HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925 ProceedingsProceedings BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK 1925 E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. GRACe PRINTING CO. ITHACA, N. Y. 1926 Quarterly Session Monday, February 9, 1925 MORNING SESSION Roll call. Ail mem1crs except Mr. George. The Clerk read a number of claims which, on motion, were re- ceived and referred to the propel• committees. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town 'of Ulysses,] asking authority to borrow money to aid the town in paying its shire of the cost of construction of highways, under the provisions of §320-A, of the II..ighway Law. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resol. oe(7—That. the petition of the 'Town Board of the Town of Ulysses Ibe granted and that the town be authorized to borrow, on the fe ith and credit of the town, the SUM of $10,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to Fray the town's share of the cost., of improvement and construction of highways in said town, pursuant to the provisions of §820-A, of the Highway 1.oiw. Seconded by Mr. Ding. Gamed. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board o1 the '.Town of Enfield,asking authority to borrow moneys to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of improvement of highways, pursu- ant to §320-A, or the Highway Law. Mr. Ding offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of -the Towti of Enfield be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow the spun of $4,(0OO.00, or so much thereof as may he necessary, to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of improvement of highways constructed under the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway Taw. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. THE i'1;OCEEi)I\GS OF THE BOARD OF SliPERVISORS lir. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: .Resolved—'That the County Superintendent, of Highways be directed to examine the bridge on the Comfort-E1yea Road in the Town of Danby, where said road crosses Buttermilk Creek, and report the condition of said bridge to this Board. Seconded by \[i' Miller. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and nwved its adoption: . WHEREAS—At a sale of lands for unpaid- tales, held by the -Treasurer of -.Tompkins County, at the City of Ithaca. N. V.. said Treasurer did, on the 6th day of October. 1921, sell the lands hereinafter described, for unpaid taxes for the year 1920, and WHEREAS—At such sale no one bid a sufficient amount for the purchase of such lands, and such lands were bid in for the County of 'Tompkins by said County Treasurer, and . �1TLIExEAs—Leigh ll. Champaign. as County Treasurer_ of said County of Tonrpl:iLIS, on the 6th day of October, 1922, by deed bearing that date and recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's office on May 16, .1923. in Liber 203 of Deeds, at page 373, did convey the hereinafter described lands to Tompkins County, and . Wu AS- On anly 3, 1923, pursuant lo §138, of the Tax Law, Aden E. Truman and David M. JT.ammond, mortgagees in inter- est, did pay to the Treasurer of Tompkins County the sum of $27.62, in satisfaction of all unpaid taxes, and all interest, costs and penalties attached thereto by reason of the aforesaid sale of such lands for unpaid taxes, and WitEralAsSaid payment, made as aforesaid, did redeem such lands from such sale. and -W IIERFAs—One, George G. Seeley, of the Town of Enfield, in said county, was the owner of such lands at the time of said tax sale, and it is believed that he is still the owner thereof and still holds the record title to such Lands, and • \Vxi:n.EAs—The above mentioned deed to the County of Tomp- kins, remaining of record in said Clerk's office, constitutes, or may constitute, a cloud on the title to such lands, therefore be it • Resolved—That -William 0. Smiley. Chairman of the Commit- OI' 'I'O)IE'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 5 tee authorized to sell lands acquired try the county at tax sale, for and on behalf or the county-, and_for a nominal consideration, be, and he hereby- is, authorized and directed to execute, seal and deliver to said George G. Seeley, a quit -claim deed to such lands, 'described as follows: All that tract:, piece or parcel. of land, situate in the Town of Enfield, County of Tompkins and State of New York, con- sisting' of about 1.0 acres in District No. 7, Town of Enfield aforesaid, and bounded as follows: Northerly by 'Miller; Easterly 'by the highway; Southerly 'by li.umseY and 'Wester- ly by R..tnnscy, and being the so-rane premises conveyed to the County of Tompkins by a certain deed bearing date October 6, .1922, made and executed by the Treasurer of Tompkins County, and recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's office- on fficeon May 16, 1923, in Liber 203 of Deeds, at page 373, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board of Supervisors be, and he hereby is,, authorized and directed to attest the execution of said deed and that the seal .of said County of Tompkins, New York, be affixed thereto. Seconded by Mr. Townsend. . Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. lllr. Pierce offered the following resolution and proved its adop- tion: Resolved—That there be, and hereby is, appropriated, au addi- tional sum of $200.00, as salary for the jail matron for the.year 1.925, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount out of any unappropriated funds in her hands, in month- ly payments, as and of January 1, 1925, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, as and from February 1, 1925„ the sung of $458.26, for the liayrtrent of a night turnkey at the county ,jail, and the County r.Trekasp1.E:r is hereby directed to pays said .unonnt out of 'any unappropriated funds in her hands in monthly payments beginning February 1,- 1.925, and be it further Resolved='That il'. the County 'Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands to pay the above amounts, she is hereby authorized and directed to borrow the sane, or any part t:hercof, with Which to pay the same and to pledge the full faith and credit of the county in payment of the amount so borrowed. Seconded by lllr. Jones. C PROCEEDINGS O!' THE HOARD OF SU1'ExViSoRs Ayes --1.2. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the. following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Iiesolved—That the Committee on Correction and Reformation be authorized t.o make any necessary repairs or alterations to the county jail. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. 'Carried. -Mr. 1 -Powell offered the following- resolution and moved its adoption: \Flnarr ns—The County or Tompkins, New York, in and by vir- tue of a certain gleed made and executed by the Heirs of Edward Mean-, deceased, to the County of Tompkins, bearing .date the llth day of _March, 1912, and recorded in the Tompkins Country Clerk's office on .11arch 12, 1912, in Liber No. o1 Deeds, at page became seized and possessed, and ll'ltr:a.LAs—The People of t -he State of New York, through the Finger .flakes State Parks Commission, are desirous of securing a portion o1 said lands, aggregating 1.78 acres, for the .purpose of The Taughannock Falls Park, as shown on a map thereof., dated October 1, :1924, made he Cat -1 Crandall, Chief Engineer to said Commission, and filed in the Tompkins County Clerk's office on January . 1925. and 1\ IIEtiEAs—The portion of said lands so shown on said map are not nary in the actual use of the County of Tompkins, therefore be it Resolved—That. the Chirruan of the, Board of -Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, New- York, for and on behalf of said county, for and in consideration of the siJ11 of $1.00.00 be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute. seal and deliver t.o The People of the State of NAM' .York, a. warranty deed to said portion of said lands as shorn ori .said above mentioned niap. Upon the filing with the Clerk of this Board of a certified copy from the minutes of a meeting of the Finger lakes State Park Commission, showing the adoption of a resolution hi- .said Com- mission, g'rantnnu' to Tompkins County the Ilse of the spring, and the waters therefrom, from which water is now' obtained for the use or thw'I'onlpl:ias County Tuberculosis .Hospital, so lo -m.;- as said properly, or any portion thereof, is owned by 'Tompkins County, for and as a pant of the. consideration for the transfer by the county of the lands as shown on said map, and be it, further OP TO_M KI S COUNTY, "NEW YORK 7 IZr'solr;a(1-9T1at said deed shall also provide, that in the event that the ]ands shown on said map shall, at any time, be aban- doned by The People of the State of New York, or shall fail to be used and maintained for State Park purposes, said lands shall revert to and again become the property of Tompkins County, and he it further Besot the Clerk ani. this Board or Supervisors be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to attest the execution of said decd and that the seal of said County of '1loanpl:ins, New \ ork, be affixed thereto. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. .Ayes -12. Noes 0. Carried. On motion of, illr. Smiley, action on the construction by the county of a bridge in the Town of Danby, was deferred until the, adjourned meeting to he held On February 16, 1925. 11r. King presented a partial designation of highways in the Town of Enfield for the year 1925, vrhich was received and re- ferred to the Committee on _Highways. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. A11 remembers present, except: Mr. Howell. The Clerk read the following claims, recommended for audit I)y the several committees to which they had been referred : J-1, Treman, King & Co., Supplies, Coll rtIi too $ 51.1.4 2, Ward -Kurz CO., Scaffolding, Ete., Courthouse 1.64.44 ::1, 'Underwood Typewriter Co., Typewriter. Supervisors 62.50 4, Driscoll Eros. & Co., Materials, Courthouse 122:3 5, 1.1 . Patterson, Agent, 1.nslrrance, Courthouse 77.5a(1 6, :Andrus & Chureh, Tax :Receipt .Books, Supervisors�r9). 0 7, Burroughs Adding Machine Co., AIaintenarice to 6/15/25 9.45 8, C. S. 1 -fill, Repairing Ciock, Courthouse 8.00 9, Howell & Howell, Agents, Insnranee, Courthouse139.50 10, Andrus & Church, .Books, .Fte.,-County Treasurer1.08.85 11, 1-1. K. Aiken, 'Pees in Felony, Justice 8.70 ' 12, C. A. Lyes, ,Agent, 1.nstrrancc, County I:[onrc 23.570 13, Bahner b, Squier, Agents, lnsuranee, County Home29.25 14, 9. C. Evans, Expenses, Superintendent. 11igh'o-ays21:3.76 S PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OI' SUPERVISORS 15, '1'reman, Bing & Co., Materials, County Jail 16, Chas. Green, Expenses, Sheriff 1.7, E. T. Stewart & Son, Bnrial Michael Bainbridge 18, Jamieson -McKinney Co., Plumbing, Co. Clerk Bld'g 19; R. A. :Reggie & Co., Repairing Clock, Co. Cleric 20, -Underwood "Typewriter Co., Typewriter, Co. Clerk 21, H. W. Dean, Hauling Sates, Etc., Co. Clerk 22, J. 13. Berson, Board Jurors, Co. Gt. Civil 23, E. Raymond Stanford, Elec. Wiring, Co. Clic B]d'g. 24,.W. L. Jenks & Son, Repairs, Co. Clk. Bldg 25, Driscoll Bros. & Co.. Repairs, Co. Clk. 131d'g 26, Layton Dawes, Ass 'd. W. H. Baker, Trucking, Co. Clerk 27, H. J. Baal Co., Furniture, County Clerk • 28, \Vest, Pub. Co.. [yaw Books; County Judge 29, Chas. IL Brooks, Repairing Clock, County Judge 31, Ralph'H, Carpenter, Removing Snow, Co. Clic Bldg 32. Howell & Howell, Agents. Balance: due on County Treasurer Highway Bond 33, A. C. G -off, Auto -hire, County Clerk 24.30 105.30 75.00 62.46 3.00 77.50 358.37 51.8[1 108.79 72.20 784.48 32.00 18.30 12.00 3.00 21.25 5.11 15.60 $2,793.78 i\[r. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 1Resolved—That the foregoing bi1L5, amounting to $2,793.78, be audited at the various amounts recommended by the several com- mittees, and that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands 1vith which to pay said amounts, she is hereby authorized and di- rected to borrow- the same, or so much thereof as may be neves= sary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of the county for the payment of the amount so borrowed, and that these claims be certified to the County 'Treasurer lay the Clerk of this Board, for and (01 behalf of the Board, and he it- further- h'.esol:zed---That of Claim No..1-16, there. he charged to tin; Town of Newfield the sum of $1.00. to the '1'ow•ai of Ulysses the sum of $5.10, and to the City of .Ithaca the suns of$31.04, that the same may be placed in the tax budgets of those towns and city, to he collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended .for and. on their behalf. Seconded by ?Jr. Patterson. Ayes -12. Noes 0. Carried. OF TOMPK:IYS COUNTY, NEW YORK 9 'E.'he Cleak called the attention of the Board to the fact that no provision had been made for automobile hire for the county for the ensuing year and asked that the contracting for such service be placed in the hands of a committee' of the Board, rather than the: Clerk of the Board. On motion, the contracting for automobile hire roc the county for the ensuing year, was referred to the Committee on Correc- tion and I{eformation, with power. _Mintates or the day's proceedings were read and approved. On motion, adjourned to Monday, February 16. 1925, at 10:30 A. M. 10 PROCEEDINGS O3' TEIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Adjourned Quarterly Session • Monday, February 16, 1925 MORNING SESSION • Roil dill. All Ili embers present. The Clerk read a number of claims which, on motion, were re- ceived and referred to the proper committees. 11r. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: dopr- tion: .t1'Itt:REAs—A. petition haying been presented to the, Committee on Const -y Officers and Compensation, by the Women's Republi- can and Democratic Clubs of Tompkins County, asking that they he permitted to use the county court -house for meeting purposes, therefore be it I4.,.wlverl—That the Women's Republican and Women's Demo- cratic Clubs of Tompkins County, be granted permission to use the court -room of the Count- Court -house Building, for their meetings, at such times as they shall not conflict with county business or terms of court, and be it further ReNolt;erl—That the use and permission herein granted to them, shall be under the control. of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation. Seconded by -Mr. -Whittaker. Carried. Tilr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: nesolred—That Sub -division 2, of the resolution of this Board of April 18, 1924, amending a former resolution of the Board, adopted April 2, 1921, be. hereby amended to read as follows: 2.1n the event of any town failing, for any good reason, to ac- cept. the whole, or any part, of the highways Moneys apprOl riated to it in any one year as State and Count- Aid, and to provide for the payment of its share of the cost of. construction, the moneys so not accepted shall be retained by the County Treasurer to the credit of the town to ‘vhi<,h appropriated, -for additional construe- OE TO_MPKIV'S COUNTY, NEW. YOI-Wi 11 tion by such town curring the next succeeding year, and he it farther Resolved—That if said townrsha]] aril to avail itself of the use - of the moneys daring such additional period, except For good cause shown, said amount Shall be re -appropriated to the General Construction Fund Under the County and Town System or Roads, and be re-o11:1ortioned among the .several towns of the county for construction under said system, and 1:1e it further Resolved—That in all other respects, the resolution of this Board of .Apri1 1.8, 1924, is in all. things hereby ratified and con- firmed. Seconded lio llr. Dassance. Carried. Mr, Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Ii'e oloe(l--That for 1iighway maintenanee under the County and Town System of Roads for the year 1925, there is hereby ap- propriated and made immediately available from the, motor vehi- cle furuls and from the moneys appropriated for the maintenance of highways constructed tinder .the Connt�- arid Town System of Roads, now in the hands of the County Treasurer, to the towns of the county the iollowing•snms, or so much thereof as may be necessary, 1:o those towns respectively, as follows: Carol im $ 468.30 • Dryden 1.5,282.22 Groton 800.00 Ithaca 6,000.00 I1 ansing :3,364,{){) Newfield 200.0{) Ulysses 1:3,1.21.26 and be it further $:39,230.78 Resol.l;erl—That t.11c stuns so appropriated, or so much 1Iiereof as may be necessary, shall constitute the entire cost of 11i into- ntlrcc in each town to which appropriated, and be it further Resolved—That of the ruoney so appropriated, the same shall be expended in the several towns, as follows: CAROLINE 1. For resurfacing 410 feet. on the '70 Road leading Souti1 from Caroling Center f 463.30 12 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BO_ARI) OF SUPERVISORS D YI.rN 1. For resurfacing ,with 4" top; 1.0 mile front Trapp's culvert on the highway leading south and east from McLean to G. 1I. No. 683 • 6,000.00 2. For resurfacing 1.51 miles on the highway leading east and southeasterly from Dryden1'"illage to the Virgil 'i'own line 8,982.22 3. For surface treatment and shoulder work on the Town Line lioad, so called • 300.00 $15,989.92 GROTO\' 1. For surface treatment of 1.0 Mile of the highway lead - from Groton Village to 'West Groton $. 800.00 ITH..ACA 1. For resTir aeing.1.0 mile (2cl) on the Coddington lioad$6,000.00 LANSING 1. For resurfacing with 4" top, 2.800 feet of the highway leading east from Terliening's Corniers to the Dry- den 'Town line 3,164.00 2. For surface treatment on the highway leading north . 'through Lansingville, and the Tcw'n Line Road, so called 200.00 $3,364.00 NE \VFIE1�1) 1. For surface treatment and shoulder work on the De- land-Caynta higlnray $ 200.00 lJ 1,YSSES 1. For resurfacing 11.264 sq. yds. of 12' road leading from Jacksonville toward Taughannock Falls11,521.26 2. For resurfacing 0.20 miles on t.lie highway leading from Trumaansburg to Waterhurg; near washout .1,200.00 3. For surface treatment and shoulder work on the highway leading f rOnl Trumansburg to Water - burg 400.00 $_13,1.21.26 and be it further O1 TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 1.;3 Resolved—That, all cost of maintenance in the several towns, over and above the amounts hereinahove specified and appro- priated, shall be borne by the respective towns, and he it further Resolved—That of the Moneys, so appropriated, the same shall be controlled 'and expended pursuant to the resolutions, rules and regulations adopted by this Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Supervisors of the towns entitled thereto, • tile.anonevs hereinabove appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in the same manner as moneys are paid to the towns for the construction of highways under the County and Town System of Roads. Seconded by ilir. George. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The several supervisors presented the following list of, high- ways for construction in their respective towns under the County and Town System of Roads, for the year 1925: • CAROLINE 1. The highwit y known as the '76 Rod, commencing at the southern terminus nf. the 1.924 construction and leading southerly • toward Coleman's Corners in Speedsville, a distance of 0.95 miles. DANBY 1_. The highway hnown as the Coddingtoa Rond, commencing at the Southern terminus of the 1.924 construction and leading southeasterly to its terminus in the town 'of Danby, a distance of 0.33 miles. 2. The sub -base of the highway commencing on S. II. No. 5213, at South Danby Corners, and leading southerly toward South Danby Church, a distance of 1.06 miles. DRY DEN 1. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway com- mencing at. Station No. 11.6 on the highway leading westerly from Freeyille through \Vest Dryden to the Lansing Town line, and leading thence westerly toward the Lansing Town line at Burr Smith's Corners, a distance of about 1.08 miles. 2. 'l'he highway conunene,ing at the Arestern terminus of the 14 PROCEEDINGS OE' TUE BOARD OF SLfl'ERVISORS above designation No. 1., and leading, westerly toward the Lansing Town line, a distance of 1.11 miles. _ENFIELD 1. The highway known as the .1'4'aIlenbec.k's Corners-Nerifield Town Line Road, commencing at the southern terminus of the 1924 construction and extending to the Newfield 'Town line, a distance of 0.43 miles. 2. The highway commencing at the .Enfield -Ithaca 'Town line- al: I3ornhrook's Corners and leading westerly, a distance of 0.26 miles. GROTON 1. The.highvr•ay commencing at the north terminus of the 1924 construction and leading,westerly to the bridge in Groton City, a distance -of 0.09 miles. 2. The highway commencing at the terminus of the above desig- nation No. 1, and leading thence westerly and northerly to the Cayuga County line, a distance of 1.0 mile. 8. The highway commencing at. West Groton and leading south- erly, a distance of 0.09 miles. 1THACA. .1.. '1'hc.fop course of crushed stone, ete., on the highway com- -mencinnr at the eastern terminus of. the 1.923 construction, and being the completion thereof, and leading thence easterly to T(rurtellott.'s Corners, a distance of 1.0 mile. 2. Tlie highway leading from Tiaanshaw's Corners Schoolhouse, toward Forest Florae, a distance of 0.39 miles. -LANSING- The ANSING The highway commencing at the -west terminus of the 1924 construction on the highway leading from State Route No. 11 to Lake Ridge Station, and leading westerly to Lake 'Ridge Station, a distance of 0.50 miles. • 2. The highway commencing at Steinburg's Corners on C. H. No. 1.676, and leading thence easterly, a distance of 0.70 miles. NEWFIELD 1. The highway commencing at. the west term tins of the, 1.924 OI'' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 15 construction of the higliway leading from Newfield Station to Newfield Village, thence westerly to the Newfield Village line, a distance of 0.12 miles. 2. The highway commencing at, the village line of Newfield Village, near Van I'irk's Corners, and at the south terminus of the highway- to he constructed to said point by other moneys than State and County Aid, thence leading southerly, a distance of 0.8:1 miles. ULVSSf S 1. The highway- connueneiucy at Podunl: Sclroolhouse Corners and leading thence southeasterly 0101 southerly toward Alichacl Terrill's Cor'ner's, a distance of 0.88 miles.• lt.ored by :Air. Patterson, that the foregoing designations of highways, as submitted by the several supervisors of the towns of. the count-, Ile approved by this Board as the highways desig- ualed for improvement tinder the County and Town Sysi in of .Roads for the year 1925. Seconded by \Lr. Miller. Carried. 111'r. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 1i'csol.0cd—That the number nt miles of highway constructed in Tompkins County for the year 1925, shall he the sante as that constructed in 1924 under the Count -t• and Town System of Roads, and apportioned among the several towns as follows: Caroline 0 95 utiles Danby O 86 Dryden .1.65 Enfield 0 69 0 '0100 1.18 Ithaca 0 89 hansing 1.20 Newfield 0 95 Ulysses 0 88 9.25 miles and IK; it. further Kc.tin/Zed—That, the grouping of the towns .shall be the sante as heretofore and the apportionment of highway honeys for con- struction in 1925 shall be the same as in 1924, and be it further 16 PROOF:EI)1\GS OF T!1E: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Re.,:rtlred—That the work of construction and the (Wanner of payments made thereon shall he the same as in 1.924, and be it further Resolved—That for highway construction in Tompkins County for 1925, ander the County and '('own System of Roads, there he and hereby is appropriated and trade immediately available to the several towns of the county: f'.rotn the funds hereinafter indi- cated, the sums set opposite the names of: those towns respective - as follows: . Town State Aid County Aid Motor Vehicle Totals Caroline $ 3,:344.5.1. $ :1,344.81 $ 435.38 $ 7.125.1)0 Danby 3,027.92 3,027.92 391.1.6 6,450.0 Dryden 5.424.46 5.424.46 706.08 . 11.555.00 Enfield 2,429.40 2,429.40. 316.20 5175.00 Groton 3,600.66 3,600.66 468.68 • 7,670.011 Ithaca 2.927.00 2.927.00 :381.00 6.235.00 ]Lansing 3.945.70 3.945.70 5.13.60 5.405.00 Newfield :1,344.S1. 3,844.81 435.35 7.125,00 Ulysses 2,685.24 2.685.24 349.52 5.720.00 T4)tals $30.730.00 $311.730.00 $4,000.00 $65.460.00 and he it further Besot ccd—That all cost of construction in excess of $10.000.00 per mile, shall be borne by the towns. Seconded by Mr. I)assauce. Ayes -12. Noes -1. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION • Roll call. ,111 members present. Mr. _(Diller offered the following. resolution and moved its adop- tion: Ii'r:.:ultreil—That of the additional mileage allotted to the 'Towyn of Ithaca by resolution of this Board d August 13, 1923, the fnl- lowis, highways in said town be designated for improvement under the County and 'i'on's System of Roads, and the same be placed on the County (lap as a part of said system in said town: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK :17 1. The highway commencing at t:he Schoolhouse at Hansharv's Corners .and leading thence soutimply to Forest Ilorne, a distance of :1.0 mile. 2. The highway commencing at a point 0.40 miles.north of 1l.an- shaw's Corners and leading thence northerly to the Lansing Town Line, a distance of 0.50 miles. Seconded by iflr. Patterson. Carried. Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: . Resoiaerl--That, of the additional mileage allotted to t:he Town of Lansing by a resolution of this Board of August 13, 1928, the following highway in the Town of Lansing he designated for im- provement under the County and 'I:own System of, Roads, and the same placed on the County Map as a part: of said system in the Town of .Lansing 1. Commencing at Steinbi.n 's Corners on C. H. No. 1676 and leading thence easterly L0 mile to East Lansing; thence north 1.(1 mile to 'I'ichenor's Corners and thence east :1..0 mile to the Groton 'Town 1Litie. Seconded by11 r.:Patt.erson. Carried. 11r. Patterson called from the table hi.s resolution of .Iannary 19, 1925, relative to the construction of a bridge in the 'I'hwn of Danby. -Mr. Pti,crson asked permission to n'it.hdraw the resolution of- fered by ]rim, relative to the construction of the bridge in ques- tion. There beim; no objection, and with the consent of the party seconding said resolution, permission was granted to withdraw the same. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WitratEns-lt appears to this Board, that a bridge in the -Town of Amity on the so-called George Comfort Road, leading wester - Iv from S. EL \o. 5122 and where said highway crosses Butter- milk Creek, is in a dangerous condition and unsafe I'or traffic, and that the same has been condemned by the State ,Burr+air of Highways, and due notice of such condemnation has been given by said State Bureau of Highways to the proper officials, and 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THF BOARD 01' SUPERVISORS :11'iiEttEAs—Sa.id bridge is situate on a highway constructed, in part. by State and County..Airl, under the County and Town Sys- tem of Roads. and 11'I3LRE!'.As=The,said Town of Danby has neglected and refused to construct said bridge and said highway, on which said bridge is located, has been closed to_traffic by the town superintendent of highways, acting upon the orders o1 the county superintendent of highways, and WHEREAS—The county. superintendent of highways has exam- ined said bridge and has reported to this Board that the same is in 0 dangerous condition and unsafe for traffic, and W"um-ft:As—'this Board considers the highwty whereon said condemned bridge is located, and said bridge, are of sufficient importance that said bridge be constructed or improved and said highway kept open for traffic, as provided by the Highway Law, therefore be it .I4eso/Tea—That said bridge hereinabove described, be con- structed or improved, and at the joint expense of the County of Toutpki)Es'and the Town of Danby therein, and that the portion of the cost of construction or improvement to be borne by the County- of 'Tompkins shall be 1%,- and the cost of construction or improvement to be borne by the Town of Danby shall be 99%, and be it further • Resoloetr—That the county superintendent of highways is here- by directed to prepare, or cause to be prepared, maps, plans, specifications and estimates thereon, and that upon the comple- tion of such snaps, plans, specifications and estimates, the same be submitted to this Board of Supervisors for a1proval. Seconded by lir. Dassance. Carried. • The Clerk read the following claims, recommended for audit by the, respective committees to which they had been referred : J-34, A. I,ePoidevin Co., Inc., :Bal. Soldiers' Memorial.. $1,582.00 35, A. C. Goff, Auto -hire, Sheriff 468.60 36, Dr. J. 11'. :Todd Services, :Tail Physician 32.00 37, Bert T. Baker, Lighting, Motor Vehicle Clerk7.72 38, Atkinson Press, Envelopes, County Clerk 6.00 39, Underwood Typewriter Co., Repairing Machines, County Clerk 29.75 40, Adrian E. Brown, Painting, Etc., Co. Clk. Bldg169.15 i2.29�).22 O1'' TOM PK [NS CO1iNTY-, NEW YORK 19- 111:r. Howell offered the. following resolution a lid moved its adoption: l ozolved—Th0t the foregoing bills, amounting to $2,295.22, be audited at the various amounts recommended by the several com- mittees, and that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pity the sante out of any available funds in her hands, and if the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amounts, she is hereby authorized and di- rected to borrow the sante, or so much thereof as may be neces- san:r, and to pledge the full faith and credit of the county for the payment of the amount so borrowed, and that these claims be certified to the County '.Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the 13oard, and be it further Besolued--That of Claim No. J-25, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the sum of $3.60, to the Town of Danby the sunt of $1.9.00, to the 'Town of Ithaca the slim of $:.18.80, to the 'Town of Lansing the sum of $103.40, to the Town of Newfield the sum of $30.25, to the 'Torn of -Ulysses the sum of $1.6.05 and to the City of Ithaca the stun of $79.20, said amounts being properly charge- able to said towns and city respectively, and that the amounts so charged be placed in the tax budgets of those towns and city, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and on. their behalf. Seconded by \fi. Shaver. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Minutes of the day's proceedings were rend and approved. There being no further bUsitiess to eonie before the meeting, on /notion, adjourned. ?0 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Quarterly Session Monday, May 11, 1925 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk: read ai number of claims, which were received and referred to the proper committees. County Supet•inlendent of 1-1i_h aYs .Evans appeared before the Board relative to the construction of the bridge in the Town of Danby, on the Comfort-.Elyea highway, where said highway crosses Buttermilk Creek. Representatives of- the United Construction Company and the Luton Bridge Company addressed the Board. '_Moved h-- _l Ir. Patterson, that all bids received for the con- struction of the bridge -in question, be rejected. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : - Besot/old—That the resolutions of this Board of ;January 19, and February 16. 1925, relative to the construction_ of a bridge on the Comfort-Elyea highway in the Town of Danby, where said highway crosses Buttermilk Creek, be hereby rescinded. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—The town bridge in the Town of Dans_- oh the so- called'Cnnnfort-.Iialyea -Highway leading westerly from S. IT. No. 5122, and inhere said highway crosses Buttermilk Creek, is in a dangerous condition and unsafe for traffic, and that the same has heretofore been condemned by the State Highway Bureau as being unsafe, and notices thereof were duly given to all the proper officers, as provided by §22 of the Highway flaw ;.and 'V11Ea1 As—The amount necessary to be expended for the con- OF' '1'ON E'KENS COUNTY, NEW YO.ItK. 21 .struct:iort of a new bridge was in excess of the sum of $6000.00, the amount allowed by law for a town board to expend in the con- struction of bridges, unless. authorized by a vote of a town meet- ing ; and 117Earg :As—Upon the written application of the Town Superin- tendent of Highways, duly filed with the Town Clerk of -said Town of Danby, and pursuant to statute, a special town meeting of the qualified electors of said Town of Danby was duly called for the purpose of voting, mi the question or proposition tivlrether the Town of Danby should borrow, on the faith and credit of the town, a sine sufficient to pay for the cost of construction Of said bridge and to issue town fronds in payment or the amount so bor- rowed; and 11'Ht:rrr:As—As a result of such special town meeting, said ques- tion or proposition was defeated, and said '.Town of Danby has neglected and refused to construct said bridge and said highway on which said bridge is located has been closed to traffic; by the town snlitrintenalent of highways, acting upon the orders of the county superintendent of highways; and 11"1azxr;As—The county superintendent of highways, acting un- der the directions of this .Board, has examined said bridge and has reported to this Board that the same is in a dangerous con- dition and unsafe for tragic; and WHEREAS—Said bridge is situate on a highway constructed, in part, by State and County Aid, muter the County and 'Town Sys- tem of Roads, and this Board considers the highway whereon said condemned bridge is located, and said bridge, are of suffi- cient imports nee that said bridge be constructed or improved and said highway kept. open for traffic, as provided by the High- way Law, therefore be it: l?e.solverl—That the bridge hereinahove described, and pursu- ant to §2(i` -?-A, of the Highway Law, be constricted or improved at the joint expense of the County- of '.Tompkins and the Town of Danhv therein, and that the portion of cost- of construction or improvement to he borne by the County of Tompkins shall be 17,, and the portion of cost of construction or improvement to be horns by the Town of Danby shall be 99%, and he it further la'e.ee/t;er!—']']rat the county superintendent of highways is hereby directed to prepare, or 0005; to be prepared, maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost thereof, and that upon the completion of such maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost, they are to he submitted to this Board of Supervisors, for its approval. gn PROCEEDINGS 0V TIIE BOARD OE Siil'ERVISORS Sceondecl by i1.r. Dassance. Ayes—..2. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 11rIiER.Ens—The County of Tompkins, in and by virtue of a cer- tain Gleed made and executed by the Heirs of. Edward Mcany td the County of 'Tompkins, bearing date t:h'e nth day of March, 1912, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Tompkins County 'on the 12th day of.March, 1912, in Book 1.77 of Deecls, at page 534, became seized and possessed of the lands therein described; and ll'IERIEAS—The People of the State nt New York, through the Finger fakes State Park Commission, are desirous of securing a portion of said lands. aggregating 1.75 acres, for. the purpose of The 'Tanghannock Falls Park, as shown on a map thereof dated October 1, 1924, made by Carl Crandall, Chief Engineer t.o said Commission, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Tompkins on the 17th day of January, 1925; and 11'HHEREAs—Said portion of said lands so shown on said map are not now in the actual use of the County of 'Tompkins, now there- fore be it Resolved—That the chairman of: the Board of Supervisors of. the County of 'Tompkins, N. Y., in behalf of said county aiid for the sum of $100,00, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to, execute, seal and deliver to the People of the State of New York, a warranty deed to said portion of said lands as shown on said above mentioned map ; that the clerk of said' Board of Su- pervisors be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to attest the execution of said deed, and that the seal of said County of Tompkins be affixed thereto. Seconded by Mr. Miller. , Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the bond of .1P red" C. Evans, as County Super- intendent of Highways. Moved by Mr. Patterson, that, the bond of Fred C. •Evans, as County Superintendent, of. Highways, be approved by this .Board, bath as to form, manner of execution, and the sufficiency of the surety. (.)I.' T011t KENS COUNTY, NEW YORK 23 Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. -roved by Mr, J=1oweil, that the continuation of the bond of the County Treasurer for highway moneys, be approved by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. 71-r. Patterson offered the following resolution and -Moved its adoption: Resol.a;ed—'That the resolution of this Board aidoarted Febru- ary 1.6, 1925, he hereby amended to read as follows: Resolved—That for highway maintenance tinder the County and Town System of 1loads for the year 1.925, there is hereby ap- 'propriated and made immediately available from the motor ve- hicle funds and from the moneys appropriated for the mainte-; nance of highways constructed. rider the County and `town Sys- tem- 0.l'.Roads, now in the hands cif the County. Treasurer, to the several towns of the county, the following sums respectively, or so much thereof. as may he necessary, as follows: Caroline $ 465.30 Danby • 800.00 Dryden 15,1.82.22 Enfield 800.00 Croton 2.400.00 Ithaca 6,000.00 Lansing 200.00 \ewfield 200.00 Ulysses 13,121..26 .$39,1.68.78 and be it further 1i'esolcerl—Thain, the suers so appropriated, or so much thereof as may he necessary, -shall constitute the entire cost of mainte- nance in each town to n•hich appropriated to be borne by the county; and be it further Re.w)/;etl—That of the moneys so appropriated the sauce shall be upended in the several towns, as follows: CAROLINE 1. For resurfacing 410 feet on the '76 'Road loading south from Caroline Center $ 465.30 24 PROCEEDINGS OF' THE B01\I [) OE SUPERVISORS I)A I3V 1. Icor surface treatment of..1.0 mile on the Comfort- Elyea Road $ 800.00 DRYDEN 1. Fnr resurfacing with 4" top. 1.0 mile froth Trapp's culvert on Ile highway leading south and east from McLean to C. H. No. 68i- 2. For resurfacing .1.51 miles on highway Leading cast and southeasterly from Dryden Village to Vir- gil Town line 3. For surface treatment nn the Ellis Hollow Road 6,000.00 8,932.22 250.00 $15,182.22 ENFIELD 1. For• surface treatment of. 1.0 mile on the highway leading north from Miller's Corners $ 800.00 (1ROTO N 1. For surface treatment of 3.0 miles of the highway leadin!, west from the Groton Village line to- ward West C 1-oton $ 2,400.00 ITHA CA 1. For resnrtacing 1.0 mile (2d) ion the Loddington Road $ 6,000.00 LANSING 1. For surface treatment of the highway leading north through Lnnsingville $ 200.00 N EWFI 1 I.D 1_. For surface treatment and shoulder Work on the De- land-Ciyuta highway $ 200.00 1_; [ASSES 1. For resurfacin, 11,264 sq. yds. of. 12' road leading froto .Jacks•onvillc toward 'I'anghannoek Falls 2. For resurfacing 0.20 miles on the.higlaway leading from Trutuansburg toward 1\'aterburg,• near Ivashout $11.521.26 .1.200.00 01 TOM PEONS COUNTY, 'NEW YORK 25 :1. For surface treatment, and shoulder work on the highway loading from `l'rumansburg to Water - burg and be it further 400.00 • $13,121.26 Resoloed—Tho of the moneys so appropriated, the sante shall be controlled and expended pursuant: to the resolutions, rules and regulations adopted by this 13oarrl, and be it further Re.eolr;crl='d'hat the Count- 'I'roa5urer is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Supervisors o1' the towns entitled thereto, 1 110 moneys hereinabove appropriated, in the same manner as moneys are paid to the towns for the construction of highways ruder the County and Town System of loads. Seconded by Air. Dassance. Ares -18. Noes -0. Carried. _lfr. Smiley, Chairman of .tlie Committee on County Officers and Compensation, reported to the Board relative to the repairs necessary to be made on the courthouse and of conferences had by the committee with Supreme Court Justice, .fames P. Hill, in reference thereto. Ali'. George offered the following resolution and proved its adoption: Resolr;rtr1—That: the report of the Committee on County 011-ieers and Compensations relative to repairs on the courthouse, be ac- cepted and that the committee be authorized and directed to make the necessary repairs on the building, as suggested by Judge Hill and as outlined in the report: of the committee. Seconded by Ali% Pierce. A e.5--:1 1. Noes -0, Carrie' I. The Clerk read the petition or 111e TON'n Bei] r(.1 of the Tovv]t of Lansing, asking; authority to borrow money on the faith and credit of the torn, to aid the t:ovrr in paving it.s share of the cast or construction of county and 'Town 1{nails; prrrsttant. to §320-.l, of 1110 f-1iglnray frau. Mr. (::gorge offered the following resolution and nun -ed its adoption: 26 PROCEEDINGS 01' THE BOAlil) 0L' SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the petition of the Town hoard of the Town of Lansing be granted and that the town be authorized to Borrow, on:the faith and credit of the torn, the sum of $10,000.00, or so much thereof as may he necessary, to pay the town's slutre of the cost, of construction or County and 'l'own Roads-, pursuant to 320-A, of the highway Law, in accordance with the petition of the Town:Board of said town, this clay filed. Seconded by 11_r. Smiley. Carried. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution and -moved its adop- tion; 7a'csoleerl—That designations Nos. S and 9 of highways for con- struction in the Town or Groton under the County and Town Sys- tem of Roads, adopted by •this Board. April ?. 192.1, be stricken from the county map. Seconded by 1tr. Patterson. Carried. 'Mr. Jones offered the following resolution and -mored its adop- tion: 1Zeso1eed—That. the following highways in the Town o1` Croton he .designated for construction and placed on the county map, as highways in said town designated for construction under the Comity and Town System of Roads: S. The highway commencing at the bridge in Groton City and running thence west. and north past Walker Dickinson's, to the Cayuga County line, a distance of 1.0± mile. 9. The highway known as "Cobb Street' commencing at the Unproved 'highway at \Vest Groton and running thence southerly' to Benson's Corners, a distance of 3.0 miles. 10. The highway known as the "Salt, Road" commencing- at C.:11. No. i.433, at St.ickle's Corners, and running thence norther- ly to the Cayuga County line, a distance of 2.0± miles. 11. The highway commencing at the improved highway in the hamlet. of i\10.:eau, running thence northerly to the foot, or Ceme- tery Hill and thence vesteriy to the corner near the Peniff'saaw- nmill, a distance of 0.50± miles. Seconded by lir. Patterson. Carried. County Judge 1Kent appeared before the Board, relative to the noW-1 w enacted at the last session of the legislature, regarding C)I' TOM I'IONS ClIJNTY, NEW 1'01{K• 27 the Judges of Children's Court, and asked the Board to take such action as it deemed fit, regarding fixing the salary of the Judge of Children's Court in Tompkins County. 1\tr. Pierce offered the follow 1n, resolution and moved its aa'lnption : Resoteed—':'hat the salsa- of the Jtulge of -Children's Court in Tompkins County be fixes at the sum of. $1.,500.00 per annum, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount out of any available funds in her hands in the same manner as other salaries.are paid, the first, monthly payment to be made as of liay 1., 1925, andif. the County Treasurer has not sufficientfunds in her hands. ns tiwit.h which to pay said amount, she he and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so mach thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of the county for 1 h Payment of the .511111 so borrowed. Seconded by :Ir. Howell. Ayes -18. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. :Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: nes(M;ei!—Thal as soon as the present laolicies of insurance on motor trucks expire, -the several towns shall thereafter effect all insurance on the irueks allotted to them. Seconded by lir. V'4'hittaker. Ayes -1a:3. Noes—O. Ca [Tied. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. .\11 members present.. The members of the executive committee of the Hoare Bureau Association appeared before the Board, relative to an :additional appropriation to that organization to allow it to carry on the work ON crapped out in its budget, for the year. :Ir. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—':`hat, there be and hereby is appropriated to the Home Bureau Association, an ]additional sunt of $1,000.00, over 25 PROCEEDINGS OIs' THE BOATI) OF' SUPERVISORS and above the appropriation already made to that organization, for the carrying on the work of the organization for the balance of the year, and the County 'Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount so appropriatcd..out of any :available funds in her hands, in the same manner as other payments are made to that organization. Seconded by lir. •George. lyes -11.. Noes -2. Carried. ll embers of the Board of Child 11'clfare appeared before the Board, relative to the necessity of an increase in the appropria- tion made to the Board, by reason of additional assistance neces- sary to he given by it to properly carry on its work. 1\Ir. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: lesolced—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Boast of Child Welfare the suns of $500.00, in addition t.o the $3,{100.00 heretofore appropriated to said board, to properly carry on the work of the hoard for the year, incl the County . Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said additional amoau►t. out of any available funds in her hands, in the sante manner as other moneys are paid to said Board of Child Welfare. Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. 11r. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adopt ion Resotrerl—'That we, the Board • of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. 1".., hereby request the State Commissioner cid Farms and 'Markets to place a night quarantine of dogs in Tmupl:ins Count- during the months of .lane, July, August, September, October and November, from an hour before sundown to an hour after sunrise, during said period, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to forward 0 certified copy of this resolution to Berne A. L vike, Commissioner of .Farms and -Markets of the State of New \' (wk. Seconders by Mr. 1Filler•. Carried. 11r. Shaver addressed the Board, relative to the sale 10 Jesse Or TO.Iif'KI\S COUNTY, NEW YON -K 29 Whipple, of certain lands In the Town of 1)ry lett, near the \ar11a Crossing* and owned by the county. 1.Ir. Shaver offered the . Following resolution and moved its adoption: \Wrrr;ItI::As—'1' Ie County of Tompkins, hy• virtue of at certain deed of (I. Walter 'I'ailhy, Jr., recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's office in look 176 of Deeds, at page 2SS, became seized and ]possessed of certain lands therein. described, in the Town of: Dryden, 'I'ortrpkins County, for highway torr•poses, and WHERr:As—Only a portion Of said lands were so used and the other portion is not in the actual use of 'Tompkins County,. for highway or any tither purposes, an d -WIII,:ot:As-31.r. ;Jesse Whipple; of the Town of I)ryden, has ex- pressed ;r desire to purchase said unused portion, therefore he it li'.e,'oJ.r:crl—'What the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., in behalf" of said county and for the sum of $150.00, be and he hereby is, authorized and directed to exe- eute, seal and deliver to the said Jesse \Whipple, a deed to said portion n1' said lands as are not in use, or required for use, for highway purposes, and that t.hc Clerk of said ;Board of Stiller - visors hc,•and he hereby is, authorized and directed to attest the execution of said deed and that the seal of Tompkins County be affixed thereto. Seconded br \I r. Patterson. :1ye.5-1:1. Noes -0. Carried, Mr. George asked permission to construct 1.40 miles of sub- base on the road commencing at• Steinbnrg's Corners and lead- ing ea.stcrly, designated f,nr const.ruetioit in 1.925, instead of the 0.70 miles of completed highway allotted 10 said 'Town of ..Jan - sing, the top course to be laid and the road emnpleted in 1926. Moved by -Mr. Patterson, that the request be gratt.ed. Seconded byMr. ll`illur. Carried. Moved by lir. Chiller, that. the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be authorized 10 have the chimney on the county clerk's building taken down and the roof painted. Seconded by lir. Pierce, Carried. 30 PROCEEDINGS OF 'TIE BURR]) OF 'SUPERVISORS '1'iie Clerk read the following claims, recommended for audit by the several committees to which they had been referred: • J-41., Tretnan.-tiing & Co., Repairs Co. Jail $ 5.69 42, J. B. Lang Engine & Garage Co., :Elec. Motor. Co. Tail 25.00 43, 'I'. •G.Miller Sons Co., Supplies, Dist. Atty 23.48 44, T. G. Miller Sons Co., Supplies, Sheriff 27.39 45, Norton Prinking Go., Supplies. Dist. Atty 23.25 46, Trentan, King & Co., Repairs, Co. jail 1.1.19 47, Norton Printin,r Co., Supplies. Dist. Atty 52.85 48, P. M. Donohue, Plumbing, Go. Jail 189.1.0 49, Hand Stamp Shop, Supplies, Co. Treas 5.30 50, T. G. Miller Sons Co., Supplies. Co. 'preas 5.75 51., Andrus & Church, Supplies, Co. Treas.17.40 52, Norton Printing Co., Supplies..Go. 'Tea5.00 53, E. S. Preston & Son. Insurance, County Home37.50 54, E. P. .Bouton, Agt., Insurance, County Home.. 23.50 55, E. P. Bouton, Agt., Insurance, Tub. Hospital.. 48.75 .56. Arthur G. Adams, 1nsurance;.County Home47.00 57, Norton Printing Co., Supplies, Surrogate 17.50 58, Norton Printing Co., Supplies, Cote. of Election436.05 59, Norton Printing Co., Supplies, County Clerk 99.00 60, Norton Printing Co., Supplies, Surrogate 14.00 61, Brandow Printwg Co., Supplies, Cum. of .Election 1.6.96 62., C. H. Brooks, Repair. Clock, Surrogate 12.00 63, T. G. _Miller Sons Co., Supplies, Surrogate 28.80 64„1. E. VanNatta, Supplies, Surrogate 51.95 65, Layton Dawes; Carting, County Clerk 8.00 66, P. M. Donohue, Repairs, Co. Clerk Bldg 2.6.1. 67, B. 4. 13oo1 Co., Furniture, Surrogate 9.75 68, Bcrt T. Baker, Elec. light, Motor Vehicle Clerk6.00 69, E. P. Bouton, Agt., Bond Premium, Supt. of High- ways 2.50 70, T. 0. Miller Sons Co.. Supplies, Supt. highways7.90 7.1., P. M. Donohue, Pipe, Spencer -West Danby High- way 1.6.65 72, F. C. Evans, .Expenses, Supt. of 'Highway• 269.27 7:3 H. A. Manning Co., City Directories 63.00 74, Clinton House, Board Jurors, Sup. Ct. Civil 28.00 75, G. B. Clark, Labor, Courthouse 22.00 76, T. G. Miller Sons Co., Supplies, Supervisors 1:3.50 77, J. B. Lang Engine & Gar. Co., Auto -hire, Super- visors 6.00 78, Davis -Brown Elec. Co., Repairs, Courthouse 1.10 79. E. 'Morgan St. John, Com. Expenses, Supervisor.. 34.41 80, W. L. Jenks & Son, Repairs, Courthouse 6.75 81, Trenan, King & Co., Repairs, Courthouse 39.34 S3, F. M. Donohue. Plumbing. Courthouse 1.09.34 OF TOM P NS COUNTS", NEW YOU I:7 31 84. Chas. Green, .Expenses, Sheriff 29.18 85,..P. W. Wood & Son, Trod;; Insurance 217.32 S6, R. l:[..Beard & Sons, Burial Geo. B. Close 75.00 87, Baldwin & Davis, Burial Alice J. 'Robinson 75.00 S8; L. E. Patterson, Insurance, Tub. ]-Hospital48.75 89, Win."'" Baker; County Clerk; Malts 10.00 90, Jesse B. Keeler, Elec. Repairs, Co. Clk. Bldg 39.95 91., Rothschild Bros., Furniture, Courthouse 72.00 92, W. 0..Snailey, Cont. Expenses, Supervisors 30.1!) 61, F..J L. Clock, Expenses and Disbursements 48.1.2 94, J. A. Davenport, Repairs, County Home 11.00 95, The Biggs Co., Motor, County 1 -Tome 19.62 96, Jamieson-Mcic.inney Co., Repairs, County1-tome23.97 97, E. A. Snow, Repairs, County- Home 1.35.50 98, Treman, King & Co., Repairs, Etc., County home 129.07 99, A.. C. Gott, Auto -hire, Sheriff 409.54 100, A. C. Loft Aatto-]tire Coroner 6.18 1(11., F. M. Jenks, Extracting Teeth, Jail inmates 4.00 $3,247.92 7ii'. I -low er offered the following resolution and moved its . adoption: Uesolved—'.]'hat the foregoing hills, amounting to $3,247.92, be audited at the various amounts recommended by the several com- mittees, and that the County 'Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, she is hereby authorized and directed to borrow the sante, or so hutch thereof as may he necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of the county for the payment of the amount so borrowed, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, and on behalf' of the Beard, and he it further Nesolved—That the County Treasurer pay Claim No. ;1-71., out the fund appropriated for sectoring rights of way; That of Claim No.' J-84, there be charged to the Town of Lansing the stun of $3.58; That of Claim No. J-99, being for sheriff's expenses, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the sum of $7.48, to the Town of .Danby the stun or $18.22, to the Town of Dryden the stmt of $16.44, to the Town of Infield the stun of $7.65, to the Town of Croton the stns of $24.08, to the Town of Ithaca the sunt of. $28.56, to 1110 Town of Lansing the suet of $141.91, to the Town of New- field the sum of $8.17, to the Town of Ulysses the sum of $1.4.93, ant. to the City of Ithaca the sunt of $x;1.69; that of Claim No. ;1-8:5, being for iatsurance on motor trucks, there be charged to the 'I'nwn of Caroline .the stun id' $26.51. to the Town of Dryden 32 1'HOGEEDINGS Oh THE BOARD OP SUPER VISORS the stint of $13.25, to the Town of Enfield the stun of *1.1.5, to the Town of Groton the stun of $55.42, to the Torre of Ithaca the snip of $4-7.81, to the 'Powe of Lansing the sero of. $12.17, and to the Town of Newfield the sum of $20.21, said sutras being properly chargeable -to said towns and city, and that the amounts so charged be placed in the tax budgets of those towns and city, to be collecte l at the nest ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and in their behalf. Seconded by i\IIr. Shaver. Ayes -1. Noes 0. Carried. The minutes of the days proceedings were read and approved. There being no further business to Colne l.icoLre the meeting, on motion adjournl. OP T011P.KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 33 '1'o Fred L. Cock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. We, the undersigned members of t]1e.Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., hereby request you to call a special session" of said :Board, to ]ie held at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca., N. Y., on'Thurs(lay, July 16, 1925, at 10:30 A, TL, to take action on the construction of a bridge, by the county, in the Town of .Danby, to transact. highway business and take action on any other matters t]iat; may properly conte before said Board. Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., ;Tilly 6, 1.925. 1. M. 'I'01VNSEND, AV. F. GEOR(E, A113ERT )ASSANCE, LESLIE R. PTE]CE, 11. A. -V ]l ITTAKER, 1). VAN ORDER, JIR.., J. W. JONES, W. 0. SH LE Y, L. E. PA'TTER•SON, W.:1. SHAVER, S. L. 1-I OWELL, E. MORGAN ST. J0] -IN. Special Session Thursday, July 16, 1925 Roll cal]. :111 members present.. The Clerk read the call for the special session. 14f.i'. George offered the :following resolution and moved its adoption: \V131IrJAs—.ft, appears from the :Printed 'Proceedings of this. Board I'or 1924, that on April :1S, 1924, designation No. I, of, high- ways to be constructed under the County and Town System of Roads, for the 'Town• of Lansing, said designation having been adopted April 2, .192.]., bras rescinded and i:haat said ]highway was stricken from the county map, and 34 PROCEi i NGS 01:' TIIE BOARD 0 SUPE RVISONS li't[tatEAS—lt writs not, the intention of this Board to rescind t.lh_ designation nor to strike the highway in question from the county map, but that it did intend to rescind and to strike fr1on the county map that part of designation No. 4, as follows: Com- mencing at Drake's Corner's, on the highway leading north from l.Lansingyi1le, thence westerly to State Route No. 11, near Lake Ridge, a distance of. about, 3.0 miles; therefore be it Resalima.—'That the action taken by this Board on April 18, 1924, relative to said highway, be hereby rescinded, and he it further Resofi;c;d—That that part of designation No. 4, of highways to he constructed under the County and 'Town System of Roads, for the Town of Lansing, adopted by this Board April 2. 1921, com- mencing at. Drake'; Corners; on the highway leading north from I:;;ursingyillc, thence westerly to State Route No. 11, near the hamlet of hake Ridge, he hereby rescinded and that the same be stricken from the county trap. Seconded by 'Mr. Patterson. • Carried. The Clerk read a claim of Mr:Harry AV. Patterson, for *827.87. for building a cattle pass and for providing 0 water supply on S. & C. Highway No. 683, now being reconst.rueted in the T'ow'n of Dryden. 11.r•. Shaver offered the, followintr resolution and mowed its adopt ion : He.cofued---That there be and hereby is appropriated, and Hurtle immediately available, the sunt o1 $827.87. to pay the claim of harry W. Patterson for cattle pass awl extra work on the Dry- den -Cortland Flighway, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order at this time for said amount, payable to said harry W. Patterson, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any available funds in her hands, and if the County .Treasurer. has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount, she is hereby authorized and directed to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may he necessary,' and to pledge the full faith and credit of the County of Tompkins for the payment of the amount, so borrowed. Seconded by Mr. 1•iowell. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. - 'Phe Cleric read the petition of Messrs. Miller and 1Voodling, for a bearing- on. 00 appeal from the award of the Assessors of OF TO11:I'RINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 35 the 'Town of Danby, for injuries to sheep, caused by dogs in that town, Moved by Air. Shaver, that the matter be rererred to a cornmit- f:ee of three, to be appointed h' the Chairman, to heer the evi- dence in 'the matter and .on any appeal from any supplemental claim hereafter made, and report its findings to this Board. Seconded by Mr. :Townsend. Carried. The Chairman appointed as the members of such committee, Alessrs. Shaver. AVliittal;cr and .King. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, the stun of $700.00 for inel and light ror county buildings in the City of 'Ithaca, for the balance or the fiscal year. Seconded by i11.r. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the 'Town of Groton, asking riuthorit.y to Marrow money to aid the 'Town in playing its share of the cost oi: construction of highways, pursu- ant to §320-A, of the Highway La w. Mr. Jones offered the rollow'ing resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That, the petition of tho'Town Board of the Town of Groton be. granted and that the town be authorized to borrow the sum of $5,000.00, or so much" thereof as may be necessary, to aid the town itr paying its share or the cost of improvement, of: high- ways constructed in said town under the provisions of §320A, of the•1-Tighwav Law. Seconded by l\ir. Smiley. Carried. _Alr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—The appropriation of {;800.00, made by this lard on May 11, 1925, to the Town int' Danby for maintenance of high- ways, was for one mile of highivay on the Comfort-hlvca Road, and 36 PROCEEDINGS Or THE BOARD O}•' SUPERVISORS \Vi EREAs—The amount of ]highway to which maintenance should be given is 1.55 miles, therefore be it 1i°esnl i:ecl—:That there be and hereby is appropriated to the TOW/1 of Danby, the additional sum of $291.3S,' for maintenance of the additional mileage necessary to be maintained on said road, and be it further Resolved—That the amount so ;appropriated shall be controlled and expended and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay said amount, in the sane manner as other moneys are controlled, expended and paid for maintenance of highways constructed under the County and Town System of Roads. • . Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. -Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the 'Committee on Correction and Reformation be authorized to procure the necessary strengthening of the cells and properly fix the locks and levers in the county jail. Seconded by ?1i'. Smiley. Carried. The Clerk read the report of the State Commission of .Prisons, relative lo an inspection of and conditions at the county jail, which was filed. _ County Superintendent of Highways Evans, appeared before the Board and submitted maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost of a steel truss, plate girder and concrete arch bridge, for the bridge to be constructed on the Comfort-Elyea IIighway, where it crosses Buttermilk Creek, in the Town of .Danby, which were filed. • Moved by lfr. Shaver, that the maps, plans, specifications and estimates o1' costs, as filed, be approved by this Board and that the same be referred to the Committee on Highways to examine and report to this Board its recommendations as to the better type of bridge to •be constructed. Seconded by \Ir. Pierce. Ayes -1.5. Noes—O. Carried. A majority of the members of the Committee on.11ighways, OIC' TO1tI'KILNS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 37 after having examined the maps, plans, specifications and esti- mates of cost, reported that they recommended the construction of a concrete arch bridge at the place in question. Moved by 111r. George, that the majority report of the commit- tee, with_ its recommendations, be accepted and adopted by the Board. • ,Seconded by ii\ir. 'Townsend. Ayes—Messrs. Patterson, George, Dassance, Townsend 4. Noes ---Messrs. Whittaker, Smiley, ShR:vcr, King, Jones, Miller, Van Order, Howell, fierce -9. The Chairman declared the report:, of the committee, with its recommendations, rejected. 1VIr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: l\rrrr.rt.As—'Phis Board, by a resolution duly adopted May 11, 1925, provided for the construction of a bridge in the Town of Danby, Tompkins Comity, N. Y., at the joint expense of the Coun- ty and Town, said bridge being situate on the County and Town Highw=ay known as the Comfort -Ely -ea Road, where said highway crosses Buttermilk Creek, according to the, provisions of §262-A, of the Iiighway law, and directed the County Superintendent of Highways to prepare, or cause to be prepared, maps, plans, speci- fications and estimates of cost for said bridge, and to submit the same to this Board, a.ncl \VnnEREAS—The County Superintendent of Highways has pre- pared, or caused to be prepared, such maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost of three types of bridge, viz: a steel truss, plate girder and concrete arch, and submitted the same to this Board for its approval, therefore be it Resolved --'.that the maps, plans and specifications for the plate girder and concrete arch bridges to this Board submitted, be and hereby are approved, and be it further IiesoI ved- -That this Board hereby authorizes and directs the Clerk to advertise, in the name of the Board, for bids for the con- struction of a plats girder and concrete arch bridge at the place herein designated, according to the wraps, plans and specifications 1:or both of those types of bridge, this clay filed. 38 • I'ROCEED]\GS 0]' THE BOARD Oh' SUPERVISORS . Seconded by Mr. . Smiley. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the fol}oven r resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That; the resolution of this Board of February 16, 1925, relative to permitting the use of the courthouse for other than eointy business, be hereby rescinded, and be it further Resolved—That hereafter, the use of the courthouse for other than court purposes;; or the use of state or county officials, is hereby prohibited, and the. County Sheriff is hereby directed to enforce this rule, and be it further - Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to serve a certified copy of this resolution on the County Sheriff. Seconded by \Cr. Pierce.. Carried. 1'Iinutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved. There being no further business to cone before the Board, on motion, adjourned. 0E TO1iPKINS COUNTY, NEW -YORK 39 - Quarterly Session Monday, August 10, 1925 MORNING SESSION Roll coil. X111 members present. The Clerk reed numerous claims, which were received and re- ferred to the proper committees. Dr. I'C.eith Sears, representing the Board )l[anagers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, appeared before the Board relative_ to the necessity of an additional appropriation for the maintenance of the Tuberculosis I-Iospital for the balance of the fiscal year. _Mr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : • Iiesnlr od—That there be and hereby is. appropriated the addi- tional sum of $8,000.00, or so much thereof as naay he, necessary, for maintenance of the 'Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital for the balance of the fiscal yelar, and the County- Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount, or so much thereof" as may be necessary, at the same times and in the some manager as other ap- propriations -for the maintenance of said hospital have hereto- fore been made - Seconded by 11_r. 1Iovvell. Ayes -13. Noes 0. Carried. Mir. _i. S. killer, as representative of the I3oard on the Commit- tee :for the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, addressed the Board on the work beim dome in the county and the advisability of an additional appropriation for the carrying' on the work more rapidly, and offered the following resolution and mover) its adop- tion : leesolr;etl—That there be and hereby is appropriated the addi- tional sum of $1,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, to expedite the work in the eradication of bovine tuberculosis in Tompkins County, and. the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount„ or So angels thereof as may be necessary, in 1:hs, sauce manner as the xlalnropriation heretofore made by _this Boa rd for,said work was directed to be made. 40 PBOCEEUINGS OF' TICE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS Seconded by ?Ir•. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. l'he County Treasurer, having reported a. deficiency in the fund necessary for fuel and light For the balance of the fiscal year, Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—`.That there be and hereby is appropriated the addi- tional sum of $1,00.00 for fuel and lights for.the county buildings in the City of Ithaca; for ,the balance of the fiscal year. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -1.3. Noes—O. Carried. Tdr. Smiley, Cht:irnran of the committee having charge of the alterations and repairs at the court -house, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: I esoiaed—That there be and hereby is appropriated, the slim of $6,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the nec- essary alterations and repairs at the court -house, and the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to issue orders for the payment thereof: from time to time as the work pro resses, on the written order of the supervising architect, countersigned by the commit- tee having the work .in charge, and the County Treasurer is here- by directed to pay said orders out of any available funds in her hands, and if the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her. ]rands with which to pay said orders, or any part thereof, she is hereby authorized and directed to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as niay be necessary, on the credit of the county and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins Coi:u:ty for the payment of the amount so borrowed. Seconded by Mr. Dassanee. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of. Danby, asking authority to borrly money to aid the town in pay- ing its share of the cost of construction of highways, pursuant to §32{)-A, of the !Highway Law. iitr. Smiley offered the following resolution and mored its adoption: Resolved—'.That the petition of the 'Town Board of the Town of Danby be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow OI TOM INS COUNTY, NEW 1OHK. 41 the sum of *2,000.00, or so laugh thereof as may be necessary, to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of construction of highways in said town, under the provisions of §320 A, of the Fhghwa'y .Law. Seconded by Mr. A hittaher. Carried. • The Clerk read the petition of the Town. Board of the Town of Newfield, asking, leave to borrow moneys to aid the .town in paying its share of the cost of improvement of highways, in ac- cordance with the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway Law. 11Ir.`Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 1i',esoi.ced—That: the petition' of the Town Board of the Town of Newfield be granted and that the town be authorized to bor- row the sum of *2,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of construction of highways in said town, under the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway haw, according to the petition of the Town Bonn! of said- town, this day filed. Seconded by i\tr. Patterson Carried. 1\ir. Shaver, Chairman of the special committee to, hear the appeal of Messrs. Miller and Woodling from a.n.award made for injuries to sheep caused by dogs, rendered the following report of the committee ; To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, New York: Your committee, halving been appointed on July 16. 1.920, to hear the appeal of Messrs. Miller and •1Voodling from an award made by the Assessors of the Town of 1)anby for injuries to sheep caused by clogs, to take the evidence on such appeal and on any appeal from any supplementary claim made; having examined nrimerots witnesses, both for the claimants and the assessors, and believing that the claimants Svere damaged to 00- amount greater than was known to the assessors at the time they trade their award, and that such additional damage is the stun of $52.00, in addition to the surd of 08.00 awarded 1)v the, assessors, making a total damage of every nature of *110.00, and your committee reeommends the allowance by this Board of such additional situ and the adoption of the following resolution: 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS liesoi ed --That this Board award to Messrs. Miller and Wood - ling the stun of $52.00, in addition to the sum of $58.00 already awarded to thein by the Assessors of the Town of. Danby, as full award for all damages to said sheep caused by dogs, and that the Clerk be directed to draw an order on the County Treasurer, , payable to Messrs. hiller and Woodling for the stun of $110.00, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same" out'of the moneys in the dog fund. - Dated; August 10, 1925. WM. J. SHAVER, O hE N A. KING, 1-1. A. \V1-I:1'N1`AKER. Committee. Moved by _Mr. Shaver, that the report of the committee be accepted and the resolution adopted. Ayes ---13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk red a communication from the State Bureau of Highways, relative to the county taking over certain State and County Highways for maintenance in the fritnie, which 'was referred to the Committee on Highways to investigate and report . at the annual session of the Board. The Clerk opened the proposals for the construction of the bridge on the Comfort-Elyea 'Highway in the 'Town of 1)anby, which were as follows : Listen I rEd e Co., Concrete arch bridge :x;5,750.00 Filling • 984.00 • $9.034.00 United Construction Co., Plate girder bridge $6,834.00 .li'ondations and floor *2,00.00 $9.034.00 On notion. the bids were referred to the Committee on High- ways to examine and report to the Board. r On motion, adjourned to 2 P. Al.. {).h' TO11P.KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 43 AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. ?loved by :Air. Shaver, that. the Committee on Charities be anthorim(1 to purchase arid install. proper and necessary beating apparatus and hot water heater at the Comity Home.. Seconded by Mr. 1 -Jowell. Carried.. - Mr. W. I. Patchen appeared before the Board relative to alleged damages to propery in the Town nl'. Danby, caused by the constriietion of the West Danby -Spencer Highway. Moved by Mr. Dassance, that the Chairman appoint a com- mittee of three to investigate and report on the matter to this Board. Seconded by i\ir. Miller. Carried. The Chairman appointed a S with eonunittee, i\Tessrs..Dassance- Shaver and Jones. Mr. Patterson, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, to ��lri.eh was. referred the bids on the construction of the bridge in: the Town or Danby, reported than a majority of the cominittee vVaa in favor of the erection of a concrete arch bridge on the Comfort -Ely -ea :I-Iighway, where the same, crosses Buttermilk Greek, in t.lie Town of .Danby. l.Ioveil by ll.r. hiller, that the report of the committee he - aceepted and that a concrete, arch hi•idgc be erected on said road at.the place indicated. . Seconded by 1'Ir. Patterson. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following. resolution and moved its adoption: - 1'1"raEi?.t,n5—This loaned, by a resolution duly adopted May 11, 1]25, provided .for tho construction of a bridge on the C(nnfort- Elyea higlnl-.ay, where said highway crosses Buttermilk Creek, in the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, N. Y., at the mint expense of the county and said Town of .Danby, under the pro- visions of §262-.1, of the Highway- La IV, and directed the County- Sn1 l intendent, of Highways to submit maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost of a bridge at the point hereinbefore Allen - ti On ed, men-tinned, to this Board for its approval, and .44 I'ROCEE':DINGS OF THE BOARD OP. SUPERVISORS \\ nEREAS—The County Superintendent of Highways 'submitted such reaps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost to this Board by a resolution duly adopted July 16, 1925, and 'WE1EREAs—This Board, by a resolution duly adopted July 16, 1925, authorized and directed the Clerk of, this Board to adver- tise, in the name of 'the Board, for bids for the construction of said bridge, according to the malas, plans, specifications and esti- mates of cost so filed and approved, and WitEREAs--The Clerk of this Board did so advertise for bids for the construction of said bridge, as directed, in accordance 1vit,F1 the provisions of §1.30 of the Highway Law, by publishing the notice for bids for two successive weeks in the Ithaca Journal - News, a newspaper published at the City of Ithaca, which is the county seat of Tompkins County in which said highway is located, and.for two successive weeks in the Groton Journal -Courier, a newspaper published within the County of Tompkins, and W m:in:As—The bid of the Luten Bridge Company, Inc., for the construction of a reinforced concrete -arch bridge. at the point hereinbefore mentioned, for the sum of $8,750.00, with the further agreement fo make the fill over the arch for the additional suis of $234.00,- making a total of $9,034.00, is the lowest and, to this Board appears, the most advantageous bid received, therefore be it Resolved—That pursuant to the provisions ol'. §320-.A, of the Highway, Law, a reinforced concrete -arch bridge be constructed on the Comfort-Elyea Ilighway where said highway crosses But- termilk Greek in the Town or Danby, at the joint expense of the County of Tompkins and the Town of Danby therein, in accord- ance With the maps, plans, specifications and estimates therefor, heretofore approved by this Board and that the contract for the construction thereof be awarded to the Tauten Bridge Company, Inc., of York, Pa., for -the .suer of .$8;750.00, lrith the additional stun of $284:00 for making the fill over the arch, making n total of $9,034.00, and that the Chairman of this Board be and he here- by is directed to execute a contract with said Luten Bridge Com- pany, Inc., for the construetio l of said bridge ati hereir]hcfore specified, fon and on behalf or the county, and he it further Ilesolucd--That the said Lutea Bridge Company, Inc., shall execute a bond, providing for the faithful performance of its work according to the terms of the contract, which said bond shall be approved by the Chairman of this Board, according to the.pt°ov siotis of 0130, of the _Highway Law, Mid it further OP TOMP.KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK, 45 h'csolt;er'l—'That the amount Of the cost .of construction of said bridge to be borne by the county ;shall be 1% and the amount of the cost of construction to be.borne by the Town of Danby shall be 90%, and be it further .kesolecd—That the County 'I'reasrirer he and hereby is directed to -pay the sum of $9,034.00 to the said Logen Bridge Company Inc., according to the terms of the contract this day made, pur- strant to the provisions of §262-.A, of the Highway Law, and if the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount,, or any • part thereof, she is hereby authorized and directed to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may lie necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit, of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount, so borrowed, and said runount is hereby appropriated for that pur- pose, and be it further Resolved—That of all the moneys so paid out by the County . 'T'r'easurer, on orders for the construction .01` sold bridge as here- inbefore specified, she be and hereby is directed to charge _99% thereof to the said Town of Danby, the same to be financed by said town to reimburse the conniy for moneys paid out for and on behalf of said town. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -11. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, as recommended by the several committees to which they had been referred: 3 -1.02, The Homo Ins. Co., Ins. Co. Home & Tuber. Hasp.$ 61.88 103, Liverpool, London & Globe Ins. Co., Ins. Co. 140100 16.20 104, Sterling Pire Ns. Co., .Ins. Tuber. Ilosp. 24.38 105, Frank Ellis, Auto -]Tire, Tuber. Hosp. 8.80 106, R.. G..Brillhart, Auto -hire, 'Tuber. Hosp. 9.75 11.07, Layton Dawes, Trucking, Tuber. TTosp, 6.00 108, Robinson & Carpenter, Materials, Tuber. I1osp7.76 109, The Biggs Co., Materials, Tuber. Hosp. 2.16 1.10, Henry N. Ogden, Professional Services, Tuber. :Hosp. 13.01) 111 C. L. Bower,- Ass'd F. L. Clock, Auto -hire, Tuber. Hosp.. 4.00 11.2, Thos. Donohue, Ass'd F. L. Clock, Labor, Tuber. Hosp. 23.40 113, Wm. Appleby, Ass'd F. .L. Clock, Labor, Tuber. 1-Iosp. 36.50 40 PROCEEDINGS OF TILE BOARD OF SUPER VISORS 114, Jar:res Gifford, Ass'd F. T.. Clock, Labor, Tuber. I losp. 86.50 115,• American Central- .[ns. CO., lnsru•auee, '1'nber. 13osp. 16.`25 1.1.6; The Home Ins.. Co., .insurance, Co. Home12.00 117, Ohio Framers' Ins. Co., Insurance, Co. Hoare117.88 118; E. A. Snow, Labor road Materials, Co. Home, Bal- ance clue 142.94 519, West Publishing Co., Law looks, Surrogate 8.00 120, The Corner Bookstores, Stationery, Go. Judge34.55 121, Tine-a-tinie Co.. Machine, Co. Glerlc 36.00 122, J. 13. Herson, Board .Jurors, Sup. Ct.. Civil 31.50 123; Chas. Painter, Truck and Labor, Co. Gik. BIdg3.00 124; A. C. Ilyers, Roof -paint, Co. C. Bldg. 1.5.00 lk 125, C. J. Rumsey & Co., Repairs, Co. Clk. Bldg36.28 126, Norton Printing Co.. Blanks, etc., Co. Clerk 46.65 127, Norton Printing Co.. Election Printing and Sup- plies, Corn. Elec. 64.00 :128, Norton Printing Co., Blanks, Surrogate 46.00 129, Hand Stamp Shop, Stamping Machine, Co. Clerk 8.50 1.30, Underwood Typewriter Co.. Repair Machine, Co. Clerk. • 1.00 131, Hall & McChesney, Record Book, Surrogate 38.00 132, Hall & McChesney, RRecord Books, -Co. Clerk- 1.44.00 133, Hall & McChesney, Record Books, Co. Clerk 320.00 134, Atkinson Press, Printing, Co. Clerk 12.00 135. _Atkinson Press, Blanks, Surrogate 37.00 1.36, Wm. Ben_ nett. Ass'd F. L. Clock, Labor, Co. Clk. Bldg- 1.5.00 137, 9'. 7. Crowley, Election Printing. Com. of Election 53.00 188, T..1. Crowley, Election Printing. Cont. of Election 34.50 139, Stover Printing Co., 'Stationery, etc., Supervisors 84.40 140, Stover Printing Co., State and county fax bilis, •'1'ax Ex !lenses 69.80 • 141, Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Maintenance, 1.2/1.5/25, Supervisors• 9.45 142, Treman. King & Co.. Materials and Repairs, Courthouse 11.22 , 143, Fred L. Clock; Expenses and Disburseruents Supervisors 30.60 144, Stover Printing Co., Printing, Co. 'Teas. 32.60 145, Andrus & Church, Book, Co. Treas. 1.0.85 146, Keystone Envelope Co.. Envelopes, Co. 'Teas7.40 147, E. T. Stewart & Son, Burial Harrison hl.atfield, Pensioner 75.00 1-48, Frank Ellis, Aitto-lire; 1.1.25 149, Stover Printing Co., Printing, Supt. Highways1.1.00 150, Fred C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. Highways 546.30 Oa' TOAM:INS COUNTY, NNW YORK 47 151, E.lnrrn.7d A. Parks, Jr., Labor, Right of way. . 1.59, A. G. Goff, Auto -hire, -Highway Officials 153, Dorman G. _Rayner Co.. Disinfectants, Co. Jail 154, R. 11. Berry, Services, Dist;, A.tty. 155, 1). 1i. Stewart & Go., Supplies, Go. Jail 156, Stover Printing Go., Printing, Dist. Atty 157, Dr. Esther Parker, Professional. Services, Jail • .Inmates 1.58, J. B.. king Co.. Washing Machine, Go. ,Tial 160, Treoran, King & Go:, Labor and Material, Go. Jail 161, Trernan, King & Go., Supplies, Go. Jail • 162. Royal .Insurance Co., .Insurance, Go. Jail 163, A. C. t o17, Auto -fare, ,Sheriff 164, A.G. Goff, Auto -hire, Coroner 165, S. 11. Tisdel & Go., Keys and Repairs, Court -house 166, Wm. P. George, Expenses, Supervisor 167, .Dr. J. Judd, Services, Jail. Physician 168, Chas. Green, Expenses, Sheriff 169, E. 111:. Perkins, 13urial Oliver J. Durling, Pensioner 1.8.00 98.25 33.75 2.50 28.45 9725 4.00 112.50 89.75 16.55 23.25 774.62 2{9.00 7.75 27.08 62.00 14.75 75.00 $3,869.70 1-1owe11 offered 1.116 following resolution and moved its adoption: i esoiec i—'I'hat, the foregoing. claims, amounting to the sum of $3,8613.70, bo audited by this Board at the several amounts recom- mended by the committees to which they had been referred, and that the County 'Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and if she has riot sufficient 1`.inids in her hands with which to pay the same, she be and thereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and 1-0 pledge the full faith and credit of the county for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, and thaat these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board, anti be it farther Reso(vec!—Tl1at the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claiius Nos. 3-102, 103, 104, 1.15, 11.6, 11.7, and 162 out of moneys appro- priated for insurance on county buildings; that she pay Claim No. J-151. out of moneys appropriated ,for securing rights of way, and that -of Claim No. J-163, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the sum of $9.46; to the Town of Danby the suer of $50.70; to the Town of Dryden the sura of $30.56; to the 'Town of Enfield the sum of $34,65; to the Town of. Groton the sum of $131.33, to the Town of Ithaca the sum of $18.32; to the Town of pausing the sum of $:107.137; lo the Town of Newfield the soni of 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD Oh' SUPERVISORS $25.56; to the Town of Ulysses the sum of $86.59, and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $126.72, said amounts as Herein charged be- ing properly chargeable to said towns and city respectively, and that said amounts so charged, be placed in the budgets of the re- spective towns and city, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse. the comity- for moneys expended for and on behalf of said towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -1a. Noes 0. Carried. Minutes. of the days proceedings were read -and approved. There being no further business to conte before the meeting, on motion, adjourned. 1 {.)V TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW TORT 41 'Quarterly Session Monday, November 9, 1925 Roll call. all members present. 'Che Clerk rend it nusr)ber of. claims, -ivbiclr were received and referred to the proper committees. The Clerk read an invitation from the -American Legion, Ithaca Post No. 221, to attend the memorial services ori Armistice Day, November 11. . Moved by 1\tr. Pierce, that the invitation be accepted and that the members of the Board attend the services in a body. Seconded by Mr. Jones. Carried. •The Clerk read a communication from the State Engineer and Surveyor, which Ivas filed. Mr. hiller offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: W1n R.EAs—Through error, the estimate of the amount neces- sary to pay the assistants in the County Clerk's office for the fis- cal year ending December 31, 1925, was inadequate, therefore be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the addi- tional sum of $3,000.00, or so much thereof: as may be necessary, as salaries for assistants in the County Clerk's office to the end of the fiscal year, December 31, 3.925, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount, or so much_ thereof as may be necessary, as salaries of said assistants have heretofore been paid, and if. the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in her bands with which to pay said amount, or any part thereof, she is hereby authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may he .necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed. Seconded by M.r. fierce. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: ' 1•ROCE1?PINGS OI T11E BOAR OF SUPERVISORS 11'Irratz,rs—`l'his Boaassumed, when it appropriated moneys for the rnaint elm nee of highways .for the year 192a. by resolution adopted Nay 11, 1925, that. the highway known as the 'Town Line Road, leading from Terpening's Corners easterly in the towns of Lansing. Dryden and Groton, through Pcrnville to 0. Ii. No. 926, was to be maintained by the State, and li'Irr•:R-i s—It now appears that the maintenance o1 said high- way has still to be done by Tompkins Count-, therefore be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated and made immediately available from the motor vehiele Funds and from the moneys appropriated for the maintenance of highways con- structed under the County airrl Town System of Roads, noir- in the hands of the County Treasurer, to the respective towns, the following additional suers, or so nodi thereof as may be neees- . stay, as follows: Dryden $ 950.00 Groton 1.350.00 -Lansing 600.00 $2,900.00 and be it further fi,esoltwl-----That of the moneys so appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the sante shall he expel -idea in the several towns as follows: ?. DRY 1) E Fin• repairs and shoulder work on the Town bine Road from the Lansing' Town line to Perrn•ille Sehoolhouse on 0. II. No. 926 551100 . For repairs and shoulder work on the Town Line Road from Perurille Schoolhouse on 0. 1:1, No. 926, toward the hamlet -ofMcLean100.00 GR0T0\ 95(1;00 1. For repairs and shoulder wort: on the Toren Line Road from the Lansing Town. Line to Peruville Schoolhouse. on C. I1. No. 926 * 650.00 2. For repairs and shoulder work on the 'four Line Road from Peruvillc Schoolhouse on 0. II. No. 926, through the hamlet of McLean 700.00 $1,350.00 01TC)3IPK1NS COUNTY, N YOR 51 LA.N SII.NG For repairs and shoulder Nvorlt on the 'Town Line Road leading easterly from 'Perpcning's C0r11er5 to the Dryden Towyn line $ 600.00 and he it further Iic. olveri--`i'httt of the moneys so appropriated, the some shall be controlled and expended according to the resolutions, 'tiles tori regulations adopted by the Board, and be it. further Brisofeed—That the County '..l.`rea ttrer is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Supervisors of the towns entitled thereto, the moneys hereinabove appropriated, in the same manner as moneys are paid to the ton -ns for the construction of highways ander the County and Town System of. 1 -t=oads. Seconded lay. 1'I r. Shaver. Ayes -1::3. Noes il. Carried. :11r. "filter addressed the Board relative to the necessity for an additional appropriation for the eradication of bovine tuber- culosis, and offered the following resolution and removed its adop- tion: Res0lued—'Phial: there he and hereby is appropriated the addi- tional stun of $500.00, or so much 110001' as may he necessary, for 11e purpose of carrying on the work. of the committee on eradication of bovine tuberculosis for the balance of Lire year 1925, said moneys to be paid rand expended hi the same manner as the approln'itrlion made for That: purpose on December 2:3 1924. Seconded hy- i\Ir. George. Ayes --1:3. Noes -0. Carried, The Clerk read the petition of Mae Tn1Cn .f;oard of the Ton -n of Lansing, asking' leave to borrow money on the faith and credit of the town, 1:o aid the town in paying, its share of the, cost of construction of highways 'constructed in that town under the County and Town System of Roads. Get»14.0 offered the following resoltation and moved its adopt ion : h'.aso!terl—'I'hait the petition of the Torn Rotird of the Town of 52 PROCEED] NGS OF THE ]1OA1ZT) OP!` SUPERVISORS Lansing be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow the sum of $4,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to issue certificates of indebtedness therefor, to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of construction of highways built according to the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, as recommended by the several committees, to which they had been referred: J -170, Tremae, Icing & Co., Supplies, Co. Jail $ 17,85 171, F. C. Evans, Expenses Supt. Highways 510.42 172, 13. 1l. Wagner, auto hire Highway Com. 21.00 • 173, J. B. Lang Co., Auto -hire, :Highway Cont. 23.90 ].74, Frank Ellis, Auto -hire, Highway Cont. 19.20 175, Grace Printing Co., Printing, Co. `I'reas. 17.75 176, Baldwin & Davis, Burial John P. Morenus 75.00 177, Treman, King & Co., Supplies, Courthouse 1.75 178„I. E. VanNatta, Supplies, Supervisors 4{1.95 179, A. H. McI'lierson, Removing Trees, etc., Soldiers' Mein. 4.60 180, 1i'm. Hcidt, Printing Notices, Danby Bridge 7.14 181, Roy C. Albright, Lumber, etc., County illotne15.16 182, W. B. Georgia & Son, Insurance, Tuber. Hosp16.25 184, Atkinson. Press, Banks; Surrogate 20.00 TS5, Hand Stamp Shop, Hand Stamp, Go. Clerk .50 186, Underwood Typewriter Co., Repair. Machine, Co. Clerk .95 187. Rose Lucas, -Use of car, Com. of Election 12.00 188, Perfect Typewriter Iiey Co., Typewriter Keys, Co. Clerk 16.00 189, J. 73. Herson, Board Jurors, Sup. Ct. Civil 14.00 190, C. J. R-umsey & Co.. Labor & Materials. Co. Clk. Bldg. 8.1.3 191, Atkinson Press. Blanks, Etc., Surrogate 38.50 192, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Ete., -Surrogate 32.00 193, Bert T. Baker. Elec. light, Motor Vehicle Clerk4.20 194, James Gifford, Assd. F: L. Clock, Septic tank, Tub. Hsop. 7.00 195, Frank M. Iiellamn, Heater & installing, Co. Horne 1.552.80 196, E. M. Perkins, Burial Wm. F. Mallison 75.00 1.97, W. 0. Smiley, Com. Expenses, Supervisor 22.70 $2,574.75 Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: . 010 TOM.P.KINS COUNTY, NEW 10 3K 53 Besot-owl—That tine foregoing claims, amounting, td $2,574.75, be audited by this Board at the several amounts as recommended by the several committees to which they have been referred, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands, and, if she has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay the same, she be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of the county for the payment of .the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, that those claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County 'Treasurer is hereby directed• to charge 99% of Claim No. 3-184, to the 'Town of'. Danby and 1% thereof to the County of Tompkins. Seconded by Mr..George. ,Lyes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Minutes of the day's proceedings.were read and approved, There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion adjourned. 54 t']{.00EEDINGS 0 ' THE BOAR Li ER V•1 SOBS Annual Session FIRST DAY Thursday, November 12, 1925 The Board of Supervisors of the county inet in annual session at the Court• House, in the City of Ithaca, Tompkins Count-, N. Y., on 'Thursday, November 1.2, 1925, a t 10 :30 A. M., and was called to order by Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the previous year - Upon the call of the rill by towns, the following supervisors responded to their navies, with their post office addresses: Caroline ---H..1. A1'hittaker, Brockton, R. 1). No. 21. Danby—Wm. O. Smiley, Ithaca, 1T. 1)..No. S. Dryden --«"m. J: Shaver, Freeville. Enfield— Groton—John \V..Jones, Groton. Ithaca 'Town—.1. S. Miller, Ithaca, R.. 1). No. 3. Ithaca City— First Ward—F. D. Van Order. ;lr.. 511. W., Seneca St. Second -Ward—L. E. Patterson, 115 E. State St. Third Wird—E. Morgan St. John, Savings Bank Bldg. Fourth Ward—Sidney L. Howell, 202 E. State St... Fifth Ward—Leslie R.. fierce, 107 W.. Yates St. Lansing—Wm. F. George, Ludlo«-ville, R. 1). No. 9. Newfield Albert. Dassan ee, Newfield, R. D. No. 30. Ulysses—John M. Townsend, 1`runnansburg. On motion of Mr. Patterson, Mr. Howell was elected Temporary Chairman. OF TU\F PK I NS COUNTY, N I':AV YO1-IC na On motion of 111r. Miller, the Board proceeded by informal ballot. in the selection of a Permanent Chairman. 1lessrs. Smiley and Yieree, were alrpoinle 1 tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follo vs: \T'hole.number of votes cast, rrere :I.3, oi'. n'hiclr F. :Morgan Si.. John received ..1., . AIr. I- orfeli received 1, lilanl; received 1 On urotirin of 1Ir. hiller, the informal ballot was declared formal, and the Temporary Chairman declared Mr. St. John duly elected Permanent Chairman of •the Board for the ensuing year, and ?dr•. St:. John took the chair. On motion of. Mr. Shaver, the Board proceeded by inrormat ballot in the selection or a Clerk rot. the ensuing year. The informal ballot resulted as follows: -Whole number or votes cast. were 13, or which. Fred i . Clock received 113. Moved by illy. Miller, that; the inrornral ballot be declarers formal and tlrai. Mr. Clock be declared elected Clerk of the Board for the ensuing year. Seconded by l'Ir. Whittaker. Carried. Moved by Mr. George, that the Clerk he authorized to the necessary supplies for the Board. Seconded by l'Ir•. Pierce. Carried. In 1 ehase Moved. by ?iIr. Shaver, that. the Clerk be directed to notify all cor)rity officers to have their -reports filed with the Clerk, on or before Friday, November 20, 1.92, and also to notify all hoards and associations seeking appropriations from this 13oarrl, to file their financial reports and make appointments for hearings 00 their applications, wil.h the Clerk or t.lris Board, on or berore Friday, November 20, 1925, such hearings 1:0 he held not. later than the week or November 29..1.925. 56 PROCEEDINGS OE '['HE BOARD Oto SUPERVISORS • Seconded by Mr ,Pierce. •Carried. The Chairman announced the following. Standing and Special Committees of the Board for the year 1525-3526: RULES AND LEGISLATION The Chairman, Messrs. Shaver and George FORMS, FOOTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS, EQUALIZATION, RATIOS AND APPORTIONMENTS Messrs. Dassance, Shaver, Patterson, Jones, Miller. Townsend and \Vhitttaker TOWN AND COUNTY ACCOUNTS Messrs, King, Dassance and \Tan Order TOWN EXPENSES, ETC. Messrs. Miller, Dassance and King RETURNED HIGHWAY AND SCHOOL TAXES Messrs. lean Order, King and Patterson COUNTY OFFICERS AND COMPENSATION Messrs. Smiley, Howell and Pierce COUNTY TREASURER'S' ACCOUNTS Messrs. Townsend, Howell and -Whittaker CORONER, JUSTICES, ETC. AIessi's. 'Whittaker, King and Dassance CORRECTION AND REFORMATION Messrs. George; Pierce and Shaven COUNTY CLERK AND ELECTION EXPENSES Messrs. Pierce; hiller and Whittaker CHARITIES Messrs. -Shaver, 'Howell and ]ones SOLDIERS' RELIEF, ETC. Messrs. Pierce; Milkr and Van Order HIGHWAYS Messrs. Patterson, Smiley, '.Townsend, Tones an: Van Order FINANCE Messrs. Howell, Jones and Townsend ON TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 57 CONTRACT SUPPLIES Messrs. Howell., Si ilej and Patterson JAIL SUPPLIES Messrs. Jones, Pierce and George AUDITING ACCOUNTS OF THE TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL Mesrs. Townsend, Van Order and Miller HIGHWAY OFFICIALS Messrs. Shaver, Smiley and George TO SELL LANDS ACQUIRED BY THE COUNTY AT TAX SALE Mr. Smiley \[ovcd by Air. Pierce, tliat the committee appointments, as announced by the Chairman, lie approved by the Board.. Seconded by Mr. George: Carried. The Clerk read the following communication from the State Comptroller, relative to the amounts to be raised by Tompkins Count- for the ensuing year for state tax, armory tax and stenographers' tax: . Comptroller's Office, Albany, N. Y. September 18; 1925. Dear Sir: The Board of Supervisors of the Country of Tompkins is hereby required to raise for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1925, the sum of $75,544.97, for the following purposes: Direct State Tax on an equalized valuation of $43.908,533 1..50 mills $65,862.80 _ Armory Purposes 6,788.44 Court and Stenographers' expenses• on an Assessed valuation of $37,410,990 2,893173 Total $75,544.97.' The direct state tax is levied pursuant to Chapter 237, Laws of 1925. Armory purpose tax is levied pursuant to the Military Law as amended; Court and Stenographers' expenses pursuant 58 ]'ROCE:E11INGS Ol 'l'IIE BOAR 1) OP SUPERVISORS to the Judiciary. haw as amended, Chapters 181., 236 and 659, Laws of 1925. and Article 6. Section .12, of the State Constitution. Respectfully yours, VINCENT B. 1\I URPtil, • Comptroller. By J. 7..11A11r1_L'1'C)N. Deputy Com 0tt'o11cr. Referred to the Committee on Finance. The Clerk read a communication. from the State Comptroller, relative to the amount- of money to be raised by the county and the several tOwn> therein, for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of state and county highways: as follows: • County Town Sinl:in Sinking Road 'lbw]] Fund Ant. Fund tut. Total 606 Ithaca $163.20 $ 326.40 -$ 57.60 $115_20 $ 662.40 616 Ulysses 706.20 .1,41.2.40 216.85 13.3.69 Ithaca 75.77 151..54 2,996.45 681 Dryden 896.96 798.92 81..03 1.62.08 Ithaca 42.85 85.72 1,562.56 682 Dryden 305.0; 610.05 89.71 179.42 1.,1.81.21. 683 Dryden 815.16 630.34 92.69 185.40 .1,923.59 $7,629.21 Referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. The C1er•1c read. a communication from the State Tax Depart- ment, showing. the rates of assessments of real property in the different tax districts of the county, as determined by the State Tax Commission for the year 1925, as follows: Caroline 67% .Danby 73% Dryden 73% Enfield • 64% Groton 62% Ithaca Town 83% Ithaca City 74% Lansing 55% Newfield 73% Ulysses 55% OF TO_?11'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK_ 59 • Referred to the Committee on 1 qualization. The Clerk read a communication from the State Bureau of 1Iighway.s, relative to the mileage of state and county highways in the several towns of the county and the, amount of moneys the respective towns chill he required to Tray for the maintenance thereof for the year 1926, as follows: Town • No. of miles Amount to he raised Caroline 11.26 $ 550.00 Danby- 12.53 650.00 Dryden 25.34 .1,250.00 Enfield 12.18 600.00 O rotor 9.68 500.00 Ithaca 21..92 1,1.00.00 Lansing 1.4.44 700.00 Newfield 13.02 650.00 Ulysses 8.87 450.00 1.29.24 $6,450.00 Referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. On motion of DIr. George, adjourned to Monday, November 23, 1925, at 10.30 A. 111. SECOND DAY Monday, November 23, 1925 MORNING SESSION 3ioll call. All members present. .Minutes of die preceding day read and approved. The Clea}; read claims Nos. .1 to 6.1, inclusive, whiela were re- ceived and referrer} to theproper committees. The Clerk read the report of the Count- Clerk, relative to the receipts and disbursements of his office, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. The Clerk also read the report of the County .Clerk, relative 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD Ota SU['ERVI ORS . to the . 1ortgage Tax moneys received by him during the year, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. The Clerk read the report of the Surrogate's Clerk, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. - The Clerk read -the report of the Board of Managers of the `tuberculosis Hospital, which was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. The Clerk read the report of the Southern Tier Association for the Blind, which was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The Clerk read the general report of the Farm Bureau Associa- tion, also the report of the Association on Junior Extension -Work, which was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The Clerk read the report of the County Probation Officer, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. The Clerk read the report of the Board of Child Welfare, which was. received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The Clerk read the report of the Red Cross Society, relative to the Public Health Nurse, which was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. The Clerk read 'the report of the•County Treasurer, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. AFTERNOON . SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Shaver and Townsend. illr. Court Bellis appeared before the Board and presented' his annual report as County Sealer of -Weights and Measures, which was received and filed. OF TO? PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 61_ The Cleric read the report of Wm. D. Baldwi,n County -Superin- tendent of the Poor, which was received and referred to the Conirnittee on Charities. The County Treasurer presented a supplemental report, show- ing the condition of the various accounts for which appropriations are made, which was received_ and, referred to the Committee on 1{'inance. A statement of the First National Bank of Trunranshurg was received and referred to the Committee on Comity T'reasurer's Accounts. On motion, ad,lotirned. THIRD DAY Tuesday, November 24, 1925 MORNING SESSION Boli call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read the annual report of Fred C. Evans, County Superintendent of Highways, which was received and referred to the Committee on Highways Reports of Elmer Allen, AVin.:i.. Smith, Jaynes A. Bush and Charles H. Newman, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Ithaca, and of Geo. B. Siekmon, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Groton, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' Etc. Accounts. Mr. ]Hiller presented a list of: the Special Franchises of the. Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses, Etc. The report of Edwin S. Van Rirk, a Justice of the Peace or the Town of Newfield, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' Etc. .Accounts. ,lir. Smiley presented a list of the Special Franchises of. the Town of Danby, which was received and_ referred to the Com- mittee onExpenses, Etc. 62 PHOOEE])[\GS OF THE 130ARD OF SUPERVISORS The Cleric read the report of an inspection of the county home, lv]]ich was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the State Bureau of Public Works, relative to the county taking over and maintaining dead-end roads, now 0 part of the State Highway System, which was referral 10 the Committee On Highways. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the Chairman and Clerk be author- ized and directed to enter into a contract with the Onondaga County Board of Supervisors for the care of prisoners sentenced From Tompkins County to the Onondaga County Penitentiary during the year 1 926 Seconded by ilr. Whittaker. Carried. 1.'he Clerk read the petition of Matthew R Snook, for a hearing on anappeal from the award of the Assessors of the Town of Da nhy, for injuries to sheep in that town, caused by dogs. Moved liy Mr. Patterson, that the Chairman appoint a com- mittee of three to hear the. evidence in the matter and toyreport its findings to this :Board. Seconded by AIr. Whittaker. Carried. The Chairman appointed as- the members of the eon)mit.tee, Messrs. -Whittaker, 1.)assanee and George. II r. Townsend presented a list of the Special hranchises of the Town of Ulysses, which Was received and referred to the Com- mittee Ori how/1 .Expenses, .Etc. 'l'lie Clerk read a report of the bonded indebtedness of the City of Ithaca,'whielr was received and referred to the Committee 0]] Town Expenses,'Etc. Reports of David F. Moore and Augustus Middaugh, Justices of the Peace. of the Towns of Danl*, and Caroline respectively-, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, •ius- tiees' Etc. Accounts. A list of the Corporations of the Town of Enfield, was received and filed. Mr. Pierce offered the following resol'[ttion and moved its adoption: OF' TONI Pi: INS COUNTY, NEW lOF K 1VIr[:oe:_tis--Claim No. 1.7, of the Norton Printing Co., having, t.hrougilt inadvortzmee 111 the office of the Commissioners of Elec- tion, not been placed before this hoard in time for audit. zit the quarterly meeting held November 9, :1925, therefore be it, li'.asol:er1—That Claim No. 17. of. the Norton Printing. Co.. amounting to the sum of :♦;2,791...30, be audited by this Board at the full amount, and that the Clerk be directed to drag .in order al, this time for the amount thereof, a -mi the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount, out of any available funds in her hand. tivitli which to pay the same, and il' the Contnty Treasurer .has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to paid said amount., or any part thereof„ she is hereby authorized and directed to borrow. said a nonnt, pr so much thereof as nay be necessary, and to pledge the full faith_ arid credit: of Tompkins County in payment (if the amount so borrowed. Seconded by 1[r. W11ittaker. Ayes—:1.3, Noes ---O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION 11moll call. All members present, except 1'[.r. Shaver. 1'[r. George, offered t.l[e following adoption : lecsolt,'eri—'♦hat no appropriation shall be blade by this 13oa.rd to tarty 11550011111011. board nl' OI'gTanizatioll. 'Multi] the r'B(1rlest fol' such appropriation has laid on the table for three days, t.udess 1)0 unanimous consent of the Board, and 110 request for an ap- propriation ..shall lte detlatcd, wdil such re(lue511 for an apllroltria- tion 511:1 1)e taken from 1.110 tattle. i'btilll(t-iou and moved its Seconded }1y• Air.. Smiley. Carried. C;oron0r \Vnl. A. Smith; appezu'ell before the Board and ren- dered his annual report, -which was received and referred lo the Committee urn Coroner, J istices' .Etc. Aceol[nls_ Lists of Corporations of elle 'l'ol1•0.1 or Enfief([ ;111(1 1)a111,) v)'ere rc(feived and filed. O11 lnotllfn, nil,jnlu•110d. 