HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934 ProceedingsTOMPCKINS CI)W*tflf NEW YORK ,: dosIEPa '..:'RAyERS; Chairman`. Ithaca, N."Y: VIILLIARA Q. SMILEY, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y.,' J. , PROCEEDINGS. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK 1934 • JOSEPH .B. MYERS, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. WILLIAM O. SMILEY, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. OF 'TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 3 Quarterly Session Monday, February 12, 1934 • MORNING SESSION_ Roll call. All members present. , The Chairman called attention to the fact that this regular quarterly session falls upon "the birthday of an .outstanding, perhaps the greatest American that this country has. ever pro- duced." Mr: Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the money appropriated on January 19th, 1934, for office and other expenses of the NRS and CWA be paid by the County Treasurer on the approval of the majority of the County CWA Committee,and she is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, has heretofore indicated its intention to con- struct or improve certain portions of highways leading from Groton Village to •Freeville Village, and WHEREAS—The Board of Supervisors did on August 3, 1932, by Condemnation Proceedings, secure all rights of way for such road, and WHEREAS—The above mentioned road is one of importance and constitutes the remaining portion for improvement as be- tween Ithaca and Cortland by way •of- Groton and Freeville Villages, therefore be it Resolved—That this Board of Supervisors urge the con- struction and improvement of said road at as early a date as PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS possible, andthat copies of this resolution. be forwarded to the Governor, the Divisional Office in Syracuse and the Highway Department .at Albany. , Seconded by Mr. Miller. .Carried. The report of the Clothing Bureau for the month of January, was received and filed. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That inasmuch as the old Court House has been rented by the county for NRS and CWA purposes,. we find it necessary to provide some additional janitor service, now there- fore, the •County Treasurer is directed to pay to Burrouths Oltz, a salary of $1.00 per day, beginning as of February 5, in the same manner as other 'county employees are paid, until such time as the Special Committee on old Court. House may direct. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Compensation Insurance, rendered the following report, relative to the com- pensation paid, and the apportionment thereof, among the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, for,the year ending December 31, 1933. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Gentlemen : Your Committee ' on Compensation Insurance reports as follows, for the year ending December 31, 1933. The number of county cases for the year were exceedingly small and the total amounts paid out as compensation for such cases was the sum of $89.37. This amount apportioned among the several municipalities of the county, in accordance with the rules laid down by the Workmen's Compensation Law, results as follows : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Caroline $ 1.58 Danby ' • 1.55 Dryden 5.26 Enfield ' .90 Groton 4.85 Ithaca City 56.35 Ithaca Town 8.80 Lansing 4.50 Newfield 1.64 , Ulysses 3.94 Total $89.37 In the matter of the participating municipalities, the towns were not quite so fortunate, as thetotal amount paid was $2,629.77. A large portion of this sum was a settlement for $1,272.06, made with the widowof a ;person whose death was caused by injuries received while in the employment of one of the towns and his widow was entitled to thirty per cent of the deceased's average wage' during her, widowhood. The sum of $2,629.77, thus expended, comprised the follow- ing items Widow's compensation $1;272.06 '. Workmen's compensation ' 783.10 Surgical treatment. ' ' ' 274.00 Hospitalization ' 300.61. Total ' $2,629.77 This amount apportioned among the several participating municipalities in accordance with the rules laiddown, results as follows : ' Caroline $ ,126.07 Danby . ' 123.13 Dryden 418.69 Enfield 73.34 Groton ' 385.95 . , Ithaca Town 700.17 Lansing 358.04 Newfield 130.62' Ulysses 313.76, Total $2,629.77 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Making the total amount expended for compensation insur- ance during the year ending December 31, 1933, the sum of $2,719.14, and to be charged to the several' municipalities of . the county, as follows Caroline $ 127.65 Danby 124.68 Dryden 423.95 Enfield 74.24 Groton 390.80 Ithaca City 56.35 Ithaca Town 708.97 Lansing 362.54 Newfield 132.26 , Ulysses 317.70 ' Total $2,719.14 : From the figures compiled, it would appear that the work men themselves. in the county highway department, as well as those in charge of the work, exercised more care and prudence in the discharge of their duties than did those in the employ of the several towns, as the one large item for which compensa- tion was paid was the result of carelessness, in the first in- stance. , Your committee found that a number of physicians' claims for services were for services rendered to patients on whom no report was ever made for injuries, and, for this reason, said claims were not paid. Your committee also found that some claims presented were either improperly. made out or not verified and these claims have been referred back to the claimants for correction. When the foregoing claims are paid it will increase, to that extent, the amounts to be charged back to the several munici- palities for the current year. Dated, February 12, 1934. LAMONT C. SNOW, LEPINE STONE, HENRY ‘0. VEIT, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 7 Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Compensa- tion Insurance be accepted and adopted and that there be charged to the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the sums set opposite the names of the respective towns and city for the payment of compensation insurance to county employees and those of the several participating municipal-, ities, for the year 1933, as follows : Caroline $ 127.65 Danby 124.68 Dryden 423.95. Enfield 74.24 Groton 390.80 Ithaca City 56.35 Ithaca Town 708.97 Lansing 362.54 Newfield 132.26 Ulysses 317.70 Total $2,719,.14 And the County Treasurer is hereby directed to charge the foregoing amounts to the several towns and city, to be placed in the budgets of those respective municipalities, to be assessed upon, levied against andcollected from the taxable property of the several towns and city at the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and on their behalf, and that any sums so, collected be placed to the credit of the Compensation Insurance Fund, and be it further Resolved—That any sum standing to the credit of the Com- mittee on Compensation Insurance in the hands of the County Treasurer, or which may hereafter come into her hands, be and the same is hereby appropriated to said committee for carrying. on its work for the year 1934, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to deposit both of said amounts, unexpended, in a bank or trust company fund paying interest, to the credit of the Workmen's Compensation Fund, for the purpose of creating a reserve or sinking fund. Seconded by Mr. Stone. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -14'. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Miller,• Chairman of the Special Committee on old Court House, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The Trustees of the Baptist Church have stated that they will recommend to their congregation a sale of the old courthouse property to Tompkins County for $10,000.00, re- serving to the Church a parcel in front of the Church of approx- imately 66x100 feet, and a right of way to Court Street, there- fore be it Resolved—That the matter of the purchase of said property and the terms thereof, be referred to the Special Committee. heretofore appointed, consisting of Mr. Miller Chairman, Mr. Myers and Mr. Chase, with power to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the county, if in their judgment and dis- cretion, satisfactory terms can be arranged. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Here followed a discussion until adjournment was taken until 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Professor Martin P. Catherwood appeared before the Board . and presented a map that was being constructed for the Town of Ithaca through the help of the CWA, showing the taxable property. of that town. All expenses of the project, except the labor, being paid for by the town. Professor Howe and Lagrand Chase, of the Town of Ithaca, also spoke in favor of the property maps. The matter was referred to the Equalization Committee with power. Mr. Chase offered the foliowing resolution -and moved its Adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,- NEW YORK 9 Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $1,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the ex- pense of making these property, maps for all the towns, pro- vided it can be' done as a CWA project. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. , Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its its adoption : WHEREAS—Certain veterans' organizations have presented to this Board a petition reciting the appointment by them of a veterans' relief administrator and asking for appropriate ac- tion pursuant to Article XIV of the Public Welfare Law looking toward the establishment of a veterans' relief bureau in this county ; and WHEREAS—All cases requiring relief are now being handled by the County Commissioner of Public Welfare, and the Red Cross and Family Welfare Societies are co-operating in afford- ing relief in cases of needy, veterans and their families which have been brought to their attention ; and WHEREAS—This Board is informed that the legislature will probably take up for consideration at the current session a bill to amend the Article on Veterans' Relilef, so as to correlate this important work with the work of the now -existing wel- fare department in a manner satisfactory to the veterans; now, therefore be it Resolved—That the petition presented by the veterans at the last meeting be laid upon the table for further considera- tion 'after -the conclusion of the current session of the State Legislation in the light of such legislation as may be enacted bearing upon the methods of administration of Veterans' Relief. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. , Professor Carl Crandall appeared before the Board in the interests of the NRS and CWA, outlining the work which had been done under the former appropriation and stating that it would be necessary to have a further appropriation in case . CWA was continued beyond February 15. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Chase offered the followingresolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $7,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to the Tompkins County Civil Works Administration, for the cost of material, supplies and equipment for the Tompkins County Civil Works projects, and to be expended on the projects speci- fied by the committee and the County Treasurer is hereby di- rected to pay out said money upon the order of the majority of the committee, and be it further Resolved—That if the County Treasurer has not sufficient moneys in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County, Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof, as to her may seem necessary, in anticipa- tion of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys 'so obtained to be used for. the pur- poses to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved --That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized .and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear inter- est at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by .the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required' by said Section 41, of the County Law: Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The real estate of this county is heavily burdened for almost all the cost of state and local government, and WHEREAs—Many real estate taxpayers of our, county are de- faulting in the payment of their taxes, therefore be it OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 11 Resolved—That this Board of Supervisors endorse the Merrill two per cent sales tax plan, and that, a copy of this resolution be sent to our Governor, our State Senator and our Member of Assembly. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Mr. Stevenson,offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—Thatthe Committee on Reforestation be author- ized in its discretion to purchase lands in the name of the county for reforesting at a price or prices not exceeding, in the aggre- gate, the amount appropriated for•' reforestation at the last annual•session of this Board; payments for such purchases to be made out of the monies so appropriated. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. •Discussion re -opened on Mr. Miller's resolution of the fore- noon in regard to the old Court House property, which resulted in leaving the matter asit originally stood. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That this Board approves a change in the method of. compensation of its members from a per diem basis to a salary basis on the following terms, to wit : An annual salary of $600.00to each of the supervisors of this county, with the additional sum of $150.00 to the Chair- man of the Board, payable monthly ; and mileage at 8c per mile going and returning once in each week during any regu- lar session and once in going and returning from each special session, by the most usual route from the residence of the supervisor to the place where any such session of the Board is held. While engaged in any investigation or committee work or the performance of any other duty when the Board is not in session which is delegated or assigned to him by the Board each supervisor shall also receive mileage at the rate above specified and his actual and reasonable expenses in- curred therein. The compensation and, expenses so provided shall be in lieu of any other compensation except the com- pensation allowed for copying tax and assessment rolls and extending taxes. 1 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Be It Further Resolved—That the Assemblyman from this district be requested to introduce a bill in the current session of the legislature amending §23, of the County Law, to that end, and that the same be made effective on April 1, 1934 or as soon thereafter as the legislation can be properly enacted and ap- proved. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -10. Noes—L-4. Carried. On motion of Mr. Stone, Mr. Squier, of the Committee to Sell Lands Acquired by the County at Tax Sale, was authorized to care for the roof of the Old Silk Mill at Trumansburg. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Motion lost. The several committees' reported the ' following claims for audit to which they had been referred, with the amounts al- lowed thereon : S- 1 Lawyers Co -Op Publishing Co:, Law Books -Sup. Ct. $ 15.00 2 Matthew Bender & Co., Law Books -Sup: Ct. 40.00 3 John J. Sinsabaugh, Expenses—Co. Sealer 41.03 4 H. A. Manning Co., City Directories—Co. Officers 90.00 5 T. G. Millers Sons, Supplies—Suprs. 9.85 6 Stover Printing Co., Supplies—Suprs. 70.10 7 Hartford Steam Boiler Co., Insurance—Co. Boilers 255.90 8 W. A. Church Co., Supplies—Supervisors 94.25 9 Lamont C. Snow, Extending Tax—Supervisors 53.78 10 W. O. Smiley, Extending Tax—Supervisors 46.83 11 Carl A. Mott, Extending Tax—Supervisors 62.34 12 Alan T. Rumsey, Extending Tax—Supervisors .: 34.10 13 Richard C. Smith, Extending Tax—Supervisors 88.66 14 L. E. Chase, Extending'Tax—Supervisors 83.02 15 Andrew J. Conlon, Extending Tax—Supervisors 66.54 16 Forest J. Payne, Extending Tax—Supervisors 51.90 17 LePine Stone, Extending Tax—Supervisors .. 81.60 18 Leslie R. Pierce, Extending Tax—Supervisors 119.90 19 W. C. Blackmer, Extending Tax—Supervisors 119.90 20 Sidney L. Howell, Committee Work—Supervisors 5.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, FEW YORK 13 21 Leslie R. Pierce, Committee Work -Supervisors 10.20 22 Thos. G. Miller, Committee Work -Supervisors 50.72 23 Delbert H: Decker, Committee Work-Suprs403.40 24 Delbert H. Decker, Quart. & Spec. -Supervisors 56.64 25 0. Howard McDaniels, Est., Quart & Spec. Annual & Canvass -Supervisors' 91.12 26 0. Howard McDaniels, Est. Committee Work - Supervisors 430.36 27 H. L. O'Daniel, Postage & Expenses -Co. Clerk 135.15 28 Howell & Howell, Bonds -Co. Clerk 90.00 29 J. E. Van Natta, Labor & Supplies -Co. Clerk 11.50 30 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Record Books -Co. . Clerk 104.15 31 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Record Books -Co Clerk 165.00 32 Norton Printing Co., Court Calendars -Co Clerk 97.50. 33 W. A. Church Co., Supplies -Co. Clerk 3.50 34 . T. G. Millers Sons, Supplies -Co. Clerk 54.50 35 George A. Wheaton, Labor & Supplies -Co. Clerk 8.00 36 The Atkinson Press, Supplies -Co. Judge 34.00 37 T. G. Millers Sons, Supplies -Comm. of Elec47.04 38 Mrs. B. G. Haley, Clerical Work=Comm. of Elec. 56.00. 39 Wm. F. George, Pres. Bd. of Elec., Postage & Clerical Work -Comm. of Elec. 33.00 40 Arthur G. Adams, Disbursements -Dist. Atty. 156.00 41 Dr. B. F. Kingsbury, Services -Dist. Atty..__.50.00 42 The Atkinson Press, Supplies -Dist. Atty. 14.00 43 T. G. Millers Sons, Supplies -Dist. Atty. 32.40 44 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies -Dist. Atty. 5.25 45 J. E. Van Natta, Typewriter -Dist., Atty. . 99.00 46 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses -Sheriff 261.05 47 Frank C. Ellis, Postage -Sheriff 6.50 48 Frank C. Ellis, Exp. & Disburs. Sheriff 41.25 49 Clarkson Chemical Supply "Co., Disinfectants-:- Jail isinfectants-Jail 180.00 50 J. C. Stowell Co.; Supplies -Jail 12.90 51 Rothschild Bros., Supplies -Jail 5.39 52Swift & Co., Inc., Supplies -Jail 22.95 53. C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Jail 3.45 54 A. B. Brooks & Son, Supplies -Jail ,Inmates 6.70 55 Farnsworth W. Reckerd, Supplies -Jail 38.28 56 John D. Kinney Co., Inc.,. Bond -Sheriff 75.00 57 Ferrissa Meeker, Exp. & Disb.-Sheriff 33.61 58 Charlotte V. Bush, Postage -Co. Treas. - 35.00 59 T. G. Millers Sons, Supplies -Co: Treas.° 20.70 14 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 60 Norton Printing Co., Envelopes -Co. Treas. 12.60 61 American Sales'Book, Record Books -Co. Treas. 13.12 62 B. I. Vann, Expenses -Co. Supt. 282.40 63 B. I. Vann, Disbursements -Co. Supt. 18.70 64 Stover Printing Co., Envelopes -Co. Supt. 2.50 65 Howell'& Howell, Bond -Co. Supt. '25.00 66 City of Ithaca, Manholes -Ct. House 129.66 67 Fred A. Rogalsky, Insurance -Co. Bldgs. 211.70 68- Howell & Howell, Insurance -Co. Bldgs. 227.50 69 Layton Dawes, Moving -Ct. House 16.00 70 Norma L. Turk, Extra Cleaning -Ct. House 16.40 71 Jamieson McKinney Co., Supplies -Ct. House 1.00 72 T. G. Millers Sons, Supplies -Ct. House 59.35 73' Rothschild Bros., Supplies -Ct. House 5.40 74 J. C. Gutenberger, Disbursements -Ct. House 5.61 75 Genesee Sanitary Wiper Co., Supplies -Ct. House 71.75 76 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Ct. House 7.05 77 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Ct. House 51.00 78 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Ct. House 7.75 79 . J. E. Van Natta, Supplies -Ct. House 42.50 80 Clarkson 'Chemical Supply Co., Disinfectants - Ct.. House 38.50 81 Bool Floral Co. Inc.,•Shrubbery-Ct. House 25.00 82 Potter & Allen, Lumber -Ct. House 4.05 83 Potter & Allen, Lumber -Ct. House 22.50 84 John.E. Shea, Burial -Bridget Corgel-Pens_ 75.00 85 Dr. M. J. Foran, Ex. in Lunacy -Insane 10.00 86 Rexford R. Chatterton, Bond -Co. Comm Welfare 100.00 87 Binghamton City Hospital, Care -Helen Fuller- P. H. C. 14.00 88 Reconstruction Home, Care -Kathryn Bereza- Dec., 1933 P. H. C 93.00 89 Reconstruction Home, Care -Loretta Kinyoun- Dec., 1933 P. H. C. - 93.00 90 Reconstruction Home, Care -Edward Dimmick- Dec., 1933 P. H. C. 93.00 91 Reconstruction Home, Care -Robert Miccinati- Dec., 1933 P. H. C. 93.00_ 92 Reconstruction Home, Care -Margaret Meeker Dec., 1933 P. H. C. ' 93.00 93 Reconstruction Home; Care -Barbara Goodband P.H.C. 19.50 94 Hospital Good Shepherd, Care -Jean Raub, Deceased -P. H. C. 12:00 95 Dow S. 'Barnes Co., Shoes & Cork Sole -Clara i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 15 Crispell, P. H C. 11.00 96 Herbert Batchelor, Labor—Co. Home 6.40 97 Amos A. Barns, Labor & Supplies—Co. Home • 4.15 98 Donohue -Halverson, Labor & Supplies—Co. Home 74.25 99 Robinson & Carpenter, Supplies—Co. Home ,14.38 $6,513.63 Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting' to the sum of $6,513.63, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended to the several committees to which they were referred and that' the County Treasurer is h'ereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient, funds in her hands with which to pay the same, .or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, ,of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary,, in anticipation of ,the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the pur- poses to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certi- ficates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding 6% ,per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County. Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to charge Claim No. S-85, being for examination in lunacy, to the Town of Lansing; that of Claim No. S-46, being for Sheriff's ex- penses, she charge to the town of Caroline, the sum of $9.30 ; to the town of Dryden, the sum of $19.35 ; to the town of Enfield, the sum of $2.40; to the town of Groton, the sum of $15.90; to 16 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS the town of Ithaca; the sum of $8.40 ; to the town of Lansing, the • sum of $15.60 ; to the town of Newfield,. the sum of $3.00 ; to the town of Ulysses, the sum of .$6.00 and to the City of Ithaca, the sum of $25.50, the amounts so charged being pro- perly charegable to the respective towns and city and to be placed in the tax budget thereof for the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for, and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 17 To W. O. Smiley; Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, • . Tompkins County, N. Y. • You are hereby requested• to call a especialmeeting of the Board of Supervisors, to be held -at the' Supervisors' Rooms, in the Court House, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Tuesday, April 10, 1934, at 10 :30 A. M. in the forenoon ; to take action on all matters arising because of the transfer of Welfare Work from the CWA to T.E.R.A.; tohear the report of the Special Committee on Old .Court House and to take any necessary action thereon ; and' totake action' on •any highway ,matters which may come before the Board. Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., March 31, .1934. J. ;B. •MYERS . - LAGRAND CHASE LEPINE STONE LAMONT C. SNOW C. A. MOTT H. O. VEIT R. C. OSBORN C. C. SQUIER THOS.. G. MILLER Special Session ... Tuesday, April 10, 1934 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members :present, except Mr. Van Order: The Clerk read the call for the special meeting. The meeting having been called for'tlie transfer of Welfare Work from CWA to T.E.R.A., that matterwas explained by the Chairman, followed by a discussion, which was -finally de- ferred until the afternoon meeting in order to obtain further information: 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—Public Service Case No. 4698, Town of Ulysses, has been referred to us by the Comptroller, Morris S Tre- maine, as being near completion and financed by the State to the extent of the county's share of 1%, or $150.38, now there- fore, be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $150.38 from the General Fund, to pay the county's share of the grade crossing elimination, in the town of Ulysses, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be authorized and directed to draw an order, payable to the Comptroller, Morris S. Tremaine, in the amount of $150.38, being the county's total share of such grade crossing elimination ; and the .County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same out of the general fund upon the certification of the completion of the work. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from Rexford R. Chatterton, relative to a refund, due to a reduction of rate, on the bond of the County Commissioner of Welfare, which was filed. The reports of the clothing bureau for the months of Febru- • ary and March were presented by Miss Van Cleef and placed on file. The Clerk read a resolution adopted by the town board of the town of Groton with reference to construction of the Gro- ton-Freeville road, which was placed on file. Mr. Mott presented a petition from residents of the town of Dryden asking that the so-called South Hill Slaterville Road, a distance of five miles more or less, be placed on the County Map. Mr. Stone moved that the petition be accepted and referred OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,' NEW YORK . 19 to the Committee on Highways. Seconded by Mr. Chase. ' Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Van Order. Mr Chase, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : .Resolved—That because of the discontinuance of the CWA and the taking over of that work by the T.E.R.A.; the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer any unexpended balance standing to the credit of the County CWA to the County T.E.R.A. fund; and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay out of the T.E.R.A. Fund, upon .the order of a majority of the T.E.R.A. Committee, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands to meet the payment of the T.E.R.A. payrolls, she be authorized and directed to pay the same out of any funds in her hands, not otherwise allocated, to take care of these payrolls in anticipation of the State's reimbursement. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption.: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $1,000.- 00 for the purpose of paying office and other incidental expenses of T.E.R.A. set-up, and the County Treasurer is herebyauthor- ized to set aside from the general fund $1,000.00 for the above purpose; such bills to be paid• by her upon the order of. the majority of the T.E.R.A. Committee. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. ' 20 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Clerk read a. comrnunication . fromFred• A.' Rogalsky, relative to the offer made by the First Baptist Church, stating that the Court House Committee of the First ,Baptist Church were willing to sell the old Court House property for $8,500.00 cash, subject to the reservation to the church of a temporary 12 foot right of way to the east of the old Court House with the privilege to the County of moving it to the west boundary of the west property; line; if and when the old Court House building is razed ; such right of way when so relocated to be permanent. The parcel of land we'st'of the First Baptist'Church building is not included in this offer. Moved by Mr. ' Osborn' that the offer 'of the First Baptist Church be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Here followed a discussion. A petition, signed by around 75 taxpayers of the county, was presented by Mr. Taylor, with the statement that 8 other peti- tions were in circulation but were not returned, asking: that the Board of .Supervisorsconsider the purchase of the old Court House property for a ;memorial to Simeon DeWitt. , A vote being taken on the motion resulted as follows:. Ayes—Messrs. Myers, .Miller, Mott, Chase and Osborn -5. • Noes—Messrs. Snow, Stevenson, Watrous, Veit, Squier, Conlon, Albright and Stone -8. Motion lost. Moved by Mr. Squier, that the. Clerk of this Board be in- structed to..insert ;in the Ithaca Journal a notice of a. public hearing, to be _held on Tuesday, April 24, .1934,. at'2 P. M. on the proposition ,of purchasing the old Court House property. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW' YORK 21 Quarterly Sess®n.. Monday, May 14, 1934 ' MORNING SESSION Roll call.' All members ,present: Minutes of February 12, 1934 'meeting, read and approved with corrections. Minutes of Special Meeting of April 10, 1934, read and, ap- proved. - Mr: Squier, Chairman of the Committee on Rules and Legis- lation, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved•That, the County Treasurer be, arid she 'hereby is, authorized and directed to reduce the ' rate of the interest penalty from 10% to 6%,' for failure to, pay any, real property tax for, the . year 4934, which : shall have been returned by a town collector or city treasurer or chamberlain .to, such county treasurer and for the collection of which no,sal&of the property shall have been made, in accordance with'the' provisions of Chapter, 468; Laws of 1933::: .. - Seconded by Mr.' Chase. Carried.' Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board. be authorized and directed to make such changes in the form 'of the 1934 Assess- ment Rolls as have been indicated by the Equalization" Com- mittee: Seconded by&&Mr. Mott. ` Carried. Mr.' Chase 'offered the following' resolution and moved its a'doption : . Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to place upon the county pay roll the names of the members of 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS the Board of Supervisors, to be paid monthly, the same as all county employees, are. paid; the amount being $600.00 per annum for all supervisors, except the Chairman who is to be paid $750.00 per annum, all such salaries to begin April 5, 1934, and be it further Resolved—That • there be appropriated from the General Fund an amount sufficient to cover the above salaries for the period from April 5 to December 31, 1934. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution, and moved its adoption Resolved -That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $110.00 for the payment, of the balance due from the county to 121 East Seneca Street Corporation for rent of offices in the Seneca Building; that the said offices be surrendered to the said corporation as of April 30th, 1934, and the lease cancelled as of that date, and that the appropriation heretofore made for the payment of $70.00 per month rent for said offices be rescinded as of the 30th day of April, 1934; •and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the said •sum of $110.00 to. the 121 East Seneca Street Corporation, out of the General Fund in full satisfaction of the balance due under said lease. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -14. Noes -O. Carried. Mr. Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $900.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in payment of the Printed Proceedings of this Board, for the year 1933, the order thereof to be drawn by the Clerk of this Board upon the County Treasurer, upon the delivery to and acceptance by the Clerk of said Printed Proceedings. . • Seconded •by Mr. Stevenson. OF. TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 23 Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr.- Mott offered the following resolution . and moved its adoption WHEREAS, by deed dated August '26, 1932, recorded Septem- ber 2, 1932, in Liber 230 of Deeds at page 214 in Tompkins County Clerk's Office, the County of Tompkins acquired from one Margaret Kinsley title to a parcel of land in the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins," containing about '124.50 acres, which said title is still held and owned by said County ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in them by Reso- lution of the Board of; Supervisors passed at a meeting of said Board, the 'Chairman and Clerk of said Board on September 28, 1932, entered into a contract or agreement, with The People of the State of New York acting by and thru Herbert E. Gaston, Deputy Conservation Commissioner, to convey to said The People said parcel of land for the sum of $4.00 per acre ; and WHEREAS, a survey of said premises has been made by the Conservation Department of the State of New York,which said survey shows the area of said parcel to be 128.63 acres ; Now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman of .the Board of Supervisors be, and he is hereby authorized, directed, ordered and empowered to execute and sign on behalf of said County of Tompkins, a Bargain and Sale Deed conveying said premises tos The People of the State of New York, the consider ation therein to be computed 'at $4.00 per acre on the acreage found in said premises on said survey made by the Conserva- tion Department of the State of New • York, and the County Clerk is' hereby authorized, directed, ordered and empowered to affix to said deed the County seal of the County of Tomp- kins ; and Be it Further Resolved, that the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized to deliver said deed to the Attorney - General of the State of New York, the same to be held in escrow by him until the above-mentioned purchase price is paid. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Moved by Mr. Osborn, that a committee of three be ap- pointed, with power, to investigate the Kinsley property in 24 ' PROCEEDINGS OF THE 'BOARD .OF SUPERVISORS Dryden with the view to ascertaining the amount of timber, if any,_ which the county might be able to sell ; and report back to the next meeting. • Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Carried. The Chairman appointed the following members .as, con- stituting that .committee; Mr. Mott, Snow and Albright. Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay out for purchase of lands for reforestation purposes by the County, for which an appropriation has been' made, upon the order of the Reforestation Committee. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County in addition to its annual meetings shall hold regular meetings on the second Monday pf'each month, pursuant to an amendment of Section 10-B•, of the County Law, adopted by the ,Legislature of 1934; and that such monthly meetings shall be in lieu of the regular quarterly meetings which are hereby dis- continued. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Moved by Mr. Squier,.as, annmendment, that the meetings be held on the Second Tuesday of each month instead of on_the Second Monday of each month. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. A vote being taken on Mr. Squier's amendment, resulted as follows : Ayes -4. Noes -7. � Amendment. dost: OFTOMPKINS' COUNTY, NEW YORK . • 25 A vote being taken on Mr. Van Order's original resolution, resulted as follows Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION _ Ro1r call. All members' present. The Clerk read a resolution passed by the Common Council of the City of Ithaca, relative to the Central Index. ' Mr: Fred A. 'Williams, Commissioner of Welfare, explained what the Central •Index was and the advantage its use was to his department. Mr. Van` Order 'offered' the following resolution and moved its :adoption': �. Resolved., —That the County. contribute $12.50 per month as its shareof the cost of maintaining, the Central Index, Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -14. Noes=O, . Carried. , Mr. Snow ; offered ,.the, following resolution and, moved its adoption Resolved—Thatthere be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $40,650.00, to,the. Department of- Public Welfare,. to carry on its work ;for the balance, of. the fiscal year • 1934, ap- portioned as follows : : CHARITABLE—IMPROVIDENT POOR County Home $ 4,200.00 Outside Relief • • 9,500.00 • Hospitalization 16,000.00 Dependent Children— Foster Homes • $8;000.00. Institutional Care 1,100.00 9,100.00 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF 'SUPERVISORS Storage of Federal Food 650.00 Salary of Worker, March 1, to Oct. 31 1,200.00 Total $40,650.00 and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $18,500.00 to carry, on the work of Old Age Security for the balance of the fiscal year, apportioned as'follows : Allowances $18,500.00 and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, directed to pay the amounts hereby appropriated in the same manner as she has heretofore paid moneys for said department out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipa- tion of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved ---That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding 6%, per annum, until the date fixed for their pay= ment, and be it further ' Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County .Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section. 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes. -0. Carried The report of the Clothing Bureau for the was received and placed ,on file. Mr. Veit offered the following resolution • adoption : month of April and moved its OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 27 WHEREAS, the legislature of the State of ,New York has de- clared the property commonly known as the "Old Court House Property" owned by the First Baptist Church Society of Ithaca and located on Court Street in the : City of Ithaca to have been exempt from taxation for and during the taxable year 1933 ; and has authorized the refund. of such sum or sums which were paid to the Board of Supervisors of the county of Tompkins by reason of an erroneous assessment made during the year 1933 of said property ; and WHEREAS, under such erroneous assessment a State and County Tax for the year 1933, in the sum of $199.08, was levied against said property, no; part of which has been paid : • Resolved—That the State and County tax for. the year 1933 heretofore levied and assessed against the property commonly known as the "Old Court House property," owned by the First Baptist Church. Society of Ithaca and located on Court Street in the city of Ithaca, and all , fees and penalties incurred on account of such tax be annulled and expunged, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to amend the record of unpaid state and county taxes for 1933 so that the item relating to said property shall read and appear, in all respects as though said property were exempt from taxation for and during the taxable year of 1933. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $300.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for ex- penses necessarily incurred by the county attorney in executing the duties of his office during the year 1934, all claims for such expenses to be audited by the Board of Supervisors; and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its . adoption : 28 ; PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF 'SUPERVISORS Resolved–That the three following roads be placed on the County, Road Map for future construction : 1. Whipples' Corner -West Dryden RoadNo. 175. Begin- ning at a point' 2.0 miles west of ' Etna on County Road No. 109 and extending thence northerly 1:0 mile ; thence easterly' 1.0 mile;''and thence northerly through West Dryden 3:0 miles to 'County 'Road No. 107;, being 5.0 miles in length. 2. Continuation of :Halseyville;,Road No. 170. Beginning at the intersection of County Road No. 170 with County Road No. 147 and extending thence northerly' 1.35 miles and connecting with C. H. No. 616 at Halseyville, at Station'47. ... 3. Christian. Hill=Ables' Corner Road NO. 136 A. Begin- ning at a point 2.0 miles north of Station No: 113 on , C. H. No. 1623 and extendingthence,easterly for a distance of 1:0 mile and connecting with 'CountyRoad No. 146. Seconded by Mr, Stone. Carried, Mr. Miller offered the' following resolution and moved its adoption : . WHEREAS, the law governing the payment of taxes is of a period, ,when, the ; major:, portion . of the ; income : of taxpayers comes in the winter months, and WHEREAS, most of the taxpayers •of our county now have monthly incomes andthe payment of taxes in one sum works a hardship .upon many of, them, therefore be it Resolved—That a committee of ` three be' appointed jloY the Chair' to ' investigate the proper legal procedure' td change the time for the payment of taxes; making it' easier for the taxpayer; said committee to investigate and report back to this Board. Seconded by Mr. Chase. .'Carried. Mr. Miller offered: the followings:'resolution and 'moved its adoption :OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK : 29 WHEREAS,• the agricultural fairs ofthis county, are ,recrea- tional and educational and deserve the support of all forward; looking citizens, and WHEREAS, the: state aid to ,our fairs has been reduced and such reduction makes its extremely difficult for the manage- ments of our fairs to meet their legitimate expenses, and WHEREAS, the directors of the fairs are serving without pay and are personally responsible for all deficits; therefore be it Resolved—That this Board appropriate the sum. of $3,000:- 00; said sum to be equally divided between the Tompkins Coun- ty Agricultural Association and the. Trumansburg.fair; and be it further Resolved—That this sum so appropriated shall be kept separate from the other monies of said fairs and shall not be reckoned in the. figuring of profits under any contract made by, the directors or any official of said fair. . Seconded by Mr. Stone. Moved by 'Mr. Miller, that the' foregoing resolution be .laid on the table until our next' regular meeting. Seconded by 'Mr..Snow. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $2,000:- 00 to the T.E.R.A. Fund for rental of machinery on the Lan- sing project; payments to' be made by the County Treasurer as other T.E.R.A. bills are paid, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $500.00 to the T. E. R: A: for office administration,' to be paid by the County Treasurer as`other T.E.R.A. bills' are paid. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. 30 PROCEEDINGS OF • THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : .Resolved—That the $28,110, Lowman Money, to' be received from the State under Section 320-B, of the Highway Law, be hereby appropriated to the County Road Maintenance Fund for 1934. Seconded by Mr. Osborn: Carried. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, it appears that the committee work can be more efficiently done by abolishing some. of the committees as now constituted and allow the Board to function as a whole at their monthly meetings, therefore be it Resolved—That we abolish the following committees : Rules and Legislation, Town and County Accounts; Town Expenses, Etc. ; Returned Taxes ; County Treasurer's Accounts ; Coroner and Justices' Account; Correction and Reformation; County Clerk and Election Expenses ; Soldiers' Relief, Etc. ; Finance ; Contract Supplies ; Jail Supplies ;; Auditing Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital ; To Sell Lands Acquired by the County at Tax Sale ; Bridge Advisory ; .Enforcement of the Quarantine on Dogs ; County Buildings ;' Snow Equipment and Reforesta- tion; and the work be done by the Supervisors as a whole at our monthly meetings. Moved by Mr. Miller, that action on the proposed resolution be deferred until the next meeting of the Board. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Carried. Mr. Squier, Chairman of the Committee on County Build- ings, explained that the bill of the Hunkin-Conkey Construc- tion Company for attorneys fees, in the amount of $450.00 had been cut by that committee to $225.00 and asked the pleasure of the Board. • A vote being taken on the audit of the bill for $225.00 re- sulted as follows : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK. 31 Ayes -11. Noes -1. Carried. The Clerk read a claim from the First Baptist Church of $900.00 for rent of the Old Court House. Mr. Stevenson moved, that the claim be referred to the County Attorney and he report to this Board at the next meet- ing.. Seconded by Mr: Squier: Carried. The several committees reported the following claims for audit -to which they had been referred, with the amounts al- lowed thereon S-100 Bert I. Vann, Expenses—Co. Supt. $351.12. 101 Bert I. Vann, Exp. & Disb.-Co. Supt. 68.80 102 Stover Printing Co., Time Cards—Co. Supt10.45 103 Charlotte V. Bush, Postage -Co. Treas. 80.00 104 The Todd Sales Co., Protectograph—Co. Treas93.00 105 Corner Bookstores, Type. ribbons—Co. Treas1.50 106 J. E. Van .Natta; Supplies—Co. Treas. . 2.35 107 T. G. Miller's Sons Co., Supplies—Co. Treas6.35 108 Stover Printing Co.; Envelopes, receipts— Co. Treas. 26.25 109 Curtiss 1000 Inc., Supplies—Co: Treas. ' 40.15 110 Dr. H. P. Denniston, Exam. in Lunacy -Insane '10.00 111 Dr. H. H. Crum, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane: 10.00 1-12 Dr. D. M. Ryan, Exam. inLunacy—Insane 20.00 113 Dr. F. E. Ryan, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane 10.00 114 Dr. F. E. Ryan, Exam. in Lunacy -Insane 20.00 115 Dr. J. N. Frost, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane 10.00 116 Dr. W. G. Fish, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane : 10.00 117 Dr. W. G. Fish, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane 20.00 118 Dr. Wm. L. Seil, Exam. in Lunacy—Insane ,10.00 119 Geo. F. Warner, Fees in Dog Cases—Constable 42.00 120 Arthur Gregg, Fees in Dog Cases—Constable 23.00 121 B. Randall Smith, Fees in Dog Cases—Constable 24.55 122 Walter G. Kinch, Fees in Dog Cases—Justice .. 35.20. 123 Edward E. Slights, Fees in Dog Cases, Constable 24.95 124 L. E. Patterson, Insurance—T. B. Hosp. 18.12 125 Grinnell Co., Inc., Sprinklers—Co. Home 4.36 126 Robinson & Carpenter, Supplies—Co. Home 29.74. 127 Donohue -Halverson, .Inc., Supplies & Plumber Co. Home 106.22 32 PROCEEDINGS :OF-THE..BOARD , OF SUPERVISORS 128 Driscoll Bros. & Co., Supplies—Co. Home 1.32.72 129 Edward MacNick, Labor—Co. Home 16.00 130 Dr. B. F. Lockwood,Anesthetic—Ralph Delong P. H. C. - • 10.00 131 G. A. C. Berry, Splint & cork raise—Harry Huddle, P. H C. 36.00 132 Binghamton City, Hospital—Care—Douglas Horton—P. H C • 60.00 133 Mrs. James Mullen, Board—Kathryn Bereza- 2/2/34 to 5/4/34—P H C. 65.00 134 Dr. Frederick H. Knoff, Anesthetic—Arthur Emerson—P. H. C. 20.00 135 Hospital Good Shepherd, ' X-ray and' care- Arthur 'Emerson, P. H. C. ' 204.00 136 .Leonard B. Job,, Pres. Speech Correction- Ithaca College—Edward Stickane, P.H.C. 168.00 137 Rochester General Hospital—Bd. & Care— Lois Van Nest -11/26/32 to 2/7/33—P.H.C. 348.50 138 Reconstruction Home—Care—Robert Pike- 4/1/34 to 4/30/34=P. H C 90.00 139. Reconstruction Horne—Care—Reese .Stevens— P. H. C. 60.00 140 Reconstruction Home—Care &Braces—Loretta Kinyoun 1/1/34 to 5/1/34—P H C. 450.00 141 'Reconstruction Home—Care—Barbara Good - band -12/14/33 to 5/1/34—P. H C. 414.00 142 •Reconstruction' Home—X-ray & Care—Robert Miccinati 1/1/34 to 5/1/34—P. H C: 365.00 143 Reconstruction Home—Corset & Care -Edward Dimmick-1/1/34 to 5/1/34—P.' H. C. 369:85 144' Reconstruction Home—Care--Margaret Meeker 1/1/34 to 5/1/34—P. H C 360.00 145 Reconstruction Home—X-Ray & Care, Kathryn Bereza-10/1/33 to 11/1/33 and'1/1/34 to 2/2/34—P. H C 194.00 146 Reconstruction Home—Care—Arthur Emerson 4/11/34 to 5/1/34=P. H. C 57.00 147 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses—Sheriff 303.86 148 Frank C. Ellis, Disbursements—Sheriff 9.00 149 Grace Printing Co., Letterheads—Sheriff . 8.50 150 McCann Electric Co., Flashlight Cells—Sheriff 7.20 151 Sturm Bros.; Supplies—Jail Inmates 11.50 152 West Disinfecting Co., Disinfectants—Jail 32.50 153. The Fyr ,Fyter Co., 'Fire. Extinguishers --Jail 116.40 154 Student 'Transfer, ' Freight and Cartage -Jail 2:00 155 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies—Jail 5.40 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 33 156 A. B. Brooks & Son -Supplies -Jail Inmates 14.19 157 Rothschild Bros., , Supplies -Jail 5.94 158 Swift & Co., Soap -Jail 3.50 159 J. C. Stowell Co. -Matches -Jail 5.40 160 Treman, King & Co., Supplies & Labor -Jail 15.10 161 C. A. Shelton, Electric . Work -Jail - 6.00 162 Farnsworth W. Reckerd, Supplies -Jail 15.62 163 Dr. H. H. Crum, Services -Jail Physician , 10.00 164 Dr. J. E. Dunphy, Services -Jail Physician .:20:'00 165 Arthur G. Adams, Expenses -Dist. Atty. 182.96 166 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co., Typewriter, etc- Dist. Atty. 120.43 16.7 Stover Printing Co., Letter Paper -Dist. Atty• 12.50 168 Margaret E. Crowley, Transcript -Bishop Case -Dist. Atty 1.40 169 T. 'G. Miller's Sons Co., Supplies -Dist. Atty5.85 170 Hall & McChesney Inc., Record Books -Co Clerk 115.00 171 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies -Co. Clerk 3.70 172 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies -Co. Clerk 2.65 173 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Supplies -Co. Clerk 24.54 174 H. L. O'Daniel, Expenses & Postage -Co. Clerk 113.54 175 T. G. Miller's Sons Co., Supplies -Co. Clerk 14.20 176 Norton ,Printing Co., Ct. Calendars & State- ments -Co. Clerk 102.30 177 The Atkinson Press, Supplies -Co. Clerk 33.00 178 Donohue -Halverson Inc., Supplies & Plumber - Co. Clk's Bldg. • - 36.98 179 T. G. Miller's Sons Co., Receipt Book -Co. Judge 2.00 180 The Atkinson Press, Supplies -Co. Judge 40.00 181 T. G. Miller's Sons Co., Supplies -Surrogate 23.14' 182 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies -Surrogate 94.50 183 L. J. Clasgens, Record Book -Surrogate 38.25 184 The Atkinson Press, Enrollment Books -Comm. of Elec. 480.00 185 W. F. George, Pres. Bd. of Elec., Clerical Wk.. & Postage -Comm. of Elec. 100.00 186 D. N. Van Hoesen, Insurance -Co. Clk's Bldg.18.90 187 Chas. B. Stanion & Son, Insurance -Co. Clk's Bldg. , 10.80 188 P. W. Wood & Son, Insurance -Co. Clk's. Bldg10.80 189 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Supplies -Supervisors 80.16 190 Wm. A. Church 'Co., Supplies -Supervisors17:00 191 T. G. Miller's Sons Co., Supplies -Supervisors 1.35 192 Wm. A. Church Co., Bill Heads -Supervisors 18.50 193 Wm. A. Church Co., Tax Receipt Books-Super- i 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS visors 57.60 194 Charles H. Newman, Expenses -Supervisors .: 23.39 195 John J. Sinsabaugh, Expenses -Co. Sealer 134.45 196 McCann Electric Co., Supplies -Court House 82.98 197 McCann Electric Co., Supplies-Court,House 158.86 198 T. G: Miller's Sons Co:, Supplies -Court House 150.50 199 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Court House .,2.80 200 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Court House 7.80 201 The Kent Co. Inc., Supplies -Court House 8.72 202 Clarkson, Chemical & Supply Co., Supplies- Court House 13.73• 203 C. J. Rumsey & Co.,. Supplies -Court House 29.00 204 J. E. Van Natta, Time Clock -Court House 100.00 205 . Student Transfer, Freight & Cartage ..Court House 1.60 206 Max Kluebert, Repair Elags-Court House1.00 207 J. C. Gutenberger, Exp. & Disb.-Court House 3.30 208 Norma Turk, Extra Cleaning -Court House 22.40 209 Layton G. Dawes, Moving -Co. Bldgs. 9.00 210 Donohue -Halverson Inc., Plumber -Old Ct House 2.10 211 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Window .Light --Old Ct . House ' .35 212 Amos H. 'Davenport, Repair. and Cleaning Blower -Old Ct. House, 2.70 213 Robinson & Carpenter, Sand, Cement, etc. -Co Clk's. Bldg. 13.21 214 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Labor & Supplies -Co Clk's. Bldg. 28.39 215 T. G. Miller's Sons Co., Supplies -Co. Attorney . 3.10 216 Amzy Hankinson, Fees in Dog Cases -Constable 9.35 217 Floyd W. Beach, Fees in Dog Cases -Justice 3.50 218 Charles H. Newman, Disb. & Expenses -Co Attorney 20.66 219 W. 0. Smiley, Postage & Expenses -Supervisors 12.30 220 Charles H. Newman, Expenses -Co. Attorney 19.20 221 West Publishing Co., Supplement -Co. Judge 20.00 222_ Dennis.& Co. Inc., Law Book -Co. Judge • 8.50 223 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies -Co. Judge 35.90 224 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies -Sup, Ct. Chambers 5.70 225 Martin B. Bacon, Top Soil -Co. Bldgs. 22.50 226 Rothschild Bros., Rubber Matting, etc.I-Co Bldgs. 90.28. 227 The Macey Co., Bulletin Boards -Co.. Bldgs. 165.00 228 Chas. A. Seleen,Erecting Bronze Rail -Co. Bldgs. ' .. 58.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 35 229 Lamont . C. Snow, Annual & Quart. Sess., Comm. Work and Expenses—Supr. 171.76 230 Thomas G. Miller, . Annual & Quart. Sess, Comm. Work and Expenses—Supr. 54.26 231 Carl A. Mott, Annual & Quart. Sess., Comm Work and Expenses—Supr. 101.48 232 Harvey Stevenson, Annual & Quart. Sess, Comm. Work and Expenses—Supr. 99.36 233 Denton J. Watrous, Annual & Quart. Sess, Comm. Work and Expenses—Supr. 126.96 234 L. E. Chase, Annual & Quart. Sess., Comm Work and Expenses—Supr. 208.56 235 Andrew J. Conlon, Annual & Quart. Sess, Comm. Work and Expenses—Supr. 58.18 236 R. C. Albright, Annual & Quart: Sess., Comm Work and Expenses—Supr. 60.56 237 LePine Stone, Annual & Quart. Sess., Comm Work and Expenses—Supr. 225.80 238 Fred D. Van Order, Annual & Quart. Sess, Comm. Work ,and Expenses—Supr. 219.00 239 Henry 0. Veit, Annual & Quart. Sess., Comm Work and Expenses—Supr. 120.00 240 Jos. B. Myers, Annual &_ Quart Sess., Comm Work and Expenses—Supr. 144.00 241 R. C. Osborn, Annual & Quart. Sess., Comm Work and Expenses—Supr. 78.00 242 , Clarence C. Squier, Annual & Quart Sess, Comm. Work and Expenses—Supr. 135.05 243 Hunkin-Conkey Construction Co., by J. Dall, Jr. Agent -Attorney's Fees Co. Bldg. 225.00 244 John Vincent Larkin, Landscape Contract -Co. Bldg. ' 22.50 245 Inez M. Tatascore, 'Transcript of . minutes— Children's Court Judge 15.00 $,10,218.08 Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. . Resolved—That the foregoing claims, amounting to the sum of $10,218.08, be audited by this Board at the amount recom- mended by the several committees to which they were referred and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to' pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay. the same, 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARDOF SUPERVISORS or any part thereof, and in the pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, inanticipation of the collectionof taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby 'is,. authorized and. directed to give the notes or certi- ficates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of the issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding 6% per annum, until the date fixed for their pay- ment, and be it futher Resolved—Thatsuch notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by, the Clerk of this Board for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claims Nos. S-119, S-120, S-121, S-122, S-123, S-216 and S-217 out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund ; that of Claim No. S-115 and $10.00 of Claim No. S-117, being for examination in Lunacy, she charge to the town of Caroline; that of Claims Nos. S-112, S-113, and S-114, being also for examination in Lunacy, she charge to the town of Dryden ; that. $10.00 of Claim No: S-117 be charged to the town of Newfield for examination in Lunacy; that Claims Nos. S-110 and S-111, being: also for examinations ih Lunacy, she charge to the city of Ithaca and of Claim No. S-116, being for examination in' Lunacy, is a countycharge; that of Claim No. S-147, being for Sheriff's expenses, there be charged to the towns of Caroline, the sum of $10.80, Danby, $11.70, Dryden, $19.80, Enfield, $.90, Groton, $15.90, Ithaca, $10.50, Lansing, $20.10, New- field, $37.55, Ulysses, $10.06, and the city of Ithaca, $79.50; said claims being properly chargeable to said towns and city and that the amount so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for -moneys expended for and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Ayes -13. Noes—O. . Carried. On motion, adjourned. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 37 Monthly Meeting. Monday, June 11, 1934. MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Van Order. Minutes of Quarterly meeting of May 14th, read and ap- proved, with corrections. A number of claims were received and referred to the proper committees for audit. Moved by Mr. Veit, that the Board take a recess until 1 :30 P. M. to give the committees time to look over the bills. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr: Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—In May this Board passed a resolution obligating the county to the payment of ' $12.50 per month, as the county's share of the Central Index, so-called ; now, therefore be, it Resolved—That the County Treasurer. be and she hereby is directed to pay the sum of $12.50 monthly' to Mrs. Frances P. Wigley, who is responsible for the compiling of said Central Index. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Carried. Mr. Harry P. Morse, Farm. Bureau Manager, appeared be- fore the Board with land classification maps, giving a brief • • 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS description thereof, and reported that a tour was planned for the near future, at which time the 'Board -would be notified. Mr. George S. Tarbell appeared before the Board and pre- sented a deed from Dr. R. C. Warren to the County of Tomp- kins, containing approximately three acres of land in area, for an over -look on the Taughannock Boulevard, also a map covering the same. Moved by Mr. Osborn, that we accept this deed with the full vote of thanks and appreciation from this Board of Super- visors, and that this parcel be known as the Warren Overlook. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Mott, Chairman of the Special Committee appointed to investigate the Kinsley ' property, reported that ' there was nothing of real value to the county. Moved by Mr. Watrous, that the Special Committee be dis- charged with thanks. Seconded by Mr. Squier.- Carried. Mr. Stone offered the' following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved -That the Sheriff be authorized to enter into a con- , tract with the proper authority of the Federal _Government for the detention of Federal Aliens or prisoners at a cost of not less than 85c per diem to the Federal government for each person detained. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. A vacancy having occurred on the. Cornell Library Com- mission, in the death of Franklin C. Cornell, the board pro- • ceeded in the election of filling his unexpired term. Mr. Osborn placed in nomination the name of Mrs. T. J. Barker, as a member of the Cornell Library Commission, to fill the unexpired term of Franklin C. Cornell, deceased, which term expires on December 31, 1937. Mr. Osborn's nomination was seconded by Mr. Veit. 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK r 39 'There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Miller; the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Mrs. T. J. Barker, as a member of the Cornell Library Commission. The Clerk cast one ballot for Mrs. T. J. Barker, and the Chairman declared Mrs. Barker duly elected a member of the Cornell Library Commission to fill the unekpired term of Franklin C. Cornell, deceased; which term will expire on De- cember 31, 1937. A vacancy having occurred on the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital in January 1934, when Mr. Smiley resigned, that matter was taken up. Mr. Chase placed in nomination the•name of Mr. Sidney L. Howell, as ,a member of the. Board of Managers of the Tomp- kins County, Tuberculosis Hospital to fill the unexpired term of W. 0.' Smiley, which term expires on December 31, 1937. Mr. Chase's nomination was seconded by Mr. Snow. There being no other nominations on motion of Mr. Miller, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Sidney L. Howell ; the Clerk cast one ballot for Sidney L. Howell, and the Chair- man declared Mr. Howell duly elected as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hos- pital to fill the unexpired term of W. O. Smiley, which term expires on December 31, 1937. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS—The Rules and Legislation of- this body were adopted in' 1913 and since that time many of 'them have become obsolete, therefore be it Resolved—That a committee of five be appointed by the Chairman to work with the Rules and Legislation Committee to formulate a new set of rules for this body paying special attention tothe committees and their several duties and report at the July meeting, or as soon thereafter as practical. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. The committee appointed by the Chairman to work with the 4Q PROCEEDINGS 'OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Rules and Legislation committee were as follows : Messrs. Chase, Osborn, Snow, Watrous and Myers. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and .moved its adoption : Resolved—That the following banks located in Tompkins County be and they hereby are designated, pursuant to Sec- tion 144 of the County Law as amended in 1934, for the deposit. of moneys received by the County Treasurer; and that the maximum amounts which may be kept on deposit in each of said banks at any one time in the name of the county treasurer shall be the amounts set after the names of such banks re- spectively, as follows : First National Bank of Dryden $ 20,000.00 First National Bank of Groton 20,000.00 First National Bank of Ithaca 200,000.00 First National Bank of Trumansburg ' 20,000.00 Ithaca Trust Company 200,000.00 Tompkins County National Bank200,000.00 Provided, nevertheless, that any check or checks received by the county treasurer for school moneys may be deposited in any one of the three Ithaca banks in addition to the maximum above specified, in which case the balance .in the bank where such deposit is made shall- be reduced to the specified maximum within ten days after the making of such deposit. And Be It Further Resolved—That the rate of interest to be paid on the moneys so deposited shall be one, per cent per annum on the minimum monthly balances in each of said banks above ten thousand dollars, the interest so accruing to be credited monthly to the account of the county treasurer for the use of the county. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. A report of the County Superintendent of Highways, rela- tive to ela-tive.to the rental of machinery. on the Lansing T. E. R. A. pro- ject was read. Mr. Watrous, Chairman of, the Committee on Highways, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 41 of $1,000:00 to carry on the Lansing T. E. R. A. project. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes-14:Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—Tompkins County and the several towns within her borders are spending several thousand dollars a year for official bonds and liability insurance; and WHEREAS—The mutual agreement between the county and the towns has resulted in a large saving in compensation, ex- pense, therefore, be it Resolved -That a committee be appointed to investigate the feasibility of the towns and the county entering into a similar agreement in regards to bonds for their officials and liability insurance of all kinds. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. The committee appointed by the Chairman to investigate the matter of insurance was as follows : Messrs. Miller, Squier, ,Chase, Conlon and ,Stone. The report, of the County Attorney relative to the claim of the First Baptist Church for $900.00 for rental of the Old Court House, was received. Mr. Chase moved, that the report of the County Attorney be referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compen- sation. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. , Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County of Tompkins offer the Baptist Church $8,500:00 for the Old Court House property, subject to the•reservations of lands in front of the Baptist Church and 42, , PROCEEDINGS OF THE' BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 'the 12- foot temporary right of way heretofore described, the same to be in full settlement of all claims againstTompkins County. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -Messrs. Myers, , Miller, Mott, Chase, Osborn, Squier and Albright -7. Noes—Messrs. Snow, Stevenson, Watrous, Van Order,, Veit, Conlon and. Stone -7. Motion lost. Moved by Mr. Miller, that the Board of Supervisors refuse the claim of $900.00 of ,the Baptist Church Society. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Carried. Moved by Mr. Miller, that the Special Committee on the Old Court House property be discharged.. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Mr. Mott, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, recommended that the report of the. County Attorney be accepted and that an arbitrator be appointed ; and that the county abide by the decision of the arbitration. _ Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Miller, referring to his resolution of May 14th, relative to the appropriation for county fairs, asked that it not be taken from the table at this time but be continued until the next meet- ' ing.; The Clerk, read the following claims for atidit, with the names of the claimants and the amounts allowed, as reported by the several' committees S'-246 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Index Book, Co. Clk. $ 80.00 247 The Card Shop, Supplies, Co. Clk. 4.00 0 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 43 248 Callaghan & Co., Cahill's Code, Co. Clk. 3.00 249 H. L. O'Daniel, Postage & Exp., Co.. Clk. 64.40 250 Norton Printing Co., Court Calendars, Co. Clk83.85 251 The Atkinson Press, Enrollment Bks. Comm of Elec. 7.50. 252 W. F. George, Pres. Bd. of Election;, Clerical 30:00 Work, Comm. of Elec. 253 The Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Judge 57.00 254 J. B. Grace Printing Co., Post cards, Sheriff . 1.75 255 Andrew Tarbell,. Appraising Dog damages, Assessor 3.60 256 C. D. Griswold, Appraising ' Dog damages, Assessor 3.00 257 Dr. F. E. Ryan, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 20.00 258 Dr. Minor McDaniels, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 259 The Biggs Co.,,. Supplies, Co. Home / 89.35 260 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Co. Atty. 74.60 261 General Bronze Corporation, 'Bronze Stair Rail, Co. Bldg. 257.00 262 Huffman -Wolfe Co., Supplies, Co. Bldg. 20.25 263 Huffman -Wolfe Co., Supplies, Co. Bldg. `'15.12 264 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Maintenance, Co. Machines, Co. Officers 52.90 265 Lawyers Co -Op Publishing Co., Supplement, , Sup. Ct. Judge ' 10.00 266 Edward. Thompson Co., Law Book,"Sup. Ct. Judge 2.00 267 Hon. Riley H. Heath, Postage, Sup. Ct. Judge 30.00 268 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies,. Sup. Ct. Chambers 6.75 269 Holland Brothers, Cleaning drapes, Sup. Ct. Chambers 5.50 271 C. J., Rumsey & Co., Supplies, Ct. House ....'15.05 272 , E. M. Rumsey & Son, Stone & Dirt, Co. Clk. Bldg 3.00 273 J. B. Lang Engine & Garage Co., Lawn Mower, Ct. House , 10.80 274 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Typewriter Ribbon, Co. Treas. .75 275 Reconstruction . Home, , . Inc., X -Ray, Reese ; Stevens, P. H. C 5.00 276 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Robert .Mic- cinati, 5/1/34 to 6/1/34, P H C. . 93.00 277 Reconstruction Horne, : Care, Margaret Meeker, 5/1/34 to 6/1/34,, Inc.,. X-rays, P. H. C. 103.00 278 Reconstruction Horne, Inc., Care, Loretta Kin- youn, 5/1/34 to 6/1/34, P. H. C . 93.00 279 ' Reconstruction Home, Inc:, Care, .Barbara Good- i 444. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS band, 5/1/34 to 6/1/34, P. H. C. 93.00 280 Reconstruction Home, Inc., ,Care, Arthur Emerson, 5/1/34 to 6/1/34, P. H. C. 93.00 281 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Edward Dim- mick, 5/1/34 to 6/1/34, P. H. C. ,93.00 282 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Envelopes, Co. Judge 3.50 283 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Dictionary, Co Clerk 5.00 284 Edward W. Sykes, Appraising Dog damages, Assessor 3.60 285 Harry A. Hatfield, Fees in Dog Cases, Justice 10.30 286 E. V. Gould, Appraising Dog damages, Asses- sor 4.20 287 Truman English, Appraising Dog damages; Assessor 4.00 288 The Bool Floral 'Co., Balance on contract, Co • Bldg. 185.30 289 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses, Sheriff 70.80 290 Bert I. Vann, Expenses, Co. Supt. 154.24 291' Troy Studio, Photographs, Co. Atty. 21.60 292Norma Turk, Extra work, Co. Bldg. 18.40 $2,015.11 Mr. ,•Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $2,015.11, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended: by the several committees to which they were referred, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available, funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is; authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear in- terest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 45 Claims Nos. S-255, S-256, S-284, S-285, S-286 and S=287 out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund that she charge Claim No. S-257, being for examinations in Lunacy to the town of Dryden ; that of .Claim No. S-258, being for an examination in Lunacy to the City of Ithaca ; that of Claim No. S-289, being for Sheriff's automobile hire, she charge to the town of Caro -r line the sum of $4.65 ; to the town of Enfield, the sum of. 821.45 ; to the town of Groton, 811.40 ; to the town of Lansing, the sum of 810.50 ; to the town of Newfield, the sum of $4.80 and to the town of Ulysses, the sum of 812.90. • Said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city, and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city to be collected at the next en- suing tax levy to reimburse the county, for moneys expended ,for' and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 1-6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Monthly Meeting Monday, July 9, 1934 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All. members present. Minutes of the last meeting held on June 11th, read and approved. . Mr. Vann reported on the Lansing project of the County ' T. E. R. A. work. