HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927 ProceedingsProceedings BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK 1927 W. J. SHAVER, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. 1 Proceedings BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK 1927 W. J. SHAVER, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK,. Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. Quarterly Session Monday, February 14, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Jones. The Clerk read a number of claims which were received and referred to the proper committees. Mayer Howe, of the City of Ithaca, appeared before the Board relative to the Soldiers' Memorial, and the providing of • proper Lighting facilities therefor. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the former Committee on Soldiers' Memorial be continued in power, with authority to co-operate with the proper officials of the city in providing for properly lighting .the Soldiers' Memorial and also for the planting of such trees and shrubbery as will furnish a proper background and surroundings therefor, but with the understanding and agreement, that after said work is properly completed, all ex- penses of maintenance and repair thereto shall be borne by the City of Ithaca. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the Ithaca Chamber of Commerce, relative to a dinner to be given on Thursday, February 17, which was filed. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, asking authority to borrow moneys, under the pro- visions of §320-A, of the Highway Law, which. was filed. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : • Rosotved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, this day filed, be granted, and that the town he au- thorized to borrow, on the faith and credit of the town, the sum of $.10,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of construction or improvement of highways, under the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway Law. 4 .PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13OARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the Chairman appoint a committee of three, which with himself and the attorney for the Board, are auther- ized and directed to act for and on behalf of the Board in any matter that may arise in which the state and county are mu- tually interested. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—This Board has heretofore appropriated the sum of $600.00 each, as salaries of the Commissioners of Election, and the sum of $1,000.00 for clerk hire, postage and incidental expenses of that office, to the total amount of $2,200.00, and WHEREAS—The newly elected Commissioners of EIection have indicated to the committee of this Board, that they per- sonally desire to perform the duties heretofore performed by the clerk and have asked that the amount heretofore appropri- ated to that office for clerk hire, be paid to them personally as a part of their salaries for the additional work performed by them, heretofore performed by the clerk, therefore be it Resolved—That the resolutions heretofore adopted by this Board, relative to salaries and clerk hire for the Commissioners of Election, be hereby rescinded, and be it further Resolved ----That there be and hereby is appropriated, as and of January 1, 1927, the sum of $900.00 each, as salaries of the Commissioners of Election, and an allowance of $400.00 for postage and incidental expenses of that office, amounting in all to the sum of $2,200.00 per year, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amounts as and from January 1, 1927, in the same manner as salaries and allowances have been heretofore paid to that office. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 5 Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $750.00, for the purchase of lands owned by Dryden Village, or the Trustees thereof, and known as the Albright Home prop- erty, in the Town of Dryden, necessary for a right of way in the reconstruction of C. H. No. 683, as set forth on the map attached to the option executed pursuant to a resolution► adopted by the Board of Village Trustees, adopted March 10, 1925, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order for said amount, payable to the owners of said land in question, upon the delivery to him of a proper deed of conveyance of said lands, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for the securing of rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. - Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—In March, 1926, a committee from this Board was assured, by the officials of the State Bureau of Highways, that the construction of Route No 11 (so-called), leading from S. H. No. 5627, through the hamlets of Myers and Lake Ridge, to the Cayuga County line, would be commenced during the year 1927, and said highway would be completed during the year 1928, and WHEREAS—The .said State Bureau of Highways has since caused said highway to be surveyed and maps of said pro- posed highway to be prepared, thus indicating to this Board its intention to fulfill the assurances thus given, and WHEREAS—This Board fully appreciates the fair treatment accorded to this county by the State Bureau of Highways and the present officials connected therewith, and does not wish to appear as asking -for more than that to which it is entitled, nevertheless, this Board does feel that, owing to the deplor- able condition of S H. No. 5256, C. H. No. 1330 and C. H. No. 454, leading from South Lansing to the City of Ithaca, and also considering the large amount of traffic passing over said highways, the same should be reconstructed at as early a date as possible, therefore be it 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That this Board earnestly requests of the State Bureau of Highways, that said S. H. No. 5256, C. H. No. 1330 and C. H. No. 454, leading from South Lansing to the City of Ithaca, be reconstructed during the years 1927 and 1928, so that a completed concrete highway will lead from the City of Ithaca, through the hamlets of South Lansing, Myers and Lake Ridge over .said Route No. 11, to the City of Auburn, by the close of the year 1928, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be directed to for- ward certified copies of this resolution to the Hon. Frederick Stuart Greene, State Superintendent of Public Works, Arthur W. Brandt, State Commissioner of Highways and Col. Wm. M. Acheson, Division Engineer of the Third Division. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. Mr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved -=That the State Commission of Farms and Mar- kets be requested to place a quarantine on the dogs of Tomp- kins County from sunset to one hour after sunrise for the period of one year, commencing March 1. 1927 and ending February 29, 1928, and be it further Resolved ---That the Clerk of this Board be directed to for- ward a certified copy of this resolution to the State Commis- sioner of Farms and Markets. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved --That the same committee for the enforcement of the quarantine on dogs, be continued in power, with the same power and authority as conferred on it by a resolution of this Board adopted February 8, 1926. • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 7 Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried... Mr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board, by resolutions heretofore adopted, has allotted to the Town of Dryden a total of 33.61 miles of highways for construction under the County and, Town System of Roads, and WHEREAS—Only 29.29 miles of such allotment has hereto- fore been designated for construction in said town and placed on the county map, therefore be it Resolved—That of the remaining mileage in said town and undesignated for construction, there be hereby designated for construction in said town the highway known as the East Lake Road, commencing at the Harford Town line, near the Lehigh Valley Railroad, at Willow Crossing, thence north- westerly, crossing the Lehigh Valley R. R. tracks southeast of Dryden Lake, thence northerly east of' Dryden Lake, north- westerly to the south corporation line of the Village of Dryden, a distance of 3.50+ miles, and be it further Resolved—That the foregoing designation be approved and accepted and that the same be placed on the county map as a part of the County and Town System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—This Board has heretofore, by resolutions duly adopted, allotted to the Town of Lansing 24.53 miles of high- ways for construction under the County and Town System of Roads, and WHEREAS—Only 18.65 miles of such allotment has hereto-• fore been designated for construction under said system, therefore be it Resolved -That of the remaining mileage thus allotted, but not designated, there be designated for construction in said town under said system, the highway commencing at Hagin's 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Corners, on S. H. No. 5256, and leading thence northeasterly, easterly through Asbury, southeasterly, easterly to the Dryden Town line, a distance of 2.6 miles, and be it further Resolved—That the foregoing designation be approved and accepted and the same be placed on the county map as a part pf the County and Town System of Roads. • - Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved -That for the maintenance of the highways of Tompkins County for the year 1927, built under the provi- sions of §§320-A, 320-B, of the Highway Law, there be and hereby is appropriated from the Motor Vehicle Funds, to the County Highway Maintenance Fund, the sum of $22,000.00, in addition to the balance in said Highway Maintenance Fund in the hands of the County Treasurer, and the sum of $9,486.00, heretofore appropriated by this Board for the maintenance of highways built under the proivsions of. said §§320-A, 320-B, of the Highway Law, and be it further Resolved—That hereafter, the highways in Tompkins County receiving county aid under the provisions,of§320-A, or §320-B, of the Highway Law, shall be maintained at the places and in the manner decided by the Highway Officials Committee of the county, and the said Highway Officials Com- mittee is hereby authorized and directed to purchase a]1 neces- sary supplies and materials for the maintenance thereof, and be it further Resolved ---That said highways shall be maintained and re- paired under the supervision and direction of the County Superintendent of Highways, but with the aid and advice of the Highway Officials Committee, except that the county shall not be liable for the removal of obstructions caused by snow, nor for other obstructions as defined by §52, of the Highway Law, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, on orders drawn on said fund, payable to the persons performing the work or furnishing the materials, which orders shall first be approved by the Highway Officials Committee, signed by the County Superintendent of Highways and countersigned by the Chairman' of the Board of Supervisors. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK . Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to transfer from the Motor Vehicle Funds in her hands, to the Highway Construction Fund, the sum of $8,000.00, and the same is hereby appropriated for the construction of highways in Tompkins County for the year 1927, constructed under the provisions of §5320-A, 320-B, of the Highway Law, in addi- tion to the sum. of $28,730.00, heretofore appropriated by this Board for that purpose, and be it further Resolved That the materials used and the manner and method of application shall be the same as heretofore specified by resolutions of this Board, and be it further Resolved—That the number of miles of highways con- structed in 'Tompkins County for the year 1927, the number of miles apportioned to each town for construction, the group- ing of towns, the apportionment of highway moneys for con- struction, the work of construction and manner of payments made thereon, shall be the same as forthe year 1926, and be it further Resolved—That • for highway construction in Tompkins County for the year 1927, constructed under the provisions of §§320-A, 320-B, of the Highway Law, there be and hereby is appropriated and made immediately available to the several towns of the county, from the funds hereinafter indicated, the sums set opposite the names of those towns respectively, as follows : 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Town State Aid County Aid Totals Caroline $3,127.12 $3,997.88 $7,125.00 Danby 2,830.84 3,619.16 6,450.00 Dryden 5,071.42 6,483.58 11,555.00 Enfield 2,271.30 2,903.70 5,175.00 Groton 3,366.32 4,303.68 7,670.00 Ithaca 2,736.50 3',498.50 6,235.00 Lansing 3,688.90 4,716.10 8,405.00 Newfield 3,127.12 3,997.88 7,125M0 Ulysses 2,510.48 3,209.52 5,720.00 Totals $28,730.00 $36,730.00 $65,460.00 and be it further Resolved—That all cost of construction in excess of $10,000 per mile, shall be borne by the towns. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -13. Noes --0. Carried. The several supervisors presented the following list of -high- ways for construction in their respective towns for the year 1927, under the provisions of §§320-A, 320-B, of the Highway Law : HIGHWAYS FOR CONSTRUCTION IN 1927 County and Town System CAROLINE 1. The sub -base of the highway known as the "White Church Road" commencing at the west terminus of the 1926 construction and leading westerly to the corner near the cem- etery, thence southerly toward White Church, a distance of 10,032 feet, or enough to make a total completed mileage in said town for construction in 1927 of 0.95 miles. DANDY 1. The sub -base of the highway known as the "hiller Road," commencing at Station 17+50 and leading easterly, a distance of 3,530 feet. O[' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 11 2. The sub -base of the highway known as the "Dewitt Sincebaugh Road," commencing at S. H. No. 5567 and leading westerly to the Newfield Town line, a. distance of 1,600 feet. 3. The sub -base of the highway commencing at John Elyea's barn, on Designation No. 1, of the Town of Danby, leading thence southerly, a distance of 3,952 feet, or enough to make a total completed mileage in said town for construction in 1927 of 0.86 miles. DRYDEN 1. The sub -base of the highway known as the "Freeville McLean Road," commencing at Station 58+00, and leading easterly to Wolcott's Corners, a distance of 13,200 feet. 2. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway commencing at R. D. Simon's Corners and leading easterly a distance of 4,224 feet, or enough to make a total completed mileage in said town for construction in 1927 of 1.65 miles. 3. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway commencing at Station 42+24, on the highway leading from R. D. Simon's Corners to Designation No. 2, of the Town .lf Dryden, and leading easterly, a distance of 11,568 feet, and being the completion of the 1926 project for said town. ENFIELD 1. The sub -base of the highway known as Designation No. 10, of the Town of Enfield, commencing at Station 100+50, thence westerly to Brown's Corners, a distance of 900 feet. 2. The sub -base of the highway commencing at Rolinson's Corners, on C. H. No. 1623, and leading southerly toward Black Oaks Corners, a distance of 5,280 feet. 3. The sub -base of the highway commencing at Whipple's Corners, and leading westerly 1,106 feet, or enough to make a total completed mileage in said town for construction in 1927 of 0.69 miles. GROTON 1. The sub -base of the highway known as "Cobb Street," leading south from West Groton, commencing at Station 134+00, and leading southerly to Station 158+00, a distance of 2,400 feet. 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 2. The sub -base of the highway known, as the "Salt Road," commencing at C. H. No. 1433, and leading northerly, a dis- tance of 10,061 feet, or enough to make a total completed mile- age in said town for construction in 1927 of 1.18 miles. ITHACA 1. The sub -base of the highway leading north from Han- shaw's Corners, commencing at Station 23+00, and leading thence north to the Lansing Town, line, a distance of 2,100 feet. 2. The sub -base of the highway commencing at C. H. No. '72, at Marion's Corners, and leading thence north to C. H. No. 1003, a distance of 5,280 feet. 3. The sub -base of the highway commencing at C. H. No. 681, at Northrup's Store Corners, in the hamlet of Forest Home, thence northerly toward Hanshaw's Corners, a distance of 2,018 feet, or enough to make a total completed mileage in said town for construction in 1927 of 0.89 miles. 4. The sub -base of the highway leading north from North- rup's Store Corners, in the hamlet of Forest Home toward Hanshaw's Corners, commencing at Station 20+18, and lead- ing thence north toward Hanshaw's Corners, a distance of 1,072 feet, and being the completion of the 1926 project for said town. LANSING 1. The sub -base of the 16 -foot highway leading from Teeter's Corners, southwesterly, southerly to Portland Point, being Designation No. 6, of said Town of Lansing, commenc- ing at Station 61+50 and leading southerly to Station 80+50 at Portland Point, a distance of 1,900 feet. 2. The sub -base of the highway commencing at Hagin's Corners, on S. H. No. 5256, and leading thence northerly and easterly through Asbury, southeasterly, easterly toward the Dryden Town line, a distance of 9,632 feet, or enough to make a total completed mileage hi said town for construction in 1927 of 1.20 miles. 3. The sub -base of the highway commencing at Station 96=, 32, on the highway leading easterly from Hagin's.Corners through Asbury toward the Dryden Town line, a distance of 2,821 feet, and being the completion of the 1926 project for said town. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 13 NEWFIELD 1. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway commencing at Station 64+00, on the highway commencing at S. H. No. 5214, at VanKirk's Corners, and leading thence south to Station 100+50, a distance of 3,650 feet. 2. The completed highway, commencing at Station 100±50, on the highway commencing at S. H. No. 5214, at VanKirk's Corners, and leading thence south, a distance4of 500 feet. 3. The sub -base of the highway commencing at S. H. No. 5214, in the former Village of Newfield, thence easterly toward Newfield Station to the western terminus of Designation No. 2, of the Town of Newfield, a distance of 2,000 feet. 4. The sub -base of the highway commencing at S. H. No. 5214, in the former Village of Newfield near Doan's Mill, thence northerly past Doan's Mill, westerly to the eastern ter- minus of Designation No. 7, of the Town of Newfield, a dis- tance of 1,000 feet. 5. The sub -base of the highway commencing at S. H. No. 5214, in the former Village of Newfield, thence southerly on the highway known as the "Estabrook Road," a distance of 2,382 feet, or enough to make a total completed mileage in said town for construction in 1927 of 0.95 miles. ULYSSES 1. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway commencing at the Village line of the Village of Trumansburg, near the Cemetery Corners, thence leading easterly to the cor- ner near Rice's, thence southeasterly to Scott's Corners, a dis- tance of 8,302 feet. 2. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway commencing at the bend of the highway leading north from the hamlet of Jacksonville to the Tuberculosis Hospital, near, Taughannock R. R. Station, and leading thence north to the south end of Taughnnock bridge, a distance of 990 feet, or enough to make a total completed mileage in said town for con- struction in 1927 of 0.88 miles. Moved by Mr. Patterson, that the foregoing designations of highways, as offered by the supervisors of the several towns 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of the country, be approved by this Board as the highways des- ignated for construction and improvement in Tompkins County for the year 1927, pursuant to the provisions of §§320-A, 320-B, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -13. Noes --0, Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board has heretofore, by resolutions duly adopted, allotted to the Town of Ithaca 21.91 miles of highway for construction pursuant to the provisions of §§320-A, 320-B, of the Highway Law, and WHEREAS—Only 19.23 miles of such allotment has hereto- fore been designated for construction, therefore be it Resolved—That of the remaining mileage thus allotted, but not designated, there be designated for construction in said town, pursuant to the provisions of §§320-A, 320-B of the Highway Law, the highway commencing at C. H. No. 681, at Northrup's Store Corners in the hamlet of Forest Home, and leading thence northerly to Hanshaw's Corners, a distance of 1.0 mile, and be it further Resolved—That the foregoing designation be approved and accepted and that the same be placed on the county map as a part of the County System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—This Board has heretofore, by resolutions duly adopted, allotted to the Town of Ulysses 22.62 miles of high- way for construction pursuant to the provisions of §§320-A, 320-B, of the Highway Law, and WHEREAS—Only 21.22 miles of such allotment has hereto- fore been designated for construction, therefore be it Resolved—That of the remaining mileage thus allotted, but not designated, there be designated for construction in said OF• TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK . 15 town, pursuant to' the provisions of §§,320-A,' 320-B, of the Highway Law, the highway commencing at the Village line of the Village of Trumansburg, near the Cemetery Corners, thence leading easterly to the corner near Rice's; thence south- easterly to Scott's Corners, also, the highway commencing at the bend of the highway leading north. from the hamlet of Jacksonville to the Tuberculosis Ilospital, near Taughannock • R. R. Station, and leading thence northerly to the south end of the Taughannock bridge, a total distance of 1.40 miles, and be it further Resofr;ed That the foregoing designation be approved and accepted and. that the same be placed on the county map as a part of the County Systt.m of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. • The Clerk. read the following claims, recommended for audit by the several committees to which they had been referred: • L-1, Norton Printing Co., Slips, Supervisors $5.40 2, Groton Journal -Courier, Notice contract for prisoners 4.18 3, . R. C. Osborn & Co., Supplies, Supervisors 70.66 4, Andrus & Church, Collectors' receipts 71.50 5., Underwood Typewriter Co., Typewriter, Su- pervisors 97.50 6, Layton Dawes, Carting, Courthouse 5.62 7, Jamieson -McKinney Co., Bal. on blower, Court- house 50.00 8, T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Com. of Elec- tions ' 29.10 9, Clinton House, Bd. of Jurors, Sup. Ct. Civil 55.25 10, Ithaca Ice & Coal Co., Ice, Sup. Ct. Civil 1.51 11, H. J. Bool Co., Repairs, Co. Clerk's office 7.21 12, Jamieson -McKinney Co., Plunib. repairs, Co Clerk's Bldg. - 2.75 1.3, Norton. Printing Co., Printing, Co. Clerk 89.00 14, Underwood Typewriter Co., Machine & repairs, Co. Clerk 85.75 15, American Surety Co., Bond premium, Co. Clerk 60.00 16, C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies, Co. Clerk 8.87 17, Atkinson Press, Printing, Co. Clerk 33.00 18, Atkinson Press, Printing, Co. Judge 36.50 19, J. E. VanNatta, Repairs, etc., Co. Judge 7.50 20, West Publishing Co., Law books, Co. Judge__28.00 21, Corner Bookstores, Stationery, Co. Judge 15.00 22, Atkinson Press, Printing, Co. Judge 29.00 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 23, McCann Electric Co., Elec. supplies, 'Com. of Election 24.20 24, Jamieson -McKinney Co., Installing blower. Co Home 425.00 25, Culver Roofing Co., Labor & materials; Co Home • 18.27 26, Andrus & Church, Blanks, Co. Treas 19.75 27, Norton Printing Co., Envelopes, Co. Treas 6.50 28, American Surety Co., Bond premium, C. Treas124.55 29, Underwood Typewriter Co., Machine, C. Treas70.00 30, Fred I. Clapp, Snow fencing 3,800.82 31, Ithaca Journal -News, Print. Highway notices 5.20 32, C. D. Cass, Repairing transit, Supt. of High- ways • . 19.58 33, F. C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. of Highways 196.12 34, Corner Bookstores, Repairing typewriter; Supt. of Highways 1.00 35, A. J. Hines, Consta.ble fees, Dog cases 3.05 36, Treman, King & Co., Supplies, Co. Jail • 33.34 37, Hartford Steam Boiler lns. Co., Boiler insur- ance, Co. Jail 14.68 38, Robinson & Carpenter, Materials, Co. Jail 1.60 39, C. J. Rumsey &.Co., Supplies, Co. Jail 164.49 40, Layton Dawes, Cleaning out ,jail cellar 72.50 41, McCann Electric Co., Elec. repairs & supplies, Co. jail • 60.03 42, Geo. M. Downing, Labor & materials, Sheriff's residence 217.45 43, Corner Bookstores, Rep. typewriter, Sheriff 1.75 44, American Surety Go., Bond premium, Sherif___ 75.00 45, Chas. Green, Expenses, Sheriff 123.13 46, Frank C. Ellis, Expenses, Sheriff 74.72 47, . A. B. Brooks & Son, Supplies, Jail inmates 13.90 48, Swift & Co., Soap, Jail 19.80 49, Sturm Bros., Clothing, etc., Jail inmates 5.20 50, Rothschild Bros., Supplies, Jail 17.79 51, Frank C. Ellis, Auto -hire, Sheriff 60.90 52, Dr. J. W. Judd, Services, Jail Physician • '82.00 53, Dr. J: W. Judd, Ex. in Lunacy Disallowed 54, J. R. Garrett Co., Inc., Ventilators, Co. Clic Bldg. 42.50 55, E. M. Perkins, Burial Milo Monroe, Pensioner 75.00 56, H. S. Bower, Assd. F. L. Clock, Materials, Co. Horne 4.57 57, Hall & McChesney, Record book, Co. Clerk 105.00 58, J. E. VanNatta, Supplies, Co. CIerk 2.75 59, McMillen Book Co., Record books, Co. Clerk 84.40 $6,859.85 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 17 Claim No. L-53, of Dr. J. W. Judd, amounting to $10.00, hav- ing been recommended by the committee as disallowed, not being a legal charge against the county, a vote was first taken on that claim. Moved by Mr. VanOrder, that Claim No. L-53, of Dr. J. W. Judd, be disallowed by this Board, on the grounds that the same is not a legal charge against the County of Tompkins. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes --13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing bills, amounting to $6,859.85, be audited at the various amounts recommended by the several committees to which referred, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands to pay said amount, she is hereby authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins Couhty for the payment of the amount so borrowed, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay claim No. L-35, out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund; That of Claim No. L-45, she is directed to charge to the City of Ithaca the sum of $11.47 and to the Town of Ulysses the sum of $2.00; That of Claim No. L-51, she is directed to charge to the Town of Caroline the sum of $3.90, to the Town of Dryden, the sum of $6.90, to the Town of Enfield the sum of $1.20, to the: Town of Lansing the sum of $9.65, to the Town of Ithaca the sum of $1.05, to the Town of Ulysses the sum of $10.50, and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $19.00, said sums being properly chargeable to said towns and city, and that said amounts so charged be placed in the tax budgets of those towns and city, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reim- burse the county for moneys expended for and on their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -43. Noes -0. Carried. The minutes of the day's proceedings were read and ap- proved. 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion adjourned. To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, hereby request you to call a special meeting of said Board, to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Tuesday, April 5, 1927, at 10.30 A. M., to take action on the resignation of E. Morgan St. John, as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and also to take any necessary action on the construction of a concrete bridge at Halseyville, on C. H. No. 616, and to provide for the payment of the refrigeration plant at the County Home. Dated, March 28, 1927. E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, W. 0. SMILEY, W. J. SHAVER, C. M. BUCK, LESLIE R. PIERCE, SIDNEY L. HOWELL, FRED VAN ORDER, JR., L. E. PATTERSON, LAGRAND CHASE, Special Session Tuesday, April 5, 1927 Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the call for the special session. On motion of Mr. Jones, Mr. Chase was elected Temporary Chairman. The Temporary Chairman read the communication from. E. Morgan St. John, stating his disqualification as a member of the Board. On motion of Mr. Snyder, the resignation of Mr. St. John was accepted. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 19 Mr•. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That we, the members of this Board of Super- visors, wish to express to E. Morgan St. John, our regrets .that circumstances have arisen which have caused him to resign as a member of this Board, and desire to express to him the thanks of the Board for the dignified and fair-minded manner in which he has presided over the meetings of this body. Seconded.by Mr. Buck. Carried. On motion, the Board proceeded by informal ballot in the selection of a Permanent Chairman. The Temporary Chairman appointed Messrs. Whittaker and Patterson as tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast were 13, of which. Frank G. Snyder received 1 Lagrand Chase received 1 Olen A. King received 7 Leslie R. Pierce received 4 On motion, the Board proceeded by formal ballot in the se- lection of a Permanent Chairman. The formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast were 13, of which Olen A. King received 7 Leslie R. Pierce received 5 Lagrand Chase received 1 Mr. King, having received a majority of all the votes cast, the Temporary Chairman declared Mr. King duly elected Per- manent Chairman until the annual session of 1927, and Mr. King took the chair. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman -elect be directed, authorized and empowered to perform any and all the duties, acts and 20. PROCEEDINGS OF TIME BOARD OF SUPERVISORS things in action, which his predecessor, E. Morgan St. John, was directed, authorized and empowered to do, and for that purpose he be and hereby is substituted for and in the place of said E. Morgan St. John to perform such duties, acts and things in action as the said E. Morgan St. John could or might have done, either as Chairman -of this Board or as the member of any committee. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 1. WHEREAS—A bridge located on Trumansburg-Ithaca, County Highway No. 616, in the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins, known as bridge No. 2, which was condemned by an official order of -the State Department of Public Works, Bu- reau of Highways, on the 26th day of March, 1927, and de- scribed as follows: New concrete arch bridge, 80 ft. span, F to F of abutments, 124 ft. overall length, 30 ft. roadway, with approaches; to be constructed in accordance with sheets 1 to 9 incl. of the con- tract tracings, is to be repaired, altered or reconstructed, pur- suant to Section 22 of the Highway Law, Chap. 30, Laws of 1909,' -as amended, and 2. WHEREAS—The State Department of Public Works. Bu- reau of Highways, has caused plans, specifications and esti- mates of cost to be made for such repair, alteration or recon- struction and has transmitted to this Board a resolution show- ing the total estimated cost of the work to be $49,500.00 (Forty-nine thousand, Five hundred Dollars) of which the State of New York pays 65%, or $32,175.00 the County of Tompkins pays 35% or 17,325.00 3. Resolved—That the maps, plans, specifications and esti- mate of cost prepared for said work under the direction of the State Department of Public Works, Bureau of Highways, as provided in the Highway Law, and submitted to this Board, are hereby approved and adopted by this Board. 4. Resolved—That there is hereby appropriated and made immediately available the sum of Seventeen thousand, Three hundred twenty-five Dollars, being an amount sufficient to•pay the share of the cost of the repair, alteration or reconstruction OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 21 of such bridge, which is to be borne by said county, as deter- mined in accordance with the provisions of Section 22 of the Highway Law. And the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and directed to pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as may be required to pay said share, upon the requisition or draft of the State Department of Public Works, Bureau of Highways, and if there are not sufficient funds in the county treasury with which to pay such requisi- tion or draft, the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and empowered as provided by Section 142 of the Highway Law, to borrow all or a part of said sum on the obli- gation of the said county issued by her for, on behalf of and in the name of the said county and acting for and on behalf of said county. 5. Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board is hereby di- rected to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Department of Public Works, Bureau of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Ayes ---13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the $17,325.00 heretofore appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the construction of a new bridge, known as Bridge No. 2, Trumansburg-Ithaca C. H. No. 616, out of the moneys in her hands available for the construction of state and county highways. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Carried. Mr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,052.00 on contract, and $195.00 for extra work, to pay for the installation of the refrigeration plant at the county home, and the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order at this time, payable to the Williams Electric Co., for the sum of $1,247.00, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of the $1,052.00 heretofore appropriated for that purpose and the balance of $195.00 out of any funds available in her hands. 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the resolutions of this Board, adopted Au- gust 9, 1926, relative to condemnation proceedings for secur- ing rights of way on C. H. No. 616 and C. H. No. 683, be here- by rescinded. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS --The Committee on Highways, having charge, under the rules of this Board, of securing rights of way for highways constructed in the county, is unable to agree, as to the purchase price, with the owners of certain lands necessary to be acquired for rights of way in the construction or im- provement of C. H. No. 616, and WHEREAS—The representatives of this Board entered into a written agreement with the owners .of said lands in question, that if no satisfactory price for such lands could be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of such lands, that this Board would acquire such lands as provided in the Con- demnation Law, and WHEREAS—It appears that no satisfactory price for such lands can be agreed-upon between this Board and the owners of said lands, therefore be it Resolved—That Olen A. King, as Chairman of this Board of Supervisors, be empowered and instructed to sign and verify, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., a petition to acquire said lands of the parties herein- after named and for the appointment of three commissioners of appraisal; to ascertain and determine the compensation to be paid to the owners of the lands to be acquired, viz.: John and Joseph Gray, Wm. I. Smith and wife, Mrs. George Vin- cent, Howard W. and Julia M. Riley, George H. Stone and wife and Mrs. P. A. Campbell, and to all persons interested therein, for the construction or improvement of said C. H. No. 616, and the said Olen A. King is hereby granted full power and au- thority to perform any and all acts necessary for acquiring OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 23 said lands and to sign all papers in connection with any pro- ceedings connected therewith, in the name of the Board of Su- pervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., with the same force and effect as if done by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—The Committee on Highways, having charge under the rules of this Board, of securing rights of way for highways constructed in the county, is unable to agree, as to the purchase price, with the owners of certain lands necessary to be acquired for rights of way in the construction or im- provement of C. H. No. 683, and WHEREAS—The representatives of this Board entered into a written agreement with the owners of said lands in question, that if no satisfactory price for such lands could be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of such lands, that this Board would acquire such lands, as provided by the Con- demnation Law, and WHEREAS—It appears that no satisfactory price for such lands can be agreed upon between this Board and the owners of said land:s, therefore be it Resolved—That Olen A. King, as Chairman of this Board of Supervisors, be empowered and instructed to sign and ver- ify, in the name of the Board. of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., a petition to acquire said lands of the parties hereinafter named and for the appointment of three commis- sioners of appraisal to ascertain and determine the compen- sation to be paid to the owners of said lands to be acquired, viz.: C. F. Newlon, John Fundis, Olive Sanford, DeEtta San- ford Hard, et al., Elmer Palmer, the lands formerly owned by G. W. Cummings, et al., and ,to •all persons interested therein, for the construction or improvement of said C. H. No. 683, and the said, Olen A. King is hereby granted full power and author- ity to perform any and all acts necessary for acquiring said lands and to sign all papers in connection with any proceed- ings connected therewith, in :the name of the Board of Super- visors of Tompkins County, N. Y., with the same force and effect as if done by this Board. 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. On motion of Mr. Snyder, the Board adjourned to Monday, April 11, 1927, at 10.30 A. M., to reconvene that day in special session to transact such business as may properly come before that meeting. • c Adjourned Special Session Monday, April 11, 1927 Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. Mr. Wm. B. Wilkinson presented his credentials as Super- visor from the Third Ward of the City of Ithaca, and assumed his seat. Minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved. On motion, adjourned. To Fred L. Clock, Clerk -of the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., hereby request you to call a special meeting of said Board, to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Saturday, April 16. 1927, at 10.30 A. M., to take action on the designation of new standing committees of the Board, for the amendment of any necessary rules of the Board, to rescind necessary resolutions relative the construction and maintenance of highways constructed under §§320-A, and 320-B, of the Highway Law, and to provide for the proper maintenance and construction of highways con- structed under §§320-A, and 320-B, of the Highway Law, and OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 25 to provide for a public discussion, at the quarterly meeting on May 9, 1927, on the question of snow removal in Tompkins County. Dated, April 11, 1927. OLEN A. KING, JOHN M. TOWNSEND, WM. B. WILKINSON, LAGRAND CHASE, FRED VAN ORDER, JR. H. A. WHITTAKER, J. W. JONES, F. G. SNYDER, L. E. PATTERSON, C. M. BUCK, W. J. SHAVER, W. 0. SMILEY, SIDNEY L. HOWELL. Special Session Saturday, April 16, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the call for the special session. Mr. Wm. D. Baldwin, County Superintendent of the Poor, appeared before the Board, relative to conditions at the County .Home. Mr. Wilkinson -offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—There is a public demand for a thorough consid- eration of the problem of snow removal, and WHEREAS—Nearly every county in the State of New York has adopted a program whereby the main highways are kept open for traffic during the entire year, and 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS—This Board of Supervisors is desirous of obtain- ing full information on the subject of snow removal, now there- fore be it Resolved --That a public hearing on the subject of snow re- moval be held by the entire Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, at the Courthouse, on Monday afternoon, May 9th at 2 o'clock, P. M. Seconded by Mr. Townsend. A vote being taken on the resolution, the Chairman declared the same lost. On motion, adjourned to 1.30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board has heretofore expressed its opposi- tion to calling a public hearing on the matter of snow removal, an d WHEREAS—This Board does not intend to express any oppo- sition to the removal of snow, but will gladly hear the expres- sions of opinions of those interested in this problem, therefore. be it Resolved --That this Board is willing at all times to listen to the expression of public opinion and will be glad at all times to hear, and invites, such opinions expressed, at any meeting of this body. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. A vote being taken on the resolution, the Chairman declared the same to be carried. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved. its adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NNW •YORK 27 Resolved—That the resolution on page 16, of the Super- visors' Report of 1924, adopted April 18, 1924, reading "That all binder or soft binder used in construction, re -construction, re -topping, re -surfacing or maintenance shall be Asphalt," and that the resolution on page 144, of the Supervisors' Report of 1921, adopted December 23, 1921, reading "That said sums so credited and so appripriated (for Maintenance) shall be ex- pended on the highways of said system at the places, in the manner and under the direction of the Highway Officials Com- mittee of the County," and the resolution of February 14th, 1927, reading "That hereafter the highways receiving county aid (for Maintenance) under the provisions of 320-A, and 320-B, of the Highway Law, shall be maintained at the places and in the manner decided by the Highway Officials Committee of the county, and the said Highway Officials Committee is hereby authorized and directed to purchase all necessary sup- plies and materials for the maintenance thereof," and "That said highways shall be maintained and repaired under the su- pervision and direction of the County Superintendent of High- ways, but with the aid and advice of the Highway Officials Com- mittee, except that the county shall not be liable for the re- moval of obstructions caused by snow nor for other obstruc- tions as defined by Section 52, of the Highway Law," and "That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, on orders drawn on said fund, payable to the persons performing the work or fur- nishing the materials, which orders shall first be approved by the Highway Officials Committee, signed by the County Super- intendent of Highways and countersigned by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors," all of which be and hereby is RE- SCINDED. Resolved—That all maintenance within the limits of the highway of County and Town Roads in Tompkins County, shall be under the supervision and direction of the County Superin- tendent of Highways of Tompkins County, with the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the Chairman of the Highway Committee and the Supervisor of the town in which the work is to be done, shall be his advisory committee, and be it further Resolved—That for all equipment and materials purchased to carry on the maintenance of County and Town Roads in Tompkins County, the County Superintendent of Highways shall procure bids. All bids shall be opened by the County Su- perintendent of Highways in the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the Chairman of the Highway Com- mittee, at the time and place designated by the County Super- intendent of Highways, and be it further 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolver—That the above named committee shall make their recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for its approval. Resolved That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $4,000.00 dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces- sary for the purchasing of necessary equipment to economi- cally carry on the work, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay for equipment on orders signed by the Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Highway Com- mittee and the County Superintendent of Highways. WIIEREAS—Section 291, of the Highway Law, requires the Board of Supervisors to decide the places and the manner in which the Motor'Vehicle Fees shall be expended, therefore be it Resolved—That the County Maintenance Fund raised by tax, together with the Motor Vehicle Fees transferred to the Maintenance Fund, be expended on. the following named roads, and in the following manner: Shoulder and gutter work, patching and surface treatment: Town of Ulysses— County Home to Willow Creek Road Seymour Bates Road to County Line Town of Enfield - 2.92 miles 1.19 " Frank Aiken Road from Ulysses Town Line to Rollison's Corners 2.00 miles Burr Ruinsey Road, East end 1.00 " Town of Newfield— What is known as the Cayuta Road in Poney Hollow 0.80 miles Depot Road, South end 0.60 " Town of Danby— Ball Hill Road, south-west from Danby Corners 1,00 miles Comfort-Elyea Road, South end 0.30 " OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 29 Town of Caroline— What is known as the Charles Lonsbery Road 1.13 miles Slaterville-Speed Road, Resurfacing with 4 -in. top 0.32 " Town of Dryden— McLean-Cortland Road, past pea mill 0.70 miles Gulf Hill Road 0.41 " Peruville Road 4.00 " Town of Groton— West end of West Groton Road 1.30 miles McLean Depot Road 0.19 " Peruville Road west from State Road 1.54 " Town of Lan:sing— Terpening's Corners east 2.02 miles North Lansing -Locke Road 2.92 " Town of I.thaca— Hayte's School -house west (Hopkins Road) 2nd Mile on Cocldington Road 1.27 miles 1.00 " And ditch, culvert, patching work that may need attention at any time and at any other places on Town and County Roads within the bounds of the highway. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Chairman announced the following Standing Commit- tees of the Board for the balance of the year 1927: RULES AND LEGISLATION The Chairman, Messrs. 13uck and Chase FORMS, FOOTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS, EQUALIZATION, RATIOS AND APPORTIONMENT Messrs. Shaver, Patterson, Jones, Chase, Townsend, Smiley and Snyder 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN AND COUNTY ACCOUNTS Messrs. Snyder, Shaver and Buck TOWN EXPENSES, ETC. Messrs..Howell, Pierce and Smiley RETURNED HIGHWAY AND SCHOOL TAXES Messrs. Pierce, Smiley and Patterson COUNTY OFFICERS AND COMPENSATION Messrs. Buck, Howell and Snyder COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS Messrs. Whittaker, Howell and Wilkinson CORONER, JUSTICES, ETC: Messrs. Smiley, Patterson and Pierce CORRECTION AND REFORMATION Messrs. Buck, Wilkinson and Shaver COUNTY CLERK AND ELECTION EXPENSES Messrs. VanOrder, Chase and Whittaker CHARITIES Messrs. Buck, VanOrder and Jones SOLDIERS' RELIEF, ETC. Messrs. Patterson, Howell and Pierce HIGHWAYS Messrs. Wilkinson, Jones, VanOrder,.Townsend and Whittaker FINANCE Messrs. Howell, Jones and Snyder CONTRACT SUPPLIES Messrs. Chase, Shaver and Townsend JAIL SUPPLIES Messrs. Jones, VanOrder and Whittaker OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 31 AUDITING ACCOUNTS OF THE TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL Messrs. Townsend, VanOrder and Chase HIGHWAY OFFICIALS Messrs. Jones, Chase and Wilkinson TO SELL LANDS ACQUIRED BY THE COUNTY AT TAX SALE Mr. Smiley • Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, that the committee designations, as announced by the Chairman•, be approved by the Board. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Quarterly Session Monday, May 9, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. Alt members present, except Mr. Van Order. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. The Clerk read a number of claims, which were received and referred to the proper committees. Mr. Court Bellis, County Sealer of Weights and Measures, appeared before the Board, relative to attending the National Convention 'of Sealers of .Weights and Measures, to be held at Washington; D. C. On motion of Mr. Patterson, Mr. Bellis was authorized to attend the National Convention of Sealers of Weights and Measures, at Washington, D. C., and his expenses thereto to be a charge upon the County of Tompkins. The Clerk read the petition of Lewis E. Dofflemyer, City As- sessor of the City of Ithaca, asking for a refund of $11.81. to Raymond R. Mitchell for excess state and county taxes for 1925, on property in said city. 22 PROCEEDINGS OF '1'FIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of Lewis E. Dofflemyer, Assess- or of the City of Ithaca, relative to a refund of taxes to Ray- mond R. Mitchell, be granted, and the Clerk is hereby directed to draw .an order,. payable to Raymond R. Mitchell, for the sum of $11.81, for excess state and county tax for the year 1925, erroneously assessed in the City of Ithaca, and the Coun- ty Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any funds in her hands available therefor, and that the amount of $11.81 so paid, be charged to the City of Ithaca, and placed in the budget of said city for the next ensuing tax levy, to reim- burse the county. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes ---12. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read correspondence with the United States Mar- shal, relative to a refund to the United States Government for excess payment to the county for the board -of Frank Mooney, a Federal prisoner. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS -It appears, that through error, there was paid to the Sheriff of Tompkins County by the Federal Govern- ment, for the board of Frank Mooney, a Federal prisoner, the sum of $14.40 in excess of the amount due for the board of said prisoner, and that said sum so paid, was paid by the said Sheriff into the treasury of the county, therefore be it Resolved—That there be refunded to the Federal Govern- ment the sum of $14.40 so paid, that the Clerk be directed to draw an order at this time for the sum of $14.40, payable to the Treasurer of the United States, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of the funds to which said sum was originally credited. Secondee[ by Mr. Howell. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. The ladies of the Tompkins County Horne Bureau Associa- tion appeared before the Board and asked for an additional OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 33 appropriation of $1,000.00 to said association to carry on the work of the organization for the balance of the year, and making .the total appropriation for 1927 the :Same, as that for the year 1926. Mrs. Taylor, of Ulysses, called upon the following ladies of the several towns, to explain the work being conducted by the. different units of their respective towns: Mrs. Earsley and Mrs. Chas. Munch, of Caroline, Mrs. Dorn and Mrs. Tobey, of Danby, Mrs. Hiles and Mrs. Crane, of Dry -- den, Mrs. E. C. Curry, of Enfield, Mrs. A. H. Webster, of Groton, Mrs. Ott and Mrs. Myers,.of Ithaca, Mrs. George and Mrs. Van Nest, of Lansing, Mrs. Payne and Mrs. I-lowell, of Newfield, and Mrs. Arthur Agard, of Ulysses. Mr. Shaver asked unanimous consent to introduce a resolu- tion on the application of the Tompkins County Home Bureau Association, at the afternoon session of the Board which, on motion, was granted. On motion, adjourned to L30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Wm. A. Boyd, President of the Ithaca Chamber of Com- merce, appeared before the Board and spoke relative to the re- lations between the Board of Supervisors and the Chamber of Commerce, deploring any friction arising between the two bodies and commending the members of the Board for their careful consideration of questions of large expenditures, be- fore making appropriations to accomplish uncertain results. