HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933 ProceedingsCOMPLIMENTS OF Henry p. Veit, E...;UPETIV!Sb2 OF WARD PROCEEDINGS BOARD .OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK ' 1933 • • 0 LAGRAND CHASE, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK 1933 s• o LAGRAND CHASE, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. t OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Quarterly Session Monday, February 13, 1933 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Howell. The Clerk read a number of •claims which were referred to the proper committees, for recommendation for audit. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr.' Howell. Mr. B. I. Vann, Chairman of the Emergency Work Relief Bureau, appeared before the Board and submitted a work re- lief program and contemplated projects, with an estimate of the amount of moneys necessary to carry on the projected work. Mr. Payne offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The Work Relief Bureau of the welfare district of Tompkins County has submitted a work relief program consisting of what is believed as proper and necessary projects' with the estimated cost thereof of $20,000.00; therefore be it Resolved,—That in the event that the county receives state aid by the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration to supplement the local fund to be appropriated by this county to relieve the unemployed thereof, that the said projects be approved by this Board, and that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $20,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of furnishing material, machinery etc. for the purpose of carrying out the work relief program, as submitted. Seconded by Mr: Smiley. 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and. moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $97.16 for payment of State and County Taxes for 1932, on the property Nos. 312-316 N. Tioga St. in the City of Ithaca, purchased by the county of the First Baptist Church Society, and the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order at this time for said amount, payable to the City Chamberlain of the City. of Ithaca, and the County Treasurer is directed to pay said order out of any funds in, her hands available therefor. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The several committees reported for audit the following claims which had been referred to them with amounts allowed thereon : " R- 1 Harrison Adams, Expenses, Sheriff $ 201.72 2 Harrison Adams, Disbursements, Sheriff ... 5.40 3 Harrison Adams, Expenses, Sheriff, Disal- lowed. 4 Harrison Adams, Expenses, Sheriff 35.96 5 Grace Printing Co., Supplies, Sheriff (Ellis) 67.00 6 John D. Kinney Co., Bond, Sheriff (Ellis) 75.00 7 A. B. Brooks & Son, Supplies, Jail Inmates (Adams) 3.88 8 Clarkson Chemical Co., Supplies, Sheriff (Adams) 19.13 9 E. R. Hagin, Disinfecting, Sheriff (Adams) 56.00 10 Dr. H. H. Crum, Services, Jail Physician 28.00 11 A. B. Brooks & Son, Supplies, Jail Inmates (Ellis) 1.02 12 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Dist. Atty. 12.60 13 ,.Stover Printing Co., Supplies, Dist. Atty14.25 14 Underwood Typewriter Co., Cleaning type- writer, Co. Clerk 7.50 15 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Clerk 32.00 16 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Clerk 16.00 17 Fred A. Rogalsky, Bond, Co. Clerk, Disal- lowed 18 H. L. O'Daniel, Postage & Expenses, Co. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Clerk 149.75 19 Wm. A. Church Co., . Repairs on Book, Co Clerk 2.50 20 T. G. Miller's Son, Supplies, Co. Clerk 46.65 21 Norton Printing Co., Court Calendars, Co Clerk 78.00 22 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Co. Clerk 32.10 23 Marchant Calculating Machine Co., Ribbon, Co. Clerk 1.00 24 P. W. Wood & Son, Bond, Co. Clerk 45.00 25 Joseph H. Brophy, Warden, Freight on Plates, . Motor Veh. Clerk 7.96 26 American Surety Co., Bond, Motor Veh Clerk, Disallowed 27 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Comm. of Elec. 3.00 28 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Judge 18.50 29 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Judge 10.00 30 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Surrogate 17.34 31 J. B. Lyon Co., Session Laws, Co. Judge 40.00 32 Clinton Hotel, Board of Jurors, Sup. Ct. Civil 68.50 33 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co. Treas. 13.95 34 Fred A. Rogalsky, Bond, Co. Treas. 675.00 35 Eugene F. Van Name, Culvert Work, Rights of Way 102.00 36 B. I. Vann, Expenses, Co. Supt. Hgwys 137:08 37 Dr. J. H. Van Marter, Exams. in Lunacy, Insane 20.00 38 C. P. Stoughton, Fees in Felony, Justice 6.60 39 Archie L. Kenyon, Fees in Dog Cases, Con- stable 4.00 40 Reconstruction Home, Care, Cleta Harford 12/1/32 to 12/6/32 P. H. C. 15.00 41 Reconstruction Home, Care, Merle Flynn 12/23/32 to 1/31/33, P. H.C. 117.00 42 Binghamton City Hospital, Care, Betty Beam 9/11/32 to 12/10/32, P. H. C. 138.00 43 Wm. F. George, Clerk & Postage, Comm. of Elec. 32.50 44 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Sup. Court 48.20 45 Hon. Riley H. Heath, Postage, Sup. Court .;30.00 46 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Sup. Court 4.25 47 John J. Sinsabaugh, Expenses, Co. Sealer 59.34 48 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Court House 15.00 49 The Sport Shop, Flag, Court House 12.00 50 Clarkson Chemical Co., Supplies, Court House 42.50,. 51. West Disinfecting Co., Disinfectants, Court 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD .OF SUPERVISORS House 68.90 52 J. Lakin Baldridge; Architect Services, New , Co. Bldgs. 1,073.93 53 J. Lakin Baldridge, Blue Prints, New. Co Bldgs. 119.31 54 H. P. Camden, Models, New Co. Bldgs. 500.00 55 Fred A. Rogalsky, Bond, New Co. Bldgs...'43.86 56 Stover Printing Co., Supplies, Supervisors 70.10 57 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Supervisors 18.05 58 Donohue -Halverson CO., Plumbing, Super- visors 5.81 59 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Supervisors 18.75 60 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Supervisors 45.00 61 Groton Journal -Courier, Publishing Notices, Supervisors 47.60 62 L. C. Snow, Extending Taxes, Supervisors 44.70 63 L. C. Snow, Annual Session, Supervisors 30.00 64 W. 0. Smiley, Extending Tax, Supervisors 42.66 65 W. 0. Smiley, Annual Session, Supervisors 30.00 66 D. H. Decker, Committee Work, Supervisors 17.16 67 D. H. Decker, Annual Session, Supervisors 30.00 68 Alan T. Rumsey, Extending Tax, Supervisors 30.68 69 . Alan T. Rumsey, Annual Session, Super- visors30.00 .70 R. C. Smith, Extending Tax, Supervisors .... 88.44 71 R. C. Smith, Annual Session, Supervisors 30.00 72 Lagrand Chase, Extending Tax, Supervisors 79.83 73 Lagrand • Chase, Annual Session, Supervisors 30.00 74 Lagrand Chase, Committee Work, Super- visors 12.00 75 Forest J. Payne, Annual Session, Super- visors 30.00 76 Forest J. Payne, Extending Tax, Super- visors 48.32 77 Fred Van Order, Extending Tax, Super- visors 122.13 78 Fred Van Order, Annual Session, Super- visors 30.00 79 Fred Van Order, Committee Work, Super- visors 6.00 80 W. C. Blackmer, Annual Session, Super- visors 30.00 81 W. C. Blackmer, Committee Work, Super- visors 12.00 82 Edward J. Crittenden; Extending Tax, Sup- ervisors , 122.13 83 Edward J. Crittenden, Annual Session, Sup- - OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK;,,r. 7 ervisors r 30.00 84 .Leslie R. Pierce, Committee Work, Super- visors 12.00 85 Leslie R. Pierce, Annual Session, Super- visors 30.00 86 Fred L. Clock, Expenses, Supervisors 113.39 87 0. Howard McDaniels, Annual Session, Sup- ervisors 30.00 88 0. Howard McDaniels, Extending Tax, Sup- ervisors 79.95 89 A. J. Conlon, Annual Session, Supervisors 30.00 90 A. J. Conlon, Extending Tax, Supervisors 72.37 91 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses, Sheriff 154.30 92 Charlotte V. Bush, Postage, Etc., Co. Treas43.00 $ 6,070.55 Claim No. R-1 of Harrison Adams for $219.10, Claim No. R-18 of H. L. O'Daniel for $168.04 and Claim No. R-69 of Alan T. Rumsey for $33.00, having been recommended by the com- mittees as allowed for amounts less than those claimed, and Claim No. R-3 of Harrison Adams for $40.38, Claim No. R-17 of Fred A. Rogalsky for $22.50 and Claim No. R-26, of the American Surety Co., for $30.00 having been recommended by the committees as disallowed. Mr. Pierce offered the follow- ing resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That Claim No. R-1 for auto hire for sheriff be audited by this Board at the sum of $201.72, as being ex- cessive to the amount of $17.38; that Claim No. R-18, of H. L. O'Daniel be audited by this Board at the sum of $149.75, as not being properly itemized in the amount of $18.29; that Claim No. R-69 of Alan T. Rumsey be audited by this Board at $30.00, as containing an illegal charge of $3.00 ; that Claim No. R-3, of Harrison Adams, amounting to $40.38 and Claim No. R-17, of Fred A. Rogalsky, amounting to $22.50, be dis- allowed as not being proper county charges, and that Claim No. R-26, of the American Surety Co., amounting to $30.00 be disallowed as being illegal and one in which a member of the Board has an interest. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $6,070.55, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which they were referred, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection oftaxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are fpplicable, and be it Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claim No. R-39 out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund; that she charge Claim No. R-37, being for an examina- tion in Lunacy to the town of Groton ; that of Claim No. R-1, being for Sheriff's automobile hire, she charge to the town of Caroline, the sum of $23.05 ; to the town of Danby, the sum of $6.60, to the town of Dryden, the sum of $15.75 ; to the town of Enfield, the sum of $13.95 ; to the town of Groton, the sum 'of $16.80 ; to the town of Ithaca, the sum of $3.75 ; to the town of Lansing, the sum of $37.95 ; to the town of New - field, the sum of $4.80 ; to the town of Ulysses, the sum of $18.60; that of Claim No. R-91, being also for Sheriff's auto- mobile hire, she charge to the town of Caroline, the sum of _,$5.85.;..to.the,town of Danby, :the.sum of $4.80.; to, the town of Ithaca, the sum of $20.40 ; to the town of Lansing, the sum of $28.50 ; to the town of Ulysses, the sum of $4.80 ; and to the City of Ithaca, the sum of $47.80. Said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city, and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city to be collected at the next en- suing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Decker. Ayes-13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 9 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, New York You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms in the Court House, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Monday, March 13, 1933, at 10:30 A. M., to approve the equipment budget for the new county buildings and to authorize the advertising for proposals for furnishing such equipment; to provide for the payment of certain claims against the county ; to take any necessary action on committee appointments of this Board; to take any necessary action on highway matters ; to approve the contract with the New York Telephone Company for installation and telephone service in the new county buildings; to provide for the payment to the. Cornell Library Association of the sum heretofore appropri- ated; to provide for the payment of moneys appropriated for Work Relief and any other action necessary thereon or re- lating thereto. Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., March 2, 1933. LAGRAND CHASE. W. O. SMILEY LESLIE R. PIERCE FOREST J. PAYNE SIDNEY L. HOWELL O. HOWARD McDANIELS DELBERT H. DECKER LAMONT C. SNOW R. C. SMITH W. C. BLACKMER Special Session Monday, March 13, 1933 Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the call for the special.session. ;0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARI\ OF ,SUPERVISORS The Clerk read the certificate of appointment of Joseph B. Myers, as Supervisor for the Third Ward, City of Ithaca, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Edward J. Crittenden, which was filed. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board has suffered the loss of one of its fellow members, in the death of Edward J. Crittenden, Super- visor from the Third Ward, of the City of Ithaca, therefore be it Resolved—That the members of this Board wish to express their deep regrets at the untimely taking of our fellow mem- ber, whose kindly disposition won our friendship and whose consistency won our admiration, and be it further Resolved -That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Board and that a copy thereof be presented to his widow. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the resignation of Mr. Decker, from the Committee on Rules and Legislation, and the resignation of Mr. Chase, from the Committee on Equalization, Etc., which were accepted. The Chairman announced the appointment of Messrs. Howell, Snow, and Myers, as constituting the Committee on Rules and Legislation, and the appointment of Mr. Myers, as a member of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Chase. The Chairman also announced the appointment of Mr. Myers on the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., Correction and Reformation, and Bridge Advisory, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Edward J. Crittenden. Also the ap- pointment of Mr. Decker, on the Committee on Charities and of Mr. Howell, on the Committee on Public Health, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Crittenden. Moved by Mr. Smith, that the committee changes, as an- nounced by the Chairman, be ratified by this Board. OF TOMPKINS.. COUNTY, NEW YORK. 11 Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That this Board hereby approves the contract entered into between the Committee on County Buildings and Estus P. Bardwell, Consulting Equipment Engineer, as authorized by this Board on January 9, 1933, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $435.63, payable to Mr. Bardwell, for services to March 1, 1933, according to the terms of said 'contract, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk is directed to issue an order at this time, for said amount, payable to Mr. Bardwell, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any moneys in her hands, or under her control. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes—Messrs. Chase, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Black- mer, Myers, Howell, Pierce, Conlon, Payne and McDaniels-12. Noes—Messrs. Rumsey and Van Order -2. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the budget for the equipment for the new county buildings, as presented by the Committee on County Buildings, be approved by this Board and the amount of $40,000:00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and hereby is appropriated for the purposes therein enumerated, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of the moneys coming into her hands from the issuance and sale of county bonds as authorized by a resolution of this Board, known as "Act No. 1, 1933", adopted January 5, 1933. Seconded by Mr. Decker. Ayes—Messrs. Chase, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Van 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE . BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Order, Blackmer, Myers, Howell, Pierce, Conlon, Payne and McDaniels-13. Noes—Mr. Rumsey-1. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk be authorized and directed to advertise for sealed proposals for the furnishing of the equip- ment for the new county buildings, in accordancewith the budget heretofore adopted and approved, and be it further Resolved—That the right be reserved to reject any and all bids. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes—Messrs. Chase, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Van Order, Blackmer, Myers, Howell, Pierce, Conlon, Payne and McDaniels-13. Noes—Mr. Rumsey-1. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : - Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay the Treasurer of the Cornell Library Association the sum of $3,000.00, heretofore appropriated to said association in quarterly payments on the first days of January, April, July and October, 1933. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. • Carried. Mr. Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the contract made by the Committee on OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, YEW YORK 13 Contract Supplies with the New York Telephone Co., for the installation and telephone service in the new county buildings, be hereby approved by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the followingresolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman of the Emergency Relief Bureau be authorized to hire, and if necessary, in his opinion, to discharge, a clerk to assist in the emergency relief work. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried. Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- ported that that committee had effected settlement with numerous parties on the Ithaca -West Danby, S. H. No. 5379, Ithaca -West Danby, S. H. No. 5567, Ithaca -Newfield, S. H. No. 5214 and Etna-Freeville-Dryden, S. H. No. 5294, for the total agreed sum of $16,970.00, for rights of way and all property damages caused thereby. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved— That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $16,970.00, for rights ,of way and all property damages on the Ithaca -West Danby, S. H. Nos. 5379 and 5567 ; on the Ithaca -Newfield, S. H. No. 5214 and Etna-Freeville- Dryden, S. H. No. 5294, payable as follows : , H. E. Babcock, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5379 $ 350.00 D. J. Albright, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5379 2,500.00 C. H. Snyder, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5379 200.00 R. C. Albright, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5379 2,500.00 Albert Pertula, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5567 85.00 James Baylor, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5567 600.00 Arthur Snyder, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5567 300.00 Paul Happanen, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5567 450.00 ' Roger Todd, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5567 2,500.00 T. J. Hutchings, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5567 50.00 i4; PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Frank and Della Snyder, Ithaca -West Danby, No. • 5567 4,500.00 , Lewis Thatcher, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5567 1,750.00 • Rhoda E. Lanning, Ithaca -Newfield, No. 5214 150.00 Naomi Mattison, Ithaca -Newfield, No. 5214 35.00 A. I. Muckey, Etna-Freeville-Dryden, No. 5294 1,000.00 $16,970.00 and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders for the above amounts, payable to the foregoing persons, upon the delivery to him of proper deeds of conveyance of the lands taken and a release of all property damages, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Decker offered the' following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, has, from time to time in the recent past, been misrepresented, misquoted and maligned by the local correspondent of The Syracuse Post -Standard, published in Syracuse, N. Y., but having a wide circulation throughout Tompkins County, and WHEREAS—Such misrepresentations and misquoting have evidently been done with a malicious intent, inasmuch as such correspondent has not endeavored to acquaint himself with the true facts, as is shown by the articles published in the newspaper of which he is the local correspondent and this Board does not believe that the newspaper which he claims to represent would wilfully publish misleading, untruthful and garbled reports as have been appearing recently in its editions on local affairs, and tending, not only to give false impressions, but to create strife and feelings of animosity between groups of good citizens, and this Board believes the attention of the managing editor and publisher of the said Syracuse Post -Standard should be called to the foregoing facts, so that they may take such action therein as they may deem proper, therefore be it Resolved—That the Clerk be and hereby is directed to for- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 15 ward a certified copy of this resolution to the managing editor and the publisher of The Syracuse Post -Standard, at ; Syra- cuse, N. Y. Seconded by Mr. Smith. • Ayes—Messrs. Chase, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Howell, Pierce, Payne, and McDaniels-9. Noes—Messrs. Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Myers and Conlon -5. Resolution carried. On motion, adjourned. 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. You are hereby requested to' call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y. to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the Court House, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Monday, April 17, 1933, at 10 :30 A. M., for receiving proposals for the equipment for the new county buildings and awarding .the contracts therefor, and to take any necessary action thereon ; to audit certain claims against the county; to take any necessary action on welfare, highway or relief administration matters; to provide for the issue and/or renewal of note, or notes, or certificates of indebted- ness. Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., March 27, 1933. LAGRAND CHASE LESLIE R. PIERCE W. 0. SMILEY R. C. SMITH A. J. CONLON SIDNEY L. HOWELL DELBERT H. DECKER LAMONT C. SNOW FOREST J. PAYNE FRED VAN ORDER 0. HOWARD McDANIELS Special Session Monday, April 17, 1933 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Van Order. The Clerk read the call for the special session. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the additional sum of $3,300.00, to the Welfare Fund, for Outside OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 17 Relief, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in the same manner as moneys have been heretofore paid to said fund. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes -13. . Noes—O. Carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $653.44, payable to Estus P. Bardwell, Consulting Equip- ment Engineer, for 50% of his services as such engineer, in accordance with the terms of the contract made with him, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order, at this time for said amount, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any funds in her hands or under her control, available therefor. Seconded by Mr. Decker. Ayes -13. Noes—O. - Carried. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Compensation Insurance, reported that an offer had been made by the repre- sentative of Grace M. Kresga, widow of William J. Kresga, for a settlement in full of all her claims as his widow, etc, under the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Law, for the sum of $1,250.00 and asked the pleasure of the Board thereon. Here followed a discussion on the offer of settlement and the acceptance thereof. Mr. Snow. offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Compensation Insurance 0 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS be authorized to accept the offer of the representative of Grace M. Kresga for a settlement in full and a release of all benefits, claims and demands, that she may have against the County of Tompkins, as the widow of William J. Kresga, de- ceased, providing such settlement will meet with the approval of the State„Industrial Department, under the provisions of the .Workmen's Compensation Law. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Pierce ,offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : ACT NO. 3, 1933. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY TREASURER OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS TO ISSUE NOTES OR CER- TIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS IN RENEWAL OF NOTES OR CERTIFICATES TO THE . AMOUNT OF $73,373.98, HERETOFORE ISSUED, WITH INTEREST TO THE AMOUNT OF $2,126.22, MAKING A TOTAL OF $75,500.20, IN ANTICIPATION OF THE COLLECTION OF TAXES TO BE CONTAINED IN THE TAXES FOR THE CURRENT YEAR. Passed in pursuance of .the provisions of the County Law of. the State of New York, as amended, at a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, New York, duly and regularly called, held in the Supervisors' Rooms, County Court House Building, Ithaca, New York, on April 17, 1933, 13 votes (being the votes of a majority of the Supervisors elected to and comprising said Board of Super- visors) being in favor of and, no votes being against its pass- age. WHEREAS—This Board, by a resolution heretofore duly adopted, authorized the County Treasurer, in pursuance to Section 41, of the County Law, to borrow the sum of $73,373.98 for the payment of moneys theretofore appropriated for county purposes, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the' year 1932, and authorized and directed the County Treasurer to give notes or certificates of indebtedness of the county therefore, to mature not more - OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 19 than six months after the date of issue, with interest not to exceed 6% per annum until the date fixed for their. payment, with the further provision that said notes or, certificates of indebtedness be signed by the County Treasurer, and counter- signed by the County Clerk, and ,that the County Clerk make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and WHEREAS—The County Treasurer did borrow the amount of $73,373.98 so authorized and did give the notes or certifi- cates of indebtedness, therefor, signed by herself, counter- signed by the County Clerk, with the entries by' the County Clerk as required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and applied the moneys so obtained for the purposes for which taxes are applicable, and WHEREAS—Said notes or certificates of indebtedness to the amount of $58,373.98, with interest, became due and payable in March, 1933, and the sum of $15,000.00, with interest, will become due in June, 1933, and there is not sufficient funds in the hands of the County Treasurer at the present time avail- able with which to pay the same, and it is the desire of this Board to renew said notes or certificates of indebtedness, with interest thereon, for an additional period of six months, .in`. pursuance to said Section 41, of the County Law, therefore be it Resolved—That the. Treasurer of Tompkins County be, and she hereby is, authorized to borrow the sum of $73,373.98, with interest amounting to the sum of $2,126.22, making a total of $75,500.20, or so much thereof as to her may seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes ,to be con- tained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so ob- tained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certifi- cates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and countersigned by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41,- of the County Law. 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The time having arrived for the receipt of proposals for equipment for the new county buildings, that matter was taken up. The Clerk opened the several proposals submitted for wood office furniture, steel equipment, metal furniture, etc. Moved by. Mr. Pierce, that the several proposals submitted be referred to the Committee on County Buildings, to be ex- amined and checked by the committee and the equipment engineer, and that the committee report to this Board on April 24, 1933, at 10 :30 A. M. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, April 24, 1933, at 10 :30 A. M. ADJOURNED SPECIAL SESSION (From April. 17, 1933.) Monday, April 24, 1933 Roll call. All members present. Mr. Pierce, Chairman of the Committee on County Build- ings, rendered the following report of that committee, relative to the proposals submitted for the equipment for the new county building and jail : To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, New York. Gentlemen : , Your Committee on County Buildings, to which was referred the proposals submitted to this Board on April 17, 1933, for , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 21 the equipment for the new county building and jail, with in- structions to examine and classify said proposals and to re- port its findings as to the most advantageous proposals, sub- mitted, wishes to report as follows : Your committee, with the equipment engineer, carefully ex- amined and checked all proposals submitted, both as to the total amount as well as the unit prices, as submitted by each bidder. As the specifications called for unit prices, your committee. has considered such unit prices as the basis of this report in nearly every case. Your committee finds from its examination and checking that the most advantageous proposals received for the equip- ment called for in the specifications, under the various group- ings as therein mentioned, are as follows : Division 1, Wood Furniture. J. E. VanNatta, Ithaca, N. Y. Item A- 2, 3, 4, 5; B- 11 to 17 inclusive; C- 1 to 30 inclusive; D- 2 to 5 inclusive, 9 to 11 inclusive, and Article 25, for the sum of $6,800.75 Rothschild Bros..; Ithaca, N. Y. Item B- 1 to 10 inclusive; D- 1, 6 to 8 inclusive, 12 to 14 inclusive, for the sum of 2,356.85 Division 2, Steel Furniture and Filing Equipment. J. E. VanNatta, Ithaca, N. Y. Item A- 1 to 4 inclusive ; B- 1, 2, 5 to 8 inclusive, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16 to 20 inclusive; C- 2, 3; D- 1 to 7 inclusive, 10, 16 ; Article 14F- Item VII, 25, for the sum of 6,744.63 Treman, King & Co., Ithaca, N. Y. Item B- 3, 4, 9, 12, 15;C -1;D-8, 9, 11 to 15 in- clusive; Article 24 (except Item VII, 25) for the sum of 4,978.96 Division 3, Miscellaneous. Rothschild Bros., Ithaca, N. Y. Items 7 to 11 inclusive, 16 to 18 inclusive, for the sum of 264.17 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Treman, King & Co., Ithaca, N. Y. 107.24 Item 22, for the sum of J. E. VanNatta, Ithaca, N. Y. Item 1, 2 to 6 inclusive, 12, for the sum of 461.80 The Kent Co., Rome, N. Y. Item 13, 14, -for the sum of 313.12 Division 4, Food Service Equipment. Treman, King & Co., Ithaca, N. Y., for the sum of .... 1,561.75 Division 5, Hospital Equipment. Scanlon -Morris Co., New York City, for the sum of ... 180.00 Division 6, Wicker and Rugs. Rothschild Bros., Ithaca, N. Y., for the sum of .:`....... 274.50 Your Committee recommends that the matter of the items of window shades and draperies be considered at a 'future date. This makes a total for the equipment for both the county building and jail, except the window shades and draperies, of the sum of $24,043.77, being a great saving to the county from the estimated amount as budgeted. Your committee therefor recommends that the proposals submitted by the foregoing parties, for the articles enumerated and at the amounts stated, be accepted and that the contracts be awarded to said parties at the amounts stated. Dated, April 24, 1933. LESLIE R. PIERCE R. C. SMITH A. J. CONLON LAGRAND CHASE SIDNEY L. HOWELL Committee Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its . • adoption : Resolved—That the report of ,the Committee on County Buildings, relative to the proposals submitted for equipment for the new county building and jail be accepted and the recommendations of the committee be adopted, 'and be it further Resolved—That the proposal of J. E. Van Natta, of Ithaca, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 23 N. Y., for $6,800.75, being the most advantageous for the items enumerated in Division 1, of said report, be accepted and that the contract therefor be awarded to. J. E. Van Natta. That the proposal of Rothschild Bros., of Ithaca, N. Y., for $2,356.85, being the most advantageous for the other items enumerated in Division 1, of said report, be accepted and .that the contract therefor be awarded to Rothschild Bros. That the proposal of J. E. Van Natta, of Ithaca, N. Y., for $6,744.63, being the most advantageous for the items enumer- ated in Division 2, of said report, be accepted and that the con- tract therefor be awarded to J. E. Van Natta. That the proposal of Treman, King & Co., of Ithaca, N. Y. for $4,978.96, being the most advantageous for the other .items enumerated in Division 2, of said report, be accepted and that the contract therefor be awarded to Treman, King & Co. That the proposal of Rothschild Bros., of Ithaca, N. Y., for $264.17, being the most advantageous for the items enumer- ated in Division 3, of said report, be accepted and that the contract therefor be awarded to Rothschild Bros. , That the proposal of Treman, King & Co., of Ithaca, N. Y. for $107.24, being ;the most advantageous for other items enumerated in Division 3, of said report, be accepted and that the contract therefor be awarded to Treman, King & Co. That the proposal of J. E. Van Natta, of Ithaca, N. Y., for $461.80, being the most advantageous for other items enumer- ated in Division 3, of said report, be accepted and that the con- tract therefor be awarded to J. E. Van Natta. That the proposal of The Kent Co., of Rome, N. Y.; for $313.12, being the most advantageous for the other items enumerated in Division 3, of said report, be accepted and that the contract therefor be awarded to The Kent Co. That the proposal of Treman, King & Co.; of. Ithaca, N. Y. for $1,561.75, being the most advantageous for the items enum- erated in Division 4, of said report, be accepted and that the contract therefor be awarded to Treman, King & Co. That the proposal of Scanlon -Morris Co., of New York City, for $180.00, being, the most advantageous for the items enuxn= 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS erated in Division 5, of said report, be accepted and that the contract therefor be awarded to Scanlon -Mort' is Co. That the proposal of Rothschild Bros., of Ithaca, N. Y., for $274.50, being the most advantageous for the items enumer- ated in Division 6, of said report, be accepted and that the con- tract therefor be awarded to Rothschild Bros., and be it fur- ther Resolved—That in the matter of window shades and drap- eries, action be deferred to a future date, and be it further Resolved—That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board, be and they hereby are authorized and directed, for, on behalf of and in the name of the County of Tompkins, New York, to enter into proper contracts with each of the foregoing parties for the proper performance of their, and each of their, con- tracts hereinbefore awarded to them, and each of them, at the amounts stated in their proposals and awards made, and be it further Resolved—That before the foregoing contracts are executed, the successful bidder for each contract, shall execute a proper bond, payable to the County of Tompkins, New York, for the amount of 'his contract, for the faithful performance of his contract in the manner provided in the specifications, and be it further Resolved—That there be, and hereby is, appropriated the sum of $24,043.77, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in the payment of the amounts for which the county may be obligated by reason of the awarding of the foregoing contracts, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to issue an order on the County Treasurer, payable to the parties entitled thereto, from time to time as each contract is completed and accepted by the committee and engineer, upon the written order ofthe committee, with the written approval of the equipment engineer endorsed thereon and, the County Treasurer is here- by directed to pay said orders out of any moneys available, in her hands or under her control. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS• COUNTY, NEW YORK 25 Quarterly. . Session Monday, May 8, 1933 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of February 13, March 13, April 17 and April 24, 1933, meetings, read and approved. Representatives of the Tompkins County Bar Association, consisting of Messrs. Bert T. Baker, George S. Tarbell and Judge Daniel Crowley, appeared before the Board, relative to the facilities of the Board for a Court Library in the new county building, which was referred to the Committee on County Buildings, with instructions to report to this Board at a later date. The Clerk presented a number of claims for audit, which were referred to the proper committees. The Clerk read the bonds as presented by Messrs. J. E. Van Natta, Treman, King & Co., and Rothschild Bros. for the per- formance of their contracts for equipment for the new county building and jail, and of John J. Sinsabaugh, as County Sealer 'of. Weights and Measures, which were referred to the Com- mittee on Finance, to examine and report to this Board. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution , and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be authorized to appoint temporarily, a super- intendent for -the new county buildings, in order that he may familiarize himself with the lay -out of the buildings, relative to heating, plumbing, conduits, etc., the duties to be performed and the wages to be paid to be determined at a later meeting of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Correction and Reforma- 26 PROCEEDINGS ,OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS tion, be authorized to purchase any necessary additional sup- plies for the county jail. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board, by a resolution, duly adopted on January 5, 1933, appropriated the, sum of $28,110.00, under the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway Law, said amount to be duplicated by the State of New York, under the provisions of §320-B, of the Highway Law, and WHEREAS—The State of New York failed to make the neces- sary appropriations under §320-B, to meet the appropriation made by the county, therefore be it Resolved—That the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, directed to transfer said sum of $28,110.00, so appropriated, to the Highway Construction Fund, under the County System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board has heretofore authorized the Com- mittee on County Buildings to contract for 'special lighting fixtures in the new county buildings; and WHEREAS—Said committee has entered into a contract with Walter G. Warren and Company of Chicago, Ill., for the sum of $4,775.00, for the necessary fixtures, therefore be it Resolved—That the contract made with Walter G. Warren and Company, be approved by this Board, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to issue orders, from time to time, as the work on said fixtures and the installation thereof progresses, upon the written order of the Committee on County Buildings, duly approved by the supervising archi- tect, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the moneys provided for the erection of the new county building and jail, and be it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 27 Resolved—That the sum of $4,775.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the foregoing purpose. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on County Buildings, be authorized to purchase, for and on behalf of the county, any necessary additional furniture for the , new county building in the main court -room, the Supervisors Rooms, the Supreme Court and the Surrogate's Court, the contracts therefor be based on the low unit prices, in the same manner as the con- tracts were awarded for the other equipment for the said building, but at a cost not to exceed $4,500.00 and be it further Resolved—That said committee report its findings at a later meeting of this Board to be called. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $750.00, payable to Edwin Owen; for the purchase of the remaining portion of his gravel bank in the Town of Enfield, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order for said amount payable to -Mr. Owen, upon the receipt by him of a good and sufficient deed of conveyance of the lands in question, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of the general highway. fund. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following. resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be andhereby is appropriated the 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS sum of $12,500.00 to the Welfare Department, apportioned as follows :' Outside Relief $3,500.00 Foster Homes for Children 1,500.00 Institutional Care of Children 500.00 Hospitalization 1,000.00 Old Age Security 6,000.00 $12,500.00 and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said. amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr. McDaniels. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Superintendent of Highways, Vann, appeared before the Board and recommended that there be placed upon the County Map, for future construction, the highway beginning at station No. 176, on C. H. No. 1867, and running southerly on the town line between the towns of Ithaca and Dryden, for a distance of 0.40 miles, being known as the State Game Farm road and to be known as County Road No. 173. Moved by Mr. Smith, that the recommendation of County Superintendent of Highways, be accepted and adopted, and that the road indicated by him be placed on the County Map, for future construction, under the County System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried. Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- ported that that committee had effected settlements for rights of way and property damages, with owners of land on the. Ithaca -Newfield, S. H. No. 5214 and on the Ithaca -West Danby, S. H. No. 5567, to the amount of $2,685.00. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its • adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $2,685.00, for rights of way and all property damages on the Ithaca -Newfield, S. H. No. 5214 and the Ithaca -West OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 29 Danby, S. H. No. 5567, payable as follows : Mrs. Leona Kaminski, Ithaca -Newfield, No. 5214 $2,000.00 Fred Puff, Ithaca -Newfield, No. 5214 125.00 Jenette Ostrander, Ithaca -Newfield No. 5214 .. 35.00 Newfield Cemetey Asso., Ithaca -Newfield, No 5214 1 100.00 Frank Silmu, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5567 225.00 ' John Nimi, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5567 150.00 T. J. Hutchings, Ithaca -West Danby, No. 5567 50.00 $2,685.00 and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders for the above amounts, payable to the foregoing persons, upon the delivery to him of proper deeds of conveyance of lands taken, and a release of all property damages, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders, out of the moneys appro- priated for securing rights of way, and be it further Resolved—That the appropriation to T. J. Hutchings, made by this Board, under date of March 13, 1933, is hereby res- cinded. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Ayes—Messrs. Chase, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Rumsey, Smith, Van Order, Myers, Howell, Pierce, Conlon, Payne and McDaniels-13. Noes—Mr. Blackmer -1. Resolution carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the appropriation for rights of way and property damages, with the representatives of the estate of Fred Lewis, on the Ithaca -West Danby, S. H. No. 5567, made by this Board on December 15, 1932, is hereby rescinded. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,000.00, for rights of way and all property damages on the Ithaca -West Danby, S. H. No. 5567, payable to the estate of. Fred Lewis, or his heirs at law, or grantees, as the. case may be, apportioned as follows : West Danby—Farm 8200.00 House and Lot 0 800.00 $1,000.00 and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders for the above amounts, payable to the parties entitled thereto, upon, the delivery to him of the proper deeds of conveyance of the lands in question, with a release- of all property damages by reason. of the taking thereof, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of the moneys in her hands ap- propriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -14. Noes. -0. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk be authorized to employ an as- sistant to aid in the performance of stenographic and clerical work, and that he be re-imbursed for the payment for such services by the county. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried. Mr. Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS -A plan for the development and support of the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital was presented to and accepted by the Board of Supervisors a little over a year ago, in which plan the Board of Supervisors felt a deep interest in view of the value of the Hospital to the people of Tompkins County, and WHEREAS -It was unfortunate that legal difficulties came in the way of the furtherance of this plan so that it became c OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 31, necessary for the Board to abandon its part in it, and WHEREAS—This Board has continued to feel a warm interest in the Hospital, and still feels that it would be to the advan- tage of the people of Tompkins County if the service at the Hospital could be extended and improved along the lines, of the essentials of the plan as originally proposed, therefore be it Resolved—That it is the concensus of opinion of this Board that the people of Tompkins County and the Board of Super- visors would favor some plan of Hospital support in which all the people of Tompkins County could join, and be it further Resolved—That for the purpose of working out such a plan between the Board of Supervisors and the Board of Trustees of the Hospital, that we would be glad to arrange fora Com- mittee to confer with a Committee of the Hospital Board, if the Board of Trustees of the Hospital so desires. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Carried. 1VIr. Howell, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, to which had been referred the bond of John J. Sinsabaugh, County Sealer of Weights and Measures and J. E. Van Natta, Treman, King & Co. and Rothschild Bros., for the faithful per- formance of their contracts for the furnishing of equipment for the new county building and jail, reported that the com- mittee had examined the several bonds as submitted and found them correct, as to amount, manner of execution and suf- ficiency of the sureties. Moved by Mr. Rumsey, that the report of the Finance Com- mittee be accepted and that the bonds referred to be approved by this Board, both as to form, manner of execution and suf- ficiency of the sureties. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. The Clerk read the following claims recommended for audit by the several committees towhich they had been referred. R- 93 C. B. Stanion & Son, Insurance,. Co. Clerk's Bldg. $ 10.80 94 P. W. Wood & Son, Insurance, Co. Clerk's Bldg. 10.80 32 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 95 D. N. Van Hoesen, Insurance, Co. Clerk's Bldg 8.10 96 D. N. Van Hoesen, Insurance, Co. Clerk's Bldg. 10.80 97 Fred A. Rogalsky, Insurance, Co. Court House 91.52 98 Groton Journal -Courier, Adv., Bids for equipment, New Co. Bldgs. 7.82 99 The Cayuga Press, Proposals, New Co Bldgs. 2.00 100 Wm. A. Church Co., Co. Order Forms, Super-' visors 22.25 101 John J. Sinsabaugh, Expense, Co. Sealer 107.41 102 Arthur G. Adams, Bond, Co. Sealer 5.00 103 Hawkins, Delafield & Longfellow, Legal Serv- ices, New Co. Bldgs. 168.71 104 M. E. Herson, Bd. of Jurors, Sup. Ct. Civil 28.40 105 Wm. F. George, Pres. Bd. of Elections, Ex- penses & Disb., Comm. of Elec. 97.60 106 Beatrice Haley, Extra Clerk, Comm. of Elec. 63.00. 107 Atkinson Press, Enrollment Bks. Comm. of Elec.576.00 108 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co. Clerk 25.98 109 J. E. Van Natta, Transfer Cases, Co. Clerk 42.00 110 Hand Stamp Shop, Rubber stamps, Co. Clerk 1.80 111 H. L. O'Daniel, Exp. & Disb., Co. Clerk 101.84 112 David F. Williamson Co., Supplies, Co. Judge 5.50 113 Wm. A. Church Co., Cash Bk., & Ledger, Co. Clerk 22.25 114 L. J. Clasgens, Record Book, Co. Clerk 35.00 115 A. Frank Calistri, Rent of Vacuum Cleaner, Co. Clerk 5.00 116 The Card Shop, Supplies, Co. Clerk 17.50 117 Hall & McChesney, Record Bk. & Covers, Co Clerk 113.00 118 Arthur G. Adams, Expenses, Dist. Atty,177.75 119 W. R. Tompkins, Photo (Seagers Case), Dit. Atty. 12.50 120 Frank C. Ellis, Expense, Sheriff 386.45 121 C. D. Reese, Badges, Sheriff 15.19 122 Salvatore Leonardi, Badges lacquered, Sheriff 6.00 123 Jamieson McKinney, Supplies, Jail 1.50 124 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Jail 15.00 125 Rothschild Bros., Supplies, Jail 18.74 126 Dr. H. H. Crum, Services, Jail Physician .... 24.00 127 Wm. H.'Jones, Burial (Martha Coyle) Pen- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 33 sioner 75.00 128 Clare Emerson, Burial (Eliz. Canfield) Pen- sioner 75.00 129 Dr. W. G. Fish, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 130 Dr. M. J. Foran, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 131 Carleton Kintz, Fees in Dog Cases, Justice 10.50 132 Harold B. Ellis, Fees in Dog Cases, Constable 17.35 133 Charlotte V. Bush, Postage, Co. Treas: 66.00 134 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co. Treas. 7.25 135 Corner Bookstores, Typewriter, Co. Treas. 82.80 136 D. N. Van Hoesen, Insurance, Co. Supt. of Hgwys. ' 244.60 137 Stover Printing Co., Supplies, Co. Supt. of Hgwys. 7.35 138 Bert I. Vann, Expenses, Co. Supt. of Hgwys224.96 139 Fred L. Clock, Expenses, Supervisors 232.70 140 Groton Journal -Courier, Pub. Notice (Act 1, 1933) Supervisors • 76.33 141 Corner Bookstores, Typewriter, Supervisors 94.50 142 J. B. Lyon Co., Law Reports, Court Library 40.00 143 Donohue -Halverson Co., Plumbing, Court House 7.85 144 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Sup. Ct. 6.20 145 Lawyers Co -Op Pub. Co., Law Books, Sup Ct. 15.00 146 S. L. Sheldon, Blue Prints, New Co. Bldgs. 53.85 147 J. Lakin Baldridge, Blue Prints, New Co. Bldgs. 652.91 148 Fred A. Rogalsky, Insurance, New Co. Bldgs12.26 149 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Typewriter keytops, Co. Clerk 9.60 150 Wm. A. Church Co., Repairing Deeds, Co. Clerk 4.40 151 Wm. A. Church Co., Binding Books, Co. Clerk 34.00 152 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Co. Clerk 23.00 153 American Surety . Co., Bond (Motor Veh. Clk.) Co. Clerk 30.00 154 Atkinson Press, Petition Blank, Com. of Elec. 25.00 155 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Judge 77.50. 156 Frank C. Ellis, Disbursements, Sheriff 71.30 157 A. B. Brooks & Son, Supplies, Jail Inmates 10.46 158 E. S. Preston & Son, Insurance, Jail 12.40 159 Dr. W. G. Fish, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 160 Dr. M. J. Foran, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane .... 10.00 161 Dr. M. J. Foran, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane .... 10.00 162 Ruth S. Stelle, M.D., Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 163 Alva T. Grover, Carpenter Work, Co. Horne ' 8.50 164 Town of Ulysses, Materials & Labor, Co. Home - 245.80 165 Carman & Pearsall, Supplies, Co. Home 92.52 166 E. M. Rumsey & Son, Sand & Gravel, Co Home 32.25 167 Town of Ulysses, Materials & Labor, Co200.00 Home 168 Donohue -Halverson Co., Supplies, Co. Home 2.38 169 Robinson & Carpenter, Supplies, Co. Home 239.10 170 Town of Ulysses, Labor, Co. Home 204.80 171 Treman, King & Co., Supplies, Co. Home 1.80 172 Reconstruction Home, Care, Merle Flynn, 3/1/33 to 5/1/33 & X-ray, P. H. C. 188.00 173 Reconstruction Home, Care, Harry Huddle, 3/8/33 to 5/1/33, P. H. C 159.00 174 Binghamton City Hospital, Care, Helen Findler, 4/1/33 to 4/15/33, P. H. C 51.00 175 Ithaca Memorial Hospital, Care, Ralph De Long, 1/30/33 to 3/17/33, P. H C 194.00 176 Dr. R. M. Vose, Treatment, Ralph DeLong; P. H. C. 50.00 177 G. A. C. Berry, Edward Dimick, 50.00 $6,316.43 Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That theforegoing claims amounting to the sum of $6,316.43, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended, by the committees to which they were referred, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount or any part thereof, that she be, and hereby is, authorized to bor- row said sum of $6,316.43, or so much thereof as to her may seem necessary, in anticipation. of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 35 for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and ,countersigned by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claims Nos. R-131, 132 out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund ; that Claims Nos. R-129, 162 be charged to the Town of Groton, being examinatioins in Lunacy;, that Claim No. R-130, also for examination in Lunacy, be charged to the Town of Dryden ; that Claims Nos. R-159, 160 and 161, being also for examinations in Lunacy, be charged to the City of Ithaca; that of Claim No. R-120, being for Sheriff's expenses, she charge to the Town of Caroline, the sum of $27.15 ; to the Town of Danby, the sum of $8.70 ; to the Town of Dryden, the sum of $18.45 ; to the Town of Enfield, $5.85 ; to the Town of Groton, $20.70 ; to the Town of Ithaca, $21.80; to the Town of Lansing, $59.55 ; to the Town of Newfield, $1.50 ; to the Town of Ulysses, $35.10 and to the City of Ithaca, the sum of $47.70, said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city, and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of said towns and city, and collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended, for and in their behalf, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be and hereby is directed to pay Claims Nos. R-97, 98, 99, 103, 140, 146, 147, 148 out of the moneys derived from the bond issue. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. On /notion, adjourned. 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ro Fred L. Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins, County, N. Y. You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y. to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the Court House, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Thursday, June 15, 1933, at 10 :30 A. M. to authorize the Sheriff to contract for the detention of Federal aliens or prisoners; to provide temporarily, for Sheriff's living quarters ; to approve of the Grade Crossing Elimination on Taughannock .Boulevard in the, City of Ithaca; to audit cer- tain claims against the county; to receive 'proposals and award contracts for the special interior finish of the new county building; to provide for the appointment and hiring of a superintendent and engineer for the new county buildings; to take any necessary action under Chap. 468, Laws of 1933 ; on an appropriation for a Fourth' of July Celebration, and on any necessary highway matters. Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., May 16, 1933. LAGRAND CHASE SIDNEY L. HOWELL R. C. SMITH F. J. PAYNE W. 0. SMILEY A. J. CONLON 0. HOWARD McDANIELS LAMONT C. SNOW LESLIE R. PIERCE ALAN T. RUMSEY Special Session Thursday, June 15, 1933 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Pierce. The Clerk read the call for the special session. Mr. Myers offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 37 Resolved—That the Sheriff be authorized to enter into a contract with the proper authority of the Federal Govern- ment, for the detention of Federal aliens or prisoners at a cost, of not less than 85c per diem to the Federal government, for each person detained. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : • Resolved—That this Board of Supervisors hereby approves of the elimination of the grade crossing of the L. V. R. R. tracks over the Taughannock Boulevard, within the City of Ithaca, according to the plans and specifications as may be • agreed upon between the State Department of Public Works and the proper authorities of the City of Ithaca. . Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Carried. Mr. Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on County Buildings be authorized and empowered to provide suitable screens for the windows in the county jail and the sum of $600.00, or 'so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for• that purpose. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation be authorized to hire, and if to it seems necessary, to discharge, a Superintendent for the new county building at a salary not to exceed $100.00 per month, also an engineer, under the same conditions, for the new county building and new county jail at a salary not to exceed $100.00 per month, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said em- ployees in the same manner as other county employees are paid and the sum of $1,200.09 is hereby appropriated, or so much thereof as• may be necessary, in payment for such serv- 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ices from July 1, 1933 to January 1, 1934. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The State Department of Correction does not approve of the sheriff's residence or living quarters, in con- nection with the county jail and, for that reason, such quarters were not provided for the sheriff in the new county jail, and WHEREAS—It has always been customary for the county to provide a residence, with heat and light, for the sheriff of the county at the county's expense and, it would be manifestly unfair to the present sheriff to deprive him of these emolu- ments of his office without making him some fair remunera- tion for the same, and WHEREAS—This Board does not believe that it would be wise for the county to purchase or rent residential quarters for the sheriff, neither can it increase his salary during his term of office, therefore be it Resolved—That the present sheriff be allowed the sum of $65.00 a month, from the 1st day of July, 1933 for the balance of his term of office, to provide himself with suitable living quarters, including heat and light therefor, and the sum of $390.00, be and hereby is appropriated for those purposes for the balance of the year 1933, and the County Treasurer is here- by directed to pay said amount in monthly payments of $65.00 each, and be it further Resolved—That this Board does respectfully urge any sub- sequent Board, having the fixing of salaries of future sheriffs, to include this amount, or such other as to it may seem proper, as a part of the salary of subsequent sheriffs. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read Chapter 468, Laws of 1933, relative to authorization to Boards of Supervisors to permit reduction of OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 39 interest and penalties on real property taxes and the remis- sion of interest and penalties on property bid in by the county; which was referred to the Committee on Rules and Legisla- tion, with the instructions to render a report thereon at a special session of the Board to be called for June 24, 1933. Mr. Van Orderoffered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolves—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $5.00.00, to the organization sponsoring the Fourth of July Celebration as the county's share of such celebration, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issuean order for said amount, payable to the Treasurer of such organization, and the County Treasurer is directed to pay said order out of any funds avail- able in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The time having arrived for the receipt of proposals for the construction and completion of the special interior finish for the Tompkins County Court House and Jail, that matter was taken up. The Clerk opened the several proposals, as submitted, which were as follows : The -Hayden Company of Rochester, N. Y. $17,000.00 The Macey Company of. Grand Rapids, Mich. 13,283.50 The Hunkin-Conkey Construction Co., Cleveland, Ohio 17,700.00 W. and J. Sloan, of New York City 16,597.00 On motion, the several proposals submitted were referred to the Committee on County Buildings, to be examined and checked by the' committee and the architect, with instructions to report their findings at a special session of the Board to be • called for Saturday, June 24, 1933, at 10 :30 A. M. " The several committees reported for audit the following claims which had been referred to them with amounts allAwed thereon. 40 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 4 R-178 H.A. Manning Co., Directories, Co. Officers $ 82.50 ' 179 Ithaca Engraving Co., Half -tone, New Ct. House, Co. Bldgs. 6.30 180 Marine Trust Co., Services, Co. Bldgs. 367.50 181 Groton Journal -Courier, Adv. for Bonds, Co Bldgs. . 10.80 182 D. H. Decker, Extending tax, Supervisors 61.13 183 Wilson & Mitchell, Repairing chair, Super- visors 3.00 184 Student Transfer Co., Trucking, Ct. House 3.01 185 Cobb, Cobb & Simpson, Services,Steel Case, County 1,391.50 186 Fred A. Rogalsky, Expert witness, County 100.00 187 Chas. H. Blood, Expert witness, County 250.00 188 John C. Burns, Expert witness, County 100.00 • 189 G. A. C. Berry, Arch support, Lenora Bell, P. H. C. 20.00 190 G. A. C. Berry, Braces, Arthur Emerson, P. H. C. 50.00 ' 191 G. A. C. Berry, Braces, Reese Stevens, P. H. C. 45.00 192 West Publishing Co., N. Y. Supp., Co. Judge 15.00 193 Atkinson Press, Blanks, Co. Judge 57.50 194 Corner Bookstores, Envelopes, Co. Judge - 6.15 195 Donohue -Halverson Co., Plumbing supplies, Jail 7.97 196 Student Transfer Co., Trucking, Co. Jail 2.62 197 • Dr. W. G. Fish, Exam. in Lunacy, Orlando Carmer, Lunacy 10.00 198 Dr. H. H. Crum, Exam. delinquency, Mae Dillon, Lunacy 10.00 199 Alva T. Grover, Labor, Co. Home 90.75 $2,690.73 Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved---2-That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $2,690.73, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which they were referred, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much there- of as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the col- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 41 lection of taxes to be contained in the taxes fdr the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the.date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to charge Claim No. R-197, being for an examination in lunacy, to the Town of Dryden, said amount so charged being properly chargeable to said town, and that the amount so charged be placed in the budget of that town to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended, for and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Decker. Ayes -13. • Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y. to be held at the Supervisors Rooms in the Court House, in the City of Ithaca, N.' Y., on Saturday, June 24, 1933, at 10:30 A. M. to take any necessary action on the formal acceptance by the county of the new county jail, except the heating plant; to make necessary appropriations for the Department of Public Welfare; to receive the report of the Committee on Rules and Legislation on Chap. 468, Laws of 1933, and to receive the re- port of the Committee on County Buildings on the bids re- ceived for the Special Interior Finish of the County Court House•and awarding the contracts therefor, also to provide for the refund of certain moneys by the countN). Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., June 2, 1933. LAGRAND CHASE SIDNEY L. HOWELL LESLIE R. PIERCE A. J. CONLON R. C. SMITH W. 0. SMILEY 0. HOWARD McDANIELS DELBERT H. DECKER LAMONT C. SNOW Special Session - Saturday, June 24, 1933 Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the call for the special session. On motion, the Board as a Committee of the Whole pro- ceeded in the inspection of the new county jail building. The Board reconvened and proceeded in the transaction of the regular business. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 43 Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board has inspected the new county jail building in its present condition, therefore be it Resolved—That, in the opinion of the members of this 'Board, the new county jail building should be accepted upon its full completion according to the contract and the plans and specifications, when the same is finally approved in writing by the supervising architect and the Committee on County Build- ings. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Carried. Mr. Pierce,' Chairman of the Committee on County Build- ings, rendered the following report of that committee, rela- tive to the proposals submitted for the Special Interior Finish of the Tompkins County Court House and Jail Buildings. Your Committee on County Buildings, to which was referred the several proposals submitted for the special interior finish of the Tompkins County Court House and Jail Building, with instructions to report its findings on this date, wishes to re- port as follows Your committee, with the architect, examined the several proposals submitted and found that the lowest and most ad- vantageous bid received for the work to be ' done according to the Contract Documents and drawings, was that submitted by The Macey Company of Grand Rapids, Michigan, for the sum of $13,283.50, and your committee therefor recommends that the proposal of the said The Macey Company, at the foregoing amount, be accepted and that the contract for said special interior finish of the Tompkins County Court House and Jail Building be awarded to said The Macey Company at the sum of $13,283.50. Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., June 24, 1933.. LESLIE R. PIERCE R. C. SMITH SIDNEY L. HOWELL LAGRAND CHASE A. J. CONLON Committee 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Buildings be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the proposal of The Macey Company of Grand Rapids, Michigan, for the sum of $13,283.50, being the lowest and most advantageous for the special interior finish of the Tompkins County Court House and Jail Building be accepted and the contract therefor be awarded to that com- pany, and that the sum of $13,283.50 be, and the same hereby is appropriated for that purpose, and be it further Resolved—That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board, be and they hereby are authorized and directed, for, on behalf of and in the name of the County of Tompkins, New York, to enter into a proper contract with the said company for the performance of its contract hereinbefore awarded to it, at the amount stated in its proposal and award so made, and be it further Resolved—That at the time said contract is executed, the said company shall execute a proper bond, payable to the County of Tompkins, New York, for 50% of the amount of its contract for the faithful performance thereof, in the manner provided in the specifications, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to issue an order on the County Treasurer, from time to time as work on said contract progresses, upon the requisition or draft of the contractor, duly approved by the supervising architect in writing and countersigned by a majority of the members of the Committee on County Buildings, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the moneys appropriated and made available therefor. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 45 Mr. Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board, by a resolution adopted May 11, 1925, authorized its Chairman to execute a deed to Jesse Whipple, of certain lands, owned by the county, in the Town of Dryden, for the sum of $150.00 and the said Jesse Whipple paid ,the sum of $25.00 to the County Treasurer on June 8, 1925, as a part of the purchase price thereof, and has since paid the taxes assessed thereon, and WHEREAS—The said Jesse Whipple has expressed a desire to not complete the purchase of said lands in question and asks for a refund of the $25.00 paid by him on the purchase price, with interest thereon from the date of payment, therefore be it Resolved—That the resolution of this Board, adopted May 11, 1925, be and the same hereby is rescinded, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurerbe and she hereby is directed to refund to said Jesse Whipple, the sum of $25.00 so paid by him, with interest thereon from June 8, 1925, the date of said payment, upon the written order of the Clerk of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell, Chairman of the Committee on Rules and Leg- islation, rendered the following report of that committee, relative to the application of Chap. 468, Laws of 1933, to re- lieve the taxpayers of Tompkins County. Your Committee on Rules and Legislatidn, to which was referred Chap. 468, Laws of 1933, to determine if under the .. provisions of said law, or portions thereof, some benefit might be derived for the taxpayers of the county and this committee feels that a substantial benefit would insure to some of the taxpayers of the county if the penalty interest of 10%, as now provided by the state law, should be reduced to 6%, your committee therefore recommends the adoption of the follow- ing resolution : Resolved—That the County Treasurer be and she hereby 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS is authorized and directed to reduce the rate of the interest penalty from 10% to 6%, for failure to pay any real property tax for the year 1933, which shall have been returned by a town collector or city treasurer or chamberlain to such county treasurer and for the collection of which no sale of the pro- perty shall have been made, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 468, Laws of. 1933. Dated, June 24, 1933. SIDNEY L. HOWELL JOS. B. MYERS " LAMONT C. SNOW Committee Moved by Mr. Howell, that the report of the committee be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Decker. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Department of Public Welfare to enable said department to properly function for the balance of the year 1933, the sum of $46,400.00, apportioned as follows : County Home $ 3,000.00 Foster Homes for children 8,500.00 Institutional care of children 700.00 Hospitalization 8,000.00 Outside relief 10,700.00 Old Age Security 15,500.00 $46,400.00 and the County � Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amounts in the same manner as moneys have.been heretofore paid for the carrying on of the work of said department, and be it further Resolved—That in the event that the Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 47 or any part thereof, andin pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said sum of $46,400.00, or so much thereof as to her may seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be con- tained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so ob- tained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are ap- plicable, and be it further • Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the.date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and countersigned by the Tompkins . County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Decker.. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. There being no further business to come before the meet- ing, on motion, adjourned. 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE -BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Quarterly Session Monday, August 14, 1933 Roll call. All members. present. The minutes of May '8th, June 15th and June 24th meetings, read and approved. Dr. Keith Sears, Superintendent of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital appeared -before the Board, relative to providing care of a tubercular patient at the Monroe County Sanitorium, and was informed that it was a matter under the control of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County in- stitution. Attorney D. C. Lee appeared before the Board, relative , to the extension of the jail limits of Tompkins County, which matter was referred to the Committee on Rules and Legisla- tion to investigate and report. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved -That the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, directed to transfer in the Public Welfare Fund, as follows : From Boarding Homes for Children to the County Maintenance Fund, the sum of $1,000.00 From Hospitalization Fund to Outside Relief, the sum of 2,000.00 From Hospitalization Fund to Institutional Care of Children, the sum of 250.00 From Office Expense Fund to Legal Expenses, the sum of 200.00 From Office Expense Fund to Commissioner's Expenses, the sum of 50.00 $3,500.00 said amounts so transferred to be paid out in the same manner as items have heretofore been paid out from the several funds in the Public Welfare Fund. Seconded by Mr. McDaniels. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 49 The Clerk read the petition of Ida M. Davenport for .the re- fund of the sum of $137.86, by the County Treasurer, paid through error for the redemption of property, which was filed. Mr. Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the petition of Ida M. Davenport, this day filed, be granted and that the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, directed to refund to the said Ida M. Davenport, or to her attorney, the sum of $137.86 paid through error, for the redemption of property sold at tax sale in the month of October, 1931. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on County Buildings be authorized to purchase any necessary furnishings and equip- ment for the different departments of county government under its control, and the sum of $500.00 is hereby appropri• - ated for such purpose, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to issue an order, or orders, for the payment of such furnishings and equipment, upon the written order of the said committee, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved =That the Committee on County Buildings be authorized to purchase and have installed desk lamps and window shades for the new county building and jail, and land- scaping of the grounds, and the sum of $2,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for those purposes, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk.be directed to issue orders for the 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS payment of the same upon the written order of the committee, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the moneys obtained from the bond issue. Seconded by Mr. Decker. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,400.00 of principal, for rights of way and all prop- erty damages for land taken for the reconstruction of the Ithaca -West Danby S. H. Nos. apportioned79and 5567, as followith interest thereon from July 30, 1930, Anthony and Martha Felock, Principal $300.00 Int. $ 54.75 $ 354.75 Earl Crance, Principal 600.00. Int. 109.50 709.50 DeWitt Sincebaugh, Principal 500.00 Int. 91.25 591.25 Total $1,655.50 and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders for the above amounts payable to the parties entitled thereto, or to their attorneys, upon the receipt by him of proper deeds of con- veyance of the lands in question and a release of all property damages, and 'the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the assumption of liability certificate of the National Surety Corporation on the bond of the County Clerk, which was referred to the Committee on Rules and Legisla- tion. Moved by Mr. Howell, Chairman of the Committee on Rules and Legislation, that the substitution of the National Surety Corporation bond for that of the National Surety Company, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY; NEW YORK 51 No. 7104985, be approved by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following claims presented for audit as reported by the several committees, to which they had been referred. R-200 Mathew Bender & Co.; Parsons Manual, Sup. Ct. Judge $ 7.00 201 Hon. Riley H. Heath, Postage, Sup. Ct. Judge 50.00 202 C. J. Rumsey & 'Co., Supplies, Court House 2.90 203 Rothschild Bros., Flag, Court House 7.70 204 Ithaca Ice & Coal Co., Ice, Court House 7.28 205 Donohue -Halverson Co., Plumbing, Court House 4.05 206 John J. Sinsabaugh, Mileage & Exp., Co ' Officers 131.00 207 Max Shulman's Sons, Furnishings, New Co Bldgs. 558.20 208 E. P. Bardwell, Mileage, Etc., New Co. Bldgs23.61 209 Groton . Journal -Courier, Publishing Notice, New Co. Bldgs 9.00 210 J. Lakin Baldridge, Blueprints, New Co. Bldgs214.30 211 'Gucci_ & Brown, Plumbing & Elec. changes, New Co. Bldgs. 78.75 212 Fred A. Rogalsky, Insurance, New'Co. Bldgs39.44 213 The Bond Buyer, Advertising, Bond Issue 105.00 214 L. E. Chase, Disb. & Exp., Supervisors 156.52 215 Treman, King & Co.,. Knife, Supervisors 2.00 216 Wm. A. Church Co., Envelopes, Supervisors 2.75 217 Fitch H. Stephens, Committee Work, Super- visors 18.00 218 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Supervisors 10.00 219 Treman, King & Co., Supplies, New Jail 107.24 220 Scanlon -Morris Co., Supplies, New Jail 180.00 221 The Kent Co., Supplies, New Jail 313.12 222 Ithaca Wholesale House, Supplies, New Jail ..... 291.65 223 Alton T. Harvey, Plate Glass, New Jail 15.00 224 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Maintenance Co. machines, Co. Officers 52.90 225 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Judge 36.00 226 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Judge 25.00 227 Underwood Typewriter Co., Cushion Keys, Co. Judge 4.00 52 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 228 L. J. Clasgens, Record Book, Co. Judge 35.00 229 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co. Judge 18.20 230 W. F. George, Pres., Postage & Clerical Work, 100.00 Comm. of Elec. 231 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Comm. of Elec37.17 232 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Comm. of Elec. 59.00 233 Donald' Card, Extra Clerk, Comm. of Elec. 9.00 234 Jennie B. Thayer, Extra Clerk, Comm. of Elec. 9.009 235 Atkinson Press, Postals, Elections 215.00 236 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Elections 237 Groton Journal -Courier, Adv. Elec. Notice, 2.94 Elections 238 Norton Printing Co., Supplies, Elections 776.20 239 Ithaca Journal -News, Adv. Spec. Elec, 7 20 Elections 240 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies, Co. Clerk's Bldg. 7.43 241 Atkinson Press, Envelopes, Co. Clerk 10.00 242 The Card Shop, Typewriter Ribbons, Co. Clerk 7.50 243 H. L. O'Daniel, Postage, Co. Clerk 108.84 244 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Co. Clerk ' 12.50 245 Hand Stamp Co., Rubber Stamps, Co. Clerk 3.30 246 Norton Printing Co., Court Calendars, Co Clerk 85.80 247 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co. Clerk 28.40 248 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Record Books, Co Clerk 76.50 249 Corner Bookstores, Typewriter, Co. Clerk , 342.10 250 Frank C. Ellis, Expenses, Sheriff 364.80 251 Lefever Arms Co., Inc., Riot Guns, Sheriff 225.00 252 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Sheriff 22.50 253 Dr. H. H. Crum, Services, Jail Physician 36.00 254 Dr. H. H. Crum, Services, Jail Inmates 10.00 255 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies, Co. Jail 35.70 256 T. J. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co. Jail 12.00 257 Samuel A. Abbott, Sign, Jail 2.50 258 West Disinfecting Co., Disinfectants, Jail 38.80 259 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Dist. Atty. 20.55 260 Stover Printing Co., Envelopes, Dist. Atty4.50 261 Arthur G. Adams, Expenses, Dist. Atty. 184.25 262 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co. Treas. 4.60 263 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Co. Treas. 1.50 264 C. V. Bush, Postage, Co. Treas. 89.00 265 Norton Printing Co., Cards & Envelopes, Co. Treas. 17.75 266 Norton Printing Co., Supplies; Co. Treas. 15.75 267 B. I. Vann, Exp. & Mileage, Co. Supt. 636.28 268 Stover Printing Co., Supplies, Highways 6.55 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 53 269 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Highways 9.10 270 S. L. Sheldon, Maps, Highways 1.20 271 Rexford R. Chatterton, Fees in Dog Cases, Justice 23.50 272 0. H. McElheny, Fees in Dog Cases, Constable 19.70 273 Paul Ewers, Fees in Dog Cases, Justice 23.50 274 Geo. F. Warner, Fees in Dog Cases, Constable 47.00 275 DeWitt Sincebaugh, Fees in Felony, Constable 48.00 276 Dr. H. H.' Crum, Exam. in Lunacy, F. Reed, Insane, 10.00 277 Dr. W. G. Fish, Fees in Lunacy, Adam Bopp, Insane, 10.00 278 Dr. H. H. Crum, Exam. in Lunacy, C. A. Brooks, Insane 10.00 279 Dr. H. P. Denniston, Exam in Lunacy, Mary Bell, Insane 10.00 280 Groton Journal -Courier, Pub. State Scholar- ship, Educational - 7.31 281 Treman, King & Co., Supplies, Co. Home 150.23 282 R. F. Smith, Supplies, Co. Home 19.89 283 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Stove, Co. Home 29.50 284 .Carman & Pearsall, Supplies, Co. Home 58.34 285 Grinnell Co. Inc., Inspection Sprinkler System, Co. Home 75.00 286 P. W. Wood & Son, Insurance, Co. Home 64.40 287 C. C. Squier, Insurance, Co. Home 48.30 288 E. S. Preston & Sons, Insurance, Co. Home 201.25 289 Arthur G. Adams, Insurance, Co. Home 64.40 290 F2 S. Bower, Insurance, Co.' Home 136.85 291 F. S. Bower, Insurance, Co. Home 40.25 292 Chas. A. Ives, Insurance, Co. Home 128.80 293 D. N. Van Hoesen, Insurance, Co. Home - 166.64 294 Geo. S. Adams, Insurance,Co. Home 40.25 295 Norton Printing Co., Bal. on Proceedings, Supervisors 10.34 296 Leslie R. Pierce, Mileage & Exp., Supervisors 65.82 297 Fred L. Clock, Postage & Exp., Supervisors 214.00 298 Groton Journal -Courier, Pub. Notices, Super- visors 21.25 299 Hawkins, Delafield & Longfellow, Legal Ser- vices, Bond Issue 592.55 300 E. P. Bardwell, Mileage & Exp., Co. Bldgs66.32 301 Treman, King & Co., Food Service Equipment, New Co. Bldgs. N. R. 302 Treman, King & Co., Supplies, New Co. Bldgs. 16.07 303 Treman, King & Co., Hardware, New Co. Bldgs N. R. 304 Fred A. Rogalsky, Insurance, New Co. Bldgs. 20.66 54 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 305 Lawyers Co -Op , Pub. Co., Pocket Supplies, 10.00 Sup. Ct. 306 The Frank Shepard Co., Citations, Sup. Ct Judge 35.00 307 Dennis & Co., Inc., Criminal Code, Co. Judge 20.00 308 Mathew Bender & Co., Gilbert Supp., Co Judge 8.50 309 Stover Printing Co., Envelopes, Dist. Atty6.50 310 Treman, King & Co., Supplies, Sheriff 6.25 311 Frank C. Ellis, Postage & Exp., Sheriff 10.36 312 Treman, King & Co., Range, Jail 174.70 313 L. Dawes, Truck, .Milk Strike, Riot 24.00 314 L. A. Freer, Truck, Milk Strike, Riot 15.00 315 Frank H. Utter, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 316 J. W. Beckhorn, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 9.00 317 Louis Clarenden, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 3.00 318 Steven M. Oltz, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 3.00 319 Howard A. Sheffield, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 320 R. A. Bower, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 321 Joe Frank, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 322 R. C. Durfey, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 323 Lawrence Howe, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 324 E. R. Hazard; Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 325 Earl Brown, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 15.00 326 Harold Rose, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 15.00 327 E. Van Order, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 11.00 `328 Ernest Meeker, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 329 A. C. Sheffield, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 330 R. E. Caveney, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff "3.00 331 Carl Taylert, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 3.00 332 T. J. O'Brien, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 6.00 333 T. Galloway, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 3.00 334 M. E. Darling, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 13.00 335 R. Dias, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 1 3.00 336 Martin Bush, Milk Strike, Dep. Sheriff 3.00 337 Ozmun Brown, Milk Strike, Dep Sheriff 6.00' 338 Treman, King & Co., Supplies, Co. Home 6.06 339 Alva T. Grover, Carpenter Work, Co. Home 130.50 340 Reconstruction Home, Care, Robert Miccinati, 4/12/33 to 7/31/33, P. H. C. 330.00 341 Reconstruction Home, Care, Barbara Good - band, 6/1/33 to 7/31/33, P. H. C. 91.50 342 Reconstruction Home, Care, Leonard Tripp, 6/15/33 to 7/31/33, P. H. C. 138.00 343 Reconstruction Home, Care, Arthur Emerson, 6/4/33 to 7/2/33, P. H. C. 306.50 344 Reconstruction Home, Care, Kathryn Bereza, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 55 5/1/33 to 7/31/33, P. H. C. 261.00 345 Reconstruction Home, Care, Merle Flynn, 2/1/33, to 2/28/33. 5/1/33 to 6/22/33, P. H. C. 240.00 346 Reconstruction Home, Care, Harry Huddle, 5/1/33 to 6/7/33, P. H. C. 111.00 347 William Morris, Cork Sole, Leona Cornell, P. H. C. 4.00 $10,667.66 Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $10,667.66, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the committees to which they were referred, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not .suf- ficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby' is authorized to borrow the sum of $10,667.66, or so much thereof as may to her seem' necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be con- tained in the taxes for the current year, the 'moneys so obtain- ed to be used for The purposes to which such taxes are applic- able, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and counter- signed by the Tompkins County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is directed to pay Claims Nos. R-209, R-210, R-21.1, R-212, R-213, R-220, R-221, R-222, R-223, R-299, and R-304, out of the moneys in her hands obtained from the bond issue; that she pay Claims Nos. R-271, R-272, R-273, and R-274, out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund; that she charge Claims Nos. R-276, R-277, R-278, and R-279, being for exam- 56 PROCEEDINGS OF 'THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS inations in lunacy, to the City of Ithaca; that of Claim No. R-250, being for .Sheriff's expenses, she charge $3.40 .thereof to the Town of Caroline, $22.05 to the Town of Danby, $25.80 to the Town of Dryden, $34.20 to the Town of Enfield, $25.05 to the Town of Groton, $30.15 to the Town of Ithaca, $26.00 to the Town of Lansing, $14.60 to the Town of Newfield, $32.40 to the Town of Ulysses and $15.90 to the City of Ithaca, said amounts so charged being -properly chargeable to said towns and city, the same to be placed in the budgets of those respec- tive towns and city and collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Myers. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 57', To. Fred L. Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Saturday, October 21, 1933, at 10 :30 A. M. to take action on selecting a successor to Wm. D. Balwin, County Commissioner of Public Welfare, deceased; to take action on any necessary highway matters and to authorize the use or sale of certain county property. Dated, October 14, 1933. LAGRAND E. CHASE LESLIE R. PIERCE 0. HOWARD McDANIELS W. 0. SMILEY LAMONT C. SNOW SIDNEY L. HOWELL ALAN T. RUMSEY F. J. PAYNE Special Session Saturday, October 21, 19331 Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the call for the special meeting. The Clerk read the certificate of the Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden, of the resignation of Delbert H. Decker, as Supervisor of said Town and the appointment of Carl A. Mott, by the town board of the Town of Dryden, "as his suc- cessor, which was filed. The Chairman announced the first order of business was the election of a County Commissioner of Public Welfare, to succeed William D. Baldwin, deceased. On motion of Mr. Smiley, the board proceeded by informal ballot in the selection of a successor to Mr.'Baldwin. 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Chairman appointed Messrs. Snow and Rumsey as tel- lers. The tellers announced the whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Fred A. Williams received 10 Fred D. Rumsey received . 4 On motion of Mr. Pierce, the Clerk was directed tocast one ballot for Fred A. Williams, as County Commissioner of Public Welfare. The Clerk cast one ballot for Fred A. Williams and the Chairman declared Mr. Williams duly elected as County Com- missioner of Public Welfare, for the term ending December 31, 1934. Bert I. Vann, Superintendent of Highways, appeared before the Board and presented the following snow removal pro- gram for the season of 1933-34: Road No. Name of Road Length • 72 Catskill Turnpike, Pt. 1 1.87 336 Cayuga Heights 3.17 338 Catskill Turnpike, Pt. 2 1.38 454 Ithaca 3.64 455 Wyckoff 0.34 483 Catskill Turnpike, Pt. 3 4.44 606 Cayuga Heights, Hanshaw's Cor. 2.12 616 Trumansburg-Ithaca 8.64 681 Ithaca -Dryden, Pt. 1 4.72 682 Ithaca -Dryden, Pt. 2 3.95. 683 Dryden -Cortland, Pt. 1 3.53. 926 Freeville-Groton 4.49 1001 Enfield Center -Ithaca 6.45 1002 Groton Village 0.37 Freeville Village 0.84 'Dryden 1.33 1003 Mitchell St. E. Town Line 1.37 1004 Cooks Corners-Brooktondale 4.58 1188 Groton -Cayuga Co. Line 2.77 1189 Enfield Falls -Enfield Center 6.34 1330 Ithaca-Esty Glen 2.44 1431 Brooktondale-Speedsville, Pt. 1 3.38 1432 West Danby -West Danby Station 0.42 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 59 1433 Cortland -Groton, Pt. 3 & 4 5.86 1623 Mecklenburg -Ithaca, Pt. 2 3.07 1676 South Lansing -Genoa 6.78 1867 Ithaca -Varna. 1.71 1891 South Ithaca -Ithaca 0.68 1921 Taughannock State Park -Ithaca 7.65 5043 Ithaca -Danby, Pt. 1 2.59 5122 Ithaca -Danby, Pt. 2 3.25 5206 Trumansburg Village ' 1.54 5213 Ithaca -Danby, Pt. 3 4.33 5214 Ithaca -Newfield 5.09 5225 Varna Crossing _ 0.53 5256 Esty Glen -South Lansing 3.08 5294 Etna-Freeville-Dryden 6.69 5379 Ithaca -West Danby, Pt. 1 3.22 5474 Cayuta-Newfield 6.28 5567 Ithaca -West Danby 3.04 5575 Perry City-Trumansburg 3.31 5627 South Lansing -Myers 1.38 5689 Myers -Kings Ferry, Pt. 4 0.11 5720 Myers -King Ferry, Pts. 1 & 2 0.15 8016 Dryden -Harford 4.47 8155 Spencer -West Danby, Pts. 1 & 2 2.58 8284 Myers -Kings Ferry, Pt. 3 5.58 8317 Myers -Kings Ferry, Pts. 1 & 2 1.76 8330 Caroline-Richford, Pts. 1 & 2 0.85 158.16 Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the snow removal program, as presented by the County Superintendent of Highways, be adopted by this Board as the snow removal program for the year 1933-34. Seconded by Mr. McDaniels. Carried Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That any unexpended balances standing to the credit of any project at the completion thereof for the year 1933, be re -appropriated and transferred to the County High- way Fund. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Bert I. Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, recom- mended that the following road, known as Project No. 21, be placed on the County Map for construction in 1933. Perry City Road, to be known as Road No. 142, beginning at a point 3.20 miles west of Station No. 206+60 on C. H. No. 616 and extending thence westerly to the Schuy- ler County Line, a distance of 1.80 miles. Moved by Mr. Smith, that the recommendation of the County Superintendent of Highways, be accepted and adopted and that the highway in question be placed .upon the County Map -for construction in 1933. Seconded by Mr. McDaniels. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $6,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to the County Road Fund for the completion of Project No. 21, heretofore designated. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Snow, that the bond of the Commissioner of Public Welfare be fixed by this Board for the sum of $25,- 000.00, being the same amount as the bond furnished by the former Commissioner. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That the Committee on County Buildings be authorized, for and on behalf of the county, to grant the use OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 61, of the former County Clerk's Building to the Tompkins County Clothing Relief Bureau and to provide heat, light and janitor service therefor, and be it further Resolved—That said committee be also authorized and em- powered to sell any furniture, or fixture, not necessary to be used in any department of county government, on the most advantageous terms for the county. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Quarterly Session Monday, November 13, 1933 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of August 14 and October 21, 1933 meetings, read and approved. The Clerk read a number of claims which were received and referred to the proper committees. The Clerk read the petition of the Assessors of the Town of Dryden, asking for a refund of taxes erroneously assessed to Messrs. Howland and Wyckoff jointly. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : ° Resolved—That the petition of the Assessors of the Town of Dryden, filed September 8, 1933, asking for a refund of taxes erroneously assessed in the year 1930 in said town to Messrs. Howland and Wyckoff and paid by them to the amount of $11.45 be granted, and that said amount of $11.45 be re- funded to said Howland and Wyckoff, and that the amount 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of $11.45 so refunded be placed in the budget of the Town of Dryden at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended., Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Assessors . of the Town of Dryden, for refund of lighting tax on property assessed to G. W. Baltz. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That the petition of the Assessors of the Town of Dryden filed September 8, 1933, asking for a refund of taxes erroneously paid by G. W. Baltz for street lighting in the hamlet of Peruville district, be granted and that there be refunded to said G. W. Baltz the sum of $17.20 so erroneously paid, said amount so refunded to be placed in the budget of the Town of Dryden at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended, and to be collected by said town fromthe property in said district liable therefor. .Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Carried. Mr. Payne offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the resolution adopted by this Board on December 31, 1930, relative to the improvement of dirt roads be and hereby is amended to, read as follows : "Where such gravel roads have been topped with a light top satisfactory to the County Superintendent of Highways, the same amount shall be allowed per mile for such topping as is allowed for surfacing with gravel, but in no case shall the total for both gravelling and topping exceed the amount allowed to any one town, in any one year, under the resolution of December 31, 1930. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Carried. 0 Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 63 Department of Public Welfare for the carrying on the work of that department for the months of November and December 1933, the sum of $19,757.00 apportioned as follows : CHARITABLE — IMPROVIDENT POOR County Home $2,200.00 Salary of worker 270.00 Stenographer 90.00 Stenographer 118.00 Office Expenses 30.00 Outside Relief 3,500.00 Hospitalization 2,000.00 Traveling Expenses 150.00 Commissioner's Expenses 25.00 Legal fees 100.00 Dependent Children Foster Homes :... $3,000.00 , Institutional Care 700.00 3,700.00 Total $12,183.00 OLD AGE SECURITY Allowances $ 7,000.00 Salary of worker 300.00 Traveling expenses 75.00 Stenographer 105.00 Stenographer 44.00 Office expenses 50.00 7,574.00 Total $19,757.00 and be it further Resolved—That in making up the budget for the current year the amounts herein appropriated shall be deducted from the amount appropriated to the Welfare Department for the carrying on its work for the year 1934, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is directed to pay the amounts hereby appropriated in . the same manner as she has heretofore paid moneys for said de- partment out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to bor- row said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem neces- 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS sary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it. further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding 6%, per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. McDaniels. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read a communication relative to the change of law for town officials for taking their oaths of office and the filing of undertaking. Mr. Smith, Chairman, of the Committee on Highways, an- nounced that that committee had affected a settlement with John Uher for land taken and all property damages on the Myers -King Ferry State Highway. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,500.00, for lands taken for .right of way and all property damages, payable to John Uher, on the Myers -King Ferry State Highway, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order payable to Mr. Uher, or his attorney, for such land taken and property damages, upon the receipt by him of a good and sufficient deed of conveyance,of the land taken and a release for all damages sustained by reason thereof, and the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, directed to pay . said claim out of the moneys appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Howell. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 65 Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk presented maps and plans for the construction of the State Highway leading from the Ithaca -Danby S. H.' No. 5043 to the Oliver Hughes _bridge in the Town • of Ithaca, known as the Buttermilk Falls State Parkway Entrance State 'Highway. - Moved by Mr. Smith, that the maps and specifications be approved by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS public interest demands the construction or im- provement of the highway hereinafter described, as a State Highway, therefore be it Resolved—That this Board of Supervisors request that the following described highway be constructed or improved as a county highway as provided in Article Six of the Highway Law, to wit : Beginning at the Buttermilk Creek Bridge, at the. Upper Park Entrance, easterly, southeasterly to State High- way No. 5043, having a total length of 0.63 miles all in the town of Ithaca. Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolu- tion to the State Division of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, at a meeting of 'this Board held on the 13th day of November, 1933, a resolution was adopted pursuant to section 123, of the Highway Law, requesting the construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of said law of that portion of a highway described as fol- lows : Beginning at the Buttermilk Creek Bridge, at the Upper 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Park Entrance, easterly, southeasterly to Stake Highway No. 5043. ' WHEREAS, the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways has examined the highway above described and has determined that it is of sufficient public importance for construction or improvement in accordance with the pro- visions of article six or six -A, of the Highway Law, and has certified its approval of the said resolution ; and WHEREAS, said Division has caused a section of said high- way, which section is described as follows: From the Butter- milk Creek Bridge, at the Upper Entrance, easterly, south- easterly to State Highway No. 5043, a length of 0.63 mile in the Town of Ithaca, and known as the Buttermilk Falls State Parkway Entrance, State Highway, to be surveyed and map- ped, and has caused maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost to be made for such construction or improvement, and after examination thereof by the' district or county super- intendent has transmitted the same to this Board showing the total estimated cost of the work to be $38,300.00 of which the State will pay the following proportion : if Federal Aid is.not used on the project The State pay 100% $38,300.00 If it is determined to use Federal Aid on the project the U. S. Government and the State of New York pays $38,300.00. , Resolved—That this Board request that the highway above described in paragraph one be constructed or improved as a State Highway with or without Federal Aid in that portion thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, plans, specifications and estimates of 'cost pre- pared therefor by the State Department of Public Works, Di- vision of Highways under the provisions of article • six or six -A, of the Highway Law; that said work be performed un- der the charge, care and superintendence of the State De- partment of Public Works, Division of Highways, and that said maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepar- ed for said work, under the direction of said Division as pro- vided in sections 125 or 162 of the Highway Law, are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board. Resolved—That the clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing re- solution to the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways. OF TOMPKINS, COUNTY, NEW YORK , 67 Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Fred A. Williams, County Commissioner of Welfare, ap- peared before the Board and presented his bond as such Com- missioner, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation., The Clerk read communications from the Temporary Emer- gency Relief Administration, which were filed. Mr. Smiley, of the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation, reported that that committee had examined the bond presented by Fred A. Williams, County Commissioner of Welfare, and found the samd to be correct and moved, that said bond be approved by the Board both as to form, manner of execution and the sufficiency of the surety. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. The several committees reported the following claims for audit, with the names of the claimants and .the amountsal- lowed, as follows : R-348 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Sup. Ct. Judge $ 20.50 349 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Supreme Court30.50 350 Fred A. Rogalsky, Insurance, New Co. Bldgs. 30.26 351 McCann Electric Co., Supplies, Court House23.61 352 West Disinfecting Co., Disinfectants, Court House 8.40 353 McCann Electric Co., Supplies & Work, Suprs16.70 354 Lawyers Co -Op Publishing Co., McKinney'§ Books, ,Suprs. 20.00 355 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Supplies, Suprs. 30.04 356 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Suprs. 29.50 357 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Suprs. 18.50 358 Wm. A. Church Co., Receipts Books, Co. Treas 23.00 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 359 Wm. A. Church Co., Receipt Books, Co. Treas. 11.50 360 Groton Journal -Courier, Pub. Redemption No- tices, Co. Treas. 361 McCann Electric Co., Electrical Work, Co Treas. 2.33 362' Atkinson Press, Envelopes, Co. Clerk 29.25 363 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Supplies, Co. Clerk 4.75 364 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Typewriter, Co. Clerk 295.30 365 McCann Electric Co., Electrical Work, Co. Clerk 1.42 366 McCann Electric Co., Supplies, Co. Clerk Bldg. 2.28 367 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Envelopes, Co. Judge 6.10 368 West Publishing Co., Supplements, Co. Judge 15.00 369 Williamson Law Book Co., Supplements, Co. Judge 5.00 370 Jennie B. Thayer, Clerical Work, Com. of Elec. 9.75 371 Donald Card, Clerical Work, Comm. of Elec. 9.75 372 Atkinson. Press, Supplies, Comm. of Elec 34.50 373 Trexnan, King & Co., Supplies, Sheriff 106.03 374 Frear Tire Sales Co., Supplies, Sheriff 5.00 375 Grace Printing Co., Envelopes, Sheriff ' 10.00 376 Federal Laboratories, Inc., Supplies, Sheriff 152.68 377 Leslie Tyler, Cartage, Jail 1.25 378 McCann Electric Co., Supplies & Labor, Jail 29.69 379 Dr. G. B. Fahey, Dental Work, Jail Inmates 5.00 380 Stover Printing Co., Envelopes, Dist. Atty. 7.00 381 W. R. Tompkins, Pictures, Dist Atty. 16.50 382 'Dr. Minor McDaniels, Ex. in Lunacy, Insane 10.00. 383 M. D. Martindale, Burial -Samuel Worden, Pensioner 75.00 384 G. A. C. Berry, Arch Supports -Peter Lucas, P. H. C. 15.00 385 Dr. C. E. McElwain, Anesthetic -Richard Far- rell, P. H. C. 10.00 386 P. V. Herron, Shoes, Leona Cornell, P. H. C7.00 387 Andrew Russell (Assigned to Fred L. Clock) Labor, Co. Home 25.00 388 Matthew Bender & Co., McKinney's Supp. Sup. Ct. 20.00 389 Donohue -Halverson Co., Supplies & Labor, Ct. House 18.81 390 Cayuga Press, Ct. House Folders, Ct. House 35.35 391 Jamieson McKinney Co., Supplies, Ct. House 9.00 392 Layton Dawes, Moving, Co. Bldg. 8.00 393 Clarkson Chemical Co., Supplies, Co. Bldg. 13.25 394 D. B. Stewart & Co., Supplies, Co. Bldg. 3.75 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 69 395 Callaghan & Co., Criminal Code, Co. Clerk 3.00 396 .Co -Op Farm Service Management, Inc., Mimeographing, Co. Clerk . . 2.95 .397 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Co. Clerk • 47.25 398 Hand Stamp Shop, Stamps, Co. Clerk 7.65 399 Wm.. A. Church Co., Supplies, Co. Clerk 11.50 400 H. L. O'Daniel, Postage & Exp., Co. Clerk 117.59 401 Wm. F. George, Moving, Com. of Elec. 1.50 402 Wm. F. George, Pres. Board of Elections, Post- age & Exp., Comm. of Elec. 169.90 403 Norton Printing Co., Ballots, etc. Elections 2,129.00 404 Groton Journal -Courier, Elections notices, Election 5.66 405 Frank C. Ellis, Mileage, Sheriff, 312.55 406 Frank C. Ellis, Postage, etc., Sheriff 8.35 407 Weinstein Bros., Supplies, Sheriff 478.09 408 Swift & Co., Soap, Jail 14.40 409 A. B. Brooks & Son, Supplies, Jail 8.79 410 Rothschild Bros., Mirrors, Jail 7.17 411 Sinclair Refining Co., Oil & Grease, Jail 6.58 412 J. C. Stowell & Co., Soap, Jail 3.20 413 . Stover Printing Co., Supplies, Dist. Atty. 16.35 414 C. V. Bush, Postage, etc., Co. Treas. 30.60 415 Stover Printing Co., Supplies, Co. Treas. 13.50 416 Corner Bookstores, Inc.,' Line -a -time, Co. Treas. 16.50 417 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Co. Treas. 3.35 418 Wm. A. Church Co., Receipt Books, Co. Treas32.00 419 Wm. A. Church Co., Repair Tax Roll, Co. Treas. 2.00 420 W. J. McCormick, Metal Polish, Jail 7.00 421 Arthur G. Adams, Expenses, etc., Dist Atty181.95 422 Wm. A. Church Co., Repairing Books, Suprs10.50 423 Fred L. Clock, Exp. & Disbursements, Suprs197.93 , 424 J. E. Van Natta, Typewriter, Supreme Ct56.50 425 A. B. Oltz, Labor, Court House 14.00 426 A. B. Oltz, Labor, Co. Bldgs. 8.00 (Assigned to Fred L. Clock) 427 Shine -All Sales Co., Supplies, Co. Bldgs, 409.00 428 Fred A. Rogalsky, Fire Insurance, Co. Bldgs50.80 430 Layton Dawes, Trucking, Co. Bldgs. 3.00 431 Myra Sebring, Cleaning material, Co. Bldgs15.00 432 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Supplies, Co Clerk, 15.60 433 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Judge 8.50 434 Norton Printing Co., Printing supplies, Elec- tions 755.00 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 435 Atkinson Press, Printing Supplies, Elections 29.25 436 Corner Bookstores, Inc., Table, Supt. of High - 68.00 ways 437 Stover Printing Co., Supplies, Supt. of High- ' ways 7.35 438 Stover Printing Co., Supplies, Supt. of High- ways 6.65 439 Dr. M. J. Foran, Ex. in Lunacy, Insane 20.00 440 Town of Ulysses, Labor, Co. Home 30.40 441 Paul McDonald Labor & Supplies, Co. Home 107.78 442 Donohue -Halverson Co., Supplies, Co. Home .133.79 443 Dr. Richard S. Farr, Operation & Cast, Richard' 60.00 Farrell, P. H. C. 444 G. A. C. Berry, Straps on Cast, Helen Fuller, P. H. • C. 4.00 445 Binghamton City Hospital, Care & Cast, Helen 26.00 Fuller, .P. H. C. 446 Reconstruction Home, X -Ray, Arthur Emer- son, P. H. C. 8.50 447 Reconstruction Home, Care, Barbara Good - band, P. H. C. 448 Reconstruction Home, Care, Leonard Tripp, 57.00 P. H. C. 449 Reconstruction, Home, Care, Edward Dim- mick, P. H. C. 306.00 450 Reconstruction Home, Care, Robert Miccinati, • P. H. C. 276.00 451 Reconstruction Home, Care, Kathryn Bereza, P. H. C. 180.00 $8,070.52 Claim No. R. 387, having been recommended for audit by the committee, for an amount less than the amount claimed. Moved by Mr. Snow, that said Claim No. R-387, Andrew Russell, be audited at the amount of $25.00. Seconded by Mr. McDaniels. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims amounting to the sum of $8,070.52, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which they were re- ferred, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 71 pay ,the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to bor- row said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem neces- sary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys, so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding 6 per centum per annum; until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board for, and on behalf, of the Board, and he it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claims Nos. R-850, 392, 393, 394, 426, 427, 428 out of the moneys obtained from the sale of county bbnds ; that she charge Claims Nos. R-382 and 439 to the City of Ithaca; that of Claim R -405, -being for Sheriff's expenses, she charge to the Town of Caroline, the sum of $56.10 ; Danby, $29:40 ; Dryden, $49.00 ; Groton, $29.90 ; Ithaca. $5.10 ; Lansing, $11.70 ; New- field, $13.65; Ulysses, $20.50; City of Ithaca, $18.90, the amounts so charged being properly chargeable to the respec- tive towns and city, and to be placed in the tax budget there- of for the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for, and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried.. Minutes of day proceedings read and approved. On motion, adjourned. 72 ' PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual Session First Day Thursday, November 16, 1933 The several supervisors of the respective towns of the county and the wards of the City of .Ithaca, met in annual . session in the Supervisors' Rooms, at the courthouse, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Thursday, November 16, 1933. Upon the call of the roll by towns , the following supervisors answered to their names, with post -office addresses as ,fol- lows : Caroline—Lamont C. Snow, Brooktondale, R. D. No. 1 Danby—Wm. 0. Smiley, Ithaca, R. D. No. 4 Dryden—Carl A. Mott, Dryden, N. Y. Enfield—Alan T. Rumsey, Ithaca, R. D. No. 5 Groton—Richard C. Smith, Groton, R. D. No. 3 Ithaca—Lagrand. E. Chase, Ithaca, R. D. 4. Lansing—Andrew-J. Conlon, South Lansing Newfield—Forest J. Payne, Newfield, R. • D. No. 4 Ulysses—O. Howard McDaniels, Trumansburg, N. Y. Ithaca City— First Ward—Fred D. Van Order, 511 W. Seneca St. Second Ward—Wm. C. Blackmer, 317 W. State St. Third Ward—Joseph B. Myers, 325 W. Buffalo St. Fourth Ward—Sidney L. Howell, First National Bank Bldg. Fifth Ward—Leslie R. Pierce, 107 W. Yates St. The Chairman announced that the first order of business was the election of a Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 73 Mr. Snow nominated Fred L. Clock, as Clerk of the Board for the ensuing year of 1933-1934. Mr. Clock's nomination was seconded by Mr. Smith. There being no further nominations, the Chairman declar- ed the nominations closed. Moved by Mr. Snow, that the Chairman cast one ballot for Fred L. Clock, as Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, for the year 1933-1934. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried. The Chairman cast one ballot for Fred L. Clock and de- clared M.r. Clock duly elected as Clerk of the Board for the year 1933-1934. The Clerk read the following communication from the State Department of Taxation and Finance, relative to the amount to be raised by the county by taxation for the fiscal year, beginning July 1, 1933, for Armory and Stenographer's Tax : Dear Sir : The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby notified, as required by statute, to raise by taxation for the fiscal year beginning July. 1, 1933, the sum of $15,- .. 068.23, for the following purposes: Armory Purposes. On a total equalized valuation of $58,448,552. $7,957.82 Court and Stenographers expenses. On an assessed valuation of $63,712,111 7,110.41 Total $15,068.23 Respectfully yours, Frank S. Harris, Deputy Commissioner Division of Finance. Referred to the Committee on Finance. The Clerk read a communication from the Department of 74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Taxation and Finance, relative to the rates of assessment of property in the tax districts of the county as fixed by that department for the year 1933, as follows : Caroline ' 96% Danby 98% Dryden 98% Enfield 96% Groton 97% Ithaca Town 99% Lansing 98% Newfield 98% Ulysses 90% Ithaca City 88%, Referred to the Committee on Equalization, Etc. The Clerk read the followingcommunication from the State Department of Audit and Control, relative to • Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds issued for the construction of state and county highways : Dear Sir : The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County is hereby notified, pursuant to Chapter 469, Laws of 1906, as amended by Chapter 718, Laws of 1907, as amended by Chapter 179, Laws of 1910, to levy a tax of $7,629.21 against said county and the following towns therein, for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of roads, viz.: County Town Roads Towns Year Sinking Int. Sinking Int. Total AW Fund. Fund 606 Ithaca 1933 $163.20 $ 326.40 $ 57.60 $115.20 $ 662.40 616 Ulysses 1933 706.20 1,412.40 216.85 433.69 Ithaca 1933 75.77 . 151.54 2,996.45 681 Dryden 1933 396.96 793.92 81.03 162.08 Ithaca 1933 42.85 85.72 1,562.56 682 Dryden 1933 305.03 610.05 89.71 - 179.42 1,184.21 683 Dryden 1933 315.16 630.34 92.69 185.40 1,223.59 $7,629.21 Very truly yours, Morris S. Tremaine Comptroller By II. D. Yates • Deputy Comptroller OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 75. Referred to Committee on Town and County Accounts The Clerk read a communication of appreciation from the Board of Trustees of the First Baptist Church, relative to the attitude of the Board of Supervisors on making repairs and the planting of shrubbery for beautification purposes along church property, which was filed. On motion. adjourned, to Friday, November 17, 1933, at 10 :30 A. M. Second' Day Friday, November 17, 1933 ' Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Conlon. The Ladies of the G. A. R. appeared before the Board and, thru Mrs. Rose Ella Grooms, presented to the county an Amer- ican Flag on behalf of that organization, the same to be flown from the flag pole on the grounds of the new county building. The flag, as presented, was accepted by the Chairman of the Board for, and on behalf of, the people of Tompkins County, with the thanks of the Board. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved—That the flag, as presented by the Ladies of the G. A. R. and accepted by the Chairman of the Board on behalf of the people of Tompkins -County, be accepted by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried. Minutes of November 16 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Arthur I. Merrill, representative of the National Re- employment Service, appeared before the Board, relative to the furnishing of adequate quarters by Tompkins County for the carrying on the work .of that organization in the towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, and was assured by the 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Chairman of the Board that the request would be given care- ful consideration by the Board at a later date. The report of John J. Sinsabaugh, as County Sealer of Weights and Measures, was received and referred to the Com- mittee on County Officers and Compensation. The report of Arthur G. Adams, District Attorney, was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Correction and Re- formation. The report of the 'Commissioners of Election, relative to election expenses and the apportionment thereof, among the several towns and city of the county, .was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. The 'report of the County Clerk was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. A list of the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The report of J. D. Ross, of the Town of Dryden, R. R. Chatterton, and George B. Sickmon, of the Town of Groton, and C. H. Newman, of the Town of Ithaca; Justices of the Peace of those respective towns were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. The, joint report of the County Treasurer and the County Clerk, relative to the amount received for Mortgage Tax and the allocation thereof made by them, was received and re- ferred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. On motion, adjourned to Saturday, November 18, 1933 at 10 :30 A. M. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 77 Third Day Saturday, November 18, 1933 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of November 17 meeting, read and approved. Moved by Mr. Howell, that the Clerk be authorized to pur- chase the necessary supplies for the Board. Seconded by. Mr. Blackmer.. Carried. The Clerk read the contract as submitted by the Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County for the board of prison- ers from Tompkins County, at the Onondaga County Pen- itentiary for the year 1934. Moved by Mr: Conlon, that the contract, as submitted by the Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County, be approved by this Board and that the Chairman and Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the same for, and on behalf of, Tomp- kins County. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Carried. Mr. Snow, Chairman. of the Committee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, reported that the committeehad sold the truck used in connection with the work of the committee for the sum of $25.00, and the money paid to the County Treasurer, and asked that the sale thereof be approved by this Board. Moved by Mr. Smith, that the sale of the truck by the Com- mittee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, be approv- ed by this Board. Seconded,by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Pierce presented the petition of the Assessors of the City of Ithaca, asking for authorization to reduce the assess- ment on the old court house property, now owned by the Bap- tist Church Society, on the grounds that the same were ex- cessive, as follows : 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Land Value $ 3,600.00 Buildings 28,000.00 Total . $31,600.00 which was filed. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the petition of the Assessors of the City of Ithaca, this day filed be granted and that they be author- ized to reduce the assessment on the State and County Tax Roll, on the old court house property, now owned by the Bap- tist Church, to the amount of $31,600.00 on the grounds that the former assessment of $60,000.00 was excessive. Seconded by Mr, Snow. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Acting upon the request of the representative of the Na- tional Re-employment Service, Mr. Pierce offered the follow- ing resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the request of the representative of the Na- tional Re-employment Service be granted by this Board, so far as possible, and that the rooms, set aside for the use of the County Sealer of Weights and Measures, be given to such service until such time as the same may be required by the county for county purposes, or until such service is termin- ated. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Carried. The report of the Committee on Public Health was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The report of the County Librarian was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief,. Etc. A report of the Special Franchises of the Town of Ithaca was received and referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses. The reports of the Farm and Home Bureaus were received OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 79 and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The report of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital was received and referred to the Committee on Char- ities. The report of the Sheriff was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. The budget of the 4H department of the Junior Extension • was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, Etc. The report of the Coroner was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. The report of the Jail Matron was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. The report of the County Treasurer was received and re- , ferred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. The report :of the Board of Child Welfare was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. On motion of Mr. Smith, the Board adjourned to Monday, December 4, 1933 at 10 :30 A. M. Fourth Day Monday, December 4, 1933 Roll call. All members present except the representative from the Town of Ulysses and Mr. Snow. The Chairman announced the death of Supervisor, 0. How- ard McDaniels, of the Town of Ulysses and appointed Messrs. Howell, Van Order and Smith as a committee to draft suit- able resolution by the Board. Minutes of November 18 meeting, read and approved. 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF. SUPERVISORS The general report of the Commissioner of Public Welfare and his report on Old Age Security were received and referred to the Committee on Charities. The annual report of the Superintendent of . the County Laboratory was received and referred to the Committee on County Laboratory. • The reports of the County Probation Officer and the Clerk of Childrens' Court were received and referred to the Com- mittee on Correction. and Reformation. A list of the Town Audits of the Town of Dryden was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. The report of the County Judge of moneys received by him for pistol permits, was received and referred to the Com- mittee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. A report of the State Department of Agriculture and Mar- kets, of an inspection at the County Home, was read by the. Clerk and referred to the Committee on Charities. The Chairman announced, as the Tompkins County Civil Works Administration Committee, Messrs. Carl Crandall, B. I. Vann, County Superintendent of Highways. and Fred A. Williams, County Commissioner of Public Welfare. Messrs. Crandall and Vann appeared before the Board relative to the work to be carried on bythe committee and the several projects contemplated by it. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $6,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to the Tompkins County Civil Works Administration for the cost of material, supplies and equipment for the Tompkins County Civil Works projects, and to be expended on those pro jects specified by the committee, and the County Treasurer is directed to pay said money on the payrolls approved by the committee, and be it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 81 Resolved—That if the County .Treasurer has not sufficient moneys in her hands with which to pay said amount; or any part thereof, and in pursuance. of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as to her may seem necessary, in anticipa- tion of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for thecurrent year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue, and to bear in- terest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall makethe en- tries required by said, Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey. . Ayes -12. Noes -O. Carried. A list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Enfield was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. A list of Corporations of the Town of Newfield was receiv- ed and filed. A list of the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc.. Reports of Orrie Cornelius and Walter G. Kinch, of the Town -of Dryden; V. H. Earl, S. Harvey Stephenson and Thom- as R. Brown, of the Town of Enfield; Miles•G. Tarbell, of the Town of Groton ; C. A. Baker, Wm. I. Smith , and James A. Bush, of the Town of .Ithaca ; C. Lee Brainard,: Douglass Car- penter, . C. , P. Stoughton and, R. C. Albright, of the Town of Newfield, Justices of the Peace of those respective towns, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Jus- " - tices' Accounts. 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS A list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Newfield was received and referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 5, 1933, at 10:30 A. M. Fifth. Day • Tuesday, December 5, 1933 MORNING SESSION Mr. LePine Stone appeared and presented his certificate of appointment, as Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses to suc- ceed 0. Howard McDaniels, deceased, which was filed. Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Snow and Van Order. Minutes of December 4 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Chase presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Town of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Smith presented a list of Corporations of the Town of Groton, which was filed. Mr. Payne presented a Est of Grand Jurors of the Town' of Newfield which was referred to the Committee on Return- ed Taxes. Mr. Mott presented the report of James 0. Robertson, Jus- tice of the Peace, of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Ac- counts. Mr. Rumsey presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 83 . Mr. Payne presented the Town Budget of the Town of New- field, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Howell presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Fourth' Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was referred to the Com- mittee on Returned Taxes. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Snow and Van Order. Mrs. Eugene Baker, President, and Mr. Leon D. Rothschild, members of the Board of Child Welfare, appeared before the Board and presented the annual report of that organization, which was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Mr. Smith presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee - on Returned Taxes. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Contract Supplies,for the year ending October 31, 1933; Your Committee on Contract Supplies submits the follow- ing.report for the year ending,October 31, 1933. RECEIPTS : Balance November lst, 1932 $ 329.99 Appropriations—Heat and Light 3,500.00 Almshouse heat 1,500.00 Telephones 1.500.00 Refunds on telephones—Tuberculosis Hospital 18.15 Court House 1.23 Sheriff 6.00 $6,855.26 DISBURSEMENTS : Per claims listed below $5,284.88 _. Balance $1,570.38 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Heat Light Telephone Court House $133.00 $518.11 . , $ 367.85 Jail 316.62 262.39 County Clerk's Building .... 170.14 100.05 Supervisors 131.20 Highway Department 238.68 277.05 Supreme Court Judge 11.20 137.45 Motor Vehicle Office 50.70 74.92 County Treasurer 92.93 Sheriff 63.45 324.39 County Judge & Surrogate 162.84 Almshouse 338.15 68.70 Commissioners of Election 11.92 105.67 Tuberculosis Hospital 98.75 Welfare Department , 169.66 Children's Court 105.18 New Court House 403.00 549.88 $1,190.77 $1,876.47 $2,217.64 Moved by Mr. Mott; that the report of the committee be ac- cepted. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on Contract Supplies for the year ending October 31, 1933, this day filed, be audited by this Board at', the amounts as recommended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. 'Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 85 Sixth Day Wednesday, December 6, 1933 MORNING SESSION • Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Snow- and Van Order. Minutes of December 5 meeting, read and approved. Miss Eugenia Van Cleef, Chairman of the Committee on Public Health, rendered the report of that commitee and pre- sented the proposed budget for the year 1934, which were referred to the Committee on Public Health. Miss Marion May presented the annual report of the Public Health Nurses, which was referred to the Committee on Pub- lic Health. Lists of Corporations of the towns of Enfield and Lansing were received and filed. Mr. Rumsey presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the town of Enfield, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Smith presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Groton, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Conlon presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Lansing, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Smith presented the Town Budget of the Town of Gro- ton, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Payne presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Newfield, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. - Mr. Smith presented a list of Special Franchises of the 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Town of Groton, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Conlon presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Town of Lansing, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Snow and Van Order. Mr. Harry P. Morse, Agent of the Tomkins County Farm Bureau, presented a report of that organization. Mrs. Margaret Jewell, President of the Tompkins County Home Bureau, presented the report of that organization and the proposed budget of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau, the Tompkins County Home Bureau and the 411 Department of the Junior Extension for 1934. Mr. Ralph Higley, Leader of the Junior Project Extension, presented the report of that organization. Miss Sara Kerr presented the report of the County Exten- sion Workers. The foregoing reports and proposed budget were referred to the Committee on Soldiers' ,Relief, Etc. Mr. Smith presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Groton, which was referred to the Committee on returned Taxes. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 87 Seventh Day Thursday, December 7, 1933 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Van Order. Minutes of December 6 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Stone presented a list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Smiley presented a list of the Corporations of the Town of Danby, which was filed. Mr. Chase presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Pierce presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Fifth Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Snow presented a list of . Corporations of the Town of Caroline which was filed. Mr. Smiley presented a list of Grand. Jurors for the Town of Danby, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Chase presented a list of Corporations of the Town of Ithaca, which was filed. Mr. Mott presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Dryden, which was referred to the Committee. on Returned Taxes. Mr. Stone presented a list of Corporations of the Town of Ulysses, which was filed. Mr. Snow presented a report of the Special Franchises of the Town of Caroline, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Smiley presented the following regular and supple- mental reports of the Committee on Equalization, Etc. on the Footing of Assessment Rolls, which were laid on the table one day under the rule : 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESS- MENT - ROLLS To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your committee reports that it has verified and corrected the footings of the Assessment Rolls referred to it, as made by the Assessors of each tax district, and that the following is a.cor- rect statement of such footings : E~ O v Tt E-1 0 71. E'a • E v • • A Caroline 34,747 $ 1,198,168 $ 29,640 Danby 33,286 1,243,648 27,34-2 Dryden 58,286 4,4-17,672 146,828 Enfield 22,207 827,193 31,008 Groton 30,275 3,975,4201 51,046 Ithaca, City 2,940 63,523,960 766,832 Ithaca, Town 16,293 9,942,933 177,012 Lansing 37,789 3,744,275 74,168 Newfield 36,997 1,352,056 34,177 Ulysses 19,818 3,361,920 81,045 $ 1,227,808 1,270,990 4,564,500 858,201 4,026,466 64,290,792 10,119,945 3,818,443 1,386,233 3,442,965 $ 39,000 • 72,442 528,400 ' 162,350 352,325 • 25,962,860 3,312,575 374,825 125,530 668,050 Totals 293,088 $93,587,2451$1,419,098 $95,006,343 $31,598,357 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 89 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESS- MENT ROLLS (Continued), Towns s 0 ��.• t (2 k O C ,73W FY.� W QI' • Caroline ...... $ 950 $ 1,187,858 $ 1,188,808 $ $ $ Danby 14,250 1,184,298 1,198,548 Dryden• 9,300 4,026,800 4,036,100 1,030,770 1,032,970 3,003,130 Enfield 1 4,9251 690,926 695,851 • Groton 2,125 3,672,016 3,674,141 2,059,3781 .2,059,878 1,616,388 ' Ithaca, City:_.. 190,100 38,237,832 38,327,932 Ithaca, Town. 1 4,1751 6,803,195 6,807,370 2,680,850 2,680,850 4,126,520 Lansing I 3,825 3,439,7931 3,443,6181 Newfield 4,400 1,256,3031 1,260,7031 I f Ulysses 1 3,6001 2,771,3151 2,774,9151 1,024,2851 1,025,0851 1,749,830 Totals 1$137,6501$63,270,3361$63,407,9861$6,795,2831$6,798,7831$10,495,868 Dated, December 2, 1933. W. 0. SMILEY ALAN T. RUMSEY F. J. PAYNE LAMONT C. SNOW RICHARD C. SMITH Committee 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your Committee renders the following supplemental report relative to the assessed value of property within and without incorporated villages of the several towns of the county. Towns and Villages Total Franchises . W 0 DRYDEN— Dryden Village Freeville 1 $ 643,8501$ 18,0321$ 661,882 $1,200 350,1461 18,7421 368,888 1,000 $ 663,082 369,888 Total Inside Corporations Outside Corporations ' Totals GROTON— 1 1 Groton Village 1 2,044,9251 Outside Corporation 1 1,578,1701 Totals 1$3,623,095.1$ ITHACA— I 1 Cayuga Heights 2,631,3501 OutsideCorporation 3,994,833 Totals $6,626,1831$ ULYSSES— 1 Trumansburg 995,8001 Outside Corporation 1,694,4701 Totals $2,690,2701$ 3,423,6761 110,0541 2,996,0301 7,100 3,003,130 993,996 36,774 1,030,770 2,200 1,032,970 $4,417,6721$ 146,8281$4,026,8001$9,3001$4,036,100 1 1 1 14,4531 2,059,3781 5001 2,059,878 36,593 1,614,763 1,625 1,616,388 51,0461$3,674,1411$2,1251$3,676,266 49,500 2,680,850 127, 5121 4,122, 3451 4,17 51 4,126,520 177,0121$6,803,1951$4,1751$6,807,370 28,4851 1,024,2851 0 1,025,085 52,5601 1,747,0301 2,8001 1,749,830 81,0451$2,771,3151$3,6001$2,774,915 Dated, December, 2, 1933. W. 0. SMILEY Chairman ALAN T: RUMSEY F. J. PAYNE JOS. B. MYERS LAMONT C. SNOW RICHARD C. SMITH Committee OF TOMPKINS • COUNTY, NEW YORK 91 Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the reports be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Smith. By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the table. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the regular and supplemental reports of the Committee on Equalization, Etc. on the Footing of Assess- ment Rolls, be accepted and adopted and that the figures there- in be used as a basis for taxation in the several tax districts of the county, for the year 1933. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, the election of county officers and employees and representatives of this Board, to be elected by the Board for the year 1934, was made a special order of business for Tues- day, December 12, at 10:30 A. M. - On motion, adjourned to Friday, December 8 at 10 :30 A. M. Eighth Day Friday, December 8, 1933 MORNING SESSION Roll call... All members present, except Mr. Van Order. Minutes of December 7 meeting, read and approved. Members of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital by Dr. Keith Sears, Secretary, presented the annual report for the year 1933, which was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS Mr. Smiley presented the following reports of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., for the purpose of the General Tax Levy and the Highway Tax Levy, for the year 1933, which were laid on the table one day, under the rule : REPORT NO. 1 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF GENERAL TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1933 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your Committee on Equalization reports that they have ex- amined the assessment rolls of the several tax districts in the County. of Tompkins, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the valuation in one tax district bears a just relation to the valuations in all the tax districts in the county; that in the opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do not bear such just relations to the valuations in all the tax districts of the county,. and your committee would recommend that the valuations of the several tax districts in order that they may bear such just relations, be increased or diminished according to the following statements so as to make the aggre- gate equalized valuations as indicated in the tabular statement below. Towns Special Franchise M O H O. �W8 O ° �W v m o y O cal a m id m w7 ° 15.<4.734 7 7 Caroline - Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca, City Ithaca, Town 'Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 1,158,218 $ 29,640 $ 1,187,858 $ 1,237,352 1,156,956 27,342 1,184,298 1,208,467 3,879,972 146,828 4,026,800 4,108,979 ' 659,918 31,008 690,926 719,714 3,623,095 51,046 3,674,141 3,787,774 37,561,100 766,832 38,327,932 44,055,094 6,626,183 177,012 6,803,195 6,871,914 3,369,432 74,168 3,443,600 3,513,877 1,222,126 34,177 1,256,303 1,281,941 2,690,270 81,045 2,771,315 3,079,238 Totals .... j$76,048,524 $ 1,419,0981$63,366,368 $69,864,350 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 93 Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca, City Ithaca, Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses .96% .98% .98% .96 % .97% .87 .99% .98% .98 %' .90%• $ 1,122,268 1,096,070 3,726,809 652,775 3,435,479 39,957,592 6,232,767 3,187,055 1,162,710 2,792,843 1,629,660 21,528 $ 65,590 68,228 299,991 ' 38,151 238,662 570,428 256,545 93,593 Totals $63,366,368 $ 1,651,188 $ 1,651,188 And your committee would alsoreport that they have de- termined upon proper inquiry and investigation the ratio or percentage which the assessed value of the real property in each such tax district bears to its full value and would recom- mend that, based upon such determination of your committee,. that the board establish such ratios or percentages which are determined and in the opinion of your committee are as above set forth. That your committee have, in accord with such percentage, compiled and that the foregoing table shows the aggregate valuations of each tax district, as determined from the actual values of property fixed according to the above ratios or per- centages and the average rate of assessment of real property in the county which your committee have determined accord- ing to the rules laid down by statute, to be .9069914 and that the table shows by such valuations the several and aggregate valuationsupon which the taxes for the county, including the state taxes, should be apportioned between the several tax districts of the county. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated, December 2, • 1933. W. 0. SMILEY, Chairman ALAN T. RUMSEY FOREST J. PAYNE JOSEPH B. MYERS LAMONT C. SNOW RICHARD C. SMITH Committee 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT NO. 2 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF HIGHWAY TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1933 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your committee further reports that it has in accordance with the percentage fixed and established by this Board, :de- termined the equalized value of the real property of the several tax districts of this county, liable to the levy of taxes for high- way purposes, as shown by the subjoined tabular statement; that the average rate of assessment as determined by such percentages is .9070304. Towns Special Franchise True Value Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca, City ................ Ithaca, Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses :$ 1,159,1681$ 29,6401$ 1,188,808 $ 1,238,341 1,171,2061 27,34-21 1,198,548 1,223,008 3, 889,2721 146,8281 4,036,1001 4,118,469 664,843 31,008 695,851 724,844 3,623,095 51,046 3,674,141 3,787,774 37,561,100 766,832 38,327,932 44,055,094 6,630,358 177,012 6,807,370 6,876,131 3,369,450 74,168 3,443,618 3,513,896 1,226,526 34,177 1,260,703 1,286,431. 2,693,870 81,045 2,774,915 3,083,238 Totals $61,988,888 $ 1,419,098 $63,407,986 $69,907,226 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 95 Towns b v OJ � v 0 E4~ 6.0 0 c� y v 6 .V. 71 Equalized Value ' E v • 73 -cy Pensions Exempt Caroline .96 % Danby .98% Dryden .98 % Enfield .96% Groton , .97 % Ithaca, City ' .87 % Ithaca, Town .99 % Lansing 1 .98 % Newfield .98% Ulysses .90 % $ 1,123,213 1,109,306 3,735,577 657,456 3,435,627 39,959,310 6,236,860 3,187,212 1,166,833 2,796,592 1,631,378 21,677 65,595 $ 950 89,242 14,250 300,523 9,300 38,395 4,925 238,514 2,125 90,100 570,510 4,175 256,406 3,825 ,93,870. 4,400 3,600 • Totals $63,407,9861$ 1,653,0551$ 1,653,0551$ 137,650 Dated, December 2, 1933. Average per cent .9070304. W. 0. SMILEY, Chairman ALAN T. RUMSEY FOREST J.- PAYNE JOSEPH B. MYERS LAMONT C. SNOW RICHARD C. SMITH Committee. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the reports- be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Payne. By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the. table. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That Report No. 1, of the Committee on Equali- zation, Etc., be accepted and adopted and that the valuation of real property, for the purposes of the General Tax Levy against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD. OF SUPERVISORS and determined as therein set forth, as the basis of the ap- portionment for such General Tax Levy for the year 1933. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That Report No. 2, of the Committee on Equali- zation, Etc:, be accepted and adopted and the valuation of real property, for the, purposes of Highway. Tax Levy. against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and determined as therein set forth as the basis of the apportionment of High- way Taxes for the year 1933. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, Wednesday, December .13, was designated for the annual inspection at the County Home and the Tuberculosis Hospital. Mr. Snow presented a list of the Grand Jurors of the Town , of Caroline, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Snow presented the reports of Augustus Middaugh, P. Alfred Munch, George L. Richards and Charles Thomas, Jus- tices of the Peace of the Town of Caroline, which were referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Blackmer presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Second Ward of the .City of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Van Order, Howell, Pierce and Conlon. Mr. Charles Chamberlain, .Assistant Examiner of Highway OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 97 Accounts from the office of the State Comptroller, appeared before the Board and instructed the members, and the mem- bers -elect, as to their duties in keeping their highway accounts and the necessity of their corresponding to their bank balances. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 11, 1933, at 10 :30 A. M. Ninth Day Monday, December 11, 1933 Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Van Order and Conlon. Minutes of December 8 meeting, read and approved. The department of the Commissioner of Public Welfare ap- peared before the Board and explained the report of that de- partment, as filed with the Board on November 20, 1933. Miss Stella Myers presented her report, as Childrens' Agent. Miss Marian Priest presented her report on Old Age Secur- ity. Mrs. Roger Dakin presented her report on Out of SettIe- ment Cases. Mr. Fred A. Williams presented his general report as Com- missioner of Public Welfare. The foregoing reports were referred to the Committee on Charities. Lists of the Town Audits of the Towns of Caroline, Danby, and Enfield, were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Snow presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Caroline, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD • OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Rumsey presented the Town Budget of the Town of Enfield, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Mr. Smith presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Village of Groton and School District No. 8, of the Town of Groton, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Chase presented the Town Budget of the Town of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Reports of Fred E. Dorn, Eugene Dorn, George 0. Sears and Arthur G. Bennett of the Town of Danby, Paul Ewers of the Town of Dryden; and J. D. Sheller of the Town of Groton, Justices of the Peace of those respective towns, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Jus- tices' Accounts. Mr. Stone presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Village of Trumansburg and of School District No. 1 of the Town of Ulysses, which were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Stone presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ulysses, which was referred to the Committee on - Returned Taxes. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 12, 1933, at 10 :30 A. M. Tenth Day Tuesday, December 12, 1933 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Van Order. ,Minutes of December 11 meeting, read and approved. The election of officers and employees, to be elected by the OF• TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 99 Board, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. Mr. Blackmer placed in nomination .the name of Iva B. Ellis as Jail Matron for the year 1934. Mrs'. Ellis' nomination was seconded by Mr. Smith. There being no other nomination, on motion of Mr. Smiley, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Iva B. Ellis, as Jail Matron for the year 1934. The Clerk cast one ballot for Iva B. Ellis and the Chairman declared Mrs. Ellis duly elected as Jail Matron for one year, from January 1, 1934. Mr. Smith placed in nomination the name of Carl A. Mott as representative of the Board of Supervisors on the Farm and Home Bureau Association, for the year 1934. Mr. Mott's nomination was seconded by Mr. Snow. There being -no other nominations, on the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot the Chairman declared Mr. Mott duly sentative of this Board on the Farm and ation, for one year, from January 1, 19 motion of Mr. Pierce, for Carl A. Mott and elected as the repre- Home Bureau Associ- 34. Mr. Howell placed in nomination the J. Conlon, as the representative of this Project Extension. name of Mr. Andrew Board on the Junior Mr: Conlon's nomination was seconded by Mr. Myers. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Rum- sey, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Andrew J. Conlon as the representative from this Board on the Junior Project Extension. 0 The Clerk cast one ballot .for Andrew J. Conlon and the Chairman declared Mr. Conlon duly elected as the represent- ative of this Board on the Junior Project Extension, for one year, from January 1, 1934. Mr. Smiley placed in, nomination the name of Mr. Lamont C. Snow, as a member of the Tompkins County Library Com- 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS mission, to fill the unexpired term of Albert L. Huff, Deceased, which term expires on December 31, 1936. Mr. Snow's nomination was seconded by Mr. Smith. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Pierce, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Lamont C. 'Snow, as a member of the Tompkins County Library Commission. The Clerk cast one ballot for Mr. Lamont C. Snow, and the Chairman declared Mr. Snow duly elected a member of the Tompkins County Library Commission to fill the unexpired term of Albert L. Huff, deceased, .which term will expire on December 31, 1936. Mr. Pierce placed in nomination the name of Mr. William 0. Smiley, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital to fill the unexpired term of Albert L. Huff, deceased, which term expires on De- cember 31, 1937. Mr. Smiley's nomination was seconded, by Mr. Snow. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Blackmer, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for William 0. Smiley, the Clerk cast one ballot for William 0. Smiley, and the Chairman declared Mr. Smiley duly elected as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tubercul- osis Hospital to fill the unexpired term of Albert L. Huff, de- ceased, which term expires on December 31, 1937. Mr. Howell placed in nomination the name of Mr.. R. C. Smith, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tomp- kins County Tuberculosis Hospital to succeed Mr. Charles A. Boice, whose term expires. Mr. Smith's nomination was seconded by Mr. Conlon. 0 There being no other nomination, on motion of Mr. Howell, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Richard C. Smith, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins Coun- ty Tuberculosis Hospital. The Clerk cast one ballot for Richard C. Smith, and the Chairman declared Mr. Smith duly elected as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 101 Hospital, for the term of five years, beginning January 1, 1934. On motion, the election of other employees and officers was deferred until Thursday, December 14 at 10:30 A. M. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $2,500.00 for hospitalization purposes, for the depart- ment of Public Welfare, for the balance of the year 1933, and be it further Resolved—That in making up the budget for the current year the amount herein appropriated shall be deducted from the amount appropriated to the Welfare Department for the carrying on its work for the year 1934. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr: Stone. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS -By the provisions of Chap. 469, Laws of 1906, as amended, theseveral counties of the State and the towns therein, were each assessed their proportionate share for the payment of sinking fund and interest on bonds issued by the State, for the construction of state and county highways, and WHEREAS -By the provision of said law, and amendments thereto, each of the several towns were given the privilege of paying its share in a lump sum, and relieving itself of all further obligations for payment thereof, and WHEREAS -All the towns of Tompkins County relieved themselves of further payments except the Towns of Dryden, Ithaca and Ulysses, and r 102 ` PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS—The Town of .Ithaca thereafter in 1915 availed itself of the privilege of paying off its share of this indebted- ness in a lump sum and issued town bonds to liquidate this indebtedness, and paid the proceeds of said bond issue into the County Treasury, as appears from the records of that office for the year 1916, therefore be it Resolved—That the State Department of Audit and Con- trol be requested to charge to the County of Tompkins, for Sinking Fund and Interest on Roads Nos. 606, 616 and 681, heretofore charged to the Town of Ithaca, viz.: Road 606 616 681 Town Sinking Fund' 57.60 75.77 42.85 Interest $ 115.20 151.54 85.72 $176.22. $352.46 in addition to the amounts heretofore charged to said county for sinking fund and interest on the roads in question, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the State Depart- ment of Audit and Control. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk be authorized to correct any manifest errors occuring in the minutes or in the report of any committee. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Payne offered the following resolution and moved .its adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY: NEW YORK 103 Resolved—That the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order to the County Treasurer for the payment of each claim audited by this Board, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed topay the same out of the moneys in her hands ap- propriated for that purpose. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Blackmer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved That the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to pay to the several towns and the city of the county, any balances in her hands standing to the credit of the re- spective towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the salaries of all county officers and employees month- ly, unless otherwise directed by.a resolution of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That all moneys now in the hands of the County Treasurer either in the General or Highway Funds, and not appropriated by this Board for any specific purpose, be hereby re -appropriated to the General or Highway Fund respectively. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. !04 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Smiley presented the Town Budget of the Town of Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Mott presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of School District No. 8 of the Town of Dryden, which was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Smiley presented a list of Returned School Taxes of the Town of Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. On motion, adjourned to Thursday, December 14, 1933, at 10 :30 A. M. Eleventh Day Thursday, December 14, 1933 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 12 meeting, read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from Mr. Fred A. Rogal- sky, relative to the old court house property, which was filed. Dr. R. A. McKinney, appeared before the Board and rendered the annual report of a committee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis and the work performed by the county veterinarian during the year, which was referred to the Com- mittee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Mr. Blackmer, Chairman of the Committee on Town and County Accounts, presented the following report of that com- mittee, relative to the amounts to be raised by the county and the several towns therein, for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of State and County high- ways : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 105 To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Gentlemen : Your ' Committee on Town and County Accounts, to which was referred a communication from the Comptroller, relative to the amounts to be raised by the county and the several towns therein, wishes to report that it finds that there shall be raised by the county and the following towns the sum set opposite their respective names for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of roads, as follows : County Interest Town Interest Road Sinking on Town Sinking on Total Fund same Fund Same 606 $ 220.80 $ 441.60 $ 662.40 616 781.97 1,563.94 Ulysses $216.85 $443.69 2,996.45 681 439.81 879.64 Dryden 81.03 162.08 1,562.56 682 305.03 610.05 Dryden 89.71 179.42 1,184.21 683 315.16 630.34 Dryden 92.69 185.40 1,223.59 $2,062.77 $4,125.57 Dated, December 12, 1933. $480.28 $960.59 $7,629.21 W. C. BLACKMER ALAN T. RUMSEY L. P. STONE Committee Mr. Blackmer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts be accepted and that the amounts therein specified be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop- erty liable therefor in payment of sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of State and County high- ways. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Stone presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Ulysses, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Mr. Stone presented the reports of H. K. Aiken, Henry Williams, Fred N. Smith, and Arthur. Hubbell, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Ulysses, which were received and re- ferred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Conlon presented a list of Town Audits of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Mott presented a list of Special Franchises of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Conlon presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of School Districts Nos. 9 and 13 of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Mr. Van Order presented a list of Grand Jurors of the First Wardof the City of Ithaca, which was referred to the Com- mittee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Stone presented a report of Special Franchises of the Town of Ulysses, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Conlon presented the report of Edward Ozmun, Carlton Kintz, Clay C. Tarbell and Jerry A. Smith, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Lansing, which were referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Conlon presented a report of the Special Franchises of the Town of Lansing, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Stone presented the Town Budget of the Town of Ulysses, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Mr. Snow presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, for the year ending October 31, 1933, which were filed. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 107 Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : -• Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, for the year end- ing October 31, 1933, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That -there be and hereby is appropriated to the Committee for the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, the sum of $3,000.00 for carrying on the work of that committee,' for the year from November 1, 1933 to October 31, 1934, and be it further Resolved—That any balance standing to the credit of that committee on January 1, 1934 be, and the same hereby is, re - appropriated to the use of the committee in addition to the amount hereinbefore appropriated. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Friday, December 15, 1933, at 10 :30 A. M. 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Twelfth Day Friday, December 15, 1933' Roll call. 411 members present. - Minutes of December 14 meeting, read and approved. Dr. B. F. Hauenstein, appeared before the Board in explana- tion of his report, as Superintendent of the Tompkins County Laboratory, filed with this Board on November 25, 1933, which was referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Mr. Stone presented the following report of the Committee on Public Health : To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Public Health,_to which was referred the report of the committee, reports that they have examined the several reports, as submitted to this Board, and believes the reports to be correct and recommends that the amount asked for, as an appropriation to that organization for carry- ing on its work for the year 1934, is proper and, therefore re- commends that the amount of $4,000.00 be appropriated to said organization, for the year 1934, as requested by it. Dated, December 14, 1933. L. P. STONE F. J. PAYNE SIDNEY L. HOWELL Committee Moved by Mr. Stone, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried. The report was referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, Etc. • The Clerk read a communication from the Tompkins Coun- ty Clothing Bureau, relative to the work carried on by the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 109 bureau, number of applications and relief granted for the months of September, October and November of 1933, which was filed. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, The town superintendents of the several towns of Tompkins County have made an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised by tax for the improvement of the highways and bridges and other miscellaneous highway purposes of their respective towns, as provided by section 90, of the Highway Law; and WHEREAS, The respective town boards have approved or changed said estimates, as provided by section 91, of the High- way Law, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the said estimates as ap- proved by the town boards be received and the sum set. op- positethe name of the respective towns in the column which bears the heading, "Amount of lst Item" (which is the amount of the First Item in said estimates), be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of the respective towns, exclusive of the property within the limits of the incorporated village or villages of their respective towns which maintain their streets and highways as a separate road district, and be it further Resolved, That the sum set opposite the names of the re- spective towns, in the columns which bear the heading "Amount of 2nd Item," "Amount of 3rd Item" and "Amount of 4th Item" (which is the amount of the Second, Third and Fourth Items of said estimates as approved by the various town boards), be assessed, levied and collected upon the en- tire taxable property of the various towns of Tompkins Coun- ty, as follows, that is to say : 110 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Name of Town Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of First Item Second Item Third Item Fourth Item Caroline $2,900.00 $ 700.00 $2,000.00 $2,250.00 Danby 3,000.00 200.00 1,800.00 2,800.00 Cert. of Indebt. 800.00 Dryden 8,000.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 3,900.00 Enfield 2,200.00 100.00 1,000.00 2,200.00 Cert. of Indebt. .1,057.75 Groton 4,500.00 500.00 3,050.00 5,000.00 Cert. of Indebt. 950.00 Ithaca 8,000.00 250.00 2,900.00 4,000.00 Cert. of Indebt. 1,600.00 Lansing 7,873.14 1,000.00. 3,500.00 5,000.00 Cert. of Indebt. 702.00 Newfield . 3,500.00 0,000.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 Cert. of Indebt. 544.00 Ulysses 7,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 And that the several amounts when collected shall be paid to the supervisors of the respective towns, to be paid out by them as provided by law. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey. Ayes -14. Noes -0., Carried. Mr. Mott presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Dryden, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes.• Mr. Conlon presented the Town Budget of the Town of Lan- sing, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 18, 1933, at 10:30 A. M. OFA TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 11 1 Thirteenth Day Monday, December 18, 1933 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 15 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Howell, Chairman of the Special Committee to draft resolution on the death of the late member, 0. Howard Mc - Daniels, of the Town of Ulysses, offered the following resolu- tion and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—It has seemed wise to Him who controls all things, to take from among us our fellow member, 0. Howard McDaniels, and whilenot understanding this wisdom, we are compelled to acquiesce thereto, therefore be it Resolved—That we, the members of this Board of Super- visors of Tompkins County, sincerely regret this unexpected passing of our fellow member and wish to express our deepest sympathy to the members of his family in this, their hour of sorrow, and be it further Resolved That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this Board and that a certified copy thereof be forwarded to Mr. McDaniels' bereaved widow. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr.' Van Order, Chairman of the Committee on Returned Taxes, rendered the following report, relative to the Return- ed School Taxes of the several school districts of the county : To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins . County, N. Y. Your Committee on Returned School Taxes, finds by the certificates signed by the County Treasurer, and supported by affidavits of the proper officers of the following school districts 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, sub- mitted to this Board by the County Treasurer, that the follow- ing school taxes have not been paid, after diligent efforts have been made to enforce the collection thereof, and your com- mittee therefore recommends the following sums be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed with 7% in addition thereto. CAROLINE District No. 4— John Lee, 100 acres $ 4.50 J. N. Godfrey, 216 acres 7.50 District No. 6— Richard Berggren, 125 acres 7.56 Nathan Fiddler, 28 acres 1.68 John Gee, 16 acres 1.68 L. J. Hollister, 37 acres 1.89 Alex Lezioner, 82 acres 4.20 Joe Maynard, 18 acres .42 Joe Maynard, 11/2 acres .42 Orson Snow, 3 acres .2121 Caroline Telephone District No. 7— Mrs. Rose Ames, 11/4 acres .25 Oren Cornelius, 67 ' acres 3.00 Wm. McGrath, 42 acres 2.50 Lena' Thomas, 102 acres 7.50 Caroline Farmers Telephone Co. .33 District No. 11— Nathan Fiddler, 28 acres 1.80 District No. 13— Wm. Gallagher, 37 acres 6.00. Mathew Herson, 46 acres 4.80 Asa McKenzie, 92 acres 21.60 Asa McKenzie, 40 acres 3.60 Lewis 'Stilwell, 6 acres 8.40 Silas Westover, 75 acres 8.40 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 113 District No. 14 - Frank Hotaling, 104 acres 5.00 Van Iderstene Est., 87 acres 4.00 Marion Mattison, 29 acres 1.00 Marion Mattison, 10 acres . .50 Marion Mattison, 171 acres 7.50 Marion Mattison, 20 acres 1.00 District No. 15- M. Asai, 50 acres 1.25 M. Asai, 144 acres 13.00 District No. 16 - Harlan Bogardus, 1/2 acre 1.50 Harlan Bogardus, 56. acres 13.20 Harlan Bogardus, 20 acres 1.20 Harlan Bogardus, 14 acres 1.80 Harlan Bogardus, 46 acres 3.00 Clarence Stamp, 310 acres 22.20 C. A. Wood, 24 acres 8.40 District No. 17 - Paul Wilczak, 98 acres 4.20 Joseph Maynard, 1/2 acres .15 District No. 19 - Hattie Hill Est:, 73 acres 5.20 Wm. Overpaugh, 90 acres 5.85 District No. 20 - John Lee, 80 acres 1.60 Mary Brown, 114 acres 2.00 Wm. Quick, 36 acres .60 Wm. Quick, 50 -acres 1.60 Howard Bush, 109 acres 3.60 District No. 18. (Joint District) Bert Cooper, 25 acres 12.00 District No. 2. (Joint District) Fred Southworth, 248 acres 7.50 John Wallace, 25 acres 1.00 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 8. (Joint District) Lester Bills, 30 acres 1.20 District No. 21. (Joint District) Ira Myers, 100 acres 6.40 R. Speed, / acre 16.00 A. E. Nash, 18 acres 5.60 Harry Cornell, 43 acres 3.20 R. G. Fuller, 1/2 acres 14.40 R. G. Fuller, 1/2 acre store 14.40 R. G. Fuller, 25 acres club house 20.00 • R. G. Fuller, 63 acres 18.40 Lyman Gallagher, 1/2 acre 17.60 Lyman Gallagher, / acre store 12.80 Lyman Gallagher, 1/4 acre Slater House 16.00 Lyman Gallagher, 1 acre Kelly lot .80 Lyman Gallagher, 21/2 acres Boice House .40 Lyman Gallagher, 2 acres Kozy Korner 4.00 Lyman Gallagher, 10 acres Denell .40 Lyman Gallagher, 1/8 acre Hubbard Place 4.80 Lyman Gallagher, 12 acres Warriner Lot 1.20 Lyman Gallagher, 3 acres St. John Lot 1.60 Lyman Gallagher, 76 acres Robinson Farm 20.00 Lyman Gallagher, 1/2 acre Bailor Place 6.40 Lyman Gallagher, 66 acres Wyckoff 5.20 $ 419.16 DANBY District No. 1 - John Aarnio, 82 acres 5.00 Samuel J. Hill, 103 acres 4.00 Louis 'Harmon, 93 acres 2.00 Andrew Scott, 100 acres 5.25 Nilo Wirtanen, 25 acres .75 District No. 2- Peter Paajenen, Farm 6.00 Edith Poling, Farm 14.00 ' Harry Slaght, Farm 13.50 Charles Wright, Wood lot .75 District No. 6 - Gustave LeCoque 20.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 115 Jacob Makarainen - 20.00 Jerry Tourtellotte (Town of Newfield) 7.50 Asher Shafer 5.00 District No. 8 - Edgar Bannister, 50 acres 4.00 Homer Bierce, 25 acres 24.00 Walter Coil, 120 acres 9.60 o Walter Coil, 74 acres 11.20 William Eckert, 138 acres 32.00 Earnest Freeman, 57 acres 8.00 George Griffin, 50 acres 20.00 Everett Hall, 1 acre 9.60 ' Charles Johanson, 85 acres 16.00 Ruth Knettles, 9 acres 17.60 " Joseph Lissek, 330 acres 36.00 David Moore, 50 acres 2.80 David Moore, 53 acres 26.00 David Moore, 98 acres 8.00 Henry Makarainen, 108' acres 19.20 Qurno Orsini, 20 acres 11.20 Homer Palmer, 1% acres 1.60 Ralph Sager, 1/2 acre 5.60 Leland Seeley, 110 acres 24.00 John Shepherd, 42 acres 8.80 Mrs. John Shepherd, 43 acres 22.40 ,Mrs. John Shepherd, 1/10 acre .40 Thomas Smith, 4 acres 32.00 Clarence Swartwood, 8 acres 4.80 Will Taubman, 102 acres 32.00 W. E. Taubman, 188 acres 52.00 A. J. Tubbs, / acre .40 A. J. Tubbs, 12% acres .80 Frances Tubbs, 1 acre .80 Frances Tubbs, 1/8 acre 1.60 Fred Van Etten Est., 94 acres ' 32.00 Sarah Walker Est., 1 acre ' 12.00 Cyrus Watson, 2 acres 8.00 John Welch, 97 acres 20.00 District No. 9- S. & A. Hunt, 147 acres 29.38 Geo. Hulbert, 20% acres 3.13 Geo. Hulbert, 37 acres 10.00 Albert .Oltz, 11 acres .63 W. J. Patchen, 113 acres 20.00 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS A. E. Grant & others joint with Spencer 9.38 District No. 11 - Stephen Gaydosh, 110 acres 30.00 Fred West, 93 acres 27.60 District No. 12 - Anna Benjamin Est. 4.00 Clarence Chilson 6.75 Charles E. Cole 3.50 Geo. Cornell 5.50 John Goodwin 2.50 Wm. Hunsinger .25 . F. B. Lewis Est. 1.50 F. B. Lewis Est. 6.00 Somon Oltz 4.00 Claude Sutton .50 Alice M. Tupper Est. 2.50 Alice M. Tupper Est. 4.00 Charles Van Gorder 4.00 Claude Wilson 14.00 District No. 13 - Starr Chase, 771/2 acres 7.00 Albert Grant; 50 acres 6.30 ' Albert Grant, 50 acres 2.10 District No. 14 - Frank Akins 10.80 Henry Billings 3.60 Jabe Brown 4.80 H. Griffin .60 Bert Hefferon •90 W. E. Taubman 2.40 I. Hazzard 3.60 District No. 15 - Geo. Hulbert, 76 acres 6.00 David Powers, 20 acres 4.20 David Powers, 9 acres .60 District No. 16 - Bert Baker, 21/2 acres '.23 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 117 Mel Crasper, 100 acres 9.00 Russell Logan, 10 acres .45 Ethel Murdock, 15 acres .45 Chas. Ostrander, 71/2 acres . .45 District No. 15. (Joint District) Fay Lewis Est. 4.00 Everet Loomis 7.20 Wm. White, Est. 4.40 Burton White 3.20 District No. 18. (Joint District) D. C. Allen, 1/2 acre _ 9.00 Ira Myers, 140 acres 10.80 $909.35 DRYDEN District No. 2— John Flinn, 30 acres 10.00 John Flinn, 76 acres . 55.00 C. H. Green, 6 acres 7.00 Fred Herholdt, 5 2/3 acres 35.00 H. A. Trebler, 53 acres 4.00 H. A. Trebler, 5 lots 7.50 District No. 3— Eugene Brotherton Est., 85 acres 6.75 N -Highway ; E -Sherman ; S -Sager ; W -Highway Bertha Hyde, 14 acres 4.95 N -Sager ; E -Highway ; S -Gleason Est.; W -Gleason :Chas. Small, 45 acres 6.75 N -Samuel; E -Samuel Vint; S -Gleason Est, W -Hwy. Chas. Lobdell, 100 acres .68 N -Rodes ; E -Graves ; S-Genung; W -Smith District No. 5— J. G. Needham, 8 acres, Lot 41 .40 I. Robinson Est., 97 acres, Lot 41 16.00 H. Robinson, 1 acre, Lot 31 2.00 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 7- Lynn Hollenbeck, 73 acres Lynn Hollenbeck, 301/2 acres 21.12 Henry Harrington, 86 acres 14.35 Nolan King, 87 acres 24.60 Nolan King, 22 acres 1.64 Jay Maxwell, 92 acres 14.76 Will McWaters, 130 acres 20.50 R. H. Pratt, 133 acres 26.65 District No. 8- Ackerman Bros., Lot 45, Garage 24.00 Robert Connor, Lot 38, : Hotel 21.00 Avery Hiles, Lot 38, 1/2 acre 18.00 i Henry Higgins, Lot 49, 15 acres 12.00 Anna Jenks Est., Lot 48, 41/2 acres 9.00 T. Lormor & others, Lot 48, 1/4 acre .60 Vernon McKinney, Lot 38,,1/2 acre 3.00 James Macey, Lot 38, 3/4 acre 5.40 Mrs. W. P. Osborne, Lot 38, 1/3 acre 16.89 W. R. Rannings, Lot 48, Hotel W. R. Rannings, Lot 48, 1/8 W. R. Rannings, Lot 48, Shop 23.40 Mrs. W. R. Rannings, Lot 48, 1/4 acre 7.20 Sarah Tanner, 48, 1/2 acre 3.00 . C. E. Taylor, 39, 3 acres 18.00 District No. 10- ' - i Caroline Telephone Co., 1130 rods .91 Ida Davenport (Jacob-Hieble), 104 acres, Lot 75 10.00 Chas. Magee, 60 acres, Lot 73 6.00 Phoebe Miller, 108 acres, Lot 84 16.00 Ed. Phillips, 3/ acres, Lot 85 1.00 Chas. Snyder Est., 70 acres, Lot 74 10.50 Oscar Stevens, 60 acres, Lot 75 2.00 Horace Stevens, 40 acres, Lot 75 1.50 District No. 12 - Geo. Cole Est., 182 acres, Lot 67 Geo. Cole Est., 11 acres, Lot 77-78 15.25 Wm. Edsal Est., 29 acres, 77-78 Wm. Edsal Est., 30 acres, Lot 77-78 6.50 S. J. Edsall, 1/2 acres, Lot 77 S. J. Edsall, 51 acres, Lot 87 2.25. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 119 Dewitt Edsall Est., 25 acres, Lot 87, Dewitt Edsall Est., 50 acres, Lot 77 5.00 Mrs. Ed. Givens, 4 acres, Lot 57 .25 Isaac 'Hunt, 50 acres, Lot 89 .75 Fred & Isaac Hunt, 35 acres, Lot 89 .50 Lena Hunt, 12 acres, Lot 78 .25 Margaret Kingsley, 120 acres, Lot 78 1.75 Irene P. Lord, 100 acres, Lot 68 2.00 Clinton Mulks, 12 acres, Lot 57 1.00 Rosa Schilling, 50 acres, Lot 68 3.25 Rufus Pratt, 24 acres, Lot 57 , 1.15 Wildflower Preserve, 425 acres; Lot 87 7.25 District No. 13- F. L. Baker, 137 acres, Lot 35 45.65 S. M. Benjamin Est., % acre, Lot 26 .42 Frank Baff, 1/2 acre, Lot 26 8.30 Frank Foote, 38 acres, Lot 26 18.26 Freeville Milling Co., 1/2 acre, Lot 26 1.66 Lizzie B. Hyer, 46 acres, Lot 26 24.90 Lizzie B. Hyer, 59 acres, Lot 36 8.30 Lena Manning, 1/2 acre,. Lot 26 20.75 Clarence, Parker, 5/8 acre, Lot 26 24.90 Mrs. Nellie Schultz, 170 acres, Lot 26 20.75 Mrs. Mary E. Vreeland, 1/4 acre, Lot 26 12.45 Lena Manning, 2 acres .83 District No. 14 - Frank E. Grover, 70 acres, Lot 4 11.76 Frank Perkins, 100 acres, Lot 14 16.80 C. L. Knapp, 20 acres, Lot .4 1.68 Clyde Sutliff, 50'acres, Lot 4 7.56 Clyde Sutliff, 50 acres, Lot 4-5 5.04 0.'J. Stetson, 85 acres, Lot 14 13.65 Q. J. Stetson, 16 acres, Lot 24 1.05 District No. 15- B. B. Coyne, 5 acres .65 L. A. Culvers, 105 acres 16.25 Mrs. C. Douglas, 43 acres 10.40 V. S. Fulkerson, 116 acres 19.50 V. S. Fulkerson, 142 acres 19.50 Mrs. M. Fulkerson, 50 acres 5.20' Alfred Hubbel, 46 acres 6.50 Mrs. Wilkins, 56 acres 9.75 120 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Earl Tracy, 100 acres 11.70 Jessie Mack, 50 acres 3.25 C. L. Swope, 56 acres 16.25 Mrs. J. Sutliff, 40 acres 2.60 Chas. Russell, 8 acres 3.25 J. P. Wheeler, 111 acres 22.75 Frank Nelson (Nelson Frink), 80 acres 15.60 District No. 18 - Blanche M. Ludwig, 167 acres 42.00 Turkey Hill Nursery,. 25 acres 84.00 Everett Elston, 50 acres 8.75 District No. 19 - Caroline Telephone Co., 960 rods, Lot 66 .77 Alfred Corgel, 411/2 acres, Lot 65 5.50 Chas. Edsall, 104 acres, Lot 66 10.25 Frank Fish, 80 acres, Lot 66 4.50 Mrs. Leon Watkins, 50 acres, Lot 65 11.00 Arthur Martin, 21 2/3 acres, Lot 65 3.00 Ed McDaniels, 52 acres, Lot 55 5.00 Earl Mix, 126 acres, Lot 56 9.00 Howard Mix, 170 acres, Lot 56 13.50 Claude Morse, 90 acres, Lot 65 6.00 Howard Schoellfopl, 91, acres, Lot 65 12.50 Robert Shaw, 1 acres, Lot 65 4.00 District No. 20 - Miller Bros. 9.00 Charlotte Pew 7.50 A. J. Sherman 10.00 Frank Cooper, 1/4 acre, Lot 18 3.60 J. C. McKinney, 84 acres, Lot 9 69.60 E. E. Steele, 7 acres, Lot 18 14.40 H. Westfall, 100 acres, Lot 18 • 34.80 Chas. Wilson, 1/2 acre, Lot 18 5.40 Delbert Norton, 11 acres, Lot 9 12.00 District No. 21- Solomon Breman (Jean Burman), 50 acres 6.10 Wm. Klenke, 20 acres 1.22 A. R. Mack Est., 1 acre .31 Jessie Mack, 49 acres 9.15 Joseph Nemecek Est., 67 acres 13.42 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 121 Liza Nemecek, 1 acre .61 Geo. Rankin, 68 acres (1932) 7.93 Geo. Rankin, 68 acres, (1931) 12.00 C. B. Teeter, 136 acres 15.25 Cora Teeter, 10 acres 1.83 District No. 23— A.. C. Belknapp, 76 acres, Lot 76 5.60 Fred Black, 163 acres, Lot 77 21.00 A. Hall, 51 acres, Lot 76 5.60 Caroline Telephone, 420 rods (Special Franchise Assessment) .48 Caroline. Telephone, 177 rods 1.56 District No. 25— Mrs. Mary Fuller, 4 acres 20.00 N. S. Gleason, 120 acres 10.00 District No. 26— Geo. Cole Est., 45 acres, Lot 69 3.15 Dan Hammond, 85 acres, Lot 69 14.40 Geo. Watrous, 175 acres, Lot 50-60 25.20 Geo. Watrous, 80 acres, Lot 49 18.00 Geo. Watrous, 45 acres, 49-50 4.50 District No. 2— (Joint District) Dr. Gallagher Est., 20 acres .50 District No. 21— (Joint District) Roger Williams, 50 acres 4.80 Lloyd Library Association, 11 acres .80 District No. 17.— (Joint District) Percy Howe, 119 acres 35.00 Percy Howe, 10 acres 9.10 Julius & Hattie Frinkle (Tinkl), 77 acres 16.00 Ray Miller, 43 acres 14.00 $1,607.65 122 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ENFIELD District No. 1— Geo. Tubbs, 75 acres $ 8.75 Geo. Tubbs, 50 acres 4.00 Geo. Tubbs, 25 acres 2.75 District No. 2— A. A. Bannister, 86 acres 18.40 Bessie Fish, 43 acres 7.20 C. C. Legge, 183 acres 36.00 Anna Brigden, 7 acres 3.20 District No. 6— Byron J. Bowers, 1/4 acre 2.40 Stephen Burlew, 1/2 acre 5.40 Ina Drake, 61/2 acres 1.50 Thomas Sanders, 69 acres 12.00 District No. 7— Raymond White, 7 acres 3.25 Charlie Rumsey, 125 acres 10.00 Elmer Rumsey, 60 acres 5..53 Estus Taylor, 61/2 acres ..65 District No. 8— Claud Hovey, 38 acres 4.40 Chas. A. Teeter (Town of Ithaca) 88 & 100 acres 38.00 Will Palmer Est., 66 acres 8.00 Lewis Culver Est., 15 acres 1.20 District No. 9— Fred Johnson, 40 acres 8.50 District No. 10— Homer Leonard, 85 acres, farm 8.52 Richard Manning, 1/2 acre, cottage & Lot 1.78 District No. 11— James Hines, 20 acres 1.80 Fred Wright, 3 acres 5.40 Ora Wilson, 31/2 acres 7.20 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 123 District No. 14 Orval Van Ostrand, 90 acres 19.20 District No. 3—(Joint District) W. Y. Welch, 86 acres 23.10 Henry T. Welch, 167 acres 33.11 Mary Updike, 94 acres 29.26 District No. 3— (Joint District) Everal Church, 50 acres 8.10 District No. 12— John Daley, 10 acres 1.50 Bert Kirby, 109 acres, Lot 58 26.00 GROTON District No. 2— $308.10 Frank Babcock, 61 acres, Lot 84 $ 10.00 Kennith Daugherty, 32 acres, Lot 83-84 10.00 J. W. Fenner, 25 acres, Lot 94 5.50 J. W. Fenner, 35 acres, Lot 83, 2.50 Grant Halsey, 25 acres, Lot 83 1.50 R. D. Teeter, 52 acres, Lot 95 12.50 Frank Paul, 50 ' acres, Lot 83 - 12.00 District No. 4— Timothy Maher, Lot 67 19.60 Wm. Maher, Lot 67 10.50 Wm. Maher, Lot 67 5.60 Winnie Damon, Lot 66 33.60 Winnie Damon, Lot 66 5.60 District No. 5— Jersey Milk & Cream Co., Lot 60, 1/2 acre 1.35 Harriet May, Lot 59, 2 acres .14 District No. 8— Edward Ayres, 118 Sykes St., 1/4 a Lot .70 Lucian C. Atwater, Grandview Heights 7.00 124 , PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS John A. Blair, Jones Ave. 42 .70 John A. Blair, S. Parkway, Lot 45 .70 John A. Blair, Clinton Ave., Lot 65 & 66 .70 Arthur Bowker, Park Ave., Lot 86 .70 Walter Baldwin, Clinton Ave., Lot 76 .70 Bower G. Cornell, 713 South Main 56.00 Edward H. Clark, 201 North Parkway 28.00 Benn Conger Est., 110 Roosevelt Ave. 32.20 Benn Conger Est., 112 Roosevelt Ave. 28.00 Benn Conger Est., 115 Roosevelt Ave. 19.60 Benn Conger Est., 213 West Cortland St. 21.00 Benn Conger Est., Jones Ave., Lot 37 .70 Lawrence J. Conger, McKinly Ave., Lot 52-53 1.40 Egbert Carley, 106 Peru Road 7.00 Jennie Colwell, 169 Main 70.00 Leta Carter, Farm, 26 acres 28.00 Wm. Dimon Est., 312 Spring St. 28.00 Fred E. Doyle, 165 Main 53.20 Ward F. DeWitt, Washington Ave., 17-19-31 2.10 George C. Eddy, 125 Church St. 35.00 Lura A. Ford, Washington Ave., Lot 33 .70 Atala Gladue, 207 William 22.40 Henry Hoff, Elm Lot .70 Frank J. Haywood,, 127 Church 35.00 Jane H. Hathaway Est., 147-149 Main 56.00 George Narris, Elmwood Ave., Lot 210 .70 Harry Horowitz, 111-113 Cayuga 42.00 Ernest Ketchum, West Cortland, Lot 27-32 2.80 Eugene Landon, 324 Cortland 28.00 Eugene Landon, 173 Main 44.80 Eugene Landon, 125-131 Cortland 42.00 Eugene Landon, Cortland St. lot 1.40 Jacob Lobur, 204 Spring St. 28.00 Agnes J. Lane, 216 S. Main St. 42.00 Frank Morton, Elm St., 10 acres 7.00 Frank Morton, Otside . Village 49.00 Asa F. Metzgar, 174 Cayuga St. 49.00 Fred' H. Morton, 405 South Main 35.00 Fred H. Morton, South Main, Lot 227 1.40 Fred H. Morton, South Main 2.80 Fred H. Morton, McKinley Ave., Lot 63-64 5.60 Fred H. Morton, 301 Clinton, Lot 68-69 8.40 Fred H. Morton, South Main, Lot 206-207 -1.40 Fred H. Morton, Brighton Villa, Lot 5-9-39-62-67 3.50 Fred H. Morton, Grandview Heights 6.30 Cora B. Morton, Hamilton Square 1.40 A. J. McHahn Est., Barrows Street 8.40 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 125 Paul McMahn, 304 Main 84.00 Paul McMahn, 107 Barrows 39.20 Eugene Miller, Elmwood; Lot 214-215 1.40 Julius D. Meeker, Clinton 1/2 acre, Lot 65-58 . .70 Elmer Morton, Park Ave., Lot 87-88-89-90 1.40 Francis B. O'Connell, 222 Spring 49.00 Geo. M. Owen, West South, 3 acres 70.00 Geo. M. Owen, 107-111 Linderman 2.80 Otto Peterman, 101 Pasadena 112.00 Otto Peterman, Farm, 72 acres 21.00 Otto Peterman, Sykes St., 29 acres 8.40 Warner Pierson, 105 Sykes St. 1.05 Pierce, Butler & Pierce, 401 South Main 39.20 William Rodee, 108 W. Cortland 2.80 Jacob Resenick, 109 W. South 28.00 Martin Shaw, Spring, Lot 190 .70 Eugene Swartz, 205 Blossom Rd. 1.40 Leola Stoddard, 101 East South 1.40 Robert T. Shaw, 105 Pleasant 35.00 Elmer Stickles, (Schudder pays), 111 Roosevelt 33.60 Nellie J. Thomas, McKinley Ave., Lot 44-46 1.40 Paul L. Teaney, Elm St. 16.80 B. Whitman Est., 114 Park 49.00 Clifford Whitman, 103-105 Barrows 39.20 Marcus Whitman, 302 Elm 63.00 Barney Walpole Est., 101 Walpole Rd. 42.00 Barney Walpole Est., Outside Village 2.80 John W. Waite, McKinley Ave., Lot 57 .70 District No. 15- L. C. Haynes, 60 acres 8.39 District No. 16 - Thomas Riley, 60 acres, Lot 69 19.50 District No. 18 - Geo. Joli (H. Snyder pays) 90 acres 6.00 District No. 20 - ,Nellie, John & Emmett Hill, 1101/2 acres, Lot 99 James Gifford, 31/2 acres, Lot 99 Stewart Lamont, 105 acres, Lot 89 Clarence Potter, 101/4 acres, Lot 99 John Stanton• Est., 4 acres, Lot 99 60.00 14.40 36.00 24.00 1.20 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Edward Strait, 1 acre, Lot 99 9.60 Elsie Shimer, 1/2 acre, Lot 99 18.00 H. L. Vaughan, 211 acres,. Lot 100 102.00 H. L. Vaughan, 13 acres, Lot 90 6.00 District No. 17 -Joint District Bert Noble, 25 acres 7.00 Percy Howe, 5 acres 1.05 $2,138.58 ITHACA District No. 2- W. T. Stevens (W. F.) $ 43.75 E. A. Sundell 18.75 District No. 3 - Jerry Baker 1.10 Nellie D. Baker 1.65 Rev. Robert Burns 16.50 Ira Catlin .55 Mrs. Irma Daley 22.00 John F. Daley 49.50 Green Bros., Lot 65, acreage 64 24.75 Clifford S. Green 2.20 Neva Hazzard, 2 houses 33.00 J. H. Heslop 16.50 Harry Johnson, Lot 16 1.10 Sidney Moore, Lot 79, acres 91 19.25 Frank O'Neil 24.75 Geo. Palmer 13.75 Frank Perkins 19.25 M. L. Rumsey 13.75 James A. Weeks 8.25 Ed. Whiting, Jr. 6.60 District No. 4- E. J. Deviney, 1 acre and lot 4.00 Leon Grover, 3 acres House and Lot 4.80 John McCourt, 11/2 acres, Lot 3.20 R. Walker, House and Lot 12.00 District No. 5- Frank DeGregorio 1.35 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 127 District No. 6 - Wm. M. Barger, 104 Northway Rd. 45.00 W. M. Barger, Corner Parkway & Northway 6.00, Dorothy Barstow, 2 acres 150.00 Herman Bergholtz, 2 acres 4.80 Bergholtz Realty, 16 acres 24.00 John F. Daley (Treman, King & Co. and Ithaca Trust Co. pays) N -Blood and Cornell; E. & W -Highway; S -O'Rourke 12.00 Clifford Johnson - 9.00 J. J. Johnson ,(Ithaca Trust Co.) 60.00 H. L. Jones 78.00 John D. Mosher, Renwick Pl. 60.00 Col. J. C. Nicholls 90.00 Scorpion Fraternity 1.50 Fred Stevens 9.00 C. J. Swartwood, N-Sprigg; W -Highway S - Pritchard 60.00 C. J. Swartwood, N -Newman; S -Highway;. W - Swartwood 48.00 Mrs. Elia E. Wilcox (Mrs. Albert E.) S-Sheld- - on ; E -R. R. W -Lake 16.80 District No. 7 - Mrs. H. W. Apgar 3.40 Ed Apgar .40 Art N. Bennett 10.00 Jacob .Benniger 4.00 Frank Bennett 4.00 Edna Bennett .40 Wilbur Baker 8.80 Mrs. Wilbur Baker .80 R. D. Brinsmaid 6.00 Ceci, Felia 2.00 Orlandi Carlin (Baldini) 12.00 Mary Cornish 7.20 R. Dworsky 72.00 L. A. Dickinson (Taglivento) ' .16 John Drake 2.00 F. R. Fillman .12 C. F. ,Fiebig .30 L. A. Genung 4.40 J. B. Goldsmith .16 Geo. Hawkins .42 Clarence Havens 4.00 Percy Hill 7.20 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mrs. Elsie Hamilton 4.00 Chas. Hurst .16 Ernest Howell 8.00 Ithaca Realty Co. .60 W. H. Johnson .62 C. H. Jennings .20 John Joyce 4.80 Mrs. Sam Kingston 14.00 Lovejoy, D. ' 4.00 Ed Maret 6.00 Ira Myers 20.00 Guy McDougal 6.00 Harrison MacDougal 4.00 Oresta Marinelli 4.00 Jerome Richardson .14 0. W. Root ' 4.00 L. M. Rumsey 10.00 Elsie Steeple .40 W. J. Shaw '3.20 Isiah Summerfield .20 E. J. Turner .40 V. Vicedomini . 16.00 Mrs. James Vicedomini 1.40 District No. 8 - Bessie Brown 3.20 L. M. Hetherington 4.00 Robt. Madden 8.00 Oreste Marnelli 52.00 Paul Wilson .80 Victor Wright 12.00 Charles A. Teeter, Lot 88 & 100 ' 38.00 District No. 2 -(Joint District -Dryden & Ithaca)' V. Burgess,y2 acre 10.00 Fred Livingston, 65 acres 35.00 $1,461.28 LANSING District No. 2- E. C. Corwin $ 28.12 E. C. Corwin $ 28.12 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 129 District No. 2- CNY Southern R. R. 3.39 District No. 5 - Phillip Crim, 160 acre farm 36.00 John Flynn, 50 acre farm 6.00 Belle Ross, 60 acre farm 19.80 Belle Ross, 1 acre,' House and Lot 9.00 . Robt. Sutliff, 1 acre, House and Lot .60 Art Volbrecht, 3 acres, Timber lot .60 Mary Wilsey, 2 acres, Lot .60 Short Line R. R. ' 13.55 District No. 6 -- R. --R. J. Swayze, 5 acres 1.50 R. J. Swayze, 4 acres .50 Frank & Art Wooley, 68 acres 12.50 Frank & ,Art Wooley, 10 acres 3.00. District No. 8 - Glenn Newman, 66 acres, Lot 64 7,38 D. A. Tarbell Est., 64 acres, Lot 68 9.02 D. A. Tarbell Est., 32 acres, Lot 59 2.46 Howard Tarbell, 64 acres, Lot 64 9,02 Arthur Volbrecht, 5 acres, Lot 52 3.28 District No. 9 - Wright Bacon, House and Lot 12.24 Daniel Dwyer, Lot 4.59 May Emmons, House and Lot' 18.34 F. N. Howell, House and Mill 30.60 Edward Hance Est., House and Lot 22.95 Leroy Inman, House and -Lot 3.06 Susie Mclnyer, House and Lot 7.65 Mike Misko, 51 acres 42.85 Lawrence Millick, 6 acres 9.18 Pauline Reszko, House and Lot 38.25 Howard Van Auken, House and Lot 6.12 Rachel Van Auken Est., • House and Lot 3.06 Rachel Van Auken Est., Lot and Barn 1.53 Margaret Wilson, House and Lot 21.42 Ed. Wagner, House and Lot 4.59 Mary Stringer, House and Lot 6.12 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 10— Central Southern R. R. 2.70 R. Miller 3.60�� 21.60 Frank Tarbell O. J. Snyder 20.00 District No. 13— Mro' J. P. Knettles Est. 38.40 6.40 George-- --- • 12.80 Ad�urVo�r�b C.N. Y. Southern R. R.10.83 (]hurleo6.40 Hagin 542 District No. 15-- ' Central N. Y. Southern, Right of Way 7.34 Ed. Hance — Cottage3.25 32S Helen & Mildred Heckman, Farm 53.95 District No. 16— Central S. 5x42 3.00 ''--- Pinckney, Raymond Snyder, Farm in Lot 98 16.80 in Lot 95 15.00 A. B. '' --7.20 Parcelin Lot 99 Bert Gibbs, Fred Lot 95 12.00 ------ '' Freddieot 95 6.00 McGraw, � Jr.,� io�ot�8 • .30 el Fred Summers, Tony, Deitch, Parcel in Lot 95 4.20 District No. 19— D. Benjamin 12.00 00 - 6.00 Dewitt�uBmz ��0 Walter Knettles .60 Fred Myers .15 - Elizabeth Nemeck 10.80 District No. 22— Walter Dunshine, 83 acresN. Y. Telephone, 1 mile line, Special Franchise 10.00 $735.58 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 131 NEWFIELD District No. 1— Leland Drake, 65 acres $ .1.13 Asa Deland, 371/2 acres .90 Lee Smith, 23 acres . 4.50 Nellie Smith, 82 acres 8.10 August Tudi, 72 acres 9.45 District No. 2— John Bush, Est., N -Roe; E -Hwy.; S -Tompkins; W -Dorn 9.80 Bert Baker, N -Hwy; E. -Dorn; S-Stanion; W - Hwy. 2.10 Otto Cuff, N-Titchener; E-Titchener; S -Hwy; W -Albanese 1.40 Clayton Durfee, N -Taber; E -Brainard; S- Braniard ; W -Hwy. 2.10 Chauncy Freese, N -Anderson; E -Shaffer ; Highway; W -Anderson .70 Vita Housner, N-Highwaiy; E-Lanning; S- Lanning; W -Standard Oil 17.50 Minnie Rice 22.75 David Ranning, N -Baptist Church; E -Roe; S - Doane ; W -Highway 1.40 I. N. Van Ostrand, N -Wescott; E -Wescott; S - Highway; W -Highway 12.60 District No. 7— Lina Beach, 44 acres 2.25 District No. 8— Bion Brown, 8 acres .10 James Baker, 40 acres .1.00 Core Decker, 48 acres 2.50 Flossie Fralick, 49 acres 1.75 Albert Higgins, 37 acres 1.00 Frances McHale, 78 acres 2.00 Nora Swartwood, 38 acres 1.00 Nora Swartwood, 11 acres .25 August Tudi, 71 acres " ' .75 District No. 9— Charles Ulrich 24.00 132 'PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Rose Benjamin . 2.40 Geo. Cavanaugh 3.60 A. Dense & James Parks 4.80 District No. 11— Gertrude Brown, N -Stanway; E -Halstead; S-,. Hwy; W -Halstead .75 Chas. Swartwood, N -Cornell U ; E -Buchanan ; S-Rumsey ; W-Tobey .75 District No. 12— Bert Hausner, 88 acres 7.20 Wilson Hopper, 57. acres 13.50 Ed.. Pekke Est., 48 acres 7.20 Aarron Rumsey, 100 acres 7.80 Budd White, 60 acres 7.20 District No. 14— F. 'C:' Biggs Est., 60 acres 2.50 S. H.. Bishop, 10 acres .25 Clair Lay, 130 acres 5:00 F. Moot, 55 acres 2.00 P. S., Sickle, 40 acres 2.50 Holton Wilkins, 20 acres .50 District No. 15— James Conlon .40 District No. 16- Gertrude Brown, 62 acres 4.80 Archie Nash, 84 acres 1.40 Lena Teeter, 82 acres 6.00 Orlando Teeter, 52 acres 1.20 District No. 20— Gertrude Brown .70 Janie Gibson 4.90 Orlando Teeter .35 Orlando Teeter 1.05 Orlando Teeter .14 A. R. Parsons .35 District No. 6—Danby Jerry Tourtellote 7.50 $227.77 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 133. ULYSSES District No. 1 - Billings Co., 1 acre, Warehouse $ 14.00 Frances Breen, 1/4 acre, Res. Frances Breen, , Shop 11.00 Arthur Bower, 9% acres 8.00 Charles Bower, 1/4 acre (also Covert) 20.00 Thomas Brown, 3% acres 10.00 Peter Boyer, 4 acres 7.50 Raymond Bortz, % acre 9.00 Harry Bortz, Res. & Shop 12.00 Clermond Boyer, 21/2 acres ..5.00 Charles Blood, Post Office Bldg., Two stores 50.00 Max Bloom, 53 acres 14.00 . Chas. Bumpus, 46 acres Chas. Bumpus, 4 acres 11.50 Chas. S. Clapp, 1/2 acre 14.00 J. Cuddeback, store 12.00 C. F. Cox , 7.00 Alice Carpenter, 5 acres 11.00 Mary L. Carsaw, / acre 2.00 Alice Carsaw, 141 acres 6.00 Mrs. Blanche Case, 1/4 acres 2.50 Mrs. Enoch Drake, 1/4 acre, 3.50 Clinton Dimmick, 1/2 acre 7.50 < Henry Dill, 1/4 acre 8.00 Mrs. Frank Dimick, 2% acres 3.00 . Albert Durling, 1/4 acre Albert Durling, 1/4 acre 15.00 Lewis Durling 28 acres 10.00 Hazen Fish Est., 1/4 acre 3.00 Finger Lake Oil &'Gas Corp. 22.50 Mrs. Raymond Gregorie, 5 acres 11.50 Francis Griswold, 1/2 acre 3.00 Ray Hatch, 1/4 acre , 12.00 1VIrs. Alice Handy, 1 acre Mrs. Alice Handy, 11/2 acres 3.50 F. D. Johnson, 37 acres 6.50 F. D. Johnson, 23 acres 5.50 Fred Kinsman, 1/4 acre . 5.00 Margaret Kelly Est., 7 acres 3.00 Wm. Lang & Son, 2 acres 40.00 H. G. Linderman, 50 acres 17.50 Benjamin Mahoney, 2 acres 5.00 L. J. Moore, Garage 15.00 Nettie & Frank Moore„1/2 acre 2.50 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mary Mekeel Est., 1/2 acre 10.00 Edwin Miller Est., 128 acres 35.00 Chas. Miller, 154 acres 31.25' Warren Messer, 21/2 acres 9.00 Robert Ogle, 2 acres....., 10.00 Coleman Potter, Restaurant 2.00 Harlan Poyer, 1/2 acre 15.00 Mrs. Frank Roberts, / acre 6.00 Frank Robertson,. Lot .25 G. R. Reynolds, . 50 acres G. R. Reynolds, . 4..acres - 6.00 James E. Rice, 210. acres 75.00 Mrs. Beth Reynolds, 80 acres 13.00 Charles Riker, 100 acres 19.00 Marcus Riker - 6.00 ' Estelle 'Sears, store Estelle Sears, 1/4 acre Estelle Sears, Lot 30.50 Guy Sherwood, 1/4 acre - 6.00 Clark Selover, 114 acres - 22.50 Ella Snyder, 1/4 acre 8.00 Algie Skinner, 1/4 acre . . 6.00 Fritz, Stigler, 182.acres 60.00 Harold Teeter, 1/2 acre 15.00 Dorr Titus, 1/4 acre 9.00 Michael Terrell, 70 acres 13.50 Leland Terry, 6 acres 1.50 Mrs. Edna Uhl, / acre 5.00 Robert E. Wilcox, 7 acres 5.00 L. J. Wheeler, 1/4 acre L. J. Wheeler, / acre, - 24.25 Mrs. Cora Willis, 1/2 acre 8.50 Hariet Warner Est., 3 acres 12.50 Mrs. Asa D. Wilson, 132 acres 31.50 Ezra Young, Store 17.00 W. B. Hebbard & Wife, 53 acres 30.00 W. B. Hebbard & Wife, 8 acres 3.00 W. B. Hebbard & Wife, 8 acres 3.00 District No. 6- U. S. Johnson, 15 acres Harlon Rumsey, (Town of Enfield) '55 acres 13.20 6.00 District No. 11 - Ralph & Allen Chase 22.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 135 District No. 13- H. A. Bower, 124 acres 26.00 H. A. Bower, 22 acres 3.60 District No. 16 - Mrs. Geo. Berry, Lot .60 John Ernst, 94 acres 22.80 Chas. Garrett, House and Lot 16.20 Raymond Hunt, Lot 2.40 Elmer Johnes, Lot 2.40 Jacob Makarinen, 100 acres 20.40 Walter Woolf, 2 acres and house 26.40 Geo. Sharp, House and Lot 9.60 District No. 3- M. C. Brown, 30 & 35 acres 19.80 ' Walter Chase, 98 acres 27.00 Carrie Easton, 54 acres 21.60 Chester Stewart, House and Lot 1.58 $1,219.83 CITY OF ITHACA Alexander, I., 124 E. State St. $ 189.24 Ashdown, F. L., 116 Farm St. 34.20 Baker, B. T., 117 Hudson St. 53.96 Baker, Mrs. Warren, 102 Hancock St. 30.40 Baker, Mrs. Warren, Hancock St., Lot 146-17 4.75 Baldwin, G. P., 920 N. Aurora St. 37.24 Banks, S. E., 204 Linden Ave., - 49.40 (P. E: Long) 401 Eddy St. 41.80 Barker, Thos., 205 S. Hill Terrace 50.92 Bates, W. J. Est., 112 N. Aurora St. 250.04 Bates, W. J. Est., Lot, D. L. & W., 230-21 ' 1.52 Bates, W. J. Est., Lot, Giles St., 230-22 15.20 Bates, W. J. Est., Lot, Columbia, 230-19 4.56 Bates & Chamberlain, 313 Hudson St. 62.32 Bergholtz; Herman,.. 104 Harvard'Pl. 69.16 Bishop, Jas. R., 107 'Crescent P1.. 19.76 Bool Floral Co., Floral Ave., Lot :22-42 -1.52 Bool Floral Co., Floral Ave., Lot 22-43 -' .76 Bool Floral Co., Floral Ave., .Lot 22-44 . .76 Bool Floral Co., Floral Ave., Lot, 22=45' .76 Bool Floral Co., Floral Ave., Lot, 22-46 .76 136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Bool Floral Co., Floral Ave., Lot 22-31 Bool Floral Co:, Floral Ave., Lot, 23-18 Bool Floral Co., 823 W. Clinton Bool Floral Co., Cherry St., Lot, 23-6 Bool Floral Co., 215 E. State St. Bow, Carrie H., 629 W. Clinton St. Bow, Carrie H., 509 Cascadilla St. Bow, E. Est., 533 W. Green Bow, E. Est., 207 S. Corn Bow, E. Est., 136-138 Cleveland Ave.. Bow, E. Est., 535 W. Clinton Bow, E. Est., 123. Cleveland Ave. Brashear, H. R., 217 S. Fulton St. Brashear, H. R., 306 S. Meadow St. On later roll as Lura Brashear. Brennan, E. R. Est., 115 Fifth St. Brennan, E. R. Est., 604 Hancock St. Brennan, E. R. Est., 610 Hancock St. Brennan, E. R. Est., 705 Hancock St. Brennan, E. R. Est., 707 Hancock St. Brooks, Arlie, Short St., Lot 132-5 (M. & S. Warriner pay tax) Now 108 Short Brooks, W. Est., 219 W.• Lincoln St. Mrs. ArlieBrooks owner on 1933 Roll Brown, Lucy, 401 Lake St. Burling, L. R., 802 N. Tioga St. Bush, Mary A., 305 Dryden Rd. (J. E. Guinn reputed owner) Carter, C. M. & M. B., 219 S. Plain St. Casey, Margaret, 226 Cleveland Ave. Chacona, Ida B., 309 E. Buffalo St. Chacona, Marcus, Thurston Ave., Lot 243-9 Chamberlain, L. B., 101 Oxford P1. Cole, J. W., 119 College Ave. Conley, E. T. & S., 150 Giles St. Conley, Jas., 233 S. Albany St. Conley, J. & M., 142 Giles St. Conley, P. D. Est., 338 E. Etate St. Conley, P. D. Est., 115 S. Aurora St. Conley, P. D. Est., Conley Ave., Lot 209-5 Conley, P: D. Est., Conley Ave., Lot, 209-7 Conley, P. D. Est., 325 E. State St. Conley, P. D. Est., Lot, 156 Giles St. Conomikes, L., 230 Pleasant St. Conomikes, L., 105 N. Aurora St. Connor, R. & R., Lot, 316 Ithaca Rd. (M. Llop) ,, 805 E. Seneca St: 14.44 6.84 15.20 190.00 143.64 31.16 19.00 29.64 9.12 19.00 26.60 9.88 16.72 33.44 31.92 8.36 8.08 10.64 10.64 2.28 35.72 24.32 39.52 55.48 49.40 17.48 38.76 20.52 106.40 83.60 59.28 66.12 67.64 135.28 299.44 5.32 21.66 89.68 15.20 33.44 228.76 10.26 47.88 OF' TOMPKINCOUNTY, NEW YORK 137 (M. Llop), Lot, Oak Ave., 275-10 A. 6.84 (F. E. Allen), 222-226 Eddy St. 144.40 (F. E. Allen), 319 Ithaca Rd. 76.00 Connor, Rose, (M. Llop) , Lot, Ithaca Rd., 284-12 4.56 (M. Llop) , 321 Ithaca Rd. 114.00 (M. Llop), 520 Dryden Rd. 61.56 (M. Llop), Lot, Dryden Rd., 275-8 A. 6.08 (M. Llop) , Lot, Dryden Rd., 275-9 7.60 Cook, Rhoda A., 804 Mitchell St.' 33.44 (C. E. Cook) Cooper, Jessie B., 109 Cleveland Ave. 12.92 Cooper, Amanda, 504 N. Plain St. 18.24 Cornell Cosmopolitan Club, 301 Bryant Ave212.80 Cosentini, Joseph, 302-304 Stewart Ave. 85.88 Cummings, B. W., 418 Utica St. 41.04 Cummings, John, 420 Utica St. 32.68 Cummings, Nora, 414 Utica St. 19.00 Delgado, A. F., 107 Second St. 22.80 DeYcasa, M., 227 S. Geneva St. 120.08 DeYcasa, M., 510 University Ave. 74.48 Donovan, Mrs. T., 103 Highland Pl. 79.80 Donovan, Mrs. T., 110 Highland Pl. 73.72 Driscoll, W. M. 3rd, 312 W. Seneca St. 49.40 Eddy, Fred E., W. Clinton St., 23-3 49.40 Ellis, L. B., 601 N. Cayuga St. . 31.16 Fish, Bessie, 214 Floral Ave. 9.88 Fish, Bessie, 216 Floral Ave. 19.00 Frantz, T. & M., 404 S. Aurora St. 44.08 Frey, L. W., 1/2 Boathouse, 4-7 .38 (Maurice Snyder owns) Furey, Mrs. S., Sycamore St., 310-17 .19 Furey, Mrs. S. Love's Retreat, 309-17 .19 (0. L. Field holds City tax sale certificates) Gelshian, Thos., Lot 305, Hillview P1. 3.04 (Mrs. John Quigley reputed owner) Genung, Geo. F., 711 Mitchell St. 43.32 Goff, A. C. & M., 305 W. Green. St. 103.36 Gray, Mrs. Mercy, 437 Floral Ave. 5.32 Green, Chas., 206 Lake Ave. 59.28 Green, Chas., 226-228 Columbia St. 26.60 Hagin, Oscar, 312 E. Falls St. 20.52 Hartman, R. A., 412 Adams St. 11.40 Hartman, Sarah A., 401-405 Hancock St. 25.84 Hasard, W. J., 421-423 W. Seneca St. . 36.48 Hastings, Nora C., 325 N. Albany St. 35.72 Heath & Dworsky, 411 S. Plain St. 18.24 138 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Rose Cheeks reputed' owner) Henry, I. L., 503 Utica St. 31.92 (E. L. Dann reputed owner) Hillick, Sarah E., 525 W. Green St. 53.20 Howland, D. D., 606 W. Green St. 14.44 Howland, H. & V., 108 Third St. , 20.52 Howley, Helen F., 423 Linn St. 48.64 Irish, J. M., 420 E. State St 78.28 Ithaca Realty Co., Crescent Pl., 228-9 1.14 (C. J. Swartwood reputed owner) Now called 113 Crescent Pl. Jackson, Etta, 127 Cleveland Ave. 29.64 Jackson & Mason, 502 S. Plain St. 33.44 Johnson, H. J., 527 W. Green St. 10.64 Johnson, H. J., 113-115 S. Plain St. 46.36 Jolly, S. J., 410 E. Marshall St. 20.52 Jones, Alice M., 327 S. Titus Ave. 25.08 Jones, Hattie M., 1.41.5. Aurora St. 57.00 Jones, Helen R., 105. Second St. 18.24 Jones, Omer, 517-521 ' Hudson St.76.76 Joseph, W. M., 916 N. Aurora St. 32.68 Joy, Ben., 1124 Giles Rd. 11.40 Joy, Ben., Giles Rd., 311-1 ' . .19 Joy, Ben., Mulberry St., 311-12 .19 ('W. E. Hilimire reputed' owner) Keane, T. R., 223 Linn St. 28.88 Llop, M., 240 Linden . Ave. 34.96 Llop, M., 209-211 Dryden Rd. 95.76 Manning, Clyde, 319:.N..Tioga St. , 68.40 Marcellus, Mary, 320 Elmwood Ave. 60.80 Martin, Ida M., 628 W. Clinton St. 18.24 McAllister, J. B., 418-422 .Eddy 228.00 McAllister, J. J. 125 Highland Place 91.20 Melton, P., 223 S. Plain St: . 10.64 Melton, P., 425 W. Seneca St. 21.28 Merrill, M. A., 215 Second St. 9.88 Millen, E. & E., 303 E. Falls St. ' . 9.12 (C. W. Miller,, reputed owner) Miller, Fred, 428. Elias St. 22.80 1Vlinar, M. H. Est., 212-214 E. State and R. ' Way . 439.28 Mintz, Bessie F., 111.. Brandon Pl. ' 54.72 Moore, A. C., 308 S. Plain St. \ 19.00 Morgan, H. G., 131-N. Quarry St. 56.24 Morse Chain Co., 748 S. Aurora St. Lot 6.08 (L. P. Hughes .reputed 'owner) Mosvovitch, M., 122 Catherine St: 57.76 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 139 Mosvovitch, M., 405-407 Eddy St. 79.04 Mosvovitch, M., 110 Morris Ave. 12.16 Mosvovitch, M., 112 Morris Ave. 12.16. Nolan, Michael, 301 S. Corn St. 25.08 Oakley, F. N.,. 1013 E. State St. 37.24 O'Brien, Mary Est., 310 Esty St. 17.48 Oliver, W. G., 211 Auburn St. 30.40 Parisella, PAL & M.,' 312 Washington St. ' 30.40 Parker, Fred E., 428 Floral Ave. 19.76 Parker, Wm., Floral Ave., Lot 22-57 A. .76 (Fay E. Allen reputed owner) Parr, H. A., 104 Treva Ave. 25.08 Power, Robt., 523 W. Clinton St. " 20.52 Preston, E. S., Jr., 139 Ithaca Rd. : 68.40 Reidy, J. Est., 104 Maple Ave. ' 28.88 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Maple" Ave:, 276-2 5.51 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Maple Ave., 276-4 5.70 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Maple Ave., 287-9. 2.66 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Maple Ave., 287-5; 5.70 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Maple Ave., 287-6 5.70 Reidy, J. Est., Lot Maple Ave., 287-7 3.42 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Maple Ave., 287-2 5.70 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Maple Ave., 287-3 ' 5.70 Reidy, J.' Est., Lot, Cornell St., 287-1 6.08 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Dryden Rd., 276-9 1.52. Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Miller St., 287-37 3.04 Reidy, J. Est.,' Lot, Miller St., 287-38 3.04 Reidy, J. Est.; Lot,. Miller St., 287-32 3.80 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Unnamed St., 287-15 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Unnamed St ; 287-16 ' 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Unnamed St.; 287-17 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Unnamed St., 287-18 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Unnamed' St., 287-19 1.90 Reidy,J. Est., Lot, Unnamed' St., 287-24 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, UnnamedSt., 287-25 ' 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Unnamed St., 287-26 1.90 Reidy, J., Est., Lot, Unnamed St., 287-27 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Unnamed St., 287-28 1.90 Reidy, J. Est., Lot, Unnamed St., 287-22 . 1.90 Reidy, M. M., 305, Cornell St. 44.08 Reidy, M. M., Cornell S.t., 287-21 3.80 Reidy, M. M., Lot, 105 Maple Ave. 5.32 Reidy, M. M., 135 Blair St. 64.60 Reidy, Thomas J., Lot, 'Unnamed St., 287-23 1.90 Reidy, Thomas J., Acreage Hector St., 6-1 • 31.16 Renzetti, N., 417 Hudson St. 50.92 Renzetti, N., Lot, Hudson St., 230-7 7.60 140 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Renzetti, N., Lot, Columbia St., 230-19 A. 3.04 Reynolds, Cora, 413-415 S. Geneva St. 31.92. Robinson, Florence, 313 Cascadilla St. 22.80 Rohrer, E., 104 E. Lewis St. 55.48 Rohrer, J: L., 503 Third St. 12.92 Rohrer, J. L:, Lot, 901 N. Cayuga 'St. 5.32 Russell, V. A., 312 Hook Pl. 26.60 Ryan, B. Est., 308 Esty St. 20.52 Ryan, D. E., 125 Pearsall St. 45.60 Ryan, Wm., 119 Irving Place 68.40 Saperstein, Evelyn, Apts., Heights Court and Gar. 189.24 Saperstein, E., Res., Gate Lodge 88.16 (S. Herschberger reputed owner) Savage, E. S., 106 Harvard P1. , 64.60 Schutt, L. & R., 426 N. Titus Ave. 34.20 Schutt, L. & R., 4261/2 N. Titus Ave. • 21.28 Schutt, L. & R., 430 N. Titus Ave. • . , 34.96 Schutt, L. & R., 319-3191/2 Center St. 34.20 Schutt, L. & R., Lot, Hector St., 1-3 2.28 Scusa, John, 105 Dryden Rd. 153.52 Scusa, Peter, 327 Pleasant St. 36.48 Sheridan, M. Est., 412 Hudson St. 30.40 Sheridan, M. Est., Lot, 414 Hudson St. 5.32 Sigler, J. R., 106 W. Jay St. 20.52 Sincebaugh, A. G., 339 Elm St. ' ' . 41.04 Sincebaugh, A. G., Lot, Elm St., 22-48 D 1.52 Slingerland, W. A., 907 N. Cayuga St. 30.40 Smith, Susie, 221-223 Linden Ave. 53.96 (C. J. Swartwood reputed owner) Snyder, Maurice, '114 Washington St. 22.80 Space .Bros., 616 W. Buffalo St. . 43.32 Spencer, F. & M., 114 W: Falls St. • 23.56 Spencer, F. & M., 316 Center St. 35.72 Stephenson, H. C., 105 Cornell St. ' 31.16 Stobbs, D. A., 329 S. Titus Ave. 28.12 Stout, J. L., 130 Cleveland Ave. 15.96 Swartwood, C. J., Lot, 'Spencer & Park Sts Blk. 120, Lot 8 24.32 Swartwood, C. J., 403 Mitchell St. 60.80 Swartwood, C. J., 114 Park St: 43.32 Swartwood, C. J., Lot, Crescent Pl., 228-7 .76 Sweeny, M., 225 Columbia St. " 38.00 (T. Ricci reputed owner) Tarbell, C. D., 313 N. Geneva St. 54.72 Tarr, C. K., 423 W. Lincoln St. 33.44 Theta Alpha, 618-622 Stewart Ave. 133.76 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 141 Thirll, G. E., 214 Cleveland Ave. Thirll, G. E., 203-205 Cleveland Ave. Thomas, Jos., 619 Cascadilla St. Tisdel, L. & E., 310 E. Seneca St. Tishler, F., 306 College Ave. (E. S. Tisdel reputed owner) Tompkins, A. & C., 216 S. Plain St. Torchia, C., Lot, Hancock St., 41-2 A. Turco, Frank, 422-424 W. Court St. Turco, Frank, 616 Cascadilla St. Tupper, T. R., Lot, 111 Pearl St. • Turk, W. H., 613 W. State St. Van Order, F. D. Est., 513 W. Seneca St. Wallenbeck, M. T., 432 Titus Ave. Warburton, L., 1103 W. State St. Watson & Smith, Pearsall St., 288-19 Welsh, E. L., 132-134 Linn St. White, A. E. Est., 604 N. Aurora St. White, A. E. Est., 219 First St. White, A. E. Est.; 409 Madison St. (Frances W. Crawford reputed owner) •White, J. M. Est., 105 Cascadilla St. • . White, J. M. Est., 111 E. Green St. (France W. Crawford reputed owner) White, L. S., 306-308 E. State St. Wigden, Ruth S., 205 E. Corn St. Willis, M. Est., 912 N. Aurora St. Willis, L. A., 120 E. York St. Wright, Cora R., 311 E. Lincoln St. Wyckoff, Maude T., 216 Fall Creek Drive .Yaple, May ..A., 221 W. Lincoln St. Zounakos, H. & L., 211-213 Prospect St. (M. E. A. & J. Manos reputed owners) Total returned Unpaid 1932 School taxesto be re -assessed on 1933 State & County Roll. Dated, December 18, 1933. 15.20 4.56 18.24 103.36 76.00 19.00 3.04 22.80 22.04 2.28 14.44 61.56 34.96 26.60 1.52 32.68 41.04 30.40 15.20 22.80 106.40 395.96 21.28 41.80 18.24 31.16 83.60 38.76 27.36 $10,640.76 FRED VAN ORDER F. J. PAYNE A. J. CONLON Committee Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the foregoing report of the Committee on Returned Taxes be accepted and that the sums therein set forth be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed, with 7% in addition there- to. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Myers presented a list of Grand Jurors of the Third Ward of the City of Ithaca, .which was referred to the Com- mittee on Returned Taxes. Mr. Van Order, Chairman of the Committee on Returned Taxes, rendered the following report relative to the lists of Grand Jurors for Tompkins County, for the year 1934, viz.: To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Returned Taxes, to which was referred the list of names of persons selected by the representatives of ' the towns of the county and the wards of the city, as qualified persons to serve as Grand Jurors for Tompkins County, for the year 1934, believes such persons selected are proper and qualified persons to serve as such Grand Jurors ; and recom- mends that such list of names as selected, and filed with the Clerk of this Board, with the occupation and post -office ad- dresses of those therein named, be adopted as the true Grand Jury List of Tompkins County for the year 1934. Dated, December 18, 1933. FRED VAN ORDER F. J. PAYNE A. J. CONLON Committee Moved by Mr. Van Order, that the report of the committee' be accepted and that the lists of names filed, be adopted as the true Grand Jury List of Tompkins County for the year 1934. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 143 The Clerk read a communication from the State Department of Correction, relative -Co an inspection of the Tompkins Coun- ty Jail and commending the Board of Supervisors for the erection thereof, whichwas filed. Mr. Smiley rendered the following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, relative to the report of the County Sealer of Weights and Measures. Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation, to ' which was referred the annual report of the County Sealer of Weights and Measures, having examined said report be- lieves the same to be correct, and your committee recommends thesame be accepted and placed on file. Dated, December 18, 1933. LAGRAND E. CHASE C. A. MOTT W. 0. SMILEY Committee. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried. On motion, the Board proceeded in the election of officers and committees of the Board not heretofore elected. Mr. Pierce placed in nomination the name of Dr. John E. Dunphy, as Jail Physician, for the year 1934. Dr. Dunphy's nomination was seconded by Mr. Van Order. There being no other nomination on motion of Mr. Pierce, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Dr. John E. Dunphy. The Clerk cast a ballot for Dr. J. E. Dunphy and the Chair- man declared Dr. Dunphy duly elected Jail Physician for one year, from January 1, 1934 to succeed Dr. H. H. Crum, whose term of office expires. Mr. Smiley placed in nomination the names of Eugenia Van 144 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Cleef, Lera C. Bostwick, Viola B. Lent, Dr. Minor McDaniels, Dr. Helen Bull, Dr. Dean F. Smiley, Dr. Keith Sears, Dr. L. T. Genung with LaGrand E. Chase, . Fred D. Van Order and LePine Stone, as the Public Health Committee for the year 1934. Seconded by Mr. Snow. There being no other nominations on motion of Mr. Smiley, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for the aforesaid nominees. The Clerk cast one ballot, and the Chairman declared Eugenia Van Cleef, Lera C. Bostwick, Viola B. Lent, Dr. Minor McDaniels, Dr. Helen Bull, Dr. Dean F. Smiley, Dr. Keith Sears, Dr. L. T. Genung, with LaGrand E. Chase, Fred D. Van Order and LePine Stone, as the representatives of this Board, as the Tompkins County Public Health Committee, for the term of one year from January 1, 1934. Mr. Payne nominated Messrs. L. C. Snow and R. C. Albright as the representatives of this Board, and Dr. Homer Genung, Albert G. Stone and Harry Morse, Manager of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association, as members of the Com- mittee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, for the year 1934. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. There being no other nominations on motion of Mr. Payne, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for the foregoing nominees. The Clerk cast one ballot and the Chairman declared Messrs. L. C. Snow and R. C. Albright as the representatives of this Board, and Dr. Homer Genung, Albert G. Stone and Harry Morse, Manager of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association, as members of the Committee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, for the year 1934. Mr. Van Order placed in nomination the name of Dr. Minor McDaniels, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Laboratory, to succeed himself. Dr. McDaniels' nomination was seconded by Mr. Blackmer. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 145 There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Van Order, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Dr. Minor McDaniels. The Clerk cast one ballot for Dr. McDaniels, and the Chair- man declared him elected a member of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Laboratory, for a term of five years from January 1, 1934. Mr. Mott placed in nomination the names of Daniel Mitchell of Enfield and Paul S. Livermore of Ithaca, as members of the Tompkins County Library Commission, to succeed themselves. The nominations of Messrs. Mitchell and Livermore were seconded by Mr. Conlon. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Mott, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Livermore. The Clerk cast one ballot, and the Chairman declared Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Livermore, each elected as members of the Tompkins County Library Commission, for the term of five years from January 1, 1934. The Republican members designated the Ithaca -Journal - News, and the Democratic members the Groton Journal -Cour- ier, as the official organs of those parties respectively to pub- lish all legal notices required to be published, for the year 1934. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS -By the provisions of Section 59, of the Tax Law, as amended, the Board of Supervisors of a County, not em- bracing a portion of the forest preserve, on or before Decem- ber 15 in each year, or such date as may be designated by a resolution of the Board of Supervisors, not later, however, than the first day of February of each year, shall annex to the tax roll a warrant, under the seal of the Board, signed by the Chairman 'and Clerk of the Board, commanding the col- lector of each tax district to whom the same is directed, to collect from the several persons named in the tax roll, the several sums mentioned in•the last column thereof, opposite their respective names, on or before the, first day of the fol- 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS lowing February, where the same is annexed on or before the 15th of December in each year, and WHEREAS -It is impossible for the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to so annex a warrant 'at this time, as pro- vided in said law, therefore be it Resolved—That this Board designate January 19, 1934, as the date on which shall be annexed to the .tax roll, the above warrant as specified in said Section 59, of the Tax Law, as amended, commanding the collector of each tax district, to whom the same is directed,to collect from the several persons named in said tax roll, the several sums mentioned in the last column thereof, opposite their respective names, on or before the first day of May, 1934, and commanding said col- lector to pay over on or before, the said first day of May, 1934, if he be a collector of a city, or a division thereof, all moneys so collected by him appearing on said roll, to the. Treasurer of, the County, orif he be the collector of a town, to the Super- visor thereof and to the County Treasurer, as provided by law. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer.,,. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON. SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Stone. The Town Budgets of the towns of Caroline and Dryden were received and referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Mr. Pierce presented a list of the Corporations of the City of Ithaca, which was filed. Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on County Labora- tory, rendered the following report of. that committee. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. , Gentlemen : Your Committee on County Laboratory wishes to make the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK , 147 following report. The Committee attended the quarterly meetings of the, Board of Managers of said• institution and have carefully ex- amined the bills and accounts each quarter and found them to be correct to the best of your committee's information and belief. The Committee recommends that in the future a more com- plete report be made of the receipts to the fund known as "petty cash", accompanied by vouchers for all disbursements thereof. Dated, December 18, 1933. RICHARD C. SMITH A. J. CONLON FOREST J. PAYNE Committee Moved by Mr. Smith, that the report be accepted and adopt- ed. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Payne, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, rendered the following report of the Committee, relative to the report of the Commissioners of Election. Your, Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reports that it has examined the report of the Commissioners of Election and believes the same to be a true statement of the Election Expenses of the County, for the year 1933. We recommend that the apportionment of Election Ex- penses for the current ' year, as made by . the Election Com- missioners, be accepted and adopted by this Board, and that the several sums charged to the county, city and ttowns be assessed against, levied upon, and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County and the several towns and city therein, as follows : County of Tompkins at large $2,985.10 City of Ithaca 1,342.01 Town of Caroline 284.06 • Town of Danby 284.06 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Town of Dryden. * 662.77 Town of Enfield 189.38 Town of Groton 662.77 Town of Ithaca 222.73 ° Town of Lansing 378.73 Town of Newfield 189.38 Town of Ulysses 167.07 $7,368.05 Total for County $2,985.10 Total for City 1,342.01 Total for Towns 3,040.94 . • $7,368.05 Dated, December ,18, 1933. FOREST J. PAYNE W. 0. SMILEY FRED VAN ORDER Committee Mr. Payne pffered the following resolution, and moved its adoption: Resolved --That the report of the Committee on County 'Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the report of the Commissioners of Election, for the year 1933,be accepted and that the amounts therein mentioned be levied upon, and collected from, the taxable property of Tompkins County, and the several towns and city therein, liable therefor. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Payne, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, rendered the following report, rela- tive to the report of the County Judge for , the amounts of ' moneys received for pistol permits and of the Surrogate's Clerk, relative to the amounts received by her as fees of that office: • Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reports that it has examined the report of the County Judge • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 149 and the Surrogate's Clerk and believes that the items therein set forth are correct. The amount of $82.40 was received for pistol permits and the same has been paid to the County Treasurer. The balance of $103:32, after paying the expenses of the Surrogate's office, has been received and is payable to the County _ Treasurer. Your Committee believes that each report is a true and cor- rect statement of the financial transactions of the County Judge's and Surrogate's office and recommends that each re- port be approved and accepted, and that the balance of $103.32, received from the Surrogate's Clerk be paid to the County. Treasurer to be applied to the credit of the general fund. Dated, December 18, 1933. FOREST J. PAYNE W. O. SMILEY FRED VAN ORDER Committee Moved by Mr. Payne, that the report of the committee be accepted and approved. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Carried. Mr. Snow rendered the followingreport of the Committee oh Charities, relative to Old Age Security Fund : Your Committee on Charities, having examined the report of the Commissioner of Public Welfare relative to the Old Age Security, reports that it has compared his accounts with those of the County Treasurer, and with vouchers for which payments are ordered, and believes the same to be correct and recommends that the same be accepted and approved. Furthermore, your Committee approves the estimate of the County Commissioner as to the expense of administering the Old Age Security account for the fiscal year November 1st, 1933 to October 31st, 1934. Allowances Granted Applicants • $44,000.00 Salary of Worker 2,000.00 Traveling,, expenses 400.00 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Stenographer 600.00 Extra Stenographer 264.00 Office expense 150.00 Inasmuch as there was appropriated to this Department, on November 13, 1933, for the year 1934, the following sum of $7,574.00, the same tobe deducted from 1934 Budget, and as there will be certain sums refunded from the State which can be re -appropriated to this department, your Committee recommends the appropriation; at this time of the following additional sums : Allowances Granted Applicants $18,500.00 Salary of Worker 1,700.00 Traveling Expenses 325.00 Stenographer 495.00 Extra Stenographer 220.00 • Office Expenses 100.00 Total $21;340.00 Dated, December 18, 1933. LAMONT C. SNOW C. A. MOTT Committee Moved by Mr. Snow, that the report be accepted and adopt- ed. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried. • Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated for the Old Age Security Fund, the sum of $21,340.00, for the year 1934, apportioned as follows : Allowances Granted Applicants $18,500.00' Salary of Worker 1,700.00 Traveling expenses 325.00 Stenographer 495.00 Extra Stenographer 220.00 Office Expenses 100.00 $21,340.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 151 Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow rendered the following report of the Committee on Charities, relative to the report of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins, County Tuberculosis Hospital : Your Committee on Charities, having examined the annual report of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, reports that the figures submitted to this Board appear to be correct, and the Committee recom- mends that the appropriation to be made to that institution, for maintenance for the year 1934, be the sum of $18,000.00, and your Committee further recommends that the balance of $2,689.82, standing to the credit of that institution, be re - appropriated for carrying on the work of the institution for the year 1934. Dated, December 18, 1933. LAMONT C. SNOW L. P. STONE C. A. MOTT Committee Moved by Mr. Snow, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $18,000.00, or so much thereof, as may be necessary, for the maintenance of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, for the year 1934, and be it further Resolved—That the sum of $2,689.82, standing to the credit of that institution be, and the same hereby is, re -appropriated for the maintenance of said Tuberculosis Hospital in addition to the sum of $18,000.00 hereinbefore appropriated. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. 152 PROCEEDINGS OF .THE BOARD 'OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -13. Noes -0, Carried. • Mr. Smith rendered the following report of the Committee on Highways, relative to • the amounts expended during the year 1933, for securing rights of way for the highways- in Tompkins County : Your Committee on Highways, reports that the following figures show the condition of the accounts for rights of way. Balance, November 1, 1932 $33,312.15 Expended during the -year 25,240.70 $ 8,071.45 Your Committee therefore recommends that there be ap- propriated for the year 1934 the sum of $10,000.00 in ad- dition to the balance now in the hands of the County Treasurer of $8,071.45, which is hereby re -appropriated, making a total of $18,071.45. Your Committee finds there is a balance of $14,000.00 in the Snow Removal fund in the hands of the County Treasurer and therefore recommends that this amount be re -appropri- ated and that no new appropriations be made for the year 1934, for snow removal. Dated, December 18, 1933. RICHARD C. SMITH SIDNEY L. HOWELL W. O. SMILEY • FOREST J. PAYNE Committee ' Moved by Mr. Smith, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, for the year 1934, the sum of $10,000.00 for securing rights of way by the county, in addition to the balance of $8,071.45 now OF TOMPKINS 'COUNTY, NEW YORK 153 in the hands of the County .Treasurer in said fund, which is hereby re -appropriated, making a total of $18,071.45. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -13. , Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the Committee on Charities, be and hereby is authorized to enter into an agreement, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, with the Tompkins County Committee of the State Charities Aid Association, by which the said Tompkins County Committee of the State Char- ities Aid Association agrees to provide the services of an agent, as assistant to the county . and town public welfare officers of the county, in the investigation and supervision of cases of dependent children and family welfare, with thel understanding that such agent shall, so far as her time will permit, be available for investigations requested by the officers of the Children's Court and of the Board of Child Welfare of said county, and be it further Resolved—That said agent shall make monthly reports, cov- ering her work, to the County Commissioner of Public Wel- fare and to the Committee on Charities of the Board of Super- visors, and an annual report to the Board of Supervisors, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,600.00, for the services of such agent during the year 1934. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Payne, Chairman of the Committee on Reforestation, reported a balance of $127.75 in that fund. Mr. Payne offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS sum of $200.00, for reforestation purposes, for the year 1934, and be it further Resolved—That the balance of $127.75, be and the same hereby is re -appropriated to said fund in addition to the amount heretofore appropriated. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved,—That the amount of the bond of County. District Attorney -elect, be fixed by this. Board at the amount of $1,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the amount of the bond of the County Treasurer -elect be fixed by this Board at the sum of $200,000.00, and that the amount of her 'special bond for high- way money be fixed at the sum'of $10,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the followingresolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the amount of the bond of the County Clerk - elect, be fixed by this Board at the sum of $15,000.00, that the amount of the bond of the Motor Vehicle Clerk in the County Clerk's Office,' to be furnished to the County Clerk, •be fixed by this Board at the sum of $10,000.00, and of the Deputy County Clerk for the sum of $5,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 155 Fourteenth Day. Tuesday, December 19, 1933 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 18 meeting, read and approved. Professor M. P. Catherwood, appeared before the Board and presented'a report of his investigation of the assessment, taxa- tion and revenue problems of Tompkins County, which was filed. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call: All members present. Mr. Vann appeared before the Board and recommended that. the following roads be placed on the County Map for future construction : 1. Whipples' Corner -West Dryden Road No. 175. Begin- ning at a point 2.0 miles west of Etna on County Road No. 109 and extending thence northerly .1.0 mile ; thence easterly 1.0 mile ; and thence northerly through' West Dryden 3.0 miles to County Road No. 107 ; being 5.0 miles in length. 2. . Continuation of Halseyville Road No. 170. Beginning at the intersection of County Road No. 170 with County 'Road No. 142 and extending thence northerly 1.35 miles and connecting with C. H. No. 616 at Halseyville, at Station 47. 0 , Christian Hill-Ables' Corner Road No. 136A. Begin- ning at a point 2.0 miles north of Station No. 113 on C. H. No. 1623 and extending thence easterly for a dis- tance of 1.0 mile and connecting with County Road No. 146. 156 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 4. Newfield Back Road. Beginning at Station No. 188 on C. H. No. 5214 and extending thence southwesterly par- allel with C. H. No. 5214 for a distance of 1.0 mile and connecting with County Road No. 133. 5 County Road No. 136 extension. No. 136A. Beginning at a point 3.0 miles south of Station No. 133 on County Highway No. 1623 and extending thence southerly for a distance of 1.0 mile and connecting with proposed County Road No. 134. Moved by Mr. Smith, that the highways, as recommended by the County Superintendent, be placed on the County Map for -future construction. Seconded by Mr. Myers. Carried. Mr. B. I. Vann, County Superintendent of Highways,, ap- peared before the Board and rendered his reports of the ,re- ceipts and expenditures of his department, and his report as to the condition of machinery and building department account, for the year 1933. Moved by Mr. Smith, that the reports be accepted and the Clerk be directed to print the same in the Proceedings of the Board. Seconded by 'Mr. Myers. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be appropriated from the unexpended balances standing to the credit of the different projects, the sum of $1,670.67 to complete the projects overdrawn. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Payne, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, rendered a report of that committee, relative to the report of the County Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 157 To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. , Your Committee on County. Clerk and Election Expenses rendered the following report relative to the report of the County Clerk. Your Committee has examined the report . and made a com- parison of the items listed with the records of the County • Treasurer and finds that the moneys received, by the County Clerk, as reported by him, were duly paid to the County Treas- urer. The disbursements made, as appears in his report, were so made, to the belief of the committee. We believe that the report is a true and correct statement of the financial ,transactions of the County Clerk and recom- mend that the report be approved and accepted. Dated, December 19, 1933. F. J. PAYNE W. 0. SMILEY FRED VAN ORDER ' Committee • Moved by Mr. Payne, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Ca"rried.. Mr. Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $28,110 for the construction of highways in Tompkins County in 1934, under the provisions of Section 320-A, of the Highway Law, said sum of $28,110 to be duplicated by a like amount by the State of New York, under the provisions of Section 320-B, of the Highway Law,_ and be it further Resolved—That in the event, that the State fails to dupli- cate the sum of $28,110, that the moneys herein appropriated be, and the same hereby are, appropriated to the County Road Fund. 158 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., relative to appropriations to be made to various organizations and associations, boards and com- mittees for the year 1934: Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc.; to which has been referred the' requests of various organizations, associations, boards and committees, for the year 1934, reports that it has carefully examined and weighed these requests and therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolution. Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau, the sum of $2,500.00 Tompkins County Home Bureau, the sum of 2,500.00 Tompkins County Farm Bureau, for Tompkins County Junior Project Extension, the sum of 2,500.00 Tompkins County Laboratory, the sum of 6,500.00 Tompkins County Library Rural Service, the sum of 4,000.00 Tompkins County Public Health Committee, the sum of 4,000.00 Tompkins County Board of Child Welfare, the sum of 6,278.05 $28,278.05 and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is directed to pay to the Treasurer of the Farm Bureau Association and the Home Bureau Association, the amounts hereby appropriated to them in four quarterly payments, on the 15th day of February, May, August and November; to the Board of Child Welfare on the written orders of the Treasurer of said Board; for the Committee on. Public Health, on orders of the committee, signed by the representatives of this Board;' to. the Tompkins County Laboratory, on the orders of the Board of Managers, approved by the committee of this Board ; and .for the County Library Rural Service, in semi-annual payments, on the 1st day of January and July 1934, and be it further Resolved -:-That the Board of Child Welfare be, and hereby OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 159 is authorized to use as much of the amount appropriated to it, as in its judgment becomes necessary under the provisions of paragraph D, sub -division 2, §157, of the General Municipal Law, and be it further. Resolved—That any sums standing to the credit of any of the foregoing activities, in the hands of the County. Treasurer on December 31, 1933, and unappropriated, be and the same are hereby re -appropriated to the several organizations herein specified. Dated, December 19, 1933. Moved by Mr. Mott, resolution adopted. C. A. MOTT LAMONT C. SNOW FRED VAN ORDER Committee that the report be accepted and the Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Mott presented a list of Corporations Dryden, which was filed. On motion, adjourned. Roll call. of the Town of Fifteenth Day MORNING SESSION Wednesday, December 20, 1933 All members present. Minutes of December 19 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Smith offered 'the following resolution and moved its adoption : ' 160 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1 WHEREAS -It would seem to be a better policy for all ,the citizens and taxpayers of this state to obtain employment in the regular manner, therefore be it Resolved -That it is the sense of this Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County that the Governor of the State of New York place in his Executive Budget, the same amount of State Aid to towns, as paid to the towns under Section 101, of the Highway Law, in the year 1931, and the full amount of State Aid to counties as paid to the County under Section 320-B, of the Highway Law, in the year 1931, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be and he hereby is directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to Gov.' Herbert H. Lehman, Abraham Webber, Budget Director of the State of New York, and the State Senator and the Mem- ber of Assembly representing Tompkins County. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried. Mr. Mott, Chairman of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, rendered the following report relative to the Coun- ty Treasurer. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Gentlemen : Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports that it has examined the various accounts of the County Treasurer, as. presented in her annual report, and that in the judgment of your committee the report is correct. Your Committee examined and compared with her books the vouchers presented by the County Treasurer and found the same to correspond with the figures therein. Your Committee therefore recommends that the report be -accepted. Dated, December 20, 1933. C. A. MOTT W. C. BLACKMER RICHARD C. SMITH Committee 'OF TOMPKINS, COUNTY, NEW, YORK 161' Moved. by Mr. Mott, that thereport be accepted.. Seconded by Mr. Conlon.. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: . Resolved—That there be levied upon, and collected from, the taxable. property of Tompkins County,the sum of $8,500.00 for the following purposes for. the, year 1933: For fuel and light in county buildings, in ,the . City of Ithaca $5,000.00 For fuel at County Home_ . .1,500.00 For telephone service for county buildings 2,000.00 .J8,500..00 Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -14. Noes -0. . , . Carried..:. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman ,appoint -a committee of three, which with -himself and the Attorney for the Board, are authorized and directed, to act for the county in„ all matters that may arise, in which the county is interested and not com- ing under the supervision of any regular standing committee. Seconded by Mr: Pierce.. Carried. Mr. Payne offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved' -That the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation be authorizedto make` any necessary repairs to the building under the supervision of that committee.. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey. Carried. Mr. Blackmer offered the following resolution and. moved its adoption : Resolved -That'• .the Highway '. Advisory.. Committee lac 162 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS authorized to make any necessary repairs to the County Mach- inery Building. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption :. Resolved—That the amount paid to the Jail Physician for the year 1934, be $2.00 per visit. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Highways, with the At- torney for the Board, be authorized and empowered to secure all necessary rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board be authorized to secure bids for 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board for the year 1933, reserving the right to reject any or all bids. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey. Carried. Mr. Myers offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved—That the Chairman and Attorney for this Board be authorized to represent the county in any negotiations rela- tive to claims for damages to property in the elimination of grade crossings. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Carried. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved—That there be levied upon and collected from the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK , 163 taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $400.00 for postage and incidental expenses of the Commissioners of Elections; the sum of $250.00 for postage and incidental ex= penses of the County Treasurer; the sum of $60.00 for postage of the Clerk of this Board; the sum of $225.00 for postage and incidental expenses of the County Clerk and the sum of $500.00 for postage and incidental expenses of the Motor Vehicle office, for the year 1934, said postage and incidental expense claims to be itemized and audited by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Correction and Reforma- tion be authorized to make any necessary repairs to the county buildings under the supervision of that committee. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Charities be authorized to make any necessary repairs or alterations to the buildings under the supervision of said committee. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be authorized and directed to, certify for the payment of salaries of all county officers, required to be certified to the State Civil Service Com- mission. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Charities rendered , the following report, relative to the report of the Commissioner of Welfare : 164 PROCEEDINGS, OF -THE BOARD OF. SUPERVISORS To -the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. - - - • Your Committee on Charities, to which was referred the: report of the Commissioner of Welfare, relative to the County Public Welfare, reports that it has audited the books of the Commissioner and compared his accounts, with bills rendered-' andvouchersfor the same, and totheknowledge and belief of your ci:an'rnittee find that the figures- submitted by the Com- missioner, as to the receipts and disbursements of his office, are correct. Your committee believes that the estimates of the 'Commis- sioner as to the expenses of the department for the forthcom- ing year haVe been 'carefully Made and.approves the same, as follows: 'County' Home • . - - 13,000;00. Stenographer Stenographer ' - , ' 600.00 Second StenOgrapher . 720.00. Office Office expenses 600.00 Foster Home—Care of children 20,000.00 Institutional—Care of children 3,000.00 Hospitalization 25,000.00 _ _ Outside Relief 25,00,0:00 . Traveling expenses 500.00 i Commissioner's -expenses, 150.00 ,, Legal 'expenses . ,. - 250.00 $88,820:00 Inasmuch as there was appropriated to the different branches of this department on November 13 and December 12; 1933, totaling the sum of $14,683.00; the 'same. to be de- ducted from the 1934 budget and furthermore as large sums are to be refunded to the. County from the several municipal- ities, which .will be available for re -appropriation to this de- partment, we recommend the following appropriations : For Town and County Poor supported at the County Home $ 6,600.00 Hospitalization 12,000.00 Foster Homes for Children ' 9,000.00 Institutional Care of Children 1,200.00 Physician at County Home 600.00 OF.TOMPKINS COUNTY, .NEW '.YORK `.: ., :165 Outside Relief .................. ...................... ........ ...... 12,000.00 Medicine 400.00 Chaplain' 150.00 Nurse in Men's Ward 240.00 Transportation for Investigations 500.00 Commissioner's expenses 150.00 Stenographer 600.00 Extra Stenographer 720:00 Legal Fees 250.00 Office expenses 600.00 Total $45,010.00 Dated, December 19, 1933. LAMONT C. SNOW C. A. MOTT L. P. STONE Committee.. Moved by Mr. Snow, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : . Resolved—That there be and hereby is apropriated to the Department of Public Welfare the sum of $45,010.00,, appor- tioned as , follows : . For Town and County Poor supported at the County Home $ 6,600.00 Hospitalization 12,000.00 Foster Homes for Children 9,000.09 Institutional care for children 1,200.00 Outside Relief 12,000.00 Physician at County Home 600.00 Medicine 400.00 Chaplain 15.0:00 Nurse in Men's Ward '240.00 Transportation for investigations 500.00 Commissioner's expenses 150.00 Stenographer 600.00 Extra stenographer 720.00 Legal Fees 250.00 166 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Office expenses . 600.00 $45,010.00 Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Myers. The Clerk read the bonds of Howard L. O'Daniel, as County Clerk, L. Louise Earl, as Deputy County Clerk and Laura H. Arnold, as Clerk in the Motor Vehicle Department, which were referred to the Committee on Finance to examine and report to this Board. Mr. Stone, Chairman of the Enforcement of Quarantine on Dogs, presented the several claims audited by the committee during the year ending October 31, 1933, which were filed. Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Commit- tee on the Enforcement of the Quarantine on Dogs, during the year ending October 31, 1933, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the com- mittee. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on Auditing Ac- counts, of the Tuberculosis Hospital, presented the several claims audited by that committee during the year ending October 31, 1933, which were filed. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 167 Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on Auditing Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital for the year ending October 31, 1933, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that com- mittee. Seconded by Mr: Blackmer. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. County Superintendent of Highways, B. I. Vann, appeared before the Board and presented the following highway • con- struction program for the year 1934 ; with the estimated cost therefor. Project No. 1. Perry City Road, No. 142. Penetration top, 2 miles 14' road Estimated cost $12,000.00 Project No. 2. Triphammer Road, No. 166 Penetration top, 1 mile 18' Road Estimated cost 7,500.00' Project No. 3. Merchants' Corners -Groton Road, No. 170 Double Surface Treatment, 2.60 'miles 14' road. Estimated cost 3,900.00 Project No. 4 Kline Road, No. 122. Penetration top, 2.50 miles 14' road Estimated cost 15,000.00 Project No. 5. Midline Road, No. 162. Double surface treat- ment, 2.50 miles, 14' road. Estimated cost.... 3,750.00 Project No. 6. Dassance Road, No. 132. Double surface treatment, 0.50 miles, 10' road. Estimated cost 700.00 Project No. 7 Shaffer Road, No. 131. Double surface treat- ment, 1.50 miles 10' road. Estimated cost 2,100.00 Project No. 8. Perry, City Road, No. 142. Penetration top, 1.80 miles, 14' road. Estimated cost 10,800.00 Project No. 9. Shaffer Road, No. 131. Gravel road con- '168 PROCEEDINGS .OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Project No. 10. Project No. 11. Project No. 12. Project No. 13. Project No. 14 Project No. 15. struction, 2 miles 14' road. Estimated cost.... 15,000.00 South Danby Road, No. 125. Gravel road construction, 31/2 miles, 14' road. Estimated cost 26,500.00 Kennedy's Corner Road, No. 172. Double surface treatment, 1 mile 10' road. Esti- mated cost 1,200.00 Kennedy's Corner Road, No. 172. Gravel road construction, 0.70' miles, 10' road. Esti- mated cost 5,000.00 Bostwick Road Extension, No. 137. Double surface treatment, 2 miles, 10' road. Esti- mated cost 3,000.00 Turkey Hill Road, No. 161. Double surface treatment, 2.25 miles 14' road. Estimated cost 3,500.00 Christian Hill-Ables' Corners, 136A. Double surface treatment 1 mile, 10' road. Esti- mated cost 2,000.00 Project No. 16. Dassance Road, No. 131. Gravel road con- struction, 1.75 miles, 14'. road. Estimated cost 3,500.00 $125,450.00 Mr. Smith offered. the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the estimates and programs submitted by the County Superintendent be approved by this Board, and that the amount indicated -in said estimates, namely, $125,450.00, be and the same hereby are appropriated for the purposes in- dicated, from the County Road Fund. Seconded by Mr. Howell. 'Ayes -13.. Noes -0. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, -NEW YORK 169 Mr. Smith offered .the following resolution and d moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated,—,from the County Road Fund, the sum of $45,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to the maintenance of highways in Tompkins County, for the year 1934. Seconded by Mr.' Howell. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Committee on Finance reported that.. ithad examined the bonds as furnished by Howard L. O'Daniel, as County Clerk, L. Louise Earl, as Deputy County Clerk and of Laura H. Arnold, as Clerk in the 'Motor Vehicle Department of the County Clerk's Office, and found the same to be correct, and should be approved by this Board. Moved by Mr. Howell, that the aforesaid bonds be approved by this Board, both as to form, manner of execution and, the sufficiency of the sureties. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -13. Noes -0.' Carried. On motion, adjourned. Sixteenth Day Thursday, December 21, 1933 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of. December 19 meeting,read and approved. Mr. Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $9,000.00, to aid the towns in the improvement of dirt roads, said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the same provisions and conditions as provided by the resolution of this Board adopted December 31, 1930, as amended November 13, 1933, and be it further Resolved—That any town not completing, in any one year, the two miles allotted to it, as specified in the resolution and amendment, such town or towns may complete the same the following year and receive in addition to that year's allotment the amount withheld from the previous year. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the bond presented by the County Superin- tendent of Highways, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Smiley, of the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation, rendered the following report, relative to salaries of county officers and employees and allowances for expenses. The Committee on County Officers and Compensation is of the opinion that the salaries of the various county officials and employees for 1934 should be fixed as follows : County Judge and Surrogate $5,.000.00, Judge of Children's Court 1,500.00 Special County Judge and Surrogate 600.00 County Clerk 3,600.00 County Treasurer 2,800.00 District Attorney 2,400.00 Sheriff 2,400.00 Commissioner of Welfare 2,000.00 Coroner 700.00 Superintendent of Highways 3,000.00 Sealer of Weights and Measures ' 900.00. Two Commissioners of Election .@ $900.00 each 1,800.00 Clerk of Board of Supervisors 1,800.00 Attorney for the Board 500.00 Deputy County Clerk 1,500.00 Surrogate's Clerk 1,800.00 /P7 /1 13 r t OF TOMPKTNS COUNTY, NEW YORK 171 Motor Vehicle Clerk 1,500.00 Assistants in County Clerk's Office 7,100.00 Clerk of Children's Court 800.00 County Court and Surrogate's Stenographer 1,200.00 Under Sheriff 1,320.00 Jail Matron 300.00 County Probation Officer 1,200.00 Two Turnkeys and Deputy 1,680.00 Keeper at County Home 1,200.00 Superintendent of County Court House and Jail 1,200.00 Chief Engineer 1,200.00 Assistants to Engineer and Watchman 1,960.00 Janitors in County Court House 2,160.00 Telephone Operator in Co. Court House 780.00 Total for County Officers and Employees $55,900.00 Your committee recommends that the salaries of the several county officers and employees be fixed by this Board at the foregoing amounts, subject to the conditionsas heretofore recommended by the Committee on Finance, and your com- mittee directs that the amount to be paid to the Motor Vehicle Clerk be in full for any notorial fees or other services in con- nection with the duties of that office. That the County Sealer of Weights and Measures, be al- lowed an amount, not to exceed the sum of $500.00 for ex- penses and disbursements of his office; that the County Super- intendent be allowed an amount, not to exceed the sum of $1,500.00 for expenses; that the Coroner be allowed an amount not to exceed the sum of $100.00 for expenses; that the Sheriff be allowed an amount not to exceed the sum of $1,500.00, while traveling by auto, while said officials are engaged in the per- formance of their duties and that the District Attorney be allowed an amount, not to exceed the sum of $80O.00.,yfor office expenses; all claims for expenses and ua of hire_to_be_ itemized and audited by this Board; ii the'same manner as other county claims are audited; that the County Treasurer be allowed an amount not to exceed $1,500.00 for Clerk Hire; and that the Attorney of this Board be allowed an amount not to exceed the sum of $500.00 for investigating claims and supervising the County Compensation Insurance for the year 1934. Dated, December 21, 1933. LAGRAND E. CHASE C. A. MOTT W. 0. SMILEY Committee -172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF •SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report be accepted.. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read a resolution from the Board of Supervisors of Chenango County, which was referred to the Committee on Equalization. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the sum of $1,800.00 and $500.00, hereto- fore appropriated as salaries to the Clerk and Attorney for the Board, and the sum of $500.00, as Attorney for the Com- mittee on Compensation Insurance, be in full payment for serv- ices as Clerk and Attorney for this Board to the annual session in 1934, unless otherwiseordered by a resolution of this Board, payable as follows $500.00 forthwith, and the balance in ten monthly payments, the first monthly payment being January 28, 1934, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make the first payment out of any unappropri- ated moneys in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, report - `ed that the committee had examined the bond presented by the County Superintendent of Highways and found the same cor- rect and moved, that said bond be approved by this Board, both as to form, manner of execution and sufficiency of the surety. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Conlon. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on OF,:•TOMPKINS, COUNTY, NEW .YORK::.:' 173: County Clerk and Election Expenses, which waslaid. on the table, two days under; the rule :_ Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the; County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed" and your committee thereforerecommends that each of saidclaims be audited at the amount so indicated. No. of Claim Claimant :and Assignment Account to . which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 671Lamont-,_C. Snow 68 W. • O. Smiley 69 Carl A. Mott 70 Alan T. Rumsey 7.11Richard C. Smith 72 Lagrand Chase 73lAndrew Conlon 74 Forest J. Payne 75 Fred Van 'Order 76 W. , C. Blackmer 77 Sidney L. 'Howell .: 78 Leslie R. Pierce 791Joseph Myers Election Election Election Election, Election Election Election Election Election Election Election Election Election Respectfully' submitted, this 21st day of December, 1933. Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass, Canvass Canvass - Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass $ 7.08 $, 7:08 6.4-6 6.46 6.80 6.80 6.60 6.60 8.20 8.20 5.00 5.00 6.28 6.28 7.24 7.24 5.00 5.00 5.00 -5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 78.661 $78.66 F. J. PAYNE W. O. SMILEY FRED VAN ORDER Committed. Moved by Mr. Payne, that the . report :be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Smith. By unanimous consent, the report was taken'fromthe table. Mr. Payne offered the following resolution and moved its adoption 174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved -That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted and that the claims and accounts therein listed be audited at the amounts recom- mended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -13. Noes -O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : No. of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of, Expense Claimed Allowed 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 Lamont C. Snow Supervisors Lamont C. Snow Supervisors W. O. Smiley Supervisors W. O. Smiley Supervisors Carl A. Mott Supervisors Carl A. Mott Supervisors Alan T. Rumsey ._.__ Supervisors Alan T. Rumsey --- Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Richard C. Smith ... Richard C. Smith ... Lagrand E. Chase Lagrand E. Chase Andrew J. Conlon .__. Andrew J. Conlon . Forest J. Payne Forest J. Payne LePine Stone Fred D. Van Order -- Fred D. Van Order .. W. C. Blackmer _.._ W. C. Blackmer Joseph B. •Myers ._.. Joseph B. MyersSupervisors Sidney L. Howell _ Supervisors Sidney L. Howell Supervisors Leslie R. Pierce Supervisors Leslie R. Pierce Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Respectfully submitted, this 21st day of December, 1933. Comm. Wrk. .1$ 367.981 .... Quart. & Spec.' 68.721 .... Comm. Wrk. .. 393.56 Quart. & Spec. 59.60 Comm. Wrk. .. 103.00 Quart. & Spec. 13.60 Comm. Wrk. __ 223.20 Quart. & Spec. 71.00 Comm. Wrk. 685.05 Quart. & Spec. 82.00 Comm. Wrk. __ 783.88 Quart. & Spec. 54.80 Comm. Wrk. __ 138.16 Quart. & Spec. 62.80 Comm. Wrk. __ 478.24 Quart. & Spec. 71.40 Comm. Wrk. .. 21.24 Comm. Wrk. .. 208.05 Quart. & Spec. 50.00 Comm. Wrk. .. 120.00 Quart. & Spec. 50.00 Comm. Wrk. __ 10.00 Quart. & Spec. 45.00 Comm. Wrk. __ 332.301 Quart. & Spec. 45.00 Comm. Wrk. .. 641.08 Quart. & Spec. 50.00 $ 367.98 68.72 393.56 59.60 103.00 13.60 223.20 71.00 685.05 .82.00 783.88 54.80 138.16 62.80 478.24 71.40 21.24 208.05 50.00 120.00 50.00 10.00 45.00 332.30 45.00 641.08 50.00 1$5,229.661 $5,229.66 W. 0. SMILEY, LAGRAND CHASE, CARL A. MOTT, Committee. ' OF TOMPKINS COUNTY; NEW YORK 175 Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Payne. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be accepted, and that the bills and accounts. therein listed be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Seventeenth Day Friday, December 22, 1933 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Myers. Minutes of December 21 meeting, read and approved. The members of the Board entered into a discussion, relative to the proposition of the county purchasing of the First Bap- tist Church Society, the former court house property with cer- tain exceptions and reservations. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—It is the sense of this Board that it wishes to go on record as willing to pay $7,000.00 for the purchase of the former court house property, facing on Court Street, with cer- tain exceptions and reservations thereto. 1.76. PROCEEDINGS OF THE .BOARD OF.. ,SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes—Messrs. Chase, Snow, Smiley, Mott, Rumsey, Smith, Blackmer, Howell, Pierce, Payne, Stone -11. Noes—Messrs. Van Order, and Conlon -2. Resolution carried: On motion, adjourned to Wednesday, December 27, 1933, at 10::30 A. M. Eighteenth Day Wednesday, December 27, 1933 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 22 meeting, read and approved. The Clerk read a bond of $100,000.00 of the County Treas- urer, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $3,000.00 to the Cornell Library Association, for the maintenance of said library under the provisions of the Educa- tion Law, for the year 1934,, and that the County Treasurer be directed to paysaid amount to the Treasurer of said associa- tion in quarterly payments on the first days of January, April, July and October, 1934. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Howell, .Chairman of the Committee on Finance, re- ported that said committee had examined the bond furnished OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 177 to the County Treasurer of $100,000.00 and found. the same correct and moved, that the same be approved by, this Board, both as to form, manner of execution and the sufficiency of the surety. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $780.00, payable to the Sheriff, in monthly payments of $65.00 each, to provide himself with suitable living quarters, including heat and light therefor in pursuance to a resolution of this Board adopted June 15, 1933. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howard L. O'Daniels appeared before the Board, rela- tive to ,an undertaking for hold-up insurance on which action was deerred until a later date. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $780.00 for a stenographer for the Board of Supervisors, ,for the year 1934, said sum to be paid in monthly payments. as other county officers are paid. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Pierce presented the claims audited by the Committee on Jail Supplies, for the year ending October 31, 1933, which were filed. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and .moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on Jail Supplies, for the year ending October 31, 1933, this day 178 PROCEEDINGS. OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Stone presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on Public Health, for the year ending October 31, 1933, which were filed. Mr. Stone offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved=That the several claims audited by the Committee on Public Health, for the year ending October 31, 1933, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Smith presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on County Laboratory, for the year ending October 31, 1933, which were filed. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved,—That the several claims audited by the Commit- tees on County Laboratory, for the year ending October 31, 1933, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the committee. -Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Myers, Chairman of the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., rendered the following report relative to the valuation of the Special Franchises of Tompkins County for the year 1933. Your Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., reports the fol- lowing to be a statement of all the Special Franchises of Tomp- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 179 kins County, outside of the City of Ithaca, as reported by the. several town clerks' of the respective towns of the County, for the year 1933. 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS uor;Elodlo0 sup iElnaEN ams 3pciA maN M N. duedwo0 gdRaaiaJ, uoiun uialsam Suedwo0 auogdala,I, awoH ZingsuEwni j, dusdwo0 ajgEO gdEl2aiay mood 6uEdwop auogdapJ, E2oty N 0 0 an et. VD N O --+ (V CTs o M m M 1-1 CV £uEdwoD auogdalay 31.oA maN uopElodlo0 sup puE acladajg g?o3 maN £uedwo0 XEml!ElI dai1EA 112tga"I £uudwOD pEoJl!E)j oA maN puE go'a'l £uEdwo3 auogdaiay alirnaal3 • £usdwo0 auogdaiay uap.iJU Suedwo0 auogdapj, ulagrfOS E2nAED £utdwo3 auogdaiay ,Slawlcd 3UHO1E3 £UEdwoD ycluaaiay puE auogdalay uEarlawV V -c3 no 0 0 H O 00000'0 eF 00 M 0000 d' 0000 O O O 0, I. 'D 00 00 O M V0 N .� ,0 M 00 -+ .••I O •r o0 bset 00 ,0 N N. 0.7 ti M .•• A N O O O� N C4 I-, .•+ O +00'0'0 N N to '000 X00 0, N 00—d• O\ I`'0* bO bO.N.-� m O O dr O� N •r 00 ,o O'.-+ OC I. EA - CD N N • 0 M b O, M d' N m d 00 CV NO N N N N 00 N O '0 00 00 et s.0 Crs 00 N. O, .ti O N .-t ..e O N. se, 69. N 00 d N 00 b n D` N 00 N 0 0) el el m no 0 a 1- 0 op,"a ooZim>,c 3"E 01es.).- U(Z)( MfrWC7C7aUazi 0- M N P CV CV CV - CV M a Nin N 00 00 0- d' M 0 00 oo 3,7541$ 25,6931$ 10,926$ 00 zv 00 H OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 181 Moved by Mr. Myers, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. Mr. Myers, Chairman of the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., rendered a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of Tomp- kins County and the several municipalities thereof, which was received and ordered printed in the Proceedings of the Board. On motion, adjourned to Friday, December 29, 1933, at 10 :30 A. M. Nineteenth Day Friday, December 29, 1933 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 27 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Robert S. Boothroyd appeared before the Board, rela- tive to hold-up and robbery insurance by county employees, on which action was deferred until a later date. Mr. Myers offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $600.00, for postage and incidental expenses of the. Supreme Court Justice, for the year 1934. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $767.69. for overdraft in carrying on the work relief program of the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read a bond of the County Treasurer for the sum of $100,000.00, which was referred to the Committee on Fin- ance. The Clerk read a communication from the County Treasurer, designating the First National Bank of Ithaca, First National Bank of Groton, the First National Bank of Dryden, The Tompkins County National Bank, and the Ithaca Trust Com- pany, as, depositories of county funds for her term of office, beginning January 1, 1934. Moved by Mr. Mott, that the depositories designated by the County Treasurer be approved by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Myers. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its ' adoption : Resolved—That in accordance with the report of the Com- missioner of Welfare, that there be assessed against, levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the following amounts for support of poor and hospitalization, etc., to reim- burse the county for moneys expended for and on their behalf. SUPPORT OF POOR AT COUNTY HOME Caroline $ 147.58 Danby 286.31 Dryden 1,089.03 Enfield 153.50 Groton 593.73 Ithaca Town 214.18 Ithaca City 4,038.57 Lansing 1,216.29 Newfield 32.15 Ulysses 650.30 $8,421.64 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 183 HOSPITALIZATION, ETC. Caroline $ 1,380.31 Danby 1,791.83 . .Dryden 3,530.85 Enfield 1,673.78 Groton 1,735.97 Ithaca Town 2,098.15 Ithaca City 22,780.80 Lansing 6,082.48 Newfield 1,617.65 Ulysses 2,420.16 845,111.98 853,533.62 Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Howell, of the Committee on Finance, reported that that committee had examined the bond for 8100,000.00 as fur- nished by the County Treasurer, and found the same to be cor- rect and moved, that said bond be approved by this Board, both as to form, manner of execution and the sufficiency of the surety. Seconded by Mr. Myers. Carried. Mr. Pierce, Chairman' of the Committee on Correction and Reformation rendered the following report of that committee, relative to the report of the Clerk of Childrens' Court. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on Correction and Reformation reports that it has examined the report of the Clerk of Children's Court as to receipts and disbursements, with the amounts that should be charged to the several political sub -divisions of the county and believes the same to be correct. Your committee would therefor recommend the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved—That in accordance witt the report of the Clerk 184 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Children's Court, there be charged to the following munici- palities of Tompkins County, the sums set opposite the names of the several towns and •city, as follows : City of Ithaca $164.65 Town of Enfield - 29.40 Town of Lansing 4.70 $198.75 Said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city, and the same to be placed in the budgets there- of and collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended. Dated, December 29, 1933.. LESLIE R. PIERCE JOS. B. MYERS RICHARD C. SMITH Committee Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the report be accepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Pierce, Chairman of the Committee on New County Buildings, rendered the following report of that committee, with an itemized statement of the receipts and disbursements and balances standing to the credit of the committee. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. "Y.: Your Committee on New County Buildings wishes to re- port : e -port: That in its opinion the work has been faithfully com- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 185 pleted by all contractors; and that the vouchers for payment of same are in the hands of the Board for inspection at any time. These vouchers represent the amount that the New Court House and New Jail have cost. This cost includes the general contracts, sub -contracts, equipment and all miscellaneous items brought to our attention. Your committee further reports the following items that are not included, but orders have been given for bronze rail- ings for stairways: amount of accepted bid $257.00 plus in- stallation. Approximately $100.00 is due J. E. Van Natta and $200.00 as county's share of court room ceiling correction. There was held out of the Bool Floral Company contract, the sum of $100.00 for spring seeding. Your committee has given consideration and asked prices for, rubber matting in main hall, west entrance, and Court Room entrance. We regret that this committee was unable to complete this item and we fur- ther recommend that the future committee give this item its attention, and that they accept the colors suggested by the Architect. The list of payments attached to this report are, to the best knowledge of this committee, a list of all expenses with refer- ence to construction and equipment cost of the New County Buildings, except a few minor .expenses which the committee was unable to obtain. Dated December 29, 1933. LESLIE R. PIERCE LAGRAND E. CHASE A. J. CONLON SIDNEY L. HOWELL RICHARD C. SMITH Committee on New County Buildings. LIST OF PAYMENTS Hunkin- Conkey Constr. Co.—Gen. Con- . tract $303,79029 Lackawanna Elec. Co.— Elec. Contract 12,295.65 Huffman -W 01 f e C o.— Plumb. & Heat. 65,223.71 Macey Co.—Court Room Interior 13,358.50 '186 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Warren & Co.—Elec. Fix- tures Special 4,943.00 Treman-King & Co. -Hard- ware — 4,979.00 $404,590.15 Plus Architect Fees 24,385.32 $428,975.47 Miscellaneous Expenditures : Hunkin-Conkey Co.—Bal- ance of Bond $ 747.87 L. Tichy Inspectors ... 3,400.00 A. Smith Cucci & Brown, Eng.'s service 78.75. ' Hawkins, Delafield & Longfellow—(Atty. fees reference to Bond Issue)' 965.00 Stagg & Cobb, Atty. for Tompkins Co. 20,305.74 Interest on Borrowed Mon- eys 7,378.99 Carl Crandall, Eng.'s serv- ice 525.00 J. Dall, Jr.—Partition Sup vestibule 146.00 Estus Bardwell, Equip- ment Engineer 1,930.94 Miscellaneous Ins. & Ad- vertising 2,857.08 Roesch Corp.—Jail win- dow locks 20.38 McCann Elec. Co.—Elec bulb stock, switches 163.08 Gen. Bronze Corp. --Bronze Tablet 145.00 Pete's Glass 'Co.—Desk top 18.97 Chas. Seleen,—Chair rails, etc. 130.50 Bool Furniture Co.—Fold- ing chairs 174.00 Bool Floral Co.—Plant- ing contract 950.00 Cornell Co.—Painting 35.5(1 N. Y. State, Elec. Corp. Temporary Power 34.56 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 187 National Elec. Products, Telephone Outlet Covers 21.77 Huffman -Wolfe Co.—Trap fittings 13.00 42,329.13 EQUIPMENT : T r e m a n -King & Co.— Equip. contract $ 6,647.95 Rothschild Bros.—Equip contract 4,565.28 J. E. Van Natta—Equip. contract. 22,668.96 Shulman & Sons—J a i 1 Supplies 117.50 Harvey Glass—Cupboard glass 15.00 Norton Elec. Co.—Spec. Lamp contract 115.91 Kent Co.—Cleaning equip- ment 313.12 Scanlon-Morris—Jail Hos- pital Equip. .180.00 Corner Bookstores— Drafting Board 68.00 Treman-King Co.-Miscl locks, supplies 187.15 Bond Issue $550,000.00 Expenditures 506,183.47 Balance $ 43,816.53 34,878.87 $506,183.47 Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report of the committee be accepted, approved and adopted, with the thanks of the Board to the committee for the honest, efficient and painstaking man- ner in which it discharged its duties. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes—Messrs. Chase, Snow, Smiley, Mott, Rumsey, Smith, Van Order, Myers, Howell, Pierce, Payne and Stone -12. Noes—Messrs. Blackmer and Conlon -2. Resolution carried. 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Smith presented the following report of the Committee on Highways, which was laid on the table, two days under the rule : Your Committee on Highways reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", • and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No. of Claiin Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 58 59 148 B. I. Vann B. I. Vann Am. Surety Co. Inc Highways Highways Highways Respectively submitted, this 29th day of December, 1933. Expenses 1$ Clerical wrk_I Prem. bond 1$ 419.281$ 419.28 16.201 16.20 25.001 25.00 460.481$ 460.48 RICHARD C. SMITH SIDNEY L. HOWELL F. J. PAYNE LAGRAND E. CHASE W. O. SMILEY Committee Moved by Mr. Smith, that the report be taken from the table and'passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Snow. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolvent—That the report of the Committee on Highways, be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be' audited and allowed, at the amounts recommended by the com- mittee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 189 Seconded by Mr. Howell. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Conlon presented the following report of the Committee on Coroner and. Justices' Accounts, which was laid on .the table, two days under the rule : Your Committee on Coroner and Justices'. Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins to the amount indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No. of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 144 145 Dr. Wm. A. Smith Coroner N. Y. State Gas & Elec. Coroner Geo. B. Sickmon I Justice C. L. Brainaid Justice City of Ithaca Arthur G. Bennett Ed. Slights Douglas Carpenter -- Carlton Kintz Expenses City Ct. Justice Constable Justice Justice Respectively submitted, this 29th day of December, 1933. 1$ Expenses 1 Fees in Felony Fees in Felony__ Fees in Felony._ Dog Quar. Dog Quar. Fees in Felony__ Fees in Felony 56.39J$ 56.39 22.101 22.10 5.00 5.00 5.501 5.50 44,20 44.20 5.60 5.60 9.30 9.30 4.80 4.80 12.45 12.45 $ 165.34$ 165.34 A. J. CONLON L. P. STONE W. C. BLACKMER Committee Moved by Mr. Conlon, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Smith. 190 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS` By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Conldn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts, be accepted and that the bills and -ac- counts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claims Nos. 65 and 66 out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. , Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Snow presented the following report of the Committee on Charities, which was laid on the table, two days under the rule : Your Committee on Charities reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW' YORK 191 E V 0 0 z Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 53 55 56 57 149 150 151 152 153 154 Fred A. Rogalsky Syracuse Mem. Hosp Dr. S. Leroy Sahler Reconstruction Home Reconstruction Home Reconstruction Home Reconstruction Home Reconstruction Home Reconstruction Home Dr. H. L. Prince T. B. Hosp. .... Crippled Child Crippled Child Crippled Child Crippled Child Crippled Child Crippled Child Crippled Child Crippled Child Crippled Child Respectively submitted, this 29th day of December, 1933. Insurance 1$ 37.231$ 37.23 Treatment 34.00 34.00 Treatment 5.00 5.00 Treatment 171.00 171.00 Treatment 95.00 95.00 Treatment 90.00 90.00 Treatment I 90.00' 90.00 Treatment 45.00 45.00 Treatment 48.00 48.00 Treatment 75.00 75.00 1$ 690.234 690.23 LAMON.T C. SNOW L. P. STONE C. A. MOTT Committee Moved by Mr. Snow, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Payne. By unanimous consent, the report was' taken from'the table. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Charities, be accepted and adopted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited at the amounts recommended by that commit- tee. Seconded by Mr. Myers. • Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Mott, Chairman of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., presented the following report, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : 192 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc.; reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount in- dicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. • U 0 0 z Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable • Nature of Expense • Claimed Allowed 1 2 3 4 5 6 • 146 147 R. C. Warren Insane Dr. R. C. Warren __.. Insane Dr. W. H. York Insane Dr. W. G. Fish Insane Ithaca Journal -News Educational Central N. Y. Insti- tute for' Deaf -Mutes Dr. H. G. Bull Dr. H. H. Crum Deaf -Mutes Insane Insane Respectively submitted, this 29th day of December, 1933. Ex. in Lunacy Ex. in Lunacy Ex. in Lunacy Ex. in Lunacy Notice -- Scholarship __ Clothing Ex. in Lunacy Ex. in Lunacy 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 9.601 9.60 100.00 10.00 $ 40.00 100.00 10.00 $ 40.00 $ 199.601$ 199.60 C. A. MOTT LAMONT C. SNOW FRED VAN ORDER Committee Moved by Mr. Mott, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution andmoved its adoption. Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. be accepted and that the bills and accounts. therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee, and be it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 193 Resolved—That Claim No. 6 be charged to the Town of Ithaca, and that Claims Nos. 3 and 146, be charged to the Town of Danby; that Claims Nos. 1 and 2 and $20.00 of Claim No. 147, be charged to the City of Ithaca ; , that Claim No. 4 and $10.00 of Claim No. 147, be charged to the Town of Newfield; and that $10.00 of Claim No. 147 be charged to the Town of Lansing; said claims being properly chargeable to said city and towns, the same to be placed in the tax budgets of those municipalities and to be collected at the next tax levy to re- imburse the county for moneys expended. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Smiley presented the following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, which was laid on the table, two days under the rule : • Your Committee on County -Officers and Compensation re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS E U w O 0 z Claimant and Assignment Account to . which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 107jL. C. Snow Supervisors 108 W. O. Smiley Supervisors 109 Carl A. Mott Supervisors 110 Alan T. Rumsey Supervisors 111Richard C. Smith Supervisors 112 Lagrand Chase Supervisors 113 Andrew J. Conlon .. Supervisors 114 Forest J. Payne Supervisors 115 Lepine Stone Supervisors 116 Fred Van Order Supervisors 117 W. C. Blackmer Supervisors 118 Joseph B. Myers Supervisors 119 Sidney L. Howell ..___ Supervisors 120 Leslie R. Pierce Supervisors Respectively submitted, this 29th day of December, 1933. Annual Ses Annual Ses Annual Ses Annual Ses Annual Ses Annual Ses Annual Ses Annual Ses Annual Ses Annual Ses Annual Ses Annual Ses Annual Ses Annual Ses $87.08 95.96 96.80 96.60 98.20 95.96 91.28 97.24 76.92 70.00 95.00 90.00 95.00 95.00 $87.08 95.96 96.80 96.60 98.20 95.96 91.28 97.24- 76.92 7.2476.92 70.00 95.00 90.00 95.00 95.00 $1,281.041 $1,281.04 LAGRAND E. CHASE ' W. O. SMILEY C. A. MOTT Committee Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved -That the report of the Committee on County Offi- cers and Compensation be accepted, and that the bills and ac- counts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes -14. Noes -O. Carried. Mr. Payne presented the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, which was laid on OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 195 the table, two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Clerk and Election, Expenses re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims. in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the. County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No. of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 37 165 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 141 142 143 Matthew Bender Co. Co. Judge Law Books Hall & McChesney .... Co. Judge Record Book _... Underw'd Type. Co. Co. Judge Supplies Dennis & Co., .Inc...... Co. Judge Law Book Lawyers •Co -Op McKinney's Pub. Co. Co. Judge Supp. Corner Bookstores .... Co. Judge Typewriter Ithaca Jour. -News .... Co. Clerk Pub. Notices _... Corner Bookstores .... Co. Clerk Picture Frames Corner Bookstores .... Co. Clerk Supplies J. E. Van Natta Co. Clerk Supplies Warden, Auburn Pri. Mot. Veh. CIk. Freight on Plate Norton Printing Co... Elections Printing Jennie B. Thayer ._.. Elections Clerical Work Raymond L. Burns .. Elections Com. Expenses Raymond L. Burns ..1Elections Clerical Work Ithaca Jour. -News Elections Pub. Notices .._, J. E. Van Natta Com. of Elec. Repair Type. J. E. Van Natta Co. Judge Pen Set Corner 'Bookstores ._._ Co. Judge Supplies Respectively submitted, this 29th day of December, 1933. Moved by Mr. Payne, that th and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. $ . 4.00 $ 4.00 40.00 40.00 14.00 14.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 117.00 117.00 4.16 4.16 7.50 7.50 13.13 13.13 17.45 17.45 61.85 61.85 17.75 17.75 17.50 17.50 2.00 2.00 17.50 17.50 82.84 82.84 1.25 1.25 4.50 4.50 11.00 11.00 $453.43 $453.4-3 F. J. PAYNE FRED VAN ORDER W. 0. SMILEY Committee e report be taken from the table 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Payne offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted, and that the bills and ac- counts therein listed be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Smiley, of the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation, presented the following report, which was laid on the table, two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No: of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 John J. Sinsabaugh __ Co. Sealer Expenses J. E. Van Natta . Sup. Ct. Supplies Hand Stamp Co. Supervisors Rubber stamp . Ithaca Journal -News Supervisors Pub. Notices .... Ithaca Journal -News Supervisors Pub. Notices _... Ithaca': Journal -News Supervisors Pub. Notices _... Corner Bookstores Supervisors .... Supplies Groton Journal -Cour. Supervisors ._.. Pub. Notices __ Ithaca Journal -News Supervisors .... Bond Issue Leslie Tyler Court House __ Freight & Cartage McCann Elec. Co..... Court House .. Supplies McCann Elec. Co. _...Court House ._ Fan Layton Dawes Court House __ Moving Rothschild Bros. ...... Court House ._ Supplies $ 158.26 $ 158.26 41.45 41.45 3.20 3.20 9.12 9.12 181.00 181.00 39.40 39.40 35.34 35.34 3.88 3.88 14.00 14.00 1.97 1.97 50.19 50.19 31.00 31.00 14.00 14.00 26.88 26.88 id 0 z OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 197 Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature • of Expense Claimed Allowed 211C. J. Rumsey & Co. __ Court House _. 22 Robinson & Carpenter Court House __ 23 Corner Bookstores .... Co. Bldg. 24 The Quality Shop .-.. Co. Bldg. 25 C. J. Rumsey & Co.._ Co. Clk. Bldg 121 Fuller Brush Co. __ Co. Bldg. 122 Treman, King & Co. Co. Bldg. 123 McCann Electric Co. Co. Bldg. 124 National Products Electric Co. Co. Bldg. 125 Geo. D. Cornell Co. __ Co. Bldg. 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 -135 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 N. Y. Elec. & Gas Co. Co. Bldg. Norton Electric Co. .. Co. Bldg. Huffman -Wolfe Co. . Co. Bldg. C. J. Rumsey & Co. _ Co. Bldg. Troy Studio Co. Bldg. Hartford Steam Boiler Co. Co. Boilers Fred L. Clock 'Supervisors _._. Joseph Myers .. Supervisors .