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption n Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $6,000.00 to the T. E. R. A. Fund for rental of machin- ery on the Lansing project; payments to be made by the County ,Treasurer as other T. E. R. A. bills are paid. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be 'and hereby is appropriated the sum of $500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to. properly grade and finish the work under way on the Warren Overlook on the Taughannock Boulevard, and the County Treasurer is dirceted to pay the same on the order of the County Superintendent of Highways, from the General Fund. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. 'Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK. . 47. Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the., sum' of $250.00, for lands taken for right of way and all prop- erty damages, payable to J. P. Bretz,, on the Ithaca -Newfield, State Highway No. 5214, and. the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an .order payable to Mr. Bretz, for such land taken , and property damages,upon, the receipt from him of a good and sufficient deed of conveyance of the land taken and a re'' - lease for all damages sustained by reason thereof, and the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, directed to pay said claim out of the moneys' appropriatedfor securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. The Chairman explained, as far aspossible, about Tompkins County being selected as .the model county and the committee selected as the Tompkins County Development Board and in=' vited all the members of the Board of Supervisors to be p'resent.. at a meeting -of this committee to be held in the Court Room, on Tuesday, July 10th at 8 P. M. A number of claims were received and referred to the proper committees for audit. On motion, the meeting was adjourned until 1 :30 P:. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members. present. Mr: Harry P. Morse, Manager of the Farm Bureau .Associa- tion, appeared before the'Board and asked for the 'number of• men who were going on the Land. Classification Tour of Tomp- kins County to take place Friday afternoon, July 13th. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $400.00 to the. Department .of Public Welfare to cover the 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS expenses of an extra stenographer to take care of T. E. R. A. work to cover the period from' July 1st to November lst, and the County Treasurer is °hereby directed to pay the same out of any moneys in her hands unappropriated to other purposes. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes -O. Carried. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—At an unofficial meeting of the members of this Board held on the 26th day of June, 1934, the possibility of this county being designated as a model county for .special work by the State Temporary Emergency Relief Administra- tion was •outlined by the Chairman of the State TERA Ad- visory Board, and the members of this Board then signified their desire to accept such designation and to cooperate in every way to bring it about, and WHEREAS—Since the date of the said meeting this county has been sdlected and designated . for such work .by the State TERA Advisory Board; now, therefore be it' Resolved—That this Board ratifies the action taken at the said unofficial meeting and hereby accepts the, said designation and that ,a copy of this resolution be sent to the Chairman of the State TERA Advisory Board with the assurance that this Board appreciates the action of the State Board and is de- sirous of cooperating to the fullest extent. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Stone, Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses, reported to the Board that the Village of Trumansburg wished to pur- chase the Old Silk Mill in Trumansburg, which was sold for taxes by the county in '1929 ; explaining that the Village .had a good, proposition if they could purchase this building. Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That this Board of .Supervisors sell to the Village of Trumansburg the Old Silk Mill in that village for the sum of 1 OF TOMPKINS 'COUNTY, NEW YORK , - 49 $900.00, and take Certificates of Indebtedness in payment of the same at 5% the same not to run over five years ; the amount of the annual payments to be fixed by the Committee To Sell Lands Acquired by the County at Tax Sale. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County of Tompkins offer the Baptist Church Society $7,500.00 for the Old Court House property, subject to the reservations of lands in 'front of the Baptist Church and the 12 foot temporary right of way heretofore described, the same to be in full, settlement of all claims against Tompkins County. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. - Here followed a discussion of the resolution. • • Moved by. Mr. Snow, that the resolution be laid on the table. Seconded by Mr. Stone. A vote being taken on the motion to be laid on the table re- sulted as follows : Ayes -Messrs. Myers, Snow, Mott, Stevenson, Watrous, Van, Order, Veit, Conlon, and Stone -9. Noes—Messrs. Miller, Chase, Osborn, Squier and Albright —5. Motion carried. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, with the names ,of the claimants and the amounts allowed, as reported by the several committees : S-293" Frank C. Ellis, Expenses, Sheriff $132.90 '294 Otis Elevator Company, Repair on elevator, Jail . 8.46 295 The Fuller Brush Co., Supplies, Jail 6.60 296 Arthur G. Adams, Expenses & Disbursements, i 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dist. Atty. 184.39 29.7 Lavere Robinson, Expert witness, Dist. Atty25.00 298. Arthur B. Wellar, Expert witness, Dist. Atty. 25.00 299 Margaret.E. Crowley; Transcript, Bishop case, Dist. Atty. 2.30 300 H. L. O'Daniel, Postage & Expenses, Co. Clerk 33.25 301 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Supplies, Co. Clerk 7.75 302 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Index Book, Co. Clerk 80.00 303 The Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Clerk 35.00 304 The Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Judge 8.50 305 Wm. F. 'George, - Pres. Bd. of Elections, Post- age & Clerical Work, Comm. Elec. 33.00 306 The Atkinson Press, Supplies, 'Comm. Elec75.00 307 Corner Bookstores,Inc., Supplies, Co. Treas. 7.30 308 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Co. Treas. • 86.55 309 Floyd E. Morter, Fees in Dog Cases, Constable ' 8.85 310. James A. Bush, Est:, Fees in Dog Cases, Justice 9.20 311 Dr. D. M. Ryan, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 20.00 312 -Dr. R. M. Vose, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 313 Dr. H. H. Crum, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 314. The Journal & Courier, Pub. State Scholar- ships, Educational 9.17 315 Matthew Bender & Co., 1934 Manual, Sup. Ct Judge .. ' 7.00 316 Fred L. Clock, Disbursements, Supervisors 10.00 317 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Supervisors 1.65 318 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies, Ct. House 3.25 319 Bool Floral Co. Inc., Grass Seed, Ct. House 3.85 320 The Fuller Brush Co., Supplies, Ct. House 13.20 321 Rothschild Bros., Supplies, Ct. House .2.70 322 J. C. Gutenberger,. Exp: & Disbursements, Ct House 2.35 323 Norma L. Turk, Extra Help &. Cleaning, Ct. House 13.00 324 W. 0. Smiley, Postage & expenses,. Suprs. 8.00 325 Carman & Pearsall, Lumber, etc.', Co. Home 50.98 326 C. J. Rumsey & Co., .Paint, Co. Home 60.00 327 Mary Mullen, Bd. Kathryn Bereza, P. H. C:30.00 328. Geraldine Paddock, Tutoring, Arthur Emerson, P. H. C. . 51.75 329 Bert I. Vann, Expenses, Co. Supt. 160.48 330 Donald S. Cutter, Appraiser, Condemnation, • Rts. of Way. 25.00 331 John W. Preswick, Appraiser, Condemnation, Rts. of Way 25.00 332, Harry D. Colegrove, Appraiser, Condemnation, Rts. of Way 25.00 i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW' YORK • 51 333 Harry C. Baldwin, Appraiser, Condemnation, .. Rts. of Way • 25.00 334 Est. J. W. Hook, Caroline E. Hook; Appraiser, Condemnation, Rts. of Way 25.00 335 W. 0. Smiley, ,Appraiser, Condemnation, Rts. of Way, 25.00 336 , Est. L. H. Tunison, Georgia A. Tunison, Ap- praiser, .Condemnation, Rts.. of Way 49.92 337 Delbert H. Decker, Appraiser, Condemnation, Rts. of Way 64.88 338 Dr. Henry B. Sutton, Exam. Barbara Good- band, P. H. C 10.00 339 Norton, Printing Co., Copies of. Proceedings, Suprs. 53.79 340 . J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Suprs. 9.00 $1,574.02 Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the foregoing claims, amounting to the sum of $1,574.02, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees t� which they were referred and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of ,the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to • borrow said amount; or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby. is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certi- ficates of the said county, to mature not more than •six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding 6% per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the 52 PROCEEDINGS OF THE. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for and on behalf of the Board; and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claims Nos. S-309 and S-310, out of the' moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund ; that she pay Claims Nos. S-330,' S-331, S-332, S-333, S-334, S-335, S-336 and S-337 out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way; that she charge Claim No. S-311, being for examinations in Lunacy to. the town of Dryden, that of Claim No. S-312 being also for examination in Lunacy to the town of Ulysses, that of Claim No. S-313, being for examination in Lunacy to the City of ,Ithaca; that of Claim No. S-293, being for Sheriff's expenses, there be charged to the towns of Caroline, the sum of $6.60 ; Danby $1.80 ; Dryden, $12.90; Groton, $15.90 ; Ithaca; $9.30 ; Lansing, $8.90; Newfield, $9.25 and the city of Ithaca, $2.10 ; . said claims being properly chargeable to said towns and city and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city, to be collected at the next en- suing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 53 Monthly Meeting Monday, August 13, 1934 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of the last meeting held on July 9th, read and ap- proved. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the committees on the Tuberculosis Hos- pital and the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis be asked to, suggest names to fill the vacancies on those committees caused by the death of Dr. Homer Genung. The appointment to be made at the September meeting. • Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Carried. Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The Ithaca-Trumansburg Highway is a much travelled Highway, leading from the city 'of Ithaca through Trumansburg to Geneva, handling Rochester and Buffalo traffic, being one of the main highways into the city of Ithaca, and since. October 1, 1927 to the present time there have been 109 accidents, 6 deaths and 157 people injured on said Ithaca- Trumansburg highway, therefore be it ' Resolved—That this Board of Supervisors petition the Sup- erintendent of Public Works, Division of Highways, for the improvement of the Ithaca-Trumansburg highway, between the City of Ithaca and the Village of Trumansburg, making it a three width highway,' suggesting adding one-half of said width on each side of the now existing highway. This Board believes that the construction of this proposed highway improvement is in the interest of safety to the motor- travelling public. i 54, PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Conlon.. . Carried: Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS—Public Service Case No. 6773, Town of Caroline, has been referred to us by the Comptroller; Morris S. Tre- maine, as being completed and financed by the State to the ex- tent of the county's share of 1%, or $3.89, now therefore, be it Resolved,—That there be and -hereby is appropriated the sum of $3.89 from the General Fund, to pay the county's share of the grade crossing elimination in the town of Caroline, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of 'this Board be authorized and. directed to draw an order, payable to the Comptroller, Morris S. Tremaine, in the amount of $3.89, being the county's total share of such grade crossing elimination ; and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same out of the general fund. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : • Resolved,—That. the Chairman and Clerk be authorized and directed to sign for Tompkins County the agreement by which the ,county agrees to maintain the highway, to be constructed by the State, known as NRS Project No. 826. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Carried. Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : , Resolved—That there be and hereby is re7appointed to the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital the income received from paying patients, to wit, the sum of $1,429.50. Seconded by Mr. Miller. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. 55 The Chairman announced that the claims of the Schwartz people against Tompkins County, for alleged injuries sustained at Taughannock Creek, in the town of Ulysses, on April 19, 1934, had been presented to this Board. 'Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—Lewis H. Schwartz, Martha G. Schwartz, Beverly Schwartz and Elizabeth Schwartz have presented verified claims for damages arising out of an automobile acci- dent which occurred at Taughannock Creek in the town of Ulysses on April 19, 1934, in the following amounts, to wit : Lewis H. Schwartz $27,800. Martha G. Schwartz 10,000. Beverly Schwartz ' 2,000. Elizabeth Schwartz 10,000. $49,800. AND WHEREAS this Board has been advised that there is no merit in said claims and no liability for said damages on 'the part of Tompkins „County ; now, therefore be it Resolved—That each and every one of the aforesaid claims be rejected. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Carried. A number of bills were read and referred to the proper com- mittees for audit. Mr. Miller asked to withdraw his resolution of May 14, which was seconded by Mr. Stone, relative .to ,the appropriation of $3,000. to the two fairs, stating that the fair committee feels that they can do without it this year, and thanked the Board for ,entertaining the motion. On motion, adjourned until.2 P. M. 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON 'SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Hesley, County Director of the State T. E. R. A. ap- peared• before the Board in the interests of the County T. E. R. A. projects which resulted in considerable discussion. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS the T. E. R. A. Farm -to -Market Road Project calls for an estimated expenditure of approximately $98,000 for the construction of fourteen miles in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, it appears that such Project will greatly relieve the several towns and county in the cost of welfare expendi- tures under Home Relief, as well as provide employment for several hundred unemployed men, and - WHEREAS, it is understood that the T. E. R. A. Administra- tion will pay 75% of the cost of such project, therefore be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to take care of the County's share of such costs, ,>on , condition that there be alloted to Tompkins County by the T. E. R. A. Admin- istration the said 75% of the cost of the project, and be it further • Resolved—That in the event that the County Treasurer hab not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby. is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the, taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- cates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceed - i OF TOMPKINS COUN'T'Y, NEW YORK 57 ing 6% per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and - be it further Resolved -That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of'the 'County Law. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow -offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman appoint a committee of three to consider the advisability of reconsidering the contract now existing between the county and the Cornell Library Associa- tion for rural library service, and the desirability of reorgan- izing such service to operate as a county library or a rural travelling library system under §1118-b or §1118-c of the Education Law, and be it further Resolved That the committee so appointed meet with a committee of the Cornell Library Association, and that it re- port at the next meeting of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Carried. The committee appointed by the Chairman to investigate the library situation was as follows Messrs. Snow, Chase and Veit. Moved by Mr. Chase, that this Board approve of the'recom- mendations of the executive board of this model county com- mittee for the approval of a planning project. Seconded by Mr. Mott. Carried. The several' committees reported the following claims for audit to which they had been referred, with amounts allowed thereon . S-341 H. L. O'Daniel, Postage & Exp., Co. Clerk $ 41.88 i 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 342 Leslie Tyler, Freight & Cartage, Co: Clerk 4.79 343 Callaghan & Co., Civil Practice Supp.,•Co. Clerk 10.00 344 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Co. Clerk 37.27 345 Wm. Hazlitt Smith,' Cloth Blueprint, Co. Clerk 1.25 ' 346 Hall & McChesney Co., Index Book, Co. Clerk 80.00 347 The Atkinson Press, Supplies, Surrogate 52.50 348 Baker, Vorhis & Co., Law Book, Co. Judge 12.00 349 Wm. F. George, Pres. Bd. of Elections, Post- age & Clerical, Wk., Comm. of Elec. - 33.00 350 W. F. George, Expenses, Comm. of Elec. 18.75 351 Emma L. Card, Expenses, Comm. of Elec. 18.75 352 The Atkinson Press, Supplies, Elections 1 197.50 353 J. B. Lyon Co., Law Reports, Ct. Library 45.00 354 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses, Sheriff 105.75 355 Frank C. Ellis, Exp. & Disbursements, Sheriff 10.70 356 Fay Elston, Deputy service, Sheriff 15.00 357 Harry E. Schoonover, Deputy service, Sheriff 3.00 358 Roy F. Shurger, Deputy service, Sheriff 3.00 359 Smith, & Wesson, Inc., Supplies, Jail .46 360 J. C. Stowell Co., Supplies, Jail 5.40 361 Swift & Company, Supplies, Jail 16.20 36,2 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies, Sheriff 1.15 363 A. B. Brooks & Son, Supplies, Jail Inmates ' .99 364" • 'Dennis & Co., Inc., Law Book, Dist. Atty.. • 20.00 365 Stover Printing Co., Supplies, Dist. Atty17.50 366 J. E. Van Natta, Typewriter stand, Dist. Atty9.00 367 Warrington R. Tompkins, Pictures, Dist. Atty28.00 368 Lincoln L. Watkins, Transcript of minutes, Dist. Atty. 6.00 369 Dr. Keith Sears; Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 370 Dr. J. E. Lovell, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 371 Dr. H. P. Denniston, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 37.2 Dr. R. S. Gutsell, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 " 373 Dr. R. S. Gutsell, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00, 374 . Dr. M. J. Foran, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 375 The Todd Co., Supplies, Co. Treas. ' .30.45 376 Fred A. Rogalsky, Insurance, T. B. Hosp. 16.25 377 P. W. Wood & Son, Insurance, T. B. Hosp. 24.38 378 Donohue -Halverson, Inc., Supplies & Labor, Co. Home . 289.85 379 ,C. J. Rumsey. & Co., Supplies & Labor, Co Home 31.75 380• Driscoll Bros. & Co., Supplies, Co. Home 9.00 . 381 Baker & Hart, Assigned to Tomp. Co. Nat'l. Bank -Labor -Co. Home 350.00 382 Hospital of the Good Shepherd, Bd. & Care, i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 59 Barbara Goodband,. P. 11. C. 94.50 383 Dr. J. C. Frey, Anesthetic; Barbara Goodband, P. 11. C. 10.00 384 Reconstruction Home, Care, Barbara Goodband, P. 11. C. . , - 63.00 385 Reconstruction Home, Care, Loretta Kinyoun, P. H. C.90.00 386 Reconstruction Home, Care, Ed. Dimmick, P. H. C. 90.00 387 Reconstruction Home, 'Care, Robert Miccinati, June, P. H. C. 90.00 388 Reconstruction Home, Care, Margaret. Meeker, • June, P. 11. C. 90.00 ,389 Reconstruction Home, Care,, Arthur Emerson, June, P. H. C. 62.00 390 Dr. H. H. Crum, Services, Jail. Physician 4.00 391 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses, Sheriff 140.54 392 Dr. James E. Dunphy, Services, Jail Physician 40.00 - 393 John J. Sinsabaugh, Expenses, Co. Sealer 109.27. 394 Wm. A. Church Co., Repairing Index, Surrogate 5.50 395 Gladys L. Buckingham, Expenses, Supervisors 5.50 396 J. B. Lyon Co., Law reports, Ct. Library 45.00 397 J. C. Guttenberger, Expenses, Ct.. House 1.97 398 Tisdel's Repair Shop, Supplies, Ct. House 3.25 399 Midland "Chemical Laboratories, Supplies, Ct. House 12.50 400 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies, Ct. House 2.25 401 Jamieson -McKinney Co., Supplies, Ct. House 3.10 402 J. E. Van Natta, Typewriter rental, Ct. House 4.00 403 Norton- Electric Co., Information . Sign, Ct. ° House 25.00 404 Wm. A. Church Co., Printing, Supervisors 8.00 405 W. 0. Smiley, Postage, Supervisors 4.00 406. Bert I. Vann, Expenses, Co. Supt. 145.84 407 John Bellardino,•Spring Box, Right of Way 254.43 408 Virge Lowe, Appraiser, Condemnation, Rt. of Way 31.44 409. T. H. Davenport 'Co., Inc., Insurance, T., B. Hosp. 24.38 410 Robinson & Carpenter, Lime, Co. Home 1.00 411 Bert I. Vann, Expenses & Disb., Co. Supt. 53.36 412 Treman King & Co., Supplies, Sheriff 2.95 413 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Supervisors 11.00 414 Dr. Esther E. Parker, Ex. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 415 -Joseph B. Myers, Expenses, T. E. R. A., High- way 30.51 $3,174.81 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims, amounting to the sum of $3,174.81, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which they were referred and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the' County Law, she be and hereby is, authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer ,be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certi- ficates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding 6% per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be .signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section ,41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claims Nos. S-407 and S-408 out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way; that she charge Claims Nos. S-369 and S-370, being for examinations ,in Lun- acy to the town of Ulysses, that, of Claims Nos. S-371, S-372, S-373, S-374 and S-414, being also for examinations in Lunacy to the City of Ithaca; that of Claim No. S-354, being for Sheriff's expenses, there be charged to the towns of Caroline, the sum of $3.15 ; Danby, $2.40 ; Dryden, $9.60 ; Groton, $3.60 ; - Ithaca, $34.20 ; Lansing, $7.20 ; Newfield, $17.55 ; and Ulysses, $6.60; said claims being properly chargeable to said towns and city and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city, to be collected at the next OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW . YORK 61 ensuing tax levy toreimburse the countyfor moneys expended for and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS Monthly Meeting Monday, September 10, 1934 MORNING =SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of the last meeting held on August 13th, read and approved. Mr. Watrous, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, reported that that committee had effected settlement with Mrs. Edna Edsall and H. and K. Dart on the Freeville Village . Highway and the Etna-Freeville-Dryden Highway respective- ly, for the total agreed sum of $3,700.00 for rights of way and all property damages caused thereby. Mr.. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $3,000.00 for lands taken for right of way and all property damages, payable to Mrs. Edna Edsall, on the Free- . ville Village County Highway, No. 1002, and the Clerk is . hereby directed to -issue an order payable to Mrs. Edsall, for such land taken and property damages, upon the receipt from her of a good and sufficient deed of conveyance of the land taken and a release for all damages sustained by reason thereof, and the. County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, directed to pay said claim out of the moneys appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. .Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $700.00, for lands taken for right of way and all property damages, payable to H. and K. Dart, on the Etna-Freeville- i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK. 63 Dryden Highway No. 5294, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order payable to H. and K. Dart, for such land. taken and property damages, upon the receipt from them of a good and sutiieient deed of conveyance of the land taken and a release for all damages sustained by reason thereof, and •the County Treasurer be, and she herebyis, directed to pay said. claim out of the moneys appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Mott. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. A number of bills were read and referred to the proper committees for audit. , On motion, adjourned to 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll. call. All members present. Mrs. Eugene Baker, President, and Mr. Leon D. Rothschild, members of .the Board. of Child Welfare, appeared• before the Board and asked for an additional appropriation of $500.00, which was referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Mr Squier, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS, it appears that certain property in the, Town .of Newfield belonging to Cornell University was erroneously sold in 1928 on tax sale to one Chauncey Freese and said property was erroneously assessed in the year 1930, 1931, and 1932 to said Chauncey Freese, and said errors have resultedin expense to said Chauncey Freese to the amount of at least thirty dol- lars; • AND WHEREAS said Chauncey Freese has agreed to accept the sum of thirty dollars in full settlement ofhis claims in the premises ; therefore be it 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of thirty dollars for the reimbursement of said Chauncey Freese as a tax refund, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay said sum to Chauncey Freese upon receipt of a release of all claims against the Town. of Newfield and/or the County of Tompkins arising out of said erroneous sale and assessments, the same to be paid out of any - funds in the' hands of the County Treasurer available for such, - purpose, and to be charged to the Town of Newfield. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee appointed to investigate the library situation be continued, and that it' be authorized to draw up a tentative contract with the Cornell Library Associa- tion to replace the existing contract, the same to be submitted to the Board at its next meeting together with such recom- mendations as the committee wishes to make regarding the establishment of a rural traveling library system. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Mr: Chase, Chairman of the Finance Committee, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—There appearing to be an overdraft of approxi- mately $770.62 for rental of machinery on the Lansing pro- ject; also one of $5,919.14 in the T. E. R. A. General payroll to September 1; therefore be it Resolved—That the County Treasurer be authorized to transfer from the General Fund $6,689.76, orso much thereof • . as may be necessary to. cover they above overdrafts. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following. resolution and moved its adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK ' 65 Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $3,527.00, or' so much thereof as may be necessaryto cover the county',s 25% of completing all T. E. R. A. projects now in progress. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—So little is known about' the actual_ cost of the Welfare and T. E. R. A. to the county and the several towns and its effect upon the community in general ; be it Resolved—That the Chairman appoint a committee of five to investigate the cost and the, operation of welfare in the county, and be it further Resolved—That the City of Ithaca be requested to appoint a. similar committee to work independently but in conjunction with the committee of our Board of Supervisors. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. The Chairmanappointed as members of this committee Messrs. Miller, Veit, Osborn, Conlon and Snow. Mr. Stevenson, Chairman of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., reported that the committee had considered the. request for an additional appropriation by the Board of Child Welfare, and offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $500.00 for the Board of Child Welfare for the balance of the year 1934 ; and the County Treasurer is directed to pay the same in like manner as the original appropriation. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14.- Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Charities ex- 1 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS plained about the canning project. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $100.00. to the Department of Public Welfare for the purchase of the canning outfit, to be used in the canning project. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman appoint a committee to in- vestigate Mr. Hesley's expense account. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. The Chairman appointed as the members of this committee, Messrs. Chase, Stone and Myers. Mr. Snow suggested and moved the name . of Fred C. Marshall -to fill the unexpired term of. Dr. Homer Genung on the Bovine. Tuberculosis Committee. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Chase moved that 'Dr. B. F. Hauenstein be appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. Homer Genung on the Tuberculosis Hospital Committee. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : ' WHEREAS—There are in operation several road projects in the county the transfer of which to the new' county develop- ment plan has been authorized by the County Development Board ; therefore be it OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 67 Resolved—That the Board of Supervisors approve the action of the County Development Board. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. ; Carried. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution 'and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the price of soldiers headstones be raised from $35.00 to not exceed $50.00. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The labor cost of T. E. R. A. highway projects must be increased to the amount of approximately $16,000. to make it equal 50% of the entire cost of highways under T. E. R. A. ; therefore be it • Resolved—That there be appropriated $4,000.00, or so much thereof as is necessary under the same conditions as the ap- propriation of August 12. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. The several committees reported the following claims for audit to which they had been referred, with the amounts al- lowed thereon : S-416 H. L. O'Daniel, Postage and expenses, Co. Clerk $ 39.07 417 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Record Book, etc., Co. Clk. 40.00 418 Wm. F. George, Pres. Bd. of Elections, Clerical Work, Comm. of Elec. 33.00 419 The Atkinson Press, Supplies, Comm. of Elec.. 23.50 420 George B. Sickmon, Fees in Dog Cases, Justice 3.40" 421 John T. Terrell, .Fees in Dog. Cases, Constable 17.10 422 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses, Sheriff 169.10 68- PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 423 Frank C. Ellis, Disbursements, Sheriff 38.76 424 A. B. Brooks & Son, Supplies, Jail Inmates 10.49 425 Dr. James E. Dunphy, Services, Jail Physician 16.00 426 J. E. Van Natta, Typewriter, etc., Co. Treas. 72.00 427 Dr. H. P. Denniston, Ex. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 428 The Perry Agency, Insurance, T. B. Hosp16.25 429 Grinnell Co., • Inc., Sprinklers, Co. Home 4.65 430 Grinnell Co:, Inc., Inspection service, Co. Home 75.00 431 Reconstruction Home, Inc:, Care, Margaret Meeker, July, P. H. C. 93.00 432 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Barbara Goodband; 7/12 to 8/1/34, P. H. C. 57.00 433 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Loretta Kin- youn, July P H C 93.00 434 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Ed. Dimmick, 7/1 to 7/12/34, P H C 36.00 435 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Nellie Rus- citto,,7/25 to 8/1/34, P 11 C. • 18.00 436 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Robert Mic- cinati, July 88.57 437 Hon. Riley H. Heath, Postage, Sup. Ct. Judge 50.00 438 ' Hand Stamp Co., Rubber stamp, Sup. Ct. Judge • 2.75 439 The Frank Shephard Co., Law Books, Sup. Ct Judge 35.00 440 West Publishing Co., Law Books, Co. Judge 15.00 441 Perfect Typewriter Key Co., Rubber keys, Surrogate 4.00 442 J. E. Van Natta, Rent of Typewriter, T.E.R.A4.00 443 Charlotte V. Bush, Expenses, Co. Treas. 2.04 444 Charlotte V. Bush, Postage, Co. Treas. 49.00 445 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Shirley • Harvey, June & July, P. H. C. 183.00 446 Bert I. Vann, Expenses, Co. .Supt. of Hgwys142.90 447 Joseph B. Myers,, Expenses, T. E. R. A. 28.86 448 Carlton Allen, Extra Work, Ct. House 12.00 449 Karl D. Hesley, Expenses, T. E. R. A. 224.59 450 Karl D. Hesley, Expenses, T. E. R. A. 75.93 $1,782.96 Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved -That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $1,782.96, be audited by this Board at the amounts .recom- mended by the several committees to which they were referred, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 69 and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds inher hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to. borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used, for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, 'authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- cates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding 6 per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that -these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for, and on behalf, of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer charge Claim No. S-427 to the City of Ithaca, being for examination in Lunacy; that of Claim No. S-422, being for Sheriff's expenses, she charge to the town of Caroline the sum of $34.20, Danby $2.70 ; Dryden, $10.50 ; Ithaca, $17.25 ; Lansing, $48.45 ; New- field, $2.10 ; Ulysses, $38.70 and the city of Ithaca, $3.20 ; the amounts so charged being properly chargeable to the respec- tive towns and city, and to be placed .in the tax budget thereof for the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the, county for moneys expended for, and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Monthly Meeting Monday, October 8, 1934 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Van Order. Minutes of September 10th meeting, read and approved. Mr. Bert I. Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, ap- peared before the Board and presented the following snow removal program for the .season of 1934-35 : Road No. Name of Road Length 72 Catskill Turnpike, Pt. 1 1.87 336 Cayuga Heights 3.17 338 Catskill Turnpike, Pt. 2 1.38 454 Ithaca 3.64 455 Wyckoff 0.34 483 Catskill Turnpike, Pt. 3 4.44 606 Cayuga Heights, Hanshaw's Cor. 2.12 616 Trumansburg-Ithaca 8.64 681 Ithaca -Dryden, Pt. 1 4.72 , 682 Ithaca -Dryden, Pt. 2 3.95 683 Dryden -Cortland, Pt. 1 3.53 926 Freeville-Groton 4.49 1001 Enfield Center -Ithaca 6.45 1002 Groton Village 0.37 Freeville Village 0.84 Dryden 1.33 1003 Mitchell St. E. Town Line 1.37 1004 Cooks Corners-Brooktondale 4.58 1188 Groton -Cayuga Co. Line 2.77 1189 Enfield Falls -Enfield Center 6.34 1330 Ithaca-Esty Glen 2.44 1431 Brooktondale-Speedsville, Pt. 1 3.38 1433 Cortland -Groton Pt. 3 & 4 5.86 1623 Mecklenburg -Ithaca, Pt. 2 3.07 1676 South Lansing -Genoa 6.78 1867 Ithaca -Varna, 1.71 1891 South Ithaca -Ithaca 0.68 1895 Halseyville-Taughannock Falls 1.26 1921 Taughannock State Park -Ithaca 7.65 i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 71 5043 Ithaca -Danby, Pt. 1 2.59 5122 Ithaca -Danby, Pt. 2 3.25 5206 Trumansburg Village 1.54. 5213 Ithaca -Danby, Pt. 3 4.33 5214 Ithaca -Newfield, 5.09 5225 Varna Crossing 0.53 5256 Esty Glen -South Lansing 3.08 5294 Etna-Freeville-Dryden 6.69 5379 Ithaca -West Danby, Pt. 1 3.22 5474 Cayuta-Newfield 6.28 5567 Ithaca -West Danby 3.04 5575 Perry City-Trumansburg 3.31 5627. South Lansing -Myers 1.38 5689 Myers -Kings Ferry, Pt. 4 ' 0:11 5720 Myers -Kings Ferry, Pts. 1 & 2 0.15 8016 Dryden -Harford 4.47 8155. Spencer -West Danby, Pts. 1 & 2 2.58 8284 Myers -Kings Ferry, Pt. 3 5.58 8317 Myers -Kings Ferry, Pts. 1 & 2 1.76 8330 Caroline-Richford, Pts. 1 & 2 0.85. 8467 Buttermilk Falls State Park Entrance 0.63 158.37, Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : . Resolved -That the snow removal program, as presented by the County Superintendent of Highways, be adopted by this Board as the snow removal program for the year 1934-35. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. Dr. Keith. Sears, Superintendent of the Tuberculosis Hospital appeared before the Board and requested that the County Attorneyinvestigate the status of certain money left by will to the Tuberculosis Hospital. - This matter was referred to the Tuberculosis Hospital Com-• mittee and by them to the County Attorney. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : . Resolved—That' the Clerk of the Board be authorized ' to 72. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS secure bids for 1000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board, for the year 1934, reserving the right to reject any, or all bids. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $200.00,. or so much thereof as to her may seem necessary for additional clerk hire for the County Treasurer, for the balance of the year 1934. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Caroline, asking leave to borrow the sum of $1,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the repair of high- ways and bridges in said town, damaged or destroyed by the elements, which. was filed. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That the petition of the Town Board of. the Town of Caroline, this day filed, be granted and that the supervisor of said town, in pursuance of §§93, and 96 of the Highway Law, be authorized to borrow the sum of $1,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in anticipation of taxes to be levied and collected, on the credit of the town, and issue certifi- cates of indebtedness therefor, for the repair of highways and bridges in said town, damaged or destroyed by the elements. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $2,781.50, for the administration expenses of the T. E. R. A. to carry on to the 15th day of February, 1935. Seconded by Mr. Miller. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 73, Here followed a discussion on the question resulting in its being laid on the table until the afternoon session. • The Clerk read a communication from Mr. Van Hyning, Assistant Director of the Temporary Emergency Relief Ad- ministration. Bills for audit were received and placed in the hands of the several committees. On motion, adjourned to 2 P. M. -AFTERNOON SESSION' Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Van Order. Mr. •A. Sorieri, of the State Welfare, Department, addressed the Board with reference to the need for an additional case supervisor and several investigators for checking of work re- lief. • Here followed a discussion on the merits of the above re- quest. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its. adoption : Resolved—That the unexpended balance of the Bond Issue, for the erection of the New Tompkins County_ Court House and Jail, now in the hands of the County Treasurer; together with any accrued interest thereon, be appropriated and transferred_ to the General Fund. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. - Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS, the city at their recent bond issue were able to secure a very favorable rate of interest, therefore be it Resolve. d=That the Chairman .appoint the finance ,com- 74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS mittee together with two other members. to 'investigate the matter of refinancing the recent bond issue of the county and report to this Board 'at the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Carried. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Snow and Conlon. Mr. Squier, •Chairman of the Building Committee, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the building committee be and hereby is authorized to replace the shrubs around the county buildings, which were killed or destroyed by the severe winter of , last year. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Miller talked with reference to the extension of time on tax collections andmoved that the County Attorney look up the matter and report at the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. Albright. Carried. • Mr. Chase called up his resolution of the forenoon with re- ference to the administration expenses for T. E. R. A. which was laid over until the afternoon session. Roll call on the resolution resulted as follows: Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman be authorized to notify the proper authorities that this Board feels that our present wel- fare officers are perfectly capable of handling the situation and that we will , be glad to co-operate with the New York office if they will furnish the necessary blanks for the welfare officers. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 75 Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Library Committee, reported progress with their work and asked for an extension of -time until the November meeting. Seconded by M. Stone. Carried. The several committees, reported the following claims for audit to which they had been referred, with the .amounts al- lowed thereon : S-451 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Co. Treas. $ 1.75 452 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Co. Treas. .35 453 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Supplies, Co Treas. 7.20. 454 H. L. O'Daniel, Postage, Exp., Co. Clerk . 53.29 455 The Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Clerk 12.00 456 Lawyers Co -Op Publishing Co., McKinney's Amdts., Co. Judge 15.00 457 Matthew Bender & Co., Gilbert's Code, Co Judge 20.00 458 W. F. George, Pres. Bd. of Elec., Clerical work, Comm. of Elec. 33.00 459 Jennie B. Thayer, Clerical work Comm. of Elec. . 7.20. 460 Journal & Courier, Pub. primary notice, Comm. of Elec. 2.73 461 Arthur G. Adams, Postage & Exp., Dist. Atty217.94 462 The Atkinson Press, Copies of brief, Dist. Atty. 35.00 463 Frank C: Ellis, Expenses, Sheriff . 111.65 464 Weinstein Brothers, Supplies, Sheriff 10.15 465 Dr. James E. Dunphy, Services, Jail Physician 62.00 466 Dr. J. N. Frost, Services, Jail Physician 5.00 467 Otis Elevator Co., Repairs on elevator, Jail 4.80 468 Leslie Tyler, Cartage, Jail .2.34 469 Clarkson Chemical & Supply Co., Supplies, Jail .90.00 470 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies, Jail .55 471 Rothschild Bros., Supplies, Jail 19.12 472 J. C. Stowell Co., Supplies, Jail 5.40 473 Driscoll Bros. & Co., Labor & Materials, Co. Home 8.11 474 , Donohue -Halverson Inc., Labor & Materials, Co. Home 5.20 475 Paul J. Cushing, Insurance, T. B. Hosp. 32.50 476 Dr. H. E. Merriam, Ex. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 477 Binghamton City Hospital, Care, Helen Fuller, P. H. C. ' - 19.00 i 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 478 Reconstruction Home, Care; Shirley Harvey, Aug. P H C. 93.00 479 Reconstruction Home,' Care, Nellie Ruscitto, Aug. P H C. • 93.00 480 Reconstruction Home, Care, Robert Miccinati Aug. P H C. 93.00 481 Reconstruction Home, Care, Margaret Meeker, Aug. P H C. 93.00 482 Reconstruction Home, Care, Barbara Goodband, Aug. P H C. 93.00 483 Reconstruction Home, Care, Loretta Kinyoun, Aug. P. H C. 93.00 484 Bert I. Vann, . Expenses, Co. Supt. of Hgwys120.72 485 Stover Printing Co., Supplies, Co. Supt. of Hgwys 8.10 486 Eugene F. Van Name, Materials, Right of Way 73.63 487 . J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Sup. Ct. Judge 12.00 488 Matthew Bender & Co., McKinney Supp., Sup Ct. Judge - 20.00 •• ' 489 John J. Sinsabaugh, Postage & Exp., Co. Sealer 78.18 490 Perfect Typewriter Key Co., Key set, Suprs• 4.00 491 Matthew Bender & Co., Bender's Index, Suprs. 40.00 492 Lawyer's Co -Op Publishing Co., McKinney's Amdts., Supervisors 15.00 493 W. O. Smiley, Postage & Exp., Supervisors 5.50 494 J. C. Guttenberger, Postage & Exp., Ct. House 1.95 495 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies, Ct. House 4.75 496 - Leslie Tyler, Cartage, Ct. House ' • 1.00 497- C. J. Rumsey & Co., 'Glass & Putty, Old Ct. • House - . 1.00 498 J. E. Van Natta, Rent of Typewriter, T.E.R.A. .4.00 499 Burroughs Adding Machine- Co., Supplies, Co. Treas. 8.00 500 Charlotte V. Bush, Postage, Co. Treas. 18.00 _ $1,765.11 Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : , Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $1,765.11, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended'by the several committees to which they were referred, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out .of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK . 77 or_ any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in , anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys ,so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins' County Treasurer be; and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certi- ficates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not ex- ceeding 6 per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes, or certificates of .indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk .shall make the entriesrequired by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for, and on behalf, of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to charge Claim No. S-476, being for examination in lunacy, to the town of Caroline ;..that she be directed to pay Claim No. S-486 out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way ; that of Claim No.. 5-463, being for Sheriff's ex- penses, she charge to the town of Danby, the sum of $21.90'; Dryden, $13.50 ; Enfield, $10.35 ; Ithaca, $6.60 ; Lansing, $8.30'; Newfield, $4.80 ; Ulysses, $10.80 'and the city of Ithaca, $35.40, the amounts so charged being properly chargeable to the re- spective towns and city, and to be placed in the tax budget . thereof for the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for, and in their behalf., Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes—O: Carried. On motion, adjourned. J$ PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To W. 0. Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y. hereby request you to call a special meeting of said Board, to be held in the Supervisor's Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y. on Friday, October 26, 1934, at 10 A. M. to consider county finance, highways and any other business that may properly come before the meeting. Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., October 16, 1934. • R. C. OSBORN LAMONT C. SNOW C. A. MOTT .LAGRAND CHASE D. J. WATROUS R. C. ALBRIGHT T. G. MILLER HENRY. 0. VEIT C. C. SQUIER HARVEY STEVENSON LEPINE STONE JOS. B. MYERS Special Session Friday, October 26, 1934 Roll call.. All members present. The Clerk read the call for the Special meeting. Mr. Fred A. Williams, County Commissioner of Public Wel- fare, appeared before the Boardand rendered a report of pub-. Iic welfare and old age security, which was received and placed on file. The County Treasurer gave an oral report of county finance balances as compared to like date of last year. Mr. Thomas gave a report of T. E. R. A. activities to Octo- ber 18, 1934," which was received and placed on file. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 79 Mr. Miller offered the following resolution .and moved its adoption,: WHEREAS, The Temporary Emergency Relief Administra- tion of the State of New York, through its field representatives has requested this Board to approve the employment of an ad- ditional case supervisor and several investigators for the checking of work relief in Tompkins County; the salaries of such employees to be paid 75% by the State and 25% . by the County ; and the County to pay their transportation expenses, while in the ..performance of their duties within Tompkins County not exceeding $25.00 per month. Resolved—That this Board approves the employment of one case supervisor and three investigators to commence at once and continue until December 31, 1934, such employees to be residents of Tompkins County if practicable, and their salaries and expenses to be paid in the manner above stated. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its ' adoption : Resolved --That there be and hereby is appropriatedto the Department of Public Welfare to meet the salary for three T. E. R. A. Investigators $100.00 per month for two months $600.00 Travelling expenses for Investigators and case , supervisor for two months 200.00 $800.00 and be it further • Resolved—That in the event the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said sum of $800.00 or so much thereof, as to her may seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS indebtedness of said' county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate notexceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further . Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and countersigned by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Watrous, Chairman of the Highway Committee re- ported that his committee had effected a settlement with the following persons on the State Farm -to -Market Road No. 1,623 in the towns of Enfield and Ulysses. Daniel Griffen $ 50.00 Abram and Charlotte Moore - 85.00 Merrill F.•and Clara Louise Curry 75.00 Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $210.00 for rights of way and all property damage in the towns of Enfield and Ulysses, known as S. H. No. 1623, north and east to S. H. No. 616, County Road, County of Tomp- kins payable as follows : Daniel Griffen $ 50.00 Abram and Charlotte Moore 85.00. Merrill F. and Clara Louise Curry 75.00 $210.00 and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders for the above amounts payable upon the delivery to .him of proper deeds of conveyance of the lands taken and a release of all property damages, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the money in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way. 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 81 Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Squier reported with regard to the replacement of shrubbery around the county building. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, October 30th, at 10 :30 A.M. ADJOURNED SPECIAL. SESSION Tuesday, October 30, 1934 ' Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read a communication from the Temporary Emer- gency Relief Administration New York Office with regard to the demonstration program. Discussion followed. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and. moved its adoption : Resolved --That there be and hereby is appropriated : the sum of $240.00 to pay• the salary of the assistant engineer, un- til January 1st, 1935, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section . 41; of the County Law, she be and hereby is author- ized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes: tobe contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so .ob- tained to be used for the purpose to which such taxes are ap- plicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- cates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest ata rate.not exceed- 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ing 6 per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further ` Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County, Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the. sum of $850.00 for the following : Salary of Rural Rehabilitation Agent and ' Salary of Economist, both for three months $750.00 Traveling Expenses for above 100.00 $850.00 and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much •thereof as may to her seem necessary in anticipa- tion of thecollection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- cates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate. "not ex- ceeding 6 per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW' YORK 83 Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -O. Carried. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : . ' WHEREAS—The State Department of Public Works, Divi- sion of Highways, has indicated to this Board its intention to construct or improve certain portions of the highway known as S. H. No. 1623 North and East to S. H. No. 616, County Road, County of Tompkins, and WHEREAS—Such construction or improvement requires the acquisition of certain lands by the County of Tompkins, and WHEREAS—The Committee on Highways of this Board, having been heretofore authorized and empowered to obtain' the requisite rights of way for the . construction or . improve- ment of such highways, and having reported to . this Board that it is unable to acquire by purchase certain lands necessary to be acquired for such construction or improvement, and said committee having also reported that it has entered into writ- ten agreements with some of the owners of some of the lands to be acquired, that if no satisfactory price for such lands could be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of such lands, that this Board will acquire such lands as provided by the Condemnation Law and the Highway Law, and WHEREAS—It appears that no satisfactory price for such lands has or can be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of said lands, Therefore, be it Resolved --That the Chairman of this Board of Supervisors be empowered and'instructed to sign and verify, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, a petition to acquire said lands _ necessary for the construction or improvement of said highway, as appears by the maps and plans of the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, as furnished to this Board, of the party hereinafter named and for the appointment of three commis- sioners of appraisal to ascertain and determine the compensa- tion to be paid to the owner thereof, and to all persons inter- ested therein, of the lands to be acquired Of D. L. Ross and of all persons interested therein, for the construction or improve - i 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ment of said S. H. No. 1623 North and East to S. H. No. 616, County Road County of Tompkins, and the said Chairman of this Board is hereby granted full power and authority to per- form any and all acts necessary for acquiring said lands and to sign all papers in connection with any proceedings connected therewith, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, New York, with the same force and effect as if done by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Saturday, November 3rd, 1934 at 10:30 A. M. ADJOURNED SPECIAL SESSION Saturday, November 3, 1934 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Van Order. Mr. Thomas, of the T. E. R. A. gave a report and read a communication confirming the subjects discussed at the con- ference held in New York. Those present from Tompkins County were Chairman Joseph B. Myers, C. W. Thomas, L. N. Simmons, Sherman Peer and R. C. Osborn. - Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolv'ecl—That this Board approve of the tripmade, by the above named persons, to New York and the results ob- tained. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Carried. Mr. Hesley, Executive Secretary of the Tompkins County Development Association, reported on the mileage of the tech- nical staff and on three projects that had long been past by the development board. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 85 Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the three 'prajOcts be approved by this Board, subject to finding the men,' and that there be appropri- ated the sum of, 81,155.00. to cover the county's 25% share of the same. Seconded by Mr. 'Albright. Moved by , Mr. Stevenson, that this matter be laid on the table. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Carried. Discussion followed. Moved by Mr. Chase, that the. matter of laying on the table be reconsidered. Seconded by Mr. Miller; Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That this matter be postponed until the next regular meeting of the Board. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Carried. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer be requested to furn- ish the Clerk of this Board, prior to the next regular meeting, a statement showing all cases, if any there be, where expendi- tures for any purpose have exceeded the amountappropriated for such purpose, and that thereafter a similar statement be • furnished to the Clerk prior to each regular monthly meeting. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • Monthly Meeting Monday; November 12, 1934 MORNING. SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of October 8th meeting, read and approved. Minutes of Special Meetings of October 26, October 30 and November 3rd, read and approved. The Clerk read a cotnmunication from the Board of Super- visors of Niagara County, relative to a conference of Super- visors to be held at Niagara Falls, November 16th and 17th, which was received and filed. Discussion followed. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That a committee of two, one from the towns and one from the city, be appointed by the Chairman to represent Tompkins County Board of Supervisors at this meeting. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Carried. The Chairman appointed Mr. Chase and Mr. Osborn to at tend,this meeting. On suggestion of Mr. Squier, the Chairman called•the Board to rise and stand in silence for one minute at 11 o'clock in memory of the occasion which this hour represents. The Clerk read a communication from the Governor's Com- mission on Unemployment Relief, which was received and filed. The Clerk read the claim of Estella Campbell in the amount of $550.00 for damages resulting from the construction of the Etna-Freeville-Dryden Highway. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 87 The claim was referred to the Highway Committee. The Clerk opened bids for printing of the proceedings of the Board, for the. year 1934, resulting as follows : But one bid being submitted that of. Norton Printing Com- pany, at the price of $2.45 per page. Mr. Chase offered 'the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That effective December 1, 1934, the interest rate on -County deposits in the several Banks, be reduced to 1/2 of 1 per cent, continuing the same method of . figuring as now exists on these funds. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. Mr. Chase presented the monthly report, of the County Treasurer, which was filed. Bills for audit were received and placed in the hands of the several committees. On motion, adjourned to 1 :30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Library Committee, presented a report of the special committee which was received and placed on file. Mr., Snow offered the following resolution and moved its' adoption : Resolved—That the report of the committee appointed to in- vestigate the library situation be accepted and approved ; that the agreement with the Cornell Library Association relating to the rural library service adopted pursuant to a resolution of 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS this Board passed on May 14, 1928, be rescinded and termin- ated forthwith, and the' County Library Commission as here- tofore constituted be abolished; and Be It Further Resolved that there be and hereby is estab- lished a rural traveling library system pursuant to ,§1118-c of the Education Law, for the free circulation of books from a conveyance equipped for the carriage and distribution of such books throughout the 'rural districts of this county; and that Messrs. J. Paul Munson, Daniel Mitchell, Elmer Lockwood, Frank. G. Snyder and E. T. Turner be and they hereby are ap- pointed a committee to serve without compensation and to have the suvervision, management and regulation ofsuch rural traveling library system with power to appoint, remove, and fix the compensation of employees and to incur such other charges against the appropriation for the purposes of said rural traveling library system as are within the .limits fixed by the board of supervisors ; and the persons so appointed shall serve for a term expiring on the 31st day of December, 1935 ; and Be It Further Resolved that the treasurer of the Cornell Library Association be requested to turn over to the County Treasurer any unexpended balance in his hands heretofore ap- propriated by this Board for the rural library service; and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay upon the order of the committee hereby appointed all expenses incurred in the establishment and maintenance of such rural traveling library system, within the limits of the appropria- tions heretofore made for the Tompkins County rural library service. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Mr. Osborn offered the following' resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the bids for the printed proceedings be re- jected and the Clerk be authorized to re -advertise for bids. Seconded by Mr. Squier. , Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 89 Resolved—That therebe and hereby is appropriated the sum of $8,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to the T.E.R.A. for work relief, as the county's share of 25% of T.E.R.A. projects, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay out the same in like manner as heretofore, and be it further Resolved—That if the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, , of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as to her may seem necessary, in anticipa- tion of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not - more than, six months after the date of issue, and to bear in- terest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness .be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make theentries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Mr. Squier moved as an amendment to this resolution that the amount be reduced to $4,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. A vote being taken on the amendment resulted as follows : Ayes -3. Noes -11. Amendment lost. A vote being taken on the original resolution resulted as follows : Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The several committees reported the following claims for audit to which they had been referred, with the amounts al- lowed thereon : S-501 H. L. O'Daniel, Postage & Exp., Co. Clerk $ 34.29 502 : Hall & McChesney, Inc., Supplies, Co. Clerk 70.00 503 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies, Co. Clerk 28.41 504 Norton Printing Co., Ct. Calendars, etc., Co. Clerk 117.05 505 Matthew Bender & Co., Law Book, Co. Judge 8.50 506 J. B. Lyon Co., Session Laws, Co. Judge 45.00 507 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Surrogate 5.25 508 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies, Surrogate 9.45 509 Dennis & Co., Inc., Law Book, Surrogate 5.00 510 W. F. George, Pres. Bd. Elec., Postage, etc, Comm. of Elec. 33.00 511 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies, Comm of Elec. ' 72.70 512 The Atkinson Press, Supplies, Comm.of Elec20.25 513 The Journal & Courier, Publishing Notices, Comm. of Elec. 49.42 514 Norton Printing Co., Printing, Elections.... 2,951.50 515, Donohue -Halverson, Inc., Labor & Supplies, Co. Clk's. Bldg. 45.23 516 Dr. H. H. Crum, Ex. in Lunacy; Insane 10.00 517 Dr. H. H. Crum, Ex. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 518 Dr. Joseph N. Frost, Ex. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 519 Dr. C. F. Hawkins, Ex. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 520 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Error in • July pay- ment, Robert Miccinati, P.H.C. 4.43 521 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care & X -Ray, R Miccinati, P.H.C. 95.00 522 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Shirley Harvey, Sept., P.H.C. 90.00 523 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care & X -Ray, Margaret Meeker, P.H.0 95.00 524 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Nellie Rus- citto, 9/1 through 9/18, P.H.0 54.00 525 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Loretta Kin- youn, •P.H.C. 90.00 526 D. N. Van Hoesen, Estate, Insurance, T. B. Hosp. 24.38 527 Donohue -Halverson, Inc., Labor & Supplies, T. B. Hosp. 50.30 Co. Home 194.12 244.42 i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,NEW YORK 91 528 Robinson & Carpenter, Supplies, Co. Home 36.59 529 Dr. James E. Dunphy, Services, Jail Physician 12.00 530 Dr. H. H. Crum, Services, Jail Inmates 3.00 531 Dr. Hudson J. Wilson, Services, Jail Inmates 3.00 532 J. C. Stowell Co., Supplies, Jail 7.25 533 Swift & Co., Inc., Supplies, Jail. 17.70 534 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses & Disb., Sheriff ' 2.55 535 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses, Sheriff 97.60 536 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies, Dist Atty. 12.53 537 The Journal & Courier, Redemption Sale No- tices, Co. Treas. 253.76 538 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies, .Co Treas. 18.33 539 The Todd Co., Supplies, Co. Treas. 75.50 540 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies, Court House :16.15 541 Ithaca Co -Op G. L. F. Service, Inc., Supplies, Court House 4.55 ,542 Williams Electric Co., Supplies, Court House 1.41 543 Wm. A. Church Co., Letterheads & Env., Super- visors 24.25 544 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies,.Supr5.30 545 Draper Allen, Disbursements, Court House 0.51 546 McCann Electric Co., Supplies, Court House '23.26 547 John J. Sinsabaugh, Expenses, Co. Sealer 67.62 548 McCann Electric Co., Supplies, Sheriff 5.60 549 Dow S. Barnes Co., Shoes, etc., Clara Crispell, P H C. ' 12.50 550 Bert I. Vann, Expenses, Co. Supt. 156.08 551 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Co. Clerk "13.75 552 West Publishing Co., Law Dictionary, Co. Judge 6.50 553 Bert I. Vann, Disbursements, Co. Supt. 22.00 554 McCann Electric Co., Labor '& Supplies, Co Clk's. Bldg. • - 2.30 555 McCann Electric Co., Repairs on fan, Co. Clerk 11.50 556 Charlotte V. Bush, Postage, Co. Treas. , 8.00 557 J. E. Van Natta, Rent of typewriter, T.E.R.A'4.00 558 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies,- Technical Staff, T. E. R. A. • 168.74 559 Driscoll Bros.