taxes levied against the taxable property in the several Tax Districts in said County, by the Board of Supervisors, at 'the Annual Meeting in the year 1935 W O. SMILEY, Clerk 12,258,546 931$225,741 12 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 393 HIGHWAYS—MONEY SYSTEM To the Comptroller of the State of New York and the Super- intendent of Public Works : The following is a Statement, Pursuant to Section 100 of the Highway Law, of the several towns in the County of Tompkins, and assessed valuations, rate and amount of tax levied`therein, for the repair of highways, by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, 1935, viz : 0 z Section 90, Highway Total Highway Tax Caroline ----------$1,014,202j$11 301$ 2,800 00 $ 2,800 001$ 1,014,202 Danby _ 1 1,192,0831 10 601 3,000 00 3,000 001 1,192,083 Dryden ______ __ __ 2,793,929 8 001 8,000 00 8,000 00 ` 3,792,310 Enfield __ ______ __ _ _ 698,000 13 101 2,200 00 2,200 00 698,000 Groton _ _ __ _ 1,599,522 9 40 5,500 00 5,500 00 3,602,026 Ithaca _�__ __ -4,277,279 4 961 5,000 00 5,009 00 6,992,350 Lansing __ ___ __ 13,316,8751 8 871 7,700 00 7,700 00 3,316,875 Newfield __ ___ _ __ __ 11,259,2431 8 701 2,900 00 2,900 00 1,259,243 Ulysses _ __ _ ___ _ _ 1 1,801,9361 11 421 7,000 001 7,000 00 2,851,438 $ 1,014,202 1,192,083 3,792,310 698,000 3,602,026 6,992,350 3,316,875 1,259,243 2,851,438 Totals ___ ___ _ $17,953,0691 1$44,100 00 $44,100 00 $24,718,527 $24,718,527 HENRY O. VEIT, Chairman of 'the Board of Supervisors 394 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I CERTIFY that the preceding statement is correct. W. O. SMILEY, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors I STATE OF NEW YORK 1 SS : COUNTY OF TOMPKINS Henry O. Veit being duly sworn, says that he is the Chair- man of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County; that he has read the preceding statement and knows the same to be true. HENRY O. VEIT, ' Chairman Subscribed and sworn, to before me this 27th day of January, 1936. Gladys L. Buckingham Notary Public BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTY OF TOMPKINS AND EACH TOWN, CITY, VILLAGE, SCHOOL DISTRICT AND UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT- I hereby certifiy that the following is a true statement of all the indebtedness of the County of Tompkins, and of each sub -division thereof, and of the facts relating thereto as reported to me pursuant to Section 29, subd 5, of the Town Law, for the year 1935 W 0 SMILEY Dated, December 16, 1935 d Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Ithaca, New York Political Division for which created I For what Purpose Created Under what Law Rate l Bonded 1 Net Int Debt l Debt Total Debt When Payable County of Tompkins .. County of Tompkins . _ County of Tompkins County of Tompkins ° Village of Groton _ Village of Groton Village of Groton Village of Trumansburg Village of Trumansburg Village of Trumansburg City of Ithaca .... . City of Ithaca . .... City of Ithaca ... . !County Buildings Highway Construction _ Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Improvement .... Water Extension Electric Extension _ . Fire House _ . General Municipal Law . . _ §141, Highway Law Chap 25, Consolidated Laws §§142, 167-A, Highway Law §129, Village Law _ ' Village Law _ Village Lighting Law §129, Village Law . Village Law _ . Village Law Education Law Chap 345, Laws 1906 Chap 247, Laws 1913 Water System _ Water System . ... . _ . .. School . _ . .... Creek, Drainage and Park .. _ Improvement, Series "D" . 5% $ 550,000 41/2 54,000 41/4 43,000 4/ 200,000 5 6,000 6 90,000 5/ 38,000 4 6 12,000 5/ 89,000 41/2 15,000 41/2 310,000 4 100,000 4/ 100,000 $ 534,000 8,000 2,000 80,000 1,500 45,000 3.4,000 3,000 89,000 15,000 265,000 30,000 20,000 624,000 80,500 107,000 Serial Annually $2,000 Annually 2,000 Annually 10,000 Annually 250 Annually 3,000 Annually 2,000 Annually 1,000 Annually Serial Ann 1964 Due Sept 1, 1939 Annually 1954 Annually 1941 Annually 1937 Political Division for which created For what Purpose Created Under what Law Rate Int Bonded Debt Net Debt Total When Payable Debt City of Ithaca _ City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca - City of Ithaca • City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca -- School Dist 8, Dryden School Dist 8, Groton School Dist 8, Groton School Dist 9, Lansing School Dist 13, Lansing School Dist 1, Ulysses School Dist 1, Ulysses 'Impiovement, Series "E" 1lmprovement, Series "F" _ Improvement, Series "G" _ _ Improvement, Series -"H"- -- - Public Grounds & Blgs "A" Chap Chap Chap Chap Chap Public Grounds & Blgs "B" Chap Cert of Indeb (Relief) Chap Cert of Indeb (Bank Tax Ref) Chap Emergency Relief Bonds Chap Water, Series "A" Chap Water, Series "B" Water, Series "C" Water, Refunding New Building New Building __ Equipment _ New Building New Building __ New Building __ New Building 247, Laws 1913 247, Laws 1913 247, Laws 1913 247, -Laws -1913 - 247, Laws 1913 247, Laws 1913 798, Laws of 1931 219, Laws of 1932 798, Laws of 1931 181, Laws 1903 Chap 181, Laws 1903 Chap 181, Laws 1903 Chap 503, Laws 1908 Education Law Education Law Education Law Education Law Education Law Education Law Education Law ---�4/ - 4 4 -4%- 41/a 4/ 4g. 4 26 4 4 100,000 175,000 300,000 _275,000 90,000 140,000 56,000 11,908 48 300,000 50,000 75,000 4 j " 60,000 _ 4% 1 162,0001 4 24,000 5 142,500 6 40,000 5 - 125,000 5 11,000 41/2 150 000 51/2 ( 60,000 100,000 150,000 295,000 275,000 60,000 75,000 45,000 5,908 48 270,0001 50,000 75,000 60,0001 162,000 1937908 48* 10,0001 10,000 91,500 30,000 121,500 93,750 6,500 , 100,250 105,000 60,000 165,000 (1944) Serial Ann 1944 Serial Ann 1947 Serial Ann 1951 Annually 1947 Annually 1940 Annually 1938 Annually 1939 Annually 1944 Annually 1944 (1946) (1947) (1942) 1,000 Annually 4,000 Annually 1,000 Annually 6,250 Annually 500 Annually 5,000 Annually 10,000 Ann 1940 *Sinking Fund to apply on Water Bonds, City of Ithaca, $146,636 55, making the net Bonded Debt of the City of Ithaca $1,791,271 93 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 397 HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS HIGHWAY FUND -RECEIPTS Towns Total Receipts Caroline .. _ ____ _ $ 257 28 58 43 Dryden _ __ __ ___ _ __ __ 2,695 71 Enfield _ _ _ _ 7 58 Groton __ __ _ (Deficit 970 58) Ithaca _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 12,443 40 Lansing _ _ _ ____ __ I 177 74 Newfield _ __ _ _ _ 13,735 21 Ulysses _ ___ _ _ _ 11,141 83 $2,900 00 $4,144 12 3,000 00 4,281 53 8,000 00 4,638 37 2,200 00 2,968 02 5,500 00 2,669 62 6,000 00 1,381 87 7,906 27 3,625 12 3,500 00 5,600 39 7,000 00 1,730 62 $ 7,657 59 7,000 00 15,162 60 8,118 44 6,000 75 8,000 00 8,026 40 3,000 00 8,082 34 $ 14,958 99 14,339 96 30,496 68 13,294 04 13,199 79 17,825 27 19,735 53 15,835 60 17,954 79 HIGHWAY FUND -EXPENDITURES Towns Total expenditures Caroline _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ $ 4,926 43 $ 6,953 94 Danby _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ 11,810 23 75 00 Dryden _ __ _ _ __ 14,131 13 14,580 12 Enfield 5,410 11 7,855 28 Groton _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ 6,258 69 4,612 82 Ithaca .. _ __ _ _ 7,552 53 7,003 16 Lansing _ _ 14,468 98 3,285 19 Newfield . _ 12,950 38 Ulysses __ 16,179 01 $11,880 37 $3,078 62 11,885 23 2,454 73 28,711 25 1,785 43 13,265 39 28 65 10,871 51 2,328 28 14,555 69 3,269 58 17,75417 1,981 36 12,950 38 2,885 22 16,179 01 1,775 78 9 398 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS BRIDGE FUND—RECEIPTS Towns Tax from collector Received from other 0 O Total receipts Caroline _ _ Danby . Dryden ..... Enfield .. Groton . Ithaca . Lansing ._ Newfield . Ulysses . $ 310 79 5779 2,384 52 15 24 784 27 574 62 165 78 1,402 23 432 48 $ 600 00 500 00 100 00 1,000 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 $ 34 50 30 00 1,498 06 27 96 $ 945 29 557 79 2,384 52 145 24 3,282 33 574 62 2,193 74 1,402 23 1,432 48 BRIDGE FUND—EXPENDITURES Towns E c`i7 O Total expenditures M t3 Q ' N a 0 0 Caroline . Danby _ Dryden __ . Enfield Groton Ithaca . _ Lansing _ Newfield _ Ulysses ._ $ 158 45 18764 978 35 2 00 ,454 62 $ 277 36 128 09 287 23 136 30 958 06 265 18 1,739 12 20 44 $ 300 00 400 00 $ 735 81 128 09 474 87 136 30 1,936 41 267 18 2,193 74'- 420 4420 44 1,420 33 $ 209 48 429 70 1,909 65 8 94 1,345 92 30744 981 79 1215 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 399 HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS MACHINERY FUND -RECEIPTS Towns Balance from pre- vious year Tax from collector Received from other al u 4 7 WI a u d M A O Caroline ._ ____ 1 $ 24 06 Danby ._ ...... 