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The Board of Supervisors have been requested by various residents of the several towns of Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca and by various local organizations to take some steps toward the removal of snow on State and County highways, now, therefore, be it 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resole ed, that the County Superintendent of Highways and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the Chairman of the Highway Committee be and they are hereby authorized to take such action as in their judgment seems necessary to keep free from obstruction the following highways: The Ithaca -Auburn Road, commencing at the Ithaca City line and northerly through South Lansing and then through North Lansing to the Cayuga County Line; from South Lan- sing westerly to the Village of Myers, N. Y.; from the Cayuga Operating Company northerly to South Lansing -Myers state highway; from South Lansing easterly through Turpenning Corners to Peruville school house. The Ithaca -Courtland Highway. From the Ithaca City line through the Pine Woods, through the Village of Dryden to the Cortland County line; from the Pine Woods 'northerly through the Village of Etna, thence through the Village of Freeville, thence northerly through the Village of Groton to the Cayuga County line; from the Village of Freeville easterly through George Junior Republic to the Ithaca -Cortland high- way; from the Village of Groton easterly to the Cortland County line; from the Village of Dryden southerly on the Dryden -Harford road to the Cortland County line ; from the Village of Dryden easterly to the Virgil town line. On the Road known as the Catskill Turnpike. From the Ithaca City line through Slaterville to the end of the road; from Cooks Corners on the same highway through Brooktondale, through Speedsville to the Candor Town line. Ithaca -Danby road. Through Danby Village from the Ithaca City line to the Tioga County line. Ithaca -Spencer Road. Ithaca City line through West Danby to Tioga County line; from the Village of West Danby easterly to the Lehigh Valley Railroad station ; from the intersection of the Spencer road through the Village of Newfield southerly to the Schuyler County line; from Ithaca City line westerly on the Mecklenburg Road through the Village of Enfield back down through the Enfield Falls Road to the intersection of the Ithaca -Spencer road. From Miller's Corners westerly to the Schuyler County line. From Ithaca City line northerly through the Village of Jacksonville through the Village of Trumansburg to the Seneca OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 35 County line; from the Village of Jacksonville easterly to the Taughannock Sanitarium; from Jacksonville southerly to the Mecklenburg road. And therefore, be it further resolved that an amount not to exceed twelve thousand ($12,000.00) dollars be and the same hereby is appropriated for the purchase of such equipment for such purpose as the County Superintendent of Highways and the Advisory Committee above named of this Board shall deem necessary, subject to the previous approval of this Board, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay out the sum on an order of the County .Superintendent of Highways coun- tersigned by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to borrow so much thereof as is 'necessary on the faith and credit of the county in anticipation of the'next tax levy. And .therefore be it further resolved ithat all snow removal within the limits of Tompkins County under the direction of the County Superintendent of Highways shall be done through the recommendations of the State Department of Highways of the State of New York. And therefore be it further resolved that the above commit- tee make their recommendations to this Board for their ap- proval. Seconded by Mr. Townsend. Moved by Mr. Chase, that the matter be referred to a com- mittee, to be appointed by the Chairman, to investigate and re- port its findings to this Board at its next quarterly meeting. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Carried. The Chairman announced that he would announce his com- mittee appointments at a later date. Mr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County Home Bureau Association, an additional sum of $1,000.00, over and above the appropriation already made to that organization, for the carrying on the work of the 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS organization for the balance of the year 1927, and making the same amount as appropriated for 1926, and the County Treas- urer is hereby directed to pay said amount.so appropriated, out of any available funds in her hands, in the same manner as other payments are made to said organization, as follows: $500.00 forthwith, $250.00 on August 15, 1927, and $250.00 on November 15, 1927, upon the filing with her of a certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -12. Noes -1. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $200.00, for the purchase of lands owned by 0. K. Rhodes, in the Town of Dryden, necessary for a right of way in the reconstruction of C. H. No. 682, as set forth on the map attached to the option executed by him, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order for said amount, payable to said 0. K. Rhodes, upon the delivery to him of a proper deed of conveyance of said lands to the County of Tompkins, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of moneys in her hands appropriated for the securing of rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,000.00 for the purchase of lands owned by C. F. Newlon, in the Town of Dryden, necessary for a right of way in the re- construction of C. H. No. 683, as set forth on the map at- tached to the option executed by him, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order for said amount, payable to said C. F. Newlon, upon the delivery to him of a proper deed of con- veyance of said lands to the County of Tompkins, and the County 'Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of moneys in her hands appropriated for the securing of rights of way. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 37 Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS -It appears from the affidavit of Dr. John F. Warren, that County Order No. 67, amounting to the sum of $40.00, and issued to him on December 28, 1926, has been lost or destroyed, and asking that a duplicate order be issued to him, therefore be it ResolvBd—That the Clerk be directed to issue a duplicate of County Order No. 67, for the sum of $40.00, payable to the said Dr. John F. Warren, and that the original order be can- celled, if later presented. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, asking leave to borrow moneys on the faith and credit of the town, to help pay its share of the cost of construc- tion of highways built under the provisions of §§320-A, and 320-B of the Highway Law. • Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the petition of the Town B:oard of the Town of Lansing be granted and that the town be authorized to bor- row the sum of $10,000.00, or so much thereof as may be neces- sary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of highways, pursuant to the provisions of §320-A, of the High- way Law. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield asking leave to borrow moneys on the faith and credit of the town, to help pay its share of the cost of construc- tion of highways built under the provisions of §320-A, of the IIighway Law. 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield be granted and that the town be authorized to bor- row, on the faith and -credit of the town, the sum of $3,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to help pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of highways, pursuant to the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—This Board, by a resolution duly adopted April 16, 1927, directed the County Superintendent of Highways to procure bids for all equipment and materials to be purchased for the maintenance of highways constructed under the provi- of §§320-A, and 320-B, of the Highway Law, and to submit the same to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the Chairman of the Highway Committee of said Board, and WHEREAS—The said County Superintendent of Highways did secure bids for such equipment and materials and submit the same to the officials named, who have made their report thereon, for the approval of this Board, and WHEREAS—The report of said'committee shows that the bids of the following named corporations or persons were the low- est bids submitted for the equipment or materials set opposite their names respectively: T. H. Williamson, Trumansburg, N. Y.—A Wehr Grader, with a full crawler outfit. 11/, ton, Acme dump truck under Model No. 24 specifications. Standard Oil Co., of N. Y., for Asphalt Binder. Barrett Co., for Tarvia B., therefore be it OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK rpt) Resolved—That the bid of T. H. Williamson, Trumansburg, N. Y., for a Wehr Grader, with a full crawler outfit, for the sum of $1,715.75, delivered, be approved and accepted; that 'the bid of for 11/4 ton, Acme dump truck, under Model No. 24 specifications, for the sum of $2,168.50, delivered, be approved and accepted; that the bid of the Stand- ard Oil Co., of N. Y., for. Asphalt binder, under N. Y. State specifications, at the sum of $0.0857 per gallon, be approved and accepted and that the bid of the Barrett Co., for Tarvia B., at $0.111/4, per gallon, be approved and accepted, and be it further Resolved—That the County Superintendent of Highways is hereby directed to enter into a contract with the foregoing named corporations or persons for the equipment and mate- , rials above mentioned, at the prices as herein set forth, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay for the same out of the moneys in her hands available for the maintenance of highways constructed under the provisions of §§320-A, and 320-B, of the Highway Law, on orders signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the Chairman of the Highway Committee of said Board and the County Superintendent of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following claims, as recommended for audit by the several committees to which they had been re- ferred : L- 60, Dr. R. M. Vose, Autopsy Wigden case, Dist. $25 00 Atty. L- 61, Dr. John F. Warren, Prof. services, Wigden 27 00' case, Dist. Atty. L- 62, W. R. Tompkins, Photographs, Wigden case, 26.00 Dist. Atty. L- 63, A. C. Goff, Auto hire, Sheriff, 11/20/26 to 252.58 12/23/26 L- 64, Frank C. Ellis, Auto hire; Sheriff, 2/12/27 to 173 65 4/28/27 L- 65, Everson Ross Co., Inc., Badges and hand- 80.38 cuffs, Sheriff L- 66, Frank C. Ellis, Disbursements, Sheriff 112.81 L- 67, Dr. J. W. Judd, Services Jail Physician, 48 00 2/16/27 to 5/6/27 • 40 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS L- 68, Great American Ins. Co., Insurance, Co. Jail 31.00 L- 69, Corner Bookstores, Maps, etc., Sheriff 7.65 L- 70, Layton Dawes, Clearing rubbish, Co. Jail 4.50 L- 71, West Disinfecting Co., Disinfectants, Co. Jail 137.05 L- 72, Robinson & Carpenter, Materials, Co. Jail _1.32 L- 73, Palmolive-Peet Co., Soap, Co. Jail 4.90 L- 74, T. G. Miller's Sons, Towels, etc., Co. Jail 24.10 L- 75, Treman, King & Co., Supplies, Co. Jail 47.53 L- 76, C. J. Rumsey & Co., Locks, etc., Co. Jail 36.30 L- 77, Rothschild Bros., Supplies, Co. Jail 8.28 L- 78, P. M. Donohue, Plumb'g repairs, etc., Co. Jail 124.70 L- 79, D. B. Stewart & Co., Supplies, Co. Jail 3.20 L- 80, A. B. Brooks & Son, Medical supplies, etc., Co. Jail 2.60 L- 81, General Fire Assurance Co., Insurance, 31.00 L- 82, National Union Ins. Co., Insur., Courthouse 15.50 L- 83, H. A. Carey Co., Inc., Insurance, Courthouse 62.00 L- 84, Boston Ins. Co., Insurance, Courthouse 31.00 L- 85, Robinson & Carpenter, Lumber, Courthouse 1.55 L- 86, P. M. Donohue, Plumb'g repairs, Courthouse 113.70 L- 87, Treman, King & Co., Grass seed, etc., Court- house 5.17 L- 88. F. H. Slocum, Compost, Courthouse 6.00 L- 89, M. E. Moran Co., Inc.,- Paving, etc.,' Court- house 150.00 L- 90, E. M. St. John, Expenses, Etc., Supervisors 33.69 L- 91, E. M. St. John, Quar. session, Supervisors 6.00 L- 92, E. M. St. John, Committee work, Supervisors 114.00 L- 93, F. L. Clock, Expenses, etc., Supervisors 31.36 L- 94, Ithaca Ice & Coal Co., Ice, Civil courts .75 L- 95, Atkinson Press, Printing blanks, Surrogate 38.00 L- 96. Andrus & Church, Record books, Surrogate 83.58 L- 97, Norton Printing Co., Envelopes, County Cl. 4.45 L- 98, Hall & McChesney, Record book, Co. Clerk 47.00 'L- 99, Burroughs Add. Machine Co., Maintenance, etc., to 6/5/27 10.90 L-100, Norton Printing Co., Court Calendars, Co. Clerk 79.50 L-101, Jamieson-McKinney Co., Plumbing repairs, etc., Co. Clerk Bldg 3.45 L-102, . American Alliance Ins. Co., Insurance, Co Clerk Bldg. 20.25 L-103, Western Assurance Co., Insurance, Co. Clerk Building 27.00 L-104, American Central Ins. Co., Insurance, Co Clerk Bldg. 27.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 4i L-105, Peters -Morse Mfg. Co., Adding machine, Corn. of Elections 80.00 L-106, Norton Printing Co., Enrollment books, Com. of Elections 528.40 L-107, Rothschild Bros., Rent to Nov. 1, 1927, Com of Elections , 60.00 L-108, F. C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. of Highways296.84 L-109, Aetna Casualty & Surety Co., Prem. on bond, Supt. Highways 2.50 L-110, H. D. Bowman, Assd. to F. L. Clock, Services to Highway Com., Rights of Way 15.00 L-111, Andrus & Church, Receipt books,' Co. Trews11.95 L-112, Norton Printing Co., Printing blanks, Co Treas. 7.15 L-113, Keystone Envelope Co., Envelopes, Co. Treas. 16.95 L-114, Jamieson -McKinney Co., Plumbing repairs, Co. Home 84.90 L-115, F. S. Bower, Insurance, Co. Home 114.50 L-116, Horne for the Ruptured and Crippled, Maintenance James Tudi to 4/13/27 57.00 L-117, Ethel Hawkins, R. R. fare, etc., James Tudi , 14.08 L-118, E. P. Bouton,. Insurance, Co. Home 1.34.80 L-119, F. E. Johnson, Grill work, Motor Vehicle Clerk's office 35.00 L-120, W. 0. Smiley, Committee exp., Supervisors 30.87 L-121, C. M. Buck, Committee exp., Supervisors 27.54 L -I22, IT. A. Whittaker, Comm. exp., Supervisors 29.55 L-123, P. F. Brown, Labor, Tuber. Hospital 17.60 L-124, Thomas Donohue, Labor, Tuber. Hospital 26.80 L-125, Joseph Pierce, Labor, Tuber. Hospital 14.00 L-126, The Biggs Co., Supplies, Tuber. Hospital 14.41 L-127, Andrus & Church, Printing & supp., Co. Clk. 68.87 L-128, Reconstruction Home, Edward Dimick to 5/2/97 $84.00 Helen Fuller to 4/29/97 238.00 Gordon Tompkins to 4/20/97 54.00 376.00 $4,186.11 Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: • Resolved—That the foregoing claims, amounting to the sum .of $4,186.11, be audited at the amounts recommended by the :several committees to which they were referred, and that the 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any avail- able funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of the county for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in antici- pation of taxes to be levied, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of the Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay Claim No, L-110, out of the moneys in her hands appro- priated for the securing of rights of way; That of Claim No. L-63, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the sum of $6.04, to the Town of Danby the sum of $4.32, to the Town of. Dryden the sum of $6.90, to the Town of Enfield the sum of $8.20, to the Town of Groton the sum of $13.51, to the Town of Ithaca the sum of $5.11, to the Town of Lansing the sum of $24.60, to the Town of Newfield the sum of $4.14, to the Town of Ulysses the sum of $18.72 and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $124.04; That of Claim No. L-64, being also for Sheriff's expenses, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the sum of $3.60, to the Town of Danby the sum of $9.90, to the Town of Enfield the sum of $7.20, to the Town of Ithaca the sum of $6.15, to the Town of Lansing the sum of $21.45, to 'the Town of Newfield the sum of $5.25 and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $6.15; said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city, and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city to which charged, to be 'collected at the next ensuing tax levy, to reim- burse the county for moneys expended. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion adjourned. OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 43 Quarterly Session Monday, August 8, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Alfred W. Alien appeared before the Board and pre- sented his credentials as Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses, to succeed Dr. John M. Townsend, deceased, which were filed, and Mr. Allen assumed his seat as the representative from the Town of Ulysses. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and ap- proved. The Clerk read a number of claims which, on motion, were • received and referred to the proper committees. The County Treasurer appeared before the Board and re- ported on the several county accounts which were liable to be overdrawn and the amounts necessary to be appropriated from the General Fund to those accounts for carrying on the county business for the balance of the year. District Attorney Arthur G. Adams appeared before the Board, relative to certain claims presented by him for audit. Moved by Mr. Howell, that the committee to which Claims Nos. L-172, L-173, and L-174, presented by Mr. Adams, had been referred, be requested to report said claims to be audited at the full amounts. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -12. Noes -1. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members. present. Mr. Whittaker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS—Death has removed from among us, the senior .member of this Board in point of service, Dr. John M. Town- send, of the Town of Ulysses; therefore be it Resolved That we, the members of the Board of Super- visors of Tompkins County, take this means of expressing to the members of Dr. Townsend's family, our deepest sympathy for the immeasurable loss they have sustained, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be directed to pre- sent a certified copy of this resolution to the family of our departed member. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the Ithaca • Automo- bile Club, with copies of resolutions adopted by that organ- ization relative to the construction of the Caroline-Richford, Part 2, County Highway, and the reconstruction of the high- way leading from South Lansing to Ithaca, which were filed. Mr. Whittaker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The only section of State or State and County Highways, uncompleted, or the construction of which is un- provided for, is that section known as the Caroline-Richford, Part 2, highway, extending from the end of the present con- struction to the Tioga County line, a distance of about 0.75 miles, and • WHEREAS—This highway is on the state map, both in Tomp- kins and Tioga Counties, and is an important road, both as a connecting Zink between New York and BufFalo, but also car- ries an immense local traffic; therefore be it Resolved—That we, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., request the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, to construct said highway in question in Tompkins County, at the earliest date possible, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be directed to for- ward a certified copy of this resolution to the State Depart- ment of Public Works, Division of Highways, forthwith. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, relative to the county OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 45 taking over dead-end roads for maintenance, in exchange for • the State taking over certain county and town roads, which was referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—Through error, the amount appropriated for the work of the Public Health Nurse for the year 1927, was only $2,100.00, while the amount necessary to carry on that work, as estimated by the Public Health Committee, was the sum of $2,400.00; therefore be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, the ad- ditional sum of $300.00 to the Tompkins County Public Health Committee, the said amount so appropriated to be expended far the expenses of the Public Health Nurse for the balance of the year 1927, and the County Treasurer is hereby ordered and directed to pay said amount at the times and in the manner that payments have heretofore been made for carrying on the work of the Public Health Nurse. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes --13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Snyder, Chairman of the special committee appointed to investigate the matter of snow removal and the prevention of highway obstructions caused by snow, rendered the follow- ing- report of that committee: To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, New York Gentlemen: Your Committee, appointed pursuant to a resolution of this Board, adopted May 9, 1927, to investigate the matter of snow removal and the prevention of highway obstructions caused by snow, and the manner in which these problems are handled in, the several adjoining counties of the State, and to report its findings to this Board, wish to render the following report: Members of your committee visited the several counties ad- joining Tompkins County during the course of its investiga- tion and found that, in those counties. the problems of snow removal and the prevention of obstructions to highway traffic, caused by snow, are handled in the manner and at the costs set forth in the following tabulated statement: Snow Fence m 0 V Miles Worked G 0 Work Done By j 0 0 p U ro N o O -' • 'C' 3 GJ L C co +' �mac.) k4a7 5-, ci; A-1 -0 P. cy c, F. ; '�' .J ,'v 6:t U U w ,C 'o A P; Cd u. •^ 0 01.0 E. "G [3 s. ? ow• er r pro" °H ro > .., •d CQ y.. F. 4. p p.r. 0:,..' gO 0 0 FY FY C U E-+ NEiV S El, .2;,.., 073 a0 0 00 .• L 4D • ‘1, EFr 1] o 0 00 LV cq Er 117:, C*` GO C ▪ C M L-- GO - OD - U 0 C[7 '. • 0.0 p C7-1 3"o E'I 0 O ti • 5'7 y Gj CU 0 00 F'+ U . G 4'' O '$ o 0 b., R CS acso� su 0 Q ey > O ° • 6 •E • .0 ra �1 10 1- CC' • y., y O 0 O 02O • i 7, G k 7 t 2 ti O p N o ~moo CFIEMUNG 0 Snow Fence 0 O 0 0 0 z 04 ccs 0 rn 0 2. Miles Worked 0 il. 0 Work Done By 1 0 'w Oro 0 ) v 0 10 O 0 P, -I- 1 O. aG 0 10LI)10 G vG F 0 , Z P O 'y .0 •.'OV 10 10 10 0 U SCHUYLER g C'� t'' ° C4 v0 \ I a) sty •cr.,- O ' i (,j cu U},� p -,i' � 4, 4,G _, Q' C 6 +, .:, Ca C0Ud O�•CfUP-.U C syp,yO uG' yCg •,,C D N 9 O 'J,i U% O 0 ti CI U+4.O•rn4 0 C' rr, 0 a) O �' r .+; x .-! r.0 -O ^C ra u; J.0 U O . r v — 23 , OM C ,.,_ CV y O O''z iO ai 0 C z F. it r!. C 'a Q 'C r J ,n F" '•"G c Snow Pence a Y J y y y CCJ r"�" Cl.) JW O V C3° gC, a 4y K © p � Around $15,0011 Ten miles y OR G 0 d Miles Worked a) y v-! C %. Ln LO 7:7 r -f ni µt S 2) Q;Li, Equipment ,�'r J rn= O+) a. a ��x v" :.t m (7.0 y opy N ice b �. cu ,Ni .n i/) 7 cr `-t-!+C.',�V b O•_ O O Ca �,w cd . .- C4i+, Two Lynn tractors. One 14 -ton Monarch trac- tor. One light tractor. All suitably equipped CAYUGA County with plows. Ali work under the supervision of the County Su- perintendent of Highways GQ G —a Cr.4 2w ! C w . O p .. ,, i!1 C B. y •rn y x � Z C� n r U O .. v ,: ,z -c a m a'''- . a J Q X " H P4 0 0 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 49 Your Committee further finds: That four of the six counties handle the snow proposition as a county affair and that in two of the counties such work as is done is by the individual towns; that no one special equipment is used, but is varied according to the machines, etc., as are owned by the counties and the towns. It is also fouj d that the snow fence is a success in the pre- vention of drifts and is generally used and the intention is to use more. It is the consensus of opinion of your committee, that Tomp- kins County should make some provisions for keeping the main highways open for traffic during, the winter months. All of which is respectfully submitted. Date, July 27, 1927. F. G. SNYDER, Chairman, S. L. HOWELL, Committee, WM. B. WILKINSON, Committee C. M. BUCK, Committee,, OLEN A. KING, Committee On motion of Mr. Whittaker, the report of the committee was accepted. County Superintendent of.Highwa.y, F. C. Evans, appeared before the Board, relative to methods that might be adopted for the prevention of obstructions to highways caused by snow. Messrs. Curry and Hadley, appeared before the Board and presented resolutions adopted by Pomona Grange, relative to the question of snow removal. Mr. Wilkinson called up his resolution laid over from May 9, 1927, and asked that action be taken thereon. The vote on Mr. Wilkinson's resolution resulted as follows-: Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Shaver brought up for discussion the question of the enforcement of the quarantine on dogs. 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Correction and Reforma- tion be and hereby is directed to secure bids and to let the con- tract for the work to be performed in the county jail, as re- ported by it, according to the specifications submitted, and to have said work completed at as early a date as possible. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Mr. Wilkinson moved as an amendment, that the committee secure bids and report to the Board. Moved by Mr. Whittaker, that the Board adjourn to Tues- day, August 9, 1927, at 10.30 A. M. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Carried. Adjourned Quarterly Session Tuesday, August 9, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Wilkinson asked to withdraw his amendment, offered to Mr. Buck's resolution relative to the heating and plumbing in the county jail, offered at the afternoon session of Monday, August 8, 1927, which was granted. Mr. Wilkinson asked that there be inserted in his resolution of May 9, 1927, relative to an appropriation of $12,000.00 for the purchase of snow removal equipment, and adopted August 8, 1927, after the words "And therefore, be it further resolved that an amount not to exceed twelve thousand ($12,000.00). dollars be and the same hereby is appropriated for the pur- chase of such equipment for such purpose as the County Super- intendent of Highways and the Advisory Committee above named of this Board shall deem necessary" the following pro- vision; "Subject to the previous approval of this Board." There being no objections, so ordered. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 51 Mr. Buck asked that action be taken on his resolution, offered at the afternoon session of Monday, August 8, 1927, and be- fore the Board for discussion at the time of adjournment. A vote being taken on Mr. Buck's resolution, the same was declared carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated from the General Fund, the following sums to the funds hereinafter enumerated, to carry on the county business for the balance of the year 1927: Supervisors' Expenses $500.00 County Treasurer's Accounts 150.00 Court House 500.00 County Clerk's Building 500.00 County Clerk's Office 1,500.00 Sheriff 1,000.00 Children's Court 300.00 Poor Account 2,000.00 Returned Village Taxes 1,000.00 � Total $7,450.00 and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay 'out said sums in the same manner as other appropriations are paid. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: ,Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Finger Lakes Post, No. 9G1, Veterans of the Foreign Wars, •the sum of $150.00, to help defray the expenses of the county celebration on July 4, 1927, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue' an order for said amount, payable to the Treasurer of Finger Lakes Post, No. 961, Veterans of the Foreign Wars, and the County Treasurer is directed to pay said order out of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. 52 PROCEEDINGS OF TFIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snyder presented a verified petition of the taxable in- habitants of the Town of Newfield, asking for the establish- ment of a fire district in said town, which was filed. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—There has been presented to this Board, a writ- ten, verified petition of the taxable inhabitants of a proposed fire district within the Town of Newfield, Tompkins County, but outside of an incorporated village or city, and asking this Board to establish a fire district therein, and WHEREAS—Such petition was signed by those owning or representing more than one-half of the taxable real property of such district to be established and as owning or representing more than one-half of the taxable real property of such dis- trict owned by the residents thereof and whose names appear on the last preceding assessment roll of the town wherein such proposed fire district is located, and WHIEREAS—Said proposed fire district is bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the center of the highway leading from the hamlet of Newfield to Ithaca, on the line be- tween .Horace Stewart (now J. E. Dorn) and Fred Dean, run- ning thence S. 4° E, seventy-eight and seventy-two one hun- dredths (78-72/100) chains; thence N. 831A° W, ninety-nine and thirty-two one hundredths (99-32/100) chains; thence N. 12° W, thirty-one (31) chains; thence N. 68° E, one hundred five (105) chains; thence S. 44° E, three (3) chains and thirty (30) links to the place of beginning and containing five hun- dred, sixty-three (563) acres and seventy-one (71) square rods of land, more or less, and WHEREAS—Said district, so to be established, does not ex- tend in any direction to exceed one mile from the. nearest en- gine, hose or hook and ladder house located within the district so to be established, and WHEREAS—A11 the requirements under the provisions of §38 of the County Law, have been complied with, therefore be it ,Resolved—That there be and hereby is established by this Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., on this 9th OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 53 day of August, 1927, and pursuant to the provisions of §38, of the County Law, the following fire district in the Town of Newfield, Tompkins County, N. Y., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the center of the highway leading from the hamlet of Newfield to Ithaca, on the line between Horace Stew- art (now J. E. Dorn) and Fred Dorn, running thence S. 4° E, seventy-eight and seventy-two one hundredths (78-72/100) chains; thence N. 83 /2° W, ninety-nine and thirty-two one hundredths (99-32/100) chains; thence N. 12° W., thirty-one (31) chains; thence N. 68° E, one hundred five (105) chains; thence S. 44° E, three (3) chains and thirty (30) links to the place of beginning and containing five hundred, sixty-three (563) acres and seventy-one (71) square rods of land, more or less. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -13. Noes -0, Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Newfield to borrow moneys on the faith and credit of the town, to help pay its share of the cost of construction of high- ways built under the County System of Roads, which was filed. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resoi,,ed—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Newfield, this day filed, be granted, and that the town be authorized to borrow the sum of $5,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of highways, under the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Carried. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS --The Highway Law pertaining to bridges on town and county, roads and on town highways has been changed under a new law passed by the legislature at the last session and approved by the governor of the State of New York, mak- ing all bridges with a span of twenty-five feet or more a county charge, therefore 54 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Be It Resolved—That the sum of $2,500.00 be appropriated and that the County Superintendent of Highways is directed to proceed and construct said bridge in said town of Lansing known as the Kirby-Sharpstein bridge and that the County Treasurer is authorized to borrow on the faith and credit of the County of Tompkins the above named sum as prescribed by law, and directed to pay from such sum, to the amount of $1,483.10, to the Supervisor of the Town of Lansing, to reim- burse the town for moneys already expended in the construc- tion of said bridge and to pay the balance of said moneys on the order of the County Superintendent of Highways, as pro- vided by law. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—The County and Town Highways in the County of Tompkins, as in former resolutions of this Board making it necessary to connect with a main or improved highway, and as the road beginning at Turpening's Corners in the Town of Lansing ends on a former designation of this Board and whereas the State of New York by changing location of a state road caused to be left as unimproved 900 feet of road com- mencing from Turpening's Corners thence westerly to the present concrete state road and as the Town of Lansing at its own expense put in a twelve -foot sub -base on the above named 900 feet of road, therefore Be It Resolved, that the above named road commencing at Turpening's Corners and running thence westerly to the pres- ent state highway, a distance of 900 feet, be taken over under the County and Town system of Highways and placed on said map, and the same be hereafter maintained as a county and town road. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors by resolution on April 16, 1927, directed the County Superintendent of Highways to maintain its county and town roads in Tompkins County, therefore OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 55 Be It Resolved, that the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $10,000.00 from the Motor Ve- hicle Fund to the Maintenance fund. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. On motion, adjourned to 1.30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Wilkinson 'asked to withdraw his resolution, offered at the forenoon session of the Board, relative to the transfer of $10,000.00 from the Motor Vehicle Fund to the Maintenance Fund. There being no objection, so ordered. On motion of Mr. Wilkinson, the Clerk was instructed to have the map, prepared by the County Superintendent of High- ways, of the State and County Highways in Tompkins County, properly framed. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, the County Superintendent of Highways has been directed by this Board to maintain county roads and town roads in the County of Tompkins and to purchase equipment to carry on the maintenance work on said roads under resolu- tion passed by this Board on April 16, 1927, it has developed that it is necessary to purchase from time to time small needed equipment to carry on necessary repairs in said maintenance work economically, therefore Be It Resolved, that there be appropriated the sum of One Thousand Dollars for the above specified purpose, same to be paid out on orders signed by the County Superintendent of Highways and countersigned by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the Chairman of the Highway Committee and that the County Treasurer is authorized and directed to borrow above named amount on the faith and credits of the County of Tompkins ; all purchases above over one hundred dollars must receive the approval of the full Board of Supervisors. Seconded by Mr. Jones. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—The Maintenance Committee has investigated the matter of purchasing a mowing machine and a road sweeper for work on the Town & County Roads and as prices has been secured on same—Therefore be it Resolved,—that the County Supt. of Highways be author- ized & directed to purchase (1) one Road Sweeper at a cost of $125.00 from the Town of Groton, and (1) one mowing ma- chine at a cost of $159.00 of the International Harvester Co., J. B. Lang Co., local agent, above prices as submitted by them at request of Supt. of Highway, this money to come out of the $1,000.00 appropriation of Aug. 9- 1927 as passed by this board. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—The State and County Highway No. 1432, lead- ing from Groton to the Cortland County line, is and, for a long time, has been in a deplorable condition and, in places, detours have to be maintained at times, therefore be it Resolved—That the State Department of Public Works, Di- vision of Highways, be urgently requested to repair said road so that the same may be more passable for traffic, either by new construction or re -construction, at the earliest possible date, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the State De- partment of Public Works, Division of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Carried. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—Your Highway Committee has made a careful investigation of Rights of Way in the County of Tompkins, and we as a Committee recommends to this board the following claims to be ajusted Peter & Sarah Campbell on the Trumansburg Highway for the sum of $1000.00 • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 57 Grey Bros on same road $500.00 George .H. Stcne on same road $750.00 Frank Johnston on Dryden Road No. 682 $1000.00 The Gale or Comings property on Rd. 683 $1300.00 and be it further resolved the above sums be paid. & Clerk of Board is directed to draw up the proper papers. and cause same to be executed in be half of County, and that the County Tre's. is authorized to borrow the above sum of 4,550 on the faith and credit of the County Your Highway Committee would recomend to the Board of Supervisors that in the future any rights of Way to be secured by the County should be ajusted and settled before the Contract of road is let or the County should at 'once start condemnation proceedings Wm. B. Wilkinson Chairman Seconded by Mr. Jones. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr, Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on County Clerk and Election' Expenses be authorized and empowered to make the necessary repairs to the floor and to the painting of the roof of the County Clerk's building. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, as reported and recommended by the several committees to which they had been referred: L-129, LeRoy P. Burnham, Architect's fees, Sol- diers' Memorial $47.28 130, Hick's Nurseries, Trees, Soldiers' Memorial 412.00 131, Bool Floral Co., Freight and planting trees, Soldiers' Memorial 65.88 132, Treman, King & Co., Lock, Court -house .50 133, West Disinfecting Co., Disinfectants, Court- house 68.1.5 1,34, Del., Lack. & W. R. R. Co. Assd. to F. L. Clock, Freight on disinfectants, Court -house 1.59 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS 135, C. J. Rumsey & Co., Refills, Fire extinguish- ers, Courthouse 3.3g 136, Stuyvesant Ins. Co., Insurance, Courthouse 31.00 137, Court Berns, Expenses to Sealers' Convention 43.05 138, Treman, Ring & Co., Locks, etc., Com. of Election 5.77 139, Atkinson Press, Blanks, etc., Com. of Elec. 17.00 140, H. J. Bool Co., Rep. furniture, Com. of Elec. 14.25 141, West Publishing Co., Law reports, Co. Judge 12.00 142, Knickerbocker Press, Pub. terms of court, County Judge 18.24 143, The Corner Bookstores, Stationery, Co. Judge 11.00 144, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Co. Judge 11.50 145, W. L. Jenks & Son, Labor and materials, Co Clerk, Motor Vehicle 234.11 146, American Surety Co., Hold-up insurance, Co. Clerk 87.50 147, Norton Printing Co., Blanks and printing, Co. Clerk - ............................... ............... 26.35 148, Jamieson -McKinney Co., Rep. toilet, Co. C1'k 2.95 149, Fred D. Gilbert, Burial Lucy A. Loveless, Pensioner 75.00 150, F. D. Gilbert', Burial Nettie Shaw, Pensioner 75.00 151, Ithaca Reconstruction Home, Maintenance Phys. Hand. Children 288.00 152, Ethel I-Ia.wkins, R. N., R. R. fare, etc., Phys Hand. Children 15.23 153, L. L. Bosworth, Appliances, Phys. Hand Children 85.47 154, Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled, Maintenance Jas. Tudi, 4/13/27 to 4/25/27 22.50 155, R. H. Taylor, Constable fees, Dog cases 6.10 156, Ray J. Drake, Constable fees, Dog cases 21.00 157, Ray J. Drake, Constable fees, Dog cases 79.70 158, Daniel Mitchell, Justice fees, Dog cases 10.20 159, F. C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. of Highways 622.99 160, P. D. Conley Construction Co., Labor and material, right of way 904.72 161, J. E. VanNatta, Mimeographing rep., Snow committee 9.85 162, Atkinson Press, Printing, Co. Treasurer 18.00 163, A. B. Brooks & Son, Med. supplies, Co. Jail 3.45 164, J. C. Grim, Board of ,jurors, Co. Ct. Civil 10.50 165, McCann Electric Co., bulbs & fuses, Co. Jail 26.66 166, Treman, King & Co., Rep. roof, ete., Co. Jail 14.84 167, Frank C. Ellis, Disbursements, Sheriff 43.56 168, Frank C. Ellis, Auto -hire, Sheriff____ 501.13 ' OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 59 169, Dr. J. W. Judd, services to 8/2/27, Jail phys. 34.00 170, Ithaca Memorial Hospital, Treatment Marion Booth Not reported 171, Warrington R. Tompkins, Photographs, Dist. Atty. 28.00 172, Arthur G. Adams, Disbursements Violation State Law, Dist. Atty. 7.00 173, Arthur G. Adams, Disbursement Under Nat Proh. Law, Dist. Atty 7.00 174, Arthur G. Adams, Disbursements Basis Fed Search War. Dist. Atty 7.00 175, McCann Electric Co., Elec. supplies, Sheriff 6.36 176, Carl Crandall, Copying map, Co. Clerk 75.00 177, S. R. Tisdel Co., Lock & keys, Co. CIerk 4.30 178, Wm. H. Baker, Repairing Co. seal, Co. Clerk 4.50 179, Keystone Envelope Co., Envelopes, Co. Clerk 63.97 180, Milo Ribbon & Carbon Co., typewriter rib- bons, Co. Clerk 14.18 181, Donald A. Yontz, Services Motor Veh. Clerk, Co. Clerk 90.50 182, Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Maintenance to 12/15/27, Super. 9.40 Total $4,299.11 Claim No. L-170, of the Ithaca Memorial Hospital, not hav- ing been reported by the committee, on the grounds that the committee was not satisfied that the claim was a legal county charge, the chairman of the committee asked the committee be allowed to hold said claim for further investigation. There being no objection, so ordered. Claim No. L-151, of the Ithaca Reconstruction Home, having an item for the care of one Helen Fuller, at that institution, to the amount of $221.00, and the total amount available for the care of that patient under the order of the Judge of Children's Court being the sum of $62.00 and said claim having been rec- ommended by the committee for audit at an amount less than the amount claimed, a vote was taken on that claim. Moved by Mr. Buck, that Claim No. L-151, of the Ithaca Re- construction Home, be audited by this Board at $288.00, that being the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. 00 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved That the foregoing claims, amounting to the sum of $4,299.00, be audited at the amounts recommended by the several committees to which they were referred, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any avail- able funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of the County of Tompkins for the payment of the amount so bor- rowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay Claims Nos. L-15.5, L-156, L-157 and L-1.58 out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund; that she is hereby di- rected to pay Claim No. L-160 out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for the securing of rights of way, and that of Claim No. L-168, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the sum of $38.25, to the Town of Danby the sum of $2.70, to the Town of Dryden the sum of $28.05, to the Town of Enfield the sum of $1.80, to the Town of Groton the sum of $17.50, to the Town of Ithaca the sum of $9.30, to the Town of Lansing the sum of $54.68, to the Town of Newfield the sum of $65.40, to the Town of Ulysses the sum of $9.75 and to the City of Ithaca. the sum of $111.00, all being for sheriff's expenses and properly chargeable to said towns and city, and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city to which charged, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and on their behalf. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion of Mr. Snyder, the Clerk was authorized to issue copies of the report of the Committee to Investigate the Matter of Snow Removal, Etc., to any interested persons asking for the same. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 61 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., hereby request you to call a special session of said Board, to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Monday, September 12, 1927, at 10.30 A. M., to take action on matters pertaining to the re- moval of snow and the prevention of obstructions to highways caused thereby; to take any necessary action relative to rights of way; to provide for the transfer of funds in the hands of the County Treasurer necessary to carry on the county busi- ness for the balance of the year and to provide for the estab- lishment of a fire district in the Town of Newfield. Dated, September 2, 1927. OLEN A. KING, F. G. SNYDER, WM. B. WILKINSON, W. 0. SMILEY, L. E. PATTERSON, LESLIE R. PIERCE, FRED VAN ORDER, W. J. SHAVER, Special Session Monday, September 12, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the call for the special session. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, asking authority to borrow moneys to help pay the town's share of the cost of construction of highways, under -the provisions of §320-A, of the highway Law, which was filed. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, this day filed, be granted and that the town 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS be authorized to borrow the sum of $5,000.00, or so much . thereof as may be necessary, on the faith and credit of the town, to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of construction of highways. under the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. VanOrder. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated from the General Fund and from the General Highway Fund, the following sums to the funds hereinafter enumerated, to carry on the county business for the balance of the year 1927: Court House $1,000.00 Rights of Way for Highways 3,000.00 Total $4,000.00 and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay from said amounts in the same manner as other appropri ations are paid. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That the resolution adopted by this Board on August 9, 1927, relative to the establishment of a fire district in the Town of Newfield, be hereby rescinded. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Carried. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $2,375.00 for purchase of lands owned by the following nec- essary for rights of ways Elmer Palmer on Highway 683 $500.00 John Fundis on Highway 683 50.00 OIive Sanford on Highway 683 825.00 Rufus H. Pratt on Highway 682 1,000.00 $2,375.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 63 • as set forth on map attached to option executed for and in be- half of above named owners and the Clerk is directed to .issue and orders for said amounts payable to each of the above named upon delivery to him a proper deed of conveyance of paid lands; and the County Tres. is hereby directed to pay on order out of moneys in her. hands and if such funds are not available County Tres. is authorized to borrow above amount on the, faith & credit of the County. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Mr. Wilkinson asked that action on his resolution be deferred until the afternoon session of the Board. There being no objection, so ordered. The Clerk read a communication from the immediate family of the late Dr. J. M. Townsend, former supervisor from the Town of Ulysses, which was filed. Mr. Snyder presented a verified petition of taxable inhabi- tants of the Town of Newfield. relative to the establishment of a fire district in said town, which was filed. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—There has been presented to this Board, a writ- ten, verified petition of the taxable inhabitants of a proposed fire district within the Town of. Newfield, Tompkins County, but outside an incorporated village or city, and asking this Board to establish a fire district therein, and WHEREAS—Such petition was signed by those owning or rep- resenting more than one-half of the taxable real property of such district to be established and as owning or representing more than one-half of the taxable real property of such district Owned. by the residents thereof and whose names appear on the last preceding assessment roll of the town wherein such pro- posed fire district is located, and WHEREAS—Said proposed fire district is bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the center of the highway leading from the hamlet of Newfield to Ithaca, on the line be- tween Horace Stewart (now J. E, Dorn) and Fred Dean, run- ning thence south 40 E, seventy-eight and seventy-two one hun- dredths (78-72/100) chains; thence north 831A° W, ninety-nine and thirty-two one hundredths (99-32/100) chains; thence north 12° W, thirty-one chains ; thence north 68° E, one hun- 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD Of SUPERVISORS dred five (105) chains; thence south 44° E, three (3) chains and thirty (30) links to the place of beginning and containing five hundred, sixty-three (563) acres and seventy-one (71) square rods of .land, more or less, and WHEREAS—Said district, so to be established, does not extend in any direction to exceed one mile from the nearest engine, hose or hook and ladder house located within the district so to be established, and WHEREAS—All the requirements under the provisions of §38 of the County Law, have been complied with, therefore be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is established by this Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., on this 12th day of September, 1927, and pursuant to the provisions of §38, of the County Law, the following fire district in the Town of Newfield, Tompkins County, N. Y., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the center of the highway leading from the hamlet of Newfield to Ithaca, on the line between Horace Stew- art (now J. E. Dorn) and Fred Dean, running thence S. 4° E, seventy-eight and seventy-two one hundredths (78-72/100) chains; thence N. 831/)" W., ninety-nine and thirty-two one hundredths (99-32/100) chains; thence N. 12° W., thirty-one (31) chains; thence N. 68° E., one hundred five (105) chains; thence S. 44° E., three (3) chains and thirty (30) links to the place of beginning and containing five hundred. sixty-three (563) acres and seventy-one (71) square rods of land, more or less. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read ,a communication from the Secretary of the Women's Republican Club of Tompkins County, requesting the use of the court -room for meetings of that organization. On motion of Mr. Wilkinson, the request was denied, and Mr. Wilkinson was appointed by the Chairman as a Committee of one to inform the ladies of that organization of .the reasons why the request could not be granted. illr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS, this Board, by Resolution of May 9, appropriated the sum of $12,000 for Snow Removal and as the County Su- perintendent of Highways, Chairman of the Board and Chair- OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 05 man of the Highway Committee were named to take such ac- tion as they deemed necessary to keep the roads named in the resolution free from snow, this Committee reports and recom- mends the following be approved by this Board as per Reso- lution of May 9th, so therefore, Be It Resolved further that the County Superintendent of Highways, Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the High- way Committee be directed to make a lease for one large truck for snow removal and therefore be it further resolved that the same named committee be authorized to purchase the necessary snow plows as they deem necessary to equip such units in the county as they deem necessary, same to be paid out of the ap- propriation passed by this Board on orders drawn by the County Superintendent of Highways, countersigned by the Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Highway Coin= mittee, and Re It Fv.a tlu r Resolved that the remainder of the $12,000 appropriation be paid out on orders of the County Superinten- dent of Highways, countersigned by the Chairman of the Board for labor, rental of town equipment and any other expenses necessary to carry on Snow Removal successfully. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Wilkinson called up his resolution of the morning session, relative .to rights of way and asked that action be taken thereon. A vote being taken on Mr. Wilkinson's resolution, resulted as follows: Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the schedule of highways in the several towns, as outlined by the County Superintendent of Highways, for the removal of snow and obstructions caused thereby from the various highways, be approved, unless otherwise modified as conditions might necessitate,. as follows: 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CAROLINE Machine—County Wehr Grader, 1. Brooktondale to Cook's Corners on C. H. No. 483. 2. Brooktondale on '76 Road to Boiceville, thence on road from Boiceville to Slaterville Springs on C. H. No. 483. 3. Boiceville on '76 Road to Speedsville, thence east to Berkshire Town line at the covered bridge. 4. Speedsville south to the Candor Town line. DANBY Machine—Town Wehr Grader. 1. Danby Village on S. H. No. 5122 and S. H. No. 5043 to Ithaca City line. 2. On the Comfort-Elyea Road from S. H. No. 5122, to Smiley's Corners, thence to North Danby on S. H. No. 5122. 3. From North Danby on S. H. No. 5122 to the Tioga County line. DRYDEN Machine—Town Holt Tractor. 1. Dryden Village on C. H. No. 682 to the Pine Woods ; thence on S. H. No. 5294 to Freeville; thence on S. H. No. 5294 and C. H. No. 1002 through George Junior Republic to Dryden Village. 2. From Dryden Village on C. H. No. 683 to the Cortland County line. 3. From DeCouder's Corners on C. H. No. 683, westerly and northerly on county road to McLean, thence southwesterly on Creek Road through 11d1alloryville and Red Mill to Freeville. 4. From Dryden Village southerly on F. A. H. No. 8016 to the Cortland County line. 5. From Dryden Village easterly on County road to Virgil Town line. Machine—Town Wehr Grader. From Freeville through West Dryden to the Lansing Town line. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 67 ENFIELD Machine—Town Wehr Grader. 1. From Rothermick's Corners to Miller's Corners, thence on C. H. No. 1001 to Ithaca City, thence through Floral Avenue to C. H. No. 454, thence along C. H. No. 454 to C. H. No. 1189, thence along C. H. No. 1189 to Wallenbeck's Corners, thence southwesterly and southerly to Trumbull's Corners. 2. From Wallenbeck's Corners thence along C. H. No. 1189 to Miller's Corners. GROTON Machine—Town Lynn Tractor. 1. From Groton Village north on C. H. No. 1188 to Cayuga County line. 2. From Groton Village on C. H. No. 1433 to Lafayette's Schoolhouse Corners, thence northerly through Groton City, thence northwesterly to Cayuga County line. 3. From Lafayette's Schoolhouse Corners on C. H. No. 1433 to the Cortland County line. 4. From the Cortland County line at its intersection with the county road leading northeast from McLean, thence south- westerly through McLean and westerly on the Town Line Road to Peruville Schoolhouse Corners, thence southerly on C. H. No. 926 and C. H. No. 1002 to Freeville, thence back to Groton. Machine—Town Wehr Grader. From Groton Village west to West Groton, thence south to Benson's Corners. ITHACA Machine --Town Three Ton Brockway Truck. 