__. Bert Patten Supervisors .... Hon. Riley H. Heath1Sup. Ct. Judge H. A. Carey Co. Co. Bldgs. Chas B. Stanion & Son Co. Bldgs. Leland D. Van Rensselaer Co. Bldgs. John D. Kinney Co... Co. Bldgs. E. S. Preston & Sons .. Co. Bldgs. P. W. Wood & Son _ Co. Bldgs. Harold J. Palmer _ Co. Bldgs. Fred A. Rogalsky ...._ Co. Bldgs. Clarence C. Squier _ Co. Bldgs. David N. Van Hoesen Co. Bldgs. Supplies Supplies Flag Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Labor & Materials __ Temp. Lght. _._ Desk Lamps Traps Supplies Photographs __ Insurance Disburse- ments Comm. Work Clock Postage Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insu rance Insurance Respectfully submitted, this 29th day of December, 1933. 130.251 130.25 52.261 52.26 7.25 7.25 11.50 11.50 4.60 4.60 19.70 19.70 1.50 1.50 61.47 61.47 21.77 35.50 34.56 7.24 13.00 5.55 236.00 497.33 111.00 35.00 32.32 30.00 227.50 91.88 91.88 175.00 420.00 70.00 140.00 70.00 175.00 61.25 21.77 35.50 34.56 7.24 13.00 5.55 236.00 497.33 111.00 35.00 32.32 30.00 227.50 91.88 91.88 175.00 420.00 70.00 140.00 70.00 175.00 61.25 $ 3,480.001 $3,480.00 LAGRAND E. CHASE W. 0. SMILEY . A. J. CONLON Committee. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that thereport be taken from the table and passed at this time. 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Snow. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be accepted, and that the claims and accounts therein listed be audited at the amounts relcom- mended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes -14. Noes -O. Carried. Mr. Pierce presented the following report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule :, Your Committee on Correction and Reformation reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No. of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 26 McCann Elec. Co. .. 27 C. J. Rumsey & Co... 28 Arthur G. Adams __.. 29 Ithaca Journal -News 30 Stover Printing Co. 31 Ithaca Journal -News 32 Onondaga Co. Pen. — 136 137 Jail Jail Dist. Atty Sheriff Dist. Atty Sheriff Penal Inst Treman, King & Co. Jail Dr. H. H. Crum Jail Physician Supplies Supplies Expenses Pub. Notices ._ Supplies Pub. Notices Bd. of Pris- oners Supplies Services 5.60 44.60 45.68 32.40 8.50 25.66 1,767.16 21.20 66.50 $ 5.60 44.60 45.68 32.40 8.50 25.66 1,767.16 21.20 66.50 $ 2,017.30 $ 2,017.30 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 199 Respectively submitted, this 29th day of December, 1933. LESLIE R. PIERCE, JOS. B. MYERS, R. C. SMITH, Committee. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the report be taken from the table, and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation be accepted, and that the .bills and accounts therein listed be audited at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Smiley . Ayes -14. Noes. -0. Carried. Mr. Mott presented the following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, which was laid on the table • two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your com- mittee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 33 American Surety Co. 34 J. E. Van Natta 35 Groton Journal -Cour 361Ithaca Journal -News 138 American Surety Co. 139 American Surety Co. 140 Fred A. Rogalsky Co. Treas. 1Bond $ 13.50 $ 13.50 Co. Treas. Supplies .90 .90 Co. Treas. Printing 737.60 737.60 Co. Treas. Printing -1,372.56 1,372.56 Co. Treas. Bond 6.75 , 6.75 Co. Treas. Bond 506.25 506.25 Co. Treas. Bond 506.25 506.25 $ 3,143.81 $ 3,143.81 Respectively submitted, this 29th day 'of December, 1933. . C. A. MOTT R. C. SMITH W. C. BLACKMER Committee. Moved by Mr. Mott, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Payne. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts be accepted and that the claims and ac- counts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. - Ayes -14. • Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Mott, Chairman of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, rendered the following report of the committee, re- lative to the Mortgage Tax Moneys, now in the hands of the County Treasurer. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 201 To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, hereby renders the following report, relative to the Mortgage Tax Moneys received and the allocation thereof to be made, as fol- lows : Caroline. $ 37.14 Danby 25.24 Dryden 123.49 Enfield 14.82 Groton 96.73 Ithaca City 1,385.05 Ithaca Town 531.75 Lansing 87.15 Newfield 40.76 Ulysses - 113.08 $2,455.21 Your committee finds that of the amount to which the Town 'of, Dryden is entitled, there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Dryden, the sum of $10.15 andto the incorporated Village of Freeville, the sum of $5.66 ;'of the amount of $96.73 to which the Town of Groton is entitled, there should be paid to the incorporated Village. of Groton, the sum of $27.08; of the amount of $531.75 to which the Town of Ithaca, is en- titled, there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Cayuga Heights, the sum of $104.75 ; and of the amount of $113.08 to which the Town of Ulysses is entitled, there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Trumansburg, the sum of $20.90; your committee therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, relative to the Mortgage Tax Moneys, and the allocation thereof, as therein made, be accepted and adopted and that this Board issues its warrant to the County Treasurer for the distribution thereof to the several tax dis- tricts of the county entitled thereto, as herein set forth. Dated, December 29, 1933. C. A. MOTT W. C. BLACKMER R. C. SMITH Committee. 202 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Mott, that the report of the committee be ac- cepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Thursday, January 4th, 1934 at 10 :30 A. M. Twentieth Day Thursday, January 4, 1934 MORNING SESSION The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins met in annual session at their rooms in the Court House in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Thursday, January 4, 1934, and was called to order by Lagrand Chase, Chairman of the preceding Board. Roll call. All members present.. The first order of business being the election of a Tempor- ary Chairman, Mr. Myers placed in nomination, the name of Mr. Fred D. Van Order, of the City of Ithaca, as Temporary Chairman. Mr. Van Order's nomination was seconded by Mr. Osborn. There being no other nominations, Mr. Chase declared Mr. Van Order elected Temporary Chairman, and Mr. Van Order took the chair. Mr. Chase placed in nomination Joseph B. Myers, as Per- manent Chairman. Mr. Myers' nomination was seconded by Mr. Conlon. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Chase, the Temoprary Chairman was directed to cast one ballot for Joseph B. Myers. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 203 Mr. Van Order, Temporary Chairman, cast one vote for Joseph B. Myers and declared him elected. Permanent Chair- man, and Mr. Myers took the chair. On motion of Mr. Snow, the Board proceeded by informal ballot in the election of a Clerk. Messrs. Stone and Veit were appointed tellers. The tellers reported the whole number of votes cast were 14, of which E. W. Kostenbader received 3 Walter D. Helm received 2 William 0. Smiley received 4 Charles Barker received 4 Charles Moe received 1 The first formal ballot resulted as follows': Whole number of votes cast were 14; of which E. W. Kostenbader received 2 Walter D. Helm received 3 William 0. Smiley received 4 Charles Barker received 5 No one receiving a majority%•of all the votes cast, another ballot was taken. The second formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which , Walter D. Helm received . 4 William 0. Smiley received 5 Charles Barker received 5 No one receiving a majority of all the votes cast, another ballot was taken. The third formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which William 0. Smiley received 8 Charles Barker received 6 Mr. Smiley having received a majority of all the votes cast, the Chairman declared Mr. Smiley elected Clerk of the Board. 204 ' PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS On motion of Mr. Snow, seconded by Mr. Stevenson, the Board proceeded in the election of a County Attorney, for the term of two years. The tellers reported the whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Abraham Feinberg received 1 Truman K. Powers received 1 Charles H. Newman received 8 William Dicker received 2 Lawrence Mintz received 2 On motion of Mr. Miller, the Chairman cast one ballot for Charles H. Newman and declared him duly elected County Attorney, for this Board, for two years. The Chairmanannounced the following Standing Commit- tees, for the year 1934 : RULES AND LEGISLATION Squier, Albright, Stevenson EQUALIZATION, ETC. Osborn, Chase, Miller, Snow Mott, •Watrous, Myers TOWN AND COUNTY ACCOUNTS Miller, Veit, Mott TOWN EXPENSES, ETC. Van Order, Albright, Squier " RETURNED TAXES - Stone, Conlon, Mott COUNTY OFFICERS AND COMPENSATION Mott, Van Order, Snow ' COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS. Snow, Myers, Conlon CORONER AND JUSTICES' ACCOUNTS Albright, Stone, Watrous CORRECTION AND REFORMATION • Osborn, Miller, Myers OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK AND ELECTION. EXPENSES Conlon, Veit, Stevenson CHARITIES Snow, Stone, Myers SOLDIERS' RELIEF, ETC. Stevenson, Osborn, Conlon HIGHWAYS Watrous, Chase, Stevenson, Albright, Van Order FINANCE Chase, Stone, Myers CONTRACT •SUPPLIES Van Order, Chase, Veit 205. JAIL SUPPLIES Mott, Conlon, Watrous AUDITING ACCOUNTS OF THE TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL Veit, Albright, Squier TO SELL LANDS ACQUIRED BY THE COUNTY AT TAX SALE Squier HIGHWAY ADVISORY Myers, Chase, Miller BRIDGE ADVISORY Mott, Conlon COMPENSATION INSURANCE Snow, Stone, Veit COUNTY LABORATORY Osborn, Watrous, Miller ENFORCEMENT OF THE QUARANTINE ON DOGS Stone, Van Order, Stevenson COUNTY BUILDING Squier, Conlon, Snow, Chase, Myers SNOW EQUIPMENT Veit, Miller, Van Order, Osborn, Watrous REFORESTATION Stevenson, Albright, Squier 206 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF :SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Chase, that the committee designations, as announced by the Chairman, beapproved by this Board, as the regular committees for the year 1934. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Upon the call of the roll by towns, the following Super- visors answered.to their names, with post -office addresses as follows : Caroline—Lamont C. Snow, Brooktondale, R. D. 1. Danby—Thomas G. Miller, Ithaca, R. D. 4. Dryden—Carl A. Mott, Dryden, R. D. 1. Enfield—Harvey Stevenson, Ithaca, R. D. 3. 'Groton—Denton J. Watrous, 101 Park St., Groton. Ithaca—Lagrand E. Chase, Ithaca, R. D. 4. Lansing—Andrew J. Conlon, South Lansing. Newfield—Roy Albright, Newfield, N. Y. Ulysses—LePine Stone, Trumansburg, N. Y. Ithaca City— First Ward -Fred D. Van Order, 511 W. Seneca St. Second Ward—Henry 0. Veit, 106 Hyers St. Third Ward—Joseph B. Myers, 325 W. Buffalo St. Fourth Ward—R. C. Osborn, 303 N. Aurora St. Fifth Ward—Clarence C. Squier, 216 University Ave. Minutes of December 29, 1933 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Chase presented the following report of the Committee on Finance, relative to the County Budget, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule : Your Committee on Finance wishes to report that, in its opinion, the following appropriations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the County for the next ensuing fiscal year, viz.: APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL FUND Contributions : ' State Tax—Armory Purposes $ 7,957.82 Stenographers, Etc. 7,110.41 $ 15,068.23 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 207 Tax Expenses, Etc.: Tax Notices, Etc. $ 2,110.16 Redemption Advertising 259.84 Refunds—Howland & Wyckoff, Dryden 11.45 , C. W. Baltz, Dryden 17.20 2,398.65 Legislative: Supervisors—Compensation '$ 5,459.00 Expenses. and Mileage 1,040.36 Board Expenses 397.14 Stenographer 780.00 Clerk—Salary 1800.00 Expenses 308.93 Postage 60.00 Attorney 500.00 $ 10,345.43 Administrative Buildings: Co. Ct. House—Supt. of Buildings— Salary $ 1,200.00 .Chief Engineer— Salary 1,200.00 Assistant Engineer— Salary 960.00 Watchman 1,000.00 , Janitors 2,160.00 Telephone Operator 780.00 Insurance 1,75000 Old County Clerk's Bldg.—Insurance 40.50 Repairs 6.88 Boiler Insurance 497.33 Supplies, Etc. .1,415.89 $ 11,010.60 Judicial: Supreme Court Judge—Postage and Incidentals $ 600.00 Expenses .. 98.95 $ 698.95 208. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County Judge—Salary $ , 5,000.00 Special County Judge and Surrogate— Salary 600.00 Assistants 3,000.00 Expenses 276.10 $ 8,876.10 - Children's Court: Judge—Salary $ 1,500.00 Clerk 800.00 $ 2,300.00 Courts: Supreme $ 8,000.00 County 800.00 $ 8,800.00 Court Library $ 250.00 County Clerk: Salary $ 3,600.00 Deputy Clerk 1,500.00 Motor Vehicle Clerk 1,500.00 Assistants 7,100.00 Postage 225.00 County Clerk and Assistants Bonds 60.00 Motor Vehicle Clerk's Bond 30.00 Postage—Motor Vehicle Clerk 500.00 Expenses 640.39 $ 15,155.39 Administrative 'Officers: Commissioners of Election Salaries $ 1,800.00 Postage, Etc. 400.00 Expenses 253.65 $ 2,463.65 ' Elections—County Canvass $ 78.66 Election Expenses 7,368.05 $ 7,446.71 County Treasurer: Salary $ 2,800.00 Clerk Hire 1,500.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK . 209 Postage 250.00 Bond -General 1,012.00 Bond—Highway 60.00 Expenses 155.93 $ 5,777.93 Cornell Library Association $ 3,000.00 Regulative Officers: Sealer of Weights and Measures— Salary $ 900.00 Expenses 500.00 Other Expenses 158.26,$ 1,558.26 , ' Corrective Officers: District Attorney—Salary $ 2,400.00 Office Expenses 800.00 Other Expenses 308.38 $ 3,508.38 Sheriff—Salary $ 2,400.00 Expenses 1,500.00 Other Expenses 1,878.35 Bond 75.00 Under Sheriff 1,320.00 Two Turnkeys and One Deputy 1,680.00 Jail Matron 300.00 $ 9,153.35 Probation Officer—Salary $ 1,200.00 Coroner—Salary $ 700.00 Expenses 100.00 Other Expenses 78.49 $ 878.49 Punishment: Jail Physician $ 66.50 Expenses 154.48 $ 220.98 Onondaga County penitentiary $ 1,767.16 Contract Supplies: Heat and Light $ 5,000.00 Heat at County Home 1,500.00 Telephones 2,000.00 $ 8,500.00 210 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Reforestation $ 200.00 Public Health: County Laboratory Public Health Nurses Eradication Bovine Tuberculosis $ 6,500.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 $ 13,500.00 Educational: Farm Bureau $ 2,500.00 Home Bureau 2,500.00 Junior Extension 2,500.00 Deaf -Mutes 100.00 Educational Notices 9.60 County Library 4,000.00 $ 11,609.60 Compensation Insurance: Expenses of Investigation State Department Appropriation 500.00 85.65 2,000.00 $ 2,585.65 Employees' Retirement System $ 3,169.00 General Fund $ 20,000.00 Temporary Loans $ 8,373.00 Temporary Loans—Interest $ 1,151.19 County Court House and Jail Bonds—Intereest $ 27,500.00- - Total Appropriation $238,466.70 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the General Fund— Levy on Towns for State Tax $15,068.23 Levy on Towns for Election Expenses 4,389.05 Levy on Towns to Reimburse County for— Deaf-Mutes 100.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 211 Sheriff's Expenses 234.25 Expenses of Children's Court :198.75 Refund Taxes 28.65 Fees of County Clerk 17,396.93 Fees of Surrogate's Clerk 103.32 Unexpended Balance on Bond Issue $40,000.00 $ 77,519.18 Net Amount Required for General Fund Appropriation $160,947.52 APPROPRIATION FROM THE POOR FUND Charitable, Improvident Poor: Commissioner of Welfare—Salary • $ 2,000.00 County Poor 9,062.69 County Home—Expenses 325.97 Civil Works Relief $ 6,000.00 Work Relief Appropriation 20,767.69 $ 26,767.69 Almshouse Inmates $ 6,600.00 Outside Relief 12,000.00 Hospitalization 12,000.00 Dependent Children— Foster Homes $9,000.00 Institutional Care 1,200.00 10,200.00 Physician 600.00 Medicine 400.00 Chaplain 150.00 Nurse in Men's Ward 240.00 Transportation for Investigators 500.00 Commissioner's Stenographer's Salary 600.00 Commissioner's Office Expenses • 600.00 Legal Fees 250.00 Agents' Salary 1,600.00 Keeper's Salary 1,200.00 General Expenses for Commissioner 150.00 Extra Stenographer 720.00 $ 47,810.00 Old Age Security: For allowances Granted Applicants of County Districts $18,500.00 • Investigator's Salary 1,700.00 212 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Stenographer 495.00 Office Expenses 100.00 Traveling expenses 325.00 Extra Stenographer 220.00 $ 21,340.00 Charitable—Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis Hospital— Maintenance $18,000.00 Insurance 305.38 $ .18,305.38 Mental Diseases: Insane $ 90.00 Insane Nov. Audit 30.00 $ 120.00 Dependent Widows and Children: Board of Child Welfare $ 6,000.00 Soldiers, Sailors, Etc.: $ 75.00 Crippled Children: $ 1,823.25 Total Appropriation $133,629.98 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the Poor Fund— Levy on Towns to Reimburse the County for : Support of Poor at County Home $8,421.64 Examinations in Lunacy 30.00 Hospitalization, Etc. 45,111.98 $, 53,563.62 Net Amount Required for Poor Fund • Appropriation $ 80,066.36 APPROPRIATION FROM THE HIGHWAY FUND Maintenance: Superintendent of Highways— Salary $ 3,000.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 213 Expenses 1,500.00 Office Expenses , 542.48. $ 5,042.48 Construction: Sinking Fund on Bonds—Principal $ 2,543.05 • Interest 5,086.16 $ 7,629.21 County System of Roads: 'Construction Under §320-A $28,110.00 Graveling Town Roads 9,000.00 $ 37,110.00 Rights of Way $ 10,000.00 Machinery: Building Insurance $ 244.60 County Highway Indebtedness: Highway Bonds—Principal $14,000.00 Interest ' 4,957.50 $ 18,957.50 Total Appropriation $ 78,983.79 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to Highway Fund— Levy on Towns to Reimburse the County For : Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds $ 1,440.87 Net Amount Required for' Highway Fund Appropriation $ 77,542.92 • Your committee. further reports that the foregoing appro- . priations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the county government for the next ensuing fiscal year, in pay- ment of 1. Armory Purpose Tax, pursuant to Military Law, as amended, Court and Stenographers' Tax, pursuant to Article 6, Section 12, of the State Constitution and the Judiciary Law, as amended. 214 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 2. Salaries of officers and employees,heretofore authorized by this Board. 3. Claims audited and allowed by this Board. 4. Claims to be audited at quarterly sessions of this Board, claims to be audited by the Commissioner of Public Welfare, duly authorized certificates and other expenses to be paid prior to the next ensuing tax levy. ' 5. .Amounts to become due on contracts. 6. The amounts to be paid for Sinking Fund and Interest on State Highway Bonds. 7. County Indebtedness and Interest thereon. 8. Appropriations by this Board for other specific pur- poses, and .estimated amounts required for unforeseen con- tingencies. Your committee further reports, that from the report of the County Treasurer, the receipts of the previous year and other information available, it is estimated that the amounts in- dicated will be available from the various sources specified, to the expenditures for the above purposes, and such amounts are deducted from the estimated amounts required, in fixing the amount to be raised by tax levy. Dated, January 4, 1934. LAGRAND CHASE L. P. STONE Committee. Moved by Mr. Chase, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Mott. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its -adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee be accepted, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 215 that the several amounts therein specified be and hereby are appropriated from the funds indicated, to and for the pur- poses enumerated, and be it further Resolved—That all moneys received by the County Treas- urer, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for by law, or act of this Board, be credited' by her to the general, poor or highway fund, in accord with the nature of such re- ceipt, and be it further Resolved—That of the unexpended balance of the Bond Issue for the erection of the new Tompkins County Court House and Jail, now in the hands of the County Treasurer, there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $40,000.00 to the General Fund, and be it further Resolved—That in case of a deficiency in any appropriation, the County Treasurer, upon the written approval of a majority of the members of the Finance Committee, is hereby author- ized to transfer from the general fund, the poor fund or the highway fund respectively, for the purpose of meeting any payment ordered by this Board, or required by law, which amounts are hereby appropriated for such purposes, but in no case is the County Treasurer authorized to transfer from the general fund or the poor fund to any other fund, without a resolution of this Board, specifically authorizing her so to do, and be it further Resolved—That there be assessed upon, levied against and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, liable therefore For State Tax $ 15,068.23 For County, General and Poor Tax 241,013.88 For County Highway Fund Tax 77,542.92 $333;625.03 Seconded by Mr. Conlon. i Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved,—That all amounts standing to the credit of any 216 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS item of the general or poor fund on January 1, 1934, except such items where the State or any municipalities of the county contributes, and any amounts standing to the credit of the item on Compensation Insurance, be and the same hereby are re -appropriated to the general fund, and be it further Resolved --That any moneys contributed by the State, or any municipalities of the county subsequent to January 1, 1934, shall be credited by the County Treasurer to the fund from which paid, and to be paid• out only on the order of the Board of Supervisors, except the moneys contributed by the State to the County Public Health Committee and the County Laboratory. Seconded by Mr: Squier. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried: The Clerk read the report of the County Treasurer, relative to the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund on January 1,' 1934, which was referred to the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, rendered the following report, relative to the report of the County Treasurer of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund on January 1, 1934. Your Committee reports that it has examined the report submitted by the County Treasurer, relative to the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund on January 1, 1934. Your committee finds that the total amount received in- cluding balance from the previous year, was $8,869.60 and the total disbursements were $7,641.45, making a total surplus for the year of $1,228.15. That 75% of the above surplus, amounting to $921.12, is to • be apportioned to the city and towns in proportion to the con- tribution made by each and is as follows : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 217 Cities and Towns Contributing Amount contributed including penalties and costs Apportionment of seventy-five per cent of surplus Caroline $ 730.00 $ 89.07 Danby 401.00 48.91 Dryden 1,212.50 148.30 Enfield 328.00 39.98 Groton 1,001.45 122.51 Ithaca 922.00 112.47 Lansing 860.95 105.10 Newfield 488.00 59.50 Ulysses 618.00 75.53 Ithaca City 983.20 - 119.75 Dated, January. 4, 1934. LAMONT C. SNOW JOS. B. MYERS A. J. CONLON . Committee. Mr. Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, relative to the moneys in the hands of the County Treasurer in the Dog Fund, be accepted and that the County Treasurer be and hereby is directed to pay to the several towns in the county and the City of Ithaca, the fore- going amounts, as apportioned by her and now approved by this Board, out of the surplus moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund on January 1, 1934. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -14. Noes -0. 'Carried. On motion, adjourned to Saturday, January 6, 1934 at 10 :30 A. M. 218 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Twenty-first Day Saturday, January 6, 1934 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of January 4 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Osborn, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., presented the following report of that committee, rela- tive to the apportionment of taxes for the year 1933, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON APPORTIONMENT OF TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1933 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y. : Your Committee on Equalization, etc., whose duty it is to apportion the various taxes among the several towns of . the county and the City of Ithaca, reports that the following amounts shall be paid by the several towns and the City of Ithaca, for the State Tax for General Purposes, Armory Pur- poses and Stenographers, etc., Purposes, County Tax for Gen- eral and Poor Purposes and County Tax for Highway Pur- poses, as fellows : Towns Total State Tax z`� w0 0 • Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca, City Ithaca, Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 1,122,268 1,096,070 3,726,809 652,775 3,43 5,479 39,957,592 6,232,767 3,187,055 1,162,710 2,792,843 $ 267.29 $ 140.94 261.02 137.65 887.53 468.02 155.45 82.09 818.16 431.44 9,515.90 5,017.96 1,484.33 782.72 758.99 400.24 276.90 146.02 665.11 350.74 $ 4,268.53 4,168.89 14,174.88 2,482.82 13,066.81 151,978.30 23,706.26 12,121.93 4,422.35 10,622.55 $63,366.368 $15,090.68 $ 7,957.82 $241,013.32 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 219 Towns 0 U b v CiD EF EI Caroline 1$ 1,123,2131$ 1,373.69 Danby 1,109,306 1,356.68 Dryden 3,735,577 4,568.60 Enfield 657,456 804.06 Groton 3,435,627 4,201.77 Ithaca, City 39,959,310 48,870.23 Ithaca, Town 6,236,860 7,627.67 Lansing 3,187,212 3,897.95 Newfield 1,166,833 1,427.23 Ulysses 2,796,592 3,420.22 $ 5,909.51 5,786.59 19,631.01 3,442.33 18,086.74 210,364.43 32,818.26 16,778.87 6,126.48 14,707.88 $63,407,986 $ 77,548.10 $336,552.10 Dated January 6, 1934. Rate for State Tax $ .23815 per $1000. Rate for County, General and Poor Tax $3.80349 per $1000. Rate for County Highway Tax $1.223. per $1000. R. C. OSBORN, Chairman D. J. WATROUS C. A. MOTT LAMONT C. SNOW LAGRAND CHASE THOS. G. MILLER JOS. B. MYERS Committee. Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 220 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Equaliza- tion, Etc., on the Apportionment of Taxes, be accepted and adopted, and that the several amounts therein listed for state tax, county. tax. and county highway tax for the year 1933, against the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, be assessed against, levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns and city liable therefor. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Chase presented the following report of the Committee on Finance, relative to Town Budgets for the several towns and city of the county which was laid on the table two days, under the rule : Your Committee on Finance reports that the following tab- ulated statements show the appropriations that will -be neces- sary to meet the expenditures of the several towns in the coun- ty and the City of Ithaca, for the ensuing fiscal year, as set forth in the following budgets : OF TOMPKINS • COUNTY, NEW YORK 221 TOWN OF CAROLINE To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 267.29 County Tax 4,268.53 County Highway Tax 1,373.69 Due . County 50.40 Support of Poor at County Home 147.58 Election Expenses 284.06 Hospitalization, Etc. 1,380.31 Sheriff's Expenses 56.10 $ 7,827.96 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$448.50 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $ 2,408.24 Highways 2,900.00 Bridges 700.00 Machinery 2,000.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 2,250.00 General Fund 1,300.00 $ 11,558.24 TOTAL BUDGET $ 19,834.70 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Brooktondale $604.64 Slaterville Springs 637.68 TAX RATES— General .00860 Highway .00780 Total .01640 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Brooktondale .00379 Slaterville Springs .0048 • 222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DANBY To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 261.02 County Tax 4,168.89 County Highway Tax 1,356.68 Due County 24.22 Support of Poor at County Home 286.31 Hospitalization, Etc. 1,791.83 Election Expenses 284.06 Sheriff's Expenses 29.40 Examinations in Lunacy . 20.00 $ 8,222.41 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$973.00 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $ 1,872.23 Highways 3,000.00 Bridges 200.00 ,Machinery 2,600.00 Miscellaneous -and Snow 2,800.00 Certificates of Indebtedness and Int1,500.00 General Fund 1,000.00 $ 12,972.23 TOTAL BUDGET $ 22,167.64 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Danby $330.00 West Danby 315.00 TAX RATES— General .0095 Highway .00832 Total .01782 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Danby .0023 West Danby . .0051 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 228 TOWN OF DRYDEN To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 887.53. County Tax 14,174.88 County Highway Tax 4,568.60 Sinking Fund & Interest, Road No. 681 243.11 Sinking Fund & Interest, Road No. 682 269.13 Sinking Fund &'Interest, Road No. 683 278.09 Refund of Taxes 28.65 Due County 51.95 Support of Poor at County Home 1,089.03 Hospitalization, Etc. 3,530.85 Election Expenses 662.77. Sheriff's Expenses 49.00 $ 25,833.50 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$1,720.19 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $ 3,487.63 Highways 8,000.00 Bridges 1,500.00 ' Machinery 3,000.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 3,900.00 Public Welfare , 1,600.00 Southworth Library 200.00 Memorial Day 50.00 ' General Fund 3,000.00 $ 24,737.63 TOTAL BUDGET $ 52,290.41 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Etna $585.00 McLean • 60.00 Peruville 35.04 Varna 300.00 TAX RATES— Inside Corporation General .0074 Highway . .0032 Total .0106 224 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Outside Corporation r General .00740 I Highway .00320, 1 Primary Highway .00270 l Total .01330 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Etna .00484 McLean .003062 Peruville .01 Varna .0028 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 225 TOWN OF ENFIELD To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 155.45 County Tax 2,482.82 County Highway Tax 804.06 Due County 44.85 Support of Poor at County Home 153.50 Hospitalization, Etc. 1,673.78 Election Expenses 189.38 Expenses of Children's Court 29.40 $ 5,533.24 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$329.67 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 1,150.27 Highways 2,200.00 Bridges 100.00 Machinery 1,000.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 2,200.00 Certificates of Indebedness & Int. 1,063.00 Certificates of Indebtedness & Int1,057.75 $ 8,771.02 TOTAL BUDGET $ 14,633.93 TAX RATES— ¢> General .01006 Highway .01058 Total .02064 226 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF GROTON To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 818.16 County Tax 13,066.81 County Highway Tax 4,201.77 Due County 107.65 Support of Poor at County Home 593.73 Hospitalization, Etc. 1,735.97 Election, Expenses 662.77 Sheriff's Expenses 29.90 $ 21,216.76 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$2,238.28 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $ 3,500.00 Highways 4,500.00 Bridges - 500.00 Machinery - 4,000.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 5,000.00 Public Welfare 2,500.00 Memorial Day 100.00 Vote by Town for Highway Special 3,000.00 $ 23,100.00 TOTAL BUDGET $ 46,605.04 • TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS McLean $614.80 Peruville 435.60 TAX RATES— Inside Corporation General .00715 Highway .00380 Total .01095 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 227 Outside I Corporation . 1 l General .00715 Highway .0066 Total .01375 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— McLean .0051 Peruville .006 228 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 1,484.33 County Tax 23,706:26 County Highway Tax 7,627.67 • Due County 58.10 Support of Poor at County Home 214.18 Hospitalization, Etc. 2,098.15 Election Expenses 222.73 Sheriff's Expenses 5.10 Deaf -Mutes 100.00 $ 35,516.52 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$1,563.57 To be Paid the Supervisor : Towri Audits $ 3,365.15 Highways 8,000.00 ,Bridges 250.00 Machinery n 4,500.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 4,000.00 Public Welfare 2,500.00 $ 22,615.15 TOTAL BUDGET $ 59,695.24 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Spencer Road $450.00 Renwick Heights 265.00 Forest Home 385.00 TAX RATES— Inside Corporation Outside Corporation General .005 Highway .0024 Total .0074 General .005 Highway .00435 Total • .00935 \OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 229 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Spencer Road .0017 Renwick Heights .00136 Forest Home .00126 230 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CITY OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 9,515.90 County Tax 151,978.30 County Highway Tax 48,870.23 Due County 382.40 Support of Poor at County Home 4,038.57 Hospitalization, Etc. 22,780.80 Election Expenses 1,342.01 Sheriff's Expenses 18.90 Expenses of Children's Court 164.65 Examinations in Lunacy 70.00 $239,161.76 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$11,385.61 (To be paid by the School District of the City of Ithaca, and not a part of the City Budget, for which this tax is levied.) TAX RATES— General .00499 Highway .00131 Total .00630 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 231 TOWN OF LANSING To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 758.99 County Tax 12,121.93 County Highway Tax 3,897.95 Due County 28.22 Support of Poor at County Home 1,216.29 Hospitalization, Etc. 6,082.48 Election Expenses 378.73 Sheriff's Expenses 11.70 Expenses of Children's Court 4.70 Examination in Lunacy 10.00 $ 24,510.99 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$787.07 To be -Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 1,452.88 Highways 7,873.14 Bridges 1,000.00 Machinery 3,500.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 5,000.00 Certificates of Indebtedness & Int702.60 Certificates of Indebtedness & Int1,060.00 Certificates of Indebtedness & Int2,120.00 Memorial Day 100.00 $ 22,808.02 TOTAL BUDGET $ 48,106.08 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Ludlowville $420.00 South Lansing 240.00 Myers, 310.00 TAX RATES— General .0074 Highway .0064 Total .01380 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Ludlowville .00425 South Lansing .00322 Myers .00286 232 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF NEWFIELD To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 276.90 County Tax 4,422.35 • County Highway Tax 1,427.23 Due County 38.70 Support of Poor at County Home 32.15 Hospitalization, Etc. 1,617.65 Election Expenses 189.38 Sheriff's Expenses 13.65 Examinations in Lunacy' . 20.00 $ 8,038.01 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$243.71 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $ 1,181.43 Highways 3,500.00 Bridges 0,000.00 • Machinery 2,500.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 2,000.00 Certificates of Indebtedness & Int:544.00 Public Welfare 1,200.00 Memorial Day 25.00 Town Library 300.00 $ 11,250.43 TOTAL BUDGET $ 19,532.15 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT Newfield $670.08 TAX RATES— General .00775 Highway .008 Total .01575 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT— Newfield - .0028 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,NEW YORK 233 TOWN OF ULYSSES To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax _$ 665.11' County Tax 10,622.55 County Highway Tax 3,420.22 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road No. 616 650.54. Support of Poor at County Home 650.30 Hospitalization, Etc. 2,420.16 Election Expenses 167.07 Sheriff's Expenses 20.50 RETURNED SCHOOL $ 18,616.45 TAXES—$1,305:22 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits Highways Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous and Snow Certificates of Indebtedness & Int General Fund $ 2,357.34 7,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 3,642.66 $ 21,500.00 TOTAL BUDGET $ 41,421.67 TAX RATES— Inside Corporation Outside Corporation I I rl 1 i l All of which was respectfully submitted. Dated, January 6, 1934. General Highway .00745 .00455 Total .01200. General .00745 Highway .00455 Primary Highway .004 Total .01600 LAGRAND CHASE L. P.. STONE JOS. B. MYERS Committee. 234 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF •SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Chase, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. - Seconded by M.K. Osborn. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its, adoption : Resolved -That in accordance with the resolution adopted by the several town boards of the County of Tompkins, now on file with the Clerk of this Board, and the Laws of the State of New York, and in accordance with the foregoing report and recommendations of the Committee on Finance, that there be levied upon -and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of -the county and the City of Ithaca, the fore- going sums for the purposes. therein named. Seconded by Mr. Watrous. Ayes -14: Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Smiley presented his resignation, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital. Mr. Squier moved, that the resignation be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried. Moved by Mr. Chase, that in case of a vacancy occuring on any committee, the Chairman be authorized to fill the same. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Carried. Mr. Mott, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, presented the following Act, relative to the duties of the County Attorney, pursuant to §210 of the County Law : COUNTY ATTORNEY, PURSUANT TO §210 AN ACT PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF THE OF THE COUNTY LAW. It shall be the duty of the County Attorney to prosecute and _ OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, -NEW _YORK 235 . defend all actions and proceedings brought by or against the County of Tompkins and/or the Board of Supervisors of said county; to represent the county in all cases within the scope of the Workmen's Compensation Law involving any employee of said county, or' of the participating municipalities in all actions, or proceedings, brought by the County Commissioner of Public Welfare, in all proceedings for the acquisition of lands by condemnation for highway or other purposes, and in all actions by the County Treasurer for the recovery of pen- alties under Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law ; to act as general legal advisor to the Board of Supervisors of said county and to its officers and committees while engaged in county or town business; and to perform such other duties as from time to time may be required by law or directed by this Board. C. A. MOTT LAMONT C. SNOW FRED VAN ORDER Committee. Mr. Mott moved the adoption of the foregoing Act, pre- scribing the duties of the County Attorney. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the annual salary of the County Attorney shall be fifteen hundred dollars. In event of litigation of an extraordinary nature requiring services of the County At- torney which in the- judgment of the Board of Supervisors merit additional compensation, there shall be paid to the Coun- ty Attorney for such services such an amount as the Board deems appropriate, in addition to the salary above specified. Be It Further Resolved—that appropriations heretofore made for the Attorney for this Board, Attorney for Compen- sation cases, and for legal advice to the County Welfare De- partment, for the year 1934, be applied upon the payment of said County Attorney's salary for said year, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the balance of said salary out of any funds in her hands properly applicable there- to, and not specifically appropriated to any other purpose. 236 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, of Mr. Squier the Board took an adjournment until Friday, January 19, 1934, at 10 :30 A. M., for the pur- pose of transacting any business that may come before the Board and for signing the collectors warrants. Twenty-second Day Friday, January 19, 1934 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of January 6 meeting, read and approved. Messrs. Gaurnier and Holman of Ithaca, Knettles of Groton and Wattles of Trumansburg,-appeared before the Beard in behalf of the Veteran's Relief. The matter was presented to the Board by L. J. Gaurnier and. was referred by the Chairman to the Committee on Soldier's Relief, Etc. to report at a later meeting. The several supervisors of the towns of the county and of the City of Ithaca, presented the Assessment Rolls of their respec- tive municipalities, which were 'referred to the Committee on Equalization, Etc., to determine if the same were, properly made out, the taxes properly extended and the warrants of the collectors were correct. Mr. Osborn, Chairmanof the Committee on Equalization, Etc., reported that the committee had examined the assess- ment rolls of the several municipalities of the county and as- certained t1ie amount of tax to be levied in each respectively, had compared the same with the budget of the several towns and city and the warrants of the collectors attached thereto, and had found each to be correct, and that each of the collectors warrants were properly made out and were ready . for the signatures of the Chairman and Clerk of the Board. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 237 Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the report of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., be accepted, and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board, be directed to sign each of the Collector's warrants, as attached to the several tax rolls. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Mott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $25.00 to the County Attorney, for postage and in- cidental expenses. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The December report of the Clothing Bureau was read and placed on file. The Clerk read the bids which were received for printing 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board, for the year 1933, as follows : Norton Printing Co. $1.98 per page W. ' A. Church Co. 2.68 per page Grace Printing Co. 1.99 per page Cayuga Press 2.24 per page Atkinson Press 2.03 per page Moved by Mr. Osborn, that the bid of the Norton Printing Co., for the sum of $1.98 per page, be accepted and that the contract for printing 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board, for the year 1933, be awarded to that company, with the agreement on the part of said company, that the provisions of the State Labor Law will be complied with, so far as the same relates to said Proceedings and that the work be done in Tompkins County. Seconded by Mr. Squier. Carried. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 238 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the services of all town superintendents of highways, in the matter of snow removal, shall beat the ex- pense of the town. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried. A letter, from Clinton J. -Updyke presenting his resignation as Dog Warden for Tompkins County to take effect February 9, 1934, was read. Moved by Mr. Stone, that the resignation be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the City of Ithaca requesting the purchase of a county owned lot on Giles St. for right of way for street improvement. The communication, with map attached, was referred to Mr. Squier, Committee to Sell Lands Acquired by the County at Tax Sale. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various towns and the City of. Ithaca, the Clerk shall print such rates in the Proceedings of the Board, following the town budgets of the several towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried: Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to print the audits of the several towns of the county in the Proceedings of the Board. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Carried. Mr. Watrous offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That we, the Supervisors of Tompkins County, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 239 petition the State Legislature not to amend the Tax Law so gasoline and motor vehicle monies may be diverted to other uses, but that such monies be distributed as at present, to counties for highway purposes and that certified copies of the above be mailed to our Senator, Assemblyman and Gov- ernor. Seconded by Mr. Veit. Carried. Mr. Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That` the county furnish a robbery and hold-up insurance policy to -our County Clerk. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Upon discussion, this matter was laid on the table. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Chairman of the Board, relative to the county furnishing office space for the NRS and the Tompkins County CWA, and asking that $250.00, as the county's share, be appropriated for certain expenses. A report of the Special Committee was received. A lease, between the County of Tompkins and the City of Ithaca with the First Baptist Church Society of Ithaca, was read, leasing the old Court House for a term of one year from January 20, 1934 to January 20, 1935. Mr. Squier offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, Carl Crandall, Chairman of the County Civil Works Administration, and a member of the governing body of the National Reemployment Service, has called the attention of this Board to the insufficiency of the space now alloted for the administration of the said federal relief program, and has 240 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS requested the County to provide- additional facilities ; and this Board has also been notified by the State. Board of Health that the quarters, now provided for such purposes, are inade- quate and that more space must be provided if the program is continued. - AND WHEREAS, Messrs. Myers, Chase and Miller were ap- pointed a special committee for the purpose of conducting negotiations to provide such additional facilities; and the said committee has made its report to this Board, recommending a joint lease by the County of Tompkins and the City of Ithaca, of rooms on the first floor of the old courthouse building; and the county attorney has prepared and submitted a lease for such a purpose, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that this Board approves and adopts the recommendation of said committee, and author- izes the Chairman and Clerk of the Board to execute on behalf of Tompkins County a lease, for one year, of the said court- house property from the First Baptist Church of Ithaca, at a rental equivalent to the aggregate amount of the 1934 City Tax, 1934-35 School Tax, and the 1934 State and County Tax, to be assessed against said premises, payable in three install- ments as provided in said lease, with the understanding that the City of Ithaca will join in said lease on an equal basis with the County, and pay one-half of the said rental; and subject to the term, conditions and reservations as they are set forth in said lease, a copy of which shall be filed with the Clerk of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the followingresolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $250.00, for certain incidental expenses of the NRS. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. - Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 241 `,adoption : Resolved—That the claim of Henry J. Shirey, for legal serv- ices for the Department of Welfare, amounting to $205.58, be audited by this Board at the full amount claimed and said sum is hereby appropriated for that purpose, and the Clerk is here- -by directed to issue an order at this time for said amount pay- able to Mr. Shirey, and the County Treasurer is hereby direct- ed to pay said order out of any available funds in her hands, or under her control. Seconded by Mr. Stone. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Osborn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the special committee, relative to the old courthouse, obtain an option on that building. Seconded by Mr. Miller. On withdrawal of the motion and second the resolution was left to read as follows : Resolved—That the special committee on old courthouse be authorized to open negotiations with the First Baptist Church Society, with reference to the purchase of the old courthouse, and report to this Board at a following meeting. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Minutes of day's proceedings were read and . approved. There being no further business to come before the Board at this annual session, on motion, the same was adjourned with- out date. W. O. SMILEY,. Clerk Board of Supervisors,, Tompkins County, N. Y. SUPERVISORS' ACCOUNTS Table showing the amount of compensation audited and allowed by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to the members thereof, with the items and nature of such compensation, as audited at the annual session thereof, the number of days the Board has been in session and the amount allowed for the distance traveled by members in attending the meetings of the Board during the year. 1933. Total 1 $ 70.00 $ 16.061$ 808.571$ 4,188.001$ 1,165:701 1 $ 685.001$ 162.341 1 1,285.001$ 17.961$ 8,398.63 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, I "do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the number of days the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County was in session during the past year; the nature of its duties and the time necessarily employed and the amount allowed for the distance traveled by the individual members in the dis- charge thereof, as audited at the annual session of said Board. I also certify that no accounts were audited by the said Board, for any member thereof, or for any person, without being verified according to law. Dated, February 15, 1934. W. O. SMILEY, Clerk. ss. Days County Canvass Compensation at $5.00 per day Mileage at 8c per mile Extending Tax Special Committees at per day Expenses o n Special Committees Quarterly and Special Sessions Compensation at $5.00 per day Mileage at 8c per mile Days Annual Session o 0 64 u w id 0 6Q Towns and City Supervisors c,",GO w N v 1 v vt E t a ts Ta U H Caroline IL. C. Snow 1 $5.001$ 2.081$ 53.78 $ 235.001$ -132.981 10 $ 50.00 $ 18.72 17 $ 85.00 $ 2.09 $ 584.64 Danby IW. O. Smiley •1 1$ , 5.00 1.46 46.83 305.00 88.56 10 50.00 9.60 19 95.00 .96 602.41 Dryden D. H. Decker 280.00 123.40 8 40.00 16.64 460.04 Dryden Carl A. Mott . 1 $ 5.00 1.80 62.34 70.00 33.00 2 10.00 3.60 19 95.00 1.80 282.54 Enfield A. T. Rumsey 1 $ 5.00 1.60 34.10 160.00 63.20 10 ,- 50.00 21.00 19 95.00 1.60 431.50 Groton R. C. Smith 1 $ 5.00 3.20 88.66 403.00 282.05 10 50.00 32.00 19 95.00 3.20 962.11 Ithaca L. E. Chase , 1 $ 5.00 83.02 730.00 53.88 10 50.00 4.80 19 95.00 .96 1,022.66 Lansing A. J. Conlon 1 $ 5.00 1.28 66.54 110.00 28.16 10 50.00 12.80 19 95.00 1.28 370.06 Newfield F. J. Payne 1 $ 5.00 2.24 51.90 315.00 163:24 10 50.00 21.40 19 95.00 2.24 706.02 Ulysses O. H. McDaniels 1 $ 5.001 2.40 290.00 140.36 9 45.00 21.78 3 15.00 1.92 521.46 1LePine Stone , 81.60 15.00 6.24 15 75.00 1.92 179.76 Ithaca City 1st Ward F. D. VanOrder 1 $ 5.001 200.00 8.05 10 50.00 14 70.00 333.05 2nd Ward 1W. C. Blackmer 1 $ 5.001 119.90 120.00 10 50.00 19 95.00 .. 389.90 3rd Ward 1J. B. Myers 1 $ 5.001 10.00 9 45.00 18 90.00 150.00 4th Ward S. L. Howell 1 $ 5.00 325.00 12.30 9 45.00 19 95.00 482.30 5th Ward IL. R. Pierce 1 $ 5.00 119.90 620.00 30.28 10 50.001 19 1 95.001 1 920.18 Total 1 $ 70.00 $ 16.061$ 808.571$ 4,188.001$ 1,165:701 1 $ 685.001$ 162.341 1 1,285.001$ 17.961$ 8,398.63 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, I "do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the number of days the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County was in session during the past year; the nature of its duties and the time necessarily employed and the amount allowed for the distance traveled by the individual members in the dis- charge thereof, as audited at the annual session of said Board. I also certify that no accounts were audited by the said Board, for any member thereof, or for any person, without being verified according to law. Dated, February 15, 1934. W. O. SMILEY, Clerk. ss. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 243 No. Claimant COUNTY AITDITS 1933 Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. Dr. R. C. Warren Ex. in Lunacy $ 10.00 $ 10.00 2. Dr. R. C. Warren Ex. in Lunacy 10.00 10.00 3. Dr. W. H. York Ex. in Lunacy 10.00 10.00 4. Dr. W. G. Fish Ex. in Lunacy 10.00 10.00 5. Ithaca Journal -News Pub. Scholarship Notices .... . 9.60 9.60 6. Central N. Y. Institute for Deaf -Mutes Clothing 100.00 100.00 7. John J. Sinsabaugh Expenses . 158.26 158.26 8. J. E. Van Natta Supplies 41.45 41.45 9.,: Hand Stamp Shop Rubber Stamps 3.20 3.20 10. Ithaca Journal -News Pub. Notices 9.12 9.12 11. Ithaca Journal -News ...._Pub. Notices 181.00 181.00 12. Ithaca Journal -News ...._Pub. Notices 39.40 39.40 13. Corner Bookstores Supplies 35.34 35.34 14. Groton Journal -Courier Pub. Notices - 3.88 3.88 4 15. Ithaca Journal -News ..._Pub. Notices . 14.00 14.00 16. Leslie Tyler Freight & Cartage 1.97 . 1.97 17. "McCann Electric Co. Supplies 50.19 50.19 18. McCann Electric Co. Supplies 31.00 31:00 19. Layton Dawes Moving 14.00 14.00 20. Rothschild Bros. Supplies 26.88 26.88 21. C. J. Rumsey & Co. Supplies 130.25. 130.25 22. Robinson & Carpenter ._Supplies •52.26 52.26 23. Corner Bookstores Flag • 7.25 7.25 24. The Quality Shop Supplies 11.50 11.50 25. C. J. Rumsey & Co. Supplies & Labor 4.60 4.60" 26. McCann Electric Co. ....Supplies 5.60 5.60 27. C. J. Rumsey 8z Co. Supplies 44.60 44.60 28. Arthur G. Adams Expenses 45.68 45.68 29. Ithaca Journal -News Pub. Notices 32.40 32.40 30.' Stover Printing Co._ Supplies 8.50 8.50 31. Ithaca Journal -News Pub. Notices 25.66 25.66 32. Onondaga Co. Peniten- tiary Care of Prisoners 1,767.16 1,767.16 33. American Surety Co. ....Bond 13.50 13.50 34. J. E. Van Natta Supplies .90 • .90_ 35`. Groton Journal -Courier Tax Sale Notices 737.60 - 737.60 36. Ithaca Journal -News Tax. Sale Notices 1,372.56 37. Matthew Bender & Co.....Supplement 4.00 38. Underwood Typewriter Co. Supplies Dennis & Co., Inc. Supplement Lawyers Co -Op Pub. CoMcKinney's Suppl. Corner Bookstores Typewriter 14.00 39. 5.00 40. 15.00 42. 117.00 43. Ithaca Journal -News Pub. Notices 4.16 44: Corner Bookstores Picture frames 7.50 45. Corner Bookstores Supplies 13.13 46. J. E. Van Natta Supplies 17.45 47. Warden, Auburn Prison Freight on Plates 61.85 1,372.56 4.00 14.00 5.00 15.00 117.00 4.16 7.50 13.13 17.45 61.85 244 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 48. Norton Printing Co. ....Printing 49. Jennie B. Thayer Clerical_ Work 50. Raymond L. Burns _Expenses 51. Raymond L. Burns Clerical Work 52. Ithaca Journal -News ...._Pub. Notices 53. Fred A. Rogalsky Insurance 55. Syracuse Memorial Hosp.Richard Farrell -P. H. C 56. Dr. S. Leroy Sahler Lois Van Nest -P. H. C..... 57. Reconstruction Home Care -Margaret Meeker, P. H. C. 58. Bert I. Vann Expenses 59. Bert I. Vann Disbursements 60. Dr. Wm. A. Smith Expenses 61. N. Y. State Gas & Elec- tric Co. Expenses 22.10 22.10 62. Geo. B. Sickmon Fees in Felony 5.00 5.00 63. C. L. Brainard Fees in Felony 5.50 5.50 64. City of Ithaca Fees in Felony 44.20 44.20 65. Arthur G. Bennett Fees in Dog Cases 5.60 5.60 66. Ed. Slights Fees in Dog Cases 9.30 9.30 67. Lamont C. Snow Canvass 7.08 7.08 68. W. O. Smiley Canvass 6.46 6.46 • 69. Carl A. Mott Canvass 6.80 6.80 70. Alan T. Rumsey Canvass 6.60 6.60 71. Richard C. Smith Canvass 8.20 8.20 72. Lagrand Chase Canvass 5.00 5.00 73. Andrew Conlon Canvass - 6.28 6.28 74: Forest J. Payne Canvass 7.24 7.24 75. Fred Van. Order Canvass 5.00 5.00 76. W. C. Blackmer Canvass 5.00 5.00 77. Sidney L. Howell Canvass 5.00 5.00 78. Leslie R. Pierce Canvass 5.00 5.00 79. - Joseph Myers Canvass 5.00 5.00 80. Lamont C. Snow Committee Work 367.98 367.98 81. Lamont C. Snow Quart. & Special 68.72 68.72 82. W. O. Smiley Committee Work 393.56 393.56 83. W. O. Smiley Quart. & Special 59.60 59.60 84. Carl A. Mott Committee Work 103.00 103.00 85. Carl A. Mott Quart. & Special 13.60 13.60 86. Alan T. Rumsey Committee Work 223.20 223.20 87: Allan T. Rumsey ..._..._...Quart. & Special 71.00 71.00 88. Richard C. Smith Committee Work 685.05 685.05 89. Richard C. Smith Quart. & Special 82.00 82.00 90. Lagrand E. Chase Committee Work 783.88 783.88 91. Lagrand E. Chase Quart. & Special 54.80 54.80 92. Andrew J. Conlon Committee Work 138.16 138.16 93. Andrew J. Conlon Quart. & Special 62.80 62.80 94. Forest J. Payne Committee Work 478.24 478.24 95. Forest J. Payne Quart. & Special 71.40 71.40 96. LePine Stone Committee Work 21.24 21.24 97. Fred D. Van Order Committee Work 208.05 208:05 98. Fred D. Van Order Quart. & Special 50.00 50.00 99. W. C. 'Blackmer Committee Work 120.00 120.00 100. W. C. Blackmer Quart. & Special 50.00 50.00 101. Joseph B. Myers Committee Work 10.00 10.00 102. Joseph B. Myers Quart. & Special 45.00 45.00 103. Sidney L. Howell Committee Work 332.30 332.30 17.75 17.50 2.00 17.50 82.84 37.23 34.00 5.00 171.00 419.28 16.20 56.39 17.75 17.50 2.00 17.50 82.84 37.23 34.00 5.00 171.00 419.28 16.20 56.39 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 245 No. • Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 104. Sidney L. Howell Quart. & Special 45.00 45.00 105. Leslie R. Pierce Committee Work 641.08 641.08 106. Leslie R. Pierce Quart. & Special 50.00 50.00 107. Lamont C. Snow Annua Session 87.08 87.08 108. W. O. Smiley Annua Session 95.96 95.96 109. Carl A. Mott Annua Session 96.80 96.80 110. Alan T. Rumsey Annua Session 96.60 96.60 111. Richard C. Smith Annua Session 98.20 98.20 112. Lagrand Chase Annua Session 95.96 95.96 113. Andrew J. Conlon Annua Session 91.28 91.28 114. Forest J. Payne Annua Session 97.24 97.24 115. LePine Stone Annua Session 76.92• 76.92 116. Fred Van Order Annua Session 70.00 70.00 117. W. C. Blackmer Annua Session 95.00 95.00 118. Joseph B. Myers Annua Session 90.00 90.00 119. Sidney L. Howell Annua Session 95.00 95.00 120. Leslie R. Pierce Annua Session 95.00 95.00 121. Fuller Brush Co. Supplies 19.70 19.70 122. Treman, King & Co. .__.Snow Pusher 1.50 1.50 123. McCann Electric Co. ....Supplies 61.47 61.47 124. National Electric Pro- ducts Co. Outlet Plates 21.77 21.77 125. Geo. D. Cornell Co. Labor & Materials 35.50 35.50 126. N. Y. State Electric & Gas Co. Lighting Jail Building 34.56 127. Norton Electric Co. Desk Lamps 7.24 128. Huffman -Wolfe Co. Traps 13.00 129. C. J. Rumsey & Co. ....Supplies 5.55 130. Troy Studio Photographs 236.00 131. Hartford Steam Boiler Co. Insurance 497.33 132. Fred L. Clock ..._ Disbursements 111.00 133. Joseph B. Myers • Committee Work 35.00 134. Bert Patten Clock . 32.32 135. Hon. Riley H. Heath ....Postage 30.00 136. Treman, King & Co. ....Supplies 21.20 137. Dr. H. H. Crum Services 66.50 138. American Surety Co. ....Bond -Disbursing Officer .._6.75 139. American Surety Co. Bond 506.25 140. Fred A. Rogalsky Bond 506.25 141. J. E. Van Natta Repairs 1.25 142. J. E. Van Natta Pen set 4.50 143. Corner Bookstores Supplies 11.00 144. Douglas Carpenter Fees in Felony 4.80 145. Carlton Kintz Fees in Felony 12.45 146. Dr. H. G. Bull Exam. in Lunacy 10.00 147. Dr. H. H. Crum Exam. in` Lunacy 40.00 148. American Surety Co. Bond 25.00 149. Reconstruction Home Kathryn. Bereza 11/1/33 to 11/30/33-P. H. C..... 95.00 95.00 150. Reconstruction Home Care -Robert Miccinati, 11/1/33 to 11/30%33 P. H. C. ___ 90.00 90.00 151. Reconstruction Home Care -Edward Dimmick, 11/1/33 to 11/30/33 P. H. C...__ 90.00 90.00 152. Reconstruction Home Care-Barabara Goodband, 11/1/33 to 11/30/33, P. H. C. .... 45.00 45.00 34.56 7.24- 13.00 .2413.00 5.55 236.00 497.33 111.00 35.00 32.32 30.00 21.20 66.50 6.75 506.25 506.25 1.25 4.50 11.00 4.80 12.45 10.00 40.00 25.00 246 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 153. Reconstruction Home ...._Care -Loretta Kinyoun, 11/14/33 to 11/30/33-P. H. C..... • 48.00 48.00 154. Dr. H. L. Prince Treatment -Lois Van Nest 75.00 75.00 155. H. A. Carey Co., IncInsurance 227.50 227.50_ 156 Chas. B. Stanion & Son....Insurance 91.88 91.88 157 Leland D. Van Renssalaerinsurance 91.88 91.88 158. John D. Kinney Co., Inc. Insurance ;175.00 175.00 159. E. S. Preston & Sons, Inc.Insurance 420.00 420.00 160. P. W. Wood & Son Insurance 70.00 70.00 161. Harold J. Palmer Insurance 14-0.00 140.00 162. Fred A. Rogalsky Insurance 70.00 70.00 163. Clarence C. Squier Insurance 175.00 175.00 164: David N. Van Hoesen ....Insurance 61.25 61.25 165. Hall & McChesney, Inc. Record Book 40.00 40.00 $17,199.55 $17,199.55 State of New York, County of Tompkins, } SS: Board of Supervisors, I, W. 0. Smiley, Clerk of the Board of .Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, N. Y., DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the fore- going is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Board of Supervisors of said county, at its annual session in the month of December, 1933, with the amounts claimed -and the amounts allowed. Dated, January 22, 1934. W. 0. SMILEY Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. - OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TOWN AUDITS TOWN OF CAROLINE ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1933 No. Claimant 247 Nature of Expense Claimed, Allowed 1, Charles M. Jones Assessor, Per Diem $ 54.75 $ 54.75 2. Norton Printing Co. Town Bill Heads, printing 6.00 6.00 3. R. C. Tucker Supplies 22.40 22.40 4. Williamson Law Book Co.Town Orders 1;25 1.25 5. American Surety Com- pany of N. Y. Premiums on Surety Bonds 50.00 50.00 6. American Surety Com- Premium on Collector's pany of N. Y. Bond ' 7. Stover Printing Co. Printing Tax Notices 8. American Surety Co. Sup. School Bond Prem. __.. 9: American Surety Co. Supt. Hgwy. Bond Prem. 10. American Surety Co. Truck Insurance Premium 11. Wilson B. Osmun Welfare Officer, Expenses 12. American Surety Co. ...._Truck Insurance Premium 13. American Surety Co. Truck Insurance Premium 14. Corner Book Store Flags, Memorial Day 15. Ruth Munch, Inspector and Mess. Special Election, Per Diem 20.08 16. " Joseph McGrath s Special Election, Per Diem 15.00 17. Wm. Osburn Special Election, Per Diem 15.00 18. B. Seaver Kendall, Insp._Special Election, Per Diem 15.00 19. Harry A. Davis, Insp.' and Mess. Special Election, Per Diem 20. Wm. H. Reynolds, Insp._Special .Election, Per Diem 21. Ira G. Yaple, Insp. Special Election, Per Diem 22. Mary H. Chatfield, Insp.__Special Election, Per Diem 23. Wilson B. Osmun, Insp. and Mess. Special Election, Per Diem 19.63 19.63 24. Myron Predmore, Insp. -Special Election, Per Diem 14.00 14.00 25. Anna M. Caveney, Insp.Special Election, Per Diem 14.00 14.00 26. Amy H. Munson, InspSpecial Election, Per Diem 14.00 14.00 27. Caroline Center M. E. Church Special Election, rent 10.00 10.00 28. Brooktondale Congrega- tional Church Special Election, rent 10.00 10.00 29. Caroline Grange Special Election, rent 10.00 10.00 30. Elmer Lockwood, T. C. ....Special Election, •Services 11.26 11.26 31. Prue Ridgway, Welfare Officer Salary 125.00 125.00 32. Prue Ridgway, Welfare Officer Special services 8.50 8.50 33. H. H. Watros Mowing Cemetery 5.00 5.00 34. Wilson B. Osmun, Wel- fare Officer Mileage 19.75 19.75 35. Lamont C. Snow Per Diem 44.00 44.00 36. Lamont C. Snow, Sup. ....Expenses 15.14 15.14 37. Lamont C. Snow, Sup. ....Pct., School Money 193.61 193.61 38. Lamont C. Snow, Sup. __..Pct. General Fund 62.45 62.45 43.31 7.25 31.28 31.28 44.75 1.67 44.75 44.75 12.00 19.45 14.00 14.00 14.00 43.31 7.25 31.28 31.28 44.75 1.67 44.75 44.75 12.00 20.08 14.00 14.00 14.00 19.45 14.00 14.00 14.00 248 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 39. Lamont C. Snow, Sup. ....Welfare Officer, Per Diem 8.00 8.00 40. Lamont C Snow, Sup. ....Welfare Officer, Mileage 2.88 2.88 41. Lamont C. Snow, Sup. - ...Mileage 2.08 2.08 42. Augustus Middaugh, J.P.Per Diem 36.00 36.00 43. P. Alfred Munch, J. P Per Diem 36.00 36.00 44. George L. Richards, J.P.Per Diem 32.00 32.00 45. Elmer L. Lockwood, T. C.Per Diem 84.00 84.00 46. Elmer L. Lockwood, T. C.Expenses 6.50 6.50 47. Elmer L. Lockwood, T. C.Election Salary 60.00 60.00 48. Elmer L. Lockwood, T. C.Jurors Lists 6.00 6.00 49. Elmer L. Lockwood, Reg.Vital Statistics 53.50 53.50 50. Elmer L. Lockwood, Reg.U. S. Expense Acc't. 1.50 1.50 51. D. A. Chatfield, Con. ....Fees 19.90 19.90 52. Raymond H. Middaugh _Truant Officer's Salary 75.00 75.00 53. D. B. Bull, Assessor Per Diem 56.00 56.00 54. Charles M. Jones, Assr...Per Diem 62.00 62.00 55. Herbert A. Whittaker, Assessor Per Diem ._.. 52.00 52.00 56. B. F. Lockwood, H. O. _...Salary 243.00 243.00 57. B. F. Lockwood, H. O. ....Special Service 26.50 26.50 58. B. F Lockwood, H O. ....Vital Statistics 12.75 12.75 59. William Mars Barber on Order of H. O. 2.00 2.00 60. Ruth Munch, Insp. ElecPer Diem 34.92 34.92 61. William Osburn, Insp. E.Per Diem 23.00 23.00 62. Joseph McGrath, Insp. E.Per Diem 23.00 23.00 63. B. Seaver Kendall, Insp. Elec. Per Diem 23.00 23.00' 64. Jean Scalia, Poll Clerk ....Per Diem 10.00 10.00 ' 65. Grace Munch, Poll ClerkPer Diem 10.00 10.00 66. Harry A. Davis, Mess. Insp. of Elec. Per Diem 34.60 34.60 67. Ira Yaple, Mess. Insp. of Elec. Per Diem 23.00 23.00 68. Wm. H. Reynolds, Mess. Insp. of Elec. Per Diem 23.00 23.00 69. Mary Chatfield, Mess. Insp. of Elec. Per Diem 23.00 23.00 70. Gladys Burns, Poll Clk.Per Diem 10.00 10.00 71. Carrie Davis, Poll Clk._.Per Diem 10.00 10.00 72. Wilson Osmun, Mess. Insp: Elec. Per Diem 34.12 34.12 73. Myron Predmore, Mess. Insp. Elec. Per Diem 23.00 23.00 74. Anna M. Caveney, Mess. Insp. Elec. Per Diem 23.00 23.00 75. Minnie V. Graves, Mess. Insp. Elec. Per Diem 23.00 23.00 76. Raymond H. Middaugh, Poll Clerk Per Diem 10.00 10.00 77. Harriet Snow, Poll Clk...Per Diem 10.00 10.00 78. Caroline Grange Rent, Justice Court 6.00 6.00 79. Caroline _ Center M. E. Church Rent, Election Purpose 20.00 20.00 80. Brooktondale Congrega- tional Church Rent, Election Purpose 20.00 20.00 81. Caroline Grange Rent, Election Purpose 20.00 20.00 82. B. F. Lockwood Rent, Justice Court 5.00 5.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 249 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 83. Wilson B. Osmun Welfare Officer, Services 38.64 38.64, 84. Wilson B. Osmun Welfare Officer, Postage.... .60 .60 85. Wm. H. Reynolds Welfare Officer, Service .... 29.80 29.80 86. Norton Printing Co. Town Bill Heads 6.00 6.00 87. J. Frank W. Allen, M.D.Lunacy Examination 10.00 10.00 88. Charles Thomas, J. P. ....Criminal Bill 5.00 5.00 89. Charles Thomas, J. P. ....Criminal Bill 5.50. 5.50 90. Charles Thomas, J. P.....Criminal Bill - 4.50 4.50 91. Charles Thomas, J. P. .__.Criminal Bill 4.40 4.40 92. Charles Thomas, J. P. ....Criminal Bill 4.40 .4.40 93. Charles Thomas, J. P. ....Criminal Bill Z.20 7.20 94. Charles Thomas, J. P. ....Criminal Bill 4.50 4.50 95. Charles Thomas, J.-P.....Criminal Bill 5.50 5.50 96. Charles Thomas, J. P. ....Criminal Bill 3.00 3.00 97. Charles Thomas, J. P. __..Criminal Bill - 4.50 4.50 98. Charles Thomas, J. P. ....Criminal Bill 4.50 4.50 99. Charles Fox Mowing Cemetery 4.50 4.50 100. Caroline Farmers Fire Insurance Co Assessment 4.80 4.80 101. Caroline Farmers Fire - Insurance Co Premium 5.80 5.80 102. Charles E. Houghtaling Co. Supplies 4.65 4.65 103. William A. Church Co...Assessment Rolls 18.00 18.00 104. Charles Thomas, J. P. ....Per Diem 36.00 36.00 $2,634.58 $2,631.58 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and cor- rect copy of accounts audited by the Town Board, now on file November 20, 1933. ELMER L. LOCKWOOD . 250 PROCEEDINGS OF THE. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DANBY ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1933 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. Leon C. Tyler Inspector and Mess. Dist. 1$ 2. Clyde Chase Inspector, Dist. 1 3. Euna Miller Inspecor, Dist. 1 4. Adelbert Sheffield Inspector, Dist. 1 5. Harold J. Sheffield Inspector, Dist. 1 6.. Dewain C. Vorhis General Clerk, Dist. 1 7. Albert J. Weitzel General Clerk, Dist. 1- 8. Otis M. Hutt Inspector & Mess., Dist. 2 9. Edith P. Snyder Inspector, Dist. 2 10. Roscoe J. Hutchings Inspector, Dist. 2 11. Frances K. Todd Inspector, Dist. 2 12. Charles E. Cole General Clerk, Dist. 2 .... 13. George W. Hollister ...._General Clerk, Dist. 2 .._. 14. Fred B. Jones Inspector & Mess., Dist. 3 15. T. S. Ward Inspector, Dist. 3 16.' William E. Martin Inspector, Dist. 3 17. Luman A. Hill Inspector, Dist. 3 4.8. ' Delos Hill General Clerk, Dist. 3 :_.. 19. Edmund R. Granger General Clerk,Dist. 20. Adria Hill Trustee, School Dist. 2 for Rental 10.00 21. B. J. Jennings Town Clerk 72.71 22. B. J. Jennings Registrar 38.25 23. J. Frank W. Allen Health Officer 199.60 24. Wm. E. Logan Attendance Officer 69.60 25. Eugene Dorn Justice Service 21.00 26. George 0. Sears Justice Service 21.00 27. Arthur G. Bennet Justice Service 21.00 28. Eugene Dorn Justice Criminal 10.40 29. George O:- Sears Justice Criminal 10.75 30. Dewitte Sinceabaugh Deputy Sheriff 30.45 31. Marietta Snyder Hall Rental 15.00 32. John E. Miller Storage 20.00 33. C. E. Houghtaling Supplies - 5.35 34. Fred E. Dorn - Justice Service 15.00 35. W. 0. Smiley Service 33.00 36. George Button Assessor 81.00 37. F. R. Caswell Assessor. 