1 194 54 Dryden _____ .... _.. (deficit 1,319 81) Enfield _______.._. _. _. _ 401 90 Groton ______ _ . _. (deficit 903 48) , 1,960 77 Lansing ______ 517 95 Newfield ___ _ __ ._ ______ 1,657 64 Ulysses __ ______ 173 11 $ 2,000 00 3,500 00 5,000 00 1,000 00 3,104 00 3,500 00 2,500 00 2,000 00 2,500 00 $ 1,514 63 $ 3,538 69 1,078 20 4,772 74 3,680 49 2,070 65 3,472 55 3,470 16 5,670 68 1,153 04 6,613 81 1,544 61 4,562 56 880 45 4,538 09 4,597 83 7,270 94 MACHINERY FUND -EXPENDITURES Towns 0V, 0 w O 0 :.a V W .0 g 4 b G a, ' WI 4 V. b 0 a 4) u 0) .0 O Total expenditures Caroline& ___------ Danby . ________ Dryden _. _ Enfield __ _ ___ Groton __ ____ __ _ Ithaca __ ___ __ _ . _ Lansing __ _ _ Newfield _ _ _ __ Ulysses ______ _ $ 722 66 2,496 37 1,260 61 73 56 3,453 24 2,527 33 2,096 00 $1,473 03 1,987 25 1,452 01 1,370 23 2,123 86 2,058 47 3,498 44 2,271 97 $1,235 43 $ 3,431 12 $ 107 57 4,483 42 289 32 2,712 62 967 87 2,013 77 3,457 56 14 99 5,577 10 93 58 365 81 4,951 61 1,662 20 1,064 12 4,562 56 4,367 97 170 12 6,771 44 499 50 400 PROCEEDINGS, OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS MISCELLANEOUS FUND -RECEIPTS Towns Total Receipts Caroline _ : _ $ 232 08 $2,250 00 $ $2,482 08 Danby _._ 302 05 2,800 00 3,102 05 Dryden ._ ___ 1,840 92 3,000 00 70 60 4,911 52 Enfield _ . _ _1 95 39 2,200 002,295 39 Groton _. __ ..._ 4,298 00 3,500 00 390 201 8,188 20 Ithaca . _ __ _ _ __ _ _ 1,466 08 , 4,000 00 5,466 08 Lansing . _. 36 81 5,000 00 419 87 5,456 68 Newfield . _ 565 78 2,000 00 2,565 78' Ulysses . _ 596 84 4,000 00 11 00 4,607 84 MISCELLANEOUS FUND -EXPENDITURES Towns Other Expenses Total Expenditures Caroline _ Danby . Enfield __ _ Groton Ithaca Lansing _ Newfield _ Ulysses . _ __ _ $ 52 75 937 80 18 201 266 70 870 31 255 70 400 04 $1,539 83 $ 569 56 1,603 54 231 00 1,578 08 1,707 64 1,525 00 359 05 2,04100 3,66610 1,872 00 1,402 79 1,734 00 1,641 44 1,546 45 770 00 1,982 00 2,357 54 $2,162 14 2,772 34 3,303 92 2,150 75 6,577 41 3,530 49 3,775 48 2,316 45 4,339 54 $ 319 94 329 71 1,607 60 144 64 1,610 79 1,935 59 1,681 20 249 33 268 30 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 401 w fi hd Robert L Speed Democrat 4,411 James R Robinson 110,604 Republican Monroe M Sweetland, Jr 1 459 Socialist Allen Chase Communist I. 59 1 Blank and Void 1 1,081 Charles Green 1 5,584 1 Democrat Harrison Adams 1 9,973 Republican Wm Mitchell ' 67 Socialist 0 C+4 Amendment Amendment Affirmative 1 4,459 Negative 4,587 Blank and Void 1 7,468 Affirmative 14,749 Negative 1 3,892 Blank and Void I 7,873 Affirmative • 4,619 Negative 1 3,887 Blank and Void 1 8,008 Affirmative 1 4,300 Negative 1 4,154 Blank and Void 1 8,060 402 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS 1. Fall Primary— Seventh Tuesday before General Election, each year. (Election Law, §191.) 2. Presidential Primary—First Tuesday in April in Presi- dential year. (Election Law §191.) 3. General Election—First Tuesday after first Monday in November, each year. (Election Law, §191.) 4. Town Meetings—On same date as General Election in odd numbered years. (Town Law §80.) 5. Designation of Polling Places—By the Town Boards and Common Council of City, on Third Tuesday in August, each year. (Election Law, §66.) 6. Board of Canvass—First Tuesday after General Election, each year (Election Law, §272 ) 7. Annual Meeting and organization, except election of Chairman, of Board of Supervisors—Second Thursday after General Election, each year. (County Law, §10.) 8 Monthly Meetings, Board of Supervisors—Second Mon- day of each month. (County Law, §10-b.) 9. Election of Chairman of Board—At a meeting held in January, for that year. (County Law, §10.) 10. Town Boards—Shall meet First Thursday after General Election, each year, and on the 28th of December of each year. (Town Law, §62.) 11. Grand Jurors—Selected by the Board of Supervisors at the annual meeting each year. (Code Criminal Procedure. §229-a.) 12. Trial Jurors—The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 403 of each town, must meet on the First Monday in July, in each year, at a place within the town appointed by the Supervisor, or, in case of his absence, or a vacancy in his office, by the Town Clerk, for the purpose of making a list of persons, to serve as trial jurors, for the then ensuing year. If they fail to meet on the day specified in' this section, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable. (Judi- ciary Law, §500, as amended by Laws of 1923 ) At the meeting specified in the last section, the officers present must select from the last assessment -roll of the town, and make a list of all persons whom they believe to be qualified to serve as trial jurors, as prescribed in this article. (Judiciary Law, §501 ) , ' 13 County Claims—(a) All bills and claims against 'the county must be presented to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the Third day of the Annual Session of the Board and at least Three days before any Monthly Session thereof. (b) All bills or claims presented to the Board of Super- visors must be itemized and verified by the oath of claimant. All bills for repairs to or Improvements of county buildings must have endorsed thereon the approval of the committee having charge of such buildings. (c) No bills for supplies for county officers will be audited unless the same were authorized by the Committee of the Board of Supervisors having such matter in charge. 14 Reports—(a) All county officers receiving, or authorized to receive moneys in which the county, or any sub -divi- sion thereof, shall have an interest, shall °annually, on November lst, of each year, make a written verified report of all moneys received, from whom, on what account and the disposition made thereof, and file the same with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November 5th. (County Law, §243.) (b) The Clerk of every Town, incorporated village and city in the county shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November 1st, of each year, all indebtedness of such town, village or 404 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS city, specifying for what purpose created, under what law, rate of interest and when payable. (c) The Trustees, or the person or persons having charge of the issue of bonds or payments of same, of any school district, shall transmit a statement thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the First day of November. (d) The Supervisor must report to the District Superin- tendent of Schools on the First day in February, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. 15. Assessments— (a) All real property shall be assessed in the tax district in which situated Property divided by a town line shall be assessed in both towns (b) The assessors shall complete the assessment -roll on or before the First day of August and make out a copy thereof, to be left with one of their number, and forthwith cause a notice to be conspicuously posted in three or more public places in the tax district, stating that they have completed the assessment -roll, and that a copy thereof has been left with one of their number, at a specified place, where it may be examined until the Third Tuesday in August. (Tax Law, §36.) (c) The assessors shall meet on the Third Tuesday in August and not later than August 31, to review their assessment and hear and determine all com- plaints brought before them in relation to such assessments. (d) When the assessors, or a majority of them, shall have completed their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the county authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and sub- scribe before such officers, an oath in the form pre- scribed by Sec. 38, of the Tax Law, which oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the assessors and certified by the officer. (e) The assessors must file a certified copy of the com- pleted assessment -roll with the