- & Co., Supplies, Technical Staff, T. E. R. A. 98.70 560 Karl D. Hesley, Expenses, T.E.R.A . N. $5,424.81 Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD Or SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $5,424.81, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom' mended by the several committees to which they were referred, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available .funds in her hands, and if she .has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the,same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the s County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable; and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- cates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not ex- . ceeding .6 per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it.further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for, and on behalf, of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to charge Claims Nos. S-516 and S-518 to the City of Ithaca, being for examinations in Lunacy, the Claim No. S-517, being also for examination in Lunacy, to the town sof Ulysses, and of Claim No. S-519, being also for examination in Lunacy to the Town, of Caroline, that of Claim No. S-535, being for Sheriff's expenses, she charge to the town of Caroline, thesum of $7.50;, Dryden, $3.00 ; Enfield, $5.10 ; Ithaca, $1.80 ; Newfield, $7.00 ; Ulysses, $20.25 ; the amounts so charged being properly chargeable to the respective towns and city, and to -be placed in the tax bud- get thereof for. the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for, and in their behalf. Seconded by, Mr.. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 93 Annual Session First Day Thursday, November 15, 1934 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of the monthly meeting of November 12th, read and approved. The Clerk read the following communication from the State Department. of Taxation and ;Finance, relative to the amount to be raised by the county by taxation for the fiscal year, be- ginning July 1, 1934, for Armory and Stenographer's Tax : Dear Sir : The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby notified, as required .by statute, to raise by taxation for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1934, the sum of $14,597.26 for the following purposes : Armory Purposes. On a total equalized valuation of $58,157,824. $8,451.95 Court and Stenographers expenses., On an assessed valuation of $63,407,986. 6,145.31 $14,597.26 Respectfully yours, FRANK S, HARRIS, Deputy Commissioner Division of Finance: Referred to the Committee on Finance. The Clerk read a communication from the Department of Taxation and Finance, relative to the rates of assessments of property in the tax districts of the county as fixedby that de- partment for the year 1934, as follows : i 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE •BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Caroline 96% Danby98% Drydn 98.% Enfield 96% Groton 97% Ithaca Town 99% Lansing 98% Newfield 98%0 , Ulysses 90% Ithaca City 88% Referred to the Committee on Equalization, Etc. Mr. Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the claim of W. C. Lockwood, for replanting of shrubs as per contract, amounting to $149.63, be audited and paid, and the Clerk is authorized to.draw an order for the same, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Watrous, Chairman of the Highway Committee. re- ported a settlement with Mr. and Mrs. Campbell on the Etna- Freeville-Dryden I-lighway, tor damages .!.counting to $200.00. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : ' Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated $200.00 for settlement for all property damages sustained by Estella Campbell, by reason of the construction of the Etna-Freeville- Dryden Highway, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order for the above amount, and the County Treasurer is here- by directed to pay said order out of the moneys appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Ayes -Messrs. Myers, Snow, Mott, Stevenson, Watrous, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 95 Chase, Van Order, Veit, Osborn, Albright and Stone -11. Noes—Messrs. Miller, Squier, and Conlon. -3: Carried. On motion, adjourned to Friday, November 16th, at 10 :30 A. M. 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Second Day Friday, .November 16, 1934 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Osborn. Minutes of November 15th meeting, read and approved. The Acting Clerk read the following communication from e the State Department of Audit and Control, relative to Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds issued for the construction of state and county. highways : Dear Sir : The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County is hereby notified, pursuant to Chapter 469, Laws of 1906, as amended by Chapter 718, Laws of 1907,, as amended by Chapter 179, Laws of 1910, to levy a tax of $7,629.21 against said county and the following towns therein, for 'sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for' the con- ' struction of roads, viz.: County Towns • Year. Sinking Fund Town Interest Sinking Interest Total Fund -606 Ithaca 1934 $163.20 $ 326.40 $ 57.60 $115.20 $ 662.40 616 Ulysses 1934• 706.20 1,412.40 216.85 433.69 Ithaca 1934 75.77 • 151.54 2,996.45 681 Dryden 1934 396.96 793.92 81.03 162.08 Ithaca 1934 .42.85 85.72 ' 1,562.56 682 Dryden 1934 305.03 610.05 89.71 179.42 1,184.21 683 Dryden 1934 315.16 630.34 92.69 185.40. 1,223.59 $7,629.21 Very Truly yours, MORRIS S. TREMAINE, Comptroller. By F. J.. BURNS, Deputy 'Comptroller. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 97 Referred to Committee on Town and County Accounts. Mr. Chase called attention to the resolution which was passed on December 12, 1933, relative to the Sinking Fund 'and' Interest for the Town of .Ithaca. Mr. Chase presented the reports of Verne C. Marion, Clarence Baker, W. I. Smith and Norman G. Stagg, Justices of the Peace, of the Town of Ithaca, which were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. The joint report of the County .Treasurer and the County Clerk, relative to the amount received for Mortgage Tax and the allocation thereof made by them, was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. The report of John J. Sinsabaugh, as County Sealer of Weights and Measures, was received and referred to the Com- mittee on County Officers and Compensation. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption :. Resolved—That the claim of Karl D. Hesley, County Execu- tive Director of the T.E.R.A., amounting to $311.69, be audited by this Board at the full amount claimed and said sum, be here- by appropriated for that purpose, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order at this time for said amount, pay- able to Mr. Hesley, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay' said order out of any available funds in her hands, or under her control. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion,, adjourned to Saturday, November 17, 1934, at 10:30 A. M. 98 PROCEEDINGS OF •THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Third Day Saturday, November. 17, 1934 Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. `Vatrous, Conlon and Osborn. Minutes of November 16 meeting, read and approved. _ The Acting Clerk read the contract as submitted by the ' Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County for .the board of prisoners from Tompkins County, at the Onondaga County Penitentiary, for the year 1935. Moved by Mr. Miller, that the contract, as submitted by the Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County, be approved by this Board and that the. Chairman and Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the same for, and on behalf of, Tompkins County. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried. The Acting Clerk read the claim of Howard Personius ,in the amount of $100.00, for damages resulting from the construc- tion of the Etna-Freeville-Dryden Highway. The claim was referred to the Highway Committee. • Mr. Snow presented a report of the Special Franchises of the Town of Caroline, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, etc. The budget of the 411 Department of the Junior .Extension was received andreferred to the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, Etc. The report of the Coroner was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. The report of Orrie Cornelius, of the Town of Dryden, Jus- tice of the Peace of that town, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 99 The financial report of the Board of Managers of the Tuber- . culosis Hospital was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. The report of the County Clerk was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. ' The reports of the Farm and Home Bureaus were received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The report of the Surrogate's Clerk, relative to the receipts and disbursements of that office, was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. A list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Ithaca was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. The annual report of the Sheriff was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. The general report of the Commissioner of Public Welfare and his report on Old Age Security were received and referred to the Committee on Charities. The report of the County Judge of moneys received by him for pistol permits, was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved --That there be and hereby is appropriated to 'the Department of Public Welfare for the carrying on the work of that department for the months of November and December 1934, the sum of $21,810 apportioned as follows: CHARITABLE—IMPROVIDENT POOR County Home $ 2,500.00 Salary of Worker 300.00 Stenographer 100.00 . 2nd Stenographer 140.00 Office Expenses 150.00 Boarding Homes 3,000.00 i ' 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Institutional care 700.00 Hospital 5,000.00 Outside Relief 3,000.00 Clerical work 170.00 Food storage 100.00 Comm. Expenses 50.00 Total $15,210.00 OLD AGE SECURITY Allowances $ 6,000.00 Worker 250.00 Traveling Expenses 100.00 Stenographers 200.00 Office expenses 50.00 6,600.00 Total 21,810.00 and be it further Resolved—That in making up the budget for the current year the amounts herein appropriated shall be deducted from the amount appropriated to the Welfare Department for the carrying on its work for the year ending October 31, 1935, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be, and she hereby .is directed to pay the amounts hereby appropriated in the same manner as she has heretofore paid moneys for said depart- ment out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereofas may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current•year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding 6% per annum, until the _date fixed for their payment, and be it further i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 101 Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -11. . Noes -0. Carried. td On motion of Mr. Chase, the Board adjourned to Monday, December 3, 1934 at 10 :30 A. M. . Fourth Day Monday, December 3, 1934 Roll call: All members present, except Mr. Van Order. Minutes of November 17th meeting, read and approved. Mr. Rogers, of the State Department of Social Welfare, was introduced and talked upon the need. for an Infirmary at the County Home. . Moved by Mr. Chase, that the Clerk be authorized to pur- chase..the necessary supplies for the Board. Seconded'by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk announced the opening of bids as per resolution of November 12th, which time limit expired at noon Decem- ber 1. On opening the bids but one was found, that of Norton Printing Co. at $2.38 per page. Moved by Mr. Miller, that the bid of the Norton Printing Co., for the sum of $2.38 per page, be.accepted and that the contract for printing 1,000.'copies of the Proceedings of the Board, for the year 1934, be awarded to that company, with the agreement on the part of said company, that the. provisions 102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of the State Labor Law will be complied with, so far as the same relates to said Proceedings and that the work be done in Tompkins County. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -13. Noes=0. Carried. The report of the County Treasurer was received and re- ferred to the Committee on. County Treasurer's Accounts. The annual report of the Commissioners of Election, with the apportionment of election expenses between the County and the several . political sub -divisions thereof, was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. The report of the Board of Child. Welfare was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. . The annual report of the . Superintendent -of the County Laboratory was received and referred to the Committee on County Laboratory. The report of the Committee on Public Health was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The reports of R. A. Hutchinson, as County Probation Officer and Clerk of Children's Court, with the apportionment for expenses of Children's Court, were received- and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. Mr. Watrous presented the report of Miles G. Tarbell, Rex- ford R. Chatterton, J. B. Sheeler and George B. Sickmon, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Groton, which were re- ferred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Chase, Chairman of the Committee .on Public Health, presented the several claims audited by that committee `dur- ing the year ending October 31, 1934, which were filed. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 103 on Public Health for the year ending October 31, 1934,this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that committee. Seconded by. kr. Van Order. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 4, 1934, at 10 :30 A. M. Fifth Day MORNING SESSION Tuesday, December 4, 1934 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 3rd meeting, read and approved. Mr. Snow offered thefollowing resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the librarian and the assistant librarian be placed on the county pay • roll and. the. County Treasurer is di- rected to pay the librarian $145.83 per month and the assistant librarian $50.00 per month, said sums to be paid the same as other county officers are paid, beginning as of November 1,' 1934. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. On motion of Mr. Chase, the election of county officers and employees and representatives of this Board, to be elected by the Board for the year 1935, was made a special order of business for Tuesday; December 11, at,10:30 A. M. Seconded by Mr. Veit.' Carried. 104 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF- SUPERVISORS Lists of Corporations of the towns of Caroline, Groton, and Newfield were received and filed. A report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the City of Ithaca was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. • Mr. Watrous presented a list of Special Franchises of the Town of Groton, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, etc. ' A list of the Town Audits of the Town of Dryden was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses,Etc. Reports of Fred Dorn and George 0. Sears, of the Town of Danby; J. D. Ross, Paul Ewers and James 0. Robertson, of the Town of Dryden, Justices of the Peace of those respective towns, were received and referred to the Committee on Cor- oner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Mott presented a list of Special Franchises of the town of Dryden, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Mr. Conlon presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Chase presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. . AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Conlon. Mrs. Eugene Baker, President of the Board of Child Wel- fare and Fred A. Williams, Ex -officio member of that organ- ization, appeared before the Board and presented the• annual reportofthat organization, which was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Mr. Mott presented the claims audited by the Committee on OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 105 Jail Supplies, for the year ending October 31, 1934, which were filed. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved -That the several claims audited by the Committee on Jail Supplies, for the year ending October 31, 1934, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr: Snow. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Veit, Chairman of the Committee on,Auditing Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital, presented the several claims. audited by that committee during the year. ending October 31, 1934, which were filed. Mr. Veit offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That the several claims audited by the Committee on Auditing Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital for the year ending October 31, 1934, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that com- mittee. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That hereafter until this action, be rescinded, every tax in excess of twenty dollars levied pursuant to Sec- tion 58 of the Tax Law upon property situate in this county, may be paid in two equal installments, as follows :—The first installment on or before the first day of February, where the warrant is annexed to the assessment 'roll on or before the 15th day of December, or, if the warrant. is annexed at later date, as above provided on or before the first day of the following 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ) May; and, provided the first installment shall have been so paid, the second installment, with interest of one-half of one. per centum for each month of fraction of a month from the said first day of February or the said first day of May, as the case may be, to the date of payment of such second install- ment, in addition thereto, on or before the first day of August following such first day, of February or first day of May. • Seconded by Mr. Osborn. • Mr. Chase !moved, that this matter be postponed until our next monthly' meeting, on December 10th. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried.. On 'motion, adjourned. 'Sixth Day MORNING SESSION Wednesday, December 5, 1934 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Conlon. Minutes of December'4th meeting, read and approved:. • • Mr. John J. Sinsabaugh, County Sealer of Weights and Measures,;appeared before the Board, in explanation of his re- port heretofore filed. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on - Contract Supplies, for the year ending October 314934. Your Committee on Contract Supplies submits the following report for theyear ending October 31, 1934. . OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK . 107 RECEIPTS :— Balance November lst, 1933. - $1,570.38 Appropriations—Heat and Light • 5,000.00 Heat and Light for Co. Home ._. 1,500.00 Telephones • .2,000.00 Refunds on telephones ' 23.07 $ 10,093.45 DISBURSEMENTS :— Telephone $2,720:00 Electric 3,161.03 Heat (Co. Bldgs.) 1,957.21 Heat (County Home) 2,456.11 10,294.35 OVERDRAFT $ 200.90 FRED VAN. ORDER, HENRY_ O. VEIT, LAGRAND CHASE, Committee. Moved by Mr. Van Order, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Carried. Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on Contract Supplies for the year ending October 31, 1934, this day filed, be audited by this Board atthe amounts recom- mended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. . A report of the State Department of Correction, .of an in- spection of the County Jail, was read by the Clerk and placed on file. . Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption 1 108• PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the amount paid to the Jail Physician for the year 1935, be $2.00 per visit. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution andmoved its adoption. Resolved—That the Committee on Highways, with the County Attorney, be authorized and empowered to secure all necessary rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman and County Attorney be au- thorized to represent the county in any negotiations relative to claims for damages to property in the elimination of grade crossings. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Conlon. Dr. Barton F. Hauenstein, Superintendent of the County Laboratory, with Dr. Henry B. Sutton and Dr. Dean F. Smiley, appeared before the Board in explanation of the an- nual report of the County Laboratory, filed with this Board on November 19th, which was referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The balance of the afternoon session was taken up with dis- cussion relative to the Laboratory. On motion, adjourned. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 109 Seventh Day MORNING SESSION Thursday, December 6, 1934 Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Myers, Watrous, Osborn and Veit. Minutes of December 5th meeting, read and approved. In the absence of the Chairman, the first order of business was the election of a Temporary Chairman, Mr. Stone placed in nomination, the name of Mr. Lagrand ,E. Chase, as Tem- porary Chairman. Mr. Chases' nomination was seconded by Mr. Snow. There being no other nominations, the Clerk declared Mr. Chase elected Temporary Chairman, and Mr. Chase took the chair. Miss Eugenia Van Cleef, Chairman of the Committee on Public Health, with Mrs. Bostwick, rendered the report of that committee and presented the proposed budget for the year 1934, which were referred to the Committee on Public Health. Miss Marion May, with Elizabeth G. Hugg and Katherine McKevitt, presented the annual report of the Public Health Nurses, which was referred to the Committee on Public Health. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Myers, Os- born, and Watrous. The members of the department of Public Welfare appeared before the Board and explained the report of that department, as filed with the Board of Supervisors on November 17; 1934. 110 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Miss Anna K. Buell, presented her, •report, as Children's Agent. Miss Arleeta Rannings presented her report' on Old Age Security. County. Commissioner of Welfare, Fred ,A. Williams, read the report of the Out of Settlement Cases andaddressed the Board, relative to the work of his department and its needs for the coming year. Reports of Douglass Carpenter, Forest J. Payne, J. D. Smith and Floyd W. Beach, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Snow presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Town of Caroline, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Chase presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Town of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Reports of Henry Williams, Fred N. Smith and Charles A. Lueder, Justices of .the Peace of the Town of Ulysses, were re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Stevenson presented the Town Budget of the Town of Enfield, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Mr.' Van Order presented a list of Grand Jurors for the First Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. A list of the Corporations of the Town of Ithaca was received and filed. Mr. Mott presented a list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of'Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Stevenson presented a list of the Town Audits of the i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NE•W YORK 111 Town of Enfield, which was, referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Myers presented.a list of Grand Jurors for the Third Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. " Mr. Stevenson, Chairman of the Committee on Reforesta- tion, rendered the following report, relative to the receipts and disbursements for the year 1934. Balance, November 1, 1933 $127.75. Appropriated 200.00 $327.75 Expended 28719,7 , Balance on Hand $' 39.78 Moved by Mr. Stevenson, that the report of the committee be accepted and that all bills passed by this committee during the year 1934, be audited,by this Board at the amounts recom- mended and audited by that committee. - . Seconded by Mr. Albright. Carried. Mr. Albright. presented a list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred. to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Stevenson presented a list of Special Franchises of the Town of Enfield, which was referred to the' Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. The report of Arthur G. Adams, District Attorney, was re- ceived and referred to the Committee, on Correction and Re- formation. Reports of P. Alfred Munch, Charles Thomas, George L. Richards, and Augustus Middaugh, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Caroline, were received and 'referred to the Com- mittee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Stone presented a list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. On motion, adjourned to Friday, December 7, 1934, at 10.:30 A. M. 112 PROCEEDINGS ,OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Eighth Day MORNING SESSION Friday, December 7, 1934 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 6 meeting, read and approved. -Dr. Keith Sears, Superintendent of the Tuberculosis Hos- pital,'with the members of the Board of Managers, including Richard C. Smith, Sidney L. Howell, Dr. Norman Moore and Mrs. Eugene Baker, presented the annual report for the year 1934, which was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution. and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $200.00, for reforestation purposes for the year 1935, and be it further Resolved—That the balance of $39.78, be and the same hereby isre-appropriated, to said fund in addition to the amount heretofore appropriated. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the bond of the County Commissioner of Welfare, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Osborn presented the °following regular' and supple- mental reports of the Committee on Equalization, Etc. on the Footing of Assessment Rolls, which were laid on the table one day under the rule : • OF 'TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 113 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESS- MENT ROLLS To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Courrty, N. Y.: Your committee reports that it has verified and corrected the footings of the Assessment Rolls referred to it, as made by the Assessors of each tax district, and that the following is a cor- rect statement of such footings : Towns Acres Total Real Only • Total Franchises Grand Total of Roll Totally -Exempt Real Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton 34,747$ 33,286 58,286 22,207 30,275 1,200,5721$ 1,237,2981 4,352,516 826,718 4,090,395 30,312 29,204 144,280 26,208 54,247 $ 1,230,884 1,266,502 4,496,796 852,926 4,144,642 $ .67,552 • 72,892 542,632 163,35( 503,815 Ithaca, City 2,940 59,736,125 773,432 60,509,557 22,359,075 Ithaca, Town 16,293 10,514,009 168,696 10,682,705 3,761,60( Lansing 37,789 3,630,250 69,874 3,700,124 358,42C Newfield 36,997 1,351,921 35,255 1,387,176 125,66C Ulysses 19,818 3,398,244 82,440 3,480,684 670,804 Totals 293,088 $ 90,338,048 $1,413,948 $91,751,99028,625,800 1-14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESS- MENT ROLLS (Continued) Towns 0 0 Caroline $ . 950 $ 1,162,382 $ 1,163,332 $ Danby 13,050 1,180,560 1,193,610 Dryden 10,840 3,943,324 3,954,164 1,027,582 Enfield 1 3,8001 685,776 689,576 Groton 2,125 3,638,702 3,640,827 2,031,082 Ithaca, City..:., 77,400 38,078;082 38,150,482 Ithaca, Town. 4,175 6,916,930 6,921,105 2,714,806 Lansing 5,325 3,336,379 3,341,704 Newfield 3,800 1,257,716 1,261, 516 Ulysses 1 . 2,8541 2,807,0261 2,809,8801 1,034,4361 $ $ 1,030,082 2,031,582 2,714,806 2,924,082 1,609,245 4,209,299 1,036,4901 1,773,390 Totals 1$124,3191$63,001,8771$63,126,196!$6,807,9061$6,812,9601$10,516,016 Dated, November 23, 1934. R. C. OSBORN; THOMAS G. MILLER, C. A. MOTT, LAMONT C. SNOW, D. J. WATROUS, LAGRAND CHASE, JOS. B. MYERS, Committee , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 115 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your Committee. renders the following supplemental report relative to the assessed value of property within and without incorporated villages of the several towns of the county. Towns and Villages Total Franchises DRYDEN— 1 1 Dryden Village 1' $ 643,850 $ 19,012 Freeville ; 346,9581 17,762 $ 662,862 364,720 Pension Exempt $1,500 $ 664,362 1,000 365,720 Total Inside Corporations 1 I Outside Corporations 2,808,2361 107,506 2,915,742 8,3401 2,924,082 GROTON— Groton Village 2,013,525 17,557 2,031,0821 500 2,031,582 Outside Corporation •.1,570,930 • 36,690 1,607,6201 1,625 1,609,245 ITHACA— 1 ' Cayuga Heights 12,672,8301 41,9761 2,714,8061 2,714,806 . Outside Corporation 1 4,078,4041 126,7201 4,205,1241 4,1751 4,206,299 I I Totals • ULYSSES— Trumansburg Outside Corporation 1,003,746 1,720,840 • I I I 30,6901 1,0344-361 2,054 51,7501 1,772,5901 2,800 1,036,490 , 1,773,390 Totals 146,859,3191 446,663117,308,982119,994117',328,976 Dated, November 23, 1934. .R. C. OSBORN, THOMAS G. MILLER, C. A. MOTT, LAMONT C. SNOW, D. J. WATROUS,. LAGRAND CHASE, JOS. B. MYERS, Committee. 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the reports be, taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Chase. By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the table. Mr. Osborn -offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the regular and supplemental reports of the Committee on Equalization, Etc. on the Footing of Assessment Rolls, be accepted and adopted and that the figures therein be used as a basis for taxation in the several tax districts of the county, for the year 1934. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Ayes -14. Noes—: -0. Carried. Mr. Chase presented the following report of the Committee on Public Health : To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Public Health, to which was referred the report of the committee, reports that they have examined the • several reports, as submitted to this Board, and recommends that the amount asked for, as an appropriation to that organi- zation for carrying on its work for the. year 1935, is proper and, therefore recommends that the amount of $4,000.00 be appropriated to• said organization, for the year 1935, as re- quested by it. Dated, December 7th, 1934. LAGRAND CHASE, LEPINE STONE, FRED VAN ORDER, Committee. Moved by Mr. Chase, that the report be accepted. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 117 Seconded' by Mr. Van Order. Carried. The report was referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, Etc. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $780.00, to the department of Public Welfare for the salary of a clerk at the Federal food storage building, at the rate of $65.00 per month, said clerk to be appointed by the. Commissioner of Public Welfare and work under his super- vision, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and di- rected to pay the same in the same manner as other employees . of the Welfare Department are paid. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Miller presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Danby, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. A list of Corporations of the Town of Dryden was received and filed. Mr. Albright presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Newfield, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Osborn presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Fourth Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was referred to the Com- mittee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Stevenson presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the town of Enfield, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. A list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Newfield was received and referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Mr. Miller presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Town of 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Danby, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Squier presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Fifth Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was referred to the Com- mittee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Chase presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. The Clerk read a communication from the Tompkins County Clothing Bureau, relative to the work carriedon by the bur- eau, number of applications and relief granted for the year from September 1, 1933 to August 1; 1934, which was filed. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 11, 1934, at .10 :30 A. M. ` Roll call. Monthly Meeting Monday, December 10, 1934 MORNING SESSION All members present. Minutes of December 7 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Chase, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, reported that that committee had examined the bond presented by Fred A. Williams, County Commissioner of Welfare, and found the same to be correct and moved, that said bond be approved by the Board both as to form, manner of execution and the sufficiency of the surety.. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried . The Clerk read a communication from the State Division OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 119 of Highways, relative to the abandonment of the West Danby- , West Danby Station highway to the county, which was placed on file. Bills for audit were received and placed in the hands of the several committees. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The several committees reported the following claims for audit to which they had been referred,. with the amounts al- lowed thereon : S-561 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses, Sheriff 813120 562 Grace Printing Co., Post Cards, Sheriff ' 17.50' '563 Dr. H. H. Crum, Ex. Peter Zinder, Sheriff .... 1.00 564 Louis Vasteno, Welfare Strike, Dep. Sheriff .... , 24.00- 565 H. J. Mullins, Welfare Strike, Dep. Sheriff .... 6.00 566 H. P. Fish, Welfare Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 567 Jos.' W. Whalen, Welfare Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 568 F. L. Wharton, Welfare Strike, Dep. Sheriff ..:.. 6.00 569 F. C. Deeley, Welfare Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 570 M. W. Corrington, Welfare Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 571 S. A. Cooper, Welfare Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 572 'Wm. J. Gray, Welfare Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 573 E. R. Hazard, Welfare Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 574 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies, Jail 1.05 575 J. C. Stowell Co., Soap & Salt, Jail 10.30 576 Otis Elevator Co., Repairs, Jail 5.10 577 Arthur G. Adams, Bond, Dist. Atty. 5.00 578 Stover Printing Co., Printing, Dist. Atty. 20.00 579, Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Co. Treas. 71.80 580 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Typewriter Ribbon, Co. Treas. 0.75 581 Est. Dr. G. M. Gilchrist, Exam. in Lunacy, In- . sane 10.00 582 Ithaca Journal -News, Pub. Scholarship Notices, Educational 10.40 583 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Margaret Meeker, Oct., P. H. C. 93.00 584 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Loretta Kin- 120 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS youn, Oct., P H C 93.00 585 Reconstruction Horne, Inc., Shirley Harvey, Oct., P. H. C. . 93.00 586 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Barbara Goodband, Oct., P. H C 93.00 587 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Robert Mic- cinati, Oct., P. H. C. 93.00 588 C. Harry Spaulding, Fees in Felony, Justice ..:19.50 589 Orrie Cornelius, Fees in Felony, Justice ' 4.85 590, H. L. O'Daniel, Expenses, Co. Clerk 35.83 591 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Supplies, Co. Clerk 11.04 592 Williamson Law Book Co., Supplement; Co Judge 5.00 593 Matthew Bender & Co., Law Book, Co. Judge4.00 594 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Surrogate 62.00 595 Jennie B. Thayer, Clerical Work, Comm. of . Elec. 22.50 596 Douglas W. Card, .Clerical Work, Comm. of Elec. 22.50 59T . Ithaca Journal -News, Publishing Notices; Elec- tions 90.74 598 Wm. F. George, Pres. Bd. of Election, Postage and Clerical Work, Comm. of Elec. 70.00 599 Lamont C. Snow, Canvass, Elections 8.08 600 Thomas G. Miller, Canvass, Elections 6.96 601 Carl A. Mott, Canvass, Elections 8.26 602 Harvey Stevenson, Canvass, Elections 7.28 603 D. J. Watrous, Canvass, Elections 8.72 604 Lagrand. Chase, Canvass, Elections 7.08 605 A. J. Conlon, Canvass, Elections 7.28 606 R. C. Albright, Canvass, Elections 6.96" 607 LePine Stone, Canvass, Elections 8.52 608 Fred Van Order, Canvass, Elections 6.00 609 Henry 0. Veit, Canvass, Elections 6.00 610 Joseph B. Myers, Canvass, Elections 6.00 611 R. C. Osborn, Canvass, Elections 6.00 612 Clarence C. Squier, Canvass, Elections 6.00 613 John J. Sinsabaugh, Expenses, Co. Sealer 35.52 614 Matthew Bender & Co., Bender's Index, Sup. Ct. Judge 4.00 615 Hon. Riley H. Heath, Postage, Sup. Ct. Judge 25.00 616 Frank Shepard Co., Law Book, Sup. Ct. Judge 5.00 617 J. E. Van Natta, Typewriter Ribbons, Sup. Ct Judge 1.50 618 R. C. Osborn, Expenses, Supervisors 15.68 619 W. 0. Smiley, Expenses, Supervisors 15.68 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW 'YORK 121 620 Treman, King & Co., Supplies, Ct. House 50.85 621 Norma L. Turk, Extra Cleaning, Ct. House '17.60 622 Driscoll Bros. & Co., Supplies, Ct. House 0.32 623 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies, Ct. House 8.60 624 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies (Leo Allen) Suprs. 31.20 625 J. E. Van Natta, Rent of Typewriter, T.E.R.A. 4.00 626 K. D. Hesley, Expenses & Mileage, T.E.R.A. 104.08 627 Ithaca Journal -News, Pub. Condem. Proceed., Rts. of Way 21.40 628 Leslie Tyler, Cartage, Ct. House 0.50 629. Charles H. Newman, Expenses; Co. Atty. 10.03 $1,625.16 Mr. Chase offered the .following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $1,625.16, be audited by this Board at .the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which they were referred, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to -pay the same out of any available funds in her . hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to. her seem necessary, in' anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed; to give the notes or certificates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding 6 per centum per annum, until the date fixed. for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County• Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for, and on behalf, of the Board; and be it further 122 PROCEEDINGS .OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to charge Claim No. S-581, being for examination in Lunacy to the town of Groton ; that of Claim No. S-561, being for Sheriff's expenses, she charge to the town of Danby, $2.40 ; Dryden, $12.30 ; Ithaca, $2.40 ; Lansing, $2.80 ; and Ulysses, $19.05, the :amounts so charged being properly chargeable to the re- , spective towns and city, and to be placed in the tax budget thereof for the next. ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for, and in their behalf. Seconded by. Mr. Miller. Ayes -14. Noes—O. %Carried. Ninth Day MORNING SESSION Thursday; December 11, 1934 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Osborn. Minutes of the monthly meeting of December 10th, read and approved: Charles H. Newman, County Attorney, rendered his first annual report, which was received and placed on file. The election of officers and employees, to be elected by the Board, 'having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. Mr. Squier placed in nomination the name of Iva B. Ellis as Jail Matron for the year 1934. Mrs. Ellis' nomination was seconded by Mr. Chase. There being no other nomination, on motion of Mr. Chase, the Clerk was directed to 'cast one ballot for Iva B. Ellis, as Jail Matron for the year 1935. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 123 The Clerk cast one ballot for Iva B. Ellis and the Chairman declared Mrs. Ellis duly elected as Jail Matron for one year, from January 1, 1935. Mr. Watrous placed in nomination the name of Carl A. Mott as representative of the Board of Supervisors on the Farm and Home Bureau Association, for the year 1935. Mr. Mott's nomination was seconded by Mr. Snow. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Conlon, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Carl A. Mott and the Chairman declared Mr. Mott duly elected as the repre- sentative of this Board on the Farm and Home Bureau Associa- tion, for one year, from January 1, 1935. Mr. Chase placed in nomination the name of Mr. Andrew J. Conlon, as the representative of this Board on' the Junior Pro- ject Extension. 'Mr. Conlon's nomination was seconded by Mr. Albright. - There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Miller, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Andrew J. Conlon as the representative from this Board on the Junior Project Extension. The Clerkcast one ballot for Andrew J. Conlon and the Chairman. declared Mr. Conlon duly elected as the representa- tive of this Board on the Junior Project Extension, for ' one year, from January 1, 1935... • Mr. Conlon placed in nomination the names' of Eugenia Van Cleef, Lera C. Bostwick, Viola B. Lent, Dr. Minor Mc - Daniels, Dr. Helen Bull, Dr. Dean. F. Smiley, Dr. Keith Sears, Dr. L. T. Genung with LaGrand E. Chase, Fred D. Van Order and LePine Stone, as the Public Health Committee for the year 1934. . Seconded by Mr. Watrous.•. There being no other nominations on motion of Mr. Mott, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for the aforesaid . nominees. 124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Clerk cast one ballot, and the `Chairman .declared Eugenia Van Cleef, Lera C. Bostwick, Viola B. Lent, Dr. Minor McDaniels, Dr. Helen Bull, Dr. Dean F. Smiley, Dr. Keith Sears, Dr. L. T. Genung with LaGrand E. Chase, Fred D. Van Order and LePine Stone, as the representatives of this Board, as the Tompkins County Public Health Committee, for the. term of one year from January 1, 1935. Mr. Miller nominated Messrs. L. C. Snow and R. C. Albright, as the representatives of this Board, and Fred Marshall, Albert G. Stone and Harry Morse, Manager of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association, as members of the Committee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, for the year 1935. Seconded by Mr. Veit. There being no other nominations on motion of . Mr. Conlon, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for the foregoing nominees. The Clerk cast one ballot and the Chairman declared Messrs. L. C. Snow and R. C. Albright as the representatives of this Board, and Fred Marshall, Albert G. Stone and Harry Morse, Manager of. the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association, as members of the Committee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, for the year 1935. Mr. Veit placed in nomination the name of Mrs. Eugene Baker, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tomp- kins County Tuberculosis Hospital, to succeed herself. Mrs. Baker's nomination was seconded by Mr. Conlon. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Steven- son, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Mrs. Eugene Baker. The Clerk cast one ballot for Mrs. Baker, and the Chairman declared her elected a member of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, for a term of five years from January 1, 1935. Mr. Miller placed in nomination the name of Dr. Dean F. Smiley, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tomp- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 125 kins County Laboratory, for a term of five years. " Mr. Smiley's nomination was seconded by Mr: Squier. There being no other nominations, on motion of .Mr. Miller, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Dr. Dean F. Smiley. The Clerk cast one ballot for Dr. Smiley, and the Chairman declared him elected a. member .of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Laboratory, for a term of five years from January 1, 1935. The Republican members designated the Ithaca Journal - News, Inc., and the Democratic members the Groton Journal - Courier, as the official organs of those parties respectively to publish all legal notices required to be published, for the year 1935. On motion, Thursday, December 13, was designated for the annual inspection at the County Home .and the Tuberculosis Hospital. Mr. Stone, Chairman of the Committee on the Enforcement of the Quarantine on Dogs, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That this Board of Supervisors appoint Joseph Weidmaier, Dog Warden for the year. 1935'. Seconded by Mr. Watrous.. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Osborn. Dr. R. A. McKinney, County Veterinarian, appeared before the Board and rendered the annual report of the Committee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis and the work per- formed as such county official, during the year, which was re- ferred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. . 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Snow presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, for the year ending October 31, 1934, which were filed. Mr. Snow offered the• following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on the Eradication of Bovine 'Tuberculosis, for the year end- ing October 31, 1934, this day filed, be audited by this' Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr. Albright. ' Ayes -13. Noes—O. - Carried. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis read the financial statement of that com- mittee. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Committee .for the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, the sum of $2,500.00 for carrying on the work of that committee for the year from November 1, 1934 to October 31st, 1935, and be it further ' Resolved—That any balance standing to the credit of that committee on January 1, 1935, be and the same hereby is re - appropriated to the use of the committee, in addition to the amount hereinbefore appropriated. I Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Miller,•a member of the Committee on Equalization, pre- sented the following reports of that committee, for the pur- pose of the General . Tax Levy and the Highway Tax Levy, for the year 1934, which were laid on the table one 'day, under the rule : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 127 REPORT NO. 1 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF GENERAL TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1934, To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Equalization reports that they have ex- amined the assessment rolls of the several tax districts in the County of Tompkins, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the valuation in one tax district bears a just relation to the valuations in all the tax districts in the county; that in the opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do not bear such just relations to the valuations in all the tax districts of the county, and your committee would recommend that ,the valuations of the several tax districts, in order that theymay bear such just relations, be increased or diminished according to the following statements so as to make the aggre- gate equalized valuations as indicated in the tabular statement below. Towns Total Real Only, Ex- clusive of Franchises and Exempt Property Special Franchise Total Real Only as Assessed, Inclusive of Franchises and Ex- clusve o f Exempt Property True Value Caroline $1,132,0701$ _ 30,3121$ 1,162,3821$ 1,210,814 Danby 1 ,1,151,356 29,204 1,180,560 1,204,653 Dryden 3,799,044 144,280 3,943,324 4,023,800 Enfield • 659,568 26,208 685,776 , • 714,350 Groton 3,584,455. 54,247 3,638,702 3,751,239 • 37,299,650 773,432 38,073,082 43,762,161 6,74-8,234 168,696 6,916,930 , 6,986,798 3,266,505 . 69,874- 3,336,379. 3,404,468 Newfield 1,222,461 .. 35,255 1,257,716 1,283,384 Ulysses 2,724,586 82,440 2,807,026 3,118,911 Ithaca, City Ithaca, Town Lansing Totals $61,587,929$1,413,948 $63,001,877. $69,460,578 . 128 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ' .Towns Equalized Value Caroline .96%- Danby � .98% Dryden .98% Enfield .96% Groton .97% Ithaca, City .87% Ithaca, Town .99% Lansing .98 % Newfield I .9g % Ulysses .90% 1$1,098,2281$ 1,092,639 3,64-9,657 647,927 3,402,434 39,692,993 1,619,912 6,337,139 3,087,907 1,164,050 2,828,903 21,878 1$ 64,154 87,920 293.671 37,849 236,268 579,790 248;472 93,666 - Totals 1 1$63,001,8771$ 1,641,7901$ 1,641,790 And your committee would also report that they have de- termined upon proper inquiry and investigation the ratio or percentage which the assessed Value of the real property, in each such tax district bears to its full value and would recom- mend that, based upon such determination ofyour committee, that the board establish such ratios or percentages which are determined and in the opinion of your committee are as above set forth. That your committee have, in accord with such percentage, . compiled and that the foregoing table shows the aggregate valuations of each tax district,as determined from' the actual values of propertyfixed according to the above ratios or per- centages1and the average rate of assessment of real property in the county which your committee have determined accord- ing to the rules laid down by statute, to be .9070163 and that the table` shows by such valuations the several and aggregate__ valuations upon which the taxes for the county, including . the state taxes, should be apportioned between the several tax districts of the county. , All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated December 11, 1934. R. C: OSBORN - THOMAS G. MILLER, C. A. MOTT, LAMONT C. SNOW, D. J. WATROUS, •- LAGRAND CHASE, JOS. B. MYERS, Committee i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 129 REPORT NO. 2 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF HIGHWAY TAX LEVY FOR_ THE YEAR 1934 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your committee further reports that it has in accordance with the percentages fixed and established by this Board, de- termined the equalized value of the real property of the several tax districts of this county, liable to 'the levy of taxes for high- way purposes, as shown by the subjoined tabular statement; that the average rate of assessment as determined by such percentages is .9070149. Towns • C w *V •a. Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca, City Ithaca, Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 1,133,0201$ 30,312 $ 1,163,332 1,164,406 29,204 ' 1,193,610 3,809,884 144,280 3,954,164 663,368 26,208 689,576 3,586,580 54,247 ' 3,640,827 37,377,050 773,432 38,150,482 6,752,409 168,696 6,921,105 3,271,830 69,874 3,341,704 1,226,261 35,255 1,261,516 2,727,440 82,440 2,809,880 $ 1,211,804 1,217,969 4,034,861 718,300 3,753,429 43,851,122 6,991,010 3,409,902, 1,287,261 3,122,088 Totals :$61;712,240 1,413,948 $63,126,196 $69,597,746 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Towns •7 ctl • N • Caroline .96 % Danby .98% Dryden .98% Enfield .96% Groton .97% Ithaca, City 1 .87% Ithaca, Town .99 % Lansing 1 .98 % Newfield .98'% Ulysses .90 % 1,099,1241$ 1,104,716 3,659,679 651,508 3,404,416 39,773,621 6,340,957 3,092,831 1,167,564 2,831,780 1,623,138 21,900 $ 64,207 88,893 294,484 38,067 236,410 580,154 248,872 93,951 Totals 1 i$ Dated December 11, 1934. 63,126,1961$ 1,645,0381$ 1,645,038 Moved by Mr. Chase, that table and passed at this time. R. C. OSBORN THOMAS G. MILLER, C. A. MOTT, LAMONT C. SNOW, D. J. WATROUS, LAGRAND CHASE, JOS. B. MYERS, Committee. the reports be taken from the Seconded by Mr. 'Watrous. By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the table. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : - . Resolved' —That Report No. 1, of the Committee on Equali- zation, Etc., be accepted and adopted and that the valuation of OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 131 real property, for the purposes of the General Tax Levy against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and determ- ined as therein set forth, as the basis of,the apportionment for such General Tax Levy for the year 1934. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr.': -Miller offered the following resolution 'and moved its adoption : • Resolved—That Report No. 2, of the Committee on Equaliza- tion, Etc., be accepted and adopted and the valuation of real property, for the purposes of Highway. Tax Levy against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and determined as therein set forth as the basis of the apportionment of High- way Taxes for the year 1934. - Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Squier placed in nomination thename of Dr. H. H. Crum, as Jail Physician for the year 1935.' Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Mr. Miller placed in nomination the name of Dr. J. E. Dunphy, as Jail Physician for the year 1935. Seconded by Mr. Van, Order. Messrs. Miller and Albright were appointed tellers. The tellers reported the whole number of votes cast were 13, of which Dr. H. H: Crum received 8 Dr. J. E. Dunphy 5 Dr. Crum having received a majority of all the votes cast, the Chairman declared Dr. H. H. Crum elected as Jail Physi- cian for the year 1935. 132 PROCEEDINGS OF• THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Clerk read the report of the Sheriff, which was received and placed on file. The Annual Report of the District Attorney was read by the Clerk, and placed on file. The balance of the afternoon was taken up with discussion relative to fees charged welfare cases at the county hospital. On motion, adjourned to Wednesday, December 12, at 10 :30 A.M. Tenth Day MORNING SESSION Wednesday, December 12, 1934 Roll call.' All members present, except Mr. Van Order. Minutes of December 11 meeting, read and approved. Miss 'Dorothy Wightman, Librarian, appeared with Messrs. J. Paul Munson, Daniel Mitchell 'and Frank G. Snyder, mem- bers of the Committee on the Rural Traveling Library System, and rendered the annual report relative to. the County Library, which was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Mr. B. I. Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, ap- peared before the Board and rendered his reports of the re- ceipts and expenditures of his department, and his report as to the condition of machinery and building department accounts, for the year 1934. Moved by Mr. Watrous, that the reports be accepted and the Clerk be directed to print the same in the Proceedings of the Board. Seconded by Mr.. Conlon. Carried. , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, .NEW YORK . 133 Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated from the unexpended balances standing to the credit of the different projects, the sum of $855.06 to complete the following pro- jects: Project No. 4 $110.58 Project No. 11 29.08 Project No. 14 55.38 • Project No. 15 660.02 $ 855.06 Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Reports of Jay W. Stamp, Vernon H. Earl and Thomas R. Brown, of the Town of Enfield; and Carlton Kintz of the Town of Lansing, Justices of the Peace of those respective towns, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Lists of Corporations of the Towns of Danby, Lansing and Ulysses were received and filed. A list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Lansing was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. - Grand Jury lists from the Towns of Enfield, Lansing, and the Second Ward of the City of Ithaca, were received and re- ferred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Lists of ,Town Audits of the Towns of .Caroline, Danby, Groton and Ulysses were received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses, Etc. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Representatives. of Tompkins County FarmBureau, Tomp- kins County Home Bureau and the Junior Project Extension, appeared before the Board, relative to the reports submitted by those organizations. Mr. Harry P. Morse, Manager of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau, rendered the report of that organization and Mr. -Lawrence Jackson, President of that organization addressed the Board and asked for an appropriation of $2,500.00 for the year 1935. Mrs. Margaret Jewell, President of the Home Bureau Associ- ation with Mrs. Wixon and Miss Sara Kerr, Agent, addressed the Board relative to .that organization and asked for an ap- propriation of $2,750.00, for the year 1935. Mr. Ralph Higley, Agent of the Junior Extension Project, addressed the Board, relative to the Junior Extension Project and asked for an appropriation .of $2,500:00, for the year 1935. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its 'adoption: , • Resolved,—That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $28,110.00 for the construction of highways in Tompkins County in 1935, under the provisions of Section 320-A, of the Highway Law, said sum of $28,110.00 to be duplicated by a like amount by the State of New York, under the provisions of Section 320-B, of the Highway Law, and be it further Resolved—That in the event, that the State fails to dupli- cate the sum of $28,110.00, that the moneys herein appropri- ated be, and the same hereby are, appropriated to the County Road Fund: Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Watrous presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Groton, which was referred to the. Committee on Returned Taxes. Lists of Returned School Taxes of the towns of - Caroline OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 135 and : Dryden were received and referred- to the Committee -on Returned Taxes. Town Budgets of the towns of Caroline, Ithaca and Ulysses were received and referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Mr. Conlon, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, rendered the following report of the. committee, relative to the report of the Commissioners of Elec- tion. Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reports that it has examined the report 'of the Commissioners of Election and believes the same to be a true statement of the Election Expenses of the County, for the year 1934. We recommend that the apportionment of Election Expenses 'for the current year, as made by the Election Commissioners, be accepted and adopted by this Board, and that the several sums charged to the county, city and towns be assessed against, levied upon, and collected from the taxable property of Tomp- ' kins County and the several towns and city therein, as follows : County of Tompkins $2,560.59 City of Ithaca 1,068.88 Town of Caroline. 234.00 _ Town of Danby 219.96 Town of Dryden 546.01 Town of Enfield 146.65 Town of Groton 546.01 Town of Ithaca 231.97 Town of Lansing 293.29 Town of Newfield 156.01 Town of Ulysses 159.97 $6,163.34 ' Total for County $2,560.59. Total for City 1,068.88 Total for Towns 2,533.87 Dated December 11, 1934. $6,163.34 ANDREW J. -CONLON, HENRY 0. VEIT, HARVEY STEVENSON, Committee. .136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 'BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the report of the Com- missioners of Election, for the year 1934, be accepted and that the amounts therein mentioned be levied upon, and collected from, the taxable property of • Tompkins County, and the sev- eral towns and city therein, liable therefor. Seconded by Mr.• Squier. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Miller, Chairman of the Committee on Town and County Accounts, presented the following report ofthat committee, relative to the amounts to be raised by the county' and the . several towns therein, for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of State and County Highways. • To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Gentlemen : Your Committee on Town and County Accounts, to which was referred a communication from the Comptroller, relative to the amounts to be raised by the county and the several towns therein, wishes to report that it finds that there shall be raised by the county and the following towns the sums set opposite their respective names for sinking fund and, interest on bonds issued for the construction of roads, as follows : • County Interest Town Interest Road Sinking on ' • Town Sinking on Fund same Fund same Total 606 $220.80 $ 441.60 $ 662.40 616 781.97 1,563.94 Ulysses $216.85 $433.69 2,996.45 681 439.81 879.64 Dryden 81.03 162.08 1,562.56 682 305..03 ' 610.05 Dryden 89.71 179.42 1,184.21 683 315.16 '630.34 Dryden 92.69 185.40 1,223.59 $2,062.77 $4,125.57 . - $480.28 $960.59 $7,629.21 Dated, December 10, 1934. THOMAS G. MILLER, HENRY 0. VEIT, CARL A. MOTT, - Committee. OF TOMPKINCOUNTY, NEW YORK 137 Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved -That the report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts be accepted and that the amounts therein specified be levied upon and collected from the taxable property liable therefor in payment of sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of State and County high- ways. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, rendered the following report relative to the County Treasurer. To the Board of Supervisors; Tompkins County, N: Y. Gentlemen : Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts have ex- amined the various accounts of the County Treasurer, as pre- sented in her annual report, and in the judgment of your com- mittee the report is correct. Your Committee also reports that it has examined and com- pared with her books, the vouchers presented by the County Treasurer and found the same to correspond with the figures entered therein. Your Committee therefore recommends that the report be accepted. Dated, December 12, 1934. LAMONT C. SNOW, A. J. CONLON, JOSEPH B. MYERS, Committee. Moved by Mr. Snow, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Friday, December 14, 1934 at 10:30 A. M. 138 . .PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Eleventh Day Friday, December 14, 1934 MORNING. SESSION I Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Van Order. Minutes of December 12 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Watrous, rendered the following report of the' Commit- tee on Highways, relative to the amounts expended during the year 1934, for securing rights of way for the highways in Tompkins County.., , Your Committee on Highways, reports that the following figures show the" condition of the accounts for rightsof way. Balance November 1, 1933 $10,021.45 • Appropriation 10,000.00 $20,021.45 Expenditures 6,074.30 Unexpended Balance November 1, .1934 ....$13,947.15 Your Committee therefore recommends that there be ap- propriated for the year. 1,935, the sum of $10,000.00, in addi- tion to the balance now in the hands of the County Treasurer of $13;947.15, which is_ hereby re -appropriated, making a total of $23,947.15: Dated, December 14, 1934. D. J. WATROUS,, L. E. CHASE, R. C. ALBRIGHT, FRED VAN ORDER, - HARVEY STEVENSON, Committee. Moved by Mr. Watrous, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Carried. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 139 Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its. adoption : • Resolved—That there be and 'hereby is' appropriated, for the year 1935, the sum of •$10,000.00, for securing rights of way by the county, in addition to the. balance of $13,947.15 now in the hands of the County Treasurer in said fund, which is hereby re -appropriated, making a total of $23,947.15. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Conlon, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses,rendered the following report relative to the report of the County Judge for the amounts of moneys received for pistol permits and of the Surrogate's Clerk, re- lative to the amounts received by her as fees of that office : Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, re- ports that it has examined the reports of the•County Judge and the Surrogate's Clerk and believes that the items therein set forth are correct. , That the amount of $70.07 was received from pistol permits and the same has been paid to the County Treasurer. The balance of $322.71, after paying the expenses of the Surrogate's office, has been received and is payable to the County Treasurer. Your Committee believes that each report is a true and cor- rect statement of the financial transactions of the County Judge's and Surrogate's office and recommends that each re- port be approved and accepted, and that the balance of $322.71, received from the Surrogate's Clerk be paid to the County ' Treasurer to beapplied to the credit of the general fund. Dated, December 14, 1934. A. J. CONLON, HARVEY, STEVENSON, HENRY 0. VEIT, Committee. 140 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Conlon, that the report of the •committee be accepted and approved. Seconded' by 'Mr. Stone. Carried. Mr. Stone, Chairman of the Committee on Returned Taxes, rendered the following report relative to the lists of Grand Jurors for Tompkins County; for the year 1935,.viz. : To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Returned Taxes, to which was referred the list of names of persons selected by the representatives of the towns of the county and the wards of the city, as qualified persons to serve as Grand Jurors for Tompkins County for the year 1935, believes such persons selected are proper and qual- ified persons to serve as such Grand Jurors ; and recommend that such list of names as selected, and filed with the Clerk of this Board, with the occupation and post office addresses of those therein named, be adopted as the true Grand Jury List of Tompkins County, for the year 1935. Dated, December 14, 1934. LEPINE STONE, A. J. CONLON, C. A. MOTT, Committee. Moved by Mr. Stone, that the report of the committee be accepted and that the lists of names filed, be adopted as the true Grand Jury List of Tompkins County for the year 1935. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Snow rendered the following report of the Committee on Charities, relative,to the report of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital: Your Committee on Charities, having examined the annual report of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, reports that the figures submitted to i OF TOMPKINS • COUNTY, NEW YORK 141. this Board appear to be correct, and the Committee. therefore recommends that the appropriation to be made to that insti- tution for maintenance for the year ending October 31st, 1935, be the sum of $17,000.00, and your Committee further recom- mends that the balance of $3,837.43, standing to the credit of that institution, be re -appropriated for carrying on the work of the institution for the year ending October 31st, 1935. Dated, December 14, 1934. LAMONT C. SNOW, LEPINE STONE, J. B. MYERS, Committee. ' Moved by .Mr. Snow, that the report of the committee lie , accepted. . Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $17,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the maintenance of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital for the year ending October 31st, 1935; and be it further Resolved—That the sum of $3,837.43, standing to the credit of that institution be, and the same is, hereby re -appropriated for the .maintenance of said Tuberculosis Hospital in addition to the sum of $17,000.00 hereinbefore appropriated. Seconded by Mr. Chase. • Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow rendered the following report of the Committee on Charities, relative to Old Age Security Fund : Your Committee on Charities, having examined the report of the Commissioner of Public Welfare relative to the Old Age Security, reports that it has compared his' accounts with thoseof the County Treasurer, and with vouchers for which 142 PROCEEDINGS °OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS payments are ordered, and believes the • same to be correct, therefore we recommend that the same be accepted, and ap- proved. , Furthermore your Committee approves the estimate of the County Commissioner as to the expense of administering the Old Age Security Account for the fiscal year, November 1st, 1934 to October 31st, 1935. Allowances Granted Applicants $40,000.00 Salary of Worker 1,800.00 Traveling Expenses 400.00 Stenographer 600.00 Extra Stenographer 264.00 Office expenses 150.00 $43,214.00 Inasmuch as there was appropriated to this Department on November 17, 1934, the following sum of $6,600.00 to be de- ducted from the 1935 Budget; your committee recommends the appropriation at this time of the following sums: Allowances Granted Applicants $34,000.00 Salary of Worker 1,550.00 Traveling Expenses 300.00 Stenographer 500.00 Extra Stenographer 164.00 Office Expenses 100.00 Total . $36,614.00 Dated, 'December, 14, 1934. LAMONT C. SNOW, LEPINE STONE, JOS. B. MYERS, Committee. . Moved by Mr. Snow, that the report be accepted and adopted.. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 143 'Resolved—That there be and hereby isappropriated for the Old Age Security fund the sum of $36,614.00 for the fiscal year ending October 31st,` 1935, apportioned as follows : Allowances Granted Applicants $34,000.00 Salary" of Worker 1,550.00 Traveling Expenses 300.00 Stenographer 500.00 . Extra Stenographer 164.00 Office Expenses 100.00 Total $36,614.00 Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried: Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Charities, be and hereby is authorized to enter into an agreement, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, with the Tompkins County Committee of the State Charities Aid Association, by which the 'said Tompkins County Committee of the State Char ities Aid Association agrees to provide the services of an agent, as assistant to the County and Town public welfare officers of the County, in the investigation and supervision of cases of dependent children and family welfare, with the under- standing that such agent shall, so far as her time will permit, be available for investigations requested by the officers of the Children's Court and of the 'Board of Child Welfare of said county, and be it further Resolved—That said agent shall make monthly reports; covering her work, to the County Commissioner of Public Welfare and to the Committee on Charities of the Board of Supervisors, and an annual report to the Board of Supervisors, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,800.00 for the services of such agent during the year 1935. Seconded by Mr. Stone. 144 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF .SUPERVISORS Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Miller's resolution of December 4, 1934, on motion of Mr. Miller was taken from the table for passage at this time. Seconded by Stone. Carried. Discussion followed. A vote being taken upon the resolution as read, resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs. Miller, Mott ,and Albright -3. Noes—Messrs: Myers, Snow, .Stevenson, Watrous, Chase, Veit, Osborn, Conlon, ' Stone, . and Squier-10. Motion lost. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Conlon and Van Order. The Clerk read the names of Wm. F. George, as the nominee of the Democratic Committee for Democratic Commissioner of Election and the name of Mrs. Emma L. Card, as the nominee of the Republican Committee for Republican Commissioner of Election. Moved by Mr. Squier, that the two aforesaid nominees be elected Commissioners of Election for the next two years, with their term of office expiring on January 1, 1937. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Mott, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers and 'Compensation, rendered the following report ,of the com- mittee, relative to the annual report of the County Sealer of Weights and Measures. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK , 145 To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation, to which wasreferred the annual report of the County Sealer of Weights and Measures, having examined said report believes the same to, be correct, and your Committee recommends the same be accepted and placed on file. Dated, December 13, 1934. C. A..MOTT,., LAMONT C. SNOW, Committee. Moved by Mr. Mott, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That in accordance with the report of the, Com- missioner of Public Welfare, that there be assessed against, levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the follow- ing amounts for the support of poor, hospitalization, etc., to reimburse . the county for moneys expended for and on their behalf. SUPPORT OF POOR AT COUNTY HOME Caroline $ 251.20 Danby 272.89 Dryden 671.57 Enfield 194.81 Groton 665.66 Ithaca _ 305.62 Ithaca City 4,746.02 Lansing 915.68 Newfield 76.51 Ulysses 586.79 $ 8,686.75 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HOSPITALIZATION, ETC. Caroline $ 1,409.25 Danby 2,800.19 Dryden 4,928.43 Enfield 1,382.03 Groton 2,086.67 Ithaca City 21,533.61. Lansing . 6,574.23 Newfield 2,913.03 Ulysses 4,567.70 $48,195.14 $56,881.89 Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -12. 'Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Charities rendered the following report, relative to the report of the Commission- er. of Welfare : To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Charities, to which was referred the re- port of the Commissioner of Public Welfare, relative to the County Public Welfare, reports that it has audited the books of the Commissioner and compared his accounts with bills rendered and vouchers for the same, and to the knowledge and belief of your Committee find that the figures submitted by the Commissioner, as to the receipts and disbursements of his office are correct. Your committee believes that the estimates of the Commis- sioner as to the expenses of the department for the forthcom- ing year have been carefully made and approves the same, as follows County Home $14,000.00 Salary" of Worker 1,800.00 Stenographer 600.00 2nd Stenographer 850.00 Office Expenses 700.00 Foster Homes—Care of Children 20,000.00 Institutional—Care of, Children • 4,000.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW. YORK 147 Hospitalization . 30,000.00 Outside Relief 22,000.00 Traveling expenses 1,200.00 Commissioner's Expenses , 200.00 Clerical work 1,050.00 Food storage s 500.00 $96,900.00 Inasmuch as there was appropriated to . the different branches of this department on November 17, the sum of $14,210; the same to be deducted from the current year's budget; we recommend the following appropriations: • For Town and County Poor Supported at the County Home $10,110.00 Salary of worker 1,500.00 Stenographer 500.00 Extra Stenographer • 710.00. Office expenes 550.00 ' Foster Homes for children 17,000.00 Institutional Care of- children 3,300.00 •Hospitalization 25,000.00 Outside Relief 19,000.00 Traveling expenses 1,200.00 Commissioner's expenses 150.00 Clerical work 880.00 Food storage 400.00 Physician at County Home 600.00 Medicine 400.00 Chaplain 150.00 Nurse in Men's ward 240.00 Dated, December 14, "1934. $82,690.00 LAMONT C. SNOW, LEPINE STONE, - JOS. B. MYERS, Committee. Moved by Mr. Snow, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. a 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Department of Public Welfare, the sum of $82,690.00, appor- tioned as follows : For Town and County Poor supported at the County Home $10,110.00 Salary of worker 1,500.00 Stenographer 500.00 Extra Stenographer 710.00 Office expenses 550.00 Foster Homes for children 17,000.00 Institutional care for children 3,300.00 Hospitalization 25,000.00 Outside Relief 19,000.00 Traveling expenses 1,200.00 Commissioner's expenses 150.00 Clerical work 880.00 Food storage 400.00 Physician at County Home 600.00 Medicine 400.00 Chaplain 150.00 Nurse in Men's ward 240.00 $82,690.00 Seconded. by Mr. Stone. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Watrous presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Village of Groton and School District No. 8, of the Town of Groton, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Mr. Albright presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Lists of Corporations of the Town of Enfield and the City of Ithaca were received and filed. Mr. Conlon presented a list of the Returned School Taxes i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 149 of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the .Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Albright presented the Town Budget of the Town of Newfield, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. - Reports of Jerry A. Smith and Edward Ozmun of the Town of Lansing and Howard K. Aiken of the 'Town of Ulysses, Justices of the Peace of those respective towns, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Ac- counts. Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $18,000.00 to aid the towns in the improvement of dirt roads, said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the same provisions and conditions as provided by the resolution of this Board adopted December 31, 1930, as amended November 13, 1933, and be it further -Resolved—That there be allowed to each town the sum of $1,000.00 per mile for two miles of improved road, and be it further Resolved—That any town not completing in any one year, the two miles alloted to it as specified in the resolution and amendment, such town or towns may complete the same the following year and receive in addition to that year's : allot- ment the amount withheld'. from the previous year.' Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes—Messrs. Myers, Snow, Miller; Mott, .Stevenson, Wat- rous, Chase, Veit, Osborn, ,Albright and Stone -11. Noes—Mr. Squier. Resolution carried. Mr. Stevenson, Chairman of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., offered the following resolution and moved its - adoption : 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County Public Health Committee, the sum of $4,000.00, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to the Committee on Public Health, on the orders of the com- mittee, signed by the representatives of this Board, and be it further Resolved—That any sum standing to the credit of the Com- mittee on Public Health now in the hands of the County Treas- urer on December 31, 1934, arid unappropriated, be and the same is 'hereby re -appropriated to the committee. Seconded by Mr. Squier. - Ayes -12.. Noes -0. Carried.. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS -By the provisions of Section 59, of the Tax Law, as amended, the Board of Supervisors of a County, not embrac- ing a portion of the forest preserve, on or before December 15 in each year, or such' date as may be designated by a resolu- tion of the Board of Supervisors, not later, however, than the first day of February of each year, shall annex to the tax roll a warrant, under the seal of the Board, signed by the. Chairman and Clerk of the Board, commanding the collector of each tax district to whom .the same is directed, to collect from the several, persons named in the tax roll, the several sums mentioned in the last column -thereof, opposite their re- spective names, on or before the first day of the following February, where the same is annexed on or before the 15th day of December in each year, and 'WHEREAS -It is impossible for the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to so annex a warrant at this time, as pro- vided in said law, therefore be it , .Resolved—That this Board designate January 21, 1935, as the date on which shall be annexed to the tax roll, the above warrant as specified in said Section 59, of the Tax Law, as amended, commanding the collector of each tax district, to whom the same is directed, to collect from the several persons named in said tax roll, the several sums mentioned in the last column thereof, opposite their respective names, on or before i F OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 1151 . the first day of May, 1935, and commanding• said .collector to. pay over on or before the said first day of May, 1935, if he be a collector of a city, or a division thereof, all moneys so col- _ lected by him appearing on said roll, to the Treasurer of the County, or if he be the collector of a town, to the Supervisor thereof and to the County Treasurer, as provided by law. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. •� Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS a water district has been duly established in the Town of Newfield, and the Tompkins County Development As= sociation has approved the construction of a water -works in and for said district "as a project in the ,County Development Relief Program, 75% of the cost thereof to be paid by the State of New York and 25% thereof by the said water district, and the Town Board of the Town of Newfield has guaranteed the payment of the portion of said expense chargeable to the water district: Be It Resolved that this Board, believing that the construc- tion of said water -works is a worthy project. which will serve the public interest and afford employment to citizens of the county who are on work relief, hereby approves the same, 'authorizes its chairman to sign the project application, and recommends that the said project be accepted by the Tempor- ary Emergency Relief Administration as a part of the Develop- ment Program of Tompkins County on the same financial basis as other projects which have heretofore been adopted. Seconded by Mr. Miller. ;Carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 17, 1934 at 1'0:30 A. M. . 152 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Twelfth Day Monday, December 17, 1934 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 14 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Stone, Chairman of the Enforcement of Quarantine on Dogs, presented the several claims audited by the committee during the year ending October 31; 1934, which were filed. Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on Enforcement of the Quarantine on Dogs, during the year ending October 31, 1934, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the committee. • Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Conlon, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, rendered a report of that committee relative to the report of the County Clerk. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee has examined the report and made a com- parison of the items listed with the records of the County Treasurer and finds that the moneys received by the County Clerk, as reported by him, were duly paid to the County Treas- urer. The disbursements made as appears iri his .report, were so made to the belief of the committee. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 153 We believe that the report is a true and correct statement of the financial transaction of the County Clerk and recommend that the report be approved and accepted. Dated, December 13, 1934. A. J . CONLON, HENRY 0. VEIT, HARVEY STEVENSON, Committee. 'Moved by Mr. Conlon,, that 'the .report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. Mr. Miller presented the reports of Arthur G. Bennett and Harry A. Hatfield, Justices of the Peace, of the Town of Danby, which were received and referred ,to the Committee on Cor- oner and Justices' Accounts. Lists of Special Franchises from the Town of Danby and Ulysses were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. _ Reports of the Bonded Indebtedness of .the Town of Dryden arid Ulysses were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Miller presented the Town Budget of the Town of Danby, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Mr. Stone presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ulysses, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. The, Clerk read a communication from the Erie County Board of Supervisors relative to the consistency. of prices of farm produce in New York State, which was filed. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and movedits adoption : Resolved—That we approve of the following resolution passed by the Erie County Board of Supervisors : 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That this Board go on record as sustaining the contention that the price set for the purchase of New York State produce, particularly potatoes, is too low to furnish any relief to the farmers of this State, and further that these prices are•not consistent with the NRA and do not'compare favorably with the relief which the AAA has advocated and executed in other sections, of this nation, and that this Board recommends that when the TERA deems it advisable to purchase farm produce, that the price offered for such produce be equitable with cost of production of that particular product and not based on the prices fixed by the competition of food distributors; and be it further recommended that a copy of this resolu- tion be forwarded to our representatives in the state and national government. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be levied upon, and collected from, the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $12,- 000.00 for the following purposes for the year 1935:. . For fuel and light in county buildings, in the City of Ithaca $ 6,500.00 ' For fuel at County Home 2,500.00 For telephone service for county buildings 3,000.00 $12,000.00 Seconded by Mr. Stone. T Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Osborn, Chairman of the Committee on Correction and Reformation rendered the following report "of that committee, relative to the report of the Clerk of Children's Court. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Correction and Reformation reports that it has examined the report of the Clerk of Children's Court OF 'TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 155 as to receipts and disbursements, with the amounts that should be charged to theseveral political sub -divisions of the county and believes the same to be correct. Your committee would therefor recommend the adoption of ° the following resolution : Resolved—That in accordance with the report of the Clerk. of Children's Court, there be charged to the following munici- palities of Tompkins County, the sums set opposite the names of the several,towns and city, as follows: City of Ithaca $235.59 Town of Ithaca 27.80 Town' of Newfield 64.65 Town of Dryden 35.00 $ 363.04' Said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to •said towns and city, and the same to be placed in the budgets thereof and collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended. Dated, December 17, 1934. R. C. OSBORN, T. G. MILLER, J. B. MYERS, . Committee. Moved by iMr. Osborn, that the report be accepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -14. Noes -0: Carried. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, the sum of $3,000.00, for the construction, maintenance and re= pairs of county highway bridges during the year 1935. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. 156 PROCEEDINGS .OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Compensation Insurance, rendered the following report, relative to the com- pensation paid, and the apportionment thereof, among the sev- eral towns of the county and the city of Ithaca, for the year ending October 31, 1934. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Compensation Insurance reports as follows, for the year ending October 31, 1934. ,The total number of county cases on which payments have been ordered and made, to October 31, 1934, were fifteen, with payments as follows : Compensation $101.02 Hospitalization 130.45 Surgical treatment 327.00 $558.47 The amount of $558.47 for county employees, apportioned in accordance with the provisions of the Workmen's Compen- sation Law, among the several. municipalities of the county is, as follows : Caroline $ 9.75 Danby 9.69 Dryden 32.36 Enfield 5.75 Groton 30.17 Ithaca City 351.80 Ithaca Town 56.17 Lansing 27.38 Newfield 10.32 Ulysses 25.08 $558.47 , The total number of cases of participating municipalities on which payments have been ordered and. made to October 31, 1934, were twenty-seven, with payments as follows : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 157 Compensation $ 883.89 Hospitalization 52.00 Surgical treatment 432.20 $1,368.09 The amount of $1,368.09, apportioned among the several participating municipalities according to the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Law is, as follows : Caroline $ 64.46 Danby 64.13 Dryden 214.22 Enfield 38.02 Groton ' 199.70 Ithaca . 371.95 Lansing 181.24 Newfield 68.32 Ulysses . 166.05 $1,368.09 Making the total cost .of compensation insurance to the sev- eral political sub -divisions of the county, for county employees, and those of the several participating municipalities, as fol- lows : Caroline $ 74.21 Danby 73.82 Dryden 246.58 Enfield . 43.77 Groton 229.87 Ithaca City 351.80 Ithaca Town 428.12 Lansing 208.62 Newfield 78.64 Ulysses 191.13 $1,926.56 Respectfully submitted, this 17th day of December, 1934. L. C. SNOW, LEPINE STONE, HENRY O. VEIT, Committee. 158 PROCEEDINGS OF. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved—That the report'of the Committee on Compensa- tion Insurance, be accepted and, adopted, and be it further Resolved—That there be assessed upon, levied against and collected from the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the sum set opposite the respective towns and the city, for payment of compensation insurance of county employees and those of the several participating municipalities, as fol- lows : Caroline 74.21 Danby 73.82 Dryden 246.58 Enfield 43.77 Groton 229.87 Ithaca City 351.80 Ithaca Town 428.12 Lansing 208.62 Newfield • 78.64 Ulysses 191.13 $1,926.56 and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to place such sums when collected to the credit of the Compensation Insurance Fund, and be it further Resolved—That any sum standing to the credit of the Com- mittee on Compensation Insurance, now in the hands of the County Treasurer and unexpended, be and the same is hereby reappropriated to said committee for carrying on this work for the ensuing year, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Committee on Compensation Insurance, the sum of $2,000.00, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to deposit the same in a Bank or Trust Co. Fund paying interest, to the credit of the Workmen's Compensation Fund, for the purpose of creating a reserve or sinking fund. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 159 Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk be authorized to correct any manifest errors occuring in the minutes or in the report of any committee. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried. Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order to the County Treasurer for the payment of each claim audited by this Board, and the County Treasurer is hereby di- rected to pay the same out of the moneys in her hands ap- propriated for that purpose. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Carried. Mr. Veit offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to pay to the several towns and the city of the county, any balances in her hands standing to the credit of the re- spective towns and city. Seconded. by Mr. Watrous. Carried. Mr Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the salaries of all county officers and employees month- ly, unless otherwise directed by a resolution of this Board. Seconded by' Mr. Osborn. Carried. Mr. Stevenson, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That all moneys now in the hands of the County Treasurer either in the General, Welfare or Highway Funds, 160 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS and not appropriated by this Board for any specific purpose, be hereby re -appropriated to the General, Welfare or Highway fund respectively. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. ' Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the' Chairman appoint a committee of three, which with himself and the County Attorney, are authorized and directed to act for the county in all matters that may arise, in which the county is interested and not coming under the supervision of any regular standing committee. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Carried. "Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation be authorized to make anyy necessary repairs to the building under the supervision of that committee. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Highway Advisory Committee be au- thorized to make any necessary repairs to theCounty Machin- ery Building. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Carried. Mr. Conlon offered the following' resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Correction and Reforma- tion be authorized to make any necessary repairs to the county buildings under the supervision of that committee. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 161 Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Charities be authorized to make any necessary; repairs or alterations to the buildings under the supervision of said committee. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerkof this Board be authorized and directed to certify for the payment of salaries of all county officers, required to be certified to the State Civil Service Com- mission. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. Mr. Stone offered the following resolution ' and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the services" of all town superintendents .of highways, in the matterof snow removal, shall be at the ex- pense of the town. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various towns and the City of Ithaca, the Clerk shall print such rates in the Proceedings of the Board, following the town budgets of the several towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Squier.- Carried. Mr. Myers offered the following resolution and 'moved its adoption,: Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to print the audits of the several towns of the county in the Proceedings •of the Board. 162 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed Ito' pay, in equal monthly payments, on the first day of each month, to the Tompkins County Committee of the State Charities Aid Association,' the sum heretofore appropriated for the services of its agent, in the same manner as heretofore made. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—This Board is in favor of making it as easy as legally possible for the taxpayers of this county to pay their taxes, and WHEREAS—The law provides that assessment rolls should state separately the amount of the general tax,, the tax for highway purposes, and the tax for any special district. Resolved—That if the payment of such taxes separately is permitted by law, the collectors be informed that this Board favors such procedure as a method of relieving the taxpayers from having to pay their state and county tax in a lump sum, and be it further Resolved—That the legality of such procedure be investi- • gated by the County Attorney and that he report to .this Board thereon at his earliest convenience. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. County Superintendent of Highways, B. I. Vann, appeared before the Board and presented the following highway con- • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 163 struction and reconstruction programs for the year 1935 ; with the estimated cost therefor. - TOPPING PROGRAM ,Project No. 1 Speed Road, No. 117, Retread on 1 mile 14' Gravel base $4,000.00 Project No. 2. Shindagin Hollow Road, No. 175; 1.50 miles. Double ,Surface Treatment on 14' gravel base' 2,000.00 Project No. 3. South .Danby Road, No. 125,' 350 miles. Double Surface Treatment on 14' gravel base 4,750.00 ProjectNo 4 Irish' Settlement Road, No. 162A,.5.50 miles. Double Surface Treatment on 14' gravel base • 7,000.00 • Project No 5. McClintock ' Road;. ' No.. 176, 1.90 miles, Double Surface 'Treatment on 14' gravel base 1,900.00. Project No. 6 Podunk Road, .No.. 146, 2.00 miles Double Surface Treatment 2,850.00 Project No. 7 Enfield -Ulysses Town ,Line Road, No. 177, 4.50 miles, Double Surface Treatment on gravel base ' 6,500.00 Project No. 8 Halseyville Road No: 170, 2.00 miles, 3" Penetration top 14,000.00 Project No. 9 Pleasant, Valley Rd. 4.00 miles, Double sur- face treatment on, 14' gravel base 5,000.00 Project No. 10. Van Ostrand Road, No. 151, 3.80 miles, Double Surface- Treatment on 14' gravel base 5,500.00 Project No 11. Berkshire Road Extension, No. 165, 1.50 miles, Retread on 16' gravel base 9,000.00 Project No. -12. Kennedy' Corners Road, No. 172, .70 miles, 164 PROCEEDINGS. OF THE BOARD OF .SUPERVISORS Double Surface Treatment on 14' gravel Vase 1,000.00. Project No. :13. King Schoolhouse Road, No. 179, 1.40 miles, Double Surface Treatment on 14' gravel base 1,900.00 Project No. 14. Shaffer Road, No. 131, 3.50 milesWiden- ing and double surface treatment 1.50 miles, double surface treatment 7,500.00 on 2.00 miles 14'' gravel base 3,000.00 Project No: 15. Dassance Road, No. 132, 1.75 miles, double surface treatment on 14' gravel base 2,700.00 Project .No. 16. Perry City Road,No. 142, .90 miles. Double surface treatment on 14' gravel base . 1,200.00 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Project No. 17. Speed Road, No. 117, 2.00 miles, construc- tion of 14' gravel base . 14,000.00 Project No. 18. • East Side Road, No. 180, 3.00 miles, ,Con- struction of 14' gravel base 21,000.00 Project No. 19. Halseyville Road, No. 170, 1.30 miles. Con- struction of .14' gravel base 10,000.00 Project No. 20. West Groton -North Lansing, No181 1.70 miles, Construction of 14' gravel base 9,000.00 Project No. 21. Ringwood Road, No. 164, 2.50 miles, con- struction of 14' gravel base 17,500.00 $151,250.00 Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : . Resolved—That the estimates and programs submitted by i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 165 the County Superintendent be approved by this Board, and that 'the amount indicated in said estimates, namely $151,- 250.00, and $55,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to the maintenance of highway in Tompkins . County, for the year 1935, be and the same hereby are appropriated from the County Road Fund for the purposes indicated. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Stevenson rendered the following report relative to the various organizations, referred to the Committee on Soldiers' ,Relief, Etc. Your Committee on Soldiers'.Relief, Etc., to which has been referred the requests of various organizations, associations, boards and committees, for the year 1935, reports that it has °carefully examined and .weighed these requests and therefore recommends the adoption. of the following resolution. • Resolved= -That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau, the sum of $2,500.00 Tompkins County Home Bureau; the sum of 2,500.00 Tompkins County Farm Bureau, for Tompkins County Junior Project Extension, the sum of 2,500.00 Tompkins County Laboratory, the sum of 6,500.00 Tompkins County Rural Traveling Library System • 4,000.00 Tompkins County Board of Child Welfare, the sum of ' 7,000.00 $25,000.00 and be it further Resolved=That the County Treasurer is directed to pay ,to the Treasurer of the Farm Bureau Association and the Home Bureau Association, the amounts hereby appropriated to them in four quarterly payments, on the 15th day of February, May, August and November;. to the Board of Child Welfare on the written orders of the Treasurer of said Board; to the Tomp- kins County Laboratory, on the orders of the Board of Managers approved by the committee of this Board ; to the Traveling Library Systemon audit by the Board of Super- 166 PROCEEDINGS' OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. visors as other county 'bills are paid. Resolved—That the Board of Child Welfare be, and hereby is authorized to use as much of the amount appropriated to it, as in its judgment becomes necessary under the provisions of paragraph D, sub -division 2, §157, of the General Municipal Law, and be it further Resolved—That any sums standing to the credit -of any of the foregoing activities, in the hands of the County. Treasurer on December 31, 1934, and unappropriated, be and the same are hereby re -appropriated to the several organizations herein specified. Dated, December. 17, 1934. . HARVEY STEVENSON, R. C. OSBORN, A. J. CONLON, Committee. Moved by Mr. Stevenson that the report be accepted and the resolution adopted.' Seconded by Mr: Squier. .. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That' the State Highway Department be urged to repair Ithaca -Danby. State Highway and Ithaca -Newfield State Highway, at the Ithaca approaches. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Carried. Mr. Mott, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, rendered the following report, relative to sal- aries of county officers and employees and allowances for ex- penses. The Committee on County Officers, and Compensation is of the opinion that the salaries of the various county officials and employees for 1935 should be fixed as follows : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 167 County Judge and Surrogate $5,000.00 Judge of Children's Court 1,500.00 Special County Judge and Surrogate 600.00 County Clerk 3,600.00 County Treasurer 2,800.00 District Attorney 2,400.00 County Attorney 1,500.00 Clerk of Board of Supervisors 1,800.00. Stenographer for Board,of Supervisors 900.00 Sheriff 2,400.00 Commissioner of Welfare 2,400.00 Coroner - 700.00 Superintendent of Highways 3,000.00 Sealer of Weights and Measures 900.00 Two Commissioners of Election @ $1,100.00 each 2,200.00 Deputy. County Clerk ,1,800.00 Surrogate's Clerk 1,800.00 Motor Vehicle Clerk - 1,500.00 Assistants in County Clerk's .Office . . 6,800.00 Clerk of. Children's Court 800:00 County Court and Surrogate's Stenographer 1,200.00 Under Sheriff, - 1,320.00 Jail Matron 300.00 County Probation Officer 1,200.00 Two Turnkeys and Deputy - - , 1,680.00. Keeper at County Home 1,200.00 Superintendent of County Court House and Jail 1,200.00 Chief Engineer 1,200.00 Assistants to Engineer and Watchman 1,960.00 Janitors in County Court House 2,160.00 Telephone Operator in County Court House 780.00 'Total for County Officers and Employees $58,600.00 Your committee recommends that the salaries of the several county officers and employees be fixed by this Board at the foregoing amounts, and your committee directs that the amount to be paid to the Motor. Vehicle Clerk be in full for any notorial fees or other services in connection with the duties of that office. That the County Sealer of Weights and Measures, be allowed an amount, not to exceed the sum of $500.00 for expenses and disbursements of his office ; that the County Superintendent 168' PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS be allowed an amount, not to exceed the sum of $1,500.00 for expenses ; that the Coroner be allowed an amount not to ex- ceed the sum of $100.00 for 'expenses; that the Sheriff be al- lowed an amount not to exceed the sum of $1,500.00, while traveling by auto, while said officials are engaged in the per- formance of their duties and that the District Attorney be allowed an amount, not to exceed the sum of $800.00, for office expenses, that the Supreme Court Judge be allowed .$600.00 for postage and incidental expenses ; that the Commissioners of Election be allowed, an amount, not to exceed the sum of $250.00 for expenses; that the County Treasurer be allowed an amount, not to exceed $250.00 for postage and expenses ; that the Clerk of the Board be allowed the sum of $60.00 for postage ; that the County Clerk be allowed an amount, not to exceed $225.00 for postage and incidental expenses, and the Motor Vehicle Office be allowed an amount, not to exceed $500.00 for postage and incidental expenses; all claims for expenses and auto hire to be itemized and audited by this Board, in the same manner as other county claims are audited; that the County Treasurer be allowed an amount, not to ex- ceed ,$2,200.00 for Clerk Hire ; and . that the County Attorney be allowed an amount not to exceed the sum of $300.00 for necessary expenses in executing the duties of his office for the year 1935. Dated, December 17, 1934. CARL A. MOTT, FRED D. VAN ORDER, L. C. SNOW, Committee. Moved by Mr. Mott, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Conlon presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of School Districts No. 9 and 13 of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Mr. Watrous presented the Town Budget of the Town of 1 Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 169 Mr. Watrous presented a list of Returned School Taxes of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Vann appeared before the Board and recommended that the following roads be.placed on the County Map for future construction :, 1. McClintock Road in the, town of Dryden. Beginning at the Dryden Village line and running easterly to connect with County Road No. 111, 1.90 miles. 2 Perry City Road Extension in the town of Ulysses. Be- ginning at Sta. No. D252 on C. H. No. 1921 and running westerly past County Road No. 140 to County, Road ,No. 141, 1.85 miles. 3. Kline Road Extension in the town of Lansing. Begin- ning at Sta. No. 46 on C. H. No. 1676 and running south- erly to County Road No. 108, 1.00 miles. 4. Waterburg Road Extension in the town of Enfield. Be- ginning 3 miles south of Sta. No. 115, 50 on C. H. 1623 and running southerly a distance of 1.00 mile. 5. Extension of County Road No. 143 to C.. H. No. 1001 Be- ginning at Sta. No. 108, 50 on County Highway No. 1001 and running northerly to County Road No. 143, 1.00 mile. 6. Extension of County Road No. 179 to the Coddington Road. Beginning 1.40 mile east of Sta. No. 88, 75 on S. ' H. No. 5043 and running easterly .70 miles to County Road No. 119. 7. Extension of Ludlowville Road to connect with Fed. Aid Highway. Beginning at Sta. No. 319 on Fed. Aid High- way No. 8317 and 'running .southerly to the Hamlet of Ludlowville and connecting with County Road No. 159, .04 mile. " Moved by Mr. Watrous, that the highways, as recommended by ,the County Superintendent, be placed on the County Map for future construction. 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • i Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. Mr. Van Order, Chairman of the Committee on Town Ex- penses, .Etc., rendered the following report relative to the valuation of the Special Franchises of Tompkins County for the year 1934. Your Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., reports the fol- lowing to be a statement of all the Special Franchises of Tomp- kins County, outside of the City of Ithaca, as reported by the several town clerks' of the respective towns of the County, for the year 1934. , . SPECIAL FRANCHISES FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY FOR 1934 Towns , and Villages American Telephone and Telegraph Company Caroline Farmers' Telephone Company "Cayuga Southern Telephone Company Dryden Telephone Company Freeville Telephone Company Lehigh and New York Railroad Company Lehigh Valley Railway Company New York Electric and Gas Corporation New York Telephone Company , Tioga Telephone Company Trumansburg Home Telephone Company Western Union Telegraph Company New York State Natural Gas Corporation Caroline $ . 1$ 3,2641$ r$ : 241$ $ 1$ 17,472 9,120. • 432 Danby 1 -14,406 14,798 Dryden - 1 -5,390 . 490 1,274 8,722 588 • 52,528 38,220 294 Dryden Village 2,254 2,940 13,230 ' 588 Freeville ' 98 3,332 4,018 9,408 882 24 Enfield - • 10,944 14,592 672 Groton - 1,843 - 11,155 24 14,550 _9,118 Groton Village 7;857 4,268 '5,044 388 _ Ithaca 3,465 69,993 .53,262 . Cayuga Heights 1 33,264 8,712 - Lansing 1 .5,978 - 41,846 22,050 - _ Newfield 1 2;744 . - 1 - 9,996 22,442 - 73 Ulyises - 1 25,2001 16,6501 9,990 Trumansburg - ' 4,320 20,250 _ 2,160 . 3,960 Totals 1$ 13,4421$ 3,754 $ 26,3621.$1.1,024 $ 588 ,$ 10,5401$ .8,338 $338,1311$212,9821$ 4321$14,5321$ 24 $ . 367 Dated, December 17, 1934: F. D. VAN ORDER, R. C. ALBRIGHT, C. C. SQUIER, Committee 172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman appoint a committee of three to make investigation with reference to better co-operation as between the Cornell Library Association and the county Rural Traveling Library System. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Carried. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Osborn, Squier and him- self as members of that committee. On motion, adjourned to Friday, December 21, at 10 :30 A.M. Thirteenth. Day Friday, December 21, 1934 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 17th meeting, read and approved. Mr. Chase presented the following report of the Committee on Finance, relative to the County Budget, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule : Your Committee on -Finance wishes to report that, in its opinion, the following appropriations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of ' the :County. for the 'next ensuing fiscal year, viz.: APPROPRIATIONS FROM GENERAL FUND Contributions: State Tax—Armory Purposes $ 8,451.95 Stenographers, Etc. 6,145.31 $ 14,597.26 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK .173 Tax Expenses, Etc.: Tax Notices, Etc. $ 1,896.00 Redemption Advertising 253.76 Refund—Chauncey Freese 30.00 $ 2,179.76 Legislative: Supervisors—Compensation Expenses and Mileage Board Expense ', Stenographer Clerk—Salary Expenses Postage *Overdraft $ 8,500.50 500.00 300.00 900.00 1,800.00 100.00 60.00 9,926.19 $ 22,086.69 *Overdraft caused by change from per Administrative Buildings: Co. Ct. House—Supt. Bldgs—Salary $ Chief Engineer— Salary 1,200.00 Assistant Engineer— Salary 960.00 Watchman 1,000.0,0 Janitors • 2,160.00 Telephone Operator780.00 Insurance 420.00 $ diem to salary basis 1,200.00 Old County Clerk's Bldg.—Insurance $ 320.50 - Repairs 129.39 Boiler Insurance 255.90 Supplies .. 1,000.00 $ Judicial: Supreme Court Judge -Postage and incidentals Other Expenses 7,720.00 1,705.79 600.00 . 261.05 $ 861.05. 174 ' PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County Judge—Salary $ 5,000.00 Special County Judge and Surrogate—Salary 600.00 Assistants 3,000.00 Expenses 300.00 $ 8,900.00 Children's Court: Judge—Salary $ 1,500.00. Clerk" 800.00 $ 2,300.00.. • Courts: Supreme $ 6,000.00 County 800.00 $ 6,800.00 County Attorney: Salary $ 1,500.00 Expenses 300.00 $ 1,800.00 County Clerk: - ' Salary $ 3,600.00 Deputy Clerk' - 1,800.00 Motor Vehicle- Clerk 1,500.00 Assistants 6,800.00 Postage 225.00 County Clerk and Assistants Bonds 60.00 ' Motor Vehicle Clerk's Bond 30.00 Postage—Motor Vehicle Clerk - 500.00 Expenses 1,000.00 $ 15,515.00 Administrative Officers Commissioners of Election : Salaries $ 2,200.00 Expenses 250.00 $ 2,450.00 Elections—County Canvass $ 99.14 Election Expenses 6,163.34 $ 6,262.48 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 175 County Treasurer : Salary $ 2,800.00 Clerk Hire 2,400.00 Postage 250.00 Bond—General 1,012.00 Bond—Highway 60.00 Expenses 100.00 $ .6,622.00 Cornell Library Association $ 3,000.00 Regulative Officers: Sealer of Weights and Measures— Salary $ 900.00 Expenses 500.00 Other Expenses 150.00 $ 1,550.00 Corrective Officers: District Attorney—Salary. $ 2,400.00 Office Expenses 800.00 $ 3,200.00 Sheriff—Salary $ 2,400.00 Expenses - 1,500.00 Other Expenses 1,953.25 Bond 75.00 Under Sheriff. 1,320.00 Two Turnkeys, one Deputy 1,680.00 Jail Matron 300.00 $ 9,228.25 Probation Officer—Salary. $ 1,200.00 Coroner—Salary . $ 700.00 Expenses 100.00 $ 800.00 Punishment:. . Jail Physician $ _ 100.00 Onondaga County Penitentiary 1,552.39 Contract Supplies: Heat and Light $ 6,500.00 Heat at County Home 2,500.00 . Telephones 3,000.00 $ 12,000.00 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ref or estation $ 200.00 Public Health: ' County Laboratory $ 6,500.00 Public Health Nurses 4,000.00 Eradication Bovine Tuberculosis 2,500.00 $ 13,000.00 Educational : Farm Bureau Home Bureau Junior Extension Educational Notices County Library $ 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 9.17 4,000.00 $ 11,509.17 Compensation Insurance: Disbursements for 1934 $ 4,645.70 Expenses of Investigation 500.00 State Department 85.00 Appropriation 2,000.00 $ 7,230.70' Employee's Retirement System: $ 3,500.00 County Court House and Jail Bonds— Principal $16,000.00 Interest 27,500.00 $ 43,500.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATION $211,370.54 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the General Fund— Levy on Towns for State Tax $14,597.26 Levy on Towns for Election Expense 3,602.75 Sheriff's Expenses 891.36 Expenses of Children's Court 363.04 Refund Taxes 30.00 Fees of County Clerk 17,395.12 Fees of Surrogate's Clerk 322.71 $ 37,202.24 Net, Amount Required for General Fund Appropriation $174,168.30 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 177 APPROPRIATION FROM THE POOR FUND Charitable, Improvident Poor: Commissioner ,of Welfare—Salary $ 2,400.00 County Poor 445.74 Civil Works and .T.E.R.A. Appropriations 70,359.95 Almshouse Inmates $ 12;164.26 Outside Relief 22,000.00 Hospitalization 30,000.00 Dependent Children— Foster Homes $20,000.00 Institutional Care 4,000.00 ' 24,000.00 Physician 600.00 Medicine '400.00 Chaplain 150.00 Nurse in Men's Ward 240.00 Transportation for Investigators ..:1,200.00 Commissioner's Stenographer's Salary 600.00 Commissioner's Office Expenses : 700.00 Agent's Salary 1,800.00 Keeper's Salary 1,200.00 General Expenses of Commissioner 200.00 Extra Stenographer 850.00 $ 96,104.26 ' Old Age Security : For Allowances Granted Applicants of County Districts $40,000.00 Investigator's Salary 1,800.00 Stenographer 600.00 Office Expenses 150.00 Traveling Expenses 400.00 Extra Stenographer 264.00 $ 43,214.00 Charitable—Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis Hospital Maintenance $17,000.00 Insurance 237.52 $ 17,237.52 Mental Diseases Insane $ 320.00 1 178 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF .,SUPERVISORS Dependent Widows and Children: Board of Child Welfare 5 7,000.00 Soldiers, Sailors, Etc. $ 75.00 Crippled Children $ 8,021.23 Total Appropriation' $245,177.70 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the Poor Fund— Levy on Towns to Reimburse the County for : Support Poor at County Home $ 8,686.75 Examinations in Lunacy ' 320.00 Hospitalization, Etc. 48,195.00 $. 57,201.75 Net Amount Required for Poor Fund Appropriation $187,975.95 APPROPRIATION FROM THE HIGHWAY FUND Maintenance : " Superintendent' of Highways— Salary $ 3,000.00 Expenses 1,500.00 Other Expenses 587.00 $ 5,087.00 Construction: Sinking Fund on Bonds -Principal ..$ 2,543.05 Interest... 5,086.16 $ 7,629.21 County System of Roads: Construction Under §320-A $28,110.00 Graveling Town Roads 18,000.00 $ 46,110.00 Rights of Way $ 10,000.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 179 Bridges 3,000.00 County Highway Indebtedness: Highway Bonds—Principal $14,000.00 Interest 4,357.50 _$ 18,357.50 Total Appropriation $ 90,183.71 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to Highway Fund— Levy on Towns to Reimburse the County For : - Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds $ 1,440.87 Net Amount Required for Highuay Fund Appropriation $ 88,742.84 Your committee further'reports that the foregoing appropri- ations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the county government for the next ensuing fiscal year, in payment of 1. Armory Purpose Tax, pursuant to Military Law, as amended, Court and Stenographers' Tax, pursuant to Article. 6, Section 12, of the State Constitution and the Judiciary Law, as amended. 2. Salaries of officers and employees, heretofore authorized by this Board. 3. Claims audited and allowed by this Board. 4. Claims to be audited at monthly sessions of this Board, claims to be audited by the Commissioner of Public Welfare, duly authorizedcertificates and other expenses to be paid prior to the next ensuing tax levy. 5. Amounts to become due on contracts. 6. The amounts to be paid. for Sinking Fund and Interest on State Highway Bonds. 7.. County Indebtedness and Interest thereon. 8.. Appropriations by this Board for other specific pur- i 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS poses, and estimated amounts required for unforeseen con- tingencies. Your committee further reports, that from the report' of the County Treasurer, the receipts of the previous year, and other information available, it is estimated . •that the amounts in- dicated will be available from the various sources specified, to the expenditures for the above purposes, and such amounts are deducted from the estimated amounts, required, in fixing the amount, to be raised by tax levy. Dated, December 21, 1934. LAGRAND CHASE, LEPINE STONE, JOSEPH B. MYERS, Committee. Moved by Mr. Chase, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee be `accepted, that the several amounts therein specified be and, hereby are appropriated from the funds indicated, to and for the pur- poses enumerated, and be it further • Resolved—That all moneys received by the County Treas- urer, the disposition of which is not specifically providedfor • by law, or act of this Board, be credited by her to the general, poor or highway fund, in accord with the nature of such re- ceipt, and be it further Resolved—That in case of a deficiency. in any appropriation, the County, Treasurer, upon the written approval of a majority of the 'members of the Finance Committee, is hereby author- ized to transfer from the general fund, the poor fund or the highway fund respectively, for the purpose of meeting any OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 181 payment ordered by this Board, or required by law, which amounts are hereby appropriated for such purposes, but in no case is the County Treasurer authorized to transfer from the general fund or the poor fund to any other fund, without a resolution of this Board, specifically authorizing her to do so, _ and be it further Resolved=That there be assessed upon, levied against and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, liable therefore For' State Tax $ 14,59726. For County, General and Poor Tax 362,144.25 For County Highway Fund Tax 88,742.84 $465,484.35 Seconded by Mr: Osborn. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the . following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That all, amounts standing to the credit of any item of the general or poor fund on January 1, 1935, except such .items where the State or any municipalities of the county contributes, and any amounts standing to the credit of the item on Compensation Insurance, be and the same hereby is re -ap- propriated to the genreal fund, and be it further Resolved—That any moneys contributed by. the State, or. any municipalities.. of the county subsequent to January '1, 1935, shall be credited by the County Treasurer to the fund from which paid, and to be paid out .only on the order of the Board of Supervisors, except the moneys contributed by the State to the County Public Health Committee and the County Laboratory. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. A number of bills were received and referred to the proper committees. . 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. J. C. Weatherby, a member of the wage rate committee of the. T.E.R.A., appeared before the Board relative to the minimum wage rate. The report of the Clothing Bureau, for the month of.No'vem- berg was received and placed on file. Mr. Watrous read a communication from the Board of Sup- ervisors of Broome County pertaining to highways, .which was discussed and referred to the chairman of the Highway Committee for recommendations at the next meeting. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—We, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, recognizing the importance of Floral Avenue as a con- necting link in the state highway system as well as a necessary factor in Tompkins County's farm -to -market road plan, do, therefore petition the City of Ithaca's Common Council, Board of Public Works, and the State Highway Department, for the earliest possible construction of that portion of the highway. within the city's municipal limits. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Carried. Town Budgets of the, towns 'of Dryden and Lansing were. received and referred .to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Squier presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the City of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Reports of L. A. Culver, C. Harry Spaulding and Walter G. Kifich, Justices of the Peace, of the Town of Dryden, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Jus- tices' Accounts. Mr. Mott, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 183 and Compensation, presented the following report, which was laid on the table, two daysunder the rule : Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each • of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a justand regal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount soindicated. .0 0 0 z Claimant Account and . to which • Assignment chargeable • Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ,53 54 55 56 60 64 65 69 Clarence D. Tarbell Co. Bldgs. Clarence D. Tarbell Co. Bldgs. Fred A. Rogalsky Co. Bldgs. Fred A. Rogalsky Co. Bldgs. W. C. Lockwood Co. Bldgs. C. J. Rumsey & Co. ' Ct. House Wm. A. Church Co. Dog Quar. J. E. Van Natta T. E. R. A. Wm. A. Church Co. Co. Dev. Asso Ithaca Journal -News Suprs. The Journal & Courier .Suprs. W. O. Smiley ' Suprs L. C. Snow Suprs. T. G. Miller. Suprs. Carl A. Mott Suprs. Harvey Stevenson Suprs. D. J. Watrous Suprs. L. E. Chase Suprs. A. J. Conlon Suprs. R. C. Albright Suprs. LePine Stone Suprs. Fred Van Order • Suprs. Insurance 280.00 $ 280.00 Insurance 140.00 . 140.00 Insurance 280.00 280.00 Insurance 67.50 67.50 Mulching, etc. 27.00 , 27.00 Supplies 7.01 - 7.01 Enforcement Bks11.00 11.00 Rent Typewrites 4.00 4.00 ....Supplies 23.25 23.25 Pub. Notices 22.68 22.68 Pub. Notices - 3.91 • -3.91 Postage 10.00 10.00 . Mileage & Exp. 126.23 Mileage &' Exp. 31.92 Mileage & Exp. 29.16 Mileage & Exp.._. 47.95 Mileage & Exp. 116.26 Mileage & Exp... 65.24 Mileage & Exp. 20.48 Mileage & Exp. 33.74 Mileage & Exp. 81.72 Mileage & Exp. 11.16 C. C. Squier Suprs. , Mileage & Exp. - 3.16 Rexford R. Chatterton ..Com. Welfare .-Bond 50.00 Treman, King &'Co. Ct. House Supplies 1.35 H. A. Carey Co. Co. CIk's Bldg. Insurance 135.00 Respectfully submitted, this 21st day of December, 1934. 126.23 31.92 29.16 47.95 116.26 65.24 20.48 33.74 81.72 11.16 3.16 50.00 1.35 135.00 $1,814.72 $1,814.72 C. A. MOTT, FRED VAN ORDER, I:AMONT C. SNOW, Committee. 184 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Mott, that the report be; taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Stone. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County ' Officers and Compensation be accepted, and that the claims and accounts therein listed be audited at the amounts recom- mended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Osborn presented the following report of the commit- tee on Correction and Reformation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on Correction and Reformation reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. z • 'co U 0 0 z Claimant and 'Assignment Account to which chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 19 Onondaga Co. Pen. Penal Inst. Bd. of Prisoners _$1,552.39 $1,552.39 20 Otis Elevator Co. ___.Jail Repairs 17.73 ' 17.73 21 Dr. j: E. Dunphy _...Jail Physician ..Services 60.00 60.00 22 Ithaca Journal -News. Sheriff Printing 40.56 40.56 23' Ithaca Journal -News .Dist. Atty. Printing 23.92 23.92 24 , Walton Reporter CoDist. Atty. Copies Appeal Bk 28.25 28.25 25 Wm. A. Dicker Dist. Atty. Copies Appeal Bk. 25.00 25.00 $1,747.85 $1,747.85 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 185 Respectfully submitted this 21st . day of December, 1934. R. C. OSBORN, JOS. B. MYERS, THOS. G. MILLER, Committee. Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Ste9venson. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Osborn offered_ the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation be accepted, and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes --14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Conlon presented the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, which was laid on the table, two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column 'headed "Allowed" and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims. be audited at the amount so indicated. 186 PROCEEDINGS OF 'I'HE BOARD .OF SUPERVISORS WIEID JO '°N Claimant and Assignment Account to which , Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 11 Corner Bookstores,.' Inc.• Co. Judge Supplies 30.25 12 Ithaca Journal -News .__.Co. Clerk Pub. Notices 6:64 13 Joseph H. Brophy Mot. Veh1 Clk..Freight 'on plates 59.88 14 , Leland H. Arnold ' Mot. Veh. Clk. .Sorting plates .... 58.00 63 Williamson Law Bk. CoCo. Judge Revolver licenses 1.50 67 J. E. Van Natta Surrogate Supplies 5.70 68 West Publishing Co. Co. Judge Law Reports 15.00 Respectfully submitted this 21st day. of December, 1934. 30.25 6.64 59.88 58.00 1.50 5.70 15.00 $ 176.97 $ 176.97 A. J. CONLON, HARVEY STEVENSON, HENRY O. VEIT, Committee.' Moved by Mr. Conlon, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this•time. Seconded by Mr. Veit. By unanimous consent,the report was taken from the table. Mr. Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption , Resolved—That the_ report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted, and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. , Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Watrous presented the following report of the Commit- tee on Highways, which was laid on the table, two days under the rule : Your Committee on Highways reports that the several OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK •187 claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims,' in the 'opinion of your committee, is 'a just and legal charge against • the County of Tompkins, to . the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends .that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. cd U 0 0 z Claimant and, Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 61. Stover Printing Co. __Co. Supt. Supplies $ 18.80 . $ 18.80 62. Trumansburg Free Pub. Condemn. Press Co. Atty. Proceed. 17.85 17.85 66. Bert I. Vann Co.,Supt. Supplies 112.72 112.72 Respectfully submitted this 21st day of December, 1934. $149.37 $149.37 D. J. WATROUS, LAGRAND CHASE, . HARVEY STEVENSON, R. C. ALBRIGHT, ' . Committee. ° Moved by Mr. Watrous, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr: Albright. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : . Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Highways be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the com- mittee. Seconded by Mr. Chase. 188' PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. - Mr.. Albright presented the following report of the Commit- tee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts, which was laid on the table, two days under the rule : Your Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore 'recommends that each of said claims be audited at the ,amount so indicated. E 5. Claimant - Account Nature c , and Assignment to which Chargeable • of Expense Claimed Allowed z 27 Dr. M. J. Foran _Coroner Expenses $ 65.54 28 , Daniel Crowley, City Court Fees in Felony 33.20 29 'Edward Ozmun ..Justice Fees in Felony 5.60 30 Edward Ozmun _.Justice Fees in Felony 3.35 31 Arthur Gregg Constable Fees in Felony 2.50 32 Henry Williams Justice Fees in Felony 17.30 33 Carlton Kintz Justice Fees in dog Cases 31.30 34 Edward W. SykesAssessor Fees in dog Cases '10.00 $ 65.54 33.20 5.60 3.35 2.50 17.30 31.30 10.00 $ 168.79 $ 168.79 Respectfully submitted this 21st day of December, 1934. R. C. ALBRIGHT, L. P. STONE, D. J. WATROUS, • Committee. Moved by Mr. Albright, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. ' Seconded by Mr. Stone. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : i OF' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • , 189 Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts, be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claims Nos. 33 and 34 out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund. • Seconded, by Mr. Watrous. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow presented the following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. U 0 z. Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of . Expense Claimed Allowed 15 Charlotte V. Bush Co. Treas. Postage $ 24.00 $ 24.00 16 American Surety Co. .Co. Treas. Bond 506.25 506.25 17, The Journal &.CourierCo. Treas. Pub. Notices 637.44 637.44 18 Ithaca Journal -News .Co. Treas. Pub. Notices .1,258.56 1,258.56. Respectfully submitted this 21st day of December, 1934. $2,426.25 $2,426.25, LAMONT C. SNOW, JOS. B. MYERS, A. J. CONLON, Committee. 190 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS• Moved by Mr. Snow; that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. By unanimous consent, the report was taken ,from the table. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution andmoved its adoption :' Resolved—That the report of the Committee -on County Treasurer's Accounts be accepted, and that the claims and ac- counts therein listed be ,audited and allowed- at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. ,Mr. Snow presented the following report of the Committee on County Library which was laid on;the table, two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Library reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in -proper form for audit and. allowance by this board, that each of the said , claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. U' 0 0 0 z Claimant and Assignment Account to which • chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 26 Wm. T. Pritchard ....Co. Library ...._Garage, etc $ 20.47 $ 20.47 Respectfully submitted this 21st day of December, 1934.. LAMONT C. SNOW, LAGRAND CHASE, HENRY O. VEIT, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 191 Moved by Mr. Snow, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Veit. .. r By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Snow- offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Library be accepted, and that the claims and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed. at the amounts recommended by , the committee. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. - Mr. Snow presented .the following report of the Committee on Charities, which was laid on the table, two days under the rule : . Your Committee on Charities reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowanceby this Board, that each of the said ,claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore. recommends that each of said claims be audited to the amount so indicated. No. of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable, Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 Reconstruction Home Crippled Child .Treatment $ 95.00 $- 95.00 2 Reconstruction . HomeCrippled Child .Treatment .396.00 396.00 3 Reconstruction HomeCrippled Child .Treatment _._.._. 90`,00 90.00 4 Reconstruction HomeCrippled Child .Treatment 180.00 180.00 5 Reconstruction HomeCrippled Child .Treatment 90.00 90.00 6 G. A. C. Berry ' Crippled Child Treatment 25.00 25.00 7' G. A: C. Berry 'Crippled Child .Treatment 10.00 10.00 8 G. A. C. Berry Crippled Child .Treatment 5.00 5.00 9 Leo P. Larkin Crippled Child. Treatment 5.00 5.00 10 Bernetta Cronk Crippled Child Treatment 30.92 30.92 -- $ $ 926.92 $ 926.92 192 PROCEEDINGS. OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Respectfully submitted this 21st day of December, 1934. LAMONT C. SNOW, LEPINE STONE, JOS. B. 1VIYERS, Committee. Moved by Mr. Snow, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded.by Mr. Conlon. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Charities be accepted and adopted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited at the amounts recommended by that com- mittee. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 31, 1934 at 10 :30 A. M. Fourteenth Day Monday, December.31, 1934 MORNING SESSION • Roll call. All members present, except. Messrs. Van. Order and Watrous. Minutes of December 21, 1934 meeting, read and approved. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 193 Mr. Stone, Chairman of. the Committee on Returned Taxes, rendered the following report, relative to the Returned School Taxes of the several school districts of the county : To, the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Returned School Taxes, finds by the certificates signed by the County Treasurer, and supported by affidavits of the proper officers of the following school dis- tricts of the several towns, of the county and the City, of Ithaca, submitted to this Board by,the County Treasurer, that the followingschool taxes have not been paid, after diligent efforts have been made to enforce the collection thereof, and your committee therefore recommends the following sums be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed with 7% in addition thereto. CAROLINE District No. 2— John Wallace, 25 acres .90 District No., 4— J. Lee, 100 acres 4.50 District No. 6— Joe Maynard, 11/2 acres .42 Richard Berggren, 125 acres 7.56 Emiline Fuller, 32, acres 1.68 Leon Grover, 8 acres 1.68 L. J. Hollister, 37 acres 1.89 Victoria Kulp, 67 acres 2.10 Alex Lezioner, 82 acres, (Tomp. Co. Exempt) 3.36 Joe • Maynard, 18 acres .42 Caroline Telephone .27 District No. 7— Mrs. Rose Ames, 1/4 . acres .25 Beatrice Andrews, 1/4 acres, (Not on Assess. Roll) . 25 Beatrice Andrews, 1/4 acres, .(Not on Assess. Roll) .50 Orrin Cornelius, 67 acres 3.00 194 PROCEEDINGS .OF THE BOARD' OF SUPERVISORS George Legg, 18 acres (Tomp. Co. Exempt) . .50 Wm. McGrath, 42 acres (Tomp. Co. Exempt.) 2.50. Lena Thomas, 102 acres (Tomp. Co. Exempt) 7.50 District No. 11— Nathan Fiddler, 28 acres 2.00 District No. 12— Fred Annis Est., 25 acres '(Perkins) 12.50 District No. 137— Caroline 3—Caroline Telephone. Co. 2.00 " Roma Davis, 2 acres .25 Floyd Davis, 12 acres 2.00 Floyd Davis,' 53 acres 7.50 Carrie Fox, 1/8 acre 1.50 Carrie Fox, 30 acres 7.50 Marion Mattison, 1/2 acre (Tomp. Co. Exempt) . 1.00 W. P. Rich, 111 acres 7.50 Lewis Stilwell, 6 acres (Harmon) 7.00 Martin Yaple Est.,/q, acre 2.50 Asa McKenzie, 92 acres 17.50 Asa McKenzie, 40 acres 3.00 . Asa McKenzie, 34 acres (Tioga Co.) 1.50 District No. 14— Frank Hotaling, 104 acres 5.00 Sidney Smith, 10 acres .50 Sidney Smith, 75 acres 1.75 Arthur Van Iderstine, 87 acres , 3.00 John Shirley, 97 acres 5.00 John Shirley, 146 acres . 10.00 Marion Mattison, 29 acres (Tomp. Co. Exempt), 1.00 Marion Mattison, 10 acres (Tome. Co. Exempt) .50 Marion Mattison, 171 acres (Tomp. Co. Exempt) 7.50 Marion Mattison, 20 acres (Tornp. Co. Exempt) 1.00 District No. 16— Clarence Stamp, 310 acres 18.50 Chas. Whalen, 106 acres 1.50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY; NEW YORK 195 District'No. 17= Lula Benton, 12 acres 1.35 Clinton Mulles,, 10 acres .90 Joe Maynard, 1/2 acre .11 Paul Wilczak, 98, acres 3.15 District. No. 19- L. H. Gallagher, 10 acres wood land ' .25 Katherine' H. Hilker, 46 acres farm' 5.50 Katherine H. Hilker, 7 acres wood lot .25 William Overbaugh, 90 acres . 4:50 .J. C. Smith, 20 acre's ' ' .50 District No. 20- .. Howard Bush, 109 acres 3.60 William Quick, 36 acres ` '.60 ,William Quick, 50 acres 1.60 William Quick,' 50 acres - 1.80 William Hurd Est., 196 acres 2.40 Joint District No. 18 - Bert Cooper, 25 acres 13.00 Joint District No. 21-- Harry 1-Harry Cornell, 43 acres - 3.60 Caroline Telephone Co. 8.36 R. G. Fuller, 1/2 acre, store 16.20 R. G. Fuller, 281/2 acres ; 22.50 R. G. Fuller, 63 acres ' 20.70 L. H. Gallagher, 1/2 acre . 19.80 L. H. Gallagher, ' 1/3 'acre, store 12.60 L. H. Gallagher, 1/4 acre,. Slater House 18.00 'L: H. Gallagher, 1 acre, Kelly .90 L. H. Gallagher, 21/2 acres,, Boyce , '.45 L. H. Gallagher, 2 acres; Kozy Korner •4.50 'L. H. Gallagher, 10 acres, Deuel' .45., L. H. Gallagher, 1/8 acre, Hubbard 5.40 L. H. Gallagher, 12 acres, Warriner 1.35 L. H. Gallagher, 2 acres; St. Johns ' / 1.80 L. H. Gallagher, 76.acres,:Robinson farm 22.50 L. H. Gallagher,' 1/2 acre, Bailor ' • ' 7.20 L. H. Gallagher, 66 acres, Wyckoff _ 5.85 0 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS R. L. Speed, 1/3 acre 18.00 Nellie Quick, 100 acres 7.20 405.15 DANBY- District No. 1— Harmon Lewis, 93 acres $ 2.00 Andrew Scott, 100 acres 5.25 Milo Wirtanin, 25 acres .75 District No. 2— . Miller Bros., Farm 3.00 Peter Paajanen, Farm 8.40 Edith Poling, Farm (Dorn) 16.80 Harry Slaight, Farm 16.20 Edwin Traver, Farm 3.30 Edwin Traver, Farm ' ' 4.80 Edwin Traver, Farm (Fred Traver Est.) 9.00 Chas. Wright, Wood Land .90 District No. 5- Rose Austin, 75 acres 14.00 H. E. Rollins, 48 acres 10.50 District No. 6— Leo & Rhoda Barber, 65 acres 16.00 Gustobe Lecoq, 100 acres 20.00 Jacob Makarainen, 86 acres 20.00 Glen Parker, 84 acres 10.00 District No. 8— • ,Homer Bierce, 25 acres 24.00 Clyde Chase, 50 acres 21.60 Walter Coil, 120 acres, (Morgan) 9.60 Walter Coil, 75 acres (Treman) • 11.20 Lelia Cummings, 1 acre 12.00 Damon Davenport, 5 acres s. 8.00 ., Jacob Drake, 85 acres 6.40 Earnest Freeman, 57 acres 6.40 George Griffin, 50 acres 20.00 Everett Hall, 1 acre 9.60 •'' OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 197 J. Lark Hender§on, 98 acres' ` .11.20 Mickel24.00 Chprles Johansen, 85 acres 16.00 Ruth '17J�0 Joseph' Lisseck, 330 acres 36.00 Mrs. E. B. 44.00 E.B.Mdbr'Eat 37acres '4.4O Miller Broo.'85acres 32.00 Miller Bros., 25acres 8.00 ' Bros., 102 acres 28.00 Leray Miller, 25 acres 2.00 Leray Miller, 1 14/40 , Frank Moore, 83 acres 32.00' • Bertha N 6.40 12.40. Ralph Sager, 1/2 acre - 9.6O Lelanol Seely, 24.00 Adelbert Sheffie8.40 ` John Shepherd, 42 acres 8.80 . Mrs. John 22.40 Mrs. John .40 Paul Smiley,38 24.00 Thomas 32.00 -Clarence4.80 William Tau32.00 W. E. & Winnie Taubman, 88 acres' 52.00 Harriet Thompson, 3 acres 16.00 A. J. Tubbs, ' .40 A. JTubbs, . .80 Frances Tubbs, 1 acre .8O` Frances Tubbs, ' 1.60 Fred Van Est.