HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932 Proceedings6-(A2 -2-"-A!-,----'',_':/ 6-. e-, -_-_k Pyr ce din I OA D 07 SUPE s VIS® TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK 1932 S. L. HOWELL, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. 5 Y1."4'o"1..-103^-,Y'-'Y",te'W''NY'N"-1,-T - ""`y^^S''',&.• -'y,.•,Te^"sT ^I'-1(r"'y'''y-T”I .Y^1,'-%^, ,1'^,T"' r'g f f f TOMPKINS COUNTY COURT FIOUSE, ITFIACA, N I 1933 Proceedings BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK 1932 • S. L. HOWELL, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. FRED L CLOCK, Clerk Ithaca, N Y: e 1 3 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N Y. hereby request you to call a special meeting of said Board, to be held in the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y. on Friday, January 29, 1932, at 10 30 A. M , to elect a Chairman for the balance of the year, to author- ize the committee on County Court House and County Jail to negotiate for additional lands necessary for the County Court House and County Jail and for the formation of a Work Relief Bureau. Dated, January 18, 1932. SIDNEY L HOWELL' FRED VAN ORDER DELBERT H. DECKER O. H. McDANIELS ALAN T RUMSEY W. C BLACKMER FOREST J. PAYNE W. 0 SMILEY LESLIE R. PIERCE R. C. SMITH LAMONT C. SNOW LAGRAND CHASE EDWARD J. CRITTENDEN A. J. CONLON Special Session Friday, January 29, 1932 Roll call. All members present. Mr Howell announced the first order of business was to read the call for the special session. The Clerk read the call for the special session 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Howell announced the next order of business was the election of a Temporary Chairman. Mr. Chase placed in nomination the name of Fred D Van Order, as Temporary Chairman. Mr. Van Order's nomination was seconded by Mr. Snow. There being no other nominations, Mr. Howell declared Mr. Van Order elected Temporary Chairman, and Mr. Van Order took the chair. Mr. Smiley placed in nomination Sidney L. Howell as Perm- anent Chairman. Mr. Howell's nomination was seconded by Mr. Pierce. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Pierce, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Sidney L Howell. The Clerk cast one vote for Sidney L Howell and Mr. Howell was declared elected Permanent Chairman, and Mr. Howell took the chair Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the Committee on the Tompkins County Court House and Tompkins County Jail be continued in power to conduct negotiations for acquiring any needed additional lands for those buildings. Seconded by Mr Chase. Carried. Mr B. I. Vann, Chairman of the Emergency Work Relief Bureau, appeared before the Board and explained what steps had been taken by the bureau to facilitate its work and the projects contemplated, with the amount of moneys necessary to carry on the work as planned. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS -It has been called to the attention of this Board that there are a great many citizens in this county who are unemployed and in need of financial assistance, and WHEREAS -A large number of these have made application OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 5 to the Work Bureau, established by this Board, requesting work relief, and WHEREAS—These applications have been properly investi- gated and the applicants found worthy of assistance, and WHEREAS—It appears from a letter received by the Chair- man of this Board from the Temporary Emergency Relief Ad- ministration under date of January 27th, 1932, that the ad- ministration is willing to assist the county in the relief for such unemployed and WHEREAS—The Work Relief Bureau of this Welfare District has submitted a work relief program consisting of proper and necessary projects, at an estimated cost of $52,250.00, therefore be it Resolved—That in the event the county receives state aid by the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration to supple- ment the local funds appropriated by this county to relieve the unemployed of this district, that the said projects be approved by this Board, and that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $21,300.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of furnishing material, machinery and so forth for the carrying out of this work relief program Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Moved by Mr. Conlon, that the resolution heretofore adopt- ed by this Board relative to Temporary Emergency Relief be amended by including the following: "And be it further Resolved—That The County Treasurer be directed to pay the moneys hereby appropriated and contributed by the State on the written order of the Chairman of the Work Relief Bureau, and if she has not enough moneys in, her hands with which to ' pay the amount appropriated by the county, or any part there- of, she be and hereby is authorized and directed to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied." 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. A vote being taken on the amendment, resulted as follows : Ayes -13 Noes—O. Carried. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the resolution, as amended, be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried. On motion, adjourned. Quarterly Session Monday, February 8, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present. Minutes of January 29, read and approved. The Chairman read a 'communication from the Boy Scouts of America and referred the same to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation The Clerk read a communication from the Board of Super- visors from Livingston County, relative to securing rights of way for State and County highways, which was filed. Mr. Pierce, Chairman of the Committee on County Court House and County Jail, addressed the Board, relative to the acquisition by the County of property owned by the Baptist Church Society on Tioga Street in the City of Ithaca, in ex- change for property owned by the County on which the present court house stands with the payment by the County to said Church society of a sum of $20,000.00 to effect. such an ex- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 7 change, and asked for the views of the Board on such a propo- sition. Moved by Mr. Crittenden, that the $20,000 00 proposition suggested be rejected. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Mr R. H Treman addressed the Board, relative to the loca- tion of the County Court House and County Jail and the ac- quisition of the property of the Baptist Church Society men- tioned Moved by Mr Chase, that the matter be laid on the table until the afternoon session. Seconded by Mr Blackmer. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr Thomas G Miller, of the Board of Public Works of the City of Ithaca, appeared before the Board, relative to the re- moval of the abutment on the Ithaca-Esty Glen road at the intersection of Cayuga Street Extension, on which action was deferred until a subsequent meeting of the Board. Moved by Mr Crittenden, that his motion of the forenoon session laid on the table, be taken from the table and action be taken at this time , Seconded by Mr Van Order By unanimous consent, the motion was taken from the table. Mr Crittenden with the consent of the second to his motion ' withdrew the same , Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the Committee on County Court House and County Jail, be authorized to negotiate with the Baptist Church Society for the purchase of the lands owned by it, known as 312 and 316 North, Tioga Street, for the sum 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of $20,000 00 in addition to a conveyance by the County to the Society of 96 Feet from the west line of lands on which the present Court House stands. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes—Messers. Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce -7 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon, Payne, McDaniels-7. Motion lost. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the County purchase of the Baptist Church Society the property owned by it on North Tioga Street, heretofore mentioned, and that the committee on County Court House and County Jail be authorized to negotiate for such purchase at a price not to exceed $25,000 00. Seconded by Mr. Van Order Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Van Order, Blackmer, Pierce, Conlon and Payne -11. " Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Crittenden and McDaniels-3 Motion carried. Mr. Smiley presented his resignation, as a member of the Committee on Charities and explained his reasons therefor. Moved by Mr. Smith, that the resignation be accepted. Seconded by Mr McDaniels. Carried. Mr. Snow presented his resignation, as a member of the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Moved by Mr. Chase, that the resignation be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried. The Chairman announced the appointment of Mr Snow, as Chairman of the Committee on Charities, in the place of Mr. Smiley, resigned, and the appointment of Mr. Smiley, as a mem- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 9 ber of the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc , in the place of Mr Snow, resigned Moved by Mr Chase, that the committee designations as announced by the Chairman be approved by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Carried Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $8,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purchase of necessary highway machinery and implements tor the construction and maintenance of highways in Tompkins County, and be it further Resolved—That the Highway Advisory Committee be auth- orized to purchase such necessary machinery and implements ' in the name of the County and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay for the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay for the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, on the credit of Tompkins County and to pledge the full faith and credit of T"mpkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed in anticipation of taxes to be levied Seconded by Mr Chase Ayes -13 Noes -0. Carried. The several committees reported the following claims for audit to which they had been referred, with the amounts al- lowed thereon : Q- 1 John J. Sinsabaugh, Supplies & Exp. Co Sealer $ 75 40 2 Stover Printing Co., Tax Receipts, City of Ithaca 7010 3 Student Transfer Co., Trucking, Ct. House 2.70 4 Ithaca Ice & Coal Co., Ice, Ct. House 3.94 '5 Burroughs Add. Machine Co., Service to 5/4/32, Ct. House 11.36 6 Carl Crandall, Services on Bldg. Comm. 1,780.00 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7 J. Lakin Baldridge, Architect services, New Ct. House 11,046.88 8 Buffalo Ins Co (L -E. Patterson, Agt.) Insurance, Ct. House 77.50 9 Student Transfer Co , Trucking, Jail 1 83 10 Dr. H. H Crum, Physician, to Jan. 1, '32, Jail 4.00 11 Christiance & Dudley, Supplies, Jail 4.75 12 Stover Printing Co , Supplies, Dist Atty. 13 00 13 American Surety Co , (Howell & Howell, Agts.) Bond, Sheriff . 75 00 14 Atkinson Press, Enrollment Books, Com of Elec. 450.00 15 Ithaca Journal -News, Publishing notices, Com of Elec. 81.78 16 Atkinson Press, Probate Blanks, Co Judge 19 00 17 J. B Lyon Co , Pistol Permits, Co. Judge 8.00 18 Atkinson Press, Deposition Blanks, Co. Judge 19.50 19 Burroughs Add Machine Co., Seconds Paper, Co Clerk 4 20 20 Fred A. Rogalsky, Insurance, Co Clerk Off. 22 50 21 Underwood Typewriter Co , Typewriter, Co. Clerk 103.50 22 Underwood Typewriter Co , Adjusting ma- chine, Co. Clerk 1 55 23 Joseph H. Brophy, Warden, Freight on Plates, Mot Veh Clerk 4 75 24 American Surety Co. (Howell & Howell, Agts) Bond, Mot. Veh Clerk 30 00 25 T. G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies, Co. Clerk 7.09 26 Norton Printing Co , Envelopes, Co Clerk 12 50 27 Cott Printing & Index Co , Repair Tape, Co Clerk 4 00 28 Wm A Church Co., Binding Marriage licenses, Co. Clerk 1 25 29 J E Van Natta, Record Book, Co. Clerk 38 00 30 D. G Langham, Typewriter pad, Co. Clerk 1 00 31 National Surety Co (P W Wood & Son, Agts.), Bond, Co Clerk 45 00 32 The Perry Agency, Insurance, Ct. House 77.50 33 Student Transfer Co , Trucking, Co Clerk 25 34 Wm A Church Co , Receipt Book, Co Treas 12.00 35 Stover Printing Co , Rec. & Cert. Forms, Co Treas 10 90 36 Royal Indemnity Co (Fred A Rogalsky, Agt) Bond, Co Treas 675.00 37 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co Supplies, Co. Treas. 7.90 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 11 38 Norton Printing Co., Envelopes, Co. Treas. 12.00 39 Dr. W. G Fish, Exam in Lunacy (S. Westerlund) 10.00 40 Dr. H. E. Merriam, Exam in Lunacy (Mrs. Boda) 10.00 41 Dr. R. M. Vose, Exam in Lunacy (Mrs. Boda) 10.00 42 Fred D Gilbert, Burial, Hila Spencer, Pen. 75.00 43 Alvin Booth Co., Burial, Minnie Peters, Pens. 75.00 44 American Surety Co. (Howell & Howell, Agts) Bond, Co Supt. Of Highways 25.00 45 Stover Printing Co., Supplies, Co. Supt. Of Highways 57.30 46 Bert I Vann, Expenses, Co. Supt. Of Highways 84.05 47 Wm. A. Church Co., Supplies, Supervisors 70.00 48 H. A Carey Co., Insurance, Co. Bldgs. 87.50 49 American Insurance Co. (Howell & Howell, Agts) Insurance, Ct House 77.50 50 Jameison-McKinney Co., Supplies, Ct House 1 20 51 P. W Wood & Son, Insurance, Co. Bldgs. 77.50 52 T. G Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies, Com. of Elec 3.95 53 T. G Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies, Surrogate 13.33 54 J B Lyon Co , Session Laws, Co. Judge 40.00 55 American Central Insurance Co (F A Rogalsky, Agt) Insurance, Co. Clerk 67.50 56 John D Kinney Co Inc., Ins Fur. & Fix , Co Clerk 77 50 57 Fred A. Rogalsky, Insurance, Co Clerk Bldg 16.88 58 The Card Shop, Supplies, Co. Clerk Bldg. 15 00 59 H. A Carey Co , Insurance, Co Clerk Bldg. , 135 00 60 Fred A Rogalsky, Insurance, Jail 19.38 61 T. G Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies, Dist Atty 19 45 62 Todd Sales Co , Repairing Checkwriter, Co. Treas 22.08 63 T. G Miller's Sons Co., Supplies, Co. Supt Hgwys 6 65 64 Corner Bookstores, Supplies, Co. Supt Hgwys 7.15 65 C. J Rumsey & Co , Supplies, Co Clerk 4 90 66 Donohue -Halverson, Inc , Plumbing, Co. Clerk 1 62 67 Underwood Typewriter Co., Supplies, Surrogate 9 00 68 T G Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies, 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Sheriff 31.00 69 C J. Rumsey & Co , Supplies, Jail 23.98 70 Donohue -Halverson, Inc., Plumbing, Ct. House 3.42 71 Groton Journal -Courier, Printing, Supervisor 46.72 72 Corner Bookstore, Supplies, Supervisor 37.11 73 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies, Supervisor 102.57 74 Clarkson Chemical & Supply Co., Supplies, Ct House 24.99 75 Fred L Clock, Exp & Disb., Supervisor 189 25 77 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co , Supplies, Ct. House 13.00 78 C J. Rumsey & Co , Supplies, Ct. House 8.03 79 Donohue -Halverson, Inc., Supplies, Co Farm 43.70 80 Hospital of the Good Shepherd, Board & Care, Helen Korbel 9/30/31 to 11/11/31, P. H. C. 143.00 81 Reconstruction Home, Care Helen Korbel, Dec '31 & Jan. '32, P H C. 186.00 82 Dr. Leo P. Larkin, X -Ray, Orne Olson 6/1/31 8 50 83 Children's Reconstruction Home of Elmira, Care & Board, Orne Olson, 11/1/21'to 1/7/32, P. H. C. 189 00 84 Lou A. Jones, Board, Raymond Everhart, Oct. '31 to Jan. 8, '32 57.00 85 Reconstruction Home, Care, Donald Barnes, 12/1/31 to 2/1/32, P. H C. 186 00 86 Reconstruction Home, Care, Esther Varga, 12/1/31 to 2/1/32, P. H. C. 186.00 87 Reconstruction Home, Care, Margaret Solomon, 9/27/31 to 2/1/32, P H. C. 378.00 88 Clinton Hotel, Board of Jurors, Sup. Ct. 140.30 89 Rothschild Bros , Supplies, Jail 32.88 90 A. B Brooks & Son, Supplies, Jail 5.53 91 Harrison Adams, Expenses, Sheriff 357.45 92 Rachael K Bouton, Insurance, Tuber. Hosp. 81 26 93 Norton Electric Co , Elec Repairs, Co. Home 40.20 94 Norton Electric Co., Elec. Repairs, Co. Clerk 2.05 $18,452.01 Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims, amounting to the sum • of 18,452.01, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 13 mended by the several committees to which they were referred, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to charge Claim No. Q-39 to the Town of Newfield, and to charge Claims Nos Q-40 and Q-41 to the City of Ithaca ; that of Claim No. Q-91, being for Sheriff's expenses, she charge to the town of Caroline, the sum of $25 95, the town of Danby $25.85, the town of Dryden $56 65, the town of Enfield'$25 35, the town of Ithaca $22.35, the town of Lansing $64 80, the town of New- field $15.75, the town of Ulysses 22 65 and the City of Ithaca $28:35, the same being properly chargeable to said towns and city, and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N Y , hereby request you to call a spec- ial meeting of said Board, to be held in the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N Y , on Monday, March 14, 1932 at 10 :30 A M , to take action pertaining to the new county court -house and jail and lands on which present buildings owned by the county now stand, to take any necessary action on highway matters and to provide for the carrying on of welfare work in the county. Dated, Ithaca, March 5, 1932. SIDNEY L HOWELL FRED VAN ORDER DELBERT H DECKER 0 H McDANIELS ° ALAN T. RUMSEY W. C. BLACKMER FOREST J PAYNE W. O. SMILEY LESLIE R PIERCE R. C. SMITH LAMONT C SNOW EDWARD J CRITTENDEN A J CONLON. Special Session Monday, March 14, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Smiley. The Clerk read the call for the Special Session Commissioner of Public Welfare, Wm D Baldwin, appeared before the Board and presented an estimate of the moneys necessary for the carrying on the work of his department tor OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 15 the balance of the fiscal year. Moved by Mr Snow, that the matter be made a special order of business for the afternoon session at 2 P. M Seconded by Mr Crittenden Carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . WHEREAS—This Board, by a resolution duly adopted No- vember 14, 1931, approved of plans and specifications as pre- pared by J Lakin Baldridge, the architect selected to prepare the same, for the erection of a new county court -house and a new county jail on a site facing on Court Street in the City of Ithaca, N Y , and WHEREAS—This Board finds that a more advantageous arrangement would be to have said court -house facing on Tioga Street in said city, with the jail in the rear facing on Court Street, both from appearance, light, air and parking space, and WHEREAS—In order to obtain the land needed for such change of location, it will be necessary to obtain lands owned by the First Baptist Church Societyof the City of Ithaca, known as Nos 312 and 316 North Tioga Street, being a lot approximately 100 x 132 feet, with buildings thereon, and WHEREAS—The First Baptist Church Society of Ithaca has consented to convey to the county the property in question for the sum of $18,000 00 in money, payment, in addition to ,the conveyance by the county to said First Baptist Church Society of Ithaca of the lands off of the west end of the property now owned by the county of a lot approximately, 86 x 100 f eet, in- cluding the present court house and the lands in the rear of said court house extending into DeWitt Park and to which the county has title, being approximately a lot of land 66 x 100 feet, reserving to the county the use of the present court -house and the sheriff's office and kitchen until the new court -house is completed and accepted by the county, and WHEREAS—This Board believes that such purchase and exchange of property would be advantageous to the county, therefore be it 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the county purchase of the First Baptist Church Society of Ithaca, the lands owned by it, with the build- ings thereon, known as Nos 312 and 316 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, N. Y , for the sum of $18,000.00, and the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order for said amount, payable to said society, upon the receipt by him of a good and sufficient deed of conveyance to the County of Tompkins of the lands in question, accompanied by a clerk's abstract of title showing the same to be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any available funds in her `hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in the name of Tompkins County, and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, and said sum of $18,000 00 is hereby appropriated for the foregoing pur- poses, and be it further Resolved—That upon the execution of the foregoing men- tioned deed by the First Baptist Church Society of Ithaca, the Chairman and Clerk of this Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute, in the name of, and for and on behalf of the County of Tompkins, and to which the corporate seal of the county shall be affixed, a good and sufficient deed of con- veyance to the First Baptist Church Society of Ithaca, accom- panied by a clerk's abstract of title showing the same to be free and clear of all hens and encumbrances of the following des- cribed premises • Commencing at the north-west corner of the lands now owned by the County of Tompkins on East Court Street in the City of Ithaca, and on the division line between the lands of the County of Tompkins and the First•Presby- terian Church of Ithaca ; thence southerly along said division hne two hundred feet; thence easterly on a line parallel with the south line of East Court Street, sixty-six feet to the west hne of the lands of the First Baptist Church Society of Ithaca; thence northerly along the division line between the lands of the County of Tompkins and the First Baptist Church So- ciety of Ithaca, one hundred feet to the north line of the lands of said Baptist Church Society, thence easterly along the north line of the lands of said First Baptist Church Society of Ithaca, twenty feet, thence northerly on a line parallel with the divi- sion line between the lands of the County of Tompkins and the First Presbyterian Church, one hundred feet to the south line of East Court Street; thence westerly along the south line of East Court Street, eighty-six feet to the place of beginning, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 17 but with the reservation in said deed ' that the County shall retain the use of the present court -house and the sheriff's office, and kitchen, free of rental, except as to water, heat and light until the new court -house and jail are ready for occupancy and accepted by the county, and be it further . Resolved—That the deed of conveyance by the county to said Church Society shall contain the usual covenant of war- ranty as to the lands conveyed bordering on East Court Street of the lot 86 x 100 feet, but without a covenant of warranty as to the lot 66 x 100 feet south of the present court -house and in front of the present Baptist Church, and be it further Resolved—That the County shall grant to the First Baptist Church Society of Ithaca, the right to reserve the privilege of installing, and thereafter maintaining, along the southerly boundary of and on the lands conveyed by the said Church Society to the county, of a gas service pipe extending from North Tioga Street westerly to the lands still owned by said Church Society, and that the county shall also grant to said Church Society over the lands owned by the county to be here- after designated access to the lands owned by said society in the rear of -the present Baptist Church, for teams and trucks to give service to said church, and be it further Resolved—That the two deeds of conveyance herein men- tioned, shall be delivered simultaneously and title to all pieces of property to be conveyed shall pass at the same time, and be it further Resolved—That this Board hereby approves of the selection of J. Lakin Baldridge as the architect for said buildings and the contract heretofore made with him in connection with said buildings and ,the payments made thereon, and be it further Resolved—That this Board hereby approves of the plans and specifications prepared by the architect for said buildings on the new location, as submitted to this Board, and approves of the erection thereof on the sites indicated and, in order that said buildings may be constructed at as early a date as possible, be it further Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to secure sealed pro- posals for the construction of said buildings in accordance with the plans and specifications hereby approved and in accord- ance with law, including excavations, and be it further 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the right be reserved to reject any or all bids, and be it further Resolved—That the resolution adopted by this Board on November 14, 1931, be hereby rescinded Seconded by Mr. Chase Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -7. Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6 Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present, except Messrs. Smiley and Conlon. Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The emergency relief work and additional wel- fare work in Tompkins County, has imposed many additional duties on the County Superintendent of Highways and the County Treasurer, necessitating much additional time on the part of these officials, therefore be it Resolved—That there be employed a cleric -to assist in this work in preparing pay rolls, drawing orders, and other neces- sary relief and welfare work. Seconded by Mr Smith. Carried Mr Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- ported that his committee had effected settlement for certain rights of way on the Ithaca -Newfield, and Etna-Freeville highways. Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 19 sum of $1,030 00, for rights of way on the Ithaca -Newfield Highway and the Etna-Freeville Highway, payable as follows : Geo Hollister, Ithaca -Newfield Floyd Murphy, Ithaca -Newfield S. Girard Caswell, Etna-Freeville $ 600.0,0 300.00 130.00 $1030.00 and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders for the fore- going amounts, payable to the above mentioned persons, upon the receipt by him of proper deeds of conveyance of the lands in question and a release for all damages caused by the con- struction of said highways, and the County Treasurer is di- rected to pay said orders out of moneys heretofore appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Snow Ayes -12 Noes -0 Carried The request of the County Commissioner of Charities for additional appropriations for \his department for the fiscal year, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up Moved by Mr Snow, that the matter be referred to the com- mittees on Charities and Finance to investigate the figures submitted by the County Commissioner of Welfare and the necessity for additional appropriations to his department, and to report their finding to this Board on March 21, 1932 Seconded by Mr Van Order. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, March 21, 1932, at 10 :30 A M ADJOURNED SPECIAL SESSION Monday, March 21, 1932 Roll call All members present, except Mr Van Order. Minutes of March 14, read and approved 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, re- ported , relative to the request made by the County Commis- sioner of Welfare for additional appropriations to his depart- ment. • Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum • of $2,475 00, to be expended by the Department of Public Wel- fare for the following purposes : - For care of children in institutions $1,800 00 For an additional stenographer in the office of the Commissioner for two :months, at not to exceed 150.00 For an additional investigator in the office of the Commissioner, for 7 months at $75 06 per month 525.00 $2,475 00 and be it further Resolved—That the County Commissioner of Welfare be required, and he hereby is instructed, to render a verified de- tailed statement to this Board of his accounts for the periods ending January 31, April 30, July 31 and October 31, of each year, which statements shall contain a -list of all bills payable in each account, for what purpose and when payable f Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. County Superintendent of Highways, Vann, appeared before the Board, relative to the necessity for additional moneys for snow removal. Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be ,and hereby is appropriated the additional sum of $5,000.00, for snow removal for the balance of the year, said amount, or so much thereof as may be neces OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 21 sary, to be paid out in the same manner and under the same provisions as other moneys for the removal of snow have been expended, and be it further Resolved—That if the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, on the credit of Tomp- kins County and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tomp- kins County in payment of the amount so borrowed, in antici- pation of taxes to be levied. Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Quarterly Session Monday, May 9, 1932 'MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of March 21, read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the State Depart- ment of Public Works, Division of Highways, approving plac- ing on the County Map of additional highways in the county, with certain suggestions, which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, relative to the aband- onment by the State and discontinuance of maintenance of a limited section of the Ithaca -West Danby Part 1, State High- way No. 5379 in the town of Newfield and of the Ithaca -West Danby Part 2, State Highway No. 5567 in the town of Danby, which was filed. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : i 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board, for and in the name of the County of Tompkins, be authorized and directed to transfer or convey any lands abandoned by the State for highway purposes which, in the opinion of the highway committee of this Board, would be advantageous for the county, to such persons, companies, or corporations and upon such terms as said highway committee may deem proper. Seconded by Mr Crittenden. Ayes -14 Noes—O. Carried Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, has indicated to this Board its intention to con- struct or improve certain portions of the highway known as the Groton -Cayuga County Line County Highway No 1188, Tompkins County, and WHEREAS—Such construction or improvement requires the acquisition of certain lands by the County of Tompkins, and WHEREAS—The Committee on Highways of this Board, having been heretofore authorized and empowered to obtain the requisite rights of way for the construction or improve- ment of such highways, and having reported to this Board that it is unable to acquire by purchase certain lands necessary to be acquired for such construction or improvement, and said committee having also reported that it has entered into writ- ten agreements with some of the owners of some of the lands to be acquired, that if no satisfactory price for such lands could be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of such lands, that this Board will acquire such lands as provided by the Condemnation Law, and WHEREAS—It appears that no satisfactory price for such lands has or can be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of said lands, Therefore, Be It Resolved—That the Chairman of this Board of Supervisors be empowered and instructed to sign and verify, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, a petition to acquire said lands necessary for the construction or improvement of said highway, as appears by OF TOMPKINS, COUNTY, NEW YORK i 1 23 the maps and plans of the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, as furnished to this Board, of the parties hereinafter named and for the appointment of three commis- sioners 'of appraisal to ascertain and determine the compensa- tion to be paid to the owners thereof, and to all persons inter- ested therein, of the lands to be acquired of John Connor, Frank Green, Arthur Van Horn, Carl Clark and Mat Walpole and of all persons interested therein, for the construction or im- provement of said C H No. 1188, and the said Chairman of this Board is hereby granted full power and authority to per- form any and all acts necessary for acquiring said lands and to sign all papers in connection with any proceedings con- nected therewith, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, with the same force and effect as if done by this Board Seconded by Mr Snow. Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried. Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • WHEREAS—The State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, has indicated to this Board its intention to con- struct or improve certain portions of the highway known as the S H No 5294, Etna-Freeville-Dryden State Highway, Tompkins County, and WHEREAS—Such construction or improvement requires the acquisition of certain lands by the County of Tompkins, and WHEREAS—The Committee on Highways of this Board, hav- ing been heretofore authorized and empowered to obtain the requisite rights, of way for the construction or improvement of such highways, and having reported to this Board that it is unable to acquire by purchase certain lands necessary to be acquired for such construction or improvement, and said com- mittee having also reported that it has entered into written agreements with some of the owners of some of the lands to be acquired, that if no satisfactory price for such lands could be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of such lands, that this Board will acquire such land as provided by the Con- demnation Law, and WHEREAS—It appears that no satisfactory price for such 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS lands has or can be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of said lands, Therefore, Be It Resolved -That the Chairman of this Board of Supervisors be empowered and instructed to sign and verity, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, a petition to acquire said lands necessary for the 'construction or improvement of said highway, as appears by the maps and plans of the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, as furnished to this Board, of the parties hereinafter named and for the appointment of three commis sioners of appraisal to ascertain and determine the compensa- tion to be paid to the owners thereof, and to all persons inter- ested therein, of the lands to be acquired of W. S. Grays, A. Muckey, C H. Caswell, F. L Baker, and Mrs Ralph Mack, and of all persons interested therein, for the construction or improvement of said S. H. #5294, and the said Chairman of this Board is hereby granted full power and authority to per- form any and all acts necessary for acquiring said lands and to sign all papers in connection with any proceedings con- nected therewith, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, with the same force and effect as if done by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, has indicated to this Board its intention to con- struct or improve certain portions of the highway known as the Ithaca -Newfield State Highway, No 5214, Tompkins Coun- ty, and WHEREAS—Such construction or improvement requires the acquisition of certain lands by the County of Tompkins, and WHEREAS—The Committee on Highways of this Board, hav- ing been heretofore authorized and enpowered to obtain the requisite rights of way for the construction or improvement of such highways, and having reported to this Board that it- is unable to acquire by purchase certain- lands necessary to be acquired for such construction or improvement, and said com- mittee having also reported that it has entered into written OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 25 agreements with some of the owners of some of the lands to be acquired, that if no satisfactory price for such lands could be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of such lands, that this Board will acquire such lands as provided by the Con- demnation Law, and _ WHEREAS—It appears that no satisfactory price for such lands has or can be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of said lands, Therefore, Be It Resolved—That the Chairman of this Board of Supervisors be empowered and instructed to sign and verity, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, a petition to acquire said lands necessary for the construction or improvement of said highway, as appears by the maps and plans of the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, as f u r n i she d to this Board, of the parties as appears on said maps from whom it is necessary to obtain rights of way and all persons interested therein, and for the appointment of three commissioners of appraisals to as- certain and determine the compensation to be paid to the own- ers thereof and to all persons interested therein, of the lands to be acquired for the construction and improvement of said S H. No 5214, and the Chairman of this Board is hereby granted full power and authority to perform any and all acts necessary for acquiring said lands and to sign all papers in connection with any proceedings connected therewith, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, with the same force and effect as if done by this Board. Seconded by Mr Smiley. Ayes -14 Noes—O. Carried Mr Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board secured rights of way for the re- construction or improvement of C H. No 682 in fiont of the premises known as the Willow Glen Cemetery, near the Vil- ' lage of Dryden, N. Y., and WHEREAS—The land taken was more than necessary for highway purposes, therefore be it Resolved—That the Chairman and Clerk of the Board, be I 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS authorized to execute, for and in the name of the County of Tompkins, a deed of conveyance of the lands so taken which are not now necessary, or may hereafter become necessary, for use for highway purposes and lying between the right of way and the property of the Willow Glen Cemetery Association, reserving to the county the right to occupy and use said land, without cost, in the event it is hereafter needed fox highway purposes. Seconded by Mr Smith Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be allowed a sum, not to exceed 8 cents per mile, to county officials and emloyees, including members of this Board, and excepting the Sheriff and County Super- intendent of Highways, while using their autos on county business, said claims for mileage to be audited by this Board in the same manner as other claims for expenses are audited. Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the highway on the town line between the Towns of Ithaca and Dryden, and leading southerly from the Ithaca -Dryden Highway to the State Game Farm, be placed on the programme for construction under the provisions of the Temporary Emergency Relief Work, and that the proper officials of the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration be notified of the action of this Board Seconded by Mr Blackmer Carried •Mr Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- ported that his committee had effected settlements for rights of way and all property damages with several persons on the Ithaca -Newfield, Ithaca -West Danby and Groton -Cayuga , County Line highways, for the total sum of $5,000 00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 27 Mr 'Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $5,000 00, for rights of way, and in payment for all pro- perty damages for re -construction of the Ithaca -Newfield, S H No 5214, Ithaca -West Danby S H No 5567 and the Groton -Cayuga County Line C. H No. 1188, payable as fol- lows . William Shultz, Ithaca -Newfield Edward Snyder, Ithaca -West Danby Frank Green, Groton -Cayuga County Line Arthur Van Horn, Groton -Cayuga County Line John Connor, Groton -Cayuga County Line Carl Clark, Groton -Cayuga County Line Mary Walpole, Groton -Cayuga County Line Matt Walpole, Groton -Cayuga County Line $1,500 00 50 00 800 00 300 00 1,000 00 500 00 100.00 750 00 $5,000.00 and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders for the above amounts, payable to the foregoing persons, upon the delivery to him of proper deeds of conveyance of the lands taken and a release of all property damages, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way Seconded by Mr. Smiley Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the deed, of conveyance from The Trustees of the First Baptist Church in Ithaca to the County of Tomp- kins, of the premises known as Nos 312 and 316 North Tioga Street in the City of Ithaca, N Y , shall contain the right or privilege to said First Baptist Church for installing, and thereafter maintaining, at its own expenses, along the south- erly boundary of and on the lands conveyed by said Church Society to the county, of gas, water and sewer service pipes extending from North Tioga Street westerly to the lands still owned by said Church Society and all rights and privileges that said Church Society may have over the lands of the county extending from East Court Street southerly to the lands 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of said Church Society for the installation or maintenance of gas, water or sewer service pipes shall cease, and the reso- lution adopted by this Board on April 22, 1930, relative there- to is hereby rescinded. All work of installation or mainten- ance of all of said service pipes shall be performed in a proper and workmanlike manner and complying with all legal or- dinances applicable thereto, and the premises of the county shall be left in as good a condition as before any work of in- stallation or maintenance was performed, and be it further Resolved—That the reservation in the deed of conveyance from the county to the First Baptist Church of Ithaca of the use of the present court house and sheriff's office and kitchen free of rental, except as to water, heat and light, shall be limited to October 1, 1933 and that thereafter the county will pay a proper rental for said premises, so long as it occupies or uses the same, and be it further Resolved,—That in all other respects the resolution of this Board adopted March 14, 1932 is hereby ratified and con- firmed. Seconded by Mr Chase. Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, ' Rumsey, Smith, Chase, Blackmer, Pierce, Conlon, Payne and McDan- iels-12 Noes—Messrs. Van Order and Crittenden -2. Resolution carried. The Chairman read a communication from the Attorney of the Board, under date of February 23, 1932, relative to the ap- propriation and expenditure of $30,000.00 to the Ithaca Mem- orial Hospital. Here followed a discussion by the members and Attorney for the Board and the County Treasurer, on the legality of the appropriation and the expenditure thereof. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board, by a resolution duly adopted De- cember 30, 1931, appropriated to the Ithaca Memorial Hos- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 29 petal, the sum of $30,000 00 and directed the County Treasurer to pay the same to the Treasurer of said Hospital Associa- tion in four equal quarterly payments on the 15th days of March, June, September and December, 1932, and WHEREAS—This Board believed at the time said appropri- ation was made and the proposed expenditure to be made thereof was legal and such appropriation was made in good faith, and WHEREAS—It now appears that such appropriation and the manner of expenditure thereof is illegal, and WHEREAS—The County Treasurer has already paid to the Treasurer of said Hospital Association, the first payment of $7,500 00 therefore be it Resolved—That the resolution adopted by this Board on December 30, 1931, relative to an appropriation of $30,000.00 , to the Ithaca Memorial Hospital, be and the same hereby is rescinded, and be it further Resolved—That the Treasurer of said Ithaca or Tompkins County Memorial Hospital be requested to return to the County Treasurer of this county, the sum of $7,500.00 already paid him. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Moved by Mr Decker, that the resolution be laid on the table. • Seconded by Mr. Chase Here followed a discussion of the resolution. A vote being taken on the motion to be laid on the table resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Decker, Smith, Chase, Black- mer and Crittenden -7. Noes—Messrs. Smiley, Rumsey, Van Order, Pierce, Conlon, Payne and McDaniels-7. Motion lost. 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS A vote being taken on Mr Pierce's resolution resulted as follows • Ayes—Messrs Smiley, Pierce, Conlon, Payne and Noes—Messrs Howell, Crittenden -6 Resolution carried. Rumsey, Van 'Order, Blackmer, McDaniels-8. i Snow, Decker, Smith, Chase, and AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present. Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Charities be authorized to purchase and install a new washing machine and hot water heater for the laundry at the County Home Seconded by Mr Crittenden. Carried Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated for county welfare work and old age security in Tompkins County, to the quarterly meeting of this Board in August, 1932, the ° sum of $15,150 00, apportioned as follows : Dependent children in foster homes $3,500 00 Hospitalization 2,500.00 Outside Relief 2,000 00 Dependent children in institutions 500.00 Stenographer at $75 00 per month 150 00 Old Age Relief 6,400 00 Stenographer, for extra work 100 00 $15,150 00 .nd the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount in the same manner as other appropriations are paid NS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,,NEW YORK 31 for the foregoing purposes, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasure/ be directed to transfer the sum of $350 00, appropriated for transportation expenses, to the office and legal expenses of the Commissioner of Public Welfare Seconded by Mr Payne Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $2,000 00, or, so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purchase by the county of one or more gravel banks or pits to obtain material for the construction of county and town high- ways, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said money, or so much thereof as may be necessary, on the written order of the Highway Committee of this Board, and said Highway Committee is hereby authorized to make such purchase for and in the name of the county. Seconded +by Mr Rumsey Ayes -14 Noes -0 Ca/ried Mr Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to repay to the parties entitled the/ eto any moneys deposited with her as security for damages to county and town highways by reason of the construction of pipe lines across or on said highways, less whatever amount may be owing by such parties to the county, for any damages created Seconded by Mr Blackmer Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its -' adoption . 0 32 PROCEEDINGS OF.THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the committee on reforestation be auth- orized to secure options for any necessary additional land for reforestation purposes. Seconded by Mr. Payne Carried The several committees reported the following claims for audit to which they had been referred, with the amounts al- lowed thereon . Q- 95 Warrington R. Tompkins, Photos-Warbur- ' ton Car, Dist. Atty $ 3 50 96 Dr. H. H Crum, Services, Jail Physician 28.00 , 97 Harrison Adams, Expenses, Sheriff 371.30 98 Harrison Adams, Disbursements, Sheriff 14 45 99 Ithaca Memorial Hospital, Care -Ray Nara- gon, Jail Inmates 26 20 100 T. G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Jail 15 00 101 Ithaca Tallow Co , Supplies,Jail 9 25 102 Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Supplies, Jail 12.00 103 J. C Stowell Co., Supplies, Jail 2 07 104 Donohue & Halverson, Supplies, Jail 54 105 Norton Printing Co., Printing, Com. of Elec 315.20 106 Atkinson Press, Enrollment Blanks, Com. of Elec 7.50 107 Atkinson Press, Letter Heads, Etc , Com of Elec 6 00 108 Atkinson Press, Postals & Letters, Com of Elec 19.00 109 Norton Printing Co., Court Calendars, Co. Clerk - 76.00 110 Chas H. Brooks, Repairing Clock, Co Judge 5.00 -111 Baker, Voorhis & Co, Law books, Co. Judge 12.00 112 Corner Bookstores, Envelopes, etc , Co Judge 6 15 113 Corner Bookstores, Envelopes, C,o Judge 16.00 114 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co Clerk 17.50 115 Rexford R Chatterton, Fees in Dog Cases, Justice 15 70 116 Paul Ewers, Fees in Dog Cases, Justice 16.75 117 Carleton Kintz, Fees in Dog Cases, Justice 6 80 118 Harold B. Ellis, Fees in Dog Cases, Constable _ 18 70 119 John T Terrell, Fees in Dog Cases, Constable 13 50 120 Wm A Church Co , Receipt Book, Co Treas. 12 00 121 Underwood Typewriter Co , Repairing ma- chine, Co. Treas 9 50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 33 122 Stover Printing Co , Receipt forms, Co Treas 9.25 123 H. A Manning Co , Directories, Co Officers 82.50 124 Arthur G Adams, Bond renewal, Co Sealer 2 50 125 Wm A Church Co , Printing, Supervisors 14.75 126 Wm A Church Co , Supplies, Supervisors 61 75 127 Wm A Church Co., Printing, Supervisors 10.75 128 M. E. Herson, Meals jurors, Sup. Ct. Civil 121.55 129 Callaghan & Co , Civil Practice Acts, Sup Ct. Chambers 5.00 130 Supreme Court Chambers, Postage, Sup Ct. Chambers 30.00 131 Ithaca Ice & Coal Co , Ice, Court House 3 38 132 Rothschild Bros , Supplies, Court House 45 133 Chas M Jones, State Tax Meeting,Assessors 6 24 134 D. B. Bull, State Tax•Meeting, Assessors 5 12 135 H A Whittaker, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 5 92 136 R J Gage, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 4 96 137 Geo Button, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 5.44 138 L E Cummings, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 5 60 139 C D Griswold, State Tax Meetings, Assessors 5.92 140 Edward Sykes, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 5.12 141 Truman English, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 4.64 142 Silas Hubbell, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 5.44 143 Gilbert Fisher, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 5 76 144 Archie Gillen, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 7.68 145 Fay Benson, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 6.08 146 , Nelson Van Marter, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 6 72 147 John W. Preswick, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 4.32 148 Fred C Marshall, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 4.48 149 Arthur J Mandeville, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 4 48 150 Samuel Lane, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 5 92 151 Wm. Lane, State Tax Meeting, Assessors 6.56 152 Geo E Field, State Tax Meeting, Assessor 5 28 153 Fred W Payne, State Tax Meeting, Assessor 5.60 154 Harry Horton, State Tax Meeting, Assessor 5.76 155 Philo B Smith, State Tax Meeting, Assessor 5.12 156 Edwin Gould, State Tax Meeting, Assessor 5 92 157 T G. Miller's Sons, Office Supplies, 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Supervisors 19 67 158 J Lakin Baldridge, Architect services, New Co. Bldg. 2,107.71 159 Edward Thompson Co , Law Book, Sup Ct. Judge 2.00 160 Lawyers Co -Op Pub. Co , Law Book, Sup. Ct Chambers 15 00 161 Carl Crandall, Engineer's services, New Co Bldg 672.00 162 Donohue -Halverson Co., Supplies, Court House 1.71 163 Fred L. Clock, Disbursements, Supervisors 137.06 164 Leslie Tyler, Carting, Co. Clerk 3.82 165 Clarence Hill, Repairing clock, Co. Clerk 6 00 166 Wm A. Church Co., Repairing volumes, Co Clerk 2150 167 Corner Bookstores, Supplies, Co Clerk 1.37 168 T. G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co Clerk 70 98 169 Norton Printing Co., Supplies, Co. Clerk 11.75 170 Edward Thompson Co., Supplements, Co. Judge 4.00 171 West Publishing Co., Law Book, Co. Judge 5.00 172 T G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Surrogate 6 65 173 Groton Journal -Courier, Publishing notices, Com of Elec. 3.99 174 T G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Com of Elec. 60.26 175 Donohue -Halverson Co., Plumbing, Jail 95.54 176 West Disinfecting Co , Disinfectants, Jail 57 00 177 A. B Brooks & Son, Supplies, Jail Inmates 1.55 178 Dr. R A. Gutsell, Services, Jail Inmates 16 00 179 T G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Dist Atty 5 50 180 Wm A Church Co , Cash Book, Co Treas. 31.25 181 T G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co Treas. 11 40 182 Geo F Warner, Fees in Dog Cases, Constable 34.70 183 Dr Keith Sears, Exams in Lunacy, Insane 20.00 184 Dr W G Fish, Exams in Lunacy, Insane 10 00 185 J. E Van Natta, Typewriter, Com of Welfare 49 50 186 J B Lyon Co , Supplies, Com of Welfare 41 00 187 Donohue -Halverson Co , Plumbing, County Home 8 87 188 Grinnell Co , Sprinkler repairs, Co Home 6.19 189 Binghamton City Hosp , Care, Ida M Dietrick, 2/24/32 to 4/19/32, P. H C. 104 00 190 Reconstruction Home, Care, Margaret Solomon, 2/1/32 to 4/30/32, P. H C. 270.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 191 Reconstruction Home, Care, Esther Varga 2/1/32 to 4/30/32, P. H. C. 192 William Morris, James Tudi, Cork Sole, P. H. C. 193 Herron's Shoe Store, James Tudi, Shoes, P. H. C. 194 Lou A Jones, Board, Raymond Everhart, 1/8/32 to 3/18/32, P. H. C. 195 Reconstruction Home, Care, Helen Korbel, 2/1/32 to 4/30/32, P. H. C. 196 Reconstruction Home, Care, Donald Barnes 2/1/32 to 4/30/32, P. H. C 197 John J Sinsabaugh, Expenses, Co. Sealer 198 Charlotte V. Bush, Postage, Co. Treas. 35 270.00 5 00 5.50 60 00 270.00 270.00 48 65 38 00 $6,411.69 Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims, amounting to the sum of $6,411 69, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which they were referred and that the County Trgasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the payment of the same, and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claims No Q-115, Q-116, Q-117, Q-118, Q-119 and Q-182 out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund; that Claim No. Q-184 be charged to the City of Ithaca, that of Claim No. Q-183 there be charged to the City of Ithaca the sum of $10.00 and the Town of Caroline, the sum of $10 00, that of Claim No. Q-97, being for Sheriff's expenses, she be directed to charge to the Town of Caroline, the sum of $32 70 , to the Town of Danby, the sum of $45 75 , the Town of Dryden, the sum of $29.85 , to the Town of Enfield, the sum of $14 70; to the Town of Groton, the sum of $7 80 ; to the Town of Ithaca, the sum of $20 10 ; to the Town of Lansing, the sum of $17.70 , to the Town of Newfield, the sum of $4.35 ; to the Town of Ulysses, the sum of $9 90 ; and to the 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS City of Ithaca, the sum of $83 40; that of Claim No. Q-98, being also for Sheriff's expenses she charge the sum of $1.35 to the Town of Danby; the sum of $1.80 to the City of Ithaca. Said claims being properly chargeable to said towns and city and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and in their behalf. o Seconded by Mr Payne Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried. On motion, adjourned OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 37 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y, We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y. hereby request you to call a special meeting of said Board, to be held in the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y on Tuesday, June 14,11932, at 10 30 A. M , to receive proposals for the construction of new county buildings and award contracts therefore, to take action on cer- tain claims against the county, to take any necessary action on highway matters and to transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting. Dated, Ithaca, N. Y , June 2, 1932. SIDNEY L HOWELL FRED VAN ORDER DELBERT H DECKER 0. H. McDANIELS ALAN T. RUMSEY W. C BLACKMER FOREST J. PAYNE W 0 SMILEY LESLIE R PIERCE R C. SMITH LAMONT C SNOW LAGRAND CHASE EDWARD J. CRITTENDEN A. J. CONLON Special Session Tuesday, June 14, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the call for the special session.' Mr M. E Calkins, of the City of Ithaca, addressed the Board relative to the new county buildings and presented returned 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS post cards, signed by a number of taxpayers of the City of Ithaca, asking for a revocation of the contracts pertaining to the disposal of the present court house and to suspend all plans pertaining to the bonding of the county for a new court house until conditions throughout the country become normal and withhold all unnecessary appropriations which tend to increase taxes at this time, unless a referendum vote be taken by the qualified voters in the county on such questions. Moved by Mr. Crittenden, that the ballots presented by Mr. Calkins be received and placed on file and that the petition be filed Seconded by Mr Blackmer. Carried Petitions were also received of a like tenor, signed by citi- zens of the towns of Danby, Dryden, Enfield, Groton, Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield and Ulysses. Moved by Mr Crittenden, that the petitions be placed on file. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Carried Referred to the Board as a Committee' of the Whole The clerk read a resolution adopted , by the Town Board of the Town of Groton, thanking the Board for its designation of a highway in the Town of Groton for improvement, which was filed. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $75 00, payable to Grinnell Co., for inspection service of the sprinkler system at the County Home for the year beginning July 1, 1932, in accordance with the terms of the contract with said company, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order for the payment of said amount, payable to the Grin- nell Co , and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Smith Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 39 Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there b'e and hereby is appropiated the sum of $1,230 00, balance due Carl Crandall tor engineering tees for the new county building and jail, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order at this time, for said amount, pay- able to Mr. Crandall and the County. Treasurer is hereby di- rected to pay said order out of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried. Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $52 90, payable to the Burroughs Adding Machine Co., for maintenance sdrvice of county adding machines from 5/4/32 to 5/4/33, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order at this time for said amount, payable to the Burroughs Adding Machine Co , and the County Treasurer is hereby di- rected to pay said order out of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Payne Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $225 00 payable to The Sullivan -Barger Co , Inc , for changing the water and sewer service lines to the Baptist Church property, from the east of the present jail to the west side thereof, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order at this time for said amount, payable to The Sullivan -Barger Co , Inc , and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any available funds in her hands Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes—Messers. Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Rumsey, 40 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Smith, Chase, Van Order, Pierce and Payne -10 Noes—Messrs Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDan- iels-4. Resolution carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $68 86, for advertising for bids on the county court house and jail, payable as follows: Buffalo Times $42 40 Syracuse Post Standard 26 46 $68 86 and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders at this time tor said amounts, payable to the foregoing persons, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of any available funds in her hands Seconded by Mr Chase Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Van Order, Blackmer, Pierce and Payne -10 Noes—Messers. Rumsey, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels —4. Resolution carried. The Clerk read the claim of John H. Steele against the Town of Dryden and the County of Tompkins, for alleged injuries sustained on the McLean-Freeville Highway on Feb- ruary 20, 1932. Moved by Mr Decker, that the claim be rejected as not being a legal claim against the County of Tompkins Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 41 Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,200 00, for rights of way, and all property damages, on the Varna -East Ithaca and Ithaca -West Danby highways Mrs S R Dean, Varna -East Ithaca Mrs Leon Schutt, Ithaca -West Danby $ 200 00 1,000 00 $1,200 00 and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders for the above amounts, payable to the foregoing persons, upon the delivery to him of the proper deeds of conveyance of the lands in ques- tion, with a release of all property damages, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the moneys in her hands appropriated fox securing rights of way. i I Seconded by Mr Snow Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried The time having arrived for the receipt of proposals for the construction of new county buildings, that matter was taken up The Clerk opened the several proposals as submitted, for general construction, heating and ventilating, plumbing and electrical work Moved by Mr Chase, that if any bidder wishes to examine the proposals, as submitted by any other bidder, he be per- mitted to do so Seconded by Mr Blackmer Carried Moved by Mr Pierce, that the Board take an adjournment until 2 30 P M. Seconded by Mr Snow. Ayes—Messrs. Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Van Order, Pierce and Payne -9. 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Noes—Messrs. Rumsey, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDamels-5. Motion carried and the Board adjourned to 2 :30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Moved by Mr. Snow, that the several proposals, as submitted at the forenoon session, be referred to the committee on the new county buildings, to be examined and checked by the com- mittee, the architect and the necessary experts and that the committee be directed to make its report to this Board on June 24, 1932 Seconded by Mr. Decker. Mr. Blackmer offered the following resolution, as an amend- ment, and moved its adoption and called for the ayes and nays thereon : Resolved—That all bids presented to this Board made con- cerning the erection of a courthouse and other county buildings, by whomsoever made, and which have been opened by this Board on the 14th day of June, 1932, be and they hereby are refected; and be it further resolved that the Board proceed no further toward the erection of a courthouse or other county building and that no further expense be incurred in connec- tion therewith. Seconded by Mr Crittenden. Mr Decker raised the point of order, that the resolution as offered by Mr Blackmer, as an amendment to Mr Snow's motion, is not a proper amendment to the motion, inasmuch as it does not tend to change the motion but to substitute the resolution in place thereof The Chairman ruled that Mr Decker's point, was well taken and that the resolution as offered by Mr. Blackmer, is out of order. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 43 The vote being taken on Mr Snow's original motion, resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs, Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that this Board adjourn to June 24, 1932, at 10:30 A M. Seconded by Mr. Decker. Ayes—Messrs. Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. Motion carried, and the Chairman declared the Board ad- journed to Friday, June 24, 1932, at 10.30 A. M. ADJOURNED SPECIAL SESSION Friday, June 24, 1932 Roll call. All members present. Mr. Pierce, Chairman of the Committee on New County Building and New County Jail, rendered the following re- port of that committee : To the Board of Supervisors Tompkins County :— Gentlemen : Your committee on the new county building and new county jail, to which were referred the several proposals for the erec- tion of said buildings, hereby reports as follows : 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Your committee, with the architect and experts, examined and checked all the following proposals, as submitted GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Boyajohn & Barr, Inc., Columbus, Ohio $345,450.00 W. E. Wark Co , Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. 319,900.00 Amsterdam Building Company, Inc , New York 320,000 00 Benz Engineering Corporation, Salamanca, N. Y 382,000.00 Lowman Construction Corporation, Elmira, N. Y 338,900.00 The P. J. Carlin Construction Co., New York 374,000.00 The Corning Building Company, Corning, N. Y. 382,965.00 Ward Construction Co , Ithaca, N. Y 348,500 00 George A. Fuller Company, Washington, D C. 313,600 00 The M A. Long Co , Allentown, Penna. 344,700.00 C M Thompson Co , Towanda, Pa. 309,900.00 Ehret -Day Co , New York City 307,000 00 The DeHamel Construction Co , Cleveland, Ohio 353,600.00 The Crowell&Little Construction Co , Cleveland, 0 319,900.00 Daniel J Meagher, Rochester, N. Y. 355,492 00 The John W. Cowper Co., Inc , Buffalo, N Y 299,880 00 Dawson Bros Construction Co , Inc , Syracuse, N Y 364,203 00 The Hunkin-Conkey Construction Co , Cleveland, O. 298,787 00 A. Friederich & Sons Co , Rochester, N Y. 329,173.00 J. D Taylor Construction Corp , Syracuse, N.Y 332,022 00 HEATING AND VENTILATING American Warming & Ventilating Co., Elmira, N Y.$ 41,471.00 Jamieson -McKinney Co , Ithaca, N. Y. 39,794.00 Howe & Bassett Co , Rochester, N. Y. 41,990 00 W H Simpson, Inc., Olean, N. Y. 45,900 00 Barr & Creelman Co., Rochester, N. Y. 44,350.00 Hickey Bros. Inc , Olean, N. Y 41,675 00 Fred Bradt Co , Inc , Syracuse, N. Y. 41,970 00 W G. Fraser, Inc , Buffalo, N. Y 44,622.00 Bareham & McFarland, Inc , Rochester, N Y. 40,173.00 The Huffman -Wolfe Co , Columbus, Ohio 33,233 00 Martin W Utz, Rochester, N. Y. 42,400 00 Levine Plumbing & Heating Co , Inc , New York 44,000 00 Edward Joy Co , Syracuse, N. Y 46,926.00 John W Danforth, Co., Buffalo, N Y. 36,701 00 H. Sand & Co , Inc , New York 37,680 00 PLUMBING Jamieson -McKinney Co., Ithaca, N. Y. George H. Drake, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. $ 36,139.00 39,989.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 45 Barr & Creelman Co., Rochester, N. Y. 35,987 00 W H Simpson, Inc , Olean, N. Y. 43,000.00 Martin W Utz, Rochester, N. Y. 36,980.00 Bareham & McFarland, Inc , Rochester, N. Y. 37,373.00 The Huffman -Wolfe Co., Columbus, Ohio 29,433.00 Edward Joy Co , Syracuse, N Y 39,960.00 Levine Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc , New York 38,682.00 Howe & Bassett Co , Rochester, N. Y 35,333 00 A. J. Eckert Co , Albany, N Y. 35,200.00 Hickey Bros Inc , Olean, N. Y 33,800.00 ELECTRICAL WORK Bison Electrical Co , Inc , Buffalo, N. Y $ 12,922.00 M H Salmon Electric Co Inc , Syracuse, N.Y. , 13,395.00 John P Morrissey Inc , New York City 12,500.00 Arc Electrical Construction Co , Inc , New York 14,360 00 Lackawanna Electric Company, Lackawanna, N.Y. 10,334.00 T H. Green Electric Co Inc , Rochester, N Y. 14,969 00 The Dingle -Clark Company, Cleveland, Ohio 15,090 00 O'Connell Electric Company, Rochester, N. Y. 13,883 00 McCann Electric Co , Ithaca, N. Y 14,494.00 Blanding Electrical Supply Co , Inc., Binghamton 13,177.00 Miller -Brown, Inc , New York 13,389 00 Vanderlinde Electric Corp , Rochester, N. Y. 13,490.00 M M Gleason, Binghamton, N Y 12,444 00 Your committee therefore finds, that the lowest and most advantageous bids for the erection of said buildings, are as follows : GENERAL CONSTRUCTION— The Hunkin-Conkey Construc Co , Cleveland, 0. $298,787 00 HEATING AND VENTILATING— The Huffman -Wolfe Co , Columbus, Ohio PLUMBING— The Huffman -Wolfe Co , Columbus, Ohio ELECTRICAL WORK— Lackawanna Electric Co , Lackawanna, N.Y. 33,233.00 29,433 00 10,334 00 TOTAL $371,787.00 46 i PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Your committee would therefore recommend 'that the pro- posals, as submitted by the foregoing companies, at the amounts above stated, be accepted and the contract awarded to said companies for those amounts Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., June 24, 1932. LESLIE R. PIERCE, Chazr. Comm. SIDNEY L. HOWELL LAGRAND CHASE R. C. SMITH Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Moved by Mr. Crittenden, that the privilege of addressing the Board be extended to Hon. Sherman Moreland. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Carried, and the privilege of 'addressing the Board was so extended. ' Mr Moreland addressed the Board, relative to the report of the committee and the wisdom of erecting buildings at this time and asked that a hearing be accorded the taxpayers, at the convenience of the Board. A vote being taken on the motion of Mr. Pierce, that the report of the committee be accepted, resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs. Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, • Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs. Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. Motion carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board, by resolutions heretofore duly adopted, having heretofore secured, either by purchase or ex- change, lands necessary for the erection of a new county build- ing and new county jail and approved of the selection of the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 47 architect therefor, as well as the plans and specifications pre- pared by him for the erection of the same and made appropria- tions, both for said purchases and other expenses in connec- tion therewith, and directed the Clerk of the Board to secure sealed proposals for the construction of both of said buildings, and WHEREAS—The Clerk did so advertise for sealed proposals, according to said plans and specifications, the same to be in the possession of the Clerk on June 14, 1932 at 12 o'clock noon, and to be opened at that time, and WHEREAS—At a special meeting of this Board, held on June 14, 1932, duly called for that purpose, said proposals were duly opened at the time and place designated in said advertisement and the same, by a resolution duly adopted, were referred to the committee on the new county buildings, to be examined and checked by the committee, the architect and the necessary experts and the committee was directed to make its report to this Board on this date, and WHEREAS—The committee has reported to this Board that it has examined, with the architect and experts, each proposal submitted and finds that the following are the lowest and most advantageous bids received : GENERAL CONSTRUCTION— The Hunkin-Conkey Construc. Co , Cleveland, 0. $298,787.00 HEATING AND VENTILATING— The Huffman -Wolfe Co , Columbus, Ohio $ 33,233.00 PLUMBING— The Huffman -Wolfe Co , Columbus, Ohio $ 29,433.00 ELECTRICAL WORK— Lackawanna Electric Co , Lackawanna, N. Y. $ 10,334 00 TOTAL $371,787.00 therefore be it Resolved,—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of $371,787 00, for the construction of the new county build- ing and new county ,fail, and be it further Resolved—That the proposal of The Hunkin-Conkey Con- struction Co , of Cleveland, Ohio, for the sum of $298,787 00, being the lowest and most advantageous for general construc- tion, be accepted and the contract therefore be awarded to that company. That the proposal of The Huffman -Wolfe Co., of Columbus, Ohio, for the sum of $33,233 00, being the lowest and most advantageous for heating and ventilating, be accepted and the contract therefore be awarded to that company That the proposal of The Huffman -Wolfe Co , of Columbus, Ohio, for the sum of $29,433 00, being the lowest and most advantageous for plumbing, be accepted and the contract therefor be awarded to that company That the proposal of the Lackawanna Electric Co , of Lack- awanna, N Y , for the sum of $10,334 00, being the lowest and most advantageous for electrical work, be accepted and the contract therefore be awarded to that company, and be it further Resolved—That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board, be and they hereby are authorized and directed, for, on behalf of and in the name of the County of Tompkins, New York, to enter into proper contracts with each of the foregoing com- panies for the proper performance of their and each of their contracts hereinbefore awarded to them, and each of them, at the amounts stated in their proposals and awards so made, and be it further Resolved—That before the foregoing contracts are executed, the successful bidder for each contract, shall execute a proper bond, payable to the County of Tompkins, New York, for 50% of the amount of his contract, for the faithful performance of his contract in the manner provided in the specifications. Seconded by Mr Chase. Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 49 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6 ' Carried. The Hon. Mr. Moreland again addressed the Board, stating that he represented a committee of taxpayers whose petitions were on file with this Board and requested that the taxpayers be given a heating before any further proceedings be taken by the Board. I Moved by Mr Conlon, that the request of Mr. Moreland be granted , Seconded by Mr Blackmer, who called for the ayes and noes on Mr Conlon's motion. The vote being taken on Mr Conlon's motion, resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. Noes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Motion lost. Mr Crittenden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved, that if this Board persists in its efforts to erect and construct a courthouse and/or other county buildings at this time for the county of Tompkins, the resolution of said Board to that effect be referred to the electors of the county of Tompkins for their approval. Seconded by Mr Blackmer. The vote being taken on Mr. Crittenden's resolution, re- sulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. - 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Noes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Resolution lost. Mr. Blackmer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, the alleged official minutes of this Board of the 9th day of May 1932 contains the following clause, to -wit, "Resolved—That in all other respects the resolution of this Board adopted March 14, 1932 is hereby ratified and con- firmed" , and WHEREAS, said words were not a part of and said clause was not in reality contained in said resolution of the 9th of May 1932, and that, in consequence, the alleged official minutes of this Board of the said date are inaccurate and incorrect and do not reflect the real and true action of this Board on that date, and WHEREAS, the chairman of this Board has refused to read or to permit to be read the said minutes of the 9th of May 1932 for the purpose of change or correction, -as is required by law and by the rules of this Board, and WHEREAS, this Board has acted and is now acting upon said uncorrected and inaccurate minutes, above referred to, to the great damage of the county of Tompkins and the people thereof , and WHEREAS, it is desired and necessary that said minutes be read to this Board for alteration and correction. before being acted upon ; Resolved, That the said clause above set out as being con- tained in the alleged minutes of this Board of May 9th, 1932, to -wit, "Resolved—That in all other respects the resolution of this Board adopted March 14, 1932 is hereby ratified and con- firmed " be and the same hereby is stricken, from the alleged minutes of this Board of the 9th of May 1932 And further i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK O 51 Resolved that the resolution of the 14th of March above referred to was and is null and void in all its parts for the reason that the said resolution did not receive the votes of a majority of the members elected to this Board, as required by law, but received instead the votes of only seven of the four- teen members elected to this Board And further Resolved that it was not the intention of this Board to ratify, confirm or re-enact, by its resolution and vote of the 9th of May 1932, the said resolution of the 14th of March or to vali- date it either expressly or by implication or in any manner whatever. Seconded by Mr. Crittenden A vote being taken on Mr. Blackmer's resolution, f esulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6 • Noes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Resolution lost. Mr Snow offered the following resolution °and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to trans- fer from the Hospitalization Fund, in the account of the County Commissioner of Public Welfare, to Outside Relief, the sum of $1500 00 Seconded by Mr Crittenden Carried Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • , Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, the 52 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS sum of $140.16, in payment to Amos A. Barns for blocks, ce- ment, labor, etc. in protecting the well of Arthur McKay on the Taughannock Falls Park -Ithaca Highway and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order at this time, for said amount, payable to Mr. Barns, and the County Treasurer is directed to pay said order out of the moneys in her hands ap- propriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Chase Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 53 . To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, to be held in the Supervisors' Rooms in the City of Ithaca, N Y on Friday, July 8th, 1932, at 10:30 A M , to take action on the approval of the bonds presented by the contractors for the erection of the new county building and county jail Dated, Ithaca, N Y , July 1, 1932. SIDNEY L HOWELL R. C SMITH LAGRAND CHASE FOREST J. PAYNE W. 0 SMILEY LAMONT C. SNOW DELBERT H. DECKER LESLIE R. PIERCE. EDWARD J. CRITTENDEN Special Session Friday, July 8, 1932 Roll call. All members present The Clerk read the call for the special session. Mr. J J Dall, Jr , appeared before the Board and presented the bond as furnished by the several contractors for the faith- ful performance of their contracts in the erection of the new county building and jail, and asked that the Board select the bonding company that it desired and approve of the bond so furnished. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Whereas, by a resolution of this Board of Supervisors, pre- viously adopted, the matter of the approval of the surety bonds 54 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS to be presented by the successful bidding contractors for the erection and construction of the new court house and jail in and for Tompkins County is to be submitted to this Board tor proper action as a Committee of the whole, and Whereas, said resolution also provides that the execution of the contracts with the respective successful bidders to whom the various contracts have been awarded, and the ratification and approval thereof is contingent upon such Contractors sub- mitting for approval with their contracts surety bonds in the usual form securing to this County the faithful performance of the terms of their contracts, and Whereas, the Hunkin-Conkey Construction Company of Cleveland, Ohio, has presented with its general contract a surety bond in the proper form executed by the American Surety Company of New York, and the Huffman -Wolfe Com- pany of Columbus, Ohio, has presented with its ventilating, heating and plumbing contracts surety bonds in proper form, executed by said American Surety Company of New York, Now, therefore, be it Resolved—That such surety bonds covering the general con- tract, ventilating, heating and plumbing contracts, executed by the American Surety Company of New York, be and the same are hereby approved. Seconded by Mr Chase. Moved by Mr. Smiley, as an amendment, that the bonds sub- mitted be referred to the Committee on Finance to investigate and examine and recommend to this Board. Seconded by Mr Decker A vote being taken on Mr Smiley's amendment, resulted as . follows : Ayes—Messrs Snow, Smiley, Decker, Chase, Pierce, Payne —6 Noes—Messrs Howell, Rumsey, Smith, Van Order, Black- mer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-8 Amendment lost. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 55 A vote being taken on Mr Smith's original resolution, re- sulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDamels-6 , . Resolution carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the bonds of the American Surety Company as furnished by the different contractors, for the faithful per- formance of their contracts in the erection of the new county building and county jail, be approved by this Board Seconded by Mr Chase A vote being taken on Mr. Pierce's resolution, resulted as . follows : Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6 Resolution carried On motion, adjourned 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To Fred L Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N Y You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms in the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, N Y on Wednesday, July 20, 1932, at 10.30°A M , to take any necessary action in the defense of the action entitled "Supreme Court, Tompkins County, Delos Georgia, et al , Plaintiffs, against Lamont C. Snow, et al , Defendants " Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., July 12, 1932. SIDNEY L HOWELL FOREST J PAYNE R. C SMITH LAGRAND CHASE LESLIE R PIERCE DELBERT H DECKER LAMONT C. SNOW 0 H McDANIELS W. 0 SMILEY FRED VAN ORDER Special Session Wednesday, July 20, 1932 Roll call. All members present The Clerk read the call for the special session The Chairman announced the object of the meeting and re- quested the Attorney for the Board to explain to the members the status of the suit pending against the county, brought in the name of three alleged taxpayers, and the steps necessary to be taken in the defense thereof. The Attorney for the Board stated that he did not care to discuss the suit, except in the presence of the members of the Board alone and not in the presence of the plaintiffs, or any of them OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 57 Moved by Mr Chase, that the Board go into executive session. Seconded by Mr Smith. Carried Mr Crittenden voting in the negative The Board arose from executive session and proceeded in the transaction of regular business Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Rules and Legislation be authorized and directed, to take all and any necessary action to properly safeguard the interests of the County of Tompkins, New York, and such members of the Board of Supervisors as wish to defend the action hereinafter mentioned, either in the employment of attorneys, preparation of defense, to defend or to seek any legal remedy, and, if necessary, to appeal from any order or decision that may be rendered in the action en- titled . "Supreme Court, Tompkins County, Delos Georgia, et. al. Plaintiffs, against Lamont C Snow, et. al , Defendants," and generally to take any and all steps and to do any and all' acts in connection with said action as they may be advised by the attorneys and counsel who may be retained, and be it further Resolved—That the Chairman of this Board be and he here- by is authorized and directed to execute, verify and acknowl- edge, either in the name of the County of Tompkins, New York, or such members of the Board of Supervisors as wish to defend the above entitled action, as may be necessary, all ap- plications, pleadings, appeals or other legal papers, necessary in the prosecution of said defense or appeals Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6 Carried On motion, adjourned. 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To Fred L Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N Y hereby request you to call a special meeting of said Board, to be held in the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N Y , on Wednesday, August 3, 1932, at 10 :30 A M , to provide for condemnation proceedings, to se- cure rights of way for the Etna-Freeville-Dryden S H. No. 5294, the Freeville Village, C H No 1002 and the Freeville- Groton C. H No 926. Dated, Ithaca, N Y , July 26, 1932. SIDNEY L HOWELL FRED VAN ORDER DELBERT H DECKER 0. H McDANIELS ALAN T RUMWY W. C BLACKMER FOREST J PAYNE W. 0 SMILEY LESLIE R PIERCE R C SMITH LAMONT C SNOW LAGRAND CHASE EDWARD J CRITTENDEN Special Session Wednesday, August 3, 1932 Roll call All members present, except Mr. Van Order The Clerk read the call for the special meeting Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, has indicated to this Board its intention to con- struct or improve certain portions of the highways leading OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 59 from Groton Village to Freeville Village, and from the Pine Woods (so-called) on C H #682, through Freeville Village to Dryden Village in the County of Tompkins, New York, known and designated as C H #1002, C H #926 and S. H #5294, and WHEREAS—SUCK construction or improvement requires the acquisition of certain lands by the County of Tompkins, and WHEREAS—The Committee of this Board on Highways, hav- ing been heretofore authorized and empowered to obtain the requisite rights of way for the construction or improvement of such highways, having reported to this Board that it is un- able to acquire, by purchase, certain lands necessary to be acquired for such construction or improvement, and said com- mittee having also reported that it has entered into written agreements with some of the owners of certain lands to be acquired, that if no satisfactory price for such lands could be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of such lands, that this Board would acquire such lands as provided by the Condemnation Law, and WHEREAS—It appears that no satisfactory price for such lands has or can be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of said lands, therefore be it Resolved—That the Chairman of this Board of Supervisors be empowered and instructed to sign and verify, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, a petition to acquire said lands necessary for the construction or improvement of said highways, as appears by the maps and plans of the State Department of Public Works, 'Division of Highways, as furnished to this Board, of the parties herein- after named and for the appointment of three commissioners of appraisal, to ascertain and determine the compensation to be paid the owners thereof, and to all persons interested there- in, of the lands to be acquired of George Cady, Beatrice Edsall, Carl and Harry Spaulding, Homer Genung, John Graves, Alfred Pelmear, Randall Smith, Mrs Pearl Bell, Leslie Wilcox, Willis Howard, Charles Jackson, Raymond Bowers, A. I Beach, Eugene Merchant, Harry Hurst, William Beardsley, A Irvin Beach, Daniel Gailor, William Bryant, Peter Heidt, Lavenne Cotanch, J H Portzline, Otto Peterman, Maude Davis, Sylvia Marsh, H and K Dart, Mrs S Brundage and Mrs I Bates, James Hamblin, Max Spaulding, Mrs G Spaulding, W S Grays, Mrs Ralph Mack, Harry Tucker, John Brown, George 60 PROCEEDINGS OF' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Junior Republic, C I Hart, R. B Dedrick, Fred Wheeler, Howard Cotterell, Norris Crispell, Clint Hutchings, Willet Ellis and Charles McClintock, and of all persons interested therein, for the construction or improvement of C. H #1002, C. H. #926 and S H. #5294, and the said Chairman of this Board is hereby granted full power and authority to perform any and all acts necessary for acquiring said lands and to sign all papers in connection with any proceedings connected there- with, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, with the same force and effect as if done by this Board Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried On motion, adjourned Quarterly Session Monday, August It, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present Minutes of May 9, read Moved by Mr. Blackmer, that that portion of the minutes reading "Resolved—That in all other respects the resolution of this Board, adopted March 14, 1932 is hereby ratified and confirmed" be stricken from the minutes of that date, owing to the fact that some of, the members of the Board did not hear that portion of the resolution read, and they did not intend to vote in the affirmative on that portion of the resolution. Seconded by Mr Conlon. A vote being taken on Mr. Blackmer's motion resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 61 Conlon and McDaniels-6. Noes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Motion lost. The Chairman declared the minutes of Max 9, 1932, duly approved. Minutes of June 14, read and approved. Minutes of June 24, 1932, read and approved Minutes of July 8, 1932, read and approved. Minutes of July 20, 1932, read and approved. Minutes of August 3, 1932, read and approved Dr. Keith Sears, Superintendent of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, appeared before the Board and asked for an additional appropriation of $4,000 00, for the mainten- ance of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital for the balance of the year 1932, which was referred to the Commit- tee on Charities, with instructions to report to this Board at the afternoon session. Mr. B I Vann, Chairman"of the Emergency Relief Bureau, appeared before the Board and asked for the appropriation of the sum of $5,000 00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to complete the proj ects already under way by that bureau, which was referred to the Committee on Finance with direc- tions to report at the afternoon session of the Board. On motion, add ourned to 2 P M AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present. Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to draw an order for $500 00 payable to the Treasurer of the Finger Lakes Post No 961, V F W , to pay the county's share of the 4th of July cel- ebration sponsored by that organization, and the County Trea- surer is directed to pay said order out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for that purpose. Seconded by Mr Snow Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr Snow offered the following, resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the Committee on Charities be authorized to purchase a new ensilage cutter for the County Home Seconded by Mr Conlon Carried Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, the additional sum of $4,000 00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the maintenance of the Tompkins County Tuber- culosis Hospital for the balance of the year 1932, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of any moneys in her hands available therefor, and 'if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied Seconded by Mr Payne Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried. Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, the additional sum of $5,000 00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to complete the projects already commenced, for the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 63 purpose of furnishing material, machinery and labor for the carrying out of the emergency relief program heretofore adopt- ed by this Board, and be it further Resolved—That if the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied Seconded by Mr Smiley Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried ° The Clerk read a resolution adopted by the Tompkins County Welfare Officers Association, relative to charges being made by the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital for county and town cases, and the requirement of that institution of deposits in advance, which was filed Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That it is the sense of this Board that the county and towns therein should not pay for the care of charity patients in the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital, more than the per diem charge to private ward patients, and be it further Resolved—That the County Commissioner of Public Wel- fare, be notified of this action of this Board Seconded by Mr Smith Carried , Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Welfare Fund, for the balance of the year 1932, the additional sum of $21,875 00, apportioned as follows . Outside Relief $4,000.00 County Home 700 00 Hospitalization 3,100 00 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Foster Home, care of children 4,500.00 Institutional, care of children 900 00 Stenographer 175.00 Investigator 175.00 Old Age Security 8,200.00 Stenographer 125 00 $21,875 00 and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount in the same manner as the moneys have been hereto- fore paid from the Welfare Fund, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby as authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to trans- fer from the Outside Relief Fund to the Hospitalization Fund, ' the sum of $1 500.00 Seconded by Mr Crittenden. Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Highway Committee, reported that his committee had effected a settlement with Mrs Alice McArthur, for right of way and all property damages on the Ithaca -Dryden, C. H No 681, for the sum of $400.00 Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $400 00, in payment for right of way and all property dam- ages to Mrs Alice McArthur, for the reconstruction of the Ithaca -Dryden, C. H No 681, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order for the said amount, payable to Mrs McAr- thur, upon the delivery to him of a proper deed of conveyance of the lands taken and a release of all property damages, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way. /OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Seconded by Mr Chase Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried 65 Mr McDaniels, Chairman of the Committee on the Enforce- ment of the Quarantine on Dogs, reported to the Board of in- creased ravages being made by dogs on the sheep and fowls of this,county and requested that additional assistance be given to the enforcement officer. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the Committee on the Enforcement of the Quarantine on Dogs, be authorized to hire and, if necessary, to discharge an additional enforcement officer, upon such terms as to the committee may seem proper and the County Tx ea - surer is hereby directed to pay for the services of such addi- tional enforcement officer in the same manner as the present enforcement officer is paid Seconded by Mr Blackmer. Carried The several committees reported the following claims for audit, to which they had been referred, with the amounts al- lowed Q- 199 Cayuga Press, Proposals, Co Bldg _ $ 2.00 200 Rochester Printing Co , Notice to bidders, Co Bldg 52.80 201 J Lakin Baldridge, Services, Co Bldg 3,728.84 202 Carl Crandall, Engineer's Services, Co. Bldg 128 00 203 Groton Journal -Courier, Notice to bidders, Co Bldg 5138 204 Kenneth L Roberts, Inspector on Excava- tion, Co Bldg 17 50 205 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co , Supplies, Supervisors .35 206 Fred L Clock, Disbursements, Co Bldg 202 29 207 Fred L Clock, Postage, Supervisors 60.00 208 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co , Supplies, Supervisors 7 00 209 Wm 'A Church Co, Supplies, Supervisors 18 00 210 Wm A Church Co , Envelopes, Supervisors 6.75 211 Treman, King & Co , Supplies, Court 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS House 9 97 212 Riley H Heath, Postage, Sup Court 10 00 213 John J Sinsabaugh, Expenses & Mileage, Co Sealer 183 03 214 Atkinson Press, Supplies, Surrogate 7 50 215 The Card Shop, Supplies, Co Clerk 30 00 216 Clinton Hotel, Meals, Sup Ct Civil 102 00 217 Cornell Co -Op Society, Repairs on Line -a - Time, Co Clerk 1 50 218 Hand Stamp Shop, Rubber Stamps, Co Clerk 2 50 219 Corner Bookstores, Typewriter, Co Clerk 55 00 220 Atkinson Press, Calendars, Com Elections 20 00 221 Treman, King & Co , Bill Posters, Com Elections 3 38 222 Atkinson Press, Enrollment Ballots, Com. Elections 221 35 223 Harrison Adams, Expenses, Sheriff 561 00 224 Clarkson Chem & Supply Co , Supplies, Sheriff 19 13 225 Wm A Church Co , Automobile Vouchers, Sheriff 11 00 226 Harrison Adams, Expenses, Sheriff 18 30 227 Dr H H Crum, Services, Jail Physician 45 00 228 A B Brooks & Son, Supplies, Jail 1.80 229 Treman, King & Co , Supplies, Jail 3.75 230 Rothschild Bros , Supplies, Jail 33 14 231 Stover Printing Co , Supplies, Dist Atty 7.75 232 Baker, Voorhis & Co , Gilbert's Code, Dist Atty 20 00 233 Charlotte V Bush, Postage, Co Treas 51 00 234 Stover Printing Co , Tax Notice Cards, Co Treas 12 75 235 Archie L Kenyon, Fees in Dog Cases, Con- stable 6 00 236 Dr W G Fish, Exam in Lunacy, Insane 20 00 237 Dr W G Fish, Exam in Lunacy, Insane 10 00 238 Dr W G Fish, Exam in Lunacy, Insane 10 00 239 Dr J N Frost, Exam in Lunacy, Insane 10 00 240 Free Press & Sentinel, Pub State Scholar- ships, Educational 10 00 241 Stover Printing Co , Supplies, Co Supt Highways 14 00 242 B I Vann, Expenses, Co Supt Highways 18 90 243 Journal -News, Expenses, Co Supt High- ways 2 88 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 67 244 Lavern Baker, Fence Posts, Rights of Way 12 00 245 Wm Hornbrook, Labor, Rights of Way 16 00 246 Ezra Bagley, Labor, Rights of Way 16 00 247 Frank Hornbrook, Labor, Rights of Way 16 00 248 Donohue -Halverson Co , WaIhing Machine, Storage Tank, Tank Heater, Labor & Sup- plies Co. Home 1,182 66 249 American Laundry Machinery Co , Motor, Co Home 150 00 250 Harsey Selover, Labor, Co. Home 106 80 251 Carman & Pearsall, Supplies, Co Home 87.01 252 Dr H B Sutton, Operation -Kenneth Hyde, P H. C 50 00 253 Reconstruction Home, Care, Esther Varga, 5/1/32 to 8/1/32, P. H C. 276.00 254 Reconstruction Home, Care, Cleta Harford, 5/17/32 to 8/1/32, P. H. C 225 00 255 Reconstruction Home, Care, Donald Barnes, 5/1/32 thru 5/31/32, P. H. C. 90.00 256 Reconstruction Home, Care, Margaret Solo- mon, 5/1/32 thru 6/27/32, P H C 174 00 ' 257 Reconstruction Home, Care & Cast, Orne Olson, 5/21/32 thru 6/4/32, P H. C. 62.00 258 Reconstruction Home, Care, Helen Korbel, 5/1/32 thru 6/8/32, P. H. C. 117 00 259 Tompkins County Memo Hospital, Care, Kenneth Hyde, P H C. 7 50 $8,395 51 Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing claims, amounting to the sum of $8,395 51, be audited by this' Board at the amounts recommended by the several committees to which they were referred and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the payment of the same, and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied and,that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claims Nos Q-244, Q-245, Q-246 and Q-247 out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way, and Claim No. Q-235 out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund, that of Claim No. Q-236, that there be charged, the sum of $10 00 thereof to the Town of Dryden, and $10.00 thereof to the City of Ithaca, that Claim No. Q-237 be charged to the City of Ithaca, that Claim No. Q-238 be charged to the City of Ithaca and that Claim No Q-239 be charged to the Town of Ulysses , that of Claim No Q-223, being for Sheriff's expenses, there be charged to the Towns of Caroline, the sum of $42 90, Danby $26 25, Dryden, $75 20, Enfield, $48 90, Ithaca, $62.35, Lansing, $91 80, Newfield, $26 30, Ulysses, $58.75 and the City of Ithaca, $4 35, that of Claim No Q-226, also being for Sheriff's expenses, there be charged to the Towns of Dryden, the sum of $1 40, Ithaca, $1 50 and Ulysses, $1 50, said claims being properly chargeable to said towns and city and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and in their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Conlon Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 69 To Fred L Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N Y., to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms in the Tompkins County Court House, in the City of, Ithaca, N. Y. on the 14th. day of Septem- ber, 1932, at 10 30 A M , for the purpose of providing for financing the construction of the county buildings to be used as a court house, clerk's office, jail and other county purposes, by authorizing the Treasurer of Tompkins County to borrow temporarily from time to time, an amount or amounts not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of $371,787 00, in anticipa- tion of the authorization or issuance of county bonds for that purpose and to give therefor the notes or certificates of in- debtedness of said County of Tompkins, in accordance with Section 14, of the County Law, and also to authorize said County Treasurer to pay out said moneys from time to time, as the work of construction of said county buildings progresses, upon the proper written order of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Dated, September 3, 1932 SIDNEY L. HOWELL LESLIE R PIERCE LAGRAND CHASE FOREST J. PAYNE W. 0 SMILEY LAMONT C. SNOW DELBERT H DECKER R. C SMITH Special Session Wednesday, September 14, 1932 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Conlon. The Clerk read the call for the special session. The Chairman explained that the Justice of the Supreme 70 PROCEEDINGS, OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Court, before whom the legal proceedings were pending on show cause order, has requested that the Board take no action until such time as he would be able to render a decision Moved by Mr Pierce, that this Board adjourn to Wednesday, September 21, 1932, at 10.30 A M Seconded by Mr Decker Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 71 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N Y. You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N Y , to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms in the Tompkins County Court House, in the City of Ithaca, N.Y , on the 15th day of Septem- ber, 1932, at 10 30 A M , for the purpose of authorizing the Treasurer of Tompkins County to borrow the sum of $60,134 21, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, for the pay- ment of certain sums for which the county has heretofore obli- gated itself, and to be borrowed in anticipation of the collec- tion of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, and to give therefor the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said County of Tompkins, in accordance with Section 41, of the County Law, also to take any necessary action on highway and public welfare matters, to provide for the pay- ment of certain claims against the county, to authorize the sale of certain lands owned by the county to the State of New York for reforestation purposes, to provide for the emplpyment and payment of an inspector or inspectors of the new county build- ings. Dated, September 3, 1932 SIDNEY L HOWELL LESLIE R PIERCE LAGRAND CHASE FOREST J. PAYNE W 0 SMILEY LAMONT C. SNOW DELBERT H DECKER R C. SMITH Special Session Thursday, September 15, 1932 Roll call All members present. The Clerk read the call for the special session. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 72 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS—This Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N Y , by a resolution duly adopted at a regular quarterly meet- ing thereof, held on February 8, 1932, appropriated the sum of $18,452 01 for the payment of Claims Nos Q-1 to Q-94 inclu- sive, audited by said Board, and WHEREAS—The said Board, by a resolution duly adopted at a regular quarterly meeting thereof, held on May 9, 1932, ap- propriated the sum of $6,411.69 for the payment of Claims Nos. Q-95 to Q-198 inclusive, audited by said Board, and WHEREAS—The said Board, by a resolution duly adopted at a regular quarterly meeting thereof, held on August 8, 1932, has appropriated the sum of $5,000 00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the carrying out of the emergency relief program, and WHEREAS—The entire sum of $5,000 00, so appropriated, is now necessary for that purpose, and WHEREAS—The said Board, by a resolution duly adopted at a regular quarterly meeting thereof, held on August 8, 1932, appropriated the sum of $21,875 00 to the County Welfare Fund, for the balance of the year 1932, and WHEREAS—The said Board, by a resolution duly adopted at a regular quarterly meeting thereof, held on August 8, 1932, appropriated the sum of $8,395 51 for the payment of Claims Nos Q-199 to Q-259 inclusive, audited by said Board, and WHEREAS—By the aforementioned resolutions, the Treasurer of Tompkins County was authorized to borrow the said amounts, or so much thereof as might be necessary, and WHEREAS—It appears that it is necessary that said Tomp- kins County Treasurer borrow the said sums, and WHEREAS—The aggregate of the sums so appropriated is $60,134 21, now therefor, and in pursuance to Section 41, of the County Law, be it Resolved --That the Treasurer of Tompkins County be, and she hereby is, authorized to borrow the sum of $60,134 21, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 73 current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the pur- poses to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasure/ be, and she here- by is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to matu/ e not 'more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and counter- signed by the Tompkins County Clerk, and the County Clerk shall make the en -tiles required by said Section 41, of the County Law Seconded by M/ Smith Moved by Mr Blackmer, that the question be divided and the vote be taken separately on each proposition for which money is sought to be borrowed Seconded by Mr Crittenden The Chairman ordered that the question be divided and a separate vote be taken, as requested by Mr Blackmer A vote being taken on the proposition of authorizing the County Treasurer to borrow the sum of $18,452 01 for payment of certain claims audited February 8th 1932, resulted as fol- lows : Ayes—Messrs. Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDamels-6. Carried A vote being taken on the proposition authorizing the County Treasurer to bor/ow the sum of $6,411 69 for the payment of claims audited on May 9, 1932, resulted as follows : 74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes—Messrs. Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDamels-6. Carried. A vote being taken on the proposition authorizing the County Treasurer to borrow the sum of $5,000 00 for the carrying out of the Emergency Relief Program, on August 8th. 1932, resulted as follows : Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried A vote being taken on the proposition authorizing the County Treasurer to borrow the sum of $21,875 00 appropriated to the County Welfare Fund, on August 8th 1932, resulted as follows • Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried A vote being taken on the proposition authorizing the County Treasurer to borrow the sum of $8,395.51 for the payment of claims audited August 8, 1932, resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs. Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. Carried A vote being taken on the original resolution, as offered by Mr Pierce, resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6 Resolution adopted. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 75 Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board, at a meeting held on December 30, 1931, by a resolution duly adopted, appropriated, under cer- tain conditions, to the Ithaca Memorial Hospital the sum of $30,000 00, and provided for the payment thereof in quarterly payments, and WHEREAS—The County Treasurer made the first quarterly payment of $7,500 00 to the Treasurer of said Memorial Hos- pital Association on March 31, 1932, as directed by said 1 reso- lution, and WHEREAS—This Board subsequently learned that said ap- propriation was illegal and that thereupon and on May 9, 1932, by a resolution duly adopted, this Board rescinded said appro- priation and requested the return to the County Treasurer of the $7,500 00 so paid to the Treasurer of said Hospital Associ- ation, and WHEREAS—Said Hospital Association has signified its will- ingness and desire to return said sum of $7,500 00 to the County Treasurer but asks that the Hospital Association be reimbursed to the amount of the reduction it made in the county and city rates as a condition of the appropriation made to it, and also asks that there be a definite understanding between the county and the Hospital Association as to the rates to be paid by the county for charity or welfare cases in the future, and WHEREAS—The officials of the City of Ithaca have signified their willingness to pay for cases in said Memorial Hospital chargeable to the city, the actual cost for. the care of city patients, but not to exceed the sum of $5 50 per patient day, said amount to include all charges, and WHEREAS—That while this Board feels that the matter is one wholly within the jurisdiction and under the control of the County Commissioner of Welfare, it also feels that in fair- ness to all concerned equitable adjustments should be made, therefore be it Resolved—That it is the sense of this Board that the Mem- orial Hospital Association should be reimbursed to the amount of $1 00 for each patient day in charity and welfare cases over which the County Commissioner of Welfare has jurisdiction 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS or control from January 1, 1932 to July 1, 1932 and that there- after there should be paid to said Hospital Association the actual cost for all care and expenses of such cases, but in no case to exceed the sum of $5 50 per patient day, the amount of $1 00 per patient reimbursement being the amount of the reduction made by said Hospital Association for county cases in consideration of receiving an appropriation of $30,000.00 a year Seconded by Mr Smiley Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Rumsey, Chase, Blackmer, Crittenden, Pierce, Conlon, Payne and Mc- Daniel -12. Noes—Messrs Smith and Van Order -2 Resolution adopted Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption ' Resolved—That the Chairman of this Board of Supervisors be empowered and instructed, to sign and verify, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins'County, N Y., all neces- sary papers, either for the condemnation of lands to be acquir- ed necessary for the construction or improvement of S H. No 5379 and S H. No. 5567 or in furtherance of the condem- nation proceedings now pending for acquiring said lands, with full power and authority in connection with any proceedings ' connected therewith, with the same force and effect as if done by this Board Seconded by Mr. Chase Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $3,075.00, for rights of way, and all property damages, on the Ithaca -West Danby, S. H. Nos. 5379 and 5567 , on the Ithaca -Newfield, S. H. No. 5214 and on the Ithaca-Esty Glen, C H No 454, payable as follows: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 77 Dora Skala (Dora Ink) Ithaca -Newfield $ 50 00 Laurence S Taber, Ithaca -Newfield 400 00 Ida Page, Ithaca -West Danby (Assd to F. L Clock) 100 00 Mrs Marietta J Snyder, Ithaca -West Danby 2,500 00, Martin Shannon, Ithaca-Esty Glen 25.00 $3,075 00 and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders for the above amount, payable to the parties entitled thereto, upon the delivery to him of the proper deeds of conveyance of the lands in question, with a release of all property damages by reason of the taking thereof, and the County Treasurer is hereby di- rected to pay said orders out of the moneys in her hands appro- priated for rights of way. Seconded by Mr Smiley Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the claim of H L. O'Daniel, County Clerk, for the sum of $240 08, for postage and incidental expenses of his office from March 1, 1932, to August 1, 1932, be audited at the full amount claimed, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order at this time for said amount, payable to Mr O'Daniel, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of the, moneys in her hands appropriated tor that purpose. Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr Rumsey offered the following esolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be authorized and directed to enter into a contract to sell to the State of New York, lands now owned by the county, but for- merly owned by Margaret Kinsley, in the Town of Dryden, consisting of about 120 acres, for the sum of $4 00 per acre, reserving to the county the right to remove any building there- 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS on within one year and also reserving to the county the con- tract with The Cayuga Gas Co , or other corporations Seconded by Mr Payne Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the Snow Removal Program fox Tompkins County, for the year 1932-33, be the same as tor the year 1931- 1932, with such additions as may be necessitated by the con- struction of new State and County highways during the year 1932 Seconded by Mr Conlon. Carried Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Welfare Fund, for the balance of the fiscal year of 1932, the additional sum of $5,000 00 for hospitahzation purposes, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount in the same manner as the moneys have been heretofore paid from the welfare fund and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the said amount, or any part thereof she be and hereby Is authorized to borrow said $5,000 00, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of taxes, to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said County Treasurer be, and she here- by is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the Tompkins County Treasurer and countersign- ed by the Tompkins County Cleik, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 79 Seconded by Mr Crittenden Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried On motion, adjourned ADJOURNED SPECIAL SESSION (Flom September 14, 1932) Wednesday, September 21, 1932 Roll call All members present. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . WHEREAS—This Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, by resolutions heretofore duly adopted, has author- ized a county project of a permanent nature and the acquisition of property, viz the erection of county buildings for the County of Tompkins, for use as a court house, jail, clerk's office and other county purposes, and the acquisition of additional lands as a site therefor, and WHEREAS—This Board, by resolutions heretofore duly adopt- ed, has authorized and directed the chairman and clerk of this Board, for, on behalf of, and in the name of the County of Tompkins, to enter into contracts for the construction of said buildings, and WHEREAS—such contracts have been made pursuant to such authorization and direction, and WHEREAS—by resolutions heretofore duly adopted, the sum of $371,787 00 has been appropriated for the construction of such buildings, and WHEREAS—It is anticipated that the issuance of county 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS bonds will be authorized for the purpose of financing the said project, and WHEREAS -It is necessary that the sum of $371,787 00 be available to pay the amounts due and to become due on said con- tracts, or for other purposes in connection with said project, Now Therefore, in accordance with Section 14, of the County Law, be it Resolved—That the Treasurer of the County of Tompkins be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to borrow tem- porarily, from time to time, an amount or amounts, not exceed- ing in the aggregate the sum of $371,787 00, in anticipation of the authorization or issuance of such county bonds for the financing of said project, and give therefor notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than one year from the date of issue, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer, in the event that such notes or certificates of indebtedness have not been otherwise paid at their maturity, be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to renew the same from time to time as they shall become due, for periods not exceeding one year, provided that all such notes or certificates of indebtedness, and renewals thereof, shall mature not more than three years from the original date of issue, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be general obligations of the County of Tompkins, and shall be paid from the proceeds of the sale of the said bonds in anticipation of which they were issued, or, if no such bonds shall be authorized, by general tax. Seconded by Mr Decker Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6 Resolution carried Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 81 WHEREAS—This Board has heretofore, by a resolution duly adopted on June 14, 1932, appropriated the sum of $371,787.00 for the construction of the new county building and the new county jail, awarded contracts for the construction of the same, and WHEREAS—The contractors, to whom said contracts were awarded, have commenced the construction thereof, in the per- formance of their contracts, and WHEREAS—There is not enough moneys in the hands of the County Treasurer, or available therefor, to pay for such con- struction and this Board has authorized and directed the County Treasurer to borrow said sum of $371,787.00, or so much there- of as may be necessary, pursuant to the provisions of Section 14, of the County Law, therefore be it Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board shall issue an order on the County Treasurer, from time to time as work on said new county building and new county jail progresses, upon the requisition or draft of the contractor entitled thereto, duly ap- proved by the supervising architect in writing and counter- signed by a majority of the members of the Committee on New County Buildings and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the moneys appropriated and made available therefor. Seconded by Mr Chase. Ayes—Messrs. Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6 Resolution carried. On motion, adjourned. 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To Fred L Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N Y hereby request you to call a special meeting of the Board, to be held in the Supervisors' Rooms, in the Court House, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y , on Thursday, September 29, 1932, at 10 :30 A. M , to take any necessary action to provide for an inspector or inspectors on the new county buildings and to provide for the payment thereof, to take necessary action on the construction of the new county building, to provide for the payment of certain claims owed by the county, to take any necessary action on highway matters and to provide for the carrying on of the necessary welfare work of the county. Dated, Ithaca, N Y , September 21, 1932 SIDNEY L HOWELL LAGRAND CHASE F. J PAYNE W 0 SMILEY LESLIE R PIERCE R C SMITH DELBERT H DECKER LAMONT C SNOW Special Session Thursday, September 29, 1932 Roll call. All members present., The Clerk read the call for the special session Mr Pierce, Chairman of the Committee on the New County Building and New County Jail, reported that his committee OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 83 was unable to report as it was intended, at this tune, and moved that the Board take an adjournment until Friday, Oc- tober 7, 1932, at 10 :30 A. M. Seconded by Mr. Smith Carried, and the Chairman de- clared the Board duly adjourned to Friday, October 7, 1932, at 10 30 A. M ADJOURNED SPECIAL SESSION From September 29, 1932 Friday, October 7, 1932 Roll call All members present Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $304 60, payable to Ira Sears, for a new ensilage cutter at the county home, and the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order at this time for said amount, payable to Mr Sears, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any moneys in her hands available therefor, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands to pay said amount, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear in- terest at a rate; not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried. Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $125.00, payable to Max Blum, of the Town of Ulysses, for a strip of land 100 feet in width and extending easterly from the easterly line of lands now owned by the Town of Ulysses, and acquired for drainage purposes for the Trumans- burg-Perry City S. H , for a distance of 300 feet, more or less to the Taughannock Creek, and the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order for said amount, payable to Mr. Blum, upon the receipt of a proper deed of conveyance of the lands in ques- tion, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of moneys appropriated for securing rights of way. a 4 Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, the sum of $100 39, payable to Donohue -Halverson, Inc., for plumb- ing work at the county home and court house, and the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order at this time for said amount, payable to Donohue -Halverson, Inc , and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any moneys in her hands available therefor, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands to pay said amount, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 85 and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear in- terest at a rate, not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To -Fred L Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, New York You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the Tompkins County Court House, in the City of Ithaca, New York, on the 10th day of October, 1932, at 10 30 A M., for the purpose of adopting an act to ratify all resolutions heretofore adopted and all acts and things heretofore done in connection with the authorization or construction: of the county court house building and the county jail building; including the acquisition of the sites therefor. Also for the purpose of adopting an act to authorize the construction of a new county court house building and a new county jail building in the City of Ithaca, to appropriate $371,787 00 therefor, to authorize the County Treasurer to borrow, temporarily, said sum at one time, or from time to time, in anticipation of the authorization or issuance of bonds, to issue notes or certificates of indebtedness therefor, pursuant to the provisions of §14, of the County Law, of the State of New York, and prescribing the form thereof. Dated, October 1, 1932. SIDNEY L HOWELL LESLIE R PIERCE LAGRAND CHASE W 0 SMILEY FOREST J PAYNE LAMONT C SNOW DELBERT H. DECKER R C SMITH Special Session Monday, October 10, 1932 Roll call. All members present The Clerk read the call for the special session Mr. Crittenden offered the following resolution and moved OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 87 its adoption : Resolved—That all acts or resolutions offered for approval of the Board, before its introduction, a copy of said acts or resolutions should be placed on the desk of each supervisor composing this Board, so that each supervisor will know the full text of the resolution offered. Seconded by Mr Blackmer Referred to the Committee on Rules and Legislation Mr Pierce offered the following Act and moved its adoption. ACT NO 3-1932 AN ACT TO RATIFY ALL RESOLUTIONS HERETOFORE ADOPTED AND ALL ACTS AND THINGS HERETOFORE DONE IN CONNECTION WITH THE AUTHORIZATION OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE COUNTY COURT HOUSE BUILDING AND THE COUNTY JAIL BUILDING IN- CLUDING THE ACQUISITION OF THE SITES THEREOF. Passed in pui suant of the provisions of the County Law being Chapter 11 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, at a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, held in the Super- visors' Chambers, County Court House Building, Ithaca, New York, on the 10th day of October, 1932, 8 votes (being the votes of a majority of the Supeivisors elected to and compris- ing said Board of Supervisors) being in favor of, and 6 votes being against its passage WHEREAS, due to difference of opinion between the majority and minority members of this Board, some discussion has arisen as to the construction of and the financing for the new County Court House Building and new County Jail Building and it is necessary that the construction of said buildings be completed and/or financed and in order to terminate the dis- cussion it is in the opinion of this Board now advisable to re- authorize the construction and financing of said buildings, therefore THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, STATE OF NEW YORK, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS : 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Section 1. All resolutions heretofore adopted by this Board and all acts and things heretofore done by or on behalf of the County in respect of the authorization, financing and construc- tion of the County Court House Building and the County Jail Building, and the acquisition of a site therefor, are hereby in all, respects, approved, ratified and confirmed Section 2 This Act shall take effect immediately Seconded by Mr Chase Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6 Carried Mr. Blackmer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . WHEREAS—The people of Tompkins County and many of the members of the Board of Supervisors of said county are with- out adequate knowledge of the matters and things mentioned and referred to in the following resolution Now, Therefore, in order that the people of Tompkins County may be fully informed in respect to said matters and things, and that members of said Board of Supervisors may perform their duties efficiently to the people, under their oath of office Resolved,—That the Chairman of this Board appoint a com- mittee of this Board consisting of four members not less than two of whom shall be named from the six members who have opposed and are now opposing the erection and construction of a new county court -house and other county buildings, and which said two members shall be selected by said six minority members, which committee shall thoroughly investigate and make a report to this Board as to and concerning the manner in which the alleged contracts for general construction between the Hi nkin-Conkey Construction Company and other con- tractors and the County of Tompkins for the construction of a new county court -house and other county buildings for Tomp- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 89 kens County are being performed and carried out by said con- tractors or by their sub -contractors, servants or employees, the value of the services thus far rendered and the character thereof, and especially in the demolition and destruction of the buildings belonging to the County of Tompkins formerly lo- cated on East Court Street east of the Sheriff's residence and including the Hennessy building formerly at the corner of East Court and North Tioga Streets in the City of Ithaca; the amount or amounts paid or agreed to be paid by the majority members of said Board of Supervisors to the said contractors and/or sub -contractors, agents or employees for such destruc- tion and demolition, and for the excavations on county prop- erty made by said contractors or sub -contractors, agents, em- ployees or other persons, the authority for such demolition and excavation and the sources or funds from which said pay- ments were or are to be made , the amount agreed by the ma- jority of said Board of Supervisors, or any of them, to be paid to the said contractors, sub -contractors, agents or employees for the demolition and destruction of the buildings located at and on No 312 and No 316 North Tioga Street, said city, and purported to have been conveyed by the First Baptist Church in Ithaca to the county of Tompkins , whether the said Church agreed to or acquiesced in said destruction and removal of said buildings, the steps taken by said majority supervisors, or any of them, to protect the county of Tompkins and its property above mentioned and described and to save the property, funds and money of said county, and to place the said county in a position where it can defend itself in and obtain the greatest benefits from the taxpayers action begun against said major- ity supervisors and others above mentioned , the rental income of all of the property owned or alleged to have been purchased by the County and herein described; the authority for any and all of the above-mentioned acts of the said majority supervisors as well as the authority of the said construction company in performing said acts; the authority for the sale of the materials salvaged from the destruction of said buildings and the amount or amounts received therefrom and from whom received and whether said materials were considered by said majority su- pervisors, or any of them, and the said contractors or sub- contractors, agents or employees, to be county property or property of said contractors, and if the latter, the authority or contract or agreement by which the same became the property of said contractors or sub -contractors, agents or employees ; the provision of the contract with the said contractors under which all of the acts hereinbefore mentioned and hereafter mentioned were performed, the name of the person or persons 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS to whom said materials were delivered and the amount or amounts paid or agreed to be paid therefor by such recipients, the authority for and the amount paid or agreed to be paid by said majority supervisors, or any of them, for the excavations made by said construction company its sub -contractor, agent or employee on said East Court Street on or in the sites of the said county buildings on said East Court Street, the person or persons to whom the shrubs and yard fixtures and the earth resulting from the said excavations was delivered and whether the same was given away or sold, and if sold, the sum paid or agreed to be paid therefor, the names of the persons who have been hired or employed in the said work of demolition and excavation of said county buildings and the buildings at or on the said premises above described and located at #312 and #316 North Tioga street, the type and kind of such service and employment of each, the sum paid or agreed to be paid to each said person per day, week or month together with the sources or funds from which said payments were or are to be made, the terms of the purported contract with J Lakin Bald - ridge for architectural services in connection with the erection of said County buildings and whether said architect agreed in said contract to furnish engineering and inspection service, and the reasons why the majority of this Board deem it neces- sary to employ additional inspectors and engineers and whether the salary of such inspectors and engineers is to be paid by Tompkins County or deducted from said architect's fees, and all the matters and things composing, arising out of or in any wise connected with or appertaining to the said pre- tended contract for general construction and the execution and performance thereof up to the time of the report of said com- mittee, and be it futher Resolved That the members of said committee shall have the power to require any other members of this Board to testify and answer all questions to which said committee may require answer, and be it futher Resolved That said committee make its report to this Board on or before the 17th day of October 1932 if said Board be in session, otherwise said committee will deliver a copy of said report to each member of the Board of Supervisors by mail or otherwise on or before said date Seconded by Mr Conlon Ayes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 91 Noes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8 Resolution lost. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : ACT NO 4-1932 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW COUNTY COURT HOUSE BUILDING AND A NEW COUNTY JAIL BUILDING IN THE CITY OF ITHACA, TO APPROPRIATE $371,787, THEREFOR, TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY TREASURER TO BORROW TEMPORA- RILY SAID SUM AT ONE TIME OR FROM TIME TO TIME IN ANTICIPATION OF THE AUTHORIZATION OR IS- SUANCE OF BONDS, TO ISSUE NOTES OR CERTIFI- CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS THEREFOR, AND PRE- SCRIBING THE FORM THEREOF Passed in pursuance of the provisions of the County Law, being Chapter 11 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, at a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, held in the Super- visors' Chambers, County Court House Building, Ithaca, New York, on the 10th day of October, 1932, 8 votes (being the votes of a majority of the Supervisors elected to and compris- ing said Board of Supervisors) being in favor of, and 6 votes being against its passage WHEREAS, due to difference of opinion between the majority and minority members of the Board, some discussion has arisen as to the construction of and the financing for the new County Court House Building and new County Jail Building and it is necessary that the construction of said buildings be completed and/or financed and in order to terminate the discussion it is in the opinion of this Board now advisable to re -authorize the construction and financing of said buildings, therefore 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, STATE OF NEW YORK, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS : Section 1 A new County Court House Building shall be constructed in the City of Ithaca on lands heretofore acquired and paid for by the County as a site for said building and fronting on Tioga and Court Streets Section 2. A new County Jail Building shall be construct- ed in the City of Ithaca on lands heretofore acquired and paid for by the County, as a site for said building and fronting on Court Street. Section 3 The sum of $371,787 is hereby appropriated to pay the cost of the County projects (said projects being of a permanent nature) authorized in Sections 1 and 2 hereof Section 4 To provide funds to meet said appropriation in anticipation of the authorization or issuance of County bonds for said purposes, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized, pursuant to the provisions of §14 of the County Law, to borrow temporarily at one time or from time to time, as the money may be needed, not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of $371,787. Said loan or loans shall be evidenced by notes or certificates of indebtedness which shall mature not more than one year from their date of issue and which may be renewed by the County Treasurer from time to time, in the event that said notes or certificates of indebtedness have not otherwise been paid at maturity, for periods not exceeding one year, provided that such notes or certificates of indebtedness and renewals thereof shall mature not more than three years from the original date of issue. Said notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be dated, shall bear such rate of interest, not exceeding six per centum (6%) per annum, payable at maturity, shall be in such denomination or denominations, shall be payable at such place or places in such specie or other currency, and shall bear such number or numbers, as shall hereafter be fixed or determined by the County Treasurer Said notes or certificates of indebted- ness shall be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Super- visors and the County Treasurer, and the seal of the County shall be affixed thereto and attested by the County Clerk Section 5 Said notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be substantially in the following form: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 93 NO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA $ STATE OF, NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOMPKINS CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this certificate, the sum of Dollars ($ ), on the day of 19 , together with interest thereon at the rate of per centum ( %) per annum, payable Both principal and interest of this certificate will be paid in gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, at the office of This certificate is one of an issue of issued pursuant to the provisions of §14 of the County Law constituting Chapter 11 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, and by virtue of Act No 1932, of the Board of Supervisors for money borrowed in an- ticipation of the creation of a funded debt and the issuance of bonds It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York, to exist, to have happened and to have been per- formed precedent to and in the issuance of this certificate, exist, have happened and have been performed, and that the issue of certificates of which this is one, together with all other indebtedness of said County is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of said State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Tompkins, has caused this certificate to be signed by its Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and its County Treasurer, and the cor- porate seal of said County to be hereunto affixed, and attested by its County Clerk this day of 1932. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors County Treasurer Attest : County Clerk 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Section 6 The full faith and credit of the County of Tomp- kins are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of such notes or certificates of in- debtedness according to the terms thereof Said notes or cer- tificates of indebtedness shall be general' and unlimited obli- gations of the County of Tompkins and may be paid from the proceeds of the sale of bonds in anticipation of the sale of which they are issued, and if not so paid, an amount sufficient to pay the interest as well as the principal thereof as the same shall become due shall be provided for in the annual estimate, in addition to all other sums authorized by law, and raised by general tax on all the taxable property in said County Section 7 Said notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be negotiated by the County Treasurer for the best terms ob- tainable at private sale without public advertisement. Section 8 This Act shall take effect immediately. Seconded by Mr Smith Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6 Resolution carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 95 ro Fred L Clock, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N Y You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N Y , to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the Tompkins County Court House, on Tuesday, November 1, 1932, at 10.30 A. M , tor the purpose of taking any necessary action on the new county buildings , to authorize the committee on the new County Build- ing and the new County Jail to employ an inspector or inspec- tors, if necessary, on said building, with the right to discharge one or all of them, as the committee deems advisable, and to provide for the payment thereto; to provide for the payment of certain claims against the county and to take any necessary action on highway matters, and to provide for a proper de- fense of any actions pending against the county. Dated, Ithaca, N Y , October 24, 1932 SIDNEY L HOWELL LAGRAND CHASE LESLIE R PIERCE FOREST J PAYNE W 0. SMILEY LAMONT C SNOW DELBERT H. DECKER R C SMITH Special Session Tuesday, November 1, 1932 Roll call All members present The Clerk read the call for the special session. Mr Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Rules and Legislation be 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS authorized and directed to take all and any necessary action to safeguard the interests of the county, either by the employment of attorneys, preparation of defense, to defend or to seek any legal remedy and to take any and all steps and to do any and all acts in connection with pending actions entitled John H. Steele, Plaintiff against Tompkins County, et al Defendant, and Etta M. Kealy, Plaintiff against Frank Perkins et al. De- fendants, and be it further Resolved—That the Chairman of this Board be and he here- by is authorized and directed to execute, verify and acknowl- edge, in the name of the County of Tompkins, New York, all applications, pleadings or other legal papers necessary, in the prosecution of the defense of both of said actions, or either of them Seconded by Mr Van Order Carried Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the committee, to which was referred the acquiring of land, the selection of an architect, the securing of plans and performing other duties in reference to the construc- tion or erection of the new county building and the new county fail, heretofore known as the Committee on the New Tompkins County Court House and the New Tompkins County Jail, also as the Committee on New County Buildings, shall hereafter be known and designated as the Committee on County Buildings. Seconded by Mr Decker. Carried Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on County Buildings be authorized and empowered to select and, in the name of Tomp- kins County, contract for the necessary hardware, consisting of locks, hinges, etc , for which special work has to be done at once, for installing the same. Seconded by Mr Chase Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 97 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. Resolution carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the Committee on County Buildings be authorized and empowered to secure bids for the necessary equipment and furnishings to be placed in the new county buildings, and report their findings and recommendations to this Board Seconded by Mr. Smiley Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. Resolution carried Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the Committee on County Buildings be authorized and empowered to employ a chief inspector on the new county buildings at a wage, not to exceed the sum of $100 00 per week, and such additional inspectors as the com- mittee may deem necessary, at a wage not to exceed the sum of $40 00 per week each, with the right to the committee to dis- charge one or any of said inspectors, as to the committee seems ,advisable, and be it further Resolved—That said Committee on County Buildings shall certify in writing to the County Treasurer, and to the Clerk of this Board, the name or names of such inspectors, with the amount of wage to be paid to each, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board shall issue an order on the County Treasurer every two weeks, or on the termina- tion of services of any inspector, upon the verified claim of such inspector or inspectors entitled thereto, duly approved by the supervising architect in writing, countersigned by a ma- 98 jority of the members of the Committee on County Buildings and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of any available funds, and said amounts are hereby ap- propriated and made available therefor PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr Smith. Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messis Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. Resolution carried Mr Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the Claim of Hawkins, Delafield and Long- fellow, Attorneys, including examination of law, record of pro- ceedings and opinions in the matter of the issuance of certi- ficates of indebtedness of the County of Tompkins, amounting to the sum of $175'00 with disbursements amounting to the sum of $29 38, making a total of $204 38, be audited by this Board at the full amount claimed and said sum is hereby ap- propriated for that purpose, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order at this time for said amount, payable to Messrs • Hawkins, Delafield and Longfellow, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any avail- able funds in her hands, or under her control. Seconded by Mr Chase Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6 Resolution carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the claim of Lester C Tichy, as inspector on the new county buildings from August 1, 1932, to October 29. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 99 1932, inclusive, amounting to the sum of $1,300 00, be audited by this Board at the full amount claimed, and said sum is here- by appropriated for that purpose, and the Clerk is hereby di- rected to issue an order at this time for said amount, payable to Mr Tichy and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any available funds in her hands, or under her control Seconded by Mr Chase Ayes—Messrs. Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. Resolution carried Mr Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That the Claim of Howard Cobb, Esq , on account of retainer and professional services from July 21, 1932, in defending the pending Supreme Court action entitled Delos Georgia, et al Plaintiffs, against Lamont C Snow, et. al , De- fendants, amounting to the sum of $5,000 00, with disburse- ments amounting to the sum of $115 70, making a total of $5,115 70, and the Claim of C. Tracey Stagg, Esq, for like ser- vices in said action, amounting to the sum of $5,000 00, with disbursements amounting,to the sum of $64 44, making a total of $5,064 44, be audited by this Board at the full amounts claimed, and said sums are hereby appropriated for those pur- poses, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders at this time for said amounts, payable to Messrs. Cobb and Stagg respectively, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of any available funds in her hands, or under her control. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Moved by Mr. Crittenden, as an amendment, that the claims presented be returned to Messrs. Cobb and Stagg, with the request that they be corrected Amendment seconded by Mr Blackmer. 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS A vote being taken on Mr. Crittenden's amendment resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. Noes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Amendment lost. A vote being taken on Mr. Decker's original resolution re- sulted as follows • Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Conlon and McDaniels-6. Resolution adopted Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, On motion of Mr. Payne, the special session was adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 101 Quarterly Session Monday, November 14, 1932 Roll call All members present Minutes of August 8, September 14, September 15, Septem- ber 21, September 29, October 7, October 10, and November 1, 1932, read and approved Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board on December 30, 1931, under a mis- apprehension, appropriated the sum of $30,000 00 to the Ithaca Memorial Hospital for the year 1932, under certain conditions, and the County Treasurer paid $7,500.00 thereof, as directed, to the Treasurer of said Hospital Association, after his giving the bond therefor, as required by law, and WHEREAS—This Board subsequently, and on May 9, 1932, rescinded said resolution, on the grounds that it believed such appropriation and the expenditure thereof was illegal, and re- quested the return of the $7,500 00 already paid, to the County Treasurer, and WHEREAS—Said Hospital Association has repaid to the County Treasurer said sum of $7,500 00 in full, therefore be it Resolved—That the County Treasurer be and she is hereby directed to sign a certificate to the bonding company furnish- ing the bond to the Treasurer of said Hospital Association for the faithful performance of his duties relative to the expendi- ture of said $30,000 00, certifying that all moneys due the county from said Hospital Association, by reason of the pay- ment of the $7,500 00 thereto, had been refunded to the county and, so far as the county is concerned, the conditions in the bond given by the Treasurer of said Hospital Association have been fully satisfied and the said bond should be cancelled. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried. Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS—The Highway Committee of this Board has here- tofore effected a settlement with Erma Daley for right of way on the Ithaca-Esty Glen Highway and this Board on November 9, 1931, made an appropriation of $1500 00 to Erma Daley in payment thereof, upon the delivery of proper deeds of convey- ance of the lands taken, to Tompkins County, and WHEREAS—It appears that one Etta M. Kiely, has a mort- gage on the lands in question to be conveyed to Tompkins County, and an action is now pending in County Court to fore- close the same, in which Tompkins County, with other num- erous lienors and judgment creditors are made parties defend- ant, and WHEREAS—It now appears that said Erma Daley will be unable to fulfill her agreement to convey the lands set forth in the right of way map to Tompkins County, therefore be it Resolved—That the appropriation of this Board of Novem- ber 9, 1931 to Erma Daley be and the same is hereby rescinded, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order for $1,500 00 payable to the owner or purchaser of said lands at said foreclosure proceedings, upon the delivery to him of a good and sufficient deed of conveyance to Tompkins County of the lands taken for such right of way and for all damages sustained by reason of the taking thereof, and said amount of $1,500.00 is hereby appropriated for such purpose, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of the funds in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, to the County Welfare Fund, for maintenance of the welfare depart- ment from October 31, 1932, to January 1, 1933, the sum of $25,534 00 apportioned as follows : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 103 Old Age Security County Home Office Salaries & Expenses Foster Homes, Care of Children Institutional care of children Hospitalization & Medicine Outside Relief $ 8,500 00 2,215 00 731 00 3,802 00 498 00 5,188 00 4,600 00 $25,534 00 and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount in the same manner as the moneys have been heretofore paid in the welfare fund, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tomp- kins County for the payment of the sum so borrowed, in anti- cipation of taxes to be levied, and be it further Resolved—That the amount of $25,534 00, so appropriated, be deducted from the 1933 Budget for the department of wel- fare. Seconded by Mr. Crittenden. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. `j, Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Highway, re- ported that his committee had effected settlement with H. Bell and Lennie Conger, for rights of way and all property damages, on the Ithaca -Dryden, C H. #681, for the sum of $75 00 each. Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved,—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $150.00, in payment of rights of way and all property dam- ages, to H Bell and Lennie Conger, for the reconstruction of the Ithaca -Dryden C. H. No. 681, and the Clerk is hereby direct- ed to issue an order for 575 00 each, payable to Messrs. Bell and Conger, upon the delivery to him of proper deeds of con- veyance of the lands taken, and a release of all property dam- ages, caused thereby and the County Treasures is hereby di- rected to pay said orders out of the moneys in her hands ap- proporiated for securing rights of way. 104 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Chase Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried. The several committees reported the following claims for audit to which they had been referred, with the names of the claimant and amounts allowed as follows . Q-260 Carl Crandall, Engineer's Services, New Co Bldg $ 384 00 261 J. Lakin Baldridge, Services, New Co Bldg 2,423.20 262 J. E. Van Natta, Supplies, Sup. Court 45.70 263 Underwood Typewriter Co , Adjusting Ma- chine, Sup. Court 2 80 264 Matthews Bender & Co., McKinney Supp., Sup. Court 20.00 265 T. G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Court House 15 50 266 Clarkson Chemical Co., Supplies, Court House 20 00 267 Appleby Bros & Whittaker Co , Supplies Court House 77 00 268 C J Rumsey & Co , Supplies, Court House 9 75 269 McCann Electric Co , Supplies, Court House 66 02 270 Wm A Church Co , Enforcement Bks , Dog Quarantine,11 00 271 T. G Miller'Sons, Supplies, Supervisors 1 38 272 A B Brooks & Son, Supplies, Supervisors 103 273 Cayuga Press, Legal Notices, Supervisors 3 00 274 Groton Journal -Courier, Pub Notices, Super- visors 10 54 275 Groton Journal -Courier, Pub Notices, Super- visors 50 49 276 T G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Supervisors 21 55 272 Lagrand E Chase, Expenses, Supervisors 226 79 278 Arthur L Daniels, Repairing chairs, Super- visors 6 93 279 Ezra Bagley, Labor, Rights of Way 3 20 280 S L Sheldon, Photos, (Steele) Co Supt. of Highways 15 00 281 Stover Printing Co , Supplies, Supt of High- ways - 6 65 282 C J Rumsey & Co , Supplies, Jail 2017 283 T G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Jail 15 00 284 Donohue -Halverson Inc , Plumbing, Jail 4 05 285 McCann Electric Co , Supplies, Jail 29 37 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 105 286 Student Transfer Co , Freight & Cartage Jail 7.60 287 T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Dist. Atty. 4 45 288 Stover Printing Co , Supplies, Dist Atty. 13 50 289 W R Tompkins, Photos, Dist Atty 51.50 290 T 'G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co Treas 2 50 291 Wm A Church Co , Receipt Book, Co Treas. 12 00 292 Wm. A. Church Co , Receipt Book, Co. Treas 15 25 293 The Quality Press, Envelopes, Co Treas. 5 00 294 Underwood Tyepwriter Co , Repairs, Co. Treas 1 50 295 J E Van Natta, Opening Safe, Co Treas 125 296 T G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co Judge 10 55 297 Atkinson Press, Deposition Blanks, Co. Treas. 16.50 298 T G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co. Treas. 6 65 299 Corner Bookstore Inc., Envelopes, Co Judge 8 00 300 Matthew Bender & Co , Index & Supp , Co Judge 37 50 301 Wm A Church Co , Supplies, Co Judge 79 50 302 West Publishing Co, N Y Supp , Co Judge 30 00 303 Atkinson Press, Gas Lease Blanks, Co Clerk 30 00 304 Callighan & Co , Criminal Code, Co. Clerk 3 00 305 Norton Printing Co , Court Calendars, Co Clerk 88 00 306 Cornell Co-op Society, Line -a -Times, Co Clerk 20 00 307 Marchant Calculating Machine Co , Insto- graph, Co Clerk 125 00 308 T G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co Clerk 8 44 309 Hall & McChesney, Inc , Record Books, Co Clerk 76 00 310 Wm A Church Co , Repairing Books, Co. Clerk 107.94 311 McCann Electric Co , Supplies, Co Clerk's Bldg 15 12 312 T G Miller's Sons, Stamp & Die, Comm Elec. 43 86 313 Dr W G Fish, Exam. in Lunacy, Insane 20.00 314 Dr. H H. Crum, Exam in Lunacy, Insane 10.00 315 Dr H G Bull, Exam in Lunacy, Insane 10 00 316 Dr J N Frost, Exam in Lunacy, Insane 10 00 317 Dr M J Foran, Exam in Lunacy, Insane 30 00 318 Dr Eugene Baker, Exam in Lunacy, Insane 30 00 319 Paul Ewers, Fee in Dog Cases, Constable 1 00 320 Charlotte V Bush, Postage & Expenses, Co. Treas 50 38 321 Groton Journal -Courier, Pub Redemp. No- tices, Co Treas 141 44 322 T G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co ' Treas 6.75 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 323 Free Press & Sentinel, Notice of Scholarships Educa. 9 35 324 Geo B Sickmon, Fees in Felony, Justice 4 50 325 H L O'Daniel, Postage & Expenses, Co Clerk 97 99 326 T G Miller's Sons, Supplies, Dist Atty. 6.75 327 Fred L Clock, Expenses & Disb Supervisors 182 25 328 Harsey Selover, Labor, Co Home 52 80 329 Reconstruction Home, Care Esther Varga, 8/1/32 to 9!/6/32 P. H C 108 00 330 Reconstruction Home, Care Cleta Harford 8/1/32 to 10/31/32 P H C 276 00 331 G A C Berry, Braces, Helen Fuller, 25 00 332 Tompkins Co Memo Hospital, Care & Treat- ment, Kenneth Hydge, P H C. 124.50 333 Lillian Wolfe, Transportation, James Tudi, P. H C. 90 00 $5,597 44 Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the forgoing claims, amounting to the sum of $5,597 44, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the several committees to which they were refer- red, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the payment of the same, and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claims Nos. Q-260 and Q-261 out of the moneys appropriated for the construction of the new county buildings ; that she pay Claim No Q-279 out of moneys appropriated for securing rights of way, that she charge Claims Nos Q-313 and 317, being for examinations in lunacy to the City of Ithaca , that she charge Claim No Q-314, being for examination in lunacy, to the Town of Ulysses , that she charge Claims Nos Q-315 and Q-316, be- ing also for examination in lunacy, to the Town of Ithaca, that of Claim No Q-318, being also for examinations in lun- acy, she charge $10 00 thereof to the Town of Dryden, $10 00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 107 thereof to the Town of Ithaca and $10 00 thereof to the City of Ithaca, said claims so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city and that the amounts so charged, be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city, to reimburse the county for moneys expended, for and in their behalf, and that she pay Claim No. Q-319 out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Conlon and McDaniels-6. Resolution carried. Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, The minutes of the day's proceedings proved. On motion, adjourned. were read and ap- 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual Session First Day Thursday, November 17, 1932 The several supervisors of the respective towns of the county and the wards of the City of Ithaca, met in annual session in the Supervisors' Rooms, at the courthouse, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Thursday, November 17, 1932 Upon the call of the roll by towns, the following supervisors answered to their names, with post -office addresses as follows : Caroline—Lamont C Snow, Brooktondale, R. D 1. Danby—Wm 0 Smiley, Ithaca, R D 4 Dryden—Delbert H Decker, Freeville R D 2 Enfield—Alan T Rumsey, Ithaca, R D. 5 Groton—Richard C Smith, Groton; R D 3 Ithaca—Lagrand E Chase, Ithaca, R D 4 Lansing—Andrew J Conlon, South Lansing. Newfield—Forest J Payne, Newfield, R D 4 Ulysses—O. Howard McDaniels, Trumansburg. Ithaca City— First Waid—Fred D Van Order, 511 W Seneca St. Second Ward—Wm C Blackmer, 317 W State St. Third Ward—Edw J Crittenden, 121 Farm St Fourth Ward—Sidney L Howell, First National Bank Bldg Fifth Ward—Leshe R Pierce, 107 W. Yates St The Chairman announced that the regular order of business was the election of a clerk for the ensuing year Mr Decker placed in nomination the name of Fred L Clock, as Clerk of the Board for the ensuing year. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 109 Mr Clock's nomination was seconded by Mr. Pierce There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr Pierce; the Chairman was directed to cast one ballot for Fred L Clock, as Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for the ensuing year The Chairman cast one ballot for Fred L Clock, and de- clared Mr Clock duly elected Clerk of the Board for the en- suing year Mr B I Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, ap- peared before the Board and requested that the members set aside Monday, November 21, and Tuesday, November 22, to inspect the highways built under the county system Moved by Mr. Crittenden, that the members of this Board, as a committee of the Whole, join with the County Superintendent of Highways in an inspection of the county roads on Novem- ber 21, and 22, and that the County Superintendent of High- ways be requested to perfect plans for the conveyance of the members. Seconded by Mr. Payne Carried Mr Vann also addressed the Board, relative to the purchase of snow fencing, posts and snow equipment machinery Moved by Mr. Smith, that the matter be referred to the Committee on Snow Equipment, with the power to purchase such fencing, posts and equipment, in the name of Tompkins County, as to the committee seems necessary Seconded by Mr Snow Carried. Moved by Mr Crittenden, that the Clerk be authorized to purchase all necessary supplies for the Board Seconded by Mr Blackmer Carried Moved by Mr Smiley, that when this Board adjourns on Saturday, November 19, such adjournment be to December 5, 1932, at 10.30 A M Seconded by Mr Conlon Carried. Mr Rumsey read a communication from the State Con- 110 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS servation Department, relative to the 'curtailment of the re- forestation program in this State, which was filed. On motion, adjourned to Friday, November 18, 1932, at 10 :30 A M. • Second Day Friday, November 18, 1932 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of November 17 meeting, read and approved The Chairman announced the several committee designa- tions would remain as now constituted, until the selection of a new Chairman in the month of January, 1933, as follows : RULES AND LEGISLATION The Chairman, Decker, Chase EQUALIZATION, ETC. Rumsey, Chase, Smiley, Crittenden, McDaniels, Payne, Snow TOWN AND COUNTY ACCOUNTS Blackmer, Rumsey, McDaniels TOWN EXPENSES, ETC. Crittenden, Smith, Smiley RETURNED TAXES McDaniels, Payne, Van Order COUNTY OFFICERS AND COMPENSATION Chase, Smiley, Decker COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS Decker, Blackmer, Smith CORONER AND JUSTICES' ACCOUNTS Conlon, McDaniels, Blackmer CORRECTION AND REFORMATION Pierce, Conlon, Payne OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 111 COUNTY CLERK ANI) ELECTION EXPENSES Snow, Smiley, Conlon CHARITIES Snow, Crittenden, Payne SOLDIERS' RELIEF, ETC. Decker, Van Order, Snow HIGHWAYS Smith, Chase, VanOrder, Rumsey, Howell FINANCE Howell, Pierce, Chase CONTRACT SUPPLIES Chase, Van Order, Decker JAIL SUPPLIES McDaniels, Pierce, Conlon AUDITING ACCOUNTS OF THE TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL Van Order, McDaniels, Blackmer TO SELL LANDS ACQUIRED BY THE COUNTY AT TAX SALE Pierce HIGHWAY ADVISORY Chase, Decker, Howell BRIDGE ADVISORY Decker, Crittenden COMPENSATION INSURANCE Snow, Smiley, Blackmer COUNTY LABORATORY Pierce, Van Order, , Snow ENFORCEMENT OF THE QUARANTINE ON DOGS McDaniels, Rumsey, Pierce NEW COUNTY BUILDINGS Pierce, Conlon, Chase, Howell, Smith ' SNOW EQUIPMENT Payne, Smiley, Van Order, Smith, Rumsey REFORESTATION Rumsey, Smith, Payne Moved by Mr Smith, that the continuation of the present committees until January, 1933, as announced by the Chair- man be approved by this Board Seconded by Mr Decker. Carried 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr Decker Carried The Clerk read the following communication from the State Department of Taxation and Finance, relative to the amount to be raised by the county by taxation for the fiscal year, be- ginning July 1, 1932, for Armory and Stenographers' Tax . Dear Sir • The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby notified, as required by statute, to raise by taxation for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1932, the sum of $14,955.40, for the following purposes • Armory Purposes, On a total equalized valuation of $58,082,526 $7,791 77 Court and Stenographers' expenses On an assessed valuation of $62,857,845 7,163 63 Total $14,955 40 Respectfully yours, FRANK S McCAFFREY, Deputy Commissioner, Division of Finance Referred to the Committee on Finance ° The Clerk read the following communication from the State Department of Audit and Control, relative to Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds issued for the construction of state and county highways . Dear Sir • The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County is hereby not- ified, pursuant to Chapter 469, Laws of 1906, as amended by Chapter 718, Laws of 1907, as amended by Chapter 179, Laws of 1910, to levy a tax of $7,629 21 against said county and the following towns therein, for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of roads, viz OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 113 County Town Roads Towns Year Sinking Int Sinking Fund Fund Int Total 606 Ithaca 1932 163 20 326 40 57 60 115 20 662 40 616 Ulysses 1932 706 20 1412 40 216 85 433 69 Ithaca 1932 75 77 151 54 2996 45 681 Dryden 1932 396 96 793 92 81 03 162 08 Ithaca 1932 42 85 85 72 1562 56 682 Dryden 1932 305 03 610 05 89 71 179 42 1184 21 683 Dryden 1932 315 16 630 34 92 69 185 40 1223 59 $7,629 21 Very truly yours, MORRIS S TREMAINE, Comptroller. By F J BURNS Deputy Comptroller Referred to Committee on Town and County Accounts The Clerk read a communication from the Department of Taxation and Finance, relative to the rates of assessments of property in the several tax districts of the county as fixed by the State Tax Department for the year 1932, as follows • Caroline 96% Danby 98% Dryden 98% Enfield 96% Groton 97% Ithaca Town 99% Lansing 98% Newfield 98% Ulysses 90% Ithaca City 88% Referred to the Committee on Equalization, Etc On motion, adjourned to November 19, 1932, at 10.30 A M. OF 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Third Day Saturday, November 19, 1932 Roll call All members present Minutes of November 18 meeting read and approved. The report of the County Treasurer was received and re- ferred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts The financial report of the Board of Managers of the Tomp- kins County Tuberculosis Hospital was received and referred to the Committee on Charities Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- ported that that committee had effected a settlement with Mrs. Charles Schiefer (Lenora Hendrix) for right of way and pro- perty damages, on the Ithaca -West Danby S. H No. 5567 for the sum of $50 00 Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $50 00, for a right of way obtained of Mrs. Charles Schiefer (Lenora Hendrix), and all property damages, on the Ithaca- West'Danby S H No 5567, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order for the above amount, payable to Mrs Schiefer, upon the delivery to him of a proper deed of conveyance of lands taken and a release for all property damages caused thereby and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of the funds in her hands appropriated for se- curing rights of way. Seconded by Mr Crittenden. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 115 of $25 00, for postage for Hon. Riley H Heath, a Supreme Court Justice, for the balance of the year 1932, and the Clerk Is hereby directed to issue an order for said amount, payable to Justice Heath, and the County Treasurer is directed to pay said order out of any funds in her hands available there- for. Seconded by Mr. Payne Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following presentment of the November Grand Jury of the Supreme Court, as filed with him by Dis- trict Attorney Arthur G. Adams We, the Grand Jury of the County of Tompkins in conjunc- tion with a session of the Supreme Court, held on November 14th, 15th and 16th, do report that we have carefully examined the County Jail and Court House and we find both buildings in reasonably good condition considering the age of the buildings and the purposes for which they are used We commend the Sheriff and his Deputies for the good con- dition in which we find these buildings and for the courtesies extended to this Grand Jury during its session We were particularly impressed with the careful and schol- arly remarks of the presiding Justice in his charge to the Grand Jury at the opening of Court. We also commend the Police Officers for the careful way in which they have performed their duties as officers, and also the District Attorney and the Grand Jury Stenographer for the painstaking way in which the evidence has been presented and transcribed, also to our Foreman, Assistant Foreman and Clerk for the careful way in which they have performed their duties We have carefully considered the matter of the proposed financing of the new Court House and County Jail and while there may be differ ences of opinion among our members as to the advisability of constructing at this time a Court House and Jail but inasmuch as we are advised that these buildings are now actually under construction and that without any doubt they will need to be paid for in due time by the tax payers of the County of Tompkins, we hereby wish to express our opinion 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS that in our judgment, if the payment of these buildings is to be a claim against the County of Tompkins, then we unanimously have voted and feel that the financing of these two buildings should be by a bond issue and not by a direct three years tax, because we feel that such a three year tax would be too bur- densome upon the tax payers of the County of Tompkins, of which we are a part. HARRY B COOK JOHN L BETTS HART FITTS On motion, the presentment was filed The annual report of the Commissioners of Election, with the apportionment of election expenses between the County and the several political sub -divisions thereof, was received and re- ferred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Ex- penses The report of the County Librarian was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc The report of the Board of Child Welfare was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc The report of the County Sealer of Weights and Measures was received and referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation The report of the County Clerk, relative to the receipts and disbursements of his office, was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses The joint report of the County Clerk and the County Trea- surer on the Mortgage Tax moneys received and the allocation thereof, as made by them, was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts A list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Dryden, was presented by Mr Decker and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc A list of the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca, was pre- sented by Mr Chase and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 117 The report of R R Chatterton, of the Town of Groton, and of James A Bush, C H Newman, Clarence A Baker and Wil- liam I Smith, of the Town of Ithaca, Justices of the Peace of those respective towns were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 5, 1932, at 10 :30 A. M Fourth Day Monday, December 5, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present Minutes of November, 19, 1932, read and approved The Clerk read the report of the State Commission of Cor- rection, relative to the County Jail, which was filed The Clerk read the requisition from the State Commission for the Blind for the year 1933, which was referred to the Committee on Charities Mr Conlon presented the list of the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc Mr Snow presented the report of Charles Thomas, Augustus Middaugh, P. Alfred Munch and George L Richards, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Caroline, which were referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts The annual report of the Sheriff, was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation The reports of the Surrogate's Clerk, relative to the re- ceipts and disbursements of that office, also of the moneys 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS received for pistol permits, were received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses The general report of the Commissioner of Welfare, relative to the conduct of his department, was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. The report of the Commissioner of Welfare, relative to the report on Old Age Security, was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. The report of the Tompkins County Public Health Com- mittee was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The reports of R. A Hutchinson, as County Probation Offi- cer and Clerk of Children's Court, with the apportionment for expenses of Children's Court, were received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation The report of Arthur G Adams, District Attorney, was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Correction and Re- formation. The reports of Arthur G Bennett, George 0 Sears, Fred Dorn and Eugene Dorn, of the Town of Danby, and George B. Sickmon, of the Town of Groton, Justices of the Peace of those respective towns, were received and referred to the Com- mittee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr. Chase Messrs Sherman Peer, Alan H Treman and R R. Chatter- ton, appeared before the Board, relative to the demand of the Banks of Tompkins County for a refund of bank stock taxes, erroneously assessed and collected by Tompkins County, for the years 1923, 1924, 1925 and 1926 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 119 Moved by Mr. Decker, that the matter be referred to the Committee on Finance, with power to confer with all parties in- terested and to report to this Board. Seconded by Mr Rumsey Carried. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 6, 1932, at 10.30 A M Fifth Day Tuesday, December 6, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present, except Messrs Chase and Van Order. Minutes of December 5, meeting, read and approved The reports of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau, the Tomp- kins County Home Bureau and the Board of Junior Extension, were received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, Etc Reports of Vernon 11 Earl, Thomas R Brown and S Har- vey Stephenson, of the Town of Enfield, J D Ross, Orrie Cor- nelius, Fred Parker, Paul Ewers, and James 0 Robertson, of the Town of Dryden, Edward Ozmun, Jerry Smith, Clay Tar - bell and Carl Kintz, of the Town of Lansing and C P Stough- ton, C L Brainard and Douglass S Carpenter, of the Town ot Newfield, Justices of the Peace of those respective towns, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Jus- tices' Accounts Mr Payne presented the list of Special Franchises of the Town of Newfield which was ref ex red to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc The attention of the Board was called to the erection ot 120 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS sign boards on S H No 5225, westerly from the Varna over- head crossing on the south side of the road on property owned by the county and obstructing the view of motorists travel- ling said highway Moved by Mr Smith, that the attention of the County Super- intendent of Highways be called to the matter and that he be instructed to cause to be removed said bill boards from the lands owned by the county Seconded by Mr Conlon Carried Lists of Grand Jurors, for the towns of Caroline, Danby, Lansing and Newfield, were received and referred to the Com- mittee on Returned Taxes. Mr Rumsey presented the list of the Town Audits of the Town of Enfield, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc Mr Snow presented the list of Corporations of the Town of Caroline, which was filed Mr Rumsey presented the Town Budget of the Town of Enfield, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc Mr Snow presented the list of the Town Audits of the Town of Caroline, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc Mr Smiley presented the list of Corporations of the Town of Danby, which was filed Mr Snow presented the list of Special Franchises of the Town of Caroline, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc Mr Conlon presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of School Districts Nos 9 and 13 of the Town of Lansing, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr Conlon presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Lansing, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 121 AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr Chase. Messrs Charles E Cornell, He/ man Bergholtz, F C Cornell and Louis P Smith, of the Cornell Library Association, appear- , ed before the Board and requested an appropriation of $3,000 00, by the Board of Supervisors, to the Cornell Library Association to help defray the expenses of the Association, for the year 1933 Mr Conlon presented a list of Corporations of the Town of Lansing, which was filed. Mr Conlon presented a report of the Special Franchises of the Town of Lansing, which was referred to the Commit- tee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr Payrie presented a list of Corporations of the Town of Newfield, which was filed Mr Pierce, of the Committee on Finance, to which was re- ferred the application of the several national and state banks of the county for refund of taxes erroneously paid, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . WHEREAS—during the years 1923, 1924, 1925 and 1926 the County of Tompkins collected certain taxes from banks in Tompkins County, which taxes' were imposed under the pro- visions of Article 2 of the Tax Law, as then in force upon the shares of stock of such banks and which taxes were distributed to various taxing districts in the county except for 1% thereof retained by the County Treasurer pursuant to law, and WHEREAS—the matter of the unconstitutionality and inval- idity of the' assessment and collection of such taxes has been determined by the United States Supreme Court, December 7, i .1931 in the Public National Bank of New York v. Keating, 284 U S 587, and WHEREAS—the legislature of the State of New York, by Chapter 219 of the Laws of 1932 becoming effective March 16, 1932, has authorized certain methods of raising funds to refund such taxes or parts thereof, and 122 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS—actions have been instituted on behalf of the First National Bank of Ithaca, the Tompkins County National Bank, the First National Bank of Dryden, the First National Bank of Groton, and the First National Bank of Trumansburg against the County of Tompkins and certain taxing districts in the County for the refund of the entire amount of the taxes so paid, together with interest thereon and costs, and WHEREAS—Rexford Chatterton, representing the First Na- tional Bank of Groton, and Sherman Peer and Allan H Tre- man, representing the First National Bank of Ithaca, the Tomp- kins County National Bank, the First National Bank of Dry- den, and the First National Bank of Trumansburg, have ap- peared before the Board of Supervisors and the Finance Com- mittee thereof and have discussed methods of compromise and settlements of such claims and actions, and WHEREAS—it seems desirable that a compromise or settle- ment be made in view of the uncertainty and the expense in the event that such actions are carried through the courts and for other reasons, and WHEREAS—It appears that the above mentioned banks are willing to compromise and settle the aforesaid actions and claims on the basis of a refund of 50% of the taxes paid, with interest thereon at the compromise rate of 3% per annum from the respective dates of payments of such taxes by the respective banks, and WHEREAS—It seems desirable that the different taxing dis- tricts of the county which received any part of the taxes so imposed should have a uniform plan before them upon which to carry into effect the proposed compromise settlement Now THEREFORE—be it Resolved That the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins recommend to the representatives of the taxing districts of the county which received any part of the aforesaid taxes for the years 1923, 1924, 1925 and 1926 that, for the purpose of settling the claims on an equitable and uniform basis, such settlement be made with the respective banks concerned on the basis of 50% of the entire tax paid for such years together with interest upon such 50% of the tax paid during each such year at the rate of 3% per annum from ,the respective dates of payment by the banks to the county, and OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 123 Be it Further Resolved That the Board of Supervisors approve any such settlement made directly between such taxing districts and the respective banks in so far as the Board of Supervisors and/or the County of Tompkins has any interest therein , and Be it Further Resolved That the Board of Supervisors recommend that all such tax- ing districts consider and act favorably upon the foregoing suggested plan of compromise and take such steps as may be necessary for immediate compliance therewith and with the further recommendation that it be accomplished on or before December 28, 1932 ; and Be it Further Resolved That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Super- visors of the Towns of Dryden, Groton and Ulysses, as repre- senting the town boards, to the mayors of the Villages of Dry- den, Groton and Trumansburg , to the president of the Board of Education of the Union Free School District No 8, Town of Groton, to the president of the Board of Education of Tru- mansburg Central School , to the trustees of School District No 8, Dryden, to the president of the Board of Education of the City of Ithaca, and to the mayor of the City of Ithaca. Seconded by Mr Rumsey. Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried On motion, adjourned 124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Sixth Day Wednesday, December 7, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present Minutes of December 6 meeting, read and approved On motion, the election of county officers and employees, to be elected by the Board for the year 1933, was made a special order of business, for Tuesday, December 13, 1932, at 2 P. M. Mr Chase, Chairman of the Committee on Contract Sup- plies, presented the following report of that committee, rela- tive to the expenditures of that committee during the year ending October 31, 1932. Your Committee on Contract Supplies _submits the following report for the year ending October 31st, 1932 RECEIPTS : Balance November 1, 1931 $1,08165 Appropriations for 1932 6,500.00 Refunds on telephones—Highway .30 Court House 1.65 Sheriff 23 63 Tuberculosis Hospital 31.10 Motor Vehicle 2.00 Welfare 2 80 DISBURSEMENTS . Paid claims listed below $7,643 13 $7,313 25 Balance 329 28 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 125 Heat Light Telephone Court House $539 27 $540 39 $126 00 Jail 46195 36152 County Clerk Building 360 50 174 58 97.85 Supervisors 135 56 Highway 212 66 297.05 Supreme Court Judge 13 16 155 45 Motor Vehicle 49 28 79 85 County Treasurer 106 45 Sheriff 84 70 289 51 Judge 187 80 Almshouse 2479 09 71 75 Commissioner of Election 12 50 104 56 Tuberculosis Hospital 108 99 Welfare 148 74 Children's Court 114 09 $ 3840 81 $ 1448 79 $ 2023 65 LAGRAND CHASE FRED VAN ORDER DELBERT H DECKER Committee Moved by Mr Chase, that the report be accepted Seconded by Mr Blackmer Carried Mr Chase presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on Contract Supplies for the year ending October 31, 1932, which were filed Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resloved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on Contract Supplies for the year ending October 31, 1932, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr Smith Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried Mr Rumsey presented the following regular and supple- mental reports of the Committee on Equalization, Etc , on the Footing of Assessment Rolls, which was laid on the table one day under the rule 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESS- MENT ROLLS To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your committee reports that it has verified and corrected the footings of the Assessment Rolls referred to it, as made by the Assessors of each tax district, and that the following is a cor- rect statement of such footings : o E. v 4 V Total Real Only Total Franchises Grand Total of Roll Totally Exempt Real Caroline 34,747 $ 1,227,038 $ 28,152 $ 1,255,190 $ 40,500 Danby _ 1 33,2861 1,239,446 21,756 1,261,202 67,090 Dryden 58,286 4,453,514 142,418 4,595,932 530,500 Enfield 22,207 821,528 29,04-0 850,568 160,850 Groton 30,275 4,064,125 63,753 4,127,878 4-11,525 Ithaca, City 2,940 63,834,610 761,376 64,595,986 26,042,260 Ithaca, Town _ 16,293 9,935,043 173,052 10,108,095 3,261,600 Lansing37,789 3,726,525 70,364 3,696,889 367,700 Newfield _ __ 36,997 1,353,076 31,360 1,384,436 129,080 Ulysses _ 19,818 3,325,070 78,840 3,403,910 657,350 Totals 293,088 $93,979,975 $1,400,111 $95,280,086 $31,668,455 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 127 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESS- MENT ROLLS (Continued) Towns Pension Exempt Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield _ Groton Ithaca, City _ Ithaca, Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 1,350 12,350 9,300 3,525 2,125 86,200 $ 1,213,820 $ 1,215,170 $ I$ 1,181,762 1,194,112 4,056,132 4,065,432 1,048,368 686,193 689,718 3,714,228 3,716,353 2,083,352 38,467,526 7261 3,675 6,842,820 6,846,495 2,680,957 13,400 3,410,208 3,429,189 4,400 1,250,956 1,255,3561 3,6001 2,742,9601 2,746,5601 1,019,9701 1,020,7701 1,725,790 1,050,568 2,083,852 2,680,957 $ 3,014,864 1,632,501 4,165,538 Totals $139,9251$63,566,6051$63,712,111 $6,832,667 $6,836,1471$10,538,693 Dated, December 7, 1932 ALAN T RUMSEY, Chairman O. HOWARD McDANIELS, LAGRAND CHASE, W 0 SMILEY, FOREST J PAYNE, LAMONT C SNOW, EDWARD J. CRITTENDEN, Committee. 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N Y : Your Committee renders the following supplemental report relative to the assessed value of property within and without Incorporated villages of the several towns of the county Towns and Villages Total Real Only Except Pensions Total Franchises Real Property and Franchises Subject to GENERAL TAX Pension Exempt Real Property and Franchises Subject to HIGHWAY TAX DRYDEN— Dryden Village Freeville Total Inside Corporations Outside Corporations Totals GROTON— Groton Village Outside Corporation 1 $ 658,500$ 18,424$ 676,924 $1,200 $ 678,124 1 353,2901 18,1541 371,444 1,000 372,444 1,011,7901 36,5781 1,048,368 2,200 1,050,568 2,901,9241 105,8401 3,007,764 7,100 3,014,864 1$3,913,7141$ 142,4181$4,056,132 $9,300 $4,065,432 1 2,054,1551 29,1971 2,083,3521 500 2,083,852 1 1,596,3201 34,5561 1,630,8761 1,6251 1,632,501 1 Totals ITHACA— Cayuga Heights OutsideCorporation $3,650,4751$ 2,632,150 4,037,618 63,7531$3,714,2281$2,125 $3,716,353 1 48,807 2,680,9571 2,680,957 124,245 4,161,8631 3,675 4,165,538 Totals ULYSSES— Trumansburg Outside Corporation Totals $6,669,7681$ 1 994,5001 1,669,6201 $2,664,1201$ 173,052 $6,842,8201$3,675 $6,846,495 .I 25,470 1,019,9701 800 1,020,770 53,370 1,722,9901 2,800 1,725,790 i 78,840 $2,742,9601$3,600 $2,746,560 Dated, December 7, 1932 ALAN T RUMSEY, Chairman W 0 SMILEY, 0 HOWARD McDANIELS, FOREST J PAYNE, EDWARD J CRITTENDEN, LAMONT C SNOW, LAGRAND CHASE, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 129 Moved by Mr Rumsey, that the reports be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr Smith. By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the table. Mr Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved,—That the reports of the 'Committee on Equaliza- tion, Etc , on the Footing of Assessment Rolls, be accepted and adopted and that the figures therein submitted be used as a basis for taxation in the several tax districts of the county for the year 1932 Seconded by Mr. Crittenden Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Messrs Chase, Blackmer and Conlon Mr Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, rendered a report of that committee and asked for an appropriation of $2,000.00, being $1,000 00 less than the amount appropriated for the year 1932, for the use of the committee for carrying out its work for the year 1933, which was referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Dr McKinney, County Veterinarian, addressed the Board, relative to his work, as such official, for the current year The members of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, with the Superintendent of that institution, appeared before the Board in explanation of their 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS report for the year 1932, and asked for an appropriation of $24,000 00 for carrying on their work fox 'the year 1933, which was referred to the Committee on Charities Mr. Rumsey presented a list of corporations of tfle Town of Enfield, which was filed Mr Chase presented a list of Special Franchises of the Town of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. The lists of Grand Jurors for the Town of Ithaca, and for the Fourth and Fifth Wards of the City of Ithaca, were re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes Mr Chase presented the Town Budget of the Town of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc • On motion, adjourned Roll call Seventh Day Thursday, December 8, 1932 ,MORNING SESSION All members present Minutes of December 7 meeting, read and approved Mr Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—In the construction, reconstruction or improve- ment• of State or State and County Highways, the Highway Law requires the Board of Supervisors of a county to acquire, in the name of the county, the lands necessary for such con- struction, reconstruction or improvement, thus placing the title of such lands in the county alone, and , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 131 WHEREAS—The State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, has the right to abandon portions of such high- ways, for maintenance upon the reconstruction or improve- ment of said highways on new location, and has assumed to impose all future maintenance of such abandoned portions upon the towns in which said highways are located and 0 WHEREAS—There is no authority in law, to the State to im- pose such future maintenance on the towns and it is the sense of this Board that such abandoned portions should be main- tained, if necessary, by the county, therefore be it Resolved—That those portions ofF highways abandoned by the State for future maintenance, that may be necessary to be maintained after notice of such abandonment, shall be main- tained in the future by the county, and be it further Resolved—That nothing herein contained shall prevent the county to enter into a contract or agreement with the town or towns as to such future maintenance Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr Snow presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis during the year ending October 31, 1932, which were filed. Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis for the year ending Oc- tober 31, 1932, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts reported and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey Ayes -14 Noes—O. Carried. 132 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : e WHEREAS—It is the general feeling of the members of this Board that every possible and reasonable effort be made to re- lieve the over -burdened tax -payers of this county, by reducing the cost of administration of county government wherever pos- sible, therefore be it Resolved—That the Chairman of this Board be authorized to appoint a committee to make a survey of all the departments of county government, as well as all organizations receiving ap- propriations from this Board, in view of reducing to a mini- mum the County Budget for 1932 Seconded by Mr. Pierce Carried. Mr. Chase's resolution was referred, by the Chairman, to the Committee on Finance • Mrs. Eugene Baker and Mr. Leon D Rothschild members of the Board of Child Welfare, appeared before the Board and rendered their annual report asking for an appropriation of $6,000.00 to carry on the work of the Board of Child Welfare, for the year 1933, which was referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Miss Eugenia Van Cleef, Mrs C. D. Bostwick, the Misses Marion May, Elizabeth G Hugg and Katherine M McKevitt and Dr Dean F Smiley of the Public Health Committee, ap- _ peared before the Board and rendered the annual report of that organization, which was referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc Miss Stella E Myers, Children's Agent, Miss Marian E. Priest, Old Age Security Worker and Mrs Helen Dakin, Set- tlement Worker, of the Department of Welfare appeared before the Board and rendered their reports of their different depart- ments, which were referred to the Committee on Charities County Commissioner of Welfare, William D Baldwin, also addressed the Board, relative to the work of his department and its needs for the forthcoming year OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 133 The Democratic members of the Board designated the Groton Journal -Courier and the Republican members designated the Ithaca Journal -News as the official organs of those respective parties to publish all legal notices necessary to be published by the county for the year 1933, which were filed Lists of Returned School Taxes for the towns of Groton and Ulysses were received and referred to the Committee on Re- turned Taxes Mr McDaniels presented a report of the Special Franchises of the Town of Ulysses, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc Lists of Corporations of the towns of Groton, Ithaca and Ulysses, were received and filed. Lists of Grand Jurrors for the towns of Enfield and Ulysses and the First and Third Wards of the City of Ithaca, were re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes Mr McDaniels presented the report of the Bonded Indebted- ness of the Village of Trumansburg and Centrahzed School District No 1 (Ulysses, Covert and Hector), which was refer- red to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. The reports of E. A Landon of the Town of Groton and of Howard K Aiken and Fred N Smith of the Town of Ulysses, Justices of the Peace of those respective towns, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Ac- counts On motion, adjourned Eighth Day Friday, December 9, 1932 Roll call. All members present Minutes of December 8 meeting, read and approved 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Representatives of Tompkins County Farm Bureau, Tomp- kins County Home Bureau and the Junior Project Extension, appeared before the Board, relative to the reports submitted by those organizations Mrs. Margaret Jewell, President of the Home Bureau As- sociation with Miss Sara Kerr, Agent, addressed the Board relative to that organization and asked for an appropriation of $3,500 00, for the year 1933. Mr. Irvin Perry, Manager and Merrill Curry, member of the Farm Bureau Association, addressed the Board on behalf of that organization and asked for an appropriation of $2,500.00 for the year 1933. Mr. Ralph Higley, Agent, and Mr Albert G Stone, of the Junior Extension Project, addressed the Board, relative to the Junior Extension Project and asked for an appropriation • of $2,500 00, for the year 1933. The reports of the organizations, with appropriations re- quested, were referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Ect Lists of the Returned School Taxes of the Towns of Danby and Newfield were received and referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes Mr Decker presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Dryden, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. Mr Payne presented the Town Budget of the Town of New- field, which was referred to the Committee on Town 'Expenses, Etc Mr Smiley presented a list of the Town Audits and the Town Budget of the Town of Danby, which were referred to the Com-, mittee on Town Expenses, Etc Mr Decker presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Dryden, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc Mr Chase presented a list of Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Re- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 135 turned Taxes. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 12, at 10 .30 A. M. Ninth Day Monday, December 12, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present Minutes of December 9 meeting, read and approved A report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the City of Ithaca, was received and referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. The reports of Miles G. Tarbell, of the Town of Groton and Henry Williams and Arthur G Hubbell, of the Town of Ulysses, Justices of the Peace of those respective towns, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Ac- counts Mr Payne, Chairman of the Committee on Snow Equipment, announced that the committee had purchased of Blackwell and Stanton of Horseheads, N. Y , a Sargent hydraulic snow plow for $1,750 00, of Eugene F Van Name of Horseheads, N Y , a Baker Model V 63A type snow plow for $535 00 , of the Clapp Machinery Co , of Groton, N Y , 30,000 feet of snow fence for $1,485 00 and 3,000 steel posts for $810 00, making a total of $4,580 00 Mr Payne offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Snow Equip- ment be approved and accepted, and be it further rd 136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $4,580 00, in payment of such snow equipment, payable as follows • Blackwell & Stanton, Horseheads, N Y , Sargent hydraulic snow plow $1,750 00 Eugene Van Name, Horseheads, N Y , Baker Model V 63A type snow plow 535 00 Clapp Machinery Co , Groton, N Y , 30,000 ft snow fence $1,485 00 3,000 steel posts 810 00 2,295 00 $4,580 00 and that the Clerk be directed to issue an order at this time, for said amounts, payable to the foregoing parties entitled thereto, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay said orders out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or cer- tificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness, be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the en- tries required by said Section 41, of the County Law Seconded by Mr Rumsey Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried. On motion, the Board went into executive session The Board arose from executive session and proceeded in the transaction of routine business l OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present 137 Lists of the Returned School Taxes of the Towns of Caroline, Dryden and Enfield and of the City of Ithaca, were received and referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes • Mr Decker presented a list of Corporations of the Town of Dryden, which was filed. Mr McDaniels presented a list of the Town Audits and the Town Budget of the Town of Ulysses, which were referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc The balance of the afternoon session was taken up with an explanation of the Temporary Emergency Relief Administra- tion of New York State by Mr Maurice P Reidy, Miss Engle - horn and Mrs Helen Dakin On motion, adjourned. Roll call Tenth Day Tuesday, December 13, 1932 MORNING SESSION All members present Minutes of December 12 meeting, read and approved Mr Blackmer, as Chairman of the Committee on Town and County Accounts, rendered the following report, relative to the amounts, to be raised by the county and of several of the towns therein for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of State and County highways 138 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Road County Interest Town Interest Sinking on Town , Sinking on Fund Same Fund Same Total 606 $ 220 80 $ 441 60 $ 662 40 616 - 781 97 1,563 94 Ulysses $ 216 85 $ 433 69 2,996 45 681 439 81 879 64 Dryden 81 03 162 08 1,562 56 682 305 03 610 05 Dryden 89 71 179 42 1,184 21 683 315 16 630 34 Dryden 92 69 185 40 1,223 59 $2,062 77 $4,125 57 $ 480 28 $ 960 59 $'x,629 21 Dated, December 12, 1932 W. C BLACKMER, ALAN T RUMSEY, 0. H McDANIELS, Committee. Mr Blackmer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts be accepted and that the amounts therein specified be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop- erty liable therefor, for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of State and County Highways Seconded by Mr McDaniels Z) Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried. Mr Crittenden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order to the County Treasurer for the payment of each claim audited by this Board, and the County Treasurer is hereby di- rected to pay the same out of the moneys in her hands ap- propriated for that purpose Seconded by Mr Chase Carried Mr Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That the County Treasurer be authorized and di- rected to pay to the several towns and the city of the county, any balances in her hands standing to the credit of the respec- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 139 tive towns and city Seconded by Mr Smiley Carried Mr Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk be authorized to correct any mani- fest errors occuring in the minutes or in the report of any committee Seconded by Mr Conlon Carried t Mr Snow offered the following resoluticn and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the salaries of all county officers and employees monthly, unless otherwise directed by a resolution of this Board Seconded by Mr Payne Carried ' Mr McDaniels, Chairman of the Committee on Returned Taxes, rendered the following report, relative to the returned school taxes of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca : , Your Committee, finds by the certificates signed by the County Treasurer, and supported by affidavits of the proper officers of the following school districts of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, submitted to this Board by the County Treasurer, that the following school taxes have not been paid, after diligent efforts have been made to enforce the collection thereof, and your committe therefore recom- mends the following sums be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed with 7% in addition thereto CAROLINE District No 2— John Wallace, 25 acres Cole & Schutt, 69 acres F A Southworth, 248 acres 2 82 7 05 21 15 140 _ PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No 4— John Lee, 100 acres District No 6- 6 30 William H. Bailer, 95 acres 2 52 A. A Brill, 95 acres 6 30 Nathan Fiddler, 28 acres 1 68 Alex Legioner, 82 acres 4 20 Joe Maynard, 18 acres 42 Joe Maynard, 11/2 acres 42 District No. 7— Cornelius Estate, 67 acres 3.60 George H Legg, 18 acres 2.10 George H Legg, 7 acres MacGrath, 42 acres 3 00 Caroline Telephone 39 Lena Thomas, 102 acres 9 00 District No. 9— Charles Tallmadge District No. 11— J C Lattimer, 46 acres Arthur Williams, 83 acres District No 13— Caroline Telephone A M McKenzie, 92 acres A M McKenzie, 40 acres District No. 14- 1.75 90 113 2 80 25.20 4 20 Frank Groome, 97 acres 10 00 Frank Groome, 146 acres 20 00 Jason Hotaling, 1930 tax, 75 acres 3.50 Jason Hotaling, 1931 tax, 75 acres 3 50 Caroline Telephone 130 Marion Mattison, 1930 tax, 100 acres 1 00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 141 Marion Mattison, 1931 tax, 100 acres District No. 16— Clarence Stamp, 310 acres Caroline Telephone District No. 17— Joseph Maynard, 1/2 acre District No. 19— William Overbaugh, 90 acres District No. 20- 1 00 22 20 .72 .20 5.85 C. L. Bridgam, 50 acres 2.60 Geo. Quick 2.40 Wm. Quick .60 Mary Brown 2 00 Joint Districts Caroline No 8—Richford & Caroline— Lester Bills, 30 acres 1 20 r Caroline & Danby #18— Wm. Brown Est , 25 acres 12.00 Caroline & Dryden #21— Harry Cornell, 43 acres 4 40 Richard Tobin, 25 acres 3 30 Ira Myers, 100 acres 8 80 Lyman C Gallagher, 1 Kelly lot 1 10 Lyman C Gallagher, 21/2 Boice lot .55 Lyman C Gallagher, 2 Kozy Korner 5.55 Lyman C Gallagher, 1/8 Hubbard lot 6.60 Lyman C Gallagher, 3 St John Place 2 20 $ 229 50 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DANBY District No 1— Harmon, Louis, 93 acres Scott, Andrew, 100 acres Wirtanen, Nilo, 25 acres District No. 2— Slaight, Harry Wright, Charles District No. 6— Secoq, Gustav, 100 acres Makaraninen, Jacob, 89 acres Shafer, Asher, 35 acres Turlelobt, J. W , 75 acres $ 4 00 10 50 1 50 15.00 75 28 00 28 00 7 00 10 50 District No 9— Geo Grant Estate, 40 acres 6 60 Albert Grant, 28 acres 4.95 Geo Hulbert, 37 acres 8.80 Geo Hulbert, 261/2 acres 2 75 Fremont McFall, 45 acres 55 Albert Oltz, 10 acres .55 A E Grant, 80 acres 8 25 District No 8— Bierce, Frank, 1/2 acre 18.00 Coil, Walter, 120 acres 14 40 Crim, John C , 74 acres 16 80 Eckert, William, 137 acres 48.00 Griffen, George, 50 acres 30 00 Hall, Everett, 1 acre 14.40 Morusty, Micheal, 43 acres 36 00 Mordoff, W E , 115 acres 55.20 Newman, Berne, 57 acres 12 00 Palmer, Harold, 5/8 acre 21 60 Ridley, Horace, 100 acres 19.20 Ridley, Horace, 60 acres 16.80 Seeley, Leland, 110 acres 36 00 Shepherd, John, 42 acres 18.20 Shepherd, Mrs. John, 43 acres 33 60 Shepherd, Mrs John, 1/10 acre 60 Smith, Thomas, 4 acres 48 00 Soyring, Anselyn, 108 acres 28 80 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 143 Swartwood, Clarence, 8 acres 7 20 Tubbs, A J., 1/8 acre .60 Tubbs, A J , 12 acres 1 20 Tubbs, Frances, 1 acre 1 20 Tubbs, Frances, 1/8 acre 2.40 Van Gorder, Walter, 1/2 acre 3012 00 00 Welch, John, 97 acres District No 11— Gaydosh, Stephen, 110 acres 30.00 District No 12— Benjamin, Est., 1/, acre 6.40 Cole, Chas , 1/2 acre 5 60 Cornell, Geo , 14/4 acres 8 80 Goodwin, John, / acre 4 00 Goodwin, Dan, 1/2 acre _ 4 00 Riihinen, Matt Est , 115 acres 24 00 Tupper, Alice Est., 28 acres 4 00 Tupper, Alice Est., 3 acres 6 40 Tupper, Alice Est , 10 acres .80 Tupper, Alice Est , 32 acres 2.40 Charles Van Gorder, 2 acres 5 60 District No 13— Grant, Albert, 50 acres Grant, Albert, 50 acres Ostrander, Chas., 50 acres 7 20 2.40 2 00 District No. 14— Aikens, Frank 10 80 Chaffee, Alfred 14 40 Heffron, Bert 60 Taubman, W. E 2 40 District No 15— Lewis, Fay J 2 50 District No 16— Baker, Bert, 21/2 acres 1 23 Forner, Geo Est , 16 acres 45 Leogan, R , 10 acres - .45 144 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Murrdock, Ethel, 15 acres 45 Ostrander, Estate, 71/2 acres .45 $ 799 73 DRYDEN District No. 2— Johnson, James, 57 acres (Joint) $ 2 82 Oakes, Estelle, 76 acres 1410 District No 2— Flynn, John, 76 acres 45 00 District No 3— Mary Dwight, 123 acres Chas. Lobdell, 10 acres 26.54 83 District No. 4— P H Euson, 31/2 acres 1.30 District No 5— Isaiah Robinson, Est , 97 acres 16 00 District No 6— Purvis, Robert, 63 acres 26.25 Purvis, Robert, 164 acres 42.00 Purvis, Robert, 35 acres 5 25 Purvis, Robert, 48 acres 12 60 Purvis, Robert, 20 acres .52 Keech, Charles, 155 acres 25 20 Hammond, Dan, 22 acres 1 85 District No 7— King, Nolan, 87 acres King, Nolan, 22 acres Maxwell, J , 92 acres 30 60 2 04 1836 District No 8— Mrs A D Burlingame, Lot 48 1/2 acre 11 00 Robert Conner, Lot 38 Hotel 17 50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 145 W J Fulkerson, Est , Lot 49 1/ acres J Goodwin Est , Lot 49 1/ acres Avery Hiles, 1/2 acre Mynderse Hunter, 11/2 acre H Higgins, 15 acres C Heath, 1/2 acre T. Lormor & others, / acre W. Rannings Est , / acre W Rannings Est , Hotel W Rannings Est , 1/8 acre W. Rannings Est , Shop 17 50 2 00 16.00 1 00 10 00 1 50 .50 6.00 12.50 6.00 3 50 District No 9— Mr. Gerald Shoemaker, 105 acres 15 00 District No. 9— Davenport, Addie Davenport, Addie Davenport, Addie Davenport, Ida Harvey, Harry Lotto, Nicholos McGee, Charles Phillips, Edward Stevens, Oscar & Edna Stevens, Oscar & Edna 8 25 3 30 63 45 30 75 22 50 26 25 18 00 3 00 6 00 4 50 District No 12— Cole Est , George, 182 acres, 11 acres 15 25 Givens, Ed, 4 acres .25 Johnson, James, 43 acres 2 00 Long & McConnell, 8 acres 25 Lloyd Library, 425 acres 7 25 Loi d, Irene, 100 acres 2 00 Mulks, Clinton, 12 acres 1 00 Purvis, Robert, 78 acres 1 75 Schilling, Rosa, 50 acres 3 25 Van Sickle, Ben , 5 acres .50 District No 13— Benjamin, S M Est. 45 Foote, Frank 19 80 Freeville Milling Co 1 80 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 14— Groover, Frank B , 70 acres C L Knapp, 20 acres 14.00 2 00 District No 15— Coyne, B B , 5 acres 83 Fulkerson, Mabel, 50 acres 6 60 Hubble, Alfred, 46 acres 8 25 Wilkins, Mrs., 56 acres 12 38 Myers, Louis, Lot 22 1/2 acre 3 30 Mack, Jessie, 50 acres 4 13 J. P Wheller, 111 acres 28.88 Nelson, Frank, 88 acres 19 80 District No 18— McDaniels, Augustus, 1/8 acre 12 00 District No 19— Caroline Telephone Co , 960 rods 77 Edsall, Charles, 140 acres 10 25 Fish, Frank, 80 acres 4 50 District No. 20— Miller Bros , 68 acres Charlotte Pew, 100 acres Ai Sherman, 65 acres 10 80 1080- 12 00 District No. 21— Nick Bartl, 135 acres 24 00 English, Orin, 16 acres 1 20 Klenke, William, 20 acres 1 20 Mack, A R , 1 acre 30 Mack Jesse, 49 acres 9 00 Parker, James, 131 acres 18 00 Teeter, C B , 136 acres 15 00 Teeter, Cora, 10 acres 1 80 District No 23— A C. Belknap, 76 acres 5 60 A Hall, 51 acres . 5 60 Caroline Telephone, Special Franchise 48 Caroline Telephone, 177 rods .56 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 147 District No 25— Ed Simmons, 75 acres 15.00 Joint District—Groton & Dryden #17— Roy Miller, 43 acres Joint District No. 21—Caroline & Dryden— Lloyd Library Assoc , 11 acres Roger Williams, 50 acres District No 20—Groton & Dryden— Spicer, F M., 3 acres Steele, Ernest, 7 acres Wilson, Chas , 1/2 acre ENFIELD District No. 2— Fish, Bessie, 43 acres Legge; C. C., 183 acres District No. 3— Welch, Henry, 167 acres Welch, W Y., 86 acres Updike, Mary, 94 acres 16 00 110 6 60 5 33° 18 27 6.84 $ 945 98 $ 13 50 67.50 53.00 , 32.10 40 52 District No 4— Sam Carrican, 47 acres 12 00 District No 6— Frank Bagley Drake, Ina 140 1.75 District No. 7— Fowler, Kirk, 37 acres 2 10 Hines, James, 90 acres 24.40 Hines, James, 88 acres 17.50 Rumsey, Chas., 125 acres 14 00 Rumsey Elmer, 68 acres 5 90 Taylor, Estus, 61/2 acres .70 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 8— William Palmer, 66 acres C A. Teeter, 88 x 100 lot Lewis Culver Est., 45 acres . Chas. H. Teeter, 100 acres • 8 00 38.00 3 20 9.20 District No. 10— Lester Holly, 85 acres 8 52 District No. 11— Hine, James H , 20 acres 1 80 Newmans, R H , 100 acres 25.10 Weight, Fred, 3 acres 5 40 District No. 14— Orville Van Ostrand, 90 acres Wm. Nosvetch, 63 acres District No. 12— John Daley, 10 acres Bert Kirbey, 109 acres GROTON 9.60 13.80 1 50 26 00 $ 436 49 District No. 2— Howe, Delbert, 4 acres $ 48 Halsey, Grant, 25 acres 3.60 Morten, Fred, 12 acres 12 00 Morten, Fred, 40 acres 9 60 Paul, Frank, 50 acres 28.80 District No. 8— Ayers, Edward, 118 Sykes Street .80 Atwater, Lucius, Grandview Heights, 6 acres 8.00 Kate Baldwin, 121-23 Church $ 72 00 Kate Baldwin, 107-113 Cortland 128.00 200.00 Blair, John A , Jones Ave , Lot 42 .80 Blair, John A , So Parkway, Lot 45 .80 Blair, John A , Morton Ave., Lot 47 80 Blair, John A , Clinton Ave , Lot 65-66 .80 3 20 Baldwin, Walter, Clinton Ave., Lot 76 .80 Conger, Benn Est., 110 Roosevelt Ave. 36 80 , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 149 Conger, Benn Est , 112 Roosevelt Ave. 32 00 Conger, Benn Est , 114-16 Roosevelt Ave. 40 00 Conger, Benn Est , 115 Roosevelt Ave. 22.40 Conger, Benn Est , 213 W. Cortland St. 24.00 Conger, Benn Est , Jones Ave , Lot 37 .80 Calwell, Jennie E., 169 Main 80.00 Carter, Leta 32.00 Diamond, William Est., 312 Spring St. 32 00 Ford, Lura A , Washington Ave., Lot 33 .80 Hoffman, Helen, 105 E. South St. 56.00 Horwitz, Harry, 111-113 Cayuga St. 48.00 Horwitz, Harry, 117-119 Cayuga St. 8.00 Ketchum, Ernest, W Cortland 3.20 Masten, John, 602 Spring 28.80 McMahon, Paul M., 304 Main 96.00 McMahon, Paul M , 107 Barrowns 44 80 Morton, Fred H., 405 Main 40 00 Morton, Fred H., Main 3 20 Morton, Fred H , McKinley Ave., 63-64 6 40 Morton, Fred H , 301 Clinton 9.60 Morton, Fred H., Brighton Villa 4 00 Morton, Fred H., S Main 206-207 1.60 Morton, Fred H , S. Main 227 1.60 Morton, Fred H , S. Main 308 43 20 Morton, Fred H , Grandview Hts. 7.20 Morton, Fred H , Hamilton Square 1.60 Miller, Eugene, Elmwood, 214-215 1.60 Morton, Elmer, Park Ave 87-88-89-90 1.60 Peterman, Otto, 101 Pasadena Ave. 128 00 Peterman, Otto, Peru Rd 4 80 Peterman, Otto, 107 Pasadena 51.20 Peterman, Otto, 109 Pasadena 48 00 Peterman, Otto, Sykes 16.00 Peterman, Otto, 102-104 Pasadena 4.80 Peterman, Otto, Peru Rd. 96.00 Peterman, Otto, 116 Hamilton Sq. 1.60 Peterman, Otto, 105 Corona 19.20 Peterman, Otto, Peru Rd , 11/2 acres 4 80 Peterman, Otto, Farm, 72 acres - 24.00 Peterman, Otto, Sykes St., 29 acres 9.60 Peterman, Otto, Farm, 45 acres 14.40 Pellette, Marguerite, 216 S Main St. 48.00 Resnick, Jacob, 109 W. Main St 32.00 Stoddard, Leola, 120 E South St 1 60 Shaw, Robert T., 105 Pleasant St. 40.00 Spicer, Warren, 106 Peru Rd 8.00 Thomas, Nellie J , McKinley Ave , 44-46 1.60 Waite, John W., McKinley Ave 57 80 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BO ARD OF SUPERVISORS Perigo, Ella, So. Main St. 202-203 Yates, Cornelia, 109 Park St. District No. 11— McMahon, Andrew, 76 acres Whitmarsh, Donald, 73 acres District No 16— Adams, Meton, Florence 70 acres ` Barrows, Storrs, 67 acres , Riley, Thomas, 60 acres District No. 17— George Main Est., 16 acres District No. 21— Tichenor, Benn, Lot 74 Romaine, Irv, Lot 64 District' No. 20— Butler, Mary, 31/2 acres Lamont, Stewart, 105 acres Stanton, J Est., 4 acres Steele, Katie, 100 acres ITHACA 3 20 72.00 21.60 12.00 14.00 16.80 21.00 5.40 6 30 14.70 68.51 45.67 1.52 73.08 $ 1,904.66 District No. 3— Jerry Baker $ 120 Nellie D. Baker 1.80 Minor S Bennett, Daley Tract 18.00 Ira Catlin 2 40 Mrs Erma Daley, Lot 83, 57 acres 75.00 John & Erma Daley 21.00 Clifford Green 2 40 Neva Hazzard 18.00 Neva Hazzard 15 00 Lois Jayne .61 James Miller, Van Order tract, 4 acres 1.20 Geo. Phillips, Lot 61, 1 acre 6.00 Chas. Sinn, Est , Lot 82 3.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 151 Whiting, Ed , Daley Tract Chas. Willis Teeter, Chas A , 100 acres District No. 2- 7.20 21 00 38 00 Flynn, John, 30 acres • 10 00 District No. 4— Bennett, Howard 16.00 Craig, Thomas, 3 acres 4.80 Deviney, E J , 1 acre 4 00 Drew, Mrs Wm., 2 acres .80 District No. 6— Barstow, Dorothy Daley, Erma Daley, John Histed, Mrs. Ed. Stevens, Fred Swartwood, C. J. Swartwood, C J. Swartwood, C. J. District No. 8— Brown, Bessie Hetherington, L. M Henry, H W. Madden, Robert Marnelle, Oreste Williams, Percy Wright, Victor 150 00 120 00 42 00 10 80 9 00 60.00 54 00 12.00 2.50 5.00 5.00 10.00 65.00 42.50 20 00 District No. 7— Apgar, Mrs. H. W. 4.25 Blood, C. H 42 50 Bennett, Art N 12.50 Beardsley, Arthur 5.00 Benniger, Jacob 5.00 Bennett, Frank 5.00 Bennett, Edna .50 Brinsmaind, R D 7.50 Baker, Wilbur 11.00 Baker, Wilbur Mrs 1.00 Ceci, Fella 2 50 152 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Carlin, Orlandi 15 00 Cornish, Mary 9.00 Catlin, Frank - 3.00 Cappozzi, Luigi 38 Dworsky, R 90.00 Dickinson, L A 20 De Angeleo, Tony 50 Dockstater, L. A. (F A. Gillow) 40.00 Dorsey, Joe 5 00 Fillman, F R. .15 Goldsmith, J B. .20 Gibbons, William 11.00 Hawkins, George .53 Havens, Clarence 5 00 Hamilton, Mrs. Elsie 5 00 Hurst, Chas. .20 Ithaca Realty Co. .75 Joyce, John 6 00 Lake, H. B. 10 00 Liddington, Jesse 20 00 Maret, Ed 7 50 Mott, Geo. L. 3.50 Myers, Ira 25 00 MacDougal, Guy 7 50 MacDougal, Harrison 2 50 Marenelli, Oresta 5.00 Richardson, Jerome 18 Root, 0 W. 5.00 Steelfe, Elsie 50 Swan, A J .50 Shaw, W G 4 00 Summerfield, Isiah .13 Snyder, Maurice 20 00 Vicedomini, James 1 75 Vorhis, Mrs. Oscar 25 LANSING CNY S R William Pierce Est. District No 2— E C Corwin E. "C Corwin $ 1,277.18 4.06 9 60 23.20 23.20 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 153 District No 5— Blakley, Clarke 7 20 Demsey, Bros. 15 00 Flynn, John 6.00 McKarnel .60 Volbrecht .60 Wilsey, Mary 1.20 Railroad 13.54 District No 6— Wooley, Frank & Art , 10 acres Wooley, Frank & Art , 80 acres District No 7— Arnold, Elmer, 127 acres Leonard, Irving, 11 acres 3 00 12 50 40.00 4 80 District No 8— Miller, Ivan, 58 acres 7 20 Newman, Glenn, 66 acres 10 80 Tichenor, Anabel, 7 acres 3 00 Volbrecht, Arthur, 5 acres 4 80 pistrict No 9— Beckham, W 13 24 Beckham, W 33.06 Dwyer, D R. 4.96 Dwyer, D R. 19.84 Emmons, Mary 19 84 Howell, F. N 33 06 Millick, Lawrence 9 91 McIntyre, Susie 8 26 Stinger, Mary 6.61 Van Auken, Rachel Est. 3 31 Van Auken, Rachel Est. ° '1 65 Van Auken, Howard 6 61 District No. 10— Frank Tarbell , 32 40 Will House 3 00 Central Southern R. R. 4 06 District No. 13— Central N Y Southern R R 16 61 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Sarah Hagin Est. George Mante Arthur Volbrecht District No. 15— Bowers, Allen, House and Lot Central N Y. S , Right of Way Helen & Mildred Heckman, House and Land 9 60 9 60 19.20 3 90 7.34 53.95 District No. 16— Ray Snyder, Farm in Lot 98 16 80 Fred Summers, Parcel Lot 98 .30 Wade Pinckney, Lot at McKinneys 3.00 Ezra Nichols, Farm in Lot 89 13.20 Central N Y. S R R , Right of Way R R. 5 42 District No. 17— Albert LaBarr. 15 40 District No. 19— David Benjamin 14.00 District No. 22— James Hollenbeck NEWFIELD 28 50 $ 606.93 District No. 2— John Bush, Est , House and Lot $ 11.20 Otto, Cuff, House and Lot 160 Chauncey Freese, Lot .80 Emory Phillips, House and, Lot 6.40 Minna Rice, 85-24-24 acres 26.00 David Ranning, Shop 160 District No 7— ,Beach, Lina, 44 acres 6 75 District No. 8— Byron, Brown, 4 acres 20 Baker, James, 40 acres 2 00 OF TONIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 155 Clark, Wm , 38 acres 2 00 Clark, Wm , 11 acres .50 Higgins, Albert, 37 acres 2 00 McHale, Francis, 8 acres 50 McHale, Francis, 60 acres 3 00 McHale, Francis, 8 acres .50 Tudi, August, 71 acres 1 50 District No. 9- George Cavanaugh, 76 acres 2.70 Arthur Dense & J. Parks, 86 acres 3.60 Charles Ulrich, 396 acres ' 18.00 District No 11— Gertrude Brown Swartwood, Chas District No. 12— Floyd Dean Mrs. Dan Searls Bert Hausner Aaron Rumsey 1.50 1.50 4.20 6.00 7.20 7.80 District No. 14— Bigg, Fred Est , 60 acres 2.50 Bishop, Samuel, 10 acres 25 Karch, Henry P., 76 acres 3 25 Lay, Claire, 130 acres 5.50 Sickler, Pauline, 40 acres 2.50 Holton, William, 20 acres .50 District No. 15— Charles Johnson, 161 acres Fay J. Lewis, 130 acres District No 16— Gertrude Brown, 62 acres Joseph Doane, 50 acres Anna Mourey, 80 acres Anna Mourey, 50 acres Orlando Teeter, 52 acres 7.50 ` 2 50 4.80 2.00 3.20 2.00 1 20 156 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS •District No. 18— Iacavolh, Vincenzp, 96 acres 3.50 District No. 19— Neil Protts, 41/2 acres 1 60 District No 20— Brown, Gertrude .80 A. R Parsons .40 Teeter, Orlando 40 Teeter, Orlando 1.20 Teeter, Orlando .16 District No. 6 Danby— Tourtellotte, Jerry, 75 acres District No 12 Danby— Tupper, Alice Est., 10 acres Tupper, Alice Est , 32 acres ULYSSES District No. 1— Brown, Thomas, 31/2 acres Bowyer, Peter, 4 acres Boyer, Claremont, 21/2 acres Blood, Chas H , P D Building Blood, Chas H , Two stores Bloom, Max & wife, 53 acres Barnackle, Martin, 20 acres Bumpus, Chas , 46 acres Bumpus, Chas , 4 acres Carron, Joe, 1/8 acre Carron, Joe, 1/8 acre D111, Henry, / acre Hebbard, Wm B., 53 acres Hebbard, Wm. B., Coal office Hebbard, Wm B , Shop Hebbard, Wm. B , 8 acres Handy, Alice, 1 acre Handy, Alice, 11/2 acres Kelly Margaret, 7 acres 10 50 .80 2.40 $ 178°51 $ ' 10.00 7 50 5.00 36 50 12.00 14 00 6.00 8.00 3 50 7 00 2 50 8 00 30 00 5.00 2.50 2 00 2 50 1 00 3 00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 157 McGee, Thomas, 3/4 acre 5.00 McKeel, Mrs. Mary, 1/8 acre 10.00 Miller, Edward, 128 acres 35 00 Miller, Charles, heirs, 154 acres 31.25 Messer, Warren, 21/2 acres 9.00 Ogle, Robert C., 2 acres 10 00 Potter, Irwin, 77 acres 22 00 Rumsey, Seth R., Store 12 50 Reynolds, G R , 50 acres 3 00 Mrs Clara Robinson, 4 acres 3.00 Ryan, John T , 4 acres 7.50 Ryan, John T , Store 16 00 Reynold, Mrs Beth, 80 acres 13 00 Selover, Clark, Lot .50 Smith, G. C , / acre 4.00 Stigler, Fritz, 182 acres 60 00 Sjablom, John, 11/2 acres 1.00 Taylor, Samuel, 1 acre 1 00 Taylor, Samuel, 155 acres 42 50 Trumansburg, Textile, Silk Mill 60 00 Terry, Leland, 6 acres 1.50 Wilcox, Robert, 7 acres 5 00 Warner, Hannah Est., 3 acres 12 50 Edwin Wilkey, 1/ acres 3 00 Wilson, Mrs Asa D , 132 acres 31.50 Beckley, Margaret, 8 acres 3 00 Miller, Wm. Est , 90 acres 27.00 Miller, Wm Est , 62 acres 11 50 McKenna, Joseph G , 80 acres 4 00 Osgood, O. V , 94 acres 16 00 Ryan, John, 80 acres 1.25 Mound, Ward, 98 acres 12 00 Waldo, Verne, 2 acres 2.00 Fish, Hazen, / acres 3 00 McDonald, Paul, / acres 12 50 McDonald, Paul, Store 9 00 District No 3— Walter Chase Chas Wilkins 30.00 27 50 District No. 11— John Stevenson 12 00 Chase, Allen & Ralph 23 20 District No 16— Mrs Leo Brock, Lot .75 158 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Cornelius Emmons, Lot .25 John Ernst, 94 acres f 19 00 Jacob Makarainen 17 00 Micheal Purcell 2.30 Chas. Payne 2 50 Edith & Travis Wills 50 Harry Richardson 6 00 $ 808 00 CITY OF ITHACA Alexander, I., 124 E. State St. $ 209 16 Ashdown, Fannie L., 116 Farni St. 41.16 Baker, B T , 117 Hudson St. 59 64 Banfield & Pritchard, 219 S. Cayuga St. 312 90 Barber, Chas. G., 274 Floral Ave. 14.28 Bates, W. J. Estate, 112 N. Aurora St. 268.80 Bates, W. J. Estate, 211 E Seneca St. 1/7 Lane 5 46 Bates, W. J. Estate, 108 N. Aurora 1/6 R. Way 2 52 Bates, W. J. Estate, Lot 21 Blk. 230, Near D. L. & W. 1 68 Bates, W J Estate, Lot 22, Blk 230 Giles St. 16 80 Bates, W. J. Estate, Lot 19, Blk. 230 Columbia 4.62 Bates, Mrs. W. J. and Laura Chamberlain, 313 Hudson St 68 88 Bergholtz, Herman, 104 Harvard Place 76 44 Bernardi, C., 109 Second St. 21 84 Bishop, Elizabeth, 247 Floral Ave. 13 44 Bishop, Elizabeth, 249 Floral Ave. 18 48 Bool Floral Co , Blk. 22, Lot 42, Floral Ave. 1.68 Bool Floral Co , Blk. 22, Lot 43, Floral Ave .63 Bool Floral Co , Blk 22, Lot 44, Floral Ave. .63 Bool Floral Co , Blk 22, Lot 45, Floral Ave. 63 Bool Floral Co , Blk. 22, Lot 46, Floral Ave 63 Bool Floral Co , Blk. 22, Lot 31, Floral Ave. 15.75 Bool Floral Co., Blk 23, Lot 18, Floral Ave. 7 56 Bool Floral Co , Res 823 W o Clinton St. 26 88 ' Bool Floral Co , Greenhouse, Blk. 23, Lot 6 287.28 Bool Floral Co , 215 E State St 158 76 Bow, Carrie H., 629 W. Clinton St. 34 44 Bow, Carrie H , 509 Cascadilla St 21 00 Bow, Edward Estate, 533 W. Green St. 32 76 Bow, Edward Estate, 207 S Corn St. 10 08 Bow, Edward Estate, 136-138 Cleveland Ave. 21.00 Bow, Edward Estate, 535 W Clinton St 29 40 Bow, Edward Estate, 123 Cleveland Ave. 10 92 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Brashear, Frances, 217 S Fulton St. ' (Now H R Brashear), 306 S. Meadow St Brennan, E. R. Estate, 115 Fifth St. Brennan, E R Estate, 604 Hancock St. Brennan, E R Estate, 610 Hancock St. Brennan, E. R Estate, 705 Hancock St Brennan, E R Estate, 707 Hancock St. Burling, L R , 802 N. Tioga St. Burnett, S. H & Nellie, 410 University Ave. (H S. Wyllie owns) Bush, Maiy A., 305 Dryden Rd. Campbell, V H., 107 Fourth St. Carpenter, Mary A , 515 Hector St. Chamberlain, Laura B , 101 Oxford Place Church, A M E Zion, Res 118 Cleveland Ave. Church, A M E Zion, Res 113 Cleveland Ave. Cole, Jas W , 119 College Ave Conley, E T & S , 150 Giles Rd. Conley, Jas , 233 S. Albany St. Conley, P. D Est., 338 E State St Conley, P. D Est , 115 S Aurora St. Conley, P D , Est., Blk 209, Lot 5 Conley Ave. Conley, P D Est , Blk 209, Lot 7 Conley Ave. Conley, P D Est , 325 E State St. Conley, P D. Est , Lot 156 Giles St Connor, R & R , 318 Ithaca Rd Connor, R & R , Lot 10 A, Oak Ave Connor, Rose M , Lot 12, Blk. 284, Ithaca Rd. Connor, Rose M , 520 Dryden Road Cornelius, Fied, 707 N. Cayuga St. Couch, Mary C , 205 Dryden Rd Cummings, B. W , 418 Utica St. Daley, J. F & E. D , 213 Mitchell St. DeYcaza, Marino, 227 S Geneva St DeYcaza, Marino, 510 University Ave. Donovan, Mrs T , 103 Highland Place Donovan, Mrs T , 110 Highland Place Driscoll, Wm. 3rd , 312 W Seneca St. Ellis, L B , 601 N. Cayuga St. Everhart, Geo , Lot 108 Chestnut St Fahey, Mary, Lot 414 Hudson St. (Now on roll as M Sheridan Estate) Fish, Bessie, 214 Floral Ave Fish, Bessie, 216 Floral Ave Gelshian, Thos , Lot 305 Hillview P1 Goff, A. C. & M , 305 W. Green St. Hagin, Oscar, 312 E Falls St 159 26.04 36.96 35 28 9.24 6 72 11 76 11 76 43 68 57.96 61 32 33 60 30.24 117 60 1 68 11 76 92 40 65 52 73 08 149.52 330 96 5 67 23.94 99 12 16 80 11 34 7.56 5.04 68.04 68 88 75 60 45 36 52.08 132.72 82 32 88 20 81.48 54 60 34 44 1 68 5 88 10.92 21.00 3.36 91.56 22 68 160 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Harris, Howard, Res Floral Ave Blk. 22, L 34 7 56 Hartman, Robt A , 412 Adams St 15 96 Hasard, W. J , 421-423 W. Seneca St. 40.32 Hazen, Nellie F., 310 Hancock St. 16.80 Heath & Dworsky, 411 S Plain St. 20.16 (Rose Cheeks pays) Hess, Emil A , 513 Hudson St 29.40 Hill, J B , 411 Elm St 55 44 Hilhck, Sarah E , 525 W. Green St. 58 80 Howley, Helen F , 423 Linn St 53.76 Ithaca Realty Co , Blk 228, Lot 7 (C J Swartwood owns), (Crescent Pl.) 84 (C J Swartwood owns), Blk 228, Lot 9 (Crescent P1) 1 26 Jackson, Carrie, 420 W. Court St 40 32 Jackson, Etta, 217 Cleveland Ave. 32 76 Jackson & Mason, 502 S Plain St. 36 96 Jellies, Lois W , 321 N Aurora St. 67 20 Johnson, Abner, 505 N Albany St. ' 26 04 Johnson, Eva L , 102 Highland Pl. 82 32 Jones, Ahce M , 327 S Titus Ave 27 72 Jones, Hattie M , 141 S Aurora St. 63 00 Jones, Omer, 517-521 Hudson St. 84 84 LaBarr, Dee A , 108 Franklin St 23 52 Landon, Jas A , 220 University Ave. 127 68 Lewis, H G , 201 Columbia St 59 64 Lunger, J F , 713 N. Aurora St. 36 12 Llop, M , 240 Linden Ave 38 64 Llop, M , 209-211 Dryden Rd 105 84 Mabee, M , 513 N Cayuga St 57 12 Benton Buck Est. owner Marcellus, Mary, 320 Elmwood Ave 67 20 Martin, Ida M , 628 W Clinton St. 20.16 McAllister, J B , 418-422 Eddy St. 302 40 McAllister, John J , 125 Highland P1 105 00 McCray, R P , 515 Chestnut St 35 28 Melton, Preston, 223 S Plain St 11 76 Melton, Preston, 425 W ,Seneca St 23 52 Merrill, M. A , 215 Second St 10 92 Miller, Fred, 428 Elm St. 21 00 Minar, Mark H Est , 212-214 E State St. and Right Way 485 52 Mintz, Bessie F , 111 Brandon Pl. 60 48 Mintz, Lawrence M , 129-131 E State St 317 52 Mintz, Lionel E , 205 Elmwood Ave 86 52 Moore, A C , 308 S Plain St 21.00 Morgan, H G , 131 N Quarry St. 62 16 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 161 Moscovitch, Morris, 122 Catherine St 63.84 Moscovitch, Morris, 405-407 Eddy St ,. 