Town Clerk, on or before the Fifteenth day of September, and it shall OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 405 there remain for public inspection until delivered by the Town Clerk to the Supervisor The Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at least three public places in the tax dis- trict and to be published in one or more newspapers, if any, published in the town, that such assessment - roll has been finally completed, and stating that such certified copy has been filed The original assess- ment -roll shall on or before the First day of October be dehvered by the Assessors to the Supervisor. (Tax Law, §39 ) (f) The Board of Assessors of the' several towns, and the , Assessors of the City of Ithaca, shall furnish the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, on or before the First day of September, a complete list of all prop- erty within their tax districts that is exempt from taxation (Tax Law, §15 ) 16 Collectors—The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute an undertaking, to be ap- proved by the Supervisor of the town, and deliver said undertaking to him The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file the said undertaking with his ap- p2o) 1, in the office of the County Clerk (Town Law, 17. Justices of the Peace— (a) Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the pay- ments on demand to the proper officer, of all moneys re- ceived by the justice by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor and filed in the Town Clerk's Office (b) Each Ji,stice of the Peace of the town shall pay to the Supervisor on the First Monday of each month, all fines and penalties imposed and received by him and shall also make a verified report of all fines/and penalties collected by him to the Board of Town Auditors of his town, on Tuesday preceding the Annual Town Meeting. ' (County Law, §12, sub- division 21.) 406 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Roster, 1936 JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Riley H Heath (6th Judicial District) Ithaca, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS W. Sterling Cole (37th District) Bath, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE SENATE C Tracey Stagg i (41st District) Ithaca, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE ASSEMBLY James R Robinson Ithaca, N. Y i , COUNTY OFFICERS County Judge and Surrogate Special County Judge Judge of Children's Court County Clerk, County Treasurer District Attorney Sheriff County Attorney Commissioner of Welfare Coroner Sealer of Wts & Measures Superintendent of Highways Clerk, Board of Supervisors Commissioner of Election Commissioner of Election Probation Officer Clerk of Surrogate's Court Clerk of Children's Court Deputy County Clerk Motor Vehicle Clerk Under Sheriff Dist. Supt. of Schools Dist. Supt. of Schools Dist. Supt of Schools Keeper at County Home Willard M Kent H. C. Baldwin Willard M. Kent Howard O'Daniel Charlotte V. Bush Arthur G Adams Harrison Adams C. H. Newman Fred Williams Dr. Wm. L. Sell John J. Sinsabaugh Bert I Vann W 0 Smiley Wm. F. George Emma L. Card , R A. Hutchinson D. M Gillespie R A Hutchinson L. L. Earl Laura Arnold David Abbott E -Craig Donnan L O. Olds J Paul Munson Clayton Bower Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y., Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Newfield, N. Y. Ithaca, N Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ludlowville, 1 Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N Y. Ithaca, N Y. , Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Newfield, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Groton, 10 Jacksonville, N.Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 407 ' TOWN OFFICERS Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director S upei visor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director CAROLINE Lamont C. Snow Br'kt'dale, v., D. 1 Augustus Middaugh Br'kt'dale, R.D. 2 Chas Thomas Ithaca, R. D. 2 P Alfred Munch Br'kt'dale, R.D. 3 Bertram Crispell Slaterville Springs Elmer Lockwood Br'kt'dale, N.Y Chas M Jones Berkshire, R.D. 1 D. B Bull Ithaca, R. D 2 H A Whittaker Br'kt'dale, R.D. 1 John Lounsbery Br'kt'dale, N.Y. James Beebe Berkshire, R D. 4 Charles M. Jones Berkshire, R. D. 1. Wilson Osmun Caroline Depot, N.Y. J W Page Slaterville Springs DANBY T. G. Miller ' Ithaca, R. D. 4 Harry Hatfield Ithaca, R. D. 4 Fred E Dorn Brooktondale, R. D. 2 George 0. Sears ,.West Danby, N. Y. 'Arthur G Bennett Willseyville, R. D. 1 B J Jennings West Danby, R. D. 1 Geo Button West Danby, R D. F. R. Caswell Ithaca, R. D.-4 L E. Cummings Willseyville, R. D.' 1 Mrs J. Jackson Brooktondale, R. D. Reginald S. Nelson Ithaca, R D. 4 David A Moore Willseyville, N. Y. A E Grant Brooktondale, R. D 2 Chas L. Hall Ithaca, R. D. 4 DRYDEN Carl A Mott D.ryden, R. D. 1 Harry Spaulding Etna, N. Y. H. James Ackerman' Dryden, N. Y. Edwin R. Sweetland Dryden, R.D. Walter Kinch Freeville, N. Y. Orrie Cornelius Ithaca, R D. 2 Jane C Hines Dryden, N. Y. C. D Griswold Dryden, N. Y. Truman English Ithaca, R. D. 2 William Strong Freeville, N. Y. Jas 0. Robertson Groton, R. D. 12 Stacey Beach Dryden, N. Y. Roy Hungerford Ithaca, R. D. Bernice M. Kirk Etna, N. Y. C. B Snyder Dryden N. Y. 408 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School, Director School Director Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director ENFIELD S Harvey Stevenson Ithaca, R D. 3 Jay Stamp Ithaca, R. D. 5 Daniel Mitchell Ithaca, R D. 3 Thomas R Brown Ithaca, R. D. 3 Clayton Purdy Ithaca, R D. 5 Margaret Laughlin Ithaca, R D 5 Gilbert Fisher Trumansburg, R. D. Ralph Loveless Ithaca, R. D. 5 Raymond Hubbell Ithaca, R. D. 5 Neva Laue Ithaea, R. D 5 John Thall Ithaca, R. D. 5 Nathan Rumsey Newfield, N Y. Hulse Smith Newfield, R D. 2 Ray C Lanning Ithaca, R. D. 3 GROTON Denton J. Watrous Groton, N. Y. R. R. Chatterton Groton, N. Y. Miles G Tarbell Groton, R. D. 11 Geo B. Sickmon McLean, N. Y. Jos B. Sheeler, Groton, N. Y. Chas. H Moe Groton, N Y Archie Gillen Groton, R D 2 C Fay Benson Groton, R D i Nelson Van Marter Groton, N. Y. Emmett Karn Groton, R D 1 Ed Walpole Groton, N. Y. James Curtis Groton, N Y Dr. R C Tarbell Groton, N. Y. Judson Dutcher McLean, N Y ITHACA CITY Mayor Supervisor, 1st Ward Supervisor, 2nd Ward Supervisor, 3rd Ward Supervisor, 4th Ward Supervisor, 5th Ward City Judge City Clerk City Chamberlain City Assessor Director of Welfare Sealer of Wts & Measures Chief Police Fire Chief Joseph B Myers F D Van Order Fitch H. Stephens Fred C Evans R C. Osborn Clarence C. Squier Harold Simpson James E Matthews Clarence A. Snyder L. E Dofflemyer John H. Post L. J. Gaurnier Wm Marshall B J. Reilly City Hall 511 W. Seneca St. 102 W. State St 308 E. Court St 303 N Aurora St. 216 Univ. Ave. City Hall City Hall City Hall City Hall Library Building 515 S. Albany Police Headquarters Fire Headquarters OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 409 ITHACA TOWN Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director Erie J. Miller William Hornbrook Norman Stagg Wm. I. Smith Clarence A. Baker Rachael Hanshaw Frank Howe Fred C. Marshall Ralph Mandeville Rexford Smith Harry Baker Fay Grover Nina B. Royce Ada Gray LANSING Ithaca, R. D. 4 Ithaca, R. D. 4 Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca,"R D. 3 Ithaca, R D. 4 Ithaca, R. D. 2 Renwick Heights Ithaca, R. D 5 Ithaca, R. D. 4 Ithaca, R.D. 3 Ithaca, R D. 4 Ithaca, R. D. 4 Ithaca, R. D. 5 Ithaca, R. D. 5 Charles H Scofield Groton, R D. 1 Carleton Kintz Ludlowville, R. D. 1 J A. Smith Ludlowville, R. D. 1 Edward Ozmun So. Lansing, N. Y. Clay Tarbell , Groton, N. Y. Joseph McGill r Ludlowville, N. Y. Samuel Lane Ludlowville, R. D. 2 Jacob Bower Ludlowville, R. D. Andrew Tarbell Freeville, R. D. Robert Wickens Myers, N Y. John Howland So. Lansing, N. Y. Mrs Grace Lane Groton, R.D. Maude Knettles Ludlowville, N. Y. Ray Luce Groton, N. Y. NEWFIELD Forest J. Payne J. D. Smith Jesse Tompkins Floyd Beach Ladislav Mazoureck Adrian Everhart Wm• Sunderlin Harry Horton Wm Weatherill Daniel Patterson Herbert Williams C L'ee Brainard Hiram Dassance Geo S. Adams • Newfield, R.D 4 Newfield, N. Y. Newfield, R D. 3 Newfield, R. D. Newfield, N.Y Newfield, N.Y. Newfield, N. Y. Newfield, R. D. 