1. From Ithaca City line at C. H. No. 681, thence easterly on C: H. No. 681 and S. H. 5225, through Forest Home and Varna to the Pine Woods. 2. From Forest Home. at Northrup's Corners, thence north- erly on county road to Hanshaw's Corners on C. 'H. No. 606. 3. From Hanshaw's Corners along C. H. No. 606 to C. H. No. 336, thence northerly through Cayuga Heights and along C. H. No. 336 to Esty's, thence southerly along C. H. No. 1330 and C. H. No. 454 to the City of Ithaca. 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 4. From Forest Horne southerly past the Cornell Univer- sity barns, thence westerly and southerly across Judd's Falls bridge and past the East Lawn Cemetery to the Ellis Hollow Road, thence easterly along the Ellis Hollow Road to Ellis Hollow, thence back over the Ellis Hollow Road to the City of Ithaca. 5. From the City of Ithaca over the Coddington Road to its southern extremity. LANSING Machine—Town Holt Tractor. 1. From South Lansing southerly along S. H. No, 5256 to Esty's. 2. From South Lansing westerly and southwesterly along S. H. No. 5627 and county road to Portland Point. 3. From S. H. No. 5627, at Teeter's Corners thence west- erly to Myers, thence to Ludlowville and thence back to South Lansing. 4. From South Lansing north along C. H. No. 1676 through North Lansing to the Cayuga County line. 5. From C. H. No. 1676 at North Lansing, easterly along county road to the Locke Town line. 6. From C. H. No. 1676 west of Terpening's Corners, thence easterly along Town Line Road to Peruville Schoolhouse on C. H. No. 926. Machine—Town Wehr Grader. 1. From Ludlowville northwesterly through Lake Ridge to the Cayuga County line. 2. From Lake Ridge to Lake Ridge R. R. Station. 3. The Lansingville Road between Lansingville Corners on State Route No. 11, and Drake's Corners. NEWFIELD Machine—Town Acme Grader. 1. From Newfield at S. H. No. 5214 easterly on Depot Road to S. 11. No. 5379. Ola TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 60 2. From Newfield at Done's Mill on -S. H. No. 5214, thence westerly and northerly on county road to Trumbull's Corners. 3. From Newfield at VanKirk's Corners on S. H. No. 5214, thence southerly to southern terminus of improved road. ULYSSES Machine -Town Holt Tractor. 1. From Trumansburg Village northwesterly along S. H. No. 5206 to the Seneca County line. 2. From Trumansburg Village southeasterly along C. H. No. 616 to Ithaca City. 3. From Krum's Corners at C. H. No. 616 and thence north- erly to Willow Creek R. R. Station, thence northwesterly to the White Schoolhouse, thence westerly and northerly to the Tomp- kins County Tuberculosis Hospital. 4. From the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital south- erly through Jacksonville on the county road to Lanning's Cor- ners in the Town of Enfield, thence westerly to Christjohn's Corners, thence southerly to Miller's Corners on C. H. No. 1623, thence westerly along C. H. No. 1623 to the Schuyler County line. 5. From Rollison's Corners on C. H. No. 1623 northerly, through Waterburg, past Podunk Schoolhouse, over the con- crete arch bridge to Trumansburg Village. 6. From Trumansburg Village along S. H. No. 5575 to Perry City. 7. From Seymour Bates' Corners on S. H. No. 5575, thence westerly on county road to the Schuyler- County line. COUNTY Machine—Four Ton Brockway Truck. 1. From Ithaca City through Newfield along C. H. No. 454, S. H. No. 5379, S. H. No. 5214 and S. H. No. 5474-A, to the new road at Cayuta Junction, thence to the left and past the depot at Cayuta and along the Cayuta-Deland Road back to S. H. No. 5474-A. 2. From the gasoline station at Williams' Corners and at the intersection of S. H. No. 5379 and S. H. No. 5214, thence southerly through West Danby to the Tioga. County line. 3. From West Danby on S. H. No. 5567 easterly to West Danby R. R. Station. 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Machine—Small County Truck. 1. From Ithaca City southeasterly through Slaterville Springs and along C. H. No. 72, C. H. No. 338, C. H. No. 483, C. H. No. 1004 and C. H. No. 1431 to its southern terminus. 2. From Boice's Corners on C. H. No. 483 southwesterly over the Lounsbury Road to Brooktondale. Seconded by Mr. Jones. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Quarterly Session Monday, November 14, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Wilkinson. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. The Clerk read certain claims, which were received and re- ferred to the proper committees. Mr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there,be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $292.10, to re-imburse the Town of Dryden for moneys ex- pended by said town on the Varna bridge, the same being a bridge of over twenty-five feet span, and the repairs thereon being properly a county charge, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount to the Supervisor of the Town of Dryden out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount she is hereby authorized and directed to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, on the faith and credit of Tomp- kins County. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes ----12. Noes -0. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 71 The Clerk read a report of an inspection of the County Jail, which was filed. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—The Highway Law provides that all highways constructed under the provisions of §§320-A, and 320-B, of said law, shall be designated by the Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS—It has been customary heretofore, for this Board to designate such highways for construction as are recom- mended by the Town Boards of .the several towns, thus leading to confusion and friction, therefore be it Resolved -That hereafter, all highways constructed in Tompkins County under the provisions of §5320-A, and 320-B, of the Highway Law, shall be designated by the Board of Su- pervisors alone, in order to perfect a more uniform County System. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes—Messrs. Shaver, Jones, Chase, Va.nOrder, Patterson, Howell, Pierce and Buck -8. Noes—Messrs. Whittaker, Smiley, Snyder and Allen -4. Resolution carried. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, as recom- mended by the several cornmittees.to which they had been re- ferred: L-183, P. W. Wood & Son, Insurance on Court House $53.00 184, C. J. Rumsey & Co., Lock, Court House 1.58 185, Ithaca Ice & Coal Co., Ice, Court House 2.07 186, H. A. Manning Co., Directories, Co. Officials 63.00 187, Andrus & Church, Auto books, Sheriff 13.75 188, Treman, King & Co., Materials, Co. Jail 5.67 189, W. R. Tompkins, Photos. Dist. Atty. 1.50 190, Clinton Hotel, Bd. of Jurors, Sup. Ct. Civil 15.00 191, H. L. O'Daniel, Supplies, Surrogate 8.95 192, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Surrogate 21.00 193, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Surrogate 16.50 194, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Surrogate 11.50 195, Hall & McChesney, Record Books, Surrogate 76.00 196, Hall & McChesney, Record Books, Co. Clk._. 76.00 72 PROCEEDINGS OF TI -IE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 197, Norton Printing Co., Ct. Calendars, Co. Clk. 85.00 198, J. E. VanNatta, Rep. typewriter, Co. Clk .75 199, J. E. VanNatta, Shelving, Co. Clk.'s office 542.70 200, Underwood Typewriter Co.. Rep. ma., Co. Clk. 12.35 201, Andrus & Church, Record Book, Co. Clerk 18.25 402, Andrus & Church, Repair, Rec. Bks., Co. Clk. 48.50 203, Driscoll Bros. & Co., Mat'ls, Co. Clk's Bldg. 18.87 204, W. J. Sammon, Paint. roof, etc., Co. Cl. Bldg. 65.00 205, Rothschild Bros., Rent, Corn. of El. to 5/1/28 60.00 206, Atkinson Press, Certificates, etc. Corn. of El. 11.50 207, Rothschild Bros., Elec. Supp., Com. of Elec. 3.60 208, Hand Stamp Shop, Stamp, etc., Com. of El. 11.00 209, Norton Printing Co., El. Ptg., Com. of El. 4,415.58 210, Atkinson Press, Elect. Printing, Com. of El. 10.50 211, Atkinson Press, Elec. Printg., Corn. of Elec. 22.00 212, Reuben H. Taylor, Constable fees, Dog Cases 18.65 213, Walter Armstrong, Constable fees, dog cases 20.05 214, Walter Armstrong, " it di CC18.40 215, Walter Armstrong, gg il it it10.70 216, Edward C. Howell, 49.60 217, Fred J. Slaight, 14.30 218, James V. Mead, 31.10 219, F. B. VanEtten, 4 C LI if " 16.45 220, A. J. Metzgar, 31.10 221, R. R. Chatterton, Justice " " " 40.30 222, Chas. June, LC " dd Li71.25 223, David A. Moore, ,, ' " " 8.40 224, C. P. Stoughton, " 11.70 225, Daniel Mitchell, 4, IC ti4.30 226, Paul Ewers, " 20.00 227, H. J. Bool Co., Furniture, Co. Treas. 1.3.25 228, Norton Printing Co., Printing, Co. Treas.. 18.20 229, Andrus & Church, Receipt Book, Co. Treas11.95 230, Andrus & Church, Printing, Co. Treas 40,50 231, Atkinson Press, Printing. Supt. of Highways 9.00 232, F. C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. Highways ........_._ 570.87 233, N. Y. State Gas & Elec. Corp., Install. lights. Soldiers' Memorial 626.79 234, H. K. Aiken, Justice fees, Dog cases 9.70 $7,357.68 Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That the foregoing claims, amounting to the sum of $7,357.68, he audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the committees to which they have been referred. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 73 and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not suffi- cient funds in her hands with which to pay said amounts, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the faith and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so bor- rowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of the Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay Claims Nos. L-212, L-213, L-214, L-215, L-216, L-217, L-218, L-219, L-220, L-221, L-222, L-223, L-224, L-225, L-226 and L-234, out of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -1.2, Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual Session First Day Thursday, November 17, 1927 MORNING SESSION The supervisors of the several towns and wards of the city of Tompkins County, met in annual session at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Thursday, November 1.7, 1927, at 10.30 A. M., :for organization, and was called to order by Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of the previous year. Upon the call of the roll, the following supervisors responded to their names, with post -office addresses, as follows: Caroline—H. A. Whittaker, Brooktondale, R. D. No. 21. Danby—William 0. Smiley, Ithaca, R. -D. No. 4. Dryden -William J. Shaver, Freeville. Enfield—Olen A. King, Ithaca, R. D. No. 5. Groton—John W. Jones, Groton. Ithaca Town—Legrande E. Chase, Ithaca, R. D. No. 8. Ithaca City— First Ward—Fred D. VanOrder, 511 W. Seneca St. Second Ward—L. E. Patterson, 115 E. State St. Third Ward --Albert L. Huff, 329 W. Buffalo St. Fourth Ward Sidney L. Howell, 202 E. State St. Fifth Ward—Leslie R. Pierce, 107 W. Yates St. Lansing—Clarence M. Buck, Ludlowville, R. D. No. 10. Newfield—Frank G. Snyder, Newfield, R. D. No. 27. Ulysses—Alfred W. Allen, Trumansburg. On motion of Mr. Buck, Mr. Chase was elected Temporary Chairman. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 75 On motion of Mr. Smiley, the Board proceeded, by informal ballot, in the election of a Permanent Chairman. The Temporary Chairman appointed Messrs. Whittaker and Buck as tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Wm. J. Shaver received 7, Olen A. King received 7. On motion of Mr. Smiley, the Board proceeded, by formal ballot, in the election of Chairman. The formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Wm. J. Shaver received 8, Olen A. King received 6. The Temporary Chairman declared Wm. J. Shaver duly elected Permanent Chairman for the ensuing year, and Mr. Shaver took the chair. On motion of Mr. Buck, the Board proceeded, by informal ballot, in the election of a Clerk for the ensuing year. The informal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Fred L. Clock received 14. On motion of Mr. Pierce, the informal ballot was declared formal and the Chairman declared Mr. Clock duly elected Clerk of the Board for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Pierce, the Clerk was authorized to pur- chase the necessary supplies for the Board. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the Chairman be requested to ap- point himself as Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., when making up the list of committee appointments. Seconded by Mr, Howell. Carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Chase, that when this Board adjourns today, it be to Monday, November 28, at 10.30 A. M. 7G PROCEEDINGS OFTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Howell. Carried. Moved by Mr. Patterson, that the Clerk be directed to notify all county officers to file their Teports with the Clerk of the Board, on or before Tuesday, November 29, 1927, and also to notify all boards and associations seeking appropriations from this Board, to file their financial reports and make appoint- ments for hearings on their applications, with the Clerk of the Board, on or before Tuesday, November 29, 1927, such hear- ings to be held not later than the week beginning December 5, 1927. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Chairman announced the following, as constituting the Equalization, Etc., Committee of the Board for the year 1927-1928: The Chairman, Messrs. Snyder, Chase, Patterson, Smiley, Jones and Whittaker. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the committee designation, as announced by the Chairman, be approved by the Board. Seconded by Mr. Jones. Carried. The Chairman announced that the balance of the committee appointments would be announced at the next session of the Board. On motion, adjourned. Second Day Monday, November 28, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 77 The Chairman announced the following committee appoint- ments for the year 1927-1928: RULES AND LEGISLATION The Chairman, Messrs. Snyder and Huff FORMS, FOOTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS, EQUALIZATION, RATIO AND APPORTIONMENT The Chairman, Messrs. Snyder, Chase, Patterson, Smiley, Jones and Whittaker TOWN AND COUNTY ACCOUNTS Mgssrs. VanOrder, King and Jones TOWN EXPENSES, ETC. 1VIessrs. King, Jones and Allen RETURNED HIGHWAY AND SCHOOL TAXES Messrs. Jones, VanOrder and King COUNTY OFFICERS AND COMPENSATION Messrs. Howell, Allen and Huff COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS Messrs. Smiley, Snyder and Buck CORONER AND JUSTICES' ACCOUNTS Messrs. Whittaker, Jones and King CORRECTION AND REFORMATION Messrs. Pierce, Patterson and Snyder COUNTY CLERK AND ELECTION EXPENSES Messrs. Chase, Patterson and Smiley CHARITIES Messrs. Snyder, Buck and Smiley SOLDIERS' RELIEF, ETC. Messrs. King, Huff and Howell HIGHWAYS Messrs. Buck, Whittaker, Patterson, Chase and Smiley FINANCE Messrs. Howell, Pierce and Allen CONTRACT SUPPLIES Messrs. Patterson, VanOrder and Whittaker 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JAIL SUPPLIES Messrs. Allen, VanOrder and Buck AUDITING ACCOUNTS OF THE TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL Messrs. Huff, Whittaker and Pierce HIGHWAY OFFICIALS Messrs. Chase, Howell and Buck TO SELL LANDS ACQUIRED BY THE COUNTY AT TAX SALE Mr. Pierce On motion of Mr. Smiley, the committee designations, as an- nounced by the Chairman, were approved by the Board, as the committees for the year 1927-1928. The Clerk read the following communication from the State Department of Taxation and Finance, relative to the amounts to be raised by Tompkins County for the ensuing year, for State Tax, Armory Tax and Stenographers' Tax: Department of Taxation and Finance Albany, October, 5, 1927 Dear Sir : The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby required to raise by taxation for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1927, the sum of $60,228.89, for the following purposes : Direct State Tax on an equalized valuation of $49,753,793 1.00 mill $49,753.79 Armory Purposes 6,892.64 Court and Stenographers' Expenses on an assessed valuation of $51,041,254 3,582.46 Total $60,228.89 The Direct State Tax is levied pursuant to Chapter 537, Laws of 1927. Armory Purpose Tax.is levied pursuant to the Military Law, as amended; Court and Stenographers' Ex- penses pursuant to the Judiciary Law, as amended, Chapters 55, 335, 454, 521, 570 and 667, Laws of 1927, and Article 6, Section 12, of the State Constitution. Respectfully yours, FRANK S. MCCAFFREY, Deputy Commissioner, Division of Fig anee Referred to the Committee on Finance. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 70 The Clerk read a communication from the State Department of Taxation and Finance, showing the rates of assessments of real property in the several tax districts of Tompkins County, as fixed by the State Tax Commission for the year 1927, as follows : Caroline 71% Danby 76% Dryden Enfield 67% Groton 77 m) Ithaca Town 83% Lansing 77% r Newfield 75% Ulysses 73% Ithaca City 90% Referred to the Committee on Equalization. The Clerk read a communication from the State Depart- ment of Public Works, Division of Highways, relative to the amount of moneys the several towns of the county will be re- quired to pay for the maintenance of state and county high- ways in the respective towns for the year 1.928, as follows : Town No. of Miles Amount :to be Raised Caroline ' 11.26 $550.00 Danby 12.53 650.00 Dryden 25.30 1,250.00 Enfield 12.18 600.00 Groton 9.68 500.00 Ithaca 21.92 1,100.00 Lansing 14.44 700.00 Newfield 16.08 ' 800.00 Ulysses 8.87 450.00 132.26 $6,600.00 Referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. The Clerk read a communication from the State Department of Audit and Control, relative to the amount of moneys neces- sary to be raised by the county and the several towns therein, for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the con- struction of state and county highways, as follows : 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County Town Road Town Sinking Sinking Fund Interest Fund Interest Total 606 Ithaca $163.20 $326.40 $57.60 $115.20 `662.40 616 Ulysses 706.20 1,412.40 216.85 433.69 Ithaca 75.77 151.54 2,996.45 681 Dryden 396.96 793.92 81.03 162.08 Ithaca 42.85 85.72 1,562.56 682 Dryden 305.03 610.05 89.71 179.42 1,184.21 683 Dryden 315.16 630.34 92.69 185.40 1,223.59 $7,629.21 Referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. The Clerk read the report of the County Clerk, relative to the receipts and disbursements of his office, which was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and EIection Expenses. The Clerk read the ,joint report of the County Cler-k.and the County Treasurer, relative to the Mortgage Tax moneys re- ceived and paid over during the year, and. the apportionment thereof to the several tax districts of the county, which was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. The Clerk read a communication from the County Clerk, relative to the assistants in the County Clerk's office, which was referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses to investigate and to report its recommendations to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation. Moved by Mr. VanOrder, that the Chairman and Clerk of -the Board be authorized and directed' to enter into a contract with the Onondaga County Boai;d of• Supervisors, for the care of •prisoners sentenced from Tompkins County to the Onondaga County Penitentiary during the year 1928. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Court Bellis appeared before the Board and rendered his annual report as County Sealer of Weights and Measures: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 81 Reports of the Special Franchises for the Towns of Caroline, Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield and Ulysses, were received and re- ferred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Allen presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Village of Trumansburg, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. The financial report of the Board of Managers of the Tuber- culosis .Hospital was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. Reports of Augustus Middaugh, Bowne Mulks, Joseph Mc- Grath, and P. Alfred Munch, of the Town of Caroline ; J. Dolph Ross, Paul Ewers, F. E. Parker and Frank Vantine, of the Town of Dryden ; J. C. Wetherby, Bert Kirby and Albert Cole - grove, of the Town of Enfield ; LaMotte Smith, of the Town of Lansing ; Albert G. Straight, of the Town of Newfield and Henry Williams, Fred N. Smith, Arthur Agard and H. K. Aiken, of the Town of Ulysses, Justices of the Peace of those towns respectively, were received and referred to the Com- mittee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. A report of the Bonded Indebtedness of th•e City of Ithaca was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Buck offered th•e following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That there be and hereby is appropriated and made immediately available, the sum of $1,015.00, as the first pay- ment to the Forest City Plumbing Company, for installing plumbing and heating at the county jail, and the Clerk is here- by directed to issue an order at this time for said amount, and the County Treasurer is directed to pay said order out of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Third Day Tuesday, November 29, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The financial report of the Board of Child Welfare was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Mr. Shaver presented the report of Jas. 0. Robertson, a Jus- tice of the Peace of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Ac- couhts. • M•r. Snyder presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. The Clerk read the report. of R. A. Hutchinson, Clerk of Children's Court and County Probation Officer, which was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Correction and Re- formation. The Clerk read the report of D. M. Gillespie, Clerk of Sur- rogate's Court, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. The Clerk read a communication from the authorities of "The Children's Village," which was filed. The Clerk read the annual report of the County Treasurer, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. The Clerk read the annual report of the County Superinten- dent of Highways, which was received and referred to th•e Committee on Highways_ The Clerk read the report of the Commissioners of Election and the apportionment of the election expenses, as made by them, among the county and the several political sub -divisions thereof, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. 83 Mr. Underwood, General Secretary of the New York State Federation of Farm Bureau Associations, appeared before the Board, relative to the enactment of a law imposing a tax on gasoline. The Clerk read the report of the County Superintendent of the Poor, which was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. The Clerk read .the following regular and supplemental re- port of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., on the footing of assessment rolls, which was laid on the table one day, under the rule: 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESS- MENT ROLLS To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y. : Gentlemen: Your Committee on the footing of Assessment Rolls reports that it has verified and corrected the footings of the Assessment Rolls referred to it, as made by the Assessors and Supervisors of each tax district, and that the following is a correct statement of such footings: Towns Total franchises a. 0 Grand total of roll Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Totals 34,7471 $888,370 33,2861 843,880 58,286 2,802,290 22,207 597,007 30,725 2,954,870 2,940 31,233,976 16,293 5,003,654 37,789 2,920,535 36,997 890,997 19,818 1,995,890 $13,383 4,104 76,942 8,946 34,592 846,360 87,150 34,342 16,275 42,668 $3,900 39,130 10,300 7,200 $905,653 847,984 2,918,362 605,953 2,999,762 32,080,336 5,090,804 2,954,877 907,272 2,045,758 293,088 $50,131,469 $1,164,762 $60,530 $51,356,761 Towns Real property subject to general tax not includ- ing franchises nor pen- sion property nor other exempt real • Pension property marked "exempt" Property within incorpor- ated villages maintain- ing separate road dis- tricts inclusive of pen- sion property marked "exempt" Property within incorpor- i-, ated villages maintain- --7 ing separate boards of health exclusive of pen- t i-, sion property marked ND "exempt" Caroline Danby $887,050 1 833,530 $1,320 10,350 Dryden 2,788,950 13,340 $773,763 Enfield 594,182 2,825 Groton 1 2,951,520 3,350 1,712,717 Ithaca City 31,147,923 86,053 Ithaca Town 5,001,954 1,700 1,756,203 Lansing 2,918,635 1,900 Newfield 885,697 5,300 Ulysses 1,988,840 7,050 677,702 Totals 1 $49,998,281 1 $133,188 $4,920,385 $2.385,819 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 85 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESS- MENT ROLLS (Continued) Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Totals $904,333 837,634 2,905,022 $2,144,599 603,128 2,996,412 1,287,045 $1,285,245 31,994,283 5,089,104 3,334,601 2,952,977 901,972 2,038,708 1,368,056 1,364,056 $51,223,573 $8,134,301 $2,649,301 W. J. SHAVER, Chairman. J. W. JONES, F. G..SNYDER, W. O. SMILEY, L. E. PATTERSON, H. A. WHITTAKER, LAGRAND CHASE, Committee. 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOOTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS -1927 Gentlemen: Your Committee would further, report._that. the following is the assessed value of the property within and without incorporated villages in those towns having such in- corporated villages: Towns & Villages Dryden - Dryden Village Freeville Village Inside Corporation Outside Corporation Totals Groton - •o ij 0 O a Special Franchise 0 0 $466,060 250,780 $716,840 2,085,450 $16,300 12,730 $29,030 10,100 $13,244 $495,604 278,159 $773,763 2,144,599 $1,300 14,640 3,560 $27.893 $4,860 49,049 .8,480 $2,802,290 $39,130 $76,942 $2,918,362 $13,340 Groton Village $1,691,700 $4,000 $17,017 $1,712,717 $1,550 Outside Corporation 1,263,170 - 6;300 - 17,575 - 1,287;045 1,800 $2,954;870 $10,300 $34,592 $2,999,762 $3,350 Totals Ithaca_ Cayuga Outside Totals Heights Village__ $1,710,600 $36,603 $1,756,203 Corporation 3,284,054 50,547 3,334,601 1,700 • $5,003,654 87,150 5,090,804 1,700 Ulys5es- Trumansburg Village $654,650 $6,700 $16,352 $677,702 $3,050 Outside Corporation 1,341,240 500 26,316 1,368,056 4,000 Totals $1,995,890 $7,200 $42,668 $2,045,758 $7,050 W. J. SHAVER, Chairman, J. W. JONES, F. G. 'SNYDER, W. O. SMILEY, L. E. PATTERSON, H. A. WHITTAKER, LAGRAND CHASE, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 87 Moved by Mr. Snyder, that the reports be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. By unanimous consent the reports were taken from the table. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the reports of the Committee on Equaliza- tion, on the Footing of the Assessment Rolls, be accepted and adopted, and that the figures therein set forth be used as a basis for taxation for the several tax districts of the county. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Dr. Wm. A. Smith appeared before the Board and rendered his annual report as Coroner, which was filed. Mr. Snyder presented the report of Chas. P. Stoughton, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, which was re- ferred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. On, motion, adjourned. Fourth Day Wednesday, November 30, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The Town Superintendents of the several towns of Tompkins .County have made an estimate of the amount of 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS money necessary to be raised for tax for improvement of high- ways and bridges and other miscellaneous highway purposes of their respective towns, as provided by §90 of the Highway Law; and WHEREAS—The respective town boards have approved or changed said _estimates, as provided by §9]. of the Highway Law, therefore be it Resolved—That the said estimates as approved by the town boards be received and the sum set opposite the name of the respective towns in the column which bears the heading, "Amount of lst Item" (which is the amount of the First Item in said estimates), be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of the respective towns, exclusive of the prop- erty within the limits of the incorporated village or villages of their respective towns which maintain their streets and high- ways as a separate road district, and be it further Resolved—That the sum set opposite the names of the re- spective towns, in the columns which bear the heading, "Amount of 2d Item," "Amount of 3rd Item" and "Amount of 4th Item" (which is the amount of the Second, Third and Fourth Items of said estimates as approved by the various town boards), be assessed, levied and collected upon the entire taxable•property of the various towns of Tompkins County, as follows, that is to say •: Name of Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of Town First Item Second Item Third Item Fourth Item Caroline $3,875.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,800.00 Danby 3,473.00 375.00 1,200.00 2,500.00 Dryden 6,858.00 500.00 1,000.00 4,400.00 Enfield 2,469.00 200.00 800.00 1,800.00 Groton 4,500.00 300.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Ithaca 8,000.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 Lansing 7,100.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 Newfield 3,917.00 3,300.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 Ulysses 5,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 And that the several amounts, when collected, shall be paid to the Supervisors of the respective towns, to be paid out by them as provided by law. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell presented the several claims audited by the Tompkins County Public Health Committee for the year end- ing October 31, 1927, which were received and filed. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY; NEW YORK . 89 . Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Tompkins County Public Health Committee for the year ending October 31, 1927, this day filed, be audited by' this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Jones presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on Jail Supplies, for the year ending October 31, 1927, which were received and filed. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved -That the several claims audited by the Committee on Jail Supplies for the year ending October 31, 1927, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr. VanOrder. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Allen presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on Auditing Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital for the year ending October 31, 1927, which were received and filed. Mr. Allen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee •on Auditing Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital for the 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS year ending October 31,.1927, this day filed,. be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that com- mittee. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -13. Noes -O. , Carried . Mr. Whittaker presented the several claims audited by the Committee on the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 'for the year ending October 31, 1927, which were received,and filed. Mr. Whittaker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on the Era.dication•of Bovine Tuberculosis for the year ending October 31, 1927, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by that committee.:. -Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Shaver presented the several claims audited by, the Com- mittee for the Enforcement of the Quarantine on Dogs for the year ending October 31, 1927, which were received and filed. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : • Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on the Enforcement of the Quarantine on Dogs for the year ending October 31, 1927, this day filed, be audited by -the Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.. • Mr. Smiley presented a list o:f' the Special Franchises of. the Town of Danby, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee,on Town Expenses, Etc. , , Mr. Buck presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred ,to the Committee•on Town Expenses, Etc. . OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK, 91 Mr. Smiley presented the reports of David A. Moore, Eugene Dorn, Fred E. Dorn and George'O. Sears, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Danby, which were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and_Justices' Accounts: The Clerk read the annual report' of the•District Attorney, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correc- tion and Reformation. Mr. Buck presented a list' of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Smiley presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Shaver presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Snyder presented the reports of E. S. VanKirk and J. D. Payne, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, which were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Chase presented the report of„James A. Bush, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on..Coroner and Justices' Accounts. The financial reports of the Tompkins County Public Health Committee, the Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red Cross, the Tompkins County Home Bureau Association, the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association and the Tomp- kins County Farm Bureau in Junior Project Extension Work, were received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, Etc. Mr. Chase presented the report,of Wm. I. Smith, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. On motion, adjourned. 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS . Fifth Day Thursday, December 1, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Snyder presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. King presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Smiley presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Lists of Corporations of the Towns of Danby, Enfield and Newfield were received and filed. Moved by Mr. Snyder, that the selection of officers and repre- sentatives to be elected by this Board, be made a special order of business for Tuesday, December 6, 1927, at 3 P. M. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried. Mr. Whittaker presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members,present. Mr. Huff presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Third Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Jones presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 93 Mr. Smiley presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Danby, which Was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. VanOrder presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the First Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Allen presented a list of the Returned Village Taxes of the Village of Trumansburg, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Allen presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Howell presented a list of the Grand- Jurors for the Fourth Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. The Cleric read the annual report of the Sheriff, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Re- formation. On motion, adjourned. Sixth Day Friday, December, 2, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and app Charlotte.V.,Bush,appeared• before the retention by her, as County Treasurer, moneys paid by reason of dog licenses. Referred to the Committee on County sation. roved.• -Board, relative -to the of 2% fees from the Officers ' and Compen- V4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Patterson presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Second Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission for the Blind, which was received and referred to the Commit- tee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. • Mr. Buck presented a .list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. iVlr. Shaver presented a List of Corporations of the Town of Dryden,- which was received and filed. Mr. Chase,presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Buck presented the report of Frank Howland, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the 'Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Whittaker presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Chase presented the report of Elmer Allen, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on ,Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Jones presented ,a list .of, the Town Audits of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc, Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County' Treasurer be directed to fur- nish to this Board forthwith, a report of all payments made by her for the maintenance of highways in Tompkins County con- structed under the provisions of . §320-A and §320-B of the Highway Law, during the year 1927 to December 1, 1927, with dates of payments and to whom made, together with all pay- rolls and other vouchers connected therewith, including the purchase of all tools, materials and equipment, and also, all OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 95 payments made during .the year 1927 for the purchase of all snow removal machinery and equipment with amounts paid for labor connected therewith, with all vouchers. . Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Whittaker presented a List of the Corporations of the Town of Caroline, which was received and filed. Mr. Snyder, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, ren- dered the following report .of that Committee, relative to the report of .the County Superintendent of the Poor: Your Committee on Charities, to which was referred the re- port of the County Superintendent of the Poor, reports that it has examined the report as presented and, to the best of your Committee's belief, the same is correct. Your Committee therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved—That :for the maintenance of the poor having set- tlement in Tompkins County, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, to reimburse the county for moneys expended for the maintenance of the poor of the various towns and the City of Ithaca, during the year ending November 15, 1927, the following sums, viz.: County $475.08 City of Ithaca 3,296.06 Ithaca Town 196.47 Caroline 421.87 Danby 00.00 Dryden 432.69 Enfield 540.61 Groton 617.75 Lansing 106.70 Newfield 00.00 Ulysses 288.27 $6,375.50 and be it further Resolved—That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $13,930.00. apportioned as follows: 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS For County and Town Poor .to be supported at the County Home for the ensuing year $6,000.00 Outdoor relief and County Home Maintenance 6,500.00 Superintendent of Poor Expenses 400.00 Transportation 400.00 Chaplain at County Home 150,00 Physician at County Home 480.00 Dated, December 2, 1927 $13,930.00 F. G. SNYDER, C. M. BUCK,. W. 0. SMILEY, Committee. Moved by Mr. Snyder, that the report of the Committee be accepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Chase, Chairman of the Committee on Contract Sup- plies, rendered the following report of that Committee for the year ending October 31, 1927 : Your Committee on Contract Supplies reports that claims amounting to $4,194.54, as listed below, have been presented to it and audited from November lst, 1926, to October 31st, 1927, and orders have been issued on the County Treasurer for the payment of the same, as follows: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 07 Light Heat Telephone Court House $317.60 $918.37 $84.10 Jail 430.29 528.16 County Clerk's Building 149.71 340.70 53.82 Supervisors 1.00.51 Superintendent of Highways 95.26 Motor Vehicle Office 39.61 85.75 County Treasurer 63.15 County Sheriff 110.89 225.22 County Judge and Surrogate._ 304.84 Almshouse 71.89 Commissioners of Election 43.05 63.18 Tuberculosis Hospital 87.35 Children's Court 72.09 $1,091.15 $1,796.23 $1,307.16 Balance in appropriation November 1, 1926 $2,004.74 1927 Appropriation—Telephone 1,500.00 Heat & Light_3,500.00 Receipts—Motor Vehicle, Light • and Telephone 20.65 Sheriff's telephone 10.62 County Judge's telephone 6.85 Supervisors' telephone ._.. .25 Expended for Telephone Meat and Light $7,043.11 $1,307.16 2,887.38 4,194.54 Balance in appropriation $2,848.57 Respectfully submitted this 2nd day of December, 1927. LAGRAND CHASE, A. W. ALLEN, W. J. SHAVER, Committee. Moved by Mr. Chase, that the report of the Committee he accepted. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the tax- able property of Tompkins County, the sum of $5,000.00, for the following purposes for the ensuing year : 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS For Fuel and Light for County Buildings in the City of Ithaca $3,500.00 For Telephone Service for County Officers 1,500.00 $5,000.00 Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts, relative to the amounts to be raised for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of state and state and county highways, and the amounts necessary to be raised by the several towns of the county for the maintenance thereof for the year 1928, as follows: Your Committee on Town and County Accounts, having examined the figures submitted by the State Department of Audit and Control, of the amounts necessary to be raised by the county, and some of the towns thereof, for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for .the construction of state and state and county highways, and the figures submitted by the State Division of Highways, of the amounts necessary to be raised for the maintenance of such highways by the several towns of the county, reports the following amounts necessary to be levied and collected for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of state and state and county highways, clue from Tompkins County and the several towns thereof, and also the following amounts necessary to be levied and collected from the several towns of the county for the maintenance of such highways, as follows: Towns County Interest Town Interest Road Sinking on Sinking on Maintenance Fund same Fund same Caroline $550.00 Danby 650.00 Dryden 1,250.00 $1,017.15 $2,034.31 $263.43 $526.90 Enfield 600.00 Groton 500.00 Ithaca 1,100.00 339.42 687.86 Lansing 700.00 Newfield 800.00 Ulysses .. 450.00 706.20 1,412.40 216.85 433.69 $6,600.00 $2,062.77 $4,125.57 $480.28 $960.59 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 99 Dated, December 1, 1927. FRED VANORDER, OLEN A. KING, J. W. JONES, Committee. Mr. VanOrder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved -That the report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts be accepted and that the amounts therein mentioned be Ievied upon and collected from the taxable prop- erty liable therefor for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of state and state and county high- ways, due from Tompkins County and the several towns there- in, and also that the amounts therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county for highway maintenance of such highways in said towns. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 5, 1927, at 10.30 A. M. Seventh Day Monday, December 5, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Howard O'Daniel, County Clerk -elect, appeared before the Board, relative to matters pertaining to the County ,Clerk's office. Referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compen- sation. The Clerk read a communication from the District Attorney, relative to the salary for that office, which was received and 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compen- sation. . The Clerk read a claim of Glen L. Bacon, a resident of the the Town, of Lansing, for damages to trees, caused by the con- struction of C. H. No. 1676, which was referred to the former committee on Highways, to investigate and recommend to this Board. Mr. Shaver presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Chase presented a List of Corporations of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and filed. Mr. Shaver presented the Town Budget of the Town of Dry- den, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. 1 Mr. Allen presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Buck presented the Town Budget of the Town of Lans= ing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Shaver presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Snyder presented a list of the Returned School 'Taxes of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Shaver presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 101 Mr. Jones presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Snyder presented the Town Budget of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr: Shaver presented a list of the Returned Village Taxes of the Village of Dryden and the Village of Freeville, which were received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Chase presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on Contract Supplies for the year ending. October 31, 1927, which was received and filed. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Committee on Contract Supplies for the year ending October 31, 1927, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended and audited by that committee. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The County Treasurer presented reports of payments for labor, tools, machinery and equipment for maintenance of highways, with vouchers, and of payments for labor and pur- chase of machinery and equipment for snow removal, with vouchers, pursuant to a resolution of this Board adopted De- cember 2, 1927, which were received and referred to the Com- mittee an Highways. On motion, adjourned. Eighth Day Tuesday, December 6, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. 102 PROCEEDINGS OF TETE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $225.00 for postage and incidental expenses of the County Clerk, the sum of $150.00 for postage and incidental expenses of the County Treasurer and the sum of $50.00 for postage for the Clerk of the Board, for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Huff. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $400.00 for postage and incidental expenses of the Commissioners of Elec- tion, for the ensuing year. .Seconded by Mr. Allen. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. King offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer be allowed the sum of $300.00 for clerk hire for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. VanOrder. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Whittaker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer be authorized to pay the several towns and city of the county any balances in her hands standing to the credit of the respective towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its 'adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to. pay the salaries of all county officers and employees monthly, except as otherwise directed by a resolution of this Board. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 103 Seconded by Mr. Jones. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board issue an order to the County Treasurer for the payment of each claim audited by this Board, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for that purpose. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That all moneys now in the hands of the County Treasurer, either in the general or highway fund, and not ap- propriated by this Board for any specific purpose, be hereby re -appropriated to the general or the highway fund respec- tively. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Allen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved✓That the Clerk be directed to secure bids for 1,000 copies of the Printed Proceedings of this Board for the year 1927, reserving the right to reject any or all bids. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. Mr. Huff offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk be authorized to correct any man- ifest errors occurring in the minutes or in the report of any committee. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. The Democratic members of the Board designated the Groton Journal -Courier, as the official paper of that party to publish all resolutions and notices required by law to be published. The Republican members of the Board designated the Ithaca Journal -News, as the official paper of that party to publish all resolutions and notices required by law to be published. 1 104 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Buck, that -the designations as made, be ap- proved by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. Mr. Jones presented a List of the Corporations of the Town of Groton, which was received and filed. Mr. Pierce presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Fifth Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Snyder presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Allen presented a List of Corporations of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and filed. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mrs. Helen P. Sawyer, Executive Secretary of the Southern Tier Association for the Blind, and Mr. Glenn P. Stephens, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Chemung County, appeared before the Board, relative to the work being carried on by the association and the benefits to be derived by being a contributing member thereof. Referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The election of officers and representatives of this Board, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. Mr. Buck placed in nomination the name of Miss Emma Knettles, as a Member of the Board of Managers of the Tuber- culosis Hospital. Miss Knettles' nomination was seconded by Mr. Whittaker. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Pierce, the Clerk cast one ballot for Miss Emma Knettles, and the Chairman declared iVEiss Emma Knettles duly elected a Mem- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 105 ber of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, to succeed herself, for a term of five years, beginning Janu- ary 1, 1928. IVIr. Pierce placed in nomination the name of I)r. J. W. Judd, as Jail Physician for the ensuing year. Dr. Judd's nomination was seconded by Mr. Patterson. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Buck, the Clerk cast one ballot for Dr. J. W. Judd, and the Chairman declared Dr. Judd duly elected Jail Physician for the ensuing year of 1928. Mr. Pierce placed in nomination the name of Mrs. Iva B. Ellis, as Jail Matron for the ensuing year. Mrs. Ellis' nomination was seconded by Mr. Chase. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Smiley, the Clerk cast one ballot for Iva B. Ellis, and the Chairman de- clared Mrs. Ellis duly elected Jail Matron for the ensuing year of 1928. Mr. Smiley placed in nomination the name of Frank G. Snyder, as the Representative of this Board on the Board of Directors of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association. Mr. Snyder's nomination was seconded by Mr. Chase. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Chase, the Clerk cast one ballot for Frank G. Snyder, and the Chair- man declared Mr. Snyder duly elected as the representative of this Board on the Board of Directors of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association for the ensuing year of 1928. Mr. Buck placed in nomination the name of Sidney L. Howell, as the Representative of this Board in Junior Project Extension Work.. Mr. Howell's nomination was seconded by Mr. Pierce. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Smiley, the Clerk cast one ballot for Sidney L. Howell, and the Chair- man declared Mr. Howell duly elected as the representative of this Board in Junior Project Extension Work for the ensuing year of 1928. • On motion, adjourned. 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ninth Day Wednesday, December 7, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding clay read and approved. Mr. Chase presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. King presented a List of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Buck presented a List of Corporations of the Town of Lansing, which was received and filed. Thebalance of the morning session was taken up with a dis- cussion of appropriations to certain organizations. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Jones. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated and made immediately available, the sum of $100.00, for the pur- chase of farm tools and machinery, of Philo B. Smith, at the County Home, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order at this time for said amount, payable to Philo B. Smith, and the County Treasurer is directed to, pay said orderout of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 107 During the balance of the afternoon session, the Board was engaged in listening to the annual report of the Tompkins County Board of Child Welfare. On motion, adjourned. Tenth Day Thursday, December 8, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, Minutes of preceding clay read and approved. Members of the Tompkins County Home Bureau Associa- tion, the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association and the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association in Junior Project Extension Work, appeared before the Board and presented •their annual reports and requests for appropriations for the year 1928. Referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The report of Daniel Mitchell, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Smiley presented the Town Budget of the Town of Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, rendered the following report of that commit- tee, relative to the joint report of the County Clerk and County Treasurer on moneys received for Mortgage Tax : Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, to which was referred the joint report of the County Clerk and the County Treasurer, relative to Mortgage Tax Moneys received and the allocation thereof to the several tax districts of the county, hereby renders the following report: Your Committee finds that the amounts reported received, with interest added, and deductions made for expenses and re- 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS funds, are correct, to the best of your committee's belief, and that the amounts credited to the several tax districts of, the county are correctly made and are as follows : Caroline $53.26 Danby 97.71 Dryden 113.09 Enfield 32.07 Groton 241.77 Ithaca Town 807.87 ' Lansing 115.34 Newfield 57.04 Ulysses 181.30 Ithaca City 3,897.03 $5,596.48 Your committee further finds, that of the sum of $113.09, credited to the Town of Dryden, there should be apportioned to the incorporated Village of Dryden, the sum of $9.33 and to the incorporated Village of Freeville, the sum of $5.03. That of the sum of $241.77, credited to the Town of Groton, there should be apportioned to the incorporated Village of Groton, the sum of $69.21. That of the sum of $807.87, credited to the Town of Ithaca, there should be apportioned to the incorporated Village of Cayuga Heights, the sum of $138.79. That of the sum of $181.30, credited to the Town of Ulysses, there should be apportioned to the incorporated Village of Tru- mansburg, the sum of $29.73. Dated, December 7, 1927. F. G. SNYDER, W. 0. SMILEY, C. M. BUCK, Committee. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Account relative to the Mortgage Tax Moneys re- ceived and the allocation made thereof, be accepted and OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 1O9 adopted, and that this Board issue its warrant to the County Treasurer for the distribution of the amount in her hands, as therein set forth, to the several tax districts in the county, -as therein stated. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The report of the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, having been made a special order ofbusiness for the afternoon session, that matter was taken up. Dr. Keith Sears, Superintendent, rendered the report of the Board of Managers. Dr. Homer Genung, as President, and other members of the Board of Managers, addressed the Board. The report, with the requests contained, was referred to the Committee on Charities. On motion, adjourned. Eleventh Day Friday, December 9, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. A hearing on the report of the Tompkins County Public Health Committee, having been made a special order of busi- ness for this time, that matter was taken up. 110 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The officers of the committee and the county nurses presented their several reports to the Board, which were referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Dr. John A. Conway, of Hornell, State District Health Of- ficer, also addressed the Board, relative to public health and sanitation. Miss Margaret Scott, Secretary of the local Family Welfare Society, addressed the Board, relative to maintenance for a needy blind person. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 12, 1927, at 10.30 A. M. • Twelfth Day Monday, December 12, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. - Mr. Chase presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The Clerk read a number of claims, which were received and referred to the committees having those matters in charge. The report of Chas. H. June, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Lansing, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Shaver presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of School District No. 8, of the Town of Dryden, which was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. On motion of Mr. Howell, the Board went into executive session. The Board arose from executive session and proceeded in the transaction of routine business. OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. 111 Mr. Chas. G. Snyder, of the State Tax Department, and Messrs. W. 0. Kerr, City Clerk, Lewis E. Dofflemyer, City As- sessor, and Clarence A. Snyder, City Chamberlain, appeared before the Board relative to the rate of assessment of the City of Ithaca, as fixed by the State Tax Commssion, The balance of the afternoon session was taken up with a discussion of assessments and equalization. On motion, adjourned. Thirteenth Day Tuesday, December 13, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation be authorized and empowered to purchase the neces- sary chairs for the court -room, and the needed furniture for the attorneys' room in the court -house. Seconded by M•r. Whittaker. Carried. •Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That there be and hereby is appropriated and made immediately available, the sum of $15O.00, as payment in full for all claims and demands of Glen L. Bacon, for dam- ages in the construction of C. H. No. 1676, and the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order at this time for said amount. 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS payable to Glen L. Bacon, upon the proper conveyance by him to the county, of the lands in question and a release of all dam- ages by reason of the taking thereof, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to 'pay said order out of the moneys in her hands appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell presented a List of Corporations of the City of Ithaca, which was received and filed. Mr. Chase presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Chase presented a list of the Returned Village Taxes of the Village of Cayuga Heights, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, relative to the List of Grand Jurors for the year 1928 : Your Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, whose duty it is to prepare a List of Grand Jurors for Tomp- kins County for the year 1928, having prepared such a list from the names submitted to it by the several supervisors of the towns and wards of the city, which were filed with the Clerk of this Board, hereby recommends that the list so prepared, with the occupations and post office addresses, be adopted as the true Grand Jury List of Tompkins County, for the year 1928. ° Dated, December 12, 1927. J. W. JONES, F. D. VANORDER, OLEN A. KING, Comm ittee. Moved by Mr. Jones, that the report be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. VanOrder. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 113 AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Commissioners of Election appeared before the Board, relative to other quarters for their offices. Referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compen- sation. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $28,730.00 for the construction of highways for the year 1928, under the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway Law, said sum of $28,- 730.00 to be duplicated by a like amount by the State of New York, under the provisions of §320-B, of the Highway Law. 'Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes --0. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated from the Motor Vehicle Funds, now in the hands of the County Treasurer, the sum of $8,000.00 to the Highway Construction Fund under the County and Town System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Jones presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of School District No. 8, of the Town of Groton, which was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Jones presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Village of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. On motion, adjourned. 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Fourteenth Day Wednesday, December 14, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Smiley presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Howell presented a list of the Returned School. Taxes of • the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. • Mr. Buck presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation, be authorized and empowered to install new grates in the heating plant at the court -•house, suitable for .the com- bustion of fine coal, if, in the opinion of the committee, such a change is desirable. :Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Allen. Dr. McKinney appeared before the Board and rendered a report on the work carried on during the year by the Com- mittee for the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis. Mr. Buck presented the several claims audited by the Special Committee on Maintenance of Highways for the year ending December 1, 1927, which were filed. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 115 Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims audited by the Special Committee on Maintenance of Highways for the year ending December 1, 1927, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $10,543.00 for the year 1928, for the maintenance of high- ways in Tompkins County, built under the County and Town System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -12. Noes -0. ' Carried. Mr. Snyder, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, ren- dered the following report' of that committee, relative to the report of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital: Your Committee on Charities, having examined the annual report of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, reports that the figures submitted to this Board appear to be correct. In view of the fact that the balance on hand at the time of the annual report of 1926, was the sure of $6,190.08, and the balance on hand at the time of the annual report df 1927, is the sum of $4,895.60; and that the item of County Nurse is now provided for by the County Public Health Committee, your committee fails to see the necessity of an appropriation for maintenance as large for the year 1928, as was appropriated for the current year, and your committee therefore recom- mends the appropriation of $18,000.00 for the maintenance of the hospital for the year 1928. Dated, December 14, 1927. F. G. SNYDER, W. 0. SMILEY, C. M. BUCK, Committee. 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Snyder, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. Mr_ Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved -.That there be and hereby is appropriated, the sum of $18,000.00 for the maintenance of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital for the year 1928. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -12. Noes -0: Carried. On motion, adjourned. Fifteenth Day Thursday, December.15, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Howell, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, rendered the following report of that com- mittee relative to salaries of county officers and employees : Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation, which is required to recommend to this Board the amount of salaries that should be paid to the several county officers and employees, reports that in its opinion, the salaries of the va- rious county officials and regular employees in the several de- partments of county government should be fixed as follows : County Judge and Surrogate $5,000.00 Judge of Children's Court 1,500.00 Special County Judge and Surrogate 600.00 County Clerk 2,600.00 OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 117 County Treasurer 1,000.00 District Attorney 2,000.00 Sheriff 2,400.00 • Superintendent of the Poor 1,500.00 Coroner 500.00 Superintendent of Highways 2;200.00 County Sealer of Weights and Measures 500.00 Two Commiss'rs of Election at $900 each 1,800.00 Clerk of Board 1,500.00 Attorney for Board 300.00 Deputy County Clerk 1,500.00 Surrogate's Clerk 1,500.00 Motor Vehicle Clerk, County Clerk's office 1,200.00 Assistants in County Clerk's office 4,400.00 Clerk of Children's Court 800.00 County C't and Surrogate's Stenographer -1,200.00 Under Sheriff 1,500.00 Jail Matron 300.00 Probation Officer 1,200.00 Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey 900.00 Keeper at County Home 1,200.00 Janitor at Court House 1,000.00 Janitor at County Clerk's Building 480.00 Total for County Officers and Employees $40,580.00 The foregoing amounts are the same as for the current year, except the salaries of the District Attorney, Coroner, Deputy County Clerk and the Commissioners of Election. Your committee recommends that the salaries of the sev- eral county officers and employees be fixed by this Board at the amounts stated, and your committee directs that the amount paid to the Motor.Vehicle Clerk in the County Clerk's office, be in full for any notarial fees or other services in connection with the duties of his office; that the County Sealer of Weights and Measures be allowed a sum, not to exceed $400,00, for expenses while performing the duties of his office; that the County Su- perintendent of Highways be allowed a sum, not to exceed $1,000.00, for expenses while performing the duties of his office; that the Coroner be allowed a sum, not to exceed $100.00, while performing the duties of his office and that the Sheriff, under the conditions and agreements made by him heretofore with this Board, be allowed 15c per mile, while traveling by auto in the performance of his duties, but not to exceed $2,000 per year, unless otherwise directed by a resolution of this Board, all of said expenses and claims for auto hire to be au- 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF. SUPERVISORS dited by this Board at the annual or any quarterly session thereof, and that the District Attorney be allowed the sum of . .$700.00 per annum for office expenses, the same to be paid to him in monthly installments. Dated, December 15, 1927. S. L. HOWELL, A. W. ALLEN, A. L. HUFF, Committee. Moved by Mr. Howell, that the report of the committee be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Jones presented the reports of Geo. B. Sickmon and R. R. Chatterton, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Groton, which were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Jones presenter] a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Jones presented a list of the Returned Village Taxes of the Village of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned 'Highway and School Taxes. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses relative to the report of the Commissioners of Election, and' the apportionment of the election expenses among the county and the several tax dis- tricts .therein : Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, to which was referred the report of the Commissioners of Elec- tion relative to election expenses, hereby renders the following report Your committee finds that the election expenses for the year 1927, should be apportioned among the county and the several towns and city therein, as follows : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 119 County of Tompkins $4,813.44 Town of Caroline 145.40 Town of Danby 121.80 Town. of Dryden 347.02 Town of Enfield 133.71 Town of Groton 362.41 Town of Ithaca 211.43 Town of Lansing 198.04 Town of Newfield 143.83 Town of Ulysses 228.47 City of Ithaca 1,028.70 $7,734.25 Your committee therefore recommends that the foregoing amounts be charged to the county, towns and city, as above in- dicated, and that the several amounts so charged, be assessed against, levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County and the respective towns and city therein. Your committee further finds that of the sum of $4,813.44, as charged to the county, the sum of $1,015.75 thereof was for expenses contracted on behalf of the state and for which the state will re-imburse the county, making the total election ex- penses for the county, towns and city for the year 1927, the sum of $6,718.50. Dated, December 15, 1927. LAGRAND CHASE. L. E. PATTERSON, W. 0. SMILEY, Committee. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Rcsolved<That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted and that the several sums therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and the several towns and city therein, liable therefor, as therein set forth. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the reports of the County Clerk and the Surrogate's Clerk: 120 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF•SUPERVISORS Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, hereby renders the following report, relative to the reports of the County Clerk and the Surrogate's Clerk : Your committee, after an examination of said reports, be- lieves them both correct. Your committee examined the report of moneys received by the County Clerk and the disposition made thereof and com- pared the figures submitted, with the books of the County Treasurer. Your committee finds that the figures so submitted agree with the records of the County Treasurer and your com- mittee believes that the County Clerk has accounted for all the moneys belonging to the county, as received by him. Your committee finds that the balance of $267.00, as reported by the Surrogate's Clerk, after deducting the office expenses for the year, has been received and ready to be paid to the County Treasurer. Dated, December 15, 1927. LAGRAND CHASE, L. E. PATTERSON, W. 0. SMILEY, Committee. Moved by Mr, Chase, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. A11 members present. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : • Resolved—That this Board of Supervisors requests that the State Tax Commission, Department of Taxation and Finance, allow Mr. C. H. Snyder, Special Agent, to come to this county in January, 1928, to make a check-up of the several towns and city, with the idea of equalizing the valuations of the several tax districts in the county. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 121 Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Equalization be author- ized and empowered to employ such experts as the committee deems necessary in the matter of equalizing the valuations of the several tax districts in the county. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Tompkins County Sheep,Breeders' Association appeared before the Board relative' to a quarantine on dogs and the en- forcement of such quarantine. Mr. Wm. S. Scott, Chairman, and Messrs. E. S. Hill, of Dry- den, Chas. Wetherby, of Enfield, Edward Hine, of Newfield, Merril Curry, of T.Tlysses,.David Moore, of Danby, L, B. Frear, of Ithaca, and W. E. Mandeville, .of the State Department of Farms and Markets, addressed the Board on the subjects and commended the enforcement as carried on in the county for the current year and the beneficial results obtained. On motion, adjourned. Sixteenth Day Friday, December 16, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Jones. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That there be and hereby is appropriated, the sum of $300.00 to the Cornell Library Association for the ren- tal of offices for the Motor Vehicle Clerk for the year 1928, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay such amount to the treasurer of said association in quarterly pay- ments. 122 PROCEEDINGS OF THE'BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -12. • Noes=0. Carried.' • Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its. adoption : Resolved—That' there be and hereby is appropriated from the surplus moneys in the hands of the County Treasurer in the general fund, the sum of $500.00 to the police of the City of Ithaca, for an hourly inspection of the offices of the Surrogate and the County Clerk, and the County Treasurer is hereby di- rected to pay said amount into the Police Fund of the City of Ithaca in quarterly payments, unless otherwise ordered by a resolution of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the sums of $1,500.00 and $300.00, hereto- fore appropriated as salaries to the Clerk and Attorney for this Board, be in full payment of services as Clerk and Attorney for this Board from November 17, 1927, to the annual session in 1928, unless otherwise ordered by a resolution of this Board. Said sums to be paid as follows : $400.00 forthwith, $400.00 on January 15, 1928, and the balance in ten monthly payments of. $100.00 per month, the first monthly payment being February 1, 1928. The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make the first two payments- out of any unappropriated moneys in her hands, and if she has not sufficient moneys with which to pay said amounts, she is hereby authorized and directed to borrow the same ori the credit of the county. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. . AFTERNOON SESSION RoII call. All members present, except Mr. Jones. Mr. Whittaker, of the Committee for the Eradication of Bo- vine Tuberculosis, addressed the Board relative to the appro- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 123 priation to that organization for the forthcoming year, stating the reason for asking foran appropriation of $1,000.00 less than the appropriation for the current year, was owing to the improvement of the conditions in this county and expressing a belief of a continuation of such improvement, as to require .a lesser appropriation each year. Mr. Shaver presented a petition, asking for the construction of that portion of the Ithaca -Dryden highway, between East Ithaca and the hamlet of Varna, which, on motion, was re- ferred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Whittaker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the State Commission of Farms and Mar- kets be requested to place a quarantine on the dogs of Tomp- kins County from sunset to one hour after sunrise for the pe- riod of one year, commencing March 1, 1928, and ending Feb- ruary 28, 1929, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be directed to for- ward a certified copy of this resolution to the State'Commission of Farms and Markets. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Mr. Whittaker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman appoint a committee of three, to have charge of the enforcement of the quarantine on dogs, such committee to be authorized to appoint and, if advisable, to discharge any enforcement officer appointed by it, and to make all necessary arrangements for the proper enforcement of the quarantine on dogs, and to issue orders on the County Treasurer for the payment of any necessary expenses incurred in the proper enforcement of such quarantine, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay such orders out of moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. The Chairman announced as the members of such committee Messrs. Buck, Pierce and King. 124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS On motion, the committee appointment, as announced by the Chairman, was approved by the Board. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 19, 1927, at 10.30 A. M. Seventeenth Day Monday, December 19, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call, All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Whittaker presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Jones presented the report of Miles G. TarbeIl, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Whittaker presented the Town Budget of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. King presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. King, Chairman of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., to which had been referred the reports of various organ- izations, associations and committees, and asking for appro- priations of moneys by this Board for the ensuing year, ren- dered the following report of that committee: Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., having in charge the requests of certain organizations, associations and commit- tees for appropriations from this Board, and after a due con- sideration of the necessity of such requests, believe that the sums hereinafter mentioned are sufficient amounts to be ap- propriated to such organizations, etc., and your committee therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolu- tions : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 125 Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association the sum ; of $3,500.00; to the Tompkins County Home Bureau Association the sum of $4,000.00, and to the Tompkins County Farm Bu- reau for Junior Project Extension Work the sum of $2,700.00; to the Board of Child Welfare the sum of $4,000.00; to the Tompkins County Public Health Committee the sum of $3,300 for public health work within the county; to the Committee for the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis the sum of $4,000, for the carrying on the work of the foregoing organizations, etc., for the year 1928, and to the Southern Tier Association for the Blind the sum of $600.00, for the year 1928; and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to the Treasurer of the Farm Bureau Association and the Home Bureau Association, the amounts herein appropriated to them, in four quarterly payments on the 15th days of Febru- ary, May, August and November ; to the Committees on Public Health and for the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis on the orders of the committee, signed by the representatives from this Board ; to the Board of Child Welfare on the written orders of the Treasurer of said Board and to the Southern Tier Asso- ciation for the Blind to the Treasurer of said organization in payments of $300.00 each on the 1st day of June and the 1st day of December, 1928, and be it further Resolved—That any sum standing to the credit of any of the above named organization, association or committee, now in the hands of the County Treasurer and unexpended, be and the same is hereby reappropriated to such organization, etc., for carrying onits work. Dated, December 16, 1927. OLEN A. KING, A. L. HUFF, S. L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by Mr. King, that the report be accepted and the reso- lution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Moved by Mr. Van'Order, that the question of appropriations to the Farm Bureau Association and the Home Bureau Asso- ciation, be divided, Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. So ordered. ,126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. King, that there be appropriated to the Tomp- kins County Farm Bureau Association, the sum of $3,500.00 for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Buck. • Ayes—Messrs. Whittaker, Smiley, King, Jones, Chase, Pat- terson, Huff, Howell, Pierce, Buck, Snyder and AlIen-12. Noes—Mr. VanOrder-1. Carried. Moved by Mr. King, that there be appropriated to the Tomp- kins County Home Bureau Association, the sum of $4,000.00, for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes—Messrs. Smiley, King, Jones, Chase, Patterson, Huff, Howell, Pierce, Buck, Snyder and Allen -11. Noes—Messrs. Whittaker and VanOrder-2. Carried. A vote being taken on Mr. King's resolution that the report of the committee be accepted and the resolutions adopted, re- sulted as follows Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the amount of the bond of the District At- torney -elect, be fixed by this Board at the sum of $1,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Allen. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the amount of the bond of the County Clerk - elect, be fixed by this Board at the sum of $15,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 127 Resolved—That the amount of the bond of the Motor Ve- hicle Clerk in the County Clerk's office, to be furnished to the County Clerk, be fixed by this Board at the sum of $10,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Jones. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the amount of the bond of the County Treas- urer -elect, be fixed by this Board at the sum of $200,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS—This Board has learned of the severance, by Mr. and Mrs. Philo B. Smith, of the relations existing for the past fifteen years between themselves, as Keeper and Matron at the County Home, and this body, and WHEREAS—While this Board deeply regrets that Mr. and Mrs. Smith feel that they can no longer continue to carry on the work so long, faithfully and earnestly carried on by them at that institution, still it feels that their wishes in this matter must be respected, and WHEREAS—It has been learned, that on the nineteenth of the present month, Mr. and Mrs. Smith will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the ceremony that made them man 'arid wife, therefore be it Resotveci That this Board extends to Mr. and Mrs. Smith a vote of appreciation and. thanks for the painstaking, unselfish and cheerful performance of their duties in looking after the care and welfare of the wards of the county living at the County Home, and to extend to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. the con- gratulations and best wishes of the members of this Board, on their fiftieth wedding anniversary, and be it further Resolved,—That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Proceedings of.this Board, and an engrossed copy there- of be presented to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -14. Noes -0: Carried. .y N 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The County Treasurer -elect presented her bond .to the Board for its approval, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee,on County Treasurer's Accounts. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the Committee on County Officers and Compensation,• be authorized and empowered to secure suitable offices for the Commissioners of Election, the lease of the present offices being about to expire. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Mr. King offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—The placing of a tax on gasoline in New York State seems inevitable, and WHEREAS—Such tax is a •just way of raising additional rev- enue, it being the only measure for the use of the roads, and WHEREAS—By actual count, fifty per cent of the travel on state roads originates outside of the county, and WHEREAS—The costs of maintenance and construction of roads in Tompkins County are increasing rapidly, and are paid out of moneys raised from a tax on real estate, therefore be it Resolved—That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County wish to go on record as favoring a tax of two cents per gallon on gasoline, provided that such a distribution is made of the revenue, so as to return not less than 50'7,; to•the counties on the basis of total highway mileage for the use in the main- tenance and construction of roads, outside of incorporated cities and villages which maintain their highways as separate road districts, and be it further Resolved—That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County is opposed to any gasoline tax which does not provide such return to the county, and be it further Resolved -That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to our represen- tatives in the State Senate and the State Assembly. Seconded by Mr. VanOrder. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. 1 Z The Clerk read the following reports of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., for the purposes of the General Tax Levy and the Highway Tax Levy, for the year 1927, which were laid on the table one day, under the rule: REPORT NO. 1 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF GENERAL TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1927 To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: : Towns Caroline $887,050 $13,383 Danby 833,530 4,104 Dryden 2,788,950 76,942 Enfield 594,182 8,946 Groton 2,951,520 34,592 Ithaca City 31,147,923 846,360 Ithaca Town 5,001,954 87,150 Lansing 1 2,918,635 1 34,342 Newfield 885,697 16,275 Ulysses 1,988,840 42,668 $900,433 837,634 2,865,892 603,128 2,986,112 31,994,283 5,089,104 2,952,977 901,972 2,031,508 .71 .78 .78 .68 .77 .78 .83 .77 .7.5 .74 Totals $49,998,281 $1,164,762 $51,163,043 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Towns 7-3 z Q' Caroline Danby Dryden�p Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses $1,268,215 1,073,890 3,674,221 886,953 3,878,068 41,018,312 6,131,451 3,835,035 1,202,629 2,745,281 $087,395 1 $86,962 836,099 ............. 2,860,641 690,556 87,428 3,019,350 33,238 31,935,659 4,773,769 2,085,846 32,869 936,332 34,360 2,13 7,396 105,888 $1,535 5,251 58,624 315,335 Totals 565,714,055 $51,163,043 8380,745 5380,745 Towns Pension exempt z 0 t W Total equalized real and franchises exclu- sive of pensions marked exempt with personal added Apportionment rates Caroline $1,320 $3,900 5991,295 5.0193528205 Danby 10,350 836,099 .0163225435 Dryden 13,340 39,130 2,899, 771 .0566100885 Enfield 2,825 690,556 :0134812149 Groton 3,350 10,300 3,029,650/.0591456205 Ithaca City 86,053 31,935,659 - .6234562941 Ithaca Town 1,700 4,773,769 .0931947679 Lansing 1,900 2,985,846 .05829046 72 Newfield 5,300 936,332 .0182793184 Ulysses 7,050 7,200 2,144,596 .0418673645 Totals $133,188 1 560,530 [ 5551,223,5 73 Your Ccmnittec on Eguatizatiou reports that they have ex- amined the assessment rolls of the several tax districts in the County of Tompkins, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the valuation in one tax district bears a just relation to the valuations in all the tax districts in the county; that in the opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do not bear such just relations to the valuations in all the tax dis- tricts of the county, and your committee would recommend OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 131 that the valuations of the several tax districts, in order that they may bear such just relations, be increased or diminished according to the foregoing statements so as to make the aggre- gate equalized valuations as indicated in the tabular statement above. And your committee would also report that they have deter- mined upon proper inquiry and investigation the ratio or per- centage Which the assessed value of the real property in each such tax district bears to its full value and would recommend that, based upon such determination of your committee that the board establish such ratios or percentages which are de- termined and in the opinion of your committee are as follows: Caroline .71 Danby .78 Dryden .78 Enfield .68 Groton .77 Ithaca City .78 Ithaca Town .83 Lansing .77 Newfield .75 Ulysses .74 Per Cent LL LL <L L< 44 <L 44 44 LL LL 44 44 44 LL 44 (4 LL LL That your committee have, in accord with such percentage compiled, and that •the foregoing tables shows the aggregate valuations of each tax district, as determined from the actual values of property fixed according to the above ratios or per- centages and the average rate of assessment of real property in the county which your committee have determined accord- ing to the rules Iaid 'down by Statute, to be .778570779 and that the table shows by such valuations the several and aggre- gate valuations upon which the taxes for the county, including the state taxes, should be apportioned between the several tax districts of the county. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. J. SHAVER. Chairman, H. A. WHITTAKER, L. E. PATTERSON, W. O. SMILEY, J. W. JONES, F. G. SNYDER, LAGRAND CHASE, Committee 132 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT NO. 2 OE EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF HIGHWAY TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1927 To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: GENTLEMEN: Your committee further report that it has in accordance with the percentages fixed and established by this Board, de- termined the equalized value of the real property of the several tax districts of this country, liable to the general levy of taxes, for highway purposes, as shown by the subjoined tabular state- ment; that the average rate of assessment as determined by such percentages is .77855776. Towns CJ G w .74 Del Caroline $888,370 $13,383 $901,753 .71 Danby 843,880 4,104 847,984 .78 Dryden 2,802,290 76,942 2,879,232 .78 Enfield 597,007 8,946 , 605,953 .68 Groton 2,954,870 34,592 2,989,462 / .77 Ithaca City 31,233,976 846,360 32,080,336' .78 Ithaca Town 5,003,654 87,150 5,090,804 .83 Lansing 2,920,535 34,342 2,954,877 .77 Newfield 890,997 16,275 907,272 .75 Ulysses 1,995,890 42,668 2,038,558 .74 Tntala_._................ $50,131,4(39 $1,164,762 $51,296,231 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 133 Towns True value Equalized value • Assessed value increased Assessed value diminished Caroline 1 $1,270,075 $988,827 $87,074 Danby 1,087,159 846,416 39,130 $1,568 Dryden 3,691,323 2,873,908 693,778 5,324 Enfield 891,107 693,778 87,825 Ithaca City Groton 3,882,418 3,022,687 33,225 Ithaca City 41,128,636 32,021,019 59,317 Ithaca Town 6,133,499 4,7'15,283 941,818 315,521 Lansing 3,837,503 2,087,718 32,841 Totals Newfield ' 1,209,696 941,818 34,546 Ulysses 2,754,808 2,144,777 106,219 ______________ Totals 1 $65,886,224 $51,296,231 $381,730 $381,730 Towns z a 0 a. a Total equalized real and franchises inclu-, sive of pensions marked exempt with personal added • Apportionment rate Caroline $3,900 $992,727 .0193300158 Danby 846,416 .0164811017 Dryden 39,130 2,913,038 .0567216067 Enfield 693,778 .0135089906 Groton 10,300 3,032,987 .0590572096 Ithaca City 32,021,019 .6235015280 Ithaca Town 4,775,283 .0929825578 Lansing 2,987,718 .0581757482 Newfield 941,818 .0183387344 Ulysses 7,200 2,151,977 .0419025062 Totals $60,530 $51,356,761 Average per cent .77855776. W. J. SHAVER, Chairman, H. A. WHITTAKER, L. E. PATTERSON, F.' G. SNYDER, J. W. JONES, LEGRAND CHASE, W. 0. SMILEY, Committee. 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Snyder, that the reports be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Jones. By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the table. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That report No. 1, of the Committee on Equali- zation, Etc., be accepted and adopted and the valuations of real property, for the purposes of the General Tax Levy, against the several tax districts of the county, be equalizer] and deter- mined as therein set forth, as the basis of the apportionment of such taxes for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That report No. 2, of the Committee on Equali- zation, Etc., be accepted and adopted and that the valuation of real property, for the purposes of the Highway Tax Levy, against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and determined as therein set forth, as the basis of the apportion- ment of such taxes for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Eighteenth Day Tuesday, December.20, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. King. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 1.3` Judge Kent appeared before the Board relative to Physically Handicapped Children and the Children's Court. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board has been notified that the cost of elimination of three grade crossings in Tompkins County dur- ing the year 1928, will be in excess of $34,000.00 to the county, therefore be it Resolved --That there be and hereby is appropriated, the sum of $34,000.00 to help pay the county's share of the cost of the elimination of the two grade crossings near Taughannock R. R. Station, and the one at Creedon's Crossing, in the Town •of Newfield, as specified in the plans prepared by the State Bureau of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—This Board has received an estimate from the County Superintendent of Highways, that the cost of construc- tion and care of the bridges in 1928, for which the county is liable, amounts to the sum of $20,000.00, therefore be it Resolved That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $20,000.00 :for the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of bridges during the year 1928, for which the county is liable. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the Committee for the Eradication of Bo- vine Tuberculosis, for the year 1928, shall consist of the Chair- man of the Board of Supervisors, and H. A. Whittaker, as the representatives of this Board, and Messrs. Dr. Homer Genung, of FreevilIe, Albert G. Stone of Ithaca and Harry C. Morse, as Manager of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Asso- ciation. 136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. Mr. Buck presented the report of Miles D. Lane, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Lansing, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Allen presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. AIlen presented the Town Budget of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Chase presented the Town Budget of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. King presented the Town Budget of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Evans, County Superintendent of Highways, appeared before the Board relative to the bridges in Tompkins County that are to be constructed and maintained at county expense, during the year 1928. Mr. Whittaker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the Chairman of the Highway Committee of the Board, shall constitute an advisory committee with the County Super- intendent of Highways, for all bridges constructed, repaired and maintained at the expense of the county. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 137 ResolverThat the services of all Town Superintendents of Highways, in the matter of snow removal, shall be at the ex- pense of the town. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accbunts, reported favorably on the bond presented by the County Treasurer -elect and moved that said bond, so pre- sented, be approved by this Board, both as to form, manner of the execution and the sufficiency of the surety. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried. - Mr. Smiley, Chairman of the Committee of County Treas- urer's Accounts, rendered the following report of that com- mittee, relative to the report of the County Treasurer: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, having examined the .various accounts of the County Treasurer, begs leave to report, that in its judgment; the report of the County Treasurer is correct. Your committee checked all voucherswith the books of the County Treasurer and find that the same correspond, and your committee therefore recommends that the report of the County Treasurer be accepted. Dated, December 20, 1927. W. 0. SMILEY. F. G. SNYDER, C. M. BUCK, Committee. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the amount set opposite the name of each town, be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable prop- erty of that town, exclusive of the corporate limits of any vil- lage or villages, and the same when collected, be paid to the supervisor of the town to be applied to the cancelling of the certificates of indebtedness and the interest accruing on same. 1.38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Name of Town Amount of Principal to be Levied Amount of Interest to be Levied Ithaca $3,000.00 Newfield 5,000.00 Ulysses ___ 15,000.00 $150.00 Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The County Treasurer presented her report of the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. Nineteenth Day Wednesday, December 21, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read the bond of the County Treasurer -elect, for highway moneys, which was referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. The Clerk read the bond of the County Clerk -elect, which was referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. Mr. Chase presented the report of Chas. H. Newman, a Jus- tice of the Peace of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts. Mr. Jones presented the Town Budget of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, reported favorably on the bond presented by the County Treasurer -elect, for highway moneys, and moved that said bond be approved by this Board, both as to form, manner of execution and the sufficiency of the surety. Seconded by AIr. Pierce. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 1:-V) . Mr. Chase, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, reported favorably on the bond presented by the County Clerk -elect, and moved that the same be ap- proved by this Board, both as to form, manner of execution and the sufficiency of the surety. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims, in the opinion of your committee, is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No. of claim Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of aipense 42 Dr. L. T. Genung 43 Ithaca Journal -News 44 Est. Dr, A. B. Chase_ 45 Cent. N. Y. Inst. for Deaf -Mutes 46 Syracuse State School 47 R. H. Beard & Son___. 71 E. M. Perkins Public Health Educational Insane Deaf -Mutes ._ Feeble -Mind. Soldier's Bur. p Lab. Custd:_. Pub. Notices Examination Clothing Clothing Hallett Shepherd ._ Sophia Hu1slander $130.32 $130.32 11.20 11.20 30.00 30.00 100.00 100.00 268.33 268.33 . 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 $689.85 $689.85 Respectfully submitted this 20th day of December, 1927 OLEN A. KING, ALBERT L. HUFF, S. L. HOWELL, Committee. 140 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. King, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. King offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --.That the report of the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, Etc., be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That of Claim No. 44, the sum of $10.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Groton and that the sum of $20.00 thereof, be charged to the City of Ithaca; That Claim No. 45, amounting to the sum of $100.00, be charged to the City of Ithaca; That of Claim No. 46, the sum of $40.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Dryden, that the sum of $20.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Lansing, that the sum of $20.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Ulysses and that the sum of $188.33 thereof -be charged to the City of Ithaca, said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to those towns and city respectively, and that said amounts so charged be placed in the tax budgets of said towns and city for the next ensuing tax levy, and levied and collected on the property thereof, to reim- burse the county. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -13. Noes --0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports that the several claims listed below arein all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims, in the opinion of your committee is a legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 141 0 z Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature oC expense 39 40 41 77 78 Groton Jour. -Courier Co. Ithaca Journal -News " T. G. Miller's Sons._ " :Fred A. Rogalsky.... " Andrus & Church..___. Trcas Tax sale not. it It '' " Office supp_. - Bond prem.__ Printing $453:76 $453.76 667.60 667.66 7.85 7.85 675.00 675.00 43.25 43.25 $1,847.52 $1,847.52 Respectfully submitted this 20th day of December, 1927. W. 0. SMILEY, F. G. SNYDER, C. M. BUCK, Committee. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolverl—That the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts be accepted and that the bills and ac- counts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by. the committee. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts, which was laid' on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts reports that'the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims, in the opinion of your committee, is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indi- 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE -BOARD OF SUPERVISOIIS sated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. - No. of claim Claimant Account to• which chargeable Nature of expense zs • 34 .35 36 37 38 79 93 Dr. Wm.- A. Smith_. Henry Williams City of Ithaca Augustus Middaugh C. P. Stoughton J. D. Ross Edward Sparling Coroner . Expenses .___ Justice Fees, Fel. 44 44 Fees, Dogs41 City Judge Justice Constable .._. " " $72.60 425 36.15 9.65 I4.70 70.55 23.30 $72.60 4.25 36.15 9.65 14.70 70.55 23.30 Respectfully submitted this 20th day of December, 1927. $231.20 $231.20 H. A. WHITTAKER, J. W. JONES, OLEN A. KING. • Committee. Moved by Mr. Whittaker, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Buck. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. iVir. Whittaker offered the following resolution and moved its. adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay Claims Nos. 37, 38, 79 and 93 out of the moneys in her hands in the dog fund. Seconded -by Mr. Buck. .Ayes -13. Noes= -0. Carried. • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 143 The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation, which was, laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Correction and Reformation reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims, in the opinion of your committee, is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amounts so indicated. 0 C z 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 (36 67 68 69 Onondaga Co. Peni 70 Frank C. Ellis Robinson & Carpenter 75 Dr. J. W. Judd Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature oS expense •a c3 4) 0 Matt. Bender & Co. Dist. Atty. _... Law books _... Arthur G. Adams " Expenses Arthur G. Adams .. Pad. Pro T. G. Miller's Sons-_.. " _... Supplies Jamieson -McKinney Co. Jail Heat. reprs... Rothschild Bros. Supplies T. G. Miller's Sons.... Sheriff Office sups._. Treman, King & Co. Jail Supplies A. B. Brooks & Son.. " Medicines P. M. Donohue Plumbing Corner Bookstores __._ sheriff -._ ....... Supplies Frank C. Ellis Expenses ._.. Penal InstBoard pHs. __ sheriff Auto -hire ._ Jail Materials -I Jail Phys. ._Services Respectfully submitted this 20th day of December, 1927. $20.50 64.25 22.00 54.15 1.70 7.37 72.50 70.98 6.85 27.65 1.00 197.50 909.74 401.50 14.77 64.00 $20.50 64..25 22.00 54.15 1.70 7.37 72.50 70.98 6.85 27.65 1.00 197.50 909.74 494.50 14.77 64.00 $2,029.46$2,029.46 LESLIE R. PIERCE, F. G. SNYDER, L. E. PATTERSON., Committee. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. 144 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Snyder. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table.. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That of Claim No. 70, the sum of $3.25 be charged to the Town of Caroline, the sum of $8.90 thereof be charged to the Town of Danby, the sum of $34.35 thereof' be charged to the Town of Dryden, the sum of $19.50 thereof be charged to the Town of Enfield, the sum of $27.15 thereof be charged to the Town of Groton, the sum of $22.95 thereof be charged to the Town of Ithaca, the sum of $64.20 thereof be charged to the Town of Lansing, the sum of $42.30 thereof be charged to the Town of Newfield, the sum of $30.45 thereof be charged to the Town of Ulysses and the sum of $54.30 thereof be charged to the City of Ithaca, said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to those towns and city respectively, and that said amounts so charged be placed in the tax budgets of said towns and city for the next ensuing tax levy, and levied and collected from the property thereof, to reimburse the county. 'Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The CIerk read the following report of the Committee on Charities, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Charities reports that the several claims Aster) below are in all respects in proper form for audit and al- lowance by this Board, that each of the said claims, in the opinion of your committee,.is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 145 0 0 0 z 48 49 50 5I 52 53 54 Claimant Boston Ins. Co Jennie VanOrder lthaca Mem. Hosp Jennie VanOrder Ethel Hawkins, R. N. Hosp. for Ruptured and Crippled Ithaca Recon. Home 55 Ithaca Recon. Home.. 50 Ithaca Recon. Home_. 72f Robinson & Carpenter Account to which chargeable Nature of expense E. 5) 0 Tuber. Hosp. Insurance Crippled Ch'd Mildred I4olley Mildred Holley Mildred Holley " James Tudi__ IC Lf 44 41 County if '4 44 James Tudi__ Gordon Tompkins " Ed Dimick_... " Ed Nolan Home Flooring $37.23 31.50 72.00 7.00 18.51 7.40 221.00 137.00 159.29 58.00 $37.23 31.50 72.00 7.00 18.51 7.40 221.00 137.00 159.29 58.00 $748.93 $748.93 Respectfully submitted this 20th day of December, 1927. F. G. SNYDER, C. M. BUCK, W. 0. SMILEY, Committee. Moved by Mr. Snyder, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. King. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Charities be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be au- dited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the com- mittee. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board,that each of the said claims, in the opinion of your committee, is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your commit- tee therefore recommends that each of the said claims be au- dited at the amount so indicated. c Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense m U 0 0 Q 11 J. B. Lyon Co Co. Judge Law books..__ 12 Atkinson Press " Printing 13 West Pub. Co " " Law books___. 14 Ithaca Journal -News " " Pub. notices_. 15lGroton Mourn. -Courier " " " " 16 T. G. Miller's Sons.. " " Supplies 17 Matthew Bander Co._. " ct Law books.... 18 Ithaca Journal -News Co. Clerk Pub. notices__ 19 Norton Printing Co... " " Printing 20 Student Transfer Co.. " " Carting 21 T. G. Miller's Sons.... " ci Supplies 22 Greylock Ribbon Co... " 23 G. J. Romsey & Co... " 1 " 24 11. J. Boo' Co ._. "cc Furniture 25 Carl Crandall Maps 26 Andrus & Church Rep. books 27 Atkinson Press Corn. of Elec. Printing 28 Ithaca Journal -News.. If 64Pub. canvass 29 T. G. Miller's Sons.. " " Supplies 30 M. E. Ilerson Supreme Ct... Meals, jurors 31 J. C. Crim County Court " " 32 J. B. Lyon & Co Court Libr'y Law books.... 