87.36 Moscovitch, Morris, 110 Morris Ave 13.44 Moscovitch, Morris, 112 Morris Ave 13 44 Murinchak, John, 505-507 Esty St. 10.92 Murinchak, John, 509-511 Esty St. Lot 3 15 Navarro, A , 411 S. Titus Ave 22 68 O'Brien; Mary Est., 310 Esty St. 19 32 Oliver, W G , 211 Auburn St. 33.60 Parker, Fred E , 428 Floral Ave. 21 84 Parker, Wm , Blk 22, Lot 57 A, Floral Ave .84 Powers, David F., 102 Washington St. 30 24 Presher, F. E , 818 N. Cayuga St 45 36 Preston, E S. Jr , 139 Ithaca Road 75.60 Quick, A J Est , 414 Madison St 21 00 (S Molella pays) Read, Vera P , 111 Eddy St 126.84 Read, Vera P , Gar Blk 266, Lot 12 4 20 Reidy, John Est , 104 Maple Ave 31.92, Reidy, John Est., Blk. 276, Lot 2, Maple Ave 6 09 Reidy, John Est , Blk 276, Lot 4, Maple Ave. 6 30 Reidy, John Est , Blk 287, Lot 9, Maple Ave 2.94 Reidy, John Est , Blk 287, Lot 5, Maple Ave 6 30 Reidy, John Est., Blk 287, Lot 6, Maple Ave. 6 30 Reidy, John Est., Blk 287, Lot 7, Maple Ave. 3.78 Reidy, John Est., Blk 287, Lot 2, Maple Ave. 6.30 Reidy, John Est , Blk 287, Lot 3, Maple Ave 6 30 Reidy, John Est , Blk 287, Lot 1, Cornell St 6.72 Reidy, John Est , Bik 276, Lot 9, Dryden Rd. 1.68 Reidy, John Est., Blk. 287, Lot 37, Miller St. 3.36 Reidy, John Est , Blk. 287, Lot 38, Miller St 3 36 Reidy, John Est., Blk. 287, Lot 32, Miller St. 4.20 Reidy, John Est., Blk 287, Lot 15, Un -named St 2.10 Reidy, John Est , Blk 287, Lot 16, Un -named St 2.10 Reidy, John Est., Bik 287, Lot 17, Un -named St 2.10 Reidy, John Est , Bik 287, Lot 18, Un -named St 210 Reidy, John Est , Blk 287, Lot 19, Un -named St 210 Reidy, John Est , Blk 287, Lot 24, Un=named St 2 10 Reidy, John Est , Blk 287, Lot 25, Un -named St 2 10 Reidy, John Est , Blk 287, Lot 26, Un -named St 2 10 Reidy, John Est., Blk 287, Lot 27, Un -named St 2 10 Reidy, John Est , Blk 287, Lot 28, Un -named St 2.10 Reidy, Margaret M , 305 Cornell St. 48.72 Reidy, Margaret M , Lot 105 Maple Ave. 6 09 Reidy, Margaret M , 135 Blair St 71.40 Reidy, Thos J , Lot Hector St Blk. 6, Lot 1 34 44 (Acreage) 162 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (A J. Burns owns), Lot 608 Hector St. 3 78 Reynolds, Cora, 413-415 S Geneva St 35 28 Russell, V. A., 312 Hook Place 29 40 Ryan, Bridget Est , 308 Esty St. 22 68 Ryan, D & M , 125 Pearsall St 50 40 Ryan, Wm., 119 Irving Place 75 60 Salo, Chas., 1/2 Lot, 713 Mitchell St. 1.26 Salo, Chas , 711 Mitchell St. 44 52 Both these properties now owned by Geo Genung Saperstein, Evelyn, Res Gate Lodge 97.44 (Samuel Herschberger present supposed owner) Saperstein, Evelyn, Apts Heights Court 205 80 Saperstein, Evelyn, Garage Rear Hghts Court 3 36 Saxe, Wm. F., 402 Oak Ave. 58 80 Schaeffer, Helen, 310-312 Turner Pl. 51 24 Schutt, L & R , 426 N Titus Ave 37 80 Schutt, L & R , 4261/2 N Titus Ave 23 52 Schutt, L & R , 430 N Titus Ave. 38 64 Schutt, L & R , 319-3191/2 Center St 37 80 Schutt, L & R , Lot Hector St. 2.10 Scusa, John, 105 Dryden Rd 169 68 Scusa, Peter, 327 Pleasant St 40 32 Seeley, Allan, Lot 112 Park St. 1 89 (C J Swartwood owner) Sheridan, M Est , 412 Hudson St. 41.16 Sigler, J. R , 106 W. Jay St 22.68 Sincebaugh, A G , 339 Elm St 45 36 1 Sincebaugh, A G , Acreage Blk 22, Lot 48 D. [;k Elm St. 2 31 Slingerland, W. A , 907 N Cayuga St. 33 60 Smith, Susie, 221-223 Linden Ave. 59.64 (C J. Swartwood owner) Snyder, Morris, 114 Washington St 25.20 ) Spencer, F & M , 114 W. Falls St 26.04 Spencer, F. & M., 316 Center St. 39 48 Spencer, Mrs H T , Mere 412 N. Albany St. 5 04 Spencer, H T Est , Res 412 N. Albany St. 33.60 Stephenson, H C , 105 Cornell St 34 44 Stobbs, D A , 329 S. Titus Ave 31.08 Swartwood, C. J , Lot Spencer & Park Sts 26 88 Swartwood, C J , 403 Mitchell St. 50 40 Sweeney, Margaret, 225 Columbia St. 42.00 Tarbell, C D , 313 N Geneva St. 60 48 Tarr, Chas K., 423 E. Lincoln St. 36.96 Thomas, Jos , 619 Cascadilla St. 20 16 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 163 Thorpe, M. & F., 110 S Plain St. Tupper, T. R , Lot 111 Pearl St. Van Order, F. D. Est., 513 W. Seneca St. Weiman, L. H , Lunch Car, 234 S. Cayuga St. (T. R. Beam pays tax) Welsh, E L., 132-134 Linn St. White, L. S., 306-308 E. State St. Willis, M. Est., 912 N. Aurora St. Willis, L. A., 120 E. York St Wilson, Lena S., 507 Cascadilla St. Wright, Cora R., 311 E. Lincoln St. 65.52 2 73 68.04 20.16 36.12 437.64 46.20 20.16 7.56 34.44 Total returned Unpaid 1931 School taxes to be re -assessed on 1932 State & Co. $10,231.20 Dated, December 13, 1932. O. H. McDANIELS, FOREST J. PAYNE, F. D. VAN ORDER, Committee. Mr. McDaniels offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing report of the Committee on Returned School Taxes be accepted and that the sums therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the lands or pro- perty upon which the same were imposed, with 7% in addition thereto Seconded by Mr. Payne. O Ayes -14 Noes -0. Carried. Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $420 00, for rental of offices for the Motor Vehicle Clerk for the year 1933, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in quarterly payments to the parties entitled thereto, unless otherwise directed by a resolution of this Board 164 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr Snow. Ayes -14. Noes -0 Carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the amount of a bond of the Sheriff -elect, be fixed at the sum of $15,000 00. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Carried • Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the amount of the bond of the County Com- missioner of Highways to be elected, be fiixed at the sum of $10,000 00 Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Carried Mr Payne offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That all moneys now in the hands of the County Treasurer either in the General Fund or Highway Fund, and not appropriated by this Board for any specific purpose, be hereby re -appropriated to the General or Highway Fund re- spectively. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr Blackmer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation be authorized and directed to provide suitable offices for the Commissioners of Election, and to enter into a contract therefor, in the name of Tompkins County, from January 1, 1933, until such time as offices in the new County Building will be available for occupancy. Seconded by Mr. Decker. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 165 Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : ACT NO 5, 1932. AN ACT APPROPRIATING THE ADDITIONAL SUM OF $178,213 ON ACCOUNT OF THE REMAINING PART OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING A NEW COUNTY COURT HOUSE BUILDING AND A NEW COUNTY JAIL BUILD- ING IN THE CITY OF ITHACA, IN THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS Passed in pursuance of the provisions of the General Mun- icipal Law, constituting Chapter 24, of the County Law, con- stituting Chapterll, of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, at the annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, held on December 13, 1932, in the Supervisors' Chambers, County Court House Building, Ithaca, New York, 8 votes, (being the vote of a ma- jority of the Supervisors elected to and comprising said Board of Supervisors) being in favor of and 6 votes being against its passage. , WHEREAS—The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, pursuant to the provisions of the said County Law, has by resolutions heretofore adopted appropriated the sum of $371,787 for the purpose of paying part of the cost of construct- ing a new County Court House Building and a new County Jail Building in the City of Ithaca, in said County, and WHEREAS—The said Board of Supervisors now deems it necessary to appropriate the additional sum of $178,213 on ac- count of the remaining part of the cost of constructing the said County Court House Building and the new County Jail Building in the City of Ithaca, in said County, now, therefore, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, STATE OF NEW YORK, DO ENACT AS FOL- LOWS :- Section 1.—The additional sum of $178,213 is hereby ap- propriated on account of the remaining part of the cost of constructing the new County Court House Building and the new County Jail Building in the City of Ithaca, in the County of Tompkins, referred to in the above preamble 166 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Section 2.—This act shall take effect immediately. Seconded by Mr Decker. Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8. Noes—Messrs. Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Conlon. The election of officers -and representatives of this Board, having been made a special order of business at this time, that matter was taken up. Mr Elwyn S. Sloughter, Chairman of the Democratic County Committee, presented the name of Mr. William F. George, of Lansing, as the nominee of that committee for Democratic Commissioner of Election. There being no other nomination, on motion of Mr. Van Van Order, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Mr. William F. George, as Democratic Commissioner of Election, and the Chairman declared Mr George duly elected for the term of two years, from January 1, 1933. Mr H. L O'Daniel, Chairman of the Republican County Committee, presented the name of Mrs. Emma L Card, of Itha- ca, as the nominee of that committee for Republican Commis- sioner of Election. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Snow, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Mrs Emma L. Card, as Republican Commissioner of Election, and the Chair- man declared Mrs. Emma L. Card duly elected for the term of two years, from January 1, 1933. Mr. Decker placed in nomination the name of Mrs. Iva B. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Ellis, as Jail Matron. Mrs. Ellis' nomination was seconded by Mr Smiley., 167 There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Decker, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Mrs. Iva B Ellis, as Jail Matron The Clerk cast one ballot for Mrs Iva B Ellis and the Chair- man declared Mrs Ellis duly elected Jail Matron for the term of one year, from January 1, 1933. Mr Pierce placed in nomination the name of Dr H H. Crum, as Jail Physician. Dr Crum's nomination was seconded by Mr Blackmer. There beiiig no other nominations, on motion of Mr Pierce, the Clerk cast one ballot for Dr H. H Crum, as Jail Physician, and the Chairman declared Dr Crum duly elected Jail Physic- ian, for the term of one year, from January 1, 1933 Mr McDaniels placed in nomination the name of Mr Bert I. Vann, of Ulysses, as County Superintendent of Highways. Mr. Vann's nomination was seconded by Mr Decker There being no other nominations on motion of Mr McDan- iels, the Clerk cast one ballot for Bert T. Vann, as County Super- intendent of Highways, and the Chairman declared Mr Vann duly elected County Superintendent of Highways, for the term of four years, from January 1, 1933. Mr Snow placed in nomination the name of Mr. Richard C. Smith, as the representative of this Board on the Farm Bu- reau. Mr Smith's nomination was seconded by Mr Crittenden. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr Snow, the Clerk cast one ballot for Mr Richard C Smith, and the Chairman declared Mr Smith duly elected as the representa- tive of this Board to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau As- sociation for the term of one year, from January 1, 1933. 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Chase placed in nomination the name of Andrew J Con- lon, of Lansing as the representative of this Board in Junior Extension. Mr Conlon's nomination was seconded by Mrs Crittenden. On motion of Mr Decker, the Clerk cast one ballot for An- drew J Conlon and the Chairman declared Mr 1 Conlon duly elected as the representative from this Board in' Junior Ex- tension, for the term of one year, from January 1, 1933. Mr Pierce placed in nomination the name of Mr. Albert L Huff, of Ithaca, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital Mr Huff's nomination was seconded by Mr Chase There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Chase, the Clerk cast one ballot for Albert L. Huff and the Chairman declared Mr Huff duly elected as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, for the term of five years, from January 1, 1933. Mr Pierce placed in nomination the name of Miss Eugenia Van Cleef, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tomp- kins County Laboratory. Miss Van Cleef's nomination was seconded by Mr Critten- den. On motion of Mr Pierce, the Clerk cast one ballot for Miss Eugenia Van Cleef, and the Chairman declared Miss Van Cleet duly elected as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tomp- kins County Laboratory for the term of five years, from Jan- uary 1, 1933 Mr Decker placed in nomination the name of Mr Franklin C Cornell, as a member of the County Library Commission. Mr Cornell's nomination was seconded by Mr Blackmer There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Decker, the Clerk cast one ballot for Mr Franklin C Cornell and the Chairman declared Mr Cornell duly elected as a member of OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 169 the County Library Commission, for the term of five years, from January 1, 1933. The Chairman announced the appointment of Messrs. Snow and Rumsey, as the representatives of this Board, on the Com- mittee for the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis and Messrs. Dr. Homer Genung, of Freeville, Albert G. Stone, of Ithaca and Harry C Morse, as Manager of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association, as the other members of said committee. Of Miss Eugenia Van Cleef, Mrs. Lera C. Bostwick, Mrs. Viola B Lent, Edw. J. Crittenden, Forest J. Payne, 0. Howard McDaniels, Dr Helen Bull, Dr Dean Smiley, Dr. Keith Sears, Dr Minor McDaniels and Dr L. T. Genung, as members of the Public Health Committee of Tompkins County, for the year 1933 Moved by Mr Pierce, that the committee appointments, as announced by the Chairman, be confirmed by this Board. Seconded by Mr Smiley. Carried. On motion of Mr. Crittenden, the Emergency Work Bureau for Tompkins County, as appointed January 18, 1932, was con- tinued in power, as provided by law. Mr. Decker presented the report of the Bonded Indebtedness of School District No 8, of the Town of Dryden, which was re- ferred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr Smith presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Groton, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes Mr Smith presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Groton, which was referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Lists of the Special Franchises of the Towns of Danby and Groton were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. On motion, adjourned. 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Eleventh Day Wednesday, December 14, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present. Minutes of December 13 meeting, read and approved. The Clerk read an invitation from the Rotary Club of Ithaca, to be the guests of that organization at luncheon, which, on motion, was accepted The Clerk read a communication from Miss Winifred Wan- less, nurse at the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, thanking the members of the Board of Supervisors for their Christmas donation for the patients at that institution Mr Rumsey presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Enfield, which was referred to the Committee of Town Expenses, Etc Mr. Blackmer presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Second Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes Mr McDaniels, Chairman of the Committee on Returned Taxes , rendered the following report, relative to the lists of Grand Jurors, for the year 1933. Your Committee on Returned Taxes, to which has been re- ferred the list of names of persons selected by the several super- visors of the towns of the county and the wards of the City of 'Ithaca, as proper persons to serve as grand jurors for the County of Tompkins, for the year 1933, believes the persons selected are proper and qualified persons to serve as such grand jurors and recommends that the list of names, so presented and filed with the Clerk of this Board, and that the list of names so filed, with occupation and post office addresses of those there- in named, be adopted as the true Grand Jury List of Tompkins County, for the year 1933 Dated, December 14, 1932. 0. H McDANIELS, FOREST J PAYNE, FRED VAN ORDER, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 171 Moved by Mr McDaniels, that the report of the Committer be accepted, and that the list of names filed be adopted as the true grand jury list for Tompkins County, for the year 1933. Seconded by Mr. Conlon Carried Mr McDaniels offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—By the provisions of §435, of the Education Law, the County Treasurer is directed to pay to the district trea- surer or collector, as the case may be, the amount of school taxes returned as unpaid and if there are no moneys in the treasury applicable to such purposes, the Board of Supervisors at the time of levying said unpaid taxes, as provided in §436, of said Education Law, shall pay to the district treasurer or to the collector, as the case may be, the amount thereof which has been relevied, by voucher or draft on the County Treasurer, in the same manner as other county charges are paid, and WHEREAS—This Board has relevied the amount of such un- paid taxes, as provided by said §436, and , WHEREAS—There are not sufficient moneys in the hands of the County Treasurer to pay the district treasurer or collector, as the case may be, for all of the taxes so returned as unpaid and the amount that will be necessary to pay the same is the sum of $11,000 00, therefore be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $11,000.00, to enable the County Treasurer to pay to such district treasurer or collector, as the case may be, the amount due him for such returned school taxes and the County Trea- surer is directed to pay said amount out of any funds in her hands that may be available therefore and if she has not suf- ficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, or any part thereof, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipa- tion of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the pur- poses to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not 172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS more than six months after the date of issue and to bear in- terest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41, of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey. Ayes -14 Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on County Buildings, be authorized to purchase and have installed automatic blowers for the furnaces in the new county buildings. Seconded by Mr Chase Ayes—Messrs Howell, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce and Payne -8 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, BIackmer, Crittenden, Conlon and McDaniels-6. Carried. • AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Chase Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS -It is the desire of the authorities of the City of Ithaca to have the state construct a concrete state highway commencing at the interesection of the Ithaca-Esty Glen High- way, with the highway leading easterly from Stewart Park, thence south-westerly to the present entrance to Stewart Park on what is known as North Cayuga Street Extension, a distance OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 173 of .16± miles, with a spur therefrom leading in an easterly, southeasterly direction to connect with said Ithaca-Esty Glen Highway at a point 375± feet south of the point of beginning, said spur being 175± feet in length, making a total length of highway to be constructed 0 20± miles, and WHEREAS—The Ithaca-Esty Glen Highway is a much tra- veled highway, leading from the City of Ithaca to the Cities of Auburn and Syracuse, and this Board believes that the con- struction of this proposed highway would be most advantage- ous to the county and tend to relieve congested traffic on the Ithaca-Esty Glen Highway, therefore be it Resolved—That this Board request the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, to construct the pro- posed highway at as early a date as possible and, in the event of such construction, the County of Tompkins will take over and maintain in the future, at county expense, the State and County Highway in the Town of Ithaca, known as C. H No. 1003 and C. H. No 1003A, Mitchell Street -East Town Line Highway, a distance of 1 37± miles, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk forward a certified copy of this resolution to the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways Seconded by Mr Pierce. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Twelfth Day Thursday, December 15, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present. Minutes of December 14 meeting, read and approved Mr Snow, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, rendered the following report of that com- mittee, relative to the report of the County Clerk. The Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, hereby renders the following report relative to the report of the County Clerk, as follows : Your Committee has examined the report and made a com- parison of the items listed with the records of the County Trea- surer and finds that the moneys received by the County Clerk, as reported by him, were duly paid to the County Treasurer. The disbursements made, as appears in his report, were so made, to the belief of the committee. We believe that the report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of the County Clerk and recommend that the report be approved and accepted Dated, December 15, 1932. LAMONT C. SNOW, W. O. SMILEY, A. J. CONLON, Committee. Moved by Mr Snow, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried, Dr. Frank Tolman, Director of State Library Extension OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 175 Division, appeared before the Board, relative to the necessity of providing financial aid to the Cornell Library Association Messrs C E. Cornell and E T Turner also addressed the Board, relative to the urgent need of financial aid to the Asso- ciation Moved by Mr Pierce, that the Chairman appoint a Com- mittee to investigate the matter and to report to this Board. Seconded by Mr. Decker. Carried. The Chairman announced the appointment of Messrs. Mc - Daniels, Blackmer and Smiley, as such Library Committee. Mr Snow, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and EIection Expenses, rendered the following report, rela- tive to the report of the Surrogate's Clerk The Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses re- ports as follows : We have carefully examined the report of the Surrogate's Clerk and believe that the items stated therein are correct The balance of $218 33, after paying the expenses of the office, has been received and is payable to the County Trea- surer The amount of $150 28, received for pistol permits, has been paid to the County Treasurer. Your Committee believes that the report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of this office and re- commends that the report be approved and accepted and that the balance of $218 33, received from the Surrogate's Clerk, be paid to the County Treasurer, to the credit of the Gen- eral Fund Dated, December 15, 1932 LAMONT C SNOW, W. O. SMILEY, A. J. CONLON, Committee. 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr Snow, that the report of the committee be approved and accepted Seconded by Mr Crittenden Carried. Mr Snow, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, rendered the following report of that committee, relative to the report of the Commissioners of Election. The Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses re- ports that it has examined the report of the Commissioners of Election and believes the same to be a true statement of the Election Expenses of the County for the year 1932. We recommend that the apportionment of election expenses for the current year, as made by the Election Commissioners, be accepted and adopted, and that the several sums charged to the county, city and towns be assessed against, levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County and the several towns and city therein, as follows : County of Tompkins at large City of Ithaca Town of Caroline Town of Danby Town of Dryden Town of Enfield Town of Groton Town of Ithaca Town of Lansing Town of Newfield Town of Ulysses Total for County Total for City Total for Towns Dated, December 15, 1932. $3,064 32 1,323 88 318.12 318 12 742 44 212 05 742 44 280.10 424 18 212.05 207.12 $7,844 82 3,064 32 1,323 88 3,456 62 $7,844 82 LAMONT C SNOW,' W. O. SMILEY, A J. CONLON, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 177 Mr Snow offered the following , resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the report of the Com- missioners of Election and the apportionment of Election Ex- penses for the year 1932, be accepted and that the amounts therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, and the several towns and city therein, liable therefor Seconded by Mr Blackmer. Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried: AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present Mr Smith, Chairman of the Highway Committee, reported that his committee had effected a settlement with representa- tives of the estate of Fred Lewis, on the Ithaca -West Danby Highway for $1,100.00, and for the property of Ralph Mack, on the Etna-Freeville Highway, for the sum of $800 00 Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,900 00, for the rights of way, and all property damages, on the Ithaca -West Danby State Highway and the Etna-Free- ville County Highway, payable as follows : Estate of Fred Lewis and La Vern Lewis, Ithaca West Danby -Farm House & Lot $300 00 800 00 $1,100 00 To the owners of the Ralph Mack property, Etna-Freeville 800.00 $1,900.00 and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue orders for the above amounts, payable to the parties entitled thereto, upon delivery 178 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS to him of the proper deeds of conveyance of the lands in ques- tion, with a release of all property damages by reason of the taking thereof, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -14 Noes -0 Carried During the balance of the afternoon session the members of the Board were engaged in committee work. a On motion adjourned. Thirteenth Day Friday, December 16, 1932 Roll call All members present, except Mr. Howell. Owing to the absence of the permanent chairman, on motion of Mr Pierce, the Board proceeded in the election of a tempo- rary chairman, to serve during the absence of Mr. Howell Mr Pierce placed in nomination the name of Mr. Lagrand E. Chase for Temporary Chairman Mr Chase's nomination was seconded by Mr Smith. Mr Crittenden placed 'in nomination the name of Mr. Fred D. Van Order Mr. Van Order's nomination was seconded by Mr Blackmer. Messrs Rumsey and Smith were appointed tellers The tellers reported the whole number of votes cast were 11, of which Mr. Fred D Van Order received -4. Mr Lagrand E Chase received— 7. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 179 On motion of Mr. Conlon, seconded by Mr. Rumsey, the election of Mr Chase, as Temporary Chairman, to act during the absence of the Permanent Chairman, was made unanimous. Minutes of December 15 meeting, read and approved. Mr. Rumsey presented the following report of the Commit- tee on Equalization, Etc., for the purposes of the General Tax Levy and Highway Tax Levy, for the year 1932, which was laid on the table one day, under the rule. 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT NO 1 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF GENERAL TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1932 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your Committee on Equalization reports that they have ex- amined the assessment rolls of the several tax districts in the County of Tompkins, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the valuation in one tax district bears a Just relation to the valuations in all the tax districts in the county , that in the opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do not bear such just relations to the valuations in all the tax districts of the county, and your committee would recommend that the valuations of the several tax districts, in order that they may bear such just relations, be increased or diminished according to the following statements so as to make the aggre- gate equalized valuations as indicated in the tabular statement below. ' Towns Total Real Only, Ex- clusive of Franchises and Exempt Property Special Franchise Total Real Only as Assessed, Inclusive of Franchises and Ex- clusve o f Exempt Property True Value Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield _ Groton Ithaca, City Ithaca, Town Lansing Newfield _ Ulysses . _ ._ . $ 1,185,668 1,160,006 3,913,714 657,153 3,650,475 37,706,150 6,669,768 3,345,425 1,219,596 2,664,120 $ 28,152 21,756 142,418 29,040 63,753 761,376 173,052 70,364 31,360 78,840 $ 1,213,820 1,181,762 4,056,132 686,193 3,714,228 38,467, 526 6,842,820 3,415,789 1,250,956 2,742,960 $ 1,264,396 1,205,880 4,138,910 714,784- 3,829,101 14,7843,829,101 44,215,547 6,911,939 3,485,498 1,276,486 3,047,733 Totals _1$62,172,0751$ 1,400,111 $63,572,186 $70,090,274 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 181 Towns Equalized Value Caroline __ 1 96 % 1$ 1,146,812 Danby _ 98 % 1,093,738 Dryden _ 98 % 1 3,754,009 Enfield _ _ 96 % 648,312 Groton _ 97 % 3,473,011 Ithaca, City _ 87 % 40,103,691 Ithaca, Town _ 99 % 6,269,158 Lansing __ 98 % 3,161,361 Newfield _ 1 98 % 1 1,157,778 Ulysses 90 % 2,764,316 1,636,165 21,356 $ 67,008 88,024 302,123 37,881 241,217 573,662 254,428 93,178 Totals 1$63,572,1861$ 1,657,5211$ 1,657,521 And your committee would also report that they have de- termined upon proper inquiry and investigation the ratio or percentage which the assessed value of the real property in each such tax district bears to its full value and would recom- mend that, based upon such determination of your committee, that the board establish such ratios or percentages which are determined and in the opinion of your committee are as above set forth That your committee have, in accord with such percentage, compiled and that the foregoing table shows the aggregate valuations of each tax district, as determined from the actual values of property fixed according to the above ratios or per- centages and the average rate of assessment of real property in the county which your committee have determined accord- ing to the rules laid down by statute, to be 9070043 and that the table shows by such valuations the several and aggregate valuations upon which the taxes for the county, including the state taxes, should be apportioned between the several tax dis- tricts of the county _ All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated, December 14, 1932 ALAN T RUMSEY, Chairman LAMONT C. SNOW, FOREST J PAYNE, 0 HOWARD McDANIELS, LAGRAND CHASE, EDWARD J. CRITTENDEN, Committee. 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT NO. 2 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF HIGHWAY TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1932 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your committee further reports that it has in accordance with the percentage fixed and established by this Board, de- termined the equalized value of the real property of the several tax districts of this county, liable to the levy of taxes for high- way purposes, as shown by the subjoined tabular statement; that the average rate of assessment as determined by such percentages is .9070038. Towns Special Franchise True Value Caroline $ 1,187,018 $ 28,152 $ 1,215,170 $ 1,265,802 Danby . 1,172,356 21,756 1,194,112 1,218,481 Dryden . 3,923,014 142,418 4,065,432 4,148,400 Enfield 660,678 29,040 689,718 718,456 Groton 3,652,600 63,753 3,716,353 3,831,291 Ithaca, City 37,792,350 761,376 38,553,726 44,314,627 Ithaca, Town 6,673,443 173,052 6,846,495 6,915,651 Lansing 3,358,825 70,364 3,429,189 3,499,172 Newfield _ _ _ _ _ __ ...1 1,223,996 31,360 1,255,356 1,280,975 Ulysses . _ _. _ _ _ 2,667,720 78,840 2,746,560 3,051,733 Totals _ __ . $62,312,000 $ 1,400,111 $63,712,111 $70,244,588 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 183 Towns Equalized Value Pensions Exempt Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield _ Groton Ithaca, City Ithaca, Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses 96 % $ 1,148,087 98 % 1,105,167 _ 98 % 3,762,615 96 % 651,643 97 % 3,474,996 87 % 40,193,536 99 % 6,272,522 1 98 % 1 3,173,763 98 % 1,161,849 90 % 2,767,933 $ 1,639,810 21,373 $ 67,083 $ 1,350 88,945 12,350 302,817 9,300 38,075 3,525 241,357 2,125 86,200 573,973 3,675 255,426 13,400 93,507 4,400 3,600 Totals $63,712,111$ 1,661,183 $ 1,661,183 $ 139,925 Dated, December 14, 1932. 4 ALAN T. RUMSEY, Chairman FOREST J. PAYNE, O HOWARD McDANIELS, W. O. SMILEY LAMONT C SNOW, EDWARD J CRITTENDEN, LAGRAND CHASE, Committee. Moved by Mr Rumsey, that the reports be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. McDaniels. By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the table Mr. Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That report No 1 of the Committee on Equaliza- tion, Etc , be accepted and adopted, and the valuation of real property, for the purposes of the General Tax Levy against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and deter- 184 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS mined as therein set forth, as the basis of the apportionment for such taxes for the year 1932. Seconded by Mr Blackmer. Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried. Mr Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That report No. 2 of the Committee on Equaliza- tion, Etc , be accepted and adopted, and the valuation of real property, for the purposes of Highway Tax Levy against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and determined as therein set forth, as the basis of the apportionment of high- way taxes for the year '1932. Seconded by Mr. McDaniels Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS, The town superintendents of the several towns of Tompkins County have made an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised by tax for the improvement of the highways and bridges, and other miscellaneous highway pur- poses, of their respective towns, as provided by Section 90, of the Highway Law, and WHEREAS, The respective town boards have approved or changed said estimates, as provided by Section 91, of the High- way Law, Therefore, Be It Resolved—That the said estimates, as ap- proved by the town boards, be received and the mum set opposite the name of the respective towns, in the column which bears the heading, "Amount of lst Item" (which is the amount of the First Item in said, estimates), be assessed, levied and col- lected upon the taxable property of the respective towns, exclu- sive of the property within the limits of the incorporated vil- lage or villages of their respective towns which maintain their streets and highways as a separate road district, and be it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 185 Resolved—That the sum set opposite the names of the respec- tive towns, in the columns which bear the heading, "Amount of 2d Item," "Amount of 3rd Item" and "Amount of 4th Item" (which is the amount of the Second, Third, and Fourth Items of said estimates, as approved by the various town boards), be assessed, levied and collected upon the entire taxable pioperty of the various towns of Tompkins County, as follows, that is to say : Name of Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of Town First Item Second Item Third Item Fourth Item Caroline $3,900 00 $ 600 00 $3,000 00 $2,250 00 Danby 3,500.00 200 00 1,800 00 2,800 00 I Dryden 9,000 00 2,000 00 5,500 00 3,900 00 i Enfield 2,200.00 100 00 500.00 2,200.00 Groton 5,000 00 3,500.00 6,00 000 Ithaca 6,000 00 4,000 00 4,000.00 Lansing 7,100 00 1,000 00 3,500 00 5,000 00 Newfield 3,500.00 500 00 2,500 00 1,500 00 Ulysses 6,000 00 800 00 2,000.00 4,000 00 And that the several amounts, when collected, shall be paid to the supervisors of the respective towns, to be paid out by them as provided by law. Second by Mr Snow. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, an- nounced that that committee had effected a settlement with Omar K. Rhodes, for right of way, and property damages, on the Ithaca -Dryden State Highway ' Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $50 00, payable to Omar K Rhodes, for right of way, and all property damages, on the Ithaca -Dryden Highway, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order for said amount, pay- able to Mr. Rhodes, upon the receipt by him of proper deed of conveyance for the lands in question with a release for all prop- erty damages by reason of the taking thereof, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way. 186 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Decker. Ayes -13 Noes—O. Carried. A list of Corporations of the City of Ithaca was received and filed. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 19, 1932, at 10.30 A. M. Fourteenth Day Monday, December 19, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Howell. Minutes of December 16 meeting, read and approved Mr. Pierce, of the Committee on Finance, rendered the fol- lowing report of that committee, relative to the resolution re- ferred to it on December 8, 1932, in regard to reduction in the County Budget Your Committee on Finance, to which was referred the reso- lution relative to reducing the County Budget for the year 1932- 1933 to a minimum, renders the following report: Your committee is heartily in accord with the spirit, as ex- pressed in the resolution, of cutting off or reducing all expenses of county government (including appropriations) wherever possible, and your committee feels that there should be radical reductions in welfare and highway appropriations for the com- ing year. Your committee also believes, that there should be no allow- ance in a lump sum to any county officer for expenses, and that all claims for expenses should be itemized and audited by this Board in the same manner as other claims against the county are audited, thus avoiding any criticism in the future from the State Department of Audit and Control on that score OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 187 Relative to a reduction of salaries of County officers and em- ployees, a difficult situation confronts your committee and this Board In the first instance your committee does not feel that the salary of any officer or employee receiving, as a maximum, the total sum of $1,000.00, per annum should be reduced. Tomp- kins County has been one of the outstanding ,counties of the state in regard to the paying of small salaries to its officers and employees, as a comparison with any of the neighboring coun- ties will show. For this reason, the people of the county can- not expect any drastic reduction in that direction, although they might expect some Other conditions entering into the situation are : 1 Salaries of the County Judge and the Judge of Childrens' Court, as well as the per diem allowance to the members of this Board, are fixed by law. 2. Salaries of elective officers cannot be reduced under the law, during their term of office. 3 Nearly, all county officers and employees are under the Employee's Retirement System of the State and the amount paid to them on their retirement from service is based on the salary they received. Inasmuch as this Board cannot legally reduce the salaries of some of the officials and it would be manifestly unfair to reduce some and not all • your committee would recommend that the amount paid as salaries to all county officials and employees, as well as to the members of this Board, for the year 1933, be the same as paid for the current year, subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. Your committee has talked with member s of the three groups hereinbefore enumerated and all of those talked with have sig- nified his or her willingness to contribute to the county one- tenth of the salary received by him In the judgment of your committee, this is all that could be expected of any of them. For the foregoing reasons, and desiring to show its good faith, your committee would recommend that each member of this Board contribute to the county the sum of $1 00 of each per diem compensation paid to him for the year 1933. 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Your committee would further recommend that each county official and employee, receiving a total salary of over $1,000 00 per annum, contribute to the county one-tenth of the salary or compensation paid to him or her during the year 1933. Your committee would also further recommend, that in the event of any member of this Board or any county official or employee refusing to contribute, as hereinabove set forth, the County Treasurer shall forthwith notify this Board of such refusal, so that the same may be published, and that this Board shall take such action as it may deem proper in the matter. Dated, December 19, 1932. LESLIE R PIECE, LAGRAND CHASE, Committee. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that -the report of the committee be accepted and the recommendations adopted Seconded by Mr Crittenden Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried. Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That for the maintenance of the poor having set- tlement in Tompkins County, there be levied upon and collect- ed from the taxable property of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, to reimburse the county for moneys ex- pended for the maintenance of the poor of the various towns of the county and the City of Ithaca at the County Home, dur- ing the year ending October 31, 1932, as follows : Caroline $ 20213 Danby 448.16 Dryden 688.66 Enfield 135 00 Groton 807 81 Ithaca Town 135.00 Lansing 625 21 Newfield 000 00 Ulysses 616 39 City of Ithaca 4,159 38 County of Tompkins 613.44 $8,431.18 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 189 Seconded by Mr Payne. Ayes -13 Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That in accordance with the report of the Clerk of Children's Court, there be charged to the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the following amounts, as their share of the costs of the Children's Court : City of Ithaca $ 216.15 Dryden 13 35 Town of Ithaca 29.55 Enfield 4.50, Newfield ' 28 20 Caroline 3 45 $ 295.20 Said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city, the same to be placed in the budgets of the municipalities to which charged and collected at the next en- suing tax levy, to reimburse the county for moneys expended Seconded by Mr Smith. Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried. Mr Rumsey, Chairman of the Committee on Reforestation, rendered the following report, relative to the receipts and dis- bursements for the year 1932 Your Committee on Reforestation, renders the following report of the receipts and expenditures for the year 1932, in carrying on reforestation projects in Tompkins County RECEIPTS Balance from 1931 Received from State Appropriated by County $ 15.34 199 46 300 00 $ 514 80 190 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISBURSEMENTS Tree Planting $ 288.00 Cartage - 8 00 Clearing and burning brush 72 80 Moving fence 14.40 Cutting brush along highways 43 45 426.65 Balance $ 8815 Dated, December 19, 1932 ALAN T RUMSEY, RICHARD C. SMITH, FOREST J. PAYNE, Committee. Moved by Mr. Rumsey, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr Snow. Carried. Mr. Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $200 00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for refor- estation purposes for the year 1933, and be it further Resolved—That the balance of $88.15 standing to the credit of the reforestation project, and now in the hands of the County Treasurer, be and hereby is re -appropriated for reforestation purposes in 1933, and to be paid out in the same manner as provided in the resolution adopted by this Board on May 11, 1931. Seconded by Mr Smith. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- ported to the Board that there had been received a bill against the county from Eugene F. Van Name of Horseheads, N. Y., for the sum of $102 00, being for a culvert to carry water from the premises of one James Spencer, located at the intersection of the Ithaca -West Danby Highway with the Newfield Station Highway, and that while no right of way was obtained by the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 191 county of the said James Spencer, and that his property was not on the land taking map, as furnished by the State Depart- ment of Public Works, Division of Highways, still, by reason of the change of grade in the Ithaca -West Danby Highway, damage was done to the said owner and the Highway Commit- tee felt called upon to rectify those damages, so far as possible, and asked the pleasure of the Board in regard to the payment of the claim of Mr Van Name for the culvert furnished to carry water from Mr. Spencer's premises Moved by Mr. Decker, that the claim of Mr Van Name be audited by this Board in the same manner as other claims against the county, are audited. Seconded by Mr Blackmer. Ayes -13 Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr. Howell Mr. John J Sinsabaugh, County Sealer of Weights and Measures, appeared before the Board, in explanation of his report heretofore filed. Dr. Hauenstein, Superintendent of the County Laboratory, appeared before the Board and presented his annual report, which was referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Mr McDaniels presented the several claims audited by the Committee on the Enforcement of the Quarantine on Dogs, for the year 1932, which were filed. Mr McDaniels offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : -Resolved—That the'several claims audited by the Committee on the Enforcement of the Quarantine on Dogs, for the year ending October 31, 1932, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr Rumsey 192 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr McDaniels presented the claims audited by the Commit- tee on Jail Supplies, for the year ending October 31, 1932, which were filed. Mr. McDaniels offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on Jail Supplies, for the year ending October 31, 1932, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that committee Seconded by Mr Pierce Carried . Mr. McDaniels presented the several claims audited by the Committee on Public Health, for the year ending October 31, 1932, which were filed. Mr. McDaniels offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Commit- tee on Public Health, for the year ending October 31, 1932, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended and audited by that committee Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Payne presented the report of R C. Albright, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, which was referfed to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts Mr Decker presented the Town Budget of the Town of Dry- den, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 193 Fifteenth Day Tuesday, December 20, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr Howell Mr Smiley, of the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation, 'rendered the following report, relative to the salar- ies of county officers and employees and allowances for ex- penses. The Committee on County Officers and Compensation, tak- ing into consideration the recommendations of the Commit- tee on Finance relative to the salaries of county officers and employees, which report was accepted and adopted by this Board, is of the opinion that the salaries of the various county officials and employees should be fixed as follows : County Judge and Surrogate $5,000 00 Judge of Childrens Court 1,500 00 Special County Judge and Surrogate 600 00 County Clerk 3,600.00 County Treasurer 2,800 00 District Attorney 2,400 00 Sheriff 2,400.00 Commissioner of Welfare 2,000 00 Coroner 500.00 Superintendent of Highways 3,000 00 Sealer of Weights and Measures 900 00 Two Commissioners of Election at $900 00 each 1,800 00 Clerk of Board of Supervisors 1,800 00 Attorney for Board 500.00 Deputy County Clerk 1,500 00 Surrogate's Clerk 1,800 00 Motor Vehicle Clerk, County Clerk's Office 1,500 00 Assistants in County Clerk's Office 7,100 00 Clei k of Children's Court 800 00 County Court and Surrogate's Stenographer 1,200 00 Under Sheriff 1,500.00 Jail Matron 300.00 County Probation Officer 1,200.00 Two Deputy Sheriff's and Turnkey 1,200 00 Keeper at County Home 1,200.00 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Janitor at Court House 1,000 00 Janitor at County Clerk's Building and Motor Vehicle Clerk's Office 600 00 , Total for County Officers and Emloyees $49,700 00 Your Committee recommends that the salaries of the several county officers and employees be fixed by this Board at the foregoing amounts, subject to the conditions as heretofore re- commended by the Committee on Finance, and your commit- tee directs that the amount to be paid the Motor Vehicle Clerk be in full for any notorial fees or other services in connection with the duties of that office That the County Sealer of Weights and Measures, be allowed an amount, not to exceed the sum of $500 00, for expenses and disbursements of his office, that the County Superintendent of Highways, be allowed an amount, not to exceed the 'sum of $1,500 00, for expenses, that the Coroner be allowed an amount, not to exceed the sum of $100 00, for expenses, that the Sheriff, be allowed an amount, while traveling by auto, a sum not to exceed $1,500 00, while said officials are engaged in the per- formance of their duties and that the District Attorney be allowed an amount, not exceeding the sum of $800 00, for office expenses, all claims for expenses and auto hire to be itemized and audited by this Board, in the same manner as other county claims are audited, that the County Treasurer be allowed the sum of $800 00, for clerk hire, and that the Clerk of this Board be allowed an additional salary, to the amount of $500 00 for investigating claims and supervising the County Compensation Insurance for the year 1933 Dated, December 19, 1932 LAGRAND CHASE, W 0 SMILEY, D H. DECKER, Committee. Moved by Mr Smiley, that the, report be accepted and adopt- ed. Seconded by Mr Decker Carried. Mr. Van Order presented the several claims, audited by the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 195 Committee on Auditing Accounts of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, which were filed. Mr Van Order offered the following resolution and moved ; its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on Auditing Accounts of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, for the year ending October 31, 1932, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that committee Seconded by Mr Blackmer. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, appeared before the Board relative to the placing of certain roads on the County Highway Map. Moved by Mr. Smith, that this Board approves of the placing of the roads, as described by Mr. Vann, upon the County Map, upon his furnishing to the Clerk of this Board a more definite description thereof. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried. ____..--- AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Howell Mr. Snow presented the report of the Committee on Char- ities, relative to the report of the County Commissioner of Public Welfare Moved by Mr Crittenden, that the report be accepted and the resolution adopted. Here followed a discussion on the report. Moved by Mr McDaniels, that the report be laid on the table r 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS for further examination by members of the Board Seconded by Mr. Rumsey Carried Mr Snow, of the Committee on Charities, rendered the re- port, relative to the report of County Commissioner of Public Welfare, on Old Age Security. Moved by Mr Snow, that the report be accepted Seconded by Mr. Crittenden: Moved by Mr. Decker, as an amendment, that the report be laid on the table, until such time as the same may be examined by the members of the Board Amendment seconded by Mr Smiley There being no objection, the report was laid on the,table for further examination and discussion. Mr Decker, Chairman of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., rendered the following report, relative to appropriations to be made to various organizations and associations, boards and committees, for the year 1933 Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc , to which has been referred the request for appropriations for the year 1933, of various activities of the County of Tompkins reports as fol- lows : In consideration of the dxigencies of the present times, and of the resolution of this Board relative to the temporary dim- inution of salaries, your committee recommends the adoption of the following reso)ution - Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau, the sum of $2,500 00 Tompkins County Home Bureau, the sum of 2,500 00 'Tompkins County Farm Bureau, for Tompkins County Junior Project Extension, the sum of 2,500 00 Tompkins County Laboratory, the sum of 6,500.00 Tompkins County Library Rural Service, the sum of 4,000 00 Tompkins County Public Health Committee, the sum of 4,000 00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 197 Tompkins County Board of Child Welfare, the sum of 6,000 00 Tompkins County Committee for Eradication of Bo- vine Tuberculosis, the sum of 2,000.00 $30,000.00 and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is directed to pay to the Treasurer of the Farm Bureau Association and the Home Bureau Association, the amounts hereby appropriated to them in four quarterly payments, on the 15th day of February, May, August and November, to the Board of Child Welfare on the written orders of the Treasurer of said Board; for the Com- mittee on Public Health, on orders of the committee, signed by the representatives of this Board, to the Tompkins County Laboratory, on the orders of the Board of Managers, approved by the committee of this Board; and for the County Library Rural Service, in semi-annual payments, on the 1st. day of January and July 1933, and be it further Resolved—That the Board of Child Welfare be, and hereby is authorized to use as much of the amount necessary to use of the amount appropriated to it as is in its judgment becomes necessary under the provisions of paragraph D, sub -division 2, §157, of the General Municipal Law and be it further Resolved—That any sums standing to the credit of any of the foregoing activities, in the hands of the County Treasurer on December 31, 1932, and unexpended, be and the same are here- by re -apportioned to the General Fund. Dated, December 19, 1932. Moved, by Mr Decker, resolutions adopted. DELBERT H. DECKER, LAMONT C. SNOW, FRED VAN ORDER, Committee. that the report be accepted and the Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the sum of $1,800 00 and $500 00, hereto- fore appropriated as salaries to the Clerk and Attorney for the Board, and the sum of $500.00, as Clerk and Attorney for the Committee on Compensation Insurance, be in full payment for services as Clerk and Attorney for this Board from Novem- ber 17, 1932, to the annual session in 1933, unless otherwise ordered by a resolution of this Board Said sums to be paid as follows , $465 55 forthwith, $465 55 on January 15, 1933, and ,the balance in ten monthly payments, the first monthly pay- ment being February 1, 1933. Th'e County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make the first two i payments out of any unappro- priated money in her hands Seconded by Mr Decker Carried Mr. Snow presented the Town Budget of the Town of Caro- line, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Smith presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Village of Groton and of School District No. 8, of the Town of Groton, which were referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr Smith presented the Town Budget of the Town of Gro- ton, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. On motion, adjourned. Sixteenth Day Wednesday, December 21, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr Howell. Minutes of December 20 meeting, read and approved Mr Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, ren- dered the following report, relative to the report of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 199 Your Committee on Charities, having examined the annual report of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tu- berculosis Hospital, reports that the figures submitted to this Board appear to be correct, and the committee recommends that the appropriation to be made to that institution, for main- tenance for the year 1933, be the sum of $21,000 00 Dated, December 20, 1932 LAMONT C SNOW, EDWARD J CRITTENDEN, FOREST J. PAYNE, Committee. Moved by Mr Snow, that the report of the committee be accepted Seconded by Mr Crittenden. Carried Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $21,000 00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the maintenance of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital for the year 1933 Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the Committee on Charities, be and hereby is authorized to enter into an agreement, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, with the Tompkins County Committee of the State Charities Aid Association, by which the said Tompkins County Committee of the State Char- ities Aid Association agrees to provide the services of an agent, as assistant to the county and town public welfare officers of the county, in the investigation and supervision of cases of depen- dent children and family welfare, with the understanding that such agent shall, so far as her time will permit, be available for investigations requested by the officers of the Children's Court and of the Board of Child Welfare of said county, and be it further 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That said agent shall make monthly reports, cov- ering her work, to the County Commissioner of Public Welfare and to the Committee on Charities of the Board of Supervisors, and an annual report to the Board of Supervisors, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,600 00, for the services of such agent during the year 1933 Seconded by Mr Payne Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr Howell Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . ACT NO. 6, 1932 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY ' THOUSAND ($550,000) DOLLARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A COUNTY COURT HOUSE AND JAIL IN THE CITY OF ITHACA, IN SAID COUNTY, PRO- VIDING FOR A TAX TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND IN- TEREST OF SAID BONDS, PROVIDING THAT THE SURETY BOND HERETOFORE GIVEN BY THE COUNTY TREASURER IS ADEQUATE FOR SAID PURPOSES, AND REPEALING ALL ACTS INCONSISTENT HEREWITH TO THE EXTENT ONLY OF SUCH INCONSISTENCY. Passed in pursuance of the provisions of the General Muni- cipal Law, constituting Chapter 24, and the County Law, con- stituting Chapter 11, of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, at the annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, held on December 21, 1932, in the Supervisors' Chambers, County Court House Build- ing, Ithaca, New York, 8 votes, (being the votes of more than two-thirds of all the members elected to and comprising said Board of Supervisors) being in favor of and 5 votes being against its passage OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 201 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, STATE OF NEW YORK, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS :— Section 1 Bonds of the County of Tompkins in the aggre- gate principal amount of $550,000 shall be issued for the pur- pose of paying the cost of constructing a County Court House and Jail in the City of Ithaca, in said County, or to pay notes or certificates of indebtedness and renewals thereof issued for said purpose in anticipation of the authorization or issuance of County bonds Section 2 Said bonds shall be dated January 1, 1933, shall mature in the principal amount of $15,000 on January 1 in each of the years 1934 to 1953, both inclusive, and $25,000 on Janu- ary 1 in each of the years 1954 to 1963, both inclusive, shall bear interest .at the maximum rate of not exceeding six per centum (6%) per annum, to be expressed in a multiple of one- quarter of one per centum, the exact rate to be determined by the County Treasurer upon the receipt of bids, said interest to be payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July in each year, shall be 550 in number, of the denomination of $1,000 each, numbered in order of maturity from 1 to 550, both inclusive and shall be payable as to both principal and interest in gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, at the First National Bank, in the City of Ithaca, New York. Section 3 Each of said bonds shall contain a recital that it is issued pursuant to the provisions of the General Municipal Law, constituting Chapter 24, and the County Law, consti- tuting Chapter 11, of the Consohdated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, and by virtue of this Act; shall be signed in the name of the County by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of said County, and by the County Treasurer of said County, and the seal of the County of Tompkins shall be affixed thereto and attested by the County Clerk of said County, and the interest coupons thereto attached shall be authenticated by the facsimile signature of said County Treasurer. Said bonds shall be coupon bonds, registerable as to principal only or as to both principal and interest and shall be in substantially the following form •— 202 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOMPKINS No $1,000 COUNTY COURT HOUSE AND JAIL BOND The County of Tompkins, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this bond or, if it be registered, to the person in whose name it is register- ed, on the first day of January, 19 , the sum of One Thou- sand Dollars ($1,000 00), and to pay interest on such sum at the rate of per centum ( %) per annum, semi-annual- ly on the first days of January and July in each year from the date of this bond until it matures upon presentation and sur- render, as they severally mature, of the coupons therefor an- nexed hereto or, if this bond be registered as to both principal and interest, to the registered owner Both principal and inter- est of this bond will be paid in gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, at the First National Bank, in the City of Ithaca, New York. At the written request of the holder this bond may be reg- istered as to principal on the books of the County, kept in the office of the County Treasurer, and a certificate of such registry shall be endorsed upon this bond by such County Treasurer after which the principal of this bond shall be payable only to the registered holder, his legal representatives, successors or assigns, and shall be transferable only upon presentation to such County Treasurer with a written assignment duly acknowledged or proved The name of the assignee shall be entered upon this bond and such books Such registration shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons which shall continue to pass by delivery At the written request of the owner, this bond may be converted into a bond registered as to both prin- cipal and interest and the coupons annexed hereto cut off and destroyed after which both principal and interest shall be pay- able only to the registered owner, his legal representatives, suc- cessors or assigns and shall be transferable only in the manner hereinabove set forth This bond is one of an authorized issue, the aggregate prin- cipal amount of which is $550,900 00, the bonds of which are like tenor, except as to maturity, and, is issued pursuant to the provisions of the General Municipal Law, constituting Chapter OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 203 24, and the County Law, constituting Chapter 11, of the Con- solidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, and by virtue of an act duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of 'said County on December , 1932. The full faith and credit of said County of Tompkins are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the ' principal and interest of this bond according to its terms It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York to exist, to have happened and to have been per- formed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, exist, have happened and have been performed, and that the issue of bonds of which this is one, together with all other indebtedness of said County of Tompkins is within every debt and other limit pre- scribed by the Constitution and laws of said State. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Tompkins has caused this bond to be signed by the Chairman of its Board of Supervisors and its County Treasurer and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its County Clerk and the coupons hereto attached to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its County Treasurer and this bond to be dated as of the first day of January, 1933: Chairman of the Board of Supervisors County Treasurer (Corporate Seal) Attest County Clerk (FORM OF COUPON) No. $ The County of Tompkins, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, will pay to the bearer on the first day of , 19 , the sum of Dollars ($ ), in gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fine- ness, at the First National Bank in the City of Ithaca, New York, being six months' interest then due on its County Court House and Jail Bond, dated January 1, 1933, and bearing Number County Treasurer 204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (FORM OF ENDORSEMENT) CONVERSION CERTIFICATE I HEREBY.CERTIFY that upon the presentation of the within bond with a written request by the owner thereof for its con- version into a bond registered as to both principal and interest, I have this day cut off and destroyed coupons attached thereto, of the amount and value of Dollars ($ ) each, being all the coupons for interest on the within bond pay- able after the date of this certificate, and that the interest at the rate and on the dates stated in the within bond and as was provided by the coupons, as well as the principal, is to be paid to the registered owner, his legal representatives, successors or assigns at the place stated in the within bond and in the coupons. Dated : , 19 County Treasurer REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE ' It is hereby certified that the within bond has been registered as follows : Date of Registration Name of Registered Holder Registered by Section 4 The full faith and credit of the County of Tomp- kins are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds Said bonds shall be general and unlimited obligations of said County and there shall be raised annually by tax a sum sufficient to pay the prin- cipal of and the interest on said bonds as the same shall be- come due Section 5 Said bonds shall be advertised and sold by the County Treasurer of the said County at public sale, not less than five nor more than thirty days after a notice of such sale in such form as may be determined by him has been published at least once in "The Ithaca Journal -News," and "The Groton Journal -Courier," being the official newspapers of said County, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 205 and in "The Daily Bond Buyer," being a financial newspaper published and circulating in the City of New York Said bonds shall not be sold for less than their par value and accrued in- terest from the date of said bonds to the date of payment of the purchase price The County Treasurer is authorized to deliver said bonds tothe purchasers upon the ece pt by him of the purchase price thereof Section 6 This Board hereby determines in its absolute discretion that the security in the form of a surety bond here- tofore given by the County, Treasurer of said County is ade- quate for the faithful performance of her duty in issuing the said bonds and the lawful application of the funds arising therefrom and of the funds which may be raised by tax, or by the sale of County bonds, for the payment thereof which may come into her hands. Section 7 All acts or parts of acts -inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, rescinded and revoked, to the extent only of such inconsistency Section 8 This act shall take effect immediately. Seconded by Mr Smith Ayes—Messrs Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce, Payne and McDaniels-8 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden and Conlon -5. A vote for the issuance of county bonds requiring the affirm- ative vote of two-thirds of the members elected to the govern- ing body the Chairman declared the resolution lost. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : ACT NO 6, 1932 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY TREASURER OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, STATE OF NEW YORK, TO BORROW TEMPORARILY THE SUM OF $178,213, ON ACCOUNT OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING THE NEW COUNTY COURT HOUSE BUILDING AND NEW COUNTY JAIL BUILDING IN THE CITY OF ITHACA, AT ONE 206 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TIME OR FROM TIME TO TIME IN ANTICIPATION OF THE AUTHORIZATION OR ISSUANCE OF BONDS, TO ISSUE NOTES OR CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS THEREFOR, AND PRESCRIBING THE FORM THEREOF. Passed in pursuance of the provisions of the County Law, being Chapter 11 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, at the annual meeting of the Board of Super- visors of the County of Tompkins, New York, held in the Su- pervisors' rooms, County Court House Building, Ithaca, New York, on December 21, 1932, 8 votes (being the votes of a majority of the Supervisors elected to and comprising said Board of Supervisors) being in favor of and, 5 votes being against its passage. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, pursuant to provisions of said County Law, has by resolu- tion duly adopted on the 13th day of December, 1932, appro- priated the sum of $178,213, on account of the remaining part of the cost of constructing the new County Court House Build- ing and the new County Jail Building in the City of Ithaca, New York, in said County, (said projects being of a permanent , nature), therefore THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, STATE OF NEW YORK, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS . Section 1 To provide funds to meet said appropriation of $178,213 in anticipation of the authorization or issuance of County bonds for said purposes, the County Treasurer of the County of Tompkins is hereby authofized, pursuant to the pro- visions of §14 of the County Law, to borrow temporarily at one time or from time to time, as the money may be needed, not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of $178,213. Said loan or loans shall be evidenced by notes or certificates of indebtedness which shall mature not more than one year from their date of issue and which may be renewed by the County Treasurer from time to time, in the event that said notes or certificates of in- debtedness have not otherwise been paid at maturity, for per- iods not' exceeding one year, provided that such notes or certi- ficates of indebtedness and renewals thereof shall mature not more than three years from the origihal date of issue. Said notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be dated, shall bear such rate of interest, not exceeding six per centum (6%) per annum, payable at maturity, shall be in such denomination or OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 207 denominations, shall be payable at such place or places in such specie or other currency, and shall bear such number or num- bers, as shall hereafter be fixed or determined by the County Treasurer. Said notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the County Treasurer, and the seal of the County shall be affixed thereto and attested by the County Clerk Section 2. Said notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be substantially in the following form : No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOMPKINS CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, a,municipal corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this cer- tificate, the sum of Dollars ($ ), on the day of ,19 , together with interest thereon at the rate of per centum ( %) per annum, payable Both principal and interest of this certificate will be paid in gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, at the office of This certificate is one of an issue of issued pursuant to the provisions of §14 of the County Law constituting Chapter 11 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, and by virtue of Act No 1932, of the Board of Supervisors for money borrowed in an- ticipation of the creation of a funded debt and the issuance of bonds It is hereby certified and recited that all conditons, acts and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York, to exist, to have happened and to have been per- formed precedent to and in the issuance of this certificate, exist, have happened and have been performed, and that the issue of certificates of which this is one, together with all other in- debtedness of said County is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of said State In Witness Whereof, the county of Tompkins, has caused 208 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS this certificate to be signed by its Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and its County Treasurer, and the corporate seal of said County to be hereunto affixed, and attested by its County Clerk this day of 193 . Attest : Chairman of the Board of Supervisors County Treasurer. County Clerk Section 3 The full faith and credit of the County of Tomp- kins are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of such notes or certificates of in- debtedness according to the terms thereof. Said notes or certifi- cates of indebtedness shall be general and unlimited obliga- tions of the County of Tompkins and may be paid from the proceeds of the sale of bonds in anticipation of the sale of which they are issued, and if not so paid, an amount sufficient to pay the interest as well as the principal thereof as the same shall become due shall be provided for in the annual estimate in ad- dition to all other sums authorized by law, and raised by general tax on all the taxable property in said County Section 4 Said notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be negotiated by the County Treasurer for the best terms ob- tainable at private sale without public advertisement Section 5 The notes or certificates of indebtedness hereby authorized shall be in addition to the notes or certificates of in- debtedness for $371,787, authorized by Act No 4, 1932 Section 6 This Act shall take effect immediately Seconded by Mr Decker. Ayes—Messrs Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce, Payne and McDaniels-8 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden and Conlon -5 Resolution carried The Clerk read the contract submitted by the Board of Super- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 209 visors of Onondaga County, for the board of prisoners from this county, maintained in the Onondaga County Penitentiary, from January 1, 1933 to January 1, 1934 Moved by Mr Blackmer, that the contract be approved, and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board be directed to ex- ecute the same, for and on behalf of Tompkins County Seconded by Mr Payne. Carried Mr. Snow presented the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, which was laid on the table two days under the rule . Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 88 Lamont C Snow 89 W 0 Smiley 90 Delbert H Decker 91 Richard C Smith 92 L E Chase 93 A J Conlon 94 Forest J Payne 95 0 H McDaniels 96 Fred Van Order 97 Wm C Blackmer 98 Edw J Crittenden 99 Sidney L Howell 100 Leslie R Pierce Election Election Election Election Election Election Election Election Election Election Election Election Election Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass $ 16 16 14 24 16 16 18 40 12 96 14 56 17 48 15 84- 12 412 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 001 $185 80 $ 16 16 14 24 16 16 18 40 12 96 14 56 17 48 15 84 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 $185 80 Respectfully submitted this 21st day of December, 1932 LAMONT C SNOW, W 0 SMILEY, Committee 210 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr . Snow, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr Blackmer By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the county canvass, be ac- cepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee Seconded by Mr Rumsey. Ayes -13 Noes -0. Carried Mr Smiley presented the following,report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amounts so indicated. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 211 s 0 0 0 z Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1011Lamont C Snow Supervisors Quart & Spec 102IW 0 Smiley Supervisors Quart & Spec 1031D H Decker Supervisors Quart & Spec 104 Alan T Rumsey Supervisors Quart & Spec 105 R C Smith Supervisors Quart & Spec 106 L E Chase Supervisors Quart & Spec 107 A J Conlon _ .. Supervisors Quart & Spec 108 Forest J Payne .. Supervisors Quart & Spec 109 0 H McDaniels _ Supervisors Quart & Spec 110 Fred Van Order _ Supervisors Quart & Spec 111 Wm C Blackmer . Supervisors Quart & Spec 112 E J Crittenden Supervisors Quart & Spec 113 Sidney L Howell Supervisors Quart & Spec 114 L R Pierce Supervisors Quart & Spec $ 141 04- 120 4120 32, 153 52 144 40 174 80 123 12 123 76 156 56 150 48 102 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 $ 141 04 120 32 153 52 144 40 174 80 123 12 123 76 156 56 150 48 102 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 $1,846 00 $1,846 00 Respectfully submitted this 21st. day of December, 1932. LAGRAND CHASE, W 0. SMILEY, D. H. DECKER, Committee Moved by Mr Smiley, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Payne. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Offi- cers and Compensation be accepted, and that the bills and ac- counts therein listed be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr Van Order. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried On motion, adjourned. 212 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seventeenth Day Thursday, December 22, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr. Howell Mr. Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation be authorized to make any necessary repairs to the buildings under the supervision of that committee. Seconded by Mr Conlon Carried Mr McDaniels offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Highway Advisory Committee be auth- orized to make any necessary repairs to the County Machinery Building. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried. Mr Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board be authorized to se- cure bids for 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board, for the year 1932, reserving the right to reject any or all bids Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Carried Mr. Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the amount paid to the Jail Physician, for the year 1933, be $2 00 per visit. Seconded by Mr Blackmer. Carried OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 213 Mr Blackmer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $500.00, for the police of the City of Ithaca, for an hourly inspection of the offices of the County Clerk and the Surrogate, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount in quarterly payments, unless otherwise directed by a resolu- tion of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. Mr Payne offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Highways, with the Attor- ney for the Board, be authorized and empowered to secure all necessary rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer Carried. Mr Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman, and Attorney for this Board, be authorized to represent the county in any negotiations rela- tive to claims for damages to property in the elimination of grade crossings Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried Mr Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $400 00 for postage and incidental expenses of the Commissioners of Elec- tion, the sum of $250.00 for postage and incidental expenses of the County Treasurer, the sum of $60.00 for postage of the Clerk of this Board, the sum of $225.00 for postage and inci- dental expenses of the County Clerk and the sum of $500.00 for postage and incidental expenses of the Motor Vehicle office, for the year 1933, said postage and incidental expense claims to be itemized and audited by this Board. 214 PROCEEDINGS OF THE B09RD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Crittenden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $840 00,for rental of offices for the Supreme Court Cham- bers, for the year 1933, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount to the 211 E Seneca St. Corporation in monthly payments of $70.00, payable in advance, in accor- dance with the terms of the lease for said premises. Seconded by Mr McDaniels. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Correction and Reforma- tion be authorized to make any necessary repairs to the county buildings under the supervision of that committee. Seconded by Mr Payne Carried 1 Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Charities be authorized to make any necessary repairs or alterations to the county build- ings under the supervision of that committee Seconded,by Mr Crittenden Carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution arid moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be levied upon, and collected from, the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $6,500 00 for the following purposes for the year 1933: : For fuel and light in county buildings, in the City OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 215 of Ithaca For fuel at County Home For telephone service for county buildings $3,500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 $6,500 00 Seconded by Mr Decker. Ayes -13 Noes -0. Carried. Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be authorized and directed to certify for the payment of salaries of all county officers and employees, required to be certified to the State Civil Service Commission. Seconded by Mr Smiley. Carried Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman appoint a committee of three, which with himself and the Attorney for the Board, are author- ized and directed to act for the county in all matters that may arise, in which the county is interested and not coming under the supervision of any regular standing committee Seconded by Mr Payne Carried Mr Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS -By the provisions of Section 59, of the Tax Law, as amended, the Board of Supervisors of a County, not embrac- ing a portion of the forest preserve, on or before December 15 in each year, or such date as may be designated by a resolution of the Board of Supervisors, not later, chowever, than the first day of February of each year, shall annex to the tax roll a war- rant, under the seal of the Board, signed by, the Chairman ,and Clerk of the Board, commanding the collector of each tax dis- trict to whom the same is directed, to collect from the several persons named in the tax roll, the several sums mentioned in' the last column thereof, opposite their respective names, on or before the first day of the following February, where the same is annexed on or before the 15th of December in each year, and 216 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS , WHEREAS -It is impossible for the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to so annex a warrant at this time, as pro- vided in said law, therefore be it Resolved—That this Board designate January 30, 1933, as the date on which shall be annexed to the tax roll, the above warrant as specified in said Section 59, of the Tax Law, as amended, commanding the collector of each tax district, to whom the same is directed, to collect from the several persons named in said tax roll, the several sums mentioned in the last column thereof, opposite their respective names, on or before the first day of May, 1933, and commanding said collector to pay over on or before, the said first day of May, 1933, if he be a collector of a city, or a division thereof, all moneys so collect- ed by him appearing on said roll, to the Treasurer of the County, or if he be the collector of a town, to the Supervisor thereof and to the County Treasurer, as provided by law Seconded by Mr Rumsey. Carried AFTERNOON SESSION Ro11 call. All members present, except Mr. Howell Mr Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, ren- dered the following report, relative to the amount of moneys expended for rights of way, for the year 1932, and needed ap- propriations for 1933 : Your Committee on Highways reports that the following figures show the condition of the account for rights of way Balance November 1, 1931 Expended during year $50,822 91 29,510.76 Balance $21,312 15 Your committee therefore recommends that there be ap- propriated, for the year 1933 for rights of way, the sum of $12,000 00, in addition to the balance, now in the hands of the County Treasurer, of $21,312 15, making a total of $33,312 15, and that there be appropriated the sum of $10,000 00 for snow OF TOMPKINS COUN FY, NEW YORK 217 removal, for the year 1932-33,, making a total of $43,312 15 for highway purposes for the year 1932-33 Dated, December 22nd, 1932. RICHARD C SMITH, LAGRAND CHASE, Committee. Moved by Mr Smith, that the report of the committee be accepted Seconded by Mr Smiley. Carried Mr' Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $12,000 00, for rights of way, for the year 1933, and be it further Resolved—That the, balance, now in the hands of the County Treasurer in said account, amounting to the sum of $21,312 15, be re -appropriated to said right of way fund, making a total available sum of $33,312 15 for securing rights of way for the year 1933. Seconded by Mr Pierce Ayes -13. Noes -0 , Carried. Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the snow removal program for Tompkins County, for the year 1932-1933, be the same as of 1931-1932, with such additions as may be necessitated by the construction of new state and county highways during the year 1932, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $10,000 00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the removal of snow, for the year 1932-33 Seconded by Mr Payne. 218 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. Mr Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be Levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $28,110.00, for the construction of highways in 1933, under the provisions of Section 320-A, of the Highway Law, said sum of $28,110 00, to be duplicated by a like amount by the State of New York, under the provisions of Section 320-B, of the Highway Law Seconded by Mr Van Order Ayes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden and Conlon -5 Noes—Messrs Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce, Payne and McDaniels-8 Resolution lost. Mr Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $9,000 00, to aid the towns in the improvement of dirt roads, said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be ex- pended under the same provisions and conditions as provided by the resolution of this Board adopted December 31, 1930 Seconded by Mr Van Order. Ayes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden and Conlon -5. Noes—Messrs Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Chase, Pierce, Payne and McDaniels-8 Resolution lost Mr Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, to the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 219 organization sponsoring the Fourth of July celebration, to the Treasurer of said organization, the sum of $500 00, for the county's share of a celebration on July 4th, 1933 Moved by Mr. Smith, that the resolution be laid on the table, until the May quarterly session of the Board. Seconded by Mr. Pierce Carried Mr Smith presented the following report of the Committee on Highways which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on Highways, reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a dust and legal charge 'against' the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No of Claim Claimant Account Nature and to which of Claimed Allowed Assignment Chargeable Expense 651Treman King Respectfully 22nd. day of & Co __ _Rights of way Fencing submitted, this December, 1932. 42 85I$ Is 42 851$ 42 85 R C SMITH, LAGRAND CHASE, • FRED VAN ORDER, ALAN T. RUMSEY, Committee. Moved by Mr Smith, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr. Payne By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 220 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Highways be accepted, and that the claims and accounts therein listed, be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the com- mittee, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. Mr Pierce presented the following report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on Correction and Reformation reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. E 7 U 0 0 z Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 17 Onondaga Co Peniten- tiary . ___ 18 Harrison Adams ._ ____ 19 Harrison Adams . _ _ 20 T G Miller & Sons 21 A B Brooks & Son 22 Great A & P Tea Co. 23 West Disinfecting Co _ 24 Ithaca Journal -News.. Sheriff Board of Pris- Penal Inst oners .. $ Sheriff _ . . Auto Mileage_. Sheriff _ . :Office Exp Jail Supplies _ Jail Inmates ... Med Supplies_ Jail - __ Supplies . . Jail ._ 'Disinfectants _ __IPub Court ifNotices . . Printing 1 Supplies . _ Atty _ Expenses Atty . Pub Court Notices . 251Grace Printing Co __ Sheriff 27 28 Arthur G Adams. -- Ithaca Journal -News_ .. Dist Dist .I 2,000 13 $ 590 70 10 50 15 00 1 73 10 00 57 18 28 34 19 75 94 601 36 121 2,864 051$ 2,000 13 590.70 10 50 15 00 1 73 10 00 57 18 28 34 19 75 94 60 36 12 2,864 05 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 221 Respectfully submitted, this 22nd day of December, 1932 LESLIE R. PIERCE, FOREST J. PAYNE, A J. CONLON, Committee. Moved by Mr Pierce, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr Smith. , By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited at the amounts recommended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That of Claim No 18, the County Treasurer be directed to charge the sum of $52 35 to the Town of Caroline; $36 45 to the Town of Danby; $62 25 to the Town of Dryden, $27.50 to the Town of Enfield , $5 10 to the Town of Groton ; $26.85 to the Town of Ithaca , $93 45 to the Town of Lansing , $37 35 to the Town of Newfield, $82 30 to the Town of Ulysses, and $44.20 to the City of Ithaca, said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city, and that the amounts so charged be placed in the tax budgets of the respec- tive towns and city and collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended That of Claim No. 19, she charge $1 50 thereof to the City of Ithaca. Seconded by Mr Blackmer Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Smiley presented the following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule . Your .Committee on County Officers and Compensation re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each 222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount in- dicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amounts so indicated E U 0 0 z Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1IJohn J Sinsabaugh Co Sealer 21Carl Crandall _. Court House 3LJ Lakin Baldridge Court House 4 Wm A Church._ ...... Supervisors 5 Groton Journal - Courier - Supervisors 6 Ithaca Journal -News_. Supervisors 7 Ithaca Journals -News Supervisors 8 A B Brooks & Son ...Supervisors 9 Lawyers Co -Op Pub Co _ .. . 10 Lawyers Co -Op Pub Co _. 11 Frank Shepard Co . 12 T G Miller's Sons 13 Carl Crandall ... 14 Fred A Rogalsky 15 Fred A Rogalsky......... 16 L E Patterson .... 80 Ithaca Ice & Coal 85 T G Miller's Sons -- 86 Fred A Rogalsky 87 Ithaca Ice & Coal Co Court House Services & Expenses Services _ Services ._ .. Supplies . _"Notices Notices Notices . Supplies _ Ct Library ...._1Law Books . — Sup Ct JudgelLaw Books .- Sup Ct Judge Law Books .. — Sup Ct Judge Law Books . . — Supervisors __ Road Survey. . Court House . Insurance Court House Insurance Court House Insurance Court House Ice . Supervisors __ Supplies Court House Insurance Ice Respectfully submitted, this 22nd day of December, 1932 $ 161 30,1$ 56 00 160 72 26 50 $ 4 42 125 98 87 72 68 161 30 56 00 160 72 26 50 4 42 125 98 87 72 68 30 001 30 00 25 00 35 00 6 75 85 00 146 88 22 50 87 50 3 19 126 45 44 64 3 00 25 00 35 00 6 75 85 00 146 88 22 50 87 50 3 19 126 45 44 64 3 00 1 1,239 23 $ 1,239 23 LAGRAND CHASE, W. 0. SMILEY, D. H DECKER, Committee. Moved by Mr Smiley, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr Smith. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 223 Mr Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Offi- cers and Compensation be accepted, and that the claims and ac- counts therein listed, be audited at the amounts recommended and audited by the committee Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -13 Noes—O. Carried ' Mr Decker, Chairman of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc , presented the following report, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of , your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore rec- ommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated No of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 61 Ithaca Journal -News Educational Notice -Scholar- ships .... $ 62 Central N Y Institute for Deaf Mutes ..... Deaf -Mutes 63 Uriah Utter . _ .-. Pensioner __ 64 - Dr F E Ryan . - Insane 83 E M Perkins . ...... Pensioner Respectfully submitted, this 22nd day of December, 1932 Clothing . _ Headstone - John Corl . . Exam in Lunacy _. Burial -Joel B Johnson _ _ 11 00I$ 11 00 1 148 771 148 77 35 001 35 00 1 10 001 10 00 1 75 001 75 00 1 $ 279 771$ 279 77 D H DECKER, FRED VAN ORDER, LAMONT C. SNOW, Committee. 224 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Decker, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, Etc , be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That Claim No. 62 be charged to the City of Ith- aca and that Claim No 64 be charged to the Town of Groton, said claims being properly chargeable to said city and town, the same to be placed in the tax budgets of those municipalities and to be collected at the next tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr Conlon presented the following report of the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amounts so indicated OF 1OMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 225 No of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which , Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 70 71 72 73 74 75 Dr Wm A Smith Coioner Daniel Crowley City Court J D Ross _ ... _ Justice Jas 0 Robertson _ .... Justice _ Ed Ozmun Justice . _ Justice Ed Ozmun _.......... _- 76 C D Kintz . _ ....._-- Justice __ 77 J D Ross _ ........... _ Justice 78 Arthur G Bennett. _ Justice 79 E. E Slights .. __ ......... Justice Respectfully submitted, this 22nd day of December, 1932 582 miles @ 10c1$ Fees in Felony Fees in Felony Fees in Felony Fees in Felony_ Fees in Felony Fees in Felony DogQuarantine Fees in Felony _ IDogQuarantme 58 20 $ 45 60 48 65 6 00 5 15 6 80 5 10 1075 9 80 22 50 58 20 45 60 48 65 6 00 5 15 6 80 5 10 10 75 9 80 22 50 1$ 218 551$ 218 55 A J CONLON, 0 H McDANIELS, W. C BLACKMER, Committee. Moved by Mr Conlon, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr McDaniels By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table Mr Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claims Nos 77 and 79 out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund Seconded by Mr Pierce. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. 226 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, rendered the following report, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 291Hall & McChesney Co Clerk 30 Corner Book Store - Co Clerk 31 Marchant Calculat- ing Co - Co Clerk 32 T G Miller's Sons Co Clerk Co Clerk Co Clerk 33 Norton Printing Co 34 Wm A Church Co 35 Joseph H Brophy, Warden _ ... — 36 S J Schaefer Co Clerk 37 Leland H Arnold __ Cc:Clerk 38 Ithaca Journal -News Co Clerk 39 The Card Shop .!Co.Clerk 40 John D Kinney Co - Co Clerk - 41 Donald Card - __-- Comm Elec 42 Jennie B Thayer -- - _ Comm Elec _ 431Ithaca Journal -News Comm Elec 44 The Atkinson Press. - Comm Elec 45 Treman King & Co -- Comm Elec 46 T G Miller's Sons .__ Comm Elec 47 Groton Journal- 1 Courier _ _ .._ Comm 48 Norton Printing Co Comm 49 Atkinson Press Comm 51 Norton Printing Co Comm 52 Atkinson Press Comm 53 Groton Journal - Courier _ 54 Norton Printing Co 55 Dennis & Co _ 81 West Publishing Co 82 Matthew Bender & Co Co Clerk Elec Elec Elec Elec Elec Comm Elec Comm Elec Co Judge Co Judge Co Judge _ Supplies _ ISupplies (Supplies (Supplies _ICt Calendars Auto Plates Repairs . Checking plates _ Pub Notices __ Supplies _Insurance Work Work Pub Notices Printing Supplies Supplies - - $ Punting Printing Printing Printing Printing Pub Notices Printing Books Books 'Books 143 001$ 1 501 1 00 13 704 104 00 1 501 58 141 40 00 32 00 6 24 15 00 62 501 29 00 29 00 70 20 4 00 4 50 24 61 369611- 3,389 69611-3,389 00 33 00 48 75 2475 143 00 1 50 1 00 13 70 104 00 1 50 58 14 40 00 32 00 6 24 15 00 62 50 29 00 29 00 70 20 4 00 4 50 24 61 36 96 3,389 00 33 00 48 75 24 75 1 2 73 2 73 490 70 490 70 12 50 12 50 30 00 30 00 750 750 $ 4,71578$ 4,71578 1. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW •YORK 227 Respectfully submitted, this 22nd day of December, 1932. LAMONT C. SNOW, W. 0. SMILEY, A J. CONLON, Committee. Moved by Mr Snow, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr. Payne. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted and that the bills and ac- counts therein listed be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Rumsey. / Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Decker presented the following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule : Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 228 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No of Claim Claimant and , Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 56lWm A Church Co . Co Treas 57IGroton Journal - Courier .. Co Treas 58 Ithaca Journal News Co Treas 59 Norton Printing Co Co Treas 60 Auto -Copy Book Corp Co Treas Stationery ._ __ Printing - - Pub Notices . Stationery Paper (Copy) $ 62 501 $ 62 50 1 875 47 875 47 1,279 52 1,279 52 19 00 19 00 300 300 $2,239 49 $2,239 49 Respectfully submitted, this 22nd day of December, 1932. o D H. DECKER, W. C. BLACKMER, R. C. SMITH, Committee Moved by Mr Decker, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That the report of the Committee on County Trea- surer's Accounts be acepted and that the claims and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee Seconded by. Mr Crittenden Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, render- ed the following report, which was laid on the table for two days, under the rule • Your Committee on Charities reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 229 allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a j ust and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No of Claim Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 66 J B Lyon Co 67 Dow S Barnes Co 68 Donohue & Halversoi Co -I 69 Reynolds Dept Store 84 Reconstruction Home Welfare Dept lAcct Bks _ Crippled Child Shoes _ _ Co Home Labor & Supp Co Home Supplies Crippled ChildlTreatment $ 34 20 $ 34 20 8 25 8 25 41 76 41 76 29 25 98 00 $211 46 29 25 98 00 Respectfully submitted, this 22nd day of December, 1932 $211 46 LAMONT C. SNOW, EDW. J CRITTENDEN, FOREST J. PAYNE, Committee. Moved by Mr Snow, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr Crittenden. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : i Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Charities be accepted and adopted and that the bills and accounts there- in listed be audited at the amounts recommended by that com- mittee Seconded by Mr Rumsey. Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried On motion, adjourned 230 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Eighteenth Day Friday, December 23, 1932 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Howell Minutes of December 22 meeting, read and approved. The members of the Board were engaged in committee work during the morning session. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Howell. Mr. Decker, Chairman of the Committee on County Trea- surer's Accounts, rendered the following report, relative to the Mortgage Tax Statement for the year 1932 Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts renders the following report, relative to Mortgage Tax Moneys receiv- ed and the allocation of the 75% of the surplus thereof, as fol- lows : Caroline $ 38 24. Danby 50.76 Dryden 276 89 Enfield 48 75 Groton 109.39 Ithaca City 3,200 22 Ithaca Town 915 61 Lansing 95.50 Newfield 38 31 Ulysses 252 38 $5,026 05 In those towns containing incorporated villages, the dis- tribution is as follows : i OF 1OMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Town of Dryden Dryden Village Freeville Village Town of Groton Groton Village Town of Ithaca Cayuga Heights Village Town of Ulysses Trumansburg Village $241 10 23.09 12 70 78 75 30 64 736.14 179.47 205.48 46 90 231 Therefore, your committee recommends the following resolu- tion : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Trea- surer's Accounts, relative to the Mortgage Tax moneys and the allocation thereof, be accepted and adopted, and that this Board issue its warrant to the County Treasurer for the distribution thereof to the several tax districts of the county entitled there- to, as herein set forth Dated, December 23, 1932 DELBERT H DECKER, W. C BLACKMER, R. C. SMITH, Committee Moved by Mr Decker, that the report be accepted and the resolution adopted Seconded by Mr. Pierce Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried On motion of Mr. Decker, the reports of the Committee on Charities, laid on the table December 20, were taken from the table. Mr Snow presented the following report of the Committee on Charities Your Committee on Charities, to which was referred the re- ports of the Commissioner of Welfare, finds that, to the best be- lief of your committee, the figures submitted by the Commis- sioner as to the receipts and disbursements of his office are correct 232 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Inasmuch as there was appropriated to the different branches of this department on November 14, 1932, and to be deducted from the 1933 budget, the following sums County Home Office Salaries and Expenses Foster Homes,Care of Children Institutional Care of Children Hospitalization and 'Medicine Outside Relief $2,215 00 731.00 3,802 00 498 00 5,188.00 4,600 00 Total $17,034 00 these amounts should be deducted first from the amounts to be appropriated. Your committee feels that the amounts asked for by the Commissioner are again excessive. Your committee therefore recommends the appropriation of the additional sum of $32,450 00 for the general costs of the De- partment of Public Welfare, apportioned as follows : For Town and County Poor Supported at the County Home $4,650 00 Hospitalization 9,170 00 Foster Homes for Children 7,500 00 Institutional Care of Children 1,250 00 Outside Relief 6,250.00 Physician at County Home 600 00 Medicine 400 00 Chaplain 150 00 Nurse in Men's Ward 240 00 Transportation for Investigations 350 00 Commissioner's Expenses 150 00 Stenographer 540 00 Extra Stenographer 756 00 Legal Fees 100 00 Office Expenses 344 00 Total $32,450 00 Inasmuch as the Commissioner of Welfare has been hereto- fore informed, by the auditors from both the State Comptroll- er's Office and the State Department of Public Welfare, that OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 233 this Board is the sole judge of the adequacy of the amounts to be expended by his department and your committee feels that the amounts hereinabove enumerated, together with the amounts appropriated November 14, 1932, will be sufficient to conduct the affairs of the Department of Public Welfare for the year 1933, the Commissioner should be notified not to exceed these amounts in any branch of his department and, it these funds are not sufficient, the work in that particular branch of the department shall cease, unless other funds shall be made available by a resolution of this Board. Dated, December 20, 1932. LAMONT C. SNOW, EDWARD J. CRITTENDEN FOREST J. PAYNE Committee Moved by Mr Snow, that the report of the committee be accepted Seconded by Mr. Smith Carried. , Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $32,450 00, apportioned as follows: For Town and County Poor Supported at the Country Home $ 4,650 00 Hospitalization , 9,170.00 Foster Homes for Children 7,500 00 Institutional Care of Children 1,250 00 Outside Relief 6,250 00 Physician at County Home 600 00 Medicine 400.00 Chaplain 150 00 Nurse in Men's Ward 240 00 Transportation for Investigations 350 00 Commissioner's Expenses 150 00 Stenographer 540.00 Extra Stenographer 756.00 Legal Fees 100 00 Office Expenses 344.00 Total $32,450 00 234 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr Smith. Ayes -13. Noes -0 Carried. Mr. Snow rendered the following report of the Committee on Charities, relative to the Old Age, Security Fund . Your Committee on Charities having examined the report of the Commissioner of Public Welfare, relative to the Old Age Security, reports that it has compared his book with that of the County Treasurer and with vouchers, and believes the same to be correct and recommends that the same be accepted and approved Your committee approves the following appropriations for the Old Age Security Fund, for the year 1933: Allowances Granted Applicants $17,500 00 Investigator's Salary 2,150 00 Stenographer 440 00 Extra Stenographer 264 00 Office Expenses 240.00 $20,594 00 Inasmuch as there was appropriated to this Department, on November 14, 1932, for the year 1933, the following sum to be deducted from the Budget of 1933. Old Age Security $ 8,500.00 Your committee recommends the appropriation of the fol- lowing additional sums • Allowances Granted Applicants $17,500 00 Investigators Salary 2,150 00 Stenographer 440 00 Extra Stenographer 264 00 Office Expenses 240 00 Dated December 20th, 1932 $20,594 00 LAMONT C SNOW, EDWARD J CRITTENDEN, FOREST J. PAYNE, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 235 Moved by Mr. Snow, that the report be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr Van Order Carried -- Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, for the Old Age Security Fund, the sum of $20,594 00, apportioned as follows : 0 Allowances Granted Applicants for County Districts $17,500 00 Investigator's Salary 2,150 00 Stenographer 440 00 Extra Stenographer 264 00 Office Expenses 240 00 Total $20,594 00 Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -13 Noes -0. Carried Mr. Smiley, of the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation, presented the following report, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your Commit- tee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 236 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS E U 0 0 z Claimant and Assignment Account to which Chargeable Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 115 Lamont C Snow _ 116 Lamont C Snow 117 Lamont C Snow 118 W 0 Smiley 119 W 0 Smiley 120 W 0 Smiley _ 121 Delbert H Decker 122 Delbert H Decker 123 Alan T Rumsey - 124 Alan T Rumsey 125 Alan T Rumsey 126 Alan T Rumsey. 127 Richard C Smith _ 128 Richard C Smith. 129 Richard C Smith . 130 Lagrand E Chase 131 Lagrand E Chase ... 132 Andrew J Conlon _. 133 Andrew J Conlon 134 Andrew J Conlon__ 135 Forest J Payne . 136 Forest J Payne 137 Forest J Payne_ 138 0 H "McDaniels 139 0 H McDaniels 140 0 H McDaniels 141 0 H McDaniels.. 142 F D VanOrder__ 143 F D VanOrder. 144 F D VanOrder - 145 W C Blackmer 146 W C Blackmer 147 W C Blackmer 148 Edw J Crittenden 149 Edw J Crittenden 150 Edw J Crittenden 151 Sidney L Howell 152 Sidney L Howell 153 Leslie R Pierce 154 Leslie R Pierce 155 Leslie R Pierce 156 Fred L Clock Supervisors _ Tax Meeting Supervisors _ Comm Wrk Supervisors Annual Ses Supervisors Tax Meeting - Supervisors Comm Wrk Supervisors . Annual Ses - Supervisor Comm Wrk Supervisor`t�4 Annual Ses - Supervisois Tax Meeting Supervisors ... Comm Wrk - Supervisors Annual Ses _ - Supervisors Dog Comm . .. -.-I Supervisors _ Tax Meeting Supervisors . Comm Wrk _ Supervisors Annual Ses -- Supervisors . Comm Wrk Supervisors . Annual Ses .. Supervisors . Tax Meeting Supervisors .. Comm Wrk - Supervisors Annual Ses Supervisors - - Tax Meeting Supervisors _ Comm Wrk - Supervisors . Annual Ses Supervisors (Tax Meeting Supervisors Dog Comm _ _ _. Supervisors - Comm Wrk _ -- Supervisors Annual Ses - Supervisors Tax Meeting . Supervisors Comm Wrk .- .... Supervisors Annual Ses — Supervisors -ITax Meeting 'Supervisors - JComm Wrk -- - Supervisors Annual Ses -- Supervisors Tax Meeting Supervisors ._ Comm Wrk . Supervisors __ Annual Ses (Supervisors - Comm Wrk Supervisors - Annual Ses Supervisors Dog Comm (Supervisors .._ Comm Wrk -- 'Supervisors Annual Ses !Supervisors ... Disbursements i Respectfully submitted, this 23rd. day of December, 1932 LAGRAND CHASE, W 0 SMILEY, DELBERT H. DECKER, ' Committee $ 616$ 616 384 87 384 87 110 08 110 08 5 12 5 12 9944 9944 115 12 115 12 305 96 305 96 116 081 116 08 5 60j 5 60 ,239 401 23940 109 60 109 60 117 15 117 15 7 20 7 20 760 72 760 72 111 20 111 20 798 36 798 36 102 96 102 96 5 28 5 28 92 08 92 08 109281 10928 624 624 481 72 481 72 116 24 116 24 5921 592 115 40 115 40 317 00 317 00 109 92 109 92 4 00 4 00 470 00 470 00 108 00 108 00 400 400 126 00 126 00 114 001 114 00 4 00 4 00 24-6 00 246 00 114 00 114 00 644 16 644 16 72 00 72 00 72 00 72 00 493 59 493 59 108 00 108 00 100 00 100 00 7,433 85 $ 7,433 85 1$ OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 237 Moved by Mr Smiley, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr. Decker. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : , Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Offi- cers and Compensation be accepted, and that the bills and ac- counts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts rec- ommended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claims Nos 126, 139 and 153 out of the moneys in the Dog Fund, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to issue an order for said amounts, payable to the foregoing parties entitled thereto and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay said orders out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not suffi- cient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, and in pursuance of Section 41, of the County Law, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may to her seem necessary, in anticipation of the collection of taxes to be contained in the taxes for the current year, the moneys so obtained to be used for the purposes to which such taxes are applicable, and be it further Resolved—That the said Tompkins County Treasurer be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to give the notes or certificates of indebtedness of the said county, to mature not more than six months after the date of issue and to bear inter- est at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, until the date fixed for their payment, and be it further Resolved—That such notes or certificates of indebtedness be signed by the County Treasurer and countersigned by the County Clerk, and that the County Clerk shall make the entries required by said Section 41 of the County Law. Seconded by Mr. Decker Ayes -13 Noes—O. Carried 238 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resloved—That we, the members of the Board of Supervi- sors of Tompkins County in annual session assembled, wish to express our deep regrets caused by the illness of our Chairman, Sidney L Howell, whose kindly words and genial smile has endeared him to all of us We wish to extend to him our heart- iest greetings of the spirit of the day, with our sincere wish that he may soon again be among us Seconded by Messrs Snow, Smiley, Decker, Rumsey, Smith, Chase, Conlon, Payne, McDaniels, Blackmer, Crittenden and Pierce. Mr. Conlon, Chairman of the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts, presented a report of that committee, re- lative to the reports of the Justices of the Peace of the several towns of the county, which was accepted and ordered printed in the Proceedings of the' Board. Mr. Pierce presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on County Laboratory, for the year ending October 31, 1932, which were filed Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on County Laboratory, for the year ending October 31, 1932, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended and audited by the committee Seconded by Mr Payne Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr Crittenden, Chairman of the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc , rendered a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of Tompkins County and the several municipalities thereof, which was received and ordered printed in the Proceedings of the Board. Mr. Crittenden, Chairman of the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc , rendered the following report relative to the val- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 239 uation of the Special Franchises of Tompkins County for the year 1932 Your Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. reports the follow- ing to be a statement of all the Special Franchises of Tomp- kins County, outside of the City of Ithaca, as reported by the several town clerks' of the respective towns of the County, for the year 1932: Towns and Villages SPECIAL FRANCHISES FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY FOR 1932 Caroline $ Danby Dryden 6,370 Dryden Village Freeville Enfield Groton 2,522 Groton Village Ithaca _ 4,059 Cayuga Heights - Lansing Newfield 2,156 Ulysses Trumansbutg Totals $ 15,107 $ 3,754 $ 3,264 490 $ 1,470 196 9,409 7,178 6,370 0 0 0 0 E. g G 0 a vE -0 0 wU $ 24 8,134 1,764 24 588 0 O 0U z 0 O 3,136 3,528 4,753 Dated, December 22, 1932 $ 24,623 9,946 $ 588 $ 11,417 0 .0 Tu0) Y o z $ $ 14,880 $ 9,600 $ 7,448 -14,308 49,000 38,808 11,858 1,666 4,410 8,820 1,176 9,312 18,912 12,416 10,185 16,393 873 68,607 50,688 39,402 9,405 41,160 22,834 8,036 21,168 23,850 14,220 2,880 16,560 1,700 3841$ 980 891 1,800 270 1$ 816 13,500 4,050 24 7,2901$ 327,7421$ 215,5431$ 384 $ 3,941 $ 18,366 $ 24 E J CRITTENDEN, R C SMITH, W 0 SMILEY, Committee. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 241 Moved by Mr Crittenden, that the report of the committee be accepted Seconded by Mr Snow Carried On motion, adjourned to Wednesday, January 4, 1933 Nineteenth Day Wednesday, January 4, 1933 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr Howell The first order of business being the election of a Chairman for the year 1933, Mr Decker placed in nomination, the name of Mr Lagrand E Chase, of the Town of Ithaca, as Permanent Chairman. Mr Crittenden placed in nomination, the name of Mr Fred D. Van Order, of the City of Ithaca, as Permanent Chairman. Messrs McDaniels and Crittenden were appointed tellers. The tellers announced the whole number of votes cast were eleven, of which Fred D Van Order received 4, Lagrand E Chase received 7 Mr Chase, having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared elected Permanent Chairman of the Board, for the year 1933, and Mr Chase took the chair Minutes of December 23, 1932 meeting, read and approved Mr. Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption 242 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS—Due to the controversy that has developed in re- ference to the construction of a new Court House and Jail, much misinformation on this matter appears to be in the minds of a number of taxpayers, and WHEREAS—It is the wish and intention of this Board to clear up all possible misunderstandings in connection with this project, and WHEREAS—It is the desire of this Board to carry to comple- tion this project, and the financing thereof, in the most econom- ical manner consistent with the nature and purposes of these buildings, now therefore be it Resolved—That hereafter full publicity and information be given to any taxpayers, or to the representative of any tax- payers, who may request information bearing on any matter concerning this prod ect or the financing thereof That it is the intention of this Board to carry this project to completion with the strictest economy possible, taking into con- sideration the nature and purposes of these buildings, and post- poning any item of expense that can be properly deferred. That the project be financed by a bond issue in order to avoid the excessive taxes that would be necessary if the financing is handled through the budget. That in order to further relieve the taxpayers at this time, the sinking fund for the bond issue be delayed for two years, the first sinking fund payment to be made during the year 1935. Seconded by Mr Smith. Ayes—Messrs Chase, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Pierce, Conlon, Payne and McDaniels-9 Noes—Messrs Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer and Critten- den -4 Resolution carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 243 AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr. Howell The Clerk read the bids which were received for printing 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board, for the year 1932, as follows : Grace Printing Co. Norton Printing Co The Atkinson Press $2.19 per page 2.09 per page 2.19 per page Moved by Mr Crittenden, that the bid of the Norton Print- ing Co , for the sum of $2 09 per page, be accepted and that the contract for printing 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board, for the year 1932, be awarded to that company, with the agreement on the part of said company, that the provisions of the State Labor Law will be complied with, so far as the same relates to said Proceedings. Seconded by Mr. Blackmer. Carried. Mr. Decker, Chairman of the Committee on County Trea- surer's Accounts, presented the following report relative to the 'report of the County Treasurer. Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports that it has examined the various accounts of the County Trea- surer, as presented in her annual report, and that in its judg- ment the report is correct Your committee examined and compared with her books the vouchers presented by the County Treasurer and found the same to correspond with the figures therein. It therefore recom- mends that the report be accepted. Dated, December 29, 1932. DELBERT H. DECKER, RICHARD C. SMITH, W. C. BLACKMER, Committee 244 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr Decker, that the report be accepted and adopt- ed. Seconded by Mr McDaniels Carried Mr Crittenden offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $900 00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in payment of the Printed Proceedings of this Board, for the year 1932, the order therefor to be drawn by the Clerk of this Board upon the County Treasurer, upon the delivery to and accep- tance by the Clerk of said Printed Proceedings Seconded by Mr Conlon Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. Mr Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the collectors of the several towns of the county and the Chamberlain of the City of Ithaca, be instructed to pay over and settle all tax indebtedness with the several offi- cers of the towns, and the County Treasurer, on or before May 1, 1933, and to pay over to the supervisors of their respective towns all moneys in their hands, belonging to their towns, on the first day of each month, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be and hereby is in- structed not to pay to the collector of any tax district in the county, including school districts, for returned taxes until proof, by affidavit of said collector, satisfies her that he has com- plied with all the provisions of law for the collection of taxes in- cluding levy, notice, advertising and sale of personal property for the payment thereof Seconded by Mr Snow Carried. Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Highway Advisory Committee be em- powered to secure bids and purchase, in the name of the county, any necessary machinery for use in highway construction, said 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK , 245 purchases not to exceed the amount appropriated by this Board for that purpose Seconded by Mr Smiley Carried. Mr Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Compensation In- surance, rendered the following report, relative to the compen- sation paid, and the apportionment thereof, among the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, for the year end- ing December 31, 1932 Your Committee appointed to manage the plan of compensa- tion insurance reports to this Board as to the matters coming under its control as follows : The total number of county cases on which payments have been ordered and made, to December 31, 1932, were twenty- five, with payments as follows : Compensation $593 74 Surgical Treatment 632 40 Hospital Care 211 25 Total for County cases $1,437 39 The amount of $1,437 39 for county employees, apportioned in accordance with the provisions of the Workmen's Compen- sation Law, among the several municipalities of the county is, as follows : Caroline $ 25 92 Danby 24 72 Dryden 84 86 Enfield 14 65 Groton 78.52 Ithaca City 906 85 Ithaca Town 141 75 Lansing 71.46 Newfield 26 17 Ulysses 62 49 $1,437 39 The total number of cases of participating municipalities on which payments have beeii ordered and made, to December 31, 1932 were nineteen, with payMents as follows . 246 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Compensation $1,380 37 Surgical Treatment 556.00 Hospital Care 51190 $2,448 27 The amount of $2,448.27, apportioned among the several participating municipalities according to the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Law is, as follows : Caroline $ 119.64 Danby 114.10 Dryden 391 62 Enfield 67.64 Groton 362 31 Ithaca 654.00 Lansing 329 80 Newfield 120 78 Ulysses 288.38 $2,448'27 Making the total cost of compensation insurance to the sev- eral political sub -divisions of the county, for county employees and those of the several participating municipalities, as fol- lows : Caroline $ 145 56 Danby 138 82 Dryden 476.48 Enfield 82.29 Groton 440 83 Ithaca City 906 85 Ithaca Town 795.75 Lansing 401.26 Newfield 146 95 Ulysses 350 87 Respectfully submitted, this 4th, day of January, 1933 $3,885 66 LAMONT C SNOW W. 0 SMILEY, W. C. BLACKMER, Committee OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 247 Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : . Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Compensa- tion Insurance, be accepted and adopted, and be it further I Resolved —That there be assesed upon, levied against and collected from the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the sum set opposite the respective towns and the city, for payment of compensation insurance of county employees and those of the several participating municipalities, as fol- lows : Caroline $ 145.56 Danby 138 82 Dryden 476 48 Enfield 82 29 Groton ' 440 83 Ithaca City 906 85 Ithaca Town 795 75 Lansing 401.26 Newfield 146 95 Ulysses 350.87 $3,885 66 And the County Treasurer is hereby directed to place such sums when colletced to the credit of the Compensation Insur- ance Fund, and be it further Resolved—That any sum standing to the credit of the Com- mittee on Compensation Insurance, now in the hands of the County Treasurer and unexpended, be and the same is hereby reappropriated to said Committee for carrying on this work for the ensuing year, and be it further Resolved --That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Committee on Compensation Insurance, the sum of $2,500 00, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to deposit the same in a Bank or Turst Co Fund paying, interest, to the credit of the Workmen's Compensation Fund, for the purpose of creating a reserve or sinking fund. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. 248 PROCEEDINGS_OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : • Resolved—That the services of all town superintendents of highways, in the matter of snow removal, shall be at the expense of the town Seconded by Mr Crittenden. Carried Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various town's and the City of Ithaca, the Clerk shall print such rates in the Proceedings of the Board, following the town budgets of the several towns and the city Seconded by Mr Payne Carried. Mr Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to print the audits of the several towns of the county in the Proceedings of the Board Seconded by Mr. McDaniels Carried Mr Conlon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer is directed to pay, in equal monthly payments, on the first day of each month, to the Tompkins County Committee of the State Charities Aid As- sociation, the sum heretofore appropriated for the services of its agent, in the same manner as heretofore made Seconded by Mr Blackmer Carried. On motion, adjourned OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 249 Twentieth Day Thursday, January 5, 1933 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr Howell Minutes of January 4 meeting, read and approved Mr B I Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, ap- peared before the Board and rendered a ieport of the receipts and expenditures of his department made during the year 1932 Moved by Mr Smith, that the report be accepted and that the Clerk be directed to print the same in the Proceedings of the Board , Seconded by Mr Blackmer Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr. Howell. Mr Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That although we, the Demperatic members of this Board, have at all times and still do oppose construction of a new courthouse and jail, that the said construction has proceeded to such an extent that the over -burdened taxpayer is now faced with a tremendous budget and therefore, we re- commend that bonds be issued to finance it "And we recommend the appropriation of $28,110 00 under the terms of the Lowman Act for road construction, that $9,000 00 be appropriated for construction of gravel roads and that $3,000 00 be appropriated for support of the Cornell Library Association. 250 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS "We also recommend that the building committee report quarterly or any meeting held by the Board And inasmuch as some taxpayers would have us continue opposing the bond issue we feel that it is only fair to announce that our decision to vote favorably on such a bond issue is due to a recognition of the problems facing unemployed and small taxpayers The lat- ter would find it impossible to meet the excessive tax which a large budget would entail. Seconded by Mr Rumsey. Carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : ACT NO. 1, 1933. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY THOU- SAND ($550,000) DOLLARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON- STRUCTING A COUNTY COURT HOUSE AND JAIL IN THE CITY OF ITHACA, IN SAID COUNTY, PROVIDING FOR A TAX TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF SAID BONDS, PROVIDING THAT THE SURETY BOND HERETOFORE GIVEN BY THE COUNTY TREASURER IS ADEQUATE FOR SAID PURPOSES, AND REPEALING ALL ACTS INCONSISTENT HEREWITH TO THE EX- TENT ONLY OF SUCH INCONSISTENCY. Passed in pursuance of the provisions of the General Munici- pal Law, constituting Chapter 24, and the County Law, con- stituting Chapter 11, of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, at the annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, held on January 5, 1933, in the Supervisors' Chambers, County Court House Building, Ithaca, New York, 13 votes, (being the votes of more than two-thirds of all members elected to and comprising said Board of Supervisors) being in favor of and 0 votes being against its passage. i THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, STATE OF NEW YORK, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS •- Section 1. Bonds of the County of Tompkins in the aggre- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 251 gate principal amount of $550,000 shall be issued for the pur- pose of paying the cost of constructing a County Court House and Jail in the City of Ithaca, in said County, or to pay notes or certificates of indebtedness and renewals thereof issued for said purpose in anticipation of the authorization or issuance of County bonds. Section 2 Said bonds shall be dated May 1, 1933, shall mature in the principal amount of $16,000 00 on May 1, in each of the years 1935 to 1953, both inclusive; $25,000.00 on May 1, in each of the years 1954 to 1962, both inclusive, and $21,- 000 00 on May 1, 1963, shall bear interest at the maximum rate of not exceeding six per centum (6%) per annum, to be expressed in a multiple of one-quarter of one per centum the exact rate to be determined by the County Treasurer upon the receipt of bids, said interest to be payable semi-annually, on the first days of May and November in each year, shall be 550 in number, of the denomination of $1,000 00 each, num- bered in order of maturity from 1 to 550, both inclusive and shall be payable as to both principal and interest in gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present stan- dard of weight and fineness, at the First National Bank, in the City of Ithaca, New York Section 3 Each of said bonds shall contain a recital that it is issued pursuant to the provisions of the General Munici- pal Law, constituting Chapter 24, and the County Law, con- stituting Chapter 11, of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, and by virtue of this Act ; shall be signed in the name of the County by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of said County, and by the County Treasurer of said County, and the seal of the County of Tompkins shall be affixed thereto and attested by the County Clerk of said County, and the interest coupons thereto attached shall be authenticated by the facsimile signature of said County Treasurer. Said bonds -shall be coupon bonds, registerable as to principal only or as to both principal and interest and shall be in substantially the fol - owing form :- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOMPKINS NO. $1,000. COUNTY COURT HOUSE AND JAIL BOND The County of Tompkins, a municipal corporation of the 252 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this bond or, if it be registered, to the person in whose name it is register- ed, on the first day of May, T , the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), and to pay interest on such sum at the rate of per centum ( %) per annum, semi-annually on the first days of May and November in each year from the date of this bond until it matures upon presentation and surrender, as they severally mature, of the coupons therefor annexed hereto or, if this bond be registered as to both principal and interest, to the registered owner Both principal and interest of this bond will be paid in gold coin of the United States of Amer- ica, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, at the First National Bank, in the City of Ithaca, New York At the written request of the holder this bond may be re- gistered as to principal on the books of the County, kept in the office of the County Treasurer, and a certificate of such registry shall be endorsed upon this bond by such County Trea- surer after which the principal of this bond shall be payable only to the registered holder, his legal representatives, suc- cessors or assigns, and shall be transferable only upon pre- sentation to such County Treasurer with a written assign- ment duly acknowledged or proved The name of the assignee shall be entered upon this bond and such books Such registra- tion shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons which shall continue to pass by delivery. At the written request of the owner, this bond may be converted into a bond registered as to - both principal and interest and the coupons annexed hereto cut off and destroyed after which both principal and interest shall be payable only to the registered owner, his legal repre- sentatives, successors or assigns and shall be transferable only in the manner hereinabove set forth This bond is one of an authorized issue, the aggregate prin- cipal amount of which is $550,000, the bonds of which are like tenor, except as to maturity, and is issued pursuant to the provisions of the General Municipal Law, constituting Chap- ter 24, and the County Law, constituting Chapter 11, of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, and by virtue of an act duly adopted by the Board of Super- visors of said County on January 5, 1933 The full faith and credit of said County of Tompkins are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the - principal and interest of this bond according to its terms OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 253 In Wetness Whereof, the County of Tompkins has caused this bond to be signed by the Chairman of its Board of Super- visors and its County Treasurer and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its County Clerk and the cou- pons hereto attached to be authenticated by the facsimile sig- nature of its County Treasurer and this bond to be dated as of the first day of May, 1933 Chairman of the Board of Supervisors County Treasurer (Corporate Seal) ATTEST. County Clerk NO. (Form of Coupon) The County of Tompkins, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, will pay to the bearer on the first day of 19 , the sum of Dollars ($ ) in gold coin of the United States of Amer- ica, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, at the First National Bank in the City of Ithaca, New York, being six months' interest then due on its County Court House and Jail Bond, dated May 1, 1933, and bearing Number County Treasurer (Form of Endorsement) CONVERSION CERTIFICATE I Hereby Certefy that upon the presentation of the within bond with a written request by the owner thereof for its con- version into a bond registered as to both principal and interest, I have this day cut off and destroyed coupons attached thereto, of the amount and value of Dollars ($ ) each, being all the coupons for interest on the within bond payable after date of this certificate, and that the interest at the rate and on the dates stated in the within bond and as was provided by the coupons, as well as the principal, is 254 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York to e*ist, to have happened and to have been per- formed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, exist, have happened and have been performed, and that the issue of bonds of which this is one, together with all other indebted- ness of said County of Tompkins is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of said State to be paid to the registered owner, his legal representatives, - successors or assigns at the place stated in the within bond and in the coupons. Dated : ,19 County Treasurer • REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE It is hereby certified that the within bond has been registered as follows : Date of Registration Name of Registered Holder Registered by Section 4 The full faith and credit of the County of Tomp- kins are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest on said bonds Said bonds shall be general and unlimited obligations of said County and there shall be raised annually by tax a sum suffiicient to pay the prin- cipal of and the interest on said bonds as the same shall become due. Section 5 Said bonds shall be advertised and sold by the County Treasurer of the said County at public sale not less than five nor more than thirty days after a notice of such sale in such form as may be determined by him has been published at least once in "The Ithaca Journal -News," and "The Groton Journal Courier," being the official newspapers of said County, and in "The Daily Bond Buyer," being a financial newspaper publish- ed and circulating in the City of New York Said bonds shall not be sold for less than their par value and accrued interest from the date of said bonds to the date of payment of the pur- chase price The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to de- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 255 liver said bonds to the purchasers upon the receipt by him of the purchase price thereof. Section 6 This Board hereby determines in its absolute discretion that the security in the form of a surety bond here- tofore given by the County Treasurer of said County is ade- quate for the faithful performance of her duty in issuing the said bonds and the lawful application of the funds arising therefrom and of the funds which may be raised by the tax, or by the sale of County bonds, for the payment thereof which may come into her hands Section 7 All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, rescinded and revoked, to the extent only of such inconsistency. Section 8. This act shall take effect immediately. Seconded by Mr. Smith. Ayes—Messrs. Chase, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Rumsey, Smith, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Pierce, Conlon, Payne and McDaniels-13. Noes -0. Resolution carried. Mr. Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolv ed—Thae there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $28,110.00, for the construction of highways in Tompkins County in 1933, under the provisions of Section 320-A, of the Highway Law, said sum of $28,110 00 to be duplicated by a like amount by the State of New York, under the provisions of Section 320-B, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Ayes -13 Noes -0. Carried Mr. McDaniels offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 256 PROCEEDINGS OF 11 -IE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $3,000 00, to the Cornell Library Association, for the main- tenance of said library, under the provisions of the Education Law, for the year 1933 Seconded by Mr Blackmer. Ayes—Messrs Chase, Snow, Smiley, Rumsey, Van Order, Blackmer, Crittenden, Pierce, Conlon and McDaniels-10 Noes—Messrs Decker, Smith and Payne -3 Resolution carried Mr Rumsey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $9,000 00, to aid the towns in the improvement of dirt roads, said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be ex- pended under the same provisions and conditions as provided by the resolution of this Board adopted December 31, 1930 Seconded by Mr Van Order Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr Pierce, presented the following report of the Committee on Finance, relative to the County Budget, which was laid on the table two days, under rule . Your Committee on Finance wishes to report that, in its opinion, the following appropriations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the County for tie next ensuing fiscal year, viz APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR 1932 Contnbutions State Tax—Armory Purposes Stenographers, Etc $ 7,791 77 7,163 63 $ 14,955 40 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Tax Expenses, Etc.: Tax Commissioners' Meeting Tax Notices, Etc. Legislative. $ 134 08 2,295.63 257 2,429.71 Supervisors—Compensation $ 7,930.00 Expenses. and Mileage 1,495.38 Board Expenses 833 92 Overdarft 282 41 Clerk—Salary 1,800 00 Expenses 282.25 Postage 60.00 Attorney 500.00 13,183.96 Administrative Buildings • County Clerk's—Janitor $ 600.00 Insurance 101.25 Additional Fire Protection 500.00 Expenses 12.12 1,213 37 Court House—Janitor $ 1,000.00 Insurance 87.50 Expenses 311.46 1,398.96 Judicial: Supreme Court Judge—Postage and Incidentals $ 500.00 Rent 840.00 1,340.00 County Judge—Salary $ 5,000.00 Special County Judge and Surrogate — Salary 600.00 Assistants 3,000.00 Expenses 638.70 9,238.70 Children's Court: Judge—Salary $ 1,500.00 Clerk 800.00 Expenses 500.00 2,800.00 i 258 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Courts: Supreme $ 8,000 00 County 800 00 8,800 00 Court Library 250.00 County Clerk. Salary $ 3,600 00 Deputy Clerk 1,500 00 Motor Vehicle Clerk 1,500 00 Assistants 7,100 00 Postage 225.00 County Clerk's Bond 45 00 Motor Vehicle Clerk's Bond 30 00 Rent 420.00 Hold-up Insurance 62 50 Postage, etc Motor Vehicle Clerk 500 00 Expenses 1,000.00 15,982 50 Administrative Officers. Commissioners of Election : Salaries $ 1,800 00 Postage, Etc. 400 00 Rent 360 00 Expenses 250 00 2,810 00 Elections—County Canvass $ 185 80 Election Expenses 7,844 82 8,030 62 County Treasurer: Salary $ 2,800 00 Clerk Hire 800 00 Extra Clerk Hire 300 00 Postage 250 00 Bond—General 675 00 Bond—Highway 200 00 Expenses 300.00 5,325.00 Cornell Library Association 3,000 00 Regulative Officers: Sealer of Weights and Measures— Salary $ 900 00 Expenses 500.00 1,400.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,' NEW YORK 259 Corrective Officers: District Attorney—Salary $ 2,400.00 Office Expenses 800.00 Other Expenses 600.00 3,800.00 Sheriff—Salary $ 2,400.00 Expenses 1,500 00 Other Expenses 649.29 Bond 75.00 Under Sheriff 1,500.00 Two Deputies and Turnkey 1,200.00 Jail Matron 300 00 Overdraft 124.99 7,749.28 Probation Officer—Salary 1,200.00 Coroner—Salary $ 500.00 Expenses 100.00 600.00 Punishment • Jail Physician $ 75.00 Insurance 93.00 Expenses 350.00 518.00 Onondaga County Penitentiary 2,003.13 Contract Supplies: Heat and Light $ 3,500.00 Heat at County Home 1,500.00 Telephones 1,500 00 Overdraft 259 40 6,759.40 Reforestation - 200.00 Public Health County Laboratory Public Health Nurses Eradication Bovine Tuberculosis Educational. Farm Bureau Home Bureau $ 6,500.00 4,000 00 2,000.00 $ 2,500 00 2,500.00 12,500.00 260 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS r Junior Project Extension 2,500 00 Deaf -Mutes ,. 148.77 Educational Notices 20.35 County Library 4,000 00 Compensation Insurance: 11,669.12 Disbursements for 1932 $ 3,885.66 Expenses of Investigation, Etc. 602.80 Appropriation 2,500 00 6,988 46 Employees' Retirement System: 3,831.39 General Fund • 50,000.00 Temporary Loans—Interest: 6,528.66 Interest on Bonds: 11,000.00' Total Appropriation $ 217,505 66 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the - General Fund— Levy on Towns for State Tax $14,955 40 Levy on Towns for Election Expenses 4,780 50 Levy on Towns for Compensation Insurance 3,885 66 Levy on Towns to Reimburse County for— Deaf-Mutes 148 77 Sheriff's Expenses 469.30 Expenses of Children's Court 295.20 Fees of County Clerk 18,764.00 Fees of Surrogate's Clerk 218 33 43,517.16 Net Amount Required for General Fund Appropriation $ 173,988.50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 261 APPROPRIATION FROM THE POOR FUND Charitable, Improvident Poor: Commissioner of Welfare—Salary $ 2,000.00 Expenses 34.20 2,034.20 County Poor 8,431.18 County Home—Insurance $ 974.00 Expenses 123.81 1,097.81 Almshouse Inmates $ 6,865.00 ' Outside Relief 10,850.00 Hospitalization 14,358.00 Dependent Children— Foster Homes $11,302.00 Institutional Care 1,748.00 13,050 00 Physician 600.00 Medicine 400.00 Chaplain 150.00 Nurse in Men's Ward 240.00 Transportation for Investigations 350.00 Commissioner's Stenographer's Salary 540 00 Commissioner's Office Expenses 1,075.00 Legal Fees 100.00 Agents' Salary 1,600.00 Keeper's Salary 1,200.00 General Expenses 123.81 Extra Stenographer 756 00 Old Age Security: For Allowances Granted Applicants of County Districts $26,000 00 Investigator's Salary 2,150 00 Stenographer 440.00 Office Expenses 240.00 Extra Stenographer o 264 00 Charitable—Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis Hospital— Maintenance Insurance 52,257.81 29,094 00 $21,000 00 37.23 21,037 23 262 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mental Diseases: Insane Appropriation Dependent Widows and Children: Board of Child Welfare Soldiers, Sailors, Etc . Crippled Children. $ 120.00 150 00 270 00 $ 6,000 00 110 00 800.00 Total Appropriation $ 121,132.13 Less. Estimated Receipts Applicable to the Poor Fund— Levy on Towns to Reimburse the County for : Support of Poor at County Home $ 7,817.74 Examinations in Lunacy 120 00 Hospitalization 14,474 12 Boarding Homes 17,644 60 40,056.46 Net Amount Required for Poor Fund Appropriation $ 81,075.67 APPROPRIATION FROM THE HIGHWAY FUND Maintenance: Superintendent of Highways— Salary $ 3,000.00 Expenses 1,500 00 Office Expenses 95.13 $ 4,595.13 Construction • Sinking Fund on Bonds—Principal $ 2,543 05 Interest 5,086.16 7,629.21 OF 1 OMPKINS COUN1 Y, NEW YORK County System of Roads. Construction Under §320-A Dirt Roads- Rights oads- Rights of Way. Snow Removal: County Highway Indebtedness• Highway Bonds—Principal Interest Less. Estimated Receipts Applicable to Highway Fund— Levy on Towns to Reimburse the County for . Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds 263 28,110 00 9,000 00 12,000.00 10,000.00 $14,000.00 5,557.00 19,557.00 Total Appropriation $ 90,891 34 1,440.87 Net Amount Required for Highway Fund Appropriation $ 89,450.47 Your Committee further reports that the foregoing appro- priations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the county government for the next ensuing fiscal year, in pay- ment of 1. Armory Purpose Tax, pursuant to Military Law, as amended, Court and Stenographers' Tax, pursuant to Article 6, Section 12, of the State Constitution and to the Judiciary Law as amended. 2. Salaries of officers and employees, heretofore authorized by this Board 3 Claims audited and allowed by this Board 4. Claims to be audited at quarterly sessions of this Board, claims to be audited by the Commissioner of Public Welfare, duly authorized certificates and other expenses to be paid prior to the next ensuing tax levy. 264 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF ,SUPERVISORS 5. Amounts to become due on contract. 6 The amount to be paid for Sinking Fund and Interest on State Highway Bonds. 7 County Indebtedness and Interest thereon 8 Appropriations by this Board for other specific purposes and estimated amounts required for unforseen contingencies. Your committee further reports, that from the report of the County Treasurer, the receipts of the previous year and other information available, it is estimated that the amounts indi- cated will be available from the various sources specified, to the expenditures for the above purposes, and such amounts are deducted from the estimated amounts required, in fixing the amount to be raised by tax levy. Dated, January 5, 1933 LESLIE R PIERCE, LAGRAND E CHASE, Committee. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Finance be accepted, and that the several amounts therein specified be and hereby are appropriated from the funds indicated, to and for the purposes enumerated, and be it further Resolved—That all moneys received by the County Treas- urer, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for by law, or act of this 'Board, be credited by her to the general, poor or highway fund, in accord with the nature of such receipt, and be it further • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 265 1 Resolved—That in case of a deficiency in any appropriation, the County Treasurer, upon the written approval of a majority of the members of the Finance Committee, is hereby authori- zed to transfer from the general fund, the poor fund or the highway fund respectively, for the purpose of meeting any payment ordered by this Board, or required by law, which amounts are hereby appropriated for such purposes, but in no case is the County Treasurer authorized to transfer from the general fund or poor fund to any other fund, without a resolu- tion of this Board, specifically authorizing her so to do, and be it further Resolved—That there be assessed upon, levied against and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, liable therefor For State Tax $ 14,955.40 For County, General and Poor Tax 255,064.17 For County Highway Fund Tax 89,450 47 $359,470.04 Seconded by Mr. Conlon Ayes -13 Noes -0. Carried. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : . Resolved—That all amounts standing to the credit of any item of the general or poor fund on January 1, 1933, except such items where the State or any municipalities of the county contributes, and any amounts standing to the credit of the item on Compensation Insurance, be and the same hereby are re -appropriated to the general fund, and be it further Resolved—That any moneys contributed by the State, or any municipalities of the county subsequent to January 1, 1933, shall be credited by the County Treasurer to the fund from which paid, and to be paid out only on the order of the Board of Supervisors, except the moneys contributed by the State to the County Public Health Committee and the County Labora- tory. Seconded by Mr Decker. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried On motion, adjourned. 266 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Twenty-first Day Friday, January 6, 1933 Roll call All members present, except Mr Howell. Minutes of January 5 meeting, read and approved. The Chairman announced the appointment of the following committees to serve during the year 1933 RULES AND LEGISLATION Decker, Howell, Snow EQUALIZATION, ETC. Smiley, Payne, Snow, Chase, McDaniels, Smith, Rumsey TOWN AND COUNTY ACCOUNTS Blackmer, Rumsey, McDaniels TOWN EXPENSES, ETC. Crittenden, Blackmer, Van Order RETURNED TAXES Van Order, Payne, Conlon COUNTY OFFICERS AND COMPENSATION Chase, Decker, Smiley COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS Decker, Blackmer, Smith CORONER AND JUSTICES' ACCOUNTS Conlon, McDaniels, Blackmer CORRECTION AND REFORMATION Pierce, Crittenden, Smith COUNTY CLERK AND ELECTION EXPENSES Payne, Smiley, Van Order CHARITIES Snow, Crittenden, McDaniels SOLDIERS' RELIEF, ETC. Decker, Van Order, Snow HIGHWAYS Smith, Chase, Smiley, Howell, Payne FINANCE Howell, Pierce, Chase OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 267 CONTRACT SUI'1'LIES Chase, Decker, Van Order JAIL SUPPLIES Pierce, Smiley, Snow AUDITING ACCOUNTS OF THE TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL Smiley, McDaniels, .Blackmer TO SELL LANDS ACQUIRED BY THE COUNTY AT TAX SALE Pierce HIGHWAY ADVISORY Howell, Decker, Chase BRIDGE ADVISORY Decker, Crittenden COMPENSATION INSURANCE Snow, Smiley, Blackmer COUNTY LABORATORY Smith, Payne, Conlon ENFORCEMENT OF THE QUARANTINE ON DOGS McDaniels, Pierce, Rumsey NEW COUNTY BUILDINGS Pierce, Conlon, Chase, Howell, Smith SNOW EQUIPMENT Rumsey, Howell, Smith. Payne, Van Order REFORESTATION Payne, Howell, Rumsey ON ERADICATION OF BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS L. C Snow, A T. Rumsey, Dr Homer Genung Albert Stone, Harry Morse PUBLIC HEALTH Eugenia Van Cleef, Lera C Bostwick, Viola B Lent, 0 Howard McDaniels, E J Crittenden, F J. Payne, Dr. Minor McDaniels, Dr. Helen Bull, Dr Dean F Smiley, Dr Keith Sears, Dr L T Genung Moved by Mr Pierce, that the committee designations, as announced by the Chairman, be approved by this Board Seconded by Mr Payne Carried Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 268 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,800 00, for salary and $600.00, for traveling expenses, for a case worker in the Department of Charities; the sum of $100 00, for stenographer in the Division of Old Age Security, and that the sum of $2,600.00, heretofore appropriated for an investigator in the Division of Old Age Security, be divided as follows : Salary $2,000 00 and expenses $600 00. Seconded by Mr. Crittenden. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that in case of a vacancy occuring on any committee, the Chairman be authorized to fill the same. Seconded by Mr. Pierce." Carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, January 9, 1933, at 10 :30 A M. Twenty-second Day Monday, January 9, 1933 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Howell. Minutes of January 6 meeting, read and approved Mr Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc presented the following report of that committee, relative to the apportionment of taxes for the year 1932, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON APPORTIONMENT OF TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1932 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y : Your Committee on Equalization, etc., whose duty it is to apportion the various taxes among the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, reports that the following amounts shall be paid by the several towns and the City of OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 269 Ithaca, for the State Tax for General Purposes, Armory Pur- poses and Stenographers, etc., Purposes, County Tax for Gen- eral and Poor Purposes and County Tax for Highway Pur- poses, as follows : Towns Total State Tax Caroline _ Danby Dryden . _ Enfield _ Groton Ithaca, City .. Ithaca, Town Lansing ... Newfield .. _ Ulysses . $ 1,146,812 $ 269 791$ 140 56 $ 4,601 22 _1 1,093,738 257 31 134 06 4,388 28 3,754,009 883 13 460 11 15,061 82 648,312 152 52 79 46 2,601 14 3,473,011 817 03 425 67 13,934 40 40,103,691 9,434 40 4,915 34 160,904 02 6,269,158 1,474 82 768 38 25,153 10 1 3,161,361 743 72 387 48 12,684 00 _______ __ 1,157,778 272 37 141 90 4,645 22 .. 2,764,316 650 31 338 81 11,090 97 Totals $14,955 40 $ 7,791 77 $255,064 17 Towns State and County Caroline ._ __ __ $ 1,148,087 $ 1,611 78 $ 6,482 79 Danby__ 1,105,167 1,551 52 6,197 11 Dryden _ _ 3,762,615 5,282 58 21,227 53 Enfield ... __ _ 651,643 914 77 3,668 43 Groton . _ _ 3,474,996 4,878 76 19,630 19 Ithaca, City . _ 40,193,536 56,431 60 226,770 02 Ithaca, Town _ 6,272,522 8,806 49 35,434 41 Lansing . _ 3,173,763 4,455 83 17,883 55 Newfield __ 1,161,849 1,631 10 6,548 69 Ulysses _ _ . _ 2,767,933 3,886 04 15,627 32 Totals $ 89,450 47 $359,470 04 270 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Rate for State Tax $ .23525+ per $1000. Rate for County, General and Poor Tax $4 0122 per $1000 Rate for County Highway Tax $1 404 per $1000. Dated, January 6, 1933. W. 0 SMILEY, Chairman ALAN T RUMSEY, FOREST J PAYNE, 0. HOWARD McDANIELS, LAMONT C. SNOW, LAGRAND CHASE, EDWARD J CRITTENDEN, Committee. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr Conlon. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Equalization, Etc , on the Apportionment of Taxes, be accepted and adopted, and that the several amounts therein listed for state tax,• coun- ty tax and county highway tax for the year 1932, against the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, be assessed against, levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns and city liable therefor. Seconded by Mr. Conlon. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Pierce presented the following report of the Committee on Finance relative to Town Budgets for the several towns and city of the county, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule : Your Committee on Finance reports that the following tab- ulated statements show the appropriations that will be neces- sary to meet the expenditures of the several towns in the coun- ty and the City of Ithaca, for the ensuing fiscal year, as set forth in the following budgets OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 271 TOWN OF CAROLINE To be Paid the County Treasurer State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Due County Support of Poor at County Home Hospitalization, Etc Boarding Homes Out of Settlement Cases Election Expenses Sheriff's Expenses Compensation Insurance Children's Court $ 269.79 4,601 22 1,611 78 133.73 202 13 756 20 243.39 420.02 318 12 52 35 145 56 3.45 $ 8,757 74 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$245 57 To be Paid the Supervisor Town Audits $2,402 64 Highways 3,900 00 Bridges 600 00 Machinery 3,000 00 Miscellaneous 2,250.00 Public Welfare 500 00 12,652 64 TOTAL BUDGET $ 21,655 95 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Brooktondale $600 53 Slaterville Springs 635 04 TAX RATES— General Highway 0083 00935 Total .01765 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Brooktondale 00373 Slaterville Springs 00482 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DANBY To be Paid the County Treasurer • State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Due County Support of Poor at County Home Hospitalization, Etc. Boarding Homes • Out of Settlement Cases Election Expenses Sheriff's Expenses Compensation Insurance RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$855 72 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits Highways Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous General Fund Certificate of Indebtedness TOTAL BUDGET TAX FOR LIGHTING Danby West Danby TAX RATES— General Highway Total $2,112 81 3,500.00 200 00 1,500.00 2,800 00 1,500.00 1,000 00 DISTRICTS $330 00 288 75 .0109 .008 0189 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Danby .00232 West Danby 0047 $ 257.31 4,388.28 1,551.52 135 60 448 16 1,558.47 807.76 89 35 318.12 36 45 138 82 $ 9,729 84 12,612.81 $ 23,198.37 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 273 TOWN OF DRYDEN To be Paid the County Treasurer . State Tax ' County Tax County Highway Tax Sinking Fund & Interest, Road No 681 Sinking Fund & Interest, Road No 682 Sinking -Fund & Interest, Road No 683 Due County Support of Poor at County Home Hospitalization, Etc. Boarding Homes Examination in Lunacy Election Expenses Sheriff's Expenses Compensation Insurance Children's Court $ 883 13 15,061 82 5,282 58 243.11 269 13 278 09 265.42 688 66 2,038 34 870 70 10 00 742 44 62.25 476 48 13 35 $ 27,185 50 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$1,012 20 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $4,121.45 Highway 9,000.00 Bridges 2,000 00 Machinery 5,500.00 Miscellaneous 3,900 00 Public Welfare 1,628 55 Southworth Library 200 00 Memorial Day 50.00 26,400 00 TOTAL BUDGET $ 54,597.70 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Etna $585 00 McLean 60 00 Peruville 35 04 Varna 300 00 TAX RATES— Inside Corporation General 00668 Highway .0043 Total .01098 274 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Outside Corporation { General 00668 Highway 0043 Primary Highway 003 Total 01398 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Etna .00509 McLean .002632 Peruville .01011 Varna .00274 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 275 TOWN OF ENFIELD To be Paid the County Treasurer : • State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Due County ' Support of Poor at County Home Hospitalization, Etc. Boarding Homes Out of Settlement Cases ' Election Expenses Sheriff's Expenses Compensation Insurance Children's Court $ 152 52 2,601.14 914.77 90.81 135.00 586.60 18.56 52.09 212 05 27.50 82 29 4.50 $ 4,877.23 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$467 05 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $1,509 87 Highways 2,200.00 Bridges 100.00 Machinery 500.00 Miscellaneous 2,200.00 Certificate of Indebtedness—Principal 1,004.52 7,514.39 TOTAL BUDGET $ 12,858.67 TAX RATES— General Highway .008 .0101 Total .0181 276 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF GROTON To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Due County Support of Poor at County Home Hospitalization, Etc. Boarding Homes Out of Settlement Cases Examination in Lunacy Election Expenses Sheriff's Expenses Compensation Insurance $ 817.03 13,934.40 4,878.76 420.19 807 81 595.70 341.60 85.66 10.00 742 44 5.10 440.83 $ 23,079.08 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$2,037.99 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $4,000 00 Highways 5,000 00 Bridges 0,000 00 Machinery 3,500.00 o Miscellaneous 6,000.00 Memorial Day 75.00 Public Welfare 3,000 00 Certificate of Indebtedness— Bank Tax Refund 1,280 74 22,/355.74 TOTAL BUDGET , $ 47,972 81 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS McLean Peruvile 'TAX RATES— Inside Corporation General Highway Total $605.00 465 00 .00714 00390 .01104 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 277 Outside Corporation General Highway Total .00714 .00698 .01412 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— McLean 005 Peruville .0065 278 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • TOWN OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Support of Poor at County Home Hospitalization, Etc. Boarding Homes Out of, Settlement Cases Examinations in Lunacy Election Expenses Sheriff's Expenses Compensation Insurance Children's Court s RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$1,366 59 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits Highways Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous Town Welfare TOTAL BUDGET TAX FOR LIGHTING Renwick Heights Spencer Road Forest Home TAX RATES— General Inside Highway Corporation Total $ 1,474 82 25,153.10 8,806 49 135 00 944.53 1,093 82 99 65 30.00 280 10 26.85 795.75 29 55 $ 38,869 66 $3,980.78 6,000 00 0,000.00 4,000 00 4,000 00 • 2,000 00 19,980.78 $ 60,217.03 DISTRICTS $192 00 450 00 385 00 .0053 .0025 .0078 , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 279 Outside Corporation General Highway Total 0053 0039 .0092 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Forest Home .00125 Spencer Road .00186 Renwick Heights .00102 1 280 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CITY OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Due County Support of Poor at County Home Hospitalization, Etc. Boarding Homes Out of Settlement Cases Examinations in Lunacy Election Expenses Sheriff's Expenses Compensation Insurance Children's Court Deaf -Mutes $ 9,434 40 160,904 02 56,431.60 387.03 4,159 38 2,001 36 10,252.36 2,889.98 60.00 1,323.88 45 70 906 85 216 15 148.77 TOTAL BUDGET $249,16148 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$10,947 39 (To be paid by the School District of the City of Ithaca, and not a part of the City Budget, for which this tax is levied ) TAX RATES— General Highway Total .00503 .00147 .00650 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 281 TOWN OF LANSING To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 743 72 County Tax 12,684.00 County Highway Tax 4,455 83 Due County 356 6¢ Support of Poor at County Home 625 21 Hospitalization, Etc 3,312.28 Boarding Homes 2,177.01 Out of Settlement Cases 613 66 Election Expenses '424.18 Sheriff's Expenses 93.45 Compensation Insurance 401 26 $ 25,887.26 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$649.42 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $1,749.43 Highways 7,100 00 Bridges 1,000 00 Machinery 3,500 00 Miscellaneous 5,000 00 Certificate of Indebtedness—Principal 702 00' 20,051 43 Welfare 1,000.00 TOTAL BUDGET ' $ 46,58811 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS Ludlowville $420 00 South Lansing 240.00 Myers 310 00 TAX RATES— General Highway .0071 .0064 Total .0135 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— Ludlowville .00404 South Lansing .0032 Myers .0036 282 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF NEWFIELD To oe Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Due County • Support of Poor at County Home Hospitalization, Etc Boarding Homes Election Expenses Sheriff's Expenses Compensation Insurance Children's Court RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$191 01 To be Paid the Supervisor • Town Audits $1,520.36 Highways 3,500 00 Bridges 500 00 Machinery 2,500 00 Miscellaneous 1,500.00 Poor. Fund 1,500 00 Town Library 300.00 Memorial Day 25.00 $ 272 37 4,645 22 1,631.10 48.72 000.00 528 73 184 93 212 05 37.35 146 95 28 20 $ 7,735 62 11,345.36 TOTAL BUDGET $ 19,271 99 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT Newfield $704 06 TAX RATES— General 00775 Highway .00775 Total 01550 TAX RATES FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT— Newfield .003 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 283 TOWN OF ULYSSES To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax$ 650 31 County Tax 11,090 97 County Highway Tax 3,886.04 Sinking Fund & Interest, Road No 616 650 54 Support of Poor at County Home 616 39 Hospitalization, Etc 2,152 51 Boarding Homes 1,654 47 Out of Settlement Cases 354.29 Examination in Lunacy 10 00 Election Expenses 207.12 Sheriff's Expenses 82.30 Compensation Insurance 350 87 $ RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$864 56 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $3,500 00 Highways 6,000.00 Bridges 800 00 Machinery 2,000 00 Miscellaneous and Snow 4,000 00 General Fund 3,500 00 TOTAL BUDGET TAX RATES— Inside Corporation Outside Corporation 21,705.81 19,800 00 $ 42,370.37 General .00882 Highway ' .00412 Total . .01294 General .00882 Highway 00412 Primary Highway 00350 Total 01644 All of which was respectfully submitted Dated, January 9, 1933 LESLIE R PIERCE, LAGRAND CHASE, Committee 284 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time Seconded by Mr Decker By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That in accordance with the resolution adopted by the several town boards of the County of Tompkins, now on file with the Clerk of this Boa/ d, and the Laws of the State of New York, and in accordance with the foregoing report and recommendations of the Committee on Finance, that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the foregoing sums for the purposes therein named. Seconded by Mr. Payne Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Moved by Mr Pierce, that the Committee on County Build- ings be authorized and empoweied to enter into a contract in the name of Tompkins County, with a competent consulting equipment engineer for services in making proper survey, pre- paring drawings and specifications, preparing bids, tabula- tions, inspection of equipment and supervising the installation of equipment, in the several departments of the new county building and jail. Seconded by Mr. Decker. Ayes—Messrs Chase, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Black- mer, Crittenden, Pierce, Conlon, Payne, and McDaniels-11. Noes /Messrs Rumsey and Van Order -2 Resolution carried - County Superintendent of Highways, Vann, appeared be- fore the Board and recommended that the highway in the Town of Newfield, No 132, known as the Dassance Road, in that portion beginning at the Four Corners (so-called), said point being 1 75± miles southerly from the southern terminus of the OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 285 completed construction and extending thence southerly, south- westerly and southerly to the Chemung-Schuyler Counties line, a distance of 2 18± miles, be stricken from the County Map Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the recommendation of the County Superin- tendent of Highways be adopted by this Board and that that por- tion of the highway in the town of Newfield, be stricken from the County Map, as recommended. Seconded by Mr Smiley Carried Mr Vann, County Superintendent of Highways, recommend- ed that the following roads be placed on the County Map for future construction, in accordance with his recommendations to this Board on December 20, 1932. 1 Triphammer Road,:to be known as Road No 166 in the Town of Ithaca, beginning at the end of the concrete pavement on the line between the City of Ithaca and the Village of Cayuga Heights, and extending north-easterly a distance of 1 0± miles, and connecting with an improved town highway known as the Kline Woods Road 2. Brooktondale Back Road, to be known as Road No 167, in the Town of Caroline, beginning on C H. No. 1004, Brook- tondale Section, at Station No 113+45, and extending easterly a distance of 0 50± miles and connecting with County Road No 113. 3 McIntyre Road, to be known as Road No. 168, in the Town of Ithaca,,beginning on C H No. 681, at Station 2+0, and extending easterly a distance of 500± feet to County Road No. 160 4. Harford Road, known as Road No 117, commencing at a point on the Speed Road (so-called) in the Town of Caroline, at the intersection of County Road No 117, said point being 2 0 miles east of Station No. 240, C H. No. 1004, and extending thence easterly 0 20 miles to the Tioga County Line, also com- mencing at a point on the above described road extended north- easterly, where said road intersects the boundary line between the Town of Caroline, Tompkins County, on the north and the Town of Richford, Tioga County, on the south, thence extending 286 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS northeasterly to the Cortland County line, a distance of 2 0 miles. 5 Dassance Road, known as Road No 132 in the Town of Newfield, beginning at the Four Corners (so-called) said point being 1 75± miles southerly from the southerly terminus of the completed construction, extending thence southwesterly to its intersection with the road extending north between the County of Chemung on the east and the County of Schuyler on the west, a distance of 0 7± miles, thence southerly along the road extending north between the County of Chemung and the County of Schuyler, to the Chemung-Schuyler Counties line, a distance of 1.62± miles. 6 Willow Creek Station Road, to be known as Road No. 169, beginning at the Lehigh Valley Railroad Station at Willow Creek in the Town of Ulysses and extending northeasterly to C. H No 1921 (Taughannock Boulevard) at Station No. 108+50. Moved by Mr Smith, that the highways, as recommended by the County Superintendent be placed on the County Map, for future construction Seconded by Mr Snow. Carried County Superintendent of Highways, Vann, presented the following construction and reconstruction program of high- ways for the year 1933 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Project No 1 Perry City Road, No. 142, 14' gravel road in Town of Ulysses extending west from the • county house corners a distance of 2 0 miles. Estimated cost $13,000.00 Project No. 2. Triphammer Road No 166, 14' gravel road in Town of Ithaca, beginning at end of con- crete pavement between the City of Ithaca and Village of Cayuga Heights and extending northeasterly 1 0 mile Estimated cost $8,000 00 Project No 3 Merchants' Corners Road, No 170, 14' gra- vel road in Town of Groton, beginning at OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 287 Merchants' Corners on the Peruville-McLean road and extending northerly and northwes- terly, a distance of 3 2 miles to Groton Vil- lage line. Estimated cost $22,400 00 Project No. 4 Ithaca Town Line -Asbury Road, No 122, 14' gravel road in Town of Lansing, begin- ning at Asbury Church and extending south- erly 2 5 miles Estimated cost $13,000 00 Project No 5 Coddington Road, Nd 119, 14' full construc- tion road in Town of Caroline, beginning at northerly terminus of completed construc- tion and extending southerly 0 5 miles Estimated cost $6,000 00 Project No 6. Speed Road No. 117 in Town of Caroline, 14' penetration top from east terminus of finished road easterly 1 0 mile. Estimated cost $6,000 00 Project No. 7. North Road, No. 167 in Town of Caroline, 14' retread top beginning on C H. No. 1004 at Station No 113+45 easterly 0 50 miles and connecting with County Road No. 113. Estimated cost $2,000.00 Project No. 8. Dryden -McLean Road No 163 in Town of Dryden, 14' double surface treatment top, beginning at Lacy's Corners and extending north 2 25 miles. Estimated cost $3,000,00 Project No 9 Ringwood Road No 164, in Town of Dryden, 14' retread top, beginning at east terminus of Ellis Hollow road and extending south- easterly and northerly to S. H. No. 682, 5 5 miles. Estimated cost $22,000 00 Project No. 10 Midland Road, No 162, in Town of Dryden, 14' retread top, beginning at Knapp's School- house Corners and extending southeasterly 2 4 miles Estimated cost $9,600 00 288 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Project No 11 Hayts Corners, No 139, in Town of Enfield, 10' retread top beginning at west terminus of completed construction and westerly 1 0 mile" Estimated cost $3,500 00 Project No 12 Groton -Cayuga County .Line Road, No 171, in Town of Groton, 14' retread top, begin- ning 'at S H No 1088 leading from Groton to Locke and extending north to the Cayuga County line 1 4 miles. Estimated cost $5,600 00 Project No. 13 Kennedys Corner -Town Line Road, No 172, in Town of Ithaca, 10' double surface treat- ment, beginning at Kennedys Corners and extending northerly 1 0 mile Estimated cost $1,000 00 Project No. 14 Game Farm Road, No 173, in Town of Itha- ca, 14' light top beginning at Mitchell Street extension on Ithaca -Dryden line, extending southerly 0 5 miles Estimated cost $500.00 Project No. 15. Warren Road, No 121, in Town of Lansing, 10' retread top, beginning at north terminus of completed construction and extending northerly 2 25 miles. Estimated cost $6,750 00 Project No. 16. Kline Road, No 122, in Town of Lansing, 14' penetration top, beginning at northerly terminus of completed construction and ex- tending northerly 1 0 mile Estimated cost $6,000 00 Project No. 17. Dassance Road, No 132, in Town of New- field, 10' penetration top, beginning at south- erly terminus of completed construction and extending southwesterly 15 miles Estimated cost $7,800 00 Project No 18 Shaffer Road, No 131, in Town of New- field, 10' penetration top, beginning at south- erly terminus of completed construction and extending southerly 1 0 mile Estimated cost $5,200 00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 289 Project No 19 Perry City Road, No 142, in Town of Ulys- ses, 14' penetration top, beginning 2 0 miles west of County House Corners and extending westerly 1 25 miles Estimated cost $7,000 00 Project No 20 Halseyville Road, No 170, in Town of Ulys- ses, 14' penetration top, beginning 2 0 miles west of County House Corners and extending northerly 1 0 mile Estimated cost $5,500 00 RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM it! Project No 21 Marion Road, No 174, in Town of Ithaca widening to 14' and retread 1.0 mile Estimated cost $5,000.00 Project No 22 Jacksonville-Taughannock Falls, No 143, beginning at the hamlet of Jacksonville, and extending north to Taughannock Falls State Park, retread for distance of 2 0 miles Estimated cost $10,000 00 Moved by Mr Smith, that the estimates and programs, sub- mitted by the County Superintendent be approved by this Board, and that the amounts indicated in said estimates, be and the same hereby are, appropriated for the purposes indicated. Seconded by Mr McDaniels Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried On motion, of Mr Conlon the Board took an adjournment until Monday, January 30, 1933, at 10.30 A , M., for the pur- pose of transacting any business that may come before the Board and for signing the collectors warrants. 290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • Twenty-third Day Monday, January 30, 1933 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Howell The question having been raised relative to the legality of the election of the Permanent Chairman for the year 1933, owing to the fact that he did not receive a majority vote of all of the members elected to the Board and in order to avoid any illegality in the election a chairman, on motion by Mi. Pierce, second by Mr Blackmer, the Board proceeded in the election of a Permanent Chairman, for the year 1933 Mr. Decker placed in nomination the name of Lagrand E Chase, for Permanent Chairman Mr Chase's nomination was seconded by Mr. Smith Mr. Crittenden placed in nomination, the name of Fred D. Van Order Mr. Van Order's nomination was seconded by Mr Rumsey. Messrs McDaniels and Crittenden were appointed tellers The Tellers announced the whole number of votes cast were thirteen of which Lagrand E Chase received 9, Fred D. Van Order received 3, Blank 1. Mr. Chase having received a majority of all the votes cast, and a majority of all the members elected to the Board, was declared duly elected Chairman of the Board, for the year 1933, and Mr Chase took the chair. Minutes of January 9 meeting, read and approved. Mr Payne offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 291 WHEREAS—This Board secured, in the name of the county, certain lands for the reconstruction or improvement of S H. No 5214, in the Town of Newfield, in front of the premises of the Woodlawn Cemetery Association, and WHERERAS—The land so taken was more than was necessary for highway purposes and said association has expressed a desire for possession of said lands so unnecessarily taken for the purpose of planting shrubbery and beautifying the approach to said cemetery, therefore be it Resolved—That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be authorized and directed to execute, for and in the name of the County of Tompkins, a deed of conveyance of the lands so taken, in front of the premises of said cemetery association, which are not now necessary or may hereafter become neces- sary for use for highway purposes and lying between the west- erly boundary of the present highway and the lands of said association and described as follows Beginning at a point in the westerly, boundary of the former highway at its intersec- tion with the division line' between the lands of William Shultz on the north and the lands of the Woodlawn Cemetery Associa- tion on the south; thence southerly along said westerly boun- dary to its intersection with the division line between the lands of said Woodlawn Cemetery Association on the north and the lands of Charles Van Kirk on the south; thence easterly along said division line to its intersection with the westerly boundary of the present highway , thence northerly and northwesterly along said westerly boundary to its intersection with the divi- sion line between the lands of Tompkins County on the south (being the lands hereby intended to be conveyed) and the lands of William Shultz on the north , thence, westerly along said di- vision line to the place of beginning, reserving to the county the right to re-enter, occupy and use said lands, without cost, in the event it is hereafter needed for highway purposes Seconded by Mr Smith. Ayes -13 Noes—O. Carried Mr Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 292 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACT NO 2, 1933 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF CER- TAIN CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS ISSUED ON ACCOUNT OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW COUNTY COURT' HOUSE BUILDING AND A NEW COUNTY JAIL BUILDING, IN ANTICIPATION OF THE AUTHORIZA- TION OR ISSUANCE OF COUNTY BONDS Passed in pursuant of the provisions of the County Law, being Chapter 11 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended, at the annual meeting of the Board of Super- visors of the County of Tompkins, held on January 30, 1933, in the Supervisors' Chambers, County Court House Building, Ithaca, New York, 13 votes (being the votes of a majority of the Supervisors elected to and comprising said Board of Supervi- sors) being in favor of and 0 votes being against its passage. WHEREAS, by Act No 4, 1932, the sum of $371,787 was ap- propriated on account of the cost of ,a new County Court House Building and a new County Jail Building, and WHEREAS, by said act, in order to provide funds to meet said appropriation in anticipation of the authorization or issuance of County bonds for said purposes, the County Treasurer of the County of Tompkins was authorized, pursuant to the pro- visions of section 14 of the County Law, to borrow tempor- arily, at one time, or from time to time, as the money may be needed not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of $371,787. said loan or loans to be evidenced by notes or certificates of in- debtedness, upon certain terms and conditions in said act set forth; and 0 - WHEREAS, by Act No 1, 1933, it is provided that bonds of the County of Tompkins in the aggregate principal amount of $550,000 shall be issued for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing said County Court House and Jail in the City of Ithaca, New York, or to pay notes or certificates of indebt- edness and renewals thereof issued for said purpose in anti- cipation of the authorization or issuance of County bonds, said bonds to be issued on the terms and conditions in said act set forth; and WHEREAS, on the 19th day of October, 1932, pursuant to the authorization conferred upon her by said Act No 4, 1932, the County Treasurer of the County of Tompkins sold to the Marine Trust Company of Buffalo, New York, certificates of indebtedness of the County of Tompkins as follows : Date OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 293 Interest Rate No. Maturity Amount Oct 19, 1932 5% 1 Apr 19, 1933 $50,000 00 Oct, 19, 1932 5% 2 Apr 19, 1933 50,000 00 Oct 19, 1932 5% 3 Apr. 19, 1933 50,000 00 AND WHEREAS, on the 12th day of January, 1933, pursuant to . the authorization conferred upon her by said Act No 4, 1932, the County Treasurer of the County Tompkins sold to the Marine Trust Company of Buffalo, New York, certificates of indebtedness of the County of Tompkins as follows . Interest Date Rate No. Maturity Amount Jan. 12, 1933 5% 4 July 12, 1933 $50,000 00 Jan 12, 1933 5% 5 July 12, 1933 50,000 00 Jan 12, 1933 5% 6 July 12, 1933 50,000.00 Jan 12, 1933 5% 7 July 12, 1933 50,000.00 Jan 12, 1933 5% 8 July 12, 1933 21,787.00 ITherefore, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, STATE OF NEW YORK, DO ENACT AS FOL- LOWS : Spction 1 The Treasurer of the County of Tompkins shall, out of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds provided for by Act No 1, 1933, pay the said certificates of indebtedness, or any renewals thereof, so issued in anticipation of the authoriza- tion or issuance of the County bonds for said Court House and Jail, together with any interest which may have accrued on ' said certificates or any of them Section 2 This act shall take effect immediately Seconded by Mr Smith. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried. The Clerk read the bond, a's presented by Mr. Ellis, Sheriff, which was refered to the Committee on Correction and Reform- ation 294 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call All members present, except Mr Howell Messrs Joseph Hickey and Martin P Catherwood from the Ithaca Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the Board, relative to a survey being made of county government Mr Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption . WHEREAS -A communication has been received from the Ithaca Chamber of Commerce, requesting the furnishing of data to the representatives of that organization for the pur- pose of a survey of the county looking to a betterment of the system of county government and a possible reduction of tax- ation, and WHEREAS -It is the desire of this Board to co-operate, in all reasonable manner, in the reduction of the tax burdens on the taxpayers of the county, therefore be it Resolved—That the attention of the Ithaca Chamber of Commerce is called to the fact that by the provisions of the state law the records of all public offices and departments are open to the inspection of the public and it has always been the policy of this Board to not only keep its records available for inspection but to give any information that may be requested relative to county matters coming under the jurisdiction of this Board and intends to adhere to the foregoing policy to all per- sons at all times, but without special privileges to any, and be it further Resolved—That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Ithaca Chamber of Commerce Seconded by Mr. Pierce Carried The Clerk read the report of the County, Treasurer, relative to the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund on January 1, 1933, which was referred to the Committee on County Trea- surer's Accounts Mr Pierce, Chairman of the Committee on Correction and Reformation, to which had been referred the bond of the Sher- iff, reported that his committee had examined the Sheriff's 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 295 bond and found the same to be correct as to amount and exe- cution and moved, that the same be approved by this Board as to amount, manner of execution and sufficiency of the surety. Seconded by Mr Conlon. Ayes -13 Noes -0. Carried. Mr Decker, Chairman of the Committee on County Trea- surer's Accounts, rendered the following report, relative to the report of the County Treasurer of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund on January 1, 1933. Your Committee reports that it has examined the report submitted by the County Treasurer, relative to the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund on January 1, 1933 Your committee finds that the total amount received in- cluding balance from the previous year, was $10,222.30 and the total disbursements were $9,019.70, making a total surplus for the year of $1,202 60. That 75% of the above surplus, amounting to $901.95, is to be apportioned to the city and towns in proportion to the contribution made by each and is as follows : Amount contributed Apportionment of Cities and Towns including penalties seventy-five per cent Contributing and costs of surplus Caroline $ 724 00 $ 81.54 Danby 427 40 48.07 Dryden 1,187.230 133.67 Enfield 385 00 43 29 Groton 1,096 85 123 57 Ithaca 878 50 99 20 Lansing 1,008 40 113 65 Newfield 524 00 58 99 Ulysses 708 50 79 73 Ithaca—City 1,067 60 120 23 Dated, January 30, 1933. DELBERT H DECKER, WM C BLACKMER, RICHARD, C SMITH, Committee 296 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr Decker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, relative to the moneys in the hands of the County Tx easurer in the Dog Fund, be accepted and that the County Treasurer be and hereby is directed to pay to the several towns in the county and the City of Ithaca, the fore- going amounts, as apportioned by her and now approved by this Board, out of the surplus moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund on January 1, 1933. Seconded by Mr Smiley. Ayes -13 Noes—O. Carried Mr Pierce read the proposed contract between the county and Estus P Bardwell, Consulting Equipment Engineer, for the equipment of the new county building and county jail Moved by Mr Pierce, that the proposed contract be approved by this Board and that the Chairman and Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the same, for and on behalf of, and in the name of Tompkins County Seconded by Mr Blackmer. Ayes—Messrs Chase, Snow, Smiley, Decker, Smith, Black- mer, Crittenden, Pierce, Conlon, Payne, and McDaniels-11. Noes—Messrs Rumsey and Van Order -2 Resolution carried Mr Snow offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resolved—That this Board approves the sale of the county spraying outfit, except the truck, formerly used by the Bovine Tuberculosis Committee, to Howard S Washburn, for the sum of $25 00, and the Chairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute a bill of sale therefor, in the name of Tompkins County Seconded by ,Mr. Payne OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 297 Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Mr Smith offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, the sum of $2,000 00, for the maintenance of the highways abandoned by the state and taken over by the county for maintenance, dur- ing the year 1933, said maintenance to be performed in the same manner as other maintenance work is performed Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried The several supervisors of the towns of the county and Mr. Van Order 'of the City of Ithaca, presented the Assessment Rolls of their respective municipalities, which were referred to the Committee on Equalization, Etc , to determine if the same were properly made out, the taxes properly extended and the warrants of the collectors were correct. Mr Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc , reported that the committee had examined the assessment rolls of the several municipalities of the county and ascertained the amount of tax to be levied in each respectively, had com- pared the same with the budget of the several towns and city and the warrants of the collectors attached thereto, and had found each to be correct, and that each of the collectors war- rants were properly made out and were ready for the signatures of the Chairman and Clerk of the Board Moved by Mr Smiley, that the report of the Committee on Equalization, Etc , be accepted, and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board, be directed to sign each of the collector's warrants, as attached to the several tax rolls Seconded by Mr McDaniels Ayes -13 Noes -0 Carried Minutes of day's proceedings were read and approved There being no further business to come before the Board 0 298 PROCEEIiINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS at this annual session, on motion, the same was adjourned without date FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. SUPERVISORS' ACCOUNTS Table showing the amount of compensation audited and allowed by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to the members thereof, with the items and nature of such compensation, a's audited at the annual session thereof, the number of days the Board has been in session" and the amount allowed for the distance traveled by members in attending the meetings of the Board during the year 1932 Towns and City Supervisors o. w 0) 030) Days County Canvass Extending Tax Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses Ithaca City 1st Ward 2d Ward 3rd Ward 4th Ward 5th Ward L C Snow W 0 Smiley D H Decker A T Rumsey R C Smith L E Chase A J Conlon F J Payne O H McDamels F D VanOrder W C Blackmer E J Crittenden S L Howell L R Pierce $ 4 00 $ 2 161 2 $ 1200$ 416 400 112 2 1200 224 2 12 00 4 16 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 4 00 1 60 3 20 2 2 128 2 2 24 2 192 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 6 40 96 2 56 5 48 3 84 $ 4470 $ 42 66 30 68 8844 79 83 72 37 48 32 79 95 122 13 122 13 258 00 $ 126 871 78 00 21 441 234 00 89 121 258 00 98 55 468 00 292 72 792 00 18 36 78 00 14 08 , 354 00 127 72 348 00 84 40 450 00 138 00 246 00 612 00 534 00 26 00 32 16 43 59 19 18 19 19 19 19 17 19 19 17 19 19 19 19 0 0 -o 0 E0 .. I 61 U $ 114 00 $ 108 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 102 00 114 00 114 00 102 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 0) 0 00 00 v zw 7-1 0 O 0) 0 0 G Ca 0 44 G O b 0. E°' O U 0) ro E-+ 27 04 12 32 39 52 30 40 60 80 9 12 21 76 42 56 36 48 23 24 24 23 23 22 23 24 23 23 24 24 12 23 $ 138 00 144 00 144 00 138 00 138 00 132 00 138 00 144 00 138 00 138 00 14400 144 00 72 00 138 00 $ 2 08 1 12 2 08 1 60 3 20 96 1 28 2 24 1 92 $ 733 01 426 90 638 88 676 83 1,190 76 1,159 23 447 33 856 56 824 51 854 13 412 00 642 13 842 16 841 59 Total —1$ 40 001$ 13 521 1$ 156 00 $ 29 801$ 731 21 $4,848 001$ 975 01 $1,566 001$ 280 00 $1,890 00 $ 16 48 $10,546 02 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, ss BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the past year, the nature of its duties and the time necessarily employed charge thereof, as audited at the annual session of said Board I also certify that no accounts were audited by the said Board, Dated, February 14, 1933 the number of days the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County was in session during and the amount allowed for the distance traveled by the individual members in the dis- for any member thereof, or for any person, without being verified according to law FRED L CLOCK, Clerk 300 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY AUDITS 1932 No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 John J Sinsabaugh Expenses $ 16130 $ 16130 2 Carl Crandall _ Engineer's Services 56 00 56 00 3 J Lakin Baldridge Architect Services & Expen ses 160 72 160 72 4 Wm A Church Co . Supplies _ 26 50 26 50 5 Groton Journal -Courier Pub Notice of Claims 442 442 6 Ithaca Journal -News . _Pub Resolutions & Proposals 125 98 125 98 7 Ithaca Journal -News Pub Co Ordinance & Con- demnation Proceedings 87 72 87 72 8 A B Brooks r& Son Supplies 68 68 9 Lawyers Co -Op Pub Co McKinneys Amendments 30 00 30 00 10 Lawyers Co -Op Pub Co _ Pocket Supplement 25 00 25 00 11 The Frank Shepard Co _ Citations 35 00 35 00 12 T G Miller's Sons . Record Books 6 75 6 75 13 Carl Crandall Survey & Accident Map 85 00 85 00 14 Fred A Rogalsky Insurance 146 88 146 88 15 Fred A Rogalsky . Insurance 22 50 22 50 16 L E Patterson Insurance (Furnishings) 87 50 87 50 17 Onondaga Co PenitentiaryCare of Prisoners 2,000 13 2,000 13 18 Harrison Adams . ...Expenses 590 70 590 70 19 Harrison Adams Disbursements lci 50 10.50 20 T G Miller's Sons Supplies 15 00 15 00 21 A B Brooks & Son . Supplies _ 1 73 1 73 22 Great A & P Tea Co Supplies 10 00 10 00 23 West Disinfecting Co Disinfectants 5718 5718 24 Ithaca Journal -News Pub Terms of Court 28 34 28 34 25 Grace Printing Co Supplies 19 75 19 75 27 Arthur G Adams Expenses 9460 9460 28 Ithaca Journal -News Pub Terms of Court 3612 3612 29 Hall & McChesney Record Books 143 00 143 00 30 Corner Bookstores Ink 150 150 31 Marchant Calculating Co _Ribbon 1 00 1 00 32 T G Miller's Sons Supplies _ _ 13 70 13 70 33 Norton Printing Co Court Calendars 104 00 104 00 34 Wm A Church Co Portfolio 150 150 35 Joseph H Brophy, War- den _ _ Freight on Plates 58 14 58 14 36 S J Schaeffer Repairing Machines 40 00 40 00 37 Leland H Arnold Checking Plates 32 00 ' 3200 38 Ithaca Journal -News Notice of Jury Drawing 6 24 6 24 39 The Card Shop Supplies 15 00 15 00 40 John D Kinney Co Hold -Up Insurance 62 50 62 50 41 Donald Card Services 29 00 29 00 42 Jennie B Thayer Services _ 29 00 29 00 43 Ithaca Journal -News __Publishing Notices 70 20 70 20 44 Atkinson Press - Ballots 400 400 45 Treman, King & Co Supplies _ 4 50 4 50 46 T G Miller's Sons Supplies ' 24 61 24 61 No OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 301 Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 47 Groton Journal -Courier 48 Norton Printing Co _ 49 Atkinson Press 51 Norton Printing Co 52 Atkinson Press 53 Groton Journal -Courier 54 Norton Printing Co _ 55 Dennis & Co , Inc 56 Wm A Church Co 57 Groton Journal -Courier _ 58 Ithaca Journal -News 59 Norton Printing Co 60 Auto -Copy Corporation 61 Ithaca Journal -News - 62 Central N Y Institute for Deaf -Mutes 63 Uriah Utter 64 Dr F E Ryan 65 Treman, King & Co 66 J B Lyon Co _ 67 Dow S Barnes Co Publishing Notices Printing _ Printing Printing - Printing Publishing Notice Printing Heaton Supplement jSupplies Tax Sale Notices _Tax Sale Notices Envelpoes Copy Paper Pub Scholarship Notices 68 Donohue & Halverson Co - - 69 Reynolds Department Store - 70 Dr Wm A Smith _ _ 71 City of Ithaca 72 J D Ross 73 Jas 0 Robertson 74 Edward Ozmun 75 Edward Ozmun 76 C D Kintz 77 J D Ross 78 Arthur G Bennett 79 E E Slights 80 Ithaca Ice & Coal Co 83 E M Perkins 84 Reconstruction Home 85 T G Miller's Sons 86 Fred A Rogalsky 87 Ithaca Ice dr Coal Co 88 Lamont C Snow 89 Wm 0 Smiley 90 Delbert H Decker _ _ 91 Richard C Smith 92 Lagrand E Chase _ _ 93 Andrew J Conlon 94 Forest J Payne 95 0 Howard McDaniels 96 Fred D Van Order 97 Wm C Blackmer 98 Edw J Crittenden 99 Sidney L Howell Clothing Headstone -John Cori Exam in Lunacy Supplies Supplies Shoes -Ellsworth Crispell, P H C Supplies D 36 96 3,389 00 33 00 48 75 24 75 2 73 490.70 12 50 62 50 875 47 1,279 52 19 00 3 00 11 00 Supplies Expenses Fees in Felony Fees in Felony Fees in Felony Fees in Felony Fees in Felony Fees in Felony Fees in Dog Cases Fees in Dog Caces Fees in Dog Cases Ice Burial -Joel B Johnson _ Care-Cleta Harford 11/1/32 to 11/30/32 P H C Supplies __Fire Insurance Ice Canvass - -- Canvass - Canvass Canvass - Canvass Canvass Canvass _ Can% ass Canvass Canvass -- - Canvass Canvass 148 77 35 00 10 00 421.85 34 20 8 25 36 96 3,389 00 33 00 48 75 24 75 2 73 490 70 12 50 62 50 875 46 1,279 52 19 00 3 00 11 00 148 77 35 00 10 00 42 85 34 20 8 25 4176 4-176 29 25 58 30 45 60 48 65 6 00 5 15 6 80 5 10 10 75 9 80 22 50 3 19 75 00 98 00 126 45 44 64 3 00 16 16 14 24 16 16 18 40 12 96 14 56 17 48 15 84 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 29 25 58 30 45 60 48 65 6 00 515 6 80 510 10 75 9 80 22 50 339 75 00 98 00` 126 45 44 64 3 p0 16 16 14,24 16 16 18 40 12 96 14156 17 48 15 84 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 302 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS , No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed Leslie R Pierce ..... Lamont C.' Snow Wm 0 Smiley . Delbert H Decker Alan T Rumsey Richard C Smith Lagrand E Chase Andrew J Conlon • 100 ........Canvass 101 Quart & Specia 102 ......Quart & Specia 103 Quart & Specia 104- Quait & Specia 105 Quart & Specia 106 ...Quart & Specia 107 Quait & Specia 108 Forest J Payne Quart 109 0 Howard McDaniels 110 Fred D Van Order 111 Wm C Blackmer 112 Edw J Crittenden 113 Sidney L Howell 114 Leslie R Pierce -- 115 Lamont C Snow 116 Lamont C Snow 117 Lamont C Snow 118 W 0 Smiley 119 W 0 Smiley 120 W 0 Smiley 121 Delbert H Decker 122 Delbert H Decker 123 Alan T Rumsey 124 Alan T Rumsey 125 Alan T Rumsey 126 Alan T Rumsey 127 R C Smith 128 R C Smith 129 R C Smith 130 Lagrand E Chase 131 Lagrand E Chase 132 Andrew J Conlon 133 Andrew J Conlon 134 Andrew J Conlon 135 Forest J Payne 136 Forest J Payne 137 Forest J Payne 138 0 H McDaniels 139 0 H McDaniels 140 0 H McDaniels 141 0 H McDaniels 142 F D VanOrder 143 F D Van Order 144 F D Van Order 145 W C Blackmer 146 W C Blackmer 147 W C Blackmer 148 E J Crittenden 149 E J Crittenden 150 E J Crittenden 151 Sidney L Howell 152 Sidney L Howell 153 Leslie R Pierce 154 Leslie -R Pierce & Specia Quart & Specia - Quart & Specia Quart & Specia Quart & Specia Quait & Specia .._Quart & Specia • Tax Commission Meeting Committee Work Annaul Session Tax Meeting Committee Work Annual Session Committee Work Annual Session Tax Meeting Committee Work Annual Session Dog Committee Tax Meeting Committee Work Annual Session Committee Work Annual Session Tax Meeting Committee Work Annual Session Tax Meeting Committee Work Annual Session Tax Meeting Dog Committee Committee Work Annual Session Tax Meeting Committee Work Annual Session Tax Meeting Committee Work Annual Session Tax Meeting Committee Work Annual Session Committee Work Annual Session Dog Committee Committee Work 12 00 12 00 141 04 141 04 120 32 120 32 153 52 153 52 144 40 ` 144 00 174 86 ' 174 80 123 12 123 12 123 76 123 76 156 56 156 56 150 48 150 48 102 00 102 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 114 00 616 616 384 87 384 87 110F08 110 08 5 12 5 12 99 44 99 44 115 12 115 12 305 96 305 96 116 08 116 08 5 60 5 60 239 40 239 40 109 60 109 60 117 15 117 15 7 20 7 20 760 72 760 72 111 20 111 20 798 36 798 36 102 96 102 96 528 528 92 08 92 08 109 28 109 28 6 24 6 24 481 72 481 72 116 24 116 24 5 92 5 92 115 40 115 40 317 00 317 00 109 92 109 92 4 00 4 00 470 00 470 00 108 00 108 00 4 00 4 00 , 126 00 126 00 114 00 114 00 4 00 4 00 246100 246.60 114 00 114 00 644 16 644 16 72 00 72 00 72 00 72 00 493 59 4-93 59 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 303 No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 155 Leslie R Pierce Annual Session _. 108 00 108 001 156 Fred L Clock Disbursements 100 00 100 00 State of New Yoi k, County of Tompkins, Board of Supervisors, 1 ss $21,227 69 $21,227 69 I, Fred L Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, N Y., DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the fore- going is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Board of Supervisors of said county, at its annual session in the month of December, 1932, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed Dated, January 180933 FRED. L. CLOCK Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N Y. 304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN AUDITS TOWN OF CAROLINE ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1932 No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 Howard and Myrtle Bush Land Puichase 2 H P Neff, Constable Service 3 H P Neff, Constable Service 4 American Surety Co of N Y Bond of Supt of Hghys Prem 5 F B Lounsbery, Postmaster500 Envelopes 6 Candor Courier .Printing Collector's Notices 7 American Surety Co of N Y Super School Bond Prem 8 American Surety Co of N Y Super Hghys Bond Prem 9 American Surety Co of N Y Super Gen Bond Premium 10 American Surety Co of N Y Collector's Bond Premium 11 American Surety Co of N Y Auto Insurance Premium 12 Corner Book Store Flags for Memorial Day 13 American Surety Co of N Y Auto Insurance Premium 14 Matthew Bender & Co Justice's Manual _ _ 15 Charles E Hotaling Health Officer's Supplies 16 Charles E Hotaling Town Clerk's Supplies 17 D B Bull, Assessor Per Diem 18 Ruth Munch Insp Elec & Mess, Per Diem 19 Grace M Losby Inspector of Elec, Per Diem 20 William Osburn Inspector of Elec, Per Diem 21 B Seaver Kendall Inspector of Elec , Per Diem 22 Ransom Rich General Clerk, Per Diem 23 Harry A Davis Insp & Messenger, Per Diem 24- Mary H Chatfield Inspector, Per Diem 25 William H Reynolds Inspector, Per Diem 26 Ira Yaple Inspector, Per Diem 27 Sue C Earsley _General Clerk, Per Diem 28 Carrie Davis General Clerk, Per Diem 29 Wilson B Osmun Insp & Messenger, Per Diem 30 Anna M Caveney Inspector, Per Diem 31 Myron B Piedmore Inspector, Per Diem 32 Amy H Munson Inspector 33 Raymond H Middaugh Inspector, Per Diem 34 Harriet E Snow General Clerk, Per Diem 35 B F Lockwood Health Officer, Vital Stat 36 Health Officer, Salary 243 00 37 Health Officer, Spec Service 36 50 38 _Copying Assessment Rolls 20 00 39 Grange, Rent, Elec purposes 20 00 40 J P , Per Diem 38 00 4-1 Election Salary 60 00 42 Juror's Lists _ 6 00 43 Expenses 8 42 44 Per Diem 8100 45 Vital Statistics _ 5125 $ 50 00 24 30 7 55 5 00 1144 7 00 47 20 31 28 40 00 41 65 44 75 12 75 4475 16 00 5 90 3 40 57 75 45 88 28 00 28 00 23 00 10 00 45 76 28 00 28 00 28 00 10 00 10 00 44 68 28 00 23 00 28 00 15 00 10 00 11 00 B F Lockwood B F Lockwood _ Mary J Conrad Sue C Earsley, Sec'y Charles Thomas Elmer L Lockwood, T C Elmer L Lockwood, T C Elmer L Lockwood, T C Elmer L Lockwood, T C Elmer L Lockwood, Reg $ 50 00 24 30 7 55 5 00 1144 7 00 47 20 31 28 40 00 41 65 44 75 12 75 44 75 16 00 5 90 3 40 57 75 4-5 88 28 00 28 00 23 00 10 00 45 76 28 00 28 00 28 00 10 00 10 00 44 68 28 00 23 00 28 00 15 00 10 00 11 00 243 00 36 50 20 00 20 00 38 00 60 00 6 00 8 42 81 00 51 25 No OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 305 Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 46 Elmer L Lockwood, Reg 47 Elmer L Lockwood, Chair 48 Fred Atwater, Trustee 49 P Alfred Munch 50 H A Whittaker 51 Raymond H Middaugh 52 Grace B Munch 53 H A Whittakei 54 P Alfred Munch 55 F A Snow, Trustee 56 Mary W Kendall 57 H H Watros 58 William H Church 59 Dr J Frank Allen 60 Augustus Middaugh 61 Augustus Middaugh 62 Lamont C Snow 63 Lamont C Snow 64 Lamont C Snow 65 Lamont C Snow 66 Lamont C Snow 67 Lamont C Snow 68 Lamont C Snow 69 Charles Thomas 70 George L Richards 71 P Alfred Munch 72 Charles Thomas 73 Charles Thomas 74 Charles Thomas 75 Charles Thomas 76 Charles Thomas 77 Charles Thomas 78 Charles Thomas 79 Charles Thomas _ 80 Charles Thomas 81 Charles Thomas 82 Charles Thomas 83 Charles Thomas 84 Charles Thomas 85 Charles Thomas 86 Charles Thomas Expense Account WashingtonBi-Centennial ex Rent for Elec purposes J P , Criminal Bill Per Diem .._. Truant Officer, Salary _ General Clerk, Per Diem Expense Account J P , Criminal Bill M E Chr , Rent for Elec p Inspector, Per Diem _ Mowing Cemetary 2 Assessment Rolls Lunacy Examination J P , Per Diem _ J P , Criminal Bill Supervisor, Per Diem Super, Expense Account Super, Pct of School fund Welfare Officer, Mileage Welfare Officer, Per Diem Super , Pct Genera) fund Secy Fire Ins Co Prem J P , Expenses J P , Per Diem J P , Per Diem _ J P , Criminal Bill J P , Criminal Bill -J P , Criminal Bill - J P , Criminal Bil J P , Criminal Bil J P , Criminal Bil J P , Criminal Bil J P , Criminal Bil J P , Criminal Bill J P , Criminal Bil J P , Criminal Bill J P , Criminal Bill J P , Criminal Bill -J P , Criminal Bill J P , Criminal Bill 1 50 270 20 00 2 60 63 50 75 00 10 00 1 745 3 85 20 00 5 00 9 00 18 00 10 00 38 00 5 10 42 05 34 71 215 82 35 20 140 50 47 85 2 40 5 00 30 00 34 00 3 75 5 25 5 25 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 3 75 5 75 4 70 4 75 6 65 4 35 5 25 3 75 1 50 2 70 20 00 2 60 63 00 75 00 10 00 1 75 3 85 20 00 5 00 9 00 18 00 10 00 38 00 5 10 42 05 34 71 215 82 35 20 140 50 47 85 2 40 5 00 30 00 34 00 3 75 5 25 5 25 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 3 75 5 75 4 70 4 75 6 65 4 35 5 25 3 75 Total $2,403 14 $2,402 64 306 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOMPKINS TOWN OF CAROLINE Year of 1932 We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of the Town of Caroline, N Y , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed and the amount allowed. Dated this 10th day of November, 1932. CHAS. THOMAS, AUGUSTUS MIDDAUGH, GEO L RICHARDS, P ALFRED MUNCH, ELMER L LOCKWOOD, Town Auditors. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW , YORK 307 TOWN OF DANBY ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1932 No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 Leon C Tyler 2 Luella L Crevelling 3 Alice M Tobey 4 Clyde Chase . 5 Jennie M Beardsley , 6 Albert J Weitzel ' 7 Dewain C Vorhis 8 Otis M Hutt __ 9 Roscoe J Hutchings 10 Frances K Todd 11 Edith P Snyder 12 George Mo Hollister 13 Charles E Cole 14 Fred B Jones 15 Luman A Hill _ 16 William E Martin 17 T S Ward _.._ _ 18 Edward R Granger 19 Wm Delos Hill 20 David A Moore 21 W 0 Smiley 22 Theron Genter 23 Dewitt-Sincebaugh 24 George Button 25 L E Cummings 26 F R Caswell 27 Marietta Snyder 28 W E Martin, Trustee, 2 29 Chas E Houghtaling 30 B J Jennings 31 B J Jennings 32 J Frank W Allen, M D 33 J Frank W Allen, M D 34 Frank Eastman _ 35 Eugene Dorn_ 36 George 0 Sears 37 Fred E Dorn 38 Arthur Bennett 39 W ,E Logan _ 40 Eugene Dorn _ _ 41 George 0 Sears 4-2 Arthur Bennett 43 W 0 Smiley 44 Flora A Miller 4-5 Charles L Hall 46 Arthur Grant ' gill 'i0_ Inspector & Mess Dist 1 Inspector Dist 1 Inspector Dist 1 _Inspector Dist 1 General Clerk, Dist 1. . _ General Clerk, Dist 1_. General Clerk, Dist 1 Inspector & Mess Dist 2 _ Inspector Dist 2 _Inspector Diet 2 Inspector Dist 2 General Clerk, Dist 2 General Clerk, Dist 2 Inspector & Mess Dist 3 _ Inspector Dist 3 Inspector Dist 3 Inspector Dist 3 _ General Clerk, Dist 3 General Clerk, Dist 3 Service Bill - Service Bill Dep Sheriff _ Dep Sheriff Assessor Assessor _ Assessor _ Rental _- Rental - Clerks Supplies Town Clerk _ Registrar Health Officer . . Town Medical Service Town Welfare Officer . _ Justice Service _. . __Justice Service __Justice Service . __. Justice Service .Attendance Officer . _ _Criminal - - Criminal _Criminal --- % On Money Handled Storage School Director School Director _ 38 16 21 00 21 00 21,00 5 00 5 00 ' 5 00 59 30 21 00 21 00 17 00 5 00 5 00 33 00 21 00 21 00 21 00 5 00 5 00 7 00 24 50 14 60 20 25 76 50 76 50 72 00 15 00 10 00 7 65 101 84 37 25 269 22 80 00 463 50 25 75 28 50 28 50 25 00 71 65 16 15 21 85 9 00 248 84 20 00 5 70 5 60 $ 38 16 21 00 21 00 21 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 39 30 21 00 21 00 17 00 5 00 5 00_ . 33 00 21 00 21 00 21 00 5 00 5 00 7 00 , 24 50 14 60 20 25 76 50 76 50 72 00 15 00 10 00 7 65 101 84 37 25 269 22 80 00 463 50 25 75 28 50 28 50 25 00 71 65 16 15 21 85 9 00 248 84 20 00 5 70 5 60 Total $2,112 81 $2,112 81 I, 13 J Jennings, Clerk of the Town of Danby, do hereby cer- tify that this is a true and correct copy of the audits of the Town of Danby as audited by the Town Board, Nov. 10, 1932. B. J. JENNINGS, Town Clerk. 308 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DRYDEN ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1932 No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 Ethel Lason 2 Ruth McGee 3 Dora Earl ' 4 Harriett Gamble 5 Ira Reed 6 Arthur Genung 7 Mabel Rhodes 8 Bernice Kirk 9 Thomas Merrill 10 Fern Carberry 11 Catharine Caswell 12 Howard Welch 13 Cora Cotanch 14 George Sutfin 1'5 Chas Pratt 16 C B Snyder 17 Earle F Lupton 18 George Bellinger 19 Katherine Guier 20 Eula Lupton 21 Jesse Hart 22 J 0 Robertson 23 Jesse Hart 24 Edna Hart ' 25 Victor Fulkerson 26 Nellie Fulkerson 27 Floyd Barnes 28 Francis Smith 29 Edgar Wood 30 -Mary Hatfield 31 J D Ross 32 E R Sweetland 33 Hester Sweetland 34 Leona Fortner 35 Minine Space ' 36 Rose Ellis 37 Mildred Sherman 38 Perry Hanshaw 39 Harry Tucker 40 Marjorie Williams '41 Maude Moore 42 B Randall Smith 43 'Clifford Hurst 44 W A Myers 45 Warren Heffron 46 John Jonier 47 Arthur Hammopd 48 Robert Willard 49 Leland Sweetland 50 Georgianna Schutt 51. Ida Stowe. _ Inspector and Mess , Dist 1 $ 48 88 $ 48 88 Inspector, Dist 1 31 00 31 00 -Inspector, Dist 1 3100 31 00 Inspector, Dist 1 3100 3100 Clerk, Dist 1 7 00 7 00 Clerk, Dist 1 7 00 7 00 Rent of Hall, Dist 2 35 00 35 00 Inspector and Mess , Dist 2 48 88 48 88 Inspector, Dist 2 3100 3100 Inspector, Dist 2 3100 3100 ,Inspector, Dist 2 63100 3100 Clerk, Dist 2 7 00 7 00 Clerk, Dist 2 7 00 7 00 .Treasurer, Rent, Dist 3 35 00 35 00 Inspector and Mess , Dist 3 48 88 48 88 Inspector, Dist 3 3100 3100 Inspector, Dist 3 3100 3100 Inspector, Dist 3 3100 3100 Clerk, Dist 3 _ 7 00 7 00 Clerk, Dist 3 7 00 7 00 Treas , Rent of Hall, Dist 4 35 00 35 00 Inspector and Mess , Dist 4 50 56 50 56 .Inspector, Dist 4 24 00 24 00 Inspector, Dist 4 7 00 7 00 Inspector, Dist 4 14 00 14 00 Inspector, Dist 4 17 00 17 00 Inspector, Dist 4 3100 3100 Clerk, Dist 4 7 00 7 00 Clerk, Dist 4 7 00 7 00 Treas , Rent of Hall, Dist 5 35 00 35 00 Inspector and Mess, Dist 5 48 88 48 88 Inspector, Dist 5 . 14 00 14 00 Inspector, Dist 5 17 00 17 00 Inspector, Dist 5 31 00 31 00 Inspector, Dist 5 31 00 31 00 Clerk, Dist 5 7 00 7 00 Clerk, Dist 5 7 00 7 00 Treas , Rent of Hall, Dist 6 35 00 35 00 Inspector and Mess , Dist 6 48 88 48 88 Inspector, Dist 6 3100 3100 Inspector, Dist 6 3100 3100 Inspector, Dist 6 3100 3100 Clerk, Dist 6 7 00 7 00 Clerk, Dist 6 7 00 7 00 Trustee, Rent of Hall, Dist 7 35 00 35 00 _Inspector and Mess , Dist 7 37 20 37 20 :Inspector and Mess , Dist 7 37 20 37 20 Inspector and Mess , Dist 7 37 20 37 20 Inspector, Dist 7 31 00 31 00 Clerk, Dist 7 _ 7 00 7 00 ._Clerk, Dist 7 _ 7 00 7 00 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, ,NEW YORK No Claimant Nature of Expense 309 Claimed Allowed 52 Paul Ewers ' 53 F E Parker 54 J 0 Robertson 55 J D Ross 56 Paul Ewers 57 Orrie Corneluis 58 J 0 Robertson 59 F E Parker 60 J D Ross 61 D H Decker 62 Truman English 63 C D Griswold _ 64 E W Sykes 65 F E Ryan 66 Homer Genung 67 D M Ryan, M D 68 G L Rood, M D 69 Orra Rhodes 70 Perry Hanshaw 71 Bernice Kirk _ 72 C B Snyder_ 73 A J Hines 74 E M Perkins 75 Walter Kinch 76 D H Decker 77 George F Warner _ 78 Chas Houghtaling 79 Journal and Courier 80 Cogswell Bros _ _ 81 Jane C Hines 82 G M Gilchrist, M D Criminal Bill Criminal Bill Criminal Bill Criminal Bill Service Bill Service Bill Service Bill Service Bill Service Bill Service Bill Assessor Assessor Assessor _,Vital Statistics Health Officer ✓ S Contract & Lunacy ✓ S _ _ Rent of Hall, Dog Cases .Treasurer, Rent of Hall ..School Director _ School Director .Attendance Officer Undertaker Board of Health .Board of Health Constable _Printing Groton, Printing Rent Town Clerk ✓ S 4 70 35 70 23 35 70 15 52 00 52 00 52 00 72 00 76 00 44 00 192 00 216 00 216 00 1 75 781 35 100 25 40 25 3 00 6 00 5 80 6 20 134 35 259 75 12 00 4 00 3 30 4 20 11 25 10 50 327 29 75 4 70 35 70 23 35 70 15 52 00 52 00 52 00 72 00 76 00 44 00 192 00 216 00 216 00 1 75 781 35 100 25 40 25 3 00 6 00 5 80 6 20 134 35 259 75 12 00 4 00 3 30 4 20 11 25 10 50 327 29 ' 75 Totals $4,121 45 $4,121 45 I, Jane C Hines, Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins and State of New York, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the list of accounts audited by the Town Board, acting as the Board of Auditors for said town for the year 1932 JANE C HINES, Clerk DELBERT H DECKER, Supervisor ORRIE CORNELIUS, PAUL EWERS, FRED PARKER, J. 0 ROBERTSON J. D ROSS, Justices. 310 , - No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ENFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1932 1 John Thall 2 John Bock 3 V H Earl 4 Fred Crissey_ 5 Hugh Curry 6 Austin Legge 7 George Tubbs 8 Emmett Tucker 9 Anthony Brable 10 Cotton and Hanlon 11 H D Bailey 12 H D Bailey -13 Clifford Leonaid 14 Silas Hubbell _ 15 Gilbert Fisher_ 16 J W Burton 17 J W Burton 18 Kelsey and Mosher 19 J W Burton _ 20 Fred McFall 21 Edna McFall 22 Edwin Owen 23 Fayette Hine 24 Thomas Brown 25 Harvey Stevenson 26 V H Earl 27 H 'D Bailey 28 C F Teeter __ -- 29 Charles Hedgline 30 Alan Rumsey 31 Claude Wilkin 32 Vincent Meyer Clerk of Election Clerk of Election Services in Criminal Cases Clerk of Election Inspector and Mess Inspector and Mess Inspector and Mess _ Inspector and Mess _ Inspector Building material for Vital Statistics _ Expense Acct Assessor Assessor Assessor Vital Statistics Services Health Officers Ex ,Poor bill _ ,Medical work for Town Hall for Election _ _ _ ,Inspector ,Work in Cemetary _ _..Clerk of Election ..Service bill ,Service bill ,Service bill Service bill Welfare Officer .Work in Budd Cemetary ,Service bill .,Inspector Inspector $ 10 00 10 00 25 85 10 00 53 40 41 80 41 80 41 80 36 00 table 7 93 32 50 7 65 75 00 38 00 81 00 14 65 264 05 6 88 79 00 40 00 36 00 12 40 10 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 104 00 202 96 23 20 33 00 36 00 36 00 $ 10 00 10 00 25 85 10 00 53 40 41 80 41 80 41 80 36 00 7 93 32 50 7 65 75 00 38 00 81 00 14 65 264 05 6 88 79 00 40 00 36 00 12 49 io60 33 00 33 00 33 00 104 00 202 96 23 20 33 00 36 00 36 00 Totals $1,509 87 $1,509 87 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, TOWN OF ENFIELD ss — We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of the Town of Enfield, N Y , do hereby certify that the foregoing is cora ect list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed and the amount allowed Dated, Nov 10th, 1932 • ✓ H EARL, THOMAS R BROWN, H D BAILEY, S HARVEY STEVENSON, Town Auditors. No OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 311 TOWN OF GROTON ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1932 Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 R L Teeter 2 K I Simpson 3 Mary Kennedy 4 The C H Cummings Store 5 Associated Gas & Electric 6 Associated Gas & Electric 7 Associated Gas & Electric 8 R C Smith 9 E A Landon 10 M G Tarbell 11 R R Chatterton 12 C H Moe 13 G B Sickmon ,14 S C Gooding Co 15 Journal & Courier 16 G B Sickmon 17 R R Chatterton 18 Ella A Moe 19 20 21 22 23 X24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 X37 38 `39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 National Surety Co A J Metzgar G W Cummings A H Webster E G Reniff Genoa Hospital R L Teeter Mary Kennedy The C H Cummings Store Welfare A H Webster .Welfare Dr Frank J McCormick Welfare R L Teeter _ Welfare Associated Gas & Electric Lights (Peruville) Associated Gas & Electric .Lights (McLean) _ Associated Gas & Electric .Lights (McLean) Robert Orcutt .Welfare American Surety Co .Bond Premiums U S Fidelity&GuarantyCo Bond Premium Williamson Law Book Co Benders Manuals R C Smith Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Lights (Peruville) Lights (McLean) Lights (McLean) Gen Fund Welfare etc Per Diem Town Board Per Diem Town Board _ Per Diem Town Board Per Diem Town Board _ Per Diem Town Board Welfare Printing, Supv Report Jus Fees, Criminal Cases .,Jus Fees, Criminal Cases Rent, Phone P 0 Box (Town Office) Bond Premiums Constable Fees & Mileage Welfare _ Welfare _ ,School Director ,Welfare Welfare ▪ Welfare $ 29 70 $ 29 70 27 00 27 00 30 00 30 00 10 53 10 53 38 75 38 75 13 75 13 75 50 42 50 42 172 00 172 00 600 600 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 700 700 11 75 11 75 16 45 16 45 8 60 8 60 Ella A Moe R R Chatterton Journal & Courier G W Cummings G W Cummings R L Teeter S C Gooding Co The C H Cummings Store The C H Cummings Store The C H Cummings Store A H Webster F E Ryan, M D Office Phone (2 Mos) jus Fees, Criminal Case Various Printing Welfare Welfare Welfare . Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare _ 53 90 53 90 650 650 31 10 31 10 969 969 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 92 00 92 00 13 50 13 50 30 00 30 00 12 29 12 29 13 50 13 50 50 00 50 00 13 50 13 50 38 75 38 75 50 42 50 42 13 75 13 75 961 961 141 00 141 60 5 00 5 00 64 00 64 00 11 80 11 80 6 00 6 00 405 405 28 26 28 26 8 36 8:36 344 344 13 50 13 50 14 00 14 00 1 00 1 00 931 931 11 98 11 98 700 700 8 00 8 00 312 No 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed A H Webster Mary Kennedy A H Webster R L Teeter H Ernest Gak, M D Associated Gas & Electric Associated Gas & Electric Associated Gas & Electric R C Smith R L Teeter The C H Cummings Store The C H Cummings Store The C H Cummings Store The C H Cummings Store H Ernesst Gak, M D Ella A Moe Edward M Lewis Mary Kennedy R L Teeter _ Associated Gas & Electric Associated Gas & Electric Associated Gas & Electric R L Teeter The C H Cummings Store The C H Cummings Store The C H Cummings Store G W Cummings G W Cummings G W Cummings A H Webster A H Webster G W Cummings G W Cummings G W Cummings G W Cummings G W Cummings F E Pierson A H Webster R C Smith Journal & Courier Square Deal Garage Henry M Geisenhoff American Surety Co C H Moe 95 Victory Chain Store 96 Victory Chain Stoi e 97 Grand Union 98 A H Webster 99 S C Gooding Co 100 Mary Kennedy 101 D A Knapp 102 George Lane 103 Associated Gas & Electric 104 Associated Gas & Electric 105 Associated Gas & Electric Welfare Welfare _ -Welfare Welfare Welfare _ Lights (McLean) Lights (Peruville) .Lights (McLean) .,Welfare Salary & Expenses Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare _ Welfare Rent (Town Office) .Welfare Welfare Welfare Lights (McLean) ,Lights (McLean) 'Lights (Peruville) .Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare -Welfare Welfare Welfare Salary & Mileage Printing, Collector's Notice Livery Supervisor's Bond Premium Supervisor's School Bond Phone, P 0 Box and Copy- ing List of Dogs Dryden, Welfare Dryden, Welfare Dryden, Welfare .Welfare -.Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Lights (McLean) .Lights (McLean) Lights (Peruville) 5 25 30 00 7 00 13 50 6 00 13 75 38 75 50 42 32 68 13 50 10 98 10 11 2 93 2 47 6 00 50 00 7 00 30 00 6 20 50 42 13 75 38 75 112 25 11 76 7 78 15 83 5 00 15 98 15 86 6 40 6 40 12 29 15 91 7 29 3 98 791 9 94 5 25 28 20 1 68 8 00 88 00 132 72 14 60 8 50 7 50 13 50 6 40 21 46 30 00 8 00 10 00 50 42 13 75 38 75 1 5 25 30 00 7 00 13 50 6 00 13 75 38 75 50 42 32 68 13 50 10 98 10 11 2 93 2 47 6 00 50 00 7 00 30 00 6 20 50 42 13 75 38 75 12 25 11 76 7 78 15 83 5 00 15 98 15 86 6 40 6 40 12 29 15 91 7 29 3 98 791 9 94 5 25 28 20 1 68 8 00 88 00 132 72 14 60 8 50 7 50 13 50 6 40 21 46 30 00 8 00 10 00 50 42 13 75 38 75 No OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 313 Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 106 George Lane 107 The C H Cummings Store 108 The C H Cummings Store 109 The C H Cummings Store 110 The C H Cummings Store 111 R C Smith 112 R L Teeter 113 John T Terrell 114 Nellie C Hammil 115 Jennie A King 116 Mar; H Dwyer 117 Lillian Ogden 118 Mary A Austin 119 Howard D Marks 120 Estella T Young 121 Grace L Thomas 122 Mary Ryan 123 Lena Jennings 124 R K Bourne 125 Mina E Rounseville 126 Clarence Bethel 127 Asa F Metzger 128 Mary R Long 129 Sarah E Kirby 130 Hattie M Teeter 131 Anna F Hammil 132 F E Pierson 133 Journal & Courier 134 National Surety Co 135 Ella A Moe 136 James H Waterman 137 A H Webster 138 S C Gooding Co 139 G W Cummings 140 G W Cummings 141 Mary Kennedy 142 Victory Chain Slore 14-3 Groton Feed Co 144 Associated Gas & Electric 145 Associated Gas & Electric 146 Associated Gas & Electric 147 A H Webster ' 148 Henry Geisenhoff 149 Mary Kennedy 150 The C H Cummings Store 151 Grotor} Shoe Store 152 R C Smith 153 Warner H Pierson 154 Ruth Exton 155 Fred Bossard 156 Helen Smith 157 Journal & Courier 158 Ella A Moe 159 C H Moe 160 R C Tarbell M D Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare, Salary & Mileage Welfare Inspector & Mess , Dist 7 Inspector & Mess , Dist 5 Inspector, Dist 5 ,Inspector, Dist 5 Inspector, Dist 5 Inspector, Dist 6 Inspector & Mess , Dist 6 Inspector, Dist 6 Inspector, Dist 6 Inspector, Dist 2 Inspector, Dist 2 ,Inspector, Dist 4 Inspector & Mess , Dist 4 Inspector, Dist 4 Inspector, Dist 4 ,Inspector, Dist 3 Inspector, Dist 3 Inspector & Mess , Dist 3 ,Inspector, Dist 2 Welfare Supervisor's Report Bond Premium Office Phone Inspector, Dist 2 Welfare Welfai e Welfare _ Welfare Welfare Dryden, Welfare _Welfare Lights (McLean) Lights (McLean) Lights (Peruville) Welfare -Welfare Welfare Welfare t Welfare Welfare Salary & Per Cent on School Money Inspector, Dist 1 Inspector & Mess , Dist 1 .Inspector, Dist 1 Inspector, Dist 1 Stamp & Pad (Clerk's Office) .Office Phone Services Town Clerk Welfare 10 00 13 07 16 05 6 10 4 94 49 30 11 75 11 28 11 36 5 00 5 00 5 00 500 11 60 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 11 36 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 11 36 5 00 6 00 9 38 5 00 3 25 5 00 6 25 6 50 19 81 15 14 30 00 6 50 3 75 50 42 13 75 38 75 6 25 55 00 30 00 18 71 9 93 375 00 5 00 11 28 5 00 5 00 1 75 3 25 75 00 16 50 10 00 13 07 16 05 6 10 4 94 49 30 11 75 11 2S 11 36 5 00' 5 00 5 00 5 00 11 60 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 11 36 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 11 36 5 00 6 00 9 38 5 00 3 25 5 00 6 25 6 50 19 81 15 14 30 00 6 50 3 75 50 42 13 75 38 75 6 25 55 00 30 00 18 71 9 93 375 00 5 00 11 28 5 00 5 00 1 75 3 25 75 00 16 50 314 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 161 Associated Gas & Electric 162 Associated Gas & Electric 163 Associated Gas & Electric 164 Mott Castle 165 Ella A Moe - 166 R C Smith 167 Sue M Cummings 168 Cortland Co Hospital 169 A H Webster 170 Victory Chain Store 171 Howard Persona's 172 E L Weaver 173 Wm A Church Co 174 R L Teeter 175 Mott Castle 176 Associated Gas & Electric 177 Associated Gas & Electric 178 Associated Gas & Electric 179 R R Chatterton 180 Ella A Moe 181 A H Webster 182 Journal & Courier 183 E A Landon 184 Sue M Cummings 185 G W Cummings 186 'R C Smith 187 Alvin Booth Co 188 Frank Upson 189 Cogswell Bros 190 Mary Kennedy 191 E A Landon 192 R C Smith 193 G W Cummings 194 R L Teeter 195 Mott Castle 196 Sue M Cummings 197 Sue M Cummings 198 Ella A Moe 199 Journal & Courier 200 A J Metzgar 201 Associated Gas & Electric 202 Associated Gas & Electric 203 Associated Gas & Electiic 204 Asssociated Gas & Electric 205 Associated Gas & Electric 206 Mary Kennedy 207 Dennis & Co Inc 208 Cortland Co Hospital 209 Mott Castle 210 R C Tai bell M D 211 R R Chatterton 212 R R Chatterton 213 Ella A Moe 214 Fannie Webb Lights (McLean) Lights (McLean) Lights (Peruville) Welfare Town Office Welfare Salary, Mileage Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare _ Welfare _ Assessment Rolls (2) _Welfare Welfare Lights (Peruville) Lights (McLean) ,Lights (McLean) Jus Fees in Criminal Case Office Phone & P 0 Box ,Paint, oil and drier for Town Bldg ..Supervisor's Report _ Welfare, Services Welfare Welfare _ ..Welfare, Salary Welfare Welfare Welfare ..Welfare Welfai e, Services .Welfare, Services & Mileage -.Welfare Welfare .Welfare Welfare Welfare Telephone (Town Office)_ Assessor's Notice & Billheads Constable Fees Lights (McLean) Lights (Peruville) Lights (McLean) Lights (McLean) Lights (Peruville) Welfare Justice Docket _ Welfare Welfare -Welfare Jus Fees in Criminal Case Jus Fees in Criminal Case Town Office Rent, Phone and P 0 Box Inspector, Dist 7 50 42 13 75 38 75 5 00 50 00 34 94 15 97 39 35 6 25 381 4 00 98 26 50 6 00 11 25 38 75 13 75 50 42 4 80 7 10 70 76 7 14 25 00 16 26 391 25 00 75 00 10 00 3 00 30 00 13 00 16 00 9 97 6 00 11 25 2 16 18 50 3 25 16 89 34 55 50 42 38 75 13 75 64 17 38 75 30 00 9 50 120 35 10 70 25 00 6 70 3 95 50 42 13 75 38 75 5 00 50 00 34 94 15 97 39 35 6 25 381 4 00 98 26 50 6 00 11 25 38 75 13 75 50 42 4 80 7 10 70 76 7 14 25 00 16 26 391 25 00 75 00 10 00 300 30 00 13 00 16 00 9 97 6 00 11 25 2 16 18 50 3 25 16 89 34 55 50 42 38 75 13 75' 6417 38 75 30 00 9 50 120 35 10 70 25 00 6 70 3 95 53 85 53 85 500 500 No OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 315 Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowea 215 Anna Reniff 216 Frances E Ryan 217 John Terrell _ 218 R W Tomlinson 219 Journal & Courier 220 A H Webster 221 R C Smith 222 H T Davidson _ 223 Sue M Cummings 224- R L Teeter 225 James Cornelius _ 226 Associated Gas & Electric 227 Associated Gas & Electric 228 Associated Gas & Electric 229 Mott Castle 230 Groton Shoe Store 231 Harry Davidson 232 Warren Smith 233 Lewis Marble 234 Groton Shoe Store 235 Sue M Cummings 236 Mary R Long 237 Olive Halladay 238 Sarah E Kirby 239 Hattie M Teeter 240 J H Waterman 241 George Stark 242 Jay Conger Jr 243 J P Munson Inspector & Mess , Dist 7 Inspector, Dist 7 _ - _ Inspector & Mess , Dist 7 _ Inspector, Dist 7 Notice of Filing Assessment Rolls Welfare - -- ,Welfare Salary .Welfaie _ .Welfare Welfare .,Welfare Lights (McLean) Lights (McLean) Lights (Peruville) ,Welfare ,Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Inspector & Mess , Dist 3 Clerk, Dist 3 Inspector, Dist 3 -- Inspector, Dist 3 _ Inspector & Mess , Dist 3 Clerk, Dist 3 Rent Polling Place, Dist 3 Trustee Rent Polling Place, Dist 1 Erecting Booths, Dist 1 .Inspector & Mess , Dist 1 Inspector & Mess , Dist 1 Inspector, Dist 1 _ _ Clerk, Dist 1 ,Clerk, Dist 1 -- -Inspector & Mess , Dist 1 Inspector, Dist 2 ,Inspector & Mess , Dist 2 Clerk, Dist 2 -Inspector & Mess , Dist 2 Clerk, Dist 2 ,Rent, Dist 2 ,Inspector, Dist 4 ,Inspector & Mess , Dist 4 Inspector & Mess , Dist 4 .Inspector, Dist 4 Clerk, Dist 4 _Clerk, Dist 4 .Rent Polling Place, Dist 4 - Rent Rent Polling Place, Dist 5 Inspector, Dist 5 _ Inspector, Dist 5 -Inspector & Mess , Dist 5 ,Inspector, Dist 5 244 J P Munson 245 Helen Smith 24-6 Ruth Exton 247 Warner Pierson 248 Harry Tallmadge 249 Frank Karlson 250 Fred Bossard 251 Lena Jennings 252 Nella Jones 253 Dora R Green 254 Mary Ryan 255 Walter Halladay 256 L C Smith&CoronaTvp Co 257 Jessie E Metzgar 258 Asa F Metzger 259 Clarence Bethel 260 Mina E Rounseville 261 Eva J Dempsey 262 Louise M Voorhees 263 Village of Groton 264 Corona Building Co 265 Lillian Ogden 266 Mary H Dwyer _ 267 Nellie C Hamill 268 Jennie A King 12 00 12 00 5 00 5 00 12 72 12 72 12 00 12 00 1 47 1 47 6 40 6 40 25 00 25 00 4 00 4 00 14 00 14 00 12 00 12 00 72 72 1375 _ 13 75 50 42 50 42 38 75 38 75 11 25 11 25 475 475 20 00 20 00 5 00 5 00 624 624 3 76 3 76 13 99 13 99 31 36 31 36 10 00 10 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 31 36 31 36 10 00 10 00 40 00 40 00 30 00 30 00 12 50 12 50 31 28 31 28 31 28 31 28 25 00 25 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 29 00 29 00 25 00 25 00 42 72 42 72 10 00 10 00 31 36 31 36 10 00 10 00 40 00 40 00 25 00 25 00 31 36 31 36 31 36 31 36 25 00 25 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 75 00 75 00 40 00 40 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 37 72 37 72 25 00 25 00 316 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 269 Lillian Benedict 270 Frances Dwyer 271 Grace L Thomas 272 Mary A Austin 273 Estella T Youngs 274 Howard Marks 275 Grace L Thomas 276 Marjorie Kane 277 Edith M Hall 278 Archie R Gillen 279 John Terrell 280 R W Tomlinson 281 Anna B Reniff 282 Frances E Ryan 283 Fannie Webb 284 Ray C Stilwell 285 Harry T Davidson 286 The Journal & Courier 287 B E Van Buskirk 288 Square Deal Garage 289 A H Webster 290 Fred Hickey . _ .. 