3 Newfield, N. Y. Newfield, N. Y. Newfield, R. D. 1 Newfield, N. Y. Newfield, N. Y. Newfield, N. Y. 410 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director ULYSSES LePine Stone Trumansburg, N. Y. Joel Horton Trumansburg, N Y Henry Williams Jacksonville, N Y. Frank Terry Trumansburg, N Y Charles A Lueder Jacksonville, N Y. Edith M Updike Trumansburg, N. Y. H C Steenberg Trumansburg, N.Y. Edwin Gould Trumansburg, N. Y. Philo B Smith Ithaca, R D 3 Mrs E Bower Trumansburg, R.D 1 J. Warren Chase Trumansburg, R D. 3 Irwin S Potter Trumansburg, N. Y. D Buckman Trumansburg, R D 3 Maud Addington Waterburg, N. Y. I INDEX A A A A Board—Relative to 14, 15, 19 Abandonment of Highways by State 21 Accounts of Supervisors 300 Adjourned Monthly Sessions 14, 17, 66, 90 American Legion—Relative to Quarters for 128 Annual Session of Board of Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) Apportionment of—Election Expenses 207 Expenses of Children s Court 171 Hospitalization, Etc 184 Mortgage Tax Monies 124 Support of Poor at ,County Home 184, 235 Taxes 274 Workmen's Compensation Insurance 19S Appropriations for—Administration Cost of TER A 23, 116, 149 Agent of State Charities Aid Association 195 Architects' fees relative to County Highway Building 75 Blind Relief ' 39, 117, 209 Board of Child Welfare 112, 200 Claim of First Baptist Church 5 Committee for Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 164 Construction and Repair of Bridges 80 Cornell Library Association 214 County—General and Poor Tax 234- Health 34Health Unit 24 Highway Tax 23-1- Laboratory 34Laboratory 198 Office Supplies 50 Road Fund 234 County's Contribution under Employee's Retirement 6 County's Share of Central Index 18, 165, 173 Dirt Road Construction 62 Grade Crossing Elimination 38 Purchase of Tools for TER A 51 W P A Project of Creek Cleaning 199 Department of Public Welfare 33, 56, 79, 128, 186, 188 Dirt Roads 204 Equipment for New Health Set -Up 79 Expenses of County Sealer 108 Farm Bureau Association 200 Grade—Crossing Elimination 38 Grappling for Meaker boys 78 Home Bureau Association 200 Janitor at Clothing Bureau 142 Junior Project Extension 200 2 Light, Heat and Telephones 173 Maintenance of, Highways 81 Tuberculosis Hospital 82, 86, 167 Old Age Security 128, 189 Old Court House Property 23 Printed Proceedings 47 Reforestation Purposes 191 Repairs to Old Court House 50 Replacing Refrigerator Unit in Jail Building 115 Reward of Information Leading to Arrest of hit -run driver U7 Rights of Way 22, 31, 46, 58, 67, 97, 113, 141, 143, 191 Extra Work on Freeville-Groton Highway 39, 126 Supplemental Settlement 40 Rural Traveling Library 200 Salary of Janitors 47 Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds 194 Snow Equipment 4, 21, 126, 193, 227, 278 State Tax 234 Support of Poor at County Home 184 Tax Refunds 55, 108 TCDA 133, 152 T E R A for Work Relief 32 Three Projects under W P A 93 Tompkins County Agricultural and Horticultural Society Si Tompkins County Public Health Committee 112, 200 Use of Purchasing Committee 192 Workmen's Compensation Insurance 116, 19s To General Fund _ 229 Highway Fund 232 Organization Sponsoring 4th of July Celebration 59 Poor Fund230 Under Provisions of §320-A, Highway Law 159 Aimistice Day -Relative to 123 Armory Tax -134, 225 Assessment Rates -As Fixed by, Board of Supervisors 177, 179 State Tax Department 136 Assessment Rolls -Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign 296, 298 Report of Committee on Footing 146 Supplemental 148 Assessors, Names and Addresses of 407, 410 Association of Supervisors, Relative to 7, 31, 139 Attorney, County (See County Attorney) Audits of -Annual Session 301 Claims by the Several Committees During Year 151, 164, 173, 175, 204, 205 Monthly Session 12, 28, 34, 41, 51, 63, 87, 99, 118, 130, 160 Adjourned 16, 73 3 Towns To Be Printed in Proceedings of Board B Balances—County Treasurer Directed to Pay to Towns and City 212 Reappropriations of Unexpended 303-322 214 165, 167, 191, 199, 200, 278 Baptist Church, First—Claim of 5 Relative to Purchase of Old Court House 15, 17, 23 ` Bids—Clerk Authorized to Secure 114 Relative to—Printed Proceedings 127 _ Work on Old Court House _ 138 Blind—N Y State Commission for the—Appropriation for Relief 38, 117, 209 i Relative to 6, 137 Board of Child Welfare—Appropriation to 112, 200 Relative to Additional Appropriation 110 Report of _ _ 138, 154 Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital (See Tuberculosis Hospital) Board of Supervisors—Accounts of -- 300 Chairman of—Permanent 3 Temporary 3 (Also See Chairman of Board) Clerk of (See Clerk of Board) Committees of (See Committees of -Board) Printed Proceedings of , Appropriation for 47 Authorizing Contract for _ 127 Relative to 114 Tax Rates to be Printed in 214 Town Audits to be Printed in _ 214 Representatives— On Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital 166 On County Laboratory 167 On Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 166 On Farm and Home Bureau Association 165 On Junior Project Board 165 On Public Health Committee 166, 168, 176 Sessions of—Annual 133 Audits at _ 301 Monthly 3, 20, 31, 38, 44, 55, 66, 78 95, 108, 122, 158 Adjourned 14, 17, 66, 90 Special _ 77, 102 Stenographer of—Relative to _ 167, 210 Bonded Indebtedness—Of County and Towns _395 _395 To Be Printed in Proceedings 203 Bonds—Issued for Construction of State and County Highways— 4t J Sinking Fund and Interest on Release of County __ _ _ Town of Ithaca __ __ ___ __ __ Bovine Tuberculosis -Appropriation for Eradication of Claims Audited by Committee During Year Committee on, Election of Members on Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances Report of Bridge Fund for Towns Bridges -Appropriation for Construction and Repairing of ti Relative to Town and County Bridges, Etc -Tax for Improvement of Highways Budgets -County Town Tax Rates to be Published with Calls for Special Sessions Amended Canals -Resolutions relative to Toll Charges Canvass -Official Caroline -Amount Charged Town r L on 136, 194 279 104, 122 164 164 166 165 164 398 80 103 277 225 281-294 214 77, 102 104 8, 159, 174 401 206 184 132, 162 184 for -Election Expenses Hospitalization, Etc Sheriff's Expenses 30, 65, 76, Support of Poor 1 Woikmen's Compensation Insur- ance Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax Audits of Budget of Names and Addresses of Town Officers Returned School Taxes Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc Tax Rates for Lighting Districts Tax Rates of Case Worker -Report of Central Index -Relative to _ Certificates of Indebtedness -County 198 124 303 281 407 242 277 281 281 372 18, 165, 173 Treasurer Authorized to Borrow on 5, 7, 13, 19, 21, 24, 32, 33, 37, 43, 47, 48, 51, 54, 56, 62, 65, 75, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 89, 93, 101, 116, 120, 127, 129, 132, 133 153, 162 Chairman of Board - Authorized to Accept and Record Deed for Purchase of Old Court House 23 Appoint Special Committee to Act for County 213 Execute Contract with Board of 'Supervisors of Onon- daga County for Board of Prisoners 150 5 Join with County Treasurer in release of Count} Bonds _ 280 Represent County in Elimination of Grade Crossings 235 Represent County on' Flood Control Council 94 Sign Options for Sale of County Lands 60 Directed to Sign Collectors Warrants 296, 298 Election of-Permanent ___ _ __ 3 Temporary 3 Charities-Relative to Contract with State Aid Association 195 Child Welfare (See Board of Child Welfare) Children's Agent-Report of Children's Court-Clerk of, Salary of 210 Conference of 104 Expenses of, Charged' to Towns and City 141, 171 Judge of, Salary of 210 City of Ithaca (See Ithaca City) City and Towns-County Treasurer Directed to Pay Balances to 212 City Tax Ratc-For State and County Purposes 290 Claim of-Arthur J Kirk and Dana B Green 6 First Baptist Church _ 5 Robert Solomon 109 Claims-Audited by Several Committees During Year 151, 164, 175, 204, 205 For Examinations in Lunacy-Charged to Towns and City ' 13, 37, 44, 54, 75, 89, 101, 220 Sheriff's Expenses-Charged to Towns and City 13, 30, 37, 44, 54, 65, 76, 89, 101, 121, 132, 162 ' Clerk of Board- ' Authorized to-Attend Supervisors 'Association Convention 139 Certify Payments 214 