` 94 acres 32.00 ` John Welch, '97 acres • 21.60 District No. 9- ' Goo Grant E 8.05 AlbertGrant, 28 6.04` Geo.acrescres 3.36 Geo. Hulbert, 10.74 ,Albert 0ltz, llacres � ��� .67 W. J. Tbutoher) ' 21.47 District No. 11 -- Stephen Gaydosh, 0 acres 86.00 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Henry Knnutila, 66 acres 23.00 Victor Lieb, 244 acres 40.00 Fred West, 93 acres. 23.00 District No. 12 - Claude Sutton, 1 acre .50 ` F. B. Lewis, Est., 1/4 acre 6.00 John E. Maki, 3/8 acre - 11.50 Sarah Marshall, 1/4 acre • 6.00 • Soloman Oltz, i acre - : -4:00 Matt; Riihinen, Est., 115 acres' 15.00. George Rousku; 65 acres 15.00 Charles Van Gorder, 2 'acres 4.00 Archie Van Ostrand, 35 acres 12:50 Ray H. Wilcox,. 3 acres .25 Claude Wilson, 125 acres 14.00.' Anna Benjiman, 1/2 acre, (Lovejoy) - 4.00 Clarence Chillson, ' 113 acres 6.75 Charles E. Cole, 1/2 acres 3.50 George Cornell, _1i/4 acres 5.50 B. F. Emery, 1 acre 2:00'• Mrs. Charles Emery, 3 acres 1.50 Mrs. Charles Emery, 3/4 acre .25 John Goodwin, 1/2 acre % ` 2.50 Daniel Goodwin, 1/2 acre (Linsay) 2.50 Fay Skillings, 30 acres 13.00 Fay Skillings, 12 acres 2.00 M. -J. Snyder; 1/2 acre 12.50 M. J. Snyder, -1/2 acre . ' 10.00 DistrictNo. 13 - Star Chase, 771/2 acres 4.50. Albert Grant, 50 acres 4.05 Albert Grant, 50 acres 1.35. G. A. Johnson, 97 acres 4.05 Fred' McFall, 50 acres 1.12 Fred McFall, 50 acres 1.12 Chas. Ostrander Est., 50 acres (Paul Smiley) '1.12 Edward Van Fleet, 150 acres (Spencer Bk) - '3.60• N. Y. S. Reforestation, .78 3/10 'acres. 1.40 District No. 14- Henry Billings, 82 acres 3.60 Harriet Griffin, 14 acres .60 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 199 . . Bert , .60 Paul Howard, 75 acres 4.20 HenryBillings,100 acres (Asa Howard) . 6.00 - Lena Ifonard' 50 acres 3.60 W. E. Taubman, 43 acres 2.40 District No. 15-- • Emil Johnson, 108 acres 4.50 Everett Loomis, 100 acres (Ed Meecbzzu) 2.00 ` District No. 1S-- joseph Whalen, 76 acres 3.00 Mose Dawes, 56 acres 1.50 John Shannon Est. 9 acres Powers) .50 John Shannon Est., 20 acres (D. Po3.50 Edward Van Fleet, 35 acres (Spencer Bk.) .75 District No. 16— Mel Craper, .100 acres 9.00' J. B. Liberman, 40 acres 1.80 J. B. Liberman, 160 acres 7.20 Russell Lo10 acres (Van demark) .45, L. Meoz uoreo ` 2.70' Chas: Ostrander, 'Eat,71/2acres (Paul Smiley) '45 Joint District No. 3— James E. (Van Ostrand Orville) Coral Hacker 6.00, &80 Joint District No18-- r� C. 9.75 Myers,Ira 140 acres' 11.70 Leland Terry, 19 acres ' ` 1.30 $1,342.09 DRYDEN District No. 2 -_Frank Stevens, 1% ' acres ` $ 10]00 200 PROCEEDINGS OF. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 3— Bertha Hyde—(B'd N -Sager, E -Highway, S -Gleason, W -Gleason), 14 A. 4.95 Chas. Lobdell (B'd N -Rhodes, E -Graves, S-Genung, W -R. Smith) 10 A. ,(County) .68 District No. 4— P. H. Euson,, 31/2 acres 1.25 District No. 7— Lynn Hollenbeck, 73 \acres 20.50 Lynn Hollenbeck, 301/2 acres .62 Jay Maxwell, 92 acres 14.76 District No. 8— Ackerman Bros., Lot 48, Garage 24.00 Geo. Cole, Est., Lot 48, 1/2 A. 16.80 Geo. Cole, Est., Lot 38, Office 3.00 Mrs. D. Fenner, Lot 49, 4 A. .30 C. D. Green, Est., Lot 48, House 6.00 Mynderse Hunter, Lot 38, 11/2. A. 1.20' Henry Higgins, Lot 49, 15 A. (Delbert Smith) 12.00 Claude Heath, Lot 38, 1/2 A. 3.60 Jenks & Frank, Lot 48, 41/2 A. 12.00 James Macey, Lot 38, 3/.I A. 5.40 Fred Neff, Lot 48, 1/4 A 7.20 Corey Stevens, Lot 48, 28 A. 15.00 Clarence Schoolcraft, Lot 48, 13/4 A. 2.40 Mrs. T. Sherman, Lot 38, Hotel 21.00, Mrs. S. E. Dillon, Lot 31, 1 A. .60 District No. Chas. Soden, 50 acres ' 3.50 Chas. Soden, 50 acres 4.00 District No. 10— . Caroline Telephone Co., 1130 Rods .82 • Addie Davenport, 75 acres , 18.00 Addie Davenport, 64 acres . 2.25 Addie Davenport, 56 acres ' .90 Wm. Davenport, 73 acres ' 7.65 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 201 James Gleason, 65-83 acres 8.10 Chas. Magee, 73 acres 5.40 Phoebe Miller, 84. acres 14.40 Horton Ogden, 74 acres 7.47 Horton Ogden, 79 acres .63 Horton Ogden,- 64 acres ' 1.35 Ed. Phillips, 85 acres .90 Oscar Stevens and Edna, 75 acres 1.80 Stevens, Oscar and Horace, 75 acres 1.35 Geo. Smith, 84-85 acres 18.00 Velma Poole, 83 acres 1.35 District No. 11 - Amos and Alonzo Caswell, Lot 34; 150 acres .... 10.00 District No. 12 - James Crispell, 10 acres, Lot 87 .75 Geo. Cole Est., 182 acres, Lot 67 12.50 Geo. Cole Est., 11 acres, Lot 77-78 .25 Mrs. Ed. Givens, 4 acres, Lot 57 .25 James Johnson, ' 43 acres, Lot 88 1.00 Long & McConnell, 8 acres, Lot 57 .25 Irene P. Lord, 100 acres, Lot. 68 2.00 Clinton Mulks, 12 acres, Lot 57 .50 Robert Purvis, 48 acres, Lot 78 ' 1.75 Rosa Schilling, 50 acres, Lot 68 3.25 B. H. Van Auken, 21 104/160 acres, Lot 58 B. H. Van Auken, 56 acres, Lot 58. B. H. Van Auken, 17 2/5 acres, Lot 58 B. H. Van Auken, 52 acres, Lot 58 B. H. Van Auken, 57 96/100 acres, Lot 57 B. H. Van Auken, 50 acres; Lot 57 23.00 District No. 13- . Harry Bush & Wife, 26 acres 8.40 Ethel Bush, 26 acres 26.60 F. L. Baker, Lot 35, 137 acres 35.00 S. M. Benjamin, Est., Lot 26, 11/8 A. (County) .35 H. E. Ford, Lot 2'6, 44 acres 3.50 Frank Foote, Lot 26, 38 acres 15.40 Lizzie B. Hyer, Lot 26, 46 acres 21.00 Lizzie B. Hyer, Lot 36, 59 acres 7.00 Lena Manning, Lot 26, 1/2 acre 17.50 Lena Manning, Lot 26, 2 acres • .70 202 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Clarence Parker, Lot 26, 5/8 acre 21.00 Nellie Shults, Lot 26,170 acres 17.50 Mary Vreeland, Lot 26, 1/4 acre 10.50 Dale Wood, Lot 36, 21- acres 10.50 District No. 14— Clyde Sutliff, Lot 4, 50 acres 7.56 . Clyde Sutliff, Lot 4 & 5, 50 acres 5.04 0. J. Stetson, Lot 14, 84 acres 13.65 0. J. Stetson, Lot 24, 16 acres 1.05 Frank B. Grover, Lot 4, 70 acres 11.76 A. C. Culver, Lot 15,. 79 acres 10.50 A. C. Culver, Lot 14, 100 acres 4.20 Rollo Shultz, Lot°25, 45 acres 6.30 District No. 15-- Mrs. 5—Mrs. C. Doublas, Lot 32, 43 acres 6.50 B. B. Coyne, Lot 12, 5 acres, (County) .65 Arthur Brown, Lot 23, 3/4 acres 3.25' L. A. Culver, Lot 12, 105, acres 16.25 Jesse Hart, Lot 23, 11/2 acres 7.80 Jesse Hart, Lot_22, 1/2 acre • .32 . Jesse Hart, Lot 2, 50 acres • 8.45 Randall Smith, Lot 22, 45 acres 13.00 Mrs. J. Sutliff, Lot 12, 40 acres . 2.60 Mrs. D. Wilkens, Lot 3, 56 acres 9.75 J. P. Wheeler; Lot. 33, 111 acres 19.50 Earl 'Tracy, Lot 23, 100 acres 11.70 C. L. Swope, Lot ,13, 56 acres 16.25 Russell, 'Chas., Lot 12, 8 acres 3.25 Jesse Newton, Lot 20, 21 acres ' 1.30 Lewis Myers, Lot 22, 1/2 acre 2.60 Jesse Mack, Lot 2, 50_acres 3.25 Alfred Hubble, Lot 12, 46 acres 6.50 Mrs. M. Fulkerson; `Lot 23, 50 acres 5.20 Nelson Frink, Lot '32, 30 acres 15.60 District No. 18— , Chancey. Morenus, 3/4 acre , . 21.25 Everett Elston, 50 acres • 10.63 Chas. Baker, Est., 2 acres 4.25 District No. 19- . • Caroline Telephone Co., Lot 66, 960 Rods .77 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK -203 Chas. •. Edsall, Lot' 66, 104 acres. 10.25 Frank'Fish, Lot 66, 80 acres 4.50 Mrs. Leon Watkins, Lot 65, 50 acres: , 11.00. - Arthur Martin, Lot 65, 21.2/3 -acres ' .3.00 Glen McDaniels, Lot 65, 98 acres 11:00 •.Edward McDaniels, Lot 55, 52 acres 5.00 Edward Flannery, Lot 56, 50 acres 5.00 Earl Mix, Lot 56, 126 acres .9.00 Howard Mix, Lot 56, 170 acres 13.50 Hiram Knapp, Lot 65, 91 acres - , 12.50 Rose Shevalier, Lot 55, 75 acres 12.(10 District No. 20= F. Cooper,' Lot.18, 1/4 acres 3.00 D. Norton, Lot 9,'.11 acres 10.00 ' ' Anna O'Brien, Lot 9, 1/$ acre 8.00 • Chas. Wilson, Lot 18, 18 acres 4.59 District No. 20— Orin Cornelius, 46 acres 11.00 Arthur: Cornelius, 46 acres 11.50 Ray Hungerford; '80 acres •25:00 Mrs. M. A. Snyder, 142 acres' '37:50, Charlotte Pew, 100 acres. �' -7.50 , District No. 21—' H. Brill, 90 acres 17.64 Jean Burman, 50 acres 6.30 Edward Kozel, 117 acres 22:05 Wm. Klenke, 20 acres 1.26 - Jesse Mack, 49 acres - - 9.45 C. B. Teeter, 136 acres 15.75 District No. 23— - A: C. Belknap, 77 acres 4.80 Leroy Buck, 10 acres " . 1.20 Fred Black, 163 acres 18.00 Rita McGuire, - 87 acres ' 10:80 Dana Van Pelt, 181/2 acres. ;90 • District No: 25— - 0 Townley, Lawrence, 86 acres • 25.00 204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Townley, Lawrence, 32 acres 3.50 District No. 26— • George Watros, Lot 50 & 60, 175 acres 20.00 George Watros, Lot 49, 80 acres 16.00 George Watros, Lot 49 & 50, 45 acres 3.20 • John Wilcox, Lot 69, .421/2 acres :80 Geo. Cole, Est., Lot 69, 45 acres 2.80 Henry Beam, Lot 58, 50 .acres 3.20 Joinst District No. 10— Bruce D. Mack, Lot 94, 55 acres 13.75 Joint District No. 17= Percy Howe,' 119 acres 1 - 25.00 Ray Miller, 43 acres 10.00 Percy Howe, 10 acres 6.50 Bert E. Nobles, 150 acres 20.00 Joe- Beck, 50 acres 15.00 Freeville, 265 .Rds. .35 Joint.' District No. 21— ': ' Caroline Telephone Co. .48 Roger Williams, 50 - acres' 5.40 ENFIELD District No. 1— $1,276.59 Chas. F. Fletcher, 9.7 acres 15.40 Elizabeth Tubbs, 50 acres 6.30 Dana 'Tubbs, 60 acres 10.85 Dana Tubbs, 20 acres 2.45 District. No: 2— A. A. Bannister, 98 acres 17.50 Bessie Fish, 43 acres 6.30 District No. 3— Mary Updike, 94 acres - _ 24.70 Henry T. Welch, 167 acres 27.95 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 205 District No. 6— Ina Drake, 61/2 acres 1.25 Jerome Holley, 32 acres 3.25 Omar Newman, 1/4, acre 1.50 Arthur LaPoint, 11/8 acres 3.50 District No. 7 Stanley Blayda, 80 acres 9.00 J. J. Johnson, Est.,- 37 acres 1.50 William Miller, 89 acres 13.00 Charles Rumsey, 90 acres 7.50 Elmer Rumsey, 68 acres 4.25 Estus Taylor, 61/2 acres - .50 Raymond White, 7 acres 4.00 District No. 9— Ward Bennett, 11/2 acres 6.80 Fred Havens, • 70 acres , 11.90 Earl MacCarrick, 74 acres 17.00 Carrie Robinson, 32 acres 8.50 District No. 8— Clayton Eddy, 100 acres 14.00 Frank Holub, 52 acres 8.00 Stanley Jackson,. 38 acres, (Freeman McDugar) 4.00 District No. 9— Tracey Becker, 33 acres 3.55 District No. 11— , Joseph Czerenda, 65 acres 9.00 • Mary Daley, 1/2 acres (Percy Rumsey) 3.60 James Hines, 20 acres 1.20 Olen King, 3/4 acre - 3.60 R. H. Newman, Est., 100 acres 16.80 Susan Oltz, 11/2. acres - 4.80 A. B. Oltz, 4 acres .60 Laurence Stevenson, 66 acres (Corey'Harvey) 6.60 Fred Wright, 3 acres 3.60 District No. 12— Bek Kirby, 109 acres 18.20 206 PROCEEDINGS OF. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 12— ' Biggs Est., 50 acres 3.00 Sam Decker, .97 acres 7.20 Sam Decker; 50 acres , 1.80 District No. 13— Bert Kirby; ,113 acres 18.00 Chas. Bower, 12 acres' 2.00 District No: 14— American Te. Co., 30 poles, 10 wires 4.83 Orville Van Ostrand, 90 acres 11.20 District No. 8—Ithaca George Bundy. 16.00 GROTON District No. 1— Lewis Hopkins, Lot 53, 64 acres $ 10.80 C. A. Orcutt, Lot 51, 51 acres, (Land, in- Cayuga Co.) 6.30 Eva Orcutt, Lot 41, 41 acres 2.25 Ed. Scott; Lot 51, 4'acres .45 $ 366.48 District No. 2— Charles Fitch, Lot 83, 2.acres .13 Erve Romaine, Lot 94, 3/4 acre 2.50 John Runkle, Lot 93, 12 acres 5.00 John Runkle, Lot 83, 40 acres 4.00 Robert Schutt, Lot 83, 40 acres (Co. exempt) .20 District No.' 3— Allen Beach, 170 acres 12.50 Dr. John Case, 1/2 acre 2.50 District No. 8— Persis S. Beach Est., 114 Church St. 35.00 Fannie. Burchard, 103 E. South St. 42.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 207 John A. Blair,, Jones Ave. .50 John A. Blair, South Parkway -St. .50 John A. Blair, Clinton St. .50 Arthur Bowker, Park Ave ..50 Edmond Clark, 201 N. Parkway (Corona Bldg. & Imp. Co.) ' , 20.00 Bower G. Cornell, 713 South Main 40.00 Benn Conger Est., 110 Roosevelt Ave. 23.00 Benn Conger Est., 112 Roosevelt Ave. 20.00 Benn Conger Est., 115 Roosevelt Ave. (Co. exempt) 14.00' Benn,Conger Est., 213 West Cortland St. (.County exempt) • , . ' 15.00 Egbert Carley, 106 Peru Rd 5.00 Jennie E. Colwell, 169 Main St. 50.00 Laurence J. Conger, Jones Ave., Chart 37 .50 Laurence J. Conger, McKinley Ave., 52, 53 1.00 William Dimon Est., 312 Spring St. 20.00 Fred Doyle, 165 Main St. 38.00 Ward DeWitt, Washington Ave. 1.00 Ward DeWitt, Washington Ave. .50 Maud L. Edwards, Jones Ave. .50 C. & F. Ford, Elmwood Ave. 1.00 Lura A. Ford, Washington Ave. (Co. exempt) .50 Gibson, Lottie, 313 Main St. 45.00 Gibson, Lottie, 301-303 S. Main St.' (John Knapp, Cortland) 2.00 Atala Gladue, 207 William St. 16.00 Orville J. Givens, 205-209 W. South St. (Edna Snyder, Ithaca) 18.00 Ed. F. Hopkins, 401 Spring St. .38.00 Ed. F. Hopkins, 405 Spring St. 20.00 Frank Haywood, 126 Church St.. 25.00 George L. Harris, Elmwood Ave. • .50 Harry Harowitz, 111-113 Cayuga St. ' (County .exempt) 30.00 Ernest Ketchem, West Cortland ' 1.00 Andrew J. McMahan, Est., Barrows St. 6.00 Frank Morton, Elm St. 5.00 Frank Morton 35.00 Fred Morton, 405 S. Main St. 24.00 Fred Morton, 405 S. Main St. .50 Fred Morton, 405 S. Main St. 2.00 Fred Morton, McKinley Ave. 6.00 Fred Morton,' Clinton St. 4.00 Fred Morton, Brighten Villa 1.50 Fred Morton, Grand View Hts. 4.50 208 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Fred Morton 3.00 Cora B. Martin, Hamilton Sq. 1.00 Paul McMahan, 304 Main St. 60.00 Paul McMahan, 107 Barrows St. 28.00 Neva Marlett, 111 Sykes St. 30.00 Eugene Miller, Elmwood Ave. (Co. exempt) 1.00 Junius Meeker, Clinton St. .50 Elmer Morton, Park Ave. 1.00 Fred Shulenburg, Clinton Ave. ' .50 Fred Shulenburg, 502 South Main St. 10.50 Sarah Schudder, 111 Roosevelt Ave. 24.00 Frank J. Saulter, McKinley Ave. (Co. exempt) 1.00 Leola Stoddard, 120 E. South St. 1.00 Arthur B. Townley, 180 Main St. 50.00 Nellie J. Thomas, McKinley 1.00 Paul L. Teaney, Elm St. 12.00 Lillian Wood, 151 Main St. _ . . 40.00 Lillian Wood, .307 Spring 28.00 Barney Walpole, Est., 101 Walpole Rd. 30.00 Barney Walpole, Est., 2.00 Frank H. Walter, 206 W.Cortland St. 125.00 Frank H. Walter, Walpole Rd. 10.00 Bion' Whitman, Est., 114 Park St. 35.00 District No. 15- J. Lineban, 105 acres (Joint, Fed. Land Bank) 27.96 L. C. Haynes, 60 acres - 8.39 District No. 16 - Merton. & Florence Adams, Lot 58, 70 acres 7.65 District: No.. 20- Chas. Hamilton, Jr., Lot 79, 26 acres 10.00 S. LaMont, Lot 89, 105 acres 30.00 Ed. Strait, Lot 99, 1 acre (Phoebe A. Brown) 8.00 Elsie Shimer, Lot 99, 1/2 acre - 15.00 F. G. Trapp, Lot 88, 971/2 acres ' 45.00 H. L. Vaughn, Lot 100, 211 acres 85.00 H. L. Vaughn, Lot 90, 13 acres 5.00. Leona Wesley, Lot 99, 3/4 acres 10.00 District No. 22 - Anna Gates, Lot 72, 133 acres 14.40 Alma Tarbell, Lot, 81-71, 48 acres I 8.10 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NRW YORK 209 Joint District No. I0-- 3.30' Joint District No. lT--' . Bert Nobles, � 50 acres 5])0 25 acres 5.00 Bert' Percy Howe, 5 acres .75 ITHACA District No. 2— B. E. SanfHouse $ 80.00W. -- ��.—B0000 35.00 E. A. GoudeD.IIouue and lot 25.00 E. A. Sundell, House and lot . 20.00 District No. 3— NoDieD.]Dukor 1.50 Jerry Baker` 1.00 Lewis Culver E 18.50 John -F. Daley, $3500 17.50 John F. ' 17.60 John F. Daley, $3500' 17.50 John F. Daley, $2000 10.00 Wilfred Grove17.50J. H. tract (Fay Allen) ' 15.00 Neva Hazzard 15.15 Harry Johnson, Lot 16, 1.00 E. McQuade 7.50 James Miller, Van Ordetract 1.00 Sidney Moore, Lot 79, 91 acres ' 17.50 George Palmer '. . 12.50 Frubk Perkins, (Mrs. J. Burke) 17.50 12.50 M. L. Rumsey ' Chas. Sinn Est., Lot 82 2.50 W. J 25 1.00 Ed. Whiting, Jr. 7.50 District No. 4-- ' Fay Allen, House & lot, 3 acre4.80 Howard Bennett, House & lot ' 10.80 0' PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD orSnroIvIooRs Alex B 25 acreS 9.60 E. J. Deviney, House & lot • 3.00 Leon Grover, House & lot, 3 acres 3.60 John McCourt, Lot (Slights) 2.40 Ray Miller, 46 acres ' " 30.00 Ray Miller' Gas station 12.00 District No. 5- Il.J. Raub .45 6 - Dorothy Barstow` 150.00 Chas. Collins & wife 18.00 Leland Davis 15.00 J. J. Johnson � � � 60.00 E. B. MhcGachen 36.00 John Mosher 80.00 Col. J. C. Nicholis 90.00 B. C. Perkins 108.00 K. L. Roberts | ' 42.00 Fred A. Stevens' 9.00 C. J. Swartwood 60.00 C. J. Swartwood 48.00 Mrs.'A. E. Wilcox 12.00 District No. 7 - Mrs. H. W. Apgar, Dwelling 2.5G Herman Apgar, lot , .60 Art N. Bennett, 7.50 Jacob B 3.00 Frank Bennett, dwelling 3.00 Edna8 .30 R. D. Bruismaid, dwelling 4.50 OrlandiO . 9.00 Mary Cordiob dwelling 5.40 Ruben Dworsky, dwelling 54.00 L. (Tagleavntio) lot .12 Tony De Angelio, lot .30 . F. R. .09 C. F .23 E. M. 3.40 L.. A. Genung, 1.80 J. B. Goldsmith, lot .12 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 211 Mrs. Elsie Hamilton, dwelling 3.00 Chas. Hurst, lot ' .12 Ithaca Realty Co., lot ' .45 W. L. Johnson, lot .47 C. H. Jennings, lot .15 John Joyce, dwelling 3.60 Mrs. Sam Kingston, dwelling 10.50 H. B. Lake, dwelling 6.00 Don Lovejoy, dwelling 3.00 Ed. Maret, dwelling ° 4.50 Ira Myers, dwelling 15.00 Guy MacDougal, dwelling 4.50 Mrs. Ray Miller, dwelling 21.00 Oresta Marenelli, dwelling 3.00 ' A. Pakkala, dwelling 5.40 A. J. Quick, lot .12 Mrs. Lottie Quick, lot .15 0. W. Root, dwelling 3.00 J: C. Shepard, dwelling ' 1.50 W. J. Shaw, dwelling 2.40 Isiah Summerfield, lot .15 James Taglavento, dwelling 1.20 James Taglavento, dwelling 7.50 James Taglavento, dwelling 7.50 James Taglavento, dwelling \ 7.50 James Taglavento, dwelling 5.40 James Taglavento, dwelling 3.00 James Taglavento, dwelling 2.10 James Taglavento, dwelling 1.50 James Terrill, dwelling 7.50 E. J. Turner, lot • .30 Mrs. Oscar VorhisHot .15 District No. 8 -- Robert Batterson 3.20 Bessie Brown 0 • 4.00 R. E. Burritt 2.00 L. M. Heatherington 4.00 D. A. & E. F. Keefe 6.00 Oreste Morriselle 52.00, John Musto 8.00 C. Megnardi 0 3.60 Schuyler Pearson. 20.00 , Lawrence Rose 0 .80 Kenneth Tompkins 4.00 212 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Paul Wilson .80 Victor Wright (Fay Allen) 12.00 Joint District—Ithaca & Enfield— Chas. A. Teeter, 2 farms, 88 & 100 acres 38.00 Joint District—Ithaca and Dryden— V. Burgess, 1j2 acre 5.00 Elmer German (B. Kramer) 7.50 $1,562.17 LANSING District No. 2 -- E. -E. C. Corwin, Lot 54 $ 28.12 E. C. Corwin, Lot 45 . 27.14 District No. 2— C. N. Y. S. R. R. 3.14 • District No. 4— Fred Orndoff, Lot 50, 150 acres 32.85 District No. 5- John Flynn, Farm 6.00 Jessie Pellam, Farm 3.00 James Starks, Farm 18.00 Robert Sutliff, Lot .60 Colonel Pettit, Garage 6.60 Frank Tarbell, Farrn 15.00 Arthur Volbricht, Lot .60 Mary Wilsey, Lot .60 Grange Hall, Lot 12.60 Railroad 13.55 District No. 6— Art and Frank Wooley, 78 acres 13.95 Allen Marshall, Cottage 1.12 Morris Slaight, 65 acres 6.75 1 OF 'TOMPKINS COUNTY. NEW YORK .213 . District No. 7- G. F. Beuhoff, 117 acres 23.40 Wesley Calhoun, 6 acres 4.80 Wert Dates, 138 acres 30.00 Grant Gere, Est., 1 acre 3.00 Otis Myers, 1 acre 4.80 Henry Page, 2 acres .30 District No. 13 - Wert Dates, 10 acres (Genoa) 2.55 District No. 9 - Wright Bacorn, House & lot , 9.44 Aubrey Cratsley, Cottage & lot 3.54 Ed. Hance, Est., Cottage & lot 17.70 F. W. Howell, House & lot 21.24 James Kintz, House & lot, 24 acres 23.10 James Kintz, House & lot 10.62 James Kintz, House & lot 11.80 James Kintz, House & lot 18.88 Merton Ladd, House & lot 11.80 Mike Misko, Farm, 51 acres 33.04 Ben Morey, Est., 2' House & lot 23.60 Ben Morey, Est., Cottage 1.18 Laurence Millik, House & 6 acres 7.08 Leroy Seeley, House & 5 acres 17.70 La Verne Townley, 2 Houses • 35.40 Rachel Van Auken, House & , lot 2.36 Rachel Van Auken, House & lot 1.18 Howard Van Auken, House & lot 4.72 E.' D. Wagner, Cottage & lot - 3.54 District No. 10- . Chas. Parker 2.00 F. 11. Tarbell 21.00 Asa Morey 4.00 A. A. Miller 3.60 Carl Johnson 3.20 0. J. Snyder, Est. 20.00 Central Southern R. R. Co. .2.70 District No. 13 - Catherine . Dunshie 10.80 214 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF- SUPERVISORS . Anson Eastman 24.00. Charles Hagin 4.80 Central N. Y. Southern 8.13 District NQ. 15— Central N. Y. Southern R. R., Right of Way 7.34 Ed. Hance Est., Cottage 3.25 District No. 16— Ralph Brown, Lot 98 36.00 S. H. Bush, Lot ,95, Farm 22.40 Leroy Brown, Lot 96 3.20 Central N. Y. S. R. R., Right of Way 7.23 Erma Daley, Cottage. 27.20 W. P. Eaton, Lot 97 - 3.20. Fred McGraw, Lot 95, Farm • 20.00 Fred McGraw, Jr., Lot 95, Farm 8.00 E. J. Moore, Lot 95 1.60 Wade Pinckney, Lot at McKinneys 4.00 Jno. Rose, Farm, Lot 97 i 20.00 Ray Snyder, Farm, Lot 98 22.40 A. B. Willerton, Farm, Lot 95 20.00 District No. 17— Albert Labarr 13.20 • Fred Myers 3.00 District No. 19— David Benjamin 10.00 Walter Knettles .50 Dewitt LaBarre 3.50 Fred Myers .13 Mike Slovik 10.50 District No. 21— Edwin Groves 2.46 $ 869.73 OF. TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 215 NEWFIELD. District No. 1— Freemont Brown, 35 acres $ .68 Flossie Frolick,.16 acres .6.75 Chauncey Freese, House and Lot ' .45 Chauncey Freese, 4 acres .23 Chauncey Freese, 35 acres .77 Chauncey Freese, 30 acres 1.13 Chauncey Freese, 5 acres .23 Chauncey Freese, 16 acres .45 Chauncey Freese, 25 acres .68 Chauncey Freese, '45 acres 1.35 A. B. Smith, 82 -acres 8.1,0 Clarence Titus, 3 acres .10 August Tudi, 72' acres 9.45 Frank Jones, 61' acres - 1.35 District No:'2 - • J John Bush, Est. (B'd N -Roe, 'E -Hwy, S -Tomp- kins, W -Roe) 8.40 Bert Baker (B'd N -Hwy; E -Dorn, .S-Stanion, W -Hwy) 1.80 Chas. Blood (B'd N-Titcher, E-Tichner, S -Hwy,. W -Albanese) 1.20 Clayton Durfey (B'd N -Taber, E -Brainard, S- Brainard, W -Hwy) 1.80 Chauncey Freese (B'd N -Anderson, E -Shaffer, S -Hwy, W -Anderson) .60 Jennie Millard (B'd N -T. L. E-Gaieski, S -Kam- inski, W -Taylor) 11.10 Emory Phillips (B'd N -Hwy, E -Carpenter, S - Bossard, W -Beckley) 4.80' Minna Rice (B'd N-Mazourek, E -Puff, S -Hough, W -Williamson) 15.00 Minna Rice (B'd N -Hwy, ,E -Hine, S -Rice, W- Mazourek) 3.00 Minna Rice (B'd N -Williamson, E -Hwy, S_ -En- soe, W -Stoughton) • 1.50 I. N. Van Ostrand (B'd N -Wescott, E -Wescott, S -Hwy, W -Hwy) 10:80 District No. 5— S.. W. Cox, Est. (B'd N -Tompkins, E -Hwy, S- DeYoung, W-DeYoung)'.. . . 1.25 216 PROCEEDINGS• OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 7— Lina Beach, Farm 2.70 District No. 8— Byron Brown, 4 acres .10 James Baker, Est., Lot- 1.00 Flossie Frolick, 49 acres 1.75. Daniel George, 106 acres 3.75 Nora Swartwood, 38 acres 1.00 Nora Swartwood, 11 acres .25 August Tudi, 108 acres 1.75 Frances McHale, 78 acres 2.00 District No. 9— Rose Benjamin 1.50 George Carvanaugh 2.25 Wm. Crance - 1.00 W. E. Hine .50 Charles Ulrich 15.00 District No. 11 Fremont Brown (B'd N -Hwy, S -Swartwood, E - Swartwood, W-Kronforst) .50 Gertrude Brown (N -Stanway, E -Hwy, E -Hal- stead, W -Halstead) 1.50 Olaf Magnus (N-Rumsey, S -Starks, E-Oltz, W - Starks) 8.50 Steven Oltz (N -Hwy, S -Payne, E-McAllaster, S -Magnus) 10.00 Chas. Swartwood (N -Cornell, S-Rumsey, E - Buchanan, W-Treybal) 1.50 District No. 12— Fred Biggs, Est., 62 acres 4.20 Wilson Hopper, 57 acres 13.50 Aaron Rumsey, 100 acres 7.80 Jessie Radford, House and lot 3.60 Budd White, 60 acres . • 7.20 District No. 13— Harry Tompkins, 65 acres 7.65 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 217 District No. 14— Claire Lay (N -Hwy, E -Ireland, S -C. P., W- Bishop) ' ' 7.70 Fred Moat, Est. (N -Smith, E -White, S -Hwy, W - Moat) 2.80 Pauline Sickler (Lay, W -Boylan, S -Snyder, W - Snyder) 3.50 Holton Wilkins (N -Hwy, E -Lay, S -C. P., W - Bishop) .70 District No. 15 Ina Rider, 44 acres, (Nellie Baker) 2.25 District No. 16— Gertrude 6 Gertrude Brown, 62 acres - 4.80 Archie Nash, 34 acres 1.40 District No. 18— Harry Bower (N-Dassance, E-Lental, S -Waris, W -Hwy) ' - 2.40 District No. 19— Mickel Becker, Est., 92 acres . 9.80 Martin Williamson, 122 acres (Becker & Ma- zourek) (0. Hagen) . 17.50 Mike Williamson, 82 acres 12.60 District No. 20— Gertrude Brown - :70 Janie & Bemp Gibson 4.90 Fred Tompkins ' - 2.80 Adams Volmuth . " 4.20. Joint District No. 3— Gardie Burns - .80 Joint District—Danby and Newfield Lee & Rhoda Barber, 65 acres 5.00 Jerry Tourtelout, 75 acres 7.50 Ezra Watson, 50 acres 5.00 Coral Harker .40 $ 290.22 218 PROCEEDINGS .OF THE BOARD, OF. -SUPERVISORS ULYSSES District No. 1 - Francis Breen, 1/4 acres $ 13.00 Francis Breen, shop 1.30 Arthur Bower, 91/2 acres 10:40 Thomas Brown, 31/2 acres 13.00 Mrs. Elmer Brown, 1/4 acre ($1500) -exemption 6.50. Harry Bortz, garage ' • 15.60 Clemont Boyer, 21/2 acres o 6.50 Max Blum & wife, 53 acres (William Smith) 16.90 , Chas. Bumpus Est., 4 acres 4.55 Joseph F. Carron, 1/8 acre (Leon Sutton) 3.25 John Connors Est., % acre 11.70 Chas. L. Clapp, 1/2 acre ' 18.20 Geo. T. Frank, 8 acres 32.50 Francis Griswold, 1/2 acre 3.90 Salome Garrett, 1/8 acre 7,80 Ella Hunter Est., 1/8 acre .33 Ida Hubbell Est., 1/8 acre (John Hubbell) • 13.00 Raymond Hatch, 1/4 acre 15.60 Hebbard & Jones, elevator and barn 16.25 Wm. B. Hebbard, 8 acres 2.60 Wm. B. Hebbard, 8 acres 1.30 Annis Hough, 4 acres 39.00 Jay Carpenter, 30 acres 13.00 Alice Carpenter, 5 acres 14.30 Enoch Drake Est., 1/4 acre 4.55 Mary Dorsey Est., 1 acre 5.20 Mrs. Chas. Dorsey, 1/2 ,acre. 5.20 Clinton Dimmick, 1/2 acre 9,75 Mrs. Frank Dimmick, 21/, acres 3.90 Albert -Durling, 1/4 acre 11.70 Albert Durling, 1/4 acre 7,80 Lewis Durling, 38 acres 13.00 S. Earl Est., store 19.50 Episcopal Manse, 1/4 acre ($2000) exemption 6.50 Mrs. Lucy Jackson Est., 1 acre 9.75 Harley Jenney,. 3/4 acre 5.85 F. D. Johnson Est., 37 acres 8.45 F. D. Johnson Est., 23 acres 9.75 Fred Kinsman, 1/4 acre 6.50 Margaret Kelley Est., 7 acres 3.90 Orpha E. Lane, 10 acres 10.40 J. G. MacDougall, 78 -acres 30.55 J. G. MacDougall, 12 acres 14.95 OF TOMPKINS, COUNTY,•/IEW YORK 219 Benjamin Mahoney, 2 acres , 6.50 L. J. & Frank Boore, garage 19.50 Nettie & Frank Moore, 1/2 acre 3.25. Thomas Magee, 34 acre 7.80 Edwin Miller Est., 128 acres 45.50 Heirs of Chas. Miller, 154 acres 40.30 Bert North, 1/4 acre:.11.70 Guy M. Newell, 2 acrs 20.80 Robert Ogle, 2 acres 13.00 Coleman G. Potter & Son,. 5 acres 2.60 Dana Poyer Est., 1/2 acre ' ' 19.50 Hattie M. Potter, restaurant 19.50 Mrs. Frank Robertson Est., 1/8 acre 7.80 Frank Robertson, 1/8 acre .33 Seth B. Rumsey, store 16.25 John T. Ryan, 4 acres' 10.40 John T. Ryan, store 20.80 George R. Reynolds, -50 acres 3.90 George R. Reynolds, 4 acres 3.90 James E. Rice, 210 acres 97.50 Mrs. Beth Reynolds,80 acres 16.90 Marcus Riker, 20 acres 7.80 Sidney Spicer Est., 2 acres 4.55 Estelle Sears, 1/4 acre 19.50 Estelle Sears, lot . .65 Estelle Sears, store 19.50 Guy Sherwood Est., 1/4 acre 7.80 Emery Spicer, 1/2 acre 5.20 Ella E. Snyder Est., 1/4 acre 11.70 • Mrs. G. C. Smith, 1/4 acre 5.20 Leon H: Slaght,. 1/8 acre 10.40 Samuel Taylor, lot 1.30 Dorr Titus, 1/4 acre .11.70 John B. Thayer, 1/4 acre 2.60 • Michael Terrell, 70 acres 17.55 Leland Terry, 6 acres , 1.95 • Mrs. Edna Uhl, 1/8 acres' 6.50 Henry Williams, 4 acres .33 Alfred Woodworth Est ' . lot .33 Hannah Warner Est., 3acres (Hageman Bros.) 16.25. Mrs. Asa D. Wilson Est., 132 acres 40.95 ' Menzo Wortman Est., 46 acres • 14.95 Ezra Young, store 19.50 Joint District -Enfield' and Ulysses H. A. Bower Est., 124 acres • 26.00 ' H. A. Bower Est., 22 acres 3.60 220" PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 6 - Albert Clark Est., 9 acres 2.25 Lee Emerson, 78 acres 15.00• Ulysses S. Johnson, 15 acres 11.00 District No. 9 - John . Chase, 94 acres 36.00 C. B. Van Buren, 14 acres 15.00 J. B. Van Devere, 96 acres 36.00 Margaret Wescott, House and lot 6.00 District No. 11 - Year 1932 D Herman Atwater, 93 acres 23.75 Allen and Ralph .Chase; 153 acres 30.00 Sherman Dennis, 30 acres 7.50 John Fowler, Est., 4 acres .75 Lewis Hughes, lot 1.00 Mrs. Grace, Thompson; 12 acres 2.50 Wm. L. • Vann, storehouse and lot 5.75 Pearl Vann, 981/2 acres, 20.00 Year 1933 Wm. L. Vann, storehouse and lot 5.06 Pearl Vann, 981/2 acres 17.60 District No. 16 Mrs. Geo. Berry, Lot, 111 Hudson St. .50 Mrs. Leo Brock, lot ' 3.00 Grant Cole, Est., lot 1.00 John Ernst, 94 acres 19.00 (Sold to Fred Vrissey) - Chas. Franklin, 10 acres .50 Claire Fletcher, house and lot 3.00 Elmer Johns, lot - 2.00 Jacob Makarainen, 93 acres 17.00 Michael Pursell, house and lot 4.00 H. M. Peters, house and lot 5.00 George W. Sharp, house and lot 9.00 Wm: H. Trembley, 7 acres 5.00 Raymond Hunt, house and lot 4.00 Mrs. Alice Walters, Est., 391/2 acres 8.50 Walter Wolf, house and lot • 12.50 Walter Wolf, house and lot 12.00 t OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 221 Joint District No. 3 - Walter Chase, 98 acres 24.00 Carrie Easton, 54 acres 19.20 Chester Stewart, house and lot ' 1.40 Mrs. F. Westbrook, house and lot 1.20 $1,498.18 CITY OF ITHACA Baker, B. T., 117 Hudson St., ' $ 53.9.6 Baker, Mrs. Warren, 102 Hancock St. 30.40 Baker, Mrs. Warren, Lot 17, Blk.,146, Hancock St. 4.75 Banks, S. E., 412 Univ. Ave. 80.56 Banks, S. E., 204 Linden Ave. 49.40 Barker, Thos., 205 S. Hill Terrace 50.92 Bates, W. J. Est., Lot 21, Blk. 230, D. L. & W 1.52 Bates, W. J. Est., Lot 22, Blk. 230, Giles St15.20 Bates,W. J. Est., Lot 19, Blk. 230, Columbia St4.5.6 Bickel, Mildred J., 312 E. Tompkins St. 25.84 Bool Floral' Co., Greenhouse, Lot 6, Blk. 23 • Cherry St. 167.2Q Bool Floral Co., 215 E. State St. 143.64. Bow, Carrie H., 629 W. Clinton St. 31.16 Bow, Carrie H., 509 ,Cascadilla St. 19.00 Bow, E. Est., 535 W. Green St. 29.64 Bow, E. Est., 207. S. Corn St.,9.12 Bow, E. Est., 136-138 ClevelanAve. 19.00 Bow, E. Est., 535 W. Clinton St. , 26.60 Bow, E. • Est., 123 Cleveland Ave. 9.88 Boyer, Leona E., 408-410 Eddy 'St. 140.60 Brashear, Lura E., 217 S. Fulton St. 16.72 Brashear, Lura E. 306 S. Meadow St. 33.44 Breary, R. & B. M., 110 Treva Ave. 29.64 Brennan, E. R: Est., 115 Fifth St. 31.92 Brennan, E. R., Est., 604 Hancock St. 8.36 Brennan, E. R. Est., 705 Hancock St. 10.64 Brennan, E. R. Est., 610 Hancock St. 6.08 Brennan, E. R. Est., 707 Hancock St. 10.64 Brennan, A. J., Boathouse on Lot 8, Blk. 4, .76 Brooks, Arlie M., 219 W. Lincoln St. 35.72 Brooks, R. B., 601 S. Albany St. 31.16 Brown, F. C., 204 E. Lewis St. 19.76 Brown, Lucy Est., 401 Lake St. 24.32 Burke,Jane, 518 Stewart Ave. 107.92 222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD, OF SUPERVISORS , (F. & A. Perkins own) Burling, C. B., Lot 9, Blk. 237, Heights Ct. ,11.40 Burling, C. B., 120 Heights Court 98.80 Burling, L. R., 802 N..Tioga St. ' 39.52 Cardinal, Maria, 616 W. Green St. '25.08 'Carter, C. M., & M. B. 219 S. Plain St. - 49.40 Carter, Mrs. L. H. Est., 221 S. Plain St. 31.16 Cascadilla Holding Co., 217 W. State St. 73.72 Casey, Margaret, 226 Cleveland Ave. 17.48 Cazenovia, Adolph, Boathouse, on lot 7, Blk. 4 1.52 "Centini, V., .125 Linden Ave. 42.56 Cervenaik, Mrs. J., 309 N. Meadow St. 9.88 Chacona, Ida B., 309 E. Buffalo St. 38.76 Chacona, Marcus N., Lot 9, Blk. 243, Thurston Av: 20.52 Cole, J..W., 119 College Ave. 83.60 Conley, E. T. & S., 150 Giles St. . 59.28 Conley, Jas., 233 S. Albany St. 57.76 Conley, P. D. Est., Lot 5, Blk. 209, Conley Ave5.32 Conley, P. D. Est., Lot 7, Blk. 209, Conley Ave21.66 Conley, P. D. Est., 325 E. State St. 89.68 Conley, P. D. Est., Lot 156 Giles St. 15.20 Cook, Rhoda A., 804 Mitchell St. 33.44 Cornish, A. A. Est., 111 First St. 21.28 (J. J. & S. Gralton own) Crawford, Frances W., 105 Cascadilla St. 22.80 Crawford, Francis W., 604 N. Aurora St. 41.04 Crawford, Frances W., 219 First St. 30.40 Crawford, Frances W., 409 Madison St. 15.20 Cummings, B. W., 418 Utica St. 41.04 Cummings, John, 420. Utica St. 32.68 Dale, A. C., 1203 N. Cayuga St. 21.28 DeYcaza, M., 227 S. Geneva St. 120.08 Dix, Mrs. D. B., 107 S. Meadow St. 18.24 DeYcaza, M., 510 Univ. Ave. 74.48 Dixon, C. R., 709.S. Plain St. 22.80 (C. J. Swartwood owns) Donovan, J. Est., 805. Cliff St. 30.40 Donovan, J. Est.,. Res. on .Lot 20, Blk. 3, Taug hannock Blvd. 1.52 Donovan, Mrs. T., 103 Highland Place • , 79.80 Donovan, Mrs. T., 110 Highland Place 73.72 Drake, Grace L., 133 Giles St. 36.48 Dunlavy, B. F., 108 E. Tompkins St. 25.08 Easton, Carrie . M., -105 Utica. St. , . 28.88 Eddy, Fred E:, Merc. on Lot 3, Blk. 23, W. Clin- ton St. 49.40 i OF TOMPKINS .COUNTY, NEW YORK 223 • Egan, Leo J., 602 Utica St. ' 16.72 Ellis, L. B., 601 N. Cayuga St. 31.16 Evans, Miss, L. M. Est., 235 -Elm St. 25.84 Evans, Miss, L: M. Est., 237 'Elm St. 10.64 France, B. H., Lot 125 Maple Ave., Rear 2.28 Francis, 51.68 J. Est., 205 S. Meadow St. Francis, J. Est., 416 S. Plain St., 27.36 Francis, J. Est., Lot 11, Blk. 101, S. Plain St. ' 3.80 Francis, J. Est., 324-326 W. State St. 41.80 Francis, J. Est., 328 W. State St.' ' 45.60 Frantz, T. & M., 404 S. Aurora St. ' 44.08 Genung, Geo. F., 711 Mitchell St... • .• 43.32 Gifford, B .C., 706 E. Buffalo St. 75.24 Goff, A. C. & M., 305 W. Green St. 103.36 Green, Chas., 226-228 Columbia :St. 26.60 Hagin, Oscar Est., 312 E. Falls St. , 20.52 Hartman,°R. A., 412 Adams St. 11.40 Hasard, Wm. J., 421-423 W. Seneca St. 36.48 Hastings, Nora C., 325 N. Albany St. \ 35.72 Hausner, Carrie -B., 208 Hudson St. . 27.36 Heath & Dworsky, 411 S. Plain St. 18.24 (Rose Cheek pays tax) •' Hebbard & Jones, 801 W. State St. 88.92 Herschberger, Sarni., Res. Gate Lodge, on Lot 25, Blk. 304 Pt. 88.16 Hill, C. S. & L., Res. E. Shore Lake, on Lot 2-2, , Block 4 . 3.04 Hillick, Sarah E., 525 W. Green St. , 53.20 Holley, M. E. Est., 222 Floral Ave. 16.72 Houghton; Geo. E., 109 Farm St. 31.16 Howland, D. D., 606 W. Green St. 14.44 Howley, Helen F., 423 Linn St. 48.64 Hughes, L. B., 748 S. Aurora St. 6.08 Ithaca Management Corp., 404 E. State St. 342.00 Jackson, Etta, 127 Cleveland Ave. 29.64 (Etta Hackley owns) ' Johnson, Fred E., 215 Willow Ave. 46.36 Johnson, Fred E., Res. Pier Road, on Lot 8, Blk4 15.20 Johnson Boat Yard, Merc. on Lot 6-7, Blk. 4 57.00 Johnson, H. J.,' 113-115 S. Plain St. 46.36 Jones, Alice M., 327 S. Titus Ave 25.08 Jones, Carrie, 114 Morris Ave. 11.40 Jones, Hattie M., 141 S. Aurora St. 57.00 Jones, Omer Est., 517-521 Hudson St. 76.76 t Keane, T. R., 223 Linn St. 28.88 Kelly, Mrs. Alice, 309 Linn St., 23.56 224 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Kenerson, C. J., 502 N. Aurora St. (A. C. Dale owns) Kramer, Mary, 212 Second St. Lamb, C. E., 824 Cliff St. Leonard, F. A.,.127 Hyers St. Letts, Frank, 907 W. Buffalo St. Lewis, J. F. Est., 603 N. Tioga St. Llop, M., 240 Linden Ave. Llop, M., 209-11 Dryden Rd. Lower, B., 427 Floral Ave. Lower, B., Lot '429 Floral Ave. Lynch, B. Est., 207 Fifth St. Maloney, J. & L., 107 E. Lewis St. McAllister, J. B., 418-422 Eddy St. McInerney, T. J., 916-918'N. Cayuga St. McInerney,' T. J., 138 Giles St. McKeegan, Sarah, 206 Utica St. (Anna Marshall pays tax) McRavy, L. E., 314 Dey St. Mellberg, B. L., 218 First St. Melton, P., . 223 S. Plain St. Merrill, M. A., 215 Second St. Melton, P., 425 W. Seneca St. Millen, E. & E., 303 E. Falls St. (Kathryn S. Miller owns) Miller, Fred, 428 Elm St. Mintz, Bessie F., 411 Brandon Pl. Moore, A. C., 308 S. Plain St. Morgan, E. Morgan, H. Moscovitch, Moscovitch, Moscovitch, Moscovitch, J., 306 E. Lincoln St. G., 131 N. Quarry St. M., 122 Catherine St M., 405-407 Eddy St. M., 110 Morris Ave., M., 112 Morris Ave. Mostert, Simon, 407-4071/2 Willow Ave. Murinchak, John, 505-507 Esty St. Murinchak, John, 509-511 Esty 'St. (Lot) Murray, W. A., 900 W. State St. Murray, W. A., 901 W. State St. Murray, W. A., Tanks, Taughannock Blvd., on Lot 17, Blk. 3 Murray, W. A.,. 1012 Musto & Bundy, Res Block 1 Musto & Bundy, Lot Musto & Bundy, 'Lot N. Aurora St. New Hector St.• on lot 21, 20, Blk. 1, Campbell Ave. 19, Blk. 1, Campbell Ave. 44.84 29.64 22.80 29.64 7.60" 32.68 34.96 95.76 11.40 1.52 10.64 21.28 228.00 48.64 57.00 36.48 10.64 8:36 10.64 9.88 21.28 9.12 22.80 54.72 19.00 28.12'. 56.24 57.76 79.04 12.16 12.16 34.96 9.88 3.04 39.52 72.20 9.88 20.52 28.12 .76, .76 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 225 Musto & Bundy, Lot 18,Blk. 1, Campbell Ave. .76 Northrup, Adelaide, 334 S. Geneva St. 38.76 Oakley, F. N., ,1013` E. State St. 37.24 Oltz, Mrs. F:, 315 Floral Ave. 5.32 Oltz, Mrs. F., Lot 236 Floral Ave. " .76 Oltz, Ross, 311 Floral" Ave. 5.32 Paolangelo, Ernest, 433 Floral Ave. 10.64, Payne, W. S., 423 First St. 6.84 Potter, H. E., Lunch Car on 414 Stewart Ave15.20 Powers, D. & M., 102 Washington St. 27.36 Powers, Robt.; 523 W. Clinton St: 20.52 Presher, F. E., 818 N. Cayuga St. 41.04 Quigley, Mrs. Frances, Lot 305 Hillview Pl." 3:04 Reesby, E. J., 302 S. Plain St. 21.28 Reesby, E. J., Lot 29, Blk. 95, Cleveland Ave. .76 Reidy, J. Est., 104 Maple Ave. 28.88 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 2, Blk. 276, Maple Ave. 5.51 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 4, Blk. 276, Maple Ave. ' 5.70 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 9, Blk. 287, Maple Ave. 2.66 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 5, Blk. 287, Maple Ave. 5.70 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 6, Blk. 287, Maple Ave. 5.70 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 7, Blk. 287, Maple Ave. 3.42 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 2, Blk. 287, Maple Ave. 5.70 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 3, Blk. 287,_ Maple Ave. 5.70 Reidy,'J. Est., Lot 1, Blk. 287, Cornell St. 6.08 Reidy, J. Est., Lot'39, Blk. 287, Cornell St. 3.80 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 9, Blk. 276, Dryden Rd. .• 1.52 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 37, Blk. 287, Miller St. 3.04 " Reidy, J. Est., Lot 38, Blk. 287, Miller St. 3.04 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 32, Blk. 287, Miller St. ' 3.80. Reidy, J. Est., Lot 15, Blk. 287, Miller St. ' 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 16, Blk. 287 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 17, Blk. 287 . 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 18, Blk. 287 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot. 19, Blk. 287 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 24, Blk. 287 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 25, Blk. 287 1.90 Reidy, J. Est.,' Lot' 26, Blk. 287 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 27, Blk. 287 . ,. , , 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 28; Blk:. 287 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot 22, Blk. 287 ` 1.90 Reidy, M. M., 305 Cornell St. 44.08 Reidy, M. M., Lot 21, Blk. 287, Cornell St: 3.80 Reidy, M. M., Lot 105 Maple Ave. ' 5.32 Reidy, T. J:, Lot 23, Blk. 287 `' 1.90 Reidy, T. J., Lot 1, Blk. 6, Hector St. ' 31.16 226 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Reynolds, Cora, 413-415 S. Geneva St. 31.92 Robinson, Florence, 313 Cascadilla St. 19.00 Rohrer, Elizabeth, 104 E. Lewis St. 55.48 Russell, V. A., 312 Hook Place 26.60 Ryan, B. Est., 308 Esty St. ' '20.52 Saperstein, Evelyn, Apts. Lot 5-6, Blk. 237 Heights Court 186.20 .Saperstein, Evelyn, Garage, Lot 3-A, Blk. 237,, • Rear, Heights_ Court 3.04 Saperstein, Conley & Miscall,,426-428 E. Seneca St. 91.20 Savage, E. S., 106 Harvard Pl. 64.60 Saxe, W. F., 402 Oak Ave. 48.64 Schutt, L. & R., 430 N. Titus Ave. 34.96 Schutt, L. &. R., 319-3191/2 Center St. 34:20 Schutt, L. & R., Lot Hector, Lot 3,131k. 1 2.28 , Scott, J. B., 621 W. Clinton St. 23.56 Scusa, John, 105 Dryden Rd. .153.52 Scusa, Peter, 327 Pleasant St. 36.48 Sharpe, G. W.; 214 Eddy St. 97.28 Sharpe, G. W., Lot 1, Blk. 28, Adams St. 2.28 Sharpe, G. W., Lot 1, Blk. 35, Adams, 4th, 5th .8.36 Sharpe, G. W., Lot 7-A, Blk. 25, Casc. St. 1.52 Sharpe, G. W.; Lot 10, Blk. 35, Adams St. 1.90 Sincebaugh, A. G., 339 Elm St. 41.04 Sincebaugh, A. G., Lot 48-D, Blk. 22, Elm St1.52 Smith, Susie M., 221-223. Linden Ave. 53.96 ,Smith, Weeden S., 317 S. Aurora St. 41.80 Space Bros., 616 W. Buffalo St. 43.32 Spencer, F. & M., 114 W. Falls St. 23.56 Sphinx Head Soc., 900 Stewart Ave.. ' 72.96 Stephenson, H. C., 105 Cornell St. 31.16 Stobbs, D. A., 329 S. Titus Ave. - 28.12 Strawway, J.,& F., 401 Elm St. 6.84 Summerfield, J., Lot 17, Blk. 312, Beech St. .19 Swartwood, C. J., Lot 104, Park St. 1.52 Swartwood, C. J., 106 Park St. 35.72 Swartwood, C., J:, Lot 108 Park St. 1.52 Swartwood; C. J., Lot 7-8, Blk. 120, Spencer & Park Sts. 24.32 Swartwood, C. J., Lot 109 Crescent P1. 1.14 Swartwood, C. J., Lot 113 Crescent Pl. 1.14 Tarbell, C. D., 313 N. Geneva St: 54.72 Taylor, Esther, 312 S. Plain St. 19.76 'Teed, Dora F: Est., 518 N. Tioga St. 32.68 (Aurelia Henningsen owner) Thirll, G. E., 214 Cleveland Ave. 15.20 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 227 Tichenor, Mrs. E. S. Est., 308 W. Green St. 47.88 Tompkins County, Lot 5, Blk. 306 Treva Ave. ,3.04 , (J. G. Mackey pays) Tobert, G. C., 106 College Ave. 63.08 (Hazel Weber owns) Torchia, C., Hancock St., Lot 2-A, Blk. 41 3.04 Turco, Frank, 422-424 W. Court St. 22.80 Tupper, T. R., Lot 111 Pearl St. ' 2.28 Van' Dusen, DeWitt, 108 Schuyler Pl. 38.00 Van Order, F. D. Est., 513 W. Seneca St. 57.76 Vittori, Louis, 218 Columbia St. 24.32 Warburton, Lewis, 1103 W. State St. 26.60 Washington, Blanche, 416 N. Albany St. 20.52 Welsh,, E. L., 132-134 Linn St. 32.68 White, Andrew, 209 Floral Ave. 18.24 Whiting, E. A. Est., 108 Auburn St. 28.88 Wigden, Ruth S., 205 S. Corn St. 21.28 Willis, M. Est., 912 N. Aurora St. 41.80 Wilson, Chas., 701 W. Green St. 28.88 Wilson, Lena S., '507 Cascadilla St. 6.84 Wright, Cora R:, 311. E. Lincoln St. 31.16 Dated, December 31, 1934. $8,487.11 LEPINE, STONE, A. J. CONLON, CARL A. MOTT, Committee. Mr. Stone offered the following resolution -and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing report of the committee on Returned Taxes be accepted and. that the sums' therein set forth be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed, with 7% in addition there- to. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Osborn, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., presented the following report of that committee, relative to the apportionment of taxes for the year 1934, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: 228 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON APPORTIONMENT 'OF , TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1935 ,To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Equalization, etc., whose duty it is to apportion the various taxes among the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, reports that the following amounts shall be paid by the several towns and the City of Ithaca, for the State Tax for General Purposes, Armory Pur- poses and Stenographers, etc., Purposes, County Tax for Gen- eral and Poor Purposes and County Tax for Highway Pur- poses, as follows : Towns 0 0 E 0 w Caroline Danby Dryden ' Enfield Groton Ithaca, City Ithaca, Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 1,098,228 1,092,639 3,64-9,652 647,927 3,402,4-34 39,692,993 6,337,139 3,087,907 1,164,050 2,828,903 $ 254.45 253.16 845.62 150.12 788.34 9,196.86 1,468.31 715.47 269.71 655.46 $ 147.33 146.58 489.60 88.92 456.44 5,324.82 850.13 414.24 156.16 379.50 $ 6,312.98 6,280.90 20,978.86 3,724.65 19,557.83 228,159.78 36,426.91 17,749.95 6,691.48 16,260.99 $63,001,872 $14,597.50 $ 8,453.72 $362,144.33 • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 229 Towns 0 T 0 ' w0 X w 0 y�+ U Caroline Danby• Dryden, Enfield Groton Ithaca, City Ithaca, Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 1,099,124 1,104,716 3,659,679 651,508 3,404,416 39,773,621 6,340,950 3,092,831 1,167,564 2,831,780 $ 1,545.15 1,553.01 5,144.78 915.89 4,785.93 55,913.76 8,914.11 4,347.91 1,641.36 3,980.92 $ 8,112.58 8,087.07 26,969.26 4,790.66 25,132.10 293,270.40 46,809.33 22,813.33 8,602.55 20,897.37 $63,126,189 $ 88,742.82 $465,484.65 Dated December 22, 1934. Rate for ,State Tax 8.0002317 per 81000. Rate for County, General and Poor Tax 8.0057481 per $1000. Rate for County Highway Tax 8.0014058 per 81000. .0073856 or 73856 per 81000. R. C. OSBORN, Chairman THOS. G. MILLER C. A. MOTT J. B. MYERS D. J. WATROUS LAGRAND CHASE. LAMONT C. SNOW Committee. Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. 230 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Equaliza- tion, Etc., on the Apportionment of Taxes, be accepted and adopted, and that the several amounts therein listed for state tax, county tax and county highwaytax for the year 1934, against the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, be assessed against, levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns and city liable therefor. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The town superintendents of the several towns of Tompkins County have made an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised by tax for the improvement of the highways and bridges and other miscellaneous highway purposes of their respective towns, as provided by Section 90, of the Highway Law; and WHEREAS, the respective town boards have approved or changed said estimates,. as provided by Section 90 .of the High- way Law, Therefore, Be It Resolved, That the said estimates as ap- proved by the town boards be received and the sum set opposite the name of the respective towns in the column which bears the heading, "Amount of lst Item" (which is the amount of the First Item in said estimates), be assessed, levied and col- lected upon the taxable property, of the respective towns, ex- clusive of the property within the limits of the incorporated village or villages of the respective towns which maintain their streets and highways as a separate road district, and be it further Resolved, That the sum set opposite the names of the respec- tive towns, in the columns which bear the heading "Amount of 2nd Item," "Amount of 3rd Item" and "Amount of 4th Item" (which is the amount of the Second, Third and Fourth Items of said estimates as approved by the various town boards), OF TOMPKINS ,COUNTY,, NEW YORK •231 be assessed, levied and collected upon the entire taxable prop- erty of the various towns of Tompkins County, as follows, that • is to say Name of Amount of - Amount of ' Amount of Amount of Town First. Item Second Item Third Item Fourth Item Caroline $2,900.00 $ 600.00 $2,000.00 $2,250.00 Cert. of Indebt1,538.00 1,055.12 Danby 3,000.00 500.00 3,500.00 .2,800.00 Cert. of Indebt1,500.00 Dryden 8,000.00 000.00. 5,000.00 3,000.00 Enfield 2,200.00 100.00 1,000.00 2,200.00 Cert. of Indebt. . 1,826.80 Groton 5,500.00 1,000.00 3,104.00 3,500.00 Cert. of Indebt. 896.00 Ithaca 6,000.00 3,500.00 4,000.00 Lansing 7,906.27 2,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 Cert. of Indebt' 1,064A5 Newfield 3,500.00 .0,000.00 1,270.00 2,000.00 Cert. of Indebt. . . 730.00 Ulysses 7,000.0.0 1,000.00 2,500.00 • 4,000.00. Cert. of Indebt. - 1,000.00 And that the several amounts when collected shall be paid to the supervisors of the respective towns, to be paid out by them as provided by law. Seconded by Mr., Conlon. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. • Mr. Chase presented the following report of the Committee onFinance, relative to Town Budgets for the several towns and city of the county Which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on'Finance reports that the following tabu- lated statements show the appropriations that will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the several towns in the county and the City of Ithaca, .for the ensuing fiscal year, as set forth in the following budgets : 232 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF CAROLINE . To be Paid to the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 254.45 County Tax 6,312.98 County Highway Tax 1,545.15 Due County 97.53 Support of Poor at County Home 251.20 , Hospitalization, Etc. 1,409.25 Election Expenses 234.00 Compensation Insurance (1933) 127.65 74.21. Compensation Insurance (1934) $10,306.42 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$404.50 To be Paid the Supervisor *Town Audits $2,427.02 Highways t 2,900.00 , , Bridges 600.00 Machinery 2,000.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 2,250.00 - ' Certificates of Indebtedness & Int. (1) 1,538.00 Certificates of Indebtedness & Int. (3) 1,055.12 $12,770.14 TOTAL BUDGET $23,481.06 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS • Brooktondale $400.00 Slaterville Springs 635.00 TAX RATES— General 00970 Highway 01025 Total 01995 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Brooktondale 00251 Slaterville Springs 00470 OF TOMPKINS. COUNTY, NEW YORK 233 TOWN OF DANBY To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 253.16 County Tax 6,280.90 County Highway Tax 1,553.01 Due County . 44.68 Support of Poor at County Home 272.89 Hospitalization, Etc. 2,800.19 Election Expenses 219.96 Compensation Insurance (1933) 124.68 Compensation Insurance (1934)' 73.82 $11,623.29 . RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$1,435.82 To be Paid the Supervisor Town Audits • $1,194.05 Highways 3,000.00 Bridges 500.00 Machinery 3,500.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 2,800.00 Certificate of Indebtedness & Int. (1) 1,500.00 General 'Fund 1,000.00 $13,494.05 TOTAL BUDGET $26,553.16. TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS • Danby $330.00 West Danby 315.00 TAX' RATES— General 01150 . Highway 00970 Total 02120 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Danby ' 0025 West Danby 0055 o 234 PROCEEDINGS • OF THE BOARD • OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DRYDEN To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 845.62 County Tax 20,9 7 8.86 County Highway Tax, 5,144.78 Sinking Fund & Interest, Rd. No. 681 243.11, Sinking Fund & Interest, Rd. No. 682 269.13 Sinking Fund & Interest, Rd. No. 683 278:09 Due County '783.71 Support of Poor at County Home 671.57 Hospitalization„ Etc. 4,928.43 Election Expenses 546.01 Compensation Insurance (1933) 423:95 N Compensation Insurance (1934) 246.58 Expenses of Children's Court 35.00 $35,394.84 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$1,341.77 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $3,168.34 Highways 8,000.00 Bridges 0,000.00 Machinery 5,000.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 3,000.00 Public Welfare • 2,000.00 Southworth Library 200.00 Memorial Day 50.00 General Fund 3,000.00 824,418.34 TOTAL BUDGET . $61,154.95 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Etna $585.00 McLean 60.00 Peruville • 35.00 Varna 300.00 TAX RATES - 0 Inside Corporation General 00944 Highway 0037 Total '01314 i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • Outside Corporation General .00944 Highway 0037 1 Primary Highway 00274 Total 01588 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Etna' 0052. McLean 00606 Peruville 01667 Varna 002822 0 235 236 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ENFIELD To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 150.12 County Tax 3,724.65 County Highway Tax 915.89 Due County 35.92 Support of Poor at County Home 194.81 Hospitalization, Etc. 1,382.03 Election Expenses - 146.65 Compensation Insurance (1933) 74.24 ,Compensation Insurance (1934) 43.77 $6,668.08 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$392.17 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $1,097.37 "Highways 2,200.00 Bridges 100.00 Machinery ° 1,000.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 2,200.00 Certificates of Indebt. & Int. (Mchy.) 1,826.80 Certificates of. Indebt. ,& Int. (Gen.) 1,030.00 $ 9,454.17 TOTAL BUDGET $16,514.42 TAX RATES— General 01132 Highway 01213 Total 02345 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 237 TOWN OF GROTON To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 788.34 County Tax 19,557.83 County Highway Tax 4,785.93 Due County 165.24 Support of Poor at County Home 665.66 Hospitalization, Etc. 2,086.67 Election Expenses 546.01 Compensation Insurance (1933) 390.80 Compensation Insurance (1934) _229.87 $29,216.35 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$1,458.33 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $2,500.00 Highways 5,500.00 Bridges 1,000.00 Machinery 4,000.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 3,500.00 Public Welfare 3,500.00 , Memorial Day 100.00 Vote by Town for Highway Special 3,000.00 $23,100.00 TOTAL BUDGET $53,774.68 " TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS McLean $605.00 Peruville 465.00 TAX RATES— Inside - Corporation 1 1. General 00822 Highway • 00465 Total 01287 238. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Outside Corporation [ General 00822 Highway 00807 Total 01629 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS McLean 00502 Peruville 0065 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 239 TOWN OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer : State.Tax $ 1,468.31 County Tax 36,426.91 County Highway Tax 8,914.11 Due County 249.07 Support of Poor at County Home 305.62 Hospitalization, Etc. (Paid) Election Expenses 231.97 Expenses of Children's Court 27.80 Compensation Insurance (1933) 708.97 Compensation Insurance (1934) 428.12 $48,760.88 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$1,671.50 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits Highways ° Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous and Snow ,Public Welfare TOTAL BUDGET $3,234.67 " 6,000.00 0,000.00 3,500.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 $19,734.67 $70,185.78 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Spencer Road $450.00 Renwick Heights 265.00 Forest Home 385.00 TAX RATES— [ General .00652 , Inside Highway 00256, Corporation Total 00908 240 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS General 00652 Outside ; Highway 00398 Corporation l Total 01050 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Spencer Road 00177 Renwick Heights 00142 Forest Home 00122 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 241 CITY OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 9,196.86 County Tax 228,159.78 County Highway Tax 55,913.76 Due County 453.85 Support of Poor at County Home 4,746.02 Hospitalization, Etc. 21,533.61 Election Expenses 1,068.88 Expenses of, Children's Court 235.59 Compensation Insurance (1933) , 56.35 Compensation Insurance (1934) 351.80 , . $321,716.50 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$9,023.63 (To be paid by the School District of the City of Ithaca, and not a part of the City Budget, for which this tax is levied.) TAX RATES— General 007 Highway 00148 Total 00848 242 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF LANSING To be Paid the County Treasurer State Tax $ 715.47 County Tax 17,749.95 County Highway Tax 4,347.91 Due County • 252.58 'Support of Poor at County Home 915.68 Hospitalization, Etc. - 6,574.23 Election Expenses 293.29 Compensation Insurance (1933) 362.54 Compensation Insurance (1934) 208.62 $31,420.27. RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$930.73 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $1,623.55 Highways 7,906.27 Bridges _ 2,000.00 Machinery 2,500.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 5,000.00 Certificates of Indebtedness & Int. (3) 1,064.45 $20,094.27 TOTAL BUDGET $52,445.27 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS'. Ludlowville $350.00 TAX RATES - General 0086 Highway 0069 Total 0155 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Ludlowville 0033 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 243 • TOWN OF NEWFIELD To be Paid the County Treasurer : / State Tax •$ 269.71 County Tax 6,691.48 County Highway Tax , 1,641.36 Due County •116.44 Support of Poor at County Home 76.51 Hospitalization, Etc. 2,913.03 Election ExpenSes 156.01 Expenses of Children's Court 64.65 Refund of Taxes 30.00 Compensation Insurance (1933) 132.26 Compensation Insurance (1984) 78.64 $12,170.09 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$309.88 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits. $1,672.41' Highways 3500.00 Bridges 0,000.00 Machinery 1,270.00 Miscellaneous and Snow •2,000.00 Certificates of Indebtedness & Int. (4) 730.00 Public Welfare 2,000.00 Memorial Day 25.00 Town' Library • 300.00. $11,497.41 TOTAL BUDGET • $23,97738 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT Newfield $664.78 TAX RATES— General 0120 Highway • 008 . Total 0200 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT— Newfield - 00300 244 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 'TOWN OF ULYSSES , To be Paid the County -Treasurer : State Tax $ 655.46 County Tax 16,260.99 ' County Highway Tax 3,980.92 Sinking Fund and Interest, Rd. No. 616 650.54 Support of Poor at County Home 586.79 Hospitalization, Etc. 4,567.70 Due County 75.08 Election Expenses 159.97 Compensation Insurance (1933) 317.70 Compensation Insurance (1934) 191.13 $27,446.28 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$1,602.23 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $2,718.00 Highways 7,000.00 Bridges 1,000.00 Machinery - 2,500.00 Miscellaneous & Snow 4,000.00 Certificates of Indebtedness & Int. (3) 1,000.00 General Fund 3,282.00 $21,500.00 TOTAL BUDGET $50,548.51 TAX RATES Inside Corporation Outside Corporation General 01050 Highway 00445 Total 01495 l General 01050 Highway 00445 Primary Highway 004 Total 01895 All of which was respectfully submitted. Dated, December 31, 1934. LAGRAND CHASE, LEPINE STONE, J. B. MYERS, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 245 Moved by Mr. Chase, that0 the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Chase offered the, following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That in accordance with the resolution adopted by the several town boards of the County of Tompkins, now on file with the Clerk of this Board, and the Laws of the State of New York, and in accordance with the foregoing report and recommendations of the Committee on Finance, .that there be levied upon 'and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the fore- going sums for the purposes therein named. Seconded by_ Mr. Squier. Ayes -12. Noes -0.• Crried. • Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on . County Treas- urer's Accounts, rendered the following ' report of the com- mittee, relative to the Mortgage Tax Moneys, now in the hands of the County Treasurer. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, hereby renders the following report, relative to the Mortgage Tax Moneys received and the allocation thereof to be made as fol- lows : Caroline $• 43.87 Danby 25.92. Dryden 121.26 Enfield 21.48 • Groton 49.44 Ithaca City 1,251.02 Ithaca Town 357.91 Lansing 65.14 Newfield 27.17 Ulysses _97.44 $2,060.65 246 PROCEEDINGS OF. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Your committee finds that of the amount to 'which the Town of Dryden is entitled, there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Dryden, the sum of $10.19 and to the incorporated Village of Freeville, the sum of $5.60 ; of the amount of $49A4 to which the Town of 'Groton is entitled, there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Groton, the sum of $.13.79 ; of the amount of $357.91 to which the Town of Ithaca is en- titled, there • should be paid to the incorporated Village of Cayuga Heights, the sum of $70.15'; and of the amount of $97.44 to which the Town of Ulysses is entitled, there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Trumansburg, the, sum of $17.93, your committee therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, relative to the Mortgage Tax Moneys, and the allocation thereof, as therein made, be accepted and adopted and that this Board issue its warrant to the County Treasurer for the distribution .thereof to the several tax dis- tricts of the county entitled thereto, as. herein set forth. Dated, December 31, 1934. LAMONT C. SNOW, J. B. MYERS, A. J. CONLON, Committee. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -12., Noes -0. Carried. • . The Clerk read a communication from the Chenango County Board of Supervisors, which was placed on file. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, . except Messrs. Van Order and Watrous. The Clerk read a communication from the Department of Social Welfare with reference to counties who have infirmaries in connection with county homes, which was placed on file. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 247 Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS, there is pending in. ;the Legislature of the State of New York a resolution authorizing the submission of a con- stitutionalamendment authorizing the collection of tolls from carriers using thevarious canals of the state. And WHEREAS these canals are now maintained and carried on at the expense of the state, amounting to about $10,000,000 per year, and the free use of said canals is a menace to the pros- perity and the continued existence of the railroads of the state which pay nearly $25,000,000 per year in taxes to the state, and the taxes received from the railroads in the county of Tompkins, in the various county, town, village, school district, and special district units. of taxation, are a very substantial part of their income, and without. such income it would be dif- ficult to finance local government. Now therefore Resolved, That the Tompkins County Board. of Supervisors hereby requests the representative of• Tompkins County in the State Legislature to use every honorable mean's to procure the adoption by the 1935 Legislature of the resolution now pending authorizing . the submission of a proposed constitutional amendment permitting the ;;charging and collection of tolls from users of any of the canals of the state. Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the committee be empowered to make the best possible arrangement with reference to vacating the old court house. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried. Mr. Conlon presented the report of Clay C. Tarbell, Justice of the Peace, of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to.the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Albright, Chairman of the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts, presented a report of that committee, rela- tive to the reports of the Justices of the Peace of the several 248 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD •OF SUPERVISORS towns of the county, which was accepted and ordered printed in the Proceedings of the Board. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, January 21, 1935. Fiftenth Day Monday; January 21, 1935 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Van Order. Minutes of December 31, 1934 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS, the City and the Town of Ithaca are co-operating in the draining of an old canal running south from the Fair Grounds along Spencer Road, and WHEREAS, such draininge will relieve some forty-seven tax- payers .as well as improve the health conditions along this route, therefore be it Resolved—That there be;and hereby isappropriated the sum of $200.00 to, pay the county's share of such drainage and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same to the Town of Ithaca out of any funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr., Osborn. . Ayes -13. Noes -O. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the District Attorney relative to a meeting of the District Attorneys' Association in New York on January 26th. Moved by Mr. Squier, that the District Attorney be author- ized to attend the District Attorneys' meeting in. New York on Saturday, January 26th, at the expense of the county. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 249 Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolve'cl—That the County Attorney be and he hereby is ' authorized to attend the conference of municipal attorneys, to be held in New York on the 26th day of January, 1935 and also the convention of County Officers to be held in the City of Al- bany on the day of February, at the expense of the county. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried: Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, rendered the following report, relative to the •report. of the County Treasurer of the moneys in her hands. in the Dog Fund on January 1, 1935., Your Committee reports that• it has examined the report submitted by the, County Treasurer, relative to the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund on January 1, 1935. Your committee finds that the total amount received includ- ing balance from the previous year, was $9,090.00 and the total disbursements were $6,120.91, making a total surplus for the. year of $2,969.09. , That 75% of the above surplus, amounting to $2,226.82, is to be apportioned to the city and towns in proportion to the contribution made by each and is as follows : 250 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Cities and Towns Contributing Amount contributed ' including penalties and costs. Apportionment of seventy-five per cent of surplus. Caroline $ 718.00 Danby 455.45 Dryden 1,271.60 Enfield : 317.00 Groton 961.90 Ithaca 980.00 Lansing 938.05 Newfield 477.85 Ulysses 672.00 Ithaca—City 956.00 $ 207.09 . 131.38' 365.20 91.30 276.13 280.58 269.45 138.06 193.73 273.90 Dated, January 21, 1935. LAMONT C. SNOW, JOS. B. MYERS, A. J. CONLON, Committee. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, relative to the moneys in the• hands of the County Treasurer in the Dog Fund, be accepted 'and that the County Treasurer be and hereby is directed to pay to the several towns in the county and the City of Ithaca, the fore- going amounts, as apportioned' by her and now approved by this.Board, out of the surplus moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund on January 1, 1935. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, January 22, 1935 at 10:30 A. M. , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 251 Sixteenth Da)* Tuesday, January 22, 1935 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of January 21st, meeting, read and approved. Mr. Miller offered the following. resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That hereafter until this action be rescinded, every tax in excess of twenty dollars levied pursuant to Sec- tion 58 of the Tax Law upon property situate in this county, may be paid intwo equal installments, as follows :—The first installment on .or before the first day -of February, where the warrant is .annexed to the assessment roll on or before the 15th day of December, or, if the warrant is annexed at a later date, as above provided on or before the first day of the fol- lowing May ; and, provided the first installment shall have been so paid, the second installment, with .'interest of one-half of one per centum, foreach month or fraction of a month from the said first day of February or the said first day of May, as the case may be, to the date 'of payment of such second in- stallment, in addition thereto, on or before . the first day of August following such first day of February or' first day of May. Seconded by Mr. Albright. Ayes—Messrs. Miller, Mott, Stevenson and Albright -4. Noes—Messrs. Myers, Snow, Watrous, Chase, Veit, Osborn, Squier, Conlon and Stone -9. Resolution lost. Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : ,- WHEREAS, the Federal Government plans on purchasing thirty thousand acres of land in Tompkins County for refor- estation or parks purposes, and 252 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS, much of the land now taken or optioned for, con- tains considerable good land and building and this land when purchased by the Federal Government is not only to be re- moved fromagriculture and all buildings destroyed and WHEREAS, we believe this land will eventually be exempt 'from all taxes makingit a hardship on remaining taxpayers in those towns and school districts, therefore be it Resolved—That we oppose the extensive purchase of land in our county and that a committee be appointed to confer with the proper authorities relative to this 'matter. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Discussion followed. _ Moved by Mr. Osborn that the matter be laid on the table until the adjourned monthly meeting. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Carried. The several supervisors of the towns of the county and of the City of Ithaca; presented the Assessment Rolls of their re- ,spective municipalities, which were referred to the Committee on Equalization Etc., to determine if the same were properly made out, the taxes properly extended and the warrants of the • collectors were correct. , Mr. Osborn, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., reported that the committee had examined the assess- ment rolls of the several municipalities, of the county and, as- certained the amount of tax to be levied in each respectively, had compared the same with the budget ,of the several towns and city and the warrants of the collectors attachedthereto, and had found each to be correct, and that each of the col- lectors warrants were properly made out and were ready for the signatures of the, Chairman and Clerk of the Board. Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the report of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., be accepted, and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board, be directed to sign each of the Collector's Warrants, as attached to the several tax . rolls. Seconded by Mr. Snow. i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Ayes -13. ,Noes -0. Carried. 