33 Lawyers' Co -Op. Pub. Co. 44 If If 80 H. A. Whittaker Elections 1Bd.ofcanvass 81 W. 0. Smiley ,4 4, 44 LL 82 W. J. Shaver " " 83 Olen A. King " " " 84 J. W..Jones " " " " 85 Lagrand E. Chase ii " " 861C. M. Buck " " " 871F. G. Snyder " " " 88 A. W. Allen 1 " " " 89 Fred D: Van0rder..__ " " " 00 L. E. Patterson " f, g, 41 91 S. L. Howell " " " " 92 Leslie R. Pierce " " " 845.00 15.00 12.00 13.26' 8.16 34.301 70.001 33.48 103.00 18.00 40.00 6.00 10.55 15.53 88.00 24.85 63.50 161.12 21.69 7.801 21.00 45.001 30.001 15.84j 13.921 15.52 14.88 17.761 13.201 18.441 14.401 15.84j 12.00! 12.00 12.00, 12.00! 1 $1,075.04151,075.04 $45.00 15.00 12.00 13.26 8.16 34.30 70.00 33.48 103.00 18.00 40.00 6.00 10.55 15.53 88.00 24.85 63.50 161.12 21.69 7.80 21.00 45.00 30.00 15.84 13.92 15.52 1.4.88 17.76 13.20 18.44 14.40 15.84 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 147 Respectfully submitted this 20th clay of December, 1927. LAGRAND CHASE, L. E. PATTERSON, W. O. SMILEY, Committee Moved by Mr. Chase, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Allen. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims, in the opinion of your committee, is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. of claim Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense -74 V m 0 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 74 76 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 Hartford Steam Boiler Ins. Co P. M. Donohue Treman, King & Co... Court Bellis Court Bellis Ithaca Journal -News Ithaca Journal -News. Groton Jour. -Courier T. G. Miller's Sons S. R. Tisdel Co Jamieson -McKinney Co. Robinson & Carpenter II. A. Whittaker H. A. Whittaker H. A. Whittaker H. A. Whittaker - W. 0. Smiley W. 0. Smiley W. 0. Smiley W. 0. Smiley W. J. Shaver W. J. Shaver W. J. Shaver W. J. Shaver W. J. Shaver Olen A. King Olen A. King Olen A. King Olen A. King J. W. Jones J. W. Jones 1131J. W. Jones 1141J. W. Jones 1151Lagrand Chase 1161Lagrand Chase 1171Lagrand Chase 1181Lagrand Chase -1191C. M. Buck 1201C. M. Buck 1211C. M. Buck 1221C. M. Buck 1231C. M. Buck 124' F. G. Snyder 125 F. G. Snyder 126 F. G. Snyder.._.... 1271F. G. Snyder 1281A. W. Allen 1291A. W. Allen 1301A. W. Allen Coun. Boilers Court -house Coun. Sealer Supervisors fi Insurance _... Plumb. rep... Roof repairs Expenses _ D',ishursem'ts Notices Supplies Keys Co. Clic. Bldg. l Rep. boiler_ Courthouse _.}Repairs Supervisor IExtd. Tax .-_. __Comm. work Qt. & Sp. S. -_ Annual Sess. Extd. Tax___ ._. Comm. work Qt. & Sp. S. _.-. Annual Sess. --__, Extd. Tax __ {Comm. work _.._ Quar. Comm. Qt. & Sp. S. f Annual Sess. Supervisor IExtd. Tax.... I Comm. work ----IQt. & Sp. 8... (Annual Sess. .IExtd. Tax Comm. work Qt. & Sp. S. Annual Sess. Extd. Tax Comm. work Qt. & Sp. S. Annual Sess. IExtd. Tax.... I Comm. work, __Quay. comm.) ,Qt. & Sp. S. _.__(Annual Sess. __1Extd. Tax-__ ____ Comm. work Qt. & Sp. S. Annual Sess. __IExtd. Tax._..I .___1Comm. work 1Qt. & Sp. S.1 IC (t if u Li if fi • 1 $472.55 . 26.60 83.13 429.45 12.47 6.16 7.98 5.04 84.49 0.90 1 321.56 99.10 30.60 324.89 71.28 1.33.92 30.60 330.00 80.64 126.96 42.14 191.40 96.20 68.08 133.76 28.14 359.00 65.52 133.44 79.10 401.85 91.44 122.88 79.02 395.85 6:1.20 133.60 43.00 166.02 88.85 66.96 133.44 30.60 138.15 63.60 127.20 45.50 80.50 31.68 $472.55 26.00 83.13 400.00 0.00 6.16 7.98 5.04 84.49 0.90 321.56 99.10 30.60 324.89 71.28 13`3.92 30.60 330.00 80.04 126.96 42.14 191.40 90.20 68.08 133.76 28.14 359.00 65.52 133.44 79.10 401.85 91.44 122.88 79.02 395.85 01.20 133.60 43.00 100.02 88.85 66.96 138.44 30.00 138.15 63.60 127.2n 45.50 80.50 31 OR OF'TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 149 No. of claim Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense '7 • _o 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 A. W. Allen Est. J. M. Townsend Est. J. M. Townsend F. D. VanOrder F. D. VanOrder F. D. VanOrder F. D. VanOrder L. E. Patterson L. E. Patterson L. E. Patterson A. L. Huff A. L. Huff S. L. Howell S. L. Howell S. L. Howell S. L. Howell Leslie R. Pierce Leslie R. Pierce Leslie R. Pierce Leslie R. Pierce..... C4 if tl (t i' (4 44 ..... Annual Sess. Comm. work Qt. & Sp. S. Extd. Tax.__. -.. Comm. work Qt. & Sp. S. (Annual Sess. .--. Comm. work Qt. & Sp. S. ....Annual Sess. ....[Comm. work --..(Annual Sess. -_..IExtd. Tax..-. ..__ Comm. work Qt, & Sp. S. 1Annual Sess. 1Comm. work ....1Quar. Comm. Qt. & Sp. S. --..1Annual Sess. 133.02 133.92 85.20 85.20 39.60 39.60 60.97 60.97 309.75, 309.75 54.00 54.00 132.00 132.00 127.70 127.70 54.00 54.00 126.00 126.00 6.00 6.00 132.00 132.00 60.07 60.97 237.25 237.25 54.00 54.00 132.00 132.00 78.00 78.00 84.00 84.00 54.00 54.00 132.00 132.00 $8,269.80 $S,227.88 Respectfully submitted this 21st day of December, 1927. S. L. HOWELL, A. L. HUFF, A. W. ALLEN, Committee. Moved by Mr. Howell, that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Claim No. 5, of Court Bellis, amounting to $12.47, having been recommended by the committee as disallowed, not being a legal charge against the county, action was taken on that claim. Moved by Mr. 1-Towell, that Claim No. 5, of Court Bellis, be disallowed by this Board, inasmuch as the County Sealer was 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS allowed a fixed 'amount for expenses, and this claim should be paid out of the amount so allowed, and therefore not a legal charge against the county. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Claim No. 4, of Court Bellis, having been recommended by the committee at an amount less than the amount claimed, a vote was taken on that claim. Moved by Mr. Howell, that Claim No. 4, of Court Bellis, be audited by this Board at the sum of $400.00, that being the amount allowed the County Sealer for expenses, and being the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes ---13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Of- ficers and Compensation be accepted and that the bills and ac- counts therein Listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Chairman announced the following members of the Tompkins County Public Health Committee for the year 1928: Miss Eugenia VanCleef, Mrs. Lera C. Bostwick, Mrs. B. F. Lent, Messrs. S. L. Howell, A. L. Huff and A. W. Allen of the Board of Supervisors and Dr. Minor McDaniels, Dr. J. F. W. Allen, Dr. Dean F. Smiley, Dr. Keith Sears and Dr. L. T. Genung. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 151 On motion of Mr. Smiley, the committee appointments, as announced by .the Chairman, were confirmed. Mr. Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, rendered the following report of that com- mittee relative to the moneys in the hands of the County 'Treas- urer in the Dog Fund, and apportioned by her : Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports that it has examined the report submitted by the County Treas- iirer, relative to the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund, the apportionment thereof, as made by her and now ready for distribution. Your committee finds that the contributions by the several towns and the City of Ithaca for the period ending June 30, 1927, were as follows : Caroline $749.55 Danby 441.70 Dryden 1,224.65 Enfield 444.65 Groton 1,053.05 Ithaca 790.27 Lansing 1,264.95 Newfield 604.85 Ulysses 503.00 Ithaca City 3,198.00 Receipts from other sources $10,274.67 1,126.44 Total receipts for the year . $11,401.11 Your committee finds there was paid to the state the sum of $989.60 To towns and city the sum of 617.43 For claims for damages by dogs the sum of 2,407.50 For enforcement officers the sum of 5,099.35 For assessors and other bills the sum of 1,768.20 $10,822.08 Leaving a balance for the year ending June 30, ' $579.03 Of this balance, 75% thereof, or the sum of $434.27, is for apportionment among the towns and city of the county, and your committee finds that such town's and city are entitled to the following amounts : 152 PROCEEDINGS OF TETE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • Caroline $31.70 Danby 18.67 Dryden 51.72 Enfield 18.76 Groton 44.47 Ithaca . 33.44 Lansing 53.46 Newfield 25.62 Ulysses 21.28 Ithaca City 135.15 $434.27 Your committee therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to the several towns of the county afid the City of Ithaca, the foregoing amounts, as apportioned by her and approved by this Board, out of the surplus moneys in her hands in the Dog License Fund the 30th day of June, 1927. Dated, December 21, 1927. W. 0. SMILEY, F. G. SNYDER, C. M. BUCK, Committee. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report of the committee be accepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the Committee on Highways and the Attor- ney for the Board, be authorized and empowered to secure all • necessary rights of way. Seconded by 1VIr. Pierce. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved That the amount paid to the Jail Physician for his services for the year 1928, be the sum of $2.00 a visit, the same amount as heretofore paid. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 153 Seconded by Mr. Jones. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $750.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in payment of the Printed Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, for the year 1927, the order therefor to be drawn by the Clerk of the Board upon the County Treasurer, upon the delivery to and ac- • ceptance by the Clerk of such Printed Proceedings. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $5,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the securing of necessary rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Whittaker offered. the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the collectors of the several towns of the county and the chamberlain of the City of Ithaca, be instructed to pay over and settle all tax indebtedness with the several officers of the towns, and the County Treasurer, on or before April 1, 1928, and to pay over to the supervisors of their towns all moneys in their hands belonging to their towns, on the first day of each month. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various towns and the City of Ithaca, the Clerk be directed to print such rates in the Proceedings of the Board, following the budgets of the various towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Allen offered the following resolution 'and moved its adoption : • • Resolved—That when this Board adjourns today, it be to Thursday, Decmber 29, at 10.30 A. M., and that the adjourn- ment be taken from Friday, December 30, 1927 to Friday, Jan- uary 20, 1928, at 10.30 A. M., for the purpose of concluding the .work of this annual session. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,448.66, for ,the completion of the repairs at the county jail, and the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to issue orders for the payment thereof from time to time, as the work progresses, on the written order of the supervising architect, countersigned by the committee having the work in charge, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the several bids received for printing 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board for the year 1927. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the bid of the Atkinson Press for the sum of $2.56 per page, be accepted and that the contract for printing 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board for the year 1927,.be awarded to that company. Seconded by Mr. Huff. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Re- turned Highway and School Taxes, relative to the Returned School Taxes for the several tax districts of the county for the year 1927: Your Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, finds by the certificates signed by the County Treasurer, sup- ported by the affidavits of the proper officers of the following school districts of the different towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, submitted to this Board by the County. Treas- urer, that the following school taxes have not been paid, after diligent, efforts have been made to enforce collection''thereof, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK , 155 and your committee therefore recommends that the following sums be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed, with 7% in addition thereto: • CAROLINE District No. 1— Joshua Stout, 84 acres $28.00 District No. 2— Earl Johnson, 90 acres 7.00 Alfred Myers, 50 acres 2.70 Alfred Myers, 100 acres 13.00 District No. 4— John Vanderwall, 63, acres . 24.00 District No. 6— Harry Defreest, 28 acres 6.50 Jerome Fiddler, 28 acres 5.20 Lee Hollister, 37 acres 5.85 Alex Lezium, 82 acres 13.00 Joe Maynard, 11/ acres 1.30 Joe Maynard, 18 acres 1.95 John Tall, 125 acres 32.50 Silas VanWort, 8 acres 1.30 Caroline Telephone Co 1.24 District No. 7— Mrs. Rosey Ames, 1/, acre .60 Orin Cornelius, 67 acres 4.80 Elvin Liddington,:y2 acre 1.50 Elvin Liddington, 1/2 acre .30 G: H. Legg, 7 acres G. H. Legg, 8 acres 2.16 District No. 9— J. H. Logan, 90 acres J. H. Logan, 15 acres 19.50 District No. 12— Anna E. Boynton, 98 acres 54.00 Caroline Telephone Co., Real Caroline Telephone Co., Franchises 10.20 156 PROCEEDINGS OF TIME BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 13— Marion Mattison, 46 acres Marion Mattison, ?/2 acre Marion Mattison, ?/2 acre 11.88 Frank Roe, 37 acres Frank Roe, 50 acres Frank Roe, 12 acres 18.36 District No. 17— Lulu Benton, 12 acres 2.20 District No. 19— Caroline Telephone Co .60 Wm. Overbaugh, 90 acres 9.00 District No. 20— Howard Bush 9.00 Mrs. Mary Brown 5.00 District No. 21— Jay Ballard, 102 acres 15.30 Harry Cornell, 43 acres 6.80 Sue Ferguson, 14 acre 20.40 Alvah Ferguson, 23 acres 18.70 Howard Johnson, 12 acres .. _ 5.10 Lloyd Library Assn., 11 acres 1.70 Ed Monroe, 1A acre 6.80 Jay Monroe, 100 acres 13.60 Robinson Heirs, 76 acres 42.50 Clarence G. Wyckoff, 66 acres 22.10 Martin Yaple, 59 acres 4.25 District No. 18 (Caroline and Danby)— Wm. Brown, 25 acres 11.76 Leonard Smith, 100 acres 22.68 DANBY District No. 2— $484.33 Edward Traver $6.60 District No. 5— Reuben Dworsky 29.70 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 157 District No. 8 --- Mina G. Carpenter, 125 acres 41.00 Lewis A. Chase, 30 acres 20.50. Robert Connor, 82 acres 77.90 Walter Coil, 120 acres 28.70 Everett Hall, 1 acre 6.1-5 James Harding, 70 acres 24.60 Joseph Lisseck, 330 acres 92.25 Clarence J. Swartwood, 15 acres 22.55 John Welch, 97 acres - 48.18 District No. 9— Mary L. Hulbert Est., 100 acres 10.80 District No. 12— Anna Benjamin Est., 7/ acre 4.00 Emmet Crance, E/ acre 3.00 Rose Goodwin, 1 acre 1.00 Chas. and Arthur Snyder, 23 acres .3.00 Ray Wilcox, 3 acres .50 District No. 13— Starr Chase, 771/ acres 12.00 Martha S. Grant, 54 acres 6.00 . Albert Grant, 50 acres 4.50 A. W. Wells, 50 acres 3.00 District No. 14- Jesse Drake, 86 acres 22.40 Geo. Egbert, 240 acres 42.00 Isaac Hazard, 62 acres 11.20 Bert Heffron, 16 acres 1.40 Orville Howard, 100 acres 28.00 District No. 16— R. A. Menzie, 40 acres 2.00 R. A. Menzie, 50 acres 4.00 R. A. Menzic, 160 acres 8.00 Nathan Migdol, 35 acres 3.75 Chas. Ostrander Est., 71/) acres 50 Mabel Vandemark, 10 acres .50• $569.68 158 PROCEEDJNGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DRYDEN District No, 2— • John Flynn, 76 acres $44.24 District No. 3— P Mary Dwight, Lot 17 32.67 District No. 9— Jesse Ray English, 50 acres 8.25 John Flynn, 62 acres 23.98 District No. 10— Caroline Telephone Co., 1,130 rods 2.22 Myron Cornelius, Lot 74, 134 acres 34.00 Mrs. Minnie Lee, Lot 75, 25 acres 3.60 Chas. McGee, Lot 73, 23A!, acres 6.60 Chas. McGill, Lot 84, 81A acres 9.30 Horton Ogden, Lot 74, 2 acres 9.60 • Horton Ogden, Lot 64, 86 acres 6.00 Horton Ogden, Lot 74, 9 acres 1.20 Mrs. Sidney Pritchard, Lot 83, 100 acres 9.70 Oscar Stevens, Lot 75, 60 acres • 7.00 District No. 12— Isaac Isaac Baker, Lot 89, 61 acres 3.90 James Crispell, Lot 97, 10 acres - 1.18 J. E. Findley, Lot 79, 56 acres .95 Leroy Gleason,. Lot 68, 20 acres .95 E. M. Hayes, Lot 87, 425 acres 13.25 Isaac Hunt, Lot 89, 50 acres 1.45 Fred and Isaac Hunt, Lot 89, 35 acres 1.04 Lena Hunt, Lot 78, 12 acres .95 Leon Hunt, Lot 79, 90 acres 5.20 Herbert Metcalf, Lot 58, 80 acres 9,45 B. VanSickle, Lot 78, 5 acres .95 Finch Estate (J. H. Horn) , Lot 88, 51 acres 2.70 District No. 14— Frank Grover, Lot No. 4, 70 acres 18.34 Fred Wood, Lots 24 and 25, 65 acers 13.59 District No. 15— Arthur Brown, Lot 23 and 24, 142 acres 38.15 13. B. Coyne, Lot 12, 5 acres .84 • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 159 Earl Dickens, Lot 12, 4 acres 1.05 Aretas Fox, Lot 12, 7 acres 1.68 Henry Baseman, Lot 12, 50 acres 7.63 Lewis Myers, Lot 22, i4 acre 1.12 Mrs. Carrie Mineah, Lot 23, 100 acres 17.78 District No. 19— Julius C. Lason; Lot 65, L36 acres 33.50 Alfred Corgel, Lot 65, 411/2 acres 13.75 Earl Mix, Lots 65 and 56, 56 acres 22.50 Rose Shevalier, Lot 55, 70 acres 30.00 District No. 20— Charlotte Pew, 100 acres Manuel Lop Lot 62, 57% �. acres Geo. W. Miller & Bro., Lots 62 and 72, 651/2 acres 36.00 21.60 26.16 District No. 21— Douglas Franklin, 27 acres 4.91 Henry Haseman, 50 aeres 8.77 District No. 23— A. C. Belknap, Lot 76, 73 acres • 9.60 Caroline Telephone Co., 420 rods 1.00 Caroline Telephone Co., 1.77 miles .96 District No. 26— Frank Kimmick, Lots 58 and 59, 43 acres 5.88 Will Hunt, Lot 58, 25 acres 224 District No. 20 (McLean)— Lewis McLean)—Lewis Norton 8.82 Mrs. Geo. Wolcott Est 26.46 $592.66 ENFIELD District No. 2— H. 0. Tyler, 7 acres $6.23 District No. 6— Stephen Burlew, 1/, acre 4.05 1.60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 7 -- Chas: Rumsey, 125 acres. 29.00 Elmer Rumsey, 68 acres. 8.50 Estus Taylor, 61/2 acres._.. 1.00 District No. 8— Lewis Culver 12.41. District No. 10— John Cummings, 45 acres 6.67 Vera Leonard, 85 acres 15.55 Richard Manning, 1/8 acre 2.53 District No. 11— Fred Bowers, 11/ acres_... 1.98 Wm. Parker Est., 1/, acre 1.98 Fred Wright, 3 acres 5.04 GROTON District No. 1— Herman Exton (1925) 62 acres $21.60 Herman Exton (1926) 62 acres 18.90 $94.13 District No. 2— Grant Halsey, 25 acres 3.60 Fred Morton, 12 acres 8.40 Fred Merton, 40 acres 12.00 District No. 8— Edward Ayers, Sykes E. 118 -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- .59 Wallace & Ruth Arnold, Dewey S. Wallace & Ruth Arnold, Washington N 5.88 Minor R. Bennett, Main E. 226 1.96 Gerald C. Costello, Main E. 201 4.90 Milton E. Davis, Sunrise Ave 1.96 - Lura Ada Ford, Washington S 1.47 Frank J. Haywood, McKinley Ave... __.... Frank J. Haywood, Clinton E. Frank J. Haywood, Sunrise Ave. 6.86 Kate B. Horton, Lincoln Ave. N 35.28 Harry Hugunine, Cortland St 3.92 John Hall, Clinton W. 2.94 Frank P. Hatch, Spring N 1.96 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 161 Frank A. Hoobler, Washington N. 3.92 Clarence Kinney, Spring E. .98 Lewis W. Miles, Walpole, E 5.88 Harry McKevett, Morton Ave. 1.96 Fred H. Morton, Elmwood Ave Fred H. Morton, S. Main, E Fred H. Morton, Brighton Villa Fred H. Morton, S. Main, E Fred H. Morton, McKinley Ave. S. Fred H. Morton, S. Main, E. Fred H. Morton, Clinton, E. Fred H. Morton, McKinley Ave. N. 71.54 Julius D. Meeker, Clinton, E 1.37 Willis Perkins, W. Cortland .. .. 3.92 Frank K. Robinson, E. South St. 98.00 Lafayette Stoughton, N. Parkway, W 35.28 District No. 13— Stewart LaMont, Lot 89, 105 acres 28.80 Geo. A. Cross, Lot 79, 74 acres 25.20 Geo. A. Cross, Lot 79, 15 acres 4.50 District No. 16— Florence and Merton Adams 16.00 Bruce Gamel 20.00 District No. 20— Shoales Gelatine Co. 50.75 Shoales Gelatine Co. 17.74 Shoales Gelatine Co. .73 Jennie Peppin 8.82 District No. 21— Chas. VanDuzer 5.00 District No. 22— Marie Koasnicka, 80 acres 15.20 Frank Krum, 113 acres 25.60 $573.41 ITHACA District No. 2— Eva L. Miller $6:11 John Flynn, 30 acres 21.00 R. C. Mandeville, 9 acres 64.40 R. C. Mandeville, 1 acre 6.30 162 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 3-- H. Hildebrant 1.50 H. Johnson 1.50 Chas. Sinn, Est 5.00 G. P. Scoville 6.00 Ed. Whiting 2.00 T. Hovey 18.00 District No. 4 - Mrs. W. D. Jewell .80 District No. 5 - Western" Union Tel. Co 1.20 District No. 6- Bergholtz Realty Co. 22.80 Mrs. A. T. Bergholtz 4.80 Anna McDonald Est. 20.40 District No. 7 - Mrs. H. W. Apgar 13.60 Anne Bennett ...... ............ ....... ...._..... .. 10.20 Frank Bennett 13.60 Edna Bennett .68 R. C. Brown 10.20 Frank Catlin 10.20 Tony DeAngelis 1.70 E. A. Finch 5.10 F. R. Fillman .51 Mitchell Gray 8.50 J. P. Goldsmith .68 Clarence Havens 15.30 John Palmer 1.36 Smith Hull .85 John Joyce 18.70 Richard Liddington 25.50 Hattie Liddington 2.98 Vincenzo Marsiletto .68 Ira Myers 95.20 Oresti Marinelli 51.00 A. J. Quick .68 Michael Sheridan, Lot 215 ,51 T. J. Swartout 1.28 Frank Sardo 10.20 James Turner .60 E. J. Turner 1.70 Julius Victori 27.20 Julia Wurzel 6.80 OF TODrIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 163 District No. 8 - Mrs. L. Hubble 1.13 Winifred Pearson Est. 21.25 Wm. Pearson 6.25 District No. 8 (Enfield and Ithaca) - Arthur Wright 52.50 $598.45 LANSING District No. 3 - Tracy Buchanan, Lot 45, 80 acres $18.48 Helen Baker, Lot 58, 50 acres 6.93 Jas. Hollenbeck, Lot 63, 118 acres 24.64 District No. 5 - Chas. Beardsley Est., 9 acres 2.45 Alice Davis, 5 acres .88 Grace Golden, 104 acres 17.50 Mary Welsey, 2 acres 1.25 Ernest Teeter, Garage 4.20 Railroad 11.29 District No. 6 - Frank & Arthur Wooley, 80 acres 18.90 Frank & Arthur Wooley, 10 acres 4.20 District No. 7 - James Hollenbeck, 95 acres 29.11 Henry Paige, 2 acres .54 John .Smith, 6 acres 2.70 District No. 9 - Howard VanAuken (1926) 4.23 Howard VanAuken (1927) House and lot 2.71 C. M. Egbert (1926) 1.71 C. M. Egbert (1927) Boat -house 1.08 Anna Hildreth (1926) .86 Arthur Copperall, House and 2 acres 6.49 Ray Drake, House and lot 10.81 Rachel VanAuken, House and lot 1.35 District No. 13 - Clark Blakeley 11.05 Mrs. Golden 1.98 1C4 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District No. 16— John Knettles 7.84 NEWFIELD District No. 1— $193.18 Frank .Formm, 6 acres $3.90 Chauncey Freese, House and lot 1.30 Chauncey Freese, 4 acres .65 Clarence Titus, 3 acres .32 Peter Teeter, 35 acres 3.25 Richard Cox, 45 acres 3.90 District No. 2— Bert Baker, Lot 1.00 Chas. Blood, 7 acres .50 Chauncey Freese, Lot 1.00 W. E. Tucker, Lot .20 District No. 8— Daniel Georgia, 106 acres 11.25 August Tudia, 71 acres 3.00 James Baker Est., 40 acres 1.50 District No. 9— Martin Benjamin, 44 acres 3.00 Geo. Cavanaugh, 76 acres 4.50 Bertha Munson, 15 acres 1.00 Clarence Titus, 49 acres ........................................... 4.00 District No. 11— Peter Teeter, 52 acres .-. 2.1.0 Fremont Brown, 10 acres .35 Fremont and Gertrude Brown, 37 acres . 1.95 John Baly, 64 acres 2.80 R. L. Braumline, 52 acres--------------------------------------------------------- 5.60 A. A. Dassance, 52 acres 4.55 Stephen Oltz, 120 acres 7.00 Hannah Dassance, 37 acres 1.40 District No. 14— First National Bank of Bethel, 76 acres-.-. 3.25 Margaret Merrick, 87 acres 3.25 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 165 Edith Boylan, 32 acres 1.50 Clare Lay, 130 acres 5.50 Fred Moot, 214 acres 8.25 Mary Smith, 23 acres .50 Eugene Cozier, 160 acres 5.00 District No. 16— Gertrude Brown, 62 acres 10.80 Wilber & MabeI Dobson, 87 acres 27.00 Lena Teeter, 83 acres 17.10 Orlando Teeter, 52 acres 2.70 District No. 18— Putnam Teeter, 96 acres 6.40 District No. 19— Lavantia Rumsey, 3 acres 1.15 District No. 20— Fremont and Gertrude Brown and 011ie Rock- well, 20 acres 1.50 Orlando Teeter, 5 acres .50 Orlando Teeter, 5 acres 1.50 Orlando Teeter, 5 acres .25 District No. 21— Peter Teeter, 80 acres 3.25 Peter Teeter, 134 acres 3.25 Peter Teeter, 33 acres 1.50 Peter Teeter, 120 acres 2.50 Chas. Freese, 16 acres .50 Chas. Freese, - 5 acres .25 Chas. Freese, 30 acres 1.25 Warren Teeter, 25 acres .75 District No. 6 (Danby)— Jerry Tourtellotte, 75 acres 17.35 $196.77 ULYSSES District No. 1— Erwin Brainer $3.80 Lee Brown 2.54 Merritt Drake 7.16 166 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Geo. Ehle 3.80 Hazen Fish 2.86 Mrs. Jennie Fuller .63 Foster Hewitt .32 Augusta Hoag .32 Carrie Huntley 17.75 Fred Kinsman 3.17 Margaret Kelly Est. 3.80 Wm. Messer Heirs 5.71 Warren Messer .63 Peter Quinn 1.90 Frank Rosbaugh 1,90 James Robinson 1.27 Parker Robinson 3,17 Emery Spicer 2.86 Mrs. G. C. Smith 2.54 Fred Shanger 4.12 Leland Terry 1.90 Harry Williams 5.07 Rose Parker Est. 5.39 District No. 5 -- Erwin Brainer, Evaporator 2.00 Julia Richards (now Messenger) 2.98 District No. 6 - Mrs. Albert Clark, 9 acres 4.05 District No. 11 - Stanley, Girvan 30.00 District No. 16 - Bert T. Baker, House and lot 4.40 J. C. Mott Est., 104 acres 22.00 CITY OF ITHACA $148.04 Aramani, S. and A., 437-439 W. State St - $84.00 Bagley, L. S., 706 Cascadilla 2.80 Bailey, Geo., 118 S. Plain 22.40 Bates, W. J. Estate, 318 Columbia 18.20 Bates, W. J. Estate, Lot Rear 318 Columbia.... 1.40 Blood, C. H., 309 Park Place 16.80 Bolger, Mary, Lot 1117 E. State 1.05 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 167 Brooks, Wm. and A., 319 W. Lincoln 39.20 Brooks, Wm. and A., Lot Short St 2.80 Brown, Lucy P., 401 Lake 21.00 Burgess, Blanche E., 102 Treva Ave. 16.80 Chamberlain, J. M. Lot 223 Cook Land Co 1.05 Church, Zion Methodist, house 113-115 Cleveland Ave6.30 Clark, Uri Estate, 154 E. State 224.00 Cobb, F. A. (Brezo), 201 Elm 9.80 Cornelius; Nina, 113 Cobb 44.80 Cummings, Ted Estate, 414 Utica 18.20 Dade, C. W., 210 Cleveland Ave. 18.20 Denniston, H. P. & M., 113 E. Seneca_. 98.00 Dillon, J. J., 101 Morris Ave 16.80 Dillon, J. J., 103 Morris Ave 8.40 Dillon, J. J., 105 Morris Ave 8.40 Dillon, J. J., 107 Morris Ave 8.40 Dillon, J. J., 109 Morris Ave 8.40 Dillon, J. J., 111 Morris Ave. 8.40 Dillon, J. J., 113 Morris Ave 8.40 Dillon, J. J., 115 Morris Ave 8.40 Dillon, J. J., 106 Morris Ave. 8.40 Dillon, J. J., 108 Morris Ave... 8.40 Dillon, J. J., 116 Morris Ave S.40 Driscoll, Wm. 3rd, 312 W. Seneca 67.20 Dunkle, C. E., Lot No. 37 Maple Ave 2.10 Donohue, Mrs. Timothy, 110-112 Highland Place 81.20 Fish, Bessie, 214 Floral Ave. 11.20 Fish, Bessie, 216 Floral Ave. 16.80 Fish, Mrs. Bessie, Lot No. 2 Floral Ave 2.10 Fulkerson, Ward, 514 Cliff 14.00 Geary, Michael and Jane, 320 N. Meadow 22.40 Gelshinan, Thos. Estate, Lot 305 Hillview Place 3.50 Genung, Geo., 315 Dryden Road 56.00 Jackson, Mrs. Etta, 127-129 Cleveland Ave. 39.20 Goff, A. C. and M., 305 W. Green 112.00 Goff, A. C. and M., Garage Rear 305 W. Green 33.60 Gray, M. Estate, 309-311 Hillview Place 30.80 Gray, M. Estate, 307 Hillview Place 22.40 Leatchneauer & Head, 717 E. Buffalo 123.20 Ithaca Realty Co., 104-106 Terrace Place 35.00 Jensen, J. C., 806 N. Cayuga 23.80 Johnson, K. P. Estate, 503 N. Albany 23.80 Jones, C. H., 327'Titus Ave 32.20 Jones, J. P., 602 Madison 25.20 LaBarr, Theresa, 1.08 Franklin 16.80 Llop, M., 209-211 Dryden Road 91.00 Llop, M., 904 Hector 98.00 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I:lop, M., 240 Linden Ave 39.20 Lucas, H. J., Jr., 407 E. Tompkins 16.80 Jackson & Mason, 502 S. Plain 33.60 Melton, Preston, 425 W. Seneca 23.80 Melton, Preston, 223 S. Plain 22.40 Miller, Lena C., 412 Elm 39.20 Mollella, S., 12 Garages, 4th and Madison 16.80 Montgomery, Nellie, 522-524 S. Albany 47.60 Montgomery, Nellie, Lot S. Albany 3.50 Morgan, Harry, 131 N. Quarry 64.40 Newton, T. J. (Thorpe). 112 S. Plain 35.00 Plumer, W. H., Church Cor. 4th and Morris Ave 4.20 Quick, Arthur, 414 Madison 25.20 Quigley, John, 207 Williams 49.00 Reidy, J., Estate, 104 Maple Ave 23.80 Reidy, J., Estate, Lot Maple Ave 18.20 Reidy, J., Estate, Lot Maple Ave 49.00 Reidy, M. M., 305 Cornell 22.40 Reidy, T. J. & M. M., 124 Maple Ave 14.00 Scanlon, Florence C. (C. J. Swartwood), 312-314 Spencer 8.40 Schaefer, A. I. Estate, 310-312 Turner Place 49.00 Scidmore, R. R. (M. Donovan); 103 Highland Place89.60 Sheehan, C. & B., 216-218 Linn 36.40 Sincebaugh, A. G., 339 Elm 49.00 Sinn, Gertrude, 235 Cliff 16.80 Sinn, Gertrude, Lot 233 Cliff 1.40 Space Bros_, 616 W. Buffalo 42.00 Space Bros., Garage rear 616 W. Buffalo 16.80 Strong, Harry and E., 608 S. Plain 29.40 Tarbell, C. D., 313 N. Geneva 51.80 Thorpe, F. and M. 110 S. Plain 35.00 Tyler, Geo., Lot Floral Ave 2.80 Wallenbeck, M. T. & S., 432 Titus Ave. 33.60 Washington, Bert, 416 N. Albany 18.20 Welch, E. L. & M., 132-134 Linn 36.40 Wilcox, C. H., 209 Auburn 22.40 Wilson, Lena S., 507 Cascadilla 11.20 $3,027.54 J. W. JONES, F. D. VANORDER, OLEN A. KING, Committee. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 169 Resolved—That the foregoing report 'of the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes be accepted, and that the sums therein mentioned be levied and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed, with 7% in addition thereto. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, relative to returned villa, -e taxes of the several villages of the county, for the year 1927: Your Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, to which was referred the report of the County Treasurer of the accounts of the unpaid village taxes of the several villages of Tompkins County' for the year 1927, together with the affi- davits, certificates and other necessary vouchers of the proper village officials that said. taxes had not been paid, although diligent efforts had been made to collect the same, hereby rec- ommends to this Board that the following sums be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed, with 12% interest thereon from June 1, 1927,. the dates of the tax warrants, as follows : VILLAGE OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS Ithaca Traction Corporation, Special Franchise $15.28 T. J. Reidy, Vacant Lot, Upland Road 8.00 $23.28 VILLAGE OF DRYDEN Walter Fenner, Lot No. 48, 1/3 acre $7.20 Benj. Finklestein, Lot No. 48, 4 acres 32.00 Henry Higgins, Lot No. 49, 4 acres 16.00 Frank Robbins, Lot No. 49, 1/2 acre 9.60 $64.80 VILLAGE OF FREEVILLE Benjamin, S. M. Estate $0.33 Rittenhouse, Arthur .33 Skillings, Fay ...................... ................... .33 Stewart, Oliver, Estate .33 81.32 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS VILLAGE OF GROTON Baldwin, Kate M. S., 121-123 Church St $46.37 Baldwin, Kate M. S., 107-113 Cortland St. 66.24 Bennett, Edward C., Lot, 185 Spring St. 1.19 Bennett, Minor R., Lot, 226 S. Main St 2.97 Baitsholts, Chas. F., 306 Spring St - 23.18 Baldwin, Walter, Lot, 76 Clinton St .55 Edwards, Maude L., Lot, 41 Jones Ave L64 Hall, John A., Lots 38 and 39, Jones Ave. 2.97 Howell, Clarence F., 118 Williams St 27.60 Howell, Clarence F., 303 Elm St 30.91 Hatch, Frank P., Lots 137 and 181 Spring St. 2.37 Hall, John, Estate, Lots 50 and 51 Clinton St L66 Kinney, Clarence, Lot 186 Spring St 1.19 Moe, Charles H., 120 Clark St 27.60 Morgan, Milo, Lot 211 Elmwood Ave 1.19 Perkins, Willis, Lots 24 and 35 W. Cortland St 4.72 Shultz, Maude, Estate, Lot south side Elm St 1.10 $243.45 VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG AIbert, Theodore, Mercantile $50.05 Dress Factory, J. 'H. Godfrey, Treas., Mercantile 91.00 Douglas, Jane L., Residential 9.10 Fuller, Sherman, Lot 2.28 Rumsey, Jay M. and Mildred, Residential 18.20 Sullivan, John J., Mercantile 72.80 Sullivan, John J., Lot 2.28 Trumansburg Textile Corp., Mercantile 182.00 $427.71 J. W. JONES, F. D. VANORDER, OLEN A. KING, Committee. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, relative to returned village taxes, be accepted and that the sums therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed, with 12% interest thereon from June 1, 1927, that being the dates of the tax warrants. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 171 Twentieth Day Thursday, December 29, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Shaver presented a petition from the Snyder Hill Young Peoples' Aid Society, relative to the establishment of a county- wide library service, which was referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Finance, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule: Your Committee on Finance respectfully reports that, in its opinion, the following appropriations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the county for the ensuing fiscal year, viz.: APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL FUND Contributions: State Tax—General Purposes ......... $49,753.79 Armory Purposes 6,892.64 Stenographers, Etc. 3,582.46 $60,228.89 Tax Expenses, Ref?r,3uds, Etc.: Refund R. R. Mitchell $11.81 Tax Expenses 4.18 Tax Notices 100.00 Tax Blanks 72.12 Legislative: Supervisors—Compensation $6,744.37 Expenses 104.57 Clerk 1,500.00 Attorney 300.00 Postage 50.00 $188.11 $8,698.94 172 PROCEEDINGS' OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Admini,strati•r,'e Officers Commissioners of Election— Salaries $1,800.00 Postage, Etc. .............. 400.00 Rent 260.00 Expenses 495.69 Elections—County Canvass $187.80 Election Expenses 4,707.44 Primary Election 2,500.00 County Treasurer— Salary $1,000.00 Clerk -hire 300.00 Postage 150.00 Bond—General 675.00 Bond—Highway . 195.40 Expenses - 377.47 Admin2S'tra Live Buildings: County Clerk's— Janitor $480.00 Insurance 266.50 Additional Fire Protection - 500.00 Repairing Boiler 321.56 Expenses 713.62 $2,955.69 $7,395.24 $2,697.87 $2,281.68 Court-house— Janitor $1,000.00 Insurance 614.50 Expenses 263.41 $1,877.91 County Heaters—Insurance $472.55 Contract Supplies: Heat and Light $1,500.00 Telephones 1,500.00 $3,000.00 Judicial: County Judge—Salary $5,000.00 Special County Judge—Salary 600.00 Assistants 2,700.00 Expenses 1,276.99 $9,576.99 OIC TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 173 Children's Court: Judge—Salary ................ Clerk—Salary Expenses . $1,500.00 800.00 575.21 $2,875.21 Courts: Supreme Count Library: Maintenance Ceunty Cleric: Salary Deputy Clerk—Salary Motor Vehicle Clerk—Salary Assistants Postage County Clerk's Bond Motor Vehicle Clerk's Bond Rent Expenses tRegulative Officers: s: Sealer of Weights and Measures— Salary Expenses Deficit $2,500.00 $75.00 $2,600.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 4,400.00 225.00 45.00 30.00 300.00 1,679.53 $11,979.53 $500.00 400.00 84.76 Educational: Farm Bureau Home Bureau Junior Project Extension Feeble Minded Deaf -Mutes County Publications: Proceedings of Board Other Publications $984.76 $3,500.00 4.000.00 2,700.00 268.33 100.00 $10,568.33 $775.00 4.57 $779.57 174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS Public Health: County Laboratory $130.32 Public Health Nurse 3,300.00 Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 4,000.00 $7,430.32 Corrective Officers: District Attorney—Salary $2,000.00 Office Expenses _700.00 Other Expenses 160.90 $2,860.90 Sheriff—Salary $2,400.00 Under Sheriff—Salary 1,500.00 Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey— Salary 900.00 Jail Matron—Salary 300.00 Bond 75.00 Expenses 1,444.29 $6,619.29 Probation Officer—Salary $1,200.00 Coroner: Salary $500.00 Expenses 100.00 Other Expenses 72.60 Punishment: Jail Physician $64.00 Plumbing and Heating 2,215.00 Insurance 23.25 Jail and Jail Inmates 3,697.75 $672.60 $6,000.00 Onondaga County Penitentiary $909.79 General Fund $20,440.16 Total Appropriations $175,269.33 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the General Fund— Levy on Towns for State Tax $60,228.89 Levy on Towns for Election Expenses 2,920.81 Levy on Towns to Reimburse County for— Deaf-Mutes 100.00 OF.TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 175 Feeble Minded 268.33 Sheriff's Expenses 312.35 Fees of County Clerk 17,540.48 Fees of Surrogate's Clerk 267.90 '$81,637.86 Net Amount Required for General Fund Approp'n $93,631.47 APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE POOR FUND Charitable, Improvident Poor: Superintendent of the Poor—Salary... $1,500.00 Expenses 400.00 Almshouse Inmates 6,000.00 Outdoor Relief 6,500.00 Transportation 400.00 Physician 480.00 Chaplain 150.00 Keeper at County Home 1,200.00 Insurance 332.58 Purchase of tools 100.00 Expenses 58.00 Overdraft 3,012.45 $20.133.03 Charitable, Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis Hospital—Maintenance $18,000.00 Insurance 243.77 Expenses 37.23 $18,281.00 Mental Diseases: Insane 30.00 Dependent Widows and Children: Board of Child Welfare $4,000.00 Blind: Southern Tier 'Association $600.00 Soldiers, Sailors, Etc.: Soldiers' Burial $400.00 Crippled Children: Expenses $653.70 Total Appropriation $44,097.73 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the Poor Fund— Levy on Towns to Reimburse the County for— Support of Poor in County Home $5,900.42 Examinations in Lunacy 30.00 $5,930.42 Net Am't Required for the Poar Fund Approp'n $38,167.31 APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE HIGHWAY FUND Maintenance: Supt. of Highways—Salary $2,200.00 Expenses 1,000.00 Other Expenses 1,311.74 $4,511.74 Construction: Sinking Fund on Bonds, Principal $2,543.05 Interest 5,086.16 $7,629.21 County System of Roads: Construction Under §320-A $28,730.00 Maintenance Under §320-A 10,543.00 $39,273.00 Elimination of Grade Crossings: County's Apportionment $34,000.00 Construction and Repairs of Bridges: Amount Required of County by the Highway Law...$20,000.00 County Highway Indebtedness: County Highway Bonds, Principal $14,000.00 Interest 8,345.00 $22,345.00 Rights of Way: Glen L. Bacon $150.00 Appropriation 5,000.00 $5,150.00 T. tal Appropriations $132,908.95 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 177 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to Highway Fund— Levy on Towns to Reimburse County for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds $1,440.87 Net Ain't Required for HirtItivay Fund Approp'n $131,468.08 Your committee recommends that there be assessed against, levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tomp- kins County, liable therefor, the following sums for the follow- ing purposes : For General Fund $93,631.47 For Poor Fund 38,167.31 $131,798.78 For Highway Fund 131,468.08 Total Tax Levy for CouryUty, Exclusive of State Tax $263,266.86 Your committee further reports that the foregoing appro- priations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the county for the next ensuing fiscal year, in payment of 1. Contributions pursuant to Chapter 537, Laws of 1927, Armory Purpose Tax pursuant to the Military Law, as amend- ed, Court and Stenographers' Tax pursuant to the Judiciary Law, as amended, Chapters 55, 335, 454, 521, 570 and 667, Laws of 1927, and Article 12, of the State Constitution. 2. Salaries of officers and employees heretofore authorized by this Board. 3. Claims audited and allowed by this Board. 4. CIaims to be audited at special and quarterly sessions of this Board, claims to be audited by the Superintendent of the Poor, duly authorized certificates and other expenses to be paid prior to the next ensuing tax levy. 5. Amounts to become due on contract. 6. The amounts to be paid for Sinking Fund and Interest on State Highway Bonds. 7. County Indebtedness and interest thereon. 178 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 8. Appropriations by this Board for other specific pur- poses, and estimated amounts required for unforeseen con- tingencies. Your committee further reports, that from the report of the County Treasurer, the receipts of the previous year and other information available, it is estimated that the amounts indi- cated will be available from the various sources specified, to the expenditures for the above purposes, and such amounts are deducted from the estimated amounts required, in fixing the amounts to be raised by tax levy. Dated, December 29, 1927. S. L. HOWELL, LESLIE R. PIERCE, A. W. ALLEN, Committee. Moved by Mr. Howell, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time, Seconded by Mr. Allen. By unanimous consent; the report was taken from the table. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Finance be accepted and that the several amounts therein specified be and hereby are appropriated from the funds indicated, to and for the purposes enumerated, and be it further Resolved—That all moneys received by the County Treas- urer, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for by law, or act of this Board, be credited by her to the general. poor or highway fund, in accord with the nature of such re- ceipt, and be it further Resolved—That in case of a deficiency in any appropri- ation, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer. from the general fund, the poor fund or the highway fund re- spectively, for the purpose of meeting any payment ordered by this Board, or required by law, which amounts are hereby ap- propriated for such purposes, but in no case is the County Treasurer authorized to transfer from the general fund or poor fund to any other fund, without a resolution of this Board specifically authorizing her so to do, and be it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 179 Resolved—That there be assessed upon, levied against and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, liable therefor, For State Tax $60,228.89 For County General and Poor Fund Tax131,798.78 For County Highway Fund Tax 131.,468.08 Seconded by Mr. Snyder. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Snyder called the attention of the members of the Board to the expenditures being made by the County Superintendent of the Poor. Here followed a discussion of that matter. Moved by Mr. Chase, that the matter be referred to the Com- mittee on Charities to investigate. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried. So ordered. The balance of the afternoon session was taken up p with the apportionment of taxes. Twenty-first Day Friday, December 30, 1927 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Shaver presented a petition of the Assessors of the Town of Dryden, to add to the assessment roll of the town for the 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS year 1927, property belonging to Frank Myers, omitted from the assessment roll for the year 1926, and to add to the assess- ment roll of the town for the year 1927, property belonging to Frank Myers and property belonging to Olive Mosher, omitted therefrom through error, for the current year. Moved by Mr. Snyder, that the petition of the assessors of the Town of Dryden be granted and they be directed to add to the assessment roll of the town for the year 1927, property be- longing to Frank Myers, omitted from the assessment roll of 1926, and to add to the assessment roll for the current year property belonging to Frank Myers and Olive Mosher, omitted therefrom, through error. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., relative to the Apportionment of Taxes, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule: Your Committee on Equalization, Etc., whose duty it is to apportion the various taxes among the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, reports that the following amounts shall be paid by the several towns and the City of. Ithaca, for State Tax for General Purposes, Armory Purposes and Stenographers', Etc., Purposes, County Tax for General and Poor Purposes and County Tax for Highway Purposes, as follows : APPORTIONMENT Towns Equalized Value for General and Poor Purposes Pe, J a.., :3 County Tax, General and Poor Purposes Caroline $991,295 $1,165.57 $2,550.61 Danby . .. .. .. .. .. .. _ 836,099 983,09 2,151.29 Dryden 2,899,771 3,409.56 7,46L14 Enfield 690,556 811.90 1,776.81 Groton 3,029,650 3,562.28 7,795.32 Ithaca City 31,935,659 37,550.08 82,170.78 Ithaca Town 4,773,769 5,613.02 12,282.96 Lansing 1 2,985,846 3,510.77 7,682.61 Newfield 936,332 1,100.94 2,409.19 Ulysses 2,144,596 2,521.62 5,518.07 Totals - - - $51,223,573 $60,228.89 1 $131,798.78 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 181 H rn m Equalized Value for Highway Purposes County Tax for Highways Total Tax Caroline $992,727 $2,541.28 $6,257.46 Danby 846,416 2,166.74 5,301.12 Dryden 2,913,038 7,457.08 18,327.78 Enfield 693,778 1,776.00 4,364.77 Groton 3,032,987 7,764.14 19,121.74 Ithaca City 32,021,019 81,970.55 201,691.41 Ithaca Town 4,775,283 12,224.24 30,120.22 Lansing 2,987,718 7,648.25 18,841.63 Newfield 941,818 2,410.96 5,921.09 Ulysses 2,151,977 5,508.84 13,548.53 Total $51,356,761 $131,468.08 i $323,495.75 Rate for State Tax $1.175+ per $1,000 Rate for County General and Poor Tax 2.573+ 1,000 2.559+ 1,000 Rate for County Highway Tax W. J. SHAVER, Chairman, L. E. PATTERSON, F. G. SNYDER, W. 0. SMILEY, H. A. WHITTAKER, LAGRAND CHASE, Committee. Moved by Mr. Snyder, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded.by Mr. Chase. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Equaliza- tion, Etc., :relative to the apportionment of taxes, be accepted and adopted and that the several amounts therein Iisted for state tax, county tax and county highway tax, against the sev- eral towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, be assessed 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS against, levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns and city, liable therefor. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION ' Roll call. All members present, The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Finance, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule: Your Committee on Finance reports that the following tab- ulated statements show the appropriations which will be nec- essary to meet the expenditures of the various towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, for the ensuing fiscal year, as set forth in the following budgets: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 183 TOWN OF CAROLINE To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $1,165.57 County Tax 2,550.61 County Highway Tax 2,541.28 Maintenance of State and County Highways 550.00 Election Expenses 145.40 Due .County 45.09 Sheriff's Expenses ... 8.25 Support of Poor at County Home 421.87 $7,428.07 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$518.24 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $2,000.00 Highways 3,875.00 Bridges 500.00 Machinery 500.00 Miscellaneous 1,800.00 8,675.00 TOTAL BUDGET $16,621.31 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT—$600.58 TAX RATES— General .007 Highway .01080 Total .0178 Lighting District .00704 184 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DANBY To be Paid the County Treasurer: State. Tax County Tax County Highway Tax Maintenance of State and County Highways .... Election Expenses Due County Sheriff's Expenses RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$609.53 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits Highways Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous Town Poor Town Bonds—Principal $2,000.00 Interest 125.00 $1,184.83 3,473.00 375.00 1,200.00 2,500.00 500.00 $983.09 2,151.29 2,166.74 650.00 121.80 7.22 8.90 $6,089.04 2,125.00 11,357.83 TOTAL BUDGET $18,056.40 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT—$692.82 TAX RATES— General .009 Highways .0125 Total .0215 Lighting District .00842 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 185 TOWN OF DRYDEN To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $3,409.56 County Tax 7,461.14 County Highway .Tax 7,457.08 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road No. 681 243.11 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road No. 682 269.13 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road No. 683 278.09 Maintenance of State and County Highways 1,250.00 Election Expenses 347.02 Support of Poor at County Home 432.69 Due County 119.79 Sheriff's Expenses 34.35 Feeble Minded Children 40.00 $21,341.96 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $634.12 RETURNED VILLAGE TAXES— DRYDEN VILLAGE $68.69 FREEVILLE 1.40 .To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $3,521.72 Highways 6,858.00 Bridges 500.00 Machinery 1,000.00 Miscellaneous 4,400.00 Town Poor 500.00 Vote of Town for Highways 5,000.00 Southworth Library 200.00 Memorial Day 50.00 22,029.72 TOTAL BUDGET $44,075.89 186 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT— VARNA $300.00 McLEAN 60.00 TAX ORATES -- Inside Corr orati on Outside Corporation ' General .0056 General Highway .0070 ) Total .0126 Pension, General Highway .007 General.0056 General Highway .0070 Primary Highway .0032 Total .0158 Pension,'General Highway .0070 Pension, Prim'y Highway .0032 Total .0102 Varna Lighting District - .00452 McLean Lighting District .00426 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 187 TOWN OF ENFIELD To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $81L96 County Tax 1,776.81 County Highway Tax 1,776.00 Maintenance of State and County Highways 600.00 Election Expenses 133.71 Due County 101.34 Sheriff's Expenses 19.50 Support of Poor at County Home 540.61 $5,759.93 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$100.76 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $2,259.69 Highways 2,469.00 Bridges 200.00 Machinery ._.._. 800.00 Miscellaneous 1,800.00 7,528.69 TOTAL BUDGET $13,389.38 TAX RATES— General .00970 Highway .. ... .01270 Total .02240 Lighting District .01104 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF GROTON To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $3,562.28 • County Tax 7,795.32 County Highway Tax 7,764.14 Maintenance of State and County Highways 500.00 Election Expenses 362.41 Due County 35.45 Sheriff's Expenses 27.15 • Support of Poor at County Home 617.75 Examination in lunacy 10.00 $20,674.50. RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$613.55 RETURNED VILLAGE TAXES, GROTON VILLAGE—$263.06 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $800.00 Highways 4,500.00 Bridges................. .. ........ ........_300.00 Machinery .......... ... ... . .............. 3,000.00 Miscellaneous 3,000.00 Voted by Town for Highways 5,000.00 Memorial Day 75.00 16,675.00 TOTAL BUDGET $38,226.11 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT ----$959.93 TAX RATES— Inside Corporation Outside Corporation General .0044 Highway .0065 Total .0109 General .00440 General Highway .00650 Primary Highway .00350 Health .00026 Total. .01466 Lighting District .01104 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 189 TOWN OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $5,613.02 County Tax 12,282.96 County Highway Tax 12,224.24 Maintenance of State and County Highways1,100.00 Election Expenses 211.43 Sheriff's Expenses 22.95 Support of Poor at County Home 196.47 $31,651.07 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$640.37 RETURNED VILLAGE TAXES, CAYUGA HEIGHTS ----$25.14 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $2,901.07 Highways 8,000.00 Bridges 1,500.00 Machinery 3,000.00 Miscellaneous 6,000.00 Bond and Interest 590.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 3,000.00 24,991.07 TOTAL BUDGET $57,307.65 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT— SPENCER ROAD $450.00 RENWICK HEIGHTS 136.00 TAX RATES -- Inside Corporation Outside Corporation General .00419 Highway .00629 Total .01048 General .00419 Highway .00629 Primary Highway .00102 Total .01150 Spencer Road Lighting District .00255 Renwick Heights Lighting District .00150 190 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CITY OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $37,550.08 County Tax 82,170.78 County Highway Tax 81,970.55 Election Expenses 1,028.70 Due County 764.89 Sheriff's Expenses 54.30 Support of Poor at County Home 3,296.06 Deaf -Mutes 100.00 Feeble -Minded 188.33 Examinations in lunacy 20.00 Refund Taxes—Raymond R. Mitchell 11.81 TOTAL BUDGET $207,155.50 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$3,027.54 (To be paid by the School District of the City of Ithaca and not a part of the City Budget, for which this tax is levied) TAX RATES— General.00392 Highway .00256 Total .00648 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 191. TOWN OF LANSING To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $3,510.77 County Tax 7,682.61 County Highway Tax ...........__ .......................... ... 7,648.25 --------------------- Maintenance of State and County Highways 700.00 Election Expenses 198.04 Due County 130.15 Sheriff's Expenses 64.20 Support of Poor at County Home 106.70 • Feeble -Minded 20.00 $20,060.72 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$206.80 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $2,279.34 Highways 7,100.00' Bridges 4,000.00 Machinery 3,000.00 Miscellaneous 4,000.00 Bond and Interest 2,500.00 22,879.34 TOTAL BUDGET $43,146.86 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICTS— SOUTH LANSING $240.00 MYERS . ._ 150.00 LUDLOWVILLE 460.82 TAX RATES— General .0048 Highway .0098 Total .0146 South Lansing Lighting District .0041 Myers Lighting District .0034 Ludlowville Lighting District .0079 192 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OFSUPERVISORS TOWN OF NEWFIELD To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $1,100.94 County Tax 2,409.19 County Highway Tax 2,410.96 Maintenance of State and County Highways 800.00 Election Expenses 143.83 Due County 66.16 Sheriff's Expenses 42.30 .. $6,973.38 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$21.0.55 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $2,438.48 Highways ` 3,917.00 Bridges 3,300.00 Machinery 1,000.00 Miscellaneous 2,500.00 Poor Fund 500.00 Memorial Day 50.00 Town Library 300.00 Bond and Interest 2,100.00 Certificate of Indebtedness, Prin 5,000.00 Int 150.00 21,255.48 TOTAL BUDGET $28,439.41 TAX RATES— General .01015 Highway .02103 Total .03118 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 103 TOWN OF ULYSSES To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $2,521.62 County Tax 5,518.07 County Highway Tax - 5,508.84 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road No. 616 650.54 Maintenance of State and County Highways 450.00 Election Expenses 228.47 Due County 100.44 Sheriff's Expenses 30.45 Support of Poor at County Home 288.27 Feeble -Minded 20.00 $15,316.70 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES—$158.37 RETURNED VILLAGE TAXES, TRUMANSBURG—$461.77 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $2,208.86 Highways 5,000.00 Bridges 500.00 Machinery 1,500.00 Snow 500.