Correct Errors in Minutes _ _ 212 Draw County Orders 4, 6, 16, 21, 38, 39, 56, 58, 67, 78, 116, 193 Draw Orders-for Printed Proceedings 47 from Book Truck Fund 295 Execute Contract with Board of Super- visors of Onondaga County for Board of Prisoners 150 Issue Orders for-Payment of Claims 212 Rights of Ways 22, 31, 40, 46, 58, 67, 97, 113, 126, 141, 143 Snow Equipment 4, 21, 126, 193, 277, 278 Prepare list of Supervisors 138 Print-Audits ___ _ 21 t Report of County Superintendent of Highways _ 193 Rules and Duties of Committees 83 6 Tax Rates of Towns 214 Purchase Necessary Supplies _ 150 Secure Bids for Printed Proceedings _ 114 Sign Collectors' Warrants 296, 298 Certificate of _ 381 Election of _ 3 Postage of _ _ 211 Report of, to Comptroller 393 Salary of 210 Clerks of Towns and City—Names and Addresses of 407-410 Clothing Bureau—Janitor at 142 Collector of Towns 11Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign Warrants of 296, 298 ,Names and Addresses of 407-410 'Relative to Annexation of Warrants of 182, 296 Committees of Board— Adopted 8 Bovine Tuberculosis Appropriation to 164 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 164 Election of Representative on Committee 166 Report of _ 164 Charities Authorized to Make Agreement with State Charities Aid Association 195 Necessary Improvements - at County Horne 40 Relative to Correction in Costs for Support of ' Poor 235 Report of— __ 60 On Audits _ _ 217 Relative to County, and Town Poor 186 Old Age Security Fund ___ _ 189 Commissioner of Pub- lic Welfare 185 Claims Audited During Yea' by Several 151, 164, 173, 175, 204, 205 County Buildings, Grounds and Employees Authorized to fix Old Court House Wall 138 Make Repairs in Old Court House 46 Claims Audited by Committee During Year _ 173 Relative to, Parking Space - _ 139 Report of Transfer of N R S office 297 Veterans Organizations 135 Report of, 114, 129 On Audits _222 County Officers Accounts Report of—On Audits 216 7 Relative to Report of, County Clerk 203 County Judge and Surrogate's Clerk 170 County Sealer 202 County Treasurer's Accounts Report of—On Audits 218 Relative to, Mortage Tax Monies 124 Report of County Treasurer 273 Courts, Correction and Legislation Report of—On Audits 215 Relative to, Grand Jurors 195 Report of Children's Court 171 Resolution Relative to Prisoners 155 Dog Quarantine Enforcement Approval of Dog Warden 204 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 204 Duties of _ _ 83 Education Relative to, Blind Relief 39, 137, 209 Various Organizations 200 Report of—On Audits 219 Equalization Report of—For, General Tax Levy 177 Highway Tax Levy 179 On Apportionment of Taxes 274 Assessment Rolls 296, 298 Footing Assessment Rolls 146 Supplemental 148 Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes Report of—Relative to Returned School Taxes 239-273 Finance Relative to Canal Tolls 174 Report of—On, County Budget 225 Town Budgets 281-294 Highway and Bridge Advisory Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs to County Machinery Building 213 Highways Appropriation for Snow Equipment 4, 21, 126, 193, 277, 278 Authorized to Secure Rights of Way 235 Claims Referred to 6 Reports of, 22, 39, 40, 58, 67, 97, 113, 126, 141, 143, 190, 193 Insurance and County Officers Bonds Jail Supplies Public Flealth I Purchasing 8 Report of—On Audits 220 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 205 Additional Members of __ __ 45 Appointment of Representatives on _ 166, 168, 176 - Appropriation for __ __ _ 200, 201 Claims Audited by Committee During Year __ _175 Report of • 175 Appropriation to, 192 For Light, Heat and Telephones 173 Relative to 27 Report of _ _ __ _ 172, 192 Reforestation Claims Audited by Committee During Year 151 ll Report of 150 Reports of (See Under Various Committees) Salaries and Wages Report of _ 210 Snow Equipment Appropriation for 4, 21, 126, 193, 277, 278 Report of 4, 21 Special—On, Cornell Library 32, 40, 48, 71, 95 98 TERA 33 To, Act for County 213 Confer with A A A Board 15 Standing 6 25 Amendment to 168, 170 To Audit Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital Claims Audited by Committee During Year 205 To Sell Elands Acquired at Tax Sale Relative to, Clearing Title to Lands in Newfield 141 Sale of County Lands 31 Town Officers' Accounts Report of—On Audits 221 Relative to, Commissioners of Elec- tion _ __ 206 Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Con- struction of State and County Highways 137, 194 Special Franchises 207 Workmen's Compensation Relative to ___ ____ __ 14, 23 Report of ... _ _ _ _ _ 196 Communication—From State, Relative to,`Rates of Assessments 136 Sinking Fund and Interest on 9 Bonds 136 Tax 134 Relative to, Assessor's Meeting _ 68 Election Commissioners Meeting 57 Salt on Highways _ 136 State Owned Lands 14 Supervisors, Association 7, 139 Manuals 7 Tax Legislation _ 15 Taxation on Reforested Lands 153 Tolls on State Canals _ 158 Workmen's Compensation Meeting 14, 23 Compensation Insurance (See Workmen's Compensation Insurance) Comptroller—Communication from Relative to, Sinking Fund and Inteiest on Bonds 136, 194 State Tax 134 Report of Clerk to 393 Construction Program for Highways for 1936 — _ 237' Appropriation for _ - - __ ..... .. ____ 238 Contract—With Onondaga County Board of Supervisors for Board of Prisoners 150 Coinell Library Association—Appropriation to 214 Manner of payment of 40 Coioner— Expenses of 211 Report of 140, 154 Salary of 211 County—Amount Charged to, For, Election Expenses - 206 Workmen's Compensation 198 Bonded Indebtedness of 395 Bonds, Release of _ _ 279 Budget _ 225 Buildings Appropriations for, Janitors at _ _ ... _ .. 142, 211 Light, Heat and Telephones _ 173 Superintendent at _ 211 Telephone Operator at _ _ __ 211 Relative to Superintendent of 114, 129 Court House and Jail _ Salary of Employees at 211 Court House, Old Relative to, Occupancy of _ _ 8 Purchase of 23 Development Board Relative to _ 133, 140, 143, 145, 152, 202 Health Unit Plan—Relative to 17, 18, 20, 24 Highway Machinery Building , Committee Authorized to Make Repairs on 213 10 Relative to - 57, 78 Home Appropriation for fuel at 173 Committee Authorized to Make Repairs at _ 40 Inspection of 144, 150 Jail Matron l,at, Salary of 211 Relative, to Prisoners at 154, 155, 223 Laboratory Appropriation to _ 191, 199 Manner of Payment of 199 Electionto Board of Managers 167 Relativell{ to Petty Cash Fund 199 Report 0 143, 187 Lands, Relative to ' __ 31, 95, 96 Library Building—Relative to° __ 32, 40, 48, 71, 95, 98 Map—Relatilve to 97, 111, 235 County Officers—Expenses, etc for _ _ 211 Names, and Addresses of 406 Postage for 211 Salaries of _ 210 Clerk Directed to Certify Payments of 214 To Be Paid Monthly _ ° 213 County Attorney— Authorized to, Attend Supervisors Convention 139 Employ a Stenographer J Expenses of (Reports of _ Salary of County Clerk 98 Extend Time of Occupancy of Old Court House 8 Protect County Property _ 27, 31 Represent County, On Elimination ,of Grade Crossings 235 On Flood Control Council 94 Secure Rights of Way _ 235 _ 211 24, 31, 45, 49, 60, 151, 155 210 Assistants in office of 210 Authorized to Attend Convention 57 Postage of 211 Relative to Hold-up Insurance 23 Report of 139, 342 Report of Committee on 203 Salary of—Deputy 210 ' Motor Vehicle Clerk 210 Postage for 211 County Commissioners of Election Authorized to Attend Convention 57 11 Expenses of 211 Report of 137 Salary of 211 County Commissioner of Public Welfare Report of 139, 156, 347 Relative to, Case Worker 372 Old Age Security 359 Report of Committee on _ 185 Salary of 211 County Coroner (See Coroner) County District Attorney (See District Attorney) County Judge and Surrogate Report of 140 Salary of, Special 210 Surrogate's, Clerk 210 Stenographer 210 County Orders -County Treasurer Directed to Pay 212 County Probation Officer (See Probation Officer) County Sealer of Weights and Measures Expenses of 108, 211 Report of 137, 150 Salary of 211 County Sheriff (See Sheriff) County Superintendent of Highways Expenses of 211 Relative to Working of Prisoners 223 Report of 193, 375 To Be Printed in Proceedings 193 Report Relative to Flood Damage 77 Salary of 211 County System of Roads (See Highways) County Treasuier Authorized to, Borrow 4-, 6, 13, 18, 21, 23, 28, 32, 33, 3e, 43, 47, 48, 51, 54, 56, 62, 65, 75 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 89, 93, 101, 116, 120, 127, 129, 131, 133, 153, 162 Credit in Certain Cases 233 Reduce Rate of Interest Penalty -14 Release County Bonds 279 Transfer in Case of Deficiency 233 Clerk Hire for 212 Directed to, Charge Claims Payable 'o Towns and City 13, 30, 37, 43, 54-, 65, 75, 89, 121, 162, 220 Give Notes or Certificates of Indebtedness 5, 7, 13, 19, 21, 24, 32, 33, 36, 43, 47, 48, 51, 54, 56, 62, 65, 75, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 89 93, 101, 116, 120, 127, 129, 132, 133, 153, 162 12 Pay Administration Costs of T E R A 116 Agent of State Charities Aid Asso- ciation 195 Architects' fees for addition to Coun- ty Highway Building 78 Balances to Towns and City 212 Blind Relief 39, 117 Board of Child Welfare 112, 200 Claim of First Baptist Church 5 Claims from Dog Fund 37, 43, 54 Court House Property 23 County Claims 212 County's Share of T ER A Pro- jects 32, 51 Expenses of County Sealer 108 Grade Crossing Elimination 38 Grappling for Meeker boys 78 Health Unit material 24 Janitors . 