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF St3E'}2RVISORS FOURTH DAY Wednesday, November 25, 1925 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. St. John and Shaver. Owing to the, absence of the Chairman, on motion of Mr. Howell, Mr. Patterson was elected Temporary Chairman. Minutes of 'the preceding clay react and approved_ Reports of Henry Williams, Fred N. Smith and Arthur Agarcl, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Ulysses, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, itistices' Etc. Accounts: Lists or Corporations of the Towns of Caroline, Ithaca and Lansing, `'ere received and filed. • The report of Walter M. Bristol, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Lansing, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' Etc. Accounts. Reports of .Roger .F. Todd and Eugene Dorn, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Danby, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner. Justices' Etc. Accounts. Mr. Dassance, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Footing Assessment Rolls, Etc., presented the following regular and supplemental report of that committee on the footing of assessment rolls, which was laid on the table one day, under the rule. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING 'ASSESSMENT ROLLS. `1'o the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, N. Y. Gentlemen: Your Committee on the Footing of Assessment Rolls reports that it has verified 'and corrected the footings of the Assessment Rolls referred to it, as made by the Assessors O1' T03I.FKI\S COUNTY, NEW YOR65 and Supervisor's of each tax district, and that the following is a correct statement of such footings: T[1,v1Is t::l i'oll,,e :Dryden •EnfielO ... ......... C roton It.hsea City Itha�i.a Town Lansing • ....... e}}wfield Ulysses . $ 882,760 786,030 2,081,980 595,407 3,965,140 21,436,257 4,641,225 1,97.1,163 889,490 1,9 71,440 V 0 $ 1,320 9,450 13,030 2,584 6,2:10 80,834 2,200 6,500 140,766 138,016 6,400 662,900 662,300 Totals $38,820,892 $1.28,528 $4,720,273 $4,709,103 698,423 1,691,816 1,526,908 693,863 1,687,956 1,526,968 . a., O d .� n-0'-' F' ^ ~ . --li 1; ti yam, O O w 8 O Cy o W n O sr Y, Caroline ................. Danby h'} i)rv0en .... ................ field Groton' Ithuca� City Ithaca Town Lansing \eu0ie1d Ulysses 34,7471$ 884,080 ' 33 2 86 795;480 58,286 2,695,010 22,207 397,991 80125 2,971,350 2,940 21,517,091 16,293 4,64.1,225 87,789 1,973,863 16,997 895,990 19,8,1.3 1,977,840 $ 9,279 4,453 54,859 6,528 26,505 813,704 68,093 22,275 20,22] 25,162 $ 3,900 897 259 $ , ....... 799,933 40,310 2,795,179 604,519 :13,000 3,010,855 . 22,330,795 4,709,318 1,995,638 3,300. 919,511 7,150 2,0.10,152 . Tanis 293,088 $38,949,420 $1,051,079 $72,660 $40,078,159 T[1,v1Is t::l i'oll,,e :Dryden •EnfielO ... ......... C roton It.hsea City Itha�i.a Town Lansing • ....... e}}wfield Ulysses . $ 882,760 786,030 2,081,980 595,407 3,965,140 21,436,257 4,641,225 1,97.1,163 889,490 1,9 71,440 V 0 $ 1,320 9,450 13,030 2,584 6,2:10 80,834 2,200 6,500 140,766 138,016 6,400 662,900 662,300 Totals $38,820,892 $1.28,528 $4,720,273 $4,709,103 698,423 1,691,816 1,526,908 693,863 1,687,956 1,526,968 66 PR0CEEDINGS O1' 'I'HIE BOARD OI' STJ1'l RV1S0RS REPORT OF COMMIT'T'EE: ON FOOT-INO ASSESS -.M ENT ROLES (Continued) Towns Z", Caroline 1)anbr Dryden Groton 11liae°a City • it'll ilea Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Totals $ 895,939 790,483 2,782,149 601,935 1.004,645 22,249,961. 4,709.318 1,993,438 913,01I 2,00:3,752 $2,096,756 " . $2,088,286 :1,3.1'2,829 1,310,479 3,182,350 3,182,350 779,345 7 74,995 3,347,252 1,341,452 $39,9-14.631 $8,718,532 $8,697,562 ALHLIT IASSANCE, Chairman, A. S. MILLER, J. W. JONES. H. A. W i-HTTAKER, L. E. PATTERSON, J. M. '1OWNSLND. Committee. 01' TOMI'KINS COUNTY NFIW SORB 67 SUPPLEMENTAT REPORT O1+' '1']"]j1 CO.rMITTE;E ON FOOTING- OF ASSESSM ENT ROLLS Gentlemen,: Your committee would further report: that the following is the assessed vlane of the property within and without ineorporlted villages in those towns having such villages: TO«'rl, .71 O 1)rydess V1lla434,000 $17,000 t'reeville 207,970 18,010 Inside Corporations $ 641,970 $35,010 Outside Corporations ..... 2,053,040 10,300 . 5 O $ 8,687 $ 4119,687 $ 1,800 .12,756 238,736 2,760 $21,4434 698,423 $ 4,560 33,4.1 61 2,090,756 8,470 Totals ................ $2,695,010 $45,310 $54,859$2,795,1794813,030 Groton Village $1,670,540 ,$ 5,900 $15,376 $1,691,816 $ 3,860 Outside Corporations 1.,300,810 7,100 :11,129 1,319,039 2,360 Totals ' $2,971,350 $1.3,000,$26,50111 $3,01-0,855 •$ 6,210 Cayuga Heights 'Tillage $1,502,400 • . $24,568 $1,526,968 Outside Corporation 3,138,825 . 43,525 3,182,350 Totals $4,641,225 . $68,093 $4,709,318 ....... Newfield Village $ 132,245 $ 2,300 $ :5,021. $ 140,100 $ 2,1.50 Outside Corporations 763,745 1,000 14,600 779,1145 4,350 Totals 1$ 895,9904 3,300420,221 $ 919,511 $ 6,500 Trumansburg 1$ 645,0504 6,850 811,000$ 662,9001$ 600 Outside; Corporations 1 1,1132,790 300 14,162 1,347,252 5,800 Totals 1,1,977,840 $ 7,150 $25,162 $2,010,152 $ 6,400 ALBERT DASSA NCE, Chairman, A. S. 11 TLLEH., J. W. JONES, T7.. A. E]i. J. M. 'I'OWNSENI), L. E..PATTEH,SON. Commit tee. Moved by Mr. Dass:rnce, that the reports of the ennnni01ee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. -Miller. 13y unanimous consent, the reports o1: the committee were taken from the table. 68 PROCEEDINGS OG THE BOARD Of' SUPERVISORS Ty l r. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption .Resolved—That the reports of the Committee on Equalization, Footing -of Assessment Rolls, Ete., be aeepted and adopted, and that the figures therein be used as a basis for taxation for the several tax districts of the county. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -11. Noes --0. Carried. The report of Albert G. Straight, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, tVas received and referred to the Committee on. Coroner. Justices' Etc. Accounts. On motion, adjourned to Monday, November 30. 1925, at 10:30 A. M. FIFTH DAY Monday, November 30, 1925 MORNING SESSION Roll' call. All members present. Minutes of preceding•day read and approved. ?Ir.' Shaver offered the following resolution and nrovecl its adoption: Resolved—That the amount of the bond of the County Super- intendent of the Poor- be fixed by this Board at the. siun of -$2,500.00. • Seconded- by Mr. Dassance. Carried. Win. D. Baldwin, County Superintendent of the Poor -elect, appeared before the Board and presented a bond of The American Surely Co., of New York., in the suin of $2,500.00; which was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Charities. The Clerk read the report of the County Treasurer, relative to the moneys in her hands in the Dog Fund, apportioned and.ready for distribution, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on County and Town Accounts. OF. TOMPKINS COUNT', NEW -YORK 69 Mr. Shaver, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, reported favorably on the bond presented by the County Superintendent of. the Poor -elect, and moved that the same be approved by this :Board, both as to form, manner of execution and the sufficiency of the surety. Seconded by Mr. Jones. Carried. 11:Ir. Shaver presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses, Etc. The report of R. R. Chatterton, a Justice of the Peace of. the . Town of Groton, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' Etc..A ccount s. lir. Townsend presented the following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's _Accounts, relative to the report of the County Clerk on Mortgage 'fax moneys received by hint during the year: - Voiir .Committee on County Treasurer's _Accounts renders the following report relative to Mortgage Tax moneys received dur- ing the year, asset. forth by the report of the County Clerk thereon : _Amt. Pd. Amt. Pd. _Amount Amount Name of County County Due Due Town Clerk Exp. Treas. Town, Etc. State Caroline $ 147.68 $ 0.98 $ 146.70 $ 73.35 $ - 73.35 Danby 119,43 0.79 118.64 59.32 59.32 Dryden. 711.75 4.81 706:94 353.47 353.47 Enfield 1.00.75 0.67 100.08 50.04 50.04 Groton 655.84 4.43 650.91 325.45 325.46 Ithaca, 4,765.19 32.37 4,732.82 2,366.41 2,366.41 Lansing - 453.92 3.06 450.86 225.4;3 225.43 Newfield 191.41 1.28, 190.1.3 . 95.07 95.06 Ulysses 822.66 5.56 817.10 408.55 , 408.55 Ithaca City28,158.74 191.38 27,967.36 13,983.68 13,953.68 $36,1226.87 $245.33 *35,881.54 $17,940.77 $17,940.77 70 PROCEEDINGS OV THE 13OARi) Or SUPERVISORS hF (i .A P.1.TTILATIUN Received by County Clerk and Apportioned $36,126,87 Received by Comity Clerk and held for Appor- tionment— Town of Groton and Cayuga County $ 2.00 City of Ithaca and Schuyler County45.00 City of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca 33.50 Tompkins Cortland, Etc Counties 8,652.00 tt 3,250.00 ;1 t t .... - - - 1,070.00 8,052.50 Total Amount Received by Comity Clerk on Mortgage Tax $44,179.37 Dated, November 80,1.9:25. '1'O\ NSEND, SIDNEY L. HOWELL, I1. A. -W I I `I'TAKER-, Committee. lir. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Re.so1r(d—That the foregoing report of the Committee on County Treasurer's accounts, relative to the Mortgage fax moneys received by the County Clerk, be accepted and adopted, and that this Board issue. its -warrant to the County 'Treasurer for the distribution of the amount, in her hands, as therein set forth, to the several tax districts in the county as therein in dicated. Seeoruled by M.r. George. Ares --:1 3. Noes—O. Carried. Reports of Arthur Decker, of Newfield, B. L. Buck, of Groton and LaMott Smith, of Lansing. J ustices of the Peace of those towns respectively, \•ere received'and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' Etc. Accounts. Mr. hiller presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Tthaca, which 1 -as received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. OF TO_M U K_I S COUNTY, N.H,`v'1' YORK 71 AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. A.11 rnerrrbcrs present,. 11rs. 1-Iclen. P. Sawyer, Executive Secretary oi" the Southern Tier Association for. the Blind, appeared before the Board and presented a report of the work being carried on by that organiza- tion, which vvas referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. District Attorney Arthiu• 0-. Adams, appeared before the Board and presented his annual report, asking an appropriation of $x;,500.00 to $4,000.00, for Laavv Enforcement purposes, which was received anal referred to Ilk., Committee on Correction and Huforma 1ion . Air. Adams also asked that he be allowed the sum of $900.00 for office expenses, in place of the *800.00, heing now allowed him, which was referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation. `1'1ie report or J. C. AI'etherby, a .justice of the ]'race of the Town of Enfield, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' Etc. Accounts. 7I r. Shaver presented a list of the 7.'own Audits of the TOW El of. Dryden, whicli was received and referred to the Co4nnrittee on Torii Expenses, Etc. ll.r. Shaver presented 0 report of the Blinded Indebtedness of the `]`own of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee or: 'I'own .Expenses. \Ir. 'Shaver also presented a report showing that the Tax Rate of Dryden Village was $20.00, and the School Tax Rate of said village was $I7.80, on each $1,000.00 of vluation. The Clerk read the petition of certain residents of the Town of Lansing, .relative to the construction of a highway in that town, which was Laid on the table until the determinations for construe - tion of highways in 71)26 was considered by the bard. On motion, adjourned. l� PROCEEDINGS GS OF THE BOA K P OP SUPER VISORS SIXTH DAY Tuesday, December 1, 1925 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes nf•preceding defy read acid approved. A statement of the First National Bank of Ithaca was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. 111x. Whittaker presented a list of the Temporary Indebtedness of. the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Reports of Geo. E. 'Underwood, Paul Ewers and Jas. 0. Robin- son, Justices of the Peace of the own of Dryden, were received and referred to the Committee on. Coroner, Justices' Etc. Accounts. Mr. St. John presented a list of @rand Jurors for the 3rd Ward of the City of .Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts, relative to the moneys in the hands of the County Treasurer in the Dog Fund, ready for apportionment: Your Committee on Town and County Accounts reports that it has examined the figures submitted by the County Treasurer, relative to the receipts and disbursements of money's constituting the clog license moneys and believes them correct. We find that there was contributed by the towns of: the county and the City of 'Ithaca, to June 30, 1925, the following sums : Caroline' $ 510.00 • Danbv 242.00 Dryden832.00 • Enfield 248.40 Groton 757.90 Ithaca Town 513.70 .Ithaca City 2,082.00 Lansing 776.00 Newfield 355.00 1J1ys-a 435.00 $6,755.00 OV TOMPI INS. COUNTS', NEW. YORK 7a We find that there was paid for tisscssors' fees, claims and expenses, the sung aif $5,247.80, and paid to the State the sum of $583.82, making the notal suis disbursed $5,8:31.62, and leaving a balance in the li,inds of the County Treasurer of $1,746.11, of AV/11 cli 75%, or the suer of $1.,309.59, is to be apportioned among the Several towns and city of the county, acid your committee finds that the several towns and city arc entitled to the following 11%onnt5 as such apportionment: Ca rol inc $ 98.87 Danby 46.88 Dryden 161.08 •Enfield 48.45 Groton 146.94 Ithaca. Town 99.53 Ithaca City 403.62 Lansing 150.60 Newfield 69.41 Ulysses 84.21 $1,309.59 and your committee therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolution; Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the foregoing amounts as apportioned to there oat of the surplus moneys in her hands in the Dog License Fund on June 30, 1.925. OLEN A. Ii1.NG, FRED D. EVAN ORDER, JR., _ALBERT DASSA.NCT, Committee. Moved by lllr. Finn, that the report of the committee be ac- cepted and the resolution adopted. Seel -aided by 1111...Miller. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll cal]. All members present.. The report of Fred E: 1'arker, a Justice of the Peace of the 74 PROCEEDINGS OF Til E BOARD OI,' ST;PERVr1SORS Town of Dryden, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, ;Justices' Etc. Accounts. The report of J. 1). Payne, a Justice of the Peace of the Town, of Newfield, was received and referred to the, Committee on Coroner, Justices' Etc. Accounts. On motion, adjourned. SEVENTH DAY Wednesday, December 2, 1925 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding clay read and -approved. The Clerk read a communication from the Department of Farms and Markets, relative 10 an inspection of the county farm, • \c•hich . u -a,- #fled. The Clerk read 0 communication from the State Board of Charities, relative to an inspection of the Tuberculosis Hospital, Which was filed. 1'lae Clerk: read the report of the Cumiuissioners of Election for the year,1925, and the apportionment of election expenses by them among the several tax districts 'of the county, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election .Expenses. On motion of Mr. Dassance, the selection of officers and repre- sentatives to be elected by this Board, was made a special order of business for _Monday, December 14, at 2 P. M. Mr. Pierce presented ra list of Grand ]mors for the 5th 'Ward of the Cita of Ithaca, which wasreceived and referred to the Committee on Returned I-1ighway and School Taxes. Mr. 1)assance presented a list, of the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee (01 TOW/1 Expenses. Lists of Grand Jurors for theist and'2d Wards of. the City of 0!' TO'.11PEI. S COUNTY, NE\V YORK 75 Ithaca, were received and referred to the Committee on Re- turned Highway and School Taxes. Lists of Returned School Taxes of the Towns of Caroline, Danby, Enfield and Newfield, were received and referred to the Committee on Returned _Highway* and School Taxes. Lists of Grand ;furors for the Towns of Caroline, 1)anby, 1)ry- den, Lansing, Newfield and Ulysses, were received a nd referred to the Committee on Returned lIighw ay and School Taxes. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Members of the Board of Child Welfare appeared before the Board and presented the report of the board I`or•the year 1925, and asked an appropriation of $3,000.00 for carrying on the work of the organization for the year 1926, On motion, the report ryas referred to the Committee on Sol- diers' Relief, Etc. • The officers of the 'Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red Cross Society, appeared before the Board and rendered its annual report of. the work r>f the organization for the year 1.925. On motion, the report was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Soldiers' Relief. Etc. '1`he Democratic members of the Board designated the Groton .lournal-Courier, as the official paper of that party to publish the Concurrent Resolution of the Legislature, Election Notices and all other legal notices r&tuired by lair to be published. The -Republican members of the Board designated the Ithaca Journal -News, as the official Draper of that party to publish the Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature, Election Notices and all other legal notices .retwired by law to be publishers. Mr. ..Jones presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Twat of Groton, which was received andI referred to the Com- mittee on 'Town Expenses, Etc. itlr. Whittaker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 76 PROOEED1NOS OF THE BOARD 0E SUPERVISORS Resolved ---That there be levied and collected from the. taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $225.00 for postage and incidental expenses of the County Clerk the saran of $170.{10 for postage and incidental expenses of the County Treasurer and the'sruu of $50.00 for postage of the Clerk of the Board. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Ayes -1.3. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the .following resolution and moved its . adoption: Resolved—That there be levied and collected frons the taxable property of 'Tompkins County, the sum of $1,000.00, for clerk hire, postage and incidental expenses of the .Commissioners of Ele.ct•ion. Seconded by 111r. Shaver. Ayes -18. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its. adoption: Resolved --That the County Treasurer be allowed the sum of $300.00, for clerk hire for the ensuing year. Seconded bY Mr. Miller. Lyes—l3. 'Noes—O. Carried. Mr. J ones offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the County Treasurer be authorized to pay the several towns and the city of the county, any balances -in her hands standing to the credit of the respective towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. Mr. 'Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Rcsotued—That the Count- Treasurer be directed to pay the salaries of all colony officials and employees monthly, except as otherwise directed by a resolution oi: this Hoard. OF TOlrm I\S COUNTY, NEW YORK 77 Seconded i v I\tr. Shaver. Carried. Mr. Ir. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: . Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board issue an order on the County Treasurer for the payment of each claim audited by this Board, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay' the sane out of moneys in her hands appropriated for that purrose. Seconded by. Ivtr. Shaver. Carried. Mr. I=lowell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—What all moneys now in the hands of the County Treasurer, either in the general or highway- fund, and not ap- propriated for any specific purpose by this Board, be hereby re -appropriated to the general fiend or the highway fund re- spectively. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -1.3. Noes—O. Carried. The annual report of the Tompkins County Public .Healt.h Nurse was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. On motion, adjourned. EIGHTH DAY Thursday, December 3, 1925 MORNING SESSION Poll call. All members present. Minuses of preceding day read and approved. MT. .Tones presented a report of. the Bonded .Indebtedness of the 'Village of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Jones presented a report showing that the Village Tax 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD O}' SUPERVISORS Rate of the Village of Croton was $15.00 and the School Tax Rate of said village was $26.30 on each $1,000.00 of valuation, Mr. George presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Whittaker presented a list: of the 'Town Audits of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. Etc. i\1r. George presented a list- of the Returned School Taxes of Ole 'Town of Lansing. which was received and referred to the Commit -tee on R-eturned 1Iighn-ay and School Taxes. Mr. Jones presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. iv[r. Smiley presented tale Town Budget of the Town of Danbv, which was received and 'referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Lists of Returned School `faxes of the Towns of Dryden and Croton, were received and' referred to the Committee on Re- turned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Smiley presented a list of the Torn Audits of the Town of` Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on ':'own Expenses, Etc. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All members present. Members of the :Board of tanagers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital addressed the Board relative to the report filed November, 19, 1925. On motion, the report vvas referred to the Committee on Charities. \1r. Jones presented a list of Grand jurors for the Town Groton, which was received and referred to the Conunitt:ec Peturned Highway and School Taxes. of 011 01' TO1111KIN'IS COTINTY, NEW YORK 79 Reports of 1'. Alfred Much, Chas. Thomas and Chas. 4r. Jones, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Caroline, were received. and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' Pte. Accounts. On motion, adjourned. NINTH DAY Friday, December 4, 1925 MORNING SESSION Eoll call. 1111 members present. :Minutes of .preceding day read and approved. Members of the `1'omplcins County Sheep Growers' Association appeared before the Board, relative to a quarantine on dogs and the strict- enforcement thereof. On motion, the matter. vas referred to the Committee on Cor- reetion and Reformation, to investigate and report to the Board. Officers and representatives of the Junior Extension Work of the Farm Bureau tVssoe ation, the Tlonee Bureau Association and' the Farm Bureau Association, appeared before the Board, rela- tive to the reports of those associations, now on file with file Board. On inotion, the maaIt.ers were referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, .Etc. Stntenaents or the First Nal'imml Bank of Dryden and the Tompkins County. National Bank of Ithaca,, were received and referred to the Committee on. County 't'reasurer's Accounts. Reports Of Fred T. Dorn and Andrew J. Conlon, .Tustices of the Peace of the Towns dif Danby and Lansing respectively, were received afiel referred to the Committee tail Coroner, .nstiecs' l?te. ilcconnts. On motion, adjourned to T\Ionday, December 7, 1925, at 10:30 A. M. SO PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TENTH DAY Monday, December 7, 1925 •MORNING SESSION Roll call. X111 members present.. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims No. 62 to S5 inclusive, were received and referred to the proper committees. • The County Treasurer appeared before the Board and pre- sented the continuing bond of the American Surety Company, for highways moneys in her hands, which vas received and.re- ferred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. Mr. King presented a list or the Grand Jurors for the Town of :Enfield, which .was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Tuxes. Mr. Shaver presented a list of Corporations of the Town of Dryden, which was received and filed. \Ir. _Biller presented a list of the .Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ithaca, which;was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Returned Highway and School 'fates. Mr, Townsend, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's- Accounts, reported favorably on the bond presented by the County Treasurer for 1-Iighwa} Honeys, and movetl that the same he a1paroved by this Board, both as to form; manner of execution and the sufficiency of the surety. Seconded by lir. 'Whittaker. Carried. Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : �`T13E:KE:A5 The highway known as State Route No. 1.1, extend- ingfrmn the City "of .Ithaca, through the •Village or Cayuga Heights, the hamlets of South Lansing incl Lake Ridge, to the City of Auburn, is the only incompleted State highway in Tomp- kins County, and WrtEREA.s—Said highway has already been constructed by the Oa.' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YOIn. 3I State to a• point 1.38 miles northwesterly From the hamlet of South Lansing, and Wa.trrzEns—Assurances have been given to the representatives of this Beard, both by the State Superintendent of Public Works and the Division Engineer of the Third .Division, that said high- way would be constructed by the State during the year 1926, therefore be it Resolved—Tat we, the .Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, respectf`zilly ask that State Route No. 11., extending from the present point of completion, northerly through the hamlet ofLake Ridge to the Tompkins -Cayuga Counties line, be con- structed by the State during the year 1926, and be it further Re olved--T1iat the Clerk of this Board be directed :0 forward certified copies of this resolution to the Hon. Frederick Stuart Greene, State Superintendent of Pubic Works and to Wm. M. Acheson, Division Engineer of the 'Third Division. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Poll call: All members present. IiIrs. Livingston Farrand appeared before the Board relative to the maintenance of a bed in the Ithaca City llospitah, at the , expense of the county. On motion, the matter was referred to the Comniit.tee on Charities. \ir. Jones offered the .following resolution and moved its adoption: \VT••TEnEAs—The Town of Groton, in the County of Tonrplcins and State of New Fork, has heretofore paid unto the State of New York, certain sums of money in connection with the con- struction of certain improved highways in such county; the Town ef.Dryden, in. the County of Tompkins and State of NOW York, has heretofore paid unto the State of Nen- York, certain stuns of money in connection with the construction of certain improved .highways in such county; the Town of Caroline, in the County of Tompkins and State of New York, has heretofore paid unto the State of New Fork, certain suers of money in connection Ivith 82 PHOCEEDI\GS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVJSORS the construction of certain improved highways; the 'Towyn of Enfield, in the County of 'Tompkins and State of New York, has heretofore paid unto the State of New York certain sums of money in connection with the construction of certain improved highways in such county; and the Town of Ithaca, in the County of. Tompkins and State of New York, has heretofore paid unto the State of New York, certain stinks or money in connection With the construction of certain ilnproyed highways in such county; and itEn As—Such towns are advised, and believe, that action should he maintained against. the State of New Pork for the re- fund of such moneys upon the ground that the sanhc were il- legally paid: Now, therefore, be it Ii"esoluerl—That we authorize and direct that an action shall be begun, either in the name of the Towns or in the name of the County of Tompkins on behalf of the Towns, to recover such shims of money, and we authorize and direct the ,officers of this County to' take such acts and sign such papers as the attorney for such Towns may request, looking, to the recovery of such stuns of money. 13nt any expense in connection with such action shall be borne by the Towns interested, although the actions are maintained by the County, And we request the Member of. Assembly representing Tompkins County and the Senator repre- senting the senatorial district of which the Conntj, of Tompkins is 11 part, to introduce appropriate legislation to permit these claims to be prosecuted. Further be it. Resoluerl—That, the County of. Tompkins take over and acquire such. claims from the Towns soler- for the purpose of maintaining this action, if recovery is had, sante to accrue to the benefit of 1he 'Towns interested, and all expense in connection with the same is to be borne -by said 'Towns. Seconded by i\1r. Miller. Carried. On motion of Mr. George, tlic Board wens; into executive session. • The Board arose from executive session and proceeded with the transaction of routine business. On notion. adjourned. OP TOM PKINS COUNTY, NEW VOR.K 83 ELEVENTH DAY Tuesday, December 8, 1925 MORNING SESSION l.in11 call. Al! CFI erarbers I rresent. Minutes of preceding day read rind approved. The Clerk read conrrnunications front Helen B. On'en and Lotta. B. Ellison, which were filed. llr, li'hittal<er presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Caroline, which ryas received and referred to the Corn - mit -tee on Town 'Expenses, etc. :l lr•..'1'ovynsend prescnled a lis -t or the corporations of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and filed. Mr., -Tones presented a Statement of the First National Bank of Groton, which 'WV. receiVed ani' referred 1.o .the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. illr. ]Howell presented a list of the Grand Jrirors for the 4th - 'Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned .Hi+ghwav and School Taxes. 'Mr. Townsend presented a list of the, Returned School '['axes of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Conrnaittec 00 Returned Highway and School ']'axes. :Mr. Miller presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town or Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town 'Expenses, ete. • AFTERNOON SESSION Loll call. All members present. 11 r. 1 -Howell presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on Contract Supplies for the year ending October 31, 1.925, which was received and filed. 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OV SUPERVISORS Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved --That the several claims audited by the Committee on. Contract Supplies for the year ending October 31, 1925, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr, Miller. Ayes .13. Noes 0. Carried. Mr. Howell, Chairman of the Committee on Contract Supplies, rendered the following report of that Commitee: Your Committee on Contract Supplies reports that claims amounting. to $5,483.76, as listed below, have been presented to it and audited from November 1, 1924. to October -31, 1925, and orders have been issued on the County Treasurer for the pay- ment of the same, as.follows: Light Heat Telephone Court House $207.49 $2,479.89 $ 88.49 Jo it 279.75 21.9.50 County Clerk's Building 141 76 678.06 57.22. Supervisors •104.94 - Superintendent 104.94Superintendent of Highways 84.77 Motor Vehicle Office 4.20 32.44 County Treasurer 61.76 Sheriff 177.78 733.28 County Judge and Surrogate.... 222.99 Almshouse 73.66 Commissioners of Election 25.50 68.73 Tuberculosis Hospital 9.1.42 Children's Court 55.12 $836.49 $3,372.45 $1,274.52 Appropriation for 1925 $5,700.00 • Disba r.sements: Light $ 836.49 Fuel 3,372.45 Telephones 1,274.82 $5,483.76 Balance $ 216.24 OI'' TOMP TINS COUNT)`, 1EW YORK 85 Respectf:ully,submitfed this 30th day of November, 1925.. S. L. HOWELL, W. 0. SMILEY, L. • E. PATTERSON, Committee. Moved by Mr, l_Iowell, that the report of the committee be ac- cepted. Seconded by lir. Shaver. Carried. :lir. Howell. offered the following resolution and moved its • adoption: R.esoiecil—']'brit there be Levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the stun of $5,700.00, for the fol- lowing purposes,.frrr the ensuing year: For Fuel and. Light for County Buildings in the City of Ithaca $4 400.00 'l'elepinonne Service for County Officer. 1.300.00 $5,700.00 .Seconded by 11Ir. Miller. Carried. Ayes -1.3. Noes -0. Carried_ On motion of lir. Smiley, the Board entered- into executive session. 'Fire Board arose from exeeneive session and proceeded in the transaction of regular business. 'I'lie Cleric read the fol] ow ing petition of the Town Board of the Town of Danby, to issue bonds to pay the town's share of the cost of construction of the bridge crossing Bntterruilk _Creek, on the Comfort-ELvea highway: '1'o the i3oaarrl of Supervisors, Tompkins County, Nev Veik. Gentlemen: Your body, by a resolution duly adopted May 1.1.. 1925, pro- vided for the construction of a bridge on the Comfort-Elyea high- 80 i'4i0CEEDINGS OF THE BOARD 01' SIIPERVTSORS way, where said highway crosses Buttermilk Creek in the Town of. Danby, 'Tompkins County, NevnYork, at the joint expense of the County of Tompkins and the '['on -n of Danby, pursuant to the provisions of §262-A, of the Highway I.aw, and by said resolu- tion assessed filo' portion of the cost of eonstrucl,ioir to be borne by the County of Tompkins to be 1%, and that to be borne by the '1';wn of Danby to be 9970, and it has been ascertained that the total cost of construction of said bridge will be $51,084.00, and the contract has been awarded therefor, as appears by a resolution duly adopted by your body on August 10, 1.925, making the amount of cost or construction to be borne by the Town of Dan- by $8,9=1.66, with the additional cost of $150.00 to the Ion -II for extra filling to complete said bridge, said total amount of $9;093.66, !wing in excess�of $6,000.00, the amount allowed by law for a town hoard to expend in the construction of bridges. Noir, 'therefore, A\Te, the undersigned members of the Town Board of the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, New 'York and constituting a majority thereof, 01: a.meeting duly called and held for that purpose, respect fully petition your hoard that authority be given to the 'town of Danby, 'Tompkins County, N. Y., to bor- row money and to issue bridge bonds of said town therefor in the amount of $9,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five and one-half per cent per annum, payable serially, interest to be paid semi-annually on ,such dates as mai- be fixed by your.board, and the principal to be payable $2,000.00. per year until the whole of the principal sung is paid. We do therefore request. you to take such action as may be necessary to authorize the issuance of such bonds, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 142 and 262-A, of the Highway Law. - Dated, Oct. 1, 1925. • TOwN BOARD O1+' THE TOWN OF DANBY. By W. 0. SMILEY, Supervisor, A. 1, TUBBS, Town Clerk, EUGENE DORN; Justice of the Peace. FRET) E. DORN. ;Justice of the Peace ROGER h_'I'O1)1). Justice of the Peace. DAVID A. 111OORE, Justice of the Peace. ?toyed by' \1r. Shaver, that the petition be filed and the'same granted. Seconded by Mr. George. OI' TOJIPi ?NS COUNTY, NEW YO.Rt(. 87 Ayes- 13. A ocs—O. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the 1'ollowini resolattion and mored its adoption: .An Act, authorizing the Town or Darby, in the Count- of '.Tompkins, State of New York, to borrow money and to issue its bonds therefor, pursuant to the authority con- ferred by Section 262-A, of the -Highway Law, for the purpose Of tray ing its share of the cost of construction of -a nervi bridge over Buttermilk Creek, in said Town ol'. Danby. Pressed on the SCh day of December, 1925, thirteen supervisors voting in favor thereof and no snparaisor Voting against. the ;ante, and being two-thirds of all.the supervisors elected to the Board of Supervisors of such county. The Board o1` Supervisors o1 the County of Tompkins, New York, in pursuance to the authority conferred by Section 2G2 -A, Of the Highway Law and Ile acts amendatory thereof, and in pursuance to the other provisions of the Highway Law, the Coun- ty -Law, the 'Town IJaaw and the Geuerr1l Municipal Law, applica- ble thereto, do enact as follows: \\rrsEtr.r.a5—The Board of Sa[perVisors of Tompkins County, New Xork, by a resolution dark adopted .February 9, 1925, di- rected the county ,superintendent of highways to examine, the bridge on the Comfort-Elyea Road, in the Town of Danby, Tomp- kins County, -N. Y., where said road crosses Buttermilk Creek, and to report thereon to this Board, and 1Vnr,kr.ns---The said county snperiiatendent- of highway _es- amined said bridge anil reported to this Board that the same vvas in a dangerous condition and unsafe for traffic, and l\rnr:a;ns—'Phis Board, by a resolution dilly adopted ltay 11., .1925, considered said bridge of sufficient irnportance to he con- structed or improved, as provided by Section 262-A, of the High- way Lara, and directed the county superintendent or highways to prepare, or claw. it) be prepared, reaps, plans, specifications and estimates thereon, and to submit the Same to this Board, and -WitEREAs—The county siaperintendent of highw+•atys prepared, or caused to be prepared, such maps, plans, specifications and es- timates and submitted the same to this l3oarcl, and the same were duly approved by this Boatel and the Clerk of the Board was di- SS PROCEEDI`sGS OF THE BOARD O1 StiPERVISORS reeted to advertise, in the name of the Board, for bids for the construction of said bridge according to such naps, plans and specifications, as appears by a resolution duly adopted by said Board on July 16, 1925, and \1rr1EREas—The Clerk of this Board did so advertise for bids for the construction of said bridge, as directed, in accordance with the provisioils of Section 1.30, of the Highway Law, and the contract for the construction thereof was thereafter and on the 1.0111 day of August, 1925, duly awarded to the Tauten Bridge Company, Inc., of York, Pa., its bid having been the lowest -and most. advantageous received, and \ iIEREns--'Phis Board has.determined and does hereby deter - n line that the total cost of said bridge to be the sum of $9,184.00, and WHEREAS—By a resolution of this Board, duly. adopted August 10, 1925, the cost of construction of said bridge was apportioned between the County of Tompkins and the 'Town of Danby as fo]- lows : One per cent (1%) thereof to be borne by the County of Tompkins and Ninety-nine per cent (99%) thereof to be borne by the.Town of Danby, and 1ATHER,Ees—The Amount of the cost of construction so appor- tioncd, to be borne by the Town of Danby is in excess of $6,000.00, to -wit; $9,092.16, and being in excess of the amount allowed by law for a. town board to expend in the construction of bridges, and the 'Town Board of said Town of Danby has petitioned this body for authority to issue town bonds in the amount -of $9,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of rais- ing Inoney to pay a portion of the cost, of said bridge -to be borne by said town, and Al'r1EREAS—It appears that t he amount. necessary to be raised by the said Town of Danby, and to issue town bonds therefor, is the sum of $7,000.00, to pay 0 portion ol` the cost of said. bridge to be. borne by said town and I1EREAS—The assessed valuation of the real estate of the said Town of. Danby, 'Tompkins County, A. Y., as it appears on the last assessment roll thereof, is the sum of $799,933.00, and the amount of bonds thereof, or other indebtedness, issued or out- standing under any previous or other authority than this Board, is nothing-; now therefore be it 0 I' TOMP KINSCOUNTS", N1; 11' YO} K 89 Resolved—That. the Town of Danby, in the County of Tomp- kins and State of Nevfork, be and is hereby authorized to bor- row the -sum of $7,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to issue its bonds therefor in said .amount, for the purpose of paying its share of the cost of construction and expenses of a bridge on the Comfort,-Elyea load, over Buttermilk Creek, in said town, and to sell said bonds, or cause the same to be sold, to the highest bidder therefor, but at not less than their par value, and interest; at a rate not. to exceed five and one-half per cent (51-A%) per annum; and be it farther I esolt.e(l—That said bonds shall be of the denomination of $1,000.00 each and shall be numbered consecutively from one to seven, and to be dated .April 15, 1920. Bonds Nos. I. and 2 to be- come dne and payable on April 15, 1.927, and $2,000.00 or said bonds to become due .and payable in numerical order on April 15. of each and every year thereafter tutt.il all. are paid, except on April 15, 19:30; only bond No. 7 shall be due and payable. All of said bonds to hear interest at a rate not to• exceed five and oie- linib per cent (51/,%)" per annum, payable semi-annually on the 15th days of October and A,pri] of each year. That said bonds be coupon bonds, with the privilege of., registration, and that said bonds, both principal and interest thereon, be made payable in gold coin of the United. States of America of the present stand- ard weight and fineness, or its equivalent in law=ful money of the United States, at ilte Tompkins County National Bank, at -Ithaca. New York, in New York exchange, or at the Chase National Bank, in the City and State of New York, at the option of the holder; and be it further Resolved—That such bonds shall he Signed by the Supervisor of the Town and sealed and signed by the Town Clerk of. said Town of Danby, and the interest coupons attached thereto shall be signed by the said Supervisor and said Torn Clerk, and that the Supervisor. or such town. shall negotiate. such bonds accord- ing.to law and as herein provided, and that he shall pay the pro- ceeds of the sale thereof into 1he count~ treasury, to 1)e.0pplfed in payment. of the .share of snclt cost of construction which is to he horne•by said town, pursuant to the provisimis of Section 142 of the, Highway Vile. That the said. Supervisor, before issuing or negotiating any of.. said bonds, shall make and execute in behalf of and for the benefit of such ton -n, a good and sufficient, bond or obligation in the penal sum of Seven 'Thousand Dollars, condi- tioned for the faithful performance of his duties in issuing sucli, bonds and the lawful application of the funds-•,vhich may be real- ized by the sale therof, and of the funds that may he raised by tax or otherwise for the payment of the bonds issued in pursu- 90 PROCEED) GS OP THE BOARD Oh' SUPERVISORS once of this .act, and the interest thereon, which may came into his hands. Such bond or obligation so made by the said Super- visor, sltalI he approved by the town board of said, town and tiled in the office of the Town Clerk; and be it. further Reolz;cd—That before any of the bonds authorized hr this act shall be issued, the Supervisor of the Town of Danby shall advertise ror sealed proposals for the atnonut of. said bonds so authorized to he issued, such advertisement to be published for two consecutive weeks prior to such issue. in the two official 11e1's- rapers published in the County of Tompkins, New York, desig- nated by the 1-oartT to publish election notices, etc.; to -wit, the -Ithaca Journal -News and the Groton Journal -Courier; and be it further J esol-red—'l'hat: there shall be raised by the levy of a tax upon the taxable property of the said Town or Danby in each year irliile said bonds, or any of them, arc outstanding and unpaid, a sunt sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds as it becomes due and parable and also sufficient, to pay the respective installments of principal of said bonds as the same become due and payable, which siiid stunts .shall be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable properiv in said town at the same time and in the same rnanner.as other torn taxes are assessed, levied and collected: and be it further Reo/Ted--That said bonds and the coupons tattaehed therto shall be substantially in the follmi-ing form, to -wit: No. UNITED S'I'IVIES OF A-ATERICA STATE OF N.I \1 YORK COUNTY Ola' TOMPKINS TOWN OP DANTiY BRIDGE BOND $1,1)1)0.1}I) KNOW A-Lli \i EN BY '1'I-I.ESE PRESENTS. 'Fliat, the Town of Danby, a municipal corporation, in the County of Tompkins and State of New York, for value received, hereby acknowledges it- self indebted and hereby promises to pay to bearer.. or if this hond is registered, to the registered holder thereof, the principal sunt of ONE T1TOIJSAND DOLLARS ($1.,000.00) on the .15th day of April, 1!)...., with interest thereon at the. rate of ......... per centum per annum, parable semi-annually on the lath days of October and April each year on presentation and surrender of the respective interest oouhotis hereto attached ; both principal and interest being ,payable in gold coin or the United States of 01' T(l11PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 91 America of the present standard weight and fineness, or its equiv- alent in lawful money of tate United States, at the Toro -plc -ins County National .Bank, at, Tthaea, New York, in New York ex- change, or at, the Chase National Bank, in the City and State of 1"ork, at the option of the holder. This bond is one of'. a series or ponds or like date, tenor and amount., but maturing serially in the order of their numbers, ag- gregating the •snrn of Seven 'Thousand Dollars, and is issued for the purpose or: paving. the Torn of Danby's share of the cost of construction and expenses of a bridge on the Comfort-Elrea Road over :Buttermilk Creek, in said town, and in !Hirsnaarace of and in strict, conformity with the Constitution and .statutes of the State of New York, including Sections 2(i2-,1, 142 and 130 of the Highway .haw, the provisions of the County Law, the Town Law. and the General Afrinicipal Law applicable thereto, and pursuant to acts of the Town Boards and "Town Officials If the Town of'. Danby, and pursuant to acts ,and resolutions of the Board of Su- pervisors of Tompkins County, Nen- York, passed on' the 8th day of December, 1925, lid- a two-thirds" vote of all the supervisors elected to the Board or Supervisors of' said county. This bond may he converted into a registered bond in accord- ance with the provisions of the General Municipal Lair. • It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all Mets, condi- tions and things required to exist, to happen and to he performed precedent, to and i11 the issnanee of this le)]Ld. have existed, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by law,; that the amount of this pond, together with ail other indebtedness of said Torn, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of the State of New York; tliat provision has item duly made for the levy and collec- tion of an annual tax sufficient to pair the principal and interest of this bond as they respectively become tine and payable, and that. the full faith, credit and resources of the Tovn of Danhy, Tompkins (county, New York, are hereby -irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal and interest, of this bond._ 1.N WITNESS \VTLE1i•EOI , The sa(id•'l'csvvn 1lstilsv has cale;ed this bond to he signed by its Supervisor and signed and sealed by the Town Clerk, and the coupons hereto attached to he signed by the lit.hot3'raphe(.1 fac-simile signatures of said Supervisor and SP) PROCEEDINGS .Q1 TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS said Torn Clerk, and this bond to be dated the 1.5th dah of April. 1926. • TOWN OF DANBY . TOMPKINS COUNTY, N. Y. By Supervisor Town Clerk (Form of Coupon) No. The Town of D;flibr, in the Comity of Tompkins, N. Y., will pay to the bearer on the day of 19...., in gold coin of the United States of America of the present stand- ard weight and fineness, or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States, at the Tompkins County National Bank, at Ithaca, New York, in New York exchange, or at the Chase National Bank, in the City and State of New York? at the option of the holder, being six months interest then due on its Bridge Band No. • , dated April 15, 1926. TOWN OF DANBY, TOMPKI:NS COUNTY, N. Y. By Supervisor Town Clerk There shall be printed Oxi the hack of each bond a conversion certificate and form of registration, as follows, to -wit: (Form of Conversion Certificate) Upon presentation of the within bond with the written request of the owner thereof for its conversion into a registered bond, we have this day cut off and destroyed coupons attached to said bond, numhered from to , of the amount of $ each, and the interest at the Tate of Per centum per annum, payable semi -an wally on the 15th days of October and April of each year, as was provided by the coupons, as well as the. principal, is to be paid to legal representatives, successors or assigns, at the Tompkins OF TOiMPK NS COUNTY, :NEW YORK 93 County National Bank, at Ithaca, New York, or at the Chase Na- tional Bank, in the City and State of New York, at the option of the holder. Dated, , 1.9.... Town Supervisor of the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, New. York. ,• Town Clerk of tlic 'Town of Danby, Tompkins County, New York. (Provision for Registration) writing below except by the Town Clerk of. the Town of Danby Date of Registry Faille of Registered Owner Second ed by_Mr. Sha ver. Ayes --13. Noes 0. Carried. Signature of Town Clerk On motion of Mr. Dassance, the Committee on Correction and Reformation was authorized to make a contract for automobile Hire for the coiintT for the year 1926. 111.oved. by Mr. George, that the Committee on Highways and the attorney for the Board be authorized to secure the necessary rights of: way for roads to be constructed or improved in the county for the ensuuig year. Seconded by 11Ir. l Idler. Ayes --1.3. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, ad;jotnnecl. 94 PHOCE:EI)I\GS Oh THE Ii0AR1) OF SUP ERVTSORS TWELFTH DAY Wednesday, December 9, 1925. MORNING SESSION Iio11 e,a11. All meurhers hresertt. -Minutes of preceding day read and approyeel. ills. Townsend ]resented a report showing that the Village Tax Rate of the \Tillage o1 Trurna rsburg was $25.60 and the School Tax Rate of the 1''illag•e of Trnmansbni•o• was $15.00, on each $1.000.00 of valuation. . The report of E. .P. Tallmadge, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Groton, Was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. Accounts. ?vir. Townsend presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness or the. Town oi' Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Smiley presented a resolution adopted by Danby Grange, No. 1.254, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. 111r. IIowe11 presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the City of Ithaca, which Was received and re.f.erred to the Com- mittee on Returned Highway and Sehool Taxes. \ii. Pierce offered the following, resolution and moved its adoption: Resolued—That. the Cleric of the Board he authorized and em- powered to secure hids for and make a contract for the printing of. the Proceedings of the Board for 1025. Seconded by i\Ur. sharer. Carried. lir. King presented a report shoving the .Temporary Indebted- ness of the Torn of Enfield, which was received and referred to• the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Shaver offered the followin0 resolution and moved its adoption: OI' 'r'OYPI(INS COUNTY, ,NE 1V PoliK 9:5 Resolved—'t'hat't]iere be and hereby is appropriat=ed, an ar]- (1it.ional sum of $2,00(}.00; or so much thereof as may be necessary, in addition to the sum of $4,0{}0.00 heretofore appropriated by this Board, for carrying on the work of the committee for the eradication 01 bovine tuberculosis during the year 1.925, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said moneys on the IN*rit.ter) order of such committee, signed by the representatives from this I3oar1J, and i1.. the County' 't isnrer has not sufficient funds in her hands with which to pay said amount., or any part thereof, she is hereby authorizers and directed to borrow the sante, or so tnneh thereof as may be necessary, on the credit of the county and to pledge the full faith and credit of Tompkins County for the payment of the amount so borrowed. Seconded by NIT, Miller. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Ca rried. On motion of Mr, Ceotcri, the Board went into eXeeutie 5es5ion. The Board arose from exeent-ive session and proceeded in this transaction of regular business. AFTERNOON SESSION Roil call. All members present. On inofiola or ll.r. Patterson, the Clerk was 0utltorizecl to correct any manifest- error in the minutes, or in the report of any committee. ,llr. "Townsend, _Chairman of the Committee on County '1'reas- rtrer'S Accounts, rendered the following report of the connnil,tee, relative to the Bank Tax to be levied for the year 1.925 Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts renders the .followin;rr report of the banks in Tompkins County, liable to taxa- tion on its capital stock, svcrplus a ;rid undivided profits, as follows: 96 PROCEEDINGS OIC THE BOARD, OF SUPERVISORS CTTY OF ITHACA FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock $250,000.00 Surplus 150,000.00 Undivided Profits 90,S29.32 $490,829.32 . No. of shares of stock -2500. Par Value or Each Share $ 100.00 Value of Each Share for Taxation 1.96.34 Amount of Tax—$4,908.29 TOMPEINS COUNTY- NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock $200,000.00 Surplus 150,000.00 Un iis=idccl Prifits 53,925.66 $403,928.00 No. of shares of stock --2,000, Par Value of Each Share j 1.0001 Value of Each Share for Taxation 201.97 - Amount of rl'as—$4,039.26 TOWN OF DPYDEN 1 I HST NAT[ONAI, BAND. Capital Stock $ 25.000.00 Surplus 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 1.0,014.26 $ 60,014_:16 No, of shares of stock -250. Par Value of Each Share ' 100.00 Value of Eacli Share for Taxation 240.06 .Amount of Tax—$600.1.5 OJ' TOIIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 97 TOWN OF GROTON FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock $100000.00 Surplus 40,000.00 Undivided Profits 59,724.24 $199,72424 No, of shares of stock -1,000. - Par Value of Each 'Share $ 100.00 Value, of Each. Share for Taxation 199.73 Amount of Tax ---$1,997:24` TOWN OF ULYSSES FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock $ 50,000.00 Surplus 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 25,214.91 $100,214.91 No. of shares of stock -500. Par Value of Each Share $ 100.00 Value of Each Share for Taxation 200.43 Amount of '1"ax--$1,002.15 Your Committee, therefore recommends- the adoption of the following resolution: / c, olur;r1—That. a tzlx of 1:% upon the valve of shares of bank Stock, as above set, forth, be assessed, levied and collected, and that, the Clerk of this Board forthwith mail to the Presilent or Cashier of caeb bank, or banking; association, a statement setting forth the amount of its capital stock, ;urplus and undivided profits, the number of outstanding shares thereof, the value of each share of stock, taxable as hercinabove ascertained, and the ag',<t'I'eQ•ate amount of tax to he collected) and paid by such bank, or banking ISSOCIatIOTI, as provided by Section 24, of the Tax Law. J. M. TOW"NS.END, It A. WHIT"f .T FR, S. L. 110 -WELL, Coinniittee. 