253 Minutes of day's proceedings read and approved. There being no further business to come before the Board at this annual session, on motion, the same was adjourned without date. W. 0. Smiley, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. SUPERVISORS' ACCOUNTS Table showing the amount of compensation audited and allowed by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to the members thereof, with the items and nature of such compensation to April 1, 1934 and the amount allowed for the distance traveled by member in attending the meetings of the -Board duringthe year 1934. Towns - and City, Supervisors •V ' v V a 0. G m 'o G o v s 0 E. • o U 0 -n • Id o, -o o. C - G > G ,t:y G cq. M '5 ° en ° U ° ao .ia 2 y G v c;,.... �•;: G c 0. o o 0 0 `' O (-I m 0- r21 Total Servi Caroline IL. C. Snow Danby IT. G. Miller Dryden Carl A. Mott Enfield Harvey Stevenson Groton D. J. Watrous Ithaca L. E. Chase Lansing A. J. Conlon Newfield R. C. Albright Ulysses LePine Stone Ithaca City Ist Ward F. D. VanOrder 2nd Ward H. O. Veit 3rd Ward J. B. Myers 4th Ward R. C. Osborn 5th -Ward C. C. Squier $ 102.00 $ 43.68 1 $ 8.08 . 3 $ 18.00 $ 171,76 66.00 . 14.02 1 6.00 3 18.96 104.98 54.00 20.84 1 7.76 3 • 18.88 101.48 60.00 13.44 1 7.28 3 18.64 99.36 60.00 37.52 1 8.72 3 20.72 126.96 156.00 - 28.08 1 6.48 3 18.00 208.56 36.001 7.68 2' 14.50 58.18 30.00 3.68 1 6.96 '3 . 19.92 60.56 156.00 43.88 1 7.92 3 18.00 225.80 192.00 3.00 1 6.00 3 18.00 219.00 96.00 - 1 6.00 3 18.00 • 120.00 - 126.00 3 18.00 144.00 54.00 1 6.00 3 18.00 . 78.00 108.00 3.05 1 6.00 3 18.00 135.05 Is 8.08 6.96 8.26 7.28 8.72 7.08 7.28 6.96 8.52 6.00 6:00 6.00 6.00 6.00 $ 48.07 58.60 87.09 33.97 87.13 85.50 66.21 51.32 86.02 122.13 122.13 $ 126.23 31.92 29.16 41-7.95 116.26 65.24 20.48 33.74 81.72 11.16 15.68 $ 450.00 $ 804.14 450.00 652.46 450.00 675.99 450.00, 638.56. 450.00 789.07 450.00 816.38 450.00 602.15 450.00 602.58 450.00 852.06 450.00 808.29 450.00 576.00 562.50 712.50 450.00 549.68 450.00 713.18 -Total $1,296.001218.871 1$ 83.201 l$255.621$1,853.691 ($ 99.14 $ 848.17 $ 579.54$ 6,412.50 $ 9,793.04 STATE OF NEW YORK, - COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, ss. . BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the number of days the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County was in session prior to April first, the past year; from which time the Board, by law, have been paid a monthly salary, the nature of its duties and the time necessarily em- ployed and the amount allowed for the distance traveled by the individual members in the discharge thereof, as audited- at the annual session of said Board. I also certify that no accounts were audited by the said Board, for any member thereof, or for any person, without being verified according to law. Dated March 20, 1935 ', W. O. SMILEY,CIerk OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK COUNTY AUDITS 1934 No. Claimant Nature of Expense 255 Claimed Allowed 1. Reconstruction Home, Inc.,_.Care, Margaret Meeker, Nov., P. H. C. $ 95.00 $ 95.00 2. Reconstruction Home, Inc.,__Care, Evelyn Freese, 7/21/34 ' to 12/1/34-P. H. C. 396.00 396.00 3. Reconstruction Home, Inc.__Care, Shirley Harvey -Nov. P. H. C. 90.00 90.00 4. Reconstruction Home, Inc.__Care-Barbara Goodband-Sept. • and Nov. -P. H C. ` 180.00 180.00 5. Reconstruction Home, Inc...Care-Robert Miccinati-Nov.- P., H C. 90.00 90.00 6. G. A. C. Berry Back braces & corset -Kathryn • Bereza-P. H. C. 25.00' 25.00 7. G. A. C. Berry Steel arch support -Norman Cole -P. • H. C. 10.00 10.00 8. G. A. C. Berry Plaster cast & straps- Helen Fuller -P. H. C. 5.00 5.00 9. Dr. L. P. Larkin X -ray -Rudolph Whitted- 10. Bernetta Cronk P. H. C. 5.00 5.00 Board -Alice Fairchild - 11. Corner Bookstores, Inc P. H. C. , 30.92 30.92 12. Ithaca Journal -News , Supplies -Co. Judge 30.25 30.25 Pub. Notices -Co. Clerk 6.64 6.64. 13. Joseph H. Brophy, Warden__Freight on plates -Mot. 1-.! i ; i'1?! IP 1 ; '' I '1 j , 1 Veh. Clerk 59.88 59.88 14. Leland H. Arnold Sorting Plates, Mot. Veh. CIk. 58.00 58.00 15. Charlotte V. Bush Postage -Co. Treas: 24.00 ' 24:00 16. American Surety Co. Bond -Co. Treas. 506.25 506.25 Pub. tax sale notices -Co. 17. Journal & Courier Treas. 637.44 637.44 18. Ithaca Journal -News Pub. Redemption sale -Co. , Treas. ' 1,258.56 1,258.56 19. Onondaga Co. Penitentiary..Care of Prisoners -Penal Inst1,552.39 1,552.39 20. Otis Elevator Co. Repairs on Elevator, Jail ___. 17.73 17.73 21. Dr. James E. Dunphy Services, Jail Physician 60.00 60.00 22. Ithaca Journal -News Pub. Notices, Sheriff 40.56 40.56 23'. Ithaca Journal -News Pub. Notices, Dist. Atty. .... 23.92 23.92 24. Walton Reporter Co. Copies of, Appeal Book, Dist. Atty. 28.25 28.25, 25. Wm. A. Dicker Copies of Appeal Book, , Dist. Atty. 25.00 25.00 26. Wm. T. Pritchard Gas, Oil & Garage, 'Co. Lib.• 20.47 20.47 27. Dr. M. J. Foran Expenses, Coroner 65.54 65.54 28. City of Ithaca Fees in Felony, City Ct. 33.20 33.20 29. Edward Ozmun Fees in Felony, Justice.. 5.60 5.60 30. Edward Ozmun Fees in Felony, Justice 3.35 3.35 31. Arthur Gregg Fees in Felony, Constable .... 2.50 2.50 32. Henry Williams Fees in Felony, Justice 17.30 17.30 33.. Carleton Kintz Fees in Dog Cases, Justice ___. 31.30 31.30 34. Edward W. Sykes Fees in Dog Cases, Assessor __ 10.00 10".00 256 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • 35. Clarence D. Tarbell Insurance, Co. Bldgs. 280.00 280.00 36. Clarence D. Tarbell Insurance -Co. Bldgs. 140.00 140.00. 37. Fred A. Rogalsky Insurance -Co. Bldgs. 280.00 280.00 38. Fred A. Rogalsky 'Insurance -Co. CIk's. Bldg 67.50 67.50 39. W. C. Lockwood Mulching & Placing shrubs - Co. Bldgs. 27.00 27.00 4-0. C. J. Rumsey & Co. Supplies -Ct. House 7.01 7.01 41. Wm. A. Church Co. Mileage Books -Dog Quar. 11.00 11.00 42. J. E. Van Natta Rent. of Typewriter-T.E.R.A. 4.00 4.00 43. Wm. A Church Co. Supplies -Co. Dev. Asso .... 23.25 23.25 44. Ithaca Journal -News Pub. Notices-Suprs. ,._. ._.. . 22.68 22.68 45. The Journal & Courier.._Pub. Notices-Suprs. 3.91 3.91 46. W. O. Smiley Postage-Suprs. 10.00 10.00 47 L. C. Snow Mileage & Expenses-Suprs. __ 126.23 126.23 4-8. T. G. Miller Mileage & Expenses-Suprs. __ 31.92 , 31.92 49. Carl A. Mott Mileage & Expenses-Suprs. _. 29.16 29.16 50. Harvey Stevenson Mileage &Expenses-Suprs. ._ 47.95 47.95 51. Denton J. Watrous Mileage & Expenses-Suprs. __ 116.26 116.26 52. Lagrand Chase, Mileage &Expenses-Suprs. .. 65.24 65.24 53. A. J. Conlon Mileage & Expenses-Suprs. __ 20.48 20.48 54. - R. C. Albright Mileage & Expenses-Suprs. __ - 33.74 33.74 55. LePine Stone Mileage & Expenses-Suprs. _. 81.72 81.72 56. F. D. Van Order Mileage & Expenses-Suprs. _ 11.16 11.16 60. C. C. Squier Mileage &.Expenses-Suprs. __ 3.16 3.16 61. Stover Printing Co. Supplies -Co. Supt. 18.80 18.80 Pub. Condem, Proceed.- .62. roceed-62. Free Press Co. Atty. . 17.85 17.85 63. Williamson Law Book Co_Revolver license -Co. Judge__ 1.50, 1.50 64. Rexford R. Chatterton Bond -Com. of Welfare, ._.. 50.00 50.00 65. Treman, King & Co. Supplies -Ct. House 1.35 1.35 66. Bert I. • Vann Expenses -Co. Supt. 112.72 112.72 67. J. E. Van Natta Supplies -Surrogate 5.70 5.70 68. West Publishing Co. ' Law Reports -Co. Judge .... 15.00 15.00 69.- H. A. Carey Co. Insurance -Co. CIk's Bldg.,.... 135.00 135.00 $7,246.34 $7,246.34 State of - New York, County of Tompkins, . ss : Board of Supervisors, I, W. 0. Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, N. Y., DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the fore- going is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Board of Supervisors of said county, at its annual• session in the month of December, 1934, with the amounts claimed and -the amounts allowed.' Dated, February 8, 1935. W: 0. SMILEY, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. No. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 257 TOWN AUDITS TOWN OF CAROLINE ABSTRACT. OF TOWN AUDITS 1934 Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. American Surety Co. Justice, Premium, Bond $ 5.00 $ 5.00 1 2. American Surety Co. Town Clerk, Premium, Bond 2.50 2.50 3. American Surety Co. Supervisor and Supt. of Highways, Premium, Bond.. 45.00 45.00 4. American Surety Co. Justice of the Peace, Premium, Bond 5.00 5.00 5. American Surety Co. Justice of the Peace, Premium, Bond 5.00 6. U. S. Post Office Town Clerk, Envelopes 11.92 7. Arthur Maynard Constable, Service 8.10 8. Wm. H. Clark Constable, Service 1 24.00 9. W. A. Moulton, M.D. Vital Statistics,' Fees 1.75 10. Augustus Middaugh Justice, Criminal Bill 4.45 11. Stagg, Thaler and Stagg ..Highway, Judgmentand costs 374.50 12. Norton Printing Co. Printing, 500 bill heads 6.12 13. 6.65 14. Archie Kenyon Constable, Services American Surety Co. Supervisor, Premium, Highway Bond 26.99 ' 26.99 15. lAmerican Surety Co. Tax .Collector, Premium,' Bond 42.38 42.38 Total Welfare Audits for January $404.08 40. Stover Printing Co. Tax Collection, Printing Tax Notices 7.50 7.50 41'. Monroe M. Sweetland Highway, Legal Services 65.00 65.00 42. Williamson Law Book Co.__Town Orders 1.25 1.25 Total Welfare' Audits for February $460.88 98. American Surety Co. Supervisor, School Bond Premium 33.25 33.25 99. Dr. W. A. Moulton Lunacy Exam., Fee 10.00 10.00 Total Welfare Audits for March • $406.43 156. Williamson Law Book Co. Town Orders 4.50 4.50 157. American Surety Co. Highway, Truck Liability, Insurance Premium 44.75 44.75 158. John. Hunter Highway, Damage to. Auto- mobile • 25.00 20.00 Total Welfare Audits for April $461.88 202. B. F. Lockwood Estate .._.Health Officer, Salary 91.12 91.12 203. B. F. Lockwood Estate ....Health Officer, Vital Statistics, Fees 5.25 5.25 204. B. F.' Lockwood Estate ....Health Officer, Lunacy Examination Fee 10.00 10.00 205. Corner Book Store Memorial Day, Flags 10.50 40.50 Total Welfare Audits for May $400.13 ' 250. Norton Printing Co. Town• Bill Heads, Printing 6.12 6.12 251. Caroline Farmers' Fire , Insurance Co. Highway, Insurance • Assess. 4.80 4.80 5.00 11.92 8.10 24.00 1.75 4.45 374.50 6.12 6.65 258 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense • Claimed Allowed Highway, Truck Liability, 252. American, Surety Co. •Insurance Premium 44.75 44.75 Total Welfare Audits for June $374.39 281. Dr. J. Frank Allen Lunacy Examination Fee 10.00 10.00 282. William A. Church Co. _...Assessors, 2 Assess.. Rolls.... 20.00 . 20.00 283. Williamson Law Book Co. Justice of the Peace, Marriage Services 1.20 • 1.20 Total Welfare Audits for .July • $287.10 301. Charles Fox - Mowing Cemetery 3.30 3.30 Total Welfare Audits for August $324.93 Total Welfare Audits for September $491.51 356. Williamson Law Book Co. Justice of Peace, Dockets and Manual 29.16. 29.16 ' 357. Williamson Law Book Co. Audit Blanks 6.00 6.00 358. Lamont C. Snow Supervisor, Per Diem 76.00 76.00 359. Lamont C. Snow Supervisor, Expenses 21.49 21.49 360. Lamorit C. Snow Supervisor, Percentage, General Fund ' 77.33 77.33 361. Lamont C. Snow Supervisor, Percentage, School Money 166.51 -166.51 ' Augustus Middaugh Justice of Peace, Per. Diem.._. 68.00 ,68.00 Justice, of Peace, _Per Diem.... 68.00 68.00 Justice of Peace, Per Diem._.. 72.00 72.00 Justice of Peace, Per Diem.... 72.00. 72.00 •Justice of Peace, Expenses.__ - 3.60 3.60 Justice of Peace in Metz Case 19.74 19.74 362. 363. George Richards 364. P. Alfred Munch 365. Charles Thomas 366. Charles Thomas 367. Charles Thomas 368. Charles Thomas Justice of Peace, Fee in - criminal matters • 6.10 6.10 369. Charles Thomas Justice of Peace, Fee in ' criminal ' matters 4.50. 4.50 370. Charles Thomas ' ' Justice of Peace, Fee in criminal matters 3.70 3.70 371. Charles Thomas ....Justice of Peace, Fee in ' criminal, matters 7.15 7.i5 372. Charles Thomas Justice of Peace, Fee in criminal matters 1.00. 1.00 373. • Charles Thomas ' Justice of Peace, Fee in criminal matters 4.85 4.85 374. Charles Thomas . Justice of Peace, Fee in ' criminal matters 4.85 4.85, 375. Charles Thomas Justice 'of Peace, Fee in criminal matters 9.60 9.60 376. Charles Thomas Justice of Peace, Fee in criminal matters • 8.25 8.25 377. Charles Thomas - Justice of Peace, Fee in criminal' matters 4.75 4.75 378. Elmer L. Lockwood Town Clerk, Per Diem 126.00 126.00 379. Elmer L. Lockwood . Town Clerk, Jurors List ` 6.00 6.00 380. Elmer' L. Lockwood Town Clerk, Expenses ' 8.00 8.00 ' 381. Elmer L. Lockwood Registrar, Expenses, Vital Statistics 1.50 1.50 382. .Elmer L. Lockwood _...:Registrar, Fees, Vital - Statistics : 50.00 50.00 383. ' Elmer L. Lockwood Town Clerk, Election salary 60.00 60.00 384. Prue Ridgway Welfare Officer, Salary 131.00 • 131.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, . NEW YORK 259 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed .385. .Dr. Edgar Thorsland Vital Statistics, Fees 1.25 386. D. B. Bull Assessor, Per Diem 88.00 387. H. A. Whittaker Assessor, Per Diem 84.00 388. .Charles M. Jones Assessor, Per Diem 80.00 389. D. A. •Chatfield Constable, Mileage 9.95 . 390; Dr. Edgar Thorsland Health Officer, Salary 81.00 391. Raymond H. -Middaugh _...School Attendance Officer, Salary 75.00 392. Mary E. Westfall Election Inspector and messenger, Per Diem 34.92 34.92 393. Chauncey Goodrich Election Inspector, Per Diem 23.00 23.00 394. Helen M. Goodrich Election Inspector, Per Diem 23.00 23.00 395. Ruth Munch Election Inspector, Per Diem . 23.00. 23.00 396. Grace Munch Poll Clerk, Per Diem 10.00 10.00 397. Myrtle Northrup Poll Clerk, Per Diem 10.00 10.00 398. Harry A. Davis Election Inspector and Messenger, Per Diem 34.60 34.60 399. Wm. H. Reynolds Election Inspector, Per Diem 15.00, 15.00 400. Mary H. Chatfield Election Inspector, Per Diem 23.00 23.00 401. Ira Yaple Election Inspector, Per Diem 23.00 23.00 402. Gladys Burns Election Inspector and Poll Clerk, Per Diem 18.00. 18.00 403. Carrie Davis Poll Clerk, Per Diem 10.00 10.00 404. Wilson Osmun Election Inspector and Messenger, Per.Diem 34.12 405. Myron Predmore Election Inspector, Per Diem 23.00 406. Anna Caveney Election Inspector, Per Diem 13.00 407. Patrick Caveney Election Inspector, Per Diem 10.00 408. Harriet Snow Election Inspector, Per Diem 23.00 409. Archie L. Kenyon Poll . Clerk, Per Diem 10.00 410. Minnie. V. Graves Poll Clerk, Per Diem 10.00 411. Caroline M. E. Church _._.Election Purposes, Rent 20.00 412. Caroline Grange Election Purposes, Rent 20.00 413. Brooktondale Cong'l Church _ 20.00 20.00 414. H. H. Watros 5.00 5.00• 415. Caroline Fire Ins. Co. 4.80 4.80 1.25 88.00 84.00 80.00 9.95 81.00 75.00 34.12 23.00 13.00 10.00 • 23.00 • 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 Election Purposes, Rent Cemetery care, Mowing Insurance, Assessment Total Welfare Audits for October $451.79 $7,051.64 $7,009.64 Welfare Audits - $4,185.12 Judgment and Attorney $ 439.50 $4,624.62 $2,385.02 It is hereby certified : That the within list of accounts numbered from 1 to 444 consecutively is a true list of all accounts, charges, claims or demands presented to and audited by the Town Board of this town at all meetings thereof since the preparation and filing of the schedule or list for the preceding year. 260 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dated at Brooktondale, N. Y., this 8th day of November, 1934. LAMONT C. SNOW Supervisor. ELMER L. LOCKWOOD Town Cleric P. ALFRED MUNCH GEO. L. RICHARDS AUGUSTUS MIDDAUGH CHAS. THOMAS No. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 261 ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1934 TOWN OF DANBY Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed ' 1. Luella L. Crevelling Inspector & Mess. Disi. No. 1 $ 28.40 $ 28.40 2. Howard A. Sheffield' Inspector, Dist. No. 1 17.00 17.00. 3'. Mabel E. Bruce Inspector, Dist. No. 1 • 17.00 17.00 4. Euna Miller Inspector, .Dist. No. 1 17.00 17.00 5. Dewain Vorhis General Clerk, Dist. No. 1 _... 5.00 5.00 6. Albert Weitzel General Clerk, Dist. No. 1 _.__ 5.00 5.00 7. Rollo Longhouse Inspector & Mess. Dist. No. 2 29.00 29.00 8. Bessie Van Buskirk Inspector, Dist. No. 2 20.00 17.00 9. Edith P. Snyder Inspector, Dist. No. 2 20.00 17.00 10. Marie Baylor Inspector, Dist. No. 2 20.00 17.00 11. Charles Cole General Clerk, Dist. No. 2.... 5.00 5.00 12. Miriam N. Crance General Clerk, Dist. No. 2.... 5.00 5.00 13. Fred B. Jones Inspector & Mess. Dist. No. 3 29.00 29.00 14. Delos Hill Inspector, Dist. No. 3 17.00 17.00 15. Ellen Luoma Inspector, Dist. No. 3 17.00 17.00 '16. Adria Hill Inspector, Dist. No. 3 17.00 17.00 17. William E. Martin. General Clerk, Dist. No. 5.00 5.00 18. Virginia A. Sprague General Clerk, Dist. No. 5.00 5.00 -19. F. R. Caswell Assessor 76.50 76.50 20. George Button Assessor 76.50 76.50 21. Lewis Cummings Assessor 76.50 76.50 22. W. E. Logan Attendance Officer 11.24 11.24 23. B. J. Jennings Town Clerk 79.70 79.70 24. B. J. Jennings Registrar • 35.75 35.75 25. W. 0. Smiley Services 3.00 '3.00 26. T. G. Miller Services 33.00 33.00 27. Fred E. Dorn Justice Service 30.00 30.00 28. Arthur Bennet Justice Service • 36.00 36.00 29. George 0. Sears Justice Service 36.00 36.00 30. Harry A. Hatfield Justice Service 30.00. 30.00 31. Edward E. Slights Attendance Officer. 62.50 62.50 32. Dr. J. Frank W. Allen Health Officer • 254.21 254.21 33. Mrs. Fred Hill Trustee School Dist. No. 2 Rental 10.00 10.00 34. J. E. Miller Storage 20.00 20.00 35. Eugene Dorn Justice Service 3.00 3.00 36. Harry A. Hatfield Justice Criminal Service 3.60 3.60 37. Dewitt Sincebaugh Dep. Sheriff 11.80 11.80 38. C. L. Hall School Director 5.70 5.70 39. George 0. Sears Justice Criminal Service 9.05 9.05 40. Arthur E. Grant School Director 5.60 5.60 41. Marietta J. Snyder Rental. 15.00 15.00 $1,203.05 $1,194.05 I, B. J. Jennings, Clerk .of the Town of Danby DO HEREBY CERTIFY that this is a true and correct copy of the Audits of the Town of Danby, as audited by the Town Board, Nov. 8, 1934. B. J. JENNINGS, Town Clerk. 262 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1934 TOWN OF DRYDEN No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. Arthur Genung Insp. and Mess., Dist. 1 $ 2. Donald McArthur Inspector, Dist. 1 3. Bessie Reed Inspector, Dist. 1 4. Dora L. Earl Inspector, Dist. 1 5. Ira W. Reed Clerk, Dist. 1 6. Ethel Lason Clerk, 'Dist. 1 7. Mabel Rhodes Treas., Rent of Hall, Dist. 2 8. Bernice Kirk Insp. and Mess., Dist. 2 9. Thomas Ukerrill Inspector, Dist. 2 10. Katherine Caswell Inspector, Dist. 2 11. Fern Carberry Inspector, Dist. 2 - 12. Howard Welch Clerk, Dist. 2 13. Cora Cotauch Clerk, Dist. 2 14. J. D. Ross Sec., Rent of Hall, Dist.,3 .... 15. C. B. Snyder Insp. and Mess., Dist. 3 , 16. Betsy L. Clark Inspector, Dist. 3 17. Earle F. Lufton Inspector, Dist. 3 18. Laura McKeon Inspector, Dist. 3 19. George Bellinger. Inspector, Dist. 3 20. Catherine Guier Clerk, Dist. 3 21. Eula Lufton Clerk, Dist. 3 22. Edna Hart Treas., Rent of Hall, Dist. 4 23. 'Nellie Fulkerson Insp: and Mess., Dist. 4 24. - Lee Sickmon 1 Inspector, Dist. 4 25. L. A. Culver Inspector, Dist. 4 26. Floyd L. Barnes Inspector, Dist. 4 27. Alice Rankin Insp. and Clerk, Dist. 4 28. Edna Hart, Clerk, Dist. 4 29. Mary Hatfield Treas., Rent of Hall, Dist. 5 __ 30. J. D. Rdss Insp. and Mess., Dist. 5 31. Minnie Space • Inspector, Dist. 5 32. Hester Sweetland Inspector, Dist. 5 33. Rose Ellis Inspector,. Dist. 5 34. Mary Hatfield Clerk, Dist. 5 35. Libbie J. Sweetland Clerk, Dist. 5 36. Walter Kinch Mayor, Rent of Hall, Dist. 6 37. Harry Tucker Insp. and Mess., Dist. 6 38. Maude L. Moore Inspector, Dist. 6 39. Harry Vint Inspector, Dist. 6 40. H. Clay Dayton Inspector, Dist. 6. 41. Evelyn .McKinney Clerk, Dist 6 42. Marjorie Williams Clerk, Dist 6 43. ' Howard Hazen Trustee, Rent of Hall,_ Dist. 7 44. Leland Sweetland. Insp. and Mess., Dist. 7 45. John Joiner Insp. and Mess., Dist. 7 46. Arthur Hammond Inspector, Dist. 7 47. Robert Willard Inspector, Dist. 7 48. Anna B. Hasington Clerk, Dist. 7 49. Georgiana Schutt Clerk, Dist. 7 35.92 24.00 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 35.60 24.00 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 37.84 24.00 24.00 17.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 36.20 24.00 24.00 17.00 14.00 '7.00 35.00 37.84 24.00 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 36.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 31.25 31.25 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 35.92 24.00 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 35.60 24.00 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 37.84 24.00 24.00 17.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 36.20 24.00 24.00 '17.00 14.00 7.00 35.00 37.84 24.00 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 36.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 7.00 .7.00 35.00 31.25 31.25' 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 263 No. Claimant. 'Nature of Expense ' - Claimed Allowed 50. 51. 52. 53. 54-. F. O. Robertson 55. Paul Ewers 56. J. D. Ross 57. Walter Kinch 58. Orrie Cornelius 59. J. O. Robertson 60. Walter Kinch 61. J. D. Ross 62. 63. 64-. C. D. Griswold 65. Truman English 66. Bernice Kirk 67. C. B: Snyder Carl A. Mott Supervisor, 92.00 ..92.00 Orrie Cornelius Justice 56.00 56.00 C. Harry /Spaulding Justice 44.00 44.00 L. A. Culver Justice 20.00 ' 20.00 Justice 16.00 . 16.00 Justice ' • 8.00 8.00. Justice 52.00 52.00 Justice ' 80.00 80.00 Justice 9.70 . 9.70 Justice 4.80 4.80 Justice 6.10 6.10 Justice 23.85 23.85 C. 1-larry-Spaulding.., justice 78.75 78.75 Edward W. Sykes Assessor 216.00 216.00 Assessor. ' 208.00 208.00 Assessor .152.00 152.00 School Director,. 5.80 5.80 School Director 6.20 6.20 68. George Warner Constable 27.40 ' 27.40 69. A. J. Hines Attendance Officer 1.35.00 135.00 70. Jane C. Hines Town Clerk 289.35 289.35 71. Dr. Gilchrist, Est. .75 .75' 72.. Dr. H. Genung, Est. ' , - 288.43 288.43 , 73. Dr. D. M. Ryan Health Officer 139.81 139.81 74. Dr. D. M. Ryan •Poor Contract 87.50. 87.50 75. Dr. D. M. Ryan Vital Statistics 10.00 10.00 76. Walter Kinch Mayor, Rent of Sheds . 5.00 5.00 77. Mona Spaulding Rent Law Cases ' 8.00 8.00 78. Mabel Rhodes Rent Law Cases 8.00 8.00 79. John J. Triff Mayor, Board.. of Health 8.00 8.00 80. Carl A. Mott' Supervisor, .Board of Health 4.00 4.00 81. Walter Kinch Mayor; Board •of Health 8.00 8.00 $3,168.34 $3,168.34- I, 3,168.34 I, Jane C. Hines, Town Clerk, of the Town' of Dryden, County .of Tompkins, and State of New York, DO 'HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is, a true and exact copy of the list of accounts against the township, audited ,by the Town Board, acting as the Board of Auditors for the said town for the year 1934. - JANE C. HINES, Town Clerk CARL A. MOTT, Supervisor. ORRIE CORNELIUS C. HARRY SPAULDING L. A. CULVER WALTER KINCH J. D. ROSS 264 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1934 TOWN OF ENFIELD No. Claimant Nature of Expense' Claimed Allowed 1. Leon A. Beardsley Health Officer Services $ 194.65 $ 194.65 2. Leon A. Beardsley Vital Statistics 3.65 3.65 3. Vincent Meyer Inspector and Mess. ' • 35.80 35.80 4. C: C. Fitch Patrick Inspector •and Mess. 35.80 35.80 5. Austin Legge, Inspector and Mess.. 35.80 35.80 6. Anthony Brable Inspector and Mess. 35.80 35.80- 7. George W. Lane Inspector - 30.00 30.00 8. George Tubbs Inspector 30.00 30.00 9. Margaret Stamp Inspector 30.00 30.00 10. Edna McFall Inspector 30.00 30.00 ' 11. Kenneth Storighten Clerk of Election 10.00 10.00 12. Frank J. Lehman Clerk of Election ' 10.00 10.00 13. Claud Wilkin Clerk of Election 10.00 10.00 14. Fayette Hine Clerk of Election 10.00 10.00 15. Fred McFall Hall for Election Purposes.... 40.00 40.00 16. Gilbert Fisher Assessor Chairman , 83.00 83.00 17. Ralph Lovelace Assessor 60.00 60.00 18. Ward Spencer Assessor .- 57.00 57.00 19. J. W. Burton• Vital Statistics 2.00 2.00 20. American Surety Co. Justice Bond for' Stamp 5.00 5.00 21. Charles Houghtaling Supplies 2.65 2.65 22. H. D. Bailey Vital Statistics 37.25 37.25 23. William A. Church Co. ....2 Assessment Rolls 23.25 23.25 24. H. D.• Bailey Town Clerk Service Bill 84.00 84.00 25. Williamson Law Book Co. Supplies 18.12 '18.12 26. C. F. Teeter Welfare Service Bill 183.60 183.60 $1,097.37.$1,097.37 We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of the Town of Enfield, N. Y., do hereby certify that the foregoing is correct list of accounts, which have been audited by ,u.s, . with the amount claimed and the amount al- • lowed. HARVEY STEVENSON, VERNON H. EARL THOMAS R. BROWN, JAY W. STAMP, H. D. BAILEY, Town Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW 'YORK 265 ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1934 TOWN OF GROTON No., Claimant Nature of Expense • Claimed Allowed 1. R. C. Smith Supr. Per Cent School Money $ 140.64 $ 140.64 2. R. R. Chatterton Fees in Criminal Case 8.15 8.15 3. Mrs. Ellen Hickey Election Clerk Dist. 5 8.00 8.00, 4. Mrs. Mary Dwyer Insp. and Mess. Dist. 5 30.28 30.28 5. Associated G. & E. Co. ....Lights McLean & Peru 107.50 107.50 6. Ella A. Moe Telephone Clerk's Office 3.85 3.85 7. Williamson Law Book Co. Supv. & Justice Supplies 40.16 40.16 8. R. C. Smith ' Per Cent General Fund & Per Diem 141.31 9. R. C. Smith Phone Bill, Stamps etc. 4.56 10. R. R. Chatterton Per Diem Board Meetings .__. 10.00 11. J. B. Sheeler Per Diem Board Meetings .... 10.00 12. Miles G. Tarbell Per Diem Board Meetings .... 10.00 13. G. B. Sickmon Per Diem Board Meetings .... 10.00 14. G. B. Sickmon Sub. Registrar Vital' Statistics 1.75 15. C:H. Moe Per Diem Board Meetings .... 10.00 16. E. A. Landon Est....._......_Phone Calls as welfare Officer 4.95 17. A. J. Metzgar Constable Fees 14.40 18. Journal & Courier 1000 Letter Heads 4.75 19. Ella A. Moe Rent & Phone .Clerk's Office.... • 54.05 20. Associated G. & E. Co. Lights McLean & Peru 107.50" 21. 22. Journal & Courier Envelopes 6.20 L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriter Co. Repair Adding Machine 1.91 1.21 23. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. Bond Premiums • 70.00 70.00 24. American Surety Co. Bond Premiums 132.81 132.81.- 25. D. J. Watrous Supervisor Stamps 3.00 3.00 26. Ella A. Moe Phone Clerk's Office 3.25 3.25 27. James Robertson Collector Taz Yown Sand• Bank 1.35 28. Associated G. & E. Co. ....Lights McLean & Peru 107.50 29. D. J. Watrous Supervisor Phone Calls 2.05 30. Journal & Courier Printing' 37.10 31. Ella A. Moe Phone Clerk's Office 3.25 32. H. Margaret Janorsky Copying Names 5.00 33. John J. Hare Agent Bond Premiums 15.00 34. American' Surety' Co. Holdup & Burglary Ins.' 16.00 35. Associated G. & E. Co. Lights McLean & Peru 107.50 . 36. Associated G. & E. Co. ....Lights McLean & Peru 107.50 37. American Surety Co. Bond, Premiums 5.00 38. G. B. Sickmon Justice Fees Dog Case ' 3.50 39. John T. Terrell Constable Fees Dog Case 2.80 40. Journal & Courier' Printing & Padding 2500 Town Warrants 10.00 10.00 141.31 4.56 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1.75 10.00 4.95 14.40 4.75 54.05 107.50 6.20 1.35 107.50 2.05 37.10 3.25 5.00 15.00 16.00 107.50 107.50 5.00 3.50 2.80 266 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed, Allowed 41. Ella A. Moe Rent & Telephone Clerk's Office , ' 53.25 53.25 42. D. J. Watrous' Phone, Stamps & Stationery .._ 5.98 5.98 43. R. R. Chatterton Justice.Fees - 1.30 1.30 44. Journal & Courier Printing Supv. Report 13.44 13.44 , 45. C. H. Moe Town Clerk Services & Per Diem • 105.00 105.00 46. Ella A. Moe Telephone Clerk's Office 3.25 3.25 47. Associated G. & E. Co. ....Lights McLean & Peru 107.50 107.50 48. R. R. Chatterton Berry Contract & Phone 3.00 3.00 49. Ella A. Moe ' Phone Clerk's Office 3.25 3.25 50. D. J. Watrous Stamps & Phone Calls 6.19 6.19, 51. Ella A. Moe Rent & Phone Clerk's Office.... 53.25 53.25 52. Charles H. Moe Listing Dog 8.00 8.00 53. Leon F. Buck Attendance Officer Salary .... . 50.00 50.00 54. D. J. Watrous Recording Berry Agreement Co. Clerk 2.45 2.45 55. H. M. Geisenhoff Agent Supv: School Bond Premium 28.00 28.00 56. D. S. Purdy Extra Premium fornWelfare Officer 2.78 2.78 57. Associated G. & E. Co. Lights McLean & Peru . 215.00 215.00 58. Associated G. & E. Co. Lights McLean & Peru 107.50 107.50 59. Journal & Courier Printing Supervisor's Report 8.96 • 8.96 60. William A. Church Co. 2 Assessment Rolls 30.50 • 30.50 61. American Surety Co. Additional Holdup Premium 1.75 1.75 •62. Charles H. Gardner Legal Services Berry Contract 5,.06 63. Ella A. Moe Telephone Clerk's Office 3.25 64. Travellers Insurance Co.._.:Boiler Insurance 51.93 65. Journal & Courier Notice Completion of Assess- . merit Roll 1.96 1.96 66. Ella A. Moe Telephone Clerk's Office 3.25 3.25 67. Associated G. & E.' Co. _._Lights McLean & Peru 107.50 107.50 68. G. M. Gilchrist Est. Vital Statistics 12.75 12.75 69. Journal & Courier Notices Filing Assessment Roll 1.40 1.40 70. Dennis & Co. Supplies for Town Clerk 21.71 21.71 71. Ella A. Moe , Rent & Telephone Clerk's • Office / 53.25 53.25 72. D. J. Watrous Per Diem & Highway Allowance 278.00 278.00 73. R. R. Chatterton Per Diem 72.00 72.00 74. R. R. Chatterton Legal' Services to Town Board ' • 75.00 75.00 75. G. B. Sickmon Per Diem 72.00 72.00 76. ' G. B. Sickmon . - Vital Statistics Sub Registrar 1:00 1.00 77. J. 13. Sheeler Per Diem 72.00_ 72.00' 78: Miles G. Tarbell Per Diem 72.00• 72.00 79. Charles H. Moe Vital Statistics Services etc. 321.88 321.8'8 80. J. W. Jones Assessor 207.95 .207.95 81. C. Fay Benson Assessor 195.75 195.75 82. Archie R. Gillen • Assessor 196.45 196.45 83. F. E. Ryan, M.D. I-Iealth Officer Salary 335.57 -`" 335.57 84. F. E. Ryan, M.D. Reporting Communicable diseases ,3.00 3.00 5.00 • 3.25 51.93 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 267 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed . Allowed 85. E. G. Reniff Expenses School Director 3.60 3.60 86. R. C. Tarbell Vital Statistics 3.25 3.25 '87. Ella A. Moe Telephone Clerk's Office, 3.25 3.25 88. E. R. Haydn Supplies 3.35 3.35 89. Dennis & Co. Record of fees ' 6.62 6.62 90. American Surety Co. Bond Premium Town Officers 42.50 42.50 91. Associated G. & E. Co. Lights McLean & Peru 215.00 215.00 92. Howard Jackson Insp. & Mess. Dist. 1 38.40 35.40 93. Ettie Tarbell Insp. & Mess. Dist. 1 26.00 26.00- 94. Eva Hopkins Insp. & Mess. Dist. 1 24.00 • 24.00 • 95. Emma Karlson Insp. & Mess. Dist. 1 24.00 24.00 96. Ray Rogers • Clerk Dist. 1 8.00 8.00 97. Emmett Karn Clerk Dist. 1 8.00 8.00 98. Miles G. Tarbell Trustee Rent & Erecting Booths Dist. 1 40.00 40.00 99. Della Halladay Insp. & Mess. Dist. 2 , 30.36 30.36 100. Nella Jones Insp. & Mess. Dist. 2 30.36 30.36 101. Lena Jennings Insp. & Mess. Dist. 2 24.00 24.00 102. Mary Ryan Insp. & Mess. Dist. 2 24.00 24.00 103'. Walter Halladay Clerk Dist. 2 8.00 3.00 104. A. J. Metzgar Clerk Dist. 2 8.00 3.00 105. L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriter Co. Rent Dist 2 32.00 32.00 106. James H. Waterman Insp. & Mess. Dist 3 30.36 30.36 107.. Mary R. Long' --Insp. & Mess. Dist 3 30.36 • 30.36 108. Sarah E. Kirby Inspector Dist. 3 24.00 24.00 109. I-Iattie M. Teeter Inspector Dist. 3 24.00 24.00 110. George Stark Clerk Dist 3 8.00 8.00 111. Olive Halladay Clerk Dist 3 8.00 8.00 112. Jay Conger Agent Rent Polling Place Dist 3 32.00 '32.00 113. Jessie Metzgar Insp. & Mess. Dist. 4 30.36 30.36 114. Ethel H. Bethel Insp. & Mess. Dist. 4 . 30.36 30.36 115. Mina E. Rounseville Inspector Dist. 4 24.00 24.00 116. Asa F. Metzger Inspector Dist. 4 ' 24.00 24.00. 117. Mabel Spencer Clerk Dist. 4 8.00 8.00 118. Eva J. Dempsey Clerk Dist. 4 8.00 8.00 119. Village of Groton ' Rent Polling Place Dist. 4 "32.00 • 32.00 120. Nellie C. Hamill ' Insp. & Mess. Dist. 5 30.36 30.36 121. Lillian B. Benedict Insp. & Mess. Dist. 5 • . 30.36 30.36 122. Jennie A. King Inspector Dist. 5 24.00 24.00 123. Mary- H. Dwyer Inspector Dist. 5 24.00 24.00 124. Ellen Hickey Clerk Dist. 5 8.00 • ' 8.00 125. Lillian Ogden Clerk Dist. 5 8.00 8.00 126. Walter J. Holmes • Rent Polling Place Dist. 5, 32.00 32.00 127. Mary A. Austin Insp. & Mess.. Dist. 6 30.84 30.84 128. Franklin M. Clark Insp. & Mess. Dist. 6 30.84 30.84 129. Minnie S. Champlin Inspector Dist. 6 26.00 26.00 130. Marjorie C. Kane ' Inspector Dist.' 6 26.00 26.00 '131. Frank A. Brown, Jr. Clerk Dist. 6 8.00 8.00 132. Tessie F. Price Clerk Dist. 6 8.00 8.00 133. Grace L. Thomas Rent Polling Place Dist. 6 .... 30.00 • 30.00 134. Archie R. Gillen Erecting Booths Dist. 6 10.00 0.00 268 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 135. Frances E. Ryan Insp. & Mess. Dist. 7 30.28 30.28 136. John T. Terrell Insp. & Mess. Dist. 7 30.28 30.28 137. Marion S. Tomlinson Inspector Dist. 7 26.00 26.00 138. I. H. Powell Inspector Dist. 7 26.00 26.00 139. Emily M. Waldron Clerk Dist. 7 8.00 8.00 140. Ruth Stilwell Clerk Dist. 7 8.00 8.00 141. Harry Davidson Rent & Erecting booths Dist. 7 37.00 37.00, 142; John D. Dates Livery election supplies 18.00 18.00 $5,763.61 $5,763.61 Election Expenses $1,148.52 General Control 3,084.69 Contract Bills ' (Street Lights—McLean,, Peru— 1 Rent and Phone 153.40 $5,763.61 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 269 ABSTRACT OF CLAIMS AUDITED BY THE TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF GROTON No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 2-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 3-W A. H. Webster Coal T. E. R. A 4-W A. H. Webster Coal T. E. R. A. 5-W. Harry Chapman Groceries ,T. E. R. A. 6-W R. W. Tomlinson Coal T. E. R. A. 7-W G. W. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 8-W Harry Davidson Groceries T. E. R. A. 9-W S. C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E. R. A. 10 W • S. C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E. R. A. 11-W S. C. Gooding' Co. Coal T. E. R. A. 12-W F. E. Pierson Groceries T. E. R. A. 13-W Mott Castle Board T. E. R. A. 14-W Leo L. Osborne Groceries T. E. R. A. 15-W G. W. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 16-W Robert J. Booth Mileage 17-W L. C. Jackson Salary & Mileage Welfare Officer • 18-W Mary Kennedy Service 19-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 20-W S. C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E. R. A. 21-W S. C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E. R. A. 22-W D. A. Knapp Coal T. E. R. A. 23-W Mott Castle Board T. E. R. A. 24-W F. E. Pierson Groceries T. E. R. A. 25-W A. H. Webster Coal T. E. R. A. 26-W A. H. Webster 'Coal T. E. R. A. 27-W Harry Chapman Groceries T. E. R. A: 28-W Harry Davidson Groceries T. E. R. A. 29-W R. W. Tomlinson Coal T. E. R. A. 30-W Leo L. Osborne Groceries T. E. R. A. 31-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 32-W Mrs. Henry Hoff 'Rent T. E. R. A. 33-W O. E. White, M.D. Professional Services 34-W Village of Groton Water Rent 35-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries 36-W J. D. Grimes Shoes 37-W L. C: Jackson Salary & Mileage Welfare 38-W Mary Kennedy 39-W Leo L. Osborne 40-W Harry Davidson 41-W Harry Chapman Groceries T. E. R. A. 42-W G. M. Gilchrist, M.D. __Prof. Services T. E. R. A. _ 43-W G. M. Gilchrist, M.D. __Prof. Services T. E. R. A. __ 44-W G. M. Gilchrist, M.D. __Prof. Services T. E. R. A. __ 45-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. .._.Prof. Services T. E. R. A. __ 46-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. ._._Prof. Services T. E. R. A. ___ 47-W Henry Geisenhoff- Rent T. E. R. A. 48-W S. C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E. R. A. Officer Services Groceries T. E. IR. A. Groceries & Shoes T. E. R. A. 16.00 16.00 6.50 3.35 6.13 11.50 10.00 18.00 12.50 12.75 12.50 7.01 10.70 6.01 8.00 10.00 61.43 30.00 16.00 25.00 12.75 12.50 11.08 12.49 6.50 12.50 6.00 18.00 23.00 6.20 4.60 10.00 50.00 1.20 9.97 11.33 52.38 30.00 6.06 20.75 6.00 33.00 12.50 13.50 8.50 25.00 4.00 12.50 16.00 16.00 6.50 3.35 6.13 11.50. 10.00 18.00 12.50 12.75 12.50 7.01 10.70 6.01 8.00 10.00 61.43 30.00 16.00 25.00 12.75 12.50 11.08 12.49 6.50 12.50 6.00 18.00 23.00 6.20 4.60 10.00 50.00 1.20 9.97 11.33 52.38 30.00 6.06 20.75 6.00 33.00 12.50 13.50 8.50 25.00 4.00 12.50 270 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 49-W S. C. Gooding Co. ........Coal T. E. R. A. 50-W Jay Portzline Milk T. E. R. A. 51-W D. A. Knapp Coal T. E. R. A. 52-W A. H. Webster Coal T. E. R. A. 53-W A. H. Webster Coal T. E. R. A. 54-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries TER. A. , 55-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 56-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 57,W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 58-W Mott Castle Board T. E. R. A. 59-W Cortland Co. I-Iospital ....X-ray 60-W Alvin Booth Co. 2 Burial Services 61-W L. C. Jackson Salary & Mileage Welfare Officer • 62-W L. C. Jackson Service 63-W Mrs. Alys Hoff - Rent T. E. R. A. 64-W i Charles L. 1-Iuisking Co. Inc. T. E. R. A. 65-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 66-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 67-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 68-W Sovocool & Snyder' Groceries T. E. R. A. 69-W A. H. Webster Coal T. E. R. A. 70-W A. H. Webster - Coal T. E. R. A. 71-W A. H. Webster Coal T. E. R. A. 72-W, Harry Chapman Groceries T. E. R. A. 73-W J. H. Van Marter, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A_ 74-W J. 'H. Van Marter, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A.._ 75-W Charles Bossard Milk T. E. R. A- 76-W D. A. Knapp Coal T. E. R. A. 77-W D. A. Knapp Coal T. -E. R. A. 78-W L. L. Osborne, Groceries T. E. R. A. 79-W Mott Castle • Board T. E. R. A. 80-W F. E. Pierson Groceries. T. E. R. A. 81-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. .... 82-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A.._.. 83-W R. C. Tarbell, M. D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. 84-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. Prof: Services T. E. R. A. ._.. 85-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. ._.. 86-W Edward. Walpole Wood T. E. R. A. 87-.W Edward Walpole Wood T. E. R. A. 88-W Edward Walpole Wood 'T. E. R. A. 89-W Edward Walpole Wood T. E. R. A. 90-W I. H. Powell ' Rent T. E. R. A. 91-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 92-W. Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 93-W S. C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E. R. A. 94-W S. C. Gooding Co. Cdal T. E. 'R. A. 95-W S. C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E. R. A. 96-W G. M. •Gilchrist, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. 97-W G. M. Gilchrist, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. 98-W H. M. Geisenhoff Rent T. E. R. A. 99--W Alys Hoff Rent T. E. R. A. 100-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D.....Glasses 101-W E. R. Haydn School Supplies' ' 12.75 1.41 12.50 7.13 12.50 5.96 5.00 12.00 16.00 11.08 5.00 125.00 44.67 2.50 10.00 12.75 .1.41, 12.50 7.13 12.50 5.96 5.00 12.00 16.00 11.08 5.00 125.00 44.67 2.50 10.00 5.75 5.75 2.74 2.74 16.64 16.64 4.96 4.96 5.98 5.98 4.50 4:50 10.50 10.50 13.15' 13.15 6.04 6.04 17.00 17.00 4.00 4.00 4.62 4.62 12.50 12.50 12.75 12.75 6.03 6.03 10.00 10.00. 9.00 9.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 . 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 3.00. 3.00 10.00 10.00 3.20 3.20 12.00 12.00 12.75 12.75 12.50 12.50 12.50. .12.50 14.00 14.00 2.00 ' 2.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 .75 .75 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK No. Claimant Nature of Expense 271 - Claimed Allowed 102-W Alvin Booth Co. Funeral 103-W S. A. Vernooy, M.D. ....Prof. Services 104-W Millard Babcock Wood 105-W Mary Kennedy Services 106-W L. C. Jackson Salary & Mileage 107-W S. C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E. R. A. 108-W S. C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E. R. A. 109-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 110 -NV A. FI. Webster Coal T. E. R. A. 111-W A. H. Webster Coal T. E. R: A. 112-W A. FI. Webster Coal T: E.'R. A. 113-W Sovocool & Snyder' Groceries T. E. .R. A. 114-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E..Rr A. 115-W L. L. Osborne Groceries T. E. R. A. 116-W Harry Chapman Groceries 1': E. R. A. 117-W F. E. Pierson Groceries' T. E. R. A. 115-W F. E. Pierson ' Groceries T. E. R. A. 119-W F. E. Pierson Groceries T. E. R. A. 75.00 75.00 11.50 11.50 15.00 15.00 58.00 58.00 54.75 54,75 25.00 25.00 12.75 12.75 12.00 12.00 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 5.25 5.25 9.19 9.19 4.99 4.99 6.10 6.10 6.08 6.08 r 3.42 3.42 1.80 1.80 15.03 15.03 11.08 11.08 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 12.00 9.00 9.00 5.00 5.00 8-.00 8.00 .75 .75 30.00 30.00 100.00 100.00 120-W Mott Castle Board T. E. R. A. 121-W 1-1.- M. Geisenhoff Rent T. E. R. A. 122-W G. b7. Gilchrist, M. D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. 123-W G. M. Gilchrist, M.D. Prof Services T. E. R. A. 124-W G. M. Gilchrist, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. 125 -NV R. C. Tarbell, M: D.....Prof. Services T. E. R. A 126-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. ....Prof. Services T. E. R.'A. -_- 127-NV E. R. Haydn School Supplies 128-W . Mary. Kennedy Services 129-W Alvon Booth Co. Burial Service 130-W L. C. Jackson Salary & Mileage Welfare. . Officer H. M. Gensenhoff Rent T. E. R. A.' Mott Castle Board T. E: R. A. Harry Chapman Groceries T:. E. R. A. A. I-1. Webster Coal T. E. R. A. A. H. Webster Coal T. E. R. A. A. 1-1. Webster Coal T:,E: R. A. S. C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E. R. A. S...C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E.• R. A. F. E. Pierson _ Groceries T. E. R. A. F. E. Pierson Groceries 1'. E. R. A. F. E. Pierson . Clothing T. E. R. A. Edward Walpole Wood T. E. R. A. Edward Walpole Wood T. E. R. A. ' Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. Alys Hoff - Rent T. E. R. A. 148-W James Simmons Groceries T. E. R. A. 14-9-W J. D. Grimes Shoes T. E. R. A. 150-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 151-W L. L. Osborne Groceries T. E: R. A. 152-W G. M. Gilchrist, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A..... 153-W G. M. Gilchrist, M.D. Prof Services /T. E. R. A. .... 154-W G. M. Gilchrist, M. D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. .... 155-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. .-..Prof. Services T. E. R. A..... 131-W' 132-W 133-W 134-W 135-W 136-W 137-W 138-W 139-W 140-W 141-W 142-W 143-W 144 -NV 145-W 146-W 147 -NV 75.56 4.00 10.70 6.00 , 12.50 12.50 6.50 11.87 12.50 2.75 12.00 1.25 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 1.04 10.00 2:19 7.95 12.00 5.94 5.00 2.00 6.00 5.00 75.56 4.00 10.70- .6.00 12.50 12.50 6:50 11.87 12.50 2.75 12.00 1.25 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 1.04 10.00 2.19 7.95 12.00 5.94 5.00 2.00 6.00 5.00 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 156-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A..... 5.00 5.00 157-W Cortland Co. Hosp. Welfare 139.39 139.39 158-W Glenwood Cemetery Association Lot 10.00 10.00 159-W Maurice Ronan Opening grave • 10.00 10.00 160-W Robert Albertson Funeral 75.00 75.00 161-W E. M. Perkins Funeral 30.00 30.00 • 162-W Grace Metzgar Nursing 18.00 18.00 163-W L. E. Jones Supplies.. .50 .50 ' 164-W L. E. Jones Supplies 1.25 1.25 165-W McLean Cemetery Association 2 graves 7.00 7.00 166-W Mary Kennedy - Services 30.00 30.00 167-W Delbert Howe Wood 12.00 12.00 168-W L: C. Jackson Salary . & Mileage Welfare Officer 50.60 50.60 169-W . H. M. Geisenhoff Rent. T. E. R. A. 4.00 4.00 170-W Mott Castle Board T. E. R. A. 11.08 : 11.08 171-W F. E.' Pierson • Groceries T. E. R. A. 11.96 11.96 172-W F. E. Pierson Shoes T. E. R. A. 4.00 4.00 173-W . S. C. Gooding Co. ____Coal T. E. R. A. 6.15 6.15 174-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 12.00 12.00 175-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 8.00 8.00 176-W Sovocool &Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 4.98 4.98. 177-W J. D. Grimes Shoes T. E. R. A. 5.00 5.00 178-W J. D. Grimes Clothing T. E. R. A. 4.33 4.33 179-W James Simmons Groceries T. E.' R. A. 1.99 1.99 180-W G. M. Gilchrist, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. 4.00 4.00 181-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. 14.00 14.00 182-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. .._. 4.00 -,4.00 183-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. Prof. Services T'.. E. R. A. _... 2.00 2.00 18'4-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. .... 14.00 14.00, 185-W J. H. Van'Marter, M.DProf. Services T. E. R. A. .... 6.00 6.00 186-W J. H. Van Marter, M.DProf. Services T. E. R. A. .... 25.00 25.00 187-W Harry Chapman Groceries T. E. R. A. 6.01 6.01 188-W Harry Davidson Groceries T. E. R. A. 7.61 ' 7.61 189-W Harry Davidson Groceries T. E. R. A. /3.26 3.26 190r W L. L. Osborne Groceries T. E. R A. 6.01 6.01' 191-W Olive Edsall Nursing T. E. R. A. 26.00. 26.00 192-W Veronica Sperger Nursing T. E. R. A. 27.00 27.00 193-W Veronica Sperger Nursing T E. R. A. 120.00 120.00 194-W Veronica Sperger Nursing T. E. R. A. 33.00 33.00 195-W Grace . Metzgar Nursing T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 • 196-W Village of Groton Lights 6.90 6.90 197-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. Prof. Services '7.00 7.00 198-W Mary Kennedy Services 30.00 30.00 199-W Mildred Ring Nursing 42.00 42.00 200-W ,L. C. Jackson Salary & Mileage Welfare Officer 201-W Veronica Sperger Nursing T. E. R. A. 202-W F. E. Pierson Groceries T. E. R. A. 203-W F. E. 'Pierson Groceries T. E. R. A. 204-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. •A. 205-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 206-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 44.60 30.00 3.83 15.05 12.00 8.10. 4.98 44.60 30.00 3.83 15.05 12.00 8.10 4.98 • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK .273 No. ' Claimant' Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed. 207-W. James Simmons Groceries 1'. E. R. A. 2.73 2.73 208-W Harry Chapman Groceries T. E. R. A. 6.02 6.02 209-W Harry Davidson Groceries T. -E. R. A. , 2.74 2.74 210-W Harry Davidson Groceries T. E. R .A. 8.00 8.00 211-W L. L. Osborne Groceries T. E. R. A. 5.99 5.99 212-W, H. M. Geisenhoff Rent T. E. R. A. 4.00 . 4.00 213-W Olive Edsall Nursing T. E. R. A. 25.00 25.00. 214-W Mott Castle Board T. E. R. A. 10.70 10.70 215-W R. C. Tarbell, M. D. ___Prof. Services T. E. R. A. _ 40.00 40.00 216-W Mrs. John Steele ..... __Nursing T. E. R. A. 2.00 2.00 217-W J. H. VanMarter, M.D. Prof Services 1'. E. R. A. ._34.00 34.00 218-W Mrs. Fred Merrill ..... ...Supplies • 4.29. 4.29 219-W Delbert Howe Wood 30.00 30.00 220-W Veronica Sperger Nursing 34.50 34.50 221-W Cortland Co. Hosp. Care • 56.25 56.2Y 222-W L. C. Jackson Salary & Mileage Welfare Officer 48.92 48.92. 223-W Mott Castle Board T. E. R.•A. 11.08 11.08 224-W H. M. Geisenhoff Rent T. E. R. A. 4.00 4.00 225-W Harry Davidson Groceries T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00. 226-W Harry Davidson ' Groceries T. E. R. A. 1.98 1.98' 227-W Harry Chaprnari Groceries T. E. R. A. " 6.02 6.02 228-W Veronica Sperger Nursing T. E. R. A. '31.00 31.00 229-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. ___. 4.00 4.00 230-W S. C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E. R. A. 6.12 6.12 231-W F. E. Pierson Groceries 1'. E. R. A. 12.19 12.19 232-W L. L. Osborne Groceries T. E. R. A. 6.17 6.17 233-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 12.00 12.00 234-W J. H. VanMarter, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A. .__ 26.00 26.00 235-W Sovocool & Snyder . Groceries T. E. R. A. 8.49 8.49' 236-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 5.00 5.00 237-W J. E. Watenberg, M.D. Prof. Services'T. E. R. A. 50.00 50.00 238-W Veronica Sperger Nursing 34.65 34.65 239-W Mary Kennedy Services 66.00 60.00 240-W L. C. Jackson Salary & Mileage Welfare Officer 47.86 47.86 241-W L. L. Osborne Groceries T. E. R. A. 6.01 6.01 242-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 12.00 12.00 243-W Harry Chapman Groceries T. E. R. A. 6.03 6.03 244-W James Simmons ,Groceries T. E. R. A. 6.85 6.85 245-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 5.00 5.00 246=W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 10.00 10.00 247-W F. E. Pierson - Groceries T. E .R. A. 3.65 3.65 248-W Mott Castle Board T. E. R. A. 11.08 41.08 249-W F. E. Pierson Groceries T. E. R. A. / 15.04 15.04 250-W H. M. Geisenhoff. Rent T. E. R. A. • 4.00 4.00 251-W J. H. VanMarter, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A6.00 6.00 '252-W Bernice M. Kirk Nursing T. E. R. A. 20.00 e 20.00 253-W Veronica Sperger Nursing T.. E. R. A. 12.00 12.00 ' 254-W F. E. Ryan, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A..... 10.00 10.00 255-W Bernice M. Kirk Nursing 25.00 25.00 256-W Veronica Sperger Nursing 13.80 13.80 257-W Carl R. Gleason - • Supplies 1.49 • 1.49 '258-W Mary Kennedy - Services 30.00 30.00 259-W L. C. Jackson Salary & Mileage Welfare. Officer - 47.16 .47.16 274 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. • Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 260-W H. M. Geisenhoff 261-W Mott Castle 262-W Bernice Kirk 263-W J. C. Penney Co. Ithaca Clothing T. .E. R. A. 264-W S. C. Gooding Co. Coal T. E. R. A. 265-W Harry Davidson Groceries T. E. R. A. 266-W L. L. Osborne Groceries T. E. R. A. 267-W Harry Chapman Groceries T. E. R. A. 268-W Sovocool & Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 269-W Sovocool &'Snyder Groceries T. E. R. A. 270-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 271-W James Simmons Groceries T. E. R. A. 272-W . F. E. Pierson Groceries T. E. R. A. 273-W F. E. Pierson Groceries T. E. R. A. 274-W F. E. Pierson Groceries T. E. R. A. 275-W F. E. Pierson Groceries T. E. R. A. 276-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D.....'rof. Services T. E. R. A. 277-W J. H. VanMarter, M.D. Prof. Services T. E. R. A...__ 278-W F. E. Ryan, M.D. Prof. Services T...E. R. A. .... 279-W Bernice Kirk 280-W L. C. Jackson Salary & Mileage Welfare ' Officer43.60 281-W W. Q. C. Boles, M.D. Prof.'Services T. E. R. A. .... 13.00 282-W H. M. Geisenhoff Rent T. E. R. A. 4.00 .283-W L. L. Osborne Groceries T. E. R. A. • 6.03 284-W Harry Davidson Groceries T. E. R. A. 13.50 285-W Harry Chapman Groceries T. E. R. A. 6.02 286-W Bernice Kirk Nursing T. E. R. A., 31.00 287-W J. C. Penney Co., Ithaca Supplies T. E..R. A. 11.78 11.78. 288-W J. C. Penney Co., Ithaca Clothing T. E. R. A. 6.10 289-W Alys Hoff Rent T. E. R. A. 10.00 290-W James Simmons Groceries T. E: R. A. 15.04 291-W Sue M: Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 6.92' 292-W Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 12.00 293-W' Sue M. Cummings Groceries T. E. R. A. 4.00 294-W H. M. Masters Groceries T. E. R. A. 6.02 295-W M. L. Wilson Clothing T. E. R. A. 9.74 296-W Groceries T. E. R. A. 3.80 297-W Groceries T. E. R. A. 5.00 298-W Groceries T. E. R. A.. 10.00 299-W Coal T. E. R. A. 12.52 - 300-W Coal T. E: R. A. 6.51 301-W Groceries T. E. R. A. 6.18 302-W Board T. E. R. A. 11.08 303-W Labor 9.00 304-W Nursing 35.65 205-W R. C. Tarbell, M.D. Prof. Services 8.00 306-W- Mary Kennedy Service 60.00 Rent T. E. R. A. 4.00 4.00 Board T. E. R. A. 10.70. 10.70 Nursing T. E. R. A. 30.00 ' 30.00 32.40 6.62 12.00 5.99 6.06 10.00 5.00 . 12.00 14.21 12.06 '4.00 8.04 6.00 8.00 20.00 13.00 34.50 32.40 6.62 12.00 5.99 6.06 10.00 5.00 12.00 14.21 12.06 4.00 8.04 6.00 8.00 20.00 13.00 34.50 43.60 13.00 4.00 6.03 13.50 6.02 31.00 Sovocool & Snyder Sovocool & Snyder Sovocool & Snyder S. C. Gooding Co. S. C. Gooding Co. F. E. Pierson Mott Castle • tHenry Hoff Bernice M. Kirk 6.10 10.00 15.04 6.92 12.00 4.00 6.02 9.74 3.80 5.00 10.00 12.52 6.51 6.18 _31.08 9'.00 35.65 8.00 60.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK No. • Claimant Nature of Expense 275 Claimed Allowed 307-W • Alvin Booth Co. Btirial 85.00 85.00 - 308-W L. C. Jackson Salary & Mileage Welfare Officer 49.16 49.16 \ $4,708.61 $4,708.61 T. E. R. A. $ 2,349.75 Welfare 2,358.86 Total Welfare Fund $ 4.708.61 Grand Totals $ 5,763.61 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOMPKINS $10,472.22 • I, the undersigned Town Clerk of the Town of Groton DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and complete list of claims audited by the Town Board, Town of .Groton, at its sessions for the year, ,1934, with the number of the claim, the name of the claimant, purpose, amount claimed and amount allowed. CHARLES II. MOE, • Town Clerk. 276 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN •OF ITHACA ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1934 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1, Transfer to Highway Bal. from 1933 Gen , Fund from Town Bldg. $ 973.87 $ 973.87 Gen. Fund Justice Dockets.... 13.18 13.18 3. D. S. Purdy Gen. Fund Pre. Town'Clerk's • Bond 2.50 ' 2.50 4. Howell & Howell Gen. Fund Sup. Gen. Bond 40.00 40.00 5. C. H. Newman Gen. Fund Justice-Bd. Meetings 1933 24.00 24.00 6. Williamson'Law Book Co. Gen: Fund. Town Law Copies 4.00 4.00 7. F. H. Grover Gen. Fund Wel. Off. Salary • Dec. 1933 s 69.00 69.00 8. N. Y. Elec. & Gas Co. ....Gen. Fund St. Lights for Dec9L58 91.58 9. R. J. Sammons Gen. Fund Ins. on Sullivan House 25:00 25.00 Gen. Fund Ins. on Storehouse 1 67.50 ' , 67.50 Gen. Fund Ins. on Storehouse 2 67.50 67.50 Gen. Fund Ins. Dodge & Chev. Trucks 98.00 98.00 13. Welfare bills for Jan. Gen. Fund Welfare bills ' 545.61 545:61 14. D. S. Purdy Gen. Fund Pre. on Collector's bond 116.26 116.26 Ithaca Journal -News Gen. Fund Pub. Supervisor's Report 2.64 2.64 Williamson Law Book Co. Gen. Fund Assessors Field Book 3.00 3.00 F. H. Grover Gen. Fund Welfare Off. Salary 63.00 63.00 2: Dennis & Co. Inc. 10. L. D. Van Rensselaer 11. L. D. Van Rensselaer 12. L. D. Van Rensselaer Jan. N. Y. Elec. & Gas Co. Gen. Fund St. Lights for Jan. , & Feb. 183.16 183.16 Howell & Howell Gen. Fund Pre. on Sup. School bond 20.00 20.00 20. J. J. Sinsabaugh Gen. Fund Constable Services 3.00 3.00 Gen. Fund Ins. on Chev: 21. D. S. Purdy Truck 4029247 ' 63.25 63.25 22. Cornell Co-op Gen. Fund Supplies for tax map 19.21 19.21 23. S: L. Sheldon Gen Fund Supplies for tax map 4.16 4.16 24. , T. G. Miller. Co. Gen Fund Supplies for tax map 17.35 17.35 25. Syracuse Blue Print Co.....Gen. Fund Supplies for tax map 4.94 .4.94 26. Rexford Smith Gen Fund Taxes on Sullivan House 18.89 , 18.89 27. Welfare bills for Feb. Gen. Fund Welfare Bills 748.48 ' 748.48 Gen. Fund 'St. Lights for 28. N. Y. Elec. & Gas Co. Mar. 91.58 91.58 29. L. D. Van Rensselaer ' Gen. Fund Ins. on Chev. Truck 1521324 49.00 49.00 30. D. S. Purdy Gen. Fund Ins. on Ford Dump' Truck 58.35 58.35 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 277 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed .31. Williamson Law Book Co_Gen.• Fund Sup. Cash Book.... 7.50 7.50 32. F. H. Grover Gen. Fund Welfare Off. Salary ' ,Feb. 44.00 33. Welfare bills for Mar. ....Gen. Fund Welfare bills • 997.91 34. Howell & Howell Gen. Fund Ins. on Brockway • Truck 35. N. Y. Elec. & Gas Co. Gen. Fund St. Lights for April 91.58 36. Rexford Smith Gen. Fund Collector, Postage & Print. 28.84 37. F. H. Grover Gen. Fund Welfare Off. Salary .Mar. & Apr. 121.00 38. Williamson Law Book Co...Gen. Fund '2 Assessors Field Books 6.00 39. Alteneder & Sons Gen. Fund Supplies for tax map 9.16 40. Cornell Co-op Gen. Fund Supplies for tax map 3.00 Welfare Bills Gen. Fund Welfare bills for April 802.60 Welfare Bills Gen. Fund Welfare bills for May " 588.51 Gen. Fund Ins. on Polling place 1 10.00 Gen Fund Supplies for tax map 2.75 45. N. Y. Elec. & Gas Co. ....Gen. Fund St. Light for May 91.58' 46. Welfare Bills Gen. Fund. Welfare bills for June 644.96 47. F. H. Grover Gen. Fund Welfare Off. Salary May 51.00 51.00 48. Dennis & Co. Gen. Fund Justice ,Supplies.... 22.75 22.75 49. Howell & .Howell Gen. Fund Pre. 'Sup. Hwy. Bond 50. N. Y. Elec. & Gas Co....._.Gen. Fund St. Lights for June 51. Cornell Co-op Gen. Fund Supplies for tax map 52. . Corner Bookstore Gen. Fund 44.00 997.91 177.88 41. 42. 43. 44. E. S. Preston Son Co. R. G. Heggie Co. 177.88 91.58 28.84 121.00 6.00 9.16 3.00 802.60 588.51 10.00 2.75 91.58 644.96° Day 521/2. James Bush Est. Gen. Fund Justice Service 1933-34 53. Wilbur G. Fish Gen. Fund Ex. to Health Off. Confer. 54: Welfare Bills Gen. Fund Welfare bills for July 632.68 632.68 55. N. Y. Elec. & Gas Co. Gen. Fund St. Lights for July. 91.58 . 91.58 56. Wm. A. Church Co. Gen. Fund 2 Assessment Rolls 22.00 22.00 57. L. D. Van Rensselaer Gen. Fund Ins. Dodge Truck 49.00 49.00, 58. Ithaca Journal News Gen. Fund Notice by Assessors 5.20 5.20 59. Welfare Bills Gen. Fund Welfare. Bills, for August 655.22 .655.22 60. F. H. Grover Gen. Fund Welfare Off. Salary. 0 June 51.00 51.00 Flags for Memorial 36.00 91.58 2.77 18.75 96.00 46.83 36.00 91.58 2.77 18.75 96.00 42.33" 278 , PROCEED'INGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 61. N. Y. Elec.. & Gas Co. .._.Gen. Fund St. Lights for August 91.58 62. Williamson Law Book Co...Gen. Fund Town Clerk Supplies 11.50 63. D. L. & W. R. R. Co. Gen. Fund Rent for Polling Place 3 6.00 64. Emmett Gillow Gen. Fund Attendance Off. Salary 150.00 65.. Welfare bills Gen. Fund Welfare bills for September 741.61 66. D. N. Van Hoesen Gen. Fund Ins. on Voting Machines 75.83 N. Y. Elec. & Gas Co. .._.Gen. Fund St. Lights Sept. & Polling Place 92.24 Ada Gray Gen. Fund Ex. to School Dir. Confer. 4.00 Gen. Fund Keys for Poll. Places 2.00 Gen. Fund Welfare bills for October • 944.80 Gen. Fund Ins. on Town Shovel , 59.70 Gen. Fund Supplies for Polling Place.50 .50 67. 68. 69. S. R. Tisdel Co. 70. Welfare Bills • 71. Clarence Tarbell 72. C. J. Rumsey Co. 73. Automatic Voting Mach. Co. Gen. Fund Voting Machine Supplies 74. South Side Coal Co. Gen. Fund Coal for Poll. Pl. 75. N. Y. Elec. & Gas CorpGen. Fund St. Lights for Oct. 76. Dennis & Co. Gen. Fund Justice Supplies .... 1 T.A-. Peter Campbell Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 1 2 T.A. Samuel Newman Gen: Fund Insp. Elec. 1 3 T.A. Willis Butler Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 1 4 T.A. Arthur Teeter Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 1 5 T.A. .Charles Morris Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 2 6 T.A. Floyd Andrews ' Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 2 7 T.A. Margaret Mapes Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 2 8 T.A. Emma Morris Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 2 9 T.A. Gen. Fund Insp. Elec 2 10 T.A. Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 3 11 T.A. Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 3 12 T.A. Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 3 13 T.A. Florence Myers Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 3 14 T.A. Maude Wiegand Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 4 15 T.A. Anna A. Wright Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 4 16 T.A. Clare B. Simmons Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 4 17 T.A. Laura Brown Gen. Fund Insp. Elec. 4 18 T.A. Wilbur G. Fish Gen. Fund Health Officer _. 19 T.A. F. H. Grover Gen. Fund Welfare Off. Salary July '& Oct. 248.70 248.70, 20 T.A. R. C. Mandeville Gen. Fund Assessor 225.00 , 225.00 21 T.A. F. C. Marshall Gen. Fund Assessor 275.00. 275.00 22 T.A. Rachel Hanshaw Gen. Fund Town Clerk Services ° . 91.58 11.50 6.00 150.00 741.61 75.83 92.24 4.00 2.00 944.80 59.70 Berms G. Morris Jean Updike Cora Gray Jane Ross 10.25 2.35 91.58 31.19 40.00 53.00 41.00 41.00 25.40 41.00 41.00 41.00 26.40 53.00 41.00 41.00 41.00 41.00 46.40 40.00 41.00 375.11 10.25 ' 2.35 91.58 31.19 40.00 53.00 41.00 41.00 25.40 41.00 41.00 41.00 26.40 53.00 41.00 41.00 41.00 41.00 46.40 40.00 41.00 375.11 238.50 238.50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK No. Claimant 279 Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 23 T.A. Rachel Hanshaw Gen. Fund Registrar Vital Statistics ' 46.00 46.00 ' 24 T.A. Rachel Hanshaw Gen. Fund Postage & Disbursements 18.78 18.78 25 T.A. Rachel Hanshaw Gen. Fund Election Allowance, 60.00 60.00 26 T.A. L. E. Chase Gen. Fund Supr.. Services 264.00. 264.00 27 T.A. L. E. Chase Gen. Fund Supr. Percentages 276.78 276.78 28 T.A. C. A. Baker Gen. Fund Justice Bd. Meet. 156.00 156.00 29 T.A. W. I. Smith Gen. Fund Justice Bd. Meet. , 156.00 156.00 30 T.A. Norman Stagg Gen. Fund Justice Crim. fees 38.55 38.55 31 T.A. Norman Stagg Gen. Fund Justice Bd. Meet. ' 84.00 - 84.00 32 T.A. Ernest ' Meeker Gen. Fund Janitor Services . P. P. 4' 12.00 12.00 33 T.A. V. C. Marion Gen. Fund Justice Crim. fees 24.05 24.05 34 T.A. V. C: Marion Gen. Fund Justice Bd. Meet. 42.00 42.00 $14,477.44 $14,473.44 I, Rachel T. Hanshaw, Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY. that the foregoing is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Town Board at its sessions in. the year 1934 up to and including Nov. 8, 1934, with the amounts claimed and the. amounts al- lowed:. All of the above are paid except the Town Audits l to 34 inclusive, amounting to $3,234.67. Dated November 13, 1934. RACHEL T. HANSHAW, Clerk—Town of Ithaca. 280 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OFLANSING ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS' 1934 No. Claimant , Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. Alice Bristol Insp. Elec. & Mess. $ 39.60 $ 39.60 , 2. Florence E. Minturn Inspector Election 28.00 28.00. 3. Karl 'Knickerbocker'. Clerk Election 10.00' ' 10:00 4. Fred Bailey Clerk Election 10.00 10.00 5. Lula McClure Inspector Election 28.00 • 28.00 6. Chas. Wooley Inspector Election 28.00 28.00 7. Fred Linderbei•ry Inspector Election 28.00 28.00 8. Mrs. Burt Breed Inspector Election 28.00 1 28.00 9. Wm. De Camp ' Clerk Election 10.00 10.00 10. Grace Lane Insp. Elec. and Mess. 42.40 42.40 .11. M. D. Lane. Clerk of Election 10.00 10.00 12: Fred Sharpstein Inspector Election 28.00 28.00 13. North Lansing .Grange Hall Election Purposes 35.00 35.00 .14. Ben W. Counsell Insp. Elec. and Mess. 30.00 30.00 15.., Elizabeth G. Teeter Clerk Election 10.00 10.00 .16. Carl Halliday . Insp. Elec. and Mess. 39.76 39.76 17. Mary E. Wood Clerk Election 10.00 10.00 18. Ethel Teeter Inspector -Election 28.00 28.00 19. Fred Davis Inspector Election 28.00 ' 28.00 20.+ Dwight. Van Nest Clerk Election 10.00 10.00 21. Olive •Van Nest Inspector Election 28.00 28.00 22. Ella M. Smith Inspector Election 28.00 28.00 23. Jessie Bush Insp. Elec. and Mess. 34.44 34.44 24. Ann A. Frawley Insp. Elec. and Mess. 34.44 34.44 25. LaMott Smith Clerk Election 10.00 10.00 26. Jessie Bush Hall Rent Elec. Purposes 35.00 35.00 27. So: Lansing Grange Hall Rent Elec. Purposes 35.00 35.00 28. Carleton Kintz .'Justice Service 56.00 56.00 29. Edward Ozmun Justice Service 56.00 56.00 30. Jerry Smith Justice Service 52.00 52.00 31. C. C. Tarbell Justice Service 56.00 56.00 32. A. J. Conlon Supervisor Service 56.00 56.00- 33. Joseph McGill Registrars of ,Vital Statistics 55.00 ,55.00 34. Joseph McGill Clerk Expense 4.31 4.31 35. Joseph McGill Election Service 35.00 35.00 36. Joseph McGill Highway Allowance 35.00 35.00 37. Joseph McGill Clerks Service 60.00 60.00 38. J. B. Bower Assessors Service 104.00 104.00 39. Andrew Tarbell Assessors Service 104.00 104.00 40. Samuel Lane Assessors Service 104.00 104.00 41: Arthur Gregg Constable Criminal Service.... 6.65 6.65 42. Edward Ozmun Justice Criminal Service 35.55 35.55 43. C. C. Tarbell Justice Criminal Service 4.35 4.35 44. Carleton Kintz 1 Justice Criminal Service 39.05 39.05 45. Claude Palmer Strutes Burial 75.00 75.00 $1,623.55 $1,623.55 i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 281 COUNTY OP TOMPKINS STATE OF ,NEW YORK }SS: We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of the Town of Lansing, N. Y.; do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed and the amount al- lowed. Dated November 8, 1934. A. J. CONLON EDWARD OZMUN C. C. TARBELL C. D. KINTZ , JERRY A. SMITH JOSEPH MC GILL, Clerk. 282 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD' OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF NEWFIELD • ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1934 No. Claimant , Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. Dr. W. A. Smith Est. Health Officer Salary 3 mo. 2. Dr. W. A. Smith Est. Vital Statistics 3. Williamson Law Book Co.__Books & blanks 4. .Chas. E. Houghtaling Law Books 5. Matthew Bender & Co. Book 6. T. G. Miller & Co. Manilla Guides 7. Fred W. Payne Assessor 8. I-Iarry Horton Assessor 9. Frank Fish Assessor 10. L. S. Taber Inspector & Mess. 11. R. S. McGiven Inspector Dist. 1 12. ' Buena E. H. Wetherell Inspector Dist. 1 13.' Anna M. Dorn Inspector Dist. 1 14. Elmina B. Rumsey Gen. Clerk Dist. 1 15. Eunice Machen Gen. Clerk Dist. 1 16. Georgia C. McClintock Inspector & Mess. Dist. 2 17. George H. Noble Inspector Dist. 2 18. Amanda R. VanKirk Inspector Dist. 2 19. Gordon A. Bower Inspector Dist. 2 20. Jessie P. Albright Insp. Dist. 2 & Gen. Clerk .__. 21. Marie D. Cutter Gen. Clerk Dist. 2 22. American Surety Co. A. R. Allen Agt. Bonds 23. Frank H. Feller Civil Engineer services 24. William L. Seil Health Officer Salary 9 25. William L. Seil Vital Statistic 26. William L. Seil H. O. expense account 27., Floyd Beach Service Water Dis. 28. " F. J. Payne ' Service Water Dis. 29: C. P. Stoughton Justice Bd. Meet. Dec. 30. C. L. Brainard Justice Bd. Meet. Dec. 31. R. C. Albright Sup. Board Meet. 32. Carrie M. Peck Town Clerk Bd. Meet. & Elec. 33. Floyd Beach Justice Board Meet. 34. Floyd Beach Telephone calls 35. J. D. Smith Justice Board Meetings 36. D.S. Carpenter Justice Board Meetings 37. F. J. Payne Justice Board Meetings 38. Carrie M. Peck Services 39. Carrie M. Peck Vital Statistics 40. A. R. Allen Insurance 54.41 $ 54.41 1.50 1.50 28.00 28.00 32.00 32.00 3.50 3.50 1.20 1.20 116.00 116.00 135.44 ' 135.44 104.00 104.00 37.28 34.28 26.00 23.00 26.00 23.00 26.00 23.00 8.00 8:00 8.00 8.00 37.28 34.28 26.00 23:00 ' 26.00 23.00 14.00 13.00 20.00 18.00 8.00 8.00 184.50 184.50 102.30 102.30 mos. 163.24 163.24 7.75 7.75 2.56 2.56 31.20 31.20 8.00 8.00 28 '33 3.50 3.50 28 '33 3.50 3.50 59.50 59.50 75.50 75.50 52.00 52.00 1.25 1.25 52.00 52.00 55.50 55.50 59.00 59.00 50.00 50.00 46.50 46.50 134.25 134.25 $1,830.66 $1,806.66 I, Carrie M. Peck, Town .Clerk hereby certify, that the above is a true copy, of the accounts audited by the town board of Newfield at its annual meeting held November 8, 1934, with the amounts claimed and amounts allowed. CARRIE M. PECK, Town, Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TOWN OF ULYSSES. ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1934 No. Claimant Nature of Expense 283 Claimed Allowed _Insurance .Vot. Machines $ 18.90 $ 18.90 Electricity; Election 2.50 . 2.50 Vital Statistics 1.50 1.50 T. E. R. A. Work 12.67 " 12.67 Janitor, Elections (1933) 6.00 6.00 Rental 40.00 40.00 Custodian Vot. Mach (1933 50.00 . 50.00 Expense, Coll. 21.02 21.02 Services J. P. 38.50 38.50 Supplies, Clerk 7.50 . 7.50 Pub. Supvr. Report 15:00 15.00 Pub. Notices 12.80 " 12.80 Bond' Prems., .Supvr. 88.00 88.00 Bond Prem., Collector 82.84 82.84 Dep. Sheriff Fees 3.20 3.20 Services 30:00 30.00 Service & Percentage ' 110.14- t 110.14 Int. Cert. Indebtedness 121.99 121.99 Tax Refund 3.33 , 3.33 School Director 6.50 6.50 School Director 6.00 6.00 Supplies 8.00 8.00 Health Officer 205.46 205.46 Assessor, Chairman 205.00 205.00• Assessor 150:00 150.00 Assessor 135.00 135.00 Supplies 2.73 2.73 Tax Refund 11.32 11.32 Registrar V. S. 51.90 51.90 Rent & Telephone• 37.00 37.00 Tax Notice (Coll.) 3.41 3.41 Tax Refund 16.44 16.44 Bond Prem. (Supv. School ).°. 13.00 13.00 Justice Services 73.60 73.60 Justice Criminal Cases 54.30 '54.30 Justice Service 38.50 38.50 Justice Service 66.50 ' 66.50 Justice Service 70.00 70.00 Justice Criminal Cases 7.45 7.45 , School Attendance Off. ,113.30 113.30 Supervisor Service 105.00 105.00 Supervisor Expense 40.20 - 40.20 Percentage School 61.35 61.35 Percentage. Gen. • . 8.28 , 8.28 ' Town Clerk Service 102.00 102.00 Town Clerk Expense 15.68 15.68 Elections 22.30. 22.30 Election Supplies .' 2.52 , 2.52 1. Joel Horton 2. H. W. Rightmyer 3. Dr. W. H. Licht. 4. Caroline E. Hook 5. Wm. Dimick 6. Village, Trumansburg 7. G. R. Fletcher 8. Horace A. Bower 9. Arthur Hubbell 10. The Free Press 11. The' Free Press 12. The Free Press 13. American Surety Co. 14. American Surety Co. 15. Earl L. Brown 16. Dr. M. B. Tinker 17. O. H. McDaniels Est 18. Florence Aiken 19. Alice Corsaw 20. Maude Addington 21. Levi O. Holman 22. Dennis & Co. 23. Dr. Keith Sears 24. Philo B. Smith 25. H. C. Steenberg 26. Edwin V. Gould 27. Williamson L. B. Co. 28. Clovus, F. Martz 29. Edith M. Updike 30. Edith M. Updike 31. Carrie B. Briggs 32. Joseph P. Porter 33. F. S. Bower 34. Henry Williams 35. Henry Williams 36. Chas. A. Lueder 37. Fred N. Smith 38; H. K. Aiken 39. H. 'K. Aiken 40. Chas. F. Smith 41. LePine Stone 42. LePine Stone 43. LePine Stone 44. LePine Stone 45. Edith M. Updike 46. Edith M. Updike 47. Edith M. Updike 48. Automatic Voting Machine Corp. 284 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 49. Grant R. Fletcher Custodian Vot. Mach. 50.00 50.00 50. Wm. Dimick Janitor, Elections 6.00 6.00. 