18 Janitor at Clothing Bureau 142 Membership fee in Association of Municipal Self -Insurers 116 Monthly Session Audits 13, 16, 28, 34, 41, 51, 63, 73, 75, 87, 99, 100, 121, 132, 162 Printed Proceedings 47 Refund to R C Warren 55 Reward for Information leading to arrest of hit -run driver 68 Rights of Way 22, 31, 46, 58, 67, 97, 113, 142, 143 Extra Work on Groton -Free- ' , ville Highway 39, 126 Supplemental Claim for 40 Salaries Monthly 213 Snow Equipment 4, 21, 126, 193 277, 27g Tompkins County Public Health Committee 112, 200 Tompkins County Agricultural and Horticultural Society 84 Out of the Book Truck Fund 295 Directed to, Place Compensation funds to Credit of Compensation, Insurance Sinking Fund 198 Use Moneys in Special Highway Account 234 Instructed to Sell Straus Bonds for Tuberculosis Hospital 154, 181 Manner of Payment for Central Index 165 to Cornell Library Association 40, 215 13 Various Organizations200 Postage of _ `211 Re -appropriation to General, Welfare and Highway Fund __ _ _ __ 213, 234 Relative to Salary payments for Insurance _ _ 72 Report of _ _ _ 141, 324, 334 Salary of _ 210 County and Town Poor—Support of 184, 235 County'Tax—For, General and Poor Purposes 234 Highway Purposes 234 State Purposes 234 Rates 274, 392 County Veterinarian Report of 164 D Danby—Amount Charged Town for, Election Expenses 206 • Hospitalization, Etc 184 Sheriff's Expenses 13, 54, 76, 89, 121, 132, 162 Support of Poor __ 184 Workmen's Compensation Insurance _ 198 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax _124 Audits of 306 Budget of _ _ __ ___ _ 282 'Names and Addresses of Town Officers 407 Relative to County Map _ 112 Returned School Taxes of 246 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc 277 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 282 Tax Rates of _ 282 Deficiency—County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer in Case of 233 Delegates to Supervisors' Assdciation 7 Department of Taxation and Finance (See Comptroller) Designation of—Highways for Future Construction 97, 112, 235 Highways for Snow Removal _ _110 Newspapers 234 Directory—Political 402 Dirt Road Construction—Appropriations for 61, 86, 204 Relative to 10 District Attorney Authorized to Attend Conferences 95, 297 Expenses of 211 Reports of 137, 170 Salary of _.___ _ _ 210 Dog Fund—Claims, Audited by Committee During Year ......_..._ ...._.........204 Payable from _ _ _37, 43, 54 Dogs—Resolution relative to fees of _ 299 14 Dog Warden—Approval of 204 Dryden—Amount Charged Town for, Election Expenses 206 Examination in Lunacy 44 Expenses of Children's Court 171 Hospitalization, Etc .184 Sheriff's Expenses 13, 30, 37, 44, 54, 65, 76, 89, 101, 121, 132, 162 Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 136, 194 Support of Poor _184 Workmen's Compensation Insuranee` _198 Amount Due Town for Mortgage Tax Audits of Budget of Communication relative to Abandonment of Highways Names and Addresses of Town Officers Relative to Kinsley Property Returned School Taxes Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc Tax Rates for Lighting Districts Tax Rates of E Election Expenses—Amounts Charged to Towns and City for 206 Apportionment of 207 Election of—Clerk of Board . - 3 Members on Committee on Eradication hof Bovine Tuberculosis 166 __ _124 307 283 21 407 27, 31 251 277 284 283 Officers :and Representatives of the Board Permanent Chairman of Board Public Health Committee Representative on, Board of Managers of IJ 166, 168, , Tompkins County Laboratory _ Tuberculosis Hos- pital _ _ _ 166 Farm, Home and Junior Boards 144 3 176 167 Stenographer of Board Temporary Chairman of Board Elections—Official Canvass of Employees' Retirement System—Appropriation to Enfield—Amount Charged Town for, Election Expenses Examinations in Lunacy Project 165 167 3 401 6 206 44, 220 Expenses of Children's Court 171 Hospitalization, Etc 184 Sheriff's Expenses 37, 44, 54, 121, 132, 162 Support of Poor 184, 235 15 Workmen's Compensation Insurance 198 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 124 Audits of 309 Budget of __ __ _ 285 Names and Addresses of Town Officers 408 Relative to County Map 111 Returned School Taxes of - 253 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc 277 Tax Rates of 285 Enforcement of Quarantine on Dogs (See Dogs) Equalized Value of County—By, Board of Supervisors 146, 148 State 134 Equalization—Regular Report of Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls 146 Report of Committee on, Apportionment of Taxes 274 General Tax Levy 177 Highway Tax Levy 179 Ratios and Percentages 178 Relative to Assessment Rolls ' 296, 298 Supplemental Report of Committee on Fooling Assessment Rolls 148 Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis (See Bovine Tuberculosis) Errors in Minutes—Clerk Authorized to Correct 212 Estimates—For Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for ' Towns 277 Expenses Etc of—Children's Court, Charged to Towns and City 171 County Officers 211 Elections, Charged to Towns and City 207 Examinations in Lunacy, Charged to Towns and City 13, 37, 44, 54, 75, 89, 101, 220 Hospitalization, Etc 184 Sheriff, Charged to Towns and City 13, 30, 37, 44, 54, 65, 75, 89, 101, 121, 132, 162 Support of Poor 184, 235 Workmen's Compensation Insurance 198 F Farm Bureau—Appropriation to 200 Manner of payment to _ 200 Appropriation to, for Junior Project Board 200 Election of Representative to '165 Junior Extension Board 165 Reports of 138, 168 Farm -to -Market Road—Relative to 139 Federal Housing—Relative to 96, 105, 106 Finances—Appropriation to, General Fund 229 Highway Fund 232 Poor Fund 230 Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 395 11 16 County Treasurer Authorized to, Borrow 4, 6, 13, 18, 21, 23, 28, 32, 33, 36, 43, 47, 48, 51, 54, 56, 62, 65, 75, 79, X80, 81, 82, 85, 89, 93, 101, 116, 120, 127, 129, 131, 133, 153, 162 Credit in Certain Cases 233 Transfer _ .