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 Memorial Day _ 75.00 Cert. of Indebtedness, H'ways §320-A 15,000.00 Cert. of Indebtedness, Snow and Miscellaneous 5,250.00 Cert. of Indebtedness, General 3,000.00 33,533.86 TOTAL BUDGET $49,470.70 TAX RATES— Inside Corporation Outside Corporation General Highway .00675 .01460 Total .02135 General .00695 Highway .01825 Total _ .02520 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dated, December 30, 1927. S. L. HOWELL, LESLIE R. PIERCE, A. W. ALLEN, Committee. Moved by Mr. Howell, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Snyder. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the several Town Boards of Tompkins County, now on file with the Clerk of this Eoard, resolutions of this Board, and the laws of the state, and in accordance with the foregoing report and recommendations of the Committee on Finance, that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the fore- going sums for the purposes therein named. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -13. ' Noes -0. Carried. On motion of Mr. Chase, the matter of purchasing a com- puting machine was referred to the Committee on County Of- ficers and Compensation, to investigate and report to this Board. Adjourned to Friday, January 20, 1928, at 10.30 A. M. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 195 Twenty-second Day Friday, January 20, 1928 MORNING SESSION Roll call. The following supervisors answered to their names, with post -office addresses, as follows: Caroline—Herbert A. Whittaker, Brooktondale, R. D. No. 21. Danby—David A. Moore, Willseyville, R. D. No. I. Dryden—William J. Shaver, Freeville. Enfield—Olen A. King, Ithaca, R. D. No. 5. Groton—Frank A. Begent, Groton. Ithaca—Lagrand E. Chase, Ithaca, R. D. No. S. Lansing—Clarence M. Buck, Ludlowville, R. D. No. 10. Newfield—Albert Dassance, Newfield, R. D. No. 30. Ulysses—Alfred W. Allen, Trumansburg. Ithaca City— First Ward— Second Ward— Third Ward—Albert L. Huff, 329 W. Buffalo St. Fourth Ward --.Sidney L. Howell, 202 E. State St. Fifth Ward—Leslie R. Pierce, 107 W. Yates St. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Shaver presented a petition from the Varna W. C. T. U., relative to ,the establishment of a county library service, which was referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The Clerk read the proposal of Messrs. Ellsworth, Barrows & Company, relative to the reporting on the relative assess-' ments in the several tax districts of Tompkins County. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : r Resolved—That the proposal of Messrs. Ellsworth, Barrows & Company be accepted and that the Chairman be authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with said company, for and on behalf of the county, for the services offered by them in assisting the Equalization Committee in determining 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS the relative assessments in the several tax districts of the county on the public utilities corporations, or companies, and be it further • Resolved—That the said proposal of said company and its, acceptance by this Board constitutes such agreement. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -11. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Chase offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That of the remaining mileage of highways al- lotted to the Town of Ithaca, under the County and Town Sys- tem of Roads, and undesignated for construction, there be des- ignated for construction the following highway .in said town : Commencing at a point on the Coddington Road, at the high- way commencing about 1,4 of a mile northwesterly from the farm of former supervisor Arthur Miller, and running thence southerly to the Danby Town line, a distance of about L5 miles, and be it further Resolved—That the foregoing designation be adcepted and said highway placed on the county map, as a part of' the County and Town System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and. moved its adoption : WHEREAS -It has been called to the attention of this Board, that the following bridges in Tompkins County are so out of repair as to render them unsafe for travelers to pass over them, namely - 1. The bridge over Buttermilk Creek, on the so-called Oliver Hughes Road, south of what is known as the Stone Quarry Road, in the Town of Ithaca, and 2. The bridge over Virgil Creek, known as the Mounsey Little Bridge, on the road leading west from the Dryden -filar - ford Road, in the Town of Dryden, therefore be it OF f O PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 197 Resolved—That the County Superintendent of Highways be directed to examine and inspect both of said bridges and to re- port thereon to this Board at the earliest time possible. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Carried. County Superintendent of Highways Evans appeared before the Board and reported that he had examined and inspected the two bridges described in the resolution offered by Mr. Buck, and had found both of them in a dangerous condition and un- safe for public use and travel, and that he had already con- demned both of said bridges and that he had notified the Town Superintendents and Supervisors of the Towns of Ithaca and Dryden, respectively, of their condition and condemnation by him. AFTERNOON SESSION oRo11 call. All members present, except Messrs. VanOrder and Stephens. Mr. Dassance, of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., re- ported that the committee had examined the assessment rolls of the several towns of the county and the city of Ithaca, with the amount of tax to be levied in each respectively, and com- pared the same with .the budgets of the several towns and city and the warrants of the collectors and found the same correct, and that each of the collector's warrants were properly made and ready for the signatures of the Chairman and Clerk of the Board. Moved by Mr. Dassance, that the report of the committee be accepted and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board be di- rected to sign the collectors' warrants, as attached to the sev- eral assessment rolls of the respective townsand city. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption.: WHEREAS -It was called to the attention of this Board that the bridge over Buttermilk Creek, on the so-called Oliver Hughes Road, south of what is known as the Stone Quarry 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Road, in the Town of Ithaca, and the bridge over Virgil Creek, known as the Mounsey Little Bridge, on the road leading west from the Dryden -Harford Road, in the Town of Dryden, were both so out of repair as to render them unsafe for travelers to pass over them, and WHEREAS—This Board, by a resolution duly adopted, di- rected the County Superintendent of Highways to'examine and inspect both of said bridges and report thereon to this Board, and WHEREAS—The County Superintendent. of Highways has made an examlination and inspection of both of said bridges, and reported thereon, as by this Board directed, and WHEREAS—The report of the County Superintendent of Highways shows that each of said bridges is in a dangerous • condition and unsafe for public use and travel, and the same has been condemned by said County Superintendent of High- ways and the Town Superintendents and the Supervisors of the Towns of Ithaca and Dryden, respectively, have been noti- fied of that fact, and WHEREAS—Each of said bridges is of a span of more than twenty-five feet and each is located on a town road outside of a city, and this Board considers that each of the highways whereon said bridges are located, and that each of said bridges, is of sufficient importance that each of said bridges be con- structed or improved and each of said highways be kept open for traffic, as provided by the Highway Law, therefore be it Resolved—That each of the said bridges hereinabove de- scribed, and pursuant to the provisions of §19, and §262-A, of the Highway Law, be constructed and that the portion of the cost of construction of each bridge to be borne by the County of Tompkins shall be 1007; and the cost of construction to be borne by the Towns of Ithaca. and Dryden, respectively, shall be 0%, and be it further Resolved ---That the County Superintendent of Highways is hereby directed to prepare, or cause to be prepared, reaps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost for a concrete arch bridge over Buttermilk Creek, on the so-called Oliver Hughes Road, south of what is known as the Stone Quarry Road, in the Town of Ithaca, and to prepare, or cause to be prepared, maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost, for a concrete encased I -Beam bridge, over Virgil Creek, at what is known OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 199 as the Mounsey Little Bridge, on the road leading west from the Dryden -Harford Road, in the Town of Dryden, and that upon the completion of such maps, plans, specifications and es- timates of cost, they are to be submitted to this Board of Su- pervisors for its approval. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. County Superintendent of Highways Evans appeared before the Board and presented maps, plans, specifications and esti- mates of cost of a concrete arch bridge over Buttermilk Creek, on the so-called Oliver Hughes Road, in the Town of Ithaca, and maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost of a con- crete encased I -Beam bridge over Virgil Creek, known as the Mounsey Little Bridge, in the Town of. Dryden, which were filed and referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr.' Buck, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, re- ported that his committee had examined the maps, plans, spec- ifications and estimates of cost of the two bridges in question, as presented by the County Superintendent of Highways, and offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—This Board has heretofore, by resolution duly adopted, provided for the construction of a concrete arch bridge over Buttermilk Creek, on the so-called Oliver Hughes Road, south cf what is known as the Stone Quarry Road, in the Town of Ithaca, and a concrete encased I -Beam bridge over Virgil Creek, at what is known as the Mounsey Little Bridge, on the road leading west from the Dryden -Harford Road, in the Town of Dryden and directed the County Superintendent of High- ways to prepare, or cause to be prepared, maps, plans, specifi- cations and estimates of cost for each of said bridges, and sub- mit the same to this Board, pursuant to the provisions of ;§19 and 262=A, of the Highway Law, and WREREAS—The County Superintendent of Highways has prepared, or caused to be prepared, such maps, plans, specifi- cations and estimates of cost for each bridge and submitted the same to this Board for its approval, therefore he it Resolved -That the maps, plans, and specifications for each bridge, to this Board submitted, be and the same hereby are approved, and be it further 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That this Board hereby authorizes and directs the Clerk to advertise, in the name of the Board, for bids for the construction of each of said bridges, at the places herein- before designated, according to the maps, plans and specifica- tions for each bridge, this day filed. Seconded by Mr. Chase. Ayes -11. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Howell, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, which was authorized to secure' suitable offices for the Commissioners of Election, reported that the c mmitt e was able to secure such offices of Reuben Dworsky, in the Bates Block, so-called, for a term of five years at a ren- tal, of $300.00 the first year, payable in advance and $360.00 for the succeeding four years, and asked the pleasure of the Board in the matter. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That a lease be entered into for the premises of Reuben Dworsky, on the terms and conditions as reported by the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, the same to be used for rooms and offices for county business, and the Chairman of the Committee on County Officers and Compen- sation be authorized and directed to execute said lease for and on behalf of the county, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to draw an order for $300.00 for the rental thereof for the year 1928, payable to Reuben Dworsky, upon the execution of such lease, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of thE. moneys in her hands available therefor. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. On motion of Mr. Begent, Wm. J. Shaver was appointed a committee of one, to represent the Board and to accompany and co-operate with the representative of the State Tax De- partment in determining the relative assessments in the sev- eral tax districts of the county. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 201 Mr. King, Chairman of the Committee on Town. Expenses, Etc., presented a report showing the bonded indebtedness of the several towns, villages, city and school districts of the county, which, on motion, was received and ordered printed with the Printed Proceedings of the Board. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., relative to the Special Franchises in Tompkins County: • Your Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., to which was re- ferred the report of the Special Franchises in the several towns and villages of the county, outside of the .City of Ithaca, re- ports that .the following is a tabulated statement of all 'such franchises of the various 'corporations, in the several towns and villages, outside of the City of Ithaca, as reported to this Board by the several town clerks of the respective towns of the county : SPECIAL FRANCHISES FOR TOMVIPKINS COUNTY -1927 •op gdea2ajay uoIUa uaalsaA cao -op auogdajay ant;eaadp-op sasstjn co c- co N o c •oD auogdajay auioll r�.Ingsueuxnay co t N um £uudurop ajq>;D puu gde ajay je.sod co . " co c; co to ,-i GO ' Y `" co 'n 'op arloLjdajay L'.doiy Ildagn•tON co ,; m £UedUIO'D auogdajay 31s0X MON OD d. ca -zr N o co tq V'Cr o In *-J cc, '--I O O 6: M_ d' L--.. GO d' Ln N L C+ O --!.-i INONOCJ N+ --I d'G+7 .--BOG ,i,-,4,6-,_1,--,-'06:0.' 1 -1 -O:706) -C,1 -LID. Moa)c-iLID.ri :1 - ri - ct ti M UO41UOd1o3 aiag.aa{a put SUD ag111S 31.1ox MaN LL'.J �,2r, O- NOL C. CCI o clop co_ oo�clN�.t..d^cz C� :� N OG c-:. co of M. OGN , ti-" i[; C: O .-, c. CJ d' 2ur;duioD auogda{ay uea Ialy? CQ o . co co - '- i` r - '°D 6en�iirZ' SoiluA 1.121./w1 d m cc co c - E. 0 O •op peO•IjiRii 3T.IoA .41aN pue goiqa'j co c...] ,I., C•1 O- Ln 1N N LP L --- UOr4e.10d•I1)3 UOii .II eal:101 O C O C.1 t-? GV 1 4626,8891 -op laj, ajjinaaa,y N c) o c: 0 •3 auogdajay •pui .t.inquieags gsva Lr, -4. c- c's O N ' �;" N °° .Su dluo;l auoi{dOTay uapnaQ 't' d' o i .--, © c ^; cs]o ,r co N ci O7 •3 auogdajay uaagonog e2n.Cepr:1, -op auogdajay ,saaLua>;J autjoaej o co 00 `° N Lor - 'o7 Llde.i cijay pue auogdajay ueataatuy CO CO N C1 co- ,--1' cj r-1' 0 ci I m in F C U C q _ ?>al O M r F^ a)7.... 7D 7D F F `� 'C.. J V i GG Y Z F O O -I, -4-.F O� N r.Q F r isf�'F U.. 75 CZ el q� w al a), 1 N .-' y .. Ca P N Totals Dated, December 30, 1927. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 203 Moved by Mr. King, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Allen. Carried. The minutes of the day's proceedings were read and ap- proved. There being no further business to come before the Board at this annual session, on motion, the same was adjourned without date. FRED L. CLOCK, Cleric 204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY AUDITS for 1927 No. NaDIE SE1 VICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance Co. Insur. on Co. boilers $472.55 2 P. M. Donohue Rep. on heater, Cthse. 26.60 • 3 Treman, King & Co Labor, Courthouse_... 83.13 4 Court Bellis Expenses, Co. Sealer 429.45 5 Court Bellis Disburse., Co. Sealer 12.47 6 Ithaca Journal -News Notices, Supervisors.. 6.16 7 Ithaca Journal -News Claims, Supervisors.. 7.98 8 Groton Journal -Courier.. Notices, Supervisors 5.04 9 T. G. Miller's Sons Supplies, Supervisors 84.49 10 S. R. Tisdel Co Keys, Supervisors .90 11 J. B. Lyon Co Law books, Co. Judge 45.00 1.2 Atkinson Press Blanks, Co. Judge 15.00 13 West Publishing Co Law B'ks, Co. Judge 12.00 14 Ithaca Journal -News Terms C't, Co. Judge 13.26 15 Groton Journal -Courier" " 8.16 16 T. G. Miller's Sons Supplies, Surrogate.. 34.30 17 Matthew Bender & CoLaw books, Surrogate 70.00 18 Ithaca Journal-News____;Notices, Co. Clerk 33.48 19 Norton Printing Co Printing, Co. Clerk.. 103.00 20 Student Transfer Co. Carting, Co. Clerk..__ 18.00 21 T. G. Miller's Sons Supplies, Co. CIerk._ 40.00 22 Greylock Ribbon & Carbon Co. " . " _. 6.00 23 C. J. Rumsey & Co 10.55 24 H. J. Bool Co.___. Furniture, Co. Clerk 15.53 25 Carl Crandall Map, Co. Clerk 88.00 26 Andrus & Church Rep. books, Co. Clk. 24.85 27 Atkinson Press Ptg., Com. Election 63.50 28 Ithaca Journal -News __,,It ti 161.12 29 T. G. Miller's Sons .... ___Supplies, Com. Elec. 21.69 30 M. E. Herson • Meals, Sup. Ct. Civil 7.80 31 J. C. Crim " Co. Ct. Civil 21.00 32 J. B. Lyon Co._ Law books, Ct. Lib. 45.00 33 Lawyers'. Co-op. Pb. Co" " 30.00 34 Dr. Wm. A. Smith Expenses, Coroner .... 72.60 35 Henry Williams Justice, Felonies .... 4.25 36 City of Ithaca City Court, Felonies 36.15 37 Augustus Middaugh Justice, Dogs 9.65 38 C. P. Stoughton " ti 14.70 39 Groton Journal-CourierTax Notices 453.76 40 Ithaca Journal -News ._ ,," 667.66 41 T. G. Miller's Sons Supplies, Co. Treas. 7.85 42 Dr. L. T. Genung Lab. Cust., Pb. Health 130.32 43 Ithaca Journal -News Pub. State Scholarship 11.20 44 Agnes B. Chase Ex. in lunacy 30.00 45 Cent. N. Y. Inst. Deaf -Mutes Clothing for inmates 100.00 46 Syracuse State School_._Clothing for inmates 268.33 47 R. H. Beard & Son Bur. Hallett Shepherd.. 75.00 48 Boston Insurance Co Ins. Tub. Hospital____ 37.23 $472.55 26.60 83.13 400.00 00.00 6.16 7.98 5.04 84.49 .90 45.00 15.00 12.00 13.26 8.16 34.30 70.00 33.48 103.00 18.00 40.00 6.00 10.55 15.53 88.00 24.85 63.50 161.12 21.69 7.80 21.00 45.00 30.00 72.60 4.25 36.15 9.65 14.70 453.76 667.66 7.85 130.32 11.20 30.00 100.00 268.33 75.00 37.23 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 205 No. NAME SEr vIcE' 49 Jennie Van Order Care Mildred Holley__ 50 Ithaca Mem. Hospital__..Treat. Mildred Holley 51 Jennie Van Order Care Mildred Holley 52 Ethel Hawkins, R. N Transp. James Tudi 53 Hospital for R. & C Treat. James Tudi.__. 54 Ithaca Recon. Home Tr. Gordon Tompkins 55 Ithaca Recon. I"Iome.__..._- " Ed. Dimick 56 Ithaca Recon. Home " Ed. Nolan 57 Matthew Bender & Co.__Law books, Dist. At 58 Arthur G. Adams Expenses, Dist. Atty. 59 Arthur G. Adams Exp. under Nat. Pro. 60 T. G. Miller's Sons Supplies, Dist. Atty. 61 Jamieson -McKinney Co..Repairs, Co. Jail 62 Rothschild Bros. Supplies, " " 63 T. G. Miller's Sons " " " 41 64 Trernan, King & Co 44 65 A. B. Brooks & Son Med. supp., Co. Jail 66 P. M. Donohue Repairs, Co. Jail_-__. 67 Corner Bookstores Supplies, Sheriff 68 Frank C. Ellis Expenses, 69 Onondaga Co. PenitenBoard of prisoners.. 70 Frank C. Ellis Auto -hire, Sheriff _ 71 E. M. Perkins B'1 Sophia Hulslander 72 Robinson & Carpenter.._Flooring, Co. Home.. 73 Robinson & Carpenter._Materials, Co. Jail.. 74 Jamieson -McKinney CoHeater, Co. Clk. Bld. 75 Dr. J. W. Judd Services to 12/19/27 76 Robinson & Carpenter.... Materials, Courth'se .77 Fred A. Regalsky Bond, Co. Treas 78 Andrus & Church Books. etc., Co. Tr. 79 J. D. Ross Justice, Dogs 80 H. A. Whittaker Board of Canvass 81 W. 0. Smiley " " 82 W. J. Shaver 44 44 " 83 Olen A. King " 84 J. W. Jones " 85 Lagrand E. Chase 86 C. M. Buck.,...... . " 87 F. G. Snyder " " " 88 A. W. Allen " 89 F. D. Van Order " " 90 L. E. Patterson . 44 " 91 S. L. Howell " 92 Leslie R. Pierce " " " 93 Edward Sparling Constable, Dogs 94 H. A. Whittaker Extend. 'fax 95 H. A. Whittaker. Committee work 96 11. A. Whittaker Quart. & Spec. Sess.._ 97 H. A. Whittaker Annual Session " 98 W. 0. Smiley Extend. Tax 09 W. 0. Smiley Committee work :100 W. 0. Smiley ... Quart. & Spec. Sess. 101 W. 0. Smiley ' Annual Session 102 W. J. Shaver Extend. Tax 103 W. J. Shaver_ Committee work - 104 W. J. Shaver Enforcement Comm... 105 W. J. Shaver Quart: & Spec. Sess. 106 W. J. Shaver Annual Session CLAIMED An,Lowan 31.50 31.50 72.00 72.00 7.00 7.00 18.51 18.51 7.40 7.40 221.00 221.00 137.00 137.00 159.29 159.29 20.50 20.50 6425 64.25 22.00 22.00 54.15 54.15 1.70 1.70 7.37. 7.27 72.50 72.50 70.98 70.98 6.85 6.85 27.65 27.65 1.00 1.00 197.50 197.50 909.74 909.74 494.50 494.50 75.00 75.00 58.00 58.00 14.7'7 14.77 321.56 321.56 64.00 64.00 99.10 99.10 675.00 675.00 43.25 43.25 70.55 70.55 15.84 15.84 13.92 13.92 15.52 15.52 14.88 14.88 17.76 17.76 13.20 13.20 18.44 18.44 14.40 14.40 15.84 15.84 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 1.2.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 23.30 23.30 20.60 30.60 324.89 324.89 71.28 71.28 133.92 133.92 30.60 30.60 330.00 330.00 80.64 80.64 126.96 126,96 42.14 42.14 191.40 191.40 96.20 96.20 68.08 68.08 123.76 133.70 206 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS N0. NA11E SERVICE$ CLAIMED ALLOWED 107 Olen A. King Extend. Tax 108 Olen A. King Committee work 109 Olen A. King Quart. & Spec. Sess... 110 Olen A. King Annual Session 111 J. W. Jones Extend. Tax 112 J. W. Jones Committee work 113 J.- W. Jones Quart. & Spec. Sess.__ 114 J. W. Jones Annual Session .--. 115 Lagrand Chase Extend. Tax 116 Lagrand Chase Committee work 117 Lagrand Chase ----------------Quart. & Spec. Sess 118 Lagrand Chase Annual Session 119 C. M. Buck Extend. Tax 120 C. M. Buck. Committee work 121 C. M. Buck Enforcement Comm. 122 C. M. Buck Quart. & Spec. Sess. 123 C. M. Buck Annual Session 124 F. G. Snyder Extend. Tax 125 F. G. Snyder Committee work 120 F. G. Snyder Quart. & Spec. Sess. 127 F. G. Snyder Annual Session I28 A. W. Allen Extend. Tax 129 A. W. Allen Committee work 130 A. W. Allen Quart. & Spec. Sess, 131 A. W. Allen Annual Session I32 Estate J. M. Townsend..Committee work 133 Estate J. M. Townsend..Quart. & Spec. Sess. 134 F. D. Van Order Extend. Tax ... .,...... ._. 135 F. D. Van Order Committee work 136 F. D. Van Order Quart. & Spec. Sess. 137 F. D. Van Order Annual Session 138 L. E. Patterson Committee work 139 L. E. Patterson Quart. & Spec. Sess. 140 L. E. Patterson Annual Session 141 Albert L. Huff Committee work 142 Albert L. Huff Annual Session 1.43 S. L. Howe]] Extend. Tax 144 S. L. Howell Committee work 145 S. L. Howell Quart. & Spec. Sess. 146 S. L. Howell Annual Session 147 Leslie R. Pierce Committee work 148 Leslie R. Pierce Enforcement Comm.' 1d) Leslie R. Pierce.... Quart. & Spec. Sess. 150 Leslie R. Pierce-- Annual Session State of New York, County of Tompkins;. ss. Board of Supervisors. 28.14 28.14 359.00 359.00 65.52 65.52 133.44 133.44 79.10 79.10 401.85 401.85 91.44 91.44 122.88 122.88 79.02 79.02 395.85 395.85 61.20 61.20 133.60 133.60 43.00 43.00 166.02 166.02 88.85 S8.85d 66.96 66.96 133.44 133.44 30.60 30.60 138.15 138.15 63.60 63.60 127.20 127.20 45.50 45.50 80.50 80.50 31.68 31.68 133.92 133.92 85.20 85.20 39.60 39.60 60.97 60.97 309.75 309.75 54.00 54.00 132.00 132.00 127.70 127.70 54.00 54.00 126.00 126.00 6.00 6.00 132.00 132.00 60.97 60.97 237.25 237.25 54.00 54.00 132.00 132.00 78.00 78.00 84.00 84.00r 54.00 54.00 132.00 132.00 $14.891.80 $14,849 88 I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Board of Supervisors of said county, at its annual session in the month of December, 1927. with the amounts claimed and the amounts Allowed. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 207 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the official seal of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, to be hereto affixed, this 23rd day of January, 1928. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. 208 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN AUDITS TOWN OF CAROLINE ABSTRACT OF' TOWN AUDITS, 1927 We, the undersigned, the Board of Town Auditors of said Town, do hereby certify: That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board, accounts to be audited, the amount claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited to them respectively, to wit: No. NAME SER CES CLAIMED ALLOWED • 1 Affie Y. Jones_ Insp. & Mess. Dist. 1..__ 2 Isaac C. Baker ..Inspector, District 1 3 Lamont C. Snow " 1.... 4 Frances W. Snow " " 1_._. 5 Mary E. Westfall " " 1.... 6 Bessie R. Lynch Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 7 Mary W. Kendall " " 1 8 Charles Thomas Insp. & Mess. Dis. No. 2 9 Ira G. Yaple... Inspector, District 2____ 10 Thomas Burns " 2____ 11 James Cook " 2.___ 12 Robert L. Speed Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 13 Harry T. Crispell fi ff " " 2 14 Benj. H. VanDemark Insp. & Mess. Dis. No. 3 15 Bertha Beard Inspector, District 3.... 16 Margaret E. Roe " :3.... 17 Henry H. Wotras " " 3.... 18 Agnes VanDemark Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 19 Raymond Middaugh ,4 3 20 Alfred Munch, Trustee_.._Hall Rent, El. D. No. 1 21 H. T. Crispell (G. Master) " " " " " 2 22 Charles Graves, Trustee_ " " " " " 3 23 Wallace W. Conrad Copying Assess. Rolls.. 24 Wallace W. Conrad Assessor 25 D. B. Bull - " 26 Theodore Eighmey " 27 H. A. Whittaker Board Meetings (Sup.) 56.00 28 H. A. Whittaker Percentage 155.60 29 H. A. Whittaker Expense Account_._ 7.55 30 W. W. Root, M. D. Exam. in Lunacy, fee_. 10.00 31 13. F. Lockwood, M. D " " " 10.00 32 B. F. Lockwood, M. D V. S. & H'th Off., fees 223.99 33 W. W. Root, M. D Vital Statistics, fees.... 1.25 34 Bowne Mulks, J. P Board Meet., per diem 36.20 35 Joseph McGrath, J. P Board Meetings 28.00 36 P. Alfred Munch, J. F fi 40.20 37 Augustus Middaugh, J. P" 36.00 38 Raymond Middaugh ..... _...__Attendance Off., salary -50.00 39 J. C. Bennett, Reg Vital Statistics, fee 46.00 $35.24 23.00 18.00 5.00 23.00 10.00 10.00 34.44 23.00 23.00 23.00 10.00 10.00 36.12 25.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 16.00 53.75 52.00 45.75 $35.24 23.00 18.00 5.00 23.00 10.00 10.00 34.44 23.00 23.00 23.00 10.00 10.00 34.12 23.00 2:3.69 23.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 16.00 53.75 52.00 45.75 56.00 1.55.60 7.55 10.00 10.00 223.99 1..25 36.20 28.00 40.20 36.00 50.00 45.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 209 No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 40 J. C. Bennett, T. C Highway Serv., salary 41 J. C. Bennett, T. C Town Clerk, sign 42 J. C. Bennett, T. C. Expense Account 43 J. C. Sennett, T. C B'd Meetings, per diem 44 J. C. Bennett, T. C Service Bill, per diem 45 Joseph McGrath, J. P Criminal Matters, fee._ 46 Augustus Middaugh, J. P" 47 W. E. Comstock Hall Rent 48 William Olney Constable Service, fee.. 49 William Olney " " 50 James L. Tryon Ov. of the Poor, p. diem 51 James L. Tryon Expense Account 52 H. A. Carey Co., Inc. Bonds & Insurance 53 Orson Snow Constable Service, fee 54 Bowne Mulks Hall Rent 55 Bowne Mulks, J. P. Criminal Matters, fee State of New York, County of Tompkins, ; ss. Town of Caroline. 25.00 25.00 4.00 4.00 26.41 26.41 40.00 40.00 196.00 196.00 9.25 9.25 5.40 5.40 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 39.00 39.00 .78 .78 782.83 782.83 18.80 18.80 4.00 4.00 30.30 30.30 $2,503.86 $2,495.86 We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of the Town of Caroline, N. Y., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed and the amount al- lowed. Dated this 10th day of November, 1927. H. A. WHITTAKER, Town Auditor AUGUSTUS MIDDAUGH, Town Auditor JOSEPH McGRATH, Town Auditor BOWNE MULKS, Town Auditor P. ALFRED MUNCH, Town Auditor J. C. BENNETT, Town Clerk 210 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DANBY ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1927 NO. NAME SERVICES • CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 Alice M. Tobey Insp. & Mess., D. No. 1 $29.24 $29.24 2 Luella Crevelling Inspector, Dist. No. 1.. 17.00 17.00 3 Justina Judson • " " 1.. 17.00 17.00 4 Clyde L. Chase " " " 1 . 13.00 13.00 5 Edward E. Slights Gen'l Clerk, Dis. No. 1 5.00 5.00 6 L. A. Fishel " " " " 1 5.00 5.00 7 S. L. Kirkendall Gen. CIk. Prim. El. D. 1 4.00 4.00 8 Everett Loomis Insp. & Mess. D. No. 2 22,90 22.90 9 Francis Todd Inspector, Dist. No. 2 17.00 17.00 10 Rollo W. Longhouse " " 2 17.90 17.90 11 Mary Sincebaugh " " 2 17.00 17.00 12 Jenett Mettler " " " 2 5.00 5.00 13 George Rose Gen. Clerk, Dist. No. 2 5.00 5.00 14 Gertrude Swartwood "•2 5.00 5.00 15 L. E. Cummings Insp. & Mess. Dis. No. 3 30.20 30.20 16 Elbert B. 11411 Inspector, Dist. No. 3 17.00 17.00 17 Fred B. Jones " " " 3 17.00 17.00 18 Robert J. Bowman " 3 17.00 17.00 19 Ernest B. Hill Gen'I Clerk, Dis. No. 3 5.00 5.00 20 William E. Martin " " 3 5.00 5.00 21 Fred Traver Hall Rent for Election 10.00 10.00 22 Frank Sincebaugh Assessor 77.00 77.00 23 C. D. Baker ............................ 66.50 66.50 24 Richard Gage ,, 70.00 70.00 25 Lois Sincebaugh Copying Assessm't Roll 14.00 14.00 26 Jennie M. Beardsley Garage rent 13.00 13.00 27 di. J. Jennings Town Clerk, serv. bill 77.08 77.08 28 B. J. Jennings Registrar 36.19 36.19 29 Charles E. Houghtaling..Supplies for Town Clk. 4.50 4.50 30 Andrus & Church 2 Assessment rolls 14.30 14.30 31 J. Frank W. Allen__.... _____Health Officer 258.27 258.27 32 Mrs. ,M. J. Snyder Hall rent for E. D. N. 2 15.00 15.00 33 Roger Todd Sub Registrar 2.00 2.00 34 W. 0. Smiley Service bill 24.50 24.50 35 George 0. Sears Justice's Service bill 21.00 21.00 36 George 0. Sears Criminal 4.30 4.30 37 David A. Moore Justice's Service bill 21.00 21.00 38 David A. Moore Criminal 9.40 9.40 39 Eugene Dorn " 1.25 1.25 40 Eugene Dorn Justice's Service , bill .. 21.00 21.00 41 Frank Eastman Overseer of Poor 115.00 115.00 42 F. A. Miller General Storage 12.00 12.00 43 Don Van Buskirk ... Deputy Sheriff 5.30 5.30 44 Fred E. Dorn Justice's Service bill.... 21.00 21.00 $1,184.83 $1,184.83 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of the audits of the Town of Danby as audited by the Town Board. B. J. JENNINGS, Town Clerk November 10, 1927 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 211 TOWN OF DRYDEN ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1927 No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 Morentis Crutts Rent of Hall, Dist. 1 2 Leroy Loomis Clerk 3 Ralph McArthur Inspector, Dist. No. 1 4 Orrie Cornelius ii 1---- 5 Ira Reed •" " " 1.... 6 Fred Crutts Clerk, District No. 1 7 A. W. Genung In. & Mess. Dist. No. 1 8 Mabel Rhodes Rent of Hall, Dist. 2 9 Howard Welch Inspector, District No. 2 Wm. Lumbard " " " 2 E. R. Gaston " 2 Fred Williams " " " 2 Nelson Mount Clerk, District No. 2 George Warner Clerk, District No. 2 G. W. Sutfin Rent of Hall, Dis. No. 3 C. F. Pratt Ins. & Mess., Dis. No. 3 G. Bellinger Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... D. W. Hart _ Li CI Ii3_ D. S. Fellows Clerk, Dist. No. 3 M. Myers " " ,, 3 Chas. Green inspector, Dist. No. 3.. C. B. Snyder " i1. 3._ .Andrew Baker Rent of Hall, Dist. No. 4 Nellie Fulkerson lns. & Mess. Dis. N_ o. 4 E. J. Sager Clerk, Dist. No. 4 Jesse Ilart Inspector, Dist. No. 4 Elmer Card Clerk, Dist. No. 4 J. O. Robertson Inspector, Dist. No. 4.... Louise Card .. " " " 4 D. W. Hart Rent of Hall, Dis. No. 5 Rose Ellis Clerk, Dist. No. 5 Mary Lormor Clerk, Dist. No. 5 J. D. Ross Insp. & Mess., Dis. No. 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 "7 28 3`) 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 L. E. Fortner J. M. Ellis Minnie Space D. D. Chase f( le 44 f/ 44 5 4, 4, " 14 44 5 f< if If ft 1f 5 Eugene Baker Ins. & Mess., Dis. No. 6 Eugene Olds Inspector, Dist. No. 6_ __ Jay Baird " 44 " 6 C. J. Savacool ILLC ft .6 Harry Tucker Clerk, Dist. No. 0 W. J. Shaver Clerk, Dist. No. 6 John Joiner Rent of Hall Arthur Hammond Insp. & Mess ............. John Joiner Inspector G. Schutt Clerk 48 Ida Stowe Clerk 49 Bert Lane Inspector 50 Frank Thomas Inspector 51 E. Blackman ' Rent of Hall 52 American Surety Co Bonds 53 American Surety Co Bonds $35.00 $35.00 . 7.00 7.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 35.92 35.92 35.00 35.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 35.00 30.40 30.40 17.00 17.00 24.00 .24.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 13.30 13.30 24.00 24.00 35.00 35.00 . 36.30 36.30 7.00 7.00 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 35.00 35.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 36.80 36.$0 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 17.00 17.00 38.00 38.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 3� 00 35.00 36.40 36.40 24:00 24.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 35.00 35.00 4.00 4.00 93.08 93.08 212 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. NAMESERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 54 E. M. Perkins 75.00 75.00 55 E. M. Perkins 75.00 75.00 56 D. M. Ryan Contract and V. S 91.00 91.00 57 G. L. Rood 40.50 40.50 58 G. L. Rood Service 2.00 2.00 59 G. M. Gilchrist Vital Statistics 2.75 2.75 60 Cogswell Bros, Storage 5.00 5.00 61 J. V. Meade Transportation 7.50 7.50 62 J. V. Meade Constable 6.20 6.20 63 Nelson Mount School Director 5.00 5.00 64 J. V. Meade -..Constable 3.00 3.00 65 Ethel Rhodes Rent for Justice 5-00 5.00 66 Paul Ewers Overseer 26.25 26.25 67 Paul Ewers Criminal 39.50 39.50 68 F. E. Parker Service 47,00 47.00 • 69 Paul Ewers 47.00 47.00 70 W. J. Shaver " 66.92 66.02 71 J. 0. Robertson _ 47,00 47.00 72 Frank Vantine 47.00 47.00 73 J. D. Ross .. _....- -- -' -- .. -- 107.20 . 107.20 74 F. E. Parker 9.00 9.00 75 J. 0. Robertson 4.50 4.50 76 J. D. Ross 15,75 15.75 77 Wm. Rannings Truant 15,60 15.00 78 Wm. Rannings _Constable 6.30 6.30 79 Andrus & Church 34.50 34.50 80 H. Genung Health Officer_ 622.65 622.65 81 Jane C. Hines Town Clerk 225.50 225.50 82 Emery Baker Assessor 161.75 161.75 83 F. T. Reeves 218.00 218.00 84 C. D. Griswold - 144.00 144.00 85 J. H. Pethy Bridge 19.65 19.65 80 Frank Johnson 26.00 20.00 87 Fred Williams Transportation 4.50 4.50 88 A. G. Blackman Rent of Hall 5.00 5.00 89 F. E. Gilbert 75.00 75.00 $3,521.72 $3,521.72 I, Jane C. Hines, Town Clerk, Town of Dryden, N. Y., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of the <>c - counts audited by the Town Board of the said Town at its session, as Board of Auditor, November 10, 1927. with the name of claimant, the amount claimed and the amount allowed. November 11, 1927 JANE C. HINES, Town Clerk Town of Dryden OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 213 TOWN OF ENFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1927 7y No. NAME 1 Hugh Curry Inspector of Election__.. $36.08 2 Everet Church 30.00 3 l3avA L. Ross30.00 4 C. F. Teeter 30.00 5 Austin Legge ff f4 35.80 6 Joseph Wiedmaier ,, " " 35.80 7 Nate Rumsey 25.80 8 Fred D. Rumsey ff 41 ft 10.00 9 G. Budd Daharsh ff f I10.00 10 C. C. Fitchpatrick Ballot clerk 10.00 11 Elmer E. Rumsey." 10.00 -�--��---- 12 Anthony Brable Poll clerk 10.00 13 Fred Crissey " " 14 Daniel Mitchell Justice services 15 Albert Colgrove a, CC 10 Charles Wetherby " " 17 John Thall Town Clerk services 18 John Thall Road Allowance 19 John Thall Vital Statistics 20 G. Budd Daharsh Assessor 21 Asa Cummings " 22 Nate Rumsey IC 23 Jay Stamp SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED $36.08 30.00 30.00 30.00 35.80 35.80 25.80 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 44.00 44.00 150.45 150.45 25.00 25.00 34.00 34.00 72.00 72.00 80.00 80.00 90.00 90.00 10.00 10.00 bill 44.00 44.00 95.75 77.75 10.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 111.25 111.25 11.00 11.00 862.90 862.901 5.00 5.00 9.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 92.86 92.86 School Director 24 Bert Kirby Justice serv., Serv. 25 Joel Wallenback Overseer of Poor 26 George Tubbs Attendance officer 27 C. C. Fitchpatrick' Hall Rent 28 A. R. Allen Insur. Premiums 29 Williamson Law Book Co. Supplies 30 Ithaca Memorial Hosp Rosie Lange case 31 " " " Mrs. Ray banning case 32 William Palmer Digging grave 33 Theodore Schaber Groceries 34 R. M. Updike Carting 35 Wm. H. Jones Burl Charlotte Russel 36 S. B. Rumsey Bur. Mrs. Ray Lanning 37 Harry Willis Inspector 38 Fred McFall Groc. for Locey King_. $2,292.69 $2,259.69 The Town Board of the Town of Enfield, setting as a Board of Auditors, reports that the several claims listed above are in all respects in proper form for audit and alloWWances by this Board that each of the said claims in the opinion of this Board of Auditors is a just and legal charge against the Town of Enfield to the amount indicated in the column headed "Al- lowed" and this Board therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. Dated this 10th day of November, 1927. JOHN THALL, Town Clerk 214 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF GROTON ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1927 No. NAME - SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 J. W. Jones Serv. IIhwy. W'k, 1926 $200.00 $,200.00 2 J. W. Jones 1% on Sch. & G. F, '26 47.56 47.56 3 H. G. Moe ' Reg. Vital Stat., 1926 49.44 49.44 4 Lewis E. Jones Adding Machine 75.00 75.00 5 Phoebe Baker Wash, for Hor. Knapp 20.25 20.25 ,6 Phoebe Baker Wash. for Hor. Knapp 6.75 6.75 7 Delbert Dennis Auto Livery .. 2.40 2.40 8 George W. Cummings Supplies for poor 78.45 78.45 9 Mrs. Ella Watkins Board, Doris Stowell .. 48.00 48.00 10 Ithaca Children's Home -.Board, Ethel Stowell.... • 96.00 96.00 11 Archie R. Gillen Exp. to State Tax Conf. 20.66 . 20.66 12 Henry M. Geisenhoff Rent, H. 3. Knapp 70.00 70.00 13 Groton Rural Cemetery..Burial Sophia Gifford_ 10.00 10.00 14 S. C. Gooding Co Coal for poor 92.55 92.55 15 W. H. Bulkley Estate....Assessor, 1926 5.00 5.00 16 Mrs. Charles McLean....Hats for Stowell child'n 3.96 . 3.96 17 Alvin Booth Co. Funerals -Mrs. Bushnell - Mrs. Knapp 205.00 205.00 18 Williamson- Law Bk. Co.3 Bender's Manuals __ 45.00 45.00 19 " " " Record & Receipt Book 21.25 21.25 20 " " " Justices' Crim'l Docket 8.12 8.12 21 J. H. VanMarter, M.D.. Health Off. & Vital St. 355.56 355.56 22 A. 3. Metzgar Constable fees 27.20 27.20 23 E. A. Landon Supplies for poor 7.65 . 7.65 24 M. L. Ford & Co " " " 9.72 9.72 25 Carlton W. Cummings_ " 8.27 8.27 26 Ithaca Children's Home -Board, Ethel Stowell 88.00 88.00 27 Mrs. Volney Watkins....Board, Doris Stowell._75.00 -75.00 28 Henry G. Chapman Supplies for poor 29.98 29.98 29 Stella Knettles Rent, Horace Knapp.. .. 70.00 70.00 30 Smith & CDr.. T'pw. Co2000 lin'l ft. Sn. Fence 234.00 234.00 31 J. H. Waterman Tel. &.supplies for poor 14.60 14.60 32 Andrus & Church 2 Assessment Rolls 27.80 27.80 33 N. Y. State Hospital ---.Care & treat. 2 patients 372.01 372.91 34 John D. Dates Livery .. 34.00 34.00 35 James Lynaugh Trucking 1.25 1.25 36 Frank Hyde 12.80 12.80 37 George W. CummingsSupplies for poor 21.92 21.92 38 National Surety Co Bond prem., Town off. 1.66.35 166.35 39 Journal & Courier Printing and notices 12.40 12.40 40 H. G. Moe Reg. Vital Statistics.... 46.92 46.92 41- Williamson Law B'k CoJustice Docket & Seal 13.10 13.10 42 American Surety Co. _Bond prem., Town off. 15.00 15.00 43 C. H. Cummings Supplies for poor 9.58 9.58 44 Cor. Bldg. & Imp. Co Lodging for poor 'at Inn 6.00 . - 6.00 45 Groton Feed Co Supplies for poor • 11.80 11.80 46 F. M. Kellam 30 metal ballot boxes.... 55.75 ' 55.75 47 H. G. Moe. Serv. Cent. Sch., D. 20 6-00 6.00 48 Henry M. Geisenhoff Bond premium 27.80 27.80 49 Leon F. Buck Truant officer 50.00 . • 50.00 50 A. J. Metzgar Constable fees 37.62 37.62 51 John W. Jones Service bill 92.00 92.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 215 NO. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 52 John W. Jones Expense account 53 John W. Jones 1% Gen'l Fund paid out 54 H. G. Moe Town Board meetings 55 H. G. Moe Office expenses 56 H. G. Moe Services & reimburse. 57 Miles G. Tarbell Town Board meetings 58 George B. Sickmon Criminal fees 59 George B. Sickmon Town Board meetings (30 George B. Sickmon Sub Registrar V. S 61 Rexford R. Chatterton._ Criminal Court fees.... 62 Rexford R. Chatterton._Town Board meetings.. 03 H. B. Stevens Assessor 64 Archie R. Gillen " (')5 Sohn L. Jackson " 66 James H. Waterman Overseer of Poor 67 James H. Waterman Digging grave for George Robinson ..... 68 R. C. Tarbell, M.D Doctoring Poor & V. S. 09 G. M. Gilchrist Lunacy exam. & V. S. 70 H. Genung, M.D " " 71 D. M. Ryan, M.D Examin. feeble minded 72 J. H. VanMarter Health off. & Vital St. 73 F. E. Ryan, 11I.D .. Ex. feeble mind. & V. S. 74 Village of Groton Rent Pg. pl. D. 4 & hall 75 W. C. Allen, Trustee_._.__Rent Polling pl. Dist. 1. 76 Smith & Cor. T. W. Co" " ii if 2 77 C. W. Conger & Co. " " if ii 3 78 Corona Bldg. & Imp. Co. " " " Li5 79 Archie R. Gillen, Treas" " " " 6 80 McLean Grange, N. 1075 " iC " ii 7 81 Warner C.' Allen • Erecting Booths, Dist. 1 82 Charles H.. Moe Er. B'ths, D. 2, 3,"4 & 5 83 Archie R. Gillen__ Erecting Booths, Dist. 6 Ernest G. Reniff 417 Fay Bush Inspec. & Mess. Dist. 1 /f 44 (f 44 44 84 85 86 Flora J. Allen 87 Harry Tallmadge 88 Ruth Exton 89 Eva M. Hopkins 90 Margaret Pierson 91 Nella L. Jones 92 Etta S. Tarbell 93 Della Halladay 94 Libbie Hyde 95 Walter I Ualladay 96 Dora R. Green 97 W. J. Feeley 98 Mary E. Feeley 90 Mary R. Long 1.00 Olive M. Halladay '1-01 George L. Stark 102 ,Mabel H. Finn 103 M. C. Howe 104 Margaret Gilchrist 105 Margaret M. Bourne 1.06 Caroline Hibbard 107 John W. Paul 108 Mina E. Rounseville 14 44 44 41 44 11 41 44 44 44 General Clerk, 44 44 44 4, Inspec. & Mess. " 2 14 Li LL ( L 41 General Clerk fi 44 fL 44 Inspec. & Mess. " 3 L f rr Li fi CC " (L 44 p IL " " General Clerk " Inspec. & Mess. IL Lf General Clerk, 41 {f 4L ff 4 13.92 13.92 99.74 99.74 44.00 44.00 15.30 15.30 49.84 49.84 44,00 44.00 7.50 7.50 44.00 44.00 2.25 2.25 14.85 14.85 44.00 44.00 169.75 169.75 156.00 156.00 146.00 146.00 133.09 133.09 10.00 51.50 10.25 5.00 10.00 341.40 13.75 75.00 30.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 48.00 10.00 15.00 33.70 29.00 29.00 33.70 10.00 10.00 39.88 27.00 27.00 27.00 10.00 10.00 39.88 27.00 27.00 27.00 10.00 10.00 42.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 51.50 10.25 5.00 10.00 341.40 13.75 75.00 30.0(1 20.00 32.00 32.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 48.00 10.00 15.00 33.70 29.00 29-00 33.70 10.00 10.00 39.88 27.00 27.00 27.00 10.00 10.00 39-88 27.00 27.00 27.00 10.041 10.00 42.00 27,00 27.00 27.00 10.00 10.00 216 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NO. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 109 Lillian M. McMahon Tngnec. & Mess., " 5 39.88' 39.88 110 .Nellie C. Hamill •" 27.00 27.00 111 Mary J. McGrail li if ‘" 27.00 27.00 112 Lillian B. Benedict " 27.00 27.00 113 Nola L. Roloson.___ General Clerk, 10.00 10.00 114 -Margaret E. Barry ii il if if 10.00 10.00 11.5 Frank L. Ogden ._.Inspec. & Mess., " 6 41.00 41.00 116 Estella T. Youngs 6 27.00 27.00 117 W. Merton Congdon fi " • " ii if 29.00 29.00 118 Edith M. Hall di a ii " a29.00 29.00 119 John R. Kane General Clerk, 10.00 10.00 1.20 Harold L. King if if ii ii 10.00 10.00 121 I. H. Powell Inspec. & Mess., " 7 37.00 37.00 122 Ina W. Stanton , " 12.00 12.00 123 Lyman A. Stanton 17.00 17.00 124 Clara W. Bliss " 29.00 29.00 I25 John T. Terrell • " 27.00 27.00 1.26 John B. Hart General Clerk, 10.00 10.00 127 Marion Tomlinson " " " 10.00 10.00 128 American Red Cross B'cl & rrn. Francis Stowell 49.00 49.00 129 Cortland County HospS. for Gladys Goodwin 46.00 Disallow'd State of New York. County of Tompkins, C ss. Town of Groton. ti $5.822 55 $5.776.55 I, Hiram G. floe, Tow Clerk of the Tow,vn of Groton, N. Y., do hereby certify, that the foregoing is a correct list of . the accounts audited by the Town Board of the said town at its sessions in the year 1927, with the name of the claimant, the amount claimed and the amount allowed. Dated November 12th, 1927. HIRAM G. MOE, Town Clerk • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK , 217 TOWN OF ITHACA ' ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1927 We, the undersigned members of Town Board of said Town, do hereby certify: That the following is an abstract of the names of aIl•persons who have presented to said Board, 'accounts to be•audited',.the amount claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally, audited to them respectively, to wit: No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 J. V. Wright General Clerk, Dist. 1- $10.00 $10.00 2 Charles .Teeter Inspector, Dist. 1-__...._... 32.00 32.00 3 Samuel Newman 1._. 32.00, , • - 32.00 4 Arthur J. Teeter __:.._.-.___ft ft 1.. 32.00 , ,.. 32.00 5 Rexford Smith CI ft 1 43.80 43:80 6 George 1. Teeter _General Clerk, Dist. 1 10.00 10.00 7 Nellie E. Mosher' II If 2 10.00 10.00 8 Floyd Andrews 2 10.00 '- :10.00 9 Jake Willcox Inspector, Dist. 2 32.00 ,32.00 , 10 Louella Northrop .__._- 2 32.00 32.00 11- Charles Morris . " ft 2 43.20 43.20 12 Elizabeth Sunderville 44 " 2 32.00 -. 32.00 13 Florence Myers 3 38.00 •` 35.00 14 Cora M. Gray •" 3 38:04 • 35.00 15 Jessie Ross 3 38.00 35.00 16 FI: E. Ross General Clerk, Dist. 3 1{).00 10.00 17 Nellie Smith __._. 3 . 10.00 10.00 18 Jean Updike Inspector, Dist. 3 -49.20 ` ' ' 46.20 1.9 Anila A. Wright General Clerk, Dist. 4 10.00 a . 10.00 -20 Emma L. Carpenter 4 _ 10.00 10.00 21 Maude E. Wiegand Inspector, Dist. 4 22.00 ' 22.00 22 P. W. Cassell ft i44 27.50 • 27.50 23 Charles Durham " 4 22.00 . • :22.00 '24 Mary M. Recknagel " 4 22.00 - 22,00 25 Jean Updike Office Rent 28.00 - • 28.00 26 W. J. Bells Attendance Officer 54.00 ' 54.00 -27 'C. J. Updike Disbursements 30.07 30.07 28 L. E. Chase Board Meetings 78.00 78.00 29 L. E. Chase "1% General Fund 91,90 • 91.90 30 L. E. Chase 1. `�c4,r-0 Fund 70.76 70.76 141 L. E. Chase 1% Poor Fund 5.76 • ' 5.76 '32 L. E. Chase .. Office Expenses 9.50'.,,,''-',. 9.50 33 Elmer Allen Board Meetings 38.00. - 38.00 34 Elmer Allen Justice Fees .. 4.00 - 4.00 35 W. I. Smith Board Meetings 78.00 , •78.00 36 James A. Bush - . Board Meetings 78.00 ' 78.00 37 James A. Bush Justice Fees 82.00 . 82.00 38 Charles Newman Justice Town Board_._ 78.00' 78.00 39 Eugene Terry Legal Services 20.00' 20.00 40 J. W. Preswick - Assessor 21.8.00 . 218.00 41 Joseph F. Sorace ii210.00 210.00 -42 Fred C. Marshall gi233.00 233.00 218 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • No. NAME SERVICES - CLAIMED ALLowED 43 Emmett Gillor Overseer Poor 150.00 150.00 44 Charles Newman Justice Fees 5.35 5.35 45 C. J. Updike Vital Statistics 53.89 ' 53.89 46 Wilbur G. Fish Health Officer 457.14 457.14 47 C. J. Updike Town Clerk 224.00 224.00 State of New'York, County of Tompkins, Town of Ithaca, t sS. $2,913.07 $2,901.07 We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of the Town of Ithaca, N. Y., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed and the amount allowed. Dated this 10th day of November, 1927. LAGRAND E. CHASE, Supervisor JAMES A. BUSH, Justice of Peace WILLIAM I. SMITH, Justice of Peace ELMER ALLEN, Justice of Peace CHARLES NNEWMAN, Justice of Peace CLINTON J. UPDIKE, Town Clerk OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 219 TOWN OF LANSING ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1927 No. NAME SERVICES • !CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 Ward Howell Inspector of election $32.00 2 Casper Sweazey Inspector of election & messenger 43.60 3 Walter Sweazey Clerk _ 10.00 4 0. M. Holden Clerk 10.00 5 Earl A. Beckwith,.. 32.00 6 George. Fields 10.00 7 John B. Farrell - 43.60 8 Chas. Bossard -_- ------- Clerk .--. 10.00 9 Percy Haring Inspector 32.20 10 Evelyn Fields Inspector 32.20 11 Anson Bossard Inspector 32.20 12 Grange Hall Election 35.00 13 John Clinton Inspector and messenger 39.28 14 Raymond Hance Inspector .. 32.00 15 Ella Smith Inspector and messenger 39.28 16 Dwight Van Nest__-. ......._Inspector 32.00 17 Jessie Bush Inspector and use of hall 67.00 18 Olive Van Nest Clerk 10.00 19 Orrin Drake Clerk 10.00 20 Charles Terpening Assessor 103.50 21 Samuel Lane " .. 102.00 22 William Lane 134.00 23 Lamott Smith Justice, Service bill 21.00 24 0. M. English Overseer of Poor, service bill 38.00 25 Dr. G. M. Gilchrist Vital Statistics 2.25 26 Chas. Mills Janitor 9.00 27 Chas. Mills Election expenses at hall 13.00 28 Frank Howland Criminal bill, Justice 28.00 29 Frank Howland Service bill, Justice 51.00 30 Charles June Justice, service bill 44.00 31 Charles June Criminal bill 3.55 32 Charles June 3.20 33 Charles June " " 3.55 34 Joseph McGill Clerk's expense bill 7.25 35 Joseph McGill Registrar's hill 49.00 36 Joseph McGill Election services 30.00 37 Joseph McGill Service bill 56.00 38 Miles D. Lane Justice, service bill_ 52.00 39 Miles 0. LaneJustice, criminal bill 28.00 40 C. M. Buck Supervisor, Service bill 69.04 41 C. M. Buck Nov. 1, '26 to Nov. 1, '27, 1% of highway money C. M. Buck 1% of school money C. M. Buck 1% of general fund Grace Buchanan Clerk at election Inspector Clerk Inspector 42 43 44 45 Marcia Searles 46 47 48 49 50 51 44 44 if G. D. Goodman Inspector and messenger E. A. Buchanan Inspector election Charles Searles " " Osmun S. Howser " No. Lans'g Grange 'Hal] --Election service Claude Hillyard Constable bill 330.33 108.06 235.45 7.0.00 10.00 45:20 32.00 32.00 32.00 35.00 8.00 $2,279.34 220 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I, Joseph McGill, Town Clerk of the Town of Lansing, Tompkins County, N. Y., hereby certify that the foregoing is an abstract -of. the audits of the Town of Lansing, as audited by the Town• Board of the Town of Lansing, at its annual meeting held in the month of November, 1927. Dated, November 30, 1927 JOSEPH McGILL, Town Clerk OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 221 TOWN OF NEWFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1927 N0. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 Evelyn N. Snyder Inspector Dist. No. 1.... 2 Robert S. 14IcGiven o ft " 1 __ 3 Harriet Erway Gen'l Clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 Ella E. Anderson Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 5 E. S. Holmes " 1 6 W. L. Messenger 1 7 harry Horton In. & Mess., Dis. No. 1 8 Lawrence Taber Ii 1 9 Frank Fish Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 10 G. 1-1. Noble 4: " 2 11 Lawrence H. Anderson__.In. & Mess., Dist. No. 2 12 Forrest J. Payne " " " 2 13 Amanda VanKirk Gen'l Clerk, Dist. No. 2 14 Myrtie Goldsmid 15 E. S. Holmes Assessor's services 16 F. W. Payne 17 F. W. Payne -. auto hire 18 L. E. Taber " services 19 A. R. Allen Ins. & Town off. bonds. 20 Andrus & Church. Assessment rolls 21 Carrie M. Peck Assessor's field book 22 Charles E. Houghtaling._Town bill heads 23 Richard Brainard - Janitor services 24 A. J. Baker 25 A. J. Baker 26 E. S. Van Kirk Justice fee 27 Newfield Supply Store....hy M. A. Godley -supe. 28 J. F. Henry Attendance oflic. serv.,- 2!) Carrie M. Peck T. C. sta., tel., post., etc. 30 F. G. Snyder . Supervisor -ser. & pos. 31 W. A. Smith, M.D Vital statistics 32 W. A. Smith Health officer -salary 33 Carrie M. Peck Town cl'k, supp. & serv. 34 C. P. Stoughton Justice, Board meeting 35 A. G. Straight " 36 E. S. Van Kirk " 37 F. G. Snyder Supervisor " 38 J. D. Payne Justice, 30 Carrie M. Peck Town CI'k, " " 40 George Weatherell Electrician services -_ 41 William Weatherell ..... Supplies 42 G. W. Peck Store Sup. for Huhtanen child. 4.3 A. R. Allen Bur. ex.., Mrs. Huhtanen 44 W. A. Smith, M.D Services for poor 45 Joseph Doane Overseer of Poor. serv 46 William Weatherell Town Supt, of I3igh'y- Board maetinr, .....: $32.00 $82.00 15.64" 15.64 10.00 10.00 14.00 14.00 22.00 22.00 10.00 10.00 37.64 87.64 23.64 23.64 32.00 32.0(1 32.00 32.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 10.00 10.00 " 2 10.00 10.00 127.00 127.00 112.00 112 00 81.40 81..40 56.00 56.00 869.64 8619.64 16.80 16.80 1.75 1.75 5.22 5.22 4.50 4.50 Deputy Sheriff service 1.55 1.55 • 4.60 4 G0 8.05 8.05 3.90 3.90 52_,10 52.70 12.54 12.54 43.90 43.90 1.00 1.00 .282.60 282.60 20.84 20.84 32.00 32.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 36.061 36.00 40.00 40.00 32.00 32.00 3.25 3 25 12.07 12 07 2.03 2.03 75,00 75.00 11.00 . 11.09 60.22 60.22 24.00 24.00 82,438.48 $2,438.48. 4. 222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS We, the undersigned members of the Town Board of the Town of Newfield, do hereby certify that we have this day completed the auditing of the above accounts and that this is a correct abstract of the same as filed in the Town Clerk's office in the Town of Newfield. F. G. SNYDER, Supervisor CARRIE M. PECK, Town Clerk A. G. STRAIGHT, Justice J. D. PAYNE, Justice E. S. VANKIRK, Justice C. P. STOUGHTON, Justice OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TOWN OF ULYSSES ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1927 223 Statement of bills audited by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses for claims against said Town, said claims having been audited at the meetings held by the Board for that pur- pose on December 29, 1926, February 7, April 7, May 2, August 1, November 12, 22, and 23, 1927. N0. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED• ALLOWED 1 J. F. Kimple Constable $5.00 $5.00 2 Aetna Cas. & SuretyCo._Prem. on Col. Bond 84.40 ' 84.40 3 Maude S. Tompkins Service hill 20.00 •-20.00 4 S. S. Foote Rent of Board room 40.00 '•40.00 5 E. A. Snow, 0.=P Service bill" 42.28 42.28 8 Henry Williams " " 20.00 20.00 7 Charles F. Smith Attendance officer 3.00 3.00 8 Aetna' Cas. '& Surety Co...Prem. on Superv. bond 40.00 40.00 9 Charles F. Smith Attendance officer. 3.00 ' 3.00_ 10 Dr. Keith Sears Health officer 45.00 .45.00 11 Maude S. Tompkins Service bill 8.00 8.00 12 Aetna Cas. & Surety Co...Prem. Sup. school band 2.0.00 - 2'0.00- 13 Free Press & Sentinel___ Printing 13.583 `1.3.58 14 Hen ry Williams, J. P Service bill 20.00 . . 20.00 • 15 J. M. Townsend, Sup Percentage _"" 298.69 '298.69 10 Maude S. Tompkins Service bill 48.00 48.00 17 Maude S. Tompkins Expense account 4.04 4.04 18 Henry Williams Service bill 40.00 40.00 19 Dr. J. E. Lovell Lunacy bill 20.00 • 20.00 20 Andrus & Church Assessment rolls 23.20 , _ 23.20 21 Dr. D. P. Terry Lunacy bill 10.00 10.00 22 Dr. Keith Sears Lunacy hill 10.00 10.00 23 H. K: Aiken, J. P Service bill 56.00 . 56.00. 24 Hazen Fish " ' Assigned to. First Nat'l Bank Inspector 12.00 . 12 00 25 H.• Walker• Smith 82.00 32 00 26 'John Young " ff.. 32.00' ' 32 00 27 John 'J. Chase ff.. 32.00 32 00 28 Raymond_ Batty 32.00 "32 00 • 2'a Raymond Bower 32.00_ 32 00 . 30 R. W. Stevens " ' 32.00 32 00• 31 Percy L... Hilliard 32.00' 32 00 ' 82 Guy M. Newell 44 32.00 • 32 00 33 Hazen Fish . • • . . ` Assigned to First Nat'l • Bank .. 