81.00 38. Frank Eastman Welfare Officer 762.00 39. Lewis Cummings Assessor 81.00 28.92 21.00 17.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 29.20 17.00 17.00 17.00 5.00 5.00 29.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 5.00 5.00 28.92 21.00 17.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 29.20 17.00 17.00 17.00 5.00 5.00 29.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 72.71 38.25 199.60 69.60 21.00 21.00 21.00 10.40 10.75 30.45 15.00 20.00 5.35 15.00 33.00 81.00 81.00 762.00 81.00 1,872.23 1,872.23 I, B. J. Jennings, Clerk of the Town of Danby, do. hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of the Audits of the Town of Danby, as audited by the Town Board, Nov. 9, 1933. B. J. JENNINGS Town Clerk OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 251 TOWN OF DRYDEN ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1933 No: Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. Ethel Lason Insp:, and Mess. 35.92 35.92 2. Dora Earl Inspector 24.00 24.00 3. Harriett Gamble Inspector 24.00 24.00 4. Ruth McGee Inspector 19.00 s 19.00 5. Agnes Platenius Inspector 5.00. 5.00 6. Ira Reed Clerk 7.00 7.00 7. A. W. Genung Clerk 7.00 7.00 8. Orra Rhodes Rent of Hall 35.00 35.00 9. Bernice Kirk Insp. and Mess. 36.00 36.00 10. Thomas Merrill Inspector 24.00 24.00 11. Fern Carberry Inspector 24.00 -24.00 12. Katherine Caswell Inspector 24.00 24.00 13. Howard Welch Clerk 7.00 7.00 '14. Cora Cotauch Clerk 7.00 7.00 15. ; George Sutfin Rent of Hall 35.00 35.00' 16. C. F. Pratt Insp. and Mess. 37.84 37.84 17. C B. Snyder Inspector 24.00 24.00 18. Earle F. Lupton Inspector 24.00 24.00 19. George Bellinger Inspector 24.00 24.00 20. Catherine Guier Clerk 7.00 7.00 21. Eula Lupton Clerk 7.00 7.0C 22. Edna T. Hart Rent of Hall 35.00 35.00 23. J. O. Robertson Insp. and Mess. 38.80 - 38.80 24. Nellie Fulkerson Inspector 24.00 24.00 25. . Jesse Hart ' Inspector 24.00 24.00 26. Floyd Barnes _Inspector 14.00 14.00 27. Junia Collins Insp. and Clerk 17.00 17.00 28. Francis L. Smith Clerk 7.00 7.00 29. Mary L. Hatfield Rent of Hall 35:00 35.00 30. J. D. Ross Insp. and Mess. 37.84 37.84 31. Rose Ellis ._Inspector - 24.00 24.00 - 32. Winnie G. Space Inspector 24.00 24.00 33. Libbie J. Sweetland Inspector 12.00 12.00 34. Hester Sweetland Inspector 12.00 . 12.00 35. Mary L. Hatfield Clerk 7.00 7.00 36. Clayton Bowker Clerk 7.00 7.00 37. Walter G. Kinch Rent of Hall 35.00 35.00 38. Harry Tucker Insp. and Mess. 29.00 29.00 39. B. Randall Smith Inspector 24.00 24.00 40. Marjorie Williams Inspector 24.00 24.00 41. Margaret Tucker Inspector 7.00 7.00 42. Maude Moore Inspector 17.00 17.00 43. Franklin Moore Inspector 7.00 7.00 44, Harry Bush Clerk 7.00 7.00 45. Hazel L. Parker Clerk 7.00 7.00 46. Howard Hazen Rent of Hall 35.00 35.00 47. Arthur Hammond Insp. and Mess. 31.40 31.40 48. Robert Willard Insp. and Mess. 31.40 31.40 49. Leland Sweetland Inspector 24.00 24.00 50. John Joiner Inspector 2.4.00 24.00 51. Georgiana Schutt Clerk 7.00 7.00 252 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 52. Anna Harington Clerk 7.00 7.00 53. C. D. Griswold Chairman 204.00 204.00 54. Edward W. Sykes Assessor 220.00 220.00 55. Truman English Assessor 168.00 168.00 56. J. D. Ross Justice of the Peace 76.00 76.00 57. J. O. Robertson Justice of the Peace 76.00 76.00 58. Fred,E. Parker Justice of the Peace 20.00 20.00 59. Walter G.' Kinch Justice of the Peace 40.00 40.00 60. Paul Emers Justice of the Peace 64.00 64.00 61. Orrie Cornelius Justice of the Peace 64.00 64.00 62. Paul Ewers Justice of the Peace 14.50 14.50 63. Walter G. Kirch Justice of the Peace 4.50 4.50 64. J. O. Robertson Justice of the Peace 23.40 23.40 65. J. D. Ross Justice of the Peace 37.90 37.90 66. Fred E. Parker Justice of the Peace 5.70 5.70 67. D. H. Decker Supervisor 155.61 155.61 68. C. A. Mott Supervisor 4.00 4.00 69. D. M. Ryan V. S. and Contract 169.00 169.00 70. A. J. Hines Deputy Sheriff 6.25 6.25 71. Dr. H. Genung Health Officer • 632.35 632.35' 72. Orra Rhodes ___Rent, Law Suits 6.00 6.00 73. Jane C. Hines Town Clerk 294.76 294.76 74. Williamson Law Book Co. 3.03 3.03 75. A. J. Hines ......._..._._.. .. rAttendance Officer 125.43 125.43 $3,487.63 $3,487.63 I, Jane C. Hines, Town Clerk; of the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins and State of New York, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the list of ac- counts against the Township, audited by the Town Board, acting as the Board of Auditors for the said town for the year 1933: JANE C. HINES, Clerk CARL A. MOTT, Supervisor ORRIE CORNELIUS PAUL EWERS J. L. ROBERTSON WALTER G. KERCH J. D. ROSS Justices OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 253 TOWN OF ENFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1933 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. George Lane Clerk - of Election 2. Kenneth Stoughton Clerk of Election 3. Austin Legge Inspector ,& Messenger 4. George Tubbs Inspector & Messenger 5. Anthony Brable Inspector & Messenger "6. Emmett Tucker Inspector & Messenger 8. Fayette Hine Clerk of Ejection 7. John Bock Clerk of Election 9. Hugh Curry Inspector & " Messenger 10. Edna McFall Inspector & Messenger 11. Claude Wilkin Inspector & Messenger 12. Vincent Meyer Inspector & Messenger .... 13. Fred McFall Hall rental for Election 14. " Gilbert Fisher Assessor 15. Raymond Hubbell Assessor . 16. Charles Hedglin Work in Budd Cemetary 17. J. W. Burton Blanch Snyder Lunacy Ex. 18. J. W. Burton Vital Statistics 19. J. W. Burton Prof. Work Welfare (Drake & Van Etten) 20. J. W. Burton Health Officer & Expenses 21. William A. Church Co. Billheads 22. William A. Church Co. ....2 Assesment Rolls 23. Chas. S. Houghtaling .__.Civil Docket & Supplies __: 24. H. -D. Bailey Election work - 25. H. D. Bailey Vital Statistics 26. Chas. F. Teeter Welfare Officers 27. Clifford Leonard Assessor 28. V. H. Earl Criminal Cases 29. Thomas Brown Criminal Cases '30. Owen Carman Cards for Assessors STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, ss.: TOWN OF ENFIELD We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of. Audit of the Town of Enfield, N. Y., do hereby certify that the foregoing is correct list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed and the amount allowed. 10.00 10.00 10100 10.00 35.80 35.80 35.80 35.80 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 41.60 41.60 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 69.00 69.00 48600 48.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 7.30 7.30 14.00 14.00 164.00 164.00 6.25 6.25 16.00 16.00 10.91 10.91 35.00 35.00 33.75 33.75 250.11 250.11 84.00 84.00 26.25 26.25 7.50 7.50 5.00 5.00 $1,150.27 $ 1,150.27 S. HARVEY STEVENSON, THOMAS R. BROWN, V. H. EARL, H. D. BAILEY, Town Auditors. 0 254 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. TOWN OF GROTON ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1933 Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. Asso. Gas & Electric Street Lights Peruville $ 2. Asso. Gas & Electric ...._Street Lights McLean 3. Asso. Gas & Electric ...._Street Lights McLean 31. Asso. Gas & Electric Street Lights 32. G. B. Sickmon Per Diem & Justice Fees 33. R. R. Chatterton Per Diem 34. C. H. Moe Per Diem & Journal -Wel. 35. M. G. Tarbell, Per Diem 36. E. A. Landon Per Diem 37. R. C. Smith Per Diem & % Gen. Fund. 38. Della Halladay Inspector Dist. 2 39. John J. Hare, Agent Bond Prem. (Constable)____ 40. American Surety Co. ...__Bond Prem. (Town Offi.)_. 41. Journal & Courier Notice to present claims.... 42. Nelson Van Marter Listing Sales ' 43. A. J. Metzgar Constable fees & Mileage 44. Ella A. Moe Rent, Phone & P. O. Box 45. R. C. Tarbell M. D. V. S. & Exam 46. Asso. Gas & Electric 'Street Lights 47. R. R. Chatterton Fees in Criminal case 48. Ella A. Moe Telephone 49. American Surety Co. Collectors Bonds & Ins. ... 50. Journal & Courier Printing, Town Budget, Sup. report & Collectors notice 21.19 51. Henry M. Geisenhoff ._.Bond Premium 82.00 52. Asso. Gas & Electric Street Lights - 107.50 53. Journal & Courier Printing Collectors Notice 7.14 54. Ella A. Moe Telephone 3.25 55. LewisMarble Opening road 2.00 56. Asso. Gas & Electric Street Lights 107.50 57. Millard Babcock 25 Cords Wood 31.15 58. American Surety Co. Supv. School Bond Prem. 14.00 59. Ella A. Moe Rent, Phone & P. O. Box __.. 53.85 60. R. C. Smith Mileage 4.08 61. R. R. Chatterton Fees in Criminal cases __.. 6.25 62. Edgar Austin Repair chair - 1.75 63. C. 'H. Moe . Copying List of dog owners 8.00 64. Asso. Gas & Electric Street Lights 107.50 65. American Surety Co. __Bond Premium 5.00 66. Ella A. Moe Telephone 67. C. H. Twichell Bond Premium 68. C. H. Moe Services 69. Asso. Gas & Electric Street Light 70. Ella A. Moe Telephone 71. A. J. Metzgar Constable Fees 72. R. R. Chatterton Criminal case fees 73 Journal & Courier Printing Sup. Report etc. 74. Mrs. Helen Smith Inspector Dist. 1 75. Warner Pierson Inspector & Mess. Dist. 1 76. Fred Bossard Inspector & Mess. Dist. 1 77. Ruth -Exton Inspector District 1 38.75 $ 38.75 13.75 13.75 50.42 50.42 108.56 .108.56 10.25 10.25 6.00 6.00 9.35 9.35 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 94.49 94.49 25.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 32.50 32.50 .42 .42 10.00 10.00 21.80 21.80 54.30 54.30 4.25 4.25 107.50 107.50 3.95 3.95 3.45 3.45 102.70 102.70 3.25 5.00 75.00 107.50 3.45 6.75 12.15 11.97 13.00 15.00 19.28 13.00 21.19 82.00 107.50 7.14 3.25 2.00 107.50 31.15 14.00 53.85 4.08 6.25 1.75 8.00 107.50 5.00 3.25 5.00 75.00 107.50 3.45 6.75 12.15 11.97 13.00 15.00 19.28 13.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 255 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 78. C. J. Christofferson, Trustee Rent Polling pl. Dist. 1 12.00 12.00 79. Mary Ryan Inspector Dist. 2 13.00 13.00 80. Della R. Halladay Inspector Dist. 2 13.00 13.00 81. Nella L. Jones Insp. & Mess. Dist. 2 19.28 19.28 82. Lena Jennings Inspector Dist. 2 13.00. 13.00 83. L. C. Smith & Corona • Typewriter Co. Rent Dist. 2 12.00 12.00 •84. J. H. Waterman Inspector Dist. 3 13.00 13.00 , 85. Mary R. Long Inspector Dist. 3 13.00 13.00 86. Sarah Kirby Insp. Mess. Dist._ 3 19.28 19.28 87. Hattie M. Teeter Inspector Dist..3. 13.00 13.00 88. Jay Conger, Jr., Agent ._-_Rent Polling pl. Dist. 3 ____ 12.00 12.00 89. Clarence Bethel Inspector Dist. 4 13.00 13.00 90. Mina E. Rounseville Inspector Dist. 4 13.00 13.00 91. Asa F. Metzgar Inspector Dist. 4 13.00 13.00 92. Jessie E. Metzgar Insp. & Mess. Dist. 4 19.28 19.28 93. Nellie C. Hamill Inspector Dist. 5 13.00 13.00 84. Jennie A. King Inspector Dist. 5 13.00 13.00 95. Lillian Ogden Insp. & Mess. Dist. 5 19.28 19.28 96. Mary H. Dwyer Inspector Dist. 5 13.00 13.00 97. Corona Building & Im- provement Co. Rent Dist. 5 12.00 12.00 98. Estella T. Young Inspector Dist. 6 13.00 13.00 99. Howard D. Marks . Inspector Dist. 6 13.00 13.00 100. Anna B. Reniff Insp. & Mess. Dist. 7 15.00 15.00 101. John T. Terrell Insp. & Mess. Dist. 7 20.40 20.40 102. ' Frances E. Ryan Inspector Dist. 7 13.00 13.00 103. R. W. Tomlinson Inspector Dist. 7 13.00 13.00 104. H. T Davidson Rent Polling pl. Dist. 7 _-_ 9.00 9.00 105. Mary A. Austin Insp. & Mess. Dist. 6 15.00 15.00 106. Grace L. Thomas Insp. & Mess. Dist. 6 _-__ 19.84 19.84- 107. Grace L. Thomas, Trustee Rent Polling pl. Dist. 6 __._ 12.00 12.00 108. Village of Groton Rent Polling pl. Dist. 4 .__- 12.00 12.00 109. Asso. Gas & Electric Street Lights 107.50 107.50 110. J. B. Sheeler Justice Fees in crim. case 9.45 . 9.45 111. Ella A. Moe Rent & Phone 53.65 53.65 112. Asso. Gas & Electric Street Lights 107.50 107.50 113. American Surety Co. Bond Premium 5.00 5.00 114. Journal & Courier Supv. Report 9.24 9.24 115. A. J. Metzgar Constable . fees 12.95 12.95 116. Ella A. Moe Telephone 3.45 3.45 117 C. H. Moe • Jury Lists 6.00 6.00 118. Leon F. Buck Attendance Officer Salary__ 50.00 50.00 119. Asso. Gas & Electric Street Lights 107.50 107.50 120. E. R. Tucker Town Maps 12.00 12.00 121. Ella A. Moe Telephone 3.25 3.25 122. F. E. Ryari M.D. Health Officer Sal. & Mil. __ 299.00 • 299.00 123. Journal & Courier ' Stationery .30 .30 124. E. A. Landon Estate Per Diem & Wel Offi. Sal. 32.50 32.50 125. 'Journal & Courier Notice & Signs 3.39 3.39 126. William A. Church Co. _.2 Assessment Rolls 26.50 ' 26.50 127. E. A. Landon Estate 1 used safe 15.00 15.00 128. Associated Gas & Elec. __Street Lights 107.50 107.50 129. R. C. Smith Per, Diem and Allowance 271.00 271.00 256 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. • Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 130. C. H. Moe Registrar V. S. 131. C. H. Moe Per Diem & Services 132. R. R. Chatterton Per Diem & Legal Services -133. Joseph B. Sheeler Per Diem 134. G. B. Sickmon Per Diem 135. M. G. Tarbell Per Diem 136. Nelson Van Marter Assessor 137. C. Fay Benson Assessor 138. Archie R. Gillen Assessor 139. Ella A. Moe Rent & Phone 140. R. C. Tarbell; M.D. ...._V. S. 141. Rexford R. Chatterton ....Justice Fees 142. Rexford R. Chatterton .___Justice Fees 143. American Surety Co. Hold up Prem. Tax Col 144. A. J. Metzgar Constable Fees 145. G. B. Sickmon Justice Fees 146. Journal & Courier ' Printing 147. Warner Pierson Insp. & Mess. Dist 1 14-8. Helen Smith Insp. & Mess. Dist 1 149. Ruth Exton Insp. & Mess. Dist. 1 150. Fred Bossard Insp. & Mess. Dist. 1 151. Ray Rogers Insp. Dist. 1 152. Harry Talimadge Clerk Dist. 1 153. Frank Karlson Clerk Dist. 1 154. Miles Tarbell, Trustee ..Rent, Storing & Erecting Booths Dist. 1 40.00 40.00 155. Lena Jennings Insp. & Mess. Dist. ,2 30.28 30.28 156. Nella L. Jones Inspector Dist 2 24.00 24.00 157. Mary Ryan Inspector Dist. 2 24.00 24.00 158 Della Hallady Insp. & Mess. Dist. 2 30.28 30.28 159. Libbie Hyde Clerk Dist. 2 8.00 8.00 160. Dora R. Green Clerk Dist. 2 8.00 8.00 161. L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriter Co. Rent Dist. 2 162. Hattie M. Teeter Insp. & Mess. Dist. 3 163. James H. Waterman Insp. & Mess. Dist. 3 164. Mary R. Long Inspector Dist. 3 165. . Sarah E. Kirby Inspector Dist. 3 166. Olive M. Halladay Clerk Dist. 3 167. George Stark Clerk Dist. 3 168. Jay Conger, Agent Rent Dist. 3 169. Asa F. Metzger Insp. & Mess. Dist. 4 170. Mina E. Rounseville ... ..... Insp. & Mess. Dist. 4 171. Jessie Metzgar Inspector Dist. 4 172. Clarence Bethel Inspector Dist. 4 173. Eva Dempsey Clerk Dist. 4 174. Village of Groton Rent Dist. 4 175. Nellie C. Hamill Inspector Dist. 5 176. Jennie A. King Insp. & Mess. Dist. 5 177. Lillian Benedict Inspector Dist. 5 178. Lillian Ogden Inspector Dist. 5 179. Lotta Gibson Clerk Dist. 5 180. Corona Building & Im- provement 'Co. Rent Dist 5 32.00 32.00 181. Estella T. Young Insp. & Mess. Dist. 6 30.60 30.60 182. Grace L. Thomas Insp. & Mess. Dist. 6 26.00. 26.00 183. Mary A. Austin Inspector Dist. 6 24.00 24.00 50.60 50.60 265.05 265.05 135.00 135.00 40.00 40.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 181.50 181.50 165.50 165.50 171.50 171.50 53.25 53.25 3.25 3.25 12.30 12.30 7.90 7.90 1.75 1.75 15.51 15.51 4.50 4.50 10.20 10.20 30.28 30.28 30.28 30.28 26.00 26.00 18.00 18.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 32.00 32.00 30.28 30.28 30.28 30.28 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 32.00 32.00 30.28 30.28 30.28 30.28 24.00 24.00 19.00 19.00 8.00 8.00 32.00 32.00 24.00 .24.00 30.28 30.28 16.00 16.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 257 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 184. Howard D. Marks Insp. & Mess. Dist. 6 33.00 185. Marjorie Kane Clerk Dist. 6 8.00 186. Edith M. Hall Clerk Dist. 6 8.00 187. Archie R. Gillen Erecting Booths Dist. 6 _._. 10.00 188. Grace L. Thomas, TreasRent Dist. 6- 30.00 189. John Terrell Insp. & Mess. Dist. 7 30.28 190. Francis E. Ryan Insp. & Mess. Dist. 7 30.28 191. R. W. Tomlinson Inspector Dist. 7 24.00 192. Anna B. Reniff Insp. & Mess. Dist. 7 28.00 193. Ray C. StillwellClerk Dist. 7 8.00 194. Iva Ronk Clerk Dist. 7 8.00 195. Harry T. Davidson Rent, Stor. & Erect. Dist 7 38.00 196. Square Deal Garage Livery election supplies .___ 40.00 197. .Louise M. Voorhees Insp. & Clerk Dist. 4 13.00 198. Associated Gas & Elec. ._Street Lights 107.50 4. R. L. Teeter v Welfare 18.37 5. Cortland County Hos.....Welfare 3.00 6. Cortland County Welfare 16.00 7. A. H. Webster Welfare 6.50 8. Cancelled 9. Harry T. Davidson Welfare 16.00 161.00 10. Mary Kennedy Welfare 30.00 30.00 11. E. L. Weaver Welfare .50 .50 12. Victory Chain Store (Dryden) Welfare 13. Howard Personius Welfare 14. Mott Castle Welfare 15. G. W. Cummings Welfare 16. G. W. Cummings Welfare 17. G. W. Cummings Welfare 18. Lewis Marble Welfare 19. Warren Smith Welfare 20. Groton Shoe Store Welfare 21. F. E. Ryan M.D. Welfare 22. Sue M. Cummings Welfare 23. Sue M. Cummings Welfare 24. Sue M. Cummings Welfare 25. Cancelled 26. J. D. Grimes Welfare $ 27. Norma Moon Welfare 28. William Haake M.D. (Homer) Welfare 10.00 29. D. A. Knapp Welfare 15.00 30. Norman Edsall Welfare 1.05 1-W A. H. Webster Welfare 27.00 2-W Corona Bldg. & Improvement Co. Welfare 20.00 3-W D. A. Knapp Welfare 12.50 4-W S. C. Gooding Co. __..Welfare 26.25 5-W R. S. Smith Welfare Sal. & Mileage ._ 54.64 6-W E. A. Landon Welfare Sal. & Milage .. 25.00 7-W G. W. Cummings Welfare 20443 8-W Jay Portzline Welfare 2.40 9-W Sue M. Cummings ....Welfare 4&55 10-W Lewis Marble Welfare 7.36 11-W Harry Chapman Welfare 2.80 12-W F. E. Pierson Welfare 3.41 33.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 30.00 30.28 30.28 24.00 28.00 8.00 8.00 38.00 40.00 13.00 107.50 18.37 3.00 16,00 6.50 7.50 7.50 2.50 2.50 10.70 10.70 3.07 3.07 6.06 6.06 4.03 4.03 2.4-0 2.40 5.00 5.00 ' 3.80 3.80 29.50 29.50 3.00 3.00 5.95 5.95 14.00 14.00 4.00 $ 4.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 1.05 27.00 20.00 12.50 26.25 54.64 25.00 20.43 2.40 46.55 7.36 2.80 3.41 258 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 13-W Mott Castle Welfare 11.05. 11.05 14-W F. M. Kellam Welfare 27.10 27.10 15-W Freda White Welfare 30.00 30.00 16-W R. L. Teeter Welfare 27.57 27.57 17-W C. A. Bossard Welfare 2.88 2.88 18-W E. A. Landon Welfare Sal. & Expense _... 43.60 43.60 19-W. Mary Kennedy Welfare 30.00 30.00 20-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare 3.311 3.31 21-W Victory Chain Store (Dryden) Welfare 11.50 11.50 22-W Waren D. Smith Welfare 5.00 5.00 23-W R. J. Mack Welfare 1.95 1,95 24-W R. W. Tomilson Welfare 5.08 5.08 25-W Harry Davidson Welfare 16.45. 16.45 26-W R. C. Tarbell M.D. _...Welfare T. E. R. A. n 18.00 18.00 27-W R. C. Tarbell M.D.....Welfare T. E. R. A. 9.00 9.00 28-W R. C. Tarbell M.D.....Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 29-W R. C. Tarbell M.D.....Welfare T. E. R. A. 50.00 50.00 30-W Sue M. Cummings ....Welfare T. E. R. A. 28.67 28.67 31-W Sue M. Cummings ....Welfare -T. E. R. A. 10.16 10.16 32-W Sue M. Cummings ....Welfare T. E. R. A. 9.37 9.37 33-W Sue M. Cummings ....Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.50 1.50 34-W Sue M. Cummings ....Welfare T. E. R. _A. 10.64 10.64 35-W Sue M. Cummings ....Welfare T. E. R. A. 14.88 14.88 36-W Sue M. Cummings ....Welfare T. E. R. A. 7.88 7.88 37-W Jay H. Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.48 2.48 38-W Jay H. Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.96 4.96 39-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 26.00 26.00 40-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A.12.50 12.50 41-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.80 10.80 42-W S. C. Gooding Co. ....Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 43-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 7.95 - 7.95 44-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 15.90 15.90 45=W G.. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 7.38 7.38 46-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 7.62 7.62 47-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.50 6.50 48-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.40 5.40 49-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. ....._. 10.25 10.25 50-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.13 6.13 51-W J. H. Van Marter M.D.Welfare T. E. R. A. 25.00 25.00 52-W Corona Bldg. Improvement Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.00. 10.00 53-W E. R. Haydn Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.05 2.05 54-W Assoc. Gas & Elec. Co.Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.66 2.66 55-W F. E. Pierson Welfare T. E. R. A.15.60 15.60 56-W D. A. Knapp Welfare T. E. R: A. 16:55 16.55 57-W Mott Castle Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.08 11.08 58-W Leo Osborne Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.94 4.94 59-W Harry Davidson Welfare T. E. R. A. 16.00 16.00 60-W F. E. Ryan M.D.'Welfare 33,.00 33.00 61-W E. A. Landon - Welfare Salary 35.00 35.00 62-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare 10.00 10.00 63-W A. H. Webster Welfare 18.15 18.15 64-W Corona B & I Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.00 10.00 65-W Jay H. Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.24 2.24 66-W Jay H. Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.24 2.24 OF'TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 259 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 67-W Jay H. Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.48 4.48 68-W Jay H. Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.48 2.48 69-W D. A. Knapp Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.25 10.25 70-W D. A. Knapp Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.15 5.15 71-W D. A. Knapp Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.30 10.30 72-W D. A. Knapp Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.30 10.30 73-W R. C. Tarbell M.D.....Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.00 3.00 74-W R. C. Tarbell M.D. ....Welfare T. E. R. A. 7.50 7.50 75-W R. C. Tarbell M.D. ....Welfare T. E. R. A. 27.00 27.00 76-W F. E. Ryan M.D. Welfare T. E .R. A. 6:50 6.50 77-W F. E. Ryan M.D. Welfare T. E. R. A. 8.50 8.50 78-W F. E. Ryan M.D. Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.50 10.50 79-W F. E. Ryan M.D. Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 80-W C. C. Cashman Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.50 1.50 81-W Mott Castle Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.00 10.00 82-W Henry Geisenhoff Welfare T. E. R. A. 8.00 8.00 83-W Norma M. Moon Welfare T. E. R. A. 8.00 8.00 83-W W. L. Wilson Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.50 4.50 84-W B. Stevens Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.75 1.75 85-W Harry Davidson Welfare T. E. R. A. 20.00 20.00 86-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 12.50 12.50 87-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 13.00 : ':13.00 88-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.80 10.80 89-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 18.00 18.00 90-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. . 12.50 12.50 91-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.25 10.25 92-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.50 6.50 93-W F. E. Pierson Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.77 2.77 94-W F. E. Pierson Welfare T. E. R. A. 15.00 15.00 95-W F. E. Pierson Welfare T. -E. R. A. 15.06 15.06 96-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.21 2.21 97-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.71 1.71 98-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.46 1.46 9,9-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.72 3.72 100-W G. W. Cummings ....-.Welfare T. E. R. A. 19.10 19.10 101-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.50 11.50 102-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.91 5.91 103-W G. W. Cummings Welfare. T. E. R. A. 15.43 15.43 104-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.96 6.96 105-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.05 4.05 106-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.06 2.06 107-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.62 11.62 108-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.42 10.42 109-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.88 1.88 110-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.06 3.06 111-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 7.01 7.01 112-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 9.32 9.32 1137W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.51 5:51 114-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 15.98 15.98 115-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.47 . 3.47 116-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.47 2.47 117-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. .75 .75 118-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.88 . 6.88 119-W Sue M. Cummings ...._Welfare T. E. R. A. 13.95 13.95 120-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.54 3.54 121-W .Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.55 11.55 122-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.19 5.19 260 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 123-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 27.38 27.38 , 124-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.35 1.35 125-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 19.28 19.28 126-W Lewis Marble Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.48 4.48 127-W Lewis Marble Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.96 4.96 128-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.50 4.50 129-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 12.50 12.50 130-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.40 5.40 131'-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.25 10.25 132-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.25 10.25 133=W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.40 5.40 134-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.50 5.50 135-W A. H. Webster Welfare 'T. E. R. A. 10.25 10.25 136-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare T. E. R. A. ' 33.50 33.50 137-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare T. E. R. A. 20.50 20.50 138-W C. A. Bossard Welfare T E. R. A. 3.72 3.72 139-W C. A. Bossard Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.36 3.36 140-W R. W. Tomlinson Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.15 10.15 141=W R. W. Tomlinson Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.15 10.15 142-W L. L. Osborne Welfare T E. R. A. 10.89 10.89 143-W L. L. Osborne. Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.72 2.72 144-W Village of Groton Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.56 3.56 145-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 30.20 30.20 146-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.10 4.10 147-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 12.52 12.52 148-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.29 1.29 149-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 19.70 19.70 150-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T E. R. A. 8.63 8.63 151-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.18 10.18 152-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.21 2.21 -153-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 17.28 17.28 154-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.06 5.06 155-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.16 5.16 156-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.89 2.89 157-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.40 6.40 158-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.13 11.13 159-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.65 11.65 160-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 16.51 16.51 161-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 12.71 12.71 162-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 12.02' 12.02 163-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.73 4.73 164-W Norma M. Moon Welfare T. E. R. A. 8.00 8.00 165-W B. Stevens Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.35 1.35 166-W Lewis Marble Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.96 4.96 167-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.40 5.40 168-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. ........ 12.50 12.50 169-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 19.00 19.00 170-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T E. R. A. 5.40 • 5.40 171-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.50 6.50 172-W A. H._ Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.40 5.40 173-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 174-W A. H. Webster Welfare T E. R. A. 10.45 10.45 175-W R. C. Tarbell M.D. -...Welfare T. E. R. A. 27.00 27.00 176-W R. C. Tarbell M.D.....Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.00 3.00 177-W James Connor Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 178-W C. A. Bossard Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.68 1.68 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 261 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 179-W C: A. Bossard Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.72 3.72 180-W L. L. Osborne Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.65 2.65 - 181-W L. L. Osborne Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.84 2.84 182-W F. E. Pierson Welfare T. E. R. A. 20.66 20.66 183-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. R. 15.83 15.83 184-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.78 4.78 185-W Jay H. Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.48 2.48 186-W Jay H. Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.96 4.96 187-W Corona B &*I Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.55 6.55 188-W Corona B & I Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.00 10.00 189-W D. A. Knapp Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.30 10.30 190-W J. D. Grimes Welfare T. E. R. A. 13.12 13.12 191-W J. D. Grimes Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.85. 3.85 192-W H. T. Davidson ..... _:..Welfare T. E. R. A. 17.25 17.25 193-W Henry Geisenhoff Welfare T. E. R. A. 8.00 8.00 194-W James Simmons - Welfare T. E. R. A. 14.71 14.71 195-W Mott Castle Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.08 11.08 196-W A. G. & E. Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.49 1.49 197-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare 1.34 1.34 198-W G. W. Cummings ...._Welfare 8.43 8.43 199-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare .99 .99 200-W Village of Groton Welfare 3.75 3.75 201-W Jay H. Portzline Welfaie 2.48 2.48 202-W R. J. Booth Welfare 160.00 160.00 203-W Harry Chapman Welfare 3.84 3434 204-W Mary KennedyWelfare 28.00 28.00 205-W E. M. Perkins Welfare 75.00 75.00 206-W McLean Cem'try Asso.Welfare 20.00 20.00 207-W Fred D. Rhodes Welfare Officer Pro Tem. 31.87 31.87 208-W Mary Kennedy Welfare 30.00 30.00 209-W Groton Shoe Store Welfare 1.87 1.87 210-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.00 5.00 211-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 212-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.00 2.00 213-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare T. E. R. A. 9.50 9.50 214-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.81 5.81 215-W G. W. Cummings ...._Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.02 5.02 216-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T E. R. A. 5.81 5.81 217-W G. W. Cummings ...._Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.89 6.89 218-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.91 2.91 219-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.52 6.52 220-W G. W. Cummings ...._Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.35 5.35 221-W G. W. Cummings ...._Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.56' 5.56. 222-W S. C. Gooding Co. ..__Welfare T. E. R. A. 12.00 12.00 223-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 9.33 9.33 224-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. R. 22.52 22.52 225-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.08 5.08 226-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.89 6.89 227-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R.• A. 6.46 6.46 228-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.98 5.98 229-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 16.00 16.00 230-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.66 5.66 231-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.25 6.25 232-W Sue M .Cummings ...._Welfare T. E. R. A. 12.42. 12.42 233-W C. A. Bossard Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.36 3.36 234-W R. C. Tarbell M.D.....Welfare T. E. R. A. 25.00 25.00 235-W R. C. Tarbell M.D.....Welfare T. E. R. A. 13.00 13.00 262 PROCEEDINGS ;OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 236-W R. C. Tarbell M.D. ....Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.00 1.00 237-W F. E. Pierson Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.50 2.50 238-W F. E. Pierson. Welfare T. E. R. A. 13.78 13.78 239-W Corona B & I Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.00 10.00 240-W Corona B & I Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.00 5.00 241-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.90 4.90 242-W A. H. -Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 243-W James Simmons Welfare T. E. R. A. 8.88 8.88 244-W James Simmons Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.83 6.83 245-W James Simmons Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.33 3.33 246-W James Simmons Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.36 5.36 247-W Harry Davidson Welfare T. E. R. A. 13.88 13.88 248-W . D. A. Knapp • Welfare T. •E. R. A. 4.63 4.63 249-W James Connor Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 250-W L. L. Osborne Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.19 11.19 251-W Mott Castle Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.70 10.70 252-W Katherine Lynch Welfare T. E. R. A. 15.70 15.70 253-W Katherine Lynch Welfare T. E. R. A. 14.30 14.30 254-W Marian Corrington ....Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.50 3.50 255-W Lewis Marble Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.20 4.20 256-W G. W. Cummings Welfare 2.87 2.87 257-W E. W. Kostenbader ....Welfare 21.00 21.00 258-W Mary Kennedy Welfare'. 30.00 30.00 259-W Lawrence C. Jackson -_Welfare Officer 39.04 39.04 260-W Harry Chapman Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.51 4.51 261-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.50 11.50 262-W Mott Castle Welfare -T E. R. A. 11.08 11.08 263-W F. E. Pierson Welfare T. E. R. A. 8.45 8.45 264-W F. E. Pierson ._.._ Welfare T. E. R. A. 9.00 9.00 265-W F. E. Pierson Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.50 1.50 266-W R. C. Tarbell - Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.00 2.00 267-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.50 3.50 268-W Sue M. Cummings ...._Welfare T. E. R. A. 26.29 26.29 269-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T E. R. A. 15.92 15.92 270-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 9.24 9.24 271-W Sue M. Cummings ......Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.00 4.00 272-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.77 1.77 273-W James Simmons Welfare T. E. R. A. 13.23 13.23 274-W James Connor Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 275-W L. L. Osborne Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 276-W L. L. Osborne. Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.55 4.55 277-W J. H. Portzline Welfare T .E. R. A. 3.10 3.10 278-W J. H. Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.58 2.58 279-W J. H. Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. 1.92 1.92 280-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare T E. R. A. 14.00 14.00 281-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.00 5.00 282-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.90 4.90 283-W C. A. Bossard Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.00 5.00 284-W A. G. & E. Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.73 3.73 285-W A. F. Metzger Welfare 7.50 7.50 286-W A. J. Metzgar Welfare 4.20 4.20 287-W Elsie Woods Welfare 16.30 16.30 288-W Sarvay Shoe Co. Welfare 2.50 2.50 289-W Cortland Co. HospitalWelfare 15.50 15.50 290-W Lawrence C. Jackson __Welfare Officer 51.68 51.68 291-W G. E. Albon M.D. Welfare 28.00 28.00 292-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.05 3.05 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 263 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 293-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 16.15 16.15 294-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 15.99 15.99 295-W F E. Pierson Welfare T. E. R. A. 16.00 16.00 296-W Mott Castle Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.70 10.70 297-W R. C. Tarbell-M. D. ....Welfare T. E. R. 'A. 16.00 16.00 298-.W Harry. Chapman Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.08 6.08 299-W A. H. Webster Welfare T E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 300-W C. A. Bossard Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6:00 301-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare T. E. R. A. 12.00 12.00 302-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.00 3.00 303-W James Connor Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 304-W Jay H. Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.00 3.00 305-W James Simmons Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.23 11.23 306-W L. L. Osborne Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.86 5.86 307-W L. L. Osborne Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.70 2.70 308-W Lawrence C. Jackson__Welfare Officer 51.40 51.40 309-W Mary Kennedy Welfare 30.00 30.00 310-W J. H. Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.10 3.10 311-W James Connor Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 312-W Harry Chapman Welfare T E. R. A. 8.05 8.05 313-W L. L. Osborne Welfare T. E. R. A. 7.56 7.56 314-W Mott Castle Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.08 11.08 315-W G. E. Albon M.D. .__.Welfare T. E. R. 'A. 11.00 11.00 316-W A. H. Webster Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.20 3.20 317-W F. E. Pierson Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.52 3.52 318-W G. 'W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.53 3.53 319-W R. C. Tarbell M. D.....Welfare T E. R. A. 25.00 25.00 320-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 9.84 9.84 321-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 14.76 14.76 322-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.56 5.56 323-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 15.90 15.90 324-W C. A. Bossard Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.10 4.10 325-W C. A. Bossard Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.20 6.20 326-W Cortland Co. Hospital Welfare 73.25 73.25 327-W Cortland Sanitarium __Welfare 32.00 32.00 328-W David Robb M.D. Welfare 2.00 • 2.00 329-W Lawrence C. Jackson _.Welfare Officer 41.20 41.20 330-W Mary Kennedy Welfare 30.00 30.00 331-W Mott Castle Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.08 11.08 332-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 12.00 12.00 333-W Grand Union Store ....Welfare T. E. R. A. (Dryden) 3.00 3.00 334-W L. L. Osborne Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.06 6.06 335-W J. H. - Portzline Welfare T. E. R. A. .... 3.10 3.10 336-W James Connor Welfare' T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 337-W C. A. Bossard Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.40 2.40 338-W C. A. Bossard Welfare T. E. R. A. • 2.60 2.60 339-W Harry Chapman Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.07 6.07 340-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 12.37 12.37 341-W J. D. Grimes Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.50 2.50 342-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.62 5.62 343-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 16.00 16.00 344-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.00 4.00 345-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 15.41 15.41 346-W Mary Kennedy Welfare 30.00 30.00 347-W Lawrence C. Jackson -.Welfare Officer 45.72 45.72 348-W L. L. Osborne Welfare T. E. R. A. 7.08 7.08 264 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 349-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 2.00 2.00 350-W Sue M. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 16.00 ` 16.00 351-W G. W. Cummings ..-._Welfare T E. R. A. 9.80 9.80 352-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 8.21 8.21 353-W L. E. Jones Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.35 5.35 354-W James Connor Welfare T. E. R. A. ' 6.00 6.00 355-W Harry Chapman Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.13 6.13 35,6-W Mott Castle Welfare T. E. R. A. 10.70 10.70 357-W Lawrence C. Jackson ..Welfare Officer 37.68 37.68 358-W R. C. Tarbell M.D. ....Welfare T. E. R. A. 3.00 3.00 359-W R. C. Tarbell M.D.....Welfare T. E. R. A. 9.00 9.00 360-W R. C. Tarbell M.D. _.._Welfare T. E. R. A. 25.00 25.00 361-W L. L. Osborne Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.03 6.03 362-W R. W. Tomlinson -Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.50 11.50 363-W Harry Davidson Welfare T. E. R. A. 7.99 7.99 364-W Harry Chapman Welfare T. E. R. A. 5.98 5.98 365-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare T. E. R. A. 8.00 8.00 366-W A. H. Webster Welfare -T E. R. A. 6.50 6.50 367-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.39 11.39 368-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T. E. R. A. 4.00 4.00 369-W G. W. Cummings Welfare T E. R. A. 8.19 8.19 370-W S. C. Gooding Co. Welfare T. E. R. A. 12.50 12.50 371-W Mott Castle Welfare T. E. R. A. 11.08 11.08 372-W James Connor Welfare T. E. R. A. 6.00 6.00 373-W Chas. J. Kelly M. D. ..Welfare 50.00 50.00 374-W G. M. Gilchrist M.D.Welfare 8.00 8.00 375-W E. A. Landon Est. Welfare 15.01 15.01 376-W Mary Kennedy • Welfare 30.00 30.00 '377-W Cortland Co. HospitalWelfare 33.00 33.00 378-W Lawrence C. Jackson ..Welfare Officer 45.40 45.40 Total $ 4,641.75 $ 4,64.1.75 T. E. R. A. ..42716.05 Welfare 1,924.70 $ 4,641.75 $ 4,641.75 General Total $ 5,714.48 $ 5,714.48 Contract Bills ....$1,414.14 Election Bills . _. 1,653.32 General Control 2,647.02 $5,714.48 Grand Total General Fund and Welfare Fund ..__$ 10,356.23 $ 10,356.23 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY, OF TOMPKINS I, the undersigned, Town Clerk of the Town of Groton, County of Tompkins and State of New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a true abstract of the claims audited by the Town' Board, acting. as a board of auditors, during its sessions in the year 1933, giving the name of the claimant, purpose, amount claimed, and amount allowed. CHARLES H. MOE , Town Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 265 TOWN OF ITHACA ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1933 Abstract of the names of all persons who presented claims to be audited on November 9, 1933, by the Town Board of Auditors with the amounts claimed and allowed. No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. Samuel Newman Inspector Elec. 1 Chairman $54.60 $54.60 2. Arthur Teeter Inspector Elec. 1 41.00 41.00 3. Peter A. Campbell Inspector Elec. 1 41.00 41.00 4. Willis E. Butler Inspector Elec. 1 41.00 41.00 5. -Chas. Morris Inspector Elec. 2 Chairman 51.64 51.64 6. Floyd E. Andrews Inspector Elec. 2 41.00 41.00 7. Margaret S. Mapes Inspector Elec. 2 41.00 41.00 8. Emma F. Morris Inspector Elec. 2 41.00 41.00 9. Jean Updike Inspector Elec. 3 Chairman 53.80 53.80 10. Cora Gray Inspector Elec. 3 41.00 41.00 11. Florence Myers Inspector Elec. 3 41.00 41.00 12. Archibald Morrison Inspector Elec. 3 41.00 41.00 13. L. N. Simmons Inspector Elec. 4 Chairman 35.00 35.00 14. Harry Richards Inspector Elec. 4 10.00 10.00 15. Anna A. Wright Inspector Elec. 4 46.27 46.27 16. Maude C. Wiegand Inspector Elec. 4 41.00 41.00 17. Laura S'. Brown Inspector Elec. 4 41.00 41.00 18. C. A. Baker Jus.-Bd. & Com. Meet. _... 96.00 96.00 19. W. I Smith Jus.-Bd. & Com. Meet. .__. 96.00 96.00 20. W. I. Smith Justice, Fees 3.25 3.25 21. Jas. A. Bush Jus., Bd. & Com. Meet. _.__ 84.00 84.00 22. Jas. A. Bush Justice Fees 52.50 52.50 23. C. H. Newman Jus. Bd. & Com Meet. 84.00 84.00 24. L. E. Chase Supv. Service Bill 209.76 209.76 25. L. E. Chase Supv., Percentages 210.97 210.97 26. Rachel T. Hanshaw Town Clerk, Elec. All. 60.00 60.00 27. Rachel T. Hanshaw Regis. Vital Statistics 54.00 54.00 28. Rachel T. Hanshaw T. C., Post. & Disb. 18.78 18.78 29. Rachel T. Hanshaw Town Clerk, Services 195.00 195.00 30. Wilbur G. Fish Health Officer Services _... 371.76 371.76 31. F. H. Grover Welfare Officer Services _. 323.00 323.00 32. J. W. Preswick Assessor, Chairman 240.00 240.00 33. R. C. Mandeville Assessor 205.00 205.00 34. F. C. Marshall Assessor & Rolls 250.00 250.00 35. Glenn Marion Collector, Disb. 27.42 27.42 36. J. J. Sinsabaugh Constable duty 4.00 4.00 37. L. E. Moore Lock on Polling PI. 2 4.00 4.00 38. C. H. Newman Justice Fees 73.40 . 73.40 $3,365.15 $3,365.15 State of New York Town of Ithaca County of Tompkins I, the undersigned, Town Clerk, of the Town of Ithaca, 266 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above is a true and correct list of all the bills audited or rejected at a meeting of the Board of Auditors on November 9, 1933. RACHEL T. HANSHAW, Town Clerk, Town of Ithaca. OF TOMPKINS' COUNTY, NEW YORK 267 TOWN OF LANSING ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1933 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. Percy Burling Insp. of Elec. $ 22.00 $ 22.00 _ 2. Veda Holden Inspector of Election 6.00 6.00 3. Chas. Wooley Inspector of Election 28.00 28.00 4. Leon Sweazey Inspector of Election 22.00 22.00 5. Winona Nobles Inspector of Election28.00 28.00 6. Edward Howell Clerk General Election 10.00 10.00 7. Walter Sweazey - Insp. and Mess. 29.60 29.60 8. Frank Singer Inspector of Election 28.00 28.00 9. Charles J. Miller Insp. and Mess. 42.72 42.72 10. Chas. Lobdell Inspector of Election' 28.00 28.00 11. Glen Bacon Inspector of Election28.00 28.00 12. Howard Beardsley. Clerk General Election 10.00 10.00 13. Fred Linberberry Clerk General Election 10.00 10.00 14. Carl Halliday Insp. and Mess. 33.64 33.64 15. Bertha Howland Insp. and Mess. 33.64 33.64 16. Leslie Peters Insp. and Mess. - ' 30.00 30.00 17. Robert Conlon Inspector of Election 22.00 22.00 18. Fred Davis Inspector and Clerk Elec. 16.00 16.00 19. Clair McFeaters Clerk General Election 10.00 10.00 20. Anna Frawley Insp. and Mess. 34.44 34.44 21. Herbert Van Nest Clerk General Election 10.00 10.00 22. Ella Smith Inspector of Election 28.00 28.00 23. Jessie Bush Insp. and Mess. 34.44 34.44 24. La Mott Smith Clerk General Election 10.00 10.00 25. Olive Van Nest Inspector of Election 28.00 28.00 26. Jessie Bush ' Hall Rent Elec Purposes .. 35.00 35.00 27. So. Lansing Grange Hall__Hall Rent Elec Purposes _. 35.00 35.00 28. No. Lansing Grange HallHall Rent Elec Purposes __ 35.00 35.00 29. No. Lansing Grange HallCourt Purpose 5.00 5.00 30. Clay C. Tarbell Criminal Bill 19.75 19.75 31. Ed. Ozmun Criminal Bill 64.65 64.65 32. Arthur Gregg Constable Bill 3.10 3.10 33. Jerry Smith Justices Service Bill 52.00. 52.00 34. A. J. Conlon Supervisors Service Bill _--_ 52.00 52.00 35. Ed. Ozmun Justices Service . Bill 52.00 52.00 36. C. C. Tarbell Justice Service Bill 52.00 52.00 37. J. B. Bower Assessors Service Bill 104.00 104.00 38. George Field Assessors Service Bill 104.00 104.00 39. Samuel Lane Assessors Service Bill 104.00 104.00 40. Arthur Gregg Constable Bill 3.00 3.00 41. Joseph McGill ,. Town Clerk - Sere. Bill _- ' 56.00 56.00 42. Joseph McGill Town Clerk Expense Bill 6.25 6.25 43. Karl Kintz Criminal Bill 35.65 35.65 44. C. D. Kintz Justice Service Bill . 52.00 52.00 Total $ 1,452.88 $ 1,452.88 268 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF •SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF TOMPKINS }ssSTATE OF NEW YORK : We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of the Town of Lansing, N. Y., do hereby certify, that the foregoing is a correct list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed and the amount al- lowed. Dated November 9, 1933: A. J. CONLON CLAY C. TARBELL CARLTON KINTZ JERRY A: SMITH EDWARD OZMUN JOSEPH MC GILL, Clerk OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TOWN OF NEWFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1933 269 Of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Town Board of the Town of Newfield, N. Y., on the 20th day of November, 1933,, with the amounts claimed to-gether with the amounts allowed. No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. Fred W. Payne Assessor services $ 96.00 $ 96.00 2. Harry Horton Assessor services 113.60 113.60 3.. Frank Fish Assessor services 84.00 84.00 4. W. A. Smith M.D. Health Officer salary 217.65 217.65 5. R. C. Albright Services 24.50 24.50 6. Chas. P. Stoughton Services 29.00 29.00 7. Forest J. Payne Services 46.50 46.50 8. Carrie M. Peck "Services 50.00 50.00 9. C. L. Brainard Services Com. Work 29.50 29.50 10. C. L. Brainard Services 32.50 32.50 11. Douglass S. Carpenter ....,Services 32.50 32.50 12. A. M. Surety Co. Bonds 187.12 187.12 Mileague & Insp. 13. L. S. Taber Services Dist. 1 34.28 34.28 14. R. S. McGiven Insp. Services Dist. 1 23.00 23.00 15. Buena E. H. Weatherell ..Insp. Services Dist. 1 23.00 . 23.00 16. Anna M. Dorn Insp. Services Dist. 1 23.00 23.00 17. Martha August Clerk Services Dist. 1 8.00 8.00 18. Almina Rumsey Clerk Services Dist. 1 8.00 8.00 19. Georgia McClintock Mil. & Insp. Serv. Dist. 2 34.28 34.28 20. Frank G. Snyder Inspector Services Dist. 2 23.00 23.00 21. Amanda R. 'Van Kirk Inspector Services Dist. 2 23.00 23.00 22. George H. Noble Inspector Services Dist. 2 23.00 23.00 23. Jessie P. Albright ......._Clerk Services Dist. 2 8.00 8.00 24. Marie D. Cutter Clerk Services Dist. 2. 8.00 8.00 • $1,181.43 $ 1,181.43 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of accounts audited by the Town Board, now on file in my office. . CARRIE M. PECK, Town Clerk. Dated November 20, 1933 -270 PROCEEDINGS OF' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ULYSSES ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1933 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1. Chas. F. Smith School Att. Officer 2.. Henry William J. P. Services J. P. 3. Arthur Hubbell J. P. Services J. P. 4. O. Howard McDaniels ._..Supe. Service 5. O. Howard McDaniels .._.Percentage (Gen. Fund) 6. Edith M. Updike Services, T. C. 7. Edith M. Updike Expense Acct. T. C. 8. H. K. Aiken Services J. P. 9. H. K. Aiken Criminal Bill 10. C. 'L. Clock Welfare Officer. (1932) 11. Henry Williams Services J. P. 12. Arthur Hubbell Services J. P. 13. Fred N. Smith Services J. P. 14. Henry Williams Criminal Bill 15. Fidelity & Cas Co. Bond Premium (Coll.) Bond Premium 16. American Surety Co. (Supr. Hwgy.) 28.00 28.00 17. American Surety Co. _._._.__Bond Prem. (Supr. Gen.) 60.00 60.00 18. Ithaca Journal -News Pub. Tax Notices _ 6.12 6.12 19. Dennis & Co. Supplies. (Justices & Clerk) 9.08 9.08 20. Free Press & Sent. " Sup. & Pub. Supr. Rpt. .... 26.65 26.65 21. O. Howard McDaniels .__Supr. Service 21.00 21.00 22. O. Howard McDaniels ....Expense Acct. 4.65 4.65 23. Chas. F. Smith School Att. Officer 18.00 18.00 24. Edith M. Updike Off. Expense -Telephone 25.00 25.00 25. Edith M. Updike Services T. C. 17.50 17.50 26. Henry Williams Services J. P. 14.00 14.00 27. Henry' Williams Criminal Bill 15.35 15.35 28. H. K. Aiken Services J. P. 17.50 17.50 29. H. K. Aiken Criminal Bill 13.00 13.00 30. Arthur Hubbell Services J. P. 10.50 10.50 31. Chas. F. Smith School Att. Officer 15.00 15.00 32. Dennis & Co. Supplies (Justices) 8.00 8.00 33. Claude Sears Constable Fees 7.50 7.50 34. American Surety Co. Bond Prem. (School Fund) 14.00 14.00 35. Keith Sears M.D. - Services H. O. 205.45 205.45 36. Keith Sears M.D. Expense H. O. Conference - 5.00 5.00 37. Lewis H. Tunison Est. :Services, Assessor 40.50 40.50 38. H. C. Steenberg Services, Assessor 72.00 72.00 39. Edwin V. Gould Services, Assessor .112.50 112.50 40. Philo B. Smith Services, Chajirman Assr. 161.50 161.50 41. Fred N. Smith Services J. P. '10.50 10.50 42. Chas. F. Smith School Att. Officer 26.40 26.40 43. Williamson L. B. Co. ___.Supplies (Justice) 2.10 2.10 44. William A. Church Co. ._..Assessment Rolls 22.00 22.00 45. C. B. Clark Rental; Elections 24.00 24.00 46. O. Howard McDaniels __..Supv4-Service 24.50 24.50 47. O. Howard McDaniels ....Expense Acct_ ............._____6.15 6.15 48. O. Howard McDaniels __..Percentage, School Fund .._69.43 69.43 49. H. K. Aiken Services J. P. 10.50 1030 50.. H. K. Aiken Criminal Bill 5.20 5.20 51. Dennis & Co.' Supplies 16.19 16.19 $ 21.00 $ 21.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8M0 8.00 8.00 80.39 80.39 12.00 12.00 2.62 2.62 8.00 8.00 11.40 11.40 490.50 400.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 15.00 15.00 12.70 12.70 84.03 84.03 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 271 No. Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 52. Free Press & Sent. Printing & .Supplies 15.52 15.52 53. Edith M. Updike Services T. C. 21.50 21.50 54. Edith M. Updike Expense Acct. 5.98 5.98 55. Edith M. Updike Registrar 53.40 53.40 56. Lola A. Jackson Inspector & Mess. 40.92 40.92 57. Jane S. Wilcox Inspector 29.00 29.00 58. Arsula B. Hilliard Inspector 29.00 29.00 59. Mabel Batty Inspector 29.00 29.00 60. Henry Williams Inspector & Mess. 31.28 31.28 61. Edward H. Seeley Inspector 9.00 9.00 62. John Young Inspector 29.00 29.00 63. 'Wilbur V. Briggs Inspector 29.00 29.00 64. John Chase Inspector 29.00 29.00 65. Francis J. Breen Inspector & Mess. 40.92 40.92 66. Ray W. Stevens Inspector 29.00 29.00 67. Mary E. Cronk Inspector 29.00 29.00 68. Elwyn E. Ford Inspector 29.00 29.00 69. Edith M. Updike Election Services 14.00 14.00 70. Edith M. Updike. Election Expense 12.65 12.65 71. Automatic Vot. Mach. Co.Election Supplies 2.51 2.51 72. Corner Book Store Flags (Mem. Day) 18.75 18.75 $2,447.84 $2,357.34 I, Edith M. Updike, Clerk of the Town of Ulysses, Tomp- kins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Town Board of said Town at its sessions in the year 1933, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed. Dated December 9th, 1933. Clerk, Town of Ulysses, Tompkins County, N. Y. EDITH M. UPDIKE, 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual Report of the Treasurer of Tompkins County Ithaca, N. Y., November 18, 1933 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : GENTLEMEN - The following report of receipts and disbursements of county funds for the period_ November 1st, 1932, to October 31st, 1933, is respectfully submitted. CHARLOTTE V. BUSH, County Treasurer. Levy of General Property Taxes For Town Purposes— Caroline $ 13,888.21 Danby 13,276.29 Dryden 27,429.22 Enfield 7,577.76 Groton 23,925.74 Ithaca 21,270.98 Lansing 21,259.19 Newfield 12,385.14 Ulysses 19,800.00 $160,812.53 For State and County— Caroline $ 9,031.01 Danby 10,585.56 Dryden 28,197.70 Enfield 5,344.88 Groton 25,117.51 Ithaca 40,243.61 Lansing 26,673.78 Newfield _ 7,926.63 Ulysses 22,570.37 Ithaca—City 260,108.87 $435,799.92 $596,612.45 Collectors paid town officers $140,963.35 Collectors paid county treasurer 281,953.71 Corporations paid county treas- urer - 67,122.52 Taxes returned to treasurer 78,231.13 Due from Ulysses 28,341.74 $596,612.45 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 273 Detailed Statement of Receipts— Taxes—from collectors and corporations ..$ 349,076.23 collected before tax sale 56,404.11 from tax sale, int. and advertising 2,585.13 Tax sale certificates 3,872.75 Sale of lands deeded to county on tax sale 2,717.93 Licenses and permits 232.78 General interest 170.91 Highway fund interest 899.54 State Aid—County Laboratory 8,920.45 Public Health 4,000.00 Old Age Security 13,530.85 Snow Removal 2,468.00 Emergency Relief 18,138.67 County Road Fund— Tax on gasoline 76,485.84 Motor Vehicle Fees 46,281.30 State Aid 46,858.73 Departmental earnings— Fees from court and trust funds 82.23 Fees from Estate Taxes 437.79 County Clerk court fees 475.25 Surrogate's fees 218.33 County Clerk registration fees 17,365.94, Board of Federal prisoners 290.00 Rental of Highway machinery 27,152.81 Tuberculosis Hospital inmates 2,976.40 Refunds— Transportation of prisoners 33.00 Old Age Security 262.63 Public Welfare 10,373.55 Supervisor expense 9.00 Insurance 129.89 Law Books 30.00 Mileage 46.00 Contribution of salary by county employees 4,779.11 Returned school taxes 4,105.28 Municipal Indebtedness— Bonds 550,000.00 Temporary tax loans 220,000.00 Premium on bonds 1,100.00 274 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Trust Transactions— From state for state and county highways 13.11 Public School money 502,001.38 Academic Money 36,289.89 Franchise Taxes 16,185.99 Income Taxes 12,877.79 Interest on Mortgage Tax, money 88.49 Interest on Trust funds 140.32 Interest on State Highway Funds 107.70 Inheritance and estate taxes 4,684.13 Bank Taxes 11,017.47 Beverage Tax 13,125.21 Mortgage taxes 4,812.35 Tax redemptions 2,885:87 Real Estate Licenses 100.50 Court and Trust funds - 4,015.60 Dog Licenses 7,669.70 Total receipts $2,088,525.93 Detailed Statement of Payments General Government— Supervisors' compensation $ 10,088.48 Supervisors' expenses 4,760.53 Tax commissioners' meeting 46.32 Tax sale advertising 2,300.13 Perfecting title to lands deeded to county purchased at tax sale ........ 446.94 Commissioners . of elections 2,924.18 Elections 5,855.29 County Treasurer 5,072.68 Court House 4,651.20 County clerk - 1,460.87 Expense of bond issues 9,045.49 County Judge and Surrogate 9,354.81 Childrens Court 2,534.48 District attorney 3,146.53 Sheriff 7,039.22 County clerk as clerk of court 3,600.00 Supreme Court Judge 1,341.35 Supreme Court (civil) • 6,651.65 County court (civil) 1,331.30 Supreme Court (indictment and crim- inal) 1,298.06 County court (indictment and criminal) 607.38 OF :TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 275 Justices of the pe4ce, fees in felony cases 176.40 Coroners 543.46 County Publications 1,323.17 Protection of Persons and Property— County sealer 1,364.05 County clerk as register 13,209.79 Conservation of Health— Physically Handicapped children 3,015.75 Eradication of bovine tuberculosis 2,680.70 County laboratory 12,191.34 County nurses - 8,129.50 Tuberculosis hospital 22,415.78 Highways— Superintendent of highways 4,851.55 County roads, repairs and improve- ments and Snow removal 6,741.82 Charities— Public Welfare 85,290.61 Old Age Security 46,352.34 Insane committments 260.00 Child welfare care - 5,234.15 Temporary Emergency Relief— Home relief 8,977.25 Work relief 25,919.27 Corrections— - Jail - 4,012.73 Penal institutions 2,000.13 Probation officer 1,195.07 Education— Educational notices 27.66 Farm Bureau 7,625.00 County library 4,000.00 Cornell Library 1,500.00 Deaf mutes (institution) 148.77 276 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Soldiers Burials 260.00 County aid to towns 11,471.06 Sinking fund •taxes 7,629.21 Interest on temporary loans 3,395.44 Interest on bonds 8,682.50 New county buildings 347,593.91 Reforestation of lands 160.40 County road fund 211,756.07 Rights of way 25,240.70 Purchase gravel bank 750.00 Municipal Indebtedness— Temporary loans 255,600.00 Bonds—highway 23,000.00 Refunds 609.72 Advance and Deposits— Returned school taxes 23,415.53 Compensation Insurance, 4,581.06 Employees' Retirement System 3,831.89 Insurance on highway building 244.60 City directories 82.50 Maintenance—adding machines 52.90 Maps—highway 1.20 Highway machinery 20,845.75 Trust Transactions Stenographers' tax 7,163.63 Armory taxes 7,791.77 Inheritance taxes 4,387.80 Mortgage taxes 2,455.20 Dog fees 649.50 Special Taxes— Towns and cities 51,615.57 Villages 2,261.11 School districts 543,549.06 Tax redemptions 2,974.63 Court and trust funds 5,076.74 Dog fees 6,157.50 Highway maintenance 39,767.60 Fees—Inheritance taxes 440.82 Court and trust funds 82.23 Premium on County treasurer's mortgage tax bond 5.00 $1,976,325.78 Cash on Hand November 1, 1932 $ 186,595.72 Transferred from Special Trust Fund 81,980.81 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 277 Receipts November 1 1932—October - 31, 1933 2,088,525.93 $2,357,102.46 Payments November 1, 1932 to October 31, 1933 1,976,325.78 Cash on Hand November 1, 1933 Court House and Jail . Bond Account 140,310.09 General Fund 158,703.99 Highway Funds 31,648.92 Special Trust Funds 45,126.22 Mortgage Tax 2,778.41 Dog Licenses 2,209.05 $2,357,102.46 The item of $45,126.22 designated as Special Trust Funds and included in balance of Cash on Hand is made up of moneys over which the county has no control. Statement of the various appropriations, not including those paid in definite amounts at specified times, and there- fore having no balance or overdraft. Supervisors' Compensation Overdraft Balance. Balance Nov. 1, 1932 • $ 1.60 Appropriation 9,425.38 9,426.98 Expenditures 10,088.48 $ 661.50 Supervisors Expense Appropriation—Clerk and Attorney 2,800.00 Other ex - per sses .... 676.17 $ 3,476.17 Expenditures 4,629.33 $1,153.16 County Publications Balance Nov. 1, 1932 1,063.06 Expenditures 1,323.17 $ 260.11 278 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Tax Commissioners Meeting Appropriation 134.08 Expenditures 46.32 $ 87`76. Commissioners of Election Balance Nov. 1, 1932 699.92 Appropriation—Salaries 1,800.00 Postage, etc. 400.00 Rent :.. 360.00 Sundries 250.00 $ 3,509.92 Expenditures $ 2,807.59. Elections Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $15,350.26 Appropriation 8,030.62 $23,380.88 Expenditures 5,855.29 County Treasurer Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 1,415.89 Appropriation—Salary .... 2,800.00 Clerk 800.00 Postage 250.00 Bonds 875.00 Sundries 600.00 $ 6,740.89 Expenditures 4,979.75 Court House (Old) Balance Nov. 1, 1932 4,105.09 Appropriations. and Refunds 1,778.85 5,883.94 Expenditures 1,801.20 $ 702.33 $17,525.59 $ 1,761.14 $4082.74 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 279 County Clerk's Building Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 1,761.00 Appropriation—Janitor .... 600.00 Insurance 101.25 Fire Protection 500.00 Sundries .. 12.12 $2,974.37 Expenditures $1,065.06 County Judge and Surrogate Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 1,782.33 Appropriation—Salary 5,000.00 Special County Judge 600.00 Assist- ants 3,000.00 Sundries 638.70 Refund on law books 30.00 $11,051.03 Expenditures $ 9,191.97 District Attorney Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 643.58 Appropriation—Salary .... 2,400.00 • Office Expense 800.00 . Sundries 600.00 Mileage refund 4.86 $ 4,448.44 Expenditures $ 3,146.53 Sheriff . Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 512.31 Refund on transportation 33.00 Appropriation—Salary , 2,400.00 Under - $1,909.31 $1,859.06 $1;301.91 280 PROCEEDINGS -OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS sheriff ... 1,500.00 Turnkey and Deputies 1,200.00 Expenses 1,500.00 Sundries 724.29 $ 7,869.60 Expenditures $ 6,656.38 Courts. Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 6,424.82 Appropriation 8,800.00 $15,224.82 Expenditures Supreme 7,949.71 Civil 1,938.68 9,888.39 County Clerk Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 2,985.32 Appropriation—Salary 3,600.00 Deputy 1,500.00 Motor Vehicle Clerk :. 1,500.00 Assist- ants 7,100.00 Rent 420.00 Insuranice 62.50 Postage 725.00 Bonds 75.00 Sundries 1,000.00 $18,967.82 Expenditures $16,809.79 .Children Court Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 971.85 Appropriation—Salaries .. 2,300.00 Sundries 500.00 $1',213.22 $5,336.43 $2,158.03 $ 3,771.85 Expenditures $ 2,429.30 $1,342.55 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 281_. Justices and Constables Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 820.15 Expenditures 176.40 Coroner Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 820.54 Appropriation—Salary 500.00 Sundries 100.00 Mileage refund .. 16.74 $ 1,437.28 Expenditures $ 543.46 County Sealer Balance Nov. 1, 1932 Appropriation—Salary .. Expenses Mileage refund 22.00 $ 190.42 900.00 500.00 $1,612.42 Expenditures . $1,364.05 Insane. Commitments Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 40.00 Appropriation 270.00 Jail 310.00 Expenditures $ 260.00 Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ Board of Federal Prisons Appropriation 554.50 290.00 818.00 $ 1,662.50 Expenditures $ 3,433.72 $ 643.75 $ 893.82 $ 248.37 50.00 $1,771.82 282 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Supreme Court Judge Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 183.00 Appropriation—Sundries 500.00 Rent 840.00 $ 1,523.00 Expenditures $ 1,192.70 Compensation Insurance Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 321.43 Appropriation 6,988.46 $ 7,309.89 Expenditures $ 4,581.06 Probation Officer Appropriation $ 1,200.00 Expenditures 1,200.00 Reforestation Balance, Nov. 1, 1932 $ 88.15 Appropriation 200.00 $ 288.15 Expenditures 160.40 County Laboratory Received from State $ 8,920.45 Appropriation 6,500.00 $15,420.45 Expenditures $14,618.69 Public Health Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 1,536.74 Mileage refund 32.19 Appropriation 4,000.00 Received from State .4,000.00 $ 9,568.93 $ 330.30 $2,728.83 • $ 127.75 $1,566.67 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 283 Expenditures $ 8,161.69 $1,407.24 Tuberculosis Hospital Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $. 3,987.77 Appropriation 21,000.00 Insurance 37.23 Income from patients 2,976.40 $28,001.40 Salaries 9,599.36 Other exp'ditures 12,735.82 22,335.18 Superintendent of Highways Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 1,061.43 Appropriation—Salary 3,000.00 Expenses 1,500.00 Sundries 95.13 Mileage refund 2.40 $ 5,658.96 Expenditures $ 4,335.82 Rights of Way Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $23,262.15 Appropriation 28,970.00 $52,232.15 Expenditures $25,240.70 Highway Machinery Balance January 1; 1933 $15,042.99 Receipts 23,698.55 $38,741.54 Expenditures $ 9,719.56 Snow Removal, Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 3,055.84 $5,666.22 $1,323.14 $26,991.45 $29,021.98 284 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Appropriation 10,000.00 Received from state 2,007.76 $15,063.60. , Expenditures $ 6,741.82 County Road Fund Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $32,778.36 Motor Vehicle Receipts 46,281.30 Motor Fuel Receipts 76,485.84 Interest 495.66 Received from state • 46,858.73 Refunds - 1,583.08 Appropriation 28,110.00 $232,592.97 Paid on order of 'County Superintendent 175,551.13 State aid to Towns 37,788.02 213,339.65 Public Welfare Appropriation $ 89,407.81 Expenditures Orders—Commissioner of Welfare 79,198.87 Salaries 3,426.43 Audits by Supervisors 2,650.37 $85,275.67 Old Age Security Balance Nov. 1, 1932 $ 2,749.65. Appropriation 47,500.00 Salary of worker 2,000.00 Traveling Expenses 600.00 Stenographer 804.00 $53,653.65 Expenditures $46,352.34 $ 8,321.78 $19,253.82 $4,132.14 $7,301.31 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TOWN ACCOUNTS CAROLINE Due County November 1, 1932 Sheriff expenses 285 $ ,133.73 78.10 $ 211.83 Paid in 1932 budget $ 133.73 Surplus on 1932 tax roll 27.70 161.43 Due county 50.40 DANBY Due County November 1, 1932 Sheriff expenses $ 135.60 45.90 $ 181.50 Paid in 1932 budget $ 135.60 1931 taxes collected . 21.68 157.28 Due county $ 24.22 DRYDEN Due County November 1, 1932 $ 265.42 Examinations in Lunacy 30.00 Sheriff expenses 68.40 Error on. assessment roll 12.73 $ 376.55 Paid in 1932 budget $ 275.42 Surplus on 1932 tax roll 49.18 $ 324.60 Due county $ 51.95 ENFIELD Due County November 1, 1932 $ 90.81 Sheriff expenses 44.85 $ 135.66 Paid in 1932 budget $ 90.81 Due County $ 44.85 O 286 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS GROTON Due County November 1, 1932 $ 420.19 Examinations in Lunacy 40.00 Sheriff expenses 6 7.65 Paid in 1932 budget ITHACA $ 527.84 420.19 Due county $ 107.65 Examinations in Lunacy $ 30.00 Sheriff expenses 71.95 0 $ ` 101.95 Due town November 1, 1932 $ 6.49 Paid in 1932 budget 30.00 Surplus on 1932 tax roll 7.36 $ . 43.85 Due county $ 58.10 LANSING Due County November 1, 1932 $ 356.66 Refunded tax 24.72 Sheriff expenses 140.60 $ 521.98 Paid in 1932 budget $ 356.66 Surplus on 1932 tax roll 137.10 $ 493.76 Due county $ 28.22 NEWFIELD Due County November 1, 1932 $ 48.72 Sheriff expenses 38.70 Paid in 1932 budget $ 87.42 $ . 48.72 Due county $ 38.70 ULYSSES Due Town November 1, 1932 $ 480.47 Paid in 1932 budget 10.00 $0 490.47 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 287 Examinations in Lunacy $ 10.00 Sheriff expenses 74.40 Paid town 400.00 $ 484.40 Due town $ 6.07 CITY OF ITHACA Due County November 1, 1932 .. $ 387.03 Examinations in Lunacy . 120.00 Uncollected taxes 226.90 Sheriff expenses 95.50 $ 829.43 Paid in 1932 budget $ 447.03 Due county $ 382.40 DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIAL TAXES AND STATE HIGHWAY AID TO TOWNS State Aid Dog Taxes Beverage to Towns Tax Caroline $ 4,475.24 $ 81.54 $ 510.57 Danby 4,950.95 48.07 - 446.26 Dryden 5,757.06 133.67 1,116.96 Enfield 3,410.56 43.29 301.87 Groton 3,289.56 123.56 .. 