__ 233 County Treasurer Directed to Pay Balances to Towns and City 212 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 165, 167, 191, 199, 200, 278 Relative to 0State Tax 134, 234 Report of Committee on County Budget __ 225 Report of County Treasurer on _ 324, 334 $mance Committee (See Committee on Finance) First Baptist Church (See Baptist Church) Flood Control -Relative to _ 94, 96, 104, 107, 140, 155 Footing Assessment Rolls (See Committee on Equalization) Fuel, Light and Heat (See Committee on Purchasing) G General and Poor Purposes -Appropriation for - 234 General Fund -Appropriation for 228 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 213 General Tax -Apportionment of 274 General Tax Levy -Report of Equalization Committee on 177 Grade Crossings -Chairman and Attorney to Represent County in Elimina- tion of _ 235 Grand Jurors -Relative to 195 Gravel Roads -Resolution relative to 86 Groton -Amount Charged Town for, Election Expenses 206 11 ' Hospitalization, Etc 184 Sheriff's Expenses 30, 76, 89, 101, 121, 132 Support of Poor 184 Ti Workmen's Compensation Insurance 198 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 125 Audits of I 312 Budget of 0 286 Names and Addresses of Town Officers 408 Relative to Field Day 59 Returned School Taxes 256 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc 277 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 287 Tax Rates of , 286 Guide to Town Officers 402 H Health Clinic -Relative to 112 Health Public -Appropriation for 112, 200, 201 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 175 Committee on _ 166, 168, 176 17 Relative to 17, 18 Report of _ 175 Heat (See Committee on Purchasing) Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 397-400 Highway Account Fund—County Treasurer Directed to Use 234 Highway Fund for County—Appropriation for 232 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 213 Highway Fund for Towns 397 Highway Tax—Apportionment Of 275 Appropriation for 234 For Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc 277 For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for State and County Highways 136, 194 Rates 275 Highway Tax Levy—Report of Equalization Committee on 179 Highways—Annual Inspection of 118 Appropriation for, Construction and Repair of Bridges 80 Construction of Dirt Roads 61, 86 Improvement of Dirt Roads 204 From County Road Fund 238 Maintenance of Highways 81 Snow Equipment 4, 21, 126, 193, 277, 278 Under §320-A, of the Highway Law 159 Claims of Arthur J Kirk and Dana B Green 6 Grade Crossing Elimination—Chairman and Attorney to Repre- sent County in 235 Relative to 38 Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) Relative to, Abandonment of Highways 21 Construction of a piece of road in Troga County 70 Highway Machinery Building 57, 78 Maintenance of S H No 1623, North and East, to S H No 616 (Farm'-to-Market Road) 139 Town Highways 10 Rights of Way—Appropriations for 22, 31, 46, 58, 67, 97, 113, 141, 143, 191 Committee on Highways and County Attorney to secure _ 235 Extra work on Groton-Freeville Highway 39, 126 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 190 Supplemental Settlement 40, 45 Snow Removal—Program for _110, 124 Services of Town Superintendents at expense of Towns 214 Superintendent of (See County Superintendent of Highways) Town Superintendents—Names and Addresses of 407-410 Relative to Snow Removal 214 Highways Under County System 18 Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs to County Machinery , Building 213 County Miap-Relative to _ " 97, 111, 235 Construction Program for 1936 _ 237 Appropriation for 238 Reconstructton Program for 1936 238 Report of County Road Rund ' 234 Resolution Relative to, Construction and Maintenance of County System of Highways 4-, 8 Town and County Bridges 103 Topping Program _ 236 Highways Money System -Report to Comptroller on 393 Home Bureau Association -Appropriation to 200 Report of 138, 168 Representative on 165 I improvement of Dirt Roads with County Aid 204 Indebtedness -Bonded of, County and Towns 395 Certificates of, Relative to 5, 7, 13, 19, 21, 24, 32, 33, 37, 43, 47, 48, 51, 54, 56, 62, 65, 75, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 89, 93, 101, 116, 120, 127, 129, 132, 133, 153, 162 Insurance -Relative to Hold-up 23 Workmen's Compensation -Relative to _ 198 Ithaca City -Amount charged, for, Election Expenses 206 Examinations in Lunacy 13, 37, 44, 54, 101 Expenses of Children's Court 171 Hospitalization, Etc 184 Sheriff's Expenses 13, 30, 37, 54, 65, 76, 89, 101 Support of Poor 184 Amount 111ue, from Mortgage Tax 125 Budget of _ 290 Names and Addresses of Officers of 408 Refund of'i Taxes 55 Returned School Taxes of 272 Ithaca College-Rela[ive to 86, 90, 92 Ithaca Town -Amount Charged, for, Election Expenses 206 Examinations in Lunacy 89 Expenses of Children's Court 171 Hospitalization, Etc 184 Sheriff's Expenses 13, 37, 44, 54, 65, 76, 89, 101, 121, 132, 162 Support of Poor 184 Workmen's Compensation Insurance 198 Amount Due, from Mortgage Tax 125 Audits of 315 19 Bonds of—Relative to 104, 122 Budget of 288 Grade Crossing Elimination—Relative to _ 38 Names and Addresses of Officers of 409 Refund of Taxes 108 Relative to Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Con- , struction of State and County Highways 137 Returned School Taxes of 259 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc 277 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 289 Tax Rates of - 289 J Jail (See County Jail) Jail Matron (See County Jail) Janitors—For Clothing Bureau 142 Relative to Salary of 18, 47 Judge, County (See County Judge) Judge of Childien's Court (See Children's Court) Junior Project Extension Board (See Farm Bureau Association) Justices of the Peace—Names and Addresses of 407-410 Reports of 382 L Laboratory (See County Laboratory) Lansing—Amount Charged Town for, Election Expenses 206 Expenses of Children's Court 171 Hospitalization, Etc 184 Sheriff's Expenses 13, 30, 44, 54, 65, 89, 101, 121, 132, 162 Support of Poor 184 Workmen's Compensation Insurance 198 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 125 Audits of 319 Budget of ° 291 Names and Addresses of Town Officers of 409 Returned School Taxes 261 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridget, Etc 277 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 291 Tax Rates of 291 Library—Relative to .. ___ 32, 48, 71, 98, 103 Report of Special Committee on 40, 86, 93 (Also See Rural Traveling Library) Light, Heat and Telephones 173 Lunacy—Amount Charged to Towns and City for Examinations in 13, 37, 44, 54, 75, 89, 101, 220 M , Machinery—Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc 277 20 Machinery Fund for Towns t 399 Maintenance of-Coui4 and Town Poor 184, 230 Highways (See Highways) Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital (See Tuberculosis Hospital) Matron at County Jail, (See County Jail) Meetings of Board of Supervisors (See- Board of Supervisors) Minutes of Board -Clerk Authorized to Correct Errors in 212 Miscellaneous Fund for Towns 400 Monthly Sessions of Board (See Board of Supervisors) Mortgage Tax -Amount Due Towns and City from 124 Report, of 124 Statement of _ 384- Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) N Newfield -Amount Charged Town for, Election Expenses _ 206 Examinations in Lunacy 13, 44, 75 Hospitalization, Etc 184 Sheriff's Expenses 13, 37, 44, 65, 76, 121, 132, 162 Support of Poor _ 184, 235 Workmen's Compensation Insurance 198 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 125 Audits of it 321 Budget of V 292 Names and 1 Addresses of Town Officers 409 Relative to, Clearing Title to Tudi Property 14-1 County Map 111 Returned School Taxes 264 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc 277 Tax Rates for Lighting District 292 Tax, Rates Fof 292 Newspapers -Designation of, to Publish Official Notices _ 234 New York State Commission for the Blind -Relative to 38, 117, 137, 209 Notes or Certificates of Indebtedness -Relative to 5, 7, 13, 19, 21, 24, 32, 33, 36, 43, 47, 48, 51, 54, 56, 62, 65, 75, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 89, 93, 101, 116, 120, 127, 129, 132, 133, 153, 162 0 Officers -County and Town 406 Official Canvass 401 Official Notices -Designation of Newspapers to Publish 234 Old Age Security Fund -Appropriation to 128, 189 Relative to Report of 188 Report of 156, 362 Old Court House -Appropriation for repairs of 50 Relative, to 5, 8, 15, '17 Onondaga County Penitentiary -Relative to Board of Prisoners at 150 21 P Parking Space—Relative to 139 Payment to Various Organizations and Associations 200 Petition—Assessors of Town of Ithaca 108 Cayuga Lakeside Cottagers Association 83 Ithaca College 90 Political Directory > 402 Poor—Report of Committee on Report of Commissioner of Public Welfare 185 Support of, Charged to Towns and City 184, 235 Superintendent of (See County Commissioner of Public Welfare) Superintendents of Town—Names and Addresses of 407-410 Poor Fund—Appropriations to 230 Poor Purposes—Tax for General and 234 Postage for County Officers 211 Post Office Addresses—of County and Town Officers 406-410 Printed Proceedings (See Board of Supervisors) Prisoners—Relative to, At County Jail 154, 155, 223 Board of, At Onondaga County Penitentiary 150 Probation Officer Report of 141 Salary of 210 Property—Statement of Valuations of _ 385 Valuation of—By, Assessors _ 146 State _ 134 Public Health—Appropriation for Committee