10.00 10.00 34' Thomas F. Kennedy " 32.00 • 32 00 35"1-1-.. B. Pearsall 32.00 . 32 00 80 Charles S. Allen 32.00 • 32.00 • 37 Hazen Fish, Assigned to - First National Bank." 10.00 10.00 38 Nina Bortz .__ 32.00 32 00 39 3. J. Kellogg 32.00 _ 32 00 40'E. E. Brown Inspector & Messenger .16.00 16.00 224 ' PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NO: NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 41 C. 0. Carman 44 44 37.96 37.96 42 .C. S. Clapp cc if 44.00 44.00 43 Henry Williams cc cc43.28 43.28 44 Michael Terrell cc 37.96 37.96 45 H. K. Aiken if if if 43.92 43.92 40 Earl Campbell 46 if 28.00 . 28.00 47 Bertha 'J. Stevens General Clerk 10.00 10.00 48 M.. V. Dickens 10.00 10.00 49 A. V. VanLiew cc If 10.00 10.00 50 J. Warren Chase " if 10.00 10.00 51 W. E. Donahue ii if 10.00 10.00 52 Vivian G. Bower if if 10.00 10.00 53 Arsula' B. Hilliard cc fi 10.00 10.00 54 Gladys Breen ii if 10.00 10.00 55 F. N.. Smith, Trustee Rent, Polling Place 32.00 32.00 56 F. A. Rappleye " 32.00 32.00 57 Mrs.. Mary Mahoney 36.00 36,00 58 Samuel Frazier Erecting booths .. 8.00 8.00 59 Dr.. Keith Sears Health officer 199.97 199.97 60 T. R. Hopkins, Assigned to First Nat'l Bank._Assessor 136.75' . 136.75 61.'L. H.• Tunison cc110.80 110.80 62 Mrs. Frank Cronk, Admx" 5.00 5.00 63 Olin Miller cc120.00 120.00 64 'Charles:. F. Smith . Attendance officer 12.00 12.00 65 Charles F. Smith °° If 3.00 3.00 66 Williamson Law B'k Co...Blanks 4.53 . 4.53 67 Chas. E. Houghtaling._.._. 9.80 9.30 68 Fre_ e Press & Sentinel Printing 18.16 18.16 69 A. F. Allen Bill heads 7.50 7.50 70 A. F. Allen Printing blanks 3.00 ' 3.00 71 Maude S. Tompkins Registrar 42.40 42.40 72 E. A. Snow, 0. P Service hill 58.62 58.62 73 Maude S. Tompkins ....Filing Town papers 12.00 • 12 00 74 F. N. Smith Service bill 72.00 72.00 75 Maude S. Tompkins Expense account 1.50 1.50 76 C. B. Clark, Treas...............Rent of •Polling place.._. 32.00 32.00 77 Alex- Updike, Trustee " " " <4 32.00 32-00 78 Henry Terry General clerk 10.00 10.00 70 Don -Swartout ii " 10.00 10.00 80 .E: F:. Sparling Constable .. . 8.008 00 81' Stephen Craig Auto hire 18.00: 18.00 82 Henry .Williams Criminal hill ' 9.40• 9.40 83, H. K. Aiken . ' 15.30 15.30 84 Maude' S. Tompkins ..Service bill 44.00 y 44.00 85 Arthur Agard, J.. P 80.00 80.00 86 Ruth 'I'.. Feller, Admx..... S. bill, J. M. Townsend 32.00 32.00 87' Ruth T. Feller, Admx__Perc't J. M. Townsend 138.53 138.53 88 Henry. Williams ,Service bill 22.00 • 32.00 89 A. W. Allen 44.00 . 44.00 $3,083.07 $3:083.07 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of ali of the Town Audits as audited by the Town Auditors, the above dates. MAUDE S. TOMPKINS, •Town Clerk .4 SUPERVISORS' ACCOUNTS MEI ' etas!!o 9 1 $54.00 $17.281 22 $132.001 $1.921 $576.53 9 1 54.00 8.641 21 126.00 961 582.12 9 54.00 14.08 22 132.00 1.76 547.10 9 1 54.00 11.52 22 1 132.00 1.44 600.98 9 54.00 37.44 20 1 120.00 2.881 713.03 9 54.001 7.20 22 1 132.00 1.601 682.87 9 54.00 12.961 22132.00 1.44 516.71 9 54.00 9.601 21 } 126.00 1.20 373.95 4 24.001 7.68J 22 1 132.00 1.92 307.44 I 5 1 30.001 9.6011 1 1 1 124.80 1 a m aJ 38932 kuP'aaoo« W uoilusuaqtlioD oI q lmuuv ame 7Q 386 w 9 44 !t J p •Ied $ 9 uo swdmn .» as m!»as . put ¥®limb mdsuo wm+xa — co\$3ot%-gmw�lmm�//3\�3l }\\$ �2a4&9*# BBm_D1'S2e=9.0, °@2y\y y\\\ G §\\2\}\reg XIme#J Caroline H. A. Whittaker I 2 1 $12.001 $3.S4I $30.60 Danby W. O. Smiley 2 12.00 1.92 30.60 Dryden W. J. Shaver 2 12.00 3.52 42 14 Enfield Olen A. King 2 12.001 2.88 28.14 Groton 1. W. Jones 2 j 12.001 5.76 79.10 Ithaca Lagrand Chase 2 12.00 1.20 79.02 Lansing C. M. Buck 2 12.00 6.44 43.00 Newfield F. G. Snyder 2 12.00 2.40 30.60 Ulysses ....IA. W. Allen 2 12.00 3.84 45.50 J. M. Townsend a = as 08 9 Amlw S1) a4 mm$ a ;oi.q.swa_n a»ua Q;m» a«4 Towns and City Supervisor • (Continued on page 226) (Continued from page 225) MEI aapaas 1EIoy • NOO CVO r ocv0 m�Q , CO 10c+D,-, CO i� ,--1 o CI a 0) ", _ ai?ul aad DS qE aA'eamAi S p aad 00'95 q -e uollusuaduloo 00000 00000 ca cacic,cl co cm c,7 e7 00 ,-1 .-1 ri ri r. 0 O w r -i CO 1-1 uolssaS petluUy SAW" CI r. c10) 04 N N 0'] LV 0'] @ULU aad as e a eaign O O O cfp,- m ,Cep aad 00'9$ rE uo? esuaduloo 00 000 OO OO '5 d' `f' "' " 0 0i o Lse SUO1 S S It?aadS puu £iaa4aen6 c saaa.4tuf UOD jEp@dS uo SOSuedxQ us o LC ,c -1 ,n ,-a N to 04- SUP aad 00.9$ qv saa�lul �?uoD ie!aa(IS 00000 00000 -4 6 CD O c‘i mea cc:?.) 0)r4 . - M O O co e' o0 ci FH xed, .2u?puo x [ L -V., O 0 0' m V' m 0 amu aad DS qv a2salliq 0 cc 0 0 CA ;e, m Sup p aad 00 9$ 1.e uo?;esuaduloD 00 00 00 00 cv cci c' of ri rf *" r-+ SSL'AUL'p d4uno0 Slit(' CV GV N • Q 'S J a U] F. D. VanOrder.___ L. E. Patterson Albert L. Huff S. L. Howell IL. R. Pierce .N 0 E-{ Towns and City • Ithaca City - 1st Ward 2d Ward 3d Ward 4th Ward 5th Ward C0 G O0 c3 '6 G y 1-1° �CQ .0) U • 0 r6 0 a) y cu U U W :C. • X g to ° J V aho �J • g +a0 s. '6 04+0 0 0 S,• U .▪ ' ▪ 0 y owe u cd • 0 0 O 0.y 00 -6 Et s. OI ma. z o P 7. '6 ▪ w 0 El ▪ El O 0 R 0 o 1=C1 .-= `~ y�� s' .g- a G ,y �� • ' O C'to= F-. '6 in C.J °"0E. ° U o U 'F m U ▪ 0) au» za�iv3 C) U "4 m 4-2 ,C m U cre C C J 0 F. 0 o 4 y• . • o • J ▪ N CC C) • V U C:). '/ z. y V U O k rn ,� Uti U X 4.a • y y 7,-c '''',000 A '.6 a COLoo• .-0 a' m .°, o raCi C3 F C., • n "6 "6 0 0 tn.U .0 6 3 :G yc y,z Ut C c' Ulm y0 �,0 g '''•�'+' F tn. -ir R oP 'yG w C W �ZY , F+ W r.g:'lM 0)� Z-.� . P;- � m 0 ' O O-og4,a,CCI 0)^r m 0) 0) QR- a) 0 -'Cd � FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. Date, January 23, 1928. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 227 • ANNUAL REPORT OF THE • TREASURER OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Year ending October 31, 1927 To the Board of Supervisors, County of Tompkins. Gentlemen: I respectfully sumit the following statement of the accounts of the County Treasurer's office for the year ending October 31st, 1927. This does not include transactions concerning moneys over which the county has no control. CHARLOTTE V. BUSH, County Treasurer Leve of General Properly Taxes: For town purposes $186,081.78 For state and county purposes 261,781.87 $447,863.65 Collectors paid to town officers $186,081.78 to county treasurer 184,738.92 Corporations paid to county treasurer 44,095.90 Taxes returned unpaid 32,947.05 $447,863.65 Summary of Cash: On hand November 1, 1926 $216,473.78 Receipts—Nov. 1, 1926 to Oct. 31, 1927 775,645.02 $992,118.80 228 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Payments—Nov. 1, 1926, to Oct. 31, 1927 $828,919.66 Cash on hand November 1, 1927 : In safe 30.00 General Fund 76,064.98 Highway Bond Issue 41,515.08 County Highway Fund 5,149.35 Motor Vehicle Fund 24,812.38 Mortgage Tax 5,615.33 Special Trust Accounts : Public School Money 600.00 Dog License Money 5,341.03 Cash Bail 2,500.00 Tuberculosis Hospital Trust Fund 1,575.99 $992,118.80 Detailed Statement of Receipts: Taxes received -- From corporations $53,709.89 collectors. 44,095.90 city 131,680.60 Returned taxes collected before sale 28,671.89 Returned village taxes collected 35.94 Tax sale 1,152.71 Interest on taxes 1,342.38 Tax sale advertising 398.75 Tax sale certificates assigned or redeemed 763.65 Sale of lands deeded to county through tax sale 1,270.57 Redemption advertising 135.25 Licenses and permits 89.00 Fines 25.00 Interest on general fund deposits 1,000.03 Gifts— From state for Public Health Nurse 1,200.00 for County highways 28,730.00 for Physically handicapped children 223.54 Court and Trust Fund fees 237.15 County Clerk Court fees ..... .___ 440.62 Registration fees 17,205.24 Surrogate's fees 234.75 For maintenance of Tuberculosis Hospital Inmates 3,556.24 Sales of produce and maintenance of inmates—almshouse 2,300.68 Refunded by state on highways 17,532.95 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 229 Proceeds of old checks of former county treasurer which were never presented for payment 9.27 Refund on referendum (election expenses) 673.34 " in children's court 25.00 From sheriff for transportation and Board of prisoners 503.94 Returned school taxes 2,842.39 Freeville Village on highway in village 103.38 TRUST FUNDS— From State—Public School Money 228,714.91 State Aid for Highways .28,209.66 Franchise Taxes 44,319.86 Motor Vehicle Fees 36,837.30 Real Estate License Fees 121.50 Income Taxes 60,278.99 Interest—On Mortgage Tax 120.42 Motor Vehicle Money 681.52 Tuberculosis hospital trust fund 89.82 Special taxes—Bank Taxes 12,765.38 Mortgage Taxes 11,192.08 Dog Taxes 10,394.82 Tax redemptions 1,229.11 Cash Bail 500.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS $775,645.02 Detailed Statement of Payments: Legislative— Supervisors' compensation $6,345.69 if expenses 2,675.09 County Publications 947.90 General Executive— Tax Commissioners' meeting 214.42 Tax sale advertising 806.26 Redemption advertising 81.60 230 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Commissioners of election 2,781.18 Election expenses 4,605.04 County Treasurer 2,444.47 Court House 4,706.62 County Clerk's building 2,329.71 Judicial— County Judge and Surrogate 9,080.86 Children's Court 2,957.54 District Attorney 2,684.59 Sheriff 6,629.09 County Clerk 13,796.69 Supreme Court Civil 1,849.24 County Court Civil 97.52 Supreme Court Criminal 1,300.20 County Court Criminal 1,045.83 Justices of the Peace ' 20.95 Coroners 398.10 Protection of persons and property— County sealer 954.08 Conservation of Health— Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 5,255.60 County laboratory 118.32 Tuberculosis Hospital—Superintendent and building maintenance 4,794.91 Inmates ' 19,190.54 Public Health Nurse 2,396.00 Charities and Corrections— Superintendent of Poor 1,694.74 Almshouse 5,711.88 Almshouse Inmates 10,883.66 Outside relief 2,688.09 Insane commitments 60.00 Feeble-minded 216.67 Physicallyhandicapped children 858.28 Child Welfare 4,184.25 Corrections— Jail - $6,460.58 Penal Institutions 407.30 Probation Officer 1,200.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 231 Education— Farm Bureau 3,000.00 Home Bureau 4,000.00 Junior Project 2,500.00 Deaf Mutes 100.00 Educational Notices 24.06 Soldiers' Relief and Burials 400.00 Interest on Highway Bonds 9,157.50 Highways -- County Superintendent 3,955.50 County bridges • 2,239.93 County road maintenance—Machinery 4,300.37 Labor, etc 28,199.57 Snow removal machinery 6,435.57 Snow fences 7,221.65 Rights of Way 7,758.14 Bridges on state and county highways 5,221.61 County road construction 84,150.64 County indebtedness—Highway Bonds 14,000.00 State highway improvement sinking fund 7,629.21 Refunds—Taxes 15.14 To towns—refunded to county from state 17,509.60 To Town of Ithaca 155.40. Returned school taxes 9,852.80 " village taxes .._ 391.90 City directories for county officers 68.00 Filing cases for school superintendents 151.00 City Hospital 59.00 City court felony fees 36.40 Ice for court room .75 For Fourth of July celebration 150.00 Soldiers' Memorial J25.66 Trust Funds: To State—Stenographers' Tax $2,959.81 Armory Tax 6,674.67 State Tax 44,541.15 Mortgage Tax • 5,646.16 Dog Taxes 892.50 Inheritance Taxes 17,334.64 232 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To Towns and Cities— State Highway Aid 28 209.66 Bank Taxes 6,614.12 Mortgage Taxes 5,318.38 Income Taxes 53,358.41 Franchise Taxes 40,650.51 Real Estate License Fees 121.50 Dog Taxes • 617.43 To Villages --- Bank Taxes 1,138.87 Mortgage Taxes 276.98 Franchise Taxes 3,669.35 Income Taxes 6,920.58 To school districts.'-- Public istricts. --. Public School Money 228,114.91 Bank Taxes 484.74 To individuals and associations— Tax redemptions 1.090.10 Premium on county treasurer's mortgage tax bond 5.00 Dog Taxes 8,312.30 Bank Tax fees to County Treasurer 127.65 Inheritance Tax fees 912.35 State Highway maintenance 6,450.00 TOTAL PAYMENTS $828,919.66 TOWN ACCOUNTS CAROLINE Due County November 1, 1926 $42.94 Sheriff expenses 60.67 $103.61 Paid county in 1926 budget 58.52 Due County $45.09 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 233 DANBY Due county November 1, 1926 $39.05 Sheriff expenses 24.26 Uncollected 1926 taxes 17.37 $80.68 Paid county in 1926 budget 73.46 ' Due County $7.22 DRYDEN Due county November 1, 1926 $79.30 Sheriff expenses 56.63 Uncollected 1926 taxes 119.92 $255.85 Paid county in 1926 budget 136.06 Due County $119.79 ENFIELD Sheriff expenses $18.40 Uncollected 1926 taxes 93.32 $111.72 Due town November 1, 1926 $0.68 Paid county in 1926 budget 9.70 10.38 Due County $101.34 GROTON Sheriff expenses $55.21 Uncollected 1926 taxes 100.05 $155.26 Due town November 1, 1926 $69.29 Paid county in 1926 budget' 50.52 119.81 DueCounty ----- .--- .................. ... .................. $35.45 234 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ITHACA Due town November 1, 1926 $160.61 Paid county in 1926 budget 34.35 Surplus on 1926 tax roll 647.94 $842.90 Sheriff expenses $25.77 Paid town 155.40 Uncollected 1926 taxes 408.00 589.17 Due Town $253.73 ' LANSING Due county November 1, 1926__ .................... :.'. $60.61 Sheriff expenses 148.50 Uncollected 1926 taxes 61.40 $270.51 Paid county in 1926 budget 140.36 Due County $130.15 NE W FIELD Due county November 1, 1926 $0.31 Sheriff expenses 74.79 Uncollected 1926 taxes 30.67 $105.77 Paid county in 1926 budget 39.61. Due County $66.16 ULYSSES Due county November 1, 1926 • . $302.72 Sheriff expenses 66.90 Uncollected 1926 taxes 70.60 $440.22 • Paid county in 1926 budget 339.78 Due County $100.44 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 235 CITY OF ITHACA Due county November 1, 1926 $234.86 Sheriff expenses 290.92 Shortage on 1926 tax roll 234.61 Uncollected taxes 318.08 $1,078.47 Paid county in 1926 budget 313;58 Due County $764.89 Following shows the condition of various accounts for which appropriations are made, not including those which are paid in definite amounts at specified times. Supervisors' Compensation Balance Overdrawn Balance November 1, 1926 $71.34 1927 appropriation 6,309.69 $6,381.06 Expended 6,345.69 $35.37 Supervisors' Expense 1927 appropriation $2,999.81 Expended 2,574.83 424.98 County Publications Balance November 1, 1926 $154.54 1927 appropriation 788.79 $943.33 Expended 947.90 Tax Commzisione,''s Meeting 1927 appropriation $210.24 Expended 214.42 $4.57 4.18 236 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Commissioners of Election Balance November 1, 1926 $352.74 1927 appropriation 2,454.63 $2,807.37 Expended 2,674.95 132.42 Elections 1927 appropriation $7,631.85 Expended 4,605.04 3,026.81 County Treasurer 1927 appropriation $2,385.55 Expended 2,366.32 19.23 Court House Balance November 1, 1926._ $231.40 1927 appropriation 4,730.97 $4,962.37 , Expended 3,386.55 1,575.82 County Clerk's Building ' 1927 appropriation $1,639.38 Expended 1,671.77 County Judge and Surrogate 1927 appropriation $9,220.87 Expended8,782.87 438.00 District Attorney Balance November 1, 1926 $709,49 1927 appropriation .... 2,531.59 $3,241,08 - Expended 2,684.59 $556.49 32.39 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 237 Sheriff 1927 appropriation $6,288.56 Expended 6,303.60 Cwinty Clerk Balance November 1, 1926... $1,647.32 1927 appropriation 12,925.00 $14,572.32 Expended 13,796.69 , 775.63 Supreme, Courts Balance November 1, 1926 $3,535.41 1927 appropriation 2,000.00 $5,535.41 1927 appropriation 2,000.00 $5,535.41 Expended—Civil ...$1,849.24 Criminal 1,300.00 3,149.44 2,385.97 County Courts Balance November 1, 1926 $2,498.34 1927 appropriation 1,200.00 $3,698.34, Expended ---Civil .$97,52 Criminal 1,045.83 1,143.35 2,554.99 Children's Court • Balance November 1, 1926._._. $155.82 1927 appropriation 3,180.84 $15.04 $3,336.66 Expended . 2,860.45 476.21 238 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Justices and Constables Balance November 1, 1926 $262.40 Expended 20.95 241.45 Coroners Balance November 1, 1926 $50.00 1927 appropriation 550.00 $600.00 Expended 398.10 201.90 County Sealer Balance November 1, 1926 $41.66 1927 appropriation 911.03 $952.69 Expended 954.08 1.39 Public Health Nurse Balance November 1, 1926 $525.00 1927 appropriation 2.400.00 Received from state 1,200.00 $4,125.00 Expended 2,396.00 $1,729.00 Tuberculosis Hospital Balance November 1, 1926 $6,190.08 1927 appropriation 19,047.38 Received for maintenance 3,556.24 $28,793.70 Expended 23,898.10 4,895.60 Poor Accounts 1927 appropriation $19,122.38 Proceeds from farm 2,300.68 $21,423.06 Expended 20,906.48 516.58 OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 239 Child Welfare Balance November. 1, 1926 $375.62 1927 appropriation 5,000.00 Jail $5,375.62 Expended 4,184.25 1,191.37 Balance November 1, 1926 $4,972.96 1927 appropriation 4,507.80 Receipts. $503.94 9,984.70 Expended _._ $5,502.13 4,482.57 Educational Notices Appropriation $159.33 Expended 24.06 135.27 Soldiers' Burials Balance November 1, 1926 $661.87 1927 -appropriation 175.00 $836.87 Expended 400.00 436.87 Superintendent of Highways Balance November 1, 1926 $284.80 • 1927 appropriation 3,210.23. $3,495.03 Expended 3,860.24 Contract Supplies Balance November 1, 1926___._$2,004.74 1927 appropriation 5,000.00 Receipts 38.37 $7,043.1.1 Expended 4,194.54 2,848.57 365.21 240 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication November 1, 1926 balance $783.50 1927 appropriation 6,000.00 $6,783.50 Expended 5,255.60 $1,527.90 DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIAL TAXES TOWNS Bank Franchise Income Mortgage Dog Caroline $1.90 $1,296.63 $100.71 $44.70 Danby -.. 1.55 1,205.57 46.73 24.88 Dryden $132.66 117.32 3,060.50 357.46' 79.14 Enfield 1.22 904.19 43.98 25.43 Grotcn 493.64 2,942.06 1,892.78 182.34 74.09 Ithaca... 4,546.63 573.45 50.47 Lansing... 9,730.90 4,151.21 122.63 78.47 Newfield 15.77 1,325.08 61.52 35.31 Ulysses 358.16 63.06 1,939.14 129.05 37.04 Ithaca City 5,629.66 27,776.73 33,036.68 3,700.51 167.90 VILLAGES- Dryden.-. 165.83 46.91 659:40 34.02 . Freeville .08 349.99 18.45 Groton 507.43 3,591.57 2,508.43 72.84 Cayuga Hts 2,446.19 120.85 Newfield 15.77 1.48 5.28 Trumansb'g 465.61 30.79 955.09 25.54 SCHOOLS - Ithaca City 3,657.32 Dryden 196.79 Groton 900.87 Trumansb'g... 129.76 $12,637.73 $44,319.86 $60,278.99 $5,595.36 $617.43 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 241 DISTRIBUTION OF HIGHWAY MONEYS County Aid State Aid Caroline ................ $7,125.00 $3,100.00 Danby 6,450.00 3,125.00 Dryden 20,141.96 4,800.00 Enfield 5,850.00 1.,975.00 Groton 7,670.00 2,700.00 Ithaca 8,477.83 2,934.66 Lansing 12,946.25 3,550.00 Newfield .. 9,425.00 3,525.00 Ulysses 5,720.00 2,500.00 $83,806.04 $28,209.66 DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL MONEY Caroline $10,779.25 Danby 12,465.19 Dryden 26,538.85 Enfield, 6,760.61 Groton 26,949.67 Ithaca 6,780.50 Lansing 16,305.42 Newfield 14,447.31 Ulysses 17,886.88 City of Ithaca 89,201.23 $228,114.91 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, C SS. Charlotte V. Bush, being duly sworn, says that she is the Treasurer of Tompkins County and that the foregoing report is a true statement of the financial transactions of said County for the year ending October 31st, 1927, except those funds over which the county has no control. CHARLOTTE V, BUSH Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of November, 1927. FRED L. CLOCK, Notary Public 242 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT A statement of all moneys received for the County of Tomp- kins by William H. Baker, Clerk of Tompkins County, from November 1st, 1926 to October 31st, 1927, or by his assistants for fees, perquisites, and emoluments, for all services rendered by him or said assistants in their official capacity, from No- vember lst, 1926 to October 31st, 1927. RECEIPTS Recording Deeds $1,621.53 Recording Mortgages 1,409.13 Recording other Documents 1,174.21 Pertaining to Judgments 299.52 Copies 168.82 Searches 6,322.52 Filing Papers and other Services 2,286.90 Motor Vehicle Fees 4,257.85 $17,540.48 Mortgage Tax on property in Tompkins County 11,086.16 Mortgage Tax on property in other Counties 1.04 Interest on Tax held for Ap- portionment 252.23 Notary Fees Less Fees allowed the County included in Filing Papers 428.00 83.00 11,339.43 345.00 Hunting Licenses 5,850.00 Less Discount allowed the County included in Filing Papers 234.00 5,616.00 34.840.91 DISBURSEMENTS County Treasurer Office Fees $17,540.48 County Treasurer State Mort- gage Tax $10,820.31 County Treasurer interest on Tax Held 252.23 County Treasurer from Mort- gage Fund for Clerk hire 225.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 243 Apportionments to various Counties Bond Audited by State Tax Commission Postage allowed by State Tax Commission Refund of Mortgage Tax (Case No. 18785) C. E. Sheppard Co.—Tengwall File 1.04 5.00 12.00 20.00 3.85 State Treasurer—Notary Fees State Conservation Comm. -Hunters' Licenses STATE OF NEW YORK, 2 SS COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, J 11,339.43 345.00 5,616.00 34,840.91 William H. Baker, being duly sworn, says that the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing is in full and true statement as required by Chapter 1909. WM. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of November, 1927. SALLY ROBINSON, Notary Public he is Clerk of all respects a 298, Laws of H. BAKER 244 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Report of County Superintendent of the Poor To the Honorable, the.Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York. Gentlemen : • The Superintendent of Poor of Tompkins County, in accord- ance with law, herewith submits his annual report for the year ending November 15th, 1927. The Superintendent of the. Poor of Tompkins County in ac-. count with the poor funds of the county : Amount if appropriation of 1926 $12,930.00 For keeper's .salary 1.200.00 To sales from county farm, current year 1,603.27 Received for board in county home 664.00 Received from refund from Randolph Children's Home 20.00 From Town of Enfield, Rose Lange bill..-. 55.00 Amount due county treasurer 1,228.34 $17,700.61 Amount paid by orders on county treasurer for the follow- ing purposes: Food supplies and tobacco $2,530.82 Almshouse employees 2,773.78 Fuel ........... ----......- - 2,052.67 Light -.- 414.09 Clothing and footwear.....__ 248.65 Repairs, furniture and bedding 156.86 Chaplain, physician and drugs 767.25 Farm superintendent and farm labor 3,182.80 Farm stock and maintenance 956.41 Seeds and fertilizers 188.14 Farm tools and equipment 455.36 Disinfectants, soap, freight and postage 466.47 Transportation and services of overseers 810.49 Outside relief, food, clothing and fuel 1,588.34 Outside relief, physician and drugs 812.16 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW ,YORK 245 Outside relief, children in institutions 125.68 Superintendent's postage, telephone, printing and legal papers 96.98 Superintendent's personal expenses 73.66 INMATES DAYS County City of Ithaca Ithaca, Town Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield " Special nurse in the • for Rose Lange t' home Groton Lansing Newfield Ulysses Tramps Days 1,619 11,274 672 1,443 000 1,480 1,661 485.61 2,113 365 000 986 55.00 $17,700.61 Cost $475.08 3,296.06 196.47 421.87 0.00 432.69 540.61 617.75 106.70 0.00 288.27 21,613 6 $6,375.50 The cash cost assessed to the county and several towns of the county in excess of the products of the farm for the support of the poor at the county home being 00.29235. CENSUS OF INMATES Number in county home November 15th, 1926 58 Admitted during the year 20 Births during the year 00 Discharged during the year 17 Died during the year 7 Number in county home November 15th, 1927 54 The following products were raised on the county farm during the year ending November 15th, 1927: Wheat, 325 bushels $406.00 Oats, 590 bushels 300.00 Hay, 75 tons 750.00 Straw, 24 tons , 240.00 246 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ensilage, 75 tons 470.00 Corn, 300 bus 250.00 Stover, 4 tons 24.00 Beans, 35 bus. 105.00 Potatoes, 200 bus 300.00 Apples, 200 bus. 200.00 String beans 3.00 Tomatoes, 40 bus. 60.00 Onions, 6 bus. 9.00 Beets, 14 bus. 14.00 Carrots, 8 bus. 8.00 Parsnips, 4 bu. 4.00 Cucumbers, 10 bu. 10.00 Cabbage .._ 30.00 Radishes __ 5.00 Lettuce 5.00 Swiss chard 5.00 Hubbard squash 15.00 Berries, rasp.: } 316 qts. 100.00 " black Canned fruits, 416 qts 140.00 Dried corn 3.00 Milk, 85,336 lbs. 1,335.50 Butter, 2,671 lbs. Cream sold and used in home 292.00 Skimmed and butter milk sold and used in home 686.07 Eggs. 580 dozen 174.00 Pork killed 1,161.82 Beef killed 89.64 Pigs sold 80.00 Pigs on hand 230.00 $7,505.03 Sales from the county farm, November 15th, 1926 to No- vember 15th, 1927. Butter, 1,174 lbs. $587.00 Hay 183.68 Wheat 300.17 Oats 66.49 Veals 314.22 Pigs 80.00 Meat 50.00 Brick 12.00 Hide 3.96 Miscellaneous 5.75 $1,603.27 Received. from board from paying inmates 664.00 OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 247. Cash expenditures by superintendent including sal- aries of keeper, physician, chaplain and super- intendent's expenditures, but not including out- side relief $15,174.73 Value of products of farm used in the home 6,901.76 $22,076.46 Making a per diem of approximately $1.00 Inventory of stock on county farm November 15th, 1927. 2 horses $400.00 12 cows 1,200.00 2 heifers 120.00 2 yearlings 100.00 2 veal calves 40.00 1 bull, registered 150.00 1 dry cow for beef 60.00 2 brood sows 80.00 1 boar 40.00 17 fat hogs 700.00 24 fall pigs 150.00 fowls 100.00 $3,140.00 Inventory of tools and equipment on county farm Novem- ber l5th, 1927. 1 manure spreader $120.00 2 lumber wagons 100.00 2 sets bob sleighs 100.00 1 hay tedder 45.00 1 grain binder 175.00 1 land roller • 40.00 1 grain drill 160.00 1 combination garden drill 10.00 1 ensilage cutter and belts 1.75.00 1 two -horse cultivator 25.00 1 one-horse cultivator 6.00 1 spring tooth harrow 15.00 1 peg tooth harrow 10.00 2 hay riggings 30.00 2 horse forks, rope and pulleys 25.00 2 wheel barrows 10.00 1 grass seeder . 10.00 1 corn sheller 15.00 1 fanning mill 20.00 248 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 2 lawn mowers 15.00 2 plows 30.00 1 set heavy harness 30.00 1 set scales 50.00 100 potato crates 30.00 45 grain bags 20.00 1 half bushel measure 2.50 forks, shovels and picks 10.00 Log chains and crowbars 10.00 1 creamery refrigerator and motor 1,300.00 1 dining room refrigerator and motor 670.00 1 milk cart 8.00 3 milk cans 10.00 10 milk pails I 10.00 1 set milk scales, new 10.00 1 set butter scales 10.00 1 butter worker and churn 40.00 2 washing machines 500.00 1 laundry extractor 150.00 ° 8 laundry tubs 180.00 1 six H. P. engine 25.00 2 electric motors 300.00 1 feed cooker 35.00 1 litter carrier 35.00 2 gas tanks 40.00 3 compression tanks 1,300.00 $5,911.50 In compliance with Sect. II of the Poor Law of the State of New York, I respectfully report that I estimate the expense for the town and county poor to be supported at the county home and in the county for the ensuing year to be : For county $6,000.00 For outside relief and alrnshouse maintenance 6,500.00 For superintendent's expenses 400.00 For transportation 400.00 For salaries of physician and chaplain 630.00 $13,930.00 The following equipment has been added to the home and farm during the year : A frigidaire engine and cooler for the creamery. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 249 A frigidaire engine and refrigerator for the dining room. These two additions have been very satisfactory and have greatly helped to reduce the expense of maintaining the Home. A metal brooder house and heater for raising young chickens. A new set of heavy farm harness. I would recommend and ask that the following improve- ments and repairs be made on the county farm : That a new hen house be built. That the old ice house be made into a garage by cutting it down and placing it on a cement foundation. That the buildings on the farm in need of paint be painted. That as the gables of the brick building are leaking and the water is running on the inside, that they be properly repaired. That the front porch columns and railing be repaired. WM. D. BALDWIN, Superintendent of the Poor STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. SS. Wm. D. Baldwin, being duly sworn, says that he is superin- tendent of poor of Tompkins County, that the foregoing state- ment is in all respects a true and full statement of receipts and expenditures audited by him during the year 1926-1927 as such superintendent. WM. D. BALDWIN Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of November, 1927. CHARLOTTE V. BUSH, Notary Public 250 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual Report of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital To the Board of Supervisors, Honorable Sirs: In accordance with the laws of New York State, we present our annual report and financial statement. On October 31st, 1926, our census was 12 men and 13 wom- en. We admitted 13 men, 19 women, 7 children, and dis- charged 7 men, 18 women, and 15 children. Of those dis- charged, 6 were arrested cases, 29 improved, 3 not improved and 4 died. Remaining October 31st, 1927-10 men, 8 wom- en and 2 children. Two patients were transferred to the Ray Brook State. Hospital. The patients received during the year have been of an earlier type of disease and therefore much more satisfactory to us. to the nurses, and to the patients themselves as nearly all have improved under treatment. During the summer, we had 15 under nourished children. These all gained in weight, and it would have been well to keep them had we a suitable building. The sun treatment was given to all children and those adults suitable, with splendid results. The work done by the two county nurses has been commend- able closer contact being made with the people of the rural communities approximating that done in the city of Ithaca. There are now in the county 113 recognized cases of tuber- culosis. These are visited at intervals by the nurses and a close watch kept of this condition and hygiene, also of members of immediate families. Each year we find more people of the county interested in the tuberculosis work. During the past year, we have had many visitors as well as donations from societies, organiza- tions, and individuals. This evidence of interest is always pleasing to us. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 251 Clinics have been held about the county and one such clinic in each locality has been given by the State Department of Health with free x-ray examination of those examined. The county nurses in co-operation with the State Depart- ment of Health gave an exhibit at the county fair and at the Trumansburg Fair. Several patients were in attendance at these exhibits. Our Board of Managers have met each month to audit bills, act on any suggestions of the Superintendent, and visit the patients. At the close of the year, we feel that very definite beneficial results have been attained in 'our tuberculosis work and we ex- tend to you the thanks of the many patients and of the com- munity for supporting this public health work. Most respectfully yours, HOMER GENUNG, President MRS. EUGENE BAKER, EMMA W. KNETTLES, C. B. BOICE, Board of Managers FINANCIAL STATEMENT TOMPK'I'NS COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL October 31st, 1927 Income Balance October 31st, 1926 $6,190.08 Appropriated 19,047.38 Income from Pay Patients 3,556.24 Total Received $28,793.70 Expenditures Salaries and Wages $10,030.15 County Nurse ' 2,407.87 Food, Ice and Water 6,282.20 Fuel and Light 1,198.05 Medical supplies 108.80 252 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Household supplies 1,306.36 Repairs 620.26 Other Maintenance (laundry) 1,788.80 Insurance 155.61 Total Expended $23,898.10 Balance October 31st, 1927 $4,895.60 Total days treatment was 8,685 days, thus making a cost of $2.48 per day. For the coming year we will need an appropriation of $19,000.00 for maintenance. OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 253 Reports of the Justices of the Peace CAROLINE Augustus Middaugh reported $16.00 received. Bowne Mulks reported $45.00 received. P. Alfred Munch reported no moneys received. Joseph McGrath reported no moneys received. DANBY George 0. Sears reported $30.00 received. Eugene Dorn reported $25.00 received. David A. Moore reported $39.50 received. Fred E. Dorn reported no moneys received. DRYDEN F. E. Parker reported $65.00 i eceived. Paul Ewers reported $30.00 received. J. D. Ross reported $20.00 received. Jas. 0. Robinson reported no. moneys received. Frank Vantine reported no moneys received. ENFIELD Daniel Mitchell reported $184.80 received. J. C. Wetherby reported no moneys received. Bert Kirby reported no moneys received. Albert Colegrove reported no moneys received. GROTON R. R. Chatterton reported $60.00 received. Geo. 13. Sickmon reported $15.00 received. Miles G. Tarbell reported no moneys received. ITHACA James A. Bush reported $369.00 received. Elmer Allen reported $7.00 received. Charles H. Newman reported no moneys received. Wm. 1. Smith reported no moneys received. 254 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LANSING Miles D. Lane reported $140.00 received. Frank Howland reported $60.00 received. Chas. H.. June reported $374.10 received. LaMotte Smith reported no moneys received. NEWFIELD C. P. Stoughton reported $155.81 received. E. S. VanKirk reported no moneys received. Albert Straight reported no moneys received. J. D. Payne reported no moneys received. ULYSSES H. K. Aiken reported no moneys received. Arthur Agard reported no moneys received. Fred N. Smith reported no moneys received. Henry Williams reported no moneys received. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 255 MORTGAGE TAX STATEMENT The following statement shows the assessed valuation of each town and incorporated village or city therein, the amount of mortgage tax to be distributed therein, and the amounts thereof to be paid to the several towns, incorporated villages and city therein for the year 1927. Towns, Villages and City Assessed Value Caroline - Danby Dryden ..... Dryden Village 466,060 250,780 Freeville -------- ---- Enfield Groton 2,954,870 Groton Village 1,691,700 Ithaca City Ithaca Town 5,003,654 Cayuga Heights 1,7'19,600 Lansing 1 Newfield Ulysses - 1,995,890 Trumansburg 654,650 Total Dated, January 10, 1928. Amount of Tax $53.26 $53.26 97.71 97.7.1. 113.09 98.73 32.07 241.77 3,897.48 807.87 32.07 172.56 669.08 $9.33 ' 5.03 69.21 3,897.48 C$ 0 $53.26 97.71 113.09 32.07 241.77 3,897.48 138.79 807.8'7 115.34 115.34 115.34 57.04 57.04 57.0.4 1.81..30 151.57 .. . • 29.73 181.80 $5,596.93 $1,447.36 $4,149.57 $5,596.93 FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supervisors PROPERTY STATEMENT iCl,Ta(Io.T(1 Ienos.tad aigoxei. jo an -[un passassu pus naaado.zd ira,1 jo amen pazijenba IE)0L tiIls30I passas -RU .fi.aodoad isuosxad aigL -x004 jo amen passasss III0L N:: 00001 .^ 000000N 01'- D 4,--1 00 � (7 -- t -- 1-L d, 00 001 GOC: N C0 07'07 0 , 1f2 l- 04 ,--1 0 07 01 L W d' 0.'J 000Ci00004LC0O),-- e ni cac1 00 C0 10 r -i 6/2.- b 0 0 00 ti 00 O O O O N Sas!1j:) -Cu1,dj 'moods pue suotqu -aod.Ioa 3o al10sa waa `.Salo -do.=.d a2eiitn .2ulpni3u[ ,4i.Ia doad isa,1 ;o anjtn pazsjenb2 Ave' vel 30 0 uoi;aas aapun s;uausssasss ��aado.ul jt''a.T ..u[ZgEnba uI s.iostnaadns 3o pivot' n(i pa4dope uotieztjenba 10 a'tJ L 00 WOOL C) cc. 0000N c] 0 N 00 --+ 00 ,--i C- oo W ,Lt. 0 C: O CV N 00 00000000`7,-�L L, -i 00 d' 0- 0401 N00 V' -C' Efi CV c^ 2V •0 of 01 0 --' 0000000-00:'00- 1-0:' LL 0-00NC-00[-[-N 0 ILO O dS 00 N 00 0) ri GO- sosigauTaJ jT (1s put: suul)jL'.Iodaoa }o agegsa isaa `.4Iadoad 32Eilln 2uipniaut ❑oaaati) s3uatuanoadtut g11A0 rigaa -doa(I pal so amen passassI 00 '0 0,1 00 01 00 tl` L 2,1 00 447 0 00 10- 0 07 O L 0- v01 00 N 0 C1 a7 V' 0770 00 0] xaL ,--� N 274010000'0 L G01 20 O 00 00 CO IC 000107 6000 co 0 C00 C0 0012,1 r. N N Co 00 00 ..] ,--I put1,1 }o sa.i'V v9 - L 0.0,00 N CO .."7, N0000 -CrCO00 4Od' 01,00 7-1 GO Nc1 N 011-O V. N07".. OD 0 '' 00 GO 010 CV 00 ti t 00 00 00cc00c100 cc cc 10 0V 10 0 E-1 Cuc O ,c O 10 z c4 0 H ^ 0 10 0 a.� 7a Z . w C a 513 4_, •y --]' 2 ai ,-I ' - m 2 E .2 -.0 0 O 0)/L) V: C U2 Q • U ^ U itQQ.. 07 U FLS gy 0 I-1 L0F€'0 L ° " © O 0 vi J �. 0- N. 00) U6,2 a1 O CJ O 4-1 0 tlJ m C o a s; 0'zsp3 U Q v m cJU2 a �W O4 0 b -a 2 Fr U CS V 4 C b G 00 c2 g 4-1 0 0 c °a0 0� 00) a-- U aiU 4) 4 - c a 0 0 R' 0 11) El] -0 SCJ• a • it F, r b 0] uo bA . 9'201 C.` 0, 73 — OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 257 STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED Statement of the amount of Taxes and Tax Rates for the several cities and towns in the County of Tompkins as levied by the Board of Supervisors at their Annual Meet- ing in the year one thousand nine hundred twenty-seven together with the receipts of moneys from the sources as indicated, and the amount of bonded indebtedness of the county and of each tax district therein except cities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cities, Towns and Villages State Tax Tax for stenographers and court expenses • Armory Tax County Tax Town. Tax, including items 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Highway Tax Number of special districts in town Caroline $1,032.04 , I $133.53 $5,091.85 $10,363.85 1 Danby 870.44 a112.65 4,318.03 12,755.28 1 Dryden 3,019.05 E 1 390.51 14,918.22 25,678.02 4 Enfield 719.08 • ' 92.93 3,552.81 9,024.01 Groton 3,154.30 +ti 407.98 15,559.46 18,841.31 2 Ithaca City 33.254.10 4,295.08 164,141.33 5,464.09 .g City Tax Ithaca Town 4,970.44 .. 642.58 24,507.20 27,162.29 3 Lansing 3,108.77 ,� 402.00 15,330.86 24,305.23 3 Newfield 974.95 125.99 4,820.15 22,518.32 Ulysses 2,233.13 ,, 288.49 11,026.91 35,460.40 1 Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Village Newfield Village Trumansburg Sch. Dist. No. 8, Dryden) Sch. Dis. No. 8, Groton Sc. D. No. 1, Ithaca City Sch. Dis. No. 1, Ulysses 1853,336.251 86.892.64 8263,266.86 $191,573.401 15 258 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED -Continued 8 10-T 10-V 10 -T -V 11-T 11-V Cities, Towns and Villages Aggregate amount of special districts taxes levied Receipts from Mortgage Tax ap- portioned to towns Receipts from Mortgage Tax ap- portioned to cities and villages Total receipts from Mortgage Tax apportioned to cities, towns and villages Receipts from taxation of Banks and Trust Companies apportioned to towns Receipts from taxation of Banks and Trust- Companies apportioned to cities and villages Caroline Danby $600.98 692.82 $100.711 46.73 $100.711 40.73 I Dryden 430.09 357.46 409.93 132.661 Enfield 43.98 43.98 Groton 1,222.99 182.34 255.18 493.64 Ithaca City $3,700.51 8,700.51 $5,629.66 Ithaca Town 611.14 573.45 694.30 Lansing .. 850.82 122.63 122.63 Newfield 61.52 66.80 Ulysses 461.77 129.05 154.59 358.16 Cayuga Heights 120.85 Dryden Village, 34.02 165.83 Freeville _._. 18.45 Groton Village 72.84 507.43 Newfield Village 5.28 Trurnansburg 25.54 465.61 Sch. Dist. No. 8, Dryden Sch. Dist- No. 8, Groton Sch. D. No. 1, Ithaca City Sch. Dist. No. 1, Ulysses $4,870.211 $1,617.87 $3,977.49 $5,595.36 $984.46 $6,768.53 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 259 STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED—Continued 11 -T -V S. 11-S. D. D.Sp. D. 12=T. 12-V. 12-T. V. 13-T. Cities, Towns and Villages • Receipts from taxation of Banks and Trust Companies apportioned to school districts Total receipts from taxation of Banks and Trust Companies ap- portioned to cities, towns, villages, school and special districts Received from County Treasurer pursuant to the provisions of Art- icle 9-a of the Tax Law, appor- tioned to cities and towns. (Fran- chise tax on business corporations) Received from Co. Treas. pursuant to the provisions of Art. 9-a of the Tax Law appor. to vill. (Fran- chise tax on business corporat'ns) Total received from Co. Treas. pur- suant to the provisions of Art. 9-a of the Tax Law appor. to cities, towns and vill. (Franchise tax on business corporations) Receipts from County Treasurer pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Law appor- tioned to cities and towns Caroline Danby $1.90 1.55 $1.901 1.55 $1,296.63 1,205.5'i Dryden $495.28 117.32 164.31 3,060.50 Enfield 1.22 1.22 904.19 Groton I 1,901.94 2,942.06 6,533.63 1,892.78 Ithaca City 9,286.98 27,776.73 '27,776.73 33,036.68 Ithaca Town 4,546.63 'Lansing I 9,780.90 9,730.90 4,151.21 Newfield 15.77 31.54 1,325.08 Ulysses 953.53 63.06 93.85 1,939.14 Cayuga Heights Dryden Village $46.91 Freeville .08 Croton Village 3,591.57 Newfield Village Trumansburg 30.79 Sch. Dist. No. 8, Dryden._ $196.79 Sch. Dist. No. 8, Groton_. 900.87 Sch. D. No. 1, Ithaca City 3,657.32 Sch. Dist. No. 1, Ulysses 129.76 $4,884.74 $12,637.73 $40,650.51 $3,669.351344,319.861$53,358.41 260 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED—Continued I3 -V. 13-T. V. 14 15 16 do cm Receipts from County Treasurer pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Law ap- portioned to villages Tota] receipts from County Treas- urer pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Law apportioned to cities, towns and villages Tax rate for State, county and town purposes, including high- way. Bonded Indebtedness (Towns Only) Temporary Indebtedness (Towns Only) Caroline Danby Dryden $1,296.63 1,205.57 4,069.89 Per M. $17.80 21.50 $5,000.00 15.80• • 89,428.07 9,398.87 24,863.70 Enfield 904.19 22.40 8,010.62 Groton 4,401.21 14.66 21,474.50 Ithaca City 33,036.68 6.48 1,382,000.00 - • Ithaca Town 6,992.82 11.50 2,000.00 38,142.14 Lansing4,151.21 14.60 10,000.00 24,840.06 Newfield 11 1,326.56 31.18 2,000.00 16,661.86 Ulysses 1 2,894.23 25.20 40,775.56 Cayuga Heights • 1.$2,446.19 Dryden Village I 659.40 Freeville 1 349.99 Groton Village 1 2,508.43 Newfield Village I 1.48 Trumansburg ( 955.09 Sch. Dist. No. 8, Dryden__' Sch. Dist. No. 8, Groton Sch. D. No. 1, Ithaca City Sch. Dist. No. 1, Ulysses 1:36,920.58 $60,278.991 81,401,000.0018193.604.3$ 1 Bonded indebtedness of County $202,000.00 I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the Taxes levied against the taxable property in the several Tax Districts in said County, by the Board of Super- visors, at their Annual Meeting in the year 1327. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk, P. O. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 261 HIGHWAYS -MONEY SYSTEM To the Comptroller of the State of New York : The following is a Statement, Pursuant to Section 100 of the Highway Law, of the several towns in the County of Tompkins and of the amount of money tax levied therein, for the repair of highways, by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, 1927, viz.: Name of Town Sect. 90, Highway ry' y 6pca O ro m a tLO 0 0 G y 5-� r> • X up Total Tax Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses 901,753 847,984 2,879,232 605,953 12,989,462 5,090,804 2,954,877 907,272 [2,038,558 • 988,827 846,416 2,8 73,908 693,778 3,022,687 4,775,283 2,987,718 941,818 2,144,777 901,753 3,900 847,984 2,134,499 10,100 605,053 1,280,745 6,300 3,834,601 2,954,877 907,272 1,367,556 500 3,875 3,473 6,858 2,469 4,500 8,000 7,100 3,917 5,000 3,000 5,150 15,000 3,875 3,473 6,858 2,469 4,500 11,000 7,100 9,067 20,000 WM. J. SHAVER, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors I certify that the preceding statement is correct. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, j co Wm. J. Shaver, being duly sworn, says .that he is the Chair- man of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County ; that he has read the preceding statement and knows the same to be true. - WM. J. SHAVER Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of January, 1928 FRED L. CLOCK, Notary Public Z 0 0 o 'm 7 z v cJ F cu - w r. v -. E1 "O N_ CC g ti 0 Z U O x r''' L O ;4 O Z7 i J o 3 x [" w ,.0 V m4 Z' r G o O .-> ,- C4 -• Iti 4 V U U2 4 _ 0 zO x �o U2 o Y2 Z 0o. oao a a-0 Ey 4 '0 u 0 o d0 14 rna Z 0 o .; 0 o c� o � w 0 :-3 j;4 4G z y W c -i H a V U y z.. }.rZ 0 -G CZ 0 1.-4 c z s- O v FRED L. CLOCK, Dated, January 24, 1928. Ithaca, N. Y. vC a cC O p 0 0 0 0 p 0 C 0 C O 0^G 0^ O C O 0000 = 00000 pooc;�?0C'f LCcao�inco N LV O - N C', :: —1-'4 p--1 Total Debt 0 0 0 0 0 G ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 00 COO LC: NL^NCN - N O •-1 N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y O O O O O O O O O O O0 G G O 'cM GQOIf`N O CV 1-1 V: ,X) CO CA.' pr ,C.) ^V p N r -i co ,--i 1Y3- ,- O G O O O C O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U O OC 0 0 0 0 0 0 1L172 O O 000 'O 0p 00la00^L. NO0000 cjd' M O L L 000 l_r:.^•tf. NL1 ON;": o l'+ € J C :V CO ,--V ,-- — LHY J C O O C Under What . Law §141, highway Law Chap. 25, Consol. Laws_.__ §§142, 1.67-A, Highway Law •§262-A, Highway Law §142, Highway Law §97, Highway Law §97, Highway Law Chap. 414, Laws 1897 . §129, Village Law §.129, Village .Law Village Law §129, Village Law §129, Village Law §129, Village Law $129, Village Law For What Purpose Created Highway Construction tg Bridge Construction Highway Construction Highway & Bridge Constr'n_ Bridge Construction Electric Light Highway Improvement Water Bonds Highway Improvement Fire (louse if Political Division for which created t b.[1 g 0` 0'ir. V O- - .. V �'- _ Z GH 0 O O 0 V V +.Db,•(6c a=- 33 ss3--. =c-_- 0000-" U E-ErF�L� > (Continued on page 265) Z In* Chap. 345, Laws 1906 4 100,0001 70,0001 5,000 " Educational Law 41/ 40,000 25,0001 5,000 " 41/2 310,000 310,000 Serial 1031 Chap. 247, Laws 1913 41/ 100,000 50,0001 10,000 annually " 247, 1913_ 5 110,000 70,000 10,000 " 247. 1913 41/2 100,000 80,000 10,000 " " 247, " 1913_ 41/4 100,000 100,000 Serial 1928 " 247, " 1913_ 41/4 100,000 100,0001 " 1936 " 247, " 1913 41/z 90,000 90,0001 1930 " 247, " 1913 41/4 140,000 140,0001 1928 " 181, " 1903 4 50,000 50,0001 (1944) " 181, " 1903 4 75,0001 75,000. (1946) " 181, 1903 4 60,0001 60,000 (1947) " 503. " 11108_ 414 162,0001162,000 "1,382,000 (1942) . Education Law 314 24,0001 19,0001 19,000 1,000 annually 5 1 140,000 123,5001 Optional (1949) 6 40,000 38,0001 161,500 " (1951) . ft If 31/2 3,750, 1,0001 250 annually `° " 6 9,0001 3,000 1,000 " 5 1,7501 350 350 " ,.CI5 11.0001 11,000 15,350 500 " -- I I !$1,895,450 Cy rip -4- 0 O E",Il Rate -.)f Bonded Net Interest Debt Debt Under- What baw Political Division Por What _Purpose for which created Created 71 5A 0 X, o U UU • 6 '71 dCA� tj n . + 0 E C7V o= � t � . ti _ :G G..r V V - - G C '� 5n 0 0 a 716 Qy1 H V c. p � C G7i Ef., G C: = t. r G M w O r) 0 0 G 0 O O• :' :.-;.,cc: gC7C`H CC CO GO ",C� C%M 1-1 -. y. Q V {!) 264 PROCEEDINGS OF 'THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS HIGHWAY FUND—RECEIPTS Towns :1 72. Caroline I 190.05 3,875.00 3,100.00 Danby ....1,546.0313,907.00)3,125.00 Dryden _ 133.34 8,000.00 4,800.00 2,570.00 Enfield ___. 2,822.001,975.001,100.00 Groton .... 2,698.83 9,500.00 2,700.00 Ithaca .... 70.86 5,869.32 2,934.66 8,465.15 Lansing .. 3,521.62 7,100.00 3,550.00 9,700.00 Newfield 505.37 3,917.00 3,525.00 Ulysses _. 815.53 5,000.00 2,500.001 1,967,19 3,000.00 5,000.00 15,000,00 72, :J co W 7,278.70;14,443.75 6,655.10 15,233.13 25,702.23 41,205.57 7,414.80 13,311.80 7,670.00 24,536.02 8,493.99 28,833.98 1.0,364.23 34,235.85 7,321.40 20,268.77 5,792.50 29,108.03 Towns HIGHWAY FUND --EXPENDITURES C,1 r .0x .-" o F: - Caroline G� Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca ...................--- Lansing Newfield Ulysses 84,671.45 5,411.41 8,994.53 4,212.81 5,078.18 8,900.33 10,849.17 4,482.72 10,194.18- $8,696.06 8,137.18 1 32,205.27 9,054.16 18,591.15 19.93 3.65 23,378.72 1 14,247:4.5 18.300.00 $13,367.51 $1,07624 13,548.59 1,684.54 91,199.80 5.77 13,266.97 44.88 23,669.33 I 866.69 28.883.98 0.00 34227.89 7.96 18,730.17 1,538.60 28,494.55 613.48 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 265 HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS BRIDGE FUND -RECEIPTS Towns r • C V 4i %S 0 � U Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $196.67 468,34 3,604.98 109.96 899,05 .132.92 816.04 320.16 $700.00 225.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 3,000.00 4,500.00 2,500.00 $676.52 1,483.10 $896.67 693.34 4,781.50 609.96 500.00 3,399.95 6,116.02 2,316.04 320.16 BRIDGE FUND -EXPENDITURES Labor and team work • Materials for repairs Construction of new bridges Transferred to other funds Total expenditures N_ T wns'd M G C m KQ O Caroline $190.60 $ 519.36 1 $709.96 3186.71 Danby 174.00 83.00 ! 257.00 436.34 Dryden 792.70 535.32 32,697.10 4,025.42 756.08 Enfield 297.78 164.43 3147.75 609.96 0.00 Groton 1 200.001 159.301 359.301 140.70 Ithaca 232.50 959.22 2,208.22 3,399.95 0.00 Lansing 83.70 287.71 1,483.10 :1,200.00 3,054.51 3,061.51 Newfield 854.40 776.091 290.60 1,921.09 1,394.95 Ulysses ...__ .. 21.60 173.60 195.20 124.96 266 PROCEEDINGS OF THE I30ARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS MACHINERY FUND -RECEIPTS Towns Balance from previous year Received from collecto r Received from other' sources Total receipts Caroline 87.49 $500.00 $92 50 $599.99 Danby 47.47 1,200.00 50.00 1.,297.47 Dryden 1,194.99 2,000.00 849.75 2,849.75 Enfield 99.73 2,000.00 1,423,17 3,522.90 Groton 1,359.60 3,000.00 1,400.00 .4,400.00 Ithaca 49.84 3,000.00 4,346.74 ! 53.26 3,049.84 Lansing 57.85 3,000.00 500,00 3,55 7.85 Newfield 130.03 1,000.00 3,363.48 194.37 1,130.03 Ulysses 78.54 1,500.00 1,120,13 2,698.67 MACHINERY FUND -EXPENDITURES . Towns Purchase of tools and mach iriery Repairs of tools and machinery Other expenditures Total expenditu res N 7".•'y j J z C Caroline _... $61.25 $515.63 $576.88 j $23.11 Danby 89.06 1,194.99 1,284.05 1 13.42 Dryden 668.14 1,933.05 $196.99 2,798.18 51.57 Enfield 1,163.00 1,359.60 550.30 3,072.90 1450.00 Groton 1,898.15 2,423.59 25.00 4,346.74 ! 53.26 Ithaca 584.10 1,227.58 1,238.16 3,049.84 1 0.00 Lansing 1,445.05 1,852.43 66.00 3,363.48 194.37 Newfield 46.85 640.20 3.50 690.61 1 439.42 Ulysses 175.00 1.649.19 1,824.19 874.48 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 267 HIGIIWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS MISCELLANEOUS FUND -RECEIPTS Towns • Balance from previous year Received from collector Received from certificates of indebtedness Received from other sources Total receipts Caroline $4.62 $1,600.00 $624.00 $2,228.62 Danby 12.79 2,000.00 2,012.79 Dryden 4,200.00 907.55 5,107.55 Enfield 297.90 1,815.00 2,1.12.90 Groton 3,2100.00 1,600.00 4,800.00 Ithaca 708.60 4,500.00 4,000.00 9,208.60 Lansing 399.59 3,000.00 3,399.59 Newfield 212.01 2,000.00 2,212.01 Ulysses 248.56 1,000.00 $4,500.00 18.25 5,766.81 MISCELLANEOUS FUND EXPENDITURES Towns 0 o w V] YS s. °J a.) O Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $137.95 226.79 630.82 41.75 1,468.51 590.00 391.80 178.03 $18.00 $1,354.55 24.00 1,570.48 27.00 2,623.34 1,750.00 30.001 1,554.74 2,100.00 1,913.00 1,594.00 3.00 2,412.36 $702.98 172.30 1,811.48 60.00 178.58 6,217.03 100.00 218.00 3,005.81 X o $2,21.3.48 1,993.57 5,098.05 1,851.75 4,231.83 8,907.03 2,404.80 1,812.00 5,599.20 N 7,1 ro � c i a $15.14 19.22 8.90 261.15 568.17 301.57 994.79 400.01 167.61 268 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Clerk's Certificate State of New York. ) County of Tompkins, Ss. Board of Supervisors. I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the .Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, N. Y., DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that I have com- pared the foregoing Journal of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., with the original records thereof, that the same is a full and correct transcript of the transactions of said Board, at the special, quarterly and annual sessions thereof, held during the year 1927, also of the reports of the several county officers submitted to said Board and published herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the official seal of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., to be hereto affixed, this 2nd day of February, 1928. (L. S.) FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 269 Political Directory AND Guide to Town Officers Fall Primary—Seventh Tuesday before General Election, each year. (Election Law, §191). General Election—First Tuesday after First Monday in No- vember, each year. (Election Law, §191). Town Meetings—On same date as General Election in odd numbered years. Designation of Polling Places—By the Town Board on Third Tuesday in August, each year. (Election Law, §66). Board of Canvass—First Tuesday after General Election, each year. Annual Meeting of Board of Supervisors—Second Thursday after General Election, each year. Quarterly Meetings Board of Supervisors—Second Monday of February, May, August and November. Town Boards—Shall meet First Thursday after General Elec- tion each year to audit town accounts and on the 28th of December. Grand Jurors—Selected by the Board of Supervisors at the annual meeting each year. Trial Jurors—The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each town, must meet in the First Monday in July, in each year, at a place within the town appointed by the Supervisor, or, in case of his absence, or a vacancy in his office, by the Town Clerk, for the purpose of making a list of persons, to serve as trial jurors, for the then en- suing year. If they fail to meet on the day specified -in this section, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable. (Judiciary Law, §500, as amended by Laws of 1923.) 