51. H. W. Rightrnyer Electricity, Elections 1.25 1.25 52: Mabel Batty Inspector & Mess. 40.92 40.92 53. Lola A. Jackson Inspector 29.00 29.00 5+.Arsula B. Hilliard Inspector 29.00 29.00 55. Mary V. DeLong Inspector 29.00 29.00 56. Henry Williams Inspector & Mess. 40.28 40.28 57. John J. Chase, Inspector 29.00 29.00 58. Alfred H. Hopkins Inspector 29.00 29.00 59. Dora M. F. Smith .._.Inspector 8.00 8.00 60. Mary E. Cronk Inspector & Mess. 40.92 40.92 61. Ray W. Stevens Inspector 29.00 29.00 62. Francis J. Breen Inspector . 29.00 29.00 63. Belle W. Hatch Inspector , 29.00 29.00 $2,718.00 $2,718.00 I, Edith M. Updike, Clerk of the Town. of Ulysses, County of Tompkins arid State of New York DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and complete record -of all accounts audited by the Town Board of said Town at all meetings held during the preceding twelve months. Dated December 7, 1934. EDITH M. UPDIKE, Clerk, Town of Ulysses OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 285 - Annual Report of the Treasurer of Tompkins County To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : GENTLEMEN - The following report covering cash receipts and disburse- ments of county funds, statement of town accounts and condi- tion of the various appropriations for fiscal year ended October 31st, 1934, is respectfully submitted. CHARLOTTE V. BUSH, County Treasurer November 19th, 1934. Levy of General Property Taxes For Town Purposes Caroline $12,908.45 Danby13,635.92 ,Dryden . ' 25,717.67 - Enfield 8,781.84 Groton 24,464.98 Ithaca e 23,938.42 Lansing 22,808.02 Newfield 12,453.67 Ulysses 2r;500.00 $166,208.97 • For State and County— Caroline $ 8,277.63 Danby 9,195.41 Dryden , 27;553.78 Enfield 5,867,33 Groton 23,505.04. Ithaca . 37,090.25 • Lansing 25,298.06. Newfield 8,287.81 , Ulysses 20,038.05 Ithaca—City 250,547.37 $415,660.73 $581,869.70 286 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Collectors _paid town officers $166,208.97 Collectors paid county treasurer 278,074.23 Corporations paid county treasurer 66,766.48 Taxes returned to treasurer 70,820.02 $581,869.70 'Cash on Hand November 1, 1933 $380,776.68 Receipts—November.1, 1933 to October 31st, 1934 1,458,441.37 1,849,218.05 Payments—November 1, 1933 to October 31st, 1934 1,652,436.97 Cash on Hand November 1, 1934 • Compensation Insurance. .7,906.80 General Fund 98,713.28 County Road Fund, 26,518.43 Highway—Special 11,376.66 Special Trust Funds 44,144.63 • Temporary Emergency Relief 2,300.57 • Mortgage Tax 2,381.35 ' Dog Licenses 3,412.36 1,849,218.05 The item of $44,144.63 designated as special trust funds is made up of money over, which the county has no control and has no share in. Detailed Statement of Recei,pts= Taxes received—From corporations .$ 66,766.48 •From collectors in tows 59,593.50 From City Chamberlain 227,022.47 • Collected before sale ' 61,242.21 By tax sale. 6,155.83 Sale of tax sale certificates • , 4,116.19 Sa1e. of lands deeded to county through tax sale 2,034.53 • Licenses and permits ' 92.40 • Fines • 500.00 • Interest on bank accounts 549.10 Real estate rentals ' 893.58 Gifts and grants—State Aid— County. Laboratory • 6,075.32 Public Health 4,000.00 Crippled children •1,607.07 Old AgeSecurity 21,320.14 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,. NEW YORK 287 Snow Removal 2,886.26 Emergency Relief 105,284.53 County Road Fund—Gasoline Tax 77,389.53 Motor Vehicle Fees 48,363.58 From state 28,110.00 Departmental earnings—Court and Trust fees 102.33 Estate Tax fees 1,738.49 County Clk. Ct. fees 384.80 Co. Clk. Other fees 16,879.73 Surrogate's fees 103.32 Tuberculosis Hospital 1,991.98 Sales of property 685.00 . Refunds—Insurance - 128.69 Transportation of Prisoners ' 79.22 Elections—from state 4,378.95 Crippled Children 37.00 Welfare Department 8,868.09 Highway Machinery rental 24,332.34 Old Age Security 945.61 Costs in taxpayers action 166.70 Returned school taxes 5,444.00 Trust and Investment Transactions— Public School Money 464,218.33 Academic Money 47,072.73 State Highway Aid 41,043.26 Real Estate License fees 129.50 • Franchise Tax Revenues ' 11,974.99, Beverage Tax 47,119.86 Income Taxes 20,699.03 Estate Taxes 17,435.41 Bank Taxes 6,444.41 Mortgage Taxes 4,121.29 Tax redemptions 2,467.32 Cash Bail 250.00 Dog Licenses 7,832.90 Court & Trust Funds 7,363.37 TOTAL. RECEIPTS $1,468,441.37 Detailed Statement of Payments (By departments) Supervisors—compensation $ 14,994.55 expenses 5,437.05 County Publications 776.16 Tax sale advertising 2,110.16 Redemption sale advertising 259.84 Commissioners of election 3,089.39 288 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Elections 6,828.93 County, Treasurer 6,018.94 County Buildings 24,520.63 County Judge and Surrogate 9,262.64 Children's Court 2,981.61 District Attorney 3,810.12 Sheriff, office and quarters 7,106.53 County Clerk 16,314.43 Supreme Court Judge 945.15 Court Library 90.00 Supreme Court—Civil 6,816.22 Criminal 871.95 County Court—Civil 31.10 Criminal 2,207.42 Justice of Peace 219.20 Coroner 649.93 County Sealer 1,477.58 Conservation of Health— Public Health Nurses 7,885.63 Eradication of bovine tuberculosis 2,483.85 County laboratory 13,038.29 Tuberculosis Hospital 22,031.15 Superintendent of Highways 5,037.09 Snow Removal 3,251.45 Charities— Public Welfare Department 101,818.88 Crippled Children 8,017.17 Child Welfare 7,141.58 Insane Commitments 380.00 Old Age Security 38,260.02 Temporary Emergency Relief Home relief 16,885.52 Work relief 130,527.62 Jail 2,150.83 Jail. Inmates 1,980.00 Penal Institutions 1,767.16 Probation Officer 1,160.00 Education Educational Notices 18.77 Farm Bureau 2,500.00 Home Bureau 2,500.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 289 Junior Project 2,500.00 County 4,000.00 Cornell Libra4,500.00 Deafinstitutions 100.00 Soldiers' burials 150.00 County Bridges 5,049.46 Interest— On temporary loans 1,517.02 ` On 4,957.50 On general bonds 27,500.00 Permanent improvements— New county buildings 105710.59 Reforestation of lands ' 287.97 County roads 320-b) 183994.66 Gravel roads (Towns) 8,e54./1 Grade crossing elimination 154.27 Rights of way 6,074.30 Indebtedness— Temporary loans 53,373.98 HighWay Bonds 14,000.00 State 7'629.21 Tax refunds - 58.65 Returned school taxes -4o districts .25083.23 Court 44.20 Miscellaneous expenses of county offices 878.52 Insurance 211.70 City directorifor county offices 90.00 Repairs to equipment in county offices 52.90 Compensation insurance 2,150.26 Highway machinery 21,245.03 Fines paid to state 500.00 CWA balance refunded to state ' 1,456.25 Salary to Central Index clerk 75.00 Trust and Investment Transactions= To ' tax 7[110.41 Armory tax 7,957.82 Estate Taxes 15,814.37 Mortgage' Taxes 2,058.14 290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To towns and city Real Estate Licenses 343.50 State Highway Aid 31,841.40 Bank Taxes 3,215.80 Mortgage Taxes 2,286.67 Income Taxes 18,570.04 Franchise Taxes 10,694.01 Beverage Tax 47,119.86 Dog Licenses 921.12 To villages— Mortgage Taxes 168.54 Franchise Taxes 1,280.98 Income Taxes 2,128.99 To school districts— Public School Money 464,218.33 Academic Money 47,072.73 Bank Taxes 3,228.61, To individuals— Tax redemptions 2,526.10 Court and Trust Funds 8,544.33 Dog Licenses 4,843.77 Fees to county— Estate Taxes 1,738.49 Court and Trust 102.33 Premium on mortgage tax bond for county treasurer . • 5.00 Highway Maintenance—state roads 1,030.09 TOTAL PAYMENTS $1,652,436.97 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,. NEW YORK 291 TOWN ACCOUNTS CAROLINE Due County November 1, 1933 $ 50.40 Compensation Insurance 127.65 Sheriff expenses 68.70 Insane commitments 30.00 276.75 • Paid fin 1933 budget $ 50.40 Surplus on 1933 tax roll 1.17 51.57 Due County $ 225.18 DANBY Due County November 1, 1933 24.22 Compensation Insurance 124.68 Sheriff expenses 40.50 1932 , taxes--Tuncollectable 20.46 Paid in 1933 budget 209.86 24.22 Due county • $ 185.64 DRYDEN • Due County November 1, 1933 51.95 Compensation Insurance 423.95 Sheriff expenses 85.65 Shortage on 1933 tax roll 386.48 Insane Commitments 90.00 1932- taxesuncollectable 221.58 $1,259.61 Paid in 1933 budget 51.95 Due county $1,207.66 ENFIELD Due County November lst, 1933 . Compensation Insurance 44.85 74.24 292 PROCEEDINGS OF. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ' Sheriff expenses 35.10 '1932 tax-uncollectable 5.24 159.43 Paid in 1933 budget $ 44.85 Surplus on 1933 tax roll 4.42 49.27 Due county $ '110.16 GROTON Due county November 1st, 1933 107.65 Compensation Insurance 390.80 Sheriff expenses 62.70 Shortage on 1933 tax roll 4.44 1932 taxes-uncollectable 98.10 663.69 Paid in 1933 budget 107.65 Due county ' $ 556.04 ITHACA Due town November 1, 1933 58.10 • Compensation Insurance • 708.97 Sheriff expenses 86.25 1932 taxes-uncollectable 174.00 $1,027.32 Paid in 1933 budget 58.10 Correction on 1933 roll 10.16 - Sullivan tax refund 1.02 69.28 Due county $ 958.04 LANSING Due County November 1, 1933 28.22 Compensation Insurance 362.54 Insane commitments 10.00 • Sheriff expenses 119.05 1932 taxes-uncollectable 113.53 • 633.34 Paid in 1933 budget • 28.22 Due .county $ 605.12 OF TOMPKINS. COUNTY, NEW YORK NEWFIELD 0 Due County. November 1, 1933 . Compensation Insurance Insane commitments Sheriff expenses :1932 taxes—uncollectable • Paid in 1933 budget, . Surplus on 1933 tax roll ULYSSES 38.70 6.09 293 38.70 ' 132.26 10.00 79.05 33.48 293.49 44.79 Due county $ 248.70 Compensation Insurance Sheriff expenses Insane commitments • 1932 taxes—uncollectable Due town November 1, 1933 Surplus on 1932 tax roll Surplus on 1933 tax roll 6.07 44.25 116.38 •-317.70 85.06 30.00 126.72 559.48 166.70 Due county $ 392.78 CITY OF ITHACA Due County November 1, 1933 Compensation Insurance Sheriff expenses Short on 1933 tax roll Insane commitments 1932 taxes—uncollectable Paid in 1933 budget Due county 382.40 56.35 145.70 3.91 100.00 204.24 - 892.60 382.40 Statement of the various appropriations, paid in definite amounts at specified times, ing no balance or overdraft. $ 510.20 not including those and therefore hav- 294 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS . SUPERVISORS' COMPENSATION Overdraft Balance Appropriation $ 6,499.36 Expenditures 14,994.55 $ 8,495.19 SUPERVISORS' EXPENSE Appropriation Clerks Salary 1,800.00 Stenographer 780:00 Other Expenses 1,566.07 4,146.07 Expenditures 5,437.05 1,290.98 COMMISSIONERS OF ELECTION Balance Nov. 1, 1933 702.33 Appropriation— Salary i 1•,800.00 Other Expenses 663.65 3,165.98 Expenditures 3,089.39 ELECTIONS Balance Nov. 1, 1933 17,525.59 Appropriation 7,446.71 Refunded From State 4,378.95 • 29,351.25. Expenditures 6,828.93 COUNTY TREASURER Balance Nov. 1, 1933 1,761.14 Appropriation- Salary 2,800.00 Clerks 1,700.00 Postage 250.00 Other expenses 1,274.59 76.59 22,522.32 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 295 , 7,785.73 Expenditures 6,065.60 COUNTY JUDGE AND SURROGATE Balance Nov. 1, 1933 ... 1,859.06 Appropriation— Salary 5,000.00 Special County Judge600.00 Assistants 3,000.00 Sundries 367.77 10,826.83 Expenditures 9,354.31 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Balance Nov. 1, 1933 1,301.91 Appropriation— Salary 2,400.00 Office expense 800.00 Sundries 308.38 4,810.29 Expenditures 3,810.12 SHERIFF Balance Nov. 1, 1933 1,213.22 Appropriation— Salary, 2,400.00 Expenses 1,500.00 Sundries 1,953.35 Undersheriff 1,320.00 Transportation 79.22 Refunds 85.00 8,550.79 Expenditures 7,191.53 COUNTY CLERK Balance Nov. 1, 1933 2,158.03 Appropriation— Salary 3,600.00 1,720.13 1,472.52 1,000.17 ' $ 1,359.26 , 296 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Deputy 1,500.00 Motor Vehicle Clerk 1,500.00 Assistants 7,100.00 Sundries 1,455.39 Refunds 282.00 Expenditures COURTS 17,595.42 16,596.43 $ 998.99 Balance Nov. 1, 1933. 5,336.43 Appropriation 8,800.00 Expenditures Civil 31.10 Criminal 2,207.42 County Court Civil 6,816.22 Criminal 871.95 Supreme Court CHILDREN'S COURT 14,136.43 - 9,926.69 $ 4,209.74 Balance Nov. 1, 1933 1,342.55 Appropriation— , Judge 1;500.00 Clerk 800.00 Refunds 39.15 3,681.70 Expenditures 3,020.76 JUSTICES AND CONSTABLES $ 660.94 Balance Nov. 1, 1933 643.75 Expenditures 219.20 $ 424.55 CORONER Balance Nov. 1, 1933 893.82 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 297 Appropriation— Salary '700.00 , Expenses 100.00 Sundries 78.49 Expenditures 1,772.31 649.93 COUNTY SEALER Balance Nov.' 1., 1933 248.37 Appropriation= Salary 900.00 Expenses 500.00 Sundries • ' 158.26 1,806.63 'Expenditures 1,477.58 PUBLIC HEALTH Balance Nov. 1, 1933 1,407.24 Appropriation 4,000.00 ' • From State 4,000.00 9,407.24 Expenditures 8,050.63 TUBERCULOSIS .HOSPITAL Balance Nov. 1, 1933 5,666.22 Appropriation 18,000.00 Insurance Appropriation 305.38 Receipts 1,991.98 26,963.58 Expenditures 22,126.15 INSANE 'COMMITMENTS Balance Nov. 1, 1933 50.00 Appropriation 120.00 $1,122.38 ' $ 329.05_ $ -1,356.61 $ 4,837.43 4: 298 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 170.00 Expenditures 380.00 $ 210.00 JAIL Appropriation— Turnkeys_and Deputy 1,680.00 Matron -300.00 Physician 66.50 Sundries 154.48 2,200.98 Expenditures 4,130.83 1,929.85 SUPREME COURT JUSTICE Balance Nov. 1, 1933 330.30 Appropriation, 698.95 1,02925 Expenditures 945.15 REFORESTATION • Balance Nov. 1, 1933 127.75 Appropriation 200.00 327.75 • Expenditures 287.97 COUNTY LABORATORY Balance Nov. 1, 1933 801.76 Appropriation 6,500.00 Received from State 6,075.32 13,377.08 Expenditures 13,224.93 COUNTY BUILDING Appropriation-- Superintendent ppropriation—Superintendent 1,200.00 Engineer 1,200.00 84.10 $ 39.78 $ 152.15 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 299 Ass't. Engineer 960.00 Watchman 1,000.00 Janitors 2,160.00 Telephone Operator 780.00 Insurance 1,750.00 Court Library 250.00 9,300:00 Expenditures Court Library 90.00 15,128.74 15,218.74 $ 5,918.74 BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS 'Balance Nov. 1, 1933 414.53 Appropriation— Salary of Veterinarian 3,000.00 Sale of Truck 25.00 3,439.53 Expenditures 2,543.85 CONTRACT SUPPLIES Balance Nov. 1, 1933 1,570.38 Appropriation- Heat and light . 5,000.00 Heat and light for County Home 1,500.00. Telephones 2,000.00 Refunds 23.07 10,093.45 Telephone 2,720.00 Electricity 3,161.03 Heat (Co. Bldg.) 1,957.21 Heat Co. Home 2,456.11 10,294.35 200.90 SOLDIERS BURIAL Balance Nov. 1, 1933 1,026.87 Appropriation 75.00 1,101.87. 895.68 300 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Expenditures 150.00 ' $ 951.87 EDUCATIONAL NOTICES Appropriation 9.60 Expenditures 26.08 16.48 HIGHWAYS COUNTY ROAD FUND Balance Nov. 1, 1933 19,253.82 Motor Vehicle Money 48,363.58 Motor Fuel Tax. 77,389.53 Received from State 69,153.26 Interest 84.30 Refunds 7,272.52 Appropriation 28,110.00 Expenditures State Aid to Treasurer 31,841.40 191,267.18 223,108.58 249,627.01 SNOW REMOVAL Balance Nov. 1, 1933 8,321.78 Received from State 2,117.58, 10,439.36 Expenditures 3,251.45 SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS Balance Nov. 1, 1933 1,323.14 Appropriation . Salary 3,000.00 Expenses 1,500.00 Sundries 542.48 $26,518.43 7,187.91 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 301 6,365.62 Expenditures 5,087.09 COUNTY BRIDGES Balance Nov. 1, 1933 9,665.19 Expenditures • . 5,049.46 RIGHTS OF WAY Balance Nov. 1, 1933 10,021.45 Appropriation 10,000.00 Expenditures • 20,021.45. 6,074.30 HIGHWAY MACHINERY. Balance Nov. 1, 1933 29,021.98 Rental Receipts 25,101:02 1,278.53 4,615.73 13,947.15 54,123.00 Expenditures 21,245.03 32,877.97 DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIAL TAXES AND OTHER MONEYS TO TOWNS, VILLAGES AND CITY OF ITHACA TOWNS Towns and City ' Income. Franchise Mortgage • Bank Caroline $ 388.96 $ .28 . ' $ 37.14 , $ Danby 391.39 .60' 25.24 ' Dryden 977.93 39.68 107.68 Enfield 227.87 .31 14.82 Groton 526.78 1,622.80 69.65 Ithaca 1,343.91 54.56 427.00 Lansing 1,125.46 1,932.18 .87.15 Newfield 409.64 7.59 .40.76 Ulysses 572.04 70.06 92.18 City ' 12,513.57 6,965.95 1,385.05 $ 2,826.86 VILLAGES • Dryden 216.52 9.02 .. 10.15 47.44 Freeville • 121.24 5.66 Groton 673.77 1,218.47 ° 27.08 341.50 Cayuga . Heights 873.69 104.75 Trumansburg 336.26 53.49 20.90 302 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' SCHOOLS Groton 349.37 Dryden 52.37 City of Ithaca ' 2,826.87 $20,699.03 $11,974.99 $ 2,455.21 $ 6,444.41 Towns and City State lid Dog Licenses Beverage Caroline $ 4,166.90 $ 89.07 $ 1,832.97 Danby 4,432.26 48.91 1,602.07 Dryden 4,638.37 148.30 4,009.90 Enfield 2,978.66 39.98 1,083.76 Groton , 2,669.62 122.51 4,302.04 Ithaca 1,525.50 112.47 3,345.51 Lansing 3,775.12 105.10 3,109.91 Newfield 5;924.35 59.50 1,616.22 Ulysses 1,630.62 75.53 2,704.68 Ithaca City 119.75 23,512.81 $31,841.40 $ 921.12 $47,119.87 Indebtedness Due in 1935 Highway Improvement Bonds $14,000.00 Court House and Jail Building Bonds 16,000.00 $30,000.00 Interest—on Highway Bonds. 4,357.50 • Court House and. Jail Bonds 27,100.00 $31,457.50 STATE OF NEW YORK }SS COUNTY OF TOMPKINS Charlotte V. Bush being duly sworn, says that she is the treasurer of the County of Tompkins, and that the foregoing . report is a true and correct statement of financial transactions of said county for the fiscal year ended October 31st, 1934, as shown by the officialrecords of said county. CHARLOTTE V. BUSH. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19th day of November, 1934. • ZDENKA KORBEL, Notary Public 'OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 303 ' COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT A Statement of all moneys received for the County of Tomp- kins by H. L. O'Daniel, Clerk of Tompkins County from No- vember'1st, 1933 to November 1st, 1934 or by his assistants for fees perquisites and emoluments, for all services rendered by him or his assistants in their official capacity, from Novem- ber lst,,1933 to November lst, 1934. RECEIPTS Recording Deeds $ 1,122.45 Recording Mortgages 1,287.75 Recording other Documents 1,006.09 Pertaining to Judgments 388.75 Copies 195.45 Searches 4,043.80 Filing Papers and other services 2,247.45 Motor Vehicle Fees 7,103.38 $17,395.12 Mortgage Tax held for" ' Apportionment Nov. 1, 1933 4,590.00 Interest on Taxes held .... for Apportionment 74.64 Mortgage Tax 4,199.50 Notary Fees Less Discount allowed for the County included in Filing Papers 519.50 8,864.14 99.50 420.00 Passport applications and Renewals Less fee allowed the County included in Filing Papers 950.00 94.00 856.00 Hunting Licenses 9,422.27 Less Discount allowed the County included in Filing Papers 188.40 9,233.87 Naturalization Fees Less fee allowed the County included in Filing Papers 40.00 • 20.00 20.00 $36,789.13 304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISBURSEMENTS County Treasurer, Office Fees County -Treasurer, State Mortgage . Tax $ 3,945.36 County Treasurer, Interest on Taxes Held 74.64 County Treasurer from Mtg. fund for Clerk Hire 225.00 Postage allowed by State Tax Commission 12.00 Expense allowed by State Tax Commission 4.10 Bond Audited by State Tax Commission . 5.00 Tax apportionment'to other Counties 4.54 Tax held 4,593.50 Dept. of Taxation & Finance Notary Fees Secy. of State, Washington; D. C. Passport Division State Conservation Dept. Hunters Licenses Secy. of Labor, Washington, D. C. Naturalization Fees STATE OF NEW YORK }SS. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS • $17,395.12 8864.14 420.00 856.00 9;233.87 20.00 $36,789.3 H. L. O'Daniel, being duly sworn, says County of Tompkins, that the foregoing and true statement as required' by' Chapt that he is Clerk of the is in all respects a full er 298, Laws of 1909. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of November, 1934. L. K. MARTIN Notary Public H. L. O'DANIEL. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YO:!K 305 Annual Report of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital October 31st, 1934. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, Honorable Sirs, In accordance with the law of New York State, we present our annual report. On October 31st, 1933, we had 19 adults 8 children Admitted 9 adults 6 children Discharged 14 adults 7 children Died 3 adults 0 children There were four cases transferred to other institutions. During the year five patients were admitted who had been in the hospital before. Of those discharged nine were recovered, nine improved and three unimproved. The average gain in weight of the fourteen children was 9 lb. 1 oz., and the average gain for twenty-eight. adults was 12 lbs. 4 oz. Our total days treatment was 8966 and the total expense $22,126.15, thus making a per capita cost of $2.45. We received $1,991.98 from paying patients. There have been several unexpected and unusual expenses during the year. One patient was sent to Monroe County Sanitarium for a major operation on her chest. This resulted in an apparent cure and she is now home after being at our hospital for abouteight years. We have had two diabetic patients, both of whom have had to have insulin, one taking 70 units a day. Other unusual expenses have occurred from the use of newer forms of treatment. This requires Xray equip- ment and so has to be done in Ithaca. Several cases have been 306 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS sent home from RayBrook in which, this treatment has been started and instruction that it be given usually once a week. Doctor Larkin, Doctor McCormick and Doctor Moore have done this work and we feel that it should be a charge against the County until the new hospital is completed. At the time of our report last December, we thought it would be our last year at Taughannock, but owing to unavoid- able difficulties, the new hospital is not completed. The work is now going. on very fast and undoubtedly before another year comes our patients will be in the new buildings. We thank you for your interest in this worthwhile work and hope that the interest will continue even after the State takes over the major part of the work. Respectfully submitted. • R. C. SMITH, President. FINANCIAL REPORT OF TOMPKINS. COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL 1933-34 Balance October 31st, 1933 Income re -appropriated Appropriation Appropriation—Insurance Expenses 2,689.82 1,429.50 18,000.00 305.38 $22,424.70 Salaries and wages Food and Coal Permanent Repairs Clothing and Bedding Office Supplies Teacher and School Household Supplies Laundry Repairs Drugs Fuel, Light and Power Insurance 9,603.04 5,828.59 198.42 27.50 160.45 960.00 452.84 1,661.58 240.88 1,491.33 1,332.41 169.11 TOTAL EXPENSE for year $22,12615 I OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 307 BALANCE October 31, 1934 298.55 Income of. 1933 not re -appropriated 2,976.40 Income of 1934 not re -appropriated 562.48 LEDGER BALANCE • $ 3,837.43 We respectfully request a re -appropriation of our balance and $17,000.00 for the coming year. ' DR. KEITH SEARS Secretary 308 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Report of Commissioner of Public Welfare To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York. Gentlemen : The Commissioner of Public Welfare of Tompkins County, in accordance with law, herewith submits his annual report for the year ending October 31, 1934. Appropriation Expenses Balance County Home $ 14,390.00 $12,894.38 $ 1,495.62 Salary of worker 1,470..00 1,455.00 15.00 Stenographer 690.00 443.75 246.25 Extra stenographer 838.00 789.00 49.00 Office Expenses 630.00 492:87 137.13 Foster Homes 20,000.00 17,013.77 2,986.23 Board in Institutions 3,000.00 2,990.12 9.88 Hospitalization 32,500.00 32,171.09 328.91 • Outside Relief 25,000.00 20,897.58 4,102.42 Traveling Expenses 650.00 288.24 361.76 Commissioner's expenses 175.00 120.06 54.94 Legal Fees 100.00 - 44.95 55.05 Food Storage 650.00 180.05 469.95 Clerical work 400.00 212.50 187.50 $100,493.00 $89,993.36 $10,499.64 County Home Account Salaries of Supt., Matron and Administration Employees $ 2,820.70 Office Expenses at County Home 21.17 Other Home Administration Expenses . 68.76 Salaries of Buildings Employees 310.10 Light and -Power - 527.05 Other Buildings Expense (electrical work) 69.11 Insurance on County Truck 39.40 Repairs to Buildings 9.55 Wages of physician, cook, nurse and attendants 2,175.49 Food 1,930.71 Clothing 295.72 Medicine and medical supplies 290.65 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 309 Household, laundry and disinfectants, 934.27 Other supplies including tobacco 157.90 Other expense for inmates, including transportation to the Home 55.66 Wages of Farm Employees 1,599.34 Feed, seed and fertilizer 1,106.14 Other supplies for farm 325.86 Renewals or replacements of equipment or stock119.59. Repairs to farm buildings 14.21 New equipment 23.00 $12,894.38 . Hospitalization Ithaca Memorial Hospital $22,042.18 Other Hospitals : Strong Memorial 224.35 Cortland 1,107.55 Genoa 165.25 Syracuse 65.00 Reconstruction Home - 78.00 Clifton Springs 139.00 Bailey -Jones 152.25 ' 1,931.40 Paid to physicians for care in hospitals : Ithaca doctors 6,480.62 Other doctors 244.00 Reimbursement to Other Counties for hospital care to ,patients having a settlement in this county... 1,472.89 $32,171.09 Outside Relief Relief .to families in their own homes—rent, food, clothing, fuel, etc. , $12,942.60 Reimbursement to Other, Counties for relief to . families having a settlement in this County . 3,732.12 Nursery School 1,308.77 Burials 2,631.24 Transportation of persons in need of relief 162.85 Examinations for commitment to State Institutions 120.00 $20,897.58 310 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECEIPTS For Outside Relief from the following sources: Broome County $ 22.56. Cayuga County 194.59 Chemung County 22.01 Cortland County 246.97 Dutchess County. 11.00 Erie County 152.24 HeEkimer County 118.15 Madison County 56.50 Monroe County 29.68 New York City 37.54 Oneida County 33.00 Onondaga County 20.08 Ontario County ' 10.66 Renssalear County 4.00 Saratoga County 2.04 Schuyler County 324.25 Seneca County 749.51 Steuben County 49.60 Syracuse City 607.00 State of New York 19.05 Tioga County 547.41 Town of Union 142.84 Westchester County 138.01 Individuals 411.30 $3,949.99 For Hospital Allegany County 349.50 Cayuga County 170.50 Chautauqua County 39.50 Cortland County 237.60 Erie County 133.10 Madison County 46.42 Monroe County . 62.50 New York City 418.20 Saratoga County 51.00 Schuyler County 128.75 Seneca County 48.50 State of New York 98.00 Syracuse City 25.80 Tioga County 1,034.69 Westchester County 64.14 Individuals 213.00 3,121.20 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 311 For Board of Children From parents 648.25 Red Cross 20.00 Tioga County. 121.50 Cayuga County 20.00 809.75 For Board at County Home Monroe County 321.75 Individuals 5.00 326.75 Refunds from T. E. R. A.—Home Relief 3,529.22 Salaries 934.39 4;463.61 $12,671.30 Expenses for the year $89,993.36 Receipts 12,671.30 Sales from Farm 639.85 13,311.15 Actual Expenses for year $ 76,682.21 FEDERAL FOODS RECEIVED FROM, T. E. R. A. 1168 24% sacks flour 39,161# smoked pork 6,030# lard 4,536# milkwheato 8,760# butter 50 sacks oranges 11,136# roast beef 2,445# salt pork 870 doz. eggs 4133/2# cheese " AMOUNTS SPENT FOR TOWNS Town of. Caroline Reimbursement to Other Coundes$ 491.51 Hospital and medical care 748.54 Home relief to, families. 87.70 Board of children 61.50 Examination for commitment 20.00 $1,409.25 312 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Town of Danby Hospital and medical care 2,147.41 Home relief 146.47 Board of children 346.31 Burials 160.00 2,800.19 Town of Dryden Hospital 3,114.81 Reimbursement to Other Counties 1,188.01 Transportation 50.00 Home relief 352.04 Board of children 148.57 Burial 75.00 4,928.43 Town of Enfield Home relief 184.47, Hospital' 810.86 Reimbursement to Other Counties 182.63 Board of children 204.07 1,382.03 Town of Groton Reimbursement to Other Counties. 155.00 Hospital 471.30 • Examinations and clothing for commitments 78.05 Home relief 74.44 Board of children 1,307.88 2,086.67 Town of Ithaca Home relief ' 18.17 Hospital 2,904.65 Burial 90.00 Board of children 1,602.88 Reimbursement to Other Counties 21.85 Examinations for commitment 20.00 4,657.55 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 313 Town of Lansing Reimbursement to Other Counties 341.28 Home relief 359.84 Hospital 2,741.59 Board and clothing for children 3,111.52 Burial 20.00 6,574.23 Town of Newfield Hospital 2,720.90 Home relief 58.03 Reimbursment to Other Counties 134.10 2,913.03 Town of Ulysses Hospital 3,241.54 Home relief 186.96 Board of children 903.20 , Reimbursement to Other Counties 236.00 4,567.70 City of Ithaca Hospital 3,917.55. Home relief 2,109.28 Reimbursement to Other Counties 2,815.58 Board of children 10,452.67 One-half of 0. A. S. allowances to persons with settlement in City 329.06 Care in institutions 339.47 Burials 1,570.00 21,533.61 $ 52,852.69 • COUNTY HOME PATIENTS CENSUS • Male Female Total Inmates at close of previous year 59 12 71 First admissions • 20 14 - 34 Readmissions 9 1 10 Total number supported 88 27 115 314 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Left to receive O.A. Relief 1 1 Left to live with relatives or friends 11 7 18 , Transferred to other institutions 1 1 Died 10 4 14 Discharged to accept employment 8 8 Total discharged and died 30 12 42 Inmates Present at Close of Year 16 to 50 to 65 to 70 and Under 2 50 65 70 over Total Able-bodied 9 12 5 • 4 30 Sick 9 8 4 , 16 37 Epileptic 1 • 1 Blind ' 2 2 Deaf 1 Children ' 2 2 2 18 22 9 22 73 Residence of Inmates Present at Close of Year Caroline 1 Danby o 1 Dryden 4 Enfield 2 Groton 4 Ithaca 3 Lansing 10 Newfield 0 Ulysses '7 County 3 City of Ithaca 38 73 Town PATIENT DAYS IN THE COUNTY HOME No. of Days Amount Charged Caroline 637 $ 251.20 Danby 692 " 272.89 Dryden 1,703 671.57 Enfield 494 194.81 Groton 1,688 665.66 Ithaca 775 305.62 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW. YORK 315 Lansing 2,322 915.68 Newfield 194 76.51 Ulysses 1,488 586.79 Ithaca City 12,035 4,746.02 County. 1,130 . 445.74 $9,132.49 The cash cost assessed to the County and the Towns for the support of the patients in the County Home, includes the fol- lowing items and `gives a per diem cost of 00.394+. Salaries of Administration employees $2,820.70 Light and Power 527.05 Wages of physician, attendants, etc. 2,175.49 Food 1,930.71 Clothing 295.72 Medicines and medical supplies 290.65 Household, laundry and disinfectants 934.27 Other supplies 157.90 $9,132.49 SALES FROM THE COUNTY FARM 1,043.22# butterfat 16c - 26c $231.69 , 134# butter 25 c 33.50 10 gal. buttermilk 25c 2.50 2755# veal 5/c - 6/c 159.02 1 ham 2.15 755 doz. eggs 14c to 25c 131.83 10 pigs 25.50 1 TB cow 22.50 Refund from G. L. F. 31.16 $639.85 The following products were raised on the County Farm during the year ending October 31, 1934 : 263 bu. wheat -90c $ 236.70 767 bu. oats -40c 306.80 400 bu. apples—$1.00 • 400.00 717 bu. potatoes -20c 143.40 34 bu. beets -85c .28.90 21 bu. carrots -80c . 16.80 316 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 12 bu. onions -$1.00 12.00 20 bu. string beans -90c , 18.00 40 bu. sweet corn -75c 30.00 ' 75 bu. tomatoes -60c 45:00 10 bu. salsify -60c 6.00 15 bu. peas -90c 13.50 10 bu. parsnips -90c 9.00 10 bu. turnips -90c . 9.00 15 bu. cucumbers -90c 13.50 10 bu. radishes -90c 9.00 20 bu. summer squash -50c 10.00 10 bu. swiss chard -50c 5.00 2 ton winter squash -2c 40.00 3000 head cabbage -5c 150.00 15 bu. plums -60c 9.00 8 bu. pears -50c 4.00 8 bu. lettuce -60c 0 4.80 CANNED FRUIT AND PICKLES 25 qt. raspberries 6.25 20 qt. strawberries 7.00 60 qt. plums 18.00 25 qt. peas 7.50 150 qt. tomatoes 30.00 15 gal. tomato catsup 22.50 125 qt. pickles 31.25 104 qt. canned meat 52.00 100 glasses jelly 10.00 20 gal. cucumber pickles 20.00 125# dried sweet corn 43.75 Milk -165,935# Butter -1,939# 484.75 Milk used in Home 7800 qt. 78.00 Cream used in Home 303 qt. 125.20 Skim milk used in Home 16,075 qt. 321.50 Buttermilk . 50.00 Eggs -1426 doz. 213.90 Pork killed -4,941#-7c 345.87 Veal calf killed 170#-12c 20.40 $3,408.27 INVENTORY OF STOCK 1 grey team of horses $ 500.00 14 milk cows 840.00 . OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK ' 317 1 heifer 30.00 1 bull (thoroughbred) 50/0 4 brood sows 180/0 1 boar 25.00 21 fall pigs 62.50 300 fowls 150.00 $1,767.50 INVENTORY OF TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 1 grain binder 100.00 1 manure,spreader 75.00 1 lumber Wagon 50.00 2set bob sleds70.00 1 hay tedder . ' 40.00 1 lime sower 65.00 1- side delivery rake 75.00 1 mowing machine (new) ' 90.00 1 hay loader` 90.00 1 Studebaker truck � 1,000.00 1 land roller - ' �25.00 1 ' 100.00 1 ensilage cutter and 'belt (new) 300.00 1 corn binder 160.00 1 cultivator ` 30.00 1 1 -horse cultivator 10.00 ^ 1 potato planter 90.00 2 25.00 1 peg -tooth harrow 6.00 1 grass ' 8.00 1 corn nbeDer 10.00 I fanning mill 15.00 2 lawn mowers 20.00 1 wheel 90.00 2 walking plows 20.00 1 set heavy harness 50.00 1 set scales 40.00 , ` 160 30.00 S0 15.00 I ' 100.00 1 half -bushel roeuanre2.60 . forks, shovels, picks 10.00 log -chains and crow bar's 10.00 1 creamery, meat refrigerator and motor 1'800.00 1 dining room refrigerator 500.00 318 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS , 1 milk . cart 5.00 3 milk cans 7.50 10 milk pails 8.00 1 set milk scales 8.00 1 set butter scales 9.00 1 butter worker and churn 100.00 2 washing machines (1 new) 700.00 1 laundry extractor 650.00 1 brooder house and stove 100.00 8 laundry tubs 150.00 2 electric motors 250.00 1 food cooker for pigs 25.00 1 litter carrier (pig house) 30.00 2 gas tanks 40.00 1 compression boiler 50.00 1 electric washing machine 100.00 1 milk separator 100.00 1 fire sprinkling system & pump 15,000.00 1 water heater and tank 1,000.00 1 small heating stove 18.00 $22,662.00 In compliance with Section II of the Public Welfare Law of the State of New York, I respectfully report that I estimate. the expense for the Department of Public Welfare for the en- suing year to be : County Home $14,000.00 Salary of Worker 1,800.00 Stenographer 600.00 2nd Stenographer 850.00. Office Expenses 700.00 Foster Home care 20,000.00 Institutional Care 4,000.00 Hospitalization 30,000.00 Outside Relief 22,000.00 Traveling Expenses 1,200.00 Commissioner's Expenses 200.00 Clerical Work 1,050.00 Food Storage ,500.00 $96,900.00 FRED A. WILLIAMS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 319 STATE OF NEW YORK SS. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ' Fred A. , Williams being duly swornsays that he is Com- missioner of Welfare of Tompkins County; that to his knowl- edge and belief the foregoing statement is a full account of the receipts and disbursements of the Public Welfare Department for the year ending October 31, 1934., FRED A. WILLIAMS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November 1934. INEZ M. KING Notary Public 320 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WELFARE RELATIVE TO OLD AGE SECURITY FUND -1934 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, State of New York. Gentlemen : The Commissioner of Public Welfare of Tompkins County, in accordance' with law, herewith submit's his annual report relative to Old Age Security Funds for the year, ending Octo- ber 31, 1934: Appropriation Expenses Balance Allowances $44,000.00 $35,047.12 $8,952.88 Salary of Worker 2,000.00 1,808.36 191.64 Traveling Expenses 400.00 276.89 123.11 Stenographer 600.00 573.75 26.25 Extra. Stenographer 264.00 264.00 Office Expenses 150.00 127.64 22.36 $47,414.00 $38,097.76 $9,316.24 - STATISTICAL REPORT Number of applications received during year 52 Approved 19 Denied 20 Withdrawn 2 Died before decision 1 Investigation not complete 10 52 Number receiving grants October 1933 192 Number of new .grants 19 211 Deaths 23 Discontinued other reasons 8 31 Number receiving relief October 1934 180 Average amount of grant October 1933 $14.70 Average amountof grant. October 1934 14.33 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 321 RESIDENCE OF OLD AGE SECURITY RECIPIENTS Caroline 1.7 Danby ' 14 Dryden 33 Enfield . 4 Groton 27 Ithaca 14 Lansing 20 Newfield - 19 Ulysses 32 180 RECEIPTS From State $21,320.14 _From estates 132.57 ' Sale or rent of property , 480.00 Other Counties 325.79 Refunds - 7.25 $22,265.75. , In compliance with Section II of the Public Welfare Law of the State of New York, I respectfully report that I estimate the expense of administering the Old' Age Security Law for the year of 1935, to be : . Allowances $40,000.00 Salary of Worker 1,800.00 Traveling Expenses 400.00 Stenographer, 600.00 Stenographer . 264.00 Office Expenses 150.00 $43,214.00 FRED A. WILLIAMS 322 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF TOMPKINS l SS. STATE OF NEW YORK f Fred A. Williams being duly sworn says 'that he is Commis- sioner of Welfare of Tompkins County; that to his knowledge and belief the foregoing is a true and.full account of the re- ceipts and disbursements of the. Old Age Security Funds for the year ending October 31, 1934. FRED A. WILLIAMS Subscribed and sworn to beforeme this 15th day of November 1934. INEZ M. KING, Notary Public OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,, NEW YORK Annual. Report of Children's Agent TO THE BOARD. OF SUPERVISORS 323 November 1, 1933—October 31,1934 This is the first report to the Board of Supervisors submitted' by the present Children's Agent. It covers work most capably executed by the former Children's Agent, Miss Stella E. Myers, who left Ithaca on July 15th. Because .of lack of familiarity with each individual case, your Agent is not able to make as complete a report as she would wish, although statistical in- formation is readily available. CHILDREN IN THEIR OWN HOMES Children in their own homes come to our attention because they are physically and mentally defective, or because the domestic relations in their homes or the physical condition of these have fallen below standard. Town Commissioners, school teachers, public health nurses, the Children's Court, and interested individuals are instrumental in reporting these cases. New families receiving assistance during the year were to-. cated in Towns as follows : Town No. of families No. of children Caroline 4 11 Danby 2 3 Dryden 7 12 Enfield 2 . 5 Groton 2 6 Ithaca 1 1 Lansing 10 19 Newfield 1 2 Ulysses 6 19 City of Ithaca 26 39 Out -of -settlement 10 25 TOTAL 71 142 At the beginning of the fiscal year one hundred three fam- ilies were under supervision. Adding this figure to the number 324 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS df new families taken ,on this year as stated above, there .were one hundred seventy-four families which were contacted by the Children's Agent this year. Seventy-eight. families were dropped from supervision. Manycases dropped were taken over by agencies such. as those administering home or work relief ; in some instances advice and assistance or small ma- terial relief such as the use of the Clothing Bureau has been given. More intensive work has been done"on other families, such as when it has been necessary to place children in board- ing homes, or make other plans in a difficult situation. There are now left under supervision ninety-six families, involving two hundred one children. CHILDREN IN BOARDING HOMES When a family situation is beyond help -perhaps has de- teriorated over a period of years, or the death of the .parents makes .the continued establishment of the home impossible, foster home care for the neglected children of these homes 'has become the general practice. In rare cases institutional care is advocated for children, for example, when the foster parents and the children's parents are fighting for the child's loyalty and affection; when protection from a parent is necessary, or when there is a behavior problem, such as a. child who is an exhibitionist and will not be tolerated by any community. Fosterhome care, to repeat, is, however, most generally used in the present day program for children. When it first came to be common, families were ,Sometimes broken up without due consideration of the possibilities in the, home ; the trend at pres- ent is to be more tolerant; we do not expect to inject our own standards into this particular family situation, but plan to view this in the lightof the social environment of the child. By an odd coincidence there are exactly the same number of children under boarding home care at the end of the year as at the beginning. There have been twenty-six children dis- charged from boarding homes, four of whom went either to free or work homes. • .Of the twenty-six placements, three were replacements, while the rest were new. The total number of children under care during the year in boarding homes is one hundred fifteen as compared with one hundred twenty-nine of the last fiscal period. Of the one hundred fifteen children, parents or relatives are partially or wholly paying for the board of thirty-five. The total board and clothing bill is $17,013.77, of which $648.25 has-been paid by parents or rela- tives, $141.50 by other Counties and $20 by a private agency. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 325 Parents have always been urged to furnish. clothing for chil- dren, which they do to some extent. The Clothing Bureau has also helped with the clothing of children in boarding homes. The following tabulation indicates 'the number of children boarded according to Towns :. Towns No. cared for No. discharged Cont'd under care Caroline 2 . 2 ret. to relatives 0 Danby 4 1 placed -for adoption • . 3 Dryden 3 1 gone to college 2, Enfield 2 0 2 Groton 6 0 - 61 Ithaca ' 10 2 ret. to relatives 8 Lansing 17 2 ret. to relatives - .1 placed with agency 14 Newfield 1 0 1 Ulysses 4 0 4 City of Ithaca 58, _ 3 ret. to parents 4- placed with agencies 1 placed institution 4 placed in free homes 46 County charges 4 1 placed with agency 3 Other Counties 4 3 placed with agencies 1 ret. to relatives 0 Total 115 .26 89 CHILDREN IN INSTITUTIONS Other children cared for by this County outside their own homes, are fifteen in the Ithaca Children's Home and two children placed in. Roman Catholic Institutions in Rochester. CHILDREN .IN FREE HOMES During the year four children have been transferred from boarding to free homes; one to •a working home; two to rela- tives, and another to a home where adoption may eventually take place. Twenty-seven children were under supervision in free homes during the year; five were discharged to -relatives. Two of these are boys now members of CCC Camps; At the 326 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS end of the year there were twenty-two children under super- vision in free homes. ' CHILDREN IN WORK HOMES On October 31, 1934, there were two children under super- vision in work homes, as compared with three of last year. UNMARRIED MOTHERS Of the twenty-nine unmarried mother cases handled by this office this year, nineteen were new and ten were old cases con- tinued under supervision. According to Towns they were lo- cated as follows :', Towns Number Caroline 1 Danby 0 Dryden 4 Enfield 0 Groton 1 Ithaca 0 Lansing 4 Newfield 0 Ulysses 1 ' City of Ithaca 18 29 While nineteen of these cases have become Town charges, ten are being at least partially taken care of, as faras finances. are concerned, by relatives. In nine cases, babies were boarded and in two of these, the home have' become free since place- ment. In ten instances, cases were taken into Court in order to establish paternity and obtain support for the' child in ques- tion. Whenever a mother releases her child for adoption, this placement is made through the State Charities Aid Associa- tion. This practice has become common throughout the State as it is much better for the .child and the people adopting him not to be known locally. CHILDREN'S COURT In addition to the ten cases of unmarried mothers, four other cases have been taken into Children's Court during the past year, asking either for commitment or for support. The OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 327 Judge of the Court asks the Children's Agent to make investi- gations in certain cases which come before him. BOARD OF CHILD WELFARE The Children's Agent assists the Board of Child Welfare by making investigations of applications coming to its atten- tion. During the past year, eight of these have been made The. Agent also attends the monthly meetings of this Board. RED CROSS A share of the Agent's time is spent in Red Cross service. During this period the following number of cases were handled 18 ex -service cases - 28 home service cases 26 transients 18 out-of-town inquiries 90 In summing up the foregoing, the Agent handled` for the County Department .of Public Welfare the following number of cases during the year : 96 families with children in their own homes 78 families with children in boarding homes 29 unmarried mother cases 10 out-of-town inquiries. 8 Board of Child Welfare cases 221 Adding to this the ninety cases contacted by the Red Cross, the Agent worked with three hundred eleven families during the current year. • The Children's Agent wishes to take this opportunity to express her appreciation of the cooperation and consideration which has been extended her by the Commissioner of Public Welfare, the Joint Committee and the . Supervisors, Public Officials and interested individuals. Respectfully submitted, ANNA K. BUELL Children's Agent 328 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD Or SUPERVISORS Report of Case Worker March 1 to -December 1, 1934 Since the 1st of March the Case Worker has cared for, in her regular work, 125 cases: These include Home Relief 82 Transient families 20 Service cases 23. Besides these she handled 70 inquiries, which are important because almost always they involve the matter of settlement. Home Relief The only Home. Relief cases handled. in this office arethe farnilies who are living out. of settlement. This means that the settlement must be determined in each case, .and acceptance obtained from the .home County or• City of the client.' We have been fortunate in that our decisions are almost never disputed. These 82 families include 43 new and 14 re- opened, that is, cases that have received relief at sometime prior to March 1st. There were 4 veterans among the 82; and they had to be reported separately to the T. E. R. A. 71 of the 82 cases were family groups ; the monthly average carried was 31. During the 9 months included in this report, home- , relief orders were written to the amount of $3,253.46, or a monthly average of $361.49. The total includes Veteran Re- lief $198.54, and non-resident re-imbursable $139.16. Transient Families Since the 1st of May, the Case Worker has taken care of this group. This office no longer deals with unattached men. The work with families is more satisfactory, since they are seldom wanderers but simply families who have not acquired a settlement in this State. Nearly half of this group settled their problems by finding work or by•going back unassisted to their home State. In the group were 3 unat- tached men, accepted because they were unusual cases, and they proved to be among the least satisfactory to deal with. Home Relief was given to an average of 4 families a month, and orders from the 1st of May totaled $339.68. Service Cases These are cases in which some action was taken or service was rendered, but Horne Relief was not found necessary. 23 such cases were helped. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 329 Inquiries The 70 inquiries included requests for informa- tion as to the settlement of people now residing in other places ; inquiries as to the settlement and need of relief of emergency hospital cases, and inquiries as to the settlement of transients found in other States. These -cases sometimes require a good deal of investigation and take a rather important place in the Case Worker's duties. The Case Worker's duties are not entirely confined to case work. As occasion requires, she doe's other things. • In June she re -registered all the men on the County Work Projects. This necessitated visiting each job and taking the registration of each man at work there. The Case Worker wrote' the. Federal Food orders for several months and now writes them on the busiest days. Federal Foods for the County are all dispensed in .Ithaca at Stewart's Warehouse. They are given out twice a week but each recipient comes once in two weeks. •This divides the load and makes it unnecessary for the people to come in go often. Orders are given to Horne Relief Cases, Work Relief cases and any others recommended by the Town Welfare Officers. In the last two weeks, 330 families, were served. The Case Workergives out the Clothing Bureau orders for the office. - Since she began work here, she has worked on 12 Child' Wel- fare cases. This was done, either to assist the Children's Agent or to meet a need in the interval between her leaving and the arrival of her successor. Four of these cases involved commitment to an institution. • Respectfully submitted L. M. HOAG Case . Worker 330 PROCEEDINGS OF TIDE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Report of Superintendent of Highways 1934 To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County : The following is a statement of the money received and ex- penditures made for the different projects of highway construc- tion in Tompkins County for the year of 1934. Project No. 1, Perry City Road, No. 142. Appropriation $22,80.0.00 Expenditures ' Labor $ 2,610.59 Material 17,646.08 Other Expenditures 2,521.33 $22,778.00 Balance 22.00 Project No. 2, Triphammer Road No. 166. Appropriation $ 7,500.00 , Expenditures Labor . - $ 1,161:25 Material 4,877.33 Other Expenditures 1,309.52 7,348.10 Balance $ 151.90 Project No. 3, Merchants Corner Road, No. 170. • Appropriation $ 3,900.00 Expenditures Labor $ 314.40 Material 2,923.38 'Other Expenditures 562.50 3,800.28 Balance $ 99.72 Project No. 4, Kline Road No. 122. Appropriation 0 $15,000.00 Expenditures Labor $ 1,337.05 .Material 11,924.95 Other Expenditures 1,848.58 15,110.58 Overdrawn _ $ 110.58 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK , 331 Project No5 Midline Road No. 162. Appropriation $8,i50.0O Expenditures Labor Q 815.50 Material 2,609.54 'Other]�zpeoditores' 820.87 3,745.81 Balance $ 4.09 Project No. 6 Dassance. Road No. 132. Appropriation $ 700.00 ExpendituresLabor � I27.S8 �d �eriul � 446.50Other Expenditures 124.48 698.56 Balance $ 1.44 Project No. 7,Shaffer Road No. 13I. Appropriation $ 2,100.00` No Expenditures Project No. 8, Shaffer Road No. 131. Appropriation, $15'000.00 ' . Expenditures / Labor • $ 6,599.56 1,153.03 Other Expenditures 7,161.08 I4,913.67 Balance $ 86.33 . No.9, South Danby ,Road y�o.125. Appropriation $36,500.00 ExpendituresLabor $ • 9,511.27 Material 4'985.24 ' Other Expenditures 11,337.02 25,773.58 Balance 726/47 Project No. 10, Kennedy's Corners Road No. 172. 'Appropriation $ 1,200.00 332 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD 'OF SUPERVISORS - Expenditures Labor $ 69.20 Material 990.40 Other Expenditures 139.19 1,198.79 Balance $ 1.21 Project No. 11, Kennedy's Corners Road No. 172. Appropriation $ 5,000.00 Expenditures Labor $ 1,947.95 Material 767.14 Other Expenditures s 2,313.99 5,029.08 Overdrawn $ 29.08 Project No. 12, Bostwick Road Extension No. 137 Appropriation $ 3,000.00 Expenditures Labor $ 133.00 Material 2,487.45 Other Expenditures 372.43 2,992.88 Balance • $ 7.12 Project NO. 13, Turkey Hill Road No. 161. Appropriation $ 3,500.00 Expenditures • Labor $ 296.10 Material 2,449.23 Other Expenditures 749.54 3,494.87 Balance 5.13, Project No.,14, Christian Hill, Ables Corner Road No. 136A. Appropriation $ 2,000.00 xpenditures Labor • $ 147.37 . Material 1,363.05 - Other. Expenditures 544.96 2,055.38, Overdrawn $ 55.38 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 333 Project No. 15, Dassance Road No. 132. Appropriation .$13,500.00' Expenditures Labor $5,087.85 Material 2,861.03 Other Expenditures 6,211.14 14,160.02 Overdrawn $ 660.02 Maintenance - - Appropriation $45,000.00 Lowman Money 28,110.00 Work done for Cayuga Heights Village 2,788.20 Sold City calcium and pipe 69.80 $75,968.00 Expenditures Labor $24,965.30 Material 31,386.23 Other Expenditures 11,669.72 67.921.25 Balance $ 8,046.75 Total Appropriation $198.560.00 Received from other sources 2,788.20 $201.348.20 69.80 201,418.00 Total Expenditures . Labor $53,644.34 Material. 88,710.58 Other Expenditures 48,665.98 191,020.90 Balance $ 10,397.10 Total Actual Receipts , Balance January 1, 1934 ' , $ 17,048.50 Delia B. Sheehan, Curb & Gutter 55.25 Wm. Post, Curb & Gutter 13.17 George Wescott, Curb & Gutter 20.00 Masterium, Curb & Gutter 12.75 Calcium and Pipe sold City of Ithaca 69.80 Work done for Cayuga Heights Village 2,788.20 • 334 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Received Motor Vehicle o 47,939.24 Received Gas Tax '77,389.53 ,- State Aid to County, Lowman Money 28,110.00` Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 28,110.00 • County's Share of State Aid to Towns 9,201.86. Interest 84.30' $210,842.60 Total Expenditures to date • $191,020.90 Balance on hand $ 19,821.70 REPORT ON MACHINERY AND BUILDING UPKEEP ACCOUNT Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1933 $27,812.65 Received from other sources 429.89 Received from rentals on snow removal 768.68 Received from rentals on county projects 24,217.85 $53,229.07 Expenditures Paid out for repairs, extras, janitor service, coal, new machinery, etc $18,764.78 Balance on hand Dec. 12th, 1934 $3.4,464.29 COUNTY BRIDGE ACCOUNT Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1933 $ 9,665.19 Expenditures Cement $ 1,456.54 Bridge Metal 1,573.43 Lumber 168.41 Sand and Gravel 605.55 Labor 1,655.73 5,459.66 Balance Dec. 12th $ 4,205.53 SNOW REMOVAL ACCOUNT Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1934 $ 8,321.78 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 335 Expenditures Spent for snow removal on State roads . $ 1,553.84 'Spent for snow removal on County Roads 1,302.29 Spent for repairs on • plows 395.32 Received from State 3,251.45 $ 5,070.33 2,117.58 Balance Dec. 12th, 1934 $ 7,187.91 SPECIAL" ROAD FUND ACCOUNT Balance on hand Jan. lst, 1934 $ 1,578.94 Expenditures Labor $ 200.05 Other expenditures 44.66 244.71 Balance Dec. 12th,.. 1934 $ 1,334.23 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, SS : BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, I, W. 0. Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins_ County, N. Y., DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that I have com pared the foregoing Journal of the Proceedings of the Board' of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., with theoriginal records thereof, that the same is a full and correct transcript of the transactions of the said Board, at the special, quarterly, monthly and annual sessions thereof, held during the year 1934, also the reports of the. several county officers submitted to said Board and published herein. - IN WITNESS WHEREOF," I have hereunto set my hand and caused the official' seal of the Board of Supervisors of 'Tompkins County, N. Y., to be here- to affixed this 20th day of March, 1935. W. 0. SMILEY,. Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. • 336 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ' REPORTS OF THE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE CAROLINE Augustus,Middaugh reported $220.00 received. Charles Thomas reported $110.00 received. P. Alfred Munch reported no moneys received. George L. Richards reported no moneys received. DANBY Harry A. 'Hatfield reported $65.00 received. George 0. Sears reported- $10.00 received. Arthur G. Bennett reported no moneys received. Fred E. Dorn reported.no moneys received. DRYDEN - C.. Harry Spaulding reported $40.00 received. James 0. Robertson reported $10.00 received: J. D. Ross reported $5.00 received. •Orrie S. Cornelius reported no moneys received. Paul Ewers reported no, moneys received. L. A. Culver reported no moneys received. Walter G. Kinch reported no moneys received. ENFIELD _Vernon H. Earl reported $10.00 received. Thomas R. Brown reported no moneys received. Jay W. Stamp reported no moneys received. • GROTON Rexford R. Chatterton reported $40.00 received. Miles G..Tarbell reported no moneys received. J. B. Sheeler reported no moneys received. George B. Sickmon reported. no moneys received. ITHACA Verne C. Marion reported $145.00 received.. Norman G. Stagg reported $25.00 received. Clarence Baker reported no moneys received. W. L Smith reported no moneys received. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW PORK 337 LANSING ' Edward Ozmun reported $70.00 received.` Carleton Kintz reported $34.00 received. Clay C. Tarbell reported $25.00 received. Jerry A. Smith reported no moneys received. NEWFIELD Floyd W. Beach reported $85.00 received. Douglas Carpenter reported no moneys' received. Forest J. Payne reported no moneys received. J. D. Smith reported no moneys received. ULYSSES Henry Williams reported $103.50 received. Howard K. Aiken reported no moneys received. Charles A. Lueder reported no moneys received. Fred N. Smith reported no moneys received. 338 PROCEEDINGS OF 'THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MORTGAGE TAX STATEMENT The following statement shows the assessed valuation of each town with an incorporated village or city therein, the amount of mortgage tax to be distributed to the towns, villages and city and paid thereto for the year 1934. Town, Villages and City ' Assessed Value Amount of Tax Amount Payable to Towns Amount Payable to City and Villages Total Caroline $ 43.87 $ 43.87 $ 43.87 Danby 25.92 25.92 25.92 Dryden 3,94-3,324 121.26 105.47 Dryden Village 662,862 $ 10.19 Freeville 364,720 1 '5.60 • 121.26 Enfield 21.4-8 21.48 21.48 Groton 3,638,702 49.44 35.65 Groton Village 2,031,082 13.79 49.44 Ithaca City ' 1,251.02 1,251.02 1,251.02 Ithaca Town 1 6,916,930 357.91 287.76 Cayuga Heights 2,714,806 70.15 357.91 Lansing 65.14 65.14 65.14 Newfield 27.17 27.17 '27.17 Ulysses 2,807,026 97.44 79.51 Trumansburg 1,034,436 • 17.93 97.44 , Totals $ 2,060.65 $ 691.97 $. 1,368.68 $ 2,060.65 Dated, December 31, 1934. W. 0: SMILEY, • Clerk, Board of Supervisors STATEMENT OF VALUATIONS OF PROPERTY Statement of the Aggregate Valuations of Real Property in the Several Cities and Towns in the County of Tompkins as -corrected by the Board of Supervisors at their Annual Meeting in. the year one thousand nine hundred.thirty-four together with the rate of assessment for each tax district and the average county rate of assessment used in the preparation of the Equalization table. Cities and Towns . b C O u Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses .34,747 _ 33,286 58,286 22,207 - 30,275 2,940- 16,293 37,789 36,997 19,818 $ 1,163,332 1,193,610- 3,954,164 689,576 3,640,827 38,150,482 . 6,921,105 3,341,704 1,261,516 2,809,880 .96% .98% .98% .96% .97% .87% .99% .98% .98% .90% $ 1,099,124 1,104,716 3,659,679 651,508 3,404,416 39,773,621 6,340,957 3,092,831 1,167,564 2,831,780 Totals 293,088 63,126,196 63,126,196 Average rate of assessment of real property in the county, .9070149 per cent. I. W. O. Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the aggregate valuations of the - taxable real property in the several cities and towns in said County, as corrected by said Board of Supervisors, at their annual meeting in the year 1934 together with other information as G., set forth, which statement is required by Section. 61 of the Tax Law. W. O. SMILEY, Clerk P. O. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. 340 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED. Statement of the• amount of Takes and Tax Rates for the several cities and • • towns in the County of Tompkins aslevied by the Board of Supervisors at their Annual Meeting in the year 1934, together with the receipts of monies from the sources as indicated, and the amount of bonded indebtedness of the county and of each district therein except cities. Cities, Towns and Villages 1 • 0 • • c 0 ao 5) • c U Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton •Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist. 8, Dryden School Dist. 8, Groton School Dist. 1, Ithaca School Dist. 9, Lansing School Dist. 13, Lansing School Dist. 1, Ulysses 1$ 107.12 $ 106.58 356.02 61.20 331.90 3,872.04 618:18 301.23 113.55 275.96 147.33 146.58 489.60 88.92 456.44- 5;324.82 56.445;324.82 850.13 414.24 156.16 379.50 $ 6,312.98$ 1,545.15 • 6,280.90 1,553.01 20,978.86 5,144.78 3,724.65 915.89 19,557.83 4,785.93 228,159.78 '55,913.76 36,426.91 8,914.11 17,749.95 4,347.91 6,691.48 1,641.36' 16,260.99 • 3,980.92 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,'NEW YORK 341 STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued Cities, Towns and Villages v c 0 0 en 0 0. N v v 4) i4 0 s Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist. 8, Dryden School,Dist. 8 Groton School Dist. 1, Ithaca' School Dist. 9, Lansing. School Dist. 13, Lansing School Dist. 1, Ulysses $ 4,620.86 5,730.27 16,053.59 4,004.79 • 10,184.25 8,186.22 10,230.49 7,199.20 12,564.15 • $ 10,343.12 11,300.00 16,790.33 5,500.00 14,000.00 13,500.00 18,470.72 7,500.00 16,150.54 $ 2,900.00 3,000.00 8,000.00 2,200.00 5,500.00 6,000.00 7,906.27 3,500.00 7,000.00 $ 600.00 500.00 ' 100.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 342 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and' Villages Number of special districts in town._ Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist. 8, Dryden School Dist. 8, Groton School Dist. 1, Ithaca School Dist. 9, Lansing School Dist. 13, Lansing School Dist. 1, Ulysses - I$ 2,000.00$ 2,250.00 2 3,500.00 2,800.00 2 5,000.00. 3,000.00 4 1,000.00 2,200.00 • 4,000.00 3,500.00 2 3;500.00 2,500.00 1,270.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 3 '1 1 $ 1,035.00 $ 37.14 645.00 25.24 980.00 107.68 14.82 1,070.00 69.65 1,100.00 '350.00 664.75 427.00 87.15 40.76 , 92.18 2 OF TO1.1PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 343 STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages 0 a ftt 03 bp ct cub :0c <d ti 'er M1 y w a°J vo V •^ x� Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist. 8, Dryden School Dist. 8, Groton School Dist. 1, Ithaca School Dist. 9, Lansing School Dist. 13, Lansing School Dist. 1, Ulysses 1,385.05 104.75 10.15 5.66 27.08 20.90 $ 37.14 $ 388.96 $ 25.24 391.39 123.49 977.93 14.82 227.87 96.73 ' 526.78 1,385.05 12,513.57 531.75 1,343.91 87.15 1,125.46 40.76 409.64 113.08 572.04 873.69 216.52 121.24 673.77 336.26 344 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist. 8, Dryden School Dist. 8, Groton School Dist. 1, Ithaca School Dist. 9, Lansing School Dist. 13,'Lansing School Dist. 1, Ulysses $ 388.961$ 391.39 1,315.69 227.87 1,200.55 12,513.57 2,217.60 1,125.46 1 409.64 908.30 2,826.86 47.44 341.50 349.37 52.37 2,826.87 'OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages 345 « G V •(2 4 3 e. Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist. 8, Dryden School Dist. 8, Groton School Dist. 1, Ithaca School Dist. 9, Lansing School Dist. 13, Lansing School Dist. 1, Ulysses $ .28$ .60 99.81 39.68 .31 690.87 1,622.80 5,653.73. 6,965.95 54.56 4,932.18 7.59 70.06 9.02 1,218.47 53.49 I$ .28, ..60 48.70 .31 2,841.27 6,965.95 54.56 1',932.18 7.59 123.55 346 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED .(Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages N 0. 0 Ti O V T1 00M • 0 ON w ,-, ro s 0 bA 0 L v M a G u o c_o • -o v . Q W 0' v W 0 b O v •.. G r -o A gv 0 O V .. S! C d•. G4-+ as Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Newfield Lansing Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist. 8, Dryden School Dist. 8, .Groton School Dist. 1, Ithaca School Dist. 9, Lansing School Dist. "13, Lansing School Dist. 1, Ulysses $i,832.97 1,602.07 4,009.90 1,083.76 4,302.04- 3,512.811 ,302.043,512.81 3,345.51 3,109.91 1,616.22 2,704.68 $19.95 per M. $ 21.20 per M. 1.5.88 per M. 23.45 per M. 16.29 per M. 8.48 per M.11,924,190.26 10.50 per M. 15.50 per M. 20.00 per M. 18.95 per M. 85,750.00 108,500.00 11,000.00 126,500.00 100,000.00 7,000.00 160,000.00 $ 12,733.41 12,817.34 , 37,263.18 7,765.45 31,716.35 51,995.55 33,043.82 13,976.75 30,164.28 County Tax Rate 7.1539 per M. Bonded indebtedness of County, exclusive of Highway and Bridge Bonds $550,000. Temporary indebtedness of County $000.00, Highway and Bridge Bonds of County $104,000. Sinking Fund of County $000.00. I„W. O. Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true, statement of the taxes levied against the taxable property in the several Tax Districts in said County, by the Board of. Supervisors, at their Annual Meeting in the year 1934: W. O. SMILEY, Clerk OF. TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 347 HIGHWAYS—MONEY SYSTEM To the Comptroller of the. State of New York and the Super- intendent of Public Works: The following is a Statement', Pursuant to Section 100 of the Highway Law, of the several towns in the County of Tompkins, and assessed valuations, rate and amount of tax levied therein, ' for the repair of highways, by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, 1934, viz: � k b • Ey 41i W 0W O n, 75, g Lig 7-1 i w O w tE a O n o u 7 O .N V • bet C 7 Z3 u N > h 'G 'oo ^N N a E o 'O U 0 cci 74. O� G h O c, • V M is O a • Total Highway Tax Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing ' Newfield Ulysses $1,163,332 1,193,610 2,924,082 689,576 1,609,245 4,206,299 3,341,704 1,261,516 1,773,390 $ 1,163,332 10.25 1,193,610 9.70 2,924,082 6.44 689,57,6 12.13 1;609,245 8.07 4,206,299 .3.98 3,341,704 6.90 1,261,516 8.00 1,773,390 8.45 $2,900 3,000 8,000 2,200 5,500 .. 6,000 7,906.27 3,500 7,000 $2,900 3,000 8,000 2,200 5,500 6,000 7,906.27 3,500 7,000 1,163,332 1,193,610 2,924-,082 689,576 1,609,245 4,206,299 3,341,704 1,261,516 ' 1,773,390 JOSEPH B. MYERS, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors 1 348 PROCEEDINGS OF THE, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I CERTIFY that the preceding statement is correct. W. 0. SMILEY, Clerk of the. Board of Supervisors STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, } SS: Joseph B. Myers being duly sworn, says that he is the Chairman of the Board �f Supervisors of Tompkins County; that he has read the preceding statement and knows the same to be true. JOSEPH B. MYERS, Chairman. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of January, 1935. Gladys L.' Buckingham Notary Public BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTY OF TOMPKINS AND EACH TOWN, CITY, VILLAGE, SCHOOL DISTRICT AND UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT • I hereby certifiy that the following is a true statement of all the indebtedness of the County of Tompkins, and of each sub -division thereof, and of the facts relating thereto as reported to me pursuant to Section 190, of the Town Law, •for the year 1934. - W. O. SMILEY Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Ithaca, New York. Dated December 17, 1934.. Political Division • for which created 1 For what Purpose Created County of Tompkins County of Tompkins County of Tompkins County of Tompkins Village of- Groton Village of Groton Village of Groton Village of Groton Village of. Trumansburg Village of Trumansburg Village of Trumansburg Village of Trumansburg Village of Trumansburg City of Ithaca City of Ithaca, City of Ithaca Under•what Law County Buildings General Municipal Law Highway Construction §141, Highway Law Highway Construction Chap. 25, Consolidated Laws Highway Construction §§142, 167-A, Highway Law Highway. Improvement §129, Village Law Highway Improvement §129, Village Law Water Extension Village Law Electric Extension Village Lighting Law Fire House §129, Village Law Streets and Sidewalks Village Law - Water System Village Law Water System Village Law Water System Village Law School - - Education Law Creek, Drainage and Park Chap. 345, Laws 1906 Improvement, Series "C" - ' Chap. 247, Laws 1913 Rate I Bonded Int. l Debt 5 $ 550,000 4/ 54,000 141/4 1 43,0001 414 ,1 200,000 4.4 I 10,0001 5 6,200 6 90,000 51/4 -38,000 4.6 12,000 6 3,500 ' 5 59,000 s6 30,000 4/ 15,000 4/ 310,000 4 100,000 4/ 100,000 Net Debt $ 550,000 10,000 4,000 90,000 None 1,750 48,000 36,000 4,000 500 •59,000 30,000 15,000 275,000 35,000 10,000 . Total .Debt When Payable Serial Annually, $2,000 Annually 2,000 Annually 654,000 10,000 Annually 250 Annually 3,000 Annually 85,750 - 2,000 Annually 1,000'Annually Serial Ann., 1964 Due, Mar. 1, 1934 Due Sept. 1, 1939 Serial Annually Annually 1941 Annually 1935 108,500 Political Division for which created 1 For what Purpose Created Under what Law Rate Int Bonded Debt Net Debt Total Debt When Payable City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca' School Dist. 8, Dryden _. New Building School Dist. 8, Groton -_ New Building School Dist. 8, Groton -_ Equipment School Dist. 9, Lansing'._ New Building School Dist. 13, Lansing New Building School Dist. 1, Ulysses _. New Building School Dist. 1, Ulysses _- New, Building 'Improvement, Series "D" Chap. 247, Laws 1913 Improvement, Series "E" Chap. 247, Laws 1913 Improvement, Series "F" Chap. 247, Laws 1913 Improvement, Series "G" Chap. 247, Laws- 1913 Improvement, Series "H" Chap. 247, Laws 1913 (Public Grounds & Blgs. "A" -_ Chap. 247, Laws 1913 Public Grounds & Blgs. "B" -_ Chap. 247, Laws 1913 Cert. of Indeb. (Relief) Chap. 798, Laws of 1931 Cert. of Indeb. (Bank Tax Ref) Chap. 219, Laws of 1932 Emergency Relief Bonds Chap. 798, Laws of 1931 Water, Series "A" Chap. -181, Laws 1903 Water, Series "B" Chap. 181, Laws 1903 Water, Series "C" Chap. 181, Laws 1903 Chap. 503, Laws .1908 Education Law Education Law Education Law Education Law Education Law Education Law Education Law Water, Refunding - 414 ( 100,000 41/4 - 100,000 4 175,000 4 300,000 4/. 