on 200, 201 Claims Audited by Committee on _ _ 175 Committee on 166, 168, 176 Report of 175 Public Welfare (See Welfare) Q Quarantine on Dogs—Approval of Dog Warden for 204 Claims Audited by Committee During Year _ ` 204 Dog Fund, Claims Payable from 37, 43, 54 Dogs, Resolution relative to fees 299 R Rates—For County Tax, General and Poor _ 275 Highway 275 State Tax 275 Towns and City (See Under Various Towns and City) Rates of Assessments in Towns—As Fixed By, Board of Supervisors 177 State Tax Department 136 Ratios and Percentages—Report of Committee on 178 Real Property—Valuation of, By, Assessors 146 State - _ __ _ _134 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 164, 167, 191, 199, 200, 278 Reconstruction Program 238 22 Reforestation—Appropriation for _ 191 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances _ 191 Reforested Lands—Relative to _ 158 Refund of Taxes—Relative to _ _ _ 55, 108 Removal of Snow (See Highways) Reports of—Bonded Indebtedness 395 Clerk of Board to Comptroller _ 381 Committees (See Under Several Committees) County Officers (See Under Various County Officers) Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 397-400 Justices'' 'of the Peace 382 Special Franchises 208 Taxes Levied _ _ 386 Valuations of Property _ 385 Requisition Blanks -Relative to 27 Resolutions—Relative, to, Canal Toll Charges . 8, 159, 174 Catherwood Articles 68 Change of Office Hours, 49 Clothing Bureau Committee 144 Construction of a piece of road in Tioga County 70 County Nurses _ . .. . 124 C W Thomas and W P A 84 Fall Creek 60 Grappling for Meeker Children 72 Groton's Field Day 59 Investigation of Expense in Addition to County Home 49 Real Property Canvass Project 106 Reduction of Interest Penalty 44 Reward for Information leading to Arrest of hit - run driver 45 Stream • Protection and Control 96 Solomon Claim 109 Town and County Roads 87 Tompkins County Day 55 Watercourses 84 Returned School Taxes _ 239-273 Rights of Way (See Highways) Rules and Committees Adopted 8 Rural Traveling Library Committee—Appropriation to 200 Relative to 151, 295 Report of 144 s Salaries (See Under County Officers) School Districts—Bonded Indebtedness of 396 School Taxe9—Returned 239-273' 23 Sealer of Weights and Measures (See County Sealer of Weights and Measures) Sessions of Board (See Board of Supervisors) Sheriff— Authorized to Employ Grapplers 72 -Expenses of 211 Relative to, Mileage of 41, 45 Prisoners 223 Report of 143 Salary of 211 Turnkeys and Deputy 211 Undersheriff 211 Sinking Fund and Interest—Amounts to be Raised by County and Towns for Bonds Issued for State and County Highways 136, 194 Snow and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 400 Snow Equipment—Relative to 4, 21, 126, 193, 277, 27S Snow Removal (See Highways) Special County Judge and Surrogate ' 210 Special Franchises 208 State Charities Aid Association—Relative to 195 State Tax 225, 234 Rates for ' 136, 386 State Tax Commission—Rates of Assessments, as Fixed by 136 Statement of—Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 395 Mortgage Tax 38+ Taxes Levied for Repairs of Highways 336 Tax Rates for Towns and City (See Under Several Towns and City) Valuations of Real Property 385 Stenographer for Board—Relative to 167, 210 Stenographers', Etc Tax 134 Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) Supervisors Association, New York State—Relative to 7, 31, 139 Supreme Court Judge—Postage and Expenses of 211 Superintendent of County Court House and Jail_ 114, 129, 211 Superintendent of, Highways (See County Superintendent of Highways) Poor (See County Commissioner of Public Welfare) Surrogate (See County Judge) Surrogate's Clerk (Report of Committee on) 140, 170 T Tax Collectors—Relative to Warrants of 296, 298 For County—General and Poor Purposes _ 234 Highway Purposes 234 Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc 277 Lighting Districts (See Town Budgets) Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways ' 136, 194 24 Levy -General 177 Highway179 Mortgage _ it 125, 384 Rates -For, County 275 Towns (See Town Budgets') Lighting Districts (See Town Budgets) To Be Published in Printed Proceedings 214 State -Armory ' 134, 225 Stenographers' Etc _ 134, 225 Warrants -Relative to, Date of Annexation " 182, 296 Taxation and Finance -Department of (See Comptroller) Taxes -Apportionment of 294 Assessmenlit of 146 Rates for 275 Refund of 55, 104 Returned School 239, 273 Statement of Mortgage 384 Statement of Those Levied 386 T CD A -Relative to - 133, 140, 143, 145, 152, 202 Telephones (See Committee on Purchasing) TER A -Appropriations for 23, 51, 116 Mileage of Executive Committee _ 27 Relative 'Ito, Engineers 72 Projects 14, 68, 143, 149 Report of Case Supervisor 370 Special Committee to Investigate 33 Telephone Operator -Salary of 211 Tompkins County, Agricultural and Horticultural Society 85 Day -Relative to 55, 59 Clothing Bureau -Relative to 144 Pubic Health (See Public Health), Towns -Amount Charged to for, Election Expenses 206 Examinations in Lunacy 13, 37, 44, 54, 75, 89, ' 101, 220 li Expenses of Children's Court 171 Hospitalization, Etc 184 Sheriff's Expenses 13, 30, 37, 44, 54, 65, 75, 89, 101, 121, 132, 162 Support of Poor 184, 235 Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for ,Construction of State and County Highways 136, 194 II 'Workmen's Compensation Insurance 198 Amount Due from Mortgage Tax 124 Apportionment of Taxes to 274 Audits of (See Under Several Towns) Clerk of Board Directed to Publish in Proceedings 214 Bonded Indebtedness of 395 25 Budgets of 281-293 Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds of 397-400 Payment of Balances to, by County Treasurer 212 Rates of Assessments (See Assessments) Relatne to Improvement of Dirt Roads 10, 61, 86, 204 Returned School Taxes of 242-267 Special Franchises 208 Tax for, Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc 277 Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Con- struction of State and County Highways 136, 194 Tax Rates of (See Under Various Towns) To Be Published in Proceedings 214 Town and County, Officers—Names and Addresses of 406-410 Poor—Support of 184 System of Roads (See Highways) `I own, Collectors—Names and Addresses of 407-410 Officers—Guide to 402 Superintendents of Highways—Names and Address of A07-410 Services of, in Snow Removal at Expense of the Towns 214 Treasurer (See County Treasurer) Tuberculosis, Bovine (See Bovine Tuberculosis) Tuberculosis Hospital Appropriation for Maintenance of 82, 86, 167 Claims Audited by Committee on Auditing Accounts of 205 Election to Board of Managers 166 Relative to Legacies to 45, 154, 181, 182 Relative to 78, 150, 151 Report of _ 140, 344 U Ulysses—Amount Charged Town for, Election Expenses 206 Expenses of Children's Court 171 Hospitalization, Etc 184 Sheriff's Expenses 13, 30, 37, 44, 54, 65, 76, 89, 101, 121, 132 Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 136, 194 Support of Poor 184- Workmen's 84Workmen's Compensation Insurance 198 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 125 Audits of 322 Budget of 293 Names and Addresses of Town Officers 410 Returned School Taxes of 267 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc 277 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 293 1 26 Tax Rates of _ 293 Unexpended BalancesReappropriation of 164, 167, 191, 199, 200, 273 V Valuations, of 'County—By, Assessors 146 State 131 - Statement l of 385 Veterans' Organizations—Relative to 135 Villages—Amount Due from Mortgage Tax 125 Bonded Indebtedness of 395 Votes—Official Canvass of 401 d w Warrants, Collectors -L Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign 296, 298 Warrants, Tax—Relative to, Date of Annexation of 182, 296 Welfare Department—Appropriations to 33, 56, 79, 128, 186, 189 (Relative to 156 Works Progress Administration—Relative to 77, 84, 93 Appropriation to 199 Manner of Payment of 278 Director Authorized to Use Money Ap- propriated under TER A 278 Relative to Stream Protection and Control 96 Superintendent of Creek Cleaning Project 199, 278 Workmen's Compensation Insurance Approprratron of,l Among Several Towns and City 198 Relative to, Meet ng at Utica 14, 23 Membership in Association 116 Report of Committee on 196 it 1)