98 PROCEE[)I\GS OI THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS 1\toved by llr. Townsend, that the report of the committee he accepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. THIRTEENTH DAY Thursday, December 10, 1925. MORNING SESSION Roll c<<11. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Bing presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on .Town Expenses, Etc. Itr. Whittaker presented the Town Budget of the TOW/1 of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Dassance presented a list of the Exempt Property of the Town of Newfield, which was received and filed. Mr. DaSsance, Chairman of •the Committee on Equilization, Ete,, presented the following reports of that committee, for the purposes of the General Tax Levy and the Highway Tax Levy, for the year 1925, which was laid on the table one day, under the rule: OF TOMPIiINS COUNTY, NE YORK 99 REPORT NO. ]. OF EQLALIZA'l'lON COIiMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF GEN.ERAL TAX LEVY FOR TF[E YEAR 1925 To .the :Honorable the .l3oanl of Supervisors •or the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Gro ton .Ithaca City Ithaca Towtt Lansing Newfield Ulysses Totals 4 g rT J J: E'H '4r • ti V I I w E"� 882,7601$ 9,279 $ 892,039 .70i$ 1,274,341 1,068,220 3,64x),118 926,053 3,885,253 30,902,723 5,351,497 3,559,710 1,229,339 2,773,058 786,0301 4,4531 790,483.74 2,681,9801 54,8591 2,736,8391.75 595,407 6,528 601,935.63 2,965,140 26,505 2,991,645 .77 21,436,257 81.3,704 22,249,961 .72 4,641,225 68,093 4,709,318 .88 1,971,163 22,275 1,993,438 .56 889,400 20,22.1. 909,711 .74 1 1,971,440 25,162 1,996,602.72 1$38,820,8921$1,051,079 $39,871,971 $54,619,312 Towns V N 03 c y Caroline 1$• 930,295"$ Danby 779,798 Dryden 2,663,848 Enfield 676,016 Groton 2,836,225 It}inta Cit.v22,558,919 Ithaca Town ... 3,900,5801 Lansing 2,-598,580 Newfield 897,414 Ulysses 2,024,320 38,226 1,320 934,165 1$ $ $ 3,900 $ 107685 9,150 779,798 72,991 13,030 2,709,158 74,081 2,584 676,016 1.53,420 6,210 2,849,225 308,958 80,834 22,558,919 1 802,7381 3,006,580 605,142 2,598,580 12,297 3,300 900,714 27,724 7,150 2,031,476 2,200 0,500 6,400 45,310 13,000 Totals ......I$39,871,9711$1,034,131 $1,054,131. $1128,528$72,660 $30,944,631 100 PROCEEDINGS Or THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Your Committee on. Equalization reports that they have ex- amined the assessment rolls- of the several tax districts in the County -of 'Tompkins. for the purpose of ascertaining.whether the valuation in cine tax district bears a just relation to the valua- tions in all the tax districts in the county; that in the opinion ofthe members of the committee such valuations do not bear such just: relations to the valuations in all .t.lie tax districts of the county, .and your committee would recommend that the valua- tions of the several tax districts, in order that they may bear such ,just. relations_ be increased or diminished aeeording to the foregoing statements so as to make the aggregate equalized valu- ations as indicated in the tabular statement above. And your committee would also report that they have de- termined upon proper inquiry xnd investigation the ratio or percentage which the assessed value of the real property in each such tax district bears to its full valve and would recommend that, based upon such determination -of your 'committee that. the Board establish such ratios or percentages which are determined and in the opinion of your committee are as follows: - Caroline .70 Per Cent Danby 74 Per Gent Dryden 75 Per Cent Enfield 65 Per Cent Groton 77 her Cent Ithaca City 72 Per Cent Ithaca Town SS Per Cent Lansing 56 Per Cent Newfield 74 Per Cent Ulysses 7? Per Cent That your committee have, in accord with such percentage compiled, and that the foregoing tables shows the aggrgate .valuations of each tax district, as determined from the actual values of property fixedaccording to the above ratios or per- centages and the average'rate of assessment of real property in the. county which your committee have. determined according to the rules laid down by Statute, to be .7299976+ and that the table shows by such valuations the_ several and aggregate valuations upon which the' taxes for the col nty, including the state taxes, should be apportioned between the several tax districts of the county. OP TOMPKKINS COUNTY', NEW YORK 101 All oi..which is respectfully submitted. ALBERT DASSANCE, Chairman, W. J. SHAVER, J. W. JONES, JOHN lI. TOWNSEND, L. E. PATTERSON, Committee. REPORT NO. 2 01,E EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF THE HIGHWAY TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1925 To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the County of 'Tompkins, N. Y.; Your committee further reports that it has in accordance with the percentages fixed and established by this Board, determined the equalized valise of the real property of the several tax. dis- tricts of this county, liable to the general levy of taxes, for highway purposes, as shown by the subjoined tabular statement; that the average rate of assessment as determined by such per- centages is .7299727+. Towns 4- u V-1 al w U 0 c3 0 Caroline ] )anhy 'Dryden Enfield Grot on Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansilig Newfield Ulysses $ 884,080 $ 795,480 2,695,010 597,991 2,971,350 21,517,001 4,641,220 1,973,363 895,990 1,977,840 9,279 $ 893,359 .70 4,453 799,933 .74 54,859 2,749,869 .75 6,528 604,519 .65 26,505 2,997,855 .77 813,704 22,330,795 .72 68,093 4,709,318 .88 22,275 1,995,638 .56 20,221 916,211 .74 25,162 2,003,002 .72 Totals $38,949,420$1,051,079 $40,000,499 $ 1,2, 6,227 1,080,090 3,666,492 930,029 3,893,318 31,014,993 5,351,497 3,563,639 1,238,122 2,781,947 $:14,797,254 102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOART) OP SUPERVISORS Towns .Nr sesseri value iiwrensed 0 CoI t olive. El]field Groton Ithac;i City Ithac;c Town_ Lo-i��sing Nen-field Ulysses $ 931,611 7 89, 093 2,676,439 678,896 2,842,016 22,610,098 3.906,447 2,60.1,359 903,795 2,010, 745 $ 38,252 74;377 309.303 605,721 27.743 $ 10.340 73.430 155,839 802,871 12,416 $ 3,900 45,310 13,000 3,300 7,150 Totals $40,000,499 $],0555,396 81,055.396 $ 935,511 . 789,093 2,721,749 678,876 2,855,016 22,640,098 3,906,447 2,601,359 907,095 2,037,895 $72,660 $40,073,159 Average per cent .7299727+. ALBERT DASSANCE, Chairman, AV. J. SI -IA -A ER., J. JONES, JOHN M. TOWNSEND,.._ . L. E. PATTERSON, Committee. Moved bk_ lir: Dassancc, that the reports be taken from the table and passed at. this time. Seconded. by lir. .tiller. By unanimous consent, the reports were taken N'om t.lie table. • Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That report No. 1, of the Committee oii Equalization, Etc., be accepted and adopted and the valuation of real property for the purposes of the General Tax Levy, against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized road determined as therein set forth, s the 15151, of-tlie f3pjaortio»meirt of such taxes for the en- suing year. Seconded by \Ir. Miller. OF TOM.PK.INS COUNTY, NEW YORK 103 Ayes --13. Noes—O. Carried. '[r. 1)assanee offered the following resolution and moves] its adoption Rrt,Sol ,erl—That- report No. 2, of the Committee on Equalizat,ion, Etc., be accepted and adopted and that the valuation of real property for the pnrposes of the Highway Tax Levy, against the several tax districts of the county, be e4pralized and determined as therein set forth, as the basis o1 the, a.lipor•tionment of such taxes for the ensuing year. Seconded by 11r. Shaver. Ayes --11. Noes—O. Gamed. y•Ir. Von Order, Chairman of the Committee on Returned 1-igh- v ay and School Taxes, presented the following report of that committee, relative to the List of Grand Jurors for the year 1926: Your Committee on Returned :Highway and School To -axes, to \vlrich was referred the preparation of a list of Grand Jurors, having prepared such list from the names selected by the several supervisors of the towns and wards of the city, and filed the some with the Clerk of this Bonrd, hereby recommends that the Est so prepared, with the occupation, post office addresses, et,e., be adopted as the true Grand Jury List of Tompkins County for the year 1926. FRED 1). VAN ORDER 1H., OLEN A. EING, L. E. PAT'TERSON, Committee. i\Ioved by Mr. -ran Order, that the report be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Jones. Carried. i\Tr. Van Order, Gliairman of the Committee an net ed High- ,- and School Taxes, presented the following report of the com- mittee, relative to the Returned School Taxes of the county for the year 1925: Your Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, finds by the certificates signed by the County Treasurer, supported by the affidavits of the proper officers of the following school dis- tricts of the different Towns of the county and the City.ot Ithaca, 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ]3OARI) 01' SUPERVISORS submitted to this Board by the County '1roasurer, that. the fol- lowing- school taxes have not been paid, after diligent efforts have been made to enforce collection, your committee therefore recommends that the following sums be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same Ivere imposed, witli 7% in addition thereto: CAROLINE Dist. No. 2— Finch Estate. 50 acres $ .4.05 Dist. No.. 4— Lucinda Yager, 50 acres 9.50 John Lee, 100 acres 10.80 Dist.. No. 6— Harry 1)efreest, 28 acres 7.50 L."J. Hollister, 32 and IA acres 6.38 J. Fiddlir, 82 and acres 6.37 Alex Lezner, 82 acres 15.00 Dist. No. 7— Orin Cornelius 6.00 Frank Balker Est. 3.00 J. F. -Wilbur .38 Dist. No. 9— C. Tallmad`*e 4.72 Dist. No. 10— J. D. Stout, 90 acres . 2817 Dist. No. 11— C. Laltinier, 46 urges 4.50 Dist. No. 13— Hobart Clambers Est., 8 acres 4.72 F. -D. Roe. 37 acres 7.35 Caroline Telephone Co. 2.57 OP TOIMPKI\'S COUNTY, NEW. YORE 105 E. Crispell, 2 acres E. Crispcll, 88 ueres E. Crispell, 1/9 acre 5.99 Dist. No. 19— George Wolcott, 60 acres George Wolcott (Candor), 18 acres 4.40 Dist. No. 20— Gee Quick, 78 acres 11.40 Gee Quick, 1.4 acres 1.90 A. Spaulding, 39 acres 3.80 Mary 13rown, 114 acres 9.50 John Lee, 80 acres 7.60 \rincenza Degracia, 50 acres 1.2.35 Dist; No. 21— Jay Ballard, 12 acres 6.00 jay Ballard, 102 acres 18.00 $212.05 DA.NBY Dist. No. 2— Edwin Traver, 45 acres $ 7.80 Edwin Traver, 121.acres 29.90 Dist. No. 3— "Mrs. L. B. Finch, 64 acres 11.90 .Dist:. No. 5— Robert Curtis. 5 acres 1.30 Dist. No. 7— Harry Swansbrough, 1.00 acres 17.:37 Mrs. Chas. Manning, 50 acres 7.72 Dist. No. 8— Collis Compton, 108 acres 49.50 J06 PROCEEDINGS Or THF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Sydney 1 acre 8.25 -Joseph Lissick, 830 acres 92.51 Sara Scarsborough, 25 acre,; 33.00 Clarence Swartwood, 15 acres 22.68 Harvey Updike, 74 acres 87.12. Aaron Walker, lA acre 7.53 Dist. No. 9— Fremont McFall, 45 acres .80 Dist. No. 13— Mrs. Frank Martin, 160 acres 66.15 Orris Ostrander, 100 acres 22.05 Renhen'Dworsky, 119 and 1/ acres 40,79 Chas. Fisher, 100 aeres 29.05 Dist. No. 14— Isaac Hazzard, 60 acres 20.00 Bert Ilef-Tron, 16 acres 2.50 Orville Howard, 100acres 50.00 Joseph Waring. 59 acres 25.00 Dist. No. ]6— Bert. Baker, 2 and l/ acres .60 Fortner Est., .16 acres 1.20 Ostrander Est., 7 and 1/, acres .72 Joe Rid2way, 25 acres 1.80 Danby Telephone Co., .15 acres 2.04 Boyd, 80 acres :3.00 $585.88 DRYDEN Dist. No. 2- -Walter Coyle, 48 acres $ 10.12 pit, No. 9— Jno. Flinn, 65 acres 25.07 Dist No. M— ans. Magee, 23 and 1A acres 5.94 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK :107 Chas. McGill, 8 and 1i acres 8.37 Dist. No. 11— Winona 1—W\ nona Palmer, 19 acres 3.96 Dist. No. 12 -- Herbert, Metcalf, 80 acres 6.50 G. E. Goodrich, 62 acres 2.34 Dist. No. 13— F. L. Baker, 1.37 acres 37.20 4. L. Battier, 35 acres 1.12 J. L. Baker, 44 acres 5.58 J. L. Baker, 4 acres .65 Dist. No. 15— W. A. Dickens, 123 acres 42.50 0. J. Race. 80 acres 31.00 Victor Fulkerson, 1.16 acres 44.68 lI aelle Fulkerson, 50 acres 9.13 Dist. No. 20— Geo. W. Miller & Bro., 123 acres 35.85 Fi. 1. Fiiiclr Inst•., 50 acres 4.05 Dist. No. 21— Cornelius Barnes, 70 acres 19.79 Dist. No. 26— George Goodrich. 31. aaeres 1.12 Wil] limit, 25 acres 3.01 Z. B. Lormore, 93 acres 24.71. Mrs. Eva Stairs, 12 acres .70 ENFIELD Dist,. No. 4- 2' 33 Mark Dickerson, 1.00 acres 36.66 10S PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD O1` SUPERVISORS Dist. No. 7— Joseph Butler, 7 acres 2.80 Chas. Romsey, 1.25 acres 40.60 Elmer Rnrnsev, 80 acres 14.00 Joint Dist. No. 9, Ithaca and Enfield— A. A. Bannaster, 5 acres 1.26 Frances Hunter Est., 3 acres 6.84 Dist. No. 10— Carrie Runisev 16.94 Dist. No. 11— Fred Bowers, 1 aur] 1/ acres 2.30 1,1"m, Parker Est.., 1/. acre 2.30 Dist. No. 11---- Orviiie Iran Ostrand. 79 nacres 22.50 Jennie Van Ostrand, 50 acres 10.50 GROTON Dist. No. 8—• $1.56.70 -L. C. •Atwater. Lol.s W. Cortland St. $ 42.75 L. C. Atwater, Lots S. Main St. • 713 .L. C. Atwater, Lots Cayuga St. 5.70 L. C. Atwater, House 714 Spring' SI.•28. ,() L. C. Atwater, House 106 Peru Rood 11.40 Edward Bennett, Lot on Shriner St. 1.48 Frank P. Hatch, Clot on Spring St. - 2.85 ITarry Hugunine, Lots on W. Cortland St. 5.70 Clarence arence Kinney, hot on Spring St. 1.43 Milo Morgan, Lot on Sunrise Ave. 1.4:3 Willis Perkins. Lot .on W. Cortland St. 5.70 Perry A. Payne. Lot on Sunrise Ave. 2.85 Prudential Dis. Corp., House S. Main St. 114.00 Prudential Dis. Corp.. House E. South St. 114.00 Clarence A. Stone, House 109-1 1.1 Williams St 285.00 Mary Tvaroha. blouse 306 N. Parkway 34.20 Geo. W. Griffin, House 412 W. Cortland 5.70 • OP TOM.PI INS COUNTY, NEW YORK 109 F. 4. Heywood, Lots Clinton St. 9.85 F. J. Heywood, Lots 111cKinley.Ave. 5.70 F. J. Heywood, Lots Sunrise Ave. 4.28 Dist. No. 1 3— Stewa rt Lamont ont 28 n0 Dist. No. 16— Thomas Riley, 60 acres 46.20 Dist. No. 17— Clinton C7asar, 55 acres 27.45 Dist. No. 20— Shales Gel. Corp., 10 acre- 45.45 .shales. (.e1. Coeh., '1/ rc 15.15 Slroles Gel. Corp., 1 acre 1.52 Dist. No. 22- -Webster Bow -et -sox, .300 aero 91.00 Frank Krum, 118 acres 30.00 1'PH AGA Dist-. No. 6-- $891.57 Berglioltz 1Ee.alty Co. $ 23.75 Mrs. A. T. Bergholt.z 5.00 Dist. No. 7— Arthur Bennett 18.00 Otis Drew 20.91 (neo. B. Da : is .72 Tom- Deans•eli • 1...80 E. A. Finch - 3•60 J. 1i. Goldsmith .79 Ds+1;'rrrest Head .72 Smith .lhrll .90 Henry Joyce 21.60 Richard Lidd in ton 27.00 110 PROCEEDINGS O1 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS E. S. AfiddaiTh Et 72.00 Ahe Moore • 5.40 Hattie Liddington 1.35 Michael Sheridan .54 James Turner .90 W. W. Vose .11.1.60 Ira -Myers 108.00 E. J. Turner 1.82 Dist. No. S— P. T. Kelly, 1.00 acres P. T. Kelly, 66 aeres P. T. Kelly, 156 acres 1.48.48 Arthur Wright, 101 acre,; 48.63 Dist. No. 9— Sw•epon Ilowser, 23 vcre,4 53.98 Chas. Titus, 244 acres 98.67 LANSENG Dist. No. 2— $776.09 Central N. Y. S. R. R. $ 4.84 Fred Linderberry 27.00 Dist. No. 3— Tracy Buchanan 28.56 Helen Baker 11.90 Dist. No. 5— Grace G old en 17.50 Alice Davis .88 Central N. Y. S. R. E. 11.29 Dist. No. 7— James Inman 36.40 Henry Page .65 Dist. No. 9— Chas. Egbert .82 OF TOMPK.1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 111 J. Krish 2.45 Frank Bower 3.28 Nolle Wilson 4.08 Dist. No. 113— C1;rkr Blakeley 5.70 Dist. No. 18 B. S. Dewey 10.50 .1no. mettles 9.10 Central N. Y. S. R. 11 8.39 NEWFIELD Dist. No. 1— $192.32 Putnam Teeter, 35 acres $ 3.95 Willis Drake, 65 acres 6.32 Richard Cos, 45 acres 4.74 Dist No. 2— Diary Alexander Est., 22 acres MAry Alexander Ext., Shop -Mary Alexander Est., House and Lot 45.00 Chauncey Freese, House and Lot Chauncey- Freese, Lot 3.00 Ebner Galloo, house and Lot, 3.75 E. Haecker, Flouse and Lot 12.00 May Russell .75 Dist. No. 5— Bertha Munson, 54 ze.res 2.80 Dist. No. 8— James L. Baker 1.50 Ernest, Reynolds 5.40 Dist. No. 9— Martin [h. Benjamin, 44 acres 4.38 Bertha Munson, 85 acres 1.46 112 PROCEEDINGS' OF THE BOARD O1 SUPERVISORS Geo. Cavanaugh, 76 acres Dist. No. 11- 6.57 Peter Teeter. 53 acres 2.40 Fremont Brown, 10 acres .40 Fremont and Gertrude Brown. 37 acres - 2.00 Chas. Tobey, 16 acres .80 Fred Henning, 871/.. acres . 3.60 Fred Reaming. 71 acres 4.00 " Fred Henning. 621A acres 6.40 Estes Rockwell, 50 acres 2.40 Dist. No. 12— sera Leonard, 100 acres 16.20 Chas, Leonard, 30 acres 3.60 Aaron Runiser. 100 acres 9.00 Dist. No. 13— Robert Raub, 91 acres 39.39 Dist. No. 14— First. Nat'l Bank, .Bothe], 76 acres . 8.58 Edith M. Cass, 40 acres 3,95 Fred Moot, 214 acres 21.63 Dist. No. 15— F. D. Cowles. 15 Boles 4.08 N. Slincle, 108 acre..' 48.00 \. Slinde, 120 acres 16.00 .Dist. No. 18— Putman Teeter. 96 acres 6.40 Dist. No. 20 Fremont Brown and Gertrude Brown and Olive Rockwell, 20 acres 1.50 Win. McGiven, 101 acres 27.00 Ma �• Russell. 27 acres 3.50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 113 Dist. No. 21- Pnt:man Teter, 33 acres 1.50 Putrnan Teeter, 120 acres 2.50 Peter Teeter, 134 acres 3.25 Peter Teeter, 80 acres 3.25 ULYSSES Dist. No. 1- $343.00 Edward Arden, II & L $ 23.61 F. C. Biggs, 1T L, 12 ei cres 138.88 Fred Brewer, H & L, 1/4 acre 8.33 Maud Chilip. 1I & L, 4 acres 29.17 Addie Emmons, H & L, 1/4 acre 1.3.06 East, Steamburg Tel. Go., Franchise .97 Gey.Ehle,11&L,1/nacre 13.89 Hazen Fish, 11 •& .L, I/ acre 9.73 Llai -Hopkins Est., 11 & L, 1/ acre 13.89 Mrs. C00. King, inb II & L 1/, acre 44.44 Sarah Noble, Trot. 1.39 Irwin Potter, H & L, 77 acres 111.10 Emery Spicer, II & {_,, I/, acre 9.73 Pater. Tuniso 1, J-1 & L, 1/_ acro 38.89 Leon Tucker, 10 acres 29.17 Mrs. Chas. -Weeks Est., 11 & Ij 9.73 Dist. No. 6- -Mrs. Albert Clark, 9. acres 2.98 Dist. No. 11 - IV. Grant Egbert 4.80 L. H. Outsell 1.80 Mary Sutton 2.40 Dist.. \' o. 12- W. Grant: Egbert, 52 acres 24.80 • Dist. No. 18 -Harry Williams, "7. acre 5.70 $543.46 114 P130CEEDI\GS OF THE BOARD 01 S1 PEHV[SOBS CITY OF 1T13ACA Walter & Susie Hihon, 1086 11'. Seneca St. $ 21.76 Lot, 11.3-115 Floral -Ave, 2.56 Ja'-ia Bolas, 913 W. Crest St. 7.68 W. & ArlieBrooks, 219 W. Lincoln Ave. 35.84 Lot, Short St., 2.56 Elbert C. Carpenter, Lot, 420 11'. lluffalo St. 6.40 Mary R. Casey, 307 S. Plain St. 15.36 B. & H. Chihon, 217 Floral Ave. 1.28 14. & A. H. Chilson, Lot, Floral Ave. 2.56 -Uri Clark Est, 15,4 E. State St. 204.51) J. W. Coe, 119 Colle,e Ave. 69.12 B. Coleman Est., 136 Fayette St.' 19.20 405 W. Clinton St. 20.48 Nina Cornelius, 113 Cobb St.. 20.48 •Chas. Dade, 210 Cleveland Ave . 16.64 Jas. 4. Dillon, 10.1 Morris Ave. 15.36 103-5 Morris Ave. 15.36 1.09-1.1-1.3-15 Morris Axe. 30.72 110-12 -14-16 Morris Ave. 23.04 Grace Dodge, 317 First St.' 14.08 C. E. Dunkle, Lot No. 37, Maple Ave. • 1.92 Bessie Fish, 214 Floral Ave. 10.24 216 Floral Ave. 15.36 Frank Fish, Lot -No. 2, Floral Ave. 1.92 John Flinn, 11.2 W. Seneca St. 70.40 C. & B. French, 41.4 S. Ge Geneva St. ' 24.32 M. & J. Geary, 320 N. :Meadow St. 20.48 Thos. Gelshinan Est., 305 I'iillyiew H. 8.20 Edw`d. Gibbons Lst.. 127-9 Cleveland Ave. 35.84 -A. C. & Maude Goff, 305 W. Green St. 102.40 Gar., Rear 315 W. Green St 30.72 M. Gray Est., 308-311 IHill'iew P1. 25.16 :307 Ilillyiew Pl. 20.48 Geo. Houghton, 109 Farm St.. 5.60 Lot. Cascadilla Ave. 4.`48 Fred Hoyt, 125-7 Elan St.. 35.84 lthac.a Improvement & Operating Co.. 412-14 Mitchell St. 38.40 J. P. & L. Jones, 602 Madison St. 23.04 Theresa La Barr, 1 -OS Franklin 15.36 Fred Leonard, 125-7 Flyers 23.04 Manuel Llop, 209-211 Dryden lid. -5:3.2.0 904• 1lect or 89.60 240 Linden Ave :35.84 11. J. Lucas, Jr.. 407 E. Tompkins St. 15.36 M .son &.- Jackson, 502 S. Plain 25.66 Bruno' Mazza. 416-18 N. Meadow 25.60 OE TOMIPKKI\S COUNTY, NEW YORK 115 J. 13. -McAllister, 41.8-22 Eddy 332,80 Preston ill.elton, 425 AV. Seneca 21.76 223 S. Plain 20.48 Lena C. Miller, 41.2 Elm ;35.84 Ben Mintz Est.. 402 W. Seneca _ 76.80 S. 1\iollella, Garages, 4th and Madison 3.5.36 Boss Oltz,'311 Floral Ave. 12.80 W. P. Purtell, 512-14 AV. Buffalo 25.60 Arthur Quick, 4:14 Madison (S. lIolIelln p vs) 23.04 Anna Reidy, Lot 623 Dryden Rel. 6.40 J. Reidy Est., 10 lap*c ..Ave. 21.76 121 Ma plc Ave. 60.16 Lot, Mahle Ave. 16.64 I. Rocher, 326 W. Buffalo 58.88 L. G. Scott, 1.27 Giles 20,48 Thad Seamon, 302 E. Lincoln 25.60 M. J. Sheridan Est., 41.2 Hudson 21.75 Lot, 414 1 -Hudson 5.12 A. G. Sincel)auglr, 339 EInr 44.80 Gertrude Sinn, 285 Cliff 15.36 Lot. 238 Cliff 1.28 Tra Stillwell, 321 E. Falls 21.76 Tompkins Co. Farmers' Co., 903 W. State 64.00 Fred Van Order, 51.1. W. Seneca 52.48 514-16 W. State 70.40 Mary E. Van Order, 356 Floral air . 112.64 Jesse Vaughn, lot 28 Tree?! Ave. 1.28 E. L. Welch, 1.32-4 Linn 38.28 J. Welch, .Ice ]rouse, Westport 5.12 206 College. Ave. 81.02 C. H. Wilcox 209 Auburn20.48 $2,677.76 F. D. VAN ORDER, JR., OLEN A. L. E. PATTERSON, ERSON, Connitt'ee. Mr, Van Order offered the following resolution anis moved its adoption: Resolved -That the foregoing report of tlic Cornmittee on Re- turned Highway and School Taxes be accepted and that the sinus therein mentioned be Ieviod and collected from the lands or prop- erty•upon which the •sne were imposed, vitli 7% in addition thereto. 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconcted by Mr, Dassance. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. -Moved by Mr. Dassance, that the .Board meet as a Committee of the Whole, for an inspection of the Tuberculosis Hospital and the County Home, on Friday, December 11, at 10:00 A. "1. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. Mr. -Miller presentee- a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. On motion, adjourned to-iMIonday, December 14, at 10:30 A.l I. FOURTEENTH DAY Monday, December 14, 1925 MORNING SESSION Roll call. .A11 members present. 11linutes of preceding day read and approved. The report of Bert Kirby, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, was received and referred to the 'Committee on Cor- oner. justices' -Etc., Accounts. _\Ir. George presentee- a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of ILansingx, which was received and referred to the. COtn- mittee on Town Expenses, Etc. lCr. Dassance presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness and Temporary Indebtedness of tiie Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr, Dassance presented a list of the Special Franchises of the To\vn of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee ori Town Expenses, Etc. The report of Howard K. Aiken, a Justice of the Peace of the Torn of Ulysses, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices',•Etc., Accounts. • OP TO_l1l-KINS COUNTS., NEW YORK :117 • Mr..Townsend presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Ulysses, i-hich was received and referred to' the Committee on Town Expenses, Ete. Mr. Townsend presented the several chines lid ited by the Committee on Auditing Accounts of'. the. 'Tuberculosis Hospital, for the year ending October 31. 1925, which was received and filed. DIr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the several claims against the -emu -11y audited by the Committee on tluditsng Accounts of. tbth Tuberculosis Hos- pital, for the year ending October 31, 1925, this day filed, be au- •dited ler this Board at the amounts rccommondOrl and attdited by t:he committee. Seconded by Mr. Killer. Ayes -18. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the Executive Secretary of the Southern 'I'ier Association .for the Blind, Which was re- ferred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. hiller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That. the Committee for the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis for the year 1.926, shall consist of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Herbert A. Whittaker, as repre- sentatives of this Board, and ;1[essrs. Dr. Homer them g, of Dry- den. Albert, L. Stone; of l.thaca, and E. N. :Afoot, of Ithaca; and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appraifiriatcd the sum of :0,000.00, or so much thereof as may he necessary, for rhe . carrying on the work of the above desi;znated committee for the year 1926, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said moneys on the written order of such committee, signed by the representatives of this hoard; and be it further 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS Resoii ed—That all investigations and work performed in the eradication of bovine tnbercaalosi5 in Tompkins County, includ- ing the hiring and discharging of all employees, shall be in charge of said committee. Seconded by ivIr. Smiley. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. The selection of certain officers and representatives of the Board, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. Mr. Shaver placed in nomination the name of Dr. Cr. at. Gil- christ, as a Member of the Board of Managers of the Tubercu- losis Hospital. Dr. Gilchrist's nomination was seconded by Mr. •There being_no further nominations, on motion, the Cleric east one ].allot for Dr. G. M. Gilchrist., and the Chairman declared Dr. Cl. M. Gilchrist duly elected a Member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis .Hospital, to succeed himself, fora term of five years, beginning January 1. 1926. lir. Patterson placed in nomination the name of Dr. J. AV. Judd, as Jail Physician for the ensuing year. Dr. Judd's nomination ',vas seconded by -Mr. Kin<o. There beim no further nominations, on motion, the Clerk cast one ballot for Dr. J. W. J udd. and the Chairman declared lir. Judd duly elected Jail Physician for the ensuing year. IIr. Whittaker placed in nomination the name of Mrs. Amy Green, as Jail Matron for the ensuing year. Mrs. Green's nomination was seconded by lir. -Tones. There being no further nominations, On motion, the Clerk cast one ballot. for Mrs. Amy Green, and the Chairman declared Mrs. Green duly elected Jail _-Matron for the ensuing year. Mr. Shaver placed in nomination the Fla Mc of Whna. O. Smiley, as a Director of the'Faa7n Bureau Association. !lir. Smiley's nomination vas seconded by Mr. Patterson. OF TO1t:K1 S COUNTY, NEW YORK 119 There being no further nominations, on motion, the Clerk cast one ballot for Wm. 0. Smiley, and the Chairman declared Mi. Shiley duly elected a Director of the Farm Bureau Association, as the representative of the Board of Supervisors. • -Mr. Miller placed in nomination the bone of Sidney L. Howell, as the representative of the Board in Junior Project Extension WTork. ll.r. Howell's nonxinirtion was .seconded by Mr. Shaver. The;re lreinr no further nominations, on motion. the Clerk cast one ballot for Sidney L. Howell, rind the Chairman declared \Ir. I -towel] duly elected as the representative of this Boa rd in the Junior Project. Extension Work of the harm Bureau Association. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the amount. paid the Jail Physician ±nr his services for the year 1.926, be $2.00 a visit, and being. the salmi amount as heretofore paid. Seconded by Cllr. Patterson. Carried. :i'r. King• presented a list of the Town. Audits of the Town of. Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee ort Town Expenses, Etc. The Clerk read the following. report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the reports of the County Clerk and the Surrogate's f acrh, nn ale receipts and d ishiireluents of t.liCir offices: Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, re- ports that it has examined the reports submit=ted by the County Cie-rk and the Shunt ate's Clerk respectively- and, in the opinion of your committee, the same Ole correct. After comparing the report of the County C=lerk with the re: port of the County Treasurer, 00 ]ler receipts from the County Clerk, your Committee believes that the receipts nf° the County Clerk's office belonging to the county, 1(05 been paid to the County Treasurer; and that, the sum of.$187.49, being die balanee in the hands of the Surrogate's Clerk. after laying the expenses of her office. for the year, has been received and ready to be applied to the credit. of the county. LESLIE R. PIERCE, 1-1. A. '\VI11 T 11AKER, A. S. MID LER, Comm ittee. R 120 PROCEEDINGS OP THE .BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ;Moved by llr. Pierce, that the report of the Committee he accepted. Seconded by lir. Smiley: Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the report of the Commissioners of Election: Your Committee on County Clerk- and Election Expenses, re- ports that it has examined the report of. the Commissioners of Election, and, to the best of your Committee's jtulg_gment, the sante is correct, and your Committee therefore recommends that the apportionment of election expenses for the year as made by said Commissioners, lie accepted and adopted. by.this Board, and that the several sums charged to the county, towns and city, he levied upon and collected t`roiu the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and the respective towns and cite- therein, as follows: County of Tompkins $3,634.43 Town of Caroline 152.79 Tow of Danby 106.65 Town of Dryden 404.33 Towyn of Enfield 120.00 Town of Croton 469.77 Town of Ithaca 221.98 City of 1.thaea 995.56 Town of Lansing 232.18 Town of Newfield 159.10 Town of. Ulvsse's 275.19 $6,772..03 LESLIE 11. PIERCE, 11-1. A. l i-II.'1`TAKER, A. S. MILLER, Committee. Air. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Clerk ui l Election Expenses be. accepted and that the several stuns therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the respective towns of the county, the City of Ithtaca and the County of 'Tompkins, as therein set forth. Seconded by Mr. Dassancc. OF TOMPKINS COUNTS', YEW VOR}' 121_ Ayes -13. Noes ----O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. FIFTEENTH DAY Tuesday, December 15, 1925 MORNING SESSION Moll call. A11 members present. -Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The report of Albert Coleornvc, a Justice of the Peace of the Town nf. .Hmficld, was received and referred 10 the Committee on Coroner, Justices' Et e. Accounts. Mr. Townsend, Chairman of the Committee on County Tl'reasiur- er's Accounts, rendered the followita, report of that Committee, relative to the report of the County Treasurer: Your Committee on County 'I yea mer's Aeeou:ats reports that it has examined the report of.. the Comity Treasurer as submitted to this Board and your Committee hos compared the same with the hooks, vouchers and bank balances and believes the sante to be correct. Your Committee believes the report is a true state- ment of the business, of the Bounty as handled by the County Treasurer during the yea?' and your Committee therefore recom- mends that said report be accepted. Dated, December .15, 1925. J. M. TOWNS1Nl), S. L. HOWELL. H. A. WHITTAKER, Committee. 1lrived by lir. Townsend, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Sharer. Carried.. Mr. Whittaker, Chairman of the Committee to hear the appeal of Matthew P. Snook from an award by the Assessors of the Town Danby- for iaajurie.s to .sheep, caused by dogs, rendered -the fol- Eoyrng report of that committee: 122 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF STII'ERVISORs To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins Count-, N. Y. Your Committee, having been appointed to hear the appeal of Matthew P. Snook from an award made to him by the assessors - of the Town of Dranby, for in,jiu ies to sheep by dogs, both an an original and supplemental claim therefor, wish to report to your body that this committee had a hearing before it, and examined all witnesses presented; both by the claimant and the assessors of the Town of Danby, and your Committee. believes that the award made by the -assessors on the original claim, dated Oetober 22, 192 x, and 011 the supplemental claim. dated October 22, 1925, was ample and sufficient and,covered all damages sustained by claimant on all claims presented and before. this .eommittee, and your committee would recommend that the award made by the assessor of the Town of Danby, both on the original autl supple- mental claims, be allowed to stand and that no further or addi- tional award be made by this Board. on the appeal therefrom. Dated. December 15.1925. H. A. WTdI.TT 1KER. W. R. (1EOIE G -E, ALBEIT DASSANCH. Coral nlittee. Moved by lir. Whittaker, that the report: of the committee be aeeepted and adopted. Seconded In .:lir. Howell. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION J. ol1 call. All members present. -IITr. Smiler. Chairman of the Committee on Comity Officers and Compensation, rendered the :following report of that com- mittee, relative to salaries of county officers and employees: Your Committee on County Officers. and Compensation reports that., in its opinion, the salaries of county officials and regular employees in the various county offices and departments of county goyernnlerat should be fixed as follows: TOMM1'.N1:NS COUNTY, NEW VORI( 123 County Judge $8,500.00 Judge of Childrens' Court 1,500.00 Special County Judge 600.0() County Clerk '2.600.00 County Treasurer 1,000.00 District Attorney 1,600.00 Sheriff' 2,400.00 Superintendent of the Poor 1,500.00 Coroner 300.00 Superintendent of Highways 2,200.00 Deputy County Clerk 1,200.00 Ce -linty Sealer o1` Weights find Measures 500.00 Tiro Commissioners of Eleetion cr $600.00 1,200.00 Clerk iii' Board 1501).00 Attorney .Eur Board 00.00 Jail (Matron 300.00 Surrogates' Clerk 1,500.00 Comity Court & Stu°rogiite's Steno (raphel• 1,200.00 Clerk or Ghildrens' Court. 801L00 Probation Officer 1.2(1).00 _Motor Vehicle Clerk, County Clerk 1200.00 .Assistants inConnt� Clef h's Off eo 4,400.00 tinder Sheriff! 400.00 Dewily Sheriff and Turnkey 900.00 Jo idiot. at County Clerk's Building 480.0)) Keeper at County 1Lonie 1,200.00 Total fir Officers and Employees $:;5 450.00 Your Committee recommends 1hat the salaries of the county officers and employees he fixed by this Board at the amounts Stated, and yoilh• cohrllllittee directs tlliit. the aitlohint. (paid the lletor Vehicle Clerk in the County Clerk's office be in hill for any notoriai fees or other services iii connection with. the duties of his office, that, the Count- Sealer (if 1i'eiglhts and Measures he ailowed a'sttm, not to exceed 44,=100.00, For expenses while per- forming the duties of his office, that the County Superintendent. of I]ighn'ay's be alto ed a sum; not to exceed *1,000.90, for expenses whiles hesfnh•loin tli duties td his that the Coronmr She allowed a suis not to exceed $100.00, for expenses while per- forming the duties of his office, said expenses to he amIliterl by this Board at the annual session or at 'any quarterly session, and that the District: Attorney he allowed the shin ol'. $100.00 for office expenses, to be paid to liiln monthly. 124 PROCEEDINGS OI THE BOARD Or SUPERVISORS 1V. 0. SMILEY, S. L. HO -WELL, . :LESLIE R. PIERCE. 'Committee. ;Aloved by lir. Smiley, that the report of the Committee Comity Officers and Compensation, he accepted Enid aciopteci. Seconded by lir. ?Miller. on Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Carl Crandall appeared before -the Board, relative to the conveyance by the county to' the F'ing'er ]cakes State Part: Asso- ciation, of certain portions of the Tuberculosis Hospital. property, which matter was referred to the Committee on Charities to investigate and report. :Hr. Smiley offered the following resolution .and moved its adoption: iesola;ccs—That the sums of $1.500.00 and $:300.00, heretofore %a1Prnlrriated as salaries to the Clerk and Attorney- for this Board, be in full payment of service as Clerk autl Attorney for the Board from November 1:2, 1-925, to the annual session in 1.926, unless otherwise ordered by a resolution of this Board. Said stuns to be paid as follows: $400.00 forthwith, $400.00 on Janu- ary 15. 1926, and the balance in tela monthly payments of $100.00 per month, the first monthly payment being February 1, 1926. The County Treeasurer i5 hereby authorized to make the first two payments out of any unappropriated moneys in her hands, and if she has not sufficient funds with which to pay the same, she is authorized and directed to borrow the same on the credit of the county. .Seconded by lir. Pierce. Carried. On motion, adjourned. SIXTEENTH DAY Wednesday, December 16, 1925 MORNING - SESSION Roll call. Ali members present, eicept ➢'fr. King. OEC TOMPKI S COUNTY, NEW TORI: 125 Minutes of preceding Clay read and approved.. Air. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: • Resof ((J—That there be levied' and collected from the taxable property of Tnnrlrl.ins County, the snuff or $30,7:30.00 for the con- struction of highways for the year 1926, under the provisions of Section :120-A, of the FIi, hway Law, Said sum of x0,730.00 to be duplicated by a like amount l:y the State of Now York, under the proVision5'of Section X320 -I3, of the Highway Law. SeenHded by -Al r. Pierce. .1 vex -1.2. Noes --0. Carried. Air. Patterson offered the following; resolution and moved its adoption : llasolb.ed—'1'hat there be and hereby is appropriated from the Motor ]vehicle Funds, now iii the hands of the County Treasurer, the sum of $4,0110.00, to 1Iie Construction Fund under the County System of Roads, Seconded by 71r. Pio'co. Ares -122. Noes -0. Carried. \lr. Shaver offered the followirra resolution and moved its adoption Resol$Jerl—That there be and herehy is appropriated the sutra of :!;9.023.00 for the maintenance of iritwhways during the year 1926, built under the County System of Road;. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. :fres-12. Noes—O. Carried. llr. Patterson offered 1110 following resolution and Moved its adoption: 13asni):erl—That there be and hereby is appropriated the stun of $5,000.(10, or so ninclr thereof as may be necessary, for pay- ment- for.rig•hts of way on the Dryden -Cortland and on tin Lth- aca-'[ rrimansburg. Highways. Seconded by Arr. Shaver. 12ii PROCEEDINGS Or THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -12. Noes—O. Curried. AFTERNOON SESSION Moll call. All members present. \[r. Pieree offered the following resolui ion and moved its adop- tion: It'esolLrrT—That there be and hereby is ii]tprolrriated the stun of $300.00 to the Cornell Library Association for the rental of offices for the Motor Vehicle Clerk for the year 1926, and the County 'Treasurer is hereby direetecl to pay 'such autnrtrt to the Treasurer of said association, in quarterly, payments. Seconded by 1[r. Shaver. Ayes -1:1. Noes ---0. Curried. Ir. Dowell presented a list. of the Corporations of the City of Ithaca, which was filed. 7. Howell presenter) n report showing that the School Tax Rate of the City of Ithaca for the year 11Th », was $14.00 on each $.1.;000.00 of valuation. The Clerk read the 'following report of the Committee on Town and County ,Accounts, relative to the amounts to be raised for sinking fund and interest 'on bonds issued for the enn.struetion of state and state and county highways, and the amounts neces- sary to be raised by the several towns for the maintenance there- of for the year 1926: Your Committee on Town and County Accounts, hawing ex- amined the figures submitted by the State Comptroller, of the oJnmuats ncecssary to he raised by the several towns of the county for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construc- tion of stale and state and county highways, and the figures sub- mitted by the State Bureau of Highways, 1)1 the amotuats•neces- sary to be raised for the maintenance of such highways by the several towns, reports the following amounts to be levied and eollected from the various towns of 1110 eoanty for such highway maintenance, and also the amonti's to be levied and collected for sinking fond and interest on bonds issued for the construction of state and state and county highways, due from Tompkins County and the several torus therein. as follows: 01' TO1iPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 127 Towns County .Int.erest Town. Interest Road. Sinking on Sinking on Al. aintetin /ice Fund same Fund same Caroline * 550.00 Danby 650.00 Dryden 1250.00 *1017.15 *2031.31 $263.43 $526.90 :i±]nfield 600.110 Groton 500.00 lrhaea 1100.00 339.42 678.86 Lansing 700.00 Nctirfield 650.00 Ulysses 4150.00 70620 141.2.40 216.85 433.69 *6450.00 ;12062.77$4125.57 *480.28 *960.59 Dated, December 16, 1925. OLIT,N A. KING, ALI3ERRT I) 1SS INCE, F. D. VAN ORDER, JR., Committee. Mir. Ding offered the following. resolution and moved its adop- tion: li',esolvr3(1—'Pkat the report oP the Committee on Town and Comity Accounts be accepted and that the amounts therein men- tioned be levied and collected from the taxable property of the various towns of the county for road mmaaiutcnan,e; and also that the amounts bellevied and collected from the taxable property liable therefor for sinking: fund tied interest on bonds issued for the construction of state and state and eorult.y highways, due from the County of Tompkins and the several towns thereof. Seconded by Mr. Townsend. Ayes—]3. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned. SEVENTEENTH DAY Thursday, December 17, 1925 MORNING SESSION Roll call. X411 Inc-mi)ers present. 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS lllinutes of preceding day read and approved. Reports of J. D. Ross and.Hiles D. Lane, Justices of the Peace of the Towns of Dryden and Lansing respectively, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc., Ac- counts. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHHER-EAs—The town superintendents of the several towns of Tompkins County have made an estimate of the amount of monet- necessary to be raised by tax for the improvement of the highways aiicl bridg.es and other miscellaneous highway pur- poses of their respective towns, as provided by Section 90, of the Highway Law; and \VIIEREAS—The respective town .boards have approved or ehanred said estimates, as provided by Section 91 of the High- way Law; therefore be it Nesolreil—That the said estimates as a pproved by the town boards be received and the sum set opposite the name of the re- spective towns in t.lie column whieh bears the heading, "Amount of 1st Item" (which is the amount of the First Item in said esti- mates), be assessed, levied and collected upon the. taxable prop- erty of the respective towns, exclusive of the property within the limits of the .incorporated tillage or villages of their respective towns which maintain their streets and highways as a'separate road district: and be it further Resolved—That thelsum set opposite the names of the respec- tive towns, in the columns which bear the heading, "Amount of 2d Item," "Amount of Srd Item" and "Amount -of 4tli .Item" (which is the amount of the Second, Third and Fourth Items of said estimates as approved by the various town boards), be as- i-:e.,4sed, levied and collected upon the entire taxable property of the various towns of Tompkins County, as follows, that is to say: Narne of Amount of Town First Item Caroline . $3,000.00 Danby 3,907.00 Dryden 8.000.00 - Enfield 9,822.00 Groton 5,400.00 Ithaca - 4.637.74 Lansing 7;100:00. Newfield 3,917.00 Ulysses 5000.00 amount of Atnoilnt of Second Item Third item .700.00 $ 500.00 1,200.00 • 3,000.00 = .• 8,000.00 500.00 500.00 7-,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 2;000:00 2,500.00 "1,000.00 1,500.00 Amount of Fourth Item $1,400.00 1,500.00 4,200.00 1,815.00 2,1.00.00 2,600.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 1.;000,00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 129 And that the several amounts when collected shall be paid to the supervisors of the respective towns, to be paid out by them . as provided by law. Seconded by illi. -Whittaker: Ayes -1:3. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the amount set of)posite the name of each. town be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of that town, exclusive of the corporate limits of any village or vil- lages, the same when collected to he paid to the supervisor of the town to he alpplied to the cancelling of certificates of indebted- nes.s and the interest aceruing on sane. Name of Town Amount ol` Amount Of Principal to be levied interest to be levied Caroline ,} 2,500.00 Danby 450.0[) Enfield • 8.00[0.0(1 Lansing 14.1S7.1G Newfield 4,500.00 Ulysses 1.0,000.00 `x;125.00 180.00 107.50 Seconded by :Mr. lIilIcr. Ayes -1 , Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll eall. All members present. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: !1 5okcn((—'.flat whenever, in the opinion of the Highway Offi- cials Committee (f. this lioiird, a Town Superintendent is incom- petent, or refuses or 21eglectS to carry, out the mstructiom5 given him In .)id committee in the: construction 'Or -naitite11 ince of highways in his town Tinto.;1 .20-A; of the -Highw y Law, and the Town .hoard of said town fails to take action Thereon, said committee s1<<311 have the power to appoint; a competent person l30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS as an inspector of said work of construction or maintenance, and the compensation paid such inspector ,shall be deducted front the amount of moneys to be paid that year by the count, to the town in which such hightivay k looted. Seconded by \.1.r. [)assance. - Ayes Messrs. Smiley, Shaver, Patterson, Howell, Pierce, Das- sanee. Totirnsend-7. Noes—Messrs. Whittaker, King. ]ones, hiller, Van Order, George 6. Resolitt i oat ea cried. On motion of 'ATT. I-Iowel.l..the Board went into executive session. The Board arose from executive session and proceeded in the transaction of regular business. On motion, adjourned. EIGHTEENTH DAY Friday, December 18, 1925 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day, read and approved. Mr. .zones presented t}ie several claims audited by the Com- mittee on Jail Supplies during the year ending October 31, 1925, which were received and filed. Mr. Jones offered the following; resolution and moved its adop- tion: Is;esolred—That= the several claims against the county ,tied au- dited by the Committee on Jail Supplies during the year ending October 31, 1925, this day'filed, be•audited by this Board at the amounts recominended and audited by. the committee. Seconded- by i\Tr. -Whittaker. L, OF TOM MINS COUNTY, N.E\Y YORK 131 Ayes 13. Noes ---0. Carried. MT. Shaver, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, rerulered the following report of that corttmit:tee, relative to the report of the Board of Managers of the '1i'uberenlosis Hospital: Your Cotnrnitt.ee on. Charities reports that it lots examined the report submitted to this Board, of -the Board of 'Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital,- and, so Fur as your eonanrittee can ascer- tain; t:hc figures submitted in said report are correct. In view ref' the large expense neeesstrry in the maintenance of an institution of this kind, your committee recommend that there be appropriated the stun of $22,000.110 for the maintenance of the hospital for the ;year .1.!)26, and the sum ol'.:*11)00.00 for the em- ployment of a vocational nurse, and therefore recommend the adopt.iori of the following resolution Vesol+;erl--'flat there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the stun of $22,))0P,00 for the main- tenance ol'. the Tompkins Comity Tuherenlosis Ilospitat for the year 1926, and The Soni or $1,000.00 for the employment of an educational and vocational nurse at the institution for the year 1326. W. J. SHAVER, S. 1IOWEIJ i J. W. JONES, Coiirmittee. Moved bar 11r. Shaver, that the report of the committee be ac- ted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by DIr•. Smiley. Ayes -13. Noes --70. Carried, 1)1r. Shaver, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, pre- sented the following report of that committee, relative to the re- port. of the County Superintendent of the Poor: Your Committee on Charities, reports that it has examined the report of the, Superintendent of the Poor and reports than the figures therein submitted *appear to be correct,, and your commit- tee recommends the adoption of the following resolution: Ireesola;c4l7.7-That for the maintenance of the furor having settle- rnent in Tompkins County, there he Ievied and collected from the 132 PROCEEDINGS' OF" :I'HE BOARD OF -SUPERVISORS "taxable property of the several towns and the City of Ithaca, to reimburse the county for moneys expended for t.ite maintenance of the poor of the various towns and the City of ithaea, during the year ending November 15, 1925, the following sums, viz.: Goroline Dankly Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cit:' of Ithaca .County $ 158.29 342.87 342.87 591.67 42.04 171.44 85.72 196.1.0 2,638.93 - 418.02 and be it further *5,354.31 Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the stun of $12.930.00, appor- tioned as follows: County and Town Poor to be supported at the County Ilome for the ensuing year. Outdoor Relief and County 1-lome Maintenance Superintendent of` Poor Expenses Transportation Chaplain -at County Home Physician at County Home Moved by Jr. Shaver,. that the report cepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by .11r. hiller. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. .- 5,500.00 6,000.00 400.00 400.00 150.00 480.00 $12,930.00 AV. J. SHAVER, S. L. HOWELL., J. AV. JONES, Comte ittee. of .the committee be ae- llr. Pierce. Chairman of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Ete.,-•to, which had been referred the reports of various: organiza-: • 01."1'0111 P.KINS COUNTY, N I W YO1 tions, and asking for the appropriat:ion.of moneys, rendered the following report of that committee: Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., to whieh was re- ferred the reports of certain-organiiatiorrs and'assoeiat.ions and their requests for appropriations from this Board, believes that the request of the Southern Tier ,z\.socia tion for the -Blind should not be granters, imtsmuch as none of the reports of that associa- tion have shown that the Work of t-litit a5sociati.on has, or is, in any way, a benefit to Tompkins County, and your committee therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved—That. there be. and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County ]farm 13ureitn the ,sum of. $3,{)00.00, to the Tompkins Con.ndy Homo Bureau Association the sum of $4,000.00, and to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau for Junior Project Extension Work, the sutra or $2,5(}(1.00; to the Child Welfare Board the stun of $:1.000.00, to the Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red Crosti Society fora Public Health Nurse the sunt of $1.,500.00, for carrying on the work of those organizations i'.or the year 1926; and be it further leesort..e(1--'P1att the Cottty'Preastrer is hereby directed to pay to the 'Treasurer of the Farm Bureau i\.ssouiat.ien and the 1-lmne Bureau Association, the amounts herein appropriated to theta in four quarterly payments out the a.Sth days ofrt February, May, Au- gust. and November, upon the tiling with her of a certified copy _of this resolution, that she is hereby directed to pay to the Treas- urer of the Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red. Cross Society in four quarterly payments on the 1st days of Jan - nary, April, July and October, upon the filing with her of a certi- fied copy of this resolution, and to the Child Welfare Board on the written orders -of the Treasurer of .said Board. LhSLIE R. PIERCE, A. S. 11 . LLER, F. D. VAN ORDER, JR., Committee. lIov-ed by Mr. Pierce. that the report., of the committee be ac- cepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by 111.r. George. .Ayes -1.3. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Patterson presented a report showing that the City Tax Rate of the City of Ithaca was $1.5.00 on each $.1.,000.00 of valua- tion. 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NINETEENTH DAY Monday, December 21, 1925 MORNING SESSION Roll call. A11 members present. Minutes of preceding day read.<and approved. Mr. St. Jolts presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee for tate Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis for the year, which Ivere received and filed. l\Ir. _hiller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: lfe.tioleed—That the several claims audited by your Comntittee ,for the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis for the• year ending November 28, 1025, this day •fibre! be audited by this Board at the several amounts reeonanaended and audited by the committee. Seconded by M.r. Van Order. Ares -18. Noes—O. Carried. ]\ir. Smiley offered the rollowing resolution and moved its adoption: . Nesolee4—That: there be a nd hereby is aphroln•iated the stun of $1..000.00 for the entire janitor service at the court house for the year 1926,)said service to include the caring for the Beating of said building. Said .janitor to be employed by and raider the direct supervision of the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The report of Daniel Mitchell, a Justice of t -he Peace of the Town of Enfield,.was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc., Accounts. Mr. Jones presented a List of the Corporations of the Town of Croton. 