1,198.34 Ithaca 1,886.94 99.21 931.89 Lansing 4,590.25 _ 113.65 866.27 Newfield 7,143.71 58.99 450.19 Ulysses 2,283.75 79.73 753.39 Ithaca—City 120.23 6,549.47 $37,788.02 $901.95 $•13,125.21 288 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIAL TAXES Towns and City Income Franchise Mortgage Bank Caroline $ 253.70 $ .37 $ 38.24 $ Danby 231.80 .61 .50.76 Dryden 589.54 132.16 241.10 476.36 Enfield 142.94 .41 48.75 Groton 318.71 973.55 78.75 33.32 Ithaca 823.59 1,202.22 736.14 Lansing 709.56 3,017.79 95.50 Newfield 227.93 7.80 38.31 Ulysses 341.75 62.93 205.48 City of Ithaca 7,855.45 9,966.15 3,200.22. 5,101.62 Villages Dryden 136.41 77.38 23.09 103.56 Freeville 75.05 2.00 12.70 Groton 428.21 663.30 30.64 44.83 Cayuga Heights 535.02 179.47 Trumansburg 208.13 79.32 46.90 Schools Groton 45.70 Trumansburg Dryden 110.46 City of Ithaca 5,101.63 $12,877.79 $16,185.99 $5,026.05 $11,017.48 Indebtedness Due in 1934 Highway Improvement bonds $14,000.00 Temporary Loans 53,373.98 Interest Due Highway bonds 4,957.50 Temporary Loans 1,601.21 Court House and Jail bonds 27,500.00 STATE OF NEW YORK }SS. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS Charlotte V. Bush, being sworn, says that she is the treas- urer of the County of Tompkins, and that the foregoing re- port is a true and correct statement of financial transactions of said county for the fiscal year ended October 31st, 1933, as shown by the official records of said county. CHARLOTTE- V. BUSH. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 18th day of November, 1933. VERA WICKS SNYDER Notary Public OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 289 COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT A Statement of all moneys received for the County of Tomp- kins by H. L. O'Daniel, Clerk of Tompkins County from November lst, 1932 to November lst, 1933 or .by his assistants for fees perquisites and emoluments, for all services rendered by him or his assistants in their official capacity, from Novem- ber 1st, 1932 to November lst, 1933. RECEIPTS Recording Deeds $ 1,243.85 Recording Mortgages 1,000.05 Recording other- Documents 1,427.35 Pertaining to Judgments 453.25 Copies 194.00 Searches 3,958.70 Filing Papers and other services 2,294.78 Motor Vehicle Fees 6,824.95 $17,396.93 Mortgage Tax held for Apportionment Nov. 1, 1932 2.00 Interest on Taxes held for Apportionment 67.82 Mortgage Tax 9,616.93 9,686.75 Notary Fees 509.00 Lee Discount allowed.... included in Filing Papers 98.00 411.00 Passports and Renewals 865.00 Less fee allowed the County included in Filing Papers _ 84.00 781.00 Hunting Licenses 8,511.25 Less Discount allowed the County included in Filing Papers .... 170.21. 8,341.04 $36,616.72 290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISBURSEMENTS County Treasurer—Office Fees $17,396.93 County Treasurer— State Mortgage Tax $4,779.30 County Treasurer— Interest on Taxes Held 67.82 County Treasurer from Mtg. fund for Clerk Hire 225.00 Postage allowed by State Tax Commission 12.00 Expense allowed by State Tax Commission 7.63 Bond Audited by State Tax Commission 5.00 Tax held 4,590.00. 9,686.75 Dept. of Taxation & Finance Notary Fees 411.00 Dept. of State, Passport Division 781.00 State Conservation Dept. Hunters Licenses 8,341.04 36,616.72 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOMPKINS . j SS H. L. O'Daniel, being duly sworn, says that he is Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing is in all respects a full and true statement as required by Chapter 298, Laws. of 1909. H. L. O'DANIEL. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of November, 1933... SALLY ROBINSON, Notary Public. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 291 Annual Report of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital November 1, 1933. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, Honorable Sirs : In accordance with the law of New York State, we present our annual report and financial statement. The purpose of maintaining a Tuberculosis Hospital is the separation of the open case of tuberculosis from others especially children, and the care and treatment of such cases. To gain headway in elimination of the disease the most im- portant factor is the finding of these cases in the very first stage of the disease. Such cases are most often found where there has been contact with tuberculosis. During the year we have made effort to have every member of the family of patients admitted, examined and x-rayed. The results have been interesting and several cases found that had chronic tuberculosis who did not consider themselves ill. Such cases have been admitted to the hospital or taught to care for themselves and so not to be a menace to others. On October 31, 1932, we had Adults -20 Children -8 Admitted 13 adults 8 children Discharged 10 adults 8 children Died 4 adults 0 children - Remaining October 31, 1933 19 adults 8 children There were 3 readmissions, 1 patient transferred to another hospital. There are at present 14 female and 13 male patients. Of the 18 discharged the 8 children and 6 adults were ar- rested cases, 3 improved and 1 unimproved. 292 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Our total days treatment was 9965, the total expense $22,335.18, thus making a per capita cost of $2.24. We re- ceived $2,976.40, from paying patients. The Board of Managers and Superintendent express their thanks to you in behalf of the patients for your kindly interest and support. KEITH SEARS, Secy. Board of Managers. TOMPKINS COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT For Year November 1, 1932 to October 31, 1933. Balance October 31st, 1932 $ 345.80 Income, re -appropriated 3,641.97 Appropriation (General) 21,000.00 Appropriation (Insurance) 37.23 $25,025.00 Amounts Expended Salaries and Wages 11,528.48 Food, Ice and Water 5,504.19 Fuel, Light and Power 1,461.82 Medical Supplies 784.58 Household Supplies 760.96 Repairs 454.55 Express, Telephone and Postage 77.50 Laundry 1,763.10 $22,335.18 Balance October 31st, 1933 $ 2,689.82 We received from paying patients $2,976.40 and have a bal- ance of $2,689.82. So for the coming year, we request $18,000.00 and a re -appropriation of our income from paying patients. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 293 Report of Commissioner of Public Welfare 1933 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York. Gentlemen : The Commissioner of Public Welfare of Tompkins County, in accordance with law, herewith submits his annual report for the year ending October 31, 1933. Appropriation Expenses Balance County Home $12,455.00 trans. to 1,000.00 $12,454.65 $1,000.35 Salary of Worker 1,800.00 1,665.00 135.00 Stenographer 640.00 555.00 85.00 ' 2nd Stenographer 906.00 758.00 148.00 Office Expenses 825.00 443.99 trans from 250.00 Bond Fee 100.00 31.01 Foster Homes 21,302.00 18,276.98 trans from 1,000.00 2,025.02' Institutional caresof children 2,948.00 trans. to 250.00 2,985.58 212.42 Hospitalization 23,358.00 19,265.30 trans. from 2,250.00 1,842.70 Outside Relief 25,050.00 • trans. to 2,000.00 26,730.93 319.07 Traveling Expenses 950.00 892.03 57.97 Commissioner's expenses 150.00 trans. to 50.00 176.35 23.65 Legal Fees 100.00 trans. to 200.00 205.74 94.26 $90,484.00 $84,509.55 $5,974.45 County Home Account Salaries of Supt., Matron and Buildings Employees $2,982.70 Office Expenses at County Home 5.79 Other Home . Administration Expense - 83.62 Fuel, Light and Power 626.92 Other Buildings Expense 13.73 - 294 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ,,Renewals or Replacements of equipment on buildings 98.29 Repairs to buildings 0 42.26 New Furniture or equipment 66.76 Cost of New Construction 14.43 Salaries and wages of Physician, Chaplain, Cook, Nurse and attendants2,154.66 Food 1,969.31 Clothing 255.33 Medicines and Medical supplies 246.87 Household, kitchen, laundry and disinfectants ` 643.29 Other supplies for inmates—including tobacco • . 69.41 Other expenses for inmates 114.20 Salaries and wages of farm employees 1,615.82 Feed, seed and fertilizer • 935.57 Other Supplies for farm 288.11 Renewals or replacements of equipment or stock 95.03 Repairs to farm buildings 40.55 Purchase of stock and new equipment 92.00 Hospitalization Ithaca Memorial Hospital Hospitals out of the County : Strong Memorial—Rochester ' $ 31.50 Tioga County General 166.00 Genoa 25.00 Cortland 409.35 Bailey -Jones 39.25 $12,454:65 • $11,917.78 671.10 Paid to doctors for care in hospitals 5,796.02 (All of this paid to Ithaca physicians except $135.00) Reimbursement to Other Counties for hospital care to patients having a settlement in this county 880.40 $19,265.30 Outside Relief - Relief to families' in their own homes , $24,894.43 (This includes rent, groceries, -clothing, fuel, etc.) • - Burials 1,725.10 Transportation of persons in need of relief 31.40 ;Examinations for commitment to State Institutions 80.00 $26,730.93 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, . NEW YORK 295 RECEIPTS OF THE DEPARTMENT For Outside Relief from the following sources : Auburn City $ 110.14 Broome County 280.72 Chemung County 204.10 Chenango County 348.47 Cortland County 444.36 Dutchess County 13.25 Erie County 70.20 Jefferson County 1.32 Town -of Lysander (Onondaga Co.)30.46 Madison County 51.40 Town Manlius (Onondaga Co.) 22.80 Monroe County 433.85 Onondaga County 395.31 Ontario County - 3.41 Schuyler County 268.27 Seneca County - 1,155.05 Steuben County 39.00 State of New York 6.50 Tioga County 1,589.13 Town Union (Broome Co.) 97.21 Refunds from individuals 43.00 $5,607.95 For Hospitalization Albany County $ 72.44 Broome County 205.50 Cortland County 416.00 Town Manlius 107.00 Onondaga County 321.24 Ontario County 5.50 Seneca County 135.60 Steuben. County 890.83 State of New York 129.00 Tioga County 631.25 $2,914.36 For Board of Children, Parents $ 449.00 Red Cross - 80.00 296 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seneca_ County 185.25 Tioga County 247.84 $ 962.09 Refund for transportation to County Home 3.00 Refund on Home Relief from T. E. R. A. 3,945.38 $13,432.78 The receipts of the Department, plus the Sales from the County Home ($886.15) make a total of $14,318.93. This leaves an actual expenditure for the year of $70,190.62. AMOUNTS SPENT FOR VARIOUS TOWNS OF THE COUNTY Town of Caroline Hospital and medical care in hospital $ 901.75 Board, clothing, etc. for children ..$ 170.46 Relief for families in own homes .... 18.78 Reimbursement to other counties .... 289.32 Town of Danby Hospital and medical care $ 555.10 Home relief for families 528.27 Examinations for commitment to State institution 20.00 Board, clothing, etc. for children 688.46 Town of Dryden Reimbursement to Other Counties . $ 400.39 Hospital and medical care 1,812.87 Board, clothing, etc. for children 829.00 Home relief for families 466.09 Burial 22.50 $1,380.31 $1,791.83 $3,530.85 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 297 Town of Enfield Home relief for families $ 418.12 Hospital and medical 778.75 Reimbursement to Other Counties 359.33 Board, clothing, etc. for children 97.58 Mental examinations for commitment to State Institutions 20.00 Town of Groton Hospital and medical $ 211.25 Home relief to families 99.61 Board of children 966.55 Reimbursement to Other Counties . -458.56 Town of Ithaca Board, clothing, etc. for children $1,070.52 Burial 85.00 Reimbursement to Other Counties 19.80 Home relief to families 4.20 Examination for commitment 10.00 Hospital and Medical 908.63 Town of Lansing Reimbursement to Other Counties $ 647.78 Home relief to families 694.01 Hospital and medical care 2,065.59 Board, clothing, etc. for children 2,585.10 Burial 90.00 Town of Newfield Hospital and medical $1,025.40 Home Relief to families 105.21 Reimbursement to Other Counties 110.70 Board, clothing, etc. for children 376.34 $1,673.78 $1,735.97 $2,098.15 $6,082.48 $1,617.65 298 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Town of Ulysses Hospital and medical $ 962.43 Home Relief to families 393.28 Reimbursement to Other Counties 185.20 Opening grave 2.50 Board, clothing, etc. for children 876.75 City of Ithaca Board, clothing, etc for children $11,545.83 Reimbursement to Other Counties 3,891.64 Home relief to families 3,721.70 Hospital and medical 2,407.28 Attorney Fees 100.00 Insurance for patient at Co. Home 12.00 Burials 922.60 Examination for commitment 10.00 One-half of 0. A. S. allowances to persons having settlement in City of Ithaca 169.75 $2,420.16 $22,780.80 $45,111.98 COUNTY HOME PATIENTS CENSUS No. patients in County Home Oct. 31, 1932 68 Admitted during the year 49 Readmitted 7 124 Discharged during the year - 32 Died 21 No'. in home Oct. 31, 1933 71 Of these 71, 59 are men -12 women. 50 men are of American .birth 9 men are of Foreign birth 12 women are of American birth 3 feebleminded- (men) 2 blind (1 man -1 woman) 2 epileptics (men) 124 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 299 AGES OF PATIENTS 1 year to 2 years 0 2 year to 3 years 0 20 year to 30 years 0 30 year to 40 years '. 1. 40 year to 50 years 6 50 year to 60 years 14 60 year to 70 years 22 70 year to 80 years 23 80 year to 90 years 4 90 year to 100 years 1 71 RESIDENCE & SEX OF PATIENTS IN COUNTY HOME Male Female Caroline 1 1 Danby 2 2 Dryden 6 2 8 Enfield 1 1 Groton - 4 4 Ithaca Town 1 1 2 Lansing 9 9 Newfield 1 1 Ulysses 2 3 5 Ithaca City ;.;.30 5 35 County 3 3 71 _ PATIENT DAYS IN THE COUNTY HOME Town No. of Days Amount Charged Caroline 399 $ 147.58 Danby 774 286.31 Dryden 2944 1,089.03 Enfield 415 153.50 'Groton 1605 593.73 Ithaca Town 579 214.18 Lansing 3288 1,216.29 Newfield 87 32.15 Ulysses 1758 650.30 County 1160 Tramps 573 - 1733 641.05 City of 'Ithaca 10917 4,038.57 $9,062.69 300 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The cash cost assessed to the County and the several towns of the county- for the support of the patients in the County Home, includes the following items and gives a per diem cost of 00.3699. Salaries of Supt. and Matron and building employees $2,982.70 Fuel, Light and Power 626.92 Salaries of physician, chaplain, cook, nurse and attendants 2,154.66 Food 1,969.31 Clothing 255.33 Medicines and medical supplies 246.87 Household, kitchen, laundry, disinfectants 643.29 Other supplies for inmates 69.41 Other expenses for inmates 114.20 , SALES FROM THE COUNTY FARM 1,285.98# cream, 14c - 25c 486/ doz. eggs, 10c - 40c 313# butter, 25c 215# veal, 5c - 6c 20 pigs, $2.00 69,945# hay, $9.00 and $9.50 T Difference on exchange of bull $9,062.69 ' $254.62 69.33 78.25 113.70 40.00 323.25 7.00 $886.15 407 bu. wheat at $1.00 $ 407.00 788 bu. oats at 32 c. 252.16 80 tons hay at $8.00 640.00 50 tons straw at $6.00 300.00 20 tons stover corn $6.00. 120.00 125 tons ensilage at ;6.00 750.00 $2,469.16 20 bu. dry beans at $3.00 60.00 15 bu. string beans at 90c 13.50 75 bu. sweet corn used in Home 56.25 130 bu. pototaes at 60c 78.00 75 bu. tomatoes at 75c 56.25 39 bu. carrots at 80c 31.20 20 bu. onions at $1.00 20.00 16 bu. beets at 85c 13.20 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 10 bu. salsify at 60c 6.00 25 bu. peas at 90c 22.50 5 bu. parsnips at 90c 4.50 5 bu. turnips at 90c 4.50 15 bu. cucumbers at 90c 13.50 15 bu. radishes at 90c 13.50 20 bu. summer squash at 50c 10.00 10 bu. swiss chard at 50c 5.00 2 tons winter squash at 2c 40.00 2000 head cabbage at 5c ,100.00 5 bu. apples at $1.00 , 5.00 15 bu. plums at 60c 9.00 6 bu. pears at 50c 3.00 8 bu. lettuce at 60c 4.80 75 qts: raspberries at 12c 9.00 90 qts. strawberries at 12c 10.80 CANNED FRUIT 25 qts. raspberries 6.25 20 qts. strawberries 7.00 70 qts. plums - 21.00 150 qts. peaches 37.50- 80 7.5080 qts. pears 20.00 15 qts. grapes 3.75 130 qts. tomatoes 26.00 20 gals. tomato catsup 30.00 100 qts. pickles, all kinds 25.00 100 qts. canned meat 50.00 25 cups jelly - 2.50 15 gals. pickles (cucumbers) 15.00 175lbs. dried sweet corn . " 61.25 Milk 112,172 lbs. Butter 1,620 lbs. 405.00 Milk used in Home 7600 qts. 76.00 Cream used in Home 300 qts. 150.00 Skim milk used in Home 15,025 qts. 300.50 Buttermilk used in home 40.00 Eggs 1227 2-3 doz 184.15 Pork killed 4815 lbs. 288.90 Beef killed 757 lbs. 75.70 Veal calf killed 144 lbs. 17.28 301 $2,432.28 $4,901.44 302 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS INVENTORY OF STOCK 1 grey team of horses $ 500.00 13 milk cows 995.00 2 heifers 55.00 1 bull (thoroughbred) 50.00 3 brood sows 75.00 1 boar (registered) 30.00 19 fat hogs 285.00 17 pigs 34.00 300 fowls 150.00 10 ducks 10.00 $2,184.00 INVENTORY OF TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 1 Manure spreader $ 75.00 1 Lumber wagon 50.00 2 sets -bobsleds 70.00 1 hay tedder 40.00 -1 grain binder 100.00 1 lime sower 65.00 1 side delivery rake 80.00 1 mowing machine 40.00 1 hay loader 100.00 1 Studebaker truck 1,000.00 1 land roller 25.00 1 grain drill 150.00 1 ensilage cutter (new) and belts 300.00 1 corn binder 180.00 1 two -horse cultivator 30.00 1 one-horse cultivator (new) 10.00 1 potato planter 100.00 2 spring -tooth harrows - 25.00 1 peg -tooth harrow 6.00 1 grass seeder 8.00 1 corn sheller 12.00 1 fanning mill 20.00 2 lawn mowers 20.00 1 wheel plow (new) 92.00 2 walking plows 20.00 1 set heavy harness 50.00 1 set scales_ 40.00 150 potato crates 30.00 `50 grain bags 15.00 1 half -bushel measure 2.50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 303. Forks, shovels, picks 10.00 Log chains and crow bars 10.00 1 creamery, meat refrigerator and motor 1,000.00 1 dining room refrigerator and motor 500.00 1 milk cart 6.00 3 milk cans 7.50 10 milk pails 8.00 1 set milk scales 8.00 1 set butter scales 9.00 1 butter worker and churn 100.00 2 washing machines (1 new) 750.00, 1 laundry extractor 650.00 1 brooder house and stove 100.00 8 laundry tubs 150.00 2 electric motors 250.00 1 food cooker for pigs 25.00 1 litter carrier (pig house) 30.00 2 gas tanks 40.00 1 compression boiler '100.00 1 electric washing machine 150.00 1 milk separator .100.00 1 fire sprinkling system and electric pump 15,000.00 1 water heater and tank 1,000.00 1 small heating stove 18.00 $22,777.00 In compliance with Section II of the Public Welfare Law of. the State of New York, I respectfully report that I estimate the expense for the Department of Public Welfare for the ensuing year to be : County Home $13,000.00 Worker 1,800.00 Stenographer 540.00 2nd Stenographer 720.00 Office expenses 400.00 Foster Home care 20,000.00 Institutional care of children 3,000.00 Hospital 25,000.00 Outside Relief 25,000.00. Traveling Expenses 500.00 Commissioner's expenses 150.00 Legal expenses 250.00 $90,360.00 FRED A. WILLIAMS Commissioner of Welfare 304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS State of . New York County of Tompkins J Fred A. Williams being duly sworn says that he is Commis- sioner of Welfare of Tompkins County; that to his knowledge and belief the foregoing statement is a full account of the receipts and disbursements of the Public Welfare Department for the year ending October 31, 1933. ss. FRED A. WILLIAMS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of . November 1933. INEZ M. KING Notary Public OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YOi:K 305 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WELFARE RELATIVE TO' OLD AGE SECURITY FUND -1933 To the Honorable -Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, State of New York, Gentlemen : The Commissioner of Public Welfare of Tompkins County, in accordance with law, hereby submits his report of the ac- countings of the Old Age Security Funds from October 31, 1932, to October 31, 1933: Appropriation Expenses Balance Allowances 47,500.00 43,486.64 4,013.36 Salary . of Worker 2,000.00 1,850.01 149.99 Traveling Expenses 600.00 402.64 197.36 Stenographer 540.00 555.00 - 15.00 Extra stenographer 264.00 196.00 68.00 Office Expenses 240.00 146.57 93.43 $51,144.00 $46,636.86 $4,507.14 STATISTICAL REPORT Number of applications received during year 53 Number of approved grants 28 Number of denied grants . 23 Number of applications withdrawn 2 53 Number receiving grants Oct. 31 1932 190 Number of new grants- during fiscal year 28 Total 218 Number of deaths during fiscal year 21 Number of grants discontinued during year for various reasons 5 Number receiving grants Oct. 31, 1933 192 Average amount of grant Oct. 31, 1932 $17.73 Average amount of grant Oct. 31, 1933 $14.70 306 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RESIDENCE OF OLD AGE SECURITY RECIPIENTS Caroline 20 Danby 13 Dryden 33. Enfield 5 Groton 31 Ithaca Town 9 Lansing 19 Newfield 22 Ulysses 40 192 RECEIPTS OF THE DEPARTMENT From State Reimbursement from estates Other Counties $12,983.55 417.30 392.63 $13,793.48 - In compliance with Section II of the Public Welfare Law of the State of New York, I respectfully report that I estimate the expense of administering the Old Age Security Act for 1934 to be : Allowances $44,000.00 Salary of Worker 2,000.00 Traveling Expenses 400.00 Stenographer 540.00 Extra stenographer 264.00 Office expenses 150.00 $47,354.00 FRED A. WILLIAMS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK State of New York County of Tompkins J Fred A. Williams being duly sworn says that he is Com- missioner of Welfare of Tompkins County; that to his know- ledge and belief the foregoing is a true and full account of the receipts and disbursements of the Old Age Security Fund for the year ending October 31, 1933. ss. 307 FRED A. WILLIAMS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of November 1933. Inez M. Kink Notary Public 308 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual Report of Childrens' Agent TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS November 1, 1932—October 31, 1933 The County Childrens' Agent submits her fourth annual report to the Board of Supervisors, covering the work during the fiscal year. of Nov. 1, 1932 to October 31, 1933. As has been stated in former reports, the Agent's work falls under two main headings, that is children under supervision in their own homes, and children cared for outside their own homes. CHILDREN IN OWN HOMES Let us first consider families with children cared for in their own homes. These families usually come to the attention of the Agent because of some problem child in the home. There may be a mentally defective child in the, midst of a group of normal children, • who cannot get along with the other chil- dren and would be happier in some State institution where it would be associating with other children of its own mental level. There may be a delinquent child.. Frequently there are problems of domestic friction between the parents. Often the Agent works in conjunction with the Town Welfare Officer on some problem. In three or four instances, during the past year, the Agent has assisted in re-establishing families, whose homes have burned, by collecting furniture, clothing and other necessities. While every case has its individual problems, the following illustrations may give you an idea of the variety of problems that come to the Agent's attention : Two widows with large families, who had babies after their husband's death, wanted to give their babies for adoption at birth. The Agent was able to persuade them that they, being good mothers, had more to offer these babies than any foster mother. The County was saved some money too, as it would have been necessary to board the babies while preparing for adoption. Mrs. C. came to the Agent's attention through one of the Public Health Nurses. Mrs. C. had- married a Dutch citizen who had come to this country on a visit, when they came to be married they found that Mr. C. had overstayed his visit and they had to go to Holland at once. Mr. C. promised to return to the U. S. as soon as possible and become an American citi- zen. C.'s first child was born in Holland. Mrs. C. was ex- OF TOMPKINS' COUNTY, NEW YORK 309 pecting her second when she returned to the U. S. with Mr. C.'s promise that he would follow her. Mr. C.'s mother opposed - his marriage to' an American girl, and Mrs. C. felt that she influenced him against corning to this country. Mr. C. finally wrote Mrs. C. asking her to get a divorce and she protested, tefing him she had no grounds for divorce, and stating that she did not want a divorce anyway. The next thing she knew, Mr. C. wrote her that he had obtained a divorce in Holland and was given the custody of the children. Mrs. C. was very •much worried for fear Mr. C. might in some way succeed in taking the children from her. Mrs. C. did not know what herJegal status -was, as she had never ob- tained a copy of the divorce proceedings or any notice of them. We were able to have the proceedings looked up in Holland and also Mr. C. contacted, through the International Migra- tion Service. We found that Mr. C. had remarried and was helping to support not only his own parents, but his second wife's parents, while his first wife was struggling along get- ting deeply in debt in her efforts to care for the children. The Migration Service was able to persuade Mr. C. to contribute toward the support of his children, paying his money to them and they in turn forwarding it to this country. While Mrs. C. was not asking any financial assistance in caringfor her children at the time, there is a possibility that she may have to, in a not too far distant future, as her parents who are now caring for them, are quite old and in rather poor health. If we can keep in constant touch with Mr. C. and see that he con- tributes, the combined efforts of both Mr. and Mrs. C. will undoubtedly be sufficient to care for the children. According to Towns, the Agent assisted the following num- ber of families : (Town) (No. families) Dryden - 15 Groton 6 Enfield 8 Ithaca . 5 Lansing 10 Ulysses 4 Carloine 2 Danby 6 Newfield 9 City of Ithaca 18 Out -of -Settlement 21 Total 104 310 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DEPENDENT CHILDREN Planning for dependent children consumes the greater portion of the Agent's time. The Agent tries to make board- ing home or institutional care temporary in as many instances as possible. Children are returned to their parents if cir- cumstances change to such an extent that they can be offered reasonably good care. Relatives are frequently interested in providing homes .for children. In a few instances, where custody can be obtained, children are placed for adoption. The boarding home plan in caring for children is one that has developed in comparatively recent years, and has proved to give the child the most normal type of development. About 75 or 100 years ago, dependent children were housed in alms- houses along with the insane, feeble-minded, chronically ill, and aged. People realized that children could not obtain a normal outlook on life in such an atmosphere, so the next stage was the building of large orphanages, where great numbers of children were housed together. Within recent years, people in Child Welfare Work have come to realize that children do not know how to participate in family life when they have lived from small childhood to the age of 14 or 16 years in an institution. Recently we have had occasion to place a child in a boarding home after 10 years of institutional care. His boarding parent states that he did not know how to take care of himself. It so happened that there were no other boys of his age in the institution where he lived and he did not know how to meet his equals, or how to deal with teasing that the other boys were inclined to throw his way. He lacked the buoyancy and freedom that a child in a normal family home has. -A large child -placing agency has stated that a child who has been cared for in a boarding home adjusts much better to a home where he is placed for adop- tion than one who has lived in an institution. According to Towns, Tompkins County has had the follow- ing number of children cared for in boarding homes during the past year : Towns OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 311 No. children No. children No. children continued under cared for Discharged care Caroline -1 0 1 Danby 4 2 ret. to mother 2 Newfield 3 3 ret. to parents 0 Dryden 5 5 ret. to parents 0 Groton 9 2 ret. to father 1 placed with reative 1 free home placement 5 Enfield 3 3 ret. to parents 0 Ithaca 8 0 - 8 Ulysses 6 3 ret. to father 3 Lansing .17 2 placed for adoption .14 1 placed in free home City of Ithaca .55 3 placed with relatives 1 died 4 placed for adoption 2 in State Institution 2 ret. to parents 43 County charges 2 0 2 Other Counties 6 4 ret. to legal settlement 2 Private charges 10 1 placed in free home 2. under care 129 40 discharged continued 89 How do these figures compare with last year? According to the Agents report, there are 127 cared for in boarding homes, 31 were discharged, leaving a total of 96 under care at the end of the year. This might indicate that, although we are living in distressing times, we are holding our own in so far as dependent children are concerned, and are not' being swamped with children whose homes have been broken through lack of adequate home relief, often causing desertion, abandonment, and other social ills. , Besides the children in boarding homes, the County is also taking care of 13 children in the Ithaca Children's Home, and 2 children are caredfor in Catholic institutions in Rochester. The State Law requires that children under the age of 21 years, who are in free homes or homes where they are work- ing for wages, still remain under the supervision of the De- 312 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS partment of Public Welfare. During the year the Agent has had 25 children in free homes under supervision; 2 were dis- charged to their parents, leaving 23 still under supervision at the end of the year. A number of these are older children who are working for their board and room, and attending High School. We have one exceptionally bright child, just past 16 years, whom, through private contributions, we have started in Cornell University. There are no loan funds and practically no scholarships available for freshmen. If this girl can be gotten through the first year, we hope she will be able to finance the rest of her education through loans and what she can earn during the summer vacation. - The Agent also has three children under supervision, who are in wage homes. UNMARRIED MOTHERS Cases of unmarried mothers are the responsibility of the County Department of Public Welfare. In years gone by, many of these girls would go to the cities where Maternity Homes would take them in, take charge of their babies, plac- ing them for adoption, and in due time the girls would return to their homes. Now, if these girls do wander to the city with - put adequate funds for their care, the Maternity Homes are not financially able to take care of them. The Homes turn them over to the Department of Public Welfare, in that city which gets in touch with their place of legal settlement. In many instances at presenet, the girls are referred to the De- partment directly by somebody in the community, and they can be taken care of locally. According to Towns, the following number of unmarried mother cases came to the attention of the Agent during the fiscal year : . Town No. Cases Caroline 1 Newfield 1 Dryden 1 Groton 2 Ithaca 1 Ulysses 1 Lansing 2 City of Ithaca 11 Out -of -settlement 1 Total 21 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 313 In only 12 of these cases was public expense incurred. In the other cases the financial arrangements were met through private sources. In several cases the baby has not yet arrived, so the final determination of expense is not known. In as many cases as seems possible, the man in question is prosecuted and made to meet the expenses. In only 5 cases has it been necessary to board the babies. Whenever it is possible, the mother is urged to keep her baby. In those cases, the girl must have some help from her parents, or be old enough and dependable enough to make her way in the world with the added burden. BOARD OF CHILD WELFARE The Agent has assisted the Board of Child Welfare in in- vestigating and planning for some of their families. During the year the Agent has assisted the Board with 11 of their families. In some instances the Board has asked the Agent to assist in the initial investigation of the family. In. other instances, it has asked the Agent to help with some particular problem in the family. RED CROSS The Childrens' Agent also assists the Red Cross. During the past year the Red Cross assisted 19 ex -service men and their families both materially and in filing papers for Govern- ment benefits. 138 transients also came to the attention of the Agent, most of whom were given either a meal or clothing. There were 41 Home Service cases most of which received material relief, 12 special relief cases, and 8 out-of-town in- quiries. STATISTICAL REPORT To sum up, the Childrens' Agent assisted in the Department of Public Welfare - 104 families with children in their own homes 80 families with dependent children 21 cases of mothers with babies born out of wedlock 14 investigations for out-of-town agencies 11. Board of Child Welfare cases 230 Total 314 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Inthe Red Cross - 19 ex -service cases 138 transients 41 Home Service 12 special cases 8 inquiries 218 Total 448 Grand total CONCLUSION In conclusion the Agent wishes to express her sincere ap- preciation for the cooperation and assistance of the Commis- sioner of Public Welfare. She is also grateful for the sympa- thy and assistance of the Joint Committee, other members of the Board of Supervisors, and interested organizations and individuals in the community. Respectfully submitted STELLA E. MYERS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 315 Annual Report of the Tompkins County Out -of -Settlement Worker Year 1932-1933 This is the first report of a full twelve months of work com- pleted by your Out -of -Settlement worker. You will remember that the report last year covered a period of only- six months, and that there was no Out -of -Settlement worker until the early part of 1932. Previous to that time the Out -of -Settle- ment cases were handled by, the Commissioner, the Town Welfare Officers, and the Children's Agent and Old Age Se- curity worker. The office of Out -of -Settlement worker be- came necessary to relieve the burden carried by these workers, and to centralize the relief given to out -of -settlement fam- ilies. As you know, the number of Tompkins County families who found themselves dependent upon the Welfare Depart- ment had grown to such an alarming figure that it was prac- tically impossible for out -of -settlement families to be cared for in the old way, especially as the number of such families who had become dependent was also increasing. In order to make it clear why out -of -settlement cases present a particular and individual problem, I am going to tell you how many and what kinds of out -of -settlement cases there are. In the first place, there are our own out -of -settlement people—those who , may belong, for instance, to the- town of Newfield, and who for some reason have moved to another town within the county. Perhaps they belong to the City of Ithaca and have moved into the country, or they may have moved into the city, and belong to one of the County town: ships. As you know, whatever relief is given to these families is charged back to the district where the family belongs. Formerly, it was the usual thing for each Welfare Officer to care for every 'needy family living in his territory, whether it belonged to him or not, and the money was reimbursed to him at the end of the year. At that time all cases living in the city of Ithaca were cared for through the City Office. The Welfare Law states, however, that the office of the County Commissioner is responsible for every out -of -settlement case, and early in 1932 the City office asked us to take over all cases living in the city whose settlement was elsewhere. At the same time, they requested that we handle the city cases who for any reason were living in the county. Also, all cases belonging to the city who were living in any- other county. It 316 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF . SUPERVISORS is also true that cases belonging to the townships of Tomp- kins County and living in any other county are cared for through the County Commissioner's office. Thus all bills for all families who belong to any locality in this county, and who are living in some other locality, are passed through the County office, and the County office acts as banker for the City and the various towns, in this respect. The above is the first in the classification of out -of -settle-- ment cases. There are others. Any family living anywhere in Tompkins County and having their proper settlement in any other county, is also out -of -settlement, and to be handled through the county office. The bills for such families are rendered to the place of their settlement, and eventually paid through the offices of the other county. The Tompkins County Commissioner, however, virtually loans the money for the care of these cases to the county where they belong. Some- times, I might add, it is very difficult to collect the money thus loaned, and it is often many months before the bill rendered is paid to our office. Another classification in out -of -settlement cases is the fam-, ily who has come here from another state, and who has lived here for more than 60 days before needing assistance. The family then becomes a Tompkins County case, and must be carried 100% by the County office. This expenditure is not reimbursable from TERA or Federal funds. If such a family requests assistance before the 60 days is up, they may be re- ferred to the State Department, and after settlement is de- termined, it most frequently happens that the State provides transportation for the family to be returned to their proper dwelling. If, however, the family refuses to go, any relief given thereafter is charged to the county 100%. The last classification of out -of -settlement cases is the transient, which as you know has become an increasing prob- lem during the few years past. At the present time the Fed- eral government is taking up the matter, and shortly we hope that a better system will be under way for caring for these wanderers. In the past, it has been the custom for the Red Cross representative to care for the ex -service men among the transients, and for the county office to handle most of the remainder. The Salvation Army has cared for a few, and the police department for others, and the Town Welfare Officers in some instances have cared for "such as came to them. In the majority 'of cases, however, particularly during the last few months, the County office has cared for them, and any ex- penditure thus made is carried 100% by the County. OF TOMPIKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 317 I have gone into these classifications at some length because I want later to show you by means of statistics how large a burden this matter has become, and to ask you to consider what can be done to solve the problem of caring for these families.' For the present, I would like to tell you some of the particular problems which face us' in dealing with them. In the first place, no out -of -settlement man is entitled to any' form of work relief. At least this has been true so far. The man in charge of the National Re -Employment Agency is un- sure whether this situation will continue in his -organization, but is under the impression that it will. It has always been a rule of the TERA that no man out -of -settlement may be given work relief. And you know how reluctant you would be to see town work given to a man who does not belong to your town, especially in these days when there is not enough work to go around for our own men. Thus, while plans are being made for every able-bodied man to go to work, there is no plan which yet includes the man who is living _out of his settle- ment. You can see what a source of discontent and dissatis- faction this is. In some instances, when we know from past experience with the family that the man doesn't want work anyhow, this situation gives him an excellent excuse for sit- ting at home and waiting for home relief. Then we have com- plaints from neighbors and tradespeople who know the fam- ily. "Why isn't so-and-so working?" It is almost impossible to explain to the average person why it should be that a man who has lived, for instance, in the city of Ithaca, for a. year and a half, is not entitled to city or county work. Why should he . be allowed to sit at home and do nothing while his next-door neighbor is expected to take any job that is offered him? The explanation is, of course, that when the man's settlement is in the city of Syracuse, that is where he should be in these times when it is impossible for him to get any work outside his settlement. The moral effect of being excluded from all work programs is exceedingly bad for the man himself, and the effect of his idleness on the community is also bad. There is another angle of the out -of -settlement problem which seems even worse than the one above. Let us take for instance a certain family which belongs to- Tioga County. There are 8 children in this family. The mother is completely shiftless, dirty, lazy, and a poor mother. The father is a good worker when he can get work. . They have lived in the City of Ithaca for over two years, and have been dependent for about 16, months of that time. Approximately $2000 has been spent on this family with the consent of Tioga County, 318 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS all of which will be reimbursed. You will say that since the money has been or will be returned to us, it is not our affair to worry. But this fall four members of the family came down with typhoid fever, and one of them died of it in the hospital. The others were in the hospital about 6 weeks. They had thoroughly exposed the community before the disease was diagnosed, and it is only owing to the promptness of the doc- tors and the city nurse that there were not more cases. Such a family, whether it belongs to us or to another county, is a source of continual trouble. Tioga County finally requested that relief should be discontinued, and that the family return to their place of settlement. They refused to go, and relief was discontinued after warning the family. A week later we had a call from the school. The children were absent. Miss Castle called at -the house and was told that there was nothing in the house to eat, and no shoes for the• children to wear. The Welfare Law does not permit us to allow these conditions, and we had to give them groceries and clothing. This in spite of the fact that -we were assured the family could- have man- aged to get through until pay-day. In this way, it is possible for the family to force our hands. I don't doubt that every Town Welfare officer has dealt with situations like this one, when it seems as though there is nothing one can do to reduce expense and to make the family self-supporting. The differ- ence is, that these out -of -settlement families cannot be handled as our own families are. We cannot offer them work and they know it, and take every advantage of it in many cases. After dealing with these families for 18 months, it seems to your worker that there should be some new regulation— some new law for the governance of out -of -settlement cases.. Would it not be possible to reach an agreement by which any family may be returned to its own settlement after the ex- piration of a certain definite time? If the family fails to be- come self-supporting after, say, 8 months, should it not be possible to return them where they came from? Why should it be necessary to take the time of your welfare officers, trans- portation, endless amounts of correspondence, and in some cases even a suit at law to collect the money spent on these fam- ilies, when they do not belong here, and would be better off where they belong in many instances? I could tell you of instances which have cost the tax -payers of this county a good deal of money in all of these ways, and without any permanent benefit to the family except the bare necessities of life. What is true of out -of -settlement families living here is equally true of our own families who are living elswhere. Bills- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 319 are rendered to us for their care, and we must pay them, though we know nothing about the circumstances of the family," or how the money was spent. We know it went for food and clothing and shelter, but we have no first-hand knowledge of the necessity for these things, and in some cases we have had reason to believe that the money is being spent in ways that are far from wise. Presently we will look at some figures much money is going for the care of these families. I think from the books of the county office, and we will see just how you.will agree with me, when we have finished, that the wisest solution for this type of case is to return them to their place of settlement. I would like to urge that you help your own town welfare officers to recall all families living outside of Tompkins County or outside of their own townships, wherever practical, and to care for them in their own place of settlement. When thepresent unemployment rehabilitation getsunder way, it will be possible to offer the majority of these people work, and thus reduce the cost of welfare to your towns. Do no forget that unless the present plans are changed, they can- not be given work outside your own town, and you must pay for their maintainance elsewhere. STATEMENT OF TERA REIMBURSEMENTS FOR YEAR , Together with the figures for out -of -settlement work, you will find a set of figures which cover TERA expenditures and reimbursements. In some cases these sets overlap. That is where the town of Danby may have a family living in the town of.Ulysses, that family will appear in both sets of figures. In other words, money spent on that family by Ulysses will appear under money spent for out -of -settlement cases, and it will also show under amount of TERA Home Relief given. The Out -of -Settlement figures are incomplete because we have not yet received all bills for our own families living outside of Tompkins County. These bills sometimes come in to us several months late. The figures given are representative of money expended from November 1, 1932 to November 1, 1933, so far as we know them. 320 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOTAL RELIEF EXPENDITURES BY TOWNS FOR YEAR 1932-1933 Caroline Danby Dryden Groton Ithaca Lansing Nov. $123.42 $230.13 Dec 299.49 Jan. 122.29 389.58 Feb. 187.10 198.65 Mar. 386.64 112.75 Apr. 487.72 334.31 May 393.71 387.12 Jun. 170.40 111.50 Jul. 214.17 193.06 Aug. 179.33 144.85 Sept. 236.47 158.46 Oct. 168.93 182.56 Total $2,969.67 $2,442.97 Newfield Ulysses $290.67 565.04 501.59 422.85 541.20 487.72 333.12 229.09 146.00 148.50 157.56 120.72 $3,944.06 $114.19 473.14, 777.34 541.20 416.12 271.95 139.76 138.40 108.21 71.27 136.16 $238.53 291.86 321.08 672.37 780.34 707.82 270.91 224.27 269.23 305.84 433.54 $651.43 766.25 788.79 581.27 702.72 582.06 107.46 8.50 8.00 ' $3,187.74 $4,515.79 $4,196.48 County Office Expended For: Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.' May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct $212.78 $230.68 $715.92 Food $21,639.96 270.51 351.30 806.88 Shelter 3,750.72 417.14 601.30 1,035.50 Medical 3,120.39 327.09 397.20 1,227.02 Incid. 168.59 434.13 418.23 1,177.35 Clothing 354.79 359.30 233.24 890.66 `Light 95.35 239.79 177.32 838.53 166.33 63.00 482.70 $29,129.80 132.66 63.60 589.42 55.04 96.36 438.82 108.74 110.20 593'.99 TERA Reimbursement 127.37 182.42 512.73 $11,651.92 Total $2,850.88 $2,924.85 $9,409.52 Amount expended not reimbursable by TERA: $6,857.56 Analysis of Expenditures of County Office 45% City, of Ithaca in Co. 45% 40% O -of -S. from Oth. Co. 40% 5% County O -of -S. - 5%. Tomp. Co. Oth. Cases - / 5State Cases Icl. Trans. - 85% l00% Will be reimbursed (Loaned to City) Will be reimbursed (Loaned to other Co.'s) Will not be reimbursed except 40% TERA A refund. Will not be reimbursed at all. Will not he reimbursed at all. of money expended will be reimbursed (Loaned) OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 321 Tompkins County Out -of -Settlement Cases—Belong to Us. Caroline 2 $ 144.02 Danby 0 Dryden 3 94.13 Enfield 3 315.15 Groton 4 161.59 Ithaca 2 Lansing 4 (No bills) 1 Newfield 1 31.80 Ulysses 0 City 18 2,243.10 Total $3,301.95 322 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Report of the Superintendent of Highways 1933 To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County : The following is a statement of the money received and ex- penditures made for the different projects of highway con- struction in Tompkins County for the year of 1933. Project No. 1, Perry City Road, No. 142, Ulysses, 2 miles gravel, 14'. $13,000.00 Appropriation 2.25 Gravel sold 22.25 Stone sold $ 13,026.90 Expenditures Labor $4,782.62 Material 1,588.26 Other Expenditures 6,634.94 13,005.82 Balance $ 21.08 Project No. 2, Triphammer Road, No. 166, Ithaca, 1 mile gravel, 18'. -$ 8,000.00 Appropriation10.50 Gravel sold 50.00 Work done for Mr. Randolph 3,050.00 Work done for Cayuga Heights $ 11,060.50 ExpendituresLabor $2,886.42 Material 1,864.17 Other Expenditures 5,749.27 10,499.27 Balance $ 560.64 Project No. 3, Merchant's Corner Road, 'No. 170, Groton, 2.60 miles Gravel Road, 14'. $ 18,200.00 Appropriation 9.00 Refund on gas, $ 18,209.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 323 Expenditures Labor $5,705.90 Material 3,505.45 Other Expenditures 7,330.83 16,542.18 Balance $ 1,666.82 Project No. 4, Kline Road, No. 122, Lansing, 2.50 , miles, 14' gravel. Appropriation • $ 13,000.00 Gravel sold 4.00 Work on driveway 50.00 Expenditures Labor $4,719.03 Material. 1,386.70 Other Expenditures 8,276.45 14,382.18 $ 13,054.00 Overdrawn $ 1,328.18 Project No. 5, Coddington Road, Caroline 0.50• full construction, 14' Appropriation $ 6,000.00 Work done for school district 10.00 $ 6010.00 Expenditures Labor $2,223.99 Material . 1,879.59 Other Expenditures 2,151.27 6,254.85 Overdrawn $ 244.85 Project No.' 6, Speed Road, Caroline No.' 117, Re- tread on gravel, 1 mile 14'. Appropriation $ 4,000.00 Expenditures Labor $ 230.46 Material 3,373.05 Other Expenditures 240.14 3,843.65 Balance $• 156.35 324 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' Project No. 7, Dryden -McLean Road, Dryden No. 163, 2.25 miles 14'. Double surface treatment on 1932 gravel road. Appropriation $ 3,000.00 Expenditures Labor $ 215.44 Material 2,565.03 Other Expenditures 278.91 3,059.38 Overdrawn $ 59.38 Project No. 8, Ringwood Road, Dryden No. 164, 5.50 miles, 14' road. Double surface treat- ment on gravel: Appropriation $ 7,500.00 Expenditures La'bor $ 423.24 Material 5,334.06 Other Expenditures 386.68 6,143.98 Balance $ 1,356.02 Project No. 9, Midline Road, Dryden, 2.35 miles 14' road. Double surface treatment on gravel. Appropriation $ 3;500.00 Expenditures Labor $ 181.80 Material 3,045.59 Other Expenditures 310.87 3,538.26 Overdrawn $ 38.26 Project No. 10; Haytes Corners Road, No. 139, En- field, 1 mile 10'. Retread on 1932 gravel base. Appropriation $ 3,500.00_ Expenditures Labor $ 294.10 Material 2,487.51 Other Expenditures 238.96 3,020.57 . Balance $ 479.43 `Project No. 11, Groton -Cayuga Co. Line Road No. 171, 1.40 miles 14' road. Double surface treat- ment on gravel. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 325 Appropriation $ 5,600.00 Expenditures Labor $ 175.00 Material 2,977.19 Other Expenditures 362.29 3,514.48 Balance $ 2,085.52 Project No. 12, Kennedy's Corners Town Line Road, No: 172, Ithaca, 1 mile 10' road. Double sur- face treatment on gravel. Appropriation $ 1,000.00 Expenditures Labor $ 92.25 Material 668.73 Other Expenditures 122.20 883.18 Balance $ 118.82 Project No. 13, State Game Farm Road, No. 173, Ithaca 0.50 mile 14'. Double surface treatment on gravel:- Appropriation ravel:Appropriation $' 500.00 Expenditures Labor $ 55.35 Material 392.70 Other Expenditures 50.82 498.87 Balance $ 1.13 Project No. 14, Warren Road No. 121, Lansing 2.25 miles 10' road. Retread on gravel base. Appropriation $ 7;875.00 Expenditures Labor $1,096.21 Material 5,495.19 Other Expenditures • 476.75 7;068.15 Balance $ 806.85 Project No. 15, Kline Road, No. 122, Lansing, 1 mile, 14'. Penetration Top, on 1932 gravel base. Appropriation $ 6,000.00 326 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Expenditures Labor $ .622.24 Material 3,838.86 Other Expenditures 192.04 4,653.14 Balance $ 1,346.86. Project No. 16, Dassance Road, No. 132, 1.50 miles 10' road. Double surface treatment on gravel Appropriation $ 6,000.00 Work done for Town of Newfield 213.40 $ 6,213.40 Expenditures Labor $ 516.71 Material 2,136.22 , Other Expenditures 308.36 2,961.29 Balance $ 3,252.11 Project No. 17, Shaffer Road, No. 131, Newfield, 1.17 miles 10' Double surface treatmenton gravel. Appropriation $ 4,680.00 Expenditures Labor $ 1,361.50 Material 1,437.00 - Other Expenditures 247.24 3,045.74 Balance _$ 1,634.26 Project No. 18, Perry City Road, Ulysses, No. 142, 1.25 miles 14'. Penetration Top on 1932 gravel base. Appropriation $ 7,500.00 Expenditures Labor $ 279.05 Material ' 5,615.51 Other Expenditures 191.66 6,086.22 • Balance $ 1,413.78 Project No. 19, Halseyville Road, Ulysses, No. 170, 1 mile 14'. Penetration Top on 1932 ' gravel base. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK - 327 Appropriation $ 6,000.00 Expenditures Labor $ 609.41 - Material 4,298.85 Other Expenditures 252.78 5,161.04 Balance $ 838.96 Project No. 20, Marion Road, No. 143, 1 mile 14' road. Retread on old 10' road. Appropriation $ 5,000.00 Expenditures Labor $ 1,166.69 Material 3,290.59 Other Expenditures 489.98 4,947.26 Balance $ 52.74 .Project No. 21, Perry City Road, No. 142, Ulysses, 1.80 miles 14' road. Gravel base. . Appropriation $ 15,300.00. Expenditures Labor $ 4,865.23 Material 4,427.23 Other Expenditures 5,616.71 14,909.17 Balance $ 390.83 Maintenance Appropriation $ .35,000.00 Expenditures Labor $ 16,621.78. Material 11,426.32 Other Expenditures 5,798.60 33,846.70 Balance $ 1,153.30 SUMMARY Total Appropriation $ 180,155:00 Received from other sources 3,660.31 $ 183,815.31 Due from Cayuga Heights Village . 1,000.00 Due from Forest Home curb and gutter 167.02 $ 184,982.33 328 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Total Expenditures Labor $ 49,124.42 Materials 73,033.80 Other Expenditures 45,707.75 $ 167,865.97 Total Balance $ 17,116.36 INDIVIDUAL RENTALS Tompkins County $ 24,984.15 Moran & Gleason 15,631.06 Jack Thall 1,713.12 L. A. Wilcox 1,587.67 C. 0. Gridley 1,786.75 Geo. Bush 5.00 $ 45,707.75 REPORT ON MACHINERY AND BUILDING ACCOUNT Balance on Hand Dec. 31, 1932 $15,042.99 Received from other sources 283.21 Received for rental on snow removal 460.24 Received for rental on County Projects 24,984.15 $40,770.59 Expenditures Paid out for repairs, extras, janitor, service, coal, new machinery, etc. $11,919.62 Balance $28,850.97 COUNTY BRIDGE ACCOUNT Balance on Hand December 31, 1932 $ 5,504.45 No Disbursements Balance $ 5,504.45 REPORT ON SNOW REMOVAL Balance on hand, December 1932 $ -3,055.84 Appropriated by Board 10,000.00 $13,055.84 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 329 Expenditures Rental of Town machinery and labor $835.83 - Rental of County trucks equipped 270.83 $ 1,106.66 ' $11',949.18 Received from State 2,007.76 Balance $13,956.94 SPECIAL ROAD .FUND Appropriation $ 2,000.00 Expenditures $421.06 $ 421.06 Balance $ 1,578.94 TOMPKINS COUNTY T. E. R. A. REPORT Project No. N-1, Dryden 2.25 gravel base 14'. Appropriation $10,000.00 40% return from State 1,405.44 Disbursements Relief men $4,759.80 Outside men 4,600.81 Machinery hire 2,837.00 Material 914.82 $13,112.43 $ 11,405.44 Overdrawn $ 1,208.43 Project No. N-2 Enfield, 2 mile gravel base 10'. Appropriation { $ 8,000.00 40% return from State 1,053.60 Over payment returned 2.40 Disbursements Relief men $2,655.60 Outside men 2,657.38 Machinery 2,389.28 Material 431.46 $ 8,133.70 Balance $ 922.30 $ 9,056.00 330 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Project No. N-3 Newfield 14' span concrete bridge. Appropriation $ 2,000.00 40% refund from State $ 182.16 $ 2,182.16 Disbursements Relief men $ 455.46 Outside men 320.00 Material 1,375.21 $ 2,150.61 Balance $- 31.55 Project No. N-5 Office None Appropriation $ 2ne 40% refund from State Disbursements Mrs. Hook's salary $ 685.58 Paid for dinner for men 5.85 rejected in CCC camp Owe Dean of Ithaca carrying 60.00 men to Syracuse Paid out by County Treas. since office was suspended over and above 4.09 State return '$ 701.52 $ 701.52 Overdrawn $ 445.69 Summary Total Appropriation $20,000.00 40% Return from State 2,397.91 $23,397.91 Total Disbursements $24,082.32 4• Projects Miscellaneous19.19 , Expense 60.00 Owe Dean of Ithaca Paid out by County Treasurer 4.09 $24,165.60 Overdrawn $ 767.69 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 331 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE State of New York, County of Tompkins, Board of Supervisors, 1 ss: I, W. 0. Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, N. Y., DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that I have com- pared the foregoing Journal of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., with the original records thereof, that the same is a full and correct transcript of the transaction's of the said Board, at the special, quarterly and annual sessionsthereof, held during the year 1933, also the reports of the several county officers submitted to said Board and published herein. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the official seal of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., to be hereto affixed this 15th day of February, 1934. W. 0. SMILEY; Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. 332 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. REPORTS OF THE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE CAROLINE Augustus Middaugh reported $20.00 received. Charles Thomas reported $15.00 received. George L. Richards reported no moneys received. P. Alfred Munch reported no moneys received. DANBY Arthur G. Bennett reported $11.00 received. George 0. Sears reported no moneys received. Eugene Dorn reported no moneys received. Fred E. Dorn reported no moneys received. DRYDEN Paul Ewers reported $60.00 received. Jas. 0. Robertson reported $20.00 received Orrie Cornelius reported $10.00 received. Walter G. Kinch reported no moneys received. J. D. Ross reported no moneys received. ENFIELD V. H. Earl reported $10.00 received. S. Harvey Stevenson reported no moneys received. • Thomas R. Brown reported no moneys received. GROTON Rexford R. Chatterton reported $115.00 received. J. B. Sheeler reported $20.00 received. Miles G. Tarbell reported no moneys received. George B. Sickmon reported no- moneys received. ITHACA James A. Bush reported $75.00 received. C. H. Newman reported $35.00 received. W. I. Smith reported $25.00 received. C. A. Baker reported no moneys received. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 333 LANSING Edward Ozmun reported $120.80 received. Carleton Kintz reported $40.00 received. Clay C. Tarbell reported $30.00 received. Jerry A. Smith reported no moneys received. NEWFIELD C. L. Brainard reported $16.00 - received. Roy C. Albright reported $10.00 received. Douglass Carpenter reported no moneys received. C. P. Stoughton reported no moneys received. ULYSSES Henry Williams reported $80.00 received. H. K. Aiken reported no moneys received. Fred N. Smith reported no moneys received. Arthur Hubbell reported no moneys received. "334 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MORTGAGE TAX STATEMENT The following statement shows the assessed valuation of each town with an incorporated village or city therein, the amount of mortgage tax to be distributed to the towns, villages and city and paid thereto for the year 1933. Town, Villages and City Amount of Tax o'• E - Caroline Danby Dryden Dryden Village Freeville Enfield Groton Groton Village Ithaca City Ithaca Town Cayuga Heights Lansing Newfield Ulysses Trumansburg 4,026,800 661,882 368,888 3,672,0161 2,059,378 6,803,195 2,680,850 2,771,315 1,024,285 37.14 25.24 123.49 14.82 96.73 1,385.05 531.75 87.15 40.76 113.08 $ 37.14 25.24- 107.68 5.24107.68 14.82 69.6 427.00 87.15 40.76 92.18 $ 10.15 5.66 27.08 1,385.05 104.75 20.90 $ 37.14- 25.24 7.1425.24 123.49 14.82 96.73 1,385.05 531.75 87.15 40.76 113.08 Totals Dated, January 26, 1934. W. O. SMILEY, Clerk, Board of Supervisors. STATEMENT OF VALUATIONS OF PROPERTY Statement of the Aggregate Valuations of Real and PersonahProperty in the Several Cities and Towns in the County of .Tompkins as corrected by the Board of Supervisors at their Annual Meeting in the year one thousand nine hundred thirty- three together with the rate of assessment for each tax district and the average county -rate of assessment used in the prepara- tion of the Equalization table. Cities and Towns -o a O i14. o l.i c, O ° y b a o•tw� O on • G h w y Col ? O a'. E N c=° Q. w C -o.E bD 0 M Y • C p w ."1" t. U 0 U Caroline 34,747 $ 1,188,808 .96% $ 1,123,213 Danby 33,286 1,198,548 _ .98% 1,109,306 Dryden - 53,286 4,036,100 .98% 3,735,577 Enfield 22,207 695,851 .96% 657,456 Groton I 30,275 1 3,674,141 j .97% 3,435,627 Ithaca City 2,940 38,327,932 .87% - 39,959,310 Ithaca Town 16,293 6,807,370 .99% 6,236,860 Lansing 37,789 3,443,618 .98% 3,187,212 Newfield 36,997 1,260,703 .98% 1,166,833 Ulysses 19,818 2,774,915 .90% 2,796;592 Totals - 293,088 63,407,986 - $63,407,986' j Average rate of assessment of real property in the county, .9070304 per cent. I. W. O. Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the aggregate valuations of the taxable real and personal property in the several citiesand towns in said County, as corrected by said Board of. Supervisors, at their annual meeting in the year 1933 together with other information as set forth, which statement is required by Section 61 of the Tax Law. W. O. SMILEY, Clerk P. O. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 336 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED Statement of the amount of Taxes and Tax Rates for the several cities and towns in the County of Tompkins as levied by the Board of Supervisors at their Annual Meeting in the year 1933, together with the receipts of monies from the sources as indicated, and the amount of bonded indebtedness of the county and of each district therein except cities. ,Cities, Towns and Villages Armory Taxes '0 0 LT. V 0 c C7 K ro C 0 0 U County Taxes Highway Fund Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg Schoo Dist. 8, Dryden Schoo Dist. 8, Groton Schoo Dist. 1,Ithaca Schoo Dist. 9, Lansing Schoo Dist. 13, Lansing Schoo Dist. 1, Ulysses 126.351$ 140.94 $ 4,700.171$ 1,373.69 123.37 137.65 4,739.26 1,356.68 419.51 468.02 15,926.68 4,358.93 73.36 82.09 2,855.10 804.06 386.72 431.44 14,323.31 4,201.77 4,497.94 5,017.96 151,978.30 48,870.23 701.61 782.72 24,143.17 7,627.67 , 358.75 400.24 13,721.65 3,897.95 130.88 146.02 4,643.88 1,427.23 314.37 350.74- 11,439.92 3,420.22 0 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK - 337 STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and. Villages ftl 0 0 Highway Taxes 0 0 [ti -c u xo 0 0 N c7 0 Caroline Danhy - Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg Schoo Dist. 8, Dryden Schoo Dist. 8, Groton Schoo Dist. 1, Ithaca Schoo Dist. 9, Lansing , Schoo Dist. 13, Lansing Schoo Dist. 1, Ulysses $ 3,708.24 3,372.23 8,087.63 3,171.02 9,100.00 5,865.15 1,452.88 2,381.43 6,000.00 $ 7,850.00 8,600.00 16,400.00 5,500.00 14,000.00 16,750.00 17,373.14 8,000.00 14,500.00 $ 2,900.00 $ 700.00 3,000.00 200.00 8,000.00 1,500.00 2,200.00 100.00 4,500.00 500.00 8,000.00 250.00 7,873.14 1,000.00 3,500.00 7,000.00 1,000.00 338 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED' (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages Highway Taxes Item stricts in town Number of special C.) •• .fl 00 0 0. O 0 0 00 v c� a� w i� 0 bbA G. 4 00 b O b0 0 0 2 0 �- o w -d a. v y o U 'y fx ) Caroline $ 2,000.00 Danby 2,600.00 Dryden 3,000.00 Enfield 1,000.00 Groton 4,000.00 Ithaca City Ithaca Town 4,500.00 Lansing 3,500.00 Newfield 2,500.00 Ulysses 2,500.00 Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg Schoo Dist. 8, Dryden Schoo Dist. 8, Groton Schoo Dist. 1, Ithaca Schoo Dist. 9, Lansing Schoo Dist. 13, Lansing Schoo Dist. 1, Ulysses $ 2,250.00( 2 2,800.00 2 3,900.00 4 2,200.00 5,000.00 2 4,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 3 3 1 $ 1,242.32 $ 37.14 645.00 25.24 980.041 107.68 14.82 1,050.401 69.65 1,100.001 427.00 970.00 87.15 670.08 40.76 92.18 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) 339 Cities, Towns and Villages kt 'o - td Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist. 8, Dryden School Dist. 8, Groton School Dist. 1, Ithaca School Dist. 9, Lansing School Dist. 13,' Lansing School Dist. 1, Ulysses $' 1,385.05 104.75 10.15 5.66 27.08 20.90 37.14 $ 253.70 $ 25.24 231.80 123.49 589.54 14.82 142.94 96.73 318.71 1,385.05 7,855.45 531.75 823.59 87.15 709.56 40.76 227.93 113.08 341.75 535.02 .136.41 75.05 428.21 208.13 340 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) • Cities, Towns and Villages O 0 L4 W m -o - O O 0 u of N O O,b G 0 O G ,� °CtiG y a Ev 0 w G tV 4 0. aE 'I O uU Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist. 8, Dryden School Dist. 8, Groton School Dist. 1, Ithaca School Dist. 9, Lansing School Dist. 13, Lansing School Dist. 1, Ulysses $ 253.70 $ 231.80 801.00 476.36 142.94 746.92 33.32 7,855.45 1,358.61 709.56 227.93 549.88 1$ 5,101.62 103.56 44.83 0 110.46 45.70 5,101.63 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 341 STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages o '«c .. 0'w ro a G w 7 k n' O G ro `'rod oE, a v 7i L v U v it 4.4 4... � El, ro O w E-1 ^7 O m o b v v i'�ao V cG G Ca E.o 2 od.- o.i, CL.)> w 4 > o o n. ro0.'0o 'a O >. y t,4-a• vOra y > a C _ C k M ro •w -Raro 1 ax roi ro E."' Caroline Danby Dryden " Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist. 8, Dryden School Dist. 8, Groton School Dist. 1, Ithaca School Dist. 9, Lansing School Dist. 13, Lansing School Dist. 1, Ulysses $ 579.92 123.85 10,203.25 $ .37 .61 132.16 .41 973.55 9,966.15 1,202:22 3,017.79 • 7.80 62.93 77.38 2.00 663.30 79.32 $ .37 .61 211.54 .41 1,636.85 9,966.15 1,202.22 3,017.79 7.80 142.25 • 342 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages a n, ctl a. A • O V ti V O v -nO .b !.,24 w O G 3 cip w E :,..7' 'Ov c7 .0 p a biD G .O O t L• 'b ...-. a v v v O, s. O. G 01 'O -VV O O U v b O G E at-� c0tl C 7 ,1:1 H w U 'O O` O 3' Q a ts 0 • H of S c x c C4 v u a .�c,ca3 se '8 p .�_ ; o a a a El Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Gioton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Newfield Lansing Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist. 8, Dryden School Dist. 8, Groton School Dist. 1, Ithaca School Dist. 9, Lansing School Dist. 13, Lansing School Dist. 1, Ulysses $ 510.571$16.40 per M. 446.261 17.82 per M. 1,116.96 13.30 per M. 301.87 20.64 per M. 1,198.34- 13.75 per M. 6,549.47 6.30 per M. 931.89 9.35 per M. 866.27 13.80 per M. 450.19 15.75 per M. 753.39 16.00 per M. 7.40 per M. '10.60 per M. 10.60 per M. 10.95 per M. 12.00 per M. 1,649,694.6 91,500.00 93,500.00 13,000.00 131,500.00 106,250.00 7,500.00 165,000.00 $ 10,236.20 10,094.64 29,321.13 6,683.51 24,716.76 1 239,161.76 38,881.67 25,963.87 9,919.44 20,973.79 County Tax Rate 5.02649 per M. Bonded indebtedness of County, exclusive of Highway and Bridge Bonds $550,000. Temporary indebtedness of County $53,373.98. Highway, and Bridge Bonds of County $122,000. Sinking Fund of County $000.00. I, W. O. Smiley, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, do hereby certify that the proceedings is a true statement of the taxes levied against the taxable property in the several Tax Districts in said County, by the Board of Supervisors, at their Annual Meeting in the year 1933. W. O. SMILEY, Clerk OF TOMPKINS COUNTY; NEW YORK HIGHWAYS—MONEY SYSTEM 343 To the Comptroller of the State of New York and the Super- intendent of Public Works : The following is a Statement, Pursuant to Section 100 of the Highway Law, of the several towns in the County of Tompkins, and assessed valuations, rate and amount *of tax levied therein, for'the repair of highways, by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their 'annual session in the month of December, 1933, viz : Name of Town Highway Tax Rate Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 1,188,808 1,198,548 3,003,130 695,851 1,616,388 4,126,520 3,443,618 1,260,703 1,749,830 $ 1,188,808 7.80 1,198,548 8.32 3,003,130 5.90 695,851 10.28 1,616,388 6.60 4,126,520 4.35 3,443,618 6.40 1,260,703 8.00 1,749,830 8.55 $ 2,900 3,000 8,000 2,200 4,500 8,000 7,873 3,500 7,000 $ 2,900 3,000 8,000 2,200 4,500 8,000 7,873 3,500 7,000 $ 1,188,808 1,198,548 4,036,100 695,851 3,674,141 6,807,370 3,443,618 1,260,703 2,774,915 JOSEPH B. MYERS, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors P 344 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I CERTIFY that the precedingstatement is correct. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, W. O. SMILEY, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. SS. Joseph B. Myers being duly sworn, says that he is the Chair- man of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County ; that he has read the preceding statement and knows the same to be true. JOSEPH B. MYERS, Chairman,. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of January, 1934. J. C. GUTENBERGER, Notary Public. BONDED "INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTY OF TOMPKINS AND EACH TOWN, CITY, VILLAGE, SCHOOL DISTRICT AND, UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT I hereby certifiy that the following is a true statement of all the indebtedness of the County of Tompkins, and of each sub -division thereof, and of the facts relating thereto as reported to me pursuant to Section 190, of the Town Law, for the year 1933. W. O. SMILEY Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Dated December 27, 1933. Ithaca, New York. Political Division for which created County of Tompkins County of Tompkins County of Tompkins County of Tompkins Village of Groton Village of Groton Village of Groton Village of Groton Village of Trumansburg Village of Trumansburg Village of Trumansburg Village of Trumansburg For what Purpose Created Under what Law County Buildings (General Municipal Law Highway Construction §141, Highway Law Highway Construction Chap. 25, Consolidated Laws Highway Construction §§142, 167-A, Highway Law Highway Improvement ;129, Village Law Highway Improvement §129, Village Law Water Extension Village Law • Electric Extension Village Lighting Law Fire House §129, Village Law Streets and Sidewalks Village Law Water System Village Law Water System Village Law City of Ithaca Creek, Drainage and Park City of Ithaca School City of Ithaca Improvement, Series "B" Chap. 345, Laws Education Law Rate I Bonded I Net Int. l Debt f Debt Total Debt 5 4% 4,4 4% 4.4 5 6 5% 4.6 6 6 $ 550,000 54,000 43,000 200,000 10,000 6,200 90,000 38,000 12,000 3,500 59,000 30,000 1906 4 100,000 4V2 310,000 Chap. 247, Laws 1913 5 110,000 $ 550,000 12,000 6,000 100,000 500 2,000 51,000 38,000 4,000 500 59,000 30,000 40,000 285,000 10,000 668,000 91,500 93,500 When Payable Serial Annually. $2,000 Annually 2,000 Annually 10,000 Annually 500 Annually 250 Annually 3,000 Annually 2,000 Annually 1,000 Annually 1,000.Annually Serial Ann. 1964 Due Mar. 1, 1934 Refund Bal. 1964 5,000 Annually Serial Annually 10,000 Annually, Political Division for which created • For what Purpose Created Under what Law Rate Int Bonded Debt Net Debt Total Debt When Payable City of Ithaca 1Improvenient, Series "C" (Chap. 247, Laws 1913 City of Ithaca Improvement, Series "D" Chap. 247, Laws 1913 City of Ithaca Improvement, Series "E" Chap. 247, Laws 1913 City of Ithaca Improvement, Series "F" Chap. 247, Laws 1913 City of Ithaca Improvement, Series "G" Chap. 247, Laws 1913 City of Ithaca Improvement, Series "H" Chap. 247, Laws 1913 City of Ithaca Public Grounds & Blgs. "A" _- Chap. 247, Laws 1913 City of Ithaca Public Grounds & Blgs. "B" _.(Chap. 247, Laws 1913 City of Ithaca Water, Series "A" Chap. 181, Laws 1903 City of Ithaca (Water, Series "B" Chap. 181, Laws 1903 City of Ithaca Water, Series "C" Chap. 181, Laws 1903 City of Ithaca Water, Refunding Chap. 503, Laws 1908 School Dist. 8, Dryden -- New Building Education Law School Dist. 8, Groton -. New Building Education Law School Dist. 8, Groton .. Equipment Education Law School Dist. 9, Lansing -. New Building Education Law School Dist. 13, Lansing New Building Education Law School Dist. 1, Ulysses ..• New Building Education Law • School Dist. 1, Ulysses -- New Building Education Law • - 41/2 100,000 20,000 .4/ 100,000 40,000 4/ 100,000 100,000 4 165,000 165,000 4 300,000 300,000 4/ 1 275,000 275,000 4/ 90,000 70,000 4/ 140',000 .105,000 4 50,000 50,000 4 1 75,000 75,000 4 60,000 60,000 4/ 162,000 162,000 4 24,000 13,000 5 142,500 99,500 6 40,000 32,000 5 125,000 106,250 5 11,000 7,500 41/2 150,000 115,000 5/ 60,000 60,000 *1,757,000 13,000 131,500 10,000 Annually 10,000 Annually Serial Ann. 1936 Serial Ann. 1932 Serial Ann. 1935 Serial Ann. 1936 Serial Annually Serial Annually (1944) (1946) (1947) (1942) 1,000 Annually Optional (1949) Optional (1951) 6,250 Annually 113,750 500 Annually 5,000 Annually to 1940 175,000 10,000 Annually to 1954 3,043,250 *Sinking Fund to apply on Water Bonds, City of Ithaca, $107,305.35, making the net Bonded Debt of the City of Ithaca, $1,649,694.65. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 347 • HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS HIGHWAY FUND—RECEIPTS Towns Caroline $ 550.52 $3,900.00 $4,475.24 Danby 10.88 3,500.00 4,950.95 Dryden 585.87 9,980.04 5,757.06 Enfield 57.08 2,200.00 3,410.56 Groton 1 630.431 5,000.001 3,289.56 Ithaca 1,671.55 6,000.00 1,886.94 Lansing 1 • 274.841 7,100.001 4;590.1251 Newfield 2,751.94 3,500.00 7,143.71 Ulysses 481.93 6,000.00 2,283.75 $ 1,021.08 660.00 3,307.76 1,150.00 5,256.60 750.00 10,308.49 6,813.16 18,778.25 2,021.72 15,417.37 3,310.50 12,076.18 $ 9,946.84 9,121.83 19,629.73 6,817.64 14,169.99 HIGHWAY FUND—EXPENDITURES Towns Total expenditures Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 4,736.561 $4,566.071$ 9,302.63 $ 644.21 3,311.11 5,716.99 9,028.10 93.73 8,581.21 7,923.99 16,505.20 3,124.53 1;806.17 4,926.4-7 6,732.64 , 91.40 10,961.32 2,500.00 13,461.32 708.67 6,423.78 2,691.48 9,115.26 1,193.23 5,384.62 12,921.27 18,305.87 472.36 11,054.96 11,054.96 4,362.41 4,844.99 6,999.08 11,844.07 232.11 348 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS BRIDGE FUND -RECEIPTS Towns• Tax from collector Total receipts Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 71.67 113.19 1,140.09 147.37, 963.90 573.42 1,557.36 1,623.26 21.83 $ 600.00 200.00 2,000.00 100.00 1,000.00 500.00 800.00 6.00 107.30 $ 671.67 313.19 3,146.09 247.37 963.90 . 680.72 2,557.36 2,123.26 821.83 BRIDGE FUND -EXPENDITURES Towns Caroline 1$ Danby Dryden Enfield 'Groton Ithaca Lansing 1 Newfield 1 Ulysses 1 105.05 220.10 104.10 131.70 39.05 291.60 $ 269.11 $ $ 374.16 $ 297.51 220.10 93.09 583.62 759.80 1,447.52 1,698.57 104.63 236.33 11.04 595.36 634.41 329.49 64.50 356.10 324.62 255.271 2,000.001 2,255.271 302.09 330.07 330.07 1,793.19 461.761 461.76 360.07 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 349 HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS MACHINERY FUND—RECEIPTS Towns Tax from collector Received from other v 0 0 m Total receipts Caroline $ 423.05 Danby 15.88 Dryden I 2,059.07 Enfield l .32 Groton I 580.29 Ithaca 2,804.93 Lansing 2,568.24 Newfield 76.95 Ulysses ' 1 1,455.07 $ 3,000.00 $ 201.02 $ 3,624.07 1,500.00 57.36 1,573.24 5,500.00 566.30 8,125.37 500.00 1,096.44 1,596.76 3,500.00 72.60 4,152.89 4,000.00 1,889.93 8,694.86 4,202.00 93.70 6,863.87 2,500.00 _ 120.80 2,697.75 2,000.00 734.06 4,189.13 MACHINERY FUND—EXPENDITURES Towns O Caroline $ 232.78 Danby 459.77 Dryden 1 8,272.421 Snfield 1,020.72 Groton 736.67 Ithaca 1 2,623.451 Lansing 1,102.00 Newfield 1,233.82 Ulysses 1,000.00 $2,262.81 $1,100.00 $ 3,595.59 $ 28.48 1,064.02 1,523.79 49.45 2,676.461 1 10,948.881.0.0. 2,823.51 574.391 1,595.11 1.65 3,223.041 1. 3,959.71 193.18 2,287.351 51.92T 4,962.721 3,732.14 3,280.89 1,600.00 5,982.89 881.08 1,151.86 10.00 2,395.68 302.07 2,685.28 3,685.28 503.85 350 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS MISCELLANEOUS FUND -RECEIPTS Towns Tax from collector Caroline Danby ' Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 91.38 225.04 582.34 136.67 786.58 1,423.99 206.11 881.83 197.55 $ 2,250.00 I $ 65.00 2,800.00 3.60 3,900.00 357.20 2,200.00 6,000.00 217.82 4,000.00 10.00 5,000.00 255.07 1,500.00 3,983.19 400.00 $ 2,406.38 3,028.64 4,839.54 2,336.67 7,004.40 5,433.99 5,461.18 2,381.83 4,580.74 , MISCELLANEOUS FUND -EXPENDITURES Towns For removing snow Total expenditures 4.1 G 01 .0en CO' Caroline, $ Danby I 600.01 Dryden I 193.05 Enfield 196.46 Groton ' 619.80 Ithaca 261.00 Lansing 852.60 Newfield 1 162.20 Ulysses 40.00 Is 3.00l$1,597.31 $ 609.10 12.00 1,685.11 355.70 2,055.30 1,680.77 1,550.00 515.91 2,041.72 216.10 3.00 1,818.00 2,861.74 6.00 1,953.00 1,644.58 1,482.90 306.50 1,712.25 1,282.11 $2,209.41 2,652.82 3,929.12 2,262.37 5,040.08 4,943.74 5,461.18 1,924.60 3,034.36 $ 196.97 375.82 910.42 74.30 1,964.32 490.25 430.23 1,546.38 6,540IAffirmative 2,754INegative 6,3021BIank g y.. y CZ CZ n y Ob rt- gr.�. co o rJ 3,811IAf irmative 2,201 jN egative 8,581!Blank 3,704jAffirmative 3,805'Negative 8,0791Blank 5 • 3,800lAffirmative 3,338INegative 8,4571Blank 3,8541Affirmative 3,048INegative 8,694IBlank 13,032 Leonard C. Crouch Republican, Democrat, Law Preservation 'Darwin J. Mesrole 3841 Socialist Dominick Fliani 73 Communist 6,015 Edwin R. Sweetland Democrat James R. Robinson' 8,393 Republican 368 Wesley Eastman Socialist (John W. MacDonald 4,1441Democrat Willard M. Kent 10,239 Republican 340 5,036 Chapin Perry Socialist Robert L. Speed Democrat ' 'Howard L. O'Daniel 9,043 'Republican 372 Florence Fulton Socialist 5,128 Micheal P. Clarey Democrat 8,989 Charlotte V. Bush Republican Marion Glaeser 371 Socialist • y 5,110 James F. O'Connor Democrat Arthur G. Adams ' 9,037'Republican James R. Withrow 359'Socialist 'Michael J. Foran 4,636IDemocrat (William A. Smith 9,300'Republican Ivar M. Jergensen 334 Socialist 352 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS 1. Fall Primary—Seventh Tuesday before General Election, each year. (Election Law, §191.) 2. Presidential Primary—First Tuesday in April in Presi- dential year. (Election Law §191.) 3; General Election—First Tuesday after first Monday in November, each year. (Election Law, §191.) 4. Town Meetings—On same date as General Election in odd numbered years. (Town Law §80.) 5. Designation of Polling Places—By the Town Boards and Common Council of City; on Third Tuesday in August, each year. (Election Law, §66.) 6. Board of Canvass—First Tuesday after General Election, each year. (Election Law, §272.) 7. Annual Meeting and organization, except election of Chairman, of Board of Supervisors—Second Thursday after General Election, each year. (County Law, §10.) 8. Quarterly Meetings, Board .of Supervisors—Second Mon- day of February, May, August and November of each year. (County Law, §10-a.) 9. Election of Chairman of Board—At a meeting held in January, for that year. (County Law, '110.) 10. Town Boards—Shall meet First Thursday after General Election, each year, and on the 28th of December of each year. (Town Law, §62.) 11. Grand Jurors—Selected by the Board of Supervisors at the annual meeting each year. (Code Criminal Procedure. §229-a.) 12. Trial Jurors—The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 353 of each town, must meet on the First Monday in July, in each year, at a place within the town appointed by the Supervisor, or, in case of his absence, or a vacancy in his office, by the Town Clerk, for the purpose of making a list of persons, to serve as trial jurors, for the then ensuing year. If they fail to meet on the day specified in this section, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable. (Judi- ciary Law; §500, as amended by Laws of 1923.) At the meeting specified in the last section, the officers present must select from the last assessment -roll of the town, and make a list of all persons whom they believe to be qualified to serve as trial jurors, as prescribed in this article. (Judiciary Law, §501.) 13. County Claims—(a) All bills and claims against the county must be presented to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the Third day of the Annual Session of the Board and at least Three days before any Quarterly Session thereof. (b) All bills or claims presented to the Board of Super- visors must be itemized and verified by the oath of claimant. All bills for repairs to or improvements of county buildings must have endorsed thereon the approval of the committee having charge of such buildings. (c) No bills for supplies for county officers will be audited unless the same were authorized by the Committee of the Board of Supervisors having such matter in charge. 14. Reports— (a) All county officers receiving, or authorized to receive moneys in which the county, or any sub -divi- sion thereof, shall have an interest, shall annually, on .November lst, of each year, make a written verified report of all moneys received, from whom, on what account and the disposition made thereof, and file the same with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November 5th. (County Law, §243.) (b) The Clerk of every Town, incorporated village and city in the county shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November 1st, of each year, all indebtedness of such town, village or 354 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (c) city, specifying for what purpose created, under what law, rate of interest and when payable. The Trustees, or the person or persons having charge of the issue of bonds or payments of same, of any school district, shall transmit a statement thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the First day of November. (d) The Supervisor must report to the District Superin- tendent of Schools on the First day in February, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. 15. Assessments— (a) All real property shall be assesed in the tax district in which situated. Property divided by a town line shall be assessed in both towns. (b) The assessors shall complete the assessment -roll on or before the First day of August and make out a copy thereof, to be left with one of their number, and forthwith cause a notice to be conspicuously posted in three or more public places in the tax district, stating that they have completed the assessment -roll, and that a copy thereof has been left with one of their number, at a specified place, where it may be examined until the Third Tuesday in August. (Tax Law, §36.) (c) The assessors shall meet on the Third Tuesday in August and not later than August 31, to review their assessment and hear and determine all com- plaints brought before them in relation to such assessments. • (d) . When the assessors, or a majority of them, shall' have completed their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the county authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and sub- scribe :before such officers, an oath in the form pre- -- scribed by Sec. 38, of the Tax Law, which oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the assessors and certified by the officer. (e) The assessors must file a certified copy of the com- pleted assessment -roll with the Town Clerk, on or before the Fifteenth day of September, and it shall OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK' 355 there remain for public inspection until delivered by the Town Clerk to the.. Supervisor. The assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at least three public places in the tax district and to be published in one or more newspapers, if any, published in the town, that such assessment -roll has been finally completed, and stating that such certified copy has been filed. The original assessment -roll shall on or before the First day of October be delivered by the assessors to the Supervisor. (Tax Law, §39.) (f) The Board of Asessors of the several towns, and the Assessors of the City of Ithaca, shall furnish the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, on or before the First day of September, a complete list of all property within their tax districts that is exempt from taxa- tion. (Tax Law, §15.) 16. Collectors—The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within. eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute an undertaking, to be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and deliver said undertak- ing to him. The Supervisor shall, within six days there- after, file the said undertaking with his approval, in the office of the County Clerk. (Town Law, §25.) 17. Justices of the Peace— (a) Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the pay- ments on demand to the proper officer, of all moneys re- ceived by the justice by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor and filed in the Town Clerk's Office. (b) Each Justice of the Peace of the town shall pay to the Supervisor on the First Monday of each month, all finesandpenalties imposed and.received by him, and shall also make a verified report of all fines and penal- ties collected by him to the Board of Town Auditors of his town, on Tuesday preceding the; Annual Town Meeting. (County Law, §12, sub -division 21.) 356 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Roster, 1933 JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Riley H. Heath (6th Judicial District) Ithaca, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Gale H. Stalker .... (37th District) Elmira, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE SENATE Frank A. Frost (41st District) Watkins Glen, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE ASSEMBLY James R. Robinson Ithaca, N. Y. COUNTY OFFICERS County Judge and Surrogate Willard M. Kent Special County Judge H. C. Baldwin Judge of Children's Court Williard M. Kent County Clerk Howard O'Daniel County Treasurer Charlotte V. Bush District Attorney Arthur G. Adams Sheriff Frank C. Ellis Commissioner of Welfare Fred Williams Coroner Dr. Wm. A. Smith .. Superintendent of Highways Bert I. Vann Sealer of Wts. & Measures ....John J. Sinsabaugh Clerk, Board of Supervisors.... W. 0. Smiley County Attorney C. H. Newman Commissioner of Election ....Emma L. Card Commissioner of Election ....Wm. F. George Probation Officer R. A. Hutchinson Clerk of Surrogate's Court ....D. M. Gillespie Clerk of Children's Court ....R. A. Hutchinson Deputy County Clerk ' L. L. Earl Motor Vehicle Clerk Laura Arnold Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Newfield, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ludlowville, 1 Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N.. Y. Under Sheriff Dist. Supt. of Schools Dist. Supt. ,of Schools Dist. Supt. of Schools J. Paul Munson Keeper at County Home Clayton Bower Ithaca, N. Y. L. G. Armstrong Ithaca, N. Y. E. Craig Donnan .Newfield, N. Y. L. 0. Olds Ithaca, N. Y. Groton, 10 Jacksonville, N.Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 357 TOWN OFFICERS CAROLINE Supervisor - Lamont C. Snow Br'kt'dale, R.D. 1 Justice of the Peace Augustus Middaugh Br'kt'dale, R.D. 2 Justice of the Peace Chas. Thomas Br'kt'dale, R.D. Justice of the Peace P. Alfred Munch Br'kt'dale, R.D. 3 Justice of the Peace. Geo. L. Richards Br'kt'dale, R.D. Town Clerk Elmer Lockwood Br'kt'dale, N.Y. Assessor Chas. M. Jones Berkshire, R.D. 1 Assessor D. B. Bull Br'kt'dale, R.D. 1 Assessor H. A. Whittaker Br'kt'dale, R.D. 1 Collector John Lounsbery Br'kt'dale, N.Y. Supt. of Highways James Beebe Berkshire, R.D. 4 _ Commissioner of Welfare Prue Ridgeway ....Brooktondale, N. Y. School Director D. A. Chatfield Slaterville Springs School Director J W. Page Slaterville Springs DANBY Supervisor T. G. Miller Ithaca, R. D. 4 Justice of the Peace Harry Hatfield Ithaca, R. D. 4 Justice of the Peace Fred E. Dorn....Brooktondale, R. D. 2 Justice•of the Peace George 0. Sears ....West Danby, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Arthur G. Bennett Willseyville, R. D. 1 Town Clerk B. J. Jennings .... West Danby, R. D. 1 Assessor Geo. Button West Danby, R. D. Assessor F. R. Caswell Ithaca, R. D. 4 Assessor L. E. Cummings Willseyville, R. D. 1 Collector Jennie Beardsley Ithaca, R. D. 4 Supt. of Highways Reginald S. Nelson ....Ithaca, R. D. 4 Commissioner of Welfare David A. Moore ....Willseyville, N. Y. School Director A. E. Grant ....Brooktondale, R. D. 2 School Director Chas. L. Hall Ithaca, R. D. 4 DRYDEN Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Carl A. Mott Dryden, R. D. 1 Harry Spaulding Etna, N. Y. J. Dolph Ross Dryden, N. Y. L. A. Culver Freeville, N. Y. Walter Kinch Freeville, N. Y. Orrie Cornelius Ithaca, R. D. 2 Jane C. Hines Dryden, N. Y. Dryden, N. Y. Ithaca, R. D. 2 Freeville, R. D. Jas. 0. Robertson ....Groton, R. D. 12 Lee Stevens Freeville, R. D. 2 Roy Hungerford Ithaca, R. D. Bernice M. Kirk Etna, N. Y. C. B. Snyder Dryden N. Y. Assessor C. D. Griswold Assessor Truman English Assessor Edward Sykes Collector Supt. of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director 358 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ENFIELD Supervisor S. Harvey Stevenson .... Ithaca, R. D. 3 Justice of the Peace Jay Stamp . = Ithaca, R. D. 5 Justice of the Peace Vernon H. Earl Ithaca, R. D. 4 Justice of the Peace Thomas R. Brown .... Ithaca, R. D. 3 Town Clerk H. D. Bailey Ithaca, R. D. 5 Assessor Gilbert Fisher .... Trumansburg, R. D. Assessor • Ralph Loveless Ithaca, R. D. 5 Assessor Ward Spencer Ithaca, R. D. 5 Collector Harry Willis Ithaca, R. D. 5 Supt. of Highways John Thall Ithaca, R. D. 5 Commissioner of Welfare Chas. Teeter Ithaca, R. D. 5 School Director Hulse Smith Newfield, R. D. 2 School Director Ray C. Lanning - Ithaca, R. D. 3 GROTON Supervisor Denton. J. Watrous Groton, N. Y. Justice of the Peace " R. R. Chatterton Groton, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Miles G. Tarbell .... Groton, R. D. 11 Justice of the Peace Geo. B. Sickmon McLean, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Jos. B. Sheeler, _ Groton, N. Y. Town Clerk Chas. H. Moe Groton, N. Y. Assessor Archie Gillen Groton, R. D. 15 Assessor C. Fay Benson Groton, R. D. 3 Assessor J W. Jones - Groton, N. Y. Collector Lillian B. Benedict Groton, N. Y. Supt. "of Highways Ed. Walpole Groton, N. Y. " Commissioner of Welfare - Lawrence Jackson Groton, N. Y. School Director Dr. R. C. Tarbell Groton, N. Y. School Director Ernest Reniff McLean, N. Y. ITHACA CITY Mayor Louis P. Smith City Hall Supervisor, 1st Ward F. D. Van Order .... 511 W. Seneca St. Supervisor, 2nd Ward Henry O. Veit 106 Hyers St. Supervisor, 3rd Ward Joseph. B. Myers 325 W. Buffalo St. Supervisor, 4th Ward R. C. Osborn 303 N. Aurora St. Supervisor, 5th Ward Clarence C. Squier 216 Univ. Ave. City Judge Daniel.Crowley City Hall City Clerk James E. Matthews City Hall City Chamberlain Clarence A. Snyder City Hall City Assessor L. E. Dofflemyer City Hall City Superintendent Frank Feller City Hall Commissioner of Charities .... Miss Knott Cornell Library Bldg. Sealer of Wts. & Measures ...L. J. Gaurnier 515 S. Albany OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 359 ITHACA TOWN Supervisor ...Lagrand E. Chase Ithaca, R. D. 4 James A. Bush Ithaca, R. D. 2 Norman Stagg Ithaca, N. Y. Wm. I. Smith - Ithaca, R. D. 7 Clarence A. Baker Ithaca, R. D. 4 Rachael Hanshaw .. Ithaca, R. D. 2 Frank Howe Renwick Heights Fred C. Marshall Ithaca, R. D. 6 Ralph Mandeville Ithaca, R. D. 4 Rexford Smith Ithaca, N. Y. Harry Baker Ithaca, R. D. 4 Fay Grover Ithaca, R. D. 2 Nina B. Royce Ithaca, R. D. 5 Ada Gray ' Ithaca, R. D. 5 Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director LANSING Supervisor Andrew J. Conlon So. Lansing, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Carleton Kintz .. Ludlowville, R. D. 1 Justice of the Peace J. A. Smith .... Ludlowville, R. D. 1 Justice of the Peace Edward Ozmun .... So. Lansing, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Clay Tarbell Groton, N. Y. Town Clerk Joseph McGill Ludlowville, N. Y. Assessor Samuel Lane .... Ludlowville, R. D. 2 Assessor Jacob Bower Ludlowville, R. D. Assessor Andrew Tarbell Freeville, R. D. Collector Clifford Dickerson Ludlowville, R. D. Supt. of Highways John Howland .... So. Lansing, N. Y. Commissioner of Welfare Carleton Kintz .... Ludlowville, R. D. 1 School Director Clarence Townsend Ludlow'le, R. D. 1 School Director Frank Tarbell Groton, R. D. 1 NEWFIELD _ Supervisor R. C. Albright Newfield, N. Y. Justice of the Peace J. D. Smith_ Newfield, N. Y. Justice of the Peace D. Payne Newfield, R. D. 4 Justice of the Peace Floyd Beach Newfield, R. D. Justice of the Peace Douglass S. Carpenter Newf'd, R. D. 3 Town Clerk Carrie Peck Newfield, N. Y. Assessor Fred W. Payne Newfield, R. D. 1 Assessor Harry Horton Newfield, R. D. 3 Assessor Frank Fish Newfield, N. Y. Collector Daniel Patterson Newfield, N. Y. Supt. of Highways Herbert Williams .... Newfield, R. D. 1 Commissioner of Welfare C. Lee Brainard Newfield, N. Y. School Director Della Snyder Newfield, R. D. 2 School Director Geo. S. Adams Newfield, N. Y. 360 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORN ULYSSES Supervisor LePine Stone .... Trumansburg, N. Y. Justice of the Peace F N Smith Trumansburg, R. D. 31 Justice of the Peace Henry Williams .... Jacksonville, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Howard K. Aiken _.. Tru'burg, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Charles A. Lueder Jacksonville, N. Y. Town Clerk Edith M. Updike Trumansburg, N. Y. Assessor H. C. Steenberg . Trumansburg, N.Y. Assessor Edwin Gould ._. Trumansburg, N. Y. Assessor Philo B Smith Ithaca, R. D. 7 Collector ' Carrie Briggs .... Trumansburg, N. Y. Supt. of Highways J. Warren Chase Trumansburg, R.D. 3 Commissioner of Welfare Irwin S. Potter Trumansburg, N. Y. - School Director Levi 0. Holman Trumansburg, N. Y. School Director Maud Addington .... Waterburg, N. Y. INDEX I INDEX Accounts of Supervisors 242 Act—Relative to Duties of County Attorney 234 Act—No. 3, 1933—Authorizing County Treasurer to Borrow 18 Annual Session of Board of Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) - e Apportionment—Of Costs of Children's Court 184 Of Dog Moneys 217 Of Election Expenses 147 ' Of Hospitalization, Etc. 183 Of Mortgage Tax Moneys 201 For Support of Poor at County Home 182 Of Taxes 218 Appropriations—For Purchase of Gravel Bank for County and Town High- ways 27 For Improvement of Dirt Roads 170 For Rights of Way 13, 26, 29, 30, 50, 64, 152 Payment of—Rescinded 29 Under Provisions of Sec. 320-A, Highway Law 157 From County Road Fund 168, 169 To County Road Fund 60,157 For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 105 For State and County Taxes on County Property 4 For Services of Consulting Equipment Engineer 11, 17 For Equipment Budget for New County Buildings 11, 24 For Special Lighting Fixtures 27 For Window Screens in County Jail 37 For Special Interior Finish of New Buildings 44 For Equipment for Different Departments 49 For desk lamps, window shades and landscaping 49 For Services of Superintendent and Engineer for New County Buildings to January .1, 1934 37 For Temporary Emergency Work Relief 3 To Tompkins County Civil Works Administration 80 For Overdraft on Work Relief Program 182 For Unexpended Balances to the credit of different projects 156 For Incidental Expenses of the N.RS. 240 To General Fund 206, 215 To Poor Fund 211 To Highway Fund 212 To the Welfare Fund 16, 28, 46, 63, 165 For •Hospitalization purposes for Public Welfare 101 II For Agent of State Charities Aid Association 153 To Old Age Security Fund 150 For Support of Poor 165 For Postage of Supreme Court Judge 181 For Postage of County Officers 163, 237 For Clerk Hire for County Officers 171 For Stenographer tor Board of Supervisors 177 For Living Quarters for the Sheriff 38, '177 To Organization Sponsoring 4th of July Celebration 39 For Light, Heat and Telephone 161 To Farm Bureau Association 158 To Home Bureau Association 158 For Junior Extension Work 158 To Board of Child Welfare 158 To County Public Health Committee 158 For County Laboratory 158 For County Library Rural Service 158 For Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 107 For Maintenance of Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hos- pital 151 To Cornell Library Association 176 For Reforestation Purposes 154 For State Tax 215 For County—General and Poor Tax 215 Highway Tax 215 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balances 59, 107, 151; 152, 159, 216 ..Appointment—Of Supervisor, to fill vacancy 10, 82 Approval—Of Bond of County Sealer of Weights and Measures 31 Of Bonds of Contractors furnishing Equipment 31 Of County Clerk's Bond 169 Of Bond of Deputy County Clerk 169 Of Bond of Motor Vehicle Clerk 169 Of Bond of County Superintendent of Highways 172 Of Bonds of County Treasurer _ 177,. 183 Of Bond of Commissioner .-of Welfare 67 Armory Tax 73, 206 Assessment Rates—As Fixed by State Tax Department 74 As Fixed by the Board of Supervisors 92, 93 Assessment Rolls—Reports of Committee on Footing 88 Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing 90 Chairman and Clerk Directed to, Sign 237 Assessors of Towns—Names and Addresses of, 358, 360 Attorney, County (See County Attorney) Attorney for Board—Salary of 170 Manner of payment of 172 Authorized to Represent County in Elimination of Grade Crossings 162 III Relative to Investigating Claims and supervision of Compensation Insurance 171 Authorized to Act for County in All Matters 161 Authorized to Secure rights sof way 162 Audits—Of County 243 Of Towns 247, 271 To Be Printed in Proceedings of Board 238 .Of Claims Audited by the Several. Committees During Year 84, 107, 167, 178 Quarterly Session 4, 34, 55, 70 Special Session • 40 B Board of Supervisors—Names and Addresses of Members of 72, 206 Chairman of—Permanent - 202 Temporary 202 (Also See Chairman of Board), Clerk of 73 (Also See Clerk of Board) Attorney for - 170 (Also See Attorney for Board) Sessions of—Annual 72 Audits at 243 Quarterly 3, 25, 48, 61 Audits at 4, 34, 55, 70 Special 9, 16, 20, 36, 42, 57 Audits at 40 Calls for 9, 16, 36, 42, 57 Committee Assignments 10, 204 Committees of (See Committees of Board) Supplies for 77 Appropriation of—For Stenographer 177 Accounts of 242 Mr. Myers as Supervisor from Third Ward 10 Mr. Mott as Supervisor from Town of Dryden _57 Mr. Stone as Supervisor from Town of Ulysses 82 Resignation of Member of 57 Printed Proceedings of, Relative to 162 Authorizing Contract for 237 Tax Rate to be Printed in 238 Town Audits to be Printed in 238 Representative—On Farm Bureau Association 99 On Junior Extension 99 On Eradication of Bovine Tuber- culosis 144 On County Laboratory 145 On Board of Managers of the IV Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital 100 On Public Health Committee 144 On County Library Commission 100,145 Balances—County Treasurer Directed to Pay to Towns and City 103 Re -appropriations of Unexpended 59, 103, 151, 152, 159, 216 Bids—For Printed Proceedings 237 Board of Child Welfare—Appropriation to 158 Manner of Payment to 158 Relative to 83 Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital (See Tuberculosis Hospital) Bonded Indebtedness—Of County and Towns 345 Bonds—Of County Commissioner of Public Welfare 60, 67 Of County Sealer of Weights and Measures 25, 31 Contractors—for Equipment 25, 31, 44 Of County Officials 154, 169, 170 Bonds, Issued for Construction of State and County Highways— Sinking Fund and Interest on 74, 102, 105 Bond Issue—Unexpended Balance Appropriated to General Fund 215 Bovine Tuberculosis—Appropriation for Eradication of 107 Committee on, Election of Members on 144 Relative to Sale of Truck 77 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 107 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balances 107 Bridge Funds for Towns 348 Bridges, Etc.—Tax for Improvement of Highways 110 Budgets—County 206 Town 221, 234 Calls for Special Sessions (See Board of Supervisors) Caroline—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 357 Audits of [, 247 Budget of 221 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys 217 Amount Due Town from Mortgage .Tax 201 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses 147 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. 183 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 8, 35, 55, 71 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 182 Returned School Taxes of - 112 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 110 Tax Rates of 221 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 221 Chairman of Board—Temporary, Election of 202 Permanent, Election of 202 Authorized to Execute Contract for Equipment for County Building 24 v Authorized to Execute Contract for Special Interior Finish __44 Authorized to Execute Lease for old Courthouse Property 240 Authorized to Represent County in Elimination of Grade Crossings 162 , Authorized to Execute Contract with the Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County for Board of Prisoners 77 Authorized to Act for County in All Matters 161 Authorized to fill Vacancies on Committees 234 Directed to Sign Collectors' Warrants 236 Clerk of Board—Election of -73, 203 Salary of 170 Manner of Payment of 172 Postage for 163 Authorized to Certify Payments 163 Authorized to Correct Errors in Minutes._ 102 Authorized to Purchase Supplies 77 Authorized to Execute Contract for Equipment for County Building 24 Authorized to Execute Contract for Special Interior Finish 44 Directed to Execute Contract with Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County For Board of Prisoners 77 Directed to Execute Lease for Old Courthouse Property 240 Directed to Advertise for Bids for Equipment 12 Directed to Employ Stenographer 30 Directed to Secure Bids for Proceedings 162 Directed to Sign Collectors' Warrants 236 Directed to Issue Orders 4, 11, 14, 17, 24;26, 27, 29, 30, 45, 49, 50, 51, 64, 103, 241 Directed to Print Town Audits 238 Directed to Publish Tax Rates of Towns 238 Directed to Print Report of County Superintendent of Highways 156 Certificate of 331 Report of, to Comptroller 343 Report of Highway, Bridge, Etc. Funds 347, 350 Committees of Board—Standing 204 Resignation from 10 Special— To Act for the County in All Matters 161 Relative to Old Courthouse Property _.._ 239, 241 Tompkins County C.W.A. 80 Highway Advisory— Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs to County Machinery Building 162 VI Of the Whole— Relative to Inspection of County Jail Building - 42 Chairman to fill vacancies on 234 Claims Audited During Year by Several 84, 107, 167, 178 Reports of (See Under Various Committees) Committee on County Officers and Compensation Report of—On Audits 174, 193, 196 On Salaries of County Officers 170 Relative to Bonds of County Officers 67, 143 Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs on Buildings under its supervision 161 Authorized to Employ Superintendent and Engineer for New Buildings 25, 37 Relative to Duties of County Attorney 234 Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses Report of—On Audits 173, 194 Relative to Report of County Clerk 157 Relative to Report of Commissioners of Elections 147 Relative to Report of County Judge 148 Relative to Report of Surrogate's Clerk 148 Committee on Charities— Report of—On Audits 191 Relative to Report of Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital 151 Relative to Report of Commissioner of Public Welfare 164 Relative to County and Town Poor 165 Relative to County Old Age Security Fund 149 Appointment of Member to 10 Authorized to Make' Agreement with State Charities Aid Association 153 Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs to Buildings under its supervision 163 Resignation of member from 10 Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts - Report of—On Audits 189 Committee on Correction and Reformation Report of—On Audits 198 Relative to Report of Children's Court 183 Appointment of Member to 10 Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs to Buildings under its supervision 163 Authorized•to Purchase Additional Supplies for Jail 26 Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts Report of—On Audits 200 Relative to Apportionment of Dog Moneys 216 VII Relative to Mortgage Tax 201 Relative to Report of County Treasurer 160_ Committee on Equalization, Etc.— Report of—On Footing Assessment Rolls 88 Supplemental, On Footing Assessment Rolls. 90 On Ratios and Percentages 93 For General Tax Levy 92, 93 For Highway Tax Levy 94, 95 - On Apportionment of Taxes 218 Relative to Assessment Rolls 236 Resignation of Member from 1.0 Committee on Finance- Report of—On County Budget206 On Town Budgets , 2200 Relative to Bonds for Equipment _ 25, 31 Relative to Bond of County Sealer of Weights and Measures 25, 31i Relative to Bonds of County Officers s 166, 169 Relative to Bond of County Superintendent of Highways 170, 172 Relative to Bond of County Treasurer 177, 183 Committee on Highways— Report of—On Audits 188 Authorized to Secure Rights of Way 162 Reports of 13, 28, 64, 152 Committee on Returned Taxes— Report of—Relative to Returned School Taxes 112, 142 Relative to Grand Jurors 142 Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc.— Report of—On Audits 192 Relative to Appropriations to Various Organiza- tions 158 Relative to Veterans' Relief , 236 Committee on Town and County Accounts— Report of—Relative to Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 74, 102, 105 Committee on Town Expenses, Etc.— Report of—On County and Town Indebtedness 181 To Be Printed in Proceedings 181 On Special Franchises 180 , Appointment of Member to 10 Committee on Auditing Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital— Claims Audited by Committee During Year 167 Committee on Contract Supplies— Reports of—Relative to 4Light, Heat and Telephones 83 Appropriations for Light, Heat and Telephones 161 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 84 Relative to Telephone Contract for New County Buildings _13 viII Committee on Compensation Insurance Authorized to Make a Settlement 18 Committee on County Laboratory Appropriation to 158 Claims Audited by Committee. During Year 178 Election of Representative on. 145 Report of 146 Committee on Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis Appropriation to 107 Appointment of Representatives on 144 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 107 - Relative to Sale of Truck _ 77 Committee on Jail Supplies— Claims Audited by Committee During Year 177 Committee on Public Health — Appointment of Member to 10 Appointment of Representatives on 144 Appropriation for 158 Manner of Payment to 158 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 178 Committee•on-Quarantine on Dogs— Claims Audited by Committee During Year 166 Committee on Reforestation— Report of 153 Committee on Rules and Legislation— Resignation of Member from 10 Relative to Real Property Taxes 39, 45 Relative to Jail Limits 48 Relative to Bond of County Clerk 50 Committee on County Buildings Reports of 20, 43, 184 Approval of Contract with Consulting Equipment Engineer .... 11 Relative to Equipment 20 Relative to Court Library 25 Relative to Special Lighting Fixtures - '26 Authorized to Purchase Additional Equipment 27, 49 Authorized to Provide Window Screen in County Jail 37 Relative to Special Interior Finish 39 Relative to Acceptance of County Jail Building 43 Authorized to Sell Furniture 61 Authorized to Grant Use of former County Clerk's Building ._61 County Officers—Names and Addresses of 356 Salaries of 170, 171 To Be -Paid Monthly _ 103 Clerk Directed to Certify Payments of 163 Postage for 163; 181, 237 Clerk Hire for 171 Expenses, etc. for 171 Relative to Bonds of 31, 50, 67, 154, 169, 177, 183, 239 IX County Judge and Surrogate Salary of 170 Special County Judge and Surrogate—Salary of 170 Surrogate's Clerk—Salary of 170 Surrogate's Stenographer 171 Judge of Children's Court—Salary of 170 Clerk of—Salary of 171 County Clerk—Salary of 170 Postage for 163 Bond of 50, 154, 169, 239 Report of 289 Report of Committee On 157 Deputy County Clerk—Salary of 170 Bond of 154, 169 Assistants in Office of—Salary of 171 Motor Vehicle Clerk Salary of 171 Postage for 163 Bond of 154, 169 County Commissioners of Elections Salaries of 170 Postage for 163 Report of Committee on Election Expenses 147 County Commissioner of Public Welfare Bond of 60, 67 Election of 57 Salary of 170 Report of 97, 293 Report of Committee on 164 Relative to Old Age Security 305 County Coroner Salary of, 170 Expenses of 171 County District Attorney Bond •of 154 Salary of 170 Office Expenses of 171 Report of 76 County Probation Officer—Salary of - 171 County Sealer of Weights and Measures Bond of 25, 31 Expense of - 171 Report of 76 Salary of 170 County Sheriff Salary of 170 Expenses of 171 Undersheriff—Salary of 171 X Two Turnkeys and Deputy 171 Authorized to Contract for Detention of Federal Aliens or prisoners 37 Relative to Living Quarters 38, 177 Claims for Expenses , Charged to Towns and City 8, 35, 55, 71 County Attorney -Election of 204 Relative to Duties of 234 Postage of 237 Salary of 235• County Superintendent of Highways Salary of 170 Bond of 170 Expenses of 171 Report of 322 To Be Printed in Proceedings 156 County Treasurer - Reports of 272 Salary of - 170 Bonds of 154, 176, 177, 182, 183 Clerk Hire for 171 Postage for 163 Authorized to Pay Salary of County Attorney 235 Authorized to Borrow 8, 19, 34, 40, 47, 55, 63, 71, 81 Authorized to Credit in Certain Cases 216 Authorized to Transfer in Case of Deficiency 215 Directed to Pay County Orders 103 Directed to Pay Balances to Towns and City 103 Directed to Pay Salaries Monthly 103 Directed to Give Notes or Certificates of Indebtedness 8, 19, 34, 41, 47, 55, 64, 71, 81 Directed to Charge Claims payable to Towns and City 8, 35, 55, 71 Directed to Pay Balances in Dog Fund to Towns and City 217 Directed to Pay Claims from Dog Fund 8, 35, 55, 190 Directed to Pay Quarterly Session Audits 8, 34, 55, 71 Directed to Pay Special Session Audits 40 Directed to Pay to Welfare Fund 16, 28, 46, 63 Directed 'to Transfer funds in Welfare Department -.-. 48 Directed to Pay for .Rights of Way 14, 29, 30, 50, 64 Directed to Pay for Gravel Bank 27 Directed to Transfer to Highway Construction Fund ---26 Directed to Pay Organization Sponsoring'4th of July Celebration - 39 Directed to Pay Claims of H. J. Shirey 241 Directed to Pay Consulting Equipment Engineer .... 11, 17 Directed to Pay Orders for Equipment 11, 24, 49 Directed to Pay for Special Lighting Fixtures 26 XI Directed to Pay Claims out of Bond Issue 35, 50, 55, 71 Directed to Pay for Special Interior Finish 44. Directed to Pay Salaries of Superintendent and Engi- neer of New County Buildings 37 Directed to Pay Mortgage Tax Moneys to Tax Districts 201 Manner of Payment to Various Organizations and Associations 158 Manner of Payment for Sheriff's Living Quarters ._38 Directed to Pay Cornell Library Association 12, 176 Directed to Reduce Rate of Interest Penalty 45 Directed to Pay State and County Taxes on County Property 4 Directed to Refund to Jesse Whipple 45 Directed to Refund to Ida M. Davenport 49 Directed to Pay for C. W. A. Projects 80 Designaition of Depositories 182 Reappropriation to General and Highway Funds 103, 215 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 216 County Audits 243 County Budget 206 County Buildings—New Relative to Equipment for 11, 12 Relative. to Telephone Contract for 13 Appropraition for Services of Equipment Engineer 11, 17 Appropriations for Equipment 24, 27, 37 Committee Authorized to Employ Superintendent and Engineer for 25, 37 Committee Authorized to furnish Equipment,etc_.__ 49 Contract for Special Interior Finish • of 39 County Court House and Jail— Superintendent of—Salary of 171 Chief Engineer of—Salary of 171 Assistants to Engineer and Watchman - 171 County Court House— Janitors—Salary of 171 Telephone Operator—Salary of 171 County Home—Keeper of—Salary of 171 Physician at—Salary of 162 Appropriation for Fuel at 161 Committee Authorized to Make Repairs at 163 Relative to Inspection of 96 County Jail—Matron at, Election of 99 Salary of 171 Physician at, Election of 143 Salary of 162 Committee Authorized to Make Repairs at 163 Relative to Inspection of 43, 143 XII County Laboratory— Election to Board of Managers 144 Appropriation to 158 Manner of Payment to 158 Report of 108 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 178 County Library Commission Appointment of Representatives to 100, 145 County Library Rural Service Appropriation to 158 Manner of Payment to 158 Cornell Library Association—Relative to 12, 176 County Machinery Building Committee Authorized to Make Repairs on 162 County—Amount Charged to—For Election Expenses 147 For Support of Poor. 182 Highway Indebtedness of 288 Bonded Indebtedness of 181, 345 • Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 74, 102, 105 Valuation of (See Valuations) County and Town Poor—Support of 165 County Map—Relative to _ 28, 60, 155 County .Matters—Chairman and Clerk Authorized to Act in 161 County Orders—County Treasurer. Directed to Pay 103 County Public Health Committee (See Public Health) County System of Roads (See Highways) County Tax—For State Purposes 215 For General and Poor Purposes 215 For Highway Purposes 215 County Tax Rates - 219 Canvass—Official 351 Certificate of Indebtedness— County Treasurer Authorized to Borrow on 8, 18, 34, 40, 47, 55, 64, 71, 81 Certificates of Town Clerks—Relative to Appointment of Supervisors __..57, 82 Charities—Relative to Contract with State Aid Association 153 Child Welfare '(See Board of Child Welfare) Children's Agent—Report of 308 Children's Court—Expenses of, Charged to Towns and City 184 City of Ithaca (See Ithaca City) City and Towns—County Treasurer Directed to Pay Balances to 103 City Tax Rates—for State and County Purposes 230 Claim—Of Henry J. Shirey 241 Claims—Audited by Several Committees During Year 84, 167, 166, 167, 177, 178 Disallowed 7 For Examinations in Lunacy—Charged to Towns and .City 8, 35, 41, 55, 71, 193 XIII For Sheriff's Expenses—Charged to Towns and City 8, 35, 55, 71 Of Institutions—Charged to Towns and City 193 County Treasurer Directed to Pay out of Bond Issue 35 County Treasurer Directed to Pay—Charged to Towns and City 8, 35, 55, 71, 193 Clerks of Towns and City—Names and Addresses of 357, 360 Collectors of Towns—Names and Addresses of 357, 360 Relative to Annexation of Warrants of 145 Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign Warrants of 237 Communication—Relative to Oaths of office of Town Officials 64 From Baptist Church relative to repairs and Beautifica- tion of property 75 Relative to Old Court House Property 104 Relative to County Lot on Giles Street 238 Relative to office Space for C.W.A. and N.R.S. 239 From State—Relative to Tax 73 Relative to Rates of . Assessments 74 Relative to Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds 74 Compensation Insurance— Committee Authorized to Make 'a Settlement - 18 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances ' 216 Comptroller—Communication from—Relative to State Tax - 73 Relative to Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for • the Construction of State and County Highways 74, 102, 105 Report of Clerk to 343 Construction Program for Highways for 1934 167 Appropriation for 168 Contracts—Approval of—for Telephone Service 13 Awarded for Equipment 23 For Special Lighting Fixtures 26 For Special Interior Finish 39, 44 With Consulting Equipment Engineer 11 With Onondaga County Board of Supervisors for Board of Prisoners - 77 Court Expenses (See County Budget) Court Library—Relative to 29 Court Stenographer's Tax 73, 206 Crittenden—Resolution relative to 10 D Danby—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 357 Audits of 250 Budget of . 222 - Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys 217 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax ' 201 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses • 147 Amount Charged Town for Examinations in Lunacy 193 XIV Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. 183 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses - 8, 35, 55, 71 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 182 Returned School Taxes of 114 Tax for Improvement of Highways Bridges, Etc. 110 Tax Rate of 222 Tax Rates. for Lighting Districts - 222 Dryden—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 357 Audits of 251 Budget of - 223 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys 217 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 201 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses 148 Amount Charged Town for Examination in Lunacy 35, 41 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. 183 Amount Charged Town for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 74, 105 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 8, 35, 55, 71 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 182 Mr. Mott as Supervisor of 57 Petition—Of Assessors for Refund of Taxes 61 Of Assessors for Refund of Lighting Taxes 62 Relative to Refund of Purchase of Land , 45 Resignation of Supervisor of 57 Returned School Taxes of 117 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 110 Tax Rates of 223 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 223 Deaf -Mutes --Care of, Charged to Town of Ithaca 192 Decker, D. H.—Resignation of 57 Deficiency—County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer in Case of 215 Department of Taxation and Finance (See Comptroller) Designation—Of Depositories by County Treasurer 182 Of Highways for Snow Removal 58 Of Highways for future Construction 167 Of Newspapers 145 Directory—Political 352 Dirt Roads—Relative to 62, 170 District Attorney (See County District Attorney) Dog Fund—Claims Payable from 8, 35, 55, 190 Moneys Apportioned to Towns 217 ' Report of County Treasurer on 216 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 166 Dog Warden—Resignation of 238 XV' Enfield—Names' and Addresses of Town Officers -358 Audits of 253 Budget of 225 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys 217 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 201 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses 148 Amount Charged Town for Expenses of Children's Court 184 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. 183 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 8, 35, 55 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 182 Returned School Taxes of 122 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 110 Tax Rates of 225 Election—Of Temporary Chairman of Board 202 Of Chairman of Board 202 Of Clerk 73, 202 Of County Attorney 204 Of County Commissioner of Welfare 57 Of Jail Matron 99 Of Jail Physician 143 Of Officers and Representatives of the Board 99, 100, 144, 145 Elections—Commissioners of (See Commissioners of Elections) Designation of Newspapers to Publish Notices of 145 Official Canvass of 351 Election Expenses—Apportionment of 147 Amounts Charged to Towns and City for 147 Emergency Work Relief Bureau—Relative to 3, 13 Enforcement of Quarantine on Dogs (See Dogs) Equalized Value of County—By State 73 By Board of Supervisors 92 - 94 Equalization—Regular Report of Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls.... 88 Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls 90 Report of Committee for General Tax Levy 92 Report of Committee for'Highway Tax Levy 94 Report of Committee on Ratios and Percentage 93 Report of Committee on Apportionment of Taxes 218 Report of Committee Relative to Assessment Rolls' 236 Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis (See Bovine Tuberculosis) Errors in Minutes—Clerk Authorized to Correct 102 Estimates—For Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 110 Expenses, Etc.—Of County Officers 171 Of Children's Court, Charged to Towns and City 184 Of Elections, Charged to Towns and City 147 Of Examinations -in Lunacy, Charged to Towns and City 8, 35, 41, 55, 71, 193 XVI Of Sheriff, Charged to Towns and City 8, 35, 55, 71 To Be Audited by Board 171 F Farm. Bureau—Appropriation to 158 Manner of payment to 158 Appropriation to, -For Junior Extension Work 158 Election of Representative to 99 Election of Representatives to Junior Extension -- 99 Federal Aliens or Prisoners—Sheriff Authorized to Contract for Care of 37 Federal Aliens oor Prisoners—Sheriff. Authorized to Contract 'for Care of 37 Finances—Report of County Treasurer on 272 Relative to • State Tax 73 Appropriation to General Fund 206 Appropriation to . Highway Fund 212 Appropriation to Poor Fund • 211 Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 345 County .Treasurer Authorized to Transfer - 215 County Treasurer Authorized to Credit in .Certain Cases 216 County Treasurer Authorized to Borrow .._. 8, 19, 34, 40, 47, 55, • 63; 71, 81 County Treasurer Authorized to. Give Notes or Certificates of Indebtedness • 8, 19, 34, 41, 47, 55, 64, 71, 81 County Treasurer Directed to Pay Balances to Towns and City - 103 Report of Committee on County .Budget 206 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 216 Finance Committee (See Committee on Finance) Flag—Presentation of, By Ladies of G. A. R. 75 Fourth of July Celebration—,Relative to 39 Footing Assessment Rolls (See Committee- on Equalization) Fuel, Heat and Light (See Committee on Contract Supplies) G Groton—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 358 Audits of 254 Budget of 226 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys 217 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 201 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses 148 Amount Charged Town for Examination in Lunacy 8, 35 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. 183 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 8, 35, 55, 71 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 182 Returned School Taxes 123 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 110 Tax Rates of 226 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 227 .XVII General and Poor Purposes—Appropriation for 215 General Fund—Appropriation for 211 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balance 103, 215 General Tax—Apportionment of 218 General Tax Levy—Report of Equalization Committee on 92 Grade Crossings—Elimination of, Relative to 37 Chairman and Attorney to Represent County in 162 Grand Jurors—Relative to 142 Gravel Banks—Purchase of, for Highways 27 Guide to Town Officers 352 H Health, Public—Appropriation for 158 Committee on 144 Claims 'Audited by Committee During Year 178 Heat (See Committee on Contract Supplies) • Home Bureau Association—Appropriation to 158 Manner of Payment to 158 Relative to 86 Highways—Appropriation to the. County Road Fund 60, 157 Grade Crossing . Elimination—Relative to 37 Chairman and Attorney to Re- , present County in 162 Maintenance of, for the Year 1934 169 Relative to Improvement of Dirt Roads 62, 170 Relative to Buttermilk Falls State Parkway Entrance 65 Relative to Highway Accounts 96 Relative to State Aid to Towns 160 Relative to Appropriation under §320-A, of the Highway Law 26, 157 Right of Way—Appropriations for 13, 28, 29, 30,, 50, 64, 152 Rescinded 29 Committee on Highways and Attorney for Board - Authorized to Secure 162 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 153 Snow Removal—Program for 58 Services of Town Superintendents at Expense of Towns 238 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balance 1.52 Superintendent of (See County Superintendent of Highways) Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) Town Superintendents—Names and Addresses of 357, 360 Relative to Snow Removal - 238 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 59 Highways—Under County System— County Map—Relative to 28, 60, 155 Construction Program' for 1934 167 Appropriation for 168 XVIII Advisory Committee—Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs to County Machinery i3uilding - 162 Appropriation for Purchase of Gravel Bank for County and Town Highways 27 Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 110, 347, 350 Highway Fund for Towns 347 Highway Fund for County—Appropriation for 213 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 103, 152 Highway Tax Levy—Report of Equalization Committee on '94 Highway Tax—Appropriation for 215 Apportionment of 218 Rates for 219 For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for State and County Highways 74, 102, 105 For Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 110 Highways Money System—Report to Comptroller on 343 I Ithaca City—Names and Addresses of City Officers 358 Budget of 230 Amount Due City from Dog Moneys 217 Amount Due City from Mortgage Tax 201 Amount Charged City for Election Expenses 147 Amount Charged City for Examinations in Lunacy 35, 55, 71, 193 Amount Charged City for Expenses of Children's Court 184 Amount Charged City for Hospitalization, Etc. 183 Amount Charged City for Sheriff's Expenses 8, 35, 55, 71 Amount Charged City for Support of Poor 182 Relative to Assessment on old Court House Property 78 Returned School Taxes of - 135 Tax Rates of 230 Ithaca Town—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 359 Audits of 265 Budget of 228 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys 217 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 201 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses 148 Amount Charged Town for Deaf -Mutes 193 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. 183 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 182 Amount Charged Town for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 74, 102: Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 8, 35, 55, 71 Relative to Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds 102 Returned School Taxes of 126. Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges Etc. 110 Tax Rates of 228 Tax' Rates for Lighting Districts 229 XIX Ithaca Memorial Hospital—Relative to 30 Improvement of Dirt Roads with County Aid 62, 170 Indebtedness—Bonded, Of County and Towns - 345 Printed in Proceedings 181 Certificates of, Relative to 8, 18, 34, 40, 47, 55, 64, 71, 81 Institutions—Claims of, Charged to Towns and City 193 Insurance—Workmen's Compensation, Relative to 18 J Jail (See County Jail) •- Jail Matron (See County Jail) Jail Physician (See County Jail) Judge, County (See County Judge) Judge of Children's Court (See Children's Court) Junior Project Extension Work (See Farm Bureau Association) Justices' of the Peace—Names and Addresses of 357, 360 Reports of 332 L Lansing—Names and Addresses of Town Officers - 359 Audits of 267 Budget of 231 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys 217 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 201 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses 148 Amount Charged Town for Examinations in Lunacy 193 Amount Charged Town for Expenses of Children's Court 184 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. 183 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 8, 35, 55, 71 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 182 Returned School Taxes of - 128 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 110 .Tax Rates of 231 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 231 Laboratory (See County Laboratory) Library (See County Library) Light, Heat and Telephone (See Committee on Contract Supplies) Lighting Taxes—Refund of, to G. W. Baltz 62 Lunacy—Amount Charged to Towns and City for Examinations in 8, 35, 41, 55, 71 M Machinery—Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges Etc. 110 Machinery Fund for Towns 349 Maintenance—Of County and Town Poor 182, 212 Of Highways (See Highways) Managers of Tuberculosis. Hospital (See Tuberculosis Hospital) , Maps -Relative to Buttermilk Falls State Parkway Entrance 65 Matron at County Jail (See County Jail) Meetings of Board of Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) Memorial Hospital—Relative to 30 Minutes of Board—Clerk Authorized to Correct Errors in 102 Miscellaneous Fund for Towns 350 Mortgage Tax—Reports on 201 Amount Due Town and City from 201 Statement of 334 Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) Mott, Carl A.—Appointment of, As Supervisor 57 N Newfield—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 359 Audits of 269 Budget of 232 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys 217 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 201 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses 148 Amount Charged Town for Examinations in Lunacy 193 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. 183 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 8, 35, 55, 71 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 182. Returned School Taxes of 131 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc. 110 Tax Rates of - 232 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 232 Names and Addresses—Of Supervisors . 72, 206 National Re-employment Service—Relative to 75, 78 Newspapers—Designation of, to Publish Official Notices 145 Notes or Certificates of Indebtedness—Relative to 8, 18, 34,,40, 47, 55, 64, 71, 81 0 Officers—County and Town 357, 360 County, Election of •" 99, 143 Official Canvass '351 Official Notices -Designation of Newspapers to Publish 14-5 Old Age Security Fund—Appropriation to 150 Relative to Report of 305 Onondaga County Penitentiary—Relative to Board of Prisoners at 77 Out -of -Settlement Worker—Report of 315 P Payment to Various Organizations and Associations- 158 Personal Property in 'County—Valuation of 335 XXI Petition—Of Ida Davenport for Refund of Taxes 49 Of Assessors of Town of Dryden _ 61, 62 Of Assessors of City of Ithaca 78 Physician at County Jail (See County Jail) Political Directory 352 Poor—Overseers of—Names and Addresses of 357, 360 Report of Committee on Report of Commissioner 'of Public Welfare 164 Support of, Charged to Towns and City 182 Superintendent of (See County Commissioner of Public Welfare) Poor Fund—Appropriations to 212 Poor Purposes—Tax for General and 215 Postage for County Officers 163, 181, 237 Post Office Addresses—Of Supervisors 72, 206 Of County and Town Officers 357, 360 Printed Proceedings (See Board of Supervisors) Prisoners—Relative to Board of, At Onondaga Co. Penitentiary - 77 Sheriff Authorized to Contract for Care of Federal 37 Presentation of Flag—By Ladies of G. A. R. 75 Probation Officer (See County Probation Officer) Property—Valuation of—By State 73 By Assessors 88 Statement of Valuations 335 Proposals—Opening of, for Furniture 21 Opening of, for Special Interior Finish 39 Referred to Committee on County Buildings 39 Awarding of- Contracts _ 23, 24, 39 Public Health—Committee on 144' Report of 108 Appropriation for 158 Manner of Payment to _ 158 Relative to 85 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 178 Public Welfare (See Welfare) Public Welfare Work—Relative to Agent for 153 Q Quarterly Sessions of Board (See Board of Supervisors) Quarterly Sessions—Audits at - 4 34, 55, 70 Quarantine on Dogs—Claims Audited by Committee During• Year • 166 • Dog Fund, Claims Payable from 8, 35, 55, 190 R Rates—For State Tax 215 • For County Tax, General and Poor 215 For County Tax, Highway 215 For Towns and City (See Under Various Towns. and City.) Rates of Assessments in Towns—As Fixed by State Tax Department 74 As. Fixed by Board of Supervisors ....92, 94 Ratios and Percentages—Report of Committee on 93 Real Property—Valuation of, By State 73 Valuation of, By Assessors 88 Real Property Taxes—Relative to 39, 45 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 59, 107, 151; 152, 159, 216 Reforestation—Appropriation for 153 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances 154 Refund—To Jesse Whipple 45 To Ida M. Davenport 49 Refund of Taxes 61, 62• Removal of Snow (See Highways) Resignation—Of ;Supervisors 57 'Of Dog Warden 238 From Committees 10 Of Member on Board of Managers of. Tuberculosis Hospital 234 Returned School Taxes—Relative to 112, 141 Rights of Way (See Highways) Roads, County System of (See Highways) Robbery and Hold -Up Insurance—Relative to 177, 181, 239 Roster—Of County Officers (See Under Various County Officers) Of Town Officers 357, 360 Reports—Of County Officers (See Under Various County Officers) Of Committees (See Under the Several Committees) Of Clerk of Board to Comptroller 343 Of Bonded Indebtedness 345 Of Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 347, 350 Of Justices' of the Peace 332 Of Special Franchises 180 Of Taxes Levied 336 Of Valuations of Property - 335 Of Committee on New County Buildings 185 Relative to Assessment and Revenue Problems 155 Resolutions—Relative to Acceptance of New County Jail Building 43 Relative to Mr. Crittenden 10 Relative to Improvement of Dirt Roads 62, 170 Relative to Flag 75 Relative to Gasoline and Motor Vehicle Monies 239 Relative to Ithaca Memorial Hospital 30 Relative to Mr. McDaniels 111 Relative to National Re-employment Service 80 Relative to Old Court House Property 175, 241 Relative to Syracuse Post -Standard 14 Relative to Window Shades and Draperies 24 XXIII s Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) Sessions of Board (See Board of Supervisors) Special Sessions of Board (See Board of Supervisors) Sessions—Audits at—Annual 243 Audits at—Quarterly 4, 34, 55, 70 Special • 40 Salaries (See Under County Officers) Sealer of Weights and Measures (See County Sealer of Weights and Measures) School Districts—Bonded Indebtedness of 345 School Taxes—Returned 112, 141 Sheriff (See County Sheriff) Sinking Fund and Interests—Amounts to be Raised by County and Towns for Bonds Issued for State and County Highways 74, 102, 105 Snow Removal (See Highways) Snow and Miscellaneous Fund for Towns 350 Special County Judge and Surrogate .170 Special Franchises 180 Statement—Of Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 345 Of Mortgage Tax. 334 Of Taxes Levied - • 336 Of Taxes Levied for Repairs of Highways 343 Of Tax Rates for Towns and City (See Under Several Towns and City) Of Valuations of Real and Personal Property 335 State Tax 73, 206, 215 Rates for 219 State Tax Commission Rates of Assessments as Fixed by 73 :State Charities Aid Association—Relative to 153 State Aid to Towns—Relative t� 160 State Highway—Resolution, Relative to 66 Stenographers' Etc.—Tax 73 .Superintendent of Highways (See County Superintendent of Highways) Superintendent of the Poor (See County Commissioner of Public Welfare) Supreme Court Judge—Postage for 181 Surrogate (See County Judge) 'Surrogate's Clerk—Report of Committee on - - 148 Syracuse Post-Standard—Relative 14 T Taxation and Finance—Department of (See Comptroller) - Tax for Lighting Districts (See Town Budgets) Tax, State—Armory 73 Stenographers' Etc. •- 73 For County—General and Poor Purposes 215 Highway Purposes 215 XXI V For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds for Construction of State . and County Highways 74, 105 For Improvement of Highways and Bridges t 110 Taxes—Apportionment of 218 Assessment of 88 Rates' for 219 Refund of 61 Returned 112, 141 Statement of Those Levied 336 Statement of Mortgage 334 For General and Poor Purposes 211, 212 For Highway Purposes 213 Tax Collectors—Relative to Warrants •of 237 Tax Levy—General 92 • Highway 94 Tax Rates—For County 219 For Towns (See Town Budgets) For Lighting Districts (See Town Budgets) To Be Published in Printed Proceedings 238 Tax Warrants—Relative to, Date of Annexation 146 Taxes—State and County—Payment of,. on County Property 4 Taxes—Real Property, Relative to 39, 45 Taughannock Boulevard—Relative to Grade Crossing Elimination on 37 Telephones (See Committee on Contract Supplies) Temporary Chairman—Election of 202 Temporary Emergency Work Relief—Relative to 3, 67 Relative to Clerk for 13 Tompkins County C.W.A.—Relative to 80 Tompkins County Memorial Hospital—Relative to 30 Tompkins County Clothing Bureau—Relative to 61, 108 Tompkins County Public Health (See Public Health) Tompkins County Court House and Jail (See County Court House and Jail) Towns—Names and Addresses of Officers of - 357, 360 Audits of (See Under Several Towns) Clerk of Board Directed to Publish in Proceedings 238 Budgets of 221, 234 Amount Due Town from Dog Funds 217 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 201 Amount Charged to, for Election Expenses • 147 Amount Charged to, for Examinations in Lunacy 8, 35, 41, 71, 193 Amount Charged to, for Expenses of Children's Court 184 Amount Charged to, for -Hospitalization, Etc. - :183 Amount Charged to, for ,.Sheriff's Expenses 8; 35, 55, 71 Amount. Charged to, for Support of.Poor 182 Amount Charged to, for Sinking Fund and Interest .on Bonds Issued for Construction 'of State. and County Highways • 74, 102, 105 Returned Taxes of ' 112, 141 XXV Apportionment of Taxes to 218 Bonded Indebtedness of 345. Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds of 347, 350 Relative to Improvement of Dirt Roads 62, 170 Payment of Balances to, by County Treasurer 103 Rates of Assessments (See Assessments) Special Franchises of 180 Tax for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Con- struction 'of State and County Highways • 74, 102, 105 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 110 Tax Rates of (See Under Various Towns) To Be Published in Proceedings 238 Town Collectors—Names and Addresses of 357, 360 Town and County Officers—Names and Addresses of 357, 360 Town and County Poor—Support of 165, 182 Town and County System of Roads (See Highways) Town Officers—Guide to 352 Towns Superintendents of Highways—Names and Addresses of 357, 360 Services of, in Snow Removal at the Expense of the Towns 238 Treasurer (See County Treasurer) Tuberculosis—Bovine (See Bovine Tuberculosis) Tuberculosis Hospital Election to Board of Managers 100 Report of—Board of Managers, Relative to 91 Resignation of Member on Board of Managers 234 Relative to Patient 48 - Report of 291 U Ulysses—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 360 Audits of 270 Budget of 233 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys 217 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 201 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses 148 Amount Charged Town for Hospitalization, Etc. 183 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses 8, 35, 55, 71 Amount Charged Town for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 74, 105 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor 182 Mr. Stone as Supervisor of 82 Returned School Taxes 133 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges, Etc. 110 Tax Rates of 233 Tax Rates of Lighting Districts 233 Unexpended Balances—Reappropriation of 59, 107, 151, 152;159, 216 XXVI V 'Valuations—Of County—By State 73 By Assessors _ 83 Statement of 335 Villages—Amount Due from Mortgage Tax 201 Bonded Indebtedness of 345 Votes—Official Canvass of 351 w Warrantsy��of Collectors—Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign 237 Welfare Fund—Appropriations to 16, 28, 46, 63 Appropriations to ,for Hospitalization Purposes 101 Welfare Department—County Treasurer Directed to Transfer funds in , 43 Claim for legal services 241 Work -Relief—Relative to Emergency 3, 13 Workmen's Compensation—Relative to 18, 216.