275,000 4% 90,000 41/4 140,000 4/ 56,000 4 11,908.48 2.6 300,000 4 50,000 4 75,000 4 60,000 414 162,000 4 5 -6 5 5 4% 5 %. 24,000 142,500 40,000 125,000 11,000 150,000 60,000 30,000 100,0001 160,000 300,000 275,000 65,000 90,000 56,000 7,908.48 300,000 50,000 75,000 60,0001 . 162,00012050908.48* 11,000 11,000 95,500 31,000 126,500 100,000 7,000 107,000 110,000 60,000 170,000 Annually 1937 Serial Ann. 1936 Annually Serial ,Ann. 1935 Serial Ann. 1936 Serial Annually Serial Annually Annually 1934 Serial Ann. Annually_ 1935 (1944) (1946) (1947) (1942) 1,000 -Annually 4,000 Annually 1,000 Annually 6,250 Annually 500 Annually 5,000 Annually 10,000 Annually *Sinking Fund to Apply on Water Bonds, City of Ithaca, $126,718.22, making the net Bonded Debt of the City of Ithaca $1,924,190.26. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 351 HIGHWAY, 'BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS HIGHWAY FUND—RECEIPTS Towns 0 Caroline Danby, Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 644.21 93.73 3,124.53 91.39 708.77 1,193.23 472.36 4,362.41 232.91 $2,900.00 3,000.00 8,000.00 2,200.00 4,500.00 8,000.00 7,873.14 3,500.00 7,000.00 $4,166.90 4,432.26 4,638.37 2,978.66 2,667.62 1,525.50 3,775.12 5,924.25 1,730.62 $ 1,528.63 590.00 3,197.55 2,620.00 1,041.00 1,250.00 3;121.75 1,000.00 6;672.78 $ 9,239.74 8,115.99 19,760.45 7,890.05 8,919.39 11,968.73 15,242.37 14,786.76 15,636.31 HIGHWAY FUND—EXPENDITURES Towns Caroline Danby Dryden , Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 3,611.69 8,057.56 11,744.04 2,179.50 7;282.15 6,275.88 11,906.68 11,051.55 10,273.22 $ 5,370.77 5,320.70 5,702.97 2,607.82 3,249.45 3,197.95 4,221.26 $ 8,982.46 $', 257.28 ' 8,057.56 58.43 17,063.74 2,696.71 7,882.47 , 7.58 9,889.97 o.n970.58 9,525.33 2,443.40 15,064.63 177.74 11,051.55 3,735.21 14,494.48 1,141.83 .352 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY, AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS .BRIDGE FUND -RECEIPTS , Towns 0 O ' a V w • O Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca. Lansing Newfield Ulysses 297.51 93.09 1,698.57 11.04 329.49 324.62 302.09 1,793.19 360.07 , 700.00 997.51' 200.00 293.09 1,500.00 3,198.57 100.00 411.04 500.00 829.49 250.00 574.62. 1,000.00 , .1,302.09- 0,000.00 1,793.19 1,000.00 ' 'i 1,360.07 BRIDGE FUND -EXPENDITURES T Car, Dan Dry Enfi Gros Itha Lan Ne Uly< t Labor •: and team work Materials for re- pairs Total expenditures -On hand Dec. 31, 1934 owns aline $ 411.70 $ 275.02 $ 686.72 $ 310.79 by . 144.34 ' 90.96 ' 235.30 57.79 den 445.60 368.45 814.05 . 2,384.52 °1d 55.30 40.50 95.801 15.24 ton . 45.22 ' 45.22 . 784.27 ca - ' 574.62 >ing 803.05 '333.26 1;136.31 165.78 field • 390.96. 390.96 ', 1,402.23 gess - = 658.30 , 269.29 ' 927.59 ' 432.48 OF TOMPK'INS'COUNTY, NEW LORI :`' 353 HTGHWAY BRIDGE, MACHINERY• AND MISCELLANE- OUS `FUNDS. REPORTS MACHINERY `FUND .RECEIPTS Towns U v- $, Total receipts 'Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield ' Ulysses - $' 4. 28.48 49.45 1.65 193.18 3,732.14 881.08 302.07 503.85 S$ 2,000.00 2,600.00 3,000.00 2,057:75 4,000.00 4,500.00 4,202.00 3,044.00 -3,500.00' $ 958.53 - 1,020.60 33.70. . 351.40 6,228.95 1,730.85 530.00 574.53 1,833.35 2,98.11 :_3,670.05 3,033.70 2,410.80 10,422.13 ,9,962.99 4 :5,613.08 3,920.60 5,837.20 MACHINERY FUND—EXPENDITURES Towns Other 'expenditures Caroline $ 93.75 Danby 1,839.40. Dryden - - 56.49 Enfield 1,054.22 Groton - - • 8,169.00 Ithaca 1 4,867.92 Lansing Newfield 1,016:05 Ulysses -1,000.00 $2,869.30 $ 1,636.11 - 1,473.51:. 2,823.51 934.68 20.00 3,119.5.1 , 37.10 2,403.621 730.68 5,095.37 1,246.91. - 4,664.09 - $ 2,963.05 $ 24.06 3,475.51 194.54 4,353.51 o.n.1,319.81 2,008.90 ,.401.90 11,325.61 0.D. 903.48 8,002.221 1,9.60.77 5,095.37 • 517.71 2,262.96 1,657.64 5,664.09 . - 173.11 354 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS MISCELLANEOUS FUND—RECEIPTS Towns Tax from collector Total receipts Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 196.97 $ 2,250.00 $ 375.82 2,800.00 910.42 3,900.00 177.40 74.30 2,200.00 1,964.32 5,000.00 1,500.00 490.25 4,000.00 , 973.87 5,000.00 430.23 2,000.00 1,546.38 4,000.00 2,199.70 $ 2,446.97 3,175.82 4,987.82 2,274.30 8,464.32 5,464:12 5,000.00 , 2,430.23 7,746.08 MISCELLANEOUS FUND—EXPENDITURES Towns o. v s O' Caroline $ 10.75 Danby 22.00 Dryden 267.55 Enfield 324.50 Groton 1,088.34 Ithaca 232.80 Lansing ' 771.40 Newfield Ulysses 92.60 $ 1,407.75 $ 796.39 $ 2,214.89 $ , 232.08 1,626.19 1,225.58. 2,873.77 302.05 1,435.00 1,894.35 3,146.90 1,840.92 1,555.00 299.42 2,178.92 95.38 2,041.00 1,036.98 4,166.32 4,298.00 1,806.00 1,959.24 3,998.04 1,466.08 1,878.00 2,313.79 4,963.19 36.81 , 1,594:45 270.00 1,864.45 565.78 2,158.00 4,898.64 7,149, 24 596.84 11,665 Frederick E. Crane Democrat, Republican, 'Law Preservation 384 Jacob Hillquit Socialist 521Richard B. Moore 'Communist 10,516IJohn-T. Loughran IlDemocrat, Republican, Law Preservation 3,6241Edward R. Finch 1Democrat 7,469ICharles B. Sears (Republican 344IJulien H. Weiss 'Socialist • 303IDarwin J. Messerole Socialist 336IDavid E. Hartshorn 'Law Preservation 53lGertrude Welch Communist 4,198IRoyal S. Copeland' Deinocrat 7,1771E.. Harold Cluett Republican ; 6161Norman Thomas_. 'Socialist 300rWilliam Sheafe Chase 1Law Preservation 471Max Bedacht • Communist 9 Olive M. Johnson !Social Labor 671Henry Breckinridge (Constitutional 5,072IHerbert H. Lehman 'Democrat 7,073IRobert Moses ' 'Republican 341 Charles Solomon Socialist 339IWilliam F. Varney 'Law Preservation 471Israel'Amter 'Communist 91Aaron M. Orange Social Labor 4,3601M. William Bray !Democrat 7,472 Fred J. Douglas Republican 340 Herman Kobbe !Socialist • . 326 James F. Luckey Law Preservation 471William J. Burroughs 1Communist 81Emil I. Teichert 'Social Labor 4,311IMorris S. Tremaine 1Democrat 7,5001 Wilson R. Campbell Republican 328IFred Sander Socialist 308IFred C. Foster 1Law Preservation 45 Rose Wortis Communist 2110. Martin Olson 'Social Labor 4,178 John J. Bennett, Jr. Democrat 7,496IWilliam T. Powers Republican 319 William Karlin Socialist 3641Joseph S. Robinson 1Law Preservation 44IFred Briehl Communist 9 Simeon Bickweat !Social Labor 0 �.a r by 0 c� 2 '"3 ti -3 0''-1 z0 0 � 0� I,z ao O t ro 0 H 1-31-3 4,217 Thomas G. Miller, Democrat 7,6391James R. Robinson Republican 3341Wesley Eastman -Socialist 310 E. Brownell Rogers Law Preservation 621William Mitchell Communist 3,730IMargaret L. Jillson (Democrat 8,0721Fred A. Williams Republican 354ITrevor Teele Socialist 273IAlvin Pickney • Law Preservation .48 Alice K. Livingston Communist 4,344IMichael J. Foran Democrat 7,4161William_ L. Seil Republican;, •307 Gustave Locken Socialist 302IEugene Carver !Law Preservation 3,957ICaroline O'Day Democrat 3,701 Matthew J. Merritt Democrat 7,4651Natalie F. 'Couch :Republican . 7,169 William B. Groat, Jr. Republican 3401Charles W.,Noonan (Socialist 314 August Claessens Socialist. 322 Dorothy Frooks Law Preservation, 339IWilliam E. Barron Law Preservation,; 46 Henry Sheppard Communist 44 Emanuel Levin Communist,.. 27IJeremiah D. Crowley,., 1SocialLabor 5 Jacob Berlin Social Labor 4,218IJulian P. Bretz Democrat 7,6751W. Sterling Cole Republican 277 William C. Perry Socialist 393INeiI D. Cranmer Law Preservation 57 Sammie A. Abbott Communist 3,901 George W. Kretschman Democrat .;7,700 C. Tracey Stagg Republican • 454 Monroe Sweetland, Socialist 3241Harris W. Lewis Law Preservation 46IArvo Salo Communist S 1OSIAuBdfS' 3O Q2IvOa aril, 3O SDNIO33DO2Id bit 99g -OF:TOMPKINS COUNTY,.NEW.YORK•. ' POLITICAL •DIRECTORY' AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS 357:': 1. Fall • Primary=- Seventh. Tuesday before General Election, each year. (Election Law, §191.) ' Presidential Primary= -First Tuesday in April in Presi- dential year, (Election Law§191.)' General Election—First Tuesday after first Monday in November, each year. (Election Law, §191.) Town Meetings -On same date as General Election in odd numbered years., (Town. Law §80.). Designation of Polling Places—By the Town Boards and . Common Council of City, on Third Tuesday in August, each year. (Election Law, §66.) 6. Board of .Canvass—First Tuesday after. General Election, each year. (Election Law, §272.) 7. Annual Meeting and organization, except election of Chairman,' of Board of Supervisors—Second Thursday after General Election, each year. (County Law, §10.) 8. Monthly Meetings, Board of Supervisors=Second Mon- day of . each month. (County Law, §10-b.) ' Election of Chairman of Board -At a 'meeting held in January, for that year. (County Law, §10.) 10.. Town Boards—Shall meet First Thursday after General Election,: each year, and on the 28th of December .of each ,year. (Town Law, §62.) . 11. Grand Jurors—Selected by the Board of Supervisors at the annual meeting each year. (Code Criminal Procedure. §229-a.) 12... ; Trial Jurors -The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors 358 PROCEEDINGS. OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of each town, must meet on the First Monday in July, in each year, at a place within the town appointed by the Supervisor, or, in case of his absence, or a vacancy in his office, by the Town Clerk, for the purpose of making a list of persons, to serve as trial jurors, for the then. ensuing year;Ifthey fail to meet on the day specified in this section, . they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable. (Judi- ciary Law, §500, as amended by Laws of 1923.) At the meeting specified in the last section, the officers present must select from the last assessment -roll of the town, and make a list of all persons whom they believe to be qualified to serve as trial jurors, as prescribed in this article. (Judiciary Law, §501.) 13. County Claims—(a) All bills and claims' against the county must be presented to the Clerk of the- Board of Supervisors on or before the 'Third day of the Annual Session of the Board and at least Three days before any Monthly Session thereof. (b) , All bills or claims presented 'to the Board of. Super- visors must be itemized and verified by the oath of claimant. All bills • for repairs to or improvements •of county buildings must have endorsed thereon the approval. of the committee having charge of such buildings. (c) No billsfor supplies for county officers will be audited unless the same were authorized by the Committee of the Board of Supervisors having suchmatter in charge. 14. Reports—(a) All county officers receiving, or authorized to receive moneys in which the county, or any sub -divi- sion thereof, shall have an interest, shall annually, on November 1st, of each year, make a written verified report of all moneys received, from whom, on what account and the disposition made 'thereof, and file the same with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November 5th. (County Law, §243.) (b) The. Clerk of every Town, incorporated village and city in the county shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November 1st, of each year, all indebtedness of such town, village or OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK. 359 city, specifying forwhat purpose created, under what law, rate of interest and when payable. (c) The Trustees, or the person or persons having charge of the issue of bonds or payments of same, of any school district, shall transmit a statement thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the First day of November. (d) The Supervisor must report to, the District Superin- tendent of Schools on the 'First day in February, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. 15. Assessments—(a)All real property shall be assessed in the tax district in which situated. Property divided by a town line shall be assessed in both towns. (b) The assessors shall complete the assessment -roll on or before the First day of August and make out a copy thereof, to be left with one of their number, and forthwith cause a notice to be conspicuously posted in three or more •public places in the tax district, stating that they have completed the assessment -roll, and that a copy thereof has been left with one of their number, at a specified place, where it may be examined until the Third Tuesday in August. (Tax Law, §36.) (c) The assessors shall meet on the Third Tuesday in August and not later than • August 31, to review their assessment and hear and determine all com- plaints brought before them in relation to such assessments. (d) When the assessors, or a majority of them, shall have completed their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the county authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and sub- scribe before such officers, an oath in the form pre- scribed by Sec. 38, of the Tax Law, which oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the assessors and certified by the officer. (e) The assessors must file a certified copy of the com- pleted assessment -roll with the Town Clerk, on or before the Fifteenth day of September, and it shall 360 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS there_remain for public inspection until delivered by the Town • Clerk to the . Supervisor. The . Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the same in, at ,leastthree public, places in .the tax dis- trict and .tobe published in one or more, newspapers, if any, published in the town, that .such .;assessment - roll has been finally completed, andstating that such certified copy, has been filed. The . original assess- ment -roll shall on or before. the First day of October be delivered by the Assessors _to the Supervisor. (Tax Law, §39.). (f) The Board of Assessors of the several towns, and the Assessors• of the City .of Ithaca, shall furnish the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, on or before the First day of September, a complete list. of . all prop- erty within their tax districts that is exempt from taxation. (Tax Law, §15.) 16. Collectors—The Tax Collector t or Receiver'• shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected byhim, execute an ,undertaking, to be ap- :proved by the Supervisor of thetown, and deliver said undertaking to him., The. Supervisor .shall, within six days thereafter,,: file, the said .undertaking with his ap- proval, in the office 'of the County Clerk.: (Town Law, §25.) 17. Justices of the Peace— (a) Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the pay- ments on demand to the proper. officer, of all moneys re- ceived by the justice .by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor and filed in the Town Clerk's Office. (b). Each Justice of: the Peace of the town shall pay to the Supervisor on the First Monday ofeach month, all fines and penalties imposed and received by him and shall also make a verifiedreport of all fines and penalties collected by 'him to the :.Board of • Town Auditors, of his (town,. on Tuesday preceding the Annual Town Meeting. (County Law, X12, sub- division 21.) OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK " 361 Roster, 1935, JUSTICE OF. THE SUPREME COURT .. Riley 11: Heath (6th Judicial District) Ithaca, N.- REPRESENTATIVE: :REPRESENTATIVE; IN CONGRESS ' , W. Sterling. Cole (37:th District) Bath, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN •STATE SENATE C. Tracey Stagg (41st.D"istrict) Ithaca, N: Y REPRESENTATIVE; IN STATE ASSEMBLY James R. Robinson Ithaca, N. Y. COUNTY . OFFICERS .. . County Judge and Surrogate Willard M. Kent Ithaca, N. Y. Special County Judge H C. Baldwin Ithaca, N. Y. Judge of Children's Court Williard M. Kent Ithaca,. N. Y. County,, Clerk Howard O'Daniel Ithaca, N. Y. County. Treasurer , . Charlotte V. Bush Ithaca, N. Y. District Attorney Arthur G. Adams Ithaca, N. Y. Sheriff Frank C. Ellis Ithaca, N. Y. Commissioner. of Welfare FredWilliams Ithaca, N. Y. County Attorney • C. H. Newman Ithaca, N. Y. Coroner Dr. Wm. L. Seil Newfield, N. Y. Sealer of Wts. & Measures .:..John J. Sinsabaugh Ithaca; N. Y. Superintendent of Highways Bert I. Vann Ithaca, N. Y. Clerk, Board of Supervisors.... W. 0. Smiley Ithaca, N. Y. Commissioner of Election ...'. Wm. F. George Ludlowville, 1 Commissioner of, Election .....Emma L. Card Ithaca, N. Y. Probation Officer R. A. Hutchinson Ithaca, N. Y. Clerk of Surrogate's Court D. M. Gillespie Ithaca, N. Y. Clerk of Children's Court '...R. A. Hutchinson Ithaca, N. Y. Deputy County Clerk L. L. Earl ' Ithaca, N. Y. Motor Vehicle Clerk Laura Arnold Ithaca, N. Y. Under Sheriff. L. G. Armstrong ` Ithaca, N..Y. Dist. Supt. of Schools E. Craig Donnan ......Newfield, N. Y. Dist. Supt. of Schools . L. O. Olds Ithaca, N. Y. Dist.' Supt.. of Schools J. •Paul, Munson Groton, 10 Keeper at County Home Clayton Bower Jacksonville, N.Y. 362 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OFFICERS CAROLINE Supervisor' Lamont C. Snow Br'kt'dale, 1ti.D.1 Justice of • the Peace Augustus Middaugh $r'kt'dale,R.D. 2 Justice of the Peace Chas. Thomas • Br'kt'dale, R.D. Justice of the PPeace P. Alfred Munch Br'kt'dale, R.D. 3 Justice of .the Peace . Geo. L. Richards Br'kt'dale, R.D. ' Town Clerk Elmer Lockwood....Br'kt'dale, N.Y. Assessor ' Chas. M. Jones Berkshire, R.D. 1 Assessor D. B. Bull Br'kt'dale, R.D. 1 Assessor H. A. Whittaker Br'kt'dale, R.D. 1 Collector •. John Lounsbery Br'kt'dale, N.Y. Supt. of Highways -James Beebe Commissioner of Welfare Charles M. Jones .. School Director D. A. Chatfield School Director J. W Page Berkshire, R.D. 4 Berkshire, R. D. 1. Slaterville Springs Slaterville Springs DANBY Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of. the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor 'Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School, Director T. G Miller _ Ithaca, R. D. 4 Harry Hatfield Ithaca, R. D. 4 Fred E. Dorn .. Brooktondale, R. D. 2 George 0. Sears ,....West Danby, N. Y. Arthur G. Bennett Willseyville, R. D. 1 B. J. Jennings ."...West Danby, R. D. 1 Geo. Button West Danby, R. D. F. R. Caswell Ithaca, R. D. 4 L. E. Cummings Willseyville, R. D. 1 Jennie Beardsley Ithaca, R. D. 4 Reginald S. Nelson.... Ithaca, R. D. 4 David A. Moore .... Willseyville, N. Y. A. E: Grant :...Brooktondale, R. D. 2 Chas. L Hall Ithaca, R. D. 4 DRYDEN Supervisor Justice of the • Peace Harry Spaulding, Justice of the Peace J Dolph Ross Justice of the Peace 'L. A Culver Justice of the Peace Walter Kinch Justice of the. Peace Orrie Cornelius Town Clerk Jane C. Hines Carl A. Mott Dryden, R. D. 1 Etna, N. Y. Dryden, N. Y. Freeville, N. Y. Freeville, N. Y. Ithaca, R. D. 2' Dryden, N. Y. Dryden, N. Y. Ithaca, R. D. 2 Freeville, R. D. Jas. 0. Robertson .... Groton, ' R. D. 12 Freeville, R. D. 2 Roy Hungerford Ithaca, R. D. Bernice M. Kirk . Etna, N. Y. C B. Snyder Dryden N. Y. Assessor C. D Griswold Assessor . Truman English Assessor Edward Sykes Collector Supt. of Highways Lee Stevens Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 363 ENFIELD Supervisor S. Harvey Stevenson ..:: Ithaca, R. D. 3 Justice of the Peace Jay Stamp Ithaca, R. D. 5 Justice of the Peace • Vernon H Earl Ithaca, R. D. 4 Justice of the Peace •Thomas R. Brown Ithaca, R. D. 3 Town Clerk. H D. Bailey Ithaca, R. D. 5 Assessor • Gilbert. Fisher .... Trumansburg, R. D. Assessor - Ralph Loveless Ithaca, R. D. 5 Assessor ; Ward Spencer Ithaca, R. D. 5 Collector Harry Willis+Ithaca, R. D. 5 Supt; of Highways John Thall Ithaca, R. D. 5 Commissioner of Welfare Chas.- Teeter Ithaca, R. D. 5. School Director Hulse Smith Newfield, R. D. 2 School,Director Ray C. Lanning • Ithaca, R. D. 3 GROTON SUBervisor Denton J. Watrous Groton; N. Y. Justice of the Peace • • R. R. Chatterton Groton, N. Y. Justice, of the Peace Miles G. Tarbell .... Groton, R. D. 11 Justice of the Peace Geo. B. Sickmon ........ McLean, -N. Y. Justice of the Peace Jos.. B. Sheeler, Groton, . N. Y. Town Clerk Chas. H. Moe Groton, N. Y. Assessor Archie Gillen • Groton, -R. D. 15 Assessor • ° C. Fay Benson Groton, R. D. 3' Assessor Collector Lillian B. Benedict, .... Groton', N. Y. Supt. of Highways Ed. Walpole Groton, N. Y. Commissioner of Welfare Lawrence Jackson Groton, N. Y. School Director • ' Dr. R. C. Tarbell Groton, N. Y. School Director Ernest Reniff McLean, N. Y. ITHACA CITY Mayor ' ' Louis P. Smith City Hall F D. Van Order .... 511 W. Seneca St. Henry 0 'Veit 106 Hyers St. Joseph B. Myers 325 W. Buffalo St. R. C. Osborn 303 N. Aurora St. Clarence C. Squier 216 Univ. Ave. Daniel Crowley James E. Matthews City Chamberlain Clarence A. Snyder City Assessor ' L. E. Dofflemyer Director of Welfare John H. Post Sealer of Wts. &Measures .... L. J. Gaurnier Chief Police Wm. Marshall . Fire Chief B. J. Reilly Supervisor, 1st Ward Supervisor, 2nd Ward Supervisor, 3rd Ward Supervisor, 4th Ward Supervisor, 5th Ward City Judge City Clerk City Hall City Hall City Hall City Hall Library Building 515 S. Albany Police Headquarters Fire Headquarters 364• ., PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD ;OF SUPERVISORS ITHACA TOWN,. Supervisor Justice' of the Peace Justice 1of the Peace Justice of the Peace Wm, I. Smith Justice 'of. the' Peace Clarence• A. Baker Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Commissioner` of Welfare School Director` School'Directo`r Lagrand E. Chase ' Ithaca, R. D. 4. Verne C. Marion Ithaca, R. D. 4: Norman Stagg Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca; R. D. 7. Ithaca, R. D. 4: ' Rachaels,Hanshaw .... Ithaca, R. D. 2 Frank Howe Renwick Heights Fred C. Marshall Ithaca, R. D. 6 Ralph Mandeville Ithaca, R. D. 4 Rexford' Smith Ithaca, N. Y. Harry 'Baker Ithaca, R. D. 4 Fay Grover Ithaca, R. D. 2 Nina B. Royce Ithaca; R. D..5 Ada Gray Ithaca, R. D. 5 LANSING Supervisor Andrew J. Conlon So. Lansing, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Carleton Kintz . Ludlowville, R. D. 1 Justice of the Peace J. A. Smith .... Ludlowville,. R. D. 1 Justice of the Peace Edward Ozmun .... So. Lansing, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Clay Tarbell Groton, N. Y. Town Clerk Joseph McGill Ludlowville, N. Y. Assessor , Samuel: Lane .... Ludlowville, ,R. D. 2 Assessor Jacob Bdwer Ludlowville, R. D. Assessor Andrew. Tarbell Freeville, R. D. Collector Clifford Dickerson Ludlowville; R. D. Supt. of Highways John Howland..... So. Lansing, N. Y. Commissioner of Welfare Carleton Kintz .... Ludlowville, R. D. 1 School Director Clarence Townsend Ludlow'le, R. D. 1 School Director Frank. Tarbell Groton, R. D. 1 Supervisor Justiceof the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of .the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor• Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of. Highways NEWFIELD R. C. Albright Newfield; N. Y. J. D. Smith Newfield,, N. Y. Forest Payne Newfield, R. D. 4 Floyd Beach Newfield, R. D. Douglass S. Carpenter Newf'd, R. D. 3 Carrie Peck Newfield, N. Y. Fred W. Payne Newfield, R. D. 1 Harry `Horton Newfield, R. D. 3 Frank Fish Newfield, N. Y. Daniel Patterson Newfield, N. Y. Herbert Williams ..,..:Newfield, R. D; 1 Commissioner of Welfare C. Lee Brainard - Newfield, N. Y. School Director . J. L. Goldsmith Newfield, N. Y. School Director Geo. S. Adams Newfield,; N. Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 365' ULYSSES Supervisor LePine Stone .... Trumansburg, N. Y. Justice of the Peace F. N. Smith Trumansburg, R. D. 31 Justice of the Peace Henry Williams .... Jacksonville, N. Y. Justice of the. Peace Howard K. Aiken .:.. Tru'burg, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Charles A. Lueder Jacksonville; N. Y. Town Clerk Edith M. Updike Trumansburg, N. Y. Assessor H. C. Steenberg ..Trumansburg, N.Y. Assessor Edwin Gould ..:. Trumansburg, N. Y. Assessor Philo B. Smith Ithaca, R. D. 7 Collector Carrie Briggs .... Trumansburg, N.,Y. Supt. of Highways J. Warren Chase Trumansburg, R.D. 3 Commissioner of Welfare Irwin S. Potter Trumansburg, N. Y. School Director Levi 0. Holman Trumansburg, N. Y. School Director Maud Addington .... Waterburg, N. Y. I INDEX A Abandonment of Highways by State 119 Abolition of Committees—Relative to 30 Accounts of Supervisors 254 Adjourned Special Sessions 81, 84 Annual Session of Board of Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors ) Apportionment—Of Compensation Insurance 7, 158 Of Dog Moneys 250 Of Election Expenses 135 Of Expenses of Children's Court 155 Of Hospitalization, Etc. 146 Of Mortgage Tax Moneys 245 For Support of Poor at County Home 145 Of Taxes 228 , Appropriation—Additional for Board of Child Welfare 65 Fo'r Additional Clerk Hire for County Treasurer - 72 For Agent of State Charities Aid Association 143 For Central Index 25 For ,Civil Works Administration 10 For Claim, of Karl D. Hesley 97 For Clerk at Federal Food Storage Building 117 For County—General and Poor Tax 181 Highway .Tax 181 For County Highway Bridges 155 For County's Share of Completing Projects 65, 89 For County's Share for Canal Drainage in Town of Ithaca 248 For C. W. A. Property Maps 9 For Department of Public Welfare 25, 47, 66, 79, 99, 148 For Expenses of County Attorney 27 For Fairs 29 Rescinded 55 For Grade Crossing Elimination 18, 53 For, Grading of Warren Overlook 46 For Improvement of Dirt Roads 149 For Light, Heat and Telephones • 154 For Maintenance of Tuberculosis Hospital ,141 For Office and Incidental Expenses of T. E. R. A. 19 For Old Age Security 26, 100, 143 For Printed Proceedings 22 For Reforestation Purposes 112 For Rental of 121 E. Seneca St. Corporation • 22 For Rights of Way • 47, 62, 80, 94, 139. For Rural Rehabilitation Agent and Economist 82 For Salary of AssigatntrEngjneer 81 ° For Sinking Fund .11c1 Interest on Bonds 136 For State Tax 181 For Support of Poor 148, For Tax Refund 64 To Board of Child Welfare 165 • To Committee on Compensation Insurance' 158 • TO Committee for the Eradication of Bovine Tubereulosis 126 To Cornell Library Association • - 175 To County Laboratory ' ' 165 To County Road Maintenance Fund 30 To Employee's Retirement System' 176 To Farm Bureau Associaticm 165 To General Fund " ' • 176 To Home Bureau Association 165 To Highway Fund " 179 To Junior Project 'Extension 165 To Public Health Committee 160 To Poor. Fund. 178 To, Rtiral Traveling Library System 'Commiitee 165 To T. E. R. A. Fund • 29, 40, 46, 56, 67, 72, 74, 89 From County -Road Fund 165 From General Fund to, cover Salaries 22 From Unexpended balances, standing to the credit of the different projects 133 Under Provisions §320-A, Highway Law 134 Armory Tax 93, 172 Assessment Rates-As Fixed by State Tax Department' 93 . As Fixed by the Board of Supervisors 127, 129 Assessment Rolls-T-Report of, Committee on Footing 112 Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing 115 Chairman. and Clerk Directed to Sign 252 Assessors-Names and. Addresses of , • 362, 365 Attorney, County (See County Attorney) Audits-Of County 255 Of Towns • 257, 285 To Be Printed in Proceedings of Boara 161 Of .Claims by the Several Committees During Year 102, 104, 105, 107, 111, 126, 152 Monthly Sessions •42, 49, 57, 67, 75, 90, 119 Quarterly Sessions 12, 31 Balances-CountY Treasurer Diiected to Pay to ToWnS and City 159 Reappropriations,of Unexpended BOlances 7, 73, 112, 126, 139, 141, 150 111 Bank, Depositories:—Relative 'to 40 • Bids—For. Printed Proceedings—Relative to.:. 87, 88, 101 Clerk Authorized to Secure • 72 Board of Child 'Welfare —Appropriations to 65, 165 Relative to 63, 104 Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital (See Tuberculosis Hospital) Board of Supervisors,—Accounts of 254 Chairman of—Temporary 109 (Also See Chairman,of Board) , Clerk of (See Clerk of Board) 'Committees of (See Committees of Board) Meetings of, .Change of 24 Printed. Proceedings of, Relative ,to ....72, 87, 88, 101 Appropriation for 22 Authorizing Contract for 101 Tax Rates to be Printed in 161 Town Audits to be Printed in 161 Representative—On' Board of Managers of Tuber- CuloSis Hospital 124. On County Laboratory 125 On Eradication of Bovine Tuber- culosis 126 On Farm and Home Bureau Association 123 On Junior Extension.' . 123 On Public Health Committee 123 On Rural Traveling Library Sys-. ' tem Committee .87 Salary of Sessions of—Annual 93. • Audits. at , 255 Monthly 37, 46, 53, 62, 70 ,86, 118 Audits,at 42, 49, 57, 67, 75, 90, 119 Quarterly 3, 21 Audits at 12, 31 - Discontinued 24 Special 17, 78 Adjourned 81, 84 Calls for 17, 78 Stenographer -of—Salary of 167 Bond—Of County Commissioner of Public Welfare, 112, 118 Bond IssueRelative to Unexpended Balance of 73 Bonded Indebtedness—Of County and Towns 349 Bond's, Issued for Construction of State and County Highways—Sinking Fund and Interest on 96, 136 Bovine Tuberculosis—Appropriation for Eradication of Claims Audited by Committee During Year 126 I Committee on, Election of Members on 53, 66, 126 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 126 Relative to 125 Bridge. Fund for Towns 352 Bridges, Etc. -Tax for Improvement of Highways 231, Bridges, County Highway -Appropriation for 155 Budgets—County 172 Town 232, 245 Tax Rates to be Published with 161 Calls for Special Sessions (See Board of Supervisors) . Caroline—Amount Charged Town for Compensation Insurance 7, 158 Amount Charged .Town for Election Expenses • 135'. Amount Charged Town for Examinations in Lunacy 36, 77, 92 • Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. 146 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff'.s Expenses 15, 36, 45, 52, 60, 69, 92 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 145 Amount Due Town from Dog Monies 250 Amount Due' Town from Mortgage Tax 245 Audits of 259 Budget of 232 Names and Addresses of Town Officers 362 Petition' of Town Board to Borrow §§93, 96 72 Relative to Grade Crossing Elimination 53 Returned School Taxes of 196 .Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 231 Tax Rates of 232 Tax Rates for, Lighting' Districts 232 Chairman. of Board—Temporary, Election of 109 Authorized to Act for County in All Matters 160 Authorized to Execute Contract with Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County for Board of • Prisoners 98 Authorized to Notify proper authorities relative to Welfare Officers 74 Authorized to Represent County in Elimination of , Grade Crossings 108 Authorized to Sign Agreement known as N. R. S Project No. 826 - 54 Authorized to Sign Deed for Kinsley Property 23 Authorized to Sign and Institute Condemnation Pro- ceedings ' 83 Directed to Sign Collector's- Warrants 252 Clerk of Board—Authorized to Certify Payments _ 161 Authorized to Correct Errors in Minutes 159 • Authorized- to. Execute Contract with. Board of Supervisors of Onondaga. County for Board .of Prisoners 98 Authorized to Purchase Supplies 101 Authorized to Secure Bids for, Proceedings 71, 88 Authorized to Sign Agreement. known as N. R. S. Project No. 826 • 54 Authorized and Directed to make: Changes in 1934 Assess- ment Rolls 21 Certificate of. 335 Directed to Draw County Orders 18, 62, 94, 97 Directed to Draw Orders for Grade Crossing Elimination 54 Directed to Draw Order for Printed Proceedings, .22 Directed to Issue Orders. for Payment of. Claim 159 Directed to Issue Orders for Rights of Way 47, 62, 63, 94 Directed to Print Audits 161 Directed to .Print. Report of. County Superintendent 132 Directed to Publish Tax. Rates .of Towns . 163 Directed to Sign Collector's Warrants 252 Instructed to insert . Public Hearing Notice, in Ithaca Journal -News 20 Postage of 168 Report of, to Comptroller 347 • Salary of 16.7 Committees of Board -Claims Audited During Year by Several 102, 104, 105, 107, 111, 126, 152 Relative to Abolition of 30 Reports of (See Under Various Committees) Special—On Old Court House 8, 42 To Act for County in All Matters ` 160 To Attend Supervisor's Conference 86 To Investigate Expense Account 66 To Investigate Insurance Matter 41 To Investigate Kinsley Property 24,38 To Investigate Refinancing 74 To Investigate Time of Payment of Taxes 28 To Reconsider Library Contract 57, 64, 75, 87 To Work with Rules and Legislation Com- mittee 39 Welfare Committee . 65 Committee on Auditing Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital, Claims Audited by Committee. During Year 105 Committee on Charities— • Authorized to Make Agreement with. State. Charities Aid Association 143 Authorized to Make. Necessary Repairs to Buildings under its super- vision . 161 Report of—On Audits 191 Relative to County, and .-Town-Poor- 148 VI' Relative to 'County ,Old Age Security Fund 141. Relative 'to Report 'of Board of Managers of Tuber- culosis Hospital 140 Relative to Report of Commissioner of Public Welfare 146 Committee on Contract Supplies`` Appropriations for Light, Heat and Telephones 154 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 107 Report of—Relative to Light, Heat and 'Telephones 107 Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts— ' Report of—On Audits • 188 Relative to Reports' of Justicesof the Peace 247 Committee on Correction and Reformation— Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs to Buildings under its super- vision 160 Report of—On Audits 184 Relative td Report of Children's Court 154 Committee on Compensation Insurance-!— _ nsurance—_ Report of 4, 156 Committee on County Buildng- Authorized to Replace shrubs' ' 74 Report of 81 Committee on County Clerk and 'Election Expenses= Report of—On Audits 186 Relative to Report of Commissioners of Election 135 Relative to Report of County 'Clerk 152 Relative to Report of County Judge and Surrogate's Clerk 139 Committee on County Library= Report of -On Audits 190 Committee on County Officers and •Compensation— . Authorized to Make, Necessary Repairs to Buildings under its supervision 160 Report of—On Audits 183 Relative to County Sealer of Weights and Measures 144 Relative to Old Court House 41, 42 Relative to Salaries 166 Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts— ' ` Report of—On Audits ' 189 Relative to Apportionment of Dog Moneys 249 Relative to Mortgage Tax Moneys 245 Relative to Report of County Treasurer' 137 Committee on Enforcement 'of Quarantine on Dogs— ' Appointment of Dog Warden 125 - Claims Audited by Committee "During Year ' 152 Committee on Equalization, Etc.— Report of—For General Tax Levy 127 For Highway Tax Levy 129 VII' ' On Apportionment: of, Taxes 228 ' On Assessment Rolls On Footing Assessment Rolls On Ratios and Percentages Supplemental, On Footing Assessment Rolls C. W. A. Project referred to —.-=------ Committee on Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis— Appointment to fill vacancy on, Appropriation to ...... 252 112 128 115 8 53; 66 126 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 126 Election of Representative on 124 Committee, on Finance— Report of—On County Budget 172 On Town Budgets 232, 245 Committee on Highways- Authorized to Secure Rights of Way 108 Claim, referred to 87 Relative to Condemnation Proceedings 83 Relative to County Map ..._ 18 Report of—On Audits 187 Reports of 47, 62, 80, 138 Committee on Jail Supplies— ' Claims Audited by Committee During Year - 104 Committee on Public Health— Appointment of Representatives on 123 Appropriation for _ 150 Claims Audited by Committee During Year. 102 Report of 116 Committee on Reforestation— Authorized to Purchase Lands 11 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 111 Manner of Payment for Lands 24 Committee on Returned Taxes— Report of -Relative to Grand Jurors • Relative to Returned School Taxes _._ 193, 227 Committee .on Rules and Legislation— Relative to special 39 Committee to Sell Lands Acquired at Tax' Sale - Relative to Repair of roof 12 - Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. — ' Report of—Relative to Board of Child Welfare 65 Relative to Various. Organizations 165 Relative to Public Health Committee 150 Committee on Town and County Accounts— Report of—Relative to Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 96,..136 140 ' , Committee on Town Expenses, Etc.- Report of—On Special .Franchises 170 County Officers -Expenses, etc. for • 168 .;Names and Addresses of �._ 361 • Postage for 168 Salaries of 167 Clerk Directed to Certify Payments of - 161' To Be Paid Monthly 159 Attorney— County Act for County in All Matters 160 • Appropriation for Expenses of 27 Authorized to Attend Conferences 249 Authorized to Represent County on Grade Crossings. 108 Authorized to Secure Rights of Way 108 Expenses of 168 Relative to Report n Old Court House I 41 Report of 122 Salary of 167 County Clerk—Salary of ` 167 Assistants in office of -Salary of 167 Deputy County ,Clerk -Salary of 167 Motor Vehicle Clerk—Postage of 168 - Salary of 167 Postage of 168 Report of 303 Report of Committee on 152 County Commissioners of Election—Election of 144 Expenses of 168 Salary of 167 County Commissioner of Public Welfare Bond of, Relative to -18, 112, 118 Report of 78, 308 Relative to Case Worker 328 Relative- to Old Age .Security 320 Report= of Committee. on 146 Salary of 167 County -Coroner—Expenses of 168 Salary, of ° 167 County.:. District .Attorney—_.. Authorized to Attend Meeting 248 Office Expenses of 168 Salary of 167 County. Judge and Surrogate— Salary of 167 Special, County Judge and Surrogate—Salary of 167 Surrogate's Clerk Salary, of " 167 Surrogate's Stenographer 167 o. IX County Librarian -Relative to 103 ;County,.Probation Officer -Salary. ,of 167 'County Sealer of Weights and Measures-.;~• = Expenses of " 167 Salary of 167 County Sheriff- Authorized to Contract for Detention of Federal Aliens or .Prisoners 38 Claims for Expenses, Charged, to. Towns' and City 15, 16, 36, 45, 52, 60, 69, 77, 92, 122 Expenses of 168 Salary of 167 , . Two Turnkeys and Deputy -Salary of _ 167 County Superintendent of Highways- . ' Expenses of 168 Report relative to Lansing Project 41, 46 Report of 330 To Be Printed in Proceedings 132. Salary of 167 County Treasurer - Authorized ' to Borrow 10, 15, 26, 36, 44, 51, 56, 60, 69, 76, 79, 81, 82, 89, 92, 100, 121 Authorized to Credit in Certain Cases 181 Authorized to Transfer any County C. W. A. Unex- pended Balance to the County T. E. R. A. Fund 19 Authorized to .Transfer from General Fund to cover Overdrafts - 64 ' Authorized to Transfer in Case of Deficiency 180 Authorized to Pay Office and Incidental Expenses of T. E. R: A. 19 Authorized and Directed' to Reduce Rate 'of Interest Penalty .. 21 Clerk Hire for -Relative to • 72, 168 Directed to Amend Record of Unpaid State and County Taxes • 27 Directed to Charge Claims Payable to Towns and City 15, 36, 45, 52, 60, 69, 77, 92 Directed to' Deposit in Sinking Fund for Committee on Workmen's 'Compensation Insurance 7, 158 Directed to Give Notes or Certificates of Indebtedness 10, 15,.26,36, 44, 51, 56, 60,' 69,: 76, 79, 81, 82, 89, 92, 100, 121 Directed to Pay Additonal Appropriation •to Board of Child Welfare; " 65. Directed to Pay .Agent of State .Charities Aid Associa- tion • 1'62 Directed to Pay Balances in Dog Fund to Towns and ,: City 250 Directed to Pay Balances to Towns and City 159 Directed to Pay C:" W. A. Projects 10 Directed to Pay Claims 94, 97 Directed to Pay Claims from Dog Fund .. _36, 44, 52, 189 Directed to Pay •Clerk at Federal Food Storage Build- ing 117 Directed to Pay County Orders 159 Directed to Pay' County's share of Canal Drainage in Town of Ithaca 248 Directed to Pay Expenses of County Attorney 27 Directed to 'Pay Janitor at Old Court House 4 Directed to Pay Librarian and Assistant 103 Directed to Pay Library Expenses • 88 Directed to Pay Monthly Session Audits 44, 52, 60, 67, 75,90 Directed to Pay Quarterly Session Audits 15,'35 Directed to Pay Rental of Offices • 22 Directed to Pay Salaries Monthly 159 Directed to Pay T. E. R. A. bills 29, 46 Directed to Pay for, Grade Crossing Elimination; 18,54 Directed to Pay for :Grading Warren Overlook 46 Directed to Pay for Rights of way 47, 52, 60, 62, 63, 77, 80, 94 Directed to Pay to Welfare Department 26, 48 Directed to Place Members of Board of Supervisors, on County Payroll 21 Directed to Refund to Chauncey Freese 64 Manner of Payment for Central Index 37 Manner of Payment for Reforestation Lands 24 Manner of Payment of C. W. A. Monies , 3 Manner of Payment of T. E. R. A. Funds 19 Manner of Payment to Public'Healfh Committee 150 Manner of Payment to Various Organizations 165 Postage for 168 Reappropriation. of Income to Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital 54 Reappropriation •to General, Welfare and Highway •Funds 159 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 165 Relative to Monthly Statement of 85, 87 Report of 78, 285' Salary of 167 C. W. A.—Appropriation for property maps 9 Appropriation to 10 Manner of Payment of Monies Appropriated to 3 Relative to 19 Canals—Resolution Relative to Tolls on 247 Canvass—Official . 355 -XI Case Worker -Report of 328 Central Index -Relative to 25 Manner Payment for 37 Certificates of Indebtedness -County Treasurer Authorized to Borrow on 10, 15, 26,• 36, 44, 51, 56, 60, 69, 76, 79,81, 82, 89, 92,'•100, 121. Charities -Relative to Contract with State - Aid. Association„ 143 Child Welfare (See Board of Child Welfare) Children's Agent -Report of 323, Children' Court -.--Clerk ,of, Salary, of 167 • Expenses of,. Charged to, Towns,,and,City `155, Judge of, Salary of. 167 City of Ithaca (See Jthaca City) • City and Towns -County Treasurer Directed to. Pay, Balances to 159 City Tax Rate -For .State .and'County Purposes 241 Claim -Of Estella Campbell. 86 Of Karl D. Hesley 97 • Of Hunkin-Conkey Construction Company 30 Of W. C. Lockwood 94. Of First Baptist Church • 31, 41,• 42 Of' Lewis H. Schwartz , 55, Of Howard Personius ' 98 Claims -Audited by Several Committees During 'Year . • .. ' ' • 102, 104, ,.105, 107, 111, 126, 152 For Examinations in Lunacy -Charged to Towns and .City 1,5,"36, 45, 52, 60, ' 69, 77, 92, 122 For Sheriff's Expenses -Charged .to Towns and City 15;'16, 36,'45, 52, 60„69, 77,.92, 122 Clerks of Towns and City -Names and Addresses of 362, 365 Collectors of Towns -Chairman and Clerk' Directed to Sign. Warrants of 252 Names and Addresses of 362," 365. Relative' to Annexation of Warrants. of 150 Communication -From Broome County -Relative to Highways 182 From Clothing Bureau •, 118 From Governor's Commission '. 86 • ' From State -Relative to Rates of Assessments ' 94 Relative- to Sinking Fund and Interest,,on Bonds .96 Relative to Tax ' ' • 93 Relative to Old ,Court House.. 20 • Relative to' Supervisor',s. Convention 86 Compensation Insurance -Apportionment of=Among Several Towns and . qty ' .7., 158 Reappropriation.of Unexpended Balances 7, 158 Report of Committee on, 4, 156 i • Comptroller -Communication from -Relative to .State Tax 93 Relative to Sinking Fund and: Interest on Bonds Issued for ' the Construction of State and County Highways 96, 136 • XII ' Report of Clerk to 347 ondemnation Proceedings—Relative to 83 Construction Program for Highways for 1935 164 Appropriation for 165 ConiractFor Federal Aliens or Prisoners 38 With Onondaga County- Board of Supervisors for Board 'of Prisoners 98 •Cornell Library Association—Appropriation to •175 • Appointment of member 'on 38 County—Amount Charged to—For Election Expenses 135 For Support of Poor 145 Bonded Indebtedness of 349 Highway Indebtedness of 302 Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of' • • State and County Highways •• •96, 136. • Valuation of (See Valuations) County Audits 255 'County Budget 172 Cotinty Court House.. and Jail • • • Assistants to Engineer and Watchman—Salary of •167 • ' Engineer of—Salary of 167 Janitors—Salary of •167 Superintendent of—Salary of 167 ' Telephone Operator—SalarY of 167 County Court House, Old—Janitor Service at •4 • Relative to Sale of .8, 11,- 20, 49; 247 , • Report of County Attorney, relative to • 41 County Development Board—Relative to 47,. 66 County- Fairs—Relative to •28, 42, 45 County Home—Committee Authorized to Make Repairs at. 161 Keeper of—Salary of • 167 • Physician at—Salary of 148 Relative to Infirmary at 101 County. Jail—Matron at, Election of • 122 Salary. of. 167 • Physician at, Election of • 131 Salary ,of 108 • Committee Authorized to Make Repairs at ' 160 •County Laboratory—Election to, Board of Managers • • 125 Appropriation to . 165 • Manner of Payment to •165 Relative to • 108 County Library Rural •Service ' • • Appropriation to •165 - Relative to '57,. 64; 75, 172 • Report of Special .Committee on •87 'XIII County Machinery Building • - ' -. - Committee Authorized to Make Repairs on 160 County Map—Relative to -- 18, 28, 169 County Matters—Chairman and County Attorney Authorized to Act in 160 County Orders—County Treasurer Directed to Pay 159 County Public Health Committee (See Public Health), 'C'ounty System,of Roads (See Highways) County and Town Poor—Support' of 145; 178 County Tax—For General and Poor ,Purposes 181 'For Highway Purposes 181 For State Purposes 181 ' County Tax Rates - 229, 346 D. Danby—Amount, Charged Town. for •Compensation Insurance - 7, 158 Amount.Charged Town for Election,Expenses 135 Amount .Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. - 146 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses ---.36, 52, 60, 69, 77, 122 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 145 Amount Due Town from Dog Monies • 250 Amount' Due Town from Mortgage Tax,. 245 Audits of • 261 • Budget of 233 • Names and Addresses of Town Officers 362 Returned School. Taxes of: 199 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 231 Taic Rates for Lighting Districts 233 Tax Rates of 233 Dryden—Amount Charged Town for Compensation Insurance 7, 158 ' • Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses 135 - Amount Charged Town for Examination in Lunacy 36, 44, 52, 122 Amount Charged Town for Expenses of Children's Court 155 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, ;Etc. 146 Amount Charged•Town for Sheriff's Expenses 15, 36, 52, 60, 69, 77, 92, 122 Amount Charged Town for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds, Issued for Construction of State and County Highways ' 96, 136 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor" 145 Amount Due 'Town • from Dog Moneys • 250 - Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 245 Audits of 263 Budget of " 234 Names and Addresses of Town Officers 362 -Petition of •Town Board. asking South Hill-Slaterville Road be -• -placed on County Map 18 Returned School Taxes 204 XIV Tax for Improvement of Highways,..Bridges, Etc, 231 Tax Rates for Lighting. Districts 234 'Tax Rates of' 234 Deficiency—CountyTreasurer Authorized to Transfer, in Case of • 180 Department of Taxation and Finance (See Cnmptroller)• . Depositories—Designation of 40 Deposits—County, Relative to 87 Designation—Of Highways for future Construction 28, 169 Of Highways for Snow ,Removal 70 Of Newspapers . 125 Directory—Political 357 Dirt Roads—Relative to 149 District Attorney (See County District Attorney) Dog Fund—Claims Audited by Committee During Year 152 • Claims Payable from 36, 44, 52, 189 Moneys Apportioned. to Towns 250 Report of County Treasurer on, 250 •Dog Warden—Appointment of 125 E Enfield—Amount Charged Town for Compensation Insurance 7, 158 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses 135 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. . 146 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 15, 36, 45, 77, 92 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 145 Amount Due Town from,, Dog Monies 250 Amount Due Town from Mortgage .Tax 245 Audits of 264 Budget of 236 Names and Addresses of Town Officers 363 Returned School Taxes of 206 Tax Improvement of .Highways, Bridges, Etc. 231 Tax Rates of 236 Election—Of Commissioners of Elections. 144 Of Jail. Matron 122 Of Jail Physician 131 Of Officers and Representatives of the Board 123 Of Public Health Committee 124 Of Representative on Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital 39 Of Temporary Chairman of Board 109 Election Expenses—Apportionment of 135 Amounts Charged to Towns and City for 135 ,Elections—Commissioners of (See Commissioners of Elections) Official Canvass of 355 Employees' Retirement System—Relative to 176 Enforcement of Quarantine on Dogs (See Dogs). XV Equalized Value of County -By. State /93 r By Board of Supervisors. 127, 129 Equalization -Regular Report of Committee on Footing. Assessment Rolls112 Report of Committee on Apportionment of Taxes 228 Report of Committee .for, General. Tax Levy 127 Report of Committee for Highway Tax Levy 129 Report of Committee on Ratios and Percentages 128 Report. of Committee Relative to Assessment Rolls 252 Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls 115 Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis" -(See Bovine Tuberculosis) Errors in Minutes -Clerk Authorized to Correct 159 Estimates -For Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 230 Etna-Freeville-Dryden Highway -Right of Way on 94, 98 Expenses, Etc. -Of Children's Court, Charged to Towns and City 155 Of County Officers _ 168 Of Elections, -Charged to Towns and City 135 Of Examinations in Lunacy, Charged to Towns and City 15, 36, 45,- 52, 60, '69, 77, 92,122 Of Sheriff, Charged to Towns and City .' 15, 16, 36, 45, 52, 60, 69, 77, 92, 122 Fairs -Relative to 29, 42, 55 Farm Bureau -Appropriation to 165 Manner of Payment to ._-. 165 Appropriation to, For Junior Extension Work 165 - Election -of Representative to 123 Election of Representative to Junior Extension .123 Federal Aliens or Prisoners -Sheriff Authorized to Contract for Care of _-__ 38 Finances -Appropriation to General Fund 176 Appropriation to Highway Fund 179 Appropriation to Poor Fund 178 Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns .349 County .Treasurer Authorized to Transfer 19, 64, 180. County Treasurer Authorized to Credit in Certain Cases _ 181 County Treasurer Authorized to Borrow ___-10, 15, 26, 36, 44, 51, 56,' 60, 69, 76, 79, 81, 82, 89, 92, 100, 121 County Treasurer Directed to Pay Balances to Towns and City _--- 159 Reappropriations of Unexpended Balances 7, 73, 112, 126, 139„141, 150 Report of Committee on County Budget 172 Relative to State Tax . 93, 181 Report of County Treasurer on 285 Finance. Committee (See Committee on Finance) First Baptist Church -Claim of 31', 41 xvi Footing Assessment Rolls (See Committee on Equalization) Fuel; Heat and Light See' Committee ori Contract Supplies) Freeville-GrotonVillage-Road—Relative to • G Groton_ Amount- Charged Town' for Compensation .Insurance 7, 158 •• - '• Amount ' Charged •Town for Erection. Expenses:' _ • 135 A-mbunt..Ch'arged •Town for_.Examinations in Lunacy." 122 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc." 146 Amount Charged Town for. Sheriff's Expenses' • 15, 36; 45;..52,.60 - • Amount Charged Town for Support of.Poor' • •145 Arnount. Due Town from Dog Monies • 250 • Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 245 Audits of 268,-275 Budget of ' 237 Names and Addresses of Town Officers, 363 Resolution of .Town Board=Relative• to Groton-Freeville Road 3, 18 Returned School' Taxes ., 209 Tax fo'r Improvement• of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 231 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts • 237 • Tax' Rates of 237 General .and Poor Purposes—Appropriation for 181 General Fund—Appropriation for 176 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balances 181, General 'Tax—Apportionment of 228 General Tax' Levy—Report 'of' Equalization Committee on • - - 127 . Grade Crossings—Chairman and Attorney •to Represent County' in ' • Elimination'of—Relative to '18, 54 Grand. Jurors—Relative to 140 Guide to Town Officers 362, 365 3,,18 Headstones, Soldiers—Relative to 67 Health, Public—Appropriation for 150 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 102 Committee on 109, 123 Heat (See Committee on Contract Supplies) . Highways -Appropriation for 'County Highway Bridges 155 Appropriation for Grading of Warren Overlook 46 Appropriation for Improvement of Dirt Roads 149 ' 'Appropriation to County Road Fund —__ 30 Claim of Estella Campbell • 86 Grade Crossing Elimination—Chairman and Attorney to Represent County in __' _____ 108 Relative to • 18, 54 petition - Town Boaid' of Caroline to Borrow§§93,•96 72 Relative, to`Freeville Groton Village Road' 3, 13 Relafive,'fo Appcopriatori Under: §320=A,' of the'Highway Law 134 Resolution relative; to - State Highway Approaches 166 Relative to Condemnation Proceedings 83 Rights of Way -Appropriation for "''''47; 62, 80, 94,. 139 ' ' Committee on Highways and ' Ciiunty Attorney To Secure.:., .• 108 Reappropriation"of'Unexpended 'Balances 139 'Relative to 60, 94 Snow Removal=Program 'for "' "� - 70 Services of Town Superintendents at Expense Of Towns • • ______ 161 Superintendent of (See County Supetintendent of Highways) Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) Town Superintendents—Names and Addresses of 362, 365 Relative to Snow Removal 161 Highways Under County System Advisory Committee—Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs to County Machinery Building 160 County Map—Relative to 18, 28, 169 Construction Program for 1935 164 Appropriation for 165 Topping Program. for 1935 - 163 Appropriation for, 165 Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 351, 355 Highway Fund for Towns 351 Highway Fund for County—Appropriation for 179 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 159 Highway Tax Levy—Report of Equalization Committee on 129 ' Highway Tax—Appropriation for 181 Apportionment. of • 228 Rates for 228 For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for State and County Highways 96, 136 For Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. ... 231 Highways Money System—Report to Comptroller on • 34-7 Home Bureau Association -Appropriation to „ 165 Relative to • 134 Representative on • ' 123 Hunkin-Conkey Construction Company—Relative to 30 I - Ithaca City—Amount Charged City for Compensation Insurance 7, 158 Amount Charged City for. Election Expenses 135 XVIII Amount Charged City for Examinations in Lunacy 36, 44, 52, 60, 69, 92 Amount Charged City for Expenses of Children's Court 155 Amount Charged City for Hospitalization, Etc. 146 Amount Charged City for Sheriff's Expenses ....16, 36, 52, 69, 77 Amount Charged City for Support of Poor 145 Amount Due City, from Dog 'Monies _ .......... 250 Amount Due City from Mortgage Tax 245 Budget of 241 Names and Addresses of City Officers •• 363 Returned School Taxes ..... 227 Ithaca Town -Amount Charged Town. for Compensation Insurance 7, 158 Amount. Charged Town for Election Expenses' 135 Amount Charged Town for Expenses ,of Children's Court - 155 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 16, 36, 52, 60, 69, 77; 92', 122 Amount Charged. Town for Support of Poor • 145 Amount Due Town from Dog Monies 250 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 245 Appropriation for County's share of Canal Drainage in 248 Audits of ' 279 Budget of 239 Nimes and Addresses of Town Officers 354 Returned School Taxes 212 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 231 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts '239 Tax Rates of, 239 Improvement of Dirt Roads with 'County Aid •149 Indebtedness -Bonded, of County and Towns 349, Certificates of, Relative.to ....10, 15, 26, 36, 44, 51, 56, 60, 69, 76, 79, 81, 82, 89, 92, 100; 121 Insurance -Committee to Investigate Liability 41 Workmen's Compensation -Relative to 4, 158 Jail (See County Jail) Jail Matron (See County Jail) Jail Physician (See County Jail) Judge; County (See County Judge) Judge of Children's Court (See Children's Court) Junior Project Extension -Work (See Farm Bureau, Association)' Justices' of the Peace -Names and Addresses of 362, 365 Reports of ' 336 K 'Kinsley Property -Relative .to. 23, 38 Committee to Investigate 23 XIX L Lansing— Amount Charged Town for Compensation Insurance 7, 158 Amount Charged Town, for Election Expenses • 135 Amount Charged' Town for Examination in Lunacy 15 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. 146 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 16, '36, 45, • 52, -60, 69, 77, 122 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 145 Amount Due Town from' Dog Monies - 250 Amount Due' Town from Mortgage Tax 245 Audits of 281 Budget of 242 Names and addresses of Town Officers 364- Returned 64Returned School Taxes 214 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 231 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 242 Tax Rate of 242 Laboratory (See County Laboratory)_ Land, Classification Tour—Relative to 47 Lease, Cancellation of, for Supreme Court Offices - - 22 Library (See County Library Service)' - Librarian, County—Relative to Payment of Salary of 103 Light, Heat and Telephones 154 Lunacy—Amount Charged to Towns and City for Examinations in 15, 36,. 45, 52, 60,' 69, 77, 92, 122 M Machinery—Tax 'for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 231 Machinery Fund for Towns . 353 Maintenance—Of County and Town Poor 145, 178 • Of Highways (See Highways) • Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital (See Tuberculosis' Hospital) Matron at County Jail '(See County Jail) Meetings of Board of Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) • Merrill Two Per Cent Sales Tax—Relative to 10 Minutes of Board—Clerk Authorized to Correct Errors in 159 Miscellaneous Fund for Towns 354 Model County—Relative to 47, 48, 57 Monthly Meetings 24, 37, 46, 53, 62, 70, 86 Mortgage Tax—Amount Due Town and City from 245 Report of 245 Statement of 338 Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) XX N Newfield -Amount Charged Town for Compensation Insurance 7, 158 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses • 0 135 Amount Charged Town for Examinations in Lunacy 36 Amount Charged Town for Expenses of Children's Court 155 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. 146 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 16, 36, 45, 52, 60, 69, 77, 92 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 145 Amount Due Town from Dog Monies 250 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 245 Audits of 282 ' Budget of 243 Names and Addresses of Town Officers 364 Relative to Establishment of Water District 151 Relative to Refund of Taxes' _ 63 Returned School Taxes 217 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 231 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 243 Tax Rates of 243 Newspapers -Designation of, to Publish Official Notices 125 Notes or Certificates of Indebtedness -Relative to 10, 15, 26, 36, 44, 51, 56, 60, 69, 76, 79, 81, 82, 89, 92, 100, 121 N.R.S.-Chairman and Clerk Authorized to Sign Agreement for Project 54 Relative to 3 Notice of Public Hearing -Relative to 20 O Officers -County and Town 361, 365 County, Election of 122, 131, 144 Official Canvass 355 Official Notices -Designation of Newspapers to Publish 125 Old Age. Security Fund -Appropriation to 26, 100, 143 Relative to Report of 141 Report of 320 Old Court House -Janitor Service at 4 Notice, of Public Hearing 20 Relative to 8, 11, 20, 31, 41, . 49, 247 Onondaga County Penitentiary -Relative to Board of Prisoners at 98 Overlook -On Taughannock Boulevard 38, 46 P Payment to Various Organizations and Associations 165 Personal Property in County -Valuation of 339 Petition -Of Residents, of South Hill -Dryden 18 XXI Of Taxpayers—Relative to Old Court House 20 . Of Town Board of Caroline 72 Physician at County Jail (See County Jail) Political Directory 357 Poor—Report of Committee on Report of Commissioner of Public Welfare 14-6 Support of, Charged to Towns and City 145 Superintendent of (See County Commissioner of Public Welfare) Superintendents of Town—Names and Addresses of 362, 365 Poor Fund—Appropriations to 178 Poor Purposes—Tax for General and - 181 Postage for County Officers 168 Post Office Addresses—Of County and Town Officers 361, 365 Printed Proceedings (See Board of Supervisors) Prisoners—Relative to Board of, At Onondaga County Penitentiary 98 . Sheriff Authorized to Contract for Care of Federal - 38 Property—Valuation of—By Assessors 112 By State 93 Statement of Valuations 339 Public Health—Appropriation for 150 Manner of Payment to 150. - Claims Audited by Committee on • 102 Committee on 109; ,123 Report of - 116 Public Welfare (See Welfare) Q Quarantine on Dogs—Claims Audited by Committee During Year 152 Dog Fund, Claims Payable from ' 36, 44, 52 Quarterly Sessions of Board (See Board of Supervisors) R Rates—For County Tax, General and Poor 229 For County Tax, Highway 229, For State Tax 229 For Towns and City (See Under Various Towns and City) Rates of Assessments in Towns—As Fixed By Board of Supervisors 127 As Fixed By State Tax Department 93 Ratios and Percentages—Report of Committee on 128 Real Property—Valuation of, By Assessors 112 Valuation of, By State 93' Reappropriation of Unexpended .Balances 7, 112, 126, 139, 141, 150 Reforestation—Appropriation for 112 Committee on, Authorized to Purchase Lands 11 Reappropriation of Unexpended' Balances 111 Refund of Taxes—Relative to 63 •XXII Removal of Snow (See Highways) Resolutions—Relative to Appointments on Committees 53 Relative to Committees 30 Relative to Canal Tolls 247 Relative •to Fairs 29 Relative to Federal Government plans for Purchasing lands in Tompkins County 252 Relative to Floral Avenue 182 Relative to Freeville-Groton Road 3 Relative to Insurance ' 41 Relative to Interest Rate on County. Deposits 87 Relative to Ithaca-Trumansburg Highway . 53 Relative to Monthly Statement of County Treasurer 85 Relative to Old Court House 8, 41 Relative to Old Silk Mill at Trumansburg 48 Relative to Prices of Farm Produce 153 Relative to Projects of County Development Association 85 Relative to Refinancing 74 Relative to Road Approaches 166' Relative to Sales .Tax 10 Relative to Supervisors' Convention 86 Relative to Tates 162, 251 Relative to T. E. R .A. 84 Relative to Veteran's Relief 9 Relative to Water District in Town of Newfield 151 Relative to Welfare Officers 74 Returned School Taxes -Relative to 193, 227. Rights of Way (See Highways) Reports—Of Clerk of Board to Comptroller 347 Of Committees (See Under the Several Committees) Of County Officers (See Under Various County Officers) Of Bonded Indebtedness 349 Of Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns _ 351, 355 Of Justices' of the Peace 336 Of Special Franchises' 171 Of Taxes Levied 340 Of Valuations of Property 339 Rural Traveling Library Committee—Appropriation to 165 Relative to 87, 172 Salaries (See Under County Officers) Sales Tax—Relative to 10 School Districts—Bonded Indebtedness of 349. School Taxes—Returned 227 XXIII Sealer of Weights and Measures (See County Sealer of -Weights and Measures) Sessions of Board (See Board of Supervisors) Sheriff (See County Sheriff) Sinking Fund and Interest—Amounts to. lie Raised by County and.Towns 'for Bonds.lssued for State and County Highways 96,• 136 Snow and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns -354 Snow Removal (See Highways) Soldiers Headstones—Relative to 67 Special County Judge .and 'Surrogate 167 Special Franchises ' 171 State Charities Aid Association—Relative to 143, 162 State Highway No. 1623—Relative to 80, 84 State Tax 181 Rates for 94, 172 State Tax Commission—Rates. of Assessments as Fixed .by. 94 Stateinent—Of Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 349 Of Mortgage Tax 338 Of Taxes Levied 340 Of Taxes Levied for Repairs of Highways 347 Of Tax Rates for Towns and City (See Under Several Towns and City) Of Valuations of Real and Personal Property 339 Stenographers' Etc., Tax 93, 172 Supervisors—Salary of - - -11 (Also See Board of Supervisors) Supreme Court Judge—Offices of, Relative- to 22 Postage for • 168 Superintendent of Highways (See County Superintendent of Highways) Superintendent of Poor (See County Commissioner of Pubic Welfare) Surrogate (See 'County Judge) Surrogate's Clerk—Report of Committee on - 139 T Taxation and Finance—Department of (See Comptroller) - Tax for Lighting Districts (See Town Budgets) 'Tax, State—Armory 93, 172 Stenographers' Etc. 93, 172 For County—General and Poor Purposes 181 Highway Purposes 181 For Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 231 For Sinkirig•Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 96, 136 Tax Collectors—Relative to Warrants of 223 Tax Collections—Relative to '74 Tax Levy—General • 127 I-Iighway 129 XXIV Tax—Mortgage 245, 338 Tax Rates—For County 228 For Towns (See Town Budgets) For Lighting Districts ('See. Town Budgets) To Be Published in Printed Proceedings 161 Tax Sales—Relative to 10 Tax Warrants—Relative, to, Date of Annexation 150 Taxes—Apportionment of 228 Assessment of •112 For General and Poor Purposes 176, 178 For • Highway Purposes 179 Rates for 228 Refund of 64 Relative to Payment of 28, 105, 144, 162, 251 Returned School 196 Statement of Mortgage 338 Statement of Those Levied 340 Telephones (See Committee on Contract Supplies) Topping Program 163 Tompkins County Clothing Bureau—Relative to 118 Tompkins County Public Health (See Public Health) Towns—Amount Charged to, for Compensation Insurance 7, 158 Amount Charged to, for Election Expenses 135 Amount Charged to, for Examinations in Lunacy 15, 36, 45, 52, 60, 77, 122 Amount Charged to,.for Expenses of Children's Court 155 Amount Charged to, for Hospitalization, Etc. 146 Amount Charged to, for Sheriff's Expenses 15, 16, 36, 45, 52, 60, 69, 77, 92, 122 Amount Charged to, for Support of Poor 145. Amount Charged to, for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 96, 136 Amount Due, from Dog Monies 250 Amount Due, from Mortgage Tax 245 Apportionment of Taxes to• 228 Audits of (See Under Several Towns) Clerk of Board Directed to Publish in Proceedings, 161 Budgets of 232, 245 Bonded Indebtedness of 349 Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds of ....351,355 Payment 'of Balances to, by County Treasurer 159 Rates of Assessment (See Assessments) Relative to Improvement of Dirt Roads 149 Returned Taxes of 193, 227 Special Franchises of 171 Tax for Improvement of Highway, Bridges, Etc. 231 Tax for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Con- XXV struction of State and County Highways 96, 136 Tax Rates of (See Under Various Towns) To Be Published in Proceedings 161 Town and County Officers—Names and Addresses of 361 Town and County Poor—Support of 145 Town and County System of Roads (See Highways) Town Collectors—Names and Addresses of 362, 365 Town Officers—Guide to 361° Town Superintendent of Highways—Names and Addresses of 362, 365 Services of, in Snow Removal at the Expense of the Towns 161 Tompkins County Development Board—Relative to 48, 84 Temporary Emergency Relief Administration-- - Appropriation for County's share of Farm -to -Market Road Projects 56, 67 Appropriation for Lansing Project 29, 40 Appropriation for office and Incidental Expenses 19, 72, 74 Appropriation to cover County's share of Completing Projects in Progress 65,89 Communication—Relative to 81 County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer to Cover Overdrafts 64 Relative to Case Supervisor and Investigators 79 Report—Relative to 78, 84 Transfer from C. W. A. to 19 Treasurer (See County Treasurer) Tuberculosis, Bovine (See Bovine Tuberculosis) Tuberculosis Hospital Appropriation for Maintenance of 141 . Claims Audited by Committee on Auditing Accounts of 105 Election to Board of Managers 39, 53, 66, 124 Reappropriation of Income 54 Relative to 54, 71, 112 Report of 305 U. Ulysses—Amount -Charged Town ..for Compensation Insurance 7, 158 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses 135 Amount Charged Town for Examinations in Lunacy 52, 60, 92 'Amount Charged Town for, Hospitalization 146 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 16, 36, 45, 60, 69, 77, 92, 122 'Amount Charged Town for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways :.. 96, 136 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 145 Amount Due Town from Dog Monies 250 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 245 XXVI Appropriation for Grade Crossing Elimination 18 Audits of 284 Budget of 244 Names and Addresses of Town Officers 365 Relative to -Old Silk Mill at Trumansburg 43 Returned School Taxes . 221 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 231 . Tax Rates for Lighting Districts • 244 Tax Rates of 244 Unexpended Balances—Reappropriaation of 7, 73, 112, 126, 139, 141, 150 v Valuations—Of County—By Assessors 112 By State 93 Statement of • 339 Veterans Relief—Relative to • 9 Villages—Amount Due, from Mortgage Tax 246 Bonded Indebtedness of 349 Votes—Official Canvass of 355 • Warrants, Collectors—Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign 252 Warrants, Tax -Relative to, Date of Annexation .of 150 Warren Overlook—Relative to - 38, 46 Water District—Relative to 151 Welfare Department—Appropriation to 25, 47, 66, 79, 99, 148 Relative to 73, 104 Relative to Additional Case Supervisor73 Workmen's Compensation Insurance— • Apportionment of, Among Several Towns and'City- 7, 158 Relative to 4, 156