101101 was received and filed. _Mr. Townsend presented the Town Budget of. the Town of OF TOMThKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 135 Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Cllr. Smiley presented the petition of the Assessors of the Town of Danby, to strike from the assessment roll of the tOwn for the year 1 the property assessed to John E'. 1)enniston, and to add to the assessment roll of the town for the year 1925, property be- longing. to Mrs. Lillian Allen, the same haying been omitted therefrom throe h error. + On motion of Mr. Smiley, the request of the assessors was granted and the assessors n -ere directed to strike from the assess- ment roll of the town and to add to the assessment roll of the town for the year 1925, the property deserihed in the petition. Boll call. AFTERNOON SESSION All nonillions present.. ld.r. George Otiered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Ifxsolceel----Thar. there be and hereby is appropriated, the sum of {:350.00, or so mueli thereof as mai' be necessary, for payment for the chanes and repairs, in the lighting system in the court house. Seconded by Air. King. Ares -1:1. Noes --0. Carried. ll r. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Uosol-rrerl—'l'hat. there Ire and hereby is appropriated, the sum of $1, 150.0(1, or so nruclr thereof its may he necessary, in payment of the new plumbing, system in the courrt-hoose, ordered by 511- prclne Court. Justice Hill. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes 18. Aroes---0.• Carried. Ir. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption 130 PROCEEDI\GS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That there he and hereby is appropriated, the suns of $10.000.00; or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the finishing. of the repair work on the court -hoose. Seconded by \Lr. Van Order. Aves-13. Noes—O. Carried. Moved by _AIr..Shaver, that the Chairman appoint a committee of three, to investigate and to report to this Bard the advisa- bility of requesting the Department of Farms and Markets to establish a quarantine on clogs in the county., Seconded by Mr. -Whittaker. Carried. The Chairman appointed as the members of such the Committee on Correction and Reformation. TWENTIETH DAY Tuesday, December 22, 1925 MORNING SESSION committee Roll call. :111 members present. Minutes of preceding day raed rind approved. Claims Nos. SS to 1S0, inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred to the proper' committees. illr. Van Order, Chairman of the Committee on Returned High- way and School Taxes, rendered the following report of that com- mittee, relative to . the assessment against the property liable therefor, of its proportionate 'share of the cost of redemption ad- vertising of property sold at the tax .sale in 11124: Your Committee on Returned Highway, and School Taxes,.finds by certificates presented to this Board by the County Treasurer, that certain property \vas purchased by different individuals at the tax sale ]geld in the year 1924 and the purchase thereof not completed and that such property is liable for its proportionate share of the redemption advertising that is required by law, your committee therefore recommends that the following stuns be levied upon, and collected from the lands or property, so liable for redemption advertising, and sold at the tax sale of 1924, as property owned by the following persons: OF' TOl1PEFNS COUNTY, \E11' 'YORK 137 . DAN13Y Edward Schonettt,ui 1143.55 Elsner Pitch 7.10 Geo. E. Dickson 3.55 DRYDEN -Mimic. Palmer(19 aieres) 3.55 ENF1.ELD Orn Austin 3.75 GRO'l'ON Harrison Sovocool Est 3.55 ITHACA. CITY Jesse S. Vaughn '3.55 F. D. VAN ORDER, OLEN A. hING. L. E. PATTERSON, Committee. Ali.. Iran Order ofrered the following resolution and mored its adoption: h':so/red-1'hat the foregoing report ol: the Committee on :Re- turned .1-1igluray and School Taxes he accepted and that the snots therein mentioned be levied and collected from the lands or prop- erty liable therefor. • . Seconded bylIr. ,Jones. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. 'Air. George presented a list. of the Town :Audits of the 'town or Lansing. Ivhieh was received ,anti referred to the Committee on Tou-n Expenses, Etc. • \It..I.ing presented the Town .1:Iitdg.'et of the '.1'ovvat of Enfield, n'hieh vvas received and referred 1.0 the Committee on TOvVll Ex- pensrs, Etc. llr. George presented the "Town :Budget 1d the 'Toon (d. Lan- 1 i1; PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOAI?11 OF SUPERVISORS ' sing, which was received and referred to the Committee 011 Town Expenses. Etc. ll r. (-Ieorge. Chairman of the Committee on Correction and Reformation, to Avhiclt had been referred the request of the 1)is- triet._l\.i.t.orncy for am appropriation for Law Enforcement, ren- dered the following report of that committee: To the 1=toard of Supervisors of '1'(tmplcins County, N. Y. Gentlemen: Your Committee on Correction and li4:formation, to Arhich was referred the request of the district, attorney for an appropriation for lavv enforcement, desires to render the fnldovVing report to your body: 'l'1te district attorney is fully aware that it is unnecessary for him to ask for an appropriation for the enforcement of any lacy cognizable by the court: or this state, he haying,• the prover to create any neeessilrr• expense in the investigation and prosecu- tion of all crimes in violation of such lams. '1']tis was evidenced when this Board in 1.`122, not only audited what appeared to be rather expensive claims for the services of private .detectives, hitt also made an appropriation for the use of the distriet at- torney for the enforcement, (tf, what was then. a :trite law, being the; 50-c01ie1 _Mullen -tai e Law. Since then, that lacy has been repealed, and the district at- torney iiow contes.hefore this body and asks for an appropriation for Iaw enforcement., not of a state law but of. a Federal Statute. In other words, he asks that the fax of tha; county be re- quired to pay the expenses in proeeediutrs of lrhich only the federal courts have jurisdiei ion, -anrl all fines collected go to the federal government, vVithnit the county being reimbursed in any way for the moneys it has expended. 1 -le, himself, does not, or cannot, take any action in these eases as the district attorney of this county, hut. only as an individual attorney, admitted to pi'netice in the United States Courts, for this purpose, except in the so-called padlock proceedings, and •the taxpayers of the county_ are to pay whatever expenses Ile may create a; a prae- tioner in the federal courts and not as di.Strict, attorney of the County. In his remarks, the district attorney insinuated that some mem- bers of this Board had seenred their election to this hods by promises to support such an appropriation. Your committee is un�ti idlinc 1.o believe, nor does it believe, that any member of this Oh' T0111'KINS COUNTY, NEW ]t)RIC 139 liosu•d vymald promise to give, or to withhold his approval on any matter that might come before the Board, in order to secure his election to 1111(4 holy. The district attorney canoe before this hoard and presented argume-nt that, it had the right to male this appropriation, ad- mitting, hOweVer, that there Was no court, decision directly iii lOiaat. ff. he had faith i1: his contention, he might. easily have obtained such is decision lona ag;o; by creating an expense for Vi(n]ation of the Volstead aet, so-called, and vc]ieu this Board refused to alloy,: the claim, he could have 4rone before any -judge in this district of his own selection, and secured 0 writ of man- dlnn145 to cunlpcl this Board to audit: the slain]. rho, tirn111d have settled the matter once and In alt. In his argument 1)0'r -we this 1. card, the district attorney failed, in the opinion of your committee, to cite any law or any decision that convinces yorar conuuitt.ee that this Board has the right to awake such an appropriation. Your enultnit.tec hardly believe, that the district attorney of this county eoutc11(1s that a memorandum by the Governor of, the state, on a treasure before him, constitutes laic'. Your committee fails to see hon• the opinion of a former _lltnrney-General of the state, aids 111111 in his contention. lu the case of The 'United States of .Aincrica.against .1oet1 Sum- ner and Lennie Sumner, cited hr the district attorney, the de- cision of the court r, -aa; only on the legality of padlock proceed- ings and in no Wray decide.; the question whether this board has the right to make the appropriation asked for. In the case of a charge of 0 judge to a grand jury. and 011 which the district attorney seems to rely, he hnonr,., as well as every other attoi•aicy, that it is not a colirt decision and class not jttsi ify this hoard in making such ata appropriation. Ihhile your c:oanmitt(1e rather deplores the fact that. the district attorney felt, it necessary t.o place leis address to this Beard in the, 11011d5 of the nc,t „-pallyy,, before present.inr the 50111(1 to this Board, still this committee believes that. this 1,aard is in favor of the proper enforcement. of all lags, and are willing t.o expend whatever moneys it 111:1v' legally do, for 511(1,11 enforcement. The district attorney Icnnws Ihat the law only gives Boards of. Supervisors a right to raise and expend moneys for certain enuuacrate(1 and specific purposes, x11(;1 .1111 expenditure of the tar. payers' munc)ys for other purposes than tho5r, 11110'Ve11 ht. 140 PROCEEI)1YGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS law, would make the individual members o1 this Bcixrcl per- sonally liable therefor. Until such a time as the district at.tornev can furnish this Board with better authority than lie apparently has furnished, your committee can sue no n•ay, other than to rely on the opinion of the present. Attorney -General of .the state. `Arose decision is squarely to the point that this Board has. no right- to stake such :an appropriation. For the foregoing reasons. your committee believes that the request of the district attorney 01111n01 legally be granted, and your committee so .vishes to recommend to this Board. 1)atecl, December 21. 1925. -h:li. F. GEORGE, 1y. J S1-1AV. Ii, • LESLIE 11.• PIERCE, Committee. INIoved by Mr. George, that the report of the Cotuutittee on Correction and :Reformation, be accepted and adopted. Seconded by - lt•. Miller. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. _\.1l members present. The. Clerk read the roll owing report. County Ofticers and compensation, 11liich 'Iwo days under the rule: or the c.ontiaittee ou Ira, 1.111.1 ort the table • Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation, reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims. in the opinion of your committee, is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount; indicated in the column Beaded "Allow -L;(1" tinct your committee therefore recom- mends that each of 501(1 claims be. audited at: the :amount so indicated. OF TOJII'I:I\S COUNTY, NEIN YORK, 141 V w o O 7 Claimant Account to which eh.(fgeahie Nat ore of expense U o 51 Davis -Brown Co. Courthouse .. Desk lump.' $ .10.50 $ 10.50 52 1I. J. .11001 Co. Courthouse .. I Helqlirs • - • 90.12 00.11 Uri 1 111o1ern-oul TypR-riter Supervisors '. . It epn iri lig Co. uumhine 10.00 .10,02 54 \Vm. Heillt Supervisors . Notice for claims .. 22.04. 2.01 55 Ithaca Journ;tl-\e;cs Supervisors II'rinting .. 10.02 10.0_ 50 Court Hollis ,....... . County Sealer Expenses 400.00 400.0( 57 Court Bell is . County Se:Iler )ishuse'ts 10.03 .1010 5S L1,(vis-Brown co. Courthouse .. Elea, repair 2.15 2.1:7 50 Davis-13ron-u Co. . Courthouse .. Klee. repair 1.13 1.1:- 00 I liurroughs Adding Supervisors . Ril)hott .. - .75 .7:: \1achiue Co. 61 T. Cr. ,Millers' So218.. Supervisors . Supplies .. 7.35 7.3:' li_' C. II. Brool;s Courthouse .. Iielu(.iring clock ... .IS.00 18.01 ((3 t H. J. Bool Co. Supervisors . Repairing furtliture 1.50 1.5( ]0" 1'Olelity 111s. Co. (;ourthonsu .. Insurance . 77.50 77.5( .104 (leo• L. Cott Courthouse .. l (laau. rugs 1.07 l.li• 105 S. R. •Tisdel Go. . . Courthouse .. I lyccw ... . 1.5a 1.u: 102 I I'. M. 1)0/mime Courthouse .. 1 Toilets and l I plumbing 1302.11 1302.1. $1953.02 $1953.02 llespeetfttlly submitted this 22nd day of December, 3925. W. 0. Si\I1LEY! S. L. 110\ WELL, LI:SLI E P. PI EliCE, Committee. hared by i\Lr. Smiley, that: the report he taken Crown the table 0nd_laassed at this tilIl0. Seconded ln' lar. Townsend. lir unanimous consent, the report. vas taken fraaln the faith.... :lir. Smiley offered the follo+Vin; resolution tIrnl mored ifs ac10l11 ion !h'e. ol.r;ed-That tlac 1'01)01.2 of the Committee on County 0ffieeus aid Compensation lac ticeelatCll and that the hills therein listed 3-12 ]'ROCEEIi]NGS OF Tt1E BOARD OF SUP ERRVISORS Ill: anti ed an alto ved at the amounts 'Tem/intended by the committee. Seconded by MT. Sharer. Ayes—I.3. Noes—O. Curried. The Clerk- read the foll,>trin'r report of the Comaatittek; on Sol- diers' Relief. Etc., which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Soldiers' Belief. Ete., reports that the sev- eral claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for au- dit anel allowance by this Board, that each of the sail:l claitus, in the opinion of your committee, is a ;just and 11:!_111 charde against the Comity of 'Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the eolttnna headed "Allowed' and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No. of Claim t;iaicu,nct: :1cc,nunt to 51'111:11 i;il:l rge;Lble N nttne Iii expense 5 SyraCue State Ccliool G Centra] N. Y. .1 nst. for Deaf-mutes 7 Dr. Kea tlr Sears 8 Dr. L. T. Genua .. a) Ithaca .lours;r]-' ews 09 Fred f). Gilbert 70 Dr. .1. AI. Tnn-usend. 71. Dr. .1. M. Townsend. 72 Dr. ,Ibran]. C11 se ... I''e:hle-in ilia Deaf-mutes - Public hea1111 F'nlllic hen 1111 F dura tionn1 Sildiers' Bur. • Insane lns;ule 1 11;iue 73 Fred 17. Gilbert. .... Soldiers' Bur. Respectfully submitted. this 22nd day of Deeember, 1925. Ctol.hiug tiluthi�i�. ... . for ]ab... Lab. Cu.=tocl 'rt Pub. notices .1 tidy Al. 1n1*lisp... 1'x. in In nary Ex. in lun:ac - Esms. 'Phos. H. IViison .... 170.00 100.00 11.03 9S."9 8.80 75.00 10.00 10.00 ''0.10 75.00 $ 170.00 100.00 11.93 95.29 8.30 75,00 10.00 10.00 20.00 75.00 $579.02 $579,02 ['JEST/1E 13. 1'1ERCE, FRED D. VAN ORi:n .i3, JR., ,1. S. MILLER, Committee. 11Iovetl by Mr:. Pierce. thtlt the; report. he taken from the table, and passed at this time. OF 'I'ONII'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 143 Seconded. by 1'Ir. Shaved. By unaninnous consent the report ryas taken front the tahlu. i\Ir. Piero,(... offered the following. resolution and moved its adoption: I .<rolceri—'.'hilt. the r•e.port. rd.. the Cnnauiittee on Soldiers' 1 e- lic1. Etc., lie aaceepted and that the bills aid acennuts -therein listed lie <aurlited and allowed al. the amounts reemuanendeil by the Committee. and be it further ICr,nThierl—'l'lt:tt. of Claim No, :i, the stun Of $40.1111 therm.' be charged to the Town of f_)ryden:.tite sum of. *00.00 thereof he ehiirged to the 'Town of l.timeat : the sum of *20.1)1) thereof he charged to the 'l'oryn cif fransinnl ; the sant of *1.67. thereof be changed to the'I'mvn of Ulysses and the sum of $1S.3:- thereof be charged to the City of ;Ithaca : That (Claim No. 6, amounting to the ruin of` *100.00, be charged to the City of Ithaca ; That Clain: No. 70- amounting to the snuff of *10.00, be charged to the Town of Croton: That Claim No. 71, :unounting 10 the stand or .*10_001, he charged to the Toryu of Caroline and that of Claim No. 72, the sant of $11).110 thereof he charged to. the 'l'orvn oil Caroline and the suet of *10.00 thereof he charged to the Town ol'. Croton, said amounts being properly chargeable to those towns and city re- spectively, and that,said amounts so ehargerl be placed in the tax budgets of. said towns and city for the next eiNtting tax levy, and levied aH+l collected on the property thereof, to reimburse the county. seconded lid- 11,,r. George. Ayes—la, Noes—U. Carried. The Clerk read the following, retoot of the Committee 00 Charities, vv1]ieti vvas land on the table tyvn days under the rule: Your Committee oit Charities, reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects ill proper form I'or audit, and •iallnw:in_ce by this Board, that each of the said claims, iii the opinion of your caainauit.t.ee, is a just and legal charge against the County of 'Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the crilnnin headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends thateach of said claims he audited at the amount: so indicated.. 144 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPEI{VISORS J Ci;l it]Sa1111. A erouut to \Vli1elt e1argeah1e N,lture of expense - 97 1 E. 1'. 13outon, Agt... Tuber. Hosp. Insurance .. OS E. 1'. Bouton, Agt.. Tuher, Hosp. Insurance 90 Hartford Steam County Home Auld. fns. on Boiler ins. Cri.. • - Moiler 100 I E. M. Hunlsev & Son County Horne Saud 101 I E. 1'. Bouton, A gt... Count- Houle Insurance Respectfully submitted this 21st day of. December. 1925. W. J. SE, HAVER•, S. I. IIO 1 V'E ItL, J. W. JONES, Committee. 40.63 $ 40.63 40.63 40.63 23.00 23.00 7.00 7.00 23.63 23.63 $13-1.S9 $134.89 Moved by Mr. Shaver, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by ?[r. Patterson. 13v unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. \Lr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolretl—That, the report of the Committee on Charities be accepted and that the hills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the .committee. Seconded by lir. Smiley. - Ayes—.1 . Noes -0. Carried. The Cluck read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: \our Committee on County Clerk and Election -Expenses, re- ports than, the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper forth for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims, in the opinion of ynnr committee, is a ,just and legal charge against the Count- of Tompkins. In the amount in- dicated 111 the- column headed ".Allowed", and your committee OF TOM PK INS COUNTY, NEW VO11K 145 here r() r(,cul)ltlteIid that (1ae1t of said claims be a{lclitn,.l at tltc amount so indicated. c Cia1 to ant lcenultt to which chargeable Nature of e%l)e1150 1;> 14 15 16 17 12 18 19 20 21 121 24 25 26 1lrnndow Print. Co. Assd. .lst Nat. tk, Atkaiiv Stover Print. Co ith:lea Engraving Co. T. Cr. Miller's Sons Norton_ Printing Co 13r:uolow Printing Co. 1'. J. Crowley ..... 14auks F'ul,. Co. Layton Dares, Assd. F. L. Clock West. Po b. Co Cruller Bookstores Matt hew Bender Co \Fm. Heidt, ,Ir. .1. 1i. Lyon Co 2S Ed W, Th(ailo>on Go.. 29 Driscoll Bros. Go.... 30 H. :1. Bnoi Go. 31 1t._haca Journal -News 82 Ithaca Journal -News 33, B:iuks MIL. Go...... 35 T. G. Miller's Sons.. 36 T. G. M i l'.c,r's Sons . . 37 E. 11. Stanford 84 At kinson Press 85 .1. E. Van Nati a 109 Fred Rogalsk,- 11(1 ! Jas. Y. lioliinsoIi 111 (.Jamieson- .1cl+;inaev Co. 112 If. J. \\*hitt:Iker 113 W. O. Smiley 114 \\'..1. Sharcr 115 Olen A. Kind*, .... - - 118 .1. W. Jones 119 A. S. :Oilier 120 1\'rn. }'. George 121 Albert Dass;uu:o .. . 122 .1. M. Townsend . 123 F. 11. Van (biter, Jr. 124 L. 1's. Pat 1.erson 125 E. dnigan 51..iohu 120 Sidney L. Howell .. 127 Leslie I:. Pierce fJ tt;Ct1U115 .. . 1.7111)11110.9 . . . . Elections Elect.ious JCoot•1o11y F,]eet111te.3 N;lect,iotis z:lec.tious Go. Clerk Co. Clerk Printing . Engraving Supplies . ... Printing Ilplies .... Printing .... Godes, etc, .. Carting ..... Co. .1udgo . Law hooks .. Co. .fudge ... Stationery .. Co. Judge ... Lary hooks .. Elect iuns ... Not.ice Co. J edge .. . Co. Judge . . Co. (Ilk. Bldg. Co. Clerk .. Elections Co. Clerk ,fudge Co. Clerk Surrogate Surrogate Surrogate Co. Clerk . co. 010. I31dg. Surrogate .. Co. CI k. B1lg. Elections Elections Elections Elections Elections Elect ions Elect ions 1 iect.ior5 Elc;r.lions F80.4;110115 E:lent ions E11ec1 ions Elections (flections 1.1I\\ hooks .. 1:1110 hooks .. .1ielr.1irs Gini1's Notices, etc Terms of court.. err Linc Books .- ,$IIpI lies Supplies 1?leo. glohe 141arlks Heir. tyllew'1 111511rx11c0 Ea. Guard. A cel s. Plumb, rep 'rs 1311. of Cane's:; ltd. nT (ia n\' 'Ss Estl. of Ga fly 'ss lid. of Go 111,' 1311. of Cauv'ss 1.41. of (tally 'ss 11(1. of Ca ut• 'ss 1d. of Canv'SS 11:1. ofCanv'ss B.I. of Ca UV ss Pol. of Catty 'ss E3d. of Caw.- 'ss Yd. of C,,nv'ss 11d. of Gally'st $ 507.27 $ 507.27 • 4.00 34.60 58.04 2791.30 (14.69 350.00 30.50 27.00 8.00 2_9.00 30.00 15.77 49.00 5.50 ,.94 25.00 91.03 43.35 62.50 103.30 24.75 1.20 39.00 -75 07.50 22.5.00 2.35 7.92 7.12 7.76 7.44 7.44 6.00 8.40 7.7(i 7.92 6.00 6.00 11.00 6.00 6.00 $4792.70 4.00 84.60 58.04 2791.30 (i4.09 350.00 30.50 27.00 8.00 29.00 30.00 15.77 49.00 .5.511 5.94 25.00 91.63 43'15 62.50 103.30 24.75 :1.20 39.00 .75 67.50 225.00 .35 7.92 7.12 7.76 7.44 7.44 6.00 8.40 7.7(1 7.92 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 $4792.79 110 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD 01' SUPERVISORS Respectfully submitted, this 22nd clay of December, ;1925. LESLIE R. PIERCE, H. A. W H ITT A K.ER, A. S. Al Committee. ',Alloyed by 1Ir. Pierce, that the report be taken from the tab e and passed at this time. Seconded by lir. Jones. 1.,v unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. 11.€'. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted and that the bilk and accounts therein 1ist.ed be audited and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee. Seconded by }.Ir. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. • The Clerk read the fiillowing report of the Committee on Cr.unty Treasurer's Accounts, which was laid on the table two clays under the rule: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports tl>:at the several claims listed below, are in all respects in proper form for auidt and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims, in the opinion of your committee, is :t ,just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the ::uumnt indicated in the Saloom headed "Allowed', and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. C Claimant Account to which. chargeable Nature of expense • 17 Davis -Brown Co. ... 1'511Fm. lleidt, Jr. 49 Ithaca Journal -News 50 I T. G. Miller's Sons 53 Amer. Surety Co.... 7-5 Co. Treas. .. [Desk Lamp.. $ 33.75 3.75 Tax Sale .. - Redemp. adv. 264.3" Tax Sale ... Redemp. adv. 398.40 Supplies Co. Treat. 1.00 Co. Clerk Prom. $60.00 Co, Treas. .. 1're nt, 119.511 179.56 _164.32 395.40 1.00 179.56 $547.03 $Q47.03 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK 14,7 Respectfully submitted, this 21st day ofDecember, .192 5. J. M. TOii`NSEND, H. A. WHITTAK1+R, S. L. IIOWl+;1:411, Coram ittce. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the report he taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by il'Lr. Van Order. Yy unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. llr. Townsend offered the -following resolution and tnowed its adoption: 1�es'ol-ued—That the report of the Conirnittee on County Treas- urer's Accounts be accepted and that tate hilts and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the arnoustts recom- mended by the committee. Seconded by llr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Highways, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Highways reports that the Several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims, in the opinion of your committee, is a just. and legal charge against the County or Tompkins; to tate amount indicated in the enluartn headed "Allowed", and your eoanntittee therefore recommends that. each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No, of Claim Claimant Acgotiut to a It ich lthtt igen hie Nature of et17e.11si'. 10 11 74 1001E. 107 JOS Town of •Dryden lthrtea Journal News Prank Ellis P. Bouton, Agt P. M. i),mohue ll. S. Boyar Highways . . Highways . Highway Off. Highways .. llighw;ty . Highway OIT. Right of way Supt.. cxlt'te� Use of :roto Bond of „r,lrt..i Ri„,tht. of w;rvi Auto !:ire ... $ 122.20 20.47 02.00 2.00 (12.50 40,00 $ 122.09 00,47 02.50 2.50 03.50 40.00 $000.26 $300.26 14S PROCEEDINGS OF 'ME BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Respectfully sulunitted, this 22nd day of December. 141'25. L. E. PA'I'TERSON, W. 0. SN !LEY, .1. M. TOWNSEND, J. W..1ONES, F. D. VAN ORDER, JR., Committee. Moved by Ai r. Polt.crson, that the report be ta ken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by iiIr. Howell. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: teesolr;crl—That the report of the Committee on F!ighways he accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed he audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by lvfr. 'Townsend. Ayes -1:3- N ocs-0. Carried. The Clerk :read the following report of the Committee on Coroner. Justices', Ete. Accounts, which was laid 011 the table two days under the rule: - Your Committee on Coroner, .1nstics' .Etc., Aceount.s reports that the several claims listed below are in all _respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims, in the opinion of your committee, is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore reeonnnends that each of said claims be anulited at the amount so indicated. 41. OF TOMI'I:TNS COUNTY, NEW YORK 149 No. of Claim Cisiun nt Account. to which elm l'genble Nu tun: of ex 101S C. J 1 A. J. 11etzgnr 2 H. R. Chatterton . 3 A. ,T. 11 et.zga.r 4 76 75 77 78 79 (.;unstable �erviee iii felony .1us1iee I'ees in !log eases Colistible . Fees in deg c:>ses Fees in dcg easey Fees in felony Justice tees in fe.iony luxtic{, Fees in fe lour City. Court 1.'ees in felony Coroner Expenses .1 ..... Fees in {lug I eases lustiee Fees in dog eases Constable .. Fees in dog eases Coroner .... Iluriol \VnI. 1 Roe Coroner .... IAutupsy ., .1 ulius U. Larson .... Constable lleury 1G'illi:alis lusticc C. B. Sinukmnn A. .1. Coulon City of Ith:u:u Win. A. Smith 80 Chas. :1'homaq 81 82 95 116 Paul Ewers James Gnok 1'. 1). Gilbert Dr. 11. ,11. Vose Respectfully submitted, this 21.st day of December, 1925. H. A. W1.11.'I'TAI`.ER, OLEN A. KING, " ALBERT DASSANCE, Committee. $ 10.95 3!1,00 4(1.40 43.45 • 6.25 7.(111 48.00 30.00 61.80 6,00 1 :.'7.30 6.60 85.00 100.00 $533.15 $ 9.45 59.90 40.40 43.45 6.25 7.00 48.00 ;0.00 61.80 6.0(1 27.80 (1.60 85.00 100.00 $531.(15 (Tio eft by i 1r. Whittaker, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded 1b}v \f r. George. 13y unanimous consent: I,be relrorl; vyas t.laken from the table. Claim No. 1.. of A. J. itetzgar, having been recommended by the eommittec as allowed for an AIM/II/It IE,SS than the amount claimed, a vote was taken on that, claim. 150 PROCEEDINGS OE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. -Whittaker, that. Claim •No. 1, of A..1. Metzgar, be attdited by this Board at the sum of $9.45, that being, t he amount recommended .by the committee. Seconded by 11r. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Whittaker offered the following- resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee, on Coroner, Jus- tices', Ete. Accounts, he accepted and that, the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—'That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay Claims Nos. 2; 3, 4, SO, 81 and 82, out of the moneys in her hands in the dog fund. Seconded by. \Ir.. Dassanee. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Cor- rection and Reformation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: 'Voter Committee on Correction and Reformation reports that the several claims listed below are in in all respects in proper .form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims, in the opinion of your committee, is a just and legal charge against the County of' Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. OL' TOM PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK. :151 No. of Gain] Claimant Accauut to which chargeable Nature of espens2 c7 t8 Ilr..T. -'1'. Judi. Mail Phys. .. 39 Chas. Green Sheriff 40 A. C. Goff Sheriff 41 T. G. Miller's Sons.. .1411 42 T. C. Miller's Sons.. Jail 43 T. G. Miller's Sons.. t)ist. Atty. 44 Davis -Brown Co. ... .1411 l 45 Davis -Brown Cu. ... Jail 4(1 Clinton House :inv. Ct. Civ. 64 Arthur G. Adams Dist.. Atty. . (15 j 11. A. Carey Co. Sheriff Ell J. B. Lang Co, ;toil 67 + A. 14. Brooks & Son. Jai] 68 Onondaga Co. Pen 'y 88 I P. \1. Donohue 89 A1 i tchell The Mover 90 3.. B. Brooks & Son 91 , Bernard Roseman 92 I Wiest Disinfectant Co. 93 I 1). 13. Stow; rt & Co 94 1 Monroe Disinfectant Co. Maintenance .)ail ;I ail .1411 Jail inmates jai! 'Services Expenses Auto hire Supplies Supplies Supplies . 1SIec. repairs. blue. repairs. 1ionrd jurors. Expenses Rued Arent., Repairs Mod. supplies Prisoners Plumb. rep'rs Carting ..... Supplies .... Clot ping, eta.. 1)iriufectalHIS Supplies .... 1:11 Disinfectants Respectfully submitted, this 22nd day of December, 1925. W. W. GEORGE, LESLIE R. PIERCE, Committee. 'Moved by ler. Cicorge, that a.nd passed at this time. Seconded by ler. Smiley. $ 28.00 47.70 905.30 15.00 24.00 22.1 5 .95 8.98 38.50 114.73 75.00 175.00 0.60 432.45 41.51 5.02 10.60 38.40 68.90 12.35 7.67 $ 28.00 4 7. 70 905.36 15.00 24.60 22.15 .95 8.98 38.50 114.73 75.00 175.00 6.00 432.45 41.5L 5.02 10.60 18.40 68.90 1 12.35 7.67 $2078.87 $2078.87 the report be taken from the table By Unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: I e,snlced-rfhat. the report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation he accepted and that the hills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee; and be it further 1:1" PttOCEEDrNGS.Or THE J30ARD OF SUPERVISORS lie.,oluecl—That of Claim Nn. 39, being for Sheriff's` Expenses, there be charged to the Town of Dryden thy sum 0f $4.:30, to the Town of Croton the sural of.$2.:it1, to the 'Town of Ithaca the sum of *4.35, and to the Town of Lansing the sum of $1..00; that of Clain No. 40, being for Sheriff's Auto -hire, there be charged to the 'Town of Caroline the sural of: *S6.47, to the Town of Danby the sum of $37.68, to the 'Town of. Dryden the sunt or $22.10, to the Town or Enfield the sura of *1.7.52, to the Town of Groton the stun of $107.17, to the 'Town of Ithaca the sum of *88.68. to the Town of Lansing the sura of *199.76, to the Town of Newfield the sum of $34.94, to the Town of Ulysses the sum of •*42.69, and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $30.01; that of Claim No. 64, be- ing for District Attorney's Expenses, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the sum -of $3.60 and to the 'Town of Groton the sura of $1.11.20. said amounts so charged being properly eharge- able to those towns and city respectively, and that said anuonnts so charged be placed in the tax budgets of the respective towns and city 1.o which .charged for the next ensuing tax levy, and levied and collected on the property thereof, to reimburse the county. Seconded by ifr. Pierce. • Ayes -18. Noes --O. Carried. The Clerk read the following; report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, which was laid on the table two days limier the rule: 'Your Committee on County Oliieers and Compensation reports that the several claims listed below are in all re.speets in proper forst for audit- and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims, in the opinion of your committee., is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount inelicatecl in the 0011111111 headed "AllOOVecl" and your committee therefore rec- ommends that each of said claims he audited at the amount so indicated. 0 OF' :TOM I'KI\S COUNTY, NEW YORK 1:53 C +:Illnant Ae a lit. hi which l;hal'Ce;illle N :11-u re nt expense U 0 0 .121 It. A. 1VIlittaker .. 129 111. A. Whittaker ... 130 II. A. 1Vhitt:lker ... 1:11 11. .1. Whittaker ... 132 I3: 134 1311 1116 1:17' 1:18 139 140 141 142 14: 144 145 1.441 147 .148 .149 150 151 152 .153 }5.4 1115 15(1 157 158 .159 160 161 162 163 164 165 16(1 1117 168 169 170 171 172 .173 174 17.1 1711 .177 178 W. O. Siruk}r W. O. Smiley W. O. Snlitev W. O. Smiley W. J. Shaver NV. J._Sha ver. W. J. Shaver W..7. Shaver Olen A. King Olen A. King Olen A. King (lien A. ming A. S: hiller A. S. ,hiller 4 S Miller A. S. Miller ....... W. F. George W. E. George W. F. George W. F. George Alpert Ilassanee A1he1't 1)assrt Ilse .. AI bert I.)aasanee .... lhert 1)ans:3 nee ... . .1. 51. 'I'ownserld .. .1. 3.I. Townsend ... .I. AI. Townsend .. J. 51. Townsend . V, I). V:ln Order, Jr.. E. 1). Van Order, J r.. E. D. Van Or(l.er, Jr.. L. E. Pad erslon .... I.. E. Patterson .... L. I E. .11. St. .1ulni E. \l. St. .John E. \I. St. .1 oluc E. :11. St.. .John S. I,. l-Ioweil S. L. IIowell ...... S. L. E1owell S. L. dowel) Leslie 11. Pierce .. Leslie 1t. Pierce ),esiie 11.. Pierce .1. 1V. .Tones • J. NV. .Jones 179 .1. W. Jones 150 .1. 11'. .Jnue; ,_ul)ervisor .. r:.xtelul. 1T1x .. :111.00 Supervisor .. Commit tees 80.30 Supervisor . . Qu;,rt. & Spec. 47.32 Supervisor . . Ann'1 SeRSion '143.76 Snpr:rvisur .. Exteml tax.. 30.69 Supervisor . . Committt:es .. 381.00 Supervisor .. Quart. & Spec. 42.72 Supervisor .. Anu'I Session 141.06 Supervisor .. Extend. 1as.. 40.50 Supervisor .. Committees . . 311.88 Supervisor . . Qua rt. & Spec. 46.56 Supervisor .. Ann '1 Session 137.28 Supervisor . . Extend. tax .. 28.14 Supervisor .. Committees .. 142.79 Supervisor .. Qua it. & Spee. 44.64 Supervisor .. Alin '1 Srssion 136.:12 Supervisor .. Extend. tax.. :12.50 Supervisor . . Committees .. 2:12.10 Supervisor .. Quart. & Spee. 06.00 Supervisor .. Aon'I Session 182.00 Supervisor .. Extend. Lax.. 35.50 Supervisor .. Coin ntit.tces .. . 89.80 Supervisor .. Quart. & Spee. 50.40 Supervisor .. Ann 'I Session 1341.80 Supervisor . . Extend. 'tax.. 2(1.01 Supervisor .. Committees -.. 157.85 Supervisor .. Qu rt. & Spec.; 411.56 Supervisor .. Ann 'I Session 435.52 Supervisor . . Extend. tax.. 44.25 S upervisor . . Committees .. 190.08 Supervisor . . Quart. &. Spee. 47.52 Supervisor .. A11n'1 Session 139.1)2 Supervisor Comm ittees . . 138.00 Supervisor . . Qua11. & Spec. 36.00 Supervisor .. Ann 'I Session 138.00 Supervisor . . Committees .. 285.20 Supervisor .. Quart. Sr, Spee. 36.00 Supervisor _'1nu'I Session 1:18.00 Supervisor .. Extend. 1:rx.. 59.78 Supervisor . . Committees .. 270.00 Supervisor . . Quart. & Spe,:. 36.00 $ uJt:;rvisor• . . Ann '1 Session 132.00 Supervisor .. Extend. tax.. 59.78 S upervisor . . Commil.lees . . 2112.90 Supervisor . . Quart. & Spec. 1111.00 Supervisor Ann '1 Session 108.00 Supervisor . . Comm it.teee . . 121.70 $ulxl:rvisor .. Quart. & Spec. :16.00 Supervisor .. Ann '1 5e5siori 1;38.00 Supervisor .. hixtenrl. (.ax.. 50.65 Supervisor .. Conuuittees .. 2)1:1.59 Supervisor . . Quo rt. & Spec.. 5:1.28 Supervisor .. Auu'I Session 142.:02 $ 30.6J 80.00 47.52 14:.76 30,69 381.00 42.72 14P336 411,50 :111.88 46.56 .1:17.28 28.14 142.79 44.64 17141.32 52.50 2:12.10 :36.00 132.00 11;).50 89.80 :10.40 136.80 241.01. .157.85 i 6.56 135.52 44.25 190.08 47.52 1101.92 :138.00 :114.00 138.00 255.20 36.00 138.00 5:4.78 270.00 116.00 132.00 59.78 2112.90 311.00 121.70 3(1.00 138.0(1 50.65 2415.5!) 571.28 .142.32 $5012.01 $51112.01 15} PROCEEDINGS INGS OI' TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 'Respectfully submitted, this 22nd day of I)eccrnber, 1925. W. 0. SMILEY, S. L. HOWELL, LESLIE R.. PIERCE. Committee. Moved by lir. Smiley, that, the report be .taken from the table and passed at this time. 'Seconded In' Air. Jones. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation he accepted and that the hills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee. Seconded by iMlr. Whittaker. Ayes ---I3. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: leesolrerl—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of *725.00, Or so much thereof as nmi- he necessary, in payment, for the Printed Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the year 1925, the order therefor to he drawn by the Clerk of the Board upon the County 'Treasurer, upon the delivery and ac- ceptance by the Clerk of such Proceedings. Seeonded by AIr. Townsend. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. 0 OF TOM I\S COUNTY, NFW ]'OREi 155 TWENTY-FIRST DAY Wednesday, December 30, 1825 MORNING SESSION • Roll call. All members present. :Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk road the following report of the Committee on Fi- nance, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your • Committee on Finance respect fully reports that., itt its opinion, the following appropriations will be necessary to rrreet the expenditures of the county for the ensuing, fiscal year, viz.: Ali EOFli1AT1O S FROM THE GENERAL: FU\I) Contributions: State Tax—General Purposes $65,862.80 Armory Puropses 6,758.44 Stenographers, Etc: ,851:3.7:3 $ 75,544.97 Tax Expenses, Refunds, Etc.: nix Sale $ 669.72. Legislative: Supervisors—Compensation $ 5,912.0]_ .Expenses 9`'5.57 Clerk Salary 1.500.00 Posta go 50.00 Attorney :100.00 7,987.58 Administrative Officers: Commissioners of .E3ection— Salaries $ 1,209.00 Expenses 150.00 Postage, Clerk -hire, Etc. 1,000.0(} • Bent, 50.(10 2,400.00 15ti PROCEEDINGS O1" THE BOAR I) OF SUPERVISORS Elections—County Canvass . $ 97.76 Election Ex penses 4;015,06 County Treasurer: Salary $ 1,000.00 Postage .50.00 Clerk -hire 300.110 Expenses 22.50 1;472.50 Administrative Buildings: County Clerk's Building—.Janitor $ 480.00 1 nsurancc 292.50 Expenses 74.66 847.1.6 Court House—Janitor $ 1,000.00 Insurance 217.50 Expenses 1.326.60 Lighting system x511.00 Plumbing system 1,350.00 Finishing repair work .10,000.00 14,244.19 Contract Supplies: 1 -Teat and Light $ 4,400.00 Telephones .1,3110.00 Overilra ft 305.57 . 6,005.57 Judicial : County Judge—Sala ry Special County -Judge—Salan•y- 6011.00 Assiti1.a n is 9,700.00 Expense 1,225.20 5,025.20 Children's Court: Judge ----Salary $ 1,500.00 Clerk—Sala ry 800.00 Exlxcnse • .100.00 2,400.00 l:)f TOaiPN INS COu\TY, \E\1 YORK Civil Courts: 157 Supreme Court. $ 650.00 Court Library and Judges' Chambers: Expenses $ 200.00 County Clerk: Salary $ 2.000.00 Deputy Clerk—Salary 1,200.00 llntur VeIHcic; Clerk—Salary 1,200.00 Assistants 4,400.00 Expenses 1,3S6.66 Pnstaire, I1tc. 225,00 Rent :300.00 11,:111.66 Regulative Officers: Sealer of -Weights and Alcasures— SaIar $ 500.00 Expenses 400.011 Disburseuecicts 10.0:; Overdraft 40.64 Educational: :Educational Notices $ S.SO Fa i'in Bureau :1,000.00 h1ome Bureau 4,000.00 .junior Project Extension 2,500.00 Feeble Minded 170.00 Deaf -Mutes 100.00 $ 950.67 $ 0,778.80 Soldiers' Memorial: ENlicnme5 4.60 Soldiers' Burial: Appropriation $ 500.00 County Publications: Prinied Proceeding s of hoard 725.00 15S PROOEEDINGS OF THE HOARD Oh SUPERVISORS Public Health: County Laboratory $ .110.22 County Public Health Nurse Under Aus- pices of Tompkins Co. Chapter Ameri- can Red Crosti Association 1,500.00 Bovine Tuberculosis to Complete 1925 work 2,000.00 For 1926 4,000.00 $ 7,610.22 Corrective Officers: District. Attorney— Salary $ 1.600.00 Office Expense, 700.00 Other Expenses 1.36.88 $ 2,436.88 Sheriff'—Salary $ 9.400.00 1j nder-Sherifl'—Sa 1ary 400.00 Peinu.y-Sheriff and Turaakry—Salary900.00 Jail 11 t.ron—Sri la cy 300.00 Expenses 1,027.76 $ 5,027.76 Probation Officer—Salary $ 1,200.00 Coroner: Salary- $ :100.00 pt:nses 246.80 546.80 Justices and Constables: Foes Criminal Ccurts: Supreme Court $ 5.00.00 County Court 1,500.00 Punishment : $ .100.70 $ 7,300.00 Jail and .fail Inmates $ 6,:500.00 Insurance 15.00 $ 6,515.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Onondaga County Penitentiary Appropriations During Year for Unfor- seen Expenses 159 432.45 1.5,024.93 Total Appropriations $1!13,020.42 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the General Fund— Levy on 'Towns for State Tax $7:5.544-.97 Levy on Towns for Election Ex peTISCS 53,1_:17.60 Levy on Towns; to Reimburse County for Deaf -Mut es 100.00 Feeble \i i n ded .170.00 Sheriff's l+ixlaensos 679.07 District Attorney's .Expenses 1:3.80' Fees of County Clerk 14,2655.70 Fees of Surrogate's Clerk 187.49 $94,099.63 Net :Imaunt Required for Gen'1 Fund 11.pprolu•iations $99,820.79 APPROPRIATIONS FROM 'l'IIE POOR FI Nl) Charitable, Improvident Poor: Superintendent, of the Poor— Salary $ 1.500.00 Expenses 400.00 Almshouse 'Inmates 5,500.00 • Outdoor Relit;1, • 0,000.00 Transportation • 400.00 Chaplain 150.00 Physician 450.00 I(celrer at County 1 -Louie .1,20(.1.00 Maintenance of BuiltlinLrs and Equip- ment on Audit, by Board of Supervis- ors 1,57 7.48 Insurance 40.63 $17,254.11 Charitable, Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis 1-1.oshital— ilI aiaatenanet, Educational and Locational Nurse .. 1?.r' lenses lnsuranee $22,1100.00 1,0(10.00 2,414.72 . 97.5.1 $25,512.23 169 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS Mental Diseases: Insane $ 40.00 • Dependent Children: Roard' o!Child Welfare $ 3,000,00 Appropriations During Year for Unfor- seen Expenses $ 3,500.00 Total Appropt•iatir 1 a $49,306.34 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the Poor Fund— Levy on Towns to Reimburse County for Support of Poor at. County Home$ 4,9:3629 Examinations in Lunacy • 40.00 Net. Amount Required for Poor Fund Appropriations $ 4.976.29 $44,330.05 APPROPRIATIONS FROM: THE HIGHWAY FUND Maintenance of Highways: Supt. of. HiEdiw•ays--Salary $ 2,200.00 Expense- 1,0011.00 Audits 115.47 Overdraft • 548.96 Construction: Sinking .Fund on Bonds—Principal .... $ 2.543.0:3 Interest ..... 5.086.16 $ 3,864.43 $ 7,620.21 County System of Roads: Construction Unlet• §320-A $:30,7;311.00 Maintenance under §320-A 9.02:5.00 Expenses 6-4,10 $39,517.10 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 161. County Highway Indebtedness: County Highway Bonds—Principal Interest Count- 'Treasurer's Highway Bond in iaam .... $14,000.00 9,545.00 Pre - 119.55 *23,664.56 Rights of Way $ 5,184.59 Total Appropriations $80,159.89 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to IIighway Funct— Lery on ToWns t.o Reimburse County for Sinking Fund. and Interest on .Bonds $ 1,440.87 Net' .Amount Required for Iligihway Fund Appropria- tions $78,719.02 Your committee recommends that there be assessed, levied and collected from the taxable property of Tonapl:iiis County, liable therefor, the following sumps for the .following purposes: For General Fund $99,820.79 For Poor Find 44,380.05 $144,150.84 For 'Highway Fund 78,719.02 Total Tax Levy for County, Exclusive of State Tax.. *222,869.86 Your committee further reports that the foregoing aphrotiria- tiuns will be necessary to meet, the expenditures of the county, for the next ensuing fiscal year, in payment of 1. Contributions pursuant to Chapter 237, Lasys of 1925, Ar- mory Purpose Tax pursuant to the-llililary Law, as amended, Court and Stenographers Tax pursuant to the Judiciary Law, as amended, Chapters 18.1, 236 and 659, Laws of 1925, and Article 6, Section 12, of the State Constitution. 2. Salaries of officers and employees heretofore authorized by this Board. . Claims audited and allowed by this -Board. 4. Claims to be audited at special and quarterly sessions of 162 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS this Board claims to be audited by the Superintendent of the Poor, duly authorized certificates and other expenses to be paid prior to the next ClksriIng fax 1evv. 5. Amounts to become due -on contract. 6. The amount to be paid for Sinking Fund and Interest State high ay Bonds. 011 7. County Indebtedness and lirtcrest thereon. S. Appropriations by this Board for other specific purposes, and estimated amounts required for rrnfor'seen contingencies. Your 'committee, further reports, that from the report of the County Treasurer, the receipts of the previous year and other in- formation available, it is estimated that the amounts indicated will be available from the various sources specified, to the ex- penditures for the above purposes, and such amounts are de- ducted from the estimated amounts required, in fixing the amounts to he raised by tax levy. Pespeetfully submitted. this 30th day of December, 1925. SIDNEY L.HOWELL, .. J. W. JONES, : iui. 'i'OW NSEN I), Committee. 11lovetl by Mr. Howell, that s:Ire report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by AIr. Miller. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. 3Ir. Howell offerers the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Finance be ac- cepted and that the several amounts therein specified be and hereby are appropriated from the funds indicated, to and for the purposes enumerated; and be it further Resolved That all moneys received by the County Treasurer, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for by law, or act of this Board, be credited by her to the general, poor or hi_hwav fund, in accord with the nature or such receipt.; and he it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 163 Resolved—That in case of .a deficiency in any appropriation,. the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer, from the general fund, poor fiord or highway. fond respectively, for the purpose of meeting any payment ordered by this Board, or re- quired by law, which amounts are hereby appropriated for such purposes, but in no case is the County 'Treasurer authorized to transfer from the • general fund or poor fund to any other fund, without a resolution of this Board specifically authorizing her so to do: and be it further Rf;solued—That there be assessed upon, levied against and col- lected from t.Ite taxable property of Tompkins. County, Liable therefor, .For State Tax $ 75,544.97 For County General and Poor Fund Tax 144,150.$4 For County I1ighway Fund Tax 78,719.02 Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roil call. All members present, except Mr. Townsend. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., on Apportionment, which_ Was laid on the table two clays under the rule: Your Committee on Equalization, lite., whose duty it is to ap- portion the various taxes among the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, reports than the following amounts shall he paid by the several towns and the City of .Ithaca for State Tax for General Purposes, Armory Purposes, Stenographer Pur- poses, County Tax for General and Poor Purposes and County Tax for Highway Purposes, as follows: 161 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOA RD OF SUPERVISORS Towns Caroline Da1111 . Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Itlric❑ Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses 934,165 779,798 2,709,158 670,016 2,849, 25 22,558,919 3,906,5S0 2,598,580 900,714 2,031,170 Totals $39,944.031 $ 1,71511.73 1,474.79 5,123.07 1,277 8.51 5,855.57 42,(104.33 7,,;55.29 4,914.54 1,703.46 3,842,03 $75,544.97 $ 3,372.34 2,515.07 9,780.06 2,140.4.2 19,283.70 81 ,437.70 14,102.75 9,380.87 3,251.5S 7,338.63 $144,200.12 Rate for State T $1.89 + per $1,000 H:ue for County General and Poor Tax 3.61 per 1,000• 2.00 tier 1.000 Hale for County Highway Tic. ALBE1-.'I` I)ASSANCE, Chairman, 'V..1. SHAVER-, .1. W. JONES, 11. A. \VI1ITTAKER, L. E. PA'I" PERSON A. S. MI I [�LJER•, Committee. Equalized value for Highway Purposes w Towns G. Caroline 935,51.1 $ 1.571.02 $ 7,010.00 Da nity 7511,093 1.575.19 5,865.05 Dryden 2,721,749 5,443.50 20,347.23 Enfield 978,809 1,357.79 5,076.72 Groton 2,855,019 5,710.03 21,384.30 1lhaea City 22 640,098 45,280.20 109,382.28 Ithaca Town 3,906,447 7,812.89 29,303.93 Lansing 2.601,359 5,202.72 19,495.13 Newfield 907,095 1,314.19 0,769,23 Ulc cs 2.037,895 4,075.79 15,251.45 Totals $40,073,159 $80,146.32 $299,891.41 Rate for State T $1.89 + per $1,000 H:ue for County General and Poor Tax 3.61 per 1,000• 2.00 tier 1.000 Hale for County Highway Tic. ALBE1-.'I` I)ASSANCE, Chairman, 'V..1. SHAVER-, .1. W. JONES, 11. A. \VI1ITTAKER, L. E. PA'I" PERSON A. S. MI I [�LJER•, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW -YORK 165 Moved by 11Ir. Dassance, that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by -Mr. Miller. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. lir. Dassanee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved That the report of the Committee on Equalization, 'Etc., on Apportionment, be accepted and adopted and_ that the Several amounts therein listed for state tax, county tax and county highway tax, against the several towns and city of the county, be assessed, levied and collected from the taxable property of the several towns and city, liable therefor. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. The (.1erk read the annual report of the Sheriff, which, on Motion, was ordered filed. The Clerk read the Mils received for printing 1,000 copies Of the Proceedings of the Board for the year 1925. Moved by i\:I:r. Shaver, that the bid of the Grace Printing Co., be accepted and that, the contraet for printing 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of: the Board for the year 1925, be awarded to said company. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. The Clerk read the following report o.f the Coiuidittee on Finance, which was laid .orr the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on•Finanee reports that the following tabu- lated statements show the appropriations which will be neces- sary to meet the expenditures of the various towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, for the ensuing, fiscal year, as set forth . in the following budgets 166 PROCEEDINGS OIC THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF CAROLINE '1'o be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 1,766.78. County Tax 3,372.34 County Highway 'l'ax 1,8 71.02 Maintenance of State and County Highways 550.00 Election Expenses 152.79 Suport of Poor at County Home 366.36 Sheriff's Expenses 86.47 District Attorney 's Expenses 3.60 Examinations in Lunacy 20.00 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $212.52 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $ 2,482.36 Highways 3,000.00 Bridges 700.00 Machinery 500.00 Miscellaneous 1,400.00 Cert. of 1ndebtcdness—Prin. 2,500.00 Int. 125.00 Town Poor 2.00.00 $ 8,189.31 $ 10,907.36 TOTAL BUDGET $ 19,309.19 TAX FOR LIGATING DISTRTCT $1,077.37 TAX RATES— General .01 Highways .012 Total .022 Lighting District .0135 or TOAIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TOWN OF 1)A.N.P,Y To he Paid the Count:1;7 'Treasurer: 367 State Tax $ 1,474.79 County Ta\ 2,815.07 County- Highway '1'as 1,578.1.9 Maintenance of State and County Highways 650.00 Election Expenses 106.65 Support of Poor at, County 11omc 158.29 Due County 70.95 Sheriff's Expenses 37.68 RE'I'IJRNE1) SCHOOL TAXES $626.71. REDE_IIPT€ON ADVERTISING $14.20 To be .Paid tlic Supervisor: Town Audits $ 1,358.22 llighwayys . 3,907.00 Ma eh inert'- 1,200.00 l'1 isce11aneotts 1,500.00 Town Poor 100.00 Certificate of .Indebteditess 450.00 Bridge Bond—Principal 2,000.00 Interest 385.00 6,891.62 1.0,900.22 TOTAL BUDGET $ 18,432.75 TAX RA TES— .General General .0084 Highway .0146 Total .023 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DRY DEN 1`o he Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 5,121.67 County Tax 9,750.06 County highway Tax 5,443.50 Sinking Fund and jnterest, Road No. 681 243.11 Sinking Fund and interest, Road No. 682 269 1.3 Sinking Fund and interest, Road No. 6S3 278.09 Maintenance of State and County Highways 1,250.00 Elect ion ..Ex henses 404.3S Support ol: Poor at County Home 342.87 Feeble :Minded 40.00 'Sheriff's Expenses 26.40 Due County - 71.84 RETURNED SCI -TOOL TAXES $345.96 RE D Emrr ION ADVERTIS1.NG $3.55 'I'(, be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 3,3:39.38 Hi yrs 8,000.00 Bridges 3,000.00 Machinery 3.000.00 -Miscellaneous 4.200.00 To Wil Poor 400.00 Vote of Town for Highways 5.000.00 Southworth Library 200.00 Memorial Day 50.00 Brush Tax 91.60 $ 23,273.05 $ 27,280.98 TOTAL. BUDGET $ 50,903.54 TAX FOR LIGHTING• DISTRICT TAX RATES— $6:38.83 General .00715 Inside Fli_1i 'a ' .00815 Corpora tion— ' Total .01530 ,Pensions (0en'I Hwy.).00815 General .00715 'Highway .008.15 Prima Ty Highway .0038 Outside Corporations— 1 , Total Pensions (Gen 'l Hwy.) .. Pensions (Prim..Hwy.) .. .01910 .00815 .0038 Pcaasinns Total ....... .01195 VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT .0112 OE TOMPKINS COTJNTY, NEW YORK TOWN OF ENFIELD To be Paid the County Treasurer: 169 State Tax $ .1.,278.51. County T'1 V 2.4 0.42. County Highway Tax 1,357.79 Maintenance of State and County highways 600.00 Election Expenses 120.00 Support of. Poor at County Home 342.87 Due County 61..36 Sheriff's Expenses' 17.52 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $167.68 REDEMPTION ADVERTISING $3.55 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 2,063.57 Ili ghways 2,822.00 Bridles 500.00 Machinery • 500.00 Miscellaneous 1,815.00 Certificate of Indebtedness --Principal ... 3,000.00 :interest .... 