291 R R Chatterton 292 Archie R Gillen 293 C Fay Benson 294 Nelson Van Marter 295 James H VanMarter M D 296 George M Gilchrist M D 297 F E Ryan M D 298 M G Tarbell 299 E A Landon _ 300 R C Smith 301 G B Sickmon 302 John Terrell 303 Leon Buck 304 C H Moe _ _ 305 G W Cummings _ 306 R W Tomlinson 307 Mary Kennedy 308 Onondaga Co 309 Victory Chain Store Clerk, Dist 5 Clerk, Dist 5 Treas Rent Polling Place Dist 6 Inspector & Mess , Dist 6 Inspector & Mess , Dist 6 Inspector & Mess , Dist 6 Inspector & Mess , Dist 6 _Clerk, Dist 6 Clerk, Dist 6 Erecting Booths, Dist 6 Inspector, Dist 7 Inspector, Dist 7 Inspector & Mess , Dist 7 ,Inspector & Mess , Dist 7 _Clerk, Dist 7 Clerk, Dist 7 Rent & Erecting Booths, D 7 Supervisor's Report _Trucking Booths 3, 4, 5 & 6 Livery Supplies for Booths Erecting & Repairing Booths -Legal Services, Per Diem & Fees . .Assessing Assessing _ ,Assessing Health Officer & V S V S & Welfare V S Per Diem ,Per Deis Per Diem & Highway Etc ,Per Diem Jus Fees & V S .Constable Fees . Attendance Officer ..Per Diem V S & Services Welfare Welfare Welfare -Welfare Dryden, Welfare Total Welfare Fund Expenditures Election Expenses Contract Bills General Control , 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 30 00 31 60 31 60 27 00 29 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 20 00 22 48 26 28 10 00 10 00 3700 ' 7 98 10 00 24 00 95 50 00 30 00 31 60 31 60 27 00 29 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 20 00 22 48 26 28 10 00 10 00 37 00 7 98 10 00 24 00 95 50 00 14735 14735 181 76 181 76 175 75 175 75 193 00 193 00 268 87 268 87 65 25 65 25 8 50 8 50 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 291 00 291 00 89 00 89 00 3 40 3 40 50 00 50 00 279 51 279 51 400 400 10 25 10 25 30 00 30 00 726 31 726 31 500 - 500 $8,915 95 $8,915 95 $2,833 84 1,506 17 1,362 72 3,213 22 Totals $8,915 95 $8,915 95 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 317 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOMPKINS L ss.: TOWN OF GROTON I, Charles H Moe, Town Clerk of the Town of Groton, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Town Board of the! said Town at its sessions in the year 1932 with the name of 'the claimant, the amount claimed and the amount allowed Dated, November 10th, 1932 CHARLES H MOE, Town Clerk. 318 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ITHACA ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1932 No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 John W Preswick 2 F C Marshall 3 A J Mandeville 4 W I Smith 5 W I Smith 6 C A Baker 7 C H Newman 8 C H Newman 9 J A Bush 10 F E Morter 11 J A Bush 12 Emmett Gillow 13 Wilbur G Fish 14 L E Chase 15 L E Chase 16 F H Grover 17 Rachel T Hanshaw 18 Rachel T Hanshaw 19 Rachel T Hanshaw 20 Rachel T Hanshaw 21 Rexford Smith 22 Samuel Newman 23 Peter Campbell 24 Arthur Teeter 25 Chas L Morris 26 Margaret S Mapes 27 F E Andrews 28 Emma F Morris 29 Florence Myers 30 Archibald Morrison 31 Jean Updike 32 Cora M Gray 33 L N Simmons 34 Anna C Wright 35 Laura Brown 36 Maude C Wiegand 37 Ruth Reynolds 38 Ernest J Meeker Assessor, Chairman Assessor Assessor Justice, Board & Committee Justice, Fees Justice, Board & Committee Justice, Fees Justice, Board & Committee Justice, Fees Constable, Fees Justice, Board & Committee Attendance Officer . Health Officer Supervisor, Services Sup, Gen & Pub % Welfare Officer _Town Clerk, Expenses __ ,Registrar, Vital States Town Clerk, Elec Exp Town Clerk, Services Inspector Elec 1 Chairman ,Inspector Elections 1 Inspector Elections 1 Inspector Elections 1 Inspector Elect 2 Chairman Inspector Elections 2 _ Inspector Elections 2 .Inspector Elections 2 Inspector Elections 3 Inspector Elections 3 Inspector Elect 3 Chairman ,Inspector Elections 3 Inspector Elect 4, Chairman Inspector Elections 4 _ Inspector Elections 4 . Inspector Elections 4 .Inspector Elections 4 Janitor Services Dist 4 250 00 $ 250 00 225 00 225 00 180 00 180 00 150 00 150 00 3 25 3 25 156 00 156 00 20 40 20 40 114 00 114 00 74 00 74 00 1 40 1 40 144 00 144 00 150 00 150 00 381 85 381 85 249 00 249 00 235 74 235 74 382 00 382 00 19 20 19 20 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 243 00 243 00 68 70 68 70 50 00 50 00 51 00 51 00 51 00 51 00 66 96 66 96 51 00 51 00 51 00 51 00 51 00 51 00 51 00 51 00 51 00 51 00 68 00 68 00 51 00 51 00 57 28 57 28 51 00 51 00 51 00 51 00 41 00 41 00 20 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 Totals $3,980 78 $3,989 78 I, Rachel T Hanshaw, Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Town Board of Auditors, at its annual meeting held Nov 10, 1932,, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed RACHEL T. HANSHAW, Clerk, Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, N.Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 319 TOWN OF LANSING ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1932 No , Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 Percey Burling 2 Edward Howell 3 Winona Nobles 4 Casper Sweazey 5 Walter Sweazey 6 Chas Wooley 7 Walter Sweazey 8 Clay Tarbell 9 Frank Singer 10 Chas Lobdell 11 Fred Linderbury 12 Glen L Bacon 13 C J Miller 14 North Lansing Grange 15 South Lansing Grange 16 Carl Halladay 17 Mary Wood 18 Leslie Peters 19 Robert Conlon 20 Howard Howland 21 Bertha Howland 22 Ella Smith 23 Jessie Bush 24 Anna Fraweley 25 Olive Van Nest 26 La Mott Smith 27 Dwight Van Nest 28 Jessie Bush . ........... 29 William Lane 30 George Fields 31 Samuel E Lane 32 Edward Ozmun 33 Edward Ozmun 34 A J Conlon 35 Clay C Tarbell 36 Jerr}t A Smith 37 Carlton Kintz 38 Joseph McGill 39 John Krupa 40 Carlton Kintz 41 North Lansing Grange 42 Joseph McGill 43 Joseph McGill 44 Joseph McGill 45 Joseph McGill 46 Williamson Law Book Co 47 Leo Teeter Inspector of Election Clerk of Election Inspector of Election Clerk of Election Janitor of Election Inspector of Election Inspector & Mess Election Clerk of Election Inspector of Election Inspector of Election _ Clerk of Election Inspector of Election -Inspector & Mess Election Hall, Election Purpose Hall, Election Purpose _Inspector of Election Mess Clerk of Election _. Inspector Mess of Election Inspector & Mess Election Clerk of Election Inspector of Election Mess _Inspector & Mess Election _Inspector of Election Inspector of Election Inspector & Mess Election Clerk of Election _ Clerk of Election _ _Hall, Election Purpose _ .Assessor Service Assessor Service _ Assessor Service Criminal Bill Service bill _ Service bill Service bill _ Service bill Service bill Service bill Constable service Criminal bill __ Hall, Court Purpose Vital Statistics _ __ • Expense Highway allowance Election service $ _Supplies 34 00 $\ 34 00 10 00 10 00 34 00 34 00 10 00 10 00 900 900 34 00 34 00 54 60 54 60 10 00 10 00 34 00 34 00 34 00 34 00 10 00 10 00 34 00 34 00 55 84 55 84 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 39 00 39 00 10 00 10 00 40 00 40 00 30 00 30 00 10 00 10 00 39 00 39 00 40 28 40 28 34 00 34 00 34 00 34 00 46 56 46 56 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 35 00 35 00 128 00 128 00 124 00 124 00 124 00 124 00 93 50 93 50 48 00 48 00 52 00 52 00 48 00 48 00 36 00 36 00 48 00 48 00 56 00 56 00 6 00 6 00 16 00 16 00 5 00 5 00 53 50 53 50 3 39 3 39 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 10 12 10 12 16 64 16 64 Total $1,749 43 $1,749 43 I hereby certify that this a true copy of the audits of the Town of Lansing, County of Tompkins, State of New York, passed by the Town Board Nov 10, 1932 JOSEPH McGILL, Clerk. 320 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF NEWFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1932 No Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 Fred 'W Payne _Assessor $ 13100 $ 13100 2 Harry Horton ,Assessor 151 04 151 04 3 Frank Fish Assessor 108 00 108 00 4 Chas E Houghtaling Law Book (Bender's) 16 00 16 00 5 Howard Drake Attendance Officer 32 69 32 69 6 E S VanKirk Board Meeting 400 400 7 F G Snyder Board Meeting 4 00 4 00 8 L S Taber _Insp Election, Dist 1 Mess 56 92 56 92 9 R S McGiven Insp Election, Dist 1 Ser 62 56 62 56 10 Anna M Dorn Inspector Election, Dist 1 40 00 40 00 11 Buena E H Weatherell Inspector Election, Dist 1 40 00 40 00 12 Elmina B Rumsey Gen Clerk, Dist 1 10 00 10 00 13 Martha E Augst .Gen Clerk, Dist 1 10 00 10 00 14 Georgia C McClintock Insp Election, Dist 2 Mess 56 92 56 92 15 F G Snyder Insp Election, Dist 2 40 00 40 00 16 Amanda R VanKirk Insp Election, Dist 2 30 00 30 00 17 G H Noble Insp Election, Dist 2 40 00 40 00 18 Jessie P Albright Gen Clerk, Elec Dist 2 10 00 10 00 19 Iva E Tompkins _Inspector Elec , Dist 2 10 00 10 00 20 Marie D Cutter _ Gen Clerk Elec Dist 2 10 00 10 00 21 Carrie M Peck (Telephone, Postage etc ) Ex 9 09 9 09 22 Arthur Decker Board Meeting 4 00 4 00 23 Forest J Payne Postage & supplies 7 50 7 50 24 Wm A Smith, M D Vital Statistics 4 25 4 25 25 Wm A Smith, M D Health Officer Salary 217 65 217 65 26 A R Allen Bonds for Town Officers 205 74 205 74 27 Forest J Payne Board & Com Meetings 44 00 44 00 28 R C Albright Board Meetings 24 00 24 00 29 C P Stoughton .Board Meetings _ 28 00 28 00 30 D S Carpenter Board Meetings , 24 00 24 00 31 Carrie M Peck Board & Assessor meetings 32 00 32 00 32 C Lee Brainard Board & Com work 50 00 50 00 33 C Lee Brainard , Justice Criminal Fee 7 00 7 00 Total $1,520 36 $1,520 36 I, Carrie M Peck, Town Clerk of the Town of Newfield, Tompkins County, New York, Do Hereby Certify, that the foregoing is a true list of the accounts audited by the Town Board of the said town, at its annual meeting held Nov 10, 1932 with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed CARRIE M. PECK, Town Clerk No OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 321 TOWN OF ULYSSES ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1932 Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 1 Chas L Clock 2 H K Aiken, J P 3 Henry Williams, J P 4 Arthur Hubbell, J P 5 0 H McDaniels, Supr 6 Arthur L Bower 7 First National Bank of Trumansburg 8 Ithaca Journal -News 9 Free Press & Sent 10 Chas F Smith 11 F S Bower 12 F S Bower 13 Wm Dimick 14 0 H McDaniels, Supr ' 15 0 H McDaniels, Supr 16 Fred N Smith, J P 17 Arthur Hubbell, J P 18 H K Aiken, J P 19 Edith M Updike, Clerk 20 Edith M Updike, Clerk 21 Henry Williams, J P 22 Henry Williams, J P _ 23 Chas F Smith 24 Free Press & Sent 25 Jane E Stilwell _ 26 Mabel Batty 27 Lola A Jackson 28 Arsula B Hilliard 29 Edward Seeley 30 John J Chase 31 John Young • 32 Henry Williams assigned, Nat Bank 33 Henry Williams 34 Wilbur V Briggs 35 Elsie M Clock 36 Francis J Breen 137 Elwyn E Ford '38 Ray W Stevens ,39 Jane S Wilcox 40 Wm A Church Co 41 Edith M Updike, Clerk 42 Edith M Updike, 'Clerk 43 Henry Williams, J P 44 Henry Williams, J P 45 Arthur Hubbell, J P 46 H K Aiken, J P 47 H K Aiken, J P 48 Chas F Smith 49 0 H McDaniels •Com of Welfaie (1931) Service Bill Service Bill Service Bill Service Bill School Director .Rental S D Box .Publishing Notices Publishing Notices School Att Off _ Bond Premium (Coll ) Bond Premium (Supr ) Janitor _ _ Percentage (Gen Fund) Service Bill Service Bill Service Bill .Service Bill Service Bial Off Expense, Telephone Service Bill _ ._ Criminal Fees .School Att Off Pub Supr Report Inspector, Dist 1 Inspector, Dist 1 _ Inspector, Dist 1 Inspector & Mess Dist 1 Inspector, Dist 2 . - Inspector, Dist 2 - . ,Inspector, Dist 2 _ _ $ 393 05 16 00 8 00 12 00 12 00 7 00 3 75 5 10 12 81 61 00 79 36 60 00 3 00 75 14 24 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 28 00 30 68 16 00 3 20 27 00 20 00 10 00 43 00 . 43 00 60 98 10 00 . 43 00 43 00 Inspector & Mess ,Dist 2 15 64 Inspector & Mess Dist 2 44 28 Inspector, Dist 2 33.00 Inspector, Dist 3, _ 43 00 Inspector, Dist 3 .. 43 00 Inspector, Dist 3 _ _ 43 00 Inspector & Mess Dist 3 _ 60 98 Inspector, Dist 1 . _33 00 Assessment Rolls - 22 00 Election Service 24 00 Election Expense 16 75 Service Bill 16 00 Criminal Fees 19 25 Service Bill ._ 4 00 Service Bill __ 16 00 Criminal Fees 18 95 School Att Off ..... 14 00 Percentage, School 319 94 $ 393 05 16 00 8 00 12 00 12 00 7 00 3 75 5 10 12 81 61 00 79 36 60 00 3 00 75 14 24 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 28 00 30 68 16 00 3 20 27 00 20 00 10 00 43 00 43 00 60 98 10 00 43 00 43 00 15 64 44 28 33 00 43 00 43 00 43 00 60 98 33 00 22 00 24 00 16 75 16 00 19 25 4 00 16 00 18 95 14 00 319 94 322 No PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Claimant Nature of Expense Claimed Allowed 50 0 H McDaniels 51 0 H McDaniels 52 Keith Sears, M D 53 Autom Vot Mach Co 54 Edith M Updike 55 Edith M Updike, Clerk 56 Edith M Updike, Clerk 57 Dennis & Co Inc 58 Williamson Law Book Co 59 Chas E Houghtaling 60 Joel Horton 61 Chas F Smith 62 Arthur Hubbell, J P 63 Henry Williams, J P 64 Henry Williams, J P 65 H K Aiken, J P 66 0 H McDaniels, Supr 67 Philo B Smith 68 Edwin V Gould 69 L H Tunison 70 C Owen Carman 71 Grant R Fletcher 72 Keith Sears, M D 73 Clarence Clark 74 H W Rightmyer 75 Fred N Smith, J P 76 0 H McDaniels, Supr 77 0 H McDaniels, Supr 78 Arthur Hubbell, J P 79 Henry Williams, J P 80 H K Aiken, J P 81 Edith M Updike, Clerk 82 Lawrence D Hymes, Clerk Village of Trumansburg 83 Wm H Licht, M D Service Bill Expense Acct Expense H 0 Conf Election Supplies Registrar, Vit Stat Service Bill Expense Acct Supplies (Justices) Supplies Supplies Insurance, Vot Mach .School Att Off Service Bill Service Bill Criminal Fees Service Bill Service Bill _ Assessor Assessor Assessor ,Printing Custodian, Vot Mach Health Officer Rent of Hall, Election Electricity, Elections Service Bill Service Bill Expense Acct Service Bill Service Bill Service Bill Service Bill Rent, Board Room Vital Stat 20 00 5 85 22 74 4 75 49 70 24 00 2 65 15 00 8 00 7, 10 18 90 21 00 24 00 16 00 18 80 8 00 20 00 160 00 115 00 105 00 9 62 60 00 205 11 38 00 1 50 32 00 16 00 7 30 4 00 4 00 12 00 28 00 20 00 5 85 22 74 4 75 49 70 24 00 2 65 15 00 8 00 7 10 18 90 21 00 24 00 16 00 18 80 8 00 20 00 160 00 115 00 105 00 9 62 60 00 205 11 38 00 1 50 32 00 16 00 7 30 4 00 4 00 12 00 28 ,00, 40 00 40 00 1 75 1 75 Total $3,110 63 $3,110 63 I, Edith M Updike, Town Clerk of the Town of Ulysses, Tompkins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Town Board of said Town at its sessions in the year 1932, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed. Dated, December 10, 1932 EDITH M UPDIKE, Town Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 323 ANNUAL REPORT of the Treasurer of Tompkins County Ithaca, N Y , November 17th , 1932. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : GENTLEMEN - The following report of receipts and disbursements of county funds for the period November lst, 1931 to October 31st, 1932, is respectfully submitted. Funds controlled by the state not included CHARLOTTE V BUSH, County Treasurer. Levy of General Property Taxes For Town Purposes— Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses For State and County Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses Ithaca --City $ 11,759 31 11,368 92 24,101 77 7,895 92 27,240 46 27,020 65 24,492 73 12,717 26 18,500 00 Purposes - 9,140 31 8,961.15 27,613 04 5,006 57 22,576 42 38,283 38 21,036 01 7,946 20 20,618 60 574,113 28 $165,097.02 409,016 26 324 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Collectors paid town officers 165,042 56 Collectors paid county treasurer 295,115 08 Corporations paid county treas- urer 59,739.36 Taxes returned to treasurer 54,216 28 $574,113 28 Cash on hand November 1, 1931 $ 185,970 30 Receipts — November 1, 1931, to October 31, 1932 $574,113.28 1,475,629.81 $1,661.600.11 Payments — November 1, 1931, to October 31, 1932 1,475,004.39 Cash on hand, November 1, 1932 In safe $ 30 00 Tuberculosis Hospital trust fund 2,207 89 General Fund 130,315 15 County Road Fund 32,690 98 Mortgage Taxes 5,363 82 Estate Taxes 261.94 Special trust fund 4,754 31 Highway bond issue 10,971 63 1,661,600.11 $7,500.00 of the $30,000 00 appropriated for the Tompkins County Hospital was paid to said institution but refunded after the resolution appropriating same was rescinded. Receipts—November 1, 1931—October 31, 1932. Taxes—net receipts from collectors and corporations $ 354,854 44 collected before sale 46,502 05 proceeds of sale 6,988 27 Tax sale certificates transferred 1,086.50 Sales of land acquired at tax sales .819.16 Redemption advertising 235.60 Licenses and permits 70 50 Fines 370.00 Interest on general fund deposits 403.80 Interest on highway fund deposits 979.23 Interest on Mortgage tax deposits 175.15 OF TOM.PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 325 Interest on Tuberculosis Hospital Trust Fund 101 90 Real estate rentals 316.00 Gifts and grants—Tax on gasoline 80,564.14 Motor Vehicle fees 48,023 47 From state for county roads 84,046 83 Fees from court and trust funds 160 21 County Clerk's Court fees 469.95 Surrogate's fees 223 44 County clerk's registration fees 19,073.83 Refunds by individuals to Public Welfare Fund 8,503.03 Refunds by individuals to Old Age Security Fund 484.99 Board of jail prisoners—Federal 619.00 Fees from Inheritance and Estate taxes 1,111.49 Tuberculosis Hospital—from paid patients 3,641 97 Refunds—Boiler insurance 75.53 Bridge account 7.60 County road fund for highway machinery 26,950.90 Sheriff—transportation of prisoners 160.50 County Road fund, miscellaneous 424.25 Snow removal, miscellaneous 14.87 Contract supplies—from individuals 61.48 Physically handicapped children --from individuals 210 00 Highway machinery—miscellaneous 891.49 Returned school taxes 2,360.06 From state — Relief work — Highway projects 11,868.54 County Laboratory 6,430.39 Physically handicapped children 1,683 15 Welfare account 1,529.29 Public Health work 4,000 00 Snow removal 6,078.60 Old age security 21,717.86 Temporary Home Relief 1,961.34 Reforestration 199.46 Public schools 486,964 11 Franchise tax on business corp. 13,505 74 Real estate licenses 113.50 Income taxes 22,844.24 Temporary loans 159,373 98 Dog licenses 8,037 75 Special taxes—Estate 12,699.65 Bank 14,330.15 r 326 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mortgage Tax redemptions 9,869 41 1,441.02 Total Receipts_ $1,475,629 81 Disbursements—November 1, 1931—October 31, 1932 Supervisors Compensation $ 9,866 57 expenses 4,499 99 County publications 1,521.29 Tax commissioners' meeting 134 08 Tax blanks 70.10 Tax sale advertising 1,471 20 Commissioners of election 2,932 66 Election expenses 3,836 53 County treasurer's office 4,803 21 Court house 2,653.88 County clerk's building 2,201 08 County Judge and Surrogate—department 9,184 75 Children's Court 2,764 00 District Attorney's office 3,48015 Sheriff, office and quarters 6,816 59 Supreme Court Judge—expenses 1,180 94 Supreme Court—Civil 8,038.52 Criminal 1,502 31 County Court—Civil 750 40 Criminal 783 95 County clerk as clerk of court 3,600 00 Justices of peace 7.70 Coroner 586 64 County sealer 1,445 08 County clerk as register, department 12,875.65 Public Health work 8,967 85 County Laboratory, 12,559.74 Tuberculosis Hospital— Inmates and building 24,814 25 Bovine Tuberculosis 2,696 15 Superintendent of Highways—department 5,244 29 County bridges 1,322.52 Highway machinery for county highways 18,377 59 Charities—Public Welfare 80,339 70 Emergency relief work 37,900.88 Temporary home relief 1,961 34 Insane commitments 230 00 Old Age security 46,221 21 Physically handicapped children 5,009 07 Child welfare 4,672 98 Corrections—Jail 4,112 41 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 327 Penal institutions 1,235 92 Probation officer 1,204 93 Education—Educational notices 23 40 Farm and Home Bureau and Junior project 8,625.00 County Library 4,200 00 Deaf mutes 150 00 Soldiers' burials 485 00 Interest—On temporary loans 2,130 00 Highway bonds 6,157 50 Permanent improvements New county buildings 108,814 74 Reforestation 426 65 County road construction 259,538 34 Rights of Way for Highways 23,860.76 Temporary loans 71,000 00 Highway bonds 5,000 00 State highway improvement sinking fund 7,629 21 Refunds—miscellaneous 29 25 Returned school taxes 15,986 04 Insurance 196 86 City Court fees 33 20 Adding machine service 11 36 City directories 82.50 V F W —Fourth of July celebration 500 00 Compensation insurance 3,319 44 Snow removal on highways 21,946 87 State for taxes—Stenographers' 5,809 20 Armory 8,551 47 Estate taxes 12,133 87 Mortgage taxes 5,026 04 Dog licenses 684 60 Towns and cities—Bank taxes 7,053 08 Mortgage taxes 9,528 57 Income taxes 20,407 86 Franchise taxes 12,477 98 Dog licenses 1,626 57 Villages—Bank taxes 244 32 Mortgage taxes 583 57 Franchise taxes 1,027 76 Income taxes 2,436 38 School districts—Public school money 486,964 11 Bank taxes 7,032 74 Tax redemptions—to certificate holders 1,144 96 Cash bail—refund 500 00 Premium on mortgage tax bond 5 00 Dog license money to individuals 6,553 03 Inheritance tax fees 1,189 06 Total payments $1,475 004 39 328 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN ACCOUNTS CAROLINE Due County November 1, 1931 Sheriff expenses Examinations in lunacy Uncollected 1931 state and county tax Paid in 1931 budget Surplus on 1931 tax roll DANBY $ 48.15 238 15 10 00 98 79 $ 395.09 $ 186 15 75 21 261 36 Due county $ 133 73 Due County November 1, 1931 Sheriff Expenses Uncollected taxes Paid in 1931 budget DRYDEN $ 28 91 147 25 36.40 $ 212.56 76 96 Due county $ 135 60 Due County November 1, 1931 Examinations in lunacy Error on tax roll—American Telephone Co Uncollected taxes Sheriff Expenses Paid in 1931 budget Surplus on 1931 tax roll Due county E NFIELD Due County November 1, 1931 Sheriff Expenses Error on 1931 tax roll $ 66 96 30 00 136 64 49 85 349.40 $ 632 85 $ 273 26 94.17 367.43 $ 265 42 $ 28.10 160 50 186 $ 190.46 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 329 Paid in 1931 budget $, 99.65 99 65 Due county $ 90.81 GROTON Due County November 1, 1931 Examinations in lunacy Shortage on 1931 tax roll Sheriff Expenses Uncollected taxes Paid in 1931 budget $ 5.10 _ 20 00 197.19 7 80 220.30 $ 450.39 $ 30.20 30.20 Due county $ 420 19 ITHACA Surplus on 1931 tax roll $ 365.15 Paid in 1931 budget ( 352.97 Due County November 1, 1931 Sheriff Expenses Uncollected taxes LANSING $ 718.12 $ 237 67 221.60 252.36 711.63 Due Town ' $ 6 49 Due County November 1, 1931 , Sheriff expenses Uncollected taxes $ 191.37 409.00 182 36 $ 782.73 Paid in 1931 budget $ 426.07 426 07 Due county $ 356 66 NEWFIELD Due County November 1, 1931 Sheriff expenses Examinations in lunacy Uncollected taxes $ 99 95 145 25 30.00 33 57 $ 308.77 330 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Paid in 1931 budget ULYSSES $ 218 80 41 25 260.05 Due county $ 48 72 Due town November 1, 1931 Paid in 1931 budget Surplus on 1931 tax roll Sheriff Expenses Examinations in lunacy Uncollected and erroneous $ 886 33 183 20 47 77 $1,117 30 $ 265 90 20 00 350 93 636 83 Due Town $ 480 47 CITY OF ITHACA Due County November 1, 1931 Sheriff Expenses Examinations in lunacy Shortage on 1931 tax roll Uncollected and erroneous taxes Paid in 1931 budget Due county $ 455 61 258 50 90 00 43 32 185 81 $1,033.24 646 21 $ 387.03 Statement of the various appropriations, not including those paid in definite amounts at specified times, and therefore hav- ing no balance or overdraft Supervisors' Compensation Overdraft Balance Appropriation $9,868 17 Expenditures 9,866 57 $ 1 60 Supervisors' Expense Appropriations—Clerk 1,800 00 Attorney 500 00 Other ex- penses 1,782 02 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 331 4,082 02 Expenditures 4,364 43 $ 282 41 County Publications Appropriation 900 00 Balance Nov. 1, 1931 1,684 35 Expenditures Tax Commissioners' Meeting 2,584 35 1,521 29 No appropriation for 1932 Expenditures 134 08 $ 134 08 Commissioners of Election Balance Nov 1, 1931 608 02 Appropriations—salaries 1,800 00 postage, etc 400 00 rent of office 360 00 sundries 347 50 Expenditures Elections 3,515 52 2,815 60 Balance Nov. 1, 1931 8,420 23 Appropriation 10,766 56 Expenditures 19,186.79 3,836 53 County Treasurer Balance Nov 1, 1931 1,124 63 Appropriations—salary 2,800 00 clerk 800 00 postage 250 00 $1,063 06 $ 699 92 $15,350 26 332 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Expenditures Tax Blanks bonds 875.00 sundries 263.02 6,112.65 4,696.76 No appropriation Expenditures 70.10 $ 70.10 County Clerk Balance Nov. 1, 1931 2,791.26 Appropriations—salary 3,600.00 deputy 1,500.00 motor vehicle clerk 1,500.00 assist- ants - 7,100.00 postage 725.00 bond 75 00 rent for motor vehicle office 420 00 holdup in- surance 62.50 sundries 1,687.21 Expenditures • Supreme Courts Appropriations Expenditures, civil criminal County Courts Appropriations 19,460.97 16,475 65 15,000 00 $8,038 52 1,502.31 9,540 83 2,500 00 $1,415.89 $2,985.32 5,459.17 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 333 Expenditures, civil 750 40 criminal 783 95 1,534 35 965 65 Children's Court Balance Nov. 1, 1931 565 71 Appropriations—salary 2,300 00 sundries 756 05 Expenditures Justices and Constables Balance Nov. 1, 1931 Appropriation Expenditures Coroner 3,621.76 2,649 91 636 95 190 90 $ 971 85 827.85 7.70 $ 820 15 Balance Nov. 1, 1931 723.48 Appropriations—salary 500.00 expenses 183 70 Expenditures 1,407 18 586 64 County Sealer Appropriations—salary 900 00 expenses 735 50 Expenditures 1,635.50 1,445 08 Supreme Court Judge Appropriations—rent 840 00 postage 250 00 sundries 105 33 $ 820.54 $ 190 42 334 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1,195 33 Expenditures 1,012 33 , Compensation Insurance Appropriations 2,500 00 Expenditures 2,178 57 Soldier Burials Balance Nov 1, 1931 826 87 Appropriations 835 00 Expenditures 1,661 87 485 00 Contract Supplies Balance Nov. 1, 1931 1,081 65 Appropriations - 6,500 00 Refunds 61.48 Expenditures Public Health , 7,643.13 7,313 25 Balance Nov 1, 1931 2,901 48 Appropriation 4,000.00 Received from State 4,000 00 10,901 48 Expenditures $8,570 97 Refunded to State 396 88 Refunded to General Fund 396 89 9,364 74 Tuberculosis Hospital Balance Nov. 1, 1931 3,002 31 Appropriations 22,048.75 Income from patients 3,641 97 $ 183.00 $ 321 43 $1,176 87 $ 329 88 $1,536.74 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 335 28,693 03 Expenditures, salaries 8,848 22 inmates 9,907 95 upkeep 5,949 09 Receipts trans- ferred to Gen- eral Fund 3,641 97 28,347 23 Insane Commitments $ 345 80 Appropriations 270 00 Expenditures 230 00 $ 40 00 Child Welfare Balance Nov 1, 1931 742 91 Appropriations 5,000 00 Jail Expenditures 5,742 91 4,672 98 Balance Nov 1, 1931 1,432 96 Appropriations—turnkey 1,200.00 matron 300 00 physician 50 00 insurance 19 38 sundries 22210 Received for board of Federal prisoners 619 00 Expenditures 3,743 44 3,288 94 Court House Balance Nov 1, 1931 3,322 03 Appropriations—Jamtor 1,000 00 insurance 717 50 hbrarry 105.00 sundries 408 78 $1,069.93 $ 554 50 336 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Refund on insurance 106 19 5,659 50 Expenditures 1,554 41 County Clerk's Building Balance Nov 1, 1931 1,482.89 Appropriations, insurance 317 13 extra fire protection 500.00 janitor 600 00 sundries 300.00 Expenditures 3,200 02 1,439 02 County Judge and Surrogate Balance Nov. 1, 1931 1,511 83 Appropriations—salary 5,000 00 special judge 600.00 assist- ants 3,000.00 sundries 667.45 Expenditures Distract Attorney 10,779 28 8,996 95 Balance Nov. 1, 1931 -236 82 Appropriations—salary '2,400.00 office expense 800.00 sundries 686 91 Expenditures 4,123.73 '3,480.15 $4,105.09 $1,761.00 $1,782.33 $ 643 58 I OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 337 Sheriff Balance Nov 1, 1931 397 81 Appropriations—salary 2,400 00 under - sheriff 1,500 00 4 bond 75.00 sundries 2,421 38 Government paid transportation of prisoners 85 50 Expenditures 6,879.69 6,367 38 Bovine Tuberculosis Balance Nov. 1, 1931 791 38 Appropriations 3,000.00 Expenditures 3,791 38 2,696 15 County Superintendent of Highways Balance Nov 1, 1931 1,127.36 Appropriations—salary 2,200.00 expenses 2,300 00 sundries 168 65 5,796.01 Expenditures 4,734 58 Snow Removal Balance Nov 1, 1932 3,753 41 Refunds 21 18 Appropriations 17,000 00 Received from state, 4,234 43 Expenditures 25,009 02 21,953.18 County Bridges Balance Nov 1, 1931 8,987.71 $ 512 31 $1,095 23 $1,061.43 $3,055 84 338 PROCEEDINGS OF 1 HE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Appropriations Expenditures County Road Fund 2,000 00 10,987 71 1,322 52 Balance Nov 1, 1931 44,914 88 Motor Vehicle fees 48,023 47 Gasoline tax 80,564 14 Interest on deposits 979 23 Applop/ iation 28,110 00 From State 84,046 83 Refunds - 424 25 $9,665 19 287,062 80 Expenditures, To Towns $46,122 68 On order of County Super- intendent 208,161 76 254,284 44 $32,778 36 PUBLIC WELFARE Overdraft Balance Nov 1, 1931 Appropriations $ 819 57 76,917 78 $77,737 35 Paid Commissioner' orders $70,583 41 Audits by board and salaries 7,716 51 78,299 92 $ 562 57 Expenditures Home 2-3-4-5 (See report of Com- missioner of Welfare) Salaries of Superintendent and matron $ 2,778 96 Office Expense 18 33 Other home administration expenses 346 13 Salaries and wages of building employees 316 16 Fuel and light 600 87 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 339 Other building expenses Renewals and replacement of equipment Repairs not including new con- struction Salaries and wages of Physician, cook and nurse Food, ice and water Clothing Medicines and medical supplies Laundry, home disinfectants Burial of inmates Other expenses of inmates Salaries and wages of farm employees Feed and seed Other supplies Renewals ox replacement of stock farm Purchase of live stock 351 74 89 135 63 2,353 47 1,929 82 144 00 205 86 682 91 17 83 5 00 1,892 80 947 19 354 93 47 69 141 00 Expenditures General Administration Salaries of Commissioner and staff $ 1,693 25 Office expenses 803 97 Transportation of persons in need of help 99 01 Traveling of Commissioner and staff 543 55 Examination and commitment to state institutions 178 40 Other expense 270 00 Office traveling and transportation 5 73 Board, clothing, medical attention 18,336 81 Hospital care 21,213 28 Boarding children in institutions 2,977 88 Relief to others in their homes 11,243 45 Burials of others 435 00 12,996 98 57,800 33 $70,797 31 Total $70,797 31 $485 23 checks out Old Age Security Balance Nov 1, 1931 $ 2,321 35 Appropriations 45,989.71 48,311 06 340 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Paid on order of commissioner 45,561 41 $2,749.65 Orders out $133.27 Temporary Emergency Rehef—By Welfare Commissioner Received from state $ 1,961.34 Paid to towns— Caroline $ 34.04 Dryden 433 91 Ithaca 578 47 Lansing 502 28 Newfield 412 64 1,961 34 DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIAL TAXES Toxons and Czty Income Franchzse Mortgage Dog Bank Caroline $ 450 03 $ 69 $ 133 02 $ 144 77 Danby 411 19 2 82 102 69 92 71 - Dryden 1,045 79 84 56 767 61 238 13 $ 105 54 Enfield 253 57 22 79 10 75 64 Groton 565 36 384 24 141 17 235 85 164 24 Ithaca - 1,460 99 .596 94 1,448 43 172 58 Lansing 1,258 72 2,067 97 720 28 204 30 Newfield 404 35 9 16 159 83 106 05 Ulysses - _ 606 25 71 44 238 69 125 24 Ithaca—City - 13,934 98 9,259 94 5,737 75 231 30 6,783 30 Villages Dryden 241 98 53 53 75 25 19 96 Freeville 133 15 , 1 07 40 86 Groton 759 60 881 70 56 73 224 36 Cayuga Heights 949 08 355 04 Trumansburg 369 20 91.46 55 69 Schools Groton Trumansburg Dryden - - Ithaca—City - 231 17 18 28 6,783 29 $22,844 24 $13,505,74 $10,112 14 $ 1,626 57 $14,330 14 Public School Money— Caroline $ ' 23,599 71 Danby 21,311 31 Dryden 43,712 85 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 341 Enfield 14,559.81 Groton 66,359.79 Ithaca 13,580 80 Lansing 37,860 50 Newfield 23,612 92 Ulysses 60,174 94 Ithaca—City 182,191.50 $486,964.11 STATE OF NEW YORK 1. ss. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS Charlotte V. Bush being sworn, says that she is the treasurer of the County of Tompkins, and that the foregoing report is a true and correct statement of financial transactions of said county for the fiscal year ended October 31st, 1931; as shown by the official records of said county. CHARLOTTE V. BUSH Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th day of November, 1932. L E. CHASE Notary Public To the Board of Supervisors : Indebtedness due in 1933 Highway Improvement bonds $14,000.00 Temporary Loans 58,373.98 Also loans for court house construction which cannot be determined at this time ', Interest due For highway bonds On temporary loans 5,557.50 1,751.22 CHARLOTTE V. BUSH County Treasurer 342 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT A Statement of all moneys received for the County of Tomp- kins by H L O'Daniel Clerk of Tompkins County from No- vember 1st, 1931 to November lst, 1932 or by his assistants for fees, perquisites and emoluments, for all services rendered by him or his assistants in their official capacity, from No- vember 1st, 1931 to November 1st, 1932. RECEIPTS Recording Deeds $ 1,148 55 Recording Mortgages 1,091 50 Recording other Documents,1,985 52 Pertaining to Jugments 486 80 Copies 188 00 Searches 4,696.60 Filing Papers and other services 2,337 90 Motor Vehicle Fees 6,829 13 $18,764 00 Mortgage Tax held for Apportionment Nov 1, 1931 28.50 Interest on Taxes held for Apportionment 59.26 Mortgage Tax 22,944 88 $23,032 64 Notary Fees Less Discount allowed the County included in Filing Papers Hunting Licenses Less Discount allowed the County included in Filing Papers 501 00 94 00 407 00 8,828 00 176 56 8,651 44 $50,855 08 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 343 DISBURSEMENTS County Treasurer - Office Fees County Treasurer—State Mortgage Tax County Treasurer — In- terest on Taxes held Tax Apportionments to various Counties County Treasurer from Mtg Fund for Clerk Hire Postage allowed by State Tax Commission Expense allowed by State Tax Commission Bond Audited by State Tax Commission Tax held $18,764 00 9,455 50 59 26 13,273.40 225 00 12 00 48 5 00 2 00 $23,032 64 Dept. of Taxation & Finance Notary Fees State Conservation Dept. Hunters Licenses State of New York, County of Tompkins 407 00 8,651.44 $50,855.08 7 ss. H L O'Daniel, being duly sworn, says that he is Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing is in all respects a 1 ull and true statement as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909 H. L. O'DANIEL Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November, 1932 SALLY ROBINSON, Notary Public. i 344 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual Report of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital 1932 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, Honorable Sirs : In accordance with the law of New York State, we present our annual report and financial statement. - The purpose of maintaining a Tuberculosis Hospital is the isolation of the open case of tuberculosis and adequate care of the patients that they may heal the disease. During the past year, we feel that the patients have been satisfied and 'contented with the result that many have recov- ered and a large majority have improved. During the year, there were : Admitted 21 adults Discharged 13 adults Died- 4 adults 4 children 4 children 1 child Of those discharged, ten were improved, four unimproved. There are at present thirteen tents. ' considered recovered, three rve male and fifteen female pa - Our total days treatment were 9440 and the per capita cost $2.56. Our total cost of maintenance was $24,705 26 which was $5,682.01 less than last year. We received $3,641 97 from pay patients, mostly from other counties. We feel that this income might be increased. So, by action 'of our Board, we recommend that you appoint a committee to investigate the financial 'ability of patients admitted to pay at least a part of their maintenance. :,%. , L ,f The Board of Managers and Superintendent express their gratitude to you in behalf of the patients for your kindly in- terest and support. DR. H. GENUNG, President OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 345 TOMPKINS COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT From November 1, 1931 to October 31, 1932. Balance on hand October 31, 1931 $ 3,002 31 Appropriated 18,000.00 Special Appropriation 4,000 00 Expenses 48.75 $25,051.06 Amounts Expended Salaries and Wages $11,995 65 Food, Ice and Water 6,145.40 Fuel, Light and Power 1,530 31 Medical Supplies + 785'23 Household Supplies 1,088.07 Repairs 945 50 Insurance 130 01 Laundry and Express 2,085 09 $24,705 26 Balance on Hand October 31st, 1932 We received from Pay Patients So the actual cost to the County was Owing to the fact that we do not receive credit on income received, it is necessary for us to re- quest for "the- coming year the total cost of main- tenance, 'namely $ 345 80 $ 3,641 97 $21,063.29 $24,000.00 DR. H GENUNG, President 346 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Report of Commissoner of Public Welfare 1932 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, State of New York Gentlemen . The Commissioner of Public Welfare of Tompkins County, in accordance with law, herewith submits his annual report for the year ending October 31st, 1932 The Commissioner of Public Welfare of Tompkins County in account with the Department of Public Welfare funds of the County with the exception of the Old Age Security fund which requires separate accounting and is filed under that heading. Amount of appropriation for 1931 County Home $13,033.78 Foster Homes 18,649 43 Hospital 22,753 10 Institutional care of children 3,200 00 Outside relief 12,000 00 Office expenses 3,625.00 Balance in County Treasurer's hands $73,261.31 2,464 00 $70,797 31 By amounts paid by orders on County Treasurer for the following purposes : County. Home Account Salary of Supt , matron, and Home administration employees $3,095 12 Salary and wages of physician, chap- lain, cook, nurses and attendants 2,353 47 Other Home administration expense 36014 Light and Power 600 87 Home repairs not including new con- struction 135 18 Home office expenses ' 18.33 Home replacements of equipment 75 34 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 347 Food supplies 1,929 82 Clothing 144 00 Medicines and medical supplies 220 86 Household, kitchen, laundry and dis- infectants 682 91 Insurance for patients 5 00 Salary and wages of farm employees 1,8892.800 Feed, seed and fertilizer 354 93 Stock supplies Renewals or replacements of equip- ment or stock 47 69 New stock and new equipment 141 00 $13,004 65 Office Expenses Stenographer 532 50 Extra stenographer 468 75 Case worker 692 00 Transportation 290 55 Office and legal expenses 1,077 70 Commissioner's expenses 253 00 $ 3,314 50 Outside Relief Food supplies 7,930 04 Fuel 792 67 Medical 542 75 Rent 989 30 Board 814 50 Nursing care 201 57 Clothing 191.12 Burial 435 00 Electricity 31.28 Repairing stove 7.30 Moving 3 00 Glasses 6 00 Axe 1 50 $11,946 03 Foster Home care Hospital and medical care in hospital Institutional care of children O $18,340.97 21,213 28 2,977 88 $70,797 31 The Department of Public Welfare in account with the sev- eral towns of the county and City of Ithaca for Board of Chil- dren, Hospital and medical care, Home relief, Burial, Trans- portation, etc which were paid by the Department and shows the amount due the County from each : 348 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOARDING HOMES Town No of Children Amount Caroline 1 $ 243 39 Danby 6 807.76 Dryden 4 870.70 Enfield 2 18.56 Groton 8 341.60 Ithaca Town 11 1,093 82 Lansing 13 2,177 01 Newfield 1 184 93 Ulysses 7 1,654.47 City of Ithaca 69 10,252 36 HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CARE Town No. of Persons Amount Caroline 7 $ 756.20 Danby 8 1,558.47 Dryden 16 2,038 34 Enfield 6 586 60 Groton.3 595 70 Ithaca Twn 18 944.53 Lansing 31 3,312 28 Newfield 9 528.73 Ulysses 22 2,152 51 City of Ithaca 25 2,001.36 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 349 No of people Home relief 0) 06 Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses City 1 131 17 25 2 8 7 28 0 12 129 178.66 193 38 22 98 24 70 11.38 13 27 182 32 127 78 1 35 52 09 61.28 571 525 08 00 335 29 2,673 97 10 92 81 01 00 15.00 45 00 16 88 47 37 00 85.00 240 00 25.001 40 002 345.003 4 004 7 501 1 983 63 003 23.205 10.003 14 006 5.451 74.443 'Transportation 'School supplies 4Moving 3Receipts 2Examination for commitment 6Glasses COUNTY HOME PATIENTS CENSUS No. of patients in County Home Oct 31, 1931 60 Admitted during the year 46 Readmitted 17 Discharged during the year 40 Died during year 15 No in County Home Oct 31, 1932 68 Of these 68, 54 are men and 14 women. 46 men are of American birth 8 men are of foreign birth 14 women American born 7 feebleminded (5 men -2 women) 2 blind (1 man -1 woman) 2 epileptics (both men) 123 123 350 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGES OF PATIENTS 1 year to 2 years 1 2 year to 3 years 1 20 year to 30 years 1 30 year to 40 years 3 40 year t� 50 years 5 50 year to 60 years 13 60 year to 70 years 17 70 year to 80 years 20 80 year to 90 years 6 90 year to 100 years 1 68 RESIDENCE AND SEX OF PATIENTS IN COUNTY HOME Male Female Caroline 1 1 Danby 3 3 Dryden 5 1 6 Enfield 1 1 Groton 4 2 6 Ithaca Town 1 1 Lansing 8 8 Newfield 0 0 Ulysses 2 5 7 City of Ithaca 26 5 31 County 4 4 68 PATIENT DAYS IN THE COUNTY HOME Town No of Days Amount charged Caroline 548 $ 20213 Danby 1,215 448 16 Dryden 1,867 688 66 Enfield 366 135 00 Groton 2.190 807 81 Ithaca Town 366 135 00 Lansing 1,695 625 21 Newfield 0 00 Ulysses 1,671 616 39 City of Ithaca 11,276 4,159 38 County 1,428 Tramps 235 1,663 613 44 22,851 8,431 18 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 351 The cash cost assessed to the County and the several towns of the County for the support of the patients in the County Horne includes the following items and gives a per diem cost of 00 3689— Matron and Home Administration $ 2,495 12 Cook, physicians, chaplain & nurses 2,353 47 Food and tobacco 1,929 82 Clothing 144 00 Medical supplies 220 86 Soaps, disinfectants & household supplies 682 91 Laundry man 600 00 Inmate insurance 5 00 Cash expenditures for Farm aid Home Pi oceeds of farm used in care of patients Sales and board from Farm and Home $ 8,431 18 $13,004 65 4,339 38 Total per diem cost of 00 80 per day SALES FROM THE COUNTY FARM October 31, 1931 to October 31, 1932 $17,344 03 1,154 96 $16,189 07 Butter -790 lb $ 247 60 Butter fat -726 03 lb 138 04 Veals-14 189 74 Hay -25 41 tons 101.64 Eggs -597 5 doz 92 30 Cream -75 lb 7 14 Pigs -21 53 50 Fowls -170 23 50 Buttermilk -8 gal 2 00 Sausage -91b -1 35 Boar service 5.00 Difference on exchange bulls 10 00 Old refrigerator 40 00 Old ensilage cutter 25 00 938 16 Received for board at County Home 216 80 $1,154 96 352 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECEIPTS OF THE DEPARTMENT Children's Board $2,205 14 General Fund 238 67 Outside relief 2,999.64 Refunds 49.27 Hospital fund 1,855 35 $7,348.07 Tompkins County in account with the City of Ithaca and the several towns of the county : Town No of People Assisted Amount Paid Receipts Amount Charged Caroline 21 $ 1,419 61 $ 00 $ 1,419 61 Danby 31 2,455 58 00 2,455 58 Dryden 44 3,224 49 345 00 2,879 49 Enfield 10 657.25 00 657.25 Groton 20 1,022 96 00 1,022 96 Ithaca 35 2,139.98 1.98 2,138 00 Lansing 72 5,165.89 63 00 5,102 89 Newfield 10 713 66 00 713.66 Ulysses 41 4,171.27 10 00 4,161 27 City 223 15,218 57 74 44 15,144 13 507 $36,189.26 $494 42 $35,694.84 You will note that of the $70,797 31 disbursed by our Depart- ment, $35,694 84 was for the City and Towns of the County which will be returned to the County in their tax budget, leav- ing $34,902 47 for the County This condition is brought about by the Welfare Law of 1930. The following products were raised on the County Farm during the year ending Oct 31, 1932: Wheat -205 bu at 60c Oats -706 bu. at 25c Barley -154 bu at 60c. Hay -75 tons at $6 00 Straw -40 tons at $4.00 Stover corn -20 tons at $6.00 Ensilage -125 tons at $6 00 Beans -20 bu at $2 40 String beans -20 bu. at 75c. $ 123 00 176 50 92 40 450 00 160 00 120 00 750 00 48 00 15 00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 353 Sweet corn used in the Home -50 bu. Potatoes -380 bu at 30c Tomatoes -50 bu at 75c Onions -30 bu at 30c. Carrots -35 bu at 75c Beets -20 bu at 75c Salsify -15 bu at 75c. Peas -60 bu at 75c Parsnips -25 bu at 75c. Turnips -60 bu. at 50c. Cucumbers -8 bu at 75c Radishes -12 bu at 75c. Summer squash -10 bu at 50c Swiss Chard=5 bu at 50c Squash, winter -2 tons at 21/2c Cabbage -1200 head Apples -420 bu at 20c Plums -10 bu at 50c Pears -18 bu at 25c. Peppers -4 bu. at 75c Lettuce -6 bu at 50c Strawberries -100 qt at 15c Raspberries -150 qt. at 15c. CANNED FRUIT Strawberries -15 qt Raspberries -50 qt. Plums -65 qt Cherries -100 qt. Peaches -100 qt. Quince -14 qt Pears -86 qt Grapes -14 qt Tomatoes -100 qt. Pickles and ketchup -160 qt Canned meat -100 qt Jell -75 cups Pickles -25 gal Dried sweet corn -200 lbs Milk -81,996 lb. Butter -1,540 lb. Milk used in the Home -7,300 qt. Cieam used in the Home -385 qt. Skim milk used in Home -14,600 qt. Buttermilk used in Home 37 50 114 00 37 50 9 00 23 25 15 00 11 25 45 00 18 75 30.00 6 00 9 00 5 00 2 50 30 00 30 00 84 00 5 00 4.50 3.00 3 00 15 00 22 50 3 75 12 50 16.25 25 00 25.00 3 50 21.50 3 50 15 00 24 00 45 00 7 50 6 25 70 00 341 60 73 00 231.00 292 00 30 00 354 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Eggs -1,323 5/6 doz' Pork killed -4,275 lb Beef killed -7801b INVENTORY OF STOCK 1 grey team of horses 15 milk cows 1 fat cow for beef 1 heifer 1 bull—thoroughbred 2 brood sows 1 boar—registered 17 fat hogs 19 pigls 250 fowls 12 ducks 204 53 , 299 25 93 60 $4,339 38 $ 500.00 1,125 00 50.00 35.00 100.00 50.00 30.00 170.00 40.00 125 00 10.00 $2,235 00 INVENTORY OF TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 1 manure spreader 2 lumber wagons 2 set bob sleds 1 hay tedder 1 grain binder 1 lime sower 1 side delivery rake 1 mowing machine 1 hay loader 1 Studebaker truck 1 land roller 1 corn binder 1 grain drill 1 ensilage cutter (new) and belts 1 two -horse cultivator 1 one-horse cultivator 1 potato planter (new) 2 spring tooth harrows 1 peg tooth harrow 2 hay riggings 2 horse forks, rope (new) and pulleys 2 wheel barrows 1 grass seeder $ 90 00 75 00 70 00 40.00 160.00 80 00 100.00 50 00 100.00 1,000.00 35.00 200.00 125 00 300.00 30.00 5 00 125 00 25 00 8 00 20 00 25 00 8.00 10 60 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 355 1 corn sheller 1 fanning mill 2 lawn mowers 1 wheel plow (new) 2 walking plows 1 set heavy harness 1 set scales 150 potato crates 50 grain bags 1 half -bushel measure forks, shovels and picks log chain and crow bars 1 creamery and meat refrigerator and motor 1 dining room refrigerator and motor 1 milk cart 3 milk cans 10 milk palls 1 set milk scales 1 set butter scales 1 butter worker and churn 2 washing machines (one new) 1 laundry extractor 8 laundry tubs—stationary 2 electric motors 1 food cooker for pigs 1 litter carrier for pig house 2 gas tanks 1 compression boiler 1 electric washing machine 1 milk separator 1 fire sprinkling system and electric pump 1 water heater and tank 1 small heating stove 15 00 , 20 00 25.00 92 00 25.00 50 00 40.00 30 00 20.00 2.50 10.00 10 00 1,000 00 500 00 8.00 7 50 10 00 8.00 9 00 100 00 725 00 650 00 150.00 250 00 30 00 35 00 40 00 100 00 150.00 100 00 15,000 00 1,000.00 18.00 $22,911 00 Children of Tompkins County under the Supervision of the Children's Agent Continued from New last year admissions Total Boarding homes 72 55 127 Free homes 7 13 20 Private institutions 3 14 17 Discharged from boarding homes during year Transferred from boarding to free home 26 4 d 356 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Discharged from supervision in free homes 4 Transferred from free home to boarding homes 1 Total under supervision in boarding homes 11-1-32 97 Total under supervision in free homes 15 Transferred from private institutions to boarding homes 2 Total under supervision in private institutions on 11-1-32 15 Grand Total of dependent children on 11-1-32 127 The total number of dependent children that have been cared for in the county during the year represents 77 families. The dependent children who have been boarded were cared for in 51 boarding homes. During the past year, there were 64 applications for board- ing children, 19 of which were investigated , 10 were approved and 9 were rejected Besides the dependent children, the Children's Agent assist- ed 156 families with social problems This figure includes 22 cases of children born out of wedlock There were two commit- ments to Willard State Hospital, eight commitments to schools for the mentally deficient, and three children were sent to State Industrial schools During the year, the social worker had 446 office interviews, made 881 visits in the field in making investigations of cases, and 224 visits to children in free homes, boarding homes and institutions Statistical report of Out -of -settlement and Social Worker of the Department from June 13th (when the worker began) to Oct 31st, 1932 Active cases 85 Distribution of cases From other counties 36 Tompkins County out -of -settlement 49 No of persons assisted --Male 184 Female 155 Children under 21 204 Reasons for dependence . Unemployment 46 Under -employment 14 Illness 10 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 357 Separation of parents 4 Death of parents 2 Insanity of parents 2 Marital difficulty 2 Personality difficulty 1 Non-support 3 Other reasons 1 Number of visits made 472 Number of office visits 620 The bills of the above have been included in the other part of the report TEMPORARY EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION Since Nov 1, 1931, the County and various towns of the County have received from the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration a total of $3,804 55, which represents 40% of the home relief given by these towns, which was eligible for the 40% refund The Towns of Ithaca and Newfield started Nov 1st; Dryden in December, Lansing in January 1932 and Caroline in June Beginning Oct 1, 1932, the towns of Enfield and Ulysses are also participating in the 40% The money re- funded from the TER A was sent directly to the County Treasurer, as per claims sent to them by this office, and was disbursed by the Treasurer to the various towns The amounts received by each town are as follows : Caroline $ 63 02 Dryden 479 74 Ithaca 662 65 Lansing 657 21 Newfield 412 64 County 1,529 29 $3,804 55 While it has taken a great deal of extra time to prepare the bills so they were acceptable to the State, we have been able to put them in proper shape for collection without additional help in the office or extra expense to any town or County In compliance with Section II of the Public Welfare Law of the State of New York, I respectfully report that I estimate the expense for the town and county patients to be supported at the county home and in the county for the ensuing year to be : 358 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County Home $15,000 00 Foster Homes 18,000 00 Hospital 22,000 00 Institutional care of children 3,200 00 Outside Relief 17,000 00 Office and legal expenses 6,500 00 $81,700 00 I would call your attention to an appropriation which should be included in your budget for an assistant in our office The arrangement for her salary is now made by you with another organization During the year the following equipment and repairs have been added and made to the County Home and Farm . Large washing machine in the laundry Water heater for the laundry Heating stove for the sprinkling system Ensilage cutter for the farm Potato planter for the Farm The women's dormitories newly shingled The men's hospital repainted Three rooms in the administration building repapered Since installing the sprinkling system in our County Home for water and fire protection, the two large compression boilers in the basement of the men's building have been of no use If they were removed, the space they occupy could be made into three rooms, by partitions, at no great expense. These rooms are what we are in great need of at the present time, for deten- tion and tramp cases We are now using the corridors, but the beds in these corridors are so near the beds of the dormitories, that it is almost impossible to keep the vermin which this class of people usually carry, from escaping to other beds. This tramp problem has become very serious At the present time there is hardly a day or night that there are not several—some- times five or six at a time. This condition is the same all over the State. I ask that you give this proposition serious thought and action at once. I should feel that I was remiss in my duties if I did not con- tinue to urge the Supervisors to furnish the County with an in- firmary to relive the hospitalization situation which under the present conditions is so very expensive For we not only are greatly in need of some suitable place to care for the convales- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 359 cent, but we must have the extra room which such a building would provide You will note that one of the largest bills I have to pay is for hospital and medical care, a lad ge part of which could be cared for at much less expense in suitable inexpensive accommodations State of New York, County of Tompkins ss WM D BALDWIN, Commissioner of Welfare William D Baldwin being duly sworn says that he is,Com- missioner of Public Welfare of Tompkins County, that thfore- going statement is in all respects a true and full statement of receipts and expenditures audited by him during the year end- ing Oct 31, 1932, as such Commissioner. WM D. BALDWIN Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of November, 1932. INEZ M KING, Notary Public. 360 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WELFARE RELATIVE TO OLD AGE SECURITY FUND -1932 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York, Gentlemen : The Commissioner of Public Welfare of Tompkins County, in accordance with law, hereby submits his report of the account- ings of the Old Age Security Funds from October 31, 1931, to October 31, 1932 : Appropriation $45,989 71 Balance in Treasurer's Hands, Oct 31 422 12 Expenditures— For salary of Investigator For salary of Stenographer For traveling expenses For office expenses For Allowance Checks $45,567 59 $ 1,950.03 697 50 694 20 171 33 42,054 53 $45,567 59 Statistical Report No applications received and acted upon during year s 104 No died before a decision was reached 3 No withdrawn before a decision was reached 1 No denied grants No approved grants No receiving grants Oct 31, 1931 - No given grants Oct 31, 1932 No died since Oct 31, 1931 34 66 100 No receiving grants Oct 31, 1932 Average amount of relief for Oct 31, 1932 100 144 66 210 20 190 $ 17.70 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 361 No visits in investigating during year 791 No miles traveled in making investigations during year 8,005 No of personal office interviews 166 Residence of Security Recipients Caroline 21 Danby 10 Dryden 37 Enfield 7 Groton 26 Ithaca 9 Lansing 18 Newfield 23 Ulysses 39 190 Received from the State, and deposited with the County Treasurer $22,202.85 Received from estates in County 414.50 $22,617 35 • In compliance with Section II of the Public Welfare Law of the State of New York, I respectfully report that I estimate the expense of administering the Old Age Security Act for 1933 to be • Appropriation for 1933 Allowances granted applicants $42,000 00 Investigator's salary 2,000 00 Traveling expenses 800 00 Secretary 600 00 Stenographer 360.00 Office Expenses 240.00 $46,000 00 In making my report of the money disbursed for the Old Age Recipients and the money spent by this Department, I wish to call to your attention some of the unlooked for factors which have entered into this form of relief. The economic depression of the times is one of these Not only has the unemployment situation deprived some of the persons seventy years of age and over, who were previously employed, of opportunity for earn- 362 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ing a livelihood, but it has affected unfavorably the ability of children and other responsible relatives to contribute to the support of such aged persons. It is impossible to determine the extent to which the administration of the Old Age Security Law has added to the burden of public relief of the County, be- cause there is no way to ascertain how many of the recipients of Old Age Relief would have been compelled in the present unemployment situation, to ask for aid under other provisions of the Public Welfare Law The towns have been relieved of the cost of caring for these aged persons in their own homes, whereas the expense upon the County Welfare District has been increased to the extent of one-half of the costs, which expense is that portion of their living that they cannot provide themselves However, it is important that economists and in- surance experts study this situation in the light of the experi- ence of other States having compulsory insurance laws, with a view of lessening the burden of future generations for public relief. State of New York County of Tompkins } ss. WM. D BALDWIN Commissioner of Welfare William D. Baldwin being duly sworn says that he is Com- missioner of Public Welfare of Tompkins County, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a true and full statement of expenditures from October 31, 1931 to October 31, 1932, of the Old Age Security Funds. WM. D. BALDWIN Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of Nov. 1932 INEZ M KING, Notary Public OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 363 Report of Superintendent of Highways 1932. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County The following is a statement of the moneys received and expenditures made for the different projects of highway con- struction in Tompkins County for the year ending December 31, 1932 : Project No 1 Ringwood Road—Dryden, 5 50 miles. 14' gravel. Appropriation $ 35,000 00 Refund on gas 60 00 $ 35,060 00 Expenditures— Labor $15,018 11 Material 6,133 12 Other expenditures 14,081 74 $ 35,232 97 Overdrawn $ 172.97 Project No 2 Coddington Road — Caroline, 3.00 miles. 14' construction. Appropriation $ 42,900 00 Expenditures— Labor $13,353 54 Material 14,499.86 Other Expenditures 8,681 90 $ 36,535.30 Balance $ 6,364 70 Project No 3. Troy Road — Danby, 4 60 miles 10' full construction Appropriation $ 59,150 00 Expenditures— Labor $17,778 82 Material 20,696 96 Other expenditures 17,410 18 $ 55,885 96 Balance $ 3,264.04 Project No 4 " Judd Falls Road—Ithaca, 0 70 miles 14' full construction. Appropriation $ 9,800 00 364 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Expenditures— , Labor $ 2,934 68 Material 3,962.11 Other expenditures 2,424.93 $ 9,321 72 Balance $ 478 28 Project No 5 Ludlowville - Myers Road — Lansing, 1 50 miles Retread. Appropriation $ 8,100 00 One ton stone sold 2 00 Expenditures— Labor $ 1,623 04 Materials 5,187.82 Other expenditures 650 40 $ 7,461 26 $ 8,102 00 Balance $ 640 74 Project No 6. Old State Road—Groton, 2.10 miles. Retread. Appropriation $ 11,340.00 Expenditures— Labor $ 2,560 74 Material 6,701 20 Other expenditures 2,072 70 $ 11,334 64 Balance $ 5 36 Project No 7. Coddington Road — Ithaca - Danby, 3 00 miles. Retread. Appropriation $ 18,900 00 Expenditures— Labor $ 4,384 33 Material 12,663.02 Other expenditures 1,794.50 $ 18,841 85 Balance $ 5815 Appropriation $ 30,000 00 Received from other sources 1,093.09 MAINTENANCE $ 31,093 09 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 365 Expenditures— Labor $15,384 07 Material 6,489 81 Other expenditures 8,459 65 $ 30,333 53 Balance $ 759 56 SUMMARY Total Appropriation Received from other sources $215,190 00 1,155 09 $216,345.09 Total Expenditures— Labor $73,037 33 Materials 76,333 90 Other expenditures 55,576 02 $204,947.25 Balance $ 11,397 84 ' Received from payments on curb and gutter on Judd Falls Road 431 22 $ 11,829 06 INDIVIDUAL RENTALS Tompkins County M E Moran Co. Inc. Harrison Rumsey L A Wilcox Harry Bower Walter Welch C. 0 Gridley Jack Thall Joseph Poyer Town of Danby ; E B Selman Roy Hungerford Town of Groton E Wright $26,132 90 17,836 92 1,204 37 1,528 65 1,186 79 917 75 2,688 00 1,799 47 602.50 339 62 497.50 33 75 697 80 110 00 $55,576 02 366 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT ON BUILDING AND MACHINERY ACCOUNT Balance on hand Dec 31st 1931 $ 1,212 10 Appropriation by Supervisors for running expenses until rentals come in 5,000 00 Appropriation by Supervisors for New Machinery 8,000 00 Received as rentals for snow removal 1,844 17 Received from other sources 782.57 Received as rental for county construction 26,232.90 Total receipts $43,071.74 Disbursements Paid out for repairs, extras, coal, janitor service, new machinery, etc. $28,028 75 Balance on hand $15,042 99 COUNTY BRIDGE ACCOUNT Balance on hand Dec. 31st , 1931 Disbursements Widening bridge at Slaterville on State Road $ 5,797.09 $ 292 64 Balance on hand $ 5,504.45 COUNTY SNOW REMOVAL ACCOUNT Balance on hand Dec 31st. 1931 Appropriated by Board Appropriated by Board Expenditures Snow removal on State Roads Snow removal on County Roads Repairs, extras, etc Balance Dated, January 5, 1933. $ 1,306 09 12,000.00 5,000.00 $18,306.09 $ 7,572 78 6,529 53 590 32 $14,692.63 $ 3,603 46 BERT I. VANN, County Superintendent of Highways. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK CLERK'S CERTIFICATE State of New York County of Tompkins Board of Supervisors SS . 367 I, Fred L Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, N Y , DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that I have com- pared the foregoing Journal of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N Y , with the original rec- ords thereof, that the same is a full and correct transcript of the transactions of the said Board, at the special, quartely and annual sessions thereof, held during the year 1932,, also the reports of the several county officers submitted to said Board and published herein IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set (L S) my hand and caused the official seal of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N Y., to be hereto affixed this 16th day of February, 1933. FRED L CLOCK, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N Y. 368 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORTS OF THE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE CAROLINE Charles Thomas reported $87 00 received Augustus Middaugh reported $70 00 received. P Alfred Munch reported $5 00 received. Geo. L Richards reported no moneys received DANBY Eugene Dorn reported $40 00 received Geo. 0 Sears reported $10 00 received Fred Dorn reported no moneys received Arthur G Bennett reported no moneys received DRYDEN J D Ross reported $165 00 received Fred Parker reported $45 00 received Jas 0 Robertson reported $20 00 received Paul Ewers reported $10 00 received Orrie Cornelius reported no money received ENFIELD Vernon H Earl reported $20 00 received Thomas R. Brown reported no moneys received. S Harvey Stevenson reported no moneys received GROTON R R Chatterton reported $111 00 received Geo B Sickmon reported $34 49 received Miles G Tarbell reported no moneys received. E A Landon reported no moneys received ITHACA James A Bush reported $193 00 received Wm. I Smith reported $20 00 received Chas H Newman reported $20 00 received Clarence A Baker reported no moneys received OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 369 LANSING Edward Ozmun reported $70 00 received Carleton Kintz reported $35 00 received Clay C Tarbell reported no moneys received Jerry A Smith reported no moneys received. NEWFIELD R. C Albright reported $30 00 received C L Brainard reported $5 00 for one goose received C. P Stoughton reported no moneys received Douglass S Carpenter reported no moneys received ULYSSES Henry Williams reported $105 00 received Howard K Aiken reported $50 00 received Fred N Smith reported no moneys received. Arthur J Hubbell reported no moneys received 370 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MORTGAGE TAX STATEMENT The following statement shows the assessed valuation of each town with an incorporated village or city therein, the amount of mortgage tax to be distributed to the towns, villages and city and paid thereto for the year 1932 Town, Villages and City Assessed Value Amount of Tax 0 0 L to' D CI0 G ; gU i4 0 E. Caroline Danby Dryden Dryden Village Freeville _ Enfield Groton Groton Village Ithaca City Ithaca Town Cayuga Heights Lansing Newfield Ulysses Trumansburg $ 4,056 132 676,924 371,444 3,714,228 2,083,352 6,842,820 2,680,957 2,742,960 1,019,970 $ 38 24 50 76 276 89 48 75 109 39 3,200 22 915 61 95 50 38 31 252 38 $ 38 24 50 76 241 10 48 75 78 75 736 14 95 50 38 31 205 48 $ 23 09 12 70 $ 38 24 50 76 276 89 48 75 30 64 109 39 3,200 22 179 47 3,200 22 915 61 95 50 38 31 46 90 252 38 Totals $ 5,026 05 $ 1,533 03 $ 3,493 02 $ 5,026 05 Dated, December 24, 1932. FRED L CLOCK, Clerk, Board of Supervisors. STATEMENT OF VALUATIONS OF PROPERTY Statement of the Aggregate Valuations of Real and Personal Property in the Several Cities and 1 owns in the County of Tompkins as corrected by the Board of Supervisors at their Annual Meeting in the year one thousand nine hundred thirty- two together with the rate of assessment for each tax district and the average county rate of assessment used in the prepara- tion of the Equalization table Cities and Towns Acres of Land Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses 34,747 33,286 58,286 22,207 30,725 2,940 16,293 37,789 36,997 19,818 $ 1,215,170 1,194,112 4,065,432 689,718 3,716,353 38,553,726 6,846,495 3,429,189 1,255,356 2,746,560 96% 98% 98% 96% 97% 87% 99% 98% 98% 90% $ 1,148,087 1,105,167 3,762,615 651,643 3,474,996 40,193,536 6,272,522 3,173,763 1,161,849 2,767,933 $ 1,148,087 1,105,167 3,762,615 651,643 3,474,996 40,193,536 6,272,522 3,173,763 1,161,849 2,767,933 Totals 293,088 $63,712,111 $63,712,111 $63,712,111 Average rate of assessment of real property in the county, 9070038 per cent I, Fred L Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the aggregate valuations of the taxable real and personal property in the several cities and towns in said County, as corrected by said Board of Supervisors, at their annual meeting in the year 1932 together with other information as set forth, which statement is required by Section 61 of the Tax Law FRED L CLOCK, Clerk P 0 Address, Ithaca, N Y 3I1IOA M `A.LNIIOD SNINdV'JO.L 30 C0 372 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED Statement of the amount of Taxes and Tax Rates for the several cities and towns in the County of Tompkins as levied by the Board of Supervisors at their Annual Meeting in the year 1932, together with the receipts of monies from the sources as indicated, and the amount of bonded indebtedness of the county and of each district therein except cities Cities, Towns and Villages Taxes for stenographers and court expenses Armory Taxes County Taxes Town Taxes Highway Taxes Caroline $ 129 23 $ 140 56 $ 5,270 48 $2,902 64 $11,361 78 Danby _ ____ ' 123 25 134 06 5,293 38 3,612 81 10,551 52 Dryden 4-23 02 460 11 16,982 75 6,000 00 26,472 91 Enfield73 06 79 46 3,034 98 1,509 87 6,919 29 Groton _ _ _ _ __ __ __ --- 391 36 425,67 15,925 48 8,355 74 19,378 76 Ithaca City 4,519 06 4,915 34 167,510 28 56,431 60 Ithaca Town 706 4-4 768 38 26,393 50 5,980 78 22,806 49 Lansing 356 24 387 48 14,134 65 2,749 43 21,757 83 Newfield130 47 141 90 5,032 42 3,345 36 9,631 10 Ulysses _ _ 311 50 338 81 12,265 35 7,000 00 17,336 58 Cayuga Heights Dryden Village _ Freeville _ _ Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist 8, Dryden School Dist 8, Groton School Dist 1, Ithaca City School Dist 9, Lansing School Dist 13, Lansing School Dist 1, Ulysses a OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) 373 i Cities, Towns and Villages Highway Taxes Item 1, only Number of special districts in town Aggregate amount of special districts taxes levied Receipts from Mortgage Tax appor- tioned to towns Receipts from Mortgage Tax appor- tioned to cities and villages Total receipts from Mortgage Tax apportioned to cities, towns and villages Caroline $3,900 00 2 $1,255 57 $ 133 02 $ 133 02 Danby __ 3,500 00 2 618 75 102 69 102 69 Dryden .. 9,000 00 4 980 04 757 61 883 72 Enfield 2,200 00 79 10 79 10 Groton 5,000 00 2 1,070 04 141 17 197 90 Ithaca City $5,737 75 5,737 75 [thaca Town 6,000 00 3 1,027 00 1,448 43 1,803 47 Lansing 7,100 00 3 970 00 720 28 720 28 Newfield _ 3,500 00 1 704 06 159 83 159 83 Ulysses 6,000 00 238 69 294 38 Cayuga Heights 355 04 Dryden Village 75 25 Freeville 40 86 Groton Village 56 73 Trumansburg 55 69 Scholl Dist 8, Dryden _ School Dist 8, Groton School Dist 1, Ithaca City School Dist 9, Lansing School Dist 13, Lansing School Dist 1, Ulysses 374 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages and Trust Caroline Danby Dryden _ _ Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing _ Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights _ Dryden Village _ Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg _ School Dict 8, Dryden School Dist 8, Groton School Dist 1, Ithaca City School Dist 9, Lansing School Dist 13, Lansing _ School Dist 1, Ulysses $ 450 03 411 191 1,045 79 253 57 565 36 13,934 98 1,460 99 1,258 72 404 35 606 25 $ 949 08 241 98 133 15 759 60 369 20 $ 450 03 411 19 1,420 9 = $ 105 54 253 57 1,324 98 164 24 13,934 98 2,410 07 1,258 72 404 35 975 45 $6,783 30 19 96 224 36 $ 18 28 231 17 6,783 29 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 375 STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield _ Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses _ Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village T'rumansburg Schoajl Disk 8, Dryden School Dist 8, Groton School Dist 1, Ithaca City School Dist 9, Lansing School Dist 13, Lansing School Dist 1, Ulysses $ 143 78 619 77 13,566 59 $ 69 $ 69 2 82 2 82 84 56 139 16 22 22 384 24 1,265 94 9,259 94 9,259 94 596 94 596 94 2,067 97 2,067 97 9 16 9 16 7144 16290 $ 53 53 1 07 881 70 91 46 376 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED (Continued) Cities, Towns and Villages Ca 74 I V a m 0 O • v 0 'C v A v .b 0 H b. O u -o • El 0 Qa Temporary Indebtedness c 0 OH U p �.ti G v 0 • b.0O O UL >, u _0 -o 'c7 al n U v71 O 0 O , Caroline Danby Dryden _ Enfield Groton _ Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses _ Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Trumansburg School Dist 8, Dryden School Dist 8, Groton School Dist 1, Ithaca City School Dist 9, Lansing School Dist 13, Lansing School Dist 1, Ulysses __ $17 65 per M 18 90 per M 13 98 per M 18 10 per M 14 12 per M 6 50 per M 9 20 per M 13 50 per M 1550per M 1644per M 7 80 per M 10 98 per M 10 98 per M 1104per M 1294per M $ 1,733,953 59 57,250 00 6,600 00 14,000 00 140,500 00 112,500 00 8,000 00 180,000 00 $ 11,160 38 1,605 69 11,842 65 2,690 63 31,306 93 3,246 71 6,387 10 775 56 27,079 08 1,458 25 (5,765 20 42,85044 2,194 85 27,636 69 6,553,06 9,255 98 799 73 25,205 81 4,253 57 County Tax Rate 5 4162 per M Bonded indebtedness of County, exclusive of Highway and Bridge Bonds, $00 00 Temporary indebtedness of County $60,125 20 Highway and Bridge Bonds of County $132,000 00 Sinking Fund of County $000 00 I, Fred L Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the Taxes levied against the taxable property in the several Tax Districts in said County, by the Board of Supervisors, at their Annual Meeting in the year 1932 FRED L CLOCK, Clerk, P 0 Address, Ithaca, N Y OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 377 HIGHWAYS—MONEY SYSTEM To the Comptroller of the State of New York and the Super- intendent of Public Works . The following is a Statement, Pursuant to Section 100 of the Highway Law, of the several towns in the County of Tompkins, and assessed valuations, rate and amount of tax levied therein, for the repair of highways, by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, 1932, viz : Name of Town Highway Tax Rate Total Highway Tax Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses 1,215,170 $ 1,215,1701 9 35 $ 3,9001$ 3,900 $ 1,215,170 1,194,112 1,194,112 8 00 3,5001 3,500 1,194,112 3,014,864 3,014,864 7 30 9,000 9,000 4,065,432 689,718 689,718 10 10 2,200 2,200 689,718 1,632,501 1,632,501 6 981 5,0001 5,000 3,716,353 4,165,538 4,165,538 3 90 6,000 6,000 6,846,495 3,429,189 3,429,189 6 40 7,100 7,100 3,429,189 1,255,356 1,255,356 7 75 3,500 3,500 1,255,356 1,725,790 1,725,790 7 62 6,000 6,000 2,746,560 Total $ 18,322,238 $ 18,322,238 $46,200 $46,2001$ 25,158,385 LAGRAND E CHASE, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors 378 PROCEEDINGS OF ,THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I CERTIFY that the preceding statement is correct FRED L CLOCK, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, SS. Lagrand E Chase being duly sworn, says that he is the Chair- man of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, that he has read the preceding statement and knows the same to be true LAGRAND E CHASE, Chairman Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of January, 1933 FRED L CLOCK, Notary Public. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTY OF TOMPKINS AND EACH TOWN, CITY, VILLAGE, SCHOOL DISTRICT AND UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT I hereby certifiy that the following is a true statement of all the indebtedness of the County of Tompkins, and of each sub -division thereof, and of FRED L CLOCK, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Ithaca, New York the facts relating thereto as reported to me pursuant to Section 190 of the Town Law, for the year 1932 Dated December 24, 1932 Political Division for which created For what Purpose Created Under what Law Rate Bonded Int Debt Net Debt Total Debt County of Tompkins County of Tompkins County of Tompkins Village of Groton Village of Groton Village of Groton Village of Trumansburg Village of Trumansburg Village of Trumansburg Village of Trumansburg City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Improvement Highway Improvement Water Extension Village Improvement Fire House Fire Equipment Streets and Sidewalks Creek, Drainage and Park School - Improvement, Series "B" Improvement, Series "C' Improvement, Series "D" Improvement, Series "E" §141, Highway Law Chap 25, Consolidated Laws §§142, 167-A, Highway Law §129, Village Law §129, Village Law Village Law §129, Village Law - §129, Village Law §129, Village Law Village Law - Chap 345, Laws 1906 Education Law Chap 347, Laws 1913 Chap 347, Laws 1913 Chap 347, Laws 1913 Chap 347, Laws 1913 4/ 4% 4/ 44 5 6 33/4 46 5/ 6 4 4/ 5 4/ 4/ 41/4 $ 54,000 43,000 200,000 10,000 6,000 90,000 15,000 12,000 4,500 3,500 100,000 310,000 110,000 100,000 100,000 $ 14,000 8,000 110,000 $ 132,000 1,000 2,250 54,000 57,250 600 5,000 500 500 6,600 45,000 295,0001 20,000 30,000 50,000 100,0001 100,000 When Payable $ 2,000 Annually 2,000 Annually 10,000 Annually 500 Annually 250 Annually 3,000 Annually 600 Annually 1,000 Annually 1,000 Annually 1,000 Annually 5,000 Annually Serial Ann 1931 10,000 Annually 10,000 Annually 10,000 Annually Serial Ann 1936 Political Division for which created City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca City of Ithaca_ Sch Dist 8, Dryden Sch Dist 8, Groton Sch Dist 8, Groton Sch Dist 9, Lansing Sch Dist 13, Lansing Sch Dist 1, Ulysses Sch Dist 1, Ulysses Fot what Purpose Created Improvement, Series "F" Improvement, Series "G" Improvement, Series "H" Public Grounds & Bldgs "A" Public Grounds & Bldgs "B" Water, Series "A" Water, Series "B" Water, Series "C" Water, Refunding New Building New Building Equipment New Building New Building New Building New Building Under what Law Rate Int Bonded 1 Net Debt Debt Chap 347, Laws Chap 347, Laws Chap 347, Laws Chap 347, Laws Chap 347, Laws Chap 181, Laws Chap 181, Laws Chap 181, Laws Chap 503, Laws Education Law Education Law Education Law Education Law Education Law Education Law Education Law 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1903 1903 1903 1908 4 4 4/ 4% 4 4 4 4/ 4 5 6 5 5 175,000 300,000 275,000 90,000 140,000 50,000 75,000 60,000 162,000 24,000 142,5001 107,500 40,0001 33,000 125,000 112,500 11,000 8,000 150,000 120,000 170,000 300,000 275,000 75,000 115,000 50,000 75,000 60,000 162,000 0001 5% 60,000 60,0001 Total Debt When Payable Serial Ann 1932 Serial Ann 1935 Serial Ann 1936 Serial Annually Serial Annually (1944) (1946) (1947) "1,822,000 (1942) 14,000 1,000 Annually Optional (1949) 140,500 Optional (1951) 112,500 6,250 Annually 8,000 500 Annually 5,000 Annually to 1940 180,0001 10,000 Annually to 1954 2,472,8501 * Sinking Fund to apply on Water Bonds, City of Ithaca, $88,046 41, making the Net Bonded Debt of the City of Ithaca $1,733,953 59 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 381 HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS HIGHWAY FUND -RECEIPTS Towns 0 V O Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 532 04 468 82 1,319 35 18 75 655 28 452 09 2,861 96 5,292 09 1,620 98 $3,900 00 3,500 00 8,900 00 2,200 00 5,000 00 7,000 00 7,100 00 3,500 00 6,000 00 $5,798 35 6,386 98 6,854 50 4,178 85 3,873 04 2,277 50 5,321 00 8,580 96 2,851 51 $1,048 75 $11,279 14 1,150 00 11,505 80 1,000 00 18,073 85 750 00 7,147 60 1,027 50 10,555 82 1,000 00 10,729 59 1,428 67 16,711 63 20 00 17,393 05 3,802 51 14,27499 HIGHWAY FUND -EXPENDITURES Towns Total expenditures Caroline _ Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 7,325 79 4,626 90 2,724 59 9,925 39 5,820 42 33 60 14,641 11 6,012 31 $ 3,402 83 6,868 02 4,365 93 3,237 62 16,403 19 7,780 75 $10,728 62 $ 550 52 11,494 92 10 88 17,488 98 584 87 7,090 52 57 08 9,925 39 630 43 9,058 04 1,671 55 16,436 79 274 84 14,641 11 2,751 94 13,793 06 481 93 382 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS BRIDGE FUND—RECEIPTS Towns Tax from collector Received from other Total receipts Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 73 56 392 01 367 70 2 78 57159, 450 87 4,143 51 825 60 284 69 $ 500 00 1,000 00 300 00 500 00 500 00 1,200 00 1,000 00 500 00 3,185 82 1,000 00 $ 573 56 392 01 4,553 52 302 78 1,071 59 950 87 5,343 51 1,825 60 1,784 69 BRIDGE FUND—EXPENDITURES Towns tu tu 0 0 I., SG 4 v O w 0 m 0 C 4-1 0 0 0 U m u pp t 0 U.1:1 Total expenditures 0 N c a 0 Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 141 20 200 20 73 04 54 05 214 60 40 00 491 08 $ 501 89 137 62 4-86 12 82 37 5364 162 85 2,746 15 202 34 179 41 $ 501 89 $ 71 67 278 82 113 19 $2,727 11 3,413 43 1,140 09 155 41 147 37 107 69 963 90 377 45 573 42 1,000 00 3,786 15 1,557 36 202 34 1,623 26 1,092 37 1,762 86 21 83 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 383 HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS MACHINERY FUND -RECEIPTS Towns u 0 V 0 Total receipts Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 85 98 22 96 2,653 92 2 76 850 38 942 34 824 49 741 41 3,647 51 $ 1,500 00 $ 1,429 74 $ 3,015 72 1,000 00 694 42 1,717 38 4,000 00 879 71 7,533 63 1,000 00 1,301 13 2,303 89 4,000 00 1,845 60 6,695 98 4,000 00 4,002 16 8,944 50 7,000 00 4,960 47 12,784 86 2,000 00 414 35 3,155 76 1,000 00 2,113 47 6,760 98 MACHINERY FUND -EXPENDITURES Towns Other expenditures Total expenditures Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 343 22 $2,249 45 913 35 788 15 2,686 00 2,788 56 364 26 1,939 31 2,351 46 3,764 23 3,568 54 2,566 03 9,816 59 1,343 70 1,710 11 2,648 00 2,657 91 5 00 400 00 25 00 $ 2,592 67 1,701 50 5,474 56 2,303 57 6,115 69 6,139 57 10,216 59 3,078 81 5,305 41 $ 423 05 15 88 2,059 07 32 580 29 2,804 93 2,568 27 76 95 1,455 07 384 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANE- OUS FUNDS REPORTS MISCELLANEOUS FUND -RECEIPTS Towns v a E 0 w a Tax from collector Received from other sources Total receipts I) O Caroline $ 35 77 $ 2,250 00 $ 5 00 $ 2,290 77 Danby 92 23 2,800 00 2,892 23 Dryden 71 54 3,500 00 2,000 00 5,571 54 Enfield 20 28 2,500 00 253 40 2,773 68 Groton 644 11 6,500 00 2,251 43 9,395 54 Ithaca 305 08 4,500 00 471 50 5,276 58 Lansing 1,129 54 4,000 00 1,000 00 6,129 54 Newfield 1,345 38 1,700 00 3,045 38 Ulysses 1,830 84 3,000 00 72 00 4,902 84 MISCELLANEOUS FUND -EXPENDITURES Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses For removing snow $ 245 12 519 90 2,080 90 537 69 475 64 1,008 00 2,984 20 318 50 256 25 $ 6 00 $1,449 41 15 00 1,676 39 2,018 25 1,495 00 3,619 47 1,758 00 15 00 2,107 00 1,575 05 2,384 00 Other expenses $ 498 86 455 90 890 05 604 32 4,513 85 1,086 59 817 23 270 00 2,065 04 Total expenditures $2,199 39 $ 91 38 2,667 19 225 04 4,989 20 582 34 2,637 01 136 67 8,608 96 786 58 3,852 59 1,423 99 5,923 43 206 11 2,163 55 881 83 4,705 29 197 55 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TswnwwoJ19£ StIJOA aSO)I ]OqE I IEIOOSI£Z aai au a uqo jI 4SijEI3OSI983 grog D TagezTlgl UOTTEA.Iasald ME'I £I8 s]aTTEA y SIaUE1d ueail9ndag Liam° S saI]Eg0 II1`i TE130w3(1881`9 3UIEw311, S su1O TsiunwwoJIL£ p1EdagS .i]uaH Ioq E'I IEIaOS Tlagaial d ITwd 33 TSIIEI3OSI6L3 UEUOON Act salJEg3I} UOITEAIaSaJd ME'I suoo0 alupsaAN H LL5 uEaggndagl£5Z`ii uosTAEQ aagni j d TElaowaalo£0`9 AEIg wETIIIAI InjI o6 �+ P Tsiunwwo3I5£ 1aunv prig! logET IElaOSI SZ a2ue]O UOSEy Ts11ETaOSIL9Z UEWppAN sino'Ii uoITEnlasald mET £ZL TlayaiA d uqof uuag9nda1058`0I UEAOUOQ f WET11i�1 1El3owaQ15+,8`9 uEwga'I H T]ag1aHl 4SIIMUIWO3Iz£ sugloD f ugofi Ioq E'I j I osI£z uosuyoj yq aAT10 TsrETaoSl96i' u TTnbiliH sloyq UEailgndagl58i`ZI U IlamplEI a34JOld TElaowaUl i 8I`9 £Lrn0 •d uqof 385 IogE'I IEIJOS Lz yogic, unarm' O logl'I iEIoos UTIIag goau j 9Z Tsgmos 1apuES paid 563 TsI1Eiaog lagla0 Tsn$ny o 'ZS UOTTEAlaSald MEI saluD _Tawig f L35 UOTTEA1asald ME'I T]EwS gTaquzild 865 uu3ggndag 'IiaMoT j uEwlags £8501 uEailgndag amid p1EMOH sEloyaiN ££901 TElaowaQl £tiz5 suoggr zTTd uqof 4ElaowaGlg£L5 ,ialpn)S a lawlgl Tswnwwo3 auoTsUiaA Al wegliM 6£ I ogE'I IEi: os £alMol3 Q giiwaia j Z£ 4sl1ETaoS 893 uowolos sal]EgD uoITEnlasald MET L99 UTAIoD Oral Q uEailgndag Sti9'01 ailepaiq z aaioa0 TE]aowaU 183'9 Jau2uNi d T]agog TswnwwoD Iti slamod a a2ioa01 UOTTEAlasald METIOZ£ uallUEd goaEjl TElaowaQ ag uEallgndagl8i£`LI pUnOd Al T1aggpn3 TslunwwoDISE in iyup2ug so. j Ioq E'I IEiaos 0Z TEaMZIDIa uoawr8 TsTIEiaoSl08Z II]W UEx EIIIIAA UOITEAIasald ME'I £TS 'falln0 H 9dlE?I ue3ggnd3111090`I1 PJEggnH J sasoyq TElaowaUl0£I'9 I j 'TTauuag j uqof 386 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS a) i m 5 � jsquiaoSII6Z c �0 a a)� Ag 'r" Soqui IEIJOSIZI IIOJSTZQ u moll 14O jszallulV P.IEMpg uEallgndag605`6 xa3IIEIS H atEJI TuxaoulaalL£b`8 zig d uelln f 3a Li c 4 m W a0i U2 ;sl1ElaOS159i' Ijoodnieg nWIPIEA uuallgndagl599`II 460.1,4V ,IUEidI 2EiaomaUI8Z9`5 xa[2uaJA f SaIiEg3I p P.. mR w 0 m A.10 ,sIIEIJOS 017£ uEut sca .ia[saM uolluASaSa1d ME1 68ti sia2og Ilaumo.Ig f UEaggndag 8I£`TI ossulgog g sawn f , 1"DotuaH1056`S ialg2no[S S u,im[gl c v11111a cp FT -+4 1SIIEIOOS'9€ gaOU 9 gdaso f uoilonaaSa1d mug 595 asauig uEangndag 8Z0`TT slim O ]IUE33 au.raouxaaIL8£`9 uouuEgs f sEwog1, H Zo w y il' 00 w m 8 E 0 Qt El c Pr W �IuElgl£I6`5 anTlE2aNIL8ti`£ anilruugJv1080`0T Z•d�� r/1wa) „a q oitA 0 an o y ti 0.'4'3..1 -6. PO o �IUEIgI£Z6`9 anlle2aNIOZS`6 aneuulqjVl9£0`£ u OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 387 POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS 1. Fall Primary—Seventh Tuesday before General Election, each year. (Election Law, §191.) 2 Presidential Primary—First Tuesday in April in Presi- dential year. (Election Law §191.) 3. General Election—First Tuesday after first Monday in November, each year. (Election Law, §191 ) 4 Town Meetings—On same date as General Election in odd numbered years. (Town Law §40 ) 5. Designation of Polling Places—By the Town Boards and Common Council of City, on Third Tuesday in August, each year. (Election Law, §66.) 6 Board of Canvass—First Tuesday after General Election, each year (Election Law, §272 ) 7. Annual Meeting and organization, except election of Chairman, of Board of Supervisors—Second Thursday after General Election, each year. (County Law, §10.) 8 Quarterly Meetings, Board of Supervisors—Second Mon- day of February, May, August and November of each year (County Law, §10-a ) 9. Election of Chairman of Board—At a meeting held in January, for that year. (County 'Law, §10.) 10 Town Boards—Shall meet First Thursday after General Election, each year, and on the 28th of December of each year (Town Law, §131 ) 11 Grand Jurors—Selected by the Board of Supervisors at the annual meeting each year (Code Criminal Procedure, §229-a ) 12. Trial Jurors—The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors 388 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of each town, must meet on the First Monday in July, in each year, at a place within the town appointed by the Supervisor, or, in case of his absence, or a vacancy in his office, by the Town Clerk, for the purpose of making a list of persons, to serve as trial jurors, for the then ensuing year. If they fail to meet on the day specified in this section, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable (Judi- ciary Law, §500, as amended by Laws of 1923 ) At the meeting specified in the last section, the officers present must select from the last assessment -roll of the town, and make a list, of all persons whom they believe to be qualified to serve as trial jurors, as prescribed in this article. (Judiciary Law, §501.) 13 County Claims—(a) All bills and claims against the county must be presented to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the Third day of the Annual Session of the Board and at least Three days before any Quarterly Session thereof (b) All bills Or claims presented to the Board of Super- visors must be itemized and verified by the oath of claiment All bills for repairs to or improvements of county buildings must have endorsed thereon the the approval of the committee having charge of such buildings. (c) No bills for supplies for county officers will be audited unless the same were authorized by the Committee of the Board of Supervisors having such matter in charge 14. Reports— (a) All county officers receiving, or authorized to receive moneys in which the county, or any sub -divi- sion thereof, shall have an interest, shall annually, on November 1st, of each year, make a written verified report of all moneys received, from whom, on what account and the disposition made thereof, and file the same with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November 5th. (County Law, §243 ) (b) The Clerk of every Town, incorporated village and city in the county shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November 1st, of 'each year, all indebtedness of such town, village or OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 389 or city, specifying for what purpose created, under what law, rate of interest and when payable. (c) The Trustees, or the person or persons having charge of the issue of bonds or payments of same, of any school district, shall transmit a statement thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the First day of November. (d) The Supervisor must report to the District Superin- tendent of Schools on the First day in February, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. 15 Assessments— (a) All real property shall be assesed in the tax district in which situated Property divided by a town line shall be assessed in both towns (b) The assessors shall complete the assessment -roll on or before the First day of August and make out a copy thereof, to be left with one of their number, and forthwith cause a notice to be conspicuously posted in three or more public places in the tax district, • stating that they have completed the assessment -roll, and that a copy thereof has been left with one of their number, at a specified place, where it may be examined until the Third Tuesday in August. (Tax Law, §36.) (c) The assessors shall meet on the Third Tuesday in August and not later than August 31, to review their assessment and hear and determine all com- plaints brought before them in relation to such assessments (d) When the assessors, or a majority of them, shall have completed their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the county authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and sub- scribe before such officers, an oath in the form pre- scribed by Sec. 38, of the Tax Law, which oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the assessors and certified by the officer. (e) The assessors must file a certified copy of the com- pleted assessment -roll with the Town Clerk, on or before the Fifteenth day of September, and it shall 390 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS there remain for public inspection until delivered by the Town Clerk to the Supervisor The assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at least three public places in the tax district and to be published in one or more newspapers, if any, published in the town, that such assessment -roll has been finally completed, and stating that such certified copy has been filed. The original assessment -roll shall on or before the First day of October be deivered by the assessors to the Supervisor. (Tax Law, §39.) (f) The Board of Asessors of the several towns, and the Assessors of the City of Ithaca, shall furnish the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, on or before the First day of September, a complete list of all property within their tax districts that is exempt from taxa- tion. (Tax Law, §15.) 16. Collectors—The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute an undertaking, to be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and deliver said undertak- ing to him The Supervisor shall, within six days there- after, file the said undertaking with his approval, in the office of the County Clerk. (Town Law, §§114, 115.) 17. Justices of the Peace— (a) Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the pay- ments on demand to the proper officer, of all moneys re- ceived by the justice by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor and filed in the Town Clerk's Office. (b) Each Justice of the Peace of the town shall pay to the Supervisor on the First Monday of each month, all fines and penalties imposed and received by him, and shall also make a verified report of all fines and penal- ties collected by him to the Board of Town Auditors of his town, on Tuesday preceding the Annual Town Meeting. (County Law, §12, sub -division 21.) OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 391 Roster, 1932 JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Riley H Heath (6th Judicial District) Ithaca,. N Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Gale H. Stalker (37th District) Elmira, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE SENATE Frank A Frost (41st District) Watkins Glen, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE ASSEMBLY James R Robinson Ithaca, N. Y. COUNTY OFFICERS County Judge and Surrogate Special County Judge Judge of Children's Court County Clerk County Treasurer District Attorney Sheriff Commissioner of Welfare Coroner Superintendent of Highways Sealer of Wts. & Measures Clerk, Board of Supervisors Commissioner of Election Commissioner of Election Probation Officer Clerk of Surrogate's Court Clerk of Children's Court Deputy County Clerk Motor Vehicle Clerk Under Sheriff Dist. Supt of Schools Dist. Supt of Schools Dist Supt. of Schools Keeper at County Home Willard M Kent H C Baldwin Wilhard M. Kent Howard O'Daniel Charlotte V. Bush Arthur G Adams Frank C Ellis Wm D Baldwin Dr Wm A Smith Bert I Vann John J Sinsabaugh Fred L Clock Emma L Card Wm F. George R A Hutchinson D M Gillespie R A Hutchinson L L Earl Laura Arnold L G Armstrong E Craig Donnan L 0 Olds J Paul Munson Clayton Bower Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Groton, N. Y. Newfield, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ludlowville, 1 Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N Y. Ithaca, N Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Newfield, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Groton, 10 Jacksonville, N.Y. 392, PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OFFICERS Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director CAROLINE Lamont C Snow Br'kt'dale, R.D 1 Augustus Middaugh Br'kt'dale, R D 2 Chas Thomas Br'kt'dale, R.D. P Alfred Munch Br'kt'dale, R D. 3 Geo L. Richards Br'kt'dale, R D. Elmer Lockwood Br'kt'dale, N Y. Chas M Jones Berkshire, R.D. 1 D B. Bull Br'kt'dale, R D 1 H. A Whittaker Br'kt'dale, R D. 1 John Lounsbery Br'kt'dale, N Y. James Beebe Berkshire, R D 4 Wilson B Osmun Caroline Depot D A Chatfield Slaterville Springs DANBY W. 0 Smiley Ithaca, R. D 4 Eugene Dorn Ithaca, R. D 4 Fred E Dorn Brooktondale, R D. 2 George 0. Sears West Danby, N. Y. Arthur G Bennett Willseyville, R D. 1 B J. Jennings West Danby, R D. 1 Geo Button West Danby, R D. F R Caswell Ithaca, R. D 4 L E Cummings Willseyville, R D. 1 Carlton Hunt West Danby, N. Y. Reginald S Nelson Ithaca, R D 4 Frank Eastman Ithaca, R D 4 A E Grant Brooktondale, R D 2 Chas L Hall Ithaca, R D. 4 DRYDEN Delbert H. Decker Paul Ewers J Dolph Ross Jas 0 Robertson Fred E Parker Orrie Cornelius Jane C Hines C D Griswold Truman English Edward Sykes Fred A Williams R D Simons Fred A Williams Bernice M Kirk C B Snyder Freeville, R D 2 Etna, N Y. Dryden, N Y. Groton, R D 12 Freeville, R D 16 Ithaca, R D 2 Dryden, N Y Dryden, N Y. Ithaca, R D 2 Freeville, R. D. Freeville, R D 18 Freeville, R D 2 Freeville R D 18 Etna, N. Y. Dryden N Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 393 Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director ENFIELD Alan T Rumsey S Harvey Stevenson Vernon H Earl Thomas R. Brown Ithaca, R. D. 5 Ithaca, R D. 3 Ithaca, R. D. 4 Ithaca, R. D. 3 H D Bailey Ithaca, R. D. 5 Gilbert Fisher Trumansburg, R. D. Clifford Leonard Tru's'br'g, R .D. Raymond Hubbell Ithaca, R D. 5 Margaret Laughlin Ithaca, R. D. 5 Clayton Purdy Ithaca, R. D. 5 Chas Teeter Ithaca, R. D. 5 Hulse Smith Newfield, R. D. 2 Ray C Lanning Ithaca, R D. 3 GROTON Richard C. Smith R. R Chatterton Miles G. Tarbell Geo. B Sickmon Eugene A Landon Chas H Moe Archie Gillen C Fay Benson Nelson Van Marter Lillian B Benedict C. William Monroe E A Landon Dr R C. Tarbell Ernest Reniff ITHACA CITY Herman Bergholtz City Hall F D Van Order 511 W. Seneca St. Wm C Blackmer 317 W. State St. Joseph B Myers 325 W. Buffalo St. Sidney L Howell 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Leslie R Pierce 107 W. Yates St. Daniel Crowley City Hall James E Matthews City Hall Clarence A Snyder City Hall L E Dofflemyer City Hall Frank Feller City Hall Charles Green 124 N Aurora St. L. J Gaurnier 421 N Geneva St. Mayor Supervisor, lst Ward Supervisor, 2nd Ward Supervisor, 3rd Ward Supervisor, 4th Ward Supervisor, 5th Ward City Judge City Clerk City Chamberlain City Assessor City Superintendent Commissioner of Charities Sealer of Wts & Measures Groton, R D. 3 Groton, N. Y. Groton, R D 11 McLean, N. Y. Groton, N. Y. Groton, N. Y. Groton, R. D. 15 Groton, R. D. 3 Groton, N. Y. Groton, N. Y. Groton, N. Y. Groton, N L. Groton, N. Y. McLean, N Y. 394 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ITHACA TOWN Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director Lagrand E Chase James A Bush Chas H Newman Wm I. Simth Clarence A Baker Rachael Hanshaw John W Preswick Fred C Marshall Arthur J Mandeville Glenn Marion Harry Baker Fay Grover Nina B Royce Ada Gray LANSING Ithaca, R D. 4 Ithaca, R. D 2 Ithaca, R D. 1 Ithaca, R. D. 7 Ithaca, R D. 4 Ithaca, R. D. 2 Ithaca, R D. 3 Ithaca, R D 6 Ithaca, R. D. 1 Ithaca, R. D. 6 Ithaca, R D. 4 Ithaca, R. D. 2 Ithaca, R D. 5 Ithaca, R D. 5 Andrew J. Conlon So Lansing, N Y. Carleton Kintz J A Smith Edward Ozmun Clay Tarbell Joseph McGill Samuel Lane Jacob Bower George Field Frank Ayers Jay Morey Carleton Kintz Clarence Townsend Ludlow'le, R D 1 Frank Tarbell Groton, R D. 1 Ludlowville, R. D. 1 Ludlowville, R D. 1 So Lansing, N. Y. Groton, N Y. Ludlowville, N. Y. Ludlowville, R. D 2 Ludlowville, R D. Freeville, R D. Groton, R. D. 2 Groton, R D 12 Ludlowville, R D. 1 NEWFIELD Forest J. Payne Newfield, R D 4 C Lee Brainard Newfield, N. Y. Roy C Albright Newfield, R D 2 Chas P. Stoughton Newfield, R D. 3 Douglass S Carpenter Newf'd, R D 3 Carrie Peck Newfield, N Y. Fred W Payne Newfield, R D. 1 Harry Horton Newfield, R D. 3 Frank Fish Newfield, N Y. Daniel Patterson Newfield, N. Y. Herbert Williams Newfield, R. D 1 Joseph Doane Newfield, R. D. 3 Della Snyder Newfield, R D. 2 Geo S. Adams Newfield, N. Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Commissioner of Welfare School Director School Director 395 ULYSSESS 0. Howard McDaniels Tru'burg, N Y. F. N. Smith Trumansburg, R. D 31 Henry Williams Jacksonville, N. Y. Howard K. Aiken Tru'burg, N. Y. Arthus J Hubbel Tru'burg, N. Y. Edith M. Updike Trumansburg, N. Y. H Steenberg Trumansburg, N. Y. Edwin Gould Trumansburg, N. Y. Philo B Smith Ithaca, R D. 7 Horace A Bower Trumanburg, R. D. J. Warren Chase Trumansburg, R.D. 3 Irwin S Potter Trumansburg, N. Y. Levi 0 Holman Trumansburg, N. Y. Maud Addington Waterburg, N. Y. I INDEX °A Abandoned Highways—Relative to _ _- 21, 131, 297 Abandoned Highway Lands—Chairman and Clerk Authorized to Transfer •- - •- ---- - - --- - 26, 291 Abandonment of Highways by State - 21 Act I—Relative to Obtaining Additional Lands for new County Buildings 16 II—Relative to Obtaining Additional Lands for new County Buildings 27 III—To Ratify Resolutions heretofore Adopted - 87 IV—To Authorize Construction of new County Buildings and Appro- priating $371,787 therefore . - 91 V—Appropriating Additional Sum of $178,213 for new County Build- ings - _ - _ .... _ 165 VI—Authorizing Issuance of County Bonds for $550,000 - . 200 VI—Authorizing County Treasurer to Borrow $178,213 _ 205 I—(1933) Authorizing Issuance of County Bonds - 250 II—(1933) Providing for Payment of Certificates of Indebtedness 292 Acquisition of Lands by County 6, 7, 16, 17 Action—Against the County—Relative to 56, 57 Accounts of Supervisors 299 Annual Session of Board of Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) Apportionment—Of Compensation Insurance 246 Of Costs of Children's Court 189 Of Dog Moneys - - - 295 Of Election Expenses _ _ 176 Of Mortgage Tax Moneys 230 For Support of Poor at County Home - - 188 Of Taxes -- -- -- 269 Appropriations—For Highway Machinery, Etc - . - - 9 For Purchase of Gravel Bank for County and Town High- ways - - • 31 For Improvement of Dirt Roads _ _ _ 218, 256 For Rights of Way— 19, 27, 4-1, 52, 64, 76, 84, 102 -- . . 103, 106, 114, 177, 185, 217 Lands of Max Blum —. ._. -._ - _ - _- 84 For Water Supply—On State Highway _ 52 Relative to Daley Property - 102 Under Provisions of Sec 320-A, Highway Law . 218, 255 For Maintenance of Abandoned State Highways 297 For Snow Removal - _-- . 20, 217 II For Snow Removal Equipment 136 For Purchase of Land for County Buildings 16 For Construction of new County Buildings . 48, 92 For Engineer's Fees for new County Buildings _ 39 For Changing Sewer and Water Service Pipes _ 39 For Expenses of Advertising for Bids _ _ 40 For Attorneys Claims __ 98, 99 For Claim of Inspector _ __ _ 98 Of $371,787 (Act No IV ) _ 91 Of $178,213 (Act No V ) _ 165 For Maintenance of Adding Machines _ 39 For Temporary Emergency Relief Program _ 5, 62 To General Fund 260 To Poor Fund ... __ 262 To Highway Fund 263 For Inspection of Sprinkler System at County Home 38 For new Ensilage Cutter at County Home _ _ _ . 83 For Plumbing work at County Home and Court House .. 84 For Public Welfare . 20 To the Welfare Fund 63, 78, 102 For County Welfare Work and OId Age Security 30 For OId Age Security 235 For Agent in Welfare Work 200 ' For Salary of Stenographer in Old Age Security . _ 268 For Salary and Expenses of Case Worker in Charities Department . _ . ... 268 For Support of Poor . 233 For Postage of Supreme Court Judge _ 114 For Postage of County Officers _ __ __ . 213 For Clerk Hire for County Officers 18, 194 For Printed Proceedings of Board _ __ _ _ ____ 244 For Rental of Supreme Court Chambers _ 214 For Rental of Mortor Vehicle Clerk's Office 163 For Safeguarding Records in County Clerk's Bldg _ 213 For Light, Heat and Telephones 214 To Farm Bureau Association _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ . 196 To Home Bureau Association __ _ 196 For Junior Project Work 196 To Board of Child Welfare _ __ _ __ _ 197 To County Public Health Committee 196 For County Laboratory _ ___ 196 For County Library Rural Service __ _ 196 For Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis _ .. 197 For Maintenance of Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital _ __ __ 62, 199 For Cornell Library Association _ 256 For Committee on Compensation Insurance For Reforestation Purposes _ 190 For State Tax ____ _. 265 III For County—General and Poor Tax 265 Highway Tax 265 For County Treasurer to pay Returned School Tax Moneys _ 171 For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds 138 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balances _ 164-, 190, __ _ 217, 265 Approval—Contractors Bonds for Erection of new County Buildings 55 Of Sheriff's Bond _ _ _ __ ___ 294 Of Contract with Consulting Equipment Engineer _ 296 Armory Tax _ _ 112, 256 Assessment Rates—As Fixed by State Tax Department 113 As Fixed by the Board of Supervisors 180 Assessment Rolls—Reports of Committee on Footing 126 Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing 128 Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign 297 Assessors of Towns—Names and Addresses of 392, 395 Attorney for Board—Salary of _ __ 193 Manner of payment of 198 Authorized to Secure Rights of Way _ 213 Authorized to Represent County in Elimination of Grade Crossings 213 Authorized to Act for County in All Matters _ 215 Attorneys—Claims of - 98, 99 Audits—Of County __ _ _ _ _ - 300 Of Towns 304, 323 To Be Printed in Proceedings of Board 248 Of Claims Audited by the Several Committees During Year 125, 131, 191, 192, 195, 238 Quarterly Session 12, 35, 67, 106 Automobile Hire—Allowance for - - 26 B Board of Supervisors—Names and Addresses of Members 108 Chairman of—Permanent 4, 244, 290 Temporary 4, 178 (Also See Chairman of Board) Clerk of __ __ 109 (Also See Clerk of Board) Attorney for ___ 193 (Also See Attorney for Board) Sessions of—Annual 108 Audits at _ 300 Executive 57, 136 Quarterly 6, 21, 60, 101 Audits at 12, 35, 67, 106 Iv Special 3, 14, 19, 37, 43, 53, 56, 58, 69, 71, 79, 82, 83, 86, 95 Calls for 3, 14, 19, 37, 43, 53, 56, 58, 69, 71, 79, 82, 83, 86, 95 Committee Assignments 8, 96, 110, 266 Committees of (See Committees of Board) Supplies for _ 109 Printed Proceedings of, Relative to .212 Appropriation for _ _ 244 Authorizing Contract for _ _ 243 Tax Rates to be Printed in 248 Town Audits to be Printed in 248 Acts or Resolutions -Relative to 86 Accounts of _ _ 299 Minutes of -Relative to 50, 60 Representative -On Farm Bureau Association 167 On Junior Extension 168 On Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis _ 169 On County Laboratory 168 On Board of Managers of the Tompkins Co Tuberculosis Hospital 168 On Public Health Committee 169 On County Library Service _ 168 Bank Stock Taxes -Relative to Refund of 118, 121 Balances -County Treasurer Directed to Pay to Towns and City 138 Re -appropriation of Unexpended _ 164, 190, 197, 217, 265 Baptist Church Society -Relative to Lands of 6, 7, 8, 16, 27 Appropriation for Changing Sewer and Water Pipes 39 Bids -For Printed Proceedings 243 For New County Buildings _ _ 41, 42 ' Blind -Relative to Requisition from State Commission for 117 Board of Child Welfare -Appropriation to 196 Manner of payment to _ _ _ _ ___ 197 Relative to -' _ ___ 132 Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital (See Tuberculosis Hospital) Bonded Indebtedness -Of County and Towns _ 238, 379 Bonds -Of Sheriff 164 Of County Superintendent of Highways 164 Approval of Sheriff's __ _ _ 294 Relative to, For New County Buildings 200, 250 Relative to, For Contractors 48, 53, 55 Issued for Financing New County ,Buildings 250, 292 Form of _ _ _ _ _ .... __ _ 251 Relative to _ __ __ __ _ __ .. ____ _ _ 242 Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highway -Sinking Fund 0 V and Interest on _ _ 115, 128 Bovine Tuberculosis—Appropriation for Eradication of _ 197 Committee on, Election of Members on 169, 267 Report of __ . 129 Relative to Sale of Spraying Outfit _ . _ 296 Claims Audited by Committee During Year . 131 Bridge Fund for Towns __ 185, 382 Bridges—Committee on _ 111 Bridges, Etc—Tax for Improvement of Highway . 185 Budget—County _ _ __ 256 Towns _ _ __ _ 271 Tax Rates to be Published with __ 248 c Calls for Special Sessions (See Board of Supervisors) Caroline—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 392 Audits of 304 Budget of _ 271 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys _ _ 295 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 230 Amount Charged Town for Compensation Insurance 246 Amount Charged Town for Election Expenses .. 176 Amount Charged Town for Exams in Lunacy,. .. 35 Amount Charged Town for Expenses of Children's Court .. 189 Amount Charged Town for Sheriff's Expenses _ 13, 35, 68, 221 Amount Charged Town for Support of Poor . . 188 Returned School Taxes of . _ . 139 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges, Etc .. 185 Tax Rates of . _ ___ ___ _ _ .. _ . _ 271 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 271 Chairman of Board—Temporary, Election of 4, 178 Permanent, Election of 4, 241, 290 Authorized to Execute Legal Papers 16, 57, 96 Authorized to Execute Contracts for County Bldg 48 Authorized to Execute Bill of Sale for County Property 296 Authorized to Execute Contract with Consulting Equipment Engineer 296 Authorized to Execute Contract with the Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County for Board of Prisoners . 209 Authorized to Transfer Land to Willow Glen Cemetery _ 25 Authorized to Sign and Institute Condemnation Pro- ceedings 20, 24, 25, 59, 76 Authorized to Sell County Lands 77 Authorized to Convey Lands Abandoned 22 Authorized to Convey Lands to Woodlawn Cemetery Association 291 VI Authorized to Act for County in All Matters 215 Authorized to Represent County in Elimination of Grade Crossings 213 Authorized to fill Vacancies on Committees 268 Greetings Extended to 238 Directed to Sign Collector s Warrants 297 Clerk of Board—Election of 109 Salary of . 193, 194 Manner of Payment of 198 Postage for 213 Authorized to Certify Payments 215 Authorized to Correct Errors in Minutes 139 Authorized to Execute Legal Papers 16 Authorized to Execute Contracts for new County Buildings 48 Directed to Execute Contract with Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County for Board of Prisoners 209 Directed to Execute Contract with Consulting Equipment Engineer _ __ 296 Authorized to Purchase Supplies 109 Authorized to Convey Abandoned Lands 22 Authorized to Convey Lands to Woodlawn Cemetery Association _ _ _ 291 Authorized to Transfer Lands to Willow Glen Cemetery 25 Directed to Secure Sealed Proposals _ 17 Directed to Secure Bids for Proceedings 212 Directed to Sign Collector's Warrants 297 Authorized to Sell County Lands r 77 Directed to Issue Orders for Work done on County Buildings 81 Directed to Issue Orders for Snow Removal Equipment 138 Directed to Issue Orders 98, 99, 138 Directed to Print Town Audits _ _ _ 248 Directed to Publish Tax Rates of Towns 248 Relative to Minutes of 50, 60 Report of, to Comptroller _ - - 377 Report of Highway, Bridge, Etc Funds 381, 385 Certificate of _ 367 Committees of Board—Standing 110, 266 Resignation from 8 Special Of the Whole 109 Relative to Petitions 38 Contractors' Bonds 53 Bridge Advisory 111 To Survey Departments of County Government 132 On Temporary Emeigency Relief Work 169 On Cornell Library _ _ 175 VII Highway Advisory Authorized to Secure Bids and Purchase Machinery9, 244 Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs to Machinery 212 To Act for County _ 215 New Court House and Jail (See Committee on Tompkins County Court House and Jail) Committees—Appointment of, Confirmed 111, 175 Chairman to fill Vacancies on _ . 268 Designation of .. 8, 96, 110, 266 Reports of (See Under the Committees) Claims Audited During Year by Several 125, 131, 191, 192, 195, 238 Committee on County Officers and Compensation Report of --On Audits 211, 221, 237 On Salaries of County Officers 193 Authorized to Provide Offices for Commissioners of Elections 164 Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs on Buildings in its Charge 212 Cbmmittee on County Clerk and Election' Expenses Report of—On Audits 1 . _ . _ 209, 226 Relative to Report of Commissioners of Elections 176 Relative to Report of County Clerk .. 174 Relative to Report of Surrogate's Clerk 175 Committee on Charities—Report of 20 Report of—On Audits ..... 229 Relative to Report of Board df Managers of Tuber,. , culosis Hospital - ... 198 Relative to Report of Commissioner of Public Welfare _ 195, 232 Relative to County and Town Poor 233 Relative to County Old Age Security Fund 196 Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs to Buildings in its Charge Authorized to Make Agreement with State Charities Aid Association 199 Authorized to Purchase New Ensilage Cutter at County Home 62 Authorized to Purchase and Install Washing Machine .and Hot Water Heater at County Home _ 30 Relative to Additional Maintenance of Tuberculosis Hospital 61 Resignation of Member of _ _. 8 Appointment of 8 Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts Report of—On Audits _ _ ._ 225 Relative to Reports of Justices of the Peace 238 Committee on Correction and Reformation Report of—On Audits . _ _ 220 1 VIII Authorized to Make Necessary Repairs to Buildings in its Charge _ _ 214 Approval of Sheriff's Bond _ 294 Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts Report of—On Audits _ _ . _ 228 Relative to Apportionment of Dog Fund 295 Relative to Mortgage Tax 230 Relative to Reports of County Treasurer . 243 Committee on Equalization, Etc Report of—On Footing Assessment Rolls 126 Supplemental, On Footing Assessment Rolls 128 On Ratios and Percentages 181 For General Tax Levy 180 On Highway Tax Levy 182 On Apportionment of Taxes 268 Relative to Assessment Rolls 297 Committee on Finance Report of—On County Budget . _ . 264 On Town Budgets _ . ... 270 Relative to Reduction in Budget . 132, 186 Relative to Bank Tax Refunds 119, 121, 122 Relative to Appropriation for Work Relief . . 61 Committee on Highways Reports of—On Audits ... . .... ....._..__ 219 Authorized to Secure Rights of Way _ .. _.___......._. _ ..... 213 Authorized to Purchase Gravel Banks .. .. . 31 Relative to Condemnation Proceedings 20, 24, 25, 59 Reports of .. . 18, 26, 64, 76, 84, 103, 114, 177, 185, 190, 216 Committee on Returned Taxes Report of—Relative to Returned School Taxes . . 139 i Relative to Grand Jurors Committee on Soldiers' Relief Report of—On Audits . .. 233 Relative to Appropriations to Various Organizations . . . . 196 Committee on Town and County Accounts Report of—Relative to Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County High- ways . 138 Committee on Town Expenses, Etc Report of—On County and Town Indebtedness . . 238 To Be Printed in Proceedings . 238 On Special Franchises 239 Resignation of a member of . . _._....... ... .. 8 Appointment of _ _ _ 8 Committee Auditing Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital Claims Audited by Committee During Year _. 195 IX Committee on Contract Supplies Reports of—Relative to Light, Heat and Telephones _ _ - 124 Appropriations for Light, Heat and Telephones --- - - .... - -- 214 Claims Audited by Committee During Year . - ---- .. _ 125 Committee on Compensation Insurance Report of _ Appropriation to __ Apportionment of Expenses Among Several Towns and City. -_ 246 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balances to - - - - - - - - 247 Committee on County Laboratory Appropriation to _ Election of Representative on _ - _ .. 168 Claims Audited by Committee During Year _ _ _ 238 Committee on Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis Appropriation to - _ - - - - - - _ Appointment of Representatives on _______ Report of _ - - - _ - - -- Claims Claims Audited by Committee During Year _ - _ _ -- 131 Relative to County Spraying Outfit _ _ _ _ 296 Committee on Emergency Relief Work Continued in Power _ (See Temporary Emergency Relief Administration) Committee on Jail Supplies Claims Audited by Committee During Year 192 Committee on Public Health Appointment of Representatives on 169 Appropriation for 196 Manner of Payment to - _ _ ______ 197 Claims Audited by Committee During Year - - - -- _______ 192 Committee on Quarantine on Dogs Report of - - -------- --- ---- - -- 65 Authorized to Hire Additional Enforcement Officer _ 65 Claims Audited by Committee During Year _ _ _ _ 191 Committee on Reforestation Appointment of _ __ __ __ 111, 267 Relative to ___ ___ _ __ _ - - 110 Authorized to Secure Options _ - - _ _ __ - - 32 Report of—Relative to Receipts and Disbursements _ - . 189 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balances _ .. - 190 Committee on Rules and Legislation Authorized and Directed to Safeguard Interests of the County _ 57, 96 Committee on Snow Equipment Relative to - Report of _ Committee on County Buildings Continued in Power -- - -- - 4 Change of Name of ____ ___ ___ _ .. 96 Appropriation for Expenses of Advertising - 40 X Authorized to Contract for Hardware _ _ 96 Authorized to Secure Bids for Equipment and Furnishings 97 Authorized to Enter into a Contract for Equipment Engineer 284 Authorized to Employ Inspector _ 97 Authorized to Purchase and Install Blowers for Furnaces 171 Authorized to Purchase Property Owned by the Baptist Church 8 Relative to Purchase of Lands 6, 7, 16, 27 Proposals Referred to _ __ - 42 Reports of—Relative to 43, 82 County Officers—Names and Addresses of 391 Salaries of _ _ 193 To Be Paid Monthly __ _ _ 139 Clerk Directed to Certify Payments 215 Postage for 213 Expenses, Etc for 194 Clerk Hire for _ 194 Relative to Bonds of 164 Rental of Offices for 163, 164, 213 Relative to Mileage for 26 County Judge and Surrogate Salary of 193 Special Co Judge and Surrogate—Salary of 193 Surrogate's Clerk—Salary of 193 Relative to report of 175 Surrogate's Stenographer 193 Relative to Safeguarding Records in Office of 213 Judge of Children's Court—Salary of 193 Clerk of—Salary of 193 County Clerk—Salaiy of 193 Postage for 213 Relative to 77 Report of 342 Report of Committee on _ 174 Deputy County Clerk—Salary of _ 193 Assistants in Office of—Salary of 193 Relative to Safeguarding Records in Office of 213 Motor Vehicle Clerk Postage for 213 Rental of Offices for _ 163 Salary of _ 193 County Commissioners of Elections Election of _ 166 Salaries of . _ 193 Postage for _ 213 Relative to Offices for . 164 Report of Committee on Election Expenses 176 XI County Commissioner of Public Welfare Salary of _ _ 193 Report of _ 346 Report of Committee on 196, 231 Relative to Quarterly Statement _ 20 Relative to Appropriations to _ 19 Relative to Charity Patients _ 63, 75 County Coroner Salary of Expenses of County District Attorney Salary of Office Expenses of County Probation Officer Salary of County Sealer of Weights and Measures Salary of Relative to expenses of 193 _ 194 ____ 193 194 . 193 193 194 County Sheriff Salary of - 191 Relative to Bond of 293, 294 Bond of _ __ _ 164 Expenses of . ... 194 Undersheriff-Salary of _ 193 Two Deputy Sheriffs and Turnkey 193 Claims for Expenses of, Charged to Towns and City 13, 35, 68, 221 County Superintendent of Highways Election of 167 Salary of 193 Bond of _ 164 Relative to Expenses of 194 Report of 249, 363 To Be Printed in Proceedings 249 Instructed to Remove Signboards _ . 120 County Treasurer - Reports of 243, 323 Salary of _ _ 193 Postage for 213 Clerk Hire for 194 Additional 18 Authorized to Borrow 5, 9, 13, 16, 21,-35, 62, 63, 67, 72, 78, 80, 83, 84, 103, 106, 136, 171, 205, 237 Authorized to Credit in Certain Cases 264, 265 Authorized to Transfer Funds in Welfare Dept 31, 51, 64 Authorized to Transfer in Case of Deficiency 265 Directed to Pay County Orders 138 Directed to Pay Balances to Towns and City 138 Directed to Pay Salaries Monthly 139 Directed to Pay Claims 12, 35, 67, 77, 128 XII Directed to Charge to Towns and City 12, 35, 67, 106, 221 Directed to Pay for Improvements at Co Home 83, 84 Directed to Pay for Inspection of Sprinkler System at County Home _ _ ____ ___ __ _ 38 Directed to Pay Office Rentals __ ..... ___ 163, 214 Directed to Pay Postage of Supreme Court Judge _ 115 Directed to Pay Balances in Dog Fund to Towns & City 296 Directed to Pay Claims from Dog Fund 35, 68, 106, 225, 237 Directed to Pay Quarterly Session Audits _ 13, 35, 67, 106 Directed to Pay Work Relief Orders _ 5, 63 Directed to Pay from the Welfare Fund -_ 64, 78 Directed to Pay Salary of Agent of State Charities Aid Association - - . _ _ _ _ ... 248 Directed to Pay for Right of Way 19, 27, 41, 52, 64, 68, - _ _ - _ 77, 84, 102, 103, 106, 114, 178, 185, 219 Directed to Pay for Gravel Banks _ - - ..... _- - 31 Directed to Pay for Highway Machinery _ 9 Directed to Pay for Snow Removal Equipment 136 Directed to Pay for Snow Removal _- - - -- ._ 20 Directed to Pay Finger Lakes Post, No 961, V F W 62 Directed to Pay for Additional Maintenance of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital _ 62 Directed to Repay Deposits _ ._ __ 31 Directed to Pay for Engineer's Services on new Co Bldg 39 Directed to Pay for Changing Sewer & Water Service Pipes _ - -- - - - -- ---- 39 Directed to Pay for Expenses of Advertising for Bids 40 Directed to Pay Claims for Construction on New Co Buildings - - -- - ____ 81, 106 Directed to Pay Claim of Inspector on Co Buildings 98 Directed to Pay Attorney's Claims _ 98, 99 Directed to Pay Orders for Purchase of Land for Co Buildings 16 Directed to Borrow on Notes or Certificates of Indebted- ness .... - ... - 73, 78, 80, 83, 92, 136, 171, 206, 237 Directed to Pay Mortgage Tax Moneys to Tax Districts 230 Directed to Pay Collectors - __ _ 244 Directed to Pay Police of City for Safeguarding Records in County Clerk's Building 213 Directed to Pay for Printed Proceedings __. 244 Directed to Pay Returned School Tax Money" _ 171 Directed to Pay for Maintenance of Adding Machines 39 Directed to Sign Certificate to Company furnishing Bond to Treasurer of Hospital Association, relative to Expenditure of $30,000 00 - - - - - _ 101 Directed to Deposit in Sinking Fund for Committee on Workmen's Compensation Insurance _ 247 Manner of Payment to Various Organizations and Associations _ XIII • Re -appropriation to General and Highway Funds 164, 265 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balances _ 164, 190, 197, 217, 247, 265 County Audits ___ _ 300 County Budget—Relative to _ 132, 256 County Bonds—Relative to _ _ 79, 91, 200, 250 County Lands—Relative to Acquisition of ___ _ 6, 7, 16, 27 Relative to Signboards 120 Chairman and Clerk Authorized to Sell 77 County Property—Sale of _ 296 County Buildings—Light, Heat and Telephone for _ 212 - Committee Authorized to ,Make Repairs on 214 County Buildings, New—Appropriation for Engineer's Services for _ 39 Relative to Bids for _ __ __ 41 County Treasurer Directed to Pay Orders for 81, 106 Relative to Inspectors on _ _ 97 Acquisition of Lands for 6, 7 Relative to Change of Site 16 Contractors Bonds for _ 53 Awarding Contracts for __ __ _ 48 Relative to Proposals for 41, 43, 47, 48 Hardware for 96 Equipment for _ __ 97 Legal Services for ____ ___ 98, 99 Relative to 7, 38, 39, 49, 70, 79 Appropriation of $371,787 91 Appropriation of $178,213 ____ Relative to Issuance of Bonds for $550,000 200, 250 Relative to Bonds -- --- 242 Relative to Equipment for _ _ 284, 296 County Clerk's Building Relative to Safeguarding Records in _ _ 213 Janitor at __ __ _ ____ _ 193 County Home Keeper of—Salary of __ 193 Physician at—Salary of 232 Appropriation for Inspection of Sprinkler System at 38 Appropriation for Fuel at _ ____ _ __ 215 Committee Authorized to Purchase Ensilage Cutter at 62 Co Treasurer Directed to Pay for Ensilage Cutter at _ 83 Committee Authorized to Purchase and Install Washing Machine and Hot Water Heater at _ __ _ 30 Committee Authorized to Make Repairs at _ ____ 214 Appropriation for Plumbing at Court House and County Home 84 County Jail—Matron at, Election of 166 Salary of _ 193 Physician at, Election of 166 Salary of 212 Committee Authorized to Make Repairs at 214 XIV Relative to Inspection of 117 County Laboratory Election to Board of Managers 168 Appropriation to _ 196 Manner of Payment to _ _ _ 197 Report of 191 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 238 County Library Commission Appointment of Member to _ 168 County Library Service Appropriation to 196 Manner of Payment to 197 County Machinery Building Committee Authorized to Make Repairs on 212 County Machinery Highway Advisory Committee Authorized to Purchase 9, 244 County Map—Relative to 26, 195, 284 Relative to Approving Additional Highways 21 County System of Roads (See Highways) County—Action Against, Relative to 56 Committee Authorized to Defend 57 Amount Charged to—For Election Expenses 176 For Support of Poor 188 Highway Indebtedness of 341 Bonded Indebtedness of - 238, 379 Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 113, 138 Valuation of (See Valuations) County Government—Relative to Reducing Cost of 132 Relative to Survey of 294 County Matters—Chairman and Clerk Authorized to Act in 215 County Public Health Committee (See Public Health) County Spraying Outfit—Relative to Sale of 296 County and Town Poor—Support of 188, 262 County Tax—For State Purposes 265 For General and Poor Purposes 265 For Highway Purposes 265 County Tax Rates _ _ _ 270 County Oiders—County Treasurer Directed to Pay 138 Canvass—Official _ 385 Ceitificates of Indebtedness— County Treasurer Authorized to Boriow 73, 78, 80, 83, 92, 136, 171, 206, 237 Payment of Certain 292 Charities Relative to Contract with State Aid Association 199 Child Walfare (See Board of Child Welfare) Children's Court—Expenses of, Charged to Towns and City _ 189 City of Ithaca (See Ithaca City) City and Towns—County Treasurer Directed to Pay Balances to 138 City Tax Rates, for State and County Taxes _ _ 280 XV Claim—Of Howard Cobb and C Tracey Stagg 99 Of Lester C Tichy, Inspector 98 Of Eugene F Van Name for Culvert, Audited by Board _ 191 Of John H Steele for Injuries __ _ 40 Rejection of 40 Claims—Audited by Several Committees During Year 125, 131, _ __ _ _ _ 191, 192, 195, 238 For Examinations in Lunacy—Charged to Towns and City 13, _ _ - - __ 35, 67, 106, 224 For Sheriff's Expenses—Charged to Towns and City 13, 35, - -- -- 67, 221 Of Institutions—Charged to Towns and City 224 County Treasurer Directed to Pay 13, 35, 67, 77, 98, 99, 138 County Treasurer Directed to Pay—Charged to Towns and City 13, 35, 68, 106 Clerk Hire for County Officers _ 18; 194 Clerks of Towns and City—Names and Addresses of 392, 396 Collectors of Towns—Names and Addresses of 392, 396 Relative to Annexation of Warrants of 216 Directed to Settle 244 Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign Warrants of 297 Communication—From Boy Scouts 6 From Tuberculosis Hospital, Relative to Donation 170 Board of Livingston Co, Relative to Rights of Way 6 From State, Relative to County Map 21 Relative to Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds 113 From State, Relative to Tax _ 112 From State, Relative to Abandonment of Highways 21 From Attorney of the Board 28 Compensation Insurance—Relative to 247 Report of Committee on 245 Relative to Expenses of 194, 197 Apportionment of Expenses Amoiig Several Towns and City 246 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balances 247 Comptroller—Communication from—Relative to State Tax 112 Relative to Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 113, 138 Report of Clerk to _ __ _ 377 Condemnation Proceedings—Relative to 20, 24, 25, 59 Chairman Authorized to Sign Papers 76 Construction of Highway near Stewart Park 172 Construction Program for Highways for 1933 286 Appropriation for 289 Re -construction Piogram - - 289 Contracts—With Onondaga County Board of Supervisors for Board of Prisoners - – 209 With Consulting Equipment Engineer _ _ 296 For Printed Proceedings 243 a XVI Awarded for New County Buildings _ 48 Contractors—Relative to, Bonds of _ _ ...... _.2..._ 48 Approval of _ _ Corney Library Association—Relative to Appropriation to 121, 175, 256 Court Expenses (See County Budget) Court House—Janitor at _ _ 194 Plumbing at _ 84 Court Stenographer's Tax _ Costs of County Government—Relative to Reducing __ ___ ___ D Danby—Names and Addresses of Towns Officers 392 Audits of -- _ _ _ 307 Budget of - _ 272 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys 295 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax - __- - - _-_ __ -__- 230 Amount Charged to Town for Compensation Insurance . - _ - - 246 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses _ _ . _ 176 Amount Charged to Town for Sheriff's Expenses - _ - 13, 35, 68, 221 Amount Charged to Town for Support of Poor - - - 188 Returned School Taxes of _ . _ ._ ___ _ .. ____ _ - 142 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 185 Tax Rates of Town _ - _ . _ __ 272 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts _ 272 Dryden—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 392 Audits of ' - - .._ _ 308 Budget of ___ - 273 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys _ _ 295 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax ____. 230 Amount Charged to Town for Compensation Insurance _ - 246 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses _ 176 Amount Charged to Town for Examinations in Lunacy - 68, 106 Amount Charged to Town for Expenses of Children's Court - - 189 Amount Charged to Town for Sheriff's Expenses - 13, 35, 68, 221 Amount Charged to Town for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 113, 138 Amount Charged to Town for Support of Poor 188 Relative to Willow Glen Cemetery 25 Returned School Taxes of __ ___ ___ _____ ___ 144 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 185 Tax Rates for Town . _ __ _ _ - 273 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts _ _ .____._ .._ .. _._ . _. 274 Deaf-Mutes—Care of, Charged to City - ._ .... 223 Deduction—From 1933 Budget, Relative to Co Welfare Fund -- _- 103, 234 Deficiency—County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer in Case of - - 265 Department of Taxation and Finance (See Comptroller) Designation—Of Committees - _ -_ 8, 96, 110, 266 Of Newspapers for Official Notices 133 XVII Of Highways for Snow Removal 217 Of Highway for Improvement - _ __._ - 38 Of Highway for future Construction - 285 Directory—Political _ - - - - ---- 387 Dirt Roads—Relative to Improvement of - - 218, 256 District Attorney (See County District Attorney) Dog Fund—Claims Payable from . _ - - _ - 35, 68, 107, 225, 237 Moneys Apportioned to Towns - -. -__ ______ .... _ 295 Report of County Treasurer on .. - . Claims Audited by Committee During Year - - 191 Dogs—Relative to Quarantine on - --. _ 65 Committee on Quarantine on . 111, 267 E Enfield—Names and Addresses of Town Officers _ -- _ 393 Audits of - . _ _____..._ __ . 310 Budget of _ - 275 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys - 295 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax _ __.. __ __ 230 Amount Charged to Town for Compensation Insurance - 246 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses . - 176 Amount Charged to Town for Expenses of Children's Court -- 189 Amount Charged to Town for Sheriff's Expenses . 13, 35, 68, 221 Amount Charged to Town for Support of Poor - - - - 188 Returned School Taxes of - - - --_---_--_---- ------ ' _ 147 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges . - -_ 185 Tax Rates of -. .. . - - - --- - . - -- ...___ ___ __ --- 275 Election—Of Chairman of Board - - . - ------- - -- - -- ----- - - 4, 241, 290 Of Temporary Chairman of Board ..._.. ..... - . 4, 178 Of Clerk of Board . _... - - •- .-- ----•- -•---------- 108 Of Commissioners of Elections — - -- - ... 166 Of County Superintendent of Highways _ . . . ... . 167 Of Jail Matron ... 166 Of Jail Physician - -- ...-._-__.._-_ . - _ _ _-. --- 166 Of Officers and Representatives of the Board - .. _____ 167, 168 To Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital . __ 168 Elections—Commissioners of (See Commissioners of Elections) Designation of Newspapers to Publish Notices of - 133 Official Canvass of _ - - _ 385 Election Expenses—Apportionment of - _ . . .. _-_ 176 Amounts Charged to Towns and City for - 176 Emergency Work Relief Bureau—Relative to - 5 Committee Continued in Power 169 (Also see Temporary Emergency Relief Administration) Enforcement of Quarantine on Dogs (See Dogs) Equalized Value of County—By State By Board of Supervisors 180, 182 XVIII Equalization -Regular Report of Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls 126 Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls 128 Report of Coinmittee for General Tax Levy 180 Report of Committee for Highway Tax Levy _ _ 182 Report of Committee on Ratios and Percentage 181 Report of Committee on Apportionment of Taxes 268 Report of Committee Relative to Assessment Rolls _ 297 Equipment Engineer -Committee Authorized to Enter into a Contract for 284, 296 Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis (See Bovine Tuberculosis) Errors in Minutes -Clerk Authorized to Correct 139 Estimates -For Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 184 Executive Session of Board _ 57, 136 Expenses, Etc -Of County Officers _ _ 194 Of Children's Court, Charged to Towns and City 189 Of Compensation Insurance, Charged to Towns and City 246 Of Elections, Charged to Towns and City 176 Of Examinations in Lunacy, Charged to Towns` and City _ _ _ 13, 35, 68, 106 Of Sheriff's Expenses, Charged to Towns and City _ 13,' 35, 68, 221 To Be Audited by Board _ 194 F Farm Bureau -Appropriation, to _ _ _ __ 196 Manner of Payment to , 197 Appropriation to, For Junior Project Work i __ 194 Election of Representative to _ , , i 167 Election of Representative to Junior Extension 168 Relative to 134 Finances -Report of County Treasurer on _ 323 Relative to State Tax __ 112 Appropriation to General Fund 260 Appropriation to Poor Fund 262 Appropriation to Highway Fund _ _ _ 263 Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 238, 379 County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer . 265 County Treasurer Authorized to Credit in Certain Cases _ 264 County Treasurer Authorized to Borrow 5, 9, 13, 16, 21, 35, 42, 63, 67, 72, 78, 80, 83, 84, 103, 106, 136, 171, 205, 237 County Treasurer Authorized to Borrow on Notes or Certificates of Indebtedness 73, 78, 80, 83, 208 County Treasurer Directed to Pay Balances to Towns & City _ 138 Report of Committee on County Budget _ 256 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balances 164, 190, 217, 247, 265 XIX Finance Committee (See Committee on Finance) Fourth of July Celebration—Relative to Footing Assessment Rolls (See Committee on Equalization) Fuel, Heat and Light (See Committee on Contract Supplies) 62, 219 G Groton—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 393 Audits of _ _ 311 Budget of _ _ _ 276 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys - 295 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 230 Amount Charged to Town for Compensation Insurance 246 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 176 Amount Charged to Town for Examinations in Lunacy 224 Amount Charged to Town for Sheriff's Expenses 35, 221 Amount Charged to Town for Support of Poor 188 Returned School Taxes of - 148 Resolution of Thanks by Town Board of _ __ 38 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 185 Tax Rates for Town - 276 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts - 277 General and Poor Purposes—Appropriation for 265 General Fund—Appropriation for _ __ 256, 260 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balance 164, 190, 197 General Tax—Apportionment of - - -- 269 General Tax Levy—Report of Equalization Committee on _ _ _ _ 180 Grade Crossings—Elimination of Chairman and Attorney to Represent County in __ 213 Grand Jurors—Relative to _ 170 Grand Jury—Presentment by 11� Gravel Banks—Purchase of, for Highways 31 Greetings Extended Chairman __ 238 Guide to Town Officers - - 387 H Health Public—Appropriation for _ _ 196 Committee on 267 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 192 (Also See Bovine Tuberculosis) Heat (See Committee on Contract Supplies) Home Bureau Association—Appropriation to 196 Manner of Payment to _ _ 197 Relative to _ 134 Howell—Resolution relative to 238 Highways—Relative to Bridges—Committee on 111 Relative to Sign Boards on 120 ( XX Relative to Grade Crossing Elimination Chairman and Attorney to Represent County in _ 213 Abandoned, Relative to _ 131, 297 Abandonment of, By State _ - 21 Appropriation for Highway Machinery, Etc _ _ 9 Appropriation for Improvement of Dirt Roads __ 218, 256 Maintenance of, Mitchell St—East Town Line 173 Relative to Construction of State Highway near Stewart Park 173 Relative to Removal of Abutment on Ithaca-Esty Glen Highway 7 Under Provisions of Sec 320-A, of the Highway Law 218, 255 Rights of Way—Appropriations for 19, 27, 41, 52, 64, 76, 84, 102, 103, 106, 114, 177, 185, 217 Committee on Highways and Attorney for Board Authorized to Secure 213 Relative to Water Supply on State Highway 52 Relative to Lands of Max Blum 84 Relative to Change of Grade on State Highway 190 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balances 217 Snow Removal—Appropriation for _ - 20, 217 Program for _ _ 78, 217 Relative to Equipment for _ __ _ _ 109, 135 Services of Town Superintendents at Expense of Towns -__ --- 248 Relative to Condemnation Proceedings _ 20, 24, 25, 59, 76 Superintendent of (See County Superintendent of Highways) Town Superintendents of—Names and Addresses of 392, 396 Relative to Snow Removal 248 Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) Highways—Under County System County Map—Relative to 21, 26, 284 Construction Program for 1933 _ __ __ 286 Appropriation for - ..... __- - 289 Reconstruction Program for 1933 _ _ 289 Appropriation for _ __ 289 Advisory Committee—Authorized to Secure Bids and Purchase Machinery and Implements 9, 244 Authorized to Make Repairs on County Machinery Building 212 Appropriation for Purchase of Gravel Bank for County and Town Highways _ _ _ 31 Relative to Designation of Highway for Improvement 38 Inspection of __ _ ___ 109 Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 185, 381-385 Highway Fund for Towns _ _ 381 Highway Fund for County—Appropriation for - 262 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balances 164, 217 XXI Highway Tax Levy. -Report of Equalization Committee on 182 Highway Tax—Appropriation for _ _ 265 Apportionment of -- 269 Rates for _ - -- 270 For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for State and County Highways 113, 138 For Improvement of Highways and Bridges 185 Highways Money System—Report to Comptroller on _ 377 I Ithaca City—Names and Addresses of City Officers 393 Budget of - 280 Amount Due City from Dog Moneys __ 295 Amount Due City from Mortgage Tax 230 Amount Charged to City for Compensation Insurance 246 Amount Charged to City for Election Expenses 176 Amount Charged to City for Examinations in Lunacy 13, 35, 68, 106 Amount Charged to City for Expenses of Children's Court 189 Amount Charged to City for Deaf -Mutes 224 Amount Charged to City for Sheriff's Expenses 13, 35, 68, 221 Amount.Charged to City for Support of Poor .... -. 188 Police to Safeguard Records in Co Clerk's Bldg 213 Returned School Taxes 158 Tax Rates of _ _ _ _ 280 Ithaca Town—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 394- Audits 94Audits of _ _ __ 318 Budget of _ 278 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys 295 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 230 Amount Charged to Town for Compensation Insurance 246 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 176 Amount Charged to Town for Examinations in Lunacy 106 Amount Charged to Town for Expenses of Children s Court 189 Amount Charged to Town for Sheriff's Expenses 13, 35, 68, 221 Amount Charged to Town for Support of Poor 188 Returned School Taxes of _ _ - 150 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges - 185 Tax Rates of _ - 278 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts 279 Ithaca Chamber of Commeice—Relative to Request of 294 Ithaca Memorial Hospital—Relative to 28, 29, 63, 75, 101 Improvement of Dirt Roads with County Aid __ 218, 256 Indebtedness—Bonded, Of County and Towns 238, 379 Printed in Proceedings 238 Payment of Certain - -- - - - 292 Certificates of, Relative to 73, 78, 80, 84, 98, 136, 171, 208, 237 Inspection of Highways Built Under County System 109 XXII Institutions—Claims of, Charged to Towns and City _ ___ 224 Insurance—Workmen's Compensation, Relative to _ _ 247 Issuance of Bonds—For New County Buildings _ _ _ _ 250 Ithaca-Esty Glen Highway—Relative to 172 J Jail (See County Jail) Jail Matron (See County Jail) Jail Physician (See County Jail)' Judge, County (See County Judge) Judge of Children's Court (See Children's Court) Junior Project Extension Work (See Farm Bureau Association) Justices' of the Peace—Names and Addresses of __ 392-396 Reports of 368 To Be Published in Printed Proceedings ___ _ _ 238 L Lansing—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 394 Audits of 319 Budget of __ _ 281 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys 295 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax _ _ 230 Amount Charged to Town for Compensation Insurance 246 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 176 Amount Charged to Town for Sheriff's Expenses _ 13, 35, 68, 221 Amount Charged to Town for Support of Poor 188 Returned School Taxes of _ __ _ 152 Tax for Improvements of Highways and Bridges 185 Tax Rates of _ 281 Tax Rates for Lighting Districts _ __ 281 Laboratory (See County Laboratory) - Lands Abandoned—Relative to _ 21, 26, 291 Library—Relative to County (See Co Library Service) Light, Heat and Telephone (See Committee on Contract Supplies) Lunacy—Amount Charged to Towns and City for Examinations in 12, 35, 67, 106, 224 M Machinery—Snow Equipment, Relative to 109, 135 Tax for Improvement of Highways, Bridges, Etc 185 Highway Advisory Committee Authorized to Purchase 9 Machinery Fund for Towns 185, 383 Maintenance—Additional for Tuberculosis Hospital __ __ 62 Of County and Town Poor _ 188, 262 Of Highways (See Highways) Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital (See Tuberculosis Hospital) XXIII Matron at County Jail (See County Jail) Meetings of Board of Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) Memorial Hospital—Relative to _ _ __ _ 28, 29, 75 Mileage—Resolution Pertaining to _ . 26 Minutes of Board—Relative to __ _ __ 50, 60 Clerk Authorized to Correct Errors in _ .. - 139 Miscellaneous Fund for Towns _ __ . .. ___ __ _ . 185, 384 Moreland, Hon Sherman—Privileges of the Floor Extended to . 46, 49 Mortgage Tax—Reports on _ . ..... 230 Amounts Due Town and City from . _ _____ 230 Statement of __ _ _ 370 Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) N Newfield—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 394 Audits of _ 320 Budget of _ _ __ 282 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys _ __ 295 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax . ___ 230 Amount Charged to Town for Compensation Insurance 246 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses ____ _ 176 Amount Charged to Town for Examinations in Lunacy 13 'Amount Charged to Town for Expenses of Children's Court 189 Amount Charged to Town for Sheriff's Expenses 13, 35, 68, 221 Amount Charged to Town for Support of Poor 188 Returned School Taxes of _ __ _ 154 Relative to Highway Stricken from County Map 285 Relative to Highway Added to County Map 285 Woodlawn Cemetery Association— Chairman and Clerk Authorized to Convey Lands to 291 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 185 Tax Rates of _ __ _ 282 Tax Rates for Lighting District ____ _ 282 Names and Addresses—Of Supervisors __ __ _ __ 108 Officers—County and Town _ _ 391-396 Newspapers—Designation of, to Publish Official Notices _ 133 Notes or Certificates of Indebtedness—Relatives to 73, 78, 80, 83, 84, _ _ _ _ _ 92, 136, 171, 208, 237 O Officers—County and Town _ _ _ 392-396 County, Election of _ __ _ 166, 167 Office—Rentals .. _._ ___ 164, 214 Official Canvass 385 Official Notices—Designation of Newspapers to Publish _ _ ___ ____________ ____._ 133 Old Age Security Fund—Appropriation to 30, 64, 235 XX1V Appropriation for Salary of Stenographer 268 Relative to Report of Committee on 196, 360 Onondaga County Penitentiary --Relative to Board of Prisoners at 209 P Payment to Various Organizations and Associations 197 Pensions (See Old Age Security Fund) Personal Property in County—Valuation of _ __ 371 Petitions—Relative to County Building _ 38 Physician at County Jail (See County Jail) Political Directory _ _ _ _ 387 Poor—Overseers of—Names and Addresses of _ _ 392-396 Report of Committee on Report of Commissioner of Public Welfare _ 196, 232 Support of, Charged to Towns and City _ _ 188 Superintendent of (See County Commissioners of Public Welfare) Poor Fund—Appropriations to _ 261 Poor Purposes—Tax for General and _ 265 Postage for County Officers _ _ 77, 213 Post Office Addresses—Of Supervisors 108 Of County and Town Officers 392-396 Presentment—By Grand Jury 115 Printed Proceedings (See Board of Supervisors) Prisoners—Relative to Board of, At Onondaga Co Penitentiary 209 Probation Officers (See County Probation Officer) Property—Valuation of—By State 112 By Assessors 126 Statement of Valuations 371 Proposals—Relative to _ _ ,4-2, 49 Opening of—for New County Buildings 41 Awarding of Contracts 48 Public Health—Committee on _ 169, 267 Report of _ _ 132 Appropriations for a _ 196 Manner of Payment to 197 Relative to _ _ _ 132 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 192 Relative to Bovine Tuberculosis (See Bovine Tuberculosis) Public Welfare (See Welfare) Public Welfare Work—aRelative to Agent for __ 199 Q Quarterly Sessions of Board (See Board of Supervisors) Quarterly Sessions—Audits at 12, 35, 67, 106 Quarantine on Dogs—Relative to _ _ 65 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 191 Dog Fund, Claims Payable from 35, 68, _ 107, 225, 237 XXV R Rates—For State Tax - - - 270 For County Tax, General and Poor - - _ 270 For County Tax, Highway _ 270 For Towns and City (See Under Various Towns and City) Rates of Assessments in Towns—As Fixed by State Tax Department 113 As Fixed by Board of Supervisors 180 Ratios and Percentages—Report of Committee on _ _ _ 181 Real Property—Valuation of, By State - __ 112 Valuation of, By Assessors _ ____ _ 126 Re -appropriation of Unexpended Balances 164, 190, 197, 217, 247, 265 Reconstruction of Highways for 1933 _ _ _ _ 286 Appropriation for 289 Records—Safeguarding of County 213 Reduction of Costs of County Government—Relative to 132 Reforestation—Committee on - _ 111, 267 Report of Committee on Appropriation __ _ 190 Relative to _ _ _ 110 Refund of Bank Stock Taxes—Relative to _ - _ -_ 118, 121 Removal of Snow (See Highways) Rentals—For County Offices ___ 163, 214 Requisition from State Commission for the Blind _-_ 117 Resignation—From Committees -- -- -- 8 Returned School Taxes—Relative to _ _ 139, 163 Co Treasurer Authorized to Pay _ 171 Rights of Way (See Highways) Roads—County System of (See Highways) Roster—Of County Officers (See Under Various County Officers) Of Town Officers _ 391 Reports—Of County Officers (See Under Various County Officers) Of Committees (See Under the Several Committees) Of Clerk of Board to Comptroller 377 On County Laboratory _ 191 Of Board of Managers of Tuberculoses Hospital (See Tuberculosis Hospital) Of Bonded Indebtedness _ 238, 379 Of Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns _ 381-385 Of Justices' of the Peace - _ _ 368 Of Special Franchises _ __>239 Of Taxes Levied 372 Of Valuations of Property _ _ 371 Resolutions—Relative to Change of Site of County Buildings 16, 27 Relative to New County Buildings 15, 27, 72, 79, 81, 87, 91 Authorizing County Treasurer to Borrow on Notes or Certificates of Indebtedness 73, 78, 80, 83, 84, 94 Relative to Financing of New County Buildings 242 XXVI Relative to Issuing Bonds _ _ __ 250 1 Relative to Gas, Water and Sewer Pipes 27 Relative to Act Ratifying _ 87 Relative to Providing for Payment of Certificates of Indebtedness _ __ __ _ - 292 Relative to Sec 320-A, of the Highway Law __ 218 Relative to Improvement of Dirt Roads 218 Relative to Abandoned Highways _ _ __ 131 Relative to Willow Glen Cemetery Association 25 Relative to Woodlawn Cemetery Association 291 Relative to Transfer or Convey Highway Lands Abandoned 22 Rescended, Relative to Appropriation for Right of Way 102 Relative to Construction of Pipe Lines _ __ 31 Of Thanks form Town Board of Groton _ 38 Relative to Sidney L Howell 238 Relative to Fourth of July Celebration _ _ 219 Relative to Survey of County Government 294 Relative to Emergency Work Relief _ _ _ 4, 5, 18 Relative to Mileage of County Officials, Employees, and Members of Board 26 Relative to Care of Charity Patients 63 Relative to Ithaca Memorial Hospital _ 29, 75, 101 s Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) Sessions of Board (See Board of Supervisors) Special Sessions of Board (See Board of Supervisors) Sessions—Audits at, Annual __ _ _ _ 300 Audits at, Quarterly _ _ _ _ __ 12, 35, 67, 106 Salaries (See Under County Officers) Safeguard—Interests of the County 57, 96 Safeguarding County Records—Relative to _ 213 Sealer of Weights and Measures (See County Sealer of Weights and Measures) Settlement of Collectors—Time of _ _ __ _ ___ . 244 School Districts—Bonded Indebtedness of 238, 380 School Taxes—Returned _ _ __ 139 Sheriff (See County Sheriff) Sign Boards on Highways—Relative to _ _ _ 120 Sinking Fund and Interest—Amounts to be Raised by County and Towns for Bonds Issued for State and County Highways _ 113, 138 Snow Removal (See Highways) Snow and Miscellaneous Fund for Towns _ _ _ 384 Special County Judge and Surrogate __ 193 Special Franchises _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ 240 Spraying Outfit—Sale of County _ _ __ 296 Statement—Of Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 238, 379 XXVII Of County Commissioner of Welfare 20 Of Mortgage Tax 230, 370 Of Taxes Levied - 372 Of Taxes Levied for Repairs of Highways - 377 Of Tax Rates for Towns and City (See Under Several Towns and City) Of Valuations of Real and Personal Property 371 State Tax 112, 256, 265 Rates for - 270 State Tax Commission Rates of Assessments as Fixed by 113 State Charities Aid Association—Relative to 199 Appropriation for 200 State Conseivation Department—Relative to Reforestation Program 110 State Highway Resolution Relative to 172 Steele, John H —Claim of, for Injuries _ 40 Rejection of 40 Stenographers , Etc —Tax 112, 256 Superintendent of Highways (See Co Supt of Highways) Superintendent of the Poor (See Co Commissioner of Public Welfaie) Suprenme Court Judge—Rental of Office for 214 Postage for _- _ 115 Surrogate (See County Judge) Surrogate's Clerk—Report of Committee On _ 175 D T Taxation and Finance—Department of (See Comptroller) Tax for Lighting Districts (See Town Budgets) Tax, State—Armory _ 112, 256, 265 Stenographers, Etc 112, 256, 265 For County—General and Poor Purpose 265 Highway Purposes 265 For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds for Construction of State and County Highways 113, 138 For Improvement of Highways and Bridges 185 Taxes—Apportionment of _ 269 Assessment of 126 Rates for 270 Returned _ 139 Statement of Those Levied 372 Statement of Mortgage 370 For General and Poor Purposes 260, 262 For Highway Purposes 263 Tax Bank—Relative to 118, 121 Tax Collectors—Directed to Settle _ - 244 Relative to Warrants of _ - 216 Tax Levy—General _ _ 180 Highway - 182 Tax Rates—For County 270 . For Tovins (See Town Budgets) XXVIII For Lightening Districts (See Town Budgets) To Be Published in Printed Proceedings _ 248 Tax Warrants—Relative to, Date of Annexation 215, 297 Telephones (See Committee on Contract Supplies) Temporary Chairman—Election of 4, 178 Temporay Emergency Relief Administration— Relative to 4, 5 Appropriation for _ _ _ 5, 62 Committee Continued in Power 169 Clerk for, and Additional Welfare Work 18 Relative to Highway for Construction _ 26 County Treasurer Directed to Pay Orders of _ _ 5 Time of Settlement by Collectors 244 Tompkins County Public Health (See Public Health) Tompkins County Memorial Hospital—Relative to _ 28, 29, 101 v Tompkins County Court House and Jail Committee Continued in Power _ 4 Relative to Purchase of Land for 6, 7, 16, 27 Approval of Plans and Specifications for 17 Approval of Architect for _ 17 (Also See County Buildings) Tompkins County Welfare Officers Association—Relative to Charges of Memorial Hospital _ ___ _ 63 Towns—Names and Addresses of Officers of _ 392-396 Audits of (See Under Several Towns) Clerk of Board Directed to Publish in Proceedings 244 Budgets of 271 Amount Due Town from Dog Funds __ 295 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 230 Amount Charged to, for Compensation Insurance 246 Amount Charged to, for Election Expenses _ 176 Amount Charged to, for Examinations in Lunacy 13, 35, 68, 106, 224 Amount Charged to, for Expenses of Children's Court 189 Amount Charged to, for Sheriff's Expenses 13, 35, 68,221 Amount Charged to, for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 113, 138 Amount Charged to, for Support of Poor 188 Returned Taxes of _ 139 Apportionment of Taxes to 269 Bonded Indebtedness of 238,379 Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds of 185, 381 Appropriation for Improvement of Dirt Roads 218, 256 Payment of Balance to, by County Treasurer _ 138 Rates of Assessments (See Assessments) Special Franchises of _ 240 Relative to Care of Charity Patients 63, 75 XXIX Resolution Relative to Budgets of _ __ ___ _ -- -- - 284- Tax 84Tax for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construc- tion of State and County Highways __ 113, 138 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 185 Tax Rates of (See Under Various Towns) To be Published in Proceedings 248 Town Collectors—Names and Addresses of 392 Directed to Settle - 244 Town and County Officers—Names and Addresses of _ - 391 Town and County Poor—Support of 188 Town and County System of Roads (See Highways) Town Officers—Guide to - __ _- 387 Town Superintendents of Highways—Names and Addresses of _ __ _ _ _ 392, 393, 394, 395 Services of, in Snow Removal at the Expense of Towns -- 248 Treasurer (See County Treasurer) Tuberculosis—Bovine (See Bovine Tuberculosis) Tuberculosis Hospital Election to Board of Managers _ _ _ __ __ 168 Report of—Board of Managers, Relative to 130, 198, 344 Appropriation for - -- - -- - 199 Additional for Maintenance _ 62 Claims Audited by Committee During Year _ _ _ _ 195 Committee Authorized to Make Repairs at _ - 212 U Ulysess—Names and Addresses of Town Officers _ __ _ - 395 Audits at 321 Budget of _ _ _ __ __ 283 Amount Due Town from Dog Moneys ____ 295 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax ___ __ 230 Amount Charged to Town for Compensation Insurance 246 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses _ _ 176 Amount Charged to Town for Examinations in Lunacy _ 68, 106 Amount Charged to Town for Sheriff's Expenses 13, 35, 68, 221 Amount Charged to Town for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 113, 138 Amount Charged to Town for Support of Poor 188 Returned School Taxes of _ __ _ - _ 156 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges _ 185 Tax Rates of _ . - 283 Unexpended Balances—Re-appropriation of 164, 190, 197, 215, 265 v Valuations—Of County By State - _ 112 Of County By Assessors __ - 126 XXX !Statement of _ _ ____ _ 371 Veterans of Foreign Wars—Relative to _ __ 62 Villages—Amount Due from Mortgage Tax _ _ 231 Bonded Indebtedness of - 238, 379 Votes—Official Canvass of _ _ 385 w Warrants of Collectors—Chariman and Clerk Directed to Sign _ _ 297 Welfare Work—Additional Clerk Hire for _ _ _. _ _ 18 Welfare—Relative to Additional Appropriation for Public 14, 19, 20 Appropriation for __ 63, 78, 102, 233 Appropriation for Old Age Security _ 235 County Treasurer Directed to Transfer Funds 31,51, 64 Relative to Charges of Memorial Hospital - 63, 75 Relative to _ _ _ _ ___ __ 132 Willow Glen Cemetery—Chairman and Clerk Authorized to Transfer Lands to _ _ __ __ _ 25 Woodlawn Cemetery Association—Chairman and Clerk Authoiized to Trans- fer Lands to _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 291 Work Relief—Relative to Emegency __ _ __ _ 5, 6 (Also See Temporary Emergency Relief) Workmen's Compensation—Relative to __ 245