270 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS At the meeting specified in the last section, the officers present must select from the last assessment -roll of the town, and make a list of all persons whom they believe to be qualified• to serve as trial ,jurors, as prescribed in this article. (Judiciary Law, §501.) County Claims ----A11 bills and claims against the county must be presented to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the Third day of the Annual Session of the Board and at least Three days before an Quarterly session thereof. -A11 bills or claims presented to the Board of Super- visors must be itemized and verified by the oath of the claimant. All bills for repairs to or improvements of county build- ings must have endorsed thereon the approval of the com- mittee having charge of such building. No bills for supplies for county officers will be audited 'un- less the same were authorized by the Committee of the Board of Supervisors having such matters in charge. Reports—All county officers receiving, or authorized to receive moneys in which the county, or any sub -division thereof, shall have an interest, shall annually, on November 1st, of each year, make a written verified report of all moneys re- ceived, from whom, on what account and the disposition made thereof, and file the same with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November 5th (County Law, §243.) The Clerk of every town, incorporated village and city in the county shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Super- visors on or before November lst of each year all indebt- edness of such town, village or city, specifying for what purpose created, under what law, rate of interest and when payable. The Trustees, or the person or persons having charge of the issue of bonds or payment of same, of any school dis- trict, shall transmit a statement thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the First day of November. The Supervisor must report to the District Superintendent of Schools on the First clay of February, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 271 Assessments—All real property shall be assessed in the tax district in which situated. Property divided by a town line shall be assessed in both towns. The assessors shall complete the assessment -roll on or be- fore the First day of August and make out a copy thereof, to be left with one of their number, and forthwith cause a notice to be conspicuously posted in three or more public places in the tax district, stating that they have completed the assessment roll, and that a copy. thereof -has been left with one of their number, at a specified place, where it may be examined until the Third Tuesday in August. (Tax Law, §36.) The assessors shall meet on the Third Tuesday in August to review their assessment and hear and determine all complaints brought before them in relation to such assess- ments. When the assessors, or a majority of them, shall have,com- pleted their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the county authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officer, an oath in the form prescribed by Sec. 38, of the Tax Law, which oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the assessors and certified by the officer. The assessor must file a certified copy of the completed assessment -roll with the Town Clerk, on or before the Fifteenth day of September, and it shall there remain for public inspection until delivered by the Town Clerk to the Supervisor. The assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at Ieast three public places in the tax district and to be published' in one or more newspapers published in the town, that such assessment - roll has been finally completed, and stating that such cer- tified copy has been filed. The original assessment roll shall on or before the First day. of October be delivered by the assessors to the Supervisor. (Tax Law, §39.) The Board of Assessors of the several towns, and the Assessors of the City of Ithaca, shall furnish the CIerk of the Board of Supervisors, on or before the First day of September, a complete list of all property within their tax districts that is exempt from taxation. (Tax Law, §15.) Collectors—The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS collected by him, execute an undertaking, to be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and deliver said undertak- ing to him. The Supervisor shall, within six days there- after, file the said undertaking with his approval, in the office of the County Clerk. Justices of the Peace—Each .Justice of the Peace must exe- cute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the pay- ment on demand to the proper officer, of all moneys re- ceived by the justice by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace of the town shall pay to the Supervisor on the First -Monday of each month, all fines and penalties imposed and received by him, and shall also make a verified report of all fines and penalties collected by him to the Board of Town Auditors of his town, on Tuesday preceding the Annual Town Meeting. (County Law, §12, sub -division 21.) Poor—All bilis for supplies furnished to the Superintendent of the Poor must be presented to said Superintendent for audit on or before November First, of each year. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a county pauper to exceed the sum of Ten Dollars, without an order from the County Superintendent authorizing disburse- ments in excess of said amount. Amendment No. 2 I .11 0 . to U PWA Inz . U[.za12t:aSl58V 4suts,VILZ89 /0315803 Amendment No. 1 d r � ,ro k Z1w pioA pus 211t.ta;qsoSI0E04 sut.2v 0V9s aodl96TV Coroner ptoA pus .3ul.ialTsS1EEVT g'1itS .1111!1[115L118 '6L asuua urti_tguvl6lxt District Attorney POA pun 2u1.taTlr0S TTGT stunpy •O ang1JyIV580 { County Treasurer P!OA pur Zup1[3VoSITVLT . gsng •A aT1ol nt.iDiVZOTT County Clerk 1 plan put; .2ulaal.0t;aSI9OL TalusQ,O p,t•moH195L9 Lai -?.(O sal.tstloIN) E5 'G y aT+ A R z d 0 o CPL ��� PPA pus 2u1.tall.raSI07T 4113}1 -LAI PXUMI411ZZZ11 Member of Assembly pion pUU .u.I.1e111130.Sl06TT [[rpUB.tJ uo1&nlagST uosutgou •u saurnfl7„°82, I11-3aslL4I Pasuonl TV58 Justice Suprem Court ploA pus 21.1ta011-n3S 8ZTZ uuuDow a2aoa)ILE901 Associate Judge Court of Appeals ploA put; 2ulaalgsaSI95Tti xoalitll •(.I t;sit(azaHl9EE ualJg O •,d ui{of{ELZOT Amendment No. 9 Annexation of Territory by Cities P °A pun .1.11tel.}saS50V0 lsun;.5yl08ZJ .103108{18 Amendment No. 8 I Condemnation by Counties PIOA pur 2utaal1s0SI58S1 1sulr$y109g z -foal og63 ti O b Z A '1' IHighway in Forest Preserve N°A pus 2utaalTsoSJ99I9 gsutrAyILZ6V .IOJIZ89Z Amendment No, 6 I Four Year Term ploA put: . ul.taTTroS7GEV gsuIr2y 2689 .to31VV0E Amendment No. 5 1 Head of Executive Department pp)A pus 2utaaT�saSIV5T5 lsuI/32b1ZL1V 10J!68V8 Amendment No, 4 w d 64 to POA pus .xuiaagOrSILOgV }su[syIZTLS Jodi 96VZ Amendment No. 3 Grade Crossing 1 Elimination POA pus 2ulxal4no81ET8V gsu!E2VI 6 9178 doLM6V6 4. 274 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Roster, 1928 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Gale H. Stalker (37th District) Elmira, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE SENATE James S. Truman (41st District) Owego, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE ASSEMBLY James R. Robinson Ithaca, N. Y. COUNTY OFFICERS County Judge and Surrogate._Willard M. Kent Ithaca; N. Y. Special County Judge S. Edwin Banks Ithaca, N. Y. Judge of Children's Court Willard M. Kent Ithaca, N. Y. County Clerk Howard O'Daniel Ithaca, N. Y. Charlotte V. Bush Ithaca, N. Y. Arthur G. Adams Ithaca, N. Y. Frank C. Ellis Ithaca, N. Y. Superintendent of Poor Wm. D. Baldwin Groton, N. Y. Coroner Dr. Wm. A. Smith Newfield, N. Y. Superintendent of Highway_.Fred C. Evans Ithaca, N. Y. Sealer of Wts. & Measures Court Bellis Ithaca, N. Y. Clerk Board of Supervisors Fred L. Clock Ithaca, N. Y. Commissioner of Election Emma L. Card Ithaca, N. Y. Commissioner of Election Wm. F. George Ludlowville, 9 Probation Officer R. A. Hutchinson Ithaca, N. Y. CIerk of Surrogate's Court D. M. Gillespie Ithaca, N. Y. Clerk of Children's Court R.'A_. Hutchinson Ithaca, N. Y. Deputy County Clerk L. L. Earl Ithaca, N. Y. Motor Vehicle Clerk Martin B. Yontz County Treasurer District Attorney Sheriff Ithaca, N. Y. Under Sheriff _.. ._ Harrison Adams - Dist. Supt. of Schools Dist. Supt. of Schools_._-.._. Dist. Supt. of Schools Keeper at County Home Ithaca, N. Y. F. A. Beardsley__Trumansburg, N. Y. ...... D. Bigelow - Dryden, N. Y. Paul Munsen Groton, 12 Clayton Bower - Jacksonville, N. Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TOWN OFFICERS CAROLINE 275 Supervisor H. A. Whittaker..Bro,oktondale, R. 21 Justice of the Peace Augustus Middaugh.__Br'k'ndale, R. 24 Justice of the Peace Bowen Mulles Brooktondale, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Joseph McGrath._.Brooktondale, R. 22 Justice of the, Peace Lamont C. Snow...Brooktondale, R. 21 Town Clerk Judson Bennett Brooktondale, N. Y. Assessor D. 13. Bull. Brooktondale, R. 21 Assessor W. W. Conrad Slaterville, N. Y. Assessor Chas. M. Jones Berkshire, R. D. 1 Collector Martha Crispell __Brooktondale, R. 22 Overseer of Poor James L. Tryon...-_- .....Slaterville, R. D. Supt. of Highways Orson Snow Brooktondale, N. Y. •DANBY Supervisor David A. Moore Willseyville, R. D. 1 Justice of the Peace Eugene Dorn Ithaca, R. D. 4 Justice of the ,Peace Fred E. Dorn Ithaca, R. D. 4 Justice of the Peace George Sears West Danby, R. D. 25 Justice of the Peace Arthur Bennet Willseyville, R. D. 1 Town Clerk B. J. Jennings Ithaca., R. D. 8 Assessor Frank Sincebaugh Ithaca, R. D. 4 Assessor R. J. Gage Ithaca, R. D. 8 Assessor George Button West Danby Collector Clayton Grant Brooktondale, R. 24 Supt. of. Highways John E. Miller Ithaca, R. D.-8 Overseer of Poor Frank Eastman Ithaca, R. D. 8 Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Overseer of Poor Frank Johnson Overseer of Poor DRYDEN Wm. J. Shaver__ Freeville, N. Y. Paul Ewers Etna, N. Y. J. Dolph Ross Dryden, N. Y. Jas. Robertson Groton R. D. 12 Fred Parker Freeville, R. D. 16 Frank Vantine Ithaca, R. D. 2 Jane C. Hines Dryden, N. Y. Frank T. Reeves Freeville, N. Y. C. D. Griswold Dryden, N. Y. E. J. Watkins Ithaca, R. D. 2 Roy Hungerford Ithaca, R. D. 3 Geo. E. Mineah Dryden, N. Y. Dryden, N. Y. Fred R. Williams Freeville, R. 18 276 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ENFIELD Supervisor Olen A. King Ithaca, R. D. 5 Justice of the Peace Hiram Rockwell Newfield, R. D. 27 Justice of the Peace Vernon Earl Ithaca, R. D. 6 Justice of the Peace Daniel Mitchell Ithaca, R. D. 6 Justice of the Peace Bert Kirby Trumansburg, R. 33 Town Clerk John Thall Ithaca, R. D. 5 Nathan Rumsey Newfield, R. D. 28 Hermon Brown Ithaca, R. D. 5 Asa Cummings Ithaca, R. D. 5 Mary Rumsey Ithaca, R. D. 6 Supt. of Highways Wm. Palmer Ithaca, R. D. 5 Overseer of Poor Abram G. Updike...Trumansb'g, R. 33 Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector GROTON Supervisor Frank A. Begent Groton, N. Y. Justice of the Peace R. R. Chatterton Groton, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Miles G. Tarbell Groton, R. D. 11 Justice of the Peace................:.......Geo. B. Sickmon McLean, N. Y. Justice of the Peace R. J. Booth Groton, N. Y. Town Clerk Hiram G. Moe Groton, N. Y. Assessor H. B. Stevens Groton, N. Y. Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Overseer of Poor Archie Gillen Groton, R. D. 1r5 John L. Jackson West Groton, N. Y. C. Burr Tarbell Peruville, N. Y. Glenn Young Groton, N. Y. Jas. H. Waterman Groton, N. Y. ITHACA CITY Mayor Supervisor, 1st Ward Supervisor, 2nd Ward Supervisor, 3rd Ward Supervisor, 4th Ward Supervisor, 5th Ward City Judge City Clerk City Chamberlain Assessor Associate Assessor Associate Assessor City Superintendent Commissioner Charities Fred B. Howe City Hall F. D. Van Order 511 W. Seneca. St. Fitch H. Stephens 102 W. State St. Albert L. Huff 329 W. Buffalo St. Sidney L. Howell 202 E. State St. Leslie R. Pierce 107 W. Yates St. Daniel R. Crowley City Hall Wm. 0. Kerr City Hall Clarence A. Snyder City Hall L. E. Dofflemyer City Hall T. W. Summers 122 W. Buffalo St. Will J. Davis 114 W. Green St. Floyd N. Oakley City Hall Maude C. Walker City Hall OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 277 Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor ITHACA TOWN .....Legrande E. Chase Ithaca, R. D. 8 James A. Bush Ithaca, R. D. 2 Chas. H. Newman Ithaca, R. D. 1 Wm. I. Smith Ithaca, R. D. 7 Clarence A. Baker Ithaca, R. D. 4 Rachael Hanshaw Ithaca, R. D. 2 John Preswick Ithaca, R. D. 3 Assessor Fred Marshall Assessor Arthur Mandeville Collector Glenn Marion Supt. of Highways Ira B. Myers Overseer of Poor Emmett Gillow Ithaca, R. D. 6 Ithaca, R. D. 1 Ithaca, R. D. 6 Ithaca, R. D. 8 Ithaca, R. D. 4 LANSING Supervisor Clarence M. Buck Ludlowville, R. 10 Justice of the Peace Frank Howland So. Lansing, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Miles Lane Groton, R. D. 12 Justice of the Peace Charles June Ludlowville, N. Y. Justice of the Peace J. B. Bower Ludlowville, R. D.' 10 Town Clerk Joseph McGill Ludlowville, N. Y. Assessor Samuel Lane Ludlowville, R. D. 10 Assessor Elmer Nedrow__Ludlowville, R. D. 9 Assessor Andrew Conlon So. Lansing, N. Y. Collector Ward Howell Ludlowville, N. Y. Supt. of Highways Jay Morey Groton, R. D. 12 Overseer of Poor Stephen Douglas Groton, R. D. 12 NEWFIELD Supervisor Albert Dassance Newfield, R. D. 30 Justice of the Peace r Albert Straight Newfield, R. D. 28 Justice of the Peace E. S. Van Kirk Newfield, R. D. 30 Justice of the Peace Chas. P. Stoughton Newfield, R. 28 • Justice of the Peace Herbert Williams Newfield, R. D. 26 Town Clerk Carrie Peck Newfield, N. Y. Assessor Fred Payne Newfield, R. D. 26 Assessor Ed Holmes Newfield, N. Y. Assessor Norman Beach Newfield, N. Y. Collector Daniel Patterson Newfield, N. Y. Supt. of Highways Wm. Weatherill Newfield, N. Y. Overseer of Poor James Doan Newfield, N. Y. 278 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ULYSSES Supervisor • A. W. Allen Trumansburg, N. Y. Justice of the Peace F. N. Smith...Trumansburg, R. D. 31 Justice of the Peace Henry Williams Jacksonville, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Howard K. Aiken__Trumansb`g, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Arthur W. Agard.._Trumansb'g, R. 33 Town Clerk Maude Tompkins__Trumansb'g, N. Y. Assessor T. R. Hopkins Trumansburg, R. 33 Assessor Olin Miller Jacksonville, N. Y. Assessor L. H. Tunison Trumansburg, N. Y. Collector Irwin Potter Trumansburg, N. Y. Supt. of Highways Bert L Vann Ithaca, R. D. 7 Overseer of Poor E. A. Snow Jacksonville, N. Y. Overseer of Poor Chas. L. Clock Trumansburg, N. Y. I INDEX A Accounts of Supervisors 225 Advisory Committee on Bridges 136 Allen, Alfred W.—Supervisor from Ulysses 43 Annual Session of Board of Supervisors 74 Audits at 204 Apportionment ---Of highway Funds for Construction Under County System 10 Of Election Expenses 119 Of Moneys in Dog Fund 152 Of Mortgage Tax 108, 255 For Support of Poor in County Horne 95 Of Taxes 180 Appropriations—For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 98, 99 For Maintenance of State and County High- ways 98, 99 For Rights of Way 5, 36, 42, 56, 62, 1.11, 153 Of Motor Vehicle Moneys to Construction Fund Under County System 9, 113 Of Motor Vehicle Moneys to Maintenance Fund Under County System 8 For Construction of Highways Under County System 9, 113 For Maintenance of Highways Under County System 8, 115 For Purchase of Maintenance Equipment 28, 55 For Snow Removal 35, 49, 50 For Elimination of Grade Crossings 135 For Construction of Halseyville Bridge 20 To Towns for Construction of Highways Under County System __ 10 For Construction of Bridges by County 20, 54, 70, 135 For Salaries of County Officers 4, 116 Additional to Various Funds 51 For State Tax 179 For County Tax—General and Poor 1'urposes_.177, 179 " Highway. Purposes _____._____177, 179 11 For Refrigeration Plant at County Home 21 For Repairs at County Jail 81, 154 For Court House 62 For Fuel, Light and Telephones 97 For Payment of Claim of Glen L. Bacon 111 For Proceedings of Board 153 For Purchase of Farm Tools at County Home 106 For Rental of Motor Vehicle Clerk's Office 121 For Rental of Commissioners of Election Offices 200 For Safeguarding Records of the County Clerk's and Surrogate's Offices 199 For Support of Poor 95 For Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 125 For Public Health Nurse 45, 125 To Board of Child Welfare 125 To Finger Lakes Post No. 961, V. F. W 51 To Southern Tier Association for the Blind 125 To Tompkins County Farm Bureau Associa- tion 125, 126 To Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association for Junior Project Work 125 To Tompkins County Home Bureau Association 32, 35, 125, 126 To Tuberculosis Hospital 116 To General Fund 177, 179 To Highway Fund 177, 179 To Poor Fund 177, 179 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances 103, 125 Approval—Of Committee Designations 31, 76, 78, 124, 136, 151 Of County Clerk's Bond 139 Of County Treasurer's' General Bond 137 " Highway Bond 138 Of Purchase of Highway Maintenance Equipment___38, 56 Armory Tax 78 Assessments—Erroneous 31, 180 Rates As Fixed by State Tax Commission 79 " " Board of Supervisors 131. Relative to Rates in Cite of Ithaca 111 Assessment Rolls—Regular Report of Committee on Footing 84 Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing 86 Petition to Correct 180 Assessors of Towns—Names and Addresses of 275, 276, 277, 278 Petitions of, to Correct Erroneous Assess- ments ____ 31, 180 Attorney for Board—Salary of. 117, 122 Authorized to Secure Rights of Way 152 III Audits -Of County at Annual Session 204 " Quarterly Sessions 15, 39, 57, 71 Of Towns 208, 210, 211, 213, 214, 217, 219, 221, 223 Of CIaims Audited by the Several Committees During the Year 88, 89, 00, 101, 115 B :Board of Supervisors -Names and Addresses of Members 74, 195 New Members 24, 43 Chairman of 19, 75 Resignation of 18 - Temporary Chairman of 18, 74 Clerk of 75, 122 Attorney for 717, 122 Annual Session of 74 Quarterly Sessions of 3, 31, 43, 50, 70 Special Sessions of 18, 24, 25, 61 Committees of 4, 29, 124, 200 Redesignation of Committees 29 Supplies for 75 Printed Proceedings of Contract for__103, 154 Payment of 153 Accounts of 225 Commendation of by President of Ithaca Chamber of Commerce 33 To Designate Highways for Construction Under §320-A, of the Highway Law.___ 71 Representatives of -On ,Farm Bureau As- sociation 105 In Junior Project Work 105 In Eradication of Bo- vine Tuberculosis ..__ 135 On Public Health Com- mittee 150 In Equalization of As- sessments 200 Bacon, Glen L. -Relative to Claim of 100, 111 Balances in Hands of County Treasurer to be Paid to City and Towns 102 Balances Unexpended -Re -Appropriation of 102, 125 Blind Appropriation for 125 Board of Child Welfare -Report of 82 Appropriation to 125 Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital -Report of 115, 250 Appropriation to._._ 116 Election to 104 IV Bond of County Clerk—Amount of 126. Approval of 139 Amount of Motor Vehicle Clerk 127 Bond of County Treasurer—Amount of 127 Approval of 137 Approval of, for Highway Moneys - 138. Bond of District Attorney—Amount of 126 Bended Indebtedness—Of County and Towns 262 Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways— Sinking Fund and Interest on 80, 98 Bovine Tuberculosis—Relative to Eradication of 122, 125 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 90, Bridges—Relative to Construction of, by County 54, 70, 135, 196, 197, 199 - Advisory Committee on •136 Appropriation for Halseyville Bridge 20 " " Kirby-Sharpstein Bridge 54 " Varna Bridge 70 " County Bridges 135. Bridge Fund for Towns 265- Budget—County 171 Towns 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 103 Tax Rates to Be Published With 153 C Caroline—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 275 Audits of 208 Budget of -- 183. Amount Due Town from Dog Fund -- 152 " Mortgage Tax 108, 255 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 119. " Sheriff's Expenses 17, 42, 60, 144. Support of Poor 95 Returned School Taxes of 155 - Designation of Highways for Construction in -1927, Under County System 10 Appropriation to Town for Construction of -Highways in 1927, Under County System 10 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in 1927, Under County System - 29 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways__79, 98 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 8$ • Tax Rates of Town Y83 Chairman of Board—Election of 19, 75 Resignation of 18 Temporary 18, '74 V Authorized to Perform Any and All Acts of Predecessor 20 Directed to Institute Condemnation Procei‘d- ings for Rights of Way 22, 23 Directed to Make Contract With Onondaga County Penitentiary 80 Directed to Sign Collectors' Warrants 197 Requested to Act As Chairman of Equaliza- tion Committee 75 Clerk of Board—Election of 75 Salary of __ 116, 122 Attorney for Board 1.1 6, 122 Postage for 102 Authorized to Correct Errors 103 " Purchase Supplies 75 " Secure Rights of Way 152 " Issue Copies of Report of Com- mittee on Snow Removal • 60 Directed to Issue County Orders 103 " Duplicate County Order to Dr John P. Warren 37 " Make Contract With Onondaga County Penitentiary 80 " Make Contract for Printed Proceed- ings of Board 103 " Notify County Officers, etc., to Make Reports ___ 76 " Publish Tax hates 153 Sign Collectors' Warrants 197 Report of—To Comptroller 261 Certificate of 268 Committees of Board—Standing 29, 76, 77 Approval of Designations of 31, 76, 78, 124; 136, 151 Special Claims Audited by, During Year 88, 89, 90, 115 Former Committee on Soldiers' Memorial Continued in Power 3 Special—To Act for Board 4 Special ----On. Equalization of Assessments 200 " On Eradication of Bovine Tu- berculosis 135 On Highway Maintenance.__. 27, 114 On Quarantine on Dogs 6, 123 On Public Health 150 Committee on County Officers and Compensation— Report of—On Audits 147 VI Relative to Salaries of County Officers 116 Authorized to Investigate Purchase of a Computing Machine 194 " Purchase Furniture for Court House 111 " Repair Heater at Court House 114 Secure Offices for Commissioners of Election..,_ 128 " " Report on 200 Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses— Report of On Audits 146 Relative to Apportionment of Election Expenses 118, 119 Relative _to Report of County Clerk 120 Relative to Report of Surrogate's Clerk 120 Committee on Charities— Report of—On Audits 144 Relative to Report. of Board of Managers of Tu- berculosis Ilospital 115 Relative to Report of Superintendent of the Poor 95 On County and Town Poor 95 Committee on Coroner, Justices' and Constables' Accounts -- Report of—On Audits 141 Committee on Correction and Reformation— Report of ---On Audits 143 Authorized to Make Repairs in County Jail 50, 51 Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts -- Report of—On Audits 140 Relative to Apportionment of Moneys in the Dog Fund 151 Relative to -Mortgage Tax _ 107 Relative to Report of County Treasurer 137 Committee on Equalization— Authorized to Employ Experts on Valuations 121, 195 Chairman of Board Requested to Act As Chairman of Com- mittee _ 75 Report of—On Footing Assessment Rolls 84, 86 On Ratios and Percentages 131 For General Tax Levy 129 For Highway Tax Levy 132 On Apportionment of Taxes 180 Committee on Finance--:- . inance=. Report of—Relative to County Budget 171 Relative to Town Budgets 182 Committee on Highways— To be Furnished Report of All 'Moneys Expended for Main- tenance of Highways 94, 101, 114 Audit of Claims for Maintenance by 115 Authorized to Secure Rights of Way 152 VII Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes— Report of—Relative to Grand Jurors 112 Relative to Returned School Taxes 154 IL Village Taxes 169 Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Report of—On Audits 139 Relative to Board of Child Welfare 125 " " Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis125 ff " Farm Bureau Association 125 " Horne Bureau Association 125 " Junior Project Work 125 " " Public Health Nurse 45, 125 " Southern Tier Association for the Blind 125 Committee on Town and County Accounts Report.of—Relative to Amounts to be Raised for Maintenance and Sinking Fund and Interest, on Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County High- ways 98 Committee on Town Expenses, Etc.— Report of—On Indebtedness of County and Towns 201, 262 On Special Franchises 201 Committee on Auditing Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital— Claims Audited by Committee During Year 89 Committee on Contract Supplies— Report of On Fuel, Light and Telephone - 96 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 101 Committee.on Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis— Claims Audited by Committee During Year___ 90 Committee on Jail Supplies— Claims Audited by Committee During Year '89 Committee on Quarantine on Dogs— Claims Audited by Committee During Year 89 Committee on Public Health— Claims Audited by Committee During Year 88 Committee on Snow Removal— Members of 49 Report of 45 Committee on Soldiers' Memorial Continued in Power 3 County Officers Names and Addresses of 274 Salaries of 4, 99, 102, 116 Expenses of 117, 118 Postage for 102 Clerk Hire for 4, 102, 117 Directed to Make Reports 76 VIII County Judge and Surrogate— Salary of 116 Relative to Safeguarding Records in Office of 122 Report of—Relative to Receipts and Disbursements of His Office 82, 120 County Clerk ------ Salary of - 116 Bond of 126 Approval of 139 Assistants for 99, 117. Postage for 102 Relative to Safeguarding Records in Office of 122 Report of --Relative to Receipts and Disbursements of His Office 120, 242 Relative to Mortgage Tax 107 Bond of Motor Vehicle Clerk 127 Salary of Motor Vehicle Clerk in Full for All Services and Fees 117 Relative to Rental of Offices for Motor Vehicle Clerk 121 County District Attorney— Salary of 99 116 I3ond of 126 Relative to Allowance for Expenses 118 " " Claims Presented by 43 Report of 91 County Probation Officer— Report of County Sealer of Weights and Measures— Authorized to Attend National Convention 31 Expenses of 117 Report of ° 80 County Sheriff— Claims for Expenses Charged to Towns and City Report of 17, 42, 60, 144 93 County Superintendent of llighways— Expenses of 117 Report of 82 County Superintendent of the Poor— Relative to Expenditures by Report of County Treasurer— Salary of 116 Bond of, for General Fund 127 Approval of 137 Approval of Bond of, for Highway Moneys 139 Clerk Hire for 102 Postage for 102 179 244 I1 Report of 43, 137, 227 Relative to Retention of Fees by Reason of Dog Licenses .. 93 Authorized to Pay Balances to Towns and City 102 " Transfer in Case of Deficiency 178 Directed to Furnish a Report of All Moneys Expended for Equipment and Maintenance of Highways During Year 94, 101 " Pay Certain Claims from Dog Fund....17, 60, 73, 142 " " Balance in Dog Fund to Towns and City ...... 152 " " Quarterly Session Audits 17, 41, 60, 72 " " County Orders - 103 " Salaries, Monthly 102 Mortgage Tax Moneys to Districts 109 " " " For Construction of Halseyville Bridge Out of County Highway Funds 21 " " Highway Moneys to Towns for Construction Under County System 9 " " For Maintenance of Highways Under County System 8 " " For Rights of Way 5, 36, 42, 60, 112 " '1'o Board of Child Welfare 125 " For Eradication of 'Bovine Tuberculosis...._125 " " To Farm and Home Bureau Association._..35, 125 " " For Public Health Nurse 45, 125 " " To Southern Tier Association for the Blind 125 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances in Hands of.__.103, 125 Commissioners of Election— Relative to Salaries of 4, 116 Clerk Hire for 4 Offices for 113, 128, 200 Postage for 102 Report of 118 Coroner— Expenses of 117 Report of 87 County Audits—Annual Session 204 Quarterly Sessions 15, 39, 57, 71 County Budget 171 County—Amount to Be Raised for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 80, 98 Amount Charged to, for Election Expenses 119 " Support of Poor 05 Relative to Maintenance of Dead End Roads by 44 -Bonded Indebtedness of 262 State Valuation of 78 Valuation of, by Assessors 84 x County Buildings—Fuel, Light and Telephones for 96, 97 County Court House --Additional Appropriation for 62 Committee Authorized to Purchase Furniture for 111 Repair Heater at 114 Use of Denied, Except for County Business 64 County Home ---Relative to Refrigeration Plant at 2I " Purchase of Tools for 106 Resignation of Mr. and Mrs. Philo B • Smith from 127 County Jail—Matron at—Election of 105 Physician at Election of 105 Compensation of 152 Repairs at 50, 51, 81, 154 Refund to Federal Government for Board of Prisoners 32 County Library Service—Relative to 171, 195 County Public Health Nurse—Appropriations for 45, 125 County Map—Designations of Additional Mileage Allotted to Towns 7, 14, 196 Placing Terpenings Corners Highway on 54 County System of Roads (See Highways) County Tax—For State Purposes 179 For General and Poor Purposes 177, 179 For Highway Purposes____ 177, 179 County Tax Rates 181 County and Town Poor—Support of 95. Caroline-Richford, Part 2, County Highway 44 Cayuga Heights—Returned Village Taxes of 163 City of Ithaca (See Ithaca City) City Tax Rates for State and County Taxes 190 Canvass, Official 273 Chamber of Commerce—Commendation of Board of -Supervisors by President of 33 Claims Audited by the Several Committees During Year 88, 89, 90, 101, 115 Claims—For Sheriff's Expenses Charged to Towns and City 17, 42, 60, 144 For Insane Commitments Charged to Towns and City..14o- Of 40Of Institutions Charged to Towns and City 140 Of District Attorney, Relative to 43 Of Dr. John F. Warren 37 Of Glen L. Bacon 100, 111 Clerk Hire—For Commissioners of Election 4 For County Clerk 99, 116 For County Treasurer 102 Clerks of Towns and City—Names and Addresses of..275, 276, 277, 278 XI Certificates of Indebtedness --Authorizing Towns to Issue 3, 37, 53, 61 Tax to Cancel 138 Condemnation Proceedings Directed for Securing Rights of Way._22, 23 Construction of Highways Under County System (See Highways) Collectors of Towns—Names and Addresses of 275, 276, 277, 278 Time of Settlement of 153 Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign War- rants of 197 Comptroller—Communication from, Relative to State. Tax 78 Lg" " Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 79 Report of Clerk of Board to 261 Computing Machine—Relative to Purchase of 194 Contract—For Supplies for Board 75 For Printed Proceedings of Board 103, 154 For Offices for Commissioners of Election 200 With Onondaga County Penitentiary 80 Court Expenses (See County Budget) Court and Stenographers' Tax 78 D Danby—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 275 Audits of 210 Budget of 184 'Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 152 " " Mortgage Tax 108, 255 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 119 " " Sheriff's Expenses..42, 60, 144 Returned School Taxes of 156 Designation of Highways for Construction in 1927, Under County System 10 Appropriation to Town for Construction of Highways in 1927, Under County System 10 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in 1927, Under County System 28 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 79, 98 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 88 Tax Rates of Town 184 Dryden --Names and Addresses of Town Officers 275 Audits of 211 Budget of 185 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 152 " " " Mortgage Tax 108, 255 XII Amount Charged to Town for Claims of Institutions 140 Election Expenses 119 Sheriff's Expenses 17, 42, 60, 144 Support of Poor. 95 Returned School Taxes ....... .158 Returned Village Taxes of Dryden 169 " Freeville 169 Assessed Valuation of Dryden Village 86 " Freeville 86 Appropriation to Town to Reimburse for Bridge Con- struction 70 Designation of Additional Mileage Allotted to Town 7 Designation of Highways for Construction in 1927, Under County System 11 Appropriation to Town for Construction of Highways in 1927, Under County System 10 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in -1927, Under County System 29 Petition of Assessors to Correct Assessment Roll of Town 180 Tax for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 80, 98 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways70, 98 Tax for Improvement of Highways and ]fridges 88 Tax Rates of Town 186 Deficiency—County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer in Case of 178 Designation—Of Additional iklileage Allotted to Towns Under County System 7, 14, 196 Of Highways for Construction in 1927, Under County System 10, 11, 12, 13 Of. Highways for Maintenance.in 1927, Under County System 28 Of Highways for Removal of Snow 45, 65 Of Newspapers to Publish Notices, Etc 103 Directory—Political 269 District Attorney (See County District Attorney) Dogs—Relative to Quarantine of 6, 121, 123 Committee on 6, 123 Dog Catchers—Relative to 6, 123 Dog Fund—Apportionment of 152 Payment of Certain Claims from 17, 60, 73, 142 Relative to Retention of Fees by County Treasurer.... 93 Report of County Treasurer - 151 E Enfield—Names and Addresses of' Town Officers 276 Audits of • 213 XIII Budget of ._.. 187 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 15.2 " " Mortgage Tax 108, 255 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 119 " " " " Sheriff's Expenses 17, 42, 60, 144 11 " " Support of Poor 05 Returned School Taxes of 159 Authorizing Town to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A 38 Designation of Highways for Construction in 1927, Under County System 11 Appropriation to Town for Construction of Highways in 1927, Under County System 10 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in 1927, Under County System 28 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways__79, 98 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 88 Tax Rates of Town 187 Election—Of Chairman of Board 19, 75 Of Clerk of Board 75 Of Representative on Equalization of Assessments 200 in Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 135 " to Farm Bureau Association 105 in Junior Project Work 105 Of Jail Matron 105 " Physician 105 To Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital 104 Official Canvass of 273 Elections—Commissioners of (See Commissioners of Election) Designation of Newspapers to Publish Notices of 103' Election Expenses ---Apportionment of ___________________________________ 119 Ellsworth, Barrows & Co., Relative to Proposal of 195 Enforcement of Quarantine on Dogs—Relative to 6, 121, 123 Equalized Value of County -13y State 78 By Board of Supervisors 129, 132 Equalization—Regular Report of Committee on Footing Assess- ment Rolls 84 Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing As- sessment Rolls 86 Report of Committee for General Tax Levy 129 " " Highway Tax Levy 132 on Ratios and Percentages 131 " Apportionment of Taxes180 Relative to Assessment Rolls_. 197 Committee Authorized to Employ Experts__121, 195, 200 Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis—Relative to 122, 135 XIV Errors in Minutes, Etc.—Clerk Authorized to Correct 103 Expenses—Of County Officers 117" Of Elections Charged to Towns and City 119 Of Insane Commitments Charged to Towns and City140 Of Sheriff's Expenses Charged to Towns and City 17, 42, 60, 144 F Farm Bureau—Appropriation to 125, 126 Appropriation to, for Junior Project Work 125 Election of Representatives to 105 Report of 91 Farms and Markets Department Requested to Place Quarantine on Dogs 6, 123 Finances—Additional Appropriations to Various Funds____ 51 Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 201 County Treasurer Authorized to Pay Balances to Towns and City 102 County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer in Case of a Deficiency 178 County Treasurer Directed to Pay Certain. Claims from Dog Fund 17, 60, 73, 142 County Treasurer Directed to Pay for Construction of Halseyville Bridge from County Highway Fund.__ 21 Report of County Treasurer on • 43, 227 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances in Hands of County Treasurer 103, 125 Finance Committee (See Committee on Finance) Finger Lakes Post, No. 961, V. F. W.—Appropriation to. 51 Fire District in Town of Newfield—Relative to Establishment of._52, 63 Footing Assessment Rolls (See Committee on Equalization) Fuel, Light and Telephones 96, 97 Freeville Returned Village Taxes of 169 Groton—Names and Address of Town Officers 276 Audits of 214 Budget of 188 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 152 " Mortgage Tax 108, 255 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 119 " " " " " Insane Commitments 140 " " " Sheriff's Expenses_42, 60, 144 " " Support of Poor 95 Returned School Taxes of 160 " Village Taxes of 170 Designation of Highways for Construction in 1927, Under XV County System 11 Appropriation to Town for Construction of Highways in 1927, Under County System 10 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in 1927, Under County System 29 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways__79, 98 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 88 Tax Rates of Town 188 Gasoline -Relative to Tax on 83, 128 General Fund -Appropriation to 177, 179 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended. Balances to 103 General Tax -Apportionment of 180 General Tax Levy -Report of Committee on Equalization on 129 General and Poor Purposes -Appropriation for 177, 179 Grand Jurors -Report of Committee on 112 Grade Crossings -Relative to Elimination of 135 • H Health, Public -Committee on 150 Report of Committee 88 Appropriations for Public Health Nurse 45,' 125 " Eradication of Bovine Tuber- culosis 125 Highway and School Taxes -Returned 154 Horne Bureau Association -Report of 32, 91 Appropriations to 35, 125, 126 Highways -Relative to State Route No. 11 5 Relative to Construction of Caroline-Richford, Part 2, County Highway 44 Relative to Repairs on Groton -Cortland County High- way 56 Relative to Reconstruction of Ithaca -South Lansing State Highway 5 Relative to Elimination of Grade Crossings 135 Relative to Maintenance of Dead incl Roads by County 44 Relative to Construction of Bridges by County 20, 21, 54, 70, 135, 136, 196, 197, 199 Advisory Committee on 136 Rights of Way -Appropriations for 5, 36, 42, 56, 60, 62, 111, 153 Committee Authorized to Secure 152 Condemnation Proceedings to Procure 22, 23 Purchase of 5, 42, 56, 60, 62 Matter of Snow Removal__ ........... __25, 26, 33, 49, 50, 64 Report of Committee on 45 XVI Services of Town Superintendents at Expense of Towns 137 Designation of Highway for 34, 65 Petition for Construction of a Portion of Ithaca -Dryden Highway 123. Money System—Report to Comptroller on 261 Superintendent of (See County Superintendent of Highways) Town Superintendents of—Names and Addresses of 275, 276, 277, 278 Services in Snow Removal at Expense of Towns 137 Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 264, 265, 266, 267 Highway Fund—Appropriation to General 177, 179 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances to 103 Highway Fund for Towns 264 Highway Tax—Appropriation for 177, 179 Apportionment of 181 Report of Committee on Equalization for 132 For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 80, 98 For Maintenance of State and County Highways..79, 98 For Improvement of Highways and Bridges 88 To Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 138 Highways Under County System— Designation of Additional Mileage Allotted to Towns7...7, 14, 196 Placing Terpenings Corners Highway on County Map 54 Board of Supervisors to Designate for Construction 71 Appropriation of Motor Vehicle Moneys to Highway Con- struction Fund 9, 113 Appropriation to Highway Construction Fund Under §320-A, §320-B --- 113 Manner of Construction Work _ 9 Mileage Allotted to Towns for Construction 9 Designations in Towns for Construction 10, 11, 12, 13 Appropriation for Construction 9 Appropriation to Towns for Construction 10 Appropriation for Maintenance Work 8, 115 Manner of Maintenance Work 8 Amending Manner of Maintenance Work 27 Designations in Towns for Maintenance Work 28 Appropriations for Maintenance Equipment 98, 55, 64 Approval of Purchase of Maintenance Equipment 38, 56 County Treasurer Directed to Furnish a Report of All Moneys Paid for Maintenance and Equipment in 1927 94, 101 Audit of 115 XVII Authorizing Town of Enfield to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A 37 " " Ithaca " Li 61 �< 4' (I37 Lansing " " Newfield" " " (a 53 " ` Ulysses 3 I Ithaca City—Names and Addresses of City Officers 276 Budget of 190 Amount Due City from Dog Fund 152 " " " • Mortgage Tax 108, 255 Amount Charged to City for Claims of Institutions___ 140 " " " " Election Expenses 119 " Insane Commitments_--- 140 Li " " Sheriff's Expenses 17, 42, 60, 144 44 " " Support of Poor 95 Wm. B. Wilkinson es Supervisor fi•orn 3rd Ward 24 Commendation of Board of Supervisors by President of Chamber of Commerce of the City 33 Erroneous Assessments 31, 32 Relative to Rates of Assessment 111 Returned School Taxes of 166 Tax Rates of City...___. 190 Ithaca Town ---Names and Addresses of Town Officers 277 Audits of 217 Budget of 189 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 152 " " " " Mortgage 'fax 108, 255 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses__.-. 119 " Sheriff's Expenses 17, 42, 60, 144 t Support of Poor _____ .5 Returned School Taxes of 161 Returned Village Taxes of Cayuga Heights 169 Designation of Additional Mileage Allotted to Town 14, 196 Authorizing Town to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A O1 Designation of Highways for Construction in 11)27, Under County System 12 Appropriation •to Town for Construction of High- way in 1927, Under County System -- 10 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in 1927, Under County System 29 Tax for Maintenance of State and County High- ways 79, 08 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges ______ 88 XVIII Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 138 Tax Rates of Town 189 Indebtedness—County and Town 262 Insane Commitments Charged to Towns and City 140 Institutions—Claims of, Charged to Towns and City 140 J Judge, County (See County Judge and Surrogate) Judge of Children's Court (See Children's Court) Junior Project Work (See Farm Bureau Association) Jail (See County Jail) Jail Matron (See County Jail) Jail Physician (See County Jail) Justices of the Peace—Names and Addresses of 275, 27 6, 277, 278 Reports of 253 L Lansing—Names and .Addresses of Town Officers 277 Audits of 219 Budget of 191 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 152 " if fi " Mortgage Tax 108, 255 Amount Charged to Town for Claims of Institutions 140 " Election Expenses 119 " " Sheriff's Expenses 17, 42, 60, 144 " " Support of Poor 95 Returned School Taxes of 163 Designation of Additional Mileage Allotted to Town 7 Placing Terpening's Corners Highway on County Map__._ 54 Appropriation to Town to Re-Imburse for Bridge Con- " struction 54 Authorizing Town to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A 37 Designation of Highways for Construction in 1927, Under County System 12 Appropriation to Town for Construction of Highways in . 1927, Under County System 10 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in 1927, Under County System 29 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways_.79, 98 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 88 Tax Rates of Town 191 Light, Fuel and Telephones 96, 97 M Meetings of Board of Supervisory Annual 74 Quarterly 3, 31, 43, 50, 70 Special 18, 24, 25, 61 XIX Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 266, 267 Maintenance—Of County and Town Poor 95 Of State and County Highways 79, 98 Of Highways Under County System (See. Highways) Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital—Appropriation to 116 Election to 104 Report of 115, 250 Minutes of Board—Clerk Authorized to Correct Errors in 103 Mortgage Tax—Report on 107 Amounts Due Towns and City from 108, 255 Motor Vehicle Moneys --Appropriation of, for Highways (See Highways) Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) N Newfield—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 277 Audits of 221 Budget of 192 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 152 " " Mortgage Tax 108, 255 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 119 " Sheriff's Expenses 42, 60, 1.44 Returned School Taxes of 164 Authorizing Town to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A 53 Designation of Highways for Construction in 1927, Under County System 13 Appropriation to Town for Construction of Highway in 1927, Under County System 10 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in 1927, Under County System 28 Relative to Establishment of 'a Fire District in 52, 63 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways____79, 98 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 88 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 138 Tax Rates of Town 192 Names and Addresses—Of Supervisors 74, 195 Of County and Town Officers • 274, 275, 276, 277, 278 Newspapers—Designations of, to Publish Notices, Etc 103 Nurse, Public Health—Appropriations for 45, 125 0 Officers—County and Town 274, 275, 276, 277, 278 Official Canvass 273 Designations of Newspapers to Publish 103 Onondaga County Penitentiary—Contract With 80 Overseers of the Poor—Names and Addresses of 275, 276, 277, 278 xx P Personal Property in County—Valuation of 256 Petition—Of Assessors to Correct Assessment Rolls 31, 180 Of Inhabitants of Newfield to Establish a Fire District 52, 63 Of Town Board of Enfield to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A 37 Of Town Board of Ithaca to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A 61. Of Town Board of Lansing to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A 37 Of Town Board of Newfield to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A 53. Of Town Board of Ulysses to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A 3 For Construction of a Portion of the Ithaca -Dryden Highway 123 For the Establishment of a County Library Seryice._171, 195 Physician at County Jail—Election of 105 Compensation of 152 Political Directory 269 Poor—Appropriation for County and Town 95 " " Poor .Purposes 177, 179 Overseers of—Names and Addresses of 275, 276, 277, 278 Superintendent of (See County Superintendent of the Poor) Postage for County Officers 102 Post Office addresses—Of Supervisors 74, 195 Of County and Town Officers 274, 275, Prisoners—Contract for Care and Maintenance of Printed Proceedings of the Board—Contract for Payment for Probation Officer (See County Probation Officer) Property Valuation of, by State " " Assessors Statement of Valuations Public Health—Committee on Report of Committee Appropriations for 45, 276, 277, 278 80 103, 154 153 78 84 256 150 88 125 t{ " Eradication of Bovine Tuber- culosis 125 Q Quarterly Sessions of Board 3, 31, 43, 50, 70 Audits at 15, 39, 57, 71 Quarantine on Dogs—Relative to 6, 121,.. 123 XXI R Rates --Tax for County 181• " " Towns and City 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193 Rates of Assessment in Towns—As Fixed by State Tax Commission 79 " " Board of Supervisors 131 Ratios and Percentages—Report of Comrnittee on 131 Real Property—Valuation of, by State 78 " Assessors 84 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances 103, 125 Records in County Clerk's and Surrogate's Offices ----Safeguarding of 122 Refund to Federal Government for Board of Prisoners _-__ 32 Refunded Taxes 32 Removal of Snow—Matter of 95, 26, 33, 45, 40, 50, 64, 65 Services of Town Superintendents at Expense of Towns 137 Returned Highway and School Taxes 154 Returned Village Taxes 169 Rights of Way (See Highways) Roads, County System of (See Highways) Roster 274 Route No. 11—Relative to 5 Reports—County Officers, Etc., Directed to Make 76 Of •County Officers (See Under Various County Officers) Of Committees (See Under the Several Committees) Of Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital (See Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital) Of Clerk of Board to Comptroller 261 Of Justices of the Peace 253 On Snow Removal 45 Of Bonded Indebtedness • •-•- - • 262 Of Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 264, 265, 266, 267 Of Special Franchises 202 Of Taxes Levied -------------257 Of Valuations of Property 256 Resolution—Authorizing the Establishment of a Fire District in the Town of Newfield-_ 52, 63 Relative to Repairs on Groton -Cortland County High- way . 56 Relative to a Tax on Gasoline 128 Relative to Board of Supervisor Designating Highways for Construction Under §320-A _ 71 Relative to Maintenance of Highway in 1927, Under County System 8 Amending Manner of Maintenance of Highways, Under County System • 27 XXII Relative to Purchase of Maintenance Equipment 28, 38, 55, 56 Relative to Snow Removal 95, 26, 33, 45, 49, 50 Relative to Additional Appropriation to Home Bureau Association 35 Relative to the Death of Dr. J. M. Townsend 44 Relative to the Resignation of Mr. and Mrs. Philo 13. Smith from the County Home 127 S Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) Sessions of Board -Annual 74 Audits at 204 Quarterly 3, 31, 43, 50, 70 Audits at 15, 39, 57, 71 Special 18, 24, 25, 61 Salaries of County Officers • 4, 99, 116, 122, 152 County Treasurer Directed to Pay Monthly 102 Sealer of Weights and Measures (See County Sealer of Weights and Measures) Sheriff (See County Sheriff) Superintendent of Highways (See County Superintendent of High- ways) Superintendent of the Poor (See County Superintendent of the Poor) Surrogate (See County Judge and Surrogate) Safeguarding Records in County Clerk's and Surrogate's Offices122 School Taxes -Returned 154 Settlement by Collectors -Time of 153 Sheep Relative to 6, 121, 123 Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 80, 98 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Philo B. -Relative to Resignation of 127 Snow and Miscellaneous Funds for Towns 267 Snow Removal- Matter of 25, 26, 33, 45, 49, 50, 64 Services of Town Superintendent at Expense of Towns 137 Soldiers' Memorial -Committee Continued in Power 3 Southern Tier Association for the Blind -Report of • 104 Appropriation to 125 Special Franchises -Report on 202 State Aid to Towns Under County System 10 State Highway, Ithaca -South Lansing, Relative to Reconstruction of 5 State Route No. 11 -Relative to 5 State Tax Commission -Rates of Assessments Fixed by 79 Requested to Allow Representative to Assist in Valuations 120 XXIII Statement -Of Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 201 Of Money Tax Levied for Repairs of Highways 261 Of Mortgage Tax -- ------------------------- ----------------------------- 255 Of Taxes Levied 257 Of Tax Rates of Towns 260 Of Valuations of Real and Personal Property 256 State Tax 78, 179 Stenographers', Etc., Tax 78, 179 Surrogate's Office -Safeguarding Records of 122 T Tax, State -For Armories 78, 179 For General Purposes 78, 179 For Stenographers, Etc. 78, 179 County -For Genera] and Poor Purposes 177, 179 For Highway Purposes 177, 179 For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for the Con- struction of State and County Highways 80, 98 For Maintenance of State and County Highways 79, 98 For Improvement of Highways and Bridges 88 To Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 138 On Gasoline -Relative to 83, 128 Statement of Mortgage 255 Taxes -Apportionment of 180 Refunded 32 Returned Highway and School 154 Returned Village ' 169 Statement of Those Levied 257 Tax Rates -Clerk Directed to Publish 153 For County - 181 For Towns and City 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193 Telephones, Fuel and Light 96, 97 Tompkins County Public Health Committee 150 Report of 91 Towns -Names and Addresses of Officers of 275, 276, 277, 278 Audits of 208, 210, 211, 213, 214, 217, 219, 221, 223 Budgets of ----183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193 Amounts Due from Dog Fund 152 " " Mortgage Tax 108, 255 Amounts Charged to, for Claims of Institutions 140 " " Election Expenses 119 " " Insane Commitments 140 " Sheriff's Expenses __17, 42, 60, 144 " " Support of Poor 95 Returned Highway and School Taxes of 154 XXII Designations of Additional Mileage Allotted to 7, 14, 196 Designations of Highways for Construction in 1927, Under County System __ 10, 11, 12, 13. Appropriations to Towns for Construction of Highways in 1927, Under County System 10 Designations of Highways for Maintenance in 1927, Under County System 28 Authorizing to Borrow Moneys Under 5320-A.._.3, 37, 53, 61 Bonded Indebtedness of 262 Collectors of -Time of Settlement 153 Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds for 264, 265, 266, 267 Payment of Balances to, by County Treasurer 102 Rates of Assessment, as Fixed by State Tax Commission78 " " " Board of Supervisors_... 131 Tax for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 80, 98 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways____79, 98 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 88 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 138 Tax Rates of 153, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193 Town Boards -Petitions of, to Borrow Moneys Under X320 -A 3, 37, 53, 61 Town and County Officers -Names and Addresses of 274, 275, 276, 277, 278 Town and County Poor -Support of 95 Town and County System of Roads (See Highways) Townsend, Dr. J. M.-Resolution.Relative to Death of___44 Treasurer (See County Treasurer) Trumansburg-Returned Village Taxes of 170 Tuberculosis, Bovine -Relative to 122, 135 Tuberculosis Hospital -Report of Board of Managers of 115, 250 Appropriation to 116 Election to 104 Claims Audited by Committee During Year' 89 • U Ulysses -Names and Addresses of Town Officers 278 Audits of 223 Budget of 193 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 152 " " " " Mortgage Tax 108, 255 XXV Amount Charged to Town for Claims of Institutions 140 Election Expenses 119 " Sheriff's Expenses • 17, 42, 60, 144 " Support of Poor 95 Returned School Taxes of 165 Returned Village Taxes of Trumansburg 170 Allen, Alfred W.—Supervisor from Town 43 Designation of Additional Mileage Allotted to Town14 Authorizing Town to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A 3 Designation of Highways for Construction in 1927, Under County System 13 Appropriation to Town for Construction of Highways in 1927, Under County System 10 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in 1927, Under County System 28 Tax for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 80, 98 Tax for Maintenance of State and.County Highways_79, 98 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 88 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 138 Tax Rates of Town 103 Unexpended Balances in Hands of County Treasurer—Re-Appro- priation of 103, 125 United States Government—Refund to, for Board of Prisoner 32 V Valuations—OF County, by State 78 " " Assessors 84 " Dryden Village 86 " Freeville Village 86 Statement of _ 255 Aid of State Tax Commission Representative Re- . quested to Assist in 120 Veterans of Foreign Wars—Appropriation to Finger Lakes Post No. 961 51 Villages—Amount Due from Mortgage Tax 108, 255 Village Taxes ----Returned 169 Votes—Official Canvass of 273 W Warrants of Collectors—Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign 197 Warren, Dr. John F.—Relative to Claim of 37 i