180.00 Town Poor 750.00 6,218.47 $ 11,630.57 TOTAL, BUDGET $ 18,020.27 TAX RATES - 77 Highway .01783 Total .02960 170 PROCEEDINGS Oh THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF GROTON To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 5,388.57 County- Tax 10,285.70 County Highway Tax 5,710.03 Maintenance of State and County- Highways 500.00 Election Expense; 469.77 Support of Potir at County Home 591.67 Sheriff's Expenses 109.67 District Attorney's Expenses 10.20 Examinations in Lunacy 20.00 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $932.56 REDEMPTION ADVERTISING $3.55 To he Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 4,230.80 Highways 5,400.00 Bridges 7,000.00 Machinery 3,000.00 Miscellaneous 2,100.00 Voted by Town for Highways ayes 5,000.00 Memorial Day 75.00 $ 23,085.61 $ 26,805.80 TOTAL, BUDGET $ 50,827.82 TAX RATES— Corporations— General .00705 -Highway .00771 Total .01476 General .00705 Outside Highway .00771 Corporations—Primary .00411 Health • .00043 Total .01930 OF TOMP.KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 171 TOWN O.1" :ITHIACA To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tat $ 7,388.29 County Tax 14,102.75 County Highway Tax 7,812.89 llaintenanec of State and County .Highways 1,100.00 Election Expenses 221.98 Support of Poor at County Home 42.04 Feeble Minded 60.00 Sheriff's Expenses 93.03 $ 30,820.98 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $830.33 To he Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 2,422.06 Eighways 4,637.74 :Bridges 2,000.00 Machinery 2,000.00 Miscellaneous 2,600.00 Bond and Interest 635.00 $ 14,294.80 TOTAL BUDGET $ 45,946.11 9'A:\ FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT $45(1.00 TAX RATES -- Inside Corporations— Outside Corporations— General ... .00535 Highway .0033 Total .00865 General .. .00535 Highway .0052 Total .01055 LIGHTING DIS'I'IlICT .00883 172 PROCEEDINGS OF `FHE BOARS) Oi' SUPERVISORS Cinl.Y OF 1TIIACA To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 42664.38 County Tax 81.4:37.70 County Highway 'Fax 45,280.20 Election Expenses 095.56 Support of Poor at County Home 2,688.93 Deaf -Mutes 1.00.00 Feeble Minded .... • 45.33 Due Count. 389.69 Sheriff's .Expenses 30.01 T O T A l: 13 U D G ET $.1.73.554.80 RETURNED SCHOOL, TAXES $2,567.58 (To he paid by the School District of. the City of _Ithaca and not a part of the City Budget, for which tax is levied.) R.EDE11•PTI.ON ADVERTISING $3.55 (To be paid by the property against which the tax of 1924 was levied and not a part of the City Budget, for which this tax is levied.) TAX R.AT.ES— General .00577 1-Iiee1 wa v .00203 Total .0075 OP TOMPEINS COUNTY, NEW YORE .17a TOWN OF LANSING To he Paid the County Treasurer: State Ta,x- County Tax 1,380.S7 County Highway Tax 5,202.72 111aintenance of Stat G and County Highways 700.00 Eleetion Printing. 232,18 -Support, of Poor at County Home 171.44 Feeble AI hided 20.00 Due County 645.43 Sheriff's Ex 1 lensec; 200.76 RETURN:ED SCHOOL TAXES 4205.82 To 1)0 Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 7,204.43 Highways 7,100.00 Bridges 9500.00 Machinery 9,000.00 i iseella mons 1,500.00 Bond and Intorest 3,860.00 Certificates of Indehtedness—Principal14,000.00 Fiat:rest 4.87.16 $21,467.94 $38,651.59 TOTAL BTJ DC1 E'l' 460,325.35 TAX FOR LIOTITIN(: DISTRICT 4877.50 TAX TLATEs____. (I ern'a I (1115 1-1 gli w y .01.SS Total .0303 1:i g 1) i str Lod owvill .0113 Myers .0058 South Lansing .007.7 174 .PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS '1'0«'N OF N EWF.EELD 1'o be I'aicl the County Treasurer: State '1'o -is f 1.703.46 Coati:t.y Tax 3.251.58 County Highway Tax 1,814.19 Maintenance. of State and County Highways 650.00 Election Expenses 159.10 Support of Poor at County .Horne 85.72 Due County 65.58 Sheriff's Expenses 34.94 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $367.05 '1'o be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 2,444.01 Highways 3.917.00 Bridges 2,500.00 -Machinery 1,000.00 -Miscellaneous 2-,000.00 Poor Fund 200.00 :Memorial Day 50.00 Town Library 100.00 Compensation Insurance 500.00 Bond and Interest 2.300.00 Certificates of Indebtedness—Principal.. 4,500.00 Interest .. 107.50 Miscellaneous 675.70 7,764.57 $20.294.21 TOTAL: BUDGET • $28,425.83 TAX RA'I'I S— Tnsi(1t; Corpora tions-- 0eneral ' .0089 I:I ighway .0173 Total .0262 (rGeneral .0089 Outside, 1lEirhway .0173 Corporations— Primary ............. .0051 Health .0002 Total .0315 OF TOM Pk LNS COUNTY, NEW YORK 175 rft.\\fl OP ULYSSES To be Paid the County Treasurer: Slate Ta A $ 3,842.03 County Tax 7,333.63 'County High xvay Tax 4,075.70 Sinking Fund arid Interest, Road No. 6.1.6 650.54 :Maintenance of State and County Highways 450.00 Election Ex penses 275.19 Support of Poor at County Moire 106.10 Feeble Minded 1..67 Due County 120.55 Sheriff's Expenses 42.59 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $581.29 To he Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 2,334.84 H ighways 5,000.00 Machinery 1,500.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 SflOW 500.00 Certificates of .Indebtedness—Machinery 2,500.00 Highways, 320-A 10,000.00 Mise,ellaneotts 3,500.00 :Bonded Indebtedness—Piincipal 9,000.00 Interest 35.00 'Memorial Day 75:00 TOTAL II31.J1)C 11..711 $1.6,997.09 $27,944.84 TAX 11A1'ES— Inside Corporations— $45,523.22 Genera] .00803 Highway .01.045 Total .01848 Pension (Gen '1 Highway) .01.045 0eneral .00803 Ni .01.045 flealth .00012. Outsi410 Corimrations— Total .01860 Pension (Gen'l Highway) .01045 Pension (Spec. Highway) .0057 Special Highwav .0057 ITG PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF Siil'ERVISORS Moved by AIr. Rowell, that the report,of the committee be taken from the table and passed at, this time. Seconded by Mr. Fierce. 1;y unanimous consent the report was taken from the -table. Mr. 1 -Jowell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: ktesolt:crl—That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the several Town Boards of Tompkins County, now on file with the Clerk of this Board, resolutions of this Board, and the laws of the state, and in accordance with the foregoing report and recom- mendations of the Committee on Finance, that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the respective towns of tate county and the City of 1thaea, the foregoing sums for the purposes therein named. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. .Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: .hesolr:rrl—Thal: the collectors of the several towns of the coun- ty and the chamberlain of the City of Ithaca be instructed to pay over and settle all tax indebtedness with the several officers of the towns and the County Treasurer, on or before ..April 1, 1926, and to pay over to the SUpen' isors of the towns all moneys in their hands belonging to their towns, on the first: day of each month. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Carried. 1'ir. Smiley offered the i•ollnwini resolution and moved its adoption: Iicsoleeii—That after the tax rates arc ascerta tied for the va- "rious towns and the City of Ithaca, the Clerk be direi:ted to print such rates in the Proceedings of the Board, following the budgets of the various towns and city. Seconded by i\Ir. Sharer. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee. on :Down :Expenses, :Etc., relative to the Special Franchises in Tompkins County: OP TO_M KI\S COUNTY, NEW YORIi 177 Your Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., to which was re- ferred the reports of the Special Franchises in the several towns of the county, outside of the City of Ithaea,•rcports that the fol- lowing is a tabulation of all the Special Franchises of the various corporations of the several towns in the county outside of the City of !Ithaca, as reported to your committee by the several town clerks of the respective towns: PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 'o0 i tTu.lSalay ' uoluf 11.(01s0,\\ •07 alrogda[0J, 0a171:1ad0-03 sassMH 'Op 0110001a,' 0011)1.1 1(11: un1.1J, 'Op o[c11:7-11d1:.lYalaJ1 1 F: ISO,[ -o7 anol[daiaJ, 0 0TJ, 11.101[1,111 '0) 011011d0[0J, S1.1 U�1 .1511\ uoi-IF:.rodao3 }I.11301.I )11l SLD 01015 31.10• .»ay '03 01.10g(la[0J, 111::)'['111 in Ip -r o� o -r c: 7:: -1. 0 1_ C ^1 "I' 1-. rn 1.^ 1 00 on r - r: CI r r, -j 1— 0^ 0 m C: O 1 Cr: O 0 0 C.1 DO O OD r^ O r 1-- UJ L 0 cl 1 !^.i O«J US - 0.1' 00OD1 .— I,. c. .� Cf) r-1 1^ C1 O r..i 0 CrI 1C 1,^ GC ^.I 00 O -- -r = 'JS Y O ^ I- f.^ P. :1 -1' iDC 'Op .V:m[1F:a .01IUA '111!1P-1- -op I+I11Ia'i 'o3 p110.) ¶1'.H 4.10 ( _)la` 11111: 1lilgarl 1l6110.11111.1U3 u0110l l(T 131:111 1 Cl r :a 7� 1-• 00 zn ,;, 7 h )— —1c•1 CI)1- n1 M 00 aI oq&[o o , '")111.A0 '00 011o1111010! a:,u11i11 pm: 1111F:,11 -r 0 CO CI CI O ' '03 c 11111((1010 j, 21ng1a1:aIs '1st:a Cl DO DO -op 0uug11010J, 11011.0.1([ -op 01100010j, 3{(110(1 m —+ c. m m .0`r On CJ .,-1 C. Cl :1. •03 011011(1010J, 5;0l.110) .(:1 'i '03 auog(I0I0J, a[Il,lUltt.4:1l0 'off a0U11(10[3J: Saau1.u;,11 011110.11:3 'Op T10.010[01 put: 311000101 110)1.1301\' 3 ti 'N 00 r..0 J 7 C1 r-- �- m r 0 0 1'— 00 1-- CR Gfj r' I -- CD .--I I:J 1-'1 0 C1 tva ,24 OF TOMPKLNS COUNTY', NEW .YORK. 179 i\1oved by llr. Miller, that the report of the committee be ac- Bepted. Seconded by i\[r. Shaver. Carried. Mr. hiller, of the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., presented a report of the bonded indebtedness of. the several political sub- divisions of the county, which, on motion, was received and or- derer, printed in the Proceedings of the Board. ,loved by ?[r. George, that when this Roar, adjourns today, it: be to Monday, January .1.8, .P)26, at 1(1 :;3U A. M.,, for the pur- pose of signing, the tax warrants of the collectors. Seconded by i\Ir. Junes. Carried. ALlr. Shaver, Chairman of the Committee on. Charities,' to which was referrer, the transfer of certain portions of the lands of the luherenlosis I-iospital property to the Finger Lakes State Park Association, reported favorably on smell transfer acid recom- mended that Ghe sant; be made in accordance with the resolution or this Board heretofore adopted in reference thereto. Moved by Mr. George, that the report of the committee be ae- 0014ee11 and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Miller. • Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned to 'Monday, .January 18, 1.926, at 10:30 A. M. TWENTY-SECOND DAY Monday, January 18, 1926 MORNING SESSION Beall Balt. 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The following Supervisors answered office. addresses as follows: Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton to their mimes, with post - 1 -I. A. ~Whittaker Brookton, R. D. 21 Nm. 0. Smiley Ithaca, R. D. 8 Win. J. Shaver Freeville Olen A. King Ithaca, R. D. 5 John W. Jones Groton Ithaca, 11. D. 8 lntdlowville, R. D. 10 Newfield, R. D. 27 Trumansburg Ithaca lJegrande E. Chase Lansing Clarence Al. Buck Newfield Frank G. Snyder Ulysses John Al. Townsend Ithaca City— lst lVard 2nd Ward 3rd Ward 4th WArd 5th Ward Fred D. Van Order. Jr. 511 W. Seneca St. i.l. E. Patterson 115 E. State St. E. Morgan St. John. Sayings Bank Bldg. Sidney L. I -Lowell 2.02 E. State St. Leslie R.. fierce 107 W. Yates St. Minutes of preceding clay read and approved. The members of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., were en- gaged in an examination of the assessment, rolls of the several towns and comparing same with the budgets thereof daring the balance of the forenoon session. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. 'All members present. 11ir. Snyder, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., reported that the committee had examined the assessment rolls of the several towns and the City of Ithaca with the amount of tax to he levied in each respectively, and -had- compared the same with the budgets of the several towns and city and the warrants of the collectors and found the same correct., and that each of the colleet.or's warrants were properly made and ready for the, signatures of the Chairman and Clerk of the Board. Moved by Mr. -Whittaker, that the report of the committee he accepted and that, the Chairman and Clerk of the Board he di- rected to sign the collectors' warrants, as attached to the several 'assessment rolls of the respective towns and city. Seconded by 1Ir. Jones. OF TONPKI1\S COUNTY, NEW YORK 181 Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved. There being no further business to come before the Board at this annual session thereof, on motion of. Mr. Howell, the sante was adjourned without date. IF'REI) r.i. CLOCK, Clerk. 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY AUDITS • for 1925 TOMPKINS COUNTY. N0. NAME SERVICES ci S GLA 1M ED ALLOWEI 1 A. J. \let.zgar Const aide fees $ 10.95 $ 9.45 2 R. R. Chatterton Dog fees, Justice 59.90 59.90 3 A. J. etzgar Dog fees, Constable 40.40 40.40 4 .lulius Lison Dog fees, Constable 43.45 43.45 5 Syracuse State School Fee- ble \liuded Clothing 170.00 170.00 6 Central N. F. Inst: Deaf- mutes Deaf-mutes, clothing 100.00 100.00 7 Dr. L. T. Genung Health custodian 98.29 98.29 8 1)r. Keith Sears ..........Ice, health lair 11.93 11.93 9 Ithaca Journal -News Educational Notices 8.80 8.80 10 Town of' Dryden Cat.le Pass il 122.29 122.29 11 Ithaca Journal -News Highway Notices 20.47 20.47 12 Brandow Printing Co...._Election Supplies 64.69 64.69 13 Braudow Print. Co., Assd. 1st- Nat. Bank, Alhany..Election Supplies 507.27 507.27 14 Stover Printing Go. ...... Election Printing 4.00 4.00 15 Ithaca Eng. Co. Election Engraving 34.60 34.00 16 T. G. Miller's Sons Election Supplies 58.04 58.04 17 Norton Printing Co. Election Printing 2791.30 2791.30 18 T. J. Crowley Election Printing 350.00. 350.00 19 Banks Law Pub. Co. Books, County Clerk 30.50 30.50 20 Layton Dawes, Assd. F. L. v Clock Carling, County Clerk 27.00 27.00 21 West Pub. Co. Books, County Judge 8.00 5.00 22 Corner Bookstores Stationery, Co. Judge 29.00 29.00 24 Matthew Bender Co.' L`tw Books, Co. judge 30.00 30.00 25 'Wm. Ht:idt. Jr. Election Notices 15.77 15.77 26 J. B. Lvov Go. Law Reports, Go. .fudge49.00 49.00 28 Edward Thompson Co.....Law Reports, Co. judge5.50 5.50- 29 Driscoll Bros. & Co. Materials, Co. Clk Bldg3.94 3.94 30 H. J. Baal Co. Chairs, Co. Clerk .2 0.00 25.00 31 Ithaca Journal -News Election Notices ..... .. 91.63 91.63 32 Ithaca Journal -News Terms Court, Co. C1k.... 43.33 48.33 33 Banks Law Pub. Co. Law Books, Co. judge .. 62.50 62.50 35 T. G. .Miller's Sons Supplies, Co. Clerk 103.30 103.30 36 T. G. Miller's Sons Supplies, Surrogate 24.75 24.75 37 E. R. Stanford Elec. Globe, Surrogate .. 1.20 1.20 38 Dr. .T. W. Judd Jail Physician 2S.00 25.00 31) Chas. Green Sheriff Expenses ' 47.70 47.70 40 A. C. Goff Auto -hire, Sheriff 914.72 914.72 41 T. G. Miller's Sons Supplies, Co. Jail 15.00 15.00 42 T. G. M lifer's Sons Supplies, Co. Jail 24.60 24.60 43 T. G. Miller's Sons....... Supplies, Dist. Atty. 22.15 22.15 44 Davis -]frown Co. Elee. Repairs, Co. Jail .. .95 .95 45 Davis -Brown Co. Elee. Repairs, Co. Jail 8.98 . 8.98 40 Clinton House Meals Jurors, Sup. Ct. Civil 35.50 38.50 47 Davis -Brown Co. La /all, Co. Trews 3.75 3.75 48 Win. }Icidt, Jr. Tax 'Ile Notices 264.32 261. 49 Itha'ea Journal -News .....Tax Sale Notices 398.40 398.40 No. NA\Ii OF TOMIPKINS COUNTY, NEW 'YORK 183 SERVICES (.1LA Luso Ai,t,ows:o 50 T. G. _Miller's Sons Supplies, Co. Treas. .. 1.00 1.00 51 Davis-Ilrown Co Desk Lamp, .Fudges' C]rtni1,e, 10.50 10.311 52 11. J. Boo] Co.......... _Furniture, Courthouse; !113.1'2 ((6.1'5 53 Underwood 'rope. Co Repairs, Supervisors ....16.00 10.00 54 Wm. Iieidt, Jr. Notice, Supervisors ..... _'.64 2.64 55 Ithaca ,Journal News Printing, Supervisors ... 10.02 10.04 56 Court. Ilellis Sealer, Expenses 400.00 400.00 57 Court. liellis Settler, Disbursements .. 10.03 10,03 58 Davis -Brown Co. Elco. Repairs" Courthouse 2.15 0.03 54 I.lavis-Brown Co. Elec. pepsins, Courthouse .1.13 1.15 60 Burroughs Add. Co Ribbon .75 ,75 (i] T. 0. 311lier's Sons Supplies, Supervisors ... 7.35 7.35 62 Chas. Il. Brooks }telt. Clock, Courthouse . 18.00 18.[10 (i3 IT. T. Fool Co. pepsins, Supervisors ... .1.50 .1.50 64 Arthur G. Adams Dist. Ally., Expenses ... .114,73 .114.73 65 H. A. C:trev Co. Sheriff's Bond 75.00 75.0(1 66 ,1.11. Long Co. _ Repairs, Jail .175.00 175.00 67 A. 11. Brooks & Son 3fedir,al Supplies, .Nail .. (1.60 6.60 68 Ouondoga Co. l'ee. Mai oten;rnee Prinseeers. 452.45 432.45 411) I'rcd 1). Gilbert Bur. Judy- M. English ., 75.00 75,(1(1 70 Dr. 3. Ili. Townsend Ex. iii lunacy 111.00 10.00 71 64r..7. .l[. Townsend .....Es, in lunacy .10.00 10.00 7`2 11r. Alrrnnr Chase ......Ex;rrrrs. in lunacy20.00 20.00 73 l� red 11. Culbert Bur. Thos. H. Wilson 75.00 75,00 7,1 Filth]; Ellis Nota, llighwoyc ;,'2.:30 52.51) 75 Cleo. B. Sieknnrn .Iustice 'ti foes 7.0)) 7.310 76 Henry Willinrns ........Justice's fees (1.'25 (i.25 77 A..1. Conlon Justice's fees 48.00 . 48,00 78 City of 111rnc't City Court fees 1511.00 30.00 74 lar. Wm. A. Smith Coroner's Expenses (11.80 31.80 80 Chas. Thoni;is Dog fees, Justice 6.00 1;.011 8.1 l';orl 'Ewers_ Dog foes, .1ustiee . 27:1.86 7,B 27.80 82 James Cook Dog fens, Constable}1.60 6.60 83 Americo]] Surety Co Bond premiums - Co. Clerk- 60.00 Co. 1'reov 110.56 Alkiusnu Press 11]:rnks, Surrow,t.t .1. E. Vui.Natta ....... Typewriter, Co. C11c. 1'. 31. llonuhue Pluml.ing, Co, ;foil 31itchell the Mover Carting, Co. Jail .... A. B. Brooks & Son Snlrlrlien, Go. Jail 84 85 88 89 90 91 Rennin' Bo5em:tn Clothing, .Nail 92 '~Neel Uisinfer.ting Go. I)isinfuct., Go. Jail 93 1). 11. Stewart & Co. . ..Supplies, Co. Jail 114 Monroe Disinfecting Co.. Disinfect., Co. Jail 95 Fred 1). (iilert Bur. Wnr. Hose, Coroner. 06 l)r. II. Al. Vose Autopsy, Coroner 97 E. P. Baotou, Agt. les., T. 11. Hosp. 98 1. 1'. Houton[, Agt. Ins., T. Ii, Hosp. 94 1lartford Boiler Ins. Co...1ns., Co. Home Boiler 100 E. 31. Mousey S• Son ....Sand, Co. Home .. _ .... 101 E. 1'. L'outou, Agi. Ins., Co. Home 102 1'. 11.1. I:Inuoliue Hum hirig, Court.hoesu .. :103 I'id(;1ty-Phen ix Ins. Co._Inc., + nurl.houce 1114 Geo. L. NIOt,t Uleauiru (tugs, Uourt.hse. 105 5. R. Tisdel Co. Keys, Courthouse 106 E. P. Bouton, Agt. Bond, Supt. Highways .. 174.56 174.5(1 9.0)) 311,1111 .75 .75 41.51 41.51 5.02 5.02 10.60 10.60 158.40 38.10 (18.90 68.90 7.67 7.67 85.00 85.00 100.00 1011.00 40.65 440.61) 40.03 40.611 213.00 23.00 7.00 7.00 2:1.6:4 23.68 1:102.11 1302..1.1 77.511 77.511 .1.417 .1.417 1.55 1.55 2.50 2.50 IS4 PROCEEDINGS OE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. NAME SEIivicEs CLA1\1ED ALLOWED 107 P. M. Donohue Work, Rights of Way .. 62.30 62.30 103 M. J. Boyer kuto-hire, Highways ... 40.00 40.00 109 Fred A. Rogalsky [ns., Co. Clk. 1341g. 67.50 67.50 110 .las. R..Robinson ........Ex. Accts., Surrogate 225.00 225.00 111. Jamieson -McKinney Co. .. Plumping, Co. Clk. Bldg2.35 2.35 172 H. A. Whittaker Canvass, Elections 7.92 7.92 113 W. O. Smiley Canvass, Elections 7.12 7.12 114 W. J. Shaver Canvass, Elections 7.76 7.76 115 Olen A. King Canvass, Elections 7.44 7.44 118 J. W. Jones Canvass, Elections 7.44 7.44 119 A. S. Millr:r Canvass, Elections 6.00 6.00 120 Wm. 1'. George . Canvass, Elections 8.40 8.40 121 Albert Dassance Canvass, Elections 7.76 7.76 122 J .M. Townsend Canvass, Elections 7.92 7.92 123 .F. D. Van Order, jr. ....Canvass, Elections 6.00 6.00 124 L. E. Patterson Canvass, Elutions 6.00 6.00 125 E. _Morgan St. John Canvass, Elections 6.00 (1.00 126 Sidney L. Howell Canvass, Elections 6.00 6,00 127 Leslie R. Pierce Canvass, Elections 6.00 6.00 128 H. A. Whittaker Extend. tax ........... 30.60 30.60 129 H. A. Whittaker Committee work 80.30 30.30 130 H. A. Whittaker Quart. & Spec.- Sessions. 47.52 47.52 131 H. A. Whittaker • Annual Session 143.76 143.76 132 W. O. Smiley Extend. tax 30.60 30.60 133 W. O. Smiley Committee work 331.00 331.00 134 W. O. Smiley Quart. & Spec. Sessions.. 42.72 42.72 135 W. O. Smiley Annual Session 14L.36 141.:36 136 W. J. Shaver Extend. tax 40.50 40,50 137 W. J. Shaver Committee work 311.38 311.88 138 W. J. Shaver •Quart. & Spec. Sessions.. 4(1-56 46.56 139 W, J. Shaver Annual Session 137.28 137.28 140 Olen A. King Extend, tax 28.14 28.14 341 Olen A. King Coning it.tee .work 142.79 142.79 142 Olen A. Ring Quart.. & Spec. Sessions.. 44.64 44.64 143 Olen A. King Annual Session 136.32 13(3.32 144 A. S. \filler Extend. tax 52.50 52,50 145 A. S. 3liller Committee work 232-10 232.10 146 A. S. Miller Quart. & Spec. Sessions.. 36.00 36.00 147 A. S. Miller ALUMNI Session 132.00 132.00 148 W. 1'. George Extend. tax 35.50 35.50 149 W. F. George Committee work 89.80 :39.80 150 W. F. George Quart. & Spec. Sessions.. 50.40 50.40 151 W. F. George Annun l Session 136.80 136.80 152 Albert, 1)assanee Extend. 1.ax 211.01 26.01 3:53 chert Dassance Contnrit.ec work 157.35 157.85 154 Albert I):issance Quart. &• Spec. Sessions.. 46.5(1 46.56 155 Albert Dassance Annual Session 1:35.52 135.52 156 .1. M. Townsend Extend. tax 44.25 44.25 157 J. M. Townsend Committee work 190.08 190.08 158 .l. M. Townsend Quart. ..X. Spec. Sessions.. 47.52 47.52 159 T. 11, 'Townsend Anuuul Session 139-92 139.92. 160 F. D. VonOrder, Jr, Gommit ee work 138.00 138.00 11)1 1'. D. VanOrder, Jr. Quart. & Spec. Sessions36.00 36.00 162 F. D. VanOrder, Jr. Annual Session 138.00 138.00 1113 L. E. Patterson Commit tee work 255.20 235.20 1114 L. E. Patterson Quirt. & Spee. Sessions36.00 36.00 1115 L. E. Patterson' Annual Session 138.00 138.0)) 166 E. M. St. John Extend. tax 59.78 59.78 OF TO\1P1' tNS COUNTY, NEW YORK 185 No. NAM E SERVICES • CLArnn.0 ALLOWED 167 E. M. St. John Comuritttee work .... 270.00 270.00 168 E. 3.1. St. John Quart.. & Spec. Sessions.. 36.00 30.00 169 E. M. St. John Amina] Session ' 132.00 132.00 170 S. L. 11owell Extend, tax 59.78 59.78 171 S. L. Howell Committee work 262.90 262.90 172 S. L. Howell Quart. & Spec. Sessions.. 36.0[) 36.00 173 S. L. Howell A nnua l Session 138.00 138.00 174 .Leslie R. Pierce Committee work 121.70 121.70 175 Leslie R. fierce Quart. S Spec. Sessions.. 36.00 :36.00 176 'Leslie 1t. Pierce Annual Session 138.00 138.00 177 J. 11'. ;Tone 1' xtcuw3. tax 50.65 50.4115 178.f. W. .Tones Comm ittee work 265.50 265.59 179 J. W. .Tones Quart. & Spec. Sessions53.28 53.28 180 J. W. Junes Annual Session 142.32 142.32 State of New York, County of Tompkins, 'r ss. Bo NI of Supervisors. S Totals +1.7,140.68: 1.7,139.18 1 Fred L. Clock, Clerk of tltc Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, N. Y., DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Board of Super- visors of said county, at its animal session .in the year 1925, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed. 1N 1WWI.'l'NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set [L. S.] zny hand and caused the official seal of the Board of Supervisors Of Tompkins County, N. Y., to be hereto affixed, this 2Eitli day of January, 1926. FRED L. CLOCK. Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. 1801 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IBOARI) OF SUPERVISORS TOWN AUDITS TOWN OF CAROLINE ABSTIzACI' OF TOWN AU1),ITS, 1925 We, the undersigned, the Board of Town Auditors of said 'l'oo'n, do hereby certify: Than the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board, ac- counts to be audited, the amount claimed dry each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited to them respectively, to -wit: No. NAME SERVICES 0I4AIMED AI4r.o1V ED .l Charles Munson Inspector & \icssenger $ 33.12 $ 33.12 2 H. A. Whittaker Percentage School Money.. 83.46 3:1,40 3 Sue C. .Earsley, Sec. Caro -Rent of Hall Election and line Grange .1nst ice Court 35.00 35.00 4 Lamont C. Snow .........Inspector, Election 23.00 22.00 5 Anna N. Maple Insper.lor & -A1 essenger ... 35.80 34.40 6 P. Alfred Munch, Trust.eeRent. Church for Elec. .... 20.00 20.00 7 Ranson) Rich General Clerk EIe.. ...... 10.00 10.00 8 Ira G. Maple Inspector, Election 22.00 22.00 9 Thomas C. Burns, Jr. Tnspcetor, Election 22.00 22.00 10 .lances C. Gook .Inspector Elections 22.00 22.00 1.1 .1. E. McGrath Tnslieetur, Election 23.00 22.00 4.2 Charles 'Thomas inspector & Messenger ... 33.28 33.28 1.3 Chaney Goodrich Inspector Election 23.00 22.00 14 Bessie Lynch Pole Clerk 10.00 10.00 15 Eula Lupton Pole Clerk 10.00 10.00 16 Henry \1'rrtrus Tnspcelor 20.00 22.00 17 B. H. Van 1)e Mark Inspector 20.00 22.00 18 Margret E. ]toe ..........Pole Clerk 10.00 10.00 19 «'m. T. Graham Inspector 13.00 18.00 20 Theodore Eighmey •lssessor 43.00 43.00 21 Wallace W. Conrad •lsses5or 45.00 48.00 22 Robert Speed ............Pole Clerk 10.00 10.00 23 Iiarry Crispell .........Pole Clerk 10.00 10.00 24 Wallace Conrad Copying Assessment. Roil.. 16.00. 16.00 25 H. A. Whittaker 1% General Fund 55.21 55.21 26 H. A. Whittaker Postage 5.0'5 5.25 27 Martin Slaughter Hall Hent Justice Court... 5.00 5.00 28 Raymund Middaugh Atte,t,lance Officer 25.00 25.00 29 Augustus Middaugh Board Meeting 40.00 40.00 30 Charles M. Jones Justice Peace Meeting with Board 32.00 32.00 31 H. A. 'Whittaker _Meeting with Town Board 48.00 4S.00 32 P. Alfred Munch Board Meeting 44.00 44.00 33 ,lar Philips Board Meeting 49.00 48.00 34 Charles Thomas Boarvl Meeting 40.00 40.1)0 35 H. A. Whittaker highway Salary 200.00 200.00 36 James Cook Constal)le 3,00 3.00 37 James Cook Constable 21.85 21.85 38 Charles Craves, Trustee ...Rent. of Church for Elec. .. 20.00 20.00 3:) Jay Phillips Vital Statistics 40.25 40.25 40 B. F. Lockwood Lunacy Examination 15.00 15.00 OF TOM PKINS COUNTY, N EW YORK 1S7 No. NAME SERVI6ES CI,A 1M En ALLOWED 41 B. F. Lockwood Health Officer aur] Vital Statistics- 166.60 166.60 42 Jay Phillips Filing; Marriage and Burial Perm its 4.96 4.06 ,43 A. G. Watkins Exam, in Luuaey 15.00 10.00 ' 44 Cl. B. Bull Assessor 53.75 53.75 45 Augnstus 1iddaugh Just.icc, Criminal 4.20 , 4.20 46 Charles N. Jones Justice, Criminal 4.10 4.10 47 Charles M. Jones Justine, Crimivai 7.60 7.60 43 D. li. Bull Servier:, Assessor 4.00 4.00 49 H. A. Carey Co, Bonds & Compensation Itis. 557.39 557.39 50 I1. A. Carey Co. ..... Bond, lure Cook 5.00 5.00 5.1 11. A. Carey Co. Bond, Augustan Micldauglt. 5.00 5.00 52 H. A. Carey Co. Bond, Supervisor 69.69 60.69 53 H. A. Carey Co. Bond, Wm. Olney 5.00 5.00 54 H. A. Carey Co. Bawd, James Tryon 5.00 5.00 55 11. A. Carey Co. Bond, Charles Alanson ... 10.00 10.00 56 11. A. Care• Co. Bond, .lay Phillips 2.50 2.50 57 .lames 1. Try;nn Overseer Poor 65,22 65.22 58 1.1. A. Corey Co, Bond, 1'. Alfred Muia i .. 5.00 5.00 59 Charles Thomas Justice, Criminal 3.75 3,75 60 Charles Thomas Justice, Criminal 1.00 1.00 61 Charles Thomas Justice, Criminal 3.75 3.75 62 Charles '1'hoaaas Justice, Criminal 1.00 .1.00 63 Charles Thomas Justice, Criminal 1.110 1.00 64 Charles Thoaarts Justine, Criminai :10.75 ]0.70 65 Charles Thomas Justice, Criminal 3.25 3.25 (6 Charles Thomas .lust.ice, Criminal 9.00 '9.00 67 Charles Thomas ..........Justice, Criminal 9.4(1 9.40 68 Charles Thomas Justice, Criminal 3.25 3.25 69 11. A. Whittaker 1'ercerilage on POW' Fuud 300 3.00 70 Charles Alunsort Services 100.00 100.00 71 Jay Phillips General Services 100.33 100.35 '!'vial $2,456.71 $2,482.31 11'e, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Yoard of Audit of the Town of Caroline, N. Y., dot hereby certify that the foregoing is a cornet, list of a.ceonnts, which have been audited by us, with the amoutnt claimed and the runount a110Wed. Dated this 1st day oi' .December, 1925. CI'IAS. M. J(1NISS, 'Town Auditor, CHAS. TIl(l'IAS, Town Auditor, 1'. AIIYRE!.) 11IUN'Chl,'lbrvn auditor, A UC UST EUS MIL)l1)A UGH. Town Auditor. 1 hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy ul' the Town Alid itS of the 'Town of Caroline. JAY- PHILLIPS, Town Clerk. 138 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DANBY ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1925 We, the undersigned, the Board of Town Auditors of said torn, do hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names of "all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amount finally audited to them respectively, to wit: No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED I. Clyde L. Chase Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 1 $ 27.00 $ 27.00 2 Earnest Sincebaugh inspector, Dist. No. 1 .... 1.7.00 17.00 3 Harry A. Hatfield Inspector, Dist. No. 1 .... 13.00 13.00 4 Ham .1. Bruce inspector, Dist. No. 1 .... 12.00 12.00 5 William Elyea Inspector, (list. No. 1 .... 5.00 5.00 6 David Congdon ..Inspector. Dist. No. 1 .... 5.00 5.00 7 Rose .Elyesa General Clerk, Dist. No. 1 5.00 5.00 8 W. 8..Io„lson General Clerk, Dist,. No. I.:5.00 5.00 9 Rollo W. Longhouse inspector and Messenger. Dist. No. _' 23.60 23.60 10 Robert S. Hutchings Inspector, [list. No. 2 .... 17.00 17.00 .11 George O. Sears Inspector, Dist. No. 2 .... 17.00 17.00 12 Chas. E. Cole inspector, Dist.. No. 2 ... 17.00 17.00 13 Roscoe .1. Hutchings General Clerk Dist. No. 2 :1.00 5.00 14 Everett .1. Loomis General Clerk Dist. No. 2 :7.00 5.00 15 Earnest hill Inspector and Messenger, 16 L. E. Cummings Dist. No. 3 29.20 29.20 Inspector, Dist. No. 2 17.00 17.00 17 bred B. Jones Inspector, Dist. No. 3 .... 17.0O 17.00 18 Roger Larne Inspector, Dist. No. 3 .... 17.00 _ 17.00 19 Fred Larne General Clerk Dist. No. 3 :5.00 5.00 20 Harry Slaight General Clerk Dist. No. 3 5.00 5.00 21 Marietta .1. Snyder Hall Rent, Dist. No. 2 10.011 10.00 22 L. E. Cunimiugs Hall Rent, Dist. No. 2 10.00 10.00 22 Mrs. A. W. Beardsley Garange Rent 24.00 24.00 24 Theron Genter Service, Dog fees 4.00 4.60 25 H. C. Thatcher • Vital Statistics 5.00 5.00 2(3 J. Frank W. Allen Vital Stn tistics 8.75 3.75 27 J. )'rank W. Allen ........li.egistratur 44.00 44.011 23 J. -Frank W. Allen ........ Health Officer 141.15 141.15 29 Harrison Thayer Assessor 511.''°5 512 30 Frank Siucebaugk kssessor 73.50 73.1.;053 31 George Button Assessor 73.50 72.50 22 Lois Sincob;iugh Copying Assessment Holl.. 16.00 16.011 13 Andrus & Church Assessment Roll 14.30 14.30 34 H. R. Wilbur Fire Warden 57.70 57.70 35 Frank Eastman Overseer Poor 105.50 103.50 36 11. A. Carey & Cu. Com pensa tion 116.07 116.07 • 37 W. O. Smiley Services Bill 38.50 38.50 38 Fred E. Dorn Services, Town Board 2S.00 28.00 39 Roger F. Todd Services, 'town Board 23.00 28.00 40 Eugene Dorn Services, Town Board 23.00 23.00 41 I?avid A. Moore Services, Town Board 14.00 14.00 42 Eugene Dorn Justice, Criminal 26.10 26.10 43 A. J. Tubbs Services, Town Clerk 132.50 133.50 Total $1,358.22 $1,358.22 Or TO_MPHINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 189 We, the undersigned members, comprising the Town Board of the 'Town of Danby, do hereby certify that we have this day completed the auditing of the above accounts and t.liat this is. a correct abstract of the; same as filed in the Town Clerk's Office in the Town of Danby. Dated thia' 5t.h day of November, 1925. Signed, W. 0. SMILEY, Supervisor. A. ,T. TUBJ3S, Town Clerk. EUGENE DORN, Justice. ROGER TODD, Justice. FRED DORN, Justice. DAVID 111 OORE, Justice. 190 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OP' DRYDEN ABSTRACT OF '1'011' N AUDITS. 1925 No. NAME SI RVICES C I,A I Da Et)ALLOWED 1 Ralph McArthur Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 8 24.00 $ 24.00 2 Ira W. Reed Inspector, Dist. No. 1 24.00 24.00 3 Orrie Cornelius Inspector, Dist. No. 1 24.00 24.00 4 Arthur Clouting Inspector and Messenger, (list. No. 1 35.711 35.70 5 G. K. Mineah Clerk, hist. No. 1 7.00 7.00 ti Leroy Loomis Clerk, Dist. No. 1 7.00 7.00 7 lI, E. Crut.ts House for election 35.00 35.00 8 E. R. (Triton Inspector, Dist. No. 2 24.00 24.00 9 E'red Williams Inspector, Dist. No. 2 24.00 24.00 10 Will Lurnhard inspector, Dist. No. 2..... 19.00 19.00 11 Hubart Hart Inspector, Dist. No. 2 12.00 12.00 12 William Dan Clerk, Dist. No, 2 7.00 7.00 13 George F. Warner Inspector and Messenger, (list. No. 2' 35.32 35.32 14 O. M. Rhodes House for eleet.ior 35.00 34).00 15 C. B. Snyder Inspector, Dist. No. 3 24.00 24.00 144 D. W. Hart 1nspector, Dist. No. 3 24.00 24.00 17 C. E. Green Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 3 35.92 35.92 18 C. F. Pratt Inspector, Dist. No. 3 24.00 24.00 19 Durr Fellows Clerk, Dist. No. 3 7.00 7.00 20 Minnie Myers Clerk, Dist. No. 3 7.00 7.00 21 George W. Sutfin Hent of Hall 35.00 35.00 22 Elmer Card Inspector, Dist. No. 4 24.00 24.00 241 Percy R. Ilotre Inspector, Dist, No. 4 24.00 24.00 24 Victor S. Fulkerson Inspector, Disl. No. 4 12.00 12.00 25 Louise Card Inspector, Dist No. 4 12.00 12.00 26 Nellie Fulkerson Clerk, Dist. No. 4 7.00 7.00 27 _Marc Howe Clerk, Dist. No. 4 7.00 7.00 23 G. C. Sutliff Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 4 36.08 36.08 29 Andrea- Baker Rent of Hall 35.00 35.00 30 :John J. Tripp Inspector, Dist. No. 5 24.00 24.00 31 Orin Bile inspector, Dist. No. 5 24.00 24.00 32 G. E. Goodrich Inspector, Dist. No. 5 24.00 '24.00 33 J. D. Ross Inspector and Messenger, Hist. No. 5 36.24 36.24 34 Mary Connor Clerk, Dist. No. 5 7.00 7.00 35 Rose Ellis Clerk, Dist. No. 5 7.00 7.00 36 G. F. Goodrich ....Rent of Hall 35.00 35.00 :47 Chas. 1.4. Sager Inspector, Dist. No. 6 24.00 24.00 OS Harry 'Tucker Inspector, Dist. No. 6 24.06 24.06 39 J. J. Cole Inspector, Dist. No. 0 24.00 24.00 40 F: E. Parker Inspector and Messenger, 41 W. F. Moore . hist. No. 6 35.92 35.92 Clerk, Dist. No. 6 7.00 7.00 42 W..1. Sim ver Clerk. Dist. No. 6 7.00 7.00 40 A. G. Blackman Hill Election 35.00 35.09 44 A. G. Blackman Hall, Caucus 5.00 5.00 45 Frank Thomas Inspector, Dist. No. 7 24.00 24.00 46 John Joiner • Inspector, Dist. No. 7 30.20 30.20 47 Arthur Hammond Inspector, Dist. No. 7 24.00 24.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 191 No. NA ToY: SERVICES CLAI M 1) ALI.OWEi 48 Bert. Lane Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 7 30.48 36.48 49 Stella Joiner Clerk, Dist. No. 7 7.00 7.00 50 Ruth. Lace Clerk, Dist. No. 7 7.00 7.00 5.1. jay Carpenter, Trustee.... Rent of lull :35.00 35.00 52 I';uil Ewers Crim iva1 20.30 26.30 53 (1. N. Underwood Criminal 43.00 43.00 54 .1. D. Nosy Crit:dual 21.80 21.80 55 .1. O. Robertson Criminal 5.85 5.85 56 T.'. E. Parker Criminal 4.00 . 4.60 57 Dr. 1.1. Germug Frealth Officer 427.911 427.00 58 I)r. G. L. Hood Physician 41.75 41-.75 59 Dr. D. Al. liven Phvsieian 93.50 93.50 60 Dr. G. \I. Gilchrist, Vital Statistics 1.25 1.25 61 E. S. Burr Services, Overseer of Poor. 31.36 31.36 62 F'ri,nk Johnson Services 13.00 13.00 03 ,1;ioe C. }lines' Services 191.54 191.54 64 (I. Ii. Underwood Services 38.00 38.00 65 Paul Ewers Services 47.90 47.00 66 .1. 1). Ross Services 52.00 52.00 157 .1. O. Robertson Services 53.00 53.00 68 W. S. Shaver Supervisor 61..00 01,00 69 k'rcal Parker Services 47.00 47.00 70 Andrew.- Baker Assessor 121.75 121.75 71 C. B. Snyder Assessor 291.90 201.90 72 P. T. Reeves Assessor ' 181.75 181.75 73 .1. C. Lnson Truant Oflieet 02.80 92.80 74 Ithaca City Hospital ..... ]lush Case 173.62 173.62 75 R. M. Vose Bush_ Case 100.00 .100.00 70 Dryden Marble and Uruu- - ite Works 20.00 20.00 77 American Surety Go. .....Bonds 9.00 9.00 78 Andrus & Church Assessment, Rolls 34.50 34.50 79 Cuggswell Bros. ' Hent for Storage 5.00 5.00 80 O. M. Rhodes Rent of Iia11 0.00 6.00 81 Nowell & Howell Supervisor's Bond. 8:3.23 83.23 Tota li $3,339.33 $3,3:39.38 192 PROCEEDINGS•OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ENFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1925 No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED A',LOWED 1 C. C. Fitzpatrick Hall Rent . 2 Andrus S. Church Assessment Rolls 3 George Tubbs Truant Officer, services 4 Elmer Rumsey Inspector of Election 5 Grant Erway Poll Clerk of Election 6 Claude Sirriuc Inspector of Election 7 Luther Teeter Inspector of Election 8 \V3!liain .1 on es, J r. Inspector of Election 9 Nathan Il'urnsey Inspector of Election Hugh Curry Inspector of Election John Johnson Poll Clerk of Election Austin Legge Inspector of Election Eeeret Church Inspector of Election D. L. Ross Poll Clerk of: Election .Toe Wieilrneier Poll Clerk of Election .10 .11 12 1:3 14 16 17 18 .19 20 21 22 93 24 95 26 27 T. G. 'Miller Sons Paper P. 1$. 1Voo(1 & Son Asa Cummings Ray Lansing Bud Daharsh Co Insurance Assessor Assessor Issessor (rank 0. Rothermich .... Com. highways Frank 0. Rothermich Expense account .John Tha1l Vital Statistics John Th Services $ 25.00 $ 25.00 17.30 17.30 6.00 6.00 27.00 22.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 41.28 41.28 30.00 30.00 10.00 .10.00 30.00 :30.00 • 41.60 41.60 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 6.77 (3.77 58.64 58.64 58.75 58.75 67.00 67.00 51.00 51.00 695.00 695.00 27.00 27.00 143.00 33.00 97.57 97.57 John Thrill Road Allowance 25.00 25.00 James Parker Overseer of Poor 15.00 18.00 General Printers & Pub- lishers Co. Books 6.00 • 6.00 28 1I. A. Carey Co. Insurance 255.91 258.91 29 .1. W. Burton Health Officer 117..75 117.75 30 Bert Iiirbv Justice Services 36.00 36.00 31 J. C. 'Weatherby Justice Services 39.00 39.00 32 Daniel 'l]itchell Justice Services 39.00 39.00 33 Albert Cnlgrove Justice Services 36.00 36.00 34 Olen A. King Service; 42.00. 42.00 311 Burr Ruiusey 40.00 40.00 36 Will Palmer Inspector S.00 8.00 Totals $2,863.57 $2,563.57 OLEN A. KING, Supervisor DANIEL MITC.IIELL, Justice BERT KIRBY, Justice J. C. - EATHE.P,BY . Justice JOH\ 'THALL, Town Clerk No. OF TO\IPKINS COUNTY, .NEW TORIC 193 TOWN OF GROTON ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1925 SERVICES CLAIMED) AI4•O WED 1 .fames 1.1. 1Vaterm:ut Supplies for Purr $ 23.43 $ 23,43 2 Asn :Vet zgar Excess Tag. 1.00 1.00 3 1Villiaiu 11. wens Storing Carrie Cotton's Goody 10.00 10.00 4 \lary L. Montfort. Supplies for Pour 54.20 54.20 5 A. J. \fetrgar Truant Oltirer 25.00 25.00 ti .Edith J. GreenSupplies for Russell -family 10.60 10.65 70. L. _1dam5 Supplies for Russell family 10.66 10.66 8 Arthus S Church Two Assessment Bolls 27.80 27.80 9 12. H. Chat t.rtou..... , .. , lasura rice Premium 25.18 20.18 10 A. 13. Giltson Supplies for Poor - S.75 8.75 11 John E.Wattenhcrg.,'1.14.. Services 65.33 65.83 12 11. li. 1ie:d & Son 1 se valid Car (Horace F tln;ipli) 11.00 11.00 13 .E. T. Moe Constable Fees 10.80 10.80 1.4 J. 11'. :Jones Perr:outage an41 Services.. 195.043 .190,06 .15 11. G, \toe Board Meetings 40.00 40.00 16 11 G Moe Services 41.20 41.20 I7 11. G. _:hili Office Supplies Town Cletk 14.86 14,86. 18 II. 0. M to: Registrar Vital Statistics. 47.48 •17.48 70 1?. R. Cluttterton Town Ilto:ird Meetings 40.00 40.00 20 It. R. Ghstterton Legal Services and Crim- inal Court lees 36.50 36.50 21 11. L. Burk Torn Hoard Meeting. 40.00 40.00 2:.' I1. L. 13ncl4 Gritnin:] IC'-ourl. Fee- 13.80 13.85 :-'3 0. 13. Sicktnou Town [Mord \l eel Tugs.... 40.00 40.00 24 0. li. Sickuunt Criminal Court _Pees 23.00 23.00 25 0 B. Sicknton Vital Statistics 1.00 1.50 26 E. 10. 'roll/midge To yr Board lleetitogs 40.00 40.00 27 .1. 11. 1Valc.rnt:ut Seryiwn' a)li Supplies for _Poor70.00 7.5.00 S .1'. 1I. 11',stcrnt:ta Supplies for Poor 17.12 17.12 211 A. .1. Metzgar Constable "ryes 35.55 35.55 30 Charles \1. 7lutelter Att.end:ince Officer........ 50.00 50.00 3:1 1t. C. Torhell, M. D. Servir.cr• Towyn i'oor and,, Vit:il Statistics 32 (1. 31. Gilchrist. _101, 11...:. Services & Vital Statistics 33 :1' E. Ryan Vital Statistics 3.4 "Market l>,tsket Store supplies for Poor 30 Groton Feed Co. Sul'pIiwi fel. Item. ......... 36. 1''. 1\'. Lv ich Supplies for Poor :17 A. ri. Webster $uhpclics for 1'oor 08 C. C. Goo+ling Co Supplies for Poor 39 Cortltnul Co. ]Iospital...11orace Krrapp 70 days... 40 .1. 11. VanMarter, Al. 1)...11ealth Officer '11 11. C. $;innlwi.'.k Livery 42 B. 11. Wager l ivery :Ind Trucking 43 Groton Bridge Co, Rent T,,a-,, Clerk's Office.. 44..1'. 13. Lyon Co. Gosh Book 45 'Williamson Low Book Go..Tusti -e Docket and Oath Register 10.411. 10.61 441 IV. C. Little S Co Town 1.•;c0.• sad \lonuu].. , . Ii,00 6.00 47 .I. 1''. Miller Photographer Services.... 9.50 9,50 48 Wm. IIeidt, .1r. Printing and Notices 26.95 26.98 52.00 52.00 20.00 2(1.00 3.00 3.00 115.99 115.99 64.00 64.90 36,22 36.22 40.40 40.40 110.51 110.51 123.50 123.50 431.90 431.80 4.00 •4.00 38.50 38.50 150:00 :180.00 6.00 6.00 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NO. .NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 49 Lucy E. Wilson Error in Tax 1.16 1.16 50 Rev. F. J. Allington Vii al Statistics 1.50 1.5:5 51 American Surety Co Bond Premium 95.81 95.81 52 American Surety Co..... Bond Premium 10.00 10.00 53 National Surety Co Bond Premium 38.55 35.35 54 W. C. Allen Rent Polling Place, Dist. No. 1 30.00 30.00 55 Corona Typewriter Co.... Kent Polling Place, Dist. No. 2 32.00 32.00 56 J. D. Dates Livery and Rent Polling Place, Dist. No. 3 05.00 05.00 :57 -illage of Groton, ....'.. , Rent Bali and Poking Place, Dist. No. 475.00 75.00 58 John G. Corrigan Rant • Poll ing Flake, Dist. \o +i 32.00 32.00 59 Archie Gillen Tr Rent Polling Plaee, (list. No. 6 22.00 22.00 50 A;eLean Grange No. 1075, Rent Polling Place, Dist No. 7 32.00 32.00 01 [Varner C. Allen Erecting Booths Dist.. No. 1 3.00 8.00 62 Charles II. Aloe Erecting Booths, [lists. 2, 3, 4, 5 48.00 45.00 63 Archic R. Gillen Erecting I:ootlis Dist. No (1 10.00 10.00 64 Ernest G. Reniff Erecting Booths Dist. No. 7 15.00 15.00 65 Gwi]ym Griffiths Inspector and Messenger, • Dist. No. 1 31.60 31.60 66 Evlyn M, Scott Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 1 27.00 27.00 67 Flora J. Allen Inspector and _Messenger, Dist. No. 1 27.00 27.00 65 Fay Bush Inspector and Messenger, .Dist. No. 1 30.70 30.70 69 Edward, L. Scott. General Clerk, hist. No. 1. 8.00 8.00 70 Eva L. Hopkins General Clerk. Dist. No. .l 8.00 8.00 71 :Cella L. Jones Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. ? 37.88 37.53 72 Etta S Tarbell Inspector, Dist. No. 2 25.00 25.00 73 Dcila R. Halio Any Inspector, (list. No. 2 25.00 25.00 74 Libbie Hyde Inspector, Dist. No. 2 ... 25.00 25.00 75 Blanche A. Fickens General Clerk, Dist. No. 2 5.00 5.00 76 Etta Sobers General Clerk, Dist. No. 2 8.00 8.07 77 Mary R. Long Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 25.00 25.00 78 Olive A1. !la]ladav Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 25.00 25.00 79 _Man- E. Feeler luspectur, Dist. No. 3.... 25.00 25.00 80 \1'm. J. Feeley Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 3 37.88 37.88 81 Mary H. Dicker General Clerk, Dist. No. :1 8.00 8.00 82 George f1. Stark Genera C lerk, Dist. No. 3 8.[10 8.00 83 Charles II. _floe Inspector and _Messenger, Dist. No. 4 37.88 37.88 84 Arthur R. Leach Inspector, Dist. No. 4.... 25.00 25.00 85 Mather C. Howe Inspector, Dist. No. 4.... 20.00 20.00 86 :John E: McCormick inspector, Dist. Ni 4....:x.00 5.00 87 K. \T. Balilu in Inspector, Dist. No. 4.... � 20.00 20.00 88 Frank A. Begent inspector, Dist. No 4.... 5.00 5.00 89 Benson Stevens General Clerk, TIdst, No. 4 8.00 8.00 90 Clarence E. Brokaw General Clerk, Dist. No. 4 8.00 5.00 S;1 George Culver Inspector and Alessenger, Dist. N. 5 37.88 37.88 f OF TOMPI'.INS COUNTY, NEW YORK 195 NO. 1A711I? SERVICES CLAIMED. A[,L.OWED 92 Mary 3,1cGi:Iii 1nsliector, Hist. No. 5.... 25.00 25.00 93 Alury 20 CIN rk Inspector, Dist. No. 5.... 25.00 25.00 94 Lillian McMahon Inspector, (list. No. 5.... 25.00 25.00 95 Nina Culver General Clerk, Dist. No. 5 8.00 8.00 96 Nellie C. Hamill General Clerk, Dist.' No. 5 8.00 8.00 117 1hirry J. Rail Inspector• and _Messenger, Dist. No. li 31.34 31.84 98 Nellie L. Spaulding Inspector and _-Messenger, Dist. No, 6 25.68 25.68 99 :Mane E. Davidson Inspector, Dist. No. 6.... 6.00 6.00 700 I'rtink. L. Ogden Inspector, Dist. No. li.... 20.00 20.00 101 11:n'v A. Austin 1 Lspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 6 7.00 7.00 102 Estella T. Young inspector and Messenger, (:list.. No. (i 27.00 27.00 103 W. _Merton Congdon General Clerk, Dist. No. 6 8.00 8.00 104 John R. Kane General Clerk, Dist. No. 6 8,00 8.00 105 Charles 11. :Dutcher Inspector :Intl Messenger, Dist. No. 7 37.56 37:56 106 Ray C. Stillwell Inspector, hist. No. 7.... 20.00 25.00 107 [drys IM. Powell Inspector anti Messengor, Dist. No. 7 20.00 20.00 108 :John I3: Hart: [uspector, Dist.. No. 7.... 17.00 17.00 109 harry Howe Inspector. Dist. No. 7.... 8.00 8.00 110 ..Marion Tomlinson General Clerk, hist. No. 7 8.00 8.00 111 Lulu .Donly General Clerk, Dist. No. 7 8.00 8.00 1.12 W. 11. I3uiklev Assessor 137.00 137.00 113 Archie R. Gillen Assessor :166.00 :166.00 11.4 I1o[Itrook 14. Stevens Assessor 172.75 172.75 115 George E. Allton, M. D... Services and Vital Statis- tics 6.50 6.50 Tntal $4230.80 $4230.80 I, :11. G. _foe, Town Clerk of the Town of Groton, N. Y,. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of the ;recounts audited by the Town Board of said. Town, in the year 1925, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed. Dated, November 20th, 1925. H. G. MOE, Town Clerk. 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN.OF ITIIACA ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1925 No. NAM SERVICES CLAIM ED ALLOWED 1. Elmer Allen lustice Town 11! trd $ 2. Charles Newman Justice '.['own Board 1. Charles _Newman Justice Criminal Action.. 4. .Tame; A. Bush .Justice Fees, 5. James A. Bush Dist ice Town hoard 6. AV. I. Smith Justice Town Hood...... 7. A. S. _hiller Supr. Town hoard $. A. S. Miller Sitio.. l`Jr. General Fuad... 9..Harrisou Adams Assessor 30. Fred Marshall Assessor .11. H. C. Sheldon Assessor 32, Elmer .Allen .1test ice .lees 13. C. J. Updike Town Clerk service Bili.. 14. 0. J. Updike Vital Statistics 15. C. .T. Mike Office Rent 16 W 1 Ileus -Attendance Officer 37. Emmett. Gilloty 1S. J. W. `l'ourtellot 19. Fred Pearson 20. Rexford Smith 21. Arthur 'Teeter 22. .Toe Burns 23. Samuel Newman 24. Geo. I. Teeter 25. .lake Willcox 26. Charles Morris 27. W. P. Head Overseer Poor Inspector, Dist. No. 1..... I!Cpector, Dist. No. 1 Inspector, Dist, No. 1 Inspector. Dist. No. 1 Inspector, (list. No. 1 Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 1 ... Clerk. Elec. (list. No. 1 Inspector, Dist, No. Inspeetor, Dist. No. 2 Inspector, Mist.. \O. 2 28. Loueli:i Northrop........Inspector, Dist. :No. 2 29. -alcolm 11. Galbreath....lnspeetor, 'Dist. No. 2 ,;0. Clifford Kigittlinger Clerk. Elec. Dist, No. 2.... i1. Elizaletlt E. SuudcrvilleClerk. Elec. Dist. No. 2.... 12. Jeanie Updike Inspector. Dist. No. 3 i3. Florence M. _-dvers.... ...Iuspeetur, Dist. Na. 3 34. Oral ltuntsev Inspector, Dist. No. 3 35. Cora Cray Inspector. Dist. No. 36. George Woodling Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 3.... 37. Ira 'Al vers. Clerk. Elec. Dist, No.:;.... 38. Willer G. Ir1s1l, '1. 1)]Health Officer 32.00 $ 32.00 64.00 64.00 16.6,E 16.65 220.50 220.50 64.00- 64.00 48.00 45.00 64.0(1 64.00 72.02 72.02 2'08.20 208.20 '00.00 206.00 214.00 214.00 2.75 2.75 150.68 130.68 59.0:1 59.09 25.00 25.00 60.00 60.00 69.00 69.00 5:.00 -49.00 26.00 25.00 41.00 37.00 41.00 37.00 15.00 12.00 15.011 12.00 15.0(1 12.00 41.00 37.00 15.00 17.50 11.00 37.00 52.20 43.20 23.00 19.50 15.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 52.20 48.20 41.00 37.00 41.(111 37.00 41.00 37.00 15.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 262.77 262.77 Total $2455.00 $2422.06 ' -1' e, the undersigned members conlprisinv the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, do certify that We have this day completed the auditing of the above accounts and that this is a correct ab- stract. of the sante as filed.in the Town Clerk's Office in the Torn of Ithaca. Dated, November 5. 1J"5. AFiTI'I.Uh S. 11LILLEH, Supervisor CLINTON J. UPDIKE', Torn Clerk .FAMES A. BUSH, Justice of Peace CHARLES NEWMAN, -Justice of Peace W. I. SMITH. Justice of Peace ELIIER ALLEN, justice of Peace OF TO\CPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 197 TOWN O1 LANSING ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1925 NO. NAME SERVICES (CLAIMED ALLOWED 75 Jason Newman Clerk E 10.00 $ 10.00 76 Dennis Doyle Clerk 10.00 10.00 77 Millar_ J. E _sal Clerk 10.00 10.00 78 .Kirin Sharpstein Inspector and 3.1essenger .. 43.84 40.84 711 Pred Sharpstein In,lrector 21.00 18.00 80 Bert. _Rosy .1uspector?1.00 13.00 81 Frank Swizer (.3erl: 10.00 .10.00 82 Ilow:u•d Tarbell .Inspector 38.00 ' 28.00 83 N. Lansing Grange Hall-Service33.00 35.00 S4 Everett Nobles Inspector and Messenger .. 41.00 41.00 85 \Winona Nobles Clerk 10.00 10.00 86 Lillian Holten Clerk 10.00 10.00 87 Clayton Bower Inspector 32.00 32.00 85 O. M. Holden .Inspector 31,00 31..00 89 11. P. :Alexaa(1er fn5peutor 32.)J0 32.00 90 That Brown 32.00 32.00 91 .Rohn Clinton Inspector and Messenger .. 45.51i 45.56 e(2 \lelvin Bush Hall for Election 15.00 35.00 93 Jessie flush .Cic:rk 10.00 100.110 101 Olive A iLNest .Clerk • 10.00 .10.00 95 Erank Jefferson in;per.tor 32.00 322.000 96 Orrin Drake . Assign; to .ferry Smith .... 32.00 300 1)7 Bertha I_ueei;nulCleric 10.00 10.00 93 Stephen Snyder 3'x,11 Clerk 10.00 10.00 1)1) John 13. I•'arrell Inspector 41.40 38.40 100 Howard 11. Howland .....Inspector 38.50 35.50 .101 Carl 0. Holliday .Inspector and \lesseuger .. 42.00 30.00 .102 ferry Raring "raspeator 38.00 35.00 103 S. LansiHg Grange Hall.. 'ervice 35.00 36.00 :104 Orrin English .Service .Hill 54.00 54.00 105 1)r. G. \l. Gilchrist Vital Statistics 2.00 2.00 100 1A`. A. Brewer Pull Clerk 10.00 10.00 107 Clayton 11. Townsend ....Goal 8.00 8.00 108 Joseph McGill .Heg'ist.rar 47.50 47.50 111!1 W. 1'. George T•a't (Roll Copied 15.00 15.00 110 I;has. 111 ills ,1:i titor Work 8.50 8.50 .111 Chas. Mills J suitor Work 12.00 12.00 112 Auelrew Conlon Criiuilml 13i11 110.00 110.00 113 Williamson Law Book Co.. ;1.00 3.00 1..1•l Joseph ',Mend] Fxpease Lill7.311 7.30 113 Newman & Novum ua 2022.73. 202.73 116 Ray Drake Coastahle Service 21.40 21.40 .117 :Andrus S Church 9.25 9 25 118 P. W. Wuoel &. Son 99.38 99.33 119 A. .1. Conlon Service Bill 36.00 36.00 120 Lamutte Snaith Service Bill 3.1.00 31.00 121 31. D. Line : .............Service 37.00 37.00 122 Walter M. Bristol Service Bill 43.00 43.00 123 Joseph McGill Trip to Ithaca 3.00 :3.00 .124 .Joseph McGill Delivering Election Supplies 30.00 30.00 135 Joseph -McGill .Service Hill 37.00 37.00 120 harry C:rmuurron Constable Bill 5.80 5.S0 127 W. F. George ........... Service Bill 33.00 33.00 328 \V. F. George .Service Bill 22.00 22.00 12!1 W. I'. _George Subpnen'IS S.00 .5.00 198 PROCEEDINGS 01' THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 130 _M. D. Lane Criminal Service 98.75 28.75 131 Chas. 1I. Terpening Assessors Service104.00 104.00 132 S. 1:, Lane Assessors Service 104.00 104.00 133 Andrus & Church &ssessment. Rolls 21.30. 21.50 134 Roc• J. Drake Constable Service 43.00 43.00 135 Will Lane •assessors Service 138.23 138.25 136 .1..Morey, Supt. of Hwys.,Service .Bill 1542.00 1542.00 137 H. A. Carey Co. Comp. and Bond ' 1043.26 1043.26 138 Chas. Blood Legal Service 200.00 200.00 139 Stover Printing Co. 10.00 10.00 140 Elmer Gallow Service Bill 3.00 3.00 141 W. 1'. George 1% of Se.1tool _honey 107.00 .107.00 142 11'. F. George 1% of General F'uud 128.00 128.00 143 W. F. George Fee of liwy. -Money 390.00 390.00 144 Al. E. \loran Co. Oil 643.94 643.94 145 Standard OU Co. Oil 1067.77 1067.77 146 W. G..F'ish Vital Statistics . 1.30 1.50 Total x:7,204.43 T hereby certify. that l.ltis is a true copy of the town audits by the Town Board of the Town of Lansing on Nov. 5, 1925. JOSEPIH[ _McGTLL, Town Clerk. OF TO:41111aNTS COUNTY, NEW YORK 199 TOWN OF NEWFLELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1925 No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED .1 Lawrence S. Taber Inspec. & Mess., Dist. No. 1.$ 13.64 $ 33.64 2 Harry Borten luspec. & Mess., Dist. No..1. :13.64 33.04 3 4_3 B. Dolce Inspector, Dist. No. 1 18.00 18.00 4 Byron Riu»sey Inspector, Dist. No. 1 10.00. 10.00 5 C. E. Tribe Enspector, Dist. No. 1 28.00 28.00 6 Douglass Carpenter .General Cierlt, .Dist. No. 1 .. 10.00 .10.00 7 Frank Fish General Clerk, Dist. No. 1 .. 10.00 10.00 8 C. D. Brainard IHspec. &. Ill ess., Dist. No. 2. 33.04 33.04 9 J.:rank G. Snyder Inspector, Dist, No. 2 18.00 18.00 .10 .P...1. Payne Inspector, Dist. No. " 28.00 28.00 11 0. H. Noille. 1 u8pec. & Mess., Dist. No. 2. 33.64 33.64 12 Charles ',alining General Clerk", Dist'. No. 2 . 10.00 10.00 11 Wm. Ellison General Clerk, .Dist. No. 2 . 10.00 10.00 14 I. \vrence Am -Jerson .1lispector, Dist:. No. 2 10,00 10.00 :15 Donald_ S. Cutter Issessor 172.00 172.00 16 E. 8. Holmes Assessor 113.00 113.00 17 E. 8. Holmes Assessor Service 4.00 4.00 18 Dr. 11. C. Thatcher Vital Statistics . 6.00 6.00 19 Dr. W. A. Smith Vital Statistics 4.00 4.00 20 Charles C. .1)ickson Itegistrar Services 37.00 37.00 21. Dr. \V. A, Smith Health ()Meer • 159.82 159.82 22 _Newfield Supply Co.. (M. A. Godley, Mgr.) :'3upplies 4.57 4.57 23 C. L. Brainard Supplies 1.59 1.09 24 \V. .1. Sunderlin Services l'ind Supplies :17.30 17.30 25 G. W. Peck Store Supplies for Poor 211,55 211.55 20 Carrie M. Peck Yiliref 6 -Marriage Licences. 1.50 1.50 27 Carrie M. I'eck rown Clerk 's Manual and Oath of Office Reg. 10.15 10.15 28 .1. E. Dorn, ilverseer of Poor Services 29.55 29,55 29 Dr. W. A. Smith Medical Services 189.0(1 189.00 30 A a drus & Charch Assessment Rolls 10.80 16.80 31 A. R. Allen Town Bonds & Ins 180.21. 186.21 32 .1. D. Payne :4ipplies & Services 8.40 8.40 33 John E. Henry Trim nt Officer 13.70 13.70 34 John F. Henry Criminal F ee 6.50 .6.50 35 Arthur Decker ....... ....Justice, Criminal Fee 36.00 36.00 36 Howell 6; Nowell . I as. on Bond 18.00 18.00 17 .11. A. Carey \Verkmen 's Compensal ion .. :580.16 580.16 33 Alliert Straight Justice, Services 30.00 36.00 39 J. D. Payne Justice, Services 36.00 36.00 40 Carrie M. Peck c1upplies, postage telephone, etc 42.34 42.84 41 Alhert Dassance .... „ ...Supervisor, Services • 48.00 48.00 42 .11. 8. Van Kirk luslice, Services 36.00 36.00 43 Carrie M. Pcuk Clerk, Services 40.00 40.00 44 Arthur Decker ....„ ..... Justice, Services 43.00 43,00 40 Ithaca City Hospital ... , .Services (Amos Little) 43.75 43,75 Tot al $2444.01 $2444.01 I; Carrie M, Peck, Town Clerk of the Town of Newfield, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Town Board of Newfield, at its annual meeting held Nov. 5, 1925, with the amounts claimed and amounts allowed. CARRIE M. PECK, TOWn Clerk% 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD O1' SUPERVISORS TOWN OP ULYSSES ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1925 Statement of bills audited by the Town Board of. the 'Town of Ulysses for claims against said Town, said claims having been audited at the meetings held by the Board for that purpose on February ?, May 2 August 3; November 6, 7 and 14, 1925. N0. \.131E SERVICES GL.1I]IED ALLOWEn 1 Henry Williams .Service ii 24.00 w 24.00 2 Maude S. Tompkins Service C Comp. 13.82 13.82 3 .1. P. Kinlple Constable 20.90 20.90 4 Williamson Law Book Co.. Blanks 3.33 :5.:33 5 W. C. Little & Co. Book of Town Laws 6.00 6.00 0 J. I'. •Simple Constable 10.80 10.50 7 Floyd N. PotterT•Ixi 4.00 4.00 8 Aetna Cas. S Surely Co. _Prem. on Gull. 13ou.1 91.2:3 91.23 9 Andrus S Church Numbering Reept. Books "AO 2.00 10 Aetna 1'..1:1s. & Surety Co. .. Prem. Supervisor's Bond 40.00 40.00 11 Aetna Cas. & Surety Co. .. Prem. Suprv. School Bonin 18.00 18.00 12 Aetna Cas. Sr Surety Co. .. Prenl. Suprv. II 'way Bond 22.00 22.00 13 Free Press & Sentinel .... Printing 17.54 17.81 14 A. F. :Men Printing 19.00 151,50 .15 Maude S. Tompkins Seryice;y 20.00 20.00 1G Charles 1'. Smith .........'Truant; Officer 15.50 15.50 .17 J. M. Townsend Percentage 214.00 214.05 .18 Maude S. Tompkins Services 24.00 24.00 .19 Henn C. .\IcLallen.Inspector 32.00 32.00 20 H. K. Aiken Inspector S Messenger .... 43.92 43.92 21 Inspector 32.00 32.00 22 32.00 :12.00 23 44.00 44.00 24 Percy I. Hilliard 32.00 32.00 93 L. S. Robinson 32.00 32.00 2".00 22.00 & Messenger .... 44.00 44.00 32.00 32.00 44.24 44.24 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 General Clerk 10.00 10.00 General Clerk 10.(01 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 :10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 John .1. CEIa_eIng lector 32.00 32.00 ;I. J. kaliogg H. B. Pearsall Inspector C. S. Clapp Inspector & Messenger .... Inspector Inspector 2(1 Edward] T. Davenport Inspector 27 Stephen I1. Craig lnslreclor 28 Raymond L. Bower hnspector 2!1 C. O. Carman Inspector S Messenger .... 30 Raymond Batty Inspector :41 Michael Terrell Inspector 32 Horace Bower > 51. V. Dickens :14 _firs. Edna Craig General Clerk 35 Charles S. Allen General Clerk :111 Edwin I.. Horton General Clerk 37 I)essie O. Frazier General Clerk 38 William E. Donohue - General Clerk J. A1':,rreu Ch:oo Cenertl Clerk 40 Arsula 13. Hilliard Genera.' Clerk 41 Vivian Bower General Clerk 42 ] 43 John Young Inspector .14 Walker Smith inspector 45 Charles D. Trumbull Inspector 411 Henry Williams Inspector Sc 51essenger .... 47 Hazen Fish. Assigned to 1st National Bank Inspector 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 10.00 10.00 33.28 33.23 10.00 10.00 OF 'l'OMPKiNS COUNTY, NEW YORK_ 201 No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLowEo 48 Hazen Fish, Assigned to 1st. National Batik ]nspector 0.00 0.00 49 Hazen .I.' ish, Assigned to ta't National Bank laspeetur 0.00 0.00 50 Hazen Fish, Assigned to 1st National Bank Inspector 10.00 10.00 51 T. E. Lovell Lunacy 10.00 10.00 52 A. F. Allen I'ruit.ing 51.30 51.31) 53 1)r. Kelt!, Sears I1c;11t3 OftieE:r 122.44 12394 54 1?. A. Snow Overseer of Poor 20.07 20.)17 55 Enos 111 rdenbrook Care of Boot its 6.00 6.00 56 .!Mrs. Mary Mahoney Rent Polling Place 30.00 36.00 :57 C. 0. Carman. Printing 9,50 9.50 58 Samuel Frazier Pulling up Boot -IIs 111.00 1400 59 Fred Pinckney Bent lolling Place 24.00 24.00 00 Fred N. Smith Rent Polling I'Inee 24.00 24.00 01 Stephen Craig Auto !lire 6.00 6.00 62 Charles F. Smith Aliendalua f)0ieer 5.00 5.00 6:1 W. A. l:el rclslee Rent lulling Place 3+1.011 3(1.00 64 1. G. Cornish C):re of Booths 141.00 16.00 05 E. 0. Cornish Rent Polling Place 24.00 24.00 1)6 _Maude S. Tompkins Registrar Fees 40.37 49.1)7 67 Thomas li. Hopkins Assessor 11:5.00 115.00 08 .Frank Drunk Assessor 112.00 112.011 60 .Dred Pinckney .tient of Hall for justice ... (1.00 11.011 70 Arthur L. Bower Pulling up Booths 8.00 8.00 71 Fred N. Smith Services) 84.00 54.00 72 Arthur C. Alward Services S1).00 56.00 73 Howard K. Aiken SeiPine.s 88.01) 88.00 74 Howard IL Aiken IJcriiniuol Bill 141.90 1090 7:5 W. Irving Sherwood Overseer of Poor 37.:34 37.54 70 Williamson Law Book Go. . 131atits 10.38 10.38 77 4. M. Townsend Expenses 47.150 47.50 78 .1.. Al. '11ownseLl Services 84.1)0 84.911 79 :laude S. 'Tompkins Expenses .1.7.05 17.05 S0 Henry Williams Servhtes 64.00 64.00 81 _ll:ntde S. Tompkins Services .................. 48.00 45.00 82 Arthur Agard Justice Bill .. ))!J5 2.95 83 Marry A. Bort' Inspector .1.2.011 32.00 84 Chas. E. tloutltoling Blnlilts 5.00 5.00 85 Olin hiller •lssessor 90.00 90.00 86 Henry Williams Criminal. Bill 16.25 16.25 87 Nina Bortz General Clerk 10.00 10.00 8S Arthur Award Services 28.1)11 25.00 89 Adrian Pearsall Inspector 32.0') 32.110 90 .1. Al. Townsend, 51. D. Achiral 10.00 10.014 91 J. Al. Townsend Percentage 97.60 97.10 Assessment Rolls \ Field 92 Andrus & Church kooks 25.45 28.45 Total $2008.81 $2908.81. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a trite abstract of all of the Town Audits as audited by the Town Auditors, the above dates. MAUDE S. TOMPKINS, Town Clerk. IIT& aa>:eras rulod, 7Ct.', 2111 I)nalp� I1:Iaads no sasnadxo .Cup lad 01:19$ ;e saa37tluuloO I7:caads ajIIU lad as II: a uairiv Sup .cad 00'9$ �I1 nant01Ia(Ilu03 oox-:J)O.^O—= oom�CD CD ▪ O0 O O—L: L: - LC, LC C, CC CC 22C CI Ar; ti 00 e� ti c17 _ +s T O ^r, -Oxtir cnrZD c-1 02 L7- . H ▪ } = 0" 0 ^ Z+ •- rte, _ 0 0 0 CD -'"•-.00•0•. _ 0•0 -0 0 t Y O O v YT -:n 6 O-.^ : ▪ 1 ^.1 —:l} _ :1 . . 117/ 0- 1- 'C .1 . ... t• 1, xc. . 0 0=== 0 0= 0 6 0 0= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 �. O - suocssas wiaads Pull .ipinl.u:na .lad as qo a2ual?I\ ,Cup Iad O0•J5^ 1.e napusuadmo,D 1- f....1 - • ✓' 1.. N} = O-000a=oC2 ^ CD 77 ._ 0 0 0 0^^ 0 0 0 --- CC CC C.13. ualssas lunnny sSec al1(u aad as 7o aca(?iC Sup .lad 00.9$ uoqusuadluo3 ssp .SI1rno� s.Su� FrA 4 0) 00 c1 C1 01 TI CI :1 • -r t- c • . . 00 O 0 C^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0^ O O 0o0=00C—G500 .y. 00 tf-t cr C 1� • - " • ` ▪ � _., iilr� FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 203 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Year ending October 31, 1925 To the .Board of Supervisor's, County of Tompkins: Gentlemen : .1 respectfully submit the following statement of the accounts of the County Treasurer's office for the period from January 1st, 1925, to October 31st, 1925. C1.IARLOT1'E V. BUSH, County Treasurer. DE'1'AILEI) S'I'ATE11ENT OF RECEIPTS Taxes Received: From corporations $ 50,350.27 From collectors 61,202.96 From city 143,20611 Returned taxes collected . 27,183.08 Tax sale 2,100.91 Tax sale certificates owned by county 811.57 Sale of lands deeded to county on account of pur- chase at tax sale 486.99 Redemption advertising 198.35 Fines: Children's Court .2.00 Interest: On general fund deposit 1,894.38 On bonds purchased with highway money 2,414.76 On motor vehicle funds 1,258.52 Gifts: From state for highway construction 30,730.00 For tuberculosis hospital trust .fund 200.00 204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Departmental Earnings: Court and trust fund fees 77.36 County Clerk foes: Court 301.71 Motor Vehicle fees 3,53.1..1.0 Other fees 8,270.73 Almshouse farm products 1,511.16 Tuberculosis Hospital receipts 2276.23 Surrogate's fees 237.26 Sales of Property: Second hand urinal at Court House • 5.00 Land to J. Whipple 25.00 Returned School Taxes 1.663.15 Refunds: On tax blanks 1.80 Almshouse expanse 142.00 Sheriff—transportation and board of prisoners79.64 Soldiers' III-trials—M. Bainbridge .75.00 TRUST FUNDS From State Public School money $1.31,309.42 State .H ighway A id 27,674.15 Heal Estate License- 15.0(} Franchise Tax Revenne 23,065.75 Motor Vehicle fees 31,280.17 Income Taxes 44,202.89 Dog Taxes 7,115.50 Interest: On -MortEzage.Taxes 235.56 On Tuberculosis Hospital trust; fund 171.19 Special Taxes: Inheritance Taxes98,697.10 Bank Taxes 7,348.63 Mortgage Taxes 33,121.81 OP TO_MP]fI S COUNTY, NEW YORE 205 Tax Redemptions 1,408.79 1'cta l $676,422.80 D.ETAILED S A.TE11 ENT OF PA1'.11:ENTS General Executive: Supervisors' compensation $ 4,236.74 Sttpci'visnrs' expenses 2,936.27 County publications 800.24 Tax Commissioners' meeting 401..82 Collectors' receipts 238.1.5 Tax sale advertising 898.50 Perfecting title to fonds deeded to county cm tax side 10.00 Commissioners of Eleutinn— Salaries . 1,000.00 Other expenses 1.144.66 Elections— County Canvassers 183.04 Ueneral and primary election expenses 4,259.1.8 County Treasurer-- Salary 833.30 Other expense 1,502.1.2 Court. House 5,059.31 County Clerk's buildin;— Sa]ary of •janitor 400.00 Other expense 2,964.95 Judicial County lunge and Surrogate -- Salaries 5,666.60 Other expense 769.1.8 District Attnrney— Sa lard- 1,338.30 Other expense 6;-U.67 Sheriff— Salaries 2,$8.80 Other expense 3,614.44 206 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County CI er _Salaries 8,136.24 .0ther expense, 2,721.31 Supreme Court—Civil 396.91 Supreme Court—Criminal 3,651.75 Children 's Court— Salaries 1,483.24 Other expense ' 4:52.09 County Court—Civil 246.55 County Court—Criminal 626.60 Justices of the Peace 125.55 Coroner— Salary 250.00 Other expense 237.44 Protection of Persons and Property: County Scaler Salary $ 416.60 Other expense 410.80 Conservation of Health: County laboratory 107.03 Tuberculosis Hospital— Salaries 11,265.40 Maintenance of building 5,302.28 Inmates 3,805.73 Charities and Correction: Superintendent of Poor— Sala ry 1,250.00 Other expense 161.71 A MS 11 11 tie— Salaries 2,087.18 .Other expense 8,247.00 Inmates 1,998.00 OF TOMPKINS, COUNTY, NEW YORE 207 Outside relief. oi! poor 1.,321..96 ..! iisa 110 commitments 60.00" _Epileptics 73.91 .Feeble-minded 103.38 Child welfn re 2,574.00 1,203.95 Jitil inmates— Salaries 1,416.66 Other expense 1.995.32 Penal institutions 7S3.66 Probation officer 1,000.00 Education: Educational notices .7.82 _Farm _Bureau 1,875.00 Home Bureau :3,000.00 Junior Project 2025.00 Por eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 4,4.98.71) 1)eaf-inutes 52.1.9 :Blind • 600.01) Soldiersburials 525.00 interest on bonds 10,357.50 Highways: Superintendent— Sa lary 1,833.30 .Expensis,.s 1,132.07 Pipe 16.65 County roads—ma in tenance 7,986.00 Rights of way 851.87 County highways—construction 58,395.74 State highway maintenance in towns 6,000.1)1) State and county highways 11,028.34 Municipal Indebtedness: Highway bonds• 14,000.00 Sinking fund and interest 7,629.21 20& PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Refunds : Town of Dryden 122.15 Inheritance tax 55.85 'faxes 29.45 Returned school taxes 1,688.05 Advances For Danby bridge 4,375.00 Other Payments : Boiler insurance 927.25 Safe deposit box 5.00 City Directories 63.00 T ed Cross nurse 2,400.00 Soldiers' Memorial .1.582.00 Premium of ponds purchased 545.83 Motor truck expense 917.32 Trust Transactions : To Stale— Stenographers' tax 3,275.84 Armory taxes S;670.82 State taxes 62.695.27 Inheritance taxes 97.822.3; -Mortgage taxes 17,609.73. Doc, loxes 701.20 To "Towns and Cities— State Highway aid 27,674.15 Bank laxes 0,413.18 Income taxes . . 19,543,51 Franchise taxes 22,354.15 _Motor vehicle fees 92,354.30 Real estate fees 15.00 To Villages— Bank taxes 887.33 Franchise taxes 71.1.6(1 Ineonie taxes 4,659.38 To School Districts— Puli]ic School moneys 1.31,309.42 Banc: taxes 4,678.19 . OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 209 To Individuals— Ta x ndividualsTax redemptions 1,399.63 Dog taxes 4,466.55 Fees— Inheritance taxes 1,464.37 .Bank taxes 120.99 Total $640,081.29, SUMMARY OF CASA On hand January 1, 1925 In sa f°e $ 21.00 General Fund 52,893.10 Highway Bond Issue 15,595.50 Highway Bond Issue Lnvested 33,416.69 Mortgage Taxes 1,493.70 County Highway Fund 978.74 Motor Vehicle money 13,154.47 Special Trust 10,919.32 Total receipts ---January 1 -October 31, 1995 .. 676,422.80 $804,895.32 On haiid November 1, 1925 -- General Fund 71,481.65 Highway Bond Issue 4,852.58 Highway Bond Issue .Invested 35,000.00 County highway Fund 8,043.00 i\Iofor Vehicle money 19,338.86 Mortgage '['axes 17,236.34 Special Trust Fund— Dog Licenses $5,470.56 Cash bait 2,000.00 7,470.56 . Tuberculosis Hospital '['rust Fund 1,371.19 In safe 19.85 $804,895.32 :110 P1lOCEE.DINGS OF THE BOAR -D Oi'' SUPERVISORS I)i5Trii>U'rroN Or SPEC IAII) TAX ES Towns Franchise Incoume Taxes Tax • Tax Ca roline $ .53 $ 1,035.65 Da nb y .46 929.07 Dryden 292.99 2.466.1.7 $ 209.82 .Enfield .1.4 714.84 orot. on 764.63 1,286.91 562.90 Ithaca 2,81.1.42 Lansing 550.10 2,340.31. Newfield 83.66 907.84 Ulysses 137.74 1,190.17 291.66 .i t Laca—City 20,573.90 25,861.13 5,348.80 Bank Villa ges Trunninshorg 65.7'3 577.94 :308.27 :Dryden 19.62 534.08 128.72 P reeville .93 253.96 (3 rot on 625.32 1,546.95 450.34 Cayutra Heights1,592.60 Newfield 153.85 OF TO:NI-PRTNS COUNTY, NEW YOE K 2!1 DISTRIBUTION OF HIGHWAY MONEYS TO TOWNS Construction intern( nee State :lid Motor Pellicle Caroline $ 5,538.00 Danky . 6,450.00 Dryden 11 ,555.00 Enfield 4,977.95 Groton 7,4:35.1.0 Ithaca 3,288:70 Lansing 8,405.00 Newfield 5,200.75 -Ulysses 5,545.24 $6,250.00 236.00 1,500.00 $3,.1.00.00 $ 46:3.30 3,125.00 1,091.38 4,800.00 70.10 3,525.00 997.05 2,700.00 2,756.11 2,399.15 4,714.06 3,550.00 395.00 2,500.00 ],975.00 1.1..867.30 *58,395.74 $7,986.00 $27,674.15 $22354.30 1 DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL MONEY Caroline $ 8,345.59 Danhv 8,744.30 Dryden 16,615.10' Enfield 5,589.66 Groton _ 13,673.15 Ithaca 4,767.60 Lansing 10, 600.47 Newfield 9,206.68 €71ysses 8,283.08 City 45.483.79 $131,809.42. TOWN ACCOUNTS Caroline Surplus on 1924 tax roll $ 57.53 Paid county iii 1924 hudget 102.30 $ 159.83 Due county No. 1, 1.924 $ 28.75 - - l1Totor t-i•uclk insurance 26.51 Sheriff expense 94.09 149.35 Due town $ 10.48 212 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS Danby Due county Nov. 1, 1924 $ 34.85 Sheriff. expense 151.92 Unpaid 1924 taxes 17.88 Advanced by county f.or bridge 4;331.25 $4,535.90 Paid county in 1924 budget $ •98.90 1923 tax paid County Treasurer 34.80 138.70 Due county $4,402.20 Dryden Brass tax refunded $ 66.42 Paul Supervisor 122.15 Motor truck insurance 43.25 Uncollected 1924 taxes 6.88 Sheriff expenses 126.40 $ 365.10 Due town Nov. 1.. 1924 $122.15 Paid county in 1924 budget 145.82 Surplus on 1.924 tax roll 25.29 293.26 Due count} $ 71.84 Enfield Due county Nov, 1, 1924 $ 79.45 Examining defective 10.00 Motor truck insurance .11.95 Sheriff expense 70.70 $ 122.10 Paid counts in 1.924 budget $ 57.85 Surplus on 1924 tax roll 9.89 60.74 Due county $ 61.36 OIC TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 21.3 Groton Surplus on 1924 tax roll $ 523.12 Paid county in 1924 budget 165.20 $ 688.32 Due county Nov. 1, 1924 $ .10.90 Motor truck insurance 55.42 Sheriff expense 809.71. Ithaca 376.03 Due town $ 312.29 Surplus on 1924 tax roll $ 3.17.40 Paid county in 1924 budget 297.11. For tax refund -1924 huilget 16.70 $ 631.21 Insane couimitanent $ 20.00 Refunded tax 1.6.70 Motor truck insurance 1.2.17 Unpaid 1924 taxes 37.53 Sheriff expenses 1.47.28 Due county Nov. 1, 1924 215.51 449,24 Due town $ 181.97 Lansing Due county Nov. 1., 1924 $ 246.99 _Errors on 1.924 tax roll 108.77 Right or war for highway 3.58 Motor truck insurance 20.21 Refine_ of Mack tax 12.75 Unpaid 1924 taxes 96.01 Sheriff expense 573.86 $1,122.17 Paid county in 1924 budget - 476.74 Due comity $ 645.43 Newfield 214 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Due county Nov. 1, 1924 $ 49.30 • Sheriff expense 177.33 226.63 Paid county in 1924 budget. 161.05 Dile county $ 65.58 Ulysses Due county Nov. 1, 1924 $ 81.18 Tompkins school tax 7.10 Short ure on roll • 5.98 Sheriff expense 280.77 375.03 Paid county in 1924 lu h•et 245.48 :Due county $ 129.55 Ithaca ---City Duc county Nov. 1, 1.924 $ 377.27 Southern Tier Orphan IIonte 240.00 Uncollected 1924 taxes 121..04 Sheriff expense 673.75 $1..412.06 Paid county in 1924 budget. 1,022.37 Due count- $ 389.69 Levy of General Property Taxes: For town purposes $195,191,60 For state and county purposes 282,993.21 Paid town officers $194,274.33 Paid County `.Treasurer 251,789.34 Returned taxes 28,952.37 Errors on tax rolls 1.68.77 $478,184.81 $478.154.81 County Indebtedness: :Highway 'bonds $,230,000.00 'I'CIM]'1CINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 215 Schools Dryden 226.57 Groton 891.31. Tri.wia nsb nrg 346.01 Ithaca—City 3,214.3() *23,065.75 *44,20?.89 $11,978.70 State of New i orb, CGnnty of Tompkins. SSS. • Charlotte V. Bush, being drily sworn, says that she is the Treas- urer of Tompkins County rind that, the foregoing, report is a true statement of the financial transactions of said comity for the period from anuary jst, 1925, to October 31st, 1925, except those funds over which the count- has no control. CHARLOTTE vr. BUSH Si scribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of November, 1925. I'recl L. Clock, Notary Public. •_'ltt PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT A statement of all moneys received for the County of Tomp- kins by William 11. Baker, Clerk of. Tompkins County, from No- vember Ist, 1924, to October :31st, 1.925, or by his assistants for fees, perquisites and emulunients, for all services rendered by him or said assistants in their official capacity, front November l.st, 1924, to October 31.st, 1925. RECEIPTS 'Recording Deeds $ 1.,307.35 Recording Mortgages 987.33 Recording other Documents 1,056.19 Pertaining to Judgments 204.18 Copies 155.50 Searches 4,843.21 Filing Papers and other Serv- ices 1,580.89 Motor Vehicle Fees :3,877.05 Clerk Hire Audited and Al- lowed by State Tax Depart- ment 225.00 $14,266.70 Mortgage 'Tax $44,179.37 Notary Fees 400.50 Less Fees allowed the County included in filing papers 78.50 322.00 Hunting License 'Total 3,865.00 Less diseotints allowed the. County included in the above for filing papers 154.60 3,710.40 $62,475.47 0[? T0MIPKINS COUNTY, NEW Y01'tK 217 1)1 SBIJRSE11ILNTS Paid County Treasurer Office Fees Pai1.i County 'i'. reasurar State 3� 881.54 Mortgage las , Paid Apportionments to various Cournties - 3,687.50 Paid .Bond Audited by State 'las Commission 5.00 Clerk Hire Allowed by State Tax Coin in i•ssoii 225.00 Postage Allowed by State Tax Commission 12.00 Paid J..13. Lyon—Tax hooks 3.33 Amount held for Apportion - anent ' 4,365.00 • State Treasurer—Notary Foes State Conservation- Commission Hunt- er's licenses $14,266.70 44,1.79:37 322.00 3,710.40 $62,478.47 $62,478.47 State of New York, County of Tompkins. Ss. -William H. Baker, being duly sworn, says that he is.Clerkof the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing is in all respects a full and. true statement as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. WILLIAM H. BAKER. Snbsoribed and sworn to before me this 20th day oL November, 1925. Sally Robinson, Notary Public. 218 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Trt account Ivilfh Tompkins County for Postage, Express, ete., for the year November 1st, 1924, to October 31st, 1925. • BALAWE tf; 70.35 Nov Postage :}1 14.21 Red Tape 1.00 7 Punch 2.75 17 Adding Maehine Paper (6 rolls) .75 28 Galor Bros. 7.00 Brush .49 Glass for frame for Map :75 29 t ..)o1 s,ag.e 9.96 Dee. 5 Postage - 10.00 6 1\i ucilage 1.40 Parcel Post .42 13 Express 9,99 18 Flag 6.00 Eyletts and Twine 9.35 27 .Express 1.09 31 Postage 4.00 1925 . Jan. 1 Electric .Bulbs 1.00 Posta ge 1.60 10 Key. 35e holt, 35e E. Buil) 2.85 15 'Express 1.00 92 Express 1.53 28 Rubber 'Bands, etc. 1.50 Feb. 2 Postage 5.20 5 More; 3.30 12 Keys 1.00 Posta ge Postage , 6.20 12 CHECK Mar. 2 Tacks, Key -rings and Wreneh. .30 Posta ge .4.23 3 Si em 9.00 18 Paperholder, Fiume] and Gasoline .70 19 Envelope -50c; Tel 70c 1..20 31 Postage 10.00 Apr. 7 ios1a 11..00 9 Electric, Bulbs 1.80 13 Postar,e, Express, Erasers 1.69 94 Towels 1.05 May 1 Posta ge 4.82 Express 1.86 12. Register Stamps 11.65 100.00 OF TONIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK. 2=19 71 Stamps 10,00 J111.1 O. 5 Towels 1.05 5 Postage 13.85 23 Postage 10.00 23 Postage 5.84 J uly 2 Towels 1.05 2 Parcel Post .08 3 CHECK Postage 5.00 july 11 Postage 20,00 Aug. :31 Postage .3,00 Sept. 2.1 Postage 10,00 Oct, 2 Posta go 5.00 Oct-. 30 Posta go 10,00 100.00 218.55 $270.35 Balance on hand November 1st, 1925 $ 51.80 State of New York, County of Tompkins. The foregoingis a true eopY of the ENpense Aecount as kept by this office. L, EARL, Deputy Go. Cleric Sultseribed sworn to before me this 20th clay of November, 1.925. Sally Robinson, Notary Public. 220 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Report of County Superintendent of the Poor To the 3lonorable, the Board of Supervisors of the Count- of Tompkins, State of. New York : 0.ent.]emen : The Superintendent of Poor of Tompkins Count} in accord- ance with lair, herewith submits his annual report for the year ending November 15th, 14125. '1']re Sul}er•int.eru.lent Of the Poor of Tompkins Coring= in 00 - count with the poor funds or the count•: Amount of appropriation of 1924 $12,300.00 .F'or• keeper's salary- 1,200.00 1'0 sales from count- farm Lor• current, year 1,967.50 i eccived for board in county hone 28€.00 Balance due County 't'reasur'er 817.80 131' amount Darr by orders on the following purposes: County Treasurer for $16,569.30 Foor] supplies and tobacco $ 2,508.01 Almshouse cinployees 1,789.86 Fuel 2,959.49 Light and power 254.61 Clothing and foot Weil r 3S6.43 liepairs, furniture and bedding 276.92 Chaplain, physician and dregs 670.01 Farm superintendent and fare labor 3,138.88 Farm stock and maintenance 1,900.95 Seeds and fertilizers 258.10 Farre tools and equipment 250.48 Disinfectants and soap 230.48 Transportation and services of overseers . 754.63 Outside relief .1,040.70 Superintendent's postage, telephone and printing 78.50 Superintendent's personal expenses 71.25 $.1.6,569.30 SI OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW -YORK . 221 INMATES DAYS Days Cost County 1,780 $ 418.02 Ithaca- City 11,237 2,638.93 Ithaca. Town 179 42.04 Caroline 1.,560 366.36 Danby 674 158.29 Dryden 1,460 342.87 Enfield 1,460 342.87 Groton 2,519 591.67 Lansing 730 171..44 Newfield 865 85.72 Ulysses 835 196.10 22,799 $5,354.31 The cash cost assessed to t.ie county and several towns of the county in excess of the products of the fa.rni for the support of the poor at the county Home being 00.23484+. Census of Inmates : Number in county horse November 15th, 1924 58 Admitted during the year 19 Births during the year 0 Discharged during the year 8 Died during, the year 6 Number in eounty hone November 15th, 1.925 63 '.!'he following products were raised on the county Farm during the year ending November 1.5th, 1925: Wheat, 225 bushels $ 377.50 - Barley, 160'bu4els 128.00 Oats, 760 imshel.s 380.00 Hay, 50 tons 500.00 Alfalfa, 10 tons _ 120.00 Straw, 22 tons 176.00 Ensilage, 100 tons • 600.00 State cern, 600 bushels 200.00 Corn fodder 100.00 Beans 80.00 Potatoes, 400 hnshels 800.00 Apples, 100 bushels 125.00 Pears 15.00 String beans 10.00 Tomatoes, 40 bushels 40.00 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Onions, S bushels 12.00 Bets. 9 bushels 9.00 elrrots, 10 bushel' 10.00 Parsnips, 8 bushels 10.00 Cueumbers; .1.5 bushels 15.00 Cabbag.e 90.00 Radishes 5.00 Lettnee 5.00 .Aspaiagus 10.00 Swiss chard 5.00 Hubbard squash 24.00 Turnips, 5 bushels 5.00 Black berries, 60 quarts 15.00 Black_ raspberries, 1.65 quarts 31.25 Red raspberries, 440 quarts 11.0.00 Sweet corn 15.00 Canned frlitH5S5 quarts 200.00 Dried coin 5,00 Eggs, 750 dozen 225.00 Pork killed 1 086.12 Beef killed 57.72 -Milk, 73,357 lbs Butter, 2,655 lbs, 1,294.85 Skimmed and buttermilk sold and used in Route 912.50 Cream used in the home 28:3.75 $8,187.69 Sales from the county farm. from November 1.5th„ 1924, to No- vember 1.5t1i, 1925: Hay $ 103.33 Wheat, 7,161 lbs 2:30.76 Bee 11.0.00 Poitltry 12.60 Meat 151.17 La rd 10.02 Beans 151,02 Potatoes 49.13 Eggs 11.40 \Teals (14) 32743 IT.orse 50.00 Hide • 4.92 Butter, 1,294. lbs 596.67 Pigs 55.00 Miscellaneous 19.05 $1,967.50 P KILNS COUNT N EW K 223 R.cieeived. y or board ol': paying inmates 284.00 Cash expenditures by superintendent including SiCar- les of keeper, physician, chaplain and superinten- dent's expenditures, but not including outside relief $1.5,528.60 V a hie of products of f a rttl•ktSed at, home 6,220.19 $21,748;79 Making a per.diem of .98 Inventory of Stock on County Farm November 15th, 1925: Horses: $ 400.00 111 Cows 990.00 2 Two-year old heifers 100.00 1 Yearlin40.00g 1 Registered hull 150.00 1-)ry cow ror beef 60.00 2 .Brood sows 80.00 40.00 1 Boar 19 Fat. hogs 1,064.00 32 Pigs 96.00 60 Yearlin..t. Lens 90.00 170 Spring chickens 325.00 $3,435.00 Inventory of Tools and Equipment on the County Farm November 15th, 1925: Manure Spreader $ 130.00 2 V.:ttynt)er wagons 1.00.00 2 Sete bob sleighs 1.00.00 1 Hay redder 50.00. 1 Grain binder 1.80.00 1 Land roller 50.00 1 Grain drill 25.00 1 Combination garden drill 10.00 1 Ensilage cutter and Hits 200.00 1 Two -horse eultivator 25.00 1 One-liore cultivator 7.00 1 Spring tooth harrow 15.00 1Peg thOth haVrOw 15.01) 2 Hay riggings 30.00 2 Horse forks and pulleys 25.00 2 Wiled. rrows 5.00 0 iuss seeder 12.00 224 PROGEEDI\GS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1 Corn shelter 15.00 1 Fanning mill 20.00 2 Lawn mowers 20.00 2 Plows • 35.00 1 Set heavy harness 15.00 1 Set scales 50.00 150 Potato crates_ 35.00 45 Grain bags 20.00 1 Half -bushel measure 3.00 Forks, shovels and picks 15.00 Log chains and crowbars 10.00 1 Creamery refrigerator 450.00 1 Milk cart 10.00 3 Milk cans 12,00 10 Milk pails 10.00 1 Set milk scales _ 3.00 1 Set butter scales 14,00 1 Milk separator 1.00,00 I Butter churn and worker 50.00 2 Washing. machines 550.00 1 'Laundry extractor 150.00 8 Laundry tubs 200.00 1 Six H. P. gas engine 40.00 1 1.1A H. P. eras engine 20.00 Electric motors 310.00 1 Feed cooker 40.00 1 Litter carrier 40.00 2 Gas tanks 50.00 3 Compression tanks 1,300.00 $4,566.00 In compliance with Sec. Ll. of the poor law of the State of New York. I respectfully report that as the population is constantly increasing in the county home, T estimate the expense for the town and county poor to be supported at the county hone •for the ensuing year and all l:nnrposes shall be: For county "$ 5;750.00 Four outside relief and almshouse maintenance 6,000.00 For superintendent of poor expenses 400.00 • For transportation 400.00 For salaries of physician and chaplain 300.0 J 1:1,050.00 OIC TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 225 The following- new equipment• has been installed and repairs have been made at the county home during the year. The old boiler of the heating plant has been taken out and replaced by a modern sectional heater, which will be a great saving to the coun- ty in fuel, and also will meet the requirements of the state in- spector. A new hot water heating system has been installed, which fur- nishes hot; water -all over the house and is of great convenience in doing. the work. The interior of the administration building has been entirely repainted and repapered. The metal part of the roof on this building has been repainted. About sixty rods of new fence have been built on the farm this vear. Following are some of the repairs that should be made at 'once: A new roof should be put on the east. side of the Women's build. - in g. A new roof should be put on the hog house. The one now there leaks very badly and a new one is needed to save the building and to put it in.proper shape. 1V1i, D. 13ALDWIN; Superintendent of Poor, Tompkins County. State of. New York, County of 'l'omphins. Wm. D. Baldwin, being tiitly sworn, says that he is superinten- dent of the poor of Tompkins County, that the foregoing state- ment is in all respects a true and hill statement of receipts and expenditures audited by him during the year 1924-1925 as such superintendent. 14 \L D. B AL1)w:IN. Subscribed and. sworn. to before me this 19th day of November, 1925. Charlotte V. Bush, Notary Public. 226 PItOCEEDI\GS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Report of the Board of Managers of the Turberculosis Hospital To the Board of Supervisors of 'Tompkins County: Honorable Sirs:— accordance irs:— accordance With the laws ot,our State, we respectfully sub- mit our report and financial statement for the year ending Octo- ber 31st, 1930. The past year shows an. advancement in the knowledge of pre- vention and euro of tuberculosis by, the people in general tthrough- out the colony. - We have Karl 0 continued interest in our hospital shown by many donations of fruit's, jellies, clothing, furniture and house decorations. We appreciate this as much for the friendliness shown as for the value of the gifts. Our Board of Managers has met regularly each month at the hospital to oversee the work, inspect the hospital, visit with the patients and discuss any plans that might be brought to the at- tention of the hoard. The teacher is rendering a splendid service. She is a graduate of a normal school besides having had training in handicraft ~work, and thus she satisfies the state department of education in giving the children school pork and site also teaches other pa- tients handicraft.. This gives all of the patieaits something of in terest to occupy their.time. The co>>-nty nurse and the teacher gave a health exhibit. and display of articles trade at the hospital, at the Trunnansburg and Tompkins County Fairs. After two years of service we believe our teacher should have art increase of salary. The sun treatments of patients was carried on through it the summer with splendid results. Some of the children so treated were shown at the Fairs and attracted considerable interest. The work about the county has been active. The County Nurse. Ob' TON PRI NS COUNTY, NEW YORL 227 Miss Elizabeth Bugg, hw an work April 1, 1.024, by spending two weeks at the hospital to study the care of the patients and ob- serve the different types of eases. Following this a. State nurse casae to Ithaca and helped the county nurse revise the list of eases and contact cases of the county. Since then twenty clinics have been held and �a total of 201 persons have been examined and =many of these had. an Xray of the chest taken. Over 100 . eases of tuberculosis ha''e been discovered in the county. As a result of these a.et.ivities and also of the return to .their home of cured patients, there is, we believe, a. favorable knowl- edge of our work beim spread over the county. Movement of the Patients : At the beginning of the year, we had seventeen patients. Dur- ing the year 47 cases were admitted and 35 discharged. Of these 0 rvere arrested cases, 13 were improved and 0 not improved. There were 8 deaths . The total number 'of days treatment was 7574 and the total cost was $22,272.26, which makes a percaapitaa cost of $2.94. '\T0 wish to thank you and especially the committee on the hospital for your interest and assistance to us in administering the work of the sauitorium. DR.. 11. GENUNO, President, MRS. EUGENE BAKER, C. P_,..BOICL, Board of: Managers. FINANCIAL STATEMENT TOMPIKINS. COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL November 1, 1924, to Octoher 31., 1.925 Received. During the Year: From County by Appropriation $24,177.60 From other counties and individuals 2,276.23 Total Receipts $26,453.83 228 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Disbursed During the Year: Salaries and Wages $ 9,194.79 Teacher 1,000.00 Food, Ice and Water 4,923.14 Fuel, Light and Power ' 2,670.83 Medical and Surgical 167.69 Office Expenses 127.40 Household Supplies 1,187.04 Insurance and Taxes 993.17 Ordinary Repairs 683.06 Other Maintenance, Laundry, etc. 2.025.34 County Nurse 2,177.61 Total Expenditures $24,450.07 Leaving a Balance of . 2,003.76 Deposited in Savings .Bank 1,000.00 Balance $ 1,003.76 There is also on deposit a fund of 9;200.00 that has been willed to the IIospital. The expenses for the year were about the same -as for last year. We therefore request an appropriation of $23,000.00 for the coin - ng year. Respectfully submitted, DR.. H. GEN UNG, Pres. Board of Managers, G. AI. MU:MIST, MRS. EUGENE BAKER. OI' TOMP IINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 239 Reports of the Justices of the Peace CAROLINE Augustus Middaugh reported $40.00 received. Chas. M. Jones reported.$5.00 received. Chas. Thomas reported no moneys received. P. Alfred Munch reported no moneys received. • DANBY Eugene Dorn reported $30.00 received. David F. Moore reported no moneys received. Roger F. Todd reported no moneys received. Fred Dorn reported no moneys received. DR.YDEN Paul Ewers reported $30.00 received. Geo. E. Underwood reported $40.00 received. J. D. Ross reported $15.00 received. Fred E. Parker reported no moneys received. Jas. 0. Robertson reported no moneys receivers. ENFIELD IELD Daniel Mitchell reporters $15.00 receivers. J. C. Wetherby reported no moneys received, Bert Kirby- reported no moneys received. Albert •Colgrove reported no to iieys received. G.ROTON Geo. 13. Sicknron reported $15.00 received. 13. L. Buck reported $10.00 received. 13. R. Chatterton reported $160.00 received. E. F. Tallmage reported no moneys received. I'I'.LIACA Chas. H. Newman reported $5.00 received. Jas. A. Bush reported $799.00 received. Elmer Allen reported no moneys received. Wm. I. Smith reported no moneys received. 230 PROCEEDINGS OF TIHE BOARD O1 SUPERVISORS LANSING A. J. Conlon reported $49.00 received. 'files D. Lane reported $90.00 received. Walter B. Bristol reported no moneys received. LalMIott Smith reported no moneys received. N EWF.1.ILD Arthur Decker reported $65.00 received. 'J. D. Payne reported $10.00 received. .Albert Straight reported no moneys received. Edwin S. Vanliirk reported no moneys received. ULYSSES Arthur Agarct reported $15.00 received. H. K. Aiken reported $35.00 received. Henry Williams reported no moneys received. Fred N. Smith reported no moneys received. -BANK TAX STATEMENT 0 y • 0 0 a 0 o^ „ y .0 0 .a ti 0 c w 0 m v m %, g • m gt a 0 O 0 • ,1� y — c rti i 'c � y C � ,• 74 .74 C • C C 4-1 0 OI' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 231 �ar.1Vs?Q [oo1{aS 0'} II041.1..0({p,1d aiilIIIA .10 .typ 0'{ 11o11.1ud0.1J 1000J. of 1101,4audo.id 1' 0:}11(I1.11SI(I 0,4 (1} }11 101111) saa,I 's1:a1J X41.1 airy ;o 1 11111011117 — r.l 0 ^^ c a c r - CO :01 01 10 'J 0 ri 0; 01 C? 0 .0 1-- 01 CO O 0. O O r 01 O C: O O O 1.7. !-i 01 01 7 171 P :t. al[1111 l101) 0OF�, 10 `1.1 01 Ci 70 CA -1' -1' -:1+ C xi -- -- 0-101 0101 01 p 1� 0.1 X 0 � 0, 0 O C'_ 0C:P^0 00 00 01- z 0) bA 0 0 0 70 0 111401 5^. J d O b Ib O 4a1,1 RC1(? ?001IIS a� II?11 ao :il?J 1i1nn0O 1)1111 a}P,'},q VJ O O 01 0 O O s 1-1 O O 1b 1,7 O 232 PROCEET)1\GS OF THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS MORTGAGE TAX STATEMENT The following statement; shows the assessed valuation of each town and incorporated village or city therein, the amount of mortgage -tax to be distributed therein, and the amounts thereof: to be paid to the several towns, incorporated villages and city therein for the year 1925. Dated, January 20, 1926. FRED L. ChOCK, Cleric Board of Supervisors. 0 0 Amount Payable to City or Village Towns, Villages �_ �,� an(1 City c P-+ y- _ i 2C J _ 0 ^ Caroline $ 897,259 $ 73.35 $ 73.35 $ $ 73.35 Danby 799,933. 59.32 59.32 59.32 Dryden 2,795.179 353.47 309.40 Dryden Village 459,687 28.98 Freeville 238,736 15.09 353.47 Enfield 60.1,519 50.04 50.04 50.04 Groton 3,0.10,855 325.45 231.40 Groton Village 1,691,816 91.05 325.45 Ithaca Citi* . 22,330,795 ,13,983.68 13,983.(18 1.3,983.68 113. en Town 4,709,318 2,366:41 1,983.05 Cayuga heights 1,526,968 383.36 2,366.4.1 pausing 1,995.638 225.43 225.43 225.43 Neu•fie1(1 919.511 95.06 87.82 Newfield Village 140,166 7.24 95.00 Ulysses 2,010,152 408.55 341.14 Truniansburg 662.900 67.41. 408.55 Yogil i 417.940.7(143,560.95 414,579.81 $17,940,76 Dated, January 20, 1926. FRED L. ChOCK, Cleric Board of Supervisors. •S}1 [C l;g L UOP L 0 } 00' S 1' I'\ 3 t a 0 0nll;n p°ssassu IT:111S, r1• m '- r10: 0 -1- --ti n -I: O N [� CT c . -I O ,c," 0 © O: `t r - [ -1. •(1o41(100 1)0.0110111 pare )o s }1.t lul)ll o xa) Clzadozcl dittos -104140 0 011 13SSu5 d I l -SL' 1.110 d4.todO.ld p:a.1 01110A 30 o11�% p0z11unba It; pod, 7, n^ -I:•rJCC m `-i---CL,.^. Cc. ,o _ ,- oc o r 0 00 r. op )7,1 r)--. r^-,)` p O O nI- n r�i--accn:cc.t.Dco cl' ci :i c-_7•ca ci .3, �' I 293,088 I $40,000,499 1 1 $40,000,499 1 72,660 I $40,0733,159 •(Iphdoo p0"0uocu prtn )1ao.}s >(ut;q .2u1 >1tJ0 •sa) .4z;xio.td Ir nos.rotI- so au10A pasSasSL I12.±u,l, ''- c © o c.: •tom -x 10 • sar;ul0uu.1j 11;Taads 1111 s1oi 010dd0J 0 p � � 0414s0 1L'3.I `410(10.[(1 Hi�n11TH .`r1 [Ii[L 84T)'180 'sou 40 011[L pozwati. ..,, c ©m ©o o� coo•7moo1 ,-H ©©'m'c.i O.,, ^.1 = x-' 1'�ti; /..,-.71-,...-7-7., - 0io1 ft r_ co )- „ qF H o- O OO P r0) c, 0) c-1 0) rC t- t- 'N MOl 10q 0114 3o Oti •oos .13puIl h, tOSS0SS1 041(14 -sa Iuez a� rl T'Lr11PTibo 0.1 •TInj 40 Tu ic([ paldops uon..,oJlonba 10 010:I O ,.j..-,^. 1._ r,1 1- ,`. n 1- 1- m 'fi3511 )10 14 I(;IQOdS purr S1)0T1L'10)I100 40 04t;7sa lulu `n }.ladaul 92-L'l[o 2l[TpnJOm 04.134Sa JO0.I 40 00101 pDSSOSS\r x. c.,„0-, a^. ,c...00 cn r 01 00)-100:�;r _-O Cq 0 W (1 0) ti.:Y1' 07 O a rt o c o o c- o oc [ 1-0) ..-: 224 PROCEEDINGS 011 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OI' TAXES LEVIED Statement of the amount of Taxes and Tax rates for the several cities and Towns In the County of Tompkins as levied by the Board of Supervisors at their Annual 'Meeting in the year one thousand nine hundred twenty- five together with the receipts of moneys from the sources as indicated in columns 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and the amount of Loaded indebtedness of the County- and of each Tax District therein except cities. 1 ". 3 4 :r 6 7 Cities and Towns Caroline $ 1,607 971 Danlos- 1,342,271 Dryden 4,663.26 Entfiel(1 1,163.63 Groton 4,904.:i6 Ithaca City .. 38,830.56, Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freevillc Groton Village Newfield Village Trumanshurg Sch. Dis,' 8, Dryden Sch. I)is. 8. Groton ... Sch. Dis, 1, Ithaca City Sch. Dis. 1, Ulysses 6,724,28 4,472,92 1,550,39 3,496.79 c $ 158.7( 122.52 460.41 114.88 484.21 6(13.91 441.62 153.07 315.24 $ 5,243.36 $ 13,37743.47$ 463.30 4,393.26 12,564.70 1,091.38 15,222.561 31, 70.10 3,798.21 12,943.55 997,05 .15.995.72 29,443.52 2,73(3.11 4,202.52 City Tax 17,092.18 41,704.72 21,050.60 30,271.77 !'6,717.90 21,915.64 14:,583.59 5,065.77 11,409.42 4,714.06 39:5.00 11,867.30 Total ............ e$(iS,75{3.531 $0,7S8.44!$224,340.44 $214.451.22 $22,304.30 01 TOM 1'KINS COUNTY, N.P]TV YOBK 235 STATEMENT OF TAXES LEYTI.D-Continued 8 9 10 .11 12 13 14 Cities and Towns Mortgage Tax 5 0 r from Tax on Bank Stock Cor0]ine 11) Eby Dryden Fafieid Groton 11.1aca City ithaca Town Lansing Ncwlio 31 Ulysses C B.yuga :Heights Dryden Village i re.vide Groton( Village Newfield Vi1h gc Trumansl)urg School t)ist. 8, Dryden School Dist,. 8, Groton School Dist. i , Ithaca City School .Dist.. �1, Ulysses 73.351$ 30.32 309.40 50.05 2.31.40 13,983.68 1,98 3.05 225.43 87.82 341.14 383.36 28.98 16(6) 04.05 7.24 67.41 171.20 520.59 5,4S3.1'7 310.31 223.78 529.06 429.91 199.17 027.62 11,369.9:1 2:51.89 $ -,3 $ 1 ,035.l)5 .4)6 921+.07 992.99 .14 704.63 20,573.90 500.] 33.66 537.74 19.62 911 625.32 65.731 2,460.17 714.84 1,286.91 25,801.13 2,811.42 2,340.111 907.84 1,190.17 1,502.60 534108 253.9(] 1,546.95 133,85 577.9-1 ✓, 122.00 23.00 19.10 49,60 10.30 7.80 10.5:5 30.30 31.:50 24.3() Bonded indebtedness (Towns only 8 •,187,000 3,000 17,205 6,000 2,000 $ 13,509.19 10,353.33 26,9.58.39 11,629.72 28,240.27 • 34,073.37 43,3611.35 15,7.1.33 36,413.22 Tnf,u1....1$.17,040.7! $12,421.(351$2:{.)(5:).7-1.$-41.203.86 $2,370,050 $222,303.17 tllnuci,:rl in(lel,tOilness 0f Comfy 8230,000.00. ]' Fred -L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, d0 hereby certify that the preceding is a. true statement, of the Taxes Ievied against the taxn hie property in the several Tax Districts in said County, by the Board of Supervisors, at their Annual Meeting in the year 11)23. 1'REI) L. CLOCK, Clerk, P. 0. Address, Ithaca, X. Y. PROCEEDINGS 01' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAYS—HONEY SYSTE11T To the Comptroller of the State of New York: The following is a Statement pursuant to Section 100 of the Highway Law, of elle several towns in the County of Tompkins, and of the amount of money tax. levied therein, for. the repair of highways, by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, 1925, viz: 61, Caroline .l$; gy3,3;;9 8 -931.6.11 $ 89311:79 $ :1,900 Danby .. 799,933 789,093 7953,93;1 Dryden _..! 2,749.1869 2,676,439 2,086,4561 10.300 Enfield ... 604,5.19 678,806 604,519 Groton .. 2,997,855 2,842,016 1,311,930 7.100 Itlfar;a .... I 4,709,318 ;,906,447] 3,182,350 Lansing. .1 2,601,350 1,995,638 Newfield .I 19.16.'11 903,795 775,349 1,000 I%lys es ... i 2,093.002 2.030, 7-451 1,346;952 300 $3,000.00 3,907.00 8,000.00 2,822.00 5,400.00 4,637.74 7,100.00 3,917.00 5,000.00 k $ 2,625.00 $ 5,6237.00 450.00 4,357.00 8,000.00 3,180.00 6,002.00 5.400.00 4,637.74 14,487.16 21,587.5.6 • 4,607.50 8,524.50 10,000.00 15,000.00 E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. I certify that the preceding staf.ement is correct. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. State of New York, j County, of Tompkins, E. Morgan St. John, being duly sworn, says that he is the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County; that he has read the preceding statement and knows the same to be true. ss. E. MORGAN ST. JOHN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of January, 1926. Fred 1.i. Clock, -. Notary Public. AND UNION CITY, VILLAGE, SCIIOOL DISTRICT _lND EA CH INDEBT.EDNESS Of' COUNTY OP TO_MPKINS 0 9 to 0 0- C to C1, — c1 01 • �• • Y ,J • •• d) .0 0"r., H 0 0 G j et 23, o .0 H r O r0 0 0 U O R 1) 1 mac', c3 0 c3 1) � .,� N3 ^' 7 7 7 cd 0 0 0 0 0 0 a. 1 0 0 0 0 0 007770000770 0070.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" 0 000000 77777777 7 c3 0 ; 0 cv 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0,0o 00 .7,0 0 0 4:+ 0 0 0001000 o u c: 100 LV 1010 c S'ci o' CV GV' c1 77 H 1 y EG A :J 'O O O I,-: O© 0 O C. 00 00 c.7 06 c00 Y' 1....'i r-, A 71 W. 77. 4} O p o 0 04 O o O 0 O^ 04 0 0 0 .0000 00 p 0000000 0 .0 6.0 C I 0 0 0 0 i. , 0- p o0 1r; 0 C O 0 17. O O O o O ;60 O O 04 000000000ooc-.7 o oc 0,17, ci 00 0 C Z.:- ,74CJ h .-I co 4 C7 70 © "i' •'h 71 -+ v 11": ,n eo -f1 -t tr., i^ SC -44 n , a t.A..4.j�j� 0 u 0f,.7,•tt,•ttr cA'.%('.-hr c_-- CI- i" F~ -I y • I J r r.0 7 0 U .0 N G 0 0 0 U �i 0 C: C) G1 may' �4rcH E 0 0 0_D G •O U O U 0 . ... +a p U G G O Q - 7.a41-1 0 7 7r tL tq oA G.� tk•7 yL ^ A A 0A WCi�_.1=F_z=rte to tL 50 co, 5A to © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w.n .�" O O yn o c HFE 1 - J ;[hC3C3��E1 0 '.• W 0 oy.{y.ay..;ww 00000., c 00 G O O O 0 0 0 0 0 a) tr: to hp 5R to 5A to 0.0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 7+ '- '7 17 UUUP 0- (Con ti1iicl Yran h • r� _ _.r' - a _' a - c C p O O C— ▪ ov o7 s rtino `r-rr11,c1c, C c_ C o y C^•� J3 C7 -14t 01_O' 0 0 =CC^c, =oo=co=000coo CD CC^0CD _ CD CCC == == cccOc C^p.=V- ▪ C _CC c 0 CCC C CO CC O CCi;�o G1, ^ ISC='pL^� C"Cr^-CQ(YJ ---o tC r~ 01 t p _ C ^C = c." 00 = ▪ =IC, 0 0 0 0 = CCC C C G C _ C O O G• C 1 C- CO 10 .11 :.ICC] C- 1.: 1-- _ -_ in C _-ST"1' O ,71 C - :^ -- or, Gc cr r tr C l.' • -F. 2. 0 T. J. r i ! 0 J: 2: :!. 'f. y' 1i f ✓ --i . 1..-Y1 1 r '� u r 1 -1 � 1 1 A 7:17.1 - - _ • 77 7 0 rr. . . t.4 "nc r U U U _ c: J r!_. m cr r„ W C: "w 0 W .. C. c V 0❑ - -. -- �' r- --_ m c c} a, c y yy a" ,' •-• y b9 ^A 0D O = .. .. - _ - 0 J1 v] U J r.. JUUJ�CJ JJCJ�ri2r mss UG TOl-1PKENS COUNT]', NJ!:\' OH K. 239 IICGELWAY, 13RIDGE, 11Ii1C1-IINEIV AN1) DI:[SUEI.ILANEOUS REPORTS 111.G1 -IW AV .i15 N1)—J1ECELPTS Towns k (_Silo11 tie lin Ill y 1)ryden IE fide Groton 1t1nt n 1,nnsing 'Newfield 1Jlysses $ 85.78 $2,250.00 $3,100.00 $ 7.531.40 $12,907.18 13.50 .3.)00.00 3,125.00 8,681.90 15,320.40 4,596.48 8,000.00 4,800.00 20,857.60 44,254.08 622.03 2,8.22.00 1,975.00 7,285.24 12,704.27 182.94 5.000.00 3,835.00 14,200.45 23,218.39 4,000.00 2,399.15 15,235.00 92,294.15 165.64 7,100.00 3,3(10.00 24,788.54 35,554.18 120.00 3,9I7.00 3,.,25.00 11,123.58 18,685.58 901.46 4,200.00 2,500.1.10 27,520.54 35,122.00 HIGIIWAY I'UN.D---EYPE\' DITURES Towns Caroline 1,r ,958,76 $ 8,548.91 [$12,707.67 $ 259.51 Danny 4,784.85 10,535.55 1.3,320.40 Dryden 1 7,959.51 35,675.33 43,684.84 619.24 Enfield 2,807.24 9,857.03 12,704.27 Groton 6,947.78 16,158.28 23,106.06 112.33 1MIN ea 1 (1,006.781 14,337.13 20,345.91 1,930.24 Lansing 9,871.56 25,581.311 35,432.87 101.31 fi Neweld 1 5,782.391 12,903.19 18,685.58 'U1ysses 6,799.21., 26,410.271 33,209.48 1,912.52 ' 240 PROCEEDINGS OF TIRE BOARD OF SUPERV.ISORS HIUTIWA1, BRIDGE, MAC]-IINER1 AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS BRIDGE FUND—RECEIPTS BRIDGE FUND—EXPENDITURES Towns /0 0 0 O ▪ 0 CS r0 0 M CS Caroline Dunbv Dryden Enfield Groton '........... Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses �$L,019.491$1,352.65 $ 86.40 135.161138.00 896.20 791.52 948.29 42.00 202.60 121.351 $ 1,061.06 05.31 650.50 547.00 283.03 1.400.50 661.43 1,941.3:7 355.20 118.90 6,905.83 2,752.67 22.601 $2,372.14 1,420.62 1,783.03 650.50 1,495.29 1,683.53 3,000.00 9,980.00 143.95 $ 19.03 579.38 2,216.97 4.71 1,899.95 862.63 ate. U O ?a F-'rom certificates of iiidcbtciluess From other sources Iota] Receipts Towns w 7,,�y o. '. U � W C-7.: c --.-Y, J L Caroline $ 14117 $ 500.00 $1,500.00 $ 250.00 $2,391.17 Danby 2,000.00 2,000.00 Dryden 4,000.00 4,000.00 E21fic1d ' 150.50 500.00 650.50 Groton 1,500.00 11,500.00 Itihraca 1,583.48 2,000.00 3,583.48 Lansing 3,000.00 3,000.00 Newfield 7,430.00 2,500.00 50.00 9,980.00 Ulysses 6.58 :1,000.00 1,006.58 BRIDGE FUND—EXPENDITURES Towns /0 0 0 O ▪ 0 CS r0 0 M CS Caroline Dunbv Dryden Enfield Groton '........... Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses �$L,019.491$1,352.65 $ 86.40 135.161138.00 896.20 791.52 948.29 42.00 202.60 121.351 $ 1,061.06 05.31 650.50 547.00 283.03 1.400.50 661.43 1,941.3:7 355.20 118.90 6,905.83 2,752.67 22.601 $2,372.14 1,420.62 1,783.03 650.50 1,495.29 1,683.53 3,000.00 9,980.00 143.95 $ 19.03 579.38 2,216.97 4.71 1,899.95 862.63 Ole TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 241 HIGHWAY, F3I.,IDGE, MACIHINERY AND MISCELLANEOUS RE PORTS `I1,IACIINEHY FUND—RECEIPTS Towns Balances from previous year a 0 ,-)Ti a m U Received from certificates of indebtedness From other sources F 0 ,V N C 0" Caroline $ 9.40 $ :.320.011 $ $ 186.03 $ 695.48 I( ii by 1,200.00 150:00 1,350.00 Dryden 3,000.00 3,000.00 Enfield_ 261.69 1,000.00 1,264.69 Groton 11,000.00 .1,821.29 4,8211.29 Ithliea 354.84 3,000.00 3,354.84 I,nn.sing 2.000.01) 288.40 2,288.40 Newfield :1,500.001 757.50 2,257.50 Ulysses 10.95 1,500.00 1,450.00 .1.00 2,961.95 11ACNINER Y FUND--EXPI?N.I)I.TUR.h:S Towns 40 " 0 C 0 N 0 0 Caroline 'i 68.9:5 $ 626.53 $ $ 695.48 En nh y 272.08 945.90 :1,21.8.64 Dryden. 9.02 1,297.92 1,07.54 Enfield 996.26 54.35 214.08 1,264.69 Grelou 2.15 4,819..14 4,821.29 Ithnesi 854.57 1,936.19 2,790.76 Lansing 1 1 992.451 1,061.451 4.50; 2,288.40 Newfield 1 1,78.2.76 449.74 25.00 2,257.50 Ulysses 1 1 430.00 1,485.36 2,915.36 13.1.36 1,692.46 564.08 46.59 242 PROCEEDINGS 0F THE BOA RD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND i\1.ISCELLANEOUS REPORTS MISCELLANEOUS AND SNOW FUND -RECEIPTS Towns Prom other Carokine Danby Dryden Enfield Groton. Lansing Newfield Ulysses 43.09 $ 150.00 $1,000.00 $ 1,500.00 370.54 4,200.00 95.31 1,000.00 353.43 1,900.00 173.02 2,500.00 1 1,000:001 59.44 2,000.00 48.82 1000.00 5,100.00 $1,193.09 1,370.04 4,295.31 1,353.43 2,073.02 2,500.00 1,000.00 2,108.20 6,100.00 _MISCELLANEOUS AND SNOW FUND -EXPENDITURES Towns to 2 m bij 0 r 0 0) 4.30 m Caroline Danby Ryden Enfield (irolisll :It haca Lansing N io field G iysses $ 78.95 262.26 142.45 270.43 >.20 295.90 638.84 $18.00 $ 970.51 21.00 1,587.28 33.00 3.919.80 -12.00 1.,071.00 33.00 2,034.82 9.00 2,074.81 21.00 979.00 2,108.20 9.00 5,405.86 $1,067.46 $126.23 1,870.54 4,295.31 1,353.43 2,073.02 2,379.71 120.29 1,000.00 2,108.26 0,053.70 40.30 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 243 Clerk's Certificate State of New York, County of Tompkins, S. ss. Board of Supervisors. .1, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, New York, 1)0 HEREBY CERTIFY, that I have compared the foregoing Journal. of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., with the original rec- ord thereof, that the same is a lull and correct transcript; of the transactions of said Board, at the special, quarterly and annual sessions thereof, held during the year 1.925, also of the reports of the several count' officers submitted to said Board of Supervis- ors anal published herein. [L. S.] IN. WITNESS \V1-❑ REOF, 3 have hereunto set my hand and caused the official seas or the Board of Supervisors of 'Toanpfins County, N. Y., to be hereto affixed, this 26th day or January, 1926. FREI) L. CLOCK, Clerk Poard of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. 244 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD O1' SIJPEItV.ISORS Political Directory AND GUIDE FOR TOWN OFFICERS Primary Elections—Seventh 'Tuesday before General Elec- tion, each year. General Election—First Tuesday after First Monday in No- vember, each year. Towyn. Meetings --On sante date as General Election in odd number`•ed years. Designation of 1'alliri Places—By the Town Board on Third Tuesday in August., each year. Board of Canvass—First Tuesday atter General Election, ea eh year. Annual i\Teet.ing. of Board of Supervisors—Second Thursday atter General Election, each year. Quarterly Meetings, Board of Supervisors—Second Monday of I.1bbruat•y. llay• August and November. Town Boards—Sha11 meet First Thursday after General Election each year to andit town accounts and on the 28th of December. Grand jurors—Selected by the Board of Supervisors at the annual meeting. each year. Trial ;jurors—The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each town, nnust meet on the First Monday in July, in each year, at: a price within the town appointed by the Supervisor, or, in case of his absence, or a vacancy in his office, by -the Town Clerk, •for the lnnrpose of mak- ing a list of persons, to serve as trial jurors, tor the then ensuing. year. If, they -fait to meet on the day specified in this section, they must meet as soon there- after as practicable. (Judiciary Law, §500, as amended by Lacs of. 1923.) At the meeting specified in the Iast section, the officers present Must select from the last assessment -roll of the o{' TO1IPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 245 town, and make a list. of all persons whom they believe to be qualified to serve as trial jurors, as prescribed in this article. (Judiciary Lair, §501.) -County Chtiin —All Trills and clirirns against the county must be presented t,o the Cleric of the Board of Supervisors on or before the Third day of the Annual Session of the :Board and at least Three days before any Quarterly session thereof. X111 bills or claims presented to the Board of Super- visors must be itemized and verified by the oath of the claimant. 1111 bills For repairs to or improvements of county building's mast have endorsed thereon t,lie approval of the committee having charge of such bnildin�n. No hills for supplies for' county officers will he audited unless the ,sauce were authorized by the Committee of the Board of Supervisors h.rviiag such matters in charge. Deports—All county officers receiving, or authorized to re- ceive moneys in which the county, Or any sub -division thereof, shall have ;ur interest, shall annually, on No- vember lest, of each year, make a written Verified re- port of, all gooneys received, from whom, on what ac- count and the disposition imide thereof, and file the same with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November Fifth. (County Law, §243.) he Cleric of every town, incorporated village and city in the county shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November First of each year all indebtedness of such town, village or city, specify- ing for what purpose created, under wha t law, rate of interest and when payable. (County hrrw, §52.) The Trustees, or the person or persons having charge or the issue or bonds or pa) nlent of same, of any school district, Shrill transmit a statement; thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the First day of November. (County Law, §52.) The Supervisor must report to the District Superin- tendent of Schools on the First day of February, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. 246 PROCEEDINGS OE THE BOARD OP SUPEM VISORS Assessments—All real property shall be assessed in the tax district in which situates. Property divided by a town line shall he assessed in both towns. The assessors shall complete the assessment -roll on or before the First day of August and snake out a copy thereof, to be left, with one of their number, and forth- with cause a notice to be conspicuously posted in three or more public places in the tax clist:riet, stating that they have coinpleted the assessment -roll, and that a copy thereof has been left with one of their number, at a specified place, where it may be -examined until the Third Tuesday in August. The assessors shall meet on the Third Tuesday in Au- gust to review their assessment and hear and determine all corn]laints brought before them in relation to such assessments. -When the assessors, or a majority of them, shall have completed their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the county authorized by law to adminis- ter oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officer, ars oath in the form prescribed by law, which oath shall be Avritten or printed on said roll, ,signed by the assessors and certified by the officer. The assessors must, file a certified copy of the com- pleted assessment -roll with the Town Clerk, on or be- fore the Fifteenth day of September, and it shall there remain for public inspection until delivered by the • Town Clerk to the Supervisor. The assessors shall forth- with give public notice by posting the same in at least three public places in the tax district and to be pub- lished in one or more newspapers published in the town, that such assessment -roll has been finally com- pleted, and staling that such certified copy .has been filed. The original assessmentroll shall on or before the First day of October be delivered by the assessors to the Supervisor. 'rile Board of Assessors of the several towns, asd the Assessors of the City of Ithaca, shall furnish the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, on or before the First day of September, a complete list of all property within their tax districts that is exempt from taxation. OP TOM PK NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 247 Collectors—The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after- receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute an undertaking, to be ap- proved by the Supervisor of the tonin., and deliver said undertaking to him. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file the said undertaking with his ap- proval, in the office of the County Clerk. Justices of the Peace—Each Justice of the Peace must exe- cute a bond nrith two sureties conditioned i'or the pay- ment on demand to the proper officer, of all moneys re- ceived by the justice by virtue of: his office, which bond must be approved by the Sopervisor and. filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each ;Justice of the Peace of the torn shall pa.y to the Supervisor on the First Monday of each month, all fines and penalties imposed and received by him, and shall also make a verified report of all fines and penal- ties collected by him to the Board of Town Auditors of his town, on Tuesday preceding the Annual 'Town Meet- ing-. (County Law, §12, sub -division 21.) Poor --111 bills for supplies furnished to the Superintendent of the Poor must he presented to said Superintendent for audit on or before November First, of each year. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a county pauper to exceed the sum or Ten Dollars, with- out an order from the County Superintendent author- izing disbursements in excess or said amount. 245 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Official Tabulation and Statement of Votes Cast in Tompkins County at the General Election Held November 3, 1925 For Member of Assembly R;rvmond B. Torrey 4102 dunes S. Robinson 9040 William _Mitchell .199 ]dank and Scattering .1.7.70 Total 14511 For Superintendent of the Poor Fred U: Rnnisey 4917 William 1). Baldwin 8369 Blank and Scattering 1225 Total 14911 QUESTION NO. 1 • Amending Art. VII of Constitu- tion authorizing Legislature to raise $100,000,000.00 for state .lands and buildings. Affirmative 2690 Negative 6603 Blank and Scattering5218 Tot;,1 14511 QUESTION NO. 2 Amending Art. VII of Constitu- tion authorizing Legislature to. raise $300.000,000.00 for the elimination of grade crossings. Aflrmative, 3137 Negative 6264 Blank and Scattering5110 Tota 14511 QUESTION NO. 3 Amending Art.V and VIII of Con- stitution abolishing certain con- stitutional offices and creating separate departments. Affirmative 1560 Negative 5254 Blank and Scattering 3697 Total 14511 QUESTION NO. 4 Amending Art. VI of Constitution relative to organization of ju- dicial system and administration of justice. Affirmative 4223 Negative 4602 Blank and Sc.atteviag 5686 Total 14:511 Gale 71. Stalker 01' TO N'S COUNT )7, NEW' YOItI i 249 ROSTER 1926 REPRESENTATIVE .IN CONGRESS (17th Dist-rict:) Elmira, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE SENATE 3arses S. Truman (11st, Distrie.t-) Owego, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN S'A'TE ASSEMBLY .Tames R. Robinson It]raca, N. Y. COUNTY OFFICERS S County Judge and Surrogate.. Willard ll.. Kent Ithaca, N. Y. Special County Judge S. Edwin Banks ' .Ithaca, N. Y. Judge of Children's Court Willard M. KentIthaca, N. Y. County Clerk •\Villiaur.l3. Raker - Ithaca, N. Y. County 'Treasurer Gila rlol:te V. Bush Ithaca, N. Y. District Attorney Arthur G. Adams Ithaca, N. Y. Sheriff Charles Green ' Ithaca., N. Y. Superintendent of Poor William I). Baldwin Groton, N. Y. Coroner • Wm. A. Sinitlr Newfield, N. Y. Superintendent of Highways . . Fred C. Evans. Ithaca, N. Y. Sealer of. Weights & Measrires. Court Bellis Ithaca, N. Y. Clerk Board of Supervisors...Fred L. Clock!Ithaca, N. Y. Commissioner of Election Bert T. Baker Ithaca, N. Y. C. orrrniissioner of EIection John. P. Felly Ithaca, N. Y . Probation Officer 11..A. Hutchinson Ithaaca, N. Y. Clerk of Surrogate's Court. D. i4I. Gillespie Ithaca, N. Y. Clerk of Children's Court. R• A. 1-Intehir:son Ithaeaa, A. Y. Delnd.y County Clerk L 1.J..Earl Ithaca, N. Y. Under Sheriff A. Cameron Goff. Ithaca N. Y. .Dist. Supt. or Schools F. A. Boardsley...Trarnaansburg, N. Y. Dist. Supt. of Schools john I). Bigelow !Ithaca, N. Y. Dist. Supt. of Schools Paul 111.r.rnsen Groton, R. D. 12 ]Keeper at County Home Philo Smith Jacksonville, N. Y. 250 PROCEEDINGS OF TTIE 110A RD OF `T PER1'ISORS TOWN OFFICERS CA ROLINE, Supervisor 1-I A. Whittaker, Brool:tnndale, R.D. 21 Justice of the Peace I' Alfred Munch R.D. 22 Justice "of the Peace JosephMeGrath " R.D. 22 Justice of the Peace Augustus' i\I hlraitgh h.D.24 Justice of the Peace Bowel] Mniks..... Brooktondele. N. Y. Town Clerk Judson Bennett....Brooktondale, N. Y. Assessor D. B. Bull Brooktondale, R.D. 21 Assessor W W. Conrad Slaterville, N. Y. Assessor 'Theodore Ei.,hrney..Berkshire, 1-.D.21 Collector 7lartha Grispell.Brooktondale, R.D. 22 Supt. of Highways William VanDeMark....l3rooktondale DAX BY Supervisor Win. O. Smiley Ithaca, R. I). 8 Justice of the Peace Eugene Dorn Ithaea, R.. D. 4 Justice of the Peace Geo. Sears- West Danby, B.' I). 25 Justice of the Peace Free] E Dorn Ithaca, R. D. 4 Justice of the Peace David Moore Wilsevvilic, R. D. Town Clerk B. J. Jennings Ithaca, R. D. 8 Assessor Harrison 'Thayer Ithaca, R. D. 4 _Assessor Frank Sineebaugh Ithaca, R. 1). 4 Assessor Geo. Button -West Dactil. N. Y. Collector E E. Slights Ithaca, R. D. 8 Supt. of Highways John E. Miller Ithaca, R.. D. 8 1lRPD ,N Supervisor Wm. J. Shaver Freeville, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Paul Ewers Etna, N. Y. Justice of the Peace •T D. Ross Dryden, N. Y. Justice of the Peace Jas. Robinson Ithaca, R.. D. 2 Justice of the Peace Fred Parker Freeville, R. I). 16 Justice of the Peace Geo. E. Underwood Ithaca, R. D. 2 Town Clerk Jane C. Hines Dryden, N. Y. Assessor Frank T. Reeves Freeville, N. Y. Assessor CB. Snyder Dryden, N. Y. .Assessor Andre~~ Baker Freeville, R. D. 16 Collector G. Willett Ellis Dryden, A. Y. Supt. of Highways Frank Ellis Freeville, N. Y. :ENFIELD Supervisor Olen A. Bina•. Ithaca, R. D. 5 Justice of the Peace C I. AVetherby ....Trnmansburg, R. D. OF TOMP],J\S COUNTY, NEW YORK_ 251 Justice of the Pease 1llrert Colegrove :Ithaca, R. D: 7 Justice of the Peace Daniel 'Mitchell lthnn,a, R.. D. 6 Justice of the Peace Bert, IKirb,y Trumansburg, R. D. Town Clerk .Io}rn.`.Chall Ithaca, R. D. 5 Assessor Ray Lam -ling Ithaca; It D. 6 Assessor Budd Delr;rrh 'Ithaca, R. D. 5 Assessor Asa Cummings Ithaca. R..1). 5 Collector hired Crissey...Trnmanshnrg, R. 1). 33 Supt. of highways Fran k Rotile. rmick Ithaca, R. D. 6 Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town CIerk GROTON John W. Jones Groton, N. Y. Geo. B. Sickmon klcLean, N. Y. Milos 'I'arlreli Groton, R. D. 11 R. 1 . Buck Groton, N. Y. R. 1i. Chatterton Groton, N. Y. H. G. Moe Groton, N. Y. Assessor W. I-1.Bill k1ey Groton, R. D. 11 Assessor 1-1. B. Stevens Groton, N. Y. Assessor A.rclric Gillen Groton, R. D. 15 Collector C. Burr Torben Peruville, N. Y. Supt. of 1 -Highways 1,'re.l Hart Croton, N. Y. ITHACA CITY Mayor Fred 13, Howe.. City I:Ial1, :Ithaca, N. Y. Supervisor, 1st Ward .F'. 1). Va n Order, Jr..511 W. Seneca. St. Supervisor, 2nd Ward IJ I'Patterson 115 E. State St. Supervisor, 3rd Ward E.11organ St.Tohn.Sayings Bank Bldg: Supervisor, 41;11 Ward Sidney L. I -Lowell 102 E: State St. Supervisor, 5th Ward Leslie R. Pierce 107 W. Yates St. City Judge Daniel Crowley City hall Annex City Clerk 1Vrn. 0. Kerr City Hall City Chamberlain . Clarence A. Snyder City Hall Assessor L. IE. Doffienneyer City Hall City Superintendent. Floyd U. Oakley City Hall Annex ] 1'1iAC. Supervisor Legrande E. Chase Ithaca, R. D. 8 Justice of the. Peace m. 11. Smith Ithaca, R.. D. 7 Justice of the Peace Elmer Allen Ithaca, R. D. 5 .Justice of the Peace Chas. H. Newman Ithaca, R. 1). 1 Justice of the Peace James A: Bush Ithaca, R. D. 2 Town Clerk Clinton. J. Updike Ithaca., R. D. 3 Assessor John Preswiek Ithaca, R. D. 3 Assessor Fred Marshall Ithaca, R. D. 6 252 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OI' SUPERVISORS Assessor <Toseph Sorace Ithaca, R. D. 1 Collector Oscar Hoyt Ithaca, R. D. 6 Supt. of Highways Harrison Adauas Ithaca, R. D. 3 LANSING Supervisor Clarence _AI. l3uel:.Tjttrllowville, B.D. 10 Justice of the Peace Frank L-Ion-land..South 1lansng, A. Y. justice of the Peace Miles franc ' Groton, R. 1). 11 justice of the Peace Chas. 1 une Ludlowville, N. Y. Justice of the .Peace IJa:MInta: Stnith....Ludlowville, R. D. 9 '1'orvn Clerk .Ioseph McGill lit cllowville, N. Y. Assessor Samuel Latae Intdlorvville, R.. I), 1.0 Assessor Wm. Lane T. udlowville, R.. D. 9 Assessor Chas. Terpening.. South Lansing, N. Y. Collector John Campbell....Ldlowville, R. D. 9 Supt. of Highways Jacob Boner Ludiorvville, R. D. 9 NEWFIEL1) Supervisor Frank G. Snyder.... Newfield, R. D. 27 Justice or the Peace Albert Straight Newfield, R. D. 28 Justice of the Peace E. S. 'VanKirk Newfield, R. 1). 30 justice of the Peace Arthur Decker Newfield, R. D. 2S •Tust.iee of the Peace DeWitt Payne Newfield, N. Y. Towii Clerk Carrie Peck Newfield. N. Y. Assessor Fred Payne.... ..... Newfield, R. D. 26 Assessor had. Holmes Newfield, N. Y. Assessor L. S. Taber Newfield, N. Y. Collector Ralph VanRiper....Ne rfield, R. D. 27 Supt. of Highways Chas. Boiee Newfield, R. D. 80 ULYSSES Supervisor J. M. Torrnsctid...Trnivanshatrg, N. Y. Justice of the Peace F. N. Sn itfa....'1'rnnaarasbur<g•, R. D. 3.1. •Tnstice of the Peace Henry Williams .Jacksonville. N. Y. Justice of the Peace Howard K. Aiken ..1 rumansburg, N Y. Justice of the Peace 1. 1V..A.garcl...'1'rulna.nsbtn'g, R. D. 33 '1'orvn Clerk Maude 'Tonapkins..'l`rnmansl.)nrg, N. Y. Assessor Frank- B. Cronk...Trnuaansburg, N. Y. :Assessor '1' R. I-Topkins..'l'runaansburg, R. D. 33 Olins Miller _ Jacksonville. N. Y. Arthur L. Bower..'I'rumaatsbnrg, N. Y. Bert .1. Vann Ithaca, R. D. 7 Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways INDEX A. Ae .oun1-s of Supervisors 202 Annual Session of I3o,arrl of Supervisors 54 Audits of 0, 182 Appointment of Inspectors of 1Iightrays Linde' the County- System of Bonds 1.29 Apportionment, Of Highway I'unils for Construction Under the County System of .Roads I(1 Of lii};h' ,iy .hunils for Muintenanee lJniier tiie County System of Roads 11,. 22, '2,5, 50 Of _;:nil: `l1 x 221 Of _Mortgage Tris 09, 222 Of _Moneys in Dog .Fund 72 Of :Election Expenses 120 l`or Support, of poor art County __Dine 131. Oft Tixos 1titi Appropriations-rm. Sinking fund :uiil Interest on Gond Issue for the Cnnsl,ructier of St:it,e and County- I1 cti-,ras 58, 127 For Mrrin(cnnnce of State and County llighways59, 127 }tor Rights of Way 21, 125 Of iNIotnr Vehicle 'Moneys to Construction h'urid Un- der the Courtly Svstem of Rends 1.25 For Construction of .1-liglnrays under the County System of Bemis 12;5 For ll:iinten:mite of 14ighcrays Under the County Svstr,rn of Road Is 125 To Towns for Construction of Highways tinder the County System of Loads 1-6 '1'o Towns for 51: intenanr:e of Elighvsays Un,ler the Comity- System of liot:rIs I I, 23, :25, 50 For Sta1c T:!x 1611 .For Courtly Gaticral ::nil Poor ]'Deposes 16], .163 For County 1-1ig]1way Purpose. 1(111, .1(13 1'or IPuel, .Light nod Telelzlueces • 3.3, 40, 85 1�'or.R.cutal of O15(05 for Motor Vahiclt; Clerk 126 I'or -Repairs on Court-honsc 40, .135, 136 .t'or Assistants in Comity Clerk's Office 49 l!'or Janitor Service at Court-liouse 134 11 For Matron at County Jail 5 For Night Turnkey- at County Jail 5 .For Payment of Printed Pr'oteedings of Board 154 For Postage for County Officers 76 For Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis.... 19, 51, 95, 117 For Public Health Nurse 133 For Support of Poor 111, 132 For Board of Child Welfare 28, 133 To Red Cross Society for Public Health Nurse 133 To 'tuberculosis Hospital 39, 131 To Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association 133 (4 [. !! (4 (4 44 for Junior Project Work 133 To Tompkins County- Home Bureau Associatiou....27,..133 ToGclterul Fund161, 163 To General Highway Fund 16.1, .163 '1'0 .Highway fund Under the County System of Roads ,125 To Poor Fund 161, 163 None to Associations, Boards or Organizations Until Laid on 'l'nble Three Days 63 Re-AlapropriatiuiL of 'Unexpended Balances ., Approval—Of Committee Designations 57 Of County- Treasurer's highway- Bond 2;i, 80 Of Superintendent of Highway 's Bond 22 Of Superintendent of the Poor's Bond 69 Armory Tax 57 Assessment --Hates as Fixed by State Tax Commission 58 (' ' '' '' Board of Supervisors 100 Erroneous 135 Assessment Rolls—Regular Report of Committee on Footing 64 SupPleutetttal. Report of Committee on footing 67 Petition to Correct Roll of Danby 135 Assessors of Towns—Names and Addresses of 250, 251, '52 Petition of—To Correct Assessment Holl of Hanby 135 Attorney for Board of Supervisors 123. 124 Authorized to Secure Rights of/Way 93 Automobile Hire Committee Authorized to Contract for 9, 93 Audits—At Annual Session 63 182 At Quarterly Sessions 7, 18, 30, 45, 52 Town 186, 188, 190, 192, 193, 196, 197, 199, 200 Of Claims Audited liy- the Several Committees During Lite Year . ' 84, 117, 130, 134 13 Board of Supervisors—Nantes and Addresses of Members 54, 180 Chairman of 55 Temporary- Chairman of 54, 64 117 Clerk of 55 Atturnev for 123, ]?4 Annual Session 54 Quarterly Sessions 3, 16, 20, 39, 40 Speciit Session 33 :Executive Sessions 82, 85, 95, 130 Standing; Committees of 56 Approval of l;oururittee Designation :57 Special Committees of -15, Opt, 43, 62 Supplies fur 55 Aeicounts of 202 Printed 1'1'u:ceilings of -Contract i'or 94, 165 1:54 Repiese0111ire Payment for of-Ou t'arau Bureau Associa- tion In Jnide]. Projent 1A'urk In Eradication_ of Bovine Tubereu] osis he Paid to Citi- ,uid Towns Ba.l„gees in Thrills of Count- 'I'rc,rsurer Brrulc Tax --Report of Committee on Statement of to Blind -Southern 3'icr Assor,i;rlion for -Report. of 60, 71, 13,00 rd of Cl,ill Welf,re-Report of 60, Apl ropriation Io 28, .Board or IY1;inagers of 'Tuberculosis Hospital -Report of 60, Election to ,Appropriation to 29, Borid-Of County Sure rint(indent of FIighway s-.1 prrn^tl of Of County Superintendent; of the Poor -Approval of Of County Treasurer for Highway llioneys A1,proc-al of...2a, Boards Sicking I'un,l and interest on, Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways -58, 126 .Aralhorizing Town. of DanI.y to :Issue for Bridge Construction ' 87 Bonded In.rtehteduess of County and Town- 237 110Vine Tu ;, ]rCrculosis-NCltive to hh.a,iication of 31) 51, 95, 117 Bridges -Authorizing Town of Danhy to lstue- Fonds for the -Con- stimeti.eri. of Relative, to Constrnc.t'wu by the County in the Tunvea of l.)anlry 1, 7, 17, 20, 36, 37, 42, 43, 87 Bridge Fund fo 'i'ownv 128, 240 B idgefi-Counly 1:33 Towns 160-175 Tax.-11ntes to he 1'uhrlislied 11"ith 176 119 119 117 76 93 231 133 7:5 133 226 118 131 23 Ci ll 80 87 C Caroline -Names and Addresses of Town 001101-1 250 Audits of 180 111 igen. of 160 I `T Amount flue Town from Dog .Fund 7.3 rr a� cc cc Mortgage '1fl 60, 232 Amount Charged to .Tower for District Attorney's Expenses 1.52 Election Expenses 120 r r r r c r c Sheriff's 1lxpenses 19, 31, 17, 152 cc fl°c Insane Commitments 143 cc " " c` Insurnuee on Motor Trucks31 c c '' Support of Poor 132 Returned School Taxes of 104 Mileage Allotted to 'Gown for Construction of Highways Under the County System. of Roac,1s 15 Designation of highways for Construction hinder the County System of Roads 15 Apl1 ropriiiti011 10 To:v'n for Construction Under the County System of Hoods 16 Designation of highways for M;iinte.nance Tinder the County System of Roads 11, 23 Appropriation to Town for 51aintenam:e tinder the County System of Hoods 11, 23 T:ix for .Maintenance of Siate :ilia County Highways, ....59, 127 Tax for Improvement of highways and Bridges 128 Tnx to Cancel Certilieates of In:lebt:edness 129 Tax Rites of Town 166 Relative to Rea:overy of 'Moneys Illegally Collect,d by State 81. 5. Chairman of Board—Election of 3 Temporary 54, 64 Directed to Execute Deed of County Lands..6, 22,. 29 Directed to_111]:0 Contract with Onondaga Peni- tentiary 'eni-tcoli: n•y 62 Directed. to Sign Collectors' Warrants 180 Clerk of Board ---Election of" Salary of 121 124 Attorney for Board 123_ 124 Postage for 76 Report of, to Comptroller 236 Certificate of 243 Authorized 10 Correct Errors 93 cc Pnreh:3so Supplies Directed to Attest Deeds of Sate of County Lands :i 7, 22 Directed to Issue County Orders 77• rc :-fake Contract. AZ'ith Onondaga Peoiten- 1-i8 ry 62 Directed to Notify County Officials, etc., to 1ji (ke Reports :"' Directed to -Publish Tax Rates 176 Directed to 51)11 Coilectors' Warrants 180 Committees of—Board of Supervisors—Standing 56 0 V Approyn I of. Designation o1` Special Clainas Audited l,y .During Year S4, 117, 120, 134 • Rel:dive to Clain: of W. 1. rate,hcn 43 Relative to Damages to Sln'ep 25, 62 Relative to t+.radicntiun of Bovine Tuberculosis 117 Committee on County Officers and Compensat.iou— Report of—On Alid ii:s 140, 152 Relative to Repairs on Court: -house 25 Reliltirve to Salaries of County- ()filters 122 Directed to Make Repairs on Court -house 25 Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses— Report of—Oa Audits 111, 1,14 Rel::tive to Report. of County Clerk 119 c; rr " rr SiuTOhatc's Clerk 119 rr <' Alaportionauent of .111eethin Expenses 120 Authorized to 'Make Repairs on County Clerk's Building 29 Committee on Charities— Report. of—On Audits 143 On County and Torun Poor 131. I.ielativc to Report. of Board of llanagcrs of Tubercu- losis Hospital 131. Relativeto Report of Sulu;riuio:uileaat oi`.the Poor..,., 131. Authorized to Install Heater at the County- Horne 4i1 Committee on Coroner, Justices' ;and Constables' Aecoaual.s— Rcport of On Audits 148 Committee on Corrcrl.ion and Reformation -- Report of—On Mullis 150 Ott Request of 1listrict, Attorney fur A1propriation138 Authorized to Contract. for AUtoniohile [tiro 9, 93 rr " 51:i]:e .Repairs :at Cunnty Jail 6, 36 I)ireete'd to luvestigate RteI:ativc to Quarantine an Digs 136 Committee on County 'Treasurers' :1ac(nauts— Report of—On Audits 146 Relative to Bank Tax 95 :: r r Mortgal e. Tax 69 rr " Report of County Treasurer 1.2.1 Committee oai County and Torn. Acroonts— Report of ---Relative to Anaoaniis to he Raised for Maintenance and Sinking Fund and. .Interest ou Ronds Issued for the Coaistrur,tion of State anll County 111g3 - e -ways 126 1(0]atiye to the 211,101iamment of i,l:e Ilog fund 72 Committee on 'Equalization— , Report of—On Footing A:iscssnaeut. Rolls (34, 67 On Ratios and Perct.nLagcs 100 I'er General T:L1X Levy 99 For Highway Tat Levy 101 Ou Apportionment, of T1Se4 163 VI Committee on. Finanee— Report of—Relative to County- 1341dget :155 Relative to Town Budgets 10; Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls (See Committee on Equ.aliza- tion) Committee on Ilighn-ay-s— Report of—On A udits 147 Authorized to Secure Rin;hts of 1V;ly 93 - Connittee on Returned Highway and School Tuxes— Report of—Relative to Grand Juror• 103 " " Returned School Taxes.: „ .......... :103, '137 Committee on Soldiers' Relief,,Etc.-- Report of—On Audits 1.19 Rotative to Board of Child Welfare 133 " ]arm Bureau Association 133 " Moyne Bureau Association 133 " " Junior Project Work 133. " " Public Health Nurse 133 " Southern Tiur Association for the Blind133 Committee on TOW)" Expenses, .Etc.— - Report of—On IndebleduCS5 of County and •Towns..... ..... 179, 237 On Special Franchises 177, 178 Committee on Auditing Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital— Claims Audited by Committee .During the Year 117 Committee on Contract Supplies— Report of—Oir fuel, Light and Telephones 35, 40, 81 Claims Audited by Committee During the Year......... • • 84 Committee on Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis— Claims Audited by Committee .During the Year 134 Committee on Jail Supplies— Claims Audited by Committee During the Year 130 Committee to Sell Lands Directed to Convey- Lands of Geo. G. Seeley 4 County Officers \;Imes and Addresses of • 249 Salaries of 122 Expenses of 123 . Postage for 7(1 Clerk Hire for..............................49, 7(1, 122 Directed to .hake Reports 55 County .Judge and Surrogate - Relrort of—Relative to Receipts and Disbursements of His Office 60, 119 Relative_ to Salary :as Judge of Children's Court 27 County Clerk Report Of Relative 1.0 Receipts and Disbursements of Office 59, 119, 21(1 • Relative to Mortgage Tux 56, 69 Appropriation for Assistants in. Offiee .19 Approprattion for Rent: i of ll.otur Vehicle Clerk's VII Office 126 Postage for 76 Salary of _Motor Vehicle Clerk in full for all Services :Ind Fees 123 County District Attorney - Report of 71 _Allowance for Office :Expenses 71, 1.23 Expenses Charged to Towns 152 Request of-1'or Appropriation of ;1;4,000.00 for Lan- Enforcement 71. :Report of Committee on 138 County Probation Officer Report of 60 County Sealer of Weights and Measures Report, of 60 Expenses of 123 County Sherltlf- iieprirt of 165 Claims for llxp+2nses Charged to Towns [i/Id City 8, 19, 31, 47, 152 County Superintendent of :Highnays- Report, of 61 Expanses of 123 „Approval of Bond of o2 Directed to Examine and Report Relartive to Bridge in Town of 1)anhy 4, 20 County Superintendent of the 1'oor- Rcport of 61, 131, 220 Bond of 68, 69 County 9'reusurer- Il.eporl of 60, 61, 1.21, 203 Highway Bond of 23, 80 Clerk Hire for 76 ]'ostt, ,,e for 76 Authorized to Borrow 5, 8, 19, 27, 31, 34, 45, 47, 49, 53, 03, 124 Authorized to Pay Balances to 'I'owrts and City- 76 Authorized .to Transfer in Case of a Deficiency 163 aireel0 1 to Charge to Town of Danby for Bridge C011struetioa..15, a3 Directed to Pay Certain Claims from Dog I•'uml. 42, .150 "Knitted to Puy- Balance 111 Dog fund to 'Towns and City 73 1lirecto.1 to Pay County Orders 77 1)irente+l to Pay Qiu: r1aViv Session Audits ....... ....8, 19, 31, 47, 53 Directed to Pay Salaries Monthly 5, 76 1?irec;tad to Payr 13o;ird of Chili) )Welfare 28, 133 :Directed 10 ]?ay for Eradiation of :Bov-ine Tulrerculu,sis.. 41, 51, 95, 117 :Directed to Pay :I'arnt and 1101,1) Bureau _Assaci:rt.iorty 27, 133 Directed to Pay :Red Cross Society for Public Ilealt.lr Nurse 133 Directed to fray- Highway- 111:ou)vs to Towns for Cnnstruet.ion Un- der the County System of Roads 10 Directed t0 Pay Highway Moneys to Tott-ns for fl:ri5Ceuau0e Under the County System of Ro;rrk 13, 23, illi, 51 vilil Directed to Pay for Bights of Way 31, 41 Re -Appropriation of Tjiwxpended Balances in Ilands of 77 Commissioners of Election- epo rt, o2 74, 120 Clerk }Fro for 76 Postage for 76 Coroner - Report of 63 Expenses of 123 Children's Court -Relative to Salary of judge of 27 Child Welfare Board (See Board. of Child Welfare) County 'Budget 155. County -Amount to he Raised for Sinking Fund and tillerest. 011 Bonds Issued for the Construction. of State 111 11 County Highways 38, 127. Amount to be Borne Iry for Construction of a Bridge in the Town of Dant,y 17, 20, 45, 86 Amount Charged to for Election Expenses 120 re " " " Support of Poor 21:;1172 Bonded Indebtedness of Relative to Construction of.0 Bridge in the Town of Danhy 4, 77 17, 20, 36, 37742, 43, 86, 87 State Valintion of 57 Valuation of, hy Assessors 99, 101, County Audits-Anniml Session 637 182 Quarterly Ses.sinis 7, 18, 30, 45, 52 County Buildings -Fuel, Light and Telephones for 35, 40, 85 County Clerk's Building -Committee Authorized to Make 'Repairs at.. 29 County Court .Bouse-Relntive to Use of for Meetings 10, 38 Relative to Repairs at 25, 40, 135, 116 Relative .to .Tanitor Service at ........ • 134 County Iforne-Inspm;tion of 62, 74, 116 Committee Authorized to Install heating Plant at.... 43 County Jail -Committee Authorized to Make Nevetv,sary Repairs at..6, 36 Matron at -Election of 118 Additional ,:\ppropriation to Night. Turnkey ;Lt -Appropriation for Physician at-Ele:etion of 1.18 Compensation of 119 County Lands -Relative to Sale of 4, (1. 22, 29; 179 County Map -Amending Designations in Town of Groton 26 Correcting Designations in Town of TAinsing 23 Designation of Additional Mileage on.... „ ........ 1617 County Ntuse-Appropriation for 133 County System of :Roads (See 11ighAyays) County Tax -Por State Purposes 57, 155, 162 For General and Poor Purposes 161, 163 For.Iiigliway Purposes 161, 163 County Tax Rates 164 Comate- and 'Towyn Poor—Support of :131 Construction of 113ghtv;ays .Umlcr t.1:e County System of Roads (See 1Iiglnyays) Court Expenses (See County Budget) Court arid Stenographers' Tax 57 .Canvass, O111.j.1.1 248 Cattle Bass—Claim for L'uiiding on C. H. No. 683 34 Claims Audited by the Several Conn:aitte::s During the Year 84, 117, 130, '134 Claims—For District Atturaary's Expenses Charged to Towns 152 Vol. Sheriff's 1;xpeases Charga;d to Towns and City 8, 19, 31, 47, 152 For insurance on.'Motor Truedcs Charged to Towns 31 For Insane Commitments Charged to Towns and City 143 Of Institutions Chargee] to 'I'on-ns anal City 143 Of W. I. PntChen 43 011API tthcw P. Snook 62 Report, of Committee on 121 Of .Id ssrs. 1\iiIlcr ,fad Woodling 34 Report of Committee on 41 Clerk Hire—For Gnnunissio011 rs of l,Iection - 70 V or Con:rt.v Clerk 49 For (County Tixiasurr 76 Contract For Supplies for Board. 55 i'or Printed Prmteedings of Board 94, 165 With Onondaga County Penitentiary 62 Certiflr'-atc of lndebtodness—Towns Authorized to Issue 3, 25, 33, 40, 4-I, 51 m Tai to Cancel 129 City of Ithaca (See Ithaca City) •City Tax R.ates--General 133 l 'or Schools 126 Clerks oi' '1'a o ns and City—Names and Addresses of 250, 251, 232 Collectors of T( ILS--N:ImCR anal Addresses of 23,0, 251, 252 Time of Settlement of 1.76 Chairman and Cleric Directed to Sign Warrants of 180 Comptroller—Cona::1unieatioas from, 1i.eI::tive to State Tax57 cc " Relative to Sinking Fund and 1 merest on. Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County-1ighwyays 58 Report. of Clerk of Board to 236 D Da:ahr--N;uncs :led Addresses of Town Officors 250 Audits 188 Budget: 167 X Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 73 " " " " Mortgage Tax 69, 232 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 120 " rr Sheriff's Expenses. , ,19, 31, 47, 152 rr r` " " Support of Poor 132 Amount to be Borne by Town for Bridge Construction 17, 20, 45, 86 Returned Sehooi Taxes of 105, 137 Mileage Allotted to Town for Construction of Highways Un- der the County System of Roads 15 Designation of Highways for Construction Under the County System of Roads • 13 appropriation to Town for Construction Under the County System of Roads 16 Designation of Highways for Maintenance Under the County System of Roads 24, 35 Appropriation to Town for Diaintenance Under the County System of Roads 23 24, 35 Authorizing Town to Borrow• Moneys Under d'i20-A 40 rr " rr Issue Bonds for Bridge Construction87 Petition of Town Board to Issue Bonds for Bridge Construction 85 Petition of Assessor to Correct Assessment Roll of Town 135 1-1e1at.ive to Construction of Bridge in Town by Comity 4, 7, 17, 20, 36, 37, 42, 43, 87 Tax for 'Maintenance of State and County Highways 50, 127 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 128 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Tudebtedness 129 Tax Rates of ToNvn 167 Dryden—Names and Addresses of Town Offices 1250 A udits of 190 Budget of 168 Amount- Due Town from Dog Fund 73 rr rr " rr Bank `I',ix - 931 r r r r Mortgage Tax 69 232 Amount Charged to Town for Claims of 7,istitutions 143 " `r " " Election Expenses 120 ‘e r r Insurance on Motor Trucks31. �C `� Sheriff's Expenses 31, 47, 152 rr rr " Support of Poor 132 Returned School axe 106, 137 Mileage Allotted to Town for Construction of Highways Un- der the County System of Roads 15 Designation of Highways for Construction Under the County System of Rodd; 13 Appropriations to Town for Construction Under the County System of Rorids • 1(3 Designation of Highways for Maintenance' Linder the County System of ]toads 12, 24, 50 XI. Appropriation to Town for 14 a itemance Uniler the County System of Roails 11, 12, 23, 24, 50 Relative to Recovery Of Moneys 1.110)31ily Collected by the State 8.1 Tax for Sinking Fund and _Interest on Bonds Issued for the Construction of State ,and County Highways 58, 127 Tax for Maintenance of State a''4 County Highways 59, 127 Tax for improvement of. :Highways and Bridges 128 Tax Rates of Town 168 _Assessed 'Valuation of Dryden Village 67 cc r hreevi]le 67 Tax 'Rate of Dryden Village 71 School 1'ax Mite of Dryden. 'Village 7.1. Designation—Of Highways, for Construction tinder l.he County Syp- tena of Roans 7, 13 Of Highways for _Maintenance Under the County Sys- tem of Roads 11, 23, 36, 50 Of Additional 3111eago Allotted to Towns Under the • County System of Roads 16, 17 Amending .Designation ill Town Of Groton 26 Of Newspapers to'Publish Legal Notices, I to 75 Deficiency—County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer in Case of 163 Directory—Political 244 District Attorney (See County District Attorney) Dog .hued—Report of County Treasurer Relative to 72 Payment of Certain Claims from 42, 150 Apportionment of 73 Dogs -Relative to Quarantine on 28, 79, 136 .I1:nfieid—flames toad Addresses of Tuwai Ufricers250 Audits of 192 Budget of 169 Amount Due Town from Dog fund 73 14 r r c c << hlm'tg,i ge Tax 60,• 232 Amount Oh;irged to Town for Election Expenses 120 cr cr lhsna^tnr.e 011 111.olor Trucks31. cr rr cr " Slieriff's Expenses :11, 47, 152 rc • er cr cr_ Support. of Poor • 132 Returned School Taxes of 107, 137 MLileage. Allotted to '1'oWaa for Construction of 'Highways 17aa- der the County System of Roads 15 Designation of Highways for Gonstruetion Ender the County System of Roads • 7, 14 Appropriation to 'Town for Construction Under the County System. of Roads )6 Designai.ion of Highways for Maintenance Tinrleir't}ae Comity x1f Svstem'of Roads 24 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance Linder the County System of Roads 23, 24 Authorizing Town to Borrow honeys tinder 9320-A 3 Relative to the 'Recovery of Moneys Illegally Collected by the State 81 Tax for the Maintenance of State and County Highways..511, 127 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 128 Tax to Canoe/ Certificates of 1ilcbteducss 129 Tax Rates of Town 169 Election—Of Chairmsit of Board 5.5 Of Clerk of Board 55 Of Representative to Farm 13ureau Association 119 Of Representative in Junior Project Work 119 Of Representative in Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis117 • Of Board of _llanagers of Tuberculosis tlospit.i! 118 Of Jail Matron 118 op Tail Physician 118 Elections—Designations of Newspapers to Publish Election Notices, Etc 7,:> Elections, Commissioners of (Soe Commissioners of Elections) Election Expenses—Apportionment of 120 Equalized Value of County -11v State 57 11 .Board of Supervisors 99, 102 Equalization—Regular Report of Committee on. Footing Assessment Rolls, Etc 04 •�`. Supplemental Roport. of Committee on Footing Assess - Rolls, Etc 67 Report of Committee for General Tax Levy 99 " rr Highway Tax Levy 101 " " " " Ratios and Percentages 100 " " " on Apportionment of Taxes 1(i3 Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, Relative to 39, 51, 95, 117 Errors in Minutes—Clerk Authorized to Correct Expenses—Of Certain County Ofheert 123 Of District Attorney Cha rgel to Towns 152 Of Elections Charged to 'Towns and City 120 Of Insane Commitments Charged 10 Towns 143 Of Sheriff Charged to Towns and City 8, 19, 31, '17, 152 F k'.rrm Bureau—Report of 60 Appropriation to 133 ApptOpriatimi to for Junior Project 'Work 133 Election of .Represeutaitive to 119 Election of Representative for junior Project Work11:1 Farms and Slarkct-s—Departuieal Requested to ['lace Quarantine on Dogs 28, 79, 136 r' xrn Finances --Report of County Treasurer on 60, 61, 72, 203 County Treasurer Authorized to Borrow 3, 8, 19, 27, :14, 40, 43, 47, 49, 53, 63 .County Treasurer Authorized to Pny Ba-hinces to Towns and City 76 • County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer in Case.of a De fic; ency 163 • County Treasurer Directed to Pay Certain Claims from Dog Fund_ 42, 150 Be -Appropriation of UnexpendedBaiances in the. Hands of the County Treasurer 77 Bonded Imlehtedness of Comity and Towns 237 .Finam!e Committee (See Comm -Attie enFinanee) 'Finger Lake State l'arlr Commission—Relative to the Sale of County taiMs to 6, 22, 29, 179 Footing Assessment Rolls (See Committee on Equalization) Freeville—Assessed Valuation of 67 Ike!, Light ;Lila Telephone- 13, 40, 84, 85 G Grotori—Names and Addresses of Town Officer- 251 Audits of 193 Budget of 170 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 73 11 nk 'Pax 231 Mortgage Tax 69, 232 Amount Charged to Town for District. Attorney's- Expenses152 Election Expenses 120 cr cc " Insane Commitments 143 Ct " Insurance on Motor Trucks01. Sheriff S Expenses 31, 47, 152 " Support of Poor • 132 :Returned_ School Taxes of 108, 137 Relative to Rce..overy of Money Illegally Collected hy the State 81 Amending Designation of -Highways in Town 'Under the County System of 1 -toad 26 Mileage Allotted to Town for Construction of Highways Under the Comity System of Roads 15 Designatiim of Highways for Construction Under the County System of Roads 14 Appropriation lo Town for Construetion Under the County System of Itoqds Designation of Highways for Maintenance Under the County System of Bonds -12, 24, 50 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance Under the County S:,•steni of Roads 11,12, 23, 24, 50 x11' Authorizing Town to -Borrow _honeys Under §320-A 35 Tax for _Maintenance of State and County Highways.......59, 127 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 128 Tax Rate of Groton:Village 78 Tax Rate. of School Districa No. 8 78 `lax hates of Town 170 General Fund Appropriation to 161, 163 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Ilalanees to 77 General Tax—Apporlionment of 103 General Tis Levy -Report of Committee on Equalization on 99 General and Poor Purposes—Appropriation for 1.01, 163 Cr:uul Jurors—Report of Committee on 103 H Health, Publics Appropriation for Public health Nurse 133 " h.radio.:t1 ion of Bovine 'fubcroulo- sis 39, 51, 95, 117 Home Bureau Association --Report of 79 Appropriations to 27, 133 Hospital—Relative to llaintennnee of Bed -by County at the Ithaca City Hospital 81 Highway and School Taxes Returned 103, 137 Highway, Bridge and Machinery Funds for Towns 239, 240, 211, 242 Highway Fund Appropriation t.o General 101, 163 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balanees.to.'....... 77 Highway Funds for Towns 239 Highway Tax—Appropriation ;for 101, 163 Apportionment of 163 Report. of Comnut.tee on Equalization for 101 Tax for.Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for the Construction- of State and County High- ' AV I ys 58, 127 Tax for :Maintenance of State and County Highways 59, .127 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 128 Tax to Cancel Certifieitcs of Indebtedness 129 Highways, Superintendent of (See County Superintendent of 11ighi rvrtys) - Town Superintendents of—Names and Addresses of 250, 251, 252 honey System R.eport to Comptroller on 230 Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) Claim for Constructing Cattle -pass on C. H. No. 633 34 Relative to Construction by County of a Bridge in the Torn of D:rnlry 4, 7 17, 20, 36, 37, 42, 43, 86, 87 - Relative to 3laint.enince by (County of Certain State and County H igl: urays 42, 62 Relative to Stale Route No. 11 80 Resolution Authorizing TOW II. of Manby to Issue Bonds for Bridge xv Construction 87 Rigilts of Wo-y—Committe A uthorizNI to SecnIre. 93 Appropriation for 31, 12o IlighwNys Under the Comity System. of Roads— Appropriation of :Motor Vehictle 'Moneys to Highway Construc!,tion Funl 125 ' Appropfiiition to Highwv Fund for Construction Under §320-A125 Appropriation for illaint[Aiallee ].25 Desigti;dions in Towns for Coustruction 7, 713 Appropriations to Towns for Construction 16 Designations in Towns for A-1:Lintenti100 11, 23, 36, 50 Approprintions to Towns for Maintww rice 11, 23, 35, 50 Alileg(; Allotted to To\e111 fur Construction -15 Authorizing Town of CN roline to Borrow :Moneys Under §320-A129 " Dniuby " " 4. 40' " Groton " " cc " Enfield '' 3 ( "1.tiii !Lff " " " 26, 51 11 " 'Newfield " Ulysses " " 9 Amending Ckiint y Ablp in Town of Groton 26 Ainending 0:11:1 /1 10 Authorizing Tuwii of Lousing to Construct Sub -base only :102529 Coyrevting County :Mau in Town of Lansing 33 Designation of Additional Milenge Allotted to Towns 1.6, 17 fospector for Highways Construetmd Under County System— When ;Ind in WIffit. Cases Appointed 129 Insurance on Motor Trucks Charged to Towns 31 Petition of Residents of housing Relative to Construction ..... „75 lthaca City—Nnnies nod Addresses of City Officers 251 Budget of 172 Amount Due City from .Dog :Pond 73 'Bank Tnx 231 Nortgage Tax 60, 232 Amount Charged to City for Olaitns of „ ..... „ ., 243 cc cc `` " Election Expenses 120 Sheriff's Expenses 8, 19, 31, 47, 152 " " Support of Poor :132 11e1ativo. to ..,AlaintiAnInce of Bed at City Hospital at Cc.kullty Ex- pense 81 Returned School Taxes of 114, 137 City Tax Rote 13.3 School Tux Rate 126 Tax Rates of City 172 Ithaca Ton—Names and Addresses.of Town Officers2111 X VI Audits of 190 Budget of 171. Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 73 << <r rr r: 'Mortgage Tax 69, 232 Amount Charged to Town. for Claims of Institutions 143 rr ,, ra rr rr F Ier:tion Expenses„ ....... 120 r: r< rr Insur.arrce ou .Motor Trucks 31 " rr " Sheriff's Expenses 19, 31, 47, 102 Support of Poor 132 rr Retuinied School Taxes of 109 Designation of Additional Mileage Allotted to Town Under the County System of Roads 16 Mileage Allotted to Town for Construction of Highways Under the County System of Roads 10 Designation of Highways for Coustructiou Under the County System of Roads 14 APpropriat.ion to Town for Construction lJader the County Sys -- tom of Roads 16 Designation of Highways for \laioteaance Under the County. System of Roads 12, 24 Appropriation 1.0 Toivn for \lainterianGC Under the County Sys- tem of (toads 11, 12, 23, 24 Relative to Recovery of _Moneys 111egally Collected by State_... 81 Tax for Alainteuanee of State and CountyHighway' 09, 127 Tax for Improvement. of Highways and Bridges 128 Tax Rates of Tuo-n 171 indebtedness—County and Town 237 Insane Commitments Charged to Tours 143 Inspection of County Honic and 'Tuberculosis Hospital 62, 74, 116 inspector of Highways Under the Counts- System of Roads—When and in -What Cases Appointed 129 Institutions—Ciainrs of Chargl,rl to Towns and City 143 Insur:uice ori Motor Trucks—Charged to Towns 31 Towns Hereafter to Effect 27 J Judge, County- (See County Judge and Surrogate) Judge of Children's Court (Sec Children's Court.) Junior 1'ro,ject Work {See F.rrur Bureau Association) Sail (See County ;Tail) Jail _Matron (See County Jail) Jail Phvsieian (See County Jail) Janitor at. Court -house 1.34 Justices of the Peace—Names and A.d(h.esses of 250, 25.1, 252 Reports of 029 is XVII L Lansing—Npn.es and :Addresses of Town Oilico•s 252 A edits of 197 I3ndgct of 173 Amount :Due Town from. Dog l'''lln.fl 73 <, , <' r,` Mortgage `.Cas 61)m 232 � Amount Changed to 'Town for Cl:iums of institutions 1.43 ac '' " rr -Elect-ion. 1?spouses 120 " << as Insurance. on Motor Trucks 31 (r rr << Sheriff's Expenses 19, E11, 47, 152 LI at rr " Support of Poor .132 Returned- School 'faxes of 110 Mileage Allotted to 'Town for Construction of Highways Under the County $Vs1rm of Road- 15 es;iguat.ibr+ of Iligliw iys for Construction Under the County Sys- tem of R.onds 14 Appropri;itiom. to Town for Construction Under the County Sys- 1em of Roads 1.6 1)osiguat.ion of Higlyways fop 21: int.eu:nr,e Under the County Sys- tem of Roads 12, 24, 51. Appropriation to Town. for ILmintenunce Under time County Sys- ien. of Ronils 11, 12, 23, 24, 50 Dosign:i.ioa of Additiontl -Mileage Allotted to Town Under time County System of toads 17 Correcting Cona1.v Map in Ton... 33 Authorizing Town to Borrow _Minueps TJnder 1320-A 26, 51. m Aui:horizi.mn Town. to Construct Sub -base may in n) 1925 Petition of Residents of Town Relative to ]Highway Construction71. Tax for llaintenanec of Stai.e, ;ititl Comity_ Highways 59, 127 Tax for Inmprovenment. of Highways and Bridges 198 '1'as 10 Can',el Certilici.tes 1 lndehtedness 129 Tac I{at<as of Tori. 173 T.a,.v ] uforc.emne..t—Rerlues`t for Alriu'opriation of `14,000.00 for....... 71 Helmer-; of Committee on 138 Light, Fuel unml Telephones 35, 40, 84, 85 M Meetings of Board. of Supervisors—Anneal 54 Quarterly 3, 1.0, 20, 19, 49 Special 33 -.NInm•.M.Inerr 1.7trnm4 for Towns 2.11 M:rnagers of TaloreMosis I-loal,it-al—Report: of 39, 60, 131, 226 Apirropriat.ioi. to `10, 131. I,lectiou 0l' 118 Ma.intennnce--Of County :anal Town. Poor 121., 1:,22, 161, 1011 ...5.1 120 -0f State ,nil C�r�.�.nty Highways ................. r, XVI I Of Highways Under the County System of Roads (See Highways) AFanner of Payment of .Itighu-;iv "Moneys to Towns for Construction Under the County System of Roads (See Highways) 1Tanner of Payment of 1-tighu-av Alnneys to Towns for .Maintenance Under the County System of Roads (See Highways) Biller and 4lroorlling—Relative to Damage to Sheep of 34 Report of Committee oar 41 Minutes of Board—Clerk Authorized to Correct Errors in 95 Miscellaneous fund for Towns 242 Mortgage 'fax—Report of Committee on 69 Amount. Dile City and Towns from fig 232 _Motor Tracks---Towii.s to tnsore in ]-'utore 27 Insurance Charged to Towns 31 Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) Motor Velaiule Moneys—Appropriation of, to Construction Fund (See 11 ighways) Appropriation of, to Towns for 'lluintenauOu (See ]fighways) N Newfield Nunes and Addresses of Town Otlic:ers ?.,2 Audits of 199 Budget of 174 Amount flue Town. from Dog ]Fuad 73 << rr Mortgage Tux lig 932 Amount, Charged to Town for Election Expenses 120 rr ., << rr << Insurance on Motor Trucks 31 " Sheriff's Expenses 8, 19, 31, 47, 152 cr " Support of Poon 139 'Returned Sehool Taxes of 111 - _Mileage Allotted to Town for Construction of Highways Under tile County System of Roads 1� ]Designation of Hig1iways for Construction Under the County Sys- tem of Roads 14 Appropriations to Town for Constrm•.tion Un.rier the County Sy -s- tent of Roads 16 Uesignntioo of Highways for :]Maintenance Under the County Sys- tem of Roads 12, 21 .1pproj rIf titin to Town for Maintenance Under the County Sys- tem of Roads 11, 12, .2 24 Authorizing Town to Borrow Moneys Tinder ti320-A 41 Tax for Maintenance of State and County highways 59 127 Tax for Improvement of highways and Bridges 328 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 129 Tax Rates of Town 174 Ines ;and Addresses—Of Supervisory 54, 150 Of County :and Town Officers 049, 250, 251, 259 .1 XIX Newspapers—Designations of to Publish Legal _Notices, Ete 75 Nurse, Public. Health—Appropriation for 1511 0 Officers—Coinity arid Town 249, 2:50, 251, 252 Official Canvass' 248 Design:Ltions of -Newspapers to Pub,lish 75 Onondaga Count- Penitentiary—Cont.raet With 62 P Patches, W. T.—Relative to Claim of 411 Pattnrsort, }Tarr}- W.—Claim for lluiltling C:Ll,tln-pass on C. H. No. 683 34 Person;il Property in County—Valuation of 64, 67, 233 l'etitiou—Appealing (rout Award of Assessors for Da.,nages to Sheep 1, 62 Of Assessors of (tads- to Uorre{:t Assc,ssmeitt }toll 135 Of Residents of Lansing Relative to Highway Constrtwtion. 71 Of Town Board of I.)ail113- to issue lIouds for Sridge Cou- strn3.titut . . 87 Of Town 13o,1r{l of TITtoBorrow Moneys Under $:120-\40 " Enfield 3 rr rr rr r: Groton ce If r, �r I�',ii9sing cc cc 23, 51 CC << rr rr Newfield r. • rr 41 rt tt Gr ar'Ulysses P1tysieia1 at County .Taii .h,leetion of 118 Compeusatiou of 119 T'ulitia,al Directory 244 Poor—Appropriation for County and Town 134 1.32 1C' " Parr Purpose. 161, :163 Superintendent of (See County Sitperiuieudcni; of the Poor) Poor Il'un.d—Ite-Appropriation of Unexpended I1alauces to 77 Postage for County Officers 76 Post Office ;Arltlresse3—Of Supervisor.. 54, 180 Of County ;{nil Town Ofiic.cra 249, 250, 251., 252 Printed I r ioodings of Board—Contract for 34, 165 payment of 154 Prisoners—Contract for Care ;ind .h;Lintenance of 62 Probation Officer (Sec County .Prol,ation Officer) 1'ropertv---V:iIuation of by Sti to 57 r r r t A£sesscrs 99, 101 Pul,lir, I-Tealtlt .Appropriation for 133 For 11- d cation of llorinc Tuberculosis ..... 33, 51, 95, 117 \\ Q Quarterly Sessions of Board 3, 10, 20, 39, 49 Audits :it 7, 18, 30, 45, 52 Quarantine on [-logs—.ftelniiye to 28, 79, 136 Reports—Of County Officers (Sec Under Various County Officer;) Of Committees (See Under Various Committees) Of Board of -anagers of Tuberculosis Ifospit,il (See Board. of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital) Of Bonded Indebtedness 237 Of Clerk of Board to Conrptrnlier 2311 Of highway, Bridge, __achinery and -Miscellaneous Funds of Towns 239, 240, °41, 242 Of .Justices of the Peace 999 Of Special Franchises I7'7, 178 . Of 'Valuations of I'roperty 57, 99, 101, 233 Of Taxes Levied °34 County Officials, Etc., Directed to -Mike 5,5 Rates—Tax for County 1Gd rr rr Tonus and City 106- 17+; ee ar 1)ryrlela Pillage 71 for Schools 71 rr Groton Pillage 78 rr rr .° for Schools 78 `r Ithaca (iii re er 133 ' r for Selioo]s 1'(i ar Trumau;lturg Pillage 94 r r r r for Schools 9-1 Rates of Assessments in Towns as Fixer- by State Tax Commission58 rr r. r; rr ', :r °i 'Board of Supervisors100 Ratios and Percentages—Report of Committee in 100 -teal Yrolerty Vali tion of, by State. 57 re .r by Assessors 99, 101 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances - 77 Red Cross Chapter—.Appropriation. to for Puldie Health Nurse 1311 Returned highway anal School 'faxes 103, 137 Rights of Woy (See Highways) Ro;aris, County System of (See Highways) Roster 249 Rules—Amendment to, Relative to Appropriations to Associations, Boards or Organization? fi 3 Ameaulment to, Relative to Construction of Highai•ays Unil.er County System of Roads 10 Resolution—Relative to Appropriation for _Assistants in the County Clerk's Office -19 a t M1 t XXI Relative to Appropriations to Associations, Boards or Or- ganizations 63 Relative to the Appointment of an inspector Under the County System of Roads 129 Eielative to the Construction Of a Bridge in. the Town of Danhy 4, 7, :17, 20, 36, 37, 42, 43, 87 Relative to the Recovery of Moneys illegally Collected by the Slate 81. Relative to Quarantine on Dogs 28, 79, 136 Relative to Repairs on Court -.house 25, 40, 13:5, 136 Rola Live to Salary of Judge of Children 's Court 27 Relative to Sale of Comity Lands 4, 6, 22, 29, 1.79 Relative to State Route Ni. 1.1 80 Relative to Use of Court -house for NI tnitings ..... ......10, 38 Amending Rules lad Spoc,ifitations 1?elat,ive to the Con- struction of Highways Under the County System of Roads 10 Authorizing County Treasurer to Borrow 5, 8,19, 27, 111, 14, 45, 47, 49, 53, 63, 124 Authorizing, TTivn. of Danby to .fstimo Roods -fie.' Rviiiign Construction 87 Amending County Map in Tow' a of GrOt.CiT1 26 Correcting County Map in 'Fawn of Lansing 33 • Supervisors (See Board. of Supervisors) Sessions of Board -Annual 54 Audits at i 63 Quarterly 3, 10, 20, 39, i19 Audits at 7, 18, 30, 45, 52 Special - 33 Executive 82, 85, 95, 130 Se laries of County Officers 5, 27, 122 • County Treasu Ter Directed to Pay M oatlily 76 Sn.liford, Olive -Cattle Pa es for 31 Sale of County Latids-Rclative to 4, 6, 22, 29, 179 School Districts -Amounts Due from Ronk Tax . 231 103, 137 School Mikes -Returned School Tax Rates -Of Dryden Village 71 Of Groton Village 78 Of City of :Ithaca 126 Of Triunanslyrirg Village 94 Sealer of Weights ii. -id Measures (Sce County Sealer of Weights and Measures) Seeley, George G. --Relative to Sale of Lands of 4 Settlement by Collectors -Time of 176 Sheep -Relative to Damages to 34, 41, 62, 121 XXIT Sheriff (See County Sheriff) Sinking .'cud and interest on Bonds 'issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 58, 126 Snook, Matthew P. Relative to 'Damages to Sheep 62 'Report. of Cotnnrittee on 121 Snow and Miseellaneuus uu(ls for Towns 21? Southern Tier Association for the Blind—Relative to 60, 71 1 8 Special I'ranehises Report on 177, 178 Special Session Board of Supervisors 83 Specifications and Rules Relative to the Construction of Highways Tinder the County System of Roads 1.11 State of New York --Relative to Acton Against for the Recovery of Moneys Illegally Collected 81 State Aid to Towns Under the County System of Roads Ili State Park Commission—Relative to Sale of County Lands to....11, 22, 179 State Tax 57, 168 State Tux Commission—Rates of Assessment. as .filed by 58 State Route No. .1.1 Resolution Relative to 80 St;rtement--Of 13ank Tax '7;31 Of Mortgage Tax 232 Of 1.30hled Indehteduess of Comity and Town 23'7 Of.Sloney Tax Levied for Repairs of Highways 256 Of Taxes Levied 234 Of Tax Rates of Towns 255 Of Valuations of Real and Personal Property 33:3 Stenographers, Etc., Tux 57 Superintendent of IIiglnrays (See County Superintendent of Highways) Superintendent of the Poor (Sae County Superintendent of the Poor) Surrogate (See County Judge and Surrogate) T Tax, State—For Armories 57, 163, 234 For [general Purposes 57, 163, 234 For Stenographers, Ete 57, 163, 23d Counts --For General ;rod Poor .Purposes 161, 163 ['or 11ighway Purposes 161, 163 1'or Sinking fund and Interest on Bowls .Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 58, 126 For Maintenance of State and County IligIin-ays...59, 1211 For .Improvement of Highways and Bridges 1.28 To Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 129 For Construction of highways Under the County Sys - fent of Roak1s 125. 1130 '}or Maintenance of Highways Under the County Sys- tem of Toads 125, 160 Tax Statement of Yank 95, 23.1 I .4. :j ge, XX.1.11. 113x -Statement of Illortwq-,,e 69, 232 Taxes-Apportiottl}lellt Of 10.3 ReturaNI Highway :u1.1 Shoe] 103, .137 Statement o!" Those . Levied 234 Tax Rates -Clerk Directed to _Publish 170 For County 1.04 For Towns 1(16, 167,1.68, 169, .170, 17], 1.72, 173, 1.74, 175 i..'or City of ItleaaL 133, 172 For Village of Dryden 71 For Village of Groton . 78 For Village of Trumnusburg 91 For Schools of City of 11.1mea 126 Oryden Village 71_ " Groton Tillage 78 Trnmanshurg Village 94 Tax Sale -Relative to Sale of Lands of Geo. G. Seeley, Purchased :it4 Telephones, Fuel and Light 35, 40, 84, 85 Towns -Names and Addresses if Offirials of 250, 251, 252 Audits of 186, 188, .190, .192, -193, 11)6, 197, 199, 200 Budgets of. .160, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 1.73, 174, 175 Amount Due from Dog Fund 73 Ilank Tax 23.1. Mortgage Tax 00, 232 Amount Charged to for Claims of institutions 143 " Distria A It olliey 's Expenses 1.5') Election. Expenses. 120 Insane. Commitments 143 .• I - ' ,nsur,ine:e. on Motdr True,ks 3-1 Sh[2.riff 's Expenses 8, 19, 31, 47, 152 Support of Poor 132 Returned it igliwny and Sebool Taxes of 103, 137 Appropriations to, for Constructiou of Highways Under the County System of 'toads 16 Appropriations to, for 1\1:iFitmi nee of IlighwiLys Under the County System of. Rwils 11, 12, 23, 35, 50 Tax for Sinking lound :Ind -Interest (»1 Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 58, 121 Tax for 11I utennce of State and County High wNys 59, 120 ll'ax for Improvement of Iligliw:lys a id Hridges 128 Tax to Ca ileC i Certifieal es of liolehtelness 129 Tn x ,I -1.N Les o V 166, 167, .168, 169., 170, 171, 172, .173, 174, 175 Bo Mled hide] d ednoss' of 237 Collectors of -Time of Settlement 170 Highway, BYidge, Alaohinery and Miscellun eons _Funds of 9;19, 540. 211, 2,12 Paymeat of 11;ilanN..s to, hy County Treasurer 70 Rates of Assessment of, :is 'Fixed 6y (iii de Tax 00H1111iSSi011.. 58 Board of Supervisors'100 XXIV Relative to Recovery of Moneys hy, Illegally Collected l y State 81 To Effect, Insurance on .Motor '!'ducks 27 Town Bond Petitions of t.n liorrno' Moneys Under 020-A 25, 35, 40, 41, 51 Town-and County ()Ulcers—\:ivies andAddresses of 249, 250, 251, '1'otyn and County Poor—Support of Town and County System of (toads (See Highways) Treasurer (See County Treasurer) Town Superintendent of IIiglnyays--llmhen Incompetent tinder County System. of Roads 129 Tnher,ulosis, Bovine—Relative 10 39, 51, 95, 117 Tuberculosis Hospital—Report of Board of Managers of..39, 131, 226 Election to 118 Appropriations to 39. 18L Inspection of 116 Relative to Sale of Portio. of Lauds of for State Park Purposes (i, 9", 179 Claims Audited l.y Committee During Year 117 Turnkey at County Jail (See County Jail) ':_,2 131 U Ulysses—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 252 Audits of 200 • 13udget of 175 Amount .Due Town from .Dog Fund 73 " " " " Bank Tax 231 " " Mortgage e Tax a gt g (i 1, 232 Amount Charged to Town for Claims of Institutions 143 as Eleal lon Expenses 120. " " " " Sheriff's Expenses....8, 19, 31, 47, 152 " " " " Support of Poor.... ......... 132 Returned School Taxes of 113 Mileage Allotted to Town for Construction of Ilighways Under the County System of Roads 15 Designation of Highways for Construction Under the County Sys- tem of Roads.. , ......................... „ 15 Appropriation to Town for Covstruetion Under the County Sys- tem of -Roads 16 Designation of Highways for _Maintenance 'Under the County Sys- tem of Roads 12 24 Appropriation to Torn for Maintenance Under the County- Sys - term of Roads 11, 12, 23, 24 Authorizing Town to Borrow Moneys Under ¢320-A 3 Tax for Sinking Fund ;tad Interest on Bonds Issued for the Con- struction of Stnte aux] County 7fighn•ays.................58, )27 Tax for Slaintenanee of State and County Highways 59, 127 XXV Tax for improvement of highways and Bridges 128 Tax t.o Caneei Certificates of Tndelltedues • 129 Tax Rate of Village of Truauanshurg 94 School Tax Tate of Village of Trua1.a:LSIJL1Ig 94 Tax Rates of Town .175 Unex9caded .Ba laaces in Hands of Counfy 0' of 77 V Valuations—Of County—by State 57 " " " Assessors 99, 102 " .Dryden Village 67 " freeville Village 67 Statement of 233 Villages—Ansaunts Due froin J;.utk Tax 231 " " Mortgage Tax 232 Village Tax Rates—Dryden 71 Groton 78 Trutaansburg 94 Votes—Offieial Co rivass of - 248 W Warrants of Collectors--CLairmtut and (Merl; Directed to Sign........ .180 Whipple, Jesse—Relative t.o Sale of County .Lands to ................ 29 Vr